HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 6-10 SIMBA RUN SIGNAGE LEGALProiect Street Address: Legal Description: Lot Parcel Number: Comments: Design Review Action tr'orm TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Simba Run - sign Project Description: An application for a new freestanding sign Owner, Addrcss and Phone: Simba Run Condo Assoc. 1100 N. Frontase Rd. West vait, co 81651 47G0344 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Fritzlen, Pierceo Briner Architects 1650 E. Vail Vallev Drive Vail, CO 81657 " 476-6342 1100 N. Frontage Rd. West Block Subdivision: Simba Run BuildingName: Simba Run Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Ilirk D. Mason Date: 8128197 Board / Staff Action Action: STAFF APPROV.{L DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $40.00 AUG-,25-9i FAX NO.9704780888 P. 0t Otvttvl, DEUN[Pi Quediond? fi rhF Flmdtrg DdlEk rt479'2128 Err:nlilJrrur rtc! aEPLICA.IIIIDI TOIfl\IOF A. B. c. D- E. F. Thlf eFFrtEadon is fm eny sign thrt is lecrlcd wirhin rhe Tarvn ofvail. *lceific equircmrnts arp c"Fihblc from titi uqrartmcnl of Community DcvdoPmc$t' Mailing Si!5rrturn of oila?r: Name Of lrlfson (lf dl{Ferqrl thsr orncr) Addrcos; Typ€ ofrign (scc tac.k for detuidous): Hanging Eign A,rning fl. rrecanrrding F. Wall dpE Othsr,rye&ll}; trtl g, H, L J. K L, H. *o. F. \ Building nltro iltd siu,."c*"ag, SLtrtFl F-nL . Vrtr- lortson,rl liirr of ftFr ilrd 6ltc of tsttering fs ract rigrt l-cngur o'f bosirtus tonnga: ' lZLl Hdgfrt or*tg6 aboYa Sr6rrc: - 3 t -_ Nunrbcrofrigrrrproposcrli-l- Nunrbcrsrdsizssfcxittlrtg$igp: I WALI 6lqhl -U4+ Location of cadr sign (ar*lr a sitc Plan gd m dw*iur tlmwing or e photrgnph clcllr{1r indic*ing th't propmod tocotion)t.-..aeE- aT:rA&JJ-efL Dcr$ribtltghtingofdgr{c*islingfiltTepos{d}: .{FaftlglFf\ - <rEr€: 'iHT'TAdr-f fn-Tb -- Eusincse llccruo sriilg[ iql6x h* liaonrs vcrific*ion ls I{EQUIREI} prior to planning rcricw: Selqr Ts* Adorinirtmr's eilprhsc (Selly Lorton 4?9-4115)€ Feg' s?0-00r pLuB $r.00 pER seuAnE Foor oF srcN ARE{ F.:st"'o"+ Li( r 4 s Lo NIffi'JIUJ I06ttt?oro rrd ?z:0T t6/ga/8a I s0oE 08/26/57 15;20 TxlRx N0.9770 P.001 Qucstions? Call thc Plannirrg Staff at 479-2l2ll APPLTCATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is fbr any projcct rcquirirrg Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcqiiiling tl*;i.,:n rr:vicr.v nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcview approval prior to subnritting for a building permit. For spccific infomration, ricc thc subnrittal rcquirctnctrts tbr thc partioular approval that is rcqurxted. Thc application camot be accepted until all thc rcquircd infbrnrntion i.s subnrittcd. The projcct nray also need to be revicwed by thc Town Council and/or fhc Planning and Environtrtcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval expircs onc year aftcr finat approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:IJLOCK:- FILINC: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:(()ontact Eagle Co.Officc at 970-32tt-1t640 lbr parccl #) ZONINC: 6DD A. C. D. E, TOWN OFVAIL DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: r. G. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS:ntl h PHONE: OWNBR(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: H, TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: tr Ncw Construetion - $200 Construction of a new buitding. $50 lncludcs any addition whcre squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conrmcrcial building. $20 lncludcs minor changcs to buittlings and sitc inrprovemcnts. such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping. fcnccs and retaining walls. ctc. E Conceptual Rtview - $0 For any application where the applicant wishes to meet with Dcsign Revicw Board to determine whether or not thc projcct gencrally conrplics with thc design guidclincs.Jhe DRB does not vote on concephnl revicws. DRB f'ees arc to bc paid at the timc of submittal, Later. when applying for a building pennit, pleasc idcntity the accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Tlrc Town of Vail will adjust the fce according to thc prolect valuarios. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO'I'HE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vArL,coLoRADO 8t657. tr Addition - El Minor Altcration - MAILINC ADDRESS SITE FOR SICN VIEWED FROM EAST. SITE FOR SICN VIEWED FROM SOUTH. EXISTINC SICN IS DIFFICULT TO READ BECAUSE OB- SCURED BY VEGETATION, IN SHADOW AND FAR FROM ROAD. i I I l''vx,vr *lF I'*E-l,. q&,,1#'t V I'l t i ir I).-{\ Itsltl Il. l r/' *lF1 h' I K?r& Et --- Tammy Williamson Town of Vail Department of Community Development P.O. BOX 1251 vArL, co 81658 479-2157 1 July 1997 Dear Tammy, I am writing to confirm what was discussed in your conversation with Lynn Fritzlen this afternoon. Per your conversation, we understand that your staff interprets the sign code to allow the following: Monument signs are allowed with twenty square feet of signage on both sides as long as they are mirror images of each other in the same plane. lf there are any changes to this interpretation, please inform us, as we intend to pursue this format for new signage for the Simba Run Condominiums. Thank you very much for your help. Sincerely, ARCHITECTS a \r{tr itcclu r I a ntr'r rolt Pavan Stephenson .C Don |^,..,,1k-- L.\,9640\DOC,irOVT I q7 $rPI) J)i.tnDi .,l I o5O Fasr Uril Vnlle\, llrive Faliridq.' ( - | .V.tii. l.O tJl{,5- t il:h@)r:rilorado net r tax(9/1ll .17()-4qOl . (9701 47(r-6342 Don Hancock, Manager Simba Run Condominiums 1100 North Frontage Road VailCO 81658 14 August 1997 To whom it may conc€rn, I have reviewed the drawings dated August 13 for the new sign for Simba Run Condominiums. On behalf of the condominium association, I approve the design and grant permission to proceed with construction at the soonest possible date. Sincerely, A nt n \0.y.^ Don Hancock Simba Run Sign Improvement Design Review Board Submittal 8-25-97 Scope of work:ARCHITECTS The sign will be rectangular, two-sided con€rete, with boulders on both sides, and raised on a landscaped berm. The materials will be two concrete footers, with a concrete beam that spans those footers and makes up the body of the sign above grade. The concrete will be dyed to match the color of the Simba Run Building. It will be topped by a metal cap in the same color as the sign. An impression of the Simba Run logo will be embossed into the concrete, and the remainder of the sign will be raised metal letters. The sign will read "Simba Run Vail Condominiums 1000 North Frontage Road." The letlers will be a brushed finish medium bronze anodic aluminxn. They will be dark in contrast to the light colored concrete. The brushed finish will be non- reflective during the day, and slightly reflecfive at night when lights shine on it. The sign will be capped on both ends by large landscape boulders, which will be piled with smaller boulders to create a transition between the wall and the bermed landscaping. The berm will rise 2'-3" above grade, and the wall itself will rise2'-7" above the berm. The horizontal dimensions of the wall are 12" wide by 9'-0" long. The total area of the sign is 19.83 square feet. The relocation of 4 small conifer trees (.4' diameter trunks) will be required in order to make the sign fully visible from the road. The berm will be landscaped with a decorative groundcover and flowers to prevent erosion. An area 2'-6" from the sign on each side will be enclosed by a treated timber and landscaped with the same groundcover and flowers. The sign will be lit on each side by two small H.I.D. exterior lights to be mounted on the teated timber. K:\9640 Simba Rrm\DOC\Sign DRB SubmftAl.wpd Piannhg a Architecture a Ifteriors 1650 East Vail Va[ey Drive Fallridge C-1 . vait, COE1657 . bbarchr@vail.net . fax (970) 47G4m1 . (n0t 4764342, '- --'1-' rlv "-'r r Design Review Action Form TOWN OF \,AIL Category Number Date Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: ,(/ akz,L4v, I Owner, Address and Phone: nrcnne@ldressand eno'", 'r,' rt t/.-,-r--^-A 41b- o3N LegalDescription:tot/-2-Block y' Subdivision Zone District Shn Project Street Address: Comments: @tafrAction Motion by:K^_,--, ^ . Seconded by: 6,n o "lr, . J (ARRrovat ! Disapproval I Staff Approval rwisd l2l9l91 (PIease NAME OF NN{E OT ADDRESS APPI,ICATION D srGN /AWNI-NG APPLTCATToH Print or TYPe)<-pnO.fnCt -- 'JrntFJ e Cr-t ,rl [.rt''rr,rri''[0}/ pERsoN suBMrrrrNe )ad l*r'rrccc-!:{-pHor.rn 4-/ ir - l: 144 I It ry tnier"ir+ I'c,l"trn rtr; Al ' Vzi rr- ' C a j"r " ': t ,I NAl,rE oF owNER tJ /4 enollu ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT THE FOT,LOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED ai;Fr,iiellr pRroR To rHE REQUEST BErNG REVIEW BOARD. FOR SUBMITTAIJ BY THE sciepur,no BEFoRE THE DESTGN A. DEscRrPrroN oF rHE SrGN/A!'IIIG (FREE srANDt*oi illli,nu,-pRoJEcrrNc, 6icil-rr'rciubu stcN ltssslcE' Feet )ptrtcESrue} ea 5? ' F+ 5'e""\. - ". l'' n'i:"+ t'".q^l " at r ,too. * f:tf i' B.SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL 5r^/ rea '. Yz"Pasr:: ,.3/q " S*oeK S*oc( c.SIZE OF OVERAI.,L SIGN,SIZE OF I,ETTERING AND LOGO -t HETcHT oF srGN ABovE GRADE 6 J cr-;r- DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) j.-,t-t- .:-A 4::. tr,.l ! ,-t , ,- Tp h. i; '.1'.'it"'-i t\ lk S't'/ "'\ TENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCTATION APPROVAi' D. E. r. G. n.5i?; f#4' *"3nll*oiol%,'ptuo*"oo'ol[, 1 2 3 4 5 6 Site PIan;i;;.li;;s showing exact location of sign or awning on the. buildinq Photographs shotrxng pioposed location Colored scale drawrng simpfe of ProPosed materials eho-t ograPh- of sign if available Sign Administrator qgs tz Ft, Efi b .; -_1 t Faos, (p R a ) Ib t)3Ij *./t$CIa- o d-oII(. f, S**s- \7 Flt\ \ Lrr NI \ Xrt+8?, flth (-n r-.--.-.|t-..--r Ir-rlr-1 |I-'IEr mflil lult-Je*-- L.-t-rl | .-*, - I;_:=b:= l-r I,,-...-J Jlu t DIRICTIONS TO liij iSi FirRKIliG eas! !o LionsrldieFolloH Lhe NorEh :::"::t:"I:ii.'"il*l"ril'::;;;:rerr,ew e"v "---' O Uphfll. Take Bne SecoLoop. rurn leri i::,e" ;:ii;i-sne driveway r,o.J'.,ve. FOltOr., [he df lvewa)r. c'e i:ti::il-:n^l:::"1::''""liii-' .i ."pen sate- rs on!r i::l'; :l:':l:";",lilliil"'!'15in.3"|Iu'to;;i; i;i;:- u'e tt'e conblnation Eur-'{o'. \ -J open che garaqe glce ' t!ii::';i,:"?:,ii : l:::: :lii::' l^lllfo.ll'Tl'*' in tne fronr drlvewaY ' Front '' Ilndergnund Parkino htnncc Fmn Uonsidge Loop ,/ -+" 51r,.-n Loce,{i,n \ ,^'voA*P')' ttU"A k; ci.,,[. at 4t*1 P"'{ ra"'r'e 'k,") TOHN OF V^IL lus sToPl WELCOME TO SII{BA RESORf I YOUR ROOM NUMEER IS A 8 Gr ?HE CANAGE DOOR CO!{EINATTON IS Tt.tE COMBINATTON OPENS THE GATE TO THE GARACE ;[; ffi;'6.p;tri tie ooonl-nnou rHE GARAGT INro iiiE iiliioiirc!. rxe conirurtrow Is A!s. usE! l8i ;;;1i;-iioon extnrncE ro BUILDTNc-:l'.^- i,Ei*'iilt'iiis'!i6p mo rHE 5th FLooR ENTRANCL TO BUILDTNG 12. pLEAsE PARK rN rHE sPAcE ASSTGNED ro-I991- i.66iil- liiii-uv wrsH ro UNLoAD vouR-vEHrcLE iXEii'tni-iri i-cei-specns NEAREST YouR ENfNANCE. LUGGAGE CARTS ARE AVAILAALE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. IT YOU HAVE ANY OUESTIONS' PLEASE CALL iire'iioiii ossx. DIAL "o"' ?\ \?roo.E 4q. T09il 0F 'f,ll I STOP :}IJOY YOUR STAY ! I ffi-r*r'{--:-riF " $imbr [un, \/tlt Condorninill}|lt I l0o N. f'rontf s€ ttoad \'hn, Cotot.do al{'57 800..sIMBA'r{uN sO3 - tf6'o3 4l I Ees oos.{76-$886 Townof vail Desigrr Rcview Board ?5 Sou(h !'mtrwo Rouo Voll, Colorado 81617 To Whom it MaY c(mccnri ,lhe riinrbsRunHonrco'ner'sA*fil!:ill*llT"Tiii'A:*ff;'#Iffitr"i"til'Til$lH:'lhr SinrbrRun Hotttgo|lter's e6soslluon rsq' r'- '-'* il;;p*ty. np sr4igestion for a sigrr was ruraftc it casier for Sugtt't atrs notn*tl*t,: S::: li:,:kw"" rf vou hgve trty fiIrtra questiorrs plcasorn.aftc it casier for glgilt,Tll*oowller-E or^€ '" "'-'"'.t u"*l[yiu-hJv" rriy nfrrer qrxstiorts plcaso fcel ilJi *J.pp,otdd bv u'" h'u::lT::l'.'il:: ree | 'Dcehi.'ni"r t'o *^iiiio*" Hancook, et30il{76'0344' 1E'd Fro MoootlY ii*tij.i,' S'*Uo Run I lotncowner's Assc'aiadon HlJ ra: ro r tr.c a6;48'r'5f'd"'-' Eg:qT nHl- F6- T -if8fiI5l,I ,r-=-rCBO Fl -,[. (tO Ol"t TOWN OFVAIL ADDRESS /'7 2/ (-- c-DATEIII ?' PROJECT CHECXS MADE PAYABLB TO TOWN C)F VAIL ACCOU}{T NO.ITEM N(). TAX COST EA. IOTAL 01 0000 41540 ZONING ANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE s50.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINGCODE $36.00 01 0000 424rs UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORMFIRECODE $36.00 0l 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRI CAL CODE $30.00 01 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 01 001c0 41548 BLUE PRINTS (IVTYLARS)$7.00 o100[042412 XEROXCOPIES $0.25 0r0000 42412 STUDIES oluvJo424tz T-VFEEJCOMPUTERPROGRAM s5.00 0l 0000 4237t PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 01 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE [$40 PER H8.I otffil42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 01 0000 4r4r2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000 41413 TIGNTFP-ICAT]ONFEE I s20.00 Zt) 0l 00Q0,41413_-'ADDITTONAL SIGNAGE FEE lSi.0q lE&lQ.FT.l I Zlt' 0r 0000i122ff0 VTC ART PROJECT DONAT]ON 01 00004133r PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE ot offio 42371 INVESTICATION FEE (BUILDINC) 31 000045110 TOVPARKINGFUND uwo22m7 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND r 0l (n00 21112 TAXABLE @ 4% (STATE) * 0l 0m0 41010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOWN) 0l0n0o4?37r BUILDING INTVESTIGATION OTHER PEC APPLICATION FEES 0l 0000 41330 A-DDITTONALCRFA '250's200.00 01 000041330 CONDITIONALUSE PERMIT s200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TLESS THAN lOO SQ.FT.I s200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE THAN IOO SQ.FT.I $500.00 01 00ff)41330 SPECTAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INEWI $1.500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJO&A\AEND $1.000.00 01000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 01 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 01 0000 41330 VARIANCE $2s0.00 01 0000 41330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS $2s0.00 01 000t141330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTI]ER OTHER ITOTAL: COMMF.NTS: -| CASHI I cr*DATe_/_/_nEcY SIITBA. RUN MANAGEMENT ef AfPiaEt'- T$lr-lf.l tf F L-rFl I L- l"'li Ecel I sne(,u= Ll.:sh f :l: ::rr ;.l Flere i F :. +! ! {,11-r,r'i ? Flrrr'unt. * t:-:!: + 1:1f, !If'1FFt Fr!_lf.t t1r:t!T'.!I!_!H Fr,F FIE 11r1,;rr.-tq1 [. t.r3r'i':,f :,,-r 'i i+, !:xL? I tenr paid Hn*un? paid fi 1 firi1r.JFJ4l 4 L:lrirfir:i :8, FJEI r:-,1!lp.r-1t,14 :l ,+ 1 f fi0r:i :$, r E t-F, :'.-r,:r.r3 .ari. t !-i t-i-jFj-,1 .i :1. ItS THftl.l|< 'I,{3l-r u,:-'r*i. ..:..ih i,:, r- F,:EETHi:| CO\DONflNNNUN/[ I bv L & M Professional Consultants, Inc. 2_ /lq/ ,r tallt Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Archit6ct Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot O Project Alptication P l-i o,E>O'1<.4/ I Block Filing Zone'. Zoning Approved: Design Review Board t/ ,^," 3ll(/g / l/ DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by:lhkrtr+)'t S APPBOVAL Project dpplication ,^"-zf-h-faL- Proiecl Name: Proiecl DescriPtion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning APPro Design Review Board *- sft Molion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Of{icial