HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT 27 PART 2 LEGALUTILI1Y LOCA'IION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB LOT P']BLOCK ADDRESS The location of utilities, lines, mrst be approved and accompanying site plan. be main trunk lines or proposed the following utilities for the whether they verified by Date 6-? -r3 a z_y3 a.2-83 6-2 -t7 4-z'Y3 [- e-tr 0- J-,^ ** L l*'* x il.3 O 09,79 (a t ar. tt /Mrf fuL AldfiA t, n"t ; Z41*r;4/, 8r; Authorized *{,ft{ W il:H"'I;: 0.,.,,,2 ,-: Pub I ic tu *t"u.,.r?*njtdl Holy cross ereffig;|:;_oc. Vail Cabte t.{.,ir,rrr,, Upper Eagle Valley Wat.er and Sanitation District 0o* koteP4'1t" -lrlgD NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A, building pernit, is not a street cut lernit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This forn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. Thc follor';in1i infornaL ion i,, Bourd ltcf'r>rc a final appr.ovu I A. BtJI l,lriii(; 144,1'[RIALS Roof Siding other l{all Materials Fascia Soffits Windons Window I'rin Doors Door 'l'rin Hand or Deck Rails Flues FlashJ.ngs 6hinneys Trash Enclosures Grecnhous es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botani ca'l Name rcr;rr i lt:d for :;ul,r,iltrrl by thc c;rlt be Uivcn: 'Iypc of l,ht<:rial tlrc Dc:; i1i;r lir.:vi.r:l;'."::)^t:;:il" N;Co ior ine\ +t -0rLP.' I -- Brcwt--tr\Au,C.*.. 6rvs4il'" ^.- ,(- --r'l-' (Pl\nn,u -llloort €T1? ,. | | e /.,-t,t l,,tl\to L'eJq-r ' 6rcvt^/ (m*-rrr"l a/"') c l-.f u :u ili{b.l €T ?D 'P:"u\4r't u' lo,' r < TREES [\ e hr I -- R rc lr/ -6.,2: t/ti! //q.-e-r-/g il1rl.r t - 8", , V- &,tfur,.u /llq, tr-r? .| - , t --rvDA/.€ _ _ Cormon Name Si ze r'$i,.., -94r^ ZitS SHRUBS Ya-r I- Das--.rlcbon-e,- .{iJ.il.g--rvp . r i i' I l ( ,l i ol; I,lt0. j l:(. 1 - ____Eilgl_e_!?nrr 1y lj I t. |li(; home ;,.1 1,,i. ittli inforiurtiort i:, , r'r.! lie i '),'i] a f inJ i :r|1>rovu I ;;i,l l,l) ri';(; t"lir flRIAt,S Roof Siding Other llall I'laterials Fascia Soffi t s Windows l{indow Trin 3TS i;.cr T'rin Hand or Deck Rails Flues ii) ashings ., . iJl,)sures ..iti\.lSes ,..ir her ]}r-:l-!!r!-!r-riI lrr(ln ir'()d f'or' :;ulrr;iLt,rl l-ry thc appl jr.:rrrt to the Dcs i1lrr ltcvi.r:; crr rr [rc ll ivclr : tlolor LANDSCAP I NG iiame of Designer: phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES SHRUBS Eotanlcal Name Cormon Name Picea Punsens_Elauca QO,_EtUe_&nrce_ 8 Juniperus Chinesis pf itzeriana Blue Pf itzer€__Q_ Fopulus Tleufloides Asoens 5 Fotentilla fruticosa bush cinquefoil 5 Rosa Woodsie Wild Pink Rose e Junj.penrs scaoulorwn Uisbita_blUe-jjmiper 1 5i ze eL:101 5 ga1. 2* cal. -0--c41. 5 qal. 5 gal. 4r')b -3::/c- ,ortrooron, s0D SEED TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE Sr rnpr Ken tr rr..l<Jr R] rrpgnass Mi x-h rrp 2OY ea-: Adelnhi. Raron, trylking, G1adg, Touchdown Klr. Bluesass SQUARE F00TAGE ?soo TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL straw nmlch C. 0ther Landscape rl2 linear feet Features (retainjng walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. 8x8" creosoted railroad ties retaining wall COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LANDTITLE GUARAIITEE COMPANY P. O. BOX 357, 108 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL. COLORADO 81657 Talephone (303) 476-2251 Counbrdgnod: ' -='7 Fepretenting: v lrn-e lrusunaNce fiorvrenruv or [!lr.rruEsorA TIM Form 25A2 v 2/81 AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT. 1970 Rev. Jrn-r I r.r su RANc E [o rur enr'rY oF [/f I r.r ru ESorA a Stock Gompany of Minneapolir, Minnesota TITLE INSUMNCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposcd Insured named in Schedule A, as o-wnei or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the,land described or iefeired to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount ofthe policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company,either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endoresement. This Commitment is preliminary to the isuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obliga- tions hereunder shall cease-and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPU LATIONS l. The term "mortgtge", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. [f the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hcreof, and drall fail to disclose such knowledge lo the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company other- wise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company_ at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. hability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties in- cluded under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in re- liance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Comrnitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusibns from Coverage of the form of poligy or policies com- mitted for in favor of the proposed Insured which ue hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expresly modified herein. 4, Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may brirrg against_the Company arising out of the itatus of the title to the eitate or interest or the staius of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions fiom Coverage above referred to, this Commitrrnt is also subject to the following: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements,. or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a corect survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material tlreretofore or hereafter fumished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. IN LTNESS WHEREOF, Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date sirown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. Jrrr-e lrusunntrcr fiorvrnnr'rY oF [\/|tNNESoTA fi7..r*:d-Secretary F LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3665 Cherry Creek North Drive Denver, CO 80209 321-1880 13693 East lliff Avenue Denver, CO 80232 7514336 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 31 10 S. Wadsworth Boulevard Suite 102 Denver, CO 80227 988-8550 830 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215 232-3111 P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 303 South Cascade Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634-4821 121 1 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 247.5860 P. O. Box 357 108 So. Frontage Road Wost Vail. CO 81657 476-2251 3600 S. Yoremite, Suite 350 Denver, CO 80237 779.0,220 650-17th Street Denver, CO 80202 629-7329 9725 E. Hampden, Suite 103 Denver, CO 80237 7504424 .o AL, TA c0ftflI'lnElil' 5[r1[Dr.,,Lri S."1 ( Requ i rr-rr,rents )Appl ici+t isn tio, VCt00iifi4?-3 'l'lr,ili:r:11ouin,g jlr^!: thr"i reqtrireo,rntE to h* coctl.r'[ied sith:t, F.agrr*rlL ts ol f on the acsourrt of dfr* grarrtor.s on r,rortEagors sf the 'Ilu11 coirsider*1ion 'i'nr t,he *stat* or iirter'.lsN to h'r insLrr*d. ii. Frcp'np instrur,r*rrt{+} cr'.:lat ing thrr *sts'L'r $r in*,ertrct io b,e ins,ur,:rd rn.r*1 'err: ellecutad anrj dtrlg fil,td Por r,l{:or r:j, [,o"r,Jii! 3. 4. E: 6. fttL,EA$t $F t)riti0 0r' TRUsr uAlIs DEc[{'t$(fi 04, r9'7u, t$r0f'i s s LNiLrlpltISr:S, A [0t-01{r\00 GINF]RAl- PAnTI{!,li$itIF 10 Tl{f FUi:,i-I{: EA{iLE CCUIiTY F'OR TI.II: USE O!: T:IRS P.AIiI{ OF gAGLE. OOUiiTY 1'S 'iUn OF tl0r50iJ,0u REC0iiDEC DEIEllBfi:R t]7, I'l7t3t IN r:'001{ 179 3S3. f{El-EA$f 0fj 0t.It) 0F TriLlsl. DAIED trCl0BER ?8, 1?Bl, r:ft0fi n E ENIERI,Ri:i85, A C0LCr{A$0 GINERAt, FArrTNflltsilIp rC Tr{fi FUBi-lC ["A$LE C0U]r1y r-0R 1']rI Ugt: 0r trRsT P.ANH 0r IAGLI C0Ut{TY T0 'tiUt1 Oi:- $11r059.65 l-{EU0FDE0 N0UIngHR lt' l9g:' iN li.00lt 3zrB ?fl .l a: IRUGl tiI Sr: $FNUTII l HE AT FAGI! C: l i"ttJ5l'Et: 0F $tcuRI TfrE RELFASL. 0r. o[f0 0r rRU$T 0AlfS .tAilUAriY 03, 1983, rR0n D E $ ENIt:RFRl5E5, A C0L0RAC0 0El'tEt'(Al- i:'Ai-rTN[:R:ittl!-, l0 Tl"{E l:'Ugl-IC TftiJSrEr OF IAELE C0Ut{1Y r0ft riiH USE 0F rIRSl trAt{t( Cf: EAGl,f C0urilY T0 5tf,URI Tl"lE 5Ui't 0tj sgr?:3.t'l RIc0t{i"li-D JANUAtiY o'1 , 1?83, IN P.O0i{ 35} A'r rAGil 67S. tJAttRANTY DrrD F fl0{1 U S S rtiT[r(F RlSrS, A fiCt.oflADo STilERAL F AT{TN[RSfllPf0 ilAl'ltI{:14 rJ, AHDEfiSCT{ {]0NVEYING i]Ul1.JfIi FR0fItt]Y. l{018.r TfiAsfl tiAf'lf Af:rrDAult RIcofl0[0 $[FTrnP,IR 3il, 1980 1il t100]{ 30$ At f.'ASf, "-i0 Di5fl-0$[5 GRAEnf J0LiN 00Yi-li" A]l'J fl. nr:X 5illljftl]NlSlLl]T l'0 Ri: lttL s[]itfiAL,r'ARTt{[aIi 0r:0I $ HNTERPFiI$[$, A tiINL:fiAL FAFTTilE,RSHIF. i',10"1'Ij Tlt,t5 l:'tt0liIfi"lY tldY:t[ 5lJilJi,II t'0 illil t]iliAr. i:"51ir,fii IRAU$r[.ft l'AX ftY UIRllJt- 0f IT{i ll{t:L.l,l$].0]l IN lllf l0LlN 0f: VAIt... tltiftCllA$ER tiHsuL.D C0NTACl' 1'lifi l'0iJl',1 0l" Ui\ll" [tEGAftDINt] {l/rID A$$l-iSIiflfii{T. ALTA IOf1 1rf1 fitil ${:irEsurri a-;t ( [,irc aF,t i one, ) Ap,p'l i c Ft i sn l{a ' V$llUt;042-3 Tha ;'r:1ir':r3 or F,otici*s to hE issrre,J ui11 cont.Bin *:ic,:F,t ian-' to the foltorring unL*ss ther ganr are dispos*rJ o{'io tlrr: satis{'actian of th't Conpang I 1, !itanctllrq Eucep,f ions i. thraugh 5 prirrt*d an the cover' sh*et. 6, l'::iles anrl assss-Er,r*ntg nr:t get due r:i p:rgah lr: Bnri 4FI€c ial aqg,';s3f,t,!n Ls fi6t rJti:t cePtif i*d to thlr Treri+s,urd:r's sff ice. 7 . Arrg uirp,a i 11 tsir,ijs or *sgr?EBr,r,1fitq ts,J+ i 11r,+- s* i d i i+rrd, S, L i enri {'or unFs i cl pet.er and gsuxrr'' f, her!}':rF., i f *ng. 9. RIGl,il'0l"Fft0f'RIHl'0i1 $tj A Vf:: IN dR i.-0ilf: I0 t:ixlf{ACI ANi) ir(i:n0VI itl$ $RI ltri;REf:Ron sil0ulD 1'H[ $Aflg tsE r0uilD T0 PINHTRATT oft 1r]TER$EU1 THt: PF(|li'l:ttjf:S AS Rf:SInVl:D .iN UtlIl'f D STATES PA'l'EN-l' f{liC0i-{i)l-ii) AUGU51 11' 1900, Iil EoOK 48 A.[ F'Arii: ;136. rfi, Ri:tilRlCTM C0Vtt{At{1'9, [Jl-tICft D0 il0'r C0t{TAI}t A r0rirEITi-lRr 0R fltvt.RTIR Ut..AUSE, P,IJT 0ll ITTti,lG RESTRICTI0fiS, IF ANY, gASi:il 0i{ llAf:i:r D0l-0[tt REt_IGr0tl, 0R ftAIl0NAL Cnl6I|,r, A$ C0r,lTAlt{fD 1f{ Iri$'r}iUnfN'I RIC0ROr$ .JlJl..Y 07, l?65, .f N A+0H 1?0 AT trAGF- 559 Al{D A',1 Af'll:Ni}r;$ ttl INSTI{tj$i:N I RCC0Rn[.0 f'tARCll ?3, t968, 1il e.00f{ :11? A'r FAGt ?6 A}.tt} AS AflU}"10[D IN INSIRUnfNI F(EC0f(DED 14AY ?f, 1?&il , Ii'l B00l(;1 1:: AT I'-frtiI At? ANi) iil$Tfli.Jfl[:ll'f REC0ft0E:0 rfP.t'rllARY 1C.,, 1970 It{ U,00f{ ?17 A"t t!AG[ 7$, l:i.. rtN EA$fit1f:i!l AllD ltI6i'{'l'$f: t,AY 5 rH{il'Ill'JI01li Ai.0N$ 1r'}i"i- $I1L: -- P.0Lll{DAfillH$ F0R USr (tF ll1lt.ITY $EftVi:UI l,.INE$ Ati{} r0R Tl'lt; {:0N1}l'iilJ01'I0l'l , IRIc"1.{0N Ai'l t1AINl'EilA',ir]ti t"tttR[0r, INsll{tJf1[N1' l-ilr.{:or{I}[D J{JLY 7 , 196$ I il t100t( 19U 41 F AGE 5';j9 , i.'1. UTIt-.{ 1'Y l--ASIf'lF-NT 7 Ff:.ilT It{ iJID'll"t Al-0N{i tllE EAgTil'il.Y l-0]' l.Iile AG 5H0r.,f{ 0t'l Tt.t[ tiIc0fi0t.0 r!1.A1 0F A Rr$u$01vJ.$I0r{ 0r {iAlL 0A$ {:CH0tiI FILIN$ IiO. I. 13. rr$rRAL.'tAX L.IIr{ A$AIriST t.lILr.IAfi V, & AllCLlNf 0r $4r741.73 RECCl,i!)i:D ,JtJl.-Y I, 14. I.EDERAL 1'AX t,Ii:N AGAII{ST IIL.L.IATI V. & An0uil1 0lj */,,:!77.,17 REc0RDID N0Vf:n,illii( 4L'0. 1TJ. FIUERAL. lAX LIIN A{iA]:ItsT UILLIAI'I V. & Afl0lJNT 0l: $30/r"7S RF:{:0fii}F;D filAnCl'{ 1?0' PATf.:ICIA !J, At{DTFI$OI.i II{ T}iT t90l' Iil AO$l{ :Jrrl AT :r'40[ 3:i7. J0YCI E:. Ar]0[R$0t{ iN T!-lfit, t?s;: rfl P,o0t( .l4s AT F As[ }:'ATflIClA i,t . ANDIRS$N IN 'l t([ 1?S3 1N P,00t{ ;3t6 A i f'A(iH 30 t . t Br'-.......,. . -.......- 256,03.b Fjled lor record the..-. .- .... dsv of Reccption :to. . . ......, A. D. rg -., 4t....... .-..'.. o'clock '''- 1{'359 _-,..,- 705 -: , ,- 1./ 4 a;/ ^'Al Turs Dneo, ()f the l\! ade this l2th day of l'lay re$J,betueen D & S ENTERPRISES, a Colorado General Partnershi Countl- of Eaql g and State of J0Hllitl - itlLLiPS EAGLE Ci ..;.':{;JRDER Hu 16 12 :o Pl{'83 6#4 O C\l cf) c,) c.J LJ- o ('t,lor.irrlt-r, of the first palt. and PATRICIA |,|. ANDERS0N rvhose lcgal addless is P. 0. BOX 605 Vai I , Col orado 8.l658 rrf t he Count]'of Eagle and State of Colorado' of the second part: $ lT^-ESSETH, That the sa id part) of the first part, f<.,r'anrl in con sid e rati on of the sum of --------- THIRTY T|,lO THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO CEI.ITS------ -----DOLT-ARS, to the said party of the fitst part in hand paid by the said party of the second part" the leceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and confessed, has bargained, granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does 8rant, bargain' sell, convey and confirm, unto the said party of the second parq his heirs and assigns forever, all the follou'ing described lot or parcel County of Eagle Lot 27, Block A, a Resubdivision of Vail Filing N0. I, according plat thereof, County of Col orado. irlsq-lijql!\'lr-a-s -s ll-esl arld Eu nr ber TOGETHER rsith all an<l singular the bereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging' or in anyr*'ise apper- ,"'.;;;,;;; r;" ..un."iun and rt,r'ersions, renrain4er and t enrainders. r'ents, issues and profits thereof; and all the (,state. t.igh t, title. inter.est. (l ai nr and denrand whatso€vel of tlre said partl' of the first pa rt' eit h er in lau'or eq u ity' of' in and to the above bat gained premises. with the hereditall'lents and appurlenanc€s' TO HAvE Aj\.'lt'l'O HOL-l) the said plenrises above trat gatned and descrtbed, \aith thc appurtenances' unto the said pat.t].of the se(.on(t part. nrs heirs and assigns fotever'. And the said partl-of the first part, for himself' his heirs' exe(,utofs, and admin jst'ator.s, dc,es covenant, grant, bargain, and agree to and with the said party of the second part' his heir.s an<l assigns. that at the time ofthe ensealing and rlelivery of t bese pres€nts, he is well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of goot1, su re, per.iect. absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in la"r" in fee simple' and has good light, full power and lau'ful authorit]- to grant' bargain sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid. and that the sanre are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains' sales' liens' taxes' assessnrents and encunrbrances of*.hateverkind ol naturesoever. , €XC€pt genefal taXgS fOf the yeaf iggg anA subsequent years, easements of record or in existence, and recorded declarations, restrictions, reservations and covenants' STATE OF COl-OP..{IX) C('untI'of Eag I e of land, situate, lying and being in the and State of Colorado, to-wit: Das Schone, to the recorded Eag1e, State of 1." on311'(,;1brrr.t,d|rat'giritlt.rlJ)l'enllsesjnthe(tuietandJt,.,a<.eirb|epossessionofthesaidpart}.ofthesecondpart,his heils:rntl assigrrs auainst all anti erct l trers(rn or J'crsons lawfulll claiming or to tl:rinr thr'*hole ()r an]' part thereof' the sajrl l)ilftJ. of the fil.st lrirt.r sha|l and u.jl] \\'.{RRANT AND FoRE\'ER DEFENI). The singular number. shall inc lrr ri c t he Jrlut al. tbe plu ral thc stngu l ar. and the use of an1., gender shall be ap plica t)l e to all genders l\ \\ I-f\ESS \\'llEliE()F. the 'ai(l part] of the fir-st p5r't has hereunto set his hand and scal the day and year first al,r'\ r, \sr tltfn. d a;- of I SEA LI ISEA LI ISEA L} i 'i ,l I I Partnershi P r Aiire dUddpnW6 Drive D & S ENI-ERPRISES, a CoTo 'tne rsh ip \\AIiRANTI DEI:D-For PhologrlPhtc Record-The C F' Iloeckel Co ' Denler May se al. t+OLy CRoSS ILr,cTRtC ,q.ssCtATloN, INC. I137C9 lt l(;Hw.\Y 8l P. O. I)RAWF:R 250 (;LUNW()OI) SPRINGS, (IOLOR,\DO 8I602 May 10 , 1983 RE: Vail Ridge/Vail Dasschone Power Line Construction Dear Consumer: Holy Cross Electric plans to continue the upgrading of their facilities in the Vail area this construction season. The existing underground facilities in your area have been in place for approxirnately 10 years. Presently the facilities are ipproaching-lheir capability to economically handle the existing and anticipatea increased power consumption in the surrounding area. Thii year's construction will replace the old facilities and at the slme time increase the primary operating voltage frorn 7tzOO to 14,400 volts, which is the standard operatinq voltage in the Vail area. These changres will enable Holy cross Electric to adequately serve the existing and future VaiI Ridge and Vail Dasschone power needs. The approximaEe location of trenching anticipated for this sumnerrs construction is shown on the attached sketch. Please contact Mr. John Boyd or nyself at 949-4554 if you have any questions. S incerely t HoLY CRoSS ELECTRTC ASSOCTATTON, INC. Ted Huskey t TH:vp Enclosure 4.t{ EA C()l) l. 103 945 -54() I '' /mlqW Proposed ,' Tren.h I,L.I. uest for a minor subdivision to f rec e/26/83 -4- real i bC lq! l ine between lots 27 and, Bloc , vart Das Schone, Filin Jim Sayre explained that by rearranging the lot lines, there would be no changein the square footage of eich propeityl lig]g rlqrreC-afr.{ Piqrce seconded to approve the request for the subdivision perthe staff recomh icants: Bil1 andTattilnderEoi Motta uest for rezoninq and resubdivision of Lot l, Block I Biqhorn Firston to ange from one Two Fami esidential zone districf to twoFamizone district loti.plicants: James Sheahan & Rot hr i stophe r Viele moved and pierce seconded rove the uest for mjnor subdivisionr the staff memo-w l:i:t.1.!i9n presented the request. corcoran reminded the board that they wereonly to recommend the zone to the Town Council. Eskwith itut"a ttrai-ilre-ippii.a6onfor the minoiluEaivision *"i io"tingent on the rezoning. pierce fert that he ltu9 lp problem, Piper was generaliy inclined ir p."il" i single fam.ily structure,but there was more tendencj for thi stirt to iofie-ror Jrpi.r"t. piper felt that thoughthe applicants' reason staied "mass created by two singie-tamily structures willbe less than that required ny a aupfexi, h" f"li that th6 in.rease in square footagemade it diffjcult to agree. -The reason-"rrre treigtri-."qri..o by two houses wjllbe less than that required by;-dupi;;.,,eipei-rEirjonuda io uv stating that usuar.rythe height has little regard as to'whether or not i house is single family or duplex."The large stand of treei can ue ieii-unoisiurueo uv ir'"-rti, of two housei.,, piperstated that there would be increased rit" cov"rage, increased driveways, and anincreased footprint, therefo"e t"-Jisigreed with"t|,is ieison for the request. Donovan agreed with Piper and added that.this was spot zoning, and that the commun.itywould not gain from this change. -srre iaaed that thbre wai no quarantee that thereygulo 101. be. a request for a i"zone in-ihe future. sne iett the present zone fitthe neighborhood. Sheehan responded that he would not have to have the maximum GRFA or heights. Eskwithadded that the PEC could^pl3r-c-e r.iiriiiionr. sheahan stated that he was willinq toaccept the restriction of'37d0 i,i-ii'"air'. - patlen e;pi;i;;; that a single familywas restricted to 3125 sq ft. 7. A L'S' . !, c ) rdrr tr.lemo wl tn tte further restri-on eaq! tot and w.i th the further-resTFlEin on that the mited to 3 UUS fter restriction that recommen atl!n qf minor sub toqont ! ngent upom thE-Te;on i nil-vote was 2 in avor (Vlete and p erl. agaqainffi L unc i d to amend the previous motion uunano ptper against and Corcoran--absTaininc. % ll:45 am 2:00 pm 1. 2. T0 BE TABLED 4. ol PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION September 26, .l983 Site Inspections Pub'l ic Hearing Approval of minutes of September .|2, 1983 Appointment of PEC member to DRB for October, November and December. A request to amend the Vail Municipal Code to add a new zone districtentitled Skj Base/Recreation District. Also, a discussion concerningthe Golden Peak redevelopment proposal will take p1ace. Applicant:Vail Associates Request for an exterior alteration to the Ljonshead Arcade in order tobuild a commercial addition. Appl icant: Lazier Commercial Properties. A request for an exterior alteration to the Viliage Center project at 122 East Meadow Drive to add a new retail addition on the east end, torevise the entrance to Toymaker's Trail, to construct additions to theretaiI shops, gnd.to constguc! a.new gidewalk along the north side of the project. Appl icant: Fred Hibberd 6. A request for aminor subdivision to realign the lot'line between lots 27 and 28, Block A, Vail Das Schone, Filing No. 1. Appl icants: Bi I I and Pattj Anderson, Russel I Motta 7. Request for rezoning and resubdivision of Lot l, Block 1, Bighorn First Addjtion to change from one Two Family Residential to two Single Familylots. Applicants: James E. Sheahan and Rocky S. Christopher 8. Request for a GRFA variance and a variance from setback requirements to build a greenhouse on a deck jn unit #2 of the Tyroiean Condomjniumsat 400 East Meadow Drive. Applicant: Stephanie Kennington 9. A request for a cond'i tional use permit in commerciai core II in orderto construct commercial storage units in the lower level of the ConcertHall Plaza. Applicant: Eagle Valley Investments, Inc. l0' A request to amend Section .l8.24.065 Exterior Alterations or Modifications-Procedure to exempt smali changes (defined as .l00 square feet or less)in the review process that occurs only two times per year. The .i ntentis to enable additions or deletions of enclosed fioofarea of of .l00 sq ft or iess to be reviewed at any t.ime of the year. Appl.i cant:Vail Associates, Inc. ll. Request for amendments to sDD 6 (vail village Inn) to increase GRFAallowable, modify permitted and conditional uses, request a parking exemption' modify language concerning height restrictions, expand iommercialspace a1 lor.rable. Furthermore, a rezoning has been requested for theexisting Amoco station site to rezone from Heavy Service to public Accornmodations and to be included'i n the Vajl Village Inn SDD#6 Distrjct. Appl icant: Piccidil ly Square, Inc. /87 \ APPLICATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEt,J (4 or fewer lots) A.NAME OF MAILING NAME OF f'1A IL ING NAME OF OI,JNER'S l4AILING ADDRESS. L OCAT ION ADDRESS APPL ICANT APPLiCANT' S REPRTSINTATIVEB. c. PHONE PROPERTY OWNER (print or type) SIGNATURE ! ADDRE SS na!ure PHONE FILIN MOTTA D. c__L PAID Ant G. 'Yt n/ '- / ,n*"*7. t /-d @Ut s//?'/;'az & ry7' r-7'< --..; Lf / /. / n '^ i --^.1 7/-z'=*rE{e^ tf -ry /7;"L" hT l'/1r - 3l't 3 aooarss tay' 1rC', L {t I , 0,) g (b5B PROPOSAL tor s,2_2:Q.k_stocrsi!_ suB D r v r s i 0N E.' FEE $.|00.00 F. I. MTTRIAL TO BE SUBMITTED The subdjvjder shall submjt three (3) copies, tlrr of which must be mylars, of the proposal fol Iowing the requirements for a fjnal plat as found in Section .|7..l6.130 of the Subdivjsion Regulatjons, Certain of these requirements may be waived by the zoning administ:^ator and/or the Plannjng and Env'ironmental Commissjon jf determined not applicable to the project. An environmental report may be required if so stipulated under Chapter 18.56 Errvironmental Report cf the zoning co.de. The Department of Community Deve'l opment will be responsib'l e for seeing that the approved plat is promptly recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Inclrude a list of al'l adjacent property owners and their mailing addresses.//6E> / O*r"J t -t4uG z? -8 3 Plaru; u1 DtT Jl,loo! o* Va,'( Sr/rs"r'' Fropu"l Q=,AJ u;s\otr o[ /oI= nr oo/.a ,,6bct/ 4,F,'L;u3+l, O^rrJors r Lcif aq ffiB,'c;r A oJr.on LoT 2I Ru s.s /IloTfn A ' /. -r[o AuJr=,u $-uJ*1r, don= ,+/oT wi<eTYu'fo=u " # tk rnlriruJ ls dr. se\ ta,'.14 Qor. ct* eY;:T;?l (oT Li u e seperrti,rT t+= 27 AuJ z B', rk .7 TFI [Wo$6 ' = a),' t/ 4 A)tt ,4r t zctc*se I j*n u Lu tr ,4p.,+ 7T TrL /, u zt %e(7o;uf "/ r'Lru /n>ytoseJ /o.za 6aA @-fL4 /"?."46 ful .tu-e- A/)u- [4 .-v""f Z- ^4/- z)"tx t To: /b"* /"dZ /"Ar- &4 ?; Afrfti-*.7*4r',Z-4- /g-2 A d oo oo Filir+ 1 BIoc!- fl Lot $ ?? a3 ag a5gu fl t;"t+2 block G Laf *' I I\ *$fu swto ) U)rud R. 6<qersoq e 06 r N.W. toteru Or,,L(o16-{ $f/, ,4-Le.-ido 3Ub3 F\oanal Br$op tld. Brou tlB5{ajL , Qo t\lo5t 152 =ei- Mclq-A+ b :) sMoato 3\ock rl Lo+ rA q RobaA t/. 6Ld1{ 4oeq Aamtfun O^Ie, t/r:lern SP.=, J\t bo55 ? --!t o. TO: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commjssion FROM: Community Development Department DATE: September 22, lg83 SUBJECT: Request for a resubdivision of lots ?l and 2g, Block A, vail Das schoneVil ing No. l. Appi icants: patricia Anderson and Russ Motta THE REQUEST The Andersons are building I slng]q family home on Lot zl, vas das schone, FilingNo. l. After receiving their UuilUing permit the foundation for the Andeisonresidence was inadvertantly misplaced on the lot. The foundation was piaced2.5 feet from the lot line instead of the 15 feet called out in ttre ptlins-approveaby DRB. Instead of tearing out the foundation or asking for a setback variance,the Andersons are requesting that the lot line cornmon t6 tots 27 and 2g be re-arranged so that the 15 foot setback requirement will be met. The Andersonscontacted the owner of Lot 28, Russ Motta, and they agreed to a resubdivjsionof their lots in which the size of the lots would not-change. Since the squarefootage of Lots 27 and 28 have not changed in the requested resubdivision, theallowed development statistics will also not change. In l98l Russ Motta rece'ived preliminary DRB approval for a single family homeon Lot 28. The resubd'i vision will not influence the proposed location for theMotta residence (see enclosed resubdivision and site ptah). CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL "The burden of proof snatt rest with the applr'cant to show iha; the appricationis in compiiance with the intent and purposbs of thji.r.ript"r, the zoning ordinrand-other pertinent re-oulations that the PEC deems appticaoie. Due consideratirshall be given to the recomnendatjons made by public'lg.niiur, utility companieand other agencies consulted under 17.16.0g0. 'rne prc"shi'l i review t-he applicand consider its appropriateness in regard to Town of vaii po1 icies relatiig - to subd'i vision control., densities prop5sed, regulations, o.linun.us and reso. The criteria to evaluate a minor subdivision is outlined in Section lZ.l6.li0of the Subdivs'ion Requlations and other appl icable documents, envirbnmenial integrity'ana-compatib.i lity wi,surroundi nq i and uses. ', The resubdivision does not conflict with oheof the Town and meets these criteria. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Conmunjty Development Departmentresubdivision. The staff forsees no regulations and ordinances recommends approval of negati ve consequences the requested to this solution. !G ro oJ ue 3itoHs SVo -.ltv ,t 10..1 n .eg,2o .l.s Ia = I l z€ rr.er a ',o :i j\o V') I(\l FoJ /siIt I I II I /c l.lI-Jfi l------- r--------r-i itl::l;itljli il -Jl!---l ! L--r -__.i r j'----r'r : iril 'I;ti '\ii \ Fo ii \. r-----'!-;---iL_______l E i JO c)(t, =(r ct $:Nr)\ ii ," ---7- 'a ...lt El'saEi533: { c-16 |r)(\t FoJ c Ja O"rd.4LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: LOT SUI-'MARY SI{EET Block -*/ Fil ing : Subdivi.sion: Owner: Address: Phon e : 0il72 .SCHEDULE: O13336 KUDELT PAUL J. & gHIRLEY I33E BLAI,ICHARD DOIJN€RS eRovE STATE: IL ZIP CODE: 60515 VAIL DAs SCHENE FIL. 1 UI.IIT 3 BLI{, A LOT OCC?z BK 0213 PG OE 17 TAX ITEI,iS: I?Ll 1?I7 A.7 Orrner t s I'tailing Address: tJ Size of Parcel:Area Square Feet Area in Acrcs:? ,'; Nurnber of Units Allowable Building Pernit Infornation: Permit Number: Date Permit I ssued: Nurnber of units al lowed: Nunrber of Parliing Spaces: Indoor 0utdoor Certificate of OccuPancY Final C.O. Ternp. C.O. Existing Land Use: iZone District: Varianccs I s sued Existing Does Lot Conforn? -=_ ' :;il:nr,=;fi;;-;. ; ;;ufQ. I1?3 PURDUE DRIVE LOt.lGlicllT STATE: CO ZIP CODE: gO5Ol VAIL DAS SCHGilE FIL. I UI{IT 1 BLK A LOT CC332 oo j . O3?8 SCH€DULE; HII,II,IE-VAIL I I I711 SOUTH SI4ITH 0432 scHEDULE: Ot- SFiEI4, BARBARA JEAI'I iaico LA.'"(E RoAD *14e5 LA.KEI.IOODEieii, -a'r ZIP coDE: 44107 ].IC.RTHRIDGE COND. UI{IT A BLDG' 3 BK 0?60 PC 0319 BK 0274 PQ 07 12 BK o:42 PG 0336 TAX ITEfiS:. t?t7 I?L7 O425 SCHSDULE: sc oTT, c I l.'loY L. EREI{i{I*N, TERRY M' EOX 331' VAIL o 13553 o13475 AvEI'IiJEST. PAUL STATE: l"il,l Z IP CCDE: SSiOT r{ORTHRIDGE CONO. UhIIT 4 8LDC. A BK Oa45 PO O9?9TAX ITEtlS: t?I7 t?I7 O33O SCHEDULE: O13795 MII,II.iE-VAIL VI LTD. i:.r scurn sl.,iITH AvEI'IL'E SAIi{T PAIJL iiaiE, i'iN Z rP coDE: 55107 t,i[RTFiR I DeE Cci'lo' UNIT 3 ELDG. A BK oa&o Pe 0317 TAX ITEi1S: 7217 L?t7 )??7 SClii.DULE: O13:66 ',1iI'Ii{E_VA IL DEVELSPERS /11 53UTH S]{ITH A'"EI']UE 5T. PAUL JrerE, ti:..t Z IP ctrDE: 55107 I{CRTHRIDGE CEI{D. UIJIT A' BLDG-A EK 0230 FG 0367 TAX I TEPIS : t2l7 7?17 0329 SCHEDULE: O13485 HIT{Ii=_VAIL DEVELOPERS 711 SCUTH SIJIITH A','ET.IUE5T. PAUL STATE: llN ZIP CDDE: 55107 IJORTHAIDCE CONO. U'{IT 1 BLDE.A FK O2a9 Pe o?3E} TAX ITEI,Is.. L2L7 I2T7 STATE: CO ZIP CODE: I'JL.iRThi I DGE CC:t'lD' UI'JIT 7 BLDG. B EK O??1 FC 0136 TAX I TEI'15 : l?17 l?17 0346 SCHEDULE: Q13552 I.:DRTI.'IR I DOE Ctr;{D. 7. TH3:"1AS LAI]D.qUER BOX 1263 VAIL STATE: CO l.lfiRTHii I DGE UNIT 6 TAX 1TEi15: 81657 Z1P CODE: 41657 CGNO. ELOG. E L?t7 t?r7 O3TO SCHEDU'-E: O13551 KUSE, KEIJi{ETH H. 711 S9UTH SI1ITH AVEI''ILIE ST. PAUL STATE: t'iN ZIP CODE: 55107 IJORTHR I DGE COiTD. UNIT 5 DLDG. B BK 0252 PG Oo79 TAX I TEI15 : I2L7 T2L7 oo LOT SUI'OIARY SHEET Lot: E V Block A Filing: oo N*ilr"1Yu a LEGAT DESCRIPTION: Subdivision: Or.ner:/v4A ) Address: Phone: vq CPrtU ED Ownerr s l'lailing Address: 263 Size of Parcel: Building Perrnit Area Square Feet: Area in Acres:"23 Nunber of Units tllouable 4 Exisring Infonnation: Permit Nunber: Date Perrnit I s sued: Nr:rnb er of units aI l owed : Nunber of ParLing Spaces: Indoor Outdoor Certificate of OccupancY Final C.O. Existing Land Use:Zone District: Variances Issued Does Lot Conform? uz/a//4{ An"tatfu t4 ,+ {-fttr , Eto)ce9 {-frzr E3 / I i ,'l''|'rvt't\i 0'\' 'l|l)t'iv I LOT SUMMARY SHEET LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot: J 5- oo Block 4 F il ing:#1 Subdivision: Owner:(-4/tc<lt€ 1o*57 ca, Address: Phone: Owner I s Address:l'lail ing I Parcel:Size of Area Square Feet: Area in Acres : /Q7fo .^ ,.'- ,3tl Date Permit Issued: ,,.)tLY ?,>/75 Number of units ^rr"r^r---!1t - Nunber of Parking Spaces: Ind oor Outdoor Certificate of Occupancy Final C.O. Tenp. C.O. Existing Land Use: : Zone District: Variances Issued Number of Units Allowable 1 Existing Building Permit Inforrnation :Pernit Nuurber: Does Lot Conform? F! o 3bo4 j T a oo 0277 SCHEDULE: OI LAI{E5LETT, O. ROY."60A TTLGHI'AN ALLEI{TOl{N STATE: PA ZIp COD€: tglo4 T.IORTHRIDGE CtrNO. UNIT 14 SLDC. C PK Oe46 PC 0344TAX ITEtfS. lZtZ t?t_7 l;'fi'ru;1i'J;tfu13"""" e?^rFil;#;,II_ ^zrp coDE: ssoTs;;?:_T:"cE coNo.._o__ BLDC. C_ lJK o?45 Ptrnx r rErr'.rl-iJr r"l.lgt" 0347 SCH€DULE: O13.5Oa i.ICRTI.iflIDgE GTIND. 7. TI-i3'IAS LAI.IDAUER BOX la63 VAIL STATE: CU ZIP CtrDE: 41637 I'lBRTl'iRIDGE CCND. UNIT 1? BLDC. C TAX ITEI'IS: L2t7 l2l7 o27t SCHEDULE: Ot3601 ' KUBE, KET'II.IETH H. 711 SCUTH SI{ITH AVE].TUEST. PAUL STATE: l,iN ZIP CBDE: 55107 I.IORTHRIDGE COND.UIIIT 11 BLDG. C BK Oe46 Pc OOe? "TAX ITEtiS: L2t7 t2I7 I\ /oo LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: LOT SUIvIMARY SHEET Block{Filing: Subdivision: Phone: A,.-ar- \ / t, t, ,_ ) .,.t tllf_//vn'v^'-oo47 SGHEDULE: ot3rotgR ITTON, SUSAI{ J. &Address:- gARN,{,,+RT, t1AR\rI},t T. BOX 3e38 -.- IrAJL STATE: CO ZIp CODE:816s7Ownerr s lilailing Address: -\,AIL sKY HICH CCNO.ut.tIT 1 DK O?a6 FO o?30TAX ITEI,iS: 1p17 t?t7 , Size of Parcel: Area square r""t, / O) L/fY-'-? O .2qoArea in Ac::es: Nunber of Units A1lowable Pernit Information: Pernit Nunber: Date Permit f ssued: Nu:r,ber of units a.llolved: Number of Parlting SPaces: Indoor Orrtdoor Certificate Final C.O. Temp. C.O. Existing Land Use:Zone District: \tariances Issued Existing z*{t'L -- lZBuilding of OccupancY Does Lot Conf orrn? *'cl:=l- o3?9 SCHEDULE: o13'3Oe.o iE,ier,,lan, ARTHUR ?': GL.RIA iiir nrllER srREEr i:il=lt# l::,-l f'l*- -o ARVADA STATE: CO VAIL SKY U;.]IT 2 BK oa42 TAX 1TEi45i l7t7 Etrx 240? VAIL STATE: C0 VAIL sKY UI{IT 4 . BA o2"2 TAX ITEtiS:.1?17 ZIP CoDE: eobOq HIGH CEND. PC 09.59 t?L7 Box ?33 VAIL STATE: CO VAIL SKY zlP.- coDE: HIGH ccliD' er637 u"tt tu^ o'*' TAx ITEI4S" r2t7 Pc 0533 r7t7 Ht#=*,,#'ffi:"t..i'=": - " D=llVaR r ro CODE: Bo?31 il?It;^9"n'*i"'=o*o'utttt "un o'*o Pe o5?o rax rrEirs: t2r7 L2t7 0196 ScH3DULE: o13OO4 eREEl.l, MARGUER ITE 14' YAECI(EL, KII'1 A. o129 SCH=DLILE: o13?o9 igEnr-e, '.!olrlATHrit'! aEoSeE BOI 1933 VA iLiieiE, co ZIP coDE: 81657 VAIL SKY'HIQH CC';''!I). U;,]IT 8 BK c)271 PC 0970 TAX ITEI1S 1217 1717 oo+5 scHaDuLF' o13c11 BRE'"'=R, nlcHi*6 P' & LAURTA BO:{ 1375 :+l|t' co ZrP coDF-: 81'557 ia'it-sttv HrcH coND' UI\tlT 9 BK 0272 FG cgao rax rrEils " l?r7 t2r7 O3?1 SCH=DU'-E: O13O1e Xiui^, ;uorru e' 3"a DAVID-..t''- lllFiii.*, .i=RI LYr{ & DAVID H' BO:{ 3577 VAIL : ro CODE: 81657STATE: CO L Lt- il'iu-sr v HIcH ctrND' UIJIT 1O 3K 0279 PG oo33 nr^. oaa+ PG 0439 rex rritls: r?r7 rzLT O17t SCH=DULE: O13013 0342 SCl'riDULE: Q13014 I{illDC:-D, DgvtD D' ZIP 'ADE: A1657 HIGH CCNO. PC OA11 l2L7 o3a8 SCHEDULE: Ol3CO6 RICE, STEVEII i{ S'JFAf'l BOX 401 f,i I lTL,Ri.l STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 81645 VAIL 5KY HICH COI.IO. U;{IT 5 B\ o?72 PG O9b7 TAX ITEl49: l2L7 |ZLT 0519 hIEBER, P. o. BOX VAIL STATE: CO VAIL gKY UNIT 5 EK O??9 TAX ITErrS: l2l7 SCHEDLI'-E: O13DO7 SUSAI.I L. 3604 Bo:( 1335 VAIL STATE: CO VAIL 5KY ufltT l2 BK 0244 TAX lTEi'iS t?17 ZlP CODE: 81657 H1GH CGNO. Pc c650 r?t7 ZIP CODE: Alh37 HI GH Ctrt]LT. Pc o34e 1?r7 /oo ot -17ing: dLEGAL DESCRIPTION:. Lot: LOT SUI'41"1,\RY Block Oe,0448 SCHEDULE: O1335? HEISOLEM, SUSAT{ T'I. ER:SOLEf,I, ELIZABETH H. & ELROY A. 17;BUX 26?1 LA'VAIL STISTATE: CO ZIP VAVAIL DAS SCHO!":E UNIJI{IT 3 BL$LH C LOT 6 .PT OF E8 0?47 PG 0325 TA)TAX ITEiIS: t2l7 1?L7 Ic) Subdivisic Owner: Address:_ Phone:-__ Ownerr s l'larling Address: CODE: 81657 FIL. 1 C-'t .'- Size of Parcel: Area Square Feet: Area in Acres:, &70 Building Permit Information: Numbcr of Units Allorrable Permit Number: Date Perrnit Issued: Existing W Nunrb er of units allowed: Number of Parking Spaces: Indoor Outdoor Certificate of Occupancy Final C.O. Temp. C.O. N /-rpExisting Land use: Zone Distri.r, &hal T_ Variances Issued I Does Lot Conform? / oi, ''HEDULE: 'o13372 aO ot DYER, HUCH D. & l4trRTA I.5:43 I,JHITE CAP STREETo]${ARD r :STATE: CA ZIp CODE: 93O3OVAIL DAs SCHtrNE FIL. 2 ] UT{IT 1BIK G_ _ LOT 6PTOF BK Oe41 Pc o8e3 TAX ITEIIS:. t217 t?Il 0076 SGHEDULE: 013359 iiannv, RogERT H. & ELIZADETH H' BOX ?e23 VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CtrDE: 81b37 .VAIL DAs SCHSNE FIL. 2 UIIIT A BLh c LUT occo6 BK OEsO PG O9E4 ( otoC lGutJClSi opg1'lotoC .oC Eul.tceulOt A IDed s7trq1'JleAgta oN ttv']d ffiftH; -------Fxrora ---F-ror lfl'lJ,iiirgisgs si4iliiliiggiflflj l!LI, e$*r,t Fi 'is $ft il ;d r1! I$;5 $$i $$ $d? offif iltr;i$I - -;Qal'; Lzz -tc *<tot- ?.\\ 6e'zrxcr-c : aL-rre ,pr ---" uq-|zt I ____, \O. tqt ll to'FtQ'tll Itllrl t F2 0\ll,I d $ {. d\ ^F 5 -!-I LI N -\ E '3rhg th ot{0- .iF o.{ OJ vU 'Sg r.J J 7 E l.r5 o\o \ n :l {ri 0 -'i1t-\l TItr HI Jl dtl -111 /l !tpt '9 Jl v T F 0 r0 J) 'J t --rl I it${ir^dj+ \, rfi q- .+ u r( = ^r SlT\) {=l! .Q: I i I t) I tQ t€,| c 0 P h!l? v L' vl JJ 1 u .:' o F d !0 n2 llo; -ol(l 0 1d(: $0 =r, s\q PI]ERAL INTER4aVTOR- .OUPACTED rNATtvtl' EAFI}4 FILL 'lhATrwe'a2sgypffiED EART}] FILL I l(3tF)itul'z {i$;IF ti$ l) I Ftl ON D 0a w).rf-@,t* aN .J,bUIL POLYEFEIE^IE := tef ro v^lttl-l c,q* Ey :l[',EENE,iN+DRAIN Yttrtu. hIALL iblJb I^AtL *4ttyf2rl 6av7a q.cormre.AI.T.\Y FF'M CAILSSIE sAI.ID trILTER. eVoV'ttl.6W.'dR.^veJJ QtLVf, FoqnNgIYw rg<^o.DE EM. T\?E Na FaUuplirtaN Dr.,o.tNt lt{Tw/trTR. NOTES: . Gravel slze depends on size of plpe perforatlons: 852 gravel ) 2 x dlameter of perforatlon. . Sand fllter nust depend on native soLl and must follow che Terzaghl- vlcksburg crlteria: 1) 152 fllter _ t. ( Engineer approved filter fabrlc 157- base .- 'f - - suUscfiuce<l) Typar paper or 2) 152 fllter Eg5ase ST baseThls ls required for stablllty and length of f11ter llfe. . A11 plpe to be perforated VCP, PVC. . Rlgld plpe onlv to be used . A11 plpe to be lald at a mlninum grade of 1.02 around bullding foundatlons . 0utfa11 to be free, gravlty outfall lf at. all posslble. Use sealed and pump only J-f no gravity outfall exists. . Condltlons can vary conslderably, and each slte rnay be varlable as toquallty of sand or gravel requlred. A11 sltes should be Lnspected to determlne the amounE and quallty of sand filEer requlred. may be equal C (-' <:, O t2 O <.' COCOOac>oaooooaooooi>. OOOa o Q{} a oo a? o :-trcoooaco ?a^.4^^,-r4 -aoo<'.-.'.' C,!t:)(-)."II (, c) ct .?) ..-) ! ) ooooLlc) Co oo Ooc\ 9000\je\ooooao. o04 o o.t O ,2 t {t .2 C2.rOOO-1o\oaoJcr.r Feak Englncerlng Co. Golonado lSpFlngtGole Og ott s/26/s3 -4- ,Jim Sayre exptained lh:! ll flllanSjnS the tot tines, there would be no changein the square footage of elch p"opeityl Peter Patten presented_!!g leeuest. corcoran reminded the board that they were0nly t0 recommend the zone to'the Town'councir.- iir.*itri"itut"a that the appljcationfor the mlnoFlmdiyirigl-r.lii .irtiXi"'rt on the rezonrn!. pierce fett thai.hehad no probtem, pio:f-Tlr senerarlv ir.ii".o";;;;;;";"1'sinsre famiry structure,but there was more tendenc! for th6 ilirr io ;";;-i;;.jrii.""r._ piper fert that thoushthe applicants' reason.stated "mass created by two sinfie-ramily structures wjpbe less than that "equi"eJ-ov-u orpi"r;,-r'.-i.it iiiit"ii,'E'in...ur" in square footagemade it difficult to agree.-The reason,,,,The height required by two houses willbe less than that "g!rii;J-uv l-oi,ii.*.',' pip."-riirionJJi'ii uy.statins that usuarrythe heisht has rittre resard as to'wneiiref;;,;;-;";;;;;""is sinsre ramiry or duprex."The larse stand or treei-cin-["'i"]t'r;aist;"il; ;y';h;"r;. of two housei.,, piperstated that there wourd be i;.;;ur;;-rit".or""u9e., increased driveways, and anincreased footprint, ttrererore'r'.-aitigr..d with-thls i"iion for the request. Donovan agreed with Piper and added that.this was spot zoning, and that the communitywould not gain from tnis crringe.--ih."uoa.a tnii-ilrer" *i, no quarantee that there if,:tfi"l3fiolin3ollou"" ror a iezoni in-the ruture. srre iert uie present ion"-iit ll53l'inii'ffi:oF!r':::]l"^T::lo-i:l fly" to have the maximum GRFA or heishts. Eskwithaccept the restricrl9u'o^PJ39e restrictions.^ Sheahan stated that he *.r *iifinq towas res*icted to rril 3J ;{:u to ft each. Patten exptiinea that a-singt;'iili'iy e further restTJ?TiiiJ at the againstffi Was z in favor ete and ff!:rrmorg=dlscu out moved and P ierce seconded to amend the rev i ous mot i on ues f for a minor subdivision to reali he lot line between lots 2 and8l oc al I Das cnone, Fi linq No. tta uest for rezoninq and res ubdi vi s ion of Lot Block I, Bighorn Firstange from one Two Farn s r clent zone cli strict TWOamizone district lots.p licants: Janes ShFanan cky Christopher l€l F;CI9-ye!.=g4-.?ierce seconded to qove the qelt for a minor subdivision 7. r the staiflEh6-IJTgn,trrffi--q991!qettffii# each tot mited to 00srecommendationmtnor sub to er aqainst and coliElan-a5sTa nq. 0s uare feet.The vote was J-Z w th Donovan ll:45 am 2:00 pm I. 2. ? T0 BE TABLED 4. 10. OC or PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COlv|MISSION September 26, .|983 Site Inspections Public Hearing Approval of minutes of September lZ, .l983 Appointment of PEC member to DRB for October, November and December. A request to amend the vail Municipal code to add a new zone districtentitled ski Base/Recreation District. Also, a discussion concerningthe Golden Peak redevelopment proposal will take p1ace. Applicant:Vail Associates Request for an exterior alteration to the Lionshead Arcade in order tobuild a commercial addition. Applicant: Lazjer commercjal properties. A request for an exterior alteration to the Village center project at122 East Meadow Drive to add a new retail additioi on the ei'it-end, torevise the entrance to Toymaker's Trail, to construct additions to theretail shops, glrd, !o constquc! .q..ngw 5idewalk along the north side ofthe project. Applicant: Fred Hibberd . ' A request for aminor subdjvision to realign the lot line between lots27 and 28, Block A, Vail Das Schone, Filing No. 1. Appl icants: .Bill and Pattj Anderson, Russell Motta Request for rezoning and resubdivision of Lot l, Block 1, Bighorn FirstAddition to change from one Two Family Residential to two Single Familylots. Applicants: James E. Sheahan and Rocky S. Christopher Request for a GRFA vari ance and a variance from setback requirementsto bgild a greenhouse on a deck in unit #2 of the Tyrolean Condominiumsat 400 East Meadow Drive. Applicant: Stephanie Kennington A request for a conditional use permit in commercial core II in orderto construct commercial storage units jn the lower level of the coniertHall Plaza. Appl icant: fagle Valley Investments, Inc. A request to amend Section t8.24.065 Exterior Alterations or Modificat.ions-Procedure to exempt smali changes (defined as .l00 square teet or iesii - - in the review process that occurs only two times per year. The inteniis to enable additions or deletions oi enclosed fi ooiarea of of 100 - sq ft or less to be reviewed at any time of the year. Applicant:Vail Assoc.iates, Inc. Request for amendments to sDD 6 (Vail village Inn) to increase GRFAallowable' mo{1! permitted and conditional-uses,'request i parkingexemption, modify Ianguage concerning height restrictjonS, eXpdnd iommercia.lspace a1 lowable. Furthermore, a rezoning-has been requested for theexisting Amoco Station site to rezone from Heavy Service to publ.ic Accommodations and to be included in the Vajl Viilage Inn SDD#6 Djstrict. Appl icant: Piccidilly Square, Inc. 6. 7. 8. o 11. 'l( APPL ICANT APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE oor rtt---B-a/ OC1 l L", ,( , 0t, 8 (bi7 APPL ICATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEl,l (4 or fewer 'lo1s) A. NAME OF MAIL ING B. NAME OF 1'IA IL ING C. NAME OF Ol.lNER'S MA IL ING ADDRESS. ADDRESS pnow y't2lr -31?3 PHONE PROPERTY Ol^lNER (print or type) S I GNATURE ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL YnoNr c//1 -3rU t MOTTA RUSS MOTTA F. G. I. tots,21-3 ? stocrs /E SUBDIVISION nlrne I du_ FEE $r 00..00 MTTRIAL TO BE PAID SUBM I TTE D The subdjvjder shai'l submit three (3) cop'ies, trvo 0f which must be mylars,of the proposal fol 1ow'i ng the requirements for a final p'l at as found-in Section .l7..l6.130 of the Subdivision Reguiatjons. Certain of these requirements {|ay qe waived by the zoning administrator and/or the Planning and Environmenta'l Conmjssjon if determined not applicable to the project. An envjronmental report may be required if so stipu'l ated under chapter 18.56 Environmental Report of the zoning ro.de. The Department_of community Development will be responsib] e for seeing thatthe approved plat is promptly recorded w'i th the Eagie County Clerk ani Recorder. Inc'lrude a I ist of all adjacent//ozD /.s property owners and their mail'ing addresses. thT & -fr"r"r-*^l /7"'z//,*7 r A/.--7 Q /"zf-6= To:PQuu;u1 DtT. JlJo ar tl o* Va,'( Srbs*/'Progo""l Q"=,LJ uisio, o[ /oT\ ar ru/za ,6t"ct/ 4, E'C;r3*/, Purgo=" ', Ldr a.7 he,.;n A rJr.on LoT Z I Ro s.s /)loT[n * l. Tlo A^tJ"r=,,t SuuJ*1o, don= ,\/oT ryt<eTt)* r"6u,r"J ls dT. se\ bncK Gor* Ct* €x;s-1;it (oT Li u e sepernh z7 G+= z7 AuJzB, r I rF o? . -fN" f!l"o$.n ' = a); / ,.! 4;u ltt t totc*se 4 j*o y Le(r /P.,+ aT T,L /, e el fue ( y'o;ut "/ r'L'ru fn:yzosel r/o.z a 4/ Dit 14 .?/-t*f a-/ ^a. w- d;4 /rvrr.* /.!.2 hZ* -A)t?-4./r/ f o.- .l o- Btoc\_ |4trlir+1 LoIs?? 33 a1 a5 au -) \ *g fus\*ntu ) dil)QN R. b<qef:rl4 e .,6 r N.\,J. to[,.rL OJ",t-(e:r"r Y#. ftl;n+2 bl,c-k G Lolo I UoCa.t d,ihop Lrd. Brov tl85 {c;O , Co Bl.'to56 3\ock H Lo+ {t .} RobeA t-,J. 6lah< 4Deq Aamptn A,\)e, Lirslern SP"" , T. \ t lpO5s e 152 =aA McLqA+ b :) a)\opt7 Oc MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission lc IU: FR0M: Community Deve'lopment Department DATE: September ZZ, 1gg3 SUBJECT: Request for a resubdivis.ion of lots Zl and 2g, Block A, Vail Das Schoneviling No. r. Appiicants: patricia nnaerson'and-Russ Motta THE REQUEST The Andersons are building g sinslq family home on Lot 27, Vas das schone, FilingNo' l. After receiving t[eir uuitding permit the foundation for the Andersonresidence was inadvertantly.misplaced-oh ttre tot. The foundation wis ti;.;;2'5 feet from the lot ljne instbad of the 15 feet catieo-out tn tne pfini-ipproveoby DRB. Instead of tearing out the foundation or iit ing io" u ,"tuuck variance,the Andersons are requestiig that the-iot line iorron';; i;t, 27 and 28 be re_arranged.so that the l5 foot setback requirement will be met. The Andersonscontacted the owner of Lot Zg, Russ Motta, and they agreed-to a resubdivisionof their lots in which the size of the lots would irot-cnange. -sir."tin.'t.iru". footage of Lots 27 and 28 have not changed in-irrJ ;;dr;;i;d*resubdiv.ision, theallowed development statistics will also not change. In I98l Russ Motta.gqgiy"g preliminary DRB approval for a single family homeon Lot 28. The resubdivision wili not influehle the proposed Tocation ?or l6eMotta residence (see enclosed resubdivision and sit; Fi;;j:* CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL The criteria to evaluate a minor subdivision is outlinedof the Subdivsion Regu'l ations.in Section l7.l6.ll0 uThe burden or prooi-irait-rest with the appiicant @is in compliance with the intent and purposbs.of thii .r.ruit.r, the zoning ordinrand other pertinent regulations that the'.PEC deems .;pi;;;;i". Due consideratitshall be given to the iecommenouiiohs riaq^gv plrir.-5g"r,iies, ut.irity companieand other agencies consurted under 17.16.0g0.'rne ptc"ir,iii review the app.r ic i:0":fl:19::^:.:^:ff?p.i1!:lg:, in ieeira io rown li-viii'poricies relatinsto subdivision control, densities propdsuJ,-rugrf ut;;r;;';rfi;;;;;; ;il"ilr;,and other appl icable documents, envirbnreniat int.g.iiy'uid'compatiuir ity wi.surrounding land uses.', The resubdivision does notof the Town and meets these STAFF RECOMMENDATION l!: 9qyyrity Development Department recommencrs approvar of the requestedresubdivision. The staff forsees no negative .oniiqr"n..i'to tni. solution. conflict with ohe regulations and ordinancescri teri a. !G (\J FoJ n n .LJ (t '\ ilr\\. ! \L\ \. \i I 3 SNOHS svo -.llv^ ,t 10..1 r "€s ,2o .2s N 4-.r|Ft--''J i:s . ,E .€t =I I I(\I FoJ I ..zt.rt.9, s -(o :t 5\oro o2 = ct tg Itl.t:l! ,. /34l- .-.' !l'se?l ! iiSIz €c.16 |l)N F J I I ,. 9Z ro-l LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: Address: Phone: Address: Subdivision: Or,lner: Or LOT SU:\i\t{RY SIIEET ;/.1 Block )Fil ing : Oo #/ O?7? SCHEDULE: KUDEL, PAUL J. & 1332 BLAI.ICHARD VAIL DAS SCHO...*E UI]IT E o13336 9HIRLEY A. DO..,'rtt=R5 eRtr'./E STATE: IL ZIP CODE: 60515 Orrnetrs l'lailing BLIA A LOT BK Oe13' FIL. 1 oc.-1e2 FG 0917 TAX ITEI,iS" I?L7 I?L7 tJ Size of Parcel:Area Sqr.rare Feet Area in Acrcs: Number of Units Alloir'able Building Permit Information: Perrnit Nurnber: Date Pernit Issued: Exist ing Nuraber of units allor''ed: Nunb er of Parlling Spaces: Indoor Outdoor Certificate of 0ccupancY Final C.O. Tenp. C.O. Existing Land Use:Zone District: \tarianccs Issued Does Lot Confolm? F:rr\jirt;r : -s' i;i TQ, \/ tt Zailcllct{T STATE: CO ZIP CODE: E05Ol VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL, I I' UNIT 1 BLK A LOT C30?e ./.=-.:. _,,.. _,r-_ !1-=*=**$*-J 2l't'f lilh'E-\'Att tt{ - - 'r -;;;r1, BARB&RA JEr1r{-711 soUTH s;1rTH AvErJiJE iisco LAriE RoAD s1ie5ST. PAULsrArE: Mr,l Zrp caDE: ssiot :+:T::":" Zrp coDE: 44107 il0RTHRTDGE coND NCifH,rIDcE CoND.UI{IT 4 BLDG. A U|JIT a BLDC. B BK Oa45 PC O9?9 BK 0?60 PC 0319 TAX ITEIIS: tZ17 t?17 BK oe74 pe oTtz BK o=42 PC 0336 , TAX ITEI'iS: l2l7 l?L7 (' O33O SCH€DULE: O13795 MIt.{t{a-vAIL VI LTD' 0425 SCH5DULE: 013553 JT r scurH STiITH AVEIJL,E SCoTT, cIr.IoY L. SAII.IT PAUL EE. ,..-, Bgflf{irlr+N, TERRY M.Eieie, HN ZrP coDE: s51o7 Bo:( aa1. i{trRTFiRIDeE cci{o' VAILu*tt =u^ oaaS.ogcOo=r, STATE: co zlp coD€: e1657 rAx rrErls: t?r7 r?17 ljii?T";to*= tEIh. u EK O??t FC 0135 TAX ITEI4S:. l?17 t?I7 ,-;;Lr-":!l=3E;SirllE;"" 0346 =.H=DULE: o13532 11 ssurH srllrH AVEIIuE t:T$ll3"i"irirl3;-;T. PAUL ee..\-, BO:{ 1263trere, 14ri ZIP CtrDE: 3=1O7 ,airH,trn-*e ccxo. - - :+:fr, co Zlp coDE: 61657 riJlr 28- ot:Btop"*o""' rlcnrHtilDcE CGNLI' ;Ax rrEf4s: tzLT 1217 Ylltr?r,n=, ,3t9"r3r, o3a9 5CHEDULE: o134Es o?7o SCHEDU''E: 013551 Mrr.*.i=-vAIL DEvELapERS KUBE' KEt{l'iETH H' 71 1 sDUTH s'iITH A,,,Ei{uE 711 ssurH sl'IITH AvEl'iLlE sr. PAUL sr' PAUL srATE: t,'iN ZIp cDDE: F5107 srATE: l"!r'l zIP CBDE: 55107!tlt\rt I'IORTHRIDGE co:tD' | {Lri( | i1r{ r uLjtr L u,iu Ut,l I T S BLDG. BUiIIT 1 BLDG. A -or oasz pG Oo79r.n L'E i.7 rc ol3g BK 0252 TAX ITEi,iS: 1217 1?L7 TAX ITEIIS.. 7?L7 L?L7 to lo N*t!'''J " ;^ tl TEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: d -/ LOT StJ:|.!\RY SIll:!:-'f Block Filing:#/ Subdivision: Orrn er :t'4F ),!:t" Address: Phon e : 3417" CP,Aiuoutr &D, Owner I s }lail ing Address: @{ /263 / Dt li{-Size of Palcel:Square Feet: in Acres: Area Area n'-6r -/,_j / 0u tdoor Certifi-cate of Occupancy Einal C.O. Temp. C.O. Existing Land Use:Zone District: Variances Is sued Nunrber of Units Allo"rble 7 Existing Building Pernit Infornation: Perrnit Nunber: Date Permit I ssued: Numb er of units allowed: Number of Parhing Spaces: Irrdoor Does Lot Conforrn? C'&&7/2:/-{ ) ,'l /ir{;}'4i )--r.2 4 { - ftf f :- P';t);ci '9 lo Lot: J 5- I . -l''l r vt \v ftjt i'-''I,lL; i\.,LOT SU:.I'!.\RY SIIEET Block -.4 / LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision:'/,45, lo Fil ing : (;"i|C,. li€ 1o *5 7 C a ,Owner: Or+ner t s Address: Phone: Address:I'lail ing . ,1 T ParceI:Dlze or Area Square Feet: Area in Acres : /DrZ fr-r Building Permit Information: Pennit Nunber: Date Permit Issued: Number of Units A1lowab1e +J Existing ,zf I Number of Parking Spaces: Ind oor t /D ,g Outdoor Certificate of Occupancy Fi.nal C.O. Tenp. C.O. Existing Land Use:Zone District: Variances Issued Docs Lot Conform? lo 0277 SCHEDULE: Ol3604 LATJGSI]ETT, O. ROY.260E' TILG.H|"!AN 1 ALLET{IO:JI..I STATE: PA ZIp CBDE: 18104 I{ORTHR IDGE CCNO. UI'JIT 14 PLDC. C PK Oa46 PC 0344TAX ITEHSi I2I7 T?n gl'1tt,''+"**33=''"' srArE: rru "ii, H.anrr,irobl "Eil. ,oo.: ssoTs 'J,rl I t_g 9LDC. C - rjrl Oa4S o.rnx rrEirsi'iirroi.igu" 0347 SfH€DULE: Or=.a.O= f.{ARTHiID€E CE:{D. 7. TF;LII?AS LATiDA'-IER BOX 1a63 vAIL STATE: C0 Z IP CETDE: At6S7 tlCRTl.iRIDGE CGUO.UiIIT 1a BLDG. C TAX ITEllSi tE17 12t7 o?7t SCHEDULE: 013501' - KUBE, KET]i{€TH H. 711 SSUTH SI,IITH AVEI.JLIEST, PAUL STATE: l{N ZIP CtrDE: 55t07 I{ARTHRIDGE COND. Ui.IIT 1T ELDC. C BH, Oa46 Pe O,32a TAX ITEI'iS: t?77 1?L7 fo | /.r-t ; :- ) .. /_ou'ner:1--ooot .cH€DULE: le Filing: 4tr-u HIOD o 13DO 1 & T. lo LEGAL DESCRIPTION:{Lot: Subdivision: Address: LOT SUI.$IARY SHEET Block Ownert s ittailing Ad<lress: Phone: BRITTON, SUSAN J. - EARl.li{,,iRT, iIARVIN BOX 3:38 -_-- VAIL STATE: CO ZIp CODE: 81657 -VAIL SKY HICH CGN0. U1.{IT 1 BK Ota6 FG Oe30TAX ITEi,iS: |ZLT t?I7 Size of Parcel:Area Square Feet: Area in /rc::es:.2qO Building Pernit Existing La-nd Use: Nunber of Units Allowable Infocration: Permit Nunber: Date Pernit fssued: Existi'ng Nrlr,ber of rurits a.llorved: Number of Parking SPaces: Ind oor Outdoor Certificate of OccupancY Final C.O. Teurp. C.O. Zone Distri-ct:y14 Variances I s sued Does Lot Conf ornr? %eqs scHEnuLE: RE=E'{AR, ARTH'J,? T{ 6791 i{ILLER STREET ARVADA STATE: CO VAIL sKY UI{IT 2 a13.30t GLGR I A ZIP CBDE: BOOO4 HIGH CtrND. '-l'a*oe44 ScHSDULE! iEitlsoN, cuirls lJ' & LYI'IN l'l' c/o You,'{o, IREI{€ BBX 933 VAIL STATE: CO VAIL SKY UNIT 7 BK O2E5 TAX ITEI'1S: l2t7 . ZIP- GODE: Pt657 HIGH CGT{O. ( Bn oe4e PG 09'59 TAX ITEI,IS t2l7 t7t7 PC Os33 t?t7 '4.-_.1f-_' O93A SC'HaDULE: . O13Qo3 iliiinEo. HARr'cIl L' & t nEsse, RIcHARD D' il'=o"ibr;i-exnot* erREEr # 15 DEtivER -- -Yo ttrDE: Ea?31STATE: CO ILY -'.ieiu snv HIGH iollo' o1a9 SCH=DULE: O13go9 EBERLE,,'OI{ATHAT{ CEOFQE BOX 1983 vAIL STATE:- C0 ZIP CODE: S1657 VAIL SKY HIAH CE'ilr). UI'{IT E} BK Oe71 FC O?70 TAX ITEI'IS:- t?L7 t?-l7 \ ut"t =u,t o==o Pa o59o TAX ITErtSt l?L7 L?t7 OlEA SCH3DULE: O13904 GREEI'I, MARGUERITE }'i- YAECKEL, KIT't A. Etrx 240? VAiL STATE: CO ZIP CCDE: e1697 VAIL gKY HIGH CEi'{D. UI.'IIT 4 - E^ O?92 PC c-t811 TAX ITEitSt l?t7 r?t7 o33B SCH=DULE: O13CO6 RICE, STEVEI{ & SUSAI{ BOX 401 tl i |{TURi.l STATE: CO ZIF CGDE: 81645 VAIL gKY HiCH CtrI{O. U;]IT 5 BY\ O?72 Pe O1h7 TAX ITEI,!s: 7217 r2L7 O519 SCHEDL':-E: 013')O7 NeBER, sus.4l{ L. P.0. EOX 3604 VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: A1637 VAIL sKY HICH CtrNO. UNIT 5 EK oz"9 PC C€.:'O TAX ITEris:. r2L7 l2L7 OO45 SCHEDULE: O1301 iiei=n, -nrcHino r' & LAURTA G' BO:( 1375 VA ILiroie, co ZrP c'DE: 81657 VAIL SKY HIEH COND. UFIIT 9 ; B^ o?72 FC o9AO TAX ITEI,!S: t2l7 t?_t7 03?1 SCH=DULE: Q13'l1e naegX, JUDITH A' ?'a DAVID t'l' - HCTFIIEN, J=RI LYt{ & DAVID M. Bo:( 3577 VAILiieie' co zIP ctrDE: 81657 VAIL sKY HIGH COND. Ur'{IT 1O BK Oe79 PG oo33 BK oe?4' Pe 0439 TAX ITEt'fSi L2l7 t2l7 OL71 SIH3DULE: Ot3013 o34? scl'i=DULE: O13014 I{E',]EELD, DAVID D. BO:{ 133.5 VAIL STATE: C0 ZIP CODE: 81657 VAIL gKY HTSH CtrIlC. ultl T 12 BK O?44 PG C?4E TAX ITEI{S:. l?t7 t2t7 lo LEGAL DESCRIPTION:. Lot:6 Z Olnerrs Mailing Subdivisic Owner:_ Address:_ Phone:--_ Address: % ?a-"'" |). LOT SU}II.IARY Bl ock Filing: rJ2,044E SCHEDULE: O1335? HEtStrLE!.i, susAt{ }.1. ER.S9LEI'I, ELIZABETH H. rt ELROY A. t7:BDX ?621 LA,VAIL STTSTATE: CO ZIP CODE: E1657 VATr'AIL 'AS SCHOI;E FIL. 2 Uf{f,r;'{IT 3 BL!'8Li,i C LOT 6'PT OF BK OeAT PC O?25 TA)TAX ITEi,IS: L2I7 I?I7 Size of Parcel: Area Souare Feet: Area in Acres:, &70 Building Perrnit Informat.ion : Existing Land Use: Number of Units Allorrable Date Pernit Issued: r:x15E1ng Per:nit Nunber:__ _ CorS fl 6 - /Z Ntunber of units allowed: Nunrber of Parking Spaces: Indoor Outdoor Certificate of Occupanc-g Final C.O. ltariances Is sired Does Lot Conform? l. STREET lZIP C0DE: 93O3O SCHCN€ FIL. 2 t?127 SCHEDULE: 'YER, HtiCH D.' & 5843 I.JHITE IAP o:(t'tARD STATE: CA VAIL DAS Ui{IT 1 BLK G o13372 l'lsrRTA I. PT OF- PC O8e3 l2L7 (- - -LOT6. BK 0241 TAX ITEllS:, l2t7 c,c76 SCH€DULE: 013359 iiennv, RoBERT H. & ELtZAEETH H' BO:{ =223VAIL STATE: CO ZIP CODE: 8t637 .VAIL DAS SCHtrNE FIL. 2 UI{IT 2 BLK G LOT OCCO6 BK 0250 PG O9a4 2. Engineering Requirements ;lffir';iinre#Fo',-l.,--t= e of Uti'litiel (ttot Acceptable) Subdivision Lot Bl ock Fi'l i ng l.Submittal Item!(Acceptabl e) 4 ,t/ -: (A) Topo MaP (B) Site P'lan (c) uti'lity Plan (D) Tit'le RePort (E) Subdivision'Agreement (if appl i cabl e) (A) c (B) D Sourc El ectri c Gas Ser.ler l'later Tel eplrorie T.V. t 4. A B c 0 E F Con:;rrents: Approved: Di sa pp roved : Bill Ardrcrs Changes D. R. B. for Anderson Residence 7 - 6-83 t. 2. Roof materi Siding to be lx8 el evatlon3. CHAT{NEL 0edo. al to be #1 CEDAR sHINGLts ,itt s" reveal. LAP 12 or better' run verticle as per print*r'#, /r 2 O€da,- hb tl \J { _ -16 tt i) DUIL Jurid iction t!!e!!Eg numbered spaces onty. 4roev.n.g 6 Prc. UrcruLOI NO. ynll Dt$ 5CT6.J€ *-fr.r( t(Dste errecxeo sxtrrr 2 f S €r\rrc,K.p<\Sq a16T7 AicHr rEc.r or o rs rcitr- +ze - rc6 u5c or 6UTLOTXG Pt^-lc:e-l1r*tq Class of work:D AootloN tr ALTERATION D REPAIR O MOVE tr REMOvE D^lcZt t ,^1 O l0 Change of use Jrom lt Valuarionof work: S 60r, eeo -PLAN cHEcK FEe l{1, O0 pERMlr FEE Jo p.ooSPECIAL COtOrftOruS, IJli,"' lrsocze Occupa ncy Gro{r p liir"",',?'!";?77 1'";,;l<ryo eppr r car, o r acciFiE6-Ei PIANS CH€CX€OIY-Fire Sprinklers Required a\r.es DNo o"""our o r o",ssuoiEiii No. ot owe||in9 units / oFFsr REEr pen xirrrGTEEEEE covered r-/ | ,..o".,"oNOTIC ESEPARATE PERMITS ARF RFlrrvc.rieirr.rc.V;^:i,il;,^I"'o"'"'1i""Jo"^i",:*Bil,li:AL.'LUMB. Ill i TI+lj: "',??J F.s l1,-L IAI p y.o, o_,, *o * * oi co N sr^ uc.Il"|.i,,IJ,?#i.11'",,1,1 j.lyyirdl:di,jT!1?,.3x,",,:ts"" i: ". T'J# Bl T. "j" *Sff t :]'iiiE \",j;li lL' i% Rf JBIB B 58f, ^n ^i"rg" " o - zo' b"e Vi ;r" Xil.:'ly, ; E XLIB i|BSi :? f". 11 5 "^,J50 t,,1 JHi^|^i. 1g3p- tryD _E x A M I N E D r H I s x.-Ec_err.r on rjoi. HEA LTH DEPT. FIRE OEPT. SO IL REPORT OTHER (spocity) PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PE RMIT CASH PE RM IT Q,-vt*trlt Form 10O.I 1.77 cK. INSPECTOR VALIDATION -I r/ BUILDING DIVISION OF. EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX I79 CoURTHOUSE, EAGTE CO. - pH. (303) 328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT Z^ o<t0- APPL|CANT D d s Enterprises DA TE October 2, 7978 te_ pERMtr "" 1139 roonEss Box .1,885 , VAi7, Co. lNo.) .- (srREET). l coNrR's LtcENSE) ( PFOPOSED 'Se) - NUMSER OF OWELLING UNITS tor 27 etocK e IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM I}I CONSTRUCTION BASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNDATIOh (TYPE) I ||-o o @ oz: o PERMIT To Concf rlr.cf Pcsi denoe (_) sToRy(TYPE OF IMPROVEMENTI suBotvtstoN AUILDING IS TO 8E -- TO TYPE USE GROUP REMARKS: AT (LOCATION)ZON I NG (cRo55 STREET)CROS 5 STREET) AREA OR VOLUME {CUAIC/SOUARE FEET) OWNER D & S Enter prises Box 7885, Vai7. Co.87657 c! r:ciiccii:n io be comoletcd b.z PJ-an Check Fee 9154.00 EsrrMArED cosr $ 60,000.00 FEE"'T ggoa.oo BU ILO ING AODRESS -t!.-:rr--=F-.*{-ffi?=.' Review ;*?*f,=ff ?I "'fffi "** # " ft *,ry Applicant Location Review and return to the Date Referred trJl Permit No. Plannirrg Commission File No. County Buildirg Official within 6 working days Planning: Complies with: Subdivision Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) Commerrts: Reviewed by: Recommend Approval No Enn Yes E 8Ltr Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments:Recommend Approval : Dntr tr Dtrtrn County Health: Water Sanitation perc. test Comments:Recommerrd Approval : D Etr tr Dn D Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval 'Comments:D Firral Inspection: Landscap i Recommend Approval Commerrts: by ngtrtr DateC,/O lssued Final Filing Date Xxxs+tn "'-RJJ #J='', i,t'J 3 |,, o l".' evtew Routing Form ( ) Applicant Review and return to the County Buildirrg Plannirrg Commission File No. Official within 6 working days Permit No. Planning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul at ions Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) Yes No Reviewed by:lxl nMHfrM tr & Re.o-mend Approval : Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : unI D DnDn Dtr./AKW a Recomm County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test roval : Comments: Final lnspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: nn Firral I nspect ion: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngntr C/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date I tS louth fronl.Ee ,oad v.ll, colorado 81652 . (303) 476-7000 July ll, 1983 Patti Anderson P.0. Box 605 Vai'|, C0 81558 Town Planner PJlbb Dear Patti: 0n July 6, 1983, the Design as submitted. Re: Anderson Residence Lot 27, Block A., Vail Das Schone, Fil'ing Review Board approved the Anderson nesiaence #l Project Apflication Proiect Name: Project Descriplion: Conlact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments:s3 Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL z '{'€-o j t E statt Approval ,l r Proiect'AdbtlcationI' t ,^fu Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Comments: Design Review Board DISAPPBOVAL 4-,/ --o Sum mary: j.t I I I ,_:i: !ii-t.L[ ' ro tr. SFR, R, R P/S ZOIIE D]STRICTS Lesa'l Description: Lot 27 Block 4 Filing tl4lL D45 Sclto,citoqf JL I o*ner 4NDEfl,to N Archi tect RE:US/U(,| Zone Di stri ct tr/*S DA ;/k* Lot Size Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear llater Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Parki ng Credi ts : Garage Mechani ca I Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Storage Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmenta'l /Hazards : Proposed use 3T Proposed 29 2zeo. 2-L Al'loired '*)gt- ,_f f Nt+ / z,oo -+ ?0' 15' 15' (30) (so) n tU((/ tz "../ O fsoo) (ooo) ( eoo) (1200) (so)(io6) (2s)Ls6) / (2oo) (4oo)( IJlL es_ffiJt$fU w!. "_ a o ?-c o N'/- . Slope Actual Aval anche F'lood Plain 51ope t\!.4 Commentp: 4UO. orPfr-t 17fi-tu96 , Approved/Zoni n i sapproved Da te: nH; t;,' ,, l.!.ti,\i. r;r " i I r i . . : ( : i : I i ' I I I , ,ji.l il l lr,il: iifl (,i ll! o ii.i. i BilllPatti Anderson AN\SED i.! rr.'r: A li r'.r, A re-subdivision p in g l -e*.{4mi 1y Rg 9 i {.enc e 27 6J'bof Vail lEz Das Schone 'l'hc fol lor'.itr;1 irtfol.m:rt jorr i:; r.t:rlrr illolrrd bclur',' a f j.rrtrl :rppr.or,:rl c;irr A. llll I LIr liir I l,'l,\'t'liR tAl,S Roof S j-ding Other liall l"laterials Fasc ia Soffits I'fin dor.rs lfinciow 'l'ri.rn Doors Door 'i'rim l{and or Deck Rails Flues Flash j.ngs Chinneys Trash Errclosures Grecnhorrs es 0tirer rctl for :;r.rl,l,it tlrl [r), llrc ir|1tl ir.rrrrl to t.lrc l)csi1:n l,,.l,j t.:,;lrc ylivcrn: -lrn-ll.-l1ltit.iiI Metal Pro Panel B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: John Perkins Phone : Juniperr:s Chinesls pf itreLla:la BIJg-pI$zerE_g__ bglus_l'rSrnr1loid=es Fotentilla fruticosa Rosa lVoodsie -Aspens--_--_ bush cinquefoil IVild Pink Rosc 5 5 3 o!10' 5.gi)1. 2* c;al. -kl. -gsr. 5 sal. rl I "V Brornrn by manufacturer 4x8x3/8" 4" revel Cedar Olympic stain /1901 1x10 Cedar Ben. - Moore ET-19 None Andersen Clad Ben. - Moore ET-90 None B.M ET-90 B.M. ET-90 B.M. AJ-88 B.M. ET-19 lr tl Corrnon liarne Size Picea Rrns-ens Elauca eO,-Etue_Spnree_ _g_ IPLANT tIA] iRIALS ' Bctanl ca] Name TREES STIRUSS Jruipgr:ls*ss-ir1rrlailnr t[rsh i!A_U]!% j.u n-_i per l. s00 SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE S rlrcn Kcntrreklr Rlrregress MJrhrr.e SQUARE F0OTAGE ?soo SEED. TYPE OF IRRIGATION ^n1 ea - . Adclnhi - Rernn, Tlr.lking_ TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 0ther Landscape Features (r-r;ining walls, fences, swimning poolsr etc.) p.tease 42 linear feet Ex8,' creosoted railroad ties retainlng wall i I I specl fY. M,gk t ^ Ruol(to ltanel"E tkrfltDoorc- t'),idorus " 4nd e'-s e r't ' &ngr"-14- (s-BA Oeelc Ka,l,116 -/errlTorJ€6e4nrn;a-tl/uee €T- ?o O D;!/oas C& €rte,io, doorc @ €rlerr" s/,'Jers @ Doo>-THrn. - eyl.rm. hsc;t, //u"r, //as/;^rf <for15n., " lloor< €7/f '\l t-?',1tr- il UTIL IlA LOCA'| ION VIRIFICATION Ua.l s\\)rSUBDIVISION JOB rcr Q'J BLOCK FILINc lUo / ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they lines, nust be approved and verified by accompanying site plan. lbuntain Be11 Western Slope Gas tr'"i') J-.3 Public Senrice Conpaq,tq'sldt Holy Cross Electric Assoc.. LiuT - 311 : Vail Cable T.V.- ttnb'53q1 Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District be nain trunk the followlng ryl Date 6-? -I3 -9' z- 73 t!..2-ts 6- 2 -37 /.-z- 33 / - ?-t3 { (J), J-,,4 ,,t L l*'* X 4.3 O o7,79 {o t ar.rr /tvt/T fuL q{r64 A dr"t ; Aa,u-r;"/ 8rr; 1ar* /en r i PLII r' -'lLl BD NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit frorn the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A. building pernit is not a street cut permit. A street cut perrnit nust be obtained separately. This forn is to verify servi.ce avaitablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your uti.tity plan and scheduling installations. lines or proposedutilities for the .i,.u,,t t(:t: ()lj t,l(J.Jtt;.r. SAr$t__tr/4; /1-_-p Tltc fot lol.;inl1 inforlnat iorr i:; rc(luit.oalBourd bcf'rrrc a final. al)provuI c;rrr bc A. BU I L tr t ii(; I4{1'[RIALS Roof Siding other tiall Materials f.r"i" Soffits Windor.rs Window Trim Doors I)'oor Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashj-ngs Chinneys Trash Enclosures Grecnhous es 0ther B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name for strlrr, i t ta I t:ivcn; or:K -4._-\_f,-/r!, ( by t'r,1,t i, ,$) r" .,.l: Dc:;i11;, tit:vjr-,.,. Color u1llb.. e-T-? o &a!,ltnit1l e. s €T-go *J. 3".4 Typc of l'!r_tcrial -* 0",a4tP'" ^| ' &ul{niu -llloorc €ft ? I \ to Cela-v t 6iwtt (mtet rc"l ah,) -- B rowl:hq-&a[,/-d*"- €T-?o Cormon Name Size TREES SHRUBS I t' i ' ', : :', r'r : --;l----]D.:: ;:: :,,., I i i, I I !' i, ;i : l,li(j.,t t.( : t. -___Q_ln gr,_e_! Slni ry_-!_o. gg _ _.wi J i_i_a5.rj1derson "r,',,. r'i,ll,,r, in1; infonn;rt iort i:, . f ,.i lriu l r) r'o a f i-na t lrpprOva I iiiJ I LI) |ii(; It{.inRIALS Roof Siding 0ther l,lall lrlaterials Fascia Soffits Windows l,lindow Trim . Jrs ;ccr Trinr Hand or Dcck Rails F!::es .:i eshings '..\ . t. '-,ii,i.,liUfeS , , i11..15 g 5 :.. |.AI\DSCAPING liane of Designer: phone : P,LAIIT I,IATERIALS TREES t'ur1rrll'1:tl for r;ulri,i r tt;il by thc appl iL:;rrrt c;rrr bc 11ivcn : 'l'ypc of lrllr tcl irr l to thC Dc.s iplr lir;yi,..11 ()o lor Botanical Name Picea Punp-ens Elauca eO_-Ebe_&nrcl 8 Juniperus Ctrinesis pfit@a.B]Ue j€:Jzer€__g_ &EflUg_-Tremuloid.es Asrcens s FolLent_illa fruticosa bush cinq[efoll s Rosa Woodsie l[i1d Pink Bose Corirnon Name 5i ze 6' -_10' 5 ga1. 2+ cal. -5.-.er. -q-.c?1. 5 ga1. I sftRuss d:n&eruqjcapufgl'uc vlisbita_bbe--jJnirr 1 ,t?,oo,on, SQUARE F0oTAGE s0D SEED TYPE Srrlrcr Kantrrnk5z B'lrregr.ess Milrfrr?c SQUARE F00TAGE Glpde. Touehdowr Kv. Bluegr"a-ss TYPE OF IRRIGATION 7500 TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 0ther Landscape 42 linear feet Features (retaining wa] ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify.c. 8x8r' creosoted railroad ties retaining wal1 A i.'l A c s ll 11 l l li i: ti i SCHt0Ut-',; i\ alpF'1, i;at i cri iio. Vt-ltltl3'ltrr?^i4 ::ol .[:tf crrl4i i o:1 tr;", :'j - (;harges ,)*ir*.r lolicg S99.00i,:ft tler'ci 1.. 1ii5.C10* * ICIAL - - *lcl4.ti$ "Ji'i;ir gcu; i'+r,tilt;ncr: piease rsfgi^ tc Utlli$iiiJti;i-.i' :, i-ffe;ctive patel AFRIL.-:n, ltfl:t ilt $r${] l-\.fl' ;j, i:,'i1ir: U ts Lr,': islt.l"::ri r :l i'l.J i.:,r,]F.G'j,:J 11';51.1;',:;rJ i ,,AL'f A" Oirnxr's Irnl irg si3?ril00,00 l'rli^i,t 11.-197n (A;l+n;J,:ri :tl ".i7--70) t .1-'r. cp oe +ci 1v15gi'r:r-l : Fn l |t:'ll .IT iJ " nNDi:l:5{}i,l 3. 'ili* di!r.'litt* tli^ il';1,::r'r-.it ilt t,iie lanrl do:.Ecr ih((:t iir i +f'.:,r'rl+r:l {.tt iil 'tl:lti ljs;l,l i Lr,t'::n1, j? i'' il r: i:v*1-nd lirl;';3 i ;': i t I A tt r-:'.: 4" f iti* to the rlstadr-1 (l t* inttt'.':s.t cFvcr'6,d her*in iE at, the, *{"f''"ct iv,'r r.j;r t.: h;li-eo.f ues,ted !;.rl ,r ; r: i-il'fr.ilFil-i{:[$, n r:gL0ftfii)t) $L:liriiAL f'*liTi.lf:]:r;ilIi' :!" :.ii:i i:,r;,r,j i,1 f rir.,:irj ,;n in thig {l o l; l,t i i, ri r{:11, iB rj.ijlici^ iit.-.;j .8" iiii ioi,r'jr i i.i-i'i :,.'/| *Lt{.li{ lr, li ;:lf$iug.0Iv1$3ci.i 0i: "jf,it-. $A1l 't'i.iii;tiE:, i"-il..i ii{-; ::+, J t ;itllj*lli1 :...i$ TO I iii:: ii;iLi,RlliiD ilLlt-l' il.i[:i.1.('::', t;01.]N l"/ ..:i il.,it.ii_l, l:',': ;:.: i;:; '' .. !'! ,!riir' ffisfmPI TfiIBT "/:'--i-:' i i. i" i,tt t_t A5r. +!: tji:Ei) si: I j:.iU$'f tiATrD ,ri,il-"Alty c3, 1y$3, F RCn 0 t ii ;:'illij:'iiriiilil:::1 , A iCl-iirirCC {ji:i'ifjlini- i:'Al(1N{i'r$liIl l0 iliil irugt-lu lRi.lrilf:t *:: i".r\iiL,l-. c;,jliii I Y l-cli iiii Lif,r +i: F llilli tlAflf{ /ii: i.ntit,t, i:uLiiil Y | 0 lit.rurtr liil' 'j1",,', ,,t rijri;ll"ljil il:,,tl0i;;:li.:'J .JAr'llJAliY u7, 1,1{J3, .1.il ,.li){'i}{ :i5 |. ._\i ilAl.ii-: i);,|.i , ',.ri\liitini,i i'l':ii:l-t) i'l'iil;'l i; u 5 fi{Ti:f(Ff:I5f*, ii fi*i"ufifrCC [jfilfFrAL i'r:ri:l'itii:il{::it.j :, : ri i:'.'i ii';.t il ta /l r.! . iti{:.}i,.lii,}r,i Icitury l ti$ :]iJir.ji{jl' ::::{iii:,:ii l y . ti0't [ | ';:.i'1DF: lirlilE ItiF j DryJ:;1' RIrC0f.'.0r_.C Sill lr]llililfl r'iu, i ?*i: i it t00ti 3:ilrr rl l fr,lii:..:l i)I;;{ll.ii'Jt$ lifiiri;;if .iflllN n0Yi-1; ii,,r',} il . iii:X:-ii;1:iifit'iilt'l'r:i}f l0 l.::iii[. iii;i:;':{f,L f'ti{liitlili c!: c u i: r:NT:irtl'Fl-i'ri;::, r" ijliil.;iAL i:,,11:'l i{iltt]iiiilr. i{':i::t ;.:j.i5 l:':i0I}ii:iiii ii;1,y L:I l-;:i:]..i1-CI i+ l'rla::;ri:ni. i::.1 l-;[r ]tii'ililli:l:i:i ;'i\li;:','ti.irli.rr- {ri" i.'ili:;i,_r:-";ai i.s}{ 1ii lfii:1{jiit{ ct- v11 It,.. r,r-ii;;[ilt;5fri s]HcitLD ,:,1'i.l litl;i 1:ii- jit;,'l r::.ri:i.il- ili:i:i'l-in-i.httj:::.:i* jlijl:::.j5l.tl:.]Jf. Ai.t: 0nftIlllEtil'? qrr!|intri r-' D,.. I ( Fiequ i rar,rclnis ) Af,f, I i c at i crrr lic. VfitlClSllrr?-.3 j'vi.": l:o1[ouinrg *re 'Ltir: ;-i:,:lu ir,:l.r*iil;.j, Lg ir.-s {ojJI:,i i*.i u ii;irlj. i:'i:gr,r;:rrif *,$ oi'' {.'sn i.h* ecrourit of tne grelitons or r;or'r,Eagors o{, ihr: ir(i i 1 r: nirs i c'11^,ri i fin :r.{li rh':r +';ta'Le on i lltli:;.t3.U No r.r,r i nr,rri.,1;j . ::. i''r'$F.gp irrstr.ur,trrit i i;. ) c r{:st i ng ih* estal*.: $r ini,en*s.i .to be ir,rs.tr,-n.j ;.iu"j.t Lti +i:rcr;dr.:ri ;;.:;i ril: ig r'i led t'o;^ ;'.: itl:i-;l r to -*i.L: 5 ]itif,f n$i: CF l-lf f il 0f TiiilST DATt,$ DL:CHt1t'.i:R t]4, 19li-i t I'R0l!1 f) I::tli::iii:'ii il-if-5, A il()l"t)ililil() til;NIitAL PAi:iTi{Fftf:i:I:, i (} fi.ii: trli$l"Tl; i. iriU[.[. :-:;i_i1.1'1\,' f'{.}il T,',tii- L!ijf Ci: f '::nCT P.r'rf,lt( {;f' InSl_F f.+i.!i.i'ly T0:;Ull i:: F llj r $r.iiJ. Iij iir]uirriijlr] ;111Ci:itt:itiR flZ, ili.J, j i{ f.C*}{ :t-7? :i[.i-l. i:,..r4 .vt ]i;80 tF I iii!l;'l' Dn'rgD f xT 0${fi 1:g, 1,/trI, rficn c ,} l:i'iii.i::'!-,i ilii:3, i:) fi{';_i)i:ti!+c It:.]il:l-{Al- ixd\rili.li:li5iiIP l'+ itii:i i,uEi,_.i: tl i'11tii,. L i:tullIY f:0n l liI uti[ {)i: l.'Ifi$ r lAtiii cf: i.:A$Lr flcil}i'ry T0 r:1.,:ii illr 'ji i lroiiB.&X lli:|]Sniltil] N+U{lii.r.l,it i,l , .i.?g;1 , i;i t:i}r}l{ J4U La rt'rtr: rt:f: i..r- (\f f1t!t:'i _r.,,_ Li riitiS li:rt $f tiirRf riLTA -- --1-r;'F c0t'1 t1 tTflffiT $fire DULti tl".:l ( l.;rcrpt i on* )Appi icaticln tio, V0005{l4l-3 l'|:e proiir:11 or^ Foticies ia b,l igsued *i11 csntain,?:rc,:rFtion; tt {hc: I'c't lr*ii:n unle'ss the rar'rE sl * ci isposec o*' 'Lo the $"Et ir,{'rct,: oil of thr- {) r: r.i p.-l n ir; I 1. ';lt ars+rd Excepi i cns I thr ough E prr i nt'td Fn the covrlr eh€et, .5, l';i;l::s ,..'-;rd Bgsqssrt13ntg not 'g,rt du€ r:r pr.rrJah Ie aird sfrr?: i a t e6ses.'r.lentgtiot g*t certif ied to tha Trerasur{r's office. ;'. i\ilrj -1:ii5r; i rJ talres oi asses-,,r',r.nit, ag*r i n:t i,? i ri f .i;1i], {l , i- i,:flri 'figr unila i r:l r.ri*ter anr:l g.r:rubr. char!+:rs, i{: ang, 's . li r6li'!' cr Fft0lll'.rIH1'0ll +l' rl vlii llN dR l-cilfi Ic rixl'ltrlll r illii) iirr ttguI iiI:i i,1i-{t:j!'ii:fi€f t,i+11 $i{0uLD TFir $Aftt: tlr Foutiu 'i0 FEtiTIRATE cii i.i,t'iFri$Es'i THI . t1iflo, IN B00H 4tl A't r'Aci:. ?36. tC, :;ril.ti'tFir,. ilui r:rrug;10*ttt, Ull l:CH 0C ii0'l f:01{TAI}t A f:'OfifEl't'.r::i cR F{fUEFiTfRi:l.tU5l--r il,lJl'0flI'l'TINii liE$TitiCTIi-1ti3, IF ANY, ll,ASiiC 0i{:li\fiIy flCi,-951 ,f(rL10I{]t{,0R ilAil:sfinL 0f(IGIt.l, As c0ilTR:,il[D ]:ti INIi'rRuflE]i'r r.Ir:,$tt$80 ..liJi-'f 0?''i'rdljr:ti\i fJ$+H l?li Af PA$F- 55F r\F:) ft:i A;1j':Nti:S i.it.ii(Sftiiif:i:i,tI liECSilnij0 trARct.l :13, ir"c.$r:iti P.00t{ t1? A'r I'nsI:..rc,, Ar{* A$ AJ''ifiliii:0 jt{ IN'.il'iil.i;'tii;'ii' itEs+RD[$. flAy :l;, irLt, IN i-:,o.iii ;1 1;l t\1' t::,,1iit: :]:t? tiirt.] iliSTRLlftf::il'l ltIC0RD[:$ iIf.t(LlN'fiY 1d, 1t170 1t{ l',SSl{ I17 A.f i;rAtiE;,tl , 11.;t','{ fAff:i"liii'tl AS,0 ltIGll'}'i}ij iJ*Y li FECf iil'-JIDTI{ nL.0NS rtrr.i- ii.tl'F. =- Ll0tlt{DAll}L.ti f'0[ USE CF Lll'1t.]T'Y $ERV3.C[: t-ItlES Afit] !:$R TtlE r:0N:jl'air_rc'i'Icl{, ,;;?rct Ict{ A}t tlAL!Tg}lAilCI ritf,Rt':.Jr, iNSllil.til[l,f1' tii:f:cR0ii9 JULi' i I i9L5 ll{ $0C$( 19fi fi't PAGE S59, i;i, ritll-.f I'Y r:AiilliEllf 7 Fl:.IT Ii{ tJiD'l'rt:\t-otiri r:ir: [At31'iliL.r i-01-l"ii{t-- AfitH0|ji{ cli THE f,.'ri:0rioH'} pLtT cr: A REsu$il1vi:$Ict{ 0r vAlL DAs {:cH0t{E a.'f I .| \:,'1 .:,i Ii Ir_,tarrJ ,t\/ r -t. J;{. }-I.$rrinL- TAX LIEH AGd'tt{$T t, IL.L, IAn V, r FATRICIA t , A}iDEnSCii Ita 1'tiE *j'i*i.ltl i'iiF'it,r74L.73 nEfl0t{liiii)..1111-y 1, i?0?, Il.l 0rr0i{ r4l A'r ttijfi j1i7. 11, " ;rlDE!'::AL Tr\X t. l{l.l /i641il$T '; j..i_L1Afi v, & .Jcycr li . }iil0[n$.Jt, Il,l 'lllf. : iiilJL'i.l;ll i):' !+t.:l:J7,t;, iii:-ll+iliri-a) iirjrJr. iiiii:i( ljr l..i:j;l tl{ il{}i}l{ :t/,t! /.:'i l--ASf ,"'i':.i , .r.:. - fliltii:iiil. lAX LrIii r,ri$i1iil]i i.: iL.LlAfi ?. u r:,A'iltICIlr *, i,liilfR$0ii i?,1 'itii: rr;iiillJill ()ir :::.'ji.l{r,;t'li Iil{:Cii:i)li:);,'titli{:I i]$, .i.i.iJI !: ;'{ tl.i,i(}i{.1i6 riti ir;i-JE:ltli.. -$*$t l THrs De eo, N!ade this l2th day of l'laY ()f tlre le83,bet*'een D & S ENTERPRISES, a Colorado General Partnershi Count.v of EaCl g and State of Cr,lorrdo,ofthefirstpa|t,and PATRICIA \a|. ANDERSQN s'hose Iegal addt ess is ,rf t ire Filrd for ].cor: th. -... .-. day o[.. .. R?ception:'io... I 2 5 6.0 3 c 3s?_, 705 -: r'^'J'i'r';;',td:l;?to . ,/,t)'// '/ n'I''\i \ Hu 16 12 :o PH'03 l.-=, S=!.ASS} r -3.Al:q--*-',. P.0. Box 605 Vai I , Col orado 8.l658 Co u nt..- of Eag 1e and State of Colorado, of the secon d F art: cv CN OJ 0.Jtr- (J 6 \ftT\ESSETH. That the said part]- ofthe first part, fol and in consideration ofthe sum of --------- THIRTY TI,JO THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO C[I'ITS------ -----DOLL4'RS' to the said party of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt rvhereof is hereby ackno*')edged and confessed, has bargained, granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does 8rant, bargain' sell, convey and confirm, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever' all the follo\'!'ing described lot or parcel County of Eag 1e Lol 27, Block A, a Resubdivision of Vail Fi 1 i ng N0. 'l , accordi ng plat thereof, County of Col orado. d S(LliIl)$'I-a-s -\ lr1eg1q{gu-q!e r TOGETIIER rvith all and singular the heleditamenis and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in an]'v'rse apper' taining. and the t.everslon and reversions, renrainder an<l lenlainrlers' r'ents, issues and profits thereof; and all the fstate. t.ight. title. interest, clainr and dentand rvhatsoever of the s aid partl'of the first par t, either in la\\' or equity' of' in and to the above bargained ptenrises. rr'ith the hereditanten!s and appurtenan(es' T() llA\.8 ,{Nl} 1.O H(}LD the sairi pr.emises above bar.gained and rlescribed, \aith the appurtenances, unto "he sard par.r1. of the seconrl part. hrs heirs and assigns folever'. And the said partl' of the first part' for hinrself' his heirs' executols, an(l adminlstr.ator.s. dc,es covenant, grant, bargain, and agree !q and with the said party ofthe second part' n,. n"t,.. and assign s. th at at the time of the en sealing and delivery of these presen ts, he is well seized of the prem ises a bove t,onveyed. as of Food, su re. pelfect, absolule and i nd efeasibl e estate of i n heritance' in Iau ' in fee simple' and has good light, full por'r'er and la$'ful authoritl'to Frant. bargain' sell and convey the same in manner and form as afor.esaitl. and that the sanre are free and clear from all former and other grants' bargains' sales' liens' taxes' assessmentsandencunrbrancesofr.r.hatevelkindolnaturesoever., eXCept ggneral taxes fOr the year l9B3 and subsequent years, easements of record ori n existence, and recorded declarations, restrictions' reservations and covenants. and tht :,lr"rt'd bargaitreri pr-enrises in the (ttliet and p'-'ateable possession of the said party ofthe se<ond part' his heir s anrl ussigns llaiiinst all anri ever'1- lrers(rn ol pel sons lawfulll claiming or to t laim the rvh<rle or an] part thereof' the sairl 1ralt1- of the firsr parr shall and rx'il) $'.{RRA}*T AND FOREYER DEFEND' The singular number shall inclrrrlt'tir, plut:tl. thc plulat the stngular'an<l the useof an1- gendershall be applicable to all genders' I\ \\ I f\ ESS \\'Ilf:REOF. the \airl pa rt! of the fir-st ea rt has h e reu nto set his han<i and scal the dar- and .!-ear frrst a lr,\',, $ t ltt(,n, D & S ENTERPRISIS, of Iand, situate, Iying and being in the and State of Colorado, to-wit: Das Schone, to the recorded Eagle, State of I a tolor:ada-€qh-eral-PjtttneiERft- ' V-4'' '/L-/'Y'{./-,l Ii sr_{T E oF colop,.{Do Il ^ . itt'I ( '!unt\' "t Eagl e t i I ..' .t;,,.i;; ;i;",i;n'*t|r,,.|"'|ruasa<knor*lc'lFtd'ef<'r'entethis l2th da;-of llay : ' .. . -' ' 't,-& 5 ENTERPRlSES, a Colorado General Partnershi r:'. Bi r'r . .' : ': Graham John Doyl e, General parylner' -: -: : j : "' --J'-' \rs -a Liid Ti t'Li [!'AH',{r.rr E e Sdr'q'pnW 6 3i'65 q,:irj' Qreek North Drive D:rrver.-C'-'loiado-E0209-=,==::=::-::=:.:----.----:::-J=-- - rJ03) 321-1880 S1.tC Forrn 932A. \\AltRd\rY I)t:I:D-for lthot(,Cr;,phl. Il'(ord-lhe C F. lle!'lcl Co" Drnrcr lsE.ALl ISEALI ISEALI ./ ny_,,g*o== flcrRtc' AssoetT I oN, )..9, P. O. DRAWER 250 ( ;Llt{woot) SPRINCS, COLORAr|O E t 602 May 10, 1983 RE: Vail Ridge/Vail DasSchone Power tine Construction Dear Consumer: Holy Cross Electric plans to continue the upqrading of their facitities in the Vail area this construction season. The existing underground facilities in your area have been in place for approxinately 10 years. Presently the facilities are, lpproaching lheir capability to econonically handle the existing and anticipated increased pohter consumption in the surrounding area. Thii year's construction will replace the old facili.ties and at the same time increase the primary operating voltage from 7,200 to'l 4,400 volts, which is the standard operating voltage in the Vail area. These changes wilI enable Holy Cross Electric to adequately serve the existing and future vail Ridge and Vail DasSchone power needs.. The approximate location of trenching anticipated for this summerls construction is shown on the attached sketch. Please contact Mr. John Boyd or myself at 949-4554 if you have any guest ions . S incerely , HoLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCTATTON, ING. Ted Huskey, TH: VP Enclosure 303 945 -54q I "11 r$tI!. .,r:?'rt4'3r:: j L:. :i{-r4 r,.' ..{t1::r' A PPL ICA NT BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX 179 CoURTHOUSE, EAGLE CO. - pH. (303)328-6339 OATE D & S Enter D-ri ses BUILDING PERMIT October 2, 7978 rs_ pERMrr No.113I ^ooREssw (STREET)( coNlR'S Lr CENSE) pERMtr To aonsf rttct Pcsi dence (_) sroRy (TYPE OF IMPR OVEME NT) NUMSER OF DVJELL ING UNITS NO.{ FROPOSED U5 E) ;o- AT ILocATIoN) ( cFoss STFEET) s uBo tv rs toN tor -2-Z- atoc x A iiz e : ILo o dt oz =o BUILDIT{G IS TO AE - TO TYPE . IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION BASEMENT WALLS OR F OUNOAT ION RE MARKS: Pfan Check Fee $154.00 EsrrMArED cosr $ 60,oo0.oo FEE"'t g:oa.ooAREA OR VOLUME (CUBIC/SOUARE FEET) owxER D 6 S Enterprjses ^oDREss Box 7885. VaiL. Co. 81657 BU I LD IT{G (Affidcrvif on revcrse side of opplicotion to bc cornpleled by outhorized ogenl of ownerl I hereby certify thot the proposed work is oufhorized by the owner of record ond I hove been outhori:ed by the owner,to moke this opplicoiion os his outhorized ogenl. SIGNATURE OF AGENT ADDRESS (NUMBER} (STREET) (CITY) APPROVED BY TITLE DATE t9 BUIL o DIN G PERMIT APPLI o CAT ItoN Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. t-<zT r 4.pRr.+tS tr PA' Urqtu (olo I otscr.y;gr. Dr{> -f6J€ l-lL|Nq;[n"' ^"^.''o """'' 2'*bS e,,\rrLF.PAsq w.816t7 3 Ari *bre MAII ADOiESS PHOI{E atcntTEcr oF oE3tGnEt 4 tdt{ec.r€,t<- f tEK.MAII ADO'ESS @\F }avOh*) t+'?e-l LrcENS€ ito.B 767 MAIL AODi E55 i'XOXE o Bnr.sr-6-l<^w€ u3a oF iulLoltr6 9tseur-1r14^l.4Al \T. 8 Clasofwork: J'TIEW DAOOITION OALTERATION OREPAIR trMOVE NREMOVE 9 Oescribework: SlNC{Le Fftfr,ttr-t },*rGZt r lr.lQ lrsc)og FF{. rE l0 Change of use from t I Valuarion of work: $6era@ *PLAN cHEcK FEE lS PERMIT FEE 3o 8, o o SPECIAL CONDITIONS:[il],"' .isocze , |S,i"tzf',^o Firo SprinklerS Required flyge [I{qAPPLICATION ACCEPTED 8Y APPROVEO FOR ISSIJANCE AY Il;"'ul"r r.,,, /OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL- PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOFK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OBIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PEFIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COMMENCED. 9ONST TYPE OF WORK I HEREBV CERTIFY THATAPPLICATION AND KNOW ' ALL PROVISIONS OF LAW! I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THISHE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISOMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFI EOIANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTRITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE , STATE OR LO'AL LAW REGULATINGPERFORMAI*gE OF CONSTRUCTION. HEALTH DEPT. F I RE OEPT. SOI L REFORT OTHER (Spoclly) PLAN CHECK VALIDATION Q..4*#*ft Form 10O.1 1.77 WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR INSPECTION APPROVALS OATE REMARKS II{SPECTOR FOUNOATIONS: - SET SACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WAII & WEATHER PROOFTNG CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING EXT. LATHING MASONRY i FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOB NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC, E.AGLE COUNTY BUTLoG PERMIT APPLICATION oFTNAL: C/O INSPECTION, LANDSCAPE INSPECJION FORM Review Routing Form ( ) Primary Routing (vf Rerouting ' /o'A-78 Date Referred Location Beview and return to the il31 Permit No. Plannirrg Commission File No. County Buildirrg Off icial within 6 working days Applicant Planning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul at ions Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) Comments: Reviewed by: Recommend Approval No BIn Yes E XLtr Date: n- 2- 28 County Engineer; Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : trntr n nnn D County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: Recommerrd Approval : n Dnn tr En Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval .Comments: n Firral Inspection : Landscaping Recommend Approval Commerrts: by nl DateC/O lssued Final Filing Date E.AGLE couNrY Bu]t^tg FINAL: C/O INSPECIEN, Review Houting Form ( ) ",-ffi J #=' \i,fJ : i'' " Nl n v Permit No. Location Plannir rg Commission File No. Review and return to the County Buildirrg Off icial within 6 working days Applicant Planning: Complies with: Subdi v i sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) Yes No Reviewed by:EN]XU!E Date: n R a""o-mend Approval : Commerrts: 6t7E PCOU tlasf ,5/o a/ PnEKl4/G 'Pnctr' Pae - County Engineer; Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : ntr D tr trn! D County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test ntr./EKW n Reco oval : Final lnspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: nn Firral Inspection: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngun C,/O lssued F inal Fil ing Date by Date