HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE LOT 23A LEGAL'rl )l oz E = u.l \T .J) UJ H F =E UJ(L dft, / 6l qtl L 90$sL d) F-l - M tsH 3 F-] CJHE ,',>: k;f -lr-lsdot4 LL-> 6>.. ZA ^rd=Ef-, uJF o g F F(t z o ozz o Lll F z zo J € =zo NX .-.1 H F-r E*trl 4.,' Fl 3{ _G{ l !l rl lrl. ts gl ? a zH N4 lc; l.i l8le lf-{ldI' ItsIH IEIHlrd l*lolzIH IHIHlp lFq ulz3o ulI z Or^N\o d r--l (J\ro Z(J<X(JO ^ F-]Hoo<Bor> F z Fl ol o-l c 3"ctt hlo 5. $ dc oE c(! o) o : =f dl E o =cl o C'; .9 o _:x;(/)I E;3T3F; = e c?3 *E e 8;.: (E - o x!'6c-o> cf ;t:93 d -r,= nG >=:c96E :;;.= EEAR =FE.^ iE o; €te3F: c .,.Y- c Fo(5 0-FE;9oiE-or :*:€ EE b IooE'"isFq!: :;-*=: .E O'- .:.c;oq, ar 0)!.: :,F:;E:;p- 6 >.=I6aE*FFs6o U- afiBH9Eor - EFgg @ ca lr|(D rn F|.\(\ ts =E IIJ z = (D Y llJ I z d J eF uJ) UJ oz d 9z () lJJ u.J UJ lJ-z tr uJ(rotr, E o co 3t!; uJ zI uJo F UJo z x F UJo H F-l & FlH zB U' uJ uJl! = UJ F F z 6 l(D J 9 (Jlu u,l z 6 =f (l z I uJ = NOrl.VntVA zFFct FX z F 2 FX rt I 2 .A YE 3ZZU- tr - 6z Xf>Yc I oE aaeZ!Ooo9.ozXrJ_ <oq i.UJ ; E.!.XqJaXz iNO (v (\t =>E = llJ HE h I Fl zH at) H H z9F f LL(r f UJ F rn \t a(L uJg. XXt< z Eoo z F- g F B z l l azlzOaEr!<oo< EE2lt9,.6o<z =z 9= -.! 'rdo3trOI l/Jl z O IF F o 3 XX oz F iD Flo Fa F -_ zl . >lo uJ LIJulzaL (r uJ(L z Eoo I o\or.* F uJI O< UJLTL>oF cn I 0l qt-t -<t ail F 3 alo Fzli i oo G z I F ,. I-.rll .n\N (O-l aF._t-/-\ -{ OzH 4 Pr' otor N N Hv Fl z zH u,l F o uJF U) d) -)z F uJY IJJdl F = tu(L l.L o-o luFoz zfr & Ir1HH E (\ \o TI z ze aDo =z O- LL f-tn ..i5\J\J= =re.qtir --1 *'i t!6il> < \\NI.*\\ 9__.,_ao--z;s FS cf s\'\o- <\>\JFIE=l iHlU LI-Iool\ r.ulFll!Fl =uJ6 F F =E,lrl o-zo F C)3EFU'zoo Irtll"lt(1IStFlIHt>l =)6x IHqE c,r I E c^t Ilotz F'- J Ll- z HFH N u; =z N H z z c.)$ X q, Lrl(! o = c\ I o- F-rFI F()=E_ TJJEoo) = I F O N z trr F-l 3 I zB E .ljl :I-l I I(Jt =.1ol 00 uJl oEl \oJl c.'lat I ,'l r) ol -zl =l l FI F E o uJ : <l>l AI =l 9lFI =g. z .; IJJ = lr z3 =tr o o uJI >l l!o zl =lolFI E z llJi a1 ltoz 3l 9I uJ)lltF IY UJz = F uJ EI E. E -rO<F0aouJ<zEIIJ F(nZ JE<o()F FS u,= 53 9oz. t- =s]F)z <= )lF7Qz< YZ =g E i,r =rtFFOz .J<Oo9fo t{| -r --D<JL-lLI I 75 3oulh tronlage .o.d u.il, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2.\39 ottlce of oommunlty devclopmettl BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail ['ire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (Pub,1 ic Works) reyiew and approval , a planning Department review or Hea'l th Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas three weeRs. All commercial (iarge or smal'l) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Resident'ial and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite th'is permit as soon as possib'l e. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeI' the frame. Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department. \ 75 3oulh |ronlsge road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: otllce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\rELOPMENT MARCII 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterj.al-, including trash durnpsters, portabLe toilets andworkmen vehicLes upon any street, sidewalk, atley or public p119e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aI1 Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately S ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be stri-Lfy enforced by the Town of VaiIPtplic works Department. Persons found viotating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to renove-said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puUfic WorksDepartrnent will remove said material_ at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfrlff not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVaiL Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. owledged (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 February 20,1996 Ms. Susan Bristo Herzog P O Box 431 Vail. CO 81657 RE: Building Permit Application # 4968 D e partrnent of C onrmunity D eve lo pment SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL(ffi[| 2v? +>7 A review of thc Town of Vail Building Division files indicates that there has been no recent activity with the above listed building pcrmit application. Thc l99l Uniform Building Code, Section 303 (d), requires evidence ofconstruction progress each 180 days to avoid expiration of a permit. As per Uniform Building Code Scction 303 (d) . your permit has expired. If no response has bcen received within 20 days of the above date, this file will be voided, and the filc will be placcd in the permanent file, with no further inspections authorized or dcposits retumed. O[fr-r.Q* Charles E. Davis Building Inspector {,7 *""""to 'u"' -t This is to certify that has in torce for location ol operalions Ll STATE FARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Bloominglon, lllinois Herzog, Wolfgang & Susan B Name of Po|cvholder p^.. , 21 --- Add'""" "l Polacvholder n srnre,^." t ^":'":lJ'^',::::"::in::il:: noo Vai I , CO B'l 558-O4i1 1 552 Mat terhorn Circlp I7a i 1 f.A the following coverages for the periods and limits indicated below 7-9-9L Lo 7-9-92 fl Owners', Landlords' and - Tenants'Liability EXCESS LIABILITY E Umbrella ! oth"t Workers Compensation fl and Employers Liability POLICY NUMBER 86-3L-2349-6 F The above insurance includes (applicable il indrcated by E ) POLICY NUI'BER LIMITS OF LIABILITY E Dual Limits for: Each Occurrence Aggregate' n Combined Single Limrt lor: Each Occurrence Aggregate ! Combined Single Lrmit for: Each Occurrence Aggregate BODILY INJUHY PBOPERTY DAMAGE L I PRODUCTS-COMPLETED OPERATIONS ! owruens oF coNTRAcroRS' pRorEcrrvE LrABrLtry n corurnlcrull LrABrLrrY n enono FoRM PRoPERTY DAMAGE €l eRono FoRM coMpREHENSTvE GENEFAL LrABrLrry BODILY INJURY AND PFOPERTY DAMAGE Each occurrence q 1r000rOO0-OO Assresate g I TOOO'OOO-00 CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY LIMITS (il diiferent lhan abov€l Each Occurrence $ BODILY INJURY PROPERTY DAMAGE BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE Parl 1 STATUTORY Part 2 BODILY INJURY Each Accidenl Disease-EachEmployee $ Disease-Policy Lirnit $ 'Aggregate not applicable if Owners, Landlords and Tenants' Liability Insurance excludes slructural alterations, new conslruction or demolition. THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE IS NOT A CONTRACT OF TNSUFANCE AND NEITHER AFFIRI'ATIVELY NOR NEGATIVELY AiIENDS, EXTENDS OR ALTERS THE COVERAGE APPROVED BY ANY POLICY DESCBIBED HEREIN. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PARTY TO WHOM CERTIFICATE IS ISSUEDt- -1 Town of Vail l558lF6-994.9 Flev I -86 Pflnted rn U S A ilN'IE OF ADDRESS: PHONE #: @rtrAt{Y: o OG CE t i.' ',///,' CO{T MCTOR REGISTRAT I OI{ P REQUA I F I CAT I ON FORM l4ust be r"celved and appnoved prior to issuance of registration. ssubmit to the Torn of Vall Building DePartmnt. PLEASE SUBI,IIT COPY OF NY PERTINEI{T REGISTRATIO{ LIITH APPLICATION. Type of registration being app'lied for: Application made bY: REGI STMTI ON FEES Regu]ar Cost General Contractor A or Construction l4anagemnt (Valuation over $1,000;000). '$175'00 General Contractor B or Construction Management lValuation under $I,00O,Ooo) 100'00 Plunbing.tteinaniial... 75'00 Electrical... No FEE ipeiiat (includes dryvra't'1 , sliss ' masonrv' con*ete, Ellllllt rU.* 5Ji!lillil;;;: . : : : : : : . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . : : : : . : . : : : : : : : : . : : :'( ffif Renewa'l Cost $125.00 75.00 55.00 55.00 NO FEE 55.00 55.00 LIABILITY - optlon #1: $1,000,099 !n the a99rtgale lor Bodily Iniurv it,ooO,ooo ln the aggregate for Property Damage 0ptlon #2: Conbined slngle linrit of $l'000'000'00 II0RKHEN'S @I4PENSATION - Show that you are covered in the State of Colorado rilo llorkren't iiil'.'-" - irovio! i "tliter-siatin-g.voy are the sole omer t'v"7- will not'ttiii-itre-io'n fiiute for any acc.ldents',At the tinp Vor-fiie somone you will piovlde us with UC' N0TE: If you ar.e purchasing an e'lectrica'l or p'lumbing rtglstrat-ion' you @! provide . .opi-oi'i'f,usi.i Rigistration'from the State of Colorado' IT IS IMPERATIVE TH@ FOLLOt.lING INSURAI{CE CERTIFI CATES : Thank you, Janei'l Turnbul l TOV Building Dept. 'I u! t'. l.r t. .? ;J. ' Princi pal Offlce :,. ......... . fu(.(........ r ..... #llillE.gu5iTloil (AIA Docurnent Number A-305 .t 79 Edltlon nray be .]:_^!9ru.many years has your organizailt' c o n t "i I t o i "il ni i i' jo, " p i e s e n t 6 t ;i ;il r1. ir.T .:: .ry.dtr .:: .: 1__l9r many years experience in the pr c o n s t r u c t i o n i' J' i - r, o s vo u r o ie a n i ;; ; i 5ir tf; i I i o .:::"i/laT .:taaaa.. ...aa. 3' Llst the tott tS::l!-Projects your organizatlon has had lnconstruction work sinilar fn-type inO'stze: . "t t t "tt""tr""rrr""""'aaaaoaaaa aaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaa..aaaaaaa t""""'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaa " "" ' ' t t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'o ' t ' ' ' '' a a aa a a oaa aa a a aart aa aoo at a a. a aa a a a a a a a a a a a aa t ' t ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' t ' ' ' a.. a a a a a a a.. a a. a o.. a Ia a. a.. a a a a. a a.. a a. a. a t t t "' " o ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' a a a a a aa a a a a o aa a a aa a a a a aa aa a aaaa a a a aa aa a aaaO. t ,,", nunlclpal iHes you trave if censes and current status:/l/anc- 't '' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' o ' ' r ' t ' ' ' ' t ' ''' a o o a a a aa o a a a a aa a a a o a - a aaaa a a o a a a r a a a a t"""ttttttt.:tttt"t""r"r"'a.a..aaaaa.aoaaaaaaaaaa...aa...a.a...a...a ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t '' t t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' a ' a. a a a a a a a a a a r. a a a a a a a. a a a a a a a a a a r a a aa a aoaaaaaaaaaaaaa .!r.; .f i Type and Class of wowork a.aaaaaaa aaraaaa. .a..oa .aa... 5. ittrat other inportant conpibted? projects of similar nagnitude llhe n has your orlanizatlon you? .a.aaaa.aa us e: 6. Have you ever ....k....rf so Individual's Nanre ' Present Pos i ti on or Office failed to cc:::plete any work arrarded to , r'rhere and why? .... ... a....aaaa..aa.aaa. 1:, fi". the Surety.Conpan;r, bonding capacity,and the nane and address of the locil alency-you expect to .#a/e.frrmla*:p-17s-4p.gr.*bnrcnrfue-r/,ea./,a//".,eo 8.. I'lhat is the consiruction and excerience of lheprineipal individuats of your orsinlaiiil;n-cna tiiose Inctvldualsto be directly lnvolved li any piojiii-in"u,l-rorn-of iail. llagni tudet Type of llork /t/0/hd,t/6 Heu.r !nfnirh.:..""t"-' ataaaaa.a ,aaaaaaaaaaa tl ,hASaryl.yrJ/ar.o.. t....... fr...................... I aa raaaoaaaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. aaaaa '.'.,&..'.::H'.;/w./;1.i l) 1c^11ses., | - e. !|a s tcr -P_l ur:rb;r, Arch i tect, El ecsri ca | ?.?.r.+iij.r.JU;.;:'?ft ;;/;.di;)'.;i.::.'.'.'.'.::::::: f n,,^,.,. ./, , r2.' -i Yrs. of Con- struction Exoeri ence ln l.that I Dr ci tv? -'l t-.t ';? i|l.a4i.t .. t3. 14. aaa.aaa 11. List Uitow rha ,.^-e--_^-corpoiitLi-r;;.ti" contracts which vou, or our conpany, or*,',iii,J i"i:5 i ;. l' ff '' f ! ; n I i ii I'J'i#:* : ! i' . !i" T i ti i..,.,, - /Yaile../.... a..aa. t ' t ' ' ' ' t it ' ' ' t ' ' .a.aa..,a.a...r """":" ""':' .....:.. ...:.. li'.,I!!"::ll;'|1::.t. ror alr contracts :!j.:!-t:"r,or l,esr company,partJ to..during the previous ffve iS) yerrs.rl^t ,."r""nrur)7of projects compl eted wi thi n schedul e.... . ..(!,{.(!. .z/ '%YH ": the work will vou do df rectry .orpor.c to sub-contractors?Eanki'ng References A.fire7ghorP af t'J 8. 15.. Trade A. B. c. D. 'E. References 5. ilf,at other inportant projects conpi bted? Type and C'lass of work ...tsr€ aaa... of slmilar nragnitude llhen has your orlanization Nane & Address of C.rnrr aaaaa.r..a ..a.aa.aaaaa.aaa. aaaaaaaa.a 7. , l{gne the Surety.Conpany, bonding capacity,and the nane and address oi the locil -ilency you expect to .#a/e.Eta./a*:rcne-ip.gtlbn,*p.fue-r/.m4cz.t",eo 8.- l,lhat is the cons.uruction and excerience of theprincipal individuats of your otgini:iiiJn-.ia iiiJre Inctvtdurlsto be directly involved tn any piojeii-in"u,l-rorjn-of iailo 6. Have you ever ....k....If so Individual,s llame ' Present Yrs. of Con- Pos i ti on 3 tructi onor 0fflce fai'led to cDiplete any work awarded to you? , r.rhere and why? use: llagnl tude & Type of tlork ln tlhrt Ca or ci tv? K.ry!.Lrclf/. . . . hlX ni,b. : . . Exoeri ence ...r3.{.,k9. j a t-.'-l'.' '191 .1, ' " .' F-i- r. -a'/ | .' 3" tt ].9:-1"y:.ylu eyer had a lfcense ln our rrer or any other rreaunoer any name that was: A) Revoked B) Denied C) Suspended If so, please explain: /l/o """t""' .ara.aa 1..... l7) tf registrant ls.Corporation or partnershlp, please stEterppticgnt relatjonshipipoii;i;; -'''' ,///..yt/.4 "'l'lt' a.aa.a.aa.aa. l8) tthat is your postion in tiis registration? A) 0fficer B) Stockholder C) Principal . D) orher /rapnL/* re) sociar securtty' r, ..././.2..{.1:.-.4.UJ TO!{N OF VAIL To Whom It May Concern: I, Susan Bristol Herzog, am the sole owner of the residenceat'|' 652 Matterhorn Circle (Lot 23, Matterhorn Village).I hereby state that I will not hold the Town of VaiI liablefor any accidents which may occur on the above property during the period of the construction of the 130 sguare-footaddition to the home to take place during the summer and faIIof 1991 . My of Husband, Woldgang Herzog will be doing the constructionthe addition. Herzog 15 July 1991 Susan Bristol o Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. LAND SURVEYING . CIVIL ENGINEERING. MAPPING June 28, I997 IoDl t lfi,r^ o.itil She I Iy MeIlo Vail Conmunity 75 S. Frontage VaiI, colorado Development Road 816s7 Re: Area of Lot 23A, uatterhorn ViIIage, Filing #1 Dear She lly: According to the final plat of Matterhorn ViIlage, FiIing No. l as recorded in the EagIe County records and the legal description of that porLion of LoE 23, Matterhorn Villaqe as ciescribed in Book 257 at Page 110 of the Eagle County records, the area for LoE 23A is O.27 of an ac re. Sincerely, sfr=K S-,#- Steven K. Scott P. L. S. No. 20695 P.O. Box 409 I l3 East 4th Street Eagle, Colorado 81631 Phone: (3031 328-5368 FILE COPY O . r.da I 75 !ou{h honlrgo toad Y!ll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 47S2138 (300) 47$2139 ofllce ot communlly deueloPment June 21. 1991 Wollgang and Susan Herzog P.O. Box 431 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Approval of Addltlon at Lot 23' Matterhorn Village Dear Wolfgang and Susan: As you may recall, there was some conlusion regarding the paving of your required parking at the Design Review Board meeting on June 5, 1991. After further discussion, the stafl has determined that we are compelled to require that your required parking area be paved as part of this approval. According to Section 18.52.080, ofFstreet parking must be paved. The staff recognizes that many of the properties in this area do not have paved parking areas. However, when these properties add floor area (GRFA), they too will be required to pave their parking. Should you have any questions, please call me at479'2138. ii'\ t, nI l^rtlrl!I Ittt=fui- Reception tto... 1'- *J-6... ,. I4axaelL Trrs Inrnnnrrmq Made thig 28Eh day ot June ) '( , 19 77 , between Sue A. Bristol Herzog, a married person whose addresa is 431, Vai1, Colorado part y of the first part, and the Public T?ustee od County of Eaglein the State of Colorado, parfy of the second part, Witnerseth: THAT, WEEREAS, Thri said Wolfgang Herzog and Sue A. Brisrol Herzog, husband and wife hs ve €o(ecuted a promissory note bearing even dato herewiur, for the principal sum ol -. -l-. -:---. --------THREE TITOUSAND AND NO/100-------___ Dollars,payable to tho order of The Bank of Val1 whose addresa is Box 1728, Vail, Colorado ar the rate or r0. s0 per cenr ,* *fr:::l""lii! '?i'ailiX,*Xl'=':";""i61:Au:n.J"ji ,n**' month, the first to be made on August r, J.977 and each succeeding payrnent ofthe same day of each succeeding rnonth until the entire amount i.b paid in fu11. AND WEEREAS' The said part y ol the first part is desirous of securing payment of theprincipal and interest of said promissory note in whose hands soever the said note or any of them may be.Now' THEREFORE The said part y of the first part, in consideration of the premises an6 for the purposoaforesaid, do hereby gtant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part in trust foreyer,the following described property, aituate in the county of Eagle , sbte of colorado, to wit: That Port.lon of LoE 23, _ Mat terhorn ,Vi llage , according Eo Ehe recorded platthereof more parLicularly described as f6liows: Beglnning at Northeasterly corner,of sald Lot 23i thence SouLh 16:55r46" East a distance of. L94.81 feet;thence South 62119t12" Wesr a distance of 36.93 feet; thence North 34047r59t' I,Iest a distance of 119.21 feet; thence Norch 4026'37" West a distance of 100 feet to apoint on the Northerly line of sald Lot 23, Matterhorn Village; thence along said Northerly line to the point of beginning, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado. thercon' rccotdlng to the t€bor rnd ef-fcct ot lrld uot! or *v o? them, or .ru the prtdrert ot rnt D49f ?Dcuribr.r.c!., priDcrp.r orInt€retl' ir anv' ot in ."oe dcfault sh{ll,b€ made ll or io-care "r "iil"ilo" or brerch ot."J.ir Liri-t"r i,'iondruon., cov.DaDb or sEr€GheDthlrclD cobtriued. thc t€neficirry hercuDder.o, thc l€aal botd€r ot if,o -i"-J.tt"Ono" lecur[d her€b, qgr a.ctdr. a voiation o! rD, o, thG coe.DaDthe'ern rontained {nd el'ct to advertlte said properti lor *1.-."a-J"*iia €uch sate,-th-en, upon fitins notic€ or 6uch ctecrion rnd dpr,x.nd lor.are with th. isid psrty of rhe lecond pa.t,-*r,b rti"tr-upoo-.l1ip"i.iii""r, Dorice;f etcciio; -;n;-;;;";;-;" .rtc cau!. a coDy o, r.he rahe rob€ recordcd In Lhe recorder'' of fic' o' the co.rnr ia wlict *ra 'Li'.it"t" I' ,it*t a-, li-"r,i.rl';""i';;; b" rrwrul ror .r,rd p.'t, of rh6 Eaondport to lell 6hd dlsDoee of thc 'r-mc 1en me.aoe or tn repa.ite pir?];, i. tt. ""ia public Trust e msy thiDl beslr, rud ru th. rtht, titte.bd in. To lravE AND To noLD the Anme' to'gether with atl rnd ringular the privileges and apDurt€nances theleunto b€longins: ln TrustNev?rthele.!, That in car€ ol detrult in the prymcnt of rsid not or any of tberD, or iDy pa,rt theleof, or llr thc Daymrlt o! the Int r..t ter..t ol lsld part y ol the flrrt part, hef belrr oi alsltls therein, st ,ubllc euctiotr et the Main ,roDt door o, thc principrl rDd inlarert duc oD mld nok rccordira to thr talor rnd errect ti.r€o( aad rlr monevr.dvrnccd b, ruc! b.nclicrrry or r.crlhold.r of .f,ld not for iD.6urrDc€, t^r.r .Dd rr!.!!m€Dt, ,tth tltarc.t thr-r..oo.t 18.0 p.r cc,D! Der !-otu.b, r.Dd.rlog tlcovcr!'lut' il rDv. uDto thc r.ld D.d y o!ibe ltrrt prtt, hgr lagd rcDrr..ltrllvea or.."lg''; whrcb talc or *lcr ra<l rd{t dcc{ @ de.\d6 !o mide 6hill bc . pcrlrctu.l b.r, both itr lrr rnd cquity, rasir.t th. erld prrty ot Lb6 ttnt D..rt lfef b.br court Houle' lD the countv t Eg81" , . ' st i. ol colorrdo, .or -oD ".ld D*b!ir.., or.rDr Drrt urerrot .' hry b. lDcciltcdItr ttr' oollcc of arld aale' lor the htg,fl-ai rrd-!:t p4"s tt'. c.J.-itTt I'rng io.c-lr,- riuiiiG;!ffi;ilrs". -vrna bletr Dreelou.ry sivcD orlne Lime rnd place ol auch 6alc' bv sdvertisemeDL weekly, in rome newaprper of general "ir"-ur.tio'i i'i t:h"t tlmc Dublilhed iD srid coutrt, o, Eagle ' I copv o! Fhlcb aotice shall be mailcd witiin tsD dat! lrob thc drt ol tro fint DubllcttoD th.rrol to tb...id psrt v ol the tirsr "i*.-*-,1.._l1oi:*.rheretn aivm. aDd to luch pelron of pe.lonr appearina t have acqutred a .ublcauart recordlhtcrc't in teid rea! ettrtc rt th' 'ddre6. gilcD lD the rccor-dcd lortirment ; .wher. onlt th. couolt strd ,trt r. aiv.D .r thc.ddF.. thGD ructrnotlce lhrll be hsited r. thc couarr_!ear, ira to oiiil lil';il';-d. Durch.ler or.eurchalGm o,,ucb prop.rry at.uch !.tc, r, c.rr.iftcrr. orcertrlrctlea rn writina describlnc .uch. propertv Durchas€d, a-"a tl" "u- or_sum! psid_therefor, and tire iime wh"". thc purch""er- or purcharcrr(or oth?r pc-oD .ntitl€d ther.t;r .t'"lt '1. *tiitJ to " iJa-# o'jli."ir.'.ro,, ,,oi"'a- o. ",;; ;ili';';"a*-ed rr r. Drovtded b, t.,; .bd'aid Pubiic Trust'e shall' upoo demrnd bv the per;; .iiii"J'i""iiiir'ic the 6aid c€rtiri.sr. or cerriricat.. or Durchue, ."hcb lsid d.mlnd i.m3de, or upoh,t.rna!d bv rbe DeBon .en iiiled .to r deed to inJiir iiie;;"p"rtv purchased, at the time auc.h aemand is made, rhc time tor r€_demptioD havlEa erpired, (asl" rnd erecutc to luch.DerBoD or'j"""ooi_. d!.d or decd. to tI.-.r;d Drll'€rty Durcbued, ihtc! |.td dc.d or dccd.ohar be rh th. ordinarr form of a converrncc, rod rh-eii U. "iinai-i"-r.-o"*r"ac.A "na auii,.i"d [itio iiijl,"or- Tru.t., rr snotor. and lhaucooYev ord quil'chiE to .uch DerBoD or pcreo'or .btirled.to ;.1h';'oi;';" grerte€, tho srld proDerr, purchrred .r rforc.rid r'd .ll rhc ri!.ht, lltjit I'f.."?l, ben€fit and equity ot. red.emption of the perr I of rh€ first prrt, he-f - het|t rtrd u6iar! therein. rodanrll r'crl'e the sum or 'umt (o' ehich -the 6rld propertt weriold rnd rbrll refer e irro oo-". of tale thereio contlined, rnd to th. ealc or calei6ade Lv virtu€ lhereot i and in crae of r" 'a'rio"ic"i ollu"i i.iJIhiit o!.cartiri6ta. o! Durchuc, oi ra ca'! or tb! redc'Drlotr of ruchDrotirrtv' bt ' 'ul'.e(rueDt "ncumbilncer, """h *aGn;;;;' -ii'i"ii ri.' ahru iho be,"r"","a L-'to- iu"r, decd or deed. i but rh€ notie orlalc oeed nol t'€ let out in such d€€d or ieeua aai ti. i"ta- iiruil" r.isrel"hr||, "ri.i-u,l p^j"-*a. .-".".fl, "r.uch,ale, rttar tir.t pariDa and r€bining ail le€'. chsrr€t rDd co€t6 ol brkiDa iaid .ale. Dat to tbc beneliciary b.reuDdcr or tb€ leSrl boldcr of lrld Dot t[! tnd qslrns' and rll other DertoD! clrtming the .eld Dropertv' or aDt Drrr thcreol-, bt, tro', througb or uril.r 6rid Drr! ot th. fit"terrlr or rnt ot th'b' Tb' hotd.r or bold... of arld noil oi o,irf -o-i'pii.r'...-..ra pi..ip.ttr'oii.ii-p"? il-i.-l , r.d tt .b^ll Dot b. ob'a.to'upoo the Purch!'e! or Durc'br'c$ at aDv tucb talc to ..'. to thc rpiliiii,oa of thc purch.|t moDqt. Lf . rlreu. o.cd D. nqurrtd, l! r, .s"..dth6t th. D.ity ot th. lLrt D|rt,her ' bain or rrrlsu, rlll pry the erpca.rr 6crol. Barz No. 3{l-A. DEED OF TBusT-prbltc Tnut c-B.cclr.r,. Ctrq|._Arrorn.rt F.-. - Bri.lfor.l pl|1, islrinR C,,., Ip.i-t'iSr,,|lrStrc,.{.t).n\.r.(.i,l,,ro(1,,|.,i:t.ji lll \ l{ld tb. .rld D.n y Drrt. tor hgf. cov.nto! , .r!d rrra. to rnd wltb th. .rtd Drrt ol tb.,eco.d Dtrl thrt rt tla tisc o, tbG .tr.eiliDg ol .|rd dcllrcry of th.aa 9r..ent Delng r.U rctr.d ol. th. i.ld.l.Dd rDd t€D.rEDt!- lB fcc rluplc, rod brVin$ sod rtgbt, !u.U Dosc! .Dd l.rfulr.lt'ho tv to srrnt' b-rsrtD. lcll lnd colrct tbc nmc ir-thc ii"il-'inc to'-- 'i "rliJfuili.ity tulfy gnc rororurery wlivin3 rnd rct€slins rll tl8ht' rbd chib' shg ttrrv hAv! lD o! to .rld lrDdr, ten-cmcnt!. rbd prop€rBf a-r r Homerkad EredDtlou, or othrr exemgtlo!.undar rod bt vlrtu' ol rDt .ct ol th. G.B..ril li".-tli'.ftl"'3tit" ? colondo, Do.' .nt UBc or whtcb Er.t barart r lE D.r.d lE lrl.ttob$h.r.to.Dd thrt rb!.dd. rFr tr.. |.Ed cl..r of .ll t6;-;d ;;;6;.rc€r ,n.r.l.r. Except' Deed of Trust from sue A. Brlstol to the public Trustee of Eaglecounty for the use of The Bank of vail, to secure the sum of $22,000.60,dated November l, 1972 and recorded November 30, Lg72 in Book 226 at paie 525, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado. 'nd thc rboY' b'rsrhad DroD?rtt lo tlc qulct ard paL..ble l,o.rcaaion ol thc srld Drity ot the lecond pa,it, hl. rucc€nroF rnd r!.lg!-., ll;'?il'+l.T.it"f:."d FFjir.Si:ff: l.F ullt cl.tt6t!8 or to cIlha tba whole or r|tt Drlr the!€or. rhe 'rr,t prrty ot tlc r,!rr Drn ,hrtr l,Dd tirt dtr or t.hc cobtlnutEcc,o! .rld lDdrbt dr.s. or rn, Dar! lherrot, tha .std Dart v . o, ihc llrst part ,lll lo dua a.i.oD Dr,all trr.. ind s6!e!!mert l.vlcd o'' .atd p-roDcrty i .ll rmoultt drie'on tcc""nt bi p.i""iplt lnJ iot"re"t o-n pno, "-n"u_or'nce!. lr ary: lhd xlllke"D tll bulldln8t thrt m6v sg.rr lirnr-h. oa iita irnar,-iniuiia "i'rG"t lo"" lfii.e 6iirr litina"j1oi"irg. "noor""-"nr! rr .uch complny or comt:ri" ar thc holdcr ot lrld not b^!', ftob tlDe to tlm. dtrcct, lor luch rura o! .umt 6g luch cornprnr or comprnt€r will tn.uie lor not to excccd thc lE|ount ol rrld lEdabt dtc.r, crcl9t,t th. optto! o! asld prrt y oi tnc first prrt, with tosi, lt aty, payable to the b.nc ttciarv h't€undor. !. its ltrt€t..t rbrt rt,D6r, ald wlll dcllver thc pollcy ot Dollclc. ol inluranc. t tlc b€neftclary hereunder, ar 'urther recutltt fot tfic ildebtcdacre rtoretrld. And ln casc ol thc lallure of lald Dart V of th. flttt part to thu! IDlur. atd dcllver thcpolicie! ol lhsurance, or !o Dat luch trtc! ot |!t!6!mer|l5 or llnoutrtr aua or to becohellue on any prio! encumbrsnc€a, i! any. thcn tJre hotdcr of rald tlota , or alt ol theE, nrat gtocutc ruch tDlutrlca, ot ,ry luch taxe6 or alr€samelrt! or imount du€ upod prior encornbrinc.!. lf rnv' !nd. all-moEctt-thur patd, wlth lDt.!.rt th"t-.oo.t.18.0 D,q ccntu-m pe! .!ouE, .h!D b.comG so tluch iddl onal Ind.bt.dnc..rccutrd Dt tDL Dcad of lYu.l. lnd !h.ll b. prtd "it ut ct'c Droce€&-; *;;;lc oi ri.-;;;;.ty-;;;""";ij,-ii '"1 i"*-Jii"rilliiii'b; ;:il;:Hf'o( thc tlEt part rDd .orv for .uch rirlqr. accirrc r rloirttol 6i ttttiiot"nu"" lnd asreeEr.nr. 'aND Tllt rN cagB oP IIJY DEF/IULT, wheribt tt. !tab! ot tor€cloruts occuE b.taunder, tb6 rar}e plrty ot lhe re.oDd psrt or thc-holdc! of arld Dota o! cartlflct_tc 9! uurghrec, aLrll rt olcc baoome entitled t thc possellion, uce and e[Joyme1t, of tha property rfore-trtd, -.!d to-Lh. r.!t , lrru.r rDd grotlr. g,jt-r, -t^ira *i i"iirtos- "t "u"r, "iit t ana auii"g ir," pinJ"n"y ol ror:ectosure p'"ir"JJii" '", jl,-i Derlod ot lcdcdDtlor, If rtv thcrr'br: rad ruch pcroetd.t u d-o;". be delivercd to the;id ;;rt;-;i ihe eecond p..t.i-iri. r,"li"rli-".ii !ot' oa c.ttlllcd. o! purchrrc oD ttQuc.t, rDd o! rdutal, tbc deltvery ot ruch pors.rlion tray be cnlolceil by the laid Dsrty ot the !.co!d Drrt or tbr holdcr ol rald tlot or ccttlllc{t! o! Durchalc by iDt rDgmprlata civil lult or Dloce€diBg, rsd the cald party ol tle !.cond part. or tha holdc..ot.sld Eota or crrtlttcat ol D-urchrae, or rlt tL.rrot, lhdl b. entttled to r Recelver lor .rld proDertr, .hd of thc rcnb.l!!u6 rnd Drollrr tbcFol' .ftet luch oerault, tniluatni thi-ttui coiii.a uy rorictoruie pi.il*oi"ii .nj-uie p..ioi ir'..a;; piii,;,.,"ir 'ii,:" i'ri'.i: b., rDd lhall ba €Dtlu€d lh.r€'to !. . rrrltt r ol.rlght *lthoul regrld to- thc solv€ncy ot lneolvency ot thc psrty o, the flrlt Drrior ol .thc lhel -g!{nct of !!ld 9.oD.rtv and wlthiut regi"a to-lle iil"i, - tttiil"i, 't"i ii,"-ti -n'iiuii"."'ii"t be lDDointed bv .nv ..,,rr .tcomDetcDt Jurl.dlctloD uDo! ex prrt eppltcrrton and withoui notrcirouce bsi;t he;.by ;;;.;;it-;;l"i:j"J "li-,ii'L-,- r"ii,"" 'l"d" oitlillnc-oh. rnd !.vcnuc thcreflom lhdl be rpplicd by .uch Recelver to the prymeDt oi th; I;drbtAn;; trereby eecurea, accordiri to l;; ";;-ah:ordelr .|td dlrcctlolra ol thc courl. AND' !'Ilrt irt carc ol dcloult lu iAy of arld Dsfoertr ol grlncigal or lnt rest, iccording to ti. teno! and elfect of .!fd Drohh.ory not. rfort6'ld, or ant of thcttr, or tDt Drti th.&ot, or ol r brcsch or vloLrtion ol rdt ol l,he covetrabt! or agi€€rnent! heretD, by the Dllty ol tha li t .Dirt, he.f executor., rdmhl.trrt rr or arsi8t!. th.o and ln thrt cs!€ the whol. ol .tld prlnclpal rum h.rcb, ::)t_{:_i*_ T-" int rc.t-,thlr€oD to the timc of ral€, mr-t !t oncc, at tho- oirlotr ol _itri t.gei trota"i riiieor, ucomc aue 'rnd -9'al.6i.;-.;;' i;:|rro properltlD6 lold ln^the manner rnd w-lth t-he srrn. clf.st s! It rald lndebt€dnes. had mlturcd, rtrd that i( loreclosurc te ma'ae bi alr" i'riii; mg*fi"H#f_*,tf*tkt{+.${1E*FS"{&i{$tF*ieH:,}1;f"::1i.ljf},'t:$f,*:"n,r"T.",Ts.#iit:*i.,r;' lN PITNE8S WEEEEOf, 14. !at't prlay ol thc flrrt g.rt ha S bcr.uBto ..t hefthc iht .trd y6t fiEt rbovc wrltt€b.b.Bd .!d .6.J rld lor hef balrr, erecutoE aDd rdEhbtratorr. It\o lor.gohli llltnrDcnt wa! rcknowledSed betorq !a. n-ll. *-- ---Sue--*A..--3ris.ano nusDan Herzog and Wolfeane He l4y coualaelou mtu.{ Drt h|!d rld ot'tlcld rc.t. WlTNEgg ! JTAIT OF COLORADO, I corot ot ---E-gg-1-g-----l*'drr or-- ------ -{-U-49- E .'\ h"Qc fi{IY rc F ez € E c ID () I >| F..v) >)= i:i frlCUT FEnFltrFF?eAP H( \)i \l \ 60 Ni $$i .i .3- ol \i, \\ oi E \J ,rl'() sri \.. o gt' r^- i '/1 sll *"# 'lli iltr !ili$ll! ' ull b0 Nt{o b0 d b0 -l l.J+- oh *' ) 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479,2138 (303) 479,2139 office ol communily development May 17, Sff Wolfgang and Susan Bristol Herzog Box 431vail, co 81658 ;'RE: 1652 uatterhorn Circle ' : \ Dear Wolfgang and Susan, I an writing concerning the next steps to be taken in your application for your garage and secondary unit. The DRB on May 16, l-990 unanirnously approved to allow for the separation of the garage unit and the primary unit which wil-I allow you to build as you had planned provided that the Planning Commission approves your setback request . The next step is to apply for the setback varj-ance. This staff will rnake a reconmendation for approval or denial of the request and the Planning Commission will rule on the request. The next subnittal date is May 28 for the June 25 Planning Comrnission public hearing. In this submittal , the iterns Listed on the variance application must be included. We will also need a copy of the existing house plans to determine the GRFA that will be available for the secondary unj.t. Should the Planning Cornrnission aprrove the variance request, the next step wil-I be to return to the DRB on July 1-8 for final approval of the design. Finally, you will need to nake an application for a building pennit after you have received final DRB approval . Should you have any question please feel free to call ne at theOffice Community Developrnent 479-2t38. Sincerely, rAuou W Shel Town Planner o COI'R.ADO ; ', o 6',ll MAY 131991 I. DRB APPIJCATION - TOWN OF VAII,, DATE APP',ICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB I.TEETING: -taatatata TIIS IPP!'ICISION fILIr NOT BE ICCEPIED uNTrr, lI.L BEoUTnED tNFORr.tArIoN t8 SuBUrTrED aaaaaaaaaa W: A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF RSVIEW: New Constnrction -}i aaaition ADDRESS: ZONTNG: l{inor Atteration c. D.LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: bt -L>- Block Subdivision If property Ls described bY description, please Provideattach to tbis appli.cation. IPT AREA: If T stanped survey G.NN,TE OF APPLICANT:ltailing Address: ,rH. NA!'IE OT APPLICANT'S RTPRESENTATIVE: %uailing Address: ' I.NAI{E OF OWNERS: .SIGNATSRE(8) S l{ailing Address: Condoninium Approval I'f applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the tine of issuance of a buildinq pertnit. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION ( ' r [',.).{" 50, 0oos 150,o00s 500,000 $1, OO0, ooo 91,000, o0o IILI, AE PROCESEED 'ITEOUT OTNERIS SIGNAAURE \1'\ \ , il.u' ^\ Vil"\ E. F. a meets and bounds legal on a separate Eheet and , applicant rous.t a current showing lot area. 2 J. l(. 910,O01$ 50,001 $150, 001 9500, OOl I over .Conceptual Revlew o0 oo Io00 o0 $I $ .NO IPPIJICAIfON a ovith the deslgrn gruldellnes. Ilre DREYoes not vote on ;;;";fi"i-ieii"it. lrhe propertv owner or his ;6;#;titrve errdr be piesent lt ttre DRB hear'ns' NAI.IE OF PROJEE!: LEGAT, DESCRTT{Ir)M totE BrpcK - SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRII{IION OF PRO.TECI: ' '|\\f] | FVc- l- Alrl)l I r(rt\, tL-) Fvr*Tir.1G.. €'RDDIOD Lrt/Fl Roof4 The followlng lnfo:nation ls reSrlred for subnlttal to the Design ieviev Board-before a fl'nal appioval can be given: BUILDING UATERIAIS: Roof (P51-rr) Siding other tlall uaterlals i t\aqz rAl A. Fascia soffitg Windows window lrin Doors Door TriD Hand or Deck Ralls Flues Flashings ChirnneYs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other B.I,ANDSCAPING: PIANT I{ATERTAI.S: PROPOSED IIREES EXISTING ITREES TO BE REMO1IED Naloe of Designer: Plrone : B,UJ€. BL$EJuA-\D _ c Botanlcal Name gonmon Narne ouantltv Size* for deciduous 7 COI'R *Indlcate caliPer trees. Sinirnun cqllPef"fef TILE COPY 75 south fronLage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47S2138 (303) 4792139 May 30, 1991 Susan and Wolfgang Hezog 1652 Matterhorn Circle Vail. Colorado 81657 olf ice of community developmenl RE: Expansion of Residence at Lot 23, Matterhorn Vlllage Dear Susan and Wolfgang, As Susan and I discussed on Wednesday, May 29, 1991, the following information will need to be verified by an lmprovement Location Certificate (l.L.C.) for your property prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed second floor addition, provided it is approved by the Design Review Board (DRB): 1. Compliance with setbacks;2. Coverage of site by building;3. Location of easements. Although we have information which would lead us to believe that the building is in compliance with all zoning standards, lhe Town must require verilication in the form of a l.L.C. stamped by a licensed surveyor. I have also asked the surveyor to provide the lot size as in some instances the staff has found subdivision plats to be inaccurate. Please keep in mind that should it be found that any one of the zoning standards is not met, the DRB approval will be void and no permit will be issued. The item is scheduled for review by the DRB on June 5th. Please have the property staked so that the DHB can identify where the addition will be. lwill be available afterJune 1Oth. Please contactJill Kammerershould you have any questions prior to my return. i!^t\ /t,\\".uil i VtLry.q.-- SM/rd I o I Project Application lo ?0,Date Project Name: Proiect Description: ! l, l\c Owner, Address and Phone: Contact Person and Phohe Architect. Address and Phonei Legal Description: Lot 2,,Block Zone - Com ments: Motion by: Seconded Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Summary: I -^...u brarr Approval | '.?. I,t DRB APPLICATION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB }TEETING: *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTTL ALL INFORMATION rs SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application rneeting with a planning staff mernber is strongly suggested to detennine if any additional infornation is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items recruired bv the zonincr adninistratorl . It is the applicantrs responsibility to make an appointrnent with the staff to find out about additional subrnittal requirements. Please note that a COUPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approvaL that the DRB rnay stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building perrnit is issued. Application will not be processed without Ownerrs Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROPOSAL:B.IPCATION Address r,egal Description t ot LV Block c. D. subdivision JV\at(p"hort- zonins NAT.IE OF APPLICAIi Mailing Address: NAME OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE: Mailing Address: Phone E. NA},TE OF SrGNATURE (S) : Mailing Address: V;r\[ fn PhoneJs-:a-{---- '' F.DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the tirne a buildingpermit is recruested. VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo 910,001 - $ 5o,ooo s 50, ool. - $ 150, ooo S15o,oo1 - $ 5oo,ooo $500, oo1 - sL, 0oo, ooo S Over SL,000,000 II. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to neeting submittal reguirements, the applicant rnust stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed must also be marked. This work rnust be cornpleted before the DRB visits the site. Phone A+b - ^ loo ?', 4ot t' Z :.r.L. FEE $ 10. o0 ,s 25.O0_ $ 50. o0 $r.00. o0 s200. o0 $300. o0 o . rr:. Il B. Ttre review process for NEW BUILDINGS will norrrally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two neetings for a final approval. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled neeting and who have not askedfor a postponenent will be required to be republished. D. At the discretion of the zoning adninistrator, thefotlowing iterns may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, trave to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a. Windows, skytights and sinilar exterior changesthat do not alter the existing plane of the buiJ.ding; and b. Buitding additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had letters submitted fron adjoining property owners approvingthe addition; and,/or approval from the agent for,or manager of a condoninium association. E. You nay be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. o i I. UATERIAI, TO BE SUBMITTED NEW CONSTRUCTION A. Two copies of a topoqraphic map and site pfan at a scale of lrr = 20r or larger, of the site containing the following: 1. Licensed surveyorrs stanp. 2. contour intervals of not nore than 2r unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5r contour intervals nay be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4rt or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, internittent streams, etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, centerline of stream or creek, creek or stream setback, loo-year flood plain and slopes of 4o* or Dore, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS Iandrnark or sewer invert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site, showing size and type of culvertsr swalest etc. b. Exact locations of all utitities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: Cab1e TV Telephone c. Property lines and a basis of d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. All easenents (Title report must also include existing easement loeations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvenents including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, wa1ks, driveways, off-streetparking, loading areas, retaining lralls (with spot Etevatj.ons of top and bottom of walls) ' and other site irnprovements. Sewer GasWater Electric showing distances and bearings bearing Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing- and proposed orades shown underneath) to detennine height of Uuitaing. A11 ridqe lines should be indicated on the site p1an. l-0. o ) NOTE: Landscape Plan (1rr = 20r or larger) - 2 copies required 1. Shoer the location of 4il diameter or larger trees, other shrubs and native plants that are on thesite and the location and design of proposed landscape areas with the varieties and sizes ofplant materials indicated. 2. complete the attached landscape materials list. 3. Designate all trees to be saved and all those to be removed. As much of the above inforroation as possible should be indicated on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the various cornponents is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be shown on a separate nap. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and buildinq corners. Trees that will be lost c. Signature fron each utilitv company verifying location of service and availability (see attached). D. Preliminarv title report to accompany all submittals, to insure property ownership and aI1 easements on Property. E. Architectural Plans (L/4" = 1r or larger) 2 copies reguired. 1.. Must include scal.ed floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on conpletion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. one set of floor plans must be ttred-Iinedrr to show how the GRFA ritas calculated. 3. Subni.t one set of reduced (8 L/2x x 1111 ) floorplans, elevations and site plan for inclusion in nemos to Planning Commission and Town Council. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and colors sha1l be specified and submitted for review on thematerials list (attached). Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board rneeting. F. Zone check list (attached) rnust be conpleted if project is zoned Single-Fanlly, Prinary/Secondary or Duplex. c. The Zoning Adninistrator and/or DRB nay reguire the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a nodel) if deerned necessary to deternine whether aproject will cornply with Design Guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDTNGS. Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of the proposal nay be subrnitted in lieu of the rnore fornal requirements given above, as long as they provide all inportant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. B. ITT. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. B. original floor plans with all specifications shown. Two sets of proposed floor plans (L/4u = 1r or larger) for additions. c. Two copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. rndicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of existing structure. F. Specifications for atl rnaterials and color samples on naterials list (attached). At the request of the Zoning Adninistrator you may also be reguired to subnit: c. A statement frorn each utility verifying location of service and availability. see attached utility location verification forrn. H. A site improvenent survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. A prelininary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PI,AN After a building pernit has been issued, and when theproject is underwiy, the following will be required U"f9Tg lny-building receives a framing inspection from ttre Building Department: Two copies of a certified improvernent survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. euilding dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. c. AII utility service lines, as-builts, showing-size of lines, type of rnaterial used, and exact locations. D. Drainage as-builts. E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on naP. G. A11 easenents. H. Building floor elevations and all roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. v.CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVTEW 1. submittal requirenents: The owner or authorized agent @ring design approval as. prescribed by ttris- chipter niy suuurit plins for conceptual review Uy ttre Design Review Board to the Departnent of corununity Developrnent. The purpose of a conceptual review shall be to give the applicant a basic understandlng with iespect to the design concept and the compatibifity of a proposal with the Design cuidelines contained within this chapter. This procedure is recomnended nainly for those applications 2. of a higher irnpact than single-fanily and two-farnily residences although projects of that nature shall not be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual design review. The following inforrnation shall be subnitted for a conceptual review: a. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimun scale of one inch equals twenty feet; b. Conceptual elevations and exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structuresi c. Sufficient infortnation to show that the proposal conplies with the developrnent standards of the zone district in which the project is to be located (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, nurnber of parking spaces, etc. ) ; d. Cornpleted application formi e. Planning and Environmental Commission and or Toltn Council approval if required. Procedure: upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Departnent of Conmunity DeveJ.opment shall review the subnitted naterials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirements of the zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject shafl be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code reguirernents, the application and submittal rnaterials shall be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation of the Department of community Developnentts findings. The DRB shall review the application and supporting naterial that has been submitted for a conceptual review in order to deterrnine whether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines. No vote of the DRB wi}l be required unless reguested by theapplicant. The property owner or his representativeshall be present at the DRB hearing. LIST OF MATERTAI,S NAIIIE OF PROJECT: STREEI ADDRESS: I,EGAL DESCRIPTION:ror_ BIscK SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The folLowing Lnfornation is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other IANDSCAPING: NaNe required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF I'IATERIAL COIPR B. PI,ANT }IATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: Phone: Botanical Narne Conmon Name Ouantitv Size* *Indicate calj-per for deciduous trees. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED trees. Indicate PLANT I.IATERIALS: Botanical Name Conrnon Name ouantity Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXTSTING SHRUBS TO BE REI{OVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. ltininum size of shrubs is 5 <rallon. Tvpe Scruare Footacre GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATION TYPE OR I.IETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER IiNDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swironing pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maxirnun height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. llaximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. o ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DESCRTPTION: Ict Block - Filing ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PHONEARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE IOA SIZE Height TOTAI GRFA Prirnary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscaping Fence/Retaining Wall Heights Parking Credits: carage Mechanical Airlock Storage Drive: Slope Pernitted Environmental/Hazards: Avalanche Flood Plain SIope Geologic Hazards Zoning : Approved/Disapproved Date: Allowed Proposed (30) (33) 201 15 1 15t (3o) (50) (300) (600) (eoo) (1200) (so) (1oo) (2s) (50) (200) (400) Slope Actual Staff Signature otrsltW^ VARI{IIICE REIIUEsT TO UONSTFiU{]T A GARAGE U,ITH EI'1FLfiYEE HOUSING UhIiT ABO{JE IIIIHiN A SILIE SETBAf,II. I]N LOT:3, FIATTEftHI:]RN VILLAGE. AF'F'L-1LANT5: 5U5AN V UIILFEANG HEF.ZI]G.'I}6-tUN-60\dO^$ENNqr-:tot Vh..!. TIESURIPTIBN [F VARIANCE f.I:EilUEsTE! TF_- ---- I rF--!-/, , ,E s1,1, FeqLrest a var i ance oi appr-o:r r mate I i, 1E t eet icr the FunpoEe of construrction a gar'age .end ernpl oyee hor-rsing lrn rt abor,e, 'ihE appl rcant= Etate that dr-re tn the con{ igr-rr-atron a+ the propenty ano the location si the e;<istinq srnEle-iamily hslise whrch was blr1l t in the 196t.t'E, it woul d be cjiii lri-rl t to inrprove the property with the addition oi the new Etnr-rctLrr'e rn any other than ihE pr oposed location. tFleaEe see atiached =ite pl ant . The reqnined setbacl: is 13 {eet I thr-rs the new :trr-rcture r4oLrii s1i apprsil ,mat*i V?iEet {norn the ea=t Dnopenty I ine anc apFro)( rmatel y 15 ieet {rc,m the west propert'7 I ine. Fr.rIr0RS The rei ationship oi the neqr-rested variance to other e:ilEtlng or potentiai uses and str-uctr-rne:- in the vicinitl;: In rl:E proposed I gcat ron, the ner.r gtr,-urcturs wolrld be it the +LlFthest possrble drstance irom nerghbonrng houses to tre east and wEEt tbcth ars already pr i mary-eecond aF:./ . Tt the west.t the house rnci Lldps a ?aralE beri l t vir.tr-ral 1 y on the propentv I rne. The 5itlng oi the holrse to the ea€t precl udee any ilir.ther =rte devel opment ) , Jhe new strllctLrre ss sited eJonld have the least impact Ltpon thE prrfnar)" vtew= north and sol(th o{ the e:lieting hor-r;e, wel I as those {nooi slrrnoundinq hsLrseg. Posit ive irnpact: wor-rl d be the encl oslrne of tno ca:^.= rpanking i= presentl y Eited at Etneetsrde in frnnt oi eir r'=ting house) and the adCition oi a tws-bedroom ernpi o;ree residence to tne Varl cornmnnity. The pro;< rmity o{ the prop*rty to e:rietin! publlc EUF tnansF8ntation woul d elrminate the need ion i.heEE emFloyees to Lrss cers tc access Vail . F.L*ijEI'IHh,IT [F STFiUITL]F:I OI.J THE SITE the pnoposed =rting a{ th* pruF'fsed new =irlictr-rr'e i.icr-il d cnniorrn tn thp ronln! code nn al 1 blrt c'ns ;r'je, Ther-e is nct ;lrii icienn- iand on either- side a{ the ari i':tins hor-i:Er ior' garige ion*-ti urtioir, Rnd attachrng the laraip at pitter the baci sr tncnt oi the hoL{se i.rsLr'l c trLrt nf f a ,najarit'; ai natunal ! rght, Fa==1vE =olar garn, and vrew= {!-om the e:: istrnq hcu=E, Srting the new sir--r-icli-rre at lhe uase ni !-he hi'! I at thE baclr Ji the pnopert.'" r.rsul d mrnrflrr:e rts rntru=ion upon the =it:e, iesvrng the ma:rrinnm ;mnnni oi oF*n 6DacE on the 1ot. Fl scing ih* new str'"Lrctl{re on the r,irtuaii i, I evel !rrrlrrd pr'ap*:ed wor-rl,i al iow the site's na'r-uiral dr'aina,le Fitch tar.rard trre Etr-eet lo t'FrTia ln unaiiected b -"" the add|irsn of the ner+ =trlrctlrre tr the '1ri'rer^ray, F.F:OFttSEiI :TRUf, TURI Fies:e see sttached sir*trhed conc€pt oi elevations, a= wel I a= photc oi Pr 1=t r n! h':Lrge , The FroposEi ti.Jo-sttrry stri-L;tLrre wor-rld be thE EamE herrhi s= ihe ei: :=trng =in!le*{amrli' hsuse on utt i3, r-rnited r,trth ri- by cominon :cale, f or'irr,' EtLrcro and woad iini=hes, ro*+ prtrh ;nd nrat*t'ral ;, ietaii rng and r,:l ors, Seen +rorr thE ;trE*t r thE eriistint rroLrEE and the new =ir-LtCtLit E w,:r-il cj vi =lra1 1-v o;er-laF, r !ivrn! j:he AFFEaranCe oi C,ne Jhe propoEed 3t-t ' il 3t-l ' drmensionE si the strLrci.Ltn-; '"icu1d al i i:r.r both mt-tcn-needeii enclosed =t'f,r-s?e ;nc =Fare iai lwc :sr= wlthin tl"re B*rage cn the grcund Ievel , and al =o s ,,-Lci r r.r, ulrL, Lr..,, ,'='J twc-bedrr:crlr tr.ic-bath empl oyee hcr-tsrr; rini-! ,fn l:iF i iscn above. Stair a.treEs io tfre iLorer' unit :.; pr-trFE=ed ttr bE enclo=el , ftoot ove-haFgg aFE propc=ed tc be :lif i irieni. tr' sh*ltpr ;r Elrnderir tc the FEir ':t the r-inper i er,*l . Lo+ at"ri- l tlrbzof ,.r BR. ER. ?Fid7os€>4tpot-rtoN )/.'.-^..! /:r,, Lr _v'...'- ,3{'* I[(o"_ 2\.t f:e_A top Leugu AE>DrTl oL)T<-OcrSfiO<t GRooUb L.A'E Roa143c' >{ 15 / "'"f -<tt;c-tJ-* f"-e',- fir 0 L 0 s\J 0 frJ- ry J {z 2 0 bvEo r;f-_I H$ ltl z H6 $* sEs $ui rt sff F v flrItP3 ^-ll./ lil 5q 9a ,cn? H; 1$ HlJ,l- qu .zN c( r0f o DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot -zb Block -'ririns FN rrl,kt An*r,ry 3/d( hs-L ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRTCTS ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PHONEARCHITECT ZONE D]STRICT PROPOSED USE L (vK 201 t5, 15' (30) (s0) 7?2b / ?t / 6, Qanrrl (300) (600) (e00) (12001 Alo 6a,tr6.{,[L c) Debris Flow Permitted Slope 8t Actual Slope t'/ Dat.e approved by Town Engin€eti _ t.z./Yes No i,/ ??? 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards r ) >.,a) Snow Aval-anche NUb) Rockfarr ilt - 4) Wetlands 250 Addition?IVo Addition is used with this request? Lor srzE ,? lh1 lt&Ut Hai rvh{- ToIa] GRFA Frimary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping ReLaining WaII Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronmental /Ha z ards : Does this requesL involve a How much of the allowed 250 Allowed Exi-stinq Proposed Total (30) (9 z:5' Lqcl+$m =-Tr7Lh -/'2^z?26 lqlq tt$ LMt 10 oI . oz E =E uJo l )fr) cc cc U)ul uJ LLt =E uJ -VW_: q8 I L F s(7hT) (o @ cr) F\ z. E F (o @ cf, ul\ o <a9ovz, (J5 1F) = u,lF E e.FIz =o zz nz. lll--{ 5..&.(P4 l,<q-rJ .6 ,*J4z ulz3 IJJ I F oz t! uJo =I oFo z r.lJ L! r,u fF z 6 o i o .Y,'= O (/,;idFs;9UE;Fe*3 *E E 8Ei3: .E8eEc-o> P:5E:Ie d a.= n; >=:cY"(! d53: EEARfiEo T€8;9;ee Eiteo- (g o--FE; soiE-or = *e€:6'!6 PeEH o (6: -- EatS_o.:(' --cf(50'-!E;.lo|,! -.c .^ $f;; =sg1= .i(6=9 6R 6o B69E9E or -esgg oo ro oo o rf) cc sr == UJ z o) Y UJI z Jo- o e. ollJ tr z -) 9z uJ u.llut!zotr uJco uJe. o o ao 3 _llj u,Gz 6u, F o-tu l z gJ J x F UJ U)I LJJ aD uJ UJ LL F = IJJ F F z J5 co -) 9 F C) uJJ u,/ oz co = E =I() IJJ = F F NO[Vn'lVA q 3HaUJC = EF:= "He- I lrJ€E u .sti= o *aqt ;-x=;bZ Z u-lroootr ^ 6 2L!.x f, z Y-F I o f,trv>oEVx 8t6>H<l!<oq i9E F ffEq 6 ;;,-. (\t O =o- J =rL IUI J(5z. U) lJ-O E &. UJF >< U.l =. F(-) =Fr./)z,o(-) t! =.l. (J z tr lJ g LL cr o- llJ F ao- uJE J z F o trzlz ;ul<oo< =Pxr!6o<z aF2,. Az 3trOI zo tr az i4 a4l --.1 2 I i ,; 41i )\ \ G JI<li_l zl zl .. >lo llJo uJluza L t!t! J z E o Z,I-llxlxl.l .l =luJIol z a J ID z E uJ =z 7) . \,t u) .JO \::) IIJ trooo.) 1 ,,o(Jco F*gi uJ=lodo.. .F F< (E lrJ o- b3>>r (fl cl lo IgFJoEzo z o9zz(Do =2.ff lL tLi4><- PslP5lL I J..i5\J rt/ =zaft Qh- --) -i tLJcod> F ElU o-ItoEE2ZE<cll€3E9rrL .EF :> =r!-5 b=|) dtrE >o-E Ub9 \urE XOt x>€;Fa:l "io.i!i uJ oF E lB = liE, IJlrJ l- o-zo Fof E.Fazo(Jm\'+-/ll=\( .// t=<./ ,- =!: =.1oll!l 5l <l>l rLlol zl 3lolFI tllltltltltll.ll=ltolI UJIl:lt<ll>lI ttlloltzlex rdl(5 1<lJlJlF{l>l Iz.ldlol d,l llJFF =(,z tr d I F J (5o NI TJJ- ul =z (D -) I Il@ l(ol(\rlll\ot; J-r''$ Ixo u.l -H;clsI =c) I It,l" I I ,A u{ @q CI3J Ec) z.l ol uJl 5l al>l rLlol zl 3lolFI l-a = F{ L!- u- = tr =.1ol uJl 5l <l>l rqol zl 3lolFI I I I I .lol =.1(rl Lul :t <l>l t!lol 5l g Ol !JFi F E <F(l() LrJ <ZE Qzo E,oF EFz. o J EF LU il EOOzl- =#f,F =JZ(r-O z T() uJ = Eir (JZ IuL E<it lll --Y A :-\ U ]Yu.\ lq-_ q'0" --+l\.\)s.5 E l-^- .-T--;\i tl a ..t: .f \ * G $ i .s .i\ .\ \' ls xxi-sS"1.-t 'ttr'- -S"s .!\\Bu1 .\s' l'- Es N-\ \* b * $ n st* \. X\ l\rNc*It s \ o\) {t) It.. \ qa E ,BY/\s SS .-$ "JI(L l+ Y; \,., { i.$ i.s t $t, ii$$$s$ slN $\*- $\- * \\\s*it\Nd )-!--\'**.\\qsE\{ \ { EsSt | '5I-F vv ,t \s \ \ .'( (A \: \)-s\-ggsP ,5u\r* NtqJ slsF-t-F $\ *-\ \-\ o .t l'.\ N N \ \ N Rhldo\r\ o }- sC! \iv ,-wt Rq Rt \ il \ a : |ltI 1:lN \9s.. \t l- Aaq /et\ i\e \g\ \ )( \ $$ $ + t *s S \ \ k!4 s\ : o3 tn q.5 \i! o.l-r if) s\)\) R. \r) 20'/o"- o \ Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 September 7, L982 Hol fgang Herzog 1652 Matterhorn Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Wolfgang: 0n September 1, 1982, the submi tted. Si ncerely, department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 9-I-82 Design Revjew Board approved your deck as ,2*" \'1.7,--.- J'im Sayre Town Planner JS:df IIflI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE oINSPECTION REQUEST , TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES 'WED THUR FRI i BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEET tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL , APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ?5aq PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED INSPECTIONTOWN OF THUR r/ FRI REQUESTVAIL :-\ r, a,lDATE I- AY.6V BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: C] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trE fll rr.{'^r/-q C,,-<lal','^ 6A tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr ftNAL tr FINAL 3'Aoooou.n r..I DISAPPFIr)VtrN r't FltrtNsptrrlTtr)N Fltror ||Fltrn CORRECTIONS: \INSPECTOR- Project Application 9.,. , ./ '{ua:usl I ?{r2 proiect Name: \A/c'lf.qongl Hcrzoo Rotidence iiaot Deck proiect Descripr;on. Grcund level redwood cleck moinsl houre onc surrcur",de'C bv r;cl: wolls contact Person and "non" Wrl owner, Address and phone: Wolfgqng qnd Suson Brisfol l-ierzog - '1652 t' rcrtterhun Circ le - 476-2608 Architect, Address and Phone: or Suson ilerzal - 47$-260tJ I - Mofterhorr VlllqseLegal Oescription: Lot 23 , Block Com menls: , zone !d- inncrcve rent to orounC the hcuse. lt wili bo built to blend with thc noturol rurroundi ond doer not ofrcct views frcr:r nelqhb, >rinc oror;ertict. Design Review Board //rli'/r /,f u,-oate '-//| t' /l Motion by: ./) seconded w, F4'zr-'fA--- -.-.- \ / tppaOvnt ,/ DISAPPROVAL t-\----/ ,{- ct summary: 4< .,'' tC'HlJIf 4' E statt Approval d^"{ 6Lr\<te, S*rz-I'a\4.Dn'a- '!lrc i'ol lr,i.i1i', itrJ,r;r:i:rtioir i:, r'r.ritrjltr.trtl l;t'Jrrr',. ;t I itt:rl ;tlrptr;\';tI 1:lrli /t. l:illl,ltii.tl ilA'll:llii\l,S Ilooi' Sidi ng 0thcr l','aI1 I'lat cl i al s ilr,tl l'<.rt. r;rrirtrill;r I lr,r, llrc ir;,;,1i,:rrrl 1() tiro l)c:;i, rr l.r.\ijr.l.,. i :i: 1; ivt.rr: (.oIcrr reia^nun-e? - tLlf* L(b-l-.l- \ rr Irasc ia Soffi rs li'in d o',,r s l'rti.tt dor+ "l'ri nt t)oors Doo r 'l'rirn I{ant! or: Deck Rai 1s F lues F lashj ngs Chi.rnncl's l'rash Ilncl osures Grccirhotrs es €+.I+er EeCtC- B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREIS Botanical Name Common Name q!-entIx Si ze SHRUTIS , a C(JV L It5 | ',iia^r- SOD 5 EED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE SQUARI F()OTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL a 0ther Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences, srrrinrmine pools, etc.) Please specify. o kel & Associates,Inc. ' CIVIL ENGINEERING. MAPPING fohnson, Kun LAND SURVEYING Mr. Jim Sayre Town Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RdVaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Sayre: Per our conversation on Auqust 26, 1982, I am sending you this letter to verify that the pins we set on Lot 23 A in Matterhorn Village were set based on the map we prepared in 1978 entitled "A Resubdivision of llatterhorn Village", Thank you and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, J6tn 44j Steve l{ujek P.O. Box 409 . l13 East4th Street . Eagle, Colorado 81631 . Phoner (303) 328-6368 a, GROLJND COV I- RS sa0 r.,orAcrq_ SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. O€cr" Ho,<,Qc-t< (,)tLL t /A/ ( L*7, I ITJFo @ -zo Fo- UJY ul d] oF F tr UJIr! ^l iil.lc!,-r \.l' "cqtl'lPurbEzo z o=ze(D0 =z o- t! dfia'! a r = ="-=6il= E lll o- lI- ul(-)z oo F 9tro- JF l!;h=aEIL UJ>o-O|!oo \trxc:>LJt-t! f tr ul co F co E CIo ct oE .E f E Eot Ao '=6>F =Er: !! -F=i E =E lrJ o-zIFoD E,Fozoo !!tr zl ) rE I I zt-rc-t 7/ €J6tVo oz l!J uJo =? ol! o o CEFzoo o il€$) EEER€, iiisa:-o"oPo-D -o;6 9 !5*E€e =(/rwoo IE€ iE F E F 5!-aeE5::Elo.c; o (,' E e*Eg€ * el=?E:90y FIffi EFggX tlq6. lE:;qlg= rl.r .i lol:: tJil = =*fi|o o oelF o- 4 z^ ol; ; E FFIa 6 E.-la, E=l EHEq =2E =F ;EgE<cool F <EP=<E i:=o(,(Jr oz L =G UJo- z tr g) (J ! t-o ! PP.|'E c!tr)(o ui =z (I] --') lrtl,ll:gl {Jl I(tl =t.ol I,El d -l u.{ol ql =l Hg1 4a I ILl. I I d clq{j Eo ol =.1ol r,rJl 1l <l>l u-lol zl pl trl "'lJI al>l 6l zl 3lolFI () !tJo(u lJ.l =oa F tr I olzl dluI 5l <l>l tLlol zl3l 9l zl ol uJl :l q 6l zl =lolFI I I I .lzl silujl :l sl rl-Iol el r t2? =sJZrl-o (J oF Fz z I UJ = \JZ E, <F uJ<zE t4Z J =F UJ)Dntr FIETD COPY BUITDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 couR.THousE, EAGLE, CO.-PH. (303) 328-6339 BUITDING PERMIT oorr4 Augugt ," 77 pERMrr No. r""r-rcrrr Wolfgeng Herzog ooo*sssBox 431 Vall , ColoFndo (STR EET]( C ONT R'S LICE N5E ) pERMrr ro Add addttton to stnglqlq4ily"hoEg (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NUMBER OF OWELLING UNITS NO.(PROPOSEO USE) AI ( LOCAT ION I Z ON ING D ISTR ICT BETWEEN AND ( cRoss STREET)( cRoss STREEI)3 ILo o oz o suaDrvrs roN M atterhorn Vllla"ee BUILDING IS TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY .or -23- eLocr - s'ize FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BAS E MENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION (IYPE) REMA R KS: AREA ORVOLUI/E o**.. Wolfqang llerzog leeng5s Rrrv 411, Vnll , COlafado, 81467 ESrrMArEo cosr $ 4r000'00 PERMIT *.39.50 b BU ILO BY rNst'oN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION:MON WED' THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: r] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E] UNDERGROUND tr HOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL I] FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o trFINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR E' o FINAL tr o FINAL R,APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR gurrfilc PERMTT orrr,.hoN EAGLEJuridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WH€N PROPERl.Y VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT M.O.VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT t&F INSPECTOR FoJm 100.1 11-73 TNTERNATToNAL coNFERENCE oF gutLDtNG oFFtcta|.s I : <,^q 9o .J,c o =@ -to - o,(Jl N) =o -ts-|o o J r) tlo o o-t o.l:ro-J = I I 9. 1652 Motterhorn Circle, Motterhorn Villoge, West Voil, Colorodo Motterhorn Villoge rf]set rrrrcxeo sretrtI o Esc i, ovr/NEi MA|L AODiE3S ZtP pxoflE 2 Wolfgang & Susan Bristol Herzog Box 431, Vail' cO. 476-2609 3 Wolfgong Herzog 50me o5 000ve a Wolfgong Herzog some os obove MAIL ADDFESS PHONE MAIL ADOIESS ARANCB ,"iiiili.""" exisiting single-fomily house -- to be used os dining oreo, ployroom & loundry room 8 Ctass o[ work: D NEw E A00lTl0N O lLtEnlttot't tr REPAIR n MovE ! REMoVE 9 Describe work: solid concrele block construction, shoke shingle roof, exterior stuccoed whife l0 Change of use from Change ol use to 'l 1 Valuation of work: $ 4, 00O.00 PERMITFEE -7q, qAPLAN CHECK FEE Occupancy Gfoup SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldo. (Totar) Sq. Ft. No. ol St or lei Fire Sprinkler3 Required [\l,e5 ENoAPPLICATION ACCEPIEO 8Y APPROVEO FOF ISSUANCE 8Y OFFST REET PARKING SPACES: Covered I Uncoverod No, ot Dwelling Unlti NOT IC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL- PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTFUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 1 20 DAYS AT ANY TII\4E AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREAY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMTNED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW TH€ SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WH€THER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMTT DOES NOTPNESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. srcNAllurl oa coNTF^ctoi oR AUTHot.z9tr\lcENT (DArE HEA LTH OEPT. F IRE OEPT. SOI L REPO RT OTHER (Splclfy) i est9 BU|LDfiIG PER^ rT orrr,.i?r* Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. I Jurisdiction of lflse e rrrrcnco sx:er1 loEScR. ZI" PHON E MAI L AOOR ESS PHOIIE LICENSE NO. ARCH I'TECY OF O€SIGNER MAIL AOOn ES S PT.ONE MAIL AODRESS PIONE MAIL aooaEss ai^NcH USE OF IU ILDI N 6 8 Class oI worK: f] NEW f] ADOITION tr ATTERATION ! REPAIR D MOVE D REMOVE l0 Change ol use lrom PERMIT FEEll Valuation ol work: ${PLAN CHECK FEE Oivisron Type ol Co nst. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Siu e ot 81d9. (Totar) sq. Ft. Fire Sprlnklers Required l\,,es ENoAPPLICATION ACCEPIEO BY APPAOVEO FOF ISSUANCE 8Y OFFST REET PARKING SPACES: Covered I Uncovered No, of OwellinE Unlts NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS AFE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL- PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONTNG. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS. ORIF CONSTFUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5I CN 'IJRC OF CON'FAC ZONING HEALTH OEPT. F I RE OEPT- SOIL REPORT OTHER (Speclty, WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION TEMP F ILE Form lOO.1 1l-73 |NTERNAT|oNAL coNFERENCE oF BUILotNG oFFtctALs. RECEIVED OF CASH ITEM Permit Fee -/ :}-- ti .a i EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICTAL RECEIPT ,z-_ Application For Subdivision AP Zbne Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Building)(Zo n in 9)(Subd ivision)i Total ReceiveQ All items are received for no.paymcnt ol anY item. Nq 2573 DabT-a-7 ,$7i !-c- t-n t2 AMOUNT unO tnls receipt shall be cancelled -73 *- -2t't/,-7, /.t'_7-<-2'1 ,D o DETITTTEIIT OT PUIII{IilO AI{! McDondd Bldg. 551) Brordwry P.O. Bor 179 DETEI.OTNTilT Erglc, Colorrdo 8lGll Scptenber 9, 1977 Surrn Brlscol llerrog Box 431 Vell, Colorado 81557 ' Rc; F1le No. zv-34-77 variance At ttrelr Pr,rbltc llearlag on 8 S€ptenber 1977, the Zoalng Board of AdJustment epproved the varlance oD the minimiru elde yerd setback as submltted. If you hnre any questLona, please contact thl.s offlce. ."1 Zoulng Board of Adjustnents -ltttdrf, DsprrorcVPhnning Commission: Subdivision, Remaing, Applicetions and Review (30t1 328633S' :Sdldinf Offrchl Buildiry Permits and laspection, Zoning Administration {31t3) 328{&19 EIEH t0[ilTl la0H c0uilII DTPABTIf,EHl IltcDonald Bldg. 18 Plnnning Dcpnrtment/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Iluilding Offirirl: Building Pt rmits and Inspeclion, Zoning Rezoning, Applications and Roview (303) 328-6338 Administration (303) 328.6339 OT PI,AI{NINE AND 550 Broadway P.O. Box l?9 August 1977 DTVETOPfiIEilT Eagle, C,olorado 81631 Susan Bristol Herzog Box 431Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Zv-34-77 Variance At their regular meeting on 1? August,.the Eagle County Planning Conrmission recontmended approval of your variance application as subni tted . Ttris recornmencl"iton wilL be presented to the Zoning Board ofAdjustment at their public hearing on 8 September beginning at 10:OO A.M. in the McDohaLd Building, Roonr #103, 550 Broadway,Eagle, Colorado Planner TK/dK cc: Zoning Board of Adjustrnent If you have, any questions please contact this office. />-,2/ffiat/^ rfu Terrill Knieht/ ;iflr .l*-c':t.. -ri ; - -:r Ei ef Ei i 3t6Fs arlg s iEgFI '"glE I ;e!&€ SE;o Y SEani !e;E !" ffo'it :!i& -! *g;Sa c ! ol if o c Xii rTiE 1! r;isE; bji ;E E; b$aF ig .eBsI Eg .eEE,9 e5 IlHd E-E I;$-,q' ="!lie S: :gis;E S;E* ;E EEgtia sFit :i sEEEFa :EF Fd... p; eE;ii r; i 3 ;55 ; g g fr H; $ r ; i * f F 9} I.:.ii< o o ii< o o Fe!. flg r;,. tFi*EsiiFEiisE litiEti;iFE;rF i!i;;eli*!s;iiif $flil ; t* it;r €E s; r l*E* E is,,ii5 ;i,!i,; $lil;;i !elg,;q * ,t;,iiqso o ir< o o iI< (D o = a ;co;o 6)o .E! g> q!F;7o,o'-ua+ ooo *:6ihooi iI o-*t!FOC F.ul: oolt)(/) o; o 6!Zt 6 o iI< No co = a : o o o oGc.l gH AL e E i t*z !q?is itiJ- =c<: d< ,is?i .. IF; .g- *F E.! -.: iliiiis;i,igiitsi ,€ s!;$ t PI : gt gii[t; pt i;!f, "p :E g is i;r!l;[;,F:rg $o bfii 3E;qeIu= t,!i;5iH HI i:!F i: i;sFEHfirrsctE iI !EEs *E ;;€il5Fit* qE;s E?; gE!' t?;fl!d:PE3!tinss 6f;s:*s SiEF:E;sfo.'6s{s;t 6uF-;iE ?iItg:;5;iflifi*E .frt*:;P r58€u;'iEl *:;; l*; *; s: ai; *; r: il;!i3E; $HEx* ; q:s5tg* t gF9EoFiE:3sfi$*;t :F;s rtj;€ jgiS g$ $#;!ro u< o o ii< o O ii< (D O P E! n cl o o6o UJ o tiib E8 n .{ : 'in c x oF- F r o.F.E F ff; q, P 3d,.: : .92c!C L OEo w p; =; -.c-q - F 9t;bB FlC L F CAI q - 9.:rY E I Hli* : ! 6 (rF3 f, B i ;EO 'u o a jjOz t! o F (oO (ro..>F6.';llJ.,:dfiq>;,ici6 : t ; ?I F. =f{ =C-G'rIli.li>r|lGI A =,< C:I 24, =,=,<.J3. J|.G' E- =,3.1:eIt€<O.f{.- Eo ; Pv)6o) F. =, BI 3^l o ;o ,, q.l !!q t5r'AIi E rs . i- =l.qHt; F? :i 3 ir:, :!EE;! ?;:*lr; F:s:ri;:E i;iqliH ii* ;€s.l $ii giiE 1!;, !:l ;?;; *f;rlii::i€;;i!;i;fi rFI* !?:F1g:F;.=Ef e tE;; ;"ES ri33f;iies l;i: F;:f3E6b i53;;ii;* ;Fz* i24A iiHE ilailtqc€ sg€l i!'E : Fit Irs;is*;i Is; :';;.Ei:f;E rrrui;i;s! ;;E ;:*i:1c;s; *Fr;** i;; :;lEEE; ai cj iii ; .j Ei "i 6 , I 5oE ! sg e t sJf+f .rr- 3 5IigeE! ?<:. J 9 r4N.:ij-c; ttt.iigriill if,[ ta gf$sr*3 it; e'*i;i:iffi r ti; rjit [: Hi a!fl seriai5qt;iris! iiEir siF$tiT;:, ,lgFfc;ilii$€ittE #.t .;i#i di FO>-FEf;E" ;' -e E $ A-ao- i Ed s E "tI .c, ; i= EH, *,e a*a S Ht ii ; ig e i; E* ItEg Ei E i: 9*f f* F il fE siig :' 5 ir s$ ii ;l ; Ef ii :;r;* iI i raEiH ff €i s F*r ti f*t;E f! ;irtiitf :5 if,E ifF 5E *itii iE iiii;ir€ ;;' t figi Iii €i .g; t p! Ei E; si r;i s E;I[i;r 5a; HE i];f ?=H$i$ft!EE' Htfti*i Iggs* i ig$!;5{i l;I$3if3il E'r u ?g#;#e i$$ i#:;i igio e 5."s; fi; ; #;,i d neo d d c.e $fl E , u 5,rg E** i $ E 3'38* sg; i X' Ee€.E s8r E ;* s;E€ ;E: s; i E€if;9,$Frfgrisi ; *F ;r ;; s t qi* gF I3?gi Ici fEiif! git;r:se;iegr; FIF!, jEp; j*:f *:F!E*;? F[* do*' bE::$E'ri;I3g 3ql$E tg;$gdE*#€; ig!E 6 0). . . tD. .P i;< o o ii< o o EF5T: SP T 'I$ $ F-|{) E E{- I Ef,I gg€iiiEE iiiFiEigtui ;gEg$iE$3i$gr--;--'--J a g l$ & a o a ao E Eo E; !9|,lA I i i- |. I o. !oo E 6 .g f; 0- o :o.. :8I = r.rr fi. I E d*' 6 F ;li ; i $EE;;e ff;;; i :3 $i ri ti ii 68" tt:3 .sEii- f;g EET gE fi5E gt!3i 3r ,liE,i!i ffli{gigl 3Fi3Ff ({ o|ol (titto '- ll I III.I I I o 'I .b I I i I EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECETPT I-o,/tDate_C2___-L_, 19 , _: AMOUNT Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Subd ivision Appl ication Zone Change Condit ional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Build ing)(Zon ing) (Subd ivision) I cop^r s Ne 2613 RECEIVED CHECK ;fcrucnneD + gs;q6\)c-e - =;^60 cet>r\ y, cor-c,r-aqno#7, h{Aca T Lc7_ fl^>f--p-pga 4?g - Pae.scr-,x-ilt?'**vArci cor.5FAoo 2_4 - J,SA. - 2*b F=p5-S1_ u=-.r,i1r+ CrT aB Lc1.) 6 pre {. ure- ) TE)(AS aaotT T)acsc*:S , Juurc r.se_ 7o J o LrA /^nl LLSa,Asx c)uEerAl^E+ Taeo, C*l_1y r"-\ ^Fr, J bLOtSe /T\ ,AJ6S' , co-_b ID,7 ftL\CE L Rcrs/ J<qRLrc'x* | t+gcoLoraccrb Zoa61 ()toDr UrDFr) LI",$o AC_€os5@e;A,eorcJEffiffi:HrP K:.:'E:ffif,q2E loool E.. eUeL:S'Deo-:efa 1C_cropqg:6 A62_z) RECEIVED' AUG r 1s7/ spa ::::::il,::il:llir Eaglc Ocunty, Colorado Present 2""" F,/S/l*\ Goneral location of property (in relation to a Town, Road, Stream or other landmark): FttoNoZ!y'-J4- 47 Feo Pald.3ri 2 a Dalo rocd. 9,/ Z/z z ay:/zt-to the Z-c,ning Ll oarct of Adjustmcnts (minimum 5 copies required; print or typc, axcept signatures) Soct ion 9.04.05 Appl icant/Owner Mail Address l''F))r /+f\l - VAtt- L-D[firPftmqh?!913llQ: 1. Regutation and Section Number(s) of Zoning Rcsolution fronr which Variance is sought: 2. 3. a. Subdivision Name b. metes and bounds (may tro attached) include surveY or rtlap: autlrorized ion for Vari ccJ h3reon . Lo t23k_, or. Date /1 applicart; lAsz- l"tnlpel-toano Caac- LE I Uks\- \At u, cctLor.'?b,- 4. Legal O.=..iption of property 5. Brief Purpose and Reason for Variance (may be attached): AdcLr-flo-n o [- -P\au lcDrnJlt 6. Attach e)atlanation that one or more conditions exist under Sec- 9.04,.06' 1-5. , ' Add.*ron corybrnns l-a l-ve $ "ex .sfi-r4 buulcl'tn-9. 7. Statement: ' ( A complete list of all owners ad,Jresses, of tl're property prcl>cscd for Variance and of qll owners of all adiaceflt pr()i-\erties is attachecl hereto; this signattory is properly off ice uso 4 cr' /,74 -7 Application ac.ceptccl "3 s6llrpletc {or Pr,blic l-haring o.->-P:/-- \ / /"1 / /- l/ rli o Afrplication rcjecteJ os inccmplcte for Public l-loc,ring becauso: adnrini$1r Po;rc 1 r,'f 2 VNRIANIOI:AtrtsLlCnTlON a Acllon of Zonlng Board of Acljustrrrent on Vnrlcncc Application Suger-t H6rtog : : yard setb.ck .8 suhltted Fllo No.3g:33:f Verlnce . Approval A conditions: Agproved the vtrl.ance on a Denlal n reasons i (see Order of the nfnlrrn el.de I tho Board, attached) 8 Septenber 1977 ;i Dato, I-eoring ftS--->g Chairman Note: Sectlorr 9.04.'lO Appoals from tho Roard' Any ftrrther appeal ftom the dccision of tlre Bourd may be . made to the courts' as providod by lc'ar, provided, howevert that suclr appeal is mado prior to tverrty (20) c,ays following the date of the ncti{icaiion of tho eoardts declslon. \^) \t\ c) \ t\:s 'N R NlN, ,t'\\t.\a- o,, b I rs 'e iN ilO $r hlln gffir i#fl i' ,,0,oo/ .--- I D\ I .i --J-,vl R- A.r ;. .i I' \ -- '11 n, - - --::::-'--- 1(tt'{t '---------------- lt3J.l ------:--:----,- - ---------- :H:'c o No.!gNtHsvl vSinr'/\rltr Yl'{oHv_l)to - -Il3 NNY.ld'SUS] N I I N3-AJ,93rl H 3UV'- oNv -r-rva'Nosd 14oHr'sN r co n Hut \ \\ E-t--tl 6,) H U OGINS.THOMPSON.BALL AND ASsOC. ARCHIIECTS.ENG IN EERS.PLAN N ERS OKLAHOMA CITY.TIJLSA,WASh I NGAON. D.C. aulJtct l* *ttrtL --l lY - - -_ _ _ _-_-- - -. oa?t__ _ -_ _-_ _ cHKD, tY-_-__--_ DAiL__ __--__, !HEE rO..:-_______ot.--_____- .T I i I I I I I I I \ ...9 \ t \ \ \ t \ vl * N ll \ \ \ (At v'l t\ i t N \ \\ ' *ra k;-" %/,f/ -+{ tl s,' clS, \ ; I ]. $ 0 2 F il t'*- ,,0'b s)+br'\i# A e \/ \: t $\9 !4:, i* ..i : I i. I lri '-:------i9---------'oN lirsa :--r:"ji: ; : - - rtvo -- - -,- - -'A o). nc 4\ \i \ Ph o \ aCI Hrr!\ lc q'?, I qO a q\.. ,\fJ -+i I t :,5 hl. 7 d-e.5i I ll \ ',0,OO/ I I u: " (rl HOII:rla t O 'NolCNlHsv/r 'Ys.lnI'l.Llt Yt{oHv-|ro ,-JUl NNV.ld'AU3eN l gN:l'6.l'35Ll HDdVr:t1rrlnr !| oNv -I'rva'NosdltoHr'sNrgonH ;---'A3'O)rH9 HUDGINS.THOMPSON.BALL AND ASSOC. .u.Jtst---____ ARCH ITECTS.EN GI N EERS.PLANN ERS oKL^HOMAC|iY.TULSA.WASHINGTON.D,C, gEclloN------- f+ "r(s,B tY---___-_---_-.DATI-__--_-__ CHKO. lY--------OATI----_____. gHEtT RO..__-____--oF.-__--__- -+l $ N \s \ ss\ I lul\O l..il:s, l1! ill -T I I I i \ ..t \ tb t .'rR € \ 1l \\ St.., : nroFAt.l(' ,, Q,9 \l rl S,i \ ,f"i- ,,hb s F"<t ..n -\)z-sa\ / / ts -\- xI \) X't \ ;l \$l fr \ N x \ \/ \: , S)\o 's/..-\- |l; / iJ^n '1.)-^ '\: + <-: 5. \5 I \i \ Ph s \a(I H .i 'I /t\ -.3 \\ 1r) --) tl !sGO t E,E l+ 7..2 $, ^r) _,>| I I \x\ri r' gl 'ia "/ i" t "d I' I-tC.t '-:------J$-- ------- 'oN ltrHs "'"i*i:iii'i,=#.:h?iii$ii'f BECEIVED AUG I 1s77 /oo'o" atcTrox-__--_ lY -------------.DAlti--:-; --f cHxD. a?.----1.-- DAtt-----____. aHllt ro..-________(p._-__-__-rTrr _____-_______ .\ ---:-:::tj !D (..tq \+. \\ ,hb] s ip \ \ \ il -\ N N \qt \ I s \ \(-\/ I H U OG I NS.THOMPSON-BALL ANO ASSOC. ARCHITECT3.EXGI N EERI.PL.AI{N ERI oKLAHOMA CrtY.tU!SA.WA5X t NOION, D,C.cHxD. lv-----__ _ OAtL _ _______. tlttEt Lo.._______ --ot. ________ oaTr----__-__ f* ./t'3 -4 (tu t"t N I \ { i\ s \ ll \\ b.,.. N $ts st \ "t b ta * N la a ra a? ll ;\ \ i.s \ ts \ dri \l\l clsr*q l+-- "0'6 }. atf a!4 .Q,9 \ S \ "'a/, // i;.:b 7.C -)L bg /\I\l \a ts\o v\- i-- \ .\ \ nq o \qI R '-t\ \ 15/ ''Np' \\ N --- I aO a E\IK:Y/:r E 'ao NorcNIHgvr'vsrnr'arrtvxoHy_lro h; .,f;,w1ff '":i,Biil;i1.1',u1'oon, :i'k-it+I *lt ------io'-------- .o'| tItH! '--------l!Yo ----'---at'cxH3 -r----i-7tlYo'-------------lr I '---------------- 'f|l.l_ -4 .. . .................-----.----- :;: [A$I.E COUNTY DEF$BTffiEI{T OF PTJII{ffiIH$ II$JO DEVEIOPIfiEIflT lllcDonald Bldg.550 Broodway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Cnlorado 81631 26 JvJy L977 Wolfgang and Susan HerzogP. 0. Box 431Vail-, Colorado 8L657 Re: Appli-cation for Building Pennit in Eagle County Lot 23, Mabberhorn Village The Eagle County Building Department requires that applications_for building perrnit3 in Eagle County be routed to the -Eagle County Planning' Engineeiing and Environmenta-L Hea.J.th Departments for thei-r cornments prlor to ilsuance of the permlts. Your application was routed on 25 Jvl-y 1977. Listed below are the corffnents and recornmendations vrhich were made by the above Departments during the routing procedure. If you have. any questi-ons or-wish to get a further expl-nation, please contacb the dppropriate departmen[. The telephone number and address of the comnenti-:rg department are listed with each corrunent. PLANNING: Thank you very much, Not approved. tfThe addition musb set back requiremen-r,s. At least neet the RSM two off street brrill Kni j Planner, co. BL63LEaglBox L79, 328-6338 It woufd be to your advantage if you begin to resolve any problems and/ or requj-rements as soon as fossibie so is not to delay the issuance of your building permit any longer 1"han necessary. Encfosed. is a copy of the Review Routing Form for your infoxrnation. 4#k buglas Eagle County Building Official LLD:TK: sam enC :l'lilrninf' I)epartment/l'l:rnninl; Cornruissiolr: Srrlxiivision, Ituildinl; Official: IluildirrlJ l)r'rrnits anrl Irrrpoction, ZoninlJ Itt'zonin1J, Alrplic:rtions irnrl llr.r,icn, (303) 32tl-6338 Adnrinistration (303) 328-liJ39 EAGLE co'H;":::):,:::''' ^pcAr oN Pleasc review the attached application and return it and this completed form to County Building Off icial within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. Planning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Reviewed by: Recommend Approval I r J5,7'/ Date Referred County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval Permit No. Date: the NotfKtlN tftltl D YesVEfl EIffiltf Comments: Location County Health: Recommend Approval Sanitation Water EAGLE cor||| BUTLDTNG PERMIT AtlcArloN Review Routing Form 1- lt'7'/ D ate Ref erred Location Please review the attached application and return County Building Off icial within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. Planning: Complies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning R egu I at ions , ,,( -1 .. d Approval County Engineer:Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval Permit No. it and this completed form to the Date: Comments: Comments: Notfrltl K tf trItlt] YesFlflt:]K r=E]Etl S,r*ro-v Reviewed by: County Health: Recommend Approval Sanitation Water rlTtlu 4Ktrlq Comments: i F ft .= l) f t4. €, .,, y'- L,rfu r_ lazt Lt-L- L lt rJ U r e ( _./ " c /lr c^ /) (t/ 2 ..4.iCf-