HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE JUNK REMOVAL LEGAL!it:4f: 1=! qj [ d = t Matterhom Vlllage Lot Address Owner 1A 1699 Matterhom Gout 1B 2A 2B 1705 Geneva Drive 3 1707 Geneva Drive 5A 5B 1711 Geneva Drive Sanders Sanders Sanders Farrell/Sanders Carol Sigmann Trust Axelrod & Kapelowitz Braune & Kasparaitis Erickson Mueller/Sivedy Phelps Scher Scher Williams Clem Exlstlna # of Unlts Countv Aoorovals No record No record No record No record No record No record 2 No record/plat only No reoord/plat only No record No record No record No record Plans only Single family fi.fffEJTJSE.ffiibiiJlr --T _ &gg#JJi;i,;#pgp;, 7(1) 7(2) 7(3) 1715 Geneva Drive Parking 1717 Geneva Drive 1719 Geneva Drive 1722 Geneva Drive 1720 Geneva Drive 1718 Geneva Drive $U{FffrP9ffW4tflSffSlEffffiafi''"jfrflT@l!U!t!Pg9!fffi- / 8B 9 1O 11A 11B L9j 12 13 14 15 16 Tract A 17A Address 1694 Matterhom 1664 Matterhom 1644 Matterhom 1634 Matterhom 1624 Matterhom 1710 Geneva Drive fiEgr Moritz Haber Bruce Sibley Sibley Sibley Janicki Exlstlno # of Unlts ? 2 ? ? 2 '? Oountv Annrovals No record No record No record No record Plans for 2 No No record ! ffiffitdd notes ;.4ol+;IHli'"-"" No record No record No record No record No record No reoord No record ? ? o 2 0 ? ifikmlllrdaO*ffifffitl1f{fifffi-"'"-mlg'WenY -j4linlfi"- =priidl=rl:"--- sglaff? J'ffffi"' d[llIfHfl'!*' l='" ? ?21A 21B 22 23l\ 23B 24 Parsons Nesmith Bristol (Herzog) Parsons Knox I/, i Lot Address 25A 1632 Matterhom 25B 1622 Matterhom 26 1613 Matterhom 27A 1556 Matterhom 27B 1622 Matterhom 28 1593 Matterhom Langer fiogt MiIIs Habenieht (w/27B) Bondeau Mills Habenicht (w/25B) Exlstlna # of Unlts ? ? ? ? 2 1988 TOV Plans ? Countv Annrovals No record No record No record No record No record No record '3Un- 1550 Matterhom Platted Mueller/Siverly Have 1975 plans. Looks Iike a 'Iodge' with 14 bedrooms, each with own bath. Large kitchen and Iarge "lodge" room. Plans say 'rdcreation residence.' Un- 1552 Matterhom 10 Platted 10 Condos No record Matterhom Vlllage w Address 1A 1699 fiogr Gout Sanders Sanders Sanders Farrell/Sanders McClure Erickson Mueller/Slverly Mueller/Siverly Phelps Scher Carol Sigmann Trust. Axelrod & Kapelowitz Siverly Plans indicate duplex, COlIHERCIAL' VBHlCl,ES PARKBD EERE. Braune & Kasparaitis 1978 Plat FIIe Informatlon OK F0R TRIPLEX North Parcel, 7-3, 13,068 sq. ft,, 4 parking spaces Middle Parcel, 7-1, 7,492 sq, ft., 1l2, bldg. + parking South Parcel, 7-2, 6,882 sq. ft., 1l2 bldg. + parking 16.834 sq. ft., 12/80 - building permit for foundation of single- family only - no further permits issued. No Inspection requests or reports. Request for variance to minimum Iot size. Denied by County Planning Commission. Approved by Zoning Board of Adjustment. SOHE EXCAVATION? ON ADJOININ0 PARCEL Variance permits a duplex. Havo plans for SF. L91 1O 11A 11B 12 Address 1722 1720 1718 1694 1664 1644 1 634 1624 fisgr Scher Williams Olem Moritz Haber Bruoe Sibley Sibley Sibley Janieki Siverly, Terry Sanders Sanders Sanders Plans Plans - SF 13 14 15 16 Tract A 17A 17B 18(S) 18(N) 19A 1710 1 693 1708 1706 1704 1976 plan for SF + studio Permit 807 to repair steps and platform Bldg. permit # 572, 9/76 "new rosldence,' 1710 Geneva Drive (part of Lot 18), SF resldence. 0n TC0 6/79, "top unit only.' Sanders residence. Oonst. Iot in 1964. SubdMded in 1978. Previous owner of stated that he owned from spring, 1971 to spring, 1977 and the dwelling was a SF residence. In October, 1977 (owned by Sanders}, Inspection by County revealed duplex. They felt it was preexisting, non-conformlng, 10/77 - County Plannlng Office recommended to County Oommisslonors to vacate Iot Iine between 19A and 19B. No further records. 4/79 - permit for footings and foundation for a SF dwelling modular home issued with note, "No ClO, temp or final, shall be issued until existing duplex is converted to SF unit.' Signed Susan Vaughn. No further records. Approved plans in file for SF dwelling. 19B 1692 Sanders [9j 20 21A 21B 22 23A 23B 24 25A 25B 26 27A 27B 28 Un- Platted Address 1673 1682 1672 1643 1652 1672 1633 1632 1622 1613 1556 1622 1593 1550 fisgr Richard Walker & Oo. Sanders Parsons Nesmith Bristol (Herzog} Parsons Knox Mills Habenicht Bondeau MiIIs Habenicht Langer Mueller/Siverly FIle Informatlon Have 1988 plans. 3unitsapprovedbyCounty. '.,....:.. Have 1975 plans. Looks Iike a 'Iodge' with 14 bedrooms, each wlth own bath, Iarge kitchen and Iarge "lodge" room. Plans say 'recreation residenoe.' CEANGED T0 TRIPLBX WITE COUNTY UNPLATTED 1552 APPROVAL. I{OTEl; TYPE UNITS 10-12 ,:t1 :i , j, ui]L. :!l PAROij:L N:j;viji! ]:;;\'ijER i]A i[: AijU Stane ot Color+e;:r Coun P i: :-i P i R T / J j | j :j !\ L I 3 I A :j j q E S 5 )f !litF S U B D I V I S I J N STAfl PARCEL NUlI3EP o ty 1ijD LEGiL OESCRIPTION J):L+J 001U9t)2 BHAUi;dz u);i/lD D, KASPAR,)lTISr PJJffllN 3017 FAIRVIEH AVE UAt bROOKz 1L 5iJ5,? 1 00155 t+U AXcu. ;_^t P. LI. : ': X VAILr [J CLASS 1 1 1 Z 12c:"i SAJfiUiA - l 3 ; a b 1 65 5 ,i S 5 E S S lJQj 2?:r5J K A P E L ? h T T Z z 5 I R F T u l.l, _; h S R -T [J. J0 J 0, u0u rT 1L :-:J U.J3e)tJ 0. DC0 d I .j 1" I d -)" j d "!-I J' j T A X 0 1 S T 0 1 1 ]$ B00K - Lj{){ PA6i - 0'ir,1 :,utTTERHUPN VILLAGE FIL 1 i$LOCK - lr""""""'=l"""T(*r6 P 00J4 a |i 2) 05-175-14-001 T;\Y DiST L111 c)t]( ;)?J)? Y, !t T TERHJR[J "i\br " jdl:) V1LL e;tGE FIL 1 u u A : ; 1115 1 Z 1 J C L A S S 1112 1 Z 1 ? i S 5 E S S 3v:+u ( 7iJu 21] j j dLOCK - 'J1J5 ')7 ? 1 J J-1 ii ;,15}; t. TAX 0157 0111 uulJoo b R I S T iJ L /Z HERdJuz jUX j+j1 V.i\Iur Cu CLASS I 1 I Z I Z 1 ? SUi ;. SUS j u1o5d a S S E S S tJl(J ( J._ r!Oll{ - Pd!;] - lATTEKHJRLi VlLLUGE O i-' 1 ,,h ' 1 34:J J tJc_t I. :n 3RU(,iz SUz f 2 j ?] i4 lvl L A U J i4 tj RVAILr C0 u1t57 A U ": C J -iui_ Lt - J105-123-1Z|039:ax OtST J'VI 3 300K - tj53? PAGE " :Jl.4? i4ATl':'j?H:'J;::l] YILL]lC,E FTL 1 P{ Ln,\ - i=llftT'B ;'j'11 ?t. ) S S E S S 5 j 1 u iPlj:,'U 3i;k f{ AtRdS 1)J7v 11ZU 1 ! : t, ; ,,,,,.f4ju- State o1 Colora::oz Oouniy of lJbLE 00:4j:11 09-05-91 All.u.Utb.N 'kOPEl|rY Oit'iFR L15T SuHnIVlSlJN Page 2 ?aRUf L ijil;i :]J? u;tudR f;iiiE A;i;j.JJJRESS STATE PARCFL ;ttUnSER AnD LEGAL DESCRIPIION 0015/*j;:I 21rlj-1Z3-1?-0Z9 Cffi(JL J, SIG'MNU FiMILY TRIJST/ T TAX DIST j111 546b iJ"RR]i:\ i;Y CAkHICfMEU CA 95o0u BO0K " 0301 PAGE 0483 Y.ATTiRH{JRN VILLAGE F1L 1 CLASS ASSESS S:JR nT ACRdS stOuK - u1Ui )7,_) )':j 7i-. 0u35r5\J 2105-'123-12-03b CLEPir ni1. R, i FR;tNiZlS<A TAX DIST 0117 P0 b0X ^37b7 VAIL/ Cij 6165b 300K PAGE - :\}lATTERHORN VILIJGE FIL 1 CLASS ASSESS SaR FT ACRdS gLOCK -I.RESUB 0F L01 11 111d o51iJ 1212 17210 ?35?Lj 0u1u903 210:5-12ji14-fJU Z :RIuKSONr C;-tARLENE RENiL,i STEPrt TAX DIST J111 ?,J. /)X Z3'14 VAILr 0u d165d fi(Jf]f. 0457 oAG3 J959 MATfERHORN VILLAGE FIL 1 CLASS ASSESS SIJR rT,tCRttS Bu00K t Il:lllllll+iHBi=lll4 HATTERHORN GLFN 111> 394U bb32 1215 17{J4U 1fi56 d91J :)013dtZ3 ?1J3fi25-12-f!a? 'AtlRELLa JAHiS P, tAX 0157 j||] 1070 CpdRRY ST Pai.K tilJfJdz IL 60u6d ij00K " U227 PAGF Jb51 {ATTERHURN vILLAGE FIL 1 CtASS ;;SSESS S;;lR FT ACRtS 3LOCK.-T Or 11t=,_l.- '; :.;f1. 121Z 15y]J 0 Cl.J(Jlj Ci-Id+J I State of Colorador County o+ IJGLF 00:43:11 090591Alr4lU.005.N Pf{UPERTf O[fIf\IER tli;T - SijSDlVlSlON Page 3 PARCiL llLIijdR Ohi,kP 'i;U.ld ANu qO1RLSS STAf? PARCEL NUH']lR AIID LEGAL OESCRIPTION QfJlfi,(cJ 2103-12312-U24 ;.Jlr Dt"T.:J,.l[=(,:t;'"t 4,rl,J,{FT t T,,'X ?iST lI1j0:( 52b lgtj'| fUtE RJ r|00fC - J/,32 PA:J€ -| J6()5 RutffiOz :utl i:i]d5 HaTT'RH(,;Rtt vlLLAGE FIL 1 CLASS ASSESS SQR FT ACRES 5L00K -| PCLIN I NORTH 84 FEET IN 1117 7j);.; U C;.J001212 Z83ZU U U.U0U ffid:;; 0{jljj455 Z1Cj-1Z5- 15i00d HA3ENIC:iTr FLORENOE J. TAX 01ST 0113 1 rJ22 :4ATTERHORi.l C1RVaILa C; -lo:^r -;;t _'l:; DA|-E ; 37 MlTT.-iliH!JRi.j '/ILLAGE FIL 1 OLASS aSSSS SQR FT ACRdS SLOCK |qlllllll= nL1112 5b?20;Z1? ljc)/fJ 1 9 5 4 [j J. 001551r) 2103|12jl12-05 8Yirj'Ii,.sER.JEANL. TAXDlSrij113Pl16bi+ l4ATTERrIO;|\l CjRCLEVAIL/ CU [:i1o5/ 3UIJK - (J500 pAGE 10273 11ATTE?{HORN ViLLAGE FIL 1CuASS ASSESS S'JR FT ACqES BLO:K -| 111d] 5j1u1212 ?i]|?t) J650Li 0U15tt6f1 210k12315L'1 0 ..hJdCKlr,lthuR ',-JA a, T;X JIST t1111 37b> = 9774 ST :41L;iALjKEE/ klSJ?l? 30:Jl( - PaGt: f4,tTTERH,JPi1 VlLLj:\GE F1L 1CLASS ASSESS SQR FT ACRdS BLOCK - C100 1595(j 0 e.00U 1 : J AI ivl. UaJg).N PARCEL IU4t!jdR fJ;,iliER l;;l'!E A:NU State of Colorador PR.JPERTY OLiNFR .t 0 ;' R E S S County of FiGtE uIST - S..;?Jl/lSlO, t 0 f] : 45 : 1 1 09-05191 Page 4 Otj05J+d5 KNOX/ GE0RGd ii: P\J i30X 67.00 V A I t z C u t I o > r, A L L i \ SQR pT ACPdS 191 0 Z I Jb6 1 J U n Y )RIVEa.\Dl. ') STAIE PjRCFL Ntni8ER AND LEGAL OESCRIPTTON 71J" ] ' 15-', 1 z+ TAX DIST ij113 B0OK - pi',GE HATlER}iL'R;i JiLLA[;E FIL sLocK -<trttllllf 2101-12 jl15lC16 TAX 01ST U113 B00K - 4F6d PAGE bb3 M:\TTi!RHUR;i VILLiGE H1L sLocK -t C L A S S 1 1 1 -) l 2l 2 A S 5 E S 5 7890 6j;J 1 J, 2i i:; L j 0lj1 j6J0 L,.tNuERr.\:A.'Vll, YiL: Jt,JJJ HARINER'S C0VE CORTEZz FL 3/.215 C L A S S 111Z 121 Z A S S i 5 S 7u9(J 2150J 04i1r};]{' 'ii.._-..-.... SQR FT ACRES.J C, iJOfj0 0. 000 '\.:FT Z93')0 fi-ilUELLLP,,i SlUiRLf P0 ti0X j0U4 ;4 A T T E R H U VAILP t0 b1o5:j C L A S S 1115 21Cj-123-14-fl iJ3 TAX DiST U111 dO0K 1)780 PAGE - 0030 HATTERHuPN VILLuOE FIt 1 iCnci -L,,( - o. 000 a N \ E ?10Ji123-1Z|02d r A x 0l S T [j 1 1 3 300K - 0217 pAGE - 0t59 l,;TTi!RHORt VILLttGE FIL 1 A S S E 5 S 789U 'P o J 0U13l+7DJ HCCLURl/ .4uTnt' /.J.j J,t J : STE.103 C L A 5 S 111Z 1212 fcfHEi:{T C. ;J JOLJIE 3Rl:]KEh]S SwORTm t3LV9. ASSESS SQk FT Tti?C uJ:-?, u A C k L S U. J O O t = ]I]J 1 >J6J BLOCK ,I.t.u.t;;. PARCiL ;fijtl!LR J,, J-R 'j,i4t..\'l; J :.t.;f rolor-do/ oh.ll)r TY J4utn u u ; R E S S County of F:GLE tl:T - 9u-j-lT S'Jl{ 00:4-i:11 090591 Page 5 STdI' "'ilRC[:L i{:-l'lBEQi AiiD LdGAL DESCRIPTION 001 :5535 [q i L L S z P 1 iJ L H, & J U L T J Z{+535 OVFRLAKE DRIVt EL T0R0a LA l?f{[) L.- TRl> 21i)3-173-15-001T,t/ DIST U113 B:JfjK - [:I44f, PA!';: - 'J!.ATTE!Rl-i !jRl\j JlLLi(3 E 3L0CK - p 0057 55 ) :t;?)l ;t; lJ! T,4X 0:'T L11 ' :J'^l\ - P.t_-r {ATTERHJ|ii] VILLA'JE FIL 0280 F1L 1 A C R i S ff) 1U I /7 A ; Cl.i : CU U H J J 1112 11Jl 1I C I L A S 5 E S S 7b9u 1716U S Q k F T 1 :+3t,a 1 '/!.t b. t. r T 1337] ?)?'/ 25U5: tJ{J135i5 ,:lLuSr ;'-tg[ H,, JUtlA L. t+):'; -lJ "" LA:t u]l \ L iL TORO; CA j?j)J[i CLASS TkU5 A S S E S S 7 5 1} ij zJo:'u 1 51J A C R E S 3L0CK t|' 1J l-I J I { '+ ;r;] 1 1 1 2 1 Z d d 'z )lc;{j J 01 :$ 5 5l] '.) 1T.z 'ctLl''J>, P0 d:t}X 1.i1VAIU gc) t16)8 21ti! 'fi 1 Z91 ?- ff3 ? T A X 3l.S T {j 1 1 :! :ji0{];( - PA6: - |' ii T rFRrfuP[i ;']LL ;'.GE BLCCK - .lJh: !d-CLAI;iF o v t.: L! .? L C u 1 S S 1112 1 d I d l\ S S ES S ), 1 5 1 ? 0 1 C R u S U.lJ00 La jl]u rT ? 3 t) ii J 003373 d .qgrygtffiHhl%tourumr; sqgfi'lh-o+t+ 2113 :5-12 jil'lZ-C]l32 T 11X 01ST {J1 i3 d00K - U?61 PAGE | i!ATTERHOq[i 'iiLLiGE 'J u J tJ X VAIL/ CLASS 01 i]0 *=J":ffil S"OQ C J :1 (.n ; A $ S E S S 159jL; ] {, / Q FIL 1 I C P.: S 0.J0U : 1R FT BLOCK |*ffi.. J t_e,[ .,,,:]:di:., 1 5 ? 5 u 1) h" f ' f i //,.:; i-, i (i ffi- 1 l1 f.j jU 4" J.C ; Alji.U.Of]:j.ii i-/ARCiL l'JiJ'l:.J:R 3 v _R )..,u t A";._; State of Colonsooz DRilPE,\TY 0UN1R j 0 j R L S S County of ddf:LF :IST - SU:uIJISIJ' STAIE PQRCEL NUqBER 21O3-12:j-15-01 j TAX 0lST U115 BO{:ji( - PjlGi - :llATTERrIORfq V ILLAGE iLO^K - I= ! 3 L 0 ; K " D!JOJG:ib 21[.!5117]5-17-053 fAX DIST 0111 n{JjK - J3b7 pAGE - j\lATTERHORN VILLlGE 00:4Ji:11 ()9-05-91 Pn-;e 6 1I\D LEGaL DES.JRIPTION FIL !JZ(]6 FIL 1 D u 1 35 7[) NESHITHJ ROdE;iT !1. 550U CEijqR eREST .iuUSTJt TX 7/Jc / C u A S S 11ia 1 Z 1 Z CiJSS 1 1 1 2 121 o A S S 5 S S 7 t J J I ? ;tlu SQR FT ACRES0 0. J0U l] tj..JOij a1i:i5-1?5-'15-iJ U5 lLICE L. TAX DIST LI113 BOL];{ PAGE - :4aTTERHORN VILLAOE FIL c li.t"J 0Ll1556UD,tiSO.Sz B0X 671+ VAILa C0 C u 1 S 5 1 1 1 d 1215 0lj13j}9;:! "r, :EtJ:z P 0 3 {j) X 1/.\IL, Cu CLASS 111 ? 1215 1 21 ? Jll'_, rta b 1 o 5 e A S S E S S 651 u r: 7Z /O S Q R F T fi r D :;:: Q HARVEY A= i 2 ]. ):. JQin(;{ t..1 'J 4f 1 b 1 o 5 o ;t S S E S S SJZ[J 13870 26U FT 3L0JK - 19o0Lt JU13550 RlCrlqRL) F. ifjALKERjS!jr N LL PACiJ ST COLt)RAJU SDRIitiSz SQR 1 *:, ; 3 J. 00 b09rj .: R FT A C R d S a1flj-123-15-01Z TAX DIST J113 jcJf)\ pAG: - 'lATTFRHUP.i.j VILLAGE FIL 3 L !) C K | P 00t? ) 1 .JSSEy; hJ :, 1 U .' 7 j Il -r z / ' I J J ) I.' J u ! j 5 Al;;i , ij. JJ:) , i\; PAPCjiL 'i.'J.rljER O;cJdR 11,i:.i1,.tUJ :1.a1e JT f ;Ior:a J/ Ph r'-.,.Tf t.t'.-- i'j i] :J R E S 5 County of F;Gti 00:43:11 LIST - SUBJIVISION 0;-05-71Paqe P 0U136iJ!) RO[\lUEALI/ i;'AUL,l. i3u-d. FAlki'lif l]R VAILz Cu 810:7 fff|[Y }1. STOTE PARCEL NU113ER AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION 2103-1?J-15-015 T A X D 1 S T u 1 ] 3 H00K - 0543 PAGE l 0757 \lATTERHUq[.i YILLitGE FIL 1 OLASS i 1 1 Z 1 Z 1 Z C L i 55 1117 : 2l ? d 1 o U L; g(jj 35 iJ0 S,;;>...t'Sz :IuLf, JEL^41 17;j6 {;E;jEVA 0R C--} U,tlLz Cu o I o' / " I t. - 1 ? 5 1 5 ._.; 7 TAX D1ST j117 d0J( - Ppj;i - ASSESS ??)J 1 57 I Lj S Q R F T 18+42 1/7d A C R E S A C P E S ACk S []LOfJK - P[JZ1 ?75 A S S E 5 S 631 l:j Z:, /.) b am FT L. L. '4AlTiiR:dJR[i vl'ul-U(;E B L [J C K | P Ij I j e s 2 Z10:I|1Zj-15-0U\l TAX D15T IJ11 j i:Ui'j){ PA!;J F I L t a A 1 I c S J 0013505 SANOERS: SILLf 17Jb ::jE;fijV A Dk VAlLa CU tfio57 A S S E S S 6 s 1 u ?jJ-LCJ:j SJtx FT V E L H A1FiI \ t.!aTTERHJRiJ VILLIIGE FIL CLASS 11 a 0 I L L ! j BLO:K i J,) ^,," ( I Z103-1?515-017 TAX 0lST U113 J0OK U4rb PAGE - |4zt1 ;.ATTERHijPN VlLLAGli FIL 1 ::.)7_. 0013209 SA!iDFt;Sz VEL4,t. L. 1706 t;EnEV4 DR Cz+VAIL/ C0 dlb57 , S S E S 5 .l: a ; 0 d Z J C L A 5 S 111a 1 Z 'I Z ?J-, ( ) JJh FT A C R E S j[ii[,; a EBff PARCiL Nil:jd? O;dfi:R rj.|qt: A!hJ :tct. ot C.olor::oa J_ lrlSh;/.).J'Jln AODRES5 Coun+y of fAfcf L 1 j T - S d j u 1 J - > I 0 h., ST4Ii P,:lRCFl- NU9SE9 fJ0:43: 11 ] Q -0 5 9 1 p a r e n\o LEGAL DESCRlPTIJN A I )|. U. Jf) 5 000o-J ) j SAUL)Et<Sz Vj:L'4A L. I l€J6 GENFVA Dti cJt VAlLz CU t1o57 CtASS ASSESSj j 1 ij 1 5 1 9 U Z150u [J:fi :;590 SANlJERSr VHL.ti t. 1700 SENHVA DR C;+ VAILa CJ d1657 2a 0b12Jt 15006 T A X 0 I S T 0 1 1 7 30iJ( - qA{',L - '!4TTE';!HURfq YILL4l;E F1L A C R E S B L C] C K - P L]0 /5 j 4 ]1(] j-l2 j'12-l-J-d 5 TAX D15T J117 B00K " fJ217 PAGE 0710 r{;\TTERHORN VILLj:tGE FIL 1 ) u.? :-. 3 -L0.K " 1= =FP 21 Ci3-1?5-1Z-043 TAX D:ST u111 at55ES > I?7t, S. ;t JJ[.['T J.' r ^ T 500:t jJ?77 ' TT:?-i)','. PAGE - 04;J4 lLL,,GE FIL 1 "? t, t /5 t t f I 1 ] Z 1 Z1 ? CLASS J100 CLASS ij] u0 0L)134ZZ SANOERSr VJLIHA t. Ir'-:,,', "V., ]p, [-Ct YAILa C0 b1 o1/ 1 Z /6 () A S S E S S 1117u 111Z0 0U13560 SA\DFRSr ViLlA L. i lJto ;', ",y l,, L"G} 7.\'L/ ' 'J .10: / CLASS ASSESS i11d 6jlU IZ1? 1]71. hT 3L-):K -A C R d S FT d r P ; q 2113-1 ?3-'15|00d T,iX D157 C/117 iO0K " PAGJ - IATTERHORN VILLAGE FIL 1 BLOCK -. D 0 ? 1 o 5 t b.'R Z;YL)?jj AIH: u./] j oiq PARCEL NiJ',UjLR OHNER Nil\lE A\jD State of Colorauor pROPFkTY O[JNER ! D,j Pj E S 5 County of ElJtGLE LIST I SiJBOTJISIObl STATE oARCEL NUHBER J(l;fi];ll Uo-Qj-?1 ? e ; e Al\iD LEGAL DESCRlPTION OtJf.u5 )'o SANDi)lSr V!LiA !7t. uE,' v = 0,< VAIL/ C0 d1o57 L. L-4 2103-123-12|0Z6 rAX DlST tjl117 dJ'Ji( PAG1 l,l"T''RH ;kl 1-LL.tGE rl L I CLASS i117 1 Z 1 Z CLASS 01 0 g CLASSi I 1.3 1 ? 1 d 1 Z 12 CLASS U1 U0 a S S E S S J5 j 1 U 51750 S!JR rT SQR FT JUDITH A. A C R d S ACRES 0. J 0 0 BLOJi( " 00J -//lij f; 210:ia=1?3-1Z-0J4 TAX DIST j111 Su';t .1t;1 t:TA;' - jTV7 TffxHu,.. V-LLL3E F1t 1 :' L 0 C K - ( P 21031251 ?-rJ41 T a X D I S f U 1 1 3 B00K PAGE: " iUTTFRHURN VILLIGE F1L 3 80 z 0 0u13610 SCHER/ LOiJlS LEONARiJ IV- LAGtJUdNr S. A.9 PARKSlDE AVEr ,I}SHdVILL!/ NC ?gi![)$ A S S E S S €SV"';L Z 39 3 0 0L)1544L! SJJ3LEYz JdRRY "T" 1 t;Zt+ LUCEFN3 LN VAIL/ C031657 j51AL 00136 j{j S ; n L : f r J t [1 r< r 1 6 ? 4 L U C L k 'l L L NV€ILr C0 S1o5 Z SQR FT ACRES Cj lj.J!:):j J Ll.;Jl.]t3!J 0.000 J U D I T H A. . S : :_ S S 651 u Z 9 ? J| Uj71j SLOCK - PCL 125-51 ?103-1?y=1Z-040 T,1X 0lST 011] 3O0tt 0z+a3 PAGE == 'Jf4l+ iATTERHi)Rr] vILLqGE FIL 1 3L0CK - ' rP' ^l;lTTERHORN vlLLGE F1t.A S S E S S 11 \Jlf}J FT ACRSS0 U.Ul3u 1 1 9 J5 J : l: u Al;i.IJ.U05.N ..ti'.u:t IJljt ;k' .i:l[;; ',,, 1 AJJ Stote of Coloradoa Pk(]r'lR!f OLJfiiR n. 0 D R E S 5 o County ot EaGLE '.IST SUBDTVISION STJTE PARCFL NUiIlBER 00 : 43 : 11 0 ? - 05| J 1Pa|]e 1J ANrj LEGAL OESCRIPTION j 0 tj i Cu \:, ; o5 s A S S E S S 7 u ? 0 ) -oo_ :,tR FT A C R E S 0. J 0 0 0. J00 /l.a I2 | I SCJR FT ACRES L) U.J0J0 (].00J Z10jfi?j-1 ?-031 TAX DIST 0111 :j00K | '|j?li1 'PACJ| !.TTr,,j-IJ;d, v bLOCK ?10 ji-12F15-011 TAX DIS1 0111 i} U {J K a=rj- / J T T L m rt sLOcK ! RN JILLAGE P 0 :J :J et de Z103-12 j-1Z-035 TAX DlSf u113 I!00K Pa.SE !.!ATTERHOR N V 1 LLi\ GE V A I u r C L A S S 1112 ] Z 1 Z VAIL/ CO C L A S S i 1 1 7 1217 C t I S S 1117 1 ? 1 2, 0 [J D215 FIL 1 FIL 1 O F ff' [ffi..u 81056 ,t. S : "_ : S 7 d 9 Ll 3 ? j 3 :J o6. 40,t I U 0U1 :$4 d0ilLLlAf{j/ JA'{LS P:. 172i GENEVI DR V+;.ILr 0u 51057 [L ]1 C C e i C/i4 J J - J.J 7d90 5o'9J S0R A c P g S 0, tJ00 0. 000 ;T BLO:K a= I) 0 1t,53i TtJT;d Ni|vl3ER C)ROERED dY : 0F NAILS : jQ TJNN JF VA1L JC)1 -54 P0 bOX l,..j Lot lA IUlatterhorn Lot lA 1699 Matterhorn Circle Gout, Peter et al Box 526 1601 Yule Road Romeo, MI 48065 /6 ot ) 1,ot 2B Matterhorn 9/26/91 1,ot 2B, Souttt part of 17 05 Geneva Sanders, Velma 1706 Geneva Dr. #C-4Vatt, Co 81657 0K for triplex "! Lot 3 Matterhorn 9/26/91 €:) Lot 3, Matterhorn 1707 Geneva Sanders, Velma 1706 Geneva Dr. #C-4Vail, Co 81657 Part: / 1/ // Part: Farrell, tJames P. 1620 Cherry St Park Ridge, Il 60068 Sanders, Velma 1706 Geneva Dr.#C-4Vail, Colorado 81657 [,OT 5B MATTERHORN sourH jt/2 SOlml 1/2 / 7 {{ LOT 5B lfATTERIIORN 171t GENEVA AXELROD, SAUNDRA KAPELIlIITZ, I P.O. BOX 1352 VAIL CO 81658 L0T 7 (3 PARCELS) MATTEREORN /? / { L0T ], 3 PARCELS, MATTERHORN l 7 1 5 GENEVA 7 ( I ) MIDDLE PARCEL BRAUN, DAVID AND KASPARITIS, ROMAN 3617 FAIRVIEW AVE OAK BROOK IL 60521 7(2) SOUTH PARCEL ERICKSON, CBARLBNE ETAL P.O. BOX 2314 VAIL CO 81658 PARCELS 1 AND 2 SHARE SAME BUILDINC AND SOME PARKING N0 FILE. PLAT [IIITH NOTES. 7 (3) NORTH PARCEL SIVERLY,,J0gN MUELLER, WOLFGANG PO BOX 5004 VAIL CO 81658 PARKING ONLY ,'./ "1/','::d L0T 8A HATTERHORN nn P bf / "lt? h b : Tk LOT 8A, MATTERHORN HUELLER, UOLFCANG SIVERLY, JOHHN BOX 5004 VAIL CO 81658 PARKINC L0T AND VEHICLES 12/80 BLD0 PERHIT FOR FOUNDATION 0F SINCLE-FAllIILY - NO FURTHER PERMITS ISSUED. NO INSPECTION REQUESTS 0R REPORTS. REQUEST F0R VARIANCE TO MINI14UM LOT SlZE DENIED BY COUNTY PLANNINC COMHlSSlON. APPROVED BY ZONlNC BD 0F ADJUSTHENT. VARIANCE PERMITS A DUPLEX. HAVE PLANS FOR SF. IT APPEARS S0ME EXCAVATION l{AY HAVE OCCURRED. LOT 8B 14ATTERHORN /7 r2 LOT 8B HATTERHORN I 7 1 7 CENEVA PIlELPS, J0BN F AND BARVBY A P0B 1041 VAIL CO 81658 L00KS OK LOT 1 8 NORTE Do e l?ea csea L0T 18 NORTH I/2 1706 GENEVA SANDERS, BILLY 6l VELHA 1706 GENEVA DR #C-4 VAIL CO 81657 SANDERS RESIDENCE L0T l 8 SOUTfi /! lv o r LOT 18 SOUTH HATTERHORN SANDERS, VELMA 1706 GENEVA DR #C4 VAIL CO 81657 BLDG PERMIT #572 9/76 "NEW RESIDENCE" 1710 GENEVA DR (?), "PART 0F L0T 18", SF RESIDENCE. 0N tco 6/79, "TOP UN17 ONLY". L0T 19A NORTH . t, f - /d, tZ LOT 19A NORTH 1692 MATTERHORN SANDERS, VELMA 1706 GENEVA VAIL C0 81657 NO RECORDS 0F AREA BEFORE 1972 PREVIOUS OUNER SAYS UAS ONLY SF AND NO PLUMBING [IAS IN PLACE FOR 2ND UNIT. L0/77 A zoNs INSPECTION [\lAS MADE BY COUNTIY PLANNING OFFICE. FOUND DUPLEX. MEMO DATED 11/77 SAYS DUPLEX USE IS LEGAL. EOIa/EVER, LOT WAS SUBDIVIDED BY DEED, NOT IN CONFORMANCE IAIITH SUBDIVISlON RECULATIONS. COUNTY DID NOT RECOGNIZE AS A SUBDIVIDEDLOT. "PROBLEH IfJILL OCCUR WHEN AND IF A BLDG PERMIT FOR AN ADDITIONAL BLDG ON LOT 19 IS APPLIED FOR. || 4/79 APPLlCATION FOR MINOR SUB. PLANNIN0 OFFICB POSTPONED TILL OUTCOME OF ANNEXATION DETERMINED. N0 FURTHER INFORMATION--APPEARS NOT T0 BE LEGAL AS YET. L0T 19B S'du -r l+ t)or ? eoocvo- :ff'.]?$tff,i"" -2O 9/- 'o LOT 19 B MATTERHORN soutn l/2 1704 GENEVA SANDERS, VELMA 1706 OENEVA llC-l| VAIL CO 81658 BLDG PERMIT 4/79 FoR sF HOME FoR FoerlNGs AND FOUNDATION WITH NOTE: "NO co, TEMPORARY OR FINAL SHALL BE ISSUED UNTIL EXISTINC DUPLEX IS CONVERTED TO SF UNIT." PERMIT APPLICATION STATES THAT APPLICANT ACREES T0 REVERT EXISTING DUPLEX ON L0T l9 BACK TO SF. IN 1979 APPLTED TO SUBDIVIDE TIIROUGH COUNTY. NO FURTHER INFO. SEE NOTES ON 19A. UNPLATTED 1552 tfATTERHORN MOTEL TYPE UNITS 10-12 fy, D, : ( IN T.O.V. ) DONOVAN '\\ PARK . 75 south fronlage road' vall, eolorado 91657 (3O3) 476.7000 October 2, 1987 Sudan Scanlan off Ice of eommunlty development Velna 1,. SandersP.0. Box 1257Vait, Colorado 81658 ' Dear 1trs. Sanders, Recently ny office has received several conplaints regarding the?ppe?rance of a property at 1705 (?) Geneva Drive. It isdifficult to asdertatn the exact address as there is not. oneposted on the house. A cheeJc of the otmership records fron theeounty show that_you own I,ot 2A 8t 2B of M.tt.rho=,, Village whiehis the property in question. qhe_ conp!aints : have received concern the storage of variousjunk articles on t,he west side of the property. There are """*'9us vehictes in various stages of abandonment; appliancesand piles of jun]c. The general appearance of the yard is veryrun-down and the stgrage of jurUc is in violation of Section824j40 of the Itfunicipat Code. This situation has existed fora nunber_ of years and : feel that it would be advant,ageous toresolve the natter before we have large anounts of snowaccunulating. " Iyou!d request that you naJce every attenpt to resolve tbissituation no later than October 3o, 1987. rr no action has beentaJcen to resolve the situation by this tirae I wi11 be forced totake lega1 'ctioD: If you have any questions regarding thisnatter do not hesitate to call ne at 476-7000 ext. 1O5. Sincerely, a,,,.ofi,,,z,J Environlnenta1 Health Officer 75 south Irontage road vail, colorado 81657 (3O3) 476.7000 October 26, 1987 Mr. si11 C1emP.O. Box 3757Vai1, Colorado 81658 Dear 1tlr. Clem, t an writing to you with regard to the coneern you expressedaJ:out the lot omted l:y Ifrs. Sanders in the Hatterhorn area. YouwiJ_t find enclosed a copy of the letter I sent to Mrs. Sanders ' requesting her to clean up the site in question by October 3O,1987. 1 j 51te contaeted me today and requested a 15 day extensionspecified deadline. I did in fact grant her the 15 dayextension, based on the fact that attempts have alt;eadymade to elean up the site. to the been pleaserf you have any furtherfeel free to call ne at sineerely, questions regarding this matter 476-7000 ext. 105. Environnenta1 ss/jlt Health Officer r O f(; (:.,zf;-/-..= off Ica of communlty developmeng August 17, 75 south fronlage road vafi, eolorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 1984 [|gy( makg j'fit;tgemeqts for the rernova1September l4, ]981. Th;ni:y,;;;i/;;;; Since A. P PATTEN, l. Acting The sto[i?g or keeping I)y any person within the Town of anvo1d articles or matert.;s tvhich may be classffied as junk,-adjacen( to or in c1 PubHc - P1rk o, ,,.,,iii tiifiii!',!i, :?!,[tl ' ;.ti]::::rwjt'out ft)) p;ovjding fg]lJ/ enclosed buildfngs for the:!orage of_t,he sar:e, shall be deented a pub]i, nuisance.II is.specffjcailJf irolided that trash,' garbage and refusecontainers, barreis'and cans must bGidku,ed fron v'ewand not accessible to scavenging a:--tt is furtherspecifically provided that "junk" ig"FFEferred to in thisffyter sha11 be "pr:3s-siy deemed to include, without limi-H9?n:,any :notor vihicle that is incapable of operationunderj!s 'v)ner p"'"' _/| :notor vehicl; ihal] be presumedincapable.of] gPe'ration if it has retnained in one locationror a period in excess of thirty days. Jatnes R. Ui11 ian:s Box l 133 Vai1, Co]orado s]65s 0ear Hr. HilHarns: !?l-h$l? !ad);q '9:? a t;tash]ng tnachine, and various other Junk on.your 1ot in Hatterhorn. Section 8.74.040 Keeoino Junk states: of the cars and other itemsfor your cooperation. by APP:bpr Oirector y 0eve lopntent H E H 0 R A N 0 U lyl FROH: 0ATE : RE: RonPhilHps Peter Patten Septe;nber 30, 1985 Letter from Bi11 C1em Ue are very pro-active in the enforcernent of the Keeping Junk Ordinance andin other tnatters dealing with trash and public nuisances. Susan works very closely with the Fire,Po1ice and Public Norks Departments in handling ntatters which they observe in the field- She a1so recognizes and addresses problerns that she observes in the field. For each complaint which has been brought before Counci], we have dealt with and solved many ^ others, particularly in the Hatterhorn area. Son:e of the cotnplaints t;e have received and dealt with to date are: 1. Trash at 1715 Oeneva Drive ?. Numerous trash complaints at Fa11 Line Apartments 3. Trash at 1717 Geneva Orive 4. Cars at 1722 Geneva Drive; at the titne of original cotnplaint there were three cars at this location and to date on1y the orange Oherokee re;nains 5. Abandoned vehicles at 1788 Susan has followed up on the letter from Hr. C1em and found the following itetns to be violations of our Hunicipal 0ode. However, ;nany of these items no longer relate to pur jurisdiction. Susan has begun working tvith the Oounty to remedy the problerns. These fterns are: /a/ laurry 1. At 1704 Geneva Drive there tvas supposedly trash and debris :n the side ditch and culvert. However, a visit to the site on Septernber 30, 1985 at i0:25 a.r:. revealed no apparent trash or debris. 2. 1705 Oteneva Drive there license plates NY 2082. there are 5 vehicles, 1 materia1. was an abandoned jeep with Oolorado A1so to the rear of thts property camper and numerous piles of construction 3. At 1715 Geneva Drive there is a b1ue 2-door Toyata Coro11a located in the weeds which is difficult to see due to the height of theweeds, ielUi'/ page tt;vo September 30, l9 dZ//r? rl/ At 1717 Oeneva Drive there is a plates |fHU 272 which expired in is no l'onger f1at as w'' stated_ 2-door white Plyntouth Duster with Virginia Harch of 1984. However, the back tire in H'r. Clen:'s letter. orange Cherokee and piles of construction was sent to Hr. tJi11iams regarding this5. At 1772 Geneva Drive there is an rtateria1 in the yard. A letter matter on Septen:ber 30, 1985. 6. To the south side of the Hobbit Hi11s developtnent there is a pi1e of construction tnaterials. A letter was sent to Al ice Parsons regarding 77)/. this ntatter on Septetnber Z7, 1985 as a foHow up to a conversation which" Susan had with her earlier this ;nonth. ; _ r ! hle do welcorne a11 cafis fro:n the public when they notice probletns and have complaintsabout trashtnatters. Ue attempt to dea1 with these tnatters as expedieritly.as possibie. :..F.'...':'.=.::. ' . !"' ;g'i a = t1 mt't SEP - g 19sd REPORT FROH TASX FORCES ON ABANDONED VEHICLES AND GARBAGE AND REFUSE SUBMITTED I'O THE TOWN 3tANAGER FOR COUNCll, POLICY CONSIDEPATION. J'uly 12, 198s ISSUE: ABANDONED VEHICLES PubLiq Pronertv and rublic Ricrht-of-Wav - InpedingTraffic: Public Works Purposes Problen Detail : A. Review Ordinance to ensurevans and taxis fron Bridge A. Vans and taxis are parJcing on Bridge Street and arepersistent in fiteir right to 1:e fitere. B. Inpeding traffic definiti., in the 'Pown's Ordinance isnot adequate. C. Illegally parked vehieles siqnificantly effeet PublicltJork's ability to cut ice paik and tow truck driversoften tines don't respond for hours or not at all. D. Towing conpanies are not sensitive to the Town's towingneeds. E. Don't fee1 support is present for warranted towings. Solutions: Town can ticJcet and/or removeStreet. Police and CS0's are to be ca11ed if Public Works seesan illegally parJced van or taxi. Van and taxi conpanies are to receive notification otfite ordinanee and the enforcement polieies. B. Impeding traffic definition does not give enoughauthority for rublic Works or Police to quickly renove avehicle. A car can be slightly in the street or right-of-way and appear not to inpede traffic, but should benoved becausd of publie works or public safetypurposes. C. Publie Worlcs to have authority to either tow or t,otenporarily nove a vehicle. Police Offieer or CSO wouldalways be present. 6-21-88 D. E. Town should eonsider owning its own sna11 tow truck.Tow truck would then always be available. Privatecompanies are not responsive to town's towing needs asvolume is not sufficient to make it profitable. Thetimes when the Town needs a tow truck is usually whenthe tow trucJcs are in high demand in the whole valley.Police Offieers and CS0's would be on1y town personnelto authorize a tow. Need a clear Council policy on towing. Town personnelare hesitant to order warranted tows. Towing Ordinanceneeds to be anended to remove the Hearing Officerlsdiscretion. Currently, nany loeals who are getting towed know the hearing officer nay compromise and thepunitive effect of the tow and fine is lost. this alsocauses a 1oss of revenue to the Town, as the Townabsorbs the eost of the tow or the refunded antount.This keeps perpetuating t,he problen. The MunieipalJudge should not be the hearing offieer as this is anadministrative proeess and not a judieia1 process. Thehearing officer is a Town tCanager appointee. 6-21-88 ISSUE: Abandoned Vehiele ABANDONED VEHICLES Process on Private Property Problem Detail : Solutions: In order for a vehiele to be considered for abandonnent,the Town nust have a complaint from the owner or nanagerof the private property. Complaints in t,he problerttareas of Town don't occur as om:ers of private propertyare either absentee or they rent fiteir property andeifi:er do not know or are not concerned what vehiclesare on their property. The majority of the problettt isin the West Vail area. Abandoned vehicles are alsobeing used for storage purposes. Many solutions are notrealistic as t1:e courts have nade it difficult to go onprivate property for abandoned vehicles. Legal review of the Town's Ordinance to ensure the Townhas as nuch power as is legally possible to go afterabandoned vehieles on private property. Need to have avery good definition of an abandoned vehiele. Anyvehicle that is parked tttust have a current registiationand appear to be operable, otherwise it can be ' considered as abandoned. Anend the Junk Ordinaftce tochange the tineline to a period less than 3O days -possibly two weeks. for considering a vehicleinoperable and classifying it as junJc. Also add anenforcenent section sinilar to section 8.16.170 to a11owfor renoval of these vehicles. Town should consider a new publie service whieh nakes itas easy as possible for soneone to call in and havetheir al>andoned vehicle towed. This would basically bea free referra1 service between the vehiclets owner, theTomt and the vehicle storage yard. o 6-21-88 | :i "'' ;i :: i!..: ] ABANDONED VEHlCl,ES ISSUE :Besides Abandoned cars and trueks, there are nany othervehicles/equ ipnent notorized and non-motorized, whichare parked or stored on private property. o Many of these are unusable in their existing eondition.These itens 're rarts, boats, sail boards, canpers,sailboats, trailers, notor homes, dirt bikes,motorcycles, horse trailers, 4-wheelers, ski doos, etc.Xany of these are used for storage purposes. Otheritents people use in one season and store during the off-season. There is no language in existing Townordinanees which deal with this problen. _o Ifany of these are parked on private property where theowners are absentee or they rent their property and theyeither donlt know or don't care what is parked/stored ontheir property. Problent Detail: Solutions: o The abandoned vehicle call-in service, if ifi is'iloplenented, can be used for these problens as we11. 'I'own should encourage the private developnent of aprotected storage yard in the Eagle Valley. 'rown should consider, by ordinanee, restrictions on whatcan be parked on private propeffiy as is legallypossible. o Town should consider, by ordinance, restrictions as towhere a person nay park/store property. o 'rown should encourage private property associations toeither implenent and/or enforee covenants which restrictstorage of itens on their property.. 6-21-88 ABANDONED VEHICLES ISSUE: Contractors Parking and Storing of Vehicles/Equipnent Problettt Detai1 : ' o Contract,or's equipment/vehicles are stored and parlced at,nany locations around town including Town right-or-ways:Xany private property owners either rent their property' and/or are absentee owners and either don't know ordon't care that contractors are parking/storing equiptttent on their property. Solutions: o Town personnel need to better enforce the existingordinance allowing for the remova1 of vehicles fronpublic right-of-way. o The 'rown, as nuch as lega11y possible, should, throughordinanee, restrict the storage and parking orconstruction equipment on non-construction site privateproperty. o Tie into the building pernit proeess and have the ' . Building Division enforee. 5' 6-21-88 THIS PAGE IS 1,EFT INTENTIONALLY BIJ\NK ' 6 6-21-88 ISSUE: o GARBAGE AND REPUSE I,ack of or Abuse of Dunpsters or Trash Cans Problen Detail : A. Xany people store their refuse in trash bags,violation or the ordinance, and sone of theseopen by dogs. inare ripped B. Dunpsters are stored in :'omt right-of-way which is a :'ovordinance violation. C. Dunpsters are not dunped often enough or the dtmpstersneed to have a larger eapacity. Grease poured intodunpsters leaJcs out of drainage holes of dunpster andalso leaks out of the garbage trueks. Dumpsters are notperiodica11y eleaned. - D. p p BFI wants people to use their new type of eontainers,but people are not using thent. lfany dumpsters are used by people other than those wholease then.. Sltort tern renters do not know where a dumpsterwhen trash pick-up days are, so they leave trashsitting outside when fu11 or when they leave the G. Some owners who rent propert,y won't pay to have trashremoval services so renters have to take their trashelsewhere. Solutions: A. striet enforcenent of existing ordinance. 1,ega1 reviewof ordinance for any necessary anendnents. B. Enforee:nent of existing ordinanee concerning dunpsteg intown right-of-way. Legal review of ordinance for anynecessary amendnents. _ lS, Or bagsunit. 6-21-88 Solutions:( Continued) c.Amend ordinance to establish dunpster guidelinesregarding adbquate size, periodic eleaning, eolors,lids, frequency of dunping, picJcing up trash around thedumpsters, ete. Amend Ordinance to state that if a dunpster is in needof dunping, the Town can order it to be duntped andbilled to the nornal billee. Anend Ordinance to state that grease is to be stored inadequate containers before the containers are placed inthe dunpster. PossiEl?lEqutre all restaurants to havea used grease storage receptacle and contract for itsrenoval as there is no adequate neans of packaging itfor dunpster disposal. Rec;uire certain speeifieations for residential trasheontainers (preferably one liJce BFI wants to getestablished) and prohibit a11 other types of containersand trash bags. Proltibit by ordinance and encourage people to turn inviolators for Town contact. Amend Ordinanee - Short-term rental cornpanies must keepguests informed of where dunpsters are, how to legallydispose of tJteir trash and, if necessary, when trashpicJc-up days are. G. Amend Ordinanee - Owners of rental properties must havea required dunpster or trash eontainer space for aeertain nuntber of _units. Currently required byordinanee: All single fanily and nulti-fanilyresidences nust be provided with trash receptiactes. Genera1 Solutions : D. E. u' o Have a Problen Area of the Week (which would beidentfied by Town employees or residents. Pietures ofthe problen would be taken and pubLished in the paperalthough no street addresses or ntuttbers would begiven). Public Service Announcements and other legally requirednotifications should occur before the orqlinance isstrictly enforced. 6-21-B8 :. 'i o General Solutions: '(Continued) O Enforee ordinance whieh requires trash eonpanies toclean trash off the top of their truclcs., o Town Counci1 night consider sone sort of requlatorylicense for a trash conpany to operate in Vaii. o Tomt sbould add a fulbtirae person to enforee garbageand refuse laws and to adninister the serviee p1an.Position to be in the Community Developrnent Department. o Ordinance require;nent: Everyone in Town nust have trashservice. o Prohibit single family residences from having trashdtunpsters. 6-21-88. 'a " ? GARBAGE AND REFUSE rsstm: Business refuse onto Town street or na11 areas. Problen Detail: A. Businesses sweep their decks, sidewalks, etc. and nanytimes proceed to sweep the trash, ete. onto Townproperty. B. Loea1 newspapers stack their papers outside ofbusinesses and they blow away. Solutions: A. & B. Use the fu11 time person to enforce this aspect ofthe ordinanee.. Work with individual businesses to solve their trashproblems without creating new ones for the 'rown. B. Prohibit this practice by ordinance. Town should design standard newspaper dispensers,particularly for the commercia1 areas, which arestrategically located and wi11 serve for a11n*"spapers ' 1O 6-21-88 Roll-a.Waste" Cart System Co11ection Service Is Upgmded No more banging or clanking ol metal trash containers as the quiet-running mechanized lifters smoothly dump the containers. Plastic trash bag liners are no longer necessary and the containets clean up easily with soap and water. These sturdy cads are easy to use, easy to maintain, 1ast for years, and improve both community appearance and collection service. If you wish to join the growing number of people who now use the Boll-a- WasteO system, contact your collector for all the details. Roll-a-Waste ' Carts Have Many Advantages 0ver Traditional Ilefuse Collection Methods Improved Community Appecrcmce This attractive, well-designed 90 gallon container replaces up to four conventional 20 gallon cans. Also, the con- tainers have tested resistant to high winds and entry by animals. Cleaner more attractive neighborhoods and no spilled trash around the yard on eollection days. The Contciners Are Ectsier To Use Full or empty, the catts are wheeled easily by man, woman, or child. Better yet, no lilting or carrylng lS ever required by the resident. In addi- tion, the carts are great 1or work around the house, yard, or garden. The carts also lit easily through standard door and qale enbances, -G-;,b,;;,;;,,g,,di,,,,;;'D,,,,,,, iii threatens to "nah suburban dllmE 3l:T::$Y,,Jr/;& {' r, - ' " -.Upset that suburban f,.d,;d.,, iiffit)lFJriir are dumping their trash tn :l'JJJii ffl_d_ ]:ho-s-e, yl1o- ref use to pay1 te: ;. ' iii,![[',tf,:h[:U;T$;f: ing residents to report off enders- " 9J u1e nlgnt, caught someone from . The dumpsters Denver places ;n ft' nex[ D[OCK aumpmg dirt tn her f!JJ^lf''Jt'!f'tfi?';it' banites, who don't get rre'i pick-up and don't want to p:*fi'!"nm"g!ff':!';'; LlU:Jl::,;tl{JJ,ff;JJn; Arapahoe County are f,.q,,.,,tl. Pt'J1"" ;au re::nspf up !o UFeq., said at a meeUng Weaneictay __.:n'.s -am(zuq to "e, t)e:it puu :,:jhj'[iiJJ;;Tgffi:ffif[: ; :upwithtrashillthe.tnmk." t ' I t___t J.._.:_. UafiTJ fi aL ' block .I f: ii:!iffi!iiiiFii!;i.tt;: ,,, The IYlodern Way to Ilandle Refuse dmproved Community Appectrcmce ffictsy to Hctndle ffipgrctded Service ffitrger Cctpctcity d.ong-Lctsting erl OF COLORADO INC. P. 0. BOX 38 WOLCOlT, CO 81655 'l1G : J-/37 0c (?2(, - 5 -ylk Traslt collection sltouldn't be a problem. It should be a clean and simple operation. ltwt 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3O3) 476-7000 1984 of fleo of communlly devolopmenl Jarnes R. ki11iams Box 1133Vail, Oolorado 81658 Dear Hr. hli11iatns: olll€ You hgve [ad tttm car/, a washing n:achine, and various other Junk onyour lot in HatterhGrn. Section 8.24.04() Keepinq Junk statei: T[e) stori[lg or keeping by any'person within the Town of anyo1d articles or raatqrials which rnay be classified as junk, adJgqent to or in clo;e proxir:ity to any public building,pub]ic park or grounds, business buildings or,esidencest)](!oyt firg providing fglly enclosed buildfngs for the August 17, storage of the sarte, slian b-e deemed a pubHc nuisance.It is specifically provided tha = ata erred 1S tochapter shal1 tatidfi! n:otor vehicle lncapa ocatio u ni Please rtake arrangentents for the re;noval Septetnber 14, 1984. Thanl( youveryrtuch of the cars and other itertsfor your cooperation. by A. P PATTEN, Acting APP:bpr period iniiffiiT"6 Oirector u 'i, 171s o cvJ?tr Town of Vai1 Vai1, C0 81657 P0 Box 3757Vail, CO 81658 September 11, 1985 Town Counci1 and Town Manager Town of Va i1Vai1, Colorado 81657 Town Council and Town Manager These points which I am bringing to your attention are not complaintsfbut are meant to bring about an improved quality to the Town of Vailwhich has been 1ong overdue. Should the town be considered a worldclass resort, then the town should 1ook like a world elass resort. Town of Vail Ordinanee, Section 8.24.040 KEEPING.nJNK enforcement hasbeen tn a lackadaisica1 attitude by the Town of Vail officials. My understanding fron talking with the Community Development Department, Town of Vai1, the enforcement of this ordinance is thepriviledge, obligation and responsibility of the Environmenta1 Offieer,Town of Vai1. If this is true, there is obtuse mnnagement and/or nocoordination within your systertt. Is the Police Department unknow-ledgeable of the ordinance, unable to interpret the ordinance, and/orfind the ordinance too demenning to enforce while they are patro11inga neighborhood or do they observe to enforce an ordinnnce to inprovethe quality of Vail? Has the Town l,Ianager artd/op the Town Counciltaken oceasional inspection tours of their town in order to see if theofficials are performing tbeir functions and to see the deteriorationof their town. And nov, 1et us take a narrative and seenic tour of the Matterhorn Subdivision which is in the Town of Vai1. Driving westward on the Southfrontage Road we turn off onto Ilatterhorn Circle. Hopefully you will be driving during the daylight hours as the.street sign for a stranger is difficult to see at night, The signis loeated on the southwest corner and the street light is located on the southeast cornel', htany visitors have stated that the sign isdiffieult to see at night. During the winter with snow packed andicy raods the street sign has been knoeked down yearly, in that it is loeated on the low corner of the turn onto Hatterhorn Circle. Thestreet light is located on the high corner. The street sign is not replaced unti1 it can be found in the spring. This appears poor plan ning. As you enter on Matterhorn Ctrcte, address 1'784 Matterhorn Ctrcte, one may see horses staked out occasiona11y on week-ends during the fa11 nonths in the vicinity of the house. :j . You will tmt*tntety appronch on your tQt the water pump shed and see two (2) td-11, dead and naked exSprud'" trees and one (1)small and dead ex-Spruce tree. The two tall trees have been dead fortwo (2) years, During June 1985 a publicity stunt was printed inthe loea1 newspaper of how the Town of Vai1 was going to eut down dead trees. Betng a consciention resident I telephoned the PUblic lYorks Department concerning the dead trees which are nnnotated. Butas usua1 in a bureaueratic sysgem the ca11er ean not ca11 past tbeprotective secretary who respdded thet the tree would be cut. Theyare sti11 standing ug1y as ev6b p1us another tbree (3) year deadSpruce tree located aeross the bridge ten (10) yards to the 1eft ofMatterhorn Circle next to the south side of beautiful Gore Creek. Shall we turn right and trave1 up Geneva Drive. Please do notrush or you wi11 miss the cans and papers in the side ditcb in frontof 1704 Geneva Drive. The euttfrt situated under the eorner of Matterhorn Circle and Geneva Drive is supplied with this trash in such a manner that in due time the culvert wi11 be plugged and s'nowmeltwi11 not be ab1e to f1ow through this eulvert. That means over theroad and deterioration of the road by the water, ?/ho wi11 be assessedfor repa irs ? Up to 1705 Geneva Drive is a Jeep, license No Colorado YN 2082 which has been in the same position for over two (2) years. To therear of the address is a motor poo1 of unnoved vehicles. But thisproperty is loeated in Eagle County. I will close my eyes to the remaining properties up Genevn Drivc and leave the antiquated sights to your discretion until vre arrive at 1715 Geneva Drive where there is an auto, Toyota Coro11a, blue col'or,2-door, no license number, located substreet leve1 amongst the weeds.This auto has been situated there for the rainimum df four (4) years. Farther up to 1717 Geneva Drive is another auto, Plymouth, license-Virginia YHU-272 with a -tear right f1at ttre, loaded to trnvet, but has not moved sinee January 1985. These two (2) autos are now locatedin Eagle County. You are at the end of Geneva Drive, but do not leave hastily as you 'are at 1722 Geneva Drive where an unmoveable auto, Cherokee, eolor orange, which has been situated in one (1) position for over a year,. and building materia1 situated in one (1) position for over four (4)years. Attached as Inclosure 1, dated Augusf 17, 1984, is the resultof ineptness by the Town of Vai1. And tour down Geneva Drive unti1 Matterhorn Circle and turn right onto Matterhorn Cirele, You wi11 approach the preposed eemetery area. Hopefully the person who dies and desires to be buried in the area during the winter wi11 be preserved until sunmer in order to be buried. Consider the entrance to this area to be buried during the winter with the snow fa11 for a front-end loader and dozer to enter and clear the area and the aoise resulting trom dynanite to blast a ho1e for theburial. Some days this section of Matterhorn Circle is not plowed. A cemetery is 11ke a garbage dump, it is needed but no one wants it next to them, ; I 1 II ij From MateJP;n Circte southward up theqill on Geneva Drive was not always snow plowed at the same time as the lower portionof Geneva Drive during tbe Winter 1984_85 by the Town of Vail. What can one say after telephone inquiries to the Street Mainten-ance Department which replies that the area is a "lowipriority,"Tbe lower tree-fourths (3/4) has the priority, but the upper onefourth (1/4) does not bave the priority. lfhat can one saya Sha11 you trave1 furtber down Matterhorn Circle toward. Fa11Line and 1ook on the left hand side of the road at the stackedconstruction material, This is a 1eft over from the Bobbit Hi11construction. Traveling west on lower Matterhorn Circle wi11 be your prudent Judgement to Ordinance - Section 8,24.040. But this is the RustieWi1d lYest of the Town of Vai1. Tbe area does contain wildlife, espeeially wi1d dogs, Theymust be wild because the dogs can not be caught after they deposittheir waste in the yard. The manure is not terttte, in faet thegrass dies and is left for the property owner to clean, not the dog owner who is unseen. The leashlaw is uneffective. By the time thedogcateher is notified the four (4) legged canines are up, up andaway, What ean one do about this in the Wi1d West? Upon the eompletion of this treatise what wi11 the Town of Vaildo? Close your eyes and maybe it wi11 go away, It has not. The squeaky wbee1 gets the grease or maybe your residents enJoy thisliving where sunporches turn into bedrooms and tri-plexes grow sheds.As Pogo stated, "We have met the enemy, be is us," Respectfu11y, ,,,z,;,./,,J-"","z',i: ffILLIAM R. CLEM g fi/l rL,;l=[,- off Iee ol Oommunlty development Jar:es R. kiHfams Box 1133l/ai1, Co]orado 81658 0ear Hr. killiams: !?u have [ad two c';s a washing rnachine, and various other Junk onyour lot in Hatterhorn. Section 8.24.0i0 Keepfno Junk states: hwt 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 91657 (3O3) 476-7000 August l7, 1984 jncapable of opeiatitor a peri excess of thirt Pletse_ makg arrangements for the removal ofSeptetnber 14, l98{. Than& youverymuch for Thq stgriflg or keeping by any person within the Town of anvo1d artic!es or,rnaterta:s which may be ;l,ssifi,d as junk.-ad;'acent to or in clo)e proxi[nity to any pubiic buiidtng,'py?]ic p1rk or g'"'nds9 business bui]di;g, or residencestvithout first providing fuHy enclosed buildings for thestorage of the sarte, shai1 hn doomnri a ,,,,hli,, ntties,,,.;;';:':,::, }i:, i i[';,::;]:,',,:;[ : ! ! n, 'i:i:"i,i, ' ^i';,';.",.containers, barreis'""'!'"''"'-'I Ddrrels and cans must be obscured frorn viewand t)q(, aggessible to sgavenging a.t,,,:i. tt is furthe'rs?ec jfica] ]y provided that "junk" as,efe,,.d to in this:HHr fia_']?e exprisfy deerned to include, without linti-ta!ion:.any tnotor vihjci{t[J"i; i;.;;;ble of operationt,;nder j!,s oyner power. A n:otor vehicle sha11 ho nwto<nmo the cars and other iternsyour cooperatfon. by PATTEI1, Oirector l- APP;bpr I/jcL ; A. P ET Acting L y 0eve loprnent REC=TlON Iwd DSZ0D RECORDCD NOVD,tE R 20. 19B3 ,i O i,! i: i!... ".' i " ' llesTRlCTlONS, @VEl#J{rS " MAITERIQRN Vl t:J{,Il\ I ro rfi(De 6.|l lfTCaiS ; '. '. , i '''.'i..I: '....i I,rta,;t=na amo Amutcctum, Co;mot Comttrrtl. t.l -Comtrrrcc THt m,Allllllla Amp AaeHl11etuffili, eormot eollllffilC, HtllCmarrla !Erlnal0 tO AI tllt Com=l?TCC, SHALL e0HBIB7 Or IHatC HIHBCIl THO *HAtL DE DlSIGxAIlD DV tHI O=:ca. H18 lUCCl3SOa 0fi A$ll@HSl TO alVltV SfUOV AXO APPnOVE oa nC'JCeY PaOPOSC0 lUPROVlBEHtl TIfHln THI Aal Dt$eaIDED In flle ataa or !MATltmOmt VlUAe€" rlasr Pll,Iffi Ol waue;t rmfi aasnuerni eowNffi?r Aat lmD€ A PA:?.l.a RuLts. rHt CoMmlrYcl S:aLL XA4t SUeH RULlS &HD Bv=LA:8 ARD ADOPr 8ueH paoCCDUaCB A8 IT mAV DIE= APPnOFnlAft TO GOVCnn lT8 PnOCErDlH@S,I.3 Arrnovat ot PLAH. NO BtlILDIIIGa 0Ul SUILDlHG, roleE oa ofllCa mlPR0VEllCHtS IHALL ac eamttauetro CntC?CD 0R IIAIHTAIIIID 0fi aatv TfiAe?, OL0CX oa L07t fi@R SHALL Am1' ADDITl0: IiCnlTO, on ALTtnArIOH ?Hcnslm 0l uADED UffTIL PLAHs A:D SPEclrlearlo:s SHO:I:@ fXC COtO:g LOeAtlOH, =AItRlALID LAH0SeAPIH@, AHD sucH i.4.2 11.4.3 -t.4.4 .;;;il$j.,. -:"!' ' "".' i:l...' ^. '; '.j iii. ' '' " ', j'. VlG=, ll, €HroaelulHr IP Axv PcRlom SIIALL VlOLA?l oa lllatAIlh fo VI0LAll aHV ql THI Pn0VlllOhl ol rH18 Ix. BIall1l€llI, {73llatL 8! m=PllL |O| aHY PEa$@N o| PcasolllGwatao arau' notwn tm "mrrntno;w VILLAGE," ;ll=6r rlLlm@ fO lmlTllU?l PaOelCDlH@8 At LA= on IH lOUITV fO CHr0nCE ?HC PaOVlllOHl Or tHII IHsTnUucH? l@ atslaAlH tHC P[RS0fi VlOLAtlH0 on THRlAftHlN@ IO VtOLATl ?RtU, A=D ficeovta DaHAGsI, AetuaL AHo PuHIF . rlvl, roa sueH VlOLAflO=, ' | ,ao. slYEfiADIL?Tv lavaLlDAtlgH Of A=Y OfiC OF THt PaOVISlON3 0F tHIl Ins?auHlHr BV JUOG=CHf oa CDuIT' ofiPra oa oecRec SH4tL Ifi fiO :Ile AlP€Ct A|V 0F ?Ht @?Hea Pa0!l3l0:l *lllCll IIIAIL atulH lm rULL roncl A&D Crrtct. ' ' '. . RtAES AI$ REGULATIONSl. OneAHIlATloH. I.I THc CoMMlfrel SHALL eOHSlBf Ol' TmaIE ulmu€a8 DESt@HATtD lv m. Poscnr t. NEs=ITH, lllS 8uea ccsaoas aa;o *sstot=, i' 1htr Comn rrcc SHALL 88LrCI raoH AHOfie lIS attatacaa a CliAlllmll a=o Sccacr.aav,' I.l Ytte Qmm=m stmt,t rmaatot ov'ta at,t, llf.siDl@.i or txc Camttrrer AND.IllAt,L nt netaom=tt roa , atGULAf I0H5a Im THE A*SEHeq or ?hC CHA'InmAff, rhc SleasfAaY SlIALL PlnrOnH lHE oUTlc8 oP CH4lP=iH.- I.3 Ytte Stencdav 'sitttt 'tteer lifllUrC8 or fHI Coym rrt,t't raoettontaa AlI0 ItS nteoaoa. Ar 7llc i.ii, !lllLlYv.oI.5 Txc rtrst Coumtttcc sHALL comslsr or tH€ rOLtO*lR@ PCfiSO=lli : l.D IHE FIRST UOaWITYEE SHALL qgHBlnT 0r THE F0LL0=l=O PE,H$O=Ul .[!?P51l €. lij€SMlTH, CllAlauAN, 6738_Lotac Dntvc Housron 1?, ltnaa WALT€R O. ALLOi, ' SEea€tARv, 6738 LoHa DalvE Housroll I7, IIIAg B. A. Bfiniljca, M€HsEn, ll? Tnour, Cotoaaoo SPRlN@l, Cotonaoo a.t €acn rcnson FR0POBIfI@ ro ttccr a 5 RUClURC 0H tano m " mat'rElHORX VILLAGE" slItLL |lag7 vRlT8 : : _ r@ tHC Saearra= ot ?Ilg eaannrrtt r[l*?Ilal$lll0 1llt Scear;a=r TI?H 1H1 r0U,OTlH@ nlF0RmTl@lll ' , Ia. AMolDMrH? |xr COHDITI0lIS, RIGTnICTl0Hl, STlPULAltONS, AGnLmtnIIB AIID COVtllAlltS eOlltAlHtll Hlnll= i i:;\:fi,: ji'm j,' i!'i;Ji,iri::i,!HH ifiiii::'ii ifiiiifi:?fiii ii.i!:fi:iii'ii.ii.F Cot onaoo. ' DlilcrloH or tH€ CHAIRHA:, T!! SEeREfA*v SHALL CAMSC ro at PUOtISHCD affa Dlj|€Hlff4?CD $ueH autrs, lC8.. ULArIONS AIID 0T-HCR CnlltfilA AS 'MAY 8E htClS$laY oa OElInAaLl F0a gUl0AhCC or'imqraorcnrv owxcnr aat! ex ,,F0aetll€fi? 0r IHt Paor€crlvl COvrHAHfs. ' = I.4 tttc C0Ml4lrTt6 sxatt 't,.rtov suet tasois as tr ;.tav acem :tetssaav oq ots =aatt ron ?HC, lHGF€e. rlOlr 0r PROPlaTV, glAXffiB Or 8lT€8, SUP!RVlBl0N, 0r ?a€€ CUIf H@ AH0 ormcn rmtcttons tirntnt ttm ncsaom -; ' ',.. '.. ', i'=.'.'!...-.'j '8. P:oesDu0c '. |' ' '' ' ' '. 0 ' o ' '' ''ii . laJ :11-'::":'::11 oP, lHL r=Vr0D&lJ I=PnUTL=BnlDI lalJFLUVlllU !9G*'+=lPllml 9P alGGl lUl=n6 "'t" . Ia) Txc t'or, ot uors, amo oLocn 0H BHIeH lHI ImPR0vEUtH?S ARC.TD 0C LOeAf€0 TOGefHCa '"" 'PPlLIIIIlIAaV SXttCH OF THE uoeafidx ott sfiot tor oa tots.I ', i, '.. '.,.. J! I-..... I' ' Ie1 a aatrr ouc,nruou ol ?HC llaTIalA\l YO al USlD m sueit co;,srnucfiimLa (0l fxc Elf mIAtID eost or iue,t'mtraovtttt;rm, Ir ltllO=ll. tcl THc matat AIID AODRCSS Or fH€ ARCHlfleT on rnortssto:at otateatca,IEI TH6 HAMt AnD AODRCSS Or fmC AReHlf€CT on PnoPEsslofiA'L oEsleNca, lr amv., ' Irl THE €sf IHA?cD tlmE aEOUlStD T0 aUlLD'tHt Brnueruat roetrHcn rlfH THC CSrlMA?eO DATE3 @r cd;mmtec;tent AHb cot.bttr;om ro ?HC tXfCHT T.H47 suen ntaomtinom ts hauaatc. ' ' ?.2 Uaox R€CEIPT or rxe tiron;aarto;t o€scallC0 Ifi aaaacaaai 2.t tttc Stcatranv or tttt Coux;rtce sxALL _. t= tno GaGil =660111111 60i an=a ta==. a a a a n=ac=u+ tt+u' 6 rno=:vtv IDVIBC ?Hl PaosPlerlvl BUlLDtR DHEfHE! THC PnCLllllllAn\' PLA:S AaC IH A=V =AT Il{COHSlSTtHl TIfH . r}€ raoflcll9t COVlxAlllS aHD THc Rutcs Ago R€OULATl0Hg on rH€ sUltDls@ Coot, SuoGR:DliiiC HeIll0P5 0P.aY0]Di' ,." , ,' POS€D r*o.tect. ltt rxc tVEmf THAt THc Seenttanv.sELltveB tHAT A COXlCRCmCC VltH MCUlCn$ or tmc Coumtrrtt lS Dt$lRA@!.Eg HC SHALL SUGGlSf 6UeH A eONFtR[HCC. .. Paorlef lv€ Covcwaars, rxg nut,ts AIID *reutattoatg AHD BqlLDtNc Cooc, rHE.'aOS'CC'''' IUlLDEa lHALi IUO=lT fO. fH{ Sccnd.t.tav txc routowt:e DAfA, lx QuURuPLlCArCl - ':..:. '..' THC bECELLTAnY THE rOLL0Tl=E DAIA, l= QI.IAORUPLI{,AItl - a '.'L.-: . - Z'.3.l PPlLlMlHARv rc;Pg roR tnc rnorGsto tMPQ0VCmeHt, lNCLUDIa@l . a st.tnvct( or 7HC LOT on LOtS ON UHlCll rHt IllPDOVC&CHI l6 tO aa LpeArCb gllO=lH@ ftt{ toca..'!i-;_ flOH OF ?He PROPOStD lmPPqvE=IH a, '. '' '. tJ." -'r'.. ' ' I lUll 9P I Ilt FHU>tD l=F=VV=lgnla, '2,3.1.2 A P(aN or tac;a rLooa or ?Hg raoao'sto tmanoi:ucxr arto ?HE tanose.tattte' aC@OlR€D 0v IHt t=..' anove;atxt, llllCLUDld@ THc HCASualH[mtS. '' /*ovfHcH?,.I lIeLIIDIII0 ntc tmd=mt=ti. ' .. ,.i ;i+:-H: . Sucx tLCVAllONS A$ MAY St NEetSSA.IVatO tmaatt rllC Cou=lfr€c ro CVALUATC IBB ABSTmt?le]vaLtlal'r 7mB ADStmC?le ' .'_ | eHAaAC Eh pr, ?Ht IMPfi0VlMtHTa, ' a.3.l.4 A saectrtcatto;t or aA!EalALS AHD COtOn6 IO Sl UStD. |' |'' ?.3.I'.S'?Hi ^rorat.couttc FO0tACC lnVOLVSD A:0 aH lSllyaf I 0r TH€ C05?. j:t:ti;t{.:',: '' . '-. 2.3. I.6 TH€ mamt amo.,,...i' ii"tic'iiii,ittci oi..,,ii,,,.rtssloNAL DcslGscn, Ir AmTa..' ' -.. . a.3.I.? Tttc xaaac AkD ADDRE58' 0r IHE PR0POStD. C0ll?nACYOn, (r.mrtowm.iJ i.i' l!ififfi1!ii!iii ' "'. :. :i:i:i.s tu rrmtmti or tpdr=a yi'iciijiai'tt; iutta rmc iairiJco tmaove==mytt 'm* effitimiii'6 " 0Afe Or COllbltliC€HCHI AND eO=PL€Tl0n. ' . 2.3.a tusetcttom or Pta=s. ' ' . 2.3.i.1 tn: Srcncraav SHALL PnOMPfLY sua=tt tJ tacm att=acn or rme com'utt:tc rHl raorosco rtama &=O ' .:j "1 'i';i': i+.;.j..:' -.' aeeom=v;:o a*va.' ' ' ; . . .' '.'t ! i, a a,3.2.: Arl€a ncvlffi 0F TlIr PLANS AfilO OTHEn oArA fllcj ::Ecacll*v 8llAt,L eaxvas THE Cout,urrte tO 06YCfi MINt WH€tHen fH€ PLAis AND 0lH€n 0ATA AnE IO 8C AFPRov€D, ' 2.3.i..3 uaott cowttfitttc" rxc ci,,vas or mc 8oaR0: THE seca=amt SIIAtI, PerP!lffi a tirren. or atrtv,to THE PaOSPCCllV€ aun.oin nottrvtme nm or nte aacaovau or ttfs PtANs atao ea:ctosmo a auttomc,atat,tw 'issuto BY fHC S€CREtAai', OR OF fH€ R€d€eflOH Or lll5- PLAHS AH0 fHE nCASOH5 rxtneron) uitx suocep TlOfiS AS T0 TH!THER THC O0JRCTlONS,TO THE PLAN3 eAm sc euaco lV UODJrlCAf IO" ' ' UPoN Rtccl*f or A BuILDIfiG P€a'Hlt, fHt PR0lPtell!tlulLocR SHALL s€ PCRHllICD T0 COUHtHCl eoNsrauc?Ioa. Hc sHiLL oIsPLAY ro rac Btjltome tatsetiroa, oa, sbcm olllta PsnBom A3 MAV BB DS|IOt x=1n sY :mt totnutttt ir VAIL rHc PEa=IT ffi0 ntoudst tnat srAGtIIG or 1lIE timyvcme=r LoeAf IQI{ OH T,| LO1 A,O f,€ maluxdor r;tr 1,,eS, If,H,, =IUCH M,BT BC nCmOVCD IM tHl C0U 6€- 0f ?Ilc C@Hl itauctton.* 1hc BulLonl@ ntsrcctoa, 0R 01llta PERSOH Al THC eAse HAV BeI SIIALL PnOMPtLV SIARI tHC LOCAfl0H Or IHc IllPfiovnllmf ANO l4Altr THI 1altl lO'lE eUl,OILLIH@ 1Hq PhOSPlCTlVC IUlLDta lOn tHC ii\Li$+.=. """""e""'" i"a= t ''" "Gii" =i= ill+a..+ i" 0 ttwt ?5 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303} 478-7000 October 3, 1985 omce of communlly dovelopment Hr.Bi11Clem P.0. Box 3757 ' Vai1, Oolorado 81658 Dear Hr. Clem: . Enclosed you wi11 find a copy of the r;emo Peter Patten sent to Ron Phillips in response to your letter. This addresses on1y those items which are genera11y handled by this department. As you wi11 note, action has been taken in these :natters. I am currently in contact with the County to detemine what action can be taken tvith regard to those iten:s now in their jursidiction. If you have guestions, please contact me at 476-7000, ext l05. Thank you for your concern. Environrnenta1 Health Officer SS:bpr Enclosure : :,...!iJ.J.' J;!: - ;!:i!: Sincerely, SGsan Scanlan ,Ft:'-':a 7? ''"- -:!l|'llq'r IBUILDING PERMITAPP;,CATION CHECK VALIDATjON PERMIT VALlDATlON o ]/23/92 Siverly/Mueller I,ot 8B, 1717 Geneva Dr. duplex John F. and Harvey A. Phelps Box 1041 Vail I.,ot '1, 1716 Geneva Dr. (map shows 1715) Triplex Parcel 1 DavJ:d Braun and Roman Kasparitis 3617 Fairview Ave Oak Brook, Il. 60521 Parcel 2 Charlene Erickson Box 2314Vail Parcel 3 Siverly/Mueller (parking only) Lots adiacent to 17B, 1693 Matterhorn I,ot 17A, 1710 Geneva Arthur and Maja Janicki 3765 North 97th St Milwaukee, WI, 53222 JATS SERVICE P.O. Box 5O6 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 478.4539 476.5004 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO -gfffEf " Tiff:;i;Hl[ND lle CJD€ ' ' I lA-: t (c, r l/.< ': PHONE DATE / /za/>a /q ; JOB NAME .r)azrruZ, J0B tOCArfON ARcHlftcf'DATE OF -RANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and eslimates for: ,cg-"B /€€Z/ /l2d2 2/ :i]:]i]]""" ;;: ' ffh:t-""""' - 1lb |lrrpnnr lbtu-u to be made as foll hereby to furnish material and Iabor -complete in qccordance with above specifications, for the sum of: z l,'. _ (jr dollars ($ ---). PagesofPage No.||ntpttnttt F{c2 c0 9\ tg" -:= --' ct. a August 6, 1980 tJim Pubin. Director of goning Town of Vai1 vant Oolorado. Re: Lot 19, Hatterhorn 'Vi11age Subdivision Dear Jiln, Ue request Sanders in Ue, the undersigned[ property the continuing deterioration brought about by the nultiple Kirsh Sanders. The origina1 home built on 1ot 19 w*)'t singlex on_a_bal' lot. Tbe Sanders purchased it and received a building permit-from Eagle.Co""'y for "repairs". The, proceeded to illegally turn tbis singlex- inty_ * duplex with two kitchens. After con)pldints were !egiGtere' br_other residents, the County Qommissioners investigated this ease and determined. that the Sanders should convert the home onee again to a singlex, tea(ing out one kitchen. They a1so agreed to 1et the Sanders_build another singlex on the other half of the '1ot directly behind (1ot 19A). As of tbis datet the singlex on 1ot 19A is occupied and tbe original home on 1ot 19 is stil1 a duplex witb two kitehenG. owners in Hatterhorn, are herewitb protesting of our living standards and property values abuse of the zoning law by Bi11y and by the of the greatly an investigation of a11 building owned or part owned the Hatterhorn Subdivision.A letter from you to a11 e-i i11vestigation wi11 beundersignedreporting the results of appre c iated. ' Respectfu11y :rourst b0{jfg0, V Ernst I,arese Ualter Horitz James Vi11iams E11a K11ox Villian 01em .Iames Cbarles Lot , I,ot 1J I,ot 12 1,ot11 t,otZl+ cc.c-A ,/. caJ. -:-d/'/'/Jfi 1,ot 1l}iZ,,,,; c/,,L,) d' :t -1 r[} o *'-ffh '-il ,,J;- '' :'"' l: z'' y ,: v'" r"'t t.dd' i d g ," 7 i ;7 ,/: .'"'!/t'i( fiy',..).,..,/f,:rnfH'' ".j''ii.rtat;.r.t:..;.-, PETITIONERS tmo ARE / f /', IJ\NDOWNERS OF THE AREA TO BE ANNEXED -d..r Jii', DESCRIP- OP PARCEL BY SIGNER ,-f- -J,---. 0, '")1 fy " *\ c,- zv -5 t o, z46 D, 3 '7 "; t..) (r MAILING ADDRESS 6738 Long Drive, Houston, Texas 2202 Conste11ation Drive, Colorado Springs, C0 Box 508, Vail, Colorado Box 508, Vail, Colorado Box l4l, Va-il,Colorado Box l4l, Vai1, Colorado NAME AND SIGNATURE F PETITIONBR 7 RICHARD F. WALI(ER ANN M. C $,,t EnNST LARES qf[O/-hj/- ;JAllES A. CHARI,,E$ /Z,.-- Z;, c!/dL, LCGAL TION OWNEDDATE OF SIGNING November 24, 1978 December a.z/, 1978 December /,, 1978 December /, 1979 Deeember.1, 1978 t,ot 22 D. December 3, 1978 sox/52Z, Vail, Colorado December J, 1978 Box 1522., Vail, Colorado l11 /1 /[h, 'f z Lot 20 ro t l 4 to t l 4 n :,o t l 3 ,7 uh( |iLot l3 t 12 Jl / F Lo n n t / !l(lcl/fL tl, WALTER A. MORIT L), 3, Db &,/J;(- a BARBARA LARESE tffi.,tt,,t(tt, ,, December _{, 197s //. 1/j1 '.z > i PETITIONI:RS WHO ARE I,ANDOWNERS OP THE AREA TO BE ANNBXED DATBOP SIGNING = MAII,II!IG ADDRBSS _'_ox_ 3757, I,ot 11Bvallf Colorado "ox_ 3757, Lot 11svalJ.l Colorado Box 10' Va.U, colorado '^':-^l?-H9FATURE ;[jt',r;;[[[; WILLIAMR.CI,J3l1 Southerlyl/2of 'u,pJq u (/_r ''t il8 c rUy_ FRANflSXA A, bLE[{ f:tl;?Y L/2 of 'ecember d, 1978 December -$; 197s December./L, 1978 December //, 1979 Decembe; /J, 197s I,ot 24 )' D Box 584, Vau, Box 2404, Vai1, colorado colorado _ 01z1 I See Attached I,o t 2 4 See Attached T "'.:, ' a ' 'edember /7l 1978 *ox 2404, Vait, colorado t), 5 o c:, / s r pETITIONEns wHO ARE LANDOWNJ]RS op 'I'HE AnEA ro sE ANNEXEDDATE oq 'sIGNING a o December JZ, 1978 Box 43|, Vat-t, MAII,ING ADDRESS ::L:[[;;fJ,t;[-LEGAI, DESCRlp-TION OF P.ziRCELoWNED BY s:dtii,lcolorado sUE A. BRI ''celnber-€t", 197s 'ecemberq(, ]978 'ecember;r:, 1979 December-bJ! 1g7s jji:,!;:';;=?;:: Colorado jj':,:;:'j;=?j:: colorado 3!07 Paseo Road "'olorado springs, colorado ]197 Paseo Roaduoiorado springs f colorado :J4c'""-iz";rJu,:::-, IcAdl, R. Ross ff-.,. ;;zz,//,,, ELOISE ltf. ROSS tJ,);._...q,q 1-= WEI,DoN y. TA,,T,;"'"'""' '"YJJ: 4-JtfJ,t,,- VInGINIA L. TARTER Lot 26 ' Lo t 2 6 Lo t 2 8 Lot 28 O f/7 D /./7t c), 4/3 t'- : J\.,t !)Ib PETITIONBRS WHO LANDObINERS OF THB ARBA ARE TO BE ANNEXED OF SIGNING I/IAILING ADDRBSS x 1133, Vai1, Colorado NAME AND SIGNATURF, OF PETITIONER JA[lES R. WILLIAMS LEGAL DESCRIP- TION OF PARCEL OIlINED BY SIGNER Northerlyof t,ot ll. ',,..!J/ R ;! #?'}.,d-- ;7/,,,L '',yrp1," Jii, '!;';', ,/ffi d/ ,/ Decenber,f, 197s ab J""""= T0: FROH: HEHORANDUIyl Planning and Environtnenta1 Corrnission Departn:ent of Contnunity Development .OATE: August l0, 1979 RE: PUsLIc HEARING AND CONSIOERATION OF THE INITIAL ZONIN0 OF APPROXIHATELY 8.231 ACRES 0F LAND IN AN AREA KNO[tfN 00MH0NLY AS THE lvnTTERHORN AREA. THIS ZONING UILL BE CHANOED T0 7[10 FAlvIILY PRIW\RY SECONDARY RESIDENTIAL F0R THE RECENTLY ANNEXED PROPERTY. Area: Approxitnately 8.231 acres. Proposed Zoning: Two Fa:nily Pritnary Secondary Residentia1 Ourrent Zoning: County RSH BACKGROUND Twelve petitJoners requested annexation of land that is contained within the Hatterhorn Subdivision. Town Council approved this annexation in Ju1y and now the property is before the Planning Comission for initia1zoning. The area to be annexed contains approxirnately 8.231 acres of land and 24 1ots. Existing 1and use is noted below: Vacant Single-Fatnily Duplex Hulti-Family (3 to 7 units) The Cotmunity Developn:ent Departn:ent is recotntnending Two Family/Secondary Residential Zoning for this area. This initia1 zoning wouid be consistent with current County Zoning of which requires 8,000 square feet of lot areaper dwe11ing unit. For 1ots 1ess than 15,000 square feet that are i'n this area Town Counciljust approved on first reading the abifity to have a second dwe11ing unitwith specific restrictions. Below are the restrictions that would be placed on 1ots of 1ess than 15,000 square feet that are vacant or currently have on1y one ho:ne on the lot. "That the appficant shal1 agree in writing to: (a) That the Secondary dwelling unit shall not be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately frotn the pritnary unit. (b) That the secondary dwe11ing unit shall not be leased or' rented for any period of less than 30 consecutive days; and that it shal1 be rented only to tenants who are residents of the Upper Eagle Va11ey or who are fu11-ti;ne 2 15 4 3 IT lvlelno (Le, ' :rn Zoning age Two etnployees in the Upper Eagle Va11ey. The "Upper Eagle Valley" shall be deer:ed to include the Gore Valley, lVlinturn, Red Cljff, Gilnlan, Eagle-Vai1, and Avon and their surrounding ; areas. A "Fu11-ti;ne etnployee" is a person who tvorks an averageof 30 hours per week. (c) That a declaration of covenants and restrictions sha11 be filedof record in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorderin a fom approved by the Town Attomey for the benefit of the Tow: to insure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land; and (d) That the secondary dewlling unit shal1 not be divided into any form of tin]e-shares, interva1 ownership or fractional fee; Il RECOIVIHENDATION : The Oontnunity Development Depart:nent recomrnends the Two Fan:ily Primary/ Secondary Residentia1 Zoning for this property. L;.' 1 /". / DATE: OIlDINANCi;; #4 (S[iRlES OF 1983) AN ORDINANC]i: IMPOSING ZONING DISTRICTS 0N CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND RECENTLY ANNLXEl) FROM EAGLE COUNTY BY TIIE TOWN; AMENDING TIIE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP F0R TIIE TOWN 0F VAIL; AND SETTING FORTII ])UrAILS IN :RELATJON TIIERETO. IYIIEREAS, 1he Town of Vail, Colorado, recently annexed certain properties from the Counqi of Eagle and State of Colorado, effeetive on November 10, 1982; and WHEREAS, Chapter 1s.6s of the Munieipal Code of the Vail sets forth proeedures for the imposition of zoning on the recently annexed a,reas; and Town of districts WBEREAS, Section 31-12-115 (2) C.R.S., 1973, as amended, requires the Town to bring the newly annexed West Vail area under its zoning ordinance within ninety (90)! days after the effective date of said annexation; and YfHEREAS, the Planning a,nd Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has considered the zoning to be imposed on the newly annexed area at a public hearing and has reeommended said area should be zoned as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is in the interest of public health, safety and welfare to so zone said property; N0W, TnEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE TOWN COUNCIL OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL, THAT : Section 1. Procedures Fulfilled: The proceclures for the cletermination of the zoning distriets to be imposed on the newly annexed area as set forth in Chapter 18.68 of the Vail Municipal Code hs;ve beed fulfilled. Sqction 2. Imposition,'it"zontng Districts on the Newly Annexed Land. Pursuant to Chapter 18.68 of the Vail Municipal Code, the area annexed to the Town through the enactment of Ordinanee #3L, Series of 1982, oJ' thc 1own of Vail, efJecLtve on the tenth day of December, 1982, and set forth in Ilxhibit A, pages 1 and 2, attached hereto and made a part hereof, a,re hereby divided into zone districts as follows: A. Parce1 A zoned high density B. Parcel l3 zoned high density C. Parcel C zoned residential D. Pltrce1 D zoned residential E. Pareel E zoned residential F. Parcel F 1 of Exhibit A is hereby 2 of Exhibit A is hereby on Page 2 of Exhibit A is hereby on Page 2 of Exhibit A is hereby on Page 2 of Exhibit A is hereby zoned residential Seetion 3.Cha,nge in Official Zoning Map. The addition to the Official Zoning Map adopted by the Town Council in Section 2 hereof sha'' be entered on the Officia1 Zoning Map promptly by the zoning a,dministrator in accordance with Seetion 18.68.030 on the zoning ordinanee. Seetion 4. If any pa,rt, section,subsection, sentence, elause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, sueh decision sball not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the Town Couneil hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, seetion, i subseetion, sentenee, clause or phrase hereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, seetions, subsections, sentences, elauses or pbrases be deelared invalict. Seet ion 5. The Council hereby states that this ordinance is necessary for the protection of the publie health, safety and welfare. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIBST READING, APPBOVED AND ORDEBED PUBLISHED' ONCE IN FULL TIIIS 4th day of Janua,ry, 1983, and a, public hearing on this ordinance bha,l1 be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the ToUrn of Vail on the 18thda,y of ;ainuttry, 1983, at 7:30 p.m, in Lhe Munteipal Building oL Lhe Town of VaLl. as set forth multi-1' ttmily as see forth multi-family as set fortb glusLer (RC). as set forth cluster ( RC). as set forth cluster ( RC). as set forth ,eluster ( EC). on Page (IIDMF). on Page (IIDMF). on Page 1 of ExhJbit A is hereby odnQy E.1 it'er ATTE51': Colleen W Ti: K(utt Kline, INTRODUCED, da,y of January amendment PASSED AND APPROVED 0N SECOND READING,18tht h J s full, 1983, and ordered published Ln with E. Slffer, Ma,y Colleen M. Kline, 't'owitGFE fie&e:e,-. ititq tth it! )ol iiI ,.h: i i 9 l\lC>D"4Z '$0 'e : "*ejjJ " s;._ \ c l. / f, :i'j 589'59'5r'l/v dl74'o7'. I" A' a Z8 91 h:r,t!, 5'a3-"' .548.' aeQ4 J'" ',.I+644' 4Dl O+4eJ ALlCC' & /F4eSel/\,$ veLHA =,aa€jes ff[f[l { 'q) th 8 ?. l\lOT-€5.| /, 7NC I F:eo/ Pd'K' .y B0Ol< aec Jira4Ge 4Z9 Olll./&eR A :e t.,. /+a\/e5.Chr$ ; :,fi,(":f--__ _' / )uZ)i, ffi{a1;Ff€,j;Tf"-"" :;d;;", fJ\;-'-""; "f, l[ ;'.,/ \ oe4'S J 0ql..' c $/l/eJ \tM<=.-4""o E ueLLE<'\ m /,(/\'"-,-"),,", f '",(=,,.,,,.,:,,,- \ T-(- - -t" \ F " "" ))/" :r: :jifi 27 Rti\,,,,\J' \. _aa* tT-r'-&-n ,j'\,/'\-;gO';.=-:'g'""'"" N}ij;|::\, t - !fj:;N'tiifi!a;ji..,. :.,;# i i iiii. ' .H':::".'';t :tj4:!'.Ji}r.:, ''.,.t :#f-:uJ.i, i!.:{F;}!.';fi:', ',.'',',..' - ? , i Jt!iifili i. ): 'i;,. ':' ' n'i':j.' b!fi.!t:;:.t: :' ( ; ' : Jj..i... :'- '...:.,-:f i,.b'l;-;';;-i;d'j';' rl!:;]fi| iJi:ol,,,ir;i,,d,i,G:E,P;t-J:;J :i,.r+. sorlo=ollsss.,,-,j:r:'.r:- sorto=oitgffi ',.t,:., : {tN ORDINANCE lMPoslMG'-zoNlNaDIS nlCTS ON CERTAIN PAnCELSOFLANDi, nECENTLY iANNEXED FROM EAGLEI COUNTY BY THE TOWN: AMENDING THEI OFFICIAL ZONlNG MAP FOB THE tOWN OFi VAlU AND SETTlN0 FORtH DETAlLS IN: RELATmNTH€nETO..:iiiRa.:e|:j,l,.,!-!:\ ly DNJI0C alo= no i"a'Illmi+ffiljt' LJ'! :'. WHEREAs. soction 31-12;.1'l5' IZl-C.nlS.:i10?a. as amanmtt*autres Illo Towll m arilt0 .1ha n@wly gnMxod Wosl Vdl area undof i*.bnino diMe wilhifi dllaty (00} daw af ter tho ef foctit dab d gid anltaxati; aM ;.: } WHEBEAS, lh@ Plonnino and Eironmental iComnli=bn d lm Town dV&l hs onsldorad'-thozoningm bs impoaod OnthoM#yannaxodthozoningmbaim poaodonthoni aroa m a publie haaf ing and MI n aaid aren sbuld h Dnod Is IIud..:!,.-;=:=sy?" WlllEnEAS- tho Towm Coull i TM prooodullas fd tm dotormin&bn oi lheDllillo digtdolg to ba mPO80d on me nly =v=xall=Ia=olllffilhCllllxor lS.GBdglb Vdl llnlclgl Collo Ill= lIoal filllllldl 7y SEeTION a.lmposilim of Zoning Dislf im.on the Nly Annexu Und. a + ' Ihanl t6 Chtor 1&68 of tm Vall Ml jnicipd Code, mo ams snxod to the To ffirouoh lM onadm ol OdiMn@ No. 31. Sorias af 1982, ol the Towll of Vail. of lecti on me mnlh day ol Decombor, 1ss2, snd aet fodh Sorias af 1982, ol the Towll of Vail. of lecti on me mnlh day ol Decombor, 1B82, snd aet fodh'in Exhibit A. pges 1 af ld aatachedhorotoand msdo s parl hercof, alo hby divided inmDNdlStnet5dlOllOH:.i | > AParcef Asset foffhmPapo 1 d€xhlGilAb hercby zoned high damity multi-lamily (HDMF) "ai i B. hf eel B & set blth m Pag0 1 o| ExHblt Ab horgby zonod Ngh damity multl-famlly. {HDMF). - : " ?' 72f PROOF OF PUBLICAIION do solemnly swear lhat I am the lUBt,cs.ttOR of THE VAIL TRAIL; thaf the same is a weekly nqwspaper printed, in whole or in porf and published in the Countv of Eoale, State ot Colorado, and has o general circulation therein; fhat said newspopef has been publishedand has o general circulation therein; fhat said newspoDeF has been confjnuousjv and unintofft jnfedlv in soid Col]ntv of Fooln for a noriod ofq_onfinuouslf ond uninterupfedly in said County of Eogle for a period of more than of the annexed leaalfifly-lwo consecutive weekd nextfifly-two consecutive weeks next prior to the first publication of the annexed legal nolice or adverf isement; that said newspaper has teen odmitfed to the United States mails as second class matter underthe provisions of the Act of March 3. 1879, or ony amendments thereof, and thal said newspaper is a weekly newspoper dulv quolified for publishing legol nof ices and adverf isemenfs wif hin the meoning of fhe Iaws of fhe State of Colorado. Thaf the annexed tegat nof iee or advertisement was published ;n the 'eg"''! ond enf ire Issue of every number of said weekly newspaper for the period or t consecuf ive insertions; and that the fimf publicalion of said notce was in the issue of said newspaper dated _ J++V4b.t -I AD. 19 fi3 and ihaf the tast publication of said nolice was in fhe issue or said newspoper dated AD. 19- In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand fhis -(G =-jttteOtev AD. 198b Subscdbed ond sworn to before me, o notary public Counf y of Eagle...rr(\ Sf afe of Colorado. fhis /'"" day of AD, 19 bB ; ePa|cojCsIlfofll}i b horebv mnd md&nfid D. ParcetDa=at forUt "'l'Rc'