HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE MATTERHORN INN CONDOS UNIT 2 LEGAL05-15-2007 Inspection Reauest ReDortinq Page 18 4:20 pm Vail, CO'- City OI " Request,e,,d.hsJ,e.c,t l:J:; [',j''''"'Y May 16, 2007 Site Address: 1552 MATTERHORN CR VAIL MArrERHORN INN UNIT #2 A/P/D Information ADDlicant: Co'ntractor: DescriDtion: Comfnent: Comment: Comment: Insoection Historv Reauested Insneetion(s) Itenl: 9O BLDG-FinaI Reouestor: Jav Stanzer Assiqhed To: JMONDRAGON" Action: Reauested Time: 10:00 AM: - ' Phone: (414)238-8720 u ' Entered By: DGOLDEN K Sub TvDe: AMF [ij'se: V N Status: ISSUED lnsp Area: CD DAVIS nme exp: ..l'"'- !/ J ' :t- : -,,+'iJ"f' ' i } v ''i I.. ? t -.'i ', i :.:''I. ' /' ': Jr iU -/"-..i_i--I ;.I /.,i-""- '. I ' \ \.- h /" iy -''. I T--- -j' Item: 30 BLDG-Framino **ADDroved ** O3l28lOB "Insoector: MROYER Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIREDComment: 1.)[ngine_ering repQrt- Required ner approved documents item #12. 2.) Need enqineer to vedfypdckinil of Dodts t6 foundation. 3.1 Nedd electrical Dermit and insoectiohs. 4.) Plails call for ' dttachrilent' of toD of beam fller to'the roof deck @'12" o.c. 5.) Mfssina a-356lios at bottom of all gffi:&%[ht. 9.\ E?$fff,','[,i?;fffi f,ti,'.'fJf "' plan protectiqn of wiring. Obtain inspection. 9.) Solid electdoal and cable bdxes requiredbn the Dafivwall. 03/31/06 lnso'ector: GCD AcUon: APAPPROVEDComment: LEITER FROM ENGINEER RECEIVED. ALL ITEMS CORRECTED.ltem: 50 BLDG-Insulatjon "*ADoroved**03/31/06 InsDector: GCD' Action: APAPPROVEDComment: ' Item: 60 BLDG-SheetrockNail **ADDroved" 04/03/06lnsDector: GCD '' Action: APAPPROVEDComment:'ltem: 9O BLDG-FinaIItem: 70 BLDG-Misc- **AoDroved "05/15/07 Insoector: JRM Action: APAPPROVED Comment: APPROVED FOOTER, GLU LAM BEAM AND CONNECTIONS AND FRAMING REPT131 Run Id: 6678 Ms. Pam Hinnant State Farm Insurance Companies PO Box 339409 Greeley, Colorado 80633 Subject:First Floor Repair Recomm Site Location: 1552 Matterhom Circle, Insured: Claim No.: References: Tjm 8r Nicole Stewart 06-K153-583 0n-Site Observation and Recommendations Report, Prepared by Engineering Consultants, Inc., Project No. 06-10584, Dated March \, 2006 On-Site Observation of Recommended Rcpairs Report, Prepared by AKM Engineering Consultants, Inc., Project No. 06-10584-A, Dated March 30, 2006 Foundation Recommendations Report, Prepared by AKM Engineering Consultants, Inc., Project No. 06-10584-A, Dated March 30, 2006 Geotechnica1 Engineering Consultation Report, Prepared by CTL/Thompson, Inc., Project No, 6504843-145, Dated November 15, 2006. Ms. Hinnant: Our office was originally retained to investigate damage to two dropped roof beams due to snow load. The two roof beams had failed duc to snow load, recommendations were provided to replace the subject roof beams, please refer to the above referenced AKM report #O6-10584 for the rccommended repairs. As indicated in the above referenced AKM report #06-10584-A, the scope of our work was limited to repair recommendations for the two roof beams, however visual observations of the first floor system indicated that the existing floor beam may have to be reinforced to support ioad from the new roof beams. Due to the age of the structure and 1ack of information regarding the capacity of the on-site soil, CTL I Thompson, Inc, (CTL) was retained to provide foundation recommendations and soi1 bearing capadty. Based on the CTL report, we have designed concrete pads to provide additiona1 support for the existing first floor beams at ot near the location of the columns supporting the new roof beams. Our scope of work is limited to providing repair recommendations for the two roof beams and designing concrete pads to support the new roof beam columns; the rest of the structure such as, the foundation system, 14a West Dry Creek Circle. Littleton, Colorado 80120 t3o3.73o.68l6 f3o3.73o.8ogl www.akmeng.com STEl|rART RESIDEl\* 1552 MATTERIIORN CIRCLE, UNIT 2 | ONSU LTANTS, VAIL, C0L0RAD0 AKM ENGINEERING C INC. FIGlURE 2 f"ROJECT NO. OG-]Obb4-C DRAUJN B'r, ffiJ,N, NEU (2) 2x'X' 9eUASH eLoele eETUJEEN BOlTOM OF bA1O e€AM AND NEtU COLUMN, 6'-O' LONG, CENlERED UNDER PO5T AbOVE ::l:t|,t'g;ffLr"'.J-"-I,fi__ ' ffi ; "?fU,iL' J-r=.,., ---r,{-.- T'- :I" "' -:lr-::r-'-rl'-r : -:,: ! T.-rrzz;li ''!' :,.'i i )};i |... ]l.l, j' i...t' :\ Vx \ F- ' ' ^,.. ;.' +l^ i. :.'. , ' iv)//\!! ;.+.. ;..i't.J!'J'ii.J.'f (/}" ' - =L...],...- N/{\( ;:{ Ci{ {{ Q\KI a]:,4j;:j:ii:ji:::::$:;::' i[{?{|{|{|{|{(|'fii;|J;t!t;i|;ffj[cf(gff{${${fii\(((((((fftff((; :; 4) 2x4 f"O91 ABOVE NEU (222x'X' SeUASU BLOele nEl$EEN DOlTOM OF b\1O BEAH AND NEU eOLUMN, l2' LONG, UNDER PO67 ABOVE FLOOR 9HEATHING$ bx1O FLUGH eEAr1 (2)2><10 DROFPED BEAH lO' x 1O' x l/2' 91EEL PLAlE, GECURE TO FOOtlNG Ultl-[ d2) l/2' x b-1n' tlJEDGE 4NCHOR5 UITH HIN. ?1-ln' EMBEDMENT IN10 FOOtING 2xB JOl9l9 6 l2' OC,. dNEttD PAD l'2 NEU STEEL SADDLE. TYF- 5EE COLLImN/BEAm CONNNECTlON DETAIL, FIGURE 4 Ica' x lO' x 1n' 9TEEL PLATE. SEeURE TO FOOTlNG UITH (2) l/2' x b-ln' UED0E 4Ne1-IOR9 UITH mlN. b-1n' EHBEDHENT lNTO FOOrlNfi dNEU23-1n' ADJ. STEEL COLUmN r6cH. 4o) aq:I'I'! l':^ I I .J| bO' x 3O' x 12' UITH r3) 1E ORD. bO, EACH UAY, BOTTOM rNEUJ PAD 03: 33' x 33' x 2'-b' UlTH (4J i5 GRD, 6O, E4CH UAY, TOP. BOlTOM AND VERrICAL EAeH 6lPE AFPROXlHAlE LINE OF EXISTlNG9 GROUNP SURFACE i)GN)GNfN;GNffi:t,rn.rtt; ffi;lffij,Uff[l)! i f :.. (a';?dZc'K/Zffffil$ tUtrne:r: t:ttntteamn k!:j P ,!i!; -<s:G((icS? OF CeNCRETE FAD DELOU LOttEGlGUFFACE GRADE UlTHIN 3 FEET OF NEU PAD REPAIR DETAILS a"Ecl4L eARE HU91 0E fA<EN tIJHEN EXCAVAlNe$ 5OlL ro eONSTRUCT NEU FOOl1NG. NEU FOOllbU1 MAY BE EARTH FORmED ON 9IDE UlTH EXlSTlNO FOOTING SECTIQ[AIA STEIYART RESIDEIJ 1552 MATTERIIORN-CIRCLE, UNIT 2 AKM ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. VAIL, C0L0RAD0 NEU (2) 2x'X' GaJA$H OLOCK0 BETUJEEN 0OTTOH OF b11O BEAM AND NEU COLUMN, b'-O' LONG, CENTERED UNDER FO5T ABOVE (4) 2x4 PO61 NEU r2) 2x'x' GeUAGH OLOCK9 nETUJEEN BOlTOffi OF b><lO BEAm AND NEU COLUHN, l2' LONG. CENTERED UNDER FO97 ABOVL FLOOR GHEATHING JOj915 o I2' OC. FLU€fH BE/J.M NEU GrEEL GADDLE, TYP 5EE COLUmNffiEAffi CONNNECf ION DETAjL. FIGURE 4 (2)2><10 DROPFED BE4m DO NOt Dl91Ulffi (NEUD 3-1n' ADJ. GTEEL COLUHN r9CH. 4O) 1O' x 1O' x I/2' 01EEL FL,AlE. GECURE TO FOOTING tlTl.j d2) l/2' x b-1n'1O' x 1O' x 1n' 91EEL PL4TE. SECURE TO FOOtlNGr UITH {2) l/2' x 5-l/2 ' (IJEDGE ANeHOR5 U[TH HIN. 3-l/2' EMBEDMEN1 lNrO FOOtlNdl. EXISTING eUPPORT At4CAOR5 UlrH MIN- 3-ln' -'-1!rr I1:- rNEUJ PAD '4:3a' x 3a' x 2'-6' UITH r4) iB G|PJD. bO. EAeH U4Y. IOl", BOTTOH AND vERTICAL EACH 61DE APF'ROXIMATE LINE OF EXI9rING GfROUND SURFACE :;kY \Y' \Y;\Y'\Y' \Y IN / /N / /N / /N / /N / /\ I fi{|{|{|{|?[l rNEUJJ PAD i'l; 3O' x 3O' x l2' UlTH r3) IB GRD. bO, EACH UAY, Borre{"'l EXISTINe[ GURF4CE ifiijNi|a|"' oH OF eeNeRETE PAD BELOU LOl.UESt fi,IRFACE GRADE UITHIN 3 FEET OF NEU PAD FEPAIE DETAILS SECTION B-B FlelURE 3 PROJECT NO. O6-1Obb4-C DRAUN e'r: HJN- CA|RE MU57 BE TA<EN Ujl-lEN vAlNo 60lL 1O CONGIRUeT NEU NEW FOOTINGr HAY BE EARTH ON 9IDE UlTH EXl9TlNer ffiiifffih$ STEIYART RESIDEIU 1552 MATTERIIORN CIRCLE, UNIT 2 VAIL, C0L0RAD0 AKM ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. ) I/2' DI4METER THRU-BOLT9 I2' x blB' SIEEL FLAIE ' x I2' x l/2' STEEL FLArE I/4 FILLE1 UJEL0 AT ALL eONNECTION LINE5 d2) 1n' DjAMETER THRU-eOLT5 4' x l2' x 3/a' STEEL PL4TE B' x I2' x ln' SrEEL PLATE I/4 FILLET UEL0 AT ALL CONNECTION LlNE9 INTERIOR UjYJr 2 VERIFY 9QUAGH TING b><lO FLUGH BE4H NEU r2) 2x'X' GeUASH DLOC<9 SEtUJEEN BOllOm OF bA1O BEAffi AND NEU COLUMN, CENTERED UNDER PO07 ABOVE. 0EE DETAIL6 FOR LENGTP. EXIST5 BELO[ r4) 2X4 TO DROff'ED r2) 2><1OgEAH EXISTlNG (2) 2XlO DROlry'ED BEAM COLUMN/BE,Affi eONNECllON, 9EE DETAIL (NEUD 3-V2' ADJ. 51EEL eOLLIMN (3CH. 4O) 1O' x 1O' x 1n' STEEL PLATE- 9ECURE 1O FOOllNer U11H (2) l/2' x 5-I/2' UJEDGE,ANCj-lOR5 UlTq mlN, 3-l/2' EffiBEDffiENt INlo FOOTING. 4' x l2' x 3/a' STEEL FROVIDE b/16 FILLET FULL LENGtH PROVIDE %' HIGH RElNFORCING B4R SUfff'ORTe, mlN. (4J COLUMN rBcH. 4o) sEcTION NEW FOOTING/COLUMN SECTION NOTE, DETAIL5 MAV BE HjRRORED DEPENDING ON LOCAIlON / /=I"ROVIDE bllb FILLET ujELD: / I== FULL LENGTI-l / rNFuj) 3-In' ADJ- OfEEl: SIDE VIEW eOLLmN r5CH. 40J FIGURE 4 l"ROJEel NO. O6-IO584-e DR4[lJN DY: mJj\I- l',ffl'ff,I,Fffff'llff'lfi,,,,,., UNIT Z VAIL, C0L0RAD0 AKM ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. FOUNDAlION APFqROXIHAlE LOCATlON OF NEU (4J 2X4 PO51 ABO\/E, TYP, (4) LOCATION5 EXISTIl\GI eONCRETE PAD Exl3tlNer Fooll:xter I EXl9TlNG SUPPORT DO NOT REMO\/E F'ROvIDE IEffiPOR4RY I I fi"extotnea FoolING (NEU) PAD #4: 3a' x 3b' x 2'-b' UltH (4) ib GRD. 6O, EACH UAY, 10P. DOlTOM AND \/ERIICAL EAeH 5IDE TING SUPPORT DO NO1 r4Et'IO\/E GRD bO, EACH UAY, TOP. BOTtOl\1 AND VEIRllCAL E4CH 5IDE3UFPOR1 4ND REffiOVE EXlSTING 6x6 f"RlOR ro CON51RUCrlON OF NEU FOOTING t mn J ?" rxtsttxc, Fo9T5, Q T'ff'. x 1f1EXIGTING FO6T6 NOTE, CONCRETE FOR NEU FOOlING5 GH,ALL HAVE A MlNlMUM COMPRE59lVE SIIRENGIH OF BOOO F61- CTL/rHOffiFGON MU5T BE NOTIFIED TO OBSERVE FOOllNO EXeAVAflON9 lO VERIFY PADS AFaE NOT CONSTRUeTED ON FILL ffiAlERIAL. AI<H ENGINEERING CONOULlANf9, INC. HU91 BE NOTIFIED TO OeSERVE TI-lE FOOrlN0 EXC4v/\tlON TO VERlFY FOOllNGI 9IZE5 AND REINFORClNG aAR5. NOTlFY AKM ENGlNEERINO CONfijLT4NTG, INC. d3la3-13O-GaliaJ ImMED jATELY IF EXlSTINei FIELD CONDjTlON5 DIFFER FROH THOGE SHOUN IN DETAIL5 ' REPAIR PLAN t1z; c0v m A<M ENGINEERING MU5T BE NOTIFlED TO PERFORH AN OD9ER/ATlON,AFTER ALL REP4IR5 ARE C0MPLETED, PRI0R TO REHOVAL OF TEHj"ORARY OUFPORt9. EXI9TING eONDlllON5 IO REM4IN UNLE56 OTHERUJISE NOTED. 3F'ECl4L CARE MU97 eE tAI<EN NO1 1O DIGTURe rHE EXlSTING STRUCTURAL ELEmENT9 IN T14E C|?AULSPACE. --9- ? rNEu) PAD |2| .{, : zo' x 3o' x l2' tlTl-l (3) 1'b "f--fNEU) PAD '3:1:i 33' x 33' x 2'-b' UITH r4) iE FIesURE I PROJECT NO. O6-1Obb4-C DRAILN B'f, MJN, Town of Vai1 Commuttity Developmont Dept. 5/10/07 To whom it may concem, This letter is a request to reinstate building permit B06-0049 that expired 9/11/06. We have made this request because of notification from AKM Engineering that some additional work is need to complete the project per their specifications. Enclosed you witl find thQ documents sent by the engineering firm and their additional work requests. Please contact us as soon as possible if any further questions or information is needed. Contact Marc Lagesse at 970-376-4422 or Ron Kitchel1 at 970-390-1381. ,ffi:ii Sincerely, Marc Lagesse ''' Gd[lr/" retTV E MA\IO$ tt01 roWmLY3LL o 0584-C$KM Project No. 06-1 Stewart Residence January 19, 2007 Page2of3 floor system, bearing walls, roof system, etc. were not within our scope of work and were not analyzed by our dffice. RECOMMENDATIONS: At your request, we are providing the following recommendations to construct concrete pads at or near the columns supporting the two new roof beams: Excavate the soi1 in the crawlspace to construct new concrete pads. The bottom of the concrete pads must be a minimum of 4-inches below the lowest surface grade within 3- feet of the proposed pads. Provide temporary support for the superstructure and remove one existing support as indicated in the attached Figure 1. Special care must be taken not to dist-urb or damage the remaining existing support columns. Construct new concrete pads per the details in the attached Figures 1 through zL. CTLlThompson, Inc. must be notified to observe the new concrete pads/footings to verify the recommended bearing capadty. AKM must be notified to observe the concrete pad/footing reinforcing prior to placement of the concrete. Sister the existing (2) 2x10 beam with a new (2) 2x8 DougFir #2 or better (cut to fit) at each new interior columrt. Secure each new (2) 2x8 to (2) 2x10 beam with (2) 16d nails at 6-inches on center. Instal1 new 3-1/2" Schedule 40 adjustable steel columns at each new concrete pad. Secure the new columns to the floor beam with a new steel saddle and to the new concrete pad as detailed in the attached figures. 9. Notify AKM to observe the repairs prior to removal of the temporary support. Please refer to the attached Figures 1 through 4 for additional information. LIMITATIONS: The opinions, conclusions, and recommendations rendered in this report are based solely upon information obtaLned from readily visible elements of the structure (i.e., elements which do not 1. 7 J. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. o 0584-CAKM Project No. 06-1 Stewart Residence January 19, 2007 Page 3 of 3 require the removal of daddinp sheathing, or covering of any kind) unless spedfica11y noted. As a result of these Iimitations, latent structura1 damages may exist which were not detected. Due to the limitations noted above, no warranties regarding the future performance of the structure, including the repaired areas, are expressed, implied, written, or otherwise. Please contact us if you have any questions conceming this report or when we can be of further assistance. Reviewed by: MJN:AKM:l[t File: P:\ AKM\HI&W\ StateFarm\ Stewart\ 10584-C.doc AKM Engineering Consultants, Inc. A1i K. Marvi, P,E., NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B06-0049 Project #:?? ycgGG oocr DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENTm,-t;k--t\\p fK,.-\[gJffih4 ffi " Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 03/14/2006 Issued...: 03/15/2006 Expires...: 11/10/2007 OWNER STUART, TIMOTHY & NICOIIE 03/15/2006 PO BOX 5708 VAI[I CO 8 1 6 5 8 APPLICANT KITCHELIJ DEVELOPMENT 03/15/2006 Phone: 970-390-1381 P. O- BOX 2558 vAIII CO 81658 License ; 101-B CONTRACTOR KITCHELII DEVELOPMENT 03/15/2006 Phone: 970-390-1381 P. O. BOX 2558 vAIII CO 8 1 6 5 8 License: 1O1-B Desciption: REMOVE EXISTING FAILED BEAMS AND REPLACE WITH STEEL AS PER. DRAW]NGS Occupancy: R2 Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $6,000.00 RevisionValuation:?? TotalSqFtAdded: 0 r***t****** f***;r**;ff** :lc********* *;r***** nrn qllhlhTf ADV i{*#$***f*$**#**il***$=*il=*#*****l BALANCEDUE--------->$0.00 *i**##*#i$i i#*i8$#i$# ifii#$iii#f i#*$#*$8*# *i#f$i#i*i *i#i**$f#i i$i+i*i+*+ $**i*i**** ******i*8* ***8*8**8ic **il******* *:h:jc*ic**lc** *)X*****lS** *****#*it*lc **ll# Approvals: Item: 05100 BIIILDING DEPARTMENT 03/15/2006 cdavis Action: AP Subject to field inspeciton and Engineer inspection report, See conditions 05/10/2007 cdavis dated 5/10/07 Action: AP Revisison approved t hour of addtional plan review fee required = $55.00Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS :*i4*$*fffiffi I*ilI=#ffiffiffi ffi ffi=ffi*Iffi #*ilnffi *ffiil*ffi ll*lla*a*f*a*==a*==#=*$:a$:a==#ffi lllllffi=ffi*ff =lllff*ff $ff *=*I:*t=:=:I:l:=0::*H=::=::=:::p::=: + See Conditions page of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. FEE SUMMARY $0.00 TotalCalculatedFes--> $209.66 $0.00 AddidonalFees--------->$55.00 $209.66 TomlPermitFe--------> $264.66 Parnents------------------- > $264. 66 T0WN OF YAIL 75 S..FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-21 38 Investigation-> Wi11 Catl-----> Job Address.: 1552 MATTERHORN CR VAIL Location......: MATTERHORN INN UNIT #2 Parcel No....: 210312316002 $0.00 TOTALFEES--------- ----> $3.00 Building------> $125.25 RestuarantPlanReview--> PlanChk---> $s1.41 RecreadonFee---------- --> DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-F0UR HOURS AM - 4 PM. VANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT 479-2149 0R AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 SIGNATURE OWNER OR CONTRACTOR F0R HIMSELF AND OWNEI o | **+*t*t=t=i *=*=***=** ********** +********* *+******** *te******t* t*t******* ********** ***t***t** ********** **+ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: B06-0049 asof05-11-2007 Status: ISSUED ' *********** ********** **=*=*=*** =*$***==*= *=#*$*=*=* =*****=*=* =*=*=*=*=* =*=*=**=#= =**=****=* **===*=#** =llg= Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 03/14/2006 Applicant: KITCHELL DEVELOPMENT ^ Issued: 03/15/2006 970-390-1381 To Expire: 11/10/2007 Job Address: L552 MATTERHORN CR VAIL Location: MATTERHORN INN UNIT #Z Parcel No: 210312316002 Description: REMOVE EXISTING FAILED BEAMS AND REPLACE WITH STEEL AS PER DRAW[NGS *+*+tt*t*************************t*+*t*+*8*****Conditions: Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED T0 CHECK F0R CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: CON0007872 A report from the Engineer of Record is required at ' time/prior to a framing isnpection rei)uest per item # 5 of page # 4 of report and plans prepared by AKM Engineerining consultants. Cond: C0N0008936 Engineer of record shall submit a final report at time of fina1 inspection. PAGE 2*********** +***=*=*=* =******=** ********** ********** =**+**=*t *===*==== *******=** +=+=t*=*=t ***==t***i ***/ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: B06-0049 asof03-15-2006 Status: ISSUED *********************** * * * * * l8 * i6 ** * ********** # ************** ic******************************************* * Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 03/14/2006 Applicant: KITCHELL DEVELOPMENT Issued: 03/15/2006970-390-1381 To Expire: 09/11/2006 Job Address: 1552 MATTERHORN CR VAIL Location: MATTERHORN INN UNIT #2 Parcel No: 210312316002 Description: REMOVE EXISTING FAILED BEAMS AND REPLACE WITH STEEL AS PER DRAWINGS Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F0R CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, cEILINGs, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: C0N0007872 A report from the Engineer of Record is required at time/prior to a framing isnpection request per item # 5 of page # 4 of report and pla!ls prepared by AKM Engineerining consultants. Project#:ooBfi Buildino Permit #: ATION ng, mechanical, etcJ 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Bo e - O o V 9 F VAIL B Separate are required CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materia sUILDING: $d. )(rp ELECTRICAL: $ /V//f OTHER: $ /4//4 PLUMsING: $ i//y;MECHANICAL: $ )y/._TOTAL: $ Assessors Office at 970-328..8640 or visit 2 t o3 tA] t (ooq? Job Address: t+;Sa rvta.trepecggt,\ cAe,oL,e- ffiJ \/Atu co gtt,g"? Legal Description !| Lot: || Block: || Filing:Subdivision: Address:.,,Phone: Iyl;\lrrlcd5Owners Name: -r gyucocg 4.f t) dD4RJr cdboQe Architect/Designer:Phone: ''g"""'AK,,I Enr{,,,ec/aa Gc(u(j Address: tcta LUE$I D;eur (&%)K U€a-€,I.-llTr}Xbt-J C o er|||9c|''^'''1f3dh3o (cffI,6 Detailed description of work: {(yy (p tr{- E YlSnla,Cn<;_d b-'pFr;: ZZ4z 9/(71,4 $*/c PS ' f,l,( J(.4la/z,t4j\ WorkClass: New( ) ^dd'tion( } Remodel( ) RepairK) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: ;nter;orO(' Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this Iocation: Yes ( ) No {j)() Type ofBldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) """'-'""'yl\) Oommercial c ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bumino ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliqnces ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bumino (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ()(j Does a Fire Sprinkler Systern Exist: Yes ( ) No k ) ForParcel# Contact llfifififi+ffi*##ffi#filfiifi*fii*ifii* tfiiltififi+i+#AfiAAl*FOR OFFICE USE O N LY"'**'''**'***'*'*'*^*'""**'******"'*'**"**'*' i*i*** F:\cdev\FORMS\Pe rmits\Building \building_permi tOOC 02/09/2005 o Building TeamQuestions? CaII the at 479-2325 Project Name: Project Address: This.Checklist must be cornnleted before a Building Permit aoollcation is accented. AII pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over $100,000.00 (see attached fee schedule) Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan induded (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,narkina or material storaae allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written apDroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (AII Commeroial and Multi family) FuII floor plans induding building sections and elevations(3 sets for remodels, 4 sets of plans for SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule FulI structural plans, induding design criteria (i.eJoads) Structurat Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (AII Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans - Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Deparbnent of Community Development Sil//il€r dur-=a- cl D cl IJ El IJ [] D D D Cl r1 cl El El l] Date of submittal: Received By; F:\cdev\FORMS\Pe rmits\Building \buildingJerm it.DOC PageZof16 02/09/2005 s00z/60/z0 gT jo C a6ed Doa'l!uJDd-5u !pl!nq\Gu!p |!ng\s]!cJo d\SWUOJ\AopD\ :j '8ZlZ-6/1z-0Z6 le ;uatu;.tedag Gu;p;;ng I!eA JO UMOl aL11 pe)uoo oseo;d 'suopsanb :aq;;n; /tue aAeLl no1 ;; quauq.tedag Gu;p;mg l!eA ;o umo; aq) 1q papnopo aq ;pvt 000'000'1$ JoAo suollenIeA IeloJ: uoBenleA jO SE00' ;e)o) uogenleA ;o tzOd Ielol uoBenleA jO Slz00' IPlo1 uonenleA JO S00* Ielol uo!lenleA jO S900' Aq &dgp;g 000'000'1$-100'092$ iq &dp;ry 000'092$-000'1017$ 1q i;dgp;c 000'00b$-i00'0sZ$ 1q l;dpp;c ooo'osz$-Ioo'osl$ Aq &dgp;c ooo'osl$-ooo'oo1$ 'p;o) aa; :patp uqd ;no1 aprn;eo o; anopq o;qe; oq; asn aseald qep;tuqns ;puad Gu;pgng ;' otup oq; )e '000'001$ JaAo uonen;en e ql^' s;oafox' )y; papba a;e soa; >;ooqo ueld Luo3AoGlleA wam . Z9lzZ-Gl;b-0l6 XVJ 8€TZ-6/l1-0/6 /sgrg ope:o)o) 'l!eA peop( aGquatg tpnog sz saJ!AJas uopoadsuy pue Xpyeg Guypyng lJauJdopAao &)unwtuo))o )uouq:edag ]]9V1 S]]J )ID]HD NV"Id [] ASBESTOS TESTING REQUIREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT oF PUsLIc HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S,F. OF MATERIAL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDInON OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVENO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT. o I have included the asbestos test and report with my building permit application ' I certify my project ffij]_pg( disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of bu;ld;ng material. The constructionplans submitted with my application dearly indicate this information, (This will be verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) appficant signature 9B applicant QB o The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was odginal construction date applicant signature F:\cdev\FORMS\Perm its\Buildin g\building_perm iLDOC date Page 4 of 16 02/09/2005 s00Z/60/z0 9l jo S a6ed DOCl!ulJad-6 u;p;;nq\Gu ;p(ng\quu ad\SblUOJ\ADp :\:g :o/htlfo :aleo ;-ryRu-r E- :aLueN ]JD[oJd +"""lC ]/wJJ-:1q o; poo;Gy 1etu ;: os op ol ;;e; : J! ]eq1 pue aa; )ooqo ue;d oq; 1ed ;;;;s )sntu ; letp ',',','J,'!!,' !,'.",! );uuad aq; ;; )eq) pue)s.tapun os;e ; auw; at,ug pue ampoood :;ooqa uqd atp pue;s.:apun 'pauG;s:apun aq; '; qq;ssod se uoos se );uuod stq; a;tpadxa o) ;uatta.;edop snp 1q opetu oq gyvt )dtuope lJaA] asaq; 'Ma!AaJ Atessooau o; p;eGa; q);;vt s;uaurpedap pauoquatu aAoqe sno!JeA aq) pedtu; spo[o:d qetus ;o IPpuap!saJ ;; 'JaAaJuoH 'DLU[| jO ;unot,ue ;ossa; e a:;e'; pptoqs s;oafo:d ;ptus pue ;eguap(say s)uotua;;nba uJnuJ!xetu pouoguaLu aAoqe aLIl MO|lOj o1 0Aet| I|!M s);tu;od lgtuq-p(ntu ;;e pue (getus :o aG.tq) pryatutuoo ;;y atp 'luauJ]Jedoc Gu(pgng atp 1q Jv\a!AaJ e pue 'Ma!AaJ luattqJedac qlleoH JO Ma!AoJ )uat.uuedaq Gu!uueld e 'IeAoJdde pue Ma!AaJ (s:po)q o!lqnd) s,;oou(Gug 'IeAoJddV )uatupedaq a:;g I!eA jO uato; e sa:;nbat );uuod s(q; ;; ms aLUPU lU!Jd WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EAcH oF THE FoLLowING QuEsTIoNs REGARDING THE NEED FOR A '*PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": o o Is this a new residence?YES-.o Does demolition work being performed require the usp of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YEs-No-K-- Is any utility wofk needed? YEs-No--L(' "ei'l""'O' o o Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YEs No '><- """"""+""" "''''l"'i'fllni=I==OllF o Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES_ N0 Is the Right-of-Way, epgements or public property to bg used for staging, parking or fendng?YEs No h ""'' " " If answer it NO, is a narking, staging or fendng plan required by Public Works?YES- NO If you have answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permlt" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Works office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 970-479-2198. Job or Project Name: Date Stgnea:J/_{ PRJ #: Are there any improvements being done to the driveway? YES -No-K- Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES N0 ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. F:Page 7 of 16 s00z/60/Z0 gTJogaSpd DOCl!mJad-Su!pl!nq\Gu !pl!- -: SS]DOUd llWU9d AV/IA Drl9nd ]H1 CNV SXUOAA 3rl9nd "JO,"\Mfft JOlOOJlUOo - A\OllOA S)IJO/tA o!lqnd - ol!ILY\ omreuSts JO 01PG \Lf 1D l10J sal\Il"I IISVC asn 's;no ;o uopuoo; pue 'sSup((nq 'souwu lp!/tt |OOJIS A\oqs i NV'Id 'IOHINOD DIJJVUJ. NOUDnUl,SNOD ottacrtuotc bnto,tt d0 NV'Id IlDVJJ,V fi.teop oumu lu[ld )uotuoo;Sy ;o oJnlouS[S s,ryoquog ToJmboJ se pognou uooq o;teq sont(nn ((u ;etp pue 'oums otp Kq op(qn ((m ptm 'otu Kq pouS;s 's;uotuoo;Se J(usduoD d;qpn ((e p'* opog F'pF':W I!uA O1{1J0 '/Cl.IadoJd pun siu)(( 'qqn(( - gO!|!J,J0 s;o:deqo ((e peo: aAuq ; ;utp {poo ; '; ( uopoodsup; v :o;ounuoo atp Su)S.teqo tntao), oq u) qnso: Xetu Xpeat ;ou a;e tetp suopoodsu( polnpoqos ffiuou puoq;o om;)qpo; u; ;;nso; ;;ptt tutto;, otp {JPoN o; om()ej '0l ku ll!a oleuos) - sopgpn ;o ,,g ( u)q:(at puuq Aq ouop aq tsnw UOpSASDXa IlV '6 qufiod oq; ;o oouunss; o; :opul :uour;mdo(( q.to)( o;fiq ovp Xo, pozto:dde ptm pon;tuqns oq tsntu ue;d ;o.quoo dUJ|J1 UOpOnJlSUO0 V iSgHnSO'lD JgaUJ.S 'IVJ.OJ. ON ag "I'llA\ gUaHJ. (s9lZ-6/Jz-0/,6) uopeSgu; I!sA Jo tmo.;, (gglZ-6Llr016) stlPp!Jloo[g l!nAJo uA\oJ. I-aZ6-00g-I) itmdtuog o!JlooH sso:g X[oH (n t ;xo '0stL-9Lt-0L6) lo!.Ils[a UOpUl[USS ag ;o;e;y( ;o;tp; olSua (ls6l-zz6-00s-[) o)qug ;seotuog ({s6[-ZZ6-00g-I) ]sonb Cs6l-cZ6-00s-[) oJnssojd q8!H iS;oug IooX ({961-026-009-1) Xuedutog oo!AJoS o![qnd i3:oug poX tsooo.;d o; ooat ouo o; dn arto;p osoold sa.ttquufi;s nsA ;o tmo.(. A;assaoau oq; u;qqo ol 0OlJJO SllJOA\ ogqng oq; qSno:qt nopeo;(ddu Supnoa )o uopdo snt; aop;ur;od ' pou;etqo an so;nteu3)s iuedwoo figpn t:u ooug leAo.Idde pue suopt;oo( ffi(pn ptm no otp ;o atoyto; u so;eo(pu; nopq o;rueuS)s y p gu :e potoo:o d aq giqs s8n; puu ppttq otp qttoutopun "";"" ;(eqdsy q(eqdsn uo Sup(;oat uoqm tuoud(nbo 'upnnnoxo uo paqnbo; '" sto88;:-;no qqn); 'CE.LlIVJ.S SI 80f 3tLL J80dBE aJJSSOf ant tto ae lgrlYi SE31AgC '10)tlN0O OldJVUI cuw 'manatnba '-tvntatvn nav $ ood l!lu.Iod $ lunoulv puog (,t t;tu) qldoG tpSuoq lllP!/A-qOUOll '9 $OOJl!llUOdlSjOJ. d"l[slol $ dS ISlOJ, ssaooy ol!S uhuo.;. Su;duaspuuq AJ.VD auoqdop;.Ol.IlO0la STo JOMOs olEC uopo;dtuog ao;n;g (ouo optp).to; s; J{JO//\ aaumbau - pqunN ostm;lll JOl0PJlUOO \OJ,ssalppV [[oFI otllsN ;o;omtuog SupuAuoxa (6ClI-611z Ilso cuAocnlunJl) OUlEN9Of 6 '[ssalppv loalls :# AJ n :# l!tluod fp)g ""oz J.D\Rlad AVA\ Drlgrld :# Ionmd 71VA J0 NLk\Ol HOJ ROlIV-JnIJV o APPROVED ','1 Communitv Develonment Department ,, INC. Ms. Pam Hinnant any of the provisions of tlils code or_of any other ordinance of the _ Marcn l, zuuo State Farm I,...4$$ffiffg|ffir.h::rJg:g$ffiff,U,'.',$fit.l,',im ',!tXM '?iec']f PO Boc 339409 if alid. The lssuance of a pemtt tased on _qonstf;ct;on do.c.ume.nts and 06_1(684 Greeley, Coloradoffi688ata shatl not prevdnt ttto txt(atng_offteial from requiring.the -.corectton ot emors fn the construdion/osqments and other datq. Tho Code Validity of permit. The issuance or building official is also,aullqized,m/roven\occupancy oruse of a_, " itiuCtuie where m v;/ator|/j ett//qtxtp or cj any other ordipances G/lS/o6'/ qaWest DryCreek Cirde Uttleton, ColoradoSolzo t3o3.73o.6816 f3o3,73o.8og1. wwwakmeng.com :::L= 3f&G'ooff Insured: Tim&NicoleStewart Town of Vail clalmN= 06.K153ffi3.. OFFIfJE00PY Ms. Hinnant: At your request, a Iimlted visual observation was performed by AKM Engineedng Consuttants, Inc. (AKM) at the subject residence on February 24, 2006. The purpose of this observation was to examine two roof beams in the Iiving rootrt It is our understanding that *|e hvo roof beams experienced significant deflection and mte of the subject beams cacked due to snow 1oad. AKM's scope of work is Iimited to obsenring the subject beams and providing recommen'a"ons to repair or replace these beams. Analyzing the structura1 integrity of he re)' oi the unit was no' within the atoa seope of worlc We are available to analyze the rest of the structure upon request. The opinions, condusions, and recommendations Iisted in tttts report are based on our visual observations, our calculations, and our experience with similar projects. We resenre the right to modify our opinion, conclusions, and recommendations if additiona1 information is made available. OBSERVATIONS: The more s%nifieant items noted are presented beloy(, This information is based on a visual observation of the accessible components at the time of pur observation. References in this report assume that the front of the residence is facing west. E @ IE [ V lE HAR 1 4 2006 TOWN OF VAI[ I, ;s our recommendation that the Iiving room roof system must not be exrosed to any snow load. 1! 4 t!; .' t-,hs ;a ( a.s, i I ' r ) ; \ : 'i ?'t ?"i ^ 1 * March 1, 2006 AKMProjectNo. 06-10584 PageZof5 Propelty Description: 11te structure is a one-stoly townhome constructed with wood framing supported on concete foundation walls and wood beams in the first level. It is our understanding that this townhome stntcture was originally constructed and additionat townhomes were construeted on the north and south sides of thts townltwme. Limited visual obsetvations of the crawlspace below this unit and the adjacent townhomes indicated that the superstructure of this townhome is supported by concrete foundation walls on the east and west sides and dropped wood beams on the notth and south sides. The roof system consisted of dropped 4 x 8 wood beams spaeed at approximately 4- feet on center with tongue-and-groove decking installed perpendicular to the dropped beams. Obsenrations: The following outlines the conditions noted during our observation: 1. The living room goof system was constructed ,,ith dropped 4 x 8 wood beams spaced at approxima*ly 4 -Ieet on center, spanrting approximately 16-teeZ between the living room north and south framing walls. Tongueand-groove decking was instalJed on the dropped beams. L The dropped 4 x 8 wood beam located approximately 4 feet east of the living room west (front} framing wall had cracked at mid-span. A terrtporary 4 x 4 wood cohtmn was installed below the wood beam. 3. The dropped 4 x 8 wood beam located approximately 8 feet east of the living room west (front) framing wa11 has experienced significant deflection. A temporary suppol't, consisting of a 4 x 4 wood column, had been insta11ed below the 4 x 8 beam. 4. It is our understanding that the temporary supports for the above two beams were insta11ed by a contractor retained by the Homeowner. AKM has not reviewed or analyzed the adequacy of the temporary supports. lt is our recommendation that the living room roof system must not be exposed to any snow 1oad until repairs are completed. t).tyY EXISTINC SNOW MUST-pE SEMOVED FROM THE ROOF IMMEDIATBLY AND NO ACCUMULATION Ol1' NEW SNOW SHOULp.BE ALLOWED. 5. The drywaU was removed from sections of the tiving room north and south framing walls to expose the framing elements. The following items were noted: a. The living room roof dropped 4 x 8 beams at'e connected to a 2 x 8 ledger in the living room north and south framing walls with stee1 hangers. The subject 2 x 8 Iedgers are secured to the dropped headers in this wall with nails. Mareh1,2006 AKM Project No. 06.10584 Page3of5 Dropped heacters consisting of (2) 2 x 10 were noted in the living room north and south framing walls. It appears that these were headers for exterior windows before the adjacent units were constructed. The dropped headers were not suppotted by trimmer studs at the ends, where exposed. The living room north and south framing walls are constructed with 2 x 4 studs at approximately 16.,inches on center. RECOMMENDATIONS: At your request we ate providing the following recommendations to replace the two dropped roof beams in the Iiving room. These repair reeonunendations are Iimited to the above two roof beams; the structural integrity of the rest of the structure, such as the rest of the roof system, floor system, framing wa11s, foundation system, and supporting beams below the first floor system were not analyzed by our office- Based on our limited visual observation, due to the age of the structure, and the required snow Ioad, it is our opjnion that it is very likely that the first floor system's dropped beams are not adequate to support the current design loads. As indicated, analyzing the integrity of the structure was not within our scope of work and we are only providing recommendations to replace the two beams that sustained damage due to the snow load. We are available to analyze the stntcture upon request. Provide temporary support for tt roof decking on both sides of the Iiving roont two dropped 4 x 8 beams. The temporary support should be placed as dose as practica1 to *ve existing beams, which still allows a11 repairs to be completed. AKM Engineering Consultants, Inc. (AKM) is available to provide temporary support recommendations upon request. Remove and discard the two living room dropped roof support beams. The connection between the tongue-and-groove decking and existing bcam should be cut to avoid damaging the roof deck. Any fastener between the toof decking and the existing beams should be cut flush with the decking boards. Remove the cbywall from the entbe living room north and south framing wa11s as illustrated irt the attached Figure 1. Dril1 a 2-inch diameter ho1e through the roof decking into the roof cavity at the Iocation of removed west dropped beam. Spedal care must be taken not to damage the roof members above^the decking. b d, March1.2006 AKM Projffi No. 06,10584 Page4of5 S. AKM shall be notified to obsetve of the exposed elements after the recommendations in the above items have been completed. The recommendations listed in this report wi11 be analyzed and may be modified upon obsetvation of the exposed elements- 6. Remove a 6-1/2" section of the existing 2 x 8 ledger and the dropped (2) 2 x 10 headers at the Iocation of the new steel beams. The removed section must be centered on the existing roof beams. 1. New steel beams shoutd be installed at the location oi fite removed beams according to the attached Figures 2 and 3. The steel beams should be instaUed and temporarily suppolted. (Due to the limited access, do not install trimmer studs and king studs before the installation of the steet beam.) 8- Install new trimmer and king studs to suppofi the new steel beam according to the details on the attaehed Figure 3. 9. Install new 2 x 4 studs below the mds of the existing dropped headers. 10. Provide squash blocks, consisting of (4) 2 x 4 studs between the first floor system's dropped 'oeans and the first floor sheathing directty below the ttimmer studs supporting the new roof beams. WE MUST BE NOTInED IF THE STUDS BEl.OW THE NEW ROOr BEAM DO NOT STACK OVER THF. FIRST PLOOR SYSTEM'S DROPPED BEAMS. 11. Please refer to the attadted Figures 1 through3 for additional information. t2. We should be notified to observe the new structural etements prior to the r+ installation of the fimishing material. 13. Re-construct all removed drywalt and wood trim as dose as practical to their original condition. t4. Finish the new steel beam to match as dose as practica1 to the remaining rool beams. LIMITATIONS: The opinions, condusions, and recommendations rendered in this wport are based solely upon information obtained from readily visible elematts of the stntcture (i.e., elements which do not require the removal of dadding sheathing, or covedng of any kind) utdess spedfically noted. As a result of these Iimitations, Iatent structural damages may exist which were not detected. Due to the limitations noted above, and the Iack of structural analysis on the remaining structura1 components, no warranties regarding the future performance of the sb11cture, including the repaired areasa are expressed, implied, writte11, or otherwise. =laBl ffi d sl=I dfi J j tj.ojE ii 1e t[rqp1 .$ji 4{F 4t[ 1t t[fdlm<ffO I I { 01o x I: tf 1u ti la tog+gcl]lql= March \, 2006 AKM Project No. 06-10584 Jage 5 of 5 Please contact us if you have any questions conceming this report or when we can be of further assistance. AKM Engineering Consultants, Inc.Reviewed by: - AIi K. Marvi, P.E., Prindpal E11gineer CRK:AKM:nt Fne: P:\AKM\Hl&W\StateFamt\Slewart \10584.doc |i h ffiffi bffiplg [,[.lOt4ruru IshItljI* au !i xlnLa t,a E}bid iiiii!if $, ''f !Il [o 1rfia t a 8 ol o q oh; [m ilg Bn illfFmn ?l b. a 0morr E ? eo tfi Ib@-Io f[qa fifbg uii ? a 8e @ 0f; #qg [fi[ 1=zo UiZ;g1; alt ;H;e ll IIlI mll {ii 6ll ell8ii0ll aii =ll ll lI lIlI lIllll IIlI r"fr" IlIliiI i i [ Hn.=.sgfi[ =;1o Bgi oo edOgf9hlfll9ff{i iiliiiii iiiiiii fii.I0,IfiOql0uP/*m1bnmn7(.trfijlEryaJlt[f [" EVm1 9gIt$d 6$ t t a m x $ 6 96 m b 6 i!iii:;tti:;s3s ada=h' ; xooIemb-Il0 i[f :Sf [ q o Um ]b .+ll 1bx 'io l1 c\n 8 li um 8r g t e11 [ r |1l B b 6 .m a{ 1o 1br ':0 t$. "d 6P ;fiod [fkLil'l t8 8 (/) bjoI-] o2, trj I U1 P 9f16 i ;ift ff;1 omr !fi1 iE7i t!i t! ! ii a9Hd1m6" F$ "b1iiiiiiii iiii ;t 'a;!i ;"a" zmee @Ex @ ''!uL]d1m6r>0 =m-\ 8 8 1rrma >o mnm ID @ba< cllE In=Is: mfi te;8 };g g mx6 6 ft{tm1bffi qAIFgtiftSdqlr$[j iii lItSII kH9Ei9l:e1"X [[:i7999 U1Uab" 6 8 ?{ xb 1\ lI El=er hlf-,eI\iil tn ii iiii iiii lb &. ne 1 iiii tsft7 cbm602rod 6,.4fi08 ;gti$ fi[;:g dPO"'Cfli49 9O@J F9 gpq i;g firl id8edo 9ltfi[[t €jifi Har 3O a0O6 S: 35FlH ' ") ' n c i n e e r i n e ' b ' 3 O - S El S 1 AKM ENCINEERlNG CONSULTANTS, INC. Ms. Pam Hinnant State Farm Insuranee Companies PO Box 339409 Greeley, Colorado 80633 March 30, 2006 AKM Project No. 06-10584-A Subject: Sile Location: Ins11redi ClaimNo,; Reference:On-Site Observation and Recommendations Report, Prepared by AKM Engineering Consultants, Inc., Project No, 06-10584; Dated March 1, 2006 Ms. Hinnant: 0n March 29, 2006 our office performed an on-site observation of the repairs recommended in the above referenced report. Duting our observation tt was noted that the posts below the new steel beams were not entirely bearing within the 2x4 framtng wall as specified in the referenced report. The inside face of the subject posts were fiush wtth the inside face of the furred portion of the framing wall. Approximately 2 inches of the 2x4 posts are bearing on the existing 2x4 plate and 1- 1/2 inches are bearing on the floor system wood beam below the 2x2 furred wall. The contractor was instructed to instal1 squash blocks to transfer the load from t1:e new 2x4 posts to tlte flrst floor system beam below. The squash btocks should be installed between the floor system joists between the portions of the subject posts bearing in the furred portion of the framing walt and the wood beam within the first floor below. With the squash blocks installed, it is our opinion that the subject posts are adequate to support the design loads. The remaining portions of the repairs were constructed in general compliance to the above referenced report. As indicated in the above referenced report, AKM's scope of work is timited to replacing the two roof beams in the living area. The stntctural integdty of fne rest ol the structure, such as the test of the roof system, the floor system, framing waEs, foundation system, and supporting beams below the first floor system were not analyzed by our office. As atso indicated in the above referenced report, analyzing the Iloor system below the new posts supporting the living roof beams was not within our scope of work, however it is strongly recommended that the floor system be analyzed by a qualified structural engineer to assure its ability to support the design 14a We5t Dry Creek Circle Littleton, Colorado 80i20 t3o3.73o.68l6 f3o3.73o.8og1 www.akmeng.com On-Site Observation of Recommended Repairs 1552 Matterhorn Cirde, Unit #2, Vail, Colorado Tim & Nico[e Stewart 06-K153-583 go6o'1 ? P. ? Hap 30 2006 S: 35HH E n g i n e e r i n g 303 - '730 - B O S 1 | KH | AKM Project No. 06-10584-A Stewalt Residence Mardt 30, 2006 Page 2 of 2 loads. Based on the age of the structure and the construction method noted in the crawlspace, it is our opinion that the floor system wi11 most likely require repairs to support t1:e design loads. LIMITATIONS: The opinjons, conclusions, and recommendattons rendered in this report are based sotely upon information obtained from readily visble elemertts of the structure (i.e., elements which do not require the removal of cladding, sheathing, or coveting of any kind) unless specifically noted. As a result of these limitations, latent structttra1 damages may exist which were not detected. Dq:e to the Jimitations noted above, and the 1ack of structural analysis on the remalning struttural components, no warranties regarding the future performance of the structure, induding the repaired areas, am expressed, implied, written, or otherwise. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning this repott or when we can be of further assistance. Reviewed by: CRK:AKM:Lt File: P: \AKb/l\HLkW\ StaleFarm'\Stewrt\ 10584-A.doc AKM Engineering Consultants, Inc. A1i K. Marvi, P.E., p. 3 r ??:?'-"" 'nsnecg;,ry,e,ayg," gport'o Page4 "'9''"f,,thuf.','ilti [rjday| March 31, 2006 Site Address: 1552 MATTERHORN CR VAIL MATTERHORN INN UNIT #2 A/P/D Information Reouestod Insoection(sl Sub TvDe: AMFrj'se: V N Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CD 03-31-06 Reauested Time:' Phone: will call376-4422 1l2 hour ahead, unit#2, the earlier the better GDENCKLA fP rtme Exp: 2; Entered By: 5O BLDG-Insulation KITCHELL DEVELOPMENT Reauested Tlme:' Phone: REQU #12.2. OS:OOAM 970-390-1381 4422 DGOLDEN K 09:00 AM 970-390-1381 -or- 376- 4422 DGOLDEN K Item: 30 BLDG.Framino Requestor: KITCHELL DEVELDPMENT Item: Requestor: Comments: Assianed To:" Aetion: Insnection Historv ltem: 30 posts per.' ano conot Drotection bartvwall. BLDG-Insu Iatio'n ' BLDG-Sheetrock Nail BLDG-FinaI 88E"N'['Kfii;fP U2 ^'T:::!;."*;;' """ '^' better Entered Sy:a"'-fi--€ to' o insoect violafions documents Dermit'12'o. on electdcal to Item: 50Item: 60Item: 90 REPT131 Run Id: 4538 o DEPAR Job Address: 1552 MATTERHORN CR VAIL Location,..., : MATTERHORN INN UNIT #2 Parcel No...: 210312316002 ProjectNo : ?qSff,-66b$ OWNER STUART, 'I'IMOTHY 6e NICOLE o3/2s/20o6 PO BOX 5708 VAIL CO 81658 APPIIICANT WEBB EIIECTRIC 03/2s/2oo6 Phone: 970-331-3605 P. O. BOX 6986 AVON CO 8 1 6 2 O L:[cense: 129-E CONTRACTOR WEBB ElIECTRIC P. O. BOX 6986 AVON CO 8 1 6 2 O License: 129-E c Desciption: INSTALL RECEPTACLE Valuation: $350.00 Square feet: 200 ====$=ffi====l:*===*===== ==$==$=$$*=====*==== ======t=il=== :===:=*=:il* FBB SUMMARY T0WN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, C0 81657 970-479-2 1 38 Elemcd-------- > DRB Fee--------- > 1nv6f gation---- > Wdl Cdl---------> TOTAL FEES--> TMENT OF COMMUNITY D PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT o EVEL0 Permit #: Status.. Applied. Issued. Expires. E06-0034"Boc, -oo tq . : ISSUED . : 03/28/2006 . : 03/29/2006.: 09/25/2006 $51.75 $0.00 $0,00 $3.00 $54.75 o3/2s/2oo6 Phorae: 970-331-3605 Totll Calculamd Fees-- > Addidonal Fs---------- > Tota1 Permit Fe-------- > Pa)menG---------------- > BALANCE DUE------- > $54.75 $0.00 $54.75 $54.75 $0.00 Approvals: Item: 06000 EIIECTgICAL DEPARTMENT o3/2s/2oo6 bhahn Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT, =***ffilml=il: ===il=I=:ila=$ ==a=:il=:a=:a*a ffiffi===il*== il==$i=*===a= 0=ffi*$:il*=a= =0====a*=a*= ***=$*#*=** *=*==*ilffiffi IHl=Il**ll*==*I :*=ffif=*ffi:0= :==:I::P=I' CONDITIONS 0F APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ==affi$a=ffi$ ffi$=ffi===$ ==a====Iil:= tffi*00ffil0I ==*====0=== =*$***:i*=$ ****$H===== f=il*===*=ll *=*ffi*$:il*## =ffiilffi=$ffi I:*0:0$==#== =========== ======afi*= *#= DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tha; I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stato that all thoi information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2i49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 Act,ion ; AP SIGNATURE 0F OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF -ffi}75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATIONfiLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLET9OR 06- a:9:- , oo 3 y ififJ;fff;fiffii CONTRACTOR INFORMATION p COMPLETE SQ, FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION 0F WORK (Labor & Materials) Assessors Office 970-328-8640orvisit forParcel# ************** +:** *** ty****i************ * FOR oFFIcE usE ON LY* ************+****************t***** * i,|-' J f!' - ;iJ].,i.fii f!i : ii V : MAR 28 2006 11/23/2005 ! f)WN Ol- l[..v, ! / F:\cIev\FORMS\PERMITS\Bu ilding\electica[p ermit_11-23-200 5.D0C Page 1 of 2 cl Q ! ' Amendment to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of VaiI Ordinance 4, Series of 2005 Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail.. Underground services shall be in conduit (PVC) from the utility transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be readilyaccessible, aarf located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. AII underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are exempt. NM Cable (Romex) can be used only in single and multi-family dwellings net exceeding 3 stories. TypeNMcannotbeusedlnanybuildlngmixedwith TypeA,B.E,F,H,I,M&Soccupancies. Aluminum eoadactors smaller than size #8 are not permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRlCAL PERMIT GUIDELINES AII installations of exterior hot tubs or spd's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated Ioad. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped Ietter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a Ietter of permission from the association is required. If this permit is for a commerdal snace, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Electrical one-llne andpanel schedules are required if load is added or distribution is altered. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at 970-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Mondiay thru Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also Ieave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. F:\ffiv\FORlVIS\PERMITS\BuI Iding\electica|pe rmit_11-23-2005.D0C Page 2 of 2 11/23/2005