HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE LOT 11B LEGALBUITDING O'"',OO' EAGTE COUNTY, P. O. BOX I79 couRrHousE, EAGLE CO. - pH. (303) 328-6339 BUILDING DATE December 4 PERMIT tt 78 PERMTT No.119I APPLICANT AOORESS Construct Single- penurr ro Famil v Residence (-1-) "ror"(TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) I{O. (CONTR'5 LICEN3E} NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS {PROPOSED USE} zoN tt|G AT (LocATIoN} (xo.)(STREET) BETWEE}I ANO(cnoss STREET)ICR05S STREET) Go oo oz Tg. o IL suBorvrsrox Matterhorn Village r-or 11-B alocK-srzE BUILDING IS TO BE - FT. V'IDE SY - FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM I}I COXSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDAT IO}. R E MAR KS: AREA OR VOLUME ICUBIC/SOUARE FEET) owrea William R. & Franziska A. C'lem ooo.." BulLo ING PIan Check Fee $154.00 EsrMArEo cosr $-6lLll(DJ)0- FEE"'' $gog-oo Affidcvit on rcvcr:e :ide of opplicotion lo bo complctod by outhorized cgcnt of ovner) - | hereby certify rhot the proposed work is outhorized by the owner of record'' ond I hove been outhorized by the owner to moke this opplicotion os his outhorized ogent. tr,r, , l, SIGNATURE OF AGENT ADDRESS OUNBER} (STREET' (CITY) APPROVED BY TITLE DATE I9-. o-)ui CA !- Jz.oz =2. =z ..*E =4ft dd= coc cto o o1' .ts !FE=e=o iiioF olL oiE>tF oz F q oE(L -.1col;lil"l UJ Eo ts =E,l! o-zo ]-(JfEFozo C) ULIt] oz t = uJ iii=b";i<€5YF-\N NOIIVN']VA v'zd q= s- E?=&=de<EEEHEEHsEo(Jr.z<) zz F i-- :<<EE86 fiEaP,f ;EEs!94nEoZccoz) tltl ?P+ll = ; yl€ YI sq = A"^gtr ^ <n zAi ; = Fg6 o AolA, EJF5 ;frF8 Hq<N(,l o- UJE zo Eoo zIF UJ 3l!z -o- F eoo tltllltltll-llilllqlloltolt<l =l -Jlal alEl =l el =lil =l EI 1l <l =l rlt'f .t'1 =l:l LIol r_l(l,l +)l{JI atSr = z lJ- I "d-t'1 F 3o! =(U an osg c)o!(5 (u (J ui z (D "') I I Il.,l- I I AU'I uJl olo<l:l ><l tr =l o tltlIIllill"tltl IJI tr.Jltcltol l<l =t J trl =l 5 E ir =b2 O E F.z z I tIJ o dF C) LU) LU t 2e =trfFd3 <F uJ<zE I.IJ F(nZoo F uJL-J< (.)ou)rrr UJ:o E trru t. ' tullDltic FtvtstcN ot IAGLE COUNTY, P. 9. gOX17g aOURTHOUSE, EAGLE CO. _ pH. (303) 328-633e 'rii!"''".7'"f *) BUILDING PERMIT . CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DArE December 4,7g Hlttlan B; g rranzrsii 'n-iffi n", 'iz#-;rr "il''Jno;rooaess So.| 3757..Ia11. .Co. El6El ,l r c?^Dw- 'l;':' .' -"' AT (LOCAT rON )ZON ING o tsTR tcT CROSS STREET (cRos5 srREEr) '-o, ll-B ;,-o"* -- "t11, tsUILDtI{G IS TO BE FT. WIOE BY--- FT. LONG BY TO TYPE USE GROUP FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM tN CO}ISTRUCTION IEMARKS: BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT ION (TYPE) \R€A OR l OL UME Hil I lam & Franz{ska A. Clem o c) .ozoz_ 't\ o 'I F J- L)vF() E]J(rl o (6 ou (J3"AE =o5&& oE c) 'o. o. z EIF€6EIc)g.S FE E; E3 s€ ou i E8.EE ;C 3E ;E rF {tiF ;.8 Eg EsFb EE H 9_r' ;Erd F5 : l\ i 9-l IE' .:9SoFr.= Oo APPLICANT BUILDING PERMIT JO8 WEATHER CARD oor, Scci*ar l, ,, 13 pERMrr No.lllrn B. t F rooness Eor 3751. Yell- Cl- f,tdl? (No.)(5TR EET' pERMrr ro Frafly bsl&ncr ,!_, "ro""__ITYPE OF IMPROVEMENT} NO, ( C ONTR'S Lt CENSE) NUMSER OF DWELL ING UN ITS ( PROPOSED USE) ZON ING AT { LOCAT ION )0 tsTR tcT ( No,l {STREET} B ET I.YEE N ( CR OSS STFE ET]( CROSS STREET): d) 5 ID oz c l! SUBOIVIS ION rr$orlp?a Ylllrge ,-o- fL!- er-o.^ - 5PJ' BUILOING IS TO BE - FT. WIOE AY - FT. LONG BY FT. llr HEIGHT AND sHALL CONFORM lN CONSTRUCTI0N TO TYPE USE GROUP BASE MENT h'ALLS OR FOUNDATION (TYPE) REMARKS: AREA OR VOLUME Plm Chcl Fca $l$1.00 EsrrMArEo "o* g 60,000.00 FEE"'' $3t19.00 oEPr. / (cUBIc/SoUARE FEET} , __ Illl|ru R. & Frrnrlctr A. Clos-=- THIS PERMTT CONVEYS NO RIGHT TO OCCUPY ANY STREET, ALLEY OR SIDEWALK OR ANY PART THEREOF. EITHER TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY. ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTEO UNDER THE BUILDING CODE, MUST BE AP- PROVED BY THE JURISDICTION. STREET OR ALLEY GRADES AS WELL A5 DEPTH ANO LOCATION OF PUBLIC SEWERS MAY BE OATAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT RELEASE THE APPLICANT FROM THE CONOITIONS OF ANY APPLICAALE SUBDIVISION RESTRICTIONS. BU ILDING BY MINIMUM OF THR EE CALLINSPECTIONS REAUIRED FORALL CONSTRUCTION WOR KI 1. FOUNDATIONS OR FOOT IN6Sz. FRroR To cov ERrNc ar*uc iuaa MEMB ERS (REAOY TO LATH).3. FINAL INSPECTION AEFORE OCCUPANCY. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE RETAINED ON JOB AND THIS CARD KEPT POSTED UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. !YHERE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS RE. QUIRED,SUCH BUILDING SHALLNOTBE OCCUPIED UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN IUADE. WHERE APPLICABLE SEPARATEPERMITS ARE REOUIR EO FOR ELECTRIC AL, PLUMBING AND MECH ANICAL INSTA LLATION5. PLUMBING INSPECTION APPROVALS L, .2a.aaQt /(/.t-av,' f - :iA _rJ't HEATING INSPECT ING APPROVALS T THIS CAR,D SO IT IS VISIBTE FRO'YI STREET ELECTRICAL INSPEC TION APPROVA LSAUILDING INSPECTION APPROVALS ,i. LT 1- ecK 4 i:,oCK 3-to 5t,,- REFRIGERATION INSPEC TION APPROVA LS WORK SHALL NOT PROCEEO UNTIL THE INSPECTOR HAS APPROVEO THE VARIOUS STAGES OF CONSTRUCT ION. PERI,IIT WILL EECOME NULL AND VOID IF CONSTRUCTION WORK I5 NOT STARTED WITHIN SIX MONTHS OF DATE THE PERMIT IS ISSUED AS NOTED ABOVE. INSPECTIONS INOICATEO ON THIS CARO CAN SE ARRANGEO FOR BY TELEPHONE OR IVRITTEN NOT IF ICAT ION. County of EI..ECIRICAL Eagle PERMIT Job Name...................Q.].eII|..Bs.s.i.de.nEe...:...]./1.8-..Qen.e.va...I^lest..V.ait...... Date of Apptication-...-..-. ,.-..-...119,v-.9.1...... ...... . ..............-.19....7-9............. TEMPORARY Nq ' 1455 Etectricat contractor........ELec.tr:q.-.V.a Lt..#7.2a......... Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Temporary Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $........ .................. $................. ......... 12.00 $...1,?.'.Q9........... .. Applicanr- SLnaturc APPROVALS s. $.Plln Chcckcl Dare Paid...... 5.t ?l(!-?. Received sv .. J..r f!-"..J.1.9.f........-................. Receipt #5087 B'ldg. Permit #1198 FORilI I3 TO BE POSTED (,1{ SITE DURII{G CONSTRUGTION {E HOURS ADVAI\ICE NOTICE REQURED FOR INSPECTIONS THIE JOB i7 County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERMIT Erectricar contractor....-...4.I9f-e..f.-.F.1..e9.!!:.! I Applicanr- SllDlture APPROVALS Plan Chcckcr Ne 1494 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation W'ire Bsmt. Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $................ ... ...... $............................ $.-..18-,.0.Q $. $.....18..00. Date Paid. .-.., . 6-1.?9-19. Re.ceived ny.... ..1'.K9 !.'l.g!:..---................. Receipt #5214 Bldg. Permit #1198 FORT IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING COilSTRUGTION 18 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE NEQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS THI6 JOB prar,rrirrqLd Environmental conm :{B 1-o P€2.. Cornrnunity Development Departrnent May 14, 1990 A request for a Condltional Use Pernit to allow for the operation of a Bed and Breakfast on Lot 11B, Matterhorn Village Subdivision, 1718 Geneva Drive. Applicants: Franziska and William Clem hozi k- r.. TO: , FROI'I: DATE: RE: I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE In December of 1989, the VaiI Torm Council passed ordinance No. 31, Series of 1989 to allow Bed and Breakfasts in the Town of Vall with certain criteria. The definition given in that ordinance states that rrA Bed and Breakfast means a business which accomrnodates guests in a drvetling unit in which the Bed and Breakfast proprietor lives on the prenises and is in residence during the Bed and Breakfast use. rr A Bed and Breakfast may short terrn rent separately up to 3 bedroorns or a maximum of 900 square feet of the dwelling unit. The Clerns have applied for a conditional use pernit to allow them to use two bedroours in their single-fanily hone in a Prirnary/Secondary zone district for a Bed and Breakfast. One bedroom contains L28-sq. ft. and one contains 223 sg. ft. Trvo guests could-sifay in each bedroom, for a total of 4 guests. II. CRITERIA AltD*ftrCriFliGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Corununity Development Departrnent recommends approval of the conditional use pennit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: t_. The Toun Councllthe Town of Vailfor tourists. encourages Bed as a favorable and BreakfaEte in type of lodging 2. -EE. aaaS*rEiIt is f,elt that Le a bue atop 3. 4. 5. The and Clems do have enclosedregular garbage removal trash facilitiesgenrice. the inpact on the use rould be uininal. w Off-street deslgnated oarklncr shall be recruired as follows: ,, I a There will be no removal of landscaping. Each Bed and Breakfast shall be allowed one residential name plate siqn as defined and regulated by the Town of Vail Siqn Code. The Clems are not applying for a name plate sign at this tirne. nropertv owner. owners. or anplicable owlersl association shall. be recruired to be submitted with the application for a conditional usepennit. Not applicable. III. FINDTNGS The Planninq and Environnental Conmission shall nake the f@ before qrantinq a conditional use pernit for a Bed and Breakfast oPeration: A. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of this Ordinance and the PurPoses of the district in which the site is located- B. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or naintained would not be detrirnental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvenents in the vicinity. c. That the proposed use would conply with each of the applicable provisions of this Ordinance. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Cornrnunity Developrnent staff reconnends approval of this application ior a ged and Breakfast operation. Staff finds thlt aff applicable review criteria and findlngs have been satlsfactorily net. d. e. )lt.rf ( BED AND BREAKFAST APPLICATION I Nane of lilailing owner I s rowner I a Up of vt L' to 3 bedrooms or a rnaxinurn sguare footage of 900 square feet the dwelling may be utilized for a Bed and Breakfast (B&B) operation. ct 2- Please provide a floor plan of the dwelling unit with the rooms to be used for the B & B highlighted. Please provide a site plan and indicate the designated parking. The required parking is as follows: 1 space for owner/proprietor, plus 1 space for first bedroom rented, plus 1/2 space for each additional bedroom rented. If a Bed and Breakfast ration proposes to use property or facilities owned conmon or jointly with other proPerty owners, such--as parking spaces or a driveway in a duplex subdivi^sl-on, the written approval of the other property i, owners, or ownerrs association shall be required. u..'4. Address the adeguacy of the unit's trash facilities (i.e. enclosed trash fqc_ilitiesr/regular garbage renoval service/etc. ) Attach an application for a conditional use pernit and check for $1OO.OO for the Conditional Use application fee. fnclude a title report to verify ownership. 3. 5. \ Date: ,fr p*CP lz n q o Name of Physical Uailing Applicant: Address: Frenzlskr A. CLEil 1718 Geneve Ilrlve Vall co 81657 Address:PO Box 3757 vr11 co 81c58 Property onner: f,tlltan R. Clen & lranzlaka A. Clen Address of owner: PO Bo: 11J7, Vall, CO 81C58 phone Number: 476-0589 Eignature: t/ 5' I.Thi s procedure use permit. The appl'ication o Date of Application APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT is required for any proiect required to obtain will not be accepted until all information is a conditiona'l submi tted. A.AppLICANT lranztska A. CLIII PrO Box 3767, Vall, CO 81658 (1?18 Gen€vt Drlve) NME OF ADDRESS pgg1g476-0589 B.NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE trllllan R. CLlt PO Box 3757, Yatl' CO 816t8ADDRESS PHoNE 476-0589 c.NAME 0F O|.JNER(S) (Print ftlllem R. Clen and lrlnzlska A. Clou oWNER(S)' SIGNATURE(S) ADDRESS FO Box 5757,Vall, CO 81658 PH0NE 476-0589 tatterhorn Vtllege Subdlvlslon D.LOCATI0N OF PR0POSAL: LEGAL: LOT119 g1-gg1 noneFILING pone co 81657ADDRESS 1718 Geneva pqrye!_I{! cK#PAID BYE. FEE $r 00 THE FEE MUST ACCEPT YOUR BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT PROPOSAL. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I'IILL F. A'list of the names of owners of al'l property adj.acent to the subiect property TNCLUDTNG pRopERii-BiruNo nHo AcRoSs SrnErrs, and their_mqlli!9_a99l9!!91: THE ApplrcANT r,trLi sE iElpoNllgiE ron coRREci owNERs AND cORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE t.IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEI'IBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED To DETERMTNs rr-[r,ri-nboiiiolrnl-rnFoRMATroN IS NEEDED._ N0 APPLIcATI0N ULL-. BE AccEPTED UNLESi,I?-ii.iOi;ii;iEiE iT.itJ.Si.iHCLUOE Nt-t- ITEI'IS REQUIBFg qU!T-ZONING Iou}lisinnioijl--ir-is-iHEAiplicrHt's nTspoHSIBLIIY-ro_tlAKE AN APPoINTMENT t'lrTH rHE STAFF rO FrND oiji Ab0[i AooirroNAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION }IILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PEgCEIS FoR youR pRoJEci iivffirlie iii'nlmsrii oF coNDIrIoNs 0F APPR0VAL THAT THE pEc My sTrpuLAiE: Ari conoinoNs 0i AFpnovnl MUsT BE coMPLIED l.llTH BEFoRE A BUILDING PERI'IIT IS IssIIED. (0vER) Lonoltlona, ,ru f.." -.-! - III. Four (4) copies of the fo11ow'ing information: r A. A description of the prec'ise nature of the proposed use and its - operating characterjstics and,measures proposed to make the use compat'ibie with other properties in the vicinity. The descriPtion must also address: l. Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives of the Town. Z. Effect of the use on light and air, djstribution of population, transportation facj'l itjes, uti'l ities, schoo'l s, parks and.recreation facilities, and other pub'lic faci'lities and pubf ic facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particu1 ar reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic f'low and control , access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and Parking area. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use'is to be located,'including the scale and bu'lk of the proposed use in rel ation to surrounding uses. B. A site plan at a sca'le of at'least l" = 20' showing proposed development of the site, inc]uding topography, bui'lding locations' parking' traffic circu'l ation, useable open space, landscaped areas and uti'l 'ities and drainage features. C. Preliminary building e'levations and floor p'lans. D. A title report to verify ownership and easements. E. If the building is condominiumized, a letter from the condominium associatjon in support of the proposal must be submitted to staff. F. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator. * For interior modjfication, an improvement survey and site plan may be omitted by the aPPlicant. IV. Time Requirements The P'l anning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and al 1 accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of the PEC Pub'lic Hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning adm'inistrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated subm'ittal date. , . 3I'PPI,IXIIT TO COIIDITIfrAL U8I PERTII and BID TID BEIAXFASTApPLICtlIOf, dtd 12 Aprll 1990, trranzlaka A. Clen, Lot 1l B,letterborn Ylllage Subdlvlalon, Vall, CO, 1718 Geneve Drlve, - PO Box ,781, Yall, CO 81668. . Llst ol property ornore eltueted edJeceDt to tbe ebove des-crlbed property: Lot 8 A; John 8lvorly, PO Box 645, Yrll, CO 816$8 Lot 8 B: Jobn F. Pbelpr, PO Bor 1041, Yel!, CO 816t8 Lot 11 l: Jarer B. lllllens, L122 Geuovr llrl.ve, Vall, CO 81657 Lot 12: leltcr and lerle Ctelr lorltz, PO Bo: 141, Vall, CO 81CtB Lot lt: Jern Bebcr. 1664 lrtterborn Clrcle, Yall, CO 81657 ' /.' .;., 'tDEFMRTMENT @Ftr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XTXXXXX sALEs AcroN FoRM XXXXXXX ACCOUNT f 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES 1 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNTFORII BUILDINC CODE 1 0000 4?415 1988 UNIFORI.I PLUIIIBING CODE 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI/ MECHANICAL COOE 1 0000 42415 1988 UNIFOR}I flRE CODE 1 0000 42115 1987 NATIONAL EIJC]RICAL CODE 'l 0000 42115 OIHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 PRINTS (M\LARS) 01 0000 42+12 XERoX CoprES ,/ SruOteS 1 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE_INSpECTION r 0000 +1322 OFF HOURS TNSPECT]ON FE CoNTRACTORS UcEllsES FEES 1 0000 41330 0l 00oo 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION 4y't/ro ( /e 7,1 I FORM NO, C-60(}(}-t FON U6E WITH COLORADO REGION AMERTCAN LANO TtTLt AaEOCIAT|ON LOAN pOLtCy t97o (AMENDED to_tr.7'lr.//a SCHEDULE A Amount of Ineuronco g 35.925.25 DareofPolicy November 2I, IgTg at 9:0lam 1. Nanro of Ineured: VA]L }IATIOI\IAL BANK I'olicyNo. 4106934-4 Sheet I of 4. 2, Tho title to suid lnrrrl ig ot the dote trcreof vcelc(l inr 9EI.LIAM R. CLEM and FRANZISKA A. CLEM, in fee sinple 3' Tho rnortguge or dced of truet, ontl ossigrunerrtr if ony, covcrcd by tlrie policy are dcecribed us followe: Deed of I?ust frcnr : William R. Clern and Franziska A. Clemto tte Rrlclic .Iyusteee of .the Couniy of Uagfefor t}e use of : Vail Nad;;i iankto secure : g35,925.25 datedrecorded : Novsriber L9 ' 1979: Novenber zlt 1979 in Book 294 aL page 983 note: Assiqnnent of Rents recorded Novenrber 2r, LgTg in Book 294 aL page 984,given in cornection with the Jou. pu"a of l?ust. 0 S C II DD U L ll A-Coutinued 'l'ho Innd rcfcrnxl lo in this policy is situnrorl in rhc stnrr: oI Colorudo, County o[ Eagle ' uttd is tft:scri hcd ns followe: That portion of MATTERHORN VILLAGE, according to thePlat thereof, descrLbed as followal ^-___l",q1l$"g at rhe most northerly corner of said Lot Il;y:r:wegtertY-aIongtheNortherJ.y1ineofEaidLotIl,a dJ-stance of 156.46 feet to the most westerly corner thereof;thence along lhe weeterJ-y rine of said rot, iia-6;-;.;";-;-' .curve to the left, a distance of l_01.06 feit to the intersectionof said line with a cul-de-sac; ll::":"u:ilirlll arons a rine it risht ansres. ro rhe Easrerryrrne or sa'd lot' to its interEection with said Easterly lina;thence Northerly, along said Easterry iin-,-[o--!t. porNT oE, BEGTNNTNG. County of Eagle, State of Colorado recorde€t : I ' SCHEDULD B PART I 'Ihis Policy ilbee not insure againet loss or danragc by roason of the following; l. Rights or clninre of ptrties in poeeeaaion not ehown by rhc public records. 2, Dasements, or clnimg of eoeemenls, not ehown by the pulrlio records. 3. Discrcplncies, contlicts in boundary lines, shorlngo in area, encroachmente, anil ony faels t'hich q cor' rect survoy und inapcction of the prcmisee would digclose and which aro not ehown by thc public recorde. 4. Any lien, or right ro a lien, for eewicee, labor, or material heretolore or hereafter furnished, impored by law orrd not ahown by tho public recorde' 5. Taxee due ond poyoble; onil any tax, epecial arseaamenla, charge or lien imposed for water or sewcr lervice, or for any other rpecial taxing diatrict. 6. A right of way for ditches and canals constructed by the authority of the United States, as reserved in United States Patent recorded June 15, 19 18 in Book 93 at Page 15. 7. Basements 10 feet in width along side lot lines not abutting roads, as reserved by the recorded Plat of said Subdivision. B. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, as contained in inst,rument recorded November 20, 1963 in Book I7B at Page 263. In otltlition to ro tnnllcrr sct 'orllr in P|lrt I of tlrie scheclulo' the title to the estate or interett in the lond ileeoribctl or rolorroil t i" i-"f*iirf, A ie aubjoct io-rho foilowi"g rnultc-rs' i[ aDy be shown' l'ut tlro compmy insuros l1a] .rd;;;;;;;io subur,linuro lo l1o ticn o, "Lutgo o[ t1e ineurcd 'rorlgogo uporr eniil estlte: NONE /fhil/" adaocn^/ c21'5'7\]4/2 ^"J/as /zoa and Environmental a public hearing ln nunicipal code of the in the Town of VaiI A reguest for a final plat for a maJor subdivision for sDD No. 16, on a portion of Parcel A, Lionrs Ridge Subdivision,Filing No. 2 (The Valley - Phase III)Applicant: Brad and Susan Tjossen A request for an exterior alteration in order to construct an addition to the Bell Tower Building at 201 Gore Creek Drive.Appllcant: Clark Wil.linghan / Be1l Toner Associates, Ltd. A reguest for a site coverage varJ-ance for an addition on Lot 31, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing.Applicant: H. Ross Perot A request to apply High Density Uulti-Family zoning to thetlariott Mark Resort ana for a major amendment to Special Developrnent District No. 7 (llarriott Uark) in order to add 58 timeshare units and I eurployee housing units. Applicant: Marriott Corporation. A request for a conditional use perrnit to allow for a Bed and'Breakfast at Lot 118, llatterhorn Village Subdivision. Applicant: Willian Clen A request for a maJor subdivision, a request for a variance to the maximurn height for retaLning wa1ls, and a request for a variance to the maximun percent grade for a roadr on a parcel connonly referred to as Spraddle Creek, an approximate 40 acre parcel located north and east of the Uain Vail I-70 interchange and east of the Spraddle Creek Iivery. Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southwest 1,/4 of Section 5, Township S South, Range 80 west of the 6th Principal l{eridian, being an Eagle cou;ty Brass cap properly narked and set, with all bearings contained herein being relative to a bearing of s oo 11r o0rr E between the No*heast corner of said Southeast 1rl4 of the Southwest L/4, and the Southeast Corner of said southeastl/4 of the Southwest L/4 being an Eagle County Brass cap PUBLIC NOTICE NoTIcE Is HEREBY GrvEN that the Planning Cornmission of the Town of vall will hold accordance rith Sectlon 18.66.060 of the Town of Vail on Uay 14, 1990 at 3:00 p.n. I'tuniclpal Building. Consideration of: I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. properly marked and seti sald Northeast corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southltest 1/4 being the Point of beginning; thence S oo 11r oon E along the east line of said Southeast L/4 ot the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distanceof 1320.14 feet to the Southeast Corner ttre said Southeast L/4 of the southwest L/4 of Section 5; thence S 89 47r 48rr w along the south line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 901.00 feet; thence N 73 48t 32rr W along Interstate 7O Rlght of Way line a dLstance of 2L4.L2 feett thence N 56 52t L2tt W al-ong said Right of l{ayline a distance of 24L.10 feet to a point on the west lineof said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5; thence N oo 2or 31rr w along the west line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1151.66feet to the Northnest Corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the southhrest L/4 of Section 5 belng an Eagle County brass capproperly marked and seti ttrence N 89 41r 12rr E along the north line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest t/4 ot Secti-on 5 a distance of 1331.07 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said real property containing 39.55 acres, moreor less. The applications and available for public Department office. Town of Vail Conmunity Development Published in the VaiI inforrnation about the proposals are inspection in the Connunity Development Department Trail on April 27, L99O. , PUBI,IC NOTICE NoTIcE Is HEREBY GfvEN that the Planning and Environmental Conmission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on uay 14, 1990 at 3:oo p.n. in the Town of Vail l,[unicipal Building. Consideration of: A request for a final plat for a naJor subdivision for SDD Ho. fe, on a portion of Parce1 A, Lionrs Ridge Subdivision, Filinq No. 2 (The Valley - Phase III)Applicant: Brad and susan Tjossen A request for an exterior alteration in order to construct an aaAition to the BelI Tower Buitding at 2o1 Gore creek Drive.Appticant: Clark Willingharn / BeIL Tower Associates, Ltd. A request for a site coverage variance for an addition on Lot 31, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing.Applicant: H. Ross Perot A reguest for a najor amendment to Special DevelopnentDist;ict No. 7 (Malriott Mark) in order to add 58 timeshare units and 8 employee housing units. AppLicant: Marriott corporation. A request for a conditional use pernit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 118, l,latterhorn Vi11a9e Subdivision. Applicant: I{illian Cleut A request for a najor subdivision, a request for a variance to the maximum height for retaining walls, and a request for a variance to the maximum percent grade for a road, on a parcel comnonly referred to as Spraddle Creek, an ipproxinate 40 acre parcel located north and east of the Mlin vail I-70 interchange and east of the Spraddle Creek livery. Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southeast L/a oi the Southlwesi. L/4 of Section 5, Township 5 South, nlnge 80 west of the 6th Principal Ueridian, being an Ea91e County Brass cap properly marked and set, with aII bearings contalned herein being relative to a bearing of s 00 11 | 00rl E between the Northeast Corner of said Southeast L/4 of l\e Southwest L/4, and the Southeast Corner of said Southeast L/4 of the Southltest t/4 being an Eagle county Brass cap properly marked and seti said Northeast corner cf the t 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a I Southeast L/4 of the Southvest L/4 being the Point of beginningi thence s oo llt oor E along the east line of said Southeast L/4 of the Souttrrl,est L/4 of Section 5 a distanceof 1320.14 feet to the Southeast Corner the said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5; thence S 89 47r 48rr w along the south line of sald southeast L/4 ot the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 901.00 feet; thence N 73 481 32n W along Interstate 70 Right of Way line a dlstance of 2L4.L2 feet; thence N 66 52r 12rr W along eaid Right of Wayline a distance of 24L.10 feet to a point on the west lineof sald Soutbeast l/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5; thence N OO 2Or 31n W along the west line of Eaid Southeast L/4 ot the Southwest 1/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1161.66feet to the Northwest Corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 being an Eagle County brass cap properly narked and set; thence N 89 41t L2't E along the north line of said southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1331.07 feet to the Point of Begl-nnlng. Said real property containing 39.55 acres, Dore or less. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Conmunity Developnent Departnent office. Town of Vail Comrnunity Development Departnent Published in the Vail Trail on April 27 ' 1990. t PLANNING AND ENVIRONUENTAL COMI.IISSION lfAY 14, 1990 staffKristan Pritz Mike Mollicashelly Mel}o Betsy Rosolack Penny Perry longer than expected, in the interest of skipped the review of the 1041 request and directly to Item No. 2. Applicant: Willian Clem Betsy Rosolack explained that the applicant was reguesting a conditional use perrnit to allow for the operation of a Bed and Breakfast in two bedrooms of their Prirnary/Secondary zonedistrict. The staff found that all applicable review criteria and findings had been satisfactorily net and the reconmendation was for approval. Daltonrs najor concern was the trash enclosure and the use of only 2 trash cans and Mr. Clem responded that they had used 2 cans for many years. Dalton then asked if Mr. Clero would be uilling to reluitd the enclosure' and Ur. Clem stated that with bears in the area, the dunpster would have to be constructed of concrete block to withstand danage. Discussion then centered around the steep driveway. A motion to approve the recruest per the staff memo was rnade bv Connie l(niqht and seconded bv Dalton Williarns. VOTE: T.OINFAVOR Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie frnight Ludwig Kurz Jiro Shearer Kathy warren Dalton t{lllians The site visits tooktime, the Connission ftem No. 1 and went Itern No. 2: A req The Planning and Environmental Conmission neeting was called to order at 3:oO p.n. by Diana Donovan, Chairperson. A recruest for a conditional use permit to allow f The Conmission then diEcussed the 1041 application scheduledprlor to the Public Hearlng and then proceeded with Iten No. 3. They woul-d go back to Iten No. 1, approval of ninutes at the end of the agenda. Iten No. 3: A request for a final plat for a rnajor subdivisionfor sDD No. 22. a resubdivision of Lots 1-190. Block 2. Lionsridqe Filincr No. 3. Construction. Xristan Pritz explained that the reguest was to finalize the prelininary plan prevS.ously approved unanirnously on March 25, 1sgo. The Town Engineer had changed the sidewalk location to the south side of the subdivl-sion road to allow for better drainage. The staff reconmendation was for approval of the final plat with conditions as found in the memo. Pat Dauphinais explained that there would no longer be a detention pond as found in the original proposal . As explained during the prelininary plat review, they would be addressing drainige as rrcomprehensively and extensivelyrr as possible in conjunction wittr Public Works. Diana asked who the adjacent property olrners were and Pat responded that the Roost L,odge was to the south and Tract B to the east tras easements. Pat added that the biggest concern of the Conmission during the last meeting was street cuts along Lionsridge Loop and be did consolidate the nunber down to 5 at the Town Council review of the project. A motion to approve the Final Plat for a major subdivision for SDD No. 22 per the staff nemo and conditions as follosts was made by Kathy Warren and seconded bv Chuck Crist. Conditions: 1. The PEC chairoerson eha1l sicrn the olat lthen the Subdivision frnprovements agreement has been finalized and annroved bv the Town engineer and Town Attornev. 2. The Subdivision Improvenents agreement shall nrovide the Town of Vail with sufficient collateral to guarantee construction and installatioT of their iecruired l-nprovements per the Town Enoineer. PEC. and Communitv Development recruirenents. VOTE: 7-OINFAVOR Iten No. 4: A recruest for a final plat for a major subdivision Phase fII)Aptrllicant: Brad and Susan Tiossen Irlike titollica explained that the surrrey of the Fina1 Plat showing the as-built road had not been completed as expected. Therefore the staff could not reconnend approval , but rather tabling the item, contrary to the memo. He felt that the surivey would show that the road as-built rnight encroach into the open space tract' and Greg Hall fron Public Works had not given his final approval. Brad Tjossen explained that he had an urgent need to begin buifdtng and thit the home would be going before the Design Review Board Wednesday. He understood that the lack of a survey would complicate natters, but asked if it was possible to aPprove the project contingent upon the topographic surivey. Mike did not feel comfortable with Bradrs request. He felt that the final plat shoutd be j.n place at the time of final plat approval . There should not be contingencies. Kristan Pritz said that given the circunstances that the road is already built, she felt that it could be possible to approve the final ptat wittr the building envelopes remaining the same as the prelininary plan and that no changes be nade with site coverage or enra. Sne feft that the circunstances were very unusual . Kathy Warren and seconded bv Ludwig Kurz. Conditions: a t 1. 2. The PEC chairperson not siqn the plat until the subdivision Intprovernents Aqreement tras been finalized and approved by the Town Attornev. The Subdivision Improvenents Agreement provide thq Town with sufficient collateral to cruarantee construction and installation of the required fire hvdrant and access road construction and pavincr. 3. A Fina1 Plat be submitted showinq the as-built rgad topoqrapilt. Anv differences/adiustments , be , considered as pirt-oi the ioad tract and not the buildinq envelopes. alreadv existincr. VOTE: 7-0INFAVOR A request for a site coveraoe variance for an addition on Lot 31, Block 7, Vail villaqe 1st Filing.Applicant: H. Ross Perot I ? Item No. 5: ltike }lollica explained that the applicant was requesting a site coverage variance to allow for the construction of an attached three-car garage, and a najor renodel and expansion of the existing residence. Given the current zoning and the steep slopes on the lot (appx. 45t), tlre site coverage requirement for the property was linited to 15t. Staff betieved that the lot was encumbered wlth a physical hardship due to the extreme slopes on the site and that the granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare of properties or persons in the vicinity. The approval of the variance would not be a grant of special privilege. The staff reconnendation was for aPProval . Kristan stated that it was her belief that the nalln'ray on the west side of the site was to be rernoved and the area landscaped. Jin Morter explained additional changes that were made since the application had been subrnitted. He had enclosed the stairs on the east side of the garage in the interest of security. The difference took the site coverage frorn 21t to 22.L*. There rras general concern of the visual impact of the present hone, specifically the railings and lights on the walkway and Jirn lltorter responded that he could reconfigure the walk to include 3 steps and I landing, 3 steps and a landing. This would elirnlnate the need for railings. Steve Zorichak, an adjacent property owner expressed his approval of the project to the board by stating that he felt it was a rrvery constructive improvement.rl Ludwig stated that the elinination of the stairs east of the garage nade the appearance less lntrusive. He liked the change. Chuck Crist wanted to be sure that the applicant intended to landscape the existing parking area north of Beaver Darn Road., and also wanted to know how big the pull-off for the nailboxes would be. iliu answered that the pull-off would be as small as allowed. The applicant would like to keep the asphalt down and landscaping up. Jin Shearer liked the new proposal better. Connie Knight asked what percentage the addition request represented and Mike answered 1.1*. Connie also wished to know if the additional 250 GRFA request was related and Mike explained that it did not relate to this reguest. Diana explained that she could support the project because the hone was already existing. The Cornnission had always supported parking in a structure and off the road. She liked the solution. r biana iia sant any approval to be contingent upon the staff 'verifying GRFA figrures. conditions was made bv Kathv Warren and seconded bv Jim shearer. Conditions: 1. GRFA and Site Coveraqe be verified bv staff. 2. Existinq Concrete Sidewalk be removed. 3. Walkwav to buildino be reviewed by the Desion Review Board. 4. Pull-off for mail boxes be kept to a ninimum with the applicant workLnq cl"oselv with staff on the issue. 5. Remove or bern the fill area bv the mail boxes--to be reviewed bv the Desicn Review Board. VOTE: 7-OINFAVOR Item No. 6: A recruest to applv Hiqh Densitv Multi-Fanilv zoning to the Marriott Mark Resort and.for a maior anendnent to Special Developnent District No. 7 iMarriott Markl in order to add 56 tirneshafe units and 8 enPloyee housincr units at 714 West. Lionshead Circle. Lots 4. 7, c. and D, Block 1, Vail- Lionshead 3rd FiIincr.Applicant: Marriott CorPoration. Kristan Pritz explained that the applicant had reguested to table the iten. A notion to table the lilarriott proiect until June 11. 1990 was made by Kathv Warren and seconded bv Jim Shearer. VOTE: 7-OINFAVOR a a t Iten No. 1: Approval of ninutes fron APril 9' 1990 and April 23, 1990 neetinqs. t neetincr as written was nade bv Kathy Warren and seconded by Jim Shearer. VOTE: 7-0TNFAVOR A motion to approve the ninutes fron the Aoril 23. 1990 meetincr as written was raade bv Chuck Crist and seconded bv Jim Shearer. VOTE: 7-0INFAVOR Item No. 7: Discussion and apnointment of PEC members to the Zoning Code Revision Task Force. Kristan Pritz explained that the PEC will be the task force for the Zoning Code revision project. She asked for volunteers to be a working group. Kathy l{arren, Diana Donovan, Dalton l{illians and Jin Shearer Volunteered. Item No. 8: APpointnent of a PEC mernber to act as a DRB alternate. Jim Shearer volunteered to act as alternate to the DRB. Item No. 9: Reminder of Discussion with Council on.Fireplace Ordinance Anendnent, Tuesday Work session, May r_4th. Kristan explained that many architects and builders had been asking for exceptions to the current ordinance regulations and that itaff fett the need to review the ordinance for possible changes. Iten No. 10: Review and discussion of potential open space purchases in the West Vail area. Site visits to potential areas for open sPace were made earlier in the day. General discussion of these areas follosed. The PEC nas supportive of the West VaLI parcel purctrase. Some members also reconmended that the HUD Wirth property to the east of Vail Das Schone Sbopping Center be considered for purchase. The neeting was adjourned at approxinately 5:oo p.n. 1, // Project Application oare@ Project Name: !91 11 B, Matterhorn Vllla Project Description: Contact Person and Lzt x 14' Deck (Rednood) constructlon and tns,te 11 lfllllan R. Clen or Franztska A.Clen Phone {76-0589 or 949-5613 Silllsn R. Clen & Franzlgks A. Clen. p0 Box 3X57.Owner, Address and Phone: Yall, 81657 476-O589 O*nerArchitect, Address and Phone: Matterhorn Vl1lege Legal Description .1o1 11 B -- eiocl Eatinated cost- $860.75 Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL summary: 4,5 5'5*ltT"|€C: /F'tTE <' 'tiJ Staff Approval h. tddarrA.il James Sayre Buililing Department Town of VaiI, Colorado I, walter ltoritz and Marie I{atterhorn VilLage, file # Claire Mori I' herebyi of property, L,ot 12, the ttt (APPROVE) / (DISAPPROVE) Of on Lot 11 B,li5tterhorn village, File Date signature g= "Pz-- itames Sayre Building Departnent EoYrn of vailr colorado Ir itanes B. WillianE 1 o\ilr€t of property, I,ot 11A, llatterhorn village, Filef 1, Hereby $*9 €*€fflE)-of the deck construction projected on r.,ot 11 B. llatterhorn village, File #1. owI James Sayre Builcling Departtnent Town of vail, Colorado I, Ernst Lareae, Qwner of property, IJot 13,\r hereby (APPRovE) r$ff* or $\crI1B, I,{atterhorn village,'File # 1. \ \ ?-- Village, File # 1r projected on Lot oProject Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Lu' Architoct Address and Phon€: LEgal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board Date OISAPPBOVAL ing Admin Chief Building Off icial rNsilPcroN REeuEsr. ^ I9** oF vAtL \ "^r' 3/t/ h JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: MON TUES WED AM' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBIN'G: l tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS E] CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED RBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR pO Box 1757 Va11, Coloralo 81658 FebruarY 12, 1981 4'') [, - y': "- |'i tsull.ilng De paftoenl 'i',tL - .:.-',r -) L / "" t-11i'1 t:'< '( ' ' Town of ValI Val l, 8o1orailo SUdJFCf : Rcquert an adlltlonal vlniow tnstalhtlon to hone, :l 718 G en€vr Drlve, Mnttrrhorn, Vl 11. Rrquest approval of an aldttlonal rlnalow 1nstal1e,t to the rest slileof my reall"nce aa ehown before, Btclosurc 1, anC after J foot rtile r( 4 f oot long. .9rclogurp 2. l{enufectr:r"rrs brochure ts attrehpl et Fnelorure 3 and 1nstellatlonlnctructlcne ts attschpl ag Flrclogure 4. The wlnlor trln 1l brownln color to metch the other nlnCowc of the home. The rrlnilow w111 be celar trtcgrel ln orl"r to blend wltb the renatnlng houtc rlnlow!.the wlnlor la attache.{ to thr outclale of tha bul).ttng rhcrctn tha houac-frame w111 bc boxeit ea chown ln manufacturerts brochure (lower left slle). Thc contractor 1c Peul Keflen, Gypsun, 00, The rpproval of the wlnilow wl 11 provll" nrturrL ltghtln6 tn orlerto reiluce rlecLrtelty utlllzrt1on, and enhence the eppearance ofthe honc vhereln 1t now has a blanf app.tnance at thts trea. Therp ts a vacant. 1ot acrosE frca my property vertert to John[itvrnl-y enl WolfgrnF lvlue]"1 er. Rrrquast approvel. Reapectfully, / j .. "''('n /'!t'/ /l' t- "]tt/ IdIT,LIAU R. CLEI j+$H L -p ./ '2/-u-J- rO r. May B, 1979 /tq Y P.O. Box 1643 Rock Springs. Wyo 82901 (307) 382-264e 2 70O ilighway 50 West f\rel)Lo. Colo 81003 r:103| 546 1 150 PO Box 1427 Glcrrwood Sprinqs, Colo 81601 (303) q45 60?0 109 Rosemont Plaza Montrose Colo 81401 (303) 249-7838 P.O Box 1882 Grand Junclron, Colo 81501 (3O3) 242-8968 'H) LincolnDeVore 1000 W€st Fitlmore St. Colorado Springs. Colorado 80907 (303) 63?-3593 Home Off tce Mr. william Clem Box 3757 Vai1, Colorado 4L657 Re: FiIe No. GS-1O19 Visual InsPection Clem Residence lTlB Geneva Drive Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Clem: personnel of this Laboratory have inspected Lhe foundation eicavation at Ehe above-referenced site Eo determine sub- surface soil conditions.. Recommendations for this si-te are shown below. SoiI Classification: Soils on this site were found to con- ffi lean clays, of firm consistency. .Thesernaterials contained-numerous lngular cobble-sized particles, and occasional boulders. Man-Made FilI: None--al-I soils are native to the si'te' l4oisture Conditions at Time of InsPe-ction Moderate--A moisture atorY test of a samPle of'soil from the excavation. Expansion Potential: Low--A swell pressurc of 206 ps! wlth 0'Btd @7.7" moisture increase was determined by laboratory test. Foundation Type Recommended: Foundations for this structsure s footings bctir:atlr lre'rringf walls .rnd isolated spread f ootings beneath columns. 'l'ltese f ootingi; nray be proportion-"d o. the baiis of a maximum allowable bearing capacity bf ZSOO psf. A minimum deadload pressure_of_300 psf shou1d be maintiined at all times. The bottoms of all foundations should be placed a minimum of 4 feet below finished exterror grade, or is dictated by local building codes, for frost protect- ion. t Mr. wilrj.an creJIr{ay'8, L979 Paqe 2 Reinforcinq: Horizontal reinforcing should consist of five#5 rebars. pJ-aced continuously around the buildirlg withoutany gaps or breaks. T\^ro bars should be ptaced neir the topof the wall and three should be placed near the bottom ofthe wall. Additional #5 rebar should be placed at 45o at any steps inthe foundation wall, and all reinforcing shoulcl hive a-minimumlap of 15". Where foundation walls will reEain soil in excessof four feeE in height, vertical reinforcing should be designed,based on an equivalent fluid pressure of 45-pcf for the soiiin the active state, assuming horizontal. backfill. Floor slabs on grade should be positivell, separated fromall structural portions of the building and allowed to floatfreely. Non bearing partitions resting on slabs on grade shouldbe constructed with a void space, at the bottom prefera-bly,to allow for freedon of movement without affecting the roof orfloor a)rove. Bearing partitions should have their own found-ations. If basemenb type construction, or multi-level structure,stairway between floors should not be constructed as a rigidconnection, but, should allow for verbical movemenE in hhe floorslab. Drainaqe and Gradinq: Surface grading should be tonstructedin such a manner that aII runoff moisture is removed from thevicnity of bhe structure as quickly as possible. Roof drains,if any, should be carried across backfilled areas and allowedto discharge well away from the building. Water should not beallowed to stand or pond in areas of backfilt. To aid in keeping water from reaching the soil beneath thebuilding, the following steps should be taken. l. Backfj-ll around the buildj_ng or in ur.ilitytrenches leading to the building should bemechanically compacted at the optimum mois-.t,ure content of the soil to a densiLy of 9G/"of maximurn Proctor density, ASTM D-698. Withthis method, no backfilt may be jetted, pondedor puddled. 2. The ground surface within IO feet of the struc-ture should be sl.oped away from t-hr: br-r.i.1.ding,with a rnininrum gradient of 5%. I.his is equiva-lent to 6 inches of falt over this 10 focrt region. concrete: All concreLe in contact with soils should be madetrsing hrpe rr Modified cement. under no circumstances shouldcalcium chloride ever be added to a Type II Cement_ t we hope this has provided you wi-uh the inforrnation you desired. if qr-."ti"i" .ii"'" or if ,-e catt be of further assistance, please feef free to contact t'he Laboratory. Respectfully submitted, LIf COLN-DeVORE TESTING LAEORATORY, IM' Byt Civil RLB/vfb .'-!il!--rr'ltl,1r.r- wiltiam clem- May 8, 1979 Paqe 3 t L. Bass Engineer . -*.: t I cuRvl ire$ o.8[0LJr3;c#t:r.'c L. roo.ra.i clll;t Eouro^iY OUFFER Ci€EKlrrtro€o PLAI ; . .;.t; ".. j. r:: - ':11 fi\\Il\\t rrc- nxtLv RElltoElttAL Dtsrntcr . . .Errorur orltCity HULTtpLe-FAfiLy.o,.r",ii PROPO3EO EASI EOUr.OA RY :].0.1 :o"0 xEAoows suaorv rsrorl SCALE,I'r2OO' o-- IOO( PAO€ !39+'_ 233tat ,.l'1 ,box ro€ IT : ,l I I ( ( a ti tl b 8. ri $ tl H w t( lf rir z pr pl rbo. ?@ ,noE /r29. r .!O I I I I ( I t i I t -4 olol ll I .c|) .*l'' Fr..rag iro a , Boor( a6r o peci irz .. rl:'':t!'? E-rEFlF I l.if"i 6:1.i:. f'l l.F 5:,1 .1,.-1 rj |i;is;:" 5 i:rli Sfr !i. 5r;i;r:i,ij I'i ritJ 54 :113. t. ' rl ;'.;* 42, a;.:: 1r' i:j :i 43 ?ri 5,:'. 3 i-.ii.J,':1 - 14 It. :ln. 1. -"jj..J ::i 31 ;li- 46. li . ,+:L 5 57 +E 14. 13 f:;t:ttl 5 Ef 48 14. t3 r.. ft J-li 5:: 5* ti r.-. !: N fB trEt 4::. rri r-..il,'';:L {1;t 56 5f:. t-l ":i.i',.J li 11" 54 Af. fi 'l ,il:Ei f'l ;!B EtS 49. E riE:[Fr = 11469. 4]iP ,,,n, f,, F,t-:iitiir't' r-lf.t ,r.,r, li.tjllFtt'i{:,E f.,l |;Ur-lli:i"i 4El-6. #r;;: l,l i!i:, ;jSEt ti:;8$, TTli lJ l::ijJ. it;tF +:S44, .lif;:L E :[f;J, l,"jg $S:l.r* :r'iifrl fi:rlp lfi.l, 1 r:i:lljl E l:.H{.) . F5.4::;;: r.1 l:|RO . 4. rlil.r'r .1..1;!. l.SF 8489. ::rr1 E ;:t. r,iBg s477. 944E ljtrrr. AqE 8433. 61rF:Frfi Er8, t:l$t.i E r*Ht, L3, $;;i:T t"l rlRD g. 4r3r.l 111.141. 7rl4 frl"l :1-841..5 *fl]; :;i+;' :l-Oil*3. fti$ SfiA 1fi35r# ESF T;i;u fiF.:i: *ir':, J5;i ]"t{r.r *3s. F.l4 El,:T .l !i1J4 18315. gBi, 5.+1 rE=3f. EX5 6EB :lff356.94r 5lg i{El: ''|"1. $ l'f IRr.r ri, Ffil Ht..;T O 4,e5 183-+15. 53I tllg 1.|3441. rg4 sl-t o [:[1t-th:t.,F,'t * H E 50; $'ir. rSsB *484. S41 I,r1.. rSSt .BgtS. S;:'t FT'. r:rn . i:631 ttcEE'5 t Th. Drht{ lordoor .f, allr to|| .DD!rv.d Dt th C.lorado B.d E t.t Cc-rLirr (EC ta-?-?f)For ure In rete of VACANT IAND ONLY RECEIPT AND OPTION CONTRACT VACANT I.AND) _ Ootober 21, _____-_, fgl|- RDSETVSD pRgM UiIIlan R. Clcn and Frenrj.gkr, A. Cl.on ____, Purchaser (as joint t€naotr), the sum of g 6ll-lt (l'l-vrl Hundrad Do] lnrs) in the form of --. lgfsotfal oheok __to be held by _ Al lor l..- ftfgOru___, brolc, in his eecruw or trustec tccount,'ao earneet noney rnd pir!.poymeDt:fpr the fo[orchg dercdbod rsal ertatc ritrrrtr hthe Couaty of nrtf a , Colorado, to wit: Prrt rof,.Lot 11, IllllmORI IILTLACE, aoaeEdintto thc r€oordod plat thcrof, County of 84glc, St,ate of Colorado. with all essemonte end rightr of wsy rDpurtemot theleto, which propstrty pulchrrcr aSreor to buy uDo th. toltowht terms 8Jtd conditions for the purchaee price ol f f SJaa-aa , poyeble ae followr I 5la^aa hereby receipted tor, S ta,,Fra^aa es follarrs l. 02,600.00 1n sarh or o.rb,lficd fuadc rt oloolng.Z. tbe balanoc of fl2,O0l.t0 to bc flnrnqcd by SolJ.cr rt g# 6tn!1c Intcrcrt and rctnid by Euyoro ln tto payrnbo of lO,afa.af croh pLUS intcrcat.lho flrst pr,yncat rlll bo duc Jrnuart I5, l9?9 and thc .coold pryncrt rill bc duo Junc 16, 1970. Bt4Torr thall furaich to Scllcrr . l{otc .[d llt D.of t.5. 8qyoru r.r.!vr thc rlgbt to !r.!a!r .ny or all of thc baranoc dur rlthoutr lr.layrrDt lcnalty. Price to includc: Plaoeuoat of lrotcrtt .tal... l. An abstrrct of dtle to eald property, ce*ltied to date, or a culrent commltment for title Insurmce poltcy h an amount equal to tbe purchase price, at sellet'e opti,on and expense, shall be furnished the purchaser on or bdorcl{ornben I , LgJt- If retler elects to furnigh sstd tltle lncurance commihat, reller will deliver the title insurence policy to purchaser after closing and pay the premium thereon. 2. Title shaU be merchanteble ln tbe sellen Subject to payment or tender as above provtded and compllancc wlt! the other'tirrns bnd 0onditioar hbreutrder by purcbaser, the seller shall executo and deUver g good r,nd sutlict@t0rnan1warrantt dsd to'said purrshrrar on .-19-J1,, or, by Eutual ag"eement, at an carlier drte, coYcylng srtd Foperty fioe ad clear of all tolcs, exccpt thc groetal ttld for 19--lL- payabte Janua,ry 1, LgJ9-. ard excspt nntht hg free and clca,r of all llenr lor epeclal inprov.r!€!*r now inrtalled, wbetber alralsGd o! not; and free and clear ol all llons and encunbrances co<cept:IO[9. and except eaeemcnts for:as of rcoord and subject to buildlng and zonlng regulEtlonr and tbc followlng lestrictive cove rt!: as of rcoord. 3. Geneml taxes for 19 7t ' (baged on 19--ll levy and 19 ?? assessnent), prepaid rente, interert on .!r- cumbrances, if any, and ehall be apportioned to date of delivery ol deed. No SC-26-7-71 L..lDt .nd ODtb[ CcDtr.ct (l'!c.ra L..d)-Andffid hNbhflt Oo.. ltz{.{a gt@t EtF.n Dor.r, c,otror.do--12-?2 4. The hour and place of closing shall be a5 deslgnated by Alioc L. Persons 6. Poss€Esion of premises ehdfbs d€ltver€d to pur,chasel on - oloslng rubJect to the following leases or tenancies: AoAc. 6, In the event the prrenises are ,eubstanffally da,uapd by firc, flood or other casualty'b€tween thc date of tbls agreement and the date of possegrion or the dat€ of delivery of deed, whichever shall be ea,rller, this agreenent may, at the option of the purchaser hereln, be decla,rcd null snd vold and any dellosit hereln made shall be tmmedistely returned to purchaser. 7. Time fu of the essence hereof, and if any payment or any other conditiol hereof ir not made, tendeled, or perfonred by purchaeer ag herein provide4 thelr thls contract shall be null and void aud of no eflect' a,nd both partiee hereto released from all obllgatiorns herermder, and ell payments made hereol ghall be letained olr behelt of the aeller, as liquidated damages. 8, In the event the seller lails to apprcve thb lnstnrment tn writing wit'hin 10 deye from the date hereof, or if title is not merchantable and writta Dotice of defegts ir g:iven to the sellcr o! BgBnt withln the timc herein provided for delivery of deed and shall not be rendered merchauta,ble withia 60 days after Eudr writtan notice' then tlie contract, at purchasede option, shall be void and of no dfect and each party hereto drall be released fmm all obligations hereuader and the payments made hereunder shsll be rcturned forthwith to putfchsret upon return of the abatract, it any, to aeller; provided, however, thet in lieu ol conecting such defects, eeller may, wit'hin gaid 60 days, obtsin a comrnitment tor Ownet'r Tltle Inrurance Policy ia ths auount of the purcharc price showing the title to be free from such defects and seller shall pay firll premiun lor such Tltle Insurance Policy. 9. Additional Provieions: r ' " tsuyere rcscrrc the riSht to croatutc r.nd tut in e ' ,oonorotie f,ouldatlon for tholr hone on subJcot frop.rtt any tlne rft\ar tho oloetng drtr. 10, Upon eppovd hereof by the aeller, tblr agnaonent ehdl become a cmtf,act betwee! reller end prtharer end rhall inure tO the'befiefit of the'.helre, rdccertor| and aedgn8 of aaiil padtee.'i seller approves the cbove cotrtract *, J i' ' 'ary of ,1e->F;;sto paya conmission ot l) % of the grosr rales price tor aervices itr thls tra,nsacdon, and agleea that, in the ervent ol forfeiture of paynents made by puchasea such petnents shsll b€ diyided bstw€€ct the selle./s bmker and the aeller' one half thereof to said broker, but not to exceed the commiseion, a,ad the balance to the aeller. hrchrrodrAdrbes P.9. 8or',!?6?. Vaj'Ir'Colorrdo ,fIC5? , ' l?6-05O9 Ssllct'r Addrcer bfl Eunniar Driro. [romcrrs Orovc. Iillnoi.s €1S15 *-* lla:t-F-fujiaUi d &-ha-."*.