HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK A TRACT B PART 2 OF 2 LEGALV&Jb*;l^^,tr\ (B\*kAl^"Jb l^f 2,6e 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olflce ol communlty development Decernber L1, 1987 Mr. Dick Dillinq West Vail TexacoP.O. Box CVail, Colorado 81659 Re: Dear Dick: I an writing to ask you once again to refrain from parkingvehicLes in the road right-of-way in front of west irail t6xaco.Parking and storing vehicles is obviously a use inherent toservice station operations. We are not isking you todiscontinue this use cornpletely, just to keep-il within theboundaries of your own property. The Town of vail, as well asyour neighbors, will appreciate your cooperation in thismatter. ff you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Rick Pylnan Town Planner RP: br Sincerely, K*A*J 75 3outh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March .|6, .l984 Richard |,l. Dilling, President Double D and I Enterprises, Inc.P.0. Box CVail, Colorado 8.|658 you. stnce you PATTEN, JR Assi stant Di rector lanning APP: bpr Encl . cc: Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney oo offlce of communlly developmenl CERTIFIED MIL Re: l,lest Vai I Texaco Dear Dick, The.other day while filling up at the statjon I notjce the proliferationof junk cars associated with the gas station extending westbr'ly alongthe North Frontage Road. This situation is extremely uns'i 9ht1y and iotin the best interests of either west vail Texaco or ihe corimunity ingenera'l . The Town of Vail will not tolerate "impromptu junkyardi" appearingin its commercial areas, especial 1y after we've giveh you prlvious nbtice(see enclosure). Vehicle storage yards are a conditional use in the HeavyDistric-t (the one you're in), and you may app'ly for thiiour office for your property. Enclosed please find relevto assist you in such an application. I invite you-to.our office to discuss this matter. However, .if, by April we have received no application for conditional use permit and ihe cai^sare still prese-nt, I will be forced to refer the matter to Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney for appropriate'l egal action. I'm sure neither oi us wishes Service Zone use through ant material '16 luwn n o lnwn r 75 soulh lronlage rd. Yall, colorrdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 llal department of community development December 20, '1982 Dick D'i11ing .l.lest Vai'l TexacoB_ Va il , Col orado 81 658 Dear Mr. Dilling: Several residents of the West Vail area have brought to our attention the vehicles and equipment scattered around the Hest Vail Texaco. Soneof these vehic'l es are obv'iously parked on the'l of adjacent to your'lot. l.lould you p1 ease ensure that all vehic'les and equipment be parked on the Texaco 'l ot? The Town would greatly appreciate your cooperation in this ratter. Have a good holiday, JIM SAYRE Tovrn Pl anner JS:br N.r')r{ !--l,-,) utF U)oo-zo Fo. UJY nJ co oF F E IJJ o- tto ILoo I IrJFoz z .n :lze60 =z dP if; zF= B;E F cE u,l o- lt EE9ZE<ol€frE9vacb9.EE l> =t!:-E FE = :o-i 8b9 itnE XO_E ;tE u.lo-!tr lu .DoF --- N'l \-! ulF 6 F =E lrJ o-zo h C'3Ea, zoo !!! '(, c) (u (u anc(o -tl b.qt't\. \l{r I (n u.ltut! tr =u, uJ o- '/-t fr,!t ,EE6g'=Oo gEE E: g E9cc.= 6 EsEc-o =EE d'l =c96'- o't 3E= BEA =!E5OO 5t;g: F o-o cL *EE(,)r cL =€:E6: :E€ EEE_ o..^Y eeC(! 0'-5ae g:E 36>9 6a igE -3't s9rEo cEg -o6 =: uJo- z -J to !crF u Jc .E# o =(F =o <t (E +J IA .|J (tt lEl J:l bP1 6€l E=lGI8+l 5:l EFI >g --d)E tr,t 3 =!ON zz io- 9i65 -a!v>o66oz!L<o*u.t ;:CUFO d(\i G o- UJ e, zItroo z E uJ) =luz z2* =Fe* PgE53e2 ,^6E>^v,5 < E?2 3=d:sE iEg;3;3 oo(J12 z.I F J (nz oz E =e. uJo. (t z_ J u- I J d Fo .J o-qJ &. +) an(u =o|J .6x(UF ii =-z TDo-) UJ =z vluJ G,o o =tr o- ;i E u- oz ('r! E tLoz =olF]tr o o uJ 5a l!o z1 3iolF =tr .l ol =.1 ull "' >lttlq zl =lIFI +acc ! .A d =tr oz ti UI J a l!oz3 F = -E .l olzl ol utl Jl sl t!l 2l =lFI uiJulF Eulz =o LlJ EI C) E --r O<F(rOuJ<-ZEIIJ F(rzoo JG<oOF H# 4,2.-. E olo EEOz.* =#)F4Z|rO dxOE,o*# Y,z =g E i, =+EFt-Oz <osf a tt €o !tE C!J F{ t{oo ulFo cooazo F UJY uJcl oF b =G uJc lto Goo HHzcl 9z ? tu =,t1 (,c) ZE 3b =uJJJ@uJ E =(E ulcttollloz foIoFe E !:: ='iGo. UJ>o-Ol!oo\urxc:>HF JJ !- u, @ot- , -E.--.-Jr t.- 7l l- / !ltr|:tt ft>\zJ= = zo9ze coo ===rf,dP E =Elrlo-zo l-o3EF CNzo() n!tr oz E =GllJo-:i=91 OG [: ltJ UJ at, = =col! EE,RE g;seP SE;gf :EFgE iEsgg z zco ootr ^ 6z: a =E66 Ef b filr<9q dEg E -N(, z9F oo ==ooa I o Ez oz ftlt3 oz =r EEglNl F. \utd.n3 E?3=drE EHqEi tro(,or.2 oz lt- I I I JJdl Fo \ \a N =z. eoo-) l*l N s-A (t\C ?\"{ s6 =e vtIt uJa,oo J E I ( ()$d$!tr l I o 2.1 olu, it <l>l t!lol zl =lOIFI =c s .$ p \a $.N N E IB I '\d elN 5|$ 3$G "o a0lull 5l <l>l t!lol zl 3lolFI gi lrjF t t uJ23o F() uJF () t -rO<F(rQuj €zE tJJ Fo6 (J JT<oOF FS ;F-z^Eo.O 2p gE d6o 6F 13 gE toLg 'tr =*t FOz o <Oon-an! v 4.rLr. Conttuztion Comfianq . I OI 5 STUART LONGMONT, COLORADO AO5OI I\l /[ I o PHONE ?76-126A , 45/ oz F =e. UJo- or\(I(c (t, llJulII F =Eujo- dm ^"f/f/t#-r)I .l 'f.',ur\\b t 1F{\r I I .-) N- N$ =J3 ,NT ./' 16 I I l_ .Fl<ro I I I I l- te laz t= l_s,zls U' uJ Foz ozoJl(D .! =zoN j- 0, c lq 6)ti (c.Y, l|rJ a;e:€ \l; .E,fi eEE.dlP <\lN oo oo oIoo (\tr\c!@ '-lor(E.l =1 ='icl'-l =loJo!(Dl Cl .9'; f;r ffi i; E! cFi :$H 9 '' )s otso\ oF EFz -\ rEo cr uJz =od|!lu6Z.;.3 .EvPg<F F = IJJC z 6J @ Yo uJ o2 c C) E.F() uJJ u.l zo =J ) oz -o uJ u.l uJt!zo F uJ ur G o ao =g UJEz 6llJ F gJ z llJ) x F tuo a uA H F. =t uJo- J oF z6 ao J aF() tu tr oz ao =J az ogJ: NOUVn'lvA aEi!!€- r,< tfiigE N iEEs5 iE:;B El .rri e[Es€S\'{ !E=r- \t o >'=Il \ rfiEi*s !FgiF\\ 'lsl\> |>Gl -r.'rl3ro.Sl )o - | ; 3ZztL tr ^ 6zg 5 >eE P 6E ooEi0 fiie ooq iEq sad eiN(, zotr E o-loto u, o or (n(o a uJ z Eoo zo F E u.,F 3 IJJz ltl ")rllFz21 =-- * :sfig8e'"2<(D()fl|l|lttttl ?9,a3 < rH2e=-o-gI=gE 6(,(J-z z tr J f.t)z ? e. F UJ o uJJ uJ 3 luzY9 F (\J t cc u- IJJ F "*ibilP C\,l\t,(f F{D,: BIFooo-zo Fo-ulY nto oF F (E IrJ.Lttlo-lirlo ,r{orl I r-l 'Ig u.rbkzo ntrfl z ,rP =Q(Iro =zJO(L tr- Jit Zri =u1 U6tr= ntrtr t:G UJ rl.o uJoz oU' F Cc d.o- Jl-tU-h> (L IIJ>o-Ot!9o\UJxo-:> ulJJ t!lo I -- E =Elrl o-z9F(J D E,Fazo() I t t t I I I I ol =.1ol uJlcl Jl ?l>l ruol zl 3lolFI -l EI 5t <l>l t!lol fl I I =.1olutl 5l <l>l ttlol 3l sOl LuFI F Io- F rnutcldct<l Jg I I I I I .tolz.l gt ccl ililol 2l 3t OIFI =.1OIutl 5l <l>l ttlol zl;l 9lt-l !{J TJ ! (6 = d o +.' al'+'tn (lJ() L(u a,/', o(J aox(uF .P ano = ui =z co -) J(ts<o(JF H#i-F_,2 iloo E2? E? =E]Fd6 F E z E ir Y+Eo2 oO G -rO<F(rO IJJ <zttIJ F(42o() |3 t:.i#Jil-OR cORRSEpOr'tDrNCE 0N THrs FrLE. FrLE cl0srD As 0F 3/84. N0 cLEAr,t up DrposrT oz ts G,ul.L IIJJ lo I I I I I I l- r(J IEiol(, t= r3 I I I luJ ,Ft<lo I I I I l. t< laz t= EfeE f *;gI i;€;g.!O'-!-.c=o(,)c g:Et= E!A;E l!:; i cF$ei z tr^ 66 (J (JozlJ- <o1 ;ot()FO -i <ri =9zY-E ?F :sfig8ga2<d'ol gf's5 < EP2 3 Ed:sE EE ='EEHbo(5orz (, *oOrlOO ulFa-'a dlo-zo l- ltl!. t!o oF t- UJc l!o ooo I tr |rlclt IJJ z oU' o F CrI (L JFul-h> d|.U>oOu-9oquJ ^(L:>rJ l- UJ J r! F c 0, EI9o o,T' E t E EoIJ o c E ct a- ! o-zo F()f 0aFazo(J .,(---\/ t -:.--A/ ..d-\ illt-, \. ./ / tc::<\-t_2 _: c'i:t H.-oEzo ts =E.lrl trtr! z oPze coo =zJO aL t! "39 =ridd= n I fl :l :|9lFI I I I I I I cilzl ol uJl 5l al>l t!lol zl.31 FI ol-l olutl 5lil>l |rIol zl =lolFI I I.l ;t :l al>l u-lol gl sol u.rFt t'- Ell eto ll o\./ F ^- Fi3 ilr 3ez il6 2 =R l; 3 oo ION REOUEST DATE.".JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED OWN OF,VAIL, ,,. ', ,/ BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS/STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER D 19.-o..1^&^slqFn...^ tr cAS prprNc- pLYWooo NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECIIANICAL: tr TEMP. FOWCN tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR . .^ - / ..'--,> BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS/STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATTON/STEEL D ROUGH/ D.W.V. - tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER D 19.-o..1^&^slqFn...^ tr cAS prprNc- pLYWooo NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL O FINAL (rrr.rnr-tr FINAL -[Aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: I m z ft m m -{t, moa --.1 m m - zo gl 1: Complt.e iter! t,2, lnd 3.Add your .!ddre-. in tho Rt :TUBN TO spqc! 1. The follo,./ing service is requested (check one). O Show to whom and date delivered. . . . . . . . . . ._0 D Shor/ to vrhom, date, and address of delivery, ._O! RESTRICTED DELIVERY Show to \,vhom and date delivered. ., . . . . . . . :_O D RESTRICTED DELIVERY Showto whom, date, and address ot +tVSDf l_+_+(coNSULrposrMASrERFoRFEE$)l I | | I I 2, ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Ri chard Di 1.1 i ng P. 0. Box C, Vail, Co]o. g.|657 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGTSTERED NO. I CERT|F|ED NO,.f TNSURED NO. 181e006 l,,ri., I (Always ottain sigrutur€ of Eddrcsao or tefrtT I have received the article ctescrib€d above.SdNagfne ! Addressee tr Authorized agent oo 4 DATE OF DELIVERY n'i' - ''4 5. ADDRESS(conptste 6ty tt tqdesn t: 6.W -0- L) oa o --i :\ O o! o)a E(gz t E E€r g? ?; EEiIf J. -ztrDOFFl!E p oo o E z I* 3 f- -. 'i :', - - ;ad ;3sb t: sxc(j c N c(i E U) : O I !(n !ir.\ i(Ll-rO|-iq)ro t6 I I z DOFF IJJE E. UJa,n -r ii<r!t-z (J:(LO i.1 <r-o< u-- FILao o @ EglgffE:gi E E le essEe l ! l'=-#ci:.. . I lE I 3lt W3:,?TJff"L''^"i, .iEruRN ro lpace. 3l t. rrc tottr*iru'servbe is requested (ch€ck one). a l n Shorv to whom and date delivered ' -0;l o Show to whom, date, and address o{ delivery -0=l tr RESTRtcTEo DELIvERY| * sh-ow to whom and date delivered ' -oI n REsrntcrED DELIvERYIl - Snort, to wnom, c,ate, and address ol delivery ' $- il (coNSULT PGSTMASTER FoR FEES) mo m m -o zo .I r 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSEDTO: R,C*|1'€D DlLtrN(''lP;: iibx c - wetr vNu -tahcl Jhcatfu o.aFircr-edEscRtp'rtol, lll i!i I REGTSTEREDNO. I CERTIFIEDNO I irlsuREDNo I essll I tltt avs oOtain stgnature ot eddrcs€€ or agp.rt) I have received the article described abo/e. stounrpne f] Addressee D Authorized agent . l.........-t ./t '".-'\ -.-7-. i;. .../'a\ t I =-Z?. 4 .( V: L4 , <, OF DELIVERY.',,-t',/5 /PosTlvlARK €;it" "'"3r5. A0DRESSfcomptete ontv it rcquested) 6. UNABLETO DELIVER BECAUjF---* ,a'\_ ..CLERK'S lNqrALS-+\ 191?-0- g.E:ee E€H;H 3EEEA doE:* E5g=F €e*: nox 179Ne glgooG RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL lto rrsuR l{Ct CoVER SE PlovlllE0- iloT toR llfiERllATl0tllL xtlL (See Revers€) (). lr4rrv. T g :CEIPT FOR CEBTIFIE- MAIL :. .JUE.lr I rLrn L,trFl I lrlb., MAIL F 'r{0 r{sumilcd ecyERAeE pRoyroEo- ER t{0T foR lltTEnilATtolrAt rilt p a Tf,t*n.", brr-r-rrvr.. STlil?,Y c '#.It*P.O.. STATE ANO ZIP CODEtl!'tt- on Lo. 2IL.<C POSTAGE $ lrllrll! eCI 4 F -F clE F =-C'a, CERTIFIEO FEE :l e -9Fco SPECIAL OELIVERY q RESTRICTED D€LIVERY !a eLl 4 iljt!e-43Fur4 s|lo|l rc wt{ot! attD oAlt DTUVIRID s|1orl rc w|loil, 0An, A D Ao0RESS 0F otu|/tRr st'|0w T0 wt{oil A D oATt OELIVTREO WI RTSIRITED DTLIVTRY Sllow T0 WSil, 0 Tt AllD A00nt$ s otu',/tRr wrrH Rrsrftq!rorvtRY s -' .royd1d"'.eq1\$ (9/ o( \ (S€e Reverse) sENrro Richard Dilling 5 STREET AND NO.P. O. BOX C -" *^-.\ili i ",-oto.l orado Bt r POSTAGE c lrl|rI taC' 4lrlF -F ct4 F =-C) CEFTIFIEO FEE a, eral -c, IC' SPECIAL DELIVERY RESTFICTEO DELIVERY a, G FE .J e-e = E sriort rc rwfrl AND oAIt 00-tvtRt0 I $l0 T0 lvllot, DAT[, AllD AD|)RISS OT D€UVERY c sHow rc moil N0 DAlt 0r[vtRE|) v lfl RtslRlcltD DTLIVIRY q Sll0ll rc llll0t'|, I)AIE All0 Ao0nrss 0t 0zuvERY un RESTRICITO DTTWNY q TOTAL POSIAOE AIIO FEESJ \iD 'i.^iJ :''v// TETE 8//-r? a P67.&t/a'/, e fu'Y /hufl- *?, a/4rJ2 b ?t& ea>a"^a"A; a.*1 fa",- fu ,* *E xt J' a/;/Xt -'z' - .,at^:/ u/A. aL*t >rt'-.a-'Vp.-t-'ZA rL14l a e^/ *fu */Yr^, ?-x, 4)Z-z?.- /H-* - 4 o{/** 4@ /t*- qaz-,t'zz-+,Aa& ,fu ,prr-rrrrrit"il'z-/,.-Z;. tua h4 f-./M/,4*4-7*il,; ry/a^r/Z-aU, / / t/7,2 /r-..,--u43-4x t td adfl,; z"-fu-a-44'4// r'rz,^/u, fl2,7 a -$ru EAGTE COUhTTY DEPARTMENT AT' PLANNING & DEWLOPMENT'Box 779 32e-7377 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtssroNERS328.6809 : ADMINISTRATION 328.5674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 CER?IFIED MAIL #8]9574 October 2, 7978 Richard DiTling West VaiT Texaco P.o. Box C Vail , Colorado 87657 Deat Mt. DiITing, lo lzelp gou in this mattet, tlte reason for t'his letter js underlineil on Page 7. A Tist of signs tnas not furnished to us and the iTlegal tire sale sign was not renpved within j0 dags. ?he varianee became voiit when these conditions wete not met' A77 3 signs nnJst cone tlown within 30 dags and a new vaziance appTication made to us on the ptice signs mattex ' It gou have ang questions, pTease ccntact me at this office' A5SES50 R 328.6593 BU I LDI NG I NSPECTI ON 328.6339 CLERK & RECOROE R Eaqle 328-ri377 B€ia/.r 9:l7 -3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328.6674 ENG INEE R 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH 328-7718 EXTErtf.rO N AGENT 328.6370 Ll BRr C't 328-7791 PUBLIC HEAT.TH Eaole 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANN ING 328.6338 I ( ROAO & BRIDGE 328-659 | SHE RI FF Eaqle 328-66 | IBFielt 927-3244 Gilman 827-575 | soc tAL SE RVICES 328.6328 TREASU RE R 328.6376 t'\ 1 ( Thank gou, O , ;0fl Y4r?Y,. W&Jr.-o.^-I " Jim wiTTiams Zoning Ins?ectox Jw/jk &,H6 o€ l-B t^l ni ku* s€rJi- .*..: a\t.-/ t' EiiillrTliEiiT 0r PLAilltiit$ tlitI] fi50 llroadway I'.O, llox 179 oq. EEiJEtfiFiiiill't Eagle . Colorado 8l tiill z ' lq'?g ItlcI)onald llldg. CERTIFIED MAIL 1115?1Receipt # To: From: RrCr{ARD w, Dtu-utilCa P o, eox CU/€Sr V*tc- -n-\AAc-€ llArt- , Q.Dr--o. et657 Eagle County Planning DePartment Through onsite inspection by an Eagle determined that the sign(s) located on lndicated herein, Z fr€rc€ stqNs AND -I-IQE wgsf r/*,e --rFXAcO. County Staff Inspector, it has been or near your establishment or otherlvise S*Ls SrqN AT -TH-'e ARC'j*-in violation of the Eagle County Zoning Resolulion' section and'the Uniform Building Code. Stated in Title 30, article 28, and, Title 30, ar[icle 28' section t24 of. the Colorado Revised reading: 4,oA slq\J AuD 9'otl z'ot'trqt section 209 Statutes 1973 30-28-124. Penalty. IL is unlawful to erect, construct, reconstruct, alter, maintain, or use any building or structure or to use any land in violation of any regulation in, or of any provisions of, any zoning resolution, or any amendment thereof, enacted or adopted by any board of county cornmissibners under the authority of this part 1. Any person, firm, or corporation violating any such regulation, provision, or amendment or any provision of this part 1 is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one huudred dollars, or by imprisonmenl in the county jail for not more than ten days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day during rvhich such illegal erection, constructron, rcconstruction, alteration, maintenance r or use continues shall be deemed a separate offense. In case any building or structure is or is proposed to be erccted, constructed, reconstructed, altered, main- taincd, or used, or any land is or is proposed to bc uscd, in violation of this part 1 ot'of any regulation or provision of any resolu[ion, or amcndment llr,il.lirr,' lllfi..i ,l ll";l,l;'," l)..",";r. ".,1 1,,.'....t;- .. ,.."i. . ,l ,1...1,.1. r' .i1."' ,ttrrrr 'r'ta r:rt'llr 'i I I I IIII :I| .l I EAOTE OOIINlT -2- thereof, enacted or adopted by any board of county commissioners under the authority grantecl by this part 1, such board, the district attorney of the county, or.any owner of real estate rvithin the district in which such building, structure, or land is situatedr in addition to other remedies provided by larv, may institute an injunction, mandamus, abatement, or other appropriate action or proceeding to prevent, enjoin, abate, or remove such unlarvful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, maintenance, or use. Source: L.39, p. 308, & 24; CSA. C. 45A & 24; CRS 53, &706-2-24; c.R.s. 1963, & 706-2-23. 30-28-209. Violation - injunction and other remedies. Any person, firm, or corporation violating this part 2 or any provision of the area building code is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more t}ran ten days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day during which such illegal erection, construction, reconstruciion, alteration, maintenance, or use continues shall be deemed a separate offense. In case any building or structure.is or is proposed to be erected , constructed, reconstructed, altered, remodeled, used, or maintained in violation of this part z or of any provision of the area building code, the district attorney of the district, the board of county commissioners, or any owner of real estate within the area, in addition to other remedies provided by law, may. institute an appropriate action for injunction, mandamus, or abatement to prevent, enjoin, abate, or remove such unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, remodeling, maintenance, or use. Source: L.45, p. 245 & ?; CSA, C. 4SB, &B; L.47, p. 368, & 1; CRS 53, & 36-15-9; C.R.S. 1969, & 36-1S-9. - This letter is notice that you and/or your firm or establishment are in violation on two separate counts. This is the only notice you rvill receive. If you do not take action rvithin 30 days of receiving this letter (certified mail), this office.will take action to:' 1" Remove olfending sign at cost to violirtor. 2. Issue misdemeanor summons and complaint forms to violator(s) rvith the assistance of the Eagle county sheriffrs Department, and pursue' the maximum penalty allowable under law. If you have any questions, feel free to contact this office. Jim l^|i'lliams Zoning Inspector EAGTE COUB{TY Department of Planning P. 0. Box 1.79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTY coMMr55roNERS328-6809 : ADMINISTRATION 328-667 4 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A5SESSO R 328-6s93 BU ILD I NG I N5PECT I ON 328-5339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377Baiall 927 -3244 COUNTY ATTO R N EY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEA LTH 328-77 | I EXTENS ION AGENT 328.5370 LI BRA RY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eaale 328-66 | 1 Bai;all 927 -3244 Gilman 827-575 1 soclAL 5E RVTCES 328.6328 TREASURER 328.6376 by: Certified t Certified #819006and Development Richard W. Dilling P. 0. Box CVail, Colorado 8.|657 17 July 1978 Re: File No. 7v-49-78 Variance At thejr Continued Meeting on 17 Ju'ly 1978, the Zoning Board of Adjustment granted you the following Varjance with Conditions: Two price signs 3' x 4' single or two-sided. (A two-sided sign with 3' x 4' on each side will be considered as two signs). YS!_mg5! also furnish Office with a list of all zes ancl locations ll other illeqal riance becomes A copy of the approval page of e varlance appl'lcaf,Ion enclosed for your records. you have any questions, p1 ease contact this office. VO 1T If '^7ffi1 4^r"6/erri I1 Kni ght ,/ Acting Director df P'lanning TK/kp Zoning Board of Board of County Adj ustmen t Commi ss i oners al'L-r't-- 7-*-^*-_*,_-_* Actlon of Zonlng Board of Atljustrncnt on Variance Appllcation Approval E conditions: Two Price signs 3' x 4' single Or two-sided. .A Two-sided_sign with 3' x 4', on 6ach side wil'l be-considered.as tu,o signs. App'licant must. furniifr ite-Fiinning Offic" with a 'list of all_lign: now ldcated on the property, siies and locations, and if a'll other illegal.:signs are not'reinovei from the properrty within 30 days' the varia.nce becomes . void. :..+;r. : .:j-c -,- Denlal n roasonst (see Order of tlre Boardr attactred) vnn r a?cr= APF,LT cnTl oN Note: Section 9.04.10 Appoals from jhe Roard' Any furthor eppcal from tlre <Jccision of the Board may be . mado to tlre courts, os providcd by le'/r'r Provicledr however! that such sppeal is macle prior to twenty (20) clays followlng lhe clate of the noti{ication of tlle Boardrs decisiorr. Zv-49-78 Fllo No Di'l 1 i ng Vari ance 'f EAgtE COI.JNTY Department of Planning and Development P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtSSroNERS 328.6809 ADMINI5TRATION328-6574 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55ES5O R 328-6593 BUILDING I NSPECTI ON 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377 Bai;alt 927 -3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 32A-6674 ENG INEE R 328.5337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 324-77 ta EXTEN SION AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 324-77A7 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594 VaTl 476-5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6s91 5HERIFF Ea qle 328-66 | IBatall 927-3244Gilman 827.5 751 soc IAL 5E RV IC ES 328-6328 TREASU RER 328-6376 22 June 7978 Richard W. Dilling P. 0. Box C Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. 7v-49-78 Variance At their regular meeting on 21 June 1978, the Eagle County P1 anning Commission reviewed your Variance application for a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Adiustment. The Commission could not come to a maiority decision so the application is being forwarded without a recommendation. The Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing on the item on 13 Ju'ly 1978, jn the County Commissioners Meeting Room, 550 Broadway, Eag1e, Colorado. If you have any questions, please contact this office. / '/ ./',n+ / ,4/ ', /.//* *-4ry Terrill Knight /Acting Director of P1 anning TK/ kp cc: Zoning Board of Adjustment Ifuf'r-"-- - L'{GIE CO!,'NTY -Department of Planning and Development P. O. Box 1?9 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 EOARD OF COUNTY COMM ISSIONERS 328.6809 AOMINISTRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R 328-6593 BU I LOI NG I NSPECTI ON 328-6339 CLE RK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-63778'aialt 927 -3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALT H 328-77l8 EXTEN S ION AGENT 328-6370 LISRARY 328-7 7 a7 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANN ING 328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.659 | SHERIFFEaqle 328-551 IBai;alt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 socrAL 5E RV tCES 328-6328 TREASURER 328-6376 6 June 1978 Kathleen Lell , Bditor Eagle Valley Enterprise Eagle, Colorado Re: Notice of Public Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustment 13 JuIv 1978 Please publish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a I'Legal Noticet' in the 15 June 1978 publication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of oublication to this office. Thank you Terrill Acting rK/kp Director of Planning /( lD"ou*rY oF ro*, "broot Notice is Ilereby Given that the Eagle county zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a Public }learing beginning at 10:00 A.M. on 13 July 19?8, in accordance with section 9.04 of the Eagle county Zoning Resolution. said Hearing will include the followins: File No. Zv-49-78 - Richard Dilling dba West Vail Texaco Request: Variance from Section 4.08 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution (Signs) in the Commercial Limited zone l,ocation: Part o[ Tract B, Vail Das Schone Filing #1 File No. Zv-50-78 - Peter Larrowe Request: Variance from Section 3.03.05 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution - Minimum Lot Area in the Resource zone Location: Adjoining Aspen Mesa Subdivision on the East border south of Paseo road, more particularly described as follorvs: Deginnlng:it a pcrir,E'<rn ctrc l.lor-'i.h-S<-rrrtlr. r-:cntcr 1j-rrc of s,aid Seci.Lcr 27 vrhencc Lhe SI'l Coi:nc'r of setcl [ic-:cLIon 27 bears. S. 00'16t]3-i_\^I- 59.=86'ie'eL and S, 6?-"0\12/+" E. 297:1.75 f,eeti. rhencc l,'. 00o16t13" E. 525.95 fcet along Lhe Nori-h-South ccr-rtcr l.irrr of saicl S':ction 27 tc n point on fhe c€jr.rt:er ll-ne cf sai-d roadwal'; thence N. 70'25t1-8t' i. 81.54.fcet alcng the cc;1tcr line o{" s;ri.rl roed',ia}'; Lhence I'i.7?-"12ti0" E. 29+.97 feet- along tllc centcr llrrc of sal.ci roirdwayi ttrerrie I.i- 77"54'55'1..E, t-65.74 feet along Lire ccrrler l.ine of 'said'::oeid"'ay'; thence S, 7O"O2'47't Ii. L32.57 feeE elorrg the cenLer linr: o.f sali roadv:ay; thence S, 52"48r1-2" U. 98.9tl feer elong the cenLer line of saI-d roadr.ray; ihence S. 70'lr1'00" E. 43.79. f eet along the center o.f said ro,i:dway- to a ooint oa ttta Wc:s;tcr1-y line of srid couaty road; thence S. l+8"22rli0" Il . 97.29 f.aet llong the l.IesLerly line of caid county i:oacl; ihence S. 37"49 t55" I{. 23i.84 fei:t along the I'iesEerly llne ol said county roai; Lhence S- 25'30'55" l,I. 51-.41 feet along the \"Iesier)-y J.irre of saicl couniy roadl iiience S. 33"38r2l" It, 69,99 feeE rilong tlie l{est-erly l-lrre of sairl cou:rr7 rc:a; thence S. 51"37 r00" !I. 13B.Bl feet along tl-re I.jesterly line of sa.i-i'county -r-oad; Ehence S. 45"00t00" l.I. LA!,25 fcet along tha l{esLe:l,r- line of sald courty. roadl thence S. Z'L"30t20" I.,'- 85,45 feet al_o:-rg the llesterly line of said count-y road; thence ii. 8L"32'll" I,i. 27f.Sl feeE to a polnE on the'Nortir-Souttr center line of seid SecEion 2'1,- the polnt of beginnlag. D.!C-9Pl-thc-rse porEions o! saicl Ntr'|'su]-- of Secrl- on ?-7, Towirs'5ip 7 Sctrghll,an.ge 87 t.lesc of t-he 6th lrinc..t*pal llji:rirtian, c.le.;cri.be<l ii dee<i toMid-Vall-ey Land Conl>arry, .r.ecordecl J-n Eooll 189 at pago 373, Eztg\eCountJ' Recordsr' Lo-r.r-it: .d sLr:-tp of. lor,.i .rg!_!o--gr.g€..g_Sg f;"; -f.rridih, to be used as a r:oa.t rig,$:gl!L"ir,Ei.,r,re.r iiTir! *w;tofo€ secELa.. 27,.. r?1T*rpl7 sou-{-Emrgs:ti t.iesr:- of rrre 6ih ?rinci-p:lMe-rididn; leing 1.0' feec on' each, slc]e of;the- iotlo:jing :deic:ibeicenter line: BeEianirrg ai a po-lnt on th.. lJesterlytri.r= of s;aiiNw+S!}, uhence th.e SouEhr;esL corner of s;rid Nwt;;i U""rr-s. 00"1_Crl-3'w. 585'81 fceEr..thence arong the center line ll, 7a"z-srl8t' E- si.5+feet; Ltrence N-- 72"L2t E. ?-94,+7 fcer; thence N. 77"s4r55" Ij. iss.l+feet; Ehence S-'70o02r/r7" E. L32.57 feer; tlence S" SZ"j+BILZ,, Z" -??'90 fcet; ttrence S. 70"4.1tE- 43.79 I:c,eL to a poinr on rire r.Iesrerlyllne of a County Road as constnrcled :rncl in nla-ce] This Hearing shall be held in the l\{cDonald Building, County Commissioners Meeting Room #103, 550 Broadrvay, Eagle, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decision on this request are invited to malie comments to the Board by appearing at the l{earing, or by submitting written staLements in person or by mail thru the Secretar5'. Further information may be obtained, and comments submitted' b1' contacting the Eagle County Department of Planning and Development, 550 Broadrvay' Eagle, Colorado - Phone 328-6338, P. O. Box 179, Eaglc, Colorado. by: Department of Planning and Development O Ne couij coPY 17 97 C MALE FEMALE rrars Sc^ei . irr;oot - Z--oo.suEE ad O orr"tr O er o.YCU ARE II:RE8Y NOTIFIIO IO APP€AR III t3 -i,ffi/so:n=nu-9- t3 - ,5 Ar; e NDEO *,,-*, ,J,Lreli*t{{{/ . ,,{4{/{ilU"'''lc '5ii:o - A''I 'u:'lE''rT! arPr'A:'\ IHE urior4ircrt! trirrt rarirYrrs ctrroirrir c,rouroslrV:':(rtv,,rc r/;/rnr rrorr..rtrr'o{!o oFrtxiE ot ottai5ts rrrs ol l!tE cotxlnr! !rl t^cr. rlc wAl fq *al corr;ro ,, ,F. D.rrrD,rr ^Tii:, ",*r^,, ,::;,V ,*,FrI:,^,,^*:i .\i5 i,Al t\O S Ao^r.oo,rl0 o^, o,l1 "'f$-o,,,"" SI/ERIFF'S glziootL,,EE e0 COUNIY counr - AT lPPrf /l r8E tl|aE ^mtFTt\DLca YOU ARI HERESY NOTIFIEO TO APPEiR I{ | 9!tcR5 A5 AMENDED TO ANSWER CXARG€!i oF vrollTrol{ of T{DEO t9 AS t3 - Bilti6 tssi,ED - at r{JEDlAls aFlE^tAtci ls R:q:JIRE0 U?o RafSSAL rC 316X1 oFFafrst os oFrErls!3 tls ol wltt co|.rlrtao In t^ct, AND lfrl c9C Pup*Jrrzr rr:c$/ t DSe= . d:ff:::ff::itJllio Eagle County, Colorado to tlre Zoning Board of Adjustments (minlrnrm 5 copies rgquired; print or type, except signatures) Section 9.04.05 Fifo No. "',/-lf -// Feo Paid 34 AA _ Data cecd.6/i'z-/7tl_ uv,///'4,.,,, Appl lcant/Owrrr Mall Addresg f; Reguldlon and Sectlon Number(e)is sought: 2j-pre€ent z*@ CLu- 3l- @neral locatlm of prqlcrty (ln reletion to g Town, Ftoad,2st, Jt/.fion+Atz Rd t/Pi Stream or other landmark) :) ./a./ ' ) e uy'O 4.;4s I Jtr-zo f-egaf descrlptlon of prpperty , {E<RA" t1 toN F,'t; nx{ I V*trtzf f,.n"F E Lot Blk r orrr. Subdivision Narn Va, t b. rretee ard bounds (may be attached) include survey or map: 5. Brfof Purpoeo and Reason for VarlancE (may be ?ttached) | , . - -a- ' ,-2 J ilrt. 'Jr?a- /- >e*n/ &atyat*E:-€ 't>- 'acr&4/a-l-n(/.dL(4. Attach €),plfiation that one or rrrore conditions exist under Sec- 9.04.06' 1-5. Statern€nt: A complele llst of all owners addresses, of the property Proposcd for Variance and o{ all owners of all adjacent properties is aitachec tlereto; this signatory is properly Tn'i:'"ky,) 6. t 7. aJtt|orized Signature of autfprized qlicant; owner? statcd horeon . of Zoning Resolutlon from which Variance off ice use Appl ication accepted as complete for Pr.rbl ic Hearing on Appl ication reiected as incomplcte tor Public llearing because: F'o3c 1 trf ? o EAGLE COUNTYo Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT oate J--3/ . rcV"lRECEIVED ITEM Build inq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Aooeal Fee Code: (Building)(Zon ing) (Subd ivision) Total Received All items are received for collection no-payment of any item. Nq 3599 Bv AMOUNT only and this be cancelled for APPLICATION FOR VARINNCE Orro,t the Zoning Rcsolution "f O Eagle County, Coloradc to the Zoning Boarcl of Adjustments (minimum 5 copies required; print or type, except signatures) Section 9.04.05 rirc No.Zy'- r'a.Zl Feo Paid Date recd. by: Appl icant/owner Mail Address f, Regulation and Section Number(s)of Z"oning Resolution from which Variance is sought: 2;-Present zon"1@(1[, . -3-u General location of prcgerty (in relation to a Townr Roec'. 23f3 l,/.fr:oo*41e 'i1J" U/t" Stream or ottrer lanCmark) :I 1.1,')vu!c) &;-{s l.}t7-70 4. Legal descrlption of property F/ / ; eX{ I a- subdivisio'** LJaIL f)4-s lclaat *t Brk - ' or' b. metes and Uounds (may bs attached) include survey or map: Brief Purpose aild Reason for Variance (may be ,attached) i ,- i f;. *rf";- /- > (;* (zz>,yz-a-*'ti'€ -+ t' -. t/ /j4,. Attach e4pla.ration that one or more conditions exist under Sec' 9'04'06' 1-5' appf ication f or 1\pri1;'-g ltatcd hct eon - "&T ", ,ltLrcl.'../ Ptt*lr-"f t'n"l t 5. -4r. 6. I 7. Statement:' A complete list of all owners addresses, of the property prcposed foi vaii"-nce 3nd of alIownersofatIadjacentpropertiesiSattachectreretolthissignatoryisprcper|y alrthorized Signatuie of authorized applicant; orvner? office use Application accepted as complete for Prrblic Hearing on Appticaticn rejected as incomplcte for Publi. tlearing because: dato by: pl anning admini 3trator Pir3o 1 of 2 m),/'/ -\ E-- /, ,t /) .-2 , t -/, ! G ) -{r(rt trv*U ( " /*&"ef a;/\- 7A-< rlr,"' 'z '444aa'4<-' Qfd't fffi/ b ,ff gnryffiGpt"/ /*"{Or)(Lcc4c',t-U' 4fi''''# ruu''+ e t'7"a'/'rz; t/* f'+)*/f %^ a"-",1^..*.on-tlL#a+ .L** @ -,- 4fr--/, #)". Wt 0t z/".,tf { fu(*|ue r 4to-cu- Y; oo-,,-n4'-/.i{r#A, ,1 ,44.-zn*&.{*: "'*.^/ -+?,p-z-( e'n1u*.fi;n , rt-/'^-/n''nUh, V,S , Gauc ru mc rt(- n t-ZO TrncT- D - lj,lesf t/*l t- puv',[o P-m'/l Atrp Ttttot-B i' tt /]ssoc'(++es ' fqSz lrnr'+-A V'nl t., Ci+y torpcboat Fc, n,vs Trtcl- [ue-sl Vplp De'ueloPuflatf Cu"p Law ley Av e St(oK,'e / //.i,0671 (Atc Dqv' er StzJ I b ?n,^-,^'t i?7 3 l'/k"l /""/ fr./-.- W,&,t/6s7 fl't, 7: //rTZ/: >/''-d FM /"rr-rzfu1naz,.. ro.ae zn :fe/,,a!Wa" p.,,-. 1 fr*/" F /,Zfa* 6 f X""*> l,fu , l"*.zzx fi 3 q { T- va,,; lu/-fh;( >un4 /e ltlrvoL- (ru /r,ffiir*-r,up/a.n a.' !ot{ 4 /*o,^r4,-,..A;, +P)z'*-* fr-J,?t fi"-tZrzAA+a suBscpr&D attD cuto Pru BsPatg /vE TTtlt LA D,?t' oF Feacttoey t /gr4 lf Ptcl/?ED L4 but t "+ tly cuhlttsslatv E' P/Fet D€c' 22t /9to' d**nrypracl tu/auo !t br bU F-n.oNf1iqL (0\D A t6 '-41 -/4"*{ ,-:?A d 4r**6 /7 /tz'.2-/ zn+* 6/srr7/0 Yq .(3.7s-' tc.6t xc. /s ft.tg (r.o, x 7.6t f.f 16 rnc) 47-z> tre x C. ffi) 3 (rI I c,) (c. J ,/, lqQ ottt GltorlErl.ro o{ 0t* o o o !3o, o qt FEFi;51,:'dFlEfSlEEIFgfFe Eg:39 FE 3fF ifEglsg HFElgf;sFi l;:;FsE ::*Firs*gfrri3;l ::3Fi "1; fi;; igi:g*i ;el3;ElrGt !f tt ltl H _.+- ;tii;io.io '.| ogoi F;tF.P D o.o r+ o:to otO-rtdcoo DrI|.F'6;6 d; -r,;.-- ii:t o.r 6oo :ro a1 :De - E5 oD=to o.+ oo!'oHtstsoo.+ot+r'Etb d.-- oo E!,otoocr- 5 o - ri9.o FF oo oF idcT q?DooPr.r"!ig;*i 31,!;-|1-Ei.*si''3 58r.'3 "g e3' g$6fgE9 B"qi"ge''oO oooF- rL I E i o 6i .r d .+ 6 o o 'r o cFtF 5 o F rtsll!|F OoSO !o e iEe*s:; sn:lE"'IErr.;fi;FI li;es 3E siF ilE3g{E ic!.i:Iss.+! tit+l' - iO6 D. iOi r'ni <+ - !t "+(lelE G C 8.+ F .i!tO DFts OO <F- e| Ooo'65; il;g - B6;5;;E'3-'3! :3539 e; -o"* E;€3933 E6''.iJ'c€3 t. P:ei; b'E sggti;;3 fi H clrg; gEiS: E I q se F-" I r?ig il[[][is5pl"39gg E;'ig'Fg?-E"9oF *oi3' 3F .3€ oE"LE'" 3i9-E-.ot 9,rl.-6 -' dirooiFi;r*o oorro Fo< o ooo oclao?oo or< !t l'r!;oOhqc-oj =6qi;6'rui{ooRF .+ .}Fll !. arQ tslo qF.o }i it€}t!ob 5$5tEg3 *E;-odi"i3"Eifr;*5' il5f;9. 3 99s i3* cge 9!93;i3€ o +OO.O'!.. -Fdido@ojO-lr trOt .tFrt I I Or.O rC(+ Hr!O< g.OGl @G4FF;95fi5f ;9'p3oi",*3e39eE 3f3* I o-E Ei9'-E.F g'tE'9ei*inrr*.369 r*g'3Eil:33"**?3 oSof 5 l5' f*9il6E' ;fgF*:!;EqEiS;;i'' ;3339;3?ua1;3' :'9; r 9*1' -99e'g; !.!;"i,.'3"i 8'-€ g;s, ;-a;-Bi; R" Fo S3 - : *3 E ' g" S3o 3o! 9* # 9,X'F' 3;5P!t-i'E tri..ob6 o 'p.|rroq! Do!t - Fo ;tosaE rrc arsl 1t:1"8--81 g"r-F3Fj p3i33t 3."'g 3 'E FgooE- 9 ;19"{;;:g993gFi"{- Bfigi E-E-'3"* *3'E o I9 BlggiFa:"n6:EE:ir"5'E3, ;536Fr'9;r;*a9 F38; * ES 880:*T3 g?33S:1[ rOOndE* o-iori _D..O.+,+r+ 5O.+ o !t Fgt O !!tl'- i.'r<o!'3I€33F 3i'ig:i3.: *""oFr 5f33 nt *i 139:*'P F:n S nt!93 g -E ilriBF;5:93.;gi. 6*I'.' I fg oI"ol!E lE'P!!'iil:'18'9gd 1,.''i1;-:;ff;*9?3 3E8; 9. o,t 8E=3Bgl "o1I5'3r:;qiB6;; bl{lB.*r:9i;;3:- "E*3 S ir:8";:3- '1.-3903r€ig:EHE3g IiEs;slEcFeFSr Es:F I le SIIgIsI E,-;€!rii..+ogiiiidE idpizFb-F<oD o! -Fra o I ; Eoo Ito F>rlcE??d;,_no !,i - a !,!6E-!,ts !Doo r.'o< S g:" 9.oi€o goBf !936.ts[;6*g* iixi;liIniS]sE 5;;i i E^I .q,lgEE.: iE;;;;958ffs3e;-p ll.lTlEF:s!'qi;3 E:II i :F 'ii*iE SFIHEssl8;13flriF s€ilIsrli:Fi;: EEr; 5 Fe 9;d;se "..F[1[;!E ia.e *'t ai - t+6*!ro!q.ooFEo t EE o o to o |.o rt r-E i '.+;!is.{Nd6; iiir6i6'ro FTAEPE OoFlo h &DP'Jr-! e FrrlDI X.c. ltiii 6; 6'-";'rd;DoE- r+ 4ds O oD !EGi o.r'oEE, o :p. : gIA " : *; ;;! , P- ,t ro .+ ''r .| o.cGr . !'.+e cLosrE ;oE 6 .r.+ ;l EF ilB5;n ;-'8.n!'iEo a oo ro 9l >F!|ots D I ar+ 6 o 99 R n I "EF .l Eooa i+Oa rl e.FstFl!>tO l:t 6 D !tI FtloEoo PiFlr ||rtB tsil i ot! tsC, Ora r.ts l'c o o E uDi.lOO Fttr< BOO! O.!t.l OO . DOoo F gE(a ir r.I I9 q|(!ta.OFoa !l lrDTDFT tl| P i< FEOODa rl- .+ E'tlr !t !r .t ooDor+lFl !r EE -Hi.|lto DO- !!O<:'0 c| tr Er oo rr '.4 ED{ta.lc F >l| F.Foe.O gP O rJi H.lOOFO dlO. ttlFFO Cl lr0 F r-!It It E O r.o.dr E.|FO.| tt O O E-ooo o!Et!tt,. . - o r IOF O llE .< lt" ruio>F' Pq D O F'PEo qD o c E Er Fo{ < r- tl F.. .+o EFi FOEO ! rllo't {rt o l- r.| o c o tl ItO,lE 5@- OOO 0.f rl iF OEo lt '. - o c.EtlQ.lO .\o I O Oa o oq| crFa o o- c !'oF- E|+ott o o.|'FO. f lNc.E!t! og - o o tOci . F Fng.+ O =t rl {>o!'(t Eooraoooor( gatr 3 l'Fa E +S3EE io- oO.FO r- D O!I.lBt 3lUtrrl-.tCrO !'!.-F5(D O F FN E'Fo l.r l! crl'HNo(t- F F FO Fl!| 5. F.rltoF rl tto !l Hr >l 6|()F@{<cl . crJtatsFF .l lrt-X t OO eft l.| El D Ot r'O t' o .'(, !<-o o < EttaI3{O - t!, pq.o olr rt +(D =r*c Eolttaoo o !' o o o Po Ito, .rO qFOicrt Ero- c.Po:n.+ q|o E oo<oE tD Flt. F<O OBl0to r-i F,.tFl Q1O O d- PO OEOa O O*!tOC l' O.+- ' nD l!d oo 'EoiFl}O otta ol+a,IrO tt! oio!aoo!rr-o oco E.' tt(0 .lB oC.+!F ttn o (ol' llt IFt>6 lr ,tt tP rt to5 to|.i lo€ IDt{lo '!too loFllr otlr i l!{ o F o t:tEr+Kt art. !tlEooIF 'Eli+ O|< tIF - l}O {o!rtta ool+Efa,IrO o tt!_* co oi!r o!rtAOFO!|tr-oFE'ooc o >ll .' >tt(0 !t oB <oOEclF!Fo otttnO rl-ito (EO l' ct>tPlll,I F.+l> 6Ftlolr!t!'lPrt Dlo 5!'IFF4lo rt vls€(tt DFl{Flo tolo ol.r <(alo Poli oolB t o l!{ o BI r-lo Er sltP|l,Idltr-tlolt!'lFkDlo !,tFalo -t^dtx(tll-.1{Ftoolol.r(at oo lltolE olE?tlcBIr{lFtslo at!lIt ) LtK' IF F IF ,F a oaf 9-'o o t> lot> lr F l8 lE t,l.i loI!'Ir le lslt- l"t@ilo t9l ldl"l t"dItslItl!l|ltlgl-IF t; IElo lo . 5Elr, oO.|glt9 O i+Po Eat "to 'l, 'r 'rFC6tt t!.+O t!.iiro A.r.|O Ervo o oo< F!to o.g 'roBr.t Ero!I oo.<lloO.t nl r+t o o .rct'rt oF^!o ocoo F !Er+ ol< oO- E o'tEFO I!'lontr rtO tso F|E O EEFD ()Gtt otPor+O atto ilt|'ooD9t.+aEo FOOrtoi!o F o 'g8B F8r.€l'E !t- HE g q !O O FPI F -ra r I FEIO t .+t'o'i o FF .ft o ol+l'*|+lrErltoo. )!trl !!.1Eii iolooroO Oa*q. <E O Ott F. Er roortoFt r+.+O tn Ftstt oooooqr-lE!tj|otl oocc+-P F'. o t|{o ol<ooF - I it tt r+lEO oooB99-S e OOgObl 'toc ig; o.g.cr0OOO- FO l' Flqr.! o D'<d HF GIi Fr-o a6 O E.'.+O- o i o c toao ctt rto F- O o O rt(+i |.l o oFo.i t.ltF PD O '6 On go - o Fdo l'€ t o ltl_F. F OtOd a F<-!trl oo ooooi l! +OF- <.'!t+!ti. FOO FO- o o! -OO Ertar OO.IF. ; ar.D rrocloF oc,atE q |l. rIDO*Od d.t-D o6 Dollo- | Bo*-iD.|OF FQ:t +E :r" 3rgts nt*g €-o oorr :r o >t tl CIc' ta4.cl !! A.,I d lt at g i!.{ao -€F-oo tt Fo.'r!, rt aa l! .+.-OO oI- <o POIte-lrl.)o oo '. zE EgtElq! lrl zc etstEt{xxc}FO() lDr {qt cl|{tf<oED{o lo o.i c>oqrH'|O:?'lE t:E O!! 'l.it ttEg'!rOil > i:z O.. -t!.6>H'ot HOt- lH ,. <,.2!o'l EE lcl .. ttrItrlz- ECl c| l> ZFHt{dlr-:3octEdrc| >r | ... - dFdoo< t>o:! ! FH tE{{H-ltto l< o!Dqt-(1za.xzox.. Ft t|< oDEF!toOF- tlgl !0 lL OHIr!tt,t lt ..@ .. lO ,rHDOiEic.o E lt !l5tt Y.aFo o lt! o t!o- 'd(rFz ,''O {<Pl oc,tluo.. Fo lor r D Ei.,Ho oo E<EFr{+J ZE :' I' FBN i OGF Qr:Eqt rE!t oo!|odnoro !'E t +tltFocrt q, - ooorru < F: rt 'tP|J.'E >!t :C .<.-E! l.Ft!, o- E ItOi+ C|o OBE r o oxt o o r-o t qDO!rOF{O.'tlttf !>t -llro F- Ir(io ir-ECr EO Eo Eo cFO t!9HqD !!goolr <ooot|' t!I o og 5E c,tr- Drl ,B o F'oFO <t-3 qtt(aGFGo5 !cE!o- C- rJ|tqt AF r! l! to 'CtfgFll OFOGDC oa!o ooo:f tcoi o ac fu.'u,'7, /h.i/,4 o RIC:i\/I:D JAN 2 3 19iB Deirr. .l /iann,ir:! u 0eYel. [Egls Coufity. cda o n lzuro 2ol /775 n Lt"s*t( /"4 p-rca-o6 /.4 a,-4, ?/cs'z frr pzV't ll"ndai,***uJu* p*L {tr*ra,{ffu /J"/4{":,: , ., l*; r{-ffii*, /.-.u.*,A dl &# 3 I * A-7 / ),o lt'''"/ //*U S [r(fl^t)/s r.r'r'*t{#- 'offirr'*i oob'rtuq- 4'{ { /dA-J)4*---z;- *,f;"r""''. - ft*l92*. //**'Zut*2 t, -DEPABTTfiE$IT lllcDonald Bldg. .\t' lcz OF PEAI{HII{E AI{D S508roadway P.O. Box 179 BEVEIOPffT$IT Eagle, Colorado 81031 22 December 7977 West Vail Texaco Vail, Colorado 81657 CERTIFIED MAIL Receipt #3256?5 You have been given Notice that your signs are in violation of the Eag1e County Building Code and Zoning Resolution in letters dated 2 December 1977 and 9 December 19??. You are hereby given Notice that the sign(s) in question must come down within 10 days of the signed date of receipt. After which, if , you choose not to compLy, your sign wilt be taken down with the *assistance of local law enforcement authorities. _If you.have any questions, please feel free to call. /4-i["**---' Cliff Hoskins Planning Staff cE/ jk Plnnning Departmcnt/Ptanning Commission: Subdivision, Rczoning, Applications and Rcview (B0g) Szg{JJg Building offici:rl: Ituikling I'ermits and Inspcction, Zoning Adnrinistr:rtion {J03) J2&6JJ9 taEil c0uNly e No. 32567b RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL 1{O IIISURAilCE COYERTGT PROVI|IED-"- xol FOR lXIERllATloilAl flllL (See Reverse) WL'& v"i r rexaco STFEET ANO NO.ffi POSTAGE o trt I clol el9rl - o F =-e.J cERTTFIEO fEE c c, e J-o F4o SPECIA'- OELIVERY RESTRICTEO DELIVERY .J L IJ e-e ul&. Snow l0 ||N0ll At 0 oAIt ofl,tvtRtD sH0w T0 wHot. DAT[. AllD ADDRTSS 0f 0ttlvtrY 3!iil,1?il'il'[ ii3'ftl!' 0tuvtnY SHOV{ TO IYHOI OAIE AIlt) aD0Rtss 0t DtuvtRY w H flESTRETIO DILIVTRY r"r^'*FT,rF\ |1 i[K?ry BUlLDING REQUEST THE PLANTERS OF VAIL MARTIN T,. JONES Box 421 Vail , Colorado 8165? ^,_.- BUILDING REQUEST FROM-THE P],ANTERS OF VAIL TO THE EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING BOARD The structure is to be a temporary greenhouse. It will be used part of May through late August or early September, depending on plant naterial demand. At the end of the season, it will be taken down and stored. It wilL be constructed out of red wood and covered with Tu Tuff 4, a white plastic filn. The plastic will be put on the inside, leaving the redwood exposed. It will be anchored to the ground by bolts into concrete pillons. fhere should be need for Littl"e, if any, grading or ground disturbance, with the exception of 2" of )/4 washed gravel, to be put on the ground inside the structure. This shouLd work it's way into the soil by the end of the season. There will- also be a path leading from the parking area to the building. Water wiII be obtained from the Phillips 66 Gasoline Station. A Portadohn wi]l be provided if necessary. The building will be used mostly for storage of plant naterial , but it will also be used for retail sal-es. There will be outside storage of spruce and aspen trees on the south and east sides of the building. They will be stored in peat moss which will be used up during the season. The building will be removed by October 1 , t9?6, and the grounds restored by October L5. Efforts will be made to improve the locatign by additionat,seeding and watering dur- ing the season. AIso sorne perenniral flowers will be ptanted near the bullding on the south side. They will be reLated to native species There is a back entrance ior statf parking and truck loading. Thank you. - - {^=t=trtn FtEouEsr DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY E ornen fl panrtar. LocArtoN ," {e,ppRovED E orsappRovED ! netNsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DArE S. JLd - ,),1 fNSPECTOR .." rNspecr'ilru FIEOUEST couNrY Pq;f DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM JOB NAME EAGLE n orsen flpnnrrnu. /I /MON /\.__,-/ COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION WED fiUR [:J APPROVED J--''Llfupolt THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS D orsappRovED ! nerNSPEcr t-' EAGLE cor*rfrrLDrNG pERN4rr AprtArroN Rcview Routing Form 5-- /.e '/ d- D ate Ref erred Please revie,ar the attach,ld aloplicaiion and retufn Courrty Br.rilding Off icie.l within 6 worl<ing clays. Planning Cornmissiorr File No. Planning: Cornplies with: Subd. Regulaiions Zoning Regu lat iorrs Recommenci Approval Permit No. it and this cornpleted form to the Revieweci by:Date: Comments: Nonnntl YesKlgn EI ppl i cant Locat ion County Engineer: Roads Grading D rai rrage n f7 ilJfl rfL:f;ffiRecommend Approval i Crrnrrnanf q. -/. / /,ra. / / it I,t/ t Cciunty Flealth: Sanitation [l t] Water l--l f-lrln r-iI J..LI ;--7- -- - -- Recon'rmend Approvat f7t n commerrts' /<-1t/1/4 /, /n-- - , l_IJ I I - ,, "7Z;-- z:u= --iE ---- f .- -,a-L- e-'c z!-/rZ* S-er L.)( €-,7S .7-4is t/.-V rl 4, I rt/(rtc. //- 4*, /,4 o/.sr;.7 ,t /a7-/4-/-< 4nt BUI'-DE *il Pf; FiMrT ArrlLEC*T* "n nu Jurisd ictiorr of Applicant to complete numbered qtaces only. PERMIT FEE NOTICE SEPABATE PERI\,IITS ARE REOUIT-iED FON ELECTNICAL. PLUMB. ING, HLAf ING, Vh NTIL AI ING ON A{R CONDITiONI\G.']'flts PEfl\4ll t]i:cofrlEs NULL AND VOtD tF \ryORt( OR CONSfRUC.I toN AUTHORTZT:t) rS NOT COt\4[/ENCEU \in-F N 120 DAYS. OnIF CONS RUCTION OIi WORK IS SUSPFNDFD OF ABANDON[tJ FOR n PEfiIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY Tlrr4E Af.t'EH fJORK lS CON4MI,NCED.I HLITEIIY CTRTIFY THA-I- I IIAVE READ ANT] EXAIItNI,.T) TIlISn PpLla'n Ttoft Ar.1.) KNow TH[: sAr\r:F ro aE ] Rt.Jt- AN|] coRRLC.r.At_l- PRc)\./lSr.)NS OF LAWS ANI) OnOtNANC|:5 aCrVf ftNrNG Tl.1t!r-Ypr:: oF y,/otit( wtt r- Bf con.lpt tLD wr t H wH[ f t ii {t spf ctr -.Dl{EtlLll'1 Oll NOL I-rJF: cirANt tN(; OF A P€ftt,|I DC)F:S t!()l'Pf.rt_:it,f,tE To ctvE AUTHoRt r\/ l o vtot ATE ott cn NcEt. 1HII'TtoVI:iIONS OF ANY OTHF:It S'1 ATC OR T OCAL LA\^,/ i]f GUI-ATINGCC)NSTRI.'CTIO'.J OR'IHE PERFORMANCI OF COi\]SrRUC]t()N. IryHEN P HOPE H I"Y FLAN CH[.CK VAI.ItJA I'IOT"M. O, llJ:l|i atl { rti rtroM: lN I !'lNn TIc)NAI (l(tNFEt.rtiNCr ('t- lr(Il.t)tt.tG c)Ft_tctAt_!; .LL {o^u I Dt 5C R.{l]l:r r rrrncxeo sxrtr) ztr' Pio*f P 'o r€ aRCHr r a-c i oi hf s rcNiRa 6Ett 5r, IJ 5E OF 6UILDIIIG E t- /!eTxrt- 6F 8 C|ass of worK: TjtrNE* D ANDITION N ALTEBATION N REPAIR L] MOVE t] REIVIOVE 9 Describe work: E f,TtOttl a'F tt Ep wu,ia Pn*rnp_. P/-e 4E11U,"/,Ua OC.T l0 Change of use from Change of use to ll Valuationolwnrk: $ LC 0 O PLAN CHECK FEE SPECIAL CON DITiONS:I ytre o{ Co n it. Occu pa ncy GroLr p Divislon Size ol Bldg. ( rotar) SQ, I:1 . No. ol Storlet Fire Spr in kt€rs Required ffyq3 [t16alPlrCAIrON dCCt:PTt rr Ay PLANS CHECKED 8Y !'ttrovlD toR ts.jt,AN( t ttY No. of l)wollirrg Un ltt 5j fr, ci:rl AptrIovah 2ONING TlEALTH DIPT. r: I R|: DEPT. OF I- STRI E T PA F I(IN G SI]ACt S: Cover pd l U covo'ed R e cc ivcdR c(tu ir{:d Not Rc(toired SOIL REPOt.TT ()THE R (Spc.lfV ) sron,,rrtrnE or ccrirn^cToR oi aurxtlArir.o A6EIt l or rn 100.1 I l-7.J BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY; P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGLE; CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT OA TE Mav 13 rg 76 PE aM rr No. VALIDATION 04 78 leeltc looness pERMrr ro temp. greenhouse (__) sroRy(TYPE OF IMPROVEMENTI NO, ( C ONiF'S LICENSE) NUMBER OF DWEL L ING UI{ITS (PROPOSEO IJ SE] AT (LocAT ION) ZON I NG D tsTR tcr ( No.)(STREET) AETWEEN AND(CRoss sTREET}(CROS5 STREET}3 I It o @ C;z z Go susorvrsrox Vail Das Schone Lor ----e- BLoc* o .t?J, BUILDINS IS TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT IOt\ (TYPE ' RE MARKS: AREA OR VOLU ME (CUEtC/SOUARE FEET} OWNE aeepEs5 100O1 E. Evans. #69C. Denver, Colorado EsrrMArED cosr $ 2,000.00 P[[Mrr $ 24.33 BUILDI BY (Atfidovif on iwe-nc ride of opplicotion lo be compleied by oufhorizod ogenf of BUrLDlirE Jurisdiction of to complete numbered spaces only. citB I PERMIT {[str errecxeo sxt:rl. LEG I I oEsci, MAt L aoolEss zta I IC ENsE NO. AiCXI TECT OF OE5I GN ER LICENSE NO, 4 t96w 5T,o 4z't MAIL AODiESS Fr{ON€ usE oF !utLorNc7 5r?n*cz f t?erxrt- 6t 8 CIASOIWOTK: {T'* DAODITTON DALTERATION tr REPAIR trMOVE tr BEMOVE t T(O^) nEP Woot Ptzt+ttt 10 Change of use from Change of.use to PERMIT FEEPLAN CHECK FEE 'fl Valuationofwork:$ 2 OO O, SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Totar) sq. Ft. Fire Sprinkltrs Required f]1z€! DNoAFPLICA'ION ACC€PT€O BY APPROVEO FOF I$SUANCE gY OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTIC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OIHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 3IONAtUiE OF CON THORI2ED AGENT FI RE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Spoclfy) WHEN PROPEBLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION rQ/-/,, INSPECTOR FOrm 100.1 l1-73 i.oRDGR FioM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EUtLDtNG o)FFtCtALli..t.o. MrL! ioaD. wHrrrr.ir cat.rt. ro.ol EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT LA5t-t ITEM Bu ilding Permit Fee Application For Zone Change Cond iiional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Btlding) (Zoning) Total Rece ived re /h AMOUNT slrall be cance lled BESTCOPY All items are receivcd tor no-paynlent of any item. Nr 1!l:8S AI/AII"ABIE rfL?copy TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Developme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 August 18, 1998 Dick Dilling West Vail Texaco 35 Road Palisade, Colorado Re:Project Completion Dear Dick. I recently received a request from WestStar Bank to release the Irrevocable Letter of Credit (#3 l0) held by the bank to cover the completion of the outstanding improvements to the West Vail Texaco. An inspection ofthe property revealed that the final layer ofasphalt has not been completed. Upon receiving this letter, please contact me so we can discuss the completion of the asphalt paving. Once the paving is completed, I will contact WestStar Bank and release the Irrevocable Letter of Credit. You can reach me most easily by telephone at970-479-2145. Sincerelv. r'l/ J-t-4/rn"7^*^, AICPGeorge Ruther, Senior Planner {i'""'"*o'n'"* fl.JG. 17. 1998 11 :56PM I^IESTSTAR LORN ADMIN 108 So$tb Fmmee Rld Wccq vajl, Cotondo g165? $WrrtStar lanlr O IRREVOCABI,E LETTEN, OF CREDIT #3 IO DATE OFISSUE: JsilEry 15, 1998 PLACE OF ISSUE: Vsil, ColorEdo E)@IRATIONDATE; June 15, 1998 ACCOIJNTPARTY: BENEFICIARY: euncrated date ofJuue This Letter of Credit Colorado. firis Beneficiaryad W Bank. WestSwBank of this LEttcr of beforethe ogiration ofthis Lefrer of CrBdit Sincerely, Doublc D & I Entcrprises, Inc. Tola ofVail 75 S. Fmutaee Road Vail, CO S1657 P^P".b*InptovcureutAgrEcmeut asf"a f€nudy t+, tfei by tt "5, l99E as Arecd.. ballaot be transfcreble q[d it shnll be governed by tbe laurs ofths State ofof Gedit may be ortEnded - otlre"rrise ,"n"r,r,ed witb tbe caDsent of the Wcs6tarBaDk isSues tbis Irrwocablc Lcfer of Ctcdit in yoru &vor forthp gmoust ofFour Thousand Six d TVenty Five aod NOn00 Do[ars ($4625,00), wbich is avaitable byin eny sun not excccdilg ir tot&l $4,b2j,00 (U5poUarst(IJS Dollars)drafo at sight for eccompaniod by the iag docuqcots: (l) Written signed by aq suthoriaEd official with the Town of Vail that theaccolmtY f$"d." partially or fully complete improvemeots agreed,rpon us ' agecs to honor each draft for payrnent rnndE in compliance with the terrrsif allqnsented together witb any documenr, ,pu.ifi"d 6*rio, oo o, d,l Uftl* KristeD F, Johnston Vice Preside,nt vAlL. AVON . DENVER . SUMMr CoUNtY AJG..17. 19118 11:5BFt4 i' Jarruary 15, 1998 HESTSTAR LOAN ADMIN o_.. No.9@ P.5/7-o West$tarBark 108 South prongge Roqd West Vail, Colorado Re: I*trer of CreditNumbor 310 Dear Sirs: This lerter is to confirm tbat at the requesl ofthe uudersigned you will issue the Lettcr of Credi!a oopy of which is attsched hereto (rieruer or credit"l. ta consideradon "rv* i*,ri",g the r*tt,,of Credit thc uudcrsigued agees as follours: l' As !o dr.fi{ anivrr orprrrporting b be dnun rpder th' Lettff of credit: & Inthccas ofes.hsigttdrafr topayyouiaUniled States ouneory thc amorrut pai4 by you rhseon wiitr interost as n*"ina$er set &rthon the dpte ofsuohpaytr€nfi b. In the caBe of eaob time drafi !o pay you the amount th.*60f on {cmaudbut h m weut lqts than ono busiress rtay prior to it *n rtty. 2. You arc authorir4d.tq tcopt and pay drafis drewn uuder tbe Letter of Creditprovided thc documeng preseuted (rDo6odsr) a,re, at the timq dee6ed by you iu yo'rdiseetion to confuu to the -rrms oithe l,,uno of'CrrAt, .rA tf," ,i"affi.,i ogrees torciaburse vou in the manncr \reiu se fofih ror the ftll;*",rrt "idr;;il;by you . .3' - t]lrtt.yoynor-anyofyorucorrospoodcntpnhrrllsrcspondbrefor,aodtbe 'ndersignedrs obligetiots to relnburse you sht[;t be atresbO b,-------- a. The existenc€, e,hracbr, qualif, qusutity, condition or value of anypropsty &on fut expresscd in the Dosuo€ors; Ib, any diduce ia ob6ractcr,-quslity, gwntity, condition or value of anypoperty tom that eryressed in ths Doormcnrs; c. 1119 validitf, sqffciency or gmuinuess of ths Doaunents or oftlrceodorsempnts thereoq even if the Documenb shoura in i;ptovil ue ioany and all r€Epests iavslid insu.fficicnt, tauduleur, u*,;d;rie;* fhe tin+ ptacc, ltrsnDer or order in udrich shipmeot or property is nade; AUG. 17. 1998 11 : 58Pt"t I.IESTSTAR LORN ADMIN NO.9A2 P.6/7 o*.,, Iaruary 15, 1998 Prye2 e' Any devtation firm insftction$, delay, defrult ot fraud by tbe shipperot qnyone olsc in ooDrestion rvith sny propfiy prrrporting to ,uprJs*t thcDoc4mon; f' Feilrne ofany draft to bcar any rcference or adequafe refe6encc to the I"efficr of C.rodig C. I$"ry bf qly perspo to note thc anorut of any draft on the revcrse side of the Lsttlr of Credit. Any actim taken or omitbd by you or your concsporrdenb uudcr or in connection with tb'Letter of Chedit m fre drafs, DocuruoDts, or prop;ty io *o*.tioo tlerewitn, if dote in goodf"+.th.J-t FU"A"g ontheundosigndand sball notputyoooiffi-**spondent.nderany resulting liability ro the urd€rsigned, In case of aly variatiou between the DocuneuF colled for by the Lctter of credit and tho {ocumgnts accepted by you or your cor€spoudcnb, the urdtrsigopd shall beconclusivetydeoned to have waived any right to object to s,rch rlari"tioo with rpspect o any ffion by you oryour coEespondents rcl*hg to srrh docrrnsntF and to have rntified anrl approve<l such action ashaviug beeu takeo on tle direcdolojrhe rud€rfligned, *f*, G-*a"grii immediately uponrecsiPt of sush documelrts or acquisition or nofteage "f ruch ;sri;fi;il; aa objcction withyou irn writing, 4' The rmdcsienedtarHougly orecuted e promissory trote dated Noyember 20,1997 in a principal amount of $20,000-00 and-advances may be madc uode,r said promissory rcteor -'rder auy rcnswals or €xteosiol$ thereof to poy any anns dmwn rrndec ttris Letter of Creditwith intEcect thereon at trefire_ set forth in tbe pti.i*oty oot" o"o,ios to. aad after tbe &ieof any popent by you rrnder the tqns of thc iutto,rci"arr. said prrilissory note istEuocured. 5. No tem or prcvision of rhis 4grgement may be cbanged orally ,ry| no er@cutolyagrc€ment shEll be effective to change or modify or to discbarge inilote * io pu.t tnis4grcement unless such oreculory agrE@€Et is ii wttng and slgreO ty you. - 6, The undersigned will bear aod pay ell experues of wery kin{ for the enforcemeutof any of vour dchts b€reinru€qdoryq or of any olsi6 oi Ocmana ly iorr ;;ains, the wdorignedor by the beneficiary of the-Lett€r of Credit ugaiut you and the undersig[ed wilt p4y to you euch "sTs"t iacured by you. If m attorr€y is ,r*o to collect or enfo* td i"-r of 6i, ugr."o,*t,or of any promiF6oly Eole or security ilhrest oreated by virnre of - in coo*"tion with this4treem€ut, aU attomcys feos sball be payable ty ttrc unacrsigDod. -' AJG.17.199S 11:sBPN I,ESTSTAR LOAN ADMIN NO.9A2 P.7/7 o*. Jauuary 15, lggS Page 3 7. Ihis agreement sball bc consfqcd ir socordmce with the lau/s of the Stato ofColomdo. Sincoely, Approved aod accepted January tS, t l9S WestStar Bak o Iris D. DiUtug, Serl'r,Fry &, Individrrally H.JG . 17 . 1998 11 : 55PM ,t TOWN OF VAI calfed the *Bank'). I^]ESTSTAR LOAI'I ADIIIN O-O . LETTFROFCREDITFORMAT H gD. arqp rgr:.EE=sf+k _fuV. BSuMtatri:n r|rut rrr<--- -i'L-? i-,- ' or ",d I#H fg'$sqff d:.i. di$'ili' g tr,s, 9.r s r 1e5&,#-Jfi , WHEREAS. the Devatopef, qs acondition_d-..p.qlou"lof thelr_r. rl#l rerrrra =*rf.-Rlans'caeo+*'.-+ r = r , "' - --]'ib:r. wrbhesto enterinto aueveropermProvement Alrelment and WHEFEAS, the Developer is oblisated to.provide securify or colaterat sqfficient in theiudsment of the rown to marJipisiri.rir'rjil1rilibn, roi*rniijfiori ii:"it'"in im'oyements setforth below;.and ' ' --!'-F'' F!r!'Y WHEREAS, h?-?:::t..prt wjshes to provide coilaterat to guarantee perforrnance of thisAgreement, includino consrucdon ot tne aboverote,rn.eo Irnp?o""Jf;Jniiov,eans of thefollowingr Developer agrees to establisn s letter of credit.with u g"nr in Eagle county in a dollaramount of $-5.68i-- (125% of rhe total cost of the work'sjiown betow) ro providssecurity for the-folloring: "s"r rJl'r'n r IMPBOVEMENT I' CoaFere st.r.,ro . f,Mt.* L. Chrrrrrrev 4*e iioo.. E A#t*tl' . {1,,g9p,. =-** Y. I.ZS =t1,b:4'.* *" or#1!$i:i5fi:.frl,:,$.:T:5;#i0n.of heforowrns.rnuruarcovenanb and asreemen*, 1- The Developer.agrees, at h8 sole cosr and expenses, to furnlsh all equipment T1:"l1'.*".essary to ry''r{m "niribiirpl-r'iiut impr.vemen*, on or before %-TheDevelopershalIcompdte.i"ui6oi-woii'Ii.jir,"nanner,al|lmProvemenE as listed-qbove, in accoiqance wnrr afu prani ano-;-#ililiilfrs ruo in the offlce oftne community Derelopirent nrpinmiii, rri. ii"n or Vail, and h do ail wort( incrcenral theretoaccqrdtns to and in corhpftance ,i,itt.r iil titririiiii" a' such otheldgiisF. dtawinsst maps, specificadons, sketches, anq ofier mattersubmltbd bytle oevefoperlo'61 ipprovgd by any of the above_referencedgovernmenta.t enrities. Allsaid wo*inarrue iron,i fid;ffij;lpecuon of, and hrhe safisfacrion 9r1 .{9 Towqr. Ensineer, me Town Brjitb]4i'o-flT;'irJ, or orher officjalfrom the Town of Vail, as anecit'd [v rpeciat oisiricG-dii.irbl districrs. as rheir' lesP€ctive i4te1s51 s12y appear, antrsharr n'oi ui-riirmiJ"ffire unrir approvedand acoepred ascompretbi ov ihe Town or varfcomiiiirii'd5LroprrntDepartment and p,rblic Wort<s: oipairnenr. ' 2' To secure and guarantee peff0rmance of its obrigations as set forth herein, rheDeveroper agrees ta provid; ,ilritt;;'d;iili#il, folows: lrrevqcable letter of credit #_3)__!n the arnount or El, 6 Swith t^hs*sl,r &ih. , . , . '-(namp or bank in Eagte County) as-me security for the rmprovomens set torttr a[ililrit'.r. rs a defaurt under rheAgreement by Develoier. hso I oft AJG.17.1998 11:57PM LOFI1 ADT'IIN o 3' The DeveloPelmay.at $y tlme substuie the collabral orioinally set forh abovefor another form of cotl4reril a.cibuoG'iojni iy! , guannree rhe fafirrrut compfetion ot rhoseimprovements retsrred lo herein dnl rrl p-eiiirmance of lhe terms of hls Agreemenl suchacceptanco by the Town of attemative .qit"triiisndr be at the Town,s sote dlscretion. 4' The Town shail not, nor shail any ofrtcer or emproyee thereot, be ilabre orIespQnsiblo for any accidert, loss br osmige}apFrentng or occuryhg to rhe worK speclfled in hisAgreementprlor ts the compteu_oo anciccEFffi; or rre sami, ilisn"rr ri,, Town, nor anyofficer or emptoyee helggfi.q€.lBhii t.iinfiriro.ns or properry injured by reason of fie narureof said work, but ail of sard riabllrtiei stiifqidlii nereby assumed by the Deverop€r. The ps\relqr.r hgreby agreeq F inCornnlfy and.hold trarmless ilro Tom, and nay of lFofficers. asents and tqql"v_.ft -lgairnriiaiiilJilis, clalrn6, damases, or tiabiltties to which rheTown or any of In offiry5. rynF. or emp6yeeihay besome 5qpJect to, Insofer as any suchlo-ss-es' clairns, dam4ges or lEFilities tor:icrioniin respect fiereof) rrqt arise out of or are basedupon any perlormance b.y the DewFier trereunO'er: aia ndbevefbprirtJrf reimburse the Town Igt "tly anb all tesal or oJ-her "xpenie! tpilbnii-rll in.uoec by the Town In connecrion wtrhinvestigaling or defending any iuch t0"", ciaim, dhrnage, tlabitity pr action. This indemnityprovision shatt be in actdirion io any ornei tiao-iiiV wnidfi tire oi,illl'pJiiliv n"*, . 5' lt is mutuallv agreed hqt the Developer may apply to the-Town and the Tovyn shattauhorize for parrial rereasi of tne c6itdterit oefotriei wir, rrSTi,wr'il ffi category oflmProt/Ement at such time as such improvemr-ild *" constructedjn coopliance wiffr ail plansand speciflcations as relerenceo trsie'rnd;i;rdlccepted by rhe Town. und€r no condifion wiltthe amount of the coilarerarthat is ueins hitibeieou'cec udtow ttre i;ornin"o"ssary tocomplele such i6ppove6961s. 6. lf the Town delermines, at fts sole discrelion, that any of the improvemenrscontemdated hereundol are oot congtiu*eo f'n sompl6rr"rilittttifi;'pla#irja speciflca. tions setfonh in this Agreemenr on or oetore lni-ial iir rorfn In paragraph 2. hs Town may. but shallnd be r'qqired to, redeen tre tetter orcislil;'nr..ssary h complete fie qnfinlshedimProvements' The Bank snat reieasiiutlh'rfrir upon."dtten roquesr from rhs Town sttlting tll"l 9.e iqrprovements hSye ngt naan compibtil as requireo by this asreement. The Bank shatlnot require he concurrenceof.fie oevetop'iiiiiror to release of the funds to the Town nor shallthe Bank be required o y:ry^ilagfnd.rfityfifttcn improGminri'nivinitueen comprered f_l:_!!{ired bvthrs asreemenr, bu'snarr reEai' iucn rdiiar;t'uFnfh-e'iown,s wrinenrequest" lf the cosF of completing the wafl< exceed ihs amoqnt of rhe depgsit, flle ex6ess,toseher with interesr at ye]ve.fercent,piiianiii, srriii oJi rie'n .il'nilffi properry and maybe-collected by civllsuit or mayb€ .edhJd t" iii;teasurer of Eagte county ro be coilected in thesarne manner as dellnquent ad vahrem hxos levied esiainriructipropitiii iithe permit hotaerfails or reftrses to complete-the duina ari-ranoJllping, ad deflned in this chapter, such falureor refusat shalt be coniidered a vionrtin oilh; t;i,ig cioe. -- '-" 7' The Devoroperwarrants arrwork and materiar for a period of one year afteraoceptance of ail work reftjrred to.in this Agr"tmini ov rtre fownJisuir, worii i, Iocated on Townof vair property or wfihin rown ot viii iiir,i:.rniii'iir"uant to section 17.16.250. 8' The parfies heretq{utu4fly agree.that this Agrcement may be amended frorn umet0 time, provided rhdt such amendil;G'EeTn "iiti'nb "no ";eciied l;i;iiinL, nrrrto. Dated the day and yeqr first above Mitten. NESTSTARo-No,g@ P.g/z- I4r 2 ofl AJG.17.1998 1,1..57PM I.IESTSTAR LOSI AD}IIN o'_, Ito.9@ -P.4/-o, Developer STATEOFCOLORADO ) couNwoFEA.LE lss' STATEOFCOLOBADO ) couNTyoFEA.LE iss' My commisslon dThe toregoing Devploper lmprovement Agreement was ackrtowredged bsfore me thrs--.-- _ .;i_uy_ Wtness rny hand and otficialseal. Notary Public . Planner, Community-Oevei6ffi ryffiT'qailw STATEOFCOLORADO ) ioururyor EAGLE iss' .-.day of The foreoolng Developer lmprovemsntAoreemenrwas acknowledged before me this1s- by Witness my hand and ofllciEl seal. My cornmission exphes: Notary Public 16l! of3 tlwFndkmcld.vtqFrg{r 1n"k $ \ 6t.\ &"'sgJ'r't-' POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMT Permit t: 897-0328 TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 9'10-47 9-2r38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT COMM BUILD Job Address Location, . .Parcel No. . Project No. 2313 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status... WEST VAIL TEXACO APPlied.. 2103-114-15-003 Issued. . . Expires. . I SSUED oe /te /ree7 oe /\e /ree7 03 /r8 /Lse8 APPLICANT GOLDSTAR ROOFING PO Box 1632, Avon, CO CONTRACTOR GOLDSTAR ROOFING PO Box 7632, Avon, CO OWNER WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES 2].21 N FRONTAGE RD W Description: REROOF; 30 YR. TIMBERLINE ASPHALT H4Occupancy: H4 Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: F i rep Iace Information: Restricted: 11,000 81620 81620 LTD €LoL, vArL c0 SHINGLES Phone: 970-949-O866 Phone z 970-949-0866 816s7 ToV/comm.Dev. it Refund *******lr************rr***********lr**ff*ff***ff*****Jr****** f E€ sufiltARy *t*********H**ff*ff*ffi*ff**rhht****tlnt*t't,ot****|t**Jr*** Restuarant Ptan Revi cw-->.00 TotaI Catcutat?d Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Pavments------- Bui Lding-----) 155. OO 100.75 .00 3. 00 Ptan check---> Invest igat ion> Ui tt caLL----> > 50.00 .00 100.00 408.75 approved arTrount dare Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Logs:fof llood/Pa L tet:foJ Gas App[ i ances: DRB F Recreat'i on Fee----------> CLean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES----- t+oa.75 .00 408.75 t+O9.75 BALANCE DUE---- ***t************r********i*ff*********ffff***fi****i****t***H**t********************************t****ffi**ff*********lr*** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/I9/T997 LORELEI ACtiON: APPR APPROVED BY ART HOUGLANDIt6m:'05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Dlvlslon:Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DeFt: FIRE Dlv+slon:Iten: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Drvl-slon: ****************i***********ff*i**********-t************"*****************t********************tt**'r***'t'tlt*****ffiffi******ff***** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl.ication/ f itl.ed out in ful,L the infornation requircd, conPtetld _an ptan, and state thst al,L the information provided as rcquired is corrcct. I agree to compty with the information io compty vith atl, ToHn ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Tovnrs zoning and accurata ptot and ptot pl.an/ subdi vi sion REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIEPI.!9NE AT Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: GoLD STAR RooFING SI2TURE il\8 oR A) I o ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit E. 897-0328 as of o9/I9/97 Status: ISSUED **********************************************************{.********************* permit Type: ADD/ALT coMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 02/.\2/.\227 eppliclirt: col-,bsrAR RooFrNG rssued: 09/):2/}997 9?0-949-0866 To Expire z o3/L8/L998 Job Address:Location: WEST VAIL TEXACO Parcel No: 2l-03-114-15-003 Description: REROOF; 3O YR. TIMBERLINE ASPHALT SHINGLES Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***lr************************************************************ TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0329 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: 592 408.?s 09/L9/97 17:09IniI: JR **************************************************************** This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Total Fees: 408.75 Total ALL Pmt6: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTTON FEE Permit Nor 897-0328 Type: A-COMM Parcel No: 2103-Lt4-15-003 Site Address: 2313 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location: WEST VAII-, TEXACO ADD/ALT COMM BUrL,,D P 408 .75 408 .7s .00 Amount 155.00 50.00 1 00.75 100.00 3.00 -/ I : 2ouo.,EacE Fagre uouncy . Assessors|t r"" t at 970-328-8640 for parcet /l . TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTION |PAR.EL *: ^|ry-ft(- t{-0o7 ""*lI*}lPLrcArroN F.RM o 57 3-s PERI'IIT iI , APPLICATToN MUST BE FILLED OUT COT.IPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE ACCEPTED Ir***************************** PERMIT fNFORMATfON ******************$********tl Y nA/-i ,^a.[ ]-BuiJ.ding [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibat t lJoYnlr/':l rob Narne: lJryf la;l 'ltran rob Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing susorvrsroN: Ohlners Narne: Architect: General Description: Work Class: Address: Address: Ph. Ph. [ ]-New ffi-arteration Xl-Addirionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accornmodation Units: #^U". and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS BUILDTNG: $ELECTRICAL: $ Gas Logs_ !{oodlPellet ********************************* PLI,UBTNG: MECHANICAL: $ [**********************.***** coNTRAcroRIEeneral contractoCz_ ('oWcvLn ?eit* G,&*Address: orHER: $. ll,Cn'n,OOTOTAL: t Electrical Contractor: Address: **rt***************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Comnents: INFORMATTON ************ Town of Vail one Number: Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: I'IECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Plunbing Contractor: Address: -09fu Address: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Contractor: CLEAN UP DEP,OSIT REFIIND VALUATION f< { ar'' POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMT Permit #z F.97-024L TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PBRMIT MUST BE aoo/ar,r coMM BUILD Job Address Location. . . Parcel No. .Project No. 1.85, 000 2313 N FRONTAGE 2313 N FRONTAGE 2103-114-15-003 PRJ97-0106 fof Gas Appti ances: WEST Status. . . WEST (Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . RD RD APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: GAS STATION RENOVATIONS Occupancy: H4 Type Construction:' Type Occupancy: Voluation: Fi reptace Infornation: Rest ri cted: COLORADO PROJECT CONTROL INC Phone: P.O. BOX 1490, VArL CO, 3911 BIGHORN RD 81658 COLORADO PROJECT CONTROL INC Phone: P,O. BOX 1490, VAIL CO, 39tL BIGHORN RD 81658 WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES LTD 2].21 N FRONTAGE RD W #].01, VAIL CO 81657 97 0-47 6-6653 97 0-41 6-6653 H4 Buitding-----> 1/080.00 Restuarant ptan Review--> Ptan Check---> 702.00 DRB tee-------- Ite.m: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Q7-/,?l/.L997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO08'/22'/1997 CHARLIE . Action: AppR pER ARTItem:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT07/.3I/.I997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TOO8'/O7'/1997 GEORGE Action: AppRItem3'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 9? /31 / \2e_7^CHABI_,IE _-Asllon : AppR N/AItem:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS Q7/,1L/,\9_9_7 CHARLIE Action: NoTE pLANs To08'/22/7997 LARRY p Action: ApFn LF TOV/Comm. Dev. tJaie Add Sq Ft: #Of Gas Logs:fl01 tlood/Pat let: .00 Total Catcutated Fees---> ?,485.00200.00 Additionat Fees---------> 175.00 ***'t't**********************tt***********lrt***************** t EE SUt'lrARY ********************************************************* Investigation> .m Recreation Fee----------> .00 lotal permit tee--------> 2,6&.00tlit|'cat|.---->3.0oc[ean-upDeposit-------->500.00:Payments----------------> TOTAL TEES-----*********************i*********************************ii************************************************************************* Dept: BUILDING Division ART- H Dept: PLANNING Division GEORGE Dept: FIRE Divisi-on Dept: PUB WORK Division PUBWORKS *****************ff***********************************************t************************************************************* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknovledge that r have read this appl'ication, tiLl,ed out in futt the intornation required, compl.eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required.is correct. I agree to compLy ri.ith tire information and plot pLan,to compty vith -a-tt Tovn ordinances-and stite.taws, and to buil,d this structune-according to'the Town,s zoning ano subdivisioncodes, design review approved/ Uniform Bu'i Lding Code and other ordinances of the Town aipl,icabl,e thereto. -,REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ].IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII E:OO A[ 5:OO PN I S SUED 07 /3r/ree7 oB /22 / \ee7 02/tB/1.eeB send Ctean-up Deposit To: COLORADo PROJECT ******************************************************************************** o CONTROL ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant: COLORADO PROJECT CONTROL INC 97 0-47 6-6653 CONDITIONS as of 08/22/97 Status: ISSUED applied. 07 /37/1997rssued:. 08/22/7997 To Expire:. O2/L8/L998 SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR Permit #: 897-024t Job Address: Locationt 2313 N FRONTAGE RD WEST (TEXACO) ParceI No: 2103-114-15-003 Description: GAS STATION RENOVATIONS Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. NO PARKING OR VEHICLE STORAGE IS PERMITTED IN THE R_O-W. 4. STAMPED TRUSS DETAILS ARE REOUIRED PRIOR TO A FRAMING INSPECTION 5. PER 1991 UBC SEC ?05(c) IF EMPLOYEES EXCEED FOUR, THEN SEPARATE BATHROOM FACIIJITIES ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH SEX 6. PROJECT MUST COMPLY WITH 1994 UBC CHAP ]. 1 FOR ACCESSIBILITY 7. PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF CORRECTIONS LIST ATTACHED TO PLANS -r' **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt ********************tr******************************************* Statemnt Number: REC-0318 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation. *20 r,763,00 08/22/9? 11:33INit: DDM 897-024I Type: A-COMM ADD/ALT COMM BUll,D P 210 3- 114- 15 -0 0 3 2313 N FRONTAGE RD WEST 2313 N FRONTAGE RD WEST (TEXACO) Total Fees ! 1r763.00 Total AI-.,L Pnts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 22002 01 0000 4l_336 2, 660. 00 2 ,660 ,00 .00 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE Amount 1, 080 . oo 1 80.00 s00.00 3.00 -t' 'Eozort.oo= o o d o FTotz 'n5 o E PH el H (9 EElo a{ (J:. Etr ts/ o E{( l0 (, F-zA5688" oq|zo d!{(,A U oo oko.o|taloq ao6rto oo qoo au0 '.Atr NO Eoo Ira oI.F Ho\a o (., s8 € liF AHz2 AOq-!|rl ctq H HF.,4FDIOE{Io|( Aa EEa9i: Ht|o E. F.HttloE) Er EH 6 a EHI H aoH El.lqd IU zg raExno oEI{ EOq| |(op r(JUU A Fql .J g tr H FD lro|I HG a E H I XE ro Itt\tl "ggnI|}.c4(,t!lac' dtsot!tt!oAAH TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 E tect ri cat---> DRB fee Investi gat i on> Ui L t Cal.l,----> TOTAL TEES--_> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TH]S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address Location. . . Parcef No.. Project No. 2313 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status... WEST VAIL TEXACO APPIied.. 2103-114-1"5-003 Issued... PRJ97-0L06 ExPires. . ON JOBSITE AT ALL permit #: TIMES E97-0160 ISSUED 07 /3r /7ee'7 o8 /22 / reeT 02/ tB / TseB Phone. 827-5562 Phone z 827-5562 Valuation:15, 000 . 00 *************t*************t***i************t************** FEE sut'lilARy ************************i********************************* APPLICANT BURNETT PLUMBING, HEATING, ELEC. B0 Toledo Avenue, Minturn, CO 81645 CONTRACTOR BURNETT PLUMBING, HEATING, ELEC. 80 Toledo Avenue, Minturn, CO Bi-645 OWNER WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES LTD 2121 N TRONTAGE RD W +101, VA]L C0 81657 Description: ELEC FOR RENOVATIONS 270.00 .00 on 3.00 273.OO Totat Calcutated fees---> Additiona( Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Pavments------- 273.00 .00 273.00 ?73.OO .00 *fi******************i*****************************i***************t*******************************************t*t**************** IIem: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Q7/,1\/,1227 qHSBIIE $ction: tIgTE PLANS IIem: O6OOO EI-.,ECTRICAI., DEPARTMEN 07 /.31/.1997 CHARLTE Action: NOTE08'/22'/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR 07 /.31/.1997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE08'/22'/7997 CHARLIE Action: APPR]I'em:. O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Deot: BUILDING Division:TO LEO' 08/22/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A Dept: FIRE Division:600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ***********t********t*i*************************************t****t**********ff***********************************tt*Li************ CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ****************************ff**t**************************t******t***t******ttt*********i*ff*************t**t***tr*tt****t******* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitLed out in futt the information required, conpteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that att the information provided as required is conrect. I agree to conpLy uith the information and ptot ptan,to compty vith al.t Tovn ordinances and state taws, and to bui t.d this stfucture according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appIicabte thereto. REOUESTS IOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE TIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE Af 179-2138 OR AT OUR OFfICE FROI'I 8:OO A 5:OO P}t OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI.INER -t' **************************************************************** TowN oF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0318 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notationz *2O 273.O0 O8/22/e7 11:34INiT: DDM Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 0t 0000 4L336 273.00 TotaI Fee6:Total ALL PmUs: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE 897-0160 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMTT 210 3 -114-1s-00 3 2313 N FRONTAGE RD WEST WEST VAIL TEXACO 273,00 273.00 .00 **************************************************************** Amount 27 0 .00 3.00 .t' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8165? 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERM]T ON JOBSITE AT Pernit #: ALL TIMES P9 7 -010 2 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 2313 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL TEXACO 2103-114-15-003 PRJ97-0106 WEST Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . I S SUED 07 /31/ree7 o't /3r/ree107/27 /]-eeB 7 5562BURNETT PLUMBING, HEATING P o Box 250, MTNTURN CO 81645 BURNETT PLUMBING, HEATING P O BOX 250, MTNTURN CO 81645 WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES LTD 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W #101, VAIL c0 PLUMBING FOR RENOVATTON' Phone: 30382 Phone z 3O38275562 10, 000.00 81657 Valuation: *********************************************************** f EE SUl4ltARY P tumbing-----> Ptan Check---> lnvestigation> Iil.L Cal.l.-'--> 150.(X) 37.50 .o0 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Review--> TOTAL FEES----- TotaI catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> .00 190.50 190.50 .00 190.50 190. 50 BALANCE DUE----***************t****************************************************************************************************************** Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Division:07/3I/L997 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIt'em:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. . DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I havr read thii apptication, f iLl,ed out in futt the information required, conpteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and ptot ptan, to compty with a(1, Tolrn ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ofdinances of the Tolrn appticabte thefeto. .t' **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0318 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #20 190. s0 08/22/97 11:35fnit: DDM P97-0102 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 21.03-114-1s-003 2313 N FRONTAGE RD WEST WEST VAIL TEXACO Total Fees: 190.50 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * *** * * *** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * :* * * :* * *** * * * * * * Pernit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WII,L CALL INSPECTION FEE 190. s0 190. s0 .00 Amount 150.00 37 .50 3.00 .t' I r i -. .-, r. fconract Eagle county Assessorsfrr"" O " ^ "- " I,ff"3loo?'t&!',iit'JW 3'"s'3K?[ X]*,::il?:*":II3. PER]rrr *- ? . ) ' DArr,ll_i.Ll_il_---- PgSql-otob , APPLTCATTON MUST BE FTLLtsD OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED x***************************** PER!{IT INFORMATION *****************************rl [\]-Building 1 1-etumUing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal. [ ]-other.t Job Name: NSIV\I -T-lixncr-. Job A<tdress: Lega)- Description! Lot Block_- Filing susprvrsloN,t \ rl | ^, ' ---li6-, -owners Name:W Address, \)U,\ \C ..tL,r,-^r prr.\ | 6 \- Architecr,-W Address: NUoN, (*.. S)]ytl&L ceneral Descripti"nr l(C-ruorrs\ io'.J ;work class: [ ]-New (l-arteration t l-Additiona] [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Tvoe of Fireplaces: Gas Apptiances-_ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_v ,|t********************************* VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr tyl!?Ilgt E-ip."Ow-' ELEcTRTcAL: $ 35-5pi_*t orHER: $ rrLl(rr e55 ; _ Phone Number : PLUMBTNG: $ /S,s..- , MEcHANfcAl3 g-- el-;*--_- ToTAL; $:]_t.S,"*,") -Vft * 't 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )k * * * ceNTRAcroR L N.FoRM?rliroN * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * .* * * * ,r * ,r ,r * * *'Eeneral cg,ntrac.(or: L--rtuRnQU ifuFt _SSffUn_r==e _ Town of Vail neg. No. A5A-0Address: \'- o \| o>-ffi8?7_oA{f phone ll".l"r,-' Electrical contractorz tJv.,r^,,fr €4?-Ot6O rown of Vail Res. No./(O- E Prunbing contractorr S.",. "r{[ P?7- OlaAAddress: _ contractor, - Ntt$C"-Meclranical Address: BUIT,DING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: T,'RB FEE: VALUATION Town of Vai). Reg. No. lOQ"fPhone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* ,",;;;;"-,,"1 . uLitrlt.utii.wf-STGNATURE: ffi BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK fEE:; , MECHANTCAL,PT,AN Cnnc?-FS$ i iT RECREATION \FEE: CLEAN-UP DE.FOSIT: TOTAL PERI,IIT rinsIUL 3 f iss? ZONING: SIGNATURE: Conments: T".3"ts UNi r_ r C-t-ntTt4 Lox lt{.tDCLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFII}ID eo, Xl gV TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAIt, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE 3 THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M97-0138 Job Address. . . : 2373 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location : 23L3 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Parcef No..... : 2103-114-15-003 Proiect Number: PRJ97-0106 Status. . . VAIL TApplied.. Issued. .. Expires. . I SSUED 0B/t2/ree7 08/22/Lee7 02/rB/Lee8 APPLICANT BURNETT PLUMBING, HEATING P O BOX 250, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR BURNETT PLUMBING, HEATING Phone: 3038275562 Phone t 3038275562 OWNER l|echani ca [---> Ptan Check---) Investigation> { i l, I cat t----> P O BOX 250, MTNTURN CO 81645 WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES LTD 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W #101, VArL C0 81657 Description: MECH FOR GAS STAITION REMODEL Fi reotace Infornat ion. Restricted:#0f Gas App t i ances: Restuarant Ptan Revi e'/--> Valuation: flof Gas Logs: 4,000 . o0 fof Uood/PaL l.et: ******************************************r*****ff*****ff* FEE SUttMARy **************ff***************t*********t**************** 80.00 20.00.OO TOTAL FEES----- 3 .00 .00 AdditionaI Fees--------->103.00 Total Permit Fee--------> Pavments------- -00 Tota[ catcutated Fees---> 103.00 .00 103.00 105 . O0 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: ITem: 05].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT08/22/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPRIIbm:, 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT0B/22/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIF]ED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 199]- UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 199L UMC:6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRA]N PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. **tr***************************************************************************** -t' DECLARATIONS I hcreby rcknortcdgc thrt I h.v. read this apptication, fittcd out in futt thc inforf,ation requircd, corPlctcd -an lccurate ptot pti*, iiO "ijt. ttit att th. lnformtion proGdcd as riquincd i3 corncct, I agrG. to coipty vith thc infoPnation rnd plot Pttn, i.-l6,pfi yiitr att Toun ordlnanccr cnd stitc lats, and io buiLd thi. structurc accordlng !9 tltg Tolrnrl zoni ng and subdivisim iodes,'dislgn acvicr, approvcd, tnifop. Bui tding c6dc and othcr ordlnanccs of thc Torn lPpticabLc thcrcto. REouEsrs FoR txspEcrrors sH LL BE lAoE TuENTy-Fou- q tp*\ By rELEpl{oa{E Ar 479-2138 oR AT ouR oFFIcE FRoll E:txt Ar 5:0o P srcir^ruRE oF olr{ER oR cor{rR croR roR HursELr AND olfnER -@-- O"- VO-l.- t,!VfS-[,.t X-... .t' Statemnt Number: REC-0318 Amount: Payment MeLhod: CHECK Notation: #20 o ********** Statemnt 103.00 08/22/97 11:36 INiI: DDM o ****************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO**************************************************************** Perrnit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 413L2 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 M97-0138 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL 2LO3-LL4- 15-003 2313 N FRONTAGE RD WEST 2313 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL TEXACOTota] Fees: 103.00 Tot,al ALL PNIS: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE PERI4IT * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 103.00 103 .00 .00 Amount 80.00 20.00 3.00 -t' (im;; Lega1 Description: Lot Owners Name: trcnitectz p_h Eagre uounc, ^""ur"orf rr-". 328-8640 for parcel /l . - TowN oF VAIL CoNSTRUCTTONtP{iql o521 | oe I pERMIT AppLICATION FORM DATEz g'/'/'f/2 PEfuIIT /I Pesqt -arcu , APPLTCATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE AccEprED x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMTT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *rl [ ]-Building 1>i-rlurnbing fr-]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Nane:Job Addressz 23t3 /. Frloatraee nJ k)o.sT t/*ic Block_ Filing suslrvrsroN: tt!i-! Address t 5/(l B/nck Goae /).t %;.Pnt0L=3336 Address:uanPh. ?{9-7322 * 4-6 work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Arteration [r]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accornmodation Units: N;rmber and Tvoe of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances-_ cas Logs_ wood/peIlet_v ^t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS ********************************* 't Electrical Contractor: A Mechanical Contractor: Address: V 42- O/AO Town of Vail Phone Numbe Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: "fuU/#- \-!# asr^ of Vail Reg. No. /oopPhone Nunber: e.ao- r<-z,t tddressf ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: UECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: , ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: eg. NO../aof VALUATION CLEAN I'P DEP,OSIT Rf,FIIilD TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-4'7 9-2r38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Perrnit €: 897-0196 Job Address: 2313 N FRONTAGE RD WEST StAtUS... Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. WEST VAIL TEXACO 2103-114-L5-003 PRJg7-0106 Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED oe /10 / reeT oe/ro/Lee7 03/oe /reeB APPLICANT CACTUS CONTRACTING INC. 199 APPLEWOOD DRIVE, FRUITA, CO 81521 CONTRACTOR CACTUS CONTRACTING INC. 199 APPLEWOOD DRIVE, FRUITA, CO 81521 OWNER WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES LTD 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W €101, VArL C0 81657 Description: FUEL SYS UPGRApES Phone: 970-858-4989 Phone: 970-858-4989 VaLuation: 6,000.00 *************ff******t**********************i************** FEE SUtltlARY ****************lr**tr*****************i**************lt***** E lect fi cat---> 108.00 DRB Fee Invest igat i on> .00 Uil.L CatL----> 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 111 .00 Totat catcutated Fees---> 111.00 Addi t i onal tees---------> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 111.00 Paynents------- BALANCE DUE.--- *************i************************t*************************************i***************************************************** Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09 /LO /1997 CHARLIE ACbiON: APPRItbm:, 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENTa9/LO/1997 CHARLTE Action: APPR N/A Dept: BUILDING Divis j-on: DeDt: FIRE Division: *******************************************************************t***************ff************************||'|******************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *****i(****i(*********it********)t*****tr)t*trt(****************)t****************************ti******************************************* DECLARATIONS \ I hereby acknowl,edge that I have read this appl,ication, f iLl,ed out in ful,t the information required, comPta(ed an accurate Ptot ptan, ai|d state thit atL the information pro;ided as requi red is corfect. I agree to compty uith the information and.Ptot.ptan, to compt,y uith atl, Town ordinances and state [aws, and to bu'itd this structure according to the Town's zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform. Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto..\ \ REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE NNO' "'*"-'OUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 179-213A OR AT OUR OFfICE FROI'I E:OO AN \qO PM SIGNATURE OF OI{NER OR CONTRACTOR TOR }III.ISELF ANO Oi.INER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt ***************************d,************************************ 111-.00 09/Lo/97 14:13 INit: LRD Statemnt Number: REC-0324 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: 85240 PermiL No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 897-0196 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRTCAL PERMTT 210 3-114- 1,5-0 0 3 2313 N FRONTAGE RD WEST WEST VAIL TEXACO 111 . 00 111 . 00 111 . 00 .00 TotaL Fees: Total ALL, Pmt,s: BaLance: * * * * * tr * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Description ELECTR]CAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE Amount 108.00 3.00 Eagle county A"""""otf f i.. 28-8640 for Parcel /l . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON APPLTCATTON FORM PERI'IIT /I PERMITDAtE:_V-8*7?pPlQt-o t oo , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED Ir***************************** PERMIT INFORI'|ATION *****************************trt-[ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing ft-nlectricat [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other Job Name: h)Esr vaL Te.xaeo Job Addrees2--,zt3 le,Jl.etrA vfiA 0o Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filirg SUsprVISroN, -(.->na<2 Address: n. Architect:Ph.Address: General Descript,ion: t{ork class: [ ]-New g{-arterarion t l-Additional [ ]-Repair 11-otner{l*e1y Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accomrnodation Units: ^ ryprnber and rype of Firepraces: cas Appriances-_ Gas Logs_ wood/perlet_v]********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* 't tiutl,prHc: ELECTRTCAU$ 6rM-ao orgnn: $ttt ltt/lb.l'rr/. - a - - r_-=?--- Town of Vail Reg. No.263*E Plrone Number: e€6-ffiT- Town of Vail Reg. NO.'Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK TEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Ix***x*x*r****************** CONTRAQfOR INFORMAI'ION * * * ,, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Eeneral Contractor: Town of VaiI Reg. NO.--Address:Phone Number: -ot7(sElectrical Contractor:PC Address: TOTAL: IPLIMBTNG, T- MEcHAn'i;ffi; if-' /] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * coNTRAqroR INFORMATIO:IEeneral Contractor: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PIUMBING PERMTT FEEs MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE:' OTHER TYPE OF FE8: DRB FEE: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ATION CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: ; ! I I !. .I uonroQgsr,g ffi orEg(Eo sY Tirntrn of Vail it tll, OFFICE COPY AUG-46-1997 49113 OO47 E. B€o!,cr Cru.L ElYd. Clristie lo&c Reort, suile C'16 P.O- 8or ZX)7 Asr, Cdocdo 8620 97o.9/p.9ti82 b,97O.9A.06,29 FACSIMITE Proiect No: Proieo l.lcrne: TronrminirB poges incLdirB ms sheet (ilar. L, '^'t? 4!e,+ ?.qlY}rt-?-- 'T. o- Vr.u- Dob: b: Fox M. From:ktc- T. I*tvtr*4 .at Ir,lessoge: JlDrLq Tcu F!QUE-g.-TE-D ; ... . tf fo,, do nol receirre oll poges derly, pleose coll {9201 949-9322. URGENT fleose coll Hord epy b frilov ' TOTfl- P.A1 H_M7-t997 L@.rA J. PERKo II.E-BOBER ARCH,P.g? IFsr u-eva]tatt )zt=lLo" 2vr/- Haw. 14 pS CthE_ 2"' fr glL. fle To sb!ogou 4aqeL N vrd coNc. I lll8-r-Tt6l T+U-$+ct,e,t-r:r+ HTST VAIL TTXACOw-4eht TOTFL P.A2 Jttf Anc4n''ft' Auq-()6-97 Ogt 2 47A Yoder EnoineeY--l - 9z[9 - 1959 P-03 SEP-3A-1997 t6:W Monroe & Date: Scptearbot 29, 1997 Pmject \4/est Vail Texaco Wcrthcr: Cloudy, Calm To: JMP Architccts, lDc. PO Box 2007 Avon, CO t1620 Attn; Mr. Rogcr Landing Tlrc following was nolcd: Principal 70 8en('lrmxrk no;l(l . .9uirc 2ara . P.O box 1597 . P.82/n *#;ffi;* ur)Esr UnlLr TErncO ErFinttYs, frx. ; FIELD RSPORT I 1. 2. Thc roof orrcrtmgs arc frqncd witb 2 x 6 at ll-4 ladder frrsring cantilcveriug ryproximatcly 3'-0. This frarning appears adcquete as fursttllod. I Thc and watl tnrss srp'plicd fs thc wcsl a'{ tus t"cr, instsllcd et 3'-0 from the west cnd wall erd $pporr thc overiang laddcr framing. illis tmss strould be rcinforccd by adding )i inch plyrwood to each sidc gtued and naited witt{ l2d nails at 4 irchcs at cdges ard 8 inchcs ar intcrior studs. Thc plyrood should be in*filid on the lowcr 4'-0 of thc truss using 4 foot by 8 foot sheets. Vaticd joints of plywood sliects shetlbe installed so thar thea are offsct 4-0 between sides of thc truss. 2 x 8 bbcking dhould bc instatled bctwoen lhc oristtng vcrtical studs at thc top of lhe plyt^,ood puicls. This will p'rovide o 4'-0 d€cp by 2% irr;h ptyrood box beam with a 2 x 6 bonom clxird md a 2 x 6 op chord' Thc top of the box bcrm shall bc b'reced wilh 2 x 6 meinbcrs et I 4lxr'centcr diagonally c*h sidc to ttrc bottom chord ofthc adjacant tnss and outsido wall. i lnstallirtion of tbc spliccs in tbe canopy colr.mn appcars to be in accordancc with lhc dcsip I iOV.C0i'4lvi. DEJ DEPT ! I .. v.r tr. lC'l ol ts??-oeGrl Pmject #3716 Incation: Vail, Colorado Tcarp: 55' at 9:00 A.M. . .rrrdo t t620 . (t70i 949-776A . FAX (97O) q49-405{ TOTNL P.O2 9i 8.-R.: ulterur,o$$oumd? Consulllng in Buildlng and Flre Codes MEMORANDUM Art Hougland . , August 17,1997 ' a, ;: ' \ 'rf1. .:rrugl. /).-/ce q n A.^IoPT4 D ,\) E-,l\ , ^, .Lhtl/vt,N6 .e,ttSQfe|ut t ,t/^/To: From: Date: Subject: Charlie Davis West Vail Texaco addition'and alteration. Charlie: : There were no structural plans provided with this application. On sheet 41 the architect noted that .structural details will be provided by Monroe & Newell Engineers after demolition is completed. I am not sure if a demolition permit has been issued as of this date. .l,noted that structural plans Will : need to be submitted for review and approved prior to issuance of a permit for new construction. The plan indicates only one unisex restroom. Section 705 (c) requires separate facilities when the ni.rmber of einployees exceed four, which may be the case since the areas would certqinly permit it. lf there are more than .- four employees they may want to consider the unisex/aciessible restroom and a separate mens restroom. The unisex restroom indicated is intended to be accessible but does not appear to comply and m'ay need to be reconfigured.-The remainder of the correctiong can be addressed after the permit is issued. Let me know if you have any'questions. : Vail03.97 la / u s I o s 3o 6 Ia T.6o$l:^I o ..6 T[-R98!>ETE" EEEE aaoq"i I s' ct i5 Er 11888 tsUC.l ! r... EEi {. rrx z.'- -! B ctg :ii- i f i ::? riE-g E.:!:l nrrr! I'si $ *liii Hl Es{; E ik* Eiii Eill t-,-0 I P Jj F n3 Fat.: Ia,J 6 F I E, t't! N al u) o s3ru1. e6a^t Ftre.rEl : LEl| {.fl.l =hlal-lai.(:a (.>e D, cA | | r-t^- rl'Y.l rc,a d2 'A'tJ ft{r'{: l{]. : 9?E s23 554s Ar9. 28 LW Wi33Fl1 PzFR*l : Grarrd ltsa Truss 6'.fla ro'E 3 1 [, - i;;; -lE" ;l ;g*i t iH [i,,i,,li;ifuliililllrl:lilllllili -::::;;9fr Fg J s F s = r"-l-r r-t'0 l.!> Enr irI Iaat) )Hr,, 6Tt- 11qq9'q ? !lr.t14'.ai "E! rE cEi;d;d d It or{ Onl ll A, *6 llfE i$ I ii -r,; 'l IFt4 n 5 0 n 7,q 0 xt t,| j a r|..|l \tHl"\ f, -l\ o9 6 3 # ffiill ult F+- \L..IJ \\ \ I Fa6 $ b "{! E fi n c Hfi: I !a loa|n0 l+t *{ rilli !fifi$!0F $1111r I r I EI ! D ta E tE t:::Eil ti It. H1IIF*g-- ll-i- m55:i3ii ll"i" ll-l-i-ii s3'rFr I -t -0 f,- t -l -C --{ Monroe & Newellr'?eers. inc.LtrTTtrD@F TRANSnflITTAL wE ARE sENDTNG You X6ttucr'eo>.\t_.i Prints Change order Under seoarate cover via ! Plans! Shop drawings n Copy of letter P.O. Box 1597 70 B€nchnark Rd. Sulte #2O4 Avon. Colorado 81620 (97O) 949-7768 FAx (970) 949-4054 "^" TlEl lcl lJoBNo ATTENTION nE LDff+ t )o.r I -fexr^nr ! Samples the following items: n SpecificationsI !n amengrs@vall.mm COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION = dm 3=#r'-r-r,^'-J /,rbJn ; ls \, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval n For your use I As requested n For review and comment N FOR BIDS DUE Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ! Resubmit -copies for approval ! Submit - copies for distribution I Return - corrected prints ! ! n tr 19 - ! PRINTSRETURNEDAFTERLOANTOUS REMARKS COPY TO tl encloaures are not as noted, klndly notlly us at once, 3l J JI h -.4 HEio vt a.{ ? Z. '.'-Lt\obotFIREoBFbFr>j tr cior+< , Z 'F==9FF:A E _"3 =.tY h ',oU o "qX-urgl=^ o x+ *\rr I .,.* ,..L+ E 9SY €9 ipT= lrE ,-t. ]r'@226 E.e:3H :i*- 'via ;l5E E iEr ;:;d ; oz :e E$s?s jt- sE Frg ;g =Eg P.62PER(INS-BOBER ARCH. ?t I tl ? '.) ?a N3 o Fgl J tr- Hqt3 Nz. H6)eFgto dg .;Ez8i =z()o Ih 5e dqF< 9;h5 iclF\ t\roj' 00 t.) .9<o(J (00 ?-l'(! '.oO TOTfl- P,62' tr ,oOE F o F oo OQ 6o ,f 9 -?q 40F()!dQU zo ooo zv F]E F FF :oF> A az,oFE o FtrHZ ooAE F Fl F z t4 E() ztl t ltlo (,n oo o lr F 2 Fr T -. E>a !ro 3 J D 1. -' :r jlJL : ,! tgBt FILE COPY A request for a variance trom Section. 18'30-060 {?e^t?1t[t]:ll.llll,Y 1"^t^?^t:i?fJrf o" ffiilfil fti#iffj"ix'""-o J"-"ii"r." trom iite 16, to allow the roortoP sisn to :l^".ffi lb"Ji.'hl'"'io-i;::ffi;t?"'":';A;d]19.;iqli' qL'".",9,9111:islt-T9-?gi,fl,"tt' ir' :;:ffi#Jo";i;i5 N".*h ;;Jni"r,r-,' no"o Weitnract B' v3,ir B' s'gryg#g' {- ft' ;" o' Applicant: Dick Dilling, represented by JMP Architects Planner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the memo' Greg Moffet asked the applicant it he had anything to add' Roger Landing with JMP Architects, representing the applicant,.said the orrvner had to make changes due to the norno"ooriioitsiirction. n'e siio'the height under the canopy requires 13' .i"irinc" and the application was accurate regarding that variance. Greg Moffet asked for any public comment. There was none' Galen Aasland agreed with staff, with regard to the square lootage restriction on the signs' Diane Golden agreed with Galen. John Schofield advised the applicant to have the lree standing sign work with the surrounding area. Gene Uselton agreed with Galen. Greg Amsden agreed with sta{f. Planning and Environmental Comrnission Minutes June 23. 199? Greq Moffet said he agreed with staff regarding this area. He said there were so many variances in this area, that Council Jnouiii fooi at i-he code anO mafe changes.to encourage compliance' Gaten Aastand made " ,r;;;i;;;ppiouiriot tne ."nopv, in adordance with the 3 lindings on page 7 and approval for the sign with four condiilons' John schofield seconded the motion with an amendment to strike "rooftop sign'" The motion passed as amended by a vote of 6-0' Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes June 23, 1997 i 4 'rg(f, 2. FILE CCIPY An appeal of a staff decision regarding-aproposed batting cage on the outdoor dining deck of Garton,s Saroon,'rJ"atet J tie easi Meadow oriuetot p, eocr so' val 1-Iill's' Appellant: Dave Garton Planner: Lauren Waterton Greo Moffef disclosed for the record that Garton's Saloon was a customer of his' but he didn't see-it as a conflict with this application. Lauren Waterton gave an overview of the staff memo' Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add' Dave Garton introduced Steve Olson, the GM of Garton's. Steve Olson handed out diagrams to the pEC, as Dave C".ton "-rpfain"O ii''"t " bar like his always had games such as, Lasso Calf' pool tables, etc. He said the size had been cut down to decrease danger' He went on to explain the diagram of the deck anJ nanOeO out a sample of the netting for the batting.cage' .He sgiO l1q- received a letter trom Arian Canapa, i coicn fdr 10-1 1 yr. olds-in the valley, who would make this batting cage avaitabte tor our kidi to use. The batting caSg wqqld.pe open from 4:30 p.m' until ioiio"p.rl H" iiio tne oittiil ;achin; would throw-botti hard balls and softballs. He explained that he had space outside Gaiton's lor the batting cage and.that Ya!! :to9d for recreation and this would fit. Dave said that this was an accessory to a 5ar and not visibly, or audibly obtrusive and "" ""ighOori *orfO O" bothered by it, so it wai a win-win situation for the Town' He closed by siyin-ghe would like this to be an iccessory use to Garton's conditional use' Greg Motfet asked for any public commenl. There was none' John Schofield asked staff if this would be allowed inside' Lauren Waterton Said yes, as a conditional use, as Garton's would be considered a major arcade, since Garton's already had 4 other games' John Schofield said he would support this idea, however, code is clear that it is not permitted' H" suggest"O the code OeinJngeO to permit it and that would have to go to Council, as the PEC's hands were tied. Steve Olson said it was a matter of interpretation' Gene Uselton asked Lauren to read the code section regarding conditional uses and then asked if the PEC would be prohibited from approving the request' Planning and Environmenta l Cornmisslon Minutes June 23, 1997 MikeMo||icaStatedthatWasthequestiontobeansweredtoday. Greg Moffet said there was nothing in the code that says a use was prohibited' Mike Mollica read from the code, stating that any use listed as a permitted use may be located outside, subject to " .onOition"f LiJpeimit. However, he said we were discussing an accessory use. Greg Moffet asked if it was permitted by exclusion? Mike Mollica said, no, only those uses specifically listed were permitted' steve olson added "which is not entirely conducted inside." He said they would be conducting Uriin""t outside and that games were a part of our business' Gene Uselton asked about the interpretation' Greg Moffet said we had to apply the code' Mike Mollica said letter I ol the code stated that permitted uses not located entirely within a OuiiOing t"V be located outside, subiect to a conditional use permit' steve olson said it would fall under "other uses customafy to do business"' Gene Uselton asked if it went to Council, could Council approve it without changing the code? Mike Mollica stated that staff, PEC and Council all must use the same criteria and code citations in reviewing this. Gene Uselton asked when children would be using the batting cage. Steve Olson explained that Garton's was trying to attract families into the bar' Greg Amsden stated a batting gage was not necessary lor the bar's operation. Steve Olson said the cage would be taken down on Friday' as Garton's didn't want to have to police it. He explained that the cage was totally portable' Greg Amsden asked if it was that portable,.why weren't there more batting cages in Vail' He said this was an inappropriate use for that location in Town and although the Town needed batting cages, he was shocked to see it at Garton's. DaveGartonagreed,butsaidtheTownofVai|didn'thaveanyinTown. Steve Olson reminded the PEC that visually, you wouldn't see it' Greg Amsden asked staff if this would go before the DRB and said that it didn't lit the Design Guidelines. Galen Aasland didn't understand why permitted uses were allowed outside. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes June 23, 1997 Mike Mollica said any permitted use was a conditional use outside' But he said that this was not a permitted use, but "" ;;;;;;ry ,s". -HL saio the code was silent, as it related to accessory uses to be permitted oud;;. Mi[jJiO tnat it a usl wii not listed' it was therefore' not allowed and that's how the Zoning Code workecl' Galen Aasland stated he would like to find a way to see this happen' Diane Golden said we needed batting cages in this valley. she asked if it would require supervision. steve olson said it was coin operated and the power would be shut o{t, so children wouldn't be able to just come uP and use it. GregMoffetsaidhewashavingtroub|ewithlhememoprohibitingth!:Y:g.Hesaidthecode ""f'"afi"*"0 permitted, enrteiateO uses outside. He said if we could not permit accessory uses, then rhis was ,"r;;i"g;;;;ton,iitnet than adding discretion' He said that the cocle should permit more latitude ind that he was naving Jhard-time adopting staff's interpretation of the ordinance. John schofield agreed that, after looking at the code, it was less than clear and open to interpretation. steve olson said statl said that accessory uses couldn't be used outdoors' Greg Moltet said the Town council should address this as a code change to make a@essory uses permitred outside.'ii;-t;id;;; F6;i;g Commission, our purview was limited and the elected folks make the interpretation. Dave Garton said that would be too late. Gene Uselton made a motion to overturn the staff decision' Galen Aasland seconded the motion. Mike Mollica asked if the PEC was saying that accessory uses were permitted uses and should be one and the same. Gene Uselton said no, fhat the definitions were difficult and these should be reviewed on a case- by-case basis. Mike Mollica cautioned this would have implications on other projects. Galen Aasland suggested Gene amend the motion with a tinding' Greg Moffet said he had trouble with the Zoning Code not permitting accessory uses to be part of a co"nditional use. He pirticutatty had difficulty with the finding no.3 of the staff memo' Gene Uselton said we didn't have the right to make that judgment and applications should be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Planning and Environmental Cornmission Minutes Jrme 23, 1997 GregAmsdenaskedSta|filwehadahistoryo|accessoryusesbeingdeniedforoutdooruse. Mike Mollica said there was a gyrospere application from the Hubcap that was not allowed' Greg Amsden asked the applicant why they couldn't put the cage inside' steve olson explainecl that there would be more use outside and the patrons would prefer it outside. GregMotfetsaidthatbecausethiswasanaccessoryu-se'tfigle.leed9!lP-beanamendmentto the motion that stated that this was an ""r".rory ui6, toi wnicn they would have to modify their conditional use permit for the outdoor dining deck' Greg Amsden asked for future ramifications' Mike Mollica said as long as it was incidental to the primary use, it would be an accessory use' Gene Uselton said we were interpreting fhe code, but amended the motion that the proposed use be considered an accessory use to the existing oltoooi oining deck and the batting cage must be reviewed as an amendmeni to the Conditional Use p-ermit foithe outdoor dining deck' requiring DRB review and aPProval. Galen Aasland seconded the amended motion' The motion passed to overturn the staff's decision by a vote of 5-1' (Greg Amsden opposed) Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes June 23, 1997 t FILEflI 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8j,657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 July 3, 1997 Roger Landing JMP Architccts, Inc. P.O. Box 2007 Avon, Colorado 8l 620 Sinccrcly, AI .,Juu<-t-q1- Gcorgc Ruthci Town Planner GR/lrd Q,,,rl,--t Department of Community Development Rc:Torvn of Vail Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval of thc Wcst Vail Texaco addition and new gas punlp canopy at2313 N. Frontagc Road/Tract B, Vail Pry-S:hglqtlt Dcal Rogcr, 1.r your abscncc, thc Dcsign Revisw Board conditionally approved the proposed changcs to thc Wcst Vail Tcxaco. Each of thc conditions must bc rcsolvcd prior to application for a buiding pcrmit. Thc conditions of approval arc as follows: l. That thc applicant submit an outdoor lighting plan for thc Wcst Vail Tcxaco which shows thc location, tt.igtrt uUou. gradc, the typc of illumination, thc sourcc lumcns, and the illluminous arca for EACH light sourcc which is proposcd. Thc applicant shall providc information that thc outdoor lights mcct thc standards sct forth in Scction 18.54.050(J)2 [in Dcsigp Guidclincs]' 2. That thc applicant submit a paving and grading plan for thc 12 parking spaccs proposcd north of thcbuilding. Thcplanshall showtopandbottomofretainingwallclevationsandcachparking spacc shall moasurc 9 x l9 squarc fcct. 3. That thc applicant show adcquatc arcas for snow storage on thc propcrty. Plcasc bc awarc that NO new signs were approved as part of this rcquest. Please submit a ncw sign rcqucst undcr separatc application. Shoufd you have any questions or conccms, please do not hcsitatc to call. You can rcach me at479-2145. {p """rnro"u"* o?,gn Review Action Fttn TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbet Project Name: Building Name:\r li+-f \irr- | -ft,ttttrt Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: -a--.Architecf/Contact, Address and Phone: L€gal Description' LotT@ '3Blo"k Subdivision V{rl Zone District H.5 Proiect Street Address: Comments: 6Bgar} Staff Action Motionby: Qc"., c,= Vote: ry'-A Seconded by:' AA','t*' ,,:, fi Approval a Disapproval a Statf Approval Conditions: Town Planner .,t ''' iDalei I i -- i41 DRB Fee Pre-paid - > - , 'r . tl Qucstioas? cATl ojvrori t,l,ANi\ l N c ANt) o t,l,lAP ,.,..- \rz. CA\rhc Planning Suff ar a ?9-2 i JB It I'N YIRONNI 'iN]'AI. tr o D LI Anrcndmcnt to an Approvcd Dcvcloprucnt Plan Enrploycc Housing Unit Oypc: -) Major or tl N1inor CCI Extcrior Altcration (vail Village) Major or O Minor CCll ExtcriorAltcration (Lionshcad) Spccial Do'cl opnlcnt Disrrict Maior or O Minor Anrcndrncnl to an SDD r-t tr D-ZoNrNc: tlEl\^f GFRVICJE DNSTP.IC{ NAME oF OwNER(s): 4D rC-U- Dr LLIN r., _ _ MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: FEE . SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBIUIT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBTVIITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOTMENTI 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, 31+lA H. COM:Vl ISSION ^ PPI{OVN L)A? l.t41t1EcT5 #q'ObL1 (e Gq:iEBAr.rNFORMATION Tlris applicatiorr is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Plirrning and Envilenmsnlal Comnrission. For spccific i:rfonr:a{ion, scc thc subnri(ral rcquircnrcnls for thc panicuhr approvnl that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc ecccptcd until all rcquircd infornretion is subrrrittcd. 1'hc projcct nrr_y also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Towrr Council :rrrd./or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board A. TYPD OF APPLICATION: O Additional CRFA (250) tr Bcd and Brcakfast tr Conditional Usc Pcrmit tr Nlajor or D Minor Subdivision tr Rczoning tr Sign Va:'iancc ,D( \rariancc tr Zooing Codc Anrcndmcnt B.DESCRIPTTON OF THE REQUEST: nDDnESs: ZQIC_..]N, ftJ2r:rf,AaE ED. t l, BUILDINO NAME: ::ii TOT',N OF VAIL LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:rlLocK_ FlLrNc O}VNER(S) SIGN^TURE(S): NAME OF REPR.ESENTATIVE: VAIL, COLORADO 91657. For Oflice (fsc Onlvj YccPaa;-ZSPZcx*: ApplicationDar", 5''2U - Z? pECMccting D^t",.4_4-22- Qucstions? a.||?* Planning Stafl'at 479-2121{ APPI,ICA'I'ION IIOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL G ENI]ITAL INFORMA'TION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign l{cviov approval. Arty projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv trtust rcccivc f)csign l{cvicrv approval prior to subrnitting lor a building pcrnrit. I;or spcciflc infonlation, scc thc subrnittal rcquircrncnts for thc particuliu approval that is rcqucstcd. 'l'hc application carrriot bc acccplcd trntil all thc rcquircd infortnation is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Iluv iron rncrrtal Cornnrission. Dcsign llcviuv Board approval expircs onc ycar aftcr linal approval unlcss n buil<ling pernrit is issucd and construction is stnrtcd, ZONTNG: tlc*vY Sfst/rcE- Pl€fl?Ictf DESCRrpfloNoFl'r-rE,R[QUES]': r,cr{-frcn( of zot Fe33F) Ttr tlF-T' J -l -- .r^tur LOCATION OF PIIOPOSAL: I-OT:_ ttLOCK:_ PI.IYSICAL ADDRESS: (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Ollicc at 970-32ti-tt640 for parocl #) MAILING ADDRESS: ]'YPE OF REVIEW AND FED: E Ncw Construction - $200 NAME OF OWNER(S): €.tc-HAnp r'I , .trl4 MAn-tNc nnnnass: ?O. Bo< l4r5b ; Vrr- Co AlL5l8 I'lloNll: 4aL-66)4 owN on(s) sr GNA'r'unD(S): NN ME OF API'LICAN'I': Constnrction of a ncw building. lncludcs any addition rvltcrc squarc fo<ltagc is addcd to atry rcsidcntial or cornrncrcial building. Includc.s nrin<lr clrangcs to buildings and sitc itttprovcntcnts, such as' rcroof'ing. painting. rvindow additions, landsoaping. fcnccs arrd rctaining walls, ctc. For any application whcrc thc applicant wishcs to nrcct with Dcsigtr Rcvicw Board to dctcnninc whcthcr or not the projcct gcncrally conlplics with thc dcsigrr grridclincs. Thc DRB docs not votc on conccpfual rcvicws. DRB fccs arc to be paid at thc tinrc of subrnittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pcmrit, please idcnti{y thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. ThcTown of Vail will adjust thc fcc according to thc project valuation. PLBA,SE SUIMIT THIS AFILICATION, ALL SUTMITTAL REQUIREI\TENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COI\{MUNITy DEVELOPI\IENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAIL, COLORADO 81657. QLCubDt-€I6iil U|a''NB. c. E. F. c. l{. I I Aooition -$50 E Minor Altcration - $20 E Conccptual Rcvicw - $0 TOWN OFVAIL I;tLINC: .TH LUMINAIRE.ORDERING GUID CEI - small size (EPA = 1.6) UL & CSA LiStEd. - large size (EPA = 2.9) WBPMFtry - Pole Mount ,,-'.. MountingI .' Mode Wall Bracket Larnp Typel Watts small size sl00 sl50 s250 s400 Ml75 M400M250 large size s400 sl000 M400 Mr000 Ref lector l-asymmetric lll-asymmetric lV-lorward throw VS-symmetric square Voltage 120 208 240 277 347 480 MT-multi-tap Options PC - photoelectric cell 120-277 v, PR - photo receplacle (less cell) up to 400w. SF - single fuse 0F - double fuse CS - house side- polycarbonate vandal guard cutoll shield Colors for Luminai and Po Luminaire Ordering Example: BHN v rocket red SGB -v black LAMP TYPE WATTS ls40o l- sl00 s,t00 s150 s10rx) s250 M100 s,|lo Mr 000 M175 t 250 u.(n FGP TBP RBP s0s VOLTAGE tl I tvt | | t20 ?00 347 480 MODEL I cEil t- ctl ctll MOUNTING MODE I LJ t\lt | - lo.C€ll o o ffioo@ white foresl green teal blue royal blue burgundy silver REFLECTOR I"I OPTIONS_E '120.21iv, nO lo a00w CS; house sid. qtlofl COLOR-@ S!i8 b.ioc CU8:tulgurq S0S: aitvtr POLE ORDERING Refer to Poles/Brackets Section for ordering information. SPAULDING Lffi]NG,[[NG. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys Trash Enclosurcs Crcenhouses RetainingWalls Extcrior Lighting** Other l4|.:.c*4' L<teT. COLOR:* l'lmc+r L:tr9r. tl(. trarlz?. At{dD. oo LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: t!*oxz SJiAE'-,9 FS. rA< oate*+ L.L.F- 6. ttATuziL tlttcr{ Terr1 tl,trcu bUqa. UruUs t{^rafl Aill. TRltl N../A. 4oxrz- Ftsloz- N /P' -Tr,r6a.F-- * Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(j). If cxterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixhres and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. vtLrJ rRorl gUTU _Ed; *rE ./+': ,:.. - E' hJL6T 3IDL ryTElrp 20' I -Tvo 5 ry-0{-)-=-, FtA.. stmnirl ci1.l ' S',+le b,.,rlrctc. Bui\ Xoat{ipa*h-/ =,r^l vrfr-u st?J /(roieql\ VX,wza D vJe 1fue4. 6* ?a,*1 TLb Feo,s*t*= (z) Buil/lt1 A*r1a6a*;oJ ' \J€sr \dl Tq*a ' ZD * zrttx.- ' Z=' ,ttrPl, ,f&.rs clerk€ ' C,rt€ t. ' 1t-lr+t-r* rrn'alla ce. fus,nt o;5. W.-n;rsn'1 o€ *elfirF SZ * I FNrc lir.rarr- FT. -' 7A + il,ut 8' ^nr. '4bo\r6 qe.ffi,. eat. ?q;*r;'s'l zo* M.- Z5' P&,e 1M, t41*.1. Vli,.EJ lsob or loh- v.rrqoni sprc :. +€+rtt- 4 oF flW,. I-1^*,) oLte *4 sh*u- Lb+ gtu--r.-.- b+ir! -+*xle- vJr4r{ ?A* il,ftt (C",,rL fi"Q OCIPYT ILE 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8i,657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Junc 23,1997 Mr. Dick Dilling Wcst Vail Tcxaco 429 35 Road Palisadc, Colorado ll I526 Departtnent of Contnunity Developmenl Rc: Gas pump canopy and sign variancc rcqucst Dcar Mr. Dilling: On Junc 2] .lgg1.thc Town of Vail Planning and Environmcntal Commission (PEC) approvcd varianccs to allow for thc construction of a ncw gas pump canopy and two ncw slgns' Thc ncw gas punrp canopy nray cncloach up to sixtccn lbct and 38ll squarc ftct into thc rcquircd twcnty tbot sctback.'You nray also inircasc thc canopy hcight kr pcrnrit thirtccn fcct of'ovcrhcad vchiclc clcarancc. Thc sign variancc approvcd by thc PEC pcrmits two ncrv signs on thc propcrty. 'l'hc PEC placcd thc fbllowing conditions on thcir approval, l. Thc sign pr.oposcd atop thc canopy is rcnrovcd and rcplaccd on thc south cnd of thc canopy undcrncath thc roof ovcl'lrang and that thc sign bc 20 squarc fcct, or lcss in sizc. 2. Thc frccstanding sign is rclocatcd to thc landscapcd arca on thc southcast comcr of thc applicant's propcrty an<t that thc nraxinrunr hcight ofthc sign is limitcd to l3'fcct in hcight aLovc gradc and that tlrc maximunr sign arca docs not cxcccd 20 squarc fcct. I havc schcdulcd a rcvicw of your rcqucst with thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. Thc rcvicw will takc placc Wc<lncsday, Jrrly 2,1997 ,at i:00 p.ni. in thc Town Courrcil Charnbcrs. lf you arc unablc to rnakc this nrccting, picasc contact nc at 479-2145 so I can schcdulc your rcvicw for anothcr timc. I will bc retuming to you thc $250.00 variancc application tbc you submitted to thc Town. I understand thc variancc rcqucst was intitiatcd by thc construction of thc roundabout. I apprcciatc your paticnce during thc construction. Good luck with your project, H'-*1"8c1--l Gcorgc Ruthcr Town Planncr {P *'"'""o '*u* TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departncnt I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTS Thc applicant Dick Ditling, owner of the West Vail Texaco, represented by JMP Architects, is proposing to reconstruct tie existing gas pump canopy and to install two new signs on the property.- ttre applicant's p.ope.tylJocated at Z: t3 North Frontage Road West and is zoned Heavy Service Disfrict. Gas Pump Canopy The existing canopy has approximately 1 I' of ovcrhcad clearancc. According to the applicant, this is too low to accommoiate larger vehicles ( RV's, U-Hauls, etc.), and therefore, the canopy height needs to be increased. The existing canopy currently encroaches 20' into the required 20' froit setback and occupies approximately 595 square feet ofarea in the setback. since the applicant is proposing io ,..*o.0" the existing canopy and reconstruct a new canopy in approximatcly tie same location in the froni setUaik, a variancc from Section I 8.30.060 of the Municipal of the Town of Vail is required. The applicant is requesting a variance from Section 18,30.060 (Setbacks), to allow the new .unopy to encroach 16' inio the required 20' front setback. The new canopy will be built two feet tallei in height and provide l3' of overhead clearance. The total square footage ofthe canopy in the front setback will be reduced from 595 square feet, to 388 square feet' The new canopy will no longer be perpendicular to thc building like the existing canopy. Instead, the canopy will be consfuctcd ui u itight angle which will improve on-site trafftc circulation. ORIG\NAL June 23. 1997 A request for a variance from Section l8'30'060 (Setbacks)' to allow for a gas p*i "unopy to be located in thc front setback and a variance from Title 16, to allow a rooftop sign to exceed 20 sq' ft' and to allow a free-standing sign to exceed t, in triight and 20 sq. ft. in iizc, located at2313 North Frontage Road West/Tract B. Vail Das Schonc I st Filing' Applicanl Dick Dilling, represented by JMP Architects Planner: George Ruther New Signs chapter 16 of the Municipal code of the Town of vail prescribes regulations for signs' The applicant is proposing to install two new signs at thc West Vail Texaco' The new signs are being installed to replace two, non-conforming signs which will be removed due to the construction of the West Vail Roundabout. One of the new signs is proposed to be a projecting sign placed atop - the new gas pump "unopy or.tl" ridge of the riof. tne otler sign is a freestanding sign proposed north of lhe applicant's entrance off of Chamonix Road. Each sign is approximately 37 square feet in size and25' above grade. The frcestanding sign also includes a 29 square foot gas price sign. Thc total sign area r"equested with this application is approximately 93 square feet' According to Section 16.20.020of the Municipal Code, thc maximum combined sign area permitteiat the West Vail Texaco (for the two types of signs proposed) is 20 square feet' The . maximum height for a freestanding iign is limited to 8' above grade. Therefore, the applicant is requesting aiariance trom Section 15.20.020 to allow for an additional 73 square feet of sign area and an additional 17' ofheight for the freestanding sign' Building Addition The applicant is further proposing to add 53 I square feet of additional retail space to the gas station. The additionat square footage will be added to the west end of the building' No variances are necessary for this addition. The building addition will be reviewed by DRB' A site plan and building elevations have been attached for refcrence' n. Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Depaxtnent recommends approval of the requested gas pump canopy setba& ,rariance. The reiommendation for approval is based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l.Theretationshipoftherequestedvariancetootherexistingor potential uses and structures in the vicinity' Staffdoes not believe the requested variance will result in any negative impactsonotherexistingorpotentialusesintheareaoftheWestVail Texaco' The location and configuration of the new canopy will result in a reductionintheamountofencroachmentandoanopyareainthefront setback than what currently exists' Additionally, the new West Vail Roundabout will not be negatively impacted by the new canopy' In fact' 2. the haffic situation will be improvcd, as the canopy will no longer overhang the property line, encroaching upon the I-70 righrof-way' and the on-site traffic circulation at the gas station will improve' The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and eniorcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain ihe objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staffbelievcs the applicant is rcquesting the minimum amount of relief nccessary from the front setback regulation in ordcr to reconstruct the gas pu-p .nnopy. All of the gas stations currently in Vail are located in the iteavy Servic e Zone District and each has a canopy over their gas pump u."ur. Stuffbelieves that to deny this front setback variance would negatively impact the ability of [he applicant to successfully compete with thJother existing gas stations. Staff feels that the location of the existing building on the property and the required tavel aisle widths dictates the locatioi of the gut prr^pt and the canopy' Staff does not feel that a grant of special privilege will occur as result of this variance' The effect ofthe requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and Public safetY. The proposed variance will havc little, if any, effect on these factors' before granting a variance: l. That the granting ofthe variance will not constitute a grant ofspecial privilegelnconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in thc same district. 2. That the granting of thc variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injwious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. 3. That thc variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title' 3. B. There are exceptions or extraordinary circurnstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone' The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation *oota a"pril " ihe applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same dishict' Upon review of secfion 16.36.070, criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal code' the community Development Deparrnent recommends approval ofthe requested new sign variance with conditions. Thc recommendation for approval is based on the following factors: Consideration of factors: l. There are special circumstances or conditions applying to the land' buildings, topography, vegetation, sign structures or other matters on adjacent lots or wiinin the adjacent right-of-way, which would substantiallyrestricttheeffectivenessofthesigninquestion: provided, howeYer, that such special circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or enterprise to which the-applicant desires to draw attention' and do not apply generally to all business or enterprises. Staffbelieves thsre are special circumstances and conditions which apply to the applicant's property which substantially restrictthe effectiveness of signs on the property. Staff feels that the location and configuration of the westVailRoundaboutintheadjacentright.of.wayresultsinaspecial circumstance or condition impacting the applicant's properfy' The location and configuration of the Roundabout limits the exposure of the applicant's business. Prior to the construction of the Roundabout, the applicant had a legal, non-conforming sign on the property which provided exposure to uehiculartrafficonl-T0.Thesignhasbeenalteredaspartofthe Roundabout construction. According to Section 16'32'030' in part' ,. the use or operation of non-conforming signs shall be terminated bydestruction,damage,oralteration.Therighttocontinueuseor operation of any non-conforming sigrr shall terminatedwhenever the sign is altered in any way, or damaged or destroyed over 50%o of its aPPraised value." b. ilL 2, 3. That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in PrivY to the aPPlicant. The special circumstanccs describcd above were not crcated by the applicant or anyone privy to the applicant' That granting of the variance will be in general harmony with the purpJr. of this title, and will not be materially detrimental to the p"t.ont residing or working in the vicinity,.to adjacent property' to ihe neighborhood, or to the public welfare in general' Staffbelieves that the ganting of the variance will be in general harmony with the purpose of the Sign Code and that it will not be materially detrimental to the owners of tt " odlt..nt properties, to the neighborhood' or to the public welfare in gcneral. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions-of this title any mor" th-"n is required to identify the applicant's business use' The staffbelieves the requested variance is excessive and departs more from the size and height regulations than is required to identify the applicant's business. The code permits a total of two signs, with a combined maximum sign area of 20 square feet' The applicant is requesting an additional l7' of sign height and an additional 73 square feet of sign aria. Staffwould recommend that a variance be granted' but we . beliwe the amount of deviation should be substantially less. we feel that if the signs were placed in different locations on the properly, the applicant could gain thc necessary exposure with less sign area and height' Staff would suggest that the neccssary 37 squarc foot sign atop the new gas p*p .u*py be relocatcd and placed on the south end of the canopy undemeath the roofoverhang, and that the sign area be reduccd to 20' square feet in size. Staffwould further suggest that the freestanding sign be lowered in height to l3'feet in height and relocated to the southeast corner of the property, behind the Roundabout landscape berm' Additionally,ihesign area of the freestanding sign should be reduced to 20' square feet iotat. ttris should include the gas price sign, at the discretion of the property owner. The locations, sizes, and heights recommended by- .. stutia.l sulstantially consistent with signs at the other gas stations in Vail (Amoco, Conoco, etc). 4. B. Staffrecognizes that our recommendation for signs differs from what the applicant tas proposed' In addition to believing that the requested amount ofieviation is excessive, staff also bclieves that the applicant is attempting to usc only Texaco Corporation approved signs' While we do not disagree with thc intent of using only Texaco Corporation signs, we feel that the applicant and Texaco Corporation must realize that Vail is a resort .o.-*ity that has adopted sign and design regulations' According to the Design Rerrie* Guidelines contained within the sign regulation chapter of the Municipal Codc, "sign location, configuration, design, materials' and colors shall be harmonious with thc majestic mountain setting and alpine village scale of the Town." Additionally, "sigrrs shall not visually dominatethestructuretowhichitbelongsorcallundueattentionto itself." Staff would suggest that the applicant continues to work with the Texaco Corporation to Gvise a sign plan which is more in keeping with lhe communitv. environm€nt, and thc adopted Design Review Guidelines' before Eanting a variance: l. That special circumstances or conditions apply to the land, building' topography, vegetation' sign structurcs or other matters on adj acent lots or within tire right-of-way, which would substantially restrict the effcctivcness of thc sign. 2. That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant. 3. That granting the variancc will be in general harmony with the purpose of this title and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions ofchapter 16.20 more than is required to identis the applicant's business use. Iv. STAFFRI'COMMENDATION Gas Pump CanoPY The community Development Deparfinent staffrecommends approval of the applicant's gas pump ctnopy setback variance rcquest subject to the following findings: l. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district' 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health,.safety or welfare, or miterially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity' 3. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to this site that do not apply generally to other properties in the Heavy service Zone District. New Signs The community Development Dcpartrnent staffrecommends approval of the applicant's requested slgn variancc with conditions, and subjcct to the following findings: | . That special circumstances and conditions apply to the use' location and topography of the west Vail Texaco site, which substantially restrict the effectiveness of displaying signs. 2. That such special circumstances wcre not created by the applicant, but are unique to the site and use' 3. That granting the variance will be in general harmony with the purpose of the sign codJand will not bc defrimental to the public health, safety or welfare' or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. That the amended variance requested does not depart from the provisions of chapter l6'20 more than is required to identit' the west vail rexaco' Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to grant an approval of the requested sign variance, staffwould recommend that the approval carry with it the following conditions: 1. That the sign atop the canopy be removed andreplaced on the south end ofthe canopy ,rni'r-"uth the roof overhang and that the sign be 20 square feet, or less in size. 2. That the freestanding sign be relocated to the landscaped area on the southeast comer of the applicant's propcrly and that the maximum height of the sign be limited to l3' feet in height above grade and that the rnaximum sign area not exceed 20 square feet. i! . - .' +,-J.'. N.ir 't".' ir;1i .i.r':,) 1_ \ / . -'. ' c-,.' ca' op\l ;l :: 'lr' llt.,.,t' L*td- a OI.tDW oV. 'Dirt',t4- hne'l\' 6a*uit1otr \ianJyftrce . Re DOA';1 Cooe 1" bai.6 yluc I ,/teAal 3l".i*z ecor \.o' I 7<-. /no-u April 18, 1997 James R. Schaaf Texaco Refining & Markcting, Inc. P.O, Box 2100 Denver, CO. 80201-2100 Rc:West Vail Texaco Signs Dear Jim, I havc rcviewed thc Town of Vail Sign Regulations and determined which signs the Town permits at thc West Vail Texaco. According to thc sign rcgulations, thc Town permits a maximum of two signs at your service station. The signs may be cither two wall signs, two building identification signs, two projecting signs, or any combination thereof. The maximum size of any of thesc signs is 2.5 square feet per five lineal feet of business frontage or twenty square feet. None of these signs may be displayed morc than twenty-five feet above grade. Window signs arc also permitted. The maximum size of a window sign is l5% of the total glass pane area. One window sigr is permitted per business frontage. At our last meeting I gave you a copy of the relcvant sections of the sign regulations, If you havc any questions regarding the information addressed in this lettcr or the sign regulations, please do not hesitate to give me a call. You can reach me by telephonc at970-479-2145 or by mail at the addrcss above. Sincerely, Georgc Ruther Town Planner FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8i657 970-479-2I 3 8/479-2I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p a rtn e nt of C om nun ity D eve lop nre nt September 5, 1996 Mr. Dick Dilling Wcst Vail Texaco 429 35 Road Palisade, Colorado 8 I 526 RE: The proposed sitc improvements to the West Vail Texaco, located at 23 13 North Frontage Road Dcar Dick: Thank you for appearing before thc Tou'n of Vail Dcsigr Ro,icw Board (DRB) on Wedncsday, Septembcr 4, 1996 with the proposcd site improvcmcnts to thc to the Wcst Vail Texaco. Thc Town rcrnains cxtremely enthusiastic about thc irnprovcmcnts you are proposing to thc West Vail Tcxaco. Thc purpose of this lettcr is to summarizc the commcnts and conccms addrcsscd by the Design Rcview Board with re-eard to your proposed improvcments. The Design Review Board identificd the follou'ing issues u.ith regard to your application: l. Acccssory structures, such as the new gas pump canopy, must be architecturally compatible with thc main structure on the propcrty. In addition, thc proposed roofing material of the canopy must be in concert with the existing roof matcrial on the main structurc. The Design Revierv Board recommcnded that a sloping, pitched roof bc constructed on the new gas pump canopy to be compatible with the existing sloping, pitched roof on the main building, 2, Thc Design Reviel Board felt the now signs were a positive change. The DRB recommendcd that the new signs be in compliancc with the sign code and that a variance not be pursued. Any proposed changes to the signage on the propcrty requircs that you submit a sign application. I have provided Cindy McDevitt with the necessary information with regard to signage. 3. The Design Review Board additionally expressed the importance in bringing the property into compliance with the standards prescribed in the Heavy Service Zone District regulations. All changcs proposed to the propcrty, such as landscaping, fencing/scrcening, dumpster cnclosurcs and vehiclc storage, should be illushated on a reviscd site plan for the review and approval of the Design Review Board. {s rt"rtuor*t, "n*f 1r:': , . { d r..., . I As indicated during the meeting, I am more than happy to sit down and discuss with you possible solutions to the issues addressed by the Design Rcview Board. If you rvish to schedule a mecting, please do not hesitate in giving me a call at 479-2145. I am confident tbat wc can work together in coming up with solutions to rcsolve thc issucs addressed by the Design Review Board. As I statcd earlier, the Town is exhemcly enthusiastic about thc improvements being proposed to the West Vail Texaco. I am confident we can work together in making West Vail an even bctter place for locals and visitors alike to do business. Sincerely, George Ruther Town Planner GMrcc: Bob Mclawin 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D c pa rtnrc nt of C o nunun ity D eve lo p me nt IILE COPY August 23,1996 Mr. Dick Dilling 429 35 Road Palisadc, Colorado 8 1526 RE,: Proposcd improvcmcnts to thc Wcst Vail Tcxaco, locatcd at2313 North Frontagc Road/Tract B, Vail das Schonc Filing # l. Dear Dick: Thank you for your Dcsign Rcvicw Board Application proposing improvcmcnts to thc Wcst Vail Tcxaco, locatcd at23l3 North Frontagc Road. Thc Town is cxtrcmcly cnthusiastic about thc numcrous busincss owncrs proposing improvcmcnts to thcir propcrties in thc Wcst Vail Commcrcial arca. On Wcdnesday, August 2l , 1996, thc planning staff conductcd a sitc visit to thc Wcst Vail Texaco Station. Thc purposc ofthc sitc visit was to rcvicw your proposcd application to rcplacc thc existing gas pump canopy and to dctcrminc if any othcr improvcmcnts to thc propcrfi werc ncccssary. Upon rcvicw of your Dcsign ll.cvicw Board application and your propcrty, thc staff idcntificd thc following issucs which must bc addrcsscd prior to final rcvicw of your proposal by thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board: I,Chaptcr 18.54 (Dcsign Guidclincs), of thc Town of Vail Municipal Codc, rcquircs that acccssory structurcs bc architccturally compatiblc with thc main structurc on thc propcrty. Upon revicw of your application, it appcarc that thc proposcd mctal, flat-roofcd canopy is not compatiblc with thc cxisting main building. Thc main building has a sloping, pitchcd roof with natural wood shinglcs, ln ordcr for staff to support your rcqucst' wc rccommcnd that you construct a sloping, pitchcd roof with natural wood shinglcs on thc ncw gas pump canopy. Thc twopxisting frccstanding signs do not conform with thc Town of Vail Sign Codc. Staff rccommcnds that you bring thc propcrty into compliancc with thc sign codc. Any changcs to thc cxisting signagc otl thc propcrty nccd to bc includcd on your currcnt Dcsig'n Rcvicw Board Application. ,, {7 "'""'"u"'"o 6?. your propcrty is zoncd Hcavy Scrvicc District. According to-thc dcvelopment standards pr"r"rib"i by thc Hcavy Scrui." Zonc Distict, at lcast l0% of the sitc shall be landscapcd' 'F.o* -y sitl visit, it appcars that thc sitc docs not mcct this minimum rcquircmcnt' Staff rccommcnds that you proposc adrlitional landscapc arcas on your sitc. Spccihcally, staff rccornmcnds that ihc gravcl arca south of thc cxisting canopy and wcst of thc wcstcmmost €ntrance be revcgctatcd and plantcd with trccs and shrubs' Thc Heavy scrvicc Zonc District rcgulations rcquirc that all storagc of goods (ncw and uscd tircs, vchiclc parts, ctc.) shall b-c complctcly within a structurc' During our sitc visit, thcre wcrc nurncrous n"* und uscd tircs siorcd outdoors, various vchiclc parts scattcrcd about thc sitc and a van parkcd on thc propcrty, apparcntly bcing uscd for storagc. All of thcse itcms must bc clcancd-up and/or rcmovcd from thc propcrty' Thcrc arc nurncrous vchiclcs storcd on thc propcrty. Many of thc vchiclcs appcarcd to bc unrcpairablc duc to damagc. Most ortlc vttrictcs wcrc parkcd on thc grass (dirt) instcad of on thc asphalt. This csicntially further rcduccs your landscapcd arca. . Staff rccommcnds that stcps bc takcn io climinatc thc tcmporary storagcof vchicles on surfaccs othcr than thc asphalt. Additionally, staff rccommcnds that a combination of landscaping (trccvshrubs) and fcncing bc installcd to scrccn thc vchiclc storagc arca. your proposal indicatcs that you will bc rcsurfacing a portion of thc drivcway arca. Stpff rccommcnds that whilc thc hard surfacc is rcmovcd, a grcasc/oil scparator bc installcd to rcduce thc amount ofhazard run-offfrorn the propcrty. Plcasc contact Russcll Forrcst, Scnior Environmcntal Policy Planncr, with thc Town of Vail, rcgarding dcsign specifications and dctails. You can reach Russcll dircctly at479-2146. Thc trash clumpstcr on your propcrty is unscrccncd and unsightly. staff rccommcnds that thc trash {umpstcr bc cnclosc{ io ti.""n thc dumpstcr from vicw from thc adjaccnt public strccts. f, Again, thank you for thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board Application proposing improvcmcnts at thc wcst Viit ic*aoo. Plcasc rcvicw th1 list of issucs providcd abovc and contact mc at your carlicst convcnicncc, so wc may discuss thc shffs rccommcn{ations. You can rcach mc dircctly at479- 2t45. As I statcd carlicr, thc Town is cxtrcmcly cnthusiastic about thc improvemcnts bcing proposcd by thc busincss owncrs in thc Wcst Vail Commcrcial arca. I am confidcnt wc can work togcther in making wcst Vail an cvcn bcttcr placc for'locals and visitors alikc to do busincss. Sincerely, t o..! ,*,lr I ,.,,r .{ .l * fJ*^^-t-n'*t-t^u Ccorgc Ruthcr Town Planncr cc: RusselllronPst (, CIVIO APPLICATIONS Canopies & Buildings with Metal Deck Ceilings. CONSTRUCTION FEATURES Housing-Formed and welded one- piece Aluminum lnlegral Ballast Com- partment has a cover separating optical compartment f rom ballast. Housing design to fit in canopy deck panel. Lens Assembly-Standard flat pris- matic lens held secure to Aluminum Lens Frame. The Frame is lully gas- keted to keep bugs out and has con- cealed hinges to keep a clean look. Optional dished prismatic glass lens adds attractive "sparkle" and lightens underside of canopy. Reflector-Standard Anodized alumi- num reflector provides symmetrical light pallern. Optional directional reflector delivers more light lo one side to emphasize pumps, columns, and sig- nage. Directional ref lector available with flat lens only. Lamp Holder-Enclosed porcelain ceiling socket with springloaded, nickel- plated center contact and reinforced lamp grid screw shell. High pressure sodium sockets are pulse rated. Ingetral Ballast-Starting rated to - 2O"F. Ballasts for Mercury Vapor lamps are constant wattage auto- transformer type. Ballasts for Metal Halide lamps are regulated lead peaked circuit. Ballasts for High pressure Sodium lamps are regulated type using an electronic starter. All ballasts are high power factor. Finish-Bakedon white enamel oaint fin- ish is standard. Other finishes available. WHTTEWAY B5 ISOFOOTCANDLE CURVES LUMINAIRE SERIES CC-4OO-SMH-SR-FGL LUMINAIRE SERIES CC-4OO.SMH-DR.FGL LAMP:400W SUPER METAL HALIDE (CLEAR) LAMP:400W SUPER METAL HALIDE (CLEAR) RATED: LUMENS40,000 RATED: LUMENS40,000 2 1 FRONT 0 REAR 1 2 3 NITIAL HORIZ. FOOTCANDTES i,OI,NTING HEIGHT 12' 14' 16', 18', n', A B o E 36.1 26.5 20.3 16.0 13.0 27.8 20.4 15.6 12.4 10.0 13.9 10.2 7.81 8.17 5.00 2.78 2.U 1.s6 1 .23 1.00 .83 .61 .47 .37 .S0 r,$TIAL HORIZ. FOOTCANOLES T,OUNTING HEIGI-T 12' 14', 16', 14', 20', A B D E 36.1 26.5 20.3 16.0 13.0 27.8 m.4 15.6 12.4 10.0 13.9 10.2 7.81 8.t7 5.00 2.78 2.O4 1.s6 r.23 1.00 .83 .61 .47 .37 .30 2 1 FRONT 0 HEAR 1 2 3 32103210 RATIO = DISTANCE ! MOUNTING HEIGHT This report has been prepared in accordance with IES guides on testing procedures. lt is representative of luminaires lesled under standardized and stabitized laboratory conditions. Various op€rating factors can cause dilferences between laboralory dala and actualfield performance ISOLUX DIAGRAM I I q \I D s ISOLUX DIAGRAM ( 6II \BI I ORDERING INFORMATION LAMP WATTAGE ORDEBING NUMEER DESCRIPTION MAX. WEIGHT i,IERCUBY VAPOR CG2sO-DX-FGL Symmetrical Rellector Wlh Flal Glass Lens 23 cc-400-DX-FGL Symmetrical Rellsctor Wth Flat Glass Lens 27 IIETAL HAUDE CC.25GM.FGL Symmetrical Retlector With Flat Glass Lens 29 cc-40cM-FGL Symmetrical Feflector With Flat Glass Lens 33 CC-4OGSMH.FGL HIGH PRESSURE SODIUII cc-250-HPS-FGL Symmetrical Befleclor With Flat Glass Lens 30 CC.4OO.HPS-FGL Symmetrical Befleclor With Flat Glass Lens 37 MITE: Specily ballast rloltage 120, 208, 2,10, 27/ or 480 lrolts. OPTIONS DESCRIPTION I OBDERING NUMBER Dished pdsmatic glass lens Sulfix 'DGL" replrcing FGL Directional reflector - (not Suffix "DR" available wilh dished glass lens) WH]TEWAY 1736 Dronun A€oqo, Or|cirrl.ll, Ot*r,t52fB (51315,ll-3,a46 13615 Erc€ilb. Odr,o, Sant Fs Sp.lno., Cdllto .Ia 9O87o (213) v 860-{X78 o 691 t LAND o ANYTITLE GUARANTEE COMP DICK DILLING WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES BOX l_450 (PrcK-uP) VAII-.,, CO 8L658 May 13, L997 ProperEy Address: TRACT B VA]IJ DAS SCHONE FLG ]. //.t r/wsst vArL AssocrATEs.......-..-gox 14so (PICK-UP) VAIIJ, CO 81558 Attsn: DICK DILLING PH 476-3394 Copies: 1 via US PosEal Service TITI,E GUAR.ANTEE COMP CUSTbMER DISTRIBUTION our order No.: vc257524 oANY o LAIID o YOUR LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONTACTS May 13, L997 Buyer/Borrower: WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES LTD., A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Seller/Owner: ProperLy Address: TRACT B VA]I., DAS SCHONE FI.,,G ]. If you have any inguiries or reguire further assisEance, please contact one of the numbers lisE.ed below: For Closing Assistance: For TiEte AssisLance: KAREN BIGGS 108 S. FRONTAGE RD W. Phones vAIL, CO 81658 Fax: Phone': 97o 476-225L Fax: 970 476-4534 ******************************************************************* NOTE: ONCE AN ORIGINAL COMMITMENT HAS BEEN ISSUED, ANY SUBSEQUENT CHANGES WILI, BE EMPHASIZED BY I,NDERI,INING. ******************************************************************* THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! Our Order No.: VC257524 ALTA COMMITMENT , SCHEDULE A Our Order # VC257524 For Information OnlY TRACT B VAIL DAS SCHONE FLG 1 - Charges -A'rAowne'-n?ti3{oL- - 8ll3:33 *** THIS IS NOT AN INVOTCE,, BUT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OUR ORDER NO, VC257524 *** L. EffecLive Date: April 14, ]-997 aL 5:00 P.M. 2. Po1icy to be issued, and proposed Insured: T|ALTA'| Owner's Policy t0-1"7-92 Proposed fnsured: WEST VATL ASSOCIATES LTD., A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 3. The esEaEe or interest in the land described or referred to in this CommitmenE and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. TiLle to the estate or interest covered herein is at t.he effective date hereof wested in: WEST VAII, ASSOCIATES LTD., A COLORADO LTMTTED PARTNERSHIP 5. The land referred to in thi-s Commitment is described as follows: TRACT UB'" A RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE, FILING NO. T, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE EAST CORNER OF SAID COMMERCIAL TRACT I'B'I , SAID CORNER BEING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH-WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 70 AND SOUTH-WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF CTIAMONIX ROAD, 80.0 FEET WIDE; THENCE SOUTH 45 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 45 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID NORTH-WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF ]-50.0 FEET,. THENCE LEAVING SAID R.O.W. LINE, NORTH 31- DEGREES 43 MINUTES WEST A DISTANCE OF PAGE 1 ao OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TTTLE INSURANCE COMPANY OLD RE IC NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT ' SCHEDULE A Our Order # VC257524 150.70 FEET,. THENCE NORTH 46 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 01 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 151.35 FEET TO THE SOUTH-WESTERLY RTGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID CHAMONIX ROAD; THENCE ALONG A l-55.29 FT. RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT A DISTANCE OF 23.53 FEET, HAVING CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 27 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 18 SECONDS EAST AND A DISTANCE OF 23.51 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE SOUTH 3]. DEGREES 43 MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE OF 125,45 FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING. o INSURANCE o PUBL A PAGE ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-1 (RequiremenEs) Our Order # VC257524 The following are the requiremenEs to be complied wiEh: L. Palment, Eo or for t,he accounE, of t,he granLors or morLgagors ofthe fulI consideration for Ehe estsate or interesE to be insured. 2. Proper instrument (s) creating t,he eslace or int.eresL to be insured must be execut.ed and duly filed for record, to-wit.: TT{IS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLTCY WILIJ BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. THE COUNTY CI,ERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETIJRN ADDRESSES ON DOCIJMENTS SENT FOR RECORDING!! PAGE 3 ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order # VC257524 The policy or policies Lo be issued will contain exceptions to Lhe following unless the same are disposed of Lo Lhe satisfacLion of the Company: 1. Standard ExcepE.ions l- through 5 prinEed on the cover sheet. ^-^ ^^^b. 'r'axes ancl assessment.s not. yet due or payable and special assessmenE.s not yet cerEified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments againsL said Iand. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RTGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VETN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOUI.,D THE SAIVIE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN IINITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AugusL L1, 1-900, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 235 AND IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 4, 191.8 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 301. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN IJNITBD STATES PATENT RECORDED OcTobeT 04, ]-918, TN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 3O].. ].J-. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED OF VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO. ].. 12. EXISTTNG LEASES AND TENANCTES, ].3. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGTON, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTATNED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 23, A976 IN BOOK 247 AT PAGE 555. ].4. AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST IN AND TO THE OIL, GAS AND MINERAI, RIGHTS THEREIN AS RESERVED IN DEED FROM PETER E. KATSOS AND CATHERINE KATSOS TO GUST KIAHTIPES AND NICK KIAHTIPES RECORDED JANUARY 2, 1-950 IN BOOK 165 AT PAGE r_33. 15. RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENTS AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN INSTRUIVIEIJT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27, 1-978 IN BOOK 275 AT PAGE 832 AND SEPTEMBER ]-2, ]-979 IN BOOK 290 AT PAGE 953. 15. TERMS, CONDTTTONS AND PROVTSIONS OF ORDTNANCE NO. 2, FOR WEST VArL LOCAL TMPROVEMEN:r DTSTRICT NO. ]. RECORDED February l-L, 1-988 IN BOOK 478 AT PAGE /l}o - rfl\rlf I ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order # vC257524 t7. ENCROACHMENT OF STRUCTURE, MECHANTCAL AND ELECTRIC BOX INTO TWENTY FOOT SETBACK AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING DATED OCTOBER ].8, 1988 JOB NO. L26. ].8. ENCROACHME}TT OF ASPHALT PARKING AND II|IIJITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY EAGLE VATLEY ENGINEERING DATED ocToBER l-8, L98B JOB NO. 126. ]-9. ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE THE INSURED SHAIJIJ SUSTAIN DUE TO CURB ENCROACHMENTS ONTO TRACT A, C AND NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD AS SHOWN ON ALTA/ACSM SURVEY PREPARED BY INTER_MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING LTD. DATED AUGUST 13, 1995, PROJECT NO. 95-02675. PAGE 5 oo I,AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Required by Senate BiIl 9l--14 A) The subjecE real properEy may be located in a special Eaxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdicLion may be obtained from lhe County Treasurer or the County Tr.easurer' s aut.horized aqent, C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districLs may be obEained from t,he Board of CounLy Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or Ehe CounEy Assessor. Required by Senate Bill 92-L43 A) A CertificaLe of Taxes Due Iisting each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer or Ehe CounLy Treasurer' s authorized aqen! . ?.r*o Ni :1450 \DO 81658 . TEXACO i t450 \DO 81658 il/est VniL Assrci frles 212l l/. Frotr*qe Rt #lo/ /n'' t- / G, tlbfr s- ln ?efuo kan froTerlies,Tre, 333 W. llangdet AUa S,ail" soo Eryf e ureoA, Co, V0//0 cwt T u c,otrte rttul fr, rTo, L{oO e , 3ou{h 0r L sN do , F/n, 5+, Sdfe,ftl 3?8 0l THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the MunicipalCode of the Town of Vail on June 23, 1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request to amend Chapler 18.71-Additional Gross Residential Floor Area of the Town of Vail Munibipal Code, with the addition of a new section pertaining lo the addition ol new GRFA created by the conversion of interior space in existing dwelling units. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Russ Forrest A request lor a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of the Alpine Garden Education Center, located at 620 Vail Valley Drive/Tract A, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Alpine Garden FoundationPlanner: George Ruther A request for a conditional use permit and a variance from Section 18.22.140 {On-Site Required Parking), to allow lor lhe operation of a real estate office in the Swiss Chalet, located at 62 East Meadow Drive/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village l st Filing. Applicant: Johannes FaesslerPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request lor a variance from Section 18.30.060 (Setbacks), to allow for a canopy to be located in thd front setback and a variance from Title 16, to allow the rooftop sign to exceed 20 sq. ft. laLd to allow a free-standing sign to exceed 8'in height and 20 sq.lt. in size, located at 2313 {6rrn Frontage Road Wesflrdct B, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. R7 Applicant: Dick Dilling, represented by JMP Architects Planner: George Ruther A request for changes to an approved development plan, to allow for the removal of a bicycle path, located at Innsbruck Meadows on Kinnickinnick Road. Applicant: Bob Borne, represented by RKDPlanner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Section 18.28.070 (Setbacks) and a conditional g91ne11!t for an outdrior dining deck, to allow for a deck expansion at Crossroads, located at 143 East Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Mountain Top lce Cream (Haagen Daz), represented by Bill Pierce Planner: Dominic Mauriello An appeal of a staff decision regarding a plopole.d b,aning c€ge.on_the.o,utdoor dining-deck ol Cartbn's Saloon, located at 143-East MeiOoi,v Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Appellant: Dave GartonPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a tinal review of a zoning code amendment, to allow for outdoor commercial ski stora'oe. as a conditional use and to ailow for commercial ski storage (indoors) in all building leveli. bcated in the CCland CCllZone Districts. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represenled by Joe Macy Planner: Lauren Walerton The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular.office hours in the prbiect planner's offics locatod at the Tbwn of Vail Community Development Departmenl, T5 Soulh Frontage Road. Sign fanguage inlerpretation available upon requ€st with 24 hour notification. PlEase call 479'2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Dopartment Published June 6, 1997 in the Vail Trail. *. l* . .a.l o TILE COPY TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Junc 25, 1997 D e p a r un e nt of Co mm uni ty D eve lop me nt Mr. Rogcr Landing JMP Architccts. lnc. P.O. Box 2007 Avon, Colorado tt 1620 Rc: Wcst Vail Tcxaco DRB application Dcar Mr. Landing: I havc complctcd a prcliminary rcvicw of thc DRB application for thc proposcd improvcmcnts to ihc Wcst Vail Tcxaco. I havc schcdulcd thc DRB to rcvicw your application Wcdncsday, July 2, 1997. To rcmain on thc schedulc, you nccd to submit somc additional information. Plcasc submit thc following information by Tucsday, July l: l. Plcasc submit o matcrials board showing thc cxtcrior colors and matcrials of thc building. 2. Plcasc submit plans showing thc dcsign, sizc and location of thc signs proposcd on thc propcrty. Thc signs must comply with thc sign variancc rcqucst approvcd by thc PEC on Junc 23,2997. 3. Plcasc submit lighting calculations indicating that thc proposcd outdoor lighting conforms with thc Town's Light Ordinancc. Should you have any qucstions or conccrns, plcasc do not hcsitatc to call. You can rcach me at 479-2145. Sincercly, /1.-^+R'rttu4 Gcorgc Ruthcr ' Town Planncr {j *""r"rro ru", '. .r. Tr-_r[._tt"l crF r-JFt I t- l'li=cel I aneous tash r:li,-J4-'Ji lf,: :ll i lrt:r F;:c+iit + :IF-' "4'lP.,, .,,,.,t ++ i-:l'' + i 1 '1 1 i !:;iiHl.u1t.'F;A FIE , . I!], ri:1r1 i.itri,ir-lnt. t'':rr':ri!'B'J l I tem Faitt Frror-rn1 Fsid rji-i:1$Uij4tf:11tJr:{ti Stlf i:1t:1 l-.:i!*i-rq* f ji? t ti f"fleii a' I I : ji ' THlat-lt< -LJcll-l ij,:ur,:ashier E:EQTHF{ fG?,,t..t George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail R. Thomas Morehead, Town Attomey Russell Fonest, Director of Community Development FILE COPY TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t 38 FAX e70-#;?##lt,r,,ss Mr. Dick Dilling West Vail Texaco 35 Road Palisade, Colorado 8 I 526 Re: Freestanding sign violation Dear Mr. Dilling: On June 23, 1997, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission approved a sign variance request for the West Vail Texaco. The Commission's approval, in part, states that "the maximum sign area of the freestanding sigt located on the southeast comer of the property shall not exceed 20 square feet in size." According to information supplied by your represenlatives, the sigr exceeds 23 square feet in size. This is a direct violation of the Commission's approval. Section l14B-7 of the Municipal Code prescribes the development standards for freestand.ing signs. Pwsuant to subsection 114B'-7 (BX7), lighting offreestanding signs shall be indirect or pan-channeled. Back lighting or intemal illumination is not permitted. The intemal illumination of your sign is in direct violation of the Municipal Code. As we have discussed on previous occasions, you need to resolve the sign violations. Upon receipt of this letter, please contact me lvithin five business days to so $'e may discuss the sign violations. Failure to resolve the sign violations will result in the Town issuing a citation for noncompliance with the Municipal. If the sign violations are not conected by Janury 4,1999,I will have no choice but to issue you a citation and proceed to municipal court. Again, upon receipt of this letter, please contact me rvithin five business days. You can reach me mosl easily by telephone at 479-2145. I look forward to your cooperation in resolving tbis matter. Sincerelv. sent via certified mail Xc: {,P *"n""to '^'"* TOWI,I OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2100 M)(970-479-2157 June 24, 1999 Dick Dilling West Vail Texaco 35 Road Palisade, Colorado 8 1526 RE: Inevocable Letter of Credit Dear Dick, I have received your request to release the performance bond required to secure the completion of the items incomplete at the time of T.C.O. In response to your request, I completed an inspection of the West Vail Texaco. Upon completion of my inspection, I have determined that all of the incomplete items at the time of T,C.O. have been completed to the satisfaction of the Town. Therefore, the $4,625.00 held pursuant to the I€tter of Credit #3 l0 with WestSrar Bank is no longer required. Should you have any questions or concems, please do not hesitate to call me. You can reach by telephone at 970- 4'19-214s. Sincerely, rQR*u' George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail {jrnnuor^o' r-- :co--rtlty Development Ptan Routfi ,o.- Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Larry Pardee, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Retum To:George Ruthcr, Community Development Wcst Vail Texaco 2313 N. Frontage Rd. W. Tract B. Vail das Schone iect Description: Approved X Denied (cite detailed. lonAitions dI' d" oufc\g pqr tarn<{ lot leot ere^r trt ( ons ocrd <o\\<:.Jt.s pqr.rdrnQ arcDfid Stfe J g1"'n clrarrraqc, Skroo *.rivre, sr<sJ u-:\r\ be srcr<Zd - /ori(f:}\ P6<vrnq r. Sooce to\:e desiqned o.v I'x t9 t Plec:e g(oor'6ra o:l-<rmQed frcpcrlqcpvLr<- :;so;ei osd atrt\e {E+c,r + . ?ar<Jt= l ttl'f?' R.cviewcd bv: FILE UUT I TOWN OF VAIL De partme nt of Communiry D eve lo pme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 May 23, 1997 Jane Mack P.O. Box 1511 Vail, CO.81658 FE: Conditional Use Permit Application Dear Ms. Mack: please provide a site plan indicating the proposed location of the greenhouse' proposed parking at a 90 degree angle, and 81t2by 11 reductions of the site plan to-include in the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) packet by noon, Friday, May 3p' 1997' to Dirk Mason at the Customer Service Count"i. pfea6JprouiOithit infottation, in brder to remain on the June 9' 1997, PEC agenda. As I stated in previous correspondence, the proposed location.cannoliTPgd" the business "Jtiuity of the bonoco prop"it'. StroutO'you beiiOe to change to a more suitable location' proper ""iiiid'"tio^ must be prbuidel io adlacenf property owners, and tnis may delay the approval approximately 2 weeks. I will be out of town the week of May 26, 1997. lf you hgrpany questions, please contact Dirk al 47s-2128. /,st \ Sincerely, k\ , J Tammie Williamson Town Planner {g r"n"uor r"* Ftuffif TOWN OF VAIL 75 Soutlr Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 May 19, 1997 Departtnent of Conntunity Development Flowers By Jane P.O. Box 1511 Vail, Co.81658 RE: Conditional Use Permit Application Dear Ms. Mack: This letter is to notify you of several issues relating to your application for a conditional use permit application to sell seasonal plant products need lo be addressed. The goal wqs !q __ bcnedute inis item lor the Planning and Environmental Comntission (PEC) for f/ay 19, 1991.^ . However, after notification, statf was informed by lhe homeowner's association of Casa del Sol that the proposed location of the activity is actually the property of Casa del Sol. I contacted Sonny iasier to inform him of staft's decision to table lhis item to the June 9, 1997, PEC meeting. The 15' parking/access easement located adjacent to the tennis court cannot be blocked, and it is zoned'inappiopriately for this use. Therefore, shoulcl you decide to locate on the Conoco property, you must move lhe greenhouse at least 15' to the east. You must also demonstrate inai tfre pioposed activity will not impede the circulation or operation of the normal business aclivity dt tie gas station. Please provide a site plan showing the proposed location of lhe greenhouse, parking and the parking/access easement on the property. Please indicate on the iite plan tne iocation ol the utilities. In addition, any parking should be proposed at 90 degrees in order to prohibit cars from backing out onto the S. Frontage Road. As information, should you find a more suitable location, staff must notification of adjacent property owners must be provided,subsequently, this process may delayed at least 2 weeks. lt you have any questions' pfease contact me at 479-2142. Sincerely, Cfu_:{ tful;*- Tammie Williamson Town Planner {P*u"'"u"*o From the desk of. , .Tammie Williamson Rrl,ror/ D*/<- ccnwTtA //" 0^/ 5-/z flp7yd4 Z:36 /.-/ lb krvou,t , Yfi,: i xyttf,t" g Crcso. du( S/ s F*F4, f"rv* frto*- fg- & /k / Ja,,.* {{|;: r T'i,,t nvrcLY d- t-lz {p *"ntu, "nr", 51q ,nezitt( CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS be granted in accordance with the,procedure prescribed in Chapter 18.62. (Ord. 16(1978) $ a@); ord. 8(1973) $ 18.s00.) 18.60.060 Criteria-Findings. A. Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the planning commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: l. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the town; 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilrties, and other public facilities and public facilities needs; 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas; 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses; 5. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed use; 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 18.56; 7. Prior to the approval of a conditional use permit for a tinre-share estate. fractional fee or time-share license proposal, the applicant shall submit to the town a list of all owners of existing units within the project or building; and written statements from one hundred per- cent of the owners of existing units indicating their ' -.-"approval, ,'without , condition, ,of .the proposed time- share, fractional fee or time'share license. No written approval shall be valid if it was signed by the owner more than'sixty days prior to the date of filing the application for a conditional use. All buildings (vail 4-7-92) 4n o THEALP ."6 I ^ S€ ao^n Alplne I wllh ground slokes Alplne ll wllh ground boso INE . The Alpine is our porloble sfruclure . Ihe Alpine is ideol . for storfing bedding plonts - lo use os o lemporory soles room . fo prolecl workers from the elemenls . os o sloroge qreo . for relqil operolions (will sit on o solid, cgncrele surfqcel . for indushiol purposes l. I -27- l-2c-t The squore sfeel lubing In oll Nexus sfruclures ulilizes high strenglh golvonlzod sleel. . lls bows ond purlins ole mode ot 1/2" squore high-slrenglh gol- vonized squore sleel lube ond con be covered wifh poly or shoding cloth. . The Alpine is ovoiloble eifher wilh ground sfokes os lhe Alpine I or wilh o ground support frome os lhe Alpine ll. . lt is eosily erecled - NO speciol lools ore required. . Afler il hqs done its job, it con be disossembled ond slored - or moved lo q new site. . ll con olso be extended of o future dote. . In qddition, our Alpine ls verY competifively priced! Nexus Greenhouse Systems Designed with the Grower in mind. o T*rLtuQ r.rithin said ca:---^-* '-.1 lhe further righc to cut nF said easetnenL, which irc !'rl I cnnu'lit tc' sLrii:c I:ce S?. (l0n'l and to its successors and machine work or otherwist', trees, evcn thou(th outsidc |'nool Ill' I'tlfle 204 ir'l"l'llS'l : i'l"'" : :i'l /i'l'l: ('l :l!- - ( 1)l '\'i'\' .r! ltl, 'l'ltl Irr1,.,1,ri1,,1 1'r"r'r':n I o l:::lffl "Yil;8?,1'l;,,frf10"' rs' re80 tiarrc (;o"ntv HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. RIGIIT-OF-WAY EASEHENT KNOW Ar.t, MEN ltt TllEsE PRESSNTS, that the undersigned' vATL CITY CORPORATION, A Colorado Corporation (hcrainafter called 'GranEor") for a good and valuable considera!ion' thc io"irilrf -*f,orcof is noiu uy -i"x nowl edqed , does hereby qranc unto llol,Y cnnss ELEC'I'llIC ASSOCIATIoN, INC., a coopcraErve corporation whose nost offico adclrt:ss is P.O. Drawer 250, Glenwooa Sprinq",'iotoiaao (hcre'inafter called ,,crontcc,') and bo iti succossors and assigns, the right of. ingress and cqrcss across lands of Cranlor, -situate in the C6uniy of naqlc, St' te of Colorado' rlcscr ibed as fol lows: 'l'hilb Part of the southcast one-quarter of the southeasb one-quartcr ot Sect ion tr, iownsnip 5 sotrth, Ranqe 8l west of the 6th P'M' as rccor<lorlinBooklTTatt'a(tcl4land2t5inEheofficeofthe'i..l('|l(-'(:ounhy Clerk and Recordor' This parcel presently occupied by hhe Vnil F.:xxon. And, to construcL, rcconstrtlct, enlarqe, oPcrate, r'lainLain.and renove an r.lcctric transmissio"-"i-JiiUtibution'line' or system, within Lhe abova mcntioncd lanrls, uPon an casemcnt dcscribed as follows: An o.lscmr'nt 24 fcc! in wi(lth, l>einq 12 fcet on cithcr side of thc folltlwin.l dcscribe<l c{)n t i:r l inL': Beclinn incJ aE a point on Lhc northeasterly Iine of said.tract' OZ.SI feet souCheasterll' of thc southcrlv InEerstatc llighway No. ?0 riqhE-of-way lini:, cxLendin(t Lhence s4lotl'42"8 a distance of I15.25 feet. Toqebher with eascments as required for anchoring structurcs which shalt be located on or near the described centerl inc' And, in acldition, Cranlor hereby qranEs to (;rancee, assiqns, the riqht to clear all trees and brush, by Llrc wirls irt fallin't. Grantor agrees that aII polcs, wire .rnd other facilitias installcti rrn tho above describcd lincls, shall remain th..r [)r()p(rrt]' ()f Grantec' be removable at Ehe option of Crantec. (;rantor covenants that iE is the owncr of the above describt'd lancls, and that the said lands are free and clear of cncumbrancrls an<l I it'ns oi whatsoel'er character, cxccpt those hcld by the followinq: To ^vti Ai\iD To ltof ,D, s.'rid r iqht-of -way an<l cast-'nt-nt , t''.lrt hcr wi th al I nncl sin<lular thc ri hLs and privileqcs al)pcrtainin<l th,'r.-..(), unto :rJn!('c, its succcr ss() r s -n(l assi(lns, forcver. I:,t trIT\I;SS tillnlll.:.)t'. (;rantor has c;rtrso<l thosc !.rr.sr'nts tr) tr' .l"rl',' t'r:t'ctlt('(! on this _i-',-t 11_ tl.r'r',ri --._;11't t'r''i'r,'r'-----,-------., lq3t). h','(.;rnntce an<l sha I I / ll ,,--'1 -'r: t.'A I l. {'I 'l r_'t'i !'\t-,L t\.tIr.ll.|.,-('o I rr 1.1111y i n:i t \.gr l-r'-r'r" --- .1s ).:'t '.i.riil--.:.' !. j- | ...'-(:()rl)()fnt i ()n. I r\f 1.'.i I tlt:s t,.:.. ,1.r... ,,. -.. t t.. t i' t'n* - i'l1iir',;i.rrt'i,rr, ,t i.jl1':il:r;ji nr:' lt.ur(i .,,rl,i ,,t'l t.:t-ri :;r'.ti !rl1' c<rnun i ss ion t,s1ri rasz'..'/,,/t-i a t-,'..t. ''t. ''". ":. 3E$ *$, !*.roiir.r^iErif, i'1 iti r i!DOC o. oo Ir|.l as dlscloscd ln tho iiubllc rccord. rrr,_, r\tlrirtr.,r$. rNrr\\{r fir r\{rnr d y'r tvrt,l\ |{r rr,..r"fA*!trrffr*fr.r.Af!!rrtu{din(rrrtr. r-\a ,, ,t I .-. : ;*;., :l i ynt r crt' Vrr I I Clt.y r66t 'or '^orl .alt I'riE::.fti-ii Ir0drnl d0 tlvtt ltnJ litvt0n,. . . ruD JIUlRrrt r _..,., .,' ll,-s.tt |1t.t,r^ -:').-. l':lty !n $'hi( h. tl'!' tn,lcrty rl$riir^.-rt i sco ixhi;ii?T'i; , ,i \ i r:,;!: "i;-.Sl ili!iji:,.- I ::::::::::::, : Y,iA:;l ::;.' :l:i"ffii'i' tHn*rr*+r*n.'ffi ,uo*f *;t-'dii'J'.,::ffi i$:il#.F;'ijl;;l,;.i I i! il. 3 {,., B iiIililiill,lrl:';ll;l.h:I::i;ii::::,tji'll;:::;i:;i::];:.'i:,i":;:;l;l1lif.i:ii;::ii:,:il],;i:"j.iill:i't;l:ii*;|l';'il}:]lJii]:il r.'.|l"f'"\,F|Idt';iiN{,'...''':;i;i.;;i.;;;Tij|'Dti]|rhJddi{kv\'o[H"6.Jnl^{'-'nrN..'i.''|ntrtr{(h.II'lnrA.'ri.'L|'..||"|hl*\|-.I..h{u".'":l;"i;i;;;..i,iifl11liiJ1':l''lj,j.',ili.il;:;iil1T:l}sl.li]'ll.l'.iu*;..,t*i'ii.'ri'i]]iiiJl$ - I '.'i:"";*" *'.., n' 'h*'{^rr''rD dr* F"*;'.. nI i';J.;;i Fii'i;;i.fiiili.;il'rli;6n;i.riv.",,r.*... **n rr* p*rrr",rr"mmn rrr; ;.1",*;;;, ll;.';f.,::i:- :i:'-.:. J*;:i[:W,-Tff]-.tr l:l.ul:1.:rl,::j;j:l:ii.ry;,:.:ltr-i,,Triil!:$iTi,itr,",..lTlit.fril,i:t,ltiT"T;3.,,.1,.f1fr,D{nhrlrn nr F\r rh,,,,,1,I''!.||r||J||h(rll|tr|Jir$lltr|(h$t'{\d'r.N^.Idl.i'.l".t.nrr*..rrqir..ic.' .", ' :r. :: ,-r:i;:,lCrl.tt,Atiii',x:i+u,,ii,itl,,-iirilt*t$i'li,qitr3.i*l-"1-Yrded bv raw. ttn,1"..t,t.i'n..*"r.r.i.'ti...*'i"J.j:,'..r"i',ii1|.r.i.",ii.i'l.T.*.r'.,r,u.rrr*..*-'.r',"'"i;iiil.i ifl,i:lI.;ll:;.}:}::l"'..r|tnh|U(nl.|rt|lq.rhhF^**""i'.t.i.ii.il.r'.ir..rrnt\rrnr ,rr.rrn[. i'-'!s, r! rN ll'Irartr rardH) rr ,ft\rn(l i) ,hr nr(t !!t .rrL,l,ti.*r.rr.nilrr*.|''r!t...iu'n\t$''||iA|Lt.;|*|.|lt,l||xr|.'J|i:Td't',.".l.''ttr"r''.r'''1"p,.i;;;li';".ii]'lll'ij'"'"|rJ$n|r||$.(|i||\I{r,r|.*,,".u,n.,''.jl**,'' ; ::i;li n 5r ml l.r Es U, 15' d; 5p Pl( 5p ta dc hc tc( cu. anoli aft ar1( to rI ab( all i w/\ ,srA,(4' 'B-go9 ra; i!x;!i'.r;Jli: rf$ fi'.O7/lt/89 l? t A2.PGEOF'']. : :i;r}rl i,sj:i f,ii* .r'i: I li*, iti l' i'i ,ri:' ;'ql 'r irl /, J i;'1i,I l ;:i.,!i:' ilii, i'lr;:i''i r,I..i''::.[lk . ] Itii: .4"1r;f l;# k ,ir''i;,r -i &L1tlt *t{i F,iii tii$i' h1',.,;.,l r,? I fr -, :1{ri,:t',, :', :r ', ' t.l,i.+;J. .,'- ] , S:p11. I991 3:C3Pll FrUitl:r RRST AMERICAN HERITAGE'I.ITLE CO 318 Brordwny, F.agte, CO 81631. (970) 328'5211 ':,'it;y," 1. z. COMIVIITMET'{T sqBEgglE r crrulEnsnt blo: EE43 0 9339 5-2 CorE:[EaesL Datst gGPuc[$ea 12, 1995 et 9:00 'L M Pottcy or: Pollslsr le br Larurdr (r) os:ra!! Pollty ' 93e9odrd lDrur'd3 Eoll,cy laou4g $ lBD 3 . Fre Sbpl. t !,t6rcre :Ln tshe 16.ud de tarlbcd ln tble c@Dlt[rst lr oraad' aE tD€ Cool,tocut Drte bI; VaIl city Cgrporation,, a Colorado corpgration t. Ebc lradl rctelr.dl bo la tblr conltucat ir dlrscrllrdl eg follcrr: l[hat portlon of Ehe southeast Ll4 of. souEbeaac L/4 of Secglon 11, TarrDshlp 5 South, Range Ul wesc oi tbe 6Lll Prlnclpal Meridlan' EaEIc- couttty' colorado' which beglns at a pont on the SoutheasEerly right of way line of Int'eretatg Itlghway No- 70, wiricfi point o! beglnnlng IiEg SouEh 86'14'?2' weats r distanee of 1200.64 feet "rri lfo"rf,4g.oo,St. Easl a distans€ of 380.04 f,eeh of the gcutheas! c.ornGr of said Seqtion :lI, lnenc€ alortg uaj'd righ! of irsy Nortb 44'01'05' EasE a di.stanoe of 190'0 Feeti thence South 45'58'55' East a diEcahce ot 22g.5O feet, Tbence NoEib S5-J6't'3" w€st a disuarrse of 29T '94 foet to che Poin! of beglnning County of Eagle, Stale o! Colorado. (Ear informatlonal purposes onlyl 2154 south F:onta'ge Road PREI{IWI Oomer's Poliqy OglzLlg6 13:21:00 lf !S 149 ,00 or,ro,i3'',!l'!1!,: r'2fJPN ir'Ff !'''cL: titollcE Eo PROSgEgtrvE ffllERS (A STAfEMBIT IdADE AS REQU1RED BY COLORA9O TNSUR.IIICE REEUI,ATION I 6rE PROt:EetrIoB ntrcn thie coltpany condhlnrs the closlng anil is responsible for reeording or filing ttre legal docurnengs resqltslng fron ehe transaction, ib" corpany sball be responsible lor all rnrlEecs wrricu .pp"ii-or, *i" reaorrd 3rttor to such tine of recording or fl1Lng' Il !|ECEI!XIC'8 tIEs DBClEClrgu If you are a Inryer of a eingle farnily reaidence you nily reques! necbanic's llen aoverog. Eo be lsgued on your pullry of lnourance ' If the properEy being Purcbased bag rlus been the lubjccE of, eonsEEuctLon' inprovenents or repair in-tle last slx nonlhs prior l,o the date of this coucri Ement tb6 rcquirements will be paynent ol the t1'ptop-"t"tt prEurium and thc coaploclon of, ln iiirli"it and rndennitv uv lle eeller' IftheproPertybeingpurohasedwasconslructe.l'irnprovedorreFalredw|Ehinsi,g Fonglrs pzior bo the d;i;-;f'lbis counitrrent tbe reguirenen!' nay lnvolve dlsuloeuc: of c€rcain finanoial iuformatlon, Pa)dren! of prernits ' and lndenrrity' qnonE others ' ThnEenelalrequlrementsstaLedaboveEregubjecctotberevlslonanil'approval o E Ebe Compalry - S?ECIAI, INTING DISIRICT NOTICE U!tfotieocivenrnConformllywitbsect,ionto-tF:2zc'R's.}.. fbe subJrct l4nd a,oy be locsted in a rFeelal haxing dletric!;- a cettif,icate o! ioxes due listlnE eacrr taxtng juri"afceion srrall be obtained fronr the c ount]t treasur€r or lhecounEytreasu'r'r,saqhhorizedtrEcnt'enill'nfomafinnregardlngspeclaxdiBtricts and the boundariee of, suctr distrlcts rnay b€ obtained frou tbe board of agunBy conmlssioners, lng county t:ltrlk anil rccolder' oE bhe county hssFFgor' :. Fon Fo. 1344-81 .lco'881 l!!;[ llaln !*rgurgr c@d'tEcnE 9Cf,EDDITBB-5'crlool ora!6r No. Es430S2895-? noqrlroantt ryto lollorlng rcqulrrn*aEa ulgt br nctr (a) pag the agrnad am.lrrni',.r for the int€rost in lhe Iand and/or for the moregage tg b€ lneurad. (b) Day ut the prcrnirr'nc, €eea end charges fo! t'he pali.:.-y (r-) obEain a ccrt{ficacG of, !A).eE due frorn thc countY t!e.lBu!ez: or ths' c ou$ey breauurer's autholized agent ' (ctl the follov'rlng docuJnenrs saEisfacLe€y uu ur trusE be cigncd' dcllvorcd cnd rccorded 3 ]'.5hisco&[itnren!lssubjec!EoguchEurEhBtD.cepElonEand/orRequirenenLsas nay appear necessary when the oame ot the (PraPcs€d InSUred' 5chedul6 A, ltear 2A) has been dlscloged' 2, Corwllance with bhe plovlsions of sec!,ion 3g'L4-tc2, colorado Revlsed st'atuEes' r€quiring "oropietion and fillug of a Real Prope'lly Transfer DeclaraEion' 1. Evldence sauisracEory to the colrPanit of compliance witb an ordlnance enacEing a real €sbEce Eransfer tax within tha fown of Vait tog'Eher wilh all arnendmenls thereto. NollEr rF TrrE slLEs pErcF: oF Tl{E SUBiIECf PROPERTY EI(CEBDS s100,0cJ.00 rHE SEIJLER g!t]\LL BE BEQUIRED lto col&LY WJTF TrE DtsclosuRE oR IIITIiHOIJDING PROVISIONS OF C'R'S' 39-22-60C.5 ( Nolts.ES r DENE Wr$IHOLDTNG) ' 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 April29,1997 Janc Mack c/o Flowcrs by Janc P.O. Box l5l I Vaii, Colorado 8l65tt Departrnent of Conrmunity Developnent RE: Wcst Vail location Dcar Janc: Thank you for spcaking with nrc latc last weck, rcgarding your Wcst Vail-rctail location, adjaccntto thc Wcst Vail Tcxaio. I ttiought it would bc hclpful to put in writing somc of thc issucs wc discusscd' As you arc aware, your busincss usc and location is considcrcd a legal non-conforming use, according to ilrc Town's ZoiingCoder. This usc rvas approvcd by Eaglc County and subscq.ucntly-, annexcd into thc 'fown of Vail. Tlrc I'own lras rccognizcd thc Eaglc County approval and has allowcd your usc to coutinuc at this location on a scasonal basis. Thc 'Iown is vcry scnsitivc as to your conccnls rcgarding lltc consltrtclion of thc Wcst Vail rottndabouts. Wc acknowlcdg6 that thc construition activitics miay prohibit you sctting up shop at this location for thc 1997 spring scison. Additionally, as you and I discusscd, thc final roundabout configura.tio-n Ta_I.11.9t providb anlnplc arca to supporl youi busincss in thc futurc. You agrccd to confirnr with Dick Dilling ihc location of thc wcstcrn iiopcrty linc of thc Tcxaco station, in ordcr to vcrily this. As I mcntionc{ on thc phonc, thc l{cavy Scrvicc Zonc District (gcncrally thc scrvicc stations) allows for "scasonal plant produci busiucsscs," subjcct to thc issuancc of aconditional usc permit. A conditronal usc pcrmii is rcvicwcd and authorizcd by thc Town's Itlanning and F,nvirorttncntal Commission.(PEC). During thc PEC's rcvicw of a potcntial ipplication, thc issucs that thc PEC would addrcss may.includc parkin-g, acccss to thc sitc, signagc and lilhting. Scttracks and sitc covcragc may also bc considcrations. Ycstcrday, wc rciccived your conditional u;c pcrmit application-. This projcct has bccn assigncd to Tarnmic Williamson, Town Planncr. I underutand that many of thcsc zoning rclatcd issucs rnay seem ovcrly complicatcd, 6ut I would likc to reassurc you that our rolc is to hclp yo-u through this proccss and to ccrtainly-clarifu and put in "English" thc Town's rcgulations. As always,_ if you should havc _any . qucstions br comhcnts'rcgardinglhesc issucs, please lccl frcc to contact eithcr me or Tammie directly at 479-2144 and 479-2142 rcspectively. Sinccrclv. , , ilkh,ll'\r'("- Assistant Director of Community Developmcnt MM/jr rc: Pam Brandmcyer Tom Moorhead Ludwig Kurtz Tammie Williamson {9 rr"rruoru"* o o Tl^,*t* lo /a'nz-/"rr-,t ,hr./,-Crr^. J^t, //olr;u "1/54 /%""4oQ*2, .//"ta'riA- ie84 / fr""ZVuCA"z' /rt'/ C*,[4/,a. ,zofi/ %*/./^fu, A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a seasonal structure to be erected for the Bfrrpt[e ot ieiting seasonal plairt products, located a'.2154 S. Frontage Road/(Conoco)' Lftnerally located at:.-A THAT PoRTIoN oF THE sE 1/4 oF sE 1/4 oF SEoTIoN 11, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 81 WEST oF THE 6TH p.Ivr. eeotECOUI'jTY, COLORADO, WHICH BEGINS AT A-POINT ON THE SOUTH. .- EASTERLv nroit-or-wnv lrrlr oF INTERsTATE HGHWAY No.70, wHlcH PoINT oF BEGINNING ttes see" razi"w n otsrarucE oF 1200.64 FEET AND N4B"oo's7"E A DlsrANcE oF 380.04 FEET oF THE sE conxEn or sAlD sEcloN 11, THENcE ALoNG sAtD RTGHT-oF-WAY N44"01'Os"E A DtsrANcE orl'sb.o ri.,'1ueruce sqs"!e'ss"E A DrsrANcE oF 229.50 FEEI THENoE N85"36'13"w A DtsrANcE oi zs7.si FeEi To rHE porNT oF BEGTNNING. TRAcr ooNTAINING 0.s00 Ac. rHls rrEM "it alt"tfilr8uB PRoPERW NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vait *if f hold a public nearing in iccordance viith Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal.Code of the fown of Vail ori May 19, tgdZ, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit, !o ajlow lor the construction ol ine-nfpine Garden Education Center, located at 620 Vail Valley Driveffract A, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Alpine Garden FoundationPlanner: George Ruther A request to establish a Special Development District #35, the Austria Haus, located at242 East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract C, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss amending the Town of Vail Zoning Code to create a new zone district (PA-1). Applicanl: Sonnenalp Properlies, Inc. represenled by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther A request lor a worksession to discuss amending_the oflicial Town ol Vail Zoring lylaP. t9 rezorie the Austria Haus property, located at 242East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract C' Vail Village 1st Filing, to PA-1. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther A request for an interior remodel, u!!l!4ng the 25_0 Ordinance, located at 120 Willow Bridge Road, Unit s-KLot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1st Filing- Applicant: Stanley and Cecelia Schocket, represented by Kyle Webb Planner: Dirk Mason A request for the PEC to review and make a recommendation to the Town Councj!.on public view'Conidor methodology and criteria lor the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Area. Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Susan Connelly Applicant: Jane MackPlanner: Tammie Williamson o The aoolications and information about the proposals are avallrble br FbIc in3pectbn dudng regular office hou6 In the prbioct planrrr's offbe located at lhe Torm ol Vail Community Dovelopment Department, 75 Soulh Fmntagp Road. Sign lar€uage interpretation availabls upon r€quest with 24 hour mtification. Plcase call 479'21 14 voico o t 47g'2i!n TDD for intormatlo n. Community DewloPmont DePartment Published -iitay 2, 1997 in the Vail Tnil' brd,. \ r : COPYflLt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-2452 April29,1997 D e partm ent of C onrrnu n ity De ve lop rne nt Janc Mack c/o Flowcrs by Janc P.O. Box l5l I Vaii, Colorado 8l65tl RE: Wcst Vail location Dcar Janc: Thank you for spcaking with nrc latc last wcck, rcgarding your Wcst Vail^rctail location, arljaccnt to thc Wcst Vail Tcxaio. I thlought it would bc hclpful t6 put in writing somc ol thc issucs wc discusscd. As you arc awarc, your bu.siniss usc and location is corisidcrcd a lcgal non--confomling usc, according to il'c To*n's Z6iingCoder. This usc was approvcd by Eaglc County and subscq.uently., anncxcd into thc '1own of Vail. Tlrc'l'own has recognizcdihc Eaglc County approval and has allowcd your usc to continuc at this location on a scasonal basis;. Thc Town is vcry scnsitivc as to your conccnls rcgartling thc construclion of thc Wcst Vail roundabouts. Wc acknowlcdg6 that thc construction activitics m-ay pro-hibit you sctting up shop at this location for thc 1997 spring scason. Additionally, as you and I discussed, thc final roundabout configura_tio-n TaJ.lgt providb an-amplc arca to suppori youi busincss in thc futurc. You agrced to confirnr with l)ick Dilling ihc location of thc wcstcrn fropcrty linc of thc T'cxaco slation. in ordcr to vcriiy this. As I mcntioned on thc phonc, thc I'lcavy Scrvicc Zonc District (gcncrally thc scrvicc stations) allows for "scasonal plant produci busiricsscs," subjcct to thc issuancc of alonditional usc pcrnrit. A conditional usc frcrmii is rcvicwcd and authorizcd by thc Town's Planrring arrd H,nvironntcntal Conrmission.(PEC). During thc PEC's rcvicw of a potcntial application, thc issucslhat thc PEC would addrcss may.includc parkirig, acccss to thc sitc, sigriagc and lilhting. Sctbacks and sitc covcragc may also bc considcrations. Ycstcrday, wc rcccived your conditional usc pcnnit application^. This projcct lras bccn assigned to Tarnmic Willianrson, Town Planncr. I undcritand tlrat nrany of thcsc zoning rclatcd issucs. may scenr ovcrly complicatcd, but I would like to rcassurc you that oul rolc is to_ hclp yo^u through this proccss and to ccitainly ctarifi and put in "English" thc Town's rcgulations. As always, if you should havc any - questions "or comincnts'rcgardinglhcsc issucs, plcasc Tccl frce to contact cithcr mc or Tammie dircrctly at 479-2144 and 479-2142 rcspectively. Sinccrclv. . . illh,ll,ill- Assistant Director of Community Devclopmcnt MM/jr cc: Pam Brandmeyer Tom Moorhead Ludwig Kutz Tamrnie Williamson HANGINO BASKET5 'ANNUALS ' PINf,NNIALS .rl|e L U.ck P.o. Box l5lI r v ll coSl65a {p r""r"rro ru", z -1 z Z. z 6r z m mIzo o 51A. J04.63.05 CHAMONTX RD. LT. TO SIA.275,AO & NW RAMI' LT. RLQ'O JOg L.F, CURB & GUI IER ] IYPE 2 (SECT. IIB) & 24J S,F8 INCII FAIIERNLD CL'NCRL I I sTA.273.36 lO SrA.274.t4,R1 . (MEDIAN TSLAND) REQ'D 165 L.F. CURB & GUI IER TYFE 2,](SECT.IB), 13 s.y. coNcRE rE S|DEWALK (6 tNcH), I poI 1.. a.\|? -,1'ircul-Jtl ll-i6; - -)l'-t6;'so6 Y!> " l 3lJ til : ll' ' ll. ^ - ^, o76.0O5 | l\:-a_--i; - 9 5.Y. CONCREIE CURB RAVP A, ^-- - ::,1279 SF,8 INCH PAI ILRNLD CONCRIIf ZIO 1 I LNIJ 6Hw-naue i ll rl li l1 I ir rt 2i --1rnxia-J ,l Irrt i ,I !i{rirqai (D llollctiz. lr tl ti ll , 1i rrlz c)c m !9 6) --t lr| ItJ> N) !qr coooI P N) rrlz(f ocnqt 6)c{rrl (4 I N @ |'.)o -(,1 6brl -{ z = (t 4 oa ' rrl ,'6 .z F'p i> P z : I TDrrlaz c) q, ac I $ t slA.90.1.J7 lo srA 3o5.12.8,/ RL :i REQ',D 262 L.F. CURU .& cJtllR, lyPr ' (SLCf. flB) 71 S.Y. CONCRETE STDIWALK (6 tNCt{) & I1 SIY. CONCREIE CURB RAMPIt't/\sTA.1gOJ.15 IO SrA. 903.95 DRrVE RT. REO'p 20 S.Y. COTCRErE PAVEMTNT (B |NCH) &J6 LrF. CUI IER T]'PE 21 (8 FOOI) c)I FIx --{ 6) :: I \l srA. qoJ.72 to sTA 904.78 Lr REO'D\171 L.F- CURB & GUTlER IYPE sTA. 425.98 CHAMONTX riD. l T TO STA \gOJ'JO E. NW FRONIACE R0. REO'D 290 L.F. CURB & GIJ]TIR TYPE74 S.Y. CONCRElE STDEWAI.K (6 rNclr) 21 S.Y. CONCRElF- CUfits RAMPS 2 (SE C T. l|B) RT2 (SEC r, flB), & ST Rt_ SI f?E (SPECIAL) (SFECIAL} =rr ., Go C)I t-2rrl Oro :=f=:-=C'tt 6o\, l=r=_G_ u!.-::tL:f1_!Jr-:JlLL.aJ /'i o_Y Nl>'| rdI I *ffffi J,) xWt*i'srl. so,1.gr ro sTA. sos{bo ruEoraN rsralh REO'D JP L.F. CURB & GUTIER lyPE 2 (SE( & 64 s.iF.8 |NCH PATTEIII.IED CONCRETE sIA. J05..]J lo sTA. lz,!.lg rurornr'r ,sr REQ'D 27O L.F. CURB & OUITIR IYPE 2 (SF.C I. II8} & 54 7 S.F. 8 INCH PAI I ERNEI)coircnefir llST^.802.77 TO STA, BO5SIA.802.77 TO STA. B0;5.28 (MEDIAN ISL RTO'D l'4O L.F. CURE & GUIIER TYPF 2 (SECT. IB). IO S.Y. CONCRITE CIJRB RAMPS 216 S,Fi B INCI] PATTERNID CONCRETE t li -(1< < --l - m()+ <r qI zl'lv,,, J ><'o i;a:;2ct 216 S.ri B rNcr] PAIIERNqD CONCRETE,lil sTA. 19?.75 TO ST^.20p.s0, RT. (MEDIAN ISL AND) REO'D II 160 r.q. cuRB & GUI ILfr IYPE 2 (SECI. ?5 S.Yl CONCREIt SIDLiyALK (6 lNClt), 14 s.YicoNcRETE CURSI RAMPS & 26s slr. 8 rNcH PAilE|NED coNcRErE I; I O r,S1 A- 4bJ-84 (MEDIAN ISLAND) .F. Ci-}RB & K]UTTER TYPE 2 (SECT. srA. Jfi4.64.4s cHAMotirk RD. RT. Io sTA. rg8'10 LT. Q NE RI4MP REQ'D IJO5 L.F. CURB 8i! GUIlER, TYPE P (SECT. [B), ]i 26I S.tr.8 INCH PATIERNED CONCRETErl ll- rNcH PATTFRNED coNcRErE TO STA. 424.6J DRIVE RT, l I / I I I t I S.Y. CONCREIE PAVEMENT (8 INCH) GUTTER TYPE 2 (8 FOOI)Iil srA. doJ'so To srA. fio7.82, Rr. [ErqE ;:.'' L.F. cuRB tf ,GUrrER IYPE 2 44JOg Clllt,/ONIX RD. RT. TO STA. BoJ.47 FRONTAGE RD. LI, REO'D 276 L.F. CURB & ib'LtJid' GUTIER. IYPE 2 (SECT. IIB), 8J,.S.Y.. COT.ICRE IE StDtWALK (6 |NCH), 2J '5.Y-CONCRETE CURB RAMPS & 'I5 S,F:8 INCH PATIERNED CONCRETE MATcHtINE rA.ao3'27 TO STA.804-OO DRIVE LT. tO'D 19 S.Y. CONCRETE PAVEMENT (8 INCH)tga.zi JJ L.F. CUTTER TYPE 2 (B FOOI) s1A.803.8r TO Sl A. 804.99 LT. STA. 8OJ.O7 TO STA.80J.48, LT. REO'O 66 S.Y. CONCRETE PAVEMENT (8 INCH) Q'O 169 L.F. CURB & Gt'ITER, S.Y, CONCRETE SIDEWALK (6 TYPE 2 (SECT. IIB). tNcH) & (NE RAMP] unrctrLlG-.--effi. FRoNTft-ITD S. Y. CONCRETE CURB RAA'PS sr INtrc-ls lF la FJI l1 l- -Tl --1 ,6)t rfl ln-{ @o \l i.t .. ; =P r- o -u) Nr-oT'1 \ \ \\\\- \-*'\ \'S \ Nv) \NIJ\4 \ \\\\ N P sTA.9O2.8?,.TQ STA. 90J'2 6, Ll(MIt)IAN,ISI, AND).RE O'D IO7 L:F. CURB. &'CUIITR TYPT 2 (SECT.8 S]Y. CONCITE'I E CURB RAI.'P &ig7 S,F,8INCH PATILRNID coN rvt L r.tr (B tN s\ 4. 424, 29fq5 r A 426n ).4 4. IiL Q'IJ JIB $T.TIR8.ffit'I'IER TYPE 2 (SECT. IIB) 5IA. 42.J.82 1O STA.;424.45 , t REQ',U 13 S.Y. COl.lctRtil E r'A\,rt \rL& -r5 L.F. GUrIF-R llPE 2 (B f ( i' -il I.-.,- t;o tl ti ot fr= -r ii c) (_: ID oc (A o 'u 1 r.l .> t-rrl a) Cz -JJ or- x o z U)-{TC -{ .z. l^l4l0'i,.1 /-tt(o i titQlu, I't€l -{ T I o.J o o0 oo =o l-(l)(l) L-(9 (l) =o (l') o zo aoo !,coo E,Iz FU' d -oo ,(o /,; /(. € / ),',;(r {1. GI +i b{E ES;l:FSk I i g'}.o to. rt Fz3 zoIo6 o:|r o ulu,5o-zldlrl G0 .hDxtrlz (' .dndoo - t.t E q)z JEfo-H p3izG,aPogo olo -/ N$l/x'$ Hl .g; l- sI $ N(.) $t\Jxif -3ia9 eJS::E\.. o 4l o, orcLo'aJ ,)+\.'i'i+ lr!il '.i', -:'$:-.:$j'- O, r'; I :.- \ rrN!;:\U i\ N I 1 $r $s N> G, E!,,oY E5 isfaag, \t \A SAs(') F\zld =E() F z .J E,d g:tEoc'= 'u, =o .cI t: E'o Gt 16x (o c a(L (D -a:F =s(\l t Fz,l! =-J-() E €l 4l CDEtl EIclol =lotmt oFoulzzoo ('\| I h- x o t (? I lrl:a.Faoz,3o(r (, a a€ o CDt o |o N z J r5zqfur OF-< !,t z f;fr ('JF< =ott.El oe* q) \-: F E3 -{F r- c-t\ 9'ti;> x lr'i" /6 t(. I/ '..i (l)a3o co(l) \-(9 (l,Ec'(l') o q I/\ f o:G o lrJatDotztrllrl E,(, aa =xulz (t 5coc't =o =0€ L:Lo(J $J ilx(o ro .E Jo- ott F =*N t F.z.Sl lr.l =l =qE CDLJ<rJ-l !tclol EIml \ N I ..:{dr $r $$ N> E 3l 3g F\z LrJ =-C) F z .J E,_f, ll tdo CN |EoFo IJJzzoo ol IF x g at, rt (') I lrlg.F 0oz.f,oE (, !af,L - \^t S^s\1 Fzf ctE' ogt1-:so[;.o\n \ oz3EDo-c p3<2e9 !.r 65Ct r / NN V'O tl- s a\t N(t) -s tlng; qrl Broi I (\l -!x\f -;E3d ==o\\. g, .cl oqlo,o'aJ 6 -ct ef:.= rr?c' =(,dhr !|\.:€ TrF ee-{|. r- chr 9'ti;> .1 .l)+>..s'i.r lrlil 'a.. ,:. \) :- .J X t,i.\, (' , $.\] l\u ,= l.ilr ' !ll =rnlll; - -=ti*lr trc: 0 19 N zf-E =3:EGtuJ OF-<!r-!:Eo!|lo5F< Nst E\'- 4-24-19E7 2:45PM tuo* oF vA,rL s7@47e"24a VAIL CONOCO SERVICE c.T.s.. tNc. 2154 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD vAtL coLoRADo 81567 (301t) 47&07u FA'( (308) 479-9E87 April26, 1997 Planni4g and Envirorutcntal Curmission Townof Vail 75 S. Frontage Road VEil,,CO 81657 RE: FIOWERS BY JANE Dcar Cormniesiofi Due to thc cotlstructiotr of thc we$ vail Rormdabout bis spring and stiqr]t: it is neocesary to fmdrn altsnate locationf"t;;;il;J-iowcrburincss fo*1y locatcd btlcwestof thgwcst Vail Tcxam station. vail co,noco scrvicc, locetcd on tbc south FrontagsRoaA woutd bc willing to accorrnodatc lanc Mmk in lbc relocetbn of hcr plaot bueincs druing thc qpring and sumnu rrrolths of hcr opcration this Ycar. We have discussed this poasibility and have oqecd ftat the northcast ssroe'f of thc scrvice statiotr lot would aacommodatc fto -t.St"* O*it'g tf,ir time' Please sec thc attacbed nrwey for thc exact rslocation sitc- lf you neod ftrthcr information' plca$o do not hcsitate b codact nc' ' Sincctt8, P_1 . C. B. Castcr' hosidcnt G.T.S. Iac. qo"stil Ca[ the Planning Staffat 479-2138 GENERAL INFORMATION ftris application is for any project requiring approval by Oe Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information. see the zubmittal requiriments for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be accept€d rmtil all required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Rwiow Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) tr BedandBrealf,ast F ConditionalUsePermit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr SignVuiance . tr Variance tr ZoningCodeAmendment B. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOI.JES' TOWNOTVAIL a APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIROI{MENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL tr Ameirdme,lrt to sr Appnoved Development Plan tr Employee Housing Unit (TYPe: tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) tr Special Developme'nt Dishict tr Major u tr Minor Amendment to an SDD C. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT-BLOCK-FILING ADDRESS: D. ZONING: F. OWNER(S) SIGNATIJRE(S): G. NAMEOFREPRESENTATNE: MAILINGADDRESS: PHONE: FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SI]BMIT THTS APPLICATION, ALL SI]BMITTAL REQIIIREMENTS AND THE F'EE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, UILDINC N$V{Y,: Orzettr E. H. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQI.JEST PttoNs: ?4? -/J?6 For Office Use Only: FeePzit 2b oo cw: /f,?? By: ApplicationDatct S' /z - 72 PECMectingDate: coLoRADO t1657. Rcvisd 6D6 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCF A prc-application confcrcncc with a planning staff mcmbcr is strongly cncouragcd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss it is complctc. It is thc applicant's rcsponsibilify to makc an appointmort with the staff to dctcrminc additional submittal rcquircmcnts. II, SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS O FEE $200.00. Thc fce must bc paid at thc time of submittal. O Stamped, addrcssed envelopes anrl a list ofthc names and mailing addresses ofall propcrty owncrs adjaccnt to thc subjcct property, including properties bchind and across streets. Thc applicant is rcsponsible for corrcct names and ntailing addrcsscs. This information is availablc from thc Eaglc County Assessor's ofticc. El A dascription ofthc prccise nature of thc proposcd usc and its operating charactcristics and mcasures proposcd to make thc usc conrpatiblc with othcr propcrties in thc vicinity. Thc dcscription must also addrcss: l. Rclationship and impact ofthc usc on dcvclopmort objcctivcs ofthc Town.2 :.T::tH:-::::i::t:f:lffifl,Tl"1':Tiil,Lll,"1"?l,i#i::ffiiliTJ:xf;,"iilli!l' 3. Effcct upon raffic, with particular rcfcrcncc to congcstion, automotivc and pcdcstrian safcty and convcnicncc, traffic flow and control, acccss, mancuvcrability, and rcmoval ofsnow from thc strccLs and parking arca. 4. Effcct upon thc charactcr ofthc arca in which thc proposcd usc is to bc locatcd, including thc scalc and bulk ofthc proposcd usc in rclation to sunounding uscs, tr A prcliminary titlc rcport. including schcdulcs A and B. to vcri$ ownership and cascmcnts. tr If thc building is condominiumizcd, a lcttcr from thc condominium association in support of the proposal must bc submittcd to staff, Four (.4) copics of the following: O ' An improvement survcy of thc property showing propcrly lincs, locations of all improvcmcnts, topography, and natural feahres, A A sitc plan at a scale ofat lcast I " = 20' showing proposcd development of the sitc, including topography, building locations. parking, traffic circulation, useablc open spacc, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage fcahucs. O Building clcvations and floor plans, at a scalc not smaller than onc-eighth inch equals one foot. Page I of2 o Any additional nlatcrial ncccssary for thc rcvicw of rhc application as dctcrrnincd by thc Administrator. For intcrior modifications. an improvcmcnt survcy and sitc plan may bc waivcd by thc Administrator. PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED, ALL OF THEREQUIRED INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TOBE DEEMED COMPLETE. TIME REOUIREMENTSA' Thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission mects on thc 2nd and 4th Mondays of eachmonth' A complcte application form and all accompanfng matcrial (as dcscribed above) mustbc acceptcd by the Community Dcvelopment Departmcnt by thc appropriatc submittal aiti,---which is a minimum of four (4) wceks prior to tlt date "f th; pEc;Jfi.'ioring. tncomprctcapplications (as determined by thc planning statr) will not Uc acccpiJ B' All PEC approved conditional usc permits shall lapsc if construction is not commcnccd withinonc ycar ofthe date,ofapproval and diligently pursucd to complction, oiiithe usc for which theapprova.l is granted is not commenced within onc year. I II. rv. B. C. If this application rcquires.a scparatc rcview by any locat, state or Fcdcral agcncy othcr than thcTown of Vail, thc apprication fce shart be incr....a uy-szoo.00. Examprcs of such rcview, mayincludc, but arc not rimitcd to: cororado Dcpartmcnt oruign*uy A...;i;;;i;Army corp.s ofEnginccrs 4(X, etc. Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc. for paying any publishing fccs which arc in cxccss of Soyo ofthc application fcc. rf, at thc appricanis icqicst, any mattcr is postponcd for hcaring. causing thcmaftcr to bc rc-pubrishcd, thcn, thc cntirc fcc for such rc-pubrication shalr bc p.ia uy t.applicant. Applications dccmcd by thc community Dcvclopmcnt Dcrrartmcnt to havc dcsigr. rand usc orothcr issucs which may havc a significant inrpaci on thc community may rcquirc rcvicw byconsutrants in addition to Town staff. shoutd a dcrcrminarion b. ;rJ;ltti; iown statrthat anoutsidc consultant is nccdcd,lhc. communify Dcvelopment ocpartmcnt may triic ttre consultant.Thc Dcpartmcnt shal cstimatc.thc amount of ron.y n.".rsary to pay thc consurtant and thisamount shat bc fonvardcd.to thc Town by thc apprlcant at trc emc ornting * ;;ri.",ion.Expcnses incurrcd by thc Town in cxccss ofthe amount rorwarocd by the applicant shall bc paidto the Town by thc appricant within 30 days of norification by th" To;. d;llcss nuros wirrbc retumcd to thc applicant upon revicw cbmpletion. Page? of2 Flowers by Jane Jane L. Mack, Box l5l l, Vail, Co. 81657 (e70)949-63e6 To: Planning and Environmental Commission and Design Review Board Subject: Request for a Conditional Use Permit in order to conduct my flower business at the Conoco Gas Station located at 2154 S. Frontage Road, Vail I have been in the retail sale ofbedding flowers for l l years, formerly located at the West Vail Texaco Station. Due to the construction ofthe roundabout in West Vail, this site is about to be demolished and paved; therefore, I am unable to erect my greenhouse. This request is to relocate this same business at the Conoco site. I am a seasonal business, operating for approximately 6 weeks. This requires a temporary , structure. Iwould €rectth; same greenhouse as I have for the past 9 years. It is ai.lexus hett az') Alpine model, consisting of a tubular frame, covered with viscuine, and an overlay of a shade cloth. I have a sigrl "Flowers by Jane", approximately 5'x 3'. My only requirement in order to operate my business is access to wat€r and parking, both readily available at the Conoco site. I believe my I I year history can speak for itself. There is a definite need for quality and service in providing the Vail area with the bedding plants arrd hangng baskets so necessary for the zummer beautification of the valley. Based on my continuing return customers over the past I I years, I feel that these satisfied clientele can attest to the need for my shop. Compatible use: I think flowers are acceptable to everyone. Impact ofthe use: Enhancing any residential or commercial area. Effect of the use re the public: The temporary seasonality has no effect. Effect upon traffic: I am open l0 to 6 and in my I I years, I have not encountered any traffc problems . Effect upon character: I would like to think that the sale of flowers has nothing but a positive influence. d Ln""eQr,z ?hr/q 7 TEtrlf-{ fiF LJA I L l'liscel I aneeus C€sh !: ri -.,.,:: '- _: i .L .-t ; !!q ; r:..-r ii -.- -',-ri-, t. +,}'- r". +t I ._, : :' i::r t-Jt,.ir.tt:: r:trl it:ji.lE..t:.tll..lt:iiIul.lr{L- l-!:;E FEF:i{iT lliii, ,r.ri' j I. i.,,lt-rr:.r:,i-;-rj .r l*tj. [18 I t-enr paid . r.i! i1:rr:i!+.j. :,.-,iturjl_' l: i :::rf r,:1,:,j 1.,i: l..U!-irg':l .:. Hnoun t paid L:1 !:iai THtrlr-{H r,rSt_l 'i'i,t.it' .-.35r'r1* !' l-;l-'ri I l :l-l RECEIPT- rr Town of \U DATE REICETVED FROM ,l N9 ADDRESS