HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 3 LOT 20 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Depa rtment of Community Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.vailgov.com Project Name:O'MEARA LANDSCAPE Project Description: DRB Number:DRB070121 FINAL APPROVAL FORAMINOR ALTERATION FOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Participants: OWNER 0 MEARA,MAURICE P.03/26/2007 650 POYDRAS STSTE2235 .DENVER LA 70130 APPliCANT SHERRY DORWARD,LANDSCAPE AR03/26/2007 Phone:970 -479-0830 POBOX3766 VAIL CO81658 Project Address:1984 SUNBURST DRVAIL 1984 SUNBURST DR Location: LegalDescription:Lot:20-A Block:Subdivision:VAIL VALLEY 3RD FIliNG Parcel Number:2101-091-0302-5 Comments:SEE CONOmONS BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:07/20/2007 Cond:O (PLAN):ORB approvaldoesnot constitute a permit for building.Please consult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRBapprovalshall not becomevalidfor20days following thedate of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)year following thedate offinalapproval,unlessa building permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Entry :07/20/2007 By:RLFAction:CONO Allproposed lighting shallbe fully cut-off andshall not exceedeighteeninches (18")in height from finishedgrade. Planner:RachelFriede DRBFeePaid:$20.00 75SouthFrontageRd . Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479~2139 FAX970-479 -2452 July20,2007 SherryDorward,Landscape Architect Sentviafaxto(970)949-0839 Re:DRB07-0121 O'Meara Landscape Improvements 1984A Sunburst Drive Lot20A,VailValleyFiling#3 DearSherry , Department of Community Development Thank youforyourdesignreview application foraminorexterioralterationatI984A Sunburst Drive.The purpose of this letter isto inform youthatthe application hasbeen staff approved withthefollowingcondition: I.All proposed lightingshallbefully cut-off andshallnotexceed eighteen inches(18")inheight fromfinishedgrade . ADRBActionFormis attached foryour records .Donothesitateto contact mewithany questions orconcerns. Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department ofCommunity Development 75 SOuth Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :970.4 79.2128 fax:970.479.2452 web:www .vailgov.com General Information: Allprojects requiri ngdesign reviewmust receive approvalprior to submitting abuildingpermit application.Please refertot he submittalrequirements f ortheparticular approvalthat isrequested.An applicationfor Design Review cannot be accepteduntilallrequired informationis receivedbytheCommunity DevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalso need tobereviewed by theTownCouncil and/or thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approvallapsesunlessabUilding permit isissuedandconstructioncommences within oneyearoftheapproval . Description ofthe Request:~~~('I'VVeIM~i;-Y"c!At"~.,J Typeof Review andFee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o NewConstruction o Addition o Minor Alteration (multi -fami~/comm erc ial ) )(Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) o ChangestoApprovedPlans o SeparationRequest Meeting Date:_ Planner: $50 NoFee $650 $300 $250 $20 NoFee ~$1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea. Forconstnuctionof anewbUilding or demo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidentialor commercial building(includes250 additions &interiorconversions). Forminor changestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,w indow additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. For mino rchangestobuildingsandsite improvements,such as, re-roofing,painting,windowadditions ,landscaping,fencesand reta ining walls,etc. ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanning Staff or the DesignReview Board. ~. SHERRY DORWARD A SlA LAN DS CAPE ARC HITECT P O [lOX 3 766 July 12.2007 1 5 1 4 R UfnHR C REF K ROArJ D 3 1 VAI L,CO LORADO 8 1558 Ms.Rachel Friede.Planner Community Development Department Town of Vail 75South Frontage RoadWest Vail.Colorado 81657 Re:Re-submittal of DRB Application fora Minor Exterior Alteration 1984ASunburstDrive Dear Rachel : As you know.on March 26,2007 the owner of 1984ASunburstDrive,Mr.Maurice 0'Meara.submitted an application for DRB appraval of minor improvements to the patio area inhis back yard.OnApril4.2007.you responded with comments.most of which were from Public Works.Since then,Mr.O'Meara has been reconsidering the scope of the original plan.Because of inactivity on the application during this process.you withdrew it on June 19.2007. Having been able to work out more acceptable contractor estimates.Mr.0'Meara has informed me that he has decided to follow the original plan and scope of work. Improvements already approved by DRB at the neighboring unit (1984B,owned by the Firman's)will be done at the same time by the same contractor.allowing both owners to achieve some cost efficiencies and greatly easing construction access and staging. I am re-submitting the original package of documents required for design review in addition to other documents relating to the status of the original application,as listed below: •DRB application form and cover letter dated 3/26/07; •Joint owner approval form dated 3/22/07; •The property surveyas originally submitted (3 copies); •The site/landscape plan detailing proposed improvements,dated 3/26/07 and revised 7/11/07 (3 copies;the only change is the addition of alimit of disturbance line.as you requested); •Photo pages showing existing conditions and proposed materials; •A copy of the receipt for DRB fees already paid; •The ComDev routing form.dated 3/28/07,with PublicWorks'comments. indicating approval with conditions; 9 70 .47 6.9 537 p n on c z l ax 970 .470 .2 9 30 (e ll sd d 0 r W d r d @m sn .(0 m •A copy of your letter of April4.2007 with comments onthe original opplication; •A copy of your letter of June 19.2007 with the ORB action form withdrawing Mr. O'Meara's application; Specific responsesto your comments on the plan are asfollows : 1.Retaining wallsmustbeaminimum oftwo fret (2 Jfrom the property line,ormust remaininthesame place astheexistingretainingwall.I spoke with George Shalberg at PublicWorksonApril6th to clarify that the plan is OKas long as the new walls do not increase the encroachment. 2.All benched retainingwallsrequire stamped engineerdrawings .I have attached wall details from KRM Structural Engineers and will get a stamped copy to you ASAP now that the scope of work has been finalized . 3 .Please submit asiteplanthatincludestheentireproperty.Ina telephone conversation with you on April6th•we agreed that afullsite plan will not be necessary since no work is planned elsewhere onMr.O'Meara's lot.Regarding site lighting.two path lights are proposed above the proposed stone veneer seatwall. 4.Pleaseshowthelimits ofdisturbancefence around allworktobedoneonthesiteplan. Done. 5 .Please provide a staging planwiththe building permit application.The contractor is aware of this requirement and plans to stage his operations in the shared driveway. Atlas Construction is prepared to begin work immediately.We would greatly appreciate anything you can do to expedite formal approval of the application so as not to hinder their schedule.Thanksso much. Best regards. Sherry Dorward,AS LA CC:Maurice P.O'Meara Jonnie Martin.0'Meara Inc. Charlie Sherman Leif Counter.Atlas Construction 6'-0"MIN.~~~~...a F:l ID M J ...Ig...~0 lD III -< -<I 15 1 0::I:(IlCS ""'"I I ~- II en -0.ZIIII00-, 0 r 0~~~I;;l;;{Ul~I~I~~ A.,<::0oaSo:X r--..._. <.0.--0 0 ~~ooo "-J '-'"a 'Zo-(J)'-"'lOQ~C lO-+>-ox rlOa..-1it;I 0 .p..» 1O (J1Z ICJ.JCXl"-J-iU;~mNSfl "-J (Jl "-J ex>Zo GRAVEL FILL AND FILTER FA8RleAS REQ'D FOR DRAINAGE CONTINUOUS DRAIN AS REQ'D FOR DRAINAGE ,.-0 MIN .EA. BOULDER,TYP . T(lV'J'i"J or \;I\IL D lS1GN R EVIEW STA FF APPROVAL 3.DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE APPROX,BUT THE TOTAL -,I'?\..., HEIGHT OF THE WALL MAY ~9rr E r::1.1O ..=o_-r..:-- EXCEED 6'-0 TOTAL HEIGHT AND THE SLOPE MAY NOT BE (;·"n::.~-l STEEPER THAN 2:1 ...I ..,-- 1'-0 121 ~ 1.BOULDERS ARE TO BE 1'-6 TO 4'-0 IN DIMENSION AND SHALL BE OF ANGULAR SHAPES (NOT ROUND) 2.PLACE BOULDERS SO THEY INTERLOCK BOTH VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY X <C:::; o I "q- X <C ::i,o I ~ ,. 00. .1 ~ ~ BOULDER RETAINING WALL (DOUBLE TIER SCALE:112"=1 '-0 o -..J • CONSTRUCTION 144 Wildcat st. Eclwards,CO 81632 970·926·1455 off. 970·926·1453 fax July17,2007 SherryDorward POBox3766 Vail ,CO81658 DearSherry; Inc. In response toyourrequestfora general staging planforthe landscaping renovations tothe O 'Meara Residence located at 1984A Sunburst DriveinVail.These renovations asyouknoware isolatedtotherearportion of theduplex .Wehavethe advantage of alsodoingminor renovations tothe Firman Residencewhichistheotherside of theduplex 1984B Sunburst Drive.The Firman Residencehasalreadybeen approved bytheDRB (DRB050618)and has been determined will notneedabuildingpermit. The isolated area of construction coupledwiththefactthatwewillbeable to usethe entire semi circular drivewayinthefront of bothunitsforstagingand parking shouldmakeastagingplan obsolete.Therewillbeno significant amount of building materialsthatwillneedtobestored, asidefromtheboulderswhichwillbecranedtotherear of the property upon delivery. Pleaseletmeknow if youhaveanyfurther questions orconcerns . Sincerely; Leif Counter Atlas Construction,Inc . m W ~J n r ';:.IL r'I E·c:!r~NR ,-I r jL'OIU.__>1_ STAFf r\F='II Ie,'',\1. .-.-~-~~_._....,-----,~.-....._--_.~.....~._._~-_.._-~.-_._-_....~._._._.~._..._~..._-.-...._-~-..-.~-_..-•....-..._,~._.-.--~------.------,_.......-_._._..."..~.- 4=/1/107)I OATE,_ J08 dMEAl?A l:..AND5CAPc. SHEET NO.-6 ~-1"OF _ CAlQ.I.ATal Il"(k.R.M Dl'TE_-=+-Ju.....,'-""'--'-- CH£CI<ED BY'_---"._--,_ '!-a li 'S I!..0 KRM CONSULTANTS,INC. P.O.Box 4572 Vail,Colorado 81658 (970)949-9391 FAX (970)949-1577 , ~,.'o ' 1 I Te,,.i r '1 Dl::::""I TAF t-=-i',i=-,"- ::rJw {O}--:I ._--_.- f1.,/tR'~....-....rc~",~-L .r\..L ..._ ".. ,....",<{f\m ~E-n ~-0mZr \'l<-; ~:r:. 0 7J ;l:c (J\ ~ (Jl -U ~ II) ".» ll\ il{ Q -rr () )- -I () t., ~ \ II 1.8 ...,'0 .~ .....H ..-0... FIlOOOCT 201 _•__'_U~_~.F .~._.__~.'O_~___'__.""'."""~.~.~_-_0•••••0 _'._.~__.~••_.__~.~'."'_"'~.'¥'~_._'__"_'_.•••~-_..-.__•.._.• 1"/11 107,) KRM CONSULTANTS,INC. P.O.Box 4572 Vail,Colorado 81658 (970)949·9391 FAX (970)949-1Sn JOB OIMe-AM I..MJb$CAPE SH£lITNO.SK'-~OF'_ CALOJlATEO BY Ie;R..M DATE T'I'PICAL PIaIVAC'(WALL. cour.BOND eM.W/ (z)-if..t'&COl'1T, ~__V'l eMU II -U-J'-----#+.5 Vr=-R..T,e.2+fI.J GflWlJTI:.D C~LL:' '::'TO,WI~E..j01 t-lT ~!:.INF·e.ItR n coNT.l30Nb I!tM.Wi (2.)-*+~Cd-JT. o ~r 3l1 •.."-_.'•.•._.••_.-•.•_.-"~'-_.,---_.-~""._-...---.-_.-~_.~••~-'._.•-•..•.~•••-_.~.••.•.-~-•_......~...'~.......-.-.-....p ,.•.'~'-""'--"'_.','••••~....._~.~--...-.....,~_.......--~_.•-'•.,...~.,'....~-•.•.•••-.,•••-.~-•.••'...._.--'~''-~~•._-~• +/11/0 7,f it 0704 -LV> KRM CONSULTANrS,INC. P.O.Box 4572 Vail,Colorado 81658 (970)949·9391 FAX (970)949-1577 {r}-il=+calotT.e --I- MIl>-IlT,,(2.)-#+S coN-T". Tc*.(SClj· '7'f~1 T.O .F. JOB dME-ARA LAlJl>scAPF SHEUNO."SK -2.OF'_ CAU:lVoTEDS'l '"R.M DATE IIA~---+DlaY-STACl::.CI'o1U FO ~ SoTONE.V5!'lE!~sUPf'''~T (OPT ION:L-+x.4 X.,sA"-WI Y2.11 cjJ x +~e.X P.AN.cH~.$ e 2+11 o.CJ TYF'I CA L.sEAT INA LL..;r VA lt\ :,/\}REV'EVI r-F APPRO' -t!~6 ·~_ I?dp o PROOUCT ~ ..- SHERRY DORWARD A SLA LAN DSCA PE ARCHITECT PO 130\3766 March26,2007 1 5 1 4 R U ff [11 RCR E E 1\R0 "0 0 31VA IL.CO LORADO 8 1658 M r.George Ruther C ommunity Developm ent Department Town of Vai l 75South Frontage Road West Vail ,Colorado 8 1657 Re :DRB Application foraM inor Exterior Alterati on 1984ASunburst Drive Dear George : At the request of th eo wner,Mr.Maurice O 'Meara,I am submitting this package of documents as required for design review and approval of the landscape upgrades he is proposing at h is east Vailh ome.The package includes : •DRB applicationfo rm: •Joint owner approval form; •3 copies of thep ropertysurvey; •3 copies of a si t e/landscape p lan detailing proposed imp roveme n t s; •3 copies of image pages showing e xisting c onditions and pr oposed material s. Mr.O'Mearaa ntic ipates that the w ork wi ll be d one assoo nt his summ er a s w e ather permits,Theo wner of t he othe r h alf o fth e d uplexpl anst o d osimilar u pgrades,a nd itis probable that th e w orko n both halves will be coordinated soas to ease th e chall enges of diffi cult access and staging. Please let me know whi ch planner wi ll b eo verseeingth e review of th is proj e ct and if any further inform ationis n eeded p riort o th e DRB hearing onApril18th .Thanksas always fory our a ssistance. Best regards, Sherry Dorward,ASLA CC :Maurice P.O'Meara C harlieSherman 9 70.47 6.')5 17 p hone/fax 970 .4 70 .29 30 ce l l s dd o r wa r d es m sn i co m Building Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material Roof Siding OtherWall Materials Fasc ia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doo rs DoorTrim Hand or Dec k Rails hf Flues Flash ing Ch imneys Trash Enclos ures Greenhouses Notes: \i"11 I Please specify the manufacturer's name,thecolornameandnumberandattachacolor chip. U~~~t1A~el-~aecr F:\cdev\FORM S\Permits\Pl anning\DR B\drb_minor_alel-25-2007.doc Page6of13 11/23/2005 Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS PROPOSEDLANDSCAPING Common Name b ~<,E <Jc(~J ..~". <;>,;:~.-)otf Ouantity EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements forLandscaping :DeciduousTrees-2"Caliper ConiferousTrees-6'inheight Shrubs-5Gal. ~Sguare Footage,..~ GROUND COVER \t'frt!t"",de.-Vart'~"tN\bu4a,~~4~~1.fl;G)~. SOD •~~~O\1~e _ SEED •~'t~~a~rtf!t..abpLt(uld/ IRRIGATION ..,.t:J\~~I/.-t'ho&~~ TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL.~e ~~I ~ O'MEARA RESIDENCE Vail ,Colorado PLANT SCHEDULE Landscape Improvements March 26,2007 KeyQty .Botanical Name TREES POP 9 Populus tremuloides Common Name Quaking Aspen Size!Notes 6 @ 2-1/2" 3 multi -stemc lumps DEC IDUOUS SHRUBS (all5 gal.e xcept where noted) ARO 5 Aronia melanocarpa elata Black Chokeberry ARO-D 6 Aronia melanocarpa 'Iroquois Beauty Dwarf Black Chokeberry BET 3 Betula glandulosa Bog Bi rch COR 8 Comusstolonifera 'Isanti 'Isanti Redtwig Dogwood COR-Y 5 Comus alba 'Bud's Yellow Bud's Yellow Dogwood POT 6 Pot ent/lla fruticosa 'Su tter's Gold Sutte r's Gold Potentilla PRY 2 Prunus virginian a m elanocarpa Nativ e C hokecherry #10 RIB 3 Ribes aureum Yellow-Fiowering Currant RIB-G 6 Ribes alpinum 'Green Mound'Green Mound Currant ROS 3 Rosa foetida 'Bicolor Austrian Copper Rose SYM 6 Symphoricarpos oreophilus Mountain Snowberry 53 PERENN IALS 1 1 flat 2 8 3 1 flat 4 15 5 1 flat 6 1fla t 7 6 8 1fla t 9 6 10 8 11 1 flat 12 2flats 13 1 flat Ajuga reptans Anemone multifida tubto A nemone sylvestris Aquilegia caerulea Aquilegia canadensis'LittleLanterns Cerastium tomentosa Echinacea purpurea 'Ruby Star Galium odoratum Leucanthemum x superbum 'Alaska ' Lupinus Russell Hybrids Thymus praecox 'Coccineus Viola comuta 'Scoittish Yellow Waldsteinia temata I(,. Green Carpet Bugle Windflower Snowdrop Anemone Rocky Mtn.Columbine Dwarf Red Columbine SnowinSummer Ruby Coneflower Swee t Woodruff ShastaDaisy Mixed Lupine Red Creeping Thyme Yellow Tuft ed Pansy Barren Strawberry I".," F32 1 gal F32 1 gal F15 F15 1 gal F32 1 gal 1 gal F15 F15 F32 t':"-'"---c..l -'v l Sherry Dorward Landscape Architecture Vail,Colorado t Mar .25 07 10:12a Chris Firman ,Ford &Camp 3032820732 p.1 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LEnl!R letteraswritten approval of theplans dated .provide this I,(printname) _ICr~l..-\ l\...""-,~F,C M ().......,a j ointowner ofproperty located at )y",\>\,~y\=br ..~D V-t,\(0 .3!J:d=t:'....,71--which have been submitted tothe Town of Vail Community Development Department forthe proposed Improvements tobe completed atthe address noted above . .-9\£lA x.......!J~ef- TiSOSlUre) I understand thatthe proposed improvements Indude: L)-b.l LI.c ~tJL Skye \: Additionally,please checkthe statement below wIllch Ismost applicable to you: to--I understiJnd that minor modiRClltlons may be made to the plans over the course ofthe review process to ensurecompliance with the Town~applicable crxJes and regulations. (InGr~ o 1 request that all modifications,minor or otherwise,which are made to the plans over the course ofthe revIew process,be brought to myattention by the applicantforaddItionalapprovalbefore undergoing further review by the Town. (Inil/O/here) joint prop<rry o",,,...tetter re,fs<d 10I/t/I1006 E, F:\aleII\FORMS\Permlts\fllannlng\0RB\drb_mlncr_a\l.1·25·2007 .doc Page 2 of 13 11/23/2005 'Mar 25 07 10:13a Chris Firman,Ford &Camp 3032820732 p.2 i -...,\.~.I ',i ";"..~'". March 22.2007 Mr .ChrisFirman [Sentvia email to c rfirman@aol.com) A S lA LANDSCAPE .ARCHITEC T \,.\I ~.(':,I ',:;.'..,I I.i :-.!I ••• Re:Firman's Approval of Landscape Improvements at Mr.O'Meara's Residence De ar C hris: Mr.O 'Meara 's office has asked that I supplement the landscape plan Isenttoyou earlier today with a specific list of the proposed landscape improvements that c larifies what theFirman family would be approving by signing the"Joint Properly Owner WriHen Approval Letter."Those improvements are asfollows : 1.Remove e xisting wooden decking and rep la ce with suitable substructure [concrete slab over compacted roadbase)to accommodate new flagstone paving. 2 .Install subsurface drainage to meet all applicable codes . 3 .Install snowmelt tubing throughout area. 4 .Install flagstone paving throughout to match existing onthefrontside of the property. 5.Install separate snowmelt boiler to feed additional snowmelt sys tem using existing building supply gas . 6 .Remove existing timber retaining walls and replace with boulder walls that are compatible in color and texture with the existingstone veneer onthehouse . 7 .Add gasfirepit.pre-fabricated spa,three low landscape/path lights,and appropricrle landscaping inthe terrace plant bed between the new boulder walls in accordance with exist ing bui lding codes. 8 .Repair or replace existing partition wall between the duplexes w ith something similarorsuperior (perhaps stone veneer)that meets with both owners' approval. 9.Accessto be accomplished oneastsideof proponent's property soas not to disturb 1984B Sunburst Drive. 10.Workto be accomplished ina workmanlike manner during the month of June 2007.Work tobe accomplished to couse the least amount of interference with adjacent owners and to meet or exceed allexisting building codes and town requirements by a licensed and insured contractor. Please call ifyou have any questions about theplans.Thank you f or your assistance. Bestregards, Sherry Dorward.ASLA ..,;I.I '.J I \':.1 I II .it.II ·:_11 .I "t ", ************************************************************••****************************** TOWNOFVAIL ,COLORADO Statement *************.****************************************************************************** Statement Number : Payment Method: DORWARD R070000363 Amount:$20.00 Check 03/26 /20070 4:22 PM Init:JS Notation :2 289/SHERRY Permit No: P arcelNo: Site Address: Location: DRB070121 Type:DRB -Minor Alt,SFR /DUP 21 01-091-0302-5 1 984 SUNBUR ST DRVAIL 1984 SUNBURST DR Total Fees :$20 .00 This Payment :$20.00 Total ALL Pmts:$20 .00 Balance :$0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20 .00 75SouthFrontageRd . Vail ,Colorado81657 970-479-2138/479 -2139 FAX 970-479-2452 April4,2007 SherryDorward ,Landscape Arch itect Sentviafaxto (970)949-0839 Re:O'Meara Landscape Improvements 1984A Sunburst Drive Lot20A,VailValle y F iling#3 DearSherry, Department of Community Development Thankyouforyourdesignreview applicationforaminor exterior alterationatI984A Sunburst Drive .Staff has reviewedtheapplicat ion materialsandhasthefollowingcomments: I.Retaining wallsmustbeaminimum of twofeet(2')fromthe property line,ormustremainin thesameplaceastheexisting retaining wall. 2 .All benched retainingwallsrequirestamped engineer drawings. 3 .Pleasesubmitasiteplanthatincludestheentireproperty .Thesiteplanneedstoincludeall lightingonthepropertyandalllandscapedareasinordertocheckfor compliance withthe VailTownCode. 4 .Pleaseshowthelimits of disturbancefencearoundallworktobedoneonthesiteplan. 5.Pleaseprovideastagingplanwiththe building permitapplicat ion. Thisapplicationcanlikelybe staff approvedonceallrequestedmaterialsarereceived.Donot hesitate to contact mcwithanyquestionsorconcerns. RachelFriede Planner,Town of Vail (970)479-2440 Rfriede @vailgov.com 75South Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 June 19,2007 Sherry Dorward ,Landscape Architect POBox3766 Vail,CO81658 Fax (970)949-0839 Re:DRB07 -0121 O'Meara Residence Dear Sherry, Department of Community Development Thank youforyourdesignreview application forminor exterior alterations atthe O'Meara residence.Duetotheinactivity of thisproject,Ihave withdrawn the application.The application documents andadesignreviewactionformareattachedforyourrecords.If youwishtoresume your application,youmaydosowithoutpayingadditionalfees. If youhaveany questions or concerns,donothesitateto contact me. B;"0 ~i~ achel Friede P lanner I,Town of Vail (970)479-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.eom 1984A Sunburst Drive Nowork isp roposed on the street si de o ft he h ouse. Viewso f ex istingw o oden d ecking from a bove th e timber retaining walls . fla gstone paving tom atch existingp avinga tfronte ntry. Views of ex istingt imberretaining wa lls,to be replaced w ith boulder walls. Wood o n existingp rivacy wall to be replaced with stone veneer (above) View of hillside above thehouse (top left); Exist ing fence screening snowmelt boiler t o be replaced (bottom left) EXISTING CONDITIONS O 'MEARA RESIDENCE VAIL,COLORADO Sherry Dorward Landscape Arch itecture 3/26/07 l:ir 12 12 1,p J ('I oumus rOr'Jf)Pt Sltvf'1 .oruzanon p Wlf,c r1t1o n ,\y,r PIll ~S kw ('1(,Clf IC hCdt CJ I Opl lOrldl Y d~ht',1fCI I 100 <q H .rn oduta r media canr"lgp 1,II e, urenme warranl y on tne nOItuo snel l S y e c:u tilt.·d(f h e~IO ri Y Udr ~r lt ee Equipment Pack 48 "x 48 ".36 "r~" W OUI1[e(1 on Skid 3665Ibs Welgh l wun Wale, J< H)·'ll I I.q t,.7 -I i mwi'J or ,.11 DESIGNRE ~'N STA Ff APpr OVAL DATE:.~fJ:OtGr T!'.~F=---~ Bradfordstainlesssf e l spawithintegrated m e chanical system PROPOSED LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS O 'MEARA RESIDENCE VAIL,COLORADO Sherry Dorward Land scape Archite cture 3/26/07 Hanover 87"O<.I"yon type j 16L ~t",nle"Steel 16 ('d ge f rost rroor ee l a rill(I H'a'(lI19 "p Wel:efbrte ,~ec:H~floor ('lllcl 5 t e p ~ 8 or 1{,(ommerCIi'19'i't<l t> h 'gh outpurnydrotnerapy Je l' ~ulI oen cn "''''''19 fuil spr 0 /w all<"'sleps I Equipment Pdck 2 Equipment Pack ResldenUal Spas Swimspa ®Re sidential Pool s Equipment Pack ~~~~,,~~'jJ Residential Spa Specifications "odu<U u.c ,/ / S' ILLUMINAT ION M ater ia ls and Construction A Hecvv wall schd cccoer shcde B Mach ined .d id brosscop C Machm,o ,d·d b-ossbose D Machined sold br055 ~e m cop E Elcred .'''''oe>ed boos icnte 0 10 55 d f'J,e, TEKA H B F A C D TEKA Miniatu re Beacon PathUght M BPT45,b rown patina fin ish Steelog gaslogsetin 36-inch diameter fire pi t ring Random buff flagston e paving.stone ve neered walls.and flags tone c aps for sea t wall and spasurround will match ex isting materials on t he front side o f the house . Yellowtwig Dogwood,Comus alba 'Bud 'sYellow '(left) Red twig Dogwood,Comus stolonifera 'Isanti'(right) Dogwood inleaf (top) PROPOSED SHRUB SPECIES O'MEARA RESIDENCE VA IL,COLORADO Sh erryDorward Landsca peA rchite cture3/2 6/07 Mountain Snowberry Symphoricarpos or eophllos Tn 1/(r 11 DESGN h_J STAFF APPhOVAI t>ATE:_~)o (j -- 1:~F'-Y-tM---- Potentilla frutieosa 'Sutter's Gold ' G reen Mound C u rrant Ribes alpinum 'Gree nM ound ' A ustrian Copper Rose Rosa fo et/da 'Bicoio:' BogBirch ,Betula glandulosa Yellow-flowering Currant,Ribes aureum Native Chokecherry,Prunus virginian a melanocarpa Black Chokeberry,Aronia malanocarpa elata roWN or 1//1 11 [SIGN R ['".-oN STAFF AP P o 'l\L DATE·r(x{o'r r"c ~ PROPOSED HERBACEOUS PLANTS O'MEARA RESIDENCE VAIL,COLORADO Sherry Dorward Landscape A rc h itectu re 3/26/07 PERENNIALS (Clockwise fromtop left): Windflower Dwarf Red Columbi ne Rocky M ountain Columbine RubyC one flowe r ShastaDa isy Russe llHybrid Lup ine Snowd ro pAn emone GROUND COVERS (Clockwise fromtop left): Snow InSummer Sweet Woodruff Carpet Bug le YellowTuftedPansy Red Creeping Thyme Barren Strawberry ,\. Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depa rtment of Commun ity Development 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail ,Colora do 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax :970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com Project Name:O'MEARA LANDSCAPE DRB Number:DRB070121 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTERATION FOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Participants: OWNER 0 MEARA,MAURICE P.03/26/2007 650 POYDRAS ST STE 2235 DENVER LA 70130 APPLICANT SHERRY DORWARD,LANDSCAPE AR03/26/2007 Phone:970-479-0830 PO BOX 3766 VAIL CO 81658 Project Address:1984 SUNBURST DRVAIL 1984 SUNBURST DR Location: LegalDescription:Lot:20-A Block:Subdivision:VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILING Parcel Number:2101-091 -0302-5 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Planner:Rachel Friede Action:WITHDRWN Date ofApproval: DRBFeePaid:$20.00 .. 75South Frontage Rd. Vail ,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 June19,2007 Sherry Dorward,Land scape Architect POBox3766 Vail ,CO81658 Fax (970)949-0839 Re:DRB07-0121 O'Meara Residence DearSherry, Department of Community Development Thank youforyourdesign review application for minor exter ior alterations attheO 'Meara residence.Duetothe inactivity of thisproject,Ihave withdrawn the application .The application documents andadesign review actionformareattachedforyour records .If youw ish toresume your application ,youmaydosowithout paying additional fees. If youhaveany questions or concerns,donothesitateto contact me. RachelFriede Planner I ,Town of Vail (970)479-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of CommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479.2128 fax :970.479 .2452 web :www.vailgov.com General Information: Allprojectsrequi ring designreviewmustreceive approvalpriortosubmittingabuildingpermitapplicati on.Please refertothe submittal requirementsfortheparticula r approval that isrequested .AnapplicationforDesignReview cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequired information isreceivedbytheCommunity Development Department.The project mayalsoneedtobe reviewedbytheTownCouncil and/or thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approvallapsesunlessabuilding permit isissuedandconstructioncommences within oneyearoftheapproval. DescriptionoftheRequest:~~~(2...vVeI+'\e+-:fz;-Y'~A r"~~tl'tL Forconstructionofanewbuildingor demo/rebuild . Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidentialor commercialbuilding(includes250 additions &interior conversions). Forminorchangestobuildingsandsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping/fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, re -roofing,painting/windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanning Staff orthe DesignReview Board. Plus$1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea. Name ofApplicant: MailingAddress:~",-~:al.l!lI..Ji,}ju,-L.t'J.L~2!fI-~i:~----- r::------Phone:--=2...J':"":~-!;?~~~~~";;---- E-mail Address:t;JtlQruIA tllJ @.M~..,.(JM1(ax :_---=-.L....LIL....:...:""""'-'-"-'--'-"---..:..L-i-_ LocationoftheProposal:Lot:20ABIOCk:~SUbdiVision:...1.!!~~i.!.r--I!C........,IWL-'I---'--'Ll..J~q_~L PhysicalAddress:~A 4UM f2u V4,tJ2(ilJt.,.,VA','--_ TypeofReviewandFee: 0 Signs $50 0 ConceptualReview NoFee 0 NewConstruction $650 0 Addit ion $300 0 MinorAlteration $250 (multi-family/commercial) )(MinorAlteration ®(single-family/duple x) 0 ChangestoApprovedPlans$20 0 SeparationRequest NoFee For Offic~D~-Z By'.~JrU .J FeePaid:-£-0 Ch~No.:""..---___+-----:----:c-=,...- MeetingDate:q....I -(j 7 DRSNo.:~R ~7 0 ('2.,I \:?IIT \::)7 ...~\l '"T Pro'ectNo.:'\.-......J P\.Planner: ,.••Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depa rtment of Commun ity Develop ment 75South FrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2139 fax :970 .479.2452 web :www.va ilgov.com Project Name:FIRMAN RES.DECK Project Description: DRB Number:DRB050618 FINAL APPROVAL TO REPLACE EXISTINGWOOD DECK WITHSTONEAND REPLACE RETAINING WALLWITHNEWRAILROADTIES.ALSOTHE ADDmON OFANEWHOTTUB. Participants: OWNERFIRMAN,ROYAL,III &STEPHAN11/21/2005 10VILLAGERD ENGLEWOOD CO80110 APPLICANTFIRMAN,ROYAL,III &STEPHAN11/21/2005 10VILLAGERD ENGLEWOOD CO80110 Project Address:1984 SUNBURST DRVAIL 1984 SUNBURST DR Location: Legal Description:Lot:20-B Block:Subdivision:VAIL VALLEY 3RDFILING ParcelNumber:2101 -091-0302-6 Comments:SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:11/28/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):ORB approval does not constitute a permit for bulldlnq,Please consult with Town of VailBuilding personnel prior to construction activities . Cond:201 DRB approval shallnotbecomevalidfor20days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)year following the date of final approval,unlessa building permit isissuedand construction is commenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:CON0007718 THEAPPLICANTSHALLMATCHALLNEWHANDRAILS ARROUND THE DECK TOTHOSEEXISTING •MinorExterior Alterat.s ApplicationforDesign Review Department ofCommunity Development 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479.2128 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.va ilgov.com cia (K \·d Forconstruction of anewbuildingordemo/rebuild .. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresident ial or commerdal building (indudes 250additions&interior conversions). Forminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminorchanges to buildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanning Staff orthe DesignReview 8oard . Plus$1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea. (\.r-T~\..O!04,,\Lr (e2 t-<9 VI 0.. lL9 General Information: Allprojects requiringdesign rev iew must receiveapprovalprior tosubmitting abu ilding perm it application.Please refer t o th e submittalrequire mentsf orthe particular appro val that is requested.Anappl ication forDesignReview cannot be accepteduntilallrequired informationisreceived bytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The project mayalsoneedto be reviewedbytheTownCoundl and/or thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval. Description ofthe Request:Re~\w.c:Q...~'iT::A-.Y\~ ~Q(J""Cd VIA.tr~\!11 ."('"\oY..\:teM:t-;"'1"!\~'"'H'~, Location of the Proposal:Lot:~<a Block:'3 Subdivision:\J c..-,\\I a \~7 Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 0 ConceptualReview NoFee 0 NewConstruction $650 0 Addition $300 0 MinorAlteration $250 (multi-family/commercial) )l\MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 ChangestoApprovedPlans$20 0 Separation Request NoFee --Aowner{s)Signature{s): Physical Address:_ ~Parcel No.:"d.\0 k?9,)03 Q2 Ca (Contact EagleCo.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) -Zoning:~",..?-=----------------------­ Name{s)ofOwner{s):~'1A '\I C ~"'4'J&z,f..u ;£\174\'~~,~V\d..\C!\A I t=i,"'1 Mailing Address:\0 V,\\4,ftL..~&.G.V)t:t-\.o ~TeO "7J b \)'"3 ---------7-:;------Phone:";203 7'f5 4 I.(I,\..f~--- \C-Planner: For Office FeePaid:_--=:'-.::,--_ Meeting Date:_>--_ • [a 6t?d NOV 14 ,2 005 12:53 Chris Fi rm an 3032B 20732 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITIEN APPROVAL LETrER • 3 JNVl V11 3BISV 60 :Lt SO OZ 'Lt AON Page 2 1,(print n il me )~t1:..\L..'2 1 a joint ownerofproperty located at (addre.ss jlegal descn pnon)l '\ti 5 v ~,,<?~D c (\l ":~'l.~hle;J r,\\-,'4 3 ,.lo \cl9.:L _.\J v...\\(0 '6 I (A S7 .It 5 Lprovidethisletteraswntt~n approval of tfi e plans dated\~s,)"S whi ch have been submittedto t he Town of Vail Community Development Department [orthe proposed unprovernents ",--...:..-....··.r --=-····...-"-'._..'_:.".....".._"...,;.:-,~_',.. tobe comp leted atthe addres s noted above,I und ersta nd that the propo sed Im prov ements fhd Li de:·-.. ("'\l "'~6\~~~.._W(.V ""\(i\+0 f \.;:'(\'01/\\-v k L __~~'-41 ('o\&. ..w-J-->4 ~-01I 1>£;t,'L:M4 \\[')dJ.\t . <.Ao .H '+0 v'Y~~ tr,-.\it"a ,8.t '\'P').. \"'0 \-1uh __ I furt her underst and t h<l t minor modifications maybe milde t o thepians over t he course of the review process to ensure ccrnpt iance W ith t he Town's applicable cod es :l nd requlat ions. r (n a t e) Pag e 2 of13/06/05/05 Building Materials • PROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Material • Roof Siding Other WallMaterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim HandorDeckRails Flues Flashing Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses RetainingWalls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Pleasespecify the manufacturer's name,thecolornameand number and attach acolorchip. Page6of 13/06/06/05 •• •Proposedsurfacedrainageonandoff-site. •Location of landscapedareas. •Locationoflimits of disturbancefencing •Locationofallrequiredparking spaces •Snowstorageareas. •Proposed dumpster locationanddetailofdumpsterenclosure. •Retainingwallswithproposedelevationsattopandbottomofwalls.Adetailedcross-sectionand elevation drawlnqs shallbeprovidedontheplanorseparatesheet.Stampedengineering draWingsarerequiredforwallsbetween4'and6'feetinheight. •Delineateareastobephasedandappropriatetiming,ifapplicable •LandscapePlan: •Scaleof1"=20'orlarger •Landscapeplanmustbedrawnatthesamescaleasthesiteplan. •Location of existingtrees,4"diameterorlarger.Indicate treestoremain,toberelocated (includingnewlocation),andtoberemoved.Largestands of treesmaybeshown(asbubble)if thestrandisnotbeingaffectedbytheproposedimprovementsandgrading. •Indicate allexistinggroundcoverandshrubs. •Detailedlegend,listingthetypeandsize(caliperfordeciduoustrees,heightforconifers,gallon sizeforshrubsandheightforfoundationshrubs)of alltheexisting andproposedplantmaterial includinggroundcover.. •Delineatecriticalrootzonesforexistingtreesinclose proximity tositegradingandconstruction. •Indicate thelocationofallproposedplantings. •Thelocationandtypeofexistingandproposedwateringsystemstobeemployedincaringfor plantmaterialfollowlnqitsinstallation. •Existingandproposed contour lines.Retainingwallsshallbeincludedwiththetopofwalland the bottom of wallelevationsnoted. •LightingPlan: •Indicate type ,locationandnumberoffixtures. •Include heightabovegrade,lumensoutput,luminousarea •Attachacutsheetforeachproposedfixture. •REPAINT PROPOSALS •Forallproposalstorepaintexistingbuildinqs,the follOWing supplemental information isrequired: •Colorchiporcolorsampleincludingthe manufacturer nameandcolornumber(s) •Architecturalelevationdrawinqswhichclearlyindicatethelocationofproposedcolors(ie.siding, stucco,windowtrim,doors,fascia,soffiits,etc.) Page5of 13/06/06/05 ..•• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: R050002000 Amoun t :$20 .00 Cash 11/21/2 005 11:02 AM Init:J S Notat ion:$/CHRIS FIRMAN Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB050618 Type:DRB-M inor Alt,SFR/DUP 2101-091 -0302-6 1984 SUNBURST DRVAIL 1984 SUNBURST DR Total Fees:$20.00 This Payment:$20.00 Total ALL Pmts:$20.00 Balance :$0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00 100003 11 2200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Cu rrent Pmts 2 0.00 •• •• TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRO,TAGERO AD VAIL,CO81657 970-479-2138 a ARTMENT OF COMMU NITY DEVE!PMENT l--o~.(0 \)0..-.\\JCL."-~~~ NOTE:THISPERMIT MUSTBEPOSTED ON JOBSITEATALLTIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #:E01-0192 Job Address: Location : ParcelN o : ProjectNo : 1984SUNB URST DRVAIL 1984 SUNBURST DR 210109103026 f\-u- Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires... ISSUED 09/10/2001 09/10/2001 03/09/2002 0 9 /10 /2001 Phone:719-4 86-0603 09/10/2001 Phone:719-486-0603 OWNER FIRMAN,ROYAL,III &STEPHAN09 /10 /2001 Phone: 10 VILLAGE RD ENGLEWOOD CO 801 10 Li cense: CONTRACTOR DANICI ELECTRIC 1838 SILVER EAGLE COURT LEADVILLE,CO 80461 License:114-E APPLICANT DANICI ELECTRIC 1838 SILVER EAGLE COURT LEADVILLE,CO 8 0461 License:114-E De sciption: Valuation: REPAIR SERVICE AND WIRINGFO RBOILER $1,500.00 Electrical------>$50 .00 Tota l C alcula ted Fees ->$5 3 .00 ORBFee---->$0 .0 0 AdditionalFees------>$0.00 Investi gation->$0.00 TotalPermi t Fee----->$5 3.00 WillCa ll--->$3 .00 Pay ments >$5 3.00 TOTALFE5->$53 .00 BALANC E DUE-->$0 .00 ........_..****_****"*._***_**.***__*__.****._**1I"*IIr _..*****_*_*__It_*_** Approvals: Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09 /10/2 001 JRM Action:AP Item:0 5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT *__lIr_*__***_*,,"****,,"*_*_.+.*""**••'****"**'******_*****************************"**"'.._*******......."'.*****"'.**......1t**1t *******************_** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CH ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ....._*-_._-*--***-********___.__.__•____•••__.__._.__- DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out infullth e information required,completed an accurate pl ot plan,and state that all the information a s r equired is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply w ithallTown ordinancesand s tatela ws,a ndto build this structure according tothe towns zoning and subdivision codes,design revie.!proved,Uniform Building Code and ler ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. ~------------------- SIGNATURE OFOW NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADETWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138ORATOUROFFICEFROM8:00 AM-5 PM./~") ~~::::::=.--e~::::::::=:C:~C=:=- •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: R000001365 Amount:$5 3.00 09/10/200104:16 PM Check Init:LC Notation:#1406/Danici Electric E01 -0192 Type:ELECTRICALPERMIT 210109103026 1984 SUNBURST DRVAIL 1984 SUNBURST DR This Payment:$53.00 Total Fees: TotalALL Pmts: Balance: $53.00 $53.00 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST : Accou ntCode EP 001000031114 00 WC 0010 00 0311 2800 Descr iptio n TEM PO RAR Y POWE RPERMITS WILL CAL L IN SPECTI ON FEE Current Pmts 50.00 3.00 APPLICATIO'-ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLEtOR UNSIGNED Project #:_ Building Permit #:_ Electrical Permit #:----:-_-:-_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OFVAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 75S.Fronta ge Rd . Vail,Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I / E,et fca,Cont ractor:To wnofVail Reg.No.:Contact an d Phone#'s : )A-7VIL(~c.£-1/4 ?70 390-1/73 Contractor Sign aturb-2 ---~~-/~ COMPLETESQ.FEETFOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FORALLOTHERS (Labor &Materials) MOIJN1"OF:SO FT IN STRUCTURE :IELECTRICAL VALUATION:$/500°72... Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eeote-countv.co m for Parcel # Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above)2{OI091031D26 JobName :/l\~FI~w\«U lnh "tin.",,,,,'}?g4-5uIJ&';'((.$"""OR Legal Description II Lot:~Ck :II Filing:II .....II .........'w."'.....: Owners Name:W;'p~~I ';'A~""tt-'Addres s:~~ Engineer:Addr ess:5~e Phone: Detailed description of wo rk:W1~';;<'"Rk-r1h e ,<f,.eU{Gl MD ,4IJO 5ofLb£f(J«..~o.....-~ Wor k Class:New()Addition ()Remodel ()Repair p()Temp Power()Other () WorkType:I nterior()Exterior ~Both()II DoesanEHUexist at this location:Yes()No() Type of Bldg .:Singl e-family ()Duplex ()()Multi-family ()Commerci al ()Restaurant ()Other()_#'" No.of Existing Dwelling UnitsinthisbUilding:'L No.of Accommodation Unitsinthis bU.iI¢~~~ Is this permit for a hot tub:Yes()No()...;, I Does a FireAlarmExist:Yes ()No()II Does a FireSprinkler SystemExist:Yes()No()I ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ************************************* IVEOOtherFees:DateReceived:a~"1 DRBFees:AcceptedBy:.....'". Planner Sign-off:I ~ F:/everyo ne/forms/elecperm ••.- Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.u5 Project Name:Mereles/Firman Residence Project Description: Replace Asphalt Drive wayw it hPavers Participants: DRB Number:DRBOI0303 OWNER MERE LES,RUBEN 09/06/2001 Phone: 1801 BROADWAY STE1600 DENVER CO 80202 License: APPLICANT MERELES,RUBEN 09/06/2001 Phone: 1801 BROADWAY STE1600 DENVER CO 80202 License: Project Address:1984 SUNBURST DRVAIL Location: Legal Description :Lot:20-A Block:Subdivision:VAI L VALLEY 3RDFILING Parcel Number:210109103025 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:09/06/2001 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Townof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building.Pleaseconsultwith TownofVailBuildingpersonnelpriorto construction activities. Planner:Brent Wilson ORBFee Paid:$20.00 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL •••Que stions?til the Planning Staff at 479-2128 GENERAL INFORMATION Th is applic ation isforanyproject requiring DesignReviewapproval.Anyproj ect requiring design reviewmust receive Design Reviewapprovalpriorto submitting forabuild ing permit.Forspecific information,seethe submittal requirements forthepart icular approvalthat is requested.The application cannot be accepted untilallthe required information is submitted .The project mayalsoneedtobere viewed by theTown Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A.DES CRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST:T C);lr emt-o ol d.dr.iv eway and replace with paves. B .LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT:20 BLOCK:FILI NG :_-=3 _ PHYSICAL ADDRESS:1984 Sunburst Drive C .PARCEL #:1..--I0 1'f!)1/-0 ~,6 "2.--)(Contact EagleCo.Assessors Officeat 970-328-8640 forparcel #) D.ZONING:Primary I Secondary E.NAME OF OWNER(S):_---'Mc:;e""r=-e=l.:::e.:::s--L./~F..:::i'-=r'""m"""a::.:.n"'___ MAILING ADDRESS:Ruben Mereles r 1801 Broadway r Suite 1600 Denver Co,80202 PHONE:_ F.·OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S):_ G .NAMEOF APPLICANT:John Clouatre (Woodstone Homes Inc.) MAILING ADDRESS:PO Box 3939,Vail Co.81658 _-,---PHONE:970-91 4-504 5 H.TYP E OF REVIEW ANDFEE : o New Construction -$200 Construction of anew building . o Addition -$50 Includes anyadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyres idential or commercial building. o Minor Alteration -$20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements,suchas , reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesandreta ining walls,etc. DRBfeesaretobepaidatthetime of submittal.Later ,whenapply ing for a building permit ,pleaseidentify the accurate valuation of theproject.TheTown of Vailwilladjustth e fee according totheproject valuation . PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD,VAIL,COLORADO 81657. FeePaid:CK #:-'--'- Applic ation Date :,___~--,___-~,___,___-t-r- Pre-A licatiori'Meetin Date : ffl1"1 i'-o'\..-'\S" J>jl~6 \-b ~to ~ .,' ","~ ".:..; .,.:.;","' .,.,.:. !>'"• -'.- ..:. "..-.._.'~..,,~','......... '-.'-'. ..... ...:~-.~ "•.... -.". '---.-'-.........-- ~.... "'.j ,;\.\ \ ;-' ".".:" \, ·i·, ',' .~ .~-, .'....../.. .,.',. •'.4 .:,.I .:~~'.'. ", ,, .:....•...:' r ...•' .I "".:.:,;~.""'.. j ~.~•"'".• l';;.,:;~~_·. <."~:" t>, '.'.:.:~. ,~.::.' '. ';,.' '-/:.'". '.'" .. ..- ..",.::~'.-;" ,•TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970 -479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MU ST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILDPERMIT Permit #:B99-0123 Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No .. Proj ect No.: 1984 SUNBURST DR 1984 Sunburst Dr .,both 2101-091 -03 -025 PRJ98-0295 Status .. siApplied. Issued .. Expires. ISSUED 05/11/1999 06/07/1999 12/04/1999 Occupancy : Type Construction: Type Occupancy: 970-845-9698 970-845 -9698 Phone: Phone: CO 8020 I OV/Comm.Dev. Clean-up D i Refund existing duplex approved amountR3DUP/M1New Dupl ex with Garage d VN Type V Non-Rat ed .ate WOODSTONE HOMES,INC . P .O.BOX 3939,VAI L,CO 81658 WOODSTONE HOMES,INC . P.O .BOX 3939,VAIL,CO 81658 INGRAM INVESTMENTS INC 1801 BROADWAY SUITE 1600,DENVER OWNER CONTRACTOR APPLICANT Description: Addition/remodel, Valuation:600,000 Add Sq Ft :327 Fireplace Informat ion :Restr icted :y ~O f Ga sApp l iances:#ot GaBLo gs :#Of Wood/Pal let: Buil ding-----> Plan Check ---> Investigation > Will Call----> 2 ,740.00 1 ,78 1.00 .00 3.00 Re stuarant Plan Review --> ORB Fee-----------------> Recreation Fee ----------:> Clean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES --------------> .00 400.00 49.05 750 .00 5 ,723 .05 Total Calcu l ated Fees ---> Additi on al Fees---------> Total Permi t Fee --------> Paym ents----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------> 5 ,123 .05 .00 5 ,7 23 .05 5,723 .05 .00 Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 05/18/1999 KATHY Action :NOTE Routed to GG 06/04/1999 GGOODELL Action :APPR PLANNING Division:It7.m:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Degt:05 18/1999 KATHY Act ion :NOTE Routed to A.. OS/24/1999 AOCHS Action :APPR FIRE Division:Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept : Item:05 500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept:PUB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any c onditions that may apply to t his permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that Ih ave r ead t h i s appli cation,f il l ed out i nf ull t he informat i on required ,complet ed a n accurate plot plan ,and state t hat al l the i nforma tion pro vided as r equired i s correct .I agree to comply wi th t he informat i on and plot plan , to c omply with all Town ordinances and s tate laws ,a nd to build this structure acco rding to the Town 's zoning a nd s ub division code.,design revi ew a ppro ved,Uniform Bui l ding Code a nd other ordinances of the p licable thereto. REQUESTS FOR I NSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWI!NTY-FOUR !lOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEP!lON .J47 2 '.It AT OUR OFF ICE FROM .:00 AM 5 ,00 PM "--~... Send Clean-Up Depos it To:Wood.tone Homes SIGNATUR E OWNER OR CONTRA CTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ,• ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B99-0123 as of 06/07/99 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant:WOODS TONE HOMES,INC. 970-845 -9698 Job Address: Location:1984 Sunburst Dr.,both sides Parcel No:2101-091-03-025 Description: Addition/remodel,existing duplex Applied:05/11/1999 Issued:06/07/1999 To Expire:12/04/1999 Conditions: 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIREDBEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 3.2nd exit not required from 3rd story master bedroom due to 1)relatively minor addition to existing 3rd story, 2)total habitable space is under 500 sq .ft .,and 3)3rd story bedroom will now have exterior doors to exterior decks on both sides,which is an improvement over existing conditions. 4.Maintain required I-hour fire-resistive construction separating the two units.Make sure that construction is intact and any and all penetrations are sealed in an approved manner. 5.Make sure to add smoke detectors as necessary to have smoke detectors in each sleeping room AND on each level as required by Sec.310.9 .1.2,1997 UBC.New smoke detectors may be battery-operated if desired.SeeSec .310.9.1.3. 6 .All work to be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the 1997 UBC,1996 NEC,1997 UMC or 1998 IMC,1994 UPC or 1997 IPC and other ordinances or approval conditions of the Town of Vail. , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**••••••••**•••••••••••••••• , TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt .•...............••••.......•...••........••........•.......•.•• Statemnt Number:REC-0528 Amount: Payment Method:CK Notation:7265 5,673.05 06/07/99 10 :05 Ini t:IN P erm it No:899-0123 Type:A -MF AOD/ALT MY BUI LD PER Parce l No:2101-091-03-02 5 Site Address :1984 SUNBURST DR Location:1984 Sunburst Dr.,boeh aides Total Fees : This Payment 5,673 .05 Total ALL Pmts: Salance: 5 ,723 .05 5 ,723 .05 .00 Account Code Description Amount BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 2 ,740.00 DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 350 .00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK P EES 1,781.00 AD D2-DEP06 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 750.00 RF 11.100003112700 RECREATION FEES 49 .05 we 00100 0 03112600 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 PREPARED 7/19/00.8,25 ,37 PROGRAM MR415U Town of Vai l CUST-ID CUSTOMER NAME TYPE DEPOSIT REFUND REPORT -U PDATE PAGE 1 CHARGE CO DE DESCRIPTION 1514 8 99 -0123 WOO DSTONE HOMES DEP08 DEPOSIT D2 TX-DATB 6/07/99 AJ -DATB 7/19/0 0 DEPOSIT AMOUNT 7 50.00 DBPOSIT -ADJ AMO UNT 750 .00 ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT 750 .00 - AFTER-REFUND AMOUNT .00 TOTAL FOR CUSTOMER TYPE:D2 750 .00 750 .00 75 0 .0 0 -.00 GRANDTOTAL : DEPOSIT COUNT:1 750.00 750 .00 7 50 .00 -.00 -. G/L BATCH CREATE D:BATCH-DIS?1 2000(07 USERI D·JPOPECK AP HBLD COUNT-1.00 AMOUNT -750 .00 -. /.P~q8~oaqS-T~WN OF VAlloNSTRUCTI~N PERMIT APlcATION FORM INFORMAnON MUSTBE COMPLETE OR mE APPLICA nON WILL BE REJECTED 'L:>CA ..01'2.3Pennit#_ Job Address:-J q <l Y_(Vb'bvv-.:;.\1k~~'\\;~,~__ Electrical()Mechanical()Other K)QE:,M ~ch.\ .__Filing 3 Subdivision V~i \\)~l\<~0\--!0.,"'~ Address:~5ilV bur-51 Phone#tJ~__ -+-4'-l~-"'--+'--t-"-'-"'~"""-l-L'AddressJ t,5t.J £.Uf\\1 \WI~;J Dr,v{Phone#~&-~lli:1- Contact the Eagle County Assessors Officeat97()"328-8640forParcel # Parcel #........ Description ofJob:----l~-¥>."""'--'.........'_l_------------------------- Additional(Repair()Other (X)Uf(~~J t \ NumberofAccommodationUnits:---. WorkClass:New(Alteration() NumberofDwellingUnits:~...........=__--- NumberandType of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances.Gas Logs,WoodJPellet._--,,--_ BUILDING:s L.o a ..pc "9 PLUMBING $,--"'I-l'Nul...",,,-~\_ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL:$:---,:-~J.4'r1=~_'_ MECHANICAL $---,:t",,",-I::l"..:>;"L:..-_ OTHER:$--r-'N~\,-'-~--::--:::---­ TOTAL s bool 00 0 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ' General Contractor:U DOh _J~y{-~Address:.J2 8 .fj 0)/3 q31 df~j TownofVailRegistration No,.-1 Y ~-~Phone #_--"~,,-~----,,l:J,--_-_9--,-",~_'1,-,~,,---_ Electrical contractor:~Address:_ TownorVailRegistration NO '~h Phone # Plumbing Contractor:x+Address;---------------- TownofVailRegistrationNo.Phone #_ Mechanical Contractor:~Address:_ FOROFFICEUSE TownofVailRegistrationNo,_ BUILDING:SIGNATUR:=E=-:------------- ZONING:SIGNATU'':':R=E:-;------------ Phone#~ IJalt1 l1eceived MAY 11 1999 VALUATIO~IGROUPITY_P_E__""I sa FT. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: e e ~Jq~_v~q;; Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName:Mereles/Firman ProjectDescription :Addition/remodel of existing residence Owner,Address,andPhone:R.Merelesand R.Firman 1984SunburstDrive Vail ,CO81657 Arch itect/Contact,Address,and Phone :DaleSmith-Fritzlen,Pierce,Smith 1650E.VailValleyDr.Suite C-1 Vail,Co81658 ProjectStreet Address:1984SunburstDrive LegalDescription:Lot20,Vail Valley3'd. Parcel N umber :21010913025 Comments: Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Board/Staff Action ClarkBrittain Action : HansWoldrich Appro ved with conditions Vote:3-0(BillPiercerecused) Conditions :1.ThatthegradingissueswithPublicWorksberesolved. 2.Thatthelittlecenterchimneygoaway. 3.Thatthechimneybestuccoorstone. Town Planner:Allison Ochs Date:2/3/99 ORB Fee Paid:$50 ProjectName:Mereles/Firman VAlLOATA\EVERYONE\DRB\AP PROVALS\lDRBAPPR TOWN OF VAIL 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAI L,CO 8 1657 970 -479 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE :THISPERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLT IMES DEMO .OFPART/ALL BUDG. Job Address :1984 SUNBURST DR Location ...:1984 Sunburst Dr Parcel No..:2101-091-0 3-025 Project No .:PRJ98 -0295 Permit #:D99-0011 Status ...:ISSUED App l ied ..:05/04/199~ Issued ...:05/04/199S Expires ..:10/31/199S APPLICANT WOODS TONE HOMES,INC. P.O.BOX 3939,VA I L,CO 81658 CONTRACTOR WOODSTONE HOMES,I NC. P.O.BOX 3939,VAIL ,CO 81658 OWNER INGRAM INVESTMENTS I NC 1801 BROADWAY SUITE 1600,DENVER Description : Partial demo Occupancy:R1 Type Construction:VN Type Occupancy: Mu lti-Family Type VNon -Rated Phone:970-845 -9698 Phone :970 -845 -9698 CO 8 ~0V /C o mm .Dev. Clean-up DFfetund approved a~~t~nt ~ Valuation: Fire place I n formation:Re str ioted : 20 ,000 'Of Gas Applia nces: Add Sq Ft : ,Of Qas Log_:OOf Wood /~~11.t: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PB I SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Buil di ng 6 ...........> Plan Check·..-,. I nv8 111 t.iga.tion> Will Call ----, 2 4 5.0 0 15 9 .25 .00 3 .00 Re e cu.r ant Plan Re view ......,. ORB rea----------------"',. R e cr e a~i on r8.-----·---,. Clean-Up De posit-----_...,. TOTAL F8B9------------...-> .0 0 50 .00 .00 100.00 55 7.25 To tal Calculated Fees---> Additional Pa os --------·, Total Permit Fee--------> Payments ----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------, 5 57 .26 125 .00 6B2.25 6 82.25 .0 0 It~m :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/04/1999 KATHY Action :APPRApp roved Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 05/04/1999 KATHY Act ion:APPR N/AItem:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/04/1999 KATHY Action:APPRN/A It~m:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05/04/1999 KATHY Action:APPR N/a Item:05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 05/04/1999 KATHY Action :APPR N/a Item:05900 LIQUOR 05/04/1999 KATHY Action:APPR N/A Dept:BUILDING per KW/JRDept:PLANNING Dept :FIRE Dept:PUB WORK Dept:HEALTH Dept:CLERK Division: Divis ion: Divis ion: Divis ion : Division: Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have r ead t hisapplication ,f i lled out in full the information require d,completed an accurate p lot plan ,and state that a ll thei nformation p rOVided as r equi red i sco rrect.I agree to compl y with t he in fo rmation and p lotp lan , to comply v ieh .1 1 To wn o rdinancesa nd state lav.,an d t ob ui ld t hi.structure aocording t o the Town 's zoning a nd subdivision c odee .deeign review a pproved,Uniform Building C04.an d oth er o rdin ancee o f the Town a ppl icable t her eto . REQUElrrS POR IN S~B CTI ONS SHALL BE MADE TWBNTY·POUR HOURS IN ADVANCI!BY TBLEPllONB AT 47 9-2138 OR AT OUR OFPICe PROM 8 :00 AM S .0 0 PM Send Clean-Up Oepo8it To:Woodston.Homes *******************************************************************************~ CONDITIONS Permit #:D99-0011 as of 05/04/99 Status:ISSUED *******************************************************************************~ Permit Type:DEMO.OF PART/ALL BUDG. Applicant:WOODS TONE HOMES,INC. 970-845-9698 Job Address: Location:1984 Sunburst Dr Parcel No:2101-091-03-025 Description: Partial demo Applied:05/04/1999 Issued:05/04/1999 To Expire:10/31/1999 Conditions: 1.THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY.AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCURING ON THIS SITE.IF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE,CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. 2.FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 3.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0512 Amount: Payment Method:CHECK Notation:#7172 Permit No:D99-0011 Type :A-DEMO Parcel No:2101-091-03-025 Site Address:1984 SUNBURST DR Location:1984 Sunburst Dr 632.25 05/04/99 11:32 Init:I<MW DEMO.OFPART/ALLBU Total Fees:682.25 This Payment 632.25 Total ALL Pmts :682.25 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 CL 00100003123000 AD D2-DEP08 WC 00100003112800 Description BUILDINGPERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES CONTRACTOR LICENSES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECI'ION FEE Amount 245 .00 159.25 125.00 100.00 3.00 PREPARED 7 /19/00 ,8 :28:33 PROGRAM MR4 1SU To vn of Vai l COST-ID CUSTOMER NAME TYPE DEPOSIT REFUND REPORT-UPDATE PAGE 1 CHARGE OODB DESCRIPTION 14 66 D9 9-00 1 1 WO ODSTONE HOMES DEPOe DEPOSIT 02 TIt-DAT E 5 /06/99 AJ-DATE 7 /1 9/00 DEPO SIT AMOUNT 100.00 DEPOSI T-AN AMO UNT 100.00 ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT 100 .00- AFTER-R EFUND AMOUNT .00 . TOTAL FOR CUS TOMER TYPE 'D2 1 00.00 1 00 .00 100.00-.0 0 GRAN D TOTAL, DEPOSIT COUNT:1 10 0 .00 100 .00 100 .00 -.00 e G/LBATCH CREATED ,BATCH-0 1812 2 000/07 USERID -JPOPECK AP HELD COUNT -1.00 AMOUNT -1 00 .00 e ~~~2>"OZ\S­ TOWNOF VAlleONSTRUCTION PERMIT A.ICATION FORM INFORMATION MUSTBE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL B E REJ ECTED Permit #_ Address : Address :J-¥.bJ-5-'-C>oO.L.-..=...,'----\~ Additional (Repair () Numberof Accommodation Units:-----'---- VALUATIONS BUILDING :$_ PLUMBING $,_ ELECTRICAL:$:--_ MECHANICAL $_ OTHER:$'}0 I0 0 Q TOT AL $_ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:()t?0D <At>\:.l 'e ~!Address:1~D.,t....],<..:..'D4-y.'--~3Ln-t1~3Lq-+-_--'''''-l:''-'-L _ -z.6iuaf\Lo:,7.·C )j L-_C1 {Q rfTownofVailRegistrationNO._l ~t)~0 hf"s Phone #Q :J_:2.-!...-~t;_..J..L..Io't1L__ D~..,·OO" Electrical Contractor:i)-J ~~Address :_ Plumbing Contractor:--N \1\ \ Address:-,-_ Address :_ Phone #_TO\\n ofVailReg istration No._----,_ Mechanical Contractor:~-\I-'f\~'_ \ TownofVail Registration No.Phon e #_ FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING:SIGNATUR."E:c-;------------- ZONING:SIGNATU--R--=E-;------------- VALUATION 1 SQ .FT .GROUPTYPEI-f---- CLEAN UP DEPOSIT RE FUND TO: e e TOWN OF VA IL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 5S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAI L,CO 8165 7 970-479-2138 NOTE :THISPERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ME CHANI CAL PERM IT Permi t #:M99-008 7 Job Address :1 984 SUNBURST DR Locat ion :198 4 Sunburst Dr ., Parcel No :2101 -09 1-03 -025 Project Numbe r:PRJ98-0295 Stat us ...: both sides App l ied ..: Issued ...: Exp ires ..: I SSUED 07/20/1999 0 7/28/1999 01/24 /2000 OWNER INGRAM INVESTMENTS I NC 1 801BROADWAY SUITE 1600 ,DENVER CO 80202 CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING Phone :3 0 3-827 -5736 POBOX 340 ,MINTURN CO 81645 APPLICANT JERRYY SIBLEY PLUMB ING Description :Va l uat ion: Mechanical for in -floor heat and snowmelt system 30,000.00 Firepla c e Informa t ion :Re stric ted:Y #Of Gas App l iances :#0£Ga.Logs:#Of Wood /Palle t : Mechanica l---> Plan Check --R > In vestigation :> Will Call ----> 60 0.00 15 0.00 .00 J .OO RestuarantPlan ~B v i ew--> ORB Fee-----------------, TOTAL FEE S ~-------------> .0 0 .00 75 3.0 0 Tot a l Calculated Fees ---> Additiona l Fees ---------, Toeal Pe rmit Fee--------> Payments----------------> BALAN CE DUE -------------, 7 53 .00 .0 0 753.00 753 .DO .00 Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 07/2 1/1999 KATHY Action :NOTE Routed to Charlie 07/23/1999 CHARLIE Action:APPR charlie davis Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division: 07/21/1999 KATHY Action:APPRN/A COND ITION OF APPROVAL 1.FIELD I NSPECTIONS ARE R~~grRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE .2.COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUI PERSEC.701 OF THE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC . 3.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPT ER1 0OF THE 1997 UMC~CHAPTER 1 0OF THE 1 997IMC . 4.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTEu ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC .B06 OF THE 1997 UMC r OR CHAPTER 8OFTHE 1997 IMC . 5 .ACCESS TO HEAT I NG EOUIPMENT MUST COMPL Y WITH CHAP TER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3OF THE 1997 IMC . 6.BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTE D ON F LOORSOF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST . UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIB LE FLOORING. 7.PERMIT~PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUSTBE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM Pl<IOR TO AN INSPECTIONRE8UEST. 8 .DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CNTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLYBOILERS SHALL BE EQU IPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAINPERSEC. 1022 OFTHE 199 7 UMC,OR SECTION1 00 4.6OF THE 1997 IMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have re ad this appl i cation ,f ill edo ut in full t he in f o~ti on r equired,c ompleted an accurate plot plan ,and state that al l t he i n formationp rov ided as required i sc orrect.Ia gree to c omply with t hei nforma tion an dp l ot plan, t o c omply wi th all Town o rdin ances and Bt~te laws,and t o b uild t his structure a c cording t o t h e Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved.Un iformBui lding codea ndo ther ordinances of the Town applicable t her eto . REQUESTS F OR AT 419 -2138 ORATOUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5 :00 PM TOWN OF VAIL.COLORADO S t atemnt Statemnt Number:RBC-0544 Amount :753 .00 07/28/99 09,53 Payment Method:CK Notation :26936 /SIBLEY Init:IN Permit No:M99-0087 Type:B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No:2101-091 -03-025 Site Address:1984 SUNBURSTDR Location:1 984S unburst Dr .•both siaes Toeal Feel': This Paymene 753 .00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance : 753 .00 753.00 .00 Account Code MP00 100003111300 PF 00100003112300 we 00100003 112800 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL I NSPECTIONFEE Amount 600.00 150.00 3 .00 ". "**Contact Eag le Cou nty Asselfs~'a t 970-328-864 0 for P arce ' PARCEL If:2 /0 1-0 1-/O,{-o.~r (I '5 ·~Q<&.O~Q 97 .0/~ Of fi ce ~-- TOWN OFVAIL CO NST RU CT_l PERm TI' PERMIT APPLICATION FORH DATE:(/.2rJ179 ***************************. OUT COMPLETELY OR IT HAY NOT BEACCEPT ED PERMIT INFORMATION )-Electrical [k)-Mechanfcal [)-other Job Address:19 k'!....~i./t?bi//d /:l·;ve •.I ..?-.{cl .Fl.ll.ng \l ~T S UB DIVI SION:Block'--__ APPLICATION HUST BE FILLED)(........•........•........... [)-Building [X)-PlUmbing [ Job Name:ifpre?.s /S I/7M Legal Description:Lot ~O Owners Name:Address:_____________Ph._ Ar chitect:J::;;/;??:,Aerce-!xn ,d,.Address:It 'LU l£Lj(/ts ,Dr ;te Ph.y ?l-IN? General Description:1J,.f'?vck I /;;)/(/(}/]IQ e ;i r!i5t d l/()kx ~v I ,,' Work Class:.[]-New [.l()-Alteration [-<]-Additional [)-Repair []-other _ Number of DWelling units:-2 Number of Accommodation units: Town of Vail Reg.NO.UY-fJ Phone Number:·k 27 -671{ ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances~Gas Logs__Wood/Pell et ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTH ER:$.~~_ ·PLUM BING:$3 §GLU()O .MECHANICAL:$39 CZOc,Ul)Q .J I TO TAL:$tel a cco ..)(#d:.J ('~/Cs '"lI~dr4 ·***************************CONTRAC TOR INFORMATION *************************** :eneral contracto r:.)d~1r/\~e 110=.Town of Vail Reg .NO._ :Address :Pu 8.,/03",VC.;J-?'f )US£.Ph o neNumber:&-<!-5'-76f- Electrical Contractor:Town o f Vail Reg ~NO._ ·Address:con A'"'lL Phon eNumber:·~/J r~-Oul ,~<\\Plumbin~c :wtractor:\L-g ,:Yev lad £/-k.;~(Town of Vail Reg.NO.J3 V-fJ Address.t:.../),A ,I'(':{tv IJ,n '1::r &J.J!1i.'f5.._.....~F1 Pho n eNumbe r:[:77....,S71,(· ~//m -uvo\')~M e c h a n i ca l Contractor:()ff'f\-j '~:~(§J (JIb i lia ' Address:PO./!'J ~'No tll ,fy r;:n ;;iV?'-J ******************************** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERHIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERHIT FEE: ELECTRICAL F EE: OTHER TYPEOFF EE: OR B FEE: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDINGPLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK YEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOT AL PERHI T FE ES: 19 99TYPEGROUPSQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Comments :_ REFUND TO: e e TOWN OF VAI L DE PARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8 165 7 970 -479 -2 138 NOTE:THIS PERM IT MUSTBEPOSTED ON JOBS lTE ATALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #:P99 -0074 Job Address : Locat ion ...: Parcel No .. Proj ect No.: 198 4 SUNBURST DR 1984 Sunburs t Dr , 210 1-091 -03 -025 P RJ98-0295 Status ...: both s iApplied ..: Issued .. Expi res..: I SSUED 07/20/1999 07/29/1999 01/25/2000 OWNER APPLICANT CONTRACTOR INGRAM INVESTMENTS I NC 1 8 01 BROADWA Y SUITE 1600,DENVER CO 80 202 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING POBOX 340,MINTURN CO 81645 Phone:303-827-57 36 Description:In-floor heat and snowmelt system Valuat ion :36,000 .00 Plumb ing -----> P l an Check ---> I n ve s tigat ion > will Ca ll ----> 540 .00 135.00 .0 0 3.00 Reetuar ant Pl an Review --> TOTAL FEES·-------------> .0 0 67 8.0 0 T o~a l Calcul at ed Pees---> Addi tion al Feee---------, Total Permi t Fe e--------> Payments ----------------> BALAN CE DUE-------------> 678.0 0 .0 0 678 .0 0 6 1 8.00 .00 Division : BUILDING Divis ion : FIRE Dept : Routed to CD CHARLIE DAVIS Dept: per KW Item :05 100 BUILDING DE PARTMENT 07/.21/.1999 KATHY Action:NOTE 07/22/1999 CHARLIE Act ion:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 07/21/1999 KATHY Act ion :APPR approved COND ITION OF APPROVAL 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMP LIANCE. DECLARATIONS Ih ereby a cknowledge that I have read this a pp licatio n,f il ledo uti nf ull the i nf o rmatio n required ,completed ar.accura te p lot plan .and s tate that al l the i nformation provided a s requi r ed i u c orre ct.I agree to comply with the in forma tion and plot plan, to com p ly with .11 Town ordinances an d ueata laws ,a nd t o buil d ch is struct ure accordi ng to the Town's z oni ng and subdivi sion codes,d esi gn r eview a pproved,UniformBu il ding Code and other o rdinance s o f the Town appl i cab le t h ereto . REQUE STS FORINSPECTIONS S HALL BE MADE TWENTY -FO UR HOURSIN ADVANC E B~479 -8 R~CE FROM 8,00 AM 5 ,00 PM S IGNATURE OF O~CONTRACT OR FOR HI MSELF AND OWNE R TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt: Statemnt Number:RECAOS44 Amount:67&.00 07/28 /99 09 :54 Payment Met hod:ex Notat:ion :2 693 6/SIBLRY Init :IN Permit:No:P99-0074 Type:B -PLMB Parcel NOJ 210 1-091 -03 -025 Site Addreso :1 984 SUNBURST DR PLUMBING PERMIT Locaeion:1 994 Sunburst Dr,bo~~s ides Total Fee s:6 78.00 This Payment.678 .00 To ta l ALL Pmt:s: 8 a l ance: 6 7 8.00 .00 Account Code pp 00100003 11 1200 PF00 100003112300 we 00 100003112800 Description PLUMBING PERM IT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILLCALL INSPECTION FEg Amount 5 40 .00 135.00 3.00 •e TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRO NTAGE ROAD VA IL,CO 81657 970 -479-2138 NOTE :THISPERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLT IMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permi t #:E99-0136 J ob Ad dress: Locat ion ... Parcel No .. Project No . 1984 SUNBURST DR 1984 Sunburst Dr 210 1-091-03-025 PRJ98-0295 Status .. Applied. Issued .. Expires. ISSUED 08/03/1999 08/03/1999 01/30/2000 APP LICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER WEBB ELECTRIC P .O .BO X 6986,AVON,CO 81620 WEBB ELECTRIC P .O .BOX 6986,AVON,CO 81620 INGRAM INVESTMENTS INC 1 801 BROADWAY SUITE 1600,DENVER CO 80202 Phone :970 -827 -5251 Phone :970 -827 -5251 Description:Electrical for addition/remodel Valuation:23,000.00 Electrical---;:o ORB Pee ---> I nv••eigation::o will ca ll----> TOTAL P'EES ---> 414 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 417.00 Toeal Cal culated Fe es---> Addit i onal Feee ---------> Total Permit Fee--------> Paymen ts----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------> 417 .00 .00 411.00 411.00 .00 Item :06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/03/1999 KATHY Action :APPR ApprovedItem:0 5600 F IRE DEPARTMENT 08/0 3/1999 KATHY Action:APPR N/A Dept : per kw Dept: BUILDING FIRE Division: Division : ...•...............•..•.••..•.........•...••.••..••...................................•.........•.•••.......•..................... CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I h ereby a cknowledge t hat Ih a ve rea d this app lication,fi lledo ut in full the i nformation require d,compl eted an a ccurate p lot plan,and state t hat all t he i nformation p r ovided ••r .quired is correct .I a g reet o comply with the i nformati on and plot plan, to comply wi th .11 To wn orainances and state l aws,and to b uild this structur.a ccor ding t o theTown's z oning a nd Bubdivi .ion c o dea ,d esign review approved,Uni form Bu il ding Co de and othe r ordinanc8B o f t he Town ap pl icable t h ereto . REQUE STS FOR I NSPECTIONS SHALL BE MAD E TWENTY-FOUR HO URSI N AD~CE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 79-213B ORAT OUR OFFICE FROM S:OO AM 5 :00 PM e e **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number :REC-0546 Amount: Payment Method:CHECK Notation:#1188 Permit No:E99-0136 Type:B-ELEC Parcel No:2101 -091-03-025 Site Address :1984 SUNBURST DR Location:1984 Sunburst Dr 417.00 08/03/99 08:28 Init:KMW ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total Fees :417.00 This Payment 417.00 Total ALL Pmts:417 .00 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code EP 00100003111400 WC 00100003112800 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 414 .00 3.00 '?e.~8 ..62R5 TOWN OF VAe:ONSTRUCTION PERMIT AeUCATION FORM INFORMATION MUSTBE COMPLETE ORTHE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED ContacttheEagleCounty Assessors Officeat 97CJ.328-8640 forParcel # Parce/#2.\0\-0'1 \~D3-02.S ,8917-/2,3 2.\0\/.0"1\-D~.()2 ~7 0 Date:£fJ/Z 3/~f Permit #'_ JobName:ttIJ€12e::L6 ~e/Y7i4r/JobAddress:/?8~'G~NISt.!/2.t;T .oa.rve.. ) Building()Plwnbing()Electrical ~Mechanical ()Other() LegalDescription:Lot go BlockFiling 3 Subdivision _ Owners Name:MIi::f2&:t eo/F~1W Address:,'leV $'.uN tf¥J~-;r Phone#_ Architect:fR;zrzt..e.l;Ild(.(!.;Sto:t:lh Address :/650 $,V/:1.AL.14tL4t DR.Phone#£'7~-(;5i"t2. DescriptionofJob:t-II!:W l/J:t:Il".o..J 4 WorkClass:New()Alteration()Additional (Repair ()Other( Numberof Accommodation Units:._NwnberofDwellingUnits:2--"D.J..O e .'>L- Nwnberand Type ofFireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs,WoodIPellet,_ BUILDING:$~_ PLUMBING $,_ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL :S 1?~#Da.cii:> MECHANICAL $_ OlliER:$_ TOTAL $_ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:_Address:_ TownofVailRegistrationNo.Phone #._ &.'1Q -O\3lJ, Electrical Contractor:w'e-6b £Lli,C:l1UL Address:PO l3o~b9U./lYoN,Co f:3/&2-lJ TownofVaHRegistrationNo,£tf'-£'"Phone #.....",,3«...L.Z...b<----'t;J~L</_"3Z?~_ Plumbing Contractor:_Address:_ TownofVailRegistrationNo,_Phone#_ Mechanical Contractor:_Address:_ TownofVailRegistrationNo,_Phone#_ FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING:SIGNATUR:-::E:-:------------- ZONING:SIGNATU'''''R=-=E=-:------------- VALUATION IIGROUpI"-_S_Q_'_F_T_.--1.._ CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: e e TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 5 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAI L,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #:MOO-0002 Job Address :1984 SUNBURST DR Location :1984 Sunburst Dr Parcel No:2101 -091 -03-0 25 Pro ject Numbe r:PRJ98 -0295 Status ...:I SSUED Appl ied ..:01 /05/2000 Issued ...:01 /10 /2000 Expires ..:0 7 /08/2000 APPLICANT SUTTON INSULATINGWEST,INC.Phone:970-945-1313 5398 CR 15 4 #1,GLENWOOD SPRINGS,CO 81601 CONTRACTOR SUTTON INSULATINGWEST,INC.Phone:970-945-1313 5398 CR 154 #1,GLENWOOD SPRINGS,CO 81601 OWNER INGRAM INVESTMENTS INC 1801 BROADWAY SUITE 1600,DENVER CO 80202 OWNER MERELES OWNER FIRMAN Description: Install 2 gas log fireplaces Valuation :5,000 .00 Fireplace I nforma t ion:Re s tricted:Y #Of Gas Appliances :#Of Gas Logs :#Of Wood/Pallet: Mecha nical ---:> Plan c h eck---:> I n ve st i gat i o n > will c all ----> 1 00 .00 25 .00 100 .00 3 .00 Reotuaran t p lan R ev i ew ~-> DRB Fee-----------------> TOTAL FEES--------------> .0 0 .00 22 8 .00 To t al Calcula ted Fees ---> Addit ion al Fees ---------> To t a l Perm i t F ee w w ---~--> Paymen t s ----------------:;:. BALANC E DUE-------------> 228 .00 .00 2 28 .00 2 2 8.0 0 .00 Item:05100 BUI LDING DEPARTMENT Dept :BUILDING Division: 01/06 /2000 KATHY Action:APPR Approved per JRM Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division: 01/06/2000 KATHY Action:APPRn /a COND ITION OF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIREDPER SEC.701 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 701 OFTHE 1997 IMC . 3 .INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 UMC,CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 IMC. 4 .GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR CHAPTER 8OFTHE 1997 IMC. 5.ACCESSTOHEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OFTHE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3OF THE 1997 IMC. 6.BOILERS SHALLBE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST . UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIB LE FLOOR ING. 7.PERMIT~PLANS AND CODE ANALYSISMIUSTBEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PxIOR TO AN INSPECTION RE8UEST. 8.DRAINAG E OF MECHANICAL ROO MS CNTAININGHEATINGOR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BEEQUIPPEDWITHA FLOOR DRAINPERSEC . 102 2 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 1004.6 OFTHE 1997 IMC. ************************~*************************4Il************************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledget hat I haver ead this a ppli cati on ,fill ed o ut i n f ull t he i n fo rmat ion requir ed ,completed an acc urate plot plan,a nd s tate that all the i nfo rma tion provided as requ ired is c o rrect.I agree t oc omply wit h the i nform ation and pl ot p l an , t oc omplywi th a ll T own o rdinances and s ta te laws,and t o b uil d this s truc t ure a ccordin g t o t he To wn's zoni ng a nd s ubdi vi si on c o de s,desi gn r e vi ew appr o ved,Un iform Bu ilding c odea nd other ord ina nces of theTown a pp licable the re to . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MA DE TWENTY -FOUR HOURS S IGNATURE OFOWNER OR CONTRA CT ORF ORHIM S ELF AND OWNE R -.,:",/..,'~;S;-"'--4.'--'------<_q:=~~=_ 7 •TOWN OFVAI L,COLORADO S tatemnt: Sta temnt Nu mber :RE C -OG02 Amou nt :228.00 al/1~/oo OB :30 Payment Method:8 066 No ta tion:WQOD STONE HOME S rni t:IN ?ermit No :MOO -OOOZ Typ e :B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT P a r c e lNo :2 101-091 -03 -025 Site Address:1 984SUNBURSTDR L oca tion :1 984S unburst Dr To t al F ees :228 .00 T h is Payme n t 223.00 Tot al ALL Pmes: Balance : 228.0 0 .00 Account Code MP 001 000031113 00 PF 00 1000031 1 2300 we 001000 031 1 2800 PN0 01 0000 31530 00 Deacription MECHANICALPERMI T FEES P LAN CHECK F EES WILL CAL LI NSPECTI ON FEE INVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) Amou nt 100 .00 25.00 3 .00 100.00 ....--~B"CZA 5 TOWN OF VAltJ0NSTRUCT10N PERMIT AFttICATIONFORM INF O RMATION MU STBE C OMPLETEOR THE APPLICATION WILL B E REJECTED ContacttheEagle C ou'!!yA !jse§..sp r s Officeat 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parce l #~~V-UYL-c/3 -(Jd5" 0\-Oq,-oo -occ.. Date:-'f1 Permit #J?,?'C(.-()/.;:L.-s JobNa me:Ng.e G~,lB1'j':r4d'k /Job Address:/C7,(J.t1 '5 t/J!$~TPA:J Building (Plumbing()Mechanical !{Xi Description of Job :-"-IJ/._~=--~~/V=----_'--'-<--L=---"--'--'---"=--_~'----(_ WorkClass :New ()Alteration (Additional (Repair ()Other () Nu mberofD welling Un its:~2",=~_Nu mberofAccommodation Units:--'O"""'-_ Number and Type of F ireplaces:OdS Appliances Gas Logs 2-WoodlPellet _ VALUATIONS BUILDING :$._ PLillvrBING $_ EL ECTRICAL :$ MECHANICAL $::---:s;-:::;r-a7Y/27'fv-n-,d7'ir7J()c;-"" CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTHER:$_ T OTAL $_ Address:-'--'----'~~+-"---"=-..:--------- Phone # C eneral Contractor:V"'04t?5lC/0E I-/~/.f~.i. /if -ItTownofVailRegistrationNo._~,--,-=---"-..L-_ Electrical Contractor :Address :_ TOWIlofVail Registration No .Phone #_ Plumb ingC ontract or:_Address :_ TownofVail Registration No.~Phone #_ Address:q\eo!D ad ~izlfYlS Phone #q45 ~1"01 :::'~'-\S2\qAY) Mech anical Co ntractor:S ,!.\rro \nsu t1ccl iot'\ Tow n of VailRegistration No._---'-'--'---_ FOROFFICEUSE TYP E GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING : SIGNATUR--E-:------------- ZONING:_ SIGNATURE:_ CLE AN UP DEPOSIT REFUNDTO: •*"*CODE B OOKS AREAVAILABLE FORPURCHASEUPON RE t)'lftR*Re c eIVe l JAN 05 2000 I [;·I (hf/;roc :'1 11\ (J'1f <-..j e,o::r rJ "- CO ,Cce lt-/(QU ;'ru , b,.'~~r0"'1/\4 '. < O f" ~20~A !Jo,.!tr o '1 f l.f ( I 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 s s ~- 6 7 I .cn"'.i I "111 i .,I r • • i \ .f------ --f--I ---I I I Gc ...J I... '-I I IC IC ........ ~ W ~ OJe~ ;0 ;0 -< 0 ", Z lilr fT1 ~ ~ Z e il aw ~ ~ 1:> (lJ 1:> ;IJ ;IJ -< o ...... c... C ...J I... 'oJ I \0 \0 '1J o ~ rll 2or ,.;l/'rll 3: 1:> w,-Z Y Y y I Y I I Y y y y N N N x T T ";!•.. T T C T T C c C C T j »: c c c SLAB ..'o o W d . FLOOR TYPE--W=WOOD T=TILE C=CARPET I;, I. 9 78 24 =J------ it,...",""....'-, ..'.'..." ----- o :,.:!:';I ,,:; o o o o o a o o a o o o o o ,, o ",:<:[i:if:",,' o o o o o o o a o o o o 76 500 625 i .,l- I .~.;.,"" o o o o o o o o o o o o o o .,' .".".. 24 128 ::.:,,,,,:1,,::;' .' o " o 7 o o o 8 13 30 35 30 73 ..' 269 171 190 SLAB TYPE--O=ON GRADE B=BELOW GRADE W=WALK-OUT BSMT •J .,"",t I <b :;;;[;';,;H ~::::::"':1';:;:,"'L.''o 9 o 6 4 o 56 31 15 27 10 24I 71 i ':;,,:::I i::::.i:, 9 78 .;i -",.:1;.. .. r :':;::1 ,,::,::+:,:,;""":"" 9 B 9 9 9 8 8 9 8 8 8 "'"; 9 ~~.' ''-;iY 'T ':'J .::" '." .j"'t. o o o o o o o I B o o o o o 42 'I':i "",; ,:l ;,: 40 36 76 79 51 .;,' ; 71 160 ~.,....,.,.,'". 234 !0 251 140 233 632 159 524 376 207 SOFT SOFT LF LF SOFT SOFT SOFT SQFT LF0BWW T C Y N ROOMUNHTDAVGEXT GlASS DOOR CLG SKLT SLAB SLAB FLOOR HEATED AREA AREA HT WALL AREA AREA AREAAREA EDGE TYPE TYPE BELOW? ,i''~'krr 2 ~~iN 3 ;~:; 2 MUO/STAIRS 3 !POWDER A203 ", 5 IBED A301 .:1".:': ,5IBATHA302 ,6 MASTER A401 I 6 IClOSETA403 -;';:Ti ::::;':,'';,',;. ,3 [HALL A202 ,••'-t-••! !';I t: ,3 !LIVING :'5 ILEVEL 3 HALULIB 15 5 MERELES/FIRMAN DUPLEX UNITA JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING INC HEATLOSS SUMMARY -WIRSBO UNDERFLOOR .ZN IROOM ,1 IGARAGE ,::~':I~~c :R60M ZN ROOM SQFT SQFT lF LF SOFT SQFTSQFT SQFT IF OBW WTC ROOM UNHTD AVG EXT GLASS DOOR ClG SKLT SLAB SLAB FLOOR AREA AREA HT WALL AREA AREA AREA AREA EDGE TYPETYPE !•~••,:..,;',"..:':.:",...."..,~;::,:.~:,:"\...l'.,:.:.,;,:.--::~::;::',:~;;'F:'::t .i ::;;'."', ."'..'••1 .:..;~..;.~:.:.'I q.,"" ,..:::':;'::.,:.:~~.:.'.f ";-'.'-"•r••'i"!~:::.::.:; ,.,.:.,.',0' 7 MBATH M02 131 0 9 13 67 0 175 0 T ,0 .."..:~;.,..0 "I,•i .',.j ',..,-0 ',",...'. o,'.'',,..,:., -YN -- HEATED BELOW? y Lc:.... 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'-I I \D \D ...... ~ ~ l> OJ e~ < o rn Zor n1 ~ l:>z e 1] o tl1 GIRGE T.SANDERS CO.•191 WEST 9THST POBOX169 SILVERTHORNE,CO.80498 DATE:7117/99 ClJSTOMER:JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING INC 970-468--8254 JOB NAME:MER(J.ESLFIRMAN DUPLEX UNIT A 800-333-2547 EXPIRATION DATE:10[1199 FAX303-893-0836 QUOTATION Q1Y CODE DESCRIPTION NETEA TOTAL 000 1 BUP2QqAElD 266MBH NAT GAS ELEC-]GN.BOILER 2133.43 2133.43 I AM15 MODEL 15 EXPANSION TANK 21.69 21.69 I AM30 MODEL 30 EXPANSION TANK 26.50 2650 1 AM443 t"AI'R SCOOP 9 .00 9 .00 1 AM444 1-1/4"AIR SCOOP 9 .00 900 2 TA416 AIR VENT 3 .75 7.50 1 WA1156F 1/2 "BOll...ER FILL VAL \IE 25 .00 2500 I WA9DG 1/2"BACKFLOW PREVENTER 21.25 21.25 1 TTTR75 TRIANGLE TUBE 75GALIND .WTR HTR 1312 .00 1312 .00 1 WA]OOXL8 3/4"T&P VALVE W/8"PROBE 6 .75 6.75 7 AV8R5 8"X5'B-VENT PIPE 2469 172.81 1 AV8RC 8"BNENT CAP 1483 14.83 1 AV8RF 8"B.VENT FLASHING 9 .01 9 .01 1 AV8RSC 8"B-VENT STORM COLLAR 2 .73 2 .73 7 ER1EZVl 3/4'ERIE POP·TOP ZONE VALVE 52.69 368.81 7 ERlET20lFP ERIE ELECTRONIC THERMOSTAT 24.00 168 .00 1TASR501 t ZONE SWITCHING RELA Y 34.56 3456 1 TASR502 2 ZONE SWITCHING RELAY W/PR]ORITY 71.25 11.25 2 HATl40Al000 HWATl40 40VA TRANSFORMER 739 14.78 2 TA007F TACO007F CII20V ClRCULATOR 53 .75 ]0750 1 TA009F TACO 009FCI120V ClRCULATOR 123.75 123 .75 1 TAFLANGEII 3/4"CAST IRON FLANGE SET 6 .00 6 .00 1 TAFLANGElK )"CAST !RON FLANGE SET 600 600 I TAFLANGEn..1-114"CAST IRON FLANGE SET 6.00 6 .00 I TRTTPI-20E TRIANGLE TUBE HEAT EXHCANGER 133.56 133.56 134 SUNBB SUNTEMP 800 3/4"BASEBOARD PER FT 8 .50 113900 25 SUNLH SUNTEMP 800 LEFT HAND END CAP 6 .00 150.00 25 SUNRH SUNTEMP 800 RIGHT HAND END CAP 600 150 .00 2 HEADER3 3-LOOP SIOUX CIDEF MANIFOLD 1005 20 .11 400 WlRl000G WIRSBO 1/2"HEPEX TUBE (1000'COlL)0 .45 181.50 6 SC643X2 1/2"BARB PEX BY 1/2"FTG CU ADAPTER 0 .37 2 .2] 6 SC649X2 )/2"PEX CRIMP RING 0 ,II 0 .63 I ETILCD]H SNOWMELT SENSOR 16000 ]60 .00 TOTAL 661~.15 THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO QUOTE ZO'd ~RRY SIBLEY PLUMBING INC IMEnuSlFlllMAJ'(DUPLEX UNIT B l'l"o'...n nee:.e:.n....,....~n,_WlRSBO STAPLED UP IZONEIBOOM so I BTU I BTU FT I BEAT I PER !IAJSS I SOYf FTOF : BB R756 AREAS WITHOUT ADEOUATE 1 ----II--..-..-----WALL SPACE L C ..J I.... ".J I III \0 ........ :. IJ1 l:> III l:> ~ ~ -< fTl Z Glr m ~. _? "r i • •• 9 4 I •,'::-~I •I 1 !. 12 -i.--1_': 9 ..'_._--' I C,ARAC:P I 405 1 6802 i-H l MUU!:5 I AlK:S 91 .3116 34 ,I TVThIr.I 377 'm69 1~ 286 i M';7 ,', 1 ')t I ;U'\IhM '4.. I 4.h ·411 !'« l in 104.-/h ."I 140 . l!~flo ]j 65812 27-=--E:~=:==:=.__._._- 7 28710 lIS I I I I :9~2 1 -. 'tl a 'l ~ ~ L C -' I ~ '"I III III [11 Z Glr [11. ~ ~ Z " • •••••I .i Y Y Y :' Y Y N N CRAWL .1 ., CRAWL YN HEATED BELOW? "",I'".II "•••.,;'.' T T C C C TIC o 1T W l SLAB OBWWTC SLAB FLOOR TYPETYPE FLOOR TYPE--W=WOOD T=TllE C=CARPET 9 61 .;~~:'1 ~,;~~:,r "I.,";,.' ___--t _ LF SLAB EDGE -----.._---- ~--.....------ 1----.....------ .,.. o o o I----~---- o o 1-----.....----- o o '.., '".,1 ·"·r ,,· ." .. ~ til ~ III ~ ill ill o r--J----l CY I_~'::<:~";:~r ;':~'!;!.'.,"::~i;~:.~'::!:;i.~:.:::.~~;I !:::.::., o ~--------1 CfT CRAWL :1 ,::.:,::,J ; 0 10 o o I 0 o o 50 ..". 250 350 son SOFT CLGSKLT AREA AREA "....a " ., :..,.: o o o o .ii;:I):. o 50 o 64 24 SOFT DOOR AREA .' o ,I "' o o o ",_,r" 66 40 13 167 .,.':',:.,I·, "I:':::1::::::::::::;;j;::i::: 390 1 50 .'..~:.:1','·, ,.,..,.,::;'<I "'"., SLAB TYPE-O=ON GRADE B=BELOW GRADE W=WAlK-OUT BSMT 6 9 o 29 29 .' 61 310SF 9 8 8 8 •1'•• 9 8 'I'27.1 .:.::':"..,".,' 8 I 0 11 ""'1'!;..~~;~~ o o o 42 l :j i <:,l ::",,:~L : .,.'I: "::1:::';r;' 57I0 .'.:..;..,:.1;~ 187I0 405 133 115 I 0 202 ,.". SQFTSQFTLFLFSOFT ROOM UNHTD AVG EXT GLASS AREA AREA HTWALLAREA '.'l !:~i 1::~+::6 ;:~!1 :8:::' B201 I 36 ""r .::~;. 3 ILIVING :I;~::~!·~:·;:,;i ~~'!: 6 IaATH B303lHALL ZNIROOM MERELESIFIRMAN DUPLEX UNITB JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING INC HEATLOSS SUMMARY -WIRSBO STAPLED UP ~::..:::'~~:::.;~::;i ~:,,~~:",:, 3 pOWbEfe """.' ::;:':::,::][i:::[::;::i :::>,:"::.I :·':;>:::::I ·~;:;i::':':1 ':::~:::I"'::":''';':::..,."J'".••4 MASTER..·....'.......1:.:"....,:..'.'.":"':.::::'::::"···:·,··;,·1"·,,,·..·..I··..,::·:':"'1:'''''''.'j ......"'1"""".,.I'IBED':::',::;.""":::;:':;:"::';;:':~:~'i ::':::::t ,':::::;" i· 377 I 01 1400SFl 150 I 0!;;:~t~t j ;!;~~!;1 :1l :~:;:;~~~t !-~;::~.~~~:d:~;1 :j::::I;~~;i ~~~:.;i •':.~ti :~:r ::H ~~:~:;l ~~~:,:;·;~:j;;,;:::::~j~':;:~:I ::;:~:~1 ·~.: 3 IKITCHENIDINING I 286 I08I22I60 1 0 l l · ,3 ISUNROOM j:,,:':1)::'):<t ;,:::,';":1·:':::\;:;::,1':>::::. .5 IMASTERBATH 140 0 I 5IMASTERCLOSET f ·.6.~ED 6301 , ..t;u..,.'.:" 1 RAGEI::~~:~~:.~;j:'.:::;;:::;::t·'· 2 MUD/STAIRS 1 1~ilOFT 328 52 8 I 44 78 o 400 o -----1------ I C y 1J o (l) •j ciRcE T.SANDERSCO.•191 WEST9THST POBOX169 SILVERTHORNE.CO.80498 DATE:7/17199 CUSTOMER:,IERRY SIBI.E.Y PI.UMBING INC 970-468-8254 JOB NAME:MERELESIFIRMAN DUPLEX UNIT 8 800-333-2547 EXPIRATION DATE:1011199 FAX 303-893-0836 QUOTATION QTY CODE DESCRIPTION NETEA TOTAL 0 .00 1 BUP208AElD 232MBH NAT GAS ELEC IGN BOlLER 1858 ,89 1858 .89 1 AM15 MODEL 15 EXPANSION TANK 21.69 2169 I AM30 MODEL 30 EXPANSION TANK 2650 2650 1 AM443 I"AIR SCOOP 9 .00 900 I AM444 1-1/4"AIR SCOOP 900 9 .00 2 TA416 AIR VENT 3 .75 7.50 1 WAI156F I12"BOILER FILL VALVE 2500 25 .00 I WA9DG 1/2"BACKFLOW PREVENTER 21.25 21 .25 I TTTR75 TRIANGLE TIJBE 75 GAL IND.WTR.HTR.1312.00 1312 .00 1 WAlOOXL8 3/4"T&P VALVE W/8"PROBE 6 .75 675 7 AV7R5 7"X5'B-VENT PiPE 24 .08 168 .53 I AV7RC 7"B-VENT CAP 12.00 12.00 1 AV7RF 7"B-VENT FLASHlNG 9 .08 9.08 I AV7RSC 7"B-VENT STORM COLLAR 2 .58 2.58 6 ERIEZVl 3(4"ERIE pop.TOP ZONE VALVE 52 .69 316.13 6 ERIET201FP ERIE ELECTRONIC THERMOSTAT 24 .00 144 .00 I TASRSOI I ZONE SWITCHING RELAY 3456 34 .56 I TASR502 2 ZONE SWITCHING RELAY WIPRIORlTY 71.25 71.25 2 HATl 40A I000 HW AT140 40VA TRA..""JSFORMER 7 .39 14.78 2 TA007F TACO 007F CI120V CIRCULATOR 5375 107 .50 I TA009F TACO 009F CI 120V CIRCULATOR 123 .75 12375 1 TAFLANGEII 3/4"CAST IRON FLANGE SET 6 .00 6.00 I TAFLANGEIK 1·CAST IRON FLANGE SET 600 6.00 1 TAFLANGEIL 1·1/4"CAST IRON FLANGE SET 6 .00 6 .00 J TRTTPl-20E TRIANGLE TIJBE HEAT EXHCANGER 133 .56 133.56 94 S\JNBB SUNTEMP 8003/4"BASEBOARD PER FT 8.50 799 .00 20 SUNLH SUNTEMP 800 LEFT HAND END CAP 6 .00 120.00 20 SUNRH SUNTEMP 800 RIGHT HAND END CAP 600 120.00 2 HEADERJ 3·LOOP SIOUX CHIEF MANIFOLD 10.05 20 .11 500 WlRIOOOG WIRSBO 1/2"HEPEX TUBE (1000'COlL)0 .45 226.88 6 SC643X2 112"BARB PEX BY1/2"FTG CU ADAPTER 0 .37 2 ,21 6 SC649X2 1/2"PEX CRIMP RING 0 .11 0.63 1 ETILCDIH SNOWMELT SENSOR 160.00 160.00 TOTAL 5901.10 THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO QUOTE gO Od KRM CDNSl..ILTANlE.INC. PO!DC 4!To! VAlLmCRIIClO 1l165!l I . 10/21 /99 06:28 FAX 19708452259 WOODSTONE HOMESKICOHSULTFlNTS.INC.9"1 4915 ,." l4J 02 p.et OlD (f4J j3q9- ID/~77 b ;c;oflr DATE: ARRIVE:-=~:::.!.:_ TO: \ ATTENTION: PROJECT: /'o<~'<;L$~~-MQ';:;.~ D~ART:'s:1~1l IlliEATHER:-::-""j"';~ JOB NUMBER: 9'TcJ z:..-D 2- \1MI::!?'-=t.e.sl I -1'I-lE:611.1<5 -u.""lSSAf'I\J tV 7U~~F FMJ\'1INk 11-h.s A. 'kEI'+1V"\) ADc:1UH(~.' I \ COpy TO ; AEVIEWEO: •, REPT131 TO~N OF VAIL,COLORADO 03/03/2000 07:53 REQUESTS -INSPECTN WORK SHEETSFOR:3/3/20 PAGE 15 AREA:JRII ================================================================================ Activity:1100-0002 3/3/20 Type:B-IIECH Address:1984 ~UNBURST DR ' Location:1984 ~unburst Dr Parcel:2101-091-03-025 Uescription:Install 2 gas log £ireplaces Applicant:SUTTON INSULATING WEST,INC. Owner:INGRAII INVESTKENTSINC Contractor:SUTTON INSULATING WEST,INC. Status:ISSUED Constr:NDUP Ucc:Use: Phone:970-945-1313 Phone: Phone:970-945-1313 Locks,Holds,and Notices •••• ACTIVITY Notice:Work done without permit Tillie Exp APPR WEST SIDE ONLY __L~_ I Action:PA Inspection History••••• Item:00200 KECH-Rough Item:00240 PLIIB-Gas Piping Item:00310 IIECH-Heating Item:0032~KECH-Exhaust Hoods Ite.:0033~KECH-Supply Air Item:00340 KECH-llisc. Item:~0390 KECH-Final 01/10/00 Inspector:.IRK Inspection Request In£or ation••••• Requestor:JOHN Phone:914-5045 Req Time:08:00 Comments:845-9698 OFCWILL CALL Items .requested to be Inspected••:Action Comments 00390 IIECH-Final ~/I~ RtiJII ()ut J)fvv'\W ll1?ovVl lJIIf u v 100 c"<'/c.,A ~ .:i:::.,.rJCc.0"*k rf',!I (::L ~ELl fJI I J>{Juf\c....>.-- r-T1tc r,-'"'-'~l V r I..f \A _M1 z.. '-"'.•!,,·A I ('1/\C/,0 II AIVIJr I "'-"--__ I ,~.'-V ,LA--lV',, •, REPT131 TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO 03/03/2000 07:53 REQUESTS -INSPECTN WORK SHEETSFOR:3/3/20 PAGE 12 AREA:GRG =========================================================;====================== Phone:970-845-9698 Phone: Phone:970-845-9698 Activity: Address: Location: Parcel: Description: Applicant: Owner: Contractor: B99-0123 3/3/20 Type:A-ftF 1984 SUNBURST DR 1984 Sunburst Dr.,both sides 2101-091-03-025 Addition/re.odel,existing duplex WOODSTONE HOftES,INC. INGRAft INVEST"ENTS INC WOODSTONE HO"ES,INC. Status:ISSUED Occ: Constr:ADUP Use:VN Action:DN NOT READY Action:APPRAPPR ENGINEER LETTER COftftENTS DATED 10/15/1999 install upright NOT READY APPROVED STAIRS AND PARTIAL WEST SIDE ONLY , APPROVED Action:PA Action:APPR Action:DN Action:PA AREAS ONLY Inspection Request In£ormation••••• Requestor:JOHN Phone:914-5045 Req Time:08:00 Co ••ents:845-9698 OFC.WILL CALL Items requested to be Inspected...Action co....ent:!Time Exp 00540 BLDG-Final C/O .;<:~_.....-A DII?I';-~()+-__ D.,.AM ",1 S rTf Dru S,G •!'t'~tftt (1/\MI)(j I n U1114 V'e-'/c.--'U~__=r (f~~I--'::-.!..',.. --HI eLf!l...M...pv (i4Jy f\..I{\I rr:=1\[)D'o ,!l?t--h (0 £,.£,c::riu Ld1:..10 ue ......leu /'-:>n r I L v \,J ~/-../_""") .rt-,<?,',(!«t /\6 'n S ~t:::\~I z'~\---z:s. ~~:;~~~~_;~~~~~~~~~~~~~_-LCL~__~J ~-4 L _ Item:00510 driveway grade £inal Item:00010 BLDG-Footings/Steel 06/09/99 Inspector:JRft Not~s:rebar Ite.:00020 BLDG-Foundation/Steel 06/18/99 Inspector:JRft 06/21/99 Inspector:JRft Notes:ENTRY FOUNDATIONS Itell:00520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan 0~/22/99 Inspector:ALLISON Action:DN built into setback 10/19/99 Inspector:ALLISON Action:APPR it's £ixed Ite :00030 BLDG-Framing 08/20/99 Inspector:CD Action:NO court.inspection Notes:A WALKTRHU HAS BEEN PERFORftED.CONTRACTOR HAS BEEN NOTIFI OF BLOCKING ftISSING AND STRAPPING REQUIRED.RESTOFJOB APPEARSTO COftPLY TO APPROVED DRAWINGS.CONTRACTOR HAS ALSO BEEN NOTIFIED ALL OTHER ROUGH INSPECTIONS ftUSTBE PERFOkftED AND AN ILC ftUSTBESUBftftITTEDPRIORTO AN ACTUAL FRAftING INSPECTION BEING PERFORnED )0Y/17/99 Inspector:ART Action:APPR Approved West unit 09/17/99 Inspector:ART Action:NO Notation £or East Unit: Notes:ADVISED CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT ENGINEER TO PROVIDEFOR A ftETHOD FORPROVIDING POSITIVE CONNECTIONS ON WEST END UF BEAnS TOTHE COLUftN ON THE SECOND LEVELOFEASTUNIT 10/15/99 Inspector:ART Action:DN See Notation: Notes:NOTED ON INSPECTION REPORT ON 09/17/99 TOPROVIDE FOR A ftETHOD FOR POSITIVE CONNECTION OF BEAftS AND COLUftNS ON TH ~ECOND LEVEL OY EAST UNIT.THIS HAS STILL NOT BEEN CORRECTED 10/19/99 Inspector:JRft 10/20/99 Inspector:JRft Notes:IS COftING TO ADDRESS Ite.:00050 BLDG-Insulation 09/22/99 Inspector:JRft 10/26/99 Inspector:JRft Item:000&0 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 03/03/2000 07:53 REQUESTS -INSPECTN WORK SHEETSFOR:3/3/20 PAGE 13 AREA:mt&' ================================================================================ APPR WEST SIDE ONLY APPROVED APPR WEST SIDE EAST UNIT W/CORRECTION east unit corrections ~~IllBG._ UiioolWS,IN MlOOLE _,BA U'ECTION 2406 SAF~~~ZING NOT REQ'D \fJ )bf)N""'~J \.~n"'-- Action:APPR 09/07/99 Inspector:EG Action:APPR 10/21/99 Inspector:JRM Action:APPR 11/08/99 Inspector:CD Action:PA Notes:COMPLETE GARAGE ASSEMBLY COMPLETE UNDER STAIR AREA AT PARTY WALL CUMPLETE AT SHOWER AND TUB ENCLOSURE AT PARTY WALL ASSEMB REINSPECT ION REQUIRED 11/11/99 Inspector:CD 00070 BLDG~Misc. 00090 BLDG-Final 00530 BLDG-Temp.C/O 02/11/00 Inspector:JRM Action:DN DENIED,PERMITS NOT Notes:FINALED,NEED P.W.APPROVAL.HANDRAIL NOT IN COMPLIANCE KITCHEN NOT COMPLETE.RE-DO GUARDRAIL OR REMOVE STEP Item:00531 FIRE-TEMP.C/O Item:00532 PW-TEMP.C/O 01/11/00 Inspector:LS Action:APPR APPROVED BUNIT ONLY Notes:WILL HOT GIVE C.O.UNLESS WILLING TO REMOVE ALL SNOW FROM RIGHT OF WAY. Item:00533 PLAN-TEMP.C/O 02/11/00 Inspector:ALLISON Action:APPR APPROVED Item:00537 PLAN-FINAL C/O 01/10/00 Inspector:ALLISON Action:PA 005~8 FIRE-FINAL C/O 00539 PW-FINAL C/O 00540 BLDG-Final C/O /" 01/10/00 Inspector:JRM ~cti Notes:P/W APPROVAL NEEDED A~D cn .GING U TO SAFETY GLAZING AS REQ'DER 19~ ~~1g~ns~o2\~'W A~tion:PA (0 \te:~n~ro \em..:'lfES"T UNIT\'t:~O~E~ \)~tr-~~K \.;.pn 1r\\'.L.~ L-J."",...:..:>,~D~-'".>('\r't \1 t'A It.em: It.em: It.em: It.em: It.em: It.em: •, r •• Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName:Mereles/Firman ProjectDescription:Addition/remodel ofexisting residence Owner,Address,andPhone:R.Merelesand R.Firman 1984SunburstDrive Vail,CO81657 Architect/Contact,Address,andPhone:DaleSmith-Fritzlen,Pierce,Smith 1650E.VailValleyDr.SuiteC-1 Vail,Co81658 ProjectStreetAddress:1984SunburstDrive LegalDescription:Lot20 ,VailValley3 'd. ParcelNumber:21010913025 Comments : BuildingName: Motionby: Secondedby : Board/Staff Action ClarkBrittain Action: HansWoldrich Approvedwith conditions Vote:3-0(BillPiercerecused) Conditions :1.ThatthegradingissueswithPublicWorksberesolved. 2.Thatthelittlecenterchimneygoaway. 3.Thatthechimneybestuccoorstone. TownPlanner:Allison Ochs Date:2/3/99 ProjectName:Mereles/Firman DRBFeePaid :$50 VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRBIAPPROV ALS\lDRBAPPR •• ZONE CHECK Date:12./17 /'l~L ~ga1 description:Lot (}.O Bloek Filing \/o.H l/all~f--.:'3:-fl.i _ Address \Gj5:J Cl;>1AY\~f~\j2r Owner KU{\es /fi(y\\dV\Phone Architect 1)ak 0mAA Phon e -If-",,-(,---(q-:?-~-:L,------- Zonedistrict fbrltG1j 1~£M<t~I-Proposed usc ri»iCXki /OlMBi""Mu.-_ Lot size 1::5011.]0 Buildabl e area _ Allowed Existi ng .Proposed Remaining D - - :?3 ;;0 rs ./~ 15' -..ek.- cd I J,O &bo#J un;k. __+~ol4-=301ti-3cltf (3C@ Front 20' Sides )5' Rear 15' Minimum CfoL/3 3'/6' Required (pParking Height Landscaping Retaining WallHeights Howmuchoftheallowed 250 Addition is usedwiththis request? Setbacks Site Coverage ___+5107 = PrimaryGRFA __+(425)(675·)=2CJz.q_+~1oL}= ,~ SecondaryGRFA __+(425)(675.)-211~+~cao&13 t ..2/'D t/J J'·ul~".·. •67--42-diI2-0 dditi q-1,.,-lflYtPnV(.(~/ofl:>-:>ere It p us :>a rnon . Docs this requestinvolve a 250Addition?-J~~L-_-- Total GRFA Garage Credit (300 )(600)(900~ Driveway Permitted Slope %Proposed Slope % Complies with TOY Lighting Ordinance Arc finished grades lessthan 2:1 (50%) Yes Yes V No'--- /'No,_ Envi ronmental/Hazards I)PercentSlope «>30 %),_ 2)Floodplain _ 3)Wetlands,_ 4)Water CourseSetback (30)(50),_ 5)Geologic Hazards -..,.__.,.,.-_---'-__ a)SnowAvalanche ~;jj~.lfIl1un ce ~ b)Rockfall hJh c)Debris Flow rn~dit"n Previous conditionsofapproval(check property file),_"__!..-'I1~tfLl~~_ Isthepropertynon-conforming?Describe :--'I7~()fLe::...:::~_ •• DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Project:_ o SURVEY o SITEPLAN Scale Benchmark Legal description Lot Size Buildab le Area Easements Topography 100 yr.floodplain Water CourseSetback Environmenta l Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elevations Scale Building Height Encroachments Setbacks Sitc Coverage Eaves/O verhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Garage connection Site Gradc\Slopc Retaining Walls Fences Parking/Garage TurningRadius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access o FLOORPLANS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Space EHU o BUILDING ELEVA nONS Scale Color-Materials RoofPitch o LANDSCAPE PLAN Existingtrees Proposedtrees Lcgend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Titlcreport (A&B) Utility verification form Photosofsite Building material samples CD,Ve rification Sun\Shade Angles Utilities (underground) View Corridors Variances Platrestrictions •••• DESIGNREVIEWBOARDAGENDA Wednesday,February 3,1999 3:00P.M. PUBLICMEETING SCHEDULE FILE COpy PROJECT ORIENTATION /NO LUNCH-Community Development Department 1:00pm MEMBERS PRESENT BrentAim Clark Brittain HansWoldrich BillPierce GregMoffet(PEC)arrived 3:30 SITEVISITS MEMBERS ABSENT 1.9Va il RoadBuilding -9VailRoad#26&27 2 .Robins -154 Beave r DamRoad 3.Laidlaw-1722GenevaDrive 4 .GlenLyonOfficeBuilding -1000 S.FrontageRd.West Driver :Jeff PUBLIC HEARING·TOWNCOUNCIL CHAMBERS 2:00pm 3:00pm 1.Me reles/Firmanresidence-Finalreviewofanaddition/remodel ofa Allison primary /secondary residence. 1984 Sunburst Drive/Lot 20 ,VailVa lley 3 'd. App licant:R.Mereles &R.Firman ,representedbyFritzlen,Pierce,Smith MOTION:Clark Brittain SECOND :HansWold rich VOTE :3-0 (BillPiercerecused ) APPROVED WITH3CONDITIONS: 1.T hatthegradingissueswith PublicWorksberesolved. 2 .T hatthelittlecenterchimneygoaway. 3 .Thatthech imney bestuccoorstone. 2 .VailInterfaithChapel -Modifications toa previously-approved plan. 19VailRoad/TractJ,Block7,VailVillageFirstFiling. Applicant:VailInterfaithChapelrepresentedby Gwathmey-Pratt Architects MOTION:BillPierceSECOND:ClarkBrittainVOTE :5-0 APPROVED WITH2 CONDITIONS: Jeff 1.Thatthe3smallwindowsonthenorthelevationbe raisedtomatchthelarge windows. 2 .T hattheroofmaterialbewoodshakesorsh ingles. 1 •••• 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Robins residence -Addition/remodel. 154BeaverDamRoad/Lot27,Block7,VailVillageFirst Filing. Applicant:KenandJudyRobins,representedbyStevenJamesRiden CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE 9VailRoadBuilding -Multiple -family residential bedroom/dormer addition . 9VailRoad,Unit26&27/LotsA,B&C,VailVillage2nd Filing. Applicant:ThomasandJillDarrah CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE GlenLyonOfficeBuilding-Conceptualreview. 1000S.FrontageRoad West/Lot 54,GlenLyonSubdivision . Applicant:GlenLyonOfficeBuildingPartnership,representedbyKurtSegerberg CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE Laidlawresidence-Preliminaryreviewofanew single-family residence . 1722GenevaDriv/Lot10,MatterhornVillage Applicant:WaltLaidlaw,representedbyRKD CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE Westhaven Condos-Final reviewofaproposednewFractionalFeeClub andemployeehousingproject. 1325 Westhaven Dr.,WesthavenCondominiums /CascadeVillageAreaA. Applicant:GeraldL.Wurhmann,representedbyRobbyRobinson TABLED UNTILMARCH3,1999 Jeff Dominic Dominic George George Staff Approvals Leeresidence -Interior remodelwithminorwindowchanges . 1975W .GoreCreekDrive/PtarmiganTownhomes #21 . Applicant:Robert &JoAnnLee Bridgewater residence -Interior den/exterior deckexpansion. 303GoreCreekDrive #11/Lot 11,Block6,Va il Village1st Filing. Applicant :BA Bridgewater Linnresidence-Additionoftransomwindows. 1350Greenhill Court/Lot 14,Glen LyonSubdivision. Applicant:RobertandAlexandraLinn DeLeonresidence -Interiorremodelandwindowaddition. 82W.Meadow Drive/Lot1,BlockA,VailVillage2nd Filing. Applicant:SantiagoDeLeon MountainTopIceCreamofVail(HaagenDaz)-Menusign . 141E.Meadow Drive/LotP,Blk5D,VailVillage1st Filing. Applicant:Ric Almos 2 Brent Brent Brent Brent Dominic -... Buncher -Balcony extension.Allison 1730GolfCourseLane,Unit 76NailGolf CourseTownhomes. Applicant:J im and MaryBuncher Montaneros Condominiums-Revised f enceand landscage plan.Dominic 641 WestLionsheadCircle/Lot 8,Blk 1,VailLionshead3 d Filing. Applicant:MontanerosCondoAssociation Conyers residence -Masterbathaddition andenclosureofloft.Allison 51 29 Blac k BearLane/Lot 13,Block2,GoreCreekSubdivision. Applicant:DavidConyers Vail PropertySales &Management -TemporaryReal EstateOpen House/Direct ionalSignage.Brent 303 Gore Creek Drive #2CNail RowHouses. Applicant:LisaAgetl Theapplications andinformationabouttheproposalsareavailableforpublicinspectionduringregularoffice t theprojectplanner'soffice,locatedattheTownofVailCommunityDevelopmentDepartment,75SouthFront Road. Signlanguageinterpretation availableuponrequestwith24hournotification.Pleasecall479-2356,Telephor HearingImpaired,forinformation. 3 .. DESIGNREVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday,January 20,1999 3:00P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION I LUNCH-Community Development Department FILE 12:30 pm MEMBERS PRESENT BrentAim ClarkBr ittain Hans Woldrich BillPierce Greg Moffet (PEC) MEMBERS ABSENT SITE VISITS 1.Ar osa/GarmischEmployee Hous ing Site-Ar osa/Garmisch 2 .Mere les /Firman residence-1924 Sunburs t Drive 3 .Nancy's Nest-765 ForestRoad 4 . Driver :Jeff PUBLIC HEARING -TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 2:00 pm 3 :00 pm 1 . 2. 3 . Nancy's Nest-Finalreviewofa demo/rebuild ofaprimary/secondary residence, withaTypeIIEmployeeHousingUnit 765 ForestRoad /Lot8,Block2,VailVillage 6 th Filing . App licant:NancyAdam ,represented byFritzlen ,Pierce ,Smith Architects M OTION:Clark Britta in SECOND:Hans Woldrich VOTE :4-0 -1 APPROVED WITH1 CONDITION: 1.Thatthe encroachments onsite beremoved ,asrequ ired by staff. Mereles/Firman residence -Conceptual reviewofanadd ition/remodel ofa primary/secondary residence . 1984 Sunburst Drive/Lot 20 ,Va il Valley 3'd. App licant:R.Mere les &R.Firman,represen ted byFritz len ,Pie rce ,Smith CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE McDonald 's -Buildingaddition . 2171NorthFrontageRoad West/Lot 2B ,aResubofLot2 ,Vai l das Schone 3'd Filing . Applicant:George Greenwald MOTION:BillPierce SECO ND:GregMoffet VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH1 CONDITION: 1.Thattheapproval isforthebuildingonly;additiona l s ign approval isrequ ired . 1 Brent A llison George .. 4 . 5 . BallRes idence -Finalreviewofa newsing le-family residence . 2835SnowberryDrive/Lot8 ,Block9,Intermountain . Applicant:Chris &MaryBall,representedbyBethLevine MOTION:ClarkBrittain SECOND :GregMoffetVOTE :5-0 APPROVED AS PRESENTED WITHA YOSEMITE GREENROOF ArosaiGarmisch Employee Housing Site-Conceptual reviewofproposedemp loyee housing6-plex . Applicant:TownofVail,representedbyAndyKnudtsen CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE Je ff All ison Staff Approvals China GardenExpress-Newsignage. 143E.Meadow Drive/Crossroads East. A pplicant:SharonMou BeaverDam ,LLCresidence-Officeaddition. 443BeaverDam/Lot4,Block4 ,VailVillage3rd . Appl icant:BeaverDamLLC Zevadaresidence -Revisions topreviouslyapprovedplans . 1337VailValleyDrive/Lot 4,Block3,Vail Valley1st . Applicant:SpadInternational ,Ltd. DailyGrind-Courtyard ironfenceasrequiredforliquorlicensing. 288BridgeStreeURucksackBuilding . Applican t:Daily Grind CoffeeCo. SolarVail-Revisedantennalocation . 501 N.FrontageRd.West. Applicant:Westem W ireless Brent Allison Brent Brent Dominic Theapp lications andinformationabouttheproposalsareavailableforpublic inspection duringregularoffice intheprojectplanner'soffice ,locatedattheTownofVailCommunityDevelopment Department,75SouthFn Road. Sign languageinterpretationavailableuponrequestwith24hour notification.Please call 479-2356 ,Telepho theHearingImpaired ,forinformation . 2 .. ,,'~. Qucst_all thePlanning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR 'DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL ' f~T .~..~..:.C?L-'i F-_, GENERAL INFORMATION .'..,:...'.'., This application isforanyproject requiring DesignReview approval,Anyprojectrequiring dcs~gn review must . receive Design Reviewapprovalpriorto submitting forabuildingpermit.Forspecific information,~ee the submittal .requirements for theparticularapproval thatisrequested.The application cannot be accepted untilall the required . information is submitted.Theproject ruayalsoneed .to be reviewed bytheTownCounciland/orthePlanningand , Environmen'tal Commission.Design Review Board approvalexpires one year after final approval unless a . building permit isissued and construction is started. A. 8. C. D. E. F. G. H. DESCRIPTION Of THE REQUEST:ADO ITl O~J;.!.U.O Of:l- D .CtluceptuaIReview,,,-SO.'.,'-;. ",'. Construction of'a new building. ·.·lncludcSanyaddition-whcrc square footageis added toanyresidentialor .comm.~Ulroutffilng.~__·---. D .Milior Alteration .:S20 ·.lricltidcs.:ffiiiior.clllulgcS'to ·buildings andsite improvements.such as, .reroofing;painting.window additions.landscaping.fences and retaining walls.etc, ·4'9 r:'@y:apl1 !il;llg o o;:.~here :the :ap p licant:wi s h es to meet withDesign Review ],B (janrti)X1~te rjUine ~h ether o r not theprojectgenerally complies withthe 'designguidelines:,TlieDRB docs not vote onconceptual reviews . ORB feesarctobepaidatthetime of submittal.Lat~.when applying forabuildingpermit,please identify the accurate valuation of theproject.TheTown of Vailwill adjust thefeeaccordingtothe project valuation , • P tl PLEASE SUBMn THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITfALREQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, V AIL,COLORADO 81657.. ) QU.?Call1he Planning Staff at 479-212R APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION ThisapplicationisforanyprojectrequiringDesignReviewapproval.Any.projectrequiringdesignreviewmust receiveDesign Revicw,l}pproval prior'to submitting forabuildingpermit.For specific information,sec thesubmittal requirements forthe partt~ular approvalthat is requested,Theapplicationcannotbeaccepteduntilalltherequired information is submitted.Theprojectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbythe Town Counciland/orthePlanningand EnvironmentalCommission.Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unlessa building permit is issued andconsfruction is started. A.DESCRIPTION OFTHEREQUEST:----:,--_ B. C. D. E. F. G. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:LOT:BLOCK:FILING ::..--_ PHYSICALADDRESS:_ PARCEL#:-'----'--'--_(ContactEagleCo.Assessors Office at 970-32H-H640 fbr,parcel #) ZONING:_ NAMEOFOWNER(S):_--'ea'-=-'6'-"=(..:...tA-.\"-'----:..~=_"'''''''''''__''___ MAILING ADDRESS~:..L.!:::.~t..-...r.::.J.~::!L!!::!&!::z:;z..--d.~!!:::.-L~~------- V ~~. O\yNER(S)SIGNATURE(S:t)·:====~----------------_ NAMEOFAPPLICANT:_ MAILINGADDRESS :_ __________________PHONE:_ o H.TYPEOF REVIEWANDFEE:' o New Construction -S200 Construction ofa newbuilding. o Addition -S50Includes any addition where square footage isaddedtoanyresidentialor com!TIerchdouIWing._.__.. o Minor Alteration .:S20 lncllldesminor changesto buildings andsite improvements.such as. reroofing.painting.windowadditions.landscaping.fencesandretaining walls.etc. o Conceptual Review-SO Foranyapplicationwherethe applicant wishestomeetwithDesignReview Boardtodetermine whether ornottheprojectgenerally complies withthe designguidelines.,TheDRBdoesnotvoteonconceptualreviews. DRBfeesarctobepaidatthetimeofsubmittal.'Later.when applying forabuildingpermit ,pleaseidentify theaccuratevaluation of the'project.TheTown of Vailwilladjustthefee according totheprojectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. •, REPT131 TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO 03/03/2000 07:53 REQUESTS -INSPECTN WORK SHEETSFOR:3/3/20 PAGE 12 AREA:GRG =========================================================;====================== Phone:970-845-9698 Phone: Phone:970-845-9698 Activity: Address: Location: Parcel: Description: Applicant: Owner: Contractor: B99-0123 3/3/20 Type:A-ftF 1984 SUNBURST DR 1984 Sunburst Dr.,both sides 2101-091-03-025 Addition/re.odel,existing duplex WOODSTONE HOftES,INC. INGRAft INVEST"ENTS INC WOODSTONE HO"ES,INC. Status:ISSUED Occ: Constr:ADUP Use:VN Action:DN NOT READY Action:APPRAPPR ENGINEER LETTER COftftENTS DATED 10/15/1999 install upright NOT READY APPROVED STAIRS AND PARTIAL WEST SIDE ONLY , APPROVED Action:PA Action:APPR Action:DN Action:PA AREAS ONLY Inspection Request In£ormation••••• Requestor:JOHN Phone:914-5045 Req Time:08:00 Co ••ents:845-9698 OFC.WILL CALL Items requested to be Inspected...Action co....ent:!Time Exp 00540 BLDG-Final C/O .;<:~_.....-A DII?I';-~()+-__ D.,.AM ",1 S rTf Dru S,G •!'t'~tftt (1/\MI)(j I n U1114 V'e-'/c.--'U~__=r (f~~I--'::-.!..',.. --HI eLf!l...M...pv (i4Jy f\..I{\I rr:=1\[)D'o ,!l?t--h (0 £,.£,c::riu Ld1:..10 ue ......leu /'-:>n r I L v \,J ~/-../_""") .rt-,<?,',(!«t /\6 'n S ~t:::\~I z'~\---z:s. ~~:;~~~~_;~~~~~~~~~~~~~_-LCL~__~J ~-4 L _ Item:00510 driveway grade £inal Item:00010 BLDG-Footings/Steel 06/09/99 Inspector:JRft Not~s:rebar Ite.:00020 BLDG-Foundation/Steel 06/18/99 Inspector:JRft 06/21/99 Inspector:JRft Notes:ENTRY FOUNDATIONS Itell:00520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan 0~/22/99 Inspector:ALLISON Action:DN built into setback 10/19/99 Inspector:ALLISON Action:APPR it's £ixed Ite :00030 BLDG-Framing 08/20/99 Inspector:CD Action:NO court.inspection Notes:A WALKTRHU HAS BEEN PERFORftED.CONTRACTOR HAS BEEN NOTIFI OF BLOCKING ftISSING AND STRAPPING REQUIRED.RESTOFJOB APPEARSTO COftPLY TO APPROVED DRAWINGS.CONTRACTOR HAS ALSO BEEN NOTIFIED ALL OTHER ROUGH INSPECTIONS ftUSTBE PERFOkftED AND AN ILC ftUSTBESUBftftITTEDPRIORTO AN ACTUAL FRAftING INSPECTION BEING PERFORnED )0Y/17/99 Inspector:ART Action:APPR Approved West unit 09/17/99 Inspector:ART Action:NO Notation £or East Unit: Notes:ADVISED CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT ENGINEER TO PROVIDEFOR A ftETHOD FORPROVIDING POSITIVE CONNECTIONS ON WEST END UF BEAnS TOTHE COLUftN ON THE SECOND LEVELOFEASTUNIT 10/15/99 Inspector:ART Action:DN See Notation: Notes:NOTED ON INSPECTION REPORT ON 09/17/99 TOPROVIDE FOR A ftETHOD FOR POSITIVE CONNECTION OF BEAftS AND COLUftNS ON TH ~ECOND LEVEL OY EAST UNIT.THIS HAS STILL NOT BEEN CORRECTED 10/19/99 Inspector:JRft 10/20/99 Inspector:JRft Notes:IS COftING TO ADDRESS Ite.:00050 BLDG-Insulation 09/22/99 Inspector:JRft 10/26/99 Inspector:JRft Item:000&0 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 03/03/2000 07:53 REQUESTS -INSPECTN WORK SHEETSFOR:3/3/20 PAGE 13 AREA:mt&' ================================================================================ APPR WEST SIDE ONLY APPROVED APPR WEST SIDE EAST UNIT W/CORRECTION east unit corrections ~~IllBG._ UiioolWS,IN MlOOLE _,BA U'ECTION 2406 SAF~~~ZING NOT REQ'D \fJ )bf)N""'~J \.~n"'-- Action:APPR 09/07/99 Inspector:EG Action:APPR 10/21/99 Inspector:JRM Action:APPR 11/08/99 Inspector:CD Action:PA Notes:COMPLETE GARAGE ASSEMBLY COMPLETE UNDER STAIR AREA AT PARTY WALL CUMPLETE AT SHOWER AND TUB ENCLOSURE AT PARTY WALL ASSEMB REINSPECT ION REQUIRED 11/11/99 Inspector:CD 00070 BLDG~Misc. 00090 BLDG-Final 00530 BLDG-Temp.C/O 02/11/00 Inspector:JRM Action:DN DENIED,PERMITS NOT Notes:FINALED,NEED P.W.APPROVAL.HANDRAIL NOT IN COMPLIANCE KITCHEN NOT COMPLETE.RE-DO GUARDRAIL OR REMOVE STEP Item:00531 FIRE-TEMP.C/O Item:00532 PW-TEMP.C/O 01/11/00 Inspector:LS Action:APPR APPROVED BUNIT ONLY Notes:WILL HOT GIVE C.O.UNLESS WILLING TO REMOVE ALL SNOW FROM RIGHT OF WAY. Item:00533 PLAN-TEMP.C/O 02/11/00 Inspector:ALLISON Action:APPR APPROVED Item:00537 PLAN-FINAL C/O 01/10/00 Inspector:ALLISON Action:PA 005~8 FIRE-FINAL C/O 00539 PW-FINAL C/O 00540 BLDG-Final C/O /" 01/10/00 Inspector:JRM ~cti Notes:P/W APPROVAL NEEDED A~D cn .GING U TO SAFETY GLAZING AS REQ'DER 19~ ~~1g~ns~o2\~'W A~tion:PA (0 \te:~n~ro \em..:'lfES"T UNIT\'t:~O~E~ \)~tr-~~K \.;.pn 1r\\'.L.~ L-J."",...:..:>,~D~-'".>('\r't \1 t'A It.em: It.em: It.em: It.em: It.em: It.em: •, r •• Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName:Mereles/Firman ProjectDescription:Addition/remodel ofexisting residence Owner,Address,andPhone:R.Merelesand R.Firman 1984SunburstDrive Vail,CO81657 Architect/Contact,Address,andPhone:DaleSmith-Fritzlen,Pierce,Smith 1650E.VailValleyDr.SuiteC-1 Vail,Co81658 ProjectStreetAddress:1984SunburstDrive LegalDescription:Lot20 ,VailValley3 'd. ParcelNumber:21010913025 Comments : BuildingName: Motionby: Secondedby : Board/Staff Action ClarkBrittain Action: HansWoldrich Approvedwith conditions Vote:3-0(BillPiercerecused) Conditions :1.ThatthegradingissueswithPublicWorksberesolved. 2.Thatthelittlecenterchimneygoaway. 3.Thatthechimneybestuccoorstone. TownPlanner:Allison Ochs Date:2/3/99 ProjectName:Mereles/Firman DRBFeePaid :$50 VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRBIAPPROV ALS\lDRBAPPR •• ZONE CHECK Date:12./17 /'l~L ~ga1 description:Lot (}.O Bloek Filing \/o.H l/all~f--.:'3:-fl.i _ Address \Gj5:J Cl;>1AY\~f~\j2r Owner KU{\es /fi(y\\dV\Phone Architect 1)ak 0mAA Phon e -If-",,-(,---(q-:?-~-:L,------- Zonedistrict fbrltG1j 1~£M<t~I-Proposed usc ri»iCXki /OlMBi""Mu.-_ Lot size 1::5011.]0 Buildabl e area _ Allowed Existi ng .Proposed Remaining D - - :?3 ;;0 rs ./~ 15' -..ek.- cd I J,O &bo#J un;k. __+~ol4-=301ti-3cltf (3C@ Front 20' Sides )5' Rear 15' Minimum CfoL/3 3'/6' Required (pParking Height Landscaping Retaining WallHeights Howmuchoftheallowed 250 Addition is usedwiththis request? Setbacks Site Coverage ___+5107 = PrimaryGRFA __+(425)(675·)=2CJz.q_+~1oL}= ,~ SecondaryGRFA __+(425)(675.)-211~+~cao&13 t ..2/'D t/J J'·ul~".·. •67--42-diI2-0 dditi q-1,.,-lflYtPnV(.(~/ofl:>-:>ere It p us :>a rnon . Docs this requestinvolve a 250Addition?-J~~L-_-- Total GRFA Garage Credit (300 )(600)(900~ Driveway Permitted Slope %Proposed Slope % Complies with TOY Lighting Ordinance Arc finished grades lessthan 2:1 (50%) Yes Yes V No'--- /'No,_ Envi ronmental/Hazards I)PercentSlope «>30 %),_ 2)Floodplain _ 3)Wetlands,_ 4)Water CourseSetback (30)(50),_ 5)Geologic Hazards -..,.__.,.,.-_---'-__ a)SnowAvalanche ~;jj~.lfIl1un ce ~ b)Rockfall hJh c)Debris Flow rn~dit"n Previous conditionsofapproval(check property file),_"__!..-'I1~tfLl~~_ Isthepropertynon-conforming?Describe :--'I7~()fLe::...:::~_ •• DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Project:_ o SURVEY o SITEPLAN Scale Benchmark Legal description Lot Size Buildab le Area Easements Topography 100 yr.floodplain Water CourseSetback Environmenta l Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elevations Scale Building Height Encroachments Setbacks Sitc Coverage Eaves/O verhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Garage connection Site Gradc\Slopc Retaining Walls Fences Parking/Garage TurningRadius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access o FLOORPLANS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Space EHU o BUILDING ELEVA nONS Scale Color-Materials RoofPitch o LANDSCAPE PLAN Existingtrees Proposedtrees Lcgend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Titlcreport (A&B) Utility verification form Photosofsite Building material samples CD,Ve rification Sun\Shade Angles Utilities (underground) View Corridors Variances Platrestrictions •••• DESIGNREVIEWBOARDAGENDA Wednesday,February 3,1999 3:00P.M. PUBLICMEETING SCHEDULE FILE COpy PROJECT ORIENTATION /NO LUNCH-Community Development Department 1:00pm MEMBERS PRESENT BrentAim Clark Brittain HansWoldrich BillPierce GregMoffet(PEC)arrived 3:30 SITEVISITS MEMBERS ABSENT 1.9Va il RoadBuilding -9VailRoad#26&27 2 .Robins -154 Beave r DamRoad 3.Laidlaw-1722GenevaDrive 4 .GlenLyonOfficeBuilding -1000 S.FrontageRd.West Driver :Jeff PUBLIC HEARING·TOWNCOUNCIL CHAMBERS 2:00pm 3:00pm 1.Me reles/Firmanresidence-Finalreviewofanaddition/remodel ofa Allison primary /secondary residence. 1984 Sunburst Drive/Lot 20 ,VailVa lley 3 'd. App licant:R.Mereles &R.Firman ,representedbyFritzlen,Pierce,Smith MOTION:Clark Brittain SECOND :HansWold rich VOTE :3-0 (BillPiercerecused ) APPROVED WITH3CONDITIONS: 1.T hatthegradingissueswith PublicWorksberesolved. 2 .T hatthelittlecenterchimneygoaway. 3 .Thatthech imney bestuccoorstone. 2 .VailInterfaithChapel -Modifications toa previously-approved plan. 19VailRoad/TractJ,Block7,VailVillageFirstFiling. Applicant:VailInterfaithChapelrepresentedby Gwathmey-Pratt Architects MOTION:BillPierceSECOND:ClarkBrittainVOTE :5-0 APPROVED WITH2 CONDITIONS: Jeff 1.Thatthe3smallwindowsonthenorthelevationbe raisedtomatchthelarge windows. 2 .T hattheroofmaterialbewoodshakesorsh ingles. 1 •••• 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Robins residence -Addition/remodel. 154BeaverDamRoad/Lot27,Block7,VailVillageFirst Filing. Applicant:KenandJudyRobins,representedbyStevenJamesRiden CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE 9VailRoadBuilding -Multiple -family residential bedroom/dormer addition . 9VailRoad,Unit26&27/LotsA,B&C,VailVillage2nd Filing. Applicant:ThomasandJillDarrah CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE GlenLyonOfficeBuilding-Conceptualreview. 1000S.FrontageRoad West/Lot 54,GlenLyonSubdivision . Applicant:GlenLyonOfficeBuildingPartnership,representedbyKurtSegerberg CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE Laidlawresidence-Preliminaryreviewofanew single-family residence . 1722GenevaDriv/Lot10,MatterhornVillage Applicant:WaltLaidlaw,representedbyRKD CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE Westhaven Condos-Final reviewofaproposednewFractionalFeeClub andemployeehousingproject. 1325 Westhaven Dr.,WesthavenCondominiums /CascadeVillageAreaA. Applicant:GeraldL.Wurhmann,representedbyRobbyRobinson TABLED UNTILMARCH3,1999 Jeff Dominic Dominic George George Staff Approvals Leeresidence -Interior remodelwithminorwindowchanges . 1975W .GoreCreekDrive/PtarmiganTownhomes #21 . Applicant:Robert &JoAnnLee Bridgewater residence -Interior den/exterior deckexpansion. 303GoreCreekDrive #11/Lot 11,Block6,Va il Village1st Filing. Applicant :BA Bridgewater Linnresidence-Additionoftransomwindows. 1350Greenhill Court/Lot 14,Glen LyonSubdivision. Applicant:RobertandAlexandraLinn DeLeonresidence -Interiorremodelandwindowaddition. 82W.Meadow Drive/Lot1,BlockA,VailVillage2nd Filing. Applicant:SantiagoDeLeon MountainTopIceCreamofVail(HaagenDaz)-Menusign . 141E.Meadow Drive/LotP,Blk5D,VailVillage1st Filing. Applicant:Ric Almos 2 Brent Brent Brent Brent Dominic -... Buncher -Balcony extension.Allison 1730GolfCourseLane,Unit 76NailGolf CourseTownhomes. Applicant:J im and MaryBuncher Montaneros Condominiums-Revised f enceand landscage plan.Dominic 641 WestLionsheadCircle/Lot 8,Blk 1,VailLionshead3 d Filing. Applicant:MontanerosCondoAssociation Conyers residence -Masterbathaddition andenclosureofloft.Allison 51 29 Blac k BearLane/Lot 13,Block2,GoreCreekSubdivision. Applicant:DavidConyers Vail PropertySales &Management -TemporaryReal EstateOpen House/Direct ionalSignage.Brent 303 Gore Creek Drive #2CNail RowHouses. Applicant:LisaAgetl Theapplications andinformationabouttheproposalsareavailableforpublicinspectionduringregularoffice t theprojectplanner'soffice,locatedattheTownofVailCommunityDevelopmentDepartment,75SouthFront Road. Signlanguageinterpretation availableuponrequestwith24hournotification.Pleasecall479-2356,Telephor HearingImpaired,forinformation. 3 .. DESIGNREVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday,January 20,1999 3:00P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION I LUNCH-Community Development Department FILE 12:30 pm MEMBERS PRESENT BrentAim ClarkBr ittain Hans Woldrich BillPierce Greg Moffet (PEC) MEMBERS ABSENT SITE VISITS 1.Ar osa/GarmischEmployee Hous ing Site-Ar osa/Garmisch 2 .Mere les /Firman residence-1924 Sunburs t Drive 3 .Nancy's Nest-765 ForestRoad 4 . Driver :Jeff PUBLIC HEARING -TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 2:00 pm 3 :00 pm 1 . 2. 3 . Nancy's Nest-Finalreviewofa demo/rebuild ofaprimary/secondary residence, withaTypeIIEmployeeHousingUnit 765 ForestRoad /Lot8,Block2,VailVillage 6 th Filing . App licant:NancyAdam ,represented byFritzlen ,Pierce ,Smith Architects M OTION:Clark Britta in SECOND:Hans Woldrich VOTE :4-0 -1 APPROVED WITH1 CONDITION: 1.Thatthe encroachments onsite beremoved ,asrequ ired by staff. Mereles/Firman residence -Conceptual reviewofanadd ition/remodel ofa primary/secondary residence . 1984 Sunburst Drive/Lot 20 ,Va il Valley 3'd. App licant:R.Mere les &R.Firman,represen ted byFritz len ,Pie rce ,Smith CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE McDonald 's -Buildingaddition . 2171NorthFrontageRoad West/Lot 2B ,aResubofLot2 ,Vai l das Schone 3'd Filing . Applicant:George Greenwald MOTION:BillPierce SECO ND:GregMoffet VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH1 CONDITION: 1.Thattheapproval isforthebuildingonly;additiona l s ign approval isrequ ired . 1 Brent A llison George .. 4 . 5 . BallRes idence -Finalreviewofa newsing le-family residence . 2835SnowberryDrive/Lot8 ,Block9,Intermountain . Applicant:Chris &MaryBall,representedbyBethLevine MOTION:ClarkBrittain SECOND :GregMoffetVOTE :5-0 APPROVED AS PRESENTED WITHA YOSEMITE GREENROOF ArosaiGarmisch Employee Housing Site-Conceptual reviewofproposedemp loyee housing6-plex . Applicant:TownofVail,representedbyAndyKnudtsen CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE Je ff All ison Staff Approvals China GardenExpress-Newsignage. 143E.Meadow Drive/Crossroads East. A pplicant:SharonMou BeaverDam ,LLCresidence-Officeaddition. 443BeaverDam/Lot4,Block4 ,VailVillage3rd . Appl icant:BeaverDamLLC Zevadaresidence -Revisions topreviouslyapprovedplans . 1337VailValleyDrive/Lot 4,Block3,Vail Valley1st . Applicant:SpadInternational ,Ltd. DailyGrind-Courtyard ironfenceasrequiredforliquorlicensing. 288BridgeStreeURucksackBuilding . Applican t:Daily Grind CoffeeCo. SolarVail-Revisedantennalocation . 501 N.FrontageRd.West. Applicant:Westem W ireless Brent Allison Brent Brent Dominic Theapp lications andinformationabouttheproposalsareavailableforpublic inspection duringregularoffice intheprojectplanner'soffice ,locatedattheTownofVailCommunityDevelopment Department,75SouthFn Road. Sign languageinterpretationavailableuponrequestwith24hour notification.Please call 479-2356 ,Telepho theHearingImpaired ,forinformation . 2 .. ,,'~. Qucst_all thePlanning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR 'DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL ' f~T .~..~..:.C?L-'i F-_, GENERAL INFORMATION .'..,:...'.'., This application isforanyproject requiring DesignReview approval,Anyprojectrequiring dcs~gn review must . receive Design Reviewapprovalpriorto submitting forabuildingpermit.Forspecific information,~ee the submittal .requirements for theparticularapproval thatisrequested.The application cannot be accepted untilall the required . information is submitted.Theproject ruayalsoneed .to be reviewed bytheTownCounciland/orthePlanningand , Environmen'tal Commission.Design Review Board approvalexpires one year after final approval unless a . building permit isissued and construction is started. A. 8. C. D. E. F. G. H. DESCRIPTION Of THE REQUEST:ADO ITl O~J;.!.U.O Of:l- D .CtluceptuaIReview,,,-SO.'.,'-;. ",'. Construction of'a new building. ·.·lncludcSanyaddition-whcrc square footageis added toanyresidentialor .comm.~Ulroutffilng.~__·---. D .Milior Alteration .:S20 ·.lricltidcs.:ffiiiior.clllulgcS'to ·buildings andsite improvements.such as, .reroofing;painting.window additions.landscaping.fences and retaining walls.etc, ·4'9 r:'@y:apl1 !il;llg o o;:.~here :the :ap p licant:wi s h es to meet withDesign Review ],B (janrti)X1~te rjUine ~h ether o r not theprojectgenerally complies withthe 'designguidelines:,TlieDRB docs not vote onconceptual reviews . ORB feesarctobepaidatthetime of submittal.Lat~.when applying forabuildingpermit,please identify the accurate valuation of theproject.TheTown of Vailwill adjust thefeeaccordingtothe project valuation , • P tl PLEASE SUBMn THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITfALREQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, V AIL,COLORADO 81657.. ) QU.?Call1he Planning Staff at 479-212R APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION ThisapplicationisforanyprojectrequiringDesignReviewapproval.Any.projectrequiringdesignreviewmust receiveDesign Revicw,l}pproval prior'to submitting forabuildingpermit.For specific information,sec thesubmittal requirements forthe partt~ular approvalthat is requested,Theapplicationcannotbeaccepteduntilalltherequired information is submitted.Theprojectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbythe Town Counciland/orthePlanningand EnvironmentalCommission.Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unlessa building permit is issued andconsfruction is started. A.DESCRIPTION OFTHEREQUEST:----:,--_ B. C. D. E. F. G. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:LOT:BLOCK:FILING ::..--_ PHYSICALADDRESS:_ PARCEL#:-'----'--'--_(ContactEagleCo.Assessors Office at 970-32H-H640 fbr,parcel #) ZONING:_ NAMEOFOWNER(S):_--'ea'-=-'6'-"=(..:...tA-.\"-'----:..~=_"'''''''''''__''___ MAILING ADDRESS~:..L.!:::.~t..-...r.::.J.~::!L!!::!&!::z:;z..--d.~!!:::.-L~~------- V ~~. O\yNER(S)SIGNATURE(S:t)·:====~----------------_ NAMEOFAPPLICANT:_ MAILINGADDRESS :_ __________________PHONE:_ o H.TYPEOF REVIEWANDFEE:' o New Construction -S200 Construction ofa newbuilding. o Addition -S50Includes any addition where square footage isaddedtoanyresidentialor com!TIerchdouIWing._.__.. o Minor Alteration .:S20 lncllldesminor changesto buildings andsite improvements.such as. reroofing.painting.windowadditions.landscaping.fencesandretaining walls.etc. o Conceptual Review-SO Foranyapplicationwherethe applicant wishestomeetwithDesignReview Boardtodetermine whether ornottheprojectgenerally complies withthe designguidelines.,TheDRBdoesnotvoteonconceptualreviews. DRBfeesarctobepaidatthetimeofsubmittal.'Later.when applying forabuildingpermit ,pleaseidentify theaccuratevaluation of the'project.TheTown of Vailwilladjustthefee according totheprojectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. QLlCSIICllS?Cnlllh.:Planning Sr.ff at 479·21211 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL l%/08 /9~23 ;51,FPS AllCRlTE_~02 r.;~E8ALINEPItMATION Thi,IINllicnion i~forany JIfOjcct nlquLrillg Dcalgn Review IPJlrDval.Any (lrejCl:1 requiring dcsjllJl review ~~ receive Design llm"apflrov,,1 priorto SIlbmitting for a building flCnllit.For flPC:Cific il.'rormali~.see the 5U~l1llnal requirements for rho ~rticullll'aPJ'lroval rhat ill ~umcd.The appIica'iDll cannol be acocprcd unlilall t~n>qu,rcd infDnnation ',IUbmItn:4.The projett may Wo I\OCld 10 be reviewed by lila Town COU1\Cll'l'ul/or the PlaMing and EnvironmmCII Commillion.Dutp RaMMV Board .pprovN aplrcs 0fU!ytAr arter IInaJ .pprova'ualess I bllUdllI,pennl''I fnacd and'tWfrvctioa It ...rWd. A ,DESCRI1'110NOF THB REQUEST:--:-_~_ • __________________PHONE:_ TYI'E OF REV1£W .AND FEE:. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT...•BLOCK...·FILlNO :,'--_ PHYSICALAODRESS:_ PARCEl....~_(Co~EaJle Co.A--.CWJ Oftic:.:lit 970-J211-8640 for,parcel ') .ZOH1NG:~_ NAME OF OWN2RCS):<?ofA k 6tmAt! MAIUNG ADDRESS.!Q II,flAC(U f!Q . ;:.N~J£W'bQtJ;h .~~ OWNER(S)SIGNATURECS):7jiii~ "'....ME Of'APPLlCANT:_ MAII.INGAOORESS:_ H . c.. D. E. " ~~: F, G . ,-):: o Mill.,.....ter.1loD ";"no o Coeeepl1lll Jletitw -S. o New CotIltnlcttoD •SlOG o Addilloll'$50 C~lion oft new buildiDJ:. ~III)'~'YIIlcn:l1qU;Vl:roori&J)is added to _~.Y.residential o. .co llq1l~.lliiiTcll n &__,_ Incilldcs lniiior c:1ianges CO bulldinp and sitt imptOYt'lJHlnts,suck u. l'\=oting;PftInling.windowadditlans.JlIIId~fcnc:et lII14 retaininG: wall1.etc. ,For lIlI1 applil;atiDll MIera'lhuppl itlllt wishm to me«..ittl OCIign 1Uvi.- Baanl10 dc:termilJe whllther or nOllhc JlrC\jccl ,IWlaaI ly complit\l willi rho dalan iUidclinCl.,TheDRB doea not 'IClCe on c:onceptul rcvi~8- ORIHceun:tobe paid II tbe time oflUbmittai.La~.wit=.IPfllyina fDr I bulldinJ pern,it.plC*le iclQ1rify tile ao:Uralc valuation of tile projoct.The Town llfVall will Iclju;t the fel :IC'lOrdin.10 rho projOQt v.lualion. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION.ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND,.m:F~TO THE DEPARnRNT OF COMMUNlTY D~VELOf'MENT.75 SOUTH FRONtAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLOAADO 11657 . o .~'.. BUILDING MATERIALS : R o of Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia / Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Handor Deck Rails Fluc s Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retain ing Walls Exterior Lighting** Other .. LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: c~~~"""t:£-,-,--==S,---_ ,!fWtAL T1......~+--_ -?IbIJ&,Iula:?-cqenwrt:-- ?«pO -6t£I6 £.6/2A-V.I -." ri 9 WooD -- COLOR:* :' i' I " " .. *Please s pecifythe manufacturer's color,number andattachasmallcolorchip **All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(1).If exterior light ing is proposed, please indicate the number offixtures and locations ona separate lighting plan .Identify eachfixturetypeand provide the height above grade,lumens output,luminous area ,and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures, •• .. 2 -•PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS : BotanicalName CommonName Ouantity 10,(,1 z·· r I EXISTING TREESTO BEREMOVED: *Minimum requirementsforlandscaping :deciduous trees-2inch caliper coniferous trees-6feetin height shrubs -5 gallons Square Footage ( GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 7 ff - OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retainingwalls,fences,swimmingpools,etc.)Pleasespecify.Indicate topand bottom elevations ofretaining walls.Maximumheight ofwalls withinthefront setback is3feet.Maximum height of walls elsewhere onthe property is6feet.. I• .. 3 E 14 MODELFINISHGLASS 662 1 14,15 66.H 14,1 5 6632 14 ,15 6633 I~.I 5 6637 1 ~,1 5 EXT TOPTO MAX. WIDTH LENGTH O /A MOUNT WATTS 9"17"10 "~"2/60C "'i4 10 'il"25"II 'I ,"C)"~/60 C ~ 12 'I ,29 'I,"1(,"I :;I '::"-I /hI1(.----- 10 'I ,"19 "I Ii :"<)',',••l /t'LI( iov -:I ')"55"'~/6 \'C. ( 14is Country Rust,15 isNa tural Iron G lass:C lear Bevelled SolidAlum inu m c o R B A- ?>- E "2>\-+=1z.o~"t..H't''e-,-/ ~l -1)~~~""'HV~~~,...-e."el D~""f1)G T ,•• Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 January 8,1999 DaleSmith Fritzlen Pierce SmithArchitects 1650E.Vail Valley Drive,Suite C-I Vail,CO81658 ••FILE COpy TM RE:Mereles/Firman AdditionandRemodelat1984 Sunburst Dr. Lot20,VailValley 3ed Filing. DearDale: The Community Development Departmenthasreviewedtheplansforthe Mercies/Firman addition and remodel at1984SunburstDrive.Thefollowing comments and revisions need to be addressed prior toDesignReviewBoardfinalreview: I .Pleasesubmitatitlereport. 2.Please haveanengineerdesignthe proposed planterretainingwall. 3.Pleaseshowthestairsandgrading surrounding thenewadditiononthe northeastside of the house . 4 .Pleaseshowthegradingand proposed deckonthe northwest side of thehouse. 5.The Mereles/Firman Residence islocatedinthefollowinghazardzones:high severity rockfall,medium severity debris flow,andpossible avalanche influence.A site-specific geologic investigation isrequired.TheGeologicHazardReviewformhasbeen included for your convenience . 6.TitlelineshouldreadVailValley3ed Filinginstead of Vail Village 3ed Filing . o RECYCLED PAPER •••• 7.OnSheet AlO 1,pleaseshow cCIling heightforallcrawlspaces .Forcrawl spacesnottobe considered GRFA,the y must be5'orlessinceiling height,withanopeningnot greater than 12sq.ft.in area (per section12-15-3A ofthc Vail Mun icipal Code). 8.Atgradedecks(within5 'of groundlevel)mayextend7.5'intoside setbacks.Please indicate proposed deck s onEastelevation,showingthatdeckisat-grade . 9.Plea sesubmitalightingplan(perSection12-11-4C of theVailMun icipal Code). 10.Sta ff hasevaluatedLot 20,Vail V alley 3'dFiling ,1984Sunbur st Drivebasedonthe Pr imary/Secondary Zon ing Regulations. Zoning: LotSize: Buildable Area: Standard S ite Coverage GRFA Primary Secondary Primary/Secondary 15071.76 sq.ft. 15071.76sq .ft. Allowable 3014sq.ft . 4607sq.ft. 2764.2 sq.ft. 1842.8 sq.ft Proposed 3080 sq.ft . 499 8 sq.ft . 3064 sq .ft. 1934 sq .ft.+327 sq .ft of interiorconv ersion Becausetheaddition is utilizingth e addit ional 250squarefeet of GRFA,please denote thi s on theplans. TheMerele s/Firman AdditionandRemodelisscheduledforfinalDesignReviewon February 3. 1999 .If you a reinterested inremainingontheJanuary20 ,1999DesignReview Board agenda foraconceptual review ,please letmeknow.Pleasesubmitallrevision s byJanuary26 ,1999.If youhavea ny questions,p leasedonothesitat e tocall meat479-2369 . Allison C.Ochs Planner I ~:"~~:';!~I1r.:~~lR~~~N a:ER:J:TAJll~:tJ "T~~£~COMP.ztl:rJ-y- _.'E l?"o.BO~.318 BROADWAY SAGLE,C••631 t seHEDU1.E A " commitment No:8800202B95-2, 1.Commitment Date I MARCH 14 ,1995 at 8 .00 A.M . 2 .Policy O~Policiee to be issued.Polley Amount (a )owners Policy Proposed Insured.S450 ,0~0.00 ROYAL FIRMAN III AND STEPHANIE FIRMAN (b)Loan Policy Proposed Insured:50 .00 (c)Proposed Insured:$0.00 3 .Fee simple interest in the land described in this Commitment i8 owned .at the Commitment Date by . EVCO.INC..A CO~RATION DULY ORGANIZIilD AND EXISTING UNDElR AND BY VIRTUE OF THE LAWS OF THB STATE OF OKLAHOMA 4 .The land referred to i nt his Commitment is deecr1bed as follows . LOT 20-B.A PORTION OF LOT 20 ,VAIL VALLEY ,THIRD FILING. MORE PARTICULARLY OI!JSCRIBElD AS I A TRACT OF LAND BEING A PORTION OFLOT 20 ,VAIL VALLEY, THIRD FILING ,LOCATED IN TEE TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO AND FILlilD FOR RBCORD IN THE OFFICE OFTHE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER,SAID TRACT OF LAND aBING MORB PA~TICULARLY D~SCRIBmD AB FOLLOWSl BEGINNING AT THE NOEn'HERN MOST CORNER OF SAID LOT 20,THENCE S37°46'21'W A DISTANCE OF 185.81 FEET TO THE WESTERN MOST CORNER OF SAID LOT 20,THENCE 844°57"30 '8 ALONG THE SOUTH LINE "OF SAID LOT 20 A DISTANCE OF 38.91 FEET;THENCE N37 033"19 'E A DISTANCE OF ~77.11 FEET TO APOINT ON A CURVE ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 20J THENCS ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 40.30 FEET ALONG THE ARC OFA CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A cBNTRAL ANGLE Oil'04°36"43',A RADIUS OF 500 .62 FEET AND A CHO~WHICH BliJARS N32 027"33'W 40.29 FEET DISTANTTO THm POINT OF Bll:GINNING~"" {BEE CONTINUATION OF SCHEDULE A ON NEXT PAGEl ~.".J.t --:-J:M.Vl'l.J .1 i::.11 ;\\.1 l r.i.r.f'.lU......\ (CUN T l.NU l\'.L .1.UN ur' COUNTY OF EPl..GLE I •eoF CO~ORA.D~••(ror ~nformationa1 purposes only) PREMIUM , 1984 B SUNBURST DRIVE owners ...•.. Mortgage ..•...••. Mortgage . Tax Cert . $1,143.00 $0.00 80.00 S10.00 MAR 22,1995 ctnm MEL ~,J ••".'.'""._••••••_. ••••SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NOTICE (A Notice Given In Conrorm1~Y With Section 10-11-122 C.R.S.) The sUbject land may be located 1n a special tax1nQ district,a certificate of taxes due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the county treasurer or the county treasurer's authorizea agent,and information regardinQ special dietricts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained ~rom the board of county ~ommissloners,the county clerk and rQcorder ,or the county treasurer. Order No.El800202B95-2 •• ....__....:..:......- Requirements •• The following reqplrements must be met. (&)Pay the agreed amounts for the interest in the land and/or for the mortgage to be insured. (bl Pay us the premlumB,fees and Charges for the policy. (e)Obtain a certificate of taxes due from ~he county treasurer or the county treasurer·s authorized agent. (dl Provide us the "AffidaVit and Indemnity"signed by the parties listed in Paragraph 3,Schedule A of this Commitment and notarized. (e)The following documents satisfactory to us must be signed,delivered and recorded. 1.Warranty Deed SUfficient to convey the fee simple estate or interest 1n the land described or referred to herein,to the Proposed Insured,Schedule A,Item 2A. 2.Compliance with provisions of statutes,requiring completion and Declarat ion. Section 39-14-102, filin~of a Real Colorado Revised Property Transfer 3.Evidence satisfactory to the company or compliance with enacting a real estate t~ansfer tax Within the Town of Vail all amendments thereto. an Ordinance to~ether With NOTE.IF THE SALES PRICE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY EXCBEDS 9100,000.00 THE SELLER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THE DISCLOSURE OR WITHHOLDING PROVISIONS OF C.R.S.39-22-604.5 (NONRESIDENT WITHHOLDING). Orde~No.8S00202B95-2 B-'Section 2 •• Exceptions Any policy we issue will have the fOllowing except10ne unless they are taken care of to our satisfaction, 1.Taxes and ~ssessments not certified to the Treasurer'~Office. 2.Any facts,rights,1nteres~s or claims ,whioh are not shown by the pUblic records but which eOU10 be ascertc1ned by an inspection of the land or bY mak1ng inquiry o~persons 1n possession thereo~. 3.Easements,or claims of easements,not shewn by the publio records. 4.Discrepancies,conflicts in encroachments,anO any facts Which land would 018cl0ge,and which are boundary a cor-rect; not shown 11nes,shortage 1n area, sut'vey and inspection of the by the public records. 5.Any lien,or right to a 11en.tor services, heretofore or hereafter furnished,imposed by law and publ1c recorda. labor or material not shown by the 6.Any and all unpaid taxes,assessments and un~edeemed tax sa1Q&. 7.The right of p~opr1etor of a vein or lode to extract or remove should the same be found to penetrate or intereect the premises granted as reserved in United State patent recorded June 24,1905, 46,at Pa~e 495 ano August 22,1956 in Book 157 at Paqe 304,and all aSSignments thereof or 1ntereet there~n. his ore thereby in Book any and 8.Right of way for d1tches or canals rese~ed in United States Patent recorded June 24.1905,in Book 48 at Page 495 and August 22,1956 in Book 157 at Pa'ga 304. 9.An undiVided 1/2 interest in all 011,gas and other m1nerals as reserved by Peter E.Katsos recorded May 3,1960 1nBook 165 at Page 227, and any and all assignments thereat or intereste therein. '10.Terms,conditions and prOViSions as contained in easements recorded February 5,1969 1n Book 214 at Page 612 and OCtober 20,1969 in Book 216 at Page 217. 12.Easements,condit1ons.restrictions and reservations as shown or reserved on the recorded plat of Vail Valley Th1rd F1ling. 13.Covenants,cond1t1ons and restrictions,which do not inclUde a forfeiture or reverter clause,set forth in the instrument recorded August 30,1977 1n Book 259 at Page 68.Provisions reqard1nQ ~ace .color,c~eed, and national or1qin,if any,are deleted. conditions,restrictions and reservations recorded map of a resubdivis10n of Lot 20, as shown Or" Vail Valley, (SEE CONTINUATIONOF BCHEDUL@ B -SECTION 2,IF ANY,ON NEXT PAGE) 02 124 /~Y 19:54 FAX 9704764901••FPSARCHITECTS••~02 COLLINS &LAMPIRIS eo"SlA.'llllG ~0L0llISTS P.O.Box 23 sn,T.COLORADO 81652 PHONFlFAX (970)876-5400 (24 HoURS) 1'IuNCll'ALS BNc.....CDlIiu,PhD. NicholosLampiriJ,PIl.D. February 22,1999 Dale Smith Fritzlen-Pierce-Smith Architects 1650 E.Valley Dr.Suite C-1 Vail,Colorado 81657 RE:LOT20.VAlL VAll.EY 31D FILING 1984 SUNBURST DRIVE Dear Mr.Smith: Per your request I have completed my geologic hazard evaluation of'the above referenced property with respect to the potential for rockfall,debris flow/debris avalanche,or snow avalanche. The property is contained within the "High Severity Rockfall"zone,the "Moderate DebrisFlow" zone anda "Possible Avalanche Influence Zone"on the Town of Vail geologic hazard maps.The ''High SeverityRockfall"zone boundary is coincident with the northeast boundary ofLot 20 against Sunburst Drive,and the "Moderate Debris Flow"zone boundary curlsintothe middle of Lot 20, almost to Sunburst Drive,presumably because atthe time the maps were drawn structures had been constructed on lots 19and21butnot on lot 20.The "Possible Avalanche Influence Zone"boundary is drawn coincident with the northeast side of Sunburst Drive. The lot is located on the northeast side of a small alluvial fun atthe bottom of a small but distinct drainage on the north side of tile ridge between Gore Creek and Mill Creek.The base ofthe ridge is approximately 310 ft fromthe structure,the slopein between being thatofthe fan.or about 14 .4 0 (25 .8%).The immediate hillside behind the tan is about 300 ft high.tothe top ofan intermittent- exposed ledge ofIimestone in the Minturn Formation ofPennsylwnian age.Several thinner limestone formother occasionally-exposed ledgesbelow the main exposure.Asignificant break in slopeoccurs above the main ledge,which is represented by a steep conifer-covered slope where rock is not exposed.These ledgesare source ofthe mappedrockfall hazard.while the possibility ofdebrisflow in the drainage and IlCtOSS the fun is the reason forthe debris-flow hazard designation.The generally- steep slope of the ridge tothe south is the reason forthegeneric potential snow avalanche hazard. The existing structure is located well away from the base ofthe steep slope tothe south.In addition neither the main ledge nor any of the lesser ones appear to be exposed directly uphill from the structure.The slope below the mainledge and the fan itselfare moderately to heavily forested wi1b aspen that show nn indication of recent significantrockfall,The rockfall hazard to the structure, while not nonexistent,therefore appears to be:minimal I would nevertheless recommend that if I' 02 /24 /~9 19:54 FAX 9704764901••FPS ARCHITECTS•• Page2 ~03 foundation changes or replacement are contemplated thefoundationorstem wall onthe southeast andsouthwestsides be constructed ofreinforcedconcrete to aheight ofat least three feet above final grade,with nodoors,windows,orother significant openingsin this interval. The current active channel ofthe drainage is tothenorthwest,on the opposite side ofthe fun from Lot 20.It has cui intothe fun nellr its apex,so significant overflow across the fun in the event ofa majordebrisflow is unlikely.The foundation changes mentionedpreviously will help mitigate what minimal debrisflowhazard there is.In addition,ifsignificant grading and landscaping changes are made southwest of(behind)thestructure,final grading should be designed toguideflow awayfrom the home.Final grading in this manner will further minimire whatrockfall hazard existsaswell, The likelihoodofsnowavalanchewould appear to be limitedbythe dense tree cover,which will tend to reduce deep drift snow accumulations anddisruptthecreation of largeslabsthatcanloosen and slide easily;the apparent absence ofa significant open accumulation area furtherupslopethatcould produceaslide that wouldsubsequently move into andthroughthetrees;and the break in slope above the .main ledge.There isnoevidence of recentsnow sliding in theareaexceptwithin the drainage itself:which trends offtoward the northwest.Since evaluating avalanche hazards is not my primary area ofexpertise,Iwouldsuggest that ifyouwishamorethorough analysisoftbe avalanche hazard you should contact Art Mears (970-641-3236),who assembled most oftbe data used in preparing the maps regarding these hazards,oranotherprofessional in that field. Foundation alterations,ifconstructed.will not aha rockfallor drainage patternsaround the existing structure.Ifexisting grading and landscaping are altered such modifications should be designed so that significant changes toexisting drainage capacity andcharacterdonotoccur .Theproperty is in a geologically sensitive area but the solong as final grading is properlydesignedand constructed remodelingwillnot increase thehazard to other propertyor structures,ortopublicrights-of-way, buildings,roads,streets,easements,utilities,or facilities orotherproperties ofany kind.This report is intended tocomply with appropriate portions ofTown ofVail Regulations Chapter 12-21-1S,and nothing contained hereinshouldbeinterpreted as suggesting thatthesubjectproperty is not exposed tothe mapped hazards.Ifyouhaveany questions,or ifIcan be of further service,please do not hesitate:to contact me. ~'I:~~;jJ~~~~ii "3~~:~~f'~~:O.Tq~, t SCHEmn.E A Commitment No:8800202B95-2 •1.Comm1tment Date I MARCH 14,1995 at 6.00 A .M. F ICOMPANY 2.Pollcy o~Policies to be issued,Policy Amount (a)owners Policy Proposed Insured.9450,000.00 ROYAL FIRMAN III AND STEPHANIE FIRMAN (bl Loan Pollcy Proposed Insu~ed:60.00 (e l Proposed Insured:$0.00 3.Fee slmple 1nterest 1n the land described 1n th1s Commitment 1s owned,at the Comm1tment Date by. EVCO,INC.,A CO:RPOJ:lATION DULY ORGAN:I:ZED AND EXISTING UNDElB AND BY VIRTUE OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA 4 .The land referred to in this commitment 1s deecr1bed as folloW6. LOT 20-8,A PORTION OF LOT 20,VAIL VALLEY,THIRD FILING, MORE FARTICULABLY D!!ISC:RIBED AS, A TRACT OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 20,VAIL VALLEY, THIRD FILING,LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO AND FILE:D FOJ:l J:lECORD IN THE OFFICE OF ·TH E EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER,SAID TRACT OF LAND BmING MORE PARTICULARLY D~SCRIBmD AS FOLLOWS. BEGINNING AT THE NORTHERN MOST CORNER OFSAIDLOT 20,THENCE S31°46'21'W A DISTANCE OF 185.81 FEET TO THE WESTERN MOST CORNER OFSAID LOT 20,THENCE S44 0 57"30'E ALONG THE SOUTH LINEOFSAID LOT20 A DISTANCE OF 38.91 FEET,THENCE N31 0 33"19'E A DISTANCE OF 117.11 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 20,THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 40.30 FEET ALONG THE ARC OFA CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A ClllNTRAL ANGLE Oli'04 036"43',A RADIUS OF 500.62 FEET AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N32°27 K33'W 40.29 FEET DISTANT TO THBl POINT OF BEGINNINO~" (SmE CONTINUATION OF SCHEDULE A ON NEXT PAGE) I .--SUNBURST DRIV E 'J .L:I II'J :at -j .-~.j J~'l V n • r..\.'1 ..Nd ...;'.I f .lIJ,,-U iICUN ·.I.·.J..N UI-\·j.·.J.Uri Ut'· COUNT~OF E~GLE,~OF CO~ORAD~ (tor informational purposes only)1984 B owne rs . Mortqage ..••...•. Mortgage ....••... Tax Cert ........• $1,143.00 $0.Cil0 80 .00 $10.00 MAR 22 ,1995 Qnm MEL ...~.4 ~"t J J .1 '."••1 _'i._••'"•••••-._••.;......~••• SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NOTICE (A Notice Given In COnroLmity With Section 10-11-122 C.R.S.) The sUbject land may be located in a special taxinQ d1str1ct;a certif1cate of taxes due listing each tax1ng jur1sdict1on shall be obtained from the county treasurQr or the county treasurer's authorized agent,and 1nformat1on regardinQ special dietr1ctB and the boundar1es of such d1str1cts may be obta1ned ~,om the board of county ~omm1ssioners,the county clerk and recorder,or the county treasurer. "••••--:-:=:;j .I'.I -'.',U,..........--_......_..- Requirements ..I ·~·""I_••:';"l _..I ., The following reqplrements must be met. (a)Pay the agreed amounts for the interest 1n the land and/or for the mortgage to be insured. (bl Pay us the premiumB,fees and charges for ths po11cy. (c)Obtain a certificate of taxes due from ~he county treasurer or the county treasurer's authorized agent. (d)Provide us the "Affidavit and Indemn1ty"81qned by the part iss l1ated 1n ParaQraph 3,Schedule A of this Commitment and notarized. (e)The follow1nQ documents satisfactory to us must be s1gned,delivered and t"ecorr.1ed. 1.warranty Deed SUfficient to convey the fee S1mple estate or interest in the land descr1bed or referred to herein,to the Proposed InsUred,Schedule A,Item 2A. 2.compliance with provisions of Statutes,requir1ng completion and Declarat 10n . section 39-14-102, filinQ or a Real Colorado ReVised Property Transfer 3.Evidence satisfactory to the company ot comp11ance with enacting a real estate transfer tax Within the Town of Vail all amendments thereto. an Ordinance together With NOTE.IF THESALES PRICE OF THE SUBJECT peOPERTY EXCEEDS 8100,000.00 THE SELLER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THE DISCLOSURE OR WITHHOLDING PROVISIONS OF C.R.S .39-22-604.5 (NONRESIDeNT WITHHOLDING). Order No.ES00202B9S-2 B-'Section 2 ...v ...'I V.:'"'I ,.)'1_'••r ,J Exceptions Any policy we issue w1l1 have the following except10n6 unlees they are taken care of to our sat1sfaction: 1.Taxes and Assessments not certified to the T~easurer'B Office. 2 .Any facts,riQhts,interests or c1a1ms which are not shown by thQ publ1c records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry o~persons in possession thereo~. 3.Easements,or claims ot easements,not shown by the publio records. 4.Discrepancies,conflicts 1n boundary encroachments,and any facts WhiCh a correct land would 01sclose,and wh1ch are not shown lines,shortage 1n area, survey and inspection of the by the PUblic records. 5.Any lien,or right to a l1en,tor se~1cee, heretofore or hereafter furnished,imposed by law and public recorda. labor or material not shown by the 6.Any and all unpaid taxes,assessments and un~edeemed tax sales. 7.Ths right of proprietor of a vein O~lode to extract or remove should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises granted as reserved in United State patent recorded June 24,1905, 46,at Page 495 and Auqust 22,1956 1n Book 157 at Page 304,and all aSSignments thereof or interest there1n. his ore thereby 1n Book any and 8.RiQht of way for ditches or canals reee~ed 1n United States Patent recorded ~ne 24,1905,1n Book 48 at Page 495 and August 22,1956 1n Book 157 at Paga 304. 9.An undiVided 1/2 interest 1n all 011,gas and other minerals aD reserved by Peter E.Katsos recorded May 3,1960 1n Book 165 at Pa~e 227, and any and all assignments thereof or intereate therein. ·10.Terms,conditions and prOViSions ae contained in easements recorded February 5,1969 1n Book 214 at Page 622 and October 20,1969 in Book 216 at Page 217 . 12 .Easements ,condit1ons,restrictions and reservations 88 shown or reserved on the recorded plat of Vail Valley Third Filing. 13.Covenants,conditions and restrictions,which do not incl ude a forfeiture o~reverter clause,set forth in the instrument recorded August 30,1977 1n Book 259 at Page 68.P.ovisions regardinQ race,color,creed, and national origin,if any,are deleted. 14.Easements, reserved on the F11ing No.3. conditions,restrictions and reservations recorded map of a resubd1vislon ot Lot 20, ae shown or Vail Valley, 15.Terms,conditions,p~oviBions and obligations o~the Party Wall Agreement recorded February 24,19B1 1n Book 318 at Page 906, (SEE CONTINUATIONOF SCHEDULE B -SECTION 2,IF ANY,ON N~XT PAGE) Jan.8.199 '~ -'", I :4'3 P ~!FIRS TAMER ICAN••No.2598 P.3/10'..... FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE COMPANY INFORMAnON The Title Insurance Commitment Isalegal contract between you andthe company.It is issued 10 show the basisonwhichwe will inue a Title Insurance Policy to you.The Policy will Insureyou against cenaln risks totheland l itle.subject tothe limitations shown In lhe Policy. The Company will give you a sampse ofthe Policy torm,It you ask. The Commitment is basedon the land title as ofthe Commitment Date.Any changes in the land tltleorthe tl1lfl$8ctlon may affecl the Commitmefl\and the Policy.. The Commitment is subject to Its Requirements.Exceptions andConditlOIl$. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT PART OFTHE TITLE INSURANCE COMMITMENT. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page AGREEMENTTOISSUE POLICY SCHEOULEA 1.Commitment Date 2.Pol icies to be Issued.Amounts and Pfoposed Insurllds 3 .tnterest intheLandand Owner 4.Description ofthe LaM SCHEDULEB·1-Requirements SCHEDULEB-2-Except ions COND ITIONS YOUSHOULD READ THE COMMITMENT veRY CAREFULLY. II you have any qUOlitions aboulltie Comml\ment ,please contact the issuing oHlce. , 2 2 2 2 3 4 1-A .. Jl n.8.!999 ". 1:4 9PM FIrst AM ER ICAN• CONDITIONS •No.2698 P.4/10 1.DEFINITIONS (a)"Mortgage"means mortgage,deed of trust or other security i nstrument. (b)"Public Records"means title records that give constructive notice of matters affecting the \llIe according to the slate law whereIhe landis located. 2.LATERDEFECTS The Exceptions in Schedule 8-Sect ion 2 may beamendedto show any defects ,liensor enc umbrances that "appear for the first time In public records .orare ereatec or attached between the Commitment Dateandthe date onwh ich all of the Requirements of Schedule B -Section 1 are mel Weshallhaveno li abilily to you because ofth is amendment. 3.EXISTING DEFECTS If any defects,liens or encumbrances existing at Commitment Daleare not shown in scneeute B. wemayamend Schedule 8to show them.Ifwedo amend Schedule Bto show lhese defects .liens or encumbrances.we shall be liable to you according to Paragraph 4 below unless youknewof this information and d id not tell us about i t i n writ ing. 4.LIMITATION OFOUR LIABILITY Our only obligation istoissueto you the Policy referred tointh is Commitment.whenyou .have met itsReQui rements .If wehaveany liability to you for any lossyou i ncur beca use ofanerror i n this Commitment,our liability wil l be limited to your actual loss caused by your rely ing on this Commitment when you acted in good faith to : comply with theReQuirements shown in Schedule B-Section 1 or el iminate with our written consent any Exceptions shown in Schedule B•Section 2. Wesha ll not be liable for more thanthePol icy Amount shown in Schedule A of this Commitment and our liability Is subject.tothe terms ofthe Policy form tobeissuedtoyou. 5.CLAIMS MUSTBE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT Any claim ,whether or not basedon negligence ,whIch youmayhave <lga inst us concern ing the t itle totheland must be based onth is Commitment andis subject to its terms . 200-200-1 Forn J an.8.199'~1 2:05PM ALTA PIa!"L8I1ll\lDQe Commitment FIR ST A11E RICAN••N ?6Q'o._.~P.5/t 0 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUEDBY FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGETITLE COMPANY agent for FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AGREEMENTTO ISSUE POLICY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY,referred tointh is Commitment asthe Company,through its agent,First American Heritage ntle Company,referred to in this Agreement as the Agent,agrees to Issue a policy toyou accordIng tothe terms ofthis Commitment Whenwe show the policy amount and your name liS the proposed Insured In Schedule A,thIs Commitment becomes effec- tive as of the Commitment Date shown in Schedule A- If the RequIrements shown In this Commitment havenot been met wIthin six months atter the Commitment date.our obligation under th is Commitment willend.Alsoour obligation under this Commit- ment will end when the Policy is issued and then our obligation toyouwillbe under the Policy. Our obligation under this.Commitment Is llmlted by the following: TheProvisions in Schedule A. The Requirernents in SChedule8 -1. The Exceptions In Schedule B-2 . The Conditions onpage 1-A This COmmitment Isno t valid without SCHEDULE Aand Sections 1and2of SCHEDULE B. First American Title Insurance Company PRESIDENT SECRETARYBY Ja n.·3.199 '~2:06 PM FIRST AM ER ICAN .FIRST AMERICAN HERITa TITLE co 950 South Cherry Street »Denver,CO 80246.Phone:(303)691-3333'FAX: COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A commitment No;ES10206E99 1.Commitment Date.December 9,1996 at 7:29 A,M, •No .2598 P.6/1-02c(;8:J9 2.Policy or Policies to be issued:policy AllIount proposed Insured:$TED 3.Fee Simple interest in the land described in this Ccmmitment is owned,at tbe commitment Date by: Ruben Mereles 4.The land referred to in tbie Commitment is described as follaws: ~oc 2 0-A ,a p orti on o f L ot2 0,Va ilv all e y,3rd Fil ing,Eagle County, Colorado ,more pa rt icularly described as: A trace of land pe ing a portion of Lot 20,Vail Valley -Third Filing ,located in the Town of Va il ,Colorado a nd filed f or record in the of fice 0:the Eagle Coun ey Cl erk and Recorder.Sa id tract of land be ing more particularly de~cr ibed ~s f o l lows: Beginning at the southernmost corner of said Lot 20,thence N 44'57'30·W along .thes outh l i ne o f said Lot 20 a distance of 28 .09 feet ;thenc eN 3 7 '33 '19'E a distance of 1 7 7 .11 reet to a point on a curle on the north l ine of sa id L ot 2 0;thence 67 .91 feat along the are of a curve to the l eft,having a central angle of 07 '46'22 ",a .aQiu~of 500 .62 feet and chorQ which bears S 3 8'39'05 "E 67.8 8 teet ~ist~nt to thQ eas te.nmos t cornQ.o f said Let 20 ; t hence S 50'34 '25 "W a ~iatance of 1 6 S .93 f eet ~o the po int of hegi~ning . ~ounty of Eagle, State o f,Colorado . (f or i n fo rma t ional p u r po se s o n ly l P REMIUM: Owner '"P olicy 0 1 /0 8 /9913 ;14 ;11 ffi S LM12 8 9 s 16 2 .00 ~,1999:1 2:06PlI1l2 8 !FIRST AM ~RI C ANe •No,2698 P,71 10...•,__•0206l'l9 ~ NO'l'IC&TO PROSPECTIVE OWNERS (AsTATEMENT MADE ASREQUIRED BY COLORADO INSURANCE REGULATION) GAP l'RO'l'EC'1'ION whQn this Company conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing the lega l doc~m~nt.resulting :rorn the tra~saction,th~Company ahal l be responsible for all mattQrs which appear on the record prior to such time of recording or filing. MECHANrC'S LIEN PROTECTION If you are a buyer of a s ingle family residence you may request mechanic 's lien coverage tc be i ~5 u e d on your policy of insurance. If the propQrty being purchased has not b~~n the subject improvem~nts or repair i n the l ast six months prior to thQ date of the requirements will be payment of the appropriate premium and the Affidavi=and Indemn ity by the seller. of construction, this comn:.tment complet~on of an If =he property being purchased was constructed,improved or rap~i4Qct within six months prior to =h~datQ of thi~commitrnQnt the raquirernents may involve disclosure of certain financ ial information,payment oe premiums,anct indemnity .among o ther s. The gener~l requirements sta=ed above are subject to th~revision and approval o f tha C o mp~r.y. SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NOTICE (A Notice Givan !n Conformity With Section l O~ll~122 C .R.S.) The subject 'land may b e located in a special taxing district ;a certificate of taxes du e l isting each taxing jurisd iction shall be obtained from t~e county trQaSU4er o r the oounty treasurQr'~authorized agent ;and in!ormation regarding special districts and t he boundaries of such districts may be obta ined from the board o f county commissioners ,t he county c l e r k and recorder ,or the c ounty assess or. Ol/cJ a.~.8.1999 ,1 2 :06 P MI1 2 Ed IR ~M ER [CAN Form No.1344-Bl (CO-BS)411' ALTA P1ain Language Commitment SCHEDULE B -gection 1 Order No.ESI0206B~~ R..quirell\ents The fo11owing requiremants must be met: •No.2698 P.8/10020<= (a)Pay the agreed amounts for the intQre~t in che land and/or for the mortgage to be insured. (b)Pay us the premiums.fees and charges for the policy. (c)Obtain a certif icate of taxes due from the county treasurer or the county treasurer's authorized agent . (d)The following documents satiEfactory to us must be signed,delivered and recorded: 1.Warranty Deed sufficient to convey the fee simple estate or incerest in the land described or re~erred to h erein,to the Proposed Insured,Schadule A. Ite:n 2A. 2 .Release of the Deed of Trust from Ruben M.·Marales to the Public Trustee of Eagle County for the benefit of u.s .Bank National Association to secure an indebtedness in the principal sum of $450,000.00,and any other amounts and /or obligations secured thereby,dated October 29,1 998 and recorded DecemPer 2. 1 9 98 at Reception No .678569 . The fol lowing material,which may not necessarily be recorded,must be furnished to the Company to its s~tisf~ction to-wic : (e )EvidancQ t hat all assessments for common expenses due under the Daclar~tion referred to as Item No .12,of Schedule B.Section ~have been paid. (f)Compliance with the provisions of Section 39-14-102,Co lorado Revised Statutes, requiring completion and fi ling of a Real Property Transfer Declaration. (g)Evidence satisfactory to the Company of Compliance with ar-ordinance enact ing a real es~ate transfer tax Within ~he Town of Vail together with all amendments thereto . NOTE,IF THE SALES PRICE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY EXCEEDS Sl oO ,OOo .o O THE SELLER SHALL BEREQUIREDTO COMPLY WITH THE DIS C~OSURE OR WITHHOLDING PR OVIS I ONS OF C .R .S . 39-22-604.5 (NONRESIDENT WITHHOLDING). Ol /d Ht,8,1999;1 2:0 7 P1~1 2B ~F IRSTA..l ER i CAN Porm No.1344-B2 (CO -88)• AUTA P~ainLanguage Commitm8nt SCHEDULE B-Ssction 2 Order No.ES102 06B99 Excsptions •No,2698 p,9/10-•••._.()21l6 1l ~~ Any policy w..iSIlUs will have the.following exception~unless they are tilk..n care of to our satisfaction. 1 .Taxes and Assessments not certified to the Treasurer's offic@. 2 _Any facts.rights,intereS~B or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be a~certained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons i n possession ~hereof _ 3.Easements,or claims of easemants,not shown by public records. 4 .Discrepancie s,conf l icts in boundary lines,shortage in area.encroachments.and any facts which a corr ect survey and inspection of the land would disclose.and Which are not shown by the public records . 5.Any l ien .or right t oal ien,for services,labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished,imposed by law and nct shown by the public reoords . 6.Any and al l unpa id taxes ,assessments and u nredeemed tax sales. 7 .The r igh to f p ro pr ietor of a vein or lodQ t o ex tract or remove his ore should the same b@ =ound to penetrate or intersect the pramises thereby granted as r ese rv ed in Unit e d Sta~@s p a~en t recorded Jun e 2 4,1 905 in Book 4 6 a t Page 49 5 and Au gust 22 .1 956 i n Book 1 57 a t Page 3 04;and any and all assignments thereof 'o r ~nter est ther e~n . 8.Right of way for d itches or canals reserved in Un~ted States Pat ent r ecorded June 24.1905 in Book 48 at Page 495 and August 22 .1956 in Book 1 57 at Page 304 . 9 .An und ~v~ded 1 /2 1 nterest in all oil .gas and o ther minerals a ~reserved by Pe t er E .Katsos recorded May 3 .196 0i n B oo k 165 at Page 227 ,and any a nd all assignments thereof or interests therein . 10 .T e rms,c ondit i ons a nd prov isions as c ontained in e asements recorded February 5.1969 in Book 214 at Page 612 and October 20.1969 i n Bock 21 6 at P age 217. 11 .Ea semen ts ,c ondit i ons.r estrictions and res ervations as shown o n t he re c orded plat o r Va il v all ey Thi rd Fi l ing ,recorded August 3 0.1977 in Book 259 a t Page 6 9 . 12 .Co ver.an~s .c ondi t ions and r~strictions,which d o nct include a f orfe icu re or r~v@ rter c lause.se t :or tb i n the i nstrume nt recorded August 30,19 77 in Sook 2 59 at Page 6 8.Provisions regarding race .color .creed,and national origin, i f any,ar e de l ~teci, --C onti r,ue d I Q 19"Q oj .)":l!FiI"T "IERI '~ll01/l'an.v .~_:1 _.1 'L'1 1 2 9~..,~.~.I ,1...1 ',F'orm 'No.1344-82 (C9-BBl • ALTA Pla~n Language Commitment •No .259 8 ?11)/10•......._._.!~99 Sohedule B -section 2 continued order No.ES I 02 06B99 1 3,Easements ,conditions ,restrictions and reservations as shown o n the recorded map o f a re subd i viGion of Lot 20 .Vail Valley,Filing N o ,3 .recorded F ebruary 24,1 981 in Book 318 a t Page 905 . 1 4.T er.m s,conditions,provi sions and obligations under the Party Wall Agreement recorded FebrUary 24,1 981i nBook 318 at Page 906. 15.Eas ements t or pUbli c utilitles.sewer purposes ,drainage and other incidental purposes as shown o n the plat of said subdivis ion a nd as reserved in or c r eated by v a ri ous ins t ruments o f record a:fecting on ly t he c o mm on are a . , 1; 1I B EGA 175 • G 2 1%22 % A 5500 6400 Lumen • Pole top luminaireswithaddi tional top lightou tput.Inner d ieca st alum inum louvers.pai nted white. Clea rc rystalg las s enclosure with vert ical linea r s tructure . Slip fit s any3"0.0 .pol etop . Color:B lac k or white 70W EDt7 MH ,FLol./I-n-l:==-'l--- h 'i---r1-?-e-.E: La mp B Poles for theab ove luminaire s -see pag e2 17 A 99545 9991MH •-Co mmunity Development Plan Routing Form Rout edTo :Terri Partch,Pu blic W orks ReturnTo :Allison Och s D ate Routed:12/14 /9 8 Return By:asa p Project Name:Merele s/Firman Residence P roject Address :1984SunburstDrive Projec t Lega l:Lot20,Vail Va lleyT hirdFili ng Project De scription :Addition /remodel at anexisti ngprim ary/secondary re sidence The applicant's resubmitted priorto receiving Te rri's com ments.Hereistheir 2nd s ubmittal.Weshould be receivinganother submittal nextweek. __Approved_x_Denied(citedetailed reasons)___Approvedwith co nditions 1·:\EVERyo:-m DRlP 'R OUTING198ROUTSGIPLlJI.ICII 0 11MAs mR.FRM il'i:il: Pl ea scsubm it thesta mped survey Pl ea s c subm itatitle r eport P lea seha ve aneng ineer designth e proposed plan ter retai ning w all. Thi s prop ertyshouldbe checked for av ala ncheandrockfall hazzard s . P lea s e show thest a irs and grading s urroundingth e newaddition o nth e northeastside of the h ou se . P lea seshowthegra dingan d pro posed de cko nthenorth we st si de of th e h ouse . TPartch a nd LS andovalre ceived 12/14/98 re viewed 12/22/98 return ed 12/23 /98 Dat e received : R ev iewed by :Dat e reviewed: .,., comm.tty Development Plan Routt Form RoutedTo:T erri Partch ,Publ ic Wo rks ReturnTo:Brent Wi lson DateRou ted :12/14 /98 ReturnBy :asa p ProjectNa me:M ereles/FirmanResidence Projec t Ad dress:1984 Sunburst Dri ve ProjectLega l:Lot20 ,Va il ValleyThirdFiling Projec t Description :A ddition/remodel atan existing pri mary /secondary resi dence _~Ap p rov ed _x_Denied(citedetailedreasons)_~A pp ro v ed with conditions F,IEVE RYONE ,DRII'IROUT INOI98ROU I N(d UIILlC \\O ,1MASTER.FRM ;tllb'~~'c.~,rJ~~li.~,QM M~r:i1~'~,~.'" I",;",,,",'.,,;~l;~:'1"j ",.Jf .,~).g;ii;'",+'~H,~;1\: Pl easesubm it thes tamped survey Plea se s ubm it atit le report Pleasehav e anengi neer designthep roposed p lanterretain ing w all. T his pro perty shouldb e checked forava lanche a nd rockfallhazzards. Pleases howthestairs and grading surroundingth e n ew add ition onth e northeast s ide ofth e house. Pleaseshowthegr ading an dproposeddeck on the northwests ideo f the house. TPartchandL Sandoval received 12/14 /9 8reviewe d12/22/98 returned 12/23/98 \'\c;v'"r-L\"'"P .iloo.l c,'2 ••\"",...\-J~OS"ck.-~ "ZJ CJ \Ali J.....L \"1 c::;.-t-/~,••d _S ()(If J?,." 3\I I Y I p.>IJ •.'i2,J ,-J'}I.w .;vl\.r\".........~p ,)~~oO~•.l ~/CJ ok 4) \ 7 1 I U (,J r..,p~r~r ,,-_<:;,l .:..,(J a Date r eceived: Reviewed by:Datere viewed: -0',J ', C ~.e FommumtyDevelopmentPlanRouting orm Routed To :T erri Partch,Publi c W orks ReturnTo:Alli son Oehs DateRouted :12/14/98 ReturnBy:asap ProjectName:Mereles/Finnan Residence ,. ProjectAddress:1984Sunburst Drive ProjectLegal:Lot20,Vail Valley Third Filing Project Description:Addition/remodel at an existing primary/secondary residence ~w.t,~*J __Approved _x_Denied (citedetailedreasons)__Appro vedw ith conditions '[.1 111:1::11111 3~11111111111 Pleasesubmitthe stampedsurvey ~lJt-w AAIVj C:.Cj ;-h~jj V ~ ,I I Pleasesubmit atitlereport Pleasehave anengineer designtheproposed planter retaining wall. This propertyshould bechecked foravalanche and rockfallhazzards. Pleaseshowthestairs and grading surro unding thenew additiononthenortheast sideofthehouse . Pleaseshowthegrading a nd proposed deckon the northwestside of the house. T Partchand LSandoval received 12114/98 reviewed 12/22/98 ret urned 12/23/98 box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-5613 February 25,1981 Ford Enterprises,Inc. 5100 North Brookline Oklahoma City,OK 73112 Gentlemen: department of community development Re:Vail Valley 3rd Filing Lot #20 The current zoning of Vail Valley 3rd Filing is Primary/Secondary residential and is defined in the Town of Vail Zoning Code.Withiil this filing is an area d efined as Tract A.This parcel is a high ha zard a nd 1ight-to-moderate hazard zone as depicted on the subdivision plat recorded on August 30,1977.The area falls under the hazard zoning regulations of the Town of Vail zoning ordinance. Sincerely, j)(Cl l/l~'--- DICK RYAN Community Development Director DR:bpr CONSTRUCTION PERMIT LEGAL LOT 20 BLK DESC .FILING Va il Valley 3rd J AME :Snodgrass Duplex House OWNER NAME Rick Snod gra sa MAILADDRESS Fbx ~0zM3 CITY F r isco CO PH668-5668 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRES S I CITY PH. I FIRM Hi r.uction M=1 .GENERAL CONTRAC TOR MAIL ADDRESS Box 571 168-A CITY Frisco CO PH. FIRM E_TRICAL CO ACTOR MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. FIRM PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. FIRM ME CHANICAL CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. O THE R FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CO NT RACTOR CITY PH N --303PROJECTNODATE6/19 /79 N~3 03PERMITNO. 1.TYPEOFCONSTRUCT ION 111 111 IV ~ 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUI LDING 199 8 55 DIVISION 1 2 230 Z ELECTRICAL 7 3410 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :~PLUMBING 12 ,000Newduplex=> ...J-c>MECHAN ICAL 4 ,0 00 TYPEGROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION PERMIT FEES 5 R-3 4195 1 67 820 BUILDINGPERMIT 524 ()() 5 M 1141 2 8 5 25 PLAN CHECK 262.00 5 M 702 3 5 10 ELECTRICAL f)A ~o PLUMBING 90 .00 NEW (X )ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()MECHANICAL ~O 00 DWELLING UNITS _2_ACCOMMODATION UNITS RECREATION FEE 517.57 G.R.FA 34 50~BEDROOMS 5 DESIGN REVIEWBOARD 1 ()()0 0 COMMERCIAL SYST __RESTAURANT SEATING CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 200.00 HEIGHT INFT.__BATHTUB/SHOWER 6 NO FIREPLACE S _2_NO.TOILETS 6 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 1 781.87 COVERED PARKING __UNCOVERED PARKING b~~F~._--_...'j/~9/-79..._- BUlL ING 0 FICIAL DATE INSULATION f----------------- !'-ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TYPE THICKNESS R·VALUE !'-ONING NOTES :DRB Approved 2 /8 /79 FLOOR FG 6"H I EXT.WALLS l'n ?;"l q ROOF FG 1 0"3 0 HEAT ~'~'?r'\ELEC:GAS: I H EREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I H AVE 1\\1rC(. SOLAR :WOOD :READ T HIS AP PL ICATION AND STATE THAT THE 41~ A BOVE IS COR RECT A:'-ID AGREE TO COMPLY VAIL WATER &SAN .DIST.TAPFEE :3015 WITH ALL TOWN ORDINA<~A ND STATE SPECIAL NOTES: LAWS R EGARDING ~,~oQ"STR UCT IO". ~H'_'\~"7,'.lh•.• .""NUP",""'-OWNER OR CONTRA~OR I!J PLUMBING D FOUNDATION ONLY D ~YPE OF PERMIT o BUI LDING 89 ELECTRICAL ~MECHANICAL Project Application Owner Address and Phone : Pro ject Name: Pro ject Descripti on : i "W 4'/1 Da te -!.._ Arch itect Address and Phone: ~(,. Lega l De scription:L ot -~u....L--,B loc k ,Fi ling Zon e: Zon ing Approved: ~£I ,II i I Da te -----.::;l-'!t.L-.e-+-_---- DesignReviewBoard Seconded by : Motion by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:-----'----.L-fL-I.;,u<'--'=~-"'--=-=---------=-~----.l.-..::.-.:=.:~:....:...:........:----=:.....::...:.-------- Dat e: ./Z oning Ad minist rator V Dat e : C hief B uilding Official the pr intery vdtl II/,Ll!Po I 'I READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION:f!,,,It :;;~I1A BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ ,-, ~-fINAL ------------__ TOWN OF VAIL ---/-l-.r-(9 PM PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ D IAPPROVED II CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED //-IJ -IfI I' INSPECTOR ltI .prlnIH'(/II!1I1 MA IL ADDR~SS NOPROJECTNO._D ATE 0 1 tLJ.3B ;;~II I v&) -PERMIT NO.- 1.TY PE OFCO NSTRUCTION . 2.OCCU~AN CY GRO UP ABE H I mM BU ILD I NG /Q9.~,-55 D IVISION 12 2ad) z ELECTRICAL ~5~/a >-GENERALDE SCRIPTION O F WORK:-c PLUMB ING /2 CJCJO::J ..J -1'1 W ,' -c MECHA NICAL -41J(){)c!.u.~> TYPE G ROUP S9 ·FT .VA LUATiON PERMITFEES S-f.2-3 '-I 10 S 167.820 BUILD ING PERMIT 5 2t...),06 <A/I //4/78 ~"ezs-PLA N CHECK "7 /~2 ,0 6 -S-,(r)70z "3 5/D ELECTRICAL S IS,30 PLU MBING 'lb .o {) NEW (Xl ALTERATION ()ADD IT IONAL{1 REPAIR ()MECHANICAL 3 0 ,00, ,D WELLING UNITS ~ACCOMMODATIONUNITS RECREATIO NFEE 5/':1-.';;)'i-IG.R.F.A.-::4SO.5B EDROO MS -D ESiGNREVIEW BOARD /00 ,00..:2- C LEAN·UP DEPOSIT za;.00 . COMME RC IALSYST __RESTAURANTSEATI NG ,~!.H EIGH TIN FT.__BATHTUB/SHOWER N O FIREP LACES ~NO ,TOILE TS ~!TOTA L PERMIT FEES n5 /.8~ PH .iOlo6-S2H'J CI TY CI TY T YPE O FP ERMIT {~B U I LD I N G 18J PLUMB ING @"ELEC TRI CAL 0 FO U NDATIO NO NLY []f M ECHANI CAL 0 R CHITECT '-'FI.:..:.R""M _ EG ALLO T L t;]:JLh ,ESC.FILING -2. 3 ENERAL NTRACTOR =~~""-"-" r "~~:';'iJ(."-'v I "'oJ I i \'-'OJ i I "OJ I ~ ..~~ .~l o .~':n 0 va In ,de pa rtme nt of community de velopmen t LE CTRICAL N T_TOR MAIL ADPfl.ESSlCITY I PH , PH.lNTRACTOr".",C IT Y FIRM 'LU MBI NG M AIL "'DDRESS i'NT RACT O R CITY PH J FIRM IECHANICAL JN TRACTOR '.~A I L ADDR ESS J'C IT Y PH . -OTHER FIRM -,I •M"'IL ADDR ESS I'" PROJECT #. OWNER'S 'NAME ,~oA$'..s"~A ,::'\'/, LOT 20 .BLOCK (W FI LING .i) PHONE #(PbB SC2~8 VI1 Jt '/lUcy 3", box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-5613 department of community development The following additional information or corrections are required to complete the Plan Check which is now in the Building Department for review: U.1-3 c:-~;9,c 2 9 @ M Al .s;:;/,-~,e )A/"3Cla:'%.r+-~e ..<ffl:61A~idPheciF.-o 3 I I r;; (3)I %~'D (Ol2£'V~e.@ G 4MC2€E ;u -r.e+j N'UfJr /mVE f.:EL F C I oS'Eh ~lJ Be.W,SQ3C.d..:(E?lCI'T"~i7) @.IJ J..L /).,)"00 ,~\C O "'-/TP,("'"U)JTI+CO 0(.,1 (/2,ETl7=//)'isE= I eE4 TFiQ O~~E~u.J~--U..B C He 2517 Cc.X-:!» 7D Ci3e ()y ~C PAM -~V JDE a ~..::zb'DA:nd {)rhlEE LIJ)'<;£'-'~Jl USc..CI+~PT'Z~-(2S-Jb ) @ IJ/L G;l_4Z 1NS W I,l-UN IS'o 1="'+=wueJ;i'------ Lv)']H )~/2 \1 l-\c::;'R..l '";ZQIM YIO 1.CJ t:<""DA2't2..t!Lvs r I have r ead and undcrstam.Ltlle above ''Plans eorrecl'41'~_~.--_ ..--- •~C)P (?.e,,;s.s C:-/4 Pt:.EX Lor 2C>LM JL.lkL-LE)I •3~ "3 ?l'7'~CJ CJ 18JO ·O~ 62':1-c.;e3 -5 ZL/.CJ C,) 2GZ,OO /0'7,/820 /99855"-- 2~-­ /00 --- 100 @),& c 12-3 =/57 :::;- -?..----/S I So <2-3 ~2/32,0- '12 -3 20 x s'Z--::/352.o ~1=-T 'j2 -3 /3 x 36,S;-39&_50 "7/9~p6=C)(270 ~ -+--H2$T j::ce t2 9 X /7,S- 9 )</7,S- ~0 r"+t..o(?)'t2-- ~I )(s z. r--T}~1r2-0 "'iLf:.)f2.;'f2-. G~ G/Ji2,-9 C,,1Z:-M- 5 2 ~28 -3/S-=//L(/@ zs:=-- t::::.Lee..LJ 10s-@ ).'70'~734 J, iJ;~32.00. ~\S/D /99/85-S~00 ---~....:------ =Z~O =-/f(j u (/3(0 -1'2 0 702-@ S- /6 x ze:, /0 )//6 t3 y /7 1"7)(/9 -z.'2 €}.cs «)LJ '"3 0 f~~-:::.I 'Z-.O C/ 4":5"8 ,,30 ~~:3 C>@.LA?Cl c.-f)?CO D r z.@7eE -=40_ .::.CL:Jt:::J D ~a:;o ./ L/@ 7 C>iV .=::3'6 O~ /Vl,FC/-l :2 ;CP ~ -4£et,L S;Sr ... lIN ,",OF ic--=:a..::rn ----=~~~l.t:!!2~~_.=:~~~~_ STRE ET ADCRESS LOT 20 BI LlIrG ADffiESS ~-_ x..25 = x .25 = x .25 = x 5.00 :: x HE =x = Z x 2.50 =S Ic) 2.x ·1.00 =7 ,0 2--X .50 ='../,() x 1.50 = 3 x .75 ::2,2 >' ~x 3.00 es'./8.00 Z--"Z ')("4..0 Ftl1.sens X 3.00 = 100-15 x 1.00 = Kimel X I:al = DI S/-UASl-£R X = I..ALtIDRI ES •X·.50 =... OUtS Ire WAlER x 1.00 = Rcx:r'S (LIVING FnQ"'S.~~'omCES,/,/x 1.00 =/'1,Oa KITca:S DISHtlASHERS IJrn!:RIES (PER W~) ICE MACHINES SALtIAS WAlER COOt.ERS & WAlrR FOlHTAWS SNIt-i1It-'G POOLS JAOJZZI OUTS IDE ~:ATER OONL'U1 OF c.\'f) IV\S IN &TO I LET {ONE HAlF PA nU /II OORA.5 INKS FU.L SA'Tli ·, (SH)'....ER O~nJ3 tBASIN.TOILET) APNmOOS 4. 1..I!ASEH8rr1STFl.OOR _ 2ND Floc.q ~_3im FLOJR _ 2.~~~~~r)hDFlCXJR~ 3;BASEY"dIT :;.. 1sT FLDm to;2ND FlOO~}= jRl)FLCC~-L~ 6. 7. 8. 5. 1. 2. 3. 5. 4. 9. 10. lOTAl..POINTS ...,', rolJ.!MlNG TIE co.'?L[TICU OF crx:STRl'CTIo.·~OF ALL SmLCMES.THE DISTRICT SfWJ.. PERFlrJ1 A rlr(SICI.l.I~Gt 'ECTIC:1 OF J\LI..t'~·lIS!::S TO CETEi;.',\WE 11",r:LIl!.lER OF POWlS 10 OE AS~ES S:n J\CC\)I:DI::'';TO TP~Hi\f<::t ,-':,D SC'.,i:~T/-"FEE.:::0 PJ\TE S;:I:r:L:.JLE,.\5 .....':END ED ,'':;0 'TI iE OI$mICT SHI\!.L t~'Jao ,\;IY IlUJU~T:ulTS r:<:!=E SS.\;1Y IN na 9~IGI;l(.l. TN'FEE PAID.nus 1:15?ECTIO/SII.\lL ALSO 08E1;;1l:11;:TIlE EUILDIf:G a.'.~IER S lio\TER Nill S[lIER SERVICE OW'GE. DOMO OF OlllCcrons ,.. •• 75south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 July 9,1990 Mr.Lou Meskimen Thank You Masked Man Services P.o.Box 488 Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Lot 20,Vail Valley 3rd Filing Dear Lou: office of community development Thank you for your letter of June 20th concerning building a stone wall on the above property.Iam sorry that we did not have an opportunity to talk about this project before I had to go out of town.Iam concerned that you are frustrated about the review process and wished to respond to your letter. The staff visited the property after receiving your proposal to see what you were proposing.Whenever any property owner in Vail wishes to construct improvements on property that might be on Town of Vail land,a survey by a registered surveyor must be submitted to determine exactly where the improvements will be placed.Further,if it becomes apparent that the work will be on Town right of way,thethe applicant must submit an application for a revocable right-of-way permit.Improvements on Town owned land requires Council approval.This process allows improvements on pUblic land,but ensures that the improvements do not create problems for road maintenance,ownership rights and liability. Without a survey,it is impossible to determine property lines. To try to interpolate property lines from a survey done on adjacent property would be to guess where the lines would continue.A revocable right-of-way permit must include an accurate survey. .. f •• I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause you,and am more than happy to meet with you.I hope you will continue with your landscape improvement.Please let meknow if I can assist you i n proceeding through the review process. Sincerely, /SJ;j (~cj~c <- Betsy Rdsolack Planning Technician •• i(t~"JUIV .....--/oou THANK YOU MASKED MAN SERVICES v:, P .O.BOX488 Vail ,Colorado 81657 476-4478 June 20,1 990 Community Development ATTENTION:Betsy 75 South Frontage Road Vail,CO 81657 Due to the unnecessary,excessive bureaucracy of the Town of Vail,we will be putting the berm back into its original shape and location,which does not permit the Town snow- plow enough room to work in. If someone would have taken the time to look,they would see that we are within the property boundries as determined by the recent survey with the sale of the lot next door. The time that it takes to go through your committees and the money wasted to hire a surveyor are far greater than the time to build and the costs of the project itself. Lou Meskimen ••THANK YOU MASKED MAN SERVICES P.O .BOX488 Vail,Colorado 81657 476-4478 1984 Sunburst Drive Layout of driveway -.....;;)~E<----51' 3 1' ) PROPOSAL: PURPOSE: To bui ld a stone wall,3-3 \'in height,4'fro m the road.The wall would be built of loose stones , primarily blood rock,moss rock and some gr anite. rhese stones would be gathered in the area from Camp Hale and back.The builqing of this wall would involve cutting back the existin dirt bank by 2(-3'.Perennials would be replanted in front o f the wall and inside the island .The Town of Vail would not be held responsible if they hit the wall. To beautify the property and to protec t the new topsoil from washing away. • DRB APPLICATION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF ORB MEETING: • ~rr'[)J UN I '"'1990 *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed.No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the ORB may stipulate.ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued.Application will not be processed without Owner's Signature. A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:-;-FP i iJw.I J..~~..<.-{---'--'-C.....(/_~..........0"-1,0....1--_ B. C. LOCATION OFPROPOSAL: Address ~_....7x~mL...U-h","1.....1 (....f>....+.l....-D"'-."""-'-C....\V,,-,-f ""--1")--'V....G~;-.:.I _ Legal Description Lot "'"':1~'tt::;;---Block n 1)l1e..J _ .••\/cv.l V~3<~..I --iSubd1.v1.s1.on o,(f ""yyl",",-,·cr 1'1-Zoning LY'C 0 Ii ~I /-!f''f)Q rA!lfV t-0 I--:St-Ln \:),vl',t"t"""'"~"/NAME OF APPLI ANT:_ Mailing Address:_ D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:d.J,Aa 10 Mailing Address:~~V~:r~~~~~~-_=--- \/0,;k ('))n ih ~h Phone ~"7 h -44-I A E•NAME 0F OWNERS:q y C[-go'!bg 'v\,b ~S" SIGNATURE (8): Mailing Address :_ Phone _ F.Condominium Approval if applicable. G.ORB FEE:The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is paid for. VALUATION $0-$10,000 $10,001 -$50,000 $50,001 -$150,000 $150,001 -$500,000 $500,001 -$1,000,000 $Over $1,000,000 (OVER) FEE $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 ••. I .. r, II.IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALLSUBMISSIONSTOTHEDRB: A.In addition to meeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed must also be marked.This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. B.The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board,so the applicant should plan on at least two meetings for a final approval. C.Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. D.At the discretion of the zoning administrator,the following items may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board.They,however,have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a .Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building:and b.Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or pUblic space,which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition:and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. E.You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property.You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. •• LIST OF MATERIALS SUBDIVISION _ NAME OFPROJECT:_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT_BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OFPROJECT: The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR JLANDSCAPING:Name of Designer:'-fI1rut ~9tlllf.a Wd tno± Phone:4-76 -.(j'f7 e PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name Common Name Quantity size* PROPOSED TREES B. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate height for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. •• PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical NameCommonName Ouantity Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TOBE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is 5 gallon. ~Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPEOR METHOD OFEROSIONCONTROL --------------------- C.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify.Indicate heights of retaining walls.Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet.Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. •• June 17 ,19 80 Town ofVail Building De partme nt Vail ,CO 81657 Att n:Mr .Larry Woodley Dear Mr .Woodley : We would like to acknowled ge thef act to you that our previous plumber has been replac ed and shall notbe r e~ turning. Our repla cement is Tom Burr Plum bing. If you s hould have any questions and we canbeofany hE lp to you ,please do not hesitate to call . Sincerely , .J ;;(~c;>.~.~Gary ~ndberg GL/gh 597 5South SyracuseStreet Suite 107 Englewood ,Colorado 80 111 303 /770-7030 • 75 south fro ntage rd . vail ,colorado 8 1657 (303)476-7000 June23,1982 David Tyler Box 1639 Breckenridge,Colorado 80424 Dear Mr.Tyler: • department of commun ity d evelopment Lot20,Vail Valley3rd Enclosed are copiesof inspections for Lot20,VailValley3rd Filing. Would you please senda check made outtothe Town ofVail and marked "xerox"inthe amount of$1.50?Thank you. Sincerely, BETSY ROSOLACK Secretary _____AM $ TOWN OF VAIL INSP~TION REQU ... \ MON • READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION :-------------"-'--'""''--''''-'-=''''''-:;>-L---L==:L.::--------_ DATE --'7"--"-+----JOB BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND 9--ROO'GHI D .W .V._ ~W A T E R _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ n APPROVED :;ORRECTIONS : I o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED rE _INSPECTOR lhe prlntery /va,1 ..-......,.INS~TION REQUEST " , TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME --=---'-_ READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI ______AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H.TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS \~CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 o FINAL o FINAL \ o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED , J APPROVED I ;;ORRECTIONS: \:------------------------------ \ // \~-------'--=------------------- \ 1-\--------------------- 'E _INSPECTOR READYFOR INSPECTION :MONTUESWED THUR LOCATION :luJi[/l:ttk TOWN OF VAIL /j ls:-I ~ I / .,.INSP~TION REQUEST'· s "4;9-f, r P -I."(1 1= --__----->-CAM PM _/ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH I DW.V._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL I H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _) BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL _ o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o ---------z----------- FINAL ,~L/__....:......:.~"__'_=___'_-'------- /I ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER 0 HEATING _ o ROUGH 0 EXHAUST HOODS _ o CONDUIT 0 SUPPLY AIR _ o 0 _ o F INAL 0 FINAL _ o DISAPPROVED 0 REINSPECTION REQUIRED ( fI \\ \; DATE 'I ·1-'~INSP ECTO ~~~-: \1 V, ~pOn""J''''.' •INSpfCTION REaUE~T r:TOWN OF VAIL " BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB r f •C\0 ,0 o FINAL ltRM /~.O,·o FINALI ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING. o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED -- t ~prlnlerylvail /---- INSPECTORDATE_ VAIL ~. _~j v..({£,LI~(JP I (J___.a.:AMPM INSP~TION REQUEST MONTUESWED Srr r./.,(,f:,.C • CA LLER /I 1:;,-!rV / DATE READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION:/t:J,-f 7" BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL _ o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL --;-_ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUG H /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.T UB _ 0 _ o F INAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ ~~I N A L _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ d /APPROVED CORRECTIONS:C1C/-'=r \ o D ISAPPROVED Iia"'REINSPECTION REQUIRED'"/.r:u '7"'-I /q..//r ..../r.r -»«.:/ )'l/, ,-/ ._J, INSP ECTOR ~//d ODATE----C---"---....!...,C.---fl--"---- .. DATE /I /h /ro I I •INSP~TION REQUEST , TOWN OF VAIL ______AMPM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W .V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H.TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTR ICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AI R 0 0 I 'IZJ FINAL o FINAL r I I o APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED ~/RE I N S P E C T I O N REQU IRED DATE _INSPECTOR / lhe pr i "l~r y lvaj l CALLER DATE .~'..\:".INSP~TION REQUES'f /.~TOWN '..5 /~~B NAME _~tU:2~~A S 5 I • _____AMPMTUESWEDTHURFRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION:_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o DISAPPROVED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE --l..-L _ DATE .•'.....- JOB NAME INSFfcTION:REQUEST , OF VAIL CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED LOCATION:Il t~,-_.....-FRI _____AMPM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GASPIPING IPSHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H.TUB, 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL I o FINAL , I , o APPROVED ~I S A P P R O V E D ~~E I NS PE C T I O N REQUIRED CORRECT ONS:~X r,/'/.)I /J .'"rJ ((vOII :)/;1)/ ....-n ---//---- 71 I I!I DATE _--+~_ I 'II.d INSPECTOR (r//l;J~ /lheprln-.rylvail •INSP~TION REQUESt· PM TOWN OF VAIL DATE CALLER -...,.-r~:I..&<,+---,,=-;..L..'7"~~--'-"'=:!"<<='--;-'c...-­ READY FOR INSPECTION!M:~)N TUES ') LOCATION:I CZf L d1 /.'3 //Il £A.-I BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTllICAL,~'("-;If MECHANICAL: o HEATING.....:O -1-EMP.POWER a:C I..-!-Q/J c7-?/l ./1h"~R O U G H ,/1 ~-d A '~()o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL Y~PP R OV E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: o;{;//lt JtJ 1,d /l/p L INSPECTOR •INSPIt:TION REQUEST <. _____®PMTUESWEDTHURFRIREADYFORINSPECTION:'-----LOCATION:_ \ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D .W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o INSULATION 0GAS PIPING _ J6-S H E E T R O~.K NAIL -6M A~I·f-.1-.....1=0 POOLI H .TUB _.~f?!J ft.!--IOO.Jdri ,1},.1 If 7./l.IJ£.0 _ ~f /IoFINAL 0 FINAL _ • o DISAPPROVED . ~A P PR O V E D CORRECTIONS: o REINSPECTION REQUIRED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR o ,1"'-"-I ;.M r:.I/~-k -t-i /I . o FINAL • ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o _ IjJ FINAL _ DATE _~_INSPECTOR -\WJI-l5l'\------------- tM prlm.ry/vail -, _____AMPM TOWN OF VAIL FRI .rINSP~TION REQUEST \. I \ • JOB NAME _-==-"-_=-~~"'---=:::-'="'---_DATE READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION:/f 6-£/ ) BUILDING:PLUMBING:r.o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND I o FOUNDATION /STEEL ROUGH /DW.V.;;>:lt c-I. o FRAMING ROUGH I WATER ~j j,+Lj0 ·P.f~N SU L A T I O N ~GAS PIPING 4>Of-- I \ o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H.TUB. 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 13 FINAL o FINAL, ~~,APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED <, ORRECTIONS:I' ,I ,I I II J I DATE _..L:.---"-_"---_ I)t l.'II JINSPECTOR~U rmlq£+f,II~/---=,.....-_ ~~--- • READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:/7'??L /, INSP~TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL"'. a~L,~r-=r- THURFRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V. ~R A M I N G o ROUGH /WATER *0 INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 q FINAL o FINAL 'f:;,APPROVED n DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ;CORRECTIONS:.- DATE ....L:.:...----:...-'---'-_INSPECTOR •INS~TION REQUEST ,/I ~()~T O W N OF VAI~"• DATE fc,U i I {J()JOB NAME 0YJ1hJ/1/-tUH2 -.-... I T CAL LER ~S=MJ;=""frn.«:;.tp"T""<::''R~=------------,:: READYFOR INSPECTION:MONTUESWED T HN ~e AM ® LOCATION :/2ptA £<A.-)/9£0 ~gt llli, BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUG H I DW.V. X FRAMING o ROUGH I WAT ER o INSULATION o GASPIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL I H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 9 FINAL o FINAL ~A P P R O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED •---.....-..... ....•••·.......11··............'.,."..~ READYFOR LOCATION:_-+-4-:-:...l~=::.a..~4ll:\;;;...;:l'--_ [J REINSPECTIONREQUIRED[J DISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: [J FOOTINGS /STEEL [J UNDERGROUND [J FOUNDATION /STEEL [J ROUGH/D.W.V. [J FRAMING ROUGH/WATER [J INSULATION [J GASPIPING [J SHEETROCKNAIL [J POOL/H.TUB [J [J [J FINAL [J FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: [J TEMP.POWER [J HEATING [J ROUGH [J EXHAUSTHOODS [J CONDUIT [J SUPPLYAIR [J [J [J FINAL [J FINAL ,; )~APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE -~""':--"--.J.....f-----'---"-'---INSPECTOR 1M pttnIery/...en •••INSPI:TION REQUEST TOWN O F VAIL r .. ~~4 .LL LVI)7J 8/if/2 cr DATE /Jf-,;J0j /3 -10 JOB NAME ~<--'--'4""'\:1""'t';<-=--C:""'.:"<:)--":~p...a....o <"~<?:':::<?:L--=-~~1J1-L.~~~---_ t!CALLER ____---'...(AM"":»PMFRITHURMONLiES»WED :(/L~T .4£l oIe READ Y FOR INSPECTION : LOCATION:...L./~9~51,-q~_,.J......C..<4l-'=""'-'4."",-_ )Jz(REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHE ETROCK NAIL o POOL /H.TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING V ROUGH (l....//l71;;._-1/.",••-;-d,I o EXHAUST HOODS./",L.cA~ON D£J IJ"/J A f "I_(~,/J u-'..,o SUPPLY AIR o 7~L /./"/ 0 o FINAL U\1 o FINAL II ~ )?-&6 INSPECTOR It.prln.rylva il .'.'.'.. PM T OWN O F VAil....'> --;-d O JOB NAME ~?r",Ic"/~044 IJ'{fJ'''&/0 J CALLER (){.1;Sl,?:2'='~ FOR INSPECTION :~O~TUESWED THU ~FRI a 'a:)AM~h ~12cLREADY DATE LOCATION:M ,-0/.1.1 0 h ._J ,'Y'......... /\\ I \BUILDING:PLUMBING: ,trFOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL I o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WA TER o INSU LATION o GASPI PING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H.TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL I ---GLAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE --+---f--!~f----I....--}'-------INSPECTOR ..;...=-------- Il'M prinlel"yl'..ail •INSPItlTION REQUEST iliL//74 TO WN O F VAIL'"'., • READY FOR INS8EC ION : LOCATION:~;leJ -------'8 PM BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING ·_ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _-- ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _....,.,.--_ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRE D DA TE ------,r-+-~.:....----l-l-..!..----INSPECTOR • TOWN OF VAIL -:-,• l In,4./:-13 '-~~v (I AJ.,t\.u~~'. DATE JOB NAME ~ CALLER f...~a~v,o (r ~~-f-V\o. READYFOR INSPECTION:MONTUESWED (fHURJ FRI ®PM L 1'T '2..0 \JI "L~\}£lr r"ALOCATION:;-VA 1\ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WA TER o INSULATION o GASPIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ,~ICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL hI _APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIR ED DATE "7 '-;;:>6 --;7 52 INSPECTOR ~/d <7 _d (' Jan.18 .2007 8:25PM Lei-;)OS)[1;/U.11ey 3r~H7;j J1~Lf SUf!krrf'Dr.. CONSTRUCTION PO 80)(6036 . Avon.CO 81620 970·748·02110 770·845·8736 lax November 1,2006 Warren Campbell Design Review Board Town of Van Dear Warren; No.0152 P.2 FILECOp y This Jetter isin regards tothe Firman Residence located at 1984 Sunburst Dr.Vail,CO.An approval action fOlID was granted onthe28th of November 2005 under DRB number 050618. The owners would liketo request a year extension onthe action inorderto finish the project. Let me knowifyouhave any questions or concerns. Sincerely; Leif Counter Atlas Construction,hIC. \ OATE._ .c'c:- o• TOWN OF VAn.: DESIGN REVIEW S TAFF APPROVAL i-tg-_0 7,---~___ We-