HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 LOT 19 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.va ilgov.com Project Name:LEAMAN REMODEL Project Description: DRBNumber:DRB070047 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTERATION TO WIDEN THE DRIVEWAY,REPLACE EXISTING BOULDER RETAINING WALL WITH STONE VENEER TO MATCH EXISTING STONE AND TO EXTEND DECK ATDINING AND UVING ROOM Participants: OWNER LEAMAN,LEE S.&JAN H.02/12/2007 702 FOSTER DR RICHMOND TX77469 APPUCANT MICHAEL CURRENT 02/12/2007 Phone:970-331-6345 PO BOX 5524 EAGLE CO 81631 Project Address:1998 SUNBURST DRVAIL Location: 1998W SUNBURST DR LegalDescription:Lot:19Block:Subdivision:VAIL VALLEY FIUNG3 Parcel Number:2101-091-0303-6 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Planner:RACHEL FRIEDE Action:WITHDRWN Date ofApproval: DRBFeePaid:$20.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vall,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2128 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vallgov.com General Information: All projects requlrlng desIgn review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application.Please refer to the submlttal requirements forthepartIcular approval thatIs requested.An application for Deslgn Review cannot be accepted untilall required Information Is received bythe Community Development Deparbnent.The project mayalso need to be reviewed by the Town Coundl and/orthe Planning and Environmental Commission. Designreview approVllI lapses unless a building permit IsIssued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of theRequest:1b W'QWJ fXl~\llIo1h 1>l-ivG I 1.:tf~l';X,c;T1Allr t1 ~"~~/oJIN~w~"?"CO~\J~m..~NI,Je ~~IW\iUf £!.'.e..rtitWfJD •r><-'ttlC:.4 -----------,-::-------Phone:-------::----------''r-- Owner(s)Slgnature(s):(~~~~~ow~'S(Q...J~j Name of Applicant:\v\.,~l.-c..~ MailingAddress:To ~1..-v;"\-~,L 0 ~I b~\ _________~~---:----_Phone:43=0.?~I .loT;.<\-') E-mailAddress:WM.(...I r t ~H!1~'c.~Fax:_ o Separation Request No Fee Type of ReviewandFee: o SIgns o Conceptual Review o New Construction o Addition o Minor Alteration (multl-famlly/commerclal) ;(..Minor Alteration (sfngle-famlly/duplex) o Changes to Approved Plans Planner:...:..."... $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 EllIs $1.00 per square footoftotal sign area. Forconstructlon of anew building or demo/rebuild. Foran addition where square footage Is added to anyresidential or commerdal building (Indudes 250 additions &.Intertor conversions). For mnor changes to buildings and site Improvements,such as, re-rooflng,painting,Window additions,landscaping,fences and retaIning walls,etc. Forminorchanges to buildings and site Improvements,such as, re-rooflng,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Stafforthe Design Review Board. MI Extericw """"ona ~tIon far Dalgn ...., IJIitwkniltIll'Cu.i'......a.';nat 75 iI!IIW'IlFa4i...-11M4.VIII.~itoUt IE ~l!iP:~:'t.Mi:ll ~................... 00o D.ulltlfw .....~ill ..::J\t._!rAP ..f7:1t@NI.1IfnIi t ~'!J',t'i-T4 ~n;sr:r.~·fi[~~;::S:&~~...,t.L LiII MI'.d'tfIII """•',.,...t:t...IIb::k;,~.~v.J ~41'~1!1 . .ftrIII..WIL ••f Lj"~S !JAt~P4"bit..._~ ..........,.--x--{OJi ....&o'*~..'....,.ltg;J[h:J»iJM)!'w~~) ~be W;'·~I .t.ft l't..1":t··.~'1/~-.Ml=.y s= ,,*Ial(~lilt'lNillIi(i):i .,.~=.."...~lol·::::;;.~..:;:::..:::,..:=.:=..........................='=''" ....lriIIrll.MlUI Ii ..~'lrJ:&~~.~,1~'lJ::OO:...._".......".....,....:+=~~l 71 7..til IS-.,Sji'.,::j~;::-:t_Z~~-!!!!!!!!!I!!"''''"'''------.---- ......atiw..£MIb Ml£..WSa.-.WH.~ _e"...:.........t9~.\!lJi~~~::;"7 :i~~~'ft-.....----- .....UJ:z±±:~~~~~-LiN.-"'"'....!--=-= lfiMI fill &.,£11III"IIIMi FlIIIJ n :eQlI [J Oti!.......fI!I"IW' tJ !4M~ ~.AdRIan I:J 1eD~ tJMI?2......'Mt'MIIi1' -.: • Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970 -479-2452 March2,1999 To Whom It May Concern: ,~. ...,"~., .:.- 0,.,) ..,0. WORLD C HAMPI ON S HIPS ALP IN ESIC I 1999 ·VAll·8EAVE R CREEK CO L OR A D O ·US A TM The Town of Vailhas inspected and approved the interior and exterior improvements totheduplex residence located at1998 Sunburst DriveILot19,Vail Valley Th ird. Upon completion of our inspection tha t Town of Vailhas approved thefinal occupancy inspect ion .A formal certificate fromthe Town of Vai l willbeproce ssed andma iled inthe coming weeks . Shouldyouhaveany question or concerns with regard to the information addressed above,please donot he sitate tocal l.Yo u canreachmemos t e asilybyte lephone at9 70-479-2145. Since rely, ,;~'--~~ GeorgeRu ther,AICP SeniorPlanner Town of Vai l Xc :GaryGoodell,Chief Bui lding Officia l o RECYCLEDPAPt'R r Feb-25-99 03 :18 pm From-D UNN ABPL~&MAUR IE LL O 9704764765 4111t .T-087 P.02/02 F-296 APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW A.NAME OF APPLICANT NATHAN J .ACCARDO B.KENT GARLINGHOUSE 300 West 19th Terrace 3601 Southwest 29th Street .MAILING Kansas City,MO 64108 Topeka,KS 666'05 ADDRESS Telephone #816-474-3200 Telephone i 913~273-3990 B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Arthur A.Abplana lp,Jr./Carrie Hendon Dunn.Abplanalp &Mauriello PC C. D. NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (print or type)NatQ:t:.Accardo/B.Kent Garlinghou~ OWNER'S SIGNATURE d4qt~fill.";; Nathan J.A9cardo .B Kent GarlinghouseMAILINGADDRESS3UOWest19SJ1TerraoersorSoutnwest29th Street Kansas City,MO 64108 Topeka,KS 66605 Telephone *816-474-3200 Telephone #913-273-3990 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL FILING THIRDLOT19BLOCK--SUBD IVI51ON_V.;.:A:.:;I:.:L=--.:V~AL=L=E~Y ~~.:..::1...""';;'==:':::'" E.FEE'F /0°.- PAID .3 -\-~\ (date) BY :5:>0 Ao.11 0 F.MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED 1.Two mylar cop'es oftheduplex subdivislon plat following the requ'rements of Section 17.16.130 (e),1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,13 and 14 ofthe Subd'v1sion Regulations . 2.Tha plat must contain the following statement: "Forzoning purposes,the two lots created by th1s subdivision are to be treated asone entity with no more thanone two-family res1l!ence allowed on the combined areas ofthe two lots.1I The statement mustbemodified according to the number of lots created. 3.A copy ofthe declarations and/or covenants proposedto assure the maintenanceof any common ·areas.The declaratlon and/or covenants shall specifically address the painting of the exteriors ofthe units so that the units will be palnted the same color and maintained in the same manner. G.APPROVAL PROCESS,REVIEW CRITERIA 3-1 -'\'\ These can be found in Chapter 17.24 ofthe Subdivision Regulations. cJtt~' ProjectName : ..It Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Accardo Residence Projec t Descript ion:residentialadditiontothesecondaryunit(250) Owner,AddressandPhone :Nate Accardo Architect/Contact ,AddressandPhone :Dale Smith,1650 E.VailValley Drive,Vail,Colorado, 81567476-6342 ProjectStreetAddress :1998 Sunburst LegalDescription : ParcelNumber : Comments : Motionby: Secondedby: Vote : Lot 19,VailValley 3rd BuildingName: Board /Staff Action Action:approved Conditions :approved per plans submitted TownPlanner:George Ruther Date :6-10-98 DRBFeePre-Paid :$50.00 F:IEVE R YO N"iDRBIAPPROVA1.I98\ACCARDO.610 .'., TO : FROM: DATE: • MEMORANDUM Planningand Environmental Commission Department of Community Development June8 ,1998 • SUBJECT:Arequestfor additonal GRFAutilizingthe250ordinance ,toallowforaremodelto the secondary unit,located at1998SunburstDrive/Lot19,VailValley3rdFiling. Applicant: Planner: NateAccardo,representedbyDaleSmith,Fritzlen,PierceBrinerArch itects GeorgeRuther I.DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST In1985,theVailTownCouncilapprovedOrdinance#4,Seriesof1985 ,whichcreated Chapter (12- 15-5)oftheVailMunicipalCode,entitled"AdditionalGrossResidentialFloorArea."This Chapter allowsforupto250squarefeetofadditionalGrossResidentialFloorArea(GRFA)tobeaddedtoa dwelling(beyondthe maximum allowance),providedcertaincriteriaaremet.Thepurposeofthe Additional GRFA Ordinance istoprovidean inducement fortheupgradingofexisting dwellings units,whichhavebeeninexistenceforaperiodofatleastfiveyears,by permitting uptotwo hundredfifty(250)squarefeetofGRFAtobeaddedtoadwellingunit. The applicant isrequestingtoaddatotalof149squarefeetwithinthe secondary unitutiliz ing the additional 250squarefeetofGRFA.Theadditionwouldinfill42sq.ft.ofvaultedspaceatthefront entryandtheremaining107squarefeetwouldbeaddedatopthefirstfloor,adjacent tothe master bedroom .Asmall exterior deckisalsoproposedonthesecondflooronwestside ofthebuilding. Duetothe present configuration ofthebuilding,thetotalsite coverage forthebuildingwillnotbe increased asaresultoftheadditions. II.BACKGROUND The applicant's duplexwasbuiltin1980andreceivedaFinal Certificate of Occupancy in1982.The buildingis nonconforming inseveralaspects .First,thebuilding exceeds the maximum building heightby approximately 1foot.Second ,thebuilding encroaches intothefront setback aswellas, bothside setbacks .Finally,thebuildingisovertheallowableGRFA.TheTownofVailrecords showthatthisbuilding complied withtheexistingzoning requirements whenitwasbuilt,andis therefore,alegal nonconforming structure.InMarchof1997,a250GRFA allocation and facade improvements were granted fortheprimaryunit.Asapartofthatrequest,facade improvements to theother half ofthisduplex (secondary unit)werealsorequiredand approved bytheDesign ReviewBoard(inMayof1997)tomatchthenew architecture . 1 .. III.ZONING ANALYSIS LotSize:16,587squarefeet Zoning:Primary/Secondary Residential •." Hazards:Highhazardrockfall;moderatehazarddebris flow;possible avalancheinfluence zone A1 lowedlReguired Existing Proposed Remaining GRFA:5,259sq ft .6,092*sq.fl .6 ,344 sq.ft .o sq .fl. Primary: W1250:3,020sq.ft.3,941*sq.ft.N/C o sq .ft . Secondary: W/250:2,239 sq.ft .2,151sq.ft.2,298 sq.ft.101sq.ft.(250) SiteCoverage:3 ,317 sq.ft .3,091sq ft .3,317sq.ft .o sq .ft . •Existing GRFAnumbersaregreaterthan allowed dueinpartto previous interior conversions. IV.CRITERIA ANDFINDINGS A.Consideration ofFactors: Beforeact ing onanapplicationforadditionalGRFA,thePlanningand Environmental Commission shall consider thefollowingfactorswithrespecttotheproposeduse: 1.Effect upon the existing topography.vegetation ,drainage and existing structures. Staff doesnotbelievethattheexterioradditionsw ill significantly affect exist ing sitetopography ,vegetation,drainage,orexisting structures.No treeswillberemovedasaresultoftheadditions ,andsincebothofthe additionsareonthesecondfloor ,noregradingisrequired . 2.Impact on adjacent properties. Staff believesthattheproposedadditionswillnothaveasign ificant impact onadjacentproperties .Thefacade improvements willmatchexistingfacade improvements andenhancethispropertymakingitmore compatible withthe surroundingstructures.Theadditionshaveonlyminimalimpactsonthebulk andmassofthebuildingandwillnotnegativelyaffectviewsfromadjacent properties. 3.Compliance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Section 12-15-5.B.6 oftheTownofVailMunicipalCoderequiresthatany dwellingunitforwhichanadditionisproposedshallberequ ired tomeetthe TownofVailDesignGuidelinesassetforthin Chapter 12-11-1oftheVail Municipal Code.Additionally,beforeanyadditionalGRFAmaybepermitted in accordance with Chapter 12-15 ,thestaffshallreviewthe maintenance 2 ·'• andupkeepoftheexistingsinglefamilyortwofamilydwellingandsite, includinglandscaping,todetermine whether theycomplywiththeDesign ReviewGuidelines.Thesestandardsincludelandscaping,undergrounding ofutilities,drivewaypavingandgeneral maintenance oftheproperty . Upon inspection ofthesitebystaff,wefindthatthe property isin compliancewiththeapplicable development standards listedabove.The dr iveway ispavedandallutilitiesarebelowground.Staff believesthatthe siteisadequatelylandscapedandnoadditionallandscapingisrequired. B.Findings: ThePlanningandEnvironmental Commission shallmakethefollowingfind ings before grantingapprovalforAdditionalGRFA: 1.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwouldnot negatively effectexisting topography ,vegetation,drainageandexisting structures . 2 .ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAddit ional GRFAwouldnot negatively impactadjacentproperties . 3 .ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwouldcomplywithall Townzoning requirements andapplicable development standards. V.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community DevelopmentDepartment staff recommends approval ofthe applicant's request for149squarefeetofadditionalGRFA(underthe250Ordinance).Staffs recommendation for approvalisbaseduponthereviewofthecriteriaandfindingsoutlinedinSectionIVsubjecttothe followingfindings: 1.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwillnot negatively effect existing topography,vegetation ,drainageandexisting structures . 2 .ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwillnot negatively impact adjacentproperties . 3 .ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwillcomplywithallTownzoning requirements andapplicable development standards. AI-D ·} 3 • SIT E P LA N 1/8 "I'0"TRU E B L DG NORT H NOR TH b L EV EL O NE FL O OR P L AN I G) I G) I I I I I -7 I I I I I ~)'-0 ')'-0 '<0 i '0 , i D '~1 I I I g]I ~ R r>.I !EXlSTlH~I 0 <:»lM.o\Cc essele .(102 c ....u(,e ) FOU,"O ...TtOti 7I....RE A I ? ~CO lol T ROL JOI y ct t .o,E X151 5l,l,1!"I EL.H'-O· j rEC H",NlC....LEOIJIPLOC"'T IO~II IF (000 "o"'''''jIj(!4H~g] r-i-T.O .EX IST SLA D ,~(mf1Uo~L...- I I:l.'~'-O'~,6lI i?~I t'T~I IlJ !""F2 I ~L I ?I ;,N J ""O ~A I r:::iU.J .~h I ~,I-- I P RIMARY !m IT :rNO 1l0 Rt::r ...5 ...."T' ,f,;--- I ~LADC. C ? " -f1-I ti-l IIIIIL __________ I 22'-~'I iH'-a"~r -o ' ,u ..-o-C---------- I I I I 0---1- I I I I I o I I I I I L I I I I I I I L I I I Z E1 : I I I @-__I- T I>UE B lilO HO"l'TH HO Rl ~T9 p~,,=il.U ·-O· NO Nt::W WORK TH ISF LOO R ~ ( <b M A IN LE VEL FL O OR PLA N I I1 !==;7':I? I I I I 1 1 I I o o o o~ " ,.----------------, ,,,, ~ I I G:J I I ("••o-."t 1\_/'-...V (UV :Nr:,Q"-B20) I I rn II : ! I, I I I ! 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MEMBERS PRESENT J ohnSchofield G a len Aasland A nn Bishop (left at5:30pm) BrianDoyon To m W eber Site Visits: MEMBERS ABSEN T GregMoffet Diane Golden 12 :30 p .m. 1.Va il Associat es -Tr act D,VailLionshead 1st. 2 .Adam-706ForestRoad 3 .Grand T rave rse -Daup hinais-Mos eley Subdiv ision Filing #1 . 4 .Dayco -1315Sp raddle CreekRoad 5 .RadFiveL.L.C .-4469 Timb erFallsCo urt 6 .Ac cardo -1998 Sunb urstDriv e 7.Bass-345Mill C reekCircle Driver :George NOTE :If th e PEGhearingextendsuntil 6 :00 p.m .,theboard \f~1 1 b reak fordinner from6:00-6 :30 p.m . Public Hearing -To wn Counc il Chambers 2 :00 p .m. 1.Arequestforaddi tional GRFA ,utilizing the250ordina nce,toallow fo r the expans ion of t he frontentry,locatedat2005 West GoreCreekDrive/Unplatted. Applicant:Tom Thomson ,represented byJohnPerkins Plann er:Christi e Barto n MOT ION:Gale n Aas land SECOND :AnnBishopVOTE :5-0 APPROVED 2 .Arequestforaddi tional GRF A ,ut ilizing the250ord inance ,toa llow forthe constructi on of aresidentialad dition,loc atedat 1998Su nburst Drive /Lot 19,Va il Valley3rd . A pplicant:NateAcca rdo,representedbyFritzlen ,Pierce ,Briner Plann er:Georg e Rut her MOTION :Gal en Aasland SECOND :An n BishopVOTE :5-0 APPROVED W ITH 1 CONDITION: • U pd ated 6 109 I (Jam 1.Thatthe construction sign age bebroughtintocompliancewiththeTownofVa il s ign regu lations. 3.Arequestfor additional GRFA ,utilizingthe250ord inance ,toallowforthe conversion ofa garagetoGRFA ,andfortheexpans ion ofthe mechanical room,locatedat345MillCreek Circl e/Lot 14,Block1,VailVillage1sl. Applicant:LeeM.Bass ,represented by Snowden andHop kins Planner:Geo rge Ruther MOTION :AnnBishopSECOND:Tom Weber VOTE :5-0 APPROVED WITH1 CONDITION: 1.ThattheTownofVailPublicWorks Department review andapprovethe proposed parkingplan . 4 .Aw orksession torev iew an amendment toaprevious ly approvedplanforthe Timber Fall s Development ,locatedat4469 Timber Falls Court/unplatted. t Appl icant: Planner: RADFiveL.L .C .,represented byGreg A msden DomineMauriello WORKSESSION -NOVOTE 5.Arequestforanextens ion ofa conditional usepermitfo r theLionsheadCh ildren's Tent , generally located next totheLi onshead Children 's skischool/Tract D,Vail Lionshead 1st . Applicant: Planner: Vail Associates ,represented byDavidThorpe ChristieBarton TABLED UNTIL JUNE 22,1998 6 .Arequestfora minor subdivis ion toamendabuilding envelope ,toallowforthe install ation ofag azebo ,located at1315SpraddleCreekRoad /Lot 12,SpraddleCre ek Estates . App licant:Dayco Hold ing Corpora tion ,represe nted byDavid ArgoofNoName Architects Planner:Dom inic Mauriello MOTION :Brian DoyonSECOND :AnnBishop VOTE:5-0 APPROVED 7.Areques t fora major am endment toSpecia l Deve lopment District #2 2,Grand Traverse , an d areq u est fora major subd ivision f or Lots5,6 ,7 ,8,9and10,Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision Filing#1. App licant: Planner: Patr ick Dauphinais GeorgeRuther 2 ,,' II MOTION:Ga len A asland SECOND:An nBishop • VO TE :5-0 Upd ated6!09 I Dam APPROVAL FOR RECOMMENDATION TO TOWN COUNC IL-MAJOR SUBDIVI SION MOTION :Galen A asland SECOND:A nnBishop VO TE :5-0 APPROVAL FOR RECOMMENDATION TO T OWN COUNCIL W ITH 3 CONDITIONS- SO D #22 MAJOR AM ENDMENT 1.T hat t hema ximum garage cred it foreachoft h e prim ary units cons truct ed int he d evelop ment not exc eeds ix hu ndred (600)sq uare fe et,unless and E HU is constructed onth e l ot,i n whi ch case,ana dditiona l 600 sq.ft .g arage credit be all owe d. 2.Th at t he max imum numb er of outdoo r lightsp erm itt ed o n eachofthelots inthe developm en t notexceed 15 lightstotal. 8.Arequest forafron t setbac k v ar iance ,t oa llow fora p rop o sed resident ial add itio n, loc at e dat 706For es t Road l Lot 9 ,Block1 ,VailVi llage 6 th . Appl icant :Nancy Adam ,r epre sentedbyFritzlen,Pierce,Briner Architect s P lanner:Ch rist ie B arton MO TION:Ann Bishop SECO ND :Galen Aasland VOTE :4-0(To m Web er rec used) APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION : 1 .That t h e ap plicant s hallm ai ntaina lim it of disturbance lineass hown onthe site pl an.Nobuilding a ddit ionsshall be allowed beyondthis line in thefutu re.Th is limitofdi sturbance anda ny ass ociat e dvar ianceswill becom e obsolete ifthe dup lex isde molish ed and rebuilt. 9 .Arequestfo r a w orksessiontod iscuss am ajor am endment t o Specia lD evelopment District#6,V ai l V illage Inn,toallow fora h otel redev elopme nt ,located at 100 East Meadow Dr ive ,LotsM a nd 0,Bloc k 5 0 ,Vail V illage 1st. Ap plicant: Pl an ner: Daymer Cor po ra tion,r epr e sent e dby J ayPeterson George Ruthe r TABLED U NT IL J UNE 2 2,1998 10 .A req uest for a sid e setback v ariance,to allow for th e c o nstruction ofanadditional g arage,loca ted at 81 3Po ta to Patc h Drive /Lot 1,Bloc k 1,Va il Potato Patch . Ap plicant: Planne r : Liz &LucMeye r,repre sentedby William Pierce Dom inic M aur iello TA BLED UNTILJ UNE22 ,1998 •til Up dated 6 /0 91(Jam ',. 11 .Are quest foraco nditional useperm it,toallow forabedand breakfast opera tion,located at 1779 Sierra Trail/Lot 18 ,VailVillageWes t Fil ing #1 . Ap plicant: Pla nner: Ma lin Johnsdotter/Robert Zellman Christie Barton TABLED UNTILJULY 27,1998 12 .A request f or afinal reviewof amajor ame ndment toSOD#4,toallow fora fractionalfe e club andach ange to the approv ed Development Plan ,located at1325 Westhaven Dr., West haven Condom iniums/Cascade VillageArea A. Appl ic ant: Plann er: WITHDRAWN G erald L.Wurhmann,represent e dbyRobbyRob inson GeorgeR uther 13 .Informa tion Update 14 .A pproval ofMay18,1998m inutes . TABLED UN TIL JUNE22,1998 The applica tions and inform ation abo ut theprop osals areav ailable forpub lic inspection during regular off ice h ours intheproject planner's o ffice locat ed atth e TownofVail Community Developme nt Department ,75 S outhFrontageRoad . Sig nl anguage interp retationavailable upo n request w ith 24hou r n otification .Pleasecall 47 9-2356.T elephone f or th e H earing Im paired.f orinformatio n. Community D evelopmentDepa rtment Publ ishedJ une5 ,199B intheVail Tra il. 4 Q.S?Call thePlanning Staff at479-2138 APPLICATION FOR PLANNINGAND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL .. GENEML INFORMATION",:'"-'...,.,__'.:~,~~~. Thisapplicationisforany project requiringapproval by thePlanningandEnvironmental Commission.'For specific '. information.seethesubmittal requirements fortheparticularapprovalthatis requested.The applicationcannotbe ' accepteduntilallrequiredinformation is submitted.TheprojectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTownCouncil and/ortheDesignReviewBoard.. o Amendment toanApprovedDevelopmentPlan o EmployeeHousing Uilit (Type:')",: o Majoror 0 MinorCCIExterior Alteration (VailVillage) o Majoror 0 MinorCCIIExterior Alteration (Lionshead) o SpecialDevelopmentDistrict o Majoror0MinorAmendmenttoanSOD DESCRI~~~N ~;~REQUEST:At:J;z1 DCAi ttJ Ex!1zr tNd- .=sc;<atQ'hZy UNlr .:aPE OFAPPLICATION: ~AdditionalGRFA (250) o BedandBreakfast o ConditionalUsePermit ' o Majoror 0 Minor Subdivision o Rezoning o Sign Variance o VarianceoZoningCode Amen'1lffient -~:::..:::_. B. A C.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:LOT ,I 1 BLOCK FILING \-i.iL ~.£.L tS X ar2.0 ADDRESS:/q-l:~5 2!')R I ~e.:s"-De .BUILDING NAME:~_,,,'~.~'o o t?c-6. D.ZONING:--,-/'/~'J,-/~-",-_ E. .ApplicationDate:PECMeetingDate:h '"'6 '1g /?c:2 I Ado , 47A "3 2~o Revised 6/96 ,• Department ofCommunity Development 75SouthFrontage Road J1lil,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 May14,1998 DaleSmith Fritzlen,Pierce,Briner,Architects 1650E .VailValleyDrive Vail,Colorado 81657 • TM RE :The Accardo residential addition,1998 Sunburst Drive/Lot 19,VailValley3rdFiling Dear Dale : Ihave completed apreliminaryreview of theplansyou submitted fora250 addition tothe Accardo residence,located at1998Sunbu rst Drive .Upon completion of mypreliminaryreview,I have determined thatadditional information needstobeindicatedontheplans . Please indicate thefollowing information ontheplans : I .Please indicateonthesiteplan (Sheet Al0I),the location of the42sq.ft .of additional GRFAbeing added overthefront entry as indicated onSheet Al03. 2 .A review of thefiles determines that there isnoavailablesite coverage remaining. Please submitasite coverage calculation analysis indicating that the proposed addition doesnotaddany additional site coverage tothe property. Ihave tentatively scheduled thefinalreview of your 250addition request withthePlanningand Environmental Commission for Monday,June8,1998.In order toremainontheJune8 agenda , the information addressed inthis letter mustbe submitted tothe Town of Vail Community Development Department bynolaterthannoon,Tuesday,May26,1998 .If youareunableto meetthisdeadline,please contact meat your earliest convenience ,sowecan reschedule your request fora later date. Should youhaveany questions or concerns with regard tothe information addressed inthis letter, asalways,please donot hesitate tocall .You canreachmemosteasilyby telephone at 479-2145 . Sincerely, ri.~~_f?~ George Ruther,AICP Senior Planner o RECYCLEDPAI'ER • Richard L.&Nancy V .Knowlton 40I Southwest 5'"Ave. Austin,MN55912 Donald 1.Herdrich 71Old Roaring Brook Rd . MTKisko,NY 10549 t2-ov[~-+~f ifh an I 'c (jYW1tiJ1 io vtll«1t.N. 01j/~t1JtP;'c(to etJ /10 i~v~oI'1'1 Il1ut.!fm~/vfi IfJo I g:;rnr.dw~i ~f/«(1e-/ ~()eVe CiJ·go 20 2- •THISITEMMAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthePlanningand Environmental Commission oftheTownof Vailwillholdapublichearingin accordance with Section 12-3-6oftheMunicipalCodeofthe TownofVailon June 8,1998,at2:00P.M.intheTownofVailMunicipalBuilding .In consideration of : Arequestfora worksession todiscussa major amendment toSpecia l Development District #6,VailVillageInn,toallowforahotel redevelopment ,locatedat100East Meadow Drive,Lots Mand 0,Block5D,VailVillage1st. Applicant : Planner: DaymerCorporation,represented byJayPeterson GeorgeRuther Arequestforaconditionalusepermit,toallowforaBedandBreakfastoperation ,located at 1779Sierra Trail/Lot 18,VailVillageWestFiling#1 . Applicant: Planner: Malin Johnsdotter/RobertZeltman ChristieBarton Arequestfora major amendment toSpecial Development District#22,Grand Traverse,anda requestfora major subdivisionforLots5,6,7,8,9and10,Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision Filing#1 . Applicant: Planner: PatrickDauphinais GeorgeRuther Arequestforaside setback variance,toallowforthe construction ofagarage,locatedat813 PotatoPatchDrive/Lot1,Block1,VailPotatoPatch . Applicant: Planner: Liz &LucMeyer ,representedby William Pierce DominicMauriello Arequestforan amendment toapreviouslyapprovedplanforthe Timber Falls Development, locatedat4469 Timber Falls Court/unplatted . Applicant : Planner: RADFiveL.L .C.,represented byGregAmsden DomineMauriello ArequestforanextensionofaconditionalusepermitfortheLionsheadChildren 's Tent,located nexttothe Lionshead Childrensskischoo l/Tract D ,VailLionshead1st . Applicant: Planner: VailAssociates,representedbyDavidThorpe ChristieBarton Arequestfora minor subdivision toamendabuildingenvelope,toallowforthe installation ofa gazebo,locatedat1315SpraddleCreekRoad/Lot12,Spraddle CreekEstates . Applicant: Planner: DaycoHoldingCorporation,represented byDavidArgoofNoName Architects DominicMauriello ArequestforadditionalGRFA,utilizingthe250 ordinance,toallowforthe construction ofa C ,) esidentialaddition,locatedat .1998 Sunburst Drive/Lot 19,VailValley3rd.vJ!tf Ir)'tJ M J/tf~/V'1pplicant:Nate Accardo ,represented byFritzlen,Pierce,Briner st tv'. Planner:George Ruther JL~t ~/.-. • A request foraddit ional GRFA ,utilizing the250ord inance,to allow fortheconversionofa garagetoGRFA,andfortheexpansionofthe mechanical room,locatedat345Mill Creek Circle/Lot 14,Block1,Vail Village1st. Appl icant: Planner: LeeM.Bass ,representedbySnowdenandHopkins GeorgeRuther A request foradditionalGRFA,utilizing the250ordinance,toallow fortheexpans ion ofthe entry,locatedat2005WestGoreCreekDrive/Unplatted . Applican t: Planner: Tom Thomson,representedbyJohnPerkins ChristieBarton A request forafinalreviewofamajoramendmenttoSDD #4 ,toallowforafract ional feeclub andachangetotheapprovedDevelopmentPlan,locatedat1325 Westhaven Dr.,Westhaven Condomin iums/CascadeVillageArea A. Applicant: Planner: Gerald L.Wurhmann,representedbyRobbyRobinson GeorgeRuther The applications andinformat ion abouttheproposalsare available forpublicinspectiondur ing regular officehoursintheprojectplanner's officelocatedattheTownofVail Community Development Department ,75SouthFrontageRoad. S ign language interpretation availableuponrequestwith24hournotification.Pleasecall 479- 2356,Telephone fortheHearing Impaired,for information. Community Development Depart ment Published May22 ,1998intheVailTrail. 05 /22 /98..09 :22 FAX 9704764901..FRITZLEN PIERCE ~001 Fax Cover Sheet Date:May 22,1998 To:George Ruther Fax:479-2452 Rc:Accardo Residence Sender:Dale Smith ARCHIT ECTS George, Thisfax is in response to your letter dated May 14,1998 ,ontheove referenced project 1.Attached i s a reduced Site Plan indicating the location of the 4 square feet of requested GRFA This area is actually only 28 square feet,andisthe infill an existing opening in the second level floor.I've also attached a smaller scale Level Two fl or plan from the previously TOV approved work from earlier thisyear .Thisplan indicates th existing opening we are now proposing to infill.This infilldoesnot increase the Site Coverage which as you noted in your letter is already at its maximum. 2.The second area indicating requested additional GRFAisane losure of an "existing" (previously TOV approved in last submittal)deck.Therefore ther isalsono increase in site coverage. I believe this should address your concerns.If you are in need of sizedrawings ofthe attached please let me know.Thanks again and takecarel ;?~511~ Dale Smith Architect You should receive 1 page(s)including this cover sheet.Ify do not receive allthe pages, please call (970)476-6342 Ext.1 L :\96SS\Ixn::\GKU:lZZY5.wro Planning •Architecture •nteriors 1650 EastVailValleyDrive Fallridge C-l •Va,l,CO 81657 •fpb@col orado.net fax (970)476·4901 •(970)476-6]42 '"'" o '" •I I DOWN , (303 HALL) 1\ ; ~ I o \ V"0 ---/:::10 ~=='-'::jllo ()I 'Z -/Ou 0 1 -'302 BATHo.~r----~X~G FIXTURES 1r::=======j::I ::::::-~RJ=;FINISH5CHEDFOR!)1//NEW FINISHES_0\1---'=========-.J L .-- ~-(,-L; N E~... 11 000 POS ~ r JSTING CK .8&'-0· ~­--w- PROPOSED DEC K ...T UPPER LEVE L HA TCh INDIC A TES LI ~T S OF NBI.J EXT ERIOR IJORIC (ENCLOSEEXI ST.DEC lO EXIS Tille. IIJOOD D EC!:: EXl STING PECIC EL.85 '-0" EXISTING STONE P AVERS I I I '"en <, """"<, Q) '" '"Q) """" ~ •Q)... '"...... '"... CD '".. ~-~ f;; Z "0-~ ::tl ("} ~ I 0 I I I 0 I I 0 I I I t§J '"'"... <:> '" <:> et "-...... <, '"co FRITZLE PIERC BRI NE--"'II IrlT£.ItIDIlIII'\LL.S N.I.MnlllOtt QIIU.~...U .IIlDJIL .-f'~~~~A"=. """..,.~r.b.f0~1T£1SlA&.Ct.V..04 1'1 ~~~'&Me~L~TI!~ SYSTEMS NOTE5 o ~Ie4;V/N~~dV'<;O ,,£l/P'~7ZA.JO. ~M A 11\1 I 1=\I !=I I 1=F7 :§7 I I I I I I I r -e I e I I II II II I I II II II II II I I I I I I II II II II II "!! I <b ! ! ...... ,---------_.--:..-----, !o I e=l. ! I (!) ! I i I " I II ,.----.....;.;---11 :I r II:'I~~.._.••;-.__•.•.__J~1..':!==~~===l1 I cD i i ; TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 •DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ISSUED 04/13/1998 04/21/1998 10/18/1998 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: Permit #:B98-0057SFRBUILDPERMIT /lff? 1988 SUNBURST DR 1998 SUNBURST DR 2101-091-03-032 PRJ98-0043 ADD/ALT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES TOV/Comm.Dev. :Iean-up De ~'t Refund ipproved Jeb Address: amount ~,OO Location ...: date ~=ty ~~~j:;t N~~:~ APPLICANTBOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS,INC POBOX 1279,AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS,INC POBOX 1279,AVON CO 81620 OWNER ACCARDO NATHAN -GARLINGHOUSE KE 300 W19THTERRACE,KANSAS CITY MO 64108 Phone:3039263202 Phone:3039263202 Description: REMODEL OF EXISTING DUPLEX (HALF) Occupancy:R1 Type Construction:VN Multi-Family Type V Non-Rated Valuation:175,801 Add Sq Ft: Fireplace Information :Restricted:#Of Gas Appliance s:#of Gas Logs:#Of Wood/Pallet: Building-----:;. plan Check---:> Investigation :> will call----> 1 ,044 .00 679 .60 .00 3 .00 Rea tuarant Plan Review--:;. ORB Fee-----------------:> Recreation Fee ----------> Clean-Up Deposit---·----> TOTAL FEES --------------:> .00 200.00 .00 500.00 2 ,425.60 To tal Cal c ulated Feee---> Additional Fees---------:> Total Permit Fee--------:> Paym ents ----------------:> BALANCE DUE-------------:> 2,425.60 .00 2,425 .60 2 ,425.60 .00 Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 04/20/1998 CHARLIE Action:NOTE charlie has ~lans 04/20/1998 CHARLIE Action :APPRCHARLIEDAVI Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept:PLANNING Division: 04/20/1998 GEORGE Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division : 04/20/1998 CHARLIE Action:APPR n/a Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept:PUB WORK Division: 04/20/1998 CHARLIE Action:APPR n/a See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknow ledge that I have read this application,fille do uti n ful l the informati on required ,completed an accurate plot plan ,a nd s t ate t hat all the information prov ided as required is correct.I agree to c omply wi th the in formation and plot plan , to comply with all Towno rdinances and s tate l a ws,a nd to bu ild t his structure according t o the Town's z oninga nd subdivision codes,design revi ew approved,Uni form Building Code a nd other ordinances of the Town a ppli ca ble thereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONSSHALLBE MADE TWENTY -FOUR HOURS IN ADVkNCE BY TELEPHONE Send Clean·Up Deposit To :SOLES CUSTOM BLORS •• Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B98-0057 as of 04/21/98 Status---:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Applicant--:BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS,INC 3039263202 Job Address:1988 SUNBURST DR Location ---:1998 SUNBURST DR Parcel No--:2101-091-03-032 Description: REMODEL OF EXISTING DUPLEX (HALF) Applied --:04/13/1998 Issued---:04/21/1998 To Expire :10/18/1998 **************************************Conditions ****************************** 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . 2.SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPERSEC .1210 OFTHE 1991 UBC. •.•..............................................................• T OWN O F VAIL ••COL ORADO S t atemnt Stat~mnt Numbe r :REC -0 389Amount : Pa ymen t Met hod :CK Notation :2470 1,727 .00 04 /21 /98 13 :14 Inic :MAW Permit No:898 -005 7 Type :A -8UILD ADD/ALT 5FR 8UILD FE Parcel No :2101-091-03 -032 Site Address:1988 SUNBURST DR Locati o n:1 99BSUNBURSTDR Th i B Paymen t 1 ,727 .0 0 To t al Fees : T otal ALL Pmte : Balance: 2 .4 25.60 2 .42 5.60 .0 0 Acc ount Code 8P 0010 000 311 110 0 DR 00100 00 31 122 00 AD 00 10 00 0 24 0]100 we 0 0100003112800 De scrip tion BUILDI NG PERM IT FEES DESIGN REVI EW FEE S CLEANUPDEPOSITS WILLCALL INS PECTION FEE Amo unt 1 ,0 44 .0 0 1 BO.00 S OO.OO 3.00 i 'Cp ntact Eagle County Assessor~ice a t 970 -32 8 -8640-f or Parcel II .TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION ?,\KCEL tl :J.lO/-c!)4!l/-c!>.3-C.31..PER1lIT AP PqC)TION F ORM ~DATE:LJU~_"K', PER.'tIT II --- Jo b Name : ~..APPL ICATI ON MU STBE FILLEDOUTCOMPLE TELY OR IT MAY NOT BEACCEPTED ~*****************************P ERMITI NFORMATI ON ***************************** [Xl -Building []-Plumb ing []-Electri cal []-Mechanl cal []-Other Af!co.r,{{)h 5LdevtCv J ob Addz ess:iqq~~tM0ur5f-J}lVa Le g al Descri p tion :L ot Bloc k Fi ling ,jd---S UB DIV !SIO t':V~l VWey ,d"A ...J,J?I.J-~~A"u.~;;::;IOwnersName:mr ,NIJJ'C-.'CCGUCW Address :J Q:)l<J N -lead-it.MO i<Jo.!I o~Ph 19/4)4'14'32<;0 s~,.:-chite ct :fYtftlm ·P,Uce.,r!YWf'Add.r e ss :Ilt?O f .'vUd VttUey-f)n>IG P h.4'7to-lt'3'tL Ge ne ra l Desc ript:ion :(2lrY1lJtl.el 0(-.e,q "'h rt8~2..::::....cEi<~lfLO.l...l{~4~-.-:-._ ,york Class:[]-New[]-Alteration E?-Add itional []-Repair []-Other _ Number of Dwel li ng u nit s:Numb er of Ac commodation Units : Numbe r and Type of Fireplaces :Gas Appliances.__Gas Logs Wood/Pe llet _ ~,••*••••••••,f••*••*.:.*****••••••VA LUATIONS ,••"""""."."""".""", aUILDING :$1 nS-lfO /ELECTRICAL :$..OTHER :$_ ?~UMBrNG :$MECHA;,-;r CAL:$TOTAL :$,.._---- ~******-i,d *******************I NFORMA T ION ***'k*******************-J )}** '",e ne ra 1 cOlA tr c to r :~;:&~(",,~~W~S==:;g.L...Ao!~~~~&.c...~_fJf>wn 0 f Vail Reg .NO .Ito!(;:) Ad dress :/'.0 'lJ ...~one NurrJJer :q 9.-6,.i3tOl-._ fbuld{0 ~. I -.J.,L,,'.3 11 n.J,U.r:'\.L . ZONING : SIGNAT URE: Town of Va il Reg.NO._ Phone Numb~e~r~:~==~=-__ PLUMBING PLAN CHECK yEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:au f1TOTALPERMITFEES: BUILDING:LI -JO-1 fS =...-:;z SIGNATURE: ZONING : SIGNATURE: 'I'Y?E GROU P I SQ .FT .Vw,5 t1I I ~lectr ica l Cont r actor : Address : ~e c h Qn i ca l C ont r a c~o r : Ad dress: :c:::ment:s:----------- *w**********************~ION 3 UI LDING PE~1 IT FEE : P L0M3I NG PERM IT F EE: ~EC ~~ICAL P E ?~I T FEE: E L~C TR ICAL F EE: J ~~E R TYPEOF FEE: -:':':3 FF';:" P lumb ing Con t ractor: .:I.adress : I J 4~:Panasonic FA X SYSTEM •PHCNE NO.: .*"ontact Eagle County ASSeGGors~lce '~I-~t 9?O-3~T8640 !!J Parc.e,l ,.~OWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCT I 'PAReD:'::2Y D1-C2 l -05 -O:?4 ERM IT ~~~lhi.lPRM~~__--=---'-_1r","DATEr~~(J APPLICATION MUSTBE FILLED OUT COHPLETELY OR IT HAY NOT BEA )(IBPQRYA<IOR •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (]-Building [)C)-pIUlllb1ng []-Electrical [)(]-Mechani"cal [)-Other ~__• 301:1 Name:At!t!88DO &"mlll-JeL.Job AddrQss:fflJf SuJJBtlflS,(J)f.>.,a.19tt--1£1>. smjPInSrON:F ili h9_'~LII.oIo.:lo!.2~!.i-_Block,_Legal Description:Lot,__'_ Owners Name: Architect:Address:;''Ph ~_ General Description:!?E/YIfJPtfC ,(izo/t1lfiNG "1J?~1@ h'69-r:,S'£t)«)Mgcr") Work Class:[]-Naw [>q -AI t~a~ion 'r]-:~itional [)-Repair []-Other _ Nu=ber of Dwelling units:I ",'",N~e r 'of ,AccoJlllllodation Units:.,'~ •••*******.*************••******FOR 'OFFIcE USE *.***********.********.******** !lUILDING .PERMIT FEE:'BUILoI,NG l'LAN CHECK FEE: ~LUMBING 'PERMIT FEE:'::'',PWMBING :PLAN 'CHECK ]'EE :I S ;;0 0 :ti1nt<: omCHANlcAr.PERHI:T FEE:HECHiWlCALPLAN CHECK FE:E:'5£21£'.s:)0~LECTlUC1\L FEE:'RECREATION FEE:' )THER TYEiE OF FEE:.,,,'·Cr..E1.N'-UP,'DEPOSIT: )RB FEE:;,"':'.~~L'~~.~S :, TYPE G;R0UP SQ.FT.VAWATION ;......~. i .' ; ,BUI LDING:'SIGNATuRE';.-..;._ ZONING: SIGNATURE: ~Ollllllents;:----------"----'--.-..;.---------'-~:....:-----'--"--.:~:-.:._---.";... c:r.EAR UP Di:Posrr JlEFU!U)70; fll/1)8.Y G.C • .'.': ;'..:: .., ,., .-'.:.. ,;. 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TOTAlS .'.:.....:.:261i .'7 ~Z·{,,·'Z6'..•'.4'·..-,·\,.87''.:.,....'..,.....'....;: 6 SNOWMHLT :."::.:-.'..'OOG :1 1 ,So ~'.'1 .:..:.'...;U~~·(S ):ZS4I ~·too~s'O Jl ~;;·:~~~:··,.".:;'.:' TorAt::.r ,'"<>.':.:':';."'.:~·[~.~4";..'::,'.....,.,:;':,:;':..,.:.':.>:::':<',?"~.r:';\::.'.'::;:":";.-:.,'..'',::.:: BOn.IlllNPUTSJZJ:=Jq"OOO;BnJO .<....::~"~"USE BUJlNllki\JK887EI .BOn..£R ':',J'•":",'!"'::..~>,,:{:.::':." .!:.•...,"",'.-.":""" ZONE ROOM ACCARDO Um)):NCE ASTIMCFEJUUN PaD . JU:A moss S1JMMARY-~BOMID REVIS!»'ON 7!6191 ..'".':".;. ~ I: FE ... CSl 0 ~. Q. Cll ffi... l"- N ~ e o iii Dl t.., ....".':,', •• TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLT IMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #:P98-009 2 Job Address : Location ...: Parcel No ..: Proj ect No.: 1988 SUNBURST DR 1998 SUNBURST DR 2101-091-03 -032 PRJ98-0043 Status .. Applied. Issued .... Expires ..: APPROVED 07/27/1998 07/27/1998 01/23/1999 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING &HE P.O.BOX 1303,0210 EDWARDS VILLAGE BLVD ., AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING &HE P.O.BOX 1303,0210 EDWARDS VILLAGE BLVD., ACCARDO NATHAN -GARLINGHOUSE KE 300 W 19TH TERRACE,KANSAS CITY MO 64108 Phone:970-926-5862 EDWARDS,CO 81632 816 Phone:970-926 -5862 EDWARDS,CO 81632 816 Description:plumbing for remodel/addition Valuation:8,000.00 PlulT.bing -----> Pl an c heck ---:> I nvestigation> Wil l c all ----> 1 2 0.0 0 30 .00 .0 0 3.00 Rc stuarant Pl an Re vi ew--> TOTAL FEES------~-------> .00 15].00 Total Calcul ated Fees ---> Add itiona l Fee e---------:> Total Permit Fee --------> Payments ----------------:> BALANCE DUE -------------> 153 .00 .00 1 53 .00 153 .0 0 .00 Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/27/1998 CHARLIE Action:APPRCHARLIE Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 07/27/1998 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/A Dept: DAVIS Dept: BUILDING Division: FIRE Division: CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I h ere by acknow le dge that I h a ve re ad thi s appl ication .fil ledo uti n full thei nf orma t ion r equ ired,c ompleted an accurat e pl oe plan ,an ds tate tha t al l the in format ion provided a s r equired i s correct .I a gree to c omp ly wi th the i nformation and p l ot plan , t o complywith al lTown ord inance sa nd .st at e laws,and to b u ildt his st ruct ure acco rding t o t he Town'sz oning and s ubdivis i on c ode s ,desi gn review approved,Uniform Bui ld i ng Co de a nd o ther o rd inanc es o f t he To wn app licable there to . REQU ESTS FOR PM •.•..............•..•....•...............•.......................• TO~"N O FVA IL.·COLORADO S tat l!!mnt ....................••.•.••..•......•..••.•.•.••.•.•..•......... Scacemnt Numb er:REC-0430Amo unt : Payment Me thod:CK Notation :1194 P e rmit No :P98 -0 092 Type:B·PLM B Parcel No:21 01 -091-03-032 Site Ad~re88:198 B S UNBURST DR Location:199 8SUNBURST DR 15 3.00 0 7/2 9/98 09 :5 0 r oi t:MAW PL UM BING PE RMIT This Payment 153.00 Total Fee s : Total ALL Pmes: Balance : 15 3 .00 153.0 0 .00 Acco unt Code P P 0 010 00 03111 200 PF 0 010 00 0 31 1 2300 we 0010 00 031 1 2800 Des cription PLUMBING PE RMIT FEES PL AN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTI ON FEE Amount. 120 .00 30 .00 3 .00 •• TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970 -479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #:M98-0131 Job Address :1988 SUNBURST DR Location :1998 SUNBURST DR Parcel No:2101-091-03-032 Project Number:PRJ98-0043 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:07/27/1998 Issued ...:07/29/1998 Expires ..:01/25/1999 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING &HE P.O.BOX 1303,0210 EDWARDS VILLAGE BLVD., AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING &HE P.O.BOX 1303,0210 EDWARDS VILLAGEBLVD., ACCARDO NATHAN -GARLINGHOUSE KE 300 W19THTERRACE,KANSAS CITY MO 64108 Phone:970-926-586 2 EDWARDS,CO 81632 816 Phone:970-926-5862 EDWARDS,CO 81632 816 Description: MECH FOR ADDITION/SNOWMELT F ir epl ace I n forma tion :Re str ict ed :Y #0£Gas Ap pliances : Valuation: #O(Gas Log s: 13,000.00 #OfWood /Pa llet: l-le cha nica l ---:> Plan c he ck---:> Inv~9tigacio n :> wil l c al l----:> 2 60 .0 0 65 .00 .00 3 .00 Re stuarant Pl a n Re view--> ORB Fee -----------------> TOTAL FEES--------------:> .0 0 .0 0 3 28 .0 0 To tal Ca lc ul a t e dFees ---> Addit iona l Fee s---------:> Total Permit Fee --------:> Payment s ----------------> BALANCE OOE-------------> 328 .00 .0 0 32B .00 328.0 0 .00 Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 07/27/1998 CHARLIE Action:APPRSEECONDITIONS Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division: 07/27/1998 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/A CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PERSEC .607 OFTHE 1991 UMC . 3.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TOAPPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OFTHE 1991 UMC. 4.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OFTHE 1991 UMC. 5.ACCESSTO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 AND 703 OF THE 1991 UMC. 6.BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 7.PERMIT~PLANS AND CODE ANALYSISMIUSTBE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PKIOR TO AN INSPECTION RE8UEST. 8.DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CNTAININGHEATINGOR HOT -WATER SUPPLYBOILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAINPER SEC.2119 OF THE 1991 UMC.. ~******************************************************************************* DECLARATIONS ••I hereby acknow ledge t ha t Ih a ve read t hi sa p pl i cati on,f illed out i n full the informati on r e qui red ,compl eted an a ccurate p lot p lan,and state that a ll the informati on provided&s required is c orrec t.Ia gree to c omply wi th t he information a nd p lot plan. t o c omp ly with a ll Tow n ordinanc es and state laws ,a nd t o b uild this structure a cc ording t o the Town'sz on ing a nd s u bd ivisi o n codes,d e.ign r eview approved,Uni fo rmBuildi ng Code and o ther ordina n ces of th e Town app licable t h ereto . REQUE STSFOR I NSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TW ENTY-FOUR HOUR SI N AD VANCE BY T ELEPHON E AT 47 9-2138 OR(AT OUR OFFI CE FROM 8 :00 AM 5 :00 PM ~~~.~'/~ S IGNATURE OF OWN ER OR CONTRACTORF ORHI MSELFAND OWNER ~~ •.••..•.••••••••...•....•.....•.••........••.••...•..........•...• T OWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt................................................................ Scatemnt Number:RE C-0429 Amount: Payment Method :CK Notation :1194 Permit No:M98-0131 Type :B ·MECH P a rcel No:2101-091 -03-03 2 Site Addre8a:1988 SUNBURSTDR Loca tion:1998 SUNBURST DR 3 28 .00 07 /29 /98 09 :48 I nlc :HAW M EC ~~ICAL PERM IT T h is Payau!nc 328.00 Total F ees: Tota lALL Pmcs: Balan ce : 3 28 .0 0 328 .0 0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••+ Acco unt Code MP0 0 1000031113 00 PF 00 100 0031123 00 we 0 010 0003112800 Description MECHAN ICAL PERM IT FEES PLANCHECKFE ES WILLCALL INSPECTION F EE A mount 2 60 .0 0 65 .00 3.00 ••TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479 -2138 NOTE :THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #:E98-0096 Job Address : Location ... Parcel No .. Project No. 1988 SUNBURST DR 1998 SUNBURST DR 2101-091-03-032 PRJ98-0043 Status .. Applied. Issued .. Expires . ISSUED 05/12/1998 05/14/1998 11/10/1998 APPLICANT DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES P.O .BOX 1452,EDWARDS,CO 81632 CONTRACTOR DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES P.O .BOX 1452,EDWARDS,CO 81632 OWNER ACCARDO NATHAN -GARLINGHOUSE KE 300 W 19TH TERRACE,KANSAS CITY MO 64108 Phone:970-926 -6202 Phone :970-926 -6202 Description:ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL Valuation :15,000.00 Electric al---> DRS Fee ---> Inv est i ga tion> wil lCa l l-·--, TOTAL FEES ---> 2 70.00 .00 .00 3 .0 0 273 .00 To ta l Calculated Fee s ---> Add it ion al Fe es ---------> TotalPerm it Fee --------> Payments ----------------> BALANCE DU E-------------> 273 .00 .00 2 73.0 0 273 .00 .0 0 •.•.••.••••.•••••••••••.............................•......................•..•..•....•.••.••••.•••••.•..•..•....•....••.......... BUILDING Division:Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 05/12/1998 JRM Action:APPR APPROVED Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/12/1998 JRM Action:APPRN/A J~t : Dept:FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I he reby a cknowledge that I have read this a p pl i ca t ion ,fille d out i n fu llt he info rmat ion required,compl et ed a n accurat e p lot plan.and s tate thata ll t hei nformat ion p r ov ided as required is c orre ct .I agre e t o comply wi th the i nformat ion and p lot pl an , t o c omply with all Towno r di nances and state laws,and to build this structur@ ac cordi ng to the Town 's zoning and subdivisi on c odes ,d es ign review appro ved ,Uni form Buil di ngCo d e a nd other o rdinances of t he Town applicable t hereto . REQU ESTSFOR IN SPECTIONSSHALLBE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HO URSIN ADVAN CE BYT ELEPHONE AT 4 19-2138 ORATOUR OFFICEFROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM SI Cl FOR HIMS ELF AND OWN ER ..••.........•....••.•••••..........•.••.•.•................•..•,• TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO S tatemnt. I................................................................ Statemnt Number :REC-0401 Amount: Paym ent Method :CK Notation :9477 P ermit No :898 -0096 TYPe:B-ELEC Parc el No:2101 ·091-03-032 Site Address:1989 SUNBURST DR Location:1 998 SUNBURST D ~ 2 13.00 05/14 /98 14:41 Init :MAW ELECTR ICAL PERMIT This Payment 273 .0 0 To ta l F ees : Tota l ALL Pmts: Ba lance : 273 .00 2 7 3.00 .00 Account.Code EP 00100 00311 1400 we 00100003112800 Oescripc.ion ELECTRICAL PERMIT F EES WILL CALL INSPECTI ON FEE Amount 27 0.00 3 .00 ,. ~.;~ .~:". ".OJ ;r REPT131 10/19/98 H:27 ~TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO tit REQUESTSFOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FoR:10/19/98 PAGE AREA:CD ======~========================================================================= Activity: Addt'e ss: Location: Parce I: Description: Applicant: Own et': Contractor: B98 -0057 10/19/98 Type:A-BUILD 1988 SUNBURST DR 1998 SUNBURST DR 2101-091-03-032 REMODEL OF EXISTING DUPLEX (HALF) BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS,INC ACCARDO NATHAN -GARLINGHOUSE KE BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS,INC Status:ISSUED Constr:ADUP Dec:Use:VN P hone:30392&3202 Phone: Phone:30392&3202 Inspection Request Information ..... Requestor:QUINT Phone:92&-3202 Req Time:08:00 Comments: Ite s requested to be Inspected •..Action Comments 00537 PLAN-FINAL C/O Time Ex~ It em: I t em: Item: Item: Action:APPR Approved w/corrections: INSTALLATION OF VAPOR BARRIERIN A Inspection History ....• Item:00510 driveway grade final Item:00010 BLDG-Footings/Steel 05/08/98 Inspector:CD Notes:STAB ALL DOWELS PER 08/04/98 Inspector:CD Item:00020 BLDG-Foundatlon/Steel 05/11/98 Inspector:CD 07/21/98 Inspector:JRM Item:00520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan Item:00030 BLDG-Framing 08/04/98 Inspector:CD Item:00050 BLDG-Insulation 08/11/98 Inspector:ART Notes:CORRECTION:COMPLETE FEW SMALL AREAS Item:000&0 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 08/18/98 Inspector:GRG 08/19/98 Inspector:JRM 00070 BLDG-Misc. 00539 PW-FINAL C/O 00537 PLAN-FINAL C/O 00090 BLDG-Final ....cd Action:APPR APPROVED PLANS Action:APPR Action:APPR Action:APPR Action:APPR Action:APCR Action:APPR APPROVED COLUMN PAD APPROVED APPROVED DECK SoNo TUBES PENDINGELEC AND MECH NOT LOWER &GARAGE APPR GARAGE AND LOWER EN u l ,111 L 't,:.,)..'1/1 ~llU/I~) ~'I '.J I j;,.1 .. j:..t JlI H ,I'L "lJl I r >1)1 ---------- '"....L LH l:..."...1 I L "'"I I ,t-'L c,II \J ldl ,I"1 Ut",.:lUI III t >,I~l ,\I,!I hHIJ h~,,~J.I 'Il')I IUt '.,,1 LI'I')~IUlLl!fP I 1'\)L J I I ! LUll t I I 1..,:)....1 J:\ J ....,, )1~U I)JI.->l)I < J.1,'1 J I'.,~ f1 1 I UL ,l',I '.HI III bill I.... 0=11 1 1 r i,.(..,f I ~J L'el t',~ JW(I"~1 ...,'- L (,,-cia....L I I '=to "I t::'.1"co c II \110.'"J ( '",,1 ~1 II I ~1t::'11 ,n'..,.,.J 0 II~HLt.l(, ri' e-t Dn ,l ~ 111 IU ,. I,d~1 J'vew~\y ",de I ~11£11"I I I ...\oJ l,III g I:lo t.e Ij ,1 "J j 1 1\'"..,(Ir:L )HLL1J Hr~'l",~H e :.IHfI ,,GU L I I Hi-I '0 'E l'I I .-1 J J 161 ~J ~L "I)r";LU -IL 1.1 )HI-'r-I I 1-' ,'.~L>nCJettJ."'•1 ,J "!-",~or L I 1 PI HPI-H •f/(j1h:'L I,I 111 p ~t 1,(;.J l"<t ..U II·.~~~~lf !..>U U L IJ\.J£",H I A' l-lJHR H,E HI 0 I I ~t:t t.1.( I.'"Jl 1 t fl· f I I : .1 t em; 1 e,'": Item 1 ~e I: 1 ,• 1 el. l En·• I ell Q1~}~,,~1<1 L'L A"I I J L ,.,1 1;e r 1 clll"'Ii QI.~0 B'.lll;>r·I Mill Y iLlb /iLl 4 t\1 P 'I''"I,m'"•\J lZtillll15ii.'1 BI .•J)I;,I j l!o IJ 1 0=1 t 1 0., 1/:l/11/)b 1""peLtor:ARI IJot f'",[Of Rlli 10,\1:LUi'IPL l ~LW S HI I HI L ~j iLl"'lllt 1 1:\·DG he'"o L Nc<i I It-I lI::l',o I.''''L or',l L '<'/1 '10 j.,e c-t o ••J,. 1il1L11/l,BLDb r"l '<-'''-''-'''''j:..'l~-ll~HL L I .J 1<1,!~I r NHL L/U 'i <:1')1;'1 H II..>r n", Ae t 1 lJ 11";'Hj:..'Ptv HI 1.1 n HI-'1-'f< 1 N~Ti-lL LH rIuN m PC Hi--, .J • 1\10 I I~ I ppr :o I)HPO l III ·'I~U I'ILI H '"JIM'u r-e c t 1 C I 814RR I L,t I 1\1 A I J I f / .---- ItA't.HIILf-' u!;V 1\1 J....'hOIIt':'~,-,Vl ,\.)i~t ...::...:..~tl.h ,"""lu"e: Ph (J 11 (~:;:i1l1 •.~/Ji.::[...~~·lLl ... l Ul t, III V l ~I1 ~q f1:j,J t 11 J I~•.Jt.1 II Nt 1~IJI \..I I ....I1 1 rH.\..\i tj"J u lL 1 I Vi I J......I ....:H'\1 II (IJ·,-~·.:>l',1L JIJI~t:ll<L L {II ('"1 (J fI •\J ~UhltiU ~~I 1 ~ ....~r l pI..I-ill}ILl)'I It .»:1_~~L Lr<""1 I-'t 1.o n:l~t:.I'IODLl UI t [~I 111l,liUPI.c /.. ..l-h'7."7L-<!.'.'.f\uLL~l Ut.1 UII bU I[lit 1\'"INI . UWll ~("-~;-r/..;#~:;~~~l~l""-~tW':""J.:..\,.~J~!:!!..lJ\..I t 1 ~~/,f. ,unlI2,I"lul'hllU,S L;U~>lUM BUILDLf·..),JI\IL L I 1 GE :"'OWLR 11 "U'J LV H ....'f 'F<OVLD ..,L:L f-< l-'f·NDII\!b LLLL tlN1.J IYILCIi I\!U r LUWE:I·uH HPi'h GAF<AbE (l'oj r<l ul II'/·j ""HL! Pi I (I q ~: HI-':', HI->.( Hr't Oil.f-lPCR 'KLl Ill:RI-PR Hr t.J ons ~H..·~",;Hpp~DVetJ w (jr'~ec:t i Ol'S. lI'lSHill ~T [UN W·VHPU:~BAr~1 ILl;IN A ...I dV y.MllE'r1 ndj ~j fJ L'LL LL! J.I,uct.ioTl ....11 ",I t:l I,I'"LU':L) III (/L'1 /~'-'1 n .;I•L ~0 r:Jt(pl lLl,,-,::'c'''''~LH'"1 LL Sit e PIc Ii I{lIc1ill3'L1 BLDt,f 1 m11 y ~H::\/tlI4/cI8 i ns r LL tOl.L!) V.lfL\\i1,,:,lLl r:<LDG-11'1 su l a t;ion 08/11/98 In~~'eLt;or:~RT No t LUfmEC TI uN:LIJIIPL '-I L I-£OW ,,~IHl.L H RUL iLlilll/l 'i)BLDG-st _\;0,h I~d i 1 1118/18/'J8 I ,slJ c.l'01 GRG 'Ziul 1)i :l d I r:~P E(to,J r<I 1lI~01 'L'BLD':'-I~1 SL. vW'ilI':.llll HLDb't-!.1 ..,. l t em: 1 t "m : It 811l lo 11 ..,",: It'=I:'. i rsrec 'on I t em: It"m: 11:>~J~.:'Ltl(J1 ~j,;,OCI~I#:"St lr I f Itt·~l;lC' ''''41(t'~t:Or:'_,I)NT IloJ I "y llll~",It'·iltv)'JOI I-nt.•1.\,jl"L ,.,'''4U''''''d :",It:lrsl~ct.(j ,,-ilLl lJ l.t JI r ~f1~ f<L I-r 1 .J I 1 III J \,.:~j 1 l'lh'":0..; l,'f4IL,LULul HUll ... J UH ~loli!'bHF..l ,f_·r''I •'0/ i=-'AG[ AREA: =--,--_:-.:.,..._:.._~=.....;;::...:::._._----_.•=.--=-:....=------ ", AJUP ,h II "• ""t:l 11'1 ~tiL"".Y \LI-'cb II e ~ Lo)t -'1l1.!1'),:I l{l,1')),\ry pe...'~!I I~l:.l 1':..:l8 _.J l"'II ::,I ufo< L )')8 SL111J:\1 r -'r u L-J."-J.-"-)}1 I I..:,.'ll-lL. ..,:tJLulTlt 0 ,"t:'lile!/':'1.dltlull H.1 H ~i)~ll ,I-L I I N I I Jf',B 1 r u , HLL 1-<11 J 'lH ,IHt J hHI-L l'~b jul 'c>t.\', o-l~r f-iN I'll I LI<lIJ I-l U~lhilJt)c lit 1)I "" -c t 1 J V: I,.'" Ll _(,J J -0 q_'L J I ("':l I I, 1 ~f·.L l'u II ct v II I I<t:'ql "',t.u \,,1[111 ,I III f t I I ,Ut.l{l!,"1 J 1111/E't \,..;:oIlS ,.ql_t"f.>t",u to lJ ..I 11,H~, ",1,.,,1 I-'LFlh ,J.I'a 1 1 "l 6-'1 i t:.l I ,L ~t t i o «I (ll r.ll-ll \.. t,Q ~1..:·"I_ m. Item: It ...m: It,In : 1 .l-' Itell 1 t to' r t e n, 1,'1".1...:'11,)l-'I..I>1B UIILle·,'y·r -o uud "10c:2ill 1-'L1'1B-f uII.yll/U W.V. ~G/04/9~ln~pector:[0 illiZl230 1~'LM.tI-RlJugtl,I,.J",t ..., 0a/0~/')8 IrlspeLf ur.C0 ~~~4~PLMB-Gd~~iplnu illtlli04)'J/;i In',p e-(t (J".Lo ,,8/11/':I~Ln s.p e c t urc ,RI ,,,.......Jl{fLt>IB 1-'001 He,·t I I.tu ~02,-,ill i=-'LI'1J:\I'll s c• l~llc'-jL'l I-'LI>1B I1 no<1 ll\!I:='_.t:l t-I RL·I11 JHL I) Action:Af-'PI Wf4 IE:R COLUI'1N Fl=.ST ActIon·Hi=-'Pr,S'T REL I i=-F t;.S",)IFiL Ae.t 10'I•P -'F 2-1->1 For lw 1'1 N HL~lwn'HI=-'PP Alt'test u 11*ror 10 II1 IT. PREPARED 3/29 /99 ,11:04:2 1 PROGRAM MR41 sU LET'S CUST-IO CUSTOM ER NAM E TYPE DEPOSIT REFUN D REPORT-UPDATE PAGE CHARGE COD E DESCRIPTI ON 9 88 B9 9-0057BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS DEP oe DEPOSIT 02 TX-OATE 4 /22/99 AJ -DATE 3 /2 9/99 DEPOSIT AMOUNT 5 0 0.00 DEPOSIT-ADJ AMOUNT 5 00 .00 ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT 50 0 .00- AFTER-REFUND AMOUNT .00 TOTAL FORCUSTOMERTYPE :D2 5 00.00 500 .00 500 .00-.0 0 GRANO TOTAL : DEPOSIT COUNT: GIL BATCH CREATED : 1 BATCH -00776 19 99 /0 3USERIO-JPOPECK APHELD 5 00 .00 COUNT- 500.00 1.0 0 500 .00- AMOUNT - .00 50 0.00 • Townof Vail .rtment of Community Development •,.,.75 S.Frontage Road Vail ,CO81657 Name :j:)..I.\AI/..,A\f r MQ.<.)..f .,ReceiptNo ,Lj9~b::> I >Address:/~Project:A Cc".,)=(},"Date ~/\ } Please makecheckspayable tothe TOWNOF VAIL Account No .I hem No.Code #Cost Each I To tal, 001 ooc e _....:-......ZA $5.00 • 00 10000 3 141112 I UniformBuildinaCode-199 7 -Volume 1&2 CB $5 0.95 • 00 10000314 1112 ,Uniform BuildinoCode -1 997 -Volume3 $5 7.20• 00 10000 314 1112 I InternationalPlumbingCod e·1997 CB $36.00 · 0010000 3141112 IInternational MechanicalCode-1998 CB $35.00 • 00 100003141112 'Uniform Mechanical Cod e -1997 ,,I $33.60 • 00 100003141112 UniformFireCode ,I CB I $36.00 •, 001 00003 141112National Electrical Code i CB i $37.00 •, 001 00003 141112 Abate ment of Danaerou s Blda.'s 1997 !I I $9 .95• 00 10000314 1112 Mode l Enerov Code -1995 I I $10.00 • 001000031 41112 AnalysisofRevisionsto1997UniformCodes i $12.75 • 00 100003 141112 Other CodeBooks i CB I · 001 00003 141211 BluePrintslMylar Copy Fees I BF $7 .00 • 00100003 141111 Xerox Copies XC $0.25• 00100003141 111 LionsheadMaster Plan($1.80/$1.60)I IMS I $40.00 • 001000031 41111 Studies,Master Plans,etc.MS · 001 00003 153000 PenaltyFees/Re-Inspections PN 001 00003 11 2300 Plan ReviewRe-check Fee($40/perhour)PF 00 1 00003152000 O ffHours Inspection Fees OH 00 1 00003123000ContractorsLicenseFees CL 00 1 0 0003124000 S ian Application Fee SP $20.00 00100003 124000 Add itional Sian ApplicationF ee SP 001 00003 11 2200 Design Review Board Fee(Pre-paid)DR 001 00003 153000 Building InvestigationFee PN 00 1 0000 2403300 DeveloperImprovemenl Agree ment D ep05 ~D2·DEP10 AD 001 00003 121000 RestaurantLicense fee (TOV)RL 001000 0 230 2000 Spec.Assess.-Restaurant FeetoCc .Deot.Hev.SA '001 00 002011000 Taxab le @ 4.5%(State)-Tax payable ITP '001 00003 101100 Taxab le @ 4.0%(Town)•RetailSales Tax T7 O therlMisc.-I MS --_.I 00100003112500 PEC APPUCATlON FEE~, 001 00003 11 2500 Additional GRFA-"250"PV I $200.00 00100003 11 2500 Cond itional UsePermit PV$200 .00 001 0000311 2500 Exterior Alteration -Less than 100sq.ft.PV$200.00 00 1 00003 112500 Exterior Alteration -More than100sq.It.PV$500 .00 00 1 00003112 500 Special Development District -NEW PV $1 ,500.00 00 1 0000311 2500 ISpecial DevelopmentDistrict-MajorAmend PV $1,000.00 00100003112500Special Development District -MinorAmend PV $200.00 00100003112500 Subdivision Fees PV \OC-I E>O - 00100003112500 Variance PV$250.00 001 000031 12500 Zon ing CodeAmendment s PV$250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 00003193100 GreenstarProaram Other-MS TOTAL:\E>o f-I--- I--Comments :bc Co'SJ..0 I--- r-- r-- f-\\l,,(.,7 I--- I--Cash Money Order #Check #Rece ived bY:)~'1--- f-11~....r-- I I I I I FJEveryonelFormsISaIesacl .exe 2/10199 • Oprrator:RSCHMID T Chrck: Dah :3/16/'39 II I Rrcript: D£CK Rlount Trndered 11667 V1lIIf5Il77 SlIlIl.01l HIl0.1li! •.., PAY TO TI£ORDER CF FIRSTBANl(OF VAIL VRI!:J.CO 81657 :1~11l1519: FOR DEPOSIT ONl Y TOWN OF VAIL 571l 1l3J 7 T0IIll of VaiI ***CUS TOMER Rt~IP T *** ~R:RSCHMID T FB DRAWER:1 DATE:3/16/'39 01 RECE IPT:1lIlil5077 DESCRIPTION IlTV RfOONT TP 1lI PEe VRRIlHI FEE I HIl0.00 *PV CK Jll.tjN,ABPIJfRP,*lU RI ELLO TENDER DETR IL (;K 11667 DATE:3/151'39 TOl ~D£CK AJIIlJlJNT TENDERtD HIli!.0Il TIME:16:49:34 HIl0.00 UIl0.0\1 T Ifl~YOO FOR yooR PAYMENT ! , ~E C -15)-97 TU E .i2/16 /97 5:37 PM _r OM COLO R 14:06 FAi'I'04~Ol CORP ORATIO N FAX NO.81 622119~1 PRITlLEN PIER ~L P.2tMI"..,... Qu~tlolls7 Coli the I"Janning Staff at4 79·2128 APPLICAnON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL QENER61.INEORMAI IQN This Rl'pl iC<llion is for any projC<."t requiring Design Review approval.Any rrojccr requiring des ign review m ust receive Dc.;igll Review approval prior to submitting for 1\bu ilding pennit.I"or specific inromlarioo.see tllo &t,bmitlRl =ll,irenlOlllll tor the particular llpproval that is requested.The.appllcalion e:l~ot be accepred until all the required informalion is submitted.T he p rojoot O1I1Y ntso need to be re vi ewed by the Town Council and/or Ihe Plrmning and EnviroUnlCllhll Commission.Design Review BoArd apprcwa1 Clxplres one yellr 'after tiulll apprllnl unless a buiJdlnl:perenlt is hsuc:<l and conSfl'lldJon b sfarrtd; PHONE:_ l...O CATIONOFPROPOSAL:LOT:If:)BLOCK :FILlNG'viL~O=----- PHYSICAL ADDRESS :/'12t5 .:xJ,N¢U/4~nz-.,., lJARCEL II:(Contact BagIe Co.ASSL:!I~O'!l Officc IJt 970-)21!·1l640 for JlRrct11l1 Z ONING;'p1l1111t1J ~/'4 NAME OF OWNER(S):1I/,4nL~CC4PcQ() MAI LING ADDRE SS :_~..J,.Ub-'offc:::""cit"",,--J~·_ OWNER<SI SlGNATURE(S);~7i1L...F-,--,io<;~~~u"""",....-d;~.L--_ NAME:OF APPL.I CANT:5~~i~~ MAILmG ADDREs~?:?UVmr'HO>O'c:__2--~_?i:m >5V6 '97i .s;ZQO TYP E OF REVIEW AND FEE:-66~D8' Cl New CQDstrucCion.5100 Con~1n1eliOR ora new bmltJin8. }(Addition -S50 'IncllJdeB any addition whore square footage is added to any residential or commD<ciai building. o Minor A1cu;uioa -no Includes minor Ch80gcs to bulldln~and site improvements.lluch AS . reroofing,f1ahlting.window additions.Iarnlscaping.fences and re/aining willIs.etc . o CODcephn"Rrne~-SO For any application wbeRl the'applicant wishes to roecl with Dcsi8ll Review Board 10 detmnino wlwtber or nolll\e project generally compllQS with the desil>"guidelillC5••The ORB docs not vote on oonceptnal reviews, A. B. C. D. E. F . G. H. DRB tbl:~arc tobe paid III the time of submittal.Later.when applying for a building peil'llit.please identifY th e 8CC\Ifatc valuation oftho project The Town nfVail willlldjust the fee according to the projcet valuiltiOiL PLEASE SUBMIT THJSAJ>rUCA1'lON,ALL SURMITT..u.REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOl'MENT.is SOUTH FRONTACE.ROAD. VAIL,COLORADO 81'51• ., ?/0[.oct I ·0'3 ";> ..O:>h Z/16/97 1 5 :06 TX/RX NO.1044 P .O OZ • ·. TO: FROM: DATE: ere MEMORANDUM Planningand Environmental Commission Department of Community Development March 10 ,1997 •• SUBJECT :Arequestfor exterior additions tothelivingroomandabedroom,utilizingthe250 Ordinance,locatedat1998SunburstDrive/Lot19,VailValley3rdFiling . Applicant: Planner : Nate Accardo Lauren Waterton I.BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST In1985,theVailTownCouncil approved Ordinance 4,Seriesof1985,whichcreated Chapter (18.71)oftheVailMunicipalCode,entitled "AdditionalGross Residential FloorArea."This Chapter allowsforupto250squarefeetof additional GrossResidentialFloor Area (GRFA)tobeaddedtoa dwelling (beyond themaximum allowance),providedcertain criteria aremet.Thepurposeofthe Additional GRFA Ordinance isto provide aninducementforthe upgrading ofexisting dwellings units,whichhavebeenin existence foraperiodofatleastfiveyears,bypermittinguptotwo hundredfifty(250)squarefeetof GRFA tobeaddedtoa dwelling unit. InAugust1995 ,theTownCouncil approved Ordinance6,Seriesof1995thatamended Chapter 18.71,forthepurposeofeliminatingth e abilityt o use the additional GRFA w hen adwe llinguni t is "demo/rebuilt."ThisOrdinancealso requires thatallrequestsfor additional GRFAinvolving exterio r changes toa building,bereviewedandapprovedbythe PlanningandEnvironmental Commission. The applicant isrequestingtouse250squarefeettoaddseveralsmalladdit ions tothemainlevel ofthe primary unit.Two additions willinfillvaultedspacewithinthe structure anda bedroom inthe rearofthehousewillbeexpandedby50squarefeet. The largest addition,120squarefeet ,willbeaddedtothelivingroom.Thisadditionwillalterthe eastfacing facade ofthisunit.Asa part ofthisrequest ,facade improvements totheother half of this duplex (secondary unit)w ill bedonetomatchthenew architecture .Noadditional GRFA is requested f orthesecondaryunit.Facade i mprovementsfortheentireduple xinclude,theadd ition ofgableroof elements tothe building,stoneveneertotheentryand landscape planter walls ,new dividedlightwindows andnew deck ra ils. The duplex wasbu ilt in1980and received afinalCertificateof Occupancy in1982.Thebuild ing is nonconforming inseveralaspects .First,thebuildingexceedsthe maximum bUilding height by approximately 1foot.Second,the building encroachesintothefront setback aswellas ,bothside setbacks.Finally,thebuildingisovertheallowableGRFA.TheTownofVailreco rds showthatthis building complied w ith theexistingzon ing requirementswhenitwasbuilt,andistherefore ,alegal nonconformingstruc ture. •• II.ZONING ANALYSIS LotSize :16 ,587 squa re feet -. Zoning: Hazards: Primary/Secondary Residential H igh haza rd rockfall;moderatehazarddebrisflow;possible avalan cheinfluence zone Aliowed /ReQU7 Existing Proposed Remaining ~CC/4 ,,,< -1 ), GRFA :4 ,75 9 sq .ft.5,044 sq.ft.5 ,209 sq .ft.o sq .ft._.-»>:c rA'/~iPrimary:2 ,770 sq.I t.~-~.---'3 0 -")7W/250:3,020 sq .It.o sq .ft .~453 sq .ft j Seco ndary :'1,989 sq .ft.Nocha nge o sq .ft.? '0 S~e Coverage :3,3 17 sq .ft../3,079 sq.ft.3 ,2 93 ~~24 sq .ft."'7. He ight:33 '34'33 'N/A La ndscap ing:9 ,952 sq.ft.12 ,281 sq.ft.12,227 N/A (60%min.)(74%)(73%) Parking:5 spaces Sspac es 6 spacesN/A •A 250 square footadditionis sti ll availablefor thesecondaryun it, III.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Upon review of Chap ter 18.71 -Additional GRFA,theCommunity Development Department recommends approval oftherequest foradd itional GRFAbasedupon t hefo llowingfactors: A .Consid eration of Factors: Before actingo n anapplicationforadditionalGRFA,thePlanningand Environmental Co mmission sha ll cons ider thefollowing f actorswit h respecttothe proposed use: 1.Effect uponthe existing topography,vegetation.drainage and existing structures. Theproposalwill havenoimpactsuponexisting topography andvegetat ion. Thetwoexterior additions willinfill existing decksand t herefore,no add itional site d isturbance willbe necessary.Staff believes t hat t he proposedadditions willposit ively affecttheexisting structu re because of the proposed facadeimp rovements. 2.Impact on adjacent properties. The additionshould not adversely affect views,lightorairenjoyedby adjacent structures.S taff believes thatthe proposed addit ions will nothave asignificant impacton adjacent properties.Thefacade improvemen ts w ill enhancethispropertyandthestructure willbemo re compatible w ith the surroundingstructures . 2 PHONE •• Su bd iv is ion t/A/[~ ·ZONE DISTRICTS -LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot L ADDRESS:~ OWN ER Re tai ning Wa ll Heigh t s 3'1 6' Pa r ki ng __Reqrd __Ene 1 Garag e Credit Dr ive : ,DO O@(900}(l200}~L P erm itted Sl ope %P roposed Slope % Co mplies wi th T .O.V .Lighting Ordinance Yes No Wat er Cour se Setback DO )(50) DO Finish Grades Ex ce ed 2:1 (5 0%)YES _NO _ En v ir on mental /Hazard s:1 )Flood Plain 2)Per c ent Sl ope «>3 0%}_ 3)Ge ol ogic Haz ar ds a}Snow Av alanc he_'_ b )Rockfa ll c)Deb r is Fl ow 4 }Wet 1 a nd s _ View Corrido r Encroachme nt:Ye s __NO,_ Do es t his r 8q u8 ::>L .i.llv ulve d 2 50 Ad dit ion? Howmuch o f t he a llowed 250 Ad diti on i s used witht h is r equ est ?__~_ previous cond it ions of a ppro va l (chec k prope rty fil e): PHONE •• Su bd iv is ion t/A/[~ ·ZONE DISTRICTS -LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot L ADDRESS:~ OWN ER Re tai ning Wa ll Heigh t s 3'1 6' Pa r ki ng __Reqrd __Ene 1 Garag e Credit Dr ive : ,DO O@(900}(l200}~L P erm itted Sl ope %P roposed Slope % Co mplies wi th T .O.V .Lighting Ordinance Yes No Wat er Cour se Setback DO )(50) DO Finish Grades Ex ce ed 2:1 (5 0%)YES _NO _ En v ir on mental /Hazard s:1 )Flood Plain 2)Per c ent Sl ope «>3 0%}_ 3)Ge ol ogic Haz ar ds a}Snow Av alanc he_'_ b )Rockfa ll c)Deb r is Fl ow 4 }Wet 1 a nd s _ View Corrido r Encroachme nt:Ye s __NO,_ Do es t his r 8q u8 ::>L .i.llv ulve d 2 50 Ad dit ion? Howmuch o f t he a llowed 250 Ad diti on i s used witht h is r equ est ?__~_ previous cond it ions of a ppro va l (chec k prope rty fil e): ,_Town 01 Vall •... epartment 01 Commun ity Development 75S.Frontage Road Vail,CO81657._-_.-------_._-_..-------_._- N ame ~~R ¥Ii Receipt No.48 5 6'5' Date /Z /29 /97-~~~~~~s ::;i =/dC 0Zty WY Pleasemake checkspayableto the TOWNOF VAIL ,----_._--- Account No .Item No .Cod e #Cost Each Total----, 00 1 00003141110 Zoning ,and AddressMaps ZA $5 .00 ·.-,------------~--001 0 0003141112UniformBuil d ingCode CB $54.00 ·.._---------- 0010000 3141112 Uniform Plumbing Code CB $39.00 · 00 10000314 1112 UniformM echanical Code ,·CB $37.00 00 100003141112 UniformFireCode CB $36.00 • 0010000 3141112 Na tional ElectricalCode CB $37.00 · 00 100 003141112 O lh er Code Bo oks CB · 001 00 00 314121 1 BluePrints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 • 601000 0 3 141111 )(eroxCopi es XC $0.25 • 00 100003 141111 Studies,Master Plans,etc.MS 001 000031 53000P enaltyFees/Re-Inspecfions PN 0 01 6 000311 2300 PlanReview f~e ,c he c k Fee ($40/per hour)PF 001 66 00 3 15 200C)Off Hour s Inspeclion Fees OH 001 00 003123000 Contractors LicenseFees CL OMOOOO'312 4000 Si9 !1~pp'l ic~iQ n Fee SP $20.00-._-----------,- 00 1 0000 3124000 AdditionalS ignApplicationFee S P 00 1 000031'f '220o 'Q~~g !1 £ijiv i e~_Board F~Elj P r e :p a ~2_,___._DR !'J/)vv .....--------------,-- 001000031 53000 ~~,I.sl !r:!g Inv e,~!g ation Fee PN------------'02'001 000024 03300 Dev,El~'?.Pe r ImprovementAgreement Deposit Qc.i1"oo60'3TH600 R e.?l~~r a ~l!.~.i,c en s e fee l Ti>VL-_____RL---_.-._------------ 001 00002302000 ~p~c:::.~?s(;)~~.,R e s t au r a n t Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.,SA ;00'1'o060~2oT1 000-!.<l ,~'!~t~.@_~~~%(Stat~L :J~~~~ble___T P---_..----_._-_._-~._.- •00 1 0000 31 01100 !ax?b.I,EJ,S!P 4 .0%(Town)·RetailSale s Tax T7-'--_.-_._._------_......._------1--,----Other/Misc.'MS_.-_.._~-.__._-~._-_._._--_.-~-_....__.__.-.,--------_._-_.-,- ----_._.._.._.._---_._- ooT6ooo 3 112500 PECAPPLICATIONFEES 6010000311'250-6 -----_._-._-- AdditionalGR FA '"250"PV $200.00 0010 600 31T2500 Condition'alUse Permit PV $200.00 001 000o'3Tf2500 E xterior Alt eration -Less than100 sq .It.PV $200.00 0 01 0000311 2500 Ex teriorAlteration,More than 100sq .It.PV $500.00 00 10000 311 2500 Spe cia l DevelopmentDistrict -N EW PV $1,500.00 00 1 0 0003112500 ~pec ia l5 e v e l o p m e n t District ,Major Am end PV $1,000.00 00 10000311 2500 SpecialDevelopment District-MinorAmend PV $200.00 0 01 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV------------ 0010000 311 2500 V ariance PV $250.00 001 0 0003112500 Zoning Cod e Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 Other 'MS ->..--, TOTAL:LX),uu Comments:-/ldddim i!J tidi:fhd~f//e /9WJIW?4r:iZJr.- ~ ~Cash Money Order #Check #8C{5Z Received by: .-•• Operator:RSCHNIDT Check:8052 Date:12/31/97 81 Receipt:8883198 DECK S50 . Rlount Tendered S50.00 PAY TO Hl:ORDER (f FIRSTBMI (f VRIl VRIl CO 81657 :10!!10 IS19: FOR DtPOS IT !H.Y T(JIN OF VAll 510 0337 Town of Vail fff CUSTOMER RECEIPT fff OPER:RSCHMIDT FB DRAWER :1 DATE:12/31/97 01 RECEIPT:0003198 DESCRIPTI~DTY AKJlJIT TP Til DESIGN REVIEW FE I S50.00 DR CK FRITZlEN ,PIERCE,BRINER DRB FEE -ACCARDO RESIDEt.tE DATE:12/30 /97 14:18:01 TOTAl DECK S:i0 .00 RMOOO TENDERED S50.00 TI4N{YOO FO R yooR PA YMENTI .''•• 23 March1998 G eorge Ruther Town Of Vail Community Development re;Accardo Residence •• MAR 23 TOV-eOM .DEV,DE ARCH ITECTS Geo rge, Pera conversation I'd hadwithReedO 'Natc lastweek ,itwasa greed thattheAccardo residence nolongerneedstopursuea250squarefoot addition through thePEC.Reedhad requested I provide a letter requesting a withdrawal of that250add PEe submittal.Please consider this letter that withdrawal request. Attaehed isacopy of theDRB application Reedhadalsorequested.We 've previously submitted the$50.00fee,if this submittal requires additional feespleaseletmeknow.It ismy understanding ,perthis conversation withReed ,thatthisisallthe Town requires atthispoint.All applicable drawings havebeen submitted.Thisshouldplaceusinline for theDRB meeting tobe heldonApril15t h .If youeanmovethisup,or staff approvethis project I'd appreciate it. Thanks forallyourtime,ReedsandMike Mollica's.It is appreciated. ~Ch7/~lL7 Dale Smith Architect L:\9658IDOCIGR032398.WPD Planning •Arc hit ectu re •Int erio rs 1 650 East Va il Va lleyDrive Fallridge C-l•Va il,CO8 1 657 •fp h @m lor ad o.net•fax (970 )476 -4901•(970)476-6342 ..•Q uestions?_t he Planning S taff a t 479-2 12R APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL A. G ENERAL INFORMATI ON This appli cation is for any projectrequirin g D esignRev iew a pproval.Anypr oject requirin g de sign re view must receive Design Rcviewa pproval p rior tos ubmittingfor a b uildingp ermit.For s pecific information,see t hes ubmittal re quire mentsfor t he particular approval that is req uested .T he a pplication ca nnot bc acce pted u ntilallth e r equired information is s ub mitted.Th e pr oject m ay also need to bereviewed by th eTo wn Co uncil an d/or th e Planning and E nvironmental Co mmission .Design R eview Board a pproval ex pires one ye ar after fin al approval unless a build ing permit is issued and construction iss tarted. D ESCRIPTIONO F THE REQUEST:,AO,Q/Da<.J,/6I4/2/qz./~"..;r0'V'OIL /Z£n1t:¥X<-0 or::POeUX 7 7 B .LOCAT ION O FPR OPOSAL:LOT :10;B LO CK:FILI NG:!MIL VAULr J'M. P HYSICA L AD DRESS:Iqq8 ,SUAI!br:.Jg:r Pte . C. D . E. PARCEL #:(ContactEagle Co .Assessors O fficeat 9 70-32!1 -RMO for,p arcel #) ZON ING :,I?£L/J?1ICfj ;&Cd~. NAM E OF OWNER{S):t<./Arx;.ACcq?,g:.> MAILING ADDRESS:300 W .Iq777 zz.u:4v(. ,.(j cJ 0 b P HON E:81fR -<11i"3"ZLJo C ons truction of a new bu ilding . Includes any additi on where sq uarefootageisa ddedto any resi dential or commercial build ing. Includes minor c ha nges to buildingsa nd s ite improvements.su ch as. re roofing,pai nting.w in dow addition s .landscaping.f encesa nd re taining walls.etc. Fo r any application where the appli cant wishes to meet with Design Review Bo ardto determinew hether ornott heprojectgen era lly complies w ith t he designgu idelines.,TheD RB d oesnotv ote o nc onceptual reviews.. $20 o Conceptual Review -SO o Minor Alteration - OWNER{S)SI GNAT URE{S):-~"J-..-7I-'-a~!(""j~:=:",,_-----------­ NAME OF APPLI CANT :_--L:&~~~~J;.~ffi~....h.~~~L~BL<.~'#~~.2_ M A I LING A D DRESS:-I-IJ.!::.......c:=-..=....~=::.!...=-~=I.""'Jf-....a:='--'-_---o-.,.--__ tf!JIG c.a TYPEOFREV IEW A ND FEE: o New Construction -$200 ~ddition -$50 H . F. G. DRB fees a retobe paida tth e tim e of submittal.Lat er.w hen applying fora building permit,pl easeident ify the ac curatevaluation of theproj ect.TheT own of V ail will a djustth e fc c aceordingto theproj ect valu ation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION ,A LL SU nMITTALR EQ UIR EMENTSAN D T HE FE ET O T HE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 S OUTH FRO NT AGE ROAD . VAIL,COLORADO 81657. -.--.',...',-e LIST OF MA TERIALS NAME OF PROJECT:~'--_ ,LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT..!5..-BLOCK __SUBDIVISION VIh!:-V-ru.ey 7lIN<R Ffl.-fAlG-- STREET ADDRES S:IflfJ?q<IM-sr I?t-. The fo l lowing i nfo rmation is requ ired for submiL LalLot h e Des ign Revie w Board bef o r ea final a pp ro val c an be g iven : A.BUILDING MA TERIALS:TYPE OF MA TERIAL COLOR Roof S id ing Ot her Wal lMa t erials Fa s ci a ~~) B&wl./~ Soff it s Windo·....s Window Trim Doors Doo rT r im Hand or Dec k Ra ils F l u es Fla shi ngs Ch imn eys Tras h Enclo su res Green h ou s e s Retainin gWa lls/~~Ne-V~ Ext e ri or L i ght ing Other 8 .LAND SCAPI NG :Name of Desig ner : Pho ne: 7 .\ ••.0nwalll hC Planning Staff at 47 9 -/.1 ~~ APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL I r ;1IAlX A CC/.1!?f?tJ &!.:.4071-0 /#(2. ___FILING ....!.V;:..L~...:..v.-=~.J.--..::~_ :.:,t--,-_-=,-=__BUILDING NAME:-1i }I~~~~>a..::...:..:L_;L----------------___..,_:1 ADDRESS :-+-4-.L..:="------: ZONING :_----'c...L.-':.t.-'-'-'-, NAME OF O\\'NER(u/"__L..:..-"=..:!..~_'-'-::""':"-'-~'----,-__ MAILING ADDRESS:_L:::..,;::....:-:...:.<.....<.=:........<-'-'...;,,L..:..._ GENERAL INFORMATION Thisapplicationisforanyproject requiring appro val bythe Planning a ndEnvironmental Commis sion.Forsp ecific information .s ee the submittal req uirements fortheparticular a pproval that isrequested.Th e application can notbe accepted un til all required inform ation issubmitted.Theproject mayalso needt o be reviewed bheTownCouncil and/o r theDesign Review Bo ard ." A. C. E. D. 13. ___________________PHONE:_ F.OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S):_-"#..::...;:..:_;....:.~-'Y):....<L?:....:~:.........Lt0_'L~_"_'-n"'__'_._---..,-_ G.NAME OFREPRESENTATfVE:04!0[Y11~d;.::'.6 A!ZC'!&fl'eL:5 MAILING ADDRESS:/b50 G ·v,d/L lY/-JaPfI Pa k~t/;C C-l t/"tJ/L CU CJItrz 57 PHONE:f 7ts:>(,3"12 J ·H.FEE-SEETHE SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS FORTHE APPROPRIATE FE ?)C~7 ~~4'g tJ I SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALLSUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTSANDTHEFEETOTHE DEPARTMENT OFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT,75SOUTHFRONTAGEROAD, VAIL,COLORADO81657. For Office UseOnly : FeePa id:Z5u (;()Ck#:8!J63 Application Date:~G 79 1m, By:ta±J1LuiL'J2'5n7UVl..~ PEe MeetingDate:,~--~/. Revised 619 6 r t~..c))\1)0'<0 . .....,..Town ofVall D artment of Community Development 75S.Frontage Road Vail,CO8 1657_._---._-.._._-------_.__._=-=:------------------------ Nan oC J :~~..~/.~j~~l},~'PrO R eceipt No.4fY.500 Addr ess :Cd -.lIY2 La)ILJh 7Jr:Z A /jf Project :3i&}j{L Da te L f cix: Please mak echecks payabl e totheTOWNOF VAIL Account No.Item Total /tJ{),W $7.00 • $0.25 • $5.00 • $54.00• $39.00 • $37.00• $36.00 • $37.00• $20.00 $250.00 $200.00 $250.00 $500.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $1,500.00 $1 ,000"".0;-;;:0-+-_ $200.00 T OTAL:/..~n.(.u ZA CB CB CB CB CB CB BF XC MS PN PF OH CL SP SP DR PN 0 2 RL SA- TP T7 - MS-- PV PV PV PV .PV PV PV PV PV PV PV MS Re-Zoning Other - ...----.-.--..---'----...--------------·----1 00 1 00003112500Zoning CodeAmendments 00 1 0000 31 1 2500 Variance 00 1 0000-31T 25 0 o'-PECAPPCicATION FEES 00 1 00 00 311'25'0-6--Additional GR",oFO=-A~_':";''';''2';:50;;:;':-=''---------'--~~~-=-=-l~~~n:==lm~~==1 001 0000'3112560't -Ori dlilOr iaTUse Permit bOT060o'3ff2500 Exterior Allerat ion •L':"'e":"'ss~th-an~1O~Oo-s-q-.""'-ft.---I 0 01 0 0003 11 2500 EXtemJr-Alleration -More than 100sq.ft. 001 0000-3-11 2500-Spe cia l Developme nt District _7:N'=E7:W7 L......:.:....---t--t=..,-- 00100063112500 Sp ecial Development Districl 'MajorAmend --r.,;-;';--+~~~-t ------I 0010000 3112500 SpecialDevelopment District-Minor Amend 001 00003112500Su bdivi sion Fees 001 00003 141110 Zoning a ndAddress Maps 061"00603141112 Uniform B uilding Cod e 00 1 00003 141112UniformPlu mbingCode 001 0 0003 141112 Uniform Mechanical Code 0010 6'oo -3T4 1 f12 Uniform Fire Cod e 0 01 0 006'-314 1112 Na tionalElectrical Code 001000 0 3141112 -O-Ih-e-r Co:;:de·~B ":'oo~k=::s-=-==---------t--t.~-·-+-=~:..t-----j 001 0000314 1211BluePrints/Mylar Coey....:F....:e:..::e..::.s I --E.;~-+----,~~to------ 00100 00 3141111 XeroxCopies 00100 00314 1111Studies ,Maste-r--;::PC;-Ia-n-s-,e-:-lc-.--------j --E~-I -~==--J------I 001'00 00 31530 00 Pena lly Fees/Re-1 nsfJ:..;:ec:;c""tio:..:.:n'7.s ;:-;-;:;,--;-----;I__b :-_t-I-_ Q.QLQ.Q0 0.JJ.1-2..300 P lan R evie~_£3...::.e-=-c;:.:h.=.:ec=;;k;..:.F-='e:..=e_"("'_$4.:.:0::.Jfec:.::e:.:..r..:.:h..::.o.::.:ur.L)---f--I~-;---II-----I-----­ 001 00003152000 Off H oursInspection Fees 00100003123000Contracto rs License FeesQQfo.90-63i'~~OO o.._.Sig!l AfJ fi!ic;atio_nJ :.e e --------1 0Cl l.9.000.31 ~..~00Q._~d d i ~i,c>n al.S i g_~e~a ti o n Fee 0 0 l.Q QQ Q.~J..!...?~Q.o__Q e~g0 ~v ie."Y Board Fee (Pre,paid).I_-t ~;::;-;.-;:.--t-----+------1 00 100 00~15 3000 !?uild i ng ..!..n v ~~..::.at....:io:..:.:n:...:F_e:c:;e,.__--_:_;::c-_:_:_-_I --r.::~-_t _---_+_----­ 00 10000 240 3300 Developer Improvement Ag reement Deposit 0(>'1--0000 31 2}OOO-~:S~~~~~~t\i.c en s e fee G:QV)_-=--=-_-=-__I__;;'7---t-----t------- 0O'1 n 0Q9Q.~Q..?Q.QQ._~2E!~A s~(.:s~.,~es ta u ra n t Fee to Co.DeeLRev. 'OO t 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5%(State)·Tax payable'oo'j -000 0316--11 00 Taxiible '@ 4~6%'(Town)•Retail Sa les Tax ---.---.-----....-O t her/M ls~-' Cash Money O rder #Check #c1153 Received by:n: $250 .00 .250.00 •• Operato r:RSCHMIDT Ch eck:8053 Date:12/31197 01 Receipt:0003196 CHECK .250.00 A.ount Tendered .250.00 PAY TO TI£ORDER IF FIRSTJlAN{IF VAIL VAIL CO 81657 :102101519: FOR DEPOSIT ONLY TBlN IF VA IL 570 0337 TOIIII of Vail ...WS TlJER RECEI PT Ht OPE R:RSCHMIDT FB DRAWER:I DATE:121 31/97 01 RtCEIP T:0003196 DESCRIPTION GTY IlMIlm TP 1lI PE e VARIANCE FEE I .2j0.00 PV CK FRITZLE N,PIERCE,BRINER ADD'L 6RFA 250 -1998 ~BURST DATE:12/30/97 14:09:07 TO TAL CHECK AIO.NT TENDERI:D TIm<YOO FOR YIlJR PAYMENT! •••.I...- TO: FROM : DATE : SUBJECT: Planningand Environmental Commission Department ofCommun ity Development February9,1998 Arequestforadd itonal GRFAutilizingthe250ordinance ,toallowforaremodel , locatedat1998SunburstDrive/Lot19,VailValley3rdFiling. Applicant: Planner: Nate Accardo ,representedbyDaleSmith,Fritzlen,Pierce Briner Architects ReedOriate I.BACKGROUNDANDDESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST In1985,theVailTownCouncilapprovedOrdinance4,Seriesof1985,whichcreated Chapter (12- 15-5)oftheVailMunicipalCode ,entitled"AdditionalGrossResidentialFloorArea ."This Chapter allowsforupto250squarefeetofadditionalGrossResidentialFloorArea(GRFA)tobeaddedtoa dwelling(beyondthemaximumallowance),providedcertaincriteriaaremet.Thepurposeofthe Additional GRFA Ordinance istoprovidean inducement fortheupgradingofexisting dwellings units ,whichhavebeeninexistenceforaperiodofatleastfiveyears,by permitting uptotwo hundredfifty(250)squarefeetofGRFAtobeaddedtoadwellingunit. The applicant isrequestingtoaddatotalof250squarefeetwithinthe secondary unit including,two additions tothemainlevelandtwosmall interior additionstothesecondlevel.Thesecond floor additionwouldinfill36sq.ft.ofvaultedspace,andanarea currently opento below totaling26sq.ft. (24sq.ft under the250ordinanceplus2sq .ft.asan interior conversion).Themainlevel additions wouldexpandedthediningroomonthewestelevationby47squarefeetandadd143squarefeet onthesouthelevationtocreateabedroomattherearofthesecondunit. Theduplexwasbuiltin1980andreceivedaFinal Certificate of Occupancy in1982.Thebuildingis nonconforming inseveralaspects .First,thebuildingexceedsthemaximumbuildingheightby approximately 1foot.Second,thebuildingencroachesintothefront setback aswellas,bothside setbacks.Finally,thebuildingis over theallowableGRFA.TheTownofVailrecordsshowthatthis buildingcompliedwiththeexistingzon ing requirementswhenitwasbuilt ,andis therefore ,alegal nonconforming structure.InMarchof1997,a250GRFAallocationandfacade improvements were grantedfortheprimaryunit.Asapartofthatrequest,facade improvements tothe other half of this duplex (secondary unit)werealsorequiredandapprovedbytheDesignReviewBoard(inMayof 1997)tomatchthenew architecture. 1 ZONING ANALYSIS 33' 3,020 sq .fl . Remaining o sq .fl. N/A o sq .fl . o sq .ft. Proposed 6 ,344 sq .ft. 3,317 sq .ft. N/A ossibleavalanche influence zone 6 ,092*sq.fl. 3,091sq.ft. 34' • 2,239 sq .fl -ZC;O1'i n3,31 ~.ft. Allowed/Required 5 ,259 sq .ft. • Primary/Secondary Residential 16 ,587 squarefeet Highhazardrockfall ;moderate Primary : W1250: Secondary: W/250: LotSize: Zon ing : II. Hazards : GRFA: Height: Site Cove rage: Landscaping :9,952 sq.fl . (60%min.) 13 ,496 sq .fl . (81%) 13,270 sq.ft. (80%) N/A Par king :5spaces 7spaces7spaces N/A •Existing GRFAnumbersaregreaterthanalloweddueinpartto previous interior conversions , **This includes 2sq .ft.of interior conversion III.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS A.Consideration ofFactors : Beforeactingonan applicat ion for additional GRFA,thePlanningand Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect tothe proposed use : 1.Effect upon the existing topography.vegetation.dra inage and existing structures. The proposal w ill haveno significant impactsupon existing topography and vegetation,Oneexte rior addition would encroach into existing patioandthe second exterior additionwouldbe cantilevered over existing grades .Staff doesnotbelievethatthe exterior additions would significantly affect existing site topography,vegetation,drainage,or existing structures. 2.Impact on adjacent properties. The addition shouldnot adversely affect views ,li ghtorair enjoyed by adjacent structures .Staff believes that the proposed additions willnot have a significant impacton adjacent properties.The facade improvements would matchexisting facade improvements and enhance this property making it compatible withthesurround ing structures . 2 ••••DRAFT 3.Compliance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Section12-15-5.B.6 oftheTownofVailMunicipalCoderequiresthatany dwellingunitforwhichanadditionisproposedshallberequiredtomeetthe TownofVailDesignGuidelines assetforthinChapter12-11-1oftheVail MunicipalCode .Additionally ,beforeanyadditionalGRFAmaybepermitted inaccordancewithChapter12-15,the staff shallreviewthe maintenance andupkeepoftheexistingsinglefamilyortwofamilydwellingandsite, includinglandscaping,todetermine whether theycomplywiththeDesign ReviewGuidelines .Thesestandardsincludelandscaping,undergrounding ofutilities ,drivewaypavingandgeneralmaintenanceoftheproperty. Uponinspectionofthesitebystaff ,wefindthatthepropertyisin compliancewiththeapplicabledevelopmentstandardslistedabove.The drivewayispavedandallutilitiesarebelowground .Staff believes thatthe siteisadequatelylandscapedandnoadditionallandscapingisrequired . B.Findings: ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionshallmakethefollowingfindingsbefore grantingapprovalforAdditionalGRFA: 1.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwouldnotnegat ively effectexistingtopography ,vegetation ,drainageandexisting structures. 2 .ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwouldnotnegatively impactadjacentproperties . 3.Thatthegrant ing oftherequestedAddit ional GRFAwouldcomp ly withall Townzoningrequirements andapplicable development standards . IV.STAFFRECOMMENDATION TheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentstaffrecommends approval ofthisapplicat ion for250 squarefeetofadditional GRFA(underthe250Ordinance)subjecttothefollowingfindings: 1.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwillnotnegativelyeffectexisting topography,vegetation ,drainageandexistingstructures . 2.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwillnotnegatively impact adjacentproperties. 3.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwillcomplywithallTownzoning requirementsandapplicabledevelopmentstandards. F:IEVERYONElPECIMEMOSI98IACARD01 .WPD 3 5Lol l--z..s ,.. . TOWN OF VAIL 75 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIl"CO 81657 9 70 -4 7 9-2138 DEPARTM ENT OF C O ~~UNI TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PEID1IT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALT SFRBUILD PERM IT P e rmit #:B97 -0037 J ob Address:1988 SUNBU RST DR Locati on ...:199 8 SUN BUR ST DR Parce l No ..:21 01-091-0 3-03 1 Pro je ct No.:PRJ97 -0 019 Status ...:I SSUED Appl i ed ..:03/31/1997 Issu ed ...:0 4/04/1997 Expi res ..:1 0/01/1997 r, Oc cu pa nc y:R3 T ype Con s tru ct ion:V N GALLINA CGt1PANY POBOX 1990,EAGLE CO 81631 GALLINA COM PANY POBOX 1990,EAGLE CO 816 31 ACCARDO NATHAN J- GARL INGHOU SE BKENT,3 00W19 P ho ne:3039263445 P ho ne :3 039 263445 2 50 TERRACE,KANSAS CITY MO 64108 TOV/Comm.Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund Fam ilyRe sid enceapproved 'f/0rv,!~e.b""- No n-Rated amount ~o ,!m date .J..e.{IS(OIAddSqFt: Si ngle Typ e V ACCARDO /BENNETT 2 10,000Valuation: OWNER APP LI CAN T De s c ription: REMO DEL/A DDI'rI ON CON T RA CTOR Fire pla ce Informati on:Restr ict ed:/lOfGas Appli ance s:/lOf Gas Logs:/101 Iiood/Pallet : ***********************************************************FEE SUMI1ARY ********************************************************** Bu il d ing----->1,180 .00 Re stuarant Pl an Revi ew-->.00 To t e l,Cal cul ated Fees--->2 ,687.50 Pl a n Check--->767 .00 ORB Fee ----------------->200 .00Addi ti ona l Fee s--------->.00 Inv es t iga tion>.00 Recr e ation Fee---------->37.50 Tot al Permit Fee-------->2,687 .50 lIill Call---->3.00 Cl ean-Up Oeposit -------->500.00 Pa ym ents---------------->2 ,687.50 TOTAL FEE S-------------->2 ,687.50 BALANCE OU E------------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDI NG DEPART MENT Dep t:BUILDING Division: 0 3/,31/,1997 CHA RLIE Acti on:NOTE PLAN S TO DAN , 04/0 4/1997 DAN Actlon:APPR r I tem:05 400 PLANNI NG DEPAR TMEN T De Rt:P LAN NING Div is ion: 0 3/,31/,1997 CHARL IE Action:NOTEP LANS TO GEO GE 04/0 4/1 997 LAUREN Action:APPRLAURE N Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTM ENT Dept:FIRE Division: 03/31/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/A Dept:PUB WORK Division:Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS N/A03/31/1997 CHARLIE Acti on:APPR ********************************************************************************************************************************** S ee Page 2o f this Docum e nt fo r any condit ion s that may app ly to thi s permit. DECLARATI ONS Se nd Cl ea n-UpDepos i tTo :GAL LINA SI GIIA TUR E OF O~Il E R OR COIlTRACTOR FOR HIMSE LF AND OIiIlER I he rebyacknow ledge tha tIhave readt his a pplic at i on,fil led out in f u ll the in formation requ ired ,compl et ed Bn ac c urate plot p lan,a nd state that Bll t he in format ion prov ided as required is correct.I ag ree to co mply with th e informat ion a nd plo t p l an, to compl y with al l Town ordinances an d sta te laws,Bnd t o bu ild thi s st ruc ture aaCdi ngt o the Town's zoning Bnd subdiv is ion code s,design rev iew Bp proved,Unif ormBuildingCodeand other ordinances0 1t he Ton app l ica ble ther e to. REOU ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALLBEHADE TIiEN TY-FOU R HOURS IN AD VAN CEBYTELEPIi CIlE....T4 9-8 O ~U ~~FFI CE FROM 8 :00 AM 5 :00 PM -/•.A..I" '. Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS permit #:B97 -0037 as of 04/07 /97 Status---:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Pe rmit Type :ADD/ALTSFR BU ILD PERM IT Applicant--:GALLINA COMPANY 3 0 39263 445 , Job Addres s :'1 988 SUNBURST DR Location---:1 998 SUNBURST DR Parce lNo--:2101-09 1-03-031 Desc ription: REMODE L/ADDIT ION ACCA RDO/BENNETT Applied --:03/31/19 97 I ssued ---:04/04/19 97 To Expire:10 /01/199 7 **************************************Con di ti on s ****************************** 1 .FIELD I NSPECTIONS ARE REQ UIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL IANCE . 2 .SMOKE DETEC TORS ARE REQUI REDINALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UB C. 3 .ST RUCTUAL ENGINEERWILLBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE FRAM ING BEFORE TOWN OFVAILWILL OK FRAMING INSPECTION ! • **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0256 Amount: P ayment Method:CHECK Notation:#4177 1,850 .50 04/07/97 09:12 Init :CD P ermit No:B97 -0037 Type:A-BUILD ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPE Pa rcel No:2101 -091 -03 -031 Site Addr e ss:1988 SUNBURST DR Loca tion:1998 SUN BURST DR Total Fees:2,687.50 This Payment 1,850 .50 TotalALLPmts:2,687.50 Balance :.00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 0000 41310 ,BUILDING PERMITF EES 1,180 .00, 0 1 0000 41 331 DESIGN REVIEW FEE S 130 .00 01 0000 2 2002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 500.00 30 0000 4 5032 RECREATION FEES 37 .50 0 1 0000 41336 WILL CALL I NSPECTIONFEE 3.0 0 , r •• TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 5 S.F RONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479 -2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE P OSTED ON JOBSI TE ATALLTIMES MECHANICAL PE RMIT Permit #:M97 -0037 J o b Add ress :1988 SUNBURS T DR Lo c a tion :1998 SUNBURS T DR Pa r cel No:2101-091-03-031 P r o ject Number:PRJ97 -0019 S t atus ...:I SSUED Applied ..:03/31/1997 Issued ...:04/04/1997 Expires..:10/01/1997 AP PLICANT VAIL VALLEY PLUMBING &HEATING Phone:3039497771 POBOX 2048 ,AVON CO 81620 CON TRACTORVAIL VALLEY PLUMBING &HEA TING Phone:3039497771 POBOX 2048 ,AVON CO 81620 OWNER ACCARDO NATHAN J- GARLINGHOUSE BKENT,300 W19 T ERRACE,KANSAS CITY MO 64108 De sc ription: REI10DEL/ADDITION OF DUPLEX Fireplace Informati on :Rest rict ed:#Of Ga s Appli ance s: Valuation: II0f GasLogs : 8,000.00 hOf Uood /Pallet : Dept:BUILDING Divi s ion: Dept:FI RE Division: AA ****.*A**********A ***************************************FEE SUMM AR Y ***************************************A**************A*** 11echanica l---)1 60 .00Re st ua rant P l a n Rev t ev -r-o .00 Tot al Ca l cu la t ed Fee s---)203 .00 Pl An Check---)1.0.00 ORO Fe e -----------------).00 Ad di tiona lFee s---------).00 I nve s ti ga tio n).00 TOTAL FEES-------------->203 .00 Tot al Perm itFee --------)203 .00 U i II Ca ll----)3.00 Payment s---------------->203 .00 BA LA NCE DUE------------->.00 ****••**•••***********••*******.*.**************.*.**••***••***.*••••*.*****.****.*••***************•••******••*.**.*****.***.**** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEN T 04/04/1997 DAN Action :APPR I t em:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 0 4/04/1997 DAN Act ion:APPRN/A CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1 .FIELD INSPE CTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F OR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2 .INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TOAPPENDIX CHAPTER 21OF THE 1991 UMC . 3 .GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4.ACCESS TO HEA TING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 AND 703 OFTHE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS Ih er eby ac knowl edge t hat I have read thi sa ppl ication ,filled out i n full the information required,completed a n a ccu r atep l ot p l an ,a nd s tat e that a llt he information p ro vided as r equired is cor rec t.I agree to c omply with the information a ndp lot p l en, to comp ly with all Town ordinance s and s ta te laws,and to build t his stru cture ac cord ing t o the Town's zoning and s ubdiv is ion code s,de sign rev iew a pproved,Uniform Buildi ng Codea nd other ordinan ces of the Town applica ble thereto . REQ UESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TIIEIlT Y-FOUR 1l 0U RS IN ADVAtICE BY TELE PIlO NE AT 479 -2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FR OM 8:00 AM 5 :00 PIt •• ~*************************************************************** ~O W N OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt '*************************************************************** Stat emnt Number:RE C-0256 Amount : P ayment Method:CHECK Notation:#4177 P ermitNo:M97-0037 Type:B-MECH Pa rcel No:2101 -091-03-031 site Address:1988 SUNBURST DR Location:1998 SUNBURST DR 203.0 0 04 /07/9 7 09 :14 I nit :CD MECHANIC AL PERMIT Total Fee s :203.00 This Payme nt 203.00 Total ALL Pmts:203 .00 Balance:.00 k*************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41312: 01 0000 41332 01 0 000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECT ION FEE Amount 160 .00 40 .0 0 3 .0 0 ,, •• TOWN OFVAIL DEPA RTMENTOF COMM UNI TY DEV ELO PMENT 75 S .F RONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970 -479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTEDON JO BSITEATALLT IMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT P er mit #:E97-00 39 r, Job Addr e ss: Location ...: Parcel No ..: Project No .: 198 8 SUN BU RST DR 1 998 SUNBUR ST DR 2101-091-03 -0 31 PRJ97 -0019 Statu s ... Ap pl ied .. Is sued .. Exp i res ..: I SSUED 03/3 1/1 997 03/31/1997 09/27/1 997 APPLICANT NEW ELECTRIC INC Phone:303949465 1 POBOX 9 57,AVON CO 81620 CO NTRA CTOR NEW ELECTRICINC Phone:303949465 1 P OBOX 957 ,AVON CO 81620 OWNER ACCARDO NATHAN J - GARLIN GHOUSE B KENT,300 W19TERRACE,KANSASCITY MO 64108 Des cription:REMODEL/ADDITION OF DUPLEX Va lu ation :4,000.00 ,****••,***************************************************FEE SUM MARY ********************************************************** Electrical---) ORB Fee ---) Inve.t igati on) Yil l Ca ll ----) TOT AL FE ES ---) 72 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 75 .00 Tota l Ca lcu la t edFees ---) Addi ti o nal Fee.---------) Tota l Pe rm i t Fee --------) Payme nts----------------) BALANC E DUE-------------) 75 .00 .00 75.00 75 .00 .00 ******-**-********-*******-****************-************************************************************************************** Dep t:BUILDING Division : ERNST Item:06000 ELEC TRIC AL DEPARTMEN T 03/,31/,1997 CHARLIE Action :APPR FOR 04/04/1997 DAN Act io n:APPR N/A Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN T 04/04/1997 DAN Action:APPRN/A Dept:FI RE Divi si on: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONOFAPPROVAL 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F OR CODE COMPLIANCE.! 2.ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1996 NEC **********************************************••*.****.*.***.*••****.***************************************************.********. DEC LARATIONS I hereby ackn o~ledge tha t Ihaveread thi .a pplication,filled outinf ull the inf ormation r equired,completed a n accurate plot p l an,a nd .tate that a ll the in formation providedas r equiredis correct.I agreetocomply ~ith the informati on a nd plot p lan, to comp ly ~it h a ll To ~n ordinances and state l a~.,and to bui ld t hi.structur e ac co rding t othe To~n's zoning a nd s ubdivision codes ,de.ign revie~a pproved,Uniform Bu ilding Co dean do ther ordinan ce.of the T o ~n appl icable t hereto . REOU ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE HADE TYENTY-FOUR HOUR S I N ADVANC E BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUROFFICE FRO M8 :00 AH 5 :00 PM FOR HIMSELF AND OYNER •• **************************************************************** TOI'JN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Sta te mnt Number:REC -0256 Amount: P ayment Method:CHECK Notation:#4177 Permit No:E97-0039 Type:B-E LEC Parcel No:2101-091 -03 -031 Site Address :1988 SUNBURST DR Location:1998 SUNBURST DR 75.00 04/07/97 09 :13 Init :CD .ELECTRICALPERMIT Tota l Fees:75.00 Th is Payment 75.00 Total ALL Pmts:75 .00 Balan ce:.00 **************************************************************** Ac count Code 01 0000 41313, 01 0000 41336' Desc ription ELECTRICALPERMITFEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 72.00 3 .00 , r ••:n ~t n c t E agl c Coun ty Assc ss or s Of ficc 11:97 0-32-8rJJ40 i oc P ab~l I)..TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION I RCE L I):II--Ct1 (--o :?,,,,PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Jic)/-0'1 ,-65-D ~DATE:z,<3/-·9 l .P E RNIT I!-- ,APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED Number of Accommodation units: ./[~Additional [)-Repair [)-other _ e neral Description: ork Class:[)-New [~ltera~ion umber of Dwelling units:~ ~*****************************PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** ~[)-Building [)-Plumbing [)-Electrical [)-Mechan~cal [)-Other robName:Qt&~1 ~Qwrcl Job Addresst~1...93.&k~m c........,_I""Vr ·· ,e gal Desc ription:Lot I q Block Filing ~SU BDIVI SI ON:~ 'I f]~J}t P h .~2.ao .rch itect:--lh S""d t .VU~~Ph.JJ J b~6 3 LJ 2- pmber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances._._G?-s Logs__WoodjPellet _ P~7-0Clq' *********************************VALUATIONS ****1**************************** OTHER:$.-~~.------""5~­ TOTAL:$--~..!....::...,L:-:-'-'--- Town of Vail Reg.NO.//0 -E Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg.NO ._ Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg.NO.118 "? Phorre Number: EI ,ECTRICAL:$0 ~-­ MECHANICAL:$g ,~ I INFORMATION *************************** Town of Vail Reg.NO./«7 -It Phone Number: achand ca l ldress: Lumbing Contractor: idress: ********************** ~n e r a l Contractor: idress:0 l ectrical Contractor:~f]~) Idress:.-0039 UI LDING:...,,$_-,-_ LUM BING:-'$----"""--'-""4_- FOR,****************************** JILDINGPERMIT FEE: ~MBING PERMIT FEE: ;CHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ,ECTRICAL FEE: 'HERTYPEOF FEE: ~B FEE:1\,'11/?1? BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN .CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK YEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ,.'.RECREATION .FEE ::!-~",~,'-~~~~....u:.....:J-..:.=..:"--- CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:. TOTALPERMIT FEE~.:.. '.l .tt)~) -cot!SQ.FT.VALUATIONTYPEGROUP ·rnrn ents:-'-.:.-_ .EAR UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: •• ELECTRICA L PERMIT TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPAR TMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES Permit #:E97-0173 Job Address:1988 SUNBURST DR Location ...:1998 SUNBURST DR Parcel No ..:2101-091-03 -031 Project No.:PRJ97 -0019 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:08/11/1997 Issued ...:08/11/1997 Expires ..:02/07/1998 APP LICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER APEX SECURI TY GROUP 1429 GRAND AVENUE,SUITE APEX SECURITY GROUP 1429 GRAND AVENUE,SUITE ACCARDO NATHAN J- GAR LINGHOUSE B KENT ,300 Phone:970 -945-2 152 0,GLENWOOD SPRINGS,CO 8160 1 Phone:970-945 -2 152 0 ,GLENWOOD SPR INGS,CO 8160 1 W19TERRACE,KANSAS C ITY MO 64 108 Description:INSTAL L F IRE ALARM SYSTEM Val uation:1,448 .00 ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** El ect rical---> ORB Fee ---> Investigation> \lill Call----> TOTAL FEES ---> 50.00 .00 .00 3 .00 53 .00 Tota l Calcu lated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> Tota l Perm it Fee--------> Payments----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------> 53 .00 .00 53 .00 53.00 .00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** I tem :06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/11/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR CHARL IE Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/11/19 97 CHARLIE Action:APPR Dept:BU ILDING Division : Dept:FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITIO N OF APPROVAL 1 .FI ELD I NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR COD ECOMPLIANCE. 2.FIRE DEPARTMENT FINAL APPROVAL IS REQ'D 479 -21 35 ********************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS Ihe reby acknowledge thatI haveread this appl ication,f illed out infu ll the informat ion re quired,comp leted a n acc urate p lot pl an,and stat e t hat all t he informationprovidedas r equired is correct .Ia gree to comply wit h the information a ndpl otp lan, to comply wit h all Tow n or dinances and state laws,a nd to build th is structure acco rding to th e Tow n's zoning andsubd iv ision codes,design r evi ew a pproved,Un ifo rm Building Code and other ordinances of the Tow n app licab le t he reto . SIGNATUREOF ~TOR FOR HI MS ELF AND OIiNER ..' ••**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC -0318 Amount: Payment Method:CHECK No ta tio n:#837 5 3.00 08/22/97 13:57 Init:CD Permit No:E97 -0173 Type:B-ELEC Parcel No:2101 -091-03-031 Site Address:1988 SUNBURST DR Location:1998 SUNBURST DR ELECTRICALPERMIT This Payment 53.00 To tal F ees: To tal ALL Pm ts: Balance: 53.00 53.00 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 ..' Description ELECTRICALPERMITFEES WILL CAL L INSPECTION FEE Amount 50.00 3.00 **~o n t ac~'E a gl e County Assesso rs "'fice 4IJ (a·t.9 70-328 -86 40 fo r Pa rc e l II .TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION PERI-lIT 1'_ lPARC EL If:PERMITAPPLICATION FORM ,DATE:Of!./!.Q7 Pf?.3Q""}-ooI9 / APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED "******************************PERMIT INFORMATION *****************************~.~ [)-Building [)-Plumbing [)-Electrical )-Mechanfcal [>a-other 1,~&;,144~~ Job Name:4CtfIU::'O j(;;,1lt.MtdI~t/~(Job Address:/'1<jg...s:.N.!!wlt~r~(/E.I £.Vhl I Legal Description:Lot Block___Filing S UBDIV ISION : Own ers Name:;../Hff IJeC/r/~DO Address :?0r?t./.17!"-r;;MC{I *~t:/i;g'Ph .8/(,-tj7Q-]UlO Archi tect:;;;ITztC,u I ?tella i Iftt/lJEL Address:Ph._ General Description:/,v~o,J d I'l/Z£~knEM ". Work Class:[)-New [)-Alteration P()-Additional [)-Repai r [)-Other _ Numb er of Dwelling units:/Number of Accommodation Un its: ~mber and Type of F ireplaces:Gas Appliances.Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTH ER:$ PLU MB ING:$MECHANICAL:$--------TOTAL:$'----;;-(tj-:-:ljc::::3.:.....M::-:---- ******+..********************CONTRACTOR I NFORMA TI ON ***·k ***·k *****k************* e ne ral contractor:Town of Va ilReg.NO.----Add ress:Phone Num ber: /()wrl()(.~~~-:f!q7-0 173 .~l es ~r 1 e~1 Contractor:~eX~E~~~~Town of Vail Reg.NO.~_ Address:Nze,W7.h-t?&(1 .,_ne.2>ZL ~~S;~I 0 Phone Number:ft/y 215';2 ;S;;'~OI Plumbing Cont ractor:Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Address:Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERM IT FEE: PLUMBING PERMITFEE : MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: FOR OFFICEUSE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK YEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEA N-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: comments:_ TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: (CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: From:Tim Boyle Boyle Engln••rin;.lne.Fu:i701476-4383 Vole.:9701476·2170• BoyleEngineering,Inc. 143E .Meadow Drive,Suite 390 Vail,Colorado81657 970/476·2170 FAX 970/476-4383 June25,1997 Vic Gallna Edwards,Colorado 81632 Subject:AccardoRemodel Vail,Colorado DearVic: To:VieGalin.It:Gl llnl Construction •PIge2of2 W.dn ..day,Jun.26.1~7 8 :64:13AM .~. This is to confirm thaiIhavereviewedthenewheadersizeatthewestaddition 10 the Accardo Residence.This header will span approximately 12'acrossthebay extension .[have determined thattwoI 3/4"x117/8"LVL'swill be adequate 10 carry thedesignloads.This header shouldbe supported atbothendsby3-2x4posts. Thefloor of this bay shouldbe hung off of atriple2x10rimbeam,Bearthisrimbeamontwo12"diameter x4' piers .Provide2#5barsvertical inthepiers . .... FRCJ'1 :Pana soni cFRXSYSTE.PI-O-lE NO.•~Mar.07 1998 10:4 3RM Pi TO: FROM: DATE: RE: TOWN OF VAIL 131.1ILDINC;n EPARTH ENT GALLINA COMPANY 4/7/97 BU ILDING PERMIT 97 B0037 ACCARDO.&BENNETT 1998 A &B SUNBURST DRIVE VAIL,C0LORAr~81657 .'-"'~'.".."~~t ...~.-..: I Al'1 NO LONGER THE BUILDING CONl'l'<A CTOR FOF>THIS PROJECT.PLEA SE REMOVE MY COMPANY NAME FROM TH E BUILDING PERMIT . .SINCERELY:GALLINA CO. 1l~-~. Vic Gallina,President BoLt:S WS\Ul1'1 75~ILDf:.J{!.s WI cL Be:.TrT1L\lI\i~o u££.f2e QLJ ~e£. (6~1 1\.\\4 1U issoc ~~.flt..LoWI Kf0 &Lr ~1U T..tt<£aI/fAt &lSo""hNC,. PUY\lll1/De..S:JLfS tU l cc:~L ·to t2£.vtPPL~v1-N [)E~A1:>rVSl 'V 1rvIJ ./.~)-'f PREPARED 6/19/01,11:31:58 PROGRAM MR415U To ......n of Vail CUST-ID CUSTOMER NAME TYPE DEPOSIT REFUND REPORT-UPDATE PAGE 1 CHARGE CODE DESCRIPTION 644 B97 -0037 Gallina Company DEP08 Dep -Cleanup D2 TX-DATE 1 /11/98 AJ-DATE 6/19/01 DEPOSIT AMOUNT 500.00 DEPOSIT-ADJ AMOUNT 500.00 ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT 500 .00 - AFTER-REFUND AMOUNT .00 TOTAL FOR CUSTOMER TYPE: GRAND TOTAL: DEPOSIT COUNT : D2 500 .00 50 0 .0 0 500 .00 50 0.00 5 00 .00- 5 00.00- .00 .00 •G/L BATCH CREATED:BATCH-01760 2001 /06 USERID-JGUTHRIE AP HELD COUNT -1 .0 0 AM OUNT-5 00.00 • •.' Fr.day.JunE'15,201l! COA\1IS BLL'G CF 1988 S UNBURS i DR \,fAIL ,9!iS SUNBURST OR AiPID 'nformatlon .. .•?' St1 ~:ISSUED !M~AI":Cf Req ...~sted Tim'.!':09:00 m Phone;9'70-976-3445 Enllllt1d By:OFt.ORES K PA PARn~APPROV/\l. PA PARTIAl.A/.-pROVAl PA PARTIAl...APPROVALActlon' Ad1on: Action: Ac.tiorl .APPR APPROVED IIr.t!on.APPR APPAOVED ,e.ctioo:APPR APMC\lED sue TvPQ,'? (,ffla 'J N fyP(l.A·BUILL Cll:l"-lJP')TlCj': 897-0037 1010910-"1031 GAl-UNA COMPN lV BOLES CllSTOM •1lr...OERS c ACCARDO NATH 4 J- REMODEiJJ.L.DlTION •.c,~U,I<OO,f\E '.,'NEn Inspe...11onHI tm Item.510 drt~glade lIoal 11lim:10 5LDG-FOO(jn!1!ii~9<!i 05i:2'9T In!P6ct'.>!': <.;OITllllelll1i;roolJng~ i)5I2C'97 Inspr.lor:OS Ccmrllen1S;FRONT PLOJ'STER a.~TA RS 06/03197 Inspec!t.f;OS Comrol'lnts;,rno,\IT PLANTER 06125/9'1 InspQclor'OS C mn1(trrts:;)PADS Item;:20 LDo3-FoundllIIOlllSiGllI (Optional, !tern:520 PlJW-lLC SIte Pl4n iR.equlred)..~prO\l&d .. 06102,'97 ItlSpllctor:CL.'Action'rJrJ NOTIFIED Cr>mments:'C RECIEVED 00i05l97 Insoectc>r:LAUREN COO1/T1er.ts:APPROveD 1t0r11:30 Bl.OG-From 'S 0<\11 07/02197 lnsl)ictN:c: Comments.APPRO 'ED !w.m;50 BLOG-!nSul<5t1on (Or-to '1all Appro,"2'J .. 07/07/'97 ~r:LPV ......ilon:APPR APF~OVEOcomments:APi=>RO\iED 07/07197 InsP6dor:LF'V '::ol'llI118!lb'APt;'ROIlEO _07107:97 I~:LPV ,;()fl'lmentts:~ROVED 07i07:~7 l'lllpaclOl':lPV Action:CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCy Commsntll:,\00 n.COMMS -DA1ln Jlndel'$Cfl to Insula te ceiling arM Vllp.::r b<lrrlEir lIem:60 Bl.DG-SMetrod',~Jllll 10000.iroIJil 07110/97 1~EE;s.m,.OS :ICtlon:PA PARTIAL APPROVAl. Comm .n!..Llv/Nl.'WALLS ONI.v Itfsl\l:70 BLDG-MIsC.IOptloMfl Itm.90 6L[)G.F"1M1 (~ilqulrod) ern;saz pw.TEMP Ci'(«>'ql"l I Item:633 PLAN-TE i4P C/O \Requlfed) Item:530 LOG-remD.C!O (Opt:'tal)••h)t'!'oved ~ 00/0'Ji97 In pector:CD Action:ON DENIED COrn:nI;nls EXTERIOf NOT COMPLETE ,~roi97 !l'l$pectOl CO .n;CO CERTiFICATE OF OCCiJPM-IC'r C~it ADOn COMMS -~!O BONO t.l PLACE;HANDRAILS -fOD C E;(TERiOR S r S;HOUSE NI.)·~6E .'RE JiREfJ.::.MOI<E DETECTORS REQIJlRED Gi..'RDR II FOP f'-TERlOR DECl\PU)/lB,F.lEC AND MEn;FIN,i\L~REQUIRED REP'1 ~1.Run Id:';:3 _._-,---..---..-..•__._.__..•_...._-...._-------.._-----_....__.._-_._._--_._.-.-._..-_._._---,- )6·14-~OO·1 inspection Request ReportIng Page 16 ?~JJtpJn _..__..._"..__.....__.__VAll.~..CO..::..IO'W.N"OE _"'_"._......._ 11120/97 ln~-ctDf:JRM Acllon:AF'PR ,t,PPI'lOVF.D Coo,rruml'\:SIOE\A)I ':::EDS MECH ._i •• REP'i'13:J •••..-------~-. Run Id 713 .). I DeIgn Review Action 'Fa TOWN OF VAIL VIp A p _'11 r CategoryNum ber _ ProjectName:d C IX-~tJ Building Name:_ ProjectDescr iption:'y J (;t '{\("')h~l' .J Owner ,Addressand Pho ne:~:!!...:....!.~...:......l:C_.L-.L:l_..!....~~_ Architect/Contact,Address andPhone :=u:'\1L....l11::....!,!:..(J-¥-L(!.-:-~L.L~.d!~::::....l..Y.....J(..LJ ~.l::::!:~~Y-...:..J...~~!...-__ ,\r A'\ltA II J,\Dr'.,Y ~+1'/('-I ~)J LegalDescription:Lot 1-,Block Subd ivision --JJ...''''--'-l----'-t'v:-4'~---L-----Zone Distr ict _ Project StreetAddress :~~SlAy hu yz.,+-=D r . Comments:_ Motion by:('I{,V I£..-~·v'l Secondedby:(..,(7,v -'lit= II]Approval (r~t) StaffAction Vote:-::s-()-Li-,'B1,-,,-,-,I.:....\-"'-,---,--'~r-,--r"_--,-,=--,-"=_ o Disapproval o Staff Approva l Conditions:_ t:_:.L----.!...!.-----!.-.!--_ORBFee pre.pa id _~...:..:...£1-::::..:0~.,----"----:----.:...._ "rovised 7/14/94 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL.COLORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATEOF ORB MEETING: ********** 11- ~l -'1 (-97 INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDULED FOR REVIEW. *'********* I.PROJECT INFORMATION : A. B.TYPEOFREVIEW: New Construction ($200 .00)~Minor Alteration ($20.00) ____Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) C. D . ADDRESS:/'f1fz svlJ17p/ST 1)j2.... LEGAL DESCRIPT ION :Lot !1 Block _ Subd ivision 1/.JtfL-1/1J1d<e-y:.71f!M RLlAlff: If property is described by a meets and bounds legal descrip tion.pl ease provide on a separate sheet and attach t o th is application. E.ZONING: F . G. ~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~~~Phone~-~ NAM E "OF APPLICAN T'S REPRESENTATI VE:WiVtdik'?fI/£.Il<:C.' f1a i 1 ing Addr ess :_'-;'..a...A7'1L.L...1..:£'=-~_ Phone H .NAME qF OWNER(S): OWNER(S)SIGNATURE: I. J. f1ailing Address:3:a?IA.I Ir7lf'r~/;!!!:i£1Jiif?>f1;f?6 APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE Condominium Approval i f applicabl e. ORB FEE:ORB fe es.as shown above,1 are to be pa id at the time of submittal of the DRB appli~ation.Later.when applying for a bu ild ing permi t,p lea se i d enti fy the accura te v aluation of th e proposal.The Town o f Vail will ad just the fee according to t he t able below,to e ns ure the correct fee is paid. VALUA T IO N CHECK ft.t l YJ Z-DATE:{/a"FEE PAID:$'1,7 )·~O F EESCHEDULE: "v ......1 8,0 00 FEE ~2 Q .GG BY :rr l tz~(~J3.(.vc e-­ :&i('('r ~[)-" ui 0zw 0 C/)wa:"~''''''I'\..~~~;'.10:1"'">~ ~iI~~~~.ui aZ-~Z §~ w i;--~::'71.~en ii--. a !~0 I~a:-~<t 0 0~tD~_"I.V'L <t~"-o l/'" srooe~At.'D _~Wm;",",""'~~""""""~P-"========:;~~1 -----"-----------------"P f\.."'2 ~ cr ~0 <f ---f.~.~i:r ...~. I I I~,J_,., I I I NORTH ELEVATIO~~N~_._W..........,DIo'~C.1 ~<:O .,U7 .........-- 1loO>lI-.-fI7\lI~ A301 J -':l"--"'D.V ~~".~,..~Ul,V.f'\.NIue:.<I.".. +1~7 FRITZLEN PIERCE BRINER U h ~::'-:.7"~~ r i ._---------------------~~.~ ._-~----------------_/--~-'::'~~"\I\..-----------------------~::'=: o I ----;--------t-----==-----t-----------} ~9 G ~ I I I I t I .....I.....t ~~·I t1 I I I I I I I I I --_.....--:-_.--_....-..---::----------- ,",",.--------.-----~-T_-----,••••.1..•..L _ sr ELEVATION l _hoI Yo11 ~o.""c., .....co.'..,............. ~--_.~ I A302 o I ® I (2), ",""'"uri "E-'. •.....,'<:Iv.n '!'·..-a.t ~,I> ~••.__.~I ."-er ~1'-r, r I ' ~~I~"WQI"YO-'" .......__fO .__TC I I I I ~1:'!P'-"'-_-·1,"'It..:,""~~ 'O_·,~·~~. ~".._~~-,. _+--"-'-'-'-'-'-i..l.~ ,,,,,, '.";-~-----_.-_..-----~-~---------------------;~.....l...L _.L_~•:: T.P....~~~.-e .:5 -:: "-:',C::.~'.-.-----------.:.-----~------------------------------~=t_=-~_~_~:_~:.~:~_:_~:~=_~:_:~_=-~~~-:-:-:-:-:.:-:-:-:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:.:.:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:.:~:::::::::::..~-:-----------: ~••__•J "I ,"I~~_J....___________•~_+~_~_-_--~, ~.l;l'~'-...L•...L , EAST ELEVATION 1,.".,'-0- ".,"""",- UJ 0 Z UJ 0 ~aCIJ -UJ R~a:!i~ UJ ;:1;Z -~Z §~ UJ i ;rn il--0 0 Iia:-~ c:( 0 0 c:( FRITZL EN PIERCE BRIN ER ,UO ...._...-.,C.'...C.l.....co~____ ...,,,.---- A303 ~~.._-.-:-:.-----------.~:-------SL =:?IT:..-3d1._-----._._--_._-.-.-..-.....r --.------ ~~~I TOWNOFVAIL IRECEIPT 1'00. ~~;;::DF.PARTME=""T OF CO:\Ut Ll"IT\'DE\"ELOPMEl\"T~WIF.19rUoo:B.oYh;?x i~X'~g If$4 ,2 /~1#AD DRESS DATErPROSECT CIIECK..c;MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN O F \'AlL ACCOIl:\'T 1'00_.••',_.•r •••••••••...-."--ITE.V1 ---c -··,-o-:'C---'-----------:-<-NO;-'·---'TAX--,~COSTEA:-'-'--'TOTAL .'~ -01 000041540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 • 01000042415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $54.00 • 01 000042415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE S39.00 • =01 000042415 UNIFORMM ECHANICAL CODE $37 .00 • G 010000 42415 UNIFORMFIRE CODE $36 .00 • l~(11 0000 42415 NATIO NAL EL ECTRICAL CODE S3 7.00 • ~01 0000 42415 OTHER CODEBOOKS • ~01 000041548 BLUEPRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 •§01000042412 XEROX COPIES SO.25 •g 010000424 12 STUDIES •lJ;I ~01000042412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM 55 .00 •Iu.01 000042371 PENALTYFEES/R E·INSPECTIONS~010000 41332 PLANREVIEWRE-CIIECK f EE rS40PERHR.l e :-01 000042332 OFFHOU RS INSPECTION FE ES ~ ~t 0 1000041412 CONTRA CTORS LICENS ES FEES ..,1->,.'01000041 413 SIGNAPPLICATI ON FEE S20 .00 -y.;0100 0041 413 ADDITI ONAL SIGNAGE FEE rs1.00PER SO.FT.l i "a:.::=01 1II1lK)474 40 VTCAR T PROJECTDONA T10N -'..;.: ~O-O l'OOOOA133Y PREPAIDDESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE I?)").CO .;;.42371 lNV FSTIr.AT1 nN 1."1."1:'RII1I I"\I~I "': ~3 1 000045110 TOVPARKI NG FUND -- ts 01 000022027 TOVN EWSPAPER DISP ENSER FUND --~*01 000021112 TAXABLE(a~4.5;(,(STATE)~ I~*01000041010 TA.XABLE (a)4.07.(TOWN)I:!J ~01000042 371 BUILDING INVESTI GATION ~ ~OTHER ""... ~~ ~:-o"1 0000 413 30 .t't.c At'.t'LICAnUN tt.t.~--'.----'..-_.-.'..".-:-.'-,-lEI ADDITIONAL GRFA "250"$2UO .00 ~ 01000041330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00 ~ ~010000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERA TION [LESSTHAN100 SQ.FT.]S200 .00 ~ ~01 0000 41330 EXTERJORALTERA nON [MORE THAN100SQ .FT.]$500.00 ~ 01 000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPME NT DISTRICT [NEW]SI,500.00 .,...- ~01 0000 41 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPM ENT DISTRICT rMAJOR AMEND]SI,OOO.OO !l "-010000 41330 SPECIA LDEVELOPMENTDI STRICT rMINOR AMEND]S200 .00 ;; -..-;;0100004133 0 SUBDIVIS ION ..; ~01 000041330 VARJANCE S250.00 I;:i ~.01 0000 41330 ZONING CODEAM ENDMENTS S250 .00 IrJr; it 01{)(l0041330 RE-ZONING S200 .00 -OTHER 1f OTHER I TOTAL:--:-oot: k-c~o Cf2.13 I~COMMENTS: I§lit~ I if'--:t ~. =CASH l 1 CK.•[72hM.OW !lEC .BY' .'.'-"....'--,~..........- TOt....t--t O F .. '\ Miscel laneous Cash c:f" .-.+#,-I.'.b --'r"c-·-·roo."I ,,;. ",.r-,r, !..'I~.C· I t.em p.;.i d Hmou nt paid e-.-, 11_"11 THH t --IK 1-.-11=11_' -, Project Application • Da t e (v{Mlt1;y 14 !41 Project De scripti on :_ Co n tactPerson andPh one ~II ""Bt'V ('J2...,"5'd z.-I p \A...-7(t'r e-e..-:B<\NH .lw..\n:.:....SO--''-=----__ 2.--.Vw Vtd ~J:>riv'e...!\bJJ.LA)~lPs1::_ Owne r .A ddressa nd Ph on e ~.je,A{/c a.Vdo uV\L5 '&h D e :tt:_ A r chit ect.Addr ess and Phone :_ L egal Description:L ot ~SD D ate : Design ReviewBoard M otionby :-L..t"V\..-I Seco ndedby :::::I?--,C~/_'-----.:~~~-L..-----_ APPR OVAL L--'~~IAh}%::L-±ru+.w.JLf\.=-=--_ T own Planne r ~~-\CJ -1'3=_ Date MM'dv 11w-1'1--'-J1__ DI SAPPROVAL o Staff App roval DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION .TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDULED FOR REVIEW. ********** I. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. PROJECT INFORMATION: DES~RIPTION:1PpmtJ!I 7b ~STlIJ6-f4i!:.;;/(;6IJCe;.(~~) ~AkI4'p.EMAtJgJ ¢:.l.IiI/4T=f?4taY «t¥Te&'ae-.fW7tSy ~, 4-fJDmq(j qc-U!£~i ~0f2-M&J2.BI5Iti1EAJT:..I TYPEOFREVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) ~Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS:1118 "5{/I/e(//<<;;T PI>. LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot ~Block _ Subdivision Jt4:It.,VJ/U./3Y 1UtW f'lCdUG-- If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application . ZONING: NAME OF APPLICANT:~~~,(/~~ Mailing Address:Ib "Ok~'iE,~¥O Vk&(M a/€€?Phone '170 n6 ·6~ NN1E OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:AV(l?1~~~ Mailing Address:S~, Phone s-tMF NAME qF OWNER(S):I.pr~~ OWNER (S)SIGNATURE:---~~~c........;~~,.'lJ4'-~~c;k="",::::.~--------------------­ Mailing Address:3"0 tAl.1'1 7 ;'-T€fMCE t:::It/..JsMany;.MtJ6flc8 . Phone eJ(b·~+·,3UQ ~"30$""0 APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE:DRB fees,as shown above,\are to be paid at the time of submittal of the DRB app1i~ation.Later,when applying for a building permit,please identify the accurate v alu at ion of the proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid. VALUATION FEE PAID:$ FEESCHEDULE: '""'"v $1 0,OOi $50,001 . $150,001 $500,001 - $Ov er CHECK #: ~10,000 .$50,000 $150,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1.000,000 DATE: FEE -$2G .GG $50.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $500.00 BY: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL TJNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. 1 II.PRE.APPLICA~N MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed.It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the review process for y our project. III.IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALLSUBMISSIONSTOTHEDRB: A.'In addition to meeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake 2 nd tape the project site to indicate property lines,building lines and building corners.All trees to be removed must be taped.All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit.The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B.The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board:a conceptual review and a ,final review. C.Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed,wil l have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished.- D .The following i tems may.a t the discretion of the zoning administrator ,be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e.a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a.Windows,s kylights and .similar exterior changes which do not alter t he existing plane of the build ing;and b.Building additions not visible from any other lot or public space.At the time such a proposal is submitted,applicants must include letters from adjacent proper ty ,owners and/or from the agent for .or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E.If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche,rockfall,flood plain,debris flow, wetland,etc.),a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior t o the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. F.For all residenti al construction: a.Clearl y indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building;and b.Indicate with a dashed ~lne on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. G.If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications,all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to t he application for a building permit. 1AR-03 .9 7 1 5:.:.;....- :MAIL BOXES •2536 30583294ge 'u TO:97l1l4764ge1e PAGE:ell'ttlI,lU'I DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APP:LICATION •TOWN OF VAIL.COLORADO r. A. DATE RECEIVED; D~TE OF DRB MEETING: ••**•••••• INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY 'NO'!'BE SCHlmULED fOR REVIEW. **. D. c . b. E. F. c . H . TYPE OF REVIEW;~. ____New construction ($200.00)~Minor Alteration (~20.00) _··Addition ($50 .00)ConcQPtual Review ($0) l\DDRESS :19'18 C!3.-:Nex;£wT"r;;¥?. L£GAL DESCRI~~~ON:Lot 19 Block.4'=7.""-:-:~r'7------- Subdivi.sion VAiL ~b'J dy 1'?f"O r4 ...i;;.;;:b If property is described by a meets and bounds le9~1 desc~iption.please provide on a separa~e shcec and attach t o thi s application. ZONINC:......A_·-"Z_~_'7 _ NAME OF APPLICANT ;-r:-t.-.J.8 ~~r.~~ M<l ili riQ Addres G '<;Jh&J,j.1§t5>:AvCr=-r}-A=,u!2A(..EPI.-i5-"75e?Gj1 Phone __~~----O.--); NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPR~~NTATIVE:~!~-~~::~...tFe l-lailin9 Address :!be:(?~{L-~(/~.rL..-,--4:? Phone ~ NAMe qF OWNER(S ): ~BR(S)SIGNATURE: VALUATION ...:t::...",nn"" C'Tf:NATURE.---." FEE DATE;?1 -:7::, Pt·os -I ra FaxNote 7671 Dale /1#of •To tDtn pages Co./Dept.From /.h I.J.4e //L- Co. Phone # Phone # Fax #f..j,if.o?-52.3r//2...2-Fax # CHECK +... FEE PAID, APPLICATIONS WILL NO Condo~ini~~~pproval FEE SCHEDULE : DRB FEE :ORB fees.a Lime of submi ttal of applying fo~4 buile valuation of the pre fee accordin9 ~o ChL is paid. J . 03/03/97 15:10 TX/RX NO.7168 P .001 • "..•LIST OFMATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT :~~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOTK-BLOCK __SUBDIVISION 1I!f&VIf'tl.t/3(7lIttN?F!/,f1lG- STREETADDRESS:('l'ie 17~pe.... The following information is required for submittal t o the Design Re view Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPEOFMATERIAL COLOR Roof C€J?Y"5tt/1J&tP.PIt"TvI0<- ~ua'JP Siding ()(ok T¢lf-f!=P1<!a'P t:$1:?2~) Other Wall Materials ?7f:'/Vp:VE#€€f:=~~) Fascia ~?->'$&wll ~ Soff i ts I~,"t(;-er--1I'f'tVtvh- windows ;tf1L t!tdtJ ItfItf?t2 P'tf*.eN#ZE. w in dow Trim ~€P«!PP ~JM7qt~DlA.Jr Doo rs HJLMt?~Mto/s tz&;I2e: Door Trim f.FiJwrnp p MlFT4I-S/P/~ .Hand or Deck Rails 57~fIIdt12 .Trtt/f1.=' Flues F lashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 6rP-AY 6-I'ANrTC: (It;ltffr>~'V1I1 ) Retaining Walls /~1SiONt=-V~ Exterior Lighting Other B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: 7 PLANT MATERtlS: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name •• *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate height for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. **Indicate size of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is 5 gallon. Square Footage GROUND ,COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C.LANDSCAPE LIGHTING:If exterior lighting is proposed,please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan.Identify each fixture from the lighting plan in the space below and provide the height above grade,type of light proposed,lumen output,luminous area and a cut sheet of the light fixture.(Section 18.54.050 J) D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify.Indicate heights of retaining . walls.Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3'.Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6'. 8 •• ...-.-.--.---.----..-.-,;.......;;..~-.;...-.:.-:"_..0.:.",:,,---:--~,~~-__-::.••-.:::';;-.-:-:.-::-30 \:":..i'.;:":;...~_:::~2----_F"";-__:~;.J :':-=i~~..---~---",._.-.-.-..-..."-...---,~ONCo- I TOWN OF VAIL I H.f.C E lrT NO.t .~;:fz;::';';;:;;___.ill U ErA R TMf.:\T OF CO ~I ~Iu:-;rry llf.n :LO'.\IE:\T ,. ~~lI'A ~IF.ty \\7 l p li Cfr Q ~v\.Qlf ~ t::":3 3 ,n-~4i A O ORF:SS DA TE I-It E .~~ ~r Uo.Jl-:cr ;if~. ~.C Ilf.CKS MAD E J'AV All i.";:T O TOWN OF "All.:;< ,\C C OU ;\-r :";0 -.-.-.....-.------_..JTE~I .._-..._,.,'..,~.......-".~".'.:NO:...._.,".TAX·'.'-C O ST EA .",'"TOT AL '~~-}:; ~0100 004 1540 ZO N I NG ANDADD RESS M APS S5.00 •~ 0 1 00004 2415 U NI FORf\1 BUILDINGCO D E 554 .00 •':'i:;.;0 1 0000424 15 UN IFORM PL UMBINGC ODE 5 39 .00 •~:'t~01 00 0042415 U N IFORM ME CHA N ICA LC ODE $37.00 •~I ra 0 1 00 0042 415 U NIFO R MFIR E CO DE S3 6 .00 ·tri:!:.tt" ~~(II 00004 2415 NATIONA L ELEC TR ICALC OD E S37 .00 •Fiil M 0 1 0000 4241 5 O THERC ODE BOOKS •..13 ~~01 00 00 4 1548 B LUEP RINTS (MY LARS\S7.00 •2 01 0000 4 2412 XEROX C O PIES SO.25 •.<£:;;0 100 004 241 2 ST UDI ES •~ro ~0 1000 042 412 T OV FEES CO MPUTER PROGRAM 5 5 .00 ·'€i ,~t 01 0<)00 42371 PENA LTYF EES/R E·INSPECT IONS ~ .~0 1 00 0041332 P LAN REVI E\\;RI ~·CII ECK FEE_[S4 0PER lIR.1 ,,, .~-;; 0 1 000042 337.OF F 1I0UR S I NSPECTION FE ES ~ ~I or-0000 4 14 I 2 CONHA'C TOilSLlC ENSES FI:ES :r. 01 (JOOO 41413 S IGNAPPLI CAT IO N FEE S20 .00 ~;0 I0 000414 13 AD D ll'lONAL S IGN MiE FEE [S 1.0 0 P ER SQ .FT .1 ~~:::.OF OOOO -424 40-V rc A Ri"PRO JEC T DONAT ION ,~ ~0 1 00004 133 I I ~R E PAIDDES IG N ItEVIEW BOARDFEE ~/)f ro "'---""0 1 0000 4 2371 INVESTIGATION F EE (BUILDI NG)~ ~3 1 0 0 0045 11 0 TOV PARK INC;FU ND s. ~,0 1 0000 2 2027 TO V NE WSP,\PER DI SPENSER FUN D 1[,:~. '.-*01 OlI OO2 1112 TA X ABLE (iJ:4.5 1.(S TATE )!-l':: r:J *01 000041 0JO TAXABLE (ti)4 .Ql:...jT OWN)~..-01 0000 4 2 '~~,:::':::";-,,,,,,INVEST IG ATI ONl;"""IOTII ER ~~~ ~i: ,";:!--r.~ .",PEe A P PLI CATlO f"i FJo~ES .'.."..";'-'..IEli-:-0-1 00004 1330 .".'.."..-....'.'-.,--,;..'.,'..'-- A DDITIONAL G RFA "250"5200 .00 b-a-~8:0 100 0041330 CO N DITI ONAL U SE P ERMIT 5 200.00 .'§0 1 (){)OO 41330 EXTE RIO R A LT ERAT IO N IL ESS THA N100 SQ.FT.l S 200.00 I$; ;;-..0100 0041330 EX TER IOR ALTERA nON [MORE THAN 100SQ .H.1 5 500 .00 ~...-:.: 0 1 0000 41330 S P EC IALD EVELOPMENT DI ST RICT I NEWI 51,500.00 0 gIi01000041330SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT[MAJO R AMEND I 51,000.00 ""::!:-01 0000 413 30 SP E CIALD EVELOPME NTDI STR ICT [MIN OR A ME ND I S2 00.00 ;::; :t;01000041330 SU BDIVIS ION ~:.r 01 0000 4 1330 V A RI ANCE S2 50.00 .. ~i'0 10()0 041330 ZON INGC ODE AM ENDME NTS S250.00~"01000 041 330 RE ·Z ONING S200 .00 f.;;OTH ER I:<.~O TIIER rt TOTAL:"...../1 (I 1) ~~VVV'O-+t-\)ffi~CO~I M ENTS: i ~- ~i ~,- ~ JCK .•I ~H.OW REC.BY'UN~CASH I .lWt, ..-.~-...,......-..o ..."........- • FILE COpy 4.Areques t foraresidential additionforanexpansionof thelivingroom ,utilizingthe250 Ordinance,locatedat1998SunburstDrive/Lot 19,VailValley3rdFiling . Applicant: Planner: NateAccardo LaurenWaterton LaurenWatertongavean overview ofthestaffmemoandsaidthatstaffwas recommend ing approvalwithno conditions . Greg Moffet askedifthe applicant hadanythingtoadd . MikeShultz ,fromFritzlenPierceBriner,saidhewasavailabletoanswer questions . GalenAaslandaskedregardingFinding No.3,howthisrequestcompliedwiththezoning standards ,sincetheelevat ions don 't match. MikeShultzexplainedthattheeastandwestelevationshadnostructuralalterations. GalenAaslandstatedthattheeastelevationwashighlyvisiblefromtheroad ,andsohehada problemwithitmeetingFinding NO .3. Diane Goldenhadnocomments . HenryPrattsaidhewasconfusedbecauseinthepast,whenan applicant wasoverinGRFA ,it was deducted fromtheamountof250availableforuse. MikeMollicasaiditwasneverdeductedfromtheoverage,butthatallthe available GRFA hadto beusedbeforeusingthe250. LaurenWatertonsaidtherewereafewcaseswithillegalconstructionthatappliedfora250 ,but wererequiredtodeducttheillegalsquarefootagefromthe250 . JohnSchofieldhadnocomments . GeneUseltonhadnocomments. G reg Moffet andGregAmsdensaidtheywerecomfortablevotingforthisandleavingthe arch itecture totheORB. Plan ning andEnv ironmental Commission Minutes March10,1997 3 ...• John Schofield madeamotionforapprovalinaccordancewith thestaffmemo . GeneUseltonsecondedthemotion . Themotionpassed by avoteof5-1,withGalenAaslandopposed . GregAmsdenarrivedat2 :25 p .m. PlanningandEnvironmental Commission Minutes March 10,1997 4 ..• MEMORANDUM TO : FROM : DATE: SUBJECT: PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission Departmentof Community Development March10 ,1997 Arequestforexterioraddit ions tothelivingroomandabedroom,utilizingthe250 Ordinance,locatedat1998SunburstDrive/Lot19,VailValley3rdFiling . Applicant: Planner : NateAccardo Lauren Wate rton I.BACKGROUNDAND DESCRIPTION Of THE REQUEST In1985,theVailTownCouncilapprovedOrdinance4,Seriesof1985,whichcreatedChapter (18.71)oftheVailMunicipalCode,entitled"AdditionalGrossResidentialFloorArea."This Chapter allowsforupto250squarefeetofadditionalGrossResidentialFloorArea(GRFA)tobeaddedtoa dwelling(beyondthemaximumallowance),provided certaincriteriaaremet.Thepurpose ofthe Add itional GRFAOrdinanceistoprov ide aninducementfortheupgradingofexisting dwellings units,wh ich havebeeninexistenceforaperiodofatleastfiveyears,byperm itting uptotwo hundredfifty(250)square feetofG RFA tobeaddedtoadwellingunit. InAugust1995,theTownCouncilapprovedOrdinance6,Seriesof1995thatamendedChapter 18.71,forthepurposeofeliminating theabilitytousetheadditionalGRFAwhenadwellingunitis "demo/rebuilt."ThisOrdinancealsorequiresthatallrequestsforadditionalGRFAinvolvingexterior changestoabuilding ,bereviewedandapprovedbythePlanningandEnvironmental Commission. Theapp licant isrequestingtouse250suare feettoaddseveralsmalladditionstothemainlevel ofthepri mary unit.Twoadditions will infivautedspacewithinthestructureanda bedroom inthe rearoftheuwillbeexandedby50squarefeet. The largest addition ,120squarefeet,willbeadded t ~e livingroom..additionwillalterthe eastfac ing facadeofthisunit.Asaartofthisreuestfacadeimrovementstotheotherhaof thisu aex.s~ndar.y-UOit~l Lb adona.toJnatch thenew architecture.-N!uldd itionaLGBFA is requestedforth se~dMY-Uni t..Eacade imntsfortheentiredulexinclude ,theaddition QUl ableJQolelemen ts...toJhabuilding •.stone..Y-.efl~lliJoJ !le_ent cY-aru:llandscape lanterwa lls new divided lightwindows and new_deck ra ils. Thedulexwasbuilin1 '80 andreceivedafinalCertificateof Occupancy in1982.Thebu ilding is .nonconforming inseveralaspects.First,thebuildingexceedsthemaximumbuildinhe;htby approximately 1foot.Second,thebuildingencroachesintothefrontsetbackaswellas,bothside setbacks.Finally,thebuildingisovertheallowable GRfA.eown 0 ailrecordsshowthatthis buildingcompliedwiththeexistingzoningrequirementswhenitwasbuilt,andistherefore,alegal nonconforming structure . • II.ZONINGANALYSIS LotSize:16,587 square feet Zo ning:Primary/Secondary Residential Hazards:Highhazardrockfall;moderatehazarddebrisflow;possible avalancheinfluence zone Allowed/Required Existing Proposed Remaininq GRFA :4 ,759 sq.ft.5,044 sq.ft.5 ,209 sq .ft.o sq .ft. Primary:2,770 sq.ft. W1250:3,020 sq.ft.3,203 sq .ft.3,453 sq.ft.o sq.ft. Secondary:'1,989 sq.It.1,841 sq.ft.Nochange o sq.ft. Site Coverage:3,317 sq.It.3 ,079 sq.ft.3 ,293 sq.ft.24 sq.ft. Height:33 '34 '33 'N/A Landscap ing:9,952 sq.ft.12,281 sq.ft.12,227 N/A (60%min.)(74%)(73%) Parking:5 spaces 6 spaces 6 spacesN/A ,A 250 squarefoot additionis stillavailablefor the secondary unit. III.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS UponreviewofChapter18.71 -Additional GRFA,theCommunityDevelopment Department recommends approval oftherequestforadd itional GRFAbaseduponthefollow ing factors : A .ConsiderationofFactors : BeforeactingonanapplicationforadditionalGRFA,thePlanningand Environmental Commissionshallconsiderthefollowingfactorswithrespecttotheproposeduse: 1.Effect upon the existing topography.vegetation.drainage and existing structures. Theproposalwillhavenoimpactsuponexistinto 09@Rh andvegetation. The Jwo .exterio Ladditions.wilUnfil eXisting .decksand.meretore.JlO additionalsitedisturba nce willbenecessary.Staffbelievesthatthe proposedadditions willpositively affecttheexistingstructurebecauseofthe proposedfacadeimprovements . 2,Impact on adjacent properties. Theadditionshouldnotadverselyaffectviews ,lightorairenjoyedby adjacentstructures.Staffbelieves loaUnEiPro osedadditions wi!1not have asignificantimactonad'acent Rro erties.Thefacaae improvements will enhancethispropertyandthestructure will bemorecompatiblewiththe surroundingstructures. 2 .. 3. • Compliance with theTown 's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Section18.71.020(F)oftheTownofVailMunicipalCoderequ ires that any dwellingunit forwhichanaddition isproposedshallberequ ired tomeetthe TownofVailDesignGu idelines assetforthinChapter18.54oftheVail Municipal Code .Additionally,beforeanyadditional GRFAmaybe permitted inaccordancewithChapter 18.71,thestaffshall reviewthe maintenance andupkeepoftheexistingsinglefamilyortwofamilydwellingandsite , includinglandscaping,todeterminewhethertheycomplywiththeDesign ReviewGuidelines.Thesestandardsincludelandscaping,undergrounding ofutilities ,drivewaypavingandgeneralmaintenanceofthe I-·operty. Uponinspection ofthesite bystaff,efindthatthepropertyisin compl iance w ith theapplicab le develoment standillqs.J.rs IEtCl~~Qpve. Additionally,all exter iorJlgllts are li lly cut-offandconformtothecurrentlimit onthenumberoffixturesallowed .Thedrivewayispavedandallutilitiesare belowground.Staffbelievesthatthesiteis adequately landscapedandno additionallandscapingisrequired. B.Findings: ThePlanningandEnvironmental Commission shallmake thefollowingfindings befo re granting approvalforAddit ional GRFA : 1 .ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwou ld not negatively effectexistingtopography,vegetation,drainage andexistingstructures. 2.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwouldnot negatively impactadjacent properties . 3 .Thatthegrant ing oftherequested Addit ional GRFAwou ld complywithall Townzoningrequirementsandapplicabledeve lopment standards . IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community DevelopmentDepartmentstaffrecommends approval ofthisapplicationfor250 squarefeetofadditionalGRFA(underthe250Ordinance)subjecttothefollowingfindings: 1.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdd itional GRFAwillnotnegat ively effectex isting topography ,vegetat ion,drainageandexistingstructures . 2.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwillnotnegatively impact adjacentproperties. 3 .ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditionalGRFAwillcomplywithallTownzoning requirementsandapplicabledevelopmentstanda rds. F:\everyonelpeclmemosla ccardo.310 3 , '" o , o o I _._-~--_.------1 I G o I o ._~-I ~._-. \ I \FRITZlEN PIERCE BRINER __~_e.'_GO _----.... I A202 I ~ I L ----.Jl.-_~ ~ I ""0I(p;), ;1-""'"'0""e e e, I I ~! t ' '-------"~-----~-------'~----;~-_----'!':~-----:. l/Ro"POS -sD NORTH ELEVATION FRrrzLEN PIERCE BRINER l lSol1 ....__v...-Dr,....C., -'00"_.....-.- ~-..~ ,I A301 , I o I ______~fD~...~~ ~ I I-_·t- I I I I .... "---:;.:--:::::::::~:~::::::::i ::; ••.l..'- -.~.,,---- D ::_:.;.:.:.~~/~.:~~:;.:_:.:/.::::: -...~ o i So":'"I ------ I I I Q ..u~- 2-71-'""r D.""I..c;. FRfTZ LEN PI ERe E BRINER ___•_'...J . ~'-""......---------_.-.._.'.-.'~.:~.::.-.-.-;.-::.-c:-.~.:.:_:_~:_=.:.-.:.:_:.=.:_:_.:.=.:.:.:.:.:.:.=.:.:;::::::;:::--~":-------"--: ~..--.....------_.---_..--_._.....,, ",_____-.__-----_.-------------------------+--------r'...,....--.~..--., .....-_........-...------_•••_1 0 ~®Cj)C?I u '.c-I ~~.I i t~--t II I ~"",,~~"....e~C1_I """""'".-.•I ' I I I Iue-~_~_.o_~,.."~-+._~~~~\I I w t \\ I e-~""""'OCl'"L N!:Tc;I .~0 i8 IZ~oJ I\'.,W ~> \Cl /;;~ CI)~s,;3,w\a:a,~~ --~~0 SL L.'C:l7 _T"Cl !:!< /"-~~~~~I i ~~79"'''~/"a:~i~.,,-"[J~-c 0 !~om-~-~!~I I i -< loCT....~"""P.-c>ore ~~~D~~D~ ."""~""::-...,.~. ~ 'P~csc:D EAS T ELEVATION __...._1:.........&1 .....co"..,.....---_.........,-~ .1 A303 -•~ .. 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I::,:: I ::I., I :: 1 ::I ., :t}:::::J::: I ",, I" I " I ,.:ti:::::I --H I,I f I I I I I, I :,.4 1~,J~'~~4:0 ro ,o "'0 ~o ~gq;7': ~~q~~~~ ';;~:;:,... ~':C Em (Jl -j m Im <» -j oz J>~fl ACCARDO RESIDENCE ~Fr.i tz len Pier-ce Br-ine r •lOl ......n uETllk !• U)IJ1tC"'.IUlIlCf ~11.1999 SUNBURSTDRIV EWALCOlOMOO111$7 0 I TO 411 &3<'1 m,"L OT 19 VAIL VALLE Y 3RD FiliNGARCHITECTUREPLANNINGINTERIORS1104714llO1FAXARESU6DIVISIONOFAPARTOF I-J SUNBURST...'...~--VAIL .C OLORADO e ~ ----------,.,--0 - ![ZS] j[S2] f tirn11","....:~...:"0 t ~~11 ~11 ~'$~'1 :~;v ---_. I \I I ,I l2S ~ [S~ ff ::::r --:-- ·.·.·. ·. 1 ~ .1-~(~::::'._.r ~~J~ ~~~~a ...Q ..1 .J 10 ...0 "!()':r<d ~Z q ~ I " I I I --e,l ~-G -0 --6 .. ~[S>a liZ 'S] , ---_.------- 11""2 11 vS] I[JI IIS/1] II/SJI [II IISZII ·,·,·,·,·,·,·,I .,·, '1'.1 ::~~f ::::':~: ,",I ..:1:: :1 :: :1:: :1:: ,I ":1:: :1 :: :1 ::.",I" :-:;(J ::::·."::::,.",.",.",."::::,,",,",I ",,":;:: •i ',," t ,"::::·," I ::::+_.~~:: I ""I " I ::I .. 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A.TYP E OF APPLICATION:X AdditionalGRFA(250) o Bedand Breakfast o ConditionalUsePermit o Majoror 0 Minor Subdivision o Rezoning o SignVariance o Variance o ZoningCode Amendment o Amendment toan Approved Development Plan o EmployeeHousingUnit(Type:) o Major or 0 Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (VailVillage) o Majoror 0 Minor CCIl Exterior Alteration (Lionshcad) o Special Development District o Majoror 0 Minor Amendment toanSDD B. c. D. E. F. G. H . DESCRIPTION OFTHEREQUEST:4lPmt#TO t=tIS77l1G-f5/iGf~~ b-/iiII~~t!f"HWAJ!i-fa2M.C><7i!E.SICf5-€tJ7l'Y9Z",#&l LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT /1 BLOCK FILING V1/t..V4UFY Til-if!./)ftc./MfZ= ADDRESS:111&!£I/~ffT pp..,.BUILDINGNAME :_ ZONING:_ NAME OF OWNER(S):Mt7lf.:~_ MAILING ADD~SS:~M (#it ~~any,1M2 ~~ .~PHONE:tJlP-474:-Jt2«'e#-~S-O OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S):~. NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE:~fYl#.ItCE-S61~~_ MAILING ADDRESS:Ii."i>b ta oV'+&Wff.,<4Y*w=.-gE.Cd ~ V~'"'(l!b 9/bS?7 PHONE:170 4'lb -b?tf':!= FEE-SEETHE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FORTHE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICAnON,ALL SUBMITTAL REQillREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. For Office Use Only: FeePaid:2"6D,rw Ck#:r~5 1_By:~!A.gexc.u~I 't'lbV Application Date:~3?-:'~/R PECMeetingDate:{-2 7 -CJ/e Revised6196 ,.vlsed 2/24193 •I DateofApplication _ DateofDRB Meeting,_ DateofPECMeeting(if necessary)_ APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA (250) I.TYPOF REQUEST Standard 250 TypeIEHU250 TypeIIEHU250 TypeVEHU250 II.PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference witha member oftheplanningstaffis strongly encouraged to discussthe provisions underwhichadditionalGRFAcanbeaddedtoasite.It should be understoodthatthisordinancedoesnotassureeach property anadditional250squarefeetof GRFA.Rather.theordinanceallowsforupto250squarefeetiftheconditionssetforthin Chapter 18.57 orChapter 18.71 oftheTownofVailcodearemet. Applicationsfor additions underthissectionwillnotbeacceptedunlesstheyarecomplete . This includes all informationrequiredonthisformaswellasDesignReviewBoard submittal requirements. I . III.APPLICATION INFORMATION A .PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1fpmetJ 7b eftSTIIJ6-~(~AfLI!?l<::; ~r ~¢UI/I~.E~~€IJ71''C?fi'!rI~.., t/f'PmoA/r H$'"<fiF I gy:tt!W$~SffU€I/T. B.LOCATIONOF PROPOSAL: Address 111f3 ~1.I6lJfST ae-.. Legal Description:Lot /1 Block'--__Filing wEft...V1fUe{'7IItfi>fit../M:r- Zone District~_ C.NAMEOF APPLICANT:ptVru....aJ fJ€Jt.C£~~ Address/b'S2?e·VA-I£.VlfU£r ""VI?sre..C!rl My£.to&€V1tc,...<1<2 elb>'? D.NAMEOF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:1(/(U-11fM .fI€I?CF, Address 51MJE: ,.-. E.NAME OF OWNER(ff~~ ..Slgnature(S)'_~~!....!....-Ar.I!~:;"""'Il'ii:ilI!:'iiI~:::::!_:;,;I!~I-._ Address ~fAt,/17ff ~fiWS¥qt'('Mo 6"Jz't2 Phonee(6=f740-~h?2 e,I.~o F.FilingFeeof$200.00is required attimeofsubmittalofa standard 250.Fora requestinvolvinganEHU.thefeeiswaived. ..".\-.~.-.\ .. "- Thefollowing information,inadditiontoDRBsubmittal requirements,shallberequiredwith thissubmittal: 1.Verification thattheunithasreceiveda final certificateof occupancy. 2.Stamped ,addressed envelopes anda separate list of adjacent property owners andofownersofunitsonthesamelot.This information is available fromthe Eag le County Assessor's office. 3.Condominium Association approval(ifapplicable). 4.Existingor proposed floorplansof structure . G.Your proposal willbe reviewed forcompliancewithVail's Comprehensive Plan. H.Ifthisappl ication requiresa separate reviewbyanylocal,StateorFederal agency other thantheTownofVail,theapplicat ion feeshallbe increased by $200.00. Examples ofsuchreview.mayinclude,butarenotlimitedto:Colorado Department of Highway AccessPermits,ArmyCorpsof Engineers 404,etc. The applicant shallbe responsible forpayinganypublishingfeeswhichareinexcess of50%ofthe application fee.If,atthe applicant's request,any matter is postponed for hearing,causingthe matter tobere-published,thenthe entlrefee forsuchre -publicationshallbepaidbytheapplicant. Applications deemed bythe Community Development Department tohave significant design,landuseorotherissueswhichmayhavea significant impactonthe community mayrequirereviewby consultants otherthantownstaff.Should a determination bemadebythetownstaffthatanoutside consultant is needed toreview any application,theCommun ity Development Department mayhireanoutside consultant,itshallestimatethe amount ofmoney necessary topayhimorherandthis amount shallbeforwardedtotheTownbythe applicant atthetimehefileshis application w ith the Community Development Department.Uponcomp letion ofthe review oftheapplicationbytheconsultant,anyofthefunds forwarded bythe applicant for.payment ofthe consultant whichhavenotbeenpaidtothe consultant shallbe returnedtotheapplicant.Expenses incurredbytheTowninexcessofthe amount forwarded bythe applicant shallbepaidtotheTownbythe applicant within30daysof notification bytheTown. • ...~ ..... "'I ·,.'......' James M.and Daplme S.Slevin 1985 Sunburst Drive Vail,CO 81657 Lot13 F1Ittzlen Pierce Brin<f ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS December 30,1996 PROPERTIES ADJACENT TO LOT 19,VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING ~~f~+~ey;OWN/"~ Richard L.and Nancy V.Knowlton 401 Southwest 5th Avenue Austin,MN55912 Lot14 Helioscope N.V.A Netherlands Antilles Corp. P.O.Box 1231 Vail ,CO 81658 Lot15 Donald 1.Derdrich 71Old Roaring Brook Road Mt.Kisko,NY 10549 Lot18 Ingram Investments,Inc. 1801 Broadway #1205 Denver,CO 80202 Lot20A Royal Firman IIIand Stephanie Firman 10 Village Road Englewood,CO80110 Lot20B Town of Vail c/o Finance Department 75 South Frontage RoadWest Vail,CO 81657 Tract A 1650EASTVAILVALLEYDRIVE FALLRIDGEC-I VAIL,COLORADO 81657 970-476-6342 FAX970-476-4901 PIERCE FRlTZlEN.INC.DBA FRITZ1.EN PIERCE BRINER e-mail•fpbarchl @vail .nel ,.•• THISITEMMAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLICNOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthatthePlanningand Environmental Commission oftheTownof Vailwillholdapublichearingin accordance w ith Section18.66.060ofthe Municipal Codeofthe TownofVailon January 27,1997,at2:00P.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Building .In consideration of: A request for variances from Sections 18.22.060 (Setbacks),18.22.140 (Parking),18.04.130 (Common Area)and18.22 .020 (percentage of Accessory Uses)toallowforanentry addition at the Swiss Chalet,locatedat62EastMeadow DrivelPart ofLotK ,Block5-E ,VailVillage tst Filing. Applicant: Planner: Sonnenalp Properties ,Inc . Lauren Waterton A request forafinalreviewofthe establishment ofaSpecial DevelopmentDistrict #34,Austria Haus,locatedat242East Meadow Drivelon apartof Tract C,VailVillageFirstFiling. Applicant: Planner: Sonnenalp Properties,Inc.,representedbyGordonPierce GeorgeRuther A request fora conditional use permit toallowa Fractional FeeClubtobelocatedat242East Meadow Drivelon apartofTractC,VailVillageFirstFiling. Applicant: Planner: Sonnenafp Properties ,Inc.,representedbyGordonPierce GeorgeRuther A request foran amendment toSection 16.20.020 (SignCode)oftheVail Municipal Codeto allowfor temporary banners tobeusedfor conferences . A request fora residentia l additionforanexpansionofthelivingroom ,utilizingthe250 Ordinance,locatedat1998 Sunburst DrivelLot 19,VailValley3rdFiling. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: TownofVail Lauren Waterton NateAccardo Lauren Waterton IIIIIII!!! The applications and information aboutthe proposals areavailableforpublic inspection during regularofficehoursinthe project planner's officelocatedattheTownofVail Community Development Department,75SouthFrontageRoad . Sign language interpre tation availableupon requestwith24hournotification .Please ca ll 479-2 114 voiceor 479-2356 TOOfor information. Community Development Department Published December January 10.1996intheVailTrail. j...•'.,.•• THISITEMMAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLICNOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthatthePlanning andEnv ironmental Commiss ion oftheTownof Va il willhold apublichearingin accordance withSect ion 18.66.060 ofthe Municipal Codeofthe To wn ofVailon March 10,1997,at2:00P.M.intheTownofVa il Mun icipal Build ing.In consid eration of: A request todev elop apreferr ed alternative forGrossResidentialFloorArea(GRFA)forsingle- fam ily ,dup lex and primary/secondary . Applicant: Planner: TownofVa il RussForrest A request foran interior addition,utilizingthe250Ordinance,locatedintheOneVailPlace BUilding,244WallStreetJa resubdivision ofLotC,Block5-C ,VailVillage1stFiling. Applicant: Planner: Mr .JaredDrescher,represented byRobertBoymer DirkMason A request fora conditional usepermittoallowTypeIIIEHUsforseasonalhousing,locatedat 1309VailValley Drive/legally described as: beg inn ing attheNorthwestcorner 01 Section9,Townsh ip 5South ,Range80westoftheS ixth Prin cipal Merid ian thenceS89 °31'49"E2333 .84 leet,alongtheNo rth lineofsaidSect ion 9 ,toa point onthe northerly right -of-way lence lineofInterstateHighwayNo.70thencealongthe northerly right-aI-way fenceline ofInterstate Highway No .70asfollows: S67 °41'33"W415 .82 feet ;thence S78 °13'02"W1534.29 f eet,toapo int of curvature; thence 456.43feetonacurvetotherightw ith aradius 01 5580 .00 feet ,thechord 01 which bearsS80033'38"W456 .30 feettoapo int ontheWesterly line 01 sa id Sect ion 9 : thencedepart ing thenortherlyrig ht-of-way fenceline 01 InterstateHighway No .70andfollowing theWes terly line ofsaid Section 9 NOO "i 8 '21"E565 .11 feet to t hepo int ofbegi nning . Applica nt: Planner: TownofVa il,represented byAndyKnudtsen andSusieHervert Dom inic Mauriello A request for additional GRFAtoallowforanadd ition tothelivingroom,utilizingthe250 Ordinance,located at758PotatoPatchDrive/Lot 5,Block2,VailPotatoPatch. Applicant: Planner: Tony &TerryPerry,representedbyEricJohnson LaurenWaterton A request forafinalplatreview,locatedat1502BufferCreekRoad/LotsA1 &A2,LionsRidge Subdivision 2ndFiling. Applicant: Planner: Harold&BarbaraBrooks ,representedbyIsomand Associates LaurenWaterton A request foraminor subdivision toallowforan elevator additiontotheLodgeTowerparcel , locat ed at200VailRoad/LotA,Block5-L ,VailVillageFirstFiling . Applicant: Planner: LodgeProperties,Inc .,representedbyJayPeterson DominicMauriello •• Arequestforan amendment tothedeve lopment plantoallowfor outdoor skistorage,located at 458VailVa lley DrivefTract F,VailV illage 5thFiling andTractB,Vail Village7t h Filing,common ly referredtoastheGoldenPeakSkiBase. Applicant: Planner : Vail Associates,Inc. Lauren Waterton A request forareside ntia l additionfor anexpans ion ofthelivingroom ,uti lizing the250 0rdinance,located at1998Sunbu rst Drive/Lot 19,VailValley 3rdFiling. NateAccardo Lauren Waterton Arequestforaco nditional use permit toallowforaTypeIIEH U,locatedat392 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 4,Block3 ,VailVillage3rd Filing . Applicant: Planner: HowardKoen ig Tam mieW illiamson Theappl ications andinfo rmation abo ut the proposals are availableforpublicinsp ection duringreg ular officehoursinthe proje ct plann er's off ice locatedattheTownofVa il Community Deve lopment Department .7 5SouthFrontage Road. Sign languageinterp retation avail able uponrequest with24hour notifi cation.Pleasecal l 479·2114 voiceor479-23 56 TOO fo rinfo rmation. Co mmunityDevelopment Department Pub lished February21 ,1997inthe Vail Trail. Ti1IiLTEM M AYAFFECTYOUR PROPER~ _PUBLI CNOTICE • NO TICE ISH EREBY GIV EN that thePlanningandEnvironmental Co mmission ofthe Town ofVailw illho ld a pu blic he aringin ac cordancew ith S ection 18 .66 .060 of the Mu nicipal CodeoftheTow n ofVailon February 10, 1997,at2:00P.M.i n theTownofVailMunic ipal Building.In con sideration o f: Arequest for acondit iona l usepermittoallowforaTypeIIEHU ,locat ed at 392BeaverDam Circle/Lot 4,Block 3 ,VailVillag e 3rdFiling . Appli cant: Pl anner: HowardKoen ig Tamm ie Williamson A requestfor a major amendment toSDD#17 tochange t he numberof l ots,locat ed at 1502Buffeh r C reek Rd./T racts A -1 &A-2 ,Parcel2,LionsRidge 2ndFiling . Applicant: Planner: HaroldBrooks Lauren Wat erton Areq uest foraddit ional GRFAutilizingthe250ordinance,loca ted at778Potato PatchDr.lLot18,Block 1,Vail PotatoPatch. App licant: Pla nner: Fred Bart lit Ta mmie Williamson A request foraresidentialadditionforanexpansionofthelivingroom,utilizingthe250 Ordinance ,located at 1998 Sunbu rst Dri ve/Lot 19,Va il V alley 3 rd Filing. Ap'plicant: PInner: NateAccardo LaurenWaterton A requestfo r a worksession to discuss va riancesfromSections18.22.060 (Setbac ks),18.22 .140 (Parking ), 18.04 .130 (Common Ar ea)and18.22.020 (Pe rcentage of Accessory Uses)toallow foranen try add ition atthe Sw iss Chalet ,locatedat62EastMeadowDrive/Part ofLotK,Block5-E,Va il Village1stFiling . App licant: Planner: SonnenalpProperties ,Inc.,represented byHenryPratt Lauren ·Waterton A request foraconditio nal usepermittoallowaFract ional FeeClubtobelocatedat242East Meadow Drive/on a part ofTr act C ,Bloc k 5 -D,Vail VillageFirst Filing. App licant: Planner : Sonne nalp Properties ,Inc.,rep resented byGordonPierce GeorgeRuther A request fo r afinal reviewwiththeDes ign ReviewBoa rd forthe establishment ofaSpec ial Development District #35 ,AustriaHaus ,locatedat242EastMeadowDrive/on apa rt ofT ract C ,Block 5-D ,Vai l Village First Filing . Applicant: Planner: Sonne nalp Properties ,Inc.,representedbyGordon Pierce GeorgeRuther A request fora worksession to develop a preferred alternativeforGrossResidentialFloor A rea (GRFA). Applicant: Planner: TownofVail RussForrest The applications andinformationaboutthe proposals areavailableforpublic inspection during regular off ice ho ursin theprojectp lanner's office l ocatedat theTownof Vail Comm unity Deve lopment Department ,75South Fron tage Road . Signlanguage interpretationavailabl e uponrequest with24hournotification.Please call 479-2114 vo ice or 479-2356 TOOfor information. Co mmunity Development Department Published J anuary24,1997intheVailT rail. , -._--_....-..._--._.---.-"'--'-_..._...-.-':--~~?€.._.:.__-:':~_...:.:s ~":."':"?'.":..~~~.--::~_.-',~~.._-.;......-....•....-,_..-~-:-~....-.. ~~I I RECEIPT :-:0.~TOWN O F VAIL ;:;:;:;;,..~A~IF.li1z:-\tt&'Thr u /~~DEPAR n t F.~"OF C O ~Ul ~nY DE\'"ELOrME~"T f;,;~~I~~ -E IV-,'/;O .s.1%4i ADDRE SS DATE IIt~r UOJ F.Cr "4 ~-,...-Cnf.CKS MADE PAYABLE TOTOWN O F\"AIL .""..•~O......~........".'..nL'l ..._.;'":"..,..........--...~......'NO :.'-.---....TAX-··-C O~JtA.~·.-TOTA L I~-.. ~01 0000 415 40 ZONINGAND ADDR ESS MAPS 55 .00 •G lif 010000424 15 UNIF ORM BUILDING CODE 554.00 •~ i;f 0100004241 5 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE S39.00 •?:f;. 'i':'01000042415 U NIFORM MECH ANICAL CODE 537.00 •:t'i" E'0 1 00004 2415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 536 .00 •IJ-~(,I DO OO42 415 NA TIO NAL ELE CTRICAL CODE S37.00 • ~.0 1 00004 2415O TIIER CODE BOOK S •R;'j~ .~0100 0 04154 8 BLUEPRINTS (MYLARS)57.00 •I\;IJ;j 0100004241 2XE ROXCOPI ES SO .25 •:;;: ~01000042412 STUDIES •'; E.01000042412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM 55.00 •iii J.!.01000042371 P ENALTY FEES I RE·I NSP ECTIO NS ~0 1 00004 1332 PL AN REVIEWR E-CIIECK FEE.J.S40 PI:R HR .I MI~01 0000 42 332 OFF 1I0URS INSPECTION FEES ... ~.010000 41412 CON TRACTORSLICENSES FEES ,.. ..:..~-v-,01000041413 S IGNAI'I'Ll CA'fI ON FEE 520.00 h.01000041413 ADDITIO NALS IGNAGEFEE IS I.UO P ER S<.,l .FT.1 ~;..;VTCART PROJI :CT DON ATION i: (-:-0 1 0000 .4 J 331 I'R>E PAID DESIG N REVIEW BOA RD F EE =:7).(J1 !f -"I INV ESTIGATION F EE (i3UILDING).. 3 1 00004 5110 TO V PARKIt\G FUNDR ~01000022027 TOVNEW SPAPER DISPENSER FUNDu·a- •01000021112 TAXABLE (a:4.5 7.(STATE). ~•01000041010 TAXA BLE (Ii)4.0 7.(TOW N)l..:~,..01000042371 BUILDI NG INVE STIGATION ::x '4 O TIIER ~~ ii:-..';'., ~--.....PEC ,\PPLICATIO]';FEES .',"":.....::."..........-''-.. '(~~(YI 0000 41330 Ii)lDDITlUNAL GRFA "250"S200.00 '/ro .ai ~01 O(Ul(CONDlTlONAL U SE PERMIT S200.00 , ~.01000041330 EXTERIOR ALT ERATION [LESS THAN 100 SO.FT.l S200.00 ~ ..01 0000 41330 EXTER10R ALT ERA nON IMORI~THAN 100 S<.,l .FT .l 5500.00 ~ 01000041330 SP ECIAL DEV ELOPMENT DISTRICT INEWI S 1,:>00 .00 --- :1ft.0 1 0000 41330 SP ECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AM END]51,000.00 I!'.!'0 1 0000 41330 SPE CIALDEV ELOPMENT DISTRICT [MI NOR AMEND I S200 .00 ;; ~0 1 00 0041330 S UBDIVISION ;f 01 000041330 VARIANCE 5250.00 ~ i 01000041330 Z ONING CODE AMENDM ENTS S250.00 IE..01 000041330 RE-ZON1NG S200.00 I!] ~OTHER ~ ~OTIIER /'!Jfl I K;~~~~lv\TOTAL:fV])/J7A:l'l (j"~vol()r '7CD J~~i COMMENTS : /)(. ~L .:>$~\ te )CK"lj3E?L H.Ol-J (Iw) . ~CASH I REC.BY'm.....-,."..._.........~...'........ ,..~·r-r-'-- -~~~:-l '-::.,-,.-..,~-t.-;.~,•..-,- ~-,~T ~n ReviewAction F. TOWN OF VAIL -. Category Number,_ ProjectName :Ar r A v io -((lui Date ~-l J'1IJ9 "/1 J.....!~f-1r'&"-,_ IU I n71 f)H I Cf VrI W,,< J Project Descr ipt ion:---=..L...-~~~___Ll.L..>:..q::"--'-..L.-J'_4_-.!..-~--'-'L!~~~~---------- Build ing Name :----:;--_ Legal Description:Lot -=---=-I--l-Block _ Project Street Address:_-=-I -,'1,-U-'...:l b=-_--=~~~=..:....._l:.:..l.-_..JZ-L..LLf....<~_ Comments:---;--:--:--__--="'""'_ J ---............ Motionby:_ Boar f ~t a ff AC~ Vo te:_ Seconded by :_ o Approval o Disapproval ~t aff Approval Conditions :/\)r ~1/\~1 Jh (---------------- Tow n Planner Date :[. '") ORBFee pre-paid _%-_-eIL)_r---"..J _-'-'=--'--_ PHOI-E I~O. NA MI;Ul:'l'ROJECT : r.IE:T OF'1,,;o.T RnT ?!;~IJ. (J..c.c ...,J" LECAL PESCRIPTION;LOT BLOC K SUBDI VISION STRE:l::T ADDReSS ;1'1 "'"J ,£'<+1.J,...,.,~:I Q....~ The.:fvlluw.lul/lufu~lU<I~.lQll 10 H:4uin:d fur Ilubmit tal to the oesiqn RAVI~w Rn~~~h p.f n ~p.~fi n~l ~~r ~nv~l c~n 'h ~ry iven : 1\.aUILOI NG MATERI~S ; "Ro of TYP~OF MATERIAL ..l l~CIf,JI'-f,,,? _ffI~f:"'J COLOR S id11l\l Oth er wa ll Mut r.r i~l r, Fa sci A Sof f i t,n D OO~·.s Flash.ings Clii mncyn 'c'tash e:nc ':'O sUrel> RQL,),lniug Walln nth",,,, ,/ V t/-----'--------- D ,LAND SChPINC ,Na me or O o~.i4nar:).J.;b It-~""""•.d!(r-' l>t1o;\Q:/.ill,-~ir11(..:J7/."" FF01 ,Pa'.......ole-FAl-:g','ST81 PH:l-l:I(). "'-'~l 10-""MO N I :IilGeO,"C.OL.U",CO~p.01G '7'?1 FRCM ;P.n.loonl 0 F~Sl"$TEl1 I. -'".- JIl ".1<11 l '~'l G 01:j 9!'M "';': TO~~OV V~IL,COLO~O ... • I I --_.._.--~---~-- u . c. TYPE .OF uVttw. ~aw COnJttuotion <$200 .00)~inO~Altoration ($20,00) ~diti~n ($50 .00\c on c ep r.u ~l ~cy1~~(,0) ()'.)'0 '-~.,).llbll~SS ,/'IU~.J'Wo4tru t p......""'",(h t,.i ..._-- UGh!.D!r:.l(;ll.lFrtONI ~Ot BloOk _ Sv.lxlivj.,ion ~.'._.._._..~_ If prope~ty lA descrlbD~by ~mODt ~Gnd bQ~lds lCQal UQ'Q~~ptiQn o p~eale provid~on 4 .e~arat~sh~~~and att~Qh to this applicatlon , ZOl-lINli I ~~ Nl\H!OF 1\PP%.ICAm'1.r-~J!.~,,~~~~~_...c~..LJ~'l"""'"-:'"'~_""=~_~ MlllHn"At!(l1"I\/3Il:13.u:.2m H~Z=L.p •1:':1"1 0 _~__~lIphOr.~.?.:r:."'~N "- NhMt OF ,l\~'LteANrIS ~1:~~S!Nr,l\TIV!1 ~~~~~~_ MaiH P\Q MdrlJ$:l.:..-:::~~-~__.;-----~- l-r. F. c. s. Condominium Apprnvnl it «p~l;eebl.,, ~.DRD FERI n~n !e~~,al shown ~bQVO,lte to be ?a1u at tbo t iml!'of Iluhrni t tal ot tnG!tift!o.pplioa tion.'tater.,w}}ell apply1nq for a bUl1dinq permit,~lea,s identify tno aeeUtat~. vnluaeloD of the ~rO~$~l.ThQ Town oe Vall will ad;uot the feQ naoordinq to the tQbt~b~low,to cn.ur~the eottl~~~~O i.PQi~.' VhlMl\TI;ON $C *10,COO •10,001 t 50 ,noo $SO.OOl *150 ,000 C150 .001 ~~oo,noo $500,001 $l.OOO,Ooo $Ovc~$1,000,000 ,sB lllI~!• IlO:El ACIIEOt lLP:.t. CHBClK #' FtE 4l .20.00 $~O,oO 4Jl¢Cl .OO ,?OO ,OO "00 ,00 ~"iOO.OO t1ES%GN U:VUw BOhao ht'l'ROVM IbrP TREs ONn YIlAlt ,U''1'II R fINAL ~NtOVA1 tmlolSS A BU1Llln1(J PIWlIT I8 3:SSUM ARB eW!'fllUeti6/J IS B'rAll.TBD . ••I ~--.-.-_._._-.._-"-:-...----! .~ ~ DATI:.__--J.__,__ CHECKS MADE U VABU T O TO\\'~on'AIL TOWNOFVAIL ADDRE SS,_ I PRo.JEcr _ ;;. 1:<1 ".ACCOIl:\.~O. 0 1000041540I ZONING Al\D ADDRESSMAPS 0 100 0042415 I UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 01 00 0042415 I UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE -010000424 15 I UNIFOR.\1 MECHANICALCODE 010000 42415 I UNIFOR....1 FIRE CODE (11 00 0042415 I NATIONALELECTRICAl.CODE 01000042415 OTHERCODEBOOKS "01 000041548BLUEPRINTS(MYLARS) ;;;01000 042412 I XEROXCOPIES '"010000 4 2412 STUDIES S5.00 • S54.00 • $39.00 • $37.00 • $36 .00 • S37.00 • 57.00 • SO .25 •• ",.0100 00424 12 I TOVFEt.SCOMPUTERPROGRAM $5 .00 • S20.00 ~~0 1000041413 I SIGNAPPLlCATIONFEt. !::010000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSESFEES 'E 010000 42332 OFFHOURS INSPECTION FEES f!f 01 000042371 PENALTY FEES /RE-INSPECTIONS ;.:0 I 0000 4 1332PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE''::'':''[S4"'=O,.,P"'E""R"H""R""'.---l---t-----1----II-----+---13 .,.010000 41413 ADDlTIONAL SIGNAGE FEE [S1.OO PERSQ.FT.] !=?_VTCARTPROJECT DONATION • lO .DU S250.00 S200.00 S250.00 S200.00 S200.oo S500.00 S200.00 S200.00 SI,OOO .O O S1,500.00 ADDlTIO NAL GR FA "250 · ZONINGCODEAMENDMENTS PEC APPLlCATlO;,\FEES SUBDIVISION SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT [MINORAMEND] SPECIAL DEVELOPMENTDISTRICT rr,WOR AMEND I VARIANCE OTHER RE -lONING OTHER ICONDITIONALUSE PER.\1JT ISPECIAL DEVELOP~1 ENT DISTRICT [;-.lEW I IEXTERIOR ALTERATION[LESSTHAN100SO.FT.] IEXTERIOR ALTERATlO N IMORE THA"l 100SO.FT.I 010000 4 1330 01 0000 41330 0 1 000041330 0 1000041330 =0 v ,vvvv .._~,1 INVESTIGA TIONFEE (BUILDING) ~0 1000041330 ii 01000022027 TO\'~~:,~;r ..:~J ~,.;."'~·1JT:;f:..;·c~j~.;;·:>;;;l:TR:..:r:....:U:::Nc.:;D::-.------+_-_+---+---+-----r~ ~*01 000021112 TAXABLE ((i;4 .5;(;(ST ATE) ==01 0000 41330 ~01 000041330 ~01000041330 .01000041330 u OTHER ~.*01 000041010 I TAXABLE (tV 4.0%(TOViN )~0 1 00 004 2371 BUILDING I NVEST"'IGr<A'f9T:;.;IO~N~---------f---t----+----+----~ c;.010000 41330 £01 0000 4 1330 I;i;3 10000 45110 I TOV PARKIl\G ,"uND (~01000041331 PRJ5PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE TOTAL:to .tv: REC.BV'()/./1 CK .<I.--lJ M.0 I-JCASHIX / ~COMMe.'TS:-l-L..J,:::::....>=...!:::::J-..='--'--~<_.::._fiR ~ I I __.u.,.'f1 "<-'r • '-"-" t'1 i see 11 a neL'US Cas h ~.-,.-:':.•of ..... "".L..~.i_._'It ...,_, q ~~Ji~t ~28142E r:1CC ClUi"!t .:+ ,..,-.......... THt=lt--IK •, 5-17-96 To the Town of Vail Towhom it may concern: Iown half of the duplex located at 1998 B Sunburst Drive,Vail, co.I have reviewed the changes to be made by my neighbor at 1998 Sunburst Drive and here y give my permission for the owner,Nate AC~dO'to go forward s planned. Tom Bennett CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATESEPTEMBER 16 1994,6960I PERMIT No". 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING DIVISION I2 2.34 z ELECTRICAL 10011.000 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK:~PLUMBING DELETE ELECTRIC HEAT &CONVERT ::::> ..J< INSIDE SPAAREATO STUDY/DINING AREA >MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F .A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK ~ELECTRICAL 50.00 0 NEW()ALTERATION (Yi[ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING ~ DWE LLING UNIT S __ACCOMMODAT ION UNITS __MECHANICAL ~ HEIGHT IN FT .--NO .FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE ~ INSULATION:TYPE THI CKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ~~FLOOR CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT EXT.WALLS ~~USE TAX ,~ROOF WILL CALL 3.00 ~TYPE ELEC .GAS TOTALPERMITFEES 53.00OF HEAT SOLAR WOOD ERNST GLATZLE 9-15-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED :~UIL.DING OFFICIAL ------DATE ----- s.!'!..INITIAL 1----____--------ST.CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING !zONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARKING DEMO I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled out in full the information required. completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved.Uniform Building Code and o;brdinance~ofthe Tq~PliCable thereto.~~~~~~JV'\\~~.~AJo.~!tj V SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRAC~FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. TOBEFILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE DFPERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT o BUILDING 0 PLUMBING ~XELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL0 1998A SUNBURSTDR .GAL LOT BLK ESC.FILING JOB NAME:ACCARDO/GARLING HOUSE OWNER NAME ACCARDO MAIL AQDRESS 300 W 19TH TERR KC MO 64108 8164743200 CITY'PH . ARCHITECT FIRM MARKDONALDSON MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH .949-5200 GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE. FIRM NEW ELECTRIC LECTRICAL 1l0-E CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE .949Jf651 FIRM PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OFVAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. INSPECTION REQUEST" TOWN OF VAIL NAME ()/'~~479-2138 -C A-L L-E R---'T\a~~A)rJJ~fjilc -V I TUES )WED FRI PMREADYFOR LOCATION :_---jr.........j-+.v--l-J._--"=-~:.........:!::_.'::=<!:L___JL.L._'._ BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIP ING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ o _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _-,-__--"'--..._---- IXJOUGH 6t.Q'lA~t ),------__ J 0 CONDUIT o _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ o _ o FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED~P P R O V E D ~~ CORRECTIONS:_ DATE +-~_____:.______:.____'__INSPECTOR ~-~-----::...L---='----~----'~"'------ '!"_._F PM_____AM rU INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OFVAIL ~7 9 -2 1 38 /¥-.;.;/. rC!CC'~r1 '-11-~~/ ~A~~ CALLER ~/t)C P TUESWED THUR FRI ({/vJ7f j READYFOR LOCATION :--f--f-+=-L+---'::;:;~::L...:~'::"":::'~~~~~--------,--------- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEE L o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o F INAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ 1'[3 ROUGH ; o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL 0 'APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED *A./'I),fr fl,...y... o REINSPECTION REQUIRED / (.// DATE _:.-:..:;_-=--_-"-_INSPECTOR , (C y)(/ I INSPECTION REQUEST · TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER _'t_•.f!.0:to-_~L..L----L:.&d~~~::='--_.L-~~lJ.£.U READYFOR INSPECTION :1 MON ~THUR LOCATION :_-J q q ~A ~ PERMIT it ?;J:0JECT DATE 1 JOBI, BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW_V _ o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 --_~F I NA LoFINAL , ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 -- o FINAL ,o FINAL III'"'" o APPROVED ~R O V E D ~E~P E C T I O N REQU IRED CORRECTIONS: DATE --I--l----ft---'----f------INSPECTOR {ljJt PM PERMIT NUMBER ObJECT DATE II JOB,. INSPECTION REQUE·ST I TOWN OF VAIL /;~479-2138 NAME (I~I'j/f~)~ CALLER )/7 - READYFORINSP CION :.../J MO ~~WEDTHURFRI LOCATION :9&t 51 DIA /I,sf 1;:(L o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVEDyti'APPROVED /f CORRECTIONS:_ BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING 'o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER oGAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION oPOOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o fJ1'J AL-o FINAL (ELECTRICAL ~MECHANICAL: CrrEf;lI .OWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT oSUPPLYAIR 0 0 il9FINAL o FINAL , DATE _'--'---""'----'-----"-_INSPECTOR /' NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 6939PERMITNO.---=--'--''''--''-- BUILDING 1 994 IIIIIIIVV ABEH IRM t;R"P1'FMRFR 9,DATE PERMIT FEES ?nnn.nnPLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 1 h .nnn on zo 1----+-1 ~:3 1----+...:.lJ'lWl...JJllL -I ~ VALUATION 122a34 G R.FA.GROUP GAS HEAT &HO T WATER DIVISION GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :_ A CONVERSION FROMELECTRTC TO I)TYPE TYPE OF PERMIT _----~o BU ILDING [ik P.1UMB ING <, o ELECTRICAL D /FOUNDATION 1;================1.......---...-------------1~MECHANICAL f 'i 1998 SUNBUR:IT DR TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT ~ I ~, 30.00/PC 8.00 #4 1 34 ~ 3 20.00/PC 80 .00 II 1335 BUILDING PERMIT RECREATION FEE PLUMBING PLANCHECK ELECTRICAL MECHANICA L __NO .FIREPLACES R3 HEIGHT I N FT. DWELLING U NITS __AC COMMODATION UN ITS __ NEW ()ALTERATI ON (X1X ADDITIONAL ()REPA IR () I _LEGAL LOT I I lI(BLK rI A /V ~E S C.FILlN <t '\.1\,\{j I \;,:,3 1'-'./ JOBNAME:AC~ARDO PP &MP Y./1---+----+---+------It--------t-----------1 OWNER I NAMF ~",n ""~.- MAIL ADDRE SS 300 W 1 9TH TERR CITYKt;Mn 8 16-4 7~200 ARCHITECT FIRM MARK D ON A!DSON MAIL ADDRESS INSULATION : FL OOR TYPE TH ICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT CITY PH.949-5 200 EXT .WA LLS USETAX ADDITIONA L PERMITS NEEDED: ZONING &BUILD ING NOTES:_ ---------------ONINGADMINISTRATOR DATE DATE ----- WILL CALL 6.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 444.00 DAN STANEK 9-9-94 'BUILDING OFFICIAL ------ INITIA L WOOD GA S SOLAR ELEC . ST .C UT BLA STING RO OF TYPE OF HEATTELE. FIRM LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAIL REG.NO. TELE. GENERAL uFI.o.RwM _ CONTRACTOR TOWNO FVAILREG.NO. FIRM VAn.VATTEYP&H PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE.949 -7771 1 18-P PARKING DEMO FIRM VAIL VALLEY P&H MECHANICAL 118-P CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. 949-7771 TELE. OTHER FIRM--------------- TOWNOFVAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. I hereby acknowledge that Ihavereadth is application ,filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,andstate that allthe i nformation provided as required is correct.I agree to comply w ith the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances andstate laws,andto build this structure according totheT.own's ZO~i~~~~~divis ion codes,design review approved ,Uniform BUilding Code and ~~~;;~u e r e t o. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDTHEOWNER. e ~L~LEY PLUMBING &HEATING,I NC. P.O.BOX 2048 8/7 /9 4 AVON,COLORADO 81620 (303)949 -7771 Vail Building DEftJia(O~~~-1 9 7 3 (303)479-2138 RE:Accardo Residence 1998 Sunburst Dr. Vail,Co House area:2.500 ft~2 New boiler size:225 MBH MFR:Crown Model:XE Page 1 of 1 S UBMITTED Mark FS t earns eICXESERIES , CAST IRON GAS FIRED HYDRONIC HOT WATER BOILER .'-.. •HIGH EFFICIENCY -TO84 .4%A.F.U.E. •FACTORY ASSEMBLED ANDWIRED •6SIZES -TO 225,000 BTUIHR INPUT •DOE HEATING CAPACITIES 36 ,000 TO ----jl--t_ 186,000 BTUIHR •.INDUCEDDRAFTBLOWER •DIRECT VENT OR CHIMNEY VENT •HONEYWELL CONTROLS •DELUXE ENAMELED STEEL JACKET •ONEPIECE STAINLESS STEEL BURNERS ---1-+I D ESIGN CERTIFIED FOR N ATURAL AND LP-GAS These gas-fired b oilersare sectional cas tiron boilers design certified by AG.A (American Gas As sociation)fo r use with n atural gas and propane gas.They are constructed and h ydrostatically tested fora maximum working pressure of50 psi in accordance with AS.M.E.(American Society o f Mechanical Engineers)Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IV standards for cast iron hea ting boilers.These a re capacity ra ted in accordance with the code of the Hydronics Institute. These boilers may be installed on combustible flooring when placed on Special BaseN o .14614031 or 14614032. ~.<\''1~.......H:~i rp ~I....J '.",.......,_1 _" f"\~'r':l'\r:/,"",.J'''l n\, {.'~f~~~r ~•...•v.~'1 /~~I:J ':~.~~.-t.~,\....:........-';I CXEHi ghTech H eat Exchanger Second pass fluegastechno logy, s pecia l the rmal pins andinteg ral baffles,all con tributeto CXE's re markable high heat transfera nd 84.4%efficiency.Castiro n pus h nipp les andsections expand and contract together,providing the stro ngest wa tertight seal. M .E.A.APPROVED® c PUll.NO .:CXE-293-20M GAS-FIRED CROWN 4RU ,BA II HOT'\VATER B'OILERS''''' Features newspace- saving"built-in draft hood anproved efficiency. ..~modelsover 80% AFUE •Includes advanced safety featuresand provenHoneywell contro ls •Eight models upto 280,000 BTUinput •20yearlimited warranty Available for natural or LP Gas HIGHEFFICIENCY,GAS-FIRED CR.O~_N ""~-<..""._. XE SERIES HOTWATERBOILERS Designedforhigh efficiency andreliability. •Upto 84.5%AFUE •Integralpowerventer- permitsdirect tbruthe wall orchimneyvent ing •Six mode ls upto ~225,000 BTUinput •20yearlim ited warranty Available for naturalorLP Gas >-c.... GAS-FIRED =0 CROWN ('J $G ... JAMAICA II STEAM BOI ~ERS ";0 Features new sJ~ce ~~g r ~ built-in draft hoodf - improved efficiency.S",,,,,·.yr-- fullyassembled wit low-water cut off mounted . •Allmodelsover 80% AFUE •Includesadvancedsafety featuresandproven Honeywellcontrols •Sixmodelsupto 299,000 BTUinput •10yearlimited warranty Ava/lable for narural or LPgas e • DIMENSIONS (ININCHES) GAS VALVE RIGHTSIDE COMB INATION liM n I.RELAY CONTROL 'f ~:l,~'n4>:t .\,~~.BLOWER n"c;,I ~.... o ~:"'t--PRESSUR£H--+-=,__,;.,1oJ SWITCH f~INTERMlnENTw.-----PILOT CON TROL ............~==::J1-»-r-'- LEFT SIDE FRONT I IIII VENTING IMPORT ANT Be fore i ns ta lfi ~boiler,please read the Inslallation Manu al .Though the waD venti~•Mode ls CXE 2. 3.4 and 5 use a3"lkJe .ForMode ls CXE 6 and 7 use the 3'x 4'inaeaser (provided). .Conventional venti~through a lined chimne y use 3'x 4'increase<(provided). -I-- -I-- -- -- -- -- -- -'-- -- ,•,II SPECIFICATIONS IIIII -I-- +- NATURALGAS VentDiameter(Inches)LP-GAS A.G.A.D.O.E.'IBR NET VENTING VENTING APPROX.D.O.E. INPUT HEATING WATER TO THRUWALl Wldlh SHIPPING ANNUAL NO.BTU /HR CAPACITY RATING CHIMNEY HORIZONTAL A WEIGHT ENiciency MODEL SEC .BTUIHR BTU/HR (Category n (Category III)PACKAGED (AFUE) CXE·2 2 42.500 36,000 31 ,000 4 3 11 180 84.4 CXE·33 75,000 63,000 55.000 4 3 14.25220 83.4 CXE-4 4 112.500 94,000 82.000 4 3 17.5 270 83.0 CXE-5 5 150.000 125,000 109,000 4 3 20.75 325 82.7 CXE-6 6 187000 155 000 135000 4 424 380 82.3 CXE-77 225 ,000 186,000 162,000 4 427.25 435 82.0 NOTES, 1J..SA .ForaltitudBS above 2,000 ft ralings should bereduc edat me rafeof 4%lot each 1,000 ft above sea level Healingcapacity is basedupon D.D.E.(Department 01 Energy)test procedur es.CAMADA ·for altitudes above 2,000 rt..Consun factory.'Heatingc.apacilyis based upon O.O.E.(Departmenl ot Ene r~y)lestprocedures, The rati ngs ma rked "Nell=B=Rralings'indicale the amountof equivelent direct castironradi alioneach boiler will takecareof under normal condilions and thermo slatic con trol.The net I=B=R Waterratings shown are based on anallowance of1.15 in accordance with the facto rs shown on the 1=8=R Sta ndard as publishedby the HydronicsInslilute.Selectio n of boiler size should bebased upon,"Net Outputat Radiators BTU perHour"being equa l 10 the cal cul ated heat lossofthe bU ilding . Th e manula cture r should beconsu ftedbefore select inga boilerfor installa l ionshavingunusual pipingand pick-up requirem ents. Speci focations anddimensions are subject to change without notice . STANDARDEQUIPMENT o CompletelyFactory Assembled,Pre-WiredandCrated • o Deluxe BakedEnamel SteelJacket o 3'x4'increaserliltingandsilicone se alent ,10 adapt 3'fan outletto 4'ventpipe. o HoneywellL8148A combinalion highl imil control andcircutator relay. o HoneywellAT130C24 von transformer10powergascontrolsystem, o Flame rollout safely shut-ott (rolloutswitch)withspare switch included. o Pressureswitchforprovingair flow. o Combination pressure/lemperature guage. o 1 W circulalorwiredandpipedtoboiler wilh isolationflanges. o '\4"boiler drainvalve o ASMEreliefvalve (30 lb.) o Completelyinstalledandwiredgas controlsystem wilhburner and manifold consisting of: o StainlessSleelBurners o Automatic redundantcombinationgasvalve,24volt,withpilot l iner :A..Crown Boiler Co. • 3633ISTREET,PHILADELPHIA ,PA19134 PHONE:(215)535 -8900•FAX :(215)53 ;,_rm\6 o Pressure regulator Honeywell S8600F lnter rnittant Pilot Control for na tural gas infinitetrial for ignilion,no 'l ockout"occurs o Honeywell S8600M Intermittant Pilot Controlforpropanegas- 90second trial forignition with lockoutfealureandautomatic 'reset'alter 5 minute s. o Combinalion pilotburner/eleclrode/flame sensor o Com plete installation manual OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT ..._•'.-." o Combustiblefloorplate 14614031 for $CXE2,'3;4;5; 14614032forModels CEX6.~'..,1'>,.:,,,','""'~_',"v.,TjernlundVH-I -3'sidewa v8(1 kit It':,,:_.':.,: •TjemlundVH·l-4·sidewa v tKlt ~;r''::'''~~:-~.~:--:-~ o 3'Plexventkit forventpipe (-~'lengthsf2 J 3~.coUpti ngs;:' 1-3"elbow) 4'Plexvent ktt forventpipe (2 •5'langths,2 -4'couplings. 1-4"elbow) o 3'Plexvent(blackl90°lermination elbow withrodentscreen o 4'Plexvent (black 90°terminationelbow with rodentscreen o Stainless Steel shroudwhenusing 90°termination elbow(oplional) [A VAILABlEFROM, Plan ReviewBasedon the1991 Uniform Codes NAME:GARLINGHOUSE MECH ADDRESS :1998SUNBURSTDR VAIL,COLORADO OCCUPANCY:R-3 TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION:V DATE:9-9-94 CONTRACTOR :VAILVALLEYP &H ARCHITECT:NONE ENGINEER:NONE PLANSEXAMINER:DANSTANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Theitemslistedbelow are not intended tobeacompletelistingofallpossiblecode requirements inthe adopted codes.It isaguidetoselectedsectionsofthecodes. Thefollowingisnottobe construed tobean approval ofanyviolationofanyof theprovisionsofthe adopted codesorany ordinance oftheTownofVail. 1.COMBUSTION AIRISREQUIREDPERSEC.607OFTHE1991UMC. 2.INSTALLATIONMUSTCONFORMTOMANUFACTURESINSTRUCTIONSANDTO APPENDIXCHAPTER21OFTHE1991UMC . 3.GASLINETESTANDINSPECTIONISREQUIREDBEFORECONNECTION OFANY EQUIPMENT PERSEC.1206OFTHE1991UMC. 4.HEATING EQUIPMENT MUSTBEPROTECTEDFROMVEHICLEDAMAGEPER SEC.508OFTHE1991UMC. 5.GASAPPLIANCESSHALLBEVENTEDACCORDINGTOCHAPTER9OFTHE 1991UMCANDSHALLTERMINATEASSPECIFIEDINSEC.906OFTHE 1991UMC. 6.BOILERSSHALLBEMOUNTEDONFLOORSOF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION UNLESSLISTEDFORMOUNTINGONCOMBUSTIBLE FLOORING,ANDAMINIMUMOF18"OFFFLOORINGARAGE. 7 .FIELDINSPECTIONISREQUIREDFORCODECOMPLIANCEPERSEC.305 OFTHE1991UMC . &~A ARl 8 8.WHENNEW ELECTRICAL LINESAREREQUIRED WORK ~.•T '~I?O~E ~."A' LICENSED ELECTRICIAN.~~Ct,-,~:;::',\,.".~.:.~ f /Ja-c-:/U ;1-9-9 'l" I . ., •• ':)"f .LL.:::..:--,~~,,\~I f ,,~ I t fI Q ~.\Bo;G(f!:> ~'"-!.L,_<;" !lo~;,e 1;; ~~ C ,Ow I\..ex E ·7 J.J:5.o0()I,.f l<.i I"IN d~J"ro f;l"cpl.t CI 0 oNe «o«('Z:OJ4!5,lt~cI;-(JJt /c &!('£tH;f GARAG E """" IiR;sc .-'f ~ . o In N UP III~ - r ('./{ I OX/D"w'/l:1'I /(1 ') o f'.(7vor 7 <::<2"/, «"~z0:::-u « z ::E OWuO::: ,,~ Z I=~Vl_-0:::i:lCl F~ "w""O:::z»Cl l=ii:wl-- !Qou"""x «« WW..JII--c..c.. WWWVl>0:::0:::«ou:::ozoOtwozwo:::u«z 1I I 11 PM INstCTION REQU~ TOWN OF VAIL - 11 .J 479-2138 JOB NA ME !/(!(!I1A.tUJ CALLER JItti I/!d &§'TII~TUES W ED7 THURFRI ~ ..- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ?-3tj--flf READYFOR INSPECTIO N: LOCATION :-P1-LJ9(-~'7f}'-IH'.rrH:'7f""---d.~-'-------------;;O;:"7T:..--=:=-:;:;:;:;-;r--- BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND _ o FOUNDATION /STEEL 0 ROUGH /DW.V._ o FRAMING 0 ROUGH /WATER _--:.-_ ROOF &SHEER ....,,;:;(IJ A o PLYWOOD NAILING ---------/L:>GAS PIPING +/tD_....."'-~-------- o INSULATION 0POOL /H .TUB _ o SHEETROCK NAIL '.0 _ o 0 o FINAL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: oTEMP .POWER -=-{WEAIltJG _ o ROUGH 0 EXHAUST HOODS -:;-_ o CONDUIT 0SUPPLYAIR _ o 0 _ o FINAL 0FINAL _ C;:?ePROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED I INSPECTOR -"=-f=='-~-=---------- -: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ~ 479-2138 c PM-------,~ JOB NAME A'Q::M~J'e5/./= CALLER 1V4L'-/e.."""--L~==rJ=dC-.-=-__ MON T UES ~THURFRI DATE //-.$-tJij READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION : BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: [J TEMP .POWER ..."..-_ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL -'--_ PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ FINAL _ f:/> .?ROVED ORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED;- •, DATE /1 -9-91 INSPECTOR ',{~¢wk.",L NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ESEPTEMBER 21994OAT, I 6921 PERMIT NO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2 .OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING DIVISION 122a34 z ELECTRICAL A50.000 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK:~<PLUMBING MOVED HOTTUBTO OUTSIDE FROM ::> ...J-e INSIDE.EXTENDED ELECTRICAL FEED .>MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F .A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R3 BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 50 .00 o;;j- NEW ()ALTERATION ocr ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING iJ"- DWELLING UNIT S __ACC OMMO DA TIONUNI TS___MECHANICAL ~-HEIGHT IN FT .__NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE ,j-a- INSULATION :TYPE THI CKNE SS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ~~FLOOR CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT EXT .WALLS USE TAX ((it-ROOF WILL CALL 3.00 it\!TYPE ELEC .GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEESOF 53.00 HEAT SOLAR WOOD ERNST GLATZLE 9-2-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED :'BUILDING OFFICIAL ------DATE ----- J...!i.INITIAL 1-------_--------ST.CUT ~ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING 1z0NING &BUILDING NOTES : PARKING DEMO I hereby acknOWledge that Ihaveread this application,filled out in full the information required . completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply w ith the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure accord ing to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved ,Uniform Building Code and other o ~ces L own ap 2ble thereto. ~~~.-A". SIGNAtu'RE OF OWflfER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo ·~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT lal.DIII department of community development o BUILDING 2fi]ELECTRICA LoMECHANICAL TOBEFILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT 100>1 "IT"TU ITD "'T'T\D ~EGAL LOT 19 BLK ESC.FILING vAIl vAnEY 3lUl JOBNAME :A CCARDO EP OWNER NAMEN"TE A CCJllUlQ MAIL ADDRESS SAHE CITY VAIL 81657 PH . ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH . GENERAL FIRM FRENCH ELECTRIC CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.2 25 E TELE .A7a_()??7 I.LECTRICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM PLUMBING IOWNOF VAIL REG .NO.CONTRACTOR TELE . FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE . OTHER FIRM ,TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . r -- .9n ReviewAction F. TOWN OF VAIL 8bsl9~ IIDate--''''T-'-'''''''''''-f--l.--'-------------Category Number__-'--_ Project Name:/I-c C Q "I ,~/o Building Name:_-.L.LW;-'-'--"-'--~'"""'.L____+_'_"_"'""'"!_J:.lL_''_.:2:..:I_£.""'''__L__ Project Description:_ J-Ir-f p.,..I to b I,I Owner,Address andPhone:_ dressandPhone:~2r7(l ~";'t I','7J h yC',?' ro.BoY ,Zt1:6 I \.he "I ,e'D 8/bSB .-±zz7 LegalDescription:Lot /9 Block Subdivision_V",,-,-,\"-.JI,--~:ioo<..-ll._P ZoneDistrict ?j5 ProjectStreet Add ress :_-+--'-'-'-'-~--""""""'''-'--'''''''''===:.I_=___ Comments:_ BOfil Staff Acti;'~ Motionby:_______________Vote:_ Seconded by:_ o Approval o Disapproval 9f StaffApproval Conditions:~J .-e /I /l <11 Town Planner Date:8/24f;!ORBFeePre-paid ....ttJ.Q!?~ revised 9/4/91 DRS APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: •••••••••• THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED•••••••••• 1.PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION,?/ac-e rn<;;;!;;.=!0.-6()t iuJ:>OVI-0!(\>h _d _Ck.. ts and bounds legal separate sheet and If property is described by description,please prov ide attach to this application. B.TYPEOF REVIEW :l-bu:.J,:Ae_/lb,f..tJJ,e l-Iof rulo ____New Construction ($200.00)~MinoVAAilel a !'en ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) Z-ADDRESS:/11811 ~b<-u-"";F y }tX..I ()~I U!). D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot 19 Block'I Subdivision '?J fiT lit; E.ZONING: F. G. H. 1. LOT AREA:If required,applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. NAME OF APPLICANT:.Ntt..1L ~do I I fL_~ r;ttp il ing A:~re~~:.~_'.(>,PI ;::<...-r r:u:--'-..J WJ.4I6tl S C,&226:«,r(Phone !-~(e -9=74 -d 2<?0i.. NAJ:1E I OF APPLICANT':RE;.~RESENTATIVE:Mt.~~m~~tl-~~Ma1hng Address:t:.0~(2...<0 &(,,1/0 2'__ ______________Phdne 3 -- NAME OF OWNERS:Ai~/Ie~ , ·SIGNATURE(S): Maili~~AddArfN~:~F -11!h ;:e,fr-tJ.-<-<....-{:o 46O.S Cu.-Tt#~I'&4.f'{'t¥Phone I-RNa-174 -~~O J.Condominium Approval if applicable.#\3~\1 K.DRB FEE:DRB fees,as shown above,are to be paid at ~, the time of submittal of DRB application.Later,when ~117/q4 applying for a building permit,please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal.The Town of vail ~ will adjust the fee according to the table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid.~!~Q ~I FEE PAID:$cu .00 0 CltUt ( FEESCHEDULE:~ -VALUATION J.:~l ~.~ C S 0-..iAJI.§, SJ:07UUI --=-$50 ,000 ~I,J $50,001 -$150,000 $150,001 -$500,000 If'4l!G!I $500,001 -$1,000,000 J/I.1"'I1?11J.19.11.1 ' $Over $1,000,000 ~lh 1A ~/'111 ONE YEAR AFTER FI .r" ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION ~I.~ •DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS STARTED . ••NO APPLICATION WILLBEPROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'SSIGNATURE 1 MEMORANDUM TO:GeneralPublic FROM:Community DevelopmentDepartment DATE:February 19,1992 SUBJECT:Movable/PortableHotTubsandSpas Astechnologyhasprogressed,anewtypeofhottubandspahasbeendeveloped.Thisnew typeisessentiallyaself-containedunitwithallplumbing,etc.,contained withinthestructureof theunit.Theonly necessary componentforthistypeofunitisanelectricaloutlet.Forthe Town'spurposes,theseunitswillbeconsideredmoveable/portablehottubsandspas. Cut sheet/photograph ofunit-AllunitsmustbeU.L.listedandmustmeettheUSC. Surveyor siteplan-Thebuildinglocation,allpropertylinesandtheproposedhottub unitshouldbeshown . Condo Association-Ifaunitistobelocatedonageneralcommonelement(G.C.E.) orlimitedcommonelement(L.C.E.),condominiumassociationwrittenapprovalmustbe obtained. Hazards·Ahazardletterwillnotberequiredunlesssomeotherstructure,asdefined in Section 18.04.310oftheTownofVailMunicipalCode,isalsobeingadded.Specific requirementsforstructuresinhazardareasareinSection18.69oftheTownofVail zoningcode.MapsindicatinghazardareasareavailableintheCommunity Development Departmentoffice. Thefollowinginformationmustbesubmitted,whereapplicable,withallrequestsfor portable/moveablehottubsorspas: ~ f'~ /N/A 3. N[~4 . A hot tubmaybeaddedtoanexisiing,conforming(legal)deck.Decks mayencroachinto setbacks,induding front,rear,sideand creek,either1/2thesetbackdistanceor10feetif within5feetofgrade,or1/2thesetbackdistanceor5feetifmorethan5feetfromgrade. PleaserefertoSection18.50.050,18.58.060 and18.58.300oftheTownofVailzoningcode forthespecificregulations.Requestsforhottub/spaencroachmentsintosetbacksfurther thanallowedfor decks maybeapprovedbytheDesignReviewBoard.Othersectionsofthe code,whicharenotcitedinthismemo,mayalsobeapplicabletosomeinstallations. Allcompletedapplicationsformovable/portablehottubswillbereviewedbystaff.No approvalcanbegivenwithoutallthenecessaryinformationaslistedabove. ThisreviewprogramisnotapplicabletopermanenUbuilt-inhottub/spaunits. TheTownwillnotregulate"temporary"hottubswhicharesitedforlessthana48-hourperiod. AUC-16 -94 TUE 1 6:24 C US TOM C OLOR CORP . HUl..-lo-l';l;14 111 :4".....11'0.1 L U'l-U/<1 DIUJ Al"LIClLTIOH -'fOIfR or nIL,COLOllADO DATI";APPLICATION RECEIVED I ~_ DATEOF 01\8 tlEETINGI _ .............. 'rBI'APl'LICMIOR "ILL HOT U ACCUnD UHT.lL ALL UQU.lUD lJtl'Ol\MUIOII 18 80BMIrfC...__..._.. 1.I. f· ir '. B. B.TYPB OF Rll:VIENI Ibcb.k~1{Jy~4t ruh __New Conlltructlon ($200.00)LVI ilL "at ($20.00) ___~Add it l on ($50.001 Conceptuol R~v~e~($0) C.ADDRESS'mall ~~f7;)(titX.•()~.~. D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot ft BIOClI;f r = Subcllvlslon l/.W1tMJ."!(~.RII~~_ If property ill dBllcribed b;II ~~8 an~bou~d8 legal .description,pl•••e provide ona separate sheet and att~ch to thia application. ZONING I i fI:•, ; LOT AREA:If required,applicant must provide a current stamped survBy showing lot area. NAME os Al'$'LICANT:-~~--,.L...J1.-, \"i11n 9 ,.t~re,,:.~~1'f~"F:-r:rw.c:-....'._J W.,MS Cky,N1UtH1n PAone I $tJt'--1-71 ...3'4M NAME OF Al'PLICANT~~RESENTATIVK:~'M~~rf*,¥fHailingAddreslI:~~,2..",,(,+!r__I~--,,....--Phona -- NAME OF OIlNERS:NcJi:L~ ·SJ.GI1ATUlIIi (S);_.......,...,.~"*'.;:;~'r'=":;"''';'''''''''':=---~,..,----..,_y~MaililJ.,~AddrP~JmyF ·'1+11 A'a'!&&:=~S Lw,I ~-----K--l'tiona 1=kl!tz--,jIl-~241? ~ondomlnium App~Ova1 if ~ppllcab1•• ORB FEE:DRB feee,.s ·.hown above,are to be paid at the tim4 of e~bmittal of DAB application.Later,When BPplyini for a building permit,please identify tb• •ccurate valuation of the proposal.The TONn of Vail will adjust the fee according to tbe table below,to ensure the conect fte is paid.tIJIruPAIl);•~·OO G. H. I. r. rEB SClIEDULI!j; _----\f2U;(JATroN-------~-iH>~II-So ·10,000 $o.'-i""i6,001""=-',:)0,000 $~ 5 50,001 -$150,000 0100.00 $150,001 -$500,000 $200.00 $500,001 -$1,000,000 $400 .00 $over $1,000,000 .$500.00 ,.DJ:8JGIf II&VXJ:"lOUD unovax.IDQ'I1UlS OIQI Y&Ut Ar1'5lR "In!. JlHItOYJU,VRLJ:U A IIUILDIIIQ .UNIT IS tlluao NU)COtlSraucrlOR 18 8Dk!r1D • AUG 17 1994 TOV .COMI\~,DEV DEPT. ••110 U'LlCA'IlOR .UoI.U .1IOC&811J:D "lTlIOUl'QIIlfU',IllalM'UU 1 TOTl'l.P.e:? .;,~,:am:ntf!'?-V',h~"~~ht",,,#:tWt?,tm#,~:t}:':r,#"'##m%a 'l'@l #"""S""l "MSl:S"l!"'lti Iiil'*"KW"i"''''"~U%""'@'~'h',~4::~~~~:~i:~:f~k~#:~#;~:::~:~:W::::::~:B:::~:;B::~~:~::~:::~~#:~:::k:~:~~:::~:#:::::?:;:..... ~):I IRECEWT NO .f<e r)f''Iix-TOWN OF VAILii~ ::~i J (!7f;;;-~~mlr fi :::;:bpi hUlA ...."}::~: :~;.NAME P.A .DArn1/~J$}l ;.. i II ADDRESS i::~ I\~Q}cOo cbbt-c1J 0 iJ ~~PROJECT r:~ltCHECKSMADEPAYABLElUlUWNOPVAn.. ::~;::=:ACCOUNT NO.ITEM NO .TAX COSTEA.'lUTALJ tr~':~:~~~~!01 ססoo41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.DO •:::::.:.;. :x:01 ססoo42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.DO •:.~: ~~:~::::t 01 ססoo42415 I UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.DO •.~:~:01 ססoo424 15 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.DO •it' i.01 ססoo42415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.DO •'s' :oCo'01 ססoo42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE S30.DO •::;:: j 01 ססoo42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS •11i:::::01 000041548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)S7.DO •ftoioooo42412XEROXCOPIESSO.25 •:~~l~IIl01ססoo42412STUDIES• $~01 ססoo42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM S5.00 •:;:::3~i~:~01000042371 PENALIT FEES I RE-INSPECTIONS;.:.:~,$;:01 ססoo41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE [$40 PER HR.1 :~:;.;. ;~~01 ססoo42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES i)01 ()()()()41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES ::;:: :~i;r.;.;01 ססoo41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE S20.DO :~':~~..~~.1;'::01 ססoo41413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE IS1.00 PER SQ.FT.IiJ01000042440VTCARTPROJECTDONATION ;.;.; '.;:;t::::01 lJOU(T 41331 WREPAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE I ~Y'oo::::t:~.:01 ooo~/l INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) Ii 31 000045110 TOV PARKING FUND ~~ 01 ססoo22027 TOV NE WSPAPE1CDISPENSER FUND :~~~ ':;:;;;;~ ;:{•01 ססoo21112-TAXABLE @4%(STATE):;::; :::":::=:•01 0000 410Hf TAXABLE @ 4%(TOWN):;::;:;:;;~%Ii 01000042371 BUI LDING INVESTIGATION :.::: OTHER .:.:. ;;;~:[~:: :::~~;:..:.:.'.=:PEC APPLICATION FEES li:l~,:.'01 DOOO 41330 ADDITIONAL GRFA "250"-S200 .DO ~~;:~:~8ii01ססoo41330CONDITIONALUSEPERMITS200.00 i~~:·01 000041330 EXTERIOR ALTERATIO N [LESS THAN lDOSQ.FT .]S2DO.DO ~::: :;;:':::~ ::;;:01 ססoo41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATIO N /MORETHAN l00SQ.FT.l S5DO .DO t.::<::;"01 ()()()()41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT [NEWl $1 ,500.DO 1.... }01 ססoo41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT lMAJOR AMEND SI ooo.DO 1;J 01 ()()()()41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMENDl S200.DO t-x ~~~j:O T 000041330 -SUBDIVISION ~j ::::.~::;010000 41330 VARIANCE S250.DO -010000-41330-ZONTNGCODEAMENDMENTS S250.DO ::::' ':"-'0'10000 41330 R E -ZONING S200.DO Ii:.;. '.;.' :.:O THER":-.~!i:::;;'OTHER.:;::H::r TOTAL:@ t .~.r if *ii f CO MMENTS,::::: :;;~:x-:-::; ~~:~~~j r.J ~::: ~1~ ~::; A t /~5'q DA=I/1r1-L(REC.ny,~f':l--~~; CASHr ]CK.#[:~:: ':':~':':-:':':':':':':'~:~':':':~':""" -----r;;;JJ PM TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH I DW.V._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL I H .TUB _ 0 _ CALLER MON ~/J WE :5:bilf5 f-~/;V. BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ READYFOR LOCATION: DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT Cj -:!2/-91j J OB NAME ...L..I-J...t..:.f4..:.~~~~~=---r-,,,,..--------.------=-~--_ o FINAL o o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIRED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL _ o DISAPPROVED FINAL _-----.f-+!L.-+-_L.!!.-!:O-.t.LL.~~l...lL£.L--- I 'APPROVED '\ CORRECTIONS : ELECTRICAL: -0TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH ..')...~,~\..•.~. INSPECTOR /4 A;~ --~ NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE A r??1994DATE"gus •6898 PERMITNO . 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM BUILDING lb..oon DIVISION 122a34 z ELECTRICALa GENER~la£NViHIfTlfW~J'J>R~pa area ~PLUMBINGCo:::J --'study library and dining room ..MECHANICAL> TYPE GROUP G.RF.A.VALUATION PERMITFEES V R-3 LOJ.BUILD ING PERMIT PLAN CHECK 120. ELECTRICAL iNEW()ALTERATION (v)ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING D W EL d N 8 8~duplexACCOMMODATION UNIT S__MECHANICAL .- HEIGHT IN FT .__NO .FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE l~ INSULATION :TYPE THI CKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 20.plus 30.~u-~""I I I CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT ,rvr.. USE TAX ~~ROOF Hill Call 3. '::-..TYPE ELEC .GAS OF TOTAL PERMIT FEES 438. HEAT SOLAR WOOD ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED :'BUlt.ofN'1rO~Pct,Q.ak------A~Wt-2~,-l994- 1-!'!.INITIAL --AH~E-22"srvrvr'--Ge~e-RHthe-f'-ST .CUT ONING ADM ISTRATOR BLASTING 1z0NING &BUILDING NOTES : PARKING DEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,f illed out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan ,to comply w ith all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town 's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances.2Town app 'table thereto. I ~~//A.J' ,ArG_NATURE OF OWNER OR CONtRACTOR FOR 1-1'''- AND THE OWNER o k 1998-A Sunburst Dr o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo :~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT lown Dval department of community development TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT r3 BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL LEGAL LOT BLK ESC.FILING OB NAME:Acc ardo/Garling House WNER NAME Accardo and Garl Lnghnus MAIL ~DRESS 300 H.19th Terrac ansas C~ty,MO 64108 CITY PH.I!1 h-L.7 L.-c ARCHITECT FIRM Mark Donaldson,Inc. 0048 E.Beaver Cre MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH.949-5200 GENERAL FIRM NT Accardo (GuIDer) CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO.198-1 816-474-2000 TELE. "I~ECT R I C A l FIRM NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE . FIRM PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE . OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. PlanReviewBasedon the1991UniformCodes NAME:ACCARDOREMODEL ADDRESS :1998SUNBURST-A VAIL,COLORADO OCCUPANCY:R-3 TYPEOF CONSTRUCTION:V DATE :8-22-94 CONTRACTOR:OWNER ARCfUTECT:DONALDSON ENGINEER:NONE PLANSEXAMINER:DANSTANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Theitemslistedbelow are not intended tobea complete listingofallpossiblecode requirements inthe adopted codes.It isaguidetoselectedsectionsofthecodes. Thefollowingisnottobe construed tobean approval ofanyviolationofanyof theprovisionsofthe adopted codesorany ordinance oftheTownofVail. 1.SMOKE DETECTORS AREREQUIREDINALLBEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PERSEC1210OFTHE1991UBC. 2.FIELDINSPECTIONSAREREQUIREDTOCHECKFORCODE COMPLIANCE. 3.HANDRAILSTOMEETSEC.3306OFTHE 1991 UBC. 4 .A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILLBEREQUIREDTOOKAYANY STRUCTUAL CHANGESBEFOREFRAMINGINSPECTIONWILLBEAPPROVEDBYTOWNOF VAIL . • Town of Vail OFFiCE COpy• (;r -qo 10 -3'-1-4-~ /~~PM .......-- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 TUESWEDTHURFRI IIL..u NAME ---.A ccarcfu CALLER ('=vA U"h ~'-(('y)-=Y1 JOB ((/P3QB READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION:_L-q---'---C{...:....l..-"'----'L..+-_-..".Ll.-!-->!.U..l-L-"'-'-'==='----_....,!-L-"----_ ~"",I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 10/'i/ (BUILDING:/I~I N G S I STEEL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL 0 ROUGH I D.W .V._ I ~AMING J.n \-x.."A~(Irlrj +n ri,,J tAbOO 0 ROUGH I WATER _I ·~\;~OF &SHEER C lac;,tXJ r 00 ~U o PLYWOOD NAILING 0GAS PIPING ----------- o INSULATION 0POOL I H.TUB _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o FINAL o _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o _ o F)NAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ o _ o FINAL m F ROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -~.c.-l--=-r-L..-=-f----'----J---INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 t I t/OA_~ CALL;R 1)1'r /~///'l ~- TUEWEDTHUR '-'--~ ~/)-r-, MON ' A; J=" READYFOR INSP J9-"i,IOqN :(j LOCAT ION :--f-t-_</f-.t ---.l..-1.7>L-_~,l:L:.~:::...!::::l~~~4---'~~~_ PERM IT NUMBER OF/RROJECT DATE I ~//~9<j JOB I 1 BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /ST EEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ I)(1HEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL _ IiJ1'APPROVED 27 -:£/(1 CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL _ o REINSPECT ION REQU IRED DATE ....L-"""--_'----_---C-'---_ ./7 I INSPECTOR .-'::,-:----'-~'-"-'-~__;::__=__;.:.,-c-------- gn Review Action F TOWN OF VAIL "'i tl (-tAl.'I Project Description:__---'-oL.!~<..c<_::.L_""""''''''__''___LL..L..c::;L.l~=Ldo_L_____'~'''''__'''''_''''''''"~~'__L..L_~.f_----- Category Number_----'I-::e',Z'--_ BuildingName:------'OL..L.d.:<:L:.::l"'-...:""'--~~.<LI'-"'-..:.r.LJ.""-,.t------L-'=S.""""~=:LJ<:.~..L------------ ProjectName :/7/':C .-Q.,/J <v'a Owner,Address andPhone :J..Lo t ,<d1 C'C -("/-a /a !A u 1:..;B l vd S L,..207 ?o.Day:5322 ~e /4Zt;> Legal Description:Lot I q Block -Subdivision L.c.;j \.L.-./.j<,/5£7::;)Zone District _ Project Street Address:/998 6 .1 n J A ,(~I \;J I P1.-!-:/I"{'/al ~/-A ILlacf"h ('1'277 ', Comments:--:_ Motionby:_Vote:_ Seconded by:_ o Approval o Disapproval ~Staff Approval conditio!/1.101 -/C t ',01 /'-!4 ~rn <'~.J"d;-LI rr1h-'l d1 j /.12/It'/01 "'T J 02 !0 r:I ,,;"Le,4 2'"1;0/-c.-,I .e I-V In ) Town Planner Date :Bj;2./qq DRBFee Pre-paid ffi.~17fld DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO revised 7 /14 /9 4 •. 19~4 DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** ********** I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A . W.L1T!!~1-.M e:;~f\,'r ~r-I ~r"~~\,JO Ii Phone ~~5 -ZJ ;,-3~r-=_- R\'-=--+il--3 2,..0 0 APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHO'rfT OWNER'S SIGNATURE T YPE OF REVI EW : ____New Construction ($200.00),~M i n or ,A lt e r a t i on ($20.00) ____Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS:.m g ~JJ ,.J '3 u f<i5f C}....VAl L;(to>.Llrl r_'~R _'__ I . LEGALDESCRI PT J;ON :Lot --l.l.Block ~,.."....:-;;""......---::-o::::---- Subdivision .--Vf>I L Ve'vl.ex 7&L~T I ~t--- E. G. D. , J. l~ If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach t o this application. ZONING:-:-.->t'o f l'>!"IL.'(~'''''for-'T !S(CL>o r4Qf<>p.O I NAM EOF APPLICANT:r-l ~Te B,-~__o_O _ ~a it i ng Ad~ress:.~W .z..jL~I ·1 ~cl )f"::>~FFph One --/-1...>0<...."':::: NAM EOFAPPLICANT'S ijEP ESENT.AV:VE:'.-"-';;~~'-"-r''--t'=:--'::-~~---'-":-'':~-= Mailing Address:1/.e VEl\,"-....('--ee\::-~o..Bv-~i c....::..D\(,...0::-Phone ~++_L..=-_ H.NAME OFOWNER(S):r-3 ~1"e:-CL~I)f-Do :&.~4f2-L..lr1C9H~t1SV~I L OWNER(SJ SIGNATURE:_ ('\. ~Maili ng Address:3'-=0! I.Condominium Appro val if appl icable . CJ AQ-l CMECK #:FEE PAID:$d O - ORB FEE:DRB f ees,a ss hown above,are to be paid a tt he time o f submi tt al of t he ORB application.Later,when app l yi ng f ora building permit,please identif yt he accurate v aluation of the proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the t able below,to ensure the correct fee i s paid . J. FEESCHEDU LE: VALUATI ON $0 $10,001 - $50,001 $150,001 $500,001 $Over $10,000 $50,000 $150,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 FEE $20.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESSA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. 1 $20.00 S5 .00 • $50.00• $36.00 • $32.00 • $36.00 • $30.00 • I • $7.00• $0.25•• $5.00•.•,.01 ססoo 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAMt01000642.~7 1 -PENALIT FEES/RE-INSPECTIONS ,.~ .•01 ססoo 41~~~PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE 1$40 PER HR.l .•.•'.~.~•.•~.·.l.•·.f 01 ססoo 42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTIONFEES .~I ~~~:~:g ~I~!~?f~~~g:it~~~~~~~~Eci-S-;;F~E~E"S--------+---+---+----+-----1 ] =r=S200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $500.00 $1,500.00 $200.00 $250.00 $250.00 $200.00 OTHER TOTAL: CASH L[I C K.#L[_DA m :_'_I_R EC.BY:_ TO ......t-l OF .....~IL '1i s ee l laneous Cash 1:::31 :St· ....-c -,- t, :t.?ihP::sid Rmoun t p aid '::O.€I0 INSPECT ',_:---+----I---j-&-.L.L-----.~t.LL.=-'''''''-'''-Ul..C::=-i'---"'''''''--'---'--------- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE ----'-I-(-+--L-f-f-l--JOB NAME -CA-LL-'-"-ER-l=-='!l ..:.....:::..,-·::JL.:-*-;.M-Z~--IfT7'/t~-Y96? MON ~:HUR FRI ----'~PM/g ~1t4Pf'=o:READYFOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB ..0 'SHEETROCK NAIL 0 .~ 0 ':.-0 ~F I NA L .o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR , 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL " /tffM EP-ROVED 1 //"o APPROVED n l::!J'l SPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS : DATE -r 1-«.qif.f INSPECTOR tuL-- PM ?<?/2d INSPECTION REaU~T~070 TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT b ~479-2138 DATE 1/-J'-1t;JOB NAME llCLtlA)d ;" CALLER MU'e I/CCJ1..f C/O READYFOR INSPECTION;'~M O N TUES ~THUR FRI ----'~ LOCATION:/ef7.:¥/T ---.J1//Jb/l/.'Sl-/J//JIe-t./ .....'~ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 ._ I"FINAL PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ o _ o o FINAL I ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o _ o FINAL.. MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS ~ o SUPPLY AIR _ o -- o FINAL _ rjIJI.lwROVE D C RRECTIONS : (i)a pa o DISAPPROVED 4 ... r ,o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ..---------------------------------- INSPECTOR11-9-9c(DATE ---/---'------'--_----'--_ • " •APPL I CAT I ON FOR DUPLEX SUB DIVI S IO N REVIEW I• A.NAME OF APPLICANT Suma ru Co rp ora ti on ,Ga r yBo s sow ,P r esident Dr a werX ,Vail ,Colo rado 81658 PHONE_~5 0 44 B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPR ESE NTATIVE J acobson &Chap man ,P .C . MAILING ADDRESS 143 Bast Headow Drive ,S .4 98 ,Vail ,CO8 1657 PHONE 476-0075------------------- C.NAME OF PROPERTY OImER (print or type)S umaru Co rp .,Gary Bo ssow ,P resident 0I4NER'S SIGNATURE Sum aru Co r-p ,,b y :~~PHONE 4 76-5 044 .~~.. MAILING ADDRESS Drawer X ,Vai l ,Colo r ado 8 1658 D.LOCATION OF PRO POSAL LOT 19 BLOCK SUB DIVIS IO N Vail Va ll ey'---FILING Third E.FEE $100.00 PAID_~--JA 7!-Y.J F.MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED 1.Two mylar copie s of the duplex subdivi sion plat following the requirements of Section 17.16130(C)1.2.3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,13 and14 of the Subdivision Regula t i ons , 2.The plat must contain the following s tatement: "For zon ing purposes.the two lots c re ated by this subdivision a re to be treated as one entity with nomore t hanonet wo-f'am i l y r esidence allowed onth e c o mbined ar eas of the two lots."The statement must be modified according to the num ber of lots create d. 3.Acopy of the decl arations a nd/orcov enants propo sed to as sure the mainten ance of anyc o mmon areas. G.APPROVAL PROC ES S.REVIEW CRITERIA These c an be fo und in Cha pter 17.24 o ft he Subdivision Reg ulations. H.F ILING AND RE CO RD IN G TheDepartment of Coi.mun i ty De velopme nt will ber esponsible for promptly reco rding the plat anda cco mpanying do cuments with the Eagle County Clerk andRecorder upon Town of Va il a pproval. r BOQI(3 <09 2 6 6 ,;l'I~,.,, ~ f\\/<v I 'AGE~J O ,S TOWNHOUSE CLARATION AND PARTY WALL A REEMENT ",~ER,Lot 19,Vail Valley,Third Filing-\;I I Town of Vail,Eagle County,Colorado OCT C 8 !')~'83, WHEREAS,Sumaru Corporation,herein ("Declarant-)is the owner in fee simple of the following described real property ("subject property")situate in the County of Eagle,State of Colorado,to wit: LOT 19,VAIL VALLEY,THIRD FILING,TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO. WHEREAS,there has been constructed on the subject property a building consisting of two dwelling units,which units are separated bya common wall,which hereinafter shall be referred to as a "party wall"~and WHEREAS,Declarant wishes to provide for the separate ownership of such units and a division of the land into two separate states and to create easements relating to the certain separately owned property and the party wall (placed equally divided on the common boundaries separating the units),the footings underlying such party wall and the roof over such party wall; NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of these premises,the Declarant hereby makes,publishes and declares the following easements anJ restrictions which shall hereafter run with the land and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Declarant,its successors and assigns forever; 1.DIVISION OF SUBJECT PROPEPTY.The subject property is hereby divided into three parcels as follows: Parcel A (generally the Southeasterly Dwelling Unit) Parcel B (generally the Northwesterly Dwelling Unit) Parcel C (All of the subject property except parcels A and B,said parcel being "common areas") Such parcels being more particularly described in the plat of Lot 19,Vail Valley,Third Filing,Town of Vail,County of Eagle, State of Colorado,which plat is incorporated herein by reference and which plat was recorded in the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County,Colorado the &,f-_h day of O d-qY:J-rr-,19-'R3 in Book 3ll at Page $S CI b . 2.CREATION OF SEPARATE ESTATES.The subject property,together with all improvements thereon,is hereby divided into two separate estates as follows:.- Unit A,consisting of Parcel A,all improvements theron, all easements and rights-of-way appurtenant thereto as 1 v-wp •••• provided herein and an undivided one-half interest in and to Parcel C and the easements and rights-of-way appurtenant thereto. Unit B,consisting of Parcel B,all improvements theron, all easements and rights-of-way appurtenant thereto as provided herein and an undivided one-half interest in and to Parcel C and the easements and rights-of-way appurtenant thereto. Both such separate estates shall be held subject hereto and may for all purposes be conveyed and described as unit A,Lot 19,Vail Valley,Third Filing,Town of Vail,Eagle County,Colorado and Unit B,Lot 19,Vail valley,Third Filing,Town of Vail,Eagle County,Colorado,pursuant to this Declaration,respectively.Such separate estates shall be inseparable and neither Parcel A nor Parcel B shall be conveyed or mortgaged without the appurtenant undivided interest in Parcel C,nor shall either undivided interest in Parcel Cbe conveyed or mortgaged without the applicable Parcel A or Parcel B. 3."OWNER M DEFINED."Owner"as used herein,unless a contrary intention clearly appears,shall mean either the party or parties holding title to Unit A or the party or parties holding title to Unit B,as the case maybe and "other owner"shall mean the party or parties holding title to the other such unit. 4.PARTY WALL DECLARATION.The said party wall dividing units A and B is hereby declared to bea party wall and shall be construed as a party wall between such townhouses under the laws of the State of Colorado except as specifically provided herein. 5.EASEMENT.Each owner shall have a perpetual reciprocal easement in and to that part of the sUbject property ownedby the other owner and on which said party wall is located,for party wall purposes,including maintenance,repair and inspection;neither owner shall alter or change said party wall in any manner.interior decoration excepted,and said party wall shall always remain in the same location as when erected. 6.MAINTENANCE OF PARTY WALL.The cost of maintaining the party wall shall be borne equally by both owners.Maintenance of external appearance and of roofs shall be undertaken with the unanimous consent of both owners and at the equal expense of both owners unless the owners unanimously agree to the contrary. 7.DAMAGE TO PARTY WALL. destruction of said wall from any of either party thereto,the then 2 In the event of damage or cause,other than the negligence owners shall,at joint expense. •• repair or rebuild s aid wall,and each party,his successors and assigns,shall have the right to the fUll use of said wall so repaired or rebuilt.If either party's negligence s hall cause damage to or destruction of said wall,such negligent party shall bear the entire cost of repair or reconstruction.If either party shall neglect or refuse to pay hi s shar e,or all of such costs in case of negligence,the other party may have such wall repaired or restored and shall be entitled to have a mechanic's lien on the premises of the party so failing to pay,for the amount of such defaulting party's share of the repair or replacement cost.interest accruing at the rate of 18%per annum,costs and attorney's fees. 8.DRILLING THROUGH PARTY WALL.Either party shall have the right to break through the party wall for the purpose of repairing or restoring sewerage,water,utilities,subject to the obligation to restore said wall to its previous structural condition at his own expense and the payment.to the adjoining owner.of any damages negligently caused thereby. 9.EXTERIOR DECORATION OR STRUCTURES.No owner shall make or suffer any structural or design change (including color change) of any type or nature whatever to the exterior of any improvement on the property without obtaining the prior written consent of the other owner,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.No exterior structures or entrances,in addition to those placed thereon according to the architectural plans on which the buildings are constructed,shall be added to either dwelling unit without the consent of all of the owners,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.Should either owner fail or refuse to pay his proportionate share of the cost of any decoration or structural change,the other owner shall be entitled to have a mechanic's lien on the premises of the owner so failing to pay,for the amount of such defaulting owners share of the cost.interest accruing at the rate of 18%per annum,costs and attorney's fees. 10.DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION OF DWELLING UNIT.In the event of destruction of Units A and/or B,or any portion thereof,the dwelling so destroyed shall be restored at the joint and equal expense of the owners,according to a uniform architectural plan and finish;if any dwelling is but partially destroyed so that the cost of restoring it is not equal to that of restoring the adjoining unit,then the amount shall be apportioned according to the individual cost.If the owner of such damaged improvements does not commence repair or reconstruction within 30 days from the date such damage occurs,the other owner maydo so;provided,however.that such repair or reconstruction shall not be undertaken without prior notice to any holder of a first mortgage or first deed of trust encumbering the improvements damaged or destroyed and further provided that such mortgagee may,by reasonable notice,refuse to 3 •• consent to such repair or replacement.Costs of any such repair or reconstruction,to the extent possible,shall be paid for by insurance applicable to the damaged improvements.If the cost of repair,replacement or reconstruction exceeds such insurance,the excess shall be paid for by the owner of the damaged improvements. Should any owner fail or refuse to pay his proportionate share of the costs of repair or replacement,the other owner may make payment,and shall be entitled to have a mechanics lien on the premises of the party so failing to pay,for the amount of such defaulting party's share of the repair or replacement cost,interest accruing at the rate of 18%per annum,costs and attorney's fees. 11.INSURANCE.Each owner shall obtain and maintain at all times insurance against loss or damage by fire and such other hazards as are generally covered in the area under standard extended coverage provisions for at least the fUll insurable replacement cost of the improvements on the subject property owned thereby.Proof of such insurance shall be supplied by each ownerupon the reasonable request of the other owner.The insurance shall provide that it cannot be cancelled by either the insured or the insurance company until written notice has been sent to the owner.Each owner may obtain whatever additional insurance he so desires.Each owner may, at any time one year or longer after the most recent appraisal. demand of the other owner an appraisal of the improvements for insurance purposes,or may have such appraisal made;in case of any such appraisal,the parties shall share the costs thereof equally. 12.UTILITIES.A mutual easement for the location, installation,maintenance,repair and removal of utility facilities (including but not limited to systems,lines,pipes,tanks,metering and distribution devices for gas,water,sewer,electricity, telephone and television purposes)is hereby granted,together with the right of ingress and egress therefore,on,above,over and through the subject property and the improvements constructed thereon,subject to the obligation to restore as nearly as possible said subject property and improvements.All maintenance and repair with respect to said utilities,shall be accomplished at the joint expense of both owners. 13.COVENANTS RUNNING WITH THE LAND.The easements and restrictions hereby created are and shall be perpetual and construed as covenants running with the land and each and every person accepting by deed or otherwise any portion of the subject property shall be deemed to have accepted the same with the understanding that he is bound hereby and that each and every other purchaser is also bound hereby,and that he is entitled to the benefits hereof and that any other present or future owner by deed or otherwise is similarly bound hereby and entitled to the benefit hereof.all to the same extent as though such person had signed this instrument. 4 •• The undersigned,in executing and del iveri ng deeds to the described premises may provide,by reference,in said conve yances,that the same are subject to the terms,conditions,reservations, restrictions and covenants herein contained,and may designate the book and page of the record in which this instrument is recorded. 14.LANDSCAPING,EXPENSES AND LIABILITY FOR PARCEL C. Except as otherwise specifically provided in writing,each owner shall be responsible for one-half of all e xpenses,liabilities and general upkeep responsibilities with respect to Parcel C.The owners shall undertake such landscaping and general outdoor improvement as they may unanimously deem proper for the harmoneous improvements of Parcel C.The Owners shall on or before the first day of October in each year establish a written budget based on the estimated cost of maintaining the party wall and the common areas of Parcel C for the next calendar year (the "Common Expenses").Common Expenses shall include but shall not be limited to,expenses of management;taxes and special assessments,unless separately assessed;premiums for insurance;landscaping and care of grounds;lighting and heating except as separately metered;repairs and renovations;trash collections;wages;water charges;l egal, accounting and other professional fees;expenses and liabilities incurred by either Owner under or by reason of this Declaration;any deficit remaining from a previous period;the creation of a reasonable contingency or other reserve or surplus funds as well as other costs and expenses relating to the party wall amd Parcel C. Assessments for the budgeted Common Expenses shall be payable annually in advance.No un budgeted expenditure in excess of $250.00 shall be made by either Owner without the prior written consent of the other Owner,except in the case of an emergency to prevent damage to any parcel.Each owner shall have reciprocal rights to use Parcel C for the purposes of access,landscaping,gardening, recreation,parking,for all purposes reasonable with respect to any easements,utility service lines or other rights incident to Parcel Three and for all other reasonable purposes,it being specifically understood that each owner's respective use and enjoyment of Parcel Three shall be reasonable and be exercised in such manner as to not constitute a nuisance nor otherwise substantially interfere with the other owner's use and enjoyment of Parcel C.Notwithstanding the language contained in this paragraph regarding the use and enjoyment of Parcel C by the unit owners and so long as this provision is not deemed to be violative of any statute,ordinance,law or regulation of the Town of Vail,County of Eagle or State of Colorado,the use and enjoyment of Parcel C shall be limited as follows: a)Parcel C shall be divided by a line equidistant between Units A and B running in a generally Northeast to Southwest direction,parallel to the Westerly boundary of Lot 19,which line divides 5 •• Parcel C into two separate areas,the Northwest area being generally adjacent to Parcel 8 and the Southeast area being generally adjacent to Parcel A. The use of that area of Parcel C hereby created which is adjacent to Parcel 8 shall be limited to the use and enjoyment of the owners of Unit B, together with his guests and invitees.In like manner,the use of that area of Parcel C hereby created which is adjacent to Parcel A shall be limited to the use an d enjoyment of the owners of Unit A,together with his guests and invitees. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to permit or authorize a unit owner or both unit owners to construct a fence,partition or other physical divider along the line described in this paragraph which creates the two separate areas,for purposes of use,of Parcel C. 15.RESIDENTIAL USE.The units shall be used for residential purposes and shall at all times be used in conformity with covenants of record and ordinances of Eagle County or any other governmental authority which shall have jurisdiction.Units A and B shall be occupied and used by the respective Owners only as private dwellings for the Owner,his family,tenants,and social guests,and for no other purpose;and such use shall be in accordance and compliance with the zoning ordinance of the County of Eagle,and State of Colorado.No Owner shall keep,allow on the premises,or board any domesticated household animal,other than a domesticated household animal owned by an Owner,his family,tenants and social guests;and in no event,shall there be allowed to be kept,boarded or maintained on the premises more than two (2)domesticated household animals for each dwelling unit;and for the purpose of this Declaration,a domesticated household animal shall mean the following,to wit:dog,domesticated cat,(excluding mountain lion, tiger,lion,etc.),bird.No other animal shall be allowed to be kept,boarded,or reposed within a dwelling unit or upon a parcel, unless written consent of the Owner of the other dwelling unit shall first be obtained,and provided that such event is in conformance and compliance with the zoning resolution of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.The respective parcels shall not be rented by the Owners thereof for transient or hotel purposes:and s uch purposes shall be defined as:(a)rental to any individual,group or e ntity for any period less than one week during any calendar year;or (b) any rental,if the occupants of the dwelling Unit are provided customary service,laundry and linen services,and bellboy service. Other than the foregoing obligations,the Owners of the parcels shall have the absolute right to lease same provided that the lease is made subject to the convenants and restrictions contained in this Declaration,and is in full compliance with the zoning resolution of 6 :• Eagle County,Colorado. • 16.AMENDMENTS.These easements and restrictions may be amended or revoked only by an instrument in writing dUly executed and acknowledged by all owners of the subject property and all holders of recorded first mortgages or first deeds of trust thereon, and upon the recording of said amending instrument. 17.SEVERABILITY.If any provision of this Declaration or any section,sentence,clause,phrase or word,or the application thereof in any circumstance,is held invalid,the validity of the remainder of this instrument and the application of any provision, section,sentence,clause,phrase or word in any other circumstances shall not be affected thereby. 18.GENERAL. a)Any lien filed by an owner pursuant to this Declaration shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust on the unit. b)Should either party be required to take action to enforce,by legal proceedings or otherwise,any condition, restriction,covenant or other right or obligation imposed pursuant to this Declaration,the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and reasonable attorney's fees. c)Each owner shall register its mailing address with the other owner and all notices or demands intended to be served upon owners shall be sent by registered or certified mail,postage prepaid,addressed in the name of the owner at such registered mailing address.In the alternative,notices may be delivered,if in writing,personally to owners. d)Prospective purchasers of units shall be entitled to determine if a selling owner is in default with respect to any maintenance obligation or other obligation under these covenants by delivering a written inquiry with respect thereto to the owner of the other unit.If no response is received to such inquiry within 30 days of the date said notice is received,the nonselling owner shall be deemed to have waived any claim of lien or claim for damage.The existence of a recorded notice of lien,however.shall constitute notice to a prospective purchaser of a claim by an owner of the other unit,and shall not be affected by the foregoing request for information. e) the subject replacement If any encroachments by the improvements now located on property,or any minor encroachment deriving from or repair thereof,exists upon any parcel,a valid 7 ......•• easement therefore and for maintenance thereof shall exist. f}All owners of any interest in the property by accepting a deed to any interest thereto waive the homestead exemption or any other exemption of the State of Colorado o r any federal law only as related to any lien filed by any owner pursuant to this Declaration. Otherwise,such homest ead exemptions are not waived hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned have executed this instrument this aIfl day of ~Ife r'1983. -. Secr eta r y"""'" SUMARU CORPOR ATION: bYp£~~t ~ STATE OF COLORADO} }SS COUNTY OF EAGLE } Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~day of ~r,1983 byaery1tJ00"::X)vJ -aa:nfijQ~===========-t,as President and Secretar y,respectively of Sumaru Corporation. My commission expires:(e/~!~I Witness my hand and official seal Notary Address:b '/II Lj csz Avon;co C6 I &'d-O 8 the p rintery /vall L EGAL LOT 19 BL K D E SC .FILI N G VV 3rd 1 u:..J.IL DfJ.... JOB N AM E :Gary Bossow Duplex O W NE R NAME MA IL ADDRES S C ITY PH. ------ AR CH ITECT FIRM MAI L ADDRE SS C ITY PH. GENE RA L FIRM Ga ry Bossow CO NT R AC TOR M AIL ADDRESS CITY PH FIRM LE C TRICA L NTRACTO R MA l L AD DRESS CITY PH FIRM PLUMBING MAIL AD DRESS C ONTR A C TO R CITY PH FIRM MEC H AN IC AL CONTRAC TOR MAI L ADDRESS C ITY PH OTHE R FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CON TRACTOR CI TY PH PRO JECT NO81480DATE--0 0 552PERMITNO. \.TYPE OFCONSTRUC TION I IIIIIIV~ 2OCCUPANCY GROUP A B E HI BUILDING 246.000 D IVISIDN 1 22a@4 z ELECTRICAL 150000;:: GEN ERAL DESCRIPTIDNO F WORK :..,PLUM BING ?n.nnn:::JNewDuplex......, MECHA NICAL> TYPEGROUP SQFT.VAL UATION PERMIT FEES V R-:!:!RR7 lOll ,l>n BUILDING PERMIT 798.no V M-1 qfiO /In.nnn PLANCH ECK :!qqAD V Deck 1000 1?000 ELECTRICAL 44 :!I; PLU MBING 200.00 NEW (x >ALTERATION(>ADDITIONALI )REPAIR ()MECH ANIC AL DWELL ING UNI TS __ACCOMMODATIONUNIT S RECREATION FEE 583.05 G R.FA ~B EDRO O M S D ESIG NREVIEWBOARD 1 nn nn COMM ERC IAL SYST __RESTAURANTSEATING CLEAN ·UP D EPOSIT ?nn nn HE IGHTINFT.__BATHTUB /SHOWER NOFI REPL ACES __NO.TOILETS TOTAL P ERMIT FEES ~2 ,3 2 4 .40 COVERED PARKING __UNCOVEREDPARK I NG k ,~~,--,.,I"'~~-cf)'1 BU ILDING OFFI CIA L -~~-D~1a---- IN SULATI ON 1----------------ON INGADMI NISTRATOR DAI F TY PE THICKNESS R·VALUE f ONING NOTES:FLOOR Batt 10"R-29 EXT.WALLS Batt &Riaid 3~&3 14 R-?3 ROOF Batt 12"R-36 HEAT S ~~.Rv.~X- ELEC :X G AS: I H EMEH"-ACI\!\':OW I .E[)(j[TfiAT I U ,\\'E ()~I ~SOLAR:WOOD :HE AD T ill S ArPI .I CATIO ~A:-lU S T/\T E THA T r-nr AROVE 15 C O RH £CT A NI)AUKE f ]0 C ()~II 'L Y VAIL WATER &SANDIST.TAPFEE :~I;q135.18 WITII A).I7 ()R IJl"~""S T .\n SPECIAL NOTES:J.,\WS ...."GA KDLG H ""''''''G~(~I ~s J(j!,\;"f P f<l-o";)")\~~F~f )l(C 1-';,U \C 'TflH CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TY PE OF PERM IT KI BUIL DING [Xl P L UMBIN G []ELECT RIC AL 0 FOUNDATION O NLYoMECHANICALCJ /.. f'.[S IDJITIAL IIATGl 1:Sr.·..o:Jl TN'm G'IJ ..Clt.;,T1CiI ~lfl;'IU\l.."U"'-""-"" 1lJ1'E OF Ir:~au:~£R ~/'1 A -j :e~s ~~0 (./..J . .:;IRCET A!)~£SS I ~,_/ tor I r '::U:CK ,.F i LIfJG plJ ~OS 'OJ, BILLII G IJ)[HESS -,-_ ( rc;;III s 1UIlil .z:«1.5U :::3:0 0 alE HAlF FArn).,-7~EXTP,A S lH KS I X .75 "2 FlU SATH ee ",I S;0 0(s-c.•::R O ~TU3 )6'X 3.m BASI N,TOI LEr Rca'S (LI'IIt;G P.CQ"S,1.00 //'00Et!..>;""'..£\"5 ,0 ;:-r J CE S'l (X = STu'DlOS) 2.5U = 1.00 = .5U = KlTGB~S DI ~{/lASrffiS ICE I-WJi INES SAl.WS x X X .25 .25 = = S;CJO .;?00 . 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".• SFR. ZONE CHECK for R.R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS •• GRFA: landscaping: Park ing:. ...•LIST OF M~TEnI~LS NAME OFPROJECTVAIL VALLEY NO.19 19 • FIL1NG DESCRIPTIONOFPROJECT Residential Primary/Secondary Duplex The following information is required for submittal by the Applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given. A.)BUILDINGMATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Type of Materi al Color Sawn Cedar Shingles Natural Redwood Natural Landscaping Timbers Natural (treated) Redwood Natural Redwood Natural Staln to match Wood Casement Redwood Redwood Natural Solid wood panel Natural Redwood Natural Redwood NaturalHandorDeckRails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other 26ga.G.!. 26ga.G.!. 26ga.G.!. Redwood Double Glazed Palnt to Match Roof Paint to Match Roof Palnt to Match Roof Natural E.)PLANT 'MA TERIALS (Vegetative.Landscaping Materials including Trees,Shrubs, and Ground Cover). Eotanical Name CommonName Quantity Size, Clump Aspen 22 6 feet Mugho Pine 2 5 gal.-, Austrian Pine 3 6 feet f:.cs![(J/TIfJ..II.ilLiI e.SD:cn TIP r ((O J.Ct.L\T1 al Pll iSI CJJ..:__r U~1 o ecx fU/'.'i ·OF i c '~a..::m ~/l/l l ~S ·OS .:..'?~./j '.__. ::;r;,:(I -r ADS!<C SS I ~--'0.::-( lOT '/.,•i:LCCK.•'f iLl:I G T--.,I 1/,,·U~.L ~.r .'(,?•.--'"v-""...,B1 l11 tG fJ)[)«SS ...,..-_-.,.-_ \5 If, PermitNo .U 11 4 t1 VAILWATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT L1C.NO ._ L1 C.NO ._ GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING ORMECHANICAL CONTRACTOR _ TAPPERM IT WILL NO~E ISSUED UNTIL TAPFEESHAVEBEENPAID INFULL. NAMEOFJOB O P 5 S t::'tv' Date Billed -=:-_ EXCAVA TING CONTRACTOR :os L1 C .NO. SIZE O F TAP:Wate r !3 'O:J...~~e~)!I~ee MeterSize "7 LJ '8~:=-y .--9"i e:::.-"7 L1.Iv</ NUMBEROFUN ITS ~Cl .2 :5 (~_Amount ~¢i /r 7 • atePaid 1-\~-}~f 5 .:9 f)~11 (J,,ty{)'I t/--g 1° ~ce Di rector 1.II '["0 --t7 ........_~ Bldg.Dept .-Wh ite ;-WaterandSan itation -Green :-Public Works -Canary;-Contractor -Pink :-Accounting -Goldenrod 3.Kl mBl X l:rB = DISH 'L\sH::R X = ~.lAJ.1ID1!£S .x ·.:xl == 5.ours I I:E HATER X 1.00 = TOTAl POl/[TS 'p\1l:7 fk''lfJ'Jl or 11 1nCCITHS Vl\1t u,,.,."'N JlTl\r'~·'n t ~mlrr ___-----,~PMTHURFRI INSFfcTION REQUEST fiJa~TOWN OF VAIL • • JOB READYFOR LOCATION :-f-!£I=f----8-~=~~~~~-------------------- r BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL l't:;i FOUNDATION /STEEL {;l FRAM ING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o F INAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIP ING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINA L _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH _ o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL I MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o F INAL \I []APPROVED I CORRECTIONS: I o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ION REQUIRED I NSPECTOR V \~WJ}\/'Y\DATE _-'--_-'----_ \1,J 1M p fin~ry l va l l • _____AM ,I PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V .-----"'--0------ o ROUGH /WATER ----,,..-__ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ BUILDING:, d FOO TINGS /STEEL /o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL _ I MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ Io APPROVED I\ P ORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED f DATE --':~:.:.L..._ the pr;n t~r y l\i a ll eTION REQUEST TOWNOFVAIL ;~27--fYZ-JOB NAME ~r/J2d...,I~~--L.l'----'-..L-----------------DATE ----''--__----'''--_ PM_____AMFRITHUR CALLER _ MON TUES WED ~C/h/I<r-k'C.c?.. READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION:/"19<1' BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 --;,.....---::--;;-::::-_ IV'FINAL (.!Wf? PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D.W .V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 ----,,-+_ 911'~---------- MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ 'O-rA'PPROVED %RRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED 0-27-P7- r DATE _--+....::..-4=---<----"'-=_ ,he prln arylv all PM_____AM eTION REQUST TOWN OFVAl ~ --r- THUR FRIWEDMONREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION:~fj('-...:...--'9c...:.'f:..--...-.<::...-!....L:....----"'c:..:....<:..~=.:...._ DATE +-f'-=--=--f--!2-'=:""'..:o.--JOB NAME ~'-'-=---'-'--"-=.:.."-'--cp:.=r'--------------- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o /J II;{FINAL )JI,8 .'I-Sci !fUU /J ·1 ( PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL o DISAPPROVED I ' ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH _ o CONDUIT 0 _ \;p FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR o _ o FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED /I eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL FRI //)O J.'rO /fosE'.cJ CALLER ~-j-d-1-<--------------0;;Ie:,Ii! l ! LOCATION : READ Y FOR INSPECTION :MON I 9 zt BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /STEE L o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRA MING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ D-----;:::-----r,,-------::---.,------- PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D .W.V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o DISAPPROVED v ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POWER _ o ROUG H o CO NDUIT o D,Jy1AL -------------~CPPR OV E D CORRECTIONS: MECHANICAL: o HEAT ING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR ~-------- 0 _ o FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 9-/7-4 t h.p rlnlery/va ol DATE 91oJ;JOB READYFOR LOCATION :-'---'----'-'-:........:..=L=.=~=:L-_.:L....:--.-..."'Y_-L.~-"""':t_e:b_'"_-'""------------ .cYR EINSPECTION REQUIREDjzJDISAPPROVED k .:)1' II o APPROVED CORRECTIONS : BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GASPIP ING o SHEETROCK NAIL n POOL /H .TUB D ·0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 [t5'FINAL o FINAL 7,.I PM---8 INSP eTION REQUEST / TOWN OF VAIL , S ~o-z -t-:[£oS..s 0 CALLER ~I 0..I-A ~-e c....(J MONTUES ~THUR FRI's C:u/,{u y 5 r: f ,/1 s~/f)JOB NAME -----'c;---"-----'--:::::..........-----"==--::~--=---- LOCATION :_----.-,'------'----'--"'----__--=--...L...:::..>L..C.~__'_L.__ READYFOR INSPECTION : I q 9 t DATE BUILDING: o FOO T INGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINA L _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW,V,_ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POO L /H ,TUB _ 0 -=-_ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o T EMP,POWER _ o ROUGH •_ o CONDUIT 0 _ IJ(FINAL MECHANICAL: o H EATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _, 1;1 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED .,..:'.'.'','"0·"1 ~\' - -\. 9 }'OATE ---,I!---_____oL--lL------6,L--L-- J ,i , _____AMPM INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL r CALLER _ MON @ WEDTHURFRI ~C('"6<-(J.-J r I /;q b! 7 I READYFOR INSPECTION: /991""LOCATION :_--'----'---''--_---'=---=---...::..:.-.:....!-~:..:...c.....:..._''__ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL ~PP R O VE D CORRECT IONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ItHI prln lery iva ol INSJfCTION REQUEST DATE kt ·J~·~~ VAIL _____AMPM--"'MON T UESWED THUR FRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :_<:g~a""~L1JLJ-M,,-,----_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o IN SULATION _ '0'SHEETROCK NA IL _ /)o _ PLUMBING: o U NDERGRO UND _ o RO UGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WA TER _ o G AS PIPING o POOL /H .TU B _ o _ o FINAL 0FI NAL _ ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER 0 HEATING _ o ROUGH 0 EXHAUST HOODS _ o CONDU IT 0 SUPPLY AIR _ o 0 _ o FINAL 0 FINAL _ o DISAPPROVED 0REI NSPECTION REQU IRED I' I ·\ the p rtnl~ry /~a ll ~M~-- INSPECTOR r r-------------DATE ~----:;"'"'-_ • 17-lro-@ INS~CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL', READYFOR INSPECT ION :M ON LOCATION :J 7aPUr (//lJrT" WEDT HUR FRI _____AM PM BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRA MING o I NSU LAT ION _ ii S HEE TROCK NA IL _ I 0 _ o F INAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V ._ o ROUG H /WATER _ o G ASP IPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST H OODS _ o SUPPLY A IR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ Io APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQU IRED DATE _~~=---~_INSPECTOR I...- •INS~CTION REQUEST ______AMPM o REINSPECTION REQUIRED TOWNOFVA IL FRI 7ibS So tJ CALLER OJ APPROVED 0 D ISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS : READYFOR INSPECT ION: LOCAT ION:/q q t 7JI-!FV)/1 t.--P r:I ~a YI-1.- / BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND n FOUNDAT ION/STE EL o ROUG H /DW.V. o FRA MING o ROUGH /W ATER 0 'INSULATION o GASPIPING / o SHEETROCK NA IL o POOL /H.T UB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FIN AL ,( I -- DATE -4~LL..---"'-=----------INSPECTOR •INS~TION REQUEST READYFOR I NSPECTION : LOCATIO N: ___I MONTUESWED T HURFRI / <..L....- ______AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATIO N/ST EEL o ROUGH /DW.V. r ,4/,:"1,,,PoFRAMINGtJROUGH/WA TER I , o INSULATION o G AS PIPING o SHEE TROCK NA IL o POOL /H.TU B 0 0 o FINAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEM P.POWER o H EATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL ';k~PPR O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR f\/;\t+-"'"I,DATE -...:..!f---------- •.,INSFfcTION ReaUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READYFOR LOCATION : INSPECTION : jatlY MON TUES S (r II/', ?"f .. WED -r-- ______AM PM I IBUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRA MING o INSULATION o SHEE TROCK NA IL _ o o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIPING o POOL /H.TU B _ 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ Io APPROVED I CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ') DATE _'-+-''----'------'~_INSPECTOR •INS"CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL' PM______AM CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION : LOCATION : BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAM ING o INSULATION o SHE ETROCK NA IL _ o _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUG H /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o PO OL /H .TU B _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ r ; ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL, MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUS T HOO DS o SUPPLY A IR 0 _ o FINAL D /APPROVED f CORRECT IONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED Ihe pri n"ry :va il I (.--I). INSPECTOR<I /-.J,DATE -f-'----"--"-:----t'--'--- THUR FRI INS-'CTION REQUEST • ()TOWN OF VAIL : IIp- Mu-m ~ • 1//c24/fo /I READYFOR LOCATION:-"--'--"_-===--'=-'--"---'-'--'---"''---'-'::....:...--="'''"''-=-''--_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. l'cf FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER b I NSULATION o GASPIP ING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED , I ",;;'1 DATE 4 1_'/-----'_ ,- INSPECTOR I ~--:....-"'--------------- the printery/...all •INSFfcTION REQUEST., ,/- TOWN OF VAIL ?U /~ / PMTHURFRIAM -/;~,(.J-t at CALLER MON TUESWED /;.Q .tfcL-.J i?r .= READ Y FOR INSPECT ION : LOCATION :---'/-t....1-t....}.L/_-=,.L..I.c..:...-=-~~="L-----?-:::..L...--'---_----'~'-.Lc!:.!-.-=-~~_'-----_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING o INS ULATION _ o SHEETROCK NA IL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o U NDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIPING _ o POO L /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ ./ D ~ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED CORRECT IONS: o D ISAPPROVED pl§EINSPECTION REQUIRED /,-"/,.-"D ---c y;,.cr I ~..;;c.~(,..- DA TE _:.....:...---''-?-_-+-~_INSPECTOR the pr in lery.'",a,1 -------'G PM TOWN OF VAIL INSP'CTION REQUEST.: f C AI.olER SWEDTH UR FRI«rr:-6~5"i~ • READ Y FORINSPECTION:(~?O N LOCATION :/117 ..j ~j"A BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /ST EEL o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEE TROCK NA IL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o U NDERGRO UND _ o ROUGH /DW,V,_ o ROUG H/WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o F INAL _ .. / ELECTRICAL: o T EMP,POWER _ I r,ROUG H o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o H EATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FI NAL v , f / -t <.( ,/ I ' Q 'REINSPECTION REQUI,8ED 1 /-(' o AP PROVED CORRECTIONS : DATE /1-It-..'(I/Jv L INSPECTOR / Ihe p ri"ttor';\Il:ul •IN S FtCTION REQUEST.. ____..:-/AM )PM ~ /11 f)TOWN OF VAIL'• A!rJ~/(~/.J O /1 'I CALLER h).!r,./~ WED .~H ~FRI '//7LOCATION:-.,:-..:.---'--'--"'--'-'.::.l.:.-''-'l....:.-'-'----'---==--~=:....z.:_......:....~,..r.;:;L.-------------- READY FOR INSPECTION: jtJ1(1Jt l BU ILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULAT ION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WA TER _ o GASPIPING o POO L /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ ,/a ROUGH I o CONDUIT o o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL ~------- o APPROVED CORRECTIONS:I/ /1 I>'~Y y • o DISAPPROVED I /'{,P REINSPECTION REQUIRED , '/ / INSPECTORJ<-I -'7(II-DATE _--,-----'__ theprinlery !...a " INS~TION REQUEST 1/1-e: ~TOWN OFfJ/)~c U!IE( -.. VAIL " PMWEDTHURFRIAM CAL LER(6J TUESREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :_ BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOT INGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOU NDATION /STEEL o ROUG H /DW.V. o FRA MING ROUG H /WATER- o INSU LAT ION o GASP IPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINA L o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o H EATING o RO UGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL "o APPROVED CORRECT IONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _INSPECTOR lne prlnlery /vi1d SUNBUR.T UH.L VL I __ •'&-,9 ·47 '50"R-500.82 A-05.80 C-05.50 CB-=S47 '28 '12 HE ,------,,-----, I ,,I ,,I I ,I ,, I I I , ,I I .I STORAGE :'-----.!.~_~~E..A , ,I 4.3O~I I • :'1:'1 "'I :STORAGE I ~',':g OYERHANti I ,----------!'!i'~.~DECK 4:30 I S 47°35'09"E l !.OYERH.4Nti I~~I :::..'.. :.S 47°35'09"E4.30 I /5.2 .- I I I I I I I r _1.._ ---. I I I, I I I I ~:~:~I ~'~'.'::.:~.: .'".:.,. ..•.. "...........:.... .:::.<~:.:......,:-,,..'. '. N 47°35'09"W .,. ;.u-I I", 0.::_,.' "i, .., .....', ,'.' ~'.:. ,",-. ..':-.'.r.: c~ 8.80 8 .80 .;' /211- e 1I//0vV6