HomeMy WebLinkAboutMEADOW CREEK CONDOMINIUMS UNPLATTED COMMON AREA FILE 1 OF 3 LEGALOmffi.ll{ITY mWL0)MElr Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road; Va;l, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: MEADOW CREEK CHANGE DRB Numben DRB070550 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS TO DELETE DECORATIVE METAL DIAGONAL BRACING ON FRONT ELEVATION-TYPICAL OF 12 BUILDINGS Participants: OWNER MARX, LAWRENCE, IV & JENIFER1O/01/2007 239 ASH ST DENVER CO 80220 APPLICANT TRD ARCHITECTS TOM DUBOIS PO BOX 1492 VAIL CO 81658 License: C000001769 ARCHITECT TRD ARCHITECTS TOM DUBOIS PO BOX 1492 VAIL CO 81658 License: C000001769 Project Address: 2903 KINNIKINNICK RD VAIL lvIEADOW CREEK TOWNHOMES 10/01/2007 Phone: 970-479-7387 \010\12001 Phone: 970-479-7387 Location: Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: MEADOW CREEK CONDO OF IN Parcel Number; 2103-143-1800-1 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 10/02/2007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actMtles. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 2O2 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date .of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: BilI Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 1a t'Changes To The Approved Plans ,(.ffi, Application forDesignRevi ew t+1J1.1 Department of Community Development fO#fi[ffi[iljf web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design revtew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informaton is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval Iapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences withln one year of the approval. o|\J c) ffi d Location of the Proposak Lot: Block: " Subdivision: Physical Address:-% -a-l3-J 1-J filP3lG}.oo _?(j t9o&{ 0D\/ -)'( Owner(s) Signature(s) : Type of Review and Fee: j\' ChangestoApprovedPlans Submittal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association - ('on'ac' Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) 6-07 )dl Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: "/€ Name of Applicant: MailingAddress: PO g,ox ;4c;Z Va,l cQ,AoSF\ For revisions to plans already approved by Design Review Board. $20 F:\cdev\FORMS\P ermits\Planni ng\DRB\drb_change-to-approved jlans_|:age_05-1 1-2006.doc MAY, I otlSstJ 14, 2007, 2:07PM May l4, 2007 fi0[Y CR0S8 [#[RGY I0. 471 P, 2 3799 HlGHWAY B2 | PO- BOX 2150 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81602 (970) 94Sd491 = FAX (97O) 945-4081 Town ofVail Design Review Board Re: Meadow Creek.Condominiums - Suildmg Perm:t #on0047 To Whom tt M;y Concem: ," 'Y "'''.' fnergy i:as revlewed the proposed improvements for the Meadow Creek Condombnums and:J' "'!!d yhe eHeplions glseussed ;_n t:his Ietter.' we_ feel that there wilt be six J.i,, that wdl encroach on t;eJ ' '" ""' 'n"gy i,, underground electric,..:i,,,,,,. fhe followmg |j, H'gu-ac-hmer[t.wi![only occur ifthe unit deddes to add sta;rs to the deck)C6, D;, H4, MI and M5 !;l[f,fJ,1 ;;;;s.e,' ;|,!::lEPJf'?!9!t'a' u(e """t3 "gned Encroachment ,lOundation would need to oe moved to avoid the conti;ct. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to g';yq me a call. Thank you. Sincerely. HOLY CROSS ENERCY /*.a--;' codyO'Neil Congtrucdon €nglneering Administrator ffffi'fffH[fLCQm co:vw O'j\ki\IDesignRevlewSpard A Toucbtopg racrgy coopeladve ?ffit May 15,2(X}7 ni11 (;ih9cln TownofVail 7S South Frt}ntaRe Rd. Vail,t,OBl657 lJeat Bill, I have attached a completed Utilffir Aprrotal and Verification form for cach of the Mcadow Creek btuklmgs, tnat untt cmners nad requesteu ctthcr a deex enl=gcmcnt ot an ctUargetnont wnh the addition of staira. You wfil abo Ilnd a kttar fiom llolvfioas Btectrio *xolaining thair requiroments. As vou c=t =a, wa baw d= foOowhta fidr tl= dtt=t rawk* = o=o fi =oloatfinl=agrecment:* Building A - all ded;so Butldmg B - Umt ts5a BuildingC - UnitC4withoumhcstairsa sulldlngb-UnltEbo Building F. Unks F 1 and F3o fluddingti-Unnulo Buikline H. Uldt H2a BuddmgJ-UnitJl = BeiidatgM-tkt;tl,H The ffiddba tntits wili =ad g |gtry ) tdlgy ancroaffitttan ryggrpg(, i= pba: bafi=r =yctmsuutn;on can uutc pktcc:a Unit C4 if stairs are added-o Unit C6a Unit DIo Unit H2o Unit MIo UnhM5 Iwoukl fic to h=m tl= approml of *aDfiD*nw= fint=Iwffi fia da*nd= do not encrooeh on a utiiity eascmcnt f hc owners ol thc omcr unita bavc bcen ;ntormd ot our fimdimgs =xl will ba tm*lna ia tba == ftnv =o4a m =t tbffi =a=t=ta in iDlln. Eadt ovzun w111 be wtttiung andepctvlently. Please tet me Iotow what tha procesl is for us to rauve tixw=d mce tbe agreemcnts are m plat;c. Would vat fix ho DRB aaaro=l of tbe ==wod ficb = eibtr Iffib= Pffie c aly =a==tgg g Vai1 Wangwnnt at 970.479. 96,74. 1t you hate add:uonal qucstions. picase eomact me at 3tD 5B8 52t4. ""Il'LyOll'{"-""""" /Jrl,dL YE I)onaStever /' ,..,mt, verify service availability amt Iocaton for new construction ana should be used in con)uncUon wlth prepar;ng your utility plan and - scheduling installations. A stte plan, induding grading plan, floor ptan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approvil and vgrifiqffig;). Atlthorlaed Skmature Commonta Pdg J-QwEsT.tR 970,513.7189 (tel) -/qt" 970.384.0257(fax), J} 970.687.0722 (cell) '\u- Contacts: Steve Waters swagsfiowestcom EXCEL HIGH PRESSUREGAS J fill ;;[ffil:;l lt:, { ?u31[ 1 b'J J Contact: Rich Sisneros HOl.Y'CROSS ELECTRIC 970.947.5425 (tel), 970.945.4081 {fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom lvroom@holycross.com EXCEL EI\IERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherlne Bogert EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIIATlOfI DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhaslee@erwsd.org COl4CAST CABLE 970.468.2669 ext. 1100 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Brad Dorcas bradely dorcasOcable,comcasLcom o fi 5#[g7 5/y/7 5 n-( 7 €- ; t- o f:t1:e7 IlglES1 ': " ' "=a ' " ^ 1. If the utility approval & verification form has stgnatures from each of the utility companies, and no.comments are made directly on the form, the Town wlll presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. |. Yf a ufility company has concems with the proposed cons'ru*on, the utllity mpresentative shall note directly on tne utility verification form that there is a problem whlch rteeds to be resolved. The ;ssue should then be detailed tn an attached tetter to the Town of Vail. However, pte,se keep in mind that ;t is the responsibillty of the utility company and the applicant to resolve Identlfied problems. 3. rnese verifications da not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Publlc Way Pt Pub[lc Wolfis at the Totwl of Vall. tltlRv Iot=tlon: m=* bo obt=btad baforo daolqm h_ap( from tne Department of rlght-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. ne Developer ts required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utillties for re-approval &.re-verification if the submittecj are altered in any v|lay after the authorized stgnature date (unless otherwise spedftcally qoted within the comment Page9ofl4 11/23/2005F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Plannl ng\dfiffilltion_11-23 -Zffi.doc -B,..?d,-.b - z [ji:yff9 UTILITYAPPROVAL&VERIFICATION an 53 |Ct-4.;d,-,.JL / ,,, Authodaod Sltmatur* Contact; Rlch Sisneros IlOLV 'CROSS ELECTRlC 970.947.S425 (ml) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom ivroomOholvcross.com EXCEL EIIIERGV 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE IUVER WATER & SAHn'ATlOal DISTRlCI 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 {fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhasleeOerwsa.orq COmCAST CABLE 970.468.2669 ext. 1100 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contaet: Brad Dorcas bradely dqryasOcable.cqr;)gggc,,) Developeds Signature Commantg DatD QWEST,d' 970.s13.71s9 (tet) ;{t' 970.3s4.02S7(fax) ; )t 970.6s7.o722 (cet) {{r Contads: Steve Waters sw?kers@gdetcDrrl ExcEL IIIGH PREssI jRE eas j pI ,, Itlffil!ll|ffi', q?u.31r"" d K-c/tt /d7 -'rf-D-flEl-D Su<r( 6. / / d 7 Sat=oz f1l:22 llOIE,* : ' 1. If the utilitv apl?roval &verificatlon form has signatures from each of the util;ty companies, and no comments are ,,,d, directlyon the form, @tg Town wlll nresume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. )( a uUtty comranv has concems wlth the proposed eonstrudion, the utlliry representatlve shall note directly on the utilityverificatlon form that there is a problem wh;ct needs to be resolved. The issue shou;a ttten be detailed In an attached Ietter to theTown-of Vail: However, please keep in mind that t Is the responslbifity of the utillty company and the app|[cgn( to resolveidentlfled problems. 3. These verificatkms do not relieve the mntractor of the responsibtllty to obtaln a Public Way Permit from the Departmeng ofPublic Works at the Town of Vall. Utllffi locatlons must be obtalned,before diaaina In any publlc rlght-of-way ur easement within the Town of Vail A bulldino oermit is not a Public Wav pemllt and must be obtalned senaratelv. Tne Developer ts requait; amt agrees to submit any revlsed drawings io tne uU:tUes for re-approval &,..,.ilk.ti.,, if the submitted (lans a)re altered in any way after the authorized signature (!p(g (unless otherwise spedrlcally noted within the comment Page9ofl4 ILl23lZO0SF:\cdev\FORMS\PERMrrS\Pldnnlng\drb-addiU on_1b23-2005.Ugc /- l-t,c ffiJ 'mUTYAPPROVAL&VERIFICATION a?33 w,.au;u, This form serves to verifv that the proposed improvgmgr)(g will not impact any existing or proposed utlllty services, and also (,ygffy ggcq(g ava;taUttv 'ana Iocation for new consbuction and should |)g used in mnjunctlon wlth prepanng yggr utllity plan ana ,t:I;!ffJ[,!1t,.U:;,:,:" plan, indudhg graatng plan, a.., plan, and elevatlons,,h,l te submitted to tt:e followtng utilitles/ Autholi=I Slonatryg Commonts PaHqwtsr / 97O.513.7189 ftel) :4\' 97o.3s4.o2s7(iaxj, J* 97o.6s7.o?zz (ceit) '\0'Contacts: Steve Waters swaters@qwestcom EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE cas ,, ;;ll:I:l:;f ffi', qyu.)tL 'lWl Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY'CROSS eL€cmlc 970.947.5425 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contaet: Jeff Vroom ivroomOtlolyfross.com EXCEL EIiEItGV 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: ICt Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE IffiER WATER & SAHlTATION DlSrRlCr 970.476.7480 (tel) ' 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact FredHaslee fhaslee@erwsd.ora COMCAST CABLE 970.468.2669 ext. 1100 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Brad Dorcas bmdelv dorcas0mbb.mmcalt Signature 5/4{] 6lL0] J"i r t a Z €-tu_oz dOlfSt : _.1. If the utilltv approval'& veriftcation form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and ng comments are made diredlyon the form, the Town wll presume that tnere "' no problems and the development ggn prggggc' 2. I[a_ytltty company has conce(ns w;th the proposed congt(qggr), the utllity representative shall note directly on the utilityverification form that there Is a problem which needs tn be resolved. The Issue stouta ttten be detailed In an attached Ietter to theTown-of- Vat _ However, please keep h mind that h ts the responsibility of tne utillty mmpany and ete appllcant io resotveidentifled problems. 3. These verifieatlons do not relleve the contractor gf the responsbillty to obtatn a Public Way Permit from the Department ofPublic Works at the Town of Vall, Utllity Iocatiops must be obtalned before dlaging h any publlg rlght-of-way or eas.,...twithin the Town 6 Vall. A bulldimg oermit ts not a Publie Wav;ermlt and mus|be qfifalned seoaratefv. ;n_e Developer ls requitid and agrees to submit any revised drawlngs tio the utilltles for re-approval & t+verifica(ion tf thesubmlttedare alterea tn any way after the authorlzed signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment 6/ /7fi. /f, Aoo7G;1-- c.4 :ZU'7 F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMrIS\Plannlng\dffi_addltion.;t-23-200S.doc Page 9 of l4 1\lZ3l2005 0to 3'7 /, :l1.!:1n':t!i:,'f:!'-1f!-'t[':OjltSff improvements wlll not ;mpact any existing or proposed utllity services, and also toff,JtUt!,LtiffJtY'ffJffJ:3.mmttetr_tiwt'u?.T4 r'JJ;,'jt." ;[J;;ffi,::;;i,;;ffi'[;,,Tlf.:.d #:t!ffj[,'J'ffi;:;As" tian, indudlng gradlng rlan,for approval and verillcation. Authorbod Slanattln Commants Pdg d c r7 -B4du-, lj UTILrrY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION Dt, g '/ 'm;,:,,.:,,,,.J, -I/!J/ Contact: Rlch Sisneros HOLY CROSS €LECTRtC 970.947.S425 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: JeffVroom Ivroom@ftolygross.eon) EXeEL EIItRGV 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kt Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RlVER WATEIt & SAIIlrATIOH DlSIRlCr 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhaq[geOerwsa.orq COMCAST CABLE 970.468.2669 ext. UOO (tet) 970.468.2672 (fax) ' Contact: Brad Dorcas trattetv dorca9Ocabb,mlncalLffi11 llOIESt : area of this|fofm). QWEST,f 970.513.71s9 (mt) {t' 97O.384.O2S7ffax1 \l, 97o.6s7.o722 '(celi) /\cf'- Contacts: Steve Waters SWalar$dhlwesLcom ExeELIIlGHPREssuRE@As,.. ;;[jffir' ffi q?u.31[ 'tb1/ 51107 ZGrgef\ttu n0/-ba g/z(/oy 5.1161 qjt-QJ f:J/iL7 1. If thg utilitv approval & verificatbn form has s;gnatures from each of the utllity compaplgs, and ng eomments are made directlyon the form, the Town will presume that there are no problemg and the development can proceed. 2, g a__uttlity con)aanv has concerns wtth the proposed constructton, the utllity representative shal note dtrectly on the utilityyerlfication form that there is a problem wh;eh needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detalled ln an attacheU letter to theTown_of_ Vait _ However, please keep h mind that It Is the responslbllity of tte utillty company and the applkant to resolvetdentllled aroblems. 3. These verificatlons do not relieve the contrador cl the responslHllty to obtain a Pg|/ig Way Pgm)i( ff om the Departmen( gf Public Works at the Town of Vall. Utllltv locatlons mgrt be obtalned-before dloolno in any puHic rJght-of-way or easementwith;n the Town cfi Vail. A Imdljin(mormit U not : Pllbllc wav oenplt and mttst Ip qbtallled scllaratelv. The Develoqer is requirdd and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the uttltties for re-approval & reverificagon tf the submil|$d, ftips ye altered ;n an) way after the authorlaed slrygtgrg c;ate (unless otherwise spedfically noted within the.,..,.,,t fi%/4€4ft- F:\cltev\fORblS\?ERtlllTS\'Planntrtg\dttgg(aggyy 1ffil-2005,doc Pam9of14 11/23/200S """ffi...g,;,E- -6!!) UTILITYAPPROVAL&VERIffCAnON au33 u1,._t-, This form serves to verify that the proposga improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utflity services, and also coffltnffiwaeunvi;moqton)oc new @nstruction atyl should be used b..,,Jt..tb, wat prepallng your udtttv d., anafi:;;::fj,!"'tn:,,tr plan, induding gradlng ptan, aoor plan, and elevatlons, d,,Ii te sutmmgcc to tte followi-ng utlllties IlOl.V'CROSS €tECTltlC 970.947.S42S(tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom lvroom@h.olveross.go;;: EXCEL EIIERGV 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Ktt Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherlne Bogeffi EAGLE IUVER WATER & SA?iITATION DlSnUCr 970.476.7480 (tel) ' 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhasleeOerwsd.org COMCAS'r CABLE 970.468.2669 ext. 1100 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Brad Dorcas brad.ely dorcas0cable.comcastcom Commonts Pd9 5 tra Z -a4 {l/yA+ €,ll67 Luz,ov j-1:!:{7 Atlthorbod SldnaturoqwEsr ''" 970,S13,7t89 (tel) ;\t'970.384.02S7ffax) \b 970.6s7.o722ice[l) /\cP' Contacts: Steve Wabrs swatersGJqwestcom EXCELHlGHntttsggpgpg iial ;tl:ll:ff [ri q?u.31[ qb11 Contact: Rich Slsneros ItOltSt 1. If the utilitv aq;roval & vedftcation form has sionatures from each of the utillty companies, and no cimme.ts are.,ad, directlyon the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the devebpment can proceed 2. !f a uttl;tv company has concems wlth the proposed construct;on, the utility representaUve shall rtclr* directly on the utilityverificatbn form that there is a problem wh;dt needs to be resolved. The tssue stoutrt tten be detalled If t an altached letter to theTown of Vat However, p;ease keep h mind that tt Is the responsibillty of the utility company and the applicant io resotveidentlfled rroblems. 3. These verificatlons do not relleve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Publlc Way Permit from the Department ofPublic Works at the Town of Vall, tltllltv Iocattons must be obtalr}ed betore dlaalna ln any pubk dght-of-way or easementwithin the Town of Va;I. A bulldlng oemnit is tpt a Publie Way oermlt andpust be obbine{sma(ptffi. The Developer ls requag and agrees to submtt any revised drawings io tte utttttes for re-approval & re-verification tf the submitted are altered tn any way after the authorlaed stgnature date (unless otherwise spedfically noted with;n the comment Signature F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMfrS\nanntngytg_gg((( torumsaxts.uoc 11/23/2(l0SPaae9of14 "B;tou;-_ [- iffih ase ' ;a---,.-n-,,..,t ,,; z nttffiiffid wuw APPROVAL & VERIFICATIONi Autllollaod 5klnatt1rt Commptlts Uat| f,t',t",,,, / 970.3s4,0257cfax{. xl' 970.6s7.0722-cceli) /c0'' Contacts: Steve Wates swatersOowesLcom EXCELHlGHPntSggpgqgg,., ;;[.l:i:fi]t [t', 971)31[ qb 7 f Contact: Rich Slsneros HOLV CROSS ELECTRIC 97O.947.542S (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff Vroom IvroomtOholyqross.cqg) EXCEL EIIEItGV 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Klt Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAIIIIATIOII DISTRICr 970.476.7480 (tel) ' 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhasleeOerwsd.oro COMCAST CABLE 970.468.2669 ext, 1100 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Brad Dorcas 6 t t a 7 Dl<, -=/fZ/7 54Lo7 €-uzo ; fit - Q/ ItOlf$t : 1. If thg utilttv apllroval & ver"tcatJoq fonn has slgnatures from each of ttte utility compan;es, and no Jmm.nts are.,,d, directlyon the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed 2. If a uUl;ty company has concems wlth the proposed constructioq, the ffi|ffiy representative shall note directly on the utilityveriftcation form that there ls a problem wn;cn needs to be resolved The tssue sttouU ttten be detailed ln an attached Ietter to theTown of Vail: However, please keep In m;nd that it is the responsibillty of the utillty company and tne appllcant in resotveidentlfied problems. 3. These verificatlons do not relleve the contractor of the responsibillty to obtain a Public Way Prypi( from the Department ofPublic Works at the Town of Vatl, Utllltv Iocations must be obtalned before dkralno In any public dght-of-way or easementwithin the Town of Vail. A-bulldlna oermit \s not a Public Way oerm;t and must be ql)talned r,ananaalv. r ts requ;ti: amt agrees to submtt any rev;sed drawings [g gng utillties for re-approvat & reverification if the ns grt altered in;ny way after the authortted s;gPacgrg date (unless otherwlse speciftcally noted within the comment bradely dorcasG)cable.comcastmm form). The Devel submitt area of fhi Develo;Jer's Stgna'ture F: \olev\FQFMS\WANcrTSyl'tanatng \drb_addlUon_lt-23-20Og,aoc Page 9 of l4 1Ll23l2005 "Baa-.,, G- , ' Phtffi?,., Vedff that the,.,j:JJJ::":r,:::::::::: -JJJJJ:::::J"-/ $:ifij.[$:j{$;::j:l:Tfiiff:tr, mtr,:tr;;t hffij;,ff:j:ffirJfdffff,rm:t;t,:,t Authorlaact Slanatq;p, EXCEL IIIGH IlRESSURE eas J iPl ;;[:lrllff |t', q?t).-ffi 1b'/ f Contact: Rlch Slsneros HOLY'CROSS ELECTIUC 970.947.5425 (tel) 970.945.4081 (Ibx) Contact: Jeff Vroom fvroomOholvcragg.cgp) EXCEL EIIER@Y 970.262,4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATIOII DISrRICT 970,476.7480 (tel) ' 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhasleeOerwsd,org COllCAST CABLE 970.468.2669 ext. 1100 (te0 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Brad Dorcas it!,fl.,,,,,,.,, _d(' 970,3s4.0257(fax), )l 970.687.0722 (cell) '\\rContacts: Steve Waters swatersOQ1AJest.com Commonts Dato -c/t/,+ J / /, d 7 Ltt=_o) 5. ll D] Ok f'tt-o? t1Q11St : 1, I{ the utilitr anproval' & verificatlon form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no.;.,,,,ents are ,,,d, directlyon the form, the Town wlll aresume that there are no problems and the development can proceeg. 2. ![ a utllty company has concerqs wlth the pmposed construction, the utlllty representaUve shalL note directly on the utltyverification form that there Is a problem whlch needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed In an attached Ietter to theTown_of Vail However, ptqgg keep in mind that lt Is the responslbillty of the utiffty company and tne appllcant t, resotveidentlfled problems. 3. These verificatlons do not relieve the mntractor cff the responslbillty to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town a? Vall, Utllltv Ipcatlons must be obtalned before dloafna ln any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A bulldina oemtit is not a Publlc W1v oermlt and must be q[talqp[seoarately. bradely dorcasebcable.@mcast.com r is requirekl and agrees to submit any cgy|g! drawlngs io the uUtmes for re-approval & re-verifitca!ion tf the ns are altered jgany way aftnr the authorized signature date (unless otherwise speciflcaly notea within the commentform). The Devel submi F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMllS\Plannlng\drbJlddltjonJl-23-2005.doe Page9of14 11/23/2005 "t,u,u,.., h , i ?htffi'., that me..,.,.,!:JJ::::::::.::::::,J::JJJ:::;:!/ t[,;t Atlthorhed Sbnatq(g ExcEL HIGH PREssuRE GAs. _,. ;;}l:;:l:;: ll!', t z,at 16 'J / Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.947.S42S (tel) 97O.94S.4081 (fax) Contact Jeff Vroom ivroomOtholvcross.cq;n EXCEL EfilERGV 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE IUVER WATER & SAIIITATIOIi DISTRICT 970,476.7480 (tel) 970.476.40B9 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhasleeOerwsa.org COMCAST CABLE 970.468.2669 ext noo (te;) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Brad Dorcas |radely dqccasOcable.comgcggp) ljQlg$t' area offi/iis fbrm). QWEST ;* 970,s13.71sg (tet) {t' 970.384.0257(fax) y g 970.687.0722 (gg;i) /\qf' Contacts: Steve Waters swatersOowesLmm Commantfi p& d/L 5/!1{07 €. j j 0 -/ lElTEP, lU ,,,.,,,,,///,, 5 //dZ 6-ll- o 7 {:c/-'d? :, tf th; utility aq(roval'& verification form has slgnatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made direcbyon the form, the Town wll presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2, !f a_utlttv con:'pany has emce(qs with the proposed constructton, the utlltty representaUve shall note dtrectly on the utilityverlfication form that there is a problem whlch needs to be resolved The issue should then be detalled ln an attached Ietter to the ][own_o[ Vai\ _ However, please keep in mind that tt Is the responslbillty of tfte utillty cgmpapy and the appllcant to resolveidentllled problems. 3. These verificatlons da not relleve the contraetor of the responsibility to obtaln a Public Way Permit from the Department orPublic Works at the Town of Vall, Utllltv Iocatlons must be obtained before dJooino h any public right-of-way or easementwithin the Town cff Vail. A bulldlng pennit is not a Public Wav permit ana must |p obtalned seoaratelv. The Developer is requirdd and agrees to submlt any revised drawings io the uUrUes for re-approval & reverification if thesubmittef F}ts qre altereU in any way after the authorized signa[grg date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the c,,.me.t F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMlTS\Plannlng \drb_addltion;t-23QOOS.aoc t1l23l200SPage9of14 f / "Bu.t,...T fiib UTILrrYAPPROVAL&VERIFICATION JS<0 lLn.,..-lu.J_ This form serves to verifv that the proposea Improvgmgn(g wlll not impact any existlng or proposec; utllity services, and also ?o 'efify. serv;ce ava;taUrty'ana location tor new construction..a should te used b..,,j,,,ctl f:;;!!fi[;hltr;,:;,,A.,;r pbn, indudlng gradlng pbn, floor plan, arxt e;evauon;,,.,f L"llfilgff,g'[,,fi[',f[,[,i,fi/ QWEST 970.S13.7189 (tel) 970.3s4.02s7fibxi ii 970.6s7.0722'f cefn /co''970.687.0122 (cell) Contacts: Steve Waters swatersOqwestcom Contact: Rtch Sisneros HOLY CltOSS ELECrRIC 970.947.5425 (tel). 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Jef f Vroom lvroonlPholvcross.eqm EXCEL EIIERGV 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RIVEn WATER & SAHlIAlTOIi DISrRICT 970,476.7480 (te[) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhasleeCOertysd.org COMCAST CABt,E 970.468.2669 ext. tm (tet) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Brad Dorcas bradely dOrcas@cable.comcasLcom area of fhi j form). EXCELHlGHPRESSUREGAS.,., ;;[:fiffil |t',', q ?u.31[ 'tb1 f ,f Authorlaaa Skmaturo Commonta 0ab 51(.0] Mf/,-,- 6i / / d 7 €jL:ff] IIQIES; : -1, 1f the ut;Iitv aarroval'& verffication form has slgnaturg from eagh of the utillty mmpanies, and no.comments are made directlyon the form, the Town wlll presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. !f a utillty company has conce'ps wlth the proposed construction, the utllity representatve shall note directly on the utilityverification form that there :s a problem whlch needs to be resolved The tssue shoukl then be detalled In an attached Ietter to theTown-of Vail\ However, please keep h mlnd that lt b the responsibility of the utillty company and the applicant to resotveidentlfled problems. 3. These verifications da not relieve the contractor cl the responsibility to obtain a PuHk Way Permtt from the Department of Public Works at the Town gf Vall. Utlllty location* mum be obtnlned belure dlaalna ln any public right-of-way or easementwithin the Town of Vatl. a bulldina pemtit b ;tot a Public Wav permlt and must be obtalned seoaratelv. Th_e Developer is required and agrees to submit any rgy|gd drawings to the utllltles for re-approval & reverificafion if thesubmlltffiians ('re altered in any way after the authorlzed signature date (unless otherwlse spedfically notea within the c,,.ment ,f D6 F:Page9of14 Lll23l2005 l' / ' la-ta--g na ffiJ UTILrrY APPROVAL & vERIFIcATIoN A g2o )6,.,J,,,,.J u This form serves to ven'ry that the nroaosea improvements wfi not impact any existlng or proposed utlllty ,,,,;,,s,,$;;ff'*"''""verify service availability and Iocation for new construction and should be used b conjunctt ffY/J:,9j[,t,fi:m;,,t,,r pkln, indudlng gradlng plan, rt.., ptan, and elevationi,.,,.,'U$r;ffitc'l.;:l,'!,,,P$;fi/ 1. ffthe util;tv a;prova; 8t verification form has slgnatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made direcdyon the form, the Town w|l| presume that there are no problems and the development can proceea. 2, !{ a_utlity m'aanv has 'onc'(qs wlth the proposed @nstrucUon, the utlllty representatlve shal twtz directly on the utilityveriftcatbn form that there is a problem whlch needs to be reffived. The ;ssue snouu tnen te detailed in an attached Ietter to theT.own-of. Vatt: However, please keep ln mlnd that it is the responsiblllty oi tne utillty mmpany and the applicant io resolveidentffied problems. 3. These verificatlons do not relleve the contractor of the responstHl;ty to obtain a Publlc Way ?grcc;i[ from the Departmen( ofPublic Works at the Town ot Vall. utlntv locatlons mu*t be otqttnett before dlgau'ng Itt any pubfic rlght-of way or easem.,twlthin the Town cff Vail. A buildlng permit ls not a Publlc Way oermit and must be q[taincd sepqrately, The Developer ts requirdd ana agrees to submit any revised drawings io tne uUtt;es for re-approval & re-vedficathxt if thesubmlthff{ans are altet;ed tn any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise saeet'fiadv noted withtn the comrnent 0ab . dk- 9/l10/ J_J__ L-FTTaR-\. ma ; {h/-f 5 t t d / df2,/424CL Atltllodaod Skma!tl[l Commonta ft!ttl.,,,,,,.,, _d/'970.3s4.02s7(fax), tl 97O.6s7.0722 (ggj;) '\g'Contacts: Steve Waters swaterl@ctNesLcort1 EXCtL HIGH PRESSURE eas , ,, ,, ;;[]:fl:;t (tl', nu31L 'tb1/ Contact: Rldt Sisneros HOLY'CROSS ELECnUC 970.947.5425 (tel), 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Jeff \lrcwa lVroonglholycross.com EXCEL EIiERGV 970.262,4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE IUVER WATER & SA?JIIATlOII DlSIR\CT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contaet: Fred Haslee fhaslee@enysd,org COMCAST CABLE 970.468.2669 ext. 1100 (tel) 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Brad Dorcas bradely dorcap€kable.cgry)gggcp t{QlfSl area of ftis/orm). F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMrf S\Plannlng \dtffiddltiotul-23-200S,aoc Page9ofl+11/23/2005 MAY, 22, 2007 6:24AM D H0LY CRO$S EN[ROY N0, 654 P, 1 H0LY CROSS ENERGY **,a.ra.t..# FROM:d.a, O';();a-=c- 3799 H:GHWAY 82 - P,0. BOX 2150 GLENWOOD SPRlNGS, COLORADO 81602 (97O) 945-5491 FAX # (97O) 94S-4081 DATE: """"""" Number of pages (induding this cover sheet): 2. FAX #: -Hl3:t'*c'_- MESSAGE: MAY, 22, 2007 6:24AM H0LY 0R0$$ ENEROY N0, 654 P, 2 3799 HIOHWAY 82 o PO. BOX 2150 GLENWOOL1 SPRlNGS. COLORADO 81602 (970) 945-5491 d FAX (970) 94S-4081 }$E/;ILboI9 May 21, 2007 Town of Vail Design Review Board Vail, CO ToWhorpltMayConcem; This Ietter is an amendment to Holy Cross Energy's review of the Meadow Creek Condominium permit. It was originally believed that suilding M would be required to sign an encroachment easement, but after further research thls is not the case. AII units In Building M are dear to proceed. If you have any questions or concems regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Sincerely, HOLYCROSSENERGY /1 ,ya cJ) Cody O'NeiI , Construcdon Engineering Administrator cone[l@holvcross,com (970) 947-5466 CO:vw O'NeiryowlloiVail * Touehstant st=ar' cooncnattve ?ffit REESE J0YE PAGE 02B43529841704/38/2B07 18:22 I-I i ! I hldttI\| ovtn+.' e '09i af_ . ;'!.'' <= i z ' zP, = J|J1a I ,Ilrjlr| Q\ \ l$ lt Njj ,,1 ;}7 \tN -=D\ 'bt.bb " \ r' #{fi ijiffr c5 ,i#fiT'IplN'vo"'lY. 00 K1J,& 8f?- clTh&l [,,,5f4yfiV-6' / t" in coll14/ia, PAGE 01REESE JDYE04/30/2BB7 1B:22 843529B41? t{ i:II\ wI 'O' 'UJ Ioo Iry I , f l; l#f fh;I ai 131l t 1 ii i UJc "illt=,$ \ ==.=lto ==oi, '= \llh\ --oI\% qq t \;$ 1 b I q\ \i'r$ -\\,,, ffi Page I of I BiII Gibson - MEADOWCREEK UNITS C.6 & D-1 From: <FiEESEJOYE@ aol.com> To: <BGIBSON@VAI LGOV.COM> Date: 05/02/20074:43 PM Subject: MEADOWCREEK UNITS C-6 & D-1 BlLL...l SENT THE PLATS TO YOU SHOWING THE ENCROACHMENTS OF LESS THAN 4 FEET ON C-6 INTO THE DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND LESS THAN 4 FEET INTO THE SET BACK LlNE. I AM WAITING ON THE lNFORMATlON AS TO WHO TO CONTACT ABOUT THE DRAINAGE EASEMENT APPROVAL AND THE VARlANCE FORM FOR THE SETBACK LINE lSSUE. PLEASE SEND THIS TO ME AS I HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT UNLESS THEY GET THESE APPROVALS NOW, THE CONTRACTOR WILL PASS BY THESE UNITS AND THE WORK WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BE DONE. THANK YOU. JOYE LAW FIRM (5861 Rivers Ave) N. Charleston, SC 29406 (843) 554-3100; 1ax 554-6539; cell 991 -2213 See what's free at A0l=eQm. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Admini strator\Local Settings\Temp\GW} 00001.HTM 05/02/2007 [)/U,fil61A/ Oraek{Gn Design Review Board ACTION FORM Dellartment of qommunity Development 75 south Frontage Road, Vail, colorado B1657 tnl: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.it79.2452 web: www.vailgov.comcat,IbfialllYtml€tfi4mlI Project Name: MEADOW CREEK CONDOMINIUMS DRB Number: DRBO70154 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS (EXrEND DECKS) Palticipantsl OWNER MCCRANN, PATRICK M, 04/17/2007 199 EUDORA ST ' DENVER CO 80220 OWNER BLODGETT, ROBERT H. - LEONAR ADRIENNE & STEPHANIE B. 193 SUGAR PLUM WAY CASTLE ROCK CO 80104 OWNER DEGLING, JOHN & ROBERT 2733 KINNICKINNICK RD C4 VAIL CO B1657 OWNER FOUNTAIN HEAD LTD 5707 CONSTITUTION AVE COLORADO SPRINGS CO 8D915 OWNER GILDEN, AUDREY S. 10O BLUE HERON CT GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO B0121 OWNER GRANT, STEVEN S., BRYAN D. & -JT 2633 KINNICKINNICK E6 VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT HEATHER PRICE PO BOX 5121 VAIL CO 81657 04/17/2007 Phone: 970-331-1234 OWNER LEWIS, JANE TENNEY & WILL I. 2520 KINNICKINNICK RD M 5 VAIL CO 81657 OWNER MARX, LAWRENCE, IV & JENIFER 239 ASH ST DENVER CO 80220 OWNER MICHEL, THERESA C. 08/20/2003 2743 KINNnGNNICK RD A6 VAIL CO 81657 0WNER MORCOM, sRAD ALLEN 339 CORAL WAY WEST INDIALANTIC FL 32903 OWNER MUlTERER, EDWARD CARL 2214 RIVER RUN DR 77 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 OWNER PRICE, HEATHERA. 07/16/2004 PO BOX 5121 VAIL CO 81658 OWNER REED, JUSTINE. PO BOX 9197 AVON CO 81620 OWNER SUMRELL, ANGELA JO, JOE C. & 2743 KINNICK[NNICK RD A-3 VAIL CO 81657 OWNER WALSEY, KAREN I. 2560 KINNICKINNICK F-3 VAIL CO 81657 Project Address: 2721 KINNICKINNICK RD VAIL Location; MEADOW CREEK TOWNHOMES UNITS A-1, A-2, M, nzy, +r, au,, 8f, CS, czt, €l,, F3, C l, H z, '' ', m c, a 'r, 4 c111 5, { Fl Legal Description: Lot: Block: SubdMsion: MEADOW CREEK CONDOMINIUIvI Parcel Number: 2103-143- 1400-1 2103-143-1400-2 2103-143-1400 -3 2103-143-1400-4 2103-143-1400-5 2103-143-1400-6 2103-143- 1401-1 2103-143-140 1-5 2103-143-140 1-6. 2103-143- 1402-8 2103-143-1403-1 2103-143-1403-5 2103-143-1404- O 2103-143-1800-1 2103-143-1900-1 2103-143-1900-4 2103-143-1900-5 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions; Actioll: STAFFAPR DateofApproval: 05/04/2007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of VaiI staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please mnsult with Town of VaiI Building personnel prior to construction actMties. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of thls project shall Iapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a buildlng permit Is issued and construction is commenced and is dillgently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 AII development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Serles 2006 shall be subject to the pending emptoyee housing regulatlons in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April 15, 2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applicatlons. Cond: C0N0008928 Prior to construction, the applicant must obtain written approval for any encroachments into any drainage or utility easements from all parties with rights to said easements. Planner: Bill Glbson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 I'i 'I Changes To The Approved Plans ,ifll,, Application forDesignRev iew Rlx I },,| Department of Community Development nnt?liJi7 web: www.vailgov.com General lnformation: AII projects requidng design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Coundl and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval Iapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. ''"j'P'P" of $he Req".!s,t: Location of the gry,., / 974'3 Phvsicat'Address: /F3lafc,okJ,,., 'earGel No.: < },n€a.,..;J ; /(,gv hh.;J ;,,;iA :(€- 6W1r1L,; +O[inn acL,'nn .Z )J5?0 t-ilvl,'&; |.1; (Contact Eagle Co.970-328-8640 ror me(s) of Owner(s):Ji;,, bffi[s,,.,-3 zle,diAat, "B;,c+ Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Type of Review and Fee: }Zfihanges to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved b; Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Submittal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association For Office Usennlv: Fee Paid: ""2..J.J ' ilo'..Jt$. t,Lffi luu#./ ol *\ "l { (F-ynne,. /J-';dJ (G-lyhJ&,, St,1.., (H')/q-'A-(&b&- ff-()(),y,,, lJvI,h1o (rn -;)I;,a mwlna-U,(nlqrYLa&d 'P- k, ("15h"i'&d{A-l> fi//YlJPlNlU, ':\c'ev"'""\ Permits\Plann ing\DRB\drb_eha nge_to_approvedja nslpage_05-t 1-2oO:.doe (z( - '; /l4e-rcoirzt BPJ,Pl A,|t s) ;uya 5 ,,ru,n (A+)shpfi,,., "--"'^"€'/'u"Mh-{fi6) nh* Mailing Address: ! joINT PRoP'ERTY oWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER t, (p,mn,,,,.) Hla_//Ozt filb€cg : a joint owner of p".p'^y- located atL, LP""' """'j-^-'-'-""""-ff-"-"r-' " J""" "',;Jj: "r"' !i l/. , r ( g|| ?zu.,z d {'. (T,r, t fi50O ; a'753 %,,,,hlj,,,.,d ;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;,;, app o al of the pJans daLed 4/l b /O-/ which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Oevelopm_ent Department for the proposed improve,ents to be completed at the qddress noted above. ',. understand that the proposed improvements include: c,.,J, 'c-3 /&,.a?m B- 6, &..,{uJ- ' /lL,. s 1o c-4 / rn- /. t;Y,:-t r b,,,lf/i ,,,,J, ,,,#lJ /lv a s (Signature) T{(uJh,.I cJ,.l ff,.J"/J!" Additionally, please che,k the statemqnt below which is most appli.cable to you: r/) r understand that rninor rnodificatlons rnay be made to the plans over "e course of the r#id,procpsf to ensure cornpliance with the Town's applicable codes andregulations. ' JrI-+kl-' u i (Initial'here). fiJ ; request that a// mo"'c""'J""" I-ourse J.,L,-,,u,,, process be brought to rny attention by the applicant for additional approval beflaGDndergaing further review by the Town. ' , I r i iJ. .*i o ' Untt Number Parcel number A-1 lv2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A4 B4 C-3 C-4 E4 F-3 G-1 H-2 J-1 m.1 M-4 M.6 210314314001 210314314002 2t{la14314003 210314314004 210314314005 210314314006 210314314011 210314314016 210314314016 21O314314O2B !,ffifffi'igtct;t qoSs" 210314314040 210314318001 210314319001 210314319004 210314319005 ', AtcountNumber: HD0187 ffi< na'rce;ram*er: . Tax A;ea: SC103 ' HiII Low: 49 6250 brybd4j-L0 7 Owmer raamefAddrcaa: SttAHAN, HEATHER A. 2540 KINNICKINNICK RD G1 VAIL, CO 81657 tegal Deaerlptlon: C0ND0: MEADOW CREEK CONDOMINIUM8 UNIT:G-1 DESC:PHASE N HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS 2103-143,,14036 Phy*leal Addross: d0540 KINNIKINNICK RD Untt : G1 VAIL AREA Acms: 0 Property Tax Valuatlon Informatlon Actual Valuo Aaaoaaod Valuo Valuo Land Improvemenls Total 0 0 SaleHlatory Improvement Infonnatlon Residential Buildings: 0 Commercial Buldngs: 0 UoatcU AIoas Bullding Ctwtacbtlstia, (Firat Improvmant In Account) TaxHistory No tax payments on recotU B1 J>Eg;;gb Meadow Creek Spring Homeowner's Additional i May Dear DRB- I am attaching the site plans of Meadow Creek Condos that the DRB has requested to determine the easement and setback issues in regard to the deck extension requests that we have submitted to your office. The site plans do not show the decks, but all of the units were built with attd currently have 10ft. decks. The extension of the decks does not bring the decks out past 10ft. it only squares them off_ I have penciled in on the site plans the decks that have requested the extensions and the 2 that have also requested stairs. They are also listed below. 1. Deck extonsion with and without stairs. Design currently in existence at Meadow Creek, and the design has prior approval by DRB.o Square off their decks without stairs - B-5, C-3, E-6, F-3, G-1, H-2, J-1, M-4. M-5 J// ////,/,/o Square off their decks and add stairs. - C,4, M-1 l/, o Rebuild decks in Bldg. A to follow current design that is used throughout the rest of Meadow Creek Condominiums. - all 6 units would get the squared off dcck with stairs design, l/ Please let me know if there is any fwther information that you require in making your decision. Thankyou, Heather Price Meadow Creek Board 970-331-1234 hanrice3Qmsn.com Meadow Creek Condominium Association April |6", 2007 To: Town of Vail Building Dept. From: Meadow Creek Condominium Association Board Subject: additiona1 window requests by Homeowners The Mcadow Creek Homeowners Association Board has agreed to allow the fo11owing units to extend their decks and/or extended their dedcs and add stairs. Thc deck desigtt that tbey will use is the current extended deck design already in existence at Meadow Creek Condomi11iums, and has had prior approval by the DRB and Building Dept. Extended deck design B-5, C-3, E-6, F-3, G-l, H-2, J-1, M-4, M-5 Extended deck design with stairs C-4, M-l Bldg. A a11 6 units. Thankyou, Hcather Price Meadow Creek Condominium Association Board C-4 Jjk.-f)[[ %Jb&-"9h-s daayn E]I FI I i !tl I[' I LII / F;;::l Iff:j E]EA5T ELEVATION ua' = I' -o' ;)-l auvo,,,qlt a( cfi:tc-Vt ,,lf,.fi,[,.Sl'rvl Yn/VO9@IlAs aJlfif r=-:-:]L]I FI I ; i! I fiI /r:;:;l [E]] Ea NORrH ELEVATION (a' = l' do' HE57 ELEVATION |n' = I -o' tTi loU|1 FOUNDATION anei FRAMlNGt._f;a?t}j O}<='nll Mcadow Creek Condominiums - Current Bldg. A decks Meadow Creek Condominiums - Proposed Bldg. A deck design Mcadow Creek Dcck cxtension reauests B-5 (right) wants the extended deck design. E-6 (Ieft) wants the extended deck design to match adjacent deck on E-5 (right). ) wants the extended dcck desi \"" ' G-1 (iight) wants the extended deck design. . dR' -- i I+ tffi' \ -" I : :i.i '*H i H-2 (left) wants the extended deek design to mateh adjacent deck on H-l (right). 4 a! ='="" t$ -lil& JLl(ri'ght) wants the extended dcck design to match adjacent deck on J-2 (left). = .=ut:===== "''""==tO=.. M-4 (left) wants the extended deck design to match adjacent deck on M-3 (right) but without the M-5 (left) wants the extended deck design to match adjacent M-6 (right), but without the stairs. --t,,...,,,-.,---=-==-'-"""'- -------- - M-l (right) wants the extended deck with the stairggg{to match adiacent deck on M-2 (left i l!lessage BiII Gibson - Re: F-1 Meadow Creek Page 1 of 1 From: B;II Gibson To: 0tey Lumpkin Date: 06/11/200711:10 AM Subject; Re: F-1 Meadow Creek CCl. Dona Stever Hey Otey, The Town of Vail Planning Department has reviewed the proposed deck expansion to Unit F1. We have administratively approved this deck expansion with the condition that the deck colors and materials match the other already approved decks. In terms of paper gvgp|c, we have simply added this deck expansion to the Iist of already approved Meadow Creek decks. Your next step is to contact your association's architect and have them submit a change to the approved building permit plans application (permit #BO7-0047). Sincerely, BiIl Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C081657 (970) 479-2173 (970) 479-2452 fax >>> "0tey Lumpkin" <Otey.Lumpkin@jhcpa.com> 05/23/07 8:02 AM >>> Mr. Gibson I am the owner of unit F-1 in Meadow Creek Condos and Dona Stever suggested I email you for approval of a change to the deck for my unit. Dona indicated tha1 my deck enlargemen1 and others had been approved by Vail and by the Meadow Creek Board but then she remembered that I have an unusual situation because of a tree that blocks the way. I don't want to interfere with the tree and so I am proposing to make the deck extension shorter than other people are doing. I have attached a drawing of the proposed extension. I am trying to get approval before the construction gets to my building so they can incorporate the change as they go. tt is a small change from the current deck and would be easy to extend as part of the current construction. Dona told me the Board had approved my plan and there are no utility easement problems related to my unit. If I have failed to provide any information you need, please email or call. Sincerely Otey Lumpkin 8350 Meadow Suite 286 Dallas, Tx 75231. cell 214.668.1184 otey, [qryffiin@ifigpa.co m flle://C:\Documents and Settings\Admi nistrator\Loca1 Settings\Temp\GW} 00002.HTM 06/1 1/2007 -r vloq.. eq... l.-1dq J€=;u 3 \uJ & ^"q k.,oJt ;)Ic GP,9,'s ll 3HgHl0,MD.vsZ+O,BO(215tl &g.,,ggo gpryagg. gry,gnaoo atae (g?Ogil34l9l-FAXlWO9454Bl fi0 t?9 I. 26, 2007 l:00fM 10LY CRO$$ [IERtY )unt 6, 2007 rown ofVail Deslgn Review Board Vail, CO To Whom n Maty Coneom: Thls Ietter is an amendmant to Hohr C,ross tnergv's review of tha Meadow Cnda Condominium permit- h was originally tmfieved'ilta1 Utm H4 would be required to sign an encroachment easemerrt, but after fumher research thls Is not the ca,flo, Tha eneroaghrtent bv this unit ts verv mini..I and the oarner understand5 the txmenttal lmpllcatmns cfi encroachment. :f you have any questions or eonems rogarding thls matterp plllll$,e do not hesi=c to eall. rhank you. sllleerely, HOLY CRffiS BiIHtGY ,d / CodY O'Nell Construedon Engine*ring admtn;stmtor conellOhol.ytross.com (970) 9{7ffi66 CO:vw O'lJlillbllElffifla rllt c0p ,,T..,h,,,,,.s,-.fc..,..,i,.ffil [:[ffi;:| rnn/tfio'a naGq#O0 IN9HgOVNV}I qlVA la966[?0l6 affil L00?'t11'N0f' l/ay-a3-3007 15:lBr,t -ffi !tffitffi*n!ffi ffive/oper to lllo1lkle /dlrJl&{effi Ypgyyppp)pg; FrurrERfiSD g704764[sg H38 P.00?/002 F-l14 /t/1 / '!T 'Ja/14P---ffiJ -s-fi-,ff uu..)i"h'4 IJrlLrrY APPR0VAL & VERtnot=om sUbdivtsiohU =,- 'at#:--_.,-A{Ill=!Pl%ftlJ *l'anau,I, LrJtAdd atter[l:afficonlact$ sdnfoo;ev IqtSoaelr Develo ifi$fiiffi'^' Oo=tmonts.fiB conb* am daniroe ffffi:ffi""- 970.9Cq4aglffaJ;1 o)IlbLt ;etrirooi. 970.26s.tf03stitdfi 970.3=agz+fg)' ClJllld.= i P ""l'.= '"-'il=I=ll.= ffi-j-,';{-';j-,i-;--i;:ffi,ffi{yTffiw,wgyryqyww.. "" 6-1,j- /)-z "'"""""-ffitPaffimpRal#u,.,,.-,.,,,,....-,,.-.,,... PlJ909 ff""""fiJ fi:Sto; "-''I=Illl....llR]m: E00/aOO'd 9ZL9#0b lNglll9!'lWffi[\1 ryTwA ='2nd< j F)A J r n%'lT J JbA a>a !=a.+ iOaffifJmTY mVEl.OPVENT Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Project Name: IVIEADOW CREEK TH EXT MODIFY Project Description: DRB Number: DRB060401 08/28/2006 Phone: 970-479-7387 08/28/2006 Phone: 970;479-7387 FINAL APPROVAL OF A MINOR ALTERATION TO ALLOW FOR A COIVIMON ELEMENT-MEADOW CREEK TOWNHOlVIES-REMOVE EXISTING SIDING AND REPLACE WITH NEW STUCCO, HARDI- PLANK SIDING SIDING AND WOOD TRIM. REPLACE EXSITING BALCONY RAILS, SLELCT ROOF REPLACEMENT, NEW Partidpants: OWNER MARX, LAWRENCE, IV & JENlFER08/28/2OO6 239 ASH ST DENVER CO 80220 APPLICANT TRD ARCHITECTS TOlvl DUBOIS PO BOX 1492 VAIL CO 81658 License: C00OO01769 ARCHITECT TRD ARCHITECTS T0M DUBOIS PO BOX 1492 VAIL CO 81658 License: C000001769 Project Address: 2600 KINNICKINNICK RD VAIL Location: IvIEADOW CREEK TOWNHOIVIES Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: IvIEADoW CREEK CONDO OF IN Parcel Number: 2103-143-t800-t Comments: See revised plans dated 09/20/2006 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditiolls: Dunning Dantas 3-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 09/20/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes t6 these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with : : Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actMties, t Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: BiII Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 ,,;fm *Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commerc;al) Minor Alteration (single-family/dup Iex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Denartment of Community Development 75 soutn; Fronffitge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: AII projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unUl all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approvat Iapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ SubdMsion: Physical Address: aJo3)4,-3aJ 0D) 4.-S1ll.doI - q;o3l4,yo04,{. Parcel No.: aL23A1t8@Uab21lffil9,,(["""' Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Zoning: rt.4ct-,kAl d'r,,rye.g Name(s) of Owner(s): MailingAddress: ?O &y :4,e;z \/AlL,<u Ousn Phone: Type of Review and Fee: E Signs $50 ?jgg $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, Iandscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and stte ;mprovements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, Iandscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. NoFee ,iU ::.7\) 'ticY otoffio "s.. ta'6 El E] m X D $650 $300 $250 E] El g]t'checkNo.: L-L16b By: I, Dona Stever, as u Director of the Board of Directors of the Meadow Cteek Homeowners Association (propetty Iocated at various addtesses on Khnikbnick Road, Vail, Colorado) provide this Ietter as apptoval of the plans dated August 28, 2006, ptepated by TtD architects, which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the addresses noted above. I understand that the ptoposed improvements include only: a New stucco znd HatdiPlank siding with wood ttim znd metal diagonal braces o New metal canopies ovet select windows o New wittdows irt Buildings A-H u Select toof teplacement with asphalt shingle u New deck rails o Painting of existing entry doors o New concrete stoops at select units O New guttets and downspouts I futther undetstand that minor modifications may be made to the plans ovet the coutse of the review ptocess to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and reguLttions. f- ;v- acu; Date Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material .\tm/\}'[', FJV,UPOL@\NllP,.l J,L Auu,.,,.Ju,,. Roof "-"-,-, Siding "---- _., Other WaII Materials Fascia n:tmtJe, Soffits Ls ; ettJr. Windows ------ -_,,,_ Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails "'=jl.D Flues """"""-, Flashing Chimneys '---- -., Trash Endosures "-- ' \ Greenhouses "-,., "-5 Retaining Walls "'" -,, Exterior Lighting ""- --_, Other """""-------, Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Ml4/L Cm(md,ttt:Wt h'IA"ICl\ Am/kL[SultFlrZ. Page 6 of 13/06/06/05 o Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.o Location of Iandscaped areas.o Location of Iimits of disturbance fencing = Location of all required parking spaceso Snow storage areas.o Proposed dumpster Iocation and detail of dumpster endosure.o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between a\' and 6' feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and a'ppropnate timing, if applicable ,;):fc: ni,, t, i.Pi,t -i. ,,.,- j!'f'll:.-:i - ''...i,jjl{.;. ', -.'' . ' i '.,,,; ,,' ,,,." "' ' Landscape Plan:o Scale of 1" = 20' ot Iargero Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.. Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. ]ndicate;trees to remain, to be relocated (including new Iocation), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading.. Indicate all existing ground cover an'd shrubs.o Detailed Iegend, Iisting the type and sfze (caliper for deciduous trees, height for contters, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material induding ground cover.o Delineqte.critical root zones for existing trees in close-proximitylto site grading and construction.o Indicate the Iocation of all proposed plantings.o The Iocation and type of existinq and,proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material folloyving its installation.o Existing and proposed contour Iines. Retaining walls shall lye induded with the top of wall and' the bottom of wall elevations noted. o Lighting Plan: I o Indicate type, Iocation and number of fixtures.o Include 'height abdve grade, Iumens output, Iumtno'us'hreao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. . '.. 'lo REPAINT PROPOSALS l.o Foc all propo9als to renaint existing buildings, the following sJpptementat information is required: o Color chip or, color sample induding the manufacturer name and cGlor number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate th6 Iocation of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, etc.) Page 5 of 13/06/06/05 ' ei 71tl]:archifecfs November 22, 2006 Mr. Bill Gibson Town of Vai1 Community Development 75 S Ftontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Color Schemes Meadow Creek Town Homes Vai1, Colotado DearBill, ln accordance with the conditions set fortb by the Design Review Boatd and per out meeting of November 20, 2006 attached are the thtee color schemes ptoposed for the Meadow Cteek Townhomes. There are a totat of twelve buildings consisting of 4 to 6 units pet building. The color scheme for each building will be 1eft to the discretion of the Meadow Creck Hotneownets with no more than five buildings to be painted any one colot scheme. Thank you for all your he1p. If you have any questions or would like any additional infotmation, please do not hesitate to ca1L Sillcerely, Thomas R Du Bois, AIA P0gox1492 Vail, CO 91659 tel: 970,479-7387 fax: 970-476-0077udubois@att.aet Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Scheme 3 Scheme 1 Scheme 1 - Is the original color scheme that was approved by the homeowners and presented at our annual meeting. Stucco (1' Ievel) - Lulled Beige goard & satten (2"' Ievel} - Canyon Lap siding (3"' Ievel) - Sycamore Small metal roofs - Buckskin Windows - Bahama Brown Trim -Chocolate Brown Schcme 2 Fffi"[l'"B..t) - Lulled seige soard & satteJl (2" Ievel) - Sage Brush Lap siding (3"' tevet) -Acom Small metal roofs - Copper Brown Windows - Bahama Brown Trim - Chocolate Brown Schemc 3 Gfiffi[Pllvet) - _Madonna Lily eoaru & natten (2"' Ievel) - Califomia Rustic Lap siding (3" Ievel) - Golden Husk Small metal roofs - Copper Brown Windows - Bahama Brown Trim - Chocolate Brown Lllllcd Bdge Lllllcd Bcigc M*donnaLily Meadow Creek Color Scheme Pronosal II Small rear metal roofs -sna <o [jR ct.\ARf AffAqg(r) Buckskin - scheme 1 Coppcr Brown - schcmc 2 & 3 Trim - Chocolate - nll Bldgs.Windows - Bahama Brown - all Bldgs. Chocolate ffi[)\uou) qeEK-[OL)Jhl,9Mfii '. BERRIDGE C0L0R FINISHES I!B';';,,,, Manufaeturln, co. j= *IMEDIuM sRoHzE * n PARcIIIMENT *n sHAsTA wIIIITE = *ncl.IARcoAL GREv = ZINCGREV = MATTE BLACK iI *n *:MATuIIAL wHITE AWARD BLUE * sATIN FINIsH GAI,VALUME' I Compljes with LEED' 2.2 * Complies wilh Energy Slar *IsUcKsKIN = *IAGED sRoNzE *IHEMLocK GREEN BIIISTOL sLUE *ITERRA.coTTA = == FoREsTGREEN *IPATINAGREEH *:sIERRATAN == = = DARK BROIgZE COPPER BROWN HARTFORD GREEN ROVAL BLUE COLONIAL RED == suRGuNDv *:DEEP RED Beffidge Satin Finish Galvalume@ is pretreated to remove milloils, chemicals andresidue and coated onthe backside to jnhibitcorro- sion. The top side receives a clear plastic strippable film. CRltgj \I \l flll \ II @ MEMBIR ffi I I * n zlNc-corE"' *LEAD.eoTETM requirements for roof slopes greater than 2:'t2 as of printing date requirements for rocf slopes gmater Ihan 2:12 as of printing date TEAL GREEN Berddge Premium Colors requim a nominal surcharqe.Berridqe Mebllic Colors are premium wh jch requim a nominal surcharge. ==== * n cIIIAMPAGHE *ncoPPER-corE'" * ANTIQuE COPPER.COTE *PIIEwEATHERED GALVALUME^ ffiffi KVNAR 5OO GALVANIZED AND or HVLAR 5000"1' SPECIFICATIONS FOR GALVALUME' COlL COATING APPLICATIONS: Colorsavailable Spec la Gloss ColorUniformity D y Fitm Thickness Hardness Adhesio (X-C t) Adhesiol] (Crosshatch) Direct Impact Flexibility Heverse In]pact Fjexiblity Formability Salt Spray Pesistance Humidity Resistanoe Acicj Resistance Alkah Reststance Abrasion Coelftctent Dete gent Heststance Resistance to Acici Pollutants Weathering - Color Retention Weather jng - Chalk Res jstance Erosion ASTM D-523-80 ASTM D-2244-79 ASTM D-140O-81, ASTM D-1OO5-84i'-: *NCCA 11-13J11-14, 11-f5 ASTM D-3363-89, *NCCA 11-12 Eaqle Turquoise Pencils ASTM D:3359-9O ASTM D-3359-90 ASTM D-2794-84 Gardner lmpact Teste. 1/10' Distodion*NCCA Spec.11, ASTM D-2794-84 Gardner Impact Tester. 5.i8" ball, impact force in inch pourlds equal to metal thickness. ASTM D 4145 18O' T-Bend on l/SMandrel ASTM B-117 73 (1992) ASTM D-2247 (1987) ASTM D-1308-79 (1987) Proc. 3.1. 1 1 O?4 Sulphuric acid spot test - 24-hour exposure ASTM D:13O8-79 (1981) Proc. 5.21O% Sodium Hydroxide ASTM D-968-81 ASTM D-2248 72 hours tmme sion 3% solutton at tOO' F AS]M D '308-8/ p oc 3 : I 24-hour exposure 1O9/a HNO' vapors ASTM D-2244-89 20 yrs., 45 South Flonda ASTM D-659-86 20 yrs. 4.5 South Florida 2Oyrs..45 SouthFlonca See color chad on reverse side Low and medium gloss o Iy Color controlled both instrumentally & visually Primer.25- O.OSmil.topcoat.8mil i.05md H.B.Mi[limum No Adhesion Loss No Adhcsion Loss Excellent, no removal Excellent, no cracking orlossofadhesion Nocracks o Ioss ofadhesio Passes 1000 hours on H. D. G Steel, 1000 hours on GALVALUME* Passes 2000 hou s on H.D.G. Steel, 2000 Hours on GALVALUME" Excellent, no effect Excellent, no effect 1 00Liters/Mil lopcoat Excellent, noeHect Excellent - no effect Maximum 5 NBS units Color change Rating of 8 Minjmum Maximum 15% Ioss NOTES: l.ASTJtf -- American Soeiety tor Testing Materials. 2. *NCCA -- Nattonal Coit Coate s Associatio 3. *GALVALUME' is 55% Aluminum-Zinc alloy coated sheet steel and is a egiste ed trademark of BIEC I te nat;onat mc. SALES HQ TECH SUPPORT MANUFACTURING BRANCH FACILITIES SANANTONIO HOUSTON SEGUIN DENVER CHICAGO ATLANTA BERRIDGECALlFORNIA 6515 Frat Rd 1720 flilaury St 2201 Rudeloff Rd 7505 E 41 St. 1175 Carojina Dr 319 Lee lnd I Blvd SALES CORPORATION San Antonjo TX 18218 Houston, TX 77026 Segtlln TX 78155 Denver CO80216 \I/Chicago, IL60185 Austell GA3016g 18732 Corby Ave 210-650-3050 7!3-223-4971 830-401-5200 303322 3703 630-2317495 770941 5141 Adesia. CA9O7O1 18O06690Ci09 Fax713-236-9422 Fax83O-303-0530 Fax303-322-3810 Fax708-231-7520 Fax77O9417344 Local:562-402-2081 Fax 210650 0379 Fax: 562-865-7878 = ffi;f,,, Berridge Manufacturing Company 6515 FRATT RD / SAN ANTONIO TEXAS 78218 / TOLL-FREE 1-800-669-0009/FAX 210-650-0379/http://www, berridge com July 2006 Seffldge Color Card.PMDi30M - Mtlj\ - HiOPAP@Rcpi\-\6\\1e7 ' bA Dd\\ --,, I I.-;;;,;;,- t'{i! ""-'"ir-#/l "i]fi{fiigfi [VN/Opal I'Jftefff s.l,..it.'-.. =..:. -atn'Bose -':- l- -e,:nnl-! J-J ;-,,"._.; xl'- Pall9l$l Stanaardnanels- Pearl { ) Ootions- hose t }, Seedr, Olesf.' rrpp;e, 0pal, Pebble (11P lll€| za attt\ so@l[et S@e$; Small $grmbrd- 1 Liaht Etfison (60 Watt Max) OnljoJJs- 3 Uoftt Cltlster (3-25 Watt Max}-' pL7,g,13;ouad9,ollad13 Mediurn Standard- 1 Liali Etfison (150 Watt Max) O,tions- 3 !jffi[ Cluster (3-60 Watt Max)' pL7.g,13;0uad9.0uad13 Double 13, 0uad 22 , uam Edison (ZSO Watt Max) Ootions- 3 Ught Cluster {3-60 Walt Max)' PL7.9,13;0llad9.0uad13 Doubb 13. 0uad 22, 0uad 26 fo; ffle pro TOWN OF VAI[I 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAlll, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Fireplaee Inforroation: ReGtrieted: YBS #Of Add Sq Ft: Gas ]Lpplieeo.: #Of Gas Logs: Phone: 970-668-5552 Phone: 970-66s-5552 #Of Wood/Pa11et: Division : Division : Division : Division : 1 Status -. l4EApplied. Issued- -Expires- Building-----> P1an Check---> Inlltigation> Wi11 Ca11----> 235.00 Restuart Plan Revietl-->.oo Tota1 Caleulated Fees---> 490.75 1S2.75 DRB Fee-i-------------->,oo Additional Pees---i-bil>.oo .OO Reereation Fee----------> .0O Total Peit Pee--------> 490.75 3.oo qtj+lgcwlraHpt46r.6-------p $09,ap.,p! Payllt Slllll> 49O. S TOTAII FEES--------------> iAT*T*****+il*+*|*ili!*** FEE SUIlF4ARY ****ilT****1**********4i +*l*l**=**aaT*****l9* 490-75 nI\IIANCE DUE------------->.oo =**+**** *D+iT** **+* ******* * * * ****J* * ************aila& **+*+********** * ******* * ** * !tT*********** Item: 0510006/01/2000Item: 0540006/01/2000Item: 0560006/01/2000Item: 0550006/01/2000 BUILDING DEPARTMENTKZ\THY Action : APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENTKATHY Action : APPRFIRE DEPARTMBNTKATHY Action : APPRPUBLIC WORKSKZ\THY Action: APPR DeDt : BUILDING APPRovED PER- KATHY DeDt : PLAbTNING SIGNED OFF BY ANN N/A N/A Dept : FIRE Dept : PUB W0RK ****** * * ** * * * * +* * * * * * ***** * ** * * * * + ** * * ***** * ***** * * * ** * ** * See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit 1 hete14r aeknowledge that I have read.thio appliaation, fi11ed out in fu11 the inforlllation required, epleted aeeurate plot d p1ot p1an, gubdivigion pl, d Etate that a11 the infomlation provided as required is eorrqet. I to eolltply with the infotlttati to comply with all To ordinanees d state 1aws, and to build this to the 'fo's zoning d eodee, dedgn review approved, Unifo Building Coae d other To applieEtble thereto. REQUBSTS FOR INSPBCl'ION8 SHALL BE M?\DB T'[lIEN]'Y-POUR HOURS IN ADVANCB BY ,f,,afllltd el=s1t-vg[ Doporjiic nDl ffil{1 ;cq@fJJg? O0 jU45:aO PM /fffh,/lc/J CfiE€/' aAldo o ntno/ouJ cRFEk f(lJ, DEPARTMENT OF eOM[4UNITY '""'OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON tJOBSITE A'r AIIII TIMES ADD/ALT IVIF BUILD PERMIT Permi Job Address -JtilBt!0Hff IHR9ffr:fiDrLocation... J'?721 KINNICIcINNIcK kb, Parce1 No. _ : 2103-143-14-000Project No_ : APPIIICANT G & G ROOFING P O BOX 817, FRlSCO CO 80443 CONTRACTOR G & G ROOFING OWNER Description : REMovE/REPI,AcE TAR&GRAVEL ROOF,SAt4E FOR SAItlE Occupancy : R1 Type Construction : 'rype Occupancy : Valuation : Multi-Family 18, 6 O 0 P O BOX 817, FRlSCO CO 80443 MEADOW CREEK CONDOS Phone: 926-1140 BOBBY SAllZlvlAN, BOX 1774, EDwARDs,co slTCiV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De Refund approved amount date ISSUED 05/24/2000 06/05/2000 12/02/2000 AT 479-213B OR AND OWNER o ************ * * ************ * * **** * *** * ** * * * * * ************************************ " CONDITIONS.Permit #: B00-0117 as of 06/05/00 Status: ISSUED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Permit Type: ADD/ALT IVjF BUIIjD PERtv;IT Applied: 05/24/2000Applicant: G & G ROOFING Issued: 06/05/2000970-668-5552 To Bxpire: 12/02/2000 Job Address :Location: 2721 KINNICKINNICX RD, MEADOW CREEK CONDO'S BLDG DParcel No: 2103-143-14-0OO Description: ^ ' RElvIOVE/REPLACE TAR&GRAVEL ROOF,SA[/IE FOR SAME Conditions :1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECX FOR CODE COt/jPlllANCE.2. A[I[I PENETRATIONS IN [\IALllS, CEIlIINGS,AND FllOORS T0 BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE IvJATERIAlI.3. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CJ\N BE STARTED.4. ROOFING MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 1402.1 WEATHER RESISTIVE BARRIERS AND SECTION 1402,2, FLASHING AND COUNTERFLASIIING. Lcgal Descriptioll: to[__.____nlocJq______ riling owners :tame:%Vail Flanaqement Co Address: 2O1 Gore Creek Drive Al:chitect: :ttcte-tttLt1!' !!!RU;b\rG"rTIdiose of existing tnstall four ply Pb.476-4262 Ph.__.____,- build up Genel:a1 DescrlpLion: tiork class; [ ]-New ( ]-Alteraliion ( Nunber of Dwellillg UniLs : ]-Additional [x ]-Repair f ]-"'''''-j- Nultlber of A,,,,,,,n.d,tion UfitF' -- Nm,ber and '1'ype of pireplaees: Cas nppliances_._____. Gas Logs___.,, t;ood/Pe11et_.___ t/'.,.,, * * * * * * * * * * * * fi * * * * * # * + * * * * * * * * * VALUA'JJJ:ONlJ * * * * + i * * * * * l * * * * * * + * * * * * + tJ + * * * * * n 't,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,.,, ;i[[[i[{[tt;;i-,i!i!ffiiPLUHBJNG: j------ /UffiUJl]J; ''---- . Ch,P '..= =.==adlOl I ==llgMiii t 1l L'rtDM ;( |l|'rnM * * i * * * fi * i * fi fi * * * * * * * * * * * * * fi !JI )d, , , , , , , ,, * * fi * * * fi i * + * * * i * h A k * co[rjjnAc'ron INFOn[lA'rJ:ON **i**?:fi-*-i::tfi: fi '(!.,,erat cot)q;:etcy_o ); ;,c ', ' 'o?['?? : jO9-- ;t;;;;;ffJ;i} : 11;JLffiAddress : PO Bo" 8l7 :3. rlecLrical contractor:rrown of Vail neg. NO. Aeldrosn I Phone munber: '' 'r ' 'town of Vail Beg. N0. -_ p|umbing gocrLract:or;it:one Number:Address: Hechanica1 ContracLor:'l'own of Vail neg, no. Address:Phone Nu;nber: * * * fi * * * * * * * * * * * * * i A * & + * * * * * * * + * *FOR oFFICE USJ] i * * * * * l + * * * * * * * * * * i f * * * * * * * * i fi fi DUILDING P[:RHl:t' JfEJi : PiJUHBING PERHIlt FIiE : HECIIANlCA[l PElUvl:[T l'EE : ELECTRICAL FJ3E: OTIIEP 1'YPE OF ffijJ : DRB |?jJfi ; BUILDING PLAN CnliCl( FEE: PJiUl4BING PLAN Cl]ECX FBE : Hl:ClIANICA[, P1,AN CJIECI( rJJE: nECREATION FBE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSITl 'JJO'l'At, PEnHIJr rEES I VALUAT10N IJUILDINGI SIGNAl'URJj]: ZONINGI SIGNATURE: I lltYPj] IGnoUP ; sQ.F'l'.I-:l:l: col[llllents : G & G Roofing, ;nc., PO Box g17,Frisco,co '80443 CLEGl{UP DEP.0S11'lLErUIID T0 :q6 l$\' REPT131 TO[,lN :tP Vn1L, COLORf,lD0 (bGlL'llPtbBfb 07't56 REQUESTS INBPECTN [,ilORH SHEETS F0R: 6/19/E0 4*===========iE==1== = ====== t=Bla=I== =Oetivityt B0€t-0t17 6/l9/P0 Type ; flMF Btatu*t lSSUEp Congtm 0t4F, - ', Oddress: P500 HINNICHINNICI4 RDLoeation: a7e'1 HlNNICHINNICI4 RD, hIEFIQ(lH CREEH CDNDD'S BLDB D Parce1 : a1O3-14.,3-14-000 Oee: UsetDescription: nEhlDVE/REP[-nCE TrlR&BRnVEL R00F,S0h1E FOR Snl4E Pnr}€ 1 a nREn I JRM Tine Exp Opplicant: 6 & €l RCIOFING Clwnen; HEfilDOH CREEH CONDOS Contnactor: B & B ROE)FING Inspeetion Request Information... Requestor; CQROLINE Req Time: OB;OtZt Comments: MEADOW Items requested to be Inspeeted.., 00090 BLD0-FiJIa1 Phone : 970-66B-555E' Phonel 9P6-d140 Pflone l 970-66B-555P Phonel c}7el-668-55Ba CRH BLDB D - R0OF Oction Comments " Inspeetion History... Itellll I t e m I Iteml I t e m ; Itenl I t e m I I t e m : I t e m I 1 t e m I I t e m I Iten; I t e m I Item I I t e m I I t e m : I t e m I Itenl I t e m I ooaa6 FIRE DEPT. NOTIFICnTIClN 005t0 driveway grade final 00010 BLDB-Footings/Steel tZ;00€0 BLDf3-Foundat ion/St ee1 005efZ[ PLnN-ILC Bite P1an 00030 BLDB-Framing 000b0 BLDB-Insulat ion 000€,18 BLDB-Bheetroek Nai I 000??t l)LDB-Ivlise, 00090 BLDG--FinaI 0€t53t?) BLDG-Tenp, C/D OelS.3l FIRE-TEItIP, C/O IZl053e P[,J-TEMP. C/O elO5.33 PLriN-TEl4P. C/D el0537 PLnN-FINnL C/O 0eJ5i38 FIRE-FINflL C/[] 0el539 FJtI--FINflL C/0 0054el BLDG-rina1 e/o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 APPLjcANT CONTRACTOR OWl9ER Job Addres Location. iParcel No.. : P.O. BOX 1517,1658 RUSTY SPIKB ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 1517, VAIL, CO 81658 RANA[IIIO PATRICI(/COHEN HARVEY Issued; : 06/09/2000Expires..: 12/06/2000 Phone: 970-476-4374 Phone: 970-476-4374 TOV/Comm. Dev. Descript,ion : ADD 2 SKYLITES, FRENCH DOORS Occupancy : R1 Type Construction: V 1-HR Type Occupancy; 170 FRANCIS CT, BlIOOPjINGDAIIE IL '''elean-up D ON ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,4P,::'J,1' Multi-Family Type 1I 1 -Hour date Valuation: Pireplace Information: Restrieted: Y 15,950 #Of Ga6 Applices: Acld Sc; Ft : #Of 0as 11oge;#Of Wood/Pa11et: **********=**i+l************ili *************l***********f>******* FEE.SUlBllU?Y ***** Building-----> Plan Check---> Investigat1 on> Wi11 ca11---->Paylllents------'> 49.25 20S.OO .0O 3-OO .oo 50:00 491.2S .00 491-2S Restuart Pl Review--> riEls Fee--:---------> Tota1 Caleulated Fees---> Additia1 Fees----i--> Total Peit Fee----l----> BAIIANCE DUE------------->.0O *********** ********** **47******* **+******* *+******** *********i> ********** **+******* ***i****** =*****+*** ******+*** *******+iT* ********* Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Division:06/08/2000 KATHY Action: NoTE ROUTED TO JR-06/08/2000 KATHY Action: NoTE PLANl\lING SET TO IJR0670972000 t;nM Action: APPR APPRovED JRMItem: 05400 PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT Dent: PLANNING Division:06/08/2000 KATHV Action: NoTE ROUTED TO BRtNT - 06/08/2000 BWILSON Action: APPR PRE-PAID DRB FEE CostItem: -05600 FIRE DEPARTMEl\lT Dent: FIRE Division:06/08/2000 KATHY Action: N0TE N/A " 06/09/2000 IJR[4 Action: APPR N/AItem: 05500 PUBl,IC WORKS Dent: PUB W0RK Division:06/08/2000 KAtnV Action: APPR N/A " * * * *** * *** * * v * + * ** * *** * * * * * ****** * ** * ** * * ****** * * * * * * *** * ** * ****** * =* * * * * *** * ***iF** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. : hereby aeknowleage that I have tead this application, fiJ:ed out in rttJ: the tnre=tton tequlred, eotnpleted an plan, ad Gtate that all the infortnation provided ae required ta eorteet. I agree to eom,ply dth the inforntation to eomply with a11 Towl1 ordinaneeo and stata 1aws, and to build 'cbLa struete aeeording to the To's zoning ana eodes, design review approd, Uniforttt Building Code d Qther ordinces of the Town applieable thereto. REQUBSTS POR INSPEC'rlONS SHJLIlL BE MI\DE T9IBNTY-POUR HOURS IN ADVANC8 BY TBLEPHONE AT 479-2138 ! OR AT OUR 'FP''B FROM aeeu=ate plot and p1ot p1, subdivision 8;OO AM 5:0O PM * o /lf&k/Od Cxyk"o"' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D,ffi,'"fffi''' ,,,f,{,,,i NOTE: THIS PERMI'rMUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALII TIItlES ADb/ALT ttr sUIIID PERMI Status : ISSUED 2721 KINNI cxxtmtt cK41 4)1ied.. :E05/31/2000 Project No. : 2103-143-14-007 PRJOO-0156 Refund Send Clean-Up Deposit Tol RUSTY SPIKB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Permit # : B00-0126 Permit Type; ADD/ALT MF BUILD PJIRMITApplicant : RUSTY SPI'KE ENTERPRISES 970-476-4374 CONDITIONS as of 06/09/00 Status : ISSUED Applied: 05/31/2000' Issued: 06/09/2000 To Expire: 12/06/2000 Job Address :Location: 2721 KINNICKKIl\INICK #B-1, MEADOW CREEK TOWNHOMESParcel No: 2103-143-14-0O7 Description : ' ADD 2 SKYLITES, FRENCH DOORS ON BALCONY, LITES, FANS Conclitions :1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIOl\IS IN WALLS, CEII,INGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAlI.3. SMOKE DE'rECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN A[IL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY lLS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 UBC-4. FIRE DEPARTIvIENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STAR'I'ED IF THERE IS A FIRE ALARM OR SPRINKLER SYSTEM EXlST- ING IN THE AREA OF coNsrRucrloN: mrs wrnn PREVENT FALSE ALARMS. 5 - NO PARKING OR STAGING OF MATERIAIIS IS ALLOWED ON PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY ?lIITHOUT A PERMIT. A[IL CONSTRUCIlON IS LIMITED TO THE SITE. €,LEe;.970-479-2149 (Inspections) TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontafie Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 3 1 2000 Separatc Pcrmits are rcquired for electrical, plumbing, mec Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit forParcel#Parcel#,a/o? Yary //oa-? S ;#-I3o,P.-"7 -:-"'"'"&/,,,,/Job Address: 7 Z/A/}P B- I '7S3 |(ta.atut l( lallll<K R.! ihr;;J'.,u btc.r_l Legal Description || Lot: || Block: || Filing:Subdivision: Owners '"""/ffi,eaa,/ (oi€l.Address:) a(qg (N\iJ\u\\\\lJA\1 Phone: ;;g LILIb )l(,! Architect/Designer: ^"ress:Co'oN "'',fin, !"f. ),Phone: ''9"'"'fiL |\f /h,.dfluCa /ic ^"'1ff,h( (Y,;7' ' 1h;i Phone t+TA- ada-| "fiJ}jff'J"'T."?'J{,c,:,,;,,z,,, lh,,+,a,A,,,,b,a./ifif,,aS/r,k,Ulkg WorkClass: New( ) A'dditfon( )'R,,,,,ddbd Repa;;( ) Demo( ) Other(]-""ffia WorkType: tntertor(X) 'x'er'orop Both,(X)Does an EHU exist at this Iocation: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBldg.: Single-family( ) Two-familyN) Multi-familyc ) Commerdal( ) Restaurant( ) Other( rffil(/lbl/al\b5 No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: (No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Exis[ing; Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Locs ( I ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnina f Ijqf[ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loes ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bumino (N0T ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (|') No ( ) || Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoM) '/llll/s ll,'s COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: $ i (, z,t." ez, ' t>ELECTRICAL: $ <$L OTHER: $, PLUMBING: $ 1200 t>a;MECHANICAL: $TOfAL: $ /ff ?g-t2.. "j'.-_ RFFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT T0: K'z,__, h-, gfiz l/< pjt/l".)| "'I=I'S' INFORMATION General Contractor:Contact and Phone #'s: 3?,/S-: * * ***** i ** * * * **************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*,**** +********** *+*************+**** F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm 1^ a q * Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name:cok Project Address: This Checklist must be comoleted before a Buildincz Permit aoolication is accented. AII pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association Ietter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application induded if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan induded (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumDster.parkincl or material storage allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aDDroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (AlI Commerdal and Muiti famiiy) FulI floor plans induding building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Comrnercial) Window and door schedule FulI structural plans, including design criteria (ieJoads) - Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (AIl Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be subrnitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans. Types and quantty of fireplaces shown ' Applicant's Ja' c] b ff Cl n L] lJ IJ Jg u s' ;j a lJ D Dateof submittal: az/Zz,anr d0 F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: 'jr P * BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE 71ME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Departrnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a totai review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commerciai (large or small) and ail multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a Iesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above rnentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for, a/l/?l/dL ;A, zslFllvJOc) t(/rr Agreed to by:///U Project Name:d9Z.-,.d'-z /i,-,4-4{ Date: 5/ ///,e z4 6221 F:everyone/forms/bldp erm3 POST IN A CONSPlCUOUS PLACE POST IN A CONSPlCUOUS PLACE ;dite Coverage ;? s- ,/'-Gffindscaping lbl} C=Retaining Wall ,---rParkincr L,..a=o--"' J z€Gf;lge Credit !, Drive: zt 1tJ Lot " Bloek DATE: ;z/rr/rS LEGAI, DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS : OWNER PROPOSED USE **l,OT SlZE , tf/ a z lY fJU((()(y(y( ;;) Height /fota1 GRFA i?t a/i. ;//,t& drimary GRFA s";:,,,,d,=y GRFA ,gG'tb,,k,Front Sides Rear ffie Course Setback ZONE CHECK OFR, R, R ,,['[,,,, DTSTRTt* 5.,,, /1,,z z =,/.o 4--a' _ Filing PHONE PHONEARCHITECT ______ /,,-,r,-, z zoNE DIsTRIcT - t€c Allowed c3o)@}.' z? "'.a, ,. 1-il = ;;;- - +43S = /z 4, 1ll ;.;t+e ?, cr 1 r Existinct Pronosed Total f fD/. r- l////,r //Tcld Pzr) ,............fi.i ,./a- =IDl=....I.....I.tl_.=..=== /o q€. 9- ///,,dD c300) c6oo) o,,;(ffi,fjjj'' ' Permitted Slope JL Actual Slope 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche,rg=' d=(j+lb) Rockfall """""'"'"""""""""" c) Debris F1ow 4fiiew Corridor Encroachment : Environmental/Hazards : 20'&- 15' 4P 15'. (3O) (50}- Date approved by Town Engineer: Yes No- :-: : : a 1) Flood Plain 2-g-, ; z -z (2 [- 'l//b 46ffiaffis? alr 3'/6' 5 Reqrd Heights, 8rZ. dq. z() d !"- dVtr dZ,} ;/[]" 2) Percent Slope 4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval {check property file) liqes this request involve a 250 Addition? /za+low much of the a11owed 250 Addition is used with this request?#4,,-- **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.O8O(B) of the 14unicipalCode, 1ots zoned Two Family alid Primary/Secondary which are 1ess than15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. TheCommunity Developrtent Department may grant an exception to thisestriction provided the applicant meets the cri.teria set forth underSections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.O8O{B) of the Municipal Code includingpqrmanently restricting the unit as a long-term renta1 unit for full-time employees of the Upper Bagle Valley. 10 O bllof- -S 0/h / Q//)/ -s-ra.'z /ib ytz/'' ,r=P ; sn;uL -9 t Jzy Q,h'71 E bF jr/ Fp} f)a| r/ 'f cp z 4 z " ? t I. 0 ' f' "--"""-' '/^'"'' ,,,,J "-, zo:z fJy- l2 !77/ J?1 -, -J? r '*'-7 - 1,,--,,; ,tvPryfinryd y€-/ r= ,-a-, n-y,-n' u?--g m' "y"> # (r-z Ma <aay"""f' (rv' LJ tan|n(zl revised 10/5/92 i-qq"""t Application PEC MEETING POR A V]LRIJUiICE Date DATE I. JLPPI,ICATION this proeedure is requiredvariance. The application information is submitted. A.NAME OF APPI.ICANT E,6'L Sa-t.z rtrtx: ADDRESS 2500 ffiJ M u i <-,\zdc6 Po tf ;t e.2 /F-t ;a - 676(, .PHONp (/\f9.-- ClqG< OWNER(S) (type or SIGNATURE (S) tZ& Jbn v- AiAcc,ut; 0; k/Gs? PHoNE 1 "z.s ="".f&. o I,OCATlON OF BLOCK__ ADDRESS PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT for any project requesting a will not be accepted until all B. c. D. NA}lE OF OWNER ( S ) ADDRESS FILING E.FEE $250.00 PAID-CK # BY THB FEE Wff BE PAID BEPORE THE COMMUNITY DBVELOP[{ENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their names and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT Wll.I. BE RESPONSlBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. Il. A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required bythe zoning administrator). It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointrctent with the staff to findout about additional submittal requirements. =r. PI,EAsE Nort tnat x cotet,nrn APPLICATION IfiILL STREAblLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUI4BBR OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THB PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAI. COMMlSSlON (PEC) MAY STIPUl,ATB. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPl,IED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPlES OF THB FOl,I,OWlNG MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THB VARIANCE REQUESTBD AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEIt4BNT 14UST Al,SO ADDRESS : 1. The relationship of the requested variance to' other existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinity. "' FILf [0PY 75 South Frontage Road Voil, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 December 23, 1993 Department of Conununity Development Mr. Irwin Bachrach. P.O. Box 2236 Avon, C0 81620 RE: Meadowcreek, far eastem parcel Dear Irwin: I thought I would follow-up the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC} worksession with this letter, outlining future steps necessary to complete this project. When you would Iike to proceed, please answer the PEC's ooncerns outlined in the memo dated December 20, 1993. I have attached a copy of the memo and highlighted items :-7 in Section lV and items 1-12 in Section V. In addition to the issues raised in memo, the PEC requested a soils test as well an engineer's approval of the proposed structure- Once you have addressed these issues, please resubmit the information for the staff to review. We will need a minimum of three weeks prior to scheduling for a PEC hearing. Thank you for your cooperation in this effort. A'nd'y Knudtsen ",AX NOTICE SHEnnV,B,;;N,::,N, !.T!J i,* ' THEASUFIEH. 130X 479, €AGLE. CO S1Sa1 Retain For Yr necdds /,rt Taxes Due in 00ll00:lE/1J0lJ OfiEEK 00H)0 IllTtllllfi OfiITn I)t80:FtJTlBE t;EYELOItIEfiT O(litl):ffEAlX)ll OfiEEK 0ffll)0 lfifElGfifi W11> f)ESO:IliTESII)UIITAIfi. HIASt IY DE80: 8K,0595 It.(l180 mP 1b24.92 Sl(.(l(Hl8 P0.096l lIAI} (13.12.9$ S IS THEfi.ASS: 01(Xl A850 ONI THAT Y0U WILL SB No. 25,.. in abseme of Stab Legidatiw Funding, -H.b your Sohool Genl Fund Ly would ha been 28.3(B EAOLE mllTY 01C REG(}J 80lmL IIIfiTtIIH CBEf[R YAIL PAIIK & 8EC \JUfft fASHfYj\Id"I COLOkAIXlJRIYER \J lffiK[ffiW[ UffER EAGLE VAL EAOLt VALtE\' LI EAGLE mfi1Y E[I 10.018 3.997 28.3(16 0,(127 1.321 2.622 (1.394 3.335 1.33jl 0.704 2.75() 1.169 E : fI ! 118.6(1 115.2$ 32(1.7(1- 0.3l 14.97 -29.71 4.46 37.78 -15.I1 7.88 31.16 13.24 TYPE OF PPOPERTY R[AL VALUATION OF LAN0 11330 VALUATloN oF sULDING IvALUATloN OF PERS. PROP. 0 0 TOTALULUATON 11330 TOTAL LEVY 55.977 FULL TAX 634.22 1AX DGTRICT 0j16 SCHEDULE NUMBER R(l39735 1st Half Tax DUE FEB 28 2nd Half Tax DUE JUNE 16 iileludes the following SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S LATE FILING FEE 317.11 317.11 0.0(l o.m 634.22 0ffiC93 FP 81631 OIETZ. 1fi0.It 8(f1 2072 EASLE, m 8163b2072 Please see reverse side of this form for additional information, Make Checko Payable To: EAfiLE COUNTY TREASUnEn POST DATED CHECKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED tf you have sold this property, please forward 1his statement to the new owner or retum to this office marked "property sold." TAX NOTICE RETAIN TOP POnTjON FOn YOUR BECORDS. 1 {-no } I ll1 al %J d} 4 tsl ;I tnlJ fil :: _n| J JIgl 1 #j j }4$.AboMl HILL ?RoFtuc6 I'i9:?fgFtLe * 4 .DlD"' [: ''',O fi d'l LU -..Iu.o v11 Pd = =E = rll tJ'-" I I 9n l=liil' I I ":::=:4;E::q];ffi Sii:- i.i '\J :::::::::-]J-: ].:-l-::: ffi+&j+++$$ '"-'-r-:'' :" "" 'g'JqpIlilgiD=IllD0*il=Iil= i"liii;--n ..-:,.. -,l != o THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEF{EBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 20, 1993, at 2;00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a wall height variance to allow for the construction of an avalanche mitigation wall Iocated at 4229 Nugget LaneiLot 6, Bighom Estates. ' Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: 4. A request to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi- Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Fload/more specifically described as follows: A parcet ot Iand in the Southwest Quarter of Section 14, Towmhip 55outh. Range 8n Wost of 1he 61h Pdndpd Meriaian, more panicularly descrjbed as follows: Beginning at a point whence a bra cap sa for a witness comer for the West Quaner of said Sectbn 14, bears {Nonh 29 degroos 2B minutes St conds West, t073.08 fee1 Dd) (Nonh 43 Degrees tS minutes 02 seconas West, 9tS.96 feet Meured); Thene Nonh 74 degrees O5 m;nutes t9 sonds Et, t0.76 feet; Thence t83.62 fet along the arc of a we to the righ1 which are subtends a chord beding Nonh 88 degrees t2 minutes SO seonds Et, t81.76 feet; Thence South 77 degrees 40 minute 21 seconds East, 62.77 feet; Thenco t47.a3 feet dong the arc of a curve to 1he leh which arc subtends a chord bearing NoHh 86 degrees 36 minutes 17 nmnds Eza, 145.60 feel; Thgn Nonh 70 degroes 52 minmos SS seconds Et, 406.55 feet; Thence St.t0 feet a:ong the arc of a orve to the righ1 which arc subtends a chord bearing South 47 degrees 2O m;nutes 37 econds East, 4t.20 teet; Thene South 14 degrees 25 minlJles 5O seconds Wes1, 110.51 feel; Thence South 68 degmes 18 mhules 91 seconds Wes1, 320.00 feel; Thence Nodh 19 degrees O7 minules O5 seconds West, 50.00 feet; Thence South 77 degrees 48 mjnutes 41 seoonds West, 160.18 feel; Thence Soulh 1O degrees 53 minutes 33 Hconds Wes1, 36-48 feet; Thence Nodh 87 degrees 4O minuf es O6 seconds Wes1, 337.77 feel; Thenee (Nonh fi degrees 52 minutes t3 seonds Eat, t30.00 feet Oeed) North tt degreos SS minutes!1 ends Easl, t2O.75 feet Meured) 1o the POlNT OF BEGINNING. Bearinq from G.UO. reord for South hdf of Section line between Sections 14-15. (G.LO. record South 01 degrees 30,2 mtnutes East) (Soulh 01 degrees 38 mjnules 32 semnds Es1 Measured) a+,,),(-"//z, 2.A request foran amendment to a previously approved development plan at The Vail Swim and Tennis Club, 2893 Kinnickinnick Hoad/a portion of the SW 1/4, Section 14, T5S R81W of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Colorado. Helen Dickinson Shelly Mello T. Charles Ogilby and Stanleigh H. Cole Shelly Mello Bobi Salzman Andy Knudtsen Juanita I. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen A request for a variance to build in 40% slope and for a wall height variance to allow for a duplex to be Iocated at 2560 Kinnickinnick Road/a parcel of Iand Iocated in the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 14 T5S, R81W of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Colorado. | \ 5. A determination for the review periods of the Exterior Alteration requests in the CCI and CCII zone districts: Staff is recommending 90 day review periods for all of the following projects: A. A request for a major CCII exterior alteration and a height variance to allow for the enclosure of the elevator shaft for the Antlers Condominiums Iocated at 680 West Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association Planner: Randy Stouder B. Arequestfora majorCClexte rioralterati onandaheig htvariancetoai:owtor the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located at 227 Bridge Street/Lots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-B, Vail Village tst Filing. Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. ' Planner: Mike Mollica C. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration for the Laughing Monkey to allow an addition to the south side of the Creekside Building Iocated at 223 East Gore Creek Drive/a part of Tract A, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: JoseGuzman ' Planner: Shelly Mello D. A request for an exterior alteration to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for ' the expansion of the Vail Associates offices Iocated at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing, Applicant: Vail Associates, lnc. Planner: Andy Knudtsen E. A request for an exterCo'r alteration to allow for the expansion of dwelling units at the Lionshead Center Building Iocated at 520 Lionshead Mall, Units 208, 209, 308 and 309/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1 st Filing. Applicant: Victor Cano Faro, Transcon Investments, Inc.; and Jose Luis Chain Planner: Andy Knudtsen F. A request for a major CCII exterior alteration to allow for the construction of an addition to the Lionshead Arcade Building Iocated at 531 East Lionshead , Circle/Part of Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Robert Lazier Planner: Jim Cumutte. 's :i,t}i,;[:;:'i ff,'ffi! : t ' ffi" '(, 00 fJ657 0.S. Denue. W.C. Purdv. M.R. c/o SCM"Deielopme,,[ 08titpany 8: O Spring Knoll Drive Herndon, VA 22070 Griek :;[ j t,i;:;t,i::: nt :x Agsoc ia tton Cynth;a & samuel Hunt /t14i+ Forest Avenue Western Springs, IL 60559 t" 1 ZOl\T\G 18.13.110 Landtcaping and site development. At least sixty percent of each site sha11 be landscaped. The minimum of any area qualifying as Iandscaping shall be ten feet (width and length) with a minimum area not 1ess than threc hundred square feet. (Ord. 30(1978) g 2 (pan).) 18.13.120 Parking. Off-street parking shatl be provided in accordance with Chapter 18.52. (Ord. 30(1977) g 2 (pan)J Chapter 18.14 RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER (RC) DISTRICT Sections: 18.14.010 Purpose. 18.14.020 Permitted uses. 18.14.030 Conditional uses. 18.14.040 Accessory uses. 18.14.050 Lot area and site dimensions. 18.14.060 Setbacks. 18.14.080 Height. 18.14.090 Density control. 18.14.110 Site coverage. . 18.14.130 Landscaping and site development. 18.14.140 Parking. 18.14.010 Purpose. The residendal cluster distriet is intended to ptovide sitos for single-famUy. two-family, and multiple-family dwe11ings at a density not exceeding six dwelling units per acre, together with such public facLtities as may appropriately bo Iocated in tho same district The residential cluster district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for eaoh dwelling, commensurate (Va0 9-2992) 330-2 I "s RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER (RC) DISTRICr with residentia1 occupancy, and to maintain the desirable tesidentia1 qualities of the disuict by establishing appropriate site development standards, (0rd. 24(1974) [3(B) (part): Ord. 8(1973) [23.100J 18.14.020 Permitted uses. The fo11owing uses shall be ;xrmittod in tho RC district: Singlc-family residential dwellings; T\vo-family residentia1 dwelltngs; Multiple-family residential dweLings, including attached or row dwe11ings and condominium dwellings with no more than four /$ units in any new building. (On:. 37(1980) [5: 0rd. 24(1974) g 3(B) (part): Ord. 8(1973) t 23.200J 18.14.030 Conditional uses. The fo)Jowing conditiona1 usos sha11 be permitted in the RC district, subject to issuaneo of a conditiona1 use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60: A. Publie utility and public se:vice uses; B. Public buddings, grounds and facilities; C. Public or private schools; D. Public padc and recreation facitities; E. Ski lifts and tows; F. Pdvate dubs; G Dog kennel; H. Bed and breakfast as furtherregulated by Section 18.58.310; I. Typo 1II EHU ts def ined in Section 18.57.060 of this eode; J. Type IV EHU as defined in Section l 8.57010 of this code. (Ord. 8(1992) f 15: 0rd. 31(1989) g 3: 0rd. 20(1982) t 5: 0rd. 26(1977) (part): 0rd. 24Q914} [ 3(B) (part): 0rd. 8(1973) t 23.300.) 18.14.040 Accessory uses. Tbe following accessory uses sha11 be permitted in tho RC atstdct: 330.3 (Va0 9-2992> an. * = ZONO\G A. Private greenhouses, toolsheds, playhouses, attached garages or carports, swimming pools, patios, or recreation facilities customarily incidental to single family, two-family or Iow- density muJtiple-family residentia1 uses; B. Home occupations, subjcct to issuance of a home occupation permit in accord with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through i8.58.190; C. Other uses customarily incidenta1 and accessory to permittcd or conditional uses, and necessary for tJ:o operation thereof; D. Horse grazing, subject to the issuance of a horse grazing permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.58. (0rd. 16(1976) f 1(a) (pan): Ord. 24(1974) [3(B) (part): 0rd. 8(1973) g 23-400J 18.14.050 Lot area and site dimensions. e-/ Tho minimum lot or site area sha11 be fifteen thottsand squarc feet, containing no 1ess than eight thousand square feet of buildable area. Each site shall have a minimum frontage of thiny feet. Each site shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area eighty feet on each side witbin its boundaries. (0rd. 12(1978) [ 3 (part): 0rd. 24(1974) [ 3(B) (patt): 0rd, 8(1973) [23.50L) 18.14.060 Setbacks. In the RC district, the minimuni front setback shal1 be twenty feet, the minimum side setback shall be fifteon feet, and thc minimum rear setback sha11 be fifteen feet. (0rd. 59(1978) g man)J 18.14.080 Height. For a f1at roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty feet. For a sloping roof, the height of buOdings shall not exceed thiny-three feet (OrcL "0"') f 2(ran)J 18.14.090 Density control. A. Not more than,twentv-five square feet of gross residentia1 floor area (GRFA) ;midTdffiltetrftrefch one hundred square feet of buildable sitg_gga, provided however, that singlo family and tvJo-family dwelling units construetcd in tho Residentia1 /. (Vail94942) 330_4 ', b 9" | . RES[DENTIAL CLUSTER (RC) DISTRICI Cluster Disuict shall be entided to an addition[(f=two hundred t , twenty-five squarg feet of GRFA per constntcted dwelling unit. Total density shaJl not exceed six dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. B. Exemptions. n11 projects that have received fina1 design review board approva1 as of December 19; 1978, sha11 be exempt from the changes in this section as 1ong as the project commences within one year from the dato of fina1 approval. If the project is to bo developed in stages, each stage sha11 be commenced within one ycar after the completion of the previous stage. (0rd. 16 (1991) g 1: Ord. 19 (1979) g 5 (part): Ord. 50 (1978) g 18 (part).) 18.14.110 Site coverage. Sito coverage shal1 not excced twenty-five percent oruGfi'fiP site area. (Ord. 17(1991) 0 3: 0rd; 24(J914') g 3(B) (part)tO?d! 8(1973) g 23.507.) 18.14.130 Landseaping and site development: At least sixty percent of each site shall be landscaped. (Ord. 24(1974) [3(B) (pan); 0rd. 8(1973) [23.509J 18.14.140 Parking. Off-sueet parking sha11 be provided in aecordance with Chapter 18.52. No parking shall be located in any required front setback area, except as may be specifica11y authorized in accordance with Chapter t8.62. At least o'e parking space per dweUing unit sha11 be Iocated within thc tnain building or buildings or within an acecssory garage whenever tho development i) rcasonable and appropriate for the site and is required by the design review board. (0rd. 24Q914) g 3(B) (pan); Ord. 8(1973) g 2,3.510.) 330-5 0lla0 9-29ffi) QfifA,l|h& t fiQ' Date Receivod by the Community Developmerct ,,g;iDepartment {l[g'[ N(\\ 1 APPUCATION FOR CONDOMINIUM/TOWNHOUS E PLAT REVIEW (Chapter 17.22 Vail Municipal Code) (please print or type) f=Ifi& l0'lD= APPLICANT MAILING PHoNE 7-2C,-00(7_2 - =. F. B.APPLICANT'S REPFIESENTATIVE ADDRESS C. PROPERTY OWN OWNER'S SIGNA PHONE MAILING ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PFIOPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS BLOCK- SUBDIVISION FILING APPLI0ATION FEE $100.00 PAID- CHECK #- DATE- MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdMsion plat shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development. The plat shall Include a site map with the following requiremonts: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a reg;sterect surveyor in India Ink, or other substantial solution, on a reprodudble medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred teet to one inch or Iarger with margins of one and one- half to two inches on the Ieft and one-half inch on all other sides. b. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all Iines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reservod or dedicated for publio or common uses and other important features. AII curves shall be drcular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc scored distances and bearing. AII dimensions, both Iinear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and dose within a Iimit of one in ton thousand. c. North arrow and graphic scale. d. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, Iots, blocks, and names for all streets. e. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other publlc areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification ot the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. f. A written survey description of the area induding the total aereage to tne nearest appropriate signifioant figure. The acreage of each Iot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as well. g. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivislon, and a descriptlon of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall bo established as major control monuments, the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer. h. A statement by the Iand surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. i. A certificate by the registered Iand surveyor as outlined in Chapter 17.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Title 38, Article 51. j. A certificate by an attomey admitted to practiee in the State of Colorado, or eorporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facillties as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simplo, free and clear of all Iiens and encumbrances except as noted. k. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Reoorder. I. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Should the oertifieate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of Iand or improvements to the public, all benefidaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple owner thereof, m. AII ourrent taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The certificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessor's Offiee must be provided with the submittal information stating that all taxes have been paid. n. Signature of owner. The condominium or townhouse plat shall also include floor plans, elevations and cross-sections as necessary to accurately determine indivklual air spaces and/or other ownerships and if the project was built substantially the same as the approved plans. A copy of the oondominium documents for staff review to assure that there are maintenance provisions induded for all eommonly owned areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a complete submittal along with payment of the appropriate fee, the zoning administrator shall route one oopy of the site map to the town engineer for his review. The zoning administrator shall then conduct this review concurrently. The town engineer shall review the submittal and retum oomments and r Project Applieation Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date Motion by Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL /.,- J", DateL taff Approval 10138 FAXN0,303ffil57 P,03 =eviaed 'J|4|91, DRB APPLICILTlO11 - TOWN OP VAll,, COLORADO liEO'L J 1992 I, ;,(, <L,,,.o ew Construetion ($200.00) t/f{inor Alteration ($20.00} ddition ($50.00) __Coneeptual Review ($0} ADDRESS: b6oo Ottnffig_..,.;,c& L,eJ-=-L-u-LL?-n D. If property is described by deseription, please provide attach to this applieation. Toun ojail DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED ; DATE 0F DRB XBETING: *i******** . t'Hl$ lLPPI.,ICATIOH Ilm.ll NOT BB AeCSP'IF,D UNTIII JLf,tf, REQUIRED INFOnMATIOtI I8 SUBMITl'BD ***fi**fi*** PROJBCT -INFOJ{}fAlION : A. DBSCRIPTION:}fiQa ?, I lerJ;,+. u h\(t au fi\- S+a:l,s B. TYPB 0B' RBVIBW:it gru" \ I. New Construetion Addition ($50.00) [,EGAL DESCRIP110N: t;ot.___. Block Subdivision fise&l. Cna_[__fiffij - U>.\ ClJemod>t) a meets and bounds lega1 on a separate sheet and n. F. G. ZONING: L07 AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAMB 0P APPLICANT : Uailing Address:o !o NAMB OF Mailing z; NAtfE 0F OWNERS : stennTURn (8} : UailJ,ng Address_: FE8 SCHEDULB.; VAI,UATION $ 0.$ 10,000 $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150, 001 - $ 50Qp 000 $500, 0O1 - $1, 000, 000 $ 0ver $t, ooo, 000 must provide a eurrentapplicant1ot area. P hon e 1 ;)g_yq(. oG{,c (.u-] H. I. APP[,ICANT' S RBPRESENTATIVB : Address ; Sto (.\9,sh9tLe a. Condominium Approva1 ir applicable. (gqr(_ t4j,k/") K. DRB FBBt DRB fees, as showry above, are to be paid at the ttate of submittal of DRB applichtion, t,atera tvhen appiying for a building permit, please identify the aoourate valuation of the proposal. The Town of vait wi11 adjust the fee accordtng to the table below to _ ensure the eorrecL fee is paid. "-,-,'"', Bl-- 8?g p;\l'D : 8 ___€_1_____ PBE $ 20, 0O $ 50, 0O $ 100. 00 $200. 00 $400.00 $500.00 * DEsIGN nnvtnt; n,oz+,nn nrmovnr ExfiREs ona |UAA ArTSR ITNJLL APPROVJLI, UNI,BS8 A BUIl,DIN0 IIERHIT IS ISSUBD AND CONSTRUCffON IS STJLRtED. llNO APPlllCA'FjON tmll,I BE PROCESSED Wl'rHOU'I OWNER'S SICNArUnB 1 u'v;g "-_ u" e\losOh \;} {-"t.. +l!m1J, ]otJ_li:g // I -|------. I I I :r'Ir" L/*==ll-O 3'.o ; t4Te lo'= Il'-&-'-r r ""' "' ^ ' '' \.J'\.-.'-'" :'fl Lj SITE PLAN NYfor UNIT MEADOW OREEK cON00MINIUN '. HofmtffiLSVA'I'IOlJS_ --"-- - -i-b:I.rn- t_artd J ---/; a",4Jz' b..\ ;' P O€unW(aOu FOR j; '?' "i I I I i VAIL(INTERMOUNTAlf\n enl n I,Project Application P oject Name Pro)ect Descnphorr Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing . Zone, Comrnents: Design Review Board Date Motion by: SeGonded by: .' J DISAPPnOVAL Summary: Town Planner oProject Application Project Name. Pro;ect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Add ess and Phone. Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Y[ffi?I{, ,,(/ffia^G?]NJ -. Fdtng 0ffi Zone _ Comments. Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL o 0Proiect Application 6 1 qzz- Pro)ect Name: Project Descgiption: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:ba- cturatron- Z 1 Legal Description: Lot )J\t a/m!,,,[(u{g Comments. Design Review Board Date Motion by. Seconded by. APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: jff"start Approval ?& tce f 4 arevisod Ohln DRs APP=cATIoN l'ff1f' Tlhtttttro jUL a 11992 Addition ($50. 00) ADDRESS: ?gz6 hu; .ddition (f50.00), Conceptua1 Review ($O). ADDRESS : ?€za f;uu;t;r u;iFino, /4k rJk?k/a/),f /)u,\I r4i.d, ) I. DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING : ********** THIS APPlIICA'IION lIlltll 110'1' BE ACCBP'I'BD UN'ffIJ Al||l REQUIRED INFOnlllL'IlON IS SUBMITTnD***=***#** PROJECT INFORl\lATION: A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE 0F REVIEW : New Construction ($200. 00)/iuinor Alteration ($20.00) bo tT|| Snt+il?c;tty c. D-LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lot Block Subdiv:tston /}/cf/?/)oaJ c€aek eo}lbo[l-illl-1)1y5, f(/(g; r -a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and If property is described bydescription, please provideattach to this application. E. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT :Mailing Address : applicant must provide a current1ot area. F- b. Phone 'Ao3. cl4cl " c14.o I.NAtVIE 0F OWNERS : fYl MRs G 'ADGLc SIGNATURE (S) :bfailing Addres Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, aie to be paid atthe time of submittal of Dne application. Laterr whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee aecording to the table belotr, to #(?((ensure the correct fee is paid. -,4 z H. NA[fE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Eetutb1 b\e-oe,6.e.HMailing Address: ?o. []ey. 7l3(. AVo;; (o ?.I€o'?.o FEE PAID: t.;n"f ; | /f[EESCHEDULE: I'EEPAID:$G9r' "/f/}g '\YS/-- J. K. VALUATION FEE$ 0- $ 10,000 $20.00$ 10,001-$ 50,000 $50.00 $ '50,001 - $ 150,000 $100.00 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $200.00 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $400.00$ Over. $1,000,000 $500.00 * DBSIGN REVIEW BOJlRD APPROVAII EXPIRES ONE YEAR AP'JER FINAII APPROVAIl UNIlBSS A BUIIiDING PBBMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCl'ION STARTED. **NO APPIlICATION WIIllI BE PROCESSED mrnour owNElvs SIGNIL'rURE 1 - ::. PRE-APPI,ICJJIN MEE'[ING : A pre-application meeting urith a member or th6 planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if tbere are additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project. Ill. IMPORTANT NOT!CE REGARDING ALL sUsMlssloNs TO THE DRB: A. In addition to rneeting submittal requirements, theapplicant rnust stake and tape the project site toindicate property ttnes, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. Allsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DnB site visit, The applieant must ensure that sta)cing done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate rtteetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval. Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings l:efore ol:taining fina1approval, C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be.postponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has been republished. D. The following itertts may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Community Developrttent Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DnB may not be required) : a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building dddition proposals not visible fron anyother lot or public space- At the time sueh aproposal is submitted, applicants rtust includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent t'or or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E_ If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit reeogn:Lzing Lhe hdtzardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Plannerprior to DnB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction : a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuanc.e of a building perrttit. G. SECOND SUPPI,EMENTAL CONDO14INIUM DECLARATION FOR I4EADOW CREEK CONDOMINIUI4S OF INTERIiIOUNTAIN 1. D-P Joint Venture, a Colorado Joint Venture ("Declarant"), was the Declarant in that certain Condoniniun Deelaration for Meadow Creek Condoniniunts of Intermountain (the "Declaration") recorded on the 8th day of April, 19ss, in Book 481 at Page 915 of the rea1 property recordsin the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 2. The Declaration established a condoninium project on the rea1property int.erests described in Exhibit "A" to the Declaration (suchreal property interests called herein "Property A"), and a eondoniniurtt map was fileq showing the location of condoniniun units on Property A.Property A-was divieled into 4 condominiun units with each such condoninium unit having appurtenant thereto a certain undivided interestin the general common elenents (as defined in the Declaration) of allproperty then and thereafter nade subject to the Declaration. The appurtenant undivided interest in sueh genera1 common eletnents for each such condominium unit is set forth in Exhibit, C to the Deeffiration. Declarant reserved the right to subject to t:he beclaration certainadditional rea1 property owned by Deelarant, whidh was described inExhibit "B" t,o the Declaration (such property'"called herein the "Additional Property"), and further reserved the right to dirninish theundivided interest in the general common elements appurtenant toexisting "units", as defined in the Declaration, and reserved the rightto convey and attribute (from the interest in genera1 conmon elementstaken fron existing units) to additiona1 units constructed on the Additional Property undivided interests in the general conutton elements,all as set forth in subparagraph 2(b) of the Declaration. 3. Declarant transferred the Additional Property to Dietz, tnc.,a Colorado Corporation ("Successor Declarant") by Warranty Deed dated October 18, 1988 and recordec1 in Book 493 at Page 684 in the office ofthe Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 4, Successor Declarant recorded the rirst Supplenenta1 Condoninium Declaration on October 16, 1990 in BooJc 540 at Page 148. 5. Successor Declarant has constructed a building on a portion ofthe Additional Property, which building contains a total of 6 units. 6. The purpose of this Second Supplemental CondominiumDeclaration is to subject a portion of the Additional Property to theprovisions of the Declaration, in conjunction with the riling of a Supplementa1 condominiurtt xap showing the location of the units on suchportion of the Additional Property, and to allocate to each unit subjectto the Deelaration, as anended and hereby supplemented, a portion of theinterest in the genera1 conutton elenents of a11 property interests now orhereafter made subject to the Declaration. o DECIJ\RATION 1. Successdr Declarant hereby adds the real property interestsdescribed in Schedule t attached hereto and nade a part hereof (suehproperty interests called herein I|Additiona1 Property I" ), as additionalrea1 property interests covered by the provisions of the Declaration, as supplenented hereby. 2. Successor Declarant hereby est,ablishes a plan for the ownership of rea1 property estates in fee sinple consisting of the airspace contained in each of the units in the buildings constructed onAdditiona1 Property I and the co-ownership, by the individual andseparate owners thereof, as tenants in connon, of a11 of the renainingrea1 property interests subject to the Declaration, as anended and as supplemented hereby. A Suppletttental Condominiun Map will be filedshowing the location of said buildings on Additional Property I, whichis hereby nade subject to the Declaration, as supplemented hereby. 3. Additional Property r is hereby divided int,o 6 condontiniumunits numbered n-t through L-6, inclusive, and Suceessor Deelarant doeshereby revise and anend Exhibit c to the Deelaration to read in itsentirety as set forth in Schedule II attached hereto and made a parthereof, sueh that each condominiun unit subject to the Declaration, as amended and hereby supplenented, shal1 consist of a unit, an undividedinterest in the general comnton ele:ttents appurtenant to sueh unit, whichinterest is set forth in Exhibit "C", as hereby revised and anended, andthe exclusive or non-exclusive right to use and enjoy limited commonelements as set forth in Exhibit "C", as hereby revised and.amended. 4. Successor Declarant continues to reserve unto itself and itssuecessors and, assigns the right to subject a11 or any part of theAdditional Property not described in Schedule I of the FirstSupplentental Condominiun Declaration or the Second Supplenental Condoninium Declaration to the provisions of the Declaration, assupplenented hereby, and to construct buildings thereon containing notmore than 4 additional units, as nore particularly set forth andreserved in subparagraph 2(b) of the Deelaration as amended or as supplenented hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has dl.llY exeeuted this SecondSupplenental Condoniniun Declaration this ]j_f' day of \Itaaaem, 1992. SUCCESSOR DEClIARANT DIETZ,INC.,a Colorado Corporationa g pa er By: 2 M. D etz, Pres STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foreqoingof Nloc,{lvJ31r r )) ss. ) instrtuttent was acknowledged before ne this ]g]| day 1992 by Car1 U. Diet,z, as President and as Secretary of Dietz, Inc., a Colorado Corporation. Witness my hand and offieia1 sea1. Xy comnission expires on: 9-aa-q6 tJOINDER OF l,ENDER The undersigned, beneficiary under the Deeds of Trust dated,;une 15, 1992, and recorded June 24, 1992, in Book 583 at Page 231 and dated September 4, 1992 and recorded Septenber t8, 1992 in Book 589 at Page 564, in the offiee of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, as amended from time to time (collectively, the "Deeds of 'rrust"), for itself and its successors and assigns, approves the foregoing Seeond Supplemental Condominiun Declaration of Meadow CreeJc Condominiums of rntermountain, affecting the property encumbered bythe Deeds of Trust, and agrees that no foreclosure or other enforcenent of any remedy pursuant to the Deeds of Trust sha11 inpair, invalidate, supersede or otherwise affect the covenants, conditions,restrictions and easenents established by such Second Supplenental Condominiun Declaration of Meadow CreeJc Condominiums of rntermountain. Dated:, 1992 (SEAL) ATTESTS: /l(/,l/L-FIRSTBANK OF 'VA+El STATE OF COllOPADO COUNTY OF EAGIIE ss. The foregoing instrunent was aclcnowledged before me this tctt dayof Nouem.bt- p 1992 by President and FirstBan]c of vai1 /1/0,7 Witness ny hand official seal. tvty commission expires on: q-a24c, 7 as v of and {;1; SCHEl)PLE I (Attached to and made a part of the' Second Supplenenta1 Condoninium Declaration for 14eadow Creelc Condoniniuns of tntermountain} [IEGAL OESCRIPTION A parcel of land loeated in the North Half of the Southwest Quarter ofSection 14, township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth PrincipalXeridian, Eagle County, State of Colorado; said parcel being moreparticularly described as fo11ows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the north line of the Southwest Quarf,er of said Section 14, whence the witness corner to Corner No. 5 of Lot 23, anexisting brass cap nonunent, bears S. 87'04'29" W. fof a distance of 412.65 feet, and the Center Quarter Corner of said Section 14, anexisting brass cap monument, bears N. 87'04'29" E. for a distance of 582.47 feet. Thence N. 87'04"29" E. along the north 1ine of the Southwest Quarter ofsaid Seetion :4 for a distance of 183.39 feet. Thence South for a distance -Qf-71.90 feet to a point on the boundary of Meadow Creelc Condominiuns at tntermountain, Phase Il. Thence N. 39'11'29" W. along the northeasterly line of lfeadow Creek Condoniniums at Intermountain, Phase II for a distance of 84.63 feet. Thence S. 50'48'31" W. along the northwesterly line of Meadow CreeJc Condoniniums at ;ntermountatn, Phase II for a distance of 132.00 feet to a point on the boundary of Meadow CreeJc Condominiums at rntermountain. Thenee continuing S. 50'48'31" W. along the nortl:westerly line of Meadow Creek Condominiums at Internountain for a distance of 57.08 feet to apoint on the northeasterly 1ine of a parking and access easement., Thence N 39'45'34" W. along the northeasterly line of said parking and access easement for a distance of 72.36 feet. Thenee S. 77'33'50'1 W. along the northerly line of said parking and access easement for a distance of 5.77 feet. Thence N. 39'11'29" W. for a distance of 20.13 feet. Thence N. 50'48"31" E. for a distanee of 103.90 feet to the point of beginning. Said parce1 eontains 0.423 acres, nore or less. 5 EXCEPTIONS TO TITLE The, title to the Unit, is subjeet to the following: 1. Genera1 taxes and assessments for the year of the Closing and for a11 subsequent years. 2. The Declaration, rirst Supplement to Declaration and Second Supplement to Declaration ineluding, without linitation, a11 easements and rights of way contained therein. 3. The 14ap, rirst Supplenenta1 blap and Seeond Supplenenta1 11apincluding, without limitation, a11 easements and rights of way contained therein. 4. Right of proprietor of a vein or 1ode to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the sane be found to penetrette or intersect the premises hereby granted, as reserved in United States Patent reeorded April 18, 1934 in Book 123 at Page 3. 5. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority ofthe United States as reserved in United States Patent recorded Apri1 1s, 1934, in Book 123 at Page 3. 6. Easenent and rigttt of way for gas distribut;IGirSystem as granted to Public Service Conpany of Colorado in Instruntents recorded June 27, 1978 in Boolc 271 at Page 534 and :tn Boolc 271 at Page 535. 7. utility Easement as granted to Holy Cross Electrie Association,tnc. in Instrument recorded July 06, 1978, in Book 27t at Page 823 and August 28, 1979 in Book 29O at Page 3O4, August 14, 1980 in Book 3O6 at Page 903 and 904, and June 25, t98t in Book 325 at Page 50 and October 24, 1983 in Book 371 at Page 518. 8. Pernanent Easement together with the right of ingress and egress toconstruct, operate, repair and maintain a water wett, controlbuilding and related equipnent as granted to Vai1 Internountain Water District irrlnstruments reeorded Ju1y 28, 1978 in Book 272 at Page 813 and in Book 272 at Page 814. 9. Pernanent Easement together with the right of ingress and egress to construet, operate, repair and naintain a sewer line as granted to Upper Eagle Va11ey Sanitation District in Instrunent recorded July28, 1978 in Book 272 at Page 815. 1O. Order of inelusion of subjeet property within the boundaries of theVail rntermountain Water District as set forth in Docunent. recorded August 17, 1978 in Book 273 at Page 564. 11. Those provisions, covenants and eonditions, easenents andrestrictions which may be a burden to subject property as containedin Instrunent recorded June 26, 1979 in Book 287 at, Page 36O andny and a11 Supplenents thereto. 12. Sewer Easement, 2O feet in width as shown on the recorded Plat for Meadow Creek Condoniniuns Phase III and as described in Docunent recorded February 17, 1970 in Book 217 at Page 92. 13. Easenent for ingress and egress as granted in Instrument recordedApril 20, 19s1 in Book 321 at Page 837. 14. Conveyance of Easenent to Xarin L. Stephens in Docutnent reeordedFebruary 17, 1984 in Book 378 at Page 789. 15.terns, conditions and provisions of Easement fron Meadow Creek Condoninium Association recorded October 14, 1987 in Book 471 at Page 835. Easement for ingress and egress as granted in Instrument recorded Novenber 5, 1990, Book 541 at Page 5O9. Easenents for Public Utilities, Sewer purposes, Drainage and otherincidenta1 purposes as shown on the Plat of said subdivision and asreserved in various Instrunents of record Affect-ing only fite Compg__ Elements. NOTE:All recording references are to the rea1 property records inthe Office of the ClerJc and Recorder of Eagle Count,y, Colorado. 16. 17. o SCHEDULE II (Attached to and made a part of the Second Supplenental Condominiura Declaration for Iteadow Creek Condoniniuns of Intermountain) INTERESTS IN GENERA[I COl$fl4ON ELEMENTS gEI-T J-1 J-2 J-3 J-4 L-1 Il-2 L-3 L-4 L-5 L-6 M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 M-6 The owner of each unit shal1 have the exelusive right to use anystairs, porch, balcony, deck, patio, yard area, planter, craw1 spaee orparking space, if any, referenced on the tttap with the numerical designation corresponding to the nunerieal designation of his unit, and each sueh stairs, poreh, balcony, deck, patio, planter, erawl space andparlcing space shall be a linited conanon etentent, as designated on the 14apl appurtenant to the unit with the eorresponding unit numerica1designation. PERCENTAGE OWNERSHIP IN GENERAL COMMON ELEMENTS APPURTENANT TO THE UNIT 6.25 6. 25 6. 25 6. 25 6. 25 6. 25 6. 25 6.25 6. 25 6.251 6. 25 6. 25 6. 25 6. 25 6. 25 6. 25 NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE PLANS IN CONSTRUCTION PERMIT IN ON XBXJtILY 30, 1992DATE department of community dovelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PnlOn TO lSSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT [rysUILDING M PLUMsING [WELEcTRlcAL LJ FoUNDATIoN [WMEcHANlcAL El260O KINNiKINNIcK I LEGAL b)ESf: LOT BLK FlLlNG''"'''1 CREEK StIBD. JOBNAME: MEADOU cREEK - sLD0 #K OWNER NAME ,,,,,,,,,,, PO BOX 588 CITY VAIL pH.827-5600 ARCHITECT ,,,, ARTHUR l\llSB MAlLADDRESS 107H & CHEROKEE DENVER, CO 573-9542clTV PH GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,,, CARPENTRY UNLlHITED, IN( 10WN OF VAIL sEG. No. 107-s f=l e 926-3753 }ELECTRlCAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAlL BEG. NO. TELE. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRMJ 6r 0 PlUlvIBING & EBATIl{G TOWN OF VAlL BEG. NO. I 15.P ,,,,. 984-2635 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FlPM T0WI\L0F YAIL nEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TQWMOLY/\IL BE0. NO, TELE. l. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTlON I 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A DlVlSlON I II III IV V B E H I R M 2 2a 34 GENERAL 0ESCRlPIlON OF WORK : __...._i,. NEIII COSNTRUCT10N OF MEADO[I PERMtT NO. =o F< J<> BUlLDlNG 233,000 ELECTRICAL 11,000 PLUMBING 16,000 MECHANICAL 23;000]9 TOTAL 283,000 TYPE GROUP G.n.F.A VALUATlON PERMlTFEESV I R- 1 0 283,000 BU}LDINGPERMlT 1,472 >,,itf}u- {tn * Axo j\ Qq 1lrj fi PLAN CHECK 957 ELECTRlCAL 281 NEW{X][ ALTERATlON( } ADDITlONAL( ) REPAlR(PLUMBING $2/{O / $60 #l+L33l+ DwELLING UNITs 4 AccoMMoDATloN UNITS _--.__ HElGHTlNrT. - NO.FInEPLACES "" MECHANICAL RECREATIONFEE 2,040 TYPE THlCKNESS n-VALLUE DESlGN REVlEW BOARD 200 CLEAN-UPOEPOSIT 500ExrwALLs| I I USE TAX 100! -] -.- -[-- T ELEc. HEAT SOLAn TYPE OF GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 5, 750 8X CHUCK FELDHANN AUC: 17, 1992 ADDlTlONAL PERMlTS NEEDE0: Y N INITIALsr.cur [ L x I BUtLDINGOFFICIAL ' '" " " EATE " "' "" SHELLY HELLO AU0 14, 1992,- IONING ADMINISrRATOR DATE BLASTlNG ING & BUILDING NOTES: =BE CORRDINATED 1111 LANDSCAPlNG lHPROVEK PARKING " "" L I PROVmENTS - PLANS MO'rBrS[mMITTErDEMo I I x I OF OWNER OR OWNER. FOB HIMSELF Cl,BAN UP T0: CARPENTRY UNLlHITED, 141 E MBADOliJ DRIVE VAIL, C0 81657 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, Iaws, and to build this structure according to the and subdivision codes, deslgn review approved, Uniform Building Code and Tot.(n applicable thereto. INC. f 6 i992 IlLUuDic t 1 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE '1MEADOW CREEK CONDOMINIUMS OF IN TERM OUNTAIN PHASE IV ramD cEmEm =ASS CAPffi S€CTml 14 FOUm =ASS CAP w.e 1O COnNEn }@11ff e.LG LOT 24 " /a,a;." rffill0 IIEBAR ALCAP LS a82a TtP.|,d;i- mNMClqffilClC 4I/ ROW ffiqDOW CREEI( COlDOllNlUHS ffi DilERlI@JNTAW P}IAS€ I t'CUlWE DATA: DELTA l 24'J9'13' R l 190.31' L | 857C' T | 4JL55' OID I N o?=35'5a' w e&l{l rn1zV \ c}ds i:;.jb" MEADOW Clt€EX ca9DmjPllUllS ff' IIITERffifi{TAPl PA0E 1 OF 2 JOS I 92-10116, 87-O02L.DW0 SCALE : 1" = 4O' P.O Bo= lSB4=eO$ E Cbalnbell Avo.. BD4lo, CO 8l63lo(3O8)3a8-7aO8 Starbuclc Surveyors & Engineers lIIPROVE|EllT LOCAT|O| CERTIFICATE [ hergt|y-certify that this Improvetnent Location Oertificate tvas prepared forCarl Dietz and the Town of Vail; that it is not a land survey plat orintprovetnent survey plat; and that it is not to be relied upon for theestablishr:ent of fei:ce, building or other future iatprovetnent lines. I further certify that the improvertents on the above described parcel, as ofNovetnber 19, 1992, except utflity connections, are entirely within thebounda(ies of the parcel, except as shottn; that there are no encroachtnentsupon the described nrentises by itaprovements on any adjoining prer:ises, exceptas int|icated; and titat there is no apparent evldence or sign of any easententcrossing or burdening any part of said parcel, except as noted, Subject property is not located in a designated 100-year flood plain. ffote: There ttas no fina1 title policy available for this survey) so there taaybe easetnents or rights-of-way of record other than what 1s shot,;n on thiscertificate. Note: Ridge elevation is to botto;a of cold roof. Note: Elevations are based on an elevation of 7822.01 feet for the invertHanhole No. I09 of the Upper Eagle Yalley Sanitation Oistrict. ffote: Ties are sltottn to the faee of the foundation. Notice: According to Colorado lav;, you tnust comence any legal action basedupon any defect in this certificate within three years after you firstdiscover such defect. In no event ntay any action based upon any defect inthis certificate be comenced rtore than ten years frotn the date ofcertification shown hereon. - Job No. 92-046k.ILC Page 2 of ? tBFfitffi Starbuck Surreyors and Engineers P.O. Box 1584, Eagle, Colorado 81631 (3031328-7208 Eagle; (3031625-3913 Rif le CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FoUNDATIoN NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE PLANSlN DATE 1tl 0N 1{AY 2l, 1992 00551] department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PnIOB TO ISSUANCE OF PEBMIT TYPEOFPERMIT m(sUlLDINGIl ELEcTRIcAL[] MEcHANIcAL LI [] E51o KINNICKINNICK LEGAL LOT SLK-- FILING l{EADOU CREEK SUBD. ''josNAME:tvtntnou cREEK sLDc, #l. OWNEf?,A,ED.D. JOINT VENTURE P0 B0X 388 MAII ADDRFSSVAIL 827-5600CITY PH ARCHlTECT FIRM MAILADDRESS 10711 & CHEROKEE ,,,, DENVER, C0 571a9542 GENERAL CONTRACTOR CARPENTRY UNL[MITED FtRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 107_B ,,,,.926-3753 hfiTj;,\ FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. TELE. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONfRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAlL REG. NO. TELE. l.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I ll lll lV V Z.OCCUPANCYGROUP A B E H I R M DlVlSlON : 2 2a 3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; -,_.,...NEIII CONSTRtICTION 0F MEAT)OW CRF.FX PERMIT NO o l=<1 <> BUILDjNG 424,000 ELECTRlCAL 0 PLUMBING 0"TEffifffid"Tli?ffEx.MECHANICAL 0 TOTAL 424,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATlON PERMITFEES v R-1 *l02O0 424,000 BUILDINGPERMIT 2,036 $3 ,3 fiQg o-* wQ PLANCHECK 1,323 ELECTRlCAL NEW{U(j)tALTERATION( ) ADDITIONAL( ) REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLINGUNITS HEIGHTINFT. _ 6__AGCOMMODATlON UNITS - NO. F!REPLACES """""""" MECHANlCAL RECREATlON FEE 3,060 THICKNESS B-VALLUE ADDlTIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL sr, cur x BLASTING x PARKING x DEMO x lNSULATION: FLOOR EXT. WALLS ELEC, DESIGN REVlEW BOARD 200 CLEAN-UPDEPOSIT 500 USETAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES l 7,119 CBUCK FELD}IAl\]ll.JUNE 16, 1992 UfLDINGOFFICIAL " " DAfE - :- - SHELLY MELL0 JUNE I6, 1992 )NlNG ADMINISTRATOR DATE REVISEDONlNG & BUILDING NOTES: fiEE LANDSCAPE PLAN. SEE CORRECTION SEBBT. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot p;an, to cornply with all Town ordinances and state Iaws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and othel/e/ltflIlances of thff'fiown applicable thereto. CLEAN UP TO : CARPENTRY UNLIMITED 141 E. MEADOU DR. VAIL, C0 81657 FOR HIMSELF *t nlsPscrloN's The items below need to be conplete giving a permit a fJma1 C of 0. Please eheck off in the box provided. FINAL PLUHBINC COlIPl,BTBD before DATB : [ [FINAL tfBCBANICAL DATE : JI FINAL ELBCTRICAL DATE: FINAL BUILDING BAST SIDB :HEST SIDE: DATE: TEHPORARY CERTIPICATE OF OCCUPANCY [l i$ [] DATBt [LANDSCAPIN0 DUE Baa c. u,uc€-te9 \EE\\ ja CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE- COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE NO PLASN DATE IN 0N AUG 7, 1992 005627, bn department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT u E] EJ []]ffi BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL E]25lo KINNIKIIlNICK I b LEGAL ;DESC LOT BLDB t gLK FIMNG HEADOIII CREBK C0N1)O. =JosNAME: '''Fffigthfig'thttfiG"L- OWNER ,AME D.D JOINT VENTRUE B0X 388 MAtL ADDRESS VAILCITY PH. ARCHlfECT FIRM MA11 AnnRFSg CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM CARPBNTRY UNLIMITED TOWN OF VAlL neo. NO. 107.B ,,.;, 926-3753 [;;;;;;;; FIRM TOWN OF VAlL REG. NO. TELE- PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ,,,, J-C PLUMBIfib & HEATING TOWN OF VAtLBEG. NO. -984-2635 MECHANlCAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. l.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION I ll lll IV V Z.OCCUPANCYGROUP A B E H I R M DIVISION 1 2 2a 3 4 GENERAL DESCRlPTtON OF WORK :Pl.IlMT{Tl\le ANn MfmHAfirmAr. PnP 'r1lP PERMIT NO, =o < =J<> BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING 30,000 MECHANICAL 30,000-$DFFLEK:--- --TnTAl.An nnn TYPE GROUP G.H.F.A. VALUATION PERMITFEES v R-1 0 60,000 BUILDINGPERMIT g $3 $ B#qe tllbl PLAN CHECK ELECTRlCAL NEWlX]0 ALTERATION( ) ADDITIONAL( ) REPAIR(PLUMBING 1450 / $113 #liL334 DWELLlNG UNlTS ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HElGHTlNFr. NO.FIREPLACES "" MECHANICAL [600 / $150 #41335 RECREATIONFEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESlGNREVIEWBOARD CLEAN-UP DEPOSlT EXT. WALLS USE TAX ROOF 'LtlPjB. LIC C0NT. FE 55 TYPE OF ELEC. SOLAn TOIAL PERMIT FEES $1,368 CHUCK FBLDMANN AUG; 13, 1992 ADDITIONAL PEnMlTS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL IILDING OFFICIAL DAtE N0 BLANNER NlNGADMINISIRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required ;s correet. t agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state Iaws, and to build this structure according to the Tou)n's zoning and ion codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other FOR HIMSELF ffi8 f. ,, IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE CAin o1(- 0F SECnON 14 FOUND BRASS CAP W;C. TO CORNER NO.11 OF G.LO. LOT 24 ....o\/ 399.os' |,d;{ - l(INNlCKINNICK R0AD 4O' ROW M€A00WCRGEf( C0N00lltlNtUMS OF INlERMOUNlAIN f+lAS€ l s&. 'ID t\9. a,/ ; %!0AS & PHOhlE €ASEMENT BOOK 1Y1, PA0E 371 /it.-- I "'++... ''=au-.. )>-_ t!;?:ta;affi;,,.u-.:} _ *\ *: : * PHASE IV -"-"'bde,--f;d"$''IlCA0OW CR€€l( CONDOMlNIUMS ffiffirJffin hutucu;;t ot*nc- MEADOW CR€El( CONDOMlFIIUMS OF lN]ERMOUNTAlN PAGE 1 OF 2 ,jOB | 924)46, B7-OOZLDWG SCALE : 1" = 4O' r:;O":r" / Starbuck St*veyors 8e Engineers5 E Box 1584 o.?@$ E, Cbambera Ave., Tlag)e, C0 a1631o(303)3Z8-7a0B [ hereby certify that this Itttnrove;nent Location Certificate ttas prepared for Dietz and the Tov;n of Vai]; that it is not a land survey p1at or in:provementuletz ano tne tov;n ot vau; tnat u ts not a tano survey p;at or llllproverllenr survey plat; and that it is not to be relied upon for tlte establishraent of fence, bui1dino or other future itnoroventent 1ines. survey ptat; anc tnat 1t 1S not to ne rem bui1ding or other future itnproventent 1ines. I further certify that the inproventents on the above described parcel on this date, August 18, 1992, except utilit.y connecUons, are entireiy within the boundaries of the parcel, except as shov;n; that there are no encroachments upon the described pre;nises by iatprovetnents on any adjoining prentises, except as indicated; and that there is no apparent evfdence or sign of any easeatent crossing or burdening any part of said parcel, except as noted. Subject property is not located in a designated l00-year flood plain. Note: There was no fina1 title policy available for this survey, so there atay be easenents or rights-of-way of record other than what is shottn on this certiflcate. Note: Ridge elevation is to bottont of co1d roof. Note: Ties are shov;n to the face of the foundation. J /f P fi' 0lI r /f f ff I [OC/I I J 0 #C r JR T J F J C A T E I hereby certify that this I Location Oertificate was prepared for 0arl Note: Elevations are based on an Hanhole ffo. 109 of the Upper Eagle elevation of 7827.01 feet for the invert of Ya11ey Sanitation District. Oate: Job No. Page 2 92-O46 of 2 CG'pffi{ Starbuck Surveyors and Enqineers P.O. Box 1584. Eaole. Co11)rado 81631 (303) 328-720B EaTglei (3031 625-3913 Rifle j l. Town of Vail Planping and Bnvironmenta1 Commission 111 South Prontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 SUBJECT: Application for a variance to a11ow driveway retaining wa11 to exceed six t6J feet and to allow construction in 40% slope. TO WHOM IT MAY COl{CBRN: I'his application for a variance pertains to a parcel of land located in the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 14 Township 5 South, Range 81 West of 6th P.M. Town of Vai1, Colorado; located at the eastern edge of Intermountain. It consists of 2.635 acres with.834 acres at less than 40% slope. This a11ows 9082 GRPA of dwellings at the present zoningof Residential Cluster. The less than 40% slope area consists of three t31 segments. The largest of which is at the highest elevation within this parcel. To reach this segment from the access easement, a driveway, nearly one-half mile long with numerous 180 deg, turns, would be required. The second largest segment loeated in the Southwest corner of theparcel, is just large enough to accommodate a two-family house, but would sti11 require 500-600 feet of driveway, retaining walls and "S" turns. We propose to construct a two-family residenee consisting of only 6600 GBFA (plus 45O sq. ft. aUowance) in the only accessible area of the parcel, requiring the least amount of driveway andretaining walls. However, most of this segment is on a slope of _ more than 40% We are therefore requesting two items of varianee: 1. To a11ow us to build within the over 40% slope, and 2. To a11ow a driveway retaining wa11 to exceed the sixfoot height limitation. The hardship here is the unfortunate distribution of "buildable"land in such a manner that most of it is so located so that access is impossible without major destruction of the landscape. To accomplish a minimum of disturbance of the landscape, the two- fami}y residence needs to be located in the Northwest corner of the parpel, The strueture proposed is not a development for sale. It is to be a permanent home for two long-time Vail residents and one couple about to retire here in Vail. -I,. The conceptua1 driveway design submitted features the leastpossible visual impact and the building wi11 have pleasant contemporary aesthetics--a plus for the neighborhood. Construction is seheduled to start in 1994, no later tban Springof 1995. The height of the retaining walls will not interfere or be detrimertta1 in any way to any adjoining or other properties inthe vicinity. There wi11 be no cutting of trees and extensive landscaping is eontemplated. We are seeking no privilege or speeial treatment; we merely wisbto build a permanent residenee in the best available area on theparee1 and yet with minimum impaet on the neighborhood. The variance wi11 have no effeet on air and light; population remains tbe same; traffic and public safety wi11 not be effected. 1'he Vail Comprehensive P1an allows for five t5J single-familycluster homes--we propose only a two-family unit. Thank you in advance for your consideration to tbis request. Bobi Salzman 2560 Kinnikinnick Road P-5Vai1, CO 81657 ' 476-6786 ,Ir o E ?ltf]Of[fj Russ Forrest stated that lhe Town of Vail had a commitment to FEMA to prevent development in the one-hundred year floodplain for insurance reasons. Diana Donovan stated that she supported the Town's position conceming the Iocation of the decks in lhe floodplain. She was in favor of additional indigenous Iandscaping being added to the floodplain. She said that the Public Warks Department's issues needed to be addressed by the applicant. BilI Anderson stated that he agreed with Diana's comments. He added that he did not feel that building in the floodplain under any condition would be acceptable. Greg Amsden said that he would Iike to see the decks pulled back from the floodplain. He said, if necessary, he would like to see the buildings shortened. He said the proposed parking was positive. Kathy Langenwalter said that the building layout would need to be modified in order to pull the decks out of the floodplain. She asked the PEC what their response to such modifications would be. _ Greg Amsden said that any building layout 'modifications would need to balance the three-story structures. Charles Ogilby inquired whether the PEC had a problem with the buildings on the east end of the site being shifted. ' Greg Amsden stated that this would be acceptable as Iong as the floodplain was respecte(I, 3. A request for a worksession for a variance to build in 40% slope and for a wall height variance to allow for a duplex to be located at 2560 Kinnickinnick Hoad/a parcel of Iand Iocated in the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 14 T5S, R81W of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Colorado. Applicant: Bobi Salzman/Carl Dietz Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen made a presentation per the staff memo and reviewed the two variance requests with the PEC. He pointed out where the areas exceeding 40% slope were located on this site. He said that staff was requesting additional information conceming the slope of the site based on a 2 foot contour survey. Kristan Pritz stated that the zoning for this site was Residential Cluster and that this has implications for where the structure could be Ioeated. Pbnning and Envimnmenml Commission Minutes Deembor 20, 1993 ='t.,l lrwin Bachrach, the architect for this project, stated that they had considered Iocating the duplex at the southwest eomer and also at the top of the site. He said that they did not feel that these options were feasible. He said they had considered pursuing a rezoning request, but dedded to ask for variances. Kristan Pritz stated that variances would (most Iikely) also be required with a rezoning request for this site. Irwin said that the building needed to be Iocated as far forward and north as possible given the slopes on the site. He said that they needed to consult with a structural engineer concerning the proposed retaining wall. BiII Anderson stated that he was opposed to the proposed 33 toot wall. He felt that the structure could be moved down the hill and that the impact of the building on the Iot would be reduced. He felt that this would be a better solution for the garage and driveway.. Kathy Langenwalter pointed out a previous determination the staff and PEC had made concerning Michael Lauterbach's project where all overhangs and decks needed to be Iocated outside of areas in excess of 40% slope, Kathy Langenwalter stated that if the applicant pursued Primary/Secondary zoning, that this would eliminate the need for a variance to build in areas exceeding 40% slope. Staff had concems with the rezoning because the Land Use Plan recommends this area for Medium Density Multi-Family and because a rezoning would involve'. variances. ' Bill Anderson stated that he was more concemed about the wall height variance than the variance for building in areas in excess of 40% slope. Diana Donovan stated that she was concerned with the level of proposed development in areas in excess of 40% slope. She said she was not in favor of the retaining wall. She said that this site may not be developable. She said that she agreed with the, concerns Iaid out in the staff memorandum. She said that she was not in favor of the applicant pursuing a rezoning request. Greg Amsden stated that he would Iike to see the applicant pursue a rezoning request. He felt that this proposal was a major encroachment into the areas in excess of 40% slope and that this could set a negative precedent for the Town. He felt that the site disturbance would be much too great for this proposal. He commented that it was a difficult site but that he would feel more comfortable with it being zoned Primary/Secondary. Jeff Bowen said he agreed with Bill's, Diaria's and Greg's previous comments. He stated that he was opposed to the 33 foot retaining wall and construction in areas exceeding 40% slope. He said that he would Iike to see a soils test. He said he would Iike to see p(oof that this site is a separate lot from the condominium site. P;ahninq d Environmentat Commhsbn Minutes Dember20, 1993 6 /a.= 4- Dalton Williams said that building in a 40% slope would be a trade-off for the site being permanently built-out so that no additional square footage could be added in the future. He felt that this was a fair trade-off. He said that he was concerned about building into .the hillside and that any such building would need to be stepped. He said that he was opposed to the wall height variance. Dalton added that he was concerned that this site was Iocated in a debris flow area. He said that a soils tast and a report from a structural engineer would be necessary to determine if a structure could be safely built on this site. He said that an underground parking structure would be necessary for this site. He said that he was opposed to the proposed Iocation of the driveway. Kathy Langenwalter said that this is the type of site that is extremely difficult to develop and that any such design needs to be sensitive to the site. Conceming providing underground parking, she said that with a 20 foot cut that four cars could be accommodated in an underground parking garage. She stated that she was not opposed to building in areas in excess of 40% slope, as Iong as the building is sensitive to the topography. She said that she felt elevator access could be the best solution for this site due to the steepness. She said that a separate garage should also be considered. Irwin Bachrach stated that the applicant would not be in favor of having a separate garage and house. He said it was his opinion that terracing on the site would increase the site disturbance. He said he would take all of the comments into consideration and return if he could rework the plans. In general, the PEC preferred that the applicant pursue variances as opposed to rezoning the property to Primary/Secondary Residential. Update on the Environmenlal Strategic Plan. Planner:Huss Forrest Russ Forrest made a presentation on the Vail's Environmental Odyssey: The N.ext Generation Proceedings Report. He said that they were in the process of developing an action plan. He said that the plan is intended to create a prioritized to-do Iist, to keep the Town of Vail ahead of the game, to help identify the Town of Vail as an environmentally progressive community and to improve cooperation with othei govemmental and state entities. A determination for the review periods of the Exterior Alteration requests in the CCI and CCII zone districts: Ptanning d Environmon%l Commbsion Minutes Dember 20, 1993 5. 7 of|tf 00Pf | 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX3O3-479-2452 August 10, 1994 Mr. Carl Dietz P.O. Box 2072 Eagle, CO 81631 I)epartment of Commttnity Development o(u ffi, RE: 2540 Kinnickinnick Boad/2.638 acre parcel south of Meadow Creek Dear Carl: :' On November 24, 1993, Bobi Salzman applied for a variance for the parcel Iisted above. I understand that you own this parcel and were a co-applicant with Ms. Salzman, Though the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) ultimately denied her variance request due to the proposed site disturbance, during the review process we determined that the site does have development potential. This research done during the review process prirnarily focused on the appraisal report done for Meadow Creek on May 17, 1978. The report referenced the total development count of seventy units on 6.01 acres for Meadow Creek. This information corresponded to maps we had in our department showing Phase I of eighteen units and Phase II of fifty-two units. The total of seventy units was shown on 6.01 acres in an area that did not include the 2.638 acre parcel south of Meadow Creek. As a result, staff believes the parcel was not part of earlier approvais for Meadow Creek and that the parcel has development rights of its own. As the property is zoned Besidential Cluster, the specific development potential would be determined by that zoning. Please see Section ll of the PEC memo dated December 20, 1993 to see how the Residential Cluster standards are applied to this site. I would encourage any prospective purchasers of the property to review the variance request submitted by Bobi Salzman and the PEC discussion of the request. As the site is very steep, development must be done in a way that is compatible with the steep terrain. If I can be of any additional help, please Iet me know. Sincerely, ffi ///' #/ Andy Knudtsen )Senior Planner TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: "Pttr copy MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department December20, 1993 " A request for a worksession for a variance to build in 40% slope and for a wall height variance to allow for a duplex to be Iocated at 2560 Kinnickinnick Road/a parcel of land Iocated in the N U2 of the SW 1i4 of Section 14 T5S, H81W of the 6th P.M. adjacent to Meadow Creek Townhomes, Town of Vail, Colorado. Applicant: Planner: Bobi Salzman/Carl Dietz Andy Knudtsen I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Bobi Salzman is proposing to construct a duplex on the land Iocated behind the Meadow Creek Townhome development. The proposed duplex will require two variances. The first is to build in Iand which has a 40% slope or higher, The second is to construct walls greater than 3 feet in height in the front setback and walls greater than 6 feet in height on the rest of the site. This parcel of land has three areas which are Iess than 40% slope. They are located on the northeast corner, northwest corner and at the top of the site on the southem side. Please see the attached site plan. Neither of the portions on the Iower part of the site are Iarge enough to accommodate a duplex, but the upper portion could, However, in order to access development at the upper portion of the site, a road would need to be constructed up the hillside. This would create significani site disturbance. Access to the site is through the Meadow Creek Condominium development. There is a 20 foot wide platted easement for access which abuts this property on the northeast comer. The wall height variance is needed in order to construct the driveway. The driveway is approximately 220 feet long. The walls required to construct the driveway range from 1 to 33 feet in height. The wall material is split-faced concrete block. ln the front setback, the height limit is 3 feet. For the rest of the site, the height limit is 6 feet. == -! Lot Size: 2.638 acre or n:4,911.3 sq. ft. between 0% and 40%:*.894 acre or 38,942.6 sq, ft. /\!bwed Proposed Total GRFA: 9,735.6 sq. ft. 7,635.5 sq. ft. East Unit: 3,716.5 sq, ft. West Unit: 3,919 sq, ft. Setbacks:: Front: 20ft. 20ft. Sides: t5 ft. 16 ft.i160 ft. Rear: 15 ft. 230 ft. Site Coverage: 28,727 sq, ft..4,094.5 sq, ft. Landscaping: 68,946sq.ft. 98,000sqft. Parking: 5 sp'q'' 5 spaces Environmental Hazards: Moderate Debris Flow * The applicant is in the process of redoing the survey to indicate buildable area {0-39% slope). Ill. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS ' -. -J As this is a worksession, staff has not addressed the criteria. This will be done for the final hearing.l\. Consideration of Factors: t. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief lrom the strict and Iiteral interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on Iight and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public isafety. Totdl Are O B, The Plannin,o and Enyironmental Commission shall make the followina findinas before arantina a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the Iimitations on other properties dassified in the same district. 2. Thal the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict Iiteral interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. J. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the speeified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION, ' Staff has several questions and issues about ihe proposed deveiopment that must be answered prior to moving forward 1o a final hearing. These questions and issues, are Iisted below: t Please have the surveyor show the 0 to 39% slope area for the entire Iot based on 2 foot contours. Redraw the site plan, verifying that the fi':10' scale drawing matches the 1":30' scale drawing regarding the 0 to 39% slope area. Document the histony of this parcel, showing that it has individual development rights, independent of the Meadow Creek Condominium Assodation and is a separate parcel. A minor subdivision may be required if it is not a separate parcel. Redesign the driveway and the associated walls. Staff recommends that the garage should be Iocated as dose' to the front property line as possible. We believe that Iocating a garage entrance at a Iower elevation will reduce areas of site disturbance. We understand that putting a garage at this Ievel will possibly require an elevator to service the rest of the structure. Locating the garage here may also require a front setback variance. Staff believes that the variance 3. 4. a= j may meet the criteria. In general, we believe that this altemative is a significant improvement over the 33 foot wall and driveway that ig currently proposed. The impacts from the walls and the driveway as they are ourrently designed are not acceptable to staff. ^ 5. Eivaluate the moderate debris flow hazard which has been indicated on the Town's hazard maps. Any mitigation which is recommended by the geologist should be incorporated into, the ptans at this time. 6. lndicate the areas of disturbance on the site plan, showing what area will be disturbed during construction. . The design of the structure does not appear to be integrated into the hillside. This is particularly important on a Iot that is sloped as steep as this one. Staff believes the house should be redesigned so that it works better with the slope of the site. Also, the overall size of the structure seems to be Iarge. Staff believes it is appropriate to reduce the overall mass and GRFA of the structure. V. OItIER DEPARTMENTAL CONCERNS. Fire Department - The structure must be sprinkled. Public Works Oepartment. 1. Does this parcel need to be subdivided? ?. Eastern garage will not work, need 20 foot centerline radius to enier garage. This pushes the garage door back 10 feet into the north 20 feet. 3. Driveway grade exceeds 10%. At the beginning, it is 11.8%. Town Engineer will not allow 10% drive with minimum :2 foo1 width and minimum 20 foot centerline radius, Need to increase radius or Iower the grade. 4. ' The plan shows a 6 foot cut over an existing gas line, this needs to be addressed. 5. How is drainage from driveway handled so that it does not impact the area below? 6, Public access permit required prior to building permit is issued, 7. Where will construction staging take place? 8. Please Iocate all utilities and ensure their availabilily. Kinnickinnick Road cannot be cut. A9 ' t 9, If there are walls on both sides of the driveway, the minimum width of the road will have to be increased by 2 foot per side to accommodate bumper overhang for cars to tum through the radius of the drive. 10. Driveway encroaches out of the easement ar the beginning of the project. 1 1. The plans should show all site disturbance. lt would appear it is extensive and ^ most likely crosses the westem property Iine. 12. Show snow storage and indicate if it goes over the adjacent properly. Show where trash will be handled. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION None at this time since this is a worksession. c:\pec\memosblzmn 12.20 i[lJho / 'Y:.5 .a bl t 4t 1 dr"\\ : \,\ \:tle't. \el I!.I / r I Grji:gl-, 'JJ. \ \ 1 % \'", 4b .\\ %- 'o \\ %..0b\ \'|9D / -"lC'"---S-- I ? 1 I / I 6 I / / / / 1-l /y/ / z'/I - I i J i fil;I l:lv i'r"\ j, ..' I li: l]' t " li:j i lAltA qto ff, I + i /#\\t t\ Itjr JOx]-r--.iid,-"" I ,l Q:: ],oc.cag 9Zg9 'sn'd ry dvO ']YH'rOllI .;'t 'i t_-Ll t 'L '$ | i i o = i i -i- .! ! o ,airo{; i-J;' -v+it I I Ii; I ei d!I,Ii , f -g !'=-1ir ] I-j,,i I; | ii I ---i,i:---L ilp I:- I = *- =t' JillbII-tLl \J\ I O i I i'b b; I..It = .I..o Dd a.; b ' o:--.,- J1lJl -l LL,fi cD =-1: -I_1 a..afi 4 qll.;A olcl4 .11q- Hl- - .. I il::::::::jJj " '------- - -- I i :i - ---- -,h..- ---I 0-,Ll +,$€ i "" I t'[ -"i \J I g la oPr;,N\ 6 2 -:'[FTZ - b b }iiq o { |' ?R,P.ui;; e I t-1 ! d, 1'1'J \JI I N 1i a.Fl'I "-1 j I \ \ \ \ \ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dopartmcnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOn TO lSSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ELECTRICAL TJu] PLUMBING FOUNDATION E] E] El MEcHANIcAL LEGAL =?ESC. LOT- BLK FILING l' JOBNAME 66ltidrl l{ANAGER NAME PROPERTY MAEAG-BMBNT CO tmtrtooeess 143 E MBADOU DR CITY VAIL, C0 PH.476-4400 AltdAliddY ENGINBBR FIRM HARK == HUELLER MAlLADDRESS nnlr )1L1 cITY vArr,- en PH./i76,.9A97 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM CARPENTRY UNLItfITED IQWN OF VAlL REG. NO. 1 n7_n rEL,- 476-7739 },,.i,.,,,,,rlPM TOWN OF VAIL nEG. NO.UQl\ I nHU I Qfi PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FlnM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. 'cu:P-- V'zd5 "z NOTE DATE - COPY OF PERMIT TO IfAY l+, 1992 BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 005/r33.PERMIT NO, GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATlON PERMITFEES tn t'.o.. ( } ALTERATlON( ) ADDIlIONAL( ) REPAIR DWELLING UNlTS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HElGHTINFT. - NO.FIPEPLACES TYPE THICKNESS n-VALLUE ADDlTlONAL PEnMlTS NEEDED: INITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES NGA0MINIStRATOR - -,{rTE- - - &suiLDINGNoTEs: NBED TO REPLACE I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulllhe information required, completed an aocurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with aU Town ordinances and state Iaws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision oodes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other SlGNATURE OF OWNER ffi1 SEP 151991 September 10, 1991 Dan Stanek, fQg Building I11spector 75 Soutb I'rontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657 RB: Iloddod Creek Condoatiniq lll:po@t.toll -4ofiei,onel=.. .. I,oeated at 2733 & 2743 Kinniekinnick Road Dear Dan, In response to your memo of Augmst 'l, 1991, we horoby submit theonelo:od plana fro= ffi; lltto11*r. eo..,j :nc':, for:''addt=ffii,dg. tbosituationa referred to above and i,n yol= OleRKl of August 1, 1991. The Board of Diroetor'e plans are to aolicit bids this fa11 for thowork proposod in Muellor's spoeifieations and to earrr out andcomplote tho work by Julr 1, 1992. I,ot me know if you nood further information. Bineerely, Jim Poppleton Property llanager ee. Bobi Saltaman Mark Hue11er ' ' ' ' ! '. ' 143 E. Meadow Drive Suite 499 Vai1, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-4400 Fax (303) 479.,9036 tne mj mueller co., inc, 21 August 1991 Mr. O'im Poppleton PROPERTY & RENTAL IIANAGEIIENT CO. 143 East Meadow DriveSuite 499vail, Colorado 81657 Subj ect : W00D FOUNDATION INSPECTION Meadow Creek Building Bvail, Colorado P, Dear aim :. At the request of yourself and tctr. Dan StanekTOV BuildingInspector (see letter by Dan dated 7 August 1991) this office hasconducted a visua1 inspection of tJte wood foundation for structuraldeficiencies. The wood foundation is located beneath fite west ha1fof the building. The balance of the foundation is eonstruct,ed ofpoured-in-pla,ce eonerete. As discussed in a previous letter bythis office dated 8 November 1990, the existing foundationspresently are structurally sound but fite waterproofing system forthe wood foundation has failed. The 'rown of vail Building Departnent. has asJced that this office review the existing systemfor compliance with local building codes. 71te following itens areto be noted:. a) EXISTING CONDITIONS-The existing foundation wa11s are 1ess than48" ta11 and constructed of.wol:ttanized 2x6 0 16" on center. The plywood sheathing does not have any identification stanps exposed to the interior face. The anchor bolts used to connectthe wood'foundation tazall to t.he concrete footings are notgalvanized and in places are not bolted or niss the plate. The wood foundation walls which are parallel to 1Jte floor joists do not have solid blocking between the joists and have startedto rotatd ulightly. Hoisture continues to infiltrate thefoundatiqn wa11s as referenced,in the previous report by thisoffice. '; ' b) SITE CONDITIONS-The present site conclitions are sinilar to theconditions nentioned in the previous letter by this office.Negative drainage allows surface drainage to flow totazards thebuilding in some areas. The 3 tnil polyethylene noisturebarrier has been exposed to ultra-violet sun rays eausing fi:e' 11toisfilre.barrier to becone brittle, disintegrate and allownoisture infiltration. clvil arcrntecrura; and structural engineerlng o p.o. box 2747 vail, colorado 81658 476-2627 6 Page 2nr, Jiut Poppleton 21 August 1991 The town of Vai1 Building Departnent has aslced tJtat tlte woodfoundation be repaired to conform with t1:e "Permanent Wood Poundation-euide to Design and Constructionll as distributed by thennerican Plywood Association and 1988 Uniform Building Code as adopted by the Town of Vail. See repair document 1ay this officefor Building C dated 21 August 1991 for detai1 and speqificationinforntation. Fo11owing are repairs which will allow the wood foundations to conforn wit.h the codes: A) EXTERIOR REPAlRSExcavate the exterior of the wa11 to the bottom of the footing verifying fite existenee of an operableperimeter drain. If a drain does not exist, add a drain perthe above mentioned repair document. Field verify fitat the plywood sheathing is 5/8" wolmanized plywood with minimum pane1rating of 40/20 or better, all eonnectors to be stainless stee1or double dipped zinc eoated. Replaee deficient plywood and connect with conneetors as specified in the repair document ifexisting are not as specified. Insta11 6 ntil polyethylene moisture barrier per repair docunent. saclcfi11 tzith nativesoils and provide positive drainage a'ztay from the building perthe repair document. Add solid bloclcing 0 48" on center forthe first 6 feet of a11 diaphragms where the t,rood foundationwalls are paralle1 to fite first floor joists (see Section A ofthe repair doeunent). B) INTERIOR REPAIRSThe wolmanized 2x6 0 16" on center are adequate for the design loads. Add 1/2" dianteter galvanized Trubolt Wedge Anchors 0 48" on :center to the base plate.Install seasona1 crawlspace vents as rec;uired by code. The items addressed in this report identify repairs re,J,ired for t.tte existing tazood foundation to conforn with present TOV buildingcodes. this report does not attqmpt to identify any itens notrelated to the wood foundation oi hidden or inactive mechanismswithin the existing strueture. If.you have any questions regardingthis report please contact this office at the phone nunber shown on the bottom of the cover Sineerely yours, sheet. Har]c J. President ffiljiit ;eszcz g :,.,d1 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE DATE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE MAY 23, 1990 0/1/100 department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO lSSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT E] E] [] [E E] E] BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANlCAL LEGAL DESC. LOT- BLK- FILING "'^"?L9EE J0B NAME: B0BI DECK NAME B0BI MAIL ADDRESS HEADOIt/ CRK C0ND0. cnv VAIL PH. 6-6786 FIRM CARPENTRY UNIIHITBD TOWN oF VAIL REG. NO. 107B 926-3757 GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL nEG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTlON I 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A DlVlSlON 1 II III lV V B E H I R M 2 2a 34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :_ BALCONY (DECK) EXTEN9ION AND EXIT PERMIT NO. - =o II< J J<> BUlLDING 400 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING STAIR.MECHANICAL TOTAL 400 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMITFEES v R-3t 400 BUILDINGPERMIT 15 q) qrl. -''tl...... b,.qJ. ff ?K {wt- 1bktJ PLANCHECK 8 ELECTRlCAL NEW( } ALTERATION]UU[ ADDlTIOtlAL { ) REPAIR( )PLUMBING iii!iiJJ"' ; iJitffi!i'i" ""-MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE lNSULATION: TYAd 'hTHlcKNEss R-VALLUE DESlGNREVIEWBOARD FLOOB iY/.JJf t'CLEAN-UPDEPOSIT EXT. WALLS fi'.,l'l ntat\n -USETAX ROOF - IlY 'l\' Y \ ;; 't}fJ HFAT SOEAR \JAb TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 23.00 WOOD GARY HURRAIN MAY 23, 1990 ADDITIONAL PERMlTS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL::_cn I I x I JILDING oFFIcIAL Gl{TE - SHELLY HELL0 l{fAY 23, 1990 )NING ADMlNISTRATOR DATE BLASTING JNING & BUILDING NOTES:PAnH];; I I II bB't' [jUldb UIIj l'LANb'. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and slate that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with a|l Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zo_ning a/ld sqbdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other qtylinanqfs of thj6 TqJvn applicable thereto. ANDTHEOWNEn; CONTRACIOR FOR HIMSELF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 'l TO BE FILLED OUT OOMPLETELY PRIORTO IssuANoEoFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT El sUILDING EI PLuMsING El ELEcTRIcAL Ei FouNDATIoN (g MEcHANIcAL [] NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ,ATE l'IARCE l3, 1990 CALLED 5/2/90 . PLANS 1N SLOT- 0O/r3/t9 LEGAL DESC. I nr BLK FILING MEADOH CREEK SUBD. =JOBNAME' MEADOW cnx. sLDG #1{ rowNER NAMF llj3.I.JV [ &\,J:Il.?I.?& mattaooness l46 E. MEADOhI DR. CITY VAIL PH. 6.8555 ARCHITECT ,,,, ARTHUR iJISE MAtLADDRESS cITY BOULDER, CO PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM CARPENTRY UNLIMITED TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 107.B ,,,, 476-85551 ELECTRICAL FIRM \\(.\\k E\Rn\ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;]\{-'t- IUNIHAUIUH ;;;-q[g:\\ffi PLUMBING FIRM )"ct Q, \'\ tldxtt, TOwN oF VAIL REG. NO. '\S-i \ uum I HAU I UH :'r; r Qt\\ -,h\,'\B MECHANICAL F!!M""- Q. %:s \jQ$,\Rb\ TOWNOFVAILnEG.NO. \0:-Q:UUN I HAL I UH TELE. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. 1 TYPE OFCONSTRUCTlON I II III IV V Z.OeCUPANCYGROUP A B E H I R M DlVlSlON l 2 2a 3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTIOIlI OF WORK :?tffillI rlrfN1aIlinflrilltTrWf fiP Ml.TAhflIJ r'nlnrlr PERMIT NO. '" | " | '. =o;I< =JI<> BUIL0ING XJ0(X;(l00 424,000 ELECTRICAL 60,000 PLUlIBING 75.000 MECHAItIICAL JQ0w00 TOTAI,:6fifiu000 477000 1YPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES v R-1 *9630 477,000 BUILDING PERMIT 1,959 X[Q9{IgC PLAN CHECK 98O Xl[ffi( ELECTRICAL 471 iJfifl NEWOU(} ALIERATION{ ) ADDITIONAL( } REPAIR(PLUMBING 3OO XJ0h DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS.MECHANICAL xlfif) HEIGHTINrr. - NO.FIREPLACES REcRqATIoN FEE 9852 :;.30 = 2,956 INSULATlON: TYPE THlCKNESS n-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 10O CLEAN-UPDEPOSIT 500 EXT. WALLS USE TAX nooF I I rnl\TryD Arlmnn r rrl 'GIPT 75 TOTAL PERMIT FEE$7,Ij4J,, (*!.hxfiRRxfift JOE NORRIS APRIL 27, 1990 LDING OFFICIAL - DATE SHELLY lIELL0 APRIL 27, 1990 ING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING iING & BUILDING NOTES: agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state Iaws, and to build this strueture according to the Town's zoning and subaMsion codes, design review approved. Unlform Building Code and other)rdinances of the,T-pwn applicable thereto. '(/!€[tVlya<Qt, t''..:,,Vd,cc{- uc) ". GIaNATURE OF Ctt.t.uu"t\s,, \\Q{t,d,\b\ND TH€ owNER. I hereby acknowledge that t have read this application, filled out in full the information required, compleled an accurate p;ot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is corroct. ; CLBAN UP TO ; +++++++++++FOn HIMSELF Date Received by oe Connunity Developnent Depariunent :_ APPIjIeA'IION FOn eONDOlll1llUH/'IOlngnOUSB PIII\T RBVIBW (Chapter 17.22 Vai1 Xunicipa1 Code) ( PLEASE PRINTA. APPLICANT ORTYPE) ,,,) ]6-,..\ \)g,,((,, MAIIIING ADDRESS D o. }',,.- sEk ADDRESS PHONR PROPERTY OmIBRl S B 14AILING ADDRESS Snn, e" As A€o\bt D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: sTREET ADDREsS =\'S Jo tsttu <L t m N( LOT_BI,OCK__SUBDIVI S I ON FILING APPLICATION FEE $100. 0O MATBRIA[,S TO BE SUBMITTED: PAID- CHECK t (DATE) B. c. APPIlICANT ' S REPRESENTATIVE E. F. 1. Two nylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision p1at shall be subnitted to the Department of conmunity Developnent. The p1at shall include a site map with the following requirenents: a. The fina1 p1at shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in tndia ink, or other substantia1solution, on a reprodueible mediun (preferably nylar) with dinension of twenty-four by Utirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one ineh or larger l,Jith ntargins of one and one ha1f to two inches on the 1eft and one-ha1f inch on all other sides. b. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredthof a foot for a11 ntnes, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, a11eys, easenents, struetures, areas to be reserved or dedicatecl for publie or connon uses and other inportant.features. A11 eurves shall be eircular arcs and sha11 be defined by the radius, eentra1 angle, arc scored distances and bearing. A11 dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be deternined by an aecurate contro1 survey in the f1e1d whieit ntusL balance and ulose wifitin a liatiu of one in ten thousand. c. Xorth arrow and graphie scale. d. A systenatie identification of a11 existing and proposed buildings, units, 1ots, blocks, and names for a11 streets. e. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other publie areas or faeilities as shown on the p1at, and a dedication thereof to the publie use nn identifieation of the easenents as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the publie use. Areas reserved for future public aequisition shall also be shown on the p1at. G. f. tmr:::,:;r:: t;r;:::::ffi::;,:::: :?atfj:u"figure. The acreage of eaeh 1ot or parcel sha11 be shown in this nanner as we11. cg. A description of a11 survey nonunents; both found andset, ttahich nark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description or a11 nonunents used in conducting thesurvey. Montment perimeter per Colorado statutes. :Voperineter nonunents sha11 be established as najor contro1 nonuntents, the naterials which sha11 be deternined by the town engineer. h. A statenent by the 1and surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. i. A certiricate by t,he registered 1and surveyor as outlined in Chapter 17.32 of this title as to fite accuracy of the survey and plat and that the survey was performed by him in aeeordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, 'ritle 38, Artiele 51. j. A certiricate by an attorney admitted to practiee in the State of Colorado, or eorporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of reeord dedicating to the publie thepublic right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are the ovnets t.bereof in fee sinple, free and elear of a11 liens and encunbrances except as noted; k. The proper form for filing of the p1at with tJte Eagle County clerk and recorder. l. Certificate of dedieation and ownership. Should the certifieate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedieation of 1and or inprovenents to the public, a11 beneficiaries of deeds of trust and nortgage holders on said rea1 property will be required to sign thecertifieate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee sinple owner thereof. m. Signature of o'm*' 2. The condominiun or townhouse p1at sha11 a1so include floorplans, elevations and cross-sections as neeessary to accurately deternine individua1 air spaces and/or other ownerships and if the project was built substantially the sante as the approved plans. 3. A copy of fite condoniniun docunents for staff review to assure that fitere are naintenance provisions ineluded for a11 conrnonly otmed areas. APPROVAIl PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA upon receiving t,vo copies of a conplete subnitt,al along with paynent of t.he appropriate ree, the zoning adninistrator shal1 route one copy oi the site nap to the town engineer for his review. The zoning adninistrator sha11 then eonduet this review concurrently. The town engineer shall review the subnitta1 and return comments and notifications to the zoning administrator who sha11 transnit the approval, disapproval or approva1 with nodifications of the plat within fourteen days to the applieant. The zoning adninistrator sha11 sign the piat ir approved or require nodifieations on the p1at for approva1 or deny approval due to ineonsisteneies with the origina11y approved plan or failure to nake other required nodifications of the p1at. FIIJING AND RECORDING The zoning adninistrator sha11 be the fina1 signature required on the plat so that the l;epartment of Conmunity Developnent will be responsible for pronptly recording the approved p1at with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The Connunity Developnent Departnent will retain one nylar copy of the p1at for their reeords and will record fite remaining nylar copy. H. o 0ATE 4/6/SS A. APPLICATION FOR APPLICANT DP.Joint Venture aNAHE 0F HAILIN0 ADDRESS P.0. Box 388, Vatl, C0 81658 PHONE 827-5600 B.NAHE OF APPLICANT'S HAILIN0 ADDRESS so: REPRESENTATIVE 3149, Vai1, C0 81658 PHONE 476-0092 C j NAHE 0F O}jNER'S HAILING PROPERTY SIGNATURE ADDRESS D-P.Ioint Venturd pH0NE827-5600 Box 388, Vai1, C0 81658 D.LOCATION 0F PROPOSAL. LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION See attaehed FEE $100.00 HATERiALs ;o sE SUBHITTE0 AP[ROVAL PROCESS, REVIEU CRITERIA These can be found in Ohapter 17.22 of the Subdivision Regulations. FILiN0 FILING AN0 RECOROING The zoning administrator sha11 bethat the Oepar(n:ent of Oommunitv recording the approved p1at w;tit the fina1 signature required on the p1at soDevelopment wi11 be responsible for promptlythe Eagle County 01erk and Recorder. E. F. PAlDji/z&d,,- :. Threg (3) -pii t,,;.-fjhi.,-,,,,,-b, r:ylars of a site rnap fo11owinq the "'""].j, ]gquirg[nents of !ection 17.l6.l30(C) 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,]0,1], l3 and ]7l of ''' ]he Subdi ision Regulatjons. "g''I ' "'I" l= Ul 2. The con'on:inium or townhouse p1at sha11 also include fioor plans, elevations, an{ (ross;secUons ;:) necessary to accurately detennine indfiiidua1 air soaces "' and/or other ownerships and if the project was built substantia11y the sirteas the approved plans. 3. A copy-of the condo;ninium documents for staff review to assure that thereare maintenanqe provjsions included for a11 commonly owned areas; ' H. 1 =f ,,i'"'""i=)({(;) CONSTRUCTION PERMIT b=J,.ciJ I"""""""'I[lflrjmi[[f7 fi,..,,,,, dopartment of community developmont TO BE FILLED OUT 0OMPLEIELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT El sUILDlNG E) PLUMslNG fi ELEcTRlcAL El FoUNDATloN [] MEcHANlcAL ;). LEGAL =,,,, L0T. BLK_.- ,,,,.O'"[filfi!?'iR"""" JOBNAME: MENDEI,l, HOT TUB*'*L'" OWNER ,,ME t'erry l'lanaeJ,l" 2460 Lunine Ct MAII ADDRFss " Vail 6-8046CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAtL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAlL REG. NO. "" QlLCTRICAL CONTRACTOR ,,,, DOUBllE DIAlt/iOND SER TOWN OF VAIL REG. No. 134-B trl P 476-6272 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAlL REG. NO MECHANlCAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAlL nEG. NO. | OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VA[L REa. NO TELE. thepfbtely/vail NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE - DEC 9, 1987 PERMIT No. 003191 DATE l.TYPEOFCONSlRUCTION I lI Ill IV V Z.OCCUPANCYGROUP A B E H I R |a DIVISION 1 2 2a 3 4 GENERAL DESCRlPTlON OF WORK :=.=...50 amp service to Hot Tub PERMITFEESTYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION 900. 00 } Qs +G 1\ BUILDINGPERMIT DWELLING UNITS - HEIGHTINFT. - NO. ADDlTIONAL PERMITS INITIAL TOTALPERMITFEES ERNST GIJATZI,E DEC Xll]lXXX?tX Ji[SrNa-bFFldrAr -- " "" " " "' rATE ADMlNlSTRATOR DATE ING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state Iaws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanees of the Town applica,ble thereto. /, ;uz,( Ju,,...-.4 TURE OF OWNER OR CO ron FOR HIMS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community dcvelopment TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL fl PLUMsING fj FoUNDATIoN EJ $DG\i\\'\ )[[] )ffil E] LEGAL DESC. uor \ \\\\\\btlffi J\, FILING Headrw Creek OWNER MAILADDRESS un I ] l}l] tea oR 388 dlTY Vai 1 PH827-5600 ARCHITECT Ar[nur w]se FIRM 1fi.l.L o -a ul ll | MAIL ADnRESS "" C[TY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FlRMCARPENTRY UNLINITED TOWN Of VAlL REG. NO. 234-BA dZ/-bbUU jf,;Tjff'. ,,,,ljNlTED ELECTRIC 111-E TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. rFlrq49-4119 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR 1U1-r TOWN OF VAIL nEG. NO. rrt r 328-6301 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. lhe printely/vail NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE Si(\|t( June 30, 1987nATF. PERMlTNO. 003012 (bt,tt t}}\$i l.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTlON I II III IV V Z.OCCUPANCYGROUP A B E H I R M DlVlSlON l 2 2a 3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTlON OF WORK : CONSTRUCTION 0F 4 UNIT 00N90i 15,000.00 PERMIT FEESGROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION 1,410.00 ADDlTIONAL ( ) REPAIR ( ) DWELLING UNITS HEIGHTlNFT. ACCOMMODATION UNlTS - No. FIREPLAcEs 4 INSULATlON:THlCKNESS R-VALLUE FLOOR BATT 6'R-19 EXT. WALLS RATT Pl ROOF BATT 1?'R-30 TYPE OF ::;:;-l::J- RECREATION FEE 6420 x.1,926.00 DESlGNREVIEWBOARD TOTAL PERMIT FEES August fi,,,l98L- NING ADMINISTRATOR ING & BUILDING NOTES: APPROVAL. ply FOR HIMSELF I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applieation, filled out in full the information required, dompleted an acourate ptot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,all Town ordinances and state and subdivision codes, designlaws, and to build this structure according to review approved, Uni_form Buil_ding Code and cLEAN UP ;o : t \ \t,t\ \tNo.xt_:::::::::::: \t \=t)q, gg icable thereto. Itwn 75 south frontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 August 25, 1987 of flce of communlty developmont Creek 2570 to A11 Utilit.y Conpanies and Interested Parties. Re: Meadow Creek Condo Address Change Enclosed is a map showing changes in addresses for IleadowCondotniniuns. Formerly the adclress for a11 buildingsconprising I/leadow CreeJc was 2600 Xinnikinnick. Now eachbuilding will be narked and the range will be from 2500 -Kinnikinnick as requested by the condominiunt owners. If you have any questions, please feel free to eall. Sincerety, Km, fi,a,,( " Betsy ftosolackPlanni'ng Teehnician NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE Octnhnr 4, 1984 r Lln 00183lt IIII II Illll)' depattment of community development To sE FILLED oUTcoMPLETELY PRIoR To IssUANcEoF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT sUILDING LJ E t EcTRIcAL El M EcHANIcAL [] Ll lIl E] PLUMBING FOUNDATION PERMIT NO. LEGAL bDEsc Subdivisc J0B NAME:Headow Oreek Conrnon sitelJ.I.l...J-._ OWNER i\iil'i-Fl;ffiSw Crpek CJlnrlo Asqn ,,,.,,,,,,,,,108 S. Frontage Rd c,r, Vail,Oo. 476-4.170 ;;;;;;;;;/"77 CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM , /iJJiJiiiiiffifi,/fi ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM Eao]e Val]ov Electric TOWN OF VAlL REG. No. 156E 827-5772 PLUMBlNG CONTRACTOR TFI r MECHANICAL FIRM u/zr iiJ,, OF VAlL REG. i("/f CUN I HAU I UH OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM / //" iiJ. OF VAIL BEG:NO. 'l TELE. thoplllltaly/vail il[r,;,J'#Z^"" /)I/l?ak)) cl{€G-Il- 4abkt" Pt/1c{fi1 €NYr \\[6 5 tju hJi,6'-tfB T LIGIHTS rRANSFORmRR Town qr Val( Oommun;tyz Deve;opmenc Plaq Sul!d Healtht1'st.Fire E]- [xFlllfl( :.:,;,rn€f (A)OOD fbCr l0 rf ao i;::l0 o ! 'o 66f4flJr ()ffJc}+O[L ooProiect Application iii;.Pj' ;,}', "f i,' q Project Name: .djjfifi \u 1. ?i jJ( j:Lij Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: ;' , t,. , f. Architect, Address and Phone: ZoneLegal Description: Lot Block Filing Comments: ...;:' ' i;.',j,.,'' ' J'u1',. !J.. ;,i'' Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Yc;r, I I t\ EI Staff Approval Proiect Application a IPi I Date Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: tega; Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date. Town Planner D Staff Approval t \ 5l ttwt T0: FR0H : SUBJEOT: DATE: 7S soulh frontago road vai1, colorado 81657 (3O3) 476-7000 oflleo ot eommunlty dovelopment 0n October 17, 1.984, the Des:]gn Revtew Boapd denied the Headow CreekLighting P1an. The Headow Creek Condon1intum Association h.ad requestedto locate eighteen (18) lights throughout their development, (Pleasesee attached location n:ap.) Hany of the I tghts [13) we('e, to he placedalong eithep side_ Qf Lupine Streit, Each light is eight (8) feet high.(Pleas.e see the attached applicant'g proposa1 J The lights alongLupine Street would be located in exiiting berms and planters. PublicUorks reviewed the layout and deterrtined that the lights wauld not createproblen:s for snow p]owing. The extsttng landscaping along Lupine Streetis in the Public Right of Uay. Therefore, the lights located in theplanters, on either side of the gtreet would requipe a revocable rightqf wg:r agre,elllent., _Both Publfc Hbrks- i.d Oomntinlty Developrnent have-no t;o IH,tfft.t 't['[i?S.! revocab1 e right of way agreement once Oesign Review Initially, the lighting p1an was presen[ed to the Design Review Boardon October 3, 1984. The Design Review Soard gave preH;ninary approva1for the location of the lights, but found the globe lighting fixtureobjectionable. It was recomended that: Town of Yai1 Counci1 Office of Corrtn:unity [)eyelQpnlent Appea1 of Design Review Board Decision to 0eny the Headour Oreek Condotn{nium Lighting Plitn Noven:ber 8, 1984 1. Down-lighting be used instead of globe type lightjngto decrease glare.2. A new down-Hghting3. A manufacturer's cut be presented at the fixture be selected. sheet for the new fixture should next Design Reviett Board rteeting; The rtotion for prelitninary approva1 w4s apppoved unanitnously, Helllbers presenttncluded Steve Oaswell, Richard Hatthews and Rick Baldwin. After (eviewing alternative fixtures, the Neadow Creek Associationde!emined that the g!obe fjxture was appropriate in respect to costand design for their developtnent. The Association presented thesatne globe fixture at the Design Review Board meeting on October..17, 1984.The.actgal light fixture was plugged in at the tneeting to sho,, the09sign Rgyiew Board the brightness of the light. The applicant statedthat s!rnilar globe and po1e fixtures were being used th,.,qh;,t Vai1. They a]so stated that Lupine Street had a dangerous curve that wasdiffic{t to see in the dark. The Association felt that the lightingwou!d jmprove visibiiity around the curve. The Design Review Board statedthat globe fixtures are used, but are not located directly along publicstreets, The Headow Oreek Association befieved that street lighting wasdesperately-needed aroun{ _!heir deveiopn;ent and that they were doing.the) Town a_ favor by proyiding lighting. A motion was made by Jack Hunnand seconded by Rick_Baldwin to deny the proposa1 based on t'he proposa]'snon-cornpliance with Section 18.54.050 llC that states: Exterior lighting shaH be designed and located in antanner tol;fnimize itnpact of lighting upon livingareas within a proposed project and upon adjacentstructures and properties. The vote was three lilelfibers (Jack Hunn, Steve Caswe11, Rick Saldwin) ;in agreertent with the denia1 tnotion and one men:ber (Richard Hatthewfi:.voting against denial. fi "," a C Dg \' " SYdM AND TENNIj CLUB ect; Location i1.d'' fi\No"\ o UNPLATTED CAMELOT I7 2824 19D' /. | = '. ' l /"/ /l|g/lpauhotrrp. o-17Ml4bltr" PlAcllYl cto+r Y1-,, fynnfz(' 0F UPffZ" = \ / B T utGHTS - TRANSFORHILR J0 \i > | i;::I0 b1 n.og| ..a' l'' " :r ..}- - ltwn 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (3O3) 476-7000 offlee of eommunlly development T0: Town Counci1 FROH; Departlllent of DATE: fiovember 6th, Oomr;unit;r Deye.loprrlent ]984 RE: Appea1 of the Design Review g.oard's app]ication for a sate]lite antennaVail, ColoradQ, APPLIOANT: Arthur Kittay decision to denv andish at 5089 Go?e Circle, J[):;y|p');a) '!" t:t(fe_gg ?ehctlf of the app1icant by Richapd Irtvin,[(;;'fgt;tt ot Univqrsa( TVI] Systetns (]see ;tt,,h,d n;ater{a1 for q sfte.f(n_. 1?1-P:rspecti vq ffawi[g j of_ thts p'o?osal ).- Proposed bJ the:ffi H?t- is a.sa'e] 1 !tedis[ (iS.S' th du,,,gm,), mounted on a pole.;;)c[)g_) )"xiraum_heiqht ot ?2 ', The ippHc?tion xas reyiewed bythe_Design Review Board at their October :::'::- tH! ?Y Y'e Des t gn, )gyt ew_ soa rd ',:f t! 3!k,tn!i[;.,It! diu,!P,?ry??s3l |o be inconl?atible-with sect,ions 1s.54.05 c..7: and ' !8.54.950 F. 3. The tnotion, which passeRichard Hatthews and seconded by Rick,J,fi;i"""'b was n:a.de 'u. . Findinqs of the Board. I::, Ifi: U| f,!:: " l,:[rj:i:: ' 1y ci ted two sections of the Oesign -|[,#J-|$J;Z R'of.to? hgating and air conditioning 'q"!p'nent9 large vent stacks, elevator Penthouses ands'mila( featurGs shou]d be avoided, howLve,, tt necessary,)!a)) be.designed to be colnpatiab]e with the overa11 desicno' the structure qr scree[led frorn view. Roof top antenneisha11 not be perfnitted unless as allowed under a conditiona1use review as specified within the zoning code. o6 P/' c . !8.91.050 F.,3=_ Sate!1ite dtsh antennas and simflap' itFdEl[[Ei staq nQt he pemtited unles.s subs.tantia11y$creened frotn view by fences, bems, or landscaping. !ffi.(tyiit(ot.t'scu:siet centered around_ the latter of th.ese [tyqj!f};s._Jg ':!e::n'nauon was made'{y the Boqrd that this PrQPQs,a1:: :-:9l -1's|a ;"( ry_sg(eene( f(orn view. _ _One soard n]el]lb;r expressed:?[::[n--o!?l: itnpac t) gn_ the ;neighbors imD]edkt,U to the east of thefiHaJ/ re3i!erge. :A]] sqqrd [nef;]bers.;pr.s,.d conce,, ,,,; th,proposed heighti, of the dish (2Zt in the afr). ' "' Gtaff Recornrlendation 0n ][his Appeal !!:-:taff-st[on?ly 'y['POr.ts-t:he decision_of the Design Rey]:elM Board and[ff))g;ffJhe [o?-nfil t!?hgld this decisqon, t/hfle the quideltnes do[][(ffi:!j()atg I "ejishgsi-ttey- do [equire that th.ey ' be "substantta11yfi!rffii.fnrn "'ew: ![e_star feels s?ongly that the-interpetation of ' :::HH.n.tj!l]y F'"'e?ed" be |aken as it is written. This [Jrovision is:f'fT:]lr- intgorqn(_) a?.suring - that satel 1 ite dishes, and i,.,,,r st,q,turesare located to :ninimize their visual impagt. P-Hk-u?le[st3 nd,'[y il!lp!ct.of -this {ec!sion on the app1 icant, it is::::,::l[y !? lo9\ !"' iqtent of the Desig. GuideHnes'.' Qenera11u:[:!H.ng:-t!e "j'c!]ves of the Guidelines are to proteqt a;d enhan[.e the:!!:!!-!andsca?i, )'!ow for !'ve]oplnent {n har:nony wjth the desired3':1:H: ffVail, !?'.P"''ct leighboring property otvners ;ronl il}lpacts ,:i;iiii;,' ji i[:iiii;iii;;'ii j':i:',:'i{iiii,iifii',''; j},, [:':,i, i(,i ,,, t o n:f :-s:l:-l I I !e :di!t : -The, ' ha '*!'terfiti s of the Kittay sjte, requipe q dish)o F-l?cl|$d in the fron( yard or atop a 19" ta11,o1e. Thi, 'results ' " ]: !!'"'y;tiog where the fnsta!]a_tion ;f ! dish cannot be accomplishedon this site in a tnanner compatible with the Guidelines. Project Name:(t(1 t t..tJ Project Application (J'l IProject Description: : Conlact Person and Phone \ t \\n, Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lega; Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date t-';\\i;,i DISAPPROVAL Summary: _ f,t t t ' i'\ i;:,' Town Planner Cl Staff Approval (r /llll/jpakj) cRGdK l,Ibttr" lfjtllc€lYl€N}r 5 tjtu l\l lynnftl 0Ir hlb#f Ouco; r+(g l0 rfj?, ;v;rrt. 6 lbklb G,ouad "\ A*|]AIIilN F0R REVOCABLE PERHITT0 ERECT 0R IvlAlNTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-}jAY Fence DATE fitmau,\fi '[r" u OUNER 0F ADDRESS NAHE 0F ADDRESS PROPERTY 0F PROPERTY T0 BE SERVED APPLICANT LEOAL DESCRIPTION PROPERTY T0 BE (Attach description on separate SERVED: necessary: Corner Lot Inside 1ot DESCRIPTION 0F STRUCTURE 0R ITEH(S) INT0 RIOHT-OF-lllAY Attach plans showing encroach;nent, property 1ine, sideli In consideration of the issuance of a app1 icant agrees as follows : 1. !ha( the ;'ruc'y(e [erein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restrictedexclusively to the 1and above described_ '2. That.the.perlnit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in thispplication.3. Pat l:]p?] 'ga,f_shal] !gtift thq Town Hanager,. or his du1y authorized agent, twenty!gyr hours in a.gyancq o! the time for cornmencen:ent of Jonstruction, jp ord;r that properinspection may be made by the Town.4. That the app]-icant 'grees to indemnify and save harrnless the Town of Vai1 from and!?1Yt e]! c'a}s;_su)ts, damage), go_sts_, losses and expenses in any manner resultin'gfro[n:.arising out of, or connected with the erection or maintenance of th; aboveidentified structure.5. T!at the.perrnit "?y be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment,o'struct]on, o(_other st_ructure constitutes a nuisahce, destroys or :rnpatri thel11_",1hF rjght?f-wa,y by.the- p"" l-c! constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon, whict-the 'ncroachrnent, obstruction, or structure exists is required for useby the public; or_]t tnay be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficientby the Totm of Vai1. tneters, polices, tnanholes, any other affected apurtenanceor din:ensioned) and section(s) as we11 as elevdtions (if Specia],Conditions: ttwlm,t I\t x xtv 6- 7. 8. 9- cl0. D0ES STRUCTURE ;PRESENTLY EXIST? ' PROPOSED DATE F0R COlvII\lENOElvlENT 0F CONSTRUCTION revocable permit for fhe structure above indicated, !H,, i:',:ffi]i:?l-ha s read and understands aH of the tems and conditions set forthin this application. That app]icanLwi]] rernove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or s!ructure, within_ ten.days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit.That inthe _event sai_d remova1 of the encroachrr;ent, obstruction, or structure is notaccomplished within the !en days, the Town is hereby authonized to remove same and.applicant agrees to (eimburse the Town _for the cost of said removal. The Town shall!)vg the riGht to ma'ce an 'ssesment aga^ins( the property a;d co11ect the costs of removalin the same manner as genera1 taxes are cofiected_ l;l,!hr- so issued is not assignable, and is issued solely to the undersigned PERHIT N0. lbcch?f {l)dltl 1FFi a ( to fis, re L e a kidta Ject I i J tClI curbs, the pro icable) gnature, if ;joinf owners DATE both signatures DATE lp, S PROJECT: INTER-DEPARTHENTAL REVIE[lI DATE SUBHilTED: COIVIIVIENTS NEEDE0 BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION 0F THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC UORKS Reviewed by: Con:ments: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING JLdutmuL,.Jpt,t(- DateReviewed by: Cotnrr;ents : POLICE DEPARTHENT Rev i ewed by : Cotnments : Reviewed by: Cornments: RECREATION DEPARTHENT Date J Date oO o o ltwn ?5 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3O3) 476-7000 Ju1y 25, 1984 offlee of eommunlty developmen( Thotnas H. Capbell, Presidec:(Professional Deveioptnen( Corporation 5384 Poplar Avenue Sui te 337 Hetnphi s, Tennessee 381 1 9 Re: Headow Oreek Condominiutns Dear Hr. 0apbe11 : This lgttqr is to confim that the developrnent potentia1 for HeadowOreek Condominiunls -a]]ows for a tota1 of 70 dwe11ing unttsi 0ur recordsj;:dicate tha!_as of_Fe[rqary, 1983, 38 units have been constructed onthis site. P]ease fee1 free to ca11 rne with any q,,.,ti..; you rnay have. Slncerely, [\,,.}l.J,/\ THOHAS A. BRAUN Town Planner fAB::bpr t-'}.| gr 0 Project Applicatlon Date l4 t 1 - / t - k3 latProject Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: /}M/ibc:hJ t: Kt-e K r,rt\b411iAJ uuot g FUing Zone --- Legal Description: Lot Comments: FSlh/( Design Review Board Motion by: /yuux Seconded by: } o DlSAPPROVAL Summary: ; :j| =piHllifiat EI Statt Approval Date ( i,L(, '&5 Contact Person and Phone ( ba,t ' 'bi, d a, - (/ -/4: _)jDo iY :[D,U,(jA;rL (Jts J,5-v,t4L.,..Project Name: Project Description: '7 o ',-,q\J- Owner, Address and Phone:- gn(, {-; {JU Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Commdnts: I t-( t,,o ' t_ t. d + 9 t Date Motion by: DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL $ummary: hplilitalyl .I= c)?/ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL C ,, P=" - (_ CALLER TUES WED THUR FnI DATE z ,,'/4.. lNSPECTION: JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: AM I BUILDING: CI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V.EI FOUNDATION / STEEL 0 FRAMING m ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEEPI_I PLYWooD NAILING El GAS PIPING E] INSULATION EI POOL / H. TUB C] SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ('r,v€; EIFINAL a HEATING El CONDUIT m SUPPLY AIR PROVED CORRECTIONS: El DISAPPROVED El REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4' INSPECTOR 1=}- [)/ INSPECTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON : : zF -d' i/'Q,.Ji, 4/ CALLER BUILDING: EI FOOTlNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: r] UNDEBGFlOUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V. m ROUGH / WATER m FOUNDATION / STEEL m FRAMING ,-, ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING EI GAS PIPING n INSULATION EI POOL / H. TUB r3 SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING ROUGH E] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUlT n SUPPLY AIR E1 FINAL PROVED CORRECTlONS: Cl DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REOUIRED * DATE /[z-,4j INsPEcToR = D/{TE = JOB NAME !ii:J.f.: ":- ' ""'=.. OALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES i :NSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAI L '.'{ ; w',cl(f -- '- (a::Z J &l- '. ' '\. I=0.b . j I' i J. '' ' ' AMWEDTHUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: n FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: El FOUNDATION / STEEL EI UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATER[] FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERLJ PLYWooD NAILING E] GAS PIPING a lNSULATION EI POOL / H. TUB El SHEETROCK NAIL El m EI FINAL EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: rJ TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING D ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS 0 CONDUIT rl SUPPLY AIR m EI FINAL ,4 EI FINAL //-H- Cl APPROVED CORRECTlONS: L -;p !SAPPBOVED - f3:RElNSPECTION REQUIRED DATE v :NSPECTION TOWN OF fi.,, -( l'/ <.../ 1," c;i7i REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED ffiHID FRI - "-'---' "----, -r.^1-- !'' "READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: 0 UNDERGROUND EI FOUNDATION / STEEL E ROUGH / D.W.V. n FhAMING [] ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEERt_I PLYWooD NAILING m GAS PIPING EI INSULATION CI POOL / H. TUB El SHEETROCK NAIL "4P"V" m a FINAL C] FINAL ELECTRICAL: m TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING EI ROUGH El EXHAUST HOODS El CONDUlT Cl SUPPLY AIR El Cl F C] FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: a DISAPPROVED EI BElNSPECTION REQUIHED DATE,a/-!'::j ,,s,,c,o, i{l * :NSPECTION REQUEST VAIL a a l.-t", 0 TOWN OF 'ii,DATP t1 :I.' J/ # J JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR t9j/' // {!Ml PM LOCATION: ty t rl i";u,..j DG,P i BUILDING: n FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: Ej UNDERGROUND El ROUGH / D.W,V. Ej ROUGH / WATER EI FOUNDATION / STEEL m FFIAMING - ROOF & SHEERLJ PLYWooD NAILING EI GAS PIPING EI lNSULATION E] El rJ POOL / H. TUB a SHEETROCK NAIL EI FINAL EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: m HEATING EJ ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUlT [] SUPPLY AIR EI FINAL CI FINAL D DlSAPPROVED CI RElNSPECTION REOUIRED)ffieenoveo" CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR \Y DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i,..-- f,t,.J lNSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES . a ffiol THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION:\ ; t .'\. '1 ' i r! [' ' \) BUILDING: [] FOOTlNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: CJ UNDERGROUND E FIOUGH / D.W.V.El FOUNDATION / STEEL El FRAMING El ROUGH / WATER , ROOF & SHEEPGJ PLYWOOD NAILING EJ GAS PIPING E INSULATION T1 POOL / H. TUB El SHEETROCK NAIL m FINAL EI FINAL ELE El ] a F Cl ( CI - [] HEATINGTEMP, POWER ROUGH m EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR FINAL ,RT\PPRoVED CORRECTlONS: El DISAPPROVED E] REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSlltbTlON REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE . - JOB NAME CALLER, READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI '. AM PM LOCATlON: BUILDING: El FOOTINGS n FOUNDATI m FRAMING / STEEL ON/STEEL PLUMBING: E) UNDERGROUND - a ROUGH / D.W.V--_- El ROUGH / WATER _____- EI GAS PIPING --___- Cl POOL / H. TUB -- n El Cl FINAL MECHANICAL: C] HEATING EI EXHAUST HOODS.__==;=+ =_. == i i= El SUPPLY AIR --___-, n CJ FINAL - ROOF & SHEER '-' PLYwooD NAILING m INSULATION EJ SHEETROCK NAIL EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: rl TEMP. POWER EI ROUGH EI c] CJ CONDUIT FINAL E] 0 APPROVED CORRECTlONS: EI DISAPPROVED El REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE z^ ' _ '.J,. '... INSPECTOR ''' "'' '''' ' d. "a r:i, a! hplllltorll/vai! DATE'+ INSl?CTlON REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND CJ ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATER m FOUNDATION / STEEL 0 FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERI_I PLYWooD NAILING [J GAS PIPING CI INSULATION m POOL / H. TUB Cl SHEETROCK NAIL m mn [] FINAL E] FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: n n m El TEMP. POWER m HEATING ROUGH 0 EXHAUST HOODS _-_ CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR c] rJ FINAL El FINAL 0 APPROVED ^ CORRECTIONS: EI DISAPPROVED CI REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR hp|lnlory/vail TION )WN OF REQUEST VAI L \ j INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES 4 WED THUR FRI q READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM PLUMBING: 0 UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATER El GAS PIPING EI EJ EI POOL / H. TUB El FINAL MECHANICAL: EI HEATING E] EXHAUST HOODS m SUPPLY AIR m EI FINAL ', at 0 APPROVED / CORRECTIONS: EI DISAPPROVED E1 REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR hFrhitoryivai! INSIILTION7qWN OF REQUEST'VAI L ' DATB, INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES e F' dtl THURWED AM PMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: EI FOOTINGS/STEEL - [J UNDERGnOUND 0 FOUNDATION / STEEL - E] ROUGH / D.W.V. __ m FRAMING EI ROUGH / WATER __ - ROOF & SHEERLJ PLYwooD NAILING - c] GAS PIPING - n INSULATION __ EI POOL / H. TUB _-____ E1 SHEETROCK NAIL -_ 0 El D m FINAL CJ FINAL ___-_- ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: m TEMP. POWER --- Cl HEATING -- 0 ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS - Cl CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR - EI El D FINAL EI FINAL [J APPROVED CORRECTlONS: EI DISAPPROVED r] RElNSPECTION REQUIRED DATE DATE"i-ilL TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES \ PMAMFRIWEDTHUR BUILDING: CI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: n UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V. [] ROUGH / WATER El FOUNDATION / STEEL CI FRAMING r"l ROQF & SHEERLJ PLYWooD NAILING EI GAS PIPING E] INSULATION CI POOL / H. TUB rJ SHEETROCK NAIL a mEJ m FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: m TEMP. POWEn MECHANICAL: a HEATING EI ROUGH Ej EXHAUST HOODS [] CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR E1 EI Cl FINAL a FINAL [J APPROVED CORRECTlONS: D DISAPPROVED CJ RElNSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR hprlllllfr/vai! INSfitTlON TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION:!!, : :, BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: TJ UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V.0 FOUNDATION / STEEL a FRAMING EI ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEERLl PLYWooD NAILING El GAS PIPING n INSULATION __CI POOL / H. TUB El El CI FINAL m FINAL ELECTRICAL: EI TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: 0 HEATING m ROUGH m EXHAUST HOODS - EJ CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR E] FINAL EI FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTlONS: r] DISAPPROVED m REINSPECTION REQUIFIED DATE lNSPECTOF1 INSlff'CTlON REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAMEDATE 1F READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: EJ FOOTINGS / STEEL - EI UNDERGROUND -- r] FOUNDATION / STEEL _- E ROUGH / D.W.V.__- el FHAMING 0 ROUGH / WATER -- -ROOF&SHEER "^""^"^^^" ' " PLYwooD NAILING - 0 GAS PIPING - El INSULATION "' E] POOL / H. TUB -- CI SHEETROCK NAIL - E] 0 m r] FINAL m FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: EI TEMP. POWER --_, D HEATING C] ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS - 0 CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR,_____,. n EI J El, FINAL n FINAL 0 APPnOVED CORRECTlONS: EI DISAPPROVED Cl REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE JOB NAME INdltCTlON REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL l. "'.j.5t." ' J...,-.-.t.-..;' I * INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: El FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: n UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V. 0 ROUGH / WATER n FOUNDATION / STEEL EI FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERLJ PLYwooD NAILING I] r] El m GAS PIPING EI INSULATION El SHEETROCK rl- POOL / H. TUB NAIL El FINAL Cl FINAL ELECTRICAL: EI TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING EI ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT a SUPPLY AIR Ej El 0 FINAL APPROVED CORRECTlONS: El DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION HEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR hplilltary/vai! = =:NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL* ISATE . / r "L Lr -Lr b ?JOB NAME ______ z'yr;, - ( Crx.i. rz/ I. cALLER y"rrr :J<;uc- 'a MON TUES WED THUR (_FjlREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:AM PM fi'::,.f, /}ifcTc!C,,, * BUILDING: El FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: El UNDERGROUND E] ROUGH / D.W.V.m FOUNDATION / STEEL EI FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERLJ PLYWooD NAILING EI GAS PIPING n INSULATION CJ POOL / H. TUB Cl SHEETROCK NAIL IJ [] aEl FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: E] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: El HEATING OUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS 0 Cl EI CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR FINAL c] EI FINAL ,?''APPRoVED D DlSAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTlONS: - 'fu- """ """"""-, r INSPECTOR * DATE JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL. rFai)qS-#"INSPECTION:PMREADY FOR LOCATION:!' BUILDING: El FOOTlNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: CJ UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V.El FOUNDATI El FRAMING ON/STEEL a ROUGH i WATER m 199ff_"ff!..._E GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING m INSULATION [] POOL / H, TUB EI SHEETROpK NAIL tifl,l,jf}(f H 4(I EI ELECTRICAL: E] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: 0 HEATING EI EXHAUST HOODS m CONDUlT El SUPPLY AIR EI DISAPPROVED El REINSPECTlON REQUIRED J'' lNsPEcTqR' =INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DitrE INSPEC CALLER TUES ffiD "'Ib.=F'" WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: rl UNDERGROUND EI FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERFRAMING - ROOF & SHEERLJ PLYWOOD NAILING EI GAS PIPING I)/INsULATIoN (y,.,(y' El SHEETROCK NAIL - POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: n TEMP- POWER El HEATING n ROUGH a EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUlT m SUPPLY AIR [] FINAL El DISAPPROVED El REINSPECTION REOUInED CORRECTIONS: € INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST a DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: i ji ;l /r,Lf JOB NAME MON !-j .' BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: Ej FOUNDATION / STEEL EI E Ej a 0 D E] D UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERE/ERAMING ,j, ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING E INSULATION El SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL E] El FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: a TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING CJ ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS El CONDUIT CI, EI SUPPLY AIR ,/' EI fjNAL EI FINAL C[ APPriOVED ?a' CORRECTlONS: EI DISAPPROVED EI RElNSPECTION REQUIRED t lNSPECTORDATE DATE t''r / 1' INSPECTION;MON / ;NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .AM JOB NAME CALLER TUES THUR P, PMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION:fi 4 TOWN OF f' BUILDING: m FooTINGS z stqdii PL EI m El EI EI a UMBING: m FOUNDATlON i STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEREI FRAMING ,-, ROOF & SHEER'-' PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING D INSULATION E SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL EI FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: CI TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: /c{oUGH E HEATING r] EXHAUST EI CONDUIT m EI SUPPLY AIR m El FINAL El FINAL APPROVED EI DlSAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTlONS: INSPECTOR CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES n 0'ffi READY FOR LOCATION: lNSPECTION:THUR FRI IAM PMWED BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER EI FOUNDATION / STEEL a FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERLI PLYWooD NAILING E] GAS PIPING EI INSULATlON EI POOL / H. TUB EJ SHEETROCK NAIL EI Elrl EI FINAL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL: El TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING EI ROUGH E] EXHAUST HOODS m CONDUIT CI SUPPLY AIR cl D FINAL E] FINAL 0 APPROVED CORRECTlONS: O DISAPPROVED n REINSPECTION REQUIRED J' DATE INSPECTOFI hptbry/vai! INSfl'CTlO TOWN N REQUEST OF VAIL ' +'DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI PMAMWEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: EJ FOOTINGS / STEEL - D FOUNDATlON / STEEL - a FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERt-l PLYwooD NAILING """""""""""" IJ INSULATION " PLUMBING: r] UNDERGROUND -- EI ROUGH / D.W.V. --- m ROUGH / WATER -- Cl GAS PIPING -- CI POOL / H. TUB -- 0 SHEETROCK NAIL._- El [J FINAL c] FINAL ELECTRICAL: EI TEMP. POWER -- n HEATING EI ROUGH E] EXHAUST HOODS._- 0 CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR --- E1 FINAL El FINAL CJ'APPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED ---Cl REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: '' DATE lNSPECTOR hpitory/vai! **:NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL -c,L - //| DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME )/ifl fi!J 1 I b,-,]'f lt:- 9 cb BUILDING: E] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND Cl ROUGH / D.W.V.El FOUNDATION / STEEL EI FRAMING E] El E a ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEERI_l PLYWOoD NAILING GAS PIPING EI lNSULATION POOL / H. TUB E] SHEETROCK NAIL rl E] I]EI FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: CJ TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING ROUGH [] EXHAUST HOODS El El m CONDUIT Ej SUPPLY AIR FINAL m El FINAL fI/APPRoVEDY CORRECTIONS: E1 DlSAPPROVED r1 RElNSPECTION REQUIRED d' { .= * :r ': p /INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE [p+?3 JOBNAME-#lTrd[lr{} 6nrk (ort.c cSTaf rz-. .,,}' CALLER TUES PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS n FOUNDATI [J FRAMING ON / STEEL PLUMBING: m UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. Cl ROUGH / WATEB - ROOF & SHEERLJ PLYWooD NAILING m GAS PIPING D INSULATION El POOL / H. TUB EI SHEETROCK NAIL EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: EI TEMP. POWER EI HEATING ROUGH m EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR Cl APPROVED CORRECTlONS: ISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I | o ql"'\' b' DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: 3 JOs NAME N / SPE REQUEST VAiL ,0 PM uc BUILDING: El FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND []yAOUGH / D.W.V.I] FOUNDATION / STEEL EI FRAMING p(hOUGH z WATER ROOF & SHEEFi PLYWOOD NAILING El GAS PIPING INSULATION El POOL / H. TUB EI SHEETROCK NAIL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL: Ej TEMP. POWER El HEATING - EI ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT m SUPPLY AIR El DISAPPROVED r] REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTlONS: lNSPECTOR =ij:' 'i'.INSf[CTlON TOWN OF REQUEST VAI L ' DATE t, t' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED ut dTHUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: a FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: 0 UNDERGROUND Cl FOUNDATION / STEEL - EI ROUGH / D.W.V. Cl FRAMING EI ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEERt_I PLYWooD NAILING """"""""""EI GAS PIPING rl INSULATION E] POOL / H. TUB n SHEETROCK NAIL - m FINAL m FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: 0 TEMP. POWER -_____ EI HEATING Cl ROUGH n EXHAUST HOODS 0 El EI CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR E1 FINAL D FINAL r] APPROVED CORRECTlONS: E? DISAPPROVED itj RElNsPEcTIoN REQUIRED \ DATE INSPECTOR hprbbry/vail a d DIATE READY FOR LOCATION: Z-,,,NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MoNd(fO[;lWED THUR FRI /C)iObGT\ ,, BUILDING: U FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: m UNDERGROUND 0 ROUGH / D.W.V.CI FOUNDATION / STEEL Cl FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER _ ROOF & SHEERLJ PLYWooD NAILING r1 GAS PIPING CJ INSULATION D SHEETROCK EI POOL / H. TUB NAIL m EI D FINAL /qztncaaryraa 9 /1178 E] cl FINAL ELECTRICAL: [] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING 0 ROUGH m EXHAUST HOODS E] CONDUIT Cl SUPPLY AIR 0 E] Cl FINAL -/I m FINAL Ej APPROVED CORRECTlONS: lXdIsAPPRoVED [\l"''"'''""' REQUIRED INSPECTOR IN CTION REQUEST o SPE J DATE READY FOR LOCATION: I NSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING:PLUMBING: Cl UNDERGROUND 0 ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATEFI D EI c] El FOOTINGS / STEEL - FOUNDATION / STEEL - FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING - El GAS PIPING EI INSULATION --. a POOL / H. TUB EI SHEETnOCK NAIL - o [J n FI N,, ag EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: EI TEMP. POWER -- MECHANICAL: EI HEATING 0 ROUGH Cl EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT rJ SUPPLY AIFI EI D CI FINAL Cl FINAL Cl APPROVED CORRECTlONS: m DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED -* JOB NAME ,,,flt CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL,1ll,.i't .i|, r.a , Jf' /' CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: lNSPECTIOl$: MON TUEs V\;EE), THUR FRI __AM,PM*) BUILDING: r] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E] UNDEPGROUND n FOUNDATlON / STEEL D ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATERE] FRAMING EI INSULATION El SHEETROCK [] GAS PIPING NAIL [] POOL / H. TUB E]E n FINAL ELECTRICAL: m TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING E] ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS El CONDUIT El SUPPLY AIR CI 0 FINAL El FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: EI DlSAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR tmprlnbly/vail o . !. J.p a d!' [mTEa ll 6 @ ,.,ft it ,,'I:Ap.zl--//. CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER - -/"-\. TUEs ( WED)\-.-./READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTlOhk /r,.-,A,lr/ BUILDING: [] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL E UNDERGROUND [] RQUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING r] INSULATION EI SHEETROCK E GAS PIPING NAIL EI POOL / H. TUB n 0 El/mtm FINAL ELECTRICAL: 0 TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: El HEATING E] ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS E] CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR D El ' yydt E] FINAL VED CI DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIR CORRECTIONS: €' b DATE,r,;-z,r--f7 INSPECTOR lMplinkly/va}I IN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL lNSPECTI JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATlON: Dl\TE o BUILDING: m FOOTlNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: n UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D,W.V.EI FOUNDATION / STEEL E] FRAMING n ROUGH / WATER El INSULATION E SHEETROCK EI GAS PIPING NAIL n POOL / H. TUB rl 0 (+d4AL m FINAL ELECTRICAL: El TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING n ROUGH El EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR -EI E] p F/jJffiL - Ej FINAL OVED El DISAPPROVED a REINSPECTION REQUIR EQ #CORRECTlONS: =D INsPEcToR 1 . /} t i "'' 'l.rf ' -J'I'1'rl"!P::ffl CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ' JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED PMAMMON BUILDING: 0 FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND ___ CJ FOUNDATION / STEEL EI ROUGH / D.W.V. CI FRAMING ______a ROUGH / WATER 0 INSULATION EI GAS PIPING m SHEETRocK NAIL 0 POOL / H. TUB D itlq,E/ D i,d El FINAL - rJ FINAL - ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: m HEATING El ROUGH a EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT El SUPPLY AIR El El -Flj\lAL - E] FINAL APPROVED CORRECTlONS: El DISAPPROVED CI REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSfECTION cD TOWN OF REQUEST VAILa DATE O READY FOR LOCATlON: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESINSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: a UNDERGROUND rJ ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER a D CI E] E] El El FOOTlNGS / STEEL = FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATlON SHEETROCK El GAS PIPING NAIL D POOL / H. TUB FINAL -./ 0 a FINAL ELECTRICAL: rJ TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: El HEATING Cl ROUGH m EXHAUST HOODS m CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR El q| F)NAL E] FINAL APPROVED m DISAPPROVED a REINSPECTlON REQUIRED CORRECTlONS: DATE /z - 2 0 - r/ lNSPECTOR b" a * = o & I DATE 1 I I .' '-. .; ' ' '. INSltCTlON REQUEST , * TOWN OF VAIL JosNAME '.'; ,'\ll,.-''..i.. cALLER ';- -, t -t MoN TUEs WED 'THUdl (;)) -/)M PMREADY FOR LOCATlON: INSPECTION: BUILDIIlG: CI FOOTlNGS / STEEL El UNDERGROUND El ROUGH / D.W.V. j E] ROUGH / WATER El GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB Cl FINAL EI FINAL - ELECTRICAL: m TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING EI ROUGH U EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR PPROVED COHRECTlONS: a DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED hfflnhy/vall/ DATE INSPECTOR b i. ''' '. INSiItCTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL I EIATE|JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTlON: LOCATlON: BUILDING: Cl FOOTlNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: n UNDERGROUND C] ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATER EI FOUNDATION / STEEL rJ FRAMING [] INSULATION El SHEETROCK CI GAS PIPING EI POOL / H. TUB El FINAL ELECTRICAL: EI TEMP, POWER El HEATING CI ROUGH rl CONDUIT __ - El FINAL C] DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTlONS: b' i ;a-zS--ff"lNSPECTOR ' =aDe $ * I...Lii:i. s!tcrloN ,,,,,?"r',3! IN 8 ::'X, i -'T'-i"',j."' - REQUEST VAIL "a DATE*JOB NAME MON * READY FOR iNSPECTION: ,,,,,,.,I.l.',rlo- rr, THUR FRI - AM BUILDING: El FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: n UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATER E] FOUNDATION / STEEL El INSULATION EI SHEETROCK E] GAS PIPING EI POOL / H. TUB E FINAL ELECTRICAL: m TEMP. POWER EI HEATING EI ROUGH EI CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR El FINAL APPROVED CORRECTlONS: EI DISAPPROVED El REINSPECTION REQUIRED !' o a a -a DATE| READY FOR LOCATlON: INSPECTIO THUR FRI ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. PO'1/VER MECHANICAL: D HEATING El ROUGH Cl EXHAUST HOODS CI CONDUIT PPROVED n SUPPLY AIR D EI FINAL CI DISAPPROVED m RElNsPEcTloN REQUIRED CTION REQUEST OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: CI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND Cl ROUGH / D.W.V.EI FOUNDATION / STEEL n FRAMING EI ROUGH / WATER CJ INSULATION EI GAS PIPING CJ SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB El FINAL CORRECTlONS: =0 INSPECTOR 1= = a o DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED THUR ,-"-\, q-Efl[ a' JOB NAME CALLER TUES BUILDING: Ej FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGFiOUND n RoUGH z D,W.\/.E] FOUNDATION / STEEL E] FRAMING m RoUGH z WATER" E] INSULATION C] SHEETROCK rl - EI GAS PIPING NAIL El POOL / H. TUB m o/.,.,,,n FINAL ELECTRICAL: m TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: m HEATING EI ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS n CONDUIT m a SUPPLY AIR m EIF/AL m FINAL filAPPROVED El DISAPPROVED [J REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTlONS: 4! S..aao.trl A.AZ+s /z; ,;cafzC tfif4lan,u, aza'f c""R/t/'c. J REQUEST VAIL tj$ = = = 'rBi. IL.' fi;|j 9: j D ? DA'rEo CALLER TUES JOB NAME INSPECTION: MONREADY FOR LOCATlON: J :ff 1:.j j Fll BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: r] FOUNDATION / STEEL C1 UNDEBGROUND El ROUGH / D.W.V. CJ ROUGH / WATEREI FRAMING E] INSULATION Ol GAS PIPING El SHEETROCK NAIL EI POOL / H. TUB EI - EI EI FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: E] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING EI ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS -:-:ffffil EI CONDUIT m SUPPLY AIR EI EI brFINAL m FINAL PROVED Cl DISAPPROVED El REINSPECTION REQUIRED ORRECTIONS: /'- /' | -/ INSPECTOR CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL Dl\TEo READY FOR LOCATlON: JOB NAME INSPECTION:t' dD BUILDING: 0 FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W-V.E] FOUNDATION / STEEL CI FRAMING 0 ROUGH / WATER EI, INSULATlON [sHEETRocK E GAS PIPING NAIL El POOL / H. TUB EI FINAL E] FINAL ELECTRICAL: [] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: 0 HEATING m ROUGH El EXHAUST HOODS m CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR D/FfiAL FINAL / [#APPRoVED [] DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED COFlRECTlONS: DATE f-zz- Pz INsPEcTo g *\g O Project Application L L,, (&b fi , ,,j:'; 1 o u.._\ t fl}, :)fLJ (;/.1 Project Name: Project Description: ; zj- ?! ,, ets ;:{ie,,, Qp,tq ' Contact Person and Phone TL\.tt,4 : -LfDe- 1i00 Owner, Address and Phone: t' o , ffio>c S8 Rr I Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot C-a-.n x n-t-, I a-:,NA/.-. Block Filing Comments: Design Review Board Date DlSAPPROVAL REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOGATION: BUILDING: rJ FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: CI UNDERGROUND C] ROUGH / D.W.V. n ROUGH / WATER Ej FOUNDATION / STEEL El FRAMING #lNsULATIoN E] GAS PIPING C] SHEETROCK NAIL IJ POOL / H. TUB rJ a EI FINAL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL: a TEMP. POWEFl n RO[jGH MECHANICAL: 0 HEATING m FXHAI l.qT Hnnn.q r1 CONDUIT [] D 0 SUPPLY AIR Cl IpfiIAL FINAL 0, /rJ REINSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVEDE DlSAPPROVED o CORRECTlONS: DATE.yaz-/./ INSPECTOR INSfECTION REQUEST d oDAIE JOB NAME TO OF VAIL -(9 PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO CALLER o PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V. CJ ROUGH / WATER El GAS PIPING El POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: El TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: m HEATING EI ROUGH a ExHAUsT HooDS EI CONDUIT 0 SUPPLY AIR EI O F/AL EI FINAL ''_.., TrAPPRoVEDtrJnTrPhrloNs: EI DISAPPROVED CI REINSPECTION REQUIRED6 - * p O * INSPECTION ,o, TOWN OF REQUEST VAILd a DATE|Hi,[/n.,JOB NAME t-,,/ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: El UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATER TJ FOUNDATION / STEEL E] INSULATION El GAS PIPING CJ SHEETROCK NAIL a POOL / H. TUB El FINAL D FINAL READY FOR INSPECTlON: LOCATION: (:^ C, t)-.-: CALLER TUES WED PMAM ELECTRICAL: ! D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E] HEATING }|,RoUGH m EXHAUST HOODS E] CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR tl T1 FlJ\lAL CJ E]FINAL I] DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: * o 1I DATE,' -.,' 7-,''" INSPECTOR lheprlntolyTvail CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: $e} WED THUR FRI BUILDING: El FOOTlNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: CI UNDERGROUND )lrRoUGH z D.W.V. m ROUGH / WATER CI FOUNDATION / STEEL EI FRAMING 0 INSULATlON m SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING NAIL a POOL / H. TUB Cl X c]D FINAL ELECTnICAL: Cl TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: C] HEATING a ROUGH El EXHAUST HOODS C1 CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR I]E] o/f/NAL FINAL ED C] DISAPPROVED m REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTlONS: DATE T-d'/---/" uusrectoq * *g * | ''lE JOB NAME atff o a CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATlON: INSPECTION: cffj)ruEs WED r: THUR FRI l'eCrffiIGSTSrEEL PLUMBING: E] UNDERGROUND El ROUGH / D.W.V.NDATION / STEEL CJ E] D 0 E] FRAMING El ROUGH / WATER D GAS PIPING El POOL / H, TUB ELECTRICAL: l] TEMP. POWER I] HEATING - [] ROUGH C] EXHAUST HOODS rJ CONDUlT D SUPPLY AIR EI DISAPPROVED Ej REINSPECTION REQUIRED coRREcTloNs: INSPECTO :,..*iLa qffi|*. * o ttg * * DJ\TE a ION REQUEST JOB NAME CALLER lNSPECTlON: MON TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATlON:,z3r AM Q,/, PM, a d,,[ :1^ '/ /' )lll O f :t/)/ e e BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND m ROUGH / D.W.V.{ FoUNDATIoN z sTEEL EI FRAMING EJ ROUGH / WATER r] lNSULATION a SHEETROCK El - El GAS PIPING NAIL n POOL i H. TUB n E] FINAL EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: E] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: ' CI HEATING E] FlOUGH El EXHAUST HOODS Cl CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR n m p/{IAL C1 FINAL [4P.Ro.ED EI DISAPPROVED EI RElNSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTlONS: !jkl DATE 7- r- €[INSPECTOR | CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL/"[. DATE @ - JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: lNSPECTION: CALLERffiMON :i BUILDING: g FOoTlNGS z STEEL PLUMBING: m UNDERGROUND I] FOUNDATlON / STEEL E] FRAMING Cl ROUGH / WATER C] INSULATION Ej GAS PIPING E] SHEETROCK NAIL E] FINAL MECHANICAL: 0 TEMP. POWEB U ROUbH """ " a HEATING E] EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT "' "n SUPPLY AIR CJ FINAL Cl DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED ',I I INSPECTOR lhepllnkry/vail 9 | # o I o + g TOWN OF Li U., /,,i. REQUEST VAIL INSftCTlON '= DJ{IE READY FOR LOCATION: - JOB NAME INSPECTION: BUILDING: E] FOOTINGS / STEEL El UNDERGROUN D [] FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROUGH / D.W.V. rJ FRAMING r] ROUGH / WATER [] INSULATION C] GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB EI FINAL Cl HEATING m ROUGH f] EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUlT E] SUPPLY AIR CORRECTIONS: E] DISAPPROVED r] PElNSPECTlON REQUIRED \ IN -GD PM + g# b g O ', ' CbqTE a INSPECTION: JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: m FOUNDATlON / STEEL EI UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATERC] FRAMING E] INSULATION 0 GAS PIPING \SHEETROCK NAIL EI POOL / H. TUB []El - rJ FINAL a FINAL ELECTRICAL: m TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E] HEATING El ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS El CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR CI-E a Fll}lf(L E] FINAL {}/ (PPl16ViD RRECTIONS: C] DISAPPROVED El REINSPECTION REQUIRED fi o DATE {7Z ,,SPE f5 I * a#, ( Q q; f DATE a JOB NAME T10N TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATlON: CALLER MoN ffi?lNSPEC WED -ffi PM BUILDING: CI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: m UNDERGROUND E] FOUNDATION / STEEL CI ROUGH / D.W.V. EI FRAMING EI ROUGH / WATER E] INSULATION CI GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL El POOL / H. TUB EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: a TEMP. POWER E] HEATING ___ EI EXHAUST HOODS I] CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR D FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTlONS: PPROVED SPECTION REOUIRED lNSPECTO INsft CTION TOWN O F REQUEST VAIL | P, * READY FOR LOCATlON: INSPECTION: BUILDING: El FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: El UNDEFIGROUND Cl ROUGH / D.W.V.E1 FOUNDATION / STEEL m FRAMING Cl ROUGH / WATER KINSULATION EI GAS PIPING EI SHEETROCK NAIL EI POOL / H. TUB j EI m m FINAL CI FINAL ELECTRICAL: m TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING m ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS m CONDUIT I] SUPPLY AIR EI n E] FjJjAL EI FINAL /a/PPRoVED D DISAPPROVED El REINSPECTION REQUIRED ii { / CORRECTlONS: / _ ;' Q.-,#-fDATE 1//7 ' e--/ - INSPECT o * =| * '= * DA'rE * READY FOR LOCATION: - JOB NAME CTION TOWN OF ,'i "?'l+, i," :' REQUEST VAIL CALLEn BUILDING:PLUMBING: CI UNDERGROUNDEj FOOTINGS / STEEL = EI FOUNDATION / STEEL Cl ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATERXFRAMING - E INSULATION Cl GAS PIPING E SHEETROCK NAIL EI POOL / H. TUB El El FINAL a FINAL ELECTRICAL: 0 TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: Cj HEATING EI ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT CI SUPPLY AIR EI FyIAL FINAL VED EI DISAPPROVED Ej REINSPECTION nEOUIRED CORRECTlONS: DATE {-z/-dfi" INSPECT ' n** *TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ^t @ ; I a i DATE = JOB NAME CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL [] UNDERGROUND El ROUGH / D:W.V. Ej ROUGH / WATER0 FRAMING KI'sU|ATIoN Ej GAS PIPING Ej SHEETROCK NAIL m POOL / H. TUB CI El D FINAL EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: El TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: El HEATING El ROUGH - EI EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR EI F,/(L - rJ FINAL OVED CORRECTlONS: El DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED '.,* * o , a a \i DATE INS CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAMEr lNSPECTION:MON .=ail"" I CALLER TUES WED -,d,.,lr./d)b.!i" READY FOR LOCATlON: o BUILDING: El FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDEBGROUND 0 ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATER a FOUNDATION / STEEL [] FRAMING [] INSULATION E] SHEETROCK El GAS PIPING NAIL 0 POOL / H. TUB EI 't] mn FINAL FINAL ELEgTRICAL: d4',.i_ POWER MECHANICAL: E] HEATING /,RoUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS Ej CONDUIT El SUPPLY AIR E El -E] FINALE FINAL 'APPROVED CI DISAPPROVED E] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTlONS: q' , | DAfE = JOB NAME INSfiECTION REQUEST READYFORlNSPECTlON: fiG"l\ TUEs WE,' 'i.i,,"' FRI _-AM,FM . \, _LOCATION: f# \_/ / ;fii * /€ '['' TOWN OF VAIL CALLER BUILDING: U FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: Cl FOUNDATION /STEEL EJ UNDEnGROUND El ROUGH / D.W.V. El ROUGH / WATER,IYFRAMING El INSULATION E] GAS PIPING C1 SHEETROCK NAIL E] POOL / H. TUB EI El El FINAL E] FINAL ELECTRICAL: EI TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E] HEATING EI POUGH El EXHAUST HOODS n CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR D Cl n FIN{\L E FINAL ::AfPROVED E] DISAPPROVED [] REINSPECTlON REQUIRED.r:;r"''''""""' \GORfiECTIONS: DATE,/l q7 } --d'/INSPECTOR qTrf r.,.''' ' .* TOWN OF REQUEST VAILq *",.,",r.|te/tr OBNAME READY FOR INSPECTlON: LOCATION: BUILDING: m FooTlNGs z sTEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND m ROUGH / D.W.V. Cl ROUGH / WATER m lNSULATION E] SHEETROCK E GAS PIPING NAIL EI POOL / H. TUB a El FINAL Cl FINAL ELECTRICAL: 0 TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING [] ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT C] SUPPLY AIR EI EI EfIfAL m FINAL 7//PP116;ED OORRECTIONS: EI DISAPPROVED a FIEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECT ' ;* ;$ a DAfE,* a HEADY FOR LOCATION: INSftC-TlON ..;1 ^'Pl" :' 't'j"' ":i. TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL* # JOB NAME lNSPECTlON: o BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: CJ UNDERGROUND CI ROUGH / D.W.V.r] FOUNDATION / STEEL m ROUGH / WATER EI GAS PIPING EI SHEETROCK NAIL rl Cl POOL / H. TUB m EI FINAL CI FINAL ELECTRICAL: Cl TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING D ROUGH U EXHAUST HOODS m CONDUlT E SUPPLY AIR n CI EtIIlAL E] FINAL ;dkPf,l167;D D DISAPPROVED Cl REINSPECTION REQUIRED * i CORRECTlONS: * : JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: AM o /ff\,t-9 BUILDING: El FOOTlNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: 0 FOUNDATION / STEEL El 0 UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERE] FRAMING E] D D [] a a INSULATION MSHEETROCK ',\ GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: a TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING m ROUGH I] EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT a SUPPLY AIR EI n IJ,FTNAL Ej FINAL [,l kPPROVED El DISAPPROVED a REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR '* , i*'r |: i'i LJ CTION TOWN O F IN' n* J * * *, DAfE,' - (, d READY FOR LOCATION: ,fi }, ,, ( REQUEST VAIL INSPECTlON: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES o BUILDING: n FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: El UNDERGROUND E FOUNDATION / STEEL S(FRAMING EI INSULATION D SHEETROCK r] El El EI GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB El FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: El TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: El HEATING CI ROUGH El EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT m SUPPLY AIR m EI rlI-I FINIAI rINIAl El APPROVED DISAPPROVED PECTION REQUIRED CORRECTlONS: ,,,, {.-ff-P/ INSPECTOR a,g. ".d i i,,i, G-/F--(Y, NAME # CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL rifi? PM ".j j' '.'i:i j.6', i ,.,fi READY FOR LOCATlON: INSPECTION: CALLER MoN TUEs WED o BUILDING: a FOOTlNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: n UNDERGROUND E] FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEREI FRAMING m lNSULATION EI GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL U POOL / H. TUB El El FINAL El FINAL ELECTRICAL: CJ TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E] HEATING Ej ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR -, l/,,/..JU ;;}:;-/EI D/FINAL E] FINAL - /ffigPH-dVED a DISAPPROVED El REINSPECTION REQUIRED ) .> CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR h i,- ri; 1f r t|p='J e .,t p,.t,,it INS')fi|r...j:., (;..L CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL | READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER €fi 'ffi BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI FOUNDATION / STEEL EI UNDERGROUND [] ROUGH i D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATEREI FRAMING n INSULATlON El GAS PIPING El SHEETROCK NAIL CI POOL / H. TUB []Ej n FINAL CI FINAL ELECTRICAL: m TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING gl RoUGH El EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUlT E SUPPLY AIR m El F/NAL El FINAL G/APPRoVED ":0RRFCTlON.9: EI DISAPPROVED CI REINSPECTION REQUIRED * INSPECTOR /..}ll{ /,, " * d.' / L f ' 'i a Jos NAME J_iiii CALLER ffi7 ,.,ft,;,,. TOWN OF "i!i i:'1i - 'i , ii i 1 REQUEST VAIL a READY FOFi LOCATlON: INSPECTlON: Q ) BUILDING: [l FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: n UNDERGROUND ff FOUNDATIoN z sTEEL EI ROUGH / D.W.V. E] ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING ___ rJ INSULATION I] GAS PIPING r1 SHEETROCK NAIL EI POOL / H. TUB EI r] E] FlNAL El FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: EI HEATING E] ROUGH El EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR m CJ dFINAL C1 FINAL 4f GI/fiPPROVED EI DISAPPROVED El RElNSPECTION REOUlRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR iheprinkry/va j r', = *,#,]NsflE'crioN' REQuEsT TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME* CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED /:0o AM (fiJ) LoCATlOl\h diL.rJ:'" ''i-':: ]j; ; /lurtrr-, {).u,-i'fi.,Jr g:oo -1, PLUMBING: FOOTINGS i STEEL E] UNDERGROUND - FOUNDATlON / sTEEL -J11 r EIRoUGH/DW\[ ' E FRAMING E] ROUGH / WATER -_ [] INSULATION m GAs PIPING 1 El SHEETHOCK NAIL E1 POOL / H. TUB E] FINAL - ELECTRICAL: CJ TEMP. POWER a HEATING Cl ROUGH E] EXHAUST HOODS a CONDUlT [] FINAL E FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: El DISAPPBOVED El REINSPECTION REQUIHED lNSPECTOR lheprinbry,'vall r< a ei *INSPECTION REQUEST WN OF VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: 7, , tLOCATION: BUILDING: E] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: m FOUNDATlON / STEEL D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. E] ROUGH / WATERm FRAMING El INSULATION El GAS PIPING [] SHEETROCK NAIL EI POOL / H. TUB El m r] FINAL m FINAL ELECTRICAL: i3\TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING El ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS CJ CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR EI El El FINAL D FINAL El APPROVED CORRECTlONS: n DISAPPROVED E] PElNSPECTlON REQUIRED DATE lNSPECTOR tlleprlnb?y/vail 4. J "' 4 ,9* DA'rE* FIEADY FOR INSPECTION: INSf'ECTlON TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL } PM * JOB NAME CALLER J;;""--^,-\MoN /'fUEs \q / LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND I] ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER FOOTlNGS / STEEL U FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING El lNSULATlON EI GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL CI POOL / H. TUB E] El FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: CI TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: n HEATING E ROUGH El EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT [J SUPPLY AIR D m FINAL E] FINAL }rAPPRoVED CORnECTlONS: El DISAPPROVED El RElNSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR * INSPECTION TOWN OF i" REQUEST VAIL AM '. JOB NAME -,-e\\ \t3)/.READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES \ BUILDING:PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS i STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL EI FRAMING E] ROUGH / WATER EI INSULATION EI GAS PIPING El SHEETROCK NAIL EI POOL / H. TUB D FINAL E] FINAL ELECTRICAL: El TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING EI ROUGH CI EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT m SUPPLY AIR EI FINAL -El FINAL n APPROVED CORRECTIONS: I:SAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED REQUEST VAILf- q/ 1/ d J JOB Y FOR lNSPECTION:MON/ CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI .,--'OCATION:J ') J {-r.' ;.''' €,': zf r t''';"f: BUILDING: n FOOTINGS C] FOUNDATI [] FRAMING / STEEL ON / STE PLUMBING: - EI UNDERGROUND EL ______________ E] ROUGH / D.W.V. - - E] ROUGH / WATER - - EI GAS PIPING - - E POOL i H. TUB - m - EI FINAL - MECHANICAL: E HEATING -- [] EXHAUST HOODS - a SUPPLY AIR _. - EI -- El FINAL EI E] EI INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: El TEMP. POWER a m D ROUGH CONDUIT E FINAL E APPHOVED CORRECTlONS: EI DISAPPROVED Ej REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR =O 7Proiect Application /'' / -\-fi f { f ./ / Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: / , ,,.:c. Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 7e - : z Ib L) ,:?.r;(,,, !,'i,,-, f&23 -"s-c/Z, , Block , Filing \ Zone: Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board Motton by: 77lK"-kl//;/c secondedby: {B?V?-.- " ,.--"" fTarzb APPRovAL &Z}GS, "'q\ ',- /tercz;y>, z/n,OtzPz//d,y9lt€/l/ll/ DISAPPROVAL n/l/f9T/d,/l'IE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ''.,t., i,.' PLUMBING FOUNDATlON ONLY PERMIT NO TYPEoFPERMIT l)Ll BUILDING IEl ELEcTRIcAL MECHA1 i{ j [ !I TEHPORARY Oertificate of Occupancy Oounty of Eagle Department of Planning and Developn:ent Building Division This certificate issued pursuant to the requirernents of Section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compHance with the various resolutJons of the county regulating building construction or use for the fo11owing: NAHE 0arl Dietz Use 01assification Fourplex Group vBuilding Perrtit No;1655 Type Construction Fi re Zone Use Zone RSM Owner of Building Carpentry Unlin:i ted R-1 Building Address 2693 Lupine - Intertnountain Officialqfi J""a * TEHPORARY Certificate of Occupancy County of Eagle Departrt:ent of Planning and Developrnent Building Division This certificate issued pursuant Building Code certifying that at with the various resolutions of t for the fo11owing: NAHE Carpentry Unlin:ited to the requirements the tin:e of issuance he county regulating of Section 306 of the Uniform this structure was in compliance building construction or use Use Classification Sixplex Building Permit lllou 1654 Type Oonstructi on Group v Fire Zone R-1 3-Use Zone RSH Owner of Buildino Carpentry Unlitnited - Box 388, Vail, 0o. Building Address 2783 Lupine - Vai1 Intemountain Building Officia1 El4f- T" DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL F0R CERTIFiCATE of OCCUPANCY and COMPLIANCE To be filled in by each division indicated hereon upon completion of its fina1 inspection. BUILDINGS Approved by Dale /J-/S'/ Remarks '\ffi.UMslNG Approved by PermitNo. /l; 6"/ Date /}J,- E-f Remarks ELECTRICAL Approved PermitNo. yff-b? Date l,1.l, ra Remarks ; JTHER Permit No.\-/ Approved by "Date OTHER Permit No. Approved by Remarks Date BUILDING DlVlSlON OF EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX 179 COURTHOUSE, EAGLE CO. - PH. (3O3) 328-6339 APPLICANT fi_.nw1 n{flf? PERMIT DATE 51by ; 1940==-_ 'EfYl"IADDRESS F' (NO.J BUILDING FIEtD COPY 1654 dn P1657 (CONTR'S LlCENSE) PERMIT 'ro r<tnstrllct A-Plex t__; sToRY(TYPE or IMPROVEMENT) NO. NUMBER OF, DWELLlNG UNITS h (PROPOSED U5E) ZONlNG AT cLocATloN} Hedfov; rPPek Fvelort;nnL, DlSTRlCT BETWEEN AND(cposs sTREET)(CROS5 STREET) & to < tJ o CJ oz >(c o & susolvlsloN Intemountain Area LOT _-___. SLOCK _____-_- L?I. BUILDING IS TO 8E-FT. WIDE BY- FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONrORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION PEMARKS: AREA OR VOLUME EsTIMAYED cosr $rl["" $ 428.00 (CUElC/SQUARE FEET) owNER [gppgp[yty Udlimited ADDREsS P-fl, Rox 3RR, Vai1, no]orado BUILDING IHSPECTION RECORD NOTE PROORESS - CRlTlClSMS AND 'Y!fMf a uffi j..!.F. .'J.J: Applicant o o BUILDING PERMITAPPLICATION Jurisdiction of tftQ(:, Cl)uny to complete numbered spaces onry. / PnOPERLY VALIDATED {[N THIS SPACEl THIS IS voun PERMIT M.O. CASH PERMITVALIDATlON I Marion L. Stephens Property - Intermounta:t(t [\_rge .LEGALIoescR,cKlsEc ATTAeHEo sHEET j OwNcn MAIL Aooness zlp2 Carpentry Unlimited, Inc. P.D. Box 388, Uai1, Coln. B165? pHONE [t76-2100 CONYnAClOR3 5ame as Above MAILADDR€SS LlCCNSCMO. ARCHltECTOn DtSIeNER MA1U A0DRESS PHOHE LlCENS€NO. 4 ', ENGIN€ER MAIL A0DnEss PHON LlCENSeNO. LEND€R MAIL A0DR€sS BnANCH8 Columbia Savings P.D. Box 17127, Denver, Coln. Hdin USEOrBUILDINe7 Residential conddniniums 8 Classof work: [J(NEW ElAODmON nALTERATlON EREPAIR l]MOvE EIREMOVE 9 Describework: Cnnstruct Bldg. D (I+ units) Bldg E (6 units) per plans - Phase III Meadou Creek Condnminiuns 10 Ohange of usa from Changeofuset o 11 Valuationofwork:$ 250,000.00 See permit #1102 PLAN CHECK FEEsame occupancy Group SPEClALCONDITIONS; SizeofBldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. FlreSprinklers nequired []Ves mN,ICATIONACCEPTEDBY PLANSCHECKEDBV APPnOVEDFOR lSSUANCE BV OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE RE0U[RED FOR ELECTRICA[., PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIB CONDITlONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID lF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WlTHtN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTlON OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANV TIME AFIER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBV CERTIFV THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THISI HEREBV CERTIFV THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLlCATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AN0 COnRECT,ALL PnOVlSlONS OF LAWS ANO OnDlNANCeS GOVERNING THISTVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLlE0 WlTH WHETHER SPECIFlEDHERO?r"biR NOT..THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPREGUME /ro GIVE\AUTHOnlTV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE FIREDEPT. SOlL REPORT OTH€R (Specify) ,g, dt-,-e,t INSPECTOR o INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE nEMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH RElNFOBCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHEB PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING lNT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONBY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOl? NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. BRIDOE BUILDING PERMIT FIELD COPY 1565 BUILDING DlVlSlON OF EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX 179 COURTHOUSE EAGLE CO. - PH. (3O3) 328-63391 DATE October 25_ 19 79 PERMIT NO. APPLIcANT Parpenf ry UnHllltffid ADDRESsRnx--35n, Vai? t--'| PERMI ro Bridge (CONTR'S LICENSE) (-) sToRY No. NUMBER OF OWELLING UNITS(TYPE oF lMPRovEMENT){PRoPosED usE} AT {LocATloN)DISTRICT (STREET) (CROSs STnEET) C m <uo m oz:tou ION BUILDING lS TO j nT LOT-BLOCK-SlZE WIDE BY FT. LONG BY FT. lN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTlON TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATlON cTYPE) REMARKS: AREA OR VOLUME EsTlMATEo cosr $(CUBlC/SQUAP€ FEET) owmen Oarnentrv Unlimited Fll"" $ 50.00 BUILDjNGADDREss Box 368, Vai1, Cnlnrndn R1fiq7 TE}.lPOIlARY . Certificate of Occupancy County of Eagle Department of Planning and Developtnent , Bui1ding Division This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements Building Code certifying that at the titne of issuance with the various resolutions of the county regulatingfor the foi1owing: NAHE Carpentry Un1 imited of section 306 of the Uniform this structure was in cornpliance building construction or use Use Classification 6-unit building Oroup R-1 Y Use Zone RSHsui]ding Pemit No. t;wner of Building 1379 Type Construction Fi re Zone 3 Carpentry Unlin:ited, Inc. Box 388, Vai1, Co 81657 Building Address Intemountian 'area Building Officia1 Da t c Z -21- BUILDlNGDIVISION P, 0. B0X 179 PHONE: 328-6339 -.;..: : c:"-i3i7,..)INsPEarloN mE0UEST E AG L E C O U N TY DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM E]oTHER [lPARTlAL.LOCATlON READY FOR INSPECTlON WEDTUEMON COMMENTS: THUR FRI --'J j"- AM PM [] APPRoVED Ii UP0N THE CORRECTIONS JJ DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTlONS: EJ REINsPEcl DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 3286339 DATE JOB NAME o t I\I S P E Or : O I\I E AG L E C O U n rE 0 U E S -r N T Y TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E]OTHER E]PARTIAL.LOCATlON READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM [ APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS [lDIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTlONS: [] REINsPEcT DATE iiliffil PERMITAPPLIC'ATION I Jurisdiction of. Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. m9,bGu O.;tL- tc.ou 'sa e:t:( dd:S.u.,,.,. rnAer c[]scE ArYAcHED SHtEY) Ut,.t,,:\a.. PHONE;tc o1 MAIL AbDRtss LlCENSENO.;0.(4 Vl't. C3oi";j;i',;;::k,Jd, 4,,,J^" ^"IJ /t LlCENS€NO.tJj- K S{? MAILA0DREss LICENSENO. MAIL ADDRESS , j1, filg..,.g,,. 8 Classof work: '\](NEw E]AODITION nALTERATlON ElREPAIn E]MOvE EInEMOVE G\;&/q Q,o,s=%y 10 Changeofusefrom 11 Valuation of work: $PERMIT FEE SD 6) SPECIALCONDITlONS: Size of Bldg. (Total} Sq. Ft. FireSprinkler5 Required Iv., []N,APPLlCArION ACCEPTED BVl APPROvED rOR ISSUANCE BV OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOn ELECTRlCAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING on AIR CONDITIONlNG. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIDIF WORK OR CONSTRUC-TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEDFOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. HEALTH DEPT. FInEDEPT. SOlL REPORT OrHER (Speeify) WHEN PnOPERLV VALIDATED (lN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PEnMIT PLAN CHECK VALlDATION f\ccuq;r Form 100.1 171 PERMIT VALIDATIONM.O. INSPECTOR --(fi/ (ffiZ-- B I" ---BUILDING PERMITAPPLICATION Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numberedspaces only. . LEGAL IDEscR,crlsEE ATTAcHeD sHeEr) CONTRAefOR MAIL ADDnEss PHONE LIeENSE NO. AneHITEeTOR DESIGN€,n 4 MAIL A0DRESS pHONE LlCENSENO. MAjLADDhES5 LlCENSENO. USEOFBUILDI Ne 8 Classof work: ElNEW E]ADDITION E]ALTERATION E]REPAIR EIMOVE EREMovE 10 Changeofusefrom 11 Valualion of work: $PLAN CHECK FEE SPECIALCONDITIONS: SizeofBldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. No.of Stories FireSprinklers Required L]ves E|N.APPLICATlON ACC€PTED BV APPnOVED FOR ISSUANCE BY No.of DwellingUnit5 OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMlTS ABE HEQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATlNG, VENTILATING OR AIB CONDITIONING. THlS PEnMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIDIF WORK OR CONSTnUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEDFOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBV CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AN0 ORDlNANCES GOVERNlNG THlSTVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFlEDHEREIN OR NOT- THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITV TO VIOLATE OR cANcEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATURE OF eONtRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT {DATE} HEALTH 0EPT. FIREDEPT. SOlL REPORT OTHEn (Specify) PLAN CHECK VALIDATlON WHEN PROPEnLV VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE THlS IS VOUR PEnMIT PERMITVALIDATION EXTRA COPYForm 100-1 1-77 M.O. EAGLE FINAL: Review OOUNTY EUloh]G PERMIT APPLICATION czo INsPEcTlol}f, LANDsoAPE INSPEOTION FORM RoutingForm (j) PrimaryRouting ( ) Rerouting O/tf.PrlJmlfq ciru'uan,]T;b Applicant I Permit No. , /l4 (j714,d 0€+7a;< 1ft q,,e: Location ll\fr({ell'lOuiCTl11lv ; Plann'i,,g Comrnission File No. Review and return to the County Building Offieial within 6 working days , 13: ate Referred Planning: Complies with: Subdivision Regulations Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : Yes El El No B E] E] Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Oomments: E] EI E] E] EI E] Elzy.Recommend Sanitation Perc. test Comments; Oounty Health: Water EIEIE][]EIE] F,E] Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Oomments: El Final Inspection: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerlts: ng E]E] C/0 I ssued Final Filing Date by Date BUILDING DIVlSION P. O, BOX 179 PHONE: 3286339 INSPECQION /fAJ-- n E 0 U E S -r N T YE AG L E CO U DATE JOBNAME TIME RECElVED- AM PM CALLER E]OTHER ElPARTIAL.LOCATION READY F0R INSPECTION AM PMM0N COMMENTS: THUR [ APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS [ DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTlONS: J REINsPEcT DATE BUILDING DIVISIOl\I P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 3286339 ''.' '.,, '.'' __ J0B NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER DATE C O U N T Y El OTHER [lPARTIAL.LOCATION [J APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: [ DIsAPPRoVED ] REINsPEcT CORRECTIONS . -.l Ir ' :,- J' 1.j,-- . -,'..',P"DATE BUILDING DIVlSlON P, 0. B0X 179 PHONE: 328-6339 INSpEealoN EAG L E COU n E 0 U € S -r N T Y DATE JOB NAME TIME RECElVED_-- AM PM CALLER [loTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE L]PARTIAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTlON WED THUR FRI AM PM [J APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTlONS [] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: [l REINsPEcT DATE BUILDING DIVlSION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 INSPEealON nE0UEST E AG L E CO U N TY DATE ' " ! : i!JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E]OTHER COMMENTS: E1 PARTIAL. LOCATlON READY F0R Il\ISPECTION WED THUR J APPRoVED [] DIsAPPsoVED [] sEINsPEcT EJ UPoN THE FOLLOWING CORBECTIONS: CORBECTIONS DATE ,.,,ff ":/ BUILDING DIVlSlON P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 I I\I S P E C* t O I\I EAG L E COU n E 0 U E S -r N T Y DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EIOTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE LJ PARTIAL.LOCATlON READY FOB INSPECTlON WED THUR FRI-AM PM [ APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS [ DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING COBRECTIONS: [ REINsPEcT DATE BUILDING DlVlSION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 3286339 I N s rn e, e fi o I\I n E 0 U E S -r U N T Y DATE JOBNAME EAG L E CO TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E]oTHER MON COMMENTS: E]PARTlAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTlON THURTUEWED FRI AM PM [] APPRoVED LJ UP0N THE CORRECTIONS E]DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWlNG CORRECTlOl\lS: ;] REINsPEcT DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 3286339 INSPECaON EAG L E C OU m E 0 U E S -r N T Y DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E]oTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE EJ PARTIAL.LOCATION READY F0R INSPECTlON WED THUR FRI AM PM El APPRoVED LJ UP0N THE CORRECTIONS [] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWlNG CORRECTIONS: ;] RElNsPEcT DATE BUILDING DIVlSION P. O. B0X 179 PHONE: 328-6339 I I\I s P e Dr t o I\I m E 0 U E S -r N T Y a EAG L E COU DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED-CALLER E]oTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE E]PARTlAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FBI AM PM [ APPRoVED EJ UP0N THE CORRECTIONS [] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: [] REINsPEcT DATE BUILDII\IGDIVlSION P. 0. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER t N s P e, d- ; o I\I E A G L E c m E 0 U E S -r O U N T Y E]oTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE [IPARTlAL.LOCATlON READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM [ APPRoVED [] DIsAPPRoVED |] sEINsPEcT FJ UPoN THE FOLLOWING CORRECTlONS: CORRECTIONS DATE N9 1615 BuildingValuation $. '^^""" "^ Electrical Valuation $.---..... "'"'""'' '''" PermitFee $-.------.159...0-0.-.-. Inspection Fee $-- Total Fee $--.-. -!.56-:.9-9.. Date Paid....'?.?!t"?l.f.-l!:,.l'7.?... Receivcd sy Sandy Garc i a.......... receipt # 5630 Building Pern:it #1379 Job Name--...Ca rpentry Un1 imi nted - Headot,; Cree B1 dg. C Date of Application. - ..::.p.''"''. !!.:_...... 19-..!.'.....--...-- Electrical Contractor.... !qw..g] g.g!.r]:.c].?.. 19.)!...!! /lvg.l]..!..-cq... 81620 Applicant. APPROVALS County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT THIS JOB FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS ELECTaCAL PERMIT APPLtATIoN g;y( aa /'a(z,,,yJurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. {'/| firl-//fFY yp)y)y;TEl - - /)yy;, f]gzre-py,z),ty;vy-)yy,.z- -/Jy;- aa driul,lg,,YE ll/,-jr}/llll/,r(l,/lZ, .LC@ALIDtscn.E]scE ATTAcHED sHEEYJ MAILA0DnEss MAIL AD0RESS PHOFJe LICENSENO. /l/fh/F/F(rA, c, Il/(f/bfZ/Tl/?- +zU;z " " f/f AnCHITECTOn 0€SlGN€n MAIL ADDRESS LlCENSENO. GINEER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LlCENSENO. MAIL ADDnESS BRANCM USEOFBUILDING 8 Classof work: xNEW ElA00lTION E]ALTERATION []REPAIR 9 Describe work: /]g-ga;;,p z "" dLwr ;z- PTAC LE [:ll:ts LIGHT TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTUnESAPPLICATION ACCEPTED BY:APPnOVED FOR ISSUANCE BV RANGES CLO. DRVER wrn. HTR. NOTICE I HEREBV CERTlFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATlON AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISlONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTlON OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTlON. RE OF CONTnACJDR OR AjrIHOHIZED AGENT (DATE) GARBAGE DISP. STA. COOK TOP OlSH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR- STA. APPL- V2 H.P. MAX. MOTORS: TEMP. POWER I-IPOLE I-lUN0G0. SERVICE EINEW El cHANGE PERMIT ISSUING FEE PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLV VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION /lJ/h-,oL* Jh3d) €lu-ucWg ?9,t,n,,t */32?,*,lZ,,a- INSPECTOR Form 100.3 11.73 REoRo€H FRoM: lNTERNATIONAL CONFER€NCE Or BUILOING OFFlCIALS o 5360 s. WORRMAN MILL ROA0 o WHlTTl=R, eAl.,lF. DO!Ol BUILDINGDIVISION P, O. B0X 179 PHONE: 3286339 INSrlEe0Ol\I' nE0UEST E AG L E C OU N TYL DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER El oTHER M0N COMMENTS: TUE E]PARTIAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM El APPRoVED [l DIsAPPRoVED Il UPoN THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: [] REINSPEcT CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECaOl\I*'nE0UESTBUILDING DIVISION P. 0. BOX 179 PHONE: 3286339 DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER AG L E C E]oTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE [lPARTIAL.LOCATION READY F0R INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM [ APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTIOI\IS [ DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: |] sEINsPEcT BUILDING DIVISION P, O. B0X 179 PHONE: 3286339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED__-___. AM PM CALLER INSPECaOl\IO REQUEST E AG L E C O U N TY El OTHER E]PARTIAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTlON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: El APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS [] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWlNG CORRECTlONS: [] REINsPEcT DATE oo I I\I S P e e * O,? E AG L E CO U m E O, U E S -r N T Y BUILDINGDIVISION P. 0. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E]oTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE LJ PARTIAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTIOI\I WED THUR FRI AM PM A P P }' V E D [g'UPoN THE |] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWlNG CORRECTlONS: (] REINsPEcT CORRECTIONS DATE T/jflf r BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 3286339 o o JOBNAME I I\I S P E, C E *fi AG L E C OU Fl E 0 U E S -r N T Y DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER [loTHER MON COMMENTS: LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM PM |J REINsPEcTLJ APPRoVED LJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS [ DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWlNG CORRECTlONS: DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. B0X 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE oo I N S P E eO ot n E 0 U E S T' N T Y JOBNAME EAG L E COU TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER []oTHER MON COMMENTS: []PARTIAL.LOCATION READY F0R INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM El APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS E]DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTlONS: ] REINsPEcT DATE BUILDING DIVISION P, 0. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE ,.SPEC*Oi0 E AG L E C OU /J // m E, O U E S -r N T Y JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER D C S J,k&r;:;h,4;.X;;,,/ El oTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE EiPARTIAL,LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM El APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS [ DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: [] REINsPEcT DATE \Q EAGLE cogNra Eagle, Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date {Lllfco.1977RECEIVED AMOUNT ITEM Buildino Permit Fee lication For Subdivision ication ZoneChange Conditional Use Special Use Vari I Fee Code: (Building (Zon ) (Subdivision) Total Received AlI items are received nopayment of any item. N9 5 2 67 for collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for , iL pL,f,,fi, PERM;TA,,L?C,(fiO. WHEN PROPERLV VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PEnMIT CK. M.O. cAsH PERMIT VALlDATlON eK. Ga...if# s-ao -l -/-:, r)+b lNSPECTOR Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numberedspaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION .LEGALIDEscn.(rlscE ATTAeHtD sHeET) MA1L AD0FEsS PHONe ARCHlTECTOnOES PHONE LlCENSE NO. PMONE LIC€NSE NO. MAlLADDR€s USEOrBulLOIllG 8 Classof work: P'NEW E]ADDmON E]ALTERATION L]REPAIR Tvpo of Fixlum or Ilom SPEClALCONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (IOlLET) LAVATORV (WASH BASIN} KITCHEN SINK & DlSP. APPLlCATlON ACCEPTED BV PLANSCH€CKEDBV APPROvED FOR !SSUANCE BV LAUN0RVTRAV CLOTHESWASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE I HEREBv CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THlS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVlSlONS OF LAWS AND ORDlNANCES GOVERNING THIS TVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFlED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. DRINKING FOUNTAIN rLOOn--SlNK OR DRAIN GAS SVST€MS: NO. OUTLETS TER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. SEPTICTANK&PI Form 100.2 1.77 BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 3286339 -----"--: /3/7f,.sijdeaonO FlEoUEST E A G L E C O U N T Y DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER El oTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE EJ PARTIAL.LOCATlON READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRl__-_AM PM [] APPRoVED El DIsAPPRoVED |] REINsPEcT EJ UPoN THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS, DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. 0. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM I I\I S P E C Q O,JD n E 0 U E S 'I U N T YEAGLE CO JOBNAME PM CALLER fJ OTHER MON COMMENTS: E]PARTIAL.LOCATION READY F0R INSPECTlON WED FRI ;j i AM PM [| APPRoVED lJ UPoN THE CORFlECTIONS [| DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWIl\IG CORRECTlONS: [] REINsPEcT DATE oo I I\I S P e e*o I?BUILDING DIVISION P. 0. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 n E O U E S -r u N t Y , i " DATE JOB NAME EAG L E CO TIME RECEIVED-__-_ AM PM CALLER E]oTHER E]PARTIAL.LOCATIOI\l READY FOR INSPECTlON MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM Z APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE COBRECTIONS [ DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWlNG CORRECTlONS: ] REINSPEcT DATE r INsPEc-IODl\Io nEoUEsT EAGLEcoUNTY r;37'y BUILDINGDIVlSION P. O. B0X 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E]oTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE E]PARTIAL.LOCATlOl\l READY FOR INSPECTlON WED THUR FRI AM PM [] APPsoVED LJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS |J DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: [] RElNsPEcT DATE ' County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT Job Name.-.--.Qa]:PqJ]trJ..l,!n].it!]lte.d-.-- Jlqa-dow.CreekVail Intertnountain Date of Application-.-.-. - Ha_)?) _ ......l9 Electrical Contractor...-.J\l9tf. [lggt!:iq....f 9.!.q Applicant- Slsnature APPROVALS P1an Checker TEIvlPORARY N9 1433 Building Valuation Electrica1 Valuation TEHPORARY Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid....-.- $/7.1/.7.9 Received sy JKe.].l.er $-..........-...--..--...... $ s.....17..:9.0-.-.--... $ 12.00 Receipt #5038 B1dg, Perntit #L379 d,lJ,-,/k THIS JOB FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTlON l8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED F'OR INSPECTIONS f ELECTRIt'AL PERMIT-APPLI&TIoN Jurisdiction "''''" (1'l2,,r\/ to complete numbered snaces only. z27/ Ih/&ll|ll?-e) - - ///E-AD/4/1 :fy";;;';;",,;;"',, -,r -; ,LEOALIDESCR.E]sEE ATTAcHED sHEET) MAIL ADDnESS //t-nr EZEc.T-,fi,-T;,f/r ARCHITCCtOR DtSlGNCR MAILA0DRES MAlLADDRESS LICENSENO. MAlLADDRESS USEOFBUILDIN0 8 Classof work: HNEW E]ADDITION EALTERATION EJREPAIB 9 Describe work:" " j?r/',r,pze frgy,,z- ;l"r; SPECIALCONDlTIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FlXTURESAPPLICATlON ACCEPTED BY APPROv€DFOn ISSUANCEBY RANGES CLO. DRVER WTR. HTR. NOTICE I HEREBV CERTlFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMlNED THIS APPLICATlON AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AN0 CORRECT. ALL PROVlSlONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORlTV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PPOVISlONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTlON OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION- GARBAGE DISP. STA. eOOK TOP DtSH. WA5H. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. 1l2 H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER l-IPOLE [-IUNDG0. SERVlCE ElNEw El cHANGE OVER 60OA PERMIT ISSUlNG FEE WHEN PROP.ERLY VALIDATED {lN THlSSPACE THIS lS VOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALlDATION cK.PLAN CHECK VALIDATION 0...). 5o3Y n OF"+ ([Gl-a;6 +r zszf. Form 100.3 ll-73 eEoao=n FRoM: CK. M.O. CASH INSPECTOR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUIL0lNG affiy<- OFFICIALS o s3GO s. WORRMAN MILL ROAD = WHlTYlEn, eALlF. oOaOl BUILDING DlVlSlON OF EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX 179 COURTHOUSE, EAGLE CO. - PH. (3O3) 328-6339 Construct 6 unit Carpentry Un1 i,,,i t.d:^l,fr=";::;;;;ljorjgsj;atr, t67"" NO.1 379 BUILDING PERMIT FIELD COPY APPLlCANT PERMIT TO {No.)csTREEl) NUMBER OF DWELLlNG UNlTS ccoNTR's LIcENSE) s1xuL,t STORY NO.(TYPE oF tMPRovEMENT) ATILocATloN) Iilarion L_ Shephens Proferty_- lntemountain Area Jllilf.,(NO.) csTREET) BETWEEN AND _._ {CROSS STREET){cRoss SrnEEl) LOT @ c 01 <oo m oz xcou SUBDlVISlON BUILDING IS or - BLOCK - s I ZE TO BE - FT. WlDE BY - FT.LONG BY BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUN0ATION FT. jN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM lN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP (TYPE) REMARKS: Plans same as 160,000.00 Permi t #n02 553.00PERMIT AFEE bAR€A OR VOLUME EsTlMATED eost $(cusl owN€R Oarpentry Unlimited, Inc. ADDRESS Rov 388, Vai1, Co- 81657 BUI BV -""Io LD ING PERMITAPPL ION O g ICAT | Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. ] BUI Jurisdiction of Harion L. SLephens Properby - Intermountain Area tfjsee at'vacmcn sncrn OWNEn MAIL AD0ntSS zlP PHoME2 Carpentpy Unlimited, Inc,, P,0. Box 38B, Uail, Cole:, B1657 ([76-21nn CONTRACr0R3 Same as aboue DESIGNER MAIL ADDREss PHONE Denver, Colo.LICENSENO. r Cl-1CArthur Uise Architect 1026 Bannack St, MAILADDnEss LICEMSENO. tJolumhia Savings, P.0, !iinx 17127, Denver, Colorado 8(J217 BnANCH tVain US€OrBUlLDlNG7 REsirjential conduniniums 8 Classofwork: I3NEW EA00ITION EJALTERATION E]REPAIR ElMovE E]REMOVE 9 Describework: Dnsntruct E IIELJ eondominiums per plans - Phase I1 10 Changeof usefrom 11 Valuationof work: $ 15fJ,Df)fJ.IJ0 5ee permit i'.|'11E]2 pERMlTFEE 55J.E1D SPEC[AL CONDlTlONS: Slze of Bldg. {Total) Sq. Ft. No.of Stories FireSprinklers Required Elv., nN,PLANSCHECKEDBV APPROV€D FOR ISSUANCE BY No.of Dwejling Units OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTlCE SEPARATE PERMITS ABE REQUIRED FOR ELECTHlCAL, PLUMB- lNG, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTPUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 12O DAYS, OBlF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK lS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOB A PERlOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THlSAPPLlCATlON AND HNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AN0 CORRECT.ALL PROVlSlONS OF LAWS AN0 ORDINANCES GOVERNlNG THISTVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIE0HEREIN 0R NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUiVIEiTO GIvE AUTHORITV TO VlOLATE OR CANCEL THEPRo)ilslof\ls OF APIffiQXHER $TATlF OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCOHSTRUQTION DR nm PeRFaFMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION- '+LJlYSlGff/ufURE,Or eONTR=el+O,R O'tt''fitJTHOnllED AGEN ZONING HEALTH 0EPT. FIRE DEPT. SOlL REPORT OTHER (Speclfy) WHEN PnOPEnLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEl THIS lS YOUR PERMIr PERMITVALIDATION M.O.PLAN CHECK /1V"/l1t Form 100-1 1-77 VALIDATlON *hzlgro gK INSPECTOR a, &7A& oEAGLE bOtjNTY o Eagle, Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPT OF___ ;U.,- %e..y,;, 0 RECEIVED Date 2'tay az, l9 fl CASH Building Permit Fee Application ForQ AMOUNT ITEM Subdivision Zone Chanqe Conditional Use Special Use Variance Aooeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received AlI items are received for collection no-paymento fanyitem. N9 5038 sy only and this receipt shall be cancelled for Ioo Eaglc County Commissioners Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 8163t Dear Sirs: I recently heard of your desires toreconsider thein Vail Intermountaj:n. March 23, 1979 Box 820 Vai1, Colorado 8J657 second bridge nCf%I:iUi,;n} :1J-\..,r,i '4. L1 I feeJ it would be a breachgiven to Car1 Dietz' pro]eg( if of the existing density and site approvalthis second bridge wcre now deleted. Several of the Intermountain residents were very concerned with thishigh density project but were happy to hear of the new bridge tc divertsome o' the addttiona1 traffic from the existing bridge. I fee1 that the county would not need to enlarce or replace the.existing bridge with the acldition of the second bridge. The reasonfor this is that I worry thaL if the, existing bridge were widened, carswould go at more excossive speeds than they do already. If new attractive and sturdy railings were -Dut on the bridge, andwith our attached foot bridge added, this bridge along with the newone will servc the ncighborhood quitc nicely. Please kcep ne informed of any neetings regardinq Lhis development.I and other IntermoJntain residents wi11 be very concerned as to theoutcone. Sincerely, 7 "!::%"/ 3,LJr/2 c/ EAGuc- C0Lfi t Y [!A0,1.E eC!tiJr\JiTY DEPARTHENT OF PLANNIN0 & DEVELOPHENT EAGl-E, COLORADO 81631 TELLPHONE 303/328-73\ I BOARDOF COUNTV ' - CO,'.li,llSSlONERS Ext 24l Carpentry Un1 imited, Inc. ftDMINISTRATION f1nx 388Ext24l iii:, co, s1657 ANIMAL SFIELTER 949-4292 ."[:, r:*}[! Basalt - 927-3823 Hay 3, 1979 ASSESSOn Ey,t2O2 sUiLDlNG'Il\I INSPECTlON Ext226or229 CLERK& RECORDER Ext2l7 COUllTY' A'rTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext236 EXTENSlON AG E}lT Ext 247 LIBRARV Ext 255 PUBLICHEALTH EagleExt252 Vail476.5844 PLANNING ! Ext226or229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SllERIFF EaglcExt2l1 Basalt927-3244 Gillnan827-5751 SOClALSERViCES 328.6328 rREASURER Ext20l RE: Application for Build-ing Pemit in Eagle County H. L. Stephens Property- I ntermounta i n - Denied The Eagle County Building Dept. requires t,hat applications for BuildingPermits in. Eaglc County be routed to the Eagle County Planning, Engineering,and Environmenta1 Health Departments for their comments prior to issuanceof the pemits. Your application was routed on 4/25/79. Listed below are the conm:ents and rqcom;nendations which were Ina'de by the above departments during the routing procedure. If you have any questionsor wish to get a further explanation, please contact the appropriate dept. PLANNINO: Not approved. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext238 Not site fian enclosed. _ ENGINEERING: Not approved. Site p1an must show grading, drainage, and road driveways. Show drainage away from structure. 24' driveway max. width and any culverts required ;nust be 18 inch tninimum diatneter. HEALTH: Approved. (Not'e to Planning - was drainage p1an included in subdivision request? If not, drainage runoff contro1 & sedit;:entation' p1an & i:nplementation procedure is needed.) a/;z:;[FirEdEGi;tfiffi[tjffiTfiTfrfdG?- It would bc to your advantage if you begin to resolve any proble;ts and/or require;nents as soon as possibie so as not to delay the issuance of your building pemit any longer than necessary._z O dv,,klu..4.ea.J ' Les Douglas '. gl. Eagle County Building Officia1 LD/jk rf,. Ull;i.'JUd Co. Engineer, Env. Health 1H .EAGLE FINAL: Review COUNTY L]LllL[j!!PF"[' FU,!1 r APPLICATION C/O INSPEOTION, LANDSOAPE INSPECTION FORM RoutingForm ( ) PrimaryRouting (I.rR.,outing ,f!#;Jl- Locat ion Plann'ing Commission File No. Review and return to the Oounty Building Offieial within 6 working days i3d?1 Permit No. P Ianning: Oomplies with: Subdivision Regulations Zoning Regulations Site Plan Q,.amdgeapffigp) Reviewed by: Reeommend Approval : Date:' gett|-yqNo E E] LI Yes El EI Rl IYj Oounty Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: E] rJ El EI E] E]r] WJ €-J7-7? Reeommend Approval : )?' at. z/azz Oounty Health: Water Sanitation Pere. test Oomments: Reeommend Approval : E] E] E] E] EI E EI Final Inspection: O/O Recommend Approval Comments: EJ Final Inspection: Landscaping Recommend Approval [] |] Oommerlts : O/O I ssued final Filing Date by Date ;'AGLE OOUNTY '-!L|!L[9!*EF|\.ll L APPLIOATION FINAL: C/O I NSPECTI ON,.LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FOFlM Review Routing Form (/j" Primary Routing ( ) Rerouting 4,/]{- 7 ql Date Referred Permit No. Plartning Oommission File No. Review and retum to the County Building Official within 6 working days Planning; Oomplies wi.th: Subdivision Regulations Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) Oommerlts: Reviewed by: Reeommend Approval : 4'-a7- 74 No E Kl w Yes L] E] E] El Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage E] El CJ EI CJ E] E] EI FZ-"T? Recommend County Health: Water _ " []Sanitation [][] Perc. test [] jJ" ' _ ""[] Recommer d Final Inspection: O/O Recommend Approval Comments: J'fL /s /l Pj'/7?< E] Final Inspeqtion: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerlts: ng EIE] O/O I ssued Final Filing Date by Date BUILDING DIVlSION P. O. B0X 179 PHONE. 3286339 DATE JOB NAME [i 0}INsPEcTffiN nEoUEsT EAGLECOUNTY TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER [loTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE [lPARTIAL-LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM EJ APPsoVED El UP0N THE CORRECTIONS |] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWlNG CORRECTlONS: [l REINsPEcT DATE BUILDlI\IG DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 INsPEeTfiN ,,.,.,.,{'!' EAGLECOUNTY DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E]oTHER M0N COMMENTS: TUE E]PARTIAL.LOCATION READY F0R INSPECTlON WED THUB FRI AM PM [] APPRoVED LJ UPoN THE CORRECTlONS [ DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORBECTlONS: [] REINsPEcT DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE I I\I s P E c-:+ I\I E AG L E C OU m E 0 U E S -r NTY '| JOBI\lAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER []oTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE [IPARTIAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM [] APPRoVED TJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS |J DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: [] REINsPEcT DATE 7 'd BUILDING DIVISION P, 0. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME ) *: I\I S P E *r IB I\I E 0 U E S T Y 'r E A G L EC n O U N TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER El oTHER E]PARTIAL.LOCATION MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E) APPRoVED EJ UP0N THE CORBECTIONS ] DIsAPPRoVED [l RElNsPEcT FOLLOWING CORRECTlONS: DATE TE}JPORARY Certificate of Occupancy County of Eagl e Departtnent of Planning and Developtnent Building Division This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of section 306 of the Unifor;n Buildinq Code certJfying that at the ti:ne of issuance this structure was in compiiance with the various resolutions of the county regulating building construction or use for the foHowing: NAilE Caroentru ,,l,,ited ,,. rZeadow Creek. sui1dina,?l _ 6 Units Use Classification Single Farnilg Residence Group R_1 guilding Permit No. 1102 Type Construction r Fire Zone Use Zone RSJif O,vnor of Building Carpentrg Unlimited = Building Address 2743 I,upJne Ct. . Building A Vai J rntermountain Building Officia1 - Date 7/24/79 thru 10/30/29 o O De pa rtmen t This certificate issued pursuant Building Code certifying that at with the various resolutions offor the fo11owing: NAHE Carpentry Unlimited 'rE}.lPORARY o O .Oertificate of Occupancy Oounty of Eagle of Planning and Develop;nent Building Division to thc requirements of section 306 of the the tJme of issuance this structure was in the county regulating bui1ding construction Uniform compHance or use Use Classification Single Family Residence guilding Permit No.1102 Type Construction V Fire Zone 1Jse Zone Owner of Building Oarpentry Un1 imited Group R-1 Building Address 2743 Lupine Ct, -Building B VaiL Intertnountain Bui1ding 0fficial Date ' fi /-) l[, z)/ [/;4 BUILDING DIVISlON P. O. BOX 179 PH0NE:328-6339 o I I\I S P E C -r I O I\I EAGLECOU FI E O, U E S T' N T Y DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER [loTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE ElPARTlAL.LOCATlOl\l READY FOR II\lSPECTION THUR AM PM [ APPRoVED T1 UPoN THE CORRECTIONS [] DIsAPP:RoVED FOLLOWING CORBECTlONS: [ REINsPEcT DATE INSPECTOR : N S P EcrfL I\IBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 n E 0 U E S -r N T YEAG L E C DATE o u JOBNAME TIME RECElVED- AM PM CALLER E]OTHER MON COMMEl\ITS: TUE [lPARTIAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ] APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS ] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTlONS: [ REINsPEcT DATE INSPECTOR t N s P e, e r t NBUILDII\IG DIVISION P. O. B0X 179 PHOI\lE: 328-6339 E AG L E CO m E 0 U E S T' U N T Y DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER lJ oTHER MON COMMENTS: mPARTIAL.LOCATION READY F0R INSPECTION TUE THUR -: ]] FRI AM PM [ APPRoVED El UPoN THE CORRECTIONS [] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTlONS: ] REINsPEcT DATE INSPECTOR I N S P E e 'r t I\IBUILDINGDlVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME EAG L E CO : j..F''t., ; '.:'.. m E 0 U E S "r U N T Y TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER []oTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE E]PARTIAL.LOCATlON READY FOR INSPECTION WED AM PMFRITHUR EJ APPsoVED [ DIsAPPsoVED [] RElNsPEcT EJ UPoN THE FOLLOWlNG CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ,.,..=.-*. FlJ:j;STBUILDING DlVlSlOl\l P. O. B0X 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOBNAME EAG L E COU N TY TIME RECElVED- AM PM CALLER [loTHER MON COMMENTS: FRIWEDTUE EJ PARTIAL, LOCATION BEADY FOR II\ISPECTION THUR AM PM El APPRoVED [] DlsAPPRoVED [ REINSPEcT EJ UPoN THE FOLLOWING CORRECTlONS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE BUILDING DIVISlON P. O. B0X 179 PHONE: 3286339 I I\I S P E e,t I\I E AG L E C O .t f..:r '! ;' j ;.r' I'a" m E 0 U E S 'r N T Y DATE JOBNAME U TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER LloTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE E]PARTIAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR :.' l'... FRI AM PM |] APPRoVED El UPoN THE CORRECTIONS ] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWII\lG CORRECTlONS: [] REINSPEcT '../: ;!:. DATE INSPECTOR BUILDlI\IG DIVISION P, O. BOX 179 PHONE 3286339 I I\I s P E c :Oo I\I .r '' ,,',:'.j ''.. Ft E 0 U E S T' N T YE A G L c o uE DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER LJ oTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE [IPARTIAL.LOCATION READY FOR lNSPECTlON WED THUR FRI__AM PM [] APPRoVED EJ UP0N THE |J DIsAPPRoVED CORRECTlONS: [] REINSPEcT FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS DATE fip1,J".INsI=EeTIInN //J,L, m E G1 U E S "r O U N T Y BUILDINGDlVISION P, 0. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME E AG L E C TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER L]oTHER \l PARTIAL. READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATlON MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRl-_____-AM PM [] APPRoVED EJ UP0N THE CORRECTIONS [] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTlONS: [] REINSPEcT DATE I I\I s P E c :Oo I\I //aJJ Fl E 0 U E S T'BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 3286339 DATE JOBNAME E AG L E C O U N TY TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER LloTHER El PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRI-AM PM [] APPRoVED [] DIsAPPRoVED [ REINsPEcT Il UPoN THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPEeTItNBUILDING DIVlSION P. O. B0X 179 PHONE: 328-6339 EAG L E C OU m E 0 IJ E, S -r N T Y DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E]OTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE EI PARTlAL.LOCATION READY F0R INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM [] APPRoVED CJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS E]DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWlNG CORRECTIONS: [| REINsPEcT DATE INSPECTOR ! _)''t y)a;; n E, O U E S -r I\I T Y BUILDING DIVISION P, 0. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOBNAME EAG L E COU TIME BECElVED- AM PM CALLER I N s P E e -rffi I\I L]oTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE lJ PARTIAL. READY FOR lI\ISPECTION WED THUR LOCATION FRI AM PM [] APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS [] DIsAPPsoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTlONS: |] RElNsPEcT DATE INsPECTOJN E AG L E CO U N TY n E Cl U E S -rBUILDING DIVlSION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE; 328-6339 TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER l]oTHER E1 PARTIAL.LOCATION READY FOR lNSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FBI AM PM EJ APPRoVED [ DIsAPPRoVED [ REINsPECT EJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS..': ''=,a. '',..;..,.. -; ;-;".: '!.,...,j.,.,j..,.-,j:, :t..-....,;,,pj,. DATE -"' !'!'wc,;)som PHol\lE, 32s.;,3, INSPECTfLN //az- m E 0 U E S T' U N T YEAG L E CO DATE JOBNAME IIME REc,,,'- AM PM CALLER L1 oTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE [jPARTIAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM [] APPsoVED El UPoN THE CORRECTIONS |] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: [ REINsPEcT DATE INSPECTOR INsPEcT*N n E 0 U E S T'BUILDING DlVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE E AG L E C O U N TY JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED-_ AM PM CALLER E]oTHEs E]PARTIAL.LOCATION [] APPRoVED |] DIsAPPRoVED [] RElNsPEcT EJ UPoN THE FOLLOWING CORRECTlONS: CORRECTIONS DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. B0X 179 PHONE: 328-6339 z'/.aat 4' !,! fll.".,r;.-. n E 0 U E S -r C O U N T Y TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLERji INsPEeTGN c;',- "",' -" DATE ____._____,_ JOB NAME " i1 E A G L ," +' [joTHER . MON TUE EJ PARTIAL. LOCATlON READY FOR INSPECTION .. ! 'P /-, FRl_______-_-_-AM PMTHUR ] APPRoVED [] DIsAPPRoVED [] RElNsPEcT EJ UPoN THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ,.i*^- ' ',' i, ,,," " --'-'-r' -/-- - ..DATE BUILDINGDlVlSlON P. 0. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 INSPEeTIBN mE0UEST EAGLECOUNTY DATE JOBNAME TIME BECEjVED AM PM CALLEn EjoTHEs [lPARTIAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIMON COMMENTS: TUE AM PM [] APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTlONS E]DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: [ R E t NsPEcT DATE INSPECTOR BUILDINGDIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 ll a 2_ INSPECTl%N nE0UEST EAGLECOUNTY DATE JOBI\IAME TIME RECElVED- AM PM CALLER [loTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE EJ PARTIAL-LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMFfil [] APPRoVED L1 UPoN THE CORRECTIONS IjDIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTlONS: [] REINsPEcT DATE lNSPECTOR BUILDINGDIVISION P, O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE t I\I S P E e -r IIB I\I EAGLEC .jJ, '' FI E 0 U E S -r N T Yo u JOBNAME TIME RECElVED- AM PM CALLER LJ oTHER MON COMMEl\lTS: TUE LlPARTIAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTlON WED THUR FRI AM PM EJ APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS [] DlsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTlONS: [ REINsPEcT DATE lNSPECTOR INSPEeTf!lN E AG L E COU '' ''..'..;: m E 0 U E S T' N T Y BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER El oTHER MON COMMENTS: [lPARTIAL-LOCATION READY FOR lNSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM [] APPRoVED E1 UPoN THE CORRECTIONS [] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: [] REINsPEcT DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX 179 COURTHOUSE, EAGLE CO. - PH. (3O3) 328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT FIEtD COPY APPLlCANT{'a rnent=y Uhlimqted. - ADDRESS 7?x 1RR, i!!fEH' f'n- oATE S'&J?*- 6, 1978 PERMITNo. 1102 (CONTR'S LlCENSE) NUMBER OF DWELL[NG UNITSPERMIT rod\m-qF=ner* 12 eondo _ f-s_; sToRY (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO.(PROPOSED USE) A r o A IoN) Harion n. Stephens Provettu. Zntetmountain atea [?.'j[,. {NO.}(STREET) BETWEEN AND (CROSS STREET){CROsS STREET) & d) <uo ro oz >eoL SUB0tVjSjON LOT LOT - BLOC K - s I ZE BUILD[NG lS TO B€ - FT, WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY FT. lN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTlON TO TYPE USE GROUP (CUBIC/SQUARE rEET) CatPentt11 Un11lnited BASEMENT WALLS OR POUNDATlON (TYP€) REMAaKS; Plannlng: J. Jnterseetdon atust be iraptoved as r}er arrreeatene at Pre.Idm lnarg Plan, Z.SuJJdJngs a:n,st nteet 121t' setJ;acJc ftorn phase 11ne. Ilealtht Svrface dtainage should be f11teted bg grassed swaJe ot gtave| fdJter bed ptlot to discbatge ftout tJ:e iitt,ff propettg 11nes. ESTIMATED PlaII Check E'ee-&4&4.O0 osr $ 3no,non.on F'E"'' $ QZs-o0 OWNER ADDRESS Box 388. Va11, Co- 8165,'1 BUIbfiG P[RM'ITAPPL?CfTION Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. I Harion L. Stephens Prnperty - Intermountain Area (E]sEE ATTAeHED sHcET) OWNEn MAIL ADDnESS ZIP PHONE2 Carpentry Unlimited, Inc. P.0= Box 3B8, Vail, Coln. B1657 1}76-2100 CONYRACTOR3 Same as above MAIL ADDRESS LlCEMSENO. ARCHITECTOn D€SiGNEn4 Arthur [tlise Arehitect MAI L ADDREsS PHONE 1026 Bannoek St., Denver, Cnln. UlCENSENO. C-676 ENGIHEER MAIL ADDRES5 PHONE LlCCNSENO, Columbia Savings, P.0. Elox 17127, Denuer, Colo. BIJ217 eRANCH Main uSE OF BUlLDING Residential condominiums 8 Classofwork: IENEW mADDITION EIALTERATION L]REPAIR EIMovE ElHEMOvE Cons uct 12 neu condominiums per plans Change of use to 11 Valuationofwo k:$ ;OD,EJtJEI.Ol3 PERMIT FEE 92B,EltJPLAN cH€cK FEE [[G{[.OD SPECIAL CONDlTlOMfl: WfiPlc llri+hin rifillnflr rid11+-nf- No.of Stories Slze of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. FlreSprinklers Required Elves LlN,APPLICATION ACCEPTED BV APPROVED FOR lSSUANCE BV OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES; NOTICE SEPARATE PEBMITS ARE RE0UlRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THlS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIDIF WORK OR CONSTRUC-TlON AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 12O DAYS, ORlF CONSTRUCTlON OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERlOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED.I HEREBV CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND HNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVlSlONS OF LAWS AND OR0INANCES GOVERNING THlSTVPE OE WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFlEDHEREJ49 'pR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT 0OES NOTPRESUME7 TO GlVE AUXHORITV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPBOVISIONS OF AU.V-O41ER'STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCDNSTrl4J4TlOl\l. ioR THEtt.RERISoRMANcE oF CONSTRUCTION. H€ALTH DEPT. FIREDEPT. SOlL nEPORT OTHER (Speclfy) LV VALIDATED IN THIS SPACE} THlS IS YOUR PERMIT cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION cK.PLAN CHECK VALIDATION {L-ff*4r.a o 7 6 INSPECTOR R€oHoEn PnoM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUlL0lNG OFFICIALS 0 a360 S. wOnHMAN MILL =OA0 O WHlTTlen, eALlr. 90601Form 100.1 1l-73 I N S P E GT,t I\IBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 Il0}' r1 E O U E S -r O U N T YE AG L E C DATE JOBNAME ,,r TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER [loTHER ' MON COMMENTS: TUE [lPARTlAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM EJ APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE [] DIsAPPRoVED CORRECTlONS: [ RElNsPEcT FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS '-,4l. I DATE INSPECTOR BUILDINGDIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 I\I S P _.J;".. EtT : O I\I E AG L E C n E O U E, S -r O U N T Y DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I]oTHER [IPARTIAL.LOCATlOl\l READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: THUR AM PMTUEWEDFRI [] APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS [] DIsAPPsoVED FOLLOWII\IG CORRECTlONS: [ REINsPEcT DATE lNSPECTOR : N S P E e fio N EAG L E COU ;;d/; m E 0 U E S -r N T Y BUILDlNGDIVISION P. O. B0X 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOBNAME TIME RECElVED- AM PM CALLER E]oTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE E]PAsTlAL.LOCATlON READY FOR lNSPECTION WED THUR FBl___-AM PM ] APPRoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS [] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: [] REINsPEcT DATE INSPECTOR t I\I S P.8-, O I\IBUILDINGDIVISION P, 0. B0X 179 PHONE: 328-6339 j':f. '.. n E, 0 U E S -r O U N T YEAG L E C DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER [lOTHEs MON COMMENTS: TUE E]PARTlAL.LOCATION BEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM [] APPRoVED ] DIsAPPRoVED El UPoN THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: [ REINsPEcT CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR --j!1 o I N S P.t J), N EAG L E COU n E 0 U E S "r N T Y BUILDINGDIVISlON P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 3286339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED--. AM PM CALLER E]oTHER L]PARTIAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM J APPsoVED EJ UPoN THE CORRECTIONS ] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTlOl\IS: [] REINsPEcT DATE INSPECTOR 1, i EAGLmCOUNTY Eagle, Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED OF ITEM BuildinQ Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Application ZoneChange Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zonin ) (Subdivision) Total Received AlI items are received nopayment of any item, N9 42 3 9 Date zfJi. p, 1g7J' AMOUNT for collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for t. i' + UfiBtNG ,,,,,,,.,,,,'IL!,,,, Jurisdiction of to complete numbered spaces only. ([]sEE ATTAcHED sHctT] zt;U,uttT;? 8 r l)/)l L €u La eONTRACTOn "T'jYol bE,l, ' 'I)FA)l/€k,.' Btzutt ARCHlTECT on DESlGNER MAIL AD0RtsS I PHONE LlCrNSENO. MAIL ADDnFSs PHONr LICEMSENO. MAIL ADDRCSS BRANCH USE OF BUILDINC 8 Classof work: Fl\IEW EIADDITION E]ALTERATIoN E]REPAIR Typo of Fixtun u lmm WATER CLOSET (TOILET)SPECIALCONDITIONS: LAVATORV (WASH BASIN} KITCH€N SINK & 0lSP. LAUNDRYTRAY CLOTHESWASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THlS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIDIF WOHK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORlZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 6O DAYS, on IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK lSSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAVS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBV CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVlSlONS OF LAWS AND ORDlNANCES GOVERNING THISTVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFlEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORlTV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVlSlONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTlON. DRINKING FOUNTAlN FLOOR--SlNK OR DRAIN SLOPSINK GAS SVSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. LAWN SPnINKLER SVSTEM SEPTlC TANK & PIT WHEN PnOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS lS voun PERMIT lt nb PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O. ,fi, j;r/'- lNSPECTOH ==oao== FRoM; lNTEHNATlONAL CONFeHeNC€ OF BUILDING OFFIClALS o so s. woRR=AN MlLL =OAOo WHITTlEn, eALlP. 90601 PERMIT VALIDATION CZ-.-gt f/aay Form 100.2 9-69 o | I N S O E8-r?o NBUILDING DIVlSlON P. O. B0X 179 PHONE: 328-6339 E AG L E C O U m E O U E, S -r N T Y DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER LJ oTHER [PARTIAL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTlON MON COMMEl\ITS: TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM |] APPRoVED El UPoN THE CORRECTIONS ] DIsAPPRoVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: [] REINsPEcT DATE INSPECTOR o o INSPE!fiON REQUESTBUILDlNGDlVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE TIME RECElVED-----. AM PM EAG L E COUNTY JOB NAME [IoTHER MON COMMENTS: El PARTI/(L. LocATIoN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE AM PM [ APPRoVED [] DlsAPPRoVED [] REINSPEcT EJ UPoN THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS if;.u,:iDATE INSPECTOR , o - : I\I s P JB r : o I\IBUILDING DIVISION P. O. B0X 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ,,.,u.,, EAG L E C OU N TY E]OTHER MON COMMENTS: FRITUE EJ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM |] APPRoVED JJ DIsAPPRoVED ] REINsPEcT Il UPoN THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE EAGLE CtUNTY Eogle, Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPT OF }L, -Aa,;z..:.; "t Date ae./J aa, 19]LRECEIVED A..u + - z;;z CASH ITEM Buildino Permit Fee Application For ""fr"r Subdivision Iication ZoneChan Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zoning) (Subdivision Total Received All items are received no-paymento fanyitem. N9 4149 for collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled fol -JL:zd- AMOUNT '-, County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT TEMPORARY N9 1 2 4 5 Building Valuation Electrica1 Valuation Temporarg Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $ $ Job Name .....9f!!Jlf.J3.li:tJ.?.. un-++m+te-a..:...ree.cZ.err. C_re_ek Vai1 Inter]liouJztaJ:n Date of Application--.-.-.....-..Se-ptp:[l!lZQr..-?.G-l........l9-..Z.a Electriea1 Contraetor---.-.-........Neu -Electti c -#918. Applicant.-...--. -- ---- Slgnature APPROVALS Pl&n Checker $12-0lJ $-. $,JZ...q0 Date Paid.... 9/26/-Z8..-..-...-..-...... "' " Received s}. \|. {{?11e.F '"' """"'^""'i ^ Receipt #4149 B1dg. Permit #11O2 THIS JOB FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTlON 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRBD FOR INSPECnONS ELEC]fiCAL PERMIT APPLtATION of fnoz-c (,,,,,,,,,Jurisdiction Applicant to cornplete nurnbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION fieae,, (J.,-,,.;t*/,,z- Gd;.(t #l///9 WHEN PROPERLV VALIDATED IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS VOUR PEnMIT M.O.PEBMIT VALIDATION M.O. CASH REC "D SEP ? 6 1978 Dopl ut Pb':. '/PlL lAJ-r[4/r1oct.j-rl]l tu -- i;Kr t:D I'ALu rlsEEATTAcHE DsHEET) MAI L ADDRESs ZlP MAILADDRESS LlCENSrNO. AReHITECTOR DESlGNER 1L ADDREss ' PHONE LjCEHSENO. ENClN€ER PHONe LICENSENO. MAIL ADDRESS BnANCH USEOrBUlLDjNG 8 Classofwork: EINEw EIADDITION EJALTERATION EIREPAIR RECEPTACLE outlets SPECIALCONDlTIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPLlCATlON ACCEPTED BY: RANGES CLO. DRVER WTR. HTR. NOTICE I HEREBV CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVlSlONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCE5 GOVERNlNG THIS TVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLlED WITH WHETHER SPEClFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING oF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVlSlONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE OjSP. STA. COOK TOP 0lSH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. |l2 H.P. MAX, MOTORS: TEMP. POWER [-IPOLE [-IUN0GO. SERVlCE Ll NEw E]cHANGE PERMIT ISSUING FEE ,d, bh-/- INSPECTOR Form 100.3 11-73 n€oHo€Fl FRoM: lNTERNATlONAL CONFERENC€ OF BUIL0ING OFFIClAL5 o saco s. WORXMAN MILL....EaslfiOAtlEt,i; J;tir....., EAGLE FINAL; Review Location Review and OOUNTY rtuttOt O/O INSPEOTlON, Fiouting Form ( ) PERMIT APPLI OATION LANDSCAPE INSPEOTION FORM Primary Routing ( ) Rerouting Plannirtg Oommission File No. //a4 Permit No. SJdpA+,;, Pwofi, return to the County Building Official within 6 working days Planning: Complies with: Subdivision Regulations Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landseaping) Yes No Reviewed by : ffiBIXIE]/9-29-2S Date: nr-r- PRELtMlIJAIeu f4-+tu fi\ solLDJ}JGs, uosr tyterr ta/al serSaet-- eeata P+sai<r ttUe- Oounty Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Oomments: Recommend Approval: E] E] E] EI m E] E] E] Oounty Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: Recommend Approval: E]E] []E]Final Inspection: O/O Recommend Approval Final Inspection: Landscaping Recommend Approval Comments: by E]E] DateO/O I ssued Final Filing Date 't ;t:EAGLffiOUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED OF ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Ap Zone Chanqe Conditional Use Variance onty and thts ecelpt shall be cancelled fot * -+ Q A parcel of land located in the north one-half of the Southwest One-Quarter of Section l4, Township 5 South, Range 8l West of the Sixth Principal Heridian, Bagle County, State of Colorado being more parti- cularly described as fo11ows: "=Beginning at a point from which the Witness Corner to the Wedt One-Quarter Corner of Section l4, said townshtp and range bears N.8O'21'19"[l. 1247.85 feet distant; thence N.83'32'00"E. 156.00 feet along the southerly boundary of a private parce1 of land as described at Book 203, Page 403, Eagle County Records; thence N.s7'09'00"E. 212.95 feet along the southerly 1ine of a private parcel of land as descrtbed at Book 203, Page 407, Bagle County Records; thence de-parting said southerly line s.5t'O6't0"u. 105.93 feet; thence south 25.00 feet; thence SJl1'00'00"E. 35.00 feet; thenee S.16'28'00"E. 20.00 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Lupine Court;. thence along said northerly boundary S.73'32'00"u. 35.00 feet to a point where Lupine Court, Kinnikinick Road, and Basingdale Boulevard intersect; thence along the northerly line of said intersection S.52'59'3O"W. 142.24 feet to the southeast corher of Vai1 Intermountain Developnent Subdivision, Block 4; thence along the east boundary of said subdivision N.39'll'30"U. 263.s7 feet to the point of beginning. Said parce1 of land contains 1.000 acre, more or 1ess. SURVEYOR'S NOTE: This legal description is based on a monumented survey done by others. LincolnDd/ore Date ' P p R o v t o P.,,, --""" - -- -- --------g]::-{?- "} p Insp, ff,G,,,,,aiijj:jj;--^-:"-:::i:] auguat t0, t978 1000 Wes1 Fillmore S1. Colorado $prings, Colorado 80907 (3O3) 632-3593 Home Otfice Carpe11try gnll.=I,tad p.0. Sox 3&8 Vatlp C0 81657 '" Ite; : ;-a="" : - ; _ ; : :, - i :|: -i Iill[, -' '..', ' , i..i.6.... I ' "....rr'a, '''''!:' ' '' '' '" IJ ' SUBSUBrAeB SOlLB IllVBSItGAIlOn Bobart I,. P. E. J, ' ''.'i.''. J: i ' :+.: '.: '.'.:;' i.. 'I: !, J.i.i :, '''. '.' : RLS/klDC tOrU 1110. CS.790 2700 Hiahway 50 West Puebb tolo s1m3 (3O3) 546-1150 P0 Box t427 Glenwood Springs, Qpb Bt601 (3O3) 9ffi-6020 to9 Rosemont Ptaza Montlose, Colo B1401 (3O3) 249-7838 P.O. Box 1BB2 $and Junction, Colo 81501 (3O3) 242496B P.O. Box 1643 Rock Snrinos. Wvo 82901 (3O7) 382-2649 .t.BSTiUtCTt Tb* eontenta of tbta report aro a aubaurf=ee aolJla inveattgatton and foundatim rcem ndattona for two propo*ed.$lexca "to ba eoaatrueted tn 'VaU, Cotoraifb, Thc :,ltboratory bai not at adffime 66en a aet of eoaatruetton drawittga for tbe propoaed sfillcttlTOs= After conatderatton of tha lnvcatigatton -at1d teattng progran diiertbed bordtn, tt ia our raeotm=ffiatlm that - aha11,ow foundatiort *yatema eortalattttg o1 eontlnuoua foottnga bcncatb a11 beartng walla and taolatad apread foo;IJtgs bctteath eolutma an,i otber potnt* of eoneetttratad 1oad be vs*d to earry tho wetgbt ol tb1 propoaed aFi'ueturc. l'oundatima loeated at typiea1 rbalffi; foundatl,on daptb may ba p=portton=d on tbe ba*La of a maxta== allowablc bcartng eapaeitp of 1800 ptl. A Fnlrt[1ouln ieaA load preaaur* oi {@@ p*l *bould ba =aintained at a11 tia. fha botto=a of foundattot= *bou|,d ba ptacad a dtti=;;a ot 4 faet belov ftntabed grodcg or aa dfitatod by locaJl butldtng eodca, |ot froar protactton. Por aballo= foundatton aratcrtaa tba eontaet atreaaca beneat.b e=tcrtt= to*d baaring ualla abould ba baltncad to wlthtn abcnrt 500 paf througbout tbo Dts'Il,eturoo Isolated tntertor eob.== p=da *berold bo doaigrtod for eolltact :tro=sea of about 200 paf lcaa tb*n tbe avaraga aeleeted for tbe c=tcrtor walla, Balancc obould bc accoapltahad uatttg the dead I,o=d plua about ona4talf tha 11va 1oad, a11 atc= valla abould bo 4 ' a - i deMgned aa grado boae= eapablo of apanntng at leant l2 foat. A11 tl,oor alaba on grade muat ba ecmatruetod to act tndependently of tbo otbar atruetura1 porttona of tbo butldtng. Adcquate dl=lllag: a=st be provtdad at a11 titma to pravent the pondtng of watcr above tho foundatlon aollc. .1i o td,tbin tbo body ol thta raport. a11 It=itationa aat forth bir=Ln, Horo detai l=d r*eo ndatiolLo ean bc found' : ' '..'. :.' ''' :..:.'.. : . .' '.; ' reecndattoaa ara aubjact to tb* GHIEMtt Tbe purposo ol thta tnv*atlgarton v*a to datcr=tne tba g=ncra1 *uitablMty of tbo aito for e rtruetim of 11.gbt to a=diuo wetgbt bouatng t,wd,ta. C'taraetariatf,eg of tba lndivtdual, *oL\* found tn tha ta*t bortnga ll?era er=+ nod for tmc in daaigning t@ulld:tiollD for the*e ' . : '.'t ( L j"- j :.I'i.......F locatton ia abovn on tba att=ebad diagra=. "" f' " 6" ' " U. G t -. ?Ppolraphtea117,. tba ecm=truetton attt.1l altuatod on an alluvtal dalpoalt of Gora Oreek, tbo grotuld aurf=ca slopa* to tb* 1|ofi1|| tow*rda tba creek, at an averaga gradient of approxt=at:ly 1,0 pare@llt, - Altbough tba txact tttreetion of draiaaga aero*a tt= *lta trt:t ba eoatro11*d ao=trhat b) tbc propoaad ematruetton, tmat *urfaea runoff avont'uat:y flowa tn a no=.borly dl,rcetton towatd tbe ete4,, 1n ganoral, botb :urf=ea avA :ubo . aurf aeo dratnaga am fatr to g,ooa. .2. = I I i I I tm tou*aarto= tutt= tta atta &ppa&r to ba tttly of an a11tnrtal natura. Tba ool,La vitMn tb: uppar 2 to 3 fect of tha ao11 proftla wra tol111a to et=alat of ailty elay organte top aot1 =atcrtal, prob&bly havtng bean dcpoaitod aa tb: atte by tbe =etton ot stleetvash ortg(n,tttng tn tha blgbar araaJ to tne aoutb, b'ttlt tneroaatng deptb, tbc aotla b=eam *mra grattular ana are r=dowlt=ttly coaraa gratnad a11uvta1 =&tert&ls, havtn.g bean depoattgd targo1y by tb= actiort of thc 0o= O:eck. All of tbeae ttpper =atartals uera d*poatted upon tte bard, denae =atep[a| balollgtslg to tba Htntum fomatf.=, etlar&e. tcrt:tteallaa tba Hintum forlDattall et=aiata ot gny to roddt,bffir,,, aand, atcoa of eoaraa to =adiua gratn *Ltc, wttb tbi= bcda of atlt.tone and ohalo, I I I I : ['.::-i _;.',.,: I I = ai tba aubaurfaea-prott;a aatabttabad v)g judg=d :ufftefetttly tutiforn tbat J10 fureb*r ttat pita b=ra dae=ad noeo::as'y. A11 taat ptts vlt1 exeavat=d wttb a bydraulte baekboa. Saryla* *em tahll by bu1k =tthoda. Aa tndteat*d olt tba attaebad logi, tba aubaur. faet profllo cnoouatcred ean rougbly be dlffidod Imto a tiPo-laJlor oyltea, -3= Tbta ftrat laycr of thLt proftl: waa found to cortaiat of tbe afity c1ar topaotl =atertala. Tbcaa :otla roughly *xtand frc= tba ground aurfaea to a dcptlt ol approxt=atcly 2 to S ftet aeroaa tba atte, Belcm thana aurf=ca taatartab va* eneour.tterod a ttadiut= to fino gratn*d, atlbJ, c'Laycry) aand wltb varytttg a unta of ailt afied pa-rttcla*. fhLa =,tarii1 t* allttvia1 in ortstn, havtng b*en depoattod va tbo aita by tba aetton of 0orc Crcak tn tbo paat. Larger parttdca of graval, cobblo, aud batlder aite, mre cneoutttcred uttb lllerc&aillg deptb. Tbe sal[ples obtatnod durtng our I1o1d explorattca progra= bava been grouped tnto a aingl* aoil typa= Th1a aot1 typo ta repreao cntattvo of tba louer, allwtal layer of tha aotl proftlo. Hor: precLaa wtth exp&nsiffi, praaaura on tbe ordar of 400 paf betqg =aaured, It 4l1 ttavc ltttla tonderacy to truo lortgter= om*oltdation uodor load, Et wt11 bavc a J " "nJ' tancffiey, bul)tlvet| -to, aattla ui,u atatlc loadlng, or tlporl appUe&Ltffi 9t ', '' ' ', , i i ' : .. '''' '..':. i '., .:' :,...'..: .,'. ''.. ''.',,':',.fi 'J.....r:.' .:;L.., '.'.' ''' ' '' ' 'wibration. If maxffi= allov,able beartng valuea are not *xceedod arrd baLmcing end rclnforetng requtre=nta are v.t,, aettletaan,t of tbta =aterta1 abould ba raduo*d to a tolerabla 1eve1, At any rate aattle=.nt v111 ba fairly raptd) and abould be eorylate by tbe cnd of eollat11letion. Potmdatlona plaecd tn thta materia1 may bc proporttoned oa tbo bastr of a maxlutua a11ouable bear(ng '. ' '.. ' ' ' '.'i' """''"'i-' " '"':':,;. .{+ eapactty ol lBffi p*t, wtth a =tt<. daad 1oaa pr=Isuro of 400 paf =afattatnad &t aU tt s. rLtl adl eontatna rulfat=a tn datrt==nta1 quantl.tica. Xo tn= fraa uatar tablc ua= eatablt*bod 1n &n7 of tbo t&at ptts.plaeod on thta sitad It t* bcLteved tbat frae watcr wi11 ba fatr\y O*rrp in thta arcag and abould not aft*ct fall}datiotlao It abould bc notod, bntav*t, tb*t aubaurface aeapago ta lthe Iy 1n thta araa due to tbe topograp\y and tbe nature of aotl matertala, Por thia rea*on ue rooo==nd tbat aubaurfaee pertpbera1 dmfia be plaecd.romtd tba *tOlCtul"sla Addttic<tally eonatructtm problea= rel*tod to aecpa,ge eould bc eneountered aa eonat=tett= ncttvittea taka plaea durl=,g wat sea-soalo CCRiCUlStffiB.& RBffi*Epll),-'pUmSt -:._,a =.. " " ""' G'- '-r.r "=:"" -"t'- ".= ,"!-l4 Stnea th* e::aet type aad loada of tbo proposad atruetlra =m ncrt praetaaly hot= to tba Ltboratory at thin ti=ap tba eaD," clLtgtotta g;y) p*qgt:=n=tytar[gm; eoo,t=i,nal tn thta report =.=t ba aoemrbat 8t ta r*eoanae-mdod tb=t aba11c= foundatica ryate= eonat:ttng of eontin== l,outAatLcn,t ben:ath extertor 1oad bcaring ua11o aM taolated apro=d foottngn benaatb eolut=ta end otber pointa of eeentrated 1oad bo uaad to tr=nafar tba mctght of tba proposod buildfip. l'ountLtctc=a loeatod at tgrp:tdntt*\y 4 fect balow tbc prasent gnuttd *urfaee in tbe rtatartala of !101,1 Iypa 1106 1 tay ba propo=ianed on tb: baaio of a taa;ctm;m allouablc boaring @ap&e[ty ot about lB00 pof, A 400 psf =ind=m aa:a load atresa ta r=ooutn=o,dad, n= bottca= of foundattotts ahould cxtend o a eintt== of 4 t**t batotr ftnLahod grada) or aa dierat=d b) loeal btatlding eode*, for froat protactimt. In =a affort to 1i=Lt poaatbla dtf ferentia1 l1lmrel=nt, ua wc=ld wo tad, that th) EoutcdaLu ayata= bo m1t babned. Ttta foutxtatim *yttWa abould ba proportLoned aueb tbat tM totd prenaura on tbo aot1 ta approll=ttaly tba aat= at a11 poLnt* thrcqbout tbe btdldtng. Por aingleaatoty :trueturea witbout baa=otttaa balaaelag =ay ba aeeoepttab=d on tbo baat* of dead 1oad o|#. [f tba bul,ldtng ia co bo =lltt-story? ot tf tt contatna a basettent, balanelng *hc,uld ba aceotrylLabed u*tttg tba eritaria of dead load plu-a &pproxLnltaly on*balf tbt 1tv= 1oad, Uatng vbtebt evet erltcrta ta appltetble, tt tl recot=eod=d th=t eont=et :trea*e* armnd tha cxterior 0'f thc butldtng bc bal*need to wltbtn abeatt ) 500 yt at a11 pointa. Isolatad intarlor eolu=t pada abould be daa tgt=d bt prm*urea ot atandard P:oetor dry denait:r, ASTH D-498. Ploor :lab: =ty ba pl*eed dir=etly on grada gt over a e=ryaet-ed gravo1 bLcnket of 4 to 6 inebea tn thtclmeaa, tt tb* grava1 bod t* cbos=sg tt =at bo proffit:d'ultb a fio: d:al,nago outlet to tba aurfae: and tmat ttot be a11o=ed to act ta a t;atar trap beneatb the floor sl&b, a:;y topoil boueatb a1ab areaa abould be rcsvc8 and replae=d witb aultabla contro11cd, coapaetod ft11. i6. o ba contPloor :laba abau'Ld troeted ao aa to aet tndapand*atly of otbar :tm;ctural portiona ol tba bdldlng. Conerato alaba abould ba plaead ttt aectLoua no grsatar thna 25 fect on a atdco Daep conntruetton gg eontraetlon jotnta could bc plaead at tbaac Ulles to faeto lltato even breakaga. l'htg wi11 be1p r*duca to a =tni=t= any u=igbtly eraffitng trbteb could ba eauaed b,y diffar*t*tal, =v*=llto 'fo aid tn tba raptdtty o2 ruaoff and to rafi* tbo atructuro :o=evbat umre rlalda baekft11 ltclllt|d tbe atruetura and tn ufillty Lrencbe* leadLng to tha atrueturc ahould bc eoupaetcd to at laaat 90'( of o.txt=,m Proetor dry denattra ASIlf D698. 1'La nattve matertaln tcrta1 larger ' _ tban 6 tncbea in dtametor i* tir*t rcmv:d. Eateria1 abould ba ptaead In. =-::,". ll,fta not to cxeacd 6 inebea in eo=paet*d tlLteknaaa at a amtaturo eontent approxt=ttoly =qua1 to tha Proetor opttl&l= taturo effitant, p1ua or =tllus 21. B&ekftl1 :bould bo ecrryaetod to tbc requtrod dottatty by mecbanieal : *o vatu floodtng toebltqual of any ty;m abould ba ttaod ta tb* plaea= t ot fttt ut tbta atta. Tbo uaa of vtbratory ce=paetton oquipHlnt =ay facilitatc tbe eocpaetim of baekfttt =hare gr*nular *ot1 typoa ara ul:d, '.. r.; Adequata dratnaga =tat ba provtd=d fn cbr c fcluDdaticfn araa botb durbtg and aftar eonatruettc= Lo prelrent tba poodtng of watar, Tba grou=d *urfaee around tha structure ahould ba gradod ao tbat :urfaea water vt1t bo c.arriad qctekly *vay frott tba btrtldtng, Htni=nn gr=dt tent vttlttn l0 fo*t of tht atmetura =t11 d=perd upon aurface landaeaptng, Bara or paved araaa abould bave a =Lt*:oan gradtellt of Z'l., wbfic l&ojlseapod areaa abould btva a =tntrxrn gto,dl.eat ol 5'l, Roof dratn* abould ba earrtad aeroa: baekft11ed aroa-a and dtaehargod wcL1 a-uay from ttte strtletuslq= tt t* rcecaamanded tbat a nubaurfaeo pcrlpbera1 draln eonaiattng of =n adeqtutta dioebargo ptpo, gr*ve1 eollcetor, and :and ftltor ba tnata11ed around tba .?o I L' I I I I ! [ I I - ntructllr:, I'bo kab =t=ata ba provtd=d wtt-b tbo aurf&co tf =t a11 poaatbla. If gravtty tfa11 tr not pfistble, a ltnod tvry ana pttry :bocld be uaod. Ste= valla for e4tltttnuoul foundattonD abould ba daatgn=d a.g grada baa=: capable of apanntng at laa=, 12 foot. Bofiaontal re.tnforetng abould ba plaead emttnuoual,y atound tbc atnletllre wttb no gapa or breaka tn tba retllforct11g atee1 unleaa tbcy arc :pee1a11y dtaignad. Beama abould bc retnforeod at both top and bottota tdtb tbc maJority of retnforect=qg betng pl=ecd at tha botto= of tbo beata, l.'bere ate= va11a td11 rctafit aoi1 tn exccaa of 4 teet ta betsbt, vorttea1 rcinforetag may bc neeeaaary and should be daatgnad. To deatgn =ueh vertte.1 rctnforetne, tho aquivalent flutd preaaurc of tbe aotta Ibol11d bo talten aa 38 pef, ttt tba actlvc otat*.- ------1" l'baoacnfoundatteae,,ca..ttoo nbouldba tnapectge prtor to tbe effistructiolt of for=a or pl&ce nt of eollcrate to =aLabltab that prop=r d*tLgtt baartrtg =ttarial baa bean reaebad *nd tbat tto dabrts, aoft aPotaD or ar*ag of u:*taually \stto dcnrity ara loe&ted vtthtn tba fou11datiat araao rtm :oila =t tha aite =oro foulld to eontai= Iulfatea tn {:oLrffiaata1 quantttieg. fbarofom, a fypo Lt Hodtfiod Ce=ent to teeortu=aqffig4 for uac tn at1 eooerata whteb wt11 ba m eontaet =ttb tbo fott11dattc,Il *otlo, thular w etreuq(gg;gg ahould c-aletu= eblorido evcr ba addaa to a Type It Cea=nt. I,n tbe =vent tbat Typc It C==nt ta lllLlfLc|l\t to obtain, a Typa I Cafiont =ay be uaod, prcrvidod tbo eonereta ta aeparated frt= tbc *ot1 by watcr reststant In:lffirlnes, 1t ta balteved thata11 pertlnent poLlto col}eerlUtlg tbc aubaurface aolla =t th1a aite bave bcen cov*t*d 1n tbta teportg o fr=a gravtty outfaU to 8 '.: i' *' '... ' '?".......-...' ! '.,.. . g.i , i. ' ' "'" llhO\l l* Dtf11''trpea ana eonditteta otbar than thoaa outltnod bcratn ara not*d durtng eonatructtoa c= tU: atta, thaac abould be reportod to tba Laboratory ao tbat chaagaa tn rceo=t.endattoua eatt be =ada, tl tbasa ara naceaaar)ra If quaatioea artaa or furtb=r 3afotoztLn, ta roquired, plea*e feal frce to emtact tbo Labotatory. -9l * a /, :':, ,,." " l: \ /' - ;f / Geaera/ j'/^4 /-ocafiizz Dlb9,-a,r? - D,ie/t z"rv,oer-fir ---/6,'/_ dl,Z>..a,4 THE LINCOLN-DeVORE TESTtN6 LABORATORY .ORADO Colorodo S,orings, Pueblo, Glt=,,tood Mpnlrose, Gunntson. WYOMlNG:Roek o, ---/ry--.{(.& -tiy'L- f,Ot -3 T=bi.Holc No Tr7 El=vmion / 71948 * 1943 3 ?a39 yl,q,..ih .&s/pa j.'4p {hy. Org)aeC s}{/kc s,+,lz?,?y d/-e&/, ,+aG;,Jr/ /4 /Ja./,.Pr z=,,,i$r_ ,ffi,',,{ gc|iYcreJ fi|ps.,T- a:,=z I,i4'y d'/bp. d.p.aez2 Jz;4a €,//y, d4a)/ St,r/, Zl /4<,f4:, 9t$ r;)u 4,17/.;f r | |,;a sa/rc fi,osol - |g/&clc 3'/ gZ;p. ;zr/rc y,ly_ d?yy sa,P4 l-} d.aa /:./;dp dz;r, O€lfily, =a,ffia:.m/6-,;,.i 'r.8. 46=//- 1 f--8. |$,o|.&rB. &G=/dZ.//. ! I [ I , *'""'''"( E=GLE COUNTY Eagle, Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date , 19 ?7 RECEIVED OF CASH ITEM Bui jdinQ Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Iication ZoneCh Conditional Use Special Use Variance AII items are received for no-payment of any item. N9 4571 Buildinq)Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received AMOUNT collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for !;----_ dO County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1354N9 JOb Name.. -99-r-P99t{!- Ud-gt Date of Application-...-.-,-.....-Jp-rgarJ/, 2-4 -...... _.....J9-..-...Z9 Vai1, 0o. 81657 Applicant--.,----......J-.... :..J.,.-.... i._.:.i.... :. :_.. :-...-......-...--.............-....--....__..--..... Slgnature $,....-..----..--.-:..-..... Building Valuation Electrica1 Valuation 6 units 0 1620 Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $--...,...-,--.....--..... sq. ft. $.l.9?-,.gg,_..,..,_..__ . $-:-..----...,.......--,..... $..!.?g-:.q.q.--..-...-. APPROVALS "i;-.l;'-"""-" --'^-"""" 1/Z4/79 Date Date Paid..,.,.,1174179 J.KellerReceived By THIS JOB FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURS ADVAnfCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR lNSPECTIONS Receipt #4571 B1dg. Pemit #1102 J , tLEC?RIcAL PERM*T APII?IcATION Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATlON WHEN PnOPEnLV VALIDATED (IN THIS SPAeE} THIS IS voun PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION G,atl # l/s 7/ fiaay. fi,-,.u #ztaa INSPECTOR Form 100.3 l1-73 RGoRDeR FRoM: INTERNATlONAL CONFER€NCE OF BUIL0ING OFFleIALS = s360 s. wORHMaN MlLt. ROAD o wHlTT|ee, eALlr. 00601 USE SPACE BELOW F0R NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. E,flel.E eelJhITY Departtnent of Planning and D'evelopntent P, 0. Box 1/9 Pltonu 32.-7311 EAGLE, COLQBAD0 81631 ''Z2 Febrgary i979 Hr. 0arl Dietz ^ = Oarpentry Lnlin:ited P- 0. Box 388 Vai1, Oolorado 81657 Dear Hr. Dietz: At the rneeting of February 21, 1979, the Planning Oornission reviewed the Headow Oreek Prefiminary P1an for the purpose of reconsideringtheir positJon concerning the proposed access road across public 1and, The Contn:ission re{uests your presence at their tneeting of I{a;ch 7: 1979to further consider the matter, Since this involves your subdivision p1an, we hope you wi11 be available to discuss your concerns with the Cornmiss i on. Ue intend to have representatives frorn the Bureau of Land Hanagernent present a1so. Please notify this office if you have any questions or are not ab1eto attend this tneeting. Terri11 Knight Di rector TK/kp BOAR[) OF COLjNTY COFJi.liSSlONERS 328.68, (l9. ADfffiJlqlnATION 328-6674 ANtN4A'uSHELIER 949-4792 ASSESSOR 328-6593i BUILDING INSPF-C-rION 328-6339 CLrRK & RECORDER EaQle 328-6377Baialt 927-3244 COlJI\iTVATTORNEV 328.6074 Ei9GlNEER 328-6337 El\'VIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328.7718 EXTENSlON ^ AGENT 328.6370 LlBRAr.:V 328-7787 PUBLJC HEALTH EaQle 328.6594Vall 476,5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD €{ BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eaclle 328.6611Baiait 927.,3244 Gilnlan 827-5751 SOClAL SERVICES 328.632B TREASb'RER 328-6376 ae' ' ,rL,.i':'1,... EiC.GLfi ee;tJ[,:TY D€partr:ent of Planning and Developtnent P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE, COLORAD081631 BOARD OF COUNTV CO[;4l/lSSlONERS328.6809. AIJh4!N'lSTRATlON 328.6674 ANlMALSHELTER 9494292 ASSESSOR 328-6593 BUlLDINCrlNSPECTlON 3Z8-6339 CLERK& RECORDER Eaqle 328.6377Baialt 927.3244 COUNTYATTORNEY328-6674 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVlRONMENTAL HEALTH 328.7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARV328.7787 PUBLIC HEALTH EaQle 328.6594VaIl 476-5844 PLANNING 328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6591 2? February 1979 Hr. Stu Hirsch Bureau of Land Hanagertent P. 0. 8ox 1009 Glenwood Spgs, Colorado 81601 Dear Hr. Hirsch: The Planning Comrnission reviewed tt'S position concerning the road across public land under your jurisdiction in the iJest Vail area. Since the app1icant was not present, the Cornmission requested the itent be placed on the agenda for Harch 7, 1979. The Oo;nn:ission a1so requests attendance by representatives fron: your office to discuss this issue. At this ;neeting, the Cort:mission r:ay also discuss the other three requests if you desire. Please notify this office if you wish to attend or if you have any further questions. SHERIFF ' Eaale 328;6611 Bagalt 927-3244Gilman 827-5751 SOClAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER328,6376 /-a/{,,Terri11 Knight/ Di rector / TK/kp pOoo o /lTf/4 D0W CF?E"E"K SUBD/ I//S/O/Y PRE L I M I N A R Y o ', FILE #,:#Zz&.Z[,. EAGLE cd. PLAN, ooMM. fi',i?,1', T!lzpprr 'rABLE OF CONTBNTS o Cover Letters Ownets & Professionals Adjacent Property Owners Geology So11s Inforlnation Drainage Study Wildlife Wildfire Utilities Schoo1 Agreement Covenanus Johnson 0 tunkel tanfiurveytng CiJ Box 7l8 Eagle, Colorado 81631 . Land Surveying . Civi1 Engineering . Computer Science Contained herein is an application for preliminary p1an approva1 for the Meadow Creek Subdtvision ( fi1e N. Ssp. 98-78- Gore Creek Subdivision ).This application follows the procedures set forth in the Subdivtsion Regulations of Eagle County, Colorado section 4.02. The need for a housing development of this type has been expressed many times by peoi;le who desire to move to this area and by people presently living in the area, but desirous of improved housing. It is with the hope of fulfi11ing this need that this subdivision has prodeeded through review with the County of Eagle. It is requested that the contents be reviewed and forwarded to the County Conmissioners for their approval. Slncerely,;A m,t-zr,,,,-, UJohn MacKo{m Phclr!?3) 328-7229 (303) 3284368 May 31,1978 Eaqle Oounty Planning Commisslnn Eagle, Colorado B1631 re: Headou Creek Suhtllvisiog Gentlemen: It is our opinion, that there is a definlte need for the type of housing proposed in nur preliminary plan. Dur plan shous a duelling Df three bedrooms, tuo bathrooms, livinq roorn, dining room, kitchen and earport. Excluding the carport, these unlts uill enntain approximately n,590 square feet and sell in our present market for a base price of 167,500. tde feel that it is important tn provide a liuing unit in both size and price that ui11 a11ou a person uho uishes to 1ive and uork in the tJpper Eaqle Valley, the opportunity of horne ounership. Lle feel that thia development tuill fulfil1 this need, Uery truly f//./,Z I M. Dietz a/ 3ff ,4,;fi-/ = Headow Creek Subdivision Preliminary Plan Subnitta1 County of Eagle, Colorado OIl/NERS : Allen J, & Harion Stephens P. O. Box 3099 Vai1, Colorado 81657 O PROFsSSIONALS: Johnson & Kunke1 Land Surveyors P. 0. Box 718 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Arthur tJlse, Architect AIA 1026 Bannock Street Denver, Colorado 80204 Lincoln - Devore 1186 - 116th Road Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Preliminary P1an Meadow Creek Subdivision SEc.14, T.5S., R.81[J., 6P.H. Adjacent Owners of above Subdivision Lo t No. Owners Address 001 BLM 002 Stephens, A11en J. 6: Marion B.ox 3099, VaU, Co. 81657 003 Knorr, 0wen & llarjorie 5638 tane D'Or, Las Vegas, Nv. 89119 004 Sachs Develooment Corp. Columbta North Assoc. Box 332, Edwards, Co, 81632 005 R.l{.K. Developnent 711 South Smith Ave. t Kenneth Kube West St. Pau1, Mn. 55107 . :'I I i "' -'-.:..:, :.P, ]:j.:....:' 006 Pedotto, Juanita t. 1336 Logan St., Denver, Co. 80203 007 Tator, Vernon & Suzanne Box 1093, Vai1, Co. 81657 008 Giannetti, Rosario Box 1806, Vatt, Co. 81657 009 t,arsen, Ronald 501-1/2 Harvard Ln. Boulder, So. 80303 010 Putnam, Ralph Box 1211, Vai1, Co. 81657 01l nansaro, John 3039 S. Hobart Vay, Denver, Co. s0222 012 Roldebush, Rayhurst, Sargent 6960 B. Euclid P1., Englewood, Co. 8011t 013 C.S. Depue, W.C. Purdy, H.R. Oriek 4880 Lee Cir., Boulder, Co, 80303 014 Small, Fred E. & Irene 1614 S. Kipling St., Lakewood, Co. 8022 015 Vai1 lntermountatn Assoc. Box 705, Vai1, Co. 81657 OWNERS : Allen J. t; Marion Stephens P, O. Box 3099 Vai1, Colorado 81657 'lD'a ' G ECDLCJGY . ffiC]ll-ffi o ( \ \=R,:j Q :t. fJE;;-1 ] Ja C1 OQU Mr6 h! J'9 E g d tJ P ' i iia ii" UJ>b; 'd [.(( "fiJ, [it t l 9.1..L utt 8i: f 0 1} 0 ll: cj ii; ; iii . c.:{i. i\l r. qt f ll }- 1i :1/ 'l t ) -9 i t ttt: I'. 4 'iii i:' l.fj.. :',, r Bt 9l i!, a i IN tai]n erf_.\ '=L +:''o i ]. L ?\J Zn) tt;t :ii\\/i ii i i 4a( D o.xd \ / I t \, G [I j d,' E' f} F.9iii!ii|i '!i; co > 5eo 'J o t-:o:: : Q ', =;1t-3 " ';:B J [Ju IJ 5::J Qoo Q oo o o ooao Eoq)."o-7- Euj :2('J >u; J1J < o.. !+o 1:Jo 1:-l I Jl th t \i [, Cj -a Q D Lincoln DeVore 1000 West Fillmore St. Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907 (3O3) 632-3593 Home Office Y1ll. Kar1 1'1ots so?c 388 V&1l,, CO 81657 Sfis T=naadtted hctaetd,th ia : ltopollt oonoo=ing tbo gonotta1 ard ongil1oolIlng pologyof a propoaed *ubdivlalon to bo known aa If4AIKJbl CRB'Br, looated in Woat Vai1in Bagle County, Thia repot4 has boon yttoya*td in aooowlanoa w1tb thc pttovl aiona of Colorado Sonato B|[[ 35 (30-28-133 C.R.S, |g'n &s amo=;=;) aru tho t!aglo Cmnty Subrllvlaion RogttJ.ationa. " Reapootfu11y euh:dtta, LINCOLN.DeVOf€ TF:S'rJ]{0 IAfflnAT0RY !tlrootor of JRl/1on, 2700 Highway 50 West Pueblo. Colo 81003 (303)546-1150 GPNnRtL & lJ:mlmFRll\:0 GBOl,CGY PnOPOSPP ?lFA!}OW CRlIFr SUElIVISION FAGD: COUNfY, CCLORttDO Hoffia Invoatig:tiona P.O. Box 1427 Glenwood Springs. Colo 81601 (3O3} 945-6020 t09 Rosemont Plaza P.0. Box BQ7 P 0. Box 1843 Montrose. Colo 81401 Gunnison, Colo 81230 Rock Springs, WVo 8290t {3o3) 249-7s3s {3o3) 641:2276 (3O7) 382.2e49 [LqJ j?-$#jUl- JoselTl1 R, Infa*oe11i Ooologiot 0€lo]ogicd IN'fRG10CTIONt t Peaonno1 of I,lnooln.OoVoro hav: oanpletcd an inveatigatdon of a propoaod aubdivialon dovoloptont to bo looatcr1 in Weat, Y=i1 in Eaglo Collnty| Colorfflo, 'fbta tra,ot may bo genorc11y doaertibed aa a part of tho aouthveat quart,ar of tho mrthottn ono..hal,f of Sootton ilt, Totmnhlp 5 Soutb; n=ngo 8t vo*t of tbo 81xth lhalnoipaJ Hffidi*tlg a,nd lnoludoa ap;xtteoti= nately 6,28 aoros of 1and, (5oo l'igum t). Tho atto 1s loeatod appoarfiatoly two ffi1oa west of tho Totm. of Vailo aml nay preaontly be roaohcd by omaaing a ana11 bridgo ovtw Ootto Crook by wa,y of tho Scmth Pront=qc Road looat,od duo west of tho Woat Vai1 H1t off ot Intoratata Ilighuay f?0. It ia our wdor. atamllng that addltiom1 aeooaa from tho South llitont=go noad ia boing ,,.,,.,., v1a a btfilgo whioh =111 bo oonstruotod owr Goro Crook on tho not4,hoaat pot4i,on of tho site. It ia pttopoaed, at tho tino of th1a t*ynt\,g that tho dte b. aulx11tdded aa a rosottt type devolopnont to eontain_.?O_nultiatorr totmhottee unita; apooiftea11y g]gqgp (;;) a$g==p|g ==1 one (;) fmn-rt1ffi llfii,t.s. Tho purpoae of th1a report, whieh t=s autborlaod by H1'. John HoKowon of Johnaon amt Ktnkc1 (ragtc, Colomao), tt to dotomlno tho geologioa1 proportloa of t.bo ait,o aa thay affoot onginooi=lng aml onviromonta1 oondlm4tiotls. Motboda mploycd in thia lnvoatiga,tion lncludo ;|rllLGl of tho ;mt11ah=l litoraturo atd provloua 1oca1 napping amt naa reoonnala:anoo, Tho n=jorlt,y of tbo propo*od dovolopaent 11oa on tho fi;nd, (youngoat) |g;apgg or etora eroa wl,tb tho axooptlon of affib=at, mmor of the a1to whloh Ucs =t tho baoc of a aouthfacing dopo ot tho :J..:::: s =atah Hountaln Ranga, Elovationa wlthin the ;nmpet4y r'ngc frat about 78]0 root abovc tnoan aea lovol, =1ong 0o= Cr+ok to about Y890 foot &bova moan aoa 1wd. Sl,opea rango ttatt about 10f ovor tho =t,|ot€ty of ait,o to o,txntt 'll1$ at tho aetthoaat oornor of tho =1to, tvttd averaga about 12$, Topograplqr oonaiata of gently dtoping to f1at otnaok temaoo whieh riaoa alowly to tho routheaat -1- o alopo. Tho 1ooa1 drainago pattomabtttting tho footbi11a of +,ho aottth.faoing natntain oeaot*iaJJ,y fo11olrs tkn pottnd aurfaoo goti\r flloping fH= tbo aottt.b *nd aotttM cad, dotm to Gom Cr*ek, whioh gontl,y noamlera al,ong tho mtvblnroat boundary of t,ho aito. At tho time of tbia tnv.aUgation, no aprtnga or boggy aroaa woro noted, howevor, thoro ia a atrong potontia1 for apt+lng aotion to ba dewloped along tho baso of t,ho sol,lthoastolln alopoa, llero largo utaaooa of oo11uv1a1 ancl slopewash matorlda *bmptly oono in oontaot wtth tho flattor 1y1ng po"'ona ot the ait,e and aoopngo from trprr\;ng ntnoff ia quite poaaiblo. The ontlro aite 11ea wltbin the drainago baain of 0ore Croeko whioh dluins ditaootly tnto the Eagle Rtwr. Plnoelgo 01imatoJ,oglod data ia not avaiJ.ablo for tbia aito, Howewr, rogiona1 infonaation auggeat.a that the nean o.nmza1 p1'o" oipitation is in the vicinity ot i8 inohea por yoar &pproJcilnato1.y 10 inehea of whieh fa11s aa anotd'a11 1n the wlnteto nonths, Averago daily atnmncr tmperaturoa approaoh tho Dlid-sjJrties in JttJ.yg whilo the avorage wtntor tempo=turea drop to the 1ow twonties 1n Januatvy of tho yoar. Tho dcad,nant vogotation over tho a1to is na.tivo graasea of aovet=1 variotioa, Seattored lodgolo ptne t.roea 'at,n prowpored aloq; the otteek banka roadting hotghta of botwoel1 30 and b0 feot. Other ooniferao imludinq spmtee a=l alpine fira, are fottm1 along smte of tbo atoopor nort.hfaoing alopos tdti'le Aapen beoa aro ptteaont aJ,ong the lowor alopoa. Tho *ntire aroa haa boon * r&ngc tot big gano 1n tho paatp mtoh aa o1k ard mt1e docr; howovorg aineo tho oonatruot.ion of Ilfbelwtato rlS#tl{I;y +?0 thrcatgh tho aroap thoitn appearanee ia 'Hntif,gfi to the winter montha, h'unet:ou* *pocioa of m&11o1= apfina}g aro a1ao poaont on tbo aito. Prevloua 1and u:eg both on tha ai,te ard in tbe aroa) haa beon lnatnly g=sing for dmuoat.lo anfid*, Howover, thia onti,= portion of t1to Gore Ox+de Ya,11oy haa baon gnadual3y ohanging elutraoter to booeaao a tmddontia1 *ff1 rooroationa1 aroa, -2- OFllFJitAL GPCt,COTt =The popoaed Ifeadow Cta=ek Sttbdivlaion 11oa in a geoJ,ogle set.tingg fiiob although mtmnundec! by tJto mounta.in rnngea of tho Ya11 aml Hintu= arcas, i* dc@ltnatod watly by tho =ttofioi4 dopocita pteaent,. Tbeae =trfioiaJ, depoaita otttLnly oonsiat of eo11uvlum (material dopoaitod by alow oa1lth orecp or gr=vlty) dori=d frctn Uto weathortng ard oroaion of t.ho alopea tdiiob lio to the sottth trt\ aottiltoaat owffirlng and int,omlxed w1th &lqfig| (w&teP-tlwlsportetl) dopoaita of Goro Otnoek oonaiating of rooont allnvttlnp atx1 rotroticocl gbeia1 outxcaah attl moraim1 matol€d. 'fhooc autfioia1 depoaita are somowhat topographiea11y oonttm11cd by the looaJ, &rfi =gtom1 bodrook, tho=fore, |, briof diaouatrlon of t.ho atmotttroo orlontation a;xl hiatoay of the 1ooa1 a=1 regiona1 bedroek w111 bottor onabla ua to tuxlorat,and tho geologioa1 onvlromnont of tho aito itaclf, lhoao mtrfioia1 dopoatta 1liU bo disouaaod J.ater in the report in dcpth. H:n:DgX GEOLCG|; The proposcd aubdivlaion ia urxlerlain at dopth by the Hintum Pornation, a thiok aor'oa of sedlnentary rooka of Hiddlo Pennayu lvanian ago (i.o., approxinatoly 280.270 mi11ion yaa,t* o1d) ,,hi.h, 4tlxttgh ia mt. present on the mtrfaoo of tho gite, oan bo dtearly aoon outorop)dng on the mtatbe= side of Into=tato Elghway Oyog whore tho fo=ation forma atoopfaood o]iffs with thiok bods ot reddidt to gtty oo*teo intot:bodd=I erita oonglotneratea, aandatoneap shalca am1 bed: ot oarborate rookao :bo lowor roek* 1n tho fo=aation atae tenttec! ggg_g raoaning that they 'tave beon crocled and red opodtoc1 fron their origina1 plaoe ot origil1 in a nontarino enviro;=terbo whil,o tlto uppor boda are ocsay:oaedl of earbonatea an: Htaok ahalea of mafi,no odgin; ara are up to 6,)00 foot U,g2,o nt.) thiok in adJaoent aoctiona of Weatom Colot=do. The atrata ot' beda at the above-mentioned loeation at.,lke (the 1ooa1 direotion of trerd of the -3:p =easentla11y oast to weat arx1 d1p (tbo =di,p ia tbe angle atrook fomation) tdtieh a rock layoto or aqy plalner foature ia inolinott from tho hffiaonta1. i,o,, tho dip ia at right angloa to the atri,ko) at appro:d;nataly 23 dogroea t,o the mrth.nortMcd, on tho averago. In ordmt to unloratarx1 what the bodrook benoat,h tho r1te 1s doing 1oo=11y arx1 hor,r 1t affoota tho ovol:lylng auffioia1 donoalta, it 1s nooeasazy to get a baalo unlord,antling of tho hiatary a=1 atmoturo ot the reglona1 rook fo=atlona, Rogiond\r tho fintntm Pomatton ia onJ;r pnt4 of a a=aalvo aerioa of aditaentary rooka dopotdted 1n a 1ong ard ro.thor nnr=w tt=tgh that, extcndod frcnn mrt.hwoatomt 0010=10 aoutheaattranl I,nto Nt,w Haxl,eo. In oontt4 Colorado thia tlxlLlgh 1aye botwoon fio anoiont 1,att1 naasor that wero amtroea of't.b* aedimonta_tbo Pmnt n:Ilgo uplift on the mrthoaat atx1 the Uno=apahagro uplift. on the ecxttht,rost. Both of thoao higblanda wcro aaaooiatod w1th what baa beon t,cnaed tha Ano.atn.,1 Rooktea, a nounto,.tn= bttilding epiaodo ooourring in Ponnaylvanian timo. Tho aubooquont oltoaion of these sediuenta atxl rodcpoaltion fomod tho tuoc1 beds of tho ffinturn Ponnation ant ultllaatoly oauaed tho diaappearanoo ot the up11fta aa topographio faatures (tCgH.artta),' A 210 n111ion ytoa,t intorva1 fol'lomd in whioh a aurfaoo of 1or relief dccttinated, In ttot,, for kkto 1aat 20 mi11ion yeal$| tho ontirc region waa tuder wator at whleh t1ne tho yottnger oarbonatoa of the Mintutm Fo=at.lon voto dopoaitcd, * alxx,t ?0 nill,lon yraat* ago, in tbo 1ata Cteotaoootts pofi,odg tbo findt idtbdl=mr1 of tho saas to tbo treat taok nlaeea loaving bohind pea,t thiolcnesooa of tadS:tr.ortfi,o,ry rooka whioh oovead up tho o1d uplifta. At th1a tJ,ttto t.horo ooett=ed a rapid..,t., of upMfts and mout*ai;>buildlng prooe:aea known aa tho Laranido Otto;rertr.o tGthln t.he spsoo of a few ?Itt11ton yeara there amao tho i:tmedlato anooatora of tho preaent day Scutbcran Melry ltknu*aina. Stgniftoant et=totura1 featuros woro dovclopod in t.ho mountair= that aurrouni Vai1 ffi .Jf., Mtnturn during t,be t*aitt;e orogel\rl.p..tn.,uy utoQro 1ffig, uplift trbioh 11es to tho northcaat a=l tho Satratch Rango uplift whleh 11os to tho southlrest. Betweon those two :naJor uplifta a J-argo clopositiona1 taaina1 area waa devoloped whioh produeed a broad bo1t of aedimentary rooks_tho Contrc1 Sodimontaty Be1t. Tho propoaea aubdltdslon 11ea at tho botder of tltia baaina1 area a,rr1 tho bogln ning of a vory large struotura1 feature..the Sawatoh Antloline (a roek fo1d that is oonvex upw&rd); an antio11na1 featura of ;(t=eat taagnitudog 9o niloe 1ong and ltJ d1ea td,deo South of Ootto Crcok (unlorlylng the popoaed aubdi. vtaton>, howevor, the beds or *trata of this vory largo mgiona1 at,ruotutd featuro, dip vety gently to tJte northwoat over * 'raty largo diatanoe, This 1a the west 1inb of tbe antielino and is t homoolina1 flank (a hmoeline refcra to strata w1th a falrly rogttlar dip in the atmte dir..ti..). Thia oaaentia11y meana that, althou,qh t.ho dip of tnook bcda undorlylng tho aito area para11ola thg alope (i.e., tho bcda dip with tho slope 1nto tho m11ey), the stmoture underlylng thesc rooka has oroated a gentle regiona1 d1p ffiioh wi11 =dueo tho potontial, ot alope lnatability on tho aite. SURFICIAL 'P!f!P05lTSt The maJority of tho ait.e being developed ia topographioal\y loeat,cd on tho first, (youngest) terraoo of 0ore Creok. Howevera due to the natttra1 physioo1 resffiotions posnd by the atoep oUffs along the tmrbhewn va11eywa11 aml the teoen\, gcoloqio hiatory of tho Va11 areaa whtoh inoludes both Alpino glaoiation an; epiaodes ot slope novtmcnt (lluldsliding), the genera1 oompoaition of the alluvium on t.he aita 1s quite varlable, l\ttting tho firat atage of tho Bt11 Lake Claeiatdon, of Pleistooeno age (i,e,, approxintatoly 1 to j tci11ion yoara ago), a glaeiett de*oorded Gore Creok and to11ltlr.&tor! at tho Ootto '=e'r Sohoo1 on1r ha1f n mi1e northeaat of the propoaed attbrltdsion, Thia temina1 no=ino along -5- wtm ntore rooent gl&*tlon of ttto doPo,.,1., provid*€cid.onsivB aollroe &l'oaa for sed11llonts| vAioh havo boon r=rorkcd by 0ora C=ok and depo*ited on the atte aa reteorkod glaeia1 catttmah ard gl*oia1 wn,ira. Hotae toooently tbe Hlntutm Fo=ation alotq tho aouthottn w,lJ.cy ffil haa woathorod and ottodod fomlng "slopelmgb" or eo11uvlum doposits that have otooopcd dotm the al.p.a and aecunmlatod in dide'like ptlea dong tbo baslns or =11eya. In oortain &Po&s the ?(inturn Ponttation eontalna lnootapotcnt g}g'j,y beda that make idoa1 auttaoes for landolidlnq whore tho beda dip toward va11eys, During pePiods gf intenae tapring nlmtt, water &ot.s as a natura1 lubrl,oant a;x! aota aa a eatallat for the ovorlylng ooJlttvlun and alopewaah deposits to boomtc aotivated as landslides. Tbere ia no evidenoo of roecnt landalidir)g on tho aite it.aelfa howevor, tho aoutheastotm oot'ner ot tho aite doea havo a hummooky appearanoo whioh ia tndioatlvc of 90010910 otwep (alow movmnatt) wbioh eould be aeeelet=t,cd during perloda of lntonao mnoff, Pttrbhemore, two raaJor lamlalide ompletea exiat, ac!Jaoent to the site, which are worth noting. 0no md,.ts direotJ.y to the south an:! southeast of the site, which dooa not infdnge upon tbe site but wi11 oontinue to proffilo aedimentation in the fom of oo11uvlum and alopo l,rash, 1he aeoord lanJalido oetplex 11oa approximatoly one rd1e to the amtth. weot.,t the site anc1 it ia aignifioant, ftom its hiatorioa1 atarx!point. Thts l&rlflslicle onoe erossed Gore Creok anr1 litera11y damtaed 1t glving riae to the fomation of an upatream lake* thia is aignifieant in that fourdation invoati gations fott heavil.y loarled stntoturea plaoed on the aite may oneountor silfi; anr: olays of 1ake otdgin at deptb tddoh r.ay be oonpreatdblo due to thcir modo of depoaition (ailtntion ana I,ake sedilnent&tlon). rI\pINffiRING 0EpL00lt After ttevierlng a pro11rdnaty so11s engi neoring reportp Preliniparr SoiJ_a_n! Foum!atJon Inyatlcatlon Pat=el_1 SDl:lOF Creek lleadqtrs jubdlylsion, by Thcaaa B, Suttrterleo of Colotffio Spldngsa Coloradoo -6.. pmvldod to Linooln-itr€ w tbe olient, tt 1a ovldc!'fllcfi1 thc teat boring 1oga that aoils on the rit,o are quito variablo in c=poaitton, Aa pttovioua3.y menttonec:, tMa 1a probably due to the goologle hiatory of tbo g|.tg atv: to the divorslfloation of the aout=e areasi.o, p a11uvial,, g'laoldofluvlo ard ool. luvlal. Aa a maultp tbo on.tdto ao11 oomlitiona appear to t:o..1t..,,n.ti. ana it 1a abongly roocarao=led that Iht4her foumJation invoatigationa bo poff'omed when the tmlividua1 buildings are spoeifioa11y locatod. After reviewlng a s1te p1a,n pttovldod to Linooln.DeVore by tho At=ltttoot, 14ro Arthur Wiae, it appoara that oJ1 of tho building aitea are looated out of tho 100 year flood plain of Gore Creok. flowevera one buildlng oorner appo=a to be loeated as oloae aa 20-30 feoL fron tbe floodplain wltltrmt rntch varlatdon in elovation, In th1a area tt is auggeated that proteotive neasuraa ba lnoorporated to prevent fut4ber bank erosion, Btnming, =lvogotation, *nnoring, pefi,odio orotdon ohooka, and ratention ponda should be inatalled as requirer', Preventlon of unnooesaary e1=o19ion wi11, alsop enhanoe tho qua11ty arra deairabi11ty o' the developtent, It ia a1so aignlficant to mte that nono of the test bot{n|s enoountercd a grou=1 water table, hotrevetn, two (2) ot tho test borlngs d:€11ed 1n th. area arlJaeent to Gore Ctaeek (taat bollilu{s f 8 ay)(| 49) enoountered ah4Low rethaaJ,a, It ta, tborofore, posatblo to oneounter grou=1 water in dooper exoarations, pat41ctdar'ly tn the spr1 lg of the year a.t pefi,ods ot poak nu:offg whieh may neooatdt.ato tho inoorporation of dotra,terlng nethoda dudng oonst=tction ant shootlng of fou=!ation ffice&vationa. ',t'herever looae eands arz3 gravels are encatnteredp ahoeting tdJ,1 ;=ob=bly be neecssary aa wc11. Dtto to glaoia1 otdgin of the on.aite alhvitmta la.rger bouldera nay bo enoounterod durdng exoav*tion wbioh taay roquire blaating tm. mmova.1 ott nay be utilized in bnr?aoaping. A"r" 'A ivtew of tbo t a*mtorr toat rosulta of the above..,ttent,ioned soila repoa4.p indioated that the on.sltc e1*p ury bo high3.y oanpreaaible umlor 1oar1, bat do not appear to bo aocpanaivo. Quito occnroonJy tZteeo claya oont,ain oalolu:a stdfato in detfiutonta1 quantltiea trhloh ate hlgbly oomDosive to ooneret,o whioh oontaina Typo I Canent. A11 oonor*t.,; whieh cat;es in oontaot w1t.h these olayt; ahould uti11ue Type 1I Nod-ified O=tent. F\trthemorea 1t is reomcntetxled that if t,heae elaya atoe fm=1 to contatn higb sulfatea, 'dxaf, they be tcated for resiativlty in otxler to nake reomnttendationa oonoemlng the most s,,itable typo of pJ-po for utJJ.itiea ntx1 1ts expeot,ed lifo 8pan, 1n reqa:€ to slope atabillty) the naJorlty of the In11xlivision is looate,1.,, very atable alopoa with the cocoopbion of the aoutheast oorner of the aubdivlsion, Ptmsently thia alope cCso appeara to be quite etable, but has a hummoolqr appoaranoo ttbieh may be indioativo of s1ow novement or geologio oreep, Aapon treoa havo gtown to helght.s exooeding 20 to J0 feet in this aren an1 t,hoir t=nks appear to be quite atraight (t.e., they are not pistol-butbbd) whloh trould further imlioatoa at laaat,,...,t st*bLLity. f\te to Ute o1ay cotnpoait.lon of' the ooLluvlum in these aroas and the orlentatlon of the bedrook at depth (1.e., dip dLo;dng 'oeas) it is attmngly r*oomne=led that good dralnage toehniquos be utilined in th1a aeotion of the aubdivieion. Pmper landsoaping and stnlotulDa1 teehnictuea, aueh as beavy reinforoinao twof draina, guttea*a, roof pl.tcb atx1 perlpbertC (or Frsnoh) dratna ahould be lnoor,,. porated 1n otder to avoid ponding of wat.er arotux1 foumlation areas a=! to lnaum quick reuova1 of any mtnoff water fmn tt..1..,, of the foundation. It ia impetetive that any baekf111 arottrd the fourdatlone be popot*ly emnpaeted to rtteet stan!ard apeoifleafiona, A1so, it has boen prevloualy mentioned in t.his reporb tha,t there iap at loast, a potentia1 for sprtnga or aeepage to devolop in this area, Pield mapplng uaa perfomed in the aprlng of t.he year ard tb.ero -8- 1m8 no ,,id,,,. of &r$teepago pu my. Hot€evolD, JR, tho olBientauon and oorcpoaition of the beclrook and compodblon of thc ovottly'ng aufflcta1 aoilag thcro ati11 ttemdna a distinot posalbtlity of onepttntar ing soopage during exenvation. l'hore dooa not appoar to bo qy potential for ,,.,,&1.,..; tn the dto sl'os, Potantia1 snotlsliclo an*a hatm been mappad by Robinson in aroas dimct,ly south of ffie aitop bolrer@| it is bolioved that theae areas do not infrlngo upon the s1te ifielf. There ia no ovldonoe of rookfalls or mudflows presont. Thotoo ia no evldomo of potontia1 rcinc aubeidenec in tho imnediate aroa mr aro t.hore any noa;tby minotua1 doposits uhiab are lt&dio&etive in oectpoaition. It ia the umlot:stamting of tho Laboratotty that both se,rage di,po,,1 and water supply wi11 be provLled rubliea11:r, thet.o. fore, thia report has not addpesset1 oither teater aouroo nor oenpiler1 peroolatlon data. If this lnfomation is de=ted llOOOssslff, an addetultm to thia roporb nay be aupplied upon request of the 0Wl101'a ' Dtte to the presenoe ot ocmpreaaible claya art1 due to the erratie natutm of the on..slto soilsa roada and dpainage sttuot turea (stom dralns, oulverba, eto.) ahould bo dosigncd by a qualified onginocr baaar1 on apeoifie sotls data onoo thoso struotutaea havc beon properly looatad in the field. Thet:o is no lctotm ooonomio finem1 rosottroea aasoeiated uith the lfintaaun 11'amatlon 1n the inmedlat.* aroa of the aite tJ:at would oonst,ttutc a sLate interoat.Sartt ffi gtavo1 ia poaent butp duo to the over.abundanoo of ovorain=J gl-aoia1 materiala, am1 ho etnmtic aoi1 eordtttona (t,o., the test holos im!ionte tho poaoneo of ailta ard olays interlayered -9.n trlth tbo sand s and ), it wottld probably be atw on-s1te taatorda1 in o=lett to trdlfie it as baokfi11. Puffhomorep due to the nt=row widt,h of the Go= Va11ey in tb1u &rea| it ia probablo that any grave1 aouree ia qulto 1inr1t=1 to begip td,th. 1n mgard to arqr rogiona1 geolngio h=ard whioh ld,ght affoot the propoaed auHivlaion, the oloaoat actroe of radioaetivo minoralinatdon 1e loeated at Woloottg Coloradoa aaaoaiated w1th tho Ho=iaon Fozmafion whieh is looat,ed appoxtnatoly 15 mlloa woat of the propoaed sttbdi. tdaion, Host of eontra1 Colorado 11os in an area of 1ow to tuodorato sei=nio aotivity, Howcvet*g thom i, aate evidonoe t,hat fau.lta along tho oaat aido of tbe Gom Rango might bo our=nQy aotive. Aooonit ingly, altbough no g>eat aei=nie r1sk is aasooiated apoeifiea11y tdth this parbioular site, it ia roommond=1 that a11 atmtoturoa oonrt=otod on thia aite be designed in aeooffanoe with the pllovlsions of the J,atoat edition ot tho Urdfom B.dlding Codo for soismio dsk Zone ?,. It ia bolieved that a11 pet4inont points conoerning the genera1 an1 ongineoring geology of tbia autxlivlaion have beon oowrerl in thia report, If quoationa arlee otn if further infonaation is doairtrJa ploaae foe1 freo to oonfiot the I*boratory ppon youto oonwnienee. =gllavels =noooaa&ry to o=tah atxl sereen .1O.. o .'-_":i,,Wt; Bose mop: USGS Tt/?Lquodrongte IW}pS LOCATION MAP MEADOW CREEK SUBDIVI WEST VAIL, COtORADO ?, 'T'' ''P' TffDSCALE IN FEE1 CONTOUR tNTERVAL:4O' Lincoln- DeVore r;A.lP& I BIBI,I00nAPHY JUJF]RICAN GF:OLCOICAl, ntsrnum, 197lt, Dlotionary of 0oo1gg1da1 loms; Anebor Booka Edition 86 po cunnsj sJlUCE F., (ee;.), 1958, Sptapositun on Pennaylvanian R,.k, of CoJ,orado and AdJaoent atmaat Roolqr Xolultain As*oolation of Geoloffiatao t8b pa GALLAlIT, WILLIAH A., 1975, Englneerinq Oeology am1 Reaottroo Hapa of Pagb County) Coloradot Donverp Ch*rlea S; Bobinson t,rr3 Aaaooiatlona Sheeta 1A.1P. ROOPRS, Wa P., fig., 1971;, Guldlinoa and Otvlteda tot Identifieation and Lard Uee Contro'la of Oeologio ilazatd am! Hinera1 Resouroe.Areaat Oolorado Gmologloa1 firvoy Srotmttoattonaa Pub11o&tion 6, 18.,)p po sll{oN, R. s., 1972, Selsll!iolty, 1n 0eo1og1c Atl.aa of Roelqr bfottntatn Rogion; Roolqr )4ountain Asaoeiafion of Ooologists, /+8..51 po STOKrS, WILLIA]{ 1FE anc1 Vames, 'ra:dd J.p 1,9550 Gloaaaty of Solootcd 00010910 Tonns with spoeia1 mferenoo to tholr uso in enginoerlngg Oolorarlo Soientific Soclety Ptaooeedingsp Yolwte 16, nenver, Colorado, 6 po rlljnro, OGr)!:N, and Lovering, Tbemas S,, lg??p Goology of the Hintttm [j+|i|[rqfi; Qlladranglea Eaglc and Suttmit Countiea, Oolorador Ontted Statea Oeologiea1 Survey Profet;siona1 Paper 956, 1-?9 po -11- a -\- o u] tJ }u t[l \l\ _; 0PQ { $[J\1;'UN\ { --(-(' td " !Ju-I IlI : 1 t "y i t'.( f: i ." "-z 9[- d J kl t/l J jll j| 6l|[ll 501L C]L'JL\CTl:iuUCo Dcpth to Bedroek Texture Surfacc Subsoll ' Substratum Untf|ed/nrtSU0 Classifieation: Permcability (below 2 feet) : Percent Coarse Fragments (gravel, cobble, stone) : 5011 Rcaction (pH) : Shrink-Swell Potentia.t : Potential Frost Action' ( surface) : ' Flood llazard : Hydrologie Crou;i - : Corrosivity - Stee1 ; - Concrete : DBCRF.E & K::ND or LtH[TATIoNs (O is 'Sltght, H is Hoderate, ' S is Severe) I P .,f .albr=i ' i : Deep o o Saptic Tank Absorpfion Fie 1ds. Sewage Lagoons Sanitary Landfi11 Treneh Area Shallow Bxcavations, Dwelll.-ags w/basetnents. w/o basements Local Roads and Srreets SUITABILITY AS A SOURCB or...i Daily Cover for Landfi11 Topsoil ' '. and Cravel Roadf11l. OTHER S0lL FEAnlRES. "ADvA,NcE coPY SUBJECT TO CltANCE" N0T T0 BE Fine sandy 1oam, 1oam Sandy clay 1oam, e1ay loam C1ay loam A-t(, A-6; xt,, SC, CL " Hoderate: o.6 to 2.0 in./hr. tcr( 6.1 to7.3 Moderatr '' Hoderate None B High Lo..f. permeability rate permeability rate - shrink-swell, frost action. frost action, shrink-swel1 - shrink-swell, frost act,ion Fair - thin layer, too.:,yJy Good Unsuited '' ' ' Unsuited ' Pair - frost actiqn - shrink-swell ='\ I H ; }f : o: 0 ; 'O , H', H , H Cj! USED IN PIJ\CE OF 0N-S1Tf. INVESTlCATION. dobW g O D,gep Fine sandy 1oam, 1oam Sandy clay 1oam, clay C1ay loam A-/,, A-6; }1L, SC, CL' Hoderate: O.6 to 2.O to1 6.1 to 7.3 Hoderate HoderateNone ' ' BHigh. Lcw H - pemeabil:tty S on slopes over S, slope 1oam in:/hr. rate, s1 ope \51. Septic Tank Absorption Fields Sewage Lagoons '. ' Sanitary Landfi11. Treneh - Area ' Shalloy Exeavations ' lhze11figs w/basetnents vlo basemento Local Roads and Stree't. SUITABILITY AS A SOURCB OF, o o o Datly Cover for Landfi11 Topsoll '. Sand +. Cravel ' ' Roadfill OnIER SOlL FEATURBS H - slope H - slope. S on slopes over 151 ^. H - slope S on slopes over 151 H. slope, frost aetion, shrink-swell S on slopes over 15$ H - shrink-swell, slope, frost action S on slopes over 15$ : ] SOlL !' Depth to Bedroek : TexLure Surface I Subsoil ' : Substratum : Unified/AAsHO Classification: Permeability (belota 2 feet) : Percent Coarse Fragments (gravel, cobble, stone) : Soil Reaction (pll) ; Shrtnk-Suel1 Potentla1 : PoLcntiai Frost Action' (surface) Flood l!azard Hyd rologic Group Coirosivity - Stee1 Conerete DBCRFE 6 :(IND OP LIl{ITATIONS(0 is Slight, H is Hoderate, S is Severe) ;^ Pair - thin layer, too clayey Poor on slopes over 15$ ;'Fair-slope,. : Unsuited, '. ' , Unsu i ted. '. ' : Fair. frost, acfiJJn, shrink-swell, slope Poor on slopes over25! = "ADvANcs coPY SUBJECT TO cltANcs" N0T ro ss' UsED IN PIJ\CE 0F 011-51TJi INVESTICATION. nap un1c :'o,- :zg '?p-,-12p, 12F |SOlL CliARACTERISTICS Dep:h :o 3cdrock Texture. Su;faca Subsoil. : Substra: un : Unifled/.UtSHO Class i fieation : Pcrr.cability (bclow 2 feet) ; Perccnt Coarse Fragtnents . (graval, cobble, stone) : Soil Reaction (plt) f Shrink-Swell Potential : Poten:lal Frost.Action'(surfaec) : Flood Hazard : Hydrologte Group : Corros:tvity. Stee1 ;p Concrele t DEcREE & x1ND 0P LIHITATIONS(o is Slight, H is Xoaerate,' S' is Severe) Septie Tank Absorption - Fields Sewage Lagoons '. Sanitary Landfill - Treneh - Area Shallou Excavations helHnns v/basements w/o basenenta Loca1 Roada and Streets SU;JJABILlTY AS A SOURCB 0F, ,, Daily Cover for Landfi11 Top s o il j Sand Crave1 '. Roadf111 OIHBR S0lL FEATURBS ' .Fine sandy loam Stony sandy clay 1oam, st,ony sandy loam Very stony sandy 1oaffi, very stony loamy sandA-/,, A-6, A-2; ML, SC, SM, GH -Rapid - 6.O to 2O.O iD./}m, : fbep over J)/o ?.;, to.s.ll Hoderate to 1o,r; Noderate None B H1gh Hod erate o D ac stoniness seepage, stoniness seepage) stoniness seepage stoninens .r =el= J a ri = J" o b : S - stoniness: M; 5 on slopeo over : M - st,oniness; S on over 151, = *. i ql, ON-SITE INVESTICATION. :;/, slofea Poor Poor,. st,oniness Fair 'Faj-r Poor - large st,ones c OF"ADvANc3 coPY SLlJECr TO CliA.NCB" N0T TO BE USED IN PLACE PREPAReD FOR I TAYvEL ENvIRoNMcNTAL LAND COMPANY P.0, Box ll[jl8. VAILl CoLoRADo 81657 PRELIMINARY SOlL & FOUNOATION INVESTIGATION PARCEL 1 sPnlNc Cneex MEADows SUBDlVlSlON EAGLE COUNTYl COLORADO r= PROIleCT NO, 5O2 5JuLY197l[ I ! CONCLUSlONS scoPE PRoPosED CONSfRUCTlON FIELD lNVESTIGATION LAsoRA ToRY I NvEsTIcATIoN SUBSURrACE CO ND IllONS DlSCUSSlON Tcst BoRING LOCAlI 0N PLAN Tesr BORING LOGS Tesr BORING LOGS - LeGeND & Norcs ORADATIoN ANALYscs SUMMARY OF LABORATORY resr RCSULTS PAot 1 PAGe 2 PAcE 2 PA ce 3 PAGE 3 P A ct /t PAee It F ICURC NO, 1 F I GURE NO, 2 F I GURE NO, 3 FIGuR€ Nos. b. 6 TAsLE No. 1 oO 1031 soulh frontooe fobd westp o box h44 " vdsl.cdorodo01057 303476 0297 1 ) u t/nto ' E Oe "i=4l., | tlon CONCLUSlONS LICHTLY LOADED oNE (1) to two (Z} stonv RCBI0CNtIAL TYP€ STRUCTURES TO BE CONSTrlUCfe0 IN THIS ARCA SHOULD Be StJPPORTe0 BY CONVENTI0NAL SPREAD FOOllN0 rOUN0ATIONS PROPORlIONED ron MAXIMUM ALLOWABLC BCARINe PReSSURES IN THC nANec or 1000 to J000 PsF. THE FOUNDATION8 MAY BE SUPPOR?ED BY 1'He NATURAL SOlL STRATAp IN M0ST CASES. i 2) MUL?I.rAMILY UNITS WHICH WILL HAV€ MODCRATE TO HCAVY LOADINCS MAY ALSO BC SUPPORTED BY SPnCAO roorlNe FOUNDATION SYSTCMS,, HOWeVER, IN MANY AR€AS I1 WILL Be NCCESSARY TO Ul{DERCUT n€LA. TIVELY SOFT AN0 COMPRCSSlBL€ NATunAL SOlL STRATA rROM BENEATH rOUNDATION AREAS AND SUPPOR? THE PROPOSED STRtJCTURCS BY NEW COMPACT€D STRUCTUnAL F I Lt.. ' 3) s;rc enAOING CHANCCS SHOULD BC HeLD YO AN ABSOLUTC MINIMUM. Due to THE PnESENCC Or LOW DENSITY, HIGH MOlSTURC CONTENT CLAYS, HEAVY CONSTnUCTlON eQUIPMCNT COqLD EXPERIENCE RELATIVELY SEVERC SITE MOBILIZATION PROBLCMS. 1;) A1 THc TIME Or OUR TCST BORING INVESTIGATION9 NO CROUND WAlER iYAS €NCOUNTERED TO A DePTH Or APPROXIMATELY |8-|/2 rcct sELow - PRCSENT SITE ORADEs. Ir sHoULo B€ ANTICIPATED THAT eXCAVATlONS INTO THE NATURAL SOlLS IN THIS ARCA MAY CNCOUNtER ISOLATE0 SEEPAGC WATEn IN THC ronM OF NATURAL SPRlNeS. 5J IN Mosr AREASg enOUND rLOOR SLABS MAY BE coNsrRUcleo A$ SLABS.ON.eRADC suP-PonTED BY EITH€R THC NA?URAL BOIL8 OR NeW COMPACTED STRUCTURAL rILL. 6} oue ro 1HE tRRATI0 NATURE Or tHE SUBSURrACE MAT€RIALS) ALL CONTlNUOU8 rOUNDA?ION WALLS r0R ALL TYPCS Or S?RUCTURES SHOUt.D BE WCLL rtEl NrORCtD. 7) TYPe 1 cEMENT MAY BE USC0 IN ALL CONCRETE. 8) tt wttt sc ABSOLUTeLY IMPEPATIVE 1O PERrORM ADDI?IONAL SUB. SURrACC INVESIIOATIONS ONCe THC eXA0T BUIL0ING LOCA?IONS AND OTHeR OEtAILS OF 1HE PROP0Se0. PROJECT ARE MORE rINALIZeD. scoPE oo oo PRoJEcT No. 5o2 PAGE 2 9) THE srcEP SLOPC LOCATC0 0N THE eASfCRN PORtlON.Or THIS PROJE0T WAS NOT COVERED BY tHlS INVCSllCATlON DUE TO INA00E88,lBILITY- BY OUR tRUCK MOUNTe0 TEST BORING EQUIPMENT. A CURSORY INsPcc. 1ION Or THIB SLOPC IN0l0AfES THAT IT IB IN A rAIRLY STABLC CONDITION, BUT COULD sc suauecr ro CREtP ?YPe MOVCMENTS Ir TH€ PROPOBED C0hlSTRUCTlON RESULT8 IN EXCeSSlVC AMOUNfS OF CUT ANDrILL IN 1HIS AREA. EXTENSIVe ADDITIONAL INVEStlGAtlOl\IS WILL BE RCQUIRE0 IN ORDER TO €VALUA?E THe STABtLITY Or TH18 SLOPe AN0 TO rORl\{ULATE rOUNDATION 0€SleN CRITCRIA FOR STRUCTUReS LOCATED IN THIS ARCA. THIs nEPon1 PRtSENf8 THE RtSULTS Or A PR€LIMINARY 8OlL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIeATION oN PARcEL 1 or sPRINo cnecx MEADows SuB- DIVISlONp EAGLC COUNTYg COLOnAD0. TH€ PuRPose or THIS INVeSTIGATION WAS fO DCTERMIN€ G!NERAL SUBSURFACE CON0lTlONS AT THIs s;tt AND to roRMuLATE PRELIMINARY rOUN0ATION DESICN CRITERIA FOR 1HE PROPOSED CONStRUeTlON. PROPosEo CONSlR-gqJ.t9B It ts UNDeRsTooD THAT BOrH SINGLE rAMILY AN0 MULTI.FAMILY UNITS WILL BE CONSTRUC1ED IN THC AnEA COV€nED BY THIS lNVESTIOA. T I O Itl. It ts ( 1 ) to two AR€As. THE ASSUMeD THAT TH€ PROPOSED RESI0eN?IAL UNIT8 WILL BC ONE (2) storug.s HIeH WlTH SOME BASCMCNT AND eARDeN LCV€t. MULTI.rAMILY' UNIfS WILL PROBABLY BE ABOUf FouR (1l} srontcs HIeH. I T IS ASSUME0 THAt VIRlUALLY ALL CONSlRUCtlON WILL BC CAST.IN-PLACC CONCRETC rOUN0A1lONS WITH WOOD FftAME STRUC?URES ABOVE. GROUND FLOORB WILL BE CONCRElE SLAgS.ON.CRADE WITH 8OM€ SlRUCTURAL eROUND rLOOR sectto;its. ....J.;iHij bJ Fttuo Il\IvcsncArloN """=""==D=I=I=I==Il=E=I==IlEl==I.==.I. Nll\Ic ($) rc,sr soRINGs WtRE onttteo A? ,,.Ano,,s oN tHE Test BosING LocAlIoN PLAN, FtCUR€ No. 't, T,,e LOCAlC0 IN THE FIELD BY 1APE M€AsUR€ METHoDs AIIID rH'E SHOULO BC CONSIDERED APPROXIMATC ONLY, ' PENETRATIOIq 1EST QJ= PROdEer No, 5oBPAoE 3 INDICATCD BORINC8 WCRC IR LOCATIONS weRe THc sAMPLEs THE test BORINGS WERE DRILLED WITH A 1;H o.o. CONtINUOUS rLIGHT AUeER POWERED BY TRU0K MOUNlED EQUIPMENT. Ar REcuLAR INteRVALS OR AT CHAN0CS 0F MArCRIALS| THC AUGER WAS r{eMOVED rROM THC BORING HOLE AND SAMPLeS WERE TAKeN Or ?HE SUBSURrACE STRAIA. SAMPLEs wERE OBTAINED BY DRIvINc A sTANDARD (1-)/8: I.0.) SAMPLCR on A 'CALIroRNIAfi (?' I.D.) sAMPLER THRoueH rHE SUBSURrACE STRAIA sY sLows FRoM A 1lt0-to. HAMM€R rALLINC A DISTANCC or }0 INcHEs. THE NuMsER 0r HAMMCR BLOWS RCqUlRCD TO DRIVC THE sAuPLcR oNE F00Tg OR A rRAClION THCREOr| :S TERM'CD THC PENElRATION TESt. THe PENETRAlIOhI TEST RESUL?S AR€ INDICATIVE Or rHe RELAIIV€ 0CNSltY OR CONSISTENCY OF THE 80lL STRATA BEINe PCNcTRAtc0. Auccn SAMPLES WCRC ALSO OBTAINED DURINe THe ?ES? DRILLINC p OPCRATrONS, ' THc toes or TH€ TEST soRlNGs, -INCLUDINe RESULTSp ARE PRESeNtED ON FIGUR€ NOS. 2 AND Atu sAMPLes RCTURNE0 TO OUR RCCOVERED BY fHE COLoRADo SPR ; Ncs rIELD INVCStIOATION SOlL LABORATORIES. PRo,Iccr No; 50a PAGc Jt IIERE THCN CARErULLY CLA88lrlCO AN0 A LAsORAloRY TE81'INe PROCRAM fJA8 INIIIATED BY tHE PROqleCT eNClNeCR. '. LABORATORY CLASSIrIeATION TCStS CONSlST€0 Or CRA0AfION.^ ANALYSIS) AtTEflBCn0 Ittocx TEST8 AIID VISUAL 0LA$Slrl0AWON. THe PHYSIOAL eHARAeTCRIBYICB WER€ EVALUATED sY PEnrbRMllio Ul9CONrlN€0 C0MPnESSION AND NATURAL MOlgTURC.OCNSll"'f' T€STS. Aut LAsoRATORY ?CSTS WtRe PCRrORMED IN AC0ORDANCC WITH oN r t ounE Nos. 1l AT 1H18 I[IATCRIAL8 (awett) slANDARD on suoocsrED ASTM PROCEDUnES. . LABORATORY TCBT RCSULt8 ARE PnESENTED TliRoUcH 6 AND ARc SUmlARlZe0 ON TASLE N0, 1 SussuRrAoE CoNDITIONS . Su,su,rAcc CONDITIONB AT tHIB BITE ARC tXtREMCLV €RRAflC. FROfiI THE cRouNo suRrAcc TO A DEPlH Or APPftoxIMAT€Lr |8.|/2 rrE1' - (THE MAxIMuM 0EPTH cxPLoR€D), tHE tesr BORINe8 P€NCrnATCD VAnlOU8 LAYERS Or 8IL1Y TO VEfIY BANDY CLAYp cLAYcY sAND AN0 SILtY TO CLAYeY - SAN0 AND CRAVEL WITH COBBLCS AND oouuoens. NO enouNo wArEn YfAs tN,OUNtERED BY 1HE t,8t Il0RlN08, ANO NON€ WAB PRtB€NT IN THE OPEN HoLEs roun (1t) DAY8 ArTCR DRILLINc. DIBCUBSION THE UPPERMOSr LAYCRS Or NATURAL SOlLS EN0OUNTERC,D 811E WERE PRIMARILY SILTY TO VeRY SAIlI0Y cLAYs. THCSe ARi NoN-€xPANsIvE IN ?HA1 THEY WILL NOT CXANOE VOLUMC WITH MOl$TUn€ CONTEN1 !NCREASEL.. VCftY H I GH HAVE 8UCH jIHC VCRY THAN 'PRoJEcT No: 5o2 PAGe j . J :,... ',.' THE suPPoRTINc CAPACITY Or fHESe UPPERMOSf 80lLLAYE"8 WA8 CRRATIC. SOlJr Or THe NATURAL 80lL STRA?A }{AVE RtLA?IVCLY MOISYURE CONrENT8 AND L0W NArUnAL 0CNSITICS, AND fHeRErOR€ REt.ATlVtLY LOW SUPPORTIN@ eAPAclTlts. Is;LATto POCKET80r L0tY SUPPORTINe cAPAcIYY ?YPE cLAvs tljcR€ EHcoUNrcltcD tHROU0HOUt '' 8OlL PROrlLt CSTABLISHE0 BY TH18 INVESTICATION. THE Sllrr to Srlrr CLAY STRATA HAVe MUCH HICHER SUPPORTING CAPACIl'IES 1HE LOW 0ENSITY, HICH l,IOlSlURC CLAYB. . OEPCNDING ON THE LOCA?lON AND TH€ SUBSURrACE COl{DlflONB At sPCClrlC BUIL0IN0 AREASg IT I8 RECOMM€NDED THAf oxe (1} ro two (2} StORY WOOD rRAMe ReS!D€NTIAL UNl?S Bt SUPPORYCD sY cdNveNtloNAL. sPREAo roorlNe rOUNDAYION8 PROPORTlON€D rOR MAxIMUM ALLowAsLt BCARING PRCSSURCS IN ?HE namee or 1000 to J000 PSF, ' MULlI-rAMILY UNITSg iYHICH WILL IMPOSE H€AVIeR LOAO8 ON TH€ suPPORT IN0 FOUN0ATION SYSTEMS) MAY ALSO Be SUPPOnT€D BY eONVENTIONAL CAR SPRCA0 r0OTlNOS. HOYIEVERg IN BOMt CASE9p I1' MAY BC NeCeSSARY 1O UN0eReU1 BeVeRAL FeE1 Or 1HC nc,utttvctv*SOrt AN0 C0MPRC88lBLr ' .CLA1' LAYER8 rROM BENCATH tHE rOUNDAlION AIIEAs, rHElJuNDcRoUT AnEA8 SHOULD BeBACl(FILLC0 WltH A }{EW COMPAeT€D STRUC?URAt. rILL WHIeH WILL THEN BE usec roR sUPPORT Or THE SPflEA0 roorlNe rOUllDATlOllS. THe LocATIoN AND THE AMOUNT Ol' uNDenCUrfiN@ WlLt, HAVC TO BE ESfABLISHED BY ruruRe A0DInONAL lHv€sTleATloHs, oNec ?HC BUIL0IN@ t.OCATlON8 AND STRUClUnAL DeTAIL8 ARt MOR€ rtttattzeo. ' THE sTEcPER PORnON8 Or THIS SITE ARC LOCArt0 ALONe"lHe I east PoRlIoN Or THIS PAROEL. CuRfttNTLY THe HILLSI0e 8L0PE8 APP€AI \ .:,Ii.. i# ., :i J;jf;, PflOll€CT Nd. 50B PA0E 6 TO BE IN A RELATIVCLY STABLE CON0l?ION| ALTHOU0H THeR€ I8 80ME CVl0ENCB Or Pnevlous Mov€llIENT, 0nce f? HA8 oeen oeetoco WHA? TYPC8 Or STRU0TURt8 WILL BC LO0A?eD IN YH18 ARCA AItID APPROXI. MATELY WHAT 0eGR€e Or SltE ORADING (cuts AND rttts} wttt BE R€qUlRtD TO DEVELOP THC HILLSIDE 9l?Eg YH€M tr wILL BE N€cEsBARY ro C0NDUCT A VeRY 0ElAILED ANO lHOROUeH SUBSURrACC SOlL I}4V€S?IGATlON AND SLOPe g?AgILlTY ANALYSIS IH ?H18 AneA. IT IS sueeEsrco rHAT PReLIllII}lARY PLAN8 lAl(e IN1O CONSI0CRATION ntat A MINIMUM AMOUNT Or CUt AND FILL SH0ULD Be ACCOMPLISHED IN fHlS HILL'sIoE AR€A, It ts ooNslDcRtD t0 BC ABSOLUfCLY IMP€RATIVC fHAf ADDITIONAL INVEGTIGATI0NS B€ PERFORMe0 Ohl fHlS SlTC ONCE YHC BUILDING LOCAnON8 AIIID STRUCfURAL DeTAILS HAVE B€COMe MOn€ rINALIZeD,.:" Ar THAT TIM€ WC WILL COORDINATe A DEIAILED sott AND rOUlgDATlON ntVESTl@ATl0N WITH YOUR OFFlCC AN0 WILL SUB9€QUENl'I.Y ISBUE A ,' R€PoRl' R€coM;dcNolN0 SPr0lrl0 rOUNDA?ION DCBIeN CRItCRIA AND OTHeR '. "SOtt AND rOUNDATION RELA?€D OETAIL8 rOR tHC 'ft0PO8C0 81'RUC!UftCS, ' |n 1He MEANTIMt, Ir YOU HAV€ ANY QUCSYIONS OR cOMMcN?s CONCERNING THE CONTENTS Or THIS REPOftTg PLtASE rEeL rR€C TO elve us A CALL. : ' , a' ' ' j; RESPtCTrULLY SUBhIITTED) = -fiuotq, E. S--ffidtt.lAl THolIAs E. sua,tucnttc, P.E. PRtsIDENT TE$/MN ) ooP t Es 1,*""4;; 9991 h,;.,,fi 8ENT i ', ':., '.. t\l 'Q''\r't' 0# O D=7.o\:'g''' Il= \o >bId Ji Do "'DIL'.Gtr\ t0 B =I ofi 3 aI =<II til...,I ul ogl s: JI 1[ :I [g8l - u,J "" d fi f'<\ c\. o = I 7o IlII <uoJ o =eo 01 I=Il|hu I== ta tll Il=<o oa Cfi :m \t\Iffi e :ffi+"\\o g' c\. o = I0 tIJ I=oa aU o a' IAIo IlI'J eo I& r\ o ' o = IIIe =o tJ., tlJ {h \f\ v\ oo -* oa oooJ Q =Irom }=ID U5'UJ .}n= cd\ o N o :E l"''tll J:o o = z tJ'\ | t, ,1d':...', ' ' '': j;'o jj.., <o IlJ UIl= = e' l= Do.o vl = tll = =mo e < >@l.:.. ='= D I= 0l o d = Illlbl< III tll' lIIDOe @l <o u; i' o tt; III B Dt = Ir o. kl"$ tll tl=h.:.P = o }=<< lr c tfl B I=a I&l III €l;l(J *; &J fJl D O = <Ill< = o I=e ? €0,,c| €lll IAI 0 o |llCn ('\ t, gi ' o < IIIo, <s cn& = c1 ><l== Z O = J FO J J XUl< J <=J I&' >)=u ee o Ill}=m tt; ' 8t€ > 1 u Ilni=o 'l O }=D < == = LJ IAIO1 IaJl4lIl= 0 DI=z m I:l. I== o o.J 0111<0l o I lllZ 0Clllo = tt1a.= |n.)?fi*w= _; =Be = biDI= < 41K el=Doo <o=B a o o=<o ullt =o e el.lJDCO@IAI tbOlAllliO=.; oltnltj.,.@ OJ Otll=iC f='|'l,, D utl=Ir oOolli 1= 4, O.J | O >ll-, lC ei Q.. IO.Z<==Ot.; - ;;; d * ,,.;e t\I(\l ?Icul v= p" $11., o O It| <d e III I1I!==gffi+.=g,Et=to} <tlJ cL<FO = J e @ < O oa' ll=& tlJ=o *eOBO. e'.dp O < < II, o * 4fiS ttl U1 B Xdlo\F- mffl ala.4ltlCllal 10*'I== d = = J 01 = O @} III IIIP D o o oul = O O 8. 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I, I I aU I I >= o o o< = = ' 4 sJ. < < < 'IO U1 t/) ta I e I =Boe In \I >'\ )I J J ? Dr L lD+ =q -J [I }E= c U1 Ul >Io < :.J >= I=IlIrJ|||.> {o lLI' I-= tb O. :. o 0) u> ao {n I== LJ ..Itl, o, utooF 0g} on a'. 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I='m o E]Fq/fi\ I,f\J ,,AGE O PREPARBD BY. .JOl{NSON AND Ktfi{KBL LAND SURVErORS EAGLE, COLORADO DRAIIqA0B SrUDY for HEADO[J CRBBK SUBDlVlSlON PURPOSE : To determtne peak flowa for 10 year and 100 ycar atormao detomtno 100 year floodplatn and to deaign dratnaqe facilttleo ae uny be re qulred to aetve the propooed subdiviaion. II SCOPB : The Meadotr Creek Subdtvlelon la located tn Seetton 1da, Totmahtp 5 South, Range 81 Hest of the Sixth Prinetpal Heridian. The aubdivioion ls approxlmately I \|2 mfies East of Dowdo Junction and 3 \l2 mtlea Woat of Vai1, south along the Gore Creek. The subdlvislon a1so bordora on the Intertnountain Subdtvtston along lts eouthern boundary and BLH 1and along tta eaatern boundary. The propoaed development currently zoned for l2 untta ctpated. The subdlvtston wi11 be aerTJed from Luplne Court to a potnt on the lt wtll conttnue across Gore Creek conatnta of approxlutately 8 aerea whieh 1a per acreo Approxtmately 70 untta are antl. by a 22| wlde pavod road bicccttng northern boundary from whieh point to the frontage road for I-70. Gore Creek btaects the Northwest Corner of the propcrty and 1a the on1y 1tvc atream to be found 1n the development. Sevcra1 tnterralttent atreame paas through the Intermountatn Subdivlaion and ero=n the develop- ment on the western eorner= A11 other flowa wi11 be that of aheet f1ow from the Southeast aeroGs the property. Vegetation wtthin the development is primartly araaeea, ahruba, and tundra. Whtle the reamtnder of the dralnage bastn ta prttnarily ttmber. Annua1 prestpttatlon ts thls area ta approfimately 26 tnehca pcr yearo Snowfall is heavy and moat preetpltatlon oeeura from May through October. III CRITERIA: Runoff ealculattons are baaed on the 5011 Conservation Serviee manual, Proeedures for Determining Peak rlows tn Colorado, June 1975 for present and future developed,$ondl tlona. Hvdrologlc 0011 group for the development ta Type B with an esttmated grosa ground eovor of 707,. A1so used tn the determlnatton of the 100 year floodplain fot 0ore Creek tras a Gore Creek Floodplain Inforntatlon Report prepared by Hydro,Trlad, LTD., Lakewood, Colorado, Thts atudy waa contraeted by the Totm of Va11 and the Colorado Uater Conservation Board for the purpoaea of provlding an offlcia1 100 year floodplatn for Gore Creek. IV HYDRAUl,ICS : Dua to the locatlon, eL:e, and elevatlon of the 0oro Crook Baain, the dcvolopment wi11 be aubject to floodtng frcm onotwnolt rathor than dtrect runoff from a ratn atorm ae outHnod ln llydro-triad'a otudy. Howevor, flod;dlng from a sutmner raln atorm wi11 be of graator eoneem tn thc toinor dralnage baains that affeet the aubdivtstoft. Thcrcforc, snoffiaelt was not constdered ln the caleulattona for runoff In the mtnor dratnage bastns. Hydraulte strueturea, nataely dltchea and culverts have been dealgned to handle 10 year atorms, F1ow ratea and culwert ofiea are tndtcated on attached drawing. Ilhture conditlono wero aoaumed to conoervatlvely tncreaae the tmpervtoua area by 701. A1eo attaehed ts a drawina tndieattna the ltmlta of a l00 vear floodplain for Gore Creek. Thta map alao Indtcatea the aroa of pto poocd development, hydraullc atructurea, mtntmttm elevatlon for p'to posed brtdge croaatna, 30 foot aet back frmt h1gh water mark and the extent of floodtng that would be cauaed by a 100 year flood. llYDRAULICS : As can be aeen on the dratnage basln area map, baoina 2, 3, and 4 have no matertal effect on the developmcnt and calculatlona wero not tnade for theee dratnagea. CONCUJSlON : The proposed development ia eubject to floodtng fro= the Gorc Creek from a 100 year stonn as tndlcated on the attaehed drawlng ln the Northwest eorner of the property. A mlnimum aetback of 30 feet from thc htghwater mark la required by county regulatlona. Poaatblo underground lnflltratton ahould be conaldered tn Iocating butlding atrueturea ln the reglon. The proposed developutent wt11 have the effeet of tnereaalng the volume of runoff by 357, resulttng 1n an increaac of approxlmately !]] tn peak dtacharge roT'T tOO year atotm at polnt f1 of 13.3 cfa and 2.3 cfs for a 10 year etorm. Stnec there are no =ell dcflned dratnage courses and runoff wi11 bc that of overland flotr, lt ia reeommended that reductton and delay of runoff be aeeotapllohed by prudent lot gradtng, such aa creatlng depreaston ateaa, veffetattnf{ pondtng areao around parking tota, use of dry we11a in parklng areaa and routtng flowa over la=to or pervious areaao It ia not felt that mtrat'ton dGvicee ar{"neeeoaary unless parktng arcaa are located extremely close to dlre Creek or unleoa tho rtmoff 1a antieipated to f1ow dtreetly to the Creek. Should the latter be the case, then a f11tratlon device dealgn ahould be required for the parktng areao prior Uo issuance of building permlt. V1 fiu'1,. Dfi\ .U r/ [ n. l.ftt\\l\\ i\'(,$($[(it,i i$}\i\N.!\,\\i ,r\) J r} o : -d! ;:j:{F: / ' {'i om CN sA/ I l. !'J "j:-1r''' af r2!i ;/j::];:i'rJ:j/i :h'{,':4 ,e/ ,.;:: *,,,, O 1,-,' ,,,,J =11 I f'-:.l t\)--,' (--i{"""""''"""''"l-- " i '='_ I "" { tL____A )\ \ : _ ,,, ;;:: [ffi}'|^]ffi'i}|J!iil;j{[g|ii)-_",- t i,li-.ttiRSi:-, i{:!::\\i:;:-:: i.,-",: \ ffiiffffiffi'ii\iiji:ii;;]\iiiiii.,: - , (""':J ),t):i!(*r;;,;i;_ /ht:K fi\L(ci r,!JJ?. \ f'|tf;, }iji' ifi|if i), 'y '),,, --- f$ii!)!}iffi!JjffiJ;i;i t] o ( ;:,(("iiii,,-,!.-,= ,')(",:i-;}!i!iiti:i}iit ; i /"';'r,';',l"" c-\tt !c"-,-]](," --,.",.---\-- iijiitjt}jii}) ',., 'j:!i::iiS ;;Y'"' U , ---!-;.i,'\iitf(t\"'.i,'t '\,'\i 1i'|;H" '' \ ],': '. \'' fi ' x,- --" , ''. '. '' ' '' \/VILnFIFtE o ' ' I o l/l//L DF//?E /// /"i, ir/ ,,"|l,;..l::;ap" &, s,,e).\! li-------! / I (r ',: \-=--_ ' h \----t+- .: U// t I / / z 'L,zooo ' U,5.o. A. SdA.l.B: pn.ta: Fo ra */ l:t4,ooo J'- 8-7% ' Serattce, = | o UATER SUPPI.Y The development wi11 be served by a centra1 water supply and dist- rlbution systems as indicated on the prelitplnary utility p1an. The syscem wi11 connect to the existlng distribution system of Vai1 Inter- ,,untaln Uater District as evidenced by the attached letter from the District. FIRE PltOTECTION Fire protection wi11 be provided by the Vail Pire District. SEWACE DISPOSAL plans to be served by the Upper Bagle Valley by extension of necessary branch utility plan- A letter frora the thelr ability to serve the developnent. POliER SUPPLY Underground dlstribu,ion of eleetrical power and conmunlcatlon lines are proposed. These lines wi11 be located along the proposed Luplne Street. SCE00L AOREEMENT Mr. Carl Dietz has spoken to the schoo1 district about a cash in liew-of-land dedication to the distrlct. Tt was fe1t that it would be best to fo11ow the district's norma1 procedures of waitJJng unti1 they receive a copy of the preliminary p1an submittal, then based on their standard subdivision policy, to negotiate an ag,,,,,,t as to uhe exact autount and time period of payment. Negotlations wi11 resume fo11owing the submitta1 of this paekage and prior to review by the County Planning Conmission. The dqvelopment Sanitation District on the preliminary lines as indicated District indicates !!.' i : UPPER lBAQI,E VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT 0145 Avon Road P.0. Box Y Avon, Colorado 81620 May 17, 1978 Mr. Car1 Dietz Box 388Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Sewer Seryice to Approximately 75 Units to be Constructed in Vai1 Internountain Dear Mr Dietz: The Upper Eagle Va11ey Sanitation District can, and wi11provide service to the approxinately 75 units proposed to be developed upon approxinately 8.5 acres in Vai1 lnternountain. Said sewage treatment services wi11 be provided upon dedi-cation of a11 applicable sewer 1ine easenents and compliancewith other provisions of the Rules and Regulations of the Dis-trict. The Upper Eagle Va11ey Sanitation District presentl)r has excess capacity available to serve the constitutents withinits boundaries. At the same time, we are proceeding rapidly toward the construction of najor inprovenents to.the system to begin this winter. These improvenents are expected to more than double the capacity of the District's facilities. If you have any further questions, please fee1 free tocontact me. Sincerely, R EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT-7 Co11ins Manager .fJJJPC/dh cc : John V. Anato A1 Flewelling / anes P.District o RNME o LOCAL GOVE NT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, INC. 445 Union Boulevard, Suite 123 (6th and Simms) Denver, Colorado 80228 (303)986-1551 May 17, 1978 Mr. Carl Dietz Box 388Vai1, Colorado 816S7 Vai1 Internountain hfater District ;water service to approximately 75 unitslocated on approximately 8.5 acres in Vai1 Intermountain Re: Dear Mr. Dietz : The Vai1 Internountain Hater District can, and wi11 beproviding water service to your above referenced developnent. Within a few days we expect to be consumating agreenentswith the present owner of the property, Mr. A1 Stephens, which wi11 include this property into the Vai1 Intermountain WaterDistrict's boundaries. This inclusion is in partia1 considera-tion for easenents required by the District to construct its new we11 adjacent to Gore Creek. The District presently has excess capacity to serve its constituents and, with the new we11 expected to be conpletedlater this sunmer, wi11 guarantee continuous availability of domestic water supplies. Accordingly, upon your conpliance with the applicable Rules and Regulations of the District, water servicewill be provided. Please contact us if you have any further questions. Sincerely, AIN WATBR DiSTRICT James P. Co11ins Loca1 Govt. Mgnt. Consultantsj Inc. District Manager JPC/dh cc: Robert E. Garton, Jr.Al Flewelling May 31, 1978 Eagle County Planning Commission Eagle, Colorado 81631 Meadou Creek Subdivision. Sehool Dedication Gentlernen: Please be advised, that ue have had conversatinn uith Mr. Ed Heller of the Eagie County School District and that ue are prepereci to pay a sum of monies to the School Dlstrict based on thelr Formula for determlnlng such payments. The actual amount to be paid uill be determlned uhen ue knou the exact nunber of units that ue uill be constructlng. Very truly yours| CA arl M. Dietz J o o b oO pOEAGLECOUNTY Depart;nent of Planning and Developn:ent P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMlSSlONERS 328.6809 ADMINlSTRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSOR 328.6593 BUILDtNG INSPECTION 328-6339 CLERK& RECORDER EaQle 328-6377 Bagalt 927-3244 couNrvATTORNEY 328.6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328.7718 EXTENS[ON AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328.7787 PUBLICHEALTH Eaqle 328-6594VaII 476.5844 PLANNING 328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6591 SHERIFF Eaole 328-6611Baialt 927.3244Gilman 827-5751 SOClAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER 328.6376 2 August 1978 Hr. Car1 Oietz Box 388 Vai1, Oolorado 81657 Dear Hr. Dietz: To clarify the Board of County Conrnissioners letter of 27 Ju1y 1978, the item concerning the withholding of issuanceof Oertificates of Occupancy does not apply to phase one (the twelve units which have direct access onto Basingdale B1vd. If yotr have any questions, please contact this office. Sincerely-24/".,,TerriH Knight Director of Planning TK/kp oooo t ol> o =NN (tl d B rAI Nu o v91 O O i o oOHd olm3 rD 0l O{+ r e 1Ib + d m. . --i o + mr o m c DD'e o = =m O d 'O =ni : 56=u m m = ;lJ'N d o = I =:O=e o =o: Im nl €' O J.m'#= d m = o i =d "o aol'i Oi I 0 = Jo o o0l -.JoF = q N1 Q,I. ol O Imc = =0J 0 D e Q O roOrb= ol CllO +rj 1 "Iel o a d "l ifi3 NIDOOL 3 m a-i'B €m P = +lFI od O i O 1d m o eIllOl oIQ1t JD d e fi1 m 1 =m "s fio}o d m''l"i < iL {iV 0l m =aa==>_l Ndi n rf i+aTO D1 o&6n#+ o o = et ndo "j I1I = . o m d 1 =u 1 |baIb N 0l =-'mN0? o =o = o, = D o m €@ =o m = me = o=,J m J. € e 11J gl olFil o'' a -; J. Jq 1J = dH-a dm : ol-,6' N l o om = e| No o o=ol m o lrlol rl .J qll QI :l =I.I =m + 3po o 1o p do e po o = f11 O=IlJd 0lt <ol oddm 1Jo = i QO Cb 1o oui 1 em e ul H =od d9 nl oom m J. 9 "1 mH "s nl m o <a ii=l= ma O G= 1+e DI o PJ o1 d = al..l o.r. I @B c o o -s @i1l = = o m =iJGa= = 4-6'm 1 O d0l i1J 1 "'I Jo i.Io d m a <d o o . m ol"i 0 = =ilE@q< o < "s m uIfb O = k g o t m o =-I dnH m N Jm o = m Ji d 0) =JD +S nl q,u.t = o N 1 d d=_i=a D = b md 0 + m =e = o o a"i = 1 o =ill =G =a Ill 0 (l/ @ik "s e = m< m 1€ o. 1. o mc d = 30l = O N o e=i} o md = d = m dmmmlo=+l o +o--i . = ov= € = fi 1 J 1 ilai =mo nL(11 € =d m d Oo i } EAGLE COUNTY 0 DEPARTHENT 0F PLANNING EAGLE, COLOPtADO 81631 & DEYELOPHENT Box 179 July 27, 1978 Carpentry Unl imited Carl H. Dietz Box 388 Vai1, 0o. 81657 RE: File No. Sp-98-78 Headow Oreek Preliminary P1an At their specia1 rneeting on 26 Ju1y 1978, the Board of County Contnissioners approved your preHminary p1an subject to: 1. Submittal of a plan for improvement of the Lupine, Larkspur, and Basingdale intersection (to be included in the utility p1an and subdivision agreetnent).2. DesignatJon of a children's p1ay area.3. Subrnittal of drainage figures indicating adequate percolation area.4. Plat restriction which requires individual soils studies prior to issuance of building pemits. It was noted by the Board that Certificates of Occupancy wi11 not be issued unti1 the road and 0ore Creek Bridge ''':::pf;t,r?o The schoo1 1and dedication fee should be submitted to the Board. If you have any questions, please contact this office. BOARD OF COUNTV COMMlSSlONERS 328.6809 ADMINISTRATtON328.6674 ANlfdAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR 328.6593 BUILDINQ INSPECTION 328.6339 CLERK& RECORDER Eaqle 328.6377 Baialt 927.3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328.6674 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-77l8 EXTENSION AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 32B.77B7 PUBIJC HEALTHEaqle 328-6594Vait 476-5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF EaQIe 328-6611Baialt 927-3244Gilman B27-5751 SOClAL SERVlCES 328-6328 TREASURER 328-6376 fi,dl' 1fi, 'Terril] Knigh( /za"f:i Director of Planning Board of County Cotnr::ss:oners EAGLE COUNTY : OEPARTIvIENT OF PLANffIN0 & DEVELOPHENT Box 179 EAGLE.COLORADO81631 BOARD OF COUNTVCOMMlSSlONERS 328.6809 ADMlNISTRATION 328.6674 ANIMAL SHELTER949.4292 ASSESSOR 328.6593 BUtLDING INSPECTlON 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377 Ba9alt 927.3244 couNrv ATTORNEY 328.6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVlRONMENTALHEALTH 328.7718 EXTENSIONAGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLICHEALTH Eaqte 328;6594 Vall 476-5844 PLANNING 328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eaole 328-6611 Bagalt 927-3244 Gilman 827.5751 SOClAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER 328.6376 /-/lfi,€Tb 'Terri11 Knight/ Acting Director of Planning TK/jk Board of County Commissioners oo Ju1y 20, 1978 Oarpentry Unlimited, Inc, Car1 H. Dietz P.0. Box 388 Vail, Co. 81657 RE: Fi1e No. Sp-98-78 - Headow Creek Preliminary P]an At their regular meetJng on 19 Ju1y 1978, the Eagle County Planning Cotmission recotnmended approvai of your Prefitninary Plan with the condition that the Condotniniun: Declaration contain a one dog on1y per unit clause. It was also understood that the parking require;nent wi11 be increased to 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit in accordance with the new antendment to the Zoning Resolution. The parking spacGs do not necessari1y have to be a11 asphalt but can be designed with other suitable rnaterials. Another item dis- cussed was a childrens' p1ay area. The developer fe1t that the area around the schoo1 bus stop might be the n:ost suitable. This recommendation wi11 be forwarded to the Board of Oounty Oornmissioners at their tneeting on 26 Ju1y \978 beginning at 9:00 a.rt. If you have any questions, please contact this office. b "tl ; RECEI\/rD JUL ? 0 1978. Dept. Uf Plall[il[lg & uluvl, fagb ggunty, Colo. No El No iJ No I No Il Y e s [j Y e s [] eoLom/\oo OEPAR'l'IVIEI\IT' OF HEAL'TH 42'10 E. 11l-H A/EI\IUE OEI\IVEn BCHZO PHCl\€ 3ee-6111 EXT'. sa9 ANTHONV ROB:INS.M.D..M.P.A. €XECUTlVE DIREeToR DATE : Ju1y 18, 1978 SUBJECT: NON-STATE ASSISTANCE REV I EU AND COHHENTS T0 : Mr. Terri11 Knight Acting Planning Director Eagle County Department of Planning and Development P.0. Box 179' Eagle, C0 81631 PROJECT TITLE: Fi1e No. STATE IDENTIFIER: NA COHHENTS DUE BY :.Ju1y Yes Yes Sp-98-78 Meadovr Creek Preliminary P1an (Formerly Gore Creek Meadows) 19, 1978 Is this project consistent with the goals and objectives of this agency? Is there evidence of overlapping of duplica- tion with other ageneies? Is meeting desired with applicant? A 15-day extension is requested. I [i Comments: Water Qualicy Control: The tJater Quality Contro1 Division has no ob- J jection to this proposa1 in that water and sewer service appears to be presently available through the Vai1 Intermountain Water and llpper Eagle Va11ey SanitationDistricts. Please note that, in accordance with Senate Bi11 35, any development serving more than 20 people must receive site p1an approva1 from the tlater Quality Contro1 Commission before construction tri11 be a11owed to conmence on the sewerextensions. In addition, any constructio, undertaken should strictly adhere to an approved erosion and sediment p1an incorporating measures designed to minimize possible contamination of area waters. For 1ike reason, we advise against permitting development to encroach upon the 100 year floodplain. 500-3, Feb 77 ATTACHHENT B ihit,t iO, i L iroe)Ll- Ii-Tii-L r = =O Er- E o p r Q L >1L g BliF o o oQ OP10 oln | G t 'o QOi/lPl0O d1 r==be oPLoe> 0l/10 lh0'P e ra eoop o =irtn0FELo eDlTir e ' DDCi rilC/ o= eo e IOQO :LO oa1.- 'l0 m' o die0C i O: t/l e P = Io o |A L v-& iP LaF =>:JOd io a p oioo.a-Dl-O >e O$.. d eLoItf Q.eo LPi 1B =ic P BaEB ffi DfO e 'elo Frll= o o=€ljFti)g g, U ' E, aQ O 0OO ItlO 0= iD = aF=ia g ei=OLO.i-l e o tnPeefat IOO I., o< o oqlh t=e9S-FeL OO a = >OaFOo IIlOL o cpD+.l GFPdlD o 1== dFir 'o {/l O o o =I o = \ d i1.P = dl ffiL 6a OLLpD={fiF_ Gl.ffi n>P = Ld>Q o aexj o fo i.-. p x E iJ ] o o Hp onJ e 1lJ 09F e l c c o o t o I., o o f..o C > B e e 1. ol_ o e t p 1 S.,= e 1./lQo n =F o O o=P n o op 1 O 1O P 1DP t c ti a = e u L I Io e = Q e dQdP-0OO 0iO oli;i;l G AFt me=i e O = jDptl e+ I. QIt = &- et ;0}= 41r= hP P = > = O DI Q = e oo o =e ou e i0 Oi = > elii> i o et :0 $iP O=F O >\O = rD o9.l= o e a n4r e o #> qi=i=ti-ia P E e Q p= = E e E d = o EI-=P e: LFor-o=4o ooo j.,t/l dO e {il qJ c/} O el 0l-i O fi o u palGi 1/I O> o o o o P p L =DP I O =il O Oeir+ xoooduoe =o o diFU)0 L= c= o== a )4e.;ftP,"..'G=8 8E",e 81... gEJ.P.. oTl- 'P=oo=il-= Pt ee €eD7 t= F== > o0l-- = o I o o = o o cj I O = 4 OD O B C e^" ^ 8 o= l=P pA c166 q0ii>ida = o o p o ap mIDP I. eP dla d> la o loap d l> $ o ffi f0 l> 0l ffiip eQ d Cl e e i I..-==& et O i Fr ut[fi",," ''["g'" nP*'".P9Gfi gP'-€6 Z, g..P288E.F., P il,9t..G 8 E P ille...Eoo l D oe al oe OPdol- I e oo I e o = ool-= L0.I.. = o.Ia9 = oe "'.; alu e "P alfie "o tJ')=ilii I$ o qill= IobaJPt ol= q ol=o 1tle h ?ii.I O di. E==tO dffi Pie= irl.Iffi ffi Pffi aFl$d Pd aFOl l CQ 01 w a u CJ fl=D O = e 1qI O o C 'i" 'I"^ e = t o o o oI p ie= O D> c Ia Q P Lo o oe ='o ' 'a" o e c >B =r ^Foi-i6 o D P 0i Q?-Ii 0o OO 0J p e o mlL. 6ld = hf$.. EIF Qo)I .I.. zlln1ojol=eDlr Ll 1U f;.s $ 5 iit t *-:!Dt/Ipli=G u f. oDG = e-F I"i'rlOal4 o OS-d o o qJ>lOj.-I0Eap= t Lp ' Q Ol==l:]-j0b=€g" E €, "-1't " h,.i,oll o[. B =IDIIDP rIIP 'u ae bo. oo o d =o e mtep p o e =e= e7 ff Or==eGi-@offil0 0 5.60 i==ql i.. t^r Q = e B I.. d op p o ul_,... =lFo-iu O 6= l.. 0 dO Be=o o o e = ftl o ul=t o.c = p O 0 Q U j.. {FInF FDe70lomP o oel = Q NO=OL I = ei l= pal uoopeca $.. ri= 4JOo : = ffi= C@ lOrenl0 d 0l a1 O =P i/} @eO i++ \.a aPf.. p = 4p0etn4>l eo =i+re $.. 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O O d = = L OE illfo e=ii o >10 = O P 5.. Ir o i"+ ffit|n qJ opi\>o O e = d o$,.p a}Q V 0 OFiU L qp ldd da= 1 o| e o ==o t t ^F 6J lFiu o DO Q ffi Q Ft = op +Io e ^F oeP O QJ o= effi in fi. Ia or= L iJ F PCle=ao L o mo =p DttI s- o oo P p I/} ol..e=Il= = O d dL in 4 qe,.b r Fr o dEi d Ho e e o'F QI Qg" oge Q pa x qJ f.- eoio \ o e I5- 0 0J 5.. tio [-iF I!l i =o0b4j d ot e ooL = foo u o oe iF ePd {A Q Ol., IQ OJo 1- o o o 5- Ii IooQ dl fo o Fo o 0bDe e Q d oi-6QitloLQO o o td6 o ' H o o Q Op e O de = Ql.,Q I_ x op o o IJQ 1- Guoo e-o d a io ooa 4o o ep oo Eo {o eo oIU O ffid I oL Q e qo o Qp o I_ L xp o 1-u o+ p c)d eo p 4H oeIt{ aJ Q e enl '?Iol ljol o o o Q s,.Id o o o oI,. d oQ o > H o eo oa o s ;_ a.iav! tno ell e o lot*U3 8J.e -e- 8 ?^"o " i,I Ffi54.Le'=' > oo 0p OlGOO,o= o|!| t >; 'r o p= p'f Ul t n be h i'; g 3 gB gh aDF >bL = t c eaptf ttt: g! thititi.itiittf : 8 jf€gg g t itf t%tHEii tElsfij}O $. op = Q|? o otl.. ;e | VF 6, f... &. = ui p D S.u 0 E - o o = >l X {cl la o P' $. t u82.E'I>,-,.3 ;Edb.S,P""3=b1B':= $b- P o > 1oO o' dtPD lt rili = o m o o,." t,tSft" i8 ""+;'I3BJ*bE'tt".96Rffg[Siff !f iiJ;i ;gf{!iJfE t : ii{tii?ff g; 'jii;ffiiiiig[f;ff + o 0DE $., Nl - ffi Ia = 6P F s o# $ L 1 eoPe O Id o tlo o L t o t r = t j.ote'P p o o i ote e o s = O Q o e o e ui ufJat"-"lJ fll F'tftbi8!ff,fiiEdtJ5b-t 5||, =oQOt,;a el i=AU 5, o = <l = oJii e t L oP m&Rg P E". 8 "l:,l; Refie: t 8.F 8'lt >,,.t. 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LIf "f 1,? 8 "Ufii;I E $t g g'd gl4eg"e'8 l'l;R ggpg=g:ggo;;ces-oio !] P a E e $,. o olF a. 5.. a 1p o''Po o E e u = $. e o $OO>:w-e Lr}j t o,=,o,,=q q'PP=o I c Q'pDiObplpp o+egB,= al.. j o 5.c>$ ;{ge3 qt t, :f3aS:iE!-'4 a = QI= ooo€t dq d^tqdo P-=[tr Q dlHta>Oou6 pp==o DIIITldJ d peollll.=Oo 0 opp Li d ol li.qp =o Eo = e F,o og-u $jNl,llolNIlI JI o@ 4@ oz o L eop a iU0 oo QN tefil i 1Il blh =-]d+] =00 ffilJj (cgl "/1C<[ '",] [jLjl I O N >l 1 o e p oe co p 1{I oQod -.i3 o o >l = e o =,.e l& e E ou oe e >1 o ID o F p E o o A v =d e e d tl-o p o€ fd qJ i L:1 r o La $ o aLQ Lo o o o p op o o oQ) = e'r U o O O1., = v >vpa aJ I I-i O D D e @ Q'0o)1 Dl dl ep o $..04o uffiQA Od oO i O0O e=s. 4o c I= O = o a o O offie t D0 P i iU aJe=m g L FF Io t L i"' Qi C d F eoli= = = c E oo p o op = 4j$- Ia e O ae O 'e d = ffiQl Po +' p =A dP e e eQ6 o O d O Oil_ E o e il O aJ g dien o j. Io $.. dap D 9p e F = {n = e nn1 Cir- C O e = o O E ffiP ia I.F L Ga,.t oe Q = ODo deg 'P9t l. Io P= o o rL oo o o o >CJ o o pe o oli = c$- o xe o r=i d i{leopE Qe =O 1-$. Yee oU Q o : ,.",:, i'g A 'r :< L 4J eSfo +J G 0J d ra'r >).,. 0 Q o.r- O = Qa 0 ffi =p C) QOO P d L1 1\ ffi P Oa = o |l| s,oO o etefi u o0 d 51 = P = 0 o oD cJ e Pj. O,-I C 0i-F =L v) u 6 u{ Io >\0 X O0 p i q e ' p rbli q 0 "C0 i-fi I ffi itlo L =p p >Q O O o e o p > P i\1 O = O oBL Lo tt) o e=e= t+ = o c} P t o o il goe Bae= cn o P o = g, P d \ F #j Q Oh g e =Li.. olo fU ' D O Or=i L C/} TF Xa cn o 'P P o E 0 e e PDr= o u= oo o o;Ii=PF o o p Id> >l $- e d rI por 03 Pe =iP o ea = e I/j I-i6 O $. = o o ot|li E IooO 5-. 'cj iu E OQro Qoot.d 4E eI0 d11 oTiD 'F >I, 'i" I"' e E ii o iF o 0Jo. e i i.QJ>Q r ir D Iu o d Q u Oo >5o O0) Lffi L q.c i Q Qo mIl 0 >I 'r'i e'" F.pmo p &.. c doo eGF O I o o LL oO Dg> = O5.,O QL O eo p D 'e O iu>jij- P o vl 5... e O @Q14= Od O oPl.. N e'Ii0 + o t NI L =ii-ol B o ;., FoIL LI Io o =IlllX v1 '!NI tI e Dlai =61 olln LIO OQl= D.-jal ffiLId m aJD O = e. o po 'r =.l " 2E.I .:uE E. 'qz j-l Pe4/le 1100 ooq>i. o =Fpolug p epeo ^F O oL r" o'Io =i- oP ' E t'6u o iF Daa O t >i0 e pP- ".,.i II=D Oae i t a o3J i i t !afio Et 81'. " - OooDr!eOJ To o.F,E3 8 t FS3"fio | a,=aeul U D ooiEo o IUl+.Q ffi = t eoq0 cn eOoLt/lf O=0lillDPeo P.t g P P o '+s uto E 019-0 i € e o o > =p p P^F r-' u U8,1'.t8J' !g tf ;t-[; f a a pO o p I 'ql 4! G 1061= dl0O = otn EtoTo $l.,e >.om=u o oa) offi u ee 0 o-=o o =ae.ot* a/ o iai itioao o 000 F'0oo BI >u o e dL D b...,ojI0iFvloa ioECt clljt/icl.P U te I=+ c'l{\0l lh O CQL,l='0O a >=4 p o L,Oo ao+l cu o E u o Ia t c c o.lOE GeODDdl:Ilic e o e p o ^c c O O6= C eo, uo o9OaCll..4ioau 0t/j oeo L U IC d trl O = e j o cJ 4 In uI D o o = I14t cj Oo. o lll 4.J.'! o lI|tE D iDG=(flL o r=il,1 li.oaaO>e c lh T U o6 e. fi. e 'uo>++loo o ee tcL a c e c e o ;J e Ooiifi > o u o A o I0 o == fil ffi O ta i J Q o 0OD ' 1IjO e'. o 'tl l; O E o > o 'o= o I u o O O IJ o ba0 T in a 0l O n L ^C { O = o ryifll 1J U DJ) O O O i c eo I = o oF-0J >: i_ e.e i oD O O;t Q @ u r0 t 1 tl u = t +. I d O O PJ" tn O ai.D III O E 5u u L > = ot u =Fi+ O ln = m O 0O 01 lJ o q l.:) o F=D.c O o o-$ o o = i11 u = O p o e u t.l o o o o u L. o c L.UE 0 GcQ rJ o P = 0. ei=IF I O = |l| @ aa+ u til T vl p OO Pn u o o o o c) o > Jo = = $ = e o I O O o o ojF U < > F4.= o1 F 0 GU Y 3 c o >1 oL. to| > o >l = = lp o Q< q cl D I0 t o X Qrop e Ei 3 ffi L p =o >jQ?-F ltl <po =-=,mi...? e oP x ;.otB o o oo co ooeo e 9 di p 'Q >1 op00 3 5- oo j-cl- a p e v =oO Qo 0 e 4 €Uo cp o = EIo 9 O e oo 4Jp {/l 0 1p 0J O P F X op0pN 31.-=P I0 t E> oo p oj. D L E Lfi a 0 e | <o c ofL-F=-=,u m Qiip a o4 O ord r-i| X e IUtopBE l-,-E O oo o vlQ QCJ d O u < oop o oil.-a9 Q .t ?,EE*_,e u1+h do DQ e " eocG:,o Pee==. s_Pe$ t o o iF-4Gj 'F'' I=o {Glllo e cF o >, = =Eo clPo o I., D'eo QiiiT e o >lOrl-F0 Eolo toQc o P flfiM>fDo ol.- oF'=Ii- o,I ta ooft PI: S.l'P,t,lt ",, 8',PDnfu ir=pfclo t Loo o eedP1,- e o f.;poC QJ= ilciL O { p = b'F s-o ED9LdJ ffi Ut€le ool o O=i. L oLfi,3'-." te".D= 3 t 8L35..L o cco o S.oinp 'uo oOOLq. o do =e i....a O Ed ao t dt =toQ) OLtOJt L>, e IlJoq oa IiFo>I 0 4<1111 ftJ oelQ = o L o.p =po4j I_ e affilp oe 1 e =i o L e o =t I. o,_o oP= e e OFQ a IU e o vl e ovo ]=,-:" '""%F..P 5f ;:d."Do.O0b Q)= Pta = D lOp = e oo oo o o = itlq O Cao= D= t t t pol=iiPp {a = u| 1h = o = C1 = O O 'e cUd"88:5r; :,';"G.Fg 'G.5.F-"g88.F r >Ii'O '!1 Ii: B e ot = a eP 3 o I., EiFur.ii_eeE1 a.-.e.-..P =t 4 l_ op U Oea c/)o o o o = J.-:. O F F|P Ci..S..FE s- o o{ =4t= p =oa o O a vleD a o r= D UiPN Id d'i e e O e in =t= d 1 GFq m ip ^ Ila_ tTF o > o $ o o t C e dl aJ = oa e-itl- s., = e o o el-Fio o r. L0 O = lU C iA 0 IJI O h O I0 L iP pP=)ltld0 oa|5 Irl plA q = GQr- Iv @ o >jP L O O L o >,uiaiL = o e eiiin L Itl t o EiPe E :ilNe E otl. IU ffi.-L e.9 11\x t.et= L0 'GI'tlaB.."".,I.-.'"E,1C1,r o ! o o o $,, i0 e e e oliL= Q lo uO P C =!<mN PP =tlP 0 C d ia I F.- frl = d dG- e e C d {A i o = = OIQ >FLtCQ oo OrtlOf.i lOl-. dj.,.iE D a Q E i.. L.- og o I 11ffi a>N 0 O m== D 01b 6 |! n dgO' DliO Ii-iro Nl tef S$9Ftatfi3 J,, !.t '' ' o ' "Im h,{ Q Q 3is tcllg,g o 015= =; E'e>\ o t oloe p O f.. 4rli on 'e \Il. L$ = = ED> oS-lC)Q1 eo ooeal 5. =ir$.. dd Io J i--o s,,,-'n =6 rJ=O>yeldO L. oU $. E o a om i0 =r.1'73.. E;3$ "0 oF =p ooc}e,.g oop g ;.'B D l>Dla= =o qnPfrJBe p e uPOffiO0lni =il=OOtO Oo iF terQ af-l-@Lor>g i-=+,1 L3fi"'"tP8 "o,P gep @o Ndoil g L IU E O O S- = j ;'it.IPOOp IUUO "H+O 5.-o P ed..-..X e0 :ee Lo o\l;.>ll alG"-1'g'.Ft.F.,te - C' L iU P i ld=b >, o; c 0 oe = fe9p erili Itj O L o= eie E U I " 9" g ",^" " " c Hliii o LO OC OlE |:n c e 0.o dFFs e o o) |P P Ot o d g fg u ae=IiF o= >( i., E Io L91 g E L iF oj.IoE oro.oVl q Xfi-F IU o O 'ot o ot6p4 O L Q= =iil= c uapX e=I Lop OODlo>I OL >l0 { $. e te 159=1=,. m fclaD,a>,,...r;jlDeOLOP c O eJ ="i'fltfitra ""fit fEI O 0) fi ln rd, o L I g-D \.L,l, :OOer-o ou,o:-!- l.ntGopp o tD tnh > q'c al:' > I0 O = cj I0 Ul' 4 o ot I ibLe F 0ue dArP|& ooq' p os- ot o> L hgbP3..J 8g E E iLa..: o |/ D o o ITP"... 5 88...s f;oo o o dF oo ii4,L = =.I/l S. c L e o o Ii-IU o oo 'F d:= U1 djJP iill= o I0P ooe 4po Io ap BfOdo u: o Le 6 Q I o p r o vo o oo N o =o i, 4J oe iU Oa<II0 D Noo Eo fd :l o fl OL < =p : e = oE e e =o o s- od0pp = dftlllO= Q O ffid o oO D l.'o oo >l ffi aqlf.,pu oe1i >1e I 0 LFo 4:) i:i: L $.., o s. to o o S- Q *lpl=il ca a i)N e ca o & eob4 o ood cl) ? r o oN n < N I11I0 D Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Terrill Knight, Actirg County Planner 1 Eagle Oounty Planning Dept, Box 179 nacte, Colorado 81631 Ju1y 1a 1978 Terrill: The lJleadow Creek preliminary plan was submitted to the Eagle County 5oi1 Conservat,ion District for revSew and comment, We have the following cormtents: 1,) l/iore details in relation to the landscaping plan should be supplied. This would be: types of grasses to be planted; anounts of the grasses to be planted, as we11 as when the planti::gs wJ11 OCC111'* pf.) Drainage areas are identified on the enclosed Jnaps; but mentionis na,de not, made as to vitether these areas wi11 be seeded or rocked or :rhat,. We wouJLd sug est that they be seeded to an adapt,ed seed ntixture i.r- order to prevent siltation and erosion. 3.) Soils infomation supplied is very detailed but points out problems in a genral nature, We wotOd suggest, that before approval is given to this proposal site specific locationsfor buildable sites be made. Sincerely, G,.}k'/,,*,,- Bud Gates, Presider-t i''j\ "5 '' I ^OEtvtn ..!'t 11197{ €%l| "'';r:.,," 'e I RICHARD D. LAMM Governor C.J. KUIPER State Engineer DlVlSlON OF WATER RESOURCES Depadment of Natural Besources 1313 Sherman Street- Room 818 Denver, Colorado 80203 Administration (303) 839-3581 Ground Water (3O3) 839-3587 June 30, 1978 Ittlr. Terrill Knight, Acting Planning Director Eagle County Dept. of Planning & DevelopmentP.0. Box l79 Eagle, C0 81631 u fi ";]l;J- Jeris A. uty State Danielson Engineer JAD/GDV/pjl cc: Lee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Cotmission RECEIVED JUL 5 1978 0ep(. gf Plannng ;y.:t).c; Eaale County, 0010. Re: IYleadow Creek, File No. Sp-98-78 Dear lVlr, Knight: This is to acknowledge receipt of preliminary p1an n:ateria1 for the above referenced subdivision. The Vai1 Intern:ountain iiater District has been designated as the source of water. The District has submi tted aletter stating that service wi11 be provided contingent upon annexationof the property into the District. Informatfon contained in our files indicates that sufficient water is available to serve this development, and we recotntnend approva1 of lVleadow Creek contingent upon the development being included in the District. truly EAGLE COUNTY * Department of Planning P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE,COL0RAD081631 BOARDOFCOUNTV COMMlSSlONERS 328.6809 ADMlNISTRATION328-6674 ANIMALSHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR 328.6593 and Devel optnent 3 Ju1y 1978 Carpentry Unfitnited, Inc. Car1 lvl. Dietz P. 0. Box 388 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Fi1e No. Sp-98-78 - Neadow greek Preliminary P1an The Technica1 Review Committee for Eagle County (a group of technica1 advisors from various pubfic agencies) reviewed your application on 29 June 1978. They offered the following conttnents to you and the Planning Comntission for consideration of approva1 and use of the property. 1. Snow retnoval areas should be indicated.2. Each building site.should have a separate soils test before building, because of the erratic nature of the soi1 con:position.3. There should be no dogs on this site. The high density proposed would bring large nun:bers of dogs too close to the deer underpass.4. Sedin:entation basins should be shown for the parking 1ots.5. The portions addressing wildlife and wildfire are inadequate. Xerox copies of a tnap with no explanations or interpretatJon are valueiess.6. The developer should guarantee aH piant materials for 1 year. These cotnments wi11 be forwarded to the County Planning Department and Planning Cotnmission for consideration at their meeting on 19 July 1978.-T;;/Z,UJ,jt Terrill Knight / Acting Director of Planning TK/kp cc: Board of County Comtnissioners BUILDING INSPECTlON 328.6339 CLERK& RECORDER Eaqle 328,6377Baialt 927-3244 COUNTYATTORNEV 328-6674 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTALHLALTH 328-7718 EXTENSlON. AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARV 328-7787 PUBLlC HEALT[IEaqle 328.6594VaII 476-5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eaale 328-6611Ba{alt 927.3244Gilman 827-5751 SOClAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER 328-6376 lf,r' ,r' \....... d-'-- L,-,; '-L. -- 'a.J !{ RICHARD D. LAMM GovERNoR JOHN W. ROLD Direct COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING -1313 SHERMAN STREET DENVEn, COLORADO 80203 PHONE {3O3) 839.261 1 .June 28, 1978 Hr. Terri11 Knight Bagle County Department of Planning and Developnent Box I79 Eagle, C0 81631 Dear Mr. Knight:RE: Sp-98-78 MEADOW CREEK PRELnIINARY PLAT We have reviewed the submitted geologic report anct fee1 that the p1an ds presented is compatible. This report along with the soils report outlines certain constraints and gives mitigation procedures that should be closely fo11owed. Sincerely, - -!i' v ,,' z' ', (./ L. R. Ladwig Engineering Geologist LRL/vg ce: Land Use Connnission I'-' - "t ' 'Tr) JUL J ]9/9 "1,J, 'J.;..j,],J"'' GEOLOGY SToRY oF THE PAST... KEY TO THE FUTURE y) 1301 CRAND AVENUE P. O.DRAWER 250 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 June 14, 1978 HOLY CROSS OLtC-I-RlC AS;S(JD]OVl-lC-)N, -lNO."' RECEIVED JUn 1 5 1978 Eagle P.O. Eagle, REF: Gentlemen: A right- neces elect 0ne shoul ava applis a Utilof t, gro Walter hTDD/k cc : Fi1 uo AREA CODE 3O3 94S-5491 945.6056 Sinc H0LY j'Hh , j 1'rr,' >} ,M d ,a E-l b€; aiii i|i[ g t i i ib68 8i;i if i i f, :t f "1't e E s fi i i 4 f s.tii6 1t t f r i t iatl fi f tfi!l iI f=..', €P [E =0 [q 6UE] @(pE €9r= lE @ CD o Q=Qh0b] @#5g oc= =]IJ- 6 = [U =l(D ,,=I'",Jw[, [U o f.iou LIon $-Io4.l-{ U) cdao>oo ,voo [..Io Bo'ddo ?:, ;; o :6' =n @ b- I @ o) I r), c/) oz e C tl_i U f.,Iopoo $,1oHa bJ) Q,ld o < p bj) aHeg DH Ho [-l Eo u >jo QLo4 < >)4fi =oo '':l b0 $Ho ,Qeo U)o Cd o b0 [Hooo =QdO EAGLE COUNTY Department of Planning and Development P. O. Box 179 EAGLE, COLOBADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTV COMMlSSlONERS 328.6809 ADMINISTRATION 328.6674 ANIMALSHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR 328.6593 BUILDING INSPECTlON 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eacle 328-6377Baialt 927-3244 COUNTYATTORNEV 328-6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaale 328-6594VaII 476.5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6591 SHERIFF Eaqle 3284611Baialt 927-3244Gllman 827.5751 SOClAL SERVlCES 328-6328 TREASURER328-6376 6 June 1978 Re : Fi1e No. Sp-98-78 Meadow Creek Preliminary Plan (Formerly Gore Creek Meadows Applicant: Carpentry Unlimited, Inc. Car1 M. Dietz P. O. Box 388 Vail, Colorado 81657 Enclosed herewith is a copy of an appl ioation and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 19.Iuly 1978, In aocordan'ee with C,R,S, 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, Section 3.05 and 3.0?, as amended effeotive 1 August 1976, you are required to receive the plan, and you have 35 days from date mailed within which to respond or the p1an will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your oomments and recommendations a few days prior to the meeting date. If you desire additional information or time, please advise this offioe, in writing. Thank you very mueh,-jz/ Terri11 Knight Aeting Direotor of Planning TK/kp sagle County, :Qr1 i! CERTIFICATE File No;//, gxz- zrz Certifioation is hereby made that a copy of an application submitted_and aiven the abovePile No, was entered into the U.S. Mails, or hand dehvered, onto the offices/persons as iistef hereon, pages o,f a as mark;T;TT;;l;iii;f; Certifier's Signature : A.AII Applications referedio: , 1. Colorado Geological?'- 2. Oolo. Department of survey Health 3. Oolorado State Engineer 4. Eagle County Sanitarian 5. "gg' "amm'y "nginrstsr, 6. Holy Cross Electric Ass'n T=0Gffi=?S=4trffi.ee{4ege-aisbJ 8. U.S. Soil Oonservation Service 9. U.S. Bureau of Land Management D.,Applications in Eagle-Brush Creek to Edwards: 1. Town of Eagle Eagle Sanitation District Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S. Forest Service Eagle Valley Telephone Co. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas. School District RESOJ G.G.pplications in Upper Eagle Valley: 1. Town of Mintum 7. Colorado Division of Wildlife 8. U.S. Forest Service 9. Mtn. BelI Telephone Co. 1O. Public Service Co. of Colo. 3. Vail Village West Water & San. 4. Lions Ridge Water 5. Vail Village West Fire 6. Vail lntermountainWater 7. Vail Sanitation Dist. 8. Sehool District RESOJ 9. Colorado Division of Wildlife 1O. U.S. Forest Service 11. Mtn. BeII Telephone Co. 12. Public Service Co, of Colo. 13. Upper Eagle Valley San. 2. a 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 3.11. Div. of Water Resources B.Applications inBasalt Area: 1. Town of Basalt 3. School District BE1J 4. Basalt Water Oonsv. Dist. 5. Basalt Rural Fire Dist. 6. Basalt Water and Sanitation O;s(. 7. Colorado Division of Wildlife 8. U.S. Forest Service - 9. Mountain BeII Telephone Co. _10. Roeky Mtn. Natural Gas C.Applications in Gypsum Area: 1. Town of Gypsum 2. Eagle Oounty Airport Authority 3. Colorado Division of Wildlife 4. U.S, Forest Service 5. Eagle Valley Telephone Co. 6. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas 1. School District RESOJ . d. GvDeum SpnitatiQn Cis.t,:ictn/tpplffinttl)?ls in Cdlorado HIvE!r Area: , !. Sehool District RE50J 2. School District # 1 nclos (where appropriate) Colorado Dept. of llighways Colo. State Forest Se)rvice 1. 2- 1O. Oolorado River Water Oonsv. Dist,Town of Red Cliff Upper Eagle Valley San. Dist. 4. Eagle-Vail Metro District 5. Other Dist. (none at present time) - 2. Planning Representative - 6. School District RESOJ. a4-dd..,./,z;,,=J--J ;,.. a., HJdi:../ H.Applieqtiqns iH Gore VaI Iey - Vail Area: h. f ,*"("' 1. Westem SlopeGas,_" Z7' 2, rown of Vail /,-;:-- /</'""=-'"""-"''"- "r -ZZ-z?- =a ______ 3, US Forest S,:rvice (Eagle), ; ' ( jr -; 4. US Forest Service (Minturn) ' 5. Eagle Valley Telephone Co. 6. Yampa VaI Iey Eleetric I I I W, ALLAi MlcR[$$l[lfi[[$lffi[fil [[l[ [$111[ *POST O F F I C E BOX N O. 639 o VAIL, COLORADO 81657 O (303) 476=3437 May 17, 1978 Mr. Carl Dietz Carpentry Unlimited, Inc. P. O, Box 388 Vail, Colorado 81657 ' Re: Gore Creek Meadows 70-ui]it Condominium Project ' ' ' on 6. Ol acres. DearMr. Dietz: ' Pursuant to your request,' I have inspected the proposed site for Gore Creek Meadows and have reviewed the pre1irninary plans fumished to me for Phase t,. A carefu1 analysis of comparable condomtnium sales together with an analysis of anLicipaLed building costs and Iand values indicated that this project has a fair market value today of:. oNE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY SIX THOUSAND DOLI-,ARS : $1, 556, OOO'. Phase I and the land required for its development is valued at: oNE MILLION OiTE HuNDRED FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. $1, 1 4O, OOO Please note Lhe contingent and limiting conditions as included on Fage Two of the attached report which includes 23 Fages. As used in this appra,i sal,. .the term "fair ma,rket value" is defined as the expected price estimatecl in terms of money which a property wi11 bring if exposed for sa1e in Lhe open market allowtng a reasonable Lime to find a purchaser who buys with knowledge of a11 the uses to which it is adapted and for which 1t 1s capable of being used. CERTIFICATION OF APPFAISER. I certify that to Lhe best of my knowledge the facts stated heretn are true, that the compensation is not contingent upon the amount of valuation reportecl, that I have persona11y inspected the prgperty, that this appriasa1 has been ma,de in ac- eordance with the recommended and professtonal standards of the American Institute of lReal Estal:e Appraisers, and that I do not have any prcsent or conLemplated interest I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Respcctfully t;qbmi tt.et I, W. ALLAfi MIcRO$$I[ |ffi Ifi[[$lffi[ll [[f[ [$lll[ POST OFFICE BOX NO. e39 o VAIL, COLORADO 81657 o (303) 4?6343!I I I CONTINGENT AND L[MJTING CONDITIONS That the title to Lhe subject property is good and marketable. That the subject property has been appraised as if free and clear of any liens or encumbrances and no responsibility for legal matters is assumed. That no survey was made of the property for this report, and that any plans or sketches utilized in this report are for visua1 aid on1y and are not to be construed as surveys or engtneering reports. That certain opinions, esttmates, data and statistics furnished by others in the course of investigation are reliable. That the appraiser shal1 not be required to testify in.a eourt of 1aw unless prior arrangements have been made. Neither a11 nor any part of Lhe contents of th1s report sha11 be conveyed Lo Lhe public through advertising, public relations, news, sales.or other media, without Lhe written consent and approval of the author, partieularly as to valuation conclusions, the identity of tJte appraiser, or firm with whlch he is connected, or any reference to the American Institute of Fea1 Estate Appraisers or the N1. A, I. designation The appraiser has no knowledge of the geologica1 factors which may be encountered in the development of the land. The value indicated in this report is predicated upon the assumption that no unusua1 cost or con- straints due Lo soi1 considerations wi11 be Lncurred and tJ:at the proposed structures are not in a potentia1 flood area. n|J| o. q I o (/o I n I I I I I I That the projeet is completed within plans and specifications furnished Lo matertals one year in accordance with the me using good workmanship and That a satisfactory condominium declaration and other pertinent agreements have been recorcled. Tha.t financing as discussed on Page l6 of this reporL is available for potential condominium purchasers. That Lhe land is zoned for 7O ttnits similar to those to be constructed in Phase I.,2 1l, I I I I I W. ALLlfi MtcROSSIt [ffi Ifif[$lffi[fil [[I[ [$111[ PO8T OFFICE BOX NO. 630 o VAIL, COLOllADO a1657 o (30g} 476.3437 TABLE OF CONTENTS CoveringLetter..... o a o o o o o = o = = = o = o o a.Page1 Conttngent and I-,imiting Conditions o o o o a ' ' o o o o = ^o =. Page 2 ' Table of Contents... . Page 3 Appraisa1 Assi<)nment. o = o o o o o o o D o o o D o o o o a ' ! '. Page 4 Colorado Fecreation Industry - a =' o a.. Page 4-6 ' AreaMap.... a=oaooo'a= =oaaooDaaa ooo=a=a=o=Page5 Analysis of the Vail. Area,. _.. I'ages 6-8 Description of the Subject 5ite.. .. Page 9 ; SitePlan.... =='&o4o=ooooa=o=o'*'''''''''''PageiO Description of Improvements a o a o a o o o o o = 0 o p o * o.. Pages l1 Cost Approach to Value O = D O 0 O O O O O O a O O O = O B. Pages 11.14 Market Data Approaeh to Value & a o o o o o ' o = o o a ' o =. Pages 14-16 Correlation o a o o o o o o o a o D o o a o o o a a o ,,., o a o = Pages-17-18 Page 19 Pages 20- I I I I I Qualifications of Appraiser... Photographs... a a * = o a o o D o o o o o I I I I I I I I I ')QJ I I I I I I I I W ALLAfi MAcR[$$I[ [ffi| Il[[$lffi[fil [[I[ [Slll[ POST OFFICE BOX N O. 639 o VAIL, COLORADO 81657 o (303) 476-3437 APPRAISAL ASSIGNMENT This appraisal wi11 consider the present fair market value of Phase I. of Gore Creek Meadows which involves the construction of 18 conclominium units as we11 as the current fair market value of the 1and which is assumed to be ab1e to be developed with an addttiona1 52 units and contain 6. O1 acres, It is the intent of th1s appraisa1 to assist a prospective develbpment lender wtth the evaluation of the project. The lender must know the probable retail sales price for condominium units at the time the subject property is complete and ready dor occuparicy. Furthermore, the lender must know the anticipated construetion cost of the units ancl the 1and values in thts part of the Gore Valley. As Vai1 is a resort communtty, an analysis of the ski industry must a1so be taken inLo consideration. COLORADO PECREATION [[\IDUSTRY The Nationa1 Forest Service attempts to keep accurate records of the skter days in each sk1 area which uti1tzes Nationa1 Forest lands. During the five years prior to the 1976-77 skt season, an average of 14. 9% per year growth has been experienced in Colorado. The reason that Colorado's rate of growth has been mueh greater tJtan the nationa1 average can be attributed to the relatively depenclable skiing conditions which have been enjoyed until the 1976-77 season and the fact that Colorado ts midway between Los Angeles a,nd Chicago. The distance factor combined with the exce11ent and dependable air transportation tnto Denver's Stapleton International Airport make the state a natura1 attraetion. The rate of growth in Colorado during the 1975-76 season was 14. 83%. During the 1976-77 deason, the 1ack of snow brottght about a 38. 6% dec1ine in skier days but as of March 1, 1978, VaiUs volume was 2-3% ahead of the same time in 1976. Future growth for the sld industry as a whole appears to be almost assured as the number of people in the 18:34 age bracket is much higher in absolute numbers than it had been ten years ago. Statistics published by the Business Research Division, Graduate Schoo1 at the Untversity of Colorado indicatq that B5% of Colorado skiers are under tJ:e age of 35. In the U. S,, there are 5O m111ion people in this age bracket and this wt11 increase by 1, 7 mi1l1on eaeh year during the next decdde. tt is' these younger people who have constantly had the most signiflcant effect upon the growLh of slding popularity. Not only do these younger people become skters, but they tend t,o influence their parents as ; tvell. 'i I I I I I I I I I I I 't. 'h. 14) ''ll. JACKSO t, .1, cJ'roREsr GRAND 27 _. 5pri ==="...=' IlFr[$lffi[fil [[I a - 4t .6' LJJ i lAl[ r\4 wof,?'s t .Walden 1 9' '-; j A I L =k OO,t o n %. - .,:,,h;J Rd.,.,,,..,.t -.fi } \. "Iilll=e,,, == lo.or: ,x lel Ile PA\ N/ c' PDlcel %.,.\ RoUlI q j - | ARAPAHo \,J l, NA lONA M.Ulel TloNAL; I. FORESI' + az| NATIONA[ s,i,Id 1U eyenne hdM dlls5i7 o "ts, =l = = = t;'." ' *t,, i t ;e.|u lolo ,,.J.' L I ll.dhll.Iifis i",-. 4 IO i,.bl 4Ndlo n ' '). - kljl, Iu s M!lqJo' Lt:]1; e,:J' '.:t \ rones (,ija'fr. h, ' 4/ff,.o*iU; ,.l ,, ,, ['IfiGcorqetow il a l 50 TdfyaJ 4 "--r "'"---*?b-:fi]n'i*ii I W ALLI1 Ml[R[$SI[ [ffi| IlY[$lm[fil [[I[ [$IAI[ | ' Posr OFFICE BOX NO. 639 o vAIL, COLORADO 81657 o {303) 476.3437 I I I I I I I I Until a few years ago, the skiing industry had a serious problem trying to teach middle-aged people (35 and upward) the basie fundamentals of skiing. It tnvolved a great dea1 of hard work and bui1dtng up of unused muscles for people in this age bracket to learn to ski. There was a high dropout rate in ski school of the older age group due to this problem. Recently, a very simple innovation in ski teaching was perfected. It is now called the Graduate Length Method. This "GLM" system is bastca.lly starting the novice skier on very' short skis and as his proficiency tncreases, so does the length of sk1 which he utilizes. Older students have found that this process of learning to ski is very easy and a lot of fun as opposed to being the hard work which tJteir contemporaries of a few years ago had to endure. Once the basic fundamentals have been. mastered, even qulte o1d peopie find that they can continue to skt almost as 1ong as they are able to wa1k. This fact has been we11 demonstrated in Europe, where, for many generations, people who have started ouL skiing at a young age have kept up this sport. In conctuston, from boLh the standpoint of the vast number of younger people and from the standpoint of older people who wi11 continue to ski, the. growth in skier days appears assured for the State of Colorado, Today, the number of hours worked per year is 13O less than it had been in 1960. These factors are based upon the combination of priuate nonfarm groups. It is estimated that by 1985, the average American wi11 work 1O9 fewer hours per year than he does today. This abundance of leisure time indicates that there wi11 be a high demand for resort faciltties. ANALYSIS OF THE VAIL AREA The subject property is locaLed five miles west of tJ:e Town of Vail, a resort community situated 1OO miles west of Denver, Cblorado. By 1979, Interstate 7O wi11 run directly from Denver's StapleLon Internattonal Airport to Vai1. Currently, a11 except three miles of Interstate 7O, or at ieast a four-lane diyided highway, connecting these points ts in operation. With average driving conclitions, travel time between the airport and \/ail is estimated at 2, 5 hours. There is frequent bus service, but most travelers arrive by passenger car. A map is included on the opposite page. During the 1977-78 skt season, Vat1 had a peak skier day volume of 14, 161. The faci1ities to service number of guests have been constructed ancl little additiona1 growth should be expected in the Vail area. In addition Lo the winter recr.eationa1 season; Vai1 has developed sUmmer and early fa11 tourist ancl convention business. As the highway system connecting Vai1 with the front range eities of Colorado Springs, Denver and Boulder is I I I I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I W ALLAN MA[[[$$I[ [ffi IfiY[$lm[[l [[IL [$lll[ POST OFFICE BOX NO. 639 o VAIL. COLORADO 81857 o {3O3) 476-3437 completed, the non-wtnter months should grow 1n popularity Lo the point where tJtey are almost of equal importanee as the winter months. In considering the va,lue of the subject property, this year-round tourtst business is extrernely significant. VAIL ECONOMY resort community is typica11y considered to be a relatively cycltca1 one 1n which property values will be tied to the change in genera1 business activities. During the 1973-78 period, Vail has experienced d, continua1 growth in both retail sales volumes and real estate value despite tJte fact that Lhe commtmity has been confronted with unusua1 potential problems, ' In 1973, the gasohne shortage which commenced in June and grew steadi1y worse through the summer, often made it impossible for tourists to fi11 their gas tanks in metropo1itan Denver, and undoubtedly in many cases, they felt that it woulcl not be wise to venture away from t.he metropolitan area when it appeared that gas mtght not be avaiiable. This did not bring about about a substantia1 decline in summer buslness in 1973. Shown on the next page is a graph.depicting retail sales volumes in Vail. ^ Commeneing tn early 1974, it became virtua11y impossible for a, clwelling un1t Lo be certain that natura1 gas would be available for heating. That wit,h the question of eleetrie rates increasing greatly made it difficult to estimate the eost of keeping a mountain residentia1 unit inhabltable. Shortly ttereatter, the countiy went through one of the most stcnmcant business recessions, and many investors were concerned that expensive resorL commtmitites would be the first item to be deleted from the typical tottrist buclget. Apparently, t,he tourist had adequate disposable income Lo come to Vai1 as indieated by the retai1 sales chart. November and December 1976 found Vail with very little snow and poor skiing conditions. This lack of snow problem continued for several months tnto 1977, and by Lhe Lime Lhat adequate snow did come in March, apparently most skiers had already taken their winter ski vacation and the skier day volume for the entire 1976-77 season was down 30% from the previous year in Vai1. In spite of the 1aek of skier days, the retai1 sales volume continued to grow. During this entire five-year period of potential calamtty and a business recession, the property values found in we11 located and constructed condominiums and homes never diminished. On1y land value in outlying areas has weakened and this ts attributed primarily to the diffieulty in overcoming down zoning. I I I L I I I i>i I I W ALLAfi MAcR[[$I[ [ffi Ifi[[$lffi[il [[I[ [Slll[ POST OFFICE BOX NO. 639 o VAIL, COLORADO 81657 vAIL RETAIL ,,,gg;, SEASOfi Winter Season December - March. Ii i I L 1972 t:;: Ii:;; f"' I I 1972 Ii:;: Ii:;; I:];] I r i 1972 I;;;; I i:;: I 1977 i 3O2O1O Summer Season June - September .Off Season. October, November,, Anril, Mav 2O iO O (303) 476.3437 4O Mi1l1ons of Sa,les Mi11ions of Sales Millions of Sales 3O2O1O 1O'O o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I W ALLAfi MlcR[$Sl[ |ffii Ifi[[$lffi[[l R[1[ [$lll[ POST OFFI C E BOX NO. 639 o VAIL, COLO RADO 81657 | (803) 478-3437 . DESCRIPTIONOF THESUBJECT SITE The subject property is located approximately f1ve miles west of the core village area of Vail, and adjacent to the Vail IntermounLain Development Subdivision. At this time, access is provided to the property from the west via the iCnnildnik Foad and bridge which runs into I-,upine Court. Ilowever, the developer plans his primary access on a proposed road conneeting to the. I-,itpine Court cu1 de sac from the east. This road would rieeessitate the ; construction of a new bridge over Gore Creek near its junetion with the South Frontage Foad. This proposed access ts still subject to the approva1 of the Bureau of Land Management, since an easement would have to be taken through their 1and. In the case of its rejection, access to the property is considered by tJtis appraiser to be adequate via the Kinnikinik Road. The subject site contains 6. O1 acres, and, to a great extent, is generally f1at. The extreem easterly portion is steeper and the western end has a gentle south to north slope. The south-center of the property fronts Gore Creek for about 275 teet, and the eastern half of the south boundary is separated from the creek only by BUreau of Land Management 1and. Thus, a major portton of Lhe property enjoys art unrestricted view of Gore Creek. Please refer Lo the site plan on the following page.. Due to the topography of the subject parce1 and its relative loeation to Gore Creek, the appraiser feels that the proposed new access bridge could act as a dam tf built too low in relation to the expected flood creek level. In the event of high run off, a Lree or other debris could block the stream's natura1 passage and cause flooding on a major portion of the subject property. If proper caution is taken in the construction of this bridge, apparently the Eagle County planntng office belleves that the property will rematn out of the flood plain of Gore Creek. This appraiser assumes no responsibility for Lhis determtnation. The genera1 neighborhood retains the "mountain atmosphere" desired by many prospective purchasers. Although the Vai1 Intermountain area is situated we11 below Interstate 7O, there is sti11 a discernable amount of highway noise. However, the area is physica11y removed from the general commercia1 strips of West Vai1 which are incompatible with this "mountp,in atmosphere. It The prospective buyer in fact gets the best of both worlds, for although he is physica11y removed from sucl1 eye sores, he is loeated conventently only one mi1e west of these shoppipgr facilities. A11 uttilities are avai1able for the subject property. The land wi11 be served by the Vai1 Intermountain Water System and sewer service wi11 be provided by the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Distriet. 9 I I I '\g/ ; \ \x t t\'I ,,'( )ltj*yi ,tfi'{il fiffio o f' siJd f,{t;;t\j}g;:i] r1*la1= aj-, !t \{t '\. . \D/: [ -t?t t.../" i I! b Iii !;i, fll!p..ir| ri. I.' aL,.q [i1 L>J li\:\ Tf J". ::.] (]1 !i t ; fi i' : . 'J: fJ. "' 'i t!t;' 9f{, e .-:\- I nlI L [ 1|-\k.!t\ $ I :l I\I ,r! I g $\ C) i 5,\\'I I I / i/r I/ / I \\ 10 '\ "\. I I I I I W ALLAfi Ml[R[$$I[ [ffi| IfiY[$lffi[fil [[I[ [$111[ POST OFFICE BOX NO. 639 o VAIL. COLORADO 81857 o (O0O) 476-3437 DESCRIPTiON OFJMPROVEMENTS ' The proposed Phase T of Gore Creek Meadows wi11 consist of ;hree ' buildings each with six condominium units. These l8 three-story units contain 1, 589 square feet of living area p1us a 2O8 square foot carport. i'he condominiums wi11 be typical frame construction with a bui1t-up roof set on conerete footings and foundations. Exterior treatment wi11 be spruce siding. Interior partitions wi11 be drywa11 and pa,rty wa11s wi11 be double studs with double plates.. The Lhree-story bui1dtngs wi11 have identica1 floor plans exdept Lhat there wi11 be several modifications of the kitchen arrangement. The basic unit has a carport, entry, two bedrooms and fu11 bath on the garden level; kitchen, living room and dining room on the seconcl leve! and athird level master bedroom with cei1ing heights of Lwelve feet having exposed wood beams. There is a, sma11 deck off of the livtng room as well as by the primary entrance. Each unit wi11 have an attraetive meta1 fireplace and one living room wa11 wi11 be panellecl. Windows wi11 be wood casement with storm panes and screens. Heating wi11 be electrlc baseboard. Appliances include an electric drop-in ralLcJe, dishwasher and disposal. The developer does not p1an to include any floor covering, light flxtures or refridgerators in the unit. As each condomtnium unit contains 1, 689 square feet, the first phase of Gore Creek Meadows wi11 consist of 28, 6O2 square feet. An additional b2 similar units are planned for completion during Phases II and III of this project. COST APPFOACH TO VALUE The appraiser has reviewed the pre1iminary plans for the proposed Fhase I of Gore Creek Meaclows, and, assuming completion of the 18 units using good workmanship and materi:i: within one year, believes that the tota1 cost of the structures should be approximateJy $35, per square foot for enclosed living area. The l8 carports have been assumetl to have a cost of $10 per square foot. This price includes contractor's profit and overhead, architect fees and financing expanses. All site improvements and landscaping is a1so included. An artalysis of these costs is shown on the fo11owing pac)e. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I ffitr\ |ffij Ifi[[$lffi[l.I [[I[ [$111[ BOX NO, 639 o 'VAlL, COLORADO I I I Livable Area: 1, 589 Z| per unit x 18 units 28, 6O2 |Z] x $35 per IZf Carports: 2Og.2f per 3, 744 !Z| x 28, 6O2 jZI of livabie area $1; OO1, O7O = 3, 744 IZI of carport area = $ 37, 44O $1, 0O1, O7O $ 37. 44O $1, O38, 51O say $1, O39, O0O W. ALLAfi M[[ROSSI[ P O ST O FFICE 8l6S7 o (303) 476-3437 unit $10 x 181Jnits per IZI I I I BUILDING COfig-- I_,ivable area CarporLs Total Building Cost Land Value: The appratser has reveiwed recent land sales in the Va;1 Inte,mo,,,tain area to determine the vaiue of the 1and attributable to Phase I of the subject property. Immediately to the west of the subjeet a. 5 aere parce1 sold in May, 1977 for $35. OOO. This 1and is legally deseribed as Lot 2, Block 4 of the Vail Intermountain Subdivision and has sinee that time been developed with seven condominium units known as Columbine North; B:ilding E. A zonJng variance had to be granted for this much development on the land. This sa1e indicated a value at that time of $5, OOO per condominium unit. Lot 1, Block 5 in Vail Intermountain is zoned for 7 units and located approx- imately 1/2 mi1e to the west of the subject alont) Gore Creek. This site contains 1. 336 acres or 58, l96 square feet and sold for $58, OO0 in January, 1978. Thts tndicates a cost of $8, 286 per living unit. Tn considering the above sales, an ttpward adjustment to reflect current l978', value would have to be made. A 15% annua1 iricrease in lancl value appears reasonable to this appra,iser and would indicate a value of $40, 25O for Lot 2, Block 4 or a price of $5, 75O per living lJnit. The sa1e of I,ot I, Block 5 could be adjusted to a price of $60, 9OO or a priee of $8, 7OO per eondominium unit. A map showing these sales is included cn the following page. I I I I I I I I i /! 'L(, W. ALLAfi MA[R[$[I[ P O S T O F FI C E B OX [ffi IfiY[$lffi[fil R[I[ [$IAI[ NO. 639 o VAIL, COLOnADO 816571 (3O3) 476:3437 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I :/ BLOCK 8 ;"- !.o'VAIL lNTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION 1o, SubJect BLOCK 2 .L;[;,'i.,=I''/" ''/ /{1r 'i) BLOCK I BLOCK 3 ,D.". ...o:;# '/ A 2p \ BLOCK 7 Blocks I thru 8 I W ALLAi MAcRO$SI[ [ffi H[[$lffi[fil [[I[ [$lll[ POST OFFICE BOX NO. 839 | VAIL, COLOnADO 81657 o (303) 170-3437 The subject 1and is currently being purchased on a rather complicated basis for $285, OOO. If zoning approva1 for 72 units is finally obtained, the 1and cost per unit wi11 be $3, 96O. After considering a11 factors havtng a bearing on the eurrent fair market value of the land to be used for the firsL l8 units in Phase I, the value is estimated to be $108, OO0 or $6, OOO per unit. The tota1 value tndieated by the CosL Approach is $1, l47, OOO. ' MAFKET DATA APPFOACH TO VALUE The typical developer would sell the first l8 units as soon as they are completed. Fresently, there is a fairly brlsk market for good quality condominiums in the outlying Vai1 area. The appraiser has revelwed recent condominlum sales tn the Vail Intermountain and West Vai1 areas. Four projects were given primary consideratlon because of their general comparability of living area size, locationa1 desirability, and general features such as garages or carports, good destgn, and quality construction. These developments tnclude the Columbine North and lnterlochen projects in Intermountain and the NortJ:ridge and Sunlight North Condominiums in West Vai1. For obvious reasons, Columbine North, Building E seemed to this appraiser upon first review as the condominium project most comparable to the subject. Its location is adjacent to the subject on Lhe west; it enjoys an unresLricted view of Gore Creek; and it is a good quality, well-designed frame structure with units comparable in size to the subject. However, after reveiwing the sales of this conclomtnium which was built only iast year, the appraiser assumes tJtat the purchasers of Lhe indivic1ual units must have gotten an unusua11y good bargtn. The recorded sales prices are we11 below market value, averaging a price of $35, 28 per square foot. The clostngs on a11 these units took place within a Lhree month pertod of Odtober through December 1977, which further substantiates the below ma,rket asldng prices, and it must be concluded Lhat the purchasers just got a good buy..' A resale of Unit 2-E in Columbine North in February 1978 for $66, 0OO indieates a value of $42, 48 per square foot merely two months later. Another unit in this building, 5-E, is listed on the market at this time for $79, 5OO, a price of $51. 29 per square fooL. Aceording to these trends, it appears that the earlier sales in Columbine NorLh should be given, 1itt1e consideraLion in determtning the fairmarket value of the subJect, as they were a11 sold uncler the then existing ,niarketvalue. 1.i I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I W ALLAfi MtcR[$Sl[ [ffi Ifi[[$lffi[il [[1L [Slll[ | Posr OFFICE BOX NO. 639 o VAIL, COLORADO 81857 o (3O3) 476.$437 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A loo'k at simi1ar units in the area would sdpport a higher market price than those reflected by the original Columbine North, Building E, sales. Interlochen, whieh is sttuated approximaLely 1/4 mi1e west of the subject in the Vai1 Intermou-ntain Subdivision, had four recorded sales of larger ' units in 1977. These u-ntts range in sige from 1, 477 square feet to l, 757 square feet and each had an atLached carport. The location desirability is comparable to the subject's, with its Iess sunny exposure offset by the fact that it is situated directly on Gore Creek and has attractive landscaping. During the Iast ha1f of 1977, Interlochen's untts mld for prices ranging from $39. l1 to $41. 55 per square fooL. This indicates an average price at tlat time of $40, l8 per square foot; The other two condomtnium developments reviewed by tbis appraiser are situated in Vai1 Das Schone Filing YT, approximately one mile ea,st and north of the subject on the north side of I-7O. Both their superior views and sunny exposure are offset by the highway noise and their location relative to the West Vai1 commercial eye sore. Sunlight North recorded Lhree sales in 1977 at an average price of $48. 5O per square foot. The units each contained 1, 156 square feet ancl each has an enc'losed garage. The other structure, NortJ:ridge haci five 1977 sales at prices averaging $42. 28 per square foot. These units ranged in size from l, 375 to l, 43l square feet and include an attached carport. The Northridge sales wet;e a11 recorcled before Augttst, 1977. From this daLa, it appears reasonable Lhat a market value of $48. OO per square foot at this time could be applicable to the subject living area. Since the subjeet contains 28, 6O2 square feet of condomintum saJable area, the factor of $48. OO per square foot would tndicate a gross sales price of $1, 372, 896, say $1, 373, OOO. From t.his gross sales price tlte developer would pay a 5% selling cost of $69, OO0 if the project were Iisted vrith a local rea1 estate company. Irrespective of whether the developer uses a real estate firm or handles the sa.les himself, he is entitled to thts 'compensation and the amount should be deducted from 'thq gross sales price. Ancther deduction from Lota1 gross sales would be made.to cover contingencies and/or entrepreneur's profit. On a project of this type, $172, OOO is believed to be adequate. This is approximaLely 15% of the cosL for the construction of Fhase I (and th-e lancl value attributable to these lSunits, ) 15' I I W. 1LL1fi ffil[[[$$l[ [ffi Ilf[$lffi[[l [[1[ [$lll[ POST OFFICE BOX NO. 689 o YAIL, COLOnADO 818S7 o taOa) 476-3487 VALUE OF THE EXCESS IJ\ND The appraiser has estimated that Lhe vaJue of the remainder of the subject 1and, if zoned for an adclitiona1 52 condominium units simi1ar tQ those in Fhase I, has a value today of $8, OOO per qondominium unit for a tota1 value of $416, OOO. If a lower density is required by zoning, a pro-rata adjustment would be indicaLed. A value per condominium unit on this easterly portion of the subject site is much higher than on Lhe land at'Lhe west end which wi11 be used in Fhase t. The reason for this is its proximity to Gore Creek. 22 of the proposed units are so situated thaL looktng from the livtng room or balcony off of the living. room tvill provide a view of the creek. Only Bureau of Land Management property or iand wiLhin Lhe tlood plain, which is noL buildable, separates tJ:e northwesterly side of these units from the creek, ' . In the case of 12 other untts, their southeasterly view is towards land which. is undevelopable dueto its topography. The remaining 18 units which could be developed on the excess 1and have characteristics which in genera1 are comprable to the first 18 units 'n !hase L CORRELATION In the Cost Approach. to Value, the estimated cost of the three structures on a turn key basis in $1, O39, OOO. This is the amount which a developer would probably have to pay a construction company to erect a bui1ding on a tum key basts and eover a11 the ineidental costs involved in the development of the project. The 1and value for this phase of the project was indicated at $6, OOO per condorninium unit, or $108, OOO. This results in a tota1 value from the Cost Approach to vaJue of $1, 147, OOO. The Market Data Approach to Value suggests that the maximum an entrepreneur ean afford to pay to complete the project is $1, l32, OOO. As an additional expense he wi11 pay $69, OOO as a selltng cost and, based upon the projected sales wi11 eam a profit of $172, OOO, After consideri-ng all factors having a bearing upon tite value of the subject property, andsubjecL to the contingent and limiting conditions' as included on Page Two, it is my opinion that Fair Market Value of Phase I is: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $1, l4O, OOO a '1 i I I I I I i W ILL11 ffil[[[$$l[ [ffi| IlY[$lffi[fil [[I[ tSUU PO87 OFFICE BOX mO. aso o VAIL, COLOllADO 81657 o (80a) 476-8487 To tJ:is amount should be added the vaiue tndicated for the excess 1and which ts estimated at $416;'000, assumtng that it can be developed with an addttiona1 52 condominium units. This vnuld indicate a tota1 value for the entire 6. O1 acres of subject land and the 18 condomtnium units included in Fhase I of Gore Creek Meadows of: Sl, 556, OOO. OO I I I I. I I I I I I I I 18 I I I I lt lLLIi MI[R[$SI[ [ffi Ii[[Slffi[ll [U[ [$lll[ POST OFFICE BOX ato. 6i9. VAIL, COLORADO 81857 o (a03l476-3437 QUAI-,IFICATIONS OF APPIRAISER Since opening his Vai1 office in 1970, w. Allan MacRossie, M. A. I., has assisted elients with many types of mountairt real estate. I,isted below is a representative sample of some of the projects and clients for whom tJ:e work was accomplished. I i FROJECT . Commercial. Building in Rifle Breckenridge Sld Area Apartments in Vai1 CommerciaJ Center, Breekenridge' Silverthome-Dillon Inn Mote1 In Gunnison. Buffalo Mountain Codominiums Motel In Aspen Office Building, Breckenridge Condominiums in Breckenridge Dillon Office Building Condominiums in Breckenridge Eagle Industrial Park. Subdivision I_,and in Steam'ooat Springs Apartment Complex in Ehgle ' Recreation Community Condominlums in Frisco Steamboat Springs Subdivision Land Golden Gate State Park Subdivision I,and in Winter Fark Condomtniums in Breckenridge Shopping Center Land in Di11on Condominiums in Steamboat Springs Core Aru: ][,P,g)c!. Subdivision Land tn Eagle ' Centra1 Core Land in Vat1 Professional Off-tce in Vail Htstoric Bui1ding in Aspen ' Beaver C reek Ranch Headquarters Central Core Land in Aspen Commercial Condoffiiniura in Aspen Centra1 Core Land in Breckenridge Central Core I,and in Cooper Mountain Condominium Project Copper Mountain Trisco Commercial Froperty Subdivision Land in West Vail Nufstng Home in Grand Junction Warehouse in Glenwood Springs Condominiums in Staqe Coach CLIENT First Colorado Corporation Aspen Sk1 Corp. Anderson and Company Bamey Brewer Davis Gra.ham &.Stubbs Stephen Narans Empire Savings 8z I-,oan ' High Country Development Co. Breekenridge Investment Co. Moore Real Estate Co. B. D. F. Construction Co. United Bank of Denver. Mountatn Modular Mfg., Ine. First Nationa1 Bank of Denver. Colorado Business Development Co. Arrowhead at Vai1 Tenderfoot Development Co. I=ake Catamount U. S. Dept. of the Interiot Regis College Columbia Savings 8r I_,oan Town of Dillon Ling-Tempco-Vought Keystone International, Inc. Land and Cattle Management Corp. Town of Vail Arthur Bishop and Company Robirtson Brick and Title Co. Vail Associates, lnc. City of Aspen Cook Industries The Breekenridge Company Copper Mountain Assoctates Charles Lewis Wheaton College i Vai1 Intbrmountain Columbia Sa,vings 8z Loan ' Coors Brewery Distributor Builders Investment Trust I I = =Dl=="I"'" =ID = =IDe= ==e= e/De/o rffi tt + io I ro -o T o @l ={ o =1! o m. 0 o = = 'd cf t-'ry ff'OO CD O'd rrO 0) HaIi fi Hc* cr0q '< uJ.D ooO fDc* {n c+o HHI '< p c* 4+ t'D' Oo on'm Hor. no'0q c-I.o oo [0t+ cn e+ 'o oH lio l-' 'a q< oI-iJ [Uc* c+ '< I I"l"l C//D =Ill =rr'i ' I"i"t r" I"l"l eao =Il I"l"l ooo o I< > = o or o => o o | o 4: o a lq o to 6o Iq ( ?" . -O >=IDm g, =o= @l ===H r" I"'"o ==Ift l-b{ t-''= oc* OO h'1=j HaH,bO (19 fin (/) c* Op e Hg c+H D' ' II"l"l eao =I"l"l ' I"l'1 ===r" f'l"l eFo == I"I"l e/D e/D e= m o = aoo o v) cfe oo' $rL [U Ha HJ< o. Ho U) (a Ha cfo ='0 O < > e o o =o => o o o i a ol o 4|o 0 ==ll Q =tla 'll Ho U1rl) Q,o' U) t-l.o oo o'd c+ Hi 'dn }i od'dff' Oo F$ c*o''<po oh'0q 'UH PO Hc c*urL o aHl c+ D' CD 4p l-Io l-l ==__..=t ' i/ ILLII Illlc[[$$l[ [ffi tttts;mttt I[I[ tstttt PO87 OFFICE BOX IlO. 639 o VAIL, eOLOllADO l1e87 o .," ;'. ' q}!t' i?O;=a4l? Looking easterly atthe subJectproperty. Looking easterly atthe subjeet property i.!<- "' a( \J i \ --L _ \,il ' 2o I I I I I I. I I'I I i I I I I I I I I 1[[1 sr o [$lll[ R A D O fi ffitcRttSlE F F I C E B OX w P O m N O. 639 Il[[$lltl[fil [[I[ o VAIL, COLO 81657 o (!08) 478.3437 Looking south Intellmounta,in iT l!J{ l4; : towa,rds the subject Subdivision is seen property. Part of the Vailin the background. ;:i \ I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I Il. ALLlfi ffil[[[$$l P O S T O F F I C E B OX t[ffi HO. 830 o VAIL, Ii[[$lffi[ll [[1[ [$lll[ Columbine North Condominiums Interlochen Condominiums e OLO RADO 81057 o (|08) 478-34a? :;-*-t#-'': l)Q l.,cl,a t'mnl\ I. |ffij uvtsmm [[I[ [slll[Ml[t[$$l[r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 639 o VAIL, COLORADO 81117 W, lLtAI PO ST O FF Northridge Condominiums Sunlight North Condominiums I C E BOX }I O ; o (l0l) 471.8137 o n l'it.l BUILDING DlVlSlON OF EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 COURTHOUSE, EAGLE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 DATE FIELD COPY BUILDING PERMIT rtar t8 19 77 PERMIT NO. 0686 ,,,,,c,,r Boberb L. IJlarbJm ADDREssjQ P€nMITTO build a earage (attaQlle&.t,o house) DWELLINGUNITS {TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT} NO. (CONTR'S LlCENSE) (PRoPosEDUsE) ATcLocATIoN) 276/,, Sosuth Frontnge Rnnd Wesf. ##f,.(No,l (sTREET) BETWEEN AND(cRoss sTREET)(CROss STREET)@ [L m <uoo oz:cou SUBDIVlSION BUILDING !S TOrYPE Vail Intermo11ntAin TO BE-FT. WIDE BY.- FT. LONG BY LOT LOT - BLOCK -SlZE FT. lN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTlON USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATlON (TYPE} REMARKS: AREA ORVOLUME owNER Robert l,. lJlartin ADDREss 13ox 37L2, Vpil, co 81657 €sTlMATED cost $ 2,300.00 IEl"" $ 33.50 BUILDIN8 PERMITAPPLIcATlbN of EAGLE COUNTYJurisdiction Applicant to cornplete numbered spaces only. ] rzz/ 5 .LtGALlDEscR.cE]sEc ATTAcHED sHE€T} MAIL ADDRESS ZIP MAIL ADDRrSS PHONt L[CENSENO. ARCHITECTOR DESlGN€R MAILADDRESS MAIL ADDRESS PHOltE LICENSENO. MAIL ADDnESS BnANCH USCOFBUILDING 8 Classofwork: EINEw 8A00lTl0N IALTERATION EIREPAIR [MoVE mREMOVE 10 Qhange of use from 11 Valuation of work: $PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDlTlONS: \l|JOrK wltinln tne Uoun No.of Storles Size of Bldg. (Total} Sq. Ft. FireSprinklers Required []Ves E]NoAPPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY OFFSTREEr PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPABATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOHK OR eONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBV CERTlFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMlNED THISAPPLlCATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AN0 CORRECT.ALL PROVlSIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTVPE OF WORK WILL BE eOMPLlE0 WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANrlNG OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITV TO VIOLATE OR CANC€L THEPROVlSIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATURE Or C0NTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZ HEALTH DEPT. SOILREPORT OTHER cSpeclfv) WHEN PROPERLV VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE} THIS lS VOUR P€RMIT CHECK VALIDATION INSPECTOR Form 100.1 11-73 R=oRDen FnoMI INTERNATIONAL C0NFER€NCE OF BUIL0ING OFFICIALS = alGo s.,..,..,.. MILL ROA0 o WHITTI=mI eALIF, 90601 \ilb \ 'v DATE ; I\I s m EeTa N EAG L E COUNTY '|TFi{ -'iij. mE0UEST ;bJOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EI oTHER ElPARTIAL. P R O V E D El UPoN THE FoLLoWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS READY FOR INSPECTION [] DIsAPPRovED GDJZ{,.€D E| REINsPEcT BUILDING DlVlSlON P. O. BOX 789 a PHONE: 328-6339 : I\I s P e e -r * I\I rl E 0 U E S T' E AG L E C O U N TY DATE \i;/cdj/?2 JOB NAME TIME REcEIVED ^z' d:;AM(0 EJ oTHER MON COMMENTS: EJ PARTIAL. READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATION ,- /a'""\(\t99i El APPRoVED El DIsAPPRoVED El REINsPEcT EJ UPoN THE FoLLoWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE \' "al BUILDING DlVlSlON OF EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 COURTHOUSE, EAGLE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 DATE.Iunfi 9n APPLIcANT Carpentry tJnlirnitarl ADDREss PERMITTO remode1 b&sement BUILDING FIELD COPY 0312 PERMIT PERMIT NO- (CONTR'S LtCENSE) NUMBER OF DWELLlNG UNlTS (TYPE oF IMPRovEMENT) (-) sToRY NO.(PnOPOSED US€) 1975- ZONING AT (LocATlON)DISTRICT (NO.)(STREET} BETWEEN AND (CROSS STREET}(cRoss sTREET) C €1 < Qo m oz zeoL SUBDIVISION XX V&il Intflrmnllnf nin LOTLOT-BLOCK-SlZE BUILDING TO TYPE lS TO BE -FT, WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY FT. lN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTlON BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION (TYPE) REMARKS: AREA ORVOLUME EsTlMATED cosr $ n,Qoo,on Fll"" $,ts,oo(cuslc/sQuARE rEET) Donald R. GruldelOWNER BUILDINGADDRESS 7800 Durhnm Way Bouldew, Colo- BUILtIhG PERMITAPPLIttTIoN , Jurisdiction ot Applicant to cOmplete numbered spaces only, ] > Nzsr,a Be=. Ft,we_,< Dmue \/A,L. Cb,-, .LEGALIoEscR.cE]sEE ATTAcHED sH€ET) PHON€ C.,. CONTRACTOR MAILADDRESS LlCENSrNO. ARCHITECT OR DCSIGNER 'MAILADDRESS LICENSENO. ENGlNeEn MAILADDnES5 LjCENS€NO. MAlLADDnESs USEOrBUILDING 8 Classof work: E]NEW E]ADOmON ]Is'(rTERATION EJREPAIR nMOvE IlsEMOvE Ohange of use to 11 Valuationofwork:$ [ ')-o0 SPECIALCON0ITI Djvjsion Size of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft- FireSprinklers Required Ejv,, E]N,APPROVED FOR iSSUANCE BV OFFSTREET PARl(ING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMlTS ARE REQUIHED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- lNG. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AI R CONDlTIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOHK OR CONSTRUC.TlON AUTHOR[ZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTnUCTlON OR WORK lS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEDFOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOHK IS COMMENCED. HEALTH 0EPT. FIREDEPT. SOlLnEPORT OrHER (Speclfy) WHEN PnOPERLY VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE) THlS lS YOUn PERMIr PLAN CHECK VALlDATlON PERMIT VALIDATION }p INSPECTOR /?% Form 100.1 11.73 eEoRoER FRoM; INTERNATIONAL CONFERENC€ OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ,((r/- /fL ?6- INsPEel=N nEouEsr DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEn EJ oTHER MON COMMENTS: EJ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTHUR cffiFi'nov ,,El DIsAPPRoVED I UPoN THE FoLLoWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS EJ REINsPEcT 0 PLUMBING PERMITAPPLI ION o CAT Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete rlumbered spaces only. WHEN PnOPERLV VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS voun PERMIT 'z-z- 2 o- .LEGAL IDEscR.Ct ATTACHED SHEt:T) MAIL ADDReSS 2IP CONTRACYOn MAIL ADDHESS PHONr LIeE:NSENO. ARCH]TECT on DESIGNER MAILADDRESS LlC€NSENO. ENGlNEEn MAIL A0DnESS PHON€LlC€NStNO. MAIL ADDRESS BnaNeH USEOFBUILDING 8 Classofwork: L]NEW E]ADDITION aiALTERATION []REPAIH Typa of Fixtun or Itlm SPEClALCONDITl WATER CLOSET (TOILETl LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & DISP. DISHWASHEn PLANSCHECKEOBY LAUN0RVTRAV CLOTHESWASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE I HEREBV CERTlFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINE0 TH15 APPLICATION AN0 KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISION5 OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WH€THER SPEClFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOf PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVlSjONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. UnINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR DRAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUMBREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SVSTEM SEPTlC TANK & PIT PLAN CHECK VALlDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION n.WORHmAN wHlTTle=, eA&lP. i@1 INSPEe*oN REQUEST EAGLE COU,NTY DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER El oTHER E]PARTIAL.LOCATION FRI READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR tt<ii,, Y E D |] DIsAPPRoVED E uPoN THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS [ REINsPEcT DATE t7- (, 2.s- 1c!'! Il\IsP.e*ol. mEoUEs-r AGLE COUl\ITY. DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EJ oTHER EI PARTIAL.LOCATION ; '"",/ [bdP";RoV,E0 EIDIsAPPRoVED ElsEINsPEcT hlfJi THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: coRREcTIoNs 42la IP,,Lji,-,,'--,c-,_-;a,4 dd INSPECTOR DATE $-,1b-7{" '\ a C\q, ;,--l > e 8P (i :f lL t tf-l 'JJ f\ x' "\0\ f\ FJ ,c-x" m