HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 LOT 14 LEGALO u.,^r *,fta s+d cuLotiRDtl 5l-lEETli F0R; €r 9/19c)g -==::r=======:.:= i :-=.i:.===::=:-: _:=.=-:'l=:.=::==-= r:::-: L/ it/ l) Type; b*BUIt-D ilt*rtr-rs I I55UED {lonstr': NDUtr UtilUt]/ l-lspr V N ij Zrzr--s4s-_fr*a;j {)7Ur- Br+5*6Et}J r ,' FiUl-,] 1 3 i uri/Qtt/ 1995 og: l4 IIEOUE$TS ::::::i::i -=-=5==:::!:=:::==:====;-= irr.:l: r. v ity l 816-utt37 1fit4ht oF vAIL. -' IivtiPECTN t^,iil{}( t-,fiGE l AREA: CD r.rildness r 19t9 SLINBLIFiST Ilti i....t.rc:*Liunr 1999 1-:iUNBU|lliT IJR I-',ir.c * l. I i:1riZr1..-1tr;j*Ur1.-0r;tl. [.icc t Desci'ig:t ian: DEMU/REHUILu Bf: FRIF-iFrRY/:iEi:/ RH!lIDENtrI AlipiI iuarrt ! ADVHhITAUI CONSTRUCT IOt't FlloIre: uwrer.: l{,f.lut^tl-T0N RICI-tliRD i.- & i!}.lNCY V Ftl-rone; []orr'lractor: A$VANTEGE CONSTIIUCIION Fhone; I rr s peet i ulr [ieqlre st R *q '..t s 51 or'; l-'flT Iie :OO Ib Infor*ttt;tt i. orr. . . ., Commcnts r I-'F{IMFIRY & be Inspec:bed.,. Ac:t ffin.,= Nlil" 0aur lnspieci: i on l-li st oi^y,, ".,It enr r tZrOStZr I FW-Tr.mp. access/draitragr. .[ L*m : gtta5 f gt di*i veway grade f inal .l ten : A&A1A FLDtr-Foot ings,rSteel fUtl11/c)6 Inspector': CD Fction: AFFR AFF'ROVtsD l{ot es r $UBttlT F:t}U-l'lNG Cl-ltiNGLlE; If-i IUV ON NO}l T}i HALL- l{fiU8. STIIUC f:NG sEflD A i:] FrMFIt) CCIF y {-tfi LL: ] T[:ll FrFpft0UIilG l-:UU-f I NG Cl{tti"l6tri:i tA6/LVl/$/ Inspertor': HG Ac:tiunr JrFl.'fi J.tl-'FxOVED I t,r rl ; tzllztrAijra bLItG-tr o r-rnclat i on /5i.: e e I iI/A1/tt' In*pect or: GF AcLion; iiFLl-tR frpF'{UVED Nst e s ; REBArI DtsTA l LS UNIIER 6E|IERRL f.lnTE$ F[rdovE ghlEt^J f:Rol4 FUIIM$ If\iSTJLfII ED BL'ihIPiET:: RE[]U ] RED It,*m: USrSeUr [:,L.AN-It.C tiite FIarr tZrt/14l9S InFpecbor-: {l|aORUEi iicLiorr r llFrt-'R HFFF{r"]uED Lten : taAOStA BL,DG-I:r':rmirrg eI/ l4/9A Inspector't CD Ar:::tionr DN Ii.-ti l$tlT ntrpROUEI) . Nrrtes: NO FURl"l-lHR INT]FECTIONS ALLOHEIT UNTIL ILL ISSUES tlRE RESOL frll'e7/\B Inspertoi"; Cfi Ac:tion; AFFR NORII{ UNIT Notes: FIREFLOCI(.INE RECI' D AT Rl-L l^llilL$ BUER lF' AND Ft'f S-IAIR ST R I NUEf{S ' . $UIIIYII'T $T'RUCTRRL },IEVITJED 5i'IIIJCTURAI... CI-IAI.IEEs: ctrNN[CT ltl]URU l..At{ i{ND FRAr;REl AT t-Cit^lilR t"EVf:L RETIUUTI: ELEC LIN[ FCIR I{EAT TAF,H(NfiI ALL.OI^'[:IJ TI{RU F'ARTY I^JA '2j1,/ijg,/99 Insper:'b oi": t-lD t1t:l/e5/rB Inspec:tor"r GliG I Lem ; lZt€rtZtSO Bl-D{i-Insr-tlat ion t l/e8/rg'InsBectar'r [lt . Acb i un r irl0 EI.IO LU]TER RE:CEIVET) Flr:tir:n: trFFR $I:CONbARY t"lhl If UNLY Notes: F.ILL F|1AFlIN{i CtJRllECl-It}NSi FtiiDE REhtlVL-. VAFltiR irHRFiIfiR fi ROM $HUhlER 51 At"L.S I Lc,ur I rluZrrl6Ur ibl-D6*ljheebr"rick |,lai I tleit/t'li*g Inspecl;orr CII Qt,t / .l J / 96 1n s pect oi" : tlu U;1itn/tA I rrspect ur r Lll I h H rlr ; i-llao TUr BLilii' ltl i sr::. I i ,,r rrr r (:ruti/!, ';4 tll...LU 'i:- i fi,", I rICt r ON : AF.I..'R F'R I f4RRY UN I'f ONLY Aebiotrr Af'F11 Actir.irt: tIFFR Ar'1, r on : HF [.:'l{ f-:'Rti''tAllY Ljl.lIl UhlL EXtrEPT CI.IAIJE f-'t.-lj[ st'tdlF l a) rerlr-tested bLD6'-Final //rt o' ,^ o oo o,o )L:T" I.'" tv - DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT /a*t U" U,*/e1t TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 9'10-47 9-2L38 NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De sit Refund approved amount date THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: KNOWLTON RES' NEW (sFR,P/s,DUP) PERMTT JOBSITE AT Pernit TIMES 896-0227 APPLICANT ADVANTAGE CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 3472, VALL, co 81658 CONTRACTOR ADVANTAGE CONSTRUCTION Po Box 3472t VALL, co 81658 OWNER KNOWLTON RICHARD L & NANCY V 401 FIFTH AVE SW, AUSTIN MN 55912 Description : DEMo/REBUILD oF enrulnr/sec/ Rrsrouumber of -Dwelling uti!: :--99? Address I,ffi LocaEton... : cel No. .:ject No.: Type Zone 3 V-N zone 3 V-N .00 Recreation Fee----------> 5.00 C[ern-UP DePosit-----> TOTAL FEES------ Factor Sq. Feet 137 .02 5,394 Phone: 970-845-8202 Phonel. 970-845-8202 Valuatiuatron 1999 SUNBURST DR 1999 SUNBURST DR 2101- 10 2-01-0 01 PRJ9 6 -0 12 8 N/A PLANS LAI(I( I Status ' . . Applied. 'Issued. . . Expires. . I SSUED 08 /tz /tee6oe/04/tse6 03 /03 /Lee'r OccupancY DwelI j-ngs Private Garages Ptan Check---> tnvest i gati on> tli L l, cat l,----> 739, 085 .88 41,641.50 Table Date: os/tl/tSSa 36.2L 1r 150 780,780 t727 ,38 780,727.38t727.38 Subtotal: 6,544 Total Valuati-on: Town of VaiI Adiusted Valuation: 900/000'000 F,ireptace tnformation: Restricted: #of Gas APPl,iances: 4 fof Gas Logs: #0f uood/Pattet: **M*rH*****t rrffi:ffiintinhf*r( FEE sul4ilARy t#iffi*:Hrir#rt*rt**Jr,i***iiHJr*:'rB'r'***t***'ll.tlJr*f,*tri Bui Lding-----> 3,940.00 Restuarant P[an Reviev-->.oo Total catcul'ated Fees---> 8,463'10 4OO.OO Additional' Fees---------> '00 809.10 Total, Pernit Fee--------) 8'163.10 750,00 Payments------- 8,153.10 BALANCE DUE---- 2,561 .00 oR8 IIen: 05].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/12/r996 CHARLTE Actionl NOTE O8/f4/1996 DAN Action: APPR Item: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENI 08/12/L996 CHARLTE Action: NoTE o9'/o4/L996 GEORGE Action: APPR Iten: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/12/1996 CHARLTE Action: APPR Item: O55OO PUBLIC WORKS 08/12/7996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE 08/14/1996 LARRY-P Actj-on: APPR Item: 05550 ENGINEERING 08/12/1996 CHARLTE Actionr NoTE 08/22/]-996 TERRr_M Actj-on: NoTE 09/04/t996 TERRI_M Action: APPR DePt: BUILDING Division: PLANS TO DAN DePt: PLANNING Division: PLANS TO GEORGE Dept: FIRE Divisi-on: Dept: PUB WORK Division: TO LARRY PARDEE Dept: ENGINEER Division: PLANS TO TERRI NOT APPROVED. SEE COND. OK **trffi*rrffir*lr:ffirtiffirffi*irffiffiirffi(*trffi(ffi:#(ict l*rrffit|*irtl**rr*tik*t****k*t'**trfdr ir'rrttttJi I .nnt, to this Permit'See Page 2 of. thir I hereby acknowl,edge that I have read this apPl,ication, fitl'ed out in ful't the information required' comPleted an pt.an, and state that al,t the in{ormation provided as required is correct' I agree to compl'y with the information to compl,y with alt ToHn ordinances and state [avs, and to bui[d this structure according to the To\"/n's zoning and DECLARATIONS accurate ptot and pLot P I'an, subdivis'ion codes, design review approved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto' REOUESTS TOR TNSPECTTONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI'IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Sand Clean-Up Deposit To: RICHARo KNoIJLToN PAGE 2 ****************************************,1*************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Perrnit ltt 896-0227 as of 09/04/96 status: rssuED ***************************************************************tr**************** Permit Type: NEi/l (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT epplicant : ADVANTAGE CONSTRUCTION Job-lddress: 1999 SUNBURST DR Location. 1999 SUNBURST DR Parcel No: 2101-102-01-001 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** I.THISPRoJECTWILLREQUIREDASITEIMPRoVEMENTSURVEY.SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. PARIY WALL BETWEEN PRIMARY AND DRYWALL WITH 1" AIR SPACE. SECoNDARY UNrT TO BE 5/8 Applied. 08/72/1996 iisuea I 09 /04/1996 **********.****************************************************** TOVrN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0193 Amount:200.00 09/04/96 Ll-:01 Payment Method: CK Notation: PREPA]D DRB FEES Init: CD 896-0227 Type: B-BUILD NEw (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE 2101-102-01_-00r. 1999 SUNBURST DR 1999 SUNBURST DR Total Fees:200.00 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No; Si-te Address: Location: This Palanent Account Code 01 0000 41331 7, 654 . oo 200.00 7,454.OO Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Amount 200.00 oo o F o 'F.6Zo9.oOI F j 6, ;U F E 4 F F F o F oo o F o F oo o rl YU !q F uE !|| oal al o to EH o A 0 ;':',: Et6 FH HAq!E8cqOA I Iz .A J' N4qoac3 !E(,UI l.|Hq. AE8 HFa.t & oo tr;fr g oro a r-r dFO F AHe7 Eixx4 EE !q t{H AB E8oa: rt BErlc*tqto E lrHHZ XXI{a EI CI H A H 6H FI t{EOI-U ZA A&uB 6,E 5A6 ti- F'ql EH HEIE& o B Egi t{HI lil oo)e EntI> EII.Icl(01Eac,cEOtdc o4AH PER}IIT /I '., APPLICATfON IIUST BE TILLED OIn CODIPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE AcCESIED X**************** *!t*********** PERIIIT fNFORI.IATfON *****************************rl [ ]-Buildinq [ ]-Plunbing I J-Electrical I J-Uechanibal I J-other Job Nane: {rr.-/+"" ft"1 Job Addreesz l?*l Suz}u,rgl- Legal Description: Lotll -tBlock_ ftfing 3'" suBprvrsroN, ohmers Name: PtrlnrJ l(-n//oi Address: 4t H-nLr.c"-./- ph. g?6na Architect t Rll D Address: F,v s3?f y'a.r / ph.ttL/ ?*ar l-Alteration [ ]-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling units: Pttryq sr ""rJ-y Number of Acconmodation units: Gerreral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New t y'e Electrical Address: Contractor: PJ-unbing Contractor: Atldress: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************roR Town of vail Reg. Nc.l.'tione Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of VaiJ. Reg. NO. Phone Number:: ** * ** ******* * *****rt***** ** * **,.."..r PIAN EITECK FEE:BUILDING PERMIT TEE: PLWBING PERMII FE8: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE oF FEEs DRB FEE:ary oFFrcE usE BUTLDTNG PLt]I'fBING MECHANI RECRE.ATI CI-,EAN-UP TOTAL BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONING: SIGNAI'T'RE: T CLEAN I'P T}EPOSIT REFI'I'D R,ol,"rJ lf navllz't TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-21,38 E tect ri cat---> DRB Feelnvestigation> .00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: l-999 SUNBURST DRLocati-on...: 1999 SUNBURST DR ParceI No.. : 2101-102-01-001Project No. : PRJ96-0128 APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTR]C JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permi-t #: 897-0184 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 08/21,/1997Issued...: 08/27/7997Expires..: 02/L7/1-998 Phonel. 9'1 09263358 Phone: 9709263358 OWNER Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW SFR ****************i***************t***ff ***************t***** FEE P O BOX 1451, AVON CO 81620 KNOWLTON RICHARD L & NANCY V 401 FIFTH AVE SW, AUSTIN MN 55912 Valuation:30,000.00 sullllARY ****t*********i*****ff ***t**i*******i************t*t****** Ti tt cat l,----> TOTAL FEES---> 273.00 .00 3.00 ?76.@ Totat Catcutated Fees---> Addi t i onal. Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> BALANCE DUE---. 276.W .o0 276.OO 276.OO .00 *********ffi*********i**************t***************************************************t**********************************t**tt** Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: **************************ff********|Hr*****************i*******************t****i*************t*********************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL]ANCE. **************i***********************ff**********************i********i********************************************************** DECLARATIONS r. hrreby .acknolrtedge that r have read.this apptication/ fil,ted out in tul,l, the infornation requi red, compl,eted an accurate ptotptan/ and state that atl the information provided as required is corrcct. I agree to compty riith tire information and pl,ot il,an,to -corpty lrith att Town ordinances _and statc taHs, and to buil.d this structure according tothe Toyn's zoning and suMivisioncodes, design review approved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the tord aipticabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE }IADE TIIE}ITY-IOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY ITe-m: -06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT08/27/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPRItE-m:. -O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT08/21/L997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A / **************************************************************** TOWN OF VATL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0317 Amount: Paynent Method! CHECK Notation: #6912 27 6 .OO 08/22/97 09 : 08 Init: CD 27 6 .00 **************************************************************** Permit No Parcel NoSite Address Location This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4131-3 01 0000 41336 897-0184 Type: B-ELEC 2tol-ro2-01-001 1999 SUNBURST DR 1999 SUNBURST DR ELECTRICAI, PERMIT Total- Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE 27 6 .00 27 6 .00 .00 Amount 273.0O 3.00 toml OP Vi'IL Idi .LCIP150 K.].uotd. lAeifi U.er: aIRU OL/L?/99 ActivlBy Haints€uance - In6[raction Procrsaing ELECIRICAL PBRIIA Pcrrit I[o ! 897-O1A,l tpplic.nE: SHll[ EIlEqI.R.f C Addrc.6: 1999 gtttqBltRgf m tnglrccgion lEc!!: oo19o Dc6crLtrtlon: E',Ec-FlneI irupcctiorr Drt'c Irldp€cEor Action NoEaliolt 72/OL/9e BG r2/oa/9e EG D6pg. BUIIJDINC Div3 ===== T1n.g ===== B.gin End EIp.d EnEry No Engsr OpBion ! A=ldd an &rtry C=Change an Rtgry D=Dcletc an cntry F2=Nqxt IClu F3=Pravioua lla[ F4=N!xt 12 Entrici DN rclocaE€ 6ri€chss APPR APPROVED Ps=PirrE 12 Enlris. EgGR.turn Eo Its Lirt PHSTE Ml. : 9?A926358 I TOI{N OF VATI, CONSSRUCITTON PERMIT APP&TCATTON FORM DAEE: P.JI-'I7 , APPIJCITION I|UST BE PII,I;8D OUT coltPISTEI.ly OR IT ]IAy NOT BE ACCEPIED Ilrat*******l*rltt********t**** PFEMIT If{!'ORIfAEION **********************:tt***tlt/ltt l-Bufld"tng. f l-PlunbtnE [vl:Blectrlcal I t-l,fec]ranlcaL I l-other Icgal Descrl.ptlon:E"t-$-Bloclc FLllnca.' tf,,it V,qllt1 =d Flift(.'.1 orners lla:ne: K:?ti.n r,r,r.* n1""", Ktriwr Address: z Addressr .-_ ,. phr-_.-_.,_- U:ire- tw<s ws'J'Wtf worlc class: 6J1-Uer [.]-Alteration [ ]-Addlttonal [ ]-Repalr [ ]-OtheE Nunber ot Dwell.l.ng llnlts:(V"ffi/ Nunber of lqcornnoaadiotr unl.tsr P FRO"4 : SFSIAJ ELECTRIC A.E. 2I L9B7 EEIMI PL \ fsna6- o t)g ifob Addresst General DescrLpf,lon:/t Worlc Class: Vl-Nett [v't- to]- 61 -60 l rlob Nauss .erclritect: *t****it********t t it * * *!r*****CON'IIRAC:'I.oB INFORIIATION !r * * * rt * !r !. * :* * * * * * * * * ** * ** * ** r . I tzrE Eleetrtcal Contraqtor:iddress: PluDblnE contrgctor! Address: Mechanical contractor: Mdrese: rr*i*t*rr**********it**l**** it*r.*80RBUTIDIIIC SEBMII EEEi PITI}TBINC PERITIT rEE: IECHTNTCAL PERMII FEE: ELECII{ICAIT ,fEEi )TBER ![IPE OF .HEE: )RB EEES Sontn of Val.l Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Toriln of vaLl Reg. No. Phone lfi:rdrer: oFFIcE.USE ***r**r***.raa***************** BUIU)II{G PI.II{ CHECK r8E3 PLII}IBING PIAll CHECI( FAE: !,IECHANTCAL PI.EI..I CHBCI( SEEI RECRE.ATTON FEE: CI.iEIN-UP DEPOSTTS :TOITAL PERT.TIT FBESI BUfLTDING: StrGNATURE: ZONINGg 8ICNAII'R8i CI.EAX UP I'EPOSIT NEFIIM) r{'r t. T'OWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8l_657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMEN? OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitPLUMBING PERMI? AT #: ALL TIMES P97-0062 APPLICANT VAIL VALLEY PLI]MBING & HEATINGP O BOX 2048, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRACTOR VAIL VALLEY PLUMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2048, AVON CO 8!620OWNER KNOWLTON RICHARD L & NANCY V 401 FIFTH AVE SW, AUSTTN MN 55912 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 06/05/t997 Issued. ..t 06/os/L997Expires. . : L2/02/t997 Phone z 3O3949777t Phone: 3039497771 Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 1999 SUNBURST DR 1999 SUNBURST DR 2101-102-0l,-001 PRJ9 6_012 B Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW pRIMARy/SECONDARyVaLuation:44,t75.00 FEE SUil ARY t*rrltt*ffi*f*ffiffiffi*ffilhffiffift PLumb i ng----> Ptan Check--> Investigat ion> tli LL Cat L---> Restuarant Ptan Review--> TOTAL FEES_-_ Tota t catcutated Fees--> Additiona t 675.W 16E.75 .00 3.00 .00 816.75 E46 -75 .00 816.75 E16.75 . Total Perm,it Fee____> Payments------ *ffi *ffi *i**,ffi *ffi **ffi ****ffi *****oo***li$[Lll.i;;;;;;;;;;i"-*n**o**;fl *** IqE{'! ,Q51qO^E9II,QING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:9F/05/Igs-7-CUABI,rE A-Eion;- ApFn cHenr,rE DAViS-rtem:'0s600 FrRE DEPARTMENT -- ---oept: FrRE Division: w 'ffi**-*ii*******ffi**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. E_IqLP-INSPECIIQryS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST CoMpl-,y-wiTf;-ige4 uFc-'----' * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknontcdge that r havc fead.this appl,ication/ f il,l,cd out in ful,l, thc infornation required, coopLetcd an accurate ptotPtan, and state that att the infornation pro;idcd as r{uired. i.s comect. i "9."" to compty riith tire in?ornat.ion and ptot ptan,to conp I'y Yith atL Torrn ordinancrs -and state [a!rs, and to buiLd this structurr according to'the Toyn,s zonin! -ana subdiv.isioncodes, design reviev approved, uniform Buitding code and othen ordinanccs of thc Toun appt.icabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR IIISPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TUENTY-FOUR HOI,'RS IN AOVANCE Sy TELEPHONE Af 479-2138 oR ATpUR OFFTCE FRor.r I llc!'lN oF VArL, COIJOF"ADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0282 Amount: 846.75 06/05/97 L4224 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #L4i4I Initt CD Pernit, No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description PLIJMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES!{ILL CALI INSPECTION FEE P97-0062 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 2L0L-L02-01-001 1999 SUNBURST DR 1999 SUNBURST DR Total Fees:846.75 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 846.7s 846.7s .00 Amount 675 .00 168.7s 3 .00 f*";;j:,i;:l;,3';::',f::i";'e#,K oF vArL coNsrRucrro TARCEL #: o<lot_ toe -ai -*/ pEpeffT Ap.pLr/zw Fowl PER}IIT // P?J1b-o6-ts , APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED oUT COMPLETELY oR IT ltAY NoT BE ACCEPTEDUX***************************** PEIII,IIT INFORMATfON *****************************rl-[ ]-Building ffi-nrn^Uing [ ]-Elecrrical p(-uechanibat [ ]-other;/"nJob Name: 4,no/fbf Ke" Job Acrdre*", _81? S".aL../ Description:Lot Block_- Filing sunorvrsrou, 'a4 Address: LegaI Owners Arcbitect , t t4 l-.' Address: Address: 4 Electrical Contractor : Address: Ph.4 74 \prnber and Type of Fireplaces3 Gas Appriun..=-n7eas rogs 0 wood/pellet_v {********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* General Description: work class: [><]--New [ ]-Alteration [ ]*Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelting Units: L Number of Accommodation Units: BUILDING: $EI",ECTRTCAL: $OTHER: $ TOTAL: S *****, CoNTRACTOR INFORMAT'ION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Plumbing Address: Contractor: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Ph./)/ 87oz I;;l::::"r contractorz -So.,"z +, P,/,.,obrz.<, ******************************** FORBUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Q$QPhone Nurnber: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PIJ{N CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: VALUATION CLEAN I'P DEP,OSIT REN'ND TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD l.:lr"nlrr'16s7 a D EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT PMENT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E96-0174 a EVELO APPLICANT GORE RANGE ELECTRIC P O BOX 1858, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR GORE RANGE ELECTRIC P o Box 1858, AVON CO 81620 OWNER KNOWLTON RICHARD L & NANCY V 401 FIFTH AVE SW' AUSTTN MN 55912 DesCriPIiON: TEMPORARY POWER E l,ect ri ca l,---> 12.@ DRB Fee Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. .00 3. O0 45.00 1999 SUNBURST DR 2 1o 1- l- 02 -01-0 01 PRJ9 6-0113 Status...: ISSUED Applied . .. 08/07 /L996ri!ued. ..: 08/08/19e6 Expires. . : 02/04/L997 Phone z 3039497788 Phone z 3039497788 Valuation:200.00 45.00 .00 45.00 45.00 .00 tr# fEE SUl,lltARY tnvest igat i on> !iLt cal,l,----> TOTAL FEES---> Tota I ca lcutated Fces---> Addi tional, Fees---------> Tota! Pcrnit Fce--------) Paynents-------- BALANCE DUE----- Item:.0600008/07 /rge6 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENTDAN ACtiON: APPR DePt: BUILDING DiViSiON: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowl.edge that I have read this apPlication, fitted out in ful't the infornation required' comPLeted-sn ptan, and state that alt the infornat i on provided as required is correct. t agfee to compl'y tJith the infornation to conpl,y with aLl. ToL,n ordinances and stEte [a!is, and io Luita this structure according to the Toyn's zoning and codes, dcsign rcview approved, unito". Building code and other ordinances of the Town appticabl'e thereto' accurate plot and plot Ptan, subdivision REouEsTs foR INspEcrIoNs sHALL BE ],IADE Tl,lENw-FouR HouRs lN ADvANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT /+?F2138 oR AT ouR otFlcE FRof{ 8:m A 5:00 Plt **************************l*********************--.-Q:-:i:::Statennt TowN oF vArL, COLORADO 45.00 o8/08/96 :-4234 Fuy*"nt Method: cHEcK Notation:CHECK Permit No: 895-01?4 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL' PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-102-01-001 Site Address: 1999 SUNBURST DR a-!-r Er6ad. 45.00Total Fees: This Payment 45'00 Total ALL Pmts: 45'00 Balance: '00 *tt********************"***********************tt*****************AnountDescriptionAccount code uescrrPLlurt -,..m t,r,E,Q 42,00ELECTRICAL PER}.TIT FEES01 0000 41313 E!ggrligP_:,:YH,::":"" =;" 3i 33ffi ;i;i; ffi;'il;-rrriPnctroN FEE 3'oo I. .?:.:til I.lliYfi?Y* * * * * * * * * r' r' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Gremnt Number: REc-0181 Amount ' 45'00 08/08 /Se t+zze - 1'-r--+;^6' nlrE'cK rnit: ALM l*Contact Eagle County Assessors Officetcr;"ll'r:';::iW";i:;fu-'glH"?[$il, Legal Description! Lot , APPLfCATToN I''UST BE FTLLED OUT CoMPI-,ETELY oR IT ![Ay NoT BE AccEpTED x****************** **** ******* PER!{IT TNFORUATTON **** ************ ************::rl ./[ ]-Building [_]-plunbing fi-ELec]rilcat, I l-uechantbal [ ]-other rob Nane: - - ,' ttqao#Kd""=', D -"a - oo// DATE: PERMIT // Block_ Filing susprvrsroN, Address: Address: owners Nane: Architect: Ph. Ph. :si3*$ilf General Description: BUILDING: I PLWBTNG: l***************************7 Eeneral Contractor! ELEcrRrcAt, l-_)ea ry_ MECHN{fCAL: $ otnsR: s COMTRAETOR INFORUATION Town of Vail Re Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLT'}IBING PI..AN CHECK FEE: UECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: TOTAL: T*****d&gffi Address: Electrica Address: Plunbing Address: Reg. NO. Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. ********************************FOR Mechanical Contractor :Address: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUUBING PERMIT FEE: I'TECIIANTCAL PER}TIT FEE 3 ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUII,DTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATIJRE: worl< class: t1f-wew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelllng Units:Nunber of Accommodation Units: nf*"t and Type of Fireplaces: cas ,f********************************* Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet_._ VALUATTONS **** ******** * ************* * ****** caE4r uP DEPOSTT REFUND T1): VALUATION TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL, co 81657 97 o-47 9-2138 EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT o D NOTE: THIS PERMII MtST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALr., BUDG ' ON JOBSITE AT Permit ALL T]MES #: D96-0011 Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. 1999 SUNBURST DR 1999 sunburst dr. 2101-102-01-0 01 PRJ9 6-012I Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. ISSUED o8/02/tee6 .00 575.?5 573.25 .00 APPLICANT ADVANTAGE CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 3472, VALL, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR ADVANTAGE CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 3472t VArL, CO 8l'658 OWNER KNOWLTON R]CHARD L & NANCY V 401 FIFTH AVE SI^I, AUSTIN MN 55912 Description: DEMO OF RESIDENCE OccuPancY: R3 Type Construction: V N Type OccuPancy: Valuation: Fireptace Infornation: Restricted: Single FamilY Residence Tlpe V Non-Rated 24,000 Add Sq Ft: fof Gas APPLiances: #0f Gas Logs: Phone: 970-845-8202 Phone z 97Q-845-8202 tol tlood/Pa t tet: ffi****f,rrlik***i**f*******.****ffi,t#rJrir*trrhir*-rt*rHrJrtitir**H FEE SUI IARY Jrt,rtrffi*****Ji*'r***ffi***tt*jr****-*'t*lrri**ffi********!E7a 2(573.25 sui tdi n9----> Ptan check---> Invest i gation> UiLt catl,---> 285.00 1E5.?5 .00 3.00 .00 100.00 575.?5 Rrstuarant P [!n Rev'i eu--> DRB Fee------- Recreation teF---------> C Iean-l.rp DePosi t-------> TOTAL FEES--_ .OO Totat Calcutated Fecs---> .OO Additionat Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Paynents------- BALAI{CE DUE-_- Item:05100 08 /02/1996It'em:'05400 08 /05 /r996It'em:'05600 08 /05 /L99 6Itbn:'05500 08 /05 /t996Itbn:'05700 oB /05 /1996It'em:'0590008/0s/tee6 BUILDING DEPARTMENTCHUCK ACtiON: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENTDAN ACtiON: APPR FIRE DEPARTI'TENTDAN ACIION: APPR PUBLIC WORKSDAN ACIION: APPR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHDAN ACIiON: APPR LIQUORDAN- ACtiON: APPR Dept: BUILDING Dept: PLANNING Dept: FIRE DePt: PUB WORK Dept: HEALTH Dept: CIJBRK Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this pernit' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknortcdge that t have read this apptication, fitted out in futt thc information required, conPteted an accurate ptot pLan, and stlte thrt att tnc iniormation pPo;ided as required is correct. I agree to conpl'y riith the inlormation and Ptot P[an' to coDpty rith att Torn ord,in;;ces ind stlte lans, and io'luito ,i" structure according iothe ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design rcvtcu approvj]"u"it"." Buitding code and othef ondinsnccs of the Toun appticabtc thrncto' REGtrrEsJs FoR ll{sPEcrlotis SHALL BE l'tADE Tr?ouR HouRs lN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean.ltp DePosit To: KlOllLToN ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS permit #: D96-0011 a" -i-oa79s,l?1 ., status: TSSUED *******************************************i************************************ Permit TyPe: DEMO. Or PART/AL!-q9?G' eppliclnt : ADVANTAGE CONSTRUCTIoN 970-84s-8202 Job Address:Location: 1999 sunburst dr' Parcel No: 2101-102-01-001 Description: DEMO OF RESIDENCE Conditions I 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE STARTED. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK TOR 3. CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS FENCE REQUIRED PRIOR TO epplied: oa/oz/r996 I ssued: To Expire: ANY WORK CAN BE CODE COMPLIANCE. DEMO ** * ** * ** * ;* ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *l* * * * * ****************** TOWN OF VAIL, COI'ORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Nunber! REc-0179 Amount: 553'25 08/05/96 09:57 -:i[:ri til*::l-----:::::r1g1i ----:i1::-::-- Permit No: D96-0011 Type; A-DEMO DEMO' or eeRf/ar'r' eu Parcel No: 2101-102-01-001 site Address: 1999 SUNBURST DR Location: 1999 sunburst dr'Total Fees: This Payment 553.25 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 573,25 573.2s .00 ****************************************************:t*********** Account code DescriPtion Amount 01 OOOO 413].0 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 265'00 01 OOOO 4L332 PLAN cHEcK FEES 185'25 01 oooo 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 100'00 01 00oo 41336 wrLL CALL rNsPEcrroN FEE 3'00 PERI'IIT 'I D^rE2 4,1/ , APPLTCATION !.lUsT BE TTLLED oirr coupr,erELy oR IT I,rAy NoT BE AccEprED X***************************** PERIIIIT fNFORI,IATJON *****************************rl Onners Name: Architect: [ ]-Building t l-plunbing [ ]-Erectricat [ ]-Mechanibar gtrf-otrrer {)ona Job Nane: fli/Lr [U." Job Address: t??? fortlar;* Legal Description: Lot :!l Block_ Filing_f Address: C Ph. Address:P}i.tt|/ 122r ceneral Descri.ption: l{ork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration I l-Additional [ ]-Repair l>!-ott.erslez.aat Nurnber of Dwelling units; _ Nunber of Accornmodation units: ^ {pnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_vIt*************!r****t ttfr***"Li:yii, Y1SUATIONS *********************************' ! f,z-) '74 - L/ I &V &_-na i$tBIilE: - f*:$T*T:tir::-- ::ffi:{ahaoal^ plururrNc: s uEcIlANIcAr,: $---rYI * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,4t * * * * *, coNTRAqroR TNFoRMATTo:!Eenera1 Contractor: I u-lr-'J --i---:--iJ;IContractor:ile;;;;'-;;Fu::) lgwn or vair Res''-N9:- Erectricar contrac{#r'"?e t4i/ D4b - DOIT al Phone Number: q?/ lT ;il;;=";'.. \'r'rtt-r'o'tjLe'; - - Town of VaiI Reg. NO.-.--- Plunbing Contractor: eAAress i phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address:phone Number: ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ********* ********* * ************ BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE; !.IECHANICAL PI..AI{ CTIECK FEE: RECREATION TEE: CI,EAN-UP rT: TOTAL PERMTT BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: BUU,DING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI,ECTRTCAI. 8EE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: VALUATION CLEAII I'P I}EPOSIT REFIIT|D TO:Q,Jr,) l(nont'/zut A9ll7l1995 AEi4A 383-845-8948 O ADVANTAE C C PA€ gL electrlcal aub -contraetorr there are any lurtlrer re- 926-3358 or Pat UcDonald 476-?529 (Job elre). Tor Tovn of Vcll couunlty developaent RE' Nnorlt'on nea. (896-0227) EreeLrrcal pernrt(896-01?4)1999 Sunburat Dr.Vall lCo. I I Pleaae be aclwleed that De are ehanqlng fron Gore Bcnge Etec. ro shav er.otrfl9rE quLrenente pleaBe contaet Shar Electrlc at (conatructlon ngr. ) at 926-8?02 (ofttce) or fhank you Pab llcDonaldfum/ \ll i s. g3*1 t",, u-rrit "t memo 7ti7l .t'Bgnb.r PeSICP^ILnltr'-EiO-o4o, wE ARE SENDING YoU, Attachcd VIA Fat THESE ARETRANSTilTTED You' Usc REMARKS: Salll', Fo[swing is $e Jartrb Der:ul at lhe pop.out wirtdows. AJso, her€ are the altemate backsidc of dormcr suppo( bcan sizcs:ito rePlace ML & GL) Primary Rcsidence Dormcr o'er Family Roon - W | 0x3O' " Kitchen - W10x{9 Lrung Roorn- Wl0x49 b&ster Bcdfii-Wl0xr10 ' ' M;rsler Bath. - W10x30 P,leasc call wirh ar5 questions. COPIES TO: Clark - file IJL-Ag-L1'J? 15:f,3 :.HRK. EI'ii I |IEER I N]bl: :{rla-r-. F. 'i-il. :1; ,dlN Bl i', O cEC #s974s4 TRAI\SMITTAL LETTER t000 Lionrndge Loop #3d Varl. CO El65? (61!) {?6-922E Fa'< .17G9023 LOCATION: Vail, Coloradg - TIME: 4:24 PM . THEFOLLOWINGITEMST ENGIN EERING CORPORATION FROMr Tim J. Olson Clark Engincedng Corporsticn 621 Lilac Drive North Minneapolis, Minnesota -q5422.4674(6r2) 545-9196 Fax 541{056 PROJECT: Knowlton Rcsidcnce DATE: 7;9197 Ms. SauY Braincd RKD Desien COPIES TYPE NO.DESCRIPTION 8l/2xll Jamb @ Pop4ut Window Detail Secondary Rgsidcn€c Dormd olrr Ntr$cr Bsdrm. - Wl0x30' " Living Room - Wl0x49' ' Krtchen - W10t30 SIGNED: /^-J ,/-'-.---:.4A. g€,_ . ..f-r- Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 (303) 479 -2138 PIan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 081395 Ad.dress: 1999 SUNBURST DR Contractor: ADVANTACE CONST. Architect: RKD Enqineer: MICHAEL FOWLER NOTE:The code items listed in this report listing of all possible code requirements ' selected sections of the code. Name: KNOWLTON RES]DENCE P Dabe: August 13 ' 1995 occupancy: R3 'MlType of const! V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK are not ineendeil Eo be a comPlete in the 1991 UBC' It is a guide to WEST OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG PROT WAI.,L WAT,L PROT None Ohr Ohr None None Ohr Ohr None SE PARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Buildinq 0.0 Feet 0'0 Feet EAST Property line 52 ' 0 Feet 52 ' 0 Feet soUTH Property line 12.0 Feet 12 ' 0 Feet WEST Property line 39'0 Feet 39'0 Feet EXTERIOR WALI, FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG WALL V{AL,L PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL R3 thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr M1 thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material' Sec'2201" None -- No fire protection requirements for openinqs' NoP -- openings are not permitted in this wall' FL NAME AREA MIN. i,IGHT MIN'VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS l- 1 t- 1 1 l_ 1 1 1 1 1 l- 1 1 1 L 1 2 uaster bedroom 294 2 tlaster bath 131 2 Living room 485 2 Dining room 20L 2 Family room 335 2 Kitchen r77 2 Powd.er room 28 2 Halls, closets, etc. 253 TOTAL FOR FI.,OOR 1- 9 1 5 L Garage 555 1 Bedroom f2 283 1 Laundry room 27 1 Bedroom #3 235 1 Bedroom #4 245 1 Bedroom #5 200 1 Hal1s. closets, etc. 228 TOTAI, FOR FLOOR 1785 BUILDING TOTAL 3700 29 .40 0.00 48.50 20. 10 JJ.OU L7.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.30 0.00 23,60 24.)v 20.00 0.00 L4.70 6.55 z4, z) 10.05 _LO. OU 8.8s1 qn 0.00 0.00 r-4. 15 1.50 11.80 tz. z) 10.00 0.00 No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No No No FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable wj-ndow or d'oor that is required from this room' The minirnum the following. -- Sec' 1204' 1-) The minimum clear he j-ght is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5'7 square feet 4) The maximum silI height is 44 inches 2) The nuJer of exits is based on Tab1e 33 -A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanicar ventiiation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation' -- Sec' 1205' (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space stra11 have a ceiting height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens. ha1ls, bachrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceilingheightofTfeetmeasured'bothelowestprojeclion.Iftheceilinqt is sloping. then the ninimum heiqht is required in only I/2 of the area' - - sec. 12 07 . (a) Everydwellinq|unit'shallhaveatleasloneroomwhichhasnotlessEhanl-20 square feet of rrooi "r"". other habitable roorns except kiEchens sha11 have an area of not f"""-tft"" ?0 square feeL' -- Sec' 1207' (b) Habitable rooms otner than a kifchen shalt not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. L20'l . (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: A11 qlazinj in hazard'ous locations is required to be of safety glazinq maEerial . -- sec. 5405. (d)- 1) Giazing' in ingress and egress doors except jalousies' 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panel-s of sliainq door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors' 3) Glazinq in storm doors. 4) Glazing in a1l unframed swinging doors ' 5)GlazingindoorsandencLosuresforhottubs'whj-rlpoo1s'saunas'sEeam rooms. bathtubs and strowers. Glazing in any portion of a building wal1 enclosing these compartnents where Ehe botEom exposed edqe of the g:.azLng is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet' 5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacents to a door-where lhe nearest exposed "ag" oi-tt" q'1"2*i,,g is within- a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door itr i .f"".a position and. where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above lhe walking surface' 7) Glazinq in an individual fixed or operable panel' oEher than those locations described in items 5 and 5 above. than meets all of the opens directly to the exterlor cllar openable area must meet plane of the gl az ing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height Included are structural balusber panels panel s . following condiLions: A. Exposed area of an individual B. Exposed. boteom edge less than C. Exposed top edge greater than D. One or more walking surfaces pane greater than 9 square feeL' 18 inches above the floor. 35 inches above the floor. wiLhin 35 inches horizontally of the above a walking surface. and. nonstructural i-n- f iII SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector rs required on the ceiling or located in the corridor or area givrng access - - sec - L2r0 ' (a) 4'lhe ceiling or wall aE a Poinb central-IY to each sleePing area. wal1 in each sleePing -- sec. 12 10.(a) 4 smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shatl be equipped witn a batterv backup' -- sec' L210' (a) 3' Detectors shall sound an alarm ""dibt" in all sleeping area of lhe dltelling in which they are located. -- Sec' 1"210' (a) 4' OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the g'arage and the resid.ence, materials approved for thr fire conscruction are required. on the garage side only and any doors between the g'arage and thre iesidence are bo be a self-closing L 3/8 inch soLid core door or a 20 minute fire door' -- Table 5-B & Sec' 503' (d) exc' #3 A smoke deEeccor is required on area. - - Sec. 121-0. (a) 4. A smoke deLector is required on aII If Ehe upper 1evel contains sleeping in the ceiling of the uPPer J-evel -- Sec. 1705. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, noE exeend. through not stories. - - sec. 1210- (a) 4' room(s), a smoke detector is required close to the s tairway. be a! l-east 35 inches wide' -- See' 3305' (b) 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches' STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling must The maximum rise of a steP is -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one s j-de a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers- -- Sec' 3305' (i) Provide a quard rail where drop off is greater lhan 30 inches' Minimurn heiqht = 36 inches. maximum openinq size = 4 inches' -- sec' I7I2' (a') exc' #1 The minimum head.room is e ft.- 8 inches' -- Sec' 3305'(o) Enclosed. usable space und.er the sbairs is required to be protecled as required' for thr fire-resistive construetion. -- Sec' 3305' (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES : 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside wibh not Iess than 25 qage galvanized sheet metal with all joinbs locktapped' The outsid'e must be t hr construction. Al1 openings into any such enclosure shal1 be protected bynotles€thanaself-.closinqsolidwood'door13/Sincheslhickor equivalent. -- sec. 1705. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping insLalted in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in I hour shafts' faetory-builb chimneys. piping, or ducts that do *o." Lh"n 2 floors need not be in t hour shafEs ' -- Sec. 1705. (c) 4) All other stl.afLs are required. to be enclosed in a l- hour assembly' -- Sec. 1705. (a) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMEITITS : For R3 occupancy This projlch ;i11 require a site irnprovement survey ' such survey shalL be submitted' and approved prior to request for frane inepection ' A11 crawl spaces within the Town Of Vai-I are limited to a earth to structural ttoor ceiling height of 5' , be earth floor only' be ventilated aa per uBc 2i15(ci5 with minimum accesta as per uBc 2515(c)2 and maximum accesE of 9 sq' ft' Any building site with a slope of 30 ilegrees or more shaLl require an engineer design. Such design sha1l address drainaqf e ' soil retsainag'e and. structural design. ExcavationbelowElabsongradeshallnotbepermittedwithoutprior approval . Add.reg s numbers shall be posted' plainly visible and legible from the 6treet.. For M1 occupancy S3-ope garlg" iLoot to all-ov, for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oi1 interceptor to dry well or to sewer' arry g"tag" floor drain connected to sewer rnusE be approved by Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District. In garages with living bearing the area above resistive congCrucEion. area above, the wal1s of the g'arag'e wiich are sha1l be protected with one hour fire uBc 503 (B) . - '.. Y Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 Plan analysis based on the 19 91 Unif orrn Building' Code NoTE:Thecodeitemslisted.inthisreportarenotintendedtobeacomplete listing of alL possible code requirements in the 1991 UBC' It is a guide to selecLed sections of the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NoRTH Property line 12.0 Feet 12 ' 0 Feet EAST Property line 30 - 0 Feet 30 ' 0 Feet soUTH guiidinq 0.0 Feeh 0 ' 0 Feet wEsT Properby line 78.0 Feet 78 ' 0 Feet Proj ect Number: 081395 Address: 1999 SUNBURST DR contractor! ADVANTAGE CONST ' Architect: RKD Enqineer: MICHAEL FowLER NORTH EAST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON'BRG WAI,L WALL PROT WALL WAI,I, R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr ML Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr Name: KNOWLTON RESIDENCE S Date: August 13' 1995 OccupancY: R3.M1 Type of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK SOUTH hIEST OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON'BRG OPNG PROT WAIJL WAI,L PROT WALI' WAI-,I., PROT None thr* thr* NoP ohr Ohr None None thr* thr* NoP ohr Ohr None EXTERIOR WAI,I, FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A The exterior wa11s may be of COMBUSTIBLE naterial' Sec'2201' None -- No fire protection requiremenLs for openings' Prot -- Openinqs are to be protected with 3/4 ht fire assemblies' 50c6 of lhe ui"" of the wa1l maximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single wind.ow size is 84 sq.ft with no dirnension grealer than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4305. (h) NOP -- Openings are noc permitted in this wall' FI,NAMEAREAMIN.I,IGHTMIN.VENTNO.EXITSEGRESS 2 Master bed.room 2 Masuer bath 2 Living roon 2 Dining room 2 Kitchen 2 Powd.er room 2 Ha1Is, closebs, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR I Garage L Bedroom S2 1 Bedroom #3 1 Bedroom #4 1 Laundry room l- Hal1s. closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUII-,DING TOTAL 31 4 105 340 L20 242 23 187 1391 584 250 242 a1A IJ 130 1453 2844 37 .40 0.00 34.00 24.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.00 22 .40 0.00 0.00 18.70 5 .25 l-7.00 12.LO 1.50 0.00 0.00 13.00 LZ.lV rr.20 1.50 0.00 No Yes Yea Yes No No t- 1 1 1 l- L 1 1 1 t_ t- 1 1_ 1 t- t- Yes No No No No No No FOOTNOTES: L) EGRESS - An operable window or door that is required from this room. The minirnum the following' -- Sec. 1204. opens directly to the exter1or clear openable area nust meet 1) The minirnum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5'7 square feet 4) The maximum sill heiqht is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwetlinqfs) 3) A mechani-c.l ventiiation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilabion. -- sec- 1-205' (c) ROOI{ DIMENSIONS : Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of no! less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, hal1s. bathrooms and toifet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection' If the ceiling is stofinq, then the minimum heiqht is required in only I/2 of the area' - - Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwellinqf unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 "qrrur" feet of floor area. other habitable rooms except kitchens sha1l have an area of not fess than 70 square feet' -- sec' L207 ' (bl Habitable rooms other than a kiichen shall not be less than 7 fee! in any d.imension. -- sec. L2O7 - (cl GI,AZTNG REQUIREMENTS : AII glazing in hazard.ous locations is required to be of safety qlazing material . -- Sec. 5405. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies' 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of slidinq door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than ward'robe doors' 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors' 5)Glazingindoorsandenclosuresforhottubs,whirlpools'saunas'steamrooms,bathtubsandshowers-Glazinginanyportionofabuilding'I^ta11 enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edqe of the ct1 azir]o is Iess than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 6) 6razinq in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door_where the nearest "*po."d edqe of the qlazxinq is wirhin a 24-inch arc of either vertical edqe of the door in i ctosed position and where the bottorn exposed edge oftheglazingislessthan50inchesabovethewalkingsurface. 7) clazing in an individual fixed or operable panel , obher than those locati.ons described in j-tems 5 and 5 above. than meets all of the following conditions: A. Exposed. area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet' B. Exposed botEom ed.ge less bhan 18 inches above the floor' C. Exposed top edge greater than 35 j-nches above the floor' D. One or *o.L r.iki.tq surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the gl az ing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of heiqht above a walking surface' Included are slructural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels. SI4OKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke d.etector is required on lhe ceiling or located in the corridor or area giving access -- sec. 12L0. (a) 4. waII at a Point centrally to each sleePing area ' wall in each sleePingorA smoke detector is required on the ceiling area. -- sec' 1210' (a) 4' -- sec. L210. (a) 4 Smoke detecEors are required to be wired to the building's power source and sha11 be equipped wittr a battery backup' -- sec' 1210' (a) 3' Detectors shall sound an alarm "t dibt" in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 1210' (a) 4' OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the resid'ence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any .doors between the qarage and tfre iesj-dence are to be a self -cl-osing 13/8 inch soLid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & sec' 503' (d) exc' #3 A smoke detector is required on al1 storLes' If the upper level contains sleeping room(s). in the ceiling of the upper level close to - - sec. 1210. (a) 4. a smoke detector is required the stairway. be at leasb 35 inches wide. -- Sec' 3305' (b) 8 inches and. the minimum run is 9 inches' STAIR REQUTREMENTS : A stairhtay in a dwelling must The maximurn rise of a step is -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrait on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- sec- 3305- (i) provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches' Minimum height = 35 inches, maxrmum opening size = 4 inches' -- sec' I7L2 ' (a) exc' #1 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec' 3305' (o) Enclosed. usable space under the stairs is required to be protecled as required for thr fire-resist.ive construction. -- Sec' 3305' (1) SHAFT ENCI,OSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwai ber shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the ins j-de with not less than 25 gage galvanized sheet metal with alf joints l-ocklapped. The outside must be t hr consgruction. AlI openingrs into any such enclosure shalL be protecbed by not less Ehan a self-tlosing solid wood door 1 3/8 inches ttrick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1705. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombusbible piping instal-1ed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in l- hour shafts' factory-built chimneys. pipinq, or ducts that do ro." Lh"tt 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts ' - - sec. l-706. (c) 3) shafts for gas vents, not extend throug'h not - - Sec. 1705. (c) 4) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly' -- sec. 1705. (a) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMEITITS : For R3 occupancy- -tirit projlct iviLl require a site improvement surveY' Such survey shall be subnitted aid' approved prior to request for frame inspection. A11 crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are linited to a earth to struccural troor ceiiing heig'ht of 5' ' be earth floor only' be vencilated as per UBc 2616(ci5 with minimum access as per uBc 2516(C)2 and maximum accesa of 9 sq' ft' Any building site with a slope of 30 ileqrees or more shal1 require an engineer desiqn. s""it -a""ig" sha11 addrtss drainage' soil retainage and structural desiqn. Excavation below slabs on grade sha11 not be permilted without prior approvaL AddreEa numbere shalI be posted plainl-y visible and legible from the s breeE . For Ml occupancy Slope qaraqe iloor to allow for drainage bo outside-to provide a fLolr drain wj-th sand and oil intercepgor to dry well or to sewer' Any g'araqe fl-oor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Val1ey Water & Sanitation Disbrict' In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage wiich are bearing ttre area above shall be protected wiEh one hour fire resiEtive construction. UBC 503 (B) . t, Town of Vail 25 sguth Frontage Road Vail. CoLorado 81557 (303) 479 -2138 Plan review based on the 1991- Uniforn Building Code Project Number: 081-396 Address: 1,999 SUNBURST DR Contractor: ADVANTAGE CONST. Architect: RKD Engineer: MICHAEL FOWLER SHEET IDENTIFICATION Name: KNOWLTON RESIDENCE Date: August 13, 1995 Occupancy: R3,M1 TYPe of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK CORRECTION REQUIRED Exterior surfaces with stucco sha1l be provided with exterior metal lath as per UBC 4705 with 2 layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be aalquatety f l-ashed(not $rith just screed metal) ' A Iath inspection is required prior stucco ---1 .: ^^!.i ^nc.PPrIs4urvrr, A bathroom is required to have an openable wind'ow or a mechanical- ventilation system. -- sec. f205' (c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shal1 be provided. Bathrms which contain only a waher closet or 1av. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan- UBC 1205(c)' Domestic ctothes dryer exhausb ducbs shall be installed as per UMC 1104 and 1903 - Flexibl'e duct connectors may not exceed 5' in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducbs shall- terninate outside lhe building and not exceed 14 1 length. Heaeing and cooLing equipment located in Ehe garage shall be installed with the pilots and burners or heating elements and. switches at leasC 18" above the floor Level of the garage. UMc 50 7 In buildings of unusually tiqht construction (al'I new construction within the Town of Vail) 'combustion air shall be obtained from ttre outside' Such combustion air openings shall be as per UMC Ch' 5. Furnaces not listed for closet or aleove installation shall be insla1led in a room or space having a volume at least 12 times the volume of the furnace. A boiler unit will require a spaee 15 times larger than the boiler. uMc 504 (b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination. and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. 10 11 72 ,tJ T4 Gas pipinq' shall not be installed in or on bhe g.oood-,t.tder "tty building or structure and exposed qas pipinq shall be kept at Least 5't above grade' nMc 2213 (b) The garage rnust be separated from lhe dwelling by thr fire-resisEive conshruction on the qfarage side' -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The door between the q'arage and the dwellinq is required to be a l- 3/8 inch thick solid core or 20 minute self closingr door' -- sec. 503. (d) exc'#3 A 35 inch high quard.rai I with a maximum opening of 4 inches is requied wtrere step is greater than 30 inches to floor or grade beLow. -- Sec. 1712' The open side of alt decks, porches, slairs. etc' which are rnore than 30" above grade shaII be protected with a guardrail. Openings can not exceed 4". within R-1 occ. and all- R-3, heiqht min' is 35" -outside R-1 occ. heighc nin. is 42" ' VBC !7 71 ' At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayrnent shall be provided !o protect a scructure from ice buildup and water damage. Two l-ayers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a commercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281' Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. Psge I trtaiatta*tatltllllrliatlrtttiaail'ti*illtlttl*t'tll*tttttlttittltll|l'tttt'iliii NEllLOGsV.rsS.0Coptrlghtlgf[''19g4.lhqr'srrdAssoclates,B'lltlre'Il (616' 531-U72 tttattatltlaltatltlltlraitrtllttf*t'ititt'ttt*t*t't!'ttttt'ttttttt*tllt'*ttttttttl DAIIL GLEXII@O SPRTIIGS 3366 Gl-Ell AVE GLErtmo sPRlllcs co. 81601 945'2331 1'800'25?'3245 l0-20-1997 n(tltrof RESD toT 14 V IL V LIEY 5R0 FILIXG tl..t 1063 13 based m a Dccigl Teop' oifference of 90 rr rY cEturo ltEtcllr ts t2.oo fEET, voLtr{E rs 4.488 CWIC FEEr 7 EXFOSED OPEITTOS, TOTALI llc >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>t>>>>> 174'l sou^nE FEET 2 EXPOSED ULLS, tpt lrrctudlnl oFnines,IoT Lt[G >>>> 293'8 SqUARE FEEI tmt SIZE tS 17.0 LilG by 22.0 lltDE, TOTALIIIG >> 374'0 sou RE FEEI Uf mC TYPE ts: U'v.tu.' .551, Doubtg Pane, ctcar Gls83 9 tf IYPE tS: U'Vltir ' .06, Frs|F tt€utated CEttfm IYPE tS: U-Vrlir :. .033, thcondl t I on€d Attic sPace Above FL(DR TYPE ts: U'Value = 0, Ftoor over any cordi tioned splce It€ArLoss rh. Iot.t giutt for th. outside ratls arc 1,586 Ihr Tot.t Bru[ for thc ExpoEcd op€ni tl98 tre a'&3 lhe totat EIUH for tho ceitlngs 1,12? rh. total 8tU[ for the ftoors 0 fhe BTUI Inflttration for th. openi np is 3,$6 rflE TOTAL BrU[ FOn THIS Rdl ls 14,t97 R.qJi red Redllnt ftoor outPLlt, BTU'3 ,/square foot is 38'5 TIICIIEI-PqDER cEtrrf,c lErcilr ls 12.00 FEET, voltr4E rs 2,652 CUBTC FEET 2 EXp0SED OPEXTXGS, TOTAtt llc >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPIOSED HALIS, not Inctuding openings,ToT^Llllc >>>> ?87'5 sc['ARE FEE' lq stzE tS 13.0 LO|IG bv f7.0 H!DE, ToTALtllG >> 22i'0 ScUARE FEEI gttlDCH IYPE ts: U'V.tu. . .551, ootlttc Pane, Ctear Glasg t^tt TIPE fS: U'Vrlue ' .06, Ffale lnsutated CEtftIG TYPE tS: U'Vltuc' .03!, Uncordltlon.d Attlc space Abovc tton TYPE ts: U'vatu€ | 0, ttoor ovet 6ny condition€d splce lrEATLoSS Ihr Totat Blufi for thc outside ratls arc 1,553 lh€ Totat 8IU[ for the Erpoeed openinge are 3,596 thc totst 8TU{ tor th. celtines 663 th. tot.t lTUfi tor th. ftoors 0 rhc STUll Inflttratlon fo. the oPeni tigs ls 1,267 t[E roTAL 8rU[ roR Tllts Rosl ts 7,0T) R€qri red Rldiant ftoor outprt, glu's /square foot is 52'0 Fr"e lcpt*WI R,as '/A,n-oo gg Prg. Z :TTRY Ill"tlc tlElcltr ts 15.00 FEEI, volu!4E rs 810 cuSlc FEEI 2 ExPdsED oPExt xcs,Tor^Ltrc >>>>>>>>>>>> 1 EXPoSED tALLS, not irrtudine op€ni nes,ToTAL I IG >>>> 72'0 souARE FEET ROt SIZE lS 9.0 Lofic by 6.0 UIDE, TOIALIIIG >> 54'0 sot,ARE FEET lll{Dc TYPE IS: U'vltue = '551, Dorbte Pane, clear Gtsss [ !L TYPE fS: U'V.lue ! .06. trrnp lnsulated cEILtlG TYPE IS: U'Vrl'u€ = .033, uncorditioned Attic spece Above fLOf, IYPE ts! U-val'uc ! O, Floor ov€r rny corditioned space HEAILOSS lhG lotat 8TU[ for the outside ratle are 389 Th. Iotlt 8IU[ for thr Exposcd oPcni ngs arr 3,125 thc totll BTUI for thG ceitltrs 162 lhc tot.l 8TU[ tor the floors 0 lh. EluI Inflttrltlon for thc openings is 1.101 rlE ToTAt ETUll FC rtlt s R@{ ts 4,Tn ncqul rcd Radlsnt ftoor outFrt. 8TU's ,/square foot is 88'5 0txlllc cEttrrc fiErclr ts 13.00 tEEr, voLtr'lE ts 3,016 CUEIC rEET 5 EXPOSED OPEXTIGS,TOTALTTG >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPToSED U LLS, not irctr.rding oPenings.toTALttlc >>>> 99'3 SOt' RE FEET l@fl SIZE tS 14.5 LOXG Uy 16.0 U!OE, lOTALtllG >> 232'0 SaU RE FEEI ftxo(ta IYPE tS: u-vrlue - .551, Doubte Pane, clear Gtass H !L TYPE tS3 U'Value - .06, trarE lnsulsted CEftlIG TYPE lS3 U-Value = .033, Uncondi t i oned Attic SPace Above Ft@R IYPE lS3 U'Vstu€ = O, Ftoor over any Conditioned Space IIEATLOSS thc lotet BTUfl for the outside rstls sre 536 lhe fotrt EIUH for the Exposed @enings are 5,072 Thc tot.t EIUll for thc celtings 696 lhG totll gTUfl tor thc ftoore 0 lh.8TUfi lnflltratlon for thc openl nge ls 1,787 TIE ror^t Erull tfi rlls Rm ts 8,091 Re$rlrcd Rrdllnt ftoor outFlt, BTU'8 /square foot is 34'9 LtvDtGRoOl cEtLtftc ltEtGHr ts 16.00 FEEI, voLul4E ts 8,064 CUSIC FEEI 5 EXPOSED @E[ | tlGs,TorALtl{G >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXFOSED 9AL!S, not inctuding op€ni ng8, ToIAL I rG >>>> 246'8 SOI'jARE FEET R@fi gtZE tS 2l.O LONG b/ Z4.O tllDE, ToTAllllG >> 5(x'0 souARE FEEI UfllDOU IYPE lS: u-Vatue = .551, Doubte Pene, Clesr Gtass g^tt TYPE fs3 u'vrlue s .06, t rame Insulated CEIL|IG IYPE lS! U'Vslue = '035, Uncondi t ioned Attic sPace Above FLm IYPE ts: U'Value = 0, Ftoof over 8ny conditioned sPace HEATLOSS 1,332 10,n6 The lotll EIUH for the outside Hatts are Ihc lot.t BIUH fof the Exposd openings are ] Ih. totat rhr totrt Ih. Slull trE l0r^l t..pl..d 1,512 0 3,798 17,418 is 34.6 Psge 5 EIUI tor the cei t ings 8TU[ for thc f loors lnfittrltlon for thc oPeni ngs is Brull ffi Tllls Rol ls tedlant ltoor outFrt, BTU'8 /squarc foot IIISIEI BED cEtltrcllEtctlrtsll.ooFEET,voLtr{Els3,432CUBICFEET t EXFGED (PEll t llcs, ror^[ t llc >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EIPGED || LLS, not inctuding oPeni nEs,IOIAl-tl{G >>>> 279'8 sq'ARE 'EETt6l stZE fS 16.0 tolc by 19.5 gtDE, IoTAltllG >> 312'0 sruARE FEEI gtlDqa TYPE ts: U'VatuG e .551, Dor,ble Pane, ctcar Glass 9 !t IIPE fS: U'vatue ' .06, Fra||p lnsulated cEttlXG IYPE tS: U-valuc' .035, Uncorditioned Attic sPsce Above fL@n TYPE fS: U'Vatue = 0, Floor over any Cordi t i or€d Space IIEAILOSS Ih. Tot.t Blur for the outslde l|rttg are 1,511 Th. fot.l BIUH for thc Exposed oPenlngs are 5,493 Ih. totrl 8IU[ ton thG ceitings 9y lh. tot.l 8TU[ tor thc ftoors o lhr BtU[ inflttrrtlon for th. oP€tri ngs is 1,936 TlfE TOT t ETUll FOR rHtS Rq ls 9.876 Rcfll rcd Rrdl dit ftoor outFlt, 8IU's /scpare foot is 31'7 ]IASIER BATII cEtLnlG HEtGtlr ts IO.OO tEEr, vol-t lE ls 2,040 CUBTC FEET I EXPOSED OPEllllcs, rorA[ | llc >>>>>>>>>>>> I EXPOSED |ALLS, rFt Inctrdltrg op€ni ngs, TOTAL tilG >>>> 130'0 Sq'ARE 'EEIRml SIZE tS 12.0 LOIC by 17.0 lltDE, IoIAltllG >> 204'0 SoUARE FEET Ufm(t, TYPE tS: U'vltue " .551, oouble Pen€, Ctcar Gtass tl tt IYPE lS: u'v8[ue s .06, trame lrtsutated CEfftXG IYPE lS: U-V.lr,E ' .033, Uncondi t i oned Attic SPace Above fUpR TYPE fs: U'V.luc - O, ftoor over any Cottdi tioned sPace llEATLoss rhG Totat Srui for th. outside ralts are 702 ThG Totlt BluH for tha Expoded op€ni ngs tre 1,488 Th. totrt BIUH for th. caltines 612 lh. totlt 8lU[ for thc ftoors 0 lh. BTu[ Inflttrltlm for thr opcnl nge 18 524 llc ToT L BlUfl roR Tlrs Rool rs 3,326 n.$rl r.d Radl.nt ftoor output, BTU'8 /square foot ie 16'3 BED 4 cErulrc lrElGllI ts 9.00 FEET,voLultE ls 2 EXFCED eEil | llcs,rolALll{c >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPOSED llALlS, mt Inctr.rdirr openi ngs, ToTAL l]{G >>>> .|,755 CUBTC FEET 45.0 SOI,ARE TEET 207.0 sottARE fEEr Pegc 4 loolt SIZE rS l3.O LilG by 15.0 grDE, TOTALIIIG >> 195'0 sot,ARE FEET JIXDOH IYPE tS: U'Vatu€ = '551, Dotbte Psne, Clear Glass 'r tL TYPE tS: U'V.tue ' .06. Frame tnsulated CEtttllc TYPE IS: U'Vatue'0, Cordi t loned sPace above ll@t TYPE fS: U-V.tuG ' .024, Corrcret? Floors HEAILOSS Ih. fotal STUlt for thc outside ratte erc 1,118 rhc Totat 8ru[ for the Exp6ed opGnl ngs are 2,232 lhc totlt BIuI for the ceitings 0 The totet BTUII for the floors 4?9 The BTUI infiltration for the oP€nings is 7a7 THE TOTAL EIUH FOR TIttS RM tS 4,56 ReqJl red Rrdbnt ftoor output, BTU'3 /square foot is 23'4 Bl$4 cEtLtflc llEtcllT rs 9.00 FEET, volul4E ts 585 CU8IC FEET I EXPOSED OPEllt llcs,loIALtllc >>>>>>>>>>>> I EXPO6ED 9 LLs, not irrtr.rding op€nl r€8,TOTAL I tG >>>> 39'0 sauARE tE€T Rq{ SIZE lS 5.0 tilG by l3.O tllDE, IoIALtllG >> 65'0 SoUARE FEET utIDCH IYPE ts: U-Vatue = .551, Dor.bte Pane. Clear Glass t ALl- TYPE ts: u-VaLue " .06, FrarE ln8ulated CEtLtllG IYPE ls: U'value = O, cotdi t I on€d space above tL@R TYPE ls: U-vituc I .024, corcrete Ftoors }IEATLOSS Ihe lotlt 8TUfi for the out8id€ Hatls are 211 fhr lotat BTUfl for the ExpoBed Op€ni ngs 8re 294 rhr totat Bfu[ to. the ceitinge 0 Thr totat 8Tu8 for th3 floors 143 lhe Blult Infittration for the openings is 105 rlE TOIAL BIUH fOR rllts Re{ ls 757 Re$ired Radiant ftoor outprlt, 8Tu',s /squore foot is 11'6 8E0 5 cErLilG HEIG]ll IS 9.00 FEEI, voLUllE ls 1,150 cuBlc FEEI 3 EXPOSED OPE)ltllGs, rorAL I llc >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXpOSED y LLS' mt Inctuding openi ngs, ToTAL t l{G >>>> 180'0 SoUARE FEEI l0l SIZE lS 12.0 tOlG by 12.5 H!DE, TOIALIIIG >> 150'0 Sot'ARE 'EET 9!IDC, IYPE tS! U'vatue' .551, Dobte Pane, ctear Gtass ||^tf IYPE fS: U-vatue - .06, Frane lnsulated cEtllflc IYPE lS: U'Vatue = 0. Cordition€d sPace above FLOoR TYPE ls: U-vatu. = .024. concrcte floors HEAILOSS Ihe Totat BTuH for thg outside ralts sre 972 thr lotlt BIUH for thc Exposed openi ngs are 2'009 The total BIuil for the ceitings 0 The totai BIUH for the ftoors 330 Th. BIUH inflltratlqr for the openings is 708 rffE Tor^t Brull Fc Tll t s R@t'l t s 4,019 Rcqui red Radient ftoor outFlt, BTU'S /squore foot is 26'8 Page 5 8AT lr 5 cEtLmG HEIGIT IS 9.00 fEEr, voLullE ls 585 CUBIC FEET o ExPosED OpEtlIllcs, rorALlllc >>>>>>>>>>>> I EXpOSED g !LS, not including op€ni ngs,IOTALtllG >>>> 45'0 SqUARE tEEr Rol stZE rS 5.0 tollc by 15.0 U!DE, IoTALttG >> 65'0 sq'ARE IEET Ytlpq, IYPE ls: U'Vatu€ s 0, [o openi nge ln this roqn tltlt TYPE IS: U-Value = .0'6, Frann Insutated CElltlG IYPE tS: U'Vatw - 0, Cordltioned 8p6ce above FLOOR TYPE tS: u'Vllu€ r .024, concrete Floor8 HEATLOSS The Total BIUII fof thc outside ralts are 243 Ihe lotat BIUH for the Exposed openi ngs are 0 The totll Blu[ for th€ ccltings 0 The total 8ruil for th. floors 113 Th. ETUH lnfiltration for the op€ni ngs is 0 IIIE TOIAL BIUH TOR TIIIS RM tS 386 Rcquired Rrdient ftoor output, BTU'S /square loot is 5'9 BED 5 cElLtftc llEtctll rs 9.OO FEEI, voLU E rs 1,872 CUBIC t€ET 2 EXPOSED OPE,I I llcs,rol^LI )lG >>>>>>>>>>>> I EXPOSED 9 LLs, not inctrding oPeni n98, ToTAL I llc >>>> 74'5 souARE FEEI ROt StzE ts 13.0 LoxG by 16.0 glDE, ToTALlllG >> 208'0 souARE FEET IIilOOJ IYPE tS: U'Value ' .551, Doubte Prnc' clear Gtass U LL TYPE Is: U'vrlue = -06, I rsne Insulated CEtLtllG TYPE tS: U'V.tu€ E 0, Cot'di ti or€d space sbove FTOOR TYPE tS: u'Valuc = -024, Concr€te ttoors llEArLoss rhc fotal 8TUfl tor the outsid€ ratts are 40? Th. Totlt STUlt for thG Exposed oP€ning8 are 2,108 lhc totlt 8TUil for th. ceitin$ 0 Ihe tot.l 8TU[ for the ftoors 458 lhe 8Tu[ infittration for the openings is 7t'3 nfE TorAL BTUH fOR Ttlts Roo{ ls 3'711 tequi rad Rediant flooP output, BTU'S ,/sqJane foot is 17'8 BATH 5 c€tLmc llEtGllr ls 9.00 FEET,voLUl,rE I s I EXPOsED oPElllllcs,ror^tlllc >>>>>>>>>>>> I EXPGED tJ LtS, not irrtrding openi ngs, ToIAL Il{G >>>> R(x SIZE lS 5.5 tollc by 13.0 glDE, ToTALIIIG >> gtllDcl TYPE ts: U-vatue = .551, Dorbte Pane, clear Glass gALL TYPE lS: U'Vatue = -05, Frme lnsutsted CEILIIIG IYPE IS: U'Vatue' 0, Cordi t ioned spece above flqn TYPE fS3 U'Vatue = .0?4, Concrete Floors 644 CUBIC fEET 7.0 SAUARE TEET 42.5 SOUARE fE€T 71.5 SOTjARE TEET NEATLOSS Page 6 rhc lot.t BTUH for thc outsldc t.tts ere lhc lot.t BIUII for th. Expoocd oP.ni ngs ara fh. totrt 8lU[ ton thc c.ltlngs thc totlt BIufl toP the ftoors Ihc ETUtl Inflttration for the op€ni ngs i8 IIE IoTAL BTUII FOR IHIS n00il ls RGW| rcd Redl.nt ftoor outFrt, BIU'8 /scpare foot is t 230 *7 0 117 122 855 12.0 BED 2 cEtLlrGllEtcllrtsg.0oFEET,volt'l{Etsl,890CU8!CFEET 2 EXPiOSED OElll )lGS, TOTAL t flc >>>>>>>>>>>> I D(PGED tlALLS, mt irrtuding op€ninge,toTALtlc >>>> 92'5 sou RE f EET R@ll SIZE lS l5-O LO|IG b)' l4'0 grDE, IOTALIIIG >> 210'0 sOt'ARE FEET 9t lDql IYPE ts: U'Vllu€ = '551, Dotbte Pane, clear Gtass gALL TYPE ls: U-Vatu€ ' '06, Frame tnsutated CEttfilG TYPE ls: U-val,ue " O, corditioned space abve ll@t TYPE lS: U-vattc ! .024, Concrete ftoors llEArLo6s lhe Totat STult for the outside ratls are 500 rhe Totst Slull for the Exposd openings are 2,108 Ihr totat STUlt for the cclling8 0 Tha tot6t BluI for the ftoorg 462 Iha ETull Inflltretlon for thc openi nge is 743 TIE TOTAL BruH FC Ttlls R@l{ ls f,,815 Rcwircd Rldlant ftoor output, BTU's /squere foot is 18'2 BATH 2 cErtrIG HEtGllI ls 9-00 FEET, l/oLullE ts 432 CUEIC fEET I EXPOSED OPEIlllcs, roT^t t llc >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPOSED y LLS, mt including op€nings,ToTALtIc >>>> 119'0 sruARE FEET nm StzE rs 8.0 Lot{G by 6.0 H!DE, ToIALIilG >> 48'0 SoUARE FEET ytxDog IYPE tS3 U-vatue = .551, Doubte Pane, cte6r Gtsss 9 LL IYPE fS: U'Vatue t .(16, Frane lnsutated CEtLtlG TYPE tS: U'VetuG I 0' Conditiorcd sPace above FL@R IYPE ts: U-vatue - .024, Concrete Ftoors fiEATL0SS th. Totot Bru[ for the outside ealls are u'l fhc Totat ETUlt for the ExPoBed openi ngs are 147 rhe totat BIUil for the ceillru8 o rhc totlt 8Tu[ for the floors 106 Ihe BTuH Inf lttrutim for the openings is 122 TNE TOTAL .SIUH fOR T'IIS RO'I 15 1'218 Rcqut rcd Redimt ftoor output. BTU'S /square foot is 25'4 GARAGE CEITIIIG HETGflT 1S 8.()O FEET,voLut'tE I s 4,000 cuBIc tEEr Page 7 2 EXPOSED OPElll llcs, ToTAt r IG >>>>>>>>>>>> I EXPlO8ED y LLS, mt lrrctudlne oFnlne3,loT^Lttlc >>>> 74'0 sqJ RE FEEI l(nll SIZE lS 25.0 LflG br 20.0 UIDE, TOrALlllG >> 500'0 SOUARE fEEI Ittpfl TYPE ts: U'v.tlr.'O, to op€ni ngs in this rodr l L! IYPE ts: U-v.trlc ' .06, Fr E Insulatcd :ElftNG IYPE tss U'Vlttic s 0, Cotidl t I oned space ebove FLm IYPE tS: U'Vatue = '024, Concfete Ftoorg }IEATLOSS thc lot.t gfufi for the out8ide Halls lre 400 rhe rotlt 8IU[ tor thc Exposcd oP.nings lre 3,969 thc tot.t BTU{ for th. cGltlngs 0 thc totlt ETUtl for thc floors 1,100 Ih. BIUII Infittrltlon for thc oPeni ngs is 2,?03 rlE loTAL STUll FOR Tll t s R(nfi | s 7 ,672 Rcqul rcd Rrdl ant ftoor outP{t' BTU'$ ./sqrore foot is 15-3 TOTALS tttttllta*lattltllta*tli*ltilttllltt*ittltltt'lt't*ttlttttttltttlllltttl*tttt*llt tlt tflE I s EXPOSEO OPEll l tlcs, roTAL l llc EXFoS8D U !Ls, abov€ grade not inctirding openings 2,282'5 sql RE FEEI TOIAL SCUARE tEEf, of ealts b.tor gr.de O'0 SqJARE fEEl frooR AfD cEtllllc srzE rs 3,413'5 SoUARE FEET IIEATLOSS fhc lotat BIUI for the Hetls above grade are 12,324 lh. lot.t BluH for the ralLs b€Lor grade are 0 Th. Iotrl EIuH fof the Expo8ed openings are 51,611 Thc totat BIuH for the c.ltinge 5,703 th. tot.l BTUH for thc fLoore 5,5?8 Thc STUtt lnfiltfation for the opening8 is 18 '992 torAL BTUlt, Tllts BUrLDtllG 91,962 0 Srull taaatlttaltatittaallat!laiatatltlatlltt"lttt"tt'ltttt"tttt'ttttltttlitt'ltttttt (" gNE End o cfu' (%? oolo vRj o 4wv Sttsr' qD Plsc 1 o titaa;ttttrtritatattaaatattaattaltttaattttttttatlttrrtrtartrtaarttttttta*taaart ||€ATIOSS V.ru t.0 coFyright 1986-1994, Thonas ard Assoclatcs, Sattairr, ill (616) 533-8{72 ir|titttttlltatttftatalt-tt||rtalaaaaltttaatlilt'altlatllaiaaatattlrttatatttaftaitaallattaat DAI|L GLEXIm SPRIIICS :rb6 GlEfi AvE GLE$UD SPRI|IGS 00. 81601 %5-el3l 1-E00'252-3245 XTOJtTil SEOilDARY UTIT LOT 14 VAIL VALIEY 3R0 Fttlllc llGattosr ll brcd dr a ocsign TalP. Dlft.rcnce of 90 t0-20-1997 XASIEN 8ED cErttrc ltEtcllT ts 11.00 tEEl, lrottllE Is 4'224 CUIIC tEEr 2 EXFGED OPElltllGS.TOIALrlG >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXFoSED tlALLs, not lnctrding oprnlngs,IoT^Llflc >>>> 188.5 SoUARE FEEI tml stZE fS 16.0 LolG by 24.0 tltDE, IoTALlllG >> 584.0 sqrARE FEEI tatxD$l IYPE ts: U'Vatue = .551, Doublc Panc, clcar Gtass tn![ TYPE ls: u-value ' .06, rra* lnsutrted CEtLtllG TYPE ts: U'val(jc - .033, Uncordi tloned Attic space Abovc FL@n IYPE ts: u-vatu€ ' 0, Ftoor ov€r any co.rdi t ion€d spscc IEATIOSS Th. lotrl 8lU[ for thc out3idc reltg aro 1.018 Th. Tot.l BTUI for thc ErPoocd Opqri ne3 arG 4,016 lhc tot.t Blull for thc c.ilin$ 1'152 lh. totrt SluH fof th. floofs 0 Thc Blufi Infiltretim for thc op.nl ngs is l,5t8 TflE TOrAt BlUfi toR Tllts R(xil ls 1,706 t.qul r.d Radl.nt ftoor outF.tt ' 8lU'3 /8qu!rc foot i3 20.1 TASTEN BATI cEtrtxc [EtG[l ls 11.00 FEET, l/oLtltE ls 2,200 cuBlc FEET 3 EXPOSED OPElllllcs,lor^Ltllc >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPOSED g LLS, not inctudlng openints'Iol^L|llc >>>> 251.5 SoIJARE FEEI nol slzE ts f2.5 LoxG by 16.0 ltDE, ToTALlllG >> 200'0 soUArE FEET vllloota TYPE tS: U'vatue = .551, Doublr PerE, ctear ctass tlAll IYPE fS: U'Vatue ' .06. Fram lnsulstcd CEttlllc TYPE lS: U'vllue = .033, Uncondl t ion d Attic Spacc Abovc Ftm IYPE tS: U-vat(r = 0. ftoor ovcr .ny Cordition€d sPace ltElTLoss IhG lotlt 8ruil for the outsidc vatls arc 1,358 lh. lotll 8TU[ for the ExPosed oFnlngs lre f,.075 Th. tot.l 8tu[ for thc ccltitres 600 Thc tot![ 8IU[ for thr floors 0 lhc SIUI Inf ltrttlon for thc openi rgs is 1,162 tHE IOrAt BIUH ton rlls Ro(rl ls 6t195 Rcqul f.d Redlant floor output, 8IU'8 /sqJare foot is 11.0 Page 2 EXIRI cEtlrltc HEtGltT ts 15.00 fEET, VoLt lE ls 735 CUEIC tEEr 2 $(PosED oPEilrrGS,TOrA[tllG >>>>>>>>>>>> 1 EXFOSED UALLS, mt inctudlng op.nl.rg8, TOIAL IIG >>>> 49.2 SoU nE FEET ttn stzE rs 7.0 Lolc by 7.0 ulDE, lor^Ltllc >> 49.0 sot ARE fEEr gtllulf IYPE ts: U-valuc . .551, oq.dote Prne, ctear Glass |l^!L 'YPE tss U'Value. .06, frarE lnsulsted CEttfIG TYP€ tS! U'vatuc ' .033, Uncordi tioned Attic sPace Above F!@R TYPE ts: u'v.lue r 0, Ftoor over any cordi t i oned spsce H€AILOSS lh. Totat !lu[ for thc outsidc r.rl[3 arc 26 Ih. Tot.t BIUB for thc Exposcd Opcnings are 2,768 fhc totat BIUH for the ceitings 117 lh. total BIUH for the floor8 0 Ihc BIUH infittration for the op€nings is 1,016 TlfE rotAl BIUfi FOR THIS R@l'l ts 4,227 RGpired Rldiant floor outFJt, BtU's /square foot is 86.3 uvmGR@{ cEttrrc ilElGlfi ls 15.00 FEET, VOtll{E ls 4,590 qJBIC FEET a EposED oPExtxcs.roTAttllc >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPOSED gALLS, mt inctrding oPenings,loT^Lllc >>>> 570.0 SqJ RE fEET rcq stzE ts 18.0 LoNG b, 17.0 ulDE, roTALllG >> 106.0 souAtE FEET Uflpou TYPE ts: u-vatue. .55'1, Double PEne. Ct€ar Glssg tl LL IYPE tS: U'Velue 3 .06, Fram lnsuleted CEILIIG TYPE tS: U'Vltuc . .033, Uncondltlmed Attic SPace Above flqn IYPE lS: U'Votue = 0. Floor oven any corditioned sPace ItEATLOSS Ih. Iot.t 8fU[ for the outsida ralls are 1,998 rhc lbtat-aiui- for the E;posed op6nings are 7,ffi Ihc total BluH for the ceilings 918 Thc total BIU$ for the ftoors 0 Ih. BTUI intiltrrtion tor the openings is 2,905 TIE roTAL BTUfi FOt rlts R@,1 ls 13.510 R.qrired R.dirnt floor outFlt, BTU'S /square foot is 44.2 0tt1lrc cEtttxc lrEtGHr rs 12.00 fEEr, VotullE Is 2,640 nBlC FEET 1 EXpOSED OPEllrIGS,roTAttllc >>>>>>>>>>>> I EXPOSEO U LLS, not inctuding openings,IoTALlllc >>>> 68'0 SoUARE FEEI l(Xtl SIZE rS 11.0 tollc by 20.0 tllDE, IOIALIIIC >> 220.0 SoU RE fEEI UIIDOI IYP€ ls: U'vatue = .551, Do{ble Pane, clear Gtass g^tt IYPE ts: U-vrlu€ = .06. tranE ltEul.ted CEltlllc TYPE tS: U'v8[ue = .033, Unconditioned Attic space Above F!(XIR IYPE tS: U'vatue 3 0, Ftoor over any Condi t i oned spoce IEAIL0SS 367lhc Totat 8lufi for the outsidc Hrlts 6re rh. Tot.l th. Erpoccd opGnines ara . P.g. 5 Ih. totlt Elur for thc ccilings Ih. tot.l BfUil for thc ftoorc Ih. EIUll Inflltrltlon for thc oFnineg lc IIE roTtl EtuH ffi Tllls R(n ls t.(pl r.d n.dl.nt ftoor outF/t, Blu'! /.qurr! toot 8fuil for 1,174 660 0 1,200 5,401 It 24.6 xtrclEr-3Rr CEtLtllG llEtcllT rS 12.00 FEET, VOltI'lE tS 3'060 CUBIC FEET 5 EXPGED (pEiltllcs,ToTAttllo >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXFOSSD IALLS, rlot inctrdlng oFnings,TOIAltIG >>>> 269.1 SoUAnE rEET R(n SIZE tS 17.0 LOIG by 15.0 U!DE, TotALlllG >> 255'0 seU,AtE FEET tftlo(tl IYPE ts: U-Vrtu. . .551' Dottte P.na' Clclr Gtrst tlAL! TYPE ts3 U'vat|IG - .06, Fr{p lnsutatld CEILIXG IYPE ts: U'V.luG' .O:t3, Uncordltim.d Attic Spsc. Abovc tlqn TYPE tS: U-v.luc ' 0, Ftoor ovc. any Cordition€d SFce llEArtoss lh. lot.t Blu[ for thG outsid. rrltg arc 1,453 lh. Tot.i 8lU[ for thc Erporcd oP.nitrg8 8rc 5,699 Th. totll BTUI for thc crlllngs 765 Th. tot.t 8lu[ fon thr ftoors 0 Th. BTuI Intlttnrtlon foe thG oP.nings i8 2,154 TIE TOI L 8rU[ FC Tllls R@l rs 10,071 l.qjl r.d R.dl.nt ftool' outut, 8Tu's /squsrr foot is 39.5 IED 3 cEtttxc lrEtcllr ls 9.00 FEEI, rrotulE Is 1,95! qrBlc FEET 2 EXPOSED eE[ tllcs, ToTALING >>>>>>>>>>>> 1 EXPOSED IJALLS, tpt lrcttdlng o9cnlng3.totAltlc >>>> 97.0 SotARE tEEl looll SIZE tS 15.5 LolG br 16.0 UIDE' ToTALlllG >> 217.0 SC,ARE fEET 9t llD(ll TIPE tS: U'Vrtu€ - .551, Dot.blc PrnG, Ctclr Glass IIALL IYPE lS: u-V.tuc = .06' Frlm lEutlted cEtffIG TY?E ts! U-vltue '0, cordi tloncd sprca sbove FL(PR IYPE ts: u-vltuc ' .024. cotrrct. Ftoor8 HEATLOSS thG lotrt BIUH for thc outsld. uatts rr! 5?4 ThG Totat ETUH for the Exposcd openi ngs are 2,108 thc totrt EtuH for tha ccitltrgs 0 Ih. totat BTUII tor thc ftoor3 471 rhc ETUH infittr.tion for the op€ni ngs is n7 rflE toTAt- ETUll Fff rllls l@ll Is 3,906 tcqul r.d Rldiant ttoor outFrt, BTU'S /equarc foot i3 l8-0 BATH 3 cEtLmG lElcllr ls 9.00 rEET, 0 ExPosED oPEXIXGS, ToIAL I llc voltllE ls 560 CUSIC 'EETO.O SqJAIE FEET I EXFED-t^Lrs, mt |rrtudltr T:I";tot! ""45.0 So|l^nE FEET r@l SIZE tS 5.0 tOtG b'y 12.0 U!DE, IOTALI llc >> 60.0 SC'ARE tEEl lfloql TYPE ts: U'vrtr.|. ' 0, Io oFnl n08 in thls roq|l nLL PE ls! u'v.lu. r .(b, Fru: tnsutltcd iEtllllc TYPE tS! U'Vrtuc r 0. Cotdltloncd sPrce abovc rL(n TIPE Is: U'vrluo t .024, corrretc Ftoors xEArtoss lhc Totrt BluH tor thr outtld. ratta are 24t fh. Totlt BTUfl for thc Expo3d opcni ngs arc 0 rhr totll BTUII for thG ccitlng3 o rh. totat Bfu[ tor thc ftoort ,|32 rh.8It[ Intlltr.tldr for thr op.ni n98 ls 0 tffE IoTAL 8ru8 Fq tlts R@ll ls !75 trqri rcd Rldlrnt floor outFlt, BIU'3 /sqrarc foot ie 6-3 BAm 6 CETLTTG [EtGIIT tS 9'OO FEET,VOLUI{E IS 0 ExFosED (pEll I xcs, ToTAL I llc >>>>>>>>>>>> t EXPOSED U LLS, mt lrcludlng op€qinos,ToTALllc >>>> tqn stzE rS 5.0 tOlG by 12.0 glDE, ToTALlllG >> gfloog IYPE ts: U'vatlJr' 0, [o oPGni ngs in this rocrr y LL TIPE ls: U'Vrllx . .06. frm lnsulated CEILIXC IYPE lS: U-Vrtu. . 0, Condlt|on d sPace aboYe tl@t TYPE ts: U'Vatrr ! .026, cdrrets tloora 540 cusrc FEET 0.0 sru nE 'EET45.0 SO{'IARE FEET 60.0 scrl^nE FEET fhc lot.t Brul for the outsld. r.lts are lh. Totrl Bru[ for the EPosGd openings are th! tot.l BTUI for th. c.ltlnes Th. totlt BTUfl for th. ftoorr Th.8TU[ Inllttration for thc opcni ngs is TIE rOTAr STUlt toR Tll I s tml I s RlTrl rld Rrdlant lLoor o|.|tFlt, 8TU's /square foot ltEATtoss 243 0 0 112 0 375 is 6.3 8€O 4 cELtlrG HEtGlr ts 9.00 FEET, VOLIIIE ls 1.580 cuslc FE€T ! EXFOSED OPElltrGS,tOrALtrG >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EXPoSEO g LLS, mt lrcludlng opanings,Iol^L I IG >>>> 190.5 sclr tE tEEf ROt SIZE tS 13.0 lolc by 13.5 vlDE, TOTALIIIG >> 175'5 Sot AlE fEEr 9f Dci, IYPE ts: U'vlt!|. . .551, Dottbtc P!nc, clcar Gtass Y tf IYPE ts: u'v.tuG . .06, Fr!|tE lnBulated CEtLtrlG IYPE ts: U-vllua . 0, cordltloncd gpece abov. f!(PR TYPE ts! u'Vllrja r .024, concrcte ttoore tEAIL0SS lhc Tot.t BIUI fo? thc outslde Hrlts .rc 1,029 fh! lotrl 8TU[ for th! Erposd opcni ngs 8re 2,]81 rh. totlt 8IU[ for tha c.itlngs 0 fh. totet Blu[ for th. ftoors 5E6 Ihc BTUI inflltrttlm tor thc opcni ngs is gql TtfE tot^L Bru[ tot Tilrs tool ts 4,696 Roqri rcd Rldl.nt ftoor ogtFlt, 8TU'8 /squ.re foot is 26.8 Prgr 5 BlTlt 2 + cEtltrc HElCllr ls 9.00 fEET, VllllrlE ls I ETPOSED CEXIXGS,IOT LIllG >>>>>>>>>>>> I EIFOSED IALLS, mt lrctudlng oPcnl ngr,IolAlll{G >>>> tut stzE ts 5.0 LOIG ry 15.0 tllDE, Tor^Llllc >> gtmfl IYPE tS3 u'Vrluc - .551, Dqbtc Prn , c[c!r Gless U LL IYPE tS! U-vrluc = .06r frup lnsut.ted CEILIXC IYPE ts: U'v!tr.. - 0, cordl tlon d sP.ce sbovc ;LU IYPE tS: U'vltll. ' .024. Coocruta tloora HEAlt(x;S th. tot.l BTUI for th. outsldc vrlts rrc 205 Ih. Iotlt BtUll for th. ExPo6.d oPGtrlrles 8rc 3L7 Th. totlt BnI for th. c.ilin$ 0 fh. totlt SIUN tor thc ftoort 165 fh. BTull lnflttr.tldr for tha op.ning! ls t3f t[E rorAt ETull Fon rflts Rol Is 848 r.(lJl r.d R.dl.nt ftoor otrtFjt, 8TU's /squrrc foot ie 11.3 l€D 2 cEttrrc NEtclT ts 9.00 FEEI, votll|E ls 1,697 cuBlc fEET 2 ErFqsEo (PEIIXGS,TOIAL t llc >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 EIFGED L LLS, not Inctrdlng oFnl tre3, T0Tlll IG >>>> '189.0 SOITARE FEEI ndl SfZE rS l!.0 tOlG by 14.5 9108, TolALlllG >> 188.5 scutlE FEET gtxocL IYPE tS! u'v.tlr.. .551, ootbtc P!nG, ctear Glasg tt LL TYPE l!! U'v.[uG . .06, frlm lntulrtld cEfttlc TYPE t8: u'v.[l,a | 0, conditloncd sprcc ebove tfqn TYPE tS: U-VrluG . .024, Cqicrctc Floorg IEA .OSS Ihc lot.t !TU[ for th. outsid. t.tts arc 1,021 thc lotll 8TUil for thc Expoccd op.niius arc 2,902 lhG totil 8ru[ for thG c.itlngr o tha totlt glul for th. floors 415 lh. Btull Inflttrltlon tor th. oPctil n!3 is 1.097 IltE TOIAT rlu$ tOR lllts R(n.| ls 5,4f,5 lacut r.d Rrdlant ftoor outFrt, BTU'8 /sqsarc ,oot ig 28.8 GANAGE CEtLIIIG HEIGIIT tS 8.OO FEET,voLtIE t s 2 EIPOIED eEl ltlcs, IOTALI lG t>>>>>tt>>t>t>>>>>>>>> 2 EXFOSED YALIS, mt inctudlng oFnlng!,IoTALlllc >>>> tcl sfZE lS 22.0 tilc by 22.0 vlDE' lol^Llllc >> gtflDcl IYPE lS! U'vtlu. : .551, Dable Prnr, clear Gtass 9ALL IYPE lS: U-Vrtu. = '06, F?a|| ln.ul.t.d cEfttlO IYPE tS: U'vrtlj. r 0, Co.dltloncd eprcc rbove f!@t TYPE lS: U'v.tu. - .024, Comrctc floors 675 CU C fEET 7.0 Sq'ANE FEEI :N.O SEUARE IEET 7'.0 SOUARE FEEI 5.8?2 CUBIC fEEr I'9.E SOU,AIE fEET 192.3 S(I,,ARE FEET 484.0 SOU^RE FEET P.e.6 o HEATLO6S 1,0t8 5,643 0 t,(b5 2,995 10,741 th. Tot.t Bfu[ for th. qft3ldG I|t [s rrr fh. fot.t aTull for th. €rp6.d oprnl ng. !r. Th. tot.l 8lU[ for th. c.ltlne3 lh. tot.t rTUr tor th. floor! Th. tlUI Intltt?ltlon for th. oFnlng3 lr rHE TOr L nU[ ffi THls l@l ls t.qrl rld R.dlmt ftoor ostF,tt, 8lU'3 /squfa foot is 22.2 loTAts Ittffaaaaatattatri.l'itttattrtttllrtttrrtttattttifttitaataattatalrlaiittfiatffiattltta rrq.u* ts 28,305 qJilC 'EET8,S.6 SSJATE 'EEI1,99:t.l SCrr rE FEET 0.0 sqrAtE FEEI 2,674.0 Sq'ArE FEEr EXPGED eEIIXGS,IOI LIIG EXPOSEO tl LLS,.bor. gr.dc not lrrtdlm oPcni rye ?OIAL sqnnE FEET, of rrtts b.ta. gr!d. flqn Am GtLlxG slzE ls thr totrt BTUr for thc lr[t3 lbow grrd. 8ra fh. lot.[ SIUH tor th. |.lt3 b.lor.grrd. rc. Th. Totlt 8TUfi tor thc Expos.d opcniirga arc fh. totll lful for thr c.lllngs rh! totrt BTUI for th. ttoors Th! Bruf Intlttr.tlon for thc oPcnlng3 ls t{E lloss 10,753 0 39,803 4,242 2,772 15,906 loTlL 3TUll, TIIIS sUlLDlllG v,t&0 Erull alllrtiltaan|'lttaraatlttlaalaal.rtlfttttataaalaaraalttaaitaattt'taattaliaa!.tatitttttatatat E d of rrport ceG oo to vR3o S,,5(" qD { zont E 3700 t/z lry 4tltlw --- t o oo /oo l qo() z UI-Fc o.ulo I z = tr o z trg U) uJ -h z trcE U) uJo -F cc z tr E o tiJo -F E LL z F cco U) t.llo -F t zo FeE u) uJ E tr il iI lt t! !! ii tl ;t li z F Eoaul Ft s z tr d a UJo Ft tr z trctr a Lrlo FE tr uJ Uz <E fi<z LIJ ftEiir!;iC06>vt JF*2 H8ov zo FF )< UJ [.r <a F!!z=:)t l,- tlJitd} z ooQ n z >oF IIJtr(r 18 a5 zo)z oo Xr! lt)o(o(t)F ^o@x*- ^YoEols i:o)-c oN!Er8:Q' RgU (,z o zg o !t Io z IIl 9 o .co oz =0- tltllll*lICC IIt!.i- Ilmn It>* I IIUr ItolItrl _l tr oz UJ z CI * -i{i fll;{:.] Cf -{ C: r).i ''' 'rUi'' u\\rjlll]|3J i') ul za cc UJ lm o E k F J = =ZY< i., 9fE-Z o c t!k ul = = l! oz .ul-z> <ut I.JI II >u:(9i< ><trrrrUJD.de =fio)o-az{= + -t;F-<tr LL !v .O i:d $ F\ t]"- ch{) i- Z<flrtJ JF-{ tj-i 3:f '3 it a{cl .{ i'\Fx) . iii 3'::, ...4 -jIfrj{i:*i . Z,tt '-, ;t- tZ tS iC i!4 F{l! }Z}U .48-a:i tl ZI!Zl*;J *I - El:l. J!-) -z rjr J 3 F I .^ 'j ---{ Lilf.-1 ur, { Zs3F.* 1.. :> :d ri <c i'j o €$ r G.iv cI (r r.uoEo uJa -OEfo. l!.i(n n-'E_: z SH2= >2 oz I!(l a- (J) UJ ulm z a o uJF ot!lo Prko E t^rj Z+roolieru "r9f' DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TH|SAGBEEMENT,madeandenteredintothisEopo1H"l#'lI ano among-e.t' trxo'\bt- ,, = i;;;ii;; l"rr"o tn. "oevetop'efl, and the rowN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town")' WHEBEAS,theDeveloper,asaconditiono|approvaJ-otrneW pt"nr, j"ti'Ar"d# a'- -11-fl, *i.n"s ro enrerinro a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS,theDeve|operisob|igaledtoprovidesecurity.orco||atera|sufficientinthe judgment of the Town to t"f,"?"".onaOie provisi'ons lor compleiion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance oI.. , this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Devebperagreestoestab|ishacashdepositwiththeTownofVai|inado||aramount ot $9,-ffiO_ (125% olthe total cost Sitre work shown below) to provide security lor the following: TMPRoVEMENT' 'ofid / t\oul ?rlce JPaldrQ'.-Ct'No'g"{tut sbx--**ffi+^q.'W * (v (J(t---- ^-! ^_:<T -^e ,Dnr tf q$\qo NoW, THEREFoRE, in consideration of the {o||owing mutual covenants and agreements, ihe Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material necessary it-p"ttoit and complete allimprovement:' 9l,9:::13.t:-^nnar arl4;i'i'i'6""iaar''.'"i#'il;"Td;.h5iiigror"d, in a good w-o.rkmanlike manner, all improvements as listed "d;;; ;il!;ti with all plans.:1g:fftifl',:Y\1;1,T" [ll#:?ffi'Ef;ri,'i'ir'o*"lopment oepartment, the Town of v'ail, and to do allwork incidental thereto according to ind in compliance with the following: o ta, \q a. Such other designs, drawings, maps' specifications' :f91*' and other matter submitted UVlt,i Or".fopeito be 'apbriveO by any of the above-referenced gou"rr"ntld-entiries. ett saio "oi['.n"rr oe ion6 under the inspection of, and to the satisficti* oi, tn" Town Engineer, the Town.Building otficial, ot 9l1..t. officiat trom the Town of Vail, as atiected by special districts or service districts' as their respective interesl t.V .pptti, "nl s'naff not be deemed complete until approved "io ".&pt"o as corirpt'eieo by the_Town.of Vail communlty Development Department and Public Works Department' 2'Tosecureandguaranteeperformanceofitsob|igationsassetforthherein'the Developer agrees to provide slcurity and collateral as follows: CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT rcltptlol: !ot[$ Sd--. Page 1 of 3 A cash deposit account in the amoun t ot -$9QD^ r-o o" neto by the Town' as escrow asent, sharto'"ulJ'ti;:;{;ii1i,{i- " '"t to'tn above if there is 3.TheDeve|opermayatanytimesubstitutetheco||atera|origina||ysetforth above for another ror. oi[iiru,urhia.."pt"ot" to-ti"lo*n to guarantee the faithlul comptetion of lhose rrpi"r"r""i. referred to.f,"i"in "nO the p6rformance of the terms of this Asreemenr. sucn accepia#;ih;i.,"^ .r "riJiL"iiit"" iirrlt"t"r shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shal not, nor shail any ofticer or employee t!9pof' be liable or responsibre ror any accid;;'il;;'oio.r.s, ha#;iil9i;il1i11s111he work specilied in this Agreement prior to ti-. lotpfriion andacce[lance"ot the same' nor shall the Town' nor anv officer or emplovee int'*t, u" liable for 1ruFil ;;nf9!1tL11ured bv reason of the naiure of said work, Ur, "ii.t ,iiO tianitities snait lnO are hereby assumed by the Developer' The Developer hereby agrees to indemnjfy and'hold l1tl":^t the Town' and any ol its officers, agents and employees against "ny torrJ", lhims, damages,. or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agenl" o, "rptoy".s-ii"i u""o*" suulect to, insolar as any such tosses, claims, o"m"g";irl.ilbiiities (or'actions'tn'ilspeci m"reoti that arlse out or or are based upon any pertorria-n* OV ing Developer n.i"r[J"it "td thb Developer shall reimburse the Town lor any and all legal or other "rp"n$r'i"".onanty incuneo by the Town in connection with investigating or detendi$ 11I i;Gt' tl'"it'dT?-g:' liability or action' This indemnity prouiriollnitbe in addition to "nV otn.i tiaOitity which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply..to the Town and the Town shal authorize tor partLi'ilr"i.L ot tne cottaterai'ilpltittir *iin-m". to*n for each category of improvement.r.r.n-iire as such improvem?niJliu.onltt"ted.in compliance with all ptans and specifications as ieier.nceO nrt uniJi "nO accepteO by the.Town' Under no condition wiil the ".ounttr',i"'coiraterarm"t s fi.i;;d'b; reduced below the amount n"a"a""ty to complete such improvements' 6.|flheTowndeterminesthatanyo|theimprovements.contemp|atedhereinare not constructed in compliance with tne plans..a# tp"tit'ii"iiont set.forth heiein by the date set lorth in paragraph z, tn['io*n't"v' o'i tnutt ;;;:t *qtt"d-to''withdraw from the cash deposir such funds *;J; n".Lr."ry t..:.ro[i. ttt't unfini.ned improvements' The Town sharr release ,r.r,,ii,no, upon thawritten"[qr"ir of the stalf of the community Devetopment Depanment stating that tn" *prrJill.ir-n"". not o..n completed as required by the agreement. Tne Town siall not require-trti'i-on"uit"n"t ol the'developer prior to the release of the tunds, no' Jurr in" Totn o" t"quit"J 1o u-flifv-i1199::dently that the improvements have noinJ.n completed ", rriritto by this-Agreement' but shall release sucn funds sotety ,pon tn.?ii.i oi rn" communiiy Deveiopment Department' |fthecostsofcomp|etingtheworkexceedtheamountofthedeposit,theexcess' together with interest ai t*erue f,ercent p" .nnrt, ti.tt u. " lien against the property and may be coilected ov .tii.rii .r"may oe ..rtir[i'io tn" tt"".rt"t of Eaole countv to be colected in tne samJm"nn", ., derinquent ;"r;i.;;;;;; levied aiainst such property' lt the permit hotder faits oiirir."i to cor|ptete.i-nt tfJ"t'i "tO landscaiing' as defined in this chapter, such faiture"o;;;il;;kfu Oe ionsideied a vioiation of the Zoning Code' T.TheDeveloperwarrantsa|l.workandmateria|foraperiodo|oneyearafter acceptance or "rr *oi[ i.iJried to in mis ngreem;t t oy tn" Town Pursuant to section ii.re.zso ir such *J,l['i#H# iffi';iil;iil6.;torwithin rown of Vailright-of-wav' 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that ihjs AgqT:ll tav be amended from time to time, provided that such amendmentS ne in writing ind executed'by all parties hereto' "'iliiili"riio"i tn" As t""t ent bv Developer' Dated the day and year first above written' Page 2 of 3 Oo STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The f ofqgoing DevPloPer Witness mY hand and officialseal' My commission exPlres: W, ffi( Page 3 of 3 ffiOPMENT 5L^Ii""i|"fl^friT"':"WJ"V Witness mY hand and otficialseal' My commission exPires: updatsd 928i94 before me this O.Oo TOWNOFVAIL RECE! T M'- DE T'BTIIE"\T Of C{'UTIUNITY I'ErILO?MEI\T BBtEt HH:atEtro[lc ert !E 5: ! a i . cnEcl<s rtADE t^Y.|!u to fir$?l oPvAtL or fixn4237t INVESTIGATI 3r (x)00451t0 TOV PARKING FI,JND 0r 0000 22027 I OV NEWSPAPER DISPENSERTT'NI'-r 0l 0000 2llt2 rMBEq@rr.sffir 0l a000 4t0Io IAXABLE@4.02 (ToLrN) 0l 00004237t B U ILD ING INVESTIGATTON EfFt!! tlsE Eat e E- q =an FI E -laq Ol @ zzozL OIHER 5,@o,@ ol (xxn4t330 ADDITIONAL s200.00or firco 41330 CONDINONA s200.000l fi)oo 4t330 FXTERIORALTEW s200.000l fi)00 41330 EXTERIOR s500.000l 0()0041330 |PECTAL pE s1,500.000l 0000 4133r :P-Ecr+l pEvE tsr@-.00-0l 0000 4t337 :l.E_ctAL pEV s200.000l (x)00 41330 SUBDIVISION 0l m004133r VARTANCE s250.(X)0t fi}00 41330 Z'(,NIN(' CODE AMENDMENTS 5250.(X)0l m00 41330 K.b. ZONING s200.00 lJ I TIEK UIttt,l( rt.- ll.or'".*ro, L,lrl0,UttUvt \1 fr LAA-' ' IGLSE t r sxlr @ 22 /- rlf.OLl ,o-n; LN_ i F Crf r,-rF| I L- l'1i =ce I I '3nec'u:' C'==h rl: *.- .'I'i.l; ii.:lli ili:,,-:i,,i i:' ' i,i ;'tJLr:ir:l:l i ij:,:i,,ii ii l;+ ';.i'i l" -:"rlil'; ilt,:ti' F t!--r ljrirr i:L i! |:.lti:i'r-.ii; i. l i?irij,:'ig,l .i rla.r I rrrrar Firriount P:id1 t.erri Peid "rr i. [1!-iili:1,,+ i :f, 111+t] :iu " 'it{i i.ii.-5ii'.ii f ':' I, Lr ri i::r.-i : '' ;1' " ';-t-Hlat-JF: :L'|-lCLl +. ','r,,,-i i irifrilr '-Tl-lll"r J.-..-. 4<- 'I ,.-- . t c^lLJffn)n.Ou *.u'' lA! L,nn Review Action th TOWN OF VAIL caresory Number / Z oa" 1f tf qA Project Name: Building Name: V-, nu-.,] rold 36.-.Jry'- ,r,= Pro!ect Description: , l. Owner, Address ano pnone: 'Di dc Lrr,*. t I foJ n .nitdonil"Ddd ress and Ph one : \,q-.'l. Co *8 I bS€ Legal Description: Lot l{ Block - Subdivision V. r[+ll</ <tep Zone District 4 '- Project Street Address: lcl'l(l -xrl tr, asf Comments: Board,/ Staff Action\\.-.-'-. Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval yij. staff Approvat Conditions: Town Planner -l , t-lDale: 7f 4 /'/A DRB Fee Pre-paid It nlo "' "i "" o'*?o" ffi ffiI ^mI*"Arffi DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB }IEETING: r*****ti**' r. A. OF REVIE}I: ADDREsS, | 441 auwbvvS Dvwe- ., r.ttew consE,rucLion ($200.00) -&,tinor AlteraLion ($20-00) . -Addi tion ( $50 . 00 ) -concepbuaL Review ( $0 ), I,EGAI, DESCRIPTgubdivision If property is described by descripuion, please provideto bhis application. DESCRIFTION: B; c. D. a meets and bounds'legaI on a separate sheeu and atLach ZONING:'?/+ >l'F.NAI-IE OF APPI,ICN,IT: MaiLing Address: I{AI,IE OF APPLICNiITI FEE SCHEDUI,E: ,:$VAI.,UATION'0 $. 10, 000 flovte-r. FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100 .00 $200 .00 $4o0.oo' $s00 .00 ONE XEAB AFTER FTNAI{ IggUED A$D eoNsrRuc'l'ioli ualling Address: OF OWNER(S}: OTTNER(S) SIGNATURE:Vtctn>.J ins Address:(n Appr,rcArxorfs wr:-lr Nor BE pnocissnn r/rrflow ottNER's srclvArunE I. Condominium approval if applicable. J. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Eo be paicl at the Lime of submiLEal of the pnS appticaLion. LaLer, vthen applying f,or a building permiL, please identify the accurate vlfuit,ion of bhe propoial. The Tor,,n of Vail will adiusL ghe fee accordlng lo tne- tabte below, uo ensure Ehe correcu feeis paid.. ,p rvr001 ' $ 50'000. $ 5o', 001 - $ 150, 000 $150, ool $ 5oo, ooo $500, oo1 - $1, ooo, ooo $ Over $1, 000, 000 'DESIGN REVIEI| BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES' APPRoVAI ltlllBgg A BUIr,DING PEnUIT Ig Xg STARTED. hn" Review Action th TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Date Owner, Address and Phone: e, "nit""tlffi+dd ress an d P h one : Project Street Address: Legal Description: tot /4 atocx s'rooiui"ion \/ l- ,, t 1.. t. . .- 5 zoneDistrict f/t Comments: ,'6,ilibtarf Action\--_.','-. Motion by:&:,o, ,,:Vote: S-O Seconded by: Alt t t p Aooroval ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: ''' Town Planner Dare: /i/ t€DRB Fee Pre-paid i FILEMPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 November 16, 1995 Sally Brainerd RKD, Inc. 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Suite 3D Vail, CO 81657 Department of Community Development RE: Knowlton Design Review Board Approval Dear Sally: Thank you for appearing before the Design Rwiew Board (DRB) on Wednesday, November 15' 1995 with the proposed demo/rebuild using two 250's of the Knowlton residence located at 1999 Sunburst Drive. As you-are a,uare, the DRB conditionally approved the demo/rebuild. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a summary of the conditions of approval. Each of tbe conditions listed below must be resolved Eior to application for building permit: t@ fblown ofVail Public Works Deparbnent sign off on the DRB approvedplans. 2. 69 Tk Town of Vail Fire Department sign off on tbe DRB approvedplans. The applicant submit a letter of approval from the utility companies for the proposed utility easement aerial encroachment or that the applicant redraw the site plan to indicate that the deck on the primary residence is not encroaching into the 30' utility easement. The applicant zubmit to the Town of Vail manufacturer's specifications on the proposed exterior ligbts. Pursuant to the Town of Vail lighting ordinance, 18 exterior lights arepermitted on the property. The applicant submit a tree preservation plan The tree presenntion plan should address the rneasures taken to preserve all existing trees as well as steps to transplant transplantable trees' A meeting needs to be set up with the project planner to go out to the site and identiff those kees which will be transplanted prior to construction. Again, thaak you for appearing before the DRB on Wednesday, November 5, 1995 with the proposed Knowlton residence. Should you have any questions or concerns, with regard to the information addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can be reachedat4T9-2138. /v o'@ Sincerelv. ll,^^-t-r- 'IGJJ'^/ George Ruher Town Plerrrer {g *"n"uor*o l.t^ lrt t.rl..A A|LT /91 DESTG}I'REVIEI{BOARD APPIITCATION . 4 DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DR3 MEETING: **t***it** ********** ?/Za ?= I. A.DESCRTPTION: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: ANew Const.ructionAddition ($50.00) ($200.00) Minor Alt.erat,ion ConcepLual Review ($20.00) ($0) D. ADDRESS: LEGAI.,, DESCRIPTI Subdivision If properLy is described bydescript.ion, please provide Lo this applicat.ion. 7le bvv€t ?r a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal and attach I. ,t. APPTICANT:q.L LztW^t Phone G.NANIE OF APPLTCANT I S PRE flovtq. A. Mail j-ng Address:T H. NAI{E OF OWNER(S) : OIINER(S) SIGNATURE:Ttch>,..4 ilinq Address: APPIJICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUI OWNER'S ^9fc&AfURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Lo be paid at thetine of submitt.al of Lhe DRB application. L,ater, whenapplying for a building permit, please ident.ify tbe accuralevaluat,ion of Lhe proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust thefee accord.ing Lo Lhe Lable below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. SElilII'E, ZONING: NAII{E OFMailing Address: Ara" FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION.. $ 'o $ 1o,ooo+ . ^ r.r^.* AUTUUI - D JU'UUU $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500.001 - 91, 000, 000g Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIETT BOARD APPROVAI, EXFIRES APPROVAI-, T'NIJESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARtrED. FEE $ 20.00 D f U. UU $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED Al{D CONSTRUCTION h;u'clr- ')rc _CKfr {etr,:ur. : tj,ir-ZBm 8g:,:: { qoc,' _QFF i- IJIST OF T.fATERIAIJS .ll 1v& Le the Design COIJOR f 'r$\"nhtrf[ - nqlr*ol/a"Ptr a'f +\e, t41avlu&i F4 |xr- ?e) ulv.t;-.eaur- - wV&* €dcL .n.t lr I6tone- toced NArt{E OF PROJECT: Ft{cttl u-fo t=l LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L,OT:ILL BL,OCK SI]BDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUII,DING MATERIAT-TS: Roof Siding OLher WaI1 Materials Fascia Soffi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wa11s Exterior Liqhting Other LAIiIDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: required for submittal approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAI, B. pr,Ariflt I''ATER* Botanical Name ".rn..t". ouantitv s,.;i* PROPOSED TREES AT{D SHRI'BS 6 -to' 9z dlGROtn{D COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Gr,ru c. rypE oR METH.D o, G%. A# EROSION CONTROI., IJATiIDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separat,eliqhting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting planin the space below and provide the height above grade, t apef.ight proposed, lumen ouLput, luminousthe light fixture. (SecLion 18.54.050 ,t) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swinmringpools, eEc.) Please specify. hdicaee heights of retainingwa1ls. Maximum heiqht, of waLls within Ehe front setback is 3' . Maximum height of walLs elsewhere on the property is 6' area and a cut sheet of of D. )z- ltlr- -21' #t;' e a"(*Indicate caliper for deciduorEfor deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height forconiferous Erees. Minimr:m height for coniferoustrees is 6 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimr:n size of shrubs is5 gallon. t" -JUt1( Square Footagre ..revr3ed I /17 /91 **A site plan must be showDoffer seri\riceshall be the NOTE: 1. G -lc EX 7rcez*+ I l€T_l*Lt-zp.-e+t&.+,.e,e_--'-U-T-t LtTtV+ JOB NA}4E SUBDIVISION mop.g The form is used to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan andscheduling insEallations. For any ner consiruction proposil, theapplicant must provide a completed utility verification form. The location and availability of utilities, wheLher they be maintrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified. by thefollowing utilities for the accompanying siLe plan. All authorizing signatures need to be originals. Authorized Sicrnature Date U.S. West CommunicaLions 458-6850 or 949 -4530 Public Service Company 949 - 6135 Gary HaLL/nictr Cooley Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering DepL. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty *ITCI Cablevision of the Rockies 949 -t224 Mark Graves *iUpper Eagle Va11ey water & Sanitat,ion District * 47 6 -'t 480 Fred Haslee z. 5. is required. Physical locagion of known utilitieson tbe site plan. Utility locations may or rnay Dotto the property line. Any utility extension requiredresponsibility of the property owner. If a utility company has concerns with the proposedconstruction, the utility represent,aEive should noLdirectly on the utility verificaLion forn that thereis a problem which needs Lo be resolved. The issueshould then be spelled out in detail in an atEachedletter to the Town of vai1. However, please keep inmind that it is the responsibility of Uhe uLility company t,o resolve identified problems. If Ehe ut.ility verification form has signatures from each of Lhe ut.ility companies, and no comments are nade directly on the form, the Town will presumethat there are no problems and that the development can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obLain a street cuL permit. from the Town of Vail, Department of PubLic Worksand to obtain ut.ilitv locations before diqoing in any public right-of-way or easenent in the Town ofvail. A buildino oermit is not a street cut permit. A streee cut permit rnust. be obtained separately. Installation of service lines are at the $q)ense andresponsibility of the properEy owner. 4. ZOltE CHECK FOR sinsr e Famil' *"t;1ff"ir.Ht.A' o,/ t + /qq o Primary v1s10n V.4\ V-3rd PHONE 2- PHONE 41b - 5 Lo6 /Secondary \ . i-r IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lo ?/+ LOT SIZE , *Pq t*-o-<- DATE.: Heighr Total t tf 312vvt n*ADDRESS: OgINER ARCHITECT l''1.zv+A'/ Ae.'**efr 7/+ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Allowed (30) (33) ,22b4 \ IL€ z_z>* ?-Eo 425Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks site coverage Landscaping Retaining Wal1 Parking carage Credit Drive: = +oqq 20' 15' 15' 35bo 3'/5, Reqrd _Le SLope NO * fi/s 2) Percene Slope (< > 30t} 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfall -c) Debris FIow 4) Wei-lands N/A view Corridor Encroachnent: Yes No-x _ Does this How much Previous request involve a 250 Addition? YeA X Zot ftre allowed 250 Addition is used-witEEis request? >lj- conditions of approval (eheck property file): cRFA *e+o + g60 + €oo-QulB Iz+z++ \btb Iffi= z-t-41 Front, Sides Rear zo"h c oo/o Heights Complies with T.O.v. Lighting Ordinance water Course Setback (30) (50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (5Ot) -. / { Envirorunental/Hazards: 1) Flood PLain (300) (600) (e00) (1200)_ Permitted Slope t Proposed Yes YES BuTTJDABTJE rJor AREA l1t b 1b \7 Existinq Proposed Total 2. | ('E 224* Zo 13/16 1o' +cb zt tqtA nc1 *fW, 10 tovdfgd 2l llt3 .... r:,\*\Fr.[iFf , Date of Application Date of DRB Meeting APPLTCATTON FOR ADDTTTONAL GRFA (2s0) TYPE OF REQUESTX Standard 250 I 2- Date of PEC Meeting (if necessarf,[3;! Type I EHU 250 Type ll EHU 250 Type V EHU 250 II. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. lt should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for up to 250 square feet if the conditions set forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of the Town of Vail code are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. III. APPLICATION INFORMATION B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Rooress (141 a., abvv* D,.l.v2 Legal Description: Zone D c.NAME OF AppLtCANT: =e-e- b-elq^l Address D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S BEPRESENTATIVE: eu,""" l4V E' A?tJ'^-o Dic-. 4i L lo6 NAME OF OWNER(S): Slgnature(s E. tl aoor"r, 1621 Vi I V>[t^, t]2. pnonq t 416 - lzzb F. Filing Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittal of a standard 250. For a request involving an EHU, the lee is waived. The following information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, shallbe r4fiuired with this submittal: )t Verification that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy. 2. Stamped, addressed envelopes and a separate list of adjacent property owners and of owners of units on the same lot. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. Condominium Association approval (if applicable). 4. Existing or proposed lloor plans of structure. G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. H. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re -publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staft that an oubide consultant is needed to revieut any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be fonrrarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds fonuarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount fonruarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. i Slngle ramily DArE: /olzslq= IJEGAIJ DEscRrPTroN: Lot /{ ntoct< - subdivision v,+i] V*cul <zo lP_D-l!ss: ffi 5cubuar;r PHONE ARCHfTECT 4,Att_.\ k+;,'aan PHONE tl-76-qz?A I ZONE DISTRICT ?13 PRoposED usg qs LOT SrZE .{/cf ,4tl F,gqqf BUTLDABTJE rJOT AREA Allowed Exi s t incr Height, Total GRFA qo.ro+ 5@trc Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA SeBbacks lo+>r vievr Corridor EncroachmenL; yes F^-- !t^: -|JrvgJ LllJ,5 How much Previous ZONE CHECK FOR Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRTCTS Primary/Secondary Proposed ToEal FronL Sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping ReLaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: Complies with T.O.V. Wat,er Course Setback Do Finish Grades Exceed Environmen La1 /Hazards : 33' 5'315* Ts+ zvzL4 1Srz/rs 13 *,,5'79 d ffio 6 (30)F l 53f,p '.121 + 425 =_frI_ z5Dlblb + 425 =JZLI_ 20' 15' L5, 3,SFO l6rtq 3'/6' t/ \/,+ s No_Ja_ 1) 2l 3) 4 ) Wetlands r^v No ?= 7'l1t regues t,?5e-./€!{ ou_ Ieg'riesL irrvui-ve a 250 Ari<jition? tthof the arrowed 250 Addir,ion is useffiis conditions of approval (check propert.y file): _--+- _.11_Reqrd (300) (600) (900) 4 ,n"t Permitted Slope lZ % proposed Slope lZ % L,iqhrinq Ordinance Yes Flood Plain oV_ Percent Slope (< > 3O%) a&% Geologic Hazardsa) Sbow Avalanche______or_b) Rcrckf all ov-c) Debris FIow _ ov- (1200 ) 10 Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions o Community Development Plan Routing Form Mike McGee, Fire Qreg Hall, Public Works- George Ruther, Community Development D i{64se 9E;vievt *i.t€\d'h/ Project Description: oo$e\c\De (} \o.\J3\ - tr ('\Crt (Jrrg g,.r{ 6'.e a" ie.-tn t" ftc t<t*'le i* nAd@ 't1) hrrue."e Secncxt c'F drr.:6\rLq ffqk (6 oDe. tC(a - txr mc,.xqro,n dTfe Crxretf. Alq avtr6 Yn|/ rcqsrj dCSqn )o \/-lt,.h rcre r5 r€ morffrrr o€ e(c N\\ (Cm()ic \tg It* prqogd goi\d,nq 41cr()()o€s c\ |\€ ohrr r rh thg botj4, orrl tf,e drcri r f <4)' ,- ocr rre,l ',\de of tt\o br\UE CJrd ,r1/)l-Lrlt (^ spl\\urcrq ti"\ft^f-\h fht 6n<1 toc,E dced """c'l'e. ,z al ttc'a\ \st'16\ d g-r\d,f neaerS.({ o* 4te.crr)r- @cScf< Ag+a ' Reviewed bv: i\ev!ryone\domvo.rdorm Teni Mariinez B,.rrdrcq Perrnit Ces\e'n l*-.,*. Resroerr'Q' \aflq s\xt11sr' l*il\n€ed to S€€ propc-€d co.1i4I.{5 oO tt€ dr,..lc..*ro.l [<r r€ )<41xd6t.q un(t. Tt€ t,rn (\{(r]nA/ earYr3 kr rte r<rrao.q v fi E dol-,1 a \r\trY 'lte. gopxr) bu$driq encccu\co cn ykt€ utlu hl ecr<merr t <r rfe \orror0 *e, drorvxf €o<cnent o<\ lt€ u\+r."ae cc K\€. bJNd(n3 uje, \ft,K$r€d a sct\\w{cq \cf i- \eof rhrc{rqh lire errzr$crrL A c$\€, mcAr r:o rc.cr.rler] (r\ Yt@ 9\rx6 1oe plgLe(} rh€: e*r<*1ft\ focf rrvrecl suo|e e{rl ce tilttd ihe ',wots , qf nc<€.,56r1 ,.rrttEd re<rtin ot ttre T()un ""d*. * Lorrq P' Srrr,rd r^re btrdtlc ccoAl KAUd oE t4 {b rgstenrcd ogn-q'o (et\rrvd oB ze'q\' (vro src(r<r &ft,tx) *$ trf,ffi; :;T:1x:::t'T::ffi *'* fi NEC"|CLED PAPaR flfCD uur 2 4 t995 6ose Hnut- RetUm tO George Ruther ?. r^,r.Town Planner .nr -nOfr':24 PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARIN COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Da^o/9cb.itJ' oF ?s. fi tr.r. ffiEf,El'tfil@ttr Reviewed by:{gm'r'4ornne't-Date: tr.rdxf ?'j rQ'15 Comments: &tu"*1 tv-rthirl e\e ra-\e^\ 5 ,\s4\ tc \L v'r'rr frru.tl tYrC crc\nt cf l^r(\-l \r r)(z - 4' b.1'.rrd Yhc €;- tzi-1oS cdqa c{ ro Ad.^rc\l ' - ,.{ rr 1;r,_ cn.c61 f.r ffi;;r'ji\1.J:.(c€\e aaa\s\c ha!€ a 2/)| ca\vrwr't'tu(Gr\\c\ "\Lu\)" (''rt (1 \t' s-r'- 3c"cr €cr-' ?#+" !{ *w t:rn.-,r1;x} cn yktr no{ ft\ Tror rs kr: $z u'rr\ a., q \i!t0c( r-i\3 .i[; ' i t"t'"*ttt'to b4 arrs-\d€A 4'' I par aPpL;el'aYr":(*'-lJ.'": II' ,ii..d I lrtll .-- - f.alDaf' : Relum lo George Ruther Town Planner INTE R.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW ,.1n91qc1=:KUorrlroJ ?ls DATE SUBMIfiED: Io I:E DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ,,r /'.- ,,.), ,. 1't"' tul?;el,ia oe 75 /1"/''')'l - , / fr i fr,'/J"':'t'T , at ,rt',/r/ o' z) -,\ ,., /t .) ,Z:2.--,|-/ (ftltt fr (?-e klnu-nt ;>3u€-(ry*"') .Fi..d I lr!i02 .tl JUL ?'96 \ FR HWI4EL FOOD6 o-Ql*"r. TREAS W? 4g? 5129 TO €1jril34?68?10 : P,65 NATIOI\nL TITTE t*SffiCp C'Mptnny A COM!tITMENT SGEDULE A Our Order * VS25534-3 For fnforsraLion ALT 1. 2- - Charges - 909. OO --TOTAL-- *'T TWI! T YOUR REIIITTENCE PIEA"SE REFER ICI ouR Effectiwe Date: January 24, Lggs ar g:0O Policy to be issued, and, proposed fnsured.: I'ALTI," Owner,s policy 10-17-92 fnsured: oRDER NO. vs25534-3f*a* A.M. $r-, 2o0, 000 - oo 3. 4. 5. GE-O. A. HOru4EL & CO!,IPANY,. A DEI.AWARE .C,ORPORATION Tlre estace or inEeresL in Ehe landEhis CorrrnicmenE and covered, herein A Fee Simple TiEle E,o Ehe estaEe or ineeresc covered herein is at EheeffecEive date hereof veseed in, ELIZABETH P. SETBERT The land referred Eo in this cormrit*en. is descriJred asfol.Iows: LoT 14. vA,r! vALLEy-TIIrni Frr,rNc. RECORDED AUGUST 30, r9?7 I\ BOOKEAGLE, STATS OF COIORADO. described or referred Eo inis: ACCORDING TO TI{E PLAT 259 AT PAGE 69, COt,}fIY OuIy OF . JUL ?'95 O8:k5 FR l-l0Rr1EL FOODS TREpG 5O'/ 43? 5129 TO 8r1!.1i4?66?1o P.86 ---.: o"i coMMrrMENr -- S(-firnUI..E B-1 (R€quireuents) Our Order f VS2553,[-3 The followilg are Ehe requirements lo be coqrlied wiEb: 1. Paldenc to or for the account of the gr:urtors or nortgagors ofthe fu]-]- considerauiod for the estate-or interest to 5e-insured. 2- Proper i-nstrrrment(s) creating the estace or i-nterest to beinsured rmsr be executed and-du1y filed for record.. Eo-wiE: 3- RET,EASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATm June 23, 1993, FROM ELfZABETE p, SETBERT TOTEE PUBIJIC TRUSTBE OF EAGTB COIJNTY FOR TIIE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO sEctIRE THE suM oF $400,000.00 RECORDED JuLy 28, 1993, rN BooK 514 AT pAcE 899. 4- REIJEASB OF DEED OF TRUST DATED X)OO(, FROM ELIZAaHIII P- S8IBERT TO TIIE PUBLIE I?.USTEE OF EAGI,E COT'NTY FOR THE I'SE OF FIRS? BAT.IK OF SOU!II DAXOfA T( sEcttRE TIIE SI'M OF 5235,000.00, RECORDED x)(xx IN BOOK XXX AT pAcE XXX. 5. EVIDEX{CE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPAIIT TTTAT TITE TERMS, CONDITiONS A}iD PROVISIONS OF TgS TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX I{AVE BEEN SATISFTED. 6. I,I}RRANTY DEED FROt't ELIZAAETTI P. SETBER:r TO GgO. A. HORIqEL & COMP]WT. A6F!A=:@ omom,ito@riffi ===::-- - NqTTl. @ t 7-! of gcbedule B-1 (of v-or-rE orevious comniEmenrl hawe beermodifi.ed or geleced. === TIIE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCI'I.IENTS SENT FOR RECORDTNG! ! \ PAGE 2 JUL ?'95 O9:!]6 FR HORI.IEL FOOLIs TREAS 5u? 43? 5129 T0 813r:rl4?50?rB P.67 AI,TA COMMITMENT SCEEDUI.E B-2 (ExceBtions)Our Order * VS25534-3 The poliry or policies to be iesued wiII contai-n exceBtione to Ebe following ualess Ebe same are disposed of to the satlsfaccion of the Comparry: 1. Slandard FrcceptionE ]''tbrougb 5 printed. on tbe cover sheet,. 6. Taxes and assessnnnts not yeu due or payable and special assessments not yee certified eo Ehe Treasurer's office 7 - Any rrnpaid taxes oE assessmenEs against said land- 8. Liens for unpaid water and 6ewer charges., if any. 9. RIGI{T OF PRQPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IODE TO HCTRACT AND R.ET,IOVE gIS ORB TIIEREFROM SSOUI,D IHE STME BE FOT'ITD TO PENETRATE OR TNTETTSECT T}IE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED June 29, 1903, IN BOOK 48 AT pAGE 495- 10. RTGIIT OF I{AY FOR DITGIES OR CENATS CONSTRUC?SD BY TIIE AI]THORITY OF TI{E T'NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STTTES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 29, 19Of, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 495- I],. T]NDI\,,^ID},JJ* I/2 INTEREST IN AND TO A^LL OF ?[iE GAS, OIt AND OTT{ER MTNER:ALS, solrD LTQUID AlrD GASEOUS, OF sVERy KIND AlrD NAgttRE, INCII'DII{G IrRIrNrIDl, IN, ON AND UIIDER ANC AND WHICH MAY BE PRODUCED EI'ROM THAT PORTTON OF SUB.IEM PROPERTY IN SECTION 10 OF LEGAI, DESCRI?tION I{ERETO AS EXPECTED AIID RESERVED BY PETER E. KATSOS IN DEED RECORDSD MAY 3, 1950 TN BOOK 165 AT PAGE 227. TI{E EXTSTENCE OF TI{E MINERAL E(CEPTTON AND/OR RESERVATION SHO]{N IlS ITEM 11.ffispffi-T NO. 100.29 TO oUR OWNERS POLTCT Wr{EN rSSUm. 12. UTILITY EASEIqENT A.s GRANTM TO \TAIL WATER AND SA}TITAUON DISTRICT IN INSTRU}IENT RECORDED OCTOBER 20, 1969 IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 2I.7, 13. RESTRICTI\IE COIENAI\IrS WHICH DO NOT CoNTAIN A FORFEITIIRE OR RSVERTSR CIAUSE, BUt OMITTING RESfRISTIONS, IF Al.rr, EASm ON RACE, COInR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, A.S cONfAINED fN INSTRUMENI RECORDED Augrusts 30, 1977, IN BOOK 259 AT PAGE 68. 1{. UTrIrrTY EASEIVIEMI TEN FEET rN wrDTH AIONG TIIE SOIIfIIWESTERLY f,OT LINE, DR,A'INAGE EASEMENT 7.5 FEETIIN WIDTH ALONG TT{E EASTERLY IJOT TJINE, AND UTTLIT':( EASEI4EITT AIONG THE NORTHEASTERI,Y LOT IJINE OF SI'BJECT PROPER?Y AS SIIOWN ON THE RECORDED PIAT OF VAII VAILEY, TI{IRD FIIING. 15. EASET',1EMTS, PROVISIONS A}.ID RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON TIIE RECORDED PIAT OF VATL VAIJEY TIIIRD FILING. ,{ . ruL ?'es Bs:o6 r*f,l,- FooDs rREes ALTA COMMTTMENT SqEDUIJE B-2 (Exceptions) 5W 43? 5129 T0 813834?58?rtt P.08 O'ur Order * VSZS534-3 '"ffi*ffiforffifu ffifufo%fo31 rrIE 'TANDARD FxcEprrobrs wrr,L BE pELry FRoM rHE owNE: ffiffi'ffietrffigL*ffit*E!r'r' t KNOWLTON RESIDENCE 1999 Sunburst Drive VaiI, CO 81657 '-Lot 14, Vail Valley Subdividsion, Filing 3 LIST OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS I-at l3,Vail Valtey, Filing 3.James M & Daphine S Slevin 1985 Sunburst Drive Vail, CO 81657 Helioscope, N.V. P O Box l23l Vail, CO 81658 Jo Anne B Arnold & John Benneft 6 Porside Drive Ft Lauderdale, FLA 33165 Nathan J Accardo Garling House, B Kent 300 w l9th Terrace Kansas City, Missouri 64108 Royal III & Stephanie Firman l0 Village Road Englewood, CO 80110 I-ot 15, Vail Valley, Fiting 3 I-ot 19A, Vail Valley, Filing 3 Lot 19B, Vail Valley, Filing 3 Lat20, Vail Valley; Filing 3 fua I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board willbe reviewing the following application on September 20, 1995 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for a residbntial addition at the Knowlton Residence located at 1 999 Sunburst Drive/Lot 14, Vail Valley 3rd, a Resubdivision of a part of Sunburst. Applicant Bichard Knowlton The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in fre VailTrailon September 1, 1995. *ro:r "t"4;/r^-'-' {-^-*re t-.'r,--*-*'. l. l. ci-o "vrl-o*l -a-w V-"t-tLt- Oj -rr-_rhrr-l ftF UJa I L- Fliscel lanesus Ca=h ',,rfr- i t,-!5 ! q. I :'" al Fj*,:ij i I-, t + 1;l:l:i5i 'ii,:cr:r-,rr1. *Llr. 1+ 455.1 i']r:rFtTEFi Rtli:H i TEi:T:,'..F F:EF',H i tl rrE:g ..iiliilTL EFjFFI Frr,:un i. t.+r|J* r.e,i .: t'E1tJ, Lltj Iten paid Fni':,-rnt Faid rliEfirji:1,+1:f,1[riE 'i i rjrtrlrj,l i;If,rjljrjr:1 +l1i-1 , !ji:l ufeHgro i:_jj_:.:j_r cx-.t \ r/ r I rh-OUr - jlnfq 'JV r1- -- \"1 r,.j I INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON// r-lt )@ JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. EI BOUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL T] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL )4/aeenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DTE INSPECTOR "- | ,'".t'.,\l{ Ni+l.+ | Ftr\^ | '= L \l " cci .'I . H ,..,r | * oF 2 a ttlz 7 D z a E a F2 lll =uJ LIJ UJF z s z :o4u Yo- io ulI z Q'.,\ o-i q- l^,) i+ F., =. IJJ iI;l ) F z O' z trJ ,o.:'z J UJ tsX tu Fz .. \ !c \|! rd -+ UJ a, F J F F ''i, I ,.. tr { IJJ t rJ IJJ UJ zl >:!.-<F ;a i4F -2 ;U7z )zZA<E )tz -r3 :,) .- !.1 <> u,l ul u tf vi:F '.] 'I ., 1z iiZZYIFo<<o ri 3 :f< o { i'l i;: .* z oo tt gt = F !! z ltt! =E z J 5o ut ut (J I z J z E J 2 (J llJ = c F uJ ut o uJ z IJJJ aa .. ul F J F v B tto Jo ul z tr z F llJ J B!u2 z ) f |r IJJ F z F (' UJ F tu z J F z o IJJ) llJ cc u, tt tuG -qJ x<;= F z uJ i z ilt \-i '..( ii .\l u,t ]T oJ6 F o ul o J I I /i z J uJ E F A I i'r -l- , J J 3tx IJJ t: ru J J B Fz Iu lJ- (J ul o- ct, ll,l J 2 tt uJ E z Fq F ur B gJ 2 o ui 2 F dt E ur (t 2qJ tt ulv = :i z F E ut qJ tr z tr IJJo z o. F IJJ F J IJJ l F uJ z J ul ! ,i vt IJJ oF lto oz th Ez uz = ; z z o z lll E J Iz rout E J 9 ul E ut Fo F F -NOtJ.VnlVA t =r=Hlrog =,2 =ql-- f o I, 2 z F F 't. .:' I I .i uJ E z ut o : ..1 ,1. -1 ul E z )' (' :\" cg o M C Fs io- :: 'i' ,t, i E 2 ) E /-i\ ). J zf J E} o) F (r F >i g {. :*N = s tZ = IrE zo FY=n6 9o;> :z:< o. c)>o ;c.i !!z N UJ V 3. l!lo-z.- tr = uloa' UJz u,lo u,l E z 2 J U3NMO UOJ,3VUI 'NO3 l.J3IIHJAV '3530 1V93'l box l lX) vail, colorado 81667 (3031 47Gs613 department of community development April 3O, 1979 Betty Seibert c/o J. Mitctrell I{oyt Box 596 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Ms. Seibert, hclosed please flnd the Oonditional Certificate of Occrpancyfor the Seibert Besidence. P1ease sign the forrn, hare lt notarized, and neturn it to us. At that tfirc, the Butldtqg Offlcial wtU, sigr the fom and return lt to you. If you have any questlons, please contact us. Thank you.' Sincerely, tl/,-\ I I .. / , . F\,^1\'.--_,|.- rJtuj S, Justtce Building Departuent Ercl . berDerl flesrqence I,at ].4, W 3rd Building Fermit #798-78 hwn box lfl! vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 department of community development April 30, 1979 Betty Seibert c/o J. Mitchell ltroyt Box596 Vail, @ 81657 Dear [Is. Seibert, This OonditionaJ- Certlficate of Occupancy will be issued on the Seibert Residence with ttre understanding tbatall landscaping and pav- ing be copleted jl the surfier of 1979, and mJ.scell-aneous sna11 itens a.nound the pool be copleted u&ren the fret leaves the ground. If these itens ar.e not ccrqrleted, the Toq/rl Rdldi:rg Official ray cause this to be ccnpleted at your e)q)ense. Your cooperation in this natter will be greatly appreciated. If there are any further questions, please contact ne. I have read and understand the above condition for Conditional Certifieate of Occuoancv. Mark W. Marchus, Building OfficiaJ.Seibert Residence Date Da"te sIL Subscribed and sl'om to before rre this day of IWTARY FUBLIC \ box lfil Yril. coSorado 81657 1303) 476-5613 department of community development Augnst tO, lflg Iot_, Flling hclosed'is a copy of the Oonditional Certificate of Occrpancy that cas issued to you eartien this sr,rmer. Insofar as you have neglected to respond to the ccrpletion date of any of the rsps we bave sent you, v,e vrill be forced to take apprcpriate legal action as is outlined in the Unifo:m Britding Oode whictr is adopted by edinance #36. If we do not hear fnur you by Augr:st 13 or the pro- iect is not ccqlleted by Angust 17, ue will proceed as outlinedabove. Ihank you./A Sterrc Patterson Cttef Brllding Official 7 DATE ' -, Ct -- /^.-J /- ./ t/-' ' 1.")t-JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER G"D TUES THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: rruslLcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL /ttt{- ,L u -/0u /? .,/,t ,:: tt .t..rt.\)*, BUILDING: ci'FoorrruGs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O BOUGH / WATER ' itl D FRAMING tr INSULATION GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:XAt\/ s , jT",..,i Arzo u.'ou t)u o:- rvAG Dor',. t --,4 -i"' / i' . . ./'-Zq f,.,|t'bare T/ )d/,./r" rNSpEcroR -,!li( n,r2.l-.o--c.n ,/ 1 DATE BEADY FOR LOCAT INSPECTION:'/r/D JOB NAME MON CALLER ESW rr.r#ecnoN REouEsr ..N.- TOWN OF VAIL 3a 'r, /0 BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING T1 SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ,i ":-, ?* "t {} t:Fir! I .-. -, " .u, oo-r= 3 - 2l ^-V..f;*,pEcroR ,*$="roN REeuEsr or'vAitl C.,_J.4_- TOWN DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC N TUES WED ,<n k '(.ry,) BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL /H. =)t L: r-rtr TUB tr FINAL tr D FINAL EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL Xnppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED i ', / '.. ' -1 tDATE ! '-. I, .. , ,/'( INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE JOB NAME INSPE IclN FIEBUEST EAGLE COUNTY oCT TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER Io- PermitNo.- i1 /^*,')^._\ F---='){r / tnwn'lllaill/VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT METER INSTALLATION PERMIT INSTALLED BY LICENSED PLUMBEB WITH TOWN OF VAIL. BETTY SEIBERT R.ESIDENCE METER TO BE NAME OF JOB ADORESS AND/OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION LoT 14 V.V. 3rd PLUMBING CONTRACTOR uul{t\lirr -"!ur"rl,rt\\r Met€r Siz€1" M€t€rNumb€r +561628 Bill this Amount to Plumber Lrc. No.100-P Dat€ lssued CALL FOR PHYSICAL AND METER INSPECTION WHEN INSTALLED 476-5613 EXT. 230 Bldg. oept. - white;- watsr & Sanitalion - canary; - contractor - Pink;- Accounting - Goldenrod / Vail Water & Sanitatiorf District DATE INSPECTOR It:;"i'* tl:rr:jDd3i, , t I / \\\ \'-JA| oo* fJ/-JD--)J.B NAME /I READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: CALLER @ Anppnoveo COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED / t / , / -r., il) { *^--,*oare /// /4 t /Y rNSPEcroR VC= A / '/. rr.rlhcnoN REeuEsr VAIL WED THUR FRI TOWN BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGHOUND laoucnl D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE. FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK PGo. PTPTNG tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING hOUCn &48<-'tz ct-s lzA N,l .Lt>,,t',xe. tr EXHAUST HooDS FINAL tr FINAL DATE Oa ' JOB NAME o NS ecrroru REeuEsr I.?v*OF VAIL. .:F./i( CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TUES r WED iJ-"t /'t 1i' THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL 61l GAS PIPING tr D ir\sulerroN,@ tr GAS PrPl ].t21/L/.t tU, .1,, 1.t_ Sf //aJSHEETROCI/NAIL' / trPOOLiHPOOL i H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL p neenoveo '/ ctonnecrtorus' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE r-.-,1-i-7-2-*t4INSPECTOR rNs"=.S* FrEeuEsr Joe NraNae J-', RECEI.f/ED J, AM PM CALLER VAI'L r. DATE TIME ! onren ! pnnrrel LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED . THUn..;FRI AM PM $nreRovED ! uporu rxe CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: n nerNSPEcr DATE ''*=*t*, fi::uEs\ JOB NAMEDATE TIME 1',RECEIVED ' .AM/ PM n oruen n pnnrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI CALLER / TUE-Pig.MON COMMENTS: ! ) :,/ L . \.1' DATE INSPECTOR ,***1 rNs"=.|h* ,.E..UE=T ^ /^-..lol:-e 1/ / ),' i JoB NAME -TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TOWN O VAI'L ^4 E orxen ! pnRrrnl ,/ r.- /t/. LocATtoN '--{t,/ ' ' MON COMMENTS: , i:2.*-- R' t1/,", ,,--.-.---.-" -" *i"-'"" --- ' --..J:-';:::-r:..*FRr---------t:lytM @'App Rov E D n orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr E uponr rHE FoLLowtNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS I NSPECTO R DATE rNsr=.tr FrEBlJEsr TOWN OF VAIL--,.]-l'1*' . .., ,. , i'-,,'"*-- ':.*'., fl orxen MON COMMENTS: CALLER ! plnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR plneeRovED fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: I orsapPRovED ! n e rNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DArE :;'-' -' 2 2 ^ -> 5'- rNsPEJloN TOWN OF : r..s: *:?t^ .'! !Y- HEEUEST VATL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED CALLER E orxen fl pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION - Pormit No. ./. 01068 VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES NAME OF JOB LOCATION ANO LEGAL DESCRIPTION lnm PAID IN FULL. l.'.i,':-. i,) L-:.; ., GENERAL CONTFACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Ltc. No. Lrc. No. Ltc. No. stzEoFTAP:wator 1'; "n", 4" Merersize 3r')' t''/t NUMBER oF uNfrs z, lFls- (x$600.00)=Am ornt' .// b o-oo-ffi &4r:6-^{ Financo Oirec{or dde.Oapr.-Whlt;-l\rriatandg.nitrtbn-Orx||;-Publlcwort.-Crnrry:-Contr|ctor-Plnt;-Accountlng-Gotd.n|!d rNs"=.!|b*1 ".t,* \_ FIEBUEST VAI.L j- TOWN OF l2a--"-" E orxen ! panrrlr LOCATION APPROVED t' ! uporu rxe CORRECTIONS ! or sene RovE D FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: I nerNSPEcr k .l INSPECTOR DATE rNs"=Slo*FIEOUEST - i:-1 / -, .,OATE I'U. ' 'a JOB NAME' /, TOWN OF VAIL TIME RECEIVED' AM PM CALLER E ornen l MON COMMENTS: a ',;-,' ('// "READY FOR INSPECTION TUE .j weo THUR FRI AMPM i fleppRovED E orsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr L-l UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE f*-t-r-",2 $ tt*-z- INSPECTOR i rNsPE.tu*FIEBUESiT VA.I L JOB NAME TOWN OF -4::DATE TIME tveo ' .,'.ii.1;5 AM OId .ALLER E orHrn I pnnrtnl.LOCATION _.:: READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: .,TUE FR AM PM F_Ap"pn ov E D D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR t ?<ier= s--{ I*era L NO ttvn'lvn v 3 oz F ql J uJ2 u,l ttrN = - az = t{! z 9 9*'.6 9o;> -z*< ur5o-(J>9 - C,j F '= z; ut zg Fzlt Eul ul -!;t a, I.t =ff-ol&oO ===oTJf n t DESIGN REVIEIV BOARD March 23, 1978 DATE Of Ir{EETING: MEMBERS PRESENT:Bill Ruoff / Lh6X'-Pantke*' Bill BishoP --- Ron Todd \Abe.L8rlaD'fro- Seibert Residence (New) SUBJECT: ACTION TAKIIN BY IIOTION: VOTE: Lot. 14 , BOARD: BLOCK Resub., FILING Vail Va] I ey 3nrl Sunburst SECONDED BY: AGAINST: r/APPROVED: Ar \2 | \l\'-l; ', 1 ;'' l'' lS \,/rI I i t | : | . ABSTENTION: DISAPPROVED: -- su*r{ARy. 4lZ€3 ,-F -,Qt"'iri ,Mz trlft(Wf rN lr--rr\,/ FOR: / t i SINGLE TAilIIIIY RESIDEMIAL Lega1 DescriPtion:a -lorner. Se'tbevF trctritect, sr^ J ler + Zone Distri-ct : F /-, Prolosecl Use: Site'Coverage: Allovred - Lot Area Landscaping: Required - Lot Area Parking: Reguired L4 S'ta.o,l" Fa*,,1 - Minus Hazard'Area: Equals Buildable Area: Distance Between Buildings: Required -- Actual G.R.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Area Height: Actual 2.O ' Setbacks.: Required - Front 20' I , Sides 10' + a's. ,Rear2o' +)'5 Actual - rront -tB t , sides ?Otal ,Rear <6+ 25s3 Actual '7 = slope t"tuat ? o(O Drive:' Slope Permitted 8o[o Parking and Drives lvlust Environment a1 /Haxard : Be Paved Avalanche Flood Plain Slope Distance l'rom Trees Removed ttCreek /l/ O ^,/ua Conments: x Y, = 14o31 -7:-Actual d70.=oK x %= OK Zoning Approval: t^(^e-e-. nistr:rtor Rn" {1r38J.7r r_---,If,_ ___\ T-,-_-ni OO 5e-', b n"t ,l-,tt'<,/ctr L "r--l 2txsr = lozt [Y1a,, . L"u.l )o-r y r?: - (t tx 6--r)= 3O. .f X.t= a?-s /Yl- s -- llo ol.5 (-?f.f) I 5e-Slql ,as ljBl.Ts ao+.| .ass; &oc ?SS 3 x,[5 : 38a-% #r^E levrft6ety o*tL-Pt;J *?3"9 + a8-+ a LS? VS.gg t8-5+t9rf-f /o - lS-6(-9*:,a Vqtt:W-h.( + lls+ 16-r: 18,'66 \( [7, ee .2 ADDENDUM NO. 1 l May 1978 Job No. 74I Sheet I of I ARCH I TECT : JAM-EfrMLER ASSOCIATES, A. I . A. 2OO Cable Building I201 - 18th Street Denver, Colorado AO2O2 PROJECT NAME & LOCATION Seibert ResidenceLot 14, Sunbunst Dnive Vail, Colorado TO: All Biddens of Record: This Addendum fonms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the oniginal Specifications and Drawings dated 1 lVay 1978 as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space pnovided on the Bid Fonm. Dnawi ng s : Sheet A2 Change all footing elevations noted as 8255'2" to 8254 'IO" on lowen level and Foundation PIan I-A2. Sheet A4 Change footing elevations as above on Elevations 1-A4 and Section 3-A4. Sheet A5 Change footing elevations as above on Elevation 2-A5. sheet A6 Revise fineplace Details 2-A6, 4-A6. See ADI drawings included with this addendum. NOTE additional Draw- ings l2-46 and 13-46 detailing combination ain door and ash dumo. Sheet Ml Bedroom 5: Delete (2) l-2.'x4'r FD-1 75CFM ea. floor ;ffiFs and enter (I) 18"x4" FD-I I4o cFM floor negister center on the inactive panel of the sliding glass door. Guest Bath 7: Move L2"x4" FD-17O CFM floon resister to new Tocaffin around conner & centered (opposite wall topedistal sink) between window & penpendj.culan wa11. Hall 9: Move 14"x4" FD-l 110 CFM so that it is centered oEffin door jamb and glass block window. Note the above changes also on the lower Ievel ductwork Iayout plan. s/74L A-1 I t-W i, tofrUE -\r! ffi F 4cit-771t. AWAIAJM I.AM€@EEfrA.tu81e @x4) !.LUE u,tL At'],a rpTAu- t6tQ .;6,WrJberel>TAorreA ?rr , retEre 6.c pp1641167 A|O @\Aft.IJEN A+AA AtR @R+ftHA)fr\? <2u9W Arefu.ffi)atol 6ALE'AA)t.lt.Ol 41EAZ. tr+ nKEnlcE<Eve@w JAMEE SL'EILEH ASSCEIATEB AFE}IITEGTB * $-[ s \ lr H $I II- \u 5 E a H ca I En\\ li a \tr.n [n \ E$t t f 1rr F fF E { I f. ilT P tlrr tr ft P tL $r [ItI =o 4e81244 TKev-re <e\Aa@tJ€- tIA|v|Eg SI'CILEFI ASBCICIATEB AHtr}IITEETA t t 2\a' huqtv.tu.^ldAa1 nJu-. ='a. S r Ir I I L -1 rl I I y1 r,ExtLzn *W'ar&)-L WA-"P M|TE|REDGNA<A AW a/qNA A$Dre - *+t aftu a- w l Ha-$ re N,t l r)buos ol hn aiu.tu-ffi.oNwaw-to A[J6LE9 Wdt€LfuFrE fr,)h:'lt8t1 fliLtwxtwhL- ?,drlr El.tn@ uurrA#K | +ytu Iffi A)^oN 6-rWl1T fff ^wt1tr4VK23#n'reVtaov .IAIVIEE SLIEIT.EFI ASSCICTATEE AFE}IITECTS ADDENDUM NO. 2 May 3, 1978 Job No. 741 Sheet 1of 1 ARCHI TECT: ffiER ASSooTATES, A.r.A. 2OO Cable Building 1201 - lSthstreet Denver, Colorado 8O2Oz PROJECT NAME & LOCATIONSeibert ResidenceLot 14, Sunburst DniveVaiI, Colorado TO: A11 Bidders of Recond: This Addendum fonms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the oniginal Specifications and Drawings dated May 1 , 1978, as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space pnovided on the 8id Fonm. Drawings: Sheet M1 : Make the fotlowing changes to the supply unit sched u le. 1) Change funnace No. 1 fnom a l-ennox G12P2-55 to a Lennox G12D2E-55 Consenvator with fuel-saving flue dampen and electric ignition. 2) Change furnace No. 2 from a Lennox G12Q3-1 10 to a Lennox G11Q3E-11OV Conservator with fuel-savingflue dampen and electric J.gnition. s/741 A-2 o ADDENDUM NO. III 22 May I97B Job No.741 Sheet 1 of 2 ARCHITECT JAMES SUDLER ASSOCIATES, A.I.A. 2OO Cable Building120l 18th Stneet Denver, Colorado 8O2O2 PROJECT NAME & LOCATIONffiLot 14, Sunburst Dnive Vai1, Colorado TO: A11 Bi.dders of Recond: This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifiesthe oniginal Specifications and Dnawings dated 1 May 1978 as noted be1ow. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space pnovided on the Bid Form. 1. DRAWINGS: Sheets A1 , lA4, lA5, 3A5, 2AB and 3AB. Delete all FFerences to Solar Collectors fon the swimming pool. SPECIFICATIONS: Division 13K Swimming Poo1. Delete neference in Paragraph 1 to Solar Collectors for Swimming Poo1. 2. DRAWINGS: A1 , IA2, 6A2, 8A2, IA4, 3A4, 3A5, IA7, 5A7, 3A8, ZA-6;-IE-, 16A8, 15A8, I3A8, and 5A8. Delete bnick pavers andraise 4" concrete slab to finish elevations as shown. AII siIlpavers and perimeten pavers anound pool and pool deck shall remain. SPECIFICATIONS: Division 3. Concnete . Section 34. Add the-:----:--:-------following paragraph to the Concnete Materials Section. "Concneteis to be coloned integrally with pigment as manufactured by the Frank D. Davis Company. Pigment numben shall be selected by theArchitect. Ratio of pounds of pigment per sack of cement shall be as recommended by the manufactunen to achieve the uniformity and color selected. Site Plan on Sheet AI shows location of coloned concrete sIabs. 3. DRAWINGS: 9A2, 11A2, 13A2, 5A7, 7A7. Delete all refenences toFilTllEad Windows and change to woodPella Windows. Slzes remain the same. s/741 A/I hlindow Schedule: Change aIl Pella CIad casement and fixed windows to Pella Wood Casement and Fixed Windows. Window designations change from CC to h|C and sizes stay the same. Adjust rough openings as required. SPECIFICATIONS: Division 8, Sections 8G and 8K. Delete all ffirenffi-Fella Clad windows and changeto Pella Wood windows. 4, DRAWINGS: AI, 1A2, lA3, lA4, 1A5, 146, 2AB, 1A8, Ml. PoolEfilffit Room Stnucture and move pool equipment room No. 12to crawl space as shown. Add concnete slab, nelocated accessdoor 18, and revised floor draj-n. Relocated funnace flue as shown. s/74I A/2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents Page ARCHITECT JAMES SUDLER ASSOCTATES,Anchitects and Interior 2OO Cable Building 1201 - '1 8th Street Denven, Colorado 8O2Oz PROJECT NAME & LOCATION Seibent ResidenceLot 14, Sunbunst DniveVai1, Colonado BTDDING REQIJ]REMENTS PAGESBR2 AIA Instructions to Bidders (A-7O1 ). . ... 1 Supplementary Instructions to Bidders ........ Bid Fonm CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT A.I.A. Designens BR3 BR4 1-2 l-z vvz SirppLeinehtaiy Condit ons TECHNlCAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 1 - GENER 1R 1S DIVISION Tempo rary Cleanup Facilities, Utilities & Controls & Products and Substitutions 2 - SITE WORKSite Cleaning 1 1 1 1- I 1-2 1--2 1 1-3 I 2A 2B 2P Excavating, Fill ingAsphalt Paving and and Gnading Concrete Walks 3A DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE Concrete DIV]SION 4 - MASONRY 4A Unit Masonry Work DTVISION 5 - METALS Metal s DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTICS 6E 6G Carpe n t ryAnchitectural Woodwonk s/741 TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS D]VISION 7 -THE AL & MOISTURE PROTECTION TabIe of Contents 7A 7G 7J 7P 7T DIVISION Damppnoofing Insulation Roofing andFlashing and Shingles Sheet Metal Page 2 PAGES 1 1 1 1 1SeaIan t 8 - DOORS. WTNDOWS AND GLASS 8A 8G 8K 8M 8S DIVI SION Ovenhead Doo ns Wood Windows and Glass Wood Doo rs Aluminum Sliding Glass Doons Handware 9 - FINISHES Gypsum DrywaIl Glazed Wall and Wood Flooning Resilient Flooring "DRYVfT,' Wa11 System Painting DIVISION 1O - SPECIALTIES10 Skylights 10 DlVIS]ON 1 1 1 1 t- -1 1 I 1 1- 1- 3 2 1-3 1-5 9C 9G 9L 9N 9S 9T Floor Tile 11b2 1 1b3 ToiLet Accessories Residential Appl iances Kitchen,Bathroom & Laundny Cabinets & Count e ntops DTVISION 12- FURNISHINGS DTVTSTON 13 - SWIMMTNG POOL 13K DIVISION 14 - ELEVATOR9 None included DIVISTON 16 - ELECTRICALElectnical - DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL s/741 TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC-2 BR2 A.I.A. INSTRUCTIONS TO BTDDERS (A-7O1) COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS of the "Instnuctions to Biddens"(A.I.A. Document A-7O'1 ), Apri1, 197O Edition which is not included in this binding; but is hereby made a pant of Bidding Requinements to the same extent as if wnitten herein, except as specified otherwise beLow. PRECEDENCE: Requirements of the following "SupplementaryInstnuctions to Bidders" take precedence oven the A.I.A. "Instructions to Biddens", wherever modif icati-ons on con- fl icts occu n. fNSPECTION: The "Instnuctions to Biddens" (A.I.A. Documents A-7O1 ) is on file in the Anchitect's office for inspection by bidders and can be purchased fnom some local blue-pnint companies and the national headquarters of the A.I.A. END OF SECTION BR2 BR3 SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS COMPLIANCE: To be considered, Bids must be made in accordwith nequinements stated in the A.I.A."Instnuctions to Biddens", and these "Supplementany Instructions to Bidders". The A.1.A. Instructions to Bidders, A-7O1 ane hereinafter supplemented, modified and changed as follows: ARTICLE 2 - BIDDER'S REPRESENTATION: EXTRA PAYMENTS: Contractons wiII not be given extra pay- ments for condltions which can be determined by examiningthe site and the contract documents. ARTICLE 3 - BIDDING PROCEDURES: PREPARATION OF BIDS: Bids sha1l be made on unaltened Bid Form furnished by the Anchitect. Fi11 in all blank spaces and submit two copies. Bids shall be signed with name typedbelow signature. Whene bidder is a conporation, Bids mustbe signed with the 1ega1 name of the corporation followed bythe name of the State of i.nconporation and the Iegal signaturesof an offi.cen authorized to bind the corporation to a contract. BASIS OF BIDS: The bidder must, if included, bid on all unitcost items and aI1 altennatives shown on the Bid Form; fail-ure to comply may be cause fon rejection. No segregated Bidsor assignments will be considened. A.T.A. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (A-7O1) SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS BR2-1 BR3- 1 BID SECURITY will not be nequired. ARTICLE 4 - EXAMINATION OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS: QUESTIONS: Comply with the A.I.A. 'Instructions to Biddens". ARTICLE 9 - PERFORMANCE BOND & LABOR & MATERIAL PAYMENT BONDwill not be reouired. It is understood that the Owner neserves the right to require the Contractor to purchase Bonds from the Contnacton's Surety Company, at extra costto Own e n. ARTTCLE 1O - AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT: Ownen neservesSe o nefeffiny and all Bids,on to negotiate Contract Tenms with the various Bidders, when such is deemed by the Owner to be in his best intenest. Notwithstanding any delay in the prepanation and execution ofthe fonmal Contnact Agreement, each Bidden shall be pnepared, upon written notice of bid acceptance, to commence work'within 3 days following neceipt of official wnitten onden ofthe Ownen to proceed, on on date stipulated in such onder. The accepted Bidder shall assist and coopenate with the Ownenin pneparing the formal Contnact Agneement, and within 1O daysfollowing i.ts presentation shall sign and execute same andretunn it to the Ownen. END OF SECTION BR3 SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS BR3-2 BR4 BID FORM TO: Elizabeth P. Seibert c/o James SudIer Associates, A.I.A. Anchitects and Interi.on Desi.gnens 2OO Cable Building 1201 - 18th Street Denven, Colorado aO2C2 PROJECT NAME & LOCATIONSeibert ResidenceLot 14 Sunburst Drive Vai 1 , Colorado I have received the Contract Documentsl Drawings and Specif- ications fon this Project, including Addenda; and have included their provisions i.n my Bid. I have examined the Contract Documents, Addenda, and Site, and submit the f o11ow j-ng Bid: I have neceived the following Addendum No. and Date: Addendum No. and Date: In submitting this Bid, I agnee: 1. To hold my bid open for 45 days after neceipt of Bids. 2. That no bld security is nequined. 3. To enter into and execute a Contnact, if awarded on the basis of this Bid, in the fonm of A.I.A. Document A-1O1 , "Standard Form of Agreement Between the Ownen and Con- tractor, Stipulated Sum". 4. That no bonds ane requined. 5. To accomplish the wcnk in accond with or reasonably implied by the Contnact Documents. 6. To penform changes in the wonk as specified in the "A.I.A.General Conditions", Article '12. 7. That Date of Completion agreed upon is of the essence ofthe Contnact, even though no liquidated damages for default wilI be included in the Contract. s/741 BID FORM BR4-1 8. To complete the wonk involved in the Base Bid, Lump Sum Price within consecutive calendardays, from the oaffi-ffi?T. LUMP SUM PRTCE: I will construct this Project,for the lump sum price of($ accE656Fffi-6il58oo. oo. TT By:Title: Telephone: END OF SECTION BR4 including Cash Allowances, Dollans). Cash al lowance fon punchase of toilet DATE: SEAL ( if Corponation ) , 1978 s/741 BTD FORM BR4-2 SEIBERT RESIDENCE CCz SUPPLEMENTARY COND]TIONS A.I.A. General Conditions of the Contract fon Constnuction (A-2O1 ) August, 1976, and these Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 - General Requirements shall be applicableto eveny Division and Section of these Specifications. The following Supplementany Conditions modify, change, delete,or add to the General Conditions. Where any part of the Genenal Conditions is modified or voided by these Anticles,the unaltened provisions of that pant shall nemain in effect. Requirements of the Agneement between the Owner and GeneralContractor supensede requirements in the Contnact Documents. ARTICLE 1 . CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1.2 EXECUTION CORRELATION INTENT AND INTERPRETATIONS: " Conflicts: Where conflict exists between the sepanate requirements of the Contnact Documents, then theAnchitect shall determine which of the differing provisions of the Documents sha11 govenn. Pnovide and install products and matenials in con-formance with manufacturer's tra.de association specifications, except as specified othenwise herein. ARTICLE 4 - CONTRACTOR 4..I 3 SHOP DRAWINGS AND SAMPLES:@rEparalraF6': r'4.13.9 Submittals sha1l be prechecked by the General Con-tracton. Contracton shal1 submit one (1) nepnoducible sepiatransparency and one (1) blue line print of shop dnawingsand five (5) copies of brochunes to the Architect for neviews.Architect shal1 retunn to the Contracton one (1) manked sepiaor thnee (3) 'marked-up' bnochure copies. ONLY COPIES REVIEW- ED BY THE ARCHITECT SHALL BE USED ON THE PROJECT. Work pen- formed in accondance with shop drawings which have not beenneviewed or with materials not authorized shall be subject tonejection. " ARTICLE 7 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS7.5 PERFORMANCE BOND A ND LABOR & MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND:Delete panagraphs 7.5 an These bonds are not nequ ired ARTICLE 9 - PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION Add the following.'Subparagraphs: "9.3.4 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT: Contnacton's itemizedApplication fon Payment sha1l include a ten percent (1O%) neduct ion fon netainage. " fon this pnoject. c/741 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS cc2-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE ARTICLE 11 INSURANCE 11 . 1 CONTRACTOR'S LlABILITY INSURANCE: In accordance with generally accepted constnuction practices, the Contractor will be soleIy and completely responsible for the conditions of the job site, including safety of aII pensons and property during performance of the worl(. The Contnacton shall maintain and pay for the specified in- sunance coverage in at least the following limits: a. Workmen's Compensation - Statutony, including Employer I sLiability. ,r b. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILTTY including: Contractors Liability; Contingent Liability; Contractual Liability; Completed Openations and Pnoducts Liability all on the occunrence basis wi.th Personal Injury Coversage and broad form Pnoperty Damage;(1) Personal Injury: each person $5OO,OOO.OO. Each occurrence $5OO,OOO.OO.(2) Propenty Damage: each accident $1OO,OOO.OO. Aggnegate $1OO, OOO. OO. Ccmprehensive, Auto Liability including non-owned andhired car coverage as well as owned vehicles: ( 1) Bodily Injur'y: each person $250,OOO.oO. Each occunnence $2 50, OOO. OO.(2, Property Damage each occunnence $1OO,oOO.OC.Indep'endent Contnactors - same Iimits as above. Pnoducts and completed Operations shall have the samelimits as above for at least two (2) years, commencingwith issuance of final Certificate fon Payment. Premises - Operations covenage; exclude pnovisions for X-C-U (explosion, collapse and under'ground pnoperty ciamage ) . PROPERTY DAMAGE d. e. f. 11 .3- "Insurance Pnotection fonincludes buildens' nisk,liability, fine, extendedmischief; by Ownen. END OF SECTION CC 2 Ownen's Liability and Pnopenty" additional compnehensive genenal cove nage, vandal ism, malicious s/741 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS cc2-2 SEIBERT RESIDENCE OIVISION 1 1R TEMPORARY FACILITIES UTTLITIES & CONTROLS & CLEANUP MAINTENANCE AND COSTS: Contractor shaII provide, install and maintain temporary facilities and utilities and pay all fees and costs to connection therewith. Enclosunes, fences, lanterns, and banricades shalI be pro- vided and maintained as requined to comply with stipulation set forth under "Protection of Persons and Propenty" in Anticle 1O of the General Conditions. Utilities shal1 be provided and paid for as set forth unden "Labon and Materials" in Anticle 4 of the General Conditions. Heating shalI be pnovided as requined to pnevent damage from dampness and/or co1d. Adequate ventilation sha1l be maintain- ed to insure the safety of the workmen and the pnoiect. "Sanolets" shall be onovided fon the use of the workmen and shal1 be maintained in a sanitary condition. Clean glass unden this Contnact and neplace any broken glass. Vacuum clean all floors. Remove stains, spots, manks and dirt from finished work. Acceptability of clean- up work shall be as determined by Anchitect. END OF SECTION 1R 5/741 TEMPORARY FACILITIES,UTILITIES & CONTROLS & CLEANUP 1R1 o SEIBERT RESIDENCE DIVISION 1 1S PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS PRODUCTS: Unless otherwise specified the pnoducts and matenials shall be new. Wonkmanship and materials shal1 be good quality. Contracton sha11, if nequired, furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of mater- ials. Whenever in these specifications, a pnoduct, article, device or piece of equipment is referred to in singular numben, such refenence shal1 include the quality of items as shown on drawings, on required to pnovide a complete instal Iat ion. SUBSTITUTIONS TO BASE BID: Drawings and Specifications are pnepaned anound pnoduct, manufactuner' supplien' on material first named, for the punpose of establishing stand- and of quality, configuration, capacity and perfonmance. where more than one product, manufacturenr supplien, on material is named it is fon convenience of Contnacton' approved for bidding and may be installed on job subiect to the Contractor's Responsibility paragnaph heneinafter. Any product or matenial which will penform adequately the purpose and performance of that specified on imposed by the design, in the opinion of the Architect, wiIl be considered for substitution fon material on product specified subject to the Contractor's Respcnsibility paragnaph. (a) CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY: It iS thE CONtTACtOT,S responsibility, befone submitting request' or pnoducts offered for substitution will not affedt or change wonk of other trades , on mod if y anyEnuctural work and that any such items will fit in the space designated. Sub- sequently, if any approved substitution does not reet these requinements, it shall be the contractor's respon- sibility to remove such item and provide pnoduct on material oniginally specified. (b) REQUEST FOR SUBSTITUTION shall be submitted to the Architect in triplicate, and shal 1 be accompaned by supponting information, drawings and manufacturen's bnochures, with the item submitted for considenation spec ifical ly designated . END OF SECTION 15 s/741 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 1S-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 2A - SITE CLEARING PROTECTIONS: Pnovide temponary fences, barnicades' or othen pnotections. Restore damaged work to the condition existing prior to the start of work. Pnotect existing trees and vegetation which are to remain fnom physical damage. Use a ry foi nepair to damaged trees. Replace trees that can't be restored unless otherwise acceptable to Arch itect. SITE CLEARING: Remove and obst nuct ions from anea to be STRIP AND STOCKPILE TOPSOIL othen topsoil to be disposed CONTROL AIR POLLUTION caused govenning regulations. END OF SECTION 24 disoose of debnis or other covered by buildlng. that will be reused in the wonk; of as directed by Ownen. by dust and dirt; comply with SECTION 28 - EXCAVATING FILLING AND GRADING PROVIDE BRACING AND SHORING in excavations, complyi.ng with local codes and negulations. excavations are backfilled. Excavations and 5 ft. in depth shall. be pnotected in complia and the COLORADO INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION. Obtain requined subgnade el-eva PREPARE GROUND SURFACE to neceive fill by re YFI "33 t.' tl t F f I i tf; a t Bl i" i ^;ir' i " [BFi "[{. f; "l -t, to maintain sides, Maintain until trenches over nce with O. S. H. A. tions and/o?EXCAVATION: slopes. EXCAVATE to lines, grades, elevations, and dimensions shown. Pnovide solid base to receive concrete. COMPACT each 8" layer of backfill and soil matenials and the top 12" of subgnade. Apply waten to soil matenial if nequir- ed. Remove and replace, or scarify and air dny, soil matenial that is too wet to penmit compaction. BACKFILL AND FILL: Place and compact soil in 8r' layers to required elevations. Use soil material fnee of clay' gravef larger than 2", debris, vegetable matter. Backfill excavations as promptly as work permits. USE COMPACTOR for all compaction. mov].ng rema].n1ng matenials. Scar- cf i nn z-ls/741 SITE WORK SETBERT RESIDENCE UNDERSLAB FILL: Material to be placed unden slabs on grade shalI be a naturally or artificially gnaded mixture of natural or crushed gnavel, crushed stone, crushed slag' material or crushed sand. Material shall be uniformly graded so that 1OO% will pass a 3" sieve, and not more than 15% sha11 pass a No. 2OO sieve. STRUCTURAL FILL: BackfiIl within the buildlng limits shal1 be cfean, compactable eanth, fnee of frozen matenial, debnis, deletenious on onganic aubstances or lange nocks. To be approved and tested aftbn compaction. Place fitl in B" layens and compact to a maximum density of 9Q% by the "Procton Method". Apply waten to matenial if nequined. This is alsy applicable to area adjacent to a/ nd surrounding swimming pooI. PROTECT bottom of excavation from frost. Do not place found- ations, footings on slabs on frozen ground. shone and bnace excavations. Placing of footings and foundations on struct- unal fill is permitted as directed. Fill excess cuts under footings and foundations with concnete and fill any excess cut under slabs with tamped gravel. DEWATERING: Contractor shall control the grading around the building so that the gnound is pitched to prevent water from running into the excavated areas of buildi-ngs or damag- ing other structures. He shall funnish all necessary plumbing, power, and attendants nequired to keep excavated spaces clean of water during construction. Water shall not be conducted onto adjacent property. DISPOSAL: Remove excess excavated material, trash, debnis, and waste matenial fnom the gite. GRADING: Gnades not otherwise indicated ghall be unifonm levels on slopes between points where elevations are given or between such points and existing finished grades. Abrupt change in slopes shalI be nounded. Provide and place any additional eanth and fiII material need- ed to bring existing gnades to new grades indicated or specif- ied. END SECTION 28 s /741 SITE WORK z-t SEIBERT RESIDENCE SECTION 2P - ASPHALT PAVING & CONCRETE WALKS Asphalt paving shall be properly graded to dnain run-off asindicated and shall be in accondance with the following pnovi sions; Base to be compacted fill properly graded. Asphalt paving to be 5" thick 'iDeep Strength" asphalt. CONCRETE WALKS: Cast-in-p1ace Concrete Walks shall be in accordance with thefollowing provisions: 1. 4" thick and placed on a 4" minimum gnavel cushion. END SECTION 2P 3/741 ASPHALT PAVING & CONCRETE WALKS 2P-1 SEIBERT RESfDENCE DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 3A - CONCRETE Codes and Standards: ACI 3O1 "Specifications fon Structural coffings"; Acr 347 "Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork"; ACI 3O4 "Recommended Pnact j.ce for Measuring, Mixing, Transponting, and Placing Concnete"; comply with applicable provisions except as othenwise in- dicated. Concrete Materials: Pont land Cement :ASTM C 15O, Type as required Aggnegates: ASTM C 33, except 1oca1 aggregates of pnoven durability may be used when acceptable to Architect. Vrlater: Clean, fnee of oils, acids, onganic matter. Water-Reducj.ng Admixtune: ASTM C 494, Type A. Liquid Floor Hardener: "Acrychlor" by Protex, or approved and hardening, onequal for curing, sealing, dustproofing basement andgarage floors. Rei nforcing Bans: ASTI4 A 615, Welded Wine FAbric: ASTM A 185 Grade 40, or better. ; slabs on1y. ASTM C 94; 3,OOO p.s.i. in 28 days Fonmwork: To conrect size, shape, alignment, elevation and r-Elfl;6', complying with ACI 347. Reinfoncement: Position, support and secune reinfoncementasffiE-ffiIacement. Locate and support with metal chairs,runners, bolsters, spacers and hangerg, as required. Concnete Placement: Comply with ACI 3O4, placing concnete ffieration "itnin planned joints or sections. Do not begin placement until work of other trades affecting conc nete is completed. Consolidate placed concrete using mechanical vibrating equipment with hand rodding and tamping, so that concreteis worked anound reinforcement and other embedded items and into all oarts of forms. Protect concrete fnom physical damage or reduced stnength due to weather extremes. comply with ACI 3OO Readv-Mixed Conc 3/741 In cold weathen CONCRETE 3A-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE In hot weather comply with ACI 3O5. Cuning: Begin initial cuning as soon as free water has disappeared from exposed surfaces. Whene possible, keep continuously moist for not less than 72 hours. Continue curing by use of moisture-retaining coven or membrane-forming curing compound. Cure formed surfaces by moist cuning until forms ane nemoved. Pnovide protections as required to prevent dam- age to exposed concnete surfaces. FOUNDATIONS AND FOOTINGS may be constructed without the use of formwork, except as requined at the top of foundations for ledges of extenion walls. Tnench forming with the useof "Ditch Witch" will be acceptable provided cave-in is avoid- ed and that the bottoms of tnenches ane free of loose materialspnion to poun of concrete. Reinforcing steel shal1 nemain asshown. Contnactor shal1, prior to excavation, locate utilitylines which may be in the area of construction and pnovideprotection fnom damage. Any damage shall be repained or neplaced at no cost to the Ownen. CONCRETE FINISHES a. Concnete finishes sha11 be in accordance with Chapter 11 of ACI Standard 3O1 -72t Interior Slabs: Steel tnowel finish unless noted otherwise on the Drawings. Sidewalk Areas: Broom finish. (Sidewalk andslab aneas where no bnick pavens ane used.) 3. Slab around Dool Slab bnick a rou nd ooI . Finish to be 1eve1 but bond ing .nough as nequi red for setting bed END OF SECTION 34 1. 2. 4, s/741 CONCRETE 3A-2 SEIBERT RESIDENCE DIVISION 4 - MASONRY appnoved. 12 x 12 x 4" si11 brick SECTION 4A _ UNIT MASONRY WORK Standands: Comply with recommendations of Brice Institute ofAmenica (BIA, Formerly SCPI), and National Concrete Masonny Association. Concnete Masonrv Units (CMU):ASTM C 90, Grade S-I of better, light weight aggregate, hollow' 125 p.s.i. on better. Brick & Pipe, or as to match sample at Arch-Floor Brick (Sp1it Pavers) : Denven itect's office. Fire Brick and FIue Linens: Industny standard of sizes s. Si11 Brick Masonny Anchors: Pnovide standard corrugated anchons, as shown oh the Dnawings; nail securely thnough gypsum boand to studs and solid grout into si11 bricks. ASTM C 27O, Type S; appnoximatelYg : 1 ; 11 portland cement, lime and sand. Masonrv Montar. Intenion:ASTM C 27O, lype N; approximately 3 : 2 2 14 portland cementr lime' sand. Setting Bed Mortar and Grout: ASTM C 27O' Type M; appnox- irnate\ 6 : 1 : 18 portland cement, 1ime, sand. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150r Type I, non-stainingr no air enffimffiror to match adjacent wonk as nequined by Anchitect. Lime: Hydrated Iime, ASTM C 2O7, Type S. Sand:ASTM C 144, or finen. Masonry Veneer Anchorsz 22 gage corrugated stee1, 1" wide, 1.5 oz. hot-dip zinc coating on 7-mi1 copper coating. Flashing in Masonry: Contracton select one of the following: Copper-Fabric Masonny Flashingi 3-oz. copper sheet with asphalt impregnated cotton fabnic laminated on both faces. Copper-Papen Masonr.v Flashing: 3-oz. copper sheet with water-pFoofed creped Kraft paper laminated on both faces. Copper-Asphalt Masonry Ftashing: 3-oz. copper sheet with flexible fibnated asphalt coating on both faces. s/741 MASONRY 4A-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE Vinyl Masonn.v Fl4qhilg: PVC with plasticizers and mod if iers, formed into a 2O-mi1 flexible sheet. Set pavers in a bed of montan, oven a thin slush coat of Portland Cement and waten. Level units during setting.FiIl joints and tool slightly concave. Protect newly l4id masonry from exposure to precipltation, excessibe dnying, fneezing, soiling, backfill and othenharmful elements. Dry-Brush masonny wonk at end of each day's work, and as work prognesses. Build in as shown and END SECTION 44 I\4ASONRY 4A-2 DIVISION 5- METALS Genenal: Ornamental metals will befr'Flfreo by Contracton. furnished by Owner and END SECTION 5 METALS 5-1 DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTICS plvrsrqN 6E. - cARPENTRY Lumber Standand: Am. Softwood Lumber Std. PS 20 (U.S. Dep.6;rfif-.ffi0rz moisture at time of dressing, except asotherwise indicated. Light Fnaming: "Standand,, grader a.trV species. Stnuctural FnaminO (2x6 to 4x14): ,,No. Douglas fir, '1 25O psi single and 14SO psi 2" on better gnade respect ive . shoe, casing andExposed Boards:AI1 base board, baseothen interior trim shal1 be clear pine. Aspen. contnacton shalr punchase same fnom supplier setectedby owner. Architect to approve pattenn and board sizes. on Drawings. Sof fits and Ce41!S__Egrrsl:!g and wal1 paneling shown andindicated on tne Oi-wing s as 3./4,' T&c panel ing shaL l be s/741 CARPENTRY 6E1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE All exterion trim shall be cedar on redwood suitable for - slaln].ng. Extenior cantilevered deck shall be constnucted of select {1 l. wood fences shall be constructed of rough sawn cedar. Plywood standard: Softwood Plywood - Construction and In- dustrial PS 1 (U.S. Dep. Comm. ) type and grade as indicated. Pnovide plywood bearing DFPA on APA grade-trademarks. Wall Sheathing - Georgia Pacific 5/8" T&G exterion gypsum board. Plywood Subflooningi 3/4" CD with exterior g1ue, tongue andgroove and glued with PL 4OO or othen approved adhesive tofloor joists. Glued Lamlnabd Timbens: Industrial gnade, conforming to volun- tary product standard 56-73 "Structural glued laminated timber". Combination symbol 24F. Use exterior gnade gIue. Install where shown on dnawings in conformance with Amenican Institute of Timber Construction Standards. Wood Treatment: Pneservative Treated Wood: "Woodlife" or "Pentacol" or 5% enol- with water repelLant added. Coat subsequently cut sunfaces with same solution. Kiln-dry to 15% moistune content after treatment. Items i.n conjunction with roofing and flashing,unless nedwood used. Tneat si11s, blocking and similar items in dinectcontact with concrete. Carpent ry Instal lation : Standands: Except as othenwise indicated, comply with "Manualof House Framing" by National Fonest Products Assoc., includingnai1j.ng, firestopping, framing and bnacing. Address: 1619 Mass. AVenue, Washington, D. C.20036. s /74r CARPENTRY 6E-2 SEIBERT RESIDENCE AIl Carpentn.v Items ane to be installed in manufacturen's applicable specifications. Othen Matenials and Work shal1 be as shown - drawings for a complete carpentry job. END OF SECTION 6E SECTION 6G - ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK conformance with and/or noted on General Woodwork nequirements: General Sta4glard: CompIy with applicable "Anchitectural wood- @ilffindands" by Architectural woodwork rnstitute. Submit shop dnawings for an-y custom-design interion woodwork, Submit finished samples of each wood and plywood species and cut as indicated to receive a transoarent finish Interior lvoodwork and Casewonk: Concealed plywood and where painted may be "8" gnade fir unden DFPA on APA. Pnovide fremi.um @99, clear select Fin stain tneads and - prarr orm eoges. Handware, Cabinet and Miscellaneous: Pnovide as shown and nequired for complete hardware for alI cabinets. Other Materials and Work shall be as shown and/or noted on - drawings fon a complete woodwonk job. END OF SECTION 6G Comp4with AU,I Standands, Premium Gradw wonk, asstanding and running trim, shelving, onnamental eous items and casework. Pnovide Premium Grade, clean select Pine. ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK appl icable to and mi sce l lan- 6E-3 6G- I including casework, paneling and shelving. s /74r SEIBERT RESIDENCE DIVISTON 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 7A . DAMPPROOFING a. Foundation WaIl Dampproofing: t. Genenal: Dampproofing shal 1 be installed around perimeten of below grade concnete using a two-coat' bnush applied coating. CIean surface of dint and Ioose material; remove reinforcing wires and pnoiection of concrete, and f i-l1 holes and honeycomb concnete with montar mix on mastic. Seal around aIl pipes and pene- trations. Application sha11 be by an applicator ex- perienced in this type of work. Matenial, stonage, handling, and application sha11 be in stnict accondance with manufacturer's specification. See Thermal Insul-ation. 2. Matenials shal1 be Dissco #54O mastic as manufactured by Denven Industrial SaIes Co. 3. Application shall be as follows: a) Do not applx during rain non when temperature is below 4O-F. b) Use brush applicatlon, after cleaning sunface of dust and dint, applying 6 gallons pen 1oo sq. ft. Apply two coats and backfill wlthin 7 days. b. Polyethlene Vapon Barrien: 1. Pnovide 4-miI thickpolyethylene vapon banrien on aIl foundation walls and on top of exposed earthwork in all cnawl spaces (see drawings). Lap edges 6" and seal air-tight with vapor barri-en tape. Seal edges with vapor barrier tape. Repair tears with vapor bannier tape. 2. Provide 4-mil thick polyethlene vapon barrien underalI concrete slabs on grade. 3. On a1I subfloors to neceive tile setting bed. 4. On waIls as follows: 4-mi1 thick polyethylene. Staple sheet to top and bottom. Unroll sheet across entine wall area including windows and doors. Cut out openings 1ater. Tape all teans. SeaI all cracks around windows & doons. 5. Ceilings: Locate under roof joists, install similarto wa11s. Staple in place. END OF SECTION 7A s /74I THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 7A-l a) Adhere stynopor insulation to damppnoofing on alI founda- tion walIL (See drawings for location and sizes)' b) Install l" Styropon insulation on grade, 2'-O" out from foundation watl in all crawl spaces (see Dnawings) ' MINERAL FIBER BLANKET INSULATION Glass or other inorganic fibers and resinous binders fonmed into flexible blankets or semi-rigid sheets, complying with FS HH-I-S21; Type I; manufactunen's standard sizes. SE]BERT RESIDENCE SECTION 7G - INSULATION PERIMETER INSULATION: Fiber Glass Home InsuI. Fiberglas Building InsuI Zonolite Glass Fiben Mineral wool fiben Product may be Walls 5%'i minimu. R-l9 minimu. Roofs/Cei linqs: roof as shown in batt insulation and Knaft paper vapor barrien flanges on long edges. or inner face of studs. Pno- Kraft Faced Blanket: Asphalt iamineted to one face, with I" Staple to underside of ioistsvice total air tight enveloPe. Products/Manufacturers: Provide one of the following. Johns-Manvil1e Owens-Corning Fibergla zonolite / G race substituted for the above. Provide 5%" of Styropor insulation in maln the Dnawings and g" minimum R-3O Fiberglass in all othen locations. END OF SECTION 7G s/74r INSULATION 7G-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE SECTION 7J - ROOFING AND SHINGLES Gravel Sunfaced Bui. 1t-uo-noof: Provide one of the following proprietany systems' using.,low-., tempenatune asphalt as necommended by manufacturer (135"-175-F. melt), on deck or sunface prepaned in accordance with manu- facturer' s instnuctions: No. I-DZ, Philip Carey Co. Spec. No. 42O-W, The Celotex CorP. No. RB-2A-GSW, Centain-Teed Pnod. Corp. Spec. 2I2-W, GAF Conporation No. 3OOO, Johns-ManvilIe No. 323-WGD on-WG, Owens-Conning Fiberglas Conp. Shingles: Cedar Shakes, Numben 1 Grade. NaiI in compli.ance wTtfinOustry standards and shake manufactuner. Pnovide 18" wide #15 asphalt saturated roofing felt interlayment between each layer of shakes. END OF SECTION 7J. SECTION 7P-FLASHING AND SHEET METAL Note: Flashing in conjunction with masonry is specified in Section 44. Conform to onofiles and sizes as shown tectural Sheet Metal Manual" by SMACNA, categony of wonk nequined. MetaI flashing and counterflashing Scuppe rs. Gnavel stops, fascias and trim. Roof cnicket. and comply with "Archi-for each genenal and valLeys. ASTM A 526, standand available gage; Other items noted on Drawings. Provide pnoduct data and samples fon any alternates to the continuous ridge vent shown in Detail 846. Zinc-Coated SteeI Sheet: ASTM A 525 . CIass I.25, hot-di.p galvanized' mill phosphatized. Provide Iapped and cemented seams and j o int s. Anchor wonk penmanently in place with non-corrosive fastenens. END OF SECTION 7P s/74I ROOFING AND SHINGLES FLASHING AND SHEET METAL 7 J-T 7P-T SEIBERT RESIDENCE SECTION 8A - OVERHEAD DOORS Garaqe Doors shall be the 122 or 125 Senies Doors (shown on Drawings) as manufactured by The Overhead Door Corp., Da11as, Texas. Size to be 16r-Orr x 7'-O"r Style as shown on planst elements to include door unit, track and handwane of salt spray steel with the Miracle Uledge, Torsion Springs, Auto-mate Electric Opened Model 80, with time-1og nadio contnols,'provide 2 tnansmittens), and Positension DrumS. Provide switch, to openate with doon, to activate extenior lights (shown on Drawings) when doons open. Alt to be installed in accordance with manufacturer's printed s pecifications. END OF SECTION 8A s/741 OVERHEAD DOORS 8A-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE SECTION 7T - SEALANT Sinqte Component Silicone Sealant: typ ical sealant requ i r ement s . Two Part Polvunethane Sealant: FS foints in swimming pool deck. FS TT-S-OO1543. Use for TT-3-OO227E. Use fon sealant Backen Rods: Non-absorptive closed-ce11 (on iacketed ffiib1e/fIexib1ep1astic/rubbenrodStockwhichis compatible with sealant pen mfr's necommendation. Clean Joint Surfaces and prime as recommended by sealant mfr. Suppont Sealant fnom back with constnuction as shown or with joint fi11er or with backen rod. Install Sealants to Size Shape shown or, if not shown' with END OF SECTION 7T DIVISION 8 - DOORS WINDOWS AND GLASS Section 8G - Wood Windows and Glass Fixed sash and Casement Windows: AII fixed sash and casement windows shall be PeIla Clad units as manufactured by Rolscneen Co.' Pe11a, Iowa, factony glazed with Pe1la "Double Glazing PaneI". Windows to be complete with screens. Install in compliance with manufactuner's pninted specifications. Color: Dark Bnown #asz+. Section 8K - Wood Doors l. Wood Doons (including Bifold Doors) a. Premachine and Sand finish new wood doons at factory on toO b. Other door requirements are shown on dnawings. 2. Wood Gliding Doors: AI1 gliding doors shall be Pe1la Clad Sliding Glass doors as manufactured by Rolscreen Co., . PeIIa, Iowa' complete with screens. Installed inccompliance with mfrrs pninted specifi- cations. units shall be glazed with 3/4" tempered insulating g lass. Color: Dark END OF SECTION 8K s /741 Brown #8374. SEALANT; DOORS, WINDOWS & GLASS: WOOD DOORS 7T-1 8G-1 8K-1 1. Aluminum sliding doors shall be Arcadia ModeI 82O pocket doorPX22asmanufacturedbyNonthropArchitecturalSystemsgggSouthHarherAve.,CityofIndustry,California. 2. Materials: Basic frame and sliding sections shall be aluminum extrusions 6063-T5' Tnack sha1l be noll-formed stainless steel- hleatherstripping shall be Schliegel silicone-treated woven polypropyl6ne pile,-thin fin seal type. Glazing channel "!111 be-extruded black "Geon" vinyl oer commerciai stanoard cs-230-60 to accommodate 1" tempened incu1. GL. SEIBERT RESIDENCE SECTION 8M - ALUMINUM SLIDING GLASS DOORS Construction: Panel ioints shall be of.mortise tlt:. !! assure neat rrnrshed appearance' Both fixed and sliding END OF SECTION 8M 3. 4. 5. 6. interlockers shall be iu11y weathenstripped' Sliding inten- Iockers shall in"o.po""te l, futf length vinyl water seal' Active panel shall irave not less than two fasteners at each horizontal rail connection. Slidingpanelonsingleglazedunitssha]lbebottom-roIling on heavy-duty 1%" diimet6r steel sheaves having sealed steel oaI1 oelringi. Sheaves ane to be adjustable at. each end to al1ow for aIi-gnment of the sliding panel with-the frame' The sliding and fixed panels shali be removable for glazing andmalntenance.Whenlocked,neitherpanelshallbe removable from the outside. Each door as shown in the Dnawings shall be furnished with one centen mullion' Structural: AII door members shall be capable of suppont- i"s=ffii O"io"r.iion " minimum unif ormly distributed "ri""io" load of i5 psi. (ConsuIt with NAS Engineering negaroing]imitsforload.bearingsectionswithandwithout reinforcement. ) Finish: AII aluminum members of the door shal1 neceive l36ffitv) Arcadia Colornodic 83 Dark Brown Hardware and Locks: The sliding panel shall be equipped with a f lush poslEve, jam-proof up-acting .cam dead lock ' All pocket doors to include edge pull handhtare' 3/741 ALUMINUM SLIDING GLASS DOORS 8M-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE SECTION 83 - HARDWARE Submit Detailed Schedule of hardware for Architect's revlew. In- @eded, Drawings. but not specificall.Y shown on Mount hardware units at heights recommended in "Recommended Locations for Buildensr Handwareil by NBHA, except as othenwise specifically indicated and as may be otherwise directed by the Architect. Install each hardwane item in compliance with the manufacturen's ations. wherever cutting and fitting is required to i.nstall hardwane onto surfaces which are later to be painted or finished in another way, install each item compfete- J-y and then remove and store in a secure place during the fj.nish application. Aften completion of the finishes, ne-instafl each item. Do not install surface-mounted items until finishes have been completed on the substnate. Set units 1eve1 , plumb and tnue to line and location. Adjust and--FelnToi.ce the attachment substrate as necessary for proper instalfation and operation. At exterior doons,and elsewhene as indicated, set each edge of strip butyl rubber sealant on polyisobutylenethreshold in a seal mastic sealant. Adjust and check each openating item of hardware and each doon, fo insure proper openations or function of every unit. Lubricate moving parts with type Iubnication necommended by manufacturen(gnaphite-type if no othen recommended). Repface units which cannot be adjusted and lubnicated to operate freely and smoothly as intended fon the application made. Final Adjustment: whenever hardwane i-nstaIlation is made more than one mbntn pnion to acceptance or accupancy of a space on area, netunn to the wonk during the week pnior to acceptance on occupancy, and make a final check and adjustment of all hard- wane items in such space on anea. Clean and rel,ubnicate openat- ing items as necessary to restore proper function and finish of handware and doors. HARDWARE GROUPS: Gnoupl-Doon1 Hinges: Stanley F 191-3% x 3% US1 OB - 1Yz pair Latch and Lock Set: Baldwin 600l-102 (O.R.B. ) Leven: Baldwin 5'1 O5-102 with roses (O.R.B. ) s/741 HARDWARE 8S-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE Group 2 - Doors: 14. 18 and 30 Hinges: Stanley F191 - 3% x 3% USIOB - 1% pair Latch and Lock Set: Baldwin 6010-102 (O.R.B-. ) Lever: Baldwin 5'1 05-102 with roses (O.R.B. ) Group 3 - Door. '17 (pair) Hinges: Stanley F191-6x6 USlOB 3 pair Latch and lock set: Baldwin 60lO-102 (O.R.B. ) Cylinders + spindle for 3" doon. Leverl Baldwin 5105-102 with noses (O.R.B. ) Cane Bolt: Stanley lOlO provide 5/8" I.D. x 3" long pipe imbedded in paving fon cane bolt in the open & closed position. G rou - Doons: Hinges: Latch: Leven: Gnoup 5 Stai 1ey Baldwi n Baldw i n - Doons: F191-3% x 3% US'IOB- 1% pair 8523-102 (O.R.B. ) 5105-102 with roses (O. R.B. ) BUI LDERS HARDI,UARE 8, 10, 22 and 23 Hinges: Starlley F191-3% x 3t/z US1OB - 1% pair Latch: Baldwin 61OO-1O2 (O.R.B. ) Lever: Baldwin 51O5-102 with noses (O.R.B. ) Group 6 - Doors: 7, 12, 21 , 25 and 27 (Bi-fold) Hardware Set: Stanley 2989 Pnovide wood trim over tnack to match iamb set PulI: Stanley 29A7-'|.8 Paint to match doons Group 7 - Door gZ ( Pocket Door ) Hardwane set: Stanley 2825 PuLIs:'1 -Stanley 2683 2-Stanley 2689 GroupS-Woodgates Hinges: Stanley SC9O8 6 x 4%1% PaLrLatch:Stanley CDI 29OSpring: StanLey CDI 295 Cane Bolt:Stanley 1OO9 Pnovide 5/8" I.D. x 3" long st1. pipe 1n paving or concrete to lock door in closed position. END SECTION 85 x/741 8S-2 SEIBERT RESIDENCE DIVISION 9 - FINISHES Genenal Standard: Comply with requirements i.ndicated and dny- wall mfn's specific instnuctions. G.vpsum DrywalI Board: ASTM C 36' provide boards with long edges ffitment. Provide special bevel of long-edge taper, to reduce nidgi.ng and beading of joints. Dnywall-.iealeqqi Non-dnying mastic of type recommended by dny- wal1 mfr. Drywall Trim Accessories: types: Galvanized stee1, of the following Pnovide casing bead of beaded-nose flange type, with.=?--iflange for joint treatment. Pnovide other accessories' as shown or required by Joint Tneatment Materials: ASTM C 475, types necommended by Drywall Installation: Provide drywall 5/8" thick, complying with mfr's recommendations for the application indicated. For vertical partition wallboard installation, offset ioints on op,posite faces of wa]1. Install Dr.vwa1l in lengths and number of end joints in centnal SCrew drywall to supports at 8" the field of each boand. Trim dnywall at extennal corners with Provide casing bead at exposed edges Aoolv taoe and comDound in not less sanding smooth after last 2. Walls to be finished smooth with no Use water reeistant gypsum boand at aII END OF SECTION 9C s/741 dinections which will minimi.ze anea of ceilings. o.c. along edges and 23" o.c. in metal casing beads. of wa] lboard and whereven dnywall abuts another material . Provide flush ioint treatment and nail head treatment fon expos- ed finished drywall work. than 3 applications, applied texture bathnoom wa1ls and ceilings. GYPSUM DRYWALL 9C-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE SECTION 9G . GLAZED WALL AND FLOOR TILE a) Standands: Material and installation standards of the TITe c-AfiAiI of America (TDC) and ANSI 137.1 apply to the work, except as otherwise indicated. b ) Submittals: With manufacturer's specifications and in- stffi; instnuctions for tile work, submit 3 samples of each type, class, color, and texture of tile mounted on 12" squane backing with joints grouted. c) Matenials: 1. Glazed Ceramic Tile .. .. As specified in noom finish schedule.2. Commercial Cement Grout: Factory-blend of Pontland Cement and additives. Hydroment Ceramic Tile Gnout: The Upco Co. L&M Acid-R Gnout: L&M-Surco Co. 3. 6x6 floor tile shal1 beFranciscan Tenra Floor KBO1 Signet BurgandJr €rs manufactured by the Interpace Corp.4. 1xl floor tile shal1 be unglazed, slip resistant. Color and manufacturer to be selected by Architect.5. 1xl wall tile shall be glazed tile. Color and manufact- uner to be selected by Architect. InstaI lat ion: 1. Comply with TCA "Handbook fon Ceramic TiIe Installation" as applicable fon type of tile and method of installation. CompIy with manufacturen's instnuctions for applicationof proprietany materials.2. Joint Tile Pattern.... Use grid pattern with 1/16" widejoints and pattern as shown on dnawings.3. Cleaning & Protection . .. Clean tile per TCA necommendations and manufacturer's instructions. Apply heavy Kraft paper or other heavy protective covering to pnevent surface damage.4. CompIy with TCA "Handbook fon Cenamic TiIe Installation" with regand to the custom lead pan membrane showers and showen waI I s. END OF SECTION 9G s/74'l GLAZED WALL AND FLOOR TILE 9G-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE SECTION 9L - WOOD FLOORING Manufactu rerl Pnoduct : Arvada Handwood Floor Co., Red Oak, select grader 2%" and 3%"wide nandom widths, T&G, flush joint t 3/4" thick. Install as shown on Drawings over felt over plywood deck.Installation to be in accordance with manufacturenrs necommend-ations. Sand flush but do not finish. Finish selected by Ownen.Protect from damage or discolonation and replace any damaged or di.scoLored areas at completion of wonk. END OF SECTION 9L SECTION 9N - RESILIENT FLOORING 1. Colors and Patters . ... as shown and as selected by Architectfrom manufacturer's standand color s. 2. Install sheet vinyl flooring and comply with flooring man-ufacturer's recommendations for Type(s) of matenials, projectconditions, and intended use. 3. Clean floors and accessories after installation and applypnotective wax coatings in accordance with flooring manufact-urer's instructions. END OF SECTION 9N WOOD FLOORING RESILIENT FLOORING 9L-1 9N-1 s/741 SEIBERT RESIDENCE SECTION 9S - "DRYVIT" !llA!! SYSTEM a) Contractor shall provide aI1 1abor, materials, equipment and appliances required to complete the installation of the DRYVIT System as per drawings and specifications. contracton must be factony-appnoved applicaton. b) ALL DRYVIT System materials specified herein sha1l be as manufactured and/on supplied by DRYVIT System, Inc., deliver- ed tc the job in oniginal unopened containens, stored in a cool dry place out of dinect sunlight protected fnom the elements and from damage, and used in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. c) DRYVIT Quarzputz and DRYVIT Primus/Adhesive shall be stored ed at a temperature not less than 4OoF. Fon DRYVIT install- ation in ambient temperatures less than 4OoF, supplementany heat shall be provided. A minimum ambient temperature of 4OoF shall be maintained for at least 24 houns after DRYVIT System installation. Subsequent to installation of the DRYVIT System, the wal1 shall remain fnee of residual moisture. d) Materials: 1. DRYVIT Pnimus/Adhesive as manufactured by DRYVIT System. Inc.2. Portland Cement ... ASTM C-150' Type 1. 3. DRYVIT Insulation Boand - Expanded polystynene, less than 25 Flame Spread as per ASTM E-84 or UL-723; avenage density... 1.O pounds pen cubic foot; K=O.23 per inch; Fedenal Specification HH-1 -524A, Type 1, Class A. Thickness 3". In addition all Insulation Boand used with the DRYVIT System sha1l be aged (ain dried) fon six weeks befone use. The following dimensional tolerances shal1 apply for Insulation Boand in lieu of those contained in Fedenal Specification HH-1-5244. a. Edges shall be squane within 'l/32 inch per foot. b. Thickness of the Insulation Boand sha1l be within a tolenance of Dlus or minus 1,216 inch . DRYVIT Reinfoncing Fabnic --- Balanced open weave glass fiben fabric made from twisted multi-end stnands, specif- ically treated for compatibility with DRYVIT materials. DRYVIT Quarzputz Finish .. As manufactured by DRYVfT System, fnc., Color No. 19, natural white; textune as pen approved sample. (NOTE: No additives, such as rapid bindens' anti-freeze accelerators, etc., shall be added to any DRYVIT mater- ials under any circumstances. ) 4. s/741 F IIDRYVIT'' WALL SYSTEM 9S-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE e) Installation: 1. Pneparation of the walf surface (by others): 2. The surface shal1 have no planan inregularities greater than 1/8". 3. The surface to be covered shall be sound, free of hot spots, releasing agents (silicones, oi1s, etc. ) and othen residue.4. Mixing DRYVIT Primus/Adhesive: a. Use clean container, free of all foreign substance, for mixing and pneparing material. Do not use containen which has been used for or cleaned with a petnoleum pnoduct. Use a mixen similar to Goldblatt Jifflen Mixer No. 15 311 H7, powened by 1/2 inch drill 4OO-5OO RPM . Clean tools immediately with waten. Stin Primus/Adhesive before adding Portland Cement to assure gomogenous matenial- b. Mix Type 1 Portland Cement with DRYVIT Primus/Adhesive in a ration of one part fnesh Portland cement to one oant Primus/Adhesive. This mixed Pnimus/Adhesive shall be used for DRYVIT insulation Board adhesive and Primus Coating. Pot life fon mixed Pnimus/Adhesive is the same as ondinany mortan or plaster materials. Keep containen closed when not in use. c. Add the Portland Cement to the Primus/Adhesive in smaLl increments while thonoughly mixing each in- crement. Measure quantities of Primus/Adhesive and Pontland Cement separately before beginning to mix. Water may be added to adjust workability. 5. Applying DRYVIT Insulation Board: a. The application of DRYVIT Insulation Board to ventical sunfaces shalt begin at the base fnom firm, penmanent or temporary support. Adhesion shall be made to a clean hard surface as described unden "Preparationof wal1 surface". Board sha11 be applied ventically with as few horizontal joints as possible. b. Precut Insulation Board as nequired to fit openings' projections, etc. Stagger ventical joints and corners.c. By trowel or extrusion, apply a nibbon of mixed Primus/ Adhesive appnoximately 2 inches wide by 1,/4 inch to 3,/8 inch thick to the entine perimeter of each board. Apply dabs or ribbons of the same thickness to the intenior area approximately 8 inches on centen. d. Apply pressure over entire surface of board to insure uniform contact and high initial gnab. Abut all joints tightly and insure an overall flush leve1 surface. Any irregularity of the insulation board greater than 1/16 inch must be rasped flush. 5/741 .'DRYVIT'I WALL SYSTEM 9S-2 SEIBERT RESIDENCE s/741 6. e. All conner headr casing bead, or expansion joints should be installed and completely bedded in with Primus/Adhesive. Accessory items are specified and their locations shown on the Drawings. f. AII areas where the DRYVIT System joins othen materials or terminates at roof 1ines, window jambs, heads and sills and etc., must be protected in order that no water can penetrate behinf the DRYVIT Insulation Board. DRYVIT Primus Coating and Reinforcing Fabric: a. Using a stainless steel trowel, aPFIY mixed DRYVIT Pnimus/Adhesive to the entire sunface of the Insula- tion Board to a uniform thickness of appnoximately 1 /1 6 inch. b. Immediately place the DRYVIT Reinfoncing Fabnic against the wet Primus Coating, and, by tnoweling from the center to the edges' embed the fabric into the coating. Reinforcing Fabnic shaII be continuous at connens and lapped not less than 2-1 /2 inches at fabric edges. Avoid wrinkles in embedding the Reinfoncing Fabric. The finished thickness of the Primus Coating shall be such that the Reinforcing Fabric is fully embedded. c. The Primus Coating surface shall be dny and hand before proceeding to Quarzputz Fi.nish application (normal1y 8 to -1O hours ) . d. hlhere additional impact layers of Primus/Adhesive and reinforcing Fabnic are shown on the Drawings, the above pnocedune s houtd be repeated ( and ) aften the preceding layer has set up(2 to 4 houns). DRYVIT QUARZPUTZ FiNiSh : a. Thoroughly mix the factony pnepared Quanzputz Finish material with the high speed mixen until a uniform workable consistency is attained. A small amount of clean water may be added to adjust workability. b. Using a clean stainless steel trowef, aPPIV a tight coat of the Quarzputz Finish directly to the reinforc- ed Primus Coating. It shall be applied and leveled during the same openation to the minimum attainable thickness consistent with unifonm complete coverage. Quarzputz Finish must be applied and textured contin- ually over a wal1 sunface in onden to maintain a wet edge. Wonk to cornens or ioints and do not allow the material to set up within a distinct wa11 anea. c. When the applied Quanzputz Finish has gelled so that it does not stick to the trowel, the final texture is achieved by allowing the tnowel to noll on the round aggnegate using a variety of motions_and trowefs or floats to create the desined texture. The final thickness sha1l be not gneaten than the diameter of the langest aggregate oi the Quarzputz Finish material . 7. END OF SECTTON 9SDRYVrT,, WALL SYSTEM 9S-3 SEIEERT RESIOENCE SECTION 9T - PAINTING submittals: In addition to manufactuner's data, application instructions, and label analysis fon each Coating matenial' submit samples fon Architect's review of color and textune only. Resubmit samples as requested until requined sheen' coLor and texture i9 achieved. On 12" x 12" hardboand, provide 2 samples of each colo n cond it ionsand mat e n ial ;-Fh-exture to simulate finish On actual wood surfaces, natunal and s tained wood pnovide 2,4" x B" samPles fon finish. Descniotion of Work exterior items and original and trade name, ondance with : Painting and finishing of interion and surfaces, unless otherwise indicated. Paint alI exposed surfaces, except as othenwise indicated' designated. If not designated' colors will be selected by the Architect fnom standand colors available, for the coatings requined. DeI ivery anC Storage: Deliver materials to job site unopeneO containens bearing manufactu rer and label analysis. Store where directed man ufac tu re r I s instructions. in new, r s name, in acc- Bepjamin Moore , McKloskey & OlYmPic ProteCtion: Protect work of othen tradesr and adiacent existing surfaces. Correct any painti.ng related damages by cleaning' repairing or replacin!,'and refinishing, as directed by Architect. coondination: Provide initial coats which are compatible with materials being coated . Provide finish coats which are compat- ible with pnime paints used . Provide banrier coats oven incompatible primers where requined. Manufacturens: Paints: Pnatt and Lambert, PPG and Stains & Vannish: Pnatt and Lambert Sunface Pnepanation: Perform preparation and cleaning procedunes Ti-sffit-accoiE?-iTe wi t h coat in g man u fac t u re n' s i ns t r uct ion s for each substnate condition. Remove hardwane and accessories' machined surfaces, plates, IlEITlng-TIxTures and similar items in place and not to be finish-paintCd, or provide surface-applied pnotection. ReinstalI nemoved items. lication: Mix' PrePare, stone and apply painting and finishing manufacturerr s directions.suited for the material and Use applicatons and techniques best sunfaces to which aPPIied. s/741 PAINTING 9T-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE Applv additional coats when undercoats, stains on other conditions show through final paint coat, until paint film is of uniform finish, colon and appearance. Paint Coatings: 3-coat work required and tint first 2 coats diffenent to distinguish each diffenent coat. Finish exterior doons on tops, bottoms and edges same as eTterio-;Taces. Sand lightly between succeeding enamel or varnish coats. Omit finst coat (primer) on metal surfaces which have been ffi;ffi'ed and touch-up painted. Completed Work: Match appnoved samples for color, texture anO cove.rage. Remove, nefinish or repaint wonk not in compliancewith specified nequinements. Paint, Stain and Varnish: See Drawings fon locations, materials, etc. Colors to be chosen by Architect. Stain work shaLl all be penf<irmed on in-place materials, on the lo6siE. Abutting pieces and sections shall match in color tone and appear"nie. finisfr aIl stained woodwonk and tnim with two coats satin polyurethane, lightly sand between coats. END OF SECTION 9T s/741 PAINT ING 9T-2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SEIBERT RESIDENCE DIVISION 1O - SPECIALTIES SKYLIGHTS:Manufactured by Dawn Products Co., Englewood, Colo. TOILET ACCESSORIES: Including toilet paper holders, medicine fficks, and soap trays sha1l be as serected by the Architect from Interstate Hardware, Denven, Colorado. Provide $SOO allowance in bid fon purchase of toilet accessories. END OF DIVISION 10 DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT SECTION 11b2 - RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES Refrigenator: Sub Zeno ModeI 2511 RFD wi.th panel- inserts to match kitchen cabinets. Venify swing with owner. Bul1t-in Oven: Genenal Electnic ModeI JPK 36 G. Drop-in Range: Jenn-Ain Senies 48OO with conventional electrical heating elements and gnill accessony. Waste Disposer: Kitchen Aid conilnuous feed model: Tmperial KWL-200. Trash Comoactor:Kitchen Aid Model:KCS 1OOB with a blackglass front. 6. Dishwasher: Suppli.ed by Owner. 7. Subcontractor fon nesidential appliances, including installa- tion shal1 be Kitchen Distributons, fnc., of Denver, Colorado END OF SECTION 11b2 SpECIALTIES EQUI PMENT | \J- | .4 .4 .4I t- | s/741 4. 5. SEIBERT RESIDENCE SECTION Ilb3 - KITCHEN' BATHROOM & LAUNDRY CABINET COUNTERTOPS Cabinets shown in the Drawings shall be Coppes custom cabinets, as manufactured by Coppes-Napanee' Inc' 'Napanee'Indiana. Subcontractor for cabinets and countentops, includ- ing installation sha11 be Kitchen Distnibutors, Inc., Denver' CoIorado. Door style sha1l be flush and constructed of Oak' All base cabinets shal l be special purpose veg base with two pull out shelves in the main portion of the cabi.net. Not included in the above are one standard 300 series (336) adjacent to the built-in oven cabinet, and the sink base cabinet. Built-in oven unit shall be proper unit to accept GE double oven. Cabinet finish shal1 be as selected by Architect' Bathnoom utilities are also Coppes-Napanee in the same design and finish as the kitchen cabinets. sizes are noted on the dnawings. Laundry room cabinets shalt match those pnovided fon the kitchen in style and finish. A11 countentops sha11 be constnucted of 3/4" plywood basel top surface edges and 4il back splash shall be covened with 1/16" high pnessure plastic Iaminate; all tops ane to be self-edged. Note fnont edge of kitchen counten tops to have Oak nose to match kitchen cabinets. plastic laminate to be Formica brand and colon selected by Archi tect . END SECTION 11b3 6. 7. 8. s/741 KITCHEN,BATHROOM & LAUNDRY CABINETS & COUNTERTOPS 11b3-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE DIVISION 12 None included DIVISION 13 SECTION 13K - SWIMMING POOL 1. Swimming pool construction, pool accessories and pool mech- anical equipment, including SoIan Collectors, to be pnovid- ed by Master Pools/of Colorado Springs, 8OO South Tejon Colonado Spnings, CoIonado, under a separate contnact. 2. The General Contracton will be responsible fon all gnading and compaction at.and around the swimming pooI. 3. Pool constnuction and Iayout sha1l foll-ow that which is shown in the Drawings. Finishes and job site layout shall be approved by Anchitect. END OF SECTION 13K 9IVTSION 14 None included. s/741 SWIMMING POOL 13K-1 SE]BERT RESIDENCE DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL 1. A. B. D. E. F. G. H. A11 work shall be executed and inspected in accorctancewith aIl uirdenwriten's 1ocal and state codes andregulati.ons applicable to trade affected. Shop Drawings on aI1 equipment and matenial shall oesubmitted fon neview pnior to installation. All work and materials furnished herein shall be guaran_teed against any defects for a peniod of one year aftenthe date of acceptance by the Ownen. This Contnactor shall arrange any pay for all fees andpermits in connection with the work hereafter specifiedand qt completion of the wonk furnished the Ownen withthe final certificate of inspection. rnsufficient information or description of mateniars orlabon,which prevents the acceptance of such plans andspecifications as sufficient to complete the wonk mustbe reported to theArchitect prion to submitting a bid. The Mechanical Contractor assumes the nesponsibilityfor.completing the work satisfactonily by the acceptanceof these specifications and plans witnoul additionalcost to the Owner. AI1 materials shall be new and of the best quality ofthein respective kinds. second rine matenials wiir notbe accepted. Workmanship shal1. be of the very best. The good appear_ance of the finished work shall be of equal irpo"ianc"with its mechanical operation. Lack of quality ofworkmanship sharl ne considered sufficient nea!on forrejection of a system in part on whole. The Dnawings show the general design, arnangements andextent of the system. This Contnactor shall provide and pay for all necessanycutting and finishing of aIl openingi necessany io tn"installation of his wonk This Contractor shal1 perform all necessary excavating,grading and backfilling required for the iistaliaiion ot r. J. s/ 741 K. MECHANICAL 15-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE the underground piping and material which is a panrof his work. A11 backfilling wilI be done to achievethe same degree of compaction as surrounding area by means of a mechanical compactor. No flooding shaLlbe used. Public Senvice gas supply senvice may not be avail-able at time of occupying. Pnovide for futune hookupto Public Senvice gas supply service . Pnovide fon temponany propane tank and senvice, Make all connectionsto such equipment and provide gas cock at the gas supplyto each appliance. L. 2.MATERIALS: A.New gas piping sha11 be schedule 40 black steel pipewith screwed fittings. A11 bunied gas piping shall beschedule 40 black steel pipe completely wnapped withasphaltum tape in an approved manner. Ductwonk shaLl be galvanlzed sheet steel pen SMACNAnecommendations for 1ow pnessune ductwonk. Duct in-stallation where required shown on Drawings. GniIIes and dampers as shown on Drawings. After work has been completed the air hand-ling unif and distribution system shall have individualair handling unit dampers and negisters balanced to thequantities shown on the Drawings. pnovide an ainbalance report of final readings to the Anchitect whenbalancing has been completed for appnoval . Plumbing: Install atl new plumbing fixtures as suppliedby Owner and as shown on Dnawing. Scheduled on DrawingA3. Set in place and make service connections reouiredfon complete operating system. pnovide stops at allfixtunes. A11 plumbing wonk shall confonm to localplumbing codes and good practice. Waste and vent piping shall be either DWV on galvanizediron at contracton,s option fon Z', or smaller. Castinon pipe Class A ASTM-74 below grade or 2-1 /2,, andlanger above grade. D. F.Domestic waten piping shalI be Type,'K,'coppen outsidebuilding, Type.'L,'coppen inside building with 95-b solderjoints. Pnovide dielectnic unions wheneven coppen andfenrous metals are joined. Minimum supply piping sizeshal1 be 3/4,,. s/741 G. MECHANICAL 15-2 SEIBERT RESIDENCE H.Wal1 Hvdrant:Wood fo rdproof 3/4t' diameten hose at each location in lieu Gas Flue Vents: Metalbestos Type "B"flue vent complete with tall cone roof collar, wall thimbles, reducers, tees, connectons and installed and supported inst ructions. Toilet Exhaust Air Fans qs specified Vent as required for Thermador ovens. cap. Vent as requined fon Jenn-air stove. cap. Furnish plumbing layout for appnoval END OF DIVISION 15 ModeI 14 Senies with freeze- bib. Provide 3" wood backing of the 3" Styropor. I.Domestic Hot hlater Heater: State Stove Company or odel No. G1-1O4X 9]ass.1ined,50 gallon stonage, 54.6 GPH necovery at 1OO"F,r1se 65,OOO BTUH S.L. input complete with tempenatune and pressure nelief valve, dnaft diverter, insulated tank with jacket, anode nod, burnen, A.G.A. centification and gas contnol with 1OO% safety shut-off. Gas Fired Furnace as specified on Drawings. Control Thenmostats: This Contnacton to supply room thermostat Honeywell T-A72-F1O19, G-672-D-1OO2. K. L. M. N. o. P. Model RV gas flashing, stormdraft hoodper manufactu re n I s on Drawings. Jenn-ain roof Jenn-air roof by Architect. s/741 MECHANICAL 15-3 SEIBERT RESIDENCE DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL 1. GENERAL REQUTREMENTS: a) See GenenalOonditions. b) Pnovide alI ltems for complete and successful openation of alI electnical systems. c) Electrical drawings ane diagnammatic on1y. Electnical subcontnacton is nesponsible for installation of aIl wonk according to Architectural, Stnuctural, and Mech- anical dnawings as well' d) Worrl "pnovide" shal1 mean I'furnish and instalf". e) Visit site and incLude allowance in bid fon a1I costs nelated to the electrical installation. f) Demonstrate the operation of all systems for the Owner at a time as dinected by Architect. g) Lay out all wonk in advance. Do not deface wonk of other trades. Install all sleeves and block outs; waterpnoof as required. h) Field Check al.] existing conditions. 2. STANDARDS: a) A1l electrical matenials shal1 be new, in first class condition, Undenwritents Labonatonies, Inc., approved' and shall comply with applicable NEMA Standards' except as indicated on specified otherwise. b) Comply with all applicable local and state ordinances National Electrical Code and with nequinements of Utility and Telephone Company funnishing service. c) Procure and pay fon all penmits, licenses and liability insurance, etc. Funnish certificate of final inspection and approval from loca1 inspector. d) Material shal1 be as specified unless prior approval has been obtaj.ned from Architect seven days before bid opening. 3. GUARANTEE: a) Replace any work or material installed or furnished undenthis contnact which develops defects, except fnom normal weat, within one yean after completion. s/741 E LECTRICAL 16-1 SEIBERT RESIDENCE 4. ELECTRIC SERVICE: a) Senvice will be underground and Public Service Companyshall provide the meter housing and the Electrical Contnactor shall install it. Coordinate metening and service data with Utility Company. b) 2OO Amp, 115/23O volt, single phase, three-wire fonlighting and power. c) Extend senvice to metens and senvice equipment under- ground as indicated on dnawings. 5. GROUNDING: a) Gnound entine electrical conduit system by propen con-nections to existing system. Examine existing building ground and repain to conform to National Electnical Code. b) Alt wiring must be installed so as to maintain a com-plete grounded system thnoughout. Jumper meter asrequired. 6. RACEWAY SYSTEMS: a) Provide a complete system of conductors in racewaysystems. Building wiring may be installed with the use of nonmetallic sheathed cable (Romex) where permit- ted by the National Electrical Code. Pnovice a conduit and wine system for all locations where nonmetallic sheathed cable is not permitted. b) Rigid conduit and/or eLectnical metallic tubing as re-guired. c) Schedule 40, rigid PVC plastic conduit fon all locationsdirectly in earth, gravel, etc., or directly below orin concrete slab on gnade. d) Flexible metal conduit or Greenfield for equipmentconnections. e) All EMT connectors shall be compression gland type.Indenter type not permitted. f) Conceal naceways wheneven possible. g) Raceway and outlet supponts: 1) Toggle bolts in hollow masonny.2) Expansion bolts in concnete on brick. 3/741 E LECTRICA L 16-2 SEIBERT RESIDENCE 3) Machine screws on metal surfaces.4) hlood screws on wood constnuction. 7. WIRE: a) Minimum size No. 12 copper wire except for control circuits which may be No. 14, or signal circuits which shal1 be as indicated. b) Conductor insulation shall be type recognized by the National Electrical Code as appnoved for its particulan application. 1) A11 feeders and all wine No. 4 and larger, type THW or RHW.2) A11 wiring in metal roofdecks, in or near roofinsuLation, on exposed to sun, type THW or RHW. c) Splices for No.8 and smallen wire; wire on wing nuts. 8. DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT: a) Dead front safety type. b) Circuit bneaker type Westinghouse .'CDP',, or approved equal. 9. BRANCH PANELS: a) Dead front, safety type, with door, lock, and typeddinectory cards. b) Thermal magnetic circuit bneakers. c) Circuit breaker units completely interchangeable. d) Multipole breakers shal1 have common, intennal trip. e) Equal to I-T-E "Pushmatic,,, op Cutler-Hammer ,,Safety Breaker". 1O. OUTLETS: a) 4" square or octagonal , zinc-coated sheet steel boxes.Set 2x4 convenience outlet boxes horizontally on baseblock - see Drawings. b) Pnovide 3/8" no-boIt fixture studs. c) Provide covers set to come flush with finish walls. d) Utility or sectional switch boxes only where permitted. s/741 ELECTRTCAL 16-g SEIBERT RESIDENCE e) Floor receptable: Steel City #603. Provide completewith flush type unit and carpet flange. 11. EXTERIOR LIGHTING: a) See Dnawings for location and types. 12. DEVICES: a) A11 devices shall be bnown on stained wood surfaces,white on painted surfacesr gray in bathrodms andkitchen, unless otherwise noted. Specification grade receptacles. Al7 5252-I . Weatherproof outl.et, 411 7879 and 5252-I . A-C quiet operating type switches equal to AH 189Osenies. b) Device plates shall be brown on stained wood surfaces,white on painted surfaces, stainless steel in bat.hroom and kitchen 13. LIGHTING FIXTURES: a) Pnovide all fixtures shown with exception of kitchenhanging fixture. b) All bal.lasts ehall be intennal ly protected by use oftwo internal, tempenature-sensitive, nonresetti.ngprotectors, equaf to General Electric. I'Bonus Line". c) Mount all outlets at position and height to clearducts, etc. 14. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT WIRING AND CONNECTIONS: a) Mechanical equipment motors and controls furnishedwith mechanical equipment. b) Install feeder circuits to mechanical equipment and make all connec t ions. c) Furnish and install type r0r safety switches and/orthermal ovenload switches as required. d) Furnish and install all control wiring for mechanicalequipment and make all connecti.ons. e) Furnish and install all contnol wining for mechanicalequipment and make al1 connectiong except for temper-ature control equipment, which will be wined by Mechanical Contnactor. s/741 ELECTRToAL 16_4 'l z 3 SEIBERT RESIDENCE .I5. TELEPHONE SYSTEM: a) Provide outlets ae indicated. b) Outlets shall consiEt of 4rr equare box with bushedopening in plate. Plates ehall match finieh of otheradjacent plates. END OF DIVTSION 16 s/741 ELECTRICAL 16-5