HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 LOT 10 LEGALootlt $IlY cElEr.oPlt]tt Design Review Board ACTIOil FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 faxi970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Project Name: VIGIL RES. DECK REPLACEMENT Project Description: DRB Number: DRB050572 REQUEST TO PI.ACE HEATED STONE ON TOP OF THE EXISMNG WALKWAY. HANDMIL TO BE REUSED, hEATTUBING WILL BE CONNECTED TO AN DCS.ITNG BOILER. Patticipants: owNER INTERNATIONAL RM CORP t0l24l2005 C/O FERMRI HOUSE PO BOX 971 AVON co 81620 APPUCANT DARLENE MONTANO L012412005 Phone: 328-1663 PO BOX1380 EAGLE co 81631 1975 SUNBURST DR VAILProject Address: 1925 SUNBURST DR Legal Description: Parel Number: Comments: Location: Lot: 10 BIocK: Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FIUNG 2101-091-0300-4 SEE CONDMONS Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval= 1012612O05 Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: warren caterr o Fee Paid:$20.00 .4;\ Application for Design Review ffi),,s""ffiHjr,'"::?"JllljrrB:[1TJ:?L,, I0I,1'Xi walw ter:e70'47e'213e.":1il"?'gflt'o' General I nformation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review , J cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Deveiopment Departm-ent. The Fl project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. t' , ff:,;:":Tiil"TJJr..""1,]"0""" unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within V ryr/||t<-\lILlt/^|{'LLr'L^-vt|',3Kv[T'|9f'Jf'vl.|t,./Yt|rltr.t Locationof theProposar' r-ot, lO' srocr,: suoo"sion,VO il VO l/a),, 3.a {'\i,rg C^IPhysical Address: ;;;".' ; t; ,;;, z o o tl (contact Eagre co. Assessor at nro-.ru-ru* O Description of the Request: tonfng: n\< J I c-, r Y\ c r Lr L-- lJlName(s) of Owner(s): IMailingAddress: ?cr. 6rX qlt (wrT v '/\-izonins: /(e: ''J en | , r^ L Owner(s) Signatu re(s): . New Construction $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.. Addition $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions).. Minor Alteration $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenls, such as,(multi-family/commercial) reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. Minor Alteration $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenls, such as,(singlejamily/duplex) reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Seoaration Reouest No Fee a,t 6no Name of Appfi .^n, ;/ (- MailingAddress: f.ct' BctX tzSo €czr/< Ca 3/Att Iii::ffiv Type of Review and Fee: u ?Z ' a'3 2 3 c\-c( f I. Signs $50 Plus $1 .00 per square foot of total sign area. IY. Conceptual Review No Fee J :93ffi"".i3o4' .n""* N"-BvLu r" I).J..^< fE:il:,o',., ll- to-od D*BPN1,----+=R of 1210410'1104 ?5, , \ |'\ ^ I) 1-la rlcor.r,^nd\ale5 On deY q^U oQ+ q t45t oruniY o'bott JeoA, TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R050001-785 Anount: $20.00 L0/24/2OO5O1 :19 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JS NOI IiON: 3 4 64 /DARLENE MONTATiIO Permit No: DR8050572 I)pe: DRB-Minor Alt,sFR/DuP Parcel No: 2101-091-0300-4 Sitse Addres6: 1975 SIINBITRST DR VAIL L,ocation: 192 5 SUNBURST DR Total Fees: $20.00This Payment: $20.00 Total AL,L Pmts: $20.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Aecount Code DeEcriDtion DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVfEW FEES Current Prnts 20.00 PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material ColorBuilding Ilaterials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimnep Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Hease specify the manufactureds name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 12104101104 I014,[,t) Design Rqview Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Fontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 k;l: 970,479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name INTERNATIONAL RM RE-ROOF DRB Number: 0R8040247 Prcject llescrifiion: RE-ROOF EXISTING ROOF COVERING WTTH BUILD UP ROOFS Pafticipants: OWNER INTERNATIONAL RM CORP 06/11/200,1 Phone: c/O FERMRI HOUSE PO BOX 971 AVON co 81620 License: APPLICANT PLATHCONSTRUCilON 06lLLl20M Phone:970-949-1905 PO Box 3367 Eagle, CO 81631 License: 148-8 Protect Addrcss: 1975 SUNBURST DR VAIL location: 1925 SUNBURST DRryE l€gal Descrlption! 1'o$ 10 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FIUNG Parcel Number: 210109103004 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOAR,D/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actionl SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalt 06lILl20M Condltlons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes bo these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (Pl3N): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to consbuction activities. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of flnal approval, unless a bullding permit is issued and constructlon is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion, I DRB Fee Pald: f20.0O o 9rtherPlanner: Joe r\ trr.:,,\ \'' 'a.l b)h\ i( Vft/t:."tt1'' ibroh (eU( / /^ - -/\ / I -r , L ' / A ."'-1-t7f\l 7(; ,-r,'.1 Y\o" 5( U&,'I EIt/ED REcE,rdo "' ' i '! l.r.- All projects requiring design review m eive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements fod ttp particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required ihformation is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, DescripUon of the Request: 'E:!--&i$!tdatlczz Location of the Proposaf : Lot: /0 Block:@ Subdivision: rdtl uptoty 3 2-) Physical Address: Parcet No.: Stot oq lo 3o o 4 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Phone:t NameofApplicant f)ArH /Al<rrLrrcftap rtt(- Mailing Address:.7Jrv &/6t6 Eo 9/5?J Phoner f lo 3zF -55/5E-maitAddrettt //fr( ' Faxt ? I 6 328 EsZ 6 Type of Review and Fee: D Signs fl Conceptual Review n New ConstructionD Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfam ily/commercial) fl Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvementt such as, W painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retarnrng wa s, erc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. $2s0 l7 $20 No Fee tr tr For Office U_ge.gnly: Fee Paid: 1-o App'licftion Date: Planner: .ztzjir 8y: DRB No.: Project No.: a6/LA/2444 68:32 978328L8L7 Ornrrrl o TO-ta D tso Ptrf t1,00 [r€r |qurrr fDet of hOl rign rrrr, t{o lcc {19 for ordfircfon of r nar bulldtrg * defiq/rrbutd.5300 F0| m rddton whatt qu|! ttcnr r d6.o o .ny rultd.nurt oromncnlli,Dlltdtm (lrlgfcl 250.addtthnr I intertr iontenhns).!250 For mlnor chrnElt te bui$ngr mC dte lmggyem6nt!, irh rs, --1ffi'-"?J,t#wtndoiir"thr''hnosetni'rcncc|'nd( t29/ Jg4lqch.tig.r b bult{ngf ..rd dh rnp.ot E ncnrs, +rsn |e,.d- ffi#_ji#tr, tdlt(br rddltrol3, t rdradner /€nc6 end ll0r Fof. r9v:ll6fit to olrr rlnrdy rpprovrd by Fhonrng stell o. tfic Oarlgn RQrhn eofdt. llo Fc '---l =-l I0tt/N All prc,icb . ruGr to Ut crnnd bgpplcl my D|rlrnql.taard Drolplon Ircrtbn of Phtdql ,rr€d llo: lodngr tlrF.(r) C Hrlllng am.r(t) iltrra ot }|rlthf E-mdl TyP. ot o slgn6tr Conccpturt O tls,r,O Atl(tltbn tr Mlnd tr tlha tr Chrnger lo tr S.pardbn v- AR Applicatlon for Deslgn Rovlew __ -DlFrtmart et Coillunty Dftdoprilfit 75 Sotnh frsthgc nof4 Vrtl, @lqnio OIQSZ . il: e70,#9.21!0 r|,u 9t0,129.t!3t. $!h ww.ci,vdl.co,ur dqll Eviclv llu* tlodvt rFr{itnl odor b &rqn&ing r hrlirhg D€frfirt rgdErdon. phflrl :s{:g*^-Y urr e.rticuEf rpFord thlt h rquqbd An ttTfcibo ru o.'cn Rarswrd ry {t nquhrd rdorrndon E trc6,r{ uy no C#mlrtr Dwiirpirclt lbffi;,- il;nr6 9.b. ttr/d^td by Src forn Cornd.rrcU{ dr ptln}i.nd Erivirgril;j Con;tsrloo.rpFflvrf hrh unl* r blllldfrg. Fnrit t hr.d .rrl oi'*.rtaon o-nsta *,riiiisJUrt gg- 1t4 qrtc- - oo): (ConlaC Etglr'Co. Ar*ruor !t.97O32S86a0 for prctl rn.) PAGE O % ."?{2 6 * * * lr t' * * 'l. rr l.*!t't 'i * {. * * * * * ** * * * * * * {.:lr * * * *:t*'t' * * f * * * * 'l* {r,l * * 'l' {"|( 'l * * l' * * * * * * * * * * 'l !t,*,* 'i * {. * * * * * * * {.l' * 't 'l r' ** l.,l' TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement +* * ** * * * * **!** * f f * * * * * * * * {. * * * * * * * * t' {.,t*** * * * * * * 'l{.,t * * * 't:t * * * * ** * {r * * * * 't * * 'l * *,lr,l. ** * * * +* * 't 'i * t *,4:t 't* {' '} slatement Number: R040005009 Anount: $20.00 06/LL/200402:39 PM Payment Method: Check Init: 'JSNotation: #31255/PLATH CONSTRUCTION Permit No: DRB040247 Tl4)e: DRB-Minor AIt,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 210109103 004 Site Addrees: 1975 SITNBITRST DR VAIL, Irocation: 1925 SITNBURST DRM This Palment : +* 'r,I'rt* '***:t'l:f ** * * * ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Total Fees: $20.00 Total ALIJ Pmt,s : $2 0 . 00 20.00 $20.00 Descri pti on Balance: $0.00 *****:l*'t*:t't*'|****'|********t't 'tt*** * * * ** {. {. {.1* 'l {. 't *'} {. * ***.}* * Current Pmts ot*rru r oF coMMUNrry DEVELoot*, [i iL-5+JTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : OhINER License: COM|RACTOR SI]NDANCE P.O. BOX AVON, CO 8L620 L,i cense : APPLICANT STTNDANCE P.O. BOX AVON, CO 8162 0 IraCenSe: MECHANICAL PERMIT I975 SUNBURST DR VAIL I925 SUNBURT LANE 210109103004 i.)A Permit #:Mot-0237 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Status... Applied . . lssued . Expires . : ISSUED : llll9/2001 : 01/14/2002 : 0'111312002 II{TERNATIONAIJ RM CORP LA/\9/2OOA PhONC: ? FERRARI HOUSE PO BOX 971 AVON CO 81620 PLI'MBING 6. 3684 10r_ -P PLUMBING & 3 584 101-P HEATTNG t1-/t9/2O0L Phone: 970-748-8977 HEATTNG 1,L/L9/200]- Phone: 970-748-8977 Desciption: INSTALLING SNOWMELT TUBING IN NEW DRIVEWAY Valuation: $ I 5.000.00 Fireplace lnfbrmation: Restricted: Y # ofCirs Appliances: 0 # of wood Pellet. 0# ofcas Logs: 0 lvfechanical--> Plan Check--> Invesligation-> Will Call----> $300.00 Restuaranl Plan Revicw-> $?5.00 DRBFee..-----------> $300.00 TOI.ALFEES------------> $3.00 s0.00 $0.00 $678.00 s678.00 $6?8.00 $6?8.00 s0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional F€es--------> Total Permil Fee----------> Payments-------------------> BALANCE DUE-----> Item: 05L00 BUTLDING DEPARTMEMI LL/23/20Oa cdavis Action: AP Item: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEMT Cond: (BLDG. Cond: (BLDG. 701 0F Cond: (BLDG. 10 0F Cond: CONDITION OF APPROVAL L2 ): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 22 ): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE l-997 IJMC, OR SECTION THE 1997 IMC, 23 ): INSTAf,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. ;:"ffi ];r:;il1;;"1il;_H cur ArfArysrr; M'sr BE posrED rucr{Ar.rrcAl RooM PRroR * la* * +:rt'r * | ttl} t*,r* r r,*+**r*+Nt*t*f i**t*t I t* r*l a*r * tt lai.r* **r ri'|ttr+,1 DECLARATIONS I heretrl' acknbrvledge tt,al I harc rr'ad this rpplicaiion. filled out in fullthe information required. completed an accurate plot plan, and stale that all the i t:rrmatir)n ai r',-'tlu irtd is cr,rrect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all 'folrn ordinances and statc liiws. arrr'l fir i,u,lcj this slructure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes,, design review approved, Unitbrm Buil,Jing (htr and t''fher orciiuance:; of the I'own applicable thereto. RF]QUFS.TS FOR INS PF(:'|K )N STI AI t, BI I\,IA I)E .I \\-F-NT\'-F()UR HOT,RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.213 AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. stoNxt OWNER FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * Cube W,'n ilnfuffi LI".,t0 r- Permit will not be accepted without tie dr.wn b #:- F.+j'ot, .- O \8.'< Building Permit #: Mechaniel Permit #: mwffiurb 75 S. Frontage Rd. VaiL Colorado 81657 37- ouvn of Vail Reg. No.: COMPTETE VALUA & Materials) MECHAT{ICAL: $, \ 6ooo. e-o 6aai r' ---_-'\- ?zo-e2s+ei forParel#':.-.\o Job Narne: . r Job l€saloescripngl' flf4 ll enc* ll rnins,SuMivision:ownersName:ffi Bov <tr1\ N."":Phone q7a-\\?:L Engineer: -------=- Address:Phone: uetatled description of work \ r r\. l. r \ t ^ r \ Wo*Class: Ne$r( ) Xddition ( ) AtEFtion(!.f Repair( ) Otherl 1 Boiler Locationr Inerior ( r)- exterion t I Ofrer. il Does an EHU odst at tris location: yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Erlgi ttnn No' or Existing Dwelling Units in this buildlng: \ ll No. of Ac@mmodation units in ttrls ouiutng. 1!9"*of Fl*of..u.Etittlno, !otpotirnor( ) G.rL*r( ) wood/p"il"t( I w*dBrn]ino( I ]l:rrvee of Fireplaces proposedr ( ) wmd Buming (Nor AtrowED) " t" a *r*"iar ft"ntr "*d b , ,r* !r!**rtrtrt:1.!trt*d!rl***rl*{r:l.rt *,rFoR ,t**rt***t t F:/rYcryone/fo|tr||/mdrpcnn Y,f,,1. 't:r:[*:r* *,1:t1.* * * *tc:it * ,u*oonar rar r' *.?HEATNG P.O. Box 3684 AVON. CO 81620 (97O) 748-8977 rce rrrarr O -.".',* \ot= -SN CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY Project llame: Proiect Description: Participants: OWNER Project Address: Legel Description: Parcel l{umber: Comments: APPLICANT INTERNAIONAL RM CORP 1Vl4l200l Phone:476-1132 o/o FERMRI HOUSE PO BOX 971 AVON CO Refine Vigil 81620 License: 1975 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Cornmunity De'velopment 75 Sou$ frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.ts Heated driveway DRB Number: DR8010384 Rernove asphalt driveway & install heated pavers INTERNATIONALRMCORP lllL4l200l Phone: 476-1132 o/o FERMRI HOUSE PO BOX 971 AVON CO Refine Vigil 81620 License: Lot: 10 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FIUNG 210109103004 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Condltlons: Phnner: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalt lLl L4l200L Cond: 8 (P|AN): No change to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consuft with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Judy Rodriguez DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 :LL/1.3/2881 1A:83'1783281.817rr.'rJiur 0B: su F/u 0U{Ztr ST,F{DANCE PI.BC PAGE 61. &or Appllcetloh fior Dccign Revlew D.Prfirit ot Curtr,rtq DanhDm.nt 7s hfi FtsrT. Roa4 V{! Cob.rb r1C67 td: 9m.{D_2119 tlr: 915 a79,2tt, wcb: trrirw.cl,Yell3o.tl! Gatorrl tnlbnnrticu Thir. T9*rb1 b -h tnv cmj-xt ng - -it Dcden Rsvk .pFunr. Any rt..r rGorlrtg .tG-.gn ilvEs rnrtrtsjlt +p6tdl ttrhr o nrniurr r 6larg prrirt tpire{iri ph.r. }tfrf tn rE &bnltut inur[tnG fv trH*Ijgtrnel 'r agsuo, _ n -rilxei:ii-d;O.rEn f.fiil qnrdt *-;+a u.*r rt n*f,rrtffiIjj1g.bffi.-tuirm.r;rfo orvrFFrttt orpr;t*r ttE FoJr6 rilt ah rieo o t: r-rrE bvmE .own 14rFl. tnal/tr Er ptrtnhe flc Envisune.rbt Colrm-rbr. drfu,f-i* lrrr{ tn|lrrl liiitfu | trdrar{ Fn|fit L Lrs-rld 6|rrr|lc.r |Hdgm,.td Er iliilv|a: --- mldgrdu|ctr{r;rt! ot ttil F|Epfrrll Lot-----.-Elccti_ suEivhton: thTticrl Addil* \a\ f C... *r^r. pr+ \-r.-ec.r"-- - trrtal ilo.r CorEct Ee9lr CO. AS3aSot rt 970.f,2t.890 tfi prrc.l no.) zoahgr tlrtn{r)of ilnrr(r)! Hrlll;re Addrl|: .. En tr^r- .q) t ..._ h,-.- * * C o Et(lr\.oPhoml \-t(.-r.\ r \ - Own r(r)fl!|ft||||(r)l I|||n|olAtplh.rt! Hrlllnrlrtlrs! Fo rFr-< q)f ts6_rr^-- CO El(gr-OPhors: Lt5 {- - I r} \- lleoal lavlc* rnd Flrtr lrctY conrtrdorrO Lldthr rr srrucbft cf! rE luldE a drrm/fc0lad,F il rd(ni'| !dtg! sqrrr Dqt l.rt(If b r|v Tdt'lurf or comncr$l buldh0 (hcfd6 250 rdlffrtrr I ilGrbr qtrutigorr} Ftrr rtrinff chmgcr E buiElfigt l|d rtt lmproycnrailtt, 3trn a,rt|ofrtgr FirliT, wlrlop dltbnD h|{Etrgb llrc ndrull|lhg wllbr .8. Fc rwbivr ur p|rn !}c*ly Folcd Dt ffiiO frE; e [|a EElon tah'| lcrC PI..E^SE SJ$|rf THIS A'PI.}OTTEil, AU SUfl.IITTAI REQIJIRf,TEXTS A'IO TH€ FTE TO THE DFARI}IEIIT Of Oor$iilfrY OEIn'Of}IEffi, 75 50UTH norrlEE ROAD, VAIL CnORroO t16S?. lyt t 4-- t200 $50 J20EL ifha/rmile'r O ChanopEAffiH.ns t2O F|rH. AFPE!fln Plrn rn I *** ftt * * *!r * * t* * * * * * t * ** * f+ **'|** * 'i * * *a *t *,1* ** +* 'l+ * + * r' * + t '* * * t * f * fi. + ** * + ** * f *** +*** * *:i,[ * { '}+jl +'1.*'1. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stalenrenl '**l'i,t*t*'|:1.*f *'1.*'t'*{.******'t'*'*'t*******+*+ +***'r,t * * **+*'id.ti'i***r+i(*.*****t***** +*+*****'ti't *t**t 'r 't **,} stat.ement Number: R000001738 Amount: $20.00 Ll/14/2ooro2:00 PM Payment ltlethod: Cash In it : 'JAR Notat ion : Permit No: DR8010384 Type ! DRB - Minor Alleration Parcel No: 210109103 004 Site Addreee: 19?5 SI'NBURST DR VAIIJ Location: Total PeeE: S20.00 T'hiE Payment: $20 .00 ToEal AL'L Prnta: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 | 'lt * *'i I *,i'i f* *,lr'l' *+* *fl * * * ri'itt {r * +* * 't't'r ++** * * * *+ 't t t *r t*,r:t 't*'trt't* *tr*** 't t*+{r***{{' *'i***'t,t ** ***'}|t** ACCOT,JNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 oz tr =t uJo rrlN 01 UJ UJ LL tr Elu(l. -@ tbk€/L\-'l 40hy,^ I N Ir\ o N t- I I I I I IP lo I I I I I I l- l5 rtrllr- tototzr6 F o E F Iz o z = aulF z z o !5 oz z u,2 3 0)E o .9 :_7 F\ q) E o oq)q (E.; o o o o O g) == dl E =f o) ''t oii d.Y' *!rriE8F;r e c?€ Hx E 3ilIc e6P:0c-o> ef:E:IS;e'-=Pc96i -*=o)3 5;.;_!>,;:i Fan =SE,*.o oti?o;€ese Xlseo. $ o--o=-oo: o-oiE-ors*e€ €6:FEE E Ho(u=--EcHE-coI! -- c I c:o(/,F-E.. E'f;;; E l'-o i Fa; ;EES ;g; E9Eor PEg* - o (6i: c .il L =gJ o- z = ! Lll I z o- (-) (J UJ lu 26: J z I lrJ = t!luIIz tr uJto uJ o 3g uJ&z 6 uJo F uJo o-f z UJJ x F uJol a uJ UJu- E = uJ J -- F zo) CO F qJ.) lr,J oz cl = d 2- = NOIIVN'IVA q-l -e =ZZtL F ^ 6zI5 >erP oE aacz'>ooo9..(JzX t!<oq iIJJ -llxrrJtXz d(!(, >E -rat) =(DGl z tr l u- E l E UJ o- F E LIJ G z E X '<z tr ll,tF ;luz I LzlzOaEUJ<()o< =s>IIOt! 6o<z I I i l Lz-rl: Az2- J;lio3iOI . =F cciol 31 !Jl a z (J I zIF 5az llrl __lll"ll llstclt ._[-It I'l'll-.ll"ll rl"'.'tllgiioHll I -ij l 3 6 -Jl 5l 2l zl ,. >|ouloululz v)F El! o- ?z Eoo o 2 CD i--+ I I I I I I,"1zlYl <l C\l CD uJF ooo-z FIL uJY uJ (D oF ts Ul o\|rl- '-lFllUJI -^ tl6$lollr '11rl F- t! o- tI-o LUoz loL F(r a JF l;=-ic dLU>(L =ur;I:>rr t- UJ J J ul m oF co E CLo {r a,E o E =E,l!o-zIF(J -EFozo() HrrOEzo z .'l = =<(Do>z ou- ,.iE =Ee 6il> tJtJrl =.1(rl lJlljl al>l LLIol zl 3lolFI 'lol Hl 3l 5l zl 3lolFI I I I I cil =.1olurl :l al>l Ilol 2l ,.;3t :Ol uJFI F lltltllltl lel IflII c(llJlt<tlilloltzl =l ;lEl oltrl Fl ,l ,.olol ;l OJ ql <l>l bl 2l 3lolFI .ri rJ qJ F-t rd F(n tr I i I I arl HI r+{ i Ir-{ I.al Ibq ni..1I c>l olo r.r.rl <>l =<l <4= o (dF ,u (d o .r{ tr.{-t UJ z H "l rha-t-l(rlI r-.1.r{ id =tr F J I I ILl" I IIo1ul CI<lJ><l =E() E 99 =#:Fd6o =r(J uJ = ti, = (JZ G F Fz F() uJ tsT -rO<F IJ.I <ZE L! F(aZo f tP,qt l !$riq-^.rt*tr;i-."., 7,2,'73Daie serv€d: ,,',(Y n9\'.' .rMU 476-2200 hn 42 W. lleadow Dr. Vall, Colorado 81657 Vail Fire Department &$CORRECTION NOTICE Date of original inspection: Building address' ""' Time served: '/ '- ' .t ' Building name: Building owner: THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: o/uNrFoRM FIRE coDE (u.F.c.) vrolATroNs tr tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.) VTOLATTONS O tr NATIONAL FIRE CODES (NFPA) VIOLATIONS tr SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES OTHEB DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: ,.' .-' /',../i.i L-/;. j a- /'- ' . ,---'/L'Z r, c 54 (',,,: rj t' -'.,7' ,34.. z/,.; ; . ..r-- J /r.;.1, -'* 1'/''-t"-;' /2 . a //,/.. 42., ", ./.' crrED coRnEcrroNs sHALL BE coMpLETEo ev+{,a:4 -- a.u.u p.Jl.)o"r",:7 lll AccoiD^l{cE wlrH Towt{ oF YAIL UUNTCTPAL CODE rrd2 tF yOU FA|L TO COXpLy W|TH THt8 CORnECTTOI ]{OTTCE Oil OR IEFORE THE ATOVI TTATED.COTPLETIOI{ DATE YOUR FAILURE WILL RESULT 11{ FURTHEN ACTIOII B!I1{O TATTil UTOCF ?IIIPnoulfolf8 oF txzu,s.c.3J-rDEtoil, wHrcH n^y il{cLuDE voun !!ilo t!!u!D ASuxrot8 To ApplAR til ru]|tctpAlotrcoutlrY couRT FoR THE YlolA?loilt AIOYI SPEC|F|!D, Upolt A F|I|O|XC OF CUTLTY OF tAlD vtOLAtlOltS VOU W|LL !! 8U!.JICT TO THE PEI{ALTIES PROYIDED !Y LAw' <*=-:-:- BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: - -/ (srwtulg FIRE DEpARTMENT OFFICER: ---')t.,"-*-24-'-.-- '' '-:.'t' -2z*- - (slgnaitn) TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRU PERMIT APPLICATION DATI.| 7-20-q3 , APPLICATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR rT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED I****************************** PEIll,tIT TNFoRMATION *****************************Il [ ]-Buird l-Plumbing fl]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Name:Job Address: Legpl Description: Lot /O Block_riling l/, ^.I n./^'olrners Nane: I i (il I F,(l {*1 l1C\ Address: Architect: Address: Ph. IcrroN - \/^ PERr"rrr ttbg2t rffie Jui 2 o lees \P Ph. ceneral Description: lr*"r and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Apptiances fi* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUILDING: $ELEcTRrcAy3 g /raO.AO / r'nWork Class: @N", t\f'-arteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other_YNurnber of Dwelling unitsz I Number of Accommodation units: Gas Logs Wood/Pe11et ********************************* OTHER: $ TOTAL: IP^I,IIMBING: $ MECHANICAL: $ ^******* * ************ ******* CoNTRACTORf Eeneral Contractor:TNFORMATTON Address: Electrical Contractor:Stlau't " /.r/r,LAddress: &," /t1S Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAI., FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DR,B FEE: *************************** Town of Vail Reg. No._ Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. No. )At /. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: 724 33SK Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFI.ICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: - RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFI'ND U INSPECTION REQUESIVAIL . DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: (-r JOB NAME ALLER ON UES WED THUR )1/ 1 21,) Irl) BUILDING: .r'':PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEF tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PTPTNG tr INSULATION D POOL / H, TUB fI SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR t ft-J ( D FINAL ,h Aeenoveo ,,,r CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED niffis.op INSPECTOR .l'l ..1 ciz E =t uJo- a IJJultL F =ul(L d7r e tlt tlt q*hsot e6, C\ U) z Fr lllcg tlHHl llfror, I lts '--r | | lX '$J I lrEl H jr;l le- o..l | 1..14 l1()tAl I lzi|illll;i r l,iHI Ul ''.t- | gHl orP | 63 ; Eial6a+ -,= | ?,:q dEt;fl] = a9l :fi|i "r;l6sl l_ -. 14 F-r r'1 F]u Ea tri rI1 tu oz I F4r 6 t F F] s HH 5J Fl Fn H ulz; ut Foz &co H\O <F-cOE\OHcoZ(a O (JX HH<o<>or > F z Ff ltJ IJJ Fo Fz o .E o UJ f !,oo (Ec E 6 q)oo ol ; dt E = f Q) o.(! 3q, o '6 o oE .:,v, E oN -v,tF o o € oo6 o o .g E o Dc .ri 3 q) o o ! C' at (D o E o F (o = ' CL E & 6 o. o Ec (E ,(! E o ;.c E =; E o o o E (g '5E E3 c,2o_ :.:Ff:o;q) o65q =3;>c9 Ae d.E O(6ctq !FO -9 O(E ;(ltl'- -c Eg-(6E6oaLC Oo (!c!s -cL(60 ogg)(6 !6o(! ;E(o0 >,E.o ll) EloEEr-o -o rn.if,\+o\(f) e F =!J z J @ x u./ z (L -F UJJllJ z ao a- 2 - ul = I!tu z tr Lll r! e. ;ultute.z 6u,o F !>o llJ z gJ J x F UJU' .t) uJ uJu- F =tul o- F |- z oJ E Fogt tr 0z ao =) z IJJ: NO|lVn']VA Ilcnl<l- IEt< l(n<rl - t54N IFlor lli Y; ovl3,.. =xg;>A>!l; FFr'1 =Frc;{ 8B uJofr go *.& z,:l'oe =>t -I =lu 2o F^ !rY'tD Oz>-9c)9Z o* gU FO Hni t_'lFr lEl(Jlz ItIHIX t:lFt Itr z tr q- cr o- € UJ F Kt9 a(L e. J z Eoo z E uJ 3llJz trzfzaa ir' Oo< >d I ,J-do<z l cz ,. 9z .-d3trOI X X X X l F z <l) J c) oz Y(l at o llJo Jl =tzl zl .. >lol! ult!zo = =Ir llJ J zo Eo ut (E a uJzY - F 2 F J az ca I z @o(o tr)Oo TAz F-1A z IJJ tr U) @o-z F TL IIJY uJo O c.rFO\ E;'l!= TL l!*oH ooo -., tH .J<'v,<vY E =22 ==d.J O 'r|(l- t! o.l ULIt-J ..i3 zE=ot-j =l!Ydd= ffinr F llJ l!o llJoz U'I E JFul-h= duJ>(LOl!9o\UJx(L:>tF f E IJJq) F co Eo -9o Btt ,= I E EoIJ o E =E,lrl o-z9Fof, E,Fazoo gqrbkzo =.1(9l uJl 1l al>lttlol fl I I I I dlzl dl flt!lol =l g Ol rJJ FI F ctl =.1ol uJl 1l <l>l ol =.1ollrllEl 3lolFI FlH (,z: LL Fo H }|3 = E Fl z HH z Fz uJ z I ILl. I I dul@q CI J><tr =o \to\tr)F I.ir(\ tn ,,l rnl e.l I-rl I cil FI JI <lil :lolFI a Fz FlH =etr & I H a tB ui =z EoFo t-z z T() LlJ = Eirg Fo2 J otFou!J E('ozl z& i= <F(EOL!<zEUJF(nZo FOulF () 5 6?A BOJECT INSPECTI -.- ' -l-.-:--444 -fYi,.--la' a f^ CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL or^.(u ' JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILD!NG: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr tr tr tr tr - UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL f'l ff rrrunl O FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH U EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT T1 tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL ,t W4Fpaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ciz ts-E uJo- ra) $ a, UJ u,ltt E =a. uJo- SW$, \$s* 0\ o\ Ot ts aH z F) o\ $J c'\ @ F H Fl Fl-rO3E() -_trvOl+(5Ez aJ g,l eoF EFgz = =z o UJ F 2 o z_o =l.0 € o =2 tt uto = :l+rltt-r Et+ o.o.o c 'okol €, o 6os ih .E\ Po o,-c o Ec6 ooooo ! o E o =cl do o o.o.c '.9 E tr.9ooE g;o!to(, .9 .9 coN -oc!oF oE o o Eo(J I C' E a o .9c, I =-o o T' o a;36 tr .!o;6'=9!(, I8E EEH EgE.=:ooEs' =cr c96'- o. -c EsE EE-s,FOO gE; tE! ii=!cL(! cL sEE(,l-o.E€: E6:EE E E;E_Ee -}, c6 0'-s; c)+' -E StE +819 0E T; Ehte9Eoc5g -o6 \Ts e.l F\$$r.r],i ro C.l\' E =Euro. zoJ o Y uJ- z J J F t! uJ oz .D = J J 9z - t! = UJ uJt!zo F uJ uJ ot o ao]g uJ zo al,ul 6 XIu q z UJJo x F uJo at,ull!IL E GllJ o- J FoF 0z 6Jt@ ) 9eFo uJJul z to- JL J Iz I() UJ: Fl H ts N O |lvn']VA It B zFF Fz CF F E E.. 3J ;k En ^z UJ FloFlifE;^ 22t!ts =>E --lrtftnS =@Gl zzooF^OxfuEoo ar, o1>9Cl9Zl!<o1H6;()FO -ini '-i H H Ffttl a.t)HE z zI e t! ul rtJE >{* zIE 4$z tr g u,lFJ 3uJ2 tltltltloFzlzOaKEo< =d =HxttEci<z F1;9z fio3tro: lt t-tIttrlt]tEltoltoltdl q,lfJ outzY iF ul z F- z I .J 3 llt o 3 g, o l -lI Ff F Jl<l -l =l zl .. >lo uJ uJ UJzot Iu o- J z Eoo (,z F@ J C\llr) .!_ _l. O(f -4'4) ;/; 1.?I /) 1 ',.., ,Zt-."tt o\ o\ H IJJ trooo?zo Fo- uJY u,lo oF F cElu(L lto o-oo I IJJFoz ltlF o 4. H zX.n9 Eze3coo (nE1-;F } "|4,--IEIL-ILJ J "3q =*iA;E F E.ulo-lro EYE5€8IPbe5EF Lt r-= ur '- E FE: =o-; 8bI EuE XO-t x>t q- €= UJlo t : -.-I /*'Al-- \ k--i flEYIEF l E =e,lrlo,zoF C)fEFazoo H 6 =Jlr z H FTH H FfH H Lu =z trlo-) Ht I(9l lNr-{ | | c')>l l-lll-{El|r E-{ | I o\4ttSl l+El -"1 E <l FlEl ".'l.al xl olol (J El 'l-l .tl Z HI gE Jq 33E .nrn I No\ $l H rt) M H Hz >r P.{ Hx t tr (\ I|-\(\ ?l\oltnl-l EI H H d |': Fl Fl F1 tc t\F F- I .if o\ zH 5 Fl Fr Fr FlH =E TL -.r O<FG()uJ<ztUJF(rzo E 9P 33fFd6o rrt: = (JZ (J rt<r D4 r}{llx xltxt \ I i Ifr\ '-r, _l - t*{ I ( tJ,' '7\t ( .. - -- -- :___.. i l.lr :. I I iI I I ! t----..f ----"1 r - *'-i ,- ,l '-:-'-- { T'-lsl <i 1!_ --r- IilE j. l-'"---'l i-__1 ,@ '\,,3f r,u --- l rl ;:*7 --_0 /AVNq,N tftN 14N .N'' - I,J Trllz9.. lu:ffz-" > >:/6p =17 Ts '1. --l)'1 a.1a.r^ ft L t\\ryL) PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT DATE ll JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: \nr't f- {MON CALL TUES+WED INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ^"o BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL er-uyffr.rc: sd*or*c*or*o tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL.&(,r* ffiS$;,i D n tr FINAL ICAL: h PoWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING - t: n FXHAI tsT Ho.)ns tr o I tr SUPPLY D- AIR ,"f Hd^ii.O FINAL W tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED /1^tc. DATE lNSPEcroR {iir ";('"';,:' /)(v INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ll pPERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME TNSPECTToN: @" CALLER TUE WED THUREADY FOR LOCATION: . ,'! BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - -tD FOUNDATON / STEEL { nOUCn / D.w.V. t | *./. \_tr FRAMING V ROUGH / WATER / "" ,- ROOF & SHEEB /\u PLYWooo NATLTNG o GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - r-1 _- tr FINAL tr FINAL fr3eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED // r -2 -1DATE //--t 1 t / TNSPECToR Pnftisnop I\-: r', \ \!).-.!INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL rIITPERM DATE ER OF\n\{"" OJEsPR\tJl JOB NAME CALLEP INSPECTION: \\\\: .\i.-.\-, /.:-\MON TUES (WE-DI THUR--) '.. \-.'.-.l'-'t'..'.\ ".--. i't ..\ \'."\ FRI U PMREADY FOR LOCATION: B tr tr o D D tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FHAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL trJEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED ' {./tr DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I l)\."-t -vlle_,/---- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \( PECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI E] REINSPECTION REQUIRED .i ---- INSPECTION REQUEST, TOWN OF VAIL TI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FyfrNGsl srEEL - trIOUNDATION / STEEL / ,"o",ro tr tr tr o tr ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr o trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL o tr FINAL TK6eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED oAlE t///'/a"' (ff rNSPEcroR niFs'o" I PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL IERO\!K JOB INS NAME CALLER MON \\UESr\s wiDr THUR \ FRI X APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED \)r\s\\ t \\' n' PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr JEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR INSPECTOR lNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I PE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DArE \A-:\'-\ JoB NAME PECTION: CALLER TU wED rHUR @i,,AM @)READY FOR LOCATION: BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr D rl t-l UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING D INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL B FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING O BOUGH n tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT l-t SUPPLY AIR d,r,*o.-tr FINAL APPROVED 4 N D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oare /2 ^ cf - ,P2 rNSPEcroR \tq I PERMIT NUMBER OF P-FQJECT oor.\- \ '-t\ JoB NAME I PE READY FOR LOCATION: INS CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED @ tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.E] FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL i H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL COBRECTI f/1t t- U4,DATE //-// r/ INSPECTOR pffis*o" I PE/-l I c.- -rl,--)(>tNs PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL I" \ READY FOR LOCATION: -@)PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ,*o,- C,.O tr F'NAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE /Z - / 5- f ;i rNSpEcroR FINAL INSPECIION'S COMPLETED The belov items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box prov'ided. FINAL PLUMBING ELECTRI CAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 Proiect Application /0 , l7,Y 1 t/: ' A pr.,ia^r Narne. rr rSi I Kes,/ervcg Proiect Descriplion: contactPersonand enon" Rf3 Co'v{r}tl'rr ?:6 -:6ss- Owner. Address and Phone: j - '3'J" X 30" .,,...,. Architect, Address and Phone: /o r,hsl/a:l Vnllru jd , zone - JLegal Description: Lot Com menls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: &t, nA-'. Town Planner /0,/7'Y7 At,"u Approval RIPPY CONTRACTORS "New Construction - Remodel - Repair" P.O. Box 999 Edwards, Colorado 81632 926-3655 ii r: i ,, r.l ,,'-., i.r:i...!i.i;1.!!ri i.i1;li:, r'ii::: i::: -r .i...i i-j,.. j,--,, ., I i ri .'::, I l.i :'.. : .i. i,j.,,:l: r t::rj I I . I I..., i . j i : : i. I : : , i ijj:::l .:.,,.r;:: '..rtli .r , ij l:i,'jr ,l i.ii:.: iti:: l:t;::r:t iiii..j l1'.iii ;r. 1r i i I 1.:i i:, p:t ;: i I ii l. ri:: 'il| l, ri;IlI Ensl,ntr! /[r'orz.ll^ Lr'aLL , It{r -'l \ \ \ \ I .t't I.I -*-l_-i __l i. ''.. ":l I I,i I l'a :xixldFJ r-,) F-{ ci )i_, * r.-.1 s, ^tr:>:Xil.- /i.r \-, : Fi ol (ri :)-< ./'11--op: |.| r!. \E-=:E el. Pi l 'i f1 .l ll I * m \5 j. i\o M .9 r) K mr oz tr =e LlJo- IE sr o II (n IJJ uJ l! F =E uJIL r h4/--\ 98 Ae ,h t*-fibQ #d) (o @ (ol c!>l z. (O @ l.rJ (o E r-ro'\sl- NI ed.6o- trz,os96 = F-< =-dl uJ F F z = zz ,rOl'll l;|tr l._,ls lElttHll<lFlFl=lHlo lolo lol9IOIO l=l=| 9lnI l'r-tt-l>n lOtrJlz- l9Pl:' leE l€= L.t^ IIJJl> z.o (nz o-x UJ z eo f.rl co 6 r\lH oA \l(/J3; .St= si?r ;r.Nl['; o \lF ;:$$ *g .rlEi; $tu !Esfr35 IEF tF$=t0too 30 ,.!(dcD o.c *g; Vo Ee Ee_^h9. zirlm E;31n1--fr,pl oti (! '=o(a*lo Eo(d F..e *,.Er I E=F o XEc-o'-ae:5:IE d'l =c96 d63_E > dFo-:t:c sOO iEo3qsF! i o-(! o-o=-.5: o v>PO- Eg.'c It;(! EP b o6=ieH.c6. teC(l' 0'- d *-c 9.9:3Eioi=36>.o (5; .r< -- E3i8 .3'6 e9Ecr eEg -o(U O rost o c co @+ F E gJ z lo Y uJ oz J =F !l,JJ uJ z (o Jo- J Iz u., UJlul!z tr uJ ogJ o 3 _u.l tlJ 2 6 4J F oo- UJo o- i UJ o X F uJ U)l Ll! IJJ J U'uJu, lJ-t =E uJo- J FoF ozoJ (o J 9EFo uJJul z6 = d J =I IJJ EF NOrJ.Vn'lVA cF l,.r YFnYUi>OpluYLI ir-Etr 8<uJ.ou <ccCg> =LJ6o =)(s) * --{9/!ttt3 =.oN zz ho- OxfrP o U'O5b<)zl!<o* o-- FIE.;(\i IJ.JF t! E O =Lrl LIJ- Jz ?!Ja =4F-1 = F co z tr g TL r.i o- E u,l F c L( (( CE- lu ) z E z tr u.JFJ =UJz (t)FzlzOa <oo< =PYu-6ct<z trz, 9=.iF do3tr tl+ INt\f-J [Ftl-T;I lj lelstPt; u,l a Ll,lzY iF ul F z tr 5oz IL (E o = a Flo F ..ll<ttrl =l z .. >lo UJ IJ,J LIJzoF CEl!(L J zI =o L!o z tr <n q) I '7,.') -f t\JO.,= e.-l't^ \-. XDtr z zn )l =<(Iro =z (L t! ..i5 =*l-r *i LU6d> UJFooo.? 6e t- -.\htr =::UJoqo5F_tJJFF E3 llJ o-trlO rol f ..-lX(olU\'Ir=lgulbkzo F uJ o. oE!{9ZE<ctfo <!26e9tt;beCE5!F-Jr- =r!:-E E=o dtr; >o-: orrE oo9 \urE XO-t x>o=Fc'ioirri ru E =E, lrJ o-zo FofEFazo() _l 5l >-l 5tJI<llHI<l z lJ- 6 I F J t!U) - Ed t!Lr- ii =z (D -) I =o (o IorsrOl t T ?l ullcl Jl <l>l rl.lol zl FI (J E. (-) LlJ J LlJ Fz. = : tr rl (rll!l tl<l>l ?loltrl 1l <l>l u-lol zl 3lolFI I I "l=.1ol uJl 5t al>l el- E -rO<FdOl!<zElll F(42 F Fz c) ) E uJJ UJ gP =<>(r d.6o E z z r uJ = Ehlrr Xf- tv iJz F uJF a 2 tE-tftL:r<I r-J t--J ;llF ?ni inErrii Git-,rF Apr i1 15, 1986 Town of Vail Planning DePartment Attention: Peter Patton RE : Ferr ar i House 1925 Sunburst Drive Renodel of West l{as ter Bedroom Dear Mr. Patton: shelter construction and Managenent company^has been retainedbytheq/./nersoftheFerrariHouseat1925sunburst Drive to worX witfr you in obtaining staff approvaf to make the west master bedroo*'*or. desireable. The intent is to give the two owners equal master bedrooms. The interior remodel , which Mr. Murrain is reviewing at the present time, is a part of the equalization' hovtever, Lhe size of the area the bedroom is located in does not ailow for the sitting area as is in the east naster bedroon. By sinply noving the exterior wa1l on tiia ri.ne 1.5 out approlirnatalt 4 feet we can obtain the space necessary to arrange the bedroon as desired' Sheller €quities, Inc. Shelter Investment Comoanv Shelter Construction Mana8ement Corp. Shelt€r Hospitality Management Company Seibert Investments Please review these changes and direct me as to your decision. ff there are any questions regarding the planst please call me aL 427-7000. Sin cer el Y, I have attached two (2) floor laYout on one sheet and She er Construction and Managemen t Company eW. S Executive sets of plans, each showing the the elevation change on the other ragice President, OPerations cWS,/ cd 8753 Yates Drive . Westminster, Colorado 80030 . (103) 427-7OOQ ;fF rHE sHEtrER cRouP Sh e} Shelter €quities, Inc. Shelter Investment Comoanv Shelter Const.uction Manag,ement Corp. Shelter Horpitality Management Company Seibert Inveilment5 April 15, 1986 Ciby of Vail Attention: Mr. GarY Mur r ain city Building official RE: Ferrari House - West Master Bedroom Renodel 1925 Sunburst Drive Vail, colorado Dear Mr. Murrain: This is to inforrn you that Shelter construction and Managenent conpany is employingI bY the hour, tl. Francisco Brothers, Inc. ana that shelter construction and Management company is responsible for all insurance related to the above mentioned pr oject . If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at th is office. Sin ce EIY, r con truction and Managenent CompanY le W. S c[ rJ ce P res j.den t , Oper ationsExecutive GfiS/cd 8753 Yates Drive . Westminster, Colorado 80030 . (303) 427-7OOO ulo J o f 9eozo(l =FooG i:ii;iJ ' '; E2:+iizi* ::rT !i-2-y..!'!E;= r-a 6tr_E - a 2 i+;- 2 ?.i 5 ;.i;;a:in:..: - e= c EE !i ]:'; u t .: - = = Eii:leii?i2E 7. ..+ , i !:i !f; l! 4E+ --. ? = ; c-qi E; 5:E;! E g; ! ? - i f.i.j.: .rii:E;3E (o or N P = 5 .tJ P L o LE ca otn = .d- L = rc ; .; U F (fl <1I z E (Y) IE .o P (l) E 6o U lrJ an O e. d. t!L E z o F-'^urBpi-<>x -22lq<< 3Eia\ < L,/;Ai-z'Y>z= H..XFS=t--H -ltlv- C( r^I.-EZZUArrl --r - =5=A.%CQ5=t:ox z5FF*r{< T:H.-sx Q;o<l:?z!x>tu9 EEsUPFtrA,.i .-. ' t! il*o>i*F?-+ -yVHtt<^<F<X SUXAL>l)'frich(J=X: -F-YlTtrTTF()>F. tH F -te.ts:trF?+lf.I' a+ A. FR EN F -r..a t{ .irtt{ -H -f.P trtF tH(ft\ EY F) -: -F? 11|e :nLIFttdtrt:PLILl EY fH El a.rFl El-l tlJtFl fFrFt L.A. € 'v I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUB FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FBAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr TFINAL tr FINAL _ ,:,p;NppROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ]INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST.. TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME -- .' AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE tr'l Q.F trC tr CTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE _ JOB NAME BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON , CALLER TUES WED THUR ..;PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB h.sxerrnocK NArL D tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ,, E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I,q qq t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oare 1-9-7Lo JoBNAME I INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING T] INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr d rrrunl tr FINAL APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED onre '):'* ,"",:'' - ,4)' ,4 rNspEcroR DATE 1- q- 7U INSPECTION: rNs#cnoN REeurrr'*... TOWN OF VAIL 4 :'g1s AM 4@ JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: i tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr oF-FINAL C -(O od FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr gf,F,rynr O FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR i.EE!.;€e t ? = a2 ;Eit€ E ;€ jE E i ! E;:: ! B:iiEsl?i:E;i.* a -. i3 €:i€ gi:;IJ2=i= :ii€Eiz4,2"--Ei t t- i Ii € is +it €3EEt: =:-: E 9li;:: i?: sl or (\t I(u E(l,(, ojo t\lJ)to oE 16 '.o oL) rd> I P6L -o =vt rtt <\I O) a U F (\J r-l r-{ z (d +) =(U3 tn c,E U f rrJ Lr.l al o F'-arH Y-- ,^<>x azzosd 3dz i,A-2u!rZi hJ F-F?9F->A !r- .Ya\ t! \J-<.* F--ZZUALLI\- *F\(aaS=eor zt!,1 L -f\-t!<r:iF<\./clHl<z>h=<-y5 q.: r-3Er<i!FFEX KJ E*o> B*FP*--YvHt3<sI<x Fg66tr;:?uu=XSo^!-Y: F^fr5F rl{ F -t6. Fa.ar-+t|r E -a+ O. FI EN F -r,FE -ar!t ?a FF -aflJaF t+{ *rFr\.-,\/ i-tt:€G?E|e F\daLIt- -E *FlF Lat{ sv fH trt 6.+laLI faJfH.P.tlrth6. € o+, c, a,/, ;E z uJo J ofofo anzo z F atl oz F =t|llo- ooo o r.o <\l ooo r.r) <\l oOo or{ an uJ uJt!t =E u.lc :t,-'ll:t \^t: € O-'t€. $ I $ $ I l_ r=r6 o F2z = zz (u',olP(!l u)!l'-ot o.Pl'.:tnll€cl x.-lGl Iu (5 =l a)ol !!t (6cl "-l (J =l ol(t'ol !z,toIP oout- o'Fz_oEZ+6-J't_ 6o o16z9 6eN I., ls liloIElq fi l='lr t=t;I- l= lr +tq- (lJ LL&(.5 E; fi.a .sH EiEEi$lE :sEiE$E i*iiilgl rEig;N EEEEg\ :-'E3d6 0'-.= -SAP.')E gEE=i iggiE oo (?) (?) OJ o "l(otost o (f, Oq o1l Fl oo oo oc\: r\r\rfl oo oo oq oorrt oo ootr)r-l o|.\ Ol sfsf E E uJ az 4 .o x z o- c C) UJ a! z ao =Jo. 2 uJ atlut zo F uJEo uJE lo Bg ulEz 6 UJ F6o uJ o. z lu x F UJ <ttl n, llJ tq ]s. = IIJ(Ls *oF oz.oJ 6 ot 6urJ llJ ozql = Jo- = o uJE NO|lVn'tVA tl *r|;l ;€l= = Ftlg' e; 3g€F frz Etffi iE E,F z tr J E ou, I!L F OOo oocf) IJJ z Eoo z tr UJF ? =UJz. JIlz ^2i =r * cx I E =EH68ea:<(o(J1t-llllr$t | | | 2 i, $9 H =d=<EiEg;E H5o(9():Ez z.o F =atz tl, J ?e Nst @6l (\I sf F uJI o IJJJ uJ oo = UJzx =F costs ft) (7) I d. u,o- F +J .! +, (o o -JF;b JFE llj c! cO r{ E: ; IJJt U) @oazo Fo- UJ :< lrJ c0 oFt (E UJ(Ll b*l .tel \? 'r'l rEl Purbkz6 Rnn b CE IJJo-t!oEgE<3AEe.B9!ira95EF --r s = lu :-E h=o dE! 6tE oo9 lutE X'LE ;taqo-!tr rtu to oF I -- z ;a )l ZEc0o =zflJO aL rJ- J EEi BHg F =Elrl o-zo Fo EFazo(J aJl =l.61 ;l o =t! I I Jlo FoJ o <,, =o L at'L '-(U lJ- ui =z 6on - UJ 2 IJJ o o F o uJ(l o = rL tro P U' oc) o. =oL(.' ! (1, +, o t/1 =tr ciz o I'|J J l! z3 F =e oz o uJt J ? ll.oz39F q tt Jzl o u.lG J t!oz B9F 2dtr oz o uJE oz3o F =tr olzl ol ql <l>i t!t o1 21 3l o1F uiJutF uJz =o F.() UJ F o -rO<FG() TIJ <zG,L!FtqZ Q <o()F E? qEff 2P @Y =dt- zo exOtr 13g= =g oEh =t-o2<c) HE I 'i ttfo E a '/, '' ,,''" PENDT*1ilfl"1,l;t^f"P' rNc' BOULDER. COLORADO 80301 LETTT @F T'RANSnflITTAL the following items: E Plans I Samples D Specifications (303) aaa7959 TO l.iEi-t-- 4 }r5 T\r-,,. ,. <- WE ARE SENDING YOU bi.. ett""f,"O I Under separate cover viar tr tr Shop drawings Copy of letter C Prints D Change order l)f:fV,-s r<'EL',AK52,llG, 7HE Hrzh6:.{ L-/ H{,L(S THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked [J For approval flFor your use fl As requested I For reviery and commcnt tr E FOR BIDS DUE below: [J Approved as submitted ! Approved as noted E Returned lor corrections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies lor distribution Retum-corrected prints tr n tr 19- O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS rkuh,fi ro? i!/, .rtk qrr tG ol./l t, .ncloau.aa ara .fol aa no,ad, llodtt notlrt ua PENDERGRA.T & Assocls, ,*c. 531I Western Avenue BOULDER, CO 8O3OI (303) 444-70s0 cr.cu.rreoav A\ ,^rr 6/za/f(- CHECKEO SY ,l;'I DATE rrJ4 sLtr?aF1T OalDtfto PENDERGRAST & ASSOCTES, INC. 5311 Western Avenue BOULDER. CO 8O3OI (303) 444-7050 c^LcuLArEo"r &J o^r, //Zoft* SOLID STRUCTURES INC. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Septeirber 6, t9A4 'I0: Mr. GaIe Schrag Shelter Construction l'lanagernenL 8753 Yates Dr. Westminster, C{) RE: ferrari Housg,/ 1925 Sunburst, Vaj.I,rlo. \_______-___--__ / Dear Gale,Ttris is to inform you that as of Sept. 5, 1984, Solid structures, Inc. will no longer be performing any construction management activities in regard to the Ferrari House. 'Ihe reasons we are taking this action is as fol..Lows. Solid Structures has acted as GeneraL Contractor on the Ferrari House at the requestof shelter Management due to the fact that Shelter cannot obtain a Contractors licensre in the town of Vail. Since that timesolid Structures has been beset by the inabi.lity of Shelter to make decisions to oqredite work of al] trades involved, and trore importantly, ongoing overdue pay requests, and draw requests asper Shelter Management's contractual documents to Solid Structures and other contracted trades.on Sept. 5, Vic Lund met vith Shelterrs representative at the Ferrari Houee to go over all details of work in progress, problems, etc. Solid Structures is presently not under anycontractural agreernent with Shelter Management and any and all work Solid Structures has been obLigated to perform has beencompleted. we are therefore pulling our General Contractors License and all insurance liability pertaining to the Ferrari House as of Sept. 10, t984.In regard to our outstanding invoices, a final- billing wiIIbe computed and sent to youin the next few days, at which timeall invoices will be due and payable. Vice President, Solid Structures, Inc. cc Gary l'loran, Vail Building Dept.Gerry Sloat, r\ttorney DT/dE q D t t. B()\ 2,]9 FRISCO, CO I]044](l0r) 451.0505 PENDERGRA'T & Assoc,tr, ,rr. 5311 Western Avenue BOULDER. CO 80301 (303) 444.70s0 cALcuLATEDBY A\ oxe 1/ll/84 CHECKED BY DATE \7 . ,./ peNDE*%p;.l$..socras, rNc. BOUtDER, COLORADO 8O3OI l'ffi,l;,,;,- -'--t i FERRARI RESIDENT | , : .. ;..:. -' I uor 10 vArL vALLEy ! I I j I 'i I (303) 444.7050 V,JELLS GROUP 3005 30TH STREET, SUITE 101 BOULDER, COLORADO 8010r ;,..",-i.'.tt't,.tIt,,,rri,,. 1,,^.'.{ltlr..-. _-- __...1.--.__ | - -'orrro* TALALTAN r,[. 2- .luryE ?6, 1984 I- THE COLUMN ( I-ZXA'S ) LOCATED AT THE GRID LINES F-C.l,SUPPORTING THE RooF GLU-LAM BEAM (51l8X16}) NEEDS To -BE REPLACED. BECUASE THE EXISTING COLUMN IS CONSISTED OF PATCHES AND PEICES OF 2X4IS WHICH IS NOT ACCEPTED. THE RooF GLU-LAM BEAMS, BorH oF wHIcH ARE 6ll+x27 WITH ToP oF BEAM ELEVATIoNS oF 781-23/4tt AND 77'-2314", WERE NoTCHED APPRox- IMATELY 15I' TO MAKE THE BEARING POSSIBLE. THIS REDUCTION OF DEPTH HAS REDUCED THE SHEAR CAPACITY OF THE BEAMS BELOW THE ACCEPTABLE LIMITS. REFER TO THE ATTACHED SECTION 51-1 FOR PROPOSED SOLUTION TO STREGTHEN THE BEAMS AT BEARING. rHE 63/4X27 GLU-LAM ROOF BEAM WITH THE TOP OF BEAM ELEVATION OF 77]-23/4II REQUIRES ADEQUATE BLOCKING UNDERNEATH AT THE SUPPORT BY GARAGE WALL. 3- PENDERGRAST & ASSOCIilES, INC. 5311 Western Avenue BOULDER, CO 8O3Or (303) 444.70s0 CALCULATED AY DA CHECXED BY OATE OF 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 19, .|984 offlce ot communlty developmenl Ron l^lells l,lells Group, Ltd 3005 30th Street Suite l0l Boulder, Colorado 80301 Re: Ferrari House DRB Approval and Upper Level Storage Space Lot 10, Vai I Va] l ey 3rd Dear Ron: I am writing to confirm the Des'ign Revjew Board's approval of the Ferrari House, Lot .|0, Vail Vil'l age 3rd. 0n April lSth the DRB gave f.i na1 approval contingent upon meeting the following concerns: 1. A solution to preserve the trees'in the front rectangular pl anting area must be developed. A. The ori ginal grade should be maintained.B. The fill that is already in the planting area should be carefully removed.C. A drainage system needs to be designed to handle standing water around the trees. 2. The exposed glulam beam on the lower level north elevation should match the existing gray siding. Solve the snow shedding prob'l em off of the covered entry. Utility boxes on the east side of the garage should be screened and l andscaped. 5. Remove ex'isting f1 ashing. 6. The entry gate may be light gray or black. Staff would like to review the project once the concerns have been addressed. 3. 4. )r Ron llel I s Page Two 4/rel84 With respect to the letter I gave you dated April 1g, '1994, theadditional storage and second ceiling rnust be torn out by May 14,1984.. A ledge for lighting the wall-above the living ro-om may De ma'rntalned. However, the remaining storage must be walled infrom the living room. Thanks for your cooperation throughout the review process. I thinkthe Design Review Board was pleased with the results. Si ncerely,,tlfll Kriftnn{rrtl KRISTAN PRITZ Town P'lanner KP: br ru otflce of communlty develoPmenl k luwn n llil 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 . (303) 476-7000 Apri'l 18, 1 984 Mr. Ronald lr|ells llel1s Group Ltd. 3005 30th Street, Suite l0l Bou'l der, Colorado 80301 Re: Ferrari House, Lot l0 Vail Val1ey 3rd Filing Dear Ron: I am writ'i ng to confirm staff approval of the personal ,storage sPace located adjicent to the east beili^oom on the upper leve'l of the Ferrari House. Jim Sayre's letter (2/14/83) original'ly approved the storage space w'i th a 6-16r' cei'l ing. The existing storage is in a different configurat'ion from the storage approved by Jim. However, the square footage is approximately the same. Above the approved storage js an additiona1 storage sPace. The staff requests thai the framing for the new ceiling and storage be rsnoved. Also, we ask that the storage area be walled in on the living room side. The addjtiona) storage space must be removed by May .l4, .|984. Thanks for locatjng Jim Sayre's letter and hel ping us clear up the GRFA issue. The project no'l onger needs to be reviewed by Planning Conmission for a GRFA variance. Si ncerely,,/ | n\ji$rtnn Kr? KRISTAN PRITZ Town Planner KP: br 75 south tronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) {76-7000 otf lce of communlty development April i7,1984 Mr. Ronal d Wel 'l s WelIs Group Ltd. 3005 30th Street, Suite l0l Eoulder, Colorado 8030I Re: Ferrari House, Lot I0 Dear Ron: 't-:t. t va'l1eY 3rd Filing I am writi.ng to confirm staff approval of the personal storage spacel.ocated adjacent to the.,east bedroom on the upier level of the FerrariHouse. -Jim Sayre's letter (U14/93) originaliy approved the storagespace with a 6'6" ceiling. The existing-storage ii ln a differentconfiguation from the storage approved by Jim. However, the squarefootage is approximately the same. Above the approved storale is an additional storage space. The staff Igquests that the framing for the newceiling and itorige be removed. A] so, we ask that the storage area be walled-.in on the"living roomside. Ilqlfl for locating Jim Sayre's let GRFA issue. The project no lonqer Commission for a GRFA variance.- Si ncerely, (t"{*"?rrh KRISTAN PRITZ Town Planner KP: bpr ter and helping us clear up tl needs to bereviewed by Plannir r . \[1qVu ./ *\-r^"tirr$',u45 \u \)0r.2\\ i\ \ 'tA Hi,*Y,'e.lijt \\' \0(' -\ t{t \f,N\t' D wut4+' Y I I L\t $1 he ng .v \) Iq +L i r{ I ii Project Applicatlon erolect ruame: Rf Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: t rtL! $tirlrll: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description' t-ot l[ j , "'o"* Comments: Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Li ,\I1 E statt Approval lilii I t {}6_}ze ffirx cJ*sd) ,\,,*,t,+E.h'1r{*,.l,o-tc$^ ,r r, ' Jt}&'ttrn1 ,r irrrMo.Ds nM\,n{Mcila1 'i lan&qnp;'q , 'lCdRled Jffic'/ 'ljbalconrl isrrd lll 'hu ix o.\&i t$t$, !#.'| fu^Atud-a 'ldnlro,rpft \dh- ',I \d\ ar ir u ;Nto\frq,\:an-*ral +,bu*E11t^ot\r rn \o(r $\oow o.rq q{cd& Fpt *Nilr t\mtmq ,{rni^ty 'i, qE r-|n.g1 brg"lr@b miAgrstrq.i+,'C^e i .i, }IN s\'!a \\ \\ 'o\, $aNd -otntc{ u [1tct\i\ n ult] srfu,o\ Z*W,,,ril\\L y-ruraC/lnnJ,F. s0 6i+q flm['ryq @nro*dtU(Jr--t Am,o',^[ on\,dd q utt\ T% ral\i3/t& *r () lrl I i I I ii ll t iit i' I i. i i I 1' i 3) rsi^.c[o n J.^qs *gq'*d i... $eiricur flo^ \)rora,rd J"\:l too-,,$\ r\u^)' to!'+e ) Sr U* tln"\ t&tofi ]' 1 -t' $iU-' $ 5' rrl& ) @ i t/lt/s} f'I{"J B\ \ql,.o}^+ &rnrut' hdo*urM nd? II.B.D lO Se^^t ,i ft't.' lsao*,Jon1 ?,ni' 'l[ffi'-J)K*^u,T*{ 4lrws o[ $tJ^o ^- \C il R,gt ft,\ o [ooL- mos5 __VlQl-s,)RE ,\*'fffi,ffiffinrrof *@* \' jxqn o'r- thonffJ " luda( \n\rYI(!\p\il . C .0'+Ptiar. tiilinq,\q\^\ 4rs\ {t \,t5c^ \ rt co.Mr DC 1tq&\\ap' o () WMilHffi,?,a\rnr\&ar\ @ ffixr \u**.h,e.ffi , {' ^ !* tue {\dt N'I\JJ \SWk [IptbOrunu" yTltl(p , { n !b !, \5 qfndr.!., hrK-- [0{,''I\h('tLTsi'' TRANSMITTAT LETTER AIA DOCUMENT CB.IO rou, futtter bnth @fi1 PROJECT: (name, address) r Feryari House Lot 10 Vail VAlley lrd Filing Va1l , C0 Tor,m of Vail -1 Department of Cornmunity planning ARCHITECT'S pROIECT NO: U2010 DATE: Apr11 11, 1984 lf enclosures are nol as noted, please inform us immediately. lf checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures.( ) Return enclosures to us. TO: ( ) review & 0( ) use THE FOLTOWING: ( ) distribution comment ( ) record to pafties ( ) information ATTN: 1- Kristan pritz WE TRANSMIT: ( ) in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: ( ) approval (X ) herewith ( ) under separate cover via J Drawings Specifications Change Order Drawing Prints Drawing Reproducibles Samples Product literatu re () () () rl () () Shop Shop ACTION A. coD€ L c. RTMARKS Action indiceted on it€m transmitted No action required For sitnature and retufn to this office O. for signature and forwarding ei E. See RIMARKS below under REMARKS coPtEs OATE REV. NO.DESCRIPTION 43, 44, s5, A6,sheets A1 , A2,A8 ACTION coDf z 2/22/84 3 2 2/15/84 AD-1, AD-2 covered list of l'iaterials - ]1st of l&terial_s - entry bridge nnrrcr^ari cnf nrrvv t v] vv lrrwr J hand rails at drawings br. i doa deck 1 4/10/84 i 4/10/84 ACTION Herewith are 2 copies of the drawings reflecting the allerations. CalI me if you requj-re a,dditional information. coPtEs (with enclosures) tr D tr D D W/,// Ronald Wel]s. AfA AIA DOCUMENT C8,IO . TRANSMITTAT. I.TTTTR . APRIL 1970 TDITION . AIAO . COPYRICHT @ I97OrHE AMERICAN INSTITUTE oF ARCHlTtcTS, rzss r.,tessairiuslr:rs avrr.rue, r.r.w., wasniNtrci"]'o.c. eoore ONE P^GT 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 March 29, .|984 Mr. Ronald l,|ells t,le1ls Group Ltd. 4880 Riverbend Road Boulder, Colorado 80301 Dear Ron: olflce of communlty developmenl \ lFerari House, Lot /0Vail Valley 3rd Fi/ing-/ Thank you.for sending the additjonal set of plans for the Ferari house.After reviewing the revised p1ans, the pranning staff decided that thechanges in.the project warranted additibnal reiiew by the planning andEnvironmental commission and Design Review Board. T-he following issues wi 1 I requ'ire revi ew: A density control variance will be necessary for the new square footaqefor the personal storage area located adjacint to the upper-ieveinortheast bedroom. I have enclosed an application tor ihe variance. *I!+99:++t4pfjcation deadline is__Aprt]_l_€!! ror irre-r',iqy iqifi'Fiinningand Enviro . 2. Desiqn Review The Design Revjew Board_originally approved the house with the stipulationthat the ch-imney and balconies be-an'ilft-white sto color. The baltoniesare presently covered with siding rather than off-white sto. Due tothe exterior change, a new design review is necessary.- The coveredentry bridge, change in windows-in the stair areas, ina revised-tinAscapepl94 will also be reviewed. I have enclosed a OnA-application. please'fill out the materials list for these design cnangesi'particular'ly ---- the covered entry. The earriest DRB apptiiation oeiirine is Aprii 2nd.Your presentatio-n "o ' at 2:00 pm. Please ca] I me if you have questions concerninq the review procedures.I hope these meeting times wjll be convenient for you. il'i'\',*',t KRISTAN PRITZ Town Planner te $-A,,t$tt &',1, kn,1'.. W t @"effrr^*^\x h^n *h,'\ Jffi-&il^ffih *oi.e&i gvg nq,;\ \tu s m"q'dut1 b'.Anc DtS \'\\fr '\ tc,,/ \o*lsrnqrt thn,6ot \-eos) 5 bolcnn'es \'sh*b +o{a-$sS \,\ \$t c 0u\ar^igtr.h\\ MtW , nhlA \it\ $.'l& n{h ?o^t serC*r concrrni,rA l\ryd^ X,. \1(L\ t q,3D a,6l o- \11{!/ ? *Am6 5s THE 'HELTER GROUP November 7, 1983 D{r. Steve PattersonChief Building Inspector Town of Vai.1P. O. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Construction perrnit +1192 dated October LZ, J-gg2regarding Lot 10, Vail Valley, 3rd Fiting, Vail,Colorado Dear Steve: Continental Hotel Management CLrp Harvest Hotel Associates, Inc Seibert Investments Shelter Construction Management Corp. Western Colorado Develooers. lnc, rn accordance with our prior conversation, western cororadoDevelopers, fnc., t!. ownerr/developer, hereby assigns theabove referenced buirding permit to soti.a stiuctures, rnc.,Frisco, Colorado, attention Mr. Victor Lund, which willhereafter be the general contractor on the house to bebuilt on the above referenced 1ot. Sincerely, WESTERN COLORADO N. F. Anthon NFAS: rm INC. Seibert, Chairnan 8753 Yates Orive . Westminster, Colorado 80030 . (303) 427-7OOO j wells oroua itd rJl February 14, 1983 Mr. Jlm Sayre, Town Planner Department of Community Development Town of VaiI P.O. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Ferrarl House, Lot 10, VaiI Valleyr 3rd Filing Dear Jim: This wiII confirm our telephone conversatlon of today reganding your approval of the addition of the 6r-6rr ceiling height storage spaces at bhe upper level master bedrooms. I believe you have a prlnt of the nevised pl-an in your f1Ies, however, I have enlcosed anotherprint. I look forward to reviewing Vailrs revised zoning regulations and will call you to discuss my commenEs. Sincerely , ilndtb'& Ronald lrlells/AIA cc: Eagle- Beaver LLd. encl. 3005 30fh Streef Sutte 101 Boulder Colorado 80301 303-444'1567. 5 THT SHETTER GROUP January 25, I983 Town of VaiI Building DepartmentVail, CO 81657 Re: Lot 10, Vail Valley, Thlrd Filing, L925 Sunburst Drive To Whom It May Concern: We have decided to tenporarily put a hol-d on the buildingof the Ferrari house at 1925 Sunburst Drive. We plan onstarting the framing around March 1, 1983, or when at suchtime weather allows us to conmence. If there are any other procedures or any questions, please contact me at 449-0440. ?? t- 7a"e TER C ON MANAGEMENT CORPORATION , President Conrinental Hotel Manatement corp. Harvest Hotel Asiociatds, lnc. Seibert Invertments Sheher Construction Management Corp Sheher Investment Comoany Western Colorado Developers, Inc. Sincerely, cc: Tony Seibert January 21 , 1983 Torm of Vail 1925 Sunburst hlve Vail , Colorado To trlhon It lby Concern: Please find attached revised flreplace section RE: L/S2.call me lf you have any questlons. Thank you, h lt/tfht ffr2l/ fvt l w taTl Ron l{eIls/AIA Wells Group 3005 30th Streef Suite 101 Boulder Colorado 80301 303-444-1567 s @o3s / /o,r'4't- 6F t) o lr,ff ibKo St*TEnU.rz- h, /r?2- Z.oN utElLS t<sEt t--s 6tts<lP /-ltlr T€.) 45 ?o 4r4yzgtgH"a psrc BoovaEA t coL-w4oc> t' pgyz.rz,yzl /1orls&" coT' t/1u-*y S) Fru4V /q CEahq&t To lva 42ITW S*TO|1$A/L 7/ /?6L : coLenryE oN ftrcry199 { A.*-EctaTE_ -THf tnf*ovpt2A-.ttT 70 7+e aAs/6t\) 6t fDL dor,rE 4y Vte th7o,t4r- o? FVE# <-oLot4N9 ,ioL 66Y6etlgQ '<7t+u ArLtA4lwr oF 7HE 4lIERPtoC.+1flnH oP SITE_ (al6p'qbE /s; /q_vsrn-4fta oF /Te_ HTT|TV'r E- TVL Net.vs C-=,4ovP *Jot-|o s fov4ra4 TbdN 0F y't+u-, taEo o L'qT6.^ls - ,+ <5zryH6vE /oA Eyt*z-y 6qvtQ.a1 fuf . tlFfVrz 7AL Togi,tt t?lTo.*t\ttty a/atc-*jfts/2 7W Et*u<ot9o &e€4_ e4S" /rycLoa rjo L"d oj oo )< t7</rEH 248 t*+CvatEa a/44- P,9.t7 oF T,E- urrTF)o\rT qVES r|ON ) Tt)E- T?t4gO<tu4.z ftz *AL o{qJEs Tto t+.+gLl 7nE5E 4AUS R*tt+tgb 5qe- couE46Er Tt+L sog AooFlS 4tp fta- f fDAt oF rl' E 4pPuqlo$. :. lbulElEtL j THE 46/64 46a.t16,*l 7r?&SE E)9c;.r.>SEa +46. z)EXt)nryE /a. o-1, caoktc.t(- 7VE L4H6v4 6E oF 18.04.130 Floor Area, Gross Residential Gross Residential Floor Area is defined as the total floor area within.the enclosiualls of a structure, including arr habiiable- are"s, -g"."nl,orr."s, indoor rccrcationalfacilitj.es, and storage arcas with a eeifing r,"ishi'"i-ci""."" than sia (6) feet six(6) inches' excluding thc follor*ing, -irr"r-rp""Zr, .iti"-rtu"" without a ceil1ngheight of greater thin six (o) feei sii 6o; iit"rr"-r, "oi"-i r,""trng storage areas, nech-ili;"i""::ff;":":."1;:',ff::*i:":;r.i"riine "'a ti'ai"g. ou"'ripf ;;-;;.i;;'ys shalr t30 .', b#*tSr-tn ceJtt-/7r/t ndKl Stnneo 4TtL 4,445 .t/THo<rr UEt 6rfT aF 645+Tfu 7il.4N1 eEtLt^lE 6d FfEr eJ4a.O ota A,,q'?ol/E 6aF4 SiEcrro\t 8/x /^/LaE5 lt gnTil-/+1, ot oo I /5 6lf*o 46auT E\Ener/4|o @445 erTt) -Ett_t*tta ryEt\ATS .&t-.o4r- , .,6 6 Tllls t,5 ,9 ,4HSo4r2bLE_ /$tfuecXT4 noN oF rFtL <aoE ; 4or " Elb*y t*otutevle <tT/ p4.lafu/2_ -ilt*fErzezr ?ar+t^tb t f T+/E T 7A .ot Ulua/EA ) O etI ,r*s 6E4t ilTlOu)HEO $/Te f #T tA*tfar-fS ./<t*>c.try, T4floa. ^* ftrE t "2QrztT a? ,Dva'tra/.c-<vE. rT /S fflE qTTEz.z_ uqw. ,5rtc*1 "STon466 " 4a&+S lN /, t) er,sEury, -t sH1v., lDEpEfuzE fr-tla7 , 43 /N SryE couEa-4b6- , aWT T?rE ?E6tbg /+d, FA{ rga4r"-a ttrfa-Dv,b e ffi MNoodS tN S74eE , 4^845; AtlE OAO .ffpztu64 A €ET 6F fuOr+S A,+TEO 6 - zg - gz- u'ilcH t t' ,lt/4O Ho tttN6ot{3 /t) ,9lotz46rz .qr"E+S -wtil *A-E Yo<: TL1 / 4b TO " REi 7zz.Jc-f ?At Oobt Apedauqt- I E sH4w lJqr Ft-6Vy Uot"KlNV Oa4uAJW ,4 tTH tu/.llpotelS otr oo /4 TqesE 1o t.37zt;65-/4AE.fJ /l'l <.oAr6r-us/0N) rr/Euus Qaearo H+S eot+,l,7#Tuy rf3<t sEa THE Pu^, 6tr /4t4 HvtttufP4L cooEt sfrst-tptclt-Ll S,gr-atot*3 ,11-=lo, t8 , tJ . abo 4N6 ,oo. 13. oso , cc*lcfuEr;rt2 AEf-t<Stf) coFna.ou 4NE. slTL cavk 4 bz ztl n L ea-1q$>ar/ tg-oNo4t2-lJ zc,NE , To #Er1pT-/BlsEnexir €to46E,q'7b+5 F4H /8,ts-ob HqtcL, ,A rroq<En-y oF Tl*t-S ,sLrroN ; tT E pslLjvH*TE TH.qf a*uy .+ ot**t-e- iilNvzfTy OF e.2*rtTVTS - 4t-t- oP 7t Er| F?/Lon O6T at 7:ottJ$ - LlilE qJdsd'N m '*Aose TlrE <ooa . ItouEV6.n- , 6tu5s1 7HE P.IST /es74tyg:, Of- ecz"€?Ttt* .e,ED g|olL.qbE firzEQS 4NO 7ryAf Ttte gntF /5 'arot -l '4t TrrE t+e,ra\s 6F c.t&.$|1sl;t I vP TtlE A z42v.r(,8- 6F ftle cooE r d wuq To Exfeetft_ TftE HAT|EA.. t-ET uS UPt+ovo- u?rry 7+rL 6ya.B QPfrioo@ - I ,s>f of 4r*S tDt-TH No w/alaow.s- tN Tft&tE s7D/4 6A ,t*E+S . a, Ol oo EVEA, ,6tvEtl ovq WL |l6ottE - utsTfu dl*9ap r,rto4tcr**s frAl44p p,+ fT)6 nrylTfr{z-. 2dYg.'17ttt-4 ,, {s. o6tgda.tgl- ^7A+TS Q,/8.1- /s6uE3 , T M)6_ tatt71-! yorJ, T .-oor1, 6qtttT AliL$uttfNu aF 9 oo sITL Q#avqs BElrceE fit4t- ro raL lo f ftE 'lr^rt, ol <ot*t4uL u+a 6pDt) OA' 4TFN,rytLL +'r|a?l)Lv /Atotc4TEa nJ+7- Etytasao *,7a8 4otggo *3 .>rTE aaY5,'4$rE 06,?trz ftrls u44.2- hVTIga fia$'nrv*5ay Otr Tt E Llqw WJaSEO, <snfc+ .t\t El<agtS oF Tyrrt- 4)4.{Ea 5 rTL- coUr!&4LF- w+€ Sts&tqfb 6 y nre wH)8 6Eso,P QIJO flrlaauca 6/ Tt)E or/,6 . 5;r4c-t- 77+f- W',A<4 otO ,qeoaayg A-Dr) fi4r' o "'^//s orouo ltdv v I,,l- September 7, L982 i Mr. Jim Sayre, Tolrrn Pl-anner Department of Corununity Developnent Town of VailP. O. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81557 RE: Ferrari House, Lot 10, Vail Valley, 3rd Filing Dear ilim: Thank you for your fast response to the buil-ding perrnitapplication for this project. Your letter dated August 27, 1982 rejecting the building permit pointed out severaldeficiencies which were a direct resul-t of my being out of town for two weeks while the plans were being finalized by my draftsnen. In response to your specific conmentss Columns on porches - An absolute error by my draftsnen intheir coordination with the structural engineer. The draftsmen, ncjt being familiar with Vail's zoningregulations and the effect of the change to the already approved DRB plansr authorized the structural engineer toincrease the nunber of colunns. In our revised plans we have deleted the "unapproved columns" with the exception oftwo columns on the west side, however, the columns are now considerably smaller (8" X 8") as compared to the original16' diameter columns shown in the approved DRB plans. Thiseffect gives the deck much more of a "floatingappearance;. I apologize for these inadvertentdeficiencies. Site coverage - At your direction we eliminated the skistorage roomE fron the originally subnitted plans because you indicated the Town Attorney interpreted thosecantilevered rooms as "site coverage" and the DRB wanted to reduce the overall building bulk and nass. However, bothyou and DRB subsequently reviewed and approved the revisedplans (which contained the sun rooms) for cornpliance withzoning regulations. I am therefore confused as to why you are attempting to retract the DRBrs approval . I have, however, eliminated the columns supporting the roofs over the decks on both the east and west elevations - again toreduce building mass and buLk and to comply with your interpretation of zoning regulations. r) 2l Mr. Jim Sayre Septenber 7, L982 Page Tvo 3) GRFA calculations - I have had ny draftsnen recalculate theentire house and their calculations total 3,848 sq. ft. The construction docunent plans from which you arecaLculating square footages are identical in size to the approved prelininary plans and except for sorne interiorwall relocations and the additions of the solid wall at thedining and guest bedroom decks (which is needed forprivacy), nothing was changed. Obviouslyr our calculations do not agree with yours. Therefore, I an attaching floorplans with o{rr calculations of GRFA fully described so that we can work together to elirninate thisdiscrepancy. If, in fact, our calculations are inaccurateor incorrectt we wiIl, of course, reduce the size of thebuilding app{opriately. However, as of today I can find noproblens with our calculations. Please advise. 4) Storage space - Again, ny draftsnen failed to indicate on the plans th+t the storage area would be a 616" ceilingheight which obviously is a requirement of the zoningregulation to gualify this area as a storage area. lile have made this change in the revised drawings. 6) Access - Regarding windows and ngood accessrt into storageareas - I can find nothing in Vailrs zoning requirenents orthe UBC that prohibits windows in storage areas orprohibits full size openings, i.e. doors to the storageareas. Liniting such access to UBC mininum standards of22" x 30" is unreasonable and appears to be an arbitrary and capricious decision by the Planning Department,unsupportable by existing zoning requirements of the Townof Vail. Ifr in fact, I have missed sonething in my reviewof the zonin{ requirements please xerox a copy of the appropriate section and forward it to ne. Regarding yo{r final comment as to the "spirit of the zoning coder l- lhere obviously is no ',spirit" section inthe zoning l{ws nor can I find one in the UBC. Although I respect your lefforts to enforce the "spirit of the zoningcoden, as a flrofessional architect dealing withprofessional developers who are accustoned to abiding tothe exact le{ters of the law, it is impossible to complywith every iddividual city plannerrs interpretation of the"spirit of t{e zoning code'tr €tsr obviousJ.y, each individualplanner would have different interpretationse dDd hence, nostandard set of rules would apply. However, if, in fact,the Town of rdail has given the Planning Department the I I I I I I j If current z inappropriatthey should J-aw, not bypredicated o defined as " As you know my client,fully cooperrequests. Teliminate bu undefined ae eventhough within the I More specifi atrium' delethe decks, r changed therailings, eI attempted toto the origi requirements As you know,guality, topof unnecessain garages, storage areaetc. etc. -rnillionaire I interior spa contemporary Mr. Jim Sayrd September 7 | L982 Page Three unil-ateral- rlght under the existing zoning lan to make independent and personal- decisions regarding the "spirit of the zoning cdde" I would very much like to see that ordinance or ldocumentation in writing. I Frankly, .firni f do not wish to rnake a large issue of these items, becauge they are clearly not included in the UBC or zoning regul4tions, and r personally betieve that if you verify the pgsition you are attempting to take with the Town Attornef you will find it an indefensible position. ing regulations are inadequate or to todayrs conditions or perceived marketst changed by the normal legal operation of the ndividual or collective individuals' decisions an unknown set of parameters and loosely spirit of the zoning regulations". rom past experience from working with ne le-Beaver Ltd., we both have attenptedte with both the Planning Departnent and is project was significantly redesigned and to DRBrs to Iding bulk and mass in order to cornply withthetic parameters required by the DRB, e overall heightr site coverager drld GRFA were w as establishetl by the zoning regulations..ally, we eliminated a large interior oPen air ed large square footages of glass roofs overplaced the metal roof with shake shingles, xterior color, enclosed several of the balcony inated the "mirror inage", and in general satisfy all the stated and unstated objectionsal design in order to neet DRBrs aesthetic EagJ-e-Beaver, Ltd. builds absolutely top of the narket products which include a number y extravagances and luxuries such as windowssive fireplaces, huge amounts of extra , triple glazed glass, very high ceLl desiqned to aDDeal to the multi-high ceilings, 11 designed to appeal to taste for trextras", top qualityl dramaticial relationshipsr and unique, but classical design. l,!r. Jim Sayr September 7, Page Four In seeking t type of clieinternal stranslates Therefore, Ispacial requ aesthetics r coverage zon 1982 design a speculative house to appeal to thist Eagle-Beaver, Ltd. insists on creating ired by the DRB within theng laws. In conclusiolp, it is my opinion, and I an advised a tegallydefensible ofle, that with the changes to the plans noted in this letter,rthe Ferrari residence does meet the Town ofVail zoning requirernents and that vre are entitled to abuilding pernit. If you, in concurrence with the TownAttorney, shQuld conclude otherwise, please advise immediately go that we can arrange a neeting toexpiditiously resolve this matter. Looking forwqrd to hearing frorn you. You should hJve already received twoplans. Please review them and callquestions. Sincerely, e, which when confronted withcubic volume - not raw floor as an architect, try to fit rements of ny client and the GRFA type laws sguare footage. the interior exter ior GRFA and site copies of the revised if you have any h,n Ronald Wells,AIA State of Colorado Certified Architect *8-1528 box 100 | vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 department of community development August 27, 1982 Ron Wel ls h|ells Group Limited 4880 Riverbend Road Boulder, Colorado 80301 Dear Mr. l,lel I s : Your appiication for a building permit for the "Ferrari" Residence, Lot 10, Vail Valley 3rd Filing has been rejected. The working drawings do not faithfully reflect what was approved at Design Review Board; also the proposed structure does not meet zoning requirements. More speci fi cal ly: 1) ColumRsonporches -- there are many more columns appearing in the working drawings than in the DRB drawings. The columns add to the visual bul k of the bui 1di ng. 2) Site coverage -- you are again over 500 square feet over on silte coverage. There are columns supporting roofs over decks on both the east and west elevations. This is counted as site coverage. Also, the space below the sun rooms on the upper floor are also counted - any enclosed space is included in site coverage. 3) The working drawings are 1,173 square feet over the allowed GRFA. Most of the d'i screpancy is due to the so called "storage" in the lower level . I have included this "storage" in the GRFA calculations because these "storage" areas have wjndows, are over 6.5 feet in ceiling height' and have good access. Access rnust be limited to minimum UBC standards -- 22" x 30". When this residence conforms to the spirit and letter of the zoning code and the plans approved by the DRB, the building permit will be issued. Page ? Si ncere'ly,k:a Town Planner , JS:df Pendergrast & Assoc lale s. lnc. 5311 Westefn Ave.. Boulder, CO 80301 Consultlng Struclural E ng ineers January 4' 1982 Shelter Cons truc t lon 4880 Riverbend . Boulder, Colorado 80301 .tE5& Telephone (303) 444-7050 Re: Ferrari House . Vail , Colorado To whon lt rnay concern: Attached are two sketches for further revlslons to the above mentioned proj ect . l)AttacheddrawlngH/S-4showsreinforcementforthefireplace wall . I was iniorrned by phone that 1t ls desired to cut two 2|x3'holesinthewall,wlthoneholelneachinterlorface. I have no objectlon to thls' 2) Attached sketch D/S-2 shows an alrernate seccion for the one shownontheplans'ItshouldbenotedthaEeitherrnethodwill r.7ork structurallY. Should there be any questions concerning this letter' or if I can be of further sevice, please contact ne' SincerelY, 3+/,-D,fu.-/ Stephen D. Pendergr.st /P. E. .rq r E <;A.c.l &--tc.-t-,;<il-+-,> '*w=25fp5".^J-:.-$;ri"i "rr)i,,?,fi ,,ft ,?ny,o.N 9' ?a<r, razrrl,L v,r/ 1t*7? ftfh?/ff,wtk+4, L''a" 3 4t''2" 4'2' ?v. t0'- 1' ?,!*,f)(waF -.--.-- ttt !!, _] v ?v' (6wal7 7u',' u" *V e / lal au t4.7 tr vanr, I y - [v 11,.oAlovh ,,rt/?.ilt',d,t g', VtVf? B L'-b'a.u.fr(. l+'( ) l ?MT,AN l/'N4?? 4.a, o/tt?.' W'to' tatlY (/ ffa f/V, +b"l.tl+ N t'Vovtqra6!" ++4vryht u|?'l ? l?'a./, i 2(tlN ?rrvvraf -6- i-r:. AF-r t-t:,r r.r;tg t- +- o7 .{,n aNr'w +e" +4+ 'UrVe,rhV ( a. fta, ^\wT,Iv/xl { *r f 1,7"a,q b* lr uFf qu' v?/+ A\jLL-AGE U..', .rr LA LCI)Ll',110(i f ofz (ooF r WALL + FuooR- /AJ \/AlL Hoaab L I Nt TABLT R- ] ROOT i. GROSS ROOF ARIA ?. . SKYLIGHT 48E4 5. NET (OPAqUE) ROOF AREA LINE l' suM 2 MUI 21 e,156. FRATIING nnEA (Atr) 2240,517. CAVITY AREA (Ac) ' VA ILO IIO UJL Au6. 25.lq6z TABLE R-4 FRMING AND CAVITY MTIO CAV I TY RATI O pg4r'1INC fiATIOSPACI NG HEATI NGROOF/CE]LING MATERIALS s0uRc€ 0F THER}4AL CAV I TYFRM] NG WrN-te /s Mq78. OUTSIDE AIR FILM ceoAe 5H lNolLrr TXTENIOR FINISH 1-f vrooO b'TJ r35 INSULAT IOI'I 7WlN!12! Iro^J- Of,ED 16. 0THER (SPECIFY 17 . OTHER (SPE-g]_EI 18. TorAL n?stsrnncE (nt) suM 0F LINES_g--LHRU 17 C,,)ibzts. uir (FRAI'IING) 0,ozo5zo.-'uc (cAvIrY) ' 45,q3LINE 20. ?8 ,32LINE 2. ROOF VENT LINE 5.OTHER SUMUXA= uo RooF/cErLrNG = = ## =?0t1 GROss RooFlct l_ll ?tJ5o,a 317 L lNi -14;cl-L--[:ll s0. Fl . 1or.o:s tLoci( ARIA IOZ ' ? -,> FRA!',rlltG ARtA (A1p 2,/ / ()J\t \3 ILINTIXIABLTF-4 CAVITY AREA LINI. lXTABLEF-4 OTHER (SPECIFY 245,."5 FLOOR MATERIALS CAVITY.FRAJ.4I NG ?j " 6't", ! 0- t4" 6tr:fr. llisuL ' fy'\ dooLt SPTCI FY :OiSi - l- ' i..,!ailrC CAViTI 5I,'AC I li3 I kAT 10 RATIO 0.13 IADLL T - SOURCT O THtR].IAL RES I STANCT FLOOR CALCULAT IONS (Rt ) 10. 13. 6. OUTSIDi AIR FILM 7 . txrERI0B -rul-l! ll. 1?.FLOOR FINIS'{ lNSIDI AIR FILM OTHER (SPTCIFY OTHER TOTAL RESI STANCE s Il. 18. ufr (FRAJ'Ilrtc) (FPaMIlic I uc (cAVlrY ) 1/Rt (cAvITY c0!_Ul1! u{F:i H[.AT ] IIG t,l] NTIR R-VALUIS 0,oGoU .T^t.'I C r A CtIMIT^TINN NF TAANqMISSION VAI tIFS FOR FLOOF,IrToLL I -J rrurtrnl SOURCE U -VALUE FROI{ L I NE ARtA TFEq!x A F 0.obo u LINE 17 | 1. Z-' -) --'r78-" rAT'ITY o,a'z'.t- llri te 1/R t_ih[ i NTUFQ 1/R Ll iii i I ::_i-:-::.ji TOTAL -}{iAe=SUI{UXA=?,b?-5):- uo FLOSR - suM 0F (tl-vALUEs x cgRRts PONDING ARIAS) -7,CZEI ZgL,L5 -u O'oZG| 0, 021 , 10.09.,8 h(O1t : F l6L)gc- C.-P(: :'l t'l / , ?As5 HZm uc'-i-' (nr< _ _Vt:=(<t'< lt'--.-i.\ " 1 U -- o.ozL --.j: -1A{<.F[ FtLoM -r^etL 2. Yfrv'qt' ', "?- h A5H2A9 FUNDAIILN1A L1 't177', PAA.- z1'1 | : ar l al ^ \-r. !,\, --=ITTffi I ?tL HooJE INE II.BLE H-AREAS I.GROSS WALL AREA (A io:.--ri Aooi ;iN;1.Sl'M 2 THRU.5 LINE fr x TABI,E \l-4| gtyj As i liue x TABLE w-46. EW, ;OUR OF :HERMAL €SISTANCE ]ABLE NG 6. u(o 1/Rt'(orHER coLUMN) tJ}S,IAT F TRAN MI SION VAL FRAMING r ii(t r aO Iiat.. Sul{ OF (U-VALUES X CORRESPONDING AREAS o,./25 TABLE H-4 FRAYING AND .CAVITY RATIO FR.AHING RATIO STt'D SPACINC R}fi VITL CALCU}^ATION WINTER HEATING R VALUESWALL . , MATERIA],S T (tUlt:;tf.' ;i t,^tju!ltl ;a 3t,b?: I tz.c1TAL RESl STANCE (P.c SIIM OF'LI}iES 9 TT{RU 19 ff (rKA-mrll\'/l/Rt (FRAIIING cql-!!$ Q, o?-tll.,ii*)"?iouiiv cor.rryn Jo WALL = 0,121s I P4'; s O, /245 JOB NAME ,*ril"toN *eouis, TOWN OF VAIL !'. . FRI ,-. -AM PM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUESMON THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI ,t t'.' r BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr tr B o tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOO NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL E'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o NSPECTION *rbuErtPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL JOB M NAME PMAME ,.- =''\ THUR / FRI I\-._ _/' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI D r\ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIECHANIGAL: C] HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH o o o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR n( Llt:, REOUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CTION TOWN OF a/.-. -., /'., INSPE l,t.-JOB NAME €tt'.-,t-./ READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER |NSPECIoN: 1 .*=froE-)'\.---)-WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBIl{G: T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr,- Mr'*o, '/ 4il tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr tr o tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr coNoutT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: / ? , r'' -- F'a',". -'7 / / m DATE /" * PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t NSP { ECTION REQUEST Ff t'ri'n / , /JtusE rowN oF vAlL DATE JOB NAME qALLER {,,/g;6< READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION' tQZS S:-r,-' /1'c'',sT rlt,. a CORRECTIONS:1c:, frl.t t),-.^ll' t;'r., //- / i "., BUILDII{G: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n trf#m1 -t F r+P. f 7O tr FINAL ELEGTRICALI tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr o tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR tr FJTTAL tr FINAL -7 tr DISAPPROVED . ETREINSPECTION REQUIRED ANn ,'.t, r c i?ttANt f ,:..t t"l /-'/ 't'l t't Nu f ,:\rt tt,t It:? I 'itt':/k'urT t op ( | ?. (11 i r., f:F Att ,i r)Fr.: ?( u*t R,t' r', m DATE .,'C- ;: !',1 <,'r INSPECTOR ,*rf!"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI,ON:PMAM TOWN BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr INAL tr FINAL Q APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rfl"to TOWN 7i N REO OF VAIL UEST DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: UILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER BI tr tr tr tr tr r tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,'l INSPECTOR * I i\i l, ll ! .1,' . i" ,"rill"toN, TOWN OF i. i REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER MoN .. trir +l'*S],,rHUR-(i,.-^.*d-FRf I] 7 AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL/H.TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER }IECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL t- ,,: ," , ,t, z---[[ APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR *,"ailI"noN REouEsr "-.-"1 | )ATE rl / JoB NAME TOWN OF VAIL !_s ." t _ CALLER 'tMON TUES I' WED .-.THUR AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: PLUMEING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGFOUND tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,*rilI".oN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL .AM PM DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUITIBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr 199.f-&^s-H.qFn...^ tr cAs prprNc- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETHOCK NAIL tr n r-l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - r"r n tr FINAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr DISAPPROVEDN,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE ' t DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTTON: MON TUES WEO J THUR ,.: tl n. FRI e-.. rr.rstcnoN REQUEsT TOWN -t" OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL d,..nouon / D.w.v. 'P ROUGH / WATEREt5RA0{+}IG n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NATLING lcns PTPTNG tr INSULATION tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIB tr tr otr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VA]L INSPECTION: MON TUES WED) THUR FRI .,' ,'. ' J ( i .. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL C] FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr u tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR olrrt* INSPECTIONTOWN OF //cr ,. r",< REOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUB FRI ou / (9)READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " plvwooo NA|LING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE NT ,EF trc tr- CTR!CAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING E tr o E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,t DATE .INSPECTOR !lIItl I .'1 ,Q"'./\) ,/ I lrl fr. t',) J INSPECTION *J> THUR FRI t .'i; rt REOOEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER INSPECTION:AM (@ TOWN OF READY FOR LOCATION: L.'t // lnt i' .- /'1l di..) r,t. f ri 116 - '"f/r/ - n BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL t- - ': < r"f.'z e'<- I a.--t4PLUMBfNG: \/* \'.f'/f,*/_";,; tr UNDERGROUND 9i e<) tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr D tr tr n ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERiltrvr:li RooF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL t-l E FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: r] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr n CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL .'t1 tr F|NAL ,'477- tr APPROVED .'.rddtsAPPRovED I,fi EINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ,- /4 INSPECTOR oo-= lo/,,) 1'+o INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR l/r 2- REdtJEST../. TOWN OF VAILl- | , JoB NAME -J- ", r "., f lcr" + INSPECTION cALLER Llo* / - H,----rr F / . FBIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER + I D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o D FINAL tr tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDd1nppnovEo CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR tNs CTION TOWN OF I Ll"' ,'/ i t) 3' REQITEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:lcl L',' JOB NAME MOry. ruES -, s .tL,; ,'_.1 WED THUR ,i!;) CALLER t, a BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSUTATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL a tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtrA APPROVED COBRECTIONS: ..r*--_. . DATE INSPECTOR t JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES I!s ]'t INSPECTIONTOWN OF - a. REQUEST VAILl' l, i:,-' DATE INSPECTION:FRI /.t PM I READY FOR LOCATION: WED J"i'; THUB--- .:1 BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FIN{L tr FINAL I '.,p'neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I -, ,!,',jDATE INSPECTOR !' ,I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME r'.f'..CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: rMON FRI ' c. L).,, FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr D tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL -l 5 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME MON INSPECTION JOWN OF i+ REOUEST VAIL ,t - ' IDATE READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER lreit)THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL F tr tr tr o tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTFICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr EK^L tr FINAL /APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR a CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILIj ., 'i '., l' ' ''DATE' " ;,' /''--JOB NAME t-'i -' .; ., (. (r..< .-.. READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: CALLER TUES THUR '\ FRI , f, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: PLUMBING:I tr FOOTINGS/STEEL tr UNDERGROUND 'r E FOUNDATfON / STEEL .:z: + ,- '!.' , ,'1" tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 199.f^&^sLqFn.-.^ tr cAS prprNcu PtYwooD NATLTNG g GAs PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL g FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: T] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - nFl ': 'tr FINAL tr FINAL BUILDING: PLUMBING:I tr FOOTINGS/STEEL D UNDERGROUND 'r FOUNDATION/STEEL .,,..i',-,',' ;)i: tr ROUGH/D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 199.f^&^sLqFn.-.^ tr cAS prprNcu PtYwooD NATLTNG g GAs PIPING CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR | ''r.lCTION REQUEST JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL i'rs CALLER TU WED ,"u^ @READY FOR I LOCATION: PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V., tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL . E_-------T- tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR a tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: a box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 departmsnt of community development July 1, 1982 Ron }Jel I s 4880 Riverbend Rd. Boulder, Colorado 80301 RE: DRB Submittal of 6-30-82 Dear Ron: At the June 30 Design Review Board meeting' your submittal for a duplex was approved 7-0 with the following stipulations: chimneys and balconies are to be an off-white sto color, and samples need to be submitted to the Staff. Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df N,u\ti 1)rj rtr{(J,iric' r""r..i i-.l" Ll'57-io. fi.rgRlAt'' Ll:(;Al, Dl;:;cRIp'l'luti: l.o.l. 1C Dt.o(:K - t;li.tN(; Vail Valley lrd Driscll''r'r0li oF ppo,r:c.r. ;; t" tt, *"tdence Deck Rail Revlsed l-ist of materials April 9, 1984 The follor'ring infornation is rcquircd for submi.ttal by thc apl)licant to ttre Dcsigrr Rcvi*vBoard bci'ore a final approval crin bc given: A. BUILnIN(; tvtA't'[RIALS Iioof Siding Other ttall Materials Typc of ltlatcrial Color Fascia Soffits Windows Itindow Trin . Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails 1 X 6 cedar light gray to match house NOTE: The cedar siding replaces the rrSTOtt stlrcco finish originally approved by DRB Trash Enclosures Greenhous es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name lorunon Name Quantity Size TREES pt&bxx trffiffi HSfXtr*x SHRUBS N,,1i,ri 1)rr.r,k'.iric,r. Fe*ari n "tot--o-l mrsRlnts Lt(iAl, Dti:;Ct(il)'l't0i,i : l.o'1 10 Ut,OCK - t;lt.lNG Va1I Va1ley 3rd Dl;S(:l{lt''l'lCi,l OI PRO.Jl:c.t. Single Family Residence Covered E:try 11st of materials April 9, 1984 The fol lor,ring infornation is rcquircd for submi.ttal by thc applicanr to ttrc Dcsign Rcvie1Board bcfore a finat approval ciur be given: A. BUILNIN(i MATERIALS Iioof Siding 0ther !,lal1 Materials Type of lrlaterial Color 3/8" tempered glass solar gray 1 X 6 cddar U-ght gray to match house See ttHand or Deck Rallstr below Fascia Soffits Windows $lindow Trirn . Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Metal to match deck I1ght gray Flues Flash j.ngs Chinrieys Trash Enclosures Greenhotrs es Other 22 ga. sheeL metal , paint to match adjacenl color B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Corrnon Name Quantity Size TREES SHRUBS GROUND covERs SOD o SQUARE FOOTAGE SEED TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa'l'ls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please specify. Ll 5r or frl rg ll t Ll :i 0"d* k,4{*1 lsu-^A*, The fo I I crr': i ni1 inform:rt ion i:; lJoard l>clrrrc a final :rpproval A. llt,ll,llTii(; MAI'ERIALS Roof Siding Other l{al1 Materials Fascia Soffit,s flindows l{indow Trin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirmeys Trash Enclosures Greenhor.rses Other B. LANDSCAPING l{ame of Designer: Phone : PI.ANT MATERIALS Botanica'l Name lcrlrr i r:t:tl f.or :;ulrrrr i t trr I by clr rr bc 1;ivcn: 'l'YPe of l!1t_c_;1at thc appl i(:1n1. to the Dcs.i lln li.cv.icw Color 1\ TREES 0uanti tvmIq t.4. VT L',t- 1 t5 \+ 8 ?qis-Tre*'-b Ld, Cormon Name size- t/- +,l7firr" -tti{n^*; ','il;'fftrnt, e4 5*) / a Cwb b SHRUBS Vldo*?4 - GROUND COVERS s0D a SOUARE f,' :':'l FOOTAGE SQUARE FooTAGE 63?p Z'li' Avan- SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION VWM sQuARE FOOTAGE rarra;"l - oRril- TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wal'ls , fences , swirrni ng poo'ls, etc.)Please specify.qi" wt, Project Application Proieci Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Design Review Board k tl s^," bl3tf 'Ez- DISAPPROVAL -/.-"--='--\/ appeovat ) \- tt?, Tr2S-f < oA <tTr: ,P4<tTE<- r€ ft l='t: Staff Approval t ..Proiecl Application Proiect Description: 7'l Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board t' / r' t-''.- ^j.- Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL - 7 r tf c 3Y &ePttc-4 ury.-, Summary: 4..tt4t rG r" ,t r it'r , ,/.//64 -ff .N Locl\ E statt Approval no.- *fi',e- -De.srV^."- Roir* 6*r'/, -1Zro^ {V"*.t ( I $Pata:- Re: $re": (x)oot-..*9,,A; -R.t. !.-i$,a0 -D..",6..-, June- )T tn?z- l-at'@, V*! vre., 3"4 tr'Z*a l) -Th. -pt ".^* ao"rg"- it i ^**'-'/ ,:A ; ed $o."s" w{^'..; A*\.#t i*-q-'' ott-*<< ]rn--*.-te.,* 4' -thu- "?*,*-1 '5...^A."'(' Vv&io""-u ' z-) -Tr... \o13a- "**t:;* )^-f* .t'3-Sann at',* --*u a- A''-t-' ,V'tu"1(* rtzsfu^'--hb".. :Y. o-A4 le..Q- {" o- }"*c"i'''c" \'tc+'<a'ttce Ye'Iu-es: 7er **gelh;T:-'ffi oY\e-- Ve,9-wo-n" <;-*Ft - =) l1^- v*t'k o' sAo- "d)"-T:P":{}:"fA-^i rs ^* *,- Veg.i *'tFt^ -5.- <7'rs-k,'.-3 n 'l ;r(p,,,q' ;{h" ;*^ *"e t .ff".+ "-'l'\ be ^;[p"( *o -the- " eu2]u [3n"** .TI..I"O Sou*?,- "g +?* Sa'\'e'+ \46<'s<- - - -vvravntl , A"rd.i +Bc 5 n*'-^J'LtW7'. . it - r"t tt) -tr^.- {..)#-( +.,. {'"t ?4', 6'^8:+TPxvL-+ *4 *--I4; "'1u-'t""d= -{"+E; V'1" 5c'J@-' 5) -aiV'''c- 'no-+ *;t"A: o'tu*-*t fiL" gl-b".'Vs .,t4 sevou- one^7d Vf' -tV;"Ek'4{a+s +t'c :I"tL A n*'6*'L Y7wve"\";tss- f* i. w\ .P^,b^ +q.* o*'n^!'^a:&s $ *:.,^ "*.:t*1 *lr^"^^"-, $'a*rv*;:P',1"* "q'u1-61::s" lik" *hc ' oho-ue-, *r*&ffi bP*'' Q''ifin't' An--q.*'A.. yrfu"i,;,^"e +o A'^,,Aop*-s *A o''oi'{oAu' \"'tf *'^'l|. yno'h- -f%. \-',62^. f"'3 6ooJ't So\o *'e* ; +(/*r-,{ *h' *'3, *'! '^-\-* 4 -ttnt or{'';*"*s mtot'.rntr ' X Jt*'^,,{--t%o- cve.,Jf"t<- )t"'g''^ s*!o"nJr\.t J^ +tt @c^'1=tl- ^'^-A' Q-v'r-DtL,e.q*,:. {.,-*her *t- | eA":u3-}v''.-f*U \e-^"n-s vw's'\ he'tnc' -\Inese- o,tr<- pwr\ 7*"^-L K;7," o^A o*' *cL **/- {- ;*::i- il" { o-It^* i^A'"'L*L oll.- ffi=*nr*g o ELIZAE}ETH PARDEE SEIE}ERT 9t65 AOUTH YORK ETFIEIT ENGLE\,VOOD. COLOF'ADO AOITO NL".1.a..^"cps Salse -To,.-r". ct Va; \ tt /l rtoEt6S"Vg, l; Lc, tb rt i !=av Mt. Sa1\e " fi51*c e)(eYni-,.7 Th* t"+ lb Ve I Va\t'.1 l3d a' trnl I o )r-o1tJ,ttR\ pt.nS aor 1- -\ee-t go3 - 76r-659e the 1\^" d,4ft, ts t:rra?9tof\'r ele 5-o* t,tt t<>{ th.1"Lto'orv' 1 \QtSorr s ' l. f-J is a Tnrttc.'c irnuP {for"n 6Ak tt" Naofh e'.& Sor'tlt s,d=s o\. d" hotn'*' 7,Th, \^* is TLo T^ass i'.".f" -l:" 1"1 elPeqatlY because o\, :tt ' oue\ - hat qs. t T v' o Y *l) [' ' Ih.- lelG." ,'\-. L:- brt'-,f i, ?,;I ';'th'wt TAe or \t" \ :/;.; t T th" la'^' ' to ELIZABETH PARDEE SEIBERT 3165 SOUTH YORK eTREET ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO EOITO 9. Th' rcot ho* is Go too ,''..lil cet=- 903 - 761-650S b ," 1 o-.d fh* 'l - clesr 1\ b.4.,*{ r^.-+i oY1 ' S rrrCe$e.v fu*Sitf-!f./A ,h.tX,&l.i*e M"il-4*"[l_.$w Hffi- *";{'r"$;:: t*t t.O.W, + to, T.o.w. = I d f,',?";:#; 2lrvey AvH"r ucrts Vn.'.-, L-or @, Va.ru Vlt-uet ?@(geo 6vnt/- b-tt-gz lble'. V/arug tberleo To F-z+*rt &A W EE a a'w' -- + d' 1,o.u</='tb' LTVrraru\ z- 19 i'5 e24t o,z-I z'-o I - Oueueu AvN rJaHe V/xur-s z/4"4 t, lD"A*Jerla?fuvl4 24-tt 0.a' to" V 1e tb^' o e. Verzl %"7y1 F7.zc-s /+'g4lgt'o.a-t'lne. VsVa Y p 2 a t -*-S'B*jfs"g.f3 #il:,}.,." fr *xe/d',4|6w/2-o9'sx=''- Lwe fr- L*"tb*ot-u-z\1/+-t/zt'hrailHAE lBl l5' )z,cte',o.r-. It rl -€ea:pA /4=tDt /4. \-/ AvAr-Ar.laHE V./nr-r- Vltt- Dr.rercy 6 -z e,- bz f ffffn 6d' ?sF (r) Hou=e. Rr-r^,u,u t V/,r.- \A/= bo sM {Da = +Zb ?se .',(1 xgzXae. V/,ruc i Txr= Clr Hoee, Fo,paE \&lf 4^PN4z au"s P^ = +zs(a) = 3+oo */f+ Ct\.o. Ma= F'6=trv" €letu Vp.>soe. !4ao(o\ = y-,Loa Use Ye'4oo Yse \-{*= +Ei<o-)*(''- "Z) z .r- llt-lor.-5 \.{ar Iu cr-rpg FrQ-e Ye i 2.l3a* e. !-x4oox Zz7 - 4oo xt/t y3= \oZ {s +.b17 = +79Lv x i.tll : \3bto !lrarva oE Cto"r.Sr<eu: n H rtlh Tr,,. Al< 1.,( .^-=-\3Loox t-/ooo = tL:'..z Vl,u DueueY 6-2L-az , (z) Cu..r. S.k ^r.- Vu= r.f ( =+o<:) = 6]18'o ze<-' z't6 = \oq'6 J= 6lao s 5.\A ""=1a6oa) eu=6o C'= Z A=Lu.Y AAr...\, = .bb+ PJ€t3" tr L= ^"\e"o'o: .$o ' 6e l= o1<, la" * (k A.: '6 '%o z -4on= .* (oD -1a+ qrs\) tz M,,=-.1(.4)G)G -'-'"7) = t4+-3 c'<- €'u ufrxeV ? Ia'i I '::5!{^'' . ?-. ENGINEERING CHEEK LIST Subdivision Lot B'lock Fil in9 l. Submittal Items (A) Topo MaP (B) Site Plan (c) utility Plan (D) Ti tl e lieport (f ) SuUOivision Agreement 2. Engineerjng Requirements 3. Source of Utilities (l'tot Acceptable)Acceptabl e) ,/ -t/ (A) culvert Size - A/a iiti D;iveiray ciaoe 187 m-axi-m'Tuan (i f applicable) . N(vts)t/t. ,r,.t B c n L E'lectri c Gas Ser.rer l,la ie r Te1 eplrorie T. V. 4. Corrunents: Approved: Di sapproved: fO Det,a rtn':nt of BiIl Arrdre:,rs .hiF ,lrtlt,r.ii, t,: .l illlr]": li)l I lll..,r;li l l'l t(i; ()lr l'l,r,Lil:(ll' I I TF ii! ,t r. .1.rt;.i:;1,vc-ii fvr 3rd Filg. P{p I-u}_, . Pr imarY /SecondarY l'hc fol lor'rin11 inforr:r:rt jott i:' lkrard bcl rrrt: a fin:rl it;tproval A. ltl,lLl,,li(; I't\Tf.RlAl^S Poof Siding Othcr l'ial I l,0atcrials Fascia Sofftts Iindows tlndor Tril Doors Door Trin Hrnd or Doct Reils Flues r roof venLs Flashings Chiureys lYash Enclosures Grccnhotrs es Other B. LANDSCAPIilG l{ame of Designer: Phone : PI.AT{T }OTERIALS Botanical t{ame rcrltirt:{ for r:rrlrt;rittal by thc up;rljt':rttl to thc l}csj.t:rr llt:vjcw c:rl bs Sivcn: Tvnc of l.trtr.'rial-_r-.----..-- l,.blor N ajL-,4-:t5h; n.i 195 F! a-4.^-/4:!1o7yv{ ofp .t"#ini seem netal fetr+Jose-tpav tlght grav M/ ft . t,c6 fi€ht-€ray- Ste;-tt*eee-texture- 1 x 4 redwood Watco clear flnlsh r.lood frarnes solar gray glass t"i"3^lnJl'-\t*f#1 x 4 reC*ood 1x 4+edrree# y't (jcf+(nc Br+e.t ( vf.RT l" dia. plpes ",/ {]-3 maLch roof color 22 ga. st-leet rretal . palnt to match adiacent color '\ b L€ A a-/,{- -Sto.-=Eueeo-€exture. I TRIES Picea Pungens CoIo. Green Spruce Cornus Stolonipera Red Twig Dogwood !4allls Hopa Hopa Cra!,,4gglg 7,i,,,s a/];1',<--*-! .a-zp- ><-&- P4''"'-, Tanmarlsklfola Junlperus Sablna Poputr" f"erriblO* Plcea Eruilemanni Ribes Alolnun Rosa l{oodsll Cormon Nane AsDen Englemann Spruce Alpine O.rrrant l{oodrose . Slze 1 3/4u - 2]" ci 10f- 14t 10r- 14' 5 gal. 2rr cal . 15 54- 5 sal. 5 srL SHRUBS 14 i HiL:tWi 5-2b'O1L <uttr-{ t\ a- 0 r:Ntl i \nI Nl $-{l n h gt F I ')Y lhf5lrn F l0 Nlj ilt;l FI.I, ;IN i | ,lrl t\ mr Fp $'t, INtf, u. .! {' + $ftx F,i.t Ft {s $*f$ Fq p I ir\ i\ n"-t 0L t ,.<d 5q v C. r$5+rtt; ifr 2€-rrz'6atrete. c rryfi neq9 "s];X-,r i?f,. i4:"iit !v.ril:;.r;trp$.t:fi ',. . ..i9. r,'j||,t" , ,n. I ^ . .1 .."* ( Pt^*t.b R= 4,o(/1+ Ea F., Peersre. PP' 4oa'/J+ " '' Forz Pi = lp,, P.= +o (a-;1€7.- 4oo Lor to, Vr,l Vrurcv 3rt Fir-rrr4 6- ?1 -bz I ,*o(3' '+) \:r GrD '%a,..o i !.t- +L3 r 5+o = 3oao e -$+ 62.g3*" ? * t'L '-2o|:p6 t \z>l + v") r 2oo 'r(a \Go14z - L+or - 'TLo 30 k = 2.11€l CU".x +o(a.9lF /z = tsAd 4ry(z.trs)/z OY M= M": F." a" Ge Q= V/o... J- G" d' '5'i e tb^" o.c. *#o= #>*= .i Nr(1 (d -Y)= .q,(.2 6n.2 \" (E*) = 3 {I=co A= st tl(e, . -zcrr .+l -r)(a}>( 6-'+f.-\ It+ Mu- G I Vrr. DrPr-eY (z) b-26'- 62 e.".- P3 Rrclre:. i ,tl. c- fkcr< tae AVN_a\i.lCUa La,\o . Fr.o Pa,.tt Oi* 6o,urV, ', Loox - 4p */z B*1rtilrNrr ri-A.- zoo* :6oox ;6 i, x=3' I Ctru.* r) E. + 4's d1t Oorstoc Fr.e : {r= 4o J- 5" Llse r4's e tA' o.L, [s' .z t?(, . .r3t a-t .,==(o) - .Fr+ ers\3;1. M*-= q.('ts=)k) (s- "t*/) - 7,3.L( aK Ee i or; i Ii_lU/O I oaT,Nh i 7--- P, + P. l .t\ n q -'2 aox a 1\3 "A - -(a+v)'zo+ fwr+ z.a&at\)( "r-v)-' zoov. Zrcu{ r 12a I a.or< **V + tt:,: x -?6J* l.i l+-385,6 -,qff ,ix| -'- j ?r"*:xa - 5o-$,(. r ioo, ii '. gaa>&- z4av - 3o1f1. - O x = j.q? i I Pj. f+aoxt zoaCc,er-\ Ct\e.t<1 Lt_l t oo (z\=1, Lbaa i *' zL)4O '/z_' l boo \,( = tyae=-D = eoo e'F [-,^. : tdD()o v? rv J "(uo Mu,= r.r (toi l"/,* = (a.+ rQ.6't -v\ I I I i i PurxTas lttc.,.', R= Pz= P"- iq{ Vo*..tutt/ qge 3..t8\rq13.d,!-F- = / ct i s -.-'le 3 IIt /./ -(+7 r./ (.4 ,661 tbt+,L> - tscro dtatc ' rscrc \&u €rc t9o X*' Cttcr* Mr= V/: l(=- \urfrl"r.cY. t< cflAlf lr{r, tro( ro\ U V/b =i \\oobG t toob' = zl-lb \> - \,4a (Ae , z' \q13.l- s\-7+.a loao.zl = 31e1.-L' -jt v 4gtg"j s-ts --5La.latt{ Frar. t V,,.rr- Dupuey (3 6-24 _$2- VrY-r eq.qe+ x ?c) = eop (g.lSD" = R -, 3tt+.t (z.c.o4 1.,(*- \ob I L=T * Musr Us= fra, -i i. ',,,',,,'Y? - M?= 2t-?3 t- e+ r z'.i'F-a i l\orrse. R=ffrr.t,.r, V/*. -t(7as41ae V/lur-; T--- r lo fJ^,| .'..-,b \.yr . .\ri',rz, Y aglE rllWf Gxex.e, SurE +zg (a)' 3loo '/t1 S"= ntH FI '-+t{ -lE\ l+.at,-.rE F.gory. 6^{tr, /c.*oea *p(*\: tp,e,o'' f,".4oa P+ s4r"?+J *(''" ""4)z = *?96c x j.tll - \3bto o Doe> [./c,r It{cr,rp< Scrprrla , 4oo ut/, 1*3. \OZ {: +..612. I Vlru Doeuay 6-ze -oz ffrfffn oe?sF R= Ctt.o* Mo' t/s- [iu.e P, : t36oo -l1=" 4ao x Zxz-7 f-ti. l.{ .^.= t3d,oo x '?(oa = t GB.z- (z Vr-= 194' a, SuurrrsV ?-10a. 1o1,,6 s 5.\3 Vr,u D,.rn cy 6-Zt -gz r.r ( =#aa) = {"x{c.') I.'. C[n 4. ,3' d.t ti Qrl=& .et= B A,=4"'lAt+ = ,,rr* ,-to1=" llrl Itr {=*", . ,l\..*fo-.bp '6e qI I I n1c ra"l -- <8r A-+ .e ll{r- n j.o I o-= .* (a) = .Ja+ I 4.r)4) rz ,l M-=- l(-+)G)G - 1"f) = t6+-B d&l'l ,rr1'.1fle . . ', "''*''"1." ' " rj ( UTILL'lY LOCATl0N r,,,.r,'rato* SUBDIVI SION Vai'l Val I ey JOI.} NAME Lot l0 Duplex LOT IO BLOCK FILING 3rd ADDRESS lf9 Sunburst, Vail, Colorado The location of utilities, whether theylines, nust be approved and verified by acconpanying site plan. Mountain Bel1 Western Slope Gas Public Senrice Conpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District bc rnain trunk the following I i.nes or proposed utilities for the Date s a?-82 5.U-f2..- 3-2.1, (yWH$--$_'t> NorE: These verifications do not rerieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Department of public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right.- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut permit. A street cut pernit nust be .obtained separately. ltris form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. f', Th. pr'ntcd po.tion.otlhi. forhrppror.d b) lh.( olo rr do ,lr rl l:xr. t" ( ommi.rion ( s(. 2 S. t 2. ? 7 ) free and clear of all liens for and e ncu m brances except: and RECEIPT AND OPTION CONTRACT (VACANT LAND) For use In sale of VACANT LAND ONLY May 18 ,te ga cheC [r rokc r, situlrte R EcE r vE D F RoM --__E_iS I e- B e ay9_r_r- _L !4 . t'urcho.serry'y'/y'/Wl//F/,rn.$urnofg 20_.p09:qq,,,,,r,,.r,,,1,,,ur tobehcmr,y . HrlLtgp. Redlly l'.nc I I I I I in his escrow or t.rustee accoun!, as earnest money and part payment for in the Town of V.afI-Corrntyof _ Ea 9J_e__--__. _,Cotorarlo. Lot I0, Vail Valley rhird Filing dccording to therecorded plat thereof. with r'll easements and rights of way appurtc'nant thereto, r'hiclr prrrper.ty purchaser agree:J to buy upon thefollowingterms and co nd ition s for t he prrrchase pricc of g.---4 5 0 r 000 . C0 ,.- ---, Jravablc as follows: g i0 r!00-_AOherebv receipted ror,g-4-3-0.,-0.09.40--- payabre as Frovioeo' f or i-n attiChJd * Addendum A. 3. Ceneral t{rxes for the yerr ol closing shall be lpportioned to rlrtc and the most recent &ssesslll('nt, prepaid rents, wnter rcnts, se$.(,r tlre following dcscribed real estate Lo wtt: of delivery of decd based on the mosl recent rents, and intcrest on encumbrances, if any, lfa note and trust deed or tnortgage is to lle assumerl, the purclruser. rgrees to tpply for r loan assunrrtion ifrequired and purchaser agrees to psy (l)a loan transfer fee not to excee<l g-Nl-A-.-.=- and (z) an intercstrBte not to exceed JS fArn pe. annum. Ifthe lender's consent to a loan assrrmpti.n is required, this contract isexpressly conditioned upon obtailting such cortsent without change in the ternts nnd co n rl ition s of suc h loa n exce r)! &s a bove stated. If a secured or unsecured loan is to be carried lry tlre seller, seller shall not be 0blignterl to carry said loan for anyp€rson or entity in lieu of tht' prrrchlser named h e rein. Price to include: Al l- f aw Iand on 1y t'////y*/*/l/y// ///"//l/91'l/W/sry,tl////,/V/g+ Acur'ent conrmitnren! ror true insur&nce poricy in nn "to'nt "lY:1,to the purchase lrice, at seller'y)$ffy'/,y'/ expense, shal be furnishrd the purchaser on or before,:.r'' J-r .ts ".ttl/Ve4,t/*/y4ll/,1/l/d//ln/h</hr$//vlrt/Wrt/,&Irrwiil de liver the title insurance policy to purchaser after c losin g and pay llle premiu m t he rt:on, 2' Title shall be merchantabte in the seller, except ss sttrted in this paragraph and in paragraph g. Subjecl topayment or tender as above providcd and contpliance with tlre other tcrnrs and conrlitions hereunder by purchuscr,the reller shall execute and dctiver a good and sufficient gener_a1 warran[y aeed to said pur.chaserott Jung 30 ----, l9 B 2' or, by mutual Urrecnrcn!, rrt rn earlier dste, conveying ssid property freeand cfear olall taxes, except the ge neraltaxes for f g,sL,, payableJarrLrar-v l,l9__B_2, ouayyyty _ special inrprovements now instnllerl, whetlrer asscssed or not; free and clear of all liens None / / e^r_t:Hurrtg q.l-r lltrlict<tJ- I g:ie:I vd tJ.olls I 'i:rovided that purchaser sharl have five (5) calendar days from the lldate of receipt of title insurance gornmi tment (or any e;dorsement iii ccrrarl {-lrara+^ . 'l^.1 -l^ -:,l- .ll except easement",ry, of record and excepting all mineral reservations, issued thereto which adds any exceljtions to titLe) in which to objecdl ]:-YJ^i-!.i^lg,,to any eliceptions contained in the titl-e commitnent. in* lranO aubJect to bullding and zoning regulations end tho fol1r|\r,in, racrri.rir.-and rubject to building and ioning regulations gnd the followrng restricti'e covenants:VaiI Valley Third FiJ-ing attached hereto as Exhibir A I levy ' llf shall be apportioned to date of rielitery of deed.*the event that sr-rch notice rs timely given, thenbe nuLl and void, al_1 payment made hereunder shallPurchaser and all n.: rt i eq thoro.rf lsl rele.lsed fromhereunder. this contract shalLbc returned tofurther obligations No' SC 2& 12'??' Roc'lpl rnd oP!lon (:on tt.(l(\'r..n t t.nd)- lln(lfd(l l,uhtrrh inr ( o , t8.ti s r,,rr sr hi,r. t)rn v.r, ( i,t,, (t7il.5o r-?.?tl .1. Tltr' ltrrur:tnrl plat'r,of closrrrg slrrrll l,r. ;rs rlt.signrrr,,,i l,\' S 1i f ef & COmpany 5. Itlsst,ssion ofprr,nriscs slrirlllrc rlr,lrrtrt,(l tr, pLr.chlscr,,n deliVefy Of deed subject to tltl follorsing lr:;rse s or.tcn:ln(.rgs: NOne 6. ln the (\'cnt th(' prt'tttist's rtre sulrstirrrtr:rllv rl:tntt(r'tl try firr'. l'lrrorl rrr otlrer (.irsuirlt.v bt,twern thc rlule of lis agreement and the date of possesstolr (,r th(' datc of rlt,lilt'ry of rlecrl, * lriclrevr.r slrall br. t,arlir:r, this n14reemcnt may, 8t the option ofthe purchaser lterein. be rlrclrrerl nrrll anrl void anrl irnv (lel)osit hcrein rnarle shall be immerliatetv returned to pu rcllsser. ?. Time is of the essetrce lrereof, and if any paymcnt or any othcr conrlit.ion hereof is not made, tenrlered or performed as herein provided, there shall be the' follr-rwing remedies. ll tlrr. evtnt a lr:rymcnt or any other con(liLion hereof is not made' tendered or performed by t.he purchnser. then this contract shall be null and void and of no effecr. 8nd both psrti€s hereto relenscd from all obligutions hereurrder, end all p{yments nrarie hereon shsll be retained on behllf of the seller as liquidlted damages, In the event thRt thc scllcr fails to pcrform any condition hereof asprovided herein, then the purchaser nray, at his election, trest the cr)ntrirct as terminatc<i, and all ptyntents mad€ hereunder shall be returned to the purchaser: proYided, however, that the purchaser may, at his election. treat this contract as being in full force and effect with the right to an action for specific perfornrance and damages. 8. Except as stated in paragraph 2, if title is not merchantable and written notice of defect(s) is given by the purchaser or purchaser's agent to the seller or scller's agent within the time herein provided for delivery ofdeed and shall not be rendered inerchan tsble wit hin 30 d ays after such written notice, tlren this contract, at purchaser's optio n, shall be void and of no effect and each party hereto shall be released from all obligations hereunder and the paymenrs made hereunder shall be returned forthwith to purchaser upon retrrrn of thc abstr{rct, if any, to seller; provided, howeve r, that in li eu of correctin& such defect(s), se ller m ay, wit hin rn irl lt0 rlnys, obtain fl com m it me nt for own e r'3 t ile insurance policy in the amount oI the purchase price reflecting title insur&nce protection in regartl to such defectrst, and the purcheser shall have the option of sccepting the then existing insLrred title in lieu ofstrch merchantable title. The seller shall pay the full pre miu m for such owner's title insurance polic y, an<l the sbstract, if any, shall be re tu r ned by the purchaser. .L) Seller represeJlts to Pr:rchraser dnd contraet i-s subj ect to (as 9. Additionalprovisions: to da be of cJ.osing) that electricity, water Cap and natural gas tap are readil-y available; the property has fulland free access frcrn public streets andis cwrerrtly zoned to allol for construdion of a cir,plex having a rnininrun of 3,?00 sguarfeet of enclced living area, excLuding patios, garages, or ded<s. 2) purchaser has disclcsed that N.F. Anthony Sejbert is a brcker and president, director, and principal sharetrolder of EagLe-Beaver, Ltd. 3) Seller and Furchraser to share egua[y the cost ofIt Tcrrn of Vail real estate transfer tax, lu. lf lhfs fioposal I$ ar.cpucu q/ ftfE s?n.r irflt^ritinS on or before instrunlent shall become a contract bet\aeen seller anrt nurchlser anrl rgB2 , tnis successors gnd assigns of such parties. E ag 1e-B eaver ,AK€nt thony Presi M-rrr - i9<ty \ -, 19 -!.;f- und agrees to pay a commission of B * of the gross sales price for services in this transaction, ,,n.t ugi")the event o( forfeiture ofpayments made by purchaser, such payments shall be divicle<l between the scller,s brlliT and the seller one-h/flhereof to sai! broker, but not to exceed the com m ission, and the brrlr n ce to the se lle r.(,/) /4,,o=.''- the benefit of the heirs, xil @-,*,/'^/fur--Eeverly q/ sbtLef"r..Edrard F. statters'(rrr' EtirW-{7d[Jfu]"'.. Purchaser's Address -_-Se lle r's Ad d ress 9l9 ipplv-eqrp-du. -$ I 5- gouth_ Katanuttr st- BOlIO *** Commission to be divid.ed egually between Slifer aHilltop Realty, Inc. Frglanood, Colorado Company and EXHIBIT A TO CCTVIRASI PROTECTIVE COVENANTS OF VAIL VALLEY--TI.IIRD RILING TOWN OT' VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO KNOVJ ALL l'iEN BY THESE PRESENTS: TTJAT WHEREAS, the undersigned, VAIL VALLEYT INC.r a Colorado corporation (hereinifter referred to as the ',Company"), is the owner of Va j-I Valley--Third Filing, Town of Va j-1 , Ea91e County 'Colorado, iore particulaiiy described on Exhibit A attactred hereto anO fy tiis reference made a part hereof.(hereinafter sonetimes referred to.as the "Subdivision") I and vJl-iEREAS, the Company is desirous of rnaj-ntaining .said subdivision as a resioential area of tire hlghest standardl NO'"J r THEREFOR E, in cons ideration of the premises , -the Companyj for itself, its successors and assigns, and for itself inO-its grantees, aoes hereby impose upon said Subdivision the folJ,owinq reservations, conditions, sti'pu- lations, and protective covenants: As used in these Frotective Covenants the term ''site.' shall mean (a) any lot shown on the recorded plat of the subdivision, or (b) any part of any l-ot or combination of parts of any Lots as shown on the rccorded plat of the Subbivision, wtrict together shall have a ninirnum area of at least 15'000 square feet. RESERVATIO}JS ' Easements and rights-of-way as sltown on the plat of the Subdivision are hereby reserved for pblesr wirest pipes, weJ. lsr and conduits for heating, 11ghting, electric- ity, gas, telephone, sewer, drainage, water, cable TV' or any other-utility iervice purpose, together with the right.of ingress anci egress for the purpose of further consLruction, mainte- nance, and repair. GENERAL CONDITIONS, STIPULATIONS'- AI.ID PROT'CTIVE COViI:A]iTS The following general conditions, stipulationst and protective covenants are hereby i;:rposed upon all sites in the Subdivision: 1. A1 1 sites in the Subdivision shall be used for residential purposes only, each site to contain not mor than two separate dwelling uni.ts. 2. No signs, billboards, poster boards, or advertising struiture'of any kind shaLl be erected or main- tained on any site or structure thereon for any Durpose 1\ "ADDENDUM A.' To contract dated l'lay 1B , 1982 f rom Eagle-Beaver , Ltd . f or purchase of Lot 10, Vail Valley Third Filing. 1) $70 , O0O. 00 due and payable by Cashier' s Check, adjusted by customary closing costs, upon delivery of deed; 2l $360,000.00 of the purchase price will be paid by promissory note secured by a First Deed of Trust, both in the form attached as Exhibit B. The note shall bear interest at 13E per annum ar.rd be payable in quarterlyj-nstallments of interest only from date of delivery of Deed. In addition, purchaser will make three (3) principal reduction payments of $120,000.00 each on June 30, 1983, June 30, 1984, and June 30, 1985, alL as indicated in the Promissory Note attached as Exhibit 'Bi' and in the Payment Schedute attached as Exhibit' "Cu. The promissory note may be prepaid at any time without penalty. Purchaser may not assign the promis- sory note or Deed of Trust without written consent of se 1Ier. SeIler agrees to subordinate the First Deed of Trust securing purchaserts promissory note to any construc- tion Ioani obtained by purchaser for tl're construction of improvements on Lot 10, VaiI Valley Third Filing onIy. In the event of such subordination, purchaser wITT deliver seIIer a letter of credit with language identical to Exhibit A to Promissory Note attached hereto from a Colorado national bank, except that the maximum amount shaII be the then outstandinq balance of the promissory note plus $20,000 ' 00 for any accrue{ unpaid interest, including default interest, and other coits and attorneyts fees incurred by selIer in the coll-ection process, or the seIIer will not be required to subordinate. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, purchaser may assign this contract, uPon obtaining the prior written consent of seIIer, the consent to..which shall not be unreasonably withheld, to any other corporation owned or controlled at least 759 by N. F. Anthony Seibert with at least an equal net worth of EagJ-e-Beaver, Ltd. Purchaser agrees to participate with seller in an exchanqe of Lot 10, Vail VatIey Third Filing for a residence located at I41 Torremolinos, Rancho Mirage, California, provided the exchange contracts to effect said exchange are executed by June 15, 1982; and further, that seller agrees to waive this condition of exchange if they are not fully executed by June 15, 1982. 4l s) wha'tsoeverr 'excePt Design Revlew Board Town of Vail, EagIe Revlew Board'r ) , as tion of residences. 7. I'lo obnoxious carried on upon any site, which may be or become an neighborhood. such signs as maY be aPProved bY the created by Ordinance No. Br Serles L973t County, Color:ado (herein calIed'rDesign reasonably necessary for the identifica- -2- or offensive activitY shal1 be nor shalI anYthing be done thereon annoyance or nu j-sance to the t 3. Each structure designed for occupancy by human beings located on any site shalI connect with the water and sewerage facilitles of the vail iJater and sanita- tion District. No private well shall be usec as a source of water for human consumption or irrigation in the Subdi-visiont nor shall any facility other than those provided by the Vail t'Jater and sanitation Dis trict be used f or the d ispos aI of sewage. Yrechanical garbage disposal facilities shall be provided in each kitchen or food preparing area. 4. No trash, ashes, or other refuse may be thrown or dumped on any land within the Subdivision, nor shall any unsightly accurnulation of buitding materials be all.owed Lo remain on any site. The burning of refuse out of doors shall not be permitted in the Subdivision' No incinerator or other dbvice for the burning of refuse indoors shall be constructed, installed, or used by any person' Each property owner shal. I provide suitable reccptacl,es for tfre coll!ction of refuse. Such receptacles shall be screened from public view and protected from disturbance. 5. No animals, livestock, horses, or poultry of any kind, except dogs, cats, and other household pets, shalI be kept, raised, or brcd in the Subriivi:;ion. 5. No trees shall be cut, trimr,red r or removed in Lhe subdivj"s j-on, except w j-th the prior ivritten arproval of the Design Review Board, anri then only by persons designated by the Design Review Board. 2'" 8. These general conditions, stiptrlations, and protective covenants are to run with the land and sha1l be tinaing upon aII parties and all persons claiming under them until january 1, iSSl, at wSich tine these covenants shall automaticallt ba extendecl for successive oeriods of 10 years, unless an j-nstrument is recorded signed by the then owners of all of the sites in the subdivision agreeing to change or revoke the covenants in whole or in part' 9. If any grantee, or his heirs, Iegal repre- sentatives, ,r.raa"r-roit, or assicns, shalt violate any general conditions, stipulations, anci protective covenants herein containedr any other owner of real property in the subdivision may lawfuity prosecute any proceedinq in law or in equity aElinst srrct perron or persons or entity either to prevent hirn or them from so doing, or to restrain any violation hereof by perpetual injunction and,/or to recover such damages as may ensi.re by virtue of such violation- t -4- indlviduals thereon subJect to physical injury' 4. Any building, structure, or ir'rprovement in certaln moderate hazard areas of-lne Subdivision' more particularly described in exninit B attached hereto, inttr-be designed-in accord with the HVJi"-riiad Ltd' study of avalanche hazards on file at the roivn of VaiI as there is a possibility of -u.r"f un.nas of moderate severity and frequency in the areas designated in Exhibit B. 5. Except for the oertinent ordinances of the Town of Vai1, there shalL be no qtt"tui requir-ement as to setback distances or location or impovements with ielation to property lineg provided, f'to".".t, tt-titt the location of each improvement must be approved in advance by the Design Review Board' In determining tne pioper I'ocation for each imcrovementt t;"-;;;i;n neiiew etard shall consider the location of existing and future irnprovements on adjacent property, and such other aesthetic considLrations as it mly deein. appropriate' Careful attention shall be given to site location of each .structure to mlnimize lineaiity and to protect. crivacy, vi'ew corridorsr and pt"t".t natural lanc forms and vegetation' 6. A11 surface areas r'i isLurbecl by constructi'on shall be return",:-pt"*ptIy to their natural condition and replan ted in native grasses t . except r'rhere such areas are to be improved by the c6nsttuciion oi gardens' Jawns' and exterior living areas ' 7. No dwell-inq shaIl be 1>crmitted or created on any site with ground floor area' exclusive of open porchest patios, terraces, carport, ut9 garage of l.ess^!lu" 1r000 square feet for iinqfL story dwellings anc 1'200 square feet f or sPlit-l'eve1 dvrellings ' Na l-ennorarv structurer excavation, basenentt o, t.it-;;;ii-il ifr*irtect in the subdivision except-.".uu.uuty during construction and as author5-zed by of Vail . A Earage shall be required on each site with at least one automobile for each Iiving unit on All cam2ers, trailers, boats, and slrnilar-type must be kept in fully enclosed garage areas' 10. A]1 structures commenced in the Subdivision shall be pursued diligently Lo completion and shall be completed within 12 months of the date of cornmencemenE thereof, except as may be rvaived in writing by the Town ot vaLt. Il.Enforcementofthesespecialconditions' stipulations, and protective .otuna,nLs shaIl rest solely with the Town of Vail , anO the right to amend' alter' revoke' or modi-fy these lp..iuf conditions, stipulations' ano protective covenants is hcreby expressly reserved and retained by the iorun of Vatl,-as well as the right to approve B tra il er tas may be the.Town i'9 space for the site. vehicl es -3- ' 10. Invalidation of any one or more of these covenants by judgment or court order sha1l in no way affect any other stipulations, conditions, or protective cowenants, whlch shal} remain in fuI1 force and effect. SPECIAL CONDlTIONS, STTPULATTONS, AIJD PROTTCTIVE COVEN/II.]TS The following special condltions, stipulationst and protective covenants are hereby J-mposed upon all sites in the Subdivision: 1. No building, outbuilding, icnce, waII, or other improvement shaII be constructed, erccted' or main- taj.ned on any part of the Subdivision, nor shal1 any adciition to an existing structure, or alteration thercin, be made, until plans anci specif icat j-ons shor"'ing the nature, kind t shape, height, materials, floor plans, exterior color schemet locations, and the grading and landscaping plan of the site, or sucn improvement as the Design lieview Eoard may reasonably require, shaII have been submitted to and approved in vrrit- ing by the Design heview Board or its duLy authorize<.1 represen- tative and copies therof as finally approved lodqed SrermanentIywith the Design fieview lroard or its duly authorized represen- tative. The Des ign Iievicw tsoarcl or 1ts cluly au tl.rorized representative shalI have the right to refuse to approve any plans or specifications or gracing or landscaping plans which are not suitable or <lesirable in the opinion of the Design Review Board or its duly authorized representative and, in passinE upon suc)r nllnsr specifications, gradingt and landscapinE pIans, tlie t)esign kevj,ew Doard or lts duly authorj.zed representative .shall have tire right to take into' consideration the use and suit.abiIitl, of the pr-oposed build- ing and of the material-s of r..'lrich it is to be built, to the site uoon which it is 1,i:onoseC tc erecl- l:he same, the con- fornity and harnony th,..reof r,rit-h the su:.rorrndings, the topography of the land, t)re qualitv of the naterials to be utilized, and thc ef f ecL of thc bei rlding as pI.rnneC on the outlook from the adiacent nciohborinq nrooerties- :. 4.On any site in the Subdivision containing two dwel. l ing un j-ts, one of thc units sl:al l not cxceed one-third(I/3) of the total gross rcsicjential- ffoor area allowable, as defined by Ordinance No. B, Serics of 1973, Town of Vailt Eagle County, Colorado, as arircnded I however, in no event may the total gross resj-dentiaL floor area exceed 3r950 square feet on any site. ,{here t.wo dwelling units are proposed on a site, they shalI have the appearance of a single-familyresidential structure and may not be "lnlrror-image" units. 3. The construction of any bui-lciing r structure, or improvement of any sort is absolutely prohibited in certain high hazard areas of the Subdivision, more par- ticuLarly described in Exhibit B attached hereto anci by this reference made a part hereof, because of the danger of avalanches in such areas na}:ing any building, i;:rprovement tor structure. thereon subject to extreme property danage"and -5- any one or more sets of plansr specificationsr gradingt and landscaping plans; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as giving to. the Town of VaiI the right Lo amend., aLter, revoke, or modify the general conditions, stipulations, and protective covenants imposed above. 12. These special conditionsr stipulations, and protective covenants shalI bind all grantees, their heirs, lega1 representatives r successorsr and assignsr and aIl persons clairning under them until Januar;'' 1, l9B0 r at which time said covenants shaII be auto;naiically extended for successive periods of 10 years, unless an instrument is recorded signed by the then orvners of a majority of all of the sites in said Subdivj.sion, agreeing to clrange said covenants in whole or in part. 13. The Company or its duly authorized representa- tive may lawfully prosecute any proceeding in law or in equity against such person or persons or entity who shall' violate these special con.iitionsr stipulations, and protective cove- nants in any particularr and may recover such damages as may ensue because of such violation, inclu<iing costs of suit and attorneys I f ees. 14. The invalidation of any one or any part of any one of these speciaL conditions, stipulations' and protective covenants by judgrnent or court orcier shaLl in no way affect any of the otller provisions, which shall renain j-n full force and effect. Executed this day of 1977. VAIL VALLEY, ]NC. ,i. l-+6cf' By liarren K.Pu1j.s, Vice- and SecretaryPr'es ident STATE OF COUTITY OP COLORADO DAGLE 55- me'this daY of --Pulis, JF;r as Fresidentt The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before 1977, by JaY B. Pulis, as Vice- Inc., a Coloradoand t'larren K. Vail VaIIeYtPresident and SecretarY of corporation,. My commission exrires i,iitness my hand and official seal' (sElr) , Alnrtionofthatlarrdplattedbysu\]BIJRsT,asubdivision,^asrecorded F.brci 24, 1975, in eoot 239 aEpug. bil-;9r.'co,-ry R".";dt; state of colorado' all located in the wortir-i,"rr of t1-e l.t"i'h"li of sectjon^9 and the Norttrwest o'rarter of sec.icar r0, Tor.mstr-ip 5 south, FT; ifr*t""it "t the si-xffriincipal l'{eridian' 'I\:nvn of Vail, ccnnty of Eagle, :.."t ^of_Coiorado and not" pu-lifufarfy bescrj-tea as follcr*'-';: *rrrencjng at tni Northeast.ot Ji-oi-taid section';;-'h;; s 01046'29" E 326'92 feet to a point oo f,[ iltth right-of:r"ay of Sunburst^Drive as shcr+n 9" :tid Plat of sr.:rrrn:rsr ard, the *..;";;;oi *ni*il;i *J;.i-iio!i;oi"-n:g'so f9e!^alone said rioht_of-+ay; tr,"r,J-s-iT6il,sl" w:s.06'feet; thence s 29047'oo" E 2II'50 feet; .1'&ce s 71048'23';204-15 {=ti-gi; !-ooooz'30" ! zig'gz feet; thence s Be0s7'30" w 310.00 feer; tr,*,L-i'6O6OZ':O;enS:liI ieet to tit"^;9"'t"ttt---"t of 'the |lorth haLf of the north iri'-oi-tuia-s*ui*'";'^tt,J,; N ag0zliar"-w ana arons the soutlt Line of s:id North'IJr-or the jorrh Lii g:z-78 feet;. tr'*t" N o2oo2'30" I,l 24r'80 feet; thence S 88o2'i;g"-W ZO.OO f*#il*""'4"-r+"ift ]43'48 feet to a-poi-nt on a non-tnngent curve ; tht reft' said ;;;;tg on tt'e-nortrtttry right-of-way rhe of su.la:rst Drive; -t;ence along ""id;;;Jlv"igt't'-tf;; iLL on-tht'folrcr'ring njne(9)courses:(1)then9:ot'*'".uitof=u'iaq-rrvet""ilttitrt'hat'ingacenLral angle of 7Z*SI,47" ;e a-i.ai,r= of -fO8:if-i*t t''a 'ttotu-fo''g qhord bears'N 50oI0'22" E 129-4G feer, an.r" airuutce or r:e]4s'r..li (2) tlrenJe-H i:oor'29" E95'24 feeL ro a poirt or curv.t're; (3) ther99 i!;&';;t-:,tilj:t* ll;:3 ?Jiliii.9-''' ilgi#il???;;:;il?":J*'Ii[i]3";=ilil,rii=sr" arone a curve'[o'lhe Ieft, harrj'g. ""r,iiJ-an91e-of-fSoOOi6Oild-t tsajus of Zgo'69 feet' an arc dist'ancr: of 91.32 feer; (s) tr,.,.,".-N 35019'zai i-st'28 feet e ab;t 9r ..:'utf,?; (7) thence afong a curve ro th; ri'lll-Byan..Llloi--'gr" of^:Sbia'06" and'a radius of I9l-'50 feer, an arc dista'"" oi 132.47 r."r;-Iel;.-." N ,!"t1';0"-; 299'19 feet to a poinL of cr:rvatrrre; (9) thence along " ct]r"t-; ;#;giit *"t-g"" ilLtr angle of 5?005' 2r* and a radi's of .208.84 feet, u' ui.Iir1l".'or 208:08 ieet to the t'nre Pojnt of Eeginnjng. EXTIIBIT A Sitxrate a tn the @unt1' of 'Eagle, State of colorado' -T-E}X-IIBIT B TO CONIRACI PROI.IISSORY }JOTtr S]ICURDD BY DDED OF 'IRUST $360,000.00 Junc 30, ).982 VaiI, Colorado IIOR VALUI R[]CIIVED, Eagle-Bcavcr , LLd . , a Coloraclocorporation, whose lcgal address is 4BB0 Ilivcrbcnd Road,BouLdcr, Coloraclo 80301, does hc_.rcl:y promisc to pcry Lo thcorder of liclward Ir. statteL- arrci Beverl.v s. stattei, whoseIegal addres:; is C.,tA RcAa I plastic Sirppl y Conrl>any, 3985South I(alamath, EngJ,ewood, Colorado gO 1 I 0 , or such otherplace as they may designate in wri-ting from t:-me to Lrme/the principar sum of TIIRDE IIUNDRED srxry rHousAi{D DOLLARS($360,000) , together r.''i1-h interest at the rate of ThirteenPercent (134) per annum pa),abIe as fol-lorvs: Said interestto-be paid in quarterty installments or tlre unpaid principarbalance with the first interest payment due septlmber io,1982; - principal paymerrts of $120,0-00 each to U. paid onJune 30, 19B3.tnd Junc 30, l984 with the rcnraining pfincipalbalance of $120,000 plus accrued i.ntcrest due on June 30,1985. This Note may bc prepaid in fr.rll or in part at any timewithout penalty or prcmium. If aIl or "ny part of thesecurity for this Prornissory Note is sold, transferred orassigned by Maker wit.hout Payees , prior written consent,such transfer sha11 l>e a default. under thc terns of thisNote and Pavees may, aL Payees' option, dcclare this Noteand any accrued arrd unpa id sunrs clue hereuncler to be immedi-ately due and payable. 'Ihis Note and tire Deed of Trust securing the I'tote may,at Maker's discretj_on, be subordinateo Lo an)' constructionl-oans obtained by Maker, the proceecls of which are to beused solely f or thc cor.rstruc tiorr of improvenents on the .reaI property describecl bcIow. In the event of such suborciina-tion, Maker agrees Lo dcliver to payees a Letter of Creditin a maximum amount cqual to the tlren outstanding principal - bal-ance of the Note plus $20,000; which Letter of Credit. shaII be in tl're form attached hereto as Exhibit "A,'. Ovcrdue princiJra I and to i-hc cxrenr permitted byapplrcabJ.e J.aw, ovcrclue interest, whether ca.used by acceler-ation of maturity or otherrvise, shaII bcar interesc at. anannual rate of Twenty-Four percent (241) per anltum, com-pounded dailiz, from and after the date such principal orrnterest shall [ar-nmr- r'trro ;r '.'a ..'.yable, but in no event sha]]interest exceed';;; ;,';;;uil"in[Jrosr rare permrrred by raw. If default is rnacle in Ehc payment. of ar-ry principat orinterest as and when the same is or becomes due and pbyabtehereunder, or j-n the event of default of the Maker in-any ofthe terms, provisions or conclitions of any instrumentexecuted or to be executed by tlre Maker as security for thepayment hereof, and ten (10) days aftcr notice is given to lX; " l:?::, " 3?' ?i ri"','.n:" .?:, i" f,:l:' .;:" :i:f,; lli :3'.::: ?:decrare alr sums unpaid hereon to be macle at once due andpayable, unless within said ten (10) day period saj.cl defaultis cured. Payees , er L their option 7 fic1! give any nocrcerequired hereuncler by certifiecl mail addresseo t.o l"laker atthe address statecl hcreinal>ove ancl ther:eaf ter rnay takeimmed-ial-e stcps to as:;crt- thcir r:-glrts. including inititut-ing foreclosr:re on thc security for this Note. The MakerspecificaIIy agrecs tltat p<1yeer, or anv successor oj: holder,necd not. wait until anv notice is actrra l l v rocci vr:ri frw Makr.r and neect nor ask ?".,. ;'' ".it-r.r ;; ";;;;ir-;-;;i;;,r"'r";;i;; of a Noti.ce of Def.rrrl t. tt)' ,'^- lv 0'gA. If default is made in the payment of this Note aEmaturity, regardless of how such maturity is or mighE bebrought abouE, and the same is placed in the hands of an aEcorney for collecciolt, or suiE is filed hereon, orproceedings are had in bankruptcy, probace, receivership,reorganization or other legal or judicial proceeding forthe collecEion hereof , I'taker agrees Eo pay to Ehe thenholder hereof, a reasonable amdunt for ittorneys' fees. The Maker and all endorsers, guarantors and signershereof, and each of them (i) expressly waive presentmenEfor' paymer"rt, protest, noEice of protest, bringing of suitand diligence in taking any accion Eo collect amounEs owing hereunder and in the handling of securities at any timeexisEing in connection herewith; and (ii) agree chat rhisNote, or any paymenE hereunder, may be exEended from time E.o time without affecting such Iiability. In no event and upon no contingency shall Maker or any guarancors hereof be required to pay interest on this Nocein excess of che rate allowed by law. Any excess shall be deemed a mistake in calculaLion and cancelled automatically and if theret.ofore paid, shall be eirher refunded to Maker orcredited on the principal amounE of this NoEe for which Maker is liable. This Nore shall be consErued under and governed by Ehe laws of the State of Colorado. This Note is secured bv and enritled to the benefit of a Deed of Trusc of even date herewith encumbering che following described real property siEuat.e in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado: LoT IO, VAIL VALLEY, THIRD FILING, according to the recorded plat thereof,, County of Eagle, SEaEe of Colorado. EAGLE-BEAVER, LTD.,a Colorado Corporation By, N. F. ANTHOT.IY SUIBERT, PresidenE - MAKER ATTEST: Rrr.-r. REBECCA L. I'IC BMYER. SECRETARY /,'t\ 1, 1// l I('-J'8&. -2- t EXHIBIT "A" TO PROI'IISSORY NOTE FORM OF: Clean Irrevocable Letter of Credit n.{-a Edward F. Statter and Beverly S. Statter Drawrl Under Credit No. We hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in your favor available'by your draft drawn on ourselves at sight for the maximum sum of THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUSAND and NO/1OO DOLLARS (S380'000.00) for the account of Eagle-Beaver, Ltd., with a mailing address of 4880 Riverbend Road, Boulder, Colorado 80301. The draft must be accompanied bv the certification of Edward F. Statter and neverly S. Statter stating that 8agle-Beaver, Ltd. had defaulted under the Promissory Note dated , between Eagle-Beaver, Ltd. and Edward ffieverly s. statter; that you are entitled to draw down on this Letter of Credit; and stating the amount you are entitted to draw down, which shall be the amount of principal, interest, including default interest, and other sums due and owing under said Promissory Note. This credit will expire at our counters at 3:00 p.m.. Denver time, on August 1, 1985. Except so far as otherwise stated, this documentary credit is subject to the "Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits" 11974 revision) International Chamber of Commerce (Publication #290). Itllot rllr| ;rl llcci'Ition Nr,. ,r'r'ln, li l1 .. trX}IIBIT B TO CONIRACI li r" 0l I lr't . 'lr it t '.1 , tgBZ .lrr.rir.,'rr srrrrror f}1flffi HLJI'IDRED SIXIY lllOtJStU\D DOLIARS ($360,000.00)--------- rrr'rr,rrs' lirs'irhlclotltcotdet nf &lpard F. SUCfer and lleverly S. Statfer tlrc l,ctlcficiary hert'itr wltost'arl,ltt'ss is C/0 Regal PLaStiC COnpany, 3985 SOufh KalanraEh, FrglevOOd, COlOradO 80110, .afttrtltctlattlltcrlr'f, for chree yea-rs as follows: Interest only - quarterly begimriqg Sepcenrber 30, 1982; prfurcipal in tLrree eqr"nl installmenrs of $120,000 each on Jul1e 30, 1983, Jtne 30, 19B4 and Ju"re 30, 1935, rlot's lrt'r't'by t{l'nrrt lrr'i cr)rr\'( J'rllt(r slri(l I'rtl'ltc'l'rrts(r'r' 'l lll:i l)l';l:l) Ol"'lllt'S'1 .Ilrrrle t.lris 30ctr EAGLE-BEAVU{, L'ID., A tIrt'gr';ttt(,rt ltctr,'irr s lro*,.' :ril,Irt ss ts rrrrrl tlrr' l'tllll,l('1'lt(lS'l l')l: r)f llr('(lolrrrll r'r ('rtI' Stl tl ol (lolorrrrlo, lviltrcssctht'flt(. Ct atrl0r lrr sccrrtt' iCS Courrt y of Eagle ri;r\ .'l JUtf e Colorado corfrrarion, 4800 lliverberld Road, lloulder, Grlorado 8030f ('orrrrlI rrf BOUfdgf ;u!l S!.r(r'of ( rrl rirrlr'. rrrrrl ( r'lrrrll irr r. lrirlr llrl ll(,|('r't\ rir. scr ilrlrl lr'lolv is sittl;ttlrl, itr llrc Irr',rrrriss,'r ) rrolt.(X lrt';tt-ittfr.r,r'rr rl;rlc ltlrr:rvitit, frrt lltc lrtt:tl !t ittt tlrirl tlrc fr,llorvirrp rlcscr rlrcrl l)r('li('rII'. situ:rt('itr rc to \vit:, -Stltt. of ( ololarlo, rcT IO, VAIL VALT.[Y, TTIIRD TILII.IG, rnnnrrl i no t-n l-hn r-onnr-.ln.l n l I l'L\-,/ Lt t\- ! C:\-\,,! \rl:.(l P!<r L thereof. M h.',c t'r'n ' r r,!v t'r r.lrarr rrrl I,r"t,e'rr ", r',t In'r ' I'r' |,.1 :!r \,'!1! {.' I' frr( of cn(,rnrbr trnccr. c r(, j,(NO\E. j orr,'frcror,'f(.hrwil|,rrtrni n,,), \'r[..,.,r a l.eaSOnable aIfDUnC, +retrrr''rrgtXtIie'crc^tinnl,|'nti.r,.i.,"r'r'',t,'a'rc,'.'||'''''i'||n|(to|h|rl'|'|'.l''r].'''it' cit,llr,l l.nrcccir.rlor!^i,l nr.nrrtr \rh.'rxn!l'.n,",,',',r",1 1,!rrr..,,,r,,1.,,',,i..r,.,,ri,,f!.,l,.riont,r i, t,r, t l - \r h."x n! r'. n t. r,'', ', r ",1 1,! rrr.,.,,' l ',1.'."'l{.t' dt.ir'fr.,l', r i^n. r <"r!'rlrr rIrnrl,.r \hnll "r.1,,.1r ll,r ,'l".il tl!, r.1',,r1 ll,r r"rr"lar I ror r.r,' ||ro l,r r (J. \r ' t'.o!iraontl'nllI'c,lc(D(il toI'rrnc.'lr,l Io.i'n,rllywill,rn.l .,'nf.r to.(t.h3tnt t.rnn,l,lr.isions. l: t.ct't cd t hr d ry !n'l tr^ r hrrt rl,ds. wrr rr '. 'r. Juure ,. 82.,,,. Ihgle-Bc.'rvcr, Ltd., a Colorado corPoration, by N.F. AnEhony Seiberc, ir.,,,l:::*d,.1ll: .*a Fy Rebecca'L. lbbrayer, its SecreEar-y. li- 'ILl \ | | l . {l)u. n. S.l. I l.ur.r - Sn,',t }.f h - ( op).trnr ., tert ll,a(l11!rJl1/hl;1hinr.!t:I\t.6rhAr..t.rtc$ooJ.(OE0I!-{l0l))11-6900-9-tl No.923.(l Rc v. '78 - t)r. t:o (|r rRt:l,r l(, rr rt.t( t '1. Amount of Note: TnJ_,.51r5cT rjlf 6. Payable as follows: DATE September 30, 1982 December 31, 1982 March 31, 1983 June 30, 1983 September 30 , 19 B 3 December 31, 1983 March 3L, 1984 June 30, 1984 Sept.ember 30, 19 B4 December 31, 1984 March 31, 1985 June .30 , 19 B5 EXHIBII C TO COI\ii'RASI Payment Schedule $ 360 ,000.00 'I 19 nor ann!1m Interest paynents quarterly from June 30, 1982, with SI20,000.00 in principal re- duction payments payable June 30, 19B3 and June 30, 19B4 and $120,000.00 payable June 30, 1985, plus accrued interest on unpaid balance with each prj-ncipal reduc- t j-on payment. INTtrREST PAY}IENT REMAINING BALANCE 1I, 700 1I,700 11,700 11,700 7,800 7,800 7,800 7,800 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 $ rr,70o II, 70 0 1I,700 I3l, 700 7,900 7,800 7,800 I27,800 3,900 3,900 3,900 123,900 $360,000 360,000 350 ,0oo 240,000 2 40 ,000 240,000 240,000 120,000 r2o, ooo I20 ,000 r20,oo0 )-r' Vr zot{E clt[cK forR, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Bl ock sFt.t, Legal Description: Lot Ormer 5 Io ,,VE Fi'fing z't' l,f.-t . b..o/ Architect trt" |' t.r,FLLS Zone District A Proposed Use Lot Area _JS.Hei ght Al 'loued 30.1 Proposed t Setbacl<s : front-nequfie?-----..---... . -.f-20' Proposed ) Sides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Required' l5' Proposed llaterccurse-required Proposed GRFA: Al'loned qct ProposedW GRFA: 5tJ r Primary A'ltoricd ;jl Primrry Propcsed f,r Secondary A'll or.red Site Coverage : A'll oived Landscaping:Required Requi redParking: Drive: Slope Permitted SJ.ope econdary Proposed lSEl - Ul- Proposed Proposcd Pr^opl;: ed Actual 3l6o [nvironmcntal,/llazards: ,Ava]anche 4Ur coprzuA< E4l-, C4LCq-aqql Flood Plain 'S1ope ^ln-+a Cl\ t/ | i. J f.i-\\t I\-/U1L .T\l?tt qLhLrNG I @l 5 i", Art( g1,;;it,, /1t,tt/ u,)oaD j,'rtf It{ rr.-rrA!Dgtxr': 1 6u)55 P,cot) @ FRL?L\,€ (a..\:>leuct toN (5 o( (cMr''ioN Bt rc I k:o,zofin, Du*c o| { tre ple<a sr-)ALL/> | b 0, lC 13 t1'/o oP Dooe tb 1,5 | A, 7 t/lcz ut/ tryct'\ fiooP- Legal Descrlptl .,o, Lot to , L/oi I L l/e, Sd- ovrner: 9+o +t .r!o, t"u1u, Zone Dlstribt: P/t proposed rJt.t 5iqqln Fa\l!\,, - Lot Area,lSclS6 uinus Eazard Area: Equals Bulldable Area: n(- fEelght: Actual t\) Setbacks: Bequlred - Front 2Qt _, Stdes tOr +5 ,Rear2o' +5 Actual - Front 2I , sldes lor lo ,Rear 3> Distance Betweeir Bultdlngs, *nrr*U Ttrr"f 4 :- c.R.F.A. Allowed: Butldabte Area _ x % =ft!_ ectuar 9, OSY Sltb Coverase: Atlowed - rgrra J11f* S- lrlZe (A.t*.1) Landscapi.ng: Reguired - Lot Area x _% -__9_k-__ Parklng: Required ?- Aetual L+ Drive: Slope Permitted Parking and Drives Must Environmental /Hazard : Comments: Be Paved Avalanche Flood Plaln ok OLSlope Creek Ok OK t boc s;+. Slope nctuar Ok ok Distance From Trees Removed UnievrceS '(hA Zoning Approval; Zonlng Administtator-Fr--- 1," I pLANNTNG & ENVTRoNMENiAL coMMrssroN MINUTBS }'IEETING Ol'j June 28, L978 MEIV1BERS PRESENT: MEETING Ed Drager, Chairman Scott Hopman Gerry White Roger Tilkemeier Sandy Mil1s Pam Garton Diana Touohill brought to order at 3:00 P.M. STAFF PRESENT: The meeting was Number one on the agenda is the Statter Residence -Request for Setback and Site Coverage ffi10, -.% Mr. Murata of Seracuse, Lawler & Partners representedMr. Ed Statter. He presented his drawings to the Commissionalong with the reasons that these requests for variances aremade. It was brought out thaL a family member is handicapped and in a wheel chair, and so the house is designed with the major portion of the living space on the first ffoor. Thisis the reason for the request for site coverage variance. . Gerry White asked whether they could design the housewithout the site caveraqe variance. Mr. i{urata stated that they are within the GRFA, butin order to decr:ease the site coverage, they would have to add more to the second level which he doesn't feel is desirable. Pam Garton asked about. the avalanche hazard zone the lot is located within. Mr. Murata stated that the lot is in a Moderate Ava- lanche Zone. He also advised the Commission that the Design Review Board has reviewed hi.s plans and have approved them conceptually, and Lhe Board was impressed by the one-storyperimeter and feels it is a good design, one that wifl not overwhelm the neighboring structures. Roger Tilkemeier asked what the square footage of the ground floor area would be? Mr. Murata stated that it is 2,9?9 sq. ft. of GRbA,plus 660 sq. ft. for the garage. Pam Garton wondered whether the::e would not be many of the orvners of lots in the Moderate Avalanche Zone corning before the PBC with var:iance reguests.. A discussion eusuedon "exceptions " and site coverage vari.ances for this neighbor- hood. oPg. 2 PEC - MINUTES 6/28 /7I Diana Toughill stated that she feels the ordinance should reflect for handicapped residents- Scott Hopman is concerned vtith the impact on the total piece of land, and that this is so significant on granting this type of variance. Sandy MiLls was also concerned with the number of variance requests due to the Moderate Hazard Avalanche area, that may corae from these lot owners. Diana ToughiJ-l stated that. tlrey wj-ll all be'different and that we canrt generalize. The site coverage variance is related to the need ior Living space to accommodite the handicapped person in the household and is not related to the avalanche; and, the setback variance is needed because of the lot location in the Moderate Avalanche zone. Roger Tilkemeier asked whether the garage could be put underneath the residence? It was stated that this isnrt possible because of the lot topography Pam GarUon is concerned that the Commj'ssion reafly has no tools for granting the site coverage variance under the existing regulitions. ScotL llopman agreed, that based on the ordinance this variance request for site coverage could not be granted. However, he is sympathetic to this special_ problem and their time constraints. He added that fr-e is concerned about the precedent in granting this variance ' Mr. MuraLa feels this would not be a bad precedent in putting forth concern for those handicapped residents of the area. Gerry White feels the variance Procedure should be rewritten Lo cover and improve on this problem. Pam Garton add.ed that she would like to have the Commission look very hard at amending by an t'exception clause. " ScoLtHopmanaddressedtheconcernthaLthehousecould be sold in the future and then the physical hardship would no longer exist 'Mr.statterstatedthatatwo-storyhousecouldbebuilt with no site coverage variance, howeverr the design.would be ,,boxy,, and aestheti6ally less pleasing than the residence as designed. Roger Tilkemeier explained that the Commission is strapped by the technical requirements of the ordinance. He likes the design of the residence and feels it wiII be more attractive tfran designinq with more space on the secoud oPg. 3 PEC - MINUTES 6/28/7I floori however, the Commission needs much more latitudewithin the ordinance to act affirmatively on this request. He feels that Council has much more }atitude in interpretation and granting of variances, and he certainly would not feelbadly if on appeal, of the Commission decision, if it is denial , the Council grants this variance. The time constraints hrere discussed. Pam Garton statedthat the Commission will not meet until July 11, but wouldit be possible to have a joint work session to address theseproblems with the technical language of the ordinance? Andthen, would it be possible for them to go before Councilthat evening? (This will be checked with Larry Rider, TownAttorney, as this is a Special Meeting.) Mr. l4urata feels strongly that this body wiII have toaddress legislation within the ordinance to allow for thespecial problems of the handicapped residents. Mr. Drager explained that because of the uniqueness ofthe area, and the fact that construction goes on within thisfragile valley; expanding site coverage can be very touchy. ft was then noted that Council can hear their appealduring the Special Meeting, but'the Commission decision hasto be made today so that adequate notice can be given ofthe special Council meeting. Roger Tilkemeier stated that he feels the additionalsite coverage is insignificant, but that the Commission is hamstrung by the ordinance and he feels that the electedbody (Council) should hear and make this "exception." He added that the Commission should make recommendations to Council to grant this exception or variance as they see fit. He asked whether there would be a chance that the coveraqe could be decreased by 400 sq. ft.? Mr. llurata doesnrt feel this reduction can be made asit would cut into the living space required for the first floor. Gerry White asked for a Motion to postpone and afterfurthe:i discussion withdrew the Motion Pam Garton made the Motion for approval of the'Setback Variance request for the Statter Residence on Lot 10, VailValley Third Filing based on the discussion on avalanche mitigation requirements. Roger Tilkemeier seconded the Motion and the Commissionvoted unanimous approval. Pam Garton then made the Ivlotion to deny the Site Cover- age Variance for the Statter Residence located on Lot I0, Vail Valley Third Filing, according'to the comments and criteria in the memorandum submitted by the Department of Comrnunity Development dated June 28, 1978, and because of o ES oPg. 4 PEC - MINUT 6/28/78 the commission's reservations about technicalities in theordinance. scott Hopman seconded the Motion and the commissionvoted unanimous denial. The appeal will go before Council_ on July 11, 197g. l4r. Murata requested that the Commission make astatement on their reasons for denial of the site coveragevariance- I4r- Drager asked staff to compile informationon. site coverage and the Commission will then attempt. tomake recommendations to council on this. A letter isitt uewritten t'o council outlining the discussion today on the sitecoverage problems and the special problerns with Lhis particularrequest. Pam Garton and Diana Toughi1l will draft thisletter. The commission arso would like a work session withCouncil for d.iscussion of this on 11 July. The second item on the agenda. potato patch Club -geqt for Setback Variance for unitffi Item number 3. Wagner Residence - Request for SetbacktrtoFValiance, Lot 16,vail--M-6Ed6ilFl.E? for - Request on the Mr. Gordon pierce represented Vail Resort Associateson this request for setback variance. He explained the stripof land on which they and the Town of vail- hive been negotiaiingpurchase, This land cannot be built on, but the;i havenitbeen able to acquire it. The Town is in on this because 9f tlg necessity to widen Red sandstone Road at this juncture.Mr. Pierce showed the commission drawings of the unit!, withtennis courts designed so that there witt Ue green spacebetween them. After further d.iscussion, a Mofion was madeby Roger Tilkemeier to approve the Setback Variance forPotato Patch Club Uni_ts l, 2, and 3 in accordance wiLh thememorandum from the Department of Community Developmentdated 28 June L978. Gerry white seconded Lrre uotion, thecommission voted unanimous approval. (Before final vote,there was further discussion of the road realignment.) Mr. Robert Lee was present to represent the owners.He explained the site plan to the commission and the reasonsfor this request. rf this reguest is granted,-it will eliminatethe concrete foundation exposure as *uch as poisible andwill also eliminate extra structure because of topography.Gerry white agrees with the recommendations ot stlti ana-made the Motion for approval of the setback Variance reguestfor the Wagner Residence located on Lot 16, Vail MeadowsFiling No. 1. Scott Hopman seconded the Motion and theCommission voted unanimous approval . Item number 4 on the agenda, Joseph peptinski Conditional Use permit for a re6f-GsGE6-oETT66rsntre Bu n Commerci-a oPg. 5 PEC - MTNUTES 6/28/7I Core 2 Zone District. Mr. Peplinski addressed the Commission explaining thal he is subletting space from "Classic Designs" in the Village Centre Building "D". This office space would grant him some visual access and pedestrian access necessary for his type of business which will be real estate and property management. Scott Hopman asked whether there had been any comments from the neighbors, for or against? Diana Toughill stated there had been no comment at all from the neighbors and that publication had been made for both PEC and DRB. Pam Garton made the Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for a 360 sq. ft. real estate office on the first floor of village cenLre Brrilding "D" in a Commercial Core 2 Zone District in accordance with the memorandum from the Department of Community Development dated 28 June 1978. Gerry White seconded the l.totion and the Commission voted unanimous approval. The 5th item on the agenda,Vail Associates, Inc. -Preliminarv review and discussion on Gondola I. Phil Ordway lvas present representing Vail Associates' Inc., along with the architect, Mr. Gordon Pierce. There was discussion on the access through Forest Service land, and he will present documentation on this to the Commission in the near fut,ure. The conceptual site was shown by Gordon Pierce, they are looking for future approval for a variance to atlow 15 (maximum number) parking sPaces under the proposed structure, to be made availabl-e to residents of the condomj-nium units, and for mountain operations vehicles. No action by the Commission was necessary. The Motion was made by Gery white to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Roger Tilkemeier and the Commission .voted unanimous approval . The meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M- PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that Kiyoshi Murata representing Ed Statter has requested a varlance from the provisions of Section 18.13.090, Site Coverage, of the Municipal Code of the Toun of Vail in order to construet a single family residence covering in excess of the allowable 20% of the site. Proposed residenee is to be located on Lot 10, Vail Valley 3rd Filing. Application has been made j.n accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Uunl-cipal Code; A Public Hearing wiLl be held in accordance with Secti-on 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on June 27, L978 at 3:OO P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Munlcipal Building. TOWN VAIL DEP OF ITY DEVELOPMENT S. Toughill Administrator Publisbed in the Vail Trail June 9, 1978 o TO VAIL TOItrN COUNCILIROI{ DEPARTI'{ENT OF COIIilIUNITY DEVELOPIdENT. JIII RUBIN, ACTING ZONING ADMINISTRATORDATE 30 July 1978 NEF STATTER RESIDENCE SETBACK AND SITE COYERAGE VARIANCES T'OR LOT 10, VAIL VALLEY 3Td FILING At their meeting on June 28, L978, the Planning & Environmental Commission heard the variance requests for the Statter Residence. On the Setback variance, the Planning & Environmental Commission voted 6 to O in favor of approving the variance based on the Lot being located in a Moderate Hazard Avalanche Zone. On the Site Coverage variance, the Planning & Envj-ronmental Commission voted unanj-mously 6 to 0 to deny the variance request because of the technical constraints in the Zoning Ordinance. It is this request that is being appealed to the Town Council. The Site Coverage request is for 26.5% rather than 20% ar-lowed by the Zoning Ordinance. In the staff memorandum, Diana Toughill stated that to her knowledge, Site Coverage variances have never been granted for residential uses and that she did not feel that a physical hardship had been demonstrated by the applicant. At the Publlc Hearing, Kiyoshi ll{urata, the architect for the structure, presented his reasons for requesting the variance. He mentioned that one member of the family is handicapped and therefore, .there is a need to keep a majorportion of the living space of the house on the first floor. The reason had not been stated to the staff or the Planning & Environmental Commission prior to the meeting. The reason put forth on the application was to prevent a "boxy s'br'ucture" which would be out of character wi.th the mountain architecture in Vail. The Planning & Environmental Commission was symp&thetic with the fact that the structure is designed for a handicappedperson. They, however, felt that they did not have tlre technical .requirements through the Zoning Ordinance to grant this request. The Planning & Environmental Commission felt that it was a eoncern that is uot presently addressed in the Zoning Ordinance, and wants the Torvn Council to make a finaf determination. The staff and the Planning & Environmenta.l Commission also felt that the issue of Site Coverage should be thoroughly studied, separate from the question of design for handicapped persons. The Planning & Environmental Commission denied the variance request due to their feeling that they do not presently have the lega1 tools in the Zoning Ordinance to address all the j.ssues. .lEf, box 10O vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47F5613 department of commun ity development June 19, 1978 Seracuse, Lawler & Partners .Inc.ATTENTION: Kiyoshi Murata 714 Equitable Bldg- Denver, Colorado 8O2Oz Dear.Mr. Murata: In regarit to your appli.cation for varlance tbe Statter Residence to Le trearb by the Planning & Environmental Commission on Tuesday, June 28, L978, please be advised that this meeting has to Le reset because of lack of quorum for ttae 27th. You are 1978 at 3 P.M. scheduled to be heard' on llednesday, June 28, DST/eew a S. Toughill ning Administrator a PUBLIC NOTICE ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that Kiyoshi Murata representing Ed Statter has requested a variance from the provisions of Section 18.13.090, Si-te Coverage, of the Municipal Code of the Towu of vail in order to construct a single farnily resi-dence covering i.n exsess of the allowable zo% of the site. proposed resldence is to be located on Lot 10, Vail Valtey 3rd liling. Application has been made in accord witb chapter 19.62 of the Municipal Code.. A Publ-ic llearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on June 2?, l-g7g at 3:00 P.M. before the Town of vail planning and. Environmental corunission. said hearing will be held in the vail Municipal Building. TOWN VAIL DEP OF ITY DEVELOP}.TENT ana S. Toughill ulng Adninistrator Published in the Vail Trail June 9, L9ZB David Gorsuch c/o Gorsuch Ltd. Vail, Co1o.81657 Lot 8 Leo Brandess Box 2328Vai1, Co1o. IYarren Pulis 1628 E. Vail Vail , Colo. 81657 Lot 11 Va11ey Dr.81657 Lot 12 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that Kiyoshi Murata representing Ed Statter has requested a variance from the provisions of Section 18.13.09O, Site Coverage, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail in order to construct a single family resi.dence covering in excess of the aLlowable 2O% of the site. Proposed residence is to be located on Lot 10, Vail Valley 3rd Filing. Application has been made in accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on June 27,1978 at 3:0O P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOWN VAIL NT OFDEP ITY DEVELOPMENT ana S. Toughill ning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail June 9, L978 J APPL ICAT l0N l:oR vArr IANcE And/Or COI'TDITIOIIAL USE PERI,II T Ordlnancc lto. B (Series of 1973) Appllcatlon 0ate JU{F ? 147& Publlcation 0ate.-. Heorlns outo ?1.'rne- A?, l1?8 uearlns rot@ I F1 131 0ec I s ion date {or Town Counc I I /.\, ar.t\Fr , erJvH1r- phone LLr ?D:rl( S ta tc ) (C i ty ) ' ds hereby request permission fo appear before the Vai I Planning Comml ss ion to request the f ol lor'r ing : N,) Variance f .or nr+icle-p I Toni ng Change from ) Parki ng Variance ) CondifionaI Use Permit to aIlow | (ve ) I! Sect lon lts.la -o{oto In Zone . For the fol lovring described property: Lot/+ract tO , B.lock Fl llng l'lumber Clearly state purpose and i ntent of th is app I i cati on tlhat do you feel is the basis for hardship in this case? SERACUSE LAWLER & PARTNERS, INC. I gnature of App I i cant xiyoshi M.urata --/- ATTACHMENT TO THE APPLICATION E'OR VARIANCE June 7, 1978 This application is for a variance from the above article limiting the area covered by the building to be less than 208 of the total site. The proposed residence generates a 224 coverage for the house and with the garage of 660 sq. ft., it generates the total coverage of 26.5*. The balconies would be canLilevered from the house with natural landscaping on the ground level and would not add to the ground coverag'e. It is our belief that if the total allowable "gross resi- dential floor area" of 3850 sq. ft. plus the garage and the storage space were to be developed within the 208 coverage limitation, the residence would have to take a more "boxy" character resulting in a structure that would appear more massive and out of character of the "mountainarchitecture" of vail. This residence with the second story area in the center of the mass and roofs stepping down to a single story height on the perimeter of the build- ing does not create a large ground coverage, but will offer a more compatible building in the mountain, less massive structure especially viewed from the golf course, and would be a better neighbor for the adjacent lots. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that Kyoshi Murata, representing Edward Statter, has applied for a Variance from the provisions of Section 18.13.060, Setbacks, of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail in order to construct a new residence to be located on Lot 10, Vail Valley 3rd Filing. Application has been made in accord with Chapter 18 .62 of the Municipal Code. A'Public Eearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the llunicipal Code on June 13, 1978, at 3:00 P.M. before tbe Town of Vail Planning & Environ- mental Commission. Said Hearing will be held in Vail Municipal Building. Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail May 26, L978 TOWN VAIL 'r t t t 'i.,_. \ HYDRO.IBIAD,|.ID. April 19, 1978 F1 0o.oo Rr. l'lr Edrvarrr Statter , /r, Regai Plastic SUPP]Y ComPanY rr 5 Soutlr Kalamath ri, leucud, Colorado 80110 ''i.rrr Mt'. 5Latter: Prrr:;uant to your authorization, I have analyzed the avalanche impact,'',rrr,.-!r una ttoit depths that woulil result from a majgr. (and infrequent) .,'r. lanche occurrence bn lour propOsed house in the Vail Valley Filing #3 ; r,, #10. 'the reference document setting forth the general pararteters of the ,,i^ lanche path and runout delineatlon is contained in_my report of Apri.1 ,1977, t;lJBHOUSI'GULCH AVALANCHE, Vail Colorado". The lot location and building ,ur,line data have been prcvided by Seracuse Lawler and Partners, Inc. ': t,i] rg-]. J1llg te!.tg. lllri'le the house size and the lot dlrnensions preclude setting a corner :ii,,;rer.than a nearly pergendlcular face of the house lnto the direction of flow . i rhe avalanchei the'usi of a concrete wall and garage facilities on the south 'i , I of the house is good. The garage with the concrete wall coupled with the irll errclo;'lng the patio area on the southeast wi'll providg protection for the i:;.itable:;ections of the house, assuming the concrete wa] ls can be designed L: the aviilanche loads. The windows and doorway area for the main house r, Eior should be designed for 80 l*tflz powder avalanche blast loadlngs rr,:, lf [ir.]r,;slble, there wlndows should hlve wlre mesh embedded in the inner .i;i,$ to avoid hazard frorn Shattered glass. The t;r^iveway entralce from Sunburst Drlve ls shown on the site plan as ;1;1,roxirnali,'ty 23 feet wide. It ls suggested that this opening in the concrete 'a'll be nar rowed to 15 - 16 feet. : i:t lg!S,[e lgadinq$ The'najor event type avalanche (10Q1year recurrence interval) will , re rte'loadings on the concrete wall southwest corner of the-garage-of 490 lb./ft.'ir',; laadirg is for a ngminal flow depth of 2.7 meters (8.8 feet) without the, r. "-iii ,ingi e'l'f ict. The^loiding on the southeast corner of the patio concrete wall r,-;r I [re 2i5 lb./ft"ii arrd a nomina] flow depth of 1.5 meters (S feet). The -.,,,ing can be 6g5wned to vary uniformly between those tho points. The danrning f l,:ct wl'l I cause the snow to bui'ld to heights of approximately i5 feet frottt ,,: '.nl on10 the qaraqe tcof. The loadinss on the roof would vary from theii lb./ft.2 at [he 8.8 foot level (assuted top of wa]'l) to standard snow loading , t. hs 15 i':ot level . l'he 'loading r,nu'ld consist of a normal 'load and a friction- ir', r 'lo.rc. The nonla'l load nou] d be the horizonta'l load Times the sine of the , i,' oi tcl:. LAKEWOCTD, CC LORADO 802:16 of oo Thr: housr entrance area.lnslde the patio should be designed for 180.tUs./ft-2 f r a trelgtrt rf I feet, due to the snow bntering the driveway opening and over- t pping tlre p.tlo iall. In all probabillty, normal-winter snow from the patio a, r,i aiJ sluf,' snow from the rooi uould bu{ld somewhat of a high density snow h rrier in frt,nt,9f the entrance (excePt for the walkway). If you hrrV€ dr[ questions or need further details on the ava]anche load'ings r. r the house, please contact ne, Thank you. .i 'l,i . tdward 5t tter Ar ni'i 19' l97l [)r ge 2 ll: 5i ncerely , ,,.*[ryr*lo \ ,l (^o, '6nald L. President LTD. {/r -,. r-' a i/gv : T. Iuczo Sei'acuse Lawler & Partners I I Ot.lI{ER: ARCH ITECT: LOCATION: AREA COI4PUTATION: STATTER RESIDENCE SUIil'IARY SHEET l.lr. & ilrs Edward Statter 7120 l.l. Radcliffe Avenue Lakewood, C0 Seracuse Lawler & Partners Vai'l Valley Third Filing Lot l0 SCHEDULED C0NSTRUCTION: Summr 1978. 3168 ttlain Leve'l +1026 Upper Levelffi- 250 Minus Tare Area 3944 Gross Residential 504 Deck (1008 SF; 2) 672 Garage +3.|68 Basementffintial FloorArea EXTERI0R DIATERIALS: Wood Siding, Moss Rock, Glass, [,{ood Shakes SINGLE FAMI.LY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDEN@ Zone District: F lt Proposed u"": 5 i ,a fll " Fo'n i Iy Lot Area: lst186 Minus Hazard Area: Equals Buildable Area: l51S ( rra.iara*. azrlrro'l asHeight:Actual Sides 10' +.f ,Rear2o'+5 2)-, Sides lO, lu ,Bear 3^ Distance Betweel Buildings: Required Actual --- G.R.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Area x Sit'e coverase: Allowed - Lstrll- -3;1Z-* -A.= QrlZg (t4.-t'.tl) Landscaping: Required - Lot Area x &-p-OK Parking:Reouired A Actual r+ Slope Actuar Ok ok Setbacks: Requlred - Front Actual - Front Drive: Slope Permitted Parking and Drives Must Environme nt aI / frazar d : Be Paved Avalanche . Flood Plain Slope Distance From Trees Removed Zoning Administrator 20, dlo 8To o{- (:..L-. Creek ok ok corunents : Mp.cl gel bc,ct + 9i*' ('a''eu- Aq (#.-.!-q'!cz! NtbA -ta rcd*"< ;R +. Zoning Approval; Date t Cg, F n- sTaltnu [Aai ^ F/oo,- --:ri --i------_: o1)J 3) x a y .Ao X l,i '?.'l X 1-t= %8 A tl =ja,x 'F - /-t v .o\-(4 I X) - (? x <,) : 268 }.6c- a}8 Y16 Vgo - l6_fa j. s )(B =35XlS= -3| x ll,s'tls a ,6^s a8 Utfl?tn L"u- | x /e -- ayo X 1s= ^85sx,r -- lgfJ I l- t XrL:?53 _ f,os- 2-7.3 3al )(,as,3 1 iea\J S (ft* t'L'r&'I*'a-' t* qq.6 < o o a S* C"r.,^f" sxa.: 8 xq = ,6 XAs 9> Vo o a,9 X'lo =16,x l?,,= 16o l?a- l.Iao Yoo', t3so .j-6> XY3rr-eo = --i ;/ S=FACUSE LAI/VLEFI& PAFITN=AS A C (fF| F(:tlAT. Ic|N AFICHITECTS PLANI\IEFtS INTEFIIOF.S 214 ECIUTT,AGTLE EUILO'rVGE|ENVEFIT COLG!. GtqaEr? {3oS, 6e.3.7c,31 ='g.l_Es3e JEFIC}|r/|E M. SEFlACUsiE AIAJOHN L. L,AWLEN JAM F. I,1.'ONG AIA c)rlNA,LO E. S|TFIA,UCH At;Sc}CIATES GiENE HAMEIY FIAFIV€Y F. JENSEr\I :,:sTai\]LEY S. F(]UWJ€FIFi€ SCHTLLEFIFFF I' 29 June 1978 Town of \tailDepartnent of Conrnunity DeveloprnentBox 100Vai1, Colorado g1657 Attn: IIs. Diana Toughill RE: Statter Resiclence, Site Coverage Variance Dear Diana: Thank you for uoyl-participation yesterday at thePlanning and Environnentai Commission Hearing. Itrey"19. dis-appoirrtec with ttr" iro"Ji".u ,*r11t of themeeting btrt feel encouraged ab;;i a possible ap_proval of the above variinie ty-if," r"*"-c"rriir. Please consider this letter as an_official requ€rstof an appeal rrrith the i;;-cJu"lir. We understand that this rnatter will be scheduleclfor the July 11 , l,g1g fo*""CJ"".if n"utirrg. Sincerely yours, tu.-:-'il.:^Iii;;,1;Y' -'' r NC Kiyoshi. Ilurata Kit{/c1j ; ; I t TO: FROil!: DATE: RE: MEIvIORANDUM PLANNING AND EN''/IRONII'IENTAL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT June 28, ].978 Statter Request for Setback and site coverage variances 'Lot 10, Vail Val1eY Third Filing The appli c&nt , Seracuse Law1er & Partners ' Inc ' ' repre- senting the orvner, has applied for a setback variance of 5 feet -. for. both the east and west side property lines; propolred setback is L0 feet and the requirement is 15 feet. They have also applied for a site coverage variance to al1ow 26.5% site coverage rather I:nan 2Q7o maximum allowable. The proposed single-family residence is 3,750 sq. ft. of GRFA, the maximum allowed by Covenant' The Department of Community Development has reviewed the criteria- and findings provided for in Section l-8'62'060 of the t{unicipal Code and our conclusions are as follows: The relationship of the requested variance to other ' existing or potLntial uses and structures in the . vicinitY. Wehavenotreceivedplansforresidencesforthe}ots eastandwestofLotl0;however,theproposedsetbackvariance could. adversely affect future development on the adjoining lots and create a hardship in meeting the minimum separation between buildings requirement- The Town of Vail has never granted. a site coverage varj'ance. The intent of the zoning ordinance is .to preserve open space and prevent the "suburban syndrome" of houses one on toP of another The degree to which the relief from the strict or literai interpretation arid enforcement of a specified regulation is necessiary to achieve conrpatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or Page 2 Request for Setback Statter Site Coverage Variance to attain the obiectives of this ordinance without grant of sPecial Privilege. Theapplicantstatesthatthevariancesarenecessary ln order to prevent a "boxy" structure. They state that..."the resulting structure would appear more massive and out of character of the "mountain Architecture" of Vail . This residence with the second story area in the center of the mass and roofs steppi-ng down to a single story height on the perimeter of the building does not create a large ground coverage, but will offer a more compatible building in the mountain, less massive structure especially viewed from the golf course, and would be a better neighbor for the adjacent lots.tt To my knowledge, the Town tras never granted a site coverage variance, nor has there ever been an application for a site coverage variance on a residential lot ' It seems that "mountain architecture" is possible without covering more than 267o of the site. The average site coverage for houses of this size is between LOTo and l5%. The applicant also states 'that the setback variance was necessary due to the additional height of the house required to meet the avalanche constraints on the lot. \l'e do not feel that the applicant has shown an actual physical hardship as there are designs that would satisfy the avalanche constraints and stil1 meet the setback and site coverage requirements. Theeffectoftherequestedvarianceonlightandair,distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, pub11c facilities and utilities and public safetY. I{e do not foresee any adverse affects upon these factors. The Department of Comnnunity Development finds that thegrantingoftlrevariancewouldconstituteagrantof special privilege irrconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. t and Page 3 e '' O Re[uest. for Setback and site coverage variance Statter' ) Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillbedetrimentalto the pu61ic treitttr, safety, or welfare, or materlally lniurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity ' The planning conmission must find the following in order to grant a variance: The strict or literal interpretatlon and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical- dlffitulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent ith the objectives of this title. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances orconditionsapplicabletothesiteofthevariancethat do not appfy generally to other properties in the same zone. TheDepartmentofcommunityDevelopmentrecommends disapproval of the requested variance as we feel the applicant has not demonstrated a physical hardstrip or that the site is exceptional in any way. (rh\) PUBLIC NOTICE NCIIICE IS HEREBY GMN that Shapiro Con- struction company has requested a variance from the provisions of Section 18.16.060, Setbacks, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail in order to construct a townhouse project wlth zero setback from the south property line of Lot 1, Sunburst Filing No. 3, Resubdivision of Sunburst Filing No. 1. A Publlc Hearing w111 be held in accord with Section 18.66.060 of the Mulici.pal Code on July 18, l9Z8 before the Town of vail Pl-anning and Environmental commission at 3:00 p.m. in the Vail Municipal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEpAFfMENi-or couuuNrry DEVELoPMENT Zoning Admini,strator Published in the ValL Trai1 June 80, IgTg 29 June 1978 rJL41 Town of Vail Department of Connunity Developrnent Box 100 Vail , Colorado 81657 Attn: Ms. Diana Toughill RE: Statter Residence, Site Coverage Variance Dear Diana: Thank you for your participation yesterday at the Planning and Environmental Connission Hearing. We were disappointed with the innediate result of the neeting but feel encouraged about a possible ap-proval of the above variance by the Town Council,. Please consider this letter as an official request of an appeal with the Town Council. We understand that this natter will be scheduledfor the July 1L, 1978 Town Council neeting. Sincerely yours, SEMCUSE LAWLER q PARTNERS, INC. cLqt SEHACUEiE LAVT'LEF A PAFITNEFIS ACC|FIEOF|ATIC|N AHCHITECTS PLANNEFIEi INTEFIIclFIS 714 EOUITAELE BLJILOIAIG crENvEFl, col-o. aoz:oe 43cl3) 6e3.7Cl31 53.1-CiB3e JEFICI|r,E M. BEFIACIJSE AIA JCrl'{N L. LAIATLEFI AIA JAM F. WE,N(| aEctctcta.rEg BENE HAMSY AIcl I{AFIVEY F. JENSEN CEII E|TANLEY g. Fclu\iv JEFTC|IE €CHILLEF|EFF t{nl^L,n UhtuJi Kiyoshi Murata KM/c1j )t\rt7 TO FROTI DATE REF VAIL TOT'IN COIJNCIL DEPARTTIENT OF COIIIIUNITY DEVELOPIUBNT JIM RUBIN, ACTING ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 30 July 1978 STATTER RESIDENCE SETBACK AND SITE COVERAGE VARIANCES FOR LOT 10, VAIL VALLEY 3Td FILING At their meeting on June 28, 1978, the Planning & Environmental Commission heard the variance requests for the Statter Residence. On the Setback variance, the Planning & Environmental Commission voted 6 to 0 in favor of approving the variance based on the Lot being located in a Moderate Hazard Avalanche Zone. On the Site Coverage variance, the Planning & Environmental Commission voted unanimous),y 6 to 0 to deny the variance request because of the technical constraints iu' the Zoning Ordinance, It is this request that is being appealed to the.'I'orvn Council. The Site Coverage request is for 26.5% rather than 2O7o alLowed by the Zoning Ordinance. In the staff memorandum, Diana Toughill stated that to her knowledge, Site Coverage variances have never bee:t granted for residential uses and that she did no-t feel that a physical hardship had been demonstrated by tbe applicant. ' At the Public Hearing, Kiyoshi Murata, the architect for the structure, presented his reasons for requesting the variance. He mentioned that one mernber of the family is handicapped'and therefore, there is a need to keep a major portion of the living space of the house on the first floor. The reason had not been stated to the staff or the Ptranning & Environmental Commj-ssion prior to the meeting. The reason put forth on the application was to prevent a "boxy structure" which would be out of character with the mountain architecture in Vail The Planning & Environmental Commission was sympathetic with the fact that the structure is designed for a handicapped person. They, however, felt that they did not have the technicaL requirements through the Zoning Ordinance to grant this request. The Planning & Envirortmental Commission felt that it was a concern that is not plesently addressed in the Zonlng Ordinance, and rvants the Torvn Council to make a final determination. Ttre staff and the Planning & Environmental Commission afso felt that the issue of Site Coverage should be thoroughly studied, separate from the question of design for handicapped persons. The Planning & Environmental commission denied the variance request due to their feeling that they do not presently have the lega] tools in the Zoning Ordinance to address all the issues. T?T Project Application ProjectName: S1 ^#ov Rqs, J t, r.- Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: 5ovacusu Lo,,.le- 4, "l Pon-l-ovs LesalDescriptio n,u, Io 1 ';:..F1''' t'' lr"(^g Dzn-eu, (o. €o foAU",,1 (z-llty 'TG;- Zone: Zoning Approved: 5,{ 5r \o &+lsr,{F t/ ti*lana;*n Review Board Morion by: P^, Ko.. seconded ov, ti>G o t( (o^re6^^IAPPRovAL DISAPPROVAL Un a,,<".^ Sum mary: (./alriatnc Ct+td'gulrlins-Offiat I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that Kyoshi Murata, representing Edward Statter, has applied for a Variance from the provisi.ons of Section 18.13.060, Setbacks, of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail in ord.er to construct a new residence to be located on Lot lO, Vail Vatley 3rd Fi1lng. Application has been made in accord with Chapter l-8 .62 of the Municipal Code. . A Public Hearing wilL be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Dlunlcipal Code on June 13, LgZg, at 3:00 P.lI. before the Town of Vail planning & Enviroa- mental Commission. Said Hearing will be held iu Vail Municipal Building. TovfN o VAIL DEP oF co Trail llay 26, L978 iAna S. TougHll Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Fq COM TO MITM INSU ENT RE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3665 CHERRY CREEK NORTH DRIVE, DENVER, COLORADO 80209 Teleohone (303| 321-1880 Representing: frrue lnsunnruce florvrenr.rv or lflrrur'rEsorA ot{} coHr.lrrHENr SCHEDULE A Applicrtion No, VOOO39A9 For Infornetion Snlg - Chargor - Ouncn Folica a9BO. OO Lender Policg 1350. OO Tar Crrtlf,ti. oo - - TOTAL - - tl, O35. OO tll,th gour reoittence pleese refer to VOOO396?. l. Ef frcttve Drtr: l4AY 14, t?B? rt 9:OO A. l'1. 2. Pslicirr to be irsuedr and proposid Insured: "ALTA' Osnrrg'r Pollcy t49O, OOO. OO Forn E-197O (&nended 1O-17-7O) Propoord lnsurrd: EACLE-BEAVER LTD., A Colorado Corporatlon nALTA'r Loan Policg ( 1970 Bcvlrion)s360, ooo. oo Proporrd tngurcd: EDI,JARD F. BTATTER AND BEVERLY S, STATTER. JOINT TENANTs 3. Tha estatr or interent in the lend degcribqd ot. raferred to tn thlr Commilment and covrred harein is: A FEE 4, Title to thr eetcte or lntarest covored hereln ie at the effccttvodat. hereof vnstcd 1n: EDIfARD F, STATTER AND BEUERLY B. 9TATTER, es Joint TEnantr $. The land rrferred to in this Coorflitrnrnt is doscrib€d at follourr: LOT 10' VAIL VALLEY, THIRN FILING, A REEUBDIVISION OF PART OF 8UNBUR8T, ACCORDINO TO TI{E RECORDED PLAT THERET]F, CT]UNTY OF EAOLE, STATE CIF COLSIIADO. ori coflllltt'tENr SCHEI}Ij-E B-1 (Rcquirrmcntr) Application No. VOOO3969 Tha follorolng arf, the requlreinrntr to br corapltad ul th: 1. Parlnent lo on for thi account of tho gnsntgri or nortEagor.f of the fuil conridrnotlon for thc cEtete or lnterart to be tnsulcd. A. Preper inttrungnt(el creetlng tho sitrte or intcrtgt to bs inrunrd tttuct be cresutcd and dulrl flled fEr rccord. to-uit: 3. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED JUNE 18, 1?BI, FROF{ EDHARD F. STATTSR At{D EEVERLY 8. 9TATTER T8 THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAELE COUNTY FOR THE UgE OF UNITED EANK OF ARVADA, N. A. TO SECURE TTIE 9U}'I OF I3S' OOO. OO RECORDED'IUNE 16, I98T, IN BOOK 324 AT PACE 38O. 4. HARRANTY DESD FROT'I EDI.|ARD F. GTATTER A}ID BEVERLY S. BTATTER TO EACLE-SEAVER LTD., A COLORADO CT}RPORATION CONVEYINO 6UB.,,ECT PROPERTY. N, DEED OF TRU6T FRTI'i EAOLE-BEAVER LTD., A CI}LORADO CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAOLE COUNTY FOn THE U$E OF ED|'IARD F. STATTER AND DEVERLY S. STATTER TO SECURE THE SUH OF S36O, OOO. OOi ROTE: THIS PFOPERTY f.lAy BE SUBJECT TO Tl'E REAL ESTATE TRAI'I€iFER TAX EY V1RTUE OF ITS INCLU9ION IN THE TOI,IN OF VAIL. PURCHASER gHOUl|-D COhTTACT THE TOI.JN OF VAIL RECARDINO SAID ASSSSSFIENT. ALt cBFrl,trrl.tEftir I SCHEDULE B-2 (Ercepttonr) Application No. VOOOS?6? Thr pollcq or policirs to be irrued urill contein crceptionE to thr folloulng unlesr the seme are disposed of to the satigfactlon qf the Conpong: 1. gtandard Erceptlone I through S printed on thc covet shect. 6. Texer and eogrsernentc not get due or pagable and speclal areFlBfilntb not get cortlfltd to the Treaeurer's offlcl. 7. Ang unpald tarar or t$$es:oents agalnrt Baid land. B. Llans for unprld uatm and gauar chargrr, if rng. 9. RIOHT TF }.IAY FTIR DITCHEE OR CANALE CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTI{TRITY OF TH€ UNITED 6TATE5 A8 RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JLINE P?, 19O3, IN EOOK 48 AT PA0E 49S AND RECCIRDED AUCU8T ?2, 1?36 IN BOOK T97 AT PAOE 304. I 10. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, bIHICH DO T{OT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE I]R REVERTER I ct-*usE, Ag coNTAINED IN INsTRUHcNT REcoRDED AUcUET go, 1977, IN BooK I ase AT PAoE 6a. t7.il( tt. )lttutlv Ar,rD DRAINAoE EASEHENTS 19. B5 FEET IN $,IDTH ALoNc rlcY\-./1,16prHERN Lor LrNE to. oo FEET rH lltDTH AL0N6 THE sourH€RN AND EASTERN LT]T LINES AS SHOT{I.I ON THE RECURDED PLAT OF VAIL VALLEY-THIRD FILINC A RESUBDTVISION T]F PART OF SUNGUFST. rA. AN UNDIVtrDED T/E INTEREST TN AND TO ALL OF THE OIL, OAS AND OTHER HINERALS gT}LID, LTOUID AND GASIIJS, OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE' INCLUDINO URANIUiI, tN, ON AND TJIIIDER AND T.IHICH I.IAY BE PRoDUCED FROTI THAT PT]RTION CIF SUBJECT PRSPERTY lN BECTION 10 OF LEEAL DE5CRIPTION HERETO A8 EXCEPTED AND REGERVED BY PETER E. KAT6OS IN THE DEED -gTRECORDED t'lAY 3, 1960 IH BOOX 165 AT FAOE Pe7- [\d eonaengNT EETI.IEEN vAIL AssocIATEE, LTD., AND 6As FAcILrrIEs, rNc., JZ/\ RECORI}ED .JULY 17, 1964 IN BI]OK 193 AT PAOE 1S7. {/f4\= EAsEHENT cRANTED Tu vAIr- I^TATER AND sANTTATIoN Dlsrnrcr IN TNsTRUHENT ,\-./ REc0RDED FEBRUARv s, 1969 IN Boox a14 AT PAeE 61e. I\JGI.' EAsEr'rENT cRANTED To vArL HATER ANt} sANTTATIoN DIsrRIcr sy INgrFUFlEffr \-./ RECoRDED ocroEER ao, 1969 IN BooK 416 AT PAoE 217. 16. IIOT}ERATE AVALANCHE HAZARF LIN€ AFFECTINC A PCIFTIC}H OF SUSJ€CT PROPERTY AS SHTI{,JN ON THE RECBRDED PLAT OF VAIL VALLEV' THIRD FILIN6, A RESUBDIVISION I}F PART 8F SUNBURST.