HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 4 BLOCK 2 LOT 11 LEGAL6&IJIgFf InIEL-CF EftT Design Review Board ACTIOH FOR]I{ Departmeilt of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Cclorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.245? web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: GOBEC ADDfiON Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A GAMGE AND MASTER BATH ADDMON AND TWO RAIL SPUT RAIL FENCE Participants: owNER GOBEC, MATTHEW AND DORrS 08/2812006 8330 CENTER ST, KIRTLAND HILLS oH 44050-7849 APPLICANT JOHN M. PERKINS ARCHITECTS, 0812812006 Phone;949-9322 PO BOX 2007 AVON co 81520 License: C000002001 ARCHITECT JOHN M. PERKINS ARCHITECTS, 0812812006 Phone: 949-9322 PO BOX 2007 AVON co 81620 License: C000002001 ProjectAddress: 1462 ASPEN GROVE LN VAIL Location: 1452 ASPEN GROVE LANE Legal Description: Lot: 11 Block: 2 Subdivision: LIONS RIDGE SUB, FILING ParcelNumber: 2103-014-1501-3 Comments: see conditions DRB Number: DR8060399 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval:. 09 | 12120O6 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008435 That the applicant narrow the access width by at least 30' by the time a CO inspection is requested in order to bring it into greater comformance with present regulations. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $3OO'OO Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Depa|tment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L28 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the suimittal iequiiemenls for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. E"e / Physical Address: ParcelNo,; Ab (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zoning! Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:3 140b0 - 7s/? Pjengi''5 Oztc Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:0rl ^l/)a Maif ing Address: f' U 'rt,lo"J oo fi6zo 32> E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild' i:OO For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucn as, re-roofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesandretaining walls, etc. $20Forrevisionstop|ansa|readyapprovedbyP|anningstaffortheDesign Review Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs . Conceptual Review E, New Construction Ef Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/com mercia | ) D Minor Alteration (single-family/duPlex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr SeDaration Request D-escription of the Request: Separation Request For Office hn".t*o.' 'YL os-rr, ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUI REM ENTS Topographic survey:e Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of survey. North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or l"=20')o Legal description and physical address. Lot size and build able area (build able area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain)o Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.r Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals . Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).. All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).o Environmental Hazards (ie. Rock fall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)r Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure, Utilities to include:. CableW ' Sewer Gas ElectricWater. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of 1"-70'or larger. Property and setback lineso Existing and proposed easementso Existing and proposed grades. Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. o Telephone F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_addition_1 1-23-2005.d0c Page 4 of 14 r11231200s I0l4&' ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** E O, pages of Application is complete A Checklist is completed and signed E, Stamped Topographic Survey* A, Site and Grading Plan* F, Landscape Plan*'fl, Architectural Elevations* (1 set of Redlined elevations) [, Exterior color and material samples and specifications. X Architectural Floor Plansx (1 set of Redlined floor plans), - \'^J Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures (nkTCH EPttrue Ip fite repoft, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easenients* ! ehotos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. D Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable O Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*tr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (x). **For interior,. conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: ',1 Project n^ ". (fl68u /bDrnor/ Contractor Signature Date Signed F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_addition_1 1 -23-2005.doc Page 3 of 14 Ltl23l200s Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials6rucu Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material Color tr,'<oH Ey'h.rnt& ll tt tt il t/oJc tnvTott el'11-1rt1P ilone other ,ft crc Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and fl*rorl eYrsr nte number and attach a color chip. F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Plannin g\d rb_minor_alt_1 1-23-2005.d0c 1712312005 Page 6 of 13 PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size Asre^t / eltit?3't (pt ?eb Jttnaa$3o fG*t. EfiSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 5'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retainino walls, fences, swimminq oools. etc.)Av6 7*n- Jpur 7*n-. FertoE -Autte h'Pe,/ dpnte ljWA F:\cdev\FoRFls\PERMlTs\Planning\drb_minor_alt_11-23-Z005.doc page 7 of 13 lLl23/2005 honvK,t7'€( +bt tl' ssihtJldw !e!ELnF$Er{! Pfanning and Environmental Commiessn ACTIOII FOR}4 Deprltment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cslorado 81857 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2"15? web: www.vailgov,com Project Name: Project Description: GOBEC ADDMON PEC Number: PEC060034 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A FRONT SETBACK VARIANCE (SFR) FOR A GAMGE ADDMON Participants: owNER GOBEC, MATTHEW AND DORIS 0412512006 B33O CENTER ST. KIRTUND HILLS oH 44050-7849 APPLICANT JOHN M. PERKINS ARCHITECTS, 0412512006 Phone: 949-9322 PO BOX 2007 AVON co 81620 License: C000002001 ARCHITECT JOHN M. PERKINS ARCHITECTS, 0412512006 Phone: 949-9322 PO BOX 2007 AVON co 81620 License: C000002001 ProjectAddress: 1462 ASPEN GROVE LN VAIL Location: 1462 ASPEN GROVE LANE Legal Description: Lot: 11 Block:2 Subdivision: LIONS RIDGE SUB. FILING Parcel Number: 2103-014-1501-3 Comments: standard conditions, no additional EOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Kjesbo Second By: Jewitt vote: 7-0 Conditions: Actioni APPROVED Date of Approval= O6l L2/2006 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Plannen Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 Variance Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 fax: 97 Q'479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General InformaUon: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commision review must receive approval prior to submitting a buifding permit application. please refer to the submittal r.quir.t.ntt iot the particulai.ppro*f that is requestld -lAn application for planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community-Gu.fopt.nt Department, The p@ect may also need to be reviewed by the Town X Council and/orthe Design Review Board. tl I Type of Application and Fee: n tr Rezoning $1300 O Conditional Use Permit $650 i,tr Major subdivision iisoo tr Ftoodptain Modification $400 tr Minor subdivision iOsO tr Minoi Exterior Alteration $650 l/ tr Exemption plat $OSO tr Major ExteriorAlteration $800 E MinorAmendmenttoansDD irOOO tr DevelopmentPlan $1500 ,tD New Speciat Developm.nlbirtri.t $OOOO tr Amendhent to a Development Plan $250 tr MajorAmendmenttoansDD $6000 $ lolinscodeAmendment li:lt \' tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 F- Variance +JUU (ni, e*erar rancatlonii" , ,"'-- 'E signVariance $200 n Description of the Reque "t, yrn*lcr t i P - 6'0 fur ''J*z&ke' tJ Y Jilsae4/ho'tv 248 Org'tte'' U'*(i parcef No.: oftO7-Ot(-E atg (ContactEagteCo.Assessorat970-328-8640forparcelno.) -?-1 4|\ 'n7rrlE, Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of ApPlicant: Mailing Address: otho {&ea - 78q Uo.kl Phone: ao. i fr cerb cn..t,,ro.' I VVTb ev, F:\cdev\FORMS\P ermits\Planning\PECWariance.doc Page 1 of 6 -06 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM K1"'ho bU'|, Tutitt (9n-*aS 7^t Planning and Environmental Commisslon Community Development Department June 12,2006 A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-68-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17 ,Yariances, to allow for a garage addition within the front setback, located at 1462 Aspen Grole Lane/Lot 11, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 4, and settingforth details in regard thereto. (PEC0G0034) Applicant: Matthewand Doris Gobec, represented byJohn M. Perkins, AIA Planner: Matt Gennett il. SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a variance from the minimum front setback standard of the Single Family Residential (SFR) zone district in order to add a single car garage bay onto a preexisting, nonconforming structure built into the front setback under Eagle County jurisdiction priorto annexation into the Town of Vail. The subject structure is a single-family home located at 1462 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 1 1 , Block 2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 4. A Vicinity Map is attached for reference (Attachment A). Based upon the criteria and findings in Section Vlll of this memorandum, staff is recommending approval of the applicant's rariance request. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is making a request to add a 240 square foot garage addition onto the northeast corner of the single family home at 1 462 Aspen Grove Lane, immediately adjacent to the outside wall of the existing 552 square foot garage. The garage addition is proposed to be one story and will contain no Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA); however, 1 92 feet of the new garage area will count toward the structure's total GRFA due the provisions of the way GRFA is calculated. Approximately 152 square feet of the garage will encroach up to sixteen feet (16') into the twenty foot (20') front set back. The existing home's attached garage encroaches up to five feet (5') from the front property line, and the corner of the proposed addition, the point closest to the front property line, would be approximately four feet back from the northern boundary of the lot. A reduced sel of plans and the applicant's written request are attached for reference (Attachmenb B & C). BACKGROUND In 1980, the Eagle County Planning Commission granted a variance to the previous owners of the subject property to construct the existing home in its present location, well within the front setback and close to the road, in order to minimize the visual impact of the 1il. structure upon the ridgeline lower down on the property. In 1982 the existing home was constructed under Eagle CountyJurisdiction. IV. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES VARIANCES:A. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1 . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcenient of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. The DRB has NO review authoritv on a variance, but must review any accompanlng DRB application. C. Town Council Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. D. Staff The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance rMth the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memorandum containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial, Staff also facilitates the review process. V.APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS TITLE 12, ZONING REGULATIONS: 12-68-6: SEIEACKS; /n the SFR district, the ninimum front setback shall be tvt'enty feet (20'), the ninimum side setback shall be fifteen feet (15'), and the rinimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet (15'). CHAPTER 17, VARIANCES (in part) 12-17-1: PURPOSE: A. Reasons Fo r Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this fftle as would result from strict or literal interprehfion and enforcement, vaiances from ceftain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereonifrom topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. B. Development Standards Excepted: Variances may be granted only with respectto the development standards prescribed for each district, including lot area and site dimensions, setbackg distances between buildings, height, densrty confiol, building bulk control, site coverage, usable open space, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading requirements; or with respect to the provisions of chapter 11 of this title, governing physical developnent on a site. C. Use Regulations Not Affected: The power to grant variances does not ertend to the use regulatlons prescribed for each district because the flexibility necessary to avoid resu/fs inconsistent with the objectives of this title is provided by chapter 16, "Conditional Use Permits', and by section 12-3-7, "Amendment" of this ti1e. 12-17-6: CRITERIA AND FINDINGS: A. Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a variance application, the planning and environmental commission shall consider the following factors with respectto the requested vaiance: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and strucfures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sifes rn the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. VI. SITE ANALYSIS Zone District: Single Family Residential (SFR) Address: 1462 Aspen Grove Lane Legal Description: Lot 11, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 4 Lot Size: 67, 213 square feet / 1 .543 acresHazards: Medium Severity Rockfall Standard AllowediRequired Existinq Proposed Setbacks:Front: 20 ft. 5' 4' Sides: 15 ft. 103' I 145' 90'/ no changeRear: 15 ft. 74' no change Height 33' 33' no change GRFA: 1 1,194 sq ft 4,894 sq ft 5,086 sq ft Site Coverage: 20o/o 4% (2,938 sq ft) 4.7% (3,178 sqtt) Landscape Area: 600/o (40,328 sq ft) 95% (64,275 sq ft) ffi^*-lUO,OlS sq ft) Parking: 2spaces 2spaces 3spaces VII. SURROUNDING LAI{D USES AND ZONING Land Use ZoninqNorth: Residential Single Family Residential (SFR)South: Open Space Natural Area Presenation (NAP) East: Residential Single Family Residential (SFR)West: Residential Single Family Residential (SFR) VIII. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS A. 1. The relationship of the requested rariance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the r,icinity. Staff has determined the requested variance will result in a harmonious relationship between the existing structure and the neighboring buildings as the bulk and mass will increase only slightly. The proposed addition will benefit neighboring properties as it will allow the applicant to enclose a motorcycle and trailer, as opposed to leaving it exposed to plain view on the side of the existing garage. Additionally, pursuant to Section 12-7-1,a practical difficulty and unnecessary physical hardship exists due to the location of the existing structure on the site. Staff believes the applicant has met the intent of this criterion with their proposal. 2.The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibilityand uniformityof treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Considering the preexisting, legal nonconforming status of the subject structure and the previous variance request granted by the Eagle County Planning Commission, staff does believe relief from the strict and literal interpretation of the specified regulation is warranted. The applicant is asking for the minimum amount of relief from the development standards of the Single Family Residential (SFR) zone district to achieve theirgoal and no grant of special privilege will result in the approval of the applicant's request. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes the effects upon light, air, and other public interests in comparison to existing conditions would be negligible considering the small addition proposed on this building. The existing building is currently nonconforming with respect to the required minimum front setback of twenty feet (20') given lhe level of encroachment will increase by one foot (1'). The building's height will remain the same and the addition will not impact any of the elements contemplated in this criterion Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Staff believes the proposed variance will have a positive effect on the subject property's aesthetic values and will therefore benefit the neighborhood as a whole. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantinq a \ariance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: 3. 4. B. tx. a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same ane. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance from Sections 1 2-68-6, Setbacks, pursuant to Ch apter 12-17 , Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 1 462 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 1 1 , Block 2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 4, subject to the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memoranoum. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose approve to the requesled variances, the Department of Community Development recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "Based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum, and the evidence and testimony presented, the Planning and Environnental Commission finds: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other prqertles c/assifred in the sane district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or naterially injurious to properties or inprovements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or rore of the following reasons.' a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions orextraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of pivileges enjoyed by the owners of other propefties in the same district. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity MapB. Reduced PlansC. Applicant's Request Aftachment: A Aftachment: B ..i g qfiffiq' a. 3I \ ?. z ,%, \ \ 4tr. :ig '>, i:r \ :1,-6 lri- .r "; t F€ ii-..fl.$lii' tryiiiil| ' :!ii' [!rl I !iirt: lii !l' ; 4 4 I : k 1.6' 1 I I l! lrill!;l : t! 9lr t{l1il ti!,:i i Eoiei :>.6: = 3ti33-o =2f,.. 2ii o'il frl-.ril"-#:"fl' !.ls i l *$ \12sb $* _* i i r "j, I IH fb'ol7 lt[. R lilr It- t+ hr IE l" t$.p tvnt I I @ ; tlll li]F '--i rit:t' in : l i ll 1.-T G" an 'e AU''""''* !l I if g. Iiif ifi [ ]t J|$ iil,[t Ii ;t fErl I $ {\,! I!l I 1.S' $fss * $$dsl- ic$p* NT ;$ irtt li \s sl{I I E I t l; E l0 li Nt lI ut) lU lfit7 P I i I I I -l -I John M. Perkins, AIA 0O4Z E. Beover Creek Blvd Chrinie Lodge Resori, Suite C 16 PO. Box 200/ Avon, Colorodo 81620 970.949 ?322 fc'x 970.9 4? .A629 Re: April24, 2006 Matt Gennett Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Variance Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission - Lot 11, Blk. 2,Flg.4 Lion's Ridge Subdivision - 1462 Aspen Grove Lane Dear Matt, Please note the attached application for variance. The Gobecs have met with you and George Ruther on separate occasions regarding their hopes of adding A third garage bay. The request is as follows. The specific variance requested is relief from the front setback regulation 12-8-6 (20 feet) for the additional third garage bay. The current garage, built under Eagle County regulations, varies from 16'to 5'from the front (north) property line. The site has a "saddle" topographic feature that falls steeply to the south. The topography and the existing configuration of the existing structure create practical difficulty in adding the garage bay. A written statement addressing the following: a. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity is compatible with the residential neighborhood of Aspen Grove Lane. A three car garage is a highly desirable amenity in this high end area as it will remove one vehicle from being parked in front of the current two car garage. Page Two April24, 2006 Matt Gennette b. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the front yard setback regulation is necessary is substantial. The subject property was allowed to build the existing two (2) car garage within 5'-0" from the front (north) property line in 198'l under Eagle County zoning. lt is presumed that a front setback variance must have been granted at that time. The new garage bay proposed will offset from the northeast corner 3'-6" and extend easterly for 12'. The resultant new corner will be approximately 5'-0" from the north property line. This is the only location and strategy for the additionalgarage bay. c. The granting of the requested variance will have no effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities and public safety. d. The request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives in that it removes one vehicle from the streetscape as viewed by adjacent properties. lf you request any additional information, please don't hesitate to call me at 949-9322. Thank you for your consideration. lly subm hn M. Perkins, AIA JMP Architects, Inc. jmp/kk THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on May 22,2006, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at'l 100 Hornsilver Circleilot 7, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 8, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0033) Applicant: Phillip and Jennifer Maritz, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-68-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Variances, to allow for a garage addition within the front setback, located al 1462 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 11, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 4, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0034) .\,,P ';$rr Applicant: Pla nner: Matthew and Doris Gobec, represented by John M. Perkins, AIA Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published May 5, 2006, in the Vail Daily. APR, 24, 2006 l0:09AMl --,? STEIVARI TITLE 1,10. i039-P, No. Pages t t (to follow): 4 rste\ffffirt,) ' title of vail ro, ,K4/( /P Fromr Metanie Lang n,r,. 4/e4/AG Fax Number: Comments: 97 Main St, Ste W-201, Edwards, CO 91632 P.O" Bor 2000, Vail, CO gf 65g Phone: 97 0-926-0230 F ax: gj 0-926_0235 APR,24,2006 l0:09A[,] STE||ART TITLE N0.7039-P. COMITIITMENI FOR TITLS INSURANCN SCHEDULEA t. Effcctive Dater April l2,ZW6 at I l:02 AM Order No.: 603?56lA2. Pollcy or'Policies To Be Istued: (r) *i.r..1. or-#; Anount of Insurrnce (b) A.LT.A, Loru 3' Thc ertate or intercst in lhe lrnd described or relbrred to in thir commitment rnd covcred herein lc: Fee Simple 4' Title to tLb tr'ee Simple ?state 0r hterost in srld lrnd ls at the efiectlvc drte hereof veated inr MATTHEW GOBEC and DORIS GOBEC 5. Ths lrnd referred to in this Commitmeut ic deccribed ac followr: LOT ll, BLOCK2, UONS RIDGE SUBDIYISIONFILINC NO.4 According to the plat recorded August I, 1980 in Book 306 at page 4l l, as Reception No. 2027g4, COUNTYOFEAGLE STATEOF COLORADO. Purported Addressl STATEMENT oFcHARcEs 1462 Aspen Orove [^ane Thesc charges are auc arra payable Vail, Colorado 8 1657 before a Policy cln be iszuiai FIEWANjITNI,E GUARANTY COMPAI{Y Corn|I,imart _ Schcdulc AP|gclofl APR, 24, 2006 10: 09A[1 SIEl|ART TITTE COMIIIITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDUTEB-Sectton I REQUIREMENTS OrderNumbcr; 603756tA The following are the requirements to bc complied with; None; tlris rcport has becn prepared for iuformational purposcs only. TIEWIRTTTIT.E quARAlrrr coMP t{Y Cournitmql - go1to6u6 6 I PrSs I of I N0,7039-P, 3-- - Ord:rNnnber:603?561A 4PR,24.2006 10:09Alil SIE[iART TITLE COMMnMENT FOR TmLE INST.,R dNCE SCIIEDULE B-Secfion 2 EXCEPTIONS Ordcr Number: 6037561A TLe polcy or policier to be lssued will conteh cxceptionr to ttre following unlers the srrne rrc dirposed oftotlc satlsfrcdon of Oc Comprnyl l' Rights pr claims of partics in posscssion, not shown by tha pubric records. 2. Eascmcnts, or clairns of easements, not showu by the publio records. 3' Discrcpanoics, conflicts in boun<lary lines, shortage in area, e,ncroachDrents, or any facts, which a ;rXH::*t and inspection of the premises wouft disclose, ano wtrict ,r" not shown by the public 4' Any lien' or right to a licn, for serrrices, labor or materiel hcretoforc or herpaftsr fumished, imposod bylaws and not shown by the public records. ; 5' Defccts, liens, erroumbranccs, advers€ clains or other matters, if any, crcatod first appearing in thcpublic records or attaohing subsequent to the eff.ectiv".0"" rt"l"c uiipio, to the date thc propoeod ;*#Jffff of record for varue rre esrate or interesi-oi;;;;;" thcncon cove,rod by this 0' !, neatgtea mining slairns, res€rvations or exceptions in patcnts, or an act authorizing the issuanccthercof; water ritltS, clairrs or title to watcr. 7' A*y and all unpaid taxos and asses$nents and any unredcsmed ta( salcs. E' The effcct ofinclusiols in anJ general or qpecific water conssrvancy, firc protection, soil conservationor other district or inclusion ur any water eenrice or street imp-"*rert "ri".9' Rescrvations or exceptions contained in u.s. Patents, or in Aots authoriring the issuancc thercof,recorded August l6 1909 il.Book 48 at Page 542 rcserving l) Rjd;;f d proprieror of a vcin orlodo to cx$agt and rernove his ore therefrod *a-21 ,igt t, of way for ditches and canals constuctedunder thc authority of the United States. l0' Rescrvations or otceptions in Patents, or in Acts authorizing the issuance thsreof, incl'ding thereec'rvation of a right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of thc unitcd ststes, as ffif in unired srarcs parent r.corded Jury 27, r 979 in Booi 2ii;; p;;; 886, as Reccption No. 1l' Protestivc covenauts rocorded scpt€rnbcr 20, lglzin Book 225 atpagc 443as Rcception No .l2l2lgand instumentrecordedseptcrnber 29, 197?'inBook225 atpage565 as ReccptionNo. 121341 arrdthc Amendment rccordcd iri Boot zli at ragc ii u neception No, 12g943 and in Declaration ,*fffiT Book 300 at Page 758 as Rccept"ionNo. l971iz and rerecordcd in Book 301 at page 415 aUA*^I{T' coMpANy ordcr Nqnb.n @l?s6rA Comfiiftnr -Schcdulc B Zfr& I ofz APR. 24. 2006 10: lOAM STEIiIART TITLI S|MTAnfTTTLE OUARANTYCOMPAI{Y Conndmarr-Sch&uteB2 Prgo 2 ol2 "-----+-'-il0, i03g-P, as Rcception No. 197903. 12' All mattcrs shocm on the Plat rocordcd septcrnbcr 20, 1972 in Book 22 s atpaga 444as Reception No.t21219,. l3' Dcclaration of Protoctive co"tanj:-t oordod August 3, 1980 in Book 306 at page 410 rs RocqtionNo' 202793, Amcndmcnt rocorded Novcnber za) ggoin Book 3!3 atpageg24 as Reocption No.210200, aud First Amcndcd aud R$tatad Declaration recordcd Jurt r, iggTin Book 4lg at pagc z3gas Roccption No' 315009, and Amendment recordcd August 15, 2000 as Rcceptioa No .736729 andSecond Amcndment rocordcd Scptcmbcr 14,znl as Rieption N o. 76730g,. I 4' Easenrents rnd right of way-g:anted to Holy closs_E-lectric Ase ociation, Inc., recorded August 20,1979 in Book 289 at page 98-9 as Rcception No. lg63g9, and also in instume,nt recorded Augusl 14,1980 in Book 306 at page 899 as Receprion No. 203282. 15' Easeneht gant€d to Vallcy Associatcs, Ltd., recorded March lg, lgg0 in Book 300 at pagc 2g0 asReccptionNo. 196679. 16' Agrecment between Teyuel Environnrental Land compauy ar:d Mountain states Tclephone andTclcgraph company providing for Telephone iD$al_a!g! ioa *.*i."-n*u!ilout Lion,e Ri goSubdivisio4 Filing No. 2 recoraled ScpieurU"r iZ, 1973 in Book 231 at page 29t as Rcccptior No.l27l6l. 17' All urettars shown on thellat oflion's Rid,ge Subdivision Filing No. 4, reoorded August l, l9g0 inBook 306 at pasc 4l I as Reception No . ZO;i;;.- - 18. Any and all assessmcnts or €xpenses which may be duc and payabre to Lions Ridgo Filing aAssociation. 0t{cr N161p6 6937561tr I I I I I I T I I I I I I I STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS t I pro ject GARAGE FOR OLEBAUM RESIDENCE locotion VAIL, COLORADO LOAD S: Roof Live Lood Roof Deod Lood Seismic Tone 1 Wind 70 mph, Exposure "8" Job No, 9O-O32 Structurol Reseorch Compony North 4107 Ello Rood Spokone, Woshington 99212 (soe) s28-0e57 8O psf 20 psf t t .t.. ,\i I ilr 'l ii .: i .,.:',t.;)i .:. t'.t-.2' Poge 1of I I I June 9, 1990 I I t t I I I t I I I I t I I t I I t STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS GARAGE ICR pro ject CLEB AIJ M locotion RESIDTNCT VAIL, CCLCRADO June 9, 1990 LOADS: Roof Live Lood Roof Deod Lood Seismic Zone 1 Wind 70 mph, Exposure "8" Job No. 90-032 Stru ctu rol Reseorch Compony B0 psf 20 psf Poge 1 of 75 North 4107 Ello Rood Spokone, Woshington 99212 (soe) e28-0e57 ffii-s I t I T I I T I I I I I I I T I I I I n rn iar^ + qtn trJtul_ * See body of engineering report for further detoils. Pano'-Y" 1 5 to zv 29 Sheet 2 of 75 Stru ctu rol Reseorch Compony North 4107 Ello Rood Spokone, Woshington 99212 (sos) e2B-0e57 INDEX TO ENGINEERING REPORT OLTBAUM RE NCE GARAGE Description GENTRAL STRUCTURAL NOTES DTTAILS + FOUNDATION DESIGN UPPER FLOOR FRAMING ROOF FRAN/ING AVALANCHE DESIGN I t I t I I I I I I I t I t I I I t I GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES GENERAL This project is to conform to the 1985 Edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC). Use details mark'ed itypical" wherever they apply. Verify all dimensions at the job-site. Th'ese cdlculations are for the log-work and conventidnal ir"aming iri the engineering repoit only. Conventional framing incidental to the project and appurtenancCs such as chimneys are by others and are not covered in these calculation's. Srrucrurdt Research Company sssumes no responsibility for items not covered in this engincering report. DESIGNLOADS Roof Live Load = 80 psf Roof Dead Load = 25 psf Floor Live Load = a0 irsf Floor Dead Load = 15 psf SOILAND FOUNDATION Footing bearing pressures are limited to 3000 psf, per soils report date-d May_ 1.4, t982... Footings aroundthe peririreter or in unheated areas ar-e to-bear a minimum of 4'-0" below finished grade unless othenvise noted on the plans. Bacldill under slabs is to consist of granular soil material which is to be placed in small lifts and compacted as necessary to prevent settlement of the slabs. Compaction sliall be to 90Vo of the Modified Proctor dry dehsity. Compact soil under footings wherb the soil has been disturbed during digging. CONCRETE To attain a minimum 28 dav compressive strength of 3000 psi. No additions to the mix are to be added at the iob site except'with the permissionlf the Struciural Engineer. Batches which are not wottiUie or iie otherwisi unacceptable are to be returned to the retdy-mix plant. Ng sal6 of any kind are to be added to the conciete. Concrete is to be thoroughly consolidated with vibrators. Concrete is to Ui placed and cured in accordance with the Uniform Building Code. Concrete shall be mix designed fbr high durability and watertightness. REINFORCING STEEL Use defo.med bars conforming to ASTM 4615 Grade 60 except #3 bars, stirrups,-tie-s.,-andfield bent dowels which shali be Cia"aJ+0.-provide flat sheets of weliled wire fabric-6 x 6, W2.9 x W2.9 wwr in slabs on grade. Bars are to be.secuJely tied in.place and provided wiJh:gl,qre^f !9y:11:wwl< rn slabs on graoe. bars are Io De securely treq rn.Pracc i{lu PIUYrutu wrrrr r,uur,rsre wv! shown on the plani or is ioito*s: Footings, 3" from soili formed cbncrete against sfil, 2]'; columns "-l x."'-. -t'77iij.+r.l nn insidc fon""if wells ?/4i' steel on outside lace of walls. 1 1/2";i"i'b-ri-ritili"ilz ;-iti"i on insiai-riii<if walls, 3/4\ steel on outside Tace of walls, I 1/2"; Structural slab top steel,3/4"; STRUCTURAL STEEL Uir.ettin"o"s connection plates are to conform to ASTM A36 with a minimum yield strength (Fy) = 36 ksi. Steet is to u" iu'U"i.uiJa u-nOliiii"O i";;cor;*aC *ittt UgC Standard 27-2. Bo[s are io contb.m to ASTM ruOi untisj ottrerwise shown on the plans. Welding is to be performed by AWS Certified Welders using E70XX electrodes. I I I I I I T I I I I I t t I I I t I wooD Logs: Log framing is to be Lodgepole pine Wall Log 40 grade or better. Spikine: Log spikes called out on the plans or in the calculations are to be 3/8" x 10" spikes.^ S6e Atp-ini: Los Homes tvpical deiails for more information. Las Boltinsi lae s6rews are li called out in the engineering report and on the drawings are- to be icrew5O into pre-drilled holes. Do not hsmrner lagi screws. Use hardened steel washers with lag screws. Sawn Lumber: UseEem-Fir Number 2 and better by Western Wood Products Association Gradine rules. Lumber is to have-a maximum moisture content of. 16%. A1] ioists are to hav! solid 2 x nominal blocking at all bearing walls and over beams. 2 x 12 jbists shall have solid blocking or x-bridging al intervals not to exceed 8' o.c' Plywood: C-D Interior APA with exierior glue] ti-ickness and structural index as shown on- - -'ih;oft; oi ir tt" ensineerins tepori. Structural oriented strand wafer board with eooiiAent span ratins ilrav be iubstituteO for plywood. Thickness shown on plans may bd reduced i/32 orotrideti the span rating is not reduced. ttailine: AJ shown on'the Oii*ingJbi according to Table !5-a g.nd- other-applicable sections of---._-diuit.r ZS, UgC. Muttipte h?aders and led'gers are to be nailed.togethei with 16d nails at 6" o.c. itaeserbd (2 nails pei foot). All nails are to be "common'nails' Heaaiii: n?aO-;;hitt b"';"ai"tiout on the plans or a minimum size for bearing walls of---(ZlZx 10 or (1) 4 x 10. Non-bearing walls,hinimum (?)Zf8 or (1) 4 x 8' . Bearihi studs unilir headers: Use studs as called for on the plans with a minimum of one biaring stud and one full-height stud at all headers. ffardware;'aU-trara*ire to Ue "Si'mpson" or approved equal. Fasten per manufacturer's recommendations. Glu-Lam beams: A11 elue laminated beams to be produced in accordance with AITC 103-- - 70 and pS 56-73. "F;b;iCaioi to piovide AITC certification marks on beams. All glu- lam beams to be grade combinatfon 22F-V8' froprieiarv-FioOuctiJ--tJl{ ara'-M=L U"atns are as manufactured by Trus Joist ^ ^""^i;;,i'd;;fr;i;;,Idai;: ll-=riiuoat ioiMi.-=rum (R) beams grade 2'0E' I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I I I NOIES (for thb dctoil) 10" concrete woll on (:) siaes ot 9o ro9 e. Verticol reinforcement: f 5 bors @ 9" o.c. 1 1/2" cleor "of outsidefoce. fnside foce steel f 4 @ 2{ o.c. reinf orcement: # outside foce ond 'ff inside foce. lnside b slob 4 bors @5 bors @ foce bors See detoil2 spocing 1 1/t ctear @ @ @ @ @ f ootinq with f 3 [ronsverse Horizontol t6 0.c. I z o.c.to hook into odjoining woll. ff + x 1'-6' dowets @os verticol woll steel. 2'-0" wide x 12f thick(3)#5continuousond @ 2{ o.c. some .^. 1-O (ry9# sil @ 18' o.c. 6" slob for 4'-0" from grid. 4l slobelsewhere, Reinforce slob with 6 x 6,W 2,9 x W 2.9 WWF. 3" cleor SECTION THROUGH WALL OF GARAGE OEL_WALL + I I t I t I I t t I I I I I I I I T I NOTES @ @ @ @ ICAL CORNER OEL_CRNR (for thia dctoll) fr 4 corner bors with 4'-d' legs @ 18" cleor of outside foce, 1 1//' # 5 @ 12" o.c. 1 'l/2" cleor of inside foce. Hook bors 1'-0" os shown. f; 4 verticol bors in corner. See detoil 1 for other verticol steel reouirements. BAR DFIAIL Sco le T I I t t t I I I I I I t I I I T I NOTES (for this detoil) CG) ruu" column; see plons for size, (nb cot,tn width (fr}) 1/t ptote with 5/8" x ld\-/ onchor bolts. 6,} See plons for size ond\L7 reinforcement of woll. /@ f r/t trptcot / =:E:l I rlT tfptcot fr-F]Fll+' -t-corumn ondU...j:.LJ onchor boltE '2,$$lg**u,*^-v P|AN V|EW.^'(Iry ffio TYPICAL COLUMN BASE CONNECTION OOEffiIL Drrsccwl NO SCALE I I T I t I I t I ] t T t I I T I t I NOTES (for thb dotoll) @ @ @ Thickness os colled out on the foundotion plon. Width qs colled out on the foundotion plon, Reinforcemont os colled out on tho foundotion plon (mlnimun (2) # 4.) CN?) Beorine wotl. 2 x treoted plote with 5/8"C onchor bolts @ 4S o.c, unless closer spocing is collod for elsewhere, Concrote slob. +s- Q TYPICAL DFTAIL AT INTERIOR BEARING WALL DETWWTSF NO SCALE I t t I I T I I I F I I T I t I I t t NOTES @ @ @ @ (for thla dotoil) Tube column; see plons for size. (t tB) sr" column isolotion detoil onv sheet 51. Column width + 3" or os shown on column schedule. (4) 3/{ x 10" onchor bolts. See foundotion plon for size ond reinforcoment of footinq. CG) con"t.te slob on grode. VIEW TYPICAL COLUMN BASE CONNECTION DETSCCF2 Column sizo Plote thickness ,frTS3x3 1Ts31/2x31/2 1TS4x4 5TSSxS 3TS6xO 3 E7 t I I I I I t I t NOTES (for this detoil column widtht Cr.rD rruu column; @l(f" ts t t T I I I I I t WscJ, Ae[",(O fi.ll ''':f r I'o*r' on 1i'i;;rfp ons for size. froming plon for beom siza. = TYPICAL BEAM TO COLUMN CONNECTION DETGBSCM NO SCALE lo I l- I t T T T I t l.- t I I t I I l_ T I 7'H/? Del>tU /*4A-/ @aerr/E/z- aaL4mN aF f,ET,UW F€ U*z /M L/€4 NOTES (for this detoil) G) rruu cotumn; see plons for slze. 1/+' bonl "U' ploto wcldod lo 1/2" pfoto. Extend 1/2' plota bo;ond oithor 'U' plote or column (whlchevcr ls greoter) by 1/2'. @ s"u froming plon for beom size. @ tzl J/4"0 botts. NO SCALE 2' 3- 4' TYPICAL BEAM TO COLUMN CONNECTION P tl I 1 I I I t T I t T I I I I I t l- I l -\ri - -fs-.-+ 14" NOTE5 @ @ @ (for ihla dotoll) Tubo column; see plons for size. 1/{ benl "u" plote wilh (2) 3/aio bolts. See froming plon for beom size. TYPICAL BFAM TO COLUMN CONNECTION IZ I I I I I t I I t NOTE: Roof connections should be sinilar to details 9, 1o,and Ll herein. Use a aletaii ii[" rr for light loads (under3o0o pounds) and details like 9 and 10 ror fieaviei toaaings. DaTCbGbA r I I T t I I t_ t I NOTES @ (for thla dotoll) 3/4'6 lhrough bolts, typlcol._ Overslze holes ln bsomE 1,/4'. @'r" beom soot from 1,/4" ploto. "f' scddle from 1rl4' ploto. Moko aoddla 1/2' longer thon thc bcom 6 1/2'boing connected. t 3" 4' /2'3/16 PLAN VIEW ET"EVA'IION | ' = 1'-o' TYPICAL BEAM-TO-BEAM CONNECTION rc I I I I I I I t I I NOTE: Roof connections should be siniLar to details 9, LO,and 11 herein. Use a detait like tl for llght loails (under3000 pounds) and details like 9 and 10 for freavlei toadings. l- I I I NOIES @ @ @ (for thla dotoll) 3/4a lhrough bolts, typicol. Oversize holes in beoms 1/4'. "l-f beom seot from 1/{ ploto. "l " soddle trom 1 / ai plola. Moks soddle 1/t longer thon the beom being connected. 1 1/t't beom width PI-AN VIEII TYPICAL BEAM-TO-BFAM DETGBGB2 t J q 1/t 3/16 _ELEyArl9!- CONNECTION t+ I NOTE: Roof connections should be sirnilar to details 9 , IO, I and 1l- herein. Use a detail like Ll for light loads (under l- 3O0o pounds) and details like 9 and 1O for heavier loadings. t I I I T T I I r I t T I I t I I NOTES (for thlt dototl) ( ttt ) Wood beoms. Soe froming plons for size. ( )engtu 4 x 4 x 1/+ x o'-s'. (I') 3/4"0 through bolts with flot woshors on tho wood sido. TYPICAL BEAM-TO-BEAM CONNESflON DETGBGBl NO SCALE t5 12" xt ond (2) detoil 3. I I I t I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I 7-fr Slob 6" tnick for 4'-d, three sides of goroge.\v 12" wide x 8" oier of bottom of slob. lnset woll to oliqn with foce of loos obove. TS 55/8"6 onihor bolts. Reinforie this pier ondof the goroge with (4) f 5 bors vertlcol ond Piers ore to extend to the footing below. #woll to form the equivolent of o 12" squore Footing 4'-0" squore x lt deep wittr (5) fS cleor of bottom.@ @ @ @ oier of bottom of slob. 4 x 4 x 1,/4 column with5/8'o x 12" onchor bolts similor to 'bose plote style fuJ^/O^T/oMOerz.-r'L NOIES FOR FOUNDAT]ON A//rl ia.A4,L 6- f'fo4'AF'^J;E: Lr-r--=---j.' 't 4 t' ^/ FouNDATIoN $tiff ,/6 : t -u bose plote on pier into. 10' concrete x 5 x 1/4 column with the one ot the front f 3 ties @ '12" o.c.3 ties extend into pier. 5 bors eoch woy ?/,!'o till till rill tillpll:#1-9 r_:---:-- iirr-- Hii Ltlrr"or."luinforced with (4) f 5 bors verticol ond f J ties la I I I I 1,,, r;;i lq $i I I T t I t t t I t I fu/rtoa77pv/ga' fr*t/r/:4,g.le. fuz.tt*/ € e,a'/Fe of aae: P+ozxz.I Bbtzrgh = 7. I x'L 1- /4.G 't_ /./*Z '- fuL' A@,tn , L:/o/ /#r5 4*4'4 fuu, l.r' &1 t /.€ f+ /x4x /f p/€-A', /8'6 x. i' ll/ = .&? w.r NA4J_: C.az-tr/ry 7a =4-^6 e PF- ,h/At/- (Z/ ka'+ dre 5- *,rcP. @ FrA OIPT(w frz)//t€FrL 4tu?<x/z'0p eaquz- -t I Foz_ Structural Rcsearch Company t F00TrN6 EQUTLIBRIUTI June 9, 1990 Name: COLU|4N AT CENTER 0F BARAEE 5ize, 4ft x 4ft x 12in deep - INPUTS PIER LGTH 1.50 PIER I,IDTH 1,50 PIER HGT 3.OOI soIL oPTH r.o@I GRAVITY LOADS P Vert ical 30.80 P Horiz 0.00 I tJt Picr= l.Ol bit Footlng 2.40 hlt SoiI l.5r I uJt Soiltdds .55 Soil React 35.?3 lltot Uplift 5.47 Mot O.A@ rest ?1.45 l'lPier @.0O r Toe Bng Prs 2.23 HeelBrg Prs 2.23I F.s. oT gss.00 F.s. stidc 9s9.00 F.s. uptift s99'00I CONCRETE OESi6N I MATERiAL I f'c 2.5O fy 80.00 6RAVITY L0A0S, I Uult 17-86 Mult ll.16 U factor 1.60 I Qutoe 3'5? Quheel 3.5? l"lpnov 35'53r Asreq O.OO As Prov f'53 Roqd/Prov O.OO PROVIOED 5TEEL Longitudinal Tnans ver s e I Bot 5 -* 5 bans 5 -* 5 bars I.IININUI.I STEEL I Longitudinal I |'|i n Steel .?6 Prov Steel f .53 llin/.Prov .49 Tnansvoras Min Steel .?6 Prov Steel 1.53 Hin/Prov .49 t I I I I I I I I /9 t I June e, leeo I INPUT'DATA h Stnuctural Research Conpany BASENENT TJALL oESIGN fcz 3.OO fy LA0 cover nam€: BACK UIALL 0F GARAGE ( 6RID I ) 60.0A H r^rall L?.OO 1 .50 H soi I 12 .00 5. 54 I Equiv Fluid Pressure 50,0 I ANALYSIS RESULTS t I I Rtop L.20 Rbot ?.4@ Mnax I Uu max 4.OB Uc 6.98 r REQUIRED STEEL! REo VERT srEEL HIN vERTIcAL ErN H0RIZ0NTAL !::_:::_-:::::::__-_::l_ll___:ltr____:::_t_-_to-ll "o 3 5 3 1l 3 7 46421 413 5 I 5 3? s r9 8t2646628 PROVIDED STEEL UERT I CAL HORI ZONTAL bar no. spacrng bar no, spactng 5 I 5 18I oEsIcN sulrr,rARY I l'lu l'lu prov As req As prov rcq/pnov Vertical 9.42 10.76 .4Q .41 '97I l'lin Uert .LZ .4L .28 I flin Horlz .19 .21 '93 I I I I I I I I I t7 coo li9!r-:11 a--; In"l : Ir!!: ll. I I I T F+nR ,()Ea$,Urf FLooR FMM,,16 kHir-:J' o N N @ @ NOTES FOR FLOOR FR.{MING.^.(!!) .toirt honger, typicot. 2 x.12 ledger. Let-into log woll to 1' minimumbeoring on logs. _Fosten to-woll wilh (2) l/2"0x 8" log screws @ J2 o,c. 2 x 12 ledger of non-beorinq edqe 3 j"rq ::l: with poirs of 1/2"o x-d' tJop :, Ft-ooF- A /c,'fl/F4'-rr;'rt/to/@ 6uz>L @e-> 4/.-/Za<,/oA, T 6.6 of floor. Fosten log screws -2/4'7-€a qLYN& /D" 2e, FrooF-.-FR*rc//s oa-/6ar7 GA{<AGc7 4a,?rz b-6-/a =I DISIGN SUMMARY Mork Description Geom etry t5/4o & Loods R eferen ce P oge( s) 'Use JL Ft&t,/O/=.T3 L.IL f2 t/Va" 71r/6a/b2. 62 F/-az- Bxta1 L =12- 7ln= /2^re#4=L k)/V+x/4 HZ l/^re<L-4t7p=4'F5d,1a /z) zx tL, H4 7/6*sg L =-G P!'uttz rzd,g tz) l7+xX/zH4- zl t lo."rn' Structural Research company SIMPLE BEAM ANALYSIS Nane: Floor Joists J1 : Date: June 6, L99o l".ur Lensth X Left SuPPort llength Left Cant li8:o ""' "lg[ = l-2 .00 0.00 0 .00 LEFT LEFT MAG TRTB Length Main SPan X Right suPPort Length Right Cant BEAII LOADS RIGHT RTGHT RIGHT MAG TRIB X LEFT X fz- 12.00 t-2. 00 o.00 DESCRIPTION ti ?l 1""*"t lu"in t unifunif r,2 .000 -90.00 -240.00 -330.00 11 Type DistDL unif L5.00 1".00 0 .00 15.00 40.00 1. 00 0.00 40. o0 UEI'{BER LOADS L.00 12.00 floor load l-.Oo 12.00 floor load Length LOADS:i end j end mag 15. 00 x o.00 0.00 mag xr-s.00 12.0040.00 12.00 -REACTIONS: Load Cornb Left RiqhtI DL 9o-oo 9o'oot LL 24o.oo 240-oo DL + LL 330-00 330.oo I lternber - 3 60 /24O 24o /L9O lconb vmax xvmax ltnax xMmax Ymax xYmax EI reqd EI reqd lli'" LL unif 40.00 ANALYSIS RESULTS 269 .97 6.00 7L9.93 6.00 989.90 6 .00 lbt6 '''r"i;;i:;,') t tt /r, -4050 6.00 1l-!€ 8-75 -LO7ss 6. OO c-46.65) 3l- .10 -t4l4s 6.oo fd2;76 32-07//C>e z_o1 T= 281 ol/' L2.00 12 .00 12.00 TJT/z€ C lU'o., 2b T I I I I 2L I F7Structural Research Cornpany STMPLE BEAI4 ANALYSIS I Design Name: Floor Bean 82Date: June 6, 1-990 I Bean Length = L2.00 Length Main Span L2.00 X Left Support 0.00 X Right Support = 12.00 - Length Left Cant O.00 Length Right Cant = 0.0o I BEAM LOADS I r,oap tvpr How LEFT LEFT LEFT RrcHT RrcHT RrcHT DEscRrPTroN I Ho. Drsr MAG TRrB x MAG TRrB x I L DL unif 20.00 L2.00 0.00 20.00 L2.00 L2.00 floor load I 2 LL unif 40.00 12.00 0.00 40.00 12.00 Lz.oo floor load MEMBER LOADS I ""*.r Length LoADS:i end j end I Main 12.000 TYpe Dist Inaq x nag x I DL unif 24o.oo o. oo 24o -oo 1-2.00 LL unif 480 .00 0.00 480.00 12.00 I ANALYSIS RESULTS REACTIONS: Load Comb Left Right DL 1440.00 1440 .00 LL 2880. 00 2880.00 DL + LL 4320.00 4320.OO I Member 360/240 2AO/L9O I ConU Vnax xvmax Mmax xlttmax Ymax xYmax EI reqd EI regd I - Main Ipr, -l-44o.oo 12.00 43i.9.s7 6.00 -64793 6.00 186.61 139.95 Ir-r- -2890.00 L2.OO 5639.),4 6.00 -L29587 6.00 559.82 373.2L DL + LL -4320.00 L2.OO L2958.70 6.OO -194380 6.00 559.82 419.86 I I I t T T I LA t WOOD BEAM/COLUMN DESIGN I Name: Fi.oor Beam 82r Srze: -#=-i5- Type: Micro=Lam 2.O E Beam 6z) li,4*14 IGEOMETRYKlx L2-00 Kly = 1.00 b = .#5e- h = L4.00 lsEcTroN PRoPERTTESr A = 24.50 s = 57.L7 r = 4oo.)'7 loverstress = 1.03 Duration Fact = 1.00 L.L. Defl L/36O T'L. Defl L/24Or FORCES: lvnax=-432o.ooPo.o0ltInax=L2958.70Ireq=279.9LI STRESSESFv = 285.00 Fvprine= 285.00 fv 264.49 r Fb = 2800.00 Fbprine= 2752.45 fb = 2720.1-9 I Fc1 = 27OO.Ao Fcprirne= 88.61 fa o.o0r OTHER 1,,/d max= 82.29 K : L8.26 J L. OO col .type = Long I stness AND DEFLEcTToN SUMMARY t Description fv/?v fa/Fa + fb/Fb = cSR Ynax L (1.) 2 x 15 0.93 0.o0 0.99 0-99 O-42 343 I I t I I I t I T I I 24 I Structural Research Company SIMPLE BEAIi,I ANALYSIS I Design Name: Header H2Date: June 6, 1990 I Bean Length 4.00 Length Main Span 4.00 - X Left Support = O.O0 X Right Support 4.00 - Length Left Cant = 0.00 Length Right Cant = 0.00 I BEAM LoADS I LOAD TYPE HOW LEFT LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTION I NO. DrST IIAG TRIB X II{AG TRIB X I L DL unif 20.oo 9.oo 0.00 20.00 9.00 4.oo stair & landing load I z LL unif 40.oo 9.oo o.oo 40.oo 9.oo 4.00 stair & landing load MEMBER LOADS (5 I ""*". tength LoADs:i end j end I Main 4.000 Type Dist nag x mag x f DL unif 18o.oo o.oo L8o.oo 4-oo LL unif 360.00 0.00 360.00 4.OO I ANALYSIS RESULTS! REACTIONS: Load Comb Left Right T DL LL 360.00 360.00720.OO 720.OO DL + LL L080.00 L080.oo 11 Mernber 360/240 24O/L8o I ConU Vnax xvmax Mmax xMmax Ymax xYnax EI regd EI regd MainI or -360. oo 4. oo 3Eg.gG 2.00 -Goo 2. oo 5.18 3.89I r.r, -72o.oo 4. oo 7Ls.g3 2.oo -r2oo 2. oo 15.55 Lo.37 DL + LL -L080.00 4.00 l-080.00 2.oo -1800 2.00 L5.55 LL.66 I I T I I T I L5 l wooD BEAI.{/COLUMN DESIGN (ra I Name: Heaiter H2r Size: (2) 2 x tzType: # 2 tten-fir--Beam I GEOMETRyKIx 4.00 K1y = l-.00 b = 3.000 h = LL.25 I SECTTON PRoPERTTES -A=33.75s=63.28r=355.96 loverstress = 1.03 Duration Fact = 1.Oo L.L. Defl L/36o T.L. Defl L/24O ! FORCES: I vmax = -l-o80.00 P 0.00 Mrnax = 1o8o.00 Ireq = LL. LLI srRnssnsFv = 75.00 Fvprine= 75.oO fv 48.00 - Fb = l-000.00 Fbprine= L000.00 fb = 2O4.8O I Fc1 = 875.O0 Fcprirne= 838.17 fa = 0.00r OTHER l/d rnax: 16.00 K = 26.84 J = o.32 co1 .type = Intermed. I stRnss AND DEFLECTION SIJMMARY I Description fv/Fv fa/Fa + fb/Fb = cSR Ymax L (2) 2 x L2 0.64 O.OO 0.20 0-20 0.01 7691 t I I I t I I I I I I I Structural Research company SIMPLE BEAM ANALYSIS - Design Name: Header H3Date: June 6, 1"990 ! Bean Length 6.00 Lenqth Itlain Span = 6.00 X Left Support = 0.00 X Right Support 6.00 I Length Left Cant = O.OO Length Right Cant = 0.00 I BEAM LOADS I r-,oen rven How LEFT LEFT LEFT RrcHT RrcHT RrcHT DEscRrPTroNr No. Drsr MAG TRrB x I'{Ac rRrB x "l/r? I r. DL unif 2o.oo 2.oo o.oo 20.00 2.00 6.00 trib load I 2 LL unif 4o.oo 2.Oo o.oo 40.oo 2.0o 6-00 trib load 3 DL unif 360.OO 1.OO 3.OO 360.00 L.00 6.00 from header H2 - 4 LL unif 720.OO 1.OO 3.OO 720.OO 1.OO 6.00 from header H2 T MEMBER LOADS I =g::------:::::l------::T:: i end j end I I Main 6.000 TYPe Dist Inag x maq x DL unif 40.00 0.00 40.00 6.00 LL unif Bo . o0 0.00 80. 00 6.00 DL unif 360. o0 3 .00 360.00 6. 00 LL unif 720.oo 3 -00 720.OO 6.00 ANALYSIS RESULTS I nfactfoHs: Load cornb Left Right I DL 39o.oo 930-oo LL 780.00 1860.00 r DL + LL 1170.00 279O.Oo I laenber 360/240 240/IeOt a;rb Vmax xvmax Mmax xMmax Ynax xYmax EI reqd EI reqd -37a9 3.2L 2r.42 L6.O7 -7438 3.21 64.27 42.85 -L1.158 3.21, 64.27 48.20 I uui.! nl -93o.oo 6.00 Lo77.43 3.66 LL -1860.00 6.00 21,54.87 3.66 I DL + LL -2790.OO 6.00 3232.30 3.66 I I I I I I z1 I II'OOD BEAM,/COLUMN DESIGN I Narne: Heaoer H3 7-.,\- size: w- LZ )19/ay4)1Type: Micro=Lam 2.0 E Be-an - \ '/ <r- Fs, I GEOMETRYKlx6-00KrY=1.oob=1.75oh=e'So l ru"rro* PR'PERTTE'r A = L6.63 s : 26.32 r = 1-25.03 IOverstress = L.o3 Duration Fact = L.Oo L.L. Defl L/36O T.L. DefI L/24o I FORCES: I Vmax = -27go.oo P = 0.00 Mmax = 3232.30 lreg = 32.L3 I srnnssnsF'v 285.00 Fvprirne= 285.00 fv 25L.73 r Fb = 2800.00 Fbprine= 2800.00 fb = )'473.53 I or"r*a"l = 27OO-OO Pcprime= 354-45 fa o'oo I/d nax= 4I .L4 K = Ia.26 J = l-.00 col.type = Long I srnnss AND DEFtEcrroN stt!'IMARY t Description fv/Ev fa/Fa + fb/Fb = eSR Ymax L (1) 2 x 10 0.88 O.0O O-53 0.s3 0.08 933 I I I t I I I I I I T Z% I I bt*ui bq<,'O.e4__ZE: /,blA|: CeNNef ,a,/J- /</4)T/€/<3 To 8e4= WrTH x/orcf lh/'/e<3 Nep Z: Sfru =iupOLE u/g.ae-p ra roF.PF 67e @Jr/,\/ FzxaAca'rc Forf /+r E. pasp./ &15 n/C)fr'/ fu7= TD ru4f F&<- 6to?€ saT fuA ///F feu'^fa. Nqs 3: qa- b,uNeqa<s R+.//F€P,47 6Ebr7-TO- Fetl cap/&7a&\, OAra'/ I sfqoo !l il sllnlr I I t, I I I I T I Erlz'a1o' fuv( @NexTfu'=er:y-7al4zf, lz\2*lZr<1(' {-;ee,.raze,l t"fYP.RooF FRAMIN' W=Ito I I T T I I I t I I I t t I t I t I I Ra*fd.asz 5-E-?o DESIGN SUMMARY Description Geometry lReference & Loods I Poge(s) 7u1?2?B 2 4=l UZ : l51o 1o 41t-/uaz @?--4,2€4o t Structural Research Company SIMPLE BEAM ANALYSIS r Design Name: Conventional Rafters CRI-Date: June 5, 1990 ! Bean Length 12.00 Length Main Span L2.00 X Left Support o.00 X Right Support L2.oo l Length Left Cant 0.00 Length Right Cant - 0.00 r BEAI'I L'ADS I r,oan rven How LEFT LEFT LEFT RrcHT RrcHT RrcHT DEscRrprroN T NO. DTST MAG TRIB X MAG TRIB X Ez- I L DL unif 20. OO l-.00 0. OO 20. O0 1.00 l-2.00 roof load I 2 LL unif 80. oo l-.00 o. oo 80.00 1.00 1-2.00 roof load MEMBER LOADS | ""*o". Length LoADS:i end j end I t'lain 12.000 Type Dist nag x maq x I DL unif 20. oo o. oo 20. oo Lz-oo LL unif 80.00 0 .00 80 .00 12.00 I ANALYSIS RESULTS - REACTfONS: Load Conb Left RightI DL L2o.oo 12o.oot LL 48o. oo 48o. oo DL + LL 600.00 600.00 I Menber 360/240 24O/L8O I Coml Vmax xvmax Mmax xMmax Ymax xYmax EI regd EI regd Iilit" -r.2o.oo i-2.00 3se.e6 6.00 -53ee 6.oo 15.5s r-1.66I LL -48O.OO 12.00 l-439.86 6.00 -21598 6.00 93.30 62.20 DL + LL -600. oo 1"2. oo 1799.82 6. O0 -26997 6.00 77 .75 58.31 t T I T t T t ?l T WOOD BEAM/COLUMN DESIGN I Name: conventional Rafters CRLSize: 2xL2 G16tto.c. - Type: #2Hen-Fir--Joist I ceountnv (h K1x I2.OO Kly = 1.00 b = 1-500 h L1-25 I "u"rro* PR.PERTTE' A = 16.88 S = 31'.64 f = L77.98 I o.,r.rrtress = r-.03 Duration Fact = 1.00 L.L. Deft L/24o r.L. Defl L/LB} FORCES: I vnax - -600.00 P = O.oO Mmax = 1'799.82 Ireq = 44.43 I STRESSES Fv 75.OO Fvprirne= 75.OO fv = 7J'.LL I Fb = 1150.00 Fbprine: 1150.00 fb 910.1-3 I FcI = 875.00 Fcprirne= 45.57 fa 0-00 OTHER r 1,/d rnax= 96. OO K = 26.84 J L.00 col . type = Long I srness AND DEFLEcTToN SIIMMARYt Description fv/Fv fa/Fa + fb/Fb - csR Ymax L 2 x 12 G 16" o.c. 0.95 o.oo o.79 o.79 o'25 576 I t t t I t I I I I I 3z I Structural Research Conpany SIMPLE BEAI.,I ANALYSIS - Design Narne: VaLley Beam V1-:Date: June 5, 1990 I Beam Length = 8.5O Length Main Span : 8.50 X L,eft Support = 0.00 X Right Support = 8.50 I Lenqth Left Cant 0.00 Length Right Cant : 0.00 I BEAM LOADS I LOAD TYPE HOW LEFT LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTION. NO. DIST MAG TRIB X IJIAG TRIB X I 1 DL vary 20.oo L.OO o.oO 20.00 8.00 8.50 roof laod t 2 LL vary 80.oo 1.oo o.oo 80.oo 8.oo 8.50 roof laod MEMBER LOADS | ".*.r Length L.ADS:i end j end I uain 8.500 Type Dist mag x mag x I DL vary 20. oo 0.00 160.00 8-50 LL varv 80.00 0.00 640.00 8.50 I ellar,vsrs RESULT' l REACTIONS: Load Comb Left Right I DL 283.33 48L.67r LL 1133.31- 1926.69 DL + LL 74L6.64 2408.36 I Menber 360/240 24o/I8O I Conl vnax xvmax l'[max xMmax ynax xYmax EI reqd EI reqd r ilain I pr, -48L.67 B.5o 821.95 4.76 -6089 4.38 24.76 t4.57 - LL -t926.69 B.5O 32gi.7g 4.76 -24357 4.38 148.55 99.03 - DL + LL -2408.36 8.50 4]-Og.74 4.76 -30446 4.38 L23.79 92.84 I T I I I t I vv wooD BEAM/COLIJMN DESTGN I Narne: valley Beam vL:- size: (1) H*-- l4/4 x-liTbTvDe: Micro=Lan 2.O E Beam I ""o""r*"Krx 8 .50 KrY = L. oo b 7 '75o h 1l- ' 88 I sEcTroN PROPERTIESA=20.78S=41.13 I=244.2L f Overstress - L.O3 Duration Fact = 1,.00 L.L. Defl L/24O T.L. Defl L/L8O FORCES: I Vmax = -2408.36 P O.OO Unax 4109.74 Treg = 49'52 I STRESSES Fv = 285.00 Fvprine= 285.00 fv = L73 '84 I Fb = 2800.00 Fbprine: 28OO - 00 fb = l-1-99 ' 06 I FcI = 27A!.AO Fcprine= L76.6L fa = o.o0_ OTHER - 1,/d rnax= 58 .29 K = L8.26 J = 1' 00 co1 ' type = Long I stRnsS AND DEFLECTION SIJMMARYI Description fv/tv fa/Fa + fb/Eb: CsR Ymax L (L) 2 x L2 0.61 0.o0 0.43 0'43 0'11 e46 I t I I I ! I I I I t 7+ I Structural Research Company SIMPLE BEAI'{ ANALYSIS r Design Name: Ridge Beam Rl :Date: June 5, 1990 I "..* Length L2.00 X Left Support : 0.00 lLength Left Cant : 0.00 I I r,oao tven How LEFT LEFT LEFT RrcHT RrcHT RrcHT DnscRrprroN I NO. DIST MAG TRIB X MAG TRIB X (to Length Main span : 9.00 X Right Support : 9.o0 Length Right Cant = 3.00 BEAM LOADS I I I 1 DL vary 20.00 L.00 0.00 20.00 6.00 9.00 roof load I 2 LL vary 80.00 1.00 0.00 80.00 6.00 9.00 roof load 3 DL vary 20.00 6.00 9.00 20.00 6.00 l-2.0o roof load r 4 LL vary 80.00 6.00 9.00 80.00 6.00 1-2.00 roof load I MEMBER LOADS I I:g::------:::::l------::T::i end j end Main 9 .000 Type Dist Inag x mag x DL vary 20.00 o. 00 L20. o0 9.00 LL vary 80.00 0 .00 480.00 9.00 - RightCant 3.000 Type Dist mag x mag x I DL vary 120 .00 0 - 00 120 . 00 3 .00! LL vary 480.00 0.00 480.00 3 ' oo ANALYSIS RESULTS REACTIONS: Load Conb Left Right I DL 24O.OO 750.00 I LL 959.99 3ooo. 02 - DL + LL 1199.99 37so.o2 Member 360/240 24O/l8O I Cornt Vmax xvmax Mnax xMmax Ymax xYmax EI reqd EI reqdI ------- Main I DL -39O.OO 9.OO 7L5.37 5.OO -5954 4.64 22.86 L7 -75 I tt -L560.01 9.00 29il..46 5.00 -238L7 4.64 L37.L9 9L.46 - or- + LL -L950.O2 9.OO 3576.83 5.OO -29772 4.64 IL4.32 A5-74 - Riqhtcant I pl- 360.00 o.oo -534.59 o.oz 0 o-00 0.00 0-00! r.r. r.440. o0 o. oo -2138.35 o.o2 o 0. oo 0. 0o 0.00 DL + LL l_8oo.oo o.oo -2672.93 0.02 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 I I I t I wooD BEAM/COLUMN DESIGNI ;#: ii:ffi1'" "".* te/+ x tt,/u l"ro""**" et Klx = 9.00 K1y L.00 b L.75o h 11.88 lru"rro" PR'PERTTEst A zo.78 s = 41.r-3 r = 244.2L loverstress = L.o3 Duration Fact = 1.00 L.L. DefI L/24o T.L. Defl L/L}o T FORCES: I Vmax = -L950.02 P = 0.00 Mnax = 3576.83 Ireq = 45-73 T STRESSESFv = 285.00 Fvprirne= 285.00 fv t4O-75 I Fb = 28O0.O0 Fbprirne= 2800.00 fb = L043.58 I FcI : 2700.00 Fcprirne= L57.54 fa = 0.00 -OTHER 1,/d max= 6I .71 K 1-8.26 J = L.00 col -type = Long Istnnss- AND DEFLEcTToN sLnffARY I Description fv/Fv fa/Fa + fb/Fb = CSR Ynax L (L) 2 x L2 o.49 O.OO o.37 o-37 0.11 102s t I I I I I I I t I T AO I I o."rn' Structural Research Conpany SIMPLE BEAM ANALYSIS I I Name: Val1eyDate: June 5, Beam Length X Left Support Length Left Cant Length Main Span X Right Support Length Right cant BEAI',I LOADS Beam V2 l_990 L7.OO 0.00 0.00 I LOAD TYPE HOWr No. DIST LEFT T,EFT LEFT MAG TRIB X RIGHT RTGHT MAG TRIB RTGHT x (t t7.oo 17. OO 0.00 DESCRIPTION ]. DL 2LL 3DL 4LL 5DL 6LL I I I unif 20.oounif 80.00 conc 283.00 conc 1133.00conc 24O.OOconc 960.00 6 .00 0. o0 5. 00 0.00 1 .00 3.00L.00 3.00 1. OO 3 ,00l_.00 3.00 6 . 00 l_7 .00 6.00 17.00 t_.00 0.001.00 0.00 l-.00 0.00 1. 00 0.00 roof loadroof load Beam VL- Beam Vl- bean Rl- beam Rl j end 20.00 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 MEMBER LOADS Menber Length LOADS:i end I I Main t | *ro"tro*r, 17.000 Load Cornb DL LLDL+LL Vmax xvmax Type DistDL unif LL unifDL conc LL concDL conc LL conc Ina9 120.00 480.00 283.00 l_133.00 240 . OO 960.00 ANALYSTS RESULTS x 0. o0 0.00 3. O0 3.00 3. OO 3.00 mag xr_20.00 17.00 480 .00 17.00 0. 00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 o. oo o. oo 0 .00 0 .00 360/240 24o/le9 xYnax EI reqd EI reqdl t.*o.t Conb Left 1450.7J, 5803.65 7254.35 Mmax Right TLT2.29 4449.35 556L.65 xMmax Ymax I I I I I I Main DL LLDL+LL 1450.7L 5803.65 7254.35 0 .00 0. 00 0 .00 7.73 7.73 7 .73 -156988 -628002 -784990 5L32.37 20531_. l_0 25663 .47 8.33 3l-9.1-5 239.36 8.33 191-5.04 L276.69 8.33 1595.84 1196.88 3"7 I wooD BEAM/COLUMN DESTGN I Name: valiey Beam VZ - |r size: 4+ffi* o/q XtlybType: Micro=Larn 2.0 E Bean fst-l I GEO}IETRYKlx l-7. o0 KIy L .00 b 5.250 h = LL.88 -'-I SECTION PROPERTTES A = 62.34 S = L23.39 f = 732.62 fOverstress = 1.03 Duration Fact = L.00 L.L. DefI L/24O T.L. Defl L/L}O! FORCES: I vmax = 7254.35 P = 0.00 Mmax = 25663.47 lreq : 638.3s T STRESSES Fv 285.00 Fvprirne= 285.00 fv = L74.54 I Fb = 2800.00 Fbprine- 2800.00 fb = 2495.87 I FcI = 27OO.OO Fcprine- 397.38 fa 0.00 - OTHER l/d nax- 38.86 K 18.26 J l-.00 col.type = Long I srnnss'AND DEFLEcTToN sTJMMARY t Description fv/Fv fa/Fa + fb/Fb - CSR Ymax L(3) 2 x L2 0.61_ 0. 00 0. 89 0. 89 0. 93 220 I I I I I I t I T I I 7h WOOD BEAM/COLUMN DESTGN I 51l:; I;il:v.H"." a,Lx\4'-\ Type: Micro=Larn 2.0 E Bearn I I "uo*"t*"KIx L7.00 K1Y I "u"rro" PR.PERTTE'- A 49.00 s Lp = 1.00 b IOverstress = 1-.03 Duration Fact: L.00 L.L. DefI L/24O T.L. Defl L/L9O I FORCES:Vmax= 7254.35 P = STRESSES I o*""* Fv = 285.00 Fvprine= Fb : 2800.00 Fbprirne= Fcl = 27OO.OA Fcprine= L/d max= 58.29 K I stnnss AND DEFLEcTToN SItMMARY I Description fvlFv(2)2xL5 O.78 I I I I I I I I t T I = 114.33 I : 800.33 O.OO ltnax = 25663.47 lreq = 638-35 285.00 fv = 222.O7 2752.45 fb : 2693.54 L76.6L fa = 0-00 L8.26 J = 1".00 coI .tYPe = Long fa/Fa + fb/Fb = CSR Ymax L o. oo o. 98 0. 98 0.85 240 I 31 I Structural Research Conpany SIMPLE BEAM ANALYSIS r Design Name: Valley Beam V3 Ltt Date: June 5, L990 leeam Length 16.00 Length Main Span l-6.00 X Left Support 0.00 x Right Support = 16.00 ll-ength Left Cant 0.00 Lenqth Right Cant = 0.O0 I BEAM LOADS I r,ono tven How LEFT LEFT LEFT RrGHT RrcHT RIGHT DEscRTPTIoNIHo. DIST MAG TRIB X MAG TRTB X I L DL vary 20.OO 1-.OO o.oo 20.00 L1.00 L6.00 roof load I 2 LL vary 80. Oo l-. oO o. Oo 80. 00 11. oo 1-5. 0o roof load I{EIVIBER LOADS | ""*"r Length LoADs:i end j end Iuain L6.ooo Type oist mag x mag x I DL vary 20.00 0.00 22O.OO 16' 00 LL varv 80.00 0.00 880.00 l-6.00 O"O""" RESULTSrAl - REACTIONS: Load cornb Left Right I DL 693.32 L226.68! LL 2'773 .28 4906.72 DL + LL 3466.60 6133.40 lMember 360/240 24O/L8O I Corl Vmax xvmax 1tmax xllmax Ymax xYmax EI reqd EI reqd lXit" -L226.68 16.00 38e0.6i. s.oz -Lo1eo6 8.24 22o.L2 16s.oer r-L -4906 .72 16 . oo i,5562 .44 g .o2 -407626 I .24 I32o .7L 88o .47 DL + LL -6133.40 16.00 19453.06 9.O2 -509532 8.24 11-00-59 825-44 I I I I t t t 4o I wooD BEAM/COLUMN DESIGN I Nane: Va1ley Beam v3! size: (2) Hy 6/ox tl76 Type: lticro=Lam 2.0 E Beam 0lq- IGEOMETRYKIx l-6.00 K1y = L.00 b 3.500 h LL.88 lsEcTroN PRoPERTTES A = 41-.56 $ = 82.26 I = 488.41- loverstress = 1.03 Duration Fact = L.00 l.I. Defl L/24o T.L. Defl L/I}OI FORCES: I Vnax = -6133.40 P = 0.00 Mnax = 19453.06 freq = 440.24 I STRESSESFv = 285.00 Fvprime= 285.00 fv = 221 .36 I Fb = 280O.OO Fbprime= 2800.00 fb = 2a37.82 I Fcl = 27Oo.aa Fcprirne= 199.38 fa = 0.00 .OTHER I/d max= 54.86 K = 18.26 J -- 1.00 col.type = Long lstnnss AND DEFLEcTToN su,u{ARY I Description fvlFv fa/Fa + fb/Fb = CSR Ynax L (2) 2xL2 o.7a 0.00 L . 01 1 .01 0.90 2L3 I I t t I T I t T I t 4l I Structural Research Conpany SIMPLE BEAM ANALYSIS I o."in' Name: Date: Bean Length X Left Support Length Left Cant Beam R25, 1990 : L5.00 0. 00: 0.00 LEFT LEFT LEFT MAG TRIB X Length Main Span X Right Support Length Right Cant BEAM LOADS Ridge June L( 12.00 12.00 3.00 DESCRIPTION I I I r,oao rvpr How I NO. DTST RIGHT RIGHT MAG TRIB RIGHTv V3 VJ ], DL2LL3DL4LL5DL6LL t t I vary 20.00vary 80.00vary 20.00vary 80.00conc 693.00 conc 2773.Oo 1. O0 0.001.00 0.00 6 .00 12.006.00 L2.00 2 .00 t_ .00 2.OO 1.00 MEMBER 6.00 L2.006.00 12.00 6 .00 L5.006.00 15.00l_.00 0.001.00 0.00 roof loadroof loadroof loadroof load va1ley bearnvalley beam j end 20.00 80. 00 20.00 80. 00 0 .00 0. 00 LOADS Member Length LOADS:i end t I I I I T Main 12 . 000 RightCant 3.000 Type DistDL varyLL varyDL concLL conc Type Dist DL varyLL vary ma9 20. 00 80.00 L386. 00 5546 .00 nag 120. OO 480. 00 ANALYSIS RESULTS x 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 x 0. o0 0. o0 mag x 120.00 12.00480.00 12.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ma9[ x 120.00 3 .00 480.00 3.00 360/24O 24O/LgO xYnax EI reqd EI reqd REACTIONS: Mernber Courb Load Comb DL LL DL+LL Vnax xvnax Left 1,590 .49 6363.81 7954.3L Mmax Right 995,51 3982.L9 4977.69 xMnax Ynax I I I I t Main DL PIEX LL PICxDL+LLPIEx RightCant DL LLDL+LL 1590.49 ).L.94 6363 .81 L1. 94 7954.3tII .94 360.00 1440.00 l-800. o0 L940 .1"5 776L.72 9701 .87 -534.59 -2138.35 -267 2 .93 0.00 0. o0 0 .00 0.o0 0. oo 0. oo 4.99 4.98 4.94 o.02 o.02 o.o2 -3048L -L2L940 -t5242L 5.7 6 5.76 5.76 o.oo 0. 00 0.oo 87.78 526.78 438.97 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 65.84 351.l-9 329.23 0.00 0 .00 o .00 0 U o 4L I t Iil:; i,iT :'il *' WOOD BEAU/COLWN DESIGN Type: Micro=Lan 2.0 E Beam ?to IGEOMETRYKlx l-2.00 Kly 1 .00 b 3.500 h LL.88 lsEcrroN PRoPERTTES- A = 4L.56 $ = 82.26 I = 488.4L Dverstress = 1.03 Duration Pact = L.OO L.I. Defl L/24o T.L. Defl L/L9O I FORCES: I Vmax = 7954.3I P 0.00 Mmax 97OI .87 lreq - L75.59 lsrREssEsFv 285.00 Fvprime= 285.00 fv = 287.O7 r Fb : 2800.00 Fbprine= 2800.00 fb : l-415.3L I FcI = 27oO.Oo Fcprine= 354.46 fa 0.00 TOTHER I/d max= 4L.L4 K = L8.26 J 1.00 col.type = Long lstnrss AND DEFLEcTToN su{t"IARY I Description fv/Fv fa/Fa + fb/Fb = CSR Ymax L (2)2xL2 t-.01 0.00 0.51 0.51 0.27 534 I I I I I I I I T I I 4e I Structural Research Conpany SIMPLE BEAM ANALYSTS r Design Nane: Ridge Beam R3:Date: June 5, 1990 f Beam Length = 15.00 X Left Support = 0.00 I Length Left Cant 0.00r I LOAD TYPE HOW I.EFT I-,EFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTTONr NO. DIST I'{AG TRIB X MAG TRIB X L4 Length Main Span : 15.00 X Right Support = l-5.0o Length Right Cant - 0.00 BEAM LOADS I t DL unif 2o.oo 6.00 0.oo 2o.oo 6.00 t-5.00 roof load I 2 LL unif 80.o0 6.oo 0.00 80.0o 6.oo l-5.0o roof load3 DL conc L45L.0O 1.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 bean V2 I 4 LL conc 5803.00 1..00 4.00 0.oo l-.00 0.0O beam V2 I 5 DL conc L590.00 l-.O0 13.50 0.0O 1.00 O.00 bean R26 LL conc 6364.00 L.00 L3.50 0.oo 1.00 o.00 bean R2 I Mernber Length LOADS: I t"*"t I,IEMBER LOADS j endI ------- I Main l-5.000 Type Dist nag x mag x DL unif 1-20.00 0.00 120.00 l-5.00 LL unif 480 .00 0.00 480.00 15.00 DL conc 1-451- . 00 4 . 00 0. 00 0. 00I LL conc 5803 ' oo 4. O0 O. 00 O. OO DL conc i-59o. oO l-3 . 50 0. 0o O. 0O I LL conc 6364. oo L3.50 O. oo 0.00 I ANALYSTS RESULTS I REAcTIoNS: Load comb L";;-----;il;DL 2L23.O7 2717 .93 LL 8491.93 L0875.07 DL + LL 1061_5.00 13593.00 360/24o 240/LgO Comb Vmax xvnax Mnax xMnax Ynax xYmax EI reqd EI reqd i end 1n -27r7 .93 15. O0 763L.4L 5.60 -184804 7 .35 425.79 3L9 .34 -LO875.07 L5. OO 30525.37 5.60 -739248 7 .35 2554.84 L703.23 + LL -13593.00 15.0O 381_56.78 5.60 -924052 7.35 21,29.O2 L596.76 Ma DL LL DL I I I I I I t wooD BEAI{/CoLUMN DESIGN L6I yl:; liin;ff-*'' a/+^ 14 Tvpe: Micro=Larn 2.0 E Beam I "uo""r*,Klx l-5.0o K1v = L .00 b 5.250 h = 14. o0 l r""rro" PR'PERTTESA = 73.50 $ = 17I.5O I =1200.50 Ioverstress = 1.03 Duration Fact = 1.00 L.L. Defl L/24o T.L. Deft L/L}OI FORCES: I Vmax = -13593.00 P 0.00 Mnax = 38L56.78 freq = 851-.6L I STRESSESFv = 285.00 Fvprine= 285.00 fv = 277.4L I Fb = 2800.00 Fbprine= 2752.45 fb = 2669.46 I Fct = 27oo.oo Fcprime= 510.42 fa = 0.00 - OTHER I,/d nax= 34.29 K = L8.26 J = 1.00 col . type = Long I srnnss'AND DEFLEcTToN sITMMARv I Description fvlFv fa,/Fa + fb/Fb = CSR Ymax L (3) 2 x 15 O.97 0.00 o.97 O.97 0.67 270 I I I I I I I I T I T I 'ItJooD BEAM/COLUT4N t Name: Ridge Beam R3:size: (4) #$ 1 Xr Type: Micro=Lan 2.O E Beam r cnor'rntRy DESIGN lftb Klx 15.00 Kly I"u.tro* PR'PERTTES A = 83.1-3 S lo.r"r=tr"ss = 1.03 Duration = 1.00 b = 7.000 h L64.52 I : 976.83 Fact = L.oo L.I. DefI L/24O T.L. I I'|"":Xx = -r-35e3 ' oo Fv = 285.00I F:, =:3i33.33 OTHER t,*#1bl'ili,""3ii3i (4) 2 x L2 t I I T I t I I I I I P : 0.00 l,[nax Fvprine= 285.00 fv Fbprime= 28oo.o0 fb Fcprime= 9O7.4L fa K = L8.26 J SI'MMARYfv/Fv fa/Fa + fb/Fb =0.86 0.00 0.99 = 38156.78 Ireg - = 245.29 = 27A3.16 = 0.00 851.61- l-.00 col . type = Long csR 0.99 Ymax 0. B2 L 220 flrQ Defl L,/L80 = LL.88 I Structural Research Conpany SIMPLE BEAM ANALYSIS Design Nane: Hip Bean 81Date: June 5, L99O IBean Length L7.00 Length Main Span = L2.00X Left Support = O.OO X Right Support : 17.OO ll,ength Left Cant - 0.00 Length Right Cant = 0.00 T BEAM L'ADS OAD TYPE HOW LEFT I,EFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTIONO. DTST MAG TRIB X MAG TRIB X (-'1 I 1 DL vary 20.OO L.OO O.OO 20.OO 12.OO l-7.OO roof loaq I 2 LL vary 80.00 1-.o0 0.00 80.o0 12.00 l-7.00 roof load 1"*.t Lensth LoADS: MEMBER LOADS i end j end ] I J l ain L7.000 Type Dist nag x mag x DL vary 20.00 0.00 24O.OO L7.00 LL vary 80.00 0 .00 960.00 L7 .OO ANALYSIS RESULTS EACTIoNS: Load Conb Left Right DL LL 793.32 141-6.68 3173.27 5666.73 DL + LL 3966.s9 7043.4L ernber 360/24O 24O/).8O ornb vmax xvmax Mmax xMmax yrnax xYmax EI regd EI regd $Lf arn L -L4L6.68 L7.OO 4760.1-4 9.60 -140687 8.76 286.OL 214.5L L -5666.73 L7.OO l_9040.56 9.60 -562749 8.76 I7L6.O5 LL44.04 L + LL -70A3.41- l_7.00 23800.70 9.60 -703436 8.76 1430.04 tO72.53 I I I I I I I I Nane: Size: I """,";::''Klx l rr"rro" PR'PERTTE' WOOD BEAM/COLUUN DESIGN Hip Bean BL(2)2xfr11 Micro=Lam 2.0 E Beam = L7 .AO Kly = r-.00 b (@ A = 49.O0 S = LL4.33 I = 800.33 I f Overstress: 1.o3 Duration Fact = 1.00 L.L. Defl L/24O T.L. DefI L/L9O l;j:!ilax:-70s3'4'j p = Fv = 285.00 Fvprirne=| $:, = ii33:33 $33:im= OTHER I I/d max= 58.29 K I STRESS AND DEFLECTTON SUMI{ARYr Description fv/Fv(2) 2x1,5 0.76 I t I I I I t I I I I 0.00 Mnax = 23800.70 lreq = 572.02 285.00 fv = 216.84 2752.45 fb = 2494.03 L76.6t fa = 0.00 t8.26 J = 1.00 co1 .type = Long fa/Pa + fblFb = CSR Ynax L 0.00 0.9L 0.91 0.76 264 1t t vtooD BEAI{/COLUMN DESIGN I Nane: Hip Bean 81 ' Size: (3) 2 x L2Type: Micro=Larn 2.0 E Bean I ""on"**"Klx L7.00 Kly = L.O0 b 5.250 h 11.88 I SECTION PROPERTIESA = 62.34 $ = L23.39 f = 732.62 fOverstress = 1.03 DuratLon Fact = 1.00 L.L. Defl L/24O T.L. DefI L/LilOI FORCES: I Vnax = -7083.41 P = O.OO Umax = 23800.70 Ireg = 572.02 I STRESSESFv = 285.00 Fvprine= 285.00 fv = L7O.43 I Fb = 280O.OO Fbprime= 28OO.O0 fb = 23L4.7O I FcI = 27OO.QO Fcprine: 397 .3A fa = 0.00 - OTHER r l/d nax= 38.86 K = 18.26 J = 1.OO col.type = Long I STRESS AND DEFLECTTON SLTMI,IARYI Description fv/Fv fa/Fa + fb/Fb = csR Ynax L(3) 2xL2 0. 60 0. 00 0. 83 0. 83 0. 83 245 &1 t t I I t t I I t t I 1b t Structural Research conpany SI},IPLE BEAM ANALYSIS esign Name: Header H1Date: June 5, L990 tr'LD earn Length 6.50 Length Main Span 6.50 r( Left Support = 0.00 X Right Support : 6.50 i,ength Left Cant O.OO Length Riqht Cant = 0.00 BEAM LOADS OAD TYPE HOW LEFT LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTION O. DIST MAG TRIB X MAG TRIB X I 1 DL conc 996.00 1.OO 3.25 0.00 l-.00 0-00 from R2 t 2 LL conc 3982.00 1.oo 3.25 O.o0 1.00 0-00 fron R2 MEMBER LOADS l"ro". Length LoADs:i end j end ltain 6.500 fYPe Dist mag x mag x I DL conc 996-00 3.25 0'00 0'00 LL conc 3982.00 3.25 0.00 0 '00 I ANALYSIS RESULTS rREAcrroNs: Load comb ""i.------;il;--I DL 498.00 498.00! LL 1991-.oo 199L-oo DL + LL 24a9.OO 24A9 -OO fternber 360/240 24O/l'8O ]ornl Vmax xvmax llnax xMmax Ymax xYmax EI reqd EI reqd {r J" T t I I t I ln 498.ooo.oo].618.503.25-56983.2530.3022.72 1-99L.0O O. OO 6470.75 3 .25 -22782 3.25 181.69 )-2L.L3 + LL 2489.OO o.oo 8089.25 3.25 -28480 3-25 151.43 IL!'57 41 I wooD BEAI{,/coLt MN DEST.N I Name: Header H1 Size: (3) 2xL2 Type: # 2 Hen-Fir--Beam leounrnvKIx=6.50Kly=l-.00b=4.500hLL.25 liEcrroN PRoPERTTESA = 50.63 $ = 94.92 I = 533.94 l.r"r=tr"rs = 1.03 Duration Fact : t-.00 L.L. Defl L/24o T.L. DefI L/t}o IORCES:I Vmax = 248g.OO P = O.O0 Mmax 8089.25 Ireq = 86'52 f,rnnsses Fv = 75.Ao Fvprirne= 75.00 fv = 73.75 Fb = 1OoO.o0 Fbprime= 1o0o.oo fb = Lo22-64 Fcl 875.00 Fcprirne= 824.27 fa = 0.00 THER I/d rnax= L?.33 K 26.84 J = 0.40 col.type = Intermed. TRESS AND DEFLECTION SIJIVIMARY Description fv/Fv fa/Fa + fb/Fb = CSR Ymax L 3) 2 x 12 O. 98 O. 00 I -O2 L.O2 0 ' 07 Ll'84 Fz( I ] ( t I t I T I I T I I t l_ t T I 1,, it; ts $i I t I I T I t I I I I AlWA-Af-tc'llE l, an 4or,r, GSteN Sufnrlar<Y DESIGN SUMMARY H 77fte- @77vur 6 : altox /b(a, 6-@ 4 P A*/cF4€' tArA srw- paa a< FtPe=e i/4 b.. 4s.4t-n/4 @rdra.) .othkf' ltl J,lr- - - .--J t____jliil ',lY'*w:;* itl "|a?u*;Elr" -rl ,bV ^.6.(s' +ud**i:.",*"*:: I:- ^fu:{:z*vft*1{Y' r I i,,'eLi **t3oi(41*,on 'il feff3p1t"*'7o' lF-i:h:w*a'o' | ^, bG WAaJ-Al I I I I ll. I I I t I I I I I I t JOO l32! r;iY a::: -=;].-F:....' I I AU/\LA,/ /':fE Avalanche forces are per:Art Mears, P.E. 222 East Gothic Avenue Gunnison, Colorado 81230 The pressure diagrams shown below have their base at finishedgrade, and terninate 14.2 feet above finished grade. Thesepressures act perpendicular to the waL1. The pressure diagrams r,eere interpolated fron data given by ArtMears for the South Elevation of the main Olebaum house. Thegaralte is tilted at an angle of 8.9 degrees fron the rnain house,causing the avalanche forces to be different than at tbe SouthElevation. See calculations following. Alo.ng with the pressures shown in the diagran, a shear forceparallel to and along the face of the wall will be present due tothe angle of tbe avalanche with respect to the wall. The rnagnitude of this force La L/2 that of the perpendicularpressure. A third force present is an upward shear force also equal. to L/2 the perpendicular pressure. This shearing forceacts to uplift the walL, and will cause an uplift pressure on theroof eave. The garage doors and the srnall shed roof at the front of the garage were considered to be expendable. This wlll result in the garage fitling with avalanche snon and other debris in the eventof an avalanche. The back and right side walls of the garage are designed to resist the force of the avalanche. The wall at grid A will not be inpacted as much by the avalanche as the grade drops off on that side. o-b-?o l_ I T I I ;:; ffi; r$ $! I I t T t t I I t I I AVa. za"qck€ ?+/ eo>,6AFAaeA AJA,L4+/1,H& .a4f'* t%4 20" aff ffi.ffiJ € r7*tN Hocts+ : u 4oo--+ ..', -- 2b(" usb" dL*g-.-+-a /s (" aFF T7E aruar77774 ar77€ Ithlee oR 21' ,aFF ffi.P4/n/c.z/1-^A: y'a.esz 6-b?a =zfuc @\tL- iFqrcdtg7ru*t 1\/ t--,n,'^ r?qo - t- )&14 z-, --245 b =- 245,aa;Z?n = //?F-zF z ./)^.-t 4qo = =U/\) r- / /15 ft -- 215e-a 4fn = 4 l_ I I I l_, I;l t$ $i I I I I t I I I I I I /i-/,A/-ArJ4'rE rt.c,t,6z,U/rJ le*ortc, ots6*v1 zt47.P ,!b' = lLo' VlE ffFo*/,e5 4ful/tJ **F +T ft€ EaTdr< AF A /K+a.7/az.t+<= fF#JFeO/+7R/8e/7o4 t' .J.' to',' IdI t,t V',t-z'' -.r"_Od!/ all' a1,Ii n7' \lY ->u- _+ tMl),, t-+.-> --> # elroun t4t - e#N4r_ 11.2' 15' 12' | 't' ,t o,I' IlE' N 7' 1' 2', oo0 .li I A\/A./6^/a|Ea*tz%, 11.z'. 12', Acz ea477a4^1F /Q.poz RffiJFE P/^AF4\T1T;:- P : 119 - 8.38 t' z 050 roo. p5l '€€Fpl' O\t1(2f PERPENDICULAR TO GRIDS A & BPRESSURE DIAGRAM N 15.07 * z PRESSURE DIAGRAM PERPENDICUIAR TO GRID 2 6-b-fa P ---_> L I I I I ida l':: r$ $i I I I I I I I I I I t AlAt t</C//E a'AJ-.=,lo*ott -&aE 4E.Q?Z Pere= @ ffa^17 06r*e79 f:zt4-/4'o7e f?': z/4 -/s'oIr) : 7bF=P Lr4 pt? /-ea @ rc? F a*C-. tzar-. L =27' il: o 7b .e"7 otz pk. -tu (a ATdb) /o"4 La6 a4,(hatr /-& 4o) fr"ZhffiWK+Y4€ UA./A-/'/CkE4lz+ pffiOF 4tA.fu4e-aotfQ. fu-l+t-/ &v,,t"w/fuA5: 30c IJ99ljtt l--;E8s:I-ra! ,Ao<ot- L=/z' x/: c O Vjoo 64,2 14,578.o l?.5 1bzzFl z 2.s/v;.6 ll. I I I I I I I I T I t th of /e^O w/LL & t*fo/ar,/At-L (? eFtO A - FFa=. D/^co'- {4- t*aAtif qa,d62 loe PH\/€Z e L€FT 6/0e aF ,tu)<=1 (*a A : Qa*+.>eYtr) =F%5 | rc.slri "_] udA-=6'*= 3' y---b ?=lu ,t *14 :L u5€ Ta 4x 4"h l-f...'TrLb . Affi 4x/t2 orc,a--.-tu)ds; (z) 5p7a* /Nro^6cl-{ bc- acz)'Q<-'L>- I Structural Research Conpany I sruPLE BEAM ANALYSTS ! Design Nane: Log at Top of carage Door I Date: June 8. 1990 I Beam Length 27.oo Length Main Span = 27.oa X Left Support = 0.00 x Right Support 27.oo ll-ength Left cant o.oo Length Right Cant : 0.00 I BEAM LOADS I "ooo ,r"" How LEFI LEFT ";;;---;;-n-n* *t"nt RrcHr DnscRrprroNt No. Drsr I'{AG TRrB x MAG TRrB x A7 I 1 LL unif 78.00 0.83 O.oo 78.o0 0.83 27.00 aval . load I MEMBER LOADS I tr*"r Length LoADS:i end j end - Main 27.OOO TYPe Dist magt x nag x LL unif 65 . OO 0.00 65.00 27 'OOI ANALYSIS RESULTSI I nnacrrows, Load comb Left Right LL 877.46 877 -46 I Mernber 360/240 24O/I8O I Courb Vnax xVnax Mnax xMnax Ynax xYmax EI reqd EI regd I -;;l;---I r.l -a77.4G 27.oo 5s22.3o 13.50 '449724 13.50 863.47 575.65 I I I I I I I I I 6h ! rdooD BEArq/coLUMN DESIGN I Name: Log at Top of Garage Door Size: l-0il diameter - Type: Lodgepole Wa1l Log 40 rceountnv K1x = 27 .OO KIy = l- . 00 dia. ISECTION PROPERTIESA = 78.54 S = 1l-6.01 I = 5I4.o4 fOverstress = 1.03 Duration Fact = 1.33 L.L. Defl L/ IO T.L. DefI L/ LO -Log Paraneters: Sect=bequiv Cut:FulI Mult=no I! roncEs: Aa 10 Vnax = '877.46 P = 0.00 ltlnax I STRESSES I Fv 65.00 FvPrirne= 86.45 fv Fb = 625.00 Fbprirne= 83t.25 fb r FcI 425.OO FcPrirne= 268.67 fa I OTHERr 1,/d max= 36.56 K = 30.88 J STRESS AND DEFLECTION SUMMARY I Description fv/Fv fa/Fa + ftt/Fb = l1o" diameter 0.26 0.00 0.74 = 5922.30 Ireq = 26.65 = L6.76 = 612.62 = 0.00 1.00 co1 .tYPe = Long CSR YMAX L o.7 4 1. 68 L92 t I I T I I I I I t 51 I Structural Research conpany SIMPLE BEAM ANALYSTS I-Desiqn Nane: Colurnn Between Doors: A1 Date: June 8, 1990 Beaur Length = 12.00 Lenqth Main Span = 12.00 X Left Support 0.oo X Right Support : l-2-00 Length Left Cant 0.00 Length Right Cant : 0.00 BEAM LOADS LOAD TYPE HOW LEFT LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTION NO. DIST UAG TRIB X MAG TRTB X I 1 LL varv 33.20 13.50 o.oo 78.00 13.50 3-oo aval Id at top t 2 LL var-y 7g.OO 2. O0 3.00 2L4.OO 2. OO l-2. OO aval load at botton t MEMBER LOADS Member Length LOADS:i end j end IMain L2.000 Type Dist Inag x Inag xr LL vary 448 -20 0 ' 00 1053 ' 00 3 ' 00 LL varv l-56 . OO 3 .00 428 .00 12 .00 T ANALYSIS RESULTS REACTIONS: Load Comb Left Right LL 2764.98 2LL4.82 Member 360/240 24O/I8O Cornb Vmax xvmax Mnax xMmax Ymax xYmax EI regd EI reqd I I I T T I I I Main LL 2764.98 o.oo 6082.70 5.65 -94588 5.88 408.62 272.4L bo I I AroStructural Research Conpany STEEL COMBINEO STRESS ANALYSIS r June 7, 1990 I NAHE, coLUMN AT FRoNT oF GARAoEr TRIAL SECTI0N, TS 4X4X1/4 LOAOS I P ' 5.30 Hx = 6.10 My = A.@@ I GEOMETRY Klx - L?,O@ Kly = 12.0@ r FACTORS I Cflrx ' I.00 CFry = l'@@ Cb = L.OO StnFac ' L.O@ SECTION PROPERTIES A - 3.59 Ix = 8.?2 5x - 4.11 nx ! l.5l I hrt- Lz,z.t Iy - B.zz sy = 4.tt ny. l.stI ALLOI,'ABLE STRESSES Fa = 1S.2S Fbx = 30,36 Fby = 30.36 Fy = 4E,OO I ACTUAL STRESSES I fa - 1.48 fbx = 17.81 fby = O.OO C0l4BINEO STRESSES falFa fbx/Fbx fby/Fby 0.0@ 0,A0 @,@A O.O@ Eqn 1.8-laI ''.?Z ':33 ',.2:, ':33 ::: i:B:l' I I I I I t I I I I t bl I Structural Research Conpany SI},IPLE BEAM ANALYSIS esign Nane: Log Panel left side of doorsDate: June I, L99O Att I'ean Length = 9.o0 Length Main Span = 9.0o i Left Support : 0.OO X Right Support = 9.O0 ength Left Cant = o.oO Length Right Cant : 0.oo BEAM LOADS OAD TYPE HOW LEFT LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTION O. DIST MAG TR B X MAG TRIB X I I r- LL vary 78.00 2.5O O.0O 2L4.OO 2.5O 9.00 aval load I MEMBER LOADS enber l-ength LoADS:i end j end ,lain 9. ooo Type Dist maq x maqt x LL vary l-95 . O0 0.00 535.00 9 ' 00 I ANALYSIS RESULTS EACTIONS: Load Conb Left Right LL L387.49 L897.5L ember 360/240 2AO/L9O omb Vmax xvmax Mmax xMmax Ymax xYmax EI reqd EI reqd {ain f,i- -L897.FI 9.oo 3707.54 4.83 -31087 4.59 L79.06 1l-9.38I T I I t I I I t 4xlO br:c-V-@ goo€-' \<-/ r=\-: 22gC' = 35.b56 /1 E-= lo*oox3?'u<xlz3 = 3151 lLeK-)L . o . //lre, 4;; v i5 f.,tc,::a. eAaE , UrL AsJA/Jv /.//E !1. ar ro 4rb .gre,p)rJ/3 =*zYe= /*JA'/ Ffu4 GF\D 2 /Dv./ptp aL://; 1. ,a;.v.^;t4 /.:.'E P.'2.es yttzL'rE LE53 TD/./;FP 7//€' .4/-c,z- ' ' . r.rsg:.Jrf€ 6F41tE /3 ,-l? 2' ,&-orJ4t 4-/D A, b7pr1 Lo(_? : .a?4L=/7'/: o /bz bltl€TbFoF- tu:A: Q]\ 2;a+ rerTL IeETaN/4 _ lu,ou,(+4Z{4 LO(- lt</P4 f =/n- 8'1b+ 4rz' -- /az *P1' /'' (=ue Arc 4/4) 4ae C40x ff.z 4-pou*tD I I o"rrn' Name: Date: Bean Length X Left Support Length Left Cant Structural Research Conpany SIMPLE BEAM ANALYSIS Log at crid A ,4 | 1990 -ilrrc: i(Flr t+t e /..."I(i+-od' Length Main span-- o: oo x Right Supporto.00 Length Right cant BEA}I LOADS Bottoru June 8, t I aL. 24.OO 24.OO = 0.00 l i8l" "" "i3[ LEFT LEFT LEFT MAG TRIB X RIGHT RIGHT RTGHT MAG TRIB X DESCRIPTION I I Member unif l-02. oo o . B3 o, oo l-02.00 0 . B3 24.00 aval. load MEMBER LOADS Length LOADS:i end j end Main 24.OOO REACTIONS: LOAd CONb LL MemberConb vmax xvnax Dist magunif a4.97 ANALYSIS RESULTS mag x84.97 24.O0 360/24O 24O/LgO xYmax EI reqd EI reqd Type LL x 0. o0I t Left 1019.59 Mnax Right l-019.59 xMmax YnaxI T I I I I I I t t Main LL -1019.59 24.OO 6LL6.94 12.00 -3670L6 12.00 792.75 528 .50 t wooD BEAM/COLUMN DESIGN I Name: Botton Log at Grid A- Size: l-otr diameterType: Lodgepole Wa11 Log 40 I GEOMETRY KIx 24.OO K1y = 1.00 dia. = 10 I SECTION PROPERTTESA 78.54 S - 116.01 I = 5I4.O4 lOverstress -- l-.03 Duration Fact = 1.33 L.L. DefI L/ LO T.L. Defl L/ LOI Log Parameters: Sect=beguiv Cut=Full Mult=no I ,o*"u", Vmax = -10L9.59 P = o.OO Mnax = 6L16-94 Ireq = 24.47 r STRESSES I Fv 65.00 Fvprine= 86.45 fv L9.47 - Fb = 625.00 Fbprine- 831.25 fb = 632-75 Fc1 425.oO Fcprirne: 340.03 fa = 0 .00I orunnI 1/d max= 32.50 K = 30.88 J = L-00 col .type = Long STRESS AND DEFLECTION SUMMARY I Description fv/Fv fa/Fa + fb/fb = CSR Ynax L I ro" dianetir o.3o o.oo 0.76 0-?6 r-37 2ro T I I I I I t t I I b5 Structural Research conpany SIMPLE BEAM ANALYSIS I-Design Name: Janb at DoorwayDate: June 8, 1990 IlBearn Length 7.oo Length Main Span = 7.oo X Left Support = O.oO X Right Support = 7.OO ll-engtth Left Cant = 0.00 Length Right Cant = 0.00 I BEAM LOADS I lf-OaO tVnr HOW LEFT LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTIONrNo. DTST MAG TRIB X MAG TRIB X Ats I 1 LL vary 44.oo 8 .50 o. oo Lo2. oo B .50 7 .Oo avalanche load I MEMBER LOADS 1".*"t Length LoADs:i end j end -Main 7.000 TYPe Dist mag x mag x LL vary 374-oo 0.00 867.00 7 'oot ANALYSIS RESULTSIlnnacttoxs: Load cornb Left Right LL 1884.15 2459.35 rMernber 36A /24O 24O /L9O lCornf Vmax xvmax Mnax xMmax Ymax xYmax EI regd EI reqd I-il;---- lr,r, -2459 .35 Z .OO 38Og .41 3 .72 -L9347 3.54 l-43.28 95.52 I I t I T I t I I ile C bx, AFaL/N D 8,2 Ctttt't*t{z- Dee? o/a<*t'/C>, l_ I t t I 11: iil r$ $i t I t I I t I I t T t ,fl/^'/-. n/a/-E Wt+teaFlO Sata ^/A,/J-.ffi (Pa-' L -24/U;o //7 .Ea wAt-L- e enz/f) y': V/att- | =) E,q.acaC a: FryX€ P/r+Qz A t --+ 1 i4i' I' ---f tb/l/l ,4 | @rzan /-oc-; ( e& / - ,-tl(J -/<4: o z/4.oqe L": /Zt ftVto' 2r4 ' ah;lr #=2,' -o -1b b'rn, /---7' ,Ar -- 5,?L /./=28 a'z-E^lJ/7 )-1 -" 4? 7 <.-/ ' ."'.-/(- (ere ^/Tdrc) /zt: fuit*J@'2/ (ree AZl4zz) 6E*/3'fi+*ub/att / o€- /oA LoG= -''ts -y1*/J /oc= 40 t A*refr'lh I Structural Research Conpany SIMPLE BEAM ANALYSIS I- Design Name: Bottorn Log at crid B:Date: June 8, 1990 Ir Beam Length = 24.oo Length Main span 24.oo X Left Support 0.00 X Right Support = 24.OO I Length Left Cant = 0.00 Length Right Cant = 0.00 I BEAM LOADS Ar7 I r,OaO tVeO HOW LEFT LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTION. No. DIST MAG TRIB X MAG TRIB X I L LL unif 119.00 0.83 O.OO l-19.00 0.83 24.00 avalanche load I MEMBER LOADS I u"ru"r Length LoADs:i end j end - Main 24.000 TYPe Dlst nag x mag x LL unif 99 .L6 0 .00 99.16 24 'OOI ANALYSIS RESULTSII nulctroNs: Load Conb Left Right LL 1189.95 LL89.9s I l'{ember 60/240 24O/1'8O I Cornb Vmax xvmax Mmax xMmax Ymax xYmax EI regd EI regd I- ;;t;---I r.r- -1189.95 24.oa 2139.oo 12.oo '428340 L2-oo 925.2L 616.81 I t I I t t t I I I WOOD BEAI,I,/COLUMN DESIGN I Nane: Botton Log at crid B:Size: 10rr diameter ,- Type: Lodgepole tdall Log 40 I.GEOMETRY K1x 24.OO Kly = 1".00 dia. L0 ISECTION PROPERTIES A = 78.54 S - 116.01 I = 514.04 fOverstress - 1.03 Duration Fact = 1-.33 L.L. DefI L/ LO T.L. Defl L/ LO -Log Parameters: Sect=bequiv Cut:FuIl Mult=no Ilroncns: Vrnax = -1189.95 P 0.00 l'Imax 7L39 - 00 freq - 28 -56 ISTRESSES t Fv 65.00 Fvprirne= 86.45 fv = 22-73 Fb = 625.OO Fbprime= 83t.25 fb = 738.47Fr'] 425.OO Fcprirne: 34o .03 fa 0 . 00lot""*"^! 1,/d nax= 32.50 K : 3o.88 J = 1.00 co1 .type = Long STRESS AND DEFLECTION SIJMUARY I Description fv/Fv fa/Fa + fblFb = cSR Yrnax L Ito" dianeter 0.35 o.oo 0.89 0.89 1-.60 180 Ata I t t I I t I t I t b7 I structural Research company I SIMPLE BEAM ANALYSTS - Design Name: Botton Log at grid 1:Date: June 8, 1990 II Bean Length : 12.00 Length Main Span : 12.00 X Left Support = 0.00 X Right Support = 12.00 I Length Left Cant : 0.00 Length Right Cant = 0.00 I BEAM LOADS II r,oeo tven How LEFT IEFT 1EFT RrcHT RrcHT RrcHT DEscRrPTroN 'No. Drsr MAG TRrB x MAG TRrB x A,a!l I t_ LL unif 2I4.oo O.83 0.00 2I4.oO o.83 1-2.00 avalanche load I ME}4BER LOADS I *"*"r r,ength LoADS:i end j end - Main 12.000 TYPe Dist mag x malt x LL unif t78.26 0.00 L78 -26 12.00I ANALYSIS RESULTSII RnacrroNst Load comb Left Right LL LO69.57 LO69.57 r Member 360/240 2AO/LaO I Conb Vmax xvnax Mmax xl{nax Ymax xYmax EI reqd Ef reqd -- ;;t;---I f,r-, -Lo6g.5Z t-2. oO 32oB.40 6. oo -48L26 6.00 2o7 .9o l-3s.60 I t I t I I t I I 1rc I I,IOOD BEAI,I/COLUMN DESIGN I Name: Bottom Log at grid t: Size: 10rr diarneterType: Lodgepole WalI Log 40 EOMETRYKlx : L2.OO Kly = 1.oo dia. : 1o ECTION PROPERTIES A 78 .54 S -- 1l-6.01- I = 5I4.O4 verstress = l-.03 Duration Fact = L.33 L.L. Defl L/ LO T.L. Defl L/ 1-O og Parameters: Sect=bequiv Cut=Full Mult=no ORCES: Vmax = -LO69.57 P - O.O0 Mnax = 3208.40 freg = 6.42 TRESSESFv = 65.00 Fvprirne= A6.45 fv = 20.43 Fb = 625. OO Fbprime= 831,. 25 fb 33L - 88 Fcl 425.OO Fcprime= 550.80 fa 0-00 I/d nax- 16.25 K 30.88 J = 0.26 col.type = Intermed. I I $ J J I t t I I I I T I I ]tnu* STRESS AND DEFLECTION SI'UMARY Description fvlFv fa/ta + fblFb = CSR Ymax L l-O[ diarneter O. 3]- 0.00 0.40 0.40 0.18 B0l- A7s 1lIt Structural Research conpany SIMPLE BEAM ANALYSIS Design Nane: Colurnn at back wa11Date: June 8, L99O Beam Length = L2.00 Length Main Span = 12.O0 X Left Support = 0.0O X Right Support : L2.00 Length Left Cant = 0.00 Length Right Cant = 0.00 BEAM LOADS LOAD TYPE HOW LEFT LEFT LET'T RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT DESCRIPTION NO. DIST MAG TRIB X MAG TRIB X Azl I I I I I I I I I Ittt It t_ LL vary 21,4.OO 6.00 0.00 78.00 6.00 9.00 Avalanche load MEMBER LOADS Member Length LOADS:i end j end Main L2.000 TYPe Dist mag x mag x LL vary 1284 .00 0 - 0o 468 - 00 9.00 ANALYSIS RESULTS REACTIONS: Load Cornb Left Right LL 5386.54 2497.46 Meurber 360/240 24O/L8O Comb Vmax xvmax Umax xMnax Ymax xYmax EI reqd EI reqd Main LL 5386.s4 o.oo L2a]-2.s5 5.L4 -l-86593 5.76 805.08 537.39 tl It tl tl It 44{u Stnuctural Research Conpany STEEL COMBINED STRESS ANALYSIS I I I I I I I It IIt I I tt ll tt tl It Azz June 7, 1990 NAI'lE: COLUNN AT BACK I^JALL TRIAL SECTI0N, TS SXSXl/4 LOADS P = 5.30 l'lx = L2 .8@ Nv = O .AO 6EOMETRY Klx = l2.OO Kly = I?.OO FACTORS Cnx = L,@O Cny = l.@@ Cb = 1,@@ StrFac = L.@O SECTION PROPERTIES A = 4.59 Ix = 16.90 Sx = 6.78 nx = 1.92 i^Jt= 15.62 Iy = 16.90 5y = 6.78 .y = l.g2 ALLOI,JABLE STRESSES Fa = 18.93 Fbx = 30.36 Fby = 3@.36 Fy - 46.0@ ACTUAL STRESSES fa = 1.15 fbx = 22.65 fby = 0.O@ COMBINED STRESSES fa/Fa fbxlFbx fbylFby 0.OO @.O0 O.OO @.@O Eqn 1.8-la 0.0@ 0.@O O.0@ @.00 Eon I .6-lb .06 .?5 O.OO .81 Eqn 1.E-2 1? l_ I I I !,, !ii fit fei It Itt lf ll ll It I It AVM*t-/a#6oryu,/ Lrya4.pL -Fa*.ra*- PpJsJleL fu r/**L->, ,Pa123 F,@r7 ra/al/*a e F,@Nf & 1*/lo FdmF- P74re1F*-3v"1,' fr,ae //z^:,/4.. ....-,+f4bF2{Av L1 : lz4 I I| ' t tt J /5f 2/ # V=2fut2tu2 : glao-#, *ka4 Oa26a3 : /06 IJA,/J- € e<A- A: \Gor*_ = l4oo* frr,"- o'ya,o-/ + / 52a # tntn luJ/ a'bao< ' fu=/a?f, @ --q,+40/o+"/ /,/^/t-. LeMA7e/e6 v /ttt- v/17/l(4/U N^/Lte O"-'' +T4GAEP-ED tl NAYza-/7D Le '>eFeu/* €_u,LLE'CI AUf I )r-- #-b1"6 A,JA,/-A,^/CI,E fuauG Gxrn Vr*-- /z/b &-&+dr-fGp4r*1Ut_ It I 1,, r;i re rrit IT il il ll ll It I ll I I fb.a ez- l- /1ao f leeo + //, /24 = /5 z1z /"1 (_E/O A . .n. /e* ?.1'4 4,6, La(- )tl*rt- Te &rc,. @ftbfu T/fle*<- YJALL 4reA'L '- %'? reaol /,K r/p€ @4e(e,o, u0t'-13-uu fRl u8:29 All Michxcl tvl. 146cloin ( irrry Ci. D;rvtnPorl [(rrl>rrt M. Scvcrsotl Ronl I. Sttorv lr,ftclurcl J, I )uttlnrcrmuth lirir,' A lit'ltzr:r Joltn A Mulr:tY Iiristi 1..'lirslrrt l,irl lhnrritlt CrrnlitT 'l'irrrelhy l(. Iilncr l{c0l0l}'l DAVINP0RTa FA)( N0. 303fl 1600 P, 01/01 llrrdson'r D;tY Ccntrc Srrilc 1600 1600 Slout Slrcct Dcnvcr. Coloro(lo tt02'02-l | 0l TslcPhonc: (301) t63-9E00 Fsciirnilo: (301) 571'1600 McGl.ott'1, Dlvgxtoxr, SltvnRsoN Anu Ssow Pro lcssionrt ClorFor'ation Attoursys At Law < 0clolrcl 13, 2000 Rc: Estnte oIW' Scott MolntYrc l'ot-iJ-Llon't Ridgc Sutrdivision Filirrg No' 4 t461 Aspcn 6rovel'anc' Vail' Colorado I)oar Mr. Wilson: ,llrcprrtposco|Uris|cttcristorcqrtcstyortrco:r|trmeliono[acoilvcrsllionrr:garding rtrc rcfcrcnccrl llropcrty. Orr OctoUer f Z, ZOOb, *. Ol.t,g..uO the possibility -ot subdividing llrr: re lersncc(l prr)porry ,niiJ "o"rirr* of appioximai"ly t,: u.r..*' You.vcrifictl thut the T "bu;rl'6(i pro'cily is zo*ctt ,itgr.-i-"t.y ''csitlcntiai'an<t tlrrrt ih" ,b*t'. o.r#!=,,r:strtctions u ^(aA sulxlivisi.n iuc tl.lat .0.r, rot ','r,,rJt U,i. rtr,tir** "f I 2,500 sqmrc I'cetLffriln*rst havc at lunst 30 fccl of slr-,:ct llorrta8e- Bas<xl npou 1he forcgoing' it ag:ears thtr silrjcct propcrty rnay bc suhrlivirlxt inr' as mnny "-1i;"-il;,-;.1, ,Jittitrt iunt'to t'" buillable as r sirtglc-frrnily lusidcncc with 3'500 g'ot;t"tidontiol lbotage tl"tinctl per Torvl rcgulations' Mr. Illcnl Wilsott Viril ConrnrtlnitY Plnnrrirtg 'fowr of Vril 75 Sorrttr lrrortlngc llo:td Vail, (lolorado 81657 'Ilrnnk You for the ol' tlris iufolnntion. l{JS/sk 'l'lrc lbrugoitrg z.onirrg inl'ormatiou lots ir hercbY oonfinncd' IAXEU iN!IM l.t.IiD (()70) 47e-2452 forcgoing infortration ancl hr your signaturc bolow confimring all VerY trtrlY Yours' Mc(iLOlN, DAVENTORT, SEVL:I{'SON AND SNOW 4* anrlsubdivisionin|onnationirrtlicntirrgpotcrrtiallbr|ivc * evc lualct (oa'1e^/ acc t ia (r c2rt oF ftoolt Jlalc rel k^t ^ r,l 4rrala<ohc vtaQl {l,"lpla"n (acr '77lie..ot<)' Bl4ad L'|/-/-E= ,?/'. olign Review Action Folt TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Proiect Name: o*" l''\tlrr'irr \2 ,{ii; Building Name: Prolect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVOontact. Address and Phone: &lt,t' ll -t Legal Description: Lot \ \ Block /-z Subdivision Zone District Project street Ador".., \ 4 {.r ?-- A, : /t ili ,.i /. 'z \l(li Jll /;\ r'.t., t .ar Motion by: -aoard{ Staf-fctieo I Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval f Statf Apnroval Conditions: l.-r, i'. ,^,, t.,, i,,.ln-fr,{-tt.Ln DRB Fee Pre-paid SingLe o Famil ZONE CIIECK ' roRy Residence, Duplex, Pri ZONE DISTRICTS o mary ,/Secondary DATE: LEGAL DESC N: Loh. ll nro"r. .L suvaivisionPTIO ADDRESS: I 4 OWNER PIIONE ARclrrrBcr Jr,hn \eckltS pnoNE nMprqM/W r /' rl>nvv.*o*-'J' JIt 34 q.{c1,q}e? BUILD]\BLE LOT NREA Existinq ProPosad ToLal +._.. ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Ireight ToLal GRFA Primary GRFA SeLbacks FronL Sides Rear SiLe Coverage Landscaping Retaining waII IIeighEs Parking Caragc CrcdiL Drive: ?i l4aT---,-.:-rw s6af Allowed (30) (33) fi,14q4...-'-- ,( )n' 15',1s' oL=' t1,w,b &q<2fi*z@f-%-- t/pru-- *o,:arP ffi@@tu%("')tg' 3,/6' ?nsq16 Complies wiLh T.o.v. LiqhLing Ordinancc Yes Wal-cr Course ScLbac)c (30) (s0) NO NODo Finish Gradcs trxcced 2:1 (50%) Environmcn t aI /llazards : vEs 1) Flood Plain 2) PerccnL SloPc (< > 30%) 3 ) Ceologic llazarcls a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockf all- (t[s-r-. +t.. c) Debris Flow 4) Wotlands Yes No.View Corridor Encroachncnl: Does Lhis reqriesL j-nvoivc a 230 ir<ldii.itllr? llow much of Lhe allowed 250 AclcliLion is used with chis Previous condiE,ions of approval (check propcrty file): rcques E? .+4-- --r- vt3 (3oo)((e9 (soo) Pcrmia.otst'top" - lln r.'l (1200)_ % Proposcd SloPe 't' 10 II]I,dT.I UF VRIL CON-DEV irvfnrl r/l?/tl DESIOIT D t5ttt47e-2452 tlFR 1t 'ta 11:17 N0.002 P.01 I. A. REVIETT BOARD APPLICAtrION . TOI|N OF vAfIJ, DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: to an existin SinqleDESCRIPTI0N:, Ext,erLor Alrerat,iogramlry resldence. stone apDlicat ona acaoe,cedar fascia, new alecks and Ian qateh *tttt****t ***rrfi**t FR9TIECT INFOR{ATroN; B. TYIrE OF REVIEW! _Nev, ConFUrucLion . ..Addirion (050.00) (t200.00) Mlnor Rlteragion ($20.00) _Conceptuat Review ($0) Grove LaneADDRESS, 1462 Aspenc. D, E. F. H. T iI. IJEGAI, DESCRTPTIONi IroE 11 Block 2Subdivision -Eirinq #4 .r,Lonsridqe subdivisioi If property is descrlbed by a meeLs and boundg legaldcscription, pLease provide on a separate sheeE and atbach Eo this appl.lcablon. ZONING I NA!{E OP APPIJICA}IT: w. scott Mcrnl-vre t'tailing Address:,..1462 Aspen Grove LaneVail, CO - ,Phone 619-.587-9099- N'IME OF APPIJIC'\}'IT ' S REPNESENTATIVE: INC. MalLing Address; , 923- E. Hopki,ng._ Aspen., co. B 16"11. ., . NA|'{E OF OWNER(S): ( Representa t ive ) Phone 225-7806 .,- re Mailing Addrees:ns Aspen, Colorado Phona 925-7806 APPIJICATIONfl WII/Ir DE EROCESSED WTTHOU! Or[|{ER'S SIOilA?U8E Condominiun Approval lf appficable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, ag shovrn abovef arq to be paid aL the Eimc of subnittal of the DRB applieation. Later, whenapplying for a buildlng permit, please identify L,he ascuratevaluation of Ehe proposal-. The Town of Vail wil,l adjus! bhefee according t.o the table belew, Eo ensure uhe correct feele palc' tt McInt EEE SCHEDUL,E r VAI.,UATION$ '0 - 0 10,000 a { - ^ ^.+ J,U, UU.r . V CU, UUU fi 50, 001. . $ 150, 000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 9500,001 - gl., 000, 000$ Over $f.000,000 DE$IGN REVIBT{ EOARD APPROVAIT EXPIRES AFPROVAIJ IrNL,Ess A BUfl'rDING PERr{Itr xs XS SEARTBD. FEE $ 20.00 $ 50,00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500 .00 ONE YE.Atr' AFTEB TINAI, ISSUED AI.ID CONSTRUCTXON *.+rl Ti.;2 -F4{ sUEDM.ti/.uN LlonBri dgi FRffI i d.J. wNr.f.{ 'nr{4 &Jlpe,.r STRSET FfsE r'0. ; IJtsE o? MA,IEI T rr.q PAJ t-tYud' Nc Si r,I:r.iAL DESERIFTIONT IOT-LI- NI,OET 7 J\.DDRE56: E| 41.'! |1p911 GrgVC Lanc A. Thc tollowing lnfo"rn^ t ion i* Rgview Buaril bctorc a tinat EOILDIHG IITTBE.I}ILS E t{oof uidinq OUhsr WaIl l.ra t Frilrs ?aoela 6()ff i Ls wind+wu Wi ndovr Tuiru Dooas ,. Drrcr Trin Ha'Id ur Dccl( lta iIE FlrrF"q r.'l6shing$ C h irRrr$y E TrrFh Encloautco Gtecnbouc cE Rctoln'ln! wal,Ig ExLcrivr Lighr i ng O Llre r r oqulrcd lor nr,rhmi L lgl apprgval con he Eivetr: ![fFE QF llAtER&f,rJ _ Cedar Shlnrtle Lu glrc ucElgn COLOR N.i tu rn I ioi{,{tilt nl:e$ Ctdy/,! AtlrF -fibooe ._ g tny.-ggati tc Cedsr ts.rtural lra tu!6I Clad .. 0ral.._ hlood _ C I J !t./h no rJ ... Grav cray,/N a hrr r* 1 -CI ird-lUoad , era9,/Nat-u r'^ 1 NcturalWr.rud Hctal !Iack (:nnnf,f Eton€Crry drer i t'i Na Lura I Nonn None dbood l{eta I IJ | 0ck negi,Jngl: Phoac ! L [,ANl )licAPrNC I Notl|e .lt lit|a tra$drucpe Pl.rn FR0r'1 :PHONE NO. : COLOMBO INTERNATIONAL, INC. 623 E. HOPKINS ASPEN, COLORADO 816I1 P@l 970 92s-7806 e70 92s-397?. FAx FAX TRANSMISSION DATE: 3/13/96 TO: Town of Vail Community Developmenr ATTENTION: Lauren Waterton FROM: Jlm Cotombo NOTE: List of Materials NO. OF SHEETS-z.- COMMENTS: Dear Lauren, It was a pleasure to rneet with you the other day. Attached Plerse find the List of Materialc for thc Mc Intyre Residence in the Lionsridge Subdivision, Ptease let me know if I can provide you with any additional information. Please eonfirm with me when staff approval is complctc so that I may submit for building perrrrit, Thank you for your help and I look fonvard to talking with you soorl. SIGNATUR t lmttilshtyn ll2l tl, Irutrru loril - # 242 t||it t0n lrorotrnol IrI,t0tl$l Town of Vall Deslgn Review Commlttee Dear Sirg, This letter f e to authorize Mr. Jamec P. Colombo, Prcsident of Colombo Intematlonal, Inc., to ropresent me in mstterr concernlug the remodel of my houre In Yelt (located at l462nAspen Grov4 Lane). If you need rny further asrirtance or clarlltcation from me regardlng thlo rnatter, please feel freg to call me at my California numbor.619-587-9088 - or to call me at my now Denver numberwhich I am in ihe process of procuriug but ar ofyet have not. At such time ac I do proeure that number it witl be available through directory asslstarce ln Denver, nrea code 303, Thank you for your attention to this rnd other sssociated metters. Slncerely' fu Jcd,t fu,g(. W. Scott Mclntyrc "\IV ?S : {] I I()t/ (:(]n4fu|, DEY. DEPI Jim Columbo Columbo lntl, 623 East Hopkins Aspen, Co.81611 March 4, 1996 The Lionsridge Fil. #4 Homeowners Assn. board of directors met on A27|SO to review the plans for the addition to the Scott Mclntyre residence. We have no objections to your proceeding with the plans that you've submitted to us for review We wish you the beg of luc* and regret lhe delays that you may have been caused, This approval is ol @urse conlingent upon your acquiring all of the necessary permits, insurance, and abiding bythe covenants of Lionsridge Filing #4 Homeowners Assn, Best Flegards,i#= 'lirm Fitdr - Mgr. Lionsridge Ftl. #4 Homeowners Assn. PO 4191 Vail, Go, 81658 974-476-7?,02 N{E]\IORANDUN{ TO: FROIT4: DATE: SUBJECT: Tom Moorbead Andy Knudtsen January 2.1996 Employee Housing in Lionsridge 4th Filing The Ouestion Tom Braun. representing Carol Orrison, would like to know if the caretakers units constructed in the Lionsridge 4th Filing should be deed restricted as Type I, II, III, IV' or V Employee Housing Units. Background Carol Orrison is rhe owner of Lot I 0. Block 4. Lionsridge Filing No. 4. There is currently a single family home and a tu'o-car garage on the propert-v. The properfy has less than 100 sq. ft. of GRFA available for future development. He u'ould like to build a two-car gzrrage and a caretaker on the property. Lionsridge 4th Filing is zoned Single Family. However, Ordinance l5 of Series 1989 allo',r,s a caretaker to be constructed on each lot. As a result. each lot has the potential to support a Primary/Secondary type of strucrure. Per Ordinance l5 of Series 1989. the carctaker cannot exceed one third of the total GRFA allowed on the lot. The Ordinance specifies that the employee unit "shall be permitted on each lot." The definition of the employee unit is provided in Section I 8. I 3. rvhich is the Primary/Secondary section of the code. That citation has since been removed and transferred to the Type I portion of the Employee Housing Ordinance. The Emplo)'ee Housing Ordinance Thr Employee Houiing Ordinance provides for five different types of employee housing. Thcre are different attributes of each type that match the Lionsridge 4th Filing standards, but there is not a clean match between any of the types and the situation in the 4th Filing. Staffbelieves that it is a closer match to the Type I. as there are six attributes of the Ernployee Housing Ordinance which match the situation under a Type I scenario. The Type II has only one attribute that matches this situation: however staffunderstands that the one is significant. Staffbelieves that all of the attributes are important and would like your interpretation as to which restriction, a Type I or Type II is appropriate. I. II. II I. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDI.]M Tom Braun Andy Knudtsen January8. 1996 Employee Housing in Lionsridge 4th Filing On January 4,1996, Tom Moorhead and I reviewed the attached memo and analyzed the Employee Housing Chart, located in the zoning code at the end of the Employee Housing Chapter. He concluded that the caretaker dwelling rmits in Lionsridge Fourth Filing should be deed restricted as Type I EHU's. Please call me or Tom if vou would like to discuss this further or would like additionat documentation. 2 .' .'trr.ill*r *tlF$' t.r t{!t 4rr_q{i'!; i r I rv vr|alLudl \:lay rAvailable as custom-mixed in RECENCY Acrylic tatex ! ftre.oto6 ittutttated here may vary subslantially dep. t{, ri \',l,;i j.t|I{rilt^r;,. .tii:!,, .|l olign Review Action Ftr TOWN OF VAIL Category ttumoer 9 oate -l /tr.f rs Project Name: Building Name: Project Deecrlption: Owner, Address and Phone: * zgz Lnq- o3/ / Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: LegalDescription:Lot / l Block Z Subdivision L.'^ " -' ., ^..t-1- / l ZoneDistrict'P/t- Project Street Address: Comments: "o.,odililo-mh'Motion by: Seconded by: fl Approval ! Disapproval fl stattRonrovat Conditions: nL,= *,1' ?' * ' '/ Town Planner oae: -7/ tl lq<DRB Fee ere-oaia 7.0 . e .r,?a-/ r.vlr.ll I llllga DESIGN o REVIEW BOARD APPIIICATTON . TOITIN r DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: **tt******* Y********** I. A. PROiIECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION:=L!4 (: ]-/-('1 / I El TYPE OF REVIEW: New construction (9200.00) x Minor Arteration ($20.00)Addition ($50.00) concepEuaL Review ($O) ADDRESS: /,/ 6' Z f :'.f en /r,.,,-, e' L.ttr. e. LEGAL DESCRIPTION:tot //BLock 7 c. D. I. iI. If propert,y is described bydescription, pleiase provideLo this applicat.ion. Subdivision ZONTNG: NAME OF Mai I ing APPLICANT:Address: : a meets and boundson a separate sheeE legal and aLLach F F. w ,fL Tutn ,) # -.] '>- .1 7c',) q7./ - Ct\>l tc: H.NAME oF owNER (Sl : L/-/ ( ,..., /1 /,-.1 c f ," / ur. * O'{MR (Sr SrcrverURE.. 7. J,."2t . -'"<,'l',_,,-Z',trt.u.- NAME OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATIVE , M ,/+Mailing Address: Phone Mailing Address: I 11,'-,.'t / q,,,, ( /,..( b ?q Z. Phone t'z ,,', ,,., - ,r'.j> j APPLrcATroNs wrrJL Nor BE PRocEss.gD wrrilottr orflIax,s srcrvAftRE Condominium Approval if applicable- DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are t,o be paid at thetirne of submiLral. of . t.he DRB apprilation. -r,i[ei, wnenappryi.ng for a buirding permit,-plbase identify the accuraE,evaruation of the proposar. The iown of vail wilt adjusr uhefee according to the Eable below, to ensure Lhe correct feeis paid- ,*^ d"ffi7 cHEcK #,tZK oenn, ///o FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION t\ ir i n ,.|n r\v I J"V, |.,VV$ 10,001 - $ 50,000$ s0,001 - $ 1s0,000 $1s0,001 - $ s00,000 $500, 001 - $1.000, 000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAIJ I'NI'ESS A BUIIJDING PERI'TIT ISIS STARTED. FEE - iD ZU.UU $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONB YEAR AFTER F'INAI, ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTION I,IST OF MATERIAIJS NAME OF PROJECT:IYLf ,., / vt'c f c Ptt t'/J / ,tt,: I,EGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTJI BLOCK 2 SUBDIVISION L)2,,,'7,}q. STREET ADDRESS: The following informaLion is Review Board before a final A. BUUJDING MATERIAIS: reguired approval TYPE OF for submiLLal can be given: MATERIAIJ Roof Sidinq Ot.her WaIl MaEerials Pascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim tland or Deck Rails Flues Plashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining walls Exterior [,ight.ing OL,her f .,rtrl^ rrl f - f c.,ic r -cl,c/A c , B. LANDSCAPING: Name of /-: V, ./. /.' t/ nt -.$ l'ucL'.ct q, orf (/-z/t tt& , (f e,ir I S ta;ze ),, V.(,<,toc,<{ K t+,/.iV1 i;uao C.l t ,t-'cra >( Wt? )v// ( 6 f.-l:""/ ) // /t t^/11 @ /rft g 1:4 / flot + Designer: Phone: i c,./c r, + .c-, hc,rt /S - t.o the Design COLOR L t-or:4/ IJ ( r., l(rr Z / C r" ., tA .'- r.>S g )7'n"ee* ! 75 south fronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (3m) 47$.2138 (303) 479-2139 otfice ol community development January 23, L990 Snowden Snith P.O. Box 877 Va j.I, Colorado 8L658 RE: Lot 11, Block 2, Lionsridge Filing 4 Dear Snowden: Thank you for your recent letter concerni-ng the above nanedproperty. At thj-s tirne, the Town of Vail has not rbceived a formaL application for the resubdivision or deve)-opment of the site. Should the Town receive a formal application for a resubd.ivision, zone change, variance, etc. I the request wilI be published in the VaiI Trai1, as required by the Town Zoning Code, prior to any formal hearing. Your letter wiLl- be retained in our permanent files. ff you have additional questions, pJ-ease feel free to call at (303) 479-2138. Again, thank you for your input. Sincerely, Ue hzz:- Mike Mollica Town Planner 1 oo 75 south fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3Gt) 47$2138 (3(B) 4792139 office ol community development January 23 | L99o Bruce KingP.o. Box 1435Vai1, Colorado 8l-658 RE: Lot 11, Block 2, Lionsridge Filing 4 Dear Bruce: Thank you for your recent letter concernj-ng the above named properly. At this time, the Town of Vail has not received a formal -pplication for the resubdivision or developrnent of the site. should the Town receive a formal application for a resubdivisj-on, zone change, varj-ance, etc. ' the request wil-l be published in the Vail_ Trail, as required by the Town Zoning Code, prior to any formal hearing. Your letter wi-1l be retained in our permanent files. If you have additional questions, please feel free to call at (303) 479-2L38. Again, thank you for your inPut. Sincerely, /4A n,u,:- Mike Mollica Town Planner ffif0JAN 22 iv90 January 19, 1990 Mr. Lary Eskwith ?5 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Re-subdividing Lot ll Block 2, Filing 4, Lionsidge Subdivision by Ownen of Record., William T. Selby and Robert E. Selby. Dear Larry: As the owner of Lot 1, Block 2, Filing 4, Lionridge, I wish to go of re cord in expressing my disapproval of any efforts to re-subdivide Lot ll. As a member of the Lionsridge No.4 Homeowners Association and taking note of the purpose for the declarations of protective covenants, I feel it would set a bad precedent to grant a re-subdivision of any lot in the subdivision. By allowing the owner of Lot 1l to make such a change, you would allow one owner to negatively impact all the surrounding property owner, including those of the Ridge at VaiI and the Cliffside subdivisions to the South and West. I would apreciate being kept informed of any attempts to re-subdivide or change densities in any way through the Town of VaiI. I can be reached at work, at phone 303-949-6400, or at home phone 303-47 6-3625, or by mail, POB 1435, Vail, Colorado 81657. Sincerely, Owner -{3--*- /)? Bruce King / Lionsridge Home and Vail Resident BK:km ,-ll I I u,|,' 3a g$ rifr l" ll' ,Ol ^z [: ; ilu rr€ \\tl -t'tIt @ \ \\ \ r,t):. \\. ')i\ t\ "N\ tt\ \,. \ \... (r UJ>lEe. ,_'dE =kr><.t)_l\ N g (92Jtr =Jd) J ztrl 6 tf\'l ':s '- i:i\ lit "\..'itrt (\'1."' V i''{- \,- i. !, 'gt9;d q{s F"*bB Hf;:EEb €BiJ<a li, ;! !{a He 2Zft! 066t EZNVf.rlu rAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX179 CoURTHOUSE, EAGLE CO. - pH. (303)328-6339 oor. December 10, Jeffrey B. Selby BUILDING AD ORES S P.U. PERMIT ''r#-r*,'\fuH'l tt --ouJiL APPLICANT PER M IT TO {NO,)(srREEr) NUMBER OF DV\,ELL ING UNITS (CONTR'S LI CE NSE ) 1Const. A S.F.H.(-) sroRY N0.(TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT)( PROPOSED USE) AT (LoCATIoN) (CROSS sTREET)(cRos5 sf REET) ll.o o oz It! l! s uBo tv ts toN BUILDING IS Li onsri dqe TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY 11 ? tor LOT A BLOCK ______:- S I ZE 67213.08 FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION BASEMENT WALLS OR F OUNOAT IOIt (TYPE) TO TYPE USE GROUP R E MAR KS: AREA OR VOL UME Plan Check - 372.75 EsrrMArEo cosr $ 225.000.00 FEE"'t $ 745.50 (CUBIC/SAUARE FEET} o**.. Jeff and Maro Selby oo o"ra BUI BY (Affidqvit on revere side of opplicotion to be compleled by ouihorized ogenl of owner) I hereby certify thot the proposed work is outhorized by the owner of record ond I hove been outhorized by the owner to moke this opplicotion os his ' outhorized ogenl. ' SIGNATURE OF AGENT ADDRESS (NUMBER) (STREET) (CITY) APPROVED BY TITLE DATE t9 Ne ' -oigt Iof3CONSilJCTION PERMIT APIICATION Jurirdiction of EAGLE COUNTY f USE THIS FORM WHEN APPLYING FOR ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING PERMITS: crRcLErHosErHArApply-[A] Building IB] Plumbing IC] Electrical ID] Mechanical tEl RoadCut/RightofWay IF] Individual SewageDisposal System IGJ Grading tH] Appticant a complete numbered spaces only. Sign SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION.: exceptions are listed in ructions refer to Eagle County publication "Graphic & Submittal Requirements for Site Plans". QL.".Vt *ttz7 PLANS CHEC(ED 8V -ff,^'"i)u-6 Write Copv-INSPECTOR Elue Copv-APPLICANT Green Coov- ENVIRON M€NTAL HEAcopv L >4.- JOO AOORESS r bE33i LOT NO BLK z--I tc *'> /( t DGt' f r Lt /uo lv6 i CsEE arrAcH€o sHEET I OI/VN€R MAIL AOOF€SS ZIP PHON€ " l -,/,-.1 - , r, <' .\,t..". <- .-).\ ' (- t'^. Jyrr ur-'t (> . 'f,tfsl + /vlr\lid -,>i ttt'1 f'b). t)r'l t\'?) u At( , C! ; lltf -!17CONTFACTORPHONELICENSE NO 3 4 AfICHITE€T OFI OESIGN€R ,i"t*/1lLD h,-77 dt tl 6 reor r75j LlArt (a PHONE ./76 3</d 2 L(' 7?{ ,\Iffi';-/''t*1"*;i,it?A/"?'qT:Hi,I0r,*:ot,"1',ilt:;*"7!t"'77{. iTq'ii u:"*: LENoER MATLADoRESS 6 f4 1)iit'F -,l\ti,t"CS l(Art' 1l'-c-,61'/4r/(t/,) /l<( (A1 ,f AFrl,,/frr' 7 USE OF BUILOING 'rt rr' (,' I F FAn il-v .?--,n Ft.(F, I Ctasof work: (lew tr ADDITToN D ALTEEATION tr REPAIR E MOVE D REMOVE 9 Describernrk: Tt.ta 'ifltz,1 trir+ue [f,.,-/Dta/,](E e /ft fArrta, (.Av*t€*'t hri''T;c C Att (,At?AC,ra- l0 Change of use from Change of use to ll Valuation of work: $ L ? {.@O uo 14 Total f loor area of structuru: 4 5tt, 12 Acreaseorq.footageof lot: Lr7 Z- tt 0? .tE. /1 15 Height ol structure above f inish grade: Z Y -y'r,:{ l3 Sq. footage of lot coverage: LQ: OC, t tG Speciaf conditions and Additional Information: ,/Z-_,, -*- -/--- -A ?2, 7 < zu- E t-r 7zd 5a ///9,24 I HEREAY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT,ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WONK WILL AE COMPLIED I\'ITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT TYPE OF WOBK WILL AE COMPLIED I\'ITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLAT€ OR CANCEL THEpRovrsroNs oF aNy orHER srarE oR LocAL LAW REGULATTNd CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTIOI{; Canary Copv-ASSESSOR Pink Copy-ENGINEERI Nc Goldenrod Copy-EXTRA o SPE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL r DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLE TUES THUR FRIWED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB {r'*ot ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPHOVED haecrorus, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR DATE IN I SPE CTION REOUIST TOWN oF YAlRff JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLEB TUESQ-b)'WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER D INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: fl TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rr,r#-cfloN- nepwsrTOWN OF S,-.,t.., DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr tr tr tr o tr E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER IIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trtr FIML FINAL ,f,Aeenoveo ,,,./ CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 1;'DATE INSPECTOR ,"rt"toN neouisr oor, .?/Elf,e JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n_t--_------T---7- d rrNar- tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:iIEGHANIGAL: tr tr tr o TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL I tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ilDTSAPPROVED if erruseecrroN REeuTRED ,*#"roN REouFsrrowN oF yArqr/ INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr u t-'l UNDEFGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n-tT d rrrunr- tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER [IEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr o rl EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT rl SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL I tr APPROVED CORREGTIONS: DISAPPROVED ] REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOB ,AL. .P- -I-!# INSFECTION REPUFSTi TOWN OF VAIE. .i oo* t / I JoB NAME {El/ t!'/ ' "'r ' )ALLER l;e .=# READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED rrur l1')\;=./--'AM' PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND -- O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr n tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr tr FINAL tr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEEH- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr NAL ELECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr APPROVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 'l .zl DATE ",)2. J,i t_--.INSPECTOR ,*rt"toN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL . oor,- 6'- ? Y-&-roB NAME tr APPR CORFEGTIONS: CALLER READY FoR INSPECTIoN: MoN TUES wED THUR @ -------@ PM LocArloN: slvL4< /-|o J<l^' V+wul?'/ ED PECTION REOUIRED >-c r\l? BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR INSPECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED ln#crtoN REouEsr TOWN OF lAilS. r' AM PM i!' BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH/WATER tr tr El tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr B tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL 2\neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED }'- ; ,*rt"toN REouEsr TOWN OF yA[- . DATE : I ' ;" ' JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON TUES , WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOLi H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL ..1tr APPRoVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,*rt"rroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE . t^El l\t^ltE,t. JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER I MON -' TUES WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr o FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr' REINSPECTION REQU IRED DATE INSPECTOR I PE CTION TOWN OF REQUESTyAtL iINS DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES @ THUR JOB NAME MON CALLER FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING f, sneernocK NArL tr C POOL i H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH D o n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL (ppq6yEe tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR I SPE , : .:.:aT.'{ ',..4 t REQUESTyAlL r, CTION TOWN OF IN .. ii<_ \ L,,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES ,,, J'f- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING ,zaal*POOL / H. TUB7-/:t2 ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE z.--z 7 '-"&L--INSPECTOR I PEINS CTION REQUEST TOWN OF UAIL . DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON i TUES :WED THUR FRI ^Lj) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL {tgtt€Fffififf GAS PIPING ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REOUIRED '-- P>--TNSPECTOR / ___. o PEINS CTION REQUEST TOWN OF yAtL . DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI JOB NAME cE"4t '28 - CALLER TUES PM Lar- | |.-9 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND (nouc' / D.w.v. yznoucH / wATERFRAMING /,X T -:-- tr tr o D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr D ROUGH CONDUIT tr FJNAL +ft'nepnoveo ./ .'at! r, ,.<-/.,-<_-rzt 742- _--z -OCORRECTIONS': ,' O DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED ru -a-.DATE 1* t DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON rr,r#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF yAtL .. TUES WED THUR FRI CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O INSULATI O GAS PIPING o snerrnoCk ,,NAIL - D POOL/H.TUB tr tr FINAL o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 2- /D* rz INSPECT )-f lL' I ,*#"toN REouEsr TOWN OF yAtL .* - I L DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOI / H. TUB s =Jr**"r-?llr,,o.,l'rrr,' / t tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /12ts--ome /- t - "f z- ;NSpECTO-R t INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUESTyAtL .. DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: C' u!'/ JOB NAME !L,! ii, I. I CALLER MON TUES WED \THUR . FRI AI'/, PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ( rnnrvrrr.ro tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL tr U tr POOL / H. TUB D tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: . ELD+SAPPROVED -€ REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF yAtL i.t/ DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ALLER TUES BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr o tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FTNAI/tr FINAL (-VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED/ coRRecttotus' D^rE ,/Z - /e- (f tNsPEcroR a ,"#"toN REQUEST fAlL .* { il oor= I i-JOB NAME \--@ dlrri^ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI D" 2 BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NlylL t\ Y ,t i Q.i ,,, ,1t,..,1 .fu! tr POOL / H. TUB nl- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr F'(AL tr FINAL d eppRoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor= // '/f { rNsPEcro ,"rl!"toN,.,1 TOWN OF REQUESTyAtL 0. DATE JOB NAME i TAILA READY FOB IN LOCATION: f"ues. BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE / ., J-;'INSPECTOR CTION TOWN OF IN t SPE REQUESTyAlL f" DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON AL TUES BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING:\z n, --l fluNDERGRouNo U&a / o4rt z\ trIROUGH / D,W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION E GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT DATE ] READY FOR *,*LOCATTON: {'cnr-r-en INSPECTION: .- JOB NAME @"TUES WED THUR FRI AM\ PM rlr#cnoN REeuEsr I IBUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER h rouruonloN / srEEL.\ ttr FBAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D- tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR oKo,tr FINAL /)Z}APPBOVED tr DISAPPBOVEO T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED oarc )-2 z--q? rruspecro/ JEFFREY B. SELBY P. O. IOX t aet vArL. coLoRADO tr657 August 4' 1981 I'tr. Ste\re Patterson llcvrn of Val.l 75 South Frontage Road val.l, Oolorado 81557 Dear Steve: Qr behalf of the Otner of lot 11' Block 2. Lionrs nidlge Filing No. 2, itef frey B. Selby, I would llke to veri fy an agreenEnt concerning eecurl.ty of the construction site. iteff has mAde arrangements and has an agreerFnt wLth chuck whitehouse to provide securJ.ty at the butldllng sLte. Ur. I{tritehouse is at present andl will be, ttrrough the reroainder of conatruction, living ln his traLler (License *YI'{ 1867) per his aglee- Ent with ileff . Chuck lghitehouse has asked us to senil you this notice of the agreer€nt tretrreen hinself and Jeff. If there is a problen vtith this letter senring as n6tLce of the security agreerEnt bet\iveen these teo partles and of Mr. Selbyr s consent to let chuck wtritehouse llve on ttre property in his trailer, please notJ.fy re inredLatel.y so that we can work it out. SJ.ncereIy, SEI,BY & ASSOCIA1ES .. ^\lll t*4 ffu'4v ,_ VIB:Ih cc! lilr. iteffrey B. Selby ur. Chuck whitehouse ![rllys BaJ.rdl TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL . DATE READY FoTC LocATroN( I FRI o"@ d} E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER - tr GAS PIPING tr POOLi H. TUB tr FINAL - tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS -tr coNoutT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED ION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: t INSPECTOR [)a'tt'tI INSPECTION REQUEST DATE REAOY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON THUR FRI AM {6, Jo ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED tr ROUGH tr D PROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAIVING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETBOCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr FINAL COBRECTIONS: tNtqDtr^Tn a - July 1, I9g2 ivir. Steve Patterson Town of VailBuilding Department 75 South Frontage Rd., West VaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Steve: I am the owner and will be the permanent occupant of the "Selby Residence" currently under construction on Lot 11, Block 2, Lion's Rid.ge Filing lo. 4. l{y architect, Ron Todd' has informed me of the Town of Vail Building Departmentrs concern regarding the intended use of the "Study" Room IJo. 210 on the architectural drawings. I fully intend to occupy the structure as my permanent place of residence, and therefore will exercise total control over the use of the room in question. My intended use for the room is as a study' and I fully understand that the room may not be used as a bedroom or sleeping room in its current configuration, due to lack of sufficient egress. I also understand that my use of Room 2I0 as a bedroom or sleeping room of any type, without the addition of an operable window conforming to the requi-rements of Sec. L204 of the Uniform Building Code, 1979 xdition, will constitute a violation of the ordinances of the Town of Vail, for which I will be held accountable. Please call me aE 476-0522 if you have any questions or desire any additional information regarding this matter' B. Selby JBS : ns Vail National Bank Building. Suite 307. 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 476-0522 - Vail . {303) 595-9385 - Denver Line June 30, L982 Town of VailBuilding Department 75 South Frontage Rd., !'lestVai1, Colorado 81657 Attn: Steve Patterson Dear Steve: I am vrriting this letter to document the remeclial action which Horst l(rebs of Alpenhaus Builders and I plan to undertake at the Selby Resi-dence in response to Gary llurrainrs inspection report dated June 25 | l-982. la. To provide proper eglress to Bedroom 201, we viill retro-fit one of the existinq casement M.l wj-ndows with special edge-hinge egress hard-ware as Gary suggested. This work will be completed as soon as we are able to obtain deliverv of the necessary materials f rorn Pella. I respectfully wish to express an opinion vrhich differs from Garyr s determinations regarding the Study, Rooln }lo. 210 on the plans. It was Garyrs conclusion that since the room had a sma1l closet, it should be treated as a bedroorn; therefore, the triple fixed-over-awning window assembly, rvhlch has been in place since autumn of last year, will not satisfy egress. The untimeliness of Lhis .'l a -i . .: r-r,r .i n:+i r,n l several iarontits after the windowe+vrf , \ Linstallation and subsequent to application of all finish roaterials and trim, including window covering), will unfairly burden I1r. Selby with an overly costly window modification which could have been mitigated by more timely notification by the Building Department. However, rve vrill still contend that the room is a study, and not a bedroom, and wish to point out that the xa91e County Building Department, which revievred the construct.ion documents and issued the building permit under which construction Town of Vail June 30, 1982 Page 2 3. ok', -(/t has been accomplished, concurred with our definition of that room, despite the inclusion of two closets initially indicated on the plans. r woilltl also like to poj-nt out that the electrical convenience outlet in the middle of the room vtas designed to occur beneath a free-standing desk, and is not a typical location for a electrical outlet for a bedroom use. If the Town of Vail Building Department sti1l feels that Room 2f0 should be treated as a bedroom for egress determination, I wish to have the opportunity to present my arguments to the Town of Vail Board of Building Appeals at the earliest convenient date. Handrails will be installed along one side of the basement stairrvay, and the two partial stairways at the living room and entry. Horst has contacted the installers of the smoke detectors, and they have given assurance that the detectors are currently operable. Uorst will arrange an on-site meeting with Gary and the installers to verify that the detectors are in fact operable, or to determine what needs to be done to make them so. Best regards, Q,u-l C LL Ronald A. Todd, Architect Post Office Box 1753 Vail National Bank Building Vail, Colorado 81658 *a' Please call me at 476-3510 to discuss these issues in further detail. I request the granting of a temporary occupancy permit, pending the completion of these items. 7+q 7 c +l .r-. ^ oor, 6* z .t--(t-JoB NAME CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR At-ptN l)tlo J s t'- BEADY FOR LOCATION: ---@) PM =L BUILDING: o FoorNGs /breer- PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D o o tr D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL n Xr'"o. o D FINAL MECHANICAL: f] HEATING N EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR D FINAL /1 tr APPROVED I DISAPPROVEDr,.i- "' .- , ./'1 /2SetruspecrroN REQUT RED oor, 6- 7/- &-INSPECTOR rHE SELBY RESIDENCE Lot 11, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Filing No' 4 Eagle County, Colorado OWNERS: Jeffrey B. and P.O. Box 152 B VaiI , Colorado (303) 476-os22 ARCHITECT; Maro Selby 81657 Ronald A. Todd P.O. Box 175 3 Vail National Bank Building #307 Vai1, Colorado B 1657 (303) 476-3s10 STRUCTURdL ENGINEERS : I Johnson - Voiland - Archuleta, Inc.{' Consulting Engineers' 2305 Canyon Boulevard - Boulder, Colorado 80302 . (303) 444-19s1 MECHANI CAL Nd ELECTRICAL ENGTNEERS: AbeYta Engineering Consultants 4O2 24th Street P.o. Box 17 35 Glenwood. SPrings, Colorado 8160I (303) 94s-2555 SOILS ENGINEERS: Chen and Associates Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Suj-te C-7 Village PIaza Glenwood SPrings. Colorado 81601 (303) 945-7458 Noved)er 25 ' l9B0 t s\*: --/ Datd Permit t_: rJ I fSW.qe_ EmL; fr;, TTIE SELBY RESIDENCE Lot II, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Eagle Cor:nty , Col-orado SPECIFI CATIONS : Filing No. 4 November 26, 19 80 DIVISION ONE _ GENERAI, A.I.A Docr,ment A-20I, "General Condi tions of the contract for con- struction'', thirteenth edition, August 1976, shall be included as a part of Division One of these Specifications' 01300 submittals and substitutions - shop drawings required only where specifically requested; substitutions to be approved in advance by the Architectt verify availability of specified materials before proposing a final price. O14OO Inspections and tests required by codes, etc., shall be paid for by the contractor. Testing Laboratory Services - Ourner may require testing to be performed to de te rmine that materials meet specified requi.rements ' Initial testing paid by owneri re-testingdonebyindi.catednon-compliancewillbededucted from contract sum. OI50O Temporary Facilities - Utilities for construction operations by General contractort a temporary toilet is required; con- struction debris must be cleaned up periodically; no on-site burning. 01700 project Close-out and Final cleanup - Clean interiors' remove tags and paper coverings, polish floors and wood work, clean hardware and plurnbing fixturesi remove a1I site debrisi clean exteriors of building inctuding wafls and walks, clean glass ' DIVISTON TWO - SITE WORK 020I0 Subsurface Exploration - A soil and foundation investigation has been prepared by Chen and Associates, Consulting Geo- technical Engineers, Job Nunbe r 20,497 A, dated Augls t 11, 1980. A copy of the rePort may be obtained from the Architect' The specific recommendations of the Chen report shalL be strictly adhered to anil carried out. Contractor shaLl verifv soils conditions and types during excavations, and .*po.l any contradj-ctions of ttre Chen report to the Architect pos th as te . TIIE SELBY RESIDENCE SPE CIF ICATIONS Page 2 DIVISION TWO - SITE WORK (continued) o2204 02500 Earthwork (Excavation, backfill, and grading) . A11 earthwork shatl be performed in a carefuJ- responsible manner. Clear the site and remove material encountered to obtain required sub- grade elevations. Stockpile excavated materials r:ntil required for backfill . Care must be taken during excavation ' backfill and the stockpiling of soil-s material to avoid slippage of soil on rock down steeper portions of the site towards adjacent projects. The General Contractor and Excavation Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage which results from the lack of prudent care in excavation, backfill-, moving on stockpiling of excavated material . Backfill soit shall be free of clay, debris' or rock larger than 6" diameter, and shall be moistened and compacted to 9Ot s ta-ndard Proctor density- Do not backfill against basement walls r:ntil supporting slabs and floor framing are in place and securely anchored. Areas to be graded shall have a uni f orrn slope between finish elevations. Base for con- crete slabs shal-l be a 4" thilck layer of 3/4 :-nch diameter washed rock. Site Drainage - Perimeter drain shafl be 4" p.V.C' perforated pipe set in a bed of 3/4 inch diameter, free drainj.ng, washed t""X. The drywell shall be a perforated drum (50 9a11on minimun capacity). made of concrete or metal , set in a bed of 3/4 inch diameter washed rock. 02550 site Utilities - Underground site utilities shaLl be installed in accordance with applicabl"e codes and regulaLions, and shall con- form to accepted practice for quality custom residential construc- tion. A1I utilities are currently stubbed to the property line along Aspen Grove Lane. Field verify actual locations of utility s tubs . 02600 Paving and Surfacing - Paving shall be IL inch asphalt concrete over 6 inches of compacted roadbase gravel. Paving shall be sealed with two coats of an emulsified coat tar pitch product. 02800 Landscaping, shall be by separate contract. DIVISION THREE - CONCRETE 03100 Formwork brac ing - Forms shall be steel Iumber shall be Douglas ar ,rpl rr_ f nrm,l ni' T5r^l-' !) class 1 or class 2; or better, S4S. TTIE SELBY RESIDENCE SPE CIFI CATIONS Page 3 DIVISIoN THREE - CONCRE TE (continued) 03200 Concrete - Reinforcement - Detailing, fabrication, and place- mentofreinforcingsteelshallbeaccordingto:l4anualof Standard Practice for Detailing Rei4forced Concrete Str ffiing steel shal1 be ASTM specification DIVISION POUR - MASONRY No work in this Division. DIVISION FIIE - METALS A6L5-14t and shall be Grade 60, unless noted on drawings ' At splices, lap bars 36 diameters. At corners, make horizontal barscontinuousorprovidecornerbars'Aror:ndoPeningsin wal-ls and s1abs, provide 2 - +5 bars ' extending 2'-0" beyond edgesofopenings.Minimumconcreteprotectionforreinforce- mentshallbeinaccordancewithA.C.I.3IS-TT.Providecon- tinuous shear keys at all cold joints and elsewhere as shown on the drawings - Welded wire fabric shall be AS TI4 Specification A-185, 6x6, IO/LO. Furnish one (1) set and one (I) sepia of shopanderectiondrawingsforreinforcingsteeltostructural Enginee.r for review prior to fabrication ' 03300 cast-in-Place concrete - concrete design is based on "Building . code Requirements for Reinforced. concrete" (ACI 318-77) . Struc- tural concrete shal1 have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3ooo psl. Interior slabs shall have an integral monolithic steeJ- troweled finish - In addition the garage slal: shal1 re- ceive a sealer and hardening compound' Exterior slabs sha11 contain entrained air and shall receive a broom finish ' Con- crete shall be cured and protected from weaLher extremes in accordance with sec. 2605 of the Uniform Buildinq code, 1979 Edi tion . 05100 Structural Metal Framing - Structural steel shall be cletailed, fabricated,anderectedaccordingtoA.I.S.C..'Specifications'', lgTS, and "Code of Standard Practice" , 19T6 ' stxuctural steel rolled shapes inctuding plates and angles shall be ASTM A36 ' Bolts shall be ASTM Specification A3O7' Bolt size shall be 3/4" . I'lelding shall be done by a certified welder in accordance with AISC and AWS specifications and recommendations ' Furnish one (I) set and one (1) sepia of shop and erection drawings for structural steel to Structual Engineer for review prior to fabri cation . TI{E SELBY RESIDENCE SPE CI FI CATIONS P aqe q DIVISION SIX - WOOD anil PLASTICS 06100 Rough Carpentry - Except where noted otherwi.se, all 2" lu,nber shall be Hem-Fir S4S No. 2 and bet-ter, and all solid timber posts shall be l}ouglas Fir-Larch No. 1. Provide solid blocking at supports for wood joists and 1 x 3 cross-bridging at mid- span or at lines at Br-0" maximum spacing. I.Iin imum nailing shall be provided as specified in ?able No. 25-p "Nailing Schedule" of the U.B,C., 1-979 edition. ply'wood sheathing shall be C-D INT-APA with exterior glue. panel identification ind.ex and thickness shall be on the structural drawings, Framing connectors shall be by Simpson Co. or approved equivalent. 06170 Prefabricated Structural Wood - Roof and floor joists sha1l be I-Series with structural wood flanges and structural plywood webs as fabricated by Trus Joist Corporation (or approved equivalent), r-:n1ess noted on clrawings othervise. Joists shall be designed to support building dead loails anil live loads indicated on structural drawings, provide joists with the depth and spacing shown on drawings. Cross-bridging and erection bracing sha1l be installed according to fabricatorrs requirements. Furnish <.rne (1) set and one (1) sepia of shop and erection draw- ings for prefabricated wood joists to Structrual Engineer for review prior to fabrication. Glued laminated timber rnaterials, manufacturer, and quality control shall be in conformance witll AITC product standard PS 56-73, "Structural Glued Laminated Tiniber". Luniber shall be of such stress grade to provide glued laminatecl members with allowable stress valued of 2400 p.s.i. in bending for dry con- ditions of service. Members shall be industrial appearance grade. Adhesi-ves shal1 meet the requiremen ts for wet conditj.ons of ser- vice. Fabricator shalL furnish a1I j.tems of connecting steel and hardware for joining timber members to each other and to their supports, exclusive of anchorage imbedded in masonry, setting plates, and items field welded to structural steel. Furnish one(1) set and one (1) sepia of shop and erection drawings for glued Iaminateil timbers to Stlcuctural Engineer for review prior to aroa l- i n- 06200 Finish Carpenty: A. Exterior siding, soffits, and fascias - 1x I T. & G. V-joint smooth clear al1 heart redwood. B. Exterior trim and railinqs assemblies - smooth clear all-heart redwood - SELBY RESIDENCE SPECI FI CATIONS Page 5 DIVISION SIX - WOOD and PLASTICS (continued) r) E F Greenhouse framing, trim, sitls, and plant shelves - smooth clear all-heart redwood . Exterior decking - smooth clear red.wood 2x6 decking with L/8" spacing between boards. Interior trim - 3/4" x 2" plain sawn clear red oak with one beveled edge. Interior base trim - 3/4" x 3" olain s awn clear red oak with beveled top edge. Interior railing caps - 3/4" thickplain s awn clear red oak. Closet shelving - Partic]e board with rounded nosing. 06400 Architectural Woodwork - Architectural woodwork shall be constructed in accordance with Architectrual Woodwork Institute Prenr-ium Grade standards. Material for custom architectural woodwork and built- ins shall be clearplain sawn red oak unless noted otherwise. See Section 12300 for prefabricated cabinets. DIVISION SEVEN - TUERMAL and MOISTLIRE PROTECTION 07100 Waterproofing - Vapor barrier beneath slal: shaLl be 8 mil polyethy- Iene. Men lrane waterproofing beneath second. floor decks shall be Bituthene self-adhereing membrane or approved equal . Menbrane water-proofing at roofassembly shall be asphalt impregnated roof- ing felts; 15 pounds or 3O pounds per square as indicated on drawing. 07150 Dampproofing - 2 coats of spray applied asphalt emulsion at exterior faces of concrete foundation wa1ls and basement wa1Is below grade. o /zuu rnsuraEr-on: A. Exterior frame wa11s and above greenhouse ceiling - 6" thick, R-19 Fiberglass batt blankets wit-h aluminum foil vapor resistant membrane. B. BetvJeen roof joj,sts a-bove garage and storage room ceilings - 12" thick, R-38 Fiberglas batt blankets with Kraft paper vapor resis t-ant membrane . C. Between floor joists over crawl space and basement - 9" thick R-30 Fiberglas batt blankets with Kraft paper vapor resistant membrane, C H. SELBY RESTDENCE SPECI F I CATIONS Page 6 DIVISION SEVEN - T'TIERI'{AL ANd MOISTURE PROTECTION (CONtiNUEd) D. Insulating sheathing and rigid insulation - Glass reinforced polyisocyanurate foam insulation board with foil-facing on both sides; R-4 for t" thickness, R-I2 for t\" thickness, and R- 16 for 2" thickness, E. Sound-proofing in interior walls - 6" thick, R-19 unfaced fiberqlas batt blankets. O73OO Shingles and Roofing Tiles - Roofing shingles shal1 be GAF "Timber- line" self-sealing asphalt shingles, weighing 330 pounds/square, or approved equivalent. Shingles shall be installed in accordance with manufacturers specifications for installation over plywood decking on a 3 in 12 pitch. Color of shingles shall be "Heather Blend". 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal - Sha11 be in accordance with SMANCE Architectural Sheet MetaL Manual , hot dipped galvanized iron' 24 guage . 07800 Roof Accessories - Skylights shafl be double-glazed acrylic plastic, bronze over cIear, rectangular 14\" x 46L" manufactured by Dawn Products Company, 5251 South Rio Grande Ave., Littleton, Colorado, 80120, or approve d equivalent. O79OO Sealants - Caulking shaII be gr:n-grade, non-sagging, primerless, silicone caulking; col,or to natch adjacent surface (s) as closely as possible from manufacturer's standard colors. Sealants at skylights shall be in accordance with skylight manufacturers re- commendations for installation. DMSION EIGHT - DOORS and WINDOWS 08200 Wood Doors: A. Front entry door sha1l be carved redwood with plain sawn oak veneer interior face, manufactured by Customwood I'1f9. Co., Inc. P.O. Box 26208, Albuquerque, New t'4exico, 87125. Ttre door face design shall be selected by owner. B. The wood and hardboard (particle board) doors shall be the size and thickness indicated in the door schedule. Oak veneer where indicated shall be plain sawn red oak, and all" oak veneer doors except door "A" shall have oak veneer rails. Glazed doors shall be double glazed with insuLating glass - SELBY RESIDENCE SPE CIF I CATIONS Page 7 DIVISION EIGHT - DOORS and WINDOWS (continued) c. overhead garage doors shal-1 be solid core wood (or "Dura" insulated) flush doors manufactured by overhead Door CorPor- ation or approved equivalent- Exterior face of garage doors shall receive 1x I T- &- G., "V" - joint, clear all heart redwood sidinq to match other siding on the residence' D. Sliding glass door shall be "PeIIa", dark-brown, metal-clad, double-glazed slj-ding glass door assembly manufactured by Rol-screen Co. OB6OO Wood Windows - All wood windows including trape zoid shapes shal1 be "PelIa", dark-brown, metal-clad, double-glazed window units, manufactured bv Rolscreen co. O87OO Hardware - Hardware shafl be selected by Owner. DTVISION NINE - FINISHES oglo0 Lath anil Plaster - Stucco shall consi-st of three coats (scr:atch, brown, and finish) of Portland Cement Plaster applied over "Stucco-Rite" grade D waterproofed building paper backed, \pe 5FB self-furring metal lath, manufactured by Tree Islancl steel, Inc., of Carson, California, or approved equivalent. Cement for the finish coat shall be wate rproof white cement. Provide and install rigid metal corner beads wit-h mesh flanges at aII exterior corners andacontinuousmeta].dripscreedalongthebottomedgeofall srucco areas. Provide and install control joints (u.s.G. No. 093 or approvedequivalent),asnecessaryandpractical'Locationsof contro]jointsmustbeaPprovedbytheArchitect.Provideand install a metal edge casing (U.S-G- #66 square edge ' or approved equivalent)alongsidesandtopofstuccoSurfaces.stuccoshall not be applied to any surfaces containing frost' Do not apply stucco when prevailing outdoor temperature is below 40 degrees F. color and texture of stucco shall be designated by Architect after consultation with stucco sub-contractor. 09250 Gypsum Wallboard - Wallboard tiroughout the house shall be t" thick Gyps um wallboard with light orange-peel texture finish. TLr e ceiling of the basement, garage, and storage, and tlte southeast wall of the garageandstorageshallbe5/8''typeXdrlrwall.Drlrwallsurfaces in the garage storage room, and basement shall be taped and painteal (no texture) . Sound attenuation board shall be t', thick fiber sound deadening board manufactured by Georgia-Pacific , or approved equivalen t . SELBY RESIDENCE SPE CI FI CATIONS Page B DIVISION NINE - FINISHES - (continued) O93OO Tile - A1I ti-le work sha11 conform to the 1979 Handbook for Ceramic Tile installation of the Tile Cor:ncil- of tunerican and ANSI 137I.1. Ceramic and/or clay tile shatl be selected by owner. 09680 Carpeting - By owner. O99OO Painting: A. Exterior siding, soffits, miscellaneous trim, greenhouse structure. and decks - one coat of olympic semi-transparent s tain . B. Exterior Fascias, door and window trim, and wood doors - 2 coats of Olvmpic Solid color stain. C. Hardboard doors (excluding veneers) - one coat primer and 2 coats semi-qloss alkvd enamel. D. Interior wood ceilings, veneer doors and trim - 2 applica- tions of watco Danlsh oi]. . E. Exterior ferrous metals - One coat of primer and two coats of alkvd enamef. F. Stucco - one coat of Itrompson's sealer and two coats of flat acrylic latex. G. Interior drywall (qeneral) and shelving - one coat primer and two coats semi-gloss latex enamel . H. Interior drywall (kitchen and baths) - One coat primer/sealer and two coats semi-gloss Iatex enamel-. Paints to be Devoe, Pittsburg' Cabots, or Sherwin I'lilliams ' SLain/Oil to be Olympic and Watco. DIVISION TEN - SPECIA-I.TIES 10300 Prefabricated Fireplaces - To be selected by ov,ner. 10800 Toilet and Bath accessories - To be selected by owner' SELBY RESIDENCE SPE CIF I CATIONS Page 9 DIVISION ELEVEN - EOUTPMENT 11630 Laundry Equipment - Washing machine and clothes dryer by owner. f1900 Residential Equipment - nesidential Appli&nces by owner- DTVISION TWELVE - FURNISHINGS 12300 Cabine ts and Storage - Cabinets and vanities shall be "A1pha" manu- factures by wood-Mode Cabinetry, Dept. 22, Kreamer, Snyder Co., Pa. 17833. Pul1s and handLes to be selected by owner. Plastic lanr-inate cormtertops sha1l be f ormica of Nevanar, colors to be selected bv Owner. DIVISION TFII R1IEEN - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13850 Swimming Pools - Spa pool shalL be the "I4alibu" six-foot octagonal spa complete package including insulated cover, manufactured by Beachport Spa Systems, DIVISION FOURTEEN - CONVEYING SVSTEMS No work in this oivision. SELBY RESIDENCE SPECl FI CATIONS Page tO DI\ISION TIFTEEN - MEC]IANICAI, 15400 Plumbing 1.General: A.Provide all materials, labor and incidental-s to install a complete plumbing system serving all fixtures, outlets, drains and water heaters as indicated on the drawings and herein specified. AII work shall be executed and inspected in accordance with the Uniform Plurnbing Code, public utilities, state and locaI codes and regulations applicable to the trades affected. Ttris subcontractor shall- consult with local- utility companies and agencies and shall extend domestic water, gas and sanitary sewer services to the building as required' Service shall be installed in strict accordance with rules and regulations of these local companies and agencies. Include in base bid aII fees for permits and connections related to this work. Visit the premises so as to ascertain the existing conditions before bidding. No extras will- be alLowed due to lack of knowledge of these conditions. Guarantee all materials ' workmanship, the successful operation of alf equipment and apparatus installed for a period of one year from the date of final accePtance of the entire work. Repair or replace any part of the apparatus which shows any defect durinq that time . B. D. 2.Products : A. Interior Soil, Waste and Vent Piping: l-. Above grade - galvanized steel pipe with galvanized malleable fittings or service weight cast iron soil pipe and fittings' bell and spigot type with lead joints, DWV copper pipe and fittings with 5O-50 soldered joints or no hub cast iron' 2. Below grade - service weight cast iron soil pipe and fittings 'bell and spigot type with lead joints or no hub cast iron SELBY RESIDENCE SPECIFICATIONS Page ll DIVISION FIFTEEN - MEGIANICAL (continued) B. Exterior SoiI and Waste Piping: Standard i^reight vitrified cl-ay pipe and fitting with hot poured bitumastic joints unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. Mechanical tyseal joints are acceptable. Contractor may use PVC Waste and vent piping belowgrade providing' written approval given by local authori- ties . C . I^later Piping : 1. Above grade - type "M" copper with wrought copper sweat fitting and 50t tin - 50t lead solder joints. D. 2 2. l. Below grade - (2\" and smaller) - type "K" copper with wrought copper sweat fittings and 95t tin, 5t antimony. Piping: Above grade - standard weight black iron with malleable iron fittings. Below grade - standard weight black iron with all joints welded. Buried gas lines shall be tarreil and wrapped with Minnesota llining and }4anufacturing Co. "Scotchwrap", lapped l". J.Execution : ltre drawings indicate the general design an d. arrangement of the building and the location of required plumbing fixtures. Adapt construction work to actual field conditions as necessary, Entire system must fit within the space provided as shown on the draw- ings . Any furrinq or pipes or mechanical items shall be coordinated wiLh the prime Contractor so as to be included in the bid and subsequent contract, The same shall apply to chases or actual room space requirenents or access for mechanical- equipment or items. Al-l work shall- be installed in a workmanlike marner to the best accepted standards of the trade. If, during inspection by the Owner's representative, work is found to be unacceptable in quality of installation or defective in manufacture, the same shal1 be removed and reinstafled in a satisfactory manner at the exnorsc of l-ha contractor. B. SELBY RESIDENCE SPE CIFI CATIONS Page 12 DIVISION FIFTSEN - MECHANICAL (continued) C. TI D. Do all required excavation for laying of water lines, soil and waste lines, <lrainage and other piping underground. Piping or conduit will rest on bottom of trenches. Backfill in Iayers with the earth well compacted. Backfilling shall be carefully done so as noL Lo disLurb piping- Soil Waste and Vent System: t''take soil and waste connections to all drains and fixtures. fhe plumbing contractor shall run 4" soil from the foot of each group of fixtures containing water closets. A11 fixtures sha1l be connected ful1 size to lines. Soil and waste piping shall be graded to discharge by gravity (to existing sewer) . Ful1 sj-ze brass cleanout plugs shall be installed at the base of stack and where pipes change direction and otherwise required for proper cleaning of entire drainage system. Cleanouts in concealed lines sha1l extend through the wa1l or floor and shall have flush type chrome plated access panels or covers. Each fixture shaLl have a separate vent, sized according to the local plumbing code and sha1l be connected to soil stacks alrove highest fixture. Stacks and independent vents sha1l extend 6" above roofs. Each vent and stack through roof shall be properly flashed and counterflashed. Dornes tic water System: Provide domestic water line entering building of sufficient size and capacity to satisfy the flow demand and water pressure required at each fixture. Provide and install shock a-bsorbers at a1t quick closing valves, battery of plumbing fixtures, and where necessary to eliminate water hammer. All domestic water piping to be insulated with l" thick pre- formed fiberglass insulation with AP (a1I purpose) jackets. Contractor may use Armstrong Arrnaflex at his 'option provided piping is not located in a plenum area. Provide the following miscellaneous plumbing: 1.Gas service to aIl equipment sizes as shown on drawings. Freeze proof sill cocks and r-ha n r:uri nnc Testing: A11 piping systems shall be their maximum design working pressure. by remaking joints. Controls, relief able to withstand test pressure shall /lrrvi hd +6ct-' requiring gas. Routing and hose bibbs located as shown tested at I50 percent of Leaks sha1l be corrected valves , and equipment not be removed from system G. JE ! TJ I KIf Jl.I'trI\LE SPECIF I CATIONS Page 13 DIVfSION FIFTEEN - MECIIANICAL (continued) 15600 Heating: 1 Genera.l: A. Provide aII materials, ]abor, and incidentals to install a complete heatj-ng system as descri.bed below. ALI work shal1 be executed and inspected in accordance with the Uni form Mechanical Code, public utilities, state a.n d local cod.es and regulations applicable to the trades affected. IncLude in base bid all fees for permit.s and connections related to thi-s work. B. Visit the premi-ses so as to ascertaj-n the existing conditions be fore bidding. No extras will be allowed due to lack of knowledge of these conditions. C. The mechanical subcontractor shall assume full responsiblity for the complete mechanical system instaflation and placing into operation and one year guarantee of proper operation. He sha1l coordinate all of his work with other trades as applicable to provide a complete, finished, quiet operating system with all .'.rmi\.\hah +c ^oncealed in f inished areas . 2. Products: A. Gas Fired Equipment - A11 gas fired equipment to be approved by AGA for burning natural gas. Each heating unit so labeled. Heating unit shall be equipped at factory with proper size orifices to develop maximum heat output at job site altitude when supplied with gas having heat content evaluated at job site conditions. B. Electric unit heaters shall be as scheduled on plans. D. FIue shall be metalbestos or approved equal complete with all necessary connections, roof flashing ring and weather cap. 3. Execution: A. All work shall be installed in a workmanlike rnanner to the best accepted standards of the trade. Sheet metal work shall be in accordance hrith SMACNA recommendations . A11 ductwork shall be concealed. If during inspection by the Owner's representative, work is found to be unacceptable in quality of installation or defective in nanufacture, the sane shall be rernoved and rein- stalled in a satisfactorv manner at the expense of the Contractor. SELBY RESIDENCE SPECI FI CATIONS Page 14 DIVISION FIFTEEN - MECHANICAT, (continued) B. n Coordinate with electrical and other subcontractors to insure that the bid for the total work represents complete systens. Particularly coordinate with electrical- for power requirements and furnishing or accessories such as motor starters, interlock wiring, and controls. All required temperature controls shal-l be furnished, installed, wired and connected hereunder, to provide a complete automatic controf system. A11 control- valves shall be located in the mechanical equipment room, Provide galvanized steel dryer vent duct from each dryer as per U.B.C. requirements and ma.nufacturers instructions. Provide Owner with necessary operating and routine maintenance instructions, boti verbal and written, as required for continuous operation of the complete mechanicaL system. Ttrese instructions shall be typewritten and bound in l-oose leaf binder. Provide complete detailed instructions with all catalogue data, diagrams and data covering operation, lu-brication, general maintenarce, repair of heating. Provide temperature con trol- diagram with sequence of operation for all systems. Upon completion of this Division of work remove all surplus materials and rubbish. Clean a1l spots resulting from this work from hardware, floors, glass, walls, etc. Do all reqtired patching up and repair all work of other trades damaged by this Division of the work, and leave the premises in a clean, orderlv condition . Contractor will provide the Architect with "As Built Drawings" for r:nderground. or concealed conditions as performed in this Division of work. DIVISION SIXTEEN - ELECTRICAL 16I00 Basic Materials and Methods: General: A. Work shafl be done in accordance with the provj-sions of the latest edition of t]-e National Electrical Code and 1ocal ordi- nances; should drawings and/or specifications conflict with these -,,1 ^ ^ rl-^ ^Y,l; *!Lrre>, rrrc '..l!lrurances shall govern sub ject to written notification of the Architect by the Contractor and written approval by the Architect. (: I. SELBY RESIDENCE SPE CIFI CATIONS Page 15 DIVISION SIXTEEN - ELECTRICAL (continued) B.Type of system shal1 be 120/240 volt, single phase, 3-wire ai ^.,^1ou uyuJ-e, A.L.SysLem. C. ilorkrnanship shall be neat. and have g,ood mechanical appearance and conform to ttie best practices of the electrical trade. F. Ttre Contractor shall refer to other parts of these specifica- tions covering the work of other trades which must be carried on in conjunction with the electrical work so that the construction operations can proceed without harm to the Owner from interference, delay or absence of coordination. This contractor shall be responsible for the size and accurate locations of all openings required for his work and shall furnish the General Contractor adequate information covering his requirements as the job A11 electrical equipment sha11 be tested in the presence of the Architect and be in top working and operation condition at the time of the final- buildinq acceptance. A certificate of inspection showing approval of installation by the local electrical inspector sha1l be furnished the Architect at the completion of the entire work. This Contractor shal1 furnish and pay for all local and state permits, D. 2,Products and Execution: A. WaII switches shal-I be Sierra 501I-I switched. wittr ivory toggle or equal , B. Interior and exterior duplex convenience outlets shall be Sierra- plex 15 amp and side wired or equal and mounted horizontally. I'[ethod of wiring rurless speci fied otherwise sha1l be U.L. labeled non-metallic sheathed cable run concealed. with furnished walls and ceilings; conductors shal1 be enclosed in electric metallic tubing where exposed to mechanical injury or run in masonry or concretei code size galvanized outlet boxes shall be used at each outlet, flash with finished surfaces and properly equipped with accessories such as supports, extensions, plaster rings, etc. Connection of recessed incandescent fixtures shal1 be made through flexible conduit to a separate box with type A. G. wire in accordance with NEC Section 41?9. Branch circuits conductors shall be not smal-ler than #12AWG. n SELBY RESIDENCE SPECITICATIONS Page 16 DIVISION SIXTEEN - EIECTRICAL (CONtiNUEd) F. Outdoor wiring shall be type Tw wire run in rigid conduit with ,,^r^-r-i -hr Fi f +i\^ta C.e f Cl.9l I L LrLLfngS. G. Telephone outlets shall consist of a standard box flush mounted with telephone type coverpl-ate; Telephone co. shafl run concealed to interconnect outfets then concealed to point of building suitable for connection to underg:round Iine. H. Location of electrical fixtures are shown on the drawings ' I. This contractor shall identify each circuit breaker at the main circuit breaker panel as to its function. Identification shalI be leqible and in ink. EAGLE FINAL: Review -rCOUNTY BI.J.I c/o lNSPra-t Routing Fo:'m Rr;";cA;,*="i"r,onO' JA=tu%'Date Ref erred larrnir rg Commission File No. iieview a..rd return to the County Buildinr; Official within 6 working days Permit No. Location P lanning: Complies with: Subdrvi sion Regul ations Zonrng Regulations S i'.e Pl an (Landscaping) Co,-nmerrts: Reviewed by: Recomrnend Approval : No Enn Yes trtrtr X Datet U .y' -P County Engineer: Roads Comments: Grading Drainage Recomrnend Approval : nnn tJ n!g County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: trIntr ntrrlq Recommend apw"""t; t Z- 7-ffi>- -'- * Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Cornments: ntr Firral lnspect ion: Landscap ing Recommend Approval D n Commerrts: C/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date EnGrr couNrv O CommunitY DeveloPment P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/3 28-73 | | BOAR D OF COUNTY coMMrssroNER5 Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 AN IMAL SHELTE R ,. 49 -4?92 A5SESSO R Exl 2O2 SUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Exl 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Exl 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Exl 247 LIBRARYtxt 255 PUBLIC H EALTH Ea9le Ext 252 V ail 4 ? 6-5 844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSOT'INEL Ext 245 ROAD & AR IDG E Exl 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2 | I Aasalt 927 -3244 Gilnlan 827-5751 SOC IA L SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 18 Augsut 1980 Jeffrey B. SelbY P. 0. Box 1528 Vail, Colorado 8.]657 Re: File No. Zv-96-80 Variance At their Public Hearino on 14 August i9B0' the Zoning Board of Adjustment qranted your variance request. A copy of the approval is enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Zoninq Inspector JtJ/ kp cc: Zoning Board of Adiustment o \..-- tr,r;ier ^-*4!vo i irtrl (iio ) vo t irrrl(( f ,.:.)) (ilo ) vocinq (Ycs ) (tlo) ( rr,'ri .'-:-----'JO L t tttt (| 't' '-t,,, ttziL<iloti rr',/ (Y,,. ) 1' n, (r1AuE ) (irArE ) (r/Al,rt ) Tlrjs rcsol ution adoptcd by v0t f t hc lon in<r llo a rd of Ad irrslnrent, Courr ty o l' [aol c , re_lt_ State of Colorado, this -rlay of vari(lnce is Iequts ted, faul I of the appl ic,.rnt Th.rl the oroDerty for r.rh iclr exce ptional nal.ro\./ncss, shal does not occur qer)L1ral l,y to Di s tri ct. or enjoyrnerr t of ad.j.rcent ajr antl open spacc in lhe or \rL)re cf'c,r ii-.a r l r i t ! r u .-) n t l "' lhr'olroh no the v,tri.rnce is lor.rrre5 s , 5lrdr)c oi"ltcl'r)rop{tIt-y r'iti]|rcs te C possesses or toi)Or)ra0h.Y'rrhich i n l-lrc s Jrre Zo ne prolrerties, no r' nci rrh bo rhoorl . c rrtril desirablc licht, orarrtr:d o f tlre [aq ie , , rri I lon i Statr: 1 rl al rrol bc rl i rccily c0ntrary to iic:oIrL ion ,r ndlo r the ilaster of Cclor,rclrr ,011, TIIiREF0R[, be it resolvccJ by the Zonin!J Do0rd of A,tjrrsirteni, Cottni.y of ac l., St.r tn nf Cnl nrldo : il1AT, the applicant's request for a variance to S,'-qT-{"o',Jr o^J be-TI*r' +n;;rrrnd hereby is approved. 'HAT, said variance is conditional upon the folIor,rjna restr jcticns : 4 lW &€ ,Wt-tvlctr6D) k^l'/ ( *= \-a P t-*-,'s *uew tY-u-:l ) "rlJA,r -{',k€ B,,t, rLbl \t4 f'r\oeg €.-rrrX*-81\.x' , any violation of the ternrs possible revocation. f r LL UJEIRnOS-secondecl the adopt'ion of the fcrecoinq Resolution. The '^o.l I having been called, the vole was as follorts: ili^T :nd of this rcsolutjon rray result in rehearinq Dg/g-_A"fuCJ- nove(t [htl thc, io]lor.rirr.'r llLrsoriiir-jorr t,.c ,rrloor-ed: lJlltRiAS, Sg_tr<4__ga+{_djd fi 1c arr appl ication r,ii t-h the Pl annino Depar'tnrent of tlre County of tocrlc, SL.itc of Color;rrto, on 0f' about-]1X-l.....-| ,11{D Resolution, County of [aole, State of Colorado re s pe c t to -t1]2u.3--<,-D Ll:-Sug-€Lt-Vqf--1-- ttitltin lhe unincorpordLcd .rrca of Ia,rle Cotrril-,'l , Crrlor',rr1o: and IlutR[AS^, sa jd apol icaticn rctlucsLeil (] variilncc !n -_Ogratl/ _A_*2e*_{nren-L€ :.lllfl tlllERiAS, based on tlre evidencc, tesl-irr,:ny, e:iiri pl an for the uni ncorporated crrea of thc County,, County Plann jnq Dep.rrtnenL, corrirncnts of publir: contnents f rom the aopl iccrnl and ,r'l I i nterr:s te'd of Adj us tment f j nds as fol I or^rs : That proper postin(l , vjded as .requireci by Board of Ad.justmcnt. b its', s l-uc17 oi' ihe rn.rs ier corflrirr i-s oi lhr-' Eaq I e r:rf f ir ial s ar,d aqencies, anc' pa i't ii:.. , r-f i-' Zon j n,l Do,i rd publ icatiorr arrl rrubl ic noiice vlas Dro- I ai.r for thc !rcarjnn befor the Zonirtg tn I ocat-ed o l0NIi'lc Il0i' rlLr rlI Ail,ji,5l;li ii; tAGL[, SIATi 0i- C0t Illril)i) t!0. __J_.v_2: 4 . That the hearing before thc Zonin! l.io,trti of Adjustment t'ras extensive and conrplete, that a)l pertincnt facts, ntatters and issues r.rere subnlitted and th.rt all interested oarties were heard at said hcarina. - 3. l'hat an unnecessary anti unrcasonable h,lr-dship rvi11 be irnposed on the propcrly 0l.rne|i f thc orovisions of the Zonino Resolutjon arc strictly cn l'ot'ced. 'l-hat the cjrcrrtttstances o'cdting Ihe lr,irdship \r/ere in existence on the effective rjate of the zonjnq rcrlulations from r'rhich tlte 8tF0Rt rirt COUIITY (lF RESOLUT IO)i , 19'/ 4, as anre nded, r^l ( Proot-.r'iv descri'lt i on ) APPLICATION FOR VARIANCEvfrom the Zcning Resolution of Eagle County, Colorado rne No-z v'-'t/ - 5"( ' Fee P'aid 33; t'. Date recd. 2//,/,t' f7.-7t1--ovy{,fz-r--- Receipt #ZZZE_ . to the Zc'ning Eloard of ACjustments (minirntrm 2 copies required; print or type' except signatures) sectione.o4.05 (Required Fee js $35.00) Applicant/Owner Mail Address 1. Regulation and Section Number(s) -o{2 of Zoning Resolution from which Variance is sought: " " ffIffi"s r;;* v' tn: " m"7 il""z\)fi'TTi" - / ^.ffi!,;;",propertv *fu*,,!r,",,a. suirdivisionName /r4rri A/*tA 2. Present ron"--(23,-L--- b. metes and bounds (may be attached) include survey or map: appl icalgn f ariance stated het eon . owner? office use Apptication acceptecl as complete for Public Hearing ( Application rejecte,J as incomplcte for Public l-le.lring \+4n in istrator date t Y-Z.s ?-V - 7C - t a TJHEREAS' s€'ff'€El| €tt4'V did f i1e an appl ication rvith the Plannino - Departrnent of the County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, on or aOout 5r-l-V tfflO , for a variance from the strict application of the Zoning Resol ut i on , respect to vrithin the of Eaqle, State of Colorado, .l974, as amended, with qrant rpq of \n'Vg qf(Er\*./ rnoverl that the followino Resoulution be aclooted: BEFORE THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTIiENT COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATI OF COLORADO RESoLUTT0N NO. ,/4 - FA lr-l L (Prooert.y descriDtion) located unincorporated area of tagle County, Colorado: and I'JHEREAS, said apnlication requesterl a variance to o rP e- ?o | {AK:*-NG..{ -.fra^rrs fy-Ffgtgl /Tb aq,o\ *TnvD C! r\rri- od€- fotslr t*s'=o & stt€ p*l.t' Sorgrzt+TvD q mo/Er 1F 3r.rr uo rvQn SloLtT"i - Wfl,llltREAS, the lZoning Board of Adjustment is vested vrith the povrer to or deny such variances by virtue of Section 30-28-ll7 and 30-28-llB .l973, as amended, and Section 9.04 of the Zoning Resolution, Countv Eagie, State of Colorado, .l974 as amended; and I4HEREAS, a public heari ng vras held before the Zonincl Board of Adjustment on ADor , [t ,t9br'D : ana l^IHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony, exhib.i ts, study of the master plan for the unincorporated area of the County, comments of the Eaqle County Plannjnq Department, cornments of public officials and agencies, and comrnents from the aoplicant and all interested parties, the Zoning Board of Adjustment finds as follor^rs: That proper postinq, publication and public notice was pro- vided as required by larv for the hearinq befor the Zoning Board of Ad.justment. 2. That the hearing before the Zoning Board of Ad.iustment tvas extensive and complete, that all pertinent facts, matters and issues were submitted and that all interested parties were heard at said hearinq. - 3.That an unnecessary and unreasonable hardship rvil1 be imposed on the propertv owner if the orovisjons of the Zonino Resolution are strictly enforced. 4. That the circumstances creating the hardship were in existence on the effect'i ve date of the zonino requlations from uthich the Co un ty variance is requested, 0r rvere created subsequently throuqh fault of the aopl.i cant. That the oropert-y for lvh'i ch the variance is recuested possesses exceptional narrou/ness, shallourness, shaoe or topoqraoh.y t+hich does not occur generall.y to other oroperty in the sane Zone District. 6. That the varjance, jf granted, r^ri11 not dininish the value, use or enjoyment of adjacent properties, nor curtail desirable liqht, air and open space in the ne'i qhborhood. 7. That the variance, if oranted, vrill not be directly contrary to the intent and purpose of the Zoninq Resolution and/or the llaster Plan of the County of Eag11e, State of Colorado. 8. That the followinc specific fjndinqs of fact were ascertained: (State specific facts i.e. traffic, congestion, parking etc. ) n0 5. NOtl , THEREF0RE, be it resolved by Eag1e, State of Colorado: THAT, the applicant's reeuest for and hereby is approved. THAT, said varjance is conditional upon the Zoning Board of Adjustnent, Countv of a variance to {.'ar 9y(?o'"/r oP beW aktr -{114: Ba;rror1{n fY\oC5 e'tr\,rfle-Ej&.-{ THAT, any violatjon of the terms and possible revocation. \^)seconded the adoption of the ro11 having been called, the vote was as follot/s: res tr.l ct ] ons : 'y4-rnsrqD) k^l'/ 1Pt-.*:rr's dvt>tr'TT@) of this resolution may result in reheari nq foreqoinq Resol ution. The the fol lowino ,trf 8tr,1 ( i46' \7a D ( NA[{E ) (N ( NAr'rE ) (NANE ) ( NAr4E ) (tto) ( l,lo ) (No ) (rlo ) (No ) This resolution adopteA by 4 votepf the Zonino BoErct of Ad.iustment, county of Eaq1e, state of coloracto, this F Fffdav of frv4r. , ]e 'b. votinq;@ votiny'-(Jg) voting (Yes) .. EAGIE COUNTY Communi ty Deve'l opment P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303t32a-7311 BOARO OF COUNTY 'coMMtSsloNERS+$;rr 241 18 Augsut 1980 -"'? - VarianceZv- 96.80 At their Public Hearing on 14 August 1980, the Zoning Board of Adjustment granted your variance request. A copy of the approval is enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact this offjce. ,:i;i . itE- Ext 217 4: i'i' -':+i OER,J 't ! CO U NTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG I NEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXT EN 5IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle E xt 252 Vail 476.5444 PLAN N I NG Exl 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Basall927-3244 Gilman 82 7-57 5l SOCIAL 5ER V ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 ,%:22'^-----=; qt,lE >Wi'l I iams InspectorZon i ng Jfukp cc: Zoning Board of Adiustment EAGLE COUNTY rCommunity Deve'lopment P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73 | I BOARD OF COUNTY coM M tss toN E R5 Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 i6 Ju'ly 1980 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E5SO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECT IO Nefi 226 ot 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALT H Ext 238 EXTE N5IO N ExI 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PU BLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l i Basalt 9 27-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERV IC E5 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 The Vail TrailP.0. Box 10 Vail, Colorado 8]657 Notice of Public Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustment 14 Auqust 1980 Please publish the attached llotjce of Public Hearing as a Legal Notice in the 24 July 1980 publication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of publication to this office, Thank you ,/ .., -/-\ -,t /f.z; -*: ,[Z-''-"'-rine PeterSon Office Manager NOTI CE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF EAGLI, COLORADO Notjce'is Hereby Given that the Eagie County Zoninq Board of Adiustment will hold a Public Hearing at 10:00 A.M. on 14 Auqust 1980 in accordance with Section 9.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing wil'l include the following: File l{o. Zv-95-80 - Dowd Development Request: Variance from Section 3.08.07(1) Front Yard Setback Location: Dowd Junction - West of the State Barns and East of Mountain Bell Telephone! more particularl.y described as follows: A Parcel of lard in the l.lorthrr'est one-guarter of the blorthu'est one-quarter ofsection 16, T. 5 s, R. Bl w of the 6th principa.r Meri-dian, Eagle county, colorado,descirbed as follows: Bcainning.at a point on the lrcrth Right of t{ay bourdary Line of u-s. }tighrvayM: 6, said point also being on the lt'est l-ine of the lr)orthwest one-quarter ofsaid Section 16, said point also being the Southeast Corner of that parcel oflard descrjlxd in Book 22O at Page B3i of the Fagle County Clerk and Recordersrecords, frcrn which the tlort]rwest Corner of said Section 1S Uears N 01041,00" w678.50 feet distanct; thence aronq the tiest ri-ne of said l.lorthwest one-quarterof Section 16 which is also the East line of said recorded parcel , N 01041'00" w2I4.OI feet to the l.lortheast Corner of said recorded parcel; tlrence continuilg al-ong the west line of said Irbrthwest one-quarter of Section 16 N 01o41'OO" w2IO-99 feet to a point on tie Southerly bank of the Eagle River, frqn v.,l-rich theMrthwest Corner of said l.brthwest one-guarter bears N 0-l,o 41' OO'' t{ 253.50 feetdistance; thence leaving said West line of ttre l.tcrthwest one-quar ter and followirr;the approxirnate sinuosity of the Southerly bank of the Eagle River on tJ.e followirg f i.ve clurses: 1. s 79: 0o' l-7" E 40.00 feet;2. s 68" 18, 10" E 255.61 feet;3. s 640 26' 47" E 177.35 fect; 4 . s 550 10' 38 " E 142.13 fe,:t;5- s 600 01 , 45" E 78.2g feet; thence leaving saic Southerly bank, s t4o 10' 00" t^I 224.40 feet to a point on the l.lorth right- of way borrrrlary line of U-S. ltighway N\r. 6; thence alongsaid tbrth rightrcf way bourdary rine t't B0o 43' 00" I{ ssz.oo feeL to the polntof b3inning- COUNTY I Page 2 File No. Zv-96-80 - Jeffrey Selby Request: Variance from Sectjon 3.04.07 (1) Setbacks in the Res'i dential Suburban Low density zone. Location: Adjacent to the Town of Vail, east of The Valley at Vail, rnore parti cul arly descri bed as fol I ows : Lion's Ridqe Subdivision Filinq #4, Lot 11' Block 2 Thr's Hearing will be held in the McDonald Bujlding, County Conrmissioners Meeting Room #103,550 Broadway, EaQle, Colorado. Persons affected by a decision on this request are required to make cornments to the Board by appearing at the hearinq, or by submitting statements in person or by mail thru the Secretary by: Katherine Peterson Secretary, Department of Community Deveiopment JEFFREY B. SELBY P. O. BOX | 528 vAtL, coLoRADO 8r657 July 1, 1980 Ms. Susan Vaughn Pl anner Eagle County Departnent of Conmunity Developnent Post Office Box 179 Eagle, CoLorado 81651 Dear Ms. Vaughn: Enclosed is an application for avariance from section 3.04.07 (1) of the Zoning Resolution for Eagle County on Lot 11, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Subdi- vision, Filing No. 4. This is the lot which I am personally building ny residence. The variance is requested fron the minimun front yard setback off the 10- cal roadway in the amount of 25 feet. My request is to reduce the required setback to 5 feet instead of the required 25 feet. The reason for the request is to protect the visibility of the house along the ridge line. It has been a concern of all of ours to nininize the im- pact of the houses which were going to be located at the ridge line. The required setback of 25 feet will only push the house forward into a total- ly visible location whereas if the house is located near the road it will be considerable less visible, I believe this variance will in no way diminish the value, use or enjoyment of adjacent properties nor will it curtail desirable 1ight, air and open space of the neighborhood. The lots on the north side of the road are at least 75 feet fron lot 11 considering the 50 foot roadway and the 25 foot front setback. The variance request is consistent with the intentions of the planning staff and the naster plan which is to ninirnize visual impacts of improvenents along ridge lines. If you have any questions, please give me a call. JBS/cs enc 1o sure EAGLE Eogle, OFFICIAL RECEIPT a COUNTY Colorodo o";" 7/5 , nFa CASH ITEM Buildino Permit Fee Application For Su bd ivision Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Code: (Building lZoning (Subdivision) otal Received AMOUNT L.. All items are received tor collection no-payment ot any item. Nq 6675 By EAGTE COUNTY Cornrry.in'i ty Devel oPment D n Rnv l7Q dAdLE"CbL'ohADo 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731 | BOARO OF COUNTY coMMrsstoNERs Ext 24 | AOMINISTRATION Ext 24 | ANIMAL 5H ELTE R 949-4292 AS5ES50 R Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 CO UNT Y ATTORN EY Exl 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5 844 PLANNING Ext 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Exl 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l 1 Basall927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 51 SOC IAL SERVICE5 328-63?8 TREASURER Ext 201 July l7, .l980 Jeffrey B. Selby P.0. Box .l528 Vail. Colorado 8.l657 Re: File No. Zv-96-80 At their meeting of July 'l6, 'I980, the Eagle County Planning Conrnission finds that you have a hardship' that Section 9.04,06 (30 and (4) apply to your re- quest, and they recommefided approval of your request for variance to the front setbacks. according to the site plan submjtted, wjth the note that the dwelling footprint can move slightly east or utest but not any further southr,/est. This recommendatjon will be forwarded to the Zoning Board of Adjustment on August .l4, .|980 at l0:00 a.m. in the County Cornmissioners meeting room, 550 Broadvray' Eagle, Colorado. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Si ncerely, -!,;c:, t /L , , c./, ,.' /-,rt Susan Vaughn - Pl anner SV/J h cc: Zoninq Board of Adjustment