HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 GENERAL LEGAL..-....-.. CWN OF VAIL 5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD ArL, CO 81657 7 0-4'? 9-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Oo NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON JOBS]TE AT ALL TIMES Permit t: B97-0290 PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 MUNS WILLIAM R & LUDMILLA B _ JT PO BOX 249, CHICO TX 76431 StaUus. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . Phonez 97O949L9O5 Phone: 9709491905 TOV/C Clean-up approve amount date fof Uood/Pa L tet: Job Address Location..,Parcel No.. Project No. ].816 SUNBURST DR 1816 SUNBURST DR 2101-091-03-013 I S SUED 0e /05 / reeT oe/rt/Lee7 03/L0 /Lse8 Description: REROOF WITH METAL (NEW) Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V N Single FamitY Residence Type V Non-Rated :rt****rrrr******/r********t(*****t************************tr*** tEE SUtl|lARY **rt**tt**ttr*rt***********************i*******************'** Bui|ding----->406.00RestuarantP[anRev'ier.t--).0oTotalcalcutatedFees---)972.90ptan Check---> 263.90 DRB Fee-----------:-----> 50.00 Additional Fees---------> '00 Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------) 'oo Totat Permit Fee--------> 972'90 uitl, cat!----> r.Oo ctean-up oePos i t--------> 250'Oo Payments-----------] 972 '9o TOTAL FEES---.- I *i,t***)t****ir(t(Ji*****************************************************t(**rd******************'(************************************ Irem: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT -_ --Pgpt: BUILDING Division: 6g7ds tllii-cHARLTE- Actioqr- Appn cneRLrE DAyrs i€'eft;' 0s4oo-i;^iiir.rlrrr.rc--nsFeiitufiNi-- - _ ----P"pt: PLANNING Divr-sr-on:'od7'ii6/i491-cH[RiiE Actio4: APPR PER DoMrNrg--,- *--- r.\.i..iit;:'ncko0"iiTiiElSspARtMEi,ii.'* Dept: FIRE Division: 667'di tl"gdi - cirfr.ittr e-- [atioii; APPR N/Aii.6il;r dssoo-Ftjiiilte wd[xs-'-- , Depr: puB woRK Division: 6siri67lssi -cireni,ir "eb'tion: APPR N/A r*************************i**************************t**************t********t*********Jri*********t**ff*****tr*'ht*************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply t'o Lhis permit ' DECLARATIONS Valuation:37 t25L Add Sq Ft: t i reptace lnfornation: Rcstricted:fof Gas Appt iances:fof Gas Logs: I hereby acknowtedge that t have read this apptication, fiLl'ed out in futl the infornation pl,an, and state that atl' the infofmation pfovided as required.is correct' io compl.y with al,t Tovn ordinances and state.[a'rs,.and to buiLd thi-sl accord i ng-the Tovn's zoning and required, compteted an l.y vi th the infofmation accurate ptot and ptot p [an, subdi v i sion ioaes,'Alsign review approveJ, Unifo.r Buil,ding Cide and other gdifinces of the ToHn apptrcabLe thereto,/1] REeuEsTs toR tNspEcrroNs sHALL BE rADE TuENTy-FouR HouRs IN loyilce sv TELEPHoN€ Al j194138 0R AT,ouR oF ICE tR0t1 8:00 A[ 5:00 Pi1 Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: PLATH CoNSTRUCTION TURE OF OI'INER FOR HII,ISELT AND Oj Oj **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO StaLemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REc-0325 Amount: 972.90 09/lL/97 ]-2z0t Payment Method: cHEcK Notation: f.20L67 Init: LRD Permit No: ParceL No: site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 897-0290 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PE 2101-09L-03-013 1816 SUNBURST DR 1816 SUNBURST DR 972.90 Tota] Fees: Tota1 ALL Pmts: Balance: Amount 406.00 50.00 263.90 250.00 3.00 972.90 972.90 .00 **************************************************************** Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PI-,AN CHECK TEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Oj oo o oho9.oO(J a.td oo o o .\l o oo ':.ozOD.oOE j FIiBf;8 HH t{Av|zedE9e o o a{ oo c| tauEAo cq 3[ o F o U :i ou FI EcU F 16 c z l.tJ Eqt o.z5 6|8! o |,E.{HUrlr @ ao tAlr |^EN.o Doo Irfr IolA qlADu Fdoo 'l g oFl 3Bto!r. ts FFzzETD:oI{' D o 28i9 .|l HZocooAE FI EIF q xL zo F H[lg-U 291 tEl9lo oartr 40 H 68 H FI B !|l< tE EE 2 g H o gr o at -=p EI EJ <cqla(9-A|oHCEE ttf ConCAC C $r'l;r';r vunL for agle Co 8-86404/o/ .E 2 0."""furr"" Parcel /l . TOWN OF VAIL Oa CONSTRUCTION PER}II.T I PERMIT APPH; DATE: O, , APPLICATfoN MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT !{AY NOT BE ACcEnTED x***************************** PERMIT INFORMATION *****************************rl f;d-Buildinq [ ]-Prumbing [ ]-l0tectricar [ ]-Mechanrbar [ ]-other ^nJob Name: i llftnA<Job Addre"t, l8lk Legal Description: Lot Fillng sunorvrsroH: ovrners Nane: I t'f I [T)u nq< oaot."", ph.S/2644-f?6u -4/;--'- Architect: _ Address: _ --pi.r. BLock f lt ona epalr I l-Other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accornnodatlon Units: BUTLDING:,-@ EI,ECTRICAL: I OTHER: f MECHANTCAL: I TOTAL: f RMATToN *************************** Address;Town of ValI Req. NO. Electrical Contractor:q7-o Phone Nurnber: Town of Vall Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Address:Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE! PLUMBING PERMTT FEEs MECHANICATJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:.TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFITM TO: oo Oa Page 2 of 4 Julv 22.1997 Rooling Specification fof the'Munns Residence at 1816 Sunburst Dr. I. TEAROFF/MrscELLANEous: Locations: All pitched roofs on the home including all small roofs at bay roofs, utility boxes, etc. Specification as follows: lT Tear offexistine roofins and remove all debris from the site. Plath Construction will keep the iribsite as clean as-possible-and oractical durine the construction. and a thoroush cleanine of ?lath's work areas will be perfoimed upon corfipletion. Plath C6nstruction willtake all rdasonable precautions to Drotect the interior of thb buildin's from water and weather. However. Plath Construction v',ill not be held liable for anv inteiior damase sustained from leaks cadsed bv sudden and,ior unforseen storms that occur during'the tear off ph#e of this work. 2] Remove the existing gutter and downspout and remove from the site. Please see option #4 to aild new gutter and do-ufrspout at the existing locations and at new locations. 3l Inspect the nlywood for water damaee. and reolace as needed.** This work,'if required, will be an atditional iharee over and above the contract price, and will be chareed at the rat'e of $'2.15 Der souare foot. No atrditional charses will be incunbd without prior nolification of, and authoiizati<in from, the owner or owner's -agent. * * 4l Plath construction will provide all insurance and permits required by the Town of Vail Building Department. $ 3,885.00 LA--v uPrice for Section I: Exclusions and Qualifications :ll If the roof svstem is chaneed to a metal roof. we will need to set approvals from the Desisn Review Board. Plath will as-sume the responsi5ility of getting thEse aliprovals. II. SupnnINsur,,c,TEDRooFsYsrEM: Locations:.-All pitched roof locations on the upper roof. This does not include the lower bay roofs or utilitv box roofs, Specifications as follows: lJ Install 2@ layers of 2"x4^ blocking ( laid flat) at all eave and rake edges. 2l Cover the entire lower plywood layer with #30 felt. 3l Install 3" ofpolyisocyanurate insulation (R 21.6) over the entire roofarea. 4l Cover with 72" cdx plywood. The plywood will be screwed to the substrate below using deck sdrews at the rate of 24Gi per 4'x8' shbel of plywood. hice for Section II:$ 16,911.00 ExclusionsandQualifications: None oo Oj Page 3 of4 TI. Dny-In / STaNDING SEAM METAL RooFII{c / FLISHTxC: Locations: All pitched roofs on the home including all small roofs at bay roofs, utility boxes, etc. Snecifications as follows:ll Install "Jiffo-Seal" Ice and Water Cuard by "Protecto Wrap" over entire pitched roof area, aicording to rianufacturers' specifications. Extend membrarie up walls a niinimum of 12" at roof- to-wall iinctures. Use mastic'as needed. Zt et af f roof to wall iunctures. the sidine will be cut 12" above the finished roof level. After the w:aternroofins and fldshine is installed oi the wall. we will install a oiece of 2"x12" rough sawn cedario covei the waterpr-oofins and flashins. Thi: cedar board wilf be stained to match-the existing siding. ( See th'e attach-ed Drawing #2 for more information) 3l Install a standine seam metal roof bv Berridee in olace of the metal shinsles in the base bid. The roof profile with be "C-lock" with'the seari ceniers at aDDroximatelv 17" to 18" on center. Install all'flashins as needed for a comnlete svstem. The pairit on this pioduct comes with a 20 year warranty . *a This option does noi incluile a wrappeilfascia metal. Please see option ll8 forpricing on tliis item. Price for Section III: $ 33,366.00 +\< Exclusions and Oualifications: W ll Miscellaneous llashing not associated with the roof system is excluded from this proposal. 2l The metal drip edse flashins will be approximatelv 3:5" to 4" wide to cover the lnsu'lation bilard and blockine that is to bE installed'at the fascia locations. ry. Gurrnn/nowNsPour/HEATTAPE:Locations: See drawing #1 for a gutter and downspout locations. Specification as follows: lJ Install seamless style gutter and downspout at the locations shown on Drawing #1. Color to niatch the roof flashihe. - 2] Install heat tape ttr-oughout all new gutter and downspouts. The price below includes running a p6wer line from lhe electiical box to eaEh heat tape location. Price for Section fV:$ 11,815.00 ExclusionsandQualifications: None V. Dncx wnrrnpRooFING/ pRorEcrloN BoARD/ FLASHING:Locations: One deck on the east side of the home. Specification as follows: lT Install new waterproofine at the one deck that is over livins soace. After the wood deck is rdmoved by others. install B-ituthene 3000 waterproof membrind as specified bv the manufacturer. The membrane wiil be installed with 19" laos dhich will provide a double laver of membrane at all points. Ex1e4d the membrane up deck to wall juncturtis a minimum of lI". Use primer and mastic as needed. 2l Cover horizontal surfaces of the membrane with 1/8" protection board. 3l Install prefinished flashing at all deck perimeters. Price for Section V:$ 1,931.00 Exclusions and Oualifications: 1l The wood deck- is to removed and put back by others. oo Oa Page 4 of 4 VI. Sxow rnNcn,:Locations: See drawing # I for a gutter and downspout locations. Specification as follows: I I Install snow fence at the locations shown on Drawing # I . Paint the snow fence to match the fiscia. Install blocking as needed in the insulation layeito provide a suitable frame to lag bolt the snow fence brackets. - Price for Section VI:$ 6,950.00 ExclusionsandQualilications: None VII. FAScIA:Locations: As needed. Specifications as follows: I T There is fascia on the buildins that is damaeed and needs to be replaced. This work. if done by Plath Construction. will be charled extra at a ttime and material" rat'e. Labor will be charqed at - $37.50 per man hour and materiil will be charged at Plath's costs. Below is a "not to exceied" price foi this work. Price for Section VII:$ 1,000.00 ( Not to exceed) Pnrcrxc roral.s FoR SEcrroNs I, II, [I,IV, V, VI ^lxn VII:$7s.858.00 VItr. Gnxrnar-Norrs: I I Please be advised that materials for this proposal have been bid at current market prices. Due to volatiliW of the market. material prices canirot-be euaranteed past 30 days.* Please iake note that a "lettei of intent" received bi Plath Construciion, Inc. riithin the j0 day period will allow us to "lock in" current materiirl prices even if actuil purchases are made' rironths later. 2l Plath Construction carries property damage liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00 p6r occurrence. Plath Constructibn iarries a-uto insurlnce in the amount of $2,000,000.00. Plath Construction carries appropriate Workman's Compensation insurance through Colorado State Compensation. No furt'her insurance coverage is included in our price. 3l Upon receipt of the contract price. Plath Construction will issue a warrantv certificate euaranteeins ioofins asainst ledks due to flaws in workmanship for a oeriod-of three vears from ihe date of r:oofine c-oni'pletion. Leaks oualifoins under the terms of siid wanantv wiil be repaired promptly at no co-st to the owner. This warrdnty'does not cover any subsequent iirterior dam'age that mav occur. 4l AII pricine in this proposal assumes that the contract is accepted and scheduled within a time frame that allow the work to be comnleted before winter weather hits. Any delavs beyond Plath's conhol will result in extra costs to c<iver primer for the waterproof membrbne, siow r-emoval, weather protection and added expenses due to working undefadverse winter conditions. d) \9 rll \,/l It3 Kto 6 €I t1 \}I\F + ,f\ ,1. \ N ? I Ir ^o !l 6a \t I \' 3 \n ll { 2 54\cA L ,Cr\ ii ..\ !t \ -<,,\--* Oaoo 2trt'f tst srfi )g{ {- -l d*' ------l / ' F- -J==/ ) a tll JI It tr \: B\ fl q br2 u)a rtnc '(1,C D = ,?q. t>*bl.:\3 o 'v'i$\ ipur1, fi )vt' , .$- l"r 75 south lrontage road rail. colorrdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlty devolopmonl August 27, L987 Mr. James Toepfer 7579 Storno MountainLittleton, Colorado 8OL27 Re: Tracts A and B, Vail Valley 3rd Filinq Dear Mr. Toepfer: This is to inform you that Tract A of Vail VaIIey 3rd Filing iszoned Greenbelt and Natural Open Space, and Tract B is zonedPublic Use. Enclosed are the restrictions concerning theallowed use (part of the Town of VaiI zoning code) in these twozone districts. SLg.cereLy,,n ,// ^^ -/,2' ,/ ,/'/5'A4.I/L(r tf,etsy/Roso1ack Planr(ing Technician Enclosure T-J" lat'- /"-! L4Z,- 3 4-<x--. department of public works 15, 1981 Warren Pulis 1979 Sunburst Drive Vail , Colorado 8f657 RE: Road acceptance irr Vail Valley Filtufg /13. Dear Warren: I have wisually inspected all inproverents in the road riglrt-of-way for Lhe above referenced sr.rbdivision. The Tor^nr of Vail has rennved snc'vr on Srriburst Drive over ttre past t\^io wirrters, and ttre road section aPPears to be holding up well. A11 reguired drainage irryrovarents have been installed and no major utility problans have been encountered. As such, the Tor,n of Vail shall officially accept all road right-of-way in Vail Valley Fifing il3. box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 This acceptance ttrarg! a 1.297 acre Val1ey Filing /13. does not include that portion of road wtr-ictr traverses parcel , located between Sr,rrbr.rrst Filing #3 and Vail Pr4 ''Ernest'J,/Fr ,@d- , / / ^^gg1€ro, r.s. Directo/ of Rrblic liorks Inter.Mountain Engineering rra. October 13, 1980 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Mr. E. Freggiaro Director of Public Works Dear Mr. Freggiaro 3 This is in regards to the asphalt road in Vail valley 3rd Filing Sunburst Drive. At the time Mr. Pulis contracted with B & B excavating , Inc. to prepare the road for asphalting no compaction tests $rere perforrned. 1"1r. Pulis has asked that we view the road condition and I am issuing this statement. The road has now experienced two Winter & Spring cycles and exhibits no settling. It is rny opinion that cornpaction during the installatj-on procedure must have been adequate so that these conditions are now present. Sincerely, JMS/fs s cc: W. Pulis BOX C- 100 AVON, CO 81620 949-5072; OENVER 893-1 531 14?O VANCE STREET LAKEWOOO, CO 80215 232-0't58 eIW[*r {t{{,r' q tf,r ofl EnS t' HYDRO.TRIAD,LTD. December 30, 1977 Mhi \ .\\t cL oD Enclosed is our invoice for avalanche consulting trork on the twolots adjacent (east) of the Pulis property in Vail. The work was authorized during the week of December L9, 1977. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service and best New Year's wi shes ! Mr. Kent Rose Town Engineer Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vail, Co]orado 81657 Dear Kent: RLH/Jh Encl s: Invoice \ Sincerely, -rYon3rnrnD, LTD. ./- / t /1V)L 6,oL/ ex Ronald L. Halley, Presi dent tf' u4 t- P.E. ,/ 75OO W. MISSISSIPPI AVE, . SUITE 1O LAKEWOOD, CO LORADO 80226 PHONE 303-934-2477 E. k ,r!.r t.E ! o, \l) .{ tU ,u t-..ro!.r|t'rua-o,r.>.?aoooo\!rrcr,4ct!.i{zarooo>oE<-=u't..r.tlogr!.{, t .:r ? i i ? f .9..1 " ci; ''i ^.r oE i3 3 "g 'g | - E ' " I g e 5 t 3: .i9 t5 3. -i ' r! (r' .t r+r 5' o j tD '.ix 4s E", .', .nc ;€ 3 3 3 o t S r 4 . o F Ta a, Er !r ..r,.. .:* .' ? r' ? I C' I - t - 8 '{ '! E O !.O EO < o. > @ tt .A O (, .n -{ i->ro . .{ -a o ,1 F ,Q Z ,O d tt r*.l Et .9'i i !6'85:.9 g;,. S.8.6 f IrJ -i! ri .-r '.1 , .,{ -n c o r.-{ o ^ d .r3 i5 E& 3 ft .9 5i 6 3, " . i i s d - o qr E E'i ^, E>&! ;8,r.: i.i i 3 ; : ; H : j Eqt { ..{ o o c, l! r.| ! o .; o aD ..{ E,i -E Fg -ll gE : i. 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B. 3 B "ZY 6EAfi::: 3 ' ! ! e : E i F : ; E H .. - o F .r, . g i ; : ;frs EEIBIIHE 4 sF fi :!; ld :!B ldE!;EE ; E S: ?;Q erBE.BscE ",2 >. 1{iEieHE*3Hnai;;tl#EE'd" !1'E:i4E 3 I ! 5 3 > o o' " 6 o ,' n fi : d t' 'E '1 n i A Et,;;a;aa ;: E ;; so ; -. ; ; _. o fr ! I ; ; i a i f !E 6EEss"HdF fr I i f $3E Efr r gf; : FsF sisI fr ; d; Eis2iEE;f; EE i E l: s 6Er,il ralaf i;l E ioliaraHa8eH Eqi F;!;$*g:E!rE= H;:!in 38I.,,' "1 >.a- or.A tr,!15FS 3-do'rr'qo?6"orrl..tio';o-o "!;S"cr.0o'aEtE'Do'!Fr'rr*. ;iii ; 'i ! " !E:eE' EEs;8 r'diE A s e E ,!h.:tde 'dB o o l''' PiroTSCTlVE COVEIJAIJTS oF VAIL VAT.LEY--TI{T TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUI'ITY, COLORADO KNO'rJ ALL MEI; BY THESE PRESENTS: TitAT 1JHEREAS' the undersigned, VAIL VALLEY, I'l'lC. , a Colorado corporation(hereinafter referred to as the "Company'r), is the owner of Vail Va1ley--Third Filing, Town of Vail , Eagle County' Colorado, more particularly described on Exhibit A attaclted hereto and by teis reference made a part her'eof (hereinafter sonetimes ref erred to, as the "Subdi.vision'r) I and VJHEREAS, the Company is desj-rous of maintaining said Subdivision as a residential area of t:^,e highest standardl i{O',r/ , T1-1ti-.EFCiiE, in consideration of the premises tthe Company, for itself, its successors and assigns, and for itself and its grantees, does hereby :mpose upon said Subdivision the following reservations, conditions, stipu- lations, and protective covenants: As useci in these ijrotecti-ve Covenants the termrrsite' shall nean (a) any lot shown on the recorded plat of the Subdivision, or (b) any part of any lot or corbination of parts of any lots as shown on the recorded plat of the Suboivision, which to;ether shall have a ninir,um area of at least 15r000 square feet. RESER,VATIOiJS Easements and rigl'rts-of-way as si,own on the plat of the Subdivision are hereby reserved for pb1es, wires,pipes, we11s, and conduits for heating, lighting, electric-ity, gasr telephone, sewer, drainage, water, cabie TV, or any other utility servi-ce purpose, together with the right of ingress anci egress for the purpose of further construction, mainte- nance, and repair. GENeRAL COiJDrTrOi.iS, STIFULATlONS,- AI.iD PF.OT'CTIVE COV;};AI{TS ' The following general conditions, stipulations, and protective covenants are hereby inposed upon all sites in the Subdivision: 1. A11 sites in the Subdivision shalf be used for residential purposes on1y, each site to contain not more than two separate dwelLing units 2. No signs, billboards, poster boarris, or advertising structure of any kind sha1l be erected or main- tained on any site or structure thereon for any purpose -2- whatsoever, except such slgns as nray be approved by the Design Revlew Board created by Ordinance No. I, Serles L973, ?own of Vail , Eagle County, Colorado (hereln calIed "Designkevlew Board"), as reasonably necessary for the ldentifica-tion of residences. 3. Each structure designed for occupancy by hu;ran beings located on any site shall connect with the r.rater and scuerage faclLities of the Vail ''{ater and Sanita-tion District. No private welL shall be used as a source ofwater for human consumption or irrigation in the Subdivision, nor snall any facility other than those provided by the Vailiiater and Sanitation District be used for the disposal of ser.rage. l''iechanical garbage disposal facilities sha11 beprovided in each kj-tchen or food preparing area. 4. No trash, ashes, or other refuse may bethrown or durnped on any land within the Subdivisj-on, nor shall any unsightly accunulation of building materials be allowed to reraain on any site. The burning of refuse outof doors shal1 not be permitted in the Subciivision. Noj-ncinerator or other device for the burning of refuse indoors sha1l be constructed, installed, or used by any person. Each property owner shalI provide suitable receptacles forthe collection of refuse. Such receptacles shaLl be screened from public view and protected from disturbance. 5. lio animals, l-ivestock, horses, or poultry of any }<ind, except dogs, cats, and other household petsr shall be kept, raised, or bred j-n the Subiivision. 6. No trees shall be cut, trimned, or renoved in the Subdivision, except with the prior wri-tten arproval ofthe Desj-En li.evierrr Board, anci then only by persons designated by the Design Review tsoard. 7. ifo obnoxious or offensive activity shal1 becarried on upon any site, nor shall anything be clone thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. 8. These general conditions, stipulatlonsr andprotective covenants are to run with the land and shall be bi-nding upon all parties and all -oersons claiming under themuntil January 1, 1999, at rdlich tirne these covenants shallautomatically be extendecl for successive 1.eriods of 1Oyears, unless an instrument is recorded signed by the then owners of all of the sites in the Subdivision agreeing to change or revoke the covenants in rvhole or in part. 9. If any granree, or his heirs, legal repre-sentatives, successors, or asslgns, shal1 violate any general conditions, stipulations, and protective covenants hereincontainedr aDy other owner of real property in the Subdivision may lawfully prosecute any proceeding in law or in equity against such person or persons or entity either to prevent hirn or them from so doing, or to restrain any vj-olationhereof by perpetual injunction and,/or to recover such damagesas may ensue by virtue of such violation. -3- L0. Invalldation of any one or more of these covenants by judgment or court order sha1l in no way affect any other stlpulatlons, conditlons, or protectlve covenantst which sha1l remaln in fuLl force and effect. spEcrAL coNDrrroNs, srrPULATroNS, A}'ID PROTECTIVE COVENAI.JTS The following special conditionsr stipulationst and protect.ive covenants are hereby imposed upon all sites in the Subdivision: 1. I'lo building, outbuildingr fence, wa11r or other improvement shal-1 be constructed, erected, or mai-n- tained on any part of the Subdivision, nor sha11 any adciition to an existing structure, or alteration therein, be madet until plans and specifications showing the naturer kindt shape, height, materials, floor p1ans, exterior color scheme, locations, and the grading and landscaping plan of the siter or such improvement as the Design Review Board may reasonably' require, shalI have been submitted to and approved in vrrit- ing by the Design F.eview tsoard or its duly authorizeo represen- tative and copies therof as finatly approved lodged permanently with the Design Review Board or its duly authorized represen- tative. The DesiEn Review 3oard or its duly autilorized representative shall have the right to refuse to approve any plans or specifications or grading or landscap5-ng plans w!-rich are not suitable or desirable in the opinion of the Design R.-view Board or its duly authori-zed representativeand, in passing upon such plans, specif icat j-ons, gradingt and lanciscaping p1ans, the Jesign Revier,r tsoard or its duly authorized representative shalI have the right to take into' consiieration the use and suitabj-lity of tre .oroposed build- inE and of the rnaterials of which it is to be built, to the sj-te ucon which it is ^,ro?osed to erect t-he saner the ccn- for;niti' and harmony thc-reof v'rith the surroundings r -uhe topography of the 1and, the quality of the rnaterials to be utilized, anc the effect of the bu:-lding as plannei on the outlook from the adjacent neighboring properties. 2.On any site in the Subdivision containing two dweJ-1ing units, one of the units sl:al1 not exceed one-third(I/3) of the total gross residential- floor area alfowablet as defined by Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973r lown of Vailt Eagle County, Colorado, as ai endedl however, in no event may the total gross residential floor area exceed 3r950 square feet on any site. ';\tlere two dwe115-ng units are proposed on a site, they shal1 have the appearance of a single-farnilyresidential structure and may not be 'rmirror-imagerr uni-ts. 3. The construction of any builctingt structuretor improvement of any sort is absolutely prohibi-ted in cert.aj-n high hazard areas of the Subdivision, more par- ti-cularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, because of the CanEer of avalanches in such areas mal:ing any building, inprovement, or structure thereon subject to extreme property danage and -4- lndividuals thereon subJect to physical inJury. 4. Any building, structure, or improvement 1n certain moderate hazard areas of the subdivlsi-on, more partlcularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto, shal1 be designed in accord with the Hydro-Triad Ltd. study of avalanche hazards" on file at the Town of Vail as there is a possibility of avalanches of moderaie severity and frequency in the areas <iesignated in Exhibit B. 5. Except for the pertinent prdinances of the Town of Vail, there sha1l be no general requirement as to setback distances or-location or impovements with relation to property lineq provided, hovrever, that the location of each J-mprovement must be approved in advance by the Design Review Board. In determining the proper location for each imcrovementt the Design Review Board shall consider the location of existing and future improvements on adjacent property, and such other aesthetic considerations as it may deein approprlate. Careful attention sha11 be gi-ven to sile location of each structure to minimize linearlty and to protect privacy, view corridors, and protect natural land forns and vegetation. 6. r,11 surface areas disturbed by construction sha11 be returneci pronptJ.y to their natural condition and replan ted in native grasses, except vrhere such areas are to be improved by the construction of gardens, lawns, and exterior Iiving areas. 7. lJo Cwelling sha1l be pernitted or created on any site with ground floor arear exclusive of open porches tpatios, terraces, carport, and garage of less than 1r000 square feet ior single story dwell-ings and 1r200 square feet for split-1eve1 dvrellings. 8. No tenporary structure, excavationr base;rentt trailer, or tent siral1 be permitted in the Subdivision except as may be necessary during construction ano as authorized by the Town of Vail. 9, A garage shall be required on each site with space for at least one automobile for each living unit on the site. A11 carnpers, trailers, boats, and s:-miIar-type vehicles must be kept in fu1ly enclosed gara(je areas- 10. A1l structures commenced in the Subdivision shall be pursued diligently to compl-eti-on and shall be completed within L2 inonths of.the date of commencement thereof, except as may be waived in writing.by the Town of Vail . 11. Enforcement of these special conditionst stipulations, and protective covenants shall rest solely with the Town of Vail, and the right to amendr alterr revoket or modify these special conditlons, stipulatj-onsr and protective covenants is hereby expressly reserved and retained by the Town of Vait, as well as the right to approve -5- any one Or more sets of pLans, specificatlons, grading, and landscaping plans; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as giving to the Town of Vail the right to amend, alter, revoke, or modify the general conditions, stipulations, and protective covenants imposed above. 12. These special conditions, stipulations, andprotective covenants shall bind all grantees, thelr heirst 1ega1 repres entat ives, successors, and assigns, and all- persons clalning under thern until January 1, 1980, at which time said cove:rants shall be autonatica)-1y extended for successi.ve periods of l0 years, unless an instrument is recorded signed by the then orvners of a majori.ty of all of the sites in saici Subdivision, agreeing to change said covenants in r,.rhole or in part. 13. The Company or its ciuly authorized representa- tive may lawfully prosecute any proceeding in law or in,equity against such person or persons or entity who shal1 violate these special con:litions, stipulations, and protective cove-nants in any particular, and iray recover such damages as may ensue because of such violation, including costs of suit and attorneysr fees. L4. The invalidation of any one or any part of any one of these special coniitions, stipulations, andprotective covenants by judgment or court order si,al1 in no way affect any of the other provisions, which shall remain infu1l force ani effect. Executed this day of L977. VAIL VAILEY, INC. .ir,'"tes t: Jay B. l'uIis, Jr.r t'resident President and Secretarv By STATE OF COUNTY OF COLORADO r, ttul- .r- )) ss. t The. foregolng instrument was acknowledged before me this day of I977t bY JaY B. Pulis, .rfEs.eieslo@ Pullsr as vl'ce- Presldent ind Secretary 6f ValI Valle!, rnc., a Colorado corporation . t -5- My commission expires . i.iitness my hand and off iclal seal. (SEAL) t t' 6!E;jE F6?3rgrEEi:i: :i1;;:l +i3;:I qi:i'; i;;'iii:ei::: !E:;E:; briiE arii 5a;:l; ili- !61:;q:r; riii:E:e ii!ii ii; EIil"r'i!;irsli:i;E !ii;l;li'Ii"€Ft,l l*'gi3! i:g:r!iir or*! ;P!siP:; 2 =:. et ?ia!ii H;li:'i;iq;l:i:;3iilg;g : i';i ;EA.if! ri---l!;:i;i:;;il?i:E;i: E :ii El;l;:e-ll.ii:ili;!:r:biE:r;;.rs E;j f;':;g:;ii:;-;;!XiEiFiri!:?:El: EE d:=F3F;g::gs5tE:;;:isi';;;r!'xi E qo I(tt I ;4 <(t I;lo)l xt.ol ol al'=l clc)l <-r I >.{ I I . (li 'c.o ,.9 aE.o o) Fll-l 3 .i < I I I Ix{l 3 I I I I € E E ! v t .i .9EI Iisl I?u 5 -j5'1Gtl#lal*f 4l 6l <l; b0 l 4E-oc'tr 'oOP9 =rratZ aPa!, Y}L :'o,r :.trqE2;^=li-ql 'x>5(JE.c, o63",b-3 .9.n;'q vZ-c-'=5;.'" E;e b.5 4 9((O,a EO,:o .. ?.Lb! 7 a i; - P:f 9 5,Y *- C:ts F o, , . a- -=! : !. = o'. --t: I;= oa ,i:\ ()? =j.,. Q >,q =: :'t ic.c *it: E! ..o I i'u -l 9>. ;(! (,O qo) riF E2 => <t a. .95 Cr:,-: l! a9 EO s* t:) E4' gn !! 9ctc 0r( BI9i I u3l i b, ..3 JY ;(\|:- ;j -i-oc3 -{. Ed E4 tir i.F,1 ,x' :3 =6 a'q E; O r'rttr J:- :9 ocrr. o .o '5 poo l-. o j;? t!: :-v7 o.:, '.i .2 Oc t(( E( s67 to.: 0.i. O{: _bo t(l' or itr' o (: -:f.3 :tr ol: cJ =ilrt o, :B C O! '-6 EO E- -: l: r- c -J1 .eqE$-oNa'ls: t> "-€trlIJI € 6"1el3.eEE2aEE.J6dO #tsfisa5?h v) o) rl g r^l ': $t\S \-J \ ''.+FI clr EP .o 3' oG' (l), 3o q) q, .:i l€ cc.- .q t; Erl;PI .: '-r3; o< rql(., I E +)l el:tl; .<{e<J (!l -l xl :<l ';i ! FE q,' ;!9 3b E}EC) z 9<< Ff 5 fqO ^^^ Fd'Iita^jFt i.r< tr1Y.t!,t .i Ok n9r \/ o r-\ Fzz .<r t)FIO'(D (J Al'.lD CCii:,::l-i i;': 7i' i:lR R::li.:|:il i ::-:. rlf T;:;l C:?'Cli'ii!- S:l'lT t :{O?rC?:VE COVEIIAiITS oP vAtL vAr-ltv--flirRD :lLll{G tO'r'ill OF VA1L aAGLE CCUliiYt CoLORADO t:tioij ,;L l';tt; EY ?H959 F;';g:1"?S: Tj'At :':.::!iEAS ' th' '..:trde:slcied. Y;.:r- Vl'i.'-'-'! | 1:;Ct r ! Colorrdo cotpoi'tlon i;;;;i;iil;; teletrea:o'.s th; "co:-;.nv")' ls :h' orne-f vitt i'rItcy--:nlrd ft:1n9' :oHn of vc!I' Elglc.County, a;!;r"Ja; icre ;ar:lcutaiiy cescr15ed on txhlblt-A 'ttaci'"|rii!i. i;l b!' tlts re:r-:.nie iade-a Fert l-crec''.(herelilarter s.-c:1:.5 rc3e:rc-4 to.as --he niubdlv!5:cn"ii and :;,.:i:iSr iie Co--; c.y !! ::('9lisr5 of r-al::t61n11? satC !'j!:lv!sa3.1 os i :c:1:trrilai arta oi i e hlq"ett 5:e::'::d; :::'..r :.:-' :::- ar '-n aaaa!l'-aa'-"c:t ot lr'' : r'::s's' --,.. :".;ii.;:l i'-i '.'-:,-;!, :'-s.i:c...tc.5 a,-'j is'!:'sr ai., iot '-r:z1l c.:-=-:i5 ,r:'.:9:!r :ras t,.teb7 :: iote.u;on taid-, :L..!'/'-a'-on i-.: - i al : 9.':.ri !'c: !:1':'- lci9 t c:ti : i :' :"s t s t:pJ- :6::o!:9r a.'.j ;:c:.--c::r'c csl:,,s',!a: i! ugt: :h !::atc is'-'.sc!:t€ Cove_':_ts t:c :'itti.,:fr:" si.i:i-i.*u.. {it r..y 10! et.t..ln on t:ic re.15:e: ;1nt of v,i |t-:'-.:'-zlzn, cr (!) i'r.y itt:- ot oty lot cr cc ::ie:lon o: iA:iJ c: a'.y 2,..aa Lg t: a.'- <n t.9a 'cc'-a jed : : !'- ': '-Le :.t5';1vl51cn. |fi:ch tr..et;.er sl.r)! hi,ve s:!t::ii 6tca oJ at lcest l5 ' 0C'. ei,rEtc t..t. :e5Gi-c;iit !n, r19: :!-ot'*it'J' 13 :: ot:1 c!1 :Lc.;:At oa !l.c :!!i!v15'-cn t:c :,i:c.y tE.4a\'.d Jir ;o:c:''':rest i 1ie3r $.lt!r 8id csraJltt i:t ':.ed'-'-:t1' l;:::1n;r e:c.c1ric- :tyr iar, :ricl:rl;:e, :trerr ,r8ln!;-r rjdterr ci'5:e.:"fr or any o:i.ir'u:l:1ty i+;vl!e ;.::;isc, to,c'-:er r!'.h tl,. .:'J t of !njres5 a.f; qE:ess lZr t.e 7'-zicti of t!,ri: cr cc:-s:ruc'-1onr iilnte- r'arcc, and rcpa 1r. GEIjif.A! cc:lt:tto:'s. s::l !LA:; C::S '' At.D i,.G?:C::VE CCV;.:.A i?S ' the folloring lenc.!l cotdltlgnsr s"iiut!tionst .nd protectlve covenirie are hercSy 1:"Fo5cd u;cn a1I 5ltes in thc SrbC:vlslon, 1. Alt ettes ln the Subdtvlslon 5h111 be lsed fgr rcttdcntial F!rlo9c5 oilyr edc'1 site to aonte:n na! i'ore than tt"o aci,arate Cv.Illn? unttl. 2. l;o slin!r ,lllboard!r : oe'cr Loar '5' or aivertlslnq 3tructire ot anY llnc ahBll be ci.c:ed or F-aln- ra:ncC ot lny 3i.ta ol 3lructJre thi !con tcr a:ly :rurFose tl /to, aa? Pit'!F ",liv oi'ized Signature I I I I' t -_..-'-..".4.9;-! -2- :.uch 51;ti1 as :-'.y !e "tit')';trllrll"rrrl, ,::i:ii;,i:li:ii:"il:;ii'.:i'i:i';r:i::' !Jl.ut:oc'./',.rr r c)icci,t :re5 i jn i crlcw Icard :orn of v.ll r !.,?1e i cvlclJ :oord") r e9 t:on ,t t"s 1-cr.ce9. ci sr a:i!i:-1'c ':"::14j :.:: t i. ,':__... a::c a: '-':::'-':!- ra.U: 5a - a,:' i :ai'L.t. 'aL.:- L t I i I i iilii"-:"i;ll','ii iin;:':.";:,:i'.:: "-''i"-' c'1( :'-"s'') !rl ;:i:;:;,:tiii i; ::;:i;:;'l'i,';:-:il.;:"',;:l i,'i1,.'''" I:ii: :; :ii.li it. ;;,:;,':1"';l :r"i;""'l r '"i'" " r^l !bI'lr fqf t *r +r.0r 2. :!.j5c t.:. ra' c:':"",{trrt' ll?:ltt i:.t::,3; t=. ii::i::':i":':; i"ll?.iii jl.'ii'.,, i. : ri.;r j :*::,.;:':i"ii'- -3- to. Irv6lldation of .ny one "r Yt:."I-tL::t-. covenaitE by Judgicnt ot to'"i itOut sl''tl'ln't'o-e'y"'ffect ;;i-;i;;; oiti,,t ittons,..c:'?l:l:^il.":'?::!:"""' coVcnBtttsl vhieh shal I rcialn ln:ulr siECrAL ColiglTrotiSr STTFULA:tollst l:o iror:crivr'c0v:!:A':!5 Ttre fo11owln9 sf'eciel conlltlonst sti?ulltlonsttea a.,d prot-filve ccrcnir't! are hereb)' lilpcscl u;'on all s in-'-ie - i,rl: i" r::.'n ' tndlvt nodcll de5crl occor d on tll aval an Ccalg! io'Jn ( dlstr! l:nesr ::.u5t I:n cel:f.a tl C,'.a efI : sr all !e::lAlc tl c x'-cl e:ry i ; et:,c t qJl: acr I tr.:.l a5 ialthe: I Faothe I ve|.,1 sbal t ne!oil stli oll ;.i0r€t, l. !;o builc:ig. out5utldttrgt fcncet v'llr- oi. ' l:l::.T::::;: ;lii:l:: ii;"::t ii:::ii::.:#fi il i:'":ni".' ::,il :i :::' :1.';: ii ; ;i3l.?!.:-.; ".:i ^: t"'c n!tu;e'.kt'r" :i'lif ,'i i: .ri, -,. cr I i'..s,,:;i'rl;r,:ir:' ;' :i:: :?t:i"":!=:'..It::'--i-s, :' j_: " . - . : .' ' ': j . . . .. : ..irr r r .rj. r --.-c-,:Iy ;;:-.;":'-'. r: . ..i ..'. -: ":"': io ' -: ri1:- il :-tt-.;i;,i,' ::: ::t.,: ;:i ;;i :;:;j-:i' i' :, . ;:!:., ::;, i:", .' ;;;i"'il' :i,r"i:; r:;t ::. i;i',i'"i;:;:.::,' ;; :ll'.:i;'l::';i :ii1"""'-:;;;;.:-.:;.ii.'.',iiir t,:"e ti'u t:;i" to rci-te ro a;:: -1'e snv i; ::i -: :.:r' ;; ti: i;il:;":' :: ;';:1i"";"'i' "':; i: :i'":i. ir::z;i.: J i l 1 't ! : 'i , 'I ,t )'t i, i.;il"';i"!.; ::;::';; Ii" ciiv-",i:;':'.,r "?:e:'n::t:ve i: : ;, i :, r, i ; t ; ; " : i I :' ;6;i'+ai ! : t,', =i**#i 2. On a:ry s::' lr' l_:"e s-bdh'islo' cont'lnlng t*o i*elllng ur.1ls, oie o: ,-r,e uniii i' irr not cxcced-onc-thlrd (l/3) of the to:ar g.o"" t"iiJo"tlaI floor-"iea-alLoe:blet as d.J:ined by ord!n.,n.e rto. ir-lttr"" oJ 1973r :ewn oi-vallr ;;9;;'a;;',.t'. colorado,.es a' indec; holiever' 1".1o."::l' t:'av the totar q,"t" ."uro""ilii r16or a:ca dxcced 3'950 squarc ilit'ij" i"i-lri.. :t,"'. t""-o*tiiine unlts are Pro?osed ott . elte' :hcy 5h.11 hrve tn"-t""oliiii" oi a siig1e-fa:lly reglJc;rtlal s:iucture an: rtay'irot be "n1r'o'-1n'r;en untts' 3. ?hc contt'uctlon of 'ny br'l1'1i'9r'stELictute' !il';;.'i;-iil.-::.:.;;i";;--';-;;ilr' rt' :' :' bc :rirt' -to t'''c i j::,ii =:"ii::, i:,ii'; ;:;:';;;;".;;":"";::":ir!i r, !;:l'"- ,?il:,it:i":i iry l*:.;:: :;:ii::'::;":'Ti:';:i:"";":: l]ii"rl, -i." -- at.c .,ain.ir t ncl;:1: cr!r'9 ; to: ctt : ^:' '"- ""'"'-'--li ":''ori't"rv Ftottbltcd itto! irxir'9!e;3nt of any Sort - ..o! itx;r'9!e;3nt of any Sort i5 ESsolutely Fto:aDrrsu 'D;;.;;i;-r-.i;;";""rc I'cas. ?:,:h: ::?11:::t:::"13'3"i"ll .nt';i:;i i'ir ;'::':;ii!i ii- ii"itr i B it t:r*'rd. r'r: ::-::'i^?);:::1:;:: ;:l:-;";;.i ";;"Ji,-r"."'." ef .ll: :::::.:l::,;i;:;;:.'i;'":.i":;.;;' ;;i i"l- iii->": i,r,"q' -1.:'::: :::"1:avarnscnes rn su?L ar!',1f '""i-i: ;;,,.r"... ;r"ferty'c8.!g. ando! 9'-r.ra | ': e t:.creon 9!iJcg 1,.*_. ] I I rI ti,:.c r )' 6:' t ect e r:c ! T. ir,'1t 3 , i":o''!. '.11 ! 'es 11, or or i j,- I- ,. :..r. ! :'. lcn a'.\.)t ta :cr : :::._i:': I| :i .r.- -:. l:.. ..-: : :,ct,- ._:i :.:::r': l tly ) -..a-\t': L:r 1-: i:..1-,t -4- lnrlvldltr1s thereon subrect !o Physlcrl lnjury' a. iny butldlngt. struqlur!t 'or lnPrgvetent-ln cert!ln ' r,odet6te hrz.rd .rcas "r - tt; -;;;;1;l;lon' m6re' l"ltlll1l51In j illIiii"a it-rthlblt B 6ttacbed bcreto' 5h!ll-bc de5r9t i:::ti";i:i ;i:,1;i:;'riii'iF ;:ii;i"'i iii:i;iii.l':;'0" i nvala:1chr6 of noieri!c s""triiy and :'requency 1n t'L'c Itehl ccs iEnated ln txnlblt 5' l:.. :Ii!91 :::,ln:"':;':l:::"i':il3?:::":l :!',o," o, i'",r,=lii3l ill'i"i"' i;-i:il;:i:i;!:i::i:1".:".1:"""iti"'*i!ll.il.Y"l1"3i;ii"i"ii' rii"ii,i;ii-ii :l-;:i;:::l :;.;::::::{ t i;:i'::;"i5.1:"i:::1";: ir:i-:t:^ii:l ili",:i,:l'9.;1i1"'"""" i:!i"li.iiifii't"i;,:li;;1.!:.!l: ?::'::.;"liii:il:ii';:':"?:.:t:i;;':-":"r;;;;;-i.;i:l::. l:'- :::n,::i:!::-:?"ll.'31:i!l';:;,il=:5'"i!=.'"iii-::;:::::. :::"1"::;::?.i::;i, ffi :o:"'j"l;i:.;'i;;.;;:::li!-ii-ii:iii"i i::l:;:';i"t::'*^:lir!'t" lt.;:' :;:. i!f :l:;::':'l!.liii"ii:ri :ii:ilrl:*' !"1;1'.i"1 ltili!':";;;ii' .;';!;"i-ti'11;i-,3;1:'::,:',.;.:'l:i::::1,:' ;:":il!' i:i'i,;i.:il;. :li i:-.:;i::'*,.11;ii;"1'"";:l:;;:;;.':".-'ii'i"lt-i"i,i"i' \i.--' t oti's ai' v'::e'-dtlon' , - 1)' !JllC- tc _!:.e be t:_.e r.r :i,:ng two cj oira-li.:rC a::o!'.ble'-6;6 9i Va 111 no ( v ent cd 3r9!O squalG !.:-rio!ed on gl ! -: a:- 1lY a;e" un 1ts. 5t('Jc!uret 1t"d ln orc iar-o 4ic by th 19 r:er ot_.,-Lvt: {.nt, .y .i: a;e and 6. ;.ll 9!rtacc !r'es 'jlsturbcJ ty ccnsiruct:on sr,.11 bc ie:.r!iei t:oii'tly il-'-rtuii-"ut"t"i c:rl1:1on'a;rd ::.,:la-.',eJ 1. .,!i:v. c,,"otti-"i"u;i ":ioiu ""h :Inu:-1tt to '".'ii. lii..'-ui ... .itrt"cilon o! garJ:r's' fe ilr' 6n= cx tc9:a: l.lv!tg a:c!t' 1. :;c c'cr:i'; "t:ll,?".i:il:i;:t":'.:::";::"::r,aiv tltc rj'ti'. ; cun' JItot rtn!t :i-t:":;"i-:. Ii-." i.coO ::i::: :, ::l;i:i"i,:;l:t;:r,i":":iit;:"':'l'i:,3i'l,r,li. ."u. lir c7l lt-l cvcl- d"c-r1:nis' 8.'ro tc'.ro'arv ":::!::;:';-:il"lilll"?lii;"31:.0.trr:ler' or tcr.t 5:-!11 ?:-r;;.;;;;;;.!;n-iic o. .-L-.3.1:ei: by as ;rrY bc necc!'ciY c-t:n; thc ?i*:: ot V!11. e. I ieraec "l::1-:;ri:c:::'!"!l iii;"i'iitl'llttdce tor.t leist oi'e trto lite sit.. .qi) cai- ertt tt"ii*ii' bc!ts' !ni s: iilr:-tYP' ilirlioi-"t"i be t:ct: ln juiiy e;c:oscc 9t'are 'reaE' lO. Al1 sttl;ct!lca cot:l:'cnccd in the srbJlvlslon snarr ui"'purl'rlia---artrg""ti! fo iorplet!on'":-:l:ll o' co;:\pletcd ,.lthin rz t'ontn' oi'thu d'ta of co:r';'cnce=enl thc;cof. except rt ra1' oc *i:ted ln trl::n9'by l|'e lovtr of V611. 11. Enforcc::rcnt oi thcat sPecl!1 condl!1on3' stL.uIa":o:15' antl lto!' c"'ve*;;;;"-";t" ehrll rcst-s31cly l.lth iil'ii"i- i:' i" rr, ;"t t"l-llili.::..,":i:,1, :lill l,'1I3"'or r',oj1:Y thcse 5; ec:al iol iiliui3l;,:iii^;:* ii i;ii:'.:'';:ii":: ii:';;:i'";": !i;rovc' ;--!T- - r.'-rr-rF-'t:'.'T:-t r-t F.if, ir(csuled l?'1r ?';n' daY of viit, vi.LsY. I:ic' -5- i*."',.i# *,f ii:t**:i"'illllt,ll':t1{*i* : iijioiiii'". !' tlPul6tlon' ' ' *#***ry***;l1ffi: rt'rffi*u*lffi*i***; ".,. o'"'li .";;: ;l::ili':i:l':{"1* :??":i":!I"!::;::' iii:t::i,: ii:"i;,::r.'"*;i::i':';iiti'";t-t' :t't *:,: QJ.r-- ;;?rtf,'f,-ti. i utrc' -v1c'-;;;;i;";t lno secre LlrY sT;TE OF CILORADO COUNTY OF 'AGL' ',,Mr{:{;z+tpt )) ss. )Il t I I l. trI oo : ....- ' ':' ..G'7 -F!:=1i-1''r1.TT!i"3 ;.'. r" '.-'r':iE- :{,'le'ri ;r+. '.,, ,..c:.':. .:t'i, , J: ,:r . r':.rr i i'!,rri,' l, ,' 1,., ,, , l' ;',,. . til ,tiiig.;i_iifiii 'il: :i; *,s",19-*:ii,:1*ffiiiiii'i#*:" - lit i:y cor.;:,rsston '*tt"" 11':::]*--T$;l]:f ;it-\. [,. i a i+ffi .o a ;.1 :' :.ll;;!*r ' ..! !ti! .. I lrl l: 19s409 s?ff-l-1.1!r a,r't r.: fr i+r.d rr.aEtlalrd.,. AUG 30 8nffi, (efirru 6: ;&144m.8,1,- u aat 4.2u,/o.ta2 _d Btdq ?sz 'til ,O.' /.!enurta, A Yraa\ T, APPLICATION FOR VARIA And/Qr CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 0rdlnance No, I (Series ol 19731 o NCE Applicatlon Hearlng Da te Date '€-3-77 Fi na I D6ci sion date for Town Councl I I ( we ) do hereby request permission to appear before the Vai I Planninq Commission to request the following: Variance f rorn Article--, Secfl on , Dqlivec- Pnone'f€t- *t4"1(City) Zoning Chang€ from SbD to -T-ee Fl"r+t r-{ *t-s rDClT(p,L_Parking Variance b-oRgo =ea<- {## OE:l) =?A<r:Conditional lJse Permif to allow tn Zone . For the following described property: Lot/tract_, Block Fi ling Number C learly stale purpose and i ntent of th is app I ication L (App I icant) Publlcation Address 4 tr+R.r*e c e .Fre V*re v,+L-ue1 , 3@ Flr-r,r.raz r-oT: 16 Aruu t1 Ar"T Co,r'ArecT-{-F Ta' 4 PL,ALtc Ao^F. 8Y A ac FoT PR\v,+Te Dl_rv€u"}Ay- What do you feel is the basis for hardshio in this case? ) lilc- ?*1,, Slgnafure of Appl icant aa I-trnAI l\Trr'TrT rtTrrt \-, .t I \Jtjr PLEAS}; TAiiE lioTiCE TIIAT Mr. VaiJ. Valley, f nc. has appliecl f or of the Sunburst property, Town of pursuant to Article III, Section ttegulat ions . NorrcE rs ALso crvEi.I THAT Mr. Ilrarren K. pulis has requested that the resubdivision of said property be rezoned from fhe existing special Development District 1 to Two Famify Residential ]ots in accordance with section 21.s00 of the Zoning ordinance. Ordinance No. B, Serles of 1923, as amended. NorIcE rs ALSO GrvEN THAT IvIr. Itlarre'K. pulis has requested a variance from ordinance No. g, series of 1g73, Section 3.501 in order to a11ow build.ings on two lots not having a 3o foot frontage on a public road but connected to a pubric road by a. 20 foot private driveway, Pursuant to the provisions of section 21.500 of the Zoning ordinance and pursuant to the subdivision Regulations, a pubric hearing will be held on May 26 , LgTz before the Vair planning commission rvhose decision will be transmitted to the Town council for final action. said trearing will be held in the vair Municipar Building at 3:OOPM. TOIYN OF VAIL DEpAFTTUENT OF COMIfUNITy DEVELOpT{ENT hn- Diana Toughill Zoning Adnrinistrator Published in the Vail Trail May 6, j.g7z l{arren K. Pulis, representing a resubdlvision of a portion Vail, County of llagle, Colorado 3, of the Town of Vail Subdivisj.on (O't "/ '' r" ,r7 ,r,r/'\ r'') zllltl'rcNt \ ol''v ,, ' *"#H:::?',/L- AN ORDINAIICE REZONI*" '7AII VELLEY NHIRD FrLrNG, A REsuBDrvrsrfr-or a pontron o!- SUNBURST, FROM SDD1 TO TI^TO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, GREENBELT AND NATURAL OPEN SPACE AND PUBLIC USE DISTRICTS' REPEALING CHAPTER 18.40 OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE; AND AIIIE}IDING THE OFFICIAL ZONIIiG MAP IN RELATION THERETO I.IHEREAS, on the Official Zoning Map of the Town, vail va11ey Third Filing, a resubdivision of a portion of Sunburst, is currently zohed as Special Development District No. 1; WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 18.56.110 of the Vail Municipal Code, an application for rezoning has been filed by Vail Valley, Inc., requestinq that Vail valley Third Filing be rezoned to Twc Family Residential, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District, and Public Use District; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the Tovm of Vail has considered the same and recommended approval of said appli- cation to the Town Council; and WIIEREAS, the Tovn Council considers that it is in the public interest to rezone said property; NOI{, THEP.EFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOI.IN COUNCIL OF THE TOI{N OF VAIL, TIIAT: (1) The Council specifically finds that the procedures for the amendment of the Officiat Zoning Map and rezoning of properties within the Town of VaiI as prescribed in Section l-8.66.110 of the Vail Municipal- Code have been fulfilled, and the Councit hereby receives the report and recommendation of the Planning Commission reconrmending the a;;pqoval of the application for rezoning of the above specified property. (2') Pursuant to Section 18.66.150 of the Vail l'luni- cipal Code, the following described parcels are rezoned from Special DeveJ-opment District No. 1 to: _1 nv.rl . Page 2 (A) Two Family Resj-dential District - A,ILots 1 through"*, vaiL Valley ThirdFiling, €r resubdivision of a portion of Sunburst, and Tracts C and D, Vail Va11ey Third Filing' a resubdivision of a portion of Sunburst. (B) Greenbelt and Natural open Space District - Tract A, VaiI Valley Third Filing, a resubdivision of a portion of Sunburst. (C) Public Use .District - Tract B, Vail Valley Third Filing, a resubdivision of a portion of Sunburst. (3) That portion of Chapter 18.40, "Special Develop- ' ment District 1 (SDl)", of the Vail Municipal Code, which relate to the property described herein, is hereby repealed. (4) As provided in Section 18.08.030 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Zoning Administrator is hereby directed to promptly modify and amend the official Zoning Map to indicate the rezoning specified in paragraph (2) above. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED' AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE rN FULI this 16th day of August I L977 t and a public hearing on this ordinance'shall be held at the regular meeting of the Toltn council of the Town of Vail , Colorado, on the 6th day of September, L977, aL 7:30 P.M., in the Municipal BuiJ.ding of the Town. Mayor ATTEST: town Clerk Ii ta! $F LEGAL NOTICE PLEASII TAKE NOTICE THAT Mr. I{arren K. putis, Vail Va11ey, Inc. has applied for a resubdivision of the Sunburst property, Town of Vai.l, County of pursuant to Article III, Section 3, of the Town of Regulat ions . represent ing of a portion Eag1e, Colorado Vail Subdivision NorrcE rs ALso GrvE.I THAT Mr. warren K. pulis has requested that the resubdivision of said property be rezoned from the existing special Development District 1 to Two Famir-y Residenti.al lots in accordance with section 21.b00 of the zontng ordinance. Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1923, as amended. NorrcE rs ALS. GrvEN THAT Mr. Ivarre* K. purls has requested a varlance from ordinance No. g, series of 1923, sectlon 3.b01 in order to al1ow buildings on two lots not having a 30 foot frontage on a public road but connected to a publj.c road by a 20 foot private driveway, Pursuant to the provisions of section 21.500 0f the Zoning ordinance and pursuant to the subdivlsion Regurations, a pubrie hearing wilr be held on May 26, rgzz before the vaif planning commission whose decisi-on wirl be transmitted to the Town council for final action. said Hearing wilr be held in the vail Municipal Building at 3:OOPM. TO1IIN QF VAIL DEPATTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT fu-*;^-fi-z Diana Toughill "r'Zoning Administraror Published in the Vail Trail May 6, ITTZ PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that First of and Vail Va1 ley, fnc have applied for of the Sunburst property, Town ofVail, pursuant to Article 1lL, Section 3, of Regulations. Denver Mortgage Investors a resubdivision of a portion County of Eagle, Colorado the Town of Vail Subdivision NorrcE rs ALS' GrvEN that First of Denver Mortgage rnvestors and vail Va11ey, rnc- have requested that the resubdivision of said property be rezoned from the existing speciar Deveropment Distirct as follows: Approximately four acres owned by Vail va11ey, rnc. and approximately eight acres owned by First of Denver Mortgage rnvestors is proposed to be rezoned to Low Density Multipre Family with Residential cluster density and the approximately 1.3 acres wlth the existing building is proposed to be rezoned to a new special Devel0pment District. Application has been made in accord with Secti.on 21. b00 of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. g, Series of 19?3, as amended. A Public Hearing was held pursuant to the provisions of Section 21.500 of the Zoning Ordinance and pursuant to the Subdivision Regulations before the Town of Vai.t planni.ng commission whose decision has been transmitted to the Town council for final decision. Said Hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building at t_.30 pM on August 2, I}TT. DEP OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT --<tz) ,'J "2,'n/..-21 Zoning Administraror Published in the Vail Trail_ July 1b, ITTT .z'l) \*'\: ":'_ ./ ./\)'t' /- \ ('\o,/. .-__.\ u ,,,) /A -"+.r=-" / --- '---\ // ll q.\\'. 2 \ X,l #n*SN*W'W//1,\.''.'.1-$V -\ \l ////, \\.'{ '} "\ \ //;1\HF* tl.-lI- ,,-iY\-lt--^\/l- ill,l'l[ilif,Hr Gore iill,i,//l///,':Y'l- rwM --1- ---'l-:---H Clu bhouse x824?.8 ct-n^\i{ \.JJl ( Y Y\ Y ooo C\' \ l() oauo ffifrry 5/50' - B?46.3 i I O., xa2a$5.s1 t "^\ : \.._J(t \"€r!'A qrya824a'2 ).'.}3 x 8246.3 i I I .-.,1--.-----.-'-- .,,. .4 '360: 37iit 7z 601 1c0'z ,1,1,(, ,'w:Y 2418 -----=---a400 :-sE 8/50 -{sY BBSC'