HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 TRACT C LOT 1 FIRST BANK 1 OF 6 PART 3 LEGALI I t I I I T t I I I I I I I t I I I A. SECTION PART 1 1.1 r.2 1.3 A. 09255 - GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisj-ons of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes the following: 1. Non-load-bearing steef framing members for gypsum board assemblies. 2. Gypsum board assemblies attached to steel framing. SUBMITTALS General: Submit the following according to Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections ' Product data for each type of product specified. Product certificates signed by manufacturers of gypsum board assembly components certifying that their products comply with specified requirements. QUALITY ASSURANCE B. Rel"ated Sections:The fo1J-owing Sections contain requirements that rel-ate to this Section: 1. Division 5 Section "Cold-Formed Meta1 Framing" for load-bearing steel framing. 2. Division 9 Section "Gypsum Sheathing" for sheathing exterior walls. DEFlNlTIONS Gypsum Board Construction Terminology: Refer to ASTM C 11 and GA-505 for definitions of terms related to gypsum board assemblies not defined in this Section or in other referenced standards. A. A. Single-Source Responsibility for Steel Franing: Obtain steel framing members for gypsum board assemblies from a single nanufacturer. B. Single-source Responsibility for PaneL Products: Obtain each type of gypsum board and other panel products from a single manufacturer. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09255 - 1 I I I I I I T I I I I I I I T t I I I (' A. ? A. B. Single-Source Responsibility for Finishing Materials:Obtain finishing material_s from either the samemanufacturer that supplies gypsum board and other panelproducts or from a manufacturer acceptable to gypsum board manufacturer. 1. WaIl surfaces i.ndicated to receive nontextured paint finishes.Ceiling surfacespaint finishes. indicated to receive nontextured L.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Del-iver materi-a1s in original bundLes bearing brand name manufacturer or supplier. packages, containers, orand identification of 1- .7 PART )1 A. B. Store materials inside under cover and keep them dry andprotected against damage from weather, direct sunlj-ght,surface contamination, corrosion, construction traffic,and other causes. Neat1y stack gypsum panels fLat toprevent sagging. HandLe gypsum board to prevent damage to edges, ends, andsurfaces. Do not bend or otherwise damage metal_ corner beads and trim. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Conditions, General: Establish and maintain environmental conditions for applying and finishing gypsumboard to comply with ASTM C 840 and with gypsum board manufacturer' s recornmendations. Ventilation: Ventilate building spaces, as required, fordrying joint treatment materiaLs. Avoid drafts during hotdry weather to prevent finishing material_s from drying toorapidly. 2 - PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS AvaiLable Manufacturers:to compliance with products that may beare not limited to, Subj ect requirements, manufacturers offering incorporated in the Work incl-ude, butthe foLlowinq: Steel Framing and Furring: a. Alabama Metaf Industries Corp. b. Consolidated Systems, Inc. c. DaLe Industries, Inc. ASSEMBLIESGYPSUM BOARD uYzaa - z I I I I ! I I t I I I I I I I I I I I z.z d. Dietrich Industries, Inc' e. Marino Industries CorP. f. Gold Bond Buildinq Products Dj-v., National Gypsum l-n S. Unimast Inc. 2. Gypsum Board and Related Products: ^ l\^*.F-- /'- ra. uomEar bypsum, b. Georgia-Pacific Corp. c. GoId Bond Buitding Products Div., Natj-onaL Gypsum i'- ^d. United States Gypsum Co' STEEL FRAMING COMPONENTS FOR SUSPENDED AND FURRED CEILINGS General: Provide components complying with ASTM c 154 fox materials and sizes unless otherwise indicated. Wi-re for Hangers and Ties: ASTM A 64L, Cl-ass 1 zinc coating, soft temper. Channels: Col-d-rol-led steel, 0.0598O-inch-minimum thj.ckness of base (uncoated) metal and 7/16-inch-wide flanges, and as follows: 1. Carrying Channelsz 1-I/2 inch deep, 475 1b per 1000 feet, unl-ess otherwise indicated. 2. Furring Channets: 3/4 inch deep, 300 Ib per 1000 f eet - rrn I e^qs otherw j-se indicated. 3. Finish: Rust-j-nhibitive paint' unless otherwise indicated. Steel Studs for Furring Channels: ASTM C 645' with flange edges bent back 90 deg and doubled over to form 3/16-inch minimum lip (return) , minimum thickness of base (uncoated) metal and minimum depth as follows: L. Thickness: 0.0179 inch, unless otherwi-se indicated. 2. Depth: as indicated. 3. Protective Coating: G40 hot-dip galvanized coating per ASTM A 525. Steel Riqid Furring ChanneLs: ASTM C 645, hat-shaped' depth of 7 /8 i-nch, and minimum thickness of base (uncoated) metal as fol-fows: 1. Thickness: 0.01?9 inch, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Protective Coating: G40 hot-dip galvanized coating per ASTM A 525. A B. D. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09255 - 3 F. Steel Resilient Furrj-ng Channels: Manufacturer's standard product designed to reduce sound transmissj-on, fabricated from steel sheet complying with ASTM A 525 or ASTM A 568 to form t/2-inch-deep channel. I I t I T T I I I I I I I 1 A. 2.3 STEEL FRAMING FOR WALLS AND PARTITIONS General-: Provide steel framing members complying with the following requirements : Component Sizes and Spacj-ngs: L6" o.c.or as indicated but not l-ess than that reguj-red to comply with ASTM C 754 under the followi-ng maxj.mum deflectj.on and lateral loadinq conditions: a-Maximum Deflection: L/I2Q at 7.5 1bf per sq. ft. Grid Suspension System for Interior Option) : ASTM C 645' manufacturer' grid suspension system composed of furring members that interl-ock supporting network. Fasteners for Metal Framing: Provj-de material , size, corrosion resistance, other properties required to fasten furring members securely to substrates BOARD ASSEMBLIES Ceilings (Contractor's s standard direct-hung main beams and crossto form a modular 2. Protective Coating: G40 hot-dip galvanized per ASTM A 525. Steet Studs and Runners: ASTM C 645, with flange studs bent back 90 deg and doubled over 3/16-inch-wide minimum lip (return) and complying following requirements for mi-nimum thickness (uncoated) metal and for dePth: coatlng edges of to form with the of base fasteners of type, holding power, and steel f ramj-ng and involved; complying 1. Thj-ckness: 0.0179 inch, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Depth: 4 inches, unless otherwise indicated. 3. Depth: 6 inches where indicated. Steef Rigid Furring Channel-s: ASTM C 645, hat-shaped, depth and minimum thickness of base (uncoated) metaf as follows: l-' Depthz 7/8 inch' ce n+r.raruriea inrri- ---, I2. Thickness: 0.0179 inch, unfess otherwise indicated. I D. Furrinq Brackets:Serrated-arm type, adjustabJ-e, fabricated from corrosion-resistant steef sheet cornplying with ASTM C 645, mi-nimum thickness of base (uncoated) metal of 0.0329 j-nch, designed for screw attachment to steel- studs and steel rigid furring channels used for furring. I I I t IGYPSUM09255 - 4 1. A. B. D. I t I I I I I T I I I t I I I T t I T .A with the recolnmendations of gypsum board manufacturers for appli-cations indicated. GYPSUM BOARD PRODUCTS General-: Provi-de gypsum board of types indicated in maximum lengths available to minimize end-to-end butt j oints . Thi-ckness: Provide gypsum board in thicknesses indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, in 5/8 inch thicknesses to comply with ASTM C 840 for application system and support spacing indicated. Gypsum WaLfboard: ASTM C 36 and as follows: 1. Type: Type X where required for fire-resj-stive-rated assemblies. 2. Type: Sag-resistant type for cell-ing surfaces. 3. Edges: Tapered/manufacturer's standard. 4. Thickness: 5/8 inch where indicated. 5. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated in the lrlork where proprietary gypsum wallboard is indicated include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Gyprock Fireguard C Gypsum Board, Domtar Gypsum. b. Firestop Type C, Georgia-Pacific Corp. c. Fire-Shj-eld G, Gold Bond Building Products Div., National Gypsum Co. Gypsum Backing Board for Multilayer Applications: ASTM C 442 orr where backing board is not available from manufacturer, gypsum wall board ASTM C 36' and as follows: Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Board: foLlows: Core, ASTM C 630 and as unless otherwise indicated. d. SHEETROCK Brand Gypsum Panels, FIRECODE C United States Gypsum Co. e. SHEETROCK Brand Gypsum Panels, ULTRACODE United States Gypsum Co. Type: Regular. Edges: Manufacturer's standard. Thickness z 5/8" as indicated. 1. 2. 1 Trzne. Rcnrr1.6g. 2. Thickness z 5/8 inch, Exterior Gypsum Soffit manufacturer's standard indicated below: 1. Type: Regular. 2. Thickness z l/2 inch, BOARD ASSEMBLIES ASTM C 931, with type and thickness Board: edges, of unless otherwise indicated. GYPSUM 09255 - 5 2.5 2.5 A. TRIM ACCESSORIES Accessories for Interior Instaflation: Corner beads, edge trim, and control joints complying with ASTM C 1047 and requirements indicated bel-ow: 1. Material: Formed metal, pfastic, or metaf combined with paper, with metaL compJ.ying with the following requirement: a. Sheet steef zinc-coated by hot-dip process' 2. Shapes indicated below by reference to FiS. 1 designations in ASTM C 104'7: a. Cornerbead on outside corners, unless otherwise indicated. b. LC-bead wit.h both face and back flanges; face flange formed to receive joint compound. Use LC-beads for edge trim unless otherwise indicated- 3. Shapes indicated below and as noted on drawings or equa1. JDM-625 Fry rrJrr molding in al-f condj-tions noted Y.ZO. DCS-625-75 Fry Drywall Channel Screeds for use in all conditions noted 9.27 - Zirnc Accessories for Exterlor Ceilings: Corner beads, edge trim, and control loints formed from rolled zinc complying with ASTM C 1047, in shapes indicated below by reference to ASTM C 1047. JOINT TREATMENT MATERIALS GeneraL: Provide joint treatment materials complying with ASTM C 475 and the recommendations of both the manufacturers of sheet products and of joint treatment materials for each application indj-cated. Joint Tape for Gypsum Board: Paper reinforclng tape' or: 1. Use pressure-sensitive or staple-attached open-weave glass-fiber reinforcinq tape with compatibJ-e joi-nt compound where recommended by manufacturer of gypsum Uoaia and joint treatment rnaterial-s for application indi.cated. Setting-Type Joint Compounds for Gypsum Board: Factory-packaged, job-mixed, chemical-hardeninq powder products formufated for uses indicated. BOARD ASSEMBLIES I I I t I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I h B. A. GYPSUM 09255 - 6 1. ) n A. D. H. I I t I I I I T I I I I t t t I I I I 2.7 I. GYPSUM For prefilling gypsum board joints' use formulation recommended by gypsum board manufacturer for this purpose. For filling joints and treating fasteners of water-resistant gypsum backing board behlnd base for ceramic til-e, use formulation reconimended by the gypsum board manufacturer for this purpose. For topping compound, use sandable formufation. Drylng-Type Joint Compounds for Gypsum Board: Factory-packaged vinyl-based products complying with the following requirements for formulation and intended use. 1. Ready-Mixed Formufation: Factory-mixed product. 2. Taping compound formulated for embedding tape and for first coat over fasteners and face flanges of trin accessories. 3. Topping compound formulated for fiII (second) and f ini-sh (third) coats. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS General: Provide auxiliary materials for gypsum board construction that comply with referenced standards and recommendations of gypsum board manufacturer. B. Laminatj-ng Adhesive: Special adhesive or joint compound recommended for laminating gypsum panels. Spot Grout: ASTM C 4'75, setting-type joint compound recommended for spot grouting hollow metal- door frames. Fastening Adhesj-ve for Metal: Speci-al adhesive recommended for laminating gypsum panels to steel framing. Steel drilL screws complying following applications : 1. Fastening gypsum board to inch thick. 2. Fastening gypsum board to with ASTM C 1002 for the Steel drill screws complyi-ng with ASTM C 954 for fastening gypsum board to steel members from 0.033 to 0.1'L2 inch thick. Corrosion-resistant-coated steel- drill screws of size and type recommended by board manufacturer for fastening cementitious backer units. Gypsum Board NaiLs: ASTM C 514 Sound Attenuation Blankets: Unfaced mineral-fiber blanket insuLation produced by combining mineral fibers of type steel members less than 0.03 gypsum board. BOARD ASSEMBLIES u9zJJ - I described below with thermosetting resins to comply with ASTM C 665 for Type f (bLankets without membrane facing): 1. Mineral-Fiber Tvpe:Fibers manufactured from glass. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examj-ne substrates to which gypsum board assemblies attach or abut, installed hol-l-ow metaL frames, cast-in-anchors, and structural framing with Instafler present for compliance with requirements for instalfatlon tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of assembl-ies specified in this Section.Do not proceed with 3.2 installation until unsatisfactorv condi-ti-ons have been corrected. PREPARATION Ceiling Anchorages: Coordinate installation of ceiling suspension systems with instal-l-ation of overhead structural assemblies to ensure that inserts and other provisions for anchorages to building structure have been installed to receive ceiling hangers that will develop their fu11 strength and at spacing required to support ceilings. INSTALLING STEEL FRAMING, GENERAL Steel Framing Instalfation Standard: Instal-L steel framing to comply with ASTM C '754 and with ASTM C 840 requirements that apply to framing installation. lnstall- supplementary framing, blocking, and bracing at terminations in gypsum board assembfies to support fixtures, equipment services, heavy trim, grab bars, toil-et accessoriesf furnishings, or simi-lar construction. Comply with details indicated and with recommendations of gypsum board manufacturer o!, if none available, with "Gypsum Construction Handbook" publj-shed by United States Gypsum Co. Isol-ate steel- framing from buil"ding structure at locations indicated to prevent transfer of loading imposed by structural movement. Comply with detail-s shown on Drawinqs. I I I I I I I t I I I I T I T I I I I A. R ? Where building structure abuts penetrates ceiling. Where partition framing and structure except at floor. ceiling perimeter or waLl furring abut GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09255 - 8 D. A B. I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 3.4 a. Provide slip- or cushioned-type ioints to attain lateral- support and avoid axiaf .l-oadinq. Do not bridge building expanslon and control- joints with steel framing or furring members. Independently frame both sides of joints with framing or furring members. INSTALLING STEEL FRAMING FOR SUSPENDED AND FURRED CEILINGS Suspend ceiling hangers from buildj-ng structural- members and as f ol-lows: 1. Instal-L hangers plumb and free from contact with j-nsul-ation or other objects within ceiling plenum that are not part of supporting structural or ceiling suspension system. Splay hangers only where required to miss obstructions and offset resulting horizontal forces by bracing, countersplaying, or other equally effective means. 2. Where width of ducts and other constructlon within ceiling plenum produces hanger spacings that interfere with the Location of hangers requi-red to support standard suspension system members,install supplemental suspension members and hangers in form of trapezes or equivalent devices. Size supplemental suspension members and hangers to support ceiling loads within performance limits established by referenced standards. 3. Secure wire hangers by looping and wire-tying, either directly to structures or to inserts, eyescrews, or other devices and fasteners that are secure and appropriate for substrate, and i-n a manner that will not cause them to deteriorate or otherwise fail due to d9€, corrosion, or elevated temperatures. 4. Secure f1at, angle, channel, and rod hangers to structure, including intermediate framing members, by attaching to inserts, eyescrews, or other devices and fasteners that are secure and appropriate for structure as well as for type of hanger involved, and in a manner that will not cause them to deteriorate or faiL due to ager corrosion, or elevated temperatures. 5. Do not attach hangers to steel deck tabs. 6. Do not attach hangers to steel roof deck. Attach hangers to structural members. 'l . Do not connect or suspend steel framinq from ducts, pipes or conduit. Installation Tolerances: Install steel framing components for suspended ceilings so that cross-furring members or grid suspension members are Level to withj-n 1/8 inch in 12 feet as measured both lengthwise on each member and transversely between parallel members. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES u9tJJ - 9 3.5 I I I I I I I I t I t I I t I t I T I D. A B. (- A. Grid Suspension System (Contractor's option) : Attach peri-meter waLL track or angle where gri-d suspension system meets vertical surfaces, Mechanically join main beam and cross-furring members to each other and butt-cut to fit into wa11 track. For exterior soffits, instal] cross-bracing and additional framing to resj-st wind uplift. INSTALLING STEEL FRAMING FOR WALLS AND PARTITIONS InstaII runners (tracks) at fLoors, ceifings, and structural walLs and columns where gypsum board stud assemblies abut other construction. Installation Toferances: Install each steel framing and furring member so that fasteni-ng surfaces do not vary more than 1,/8 inch from the plane formed bv the faces of adjacent framj-ng. Sing1e-Layer Construction : InstalI steel studs so that dj-rection and so that leading board can be attached to open flanqes first. Space studs at L6 inches flanges point in the same edges or ends of each gypsum (unsupported) edges of stud D. Frame door openings to comply with details indicated, with GA-219, and with applicable published recommendations of gypsum board manufacturer. Attach vertical studs at jambs with screws e j-ther directly to f rames ,or to j arnb anchor clips on door frames; install runner track section (for cripple studs) at head and secure to jamb studs. Extend vertical- jamb studs through suspended ceilings and attach to undersi-de of floor or roof structure above. Frame openings other than door openings to comply with details indicated or, if none indi-cated, in same manner as required for door openings. Install framing below sills of openings to match framing required above door heads. InstaIl steel studs so that expansi-on and contraction requirements of the soils report (attached) are met with slip joints at head conditions. APPLYING AND FINISHING GYPSUM BOARD, GENERAL Gypsum Board Application and Finishing Standards: Install and finish gypsum panels to comply with ASTM c 840 and GA-216. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09255 - 10 z. D. H. A. I I I t I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I B. Install sound attenuatj-on blankets where indicated prior to instal.l-ing gypsum paneJ-s unl-ess blankets are readily instalLed after panels have been instalLed on one si-de. Instal-1 cei-ling board the number of abutting j olnts i-n the central abutting end joints of framinq member. panels across framing to minimize end joints and avoid abutting end area of each ceiling. Stagger adjacent panels not fess than one Instal-l gypsum panels with face side out. Do not install imperfect, damaged, or damp panels. Butt panel-s together for a light contact at edges and ends with not more than 1/16 inch of open space between panefs. Do not force j-nto pIace. Locate both edge or end joints over supports, except inceiling applicatj-ons where intermediate supports or gypsum board back-blocking j-s provided behind end joints. Posi-tion adjoining panel-s so that tapered edges abut tapered edges, and fiel-d-cut edges abut fi-eld-cut edges and ends. Do not place tapered edges against cut edges orends. Stagger vertical joints over different studs on opposlte sides of parti-tions. Avoid joints at corners of framed openings where possi-b1e. Attach gypsum paneJ-s to frami-ng provided at openings and cuEouts. Form control joints and expansion joints at locations indicated and as detailed, with space between edges of adjoining gypsum panels. as well as supporting framing behind gypsum panels. 1.Fit gypsum panels around ducts, pipes, and conduits. Space fasteners in gypsum paneLs according to referenced gypsum board application and finishing standard and manufacturer t s recommendations. GYPSUM BOARD APPLICAT]ON METHODS Single-Layer Application : as foLLows: 1. On ceilings, apply wall/partition board extent possible and at otherwise indicated. On parti-tions/wa11s, (parallel to framing), provide panel lengths AS SEMBLI ES Install- gypsum wallboard panels gypsum panels prior to application to the greatest right angles to framing, unLess apply gypsum panels vertically unless otherwise indicated, andthat will minimize end ioints. GYPSUM BOARD 09255 - Lt B. Wal"l Til-e Substrates: For substrates indlcated to receive I thin-set ceramic tile and slmiLar rigid applied wall finishes, comply with the following: - I1. Install water-resistant gypsum backing board panels to comply with manufacturer's instaflation directions. C. Doubl-e Layer Application: Install gypsum backing boards f for base layers and gypsum wall board for face layers. 1. On partrtions/wal-l-s, apply base layers and face layers I verti-cally (parallel to framing) with joints of base layers located over stud or furring member and face r layer joints offset at least one stud or furri"ng I member with base layer joints. Stagger joints on nnnaqife Sides of partitiOnS.'t D. Single-Layer Fastening Methods: Apply gypsum panels to supports as follows: I 1. Fasten with screws. E. Double Layer Fastening Methods: Apply base layer of I gypsum panels and face layer to base layer as follows: F. Direct-Bonding to Substrate: Where gypsum panels are Iindicated as directly adhered to a substrate (other than studs, joists, furring members or base layer of gypsum Iboard) , comply with glpsum board manufacturer's Irecommendations, and temporarily brace or fasten gyPsum panels until fastening adhesive has set. c. Exterior Soffits and Ceilings: Apply exterior gypsum I soffit board panels perpendicular to supportsr with endjoints staggered over supports. Instafl with 1,/4-inch open space where paneli abut other construction or I structural penetrations. 1. Fasten with corros i-on-res istant screws. I 3.8 INSTALLING TRIM ACCESSORIES A. General-: For trim accessories with back flanges, fasten to framing with the same fasteners used to fasten gypsum Iboard. Otherwise, fasten trim accessories according to I accessory manufacturerts directions for type, length, and spacing of fasteners. I B. Install corner beads at external corners. I I1. Fasten both base layers and face layers separately to t supports with screws. I 0e255 - 72 tGYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES D. ? D. F. I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I T I I I Install edge trim where edge of gypsum panels would otherwise be exposed or semiexposed. Provide edge trim type with face flange formed to receive joint compound except where other types are indj-cated. Install control- joints at l-ocations indicated, and where not indicated accordi-ng to ASTM C 840, and in locations approved by Architect for visual- effect. FINISHING GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES General: Apply joint treatment at gypsum board joints (both directions); flanges of corner bead, edge trlm, and control joints; penetrations; fastener heads, surface defects, and elsewhere as required to prepare gypsum board surfaces for decoration and levels of gypsum board finish lndicated. B. PrefiLL open joints, rounded or beveLed edges, and damaged areas using setting-type joint compound. Apply joint tape over gypsum board joints and to trim accessories with concealed face flanges as recommended by trim accessory manufacturer and as required to prevent cracks from devel-oping in joint compound at flange edges. LeveIs of Gypsum Board Finish: Provide the following Level-s of gypsum board finish per GA-214. Level- 2 where water-resistant gypsum backing board panels form substrates for tife, and where indicated. Level 5 for gypsum board surfaces indicated to receive gloss and semigloss enamels, nontextured flat paints, and where indicated. Where level 5 gypsum board finish is indicated, aPPfYjoint compound combination speci-fied for leveL 4 plus a thin, uniform skim coat of joint compound over entire surface. Use joint compound specified for the finish (third coat) or a product specially formulated for this purpose and acceptable to gypsum board manufacturer. Produce surfaces free of tool marks and ridqes readv for decoratj-on of type indicated. Where level 2 gypsum board finish i-s indicated' aPPly joint specified for first coat in addition to embedding coat. Finish exterior gypsum soffit board using setting-type joint compounds to prefill joints and embed tape, and for first, fill (second) and finish (third) coats, with the Iast coat being a sandable product. Smooth each coat before joint compound hardens to minimize need for sanding. Sand between coats and after finish coat. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09255 - 13 1. Painting exterior gypsum soffit board after finish coat has dried is specified in Division 9 Sectiont'Paintj.ng. " Finish water-resistant gypsum backing board forming base for ceramic tile to comply with ASTM C 840 and board manufacturer's directions for treatment of ioints behind .r-.:1^LIIg. CLEANING AND PROTECTION Promptly remove any residual joint compound from adjacent surfaces. Provide finaL protection and maintain conditions, in a manner suitable to Installer, that ensures gypsum board assemblies remain without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 09255 H. I I I I I I I I I I T I T I I T t I T 3. 10 A. B. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09255 - 14 I s'crroN 09262 - GYPSUM 'HEATHTNG I I I I I I I PARTl-GENERAL I 1. ]- RELATED DOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, includinq General and supptementary conditions and Division 1 I Specj-fication Sections, apply to this Section' I I.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes gypsum sheathing attached to steel framing members in exterior wal-Is (behind exterior finish) . B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. Division 4 Section "Unit Masonry" for masonry veneer anchors. 2. Division 5 Section "CoId-Formed Metal- Framing" for steel framing wa1ls covered with gypsum sheathing. 3. Division 7 Section "Flashing and Sheet Metal" for flashing applied in conjunction with gypsum sheathi-ng' 4. Division ? Section "Joint Sealants" for sealants applied in conjunction with gypsum sheathing' 5. Division 9 Section "Gypsum Board Assemblies" for steef wall framj-ng wall-s covered with gypsum sheathing on exterior and gypsum wallboard on interior- I A. Gypsum Board Construction Terminology Standard: Refer to I ASTM C 11 and GA 505 for definitions of terms for gypsumr board construction not otherwise defined in thls Section I or other referenced standards. t r--4 suBMrrrALS I A. General-: Submit the fol-lowing according to Conditions of I the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections' I B. product data for each grade of gypsum sheathing indicated. I C. Research reports or evafuation reports from the model code I organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction t evidencing compliance of air-infiltration barri-er with building code in effect for Project. I 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE I I 1.3 DEFrNrrroNs T GYPSUM SHEATHING 09262 - L 1.6 I.'l I I I t I I I t B. a Single-Source Responsibility: Obtain Proiect from a si-ngl-e manufacturer. gypsum sheathing for DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING DeLiver gypsum sheathing board and related material-s in original packages bearing brand name and identification of manufacturer. Store gypsum sheathing board so that it is protected against damage from weather, direct sunlight, surface contamination, corrosion, construction traffic, or other causes. Neatly stack gypsum sheathing boards flat on leveled supports off the ground under protective covering. HandLe gypsum sheathing board to prevent damaging edges, ends, backs, or faces, SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING Sequence installing gypsum sheathing board with i-nstalling exterior cladding to comply with requirements indicated below: Do not leave gypsum sheathing board exposed to weather Ifor more than l- month or for more than 6 months if Iprotected as indicated in Part 3 "Protection" article. IPART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.I GYPSUM SHEATHING BOARD A. Gypsum Sheathing Board with Water-Resistant Core: Gypsum sheathing board consistJ-ng of noncombustible g)psum core incorporating a water-resistant material surfaced on face, back, and long edges with water-repellent paper bonded to the core. Comply with ASTM C 79 and reguirements indicated below: I T I I I t I I I 1 2 3. 4. Type: Regular.Edge and End Configuration: tongue-and-groove long edges, square ends. Thickness z 1,/2 inch. Size: 2 feeL by 8 feet. V-shaped Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, gypsun sheathing boards that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not l-imlted to, the foLlowing: Board with Water-Resistant Core,l-. Gypsum Sheathing Regular Type: GYPSUM SHEATHING 09262 - 2 1 .{ A. B. I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I 2.2 a. Gyproc Gypsum Sheathing' Domtar Gypsum Co' b. G-P Gypsum Sheathj-ng, Georgia-Pacific Corp. c. Gold Bond Jumbo Gypsum Sheathi-ng, Gold Bond Building Products Div., National Gypsum Co. d. GoId Bond Regular Gypsum Sheathing, Gold Bond Building Products Div., National Gypsum Co. e. USG Gypsum Sheathing, United States Gypsum Co. ACCESSORY MATERIALS Air-Infittration Barrier: Provide the following product over gypsum sheathing behind masonry veneer: 1. Asphalt-Saturated Organic FeIt: ASTM D 226, Type I (No. 15 asphalt fel-t) , unperforated. Fasteners: Type S steel drill screws, 1 inch long' with organic-po11rmer coating or other corrosion-protective coating having a salt-spray resi-stance of more than 800 hours per ASTM B 117, and as follows: 1. Provide steel- drill screws complying with ASTM C 1002 to attach sheathing to steel- framing less than 0.03 inch thick. 2. Provide steel dri1l screws complying with ASTM c 954 to attach sheathing to steel framing from 0.033 to 0.112 inch thick. C. Elastomeric SeaLant:Medium-modulus, neutral-curing silicone sealant compatible with joint substrates formed by gypsum sheathing and other related materials and complying with requirements for el-astomeric sealants specified in Division 7 Sectlon "Joint Sealants. " D. Sheathing Tape:Tape specifically designed and manufactured to seal joints in gypsum sheathing aqainst water and air infiltration, formulated with an adhesive that permanently bonds to gypsum sheathing substrates, and as indicated beLow: Linerless polypropylene sheathing tape, 0-0027 i-nch thick, 2-I/2 inches wide, composed of oriented polypropJ"yene backing coated with Permanent acrylic adhesive formulated to adhere to gypsum sheathing surfaces. Polyethylene tape, 0.025 inch thick, 3 inches wide, composed of polyethylene backing coated wlth synthetic-rubber-based adhesive . Self-adhering glass-fiber tape' 2 inches wide' 10-by-10 or 10-by-20 threads per inch, of type recommended by tape manufacLurer to use with siliconized emulsion sealant in sealing joints and fasteners for gypsum sheathi-ng and with a history of successful in-service use. GYPSUM SHEATHING 09262 - 3 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I 1. 1. 1. Avail-able Products: requirements, sheathing in the Work incl-ude, following: Subject to compliance with tapes that may be incorporated but are not Limlted to, the a. No. 8086 Contractor Sheathing Tape, 3M Contractor Products. b. Perma-Tite Tape--PGM 207A, PermaGlas-Mesh, Inc. c. POLYKEN 612 Seam Seal Tape, Polyken Technologies. d. Quik-Tape, Quik-Tape, Inc. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION General: fnstall gypsum sheathing to comply wlth manufacturer's instructions, GA-253, and the following: Cut boards at penetrations, edges, and other obstructions of the work; fit tightly against abutting construction, except provide a 3/8-inch setback where non-load-bearing el-ements. Coordinate sheathing instal-lation with flashing andjoint sealant installation so that these combined materials are instaLLed in the sequence and manner that prevents exterior moj.sture from passing through completed exterior wal-l assembly. Apply fasteners so that screw heads bear tightJ-y against face of gypsum sheathing boards but do not cut into face paper. Horizontal Installation:InstaIl 2-foot-wide gypsum sheathing boards horizontally with V-grooved edge down and tongue edge up. fnterlock tongue with groove to bring long edges in contact with edges of adjacent boards wlthout forcing. Abut ends of boards over centers of stud flanges and stagger end joints of adjacent boards not less than one stud spacing, two where possible. Screw-attach boards at perimeter and within field of board to each steel stud as follows: Fasteners spaced approximately 8 inches o.c. and set back 3/8 inch minimum from edges and ends of boards. constructlon abuts structuraf Air-Infiltration Barrier Application: sheathing with air-infil-tration barrier Cut back air-infiltration barrier side of the break in supportingjoint locati-ons. Cover gypsum board as follows: l/2 inch on each members at control- GYPSUM SHEATHING 09262 - 4 1. 2. n A. I I I I I I I T t I I I I I I I I I I 3.2 2. Apply asphalt*saturated organic felt horizontally with a 2-inch overlap and a 6-inch endlap; fasten to sheathing with corrosion-resistant staples. ? - Annl v : i r-i nfiltration barrier to cover upstanding flashing wlth a 4-inch overlaP. Sheathlng Tape Application: Apply sheathi-ng tape to joints in sheathing; overlap tape by not fess than the tape width at joint intersections. 1-. For polyethylene tape, apply primer specified by tape manufacturer to sheathinq surfaces. PROTECTION Protect gypsum sheathing that wilI be left exposed to weather for more than one month as follows: Protect cutouts, corners, and joints in the sheathing by fi11in9 with a flexibLe seal-ant or by applyj-ng sheathing tape recommended by sheathing manufacturer at the tj-me sheathing i-s applied. As an aLternate to sealant,/tape applicatlon' cover exposed exterior surface of sheathing with an air-infiltration barrier. Anchor covering with a metal lath securefy fastened through sheathing to framing. Apply covering immediately after sheathing is instalLed. END OF SECTION 09262 GYPST]M SHEATHING 09262 - 5 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I T SECTION O93OO - TILE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including GeneraL and SuppJ-ementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sectj-ons, apply to this Section. L.Z SUMMARY This Section j-ncludes the followlng: 1. Unglazed ceramic mosaic tile. 2. Glazed waIl til-e. Rel-ated Sections: The following sections contain requirements that refate to this Section: 1. Division 3 Section "Concrete Work" for monolithlc sLab finishes specified for tile substrates. 2. Division ? Section "Joint Seafers" for sealing of expansion, contraction, control, and isolation joints in tile surfaces. 3. Division 9 Section "Gypsum Drywall" for gypsum waLlboard systems. 4. Interior Design drawings and specifications issued 1.3 separately. SUBMITTALS General: Submit the Conditions of Contract Sections. Product data for each type Samples for initial selection purposes in form of manufacturer's color charts consisting of actual tiles or sections of tile showing fu]l range of colors, textures, and patterns available for each type and composition of til-e indicated. IncLude samples of grout and accessories involving color selection. Samples f6r verification purposes of each item Iisted below, prepared on samples of sj-ze and construction indicated, products invol-ve co.l-or and texture variatj-ons, in sets showing ful1 range of variations expected- 1. Each type and composition of tile and'for each color and texture reguired, at least 12 inches square' mounted on plywood or hardboard backing and grouted. B. A following in accordance with and Division 1 SPecification of product specified. D. TILE 09300 - 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I E. B. Master grade composition Install-er. certificates for of tiIe, signed each shipment, tYPe, and bv tile manufacturer and 1.4 QUAL]TY ASSURANCE Single-Source Responsibility for grade, finish, tYPe, composition' a single source with resources consistent qualitY in apPearance without delaYing Progress of the Til-e: Obtain each color, and variety of tile from to provide products of and physical ProPerties Work. Si-ngle-Source Responsibility for Setti-ng and Grouting Materials: Obtain ingredients of a uniform quality from one manufacturer for each cementitious and admixture component and from one source or producer for each aggregaEe. lnstaller Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer who has successfully completed tile instaflations simifar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for Proj ect . DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver and store packaged materials in original containers wlth seaLs unbroken and label-s intact until timeofuse.ComplywithrequirementofANSIA]-37.1for labeling sealed t1le Packages. prevent damage or contamination to materials by watert freezing, foreign matter' and other causes' PROJECT CONDITIONS Maintain environmental conditions and protect work during and after instaltation to comply with referenced standards and manufacturer's printed recommendations' vent temporary heaters to exterior to Prevent damage to tiLe work from carbon dioxide buildup. Maintain temperatures at 50 deg f (L0 deg C) or more in tiled areas during installation and for 7 days after completion, unless higher temperatures are required by reflrenced installation standard or manufacturer's i'nstructions. EXTRA MATERIALS Defiver extra materials to Owner. Furnish extra materials that match products installed as described below, packagedA. TILE 09300 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I with protective covering for storage and identified with labels clearly descrlbing contents. 1. Tile and Trim Units: Furnish quantity of fufL-size rrnii- s ccrrra I trr ? rrFrr-ent of amount instaffed, for each type, composition, color, pattern, and size. 2 - PRODUCTSPART )1 A. MANUFACTURERS Available Manufacturers:Subject to comPliance with requirements (coordinate with Interior Design drawings and specifications issued separately), manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated in the Work incfude, but are not Limited to, the followi-ng: 1. Unglazed Ceramj-c Mosaic Tile: a. American Olean Tile Co., Inc. b. Dal-TiIe Corp. c. Monarch Tile Manufacturing, Inc' d. SummitviLLe TiLes, Inc. e. United States Ceramic Tile Co. Glazed Wall Tile: a. American Ofean Tile Co., Inc. b. Dal-Ti-l-e Corp. c. Monarch Tile Manufacturlng, Inc. d. Summitvill-e Tiles, Inc. e. United States Ceramic Til-e Co. Latex-Emulsion-Based Latex-Portland Cement Mortars : a. American Olean Tile Co., Inc. b. Bostik Construction Products Div. c. Custom Building Products d. C-Cure Chemical Co. e. DAP Inc. Div.; USG Corp. f. L&MMfg. Inc. g. Laticrete lnternational Inc. h. Mapei Corp. i. Summitvi-Ile Tiles, Inc. Acrylic Emulsions for Latex-Portland Cement Grouts: a. American Olean Tile Co., Inc. b. Bostik Construction Products Div. c. Custom Building Products d. C-Cure Chemical Co. e. DAP Inc. Div.; USG CorP. f. L&MMfq. Inc. TILE 09300 - 3 2.2 z-5 h. t. Laticrete lnternational Inc. Mapei Corp. Summitvil-le Tiles, Inc. PRODUCTS, GENERAL ANSI Standard for Ceramic Tife: Comply with ANSI A137.1 "American National- Standard Specifications for Ceramic Til-e" for types, compositions, and grades of tiLe indicated. Furnish tile complying with "Standard Grade" requirements unless otherwise indicated. ANSI Standard for Tife Installation Material-s: Comply with ANSI standard referenced with products and materials indicated for setting and grouting. C, Colors, Textures, and Patterns:Where manufacturer's standard products are indicated for tj.le, grout, and other products requiring selection of colors, surface textures, patterns, and other appearance characteristics, provide specific products or materials complj-ng with the followi-ng requirements: 1. Match color, texture' and pattern indj-cated by reference to manufacturer's standard designations for these characteristics. 2. Provide tile trim and accessories that match color and finish of adjoining flat tile. Factory Blending: For tile exhibiting color variations within the ranqes seLected during sample submittals' blend tile in factory and package accordingly so that tile units taken from one package show the same range in colors as those taken from other packages and match approved samples. Mounting: Where factory-mounted tile is required, provide back- or edge-mounted tile assembfies as standard with manufacturer unl-ess another mounting method is indicated. TILE PRODUCTS I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. B. D. F Unglazed Ceramic Mosaic flat tile as indicated on following requirements : Tile: Provide factory-mounted drawings and complying with the 1. Composition: Porcelain. 2. Nomi.nal Facial Dimensions: 2 inches by 2 inches. 3. Nominal Thickness: l/4 inch. 4. Face: Plain with cushion edges. TILE 09300 - 4 B.t t I I Glazed Wal1 Tile: Provi-de ffat tile as indicated on drawings and complying with the following requirements: 1 . Nominal Fac j-al- Dimensions : 4-l / 4 inches by 4-1' / 4 inches. . Nominal- Thickness: . Face: Pl-ain with edge. . Mounting: FactorY back-mounted. Trim Units: Provide tile trim units to match characteri-stics of adjoining flat til-e and to comply with following requi-rements : 1. Size: As indicated, coordj-nated with sizes and coursing of adjoining ftat tife where applicable' 2. Shapes: As follows, seLected from manufacturer's standard shapes: a. Base for Thi-nset Mortar Installations: Coved' b. Wainscot Cap for Thinset Mortar InstalLatj'ons: Surface bulLnose. c. External Corners for Thinset InstaLlations: Surface bullnose, d. Internal Corners: Fie1d-butted square corners, excepE use coved base and cap angle pieces designed to member with stretcher shapes ' SETTING MATERIALS l,atex-Portland Cement Mortar: ANSI A118.4' composition as folfows: 1. Prepackaged dry mortar mix composed of portland cement, graded aggregate, and the following dry polymer iOOit:.ve in the form of a reemulsifiable potO.r to which only water is added at job site' a. Dry Polymer Additive: ethylene vinYl acetate. GROUTING MATERIALS Polyvinyl acetate or 5/16 inch. modified square edge or cushion I t I I t I I I I I t I t I I 2.4 2.5 A A.Latex-Portland Cement Grout: ANSI A118.6' indicated, comPosition as follows: a. Dry Polymer Addj.tive: ethylene vinyl acetate. color as Polyvinyl acetate or 1. Prepackaged dry gtout mix composed of portland cement, grabed aggregate, and the following dry polymer aOOiti.te in the form of a reemulsifiable powder to which only water is added at job site. TILE 09300 - 5 2.6 z. t PART 3.L A. T t I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I t A. ELASTOMERIC SEALANTS General: Provide manufacturer's standard chemically curing, el-astomeric seaLants of base polymer indicated that comply with requirements of Divisi-on 7 Section "Joint Sealers, " including ASTM C 920 as referenced by Type, Grade, Cl-ass, and Uses. C. One-Part Mildew-Resistant Silicone Sealant: Type S; Grade NS; Class 25; Uses NT, G, A, and as applicable to nonporous joint substrates indicated, O; formulated with fungicide, intended for sealing interior ceramj-c tile joints and other nonporous substrates that are subject to in-service exposures of hiqh humidity and temperature extremes. Colors: Provide colors col-ors of grout in tile otherwise indicated. D. Available Products:Subj ect requirements, products which may llork incfude, but are not l-imlted of exposed sealants to match adjoining sealed joints unless to compliance with ;: iil:';5ii:;iin,'" the I 1. One-Part Mildew-Resistant Silicone Sealant: a. "Dow Corning 786"i Dow Corning Corp. b. "SCS L702"; General- Efectric Co. c. "863 #345 White"i Pecora Corp. d. "Rhodorsil 68 White"; Rhone-Poulenc Inc. e. "Proglaze White"i Tremco Corp. MIXING MORTARS AND GROUT Mix mortars and grouts to cornply \ntith requirements of referenced standards and manufacturers including those for accurate proportioning of materiafs, water, or additive content; type of mixing equipment, selection of mixer speeds, mj-xing containers, mixing time, and other procedures needed to produce mortars and grouts of uniform quality with optimum performance characteristics for application indicated. 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine substrates and areas where tile will be installed' with Instalfer present, for compliance with requirements for insta}lation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of installed tile. TILE 09300 - 6 B, A. (- D. I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I T I 5-Z 1. Verify that substrates for setting tile are flrm, dry' c.Iean, and free from oil or waxy fil-ms and curing compounds. 2. Ver.i-fy that instaf l-ation of grounds, anchors, recessed frames, el-ectrical and mechanical units of work, and similar items located i-n or behind tife has been completed before installing tile. Fra nrrt nrar:eed with installation until- unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION Btending: For tile exhibiting cofor variations within the ranges seLected during sample submittals, verify that tile has been blended in factory and packaged accordingly so that tile units taken from one package show the same range in colors as those taken from other packages and match approved samples. If not factory blended, either return to manufacturer or blend tiles at Project site before installing. INSTALLATION, GENERAL ANSI Tile InstalLation Standard: Comp1y with parts of ANsI 108 seri-es of tile installation standards incLuded under "American National Standard Specifications for the Installation of Ceramic Tj-Le" that apply to type of setting and grouting materials and methods indicated. TCA Installation Guidelines: TCA "Handbook for Ceramic TiIe Instal]ation"; comply with TCA installation methods indicated. Extend t1]e work into recesses and under or behind equj-pment and fixtures to form a complete covering without interruptions except as otherwise shown. Terminate work neatly at obstructions, edges, and corners without dj.srupting pattern or joi-nt alignments. Accurately form intersections and returns. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without marring visible surfaces. Carefully grind cut edges of tj-le abutting trim, finish, or built-in items for straight aligned joints. Fit tile closely to electrica] outl-ets, piping, fixtures, and other penetrations so that plates, collars' or covers overlap til-e. Jointing Pattern: Unl-ess otherwise shown. Iay tile in grid pattern. Align joints when adjoining tiles on ffoor' base, wa11s, and trim are same size. Lay out tile work and center tile fiel-ds in both directi-ons in each space or on each walf area. Adjust to minimize ti-le cutting- Provide uniform joj-nt widths unless otherwise shown. TILE 09300 - 7 F. t t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I A. A. 1. For tile mounted 1n sheets, make joints between tile sheets same wi-dth as joints within tile sheets so that extent of each sheet is not apparent in finished work. Lay out tile wainscots to next full tile beyond dimensions i-ndicated. Expansion Joints: Locate expansion joints and other seafant-fill-ed joints, including control, contraction' and isolation joints, where indicated during installation of setting materials, mortar beds, and tile. Do not saw cut joints after i-nstallation of til-es. 1. Locate joints in til-e surfaces directly above joints in concrete substrates. 2. Prepare joints and apply sealants to comply with requirements of Divj-sion 7 Section "Joint Sealers." Grout t11e to comply with the requirements of the following install-ation standards: 1. For ceramic tile grouts (sand-portland cement, dry-set, commercial portland cement' and Iatex-portland cement grouts), comply with ANSI A108.10. FLOOR INSTALLATION METHODS Ceramic Mosaic Tile: Install tile to comply with requirements indicated below for setting bed methods' TCA instaflation methods related to types of subfloor construction, and grout tyPes: 1 Latex-Portland Cement Mortar: ANSI A108.5. Concrete Subfloors, Interior: TCA F113. Grout: Latex-Portland cement. WALL TILE INSTALLATION METHODS Install types of tile designated for wall application to cornply with requirements indicated befow for setting-bed methods, TcA instalfation methods related to subsurface wall conditions, and grout tYPes: Latex-Portland Cement Mortar: ANSI A108-5. a. Metal Studs, lnterior: TCA W243. b. Grout: l,atex-Portland cement. CLEANING AND PROTECTION 3.4 3.5 TILE 09300 - 8 A. B. a D. I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I Cleanlng: Upon completion of placement and grouting, clean al-f ceramic ti-Ie surfaces so they are free of foreign mat"Ler 1. Remove latex-portland cement grout residue from tile as soon as Possible.2. Unglazed t11e may be cleaned with acid solutions only wnen permitted by tile and grout manufacturer's printed instructions, but no sooner than l-4 days after installation, Protect metal- surfaces, cast iron, and vitreous pl-umbing fixtures from effects of acj'd cl-eaning. Flush surface with cfean water before and after cleaning. Finished Til_e work: Leave fi-nished installation cLean and free of cracked' chipped, broken, unbonded, and otherwise defective tile work. provide final protection and maintain conditj-ons in a manner acceptable to manufacturer and instafler that ensures that tile is without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial ComPletion. 1. I,rlhen recommended by tif e manuf acturer, appty a protectj-ve coat of neutral protective cleaner to tompleted tile walfs and floors. Protect installed til; work with kraft paper or other heavy coverlng during constructi-on period to prevent staining, damage, and wear. 2. Prohibit foot and wheel traffic from tiled floors for at least ? days after grouting is completed' Before final inspection, remove protective coverings and rinse neutral- cleaner from tile surfaces. END OF SECTION O93OO TILE no?nn - q I I I t I t I t I I I I t I I I I I I r.5 L.4 SECTION 09511 - ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS PART 1 1-.1_ A. L.Z - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This sectj.on includes acoustical panel cei-lings installed with exposed suspension systems ' B. Related Secti-ons:The following sections contain requirements that relate to this section: 1. Divi-sion 15 Section "Air Outlets and Inlets" for grj-Iles, registers, and diffusers in acoustical ceilings. 2. Divisj-on 16 Section "fnterior Lighting Fixtures" for lighting fixtures in acoustical ceilings. A. A. SUBMITTALS General: Submit the Conditions of Contract Sections. following in accordance with and Division 1 SPecification 1. Product data for each type of product specified. 2. Samples for verification purposes of each type of exposed finish required, prepared on samples of size indi-cated below and of same thickness and material indicated for final unit of Work- Where finishes involve normal color and texture variations. incfude sample sets showing full range of variations expected' a. 6-inch-square samples of each acoustical panel type, pattern' and co1or. b. Set of 12-inch-long sampLes of exposed suspensj-on system members, including moldi-ngs, for each color and system tYPe required. QUALITY ASSURANCE InstaL]er Qualifications: Engage an experienced Install-er who has successfully completed acousticaL ceilings similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for Proj ect . Fire-Performance Characteristics: Provide acoustical ceilinqs that are identical to those tested for the A. B. ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS 09511 - 1 following fire-performance characteristics, P€r ASTM test method indicated be1ow, by UL or other testing and inspecting organizations acceptable to authorities having jurisdj-ction. Identify acoustical ceiling components with appropriate markings of applicabJ-e testing and inspecting organi zation. 1. Surface Burning Characteristics: As foll-ows, tested per ASTM E 84 and complying with ASTM E 1264 for Cl-ass A products. Flame Spread: 25 or less. Smoke Developed: 50 or less. Fire-Resistance Ratings: As indicated by reference to design designations in UL "Flre Resistance Di,rectory, " for types of assembfies in which acoustical- ceilings function as a fire- protective membrane and tested per ASTM E 119. Single-Source Responsibility for Ceiling Units: Obtain each type of acoustical ceiling unit from a single source with resources to provide products of consistent quality 1n appearance and physical properties without delaying progress of the Work. SingIe-Source Responsibility for Suspension System: Obtain each type of suspension system from a single source with resources to provide products of consistent qual-ity in appearance and physical properties without delaying progress of the Work. Coordination of Work: Coordinate layout and instaLlation of acoustical ceiling units and suspension system components with other construction that penetrates ceilings or is supported by them, including light fixtures, HVAC equipment, fire-suppression system components (if anY), and partition system (if any). DELTVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDL]NG Deliver acoustical ceiling units to project site in original, unopened packages and store them in a fully enclosed space where they will be protected aqainst damage from moisture, direct sunlight, surface contamination, and other causes. Before instalting acoustical ceiLing units, permit them to reach room temperature and a stabilized moisture content. 1..\ I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I t I D. E. B. ?Handle acoustical ceiling unlts carefully to chipping edges or damaging units in any way. PROJECT CONDITIONS avoid ACOUSTICAI, PANEL CEITINGS 095t1 - 2 1. z- A B. I I T I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 11 space Enclosure: Do not install interior acoustical r-ai I i nnq rrnt i I qnAr-F i s enclosed and weatherproof '\-sI.!-!rrY.J wet-hrork in space i-s completed and nominally dty' work above ceiJ.ingsis complete, and ambient conditions of temperature and humidity wiII be continuously maintained at vafues near those indicated for final occupancy' EXTRA MATER]ALS Deliver extra materials to owner. Furnish extra materials described befow that match products installed, are packaged with protective covering for storage, and are identified with appropriate labels. 1. Acoustical Ceiling Units: fu}1-size units equal to installed. 2 - PRODUCTS Furnish quantitY of 2.0 percent of amount PART 2.1 MANUFACTURERS Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: Mineral- Base Panels - Water Felted, with Painted Finish and Perforated and Fj-ssured Pattern, Non- Fi-re-Resi stance Rated: a. "Mj-natone Cortega, Second Look II or IV' Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with reguirements, manufacturers offering products that may be inCorporated in the Work include, but are not fimited to, the following: 1. Non-Fire-Resistance-Rated Wide-Face Doub1e-Web Steel Suspension Systems: a. Armstrong World Industries, Inc. b. Chicago Metallic Corporation. c. National Rolling Mil-Is. Inc- d. USG Interj-ors, Inc. Edge Moldings: a. Armstrong Worfd Industries, Inc. b. Chicago Metallic CorPoration. c. Fry Reglet Corp. d. National Rolling Mi11s, Inc. e. USG Interiors, Inc. ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS 09511 - 3 z.z 2.3 I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I I I I A a ? D. f\. a D. manufacturers I standard units of configuration indicated that comply with ASTM E 1264 cLassifj-cations as designated by reference to types, patterns, acoustical ratings, and liqht reflectances, unless otherwise indi-cated. Mounting Method for Measuring NRC: Type E-400 (plenum mounting in which face of test specimen is I5-3/4j-nches [400 mm] away from the test surface) per ASTM E '795. Colors and Patterns: Provide products to match appearance characteristics indicated under each product type. Configuration: Divided to simulate 24" x 24" squares in 24" x 48" exposed grid. Color: Submit manufacturer's standard cofor samples for sefection in "wh j-te" ranges. ACOUSTICAL CEILING UNITS, GENERAL Standard for Acoustical Ceil-ing Units: METAL SUSPENSION SYSTEMS, GENERAL Standard for Metal Suspension Systems: Attachment Devices: Size for 5 indicated in ASTM C 635, Table t, otherwise indicated. Wire for Hangers and Tles: ASTM A coating, soft temper. Provide Provide times design l-oad Direct Hung unless 64t, Class 1 zinc manufacturer's standard metal suspension systems of types, structural classifications, and finishes indicated that comply with applicabLe ASTM C 535 requirements. Finishes and Colors: Provide manufacturerts standard factory-applied finish for tyPe of system indicated. 1. Gage: Provide wire sized so that stress at 3 times hanger design load (ASTM C 635, Table 1, Direct-Hung), will be less than yield stress of wj-re, but provide not less than 0.106-inch diarneter (12 gage) . E. Edge Moldings and Trim: Metal or extruded aluminum of types and profiles indicated Qx, if not indicated, manufacturer's standard moldings for edges and penetrations that fit type of edge detail and suspension system indicated. 1. For lay-in panels with reveal edge details, provide stepped edge molding that forrns reveal of same depth and width as that formed between edge of panel and flange at exposed suspension member. ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS 09511 - 4 A A. B. B. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I 2.4 NON-FIRE-RESISTANCE-RATED DIRECT-HUNG SUSPENS]ON SYSTEMS Wide-Face Capped Double-Web SteeL Suspension System: Main and cross-runners rol-l--formed from prepainted or electrolytic zinc-coated col-d-ro11ed steel sheet' with prefinished 15/16-inch-wide metaf caps on flanges; other characteristics as foll-ows: 1 z Structural Classification: Intermediate-Duty System. End Condition of Cross-Runners: Override (stepped) or butt-edge type, as standard with manufacturer. Cap Material and Finish: Steel- or al-uminum sheet as standard with manufacturer, finish as selected from manufacturer's standard fi-nlshes. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and structural framing to which ceiling system attaches or abuts, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements specified in this and other sections that affect instaLfation and anchorage of ceiling system.Do not proceed with installation until unsatj-sfactory condj-tions have been corrected. PREPARATTON Coordination: Furnish layouts for preset j-nserts, clips' and other ceiling anchors whose installation is specified in other sections. 3.2 3.3 Measure each ceiling area and establish layout of acoustical units to balance border widths at opposite edges of each ceiling. Avoid use of l-ess-than-haIf-width units at borders, and comply with reflected ceiling plans. AJ-ign layout with wj-ndow mull-ions, walls and sof f its as shown on refl-ected ceiling plan. Contact Architect when discrepancles occur. lNSTALLATlON A. General: Install acoustical ceili-ng systems to comply with installation standard referenced belowr p€r manufacturer's instructions and CISCA "Ceiling Systems Handbook. " l-. Standard for Instal-lation of Ceiling Suspension Systems: Comply with ASTM C 636. Arrange acoustical units and orient directionally patterned units in a manner shown by reflected cei-ling plans. ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS 09511 - 5 Suspend ceiling hangers from building structural members and as foll-ows: 1. Install hangers plumb and free from contact with insulation or other objects within ceiling plenum that are not part of supporting structural or ceiling suspension system. Splay hangers only where required to miss obstructions and offset resulting horizontal forces by braci-ng, countersplaying, or other egually effective means. 2. Where width of ducts and other construction withi-n ceiling plenum produces hanger spacings that interfere with the location of hangers at spacings required to support standard suspension system members, install- supplemental suspension members and hangers in form of trapezes or equivalent devices. Size supplemental suspension members and hangers to support ceiling loads within performance limits establ-ished by referenced standards. 3. secure wire hangers by looping and wire-tyi-ng, either directly to structures or to inserts, eyescrews, or other devices that are secure and appropriate for substrate, and in a manner that wiLL not cause them to deteriorate or otherwise fail due to age, corrosion, or elevated temperatures. 4. Secure flat, angIe, channel, and rod hangers to structure, i.ncLuding intermediate framing members, by attachi-ng to inserts' eyescrews, or other devices that are secure and appropriate for structure to whj-ch hangers are attached as well as for type of hanger involved, and in a manner that wiII not cause them to deteriorate or faif due to age, corrosion, or elevated temperatures. 5. Do not support ceilings directly from permanent metal- forms; furnish cast-in-place hanger j-nserts that extend throuqh forms. 6. Do not attach hangers to steel deck tabs.'l. Do not attach hangers to steel roof deck.Attach hangers to structural members. 8. Space hangers not more than 4'-0" o.c. along each member supported directly from hangers, unless otherwise shown, and provide hangers not more than I inches from ends of each member. Instatl- edge moldings of type indicated at perimeter of acoustical ceiling area and where necessary to conceaf edges of acoustical- units. 1. Screw-attach moldings to substrate at intervals not over 15 inches o.c. and not more than 3 inches from ends, Ieveling with ceiling suspension system to tolerance of I/8 inch in t2'-0". Miter corners accuratefy and connect securelY. c. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I D. ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS 09511 - 6 E. A. I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I 3.4 Install acoustj-ca1 panels in coordinatj-on with suspensi-on system, with edges conceal-ed by support of suspension members. Scribe and cut panels to fit accuratefy at borders and at penetrations. CLEANING Clean exposed surfaces of acoustical ceilings, including trim, edge moldings, and suspension members. Comply with manufacturer's instructj-ons for cleaning and touch-up of minor finish damage. Remove and replace work that cannot be successfully cleaned and repaired to permanently eliminate evidence of damaqe. END OF SECTION 09511 ACOUSTICAL PANEL CEILINGS 09511 - 7 A. A. A. t I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 09580 - CARPET PART ], - GENERAL 1.1 t.2 1.3 RELATED DOCI]MENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. Interior drawings and specifieations issued separately supersede these specifications where they vary. SI]MMARY This Section includes carpet, installation, and accessories. SI'BMITTALS General: Submit the following in accordance with conditlons of ConEract and Division 1 Specification Sections. B. Product data for each type of carpet material and installation accessory required. submit written data on physical characteristics, durability, resistance Eo fading, and flame resistance characEeristics. C. Samples for verification purposes in manufacEurer's standard size, showing fu1l range of cofor, texture, and pattern variations expected. Prepare samples from same material to be used for the Work. Submit the following: 1. l-8-inch-square samples of each tlpe of carpet material reguired. 2. l-2-inch-long samples of each Eype exposed edge stripping and accessory item. T.4 QUALITY ASSI'RANCE A. Carpet surface Burning characteristics: Provide carpet identical tso that tested for the following fire performance characteristics, P€r test meEhod indicated below, by UL or other testing and inspectsing organizations accepEable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identify carpet with CARPET 09580 - 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I t I A, B. A. appropriate markings organization. 1. Test Method: DOC 2 . RaEing: Pass. of applicable testing and inspecting FF l_-70. r.f, L.5 PART 2.1 A. z.z DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver materials to projecE site in original factory wrappings and containers, label-ed with identsification of manufacturer, brand name, and Lot number. store materials in original undamaged packages and conEainers, inside well-ventilated area protected from weather, moisture, soilage, exEreme temperatures, and humidity. Lay flat, blocked off ground. Maintain minimum temperature of 58 deg F (20 deg C) at least three days prior to and during installation in area where maEerials are stored. EXTRA MATERIALS Deliver extra materials Eo Owner. Furnish extra materials matching products installed as described beJ-ow, packaged with proEective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. l-. Carpet: Save carpeE scraps: Defined as milf ends less than 9' long and larger than 3 SF in area and wider than !2n - disPose of smal-ler Pieces. 2 - PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS As indicated on Finish Plan, issued separalely. ACCESSORIES A. Carpet Edge Guard: Extsruded or molded heawy-duty vinyl or rubber of size and profile indicated; minimum 2-inch-wide anchorage flange. CARPET 09680 - 2 B. A. A B. (" E. F. G. A. T I I T I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I Carpet Adhesive: Water recommended by carpet f lammability requirements 3 - EXECUTION PREPARATION resistant and nonstaining as manufacturer to comPlY with for installed carPet. PART 5,2 5.5 Clear away debris and scrape up cementiLious deposits from concrete surfaces Eo receive carpet; apply sealer to prevent dusting. INSTALLATION Comply with manufacturerrs recommendations for seam Iocations and direction of carpet; maintain uniformity of carpet direction and lay of pile. At doorways, center seams under door in closed position; do noE place seams perpendicuLar to door frame, in direction of traffic through doorway. Do not bridge building expansion joints wiEh conEinuous carpet. Extend carpet under removable flanges and furnishings and intso alcoves and closeEs of each space. Provide cutougs where required, and bind cut edges where not concealed by protective edge guards or overlapping flanges' D. Instalf carpet edge guard where edge of carpet is exposed; anchor guards to substrate. Install with pattern parallef to wall-s and borders. Fit sections of carpet prior to application of adhesive. Trim edges and butt cuts wiEh seaming cement. Apply adhesive uniformly to substrate in accordance with manufact.urerrs instructions. Butt edges tight to form seams !,rithout gaps. Rol1 entire area lightly to eliminate air pockets and ensure uniform bond. CLEAI,TING Remove adhesive from carpet surface wiLh manufacturerrs recommended cleani-ng agent. CARPAT 09680 - 3 3.+ Remove and dispose of debris and unusable scraps. Vacuum with commercial machine utith face-beater element. Remove soil-. Replace carpet where soil cannot be removed. Remove protruding face yarn. Vacuum carpet. PROTECTION A. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable Eo manufact,urer and installer, to ensure carpet is no! damaged or deteriorated at time of Subst.antial Completion. END OF SECTION 09680 I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I T I B. ? CARPET 09680 - 4 I I I I I I SECTION O990O - PAINTING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawi-ngs and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supptementary Conditions and Divj-sion L Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. lnterior drawi-ngs and specifications issued separateJ-y supersede these specifications where they vary. I.2 SUMMARY A. This Section j-ncl-udes surface preparation, painting' and I finishing of exposed interior and exterior items andr surfaces. 1. Surface preparation, priming, anci finish coats specifi-ed in this Section are in addition to shop-priming and surface treatment specified under other Sections. Paint exposed surfaces whether or not col-ors are designated in schedules, except where a surface or material is specifically indicated not to be painted or is to remain naturaf . Vrlhere an item or surf ace is not specifically mentioned, paint the same as similar adjacent materiafs or surfaces,If color or finish is not designated, the Architect will sefect from standard colors or finishes available. Painting includes field-painting exposed bare and covered pipes and ducts (including color coding), hangers, exposed steel and iron work, and primed metal surfaces of mechanical and e.Iectrical equipment. Where paint col-or is specified to match prefinished items, sheen should also match. 1. B. I I I I I I I I t I I I Painting is not required metal surfaces, concealed labeIs. on prefinished items, finished surfaces, operating Parts, and Prefinished items not to be painted following factory-finished components : include the a. Metal toilet enclosures. b. Acoustic materiaLs. c. Finished mechanical and electrical equipment. d. Li.ght fixtures.e. Switchqear. PAINTING noonn - 1 f. Distribution cabinets. Concealed surfaces not to be palnted include wall or ceiling surfaces in the following generally inaccessible areas: a. Foundation spaces. b. Furred areas. c. Pipe spaces. Finished metal surfaces not to be painted include: a. Anodized aLuminum. b. Stainless steef. c. Chromj-um plate . d. Copper. e. Bronze. f. Brass. Operating parts not to be painted include moving parts of operating equipment, such as the following: a. Valve and damper operators. b. Linkages. c. Sensing devices. d. Motor and fan shafts. 5. Labels: Do not paint over Underwriters Laboratories, Factory Mutual or other code-required Labels or eguipment namef identification, performance rating, or nomencl-ature Dl-ates. t)-Related Sections:The following Sections contai-n requirements that relate to this Sectj-on: 1. Division 5 Section "Structural Steel" for shop-priming structuraf steel-.2. Division 5 Section "Metal Fabrications "for shop-priming ferrous metal. 3. Divi.sion 8 Section "Steel- Doors and Frames" for shop-priming steel doors and frames.4. Division 9 Section "Wa1l Coverinqs" for substrate seaLer under wa1I coveri-nqs. 5. Divisions 15 and 16:Painting mechanical and electricaL work j-s specified in Divisions 15 and 16, respectively. SUBMlTTALS General: Submit the following according to Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. z- 3. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I d I I 1.3 PAINTING I I I A. Product data for each paint system specified, including block fillers and Drimers. 09900 - 2 ct. 1. r- U. I t t I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I 1. Provide the manufacturer's technical informati-on including label analysis and instructions for handlj-ng, storage, and application of each materj-aI proposed for use. List each material and cross-reference the specific coating, finish system' and application. Identify each material by the manufacturer's catalog number and general classification. Samples for initial color manufacturer's color charts. sefection in the form of 1. After color seLection, the Architect will furnish color chips for surfaces to be coated. Samples for Verification Purposes: Provide samples of each color and material to be applied, with texture to simulate actuaL conditions, on representatj-ve sampfes of the actual substrate. Provide stepped sampJ-es, defining each separate coat' including bl-ock fillers and primers. Use representative colors when prepari-ng samples for review. Resubmit until required sheen, color, and texture are achieved. Provide a list of material and application for each coat of each sample. Label each sample as to locatj-on and appJ-ication. Submlt samples on the following substrates for the Architect's review of color and texture only: h Stained or Natural Wood: Provide two 4-by-8-inch samples of natural and stained wood finish on actual wood surfaces. Ferrous Metat: Provide two 4-inch-square samples of flat metaf and two 8-inch-l-ong samples of solid metal for each color and finish. 1- .4 QUALITY ASSURANCE Applicator Qualifications:Engage an experrenceo applicator who has cornpleted painting system applications simifar in materi-al- and extent to those indicated for the Project that have resulted in a construction record of successful in-service performance. B. Single-Source Responsibitity: Provide primers and undercoat paint produced by the same manufacturer as the finish coats. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING PAINTING 09900 - 3 t I t Deliver materials to the job site in the manufacturer's original, unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and labeJ-, and the followj-ng information: 1. Product name or title of materiaL. 2. Product description (generic classification or binder tYPe) '3. Manufacturer's stock number and date of manufacture- 4. Contents by volume, for pigment and vehicle I consElEuenEs. I 5. Thi-nning instructions. 6. Application instructj'ons."7. Cofor name and number. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in a well-ventilated area at a minimum ambient temperature of 45 deg F (7 deg C). Maintain containers used j-n storage in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. Protect from freezing. Keep storage area neat and orderly. Remove oily rags and waste daily. Take necessary measures to ensure that workers and work areas are protected from fire and health hazards resulting from handling, mixing, and application. JOB CONDITIONS Apply water-based paints only when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air temperatures are between 50 deg F (10 deg c) and 90 deg F (32 deg C) . Apply solvent-thinned paints only when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air temperatures are between 45 deg F (7 deg C) and 95 deg F (35 deg c). Do not apply paint in snow' rain, fog, or misti or when the relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; or at temperatures l-ess than 5 deg E. (3 deg C) above the dew point; or to damP or wet surfaces. 1. Painting may continue during inclement weather if surfaces and areas to be painted are enclosed and heated wit.hin temperature lirnits specified by the manufacturer during application and drying periods. 2 - PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS Available Manufacturers:Subj ect requirements, manufacturers offering incorporated in the Work include, but the followlng: r.b PART )'1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T A. to compli-ance with products that may be are not limited to, PAINTING 09900 - 4 A B. e A. B. T I I I I I I t t I I I t I I I I z.z 2.3 a. Devoe: b. FuLl-er: c. Glidden: d. Moore: 1. Devoe and Raynolds Co. (Devoe). 2. Fufler O'Brien (Ful1er) . 3. The Glidden Company (Glidden) . 4. Benjamin Moore and Co. (Moore) . 5. PPG Industries, Pittsburgh Paints (PPG) . 6. Pratt and Lambert (P & I) . 1. The Sherwin-Williams Companv (S-W) . PAINT MATERIALS, GENERAL Material Compatibility: Provide primers, finish coat materiaLs, and related materi-als that are compatible with one another and the substrates indicated under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by the manufacturer based on testing and field experj-ence. Material Quality: Provide the manufacturer's best-quality trade sale paint material of the various coating types specified. Paint material containers not displaying manufacturer's product identificati-on will not be acceptable. 1. Proprietary Names: Use of manufacturer's proprletary product names to designate colors or materials is not intended to imply that products named are required to be used to the excLusion of equivalent products of other manufacturers.Furnish the manufacturer's material data and certificates of performance for nrannscd srrtrstitutions. Colors: Match cofors indi-cated by reference to the manufacturer's standard col-or designations. PRIMERS Primers: Provide the manufacturer's recommended factory-formul-ated primers that are compatible with the substrate and finish coats indicated. AvailabLe Products: Subiect to compliance with requirements, prime coat materials that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Gypsum Drywall Primer: White, interior, Latex-based primer. II 50801 Wonder-Tones Latex Prlmer and Sealer. Pro-Tech Interior Primer and Sealer. 5019 PVA Primer. Latex Wall Moore's Latex Quick-Dry Prime Seal PAINTING 09900 - 5 828W200. 2. Ferrous Metal- Primers: Synthetic, quick-drying, rust-inhibitinq primers. Devoe: Ful-1er: GLidden: Moore: PPG: P&L: Kem B50N2/B50W1. 3. Galvanized MetaL Primers: #20t. 6-2 Quick-Dry Latex Primer Sealer. Latex WaLL Primer 230001.ProMar 200 Latex Viall Primer 13101 Mirrolac Cover Up Rust Penetrating Pri-mer. 627-04 Blox-Rust Alkvd Metal Primer. 5210 clid-Guard Universal Fast-Drv Metal Primer. IronClad Retardo Rust-Inhibitive Paint #l-63. 6-208 Red Inhibitive Metal Primer. Effecto Rust-Inhibitinq Primer. Kromik MetaI Primer 13201 Mirrol-ac Galvanized Metal Primer. 62I-05 BLox-Rust Latex Metal Pri-mer. 5229 G1id-Guard AlL-Purpose Metal Primer. IronClad GaLvanized MetaI Latex Primer #l-55.6-215/2L6 Speedhide Galvanized Steel Primer. P & L Interior Trim Primer. Galvite 850W3. Enamel 09900 - 6 e - PPG: I,. P & L: 9. S-W: a. Devoe: b. FuLl-er: c. Gi-idden: d. Moore: e. PPG: t. P & L: g. S-W: I I T I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I l-\ d. f. 2.4 UNDERCOAT MATERIALS A. Undercoat Materials: Provide the manufacturer's recommended factory-formulated undercoat materials that are compatible with the substrate and finish coats indicated. Avail-able Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, undercoat materials that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not Limited to, the following: 1. fnterior Enamel Undercoat: Readv-mixed enamel 8801 Velour PAINTING a. Devoe: Undercoat. Alkyd h I t I I I I I I I T t I l I I I I I b. Fuller: c. Glidden: d. Moore: e. PPG: f. P&L: Interior Enamel a. Devoe: b. FuIIer: c. Gli.dden: d. Moore: e. PPG: f . P & L: S . S-tl: Interior Enamel a. Devoe: b. Fuller: c. Glidden: d. Moore: e. PPG: f. P & L: S. S-W: 220-0'7 Interior AIkvd Enamel- Undercoat. 310 Glidden Wood Undercoater. Moore's Alkyd Enamel- Underbody 6-6 Speedhide Quick-Dry Enamel Undercoater. Interior Trim Prlmer. ProMar 200 Alkyd Enamel- Undercoater 849W200. Undercoat: Readv-mixed enamel. 8801 VeLour Alkyd EnameL Undercoat. 220-07 lnterior AIkyd Enamel- Undercoat. 4200 Spred Ultra Semi--Gloss Enamel-. Moorers Alkyd Enamel Underbody #2t1 . 6-6 Speedhide Quick-DrY Enamel Undercoater, Interi-or Trim Primer. ProMar 200 Alkyd Enamel Undercoater 849W200. Undercoat: Ready-mixed enamel . 8801 Velour AlkYd Enamel Undercoat. 220-0'7 Interior AIkyd Enamel Undercoat. 4500 Glid-Guard Alkyd Enamel. Moore's Alkyd Enamel UnderbodY #211. 6-6 Speedhide Quick-Dry Enamel Undercoater. Interior Trim Primer. ProMar ,nn Alkyd EnameI Undercoater 949W200. 2.5 EXTERIOR FINISH PAINT MATERIAL A. Finish Pai-nt: Provide the manufacturer's recommended factory-formufated finish-coat materials that are compatible with the substrate and undercoats indicated. B. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, finish coat materials that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Deep-Color, Exterior, A1kyd Resin Trim Paint: 09900 - 7PAINTING a, Devoe: h Frr'l lar. ^ C1 i ddan. .l M/\n ro' E. PPG: f . P & L: Y. Deep-color, ready-mixed alkyd paint' 155 A11-Weather Exterior AlkYd Gloss House and Trim Paint Ul-tra Deep Base. 660-XX Weather King Alkyd House & Trim Paint. 1901 Spred Dura GLoss OiI House Paint. Moore's House Paint #110. 1 Line Sun-Proof Deeptone or Rustlc Base Wood Fini-sh. Effecto Enamel. SWP Exterior Gloss Finish A-2 Series. Alkyd Enamel: Flat, alkyd-based enamel . 564XX De-Vo-Ko Lo-Lustre AIkYd H. P. Moore's PentaFlex FIat House Paint #114. 50-52 Exterior AIkyd Flat Paint. ProMar Alkyd Flat Exterior Finish B38 Series. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I T I I I I 2. Lusterl-essa. Devoe: h Mnnro. c. PPG: A a -LrI . 2.5 3. Gloss Alkyd Enamel: enamel. a. Devoe: b. Ful-Ier: c. Gfidden: d. Moore: e. PPG: f . P & L: 9. S-W: Weather-resistant, high-g1oss 7OXX Mirrolac Interior/Exterior Alkyd-Urethane Gloss Enamel. 312-XX EPA Compliant Heavy DutY Enamel. 4500-Line Glid-Guard lndustrial Ename]. Impervo High-Gloss Enamel #133. 54 Line Quick-Dry Enamel. Effecto EnameL. lndustrial Enamel B-54 Series. Ready-mixed, INTER]OR FINISH PAINT MATERIAL Finish Paint: Provide the manufacturer's recommended factory-formulated finish-coat materials that are compatible with the substrate and undercoats indicated. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, finish coat materials that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not limited to, the fol-Lowi-ng: 1. Interior, FLat, Latex-Based Paint: latex-based paint for a flat finish. PAINTING 09900 - 8 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t t I I t a. Devoe: b. Fuller: a c1 i r{rlan . d. Moore: E. PPG: € D c T. S. S-W: a. Devoe: b. Fuller: c. Glidden: d. Moore: e. PPG: f . P & L: S. S-W: a. Devoe: b. FuLler: r C1 i Adon. d. Moore: a DDC. f . P & L: ,.r e -T. .Y. 36XX Wonder-Tones Latex Flat WaIl rd_Lll L . 602Xx Liquid Vefvet Latex WalI Paint. 3400 Spred Satin Latex WaII Paint' Regal Wal-l- Satj-n #215. 80 Line Wallhide Flat Latex Paint. Vapex Latex Flat WalI Finish. CLasslc 99 Wal-L and Trim Paint A27W10. Interior, Semigloss, Odorless AIkyd Semigloss, low-odor, afkyd enamel. Enamef: 26XX Velour AIkYd SemigJ-oss Enamel-. l-1OXX FuIlerglo Alkyd SemigJ-oss Enamel-. 4200 Spred Ultra Semigloss Enamel- Moore's Satin Impervo Ename} +235. 2? Line Wallhide Semigloss Enamel . Cell-u-Tone AlkYd Satin Enamel. Ctassic 99 Semigloss Enamel A40 Serles. 96XX Wonder Woodstain Alkyd Stain. 640-XX Pen-Chrome Interior Oi1 Base Wood Stain. 1500 Woodmaster Oi1 Stain. 241 Moore's Interior Wood Finishes Penetrating Stain.'l'7-302 Rez Medium Tint Base. S-Series Tonetic Wood Stain. Oil Stain A-48 Series. 2.7 MISCELLANEOUS WOOD-FINISHING MATERIALS A.Wood-Fj-nishing Materials:Provide the manufacturer I s reconmended factory-formulated, wood-finishj-n9 materials that are compatible with the substrate and undercoats indicated. B. Available Products: Subject to compliance wlth requirements, wood-finishing materials that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not linited to, the following: 1. Oil-Type Interior hlood Stain: oil-type wood stain. Slow-penetrat j-ng' 2. Cut Shellac: Quick-drying' rosin-free, clear' general-purpose shefl-ac varnish. PAINTING 09900 - 9 - n^r,^^. b. Fuller: c. Gl-idden: d. Moore: e. PPG: f . P & L: Y. ^ n^..^^,Cl . UEV\Jg. b. Fuller: c. Gfidden: d. Moore: e. PPG: f D r- T. 9. S-W: a. Devoe: b. Fuller: c. Glidden: d. Moore: a DDC. f. P&L: 9. S-W: 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION 4900 Wonder Woodsealer Quick-Dry Sealer. No recommendation. 5035 Ultra-Hide Sanding Seal-er. 413 Moore's Interior Wood Fi-nishes Quick-Dry Sanding Seal-er. 7'7-30 Quick Drying Sanding SeaLer. No recorunendatiorr, ProMar Varnish Sanding Sealer 4800 Wonder Woodstain Interior Paste Wood Fil-ler. 580-00 Pen Chrome Paste Wood Fi11er. Glidden Paste Wood FiLl-er. Benwood Paste Wood Filler #238. (none required) No recommendation. Sher-Wood Fast-Drv Fil]er. 4600 Wonder Wood Satin Alkvd Satin Varnish. 553-01 EPA Compliant Clear Polyurethane Satin Flnish. 82 Woodmaster Satin Sheen Urethane Varnish. Benwood Satin Finish Varni-sh #404. 7'7-7 Rez Satin Varnish. CLear Finish Gloss. Oil Base Varnish, Gloss A66V91. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t t t 82 6V3 . Paste Wood Filler: Solvent-based, air-drying, paste-type wood filler. Oil Rubbing Varnish: C1ear, oil-type, rubbing varnish for use on interior stained or natural-finished woodwork: PART 3.1 A Examine substrates and conditions under which painting wil-1 be performed for compliance with paint application requirements. Surfaces receiving paint must be thoroughJ.y dry before paint is aPPlied. 1. Do not begin to apply paint until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 2. Start of painting wil-l be construed as the Applicator's acceptance of surfaces and conditlons within a partlcular area. PAINTING 09900 - L0 1. B.I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Coordination of Work: Review other Secti-ons in which primers are provided to ensure compatibility of the total system for various substrates. On request, furnish information on characteristics of fi-nish materials to ensure use of compatible Prlmers. Notj-fy the Architect about anticipated problems using the materials speci-fied over substrates primed by others. PREPARATION General: Remove hardware and hardware accessories, plates, machined surfaces, lighting fixtures, and si-mil-ar items aJ-ready installed that are not to be painted' or provide surface-applied protection prior to surface preparaE]-on ano parnE]-ng.Remove these j-tems , if necessary, to completely palnt the items and adjacent surfaces. Following completion of painting operations in each space or area, have items reinstalled by workers skil-Ied in the trades involved. B. Cleaning:Before applying paint or other surface treatments, cl-ean the substrates of substances that could impair the bond of the various coatings. Remove oil and grease prior to cleaning. Schedufe cleaning and painting so dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process wiLl- not fall on wet, newl-y painted surfaces. Surface Preparation: Clean and prepare surfaces to be painted according to the manufacturer's instructions for each particular substrate condition and as specified. 1. Provide barrier coats over incompatible primers or remove and reprime. Notify Architect in wrlti.ng about anticipated problems using the specified finish-coat material with substrates primed by others. 2. Wood: Clean surfaces of dirt, oil, and other foreign substances with scrapers, mj-neral- spirits, and sandpaper, as required. Sand surfaces exposed to view smooth and dust off. Scrape and clean small, dry, seasoned knots, and apply a thin coat of white shelfac or other recommended knot sealer before applyi-ng primer. After priming, fill holes and imperfections in finish surfaces with putty or plastic wood filler. Sand smooth when dried. Prime, stain, or seal wood to be painted immediately upon delivery. Prime edges, ends, faces, undersides, and backsides of wood, including cabinets, counters, cases' and paneling. PAINTING h 09900 - 11 I I t I I I t I I I I t I t I t I I I c. .l a. 1. z. D. When transparent f ini-sh i-s with spar varnish. requi-red, backprj-me Seal tops, bottoms, and cutouts of unprimed wood doors with a heavy coat of varnish or sealer immediately upon delivery. 3. Ferrous Metal"s:CIean ungalvanized ferrous metal surfaces that have not been shop-coated; remove oi1, grease, dirt, l-oose mil-1 scale, and other foreign substances.Use solvent or mechanical cl-eani-nq methods that comply with recommendations of the Stee1 Structures Paintlng Council (SSPC) . Touch up bare areas and that have been damaged. solvents recommended by and touch up with the shop-applied prime coats Wire-brush, cfean with the paint manufacturer, same primer as the shop Gal-vanized Surfaces: Clean nonpetroleum-based solvents free of oil and surface pretreatment from galvanized from coil stock bv mechanical galvanized surfaces withso that the surface is conEam]-nan!s.Remove sheet metal fabrlcated methods. Materials Preparation: Carefully mix and prepare paint materials accordinq to manufacturer's directions. Maintain containers used in mixing and applying paint in a cfean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. Stir material before application to produce a mixture of uniform density; stir as required during application. Do not stir surface film into material . Remove fil-m and, if necessary, strain materiaf before using. Use only thinners approved by the paint manufacturer and only within recommended limits. t;. 1'r-nErnq:Tint each undercoat a liqhter shade to facilitate identification of each coat where multiple coats of the same material are applied. Tint undercoats to match the cofor of the finish coat, but provide sufficient differences in shade of undercoats to distinguish each seParate coat. 3.3 APPL]CATION A. General-:Apply paint according to manufacturer's directions. Use applicators and techniques best suited for substrate and type of material being applied. Do not paint over dirt, rustf scaler grease, moisture, scuffed surfaces, or conditions detrimental to formation of a durable paint film. PAINTING 09900 - 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1. Paint colors, surface treatments, and finishes are indlcated i-n the schedules. 2. Provide finish coats that are compatible with primers used. 3. The number of coats and the film thj-ckness required are the same regardless of the application method' Do not apply succeeding coats until the previous coat has cured as recommended by the manufacturer' Sand l-retr^rrFn annl ications where sanding is required to -FF'produce a smooth even surface according to the manufacturer' s directions . 4. Apply additionaf coats if undercoats' stains, or other conOitions show through final coat of paint until paint film is of uniform finish, color, and appearance, Give special attention to ensure that surfaces, incl-uding edges. corners, crevices, welds, and exposed fasteners, receive a dry film thickness equivalent to that of flat surfaces. 5. The term exposed surfaces incl-udes areas visible when ncrm:nent .)r built-i-n fixturesr convector coverst covers for finned tube radiation, grilles, and similar components are in place. Extend coatings in these areas' as required, to maintain the system integrity and provide desired Protection.6. Pai-nt surfaces behind movabl-e eguipment and furniture the same as similar exposed surfaces. Before the fj-nal installation of equipment, paint surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or furniture with prime coat only. '1 . Paint interior surfaces of ducts, where visi'b1e through registers or grilles, with a fIat, nonspecular black paint. 8. Paint back sides of access panels and removable or hinged covers to match exposed surfaces. 9. Finish interior of wal1 and base cabinets and similar fiel-d-finished casework to match exteri-or. 10. Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms, and side edges same as exterlor faces. 11. Sand lightly between each succeeding enamel ^^-.Fl-\, a L . l-2. Omit prlmer on metal surfaces that shop-primed and touch-up painted. or varnish have been Scheduling Painting: Apply first coat to surfaces that have been cleaned. pretreated, or otherwise prepared for painting as soon as practi-cab1e after preparation and before subsequent surface deterioratlon. 1. AlLow sufficient time between successive coats to permit proper drying. Do not recoat until paint has dried to where it feels firm, does not deform or feel sticky under moderate thumb pressure, and where application of another coat of paint does not cause the undercoat to lift or lose adheslon. PAINTING 09900 - 13 I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I 1. 3. D. E. F. I. J. K. Application Procedures: Apply paints and coatings by brush, roller, spray, or other applicators accordj-ng to the manufacturer's directions. Brushes: Use brushes best suited for the materiaf applied. Rolfers: Use rollers of carpet, velvet back' or high-pile sheep's wool as recommended by the manufacturer for the material and texture required. Spray Equipment: Use aj-rl-ess spray equipment with orifice size as recommended by the manufacturer for the material and texture reguired. Minimum Coating Thickness: Apply materj-a1s no thinner than the manufacturer's recommended spreadlng rate. Provide the total dry film thickness of the entire system as recommended by the manufacturer. Mechanical and Electrical Work: Painting mechanical and electrical work is l-imited to items exposed on exterior, in mechanical equj-pment rooms and in occupied spaces. Mechanical items to be painted incl-ude' limited to, the followi-ng: but are not 1. Piping, pipe hangers' and supports. 2. Ductwork.3. Insulation.4. Supports. 5. Accessory items. H. Electrical items to be painted include, but are not limited to, the folLowing: 1. Conduit and fittings. 2. Switchgear. Prime Coats: Before applying finish coats' aPPIY a prime coat of material, as recommended by the manufacturer, to material that is required to be painted or finished and that has not been prime-coated by others. Recoat primed and sealed surfaces where evidence of suction spots or unseafed areas in first coat appears' to ensure a finish coat with no burn-through or other defects due to insufficient sealing. Stipple Enamel Finish: Roll and redistribute paint to an even and fine texture. Leave no evidence of rolling such as 1aps, irregularity in texture' skid marks, or other surface imperfections. Pigmented (Opaque) Finishes: Completely cover to provide a smooth, opaque surface of uniform finish' color, appearance, and coverage. Cloudiness, spotting' holidays, PAINTING 09900 - 14 z. L. A, I I t I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface i mnerf cr-t i nnq wi I ' - -! r^^ ^tf ]e.rtrrpgr.LE\- L--!\Jrr.J w-!-!I llUL IJY ctL-('gyL-ar' Transparent (C1ear) Finishes: produce a gl"ass-smooth surface Provide a finish free of irregularity, runs, brush marks, or other surface imperfections. Use muJ-tiple coats to f il-m of even f uster. laps, cl-oudiness, color orange peel, nail ho1es, 3.4 ?q PAINTING Provide satin finish for finaf coats. M. Compl-eted Vlork:Match approved sampfes F^- ^^ l ^rl-\Jr \/\Jr\./r-, repaint worktexture, and coverage. Remove, refinish, or not complying wi-th specified requirements. F]ELD QUALITY CONTROL The Owner reserves the right to invoke the foflowing test procedure at any time and as often as the Owner deems necessary during the perj-od when paint is being applied: 1.The Owner wil-l engage the services of an independent testing agency to sample the paint material belng used. Samples of materj-al delivered to the Project will be taken, ldentified, sealed, and certified i-n the presence of the Contractor. The testing agency will perform appropriate tests for the foltowing characteristics as required by the Owner: a. Quantitatj-ve materials analysis. b. Abrasion resistance. c. Apparent reflectivity. d. Flexibility. e. Washability. f. Absorption. g. Accelerated weathering. h. Dry opacity. i. Accelerated yellowness. .i Pannet i nn).k. Skinning. l. Color retention. m. Alkali and mildew resistance. If test results show material being used does not comply with specified requirements, the Contractor may be directed to stop painting, remove noncompJ-ying paint, pay for testing, repai-nt surfaces coated with rejected paint, and remove reiected paint from previously painted surfaces if, upon repainting with specified paint, the two coatings are incompatible. CLEANING 09900 - 15 3.'7 I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I t I I I 1) A. A. A. Cleanup: At the end of each work day, remove empty cans, rags, rubbish, and other discarded paint materials from the site. 1. After completing painting, cfean glass and paint-spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paint by washing and scraplng. Be careful not to scratch or damage adjacent finished surfaces. PROTECTION Protect work of other trades, whether being painted or not, against damage by painting. Correct damage by eleaning, repalring or replacing, and repainting' as acceptable to Archltect. Provlde "Wet Pai-nt" signs to protect newly painted finj-shes. Remove temporary protective wrappings provided by others to protect their work after completing pai-ntlng operatrons. 1. At completion of construction activities of other trades, touch up and restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces. EXTER]OR PAINT SCHEDULE General: Provide the following paint systems for the various substrates indicated. Gypsum Board 1. Lusterless (Ftat) Acrylic Finish: Two finish coats over primer with total dry film thickness not less than 3.5 mi1s. a.Primer: Exterior primer coating' l- ) Devoe: 2) Fuller: 3) Glidden: 4) Moore: 5) P & L: b. First and emulsion. 1,1-02 AIf-Weather Alkvd House Paint Primer.220-23 Exterior Wood and Masonry Primer. 1951 Spred Gel-Flo Base Coat. Moorwhi-te Primer #100. Permalize Exterior Primer. Second Coats:Exterior acrylic Devoe: Full-er: L5XX Wonder-ShieldAcrylic Latex FIat Paint. 262-XX 1003 Acrylic ! raE t lnrsn . Exterior House Exterior 09900 - 15PAINTING 2) t I I I t I I I I t t I I I I I I I I 3) Glidden: 4) Moore: q ) PPG:rl 6) P & L: '7 ) S-w: C. Ferrous Metal: Primer is items. L) Devoe: 2) Moore: ?\ Dpc.JI 4) S-W: 4) Moore: 5) PPG: 6) P&L: 3525 Spred Glide-On. Moore's Flat Exterior Latex Masonry & House Paint #105.'72 Line Sun-Proof AcrYIic Latex House Paint. Vapex Latex FIat House Paint. A-100 Acrylic Latex Flat Exterior Finish A-6 Series. not required on shoP-Primed L4920 Bar-Ox Quick DrY Metal Primer, Red. lronClad Retardo Rust-Inhibitive Paint #163. 6-208 Red Inhibitive MetaI Primer. Kem Kromik Metal Primer B50N2 /850W1 . Rust-Inhibitive Paint #163. 6-612 Speedhide Inhibitive White Primer. Effecto Primer Red or White. 1. Lusterl-ess Alkvd EnameL:Two finish coats over prrmer. a. Primer: Svnthetic rust-inhibiting primer' b. First and Second Coats: Lusterless alkyd enamel' 1) Devoe: 564XX De-Vo-Ko Lo-Lustre Alkyd H. r. 2) Moore: Moore's PentaFlex Flat House Paint *11-4 . 3) PPG: 50-52 Snolite Exterior Alkyd FIat House Paint. 4) S-W: ProMar AlkYd Flat Exterior Finish B38 Series. 2. Deep-Color, High-Gloss Alkyd Trim Enamel: Two coats over primer. a. Primer: AIkYd-tYPe Primer' 1) Devoe: 41'820 Bar-Ox Alkyd Shop/Field Primer GreY. 2) Fu1ler: 62\-05 Blox-Rust Latex MetaL Primer. 3) Gl-idden: 5205 Glid-Guard Tank and Structural Pri-mer. IronCfad Retardo PAINTING 09900 - 17 h '7 ) S-W: First and Second Coats: alkyd resin trim paint. Kem Kromik Metal Primer B50N2/850W1. Deep-color, exterj-or, Glid-Guard I t I I I I t I I T T I t I I I I t t D. 1) Devoe: 2) Fuf1er: 3) Gfidden: 4) Moore: 5) PPG: 6) P & L: 1) S-W: Zinc-Coated Metal: 1. High-Gloss Alkyd Enamel: 1) Devoe: 2) FuI1er: 3) Glidden: 4) Moore: 5) PPG: 6) P & L: .7 \ S-W: b. First and Second 1) Devoe: 2\ Fuller: 3) Glidden: 4) Moore: q\ Dpr:.J,6) P & r,: 7) S-W: 155 All-Weather Exterior Alkyd Gl-oss House and Trim Paint ULtra Deep Base. 660-XX Weather King Alkyd House & Trim Paint. 1901 Spred Dura Gloss Oi1 House Paint. Moore's House Paint #110. 1 Line Sun-Proof Deeptone or Rustic Base Wood Finish. Effecto Enamel-. SV{P Exterior Gl-oss Fi-nish A-2 Series. Two finish coats over l-3201 Mirrolac Gafvanized Metal Primer. 621-05 Bfox-Rust Latex Metal Primer. 5229 Glid-Guard A11-Purpose Metal Primer. IronCLad Gal-vanized Metal Latex Primer #155. 6-215 /2I5 Speedhide Galvanized Steel Primer. Interior Trim Primer. Galvi-te 850W3. Coats: Gloss alkvd enamel. ?oxx Inte rior /Exterior Mirrolac AIkyd-Urethane Gloss Enamel . 3l-2-XX EPA Compliant Heavy Duty EnameJ-. 4500-Line Industrial Enamel. Impervo High-Gloss Enamel *-tJ5. 54 Line Quick-Dry Enamel . Effecto Enamel. Industrial Enamel B-54 Series. prrmer. a. Primer: Galvanized metal primer. PAINTlNG 09900 - 18 I I I I I I I I T I I I I I T I I I T 3.8 1) Devoe: 2) Fuller: 3 ) Gl-idden: 4) Moore: q\ pD|,: 'J' 6) P&L: 7) S-W: 1 \ l-'larrna .Lt 2) FulLer: ?\ Cl i ddan.Jt 4) Moore: 5) PPG: A B. INTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE General: Provide the following paint systems for the various substrates, as indicated. Gypsum Drywal-l Systems: 1. Lusterless (F1at) Emulsion Finish: Two coats. a. Primer: White, interior, Iatex-based primer. b. Finish Coat: Interior, flat, Latex-based paint. 1) Devoe: 36XX Wonder-Tones Latex FIat WaLl- Paint. 2) Fuller: 602XX Liquid Velvet Latex WaIl Paint. 3) Glidden: 3400 Spred Satin Latex Wal1 Paint. 4) Moore: Regal lllall Satin #2L5. 5) PPG: 80 Line Wallhide Flat Latex Paint. 6) P & L: Vapex Latex Flat Wal-l- Finish. 7) S-W: Classic 99 Wa]I and Trim Paint A27W10. 2. Odorless Semigloss Alkyd Enamef Finish: Three coats with total dry film thickness not l-ess than 2.5 mil-s. a. Primer: White, interior, l-atex-based pr j.mer. 50801 Wonder-Tones Latex Primer and Seafer. Pro-Tech Interior Latex Wal-l Primer and Seafer. 5019 PVA Primer. Moore's Latex Quick-Dry Prime Seal- #201. 6-2 Quick-Dry Latex Pr j-mer Sealer. Latex tdall Primer 230001. Pro-Mar 200 Latex Wall Primer 828t/[200. 50801 Wonder-Tones Latex Primer and Sealer. Pro-Tech Interior I-,atex Wa11 Primer and Sealer. 5019 PVA Primer. Moore's Latex Quick-Dry Pri-me Seal #201.6-2 Quick-Dry Latex Primer Seafer. PAINTING 09900 - 19 5) PPG: 6) P & L: 7) S-W: Stained Woodwork: 1. Stained-Varnish Rubbed Finish: 6) P & L: 1 ) S-hr: 1) Devoe: 2l Fuller: 3) Glidden: 4) Moore: 5) PPG: 5) P&L: 7) S-W: b. First Coat: Cut 1) Devoe: 2) Glidden: 3) Moore: PPG: S-W: Latex Wal-l Primer 230001. Pro-Mar 200 Latex Wall Primer 27 Line Wallhide Semisloss Enamel . Cellu-Tone Alkyd Satin EnameL. Classic 99 Semiq]oss EnameL A40 Series. /-a\a 1- q Wipe 96XX Wonder Woodstain AIkyd Stain. 640-XX Pen-Chrome Interior OiI Base Wood Stain. 1500 Woodrnaster Oil Stain. 241 Moore's Interior Wood Finishes Penetrating Stain. 7'i-302 Rez Medium Tint Base. S-Series Tonetic Wood Stain. Oil Stain A-48 Series. h 828W200. First and Second Coats: Interior, semigloss, odorLess, alkyd enamel. 1) Devoe t 26XX Velour Alkyd Semigloss EnameL. 2) Fulfer: 110XX Fullerglo AlkYd Semigloss Enamel. 3) Glidden: 4200 Spred Ultra Semigloss Enamel. 4) Moore: Moore's Satin Impervo Enamel- +t235. I I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I ? Three finish over stain plus fi]]er on open-grain wood. fill-er before applying first varnish coat. a.Staj-n Coat: Oil-type interior wood stain. sheflac. 4900 4) s) Wonder Woodsealer Sanding Quick-Dry Sealer. 5035 Ultra-Hide Sealer.4L3 Moore's Interior Wood Finishes Quick-Dry Sanding Sealer.77-30 Quick Drying Sanding Sealer. Pro-Mar Varnish Sanding Sealer 09900 - 20PAINTING 826V3. I I I I I I I I t I T I I I I I I I I i- tri I I ar l^n.ef . 1) Devoe: 2l Full-er: 3) Glidden: 4) Moore: J, 4\ e-hl .vl d. Second and 1) Devoe: 2) Fuller: ?\ Cl i ddan.JI 4) Moore: 5) PPG: 6) P & L: 't ) s-w: 4) Moore: 5) PPG: 6) P & L: 7) S-W: Sher-Wood Fast-DrY Filler. Third Coats: OiI rubbing varnish. Paste wood fi-l-f er. 4800 Wonder Woodstain Interior Paste Vlood FiIler. 680-00 Pen Chrome Paste Wood Fil-ler. Gfidden Paste Wood Fil-fer. Benwood Paste Wood Fil-l-er +238. (none required) 4600 Wonder Wood Satin AJ-kYd Satin Varnish. 653-01 EPA ComPIiant Clear Polyurethane Satin Finish' 82 Woodmaster Satin Sheen Urethane Varnish. Benwood Satin Finish Varnish *404 .'7'7-1 Rez Satin Varnish. Clear Fi-nish Gfoss. Oil Base Varnish. Gloss Abbv vL . D.Ferrous Metal-: l- . Lusterless ( FIat ) Finish: Two finish coats over primer wj-th total dry film thickness not l-ess than 2.5 mi1s. a. Primer: Synthetic, quick-drying, rust-inhibiting primer. 1) Devoet 14920 Bar-Ox Quick Dry Metal Primer, Red. 2) Ful1er: 62I-Q4 Bfox-Rust Alkyd Metal Primer. 3) Glidden: 5210 Gl-id-Guard Uni-versal Fast-Dry Metal Primer. Ironclad Retardo Rust-Inhibitive Pai-nt #163. 6-208 Red Inhibi-tive Metal- Primer. Effecto Primer.Kem Kromik Metal Primer 850N2 /85ov0l- . Rust-lnhibiting PAI NTING 09900 - 21 b. First and Second Coats: Interior, fl"at, Ilatex-based paint. 1) Devoe: 36XX Wonder-Tones Latex FLat IWall Paint. 2) FuLler: 602XX Liquid Velvet Latex WaIf rPaint rex watl I3) Glidden: 3400 Spred Satin Lat Paint. 4) Moore: Regal Wall Satin *275. I5) PPG: 80 Line Wallhide FIat Latex r Paint. 6) P & L: Vapex Latex Fl-at Wall Finish. I'. ) S-W: Classi-c 99 WaIl and Trim Paint t A27W10. 2. Semigloss Enamel Finish: Two coats over primer with I totaL dry film thickness not less than 2.5 miLs. a. Prj-mer: Synthetic, quick-drying, rust-inhibiting I primer. 1) Devoe : !4920 Bar-Ox Quick Dry Meta1 IPrimer, Red. 2) FuLler: 62L-04 Bl-ox-Rust Alkyd Metal IPrimer. I3) Glidden: 52L0 Glid-Guard Universal Fast-Dry Metal Primer. I4) Moore: Ironclad Retardo IRust-Inhibitive Paint #163. 5) PPG: 6-208 Red Inhibitive Metal IPrimer. I6) P & L: Effecto Rust-Inhibiting r Prj-mer. r'7) S-W: Kem Kromik Metal Primer IB50N2/B50WI-. r b. Undercoat: Interior enamel undercoat. 1) Devoe: 8801 Velour Alkyd Enamel Undercoat. 2) FuIIer: 220-07 Interj-or Alkyd Enamel I Undercoat. 3) Glidden: 4200 Spred Ultra Semi-Gloss I Enamel. I 4) Moore: Moore's Alkyd Enamel Underbody #2t'7 .5) PPG: 6-6 Speedhide Quick-Dry Ename1 IUndercoater. 6) P & L: Interior Trim Primer. I7) S-W: Pro-Mar 200 Alkyd Enamel IUndercoater 849W200. I oee00 - 22 I I PAINTING I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I Full-Gloss Enamel Finish: Two coats over prj-mer with total dry film thickness not less than 2.5 mifs- a. Primer: Synthetic, quick-drying, rust-inhiblting rrri mar ,,. Fi ni ch f-nal- . enamel-. 1) Devoe: z) IUJ-rer: 3) Glidden: 4) Moore: 5) PPG: 6) P & L: ? \ a -Inl .tl 1) Devoe: 2) Fuller: 3) Glidden: 4) Moore: 5) PPG: 6) P&L: '7 ) S-W: b. Undercoat: l- ) Devoe : 2) Fufler: 3) Gfidden: 4) Moore: 5) PPG: 6) P & L:7l s-w: Interior, semigloss, odorless, alkyd 26XX Velour AlkYd Semigloss Enamel, 11OXX tr'r1 | I Arat I a1! qrre!Y4v Alkyd Semigloss Enamel-. 4200 Spred Ultra Semigloss EnameL. Moore's Satin ImPervo Enamel- #235. 2'7 Line Wallhide Semigloss Enamel. CeLlu-Tone AlkYd Satin Enamel-' Classic 99 Semigloss Enamel A40 Series. 14920 Bar-Ox Quick DrY Metal Primer, Red. 521,-04 Blox-Rust AlkYd Metal Primer. 52L0 GIid-Guard Universal Fast-Drv Metaf Primer. I ronclad Retardo Rust-Inhibltive Paint #l-63' 6-208 Red Inhibitive Metal Primer. Effecto Primer.' Kem Kromik Metal Primer 850N2 /B50W1 . Interior enamel undercoat. 8801 Velour AlkYd Enamel- Undercoat. 220-O7 Interior AIkYd EnameI Undercoat. 4500 Glid-Guard AIkYd Enamef. Moore's AJ-kyd Enamef UnderbodY #zr1 . 6-6 Speedhide Quick-DrY Enamel Undercoater. Interior Trim Primer. Pro-Mar 200 AIkYd Enamel Undercoater 849W200. Rust-Inhibiting Finish Coat: Exterior, gloss, alkyd enamel . PAINTING uytvv - zJ E.Zinc-Coated Meta]: 1. LusterLess (FIat) Finish: Two finish coats overprimer with total dry fil-m thickness not less than 2.5 mils. 1) Devoe: 2) Fuller: < | a- | | /.'lat6t\ . 4 \ Mnnrc. 5) PPG: 6) P & L: 't ) s-w: Primer: Galvanized 1) Devoe: 2) Fuller: 3) Glidden: 4) Moore: 5) PPG: 6) P & r,:'7r. s-w: First and Second latex-based paint. L) Devoe: 2) Fuller: 3) Glidden: 4) Moore:q\ ppc. 6) P&L: 7 ) S-W: 7Oxx Mirrolac Interior,/Exterior Alkvd Gl-oss EnameL. 312XX EPA Compliant Heavy Duty EnameI. 4500 Glid-Guard Industrial EnameL Impervo High-Gloss EnameL sr55. 54 Line Quick-Dry Enamel. Effecto Enamel-. Industrial- Enamel- B-54 Series. metal primer. 13201 Mirrolac Galvanized Metal- Primer. 621-05 Blox-Rust Latex MetaL Primer. 5229 Glid-Guard AII-Purpose Metal- Primer. Ironclad GaLvanized Metal Latex Pri.mer #155. 5-2L5/216 Speedhide Galvanized Steel Pri.mer. Interior Trim Primer. Galvite 850w3. Coats: Interior, fl-at, 36XX Wonder-Tones Latex Flat WalL Paint. 502XX Liquid Velvet Latex ?laII Paint. 3400 Spred Satin Latex Wal1 Paint. Regal !{aII Satin #215.80 Line Wallhide FIat Latex Paint. Vapex l,atex FIat Wall Finish. Classic 99 WaIl and Trim Paint A27W10. I I I I I I I I I t t I I I t I I I I t-\ Semigloss Finish: Two coats over primer, with totaldrv film thickness not less than 2.5 mil-s. PAINTING z- 09900 - 24 T I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I I a.Primer: Galvanized metaf primer. 1) Devoe: 13201 Mj-rrolac Gafvanized Metal Primer. 2) Full-er: 621-05 Bl-ox-Rust Latex Metal yrlmer. 3) Glidden: 5229 G1id-Guard All-Purpose Metal Primer. 4) Moore: lronclad Gal-vanized Metal Latex Primer #155. 6-2L5/216 SPeedhlde Galvanized Steel Primer. Interior Trim Primer. Gal-vite 850W3. Interior enamef undercoat. 8801 Vel-our AJ-kYd Enamel Undercoat. 220-07 Interior AlkYd EnameI Undercoat. 4200 Spred ULtra Semi-Gloss Ename1 . Moore's Alkyd Enamel UnderbodY *lL I . 6-6 Speedhide Quick-DrY Enamel Undercoater. Interior Trim Primer. Pro-Mar 200 AlkYd Enamel Undercoater 849W200. Interior, semigloss, odorless' alkyd 26XX Velour AlkYd Semigloss Enamel . 11OXX Fullerglo Alkyd Semigloss Enamel. 4200 Spred Ultra Semigloss Enamel-. Moorers Satin Impervo Enamel- t*235. 27 Line Wallhide Semigloss Enamel. Ceflu-Tone Alkyd Satin Enamel. Classic 99 Semigloss Enamel q \ ppc. 6) P & L: '7 ) s-w: b. Undercoat: 1) Devoe: 2) Full-er: 3) Glldden: 4) Moore: q\ DDl':.JI 5) P & L: 1\ S_W: c. Finish Coat: enamel. l- ) Devoe: 2) Ful-Ler: 3) Glidden: 4) Moore: 5) PPG: 6) P & L: 7) S-W: A40 Series. Ful-l--Gloss Enamel- Finlsh: Two coats over primer with total dry film thickness not Less than 2.5 mil-s. a. Primer: Galvanized metal primer. PAINTING 3. 09900 - 25 h 1 \ horr,.ra.LI 2) Ful-ler: ?\ t'11 i ddan.J, 4) Moore: 5) PPG: 5) P&L: '7 ) S-W: Undercoat: 1) Devoe: 2) Fuller: 3) Gfidden: 4) Moore: q \ DDr:. 5) P & L: 7 ) s-w: L) Devoe: 2) Fuller: 3 ) Gl-idden: 4) Moore: 5) PPG: 6) P&L: 7) S-W: END OF 13201 Mirrol-ac Galvanized Metal Primer. 621-05 Blox-Rust Latex Metal Prlmer. 5229 Gl-id-Guard Al-l--Purpose Metal Primer.Ironclad Galvanized Metal Latex Primer #155. 6-215/216 Speedhide Galvanized Steel Primer. P & L Interior Trim Primer. Gal-vite 850W3. Interi.or enarnel undercoat. 8801, Velour ALkvd Ename1 Undercoat. 220-0'l Interior Alkvd Enamel Undercoat. 4500 Glid-Guard Alkyd Enamel. Moore's AJ-kyd Enamel Underbody *21.7 . 6-6 Speedhide Quick-Dry Enamel Undercoater. Interi-or Trim Primer. Pro-Mar 200 Alkyd Enamel Undercoater 849W200. MirrolacInterior/Exterior Alkyd Gloss EnameI. 312XX EPA Compliant Heavy Duty Enamel.4500 Glid-Guard Industrial Enamel .Impervo High-Gloss Enamel #133. 54 Line Quick-Dry Enamel . Effecto Enamel .lndustrial Enamel B-54 Series. sEcTroN 09900 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I Finish Coat: Exterior, gl-oss, alkyd enamel. 7oxx PAINTING 09900 - 26 I I I I I I I T t I I I I t I T I T I SECTION 09950 - WALL COVERINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Sner-i f ir-:f inn Ser-tions- ennlv fo fhis Section,gEY- ] B. Interior drawings and specifications issued separately supersede these specifi-cations where they vary. L.2 SUMMARY A. This Section inc]udes the foflowinq: 1. Vinyl wall, covering. 2. Textife wal-L coverinq. B. Prime coats for substrat.es are specified in Division 9 Section "Painting. " 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. GeneraL: Submit the Conditions of Contract Sections. B. Product data for each type of product specified. Include data on physical characteristics, durability, fade resistance, and flame resistance characteristics. C. Samples for initial sel-ection purposes of each tyPe of waIl covering required, in manufacturer's standard sizes showing full range of colors, textures, and patterns available. D. Samples for verificatj-on purposes of each type, co1or, texture, and pattern of wall covering and molding accessory required, prepared on sampl-es of size indicated befow: 1. Full-width sample, not less than 36 inches long, of each wal-l- covering specified. Show complete pattern repeaE. 2. 12-inch long sampfe of each molding accessory. E. Product certificates signed by wall covering manufacturer certifying materials furnished comply with specified requirements. following in accordance with and Division 1 Specificati-on WALL COVERINGS 09950 - 1 Certified test reports showing compliance with requi-rements for fire performance characteristics and physical ProPertj-es. Maintenance data for inclusion in "Operatinq and Maintenance Manuaf" specified in Division 1. Include the following: L. Methods for maintaining wal1 covering' 2. Precautions for use of cleaning materiaLs and methods Ithat could be detrimental to fj-nishes and performance. I QUALITY ASSURANCL Fire Performance Characteristics: Provide waII coverings with the following surface burning characteristlcs as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84 by UL or other testing and inspecting organizations acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identify wall coverings with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting organization. 1. Flame Spread: 25 ox less. 2. Smoke DeveloPed: 450 or less. PROJECT CONDITIONS Maintain a constant temperature not l-ess than 60 deg F (16 deg C) in installation areas for at least 10 days before and 10 days after installation. EXTRA MATERIALS Furnish extra materials from same production runs as wall covering installed. Package materials with protective covering and identify with labels describing contents. Deliver extra materi-als to Owner. Rolls: Furnish guantity of full-size units equal to l-0 percent of amount installed. 2 - PRODUCTS WALL COVERING MATERIALS Refer to finish plans which specify manufacturer, style' co1or, pattern, sLzet and related requirements for walf covering materials. ADHESIVES General: Manufacturerrs standard for use with specific wall covering and substrate applicati-on- I I I F. 1.4 -L.O PART )'1 A. z.z A. I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1 A. A. WALL COVERINGS 09950 - 2 t B. characteristics: Mildew-resistant, nonstaining, and strippable. I 2.3 ACCESSORIESI A. Metaf Molding: comply with ASTM B 221, aluminum alloy I 6063-T5 for extrusions, finlsh AA-M31A31, with one-piece! cap and wall flange taperlng to feather edge. T PART3-EXECUTION t 3.1 PREPARATToNI A. Accl-imatize wal-l covering materiafs by removing them from I packaging in the installation areas not less than 24 hours I before installation. B. Follow manufacturerrs printed i-nstructions for surface preparation. 1. Prepare substrates to achieve a smooth, dty, cLean surface free of flaking, unsound coatings, cracks, and defects. 2. Painted Surfaces: Treat areas susceptible to pigment bleeding. 3. Metals: If not factory-primed, clean and apply rust inhibitive zinc primer. 4. Prime new gypsum board wj.th a recommended primer. 3.2 INSTALLATION t A. Follow manufacturer's printed instructions for install-ation. B. Install wall covering with no gaps or overlaps. C. Match pattern 6 feet above finish floor. D. Install seams vertical- and plumb at least 6 inches from outside corners and 3 inches from inside corners. No horizontaL seams. E. Remove air bubbles, wrinkles, bl-isters, and other defects' F. Trim edges for color uniformity, pattern match, and tight closure at seams and edges. Butt seams- G. Install metal moJ-dings in longest practi-caI lengths. Adhere to substrate. Butt end joints and miter corners I I H. Wrap wallcovering inside reveal trim and anchor with clear selant. t 3.3 CTEANTNG wArL covERrNGs 09950 - 3 I I I I I I I I I I A. B. Remove excess adhesive at finished seams, perimeter edgest and adjacent surfaces Use cleaning methods recommended by the wal1 covering manufacturer. Repl-ace strips that cannot be cleaned. END OF SECTION 09950 I I I I t I T I II I I t I I t I I I IWALL COVERINGS 09950 - 4 I I I I T I t t t I I I I I t t I I I SECT]ON 10155 _ TOILET COMPARTMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, incJ-uding General- and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1..2 SUMMARY A. This Section incl-udes comparEmenES. stock, manufactured toilet B. Types of toifet compartments include: 1. Metal, baked enamel finish. C. Styles of toilet compartments include: 1. Floor-anchored. D. Styles of screens incLude: 1. Wall--anchored. E. Toilet accessories, such as toilet paper hol-ders and grab bars, are specified in another Division 10 Section. 1.3 SUBMJTTALS A. General: Submit the Conditions of Contract Sections. following in accordance wj-th and Division 1 Specification B. Product data for materials, fabrication, and installation including catal-og cuts of anchors, hardware, fastenings' and accessorles. C. Shop drawings for fabrication and erection of toil-et compartment assembl-ies not fully described by product drawings, templates, and instructions for instaLlation of anchorage devices built into other work. D. Samples of fu1l range of col-ors for each type of unit required. I.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Field Measurements: Take field measurements prior to preparation of shop drawings and fabrication' where possibfe, to ensure proper fitting of work. However, TOILET COMPARTMENTS 10155 - 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. A. B. a D. al-low for adjustments where taking of field measurements before fabrication might delay work. Coordination: Furnish inserts and anchorages which must be buil-t into other work for installation of toilet compartments and rel-ated items. Coordinate del-ivery with othlr work to avoid delaY. 2 - PRODUCTSPART n1 ')t MANUFACTURERS Avaifabl-e Manufacturers:Subject to compliance with requi.rements, manufacturers ciffering products which may be i.ncorporated in the Work include, but are not limited to' the foflowing: 1.Steel - Baked Enamel Finish: a. Accurate Partition CorP. b. A11 American Metal CorP. c. American Sanitary Partition Corp. d. General Partitions Manufacturlng Corp. e. Global SteeL Products CorP. f. Knickerbocker Partition CorP. S. Metpar Steel Products CorP. h. Monarch Toilet Partitions, fnc. i-. Sanymetal Products Co. MATERIALS General: Provide materials which have been selected for surface flatness and smoothness. Exposed surfaces which exhibit pitting, seam marks, rol-ler marks, stains, discolorations, telegraphing of core material, or other imperfections on finished units are not acceptable. Steel Sheets for Baked Enamel Finish: ASTM A 591' Class C, galvanized-bonderized, of following minimum thicknesses: 1. Panels and Screens: 0.0396 inch (20 gage). 2. Doors: 0.0336 inch (22 gage). Concealed Anchorage Reinforcement: Minimum 0.108 inch (I2 gage), galvanized steel sheet. Concealed Tapping Reinforcement: Minimum 0.0785 inch (14 gage), galvanized steel sheet- E. Core Material for MetaL Partitions:Manufacturer' s standard sound-deadening honeycomb of impregnated Kraft paper in thickness to provide finished dimension of 1 inch minimum for doors, panels, and screens and L-L/4 inches minimum for Pilasters. TOILET COMPARTMENTS 10155 - 2 F. I I t I I I I I B, (. n F. T I I I I I I I I I Pil-aster Shoes and Caps: ASTM A L6'7 , Type 302/304 stainless steel, not less than 3 inches high, 0.0396 inch thick (20 gage), finished to match hardware. Stirrup Brackets:Manufacturer's attaching panels to wal-ls and chromium-plated nonferrous cast anodized alumi-num. standard design forpilasters, either ^11^.. /llr,-n-^fl\al_Lov ["zamac ) or z-J H. Hardware and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard design, heavy duty operating hardware and accessories of chromium-plated, nonferrous cast alloy ("Zamac"). I. Anchorages and Fasteners: Manufacturer's standard exposed fasteners of stainless steel, chromium-plated steel, or brass,flnished i^match hardware, with For concealedtheft-resj-stant-type heads and nuts. anchors, use hot-dip galvantzed, cadmium-pIated, or other rust-resistant protective-coated steef . FABRICATION General: Furnish standard doors, panels, screens, and pilasters fabricated for compartment system.Furnish units wlth cutouts, drilled holes, and internal reinforcement to recej-ve partition-mounted hardware, accessories, and grab bars, as indi-cated. Door Dimensions: Unless otherwise indicated, furnish 24- lnch-wide ln-swinging doors for ordinary toilet stalls and 32-inch-wide (clear opening) doors for stalls equipped for use by handicapped per ADA requirements. Metal Toilet Compartments and Screens: Pressure laminate seamless face sheets to core material and seal edges with conti-nuous interlocking strip or with lapped and formed edges. Weld edges and corners with exposed welds ground smooth. Floor-Supported Compartments: Furnish galvanized steel anchorage devices complete with threaded rods, Iock washers, and leveling adjustment nuts at pilasters to permit structural- connection at fLoor. Provide shoe at each pilaster to conceal anchorage. Watl-Hung Screens: Furnish panel units in sizes indj-cated, of same construction and finish as partition system panels. Hardware: Furnish hardware for each compartment to comply with ANSI A117.1 for handicapped accessibility and as follows: A. I TOILET COMPARTMENTS 10155 - 3 I I I I I I I t I t I I t I t I I t I 4. B. 1. Hinges: Cutout i-nset type, adjustable to hold door open at any angle up to 90 degrees. Provide gravity typ., spring-action cam type. or concealed torsion rod type to suit manufacturer's standards. )Latch and KeePer:Manufacturer' s standard surface-mounted latch unit, designed for handicapped accessibility, with combination rubber-faced door strike and keePer. 3. Coat Hook: Manufacturer's standard unit, combination hook and rubber-tipped bumper, sized to prevent door hltting mounted accessories. Door Pull: Manufacturer's standard unit for doors. Provide pu1ls on both faces of handicapped compartment doors. z-9 PART 3.1 A. 5.2 FINISH Color: One of manufacturer's room, as indicated or, if not Architect. 3 - EXECUTION standard cofors in each indicated, as selected bY INSTALLATION General:Comply with manufacturer's recommended procedures and instal-lation sequence. Install compartment units rigid, straight, plumb, and leve]. Provide cfearances of not more than !/2 inch between pilasters and panels, and not more than 1 inch between panels and walfs. Secure panels to wa1ls with not less than two stirrup brackets attached near top and bottom of panel. Locate waLl brackets so that holes for wal-I anchorages occur in masonry or tile joints. Secure paneJ-s to pilasters with not less than two stirrup brackets focated to align with stirrup brackets at wall. secure panels in position wj-th manufacturer's recommended anchoring devices. Floor-Supported Compartments: Set pilaster units with anchorages having not fess than 2 inches penetration into structuial f1oor, unless otherwise recommended by partition manufacturer. Level, plumb, and tighten installation with devices furnished- Hang doors and adjust so that tops of doors are level with tops of pilasters when doors are in cfosed position. screens: Attach with anchoring devices as recommended by manufacturer to suit supporting structure. set units to provide support and to resist l-ateral impact. ADJUST AND CLEAN TOILET COMPARTMENTS r.0155 - 4 B. I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I Hardware Adjustment: Adjust and ]ubricate hardware for proper operation. Set hinges on i-n-swi-nging doors to hold open approximately 30 degrees from closed position when unlatched. Clean exposed surfaces of partition systems using material-s and methods reconunended by manufacturer, and provide protection as necessary to prevent damage during remainder.of construction period. END OF SECTION 10155 TOILET COMPARTMENTS 10155 - 5 A. A B. I I I I t I I I t I t I t I I I I I I SECT]ON L0522 - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, CABINETS, AND ACCESSORIES PART 1.1 A !.2 1.3 1.4 PART )1 A. -L - I.] Ii I\ Ii l1}\L RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and General and Qnceifir-a1.inn SUMMARY This Section incLudes the fol-lowins: 1. Fire extinguishers.2. Fire extinguisher cabinets. 3. Fire extinguisher mounting brackets. SUBMITTALS General: Submit the following according to Conditions of the Contract and Di-visi-on 1 Specification Sections. Product data for fire extingulsher cabinets include rough-in dimensions, details showlng mounting methods' relationships of box and trim to surrounding construction, door hardware, cabinet type and materials, trim style' door construction, panel sty1e, and materials. Samples for initial selection purposes consisting of actual- units or sections of units showing ful1 range of textures, and patterns available for each type of fire extingulsher cabinet finish indicated or exposed to view' QUALITY ASSURANCE Single-Source Responsibility: Obtain extinguishers and cabinets from one source from a sinqfe manufacturer. UL-LIsted Products: Fire extinguishers shall be UL listed with UL Listing Mark for type, rating, and classification of extinguisher. 2 - PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS AvaiLable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not limited to, the folLowinq: 1.Larsen's Manufacturinq Co. general provisions of the Contract, including Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Sections, appf y to thj-s Sectj-on. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, CABINETS, AND ACCESSORIES rtJzz - ! 2.2 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS A. General: Provide fire extingui-shers for each extinguisher cabinet and other locations indicated, in finishes selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard, that comply with authorities having jurisdiction. B. Multipurpose Dry Chemical Type: Ul-rated 2-A:10:B:C' 5-Ib nominaf capacity, in enameled steel- container. 2.3 MOUNTING BRACKETS A. Brackets: Desi-gned to prevent accidentally dislodging extinguisher, or sizes required for type and capacity of extinguisher indicated, in plated finish. 1. Provide brackets for extinguishers not Located 1n cabinets. 2.4 TIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINETS A. General: Provide fire extinguisher cabinets of suitable size for housing fire extinguishers of types and capacities indicated. Construction: Manufacturer's standard steel box, with trim, frame, door, and hardware to suit cabinet type, trim style, and door style indicated. Weld joints and grind smooth. Miter and weld perimeter door frames. Cabinet Type: Suitable for mounti-ng conditions indlcated of the following t)Pes: 1. Semirecessed: Cabinet box (tub) partially recessed in wal-Is of shall-ow dePth. D. Trim Style: Fabrj.cate trim in one piece with corners mitered, welded, and ground smooth. 1. Exposed Trin:One-piece combination trim and perimeter door frame overlapping surrounding wa11 surface with exposed trim face and walI return at outer edge (backbend). a. Square-edge trim with 1-1l4-inch backbend depth. b. Tri-m Metal: Of same metal and finish as door. E. Door Material and Construction: Manufacturerrs standard door construction, of material- indicated, coordinated with cabinet types and trim styles sel-ected. 1. Stainfess Steel:Manufacturer's standard door construction, fabricated from austenitic stainless B. I t I t I I I t t I T I I I t I I I IFIRE EXTINGUISHERS. CABINETS, AND ACCESSORIES LUIZZ - Z 2. F. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I steel- complying with ASTM A 167, for ArSI Type 302/304 alloy. Door Glazing: Clear ffoat glass complying with ASTM C 1036, Type I, Class 1, QuaLity q3. Identify fire extinguisher in cabinet wj-th FIRE EXTINGUISHER l-ettering appJ-ied to door. Provide lettering to comply wi-th authorities having jurisdj-cti-on for letter style, col-or, s:-ze, spacing, and location. Application Process:Sil-k screen or decal. G.Door Style: Manufacturer's standard design, fu11 glass H. Door Hardware:Provide manufacturer's standard door-operating hardware of proper type for cabinet type, trim sty1e, and door material and style indicated. Provj-de elther lever handle with cam-action latch, or door pull, exposed or concealed, and friction latch. Provide concealed or continuous-type hinge permitting door to open 1-8 0 deg. 2.5 FINISHES FOR FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINETS, GENERAL Comply with NAAMM "Metal Finlshes Manual" for recommendati-ons reLat j-ve to applyj-ng and designating finishes. Protect mechanicaL finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying strippable, temporary protective covering prior to shipping. z-o STAINLESS STEEL FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET FINISHES Remove or bl-end tool and die marks and stretch lines into finish. Grind and polish surfaces to produce uniform-directional, textured polished finish indicated, free of cross scratches. Run grain with long dimension of each piece. 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATTON PART J.I A. R Fol-l-ow manufacturer's printed r_nsEruct]-0ns for installation. InstalL in focations and at mounting heights indicated or,j-f not indicated. at heights to comply with appJ-icable regulations of governing authorities. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, CABINETS, AND ACCESSORIES LUaZZ - 5 L.Prepare recesses in walls for cabinets as required bY tYPe and style of trim and to conPIY instructions. Fasten fire extinguisher cabinets and plumb. END OF SECTION 10522 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t t I I z. fire extinguishersize of cabinet and with manufacturerts to structure, square FIP.E EXTINGUISIIERS, CABINETS,AND ACCESSORIES 10522 - 4 I SECTION 1O8OO - TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES 11 1a 5. Grab bars 8-6206. 6. Sanitary naPkin vendor 'l . Soap dispenser 8-822L6 t PARrl-cENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to thls Section' SUMMARY A. This Section incLudes toilet accessory items as scheduled. 1. Manufacturer: Bobrlck Washroom Equipment, or approved equal-contractortoverifyandcoordinatenumberof ejch item specified with architect's drawings ' 2. Paper towel- dispenser and waste receptacle 8-38074 (2 total). 3. Toilet ti-ssue dispenser 8-288 (1 total, men) ' 4. Toilet tissue dispenser & sanitary napkin B-35709 (two total). A. B, D. A. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B-3500 (one total)- (2 total) . 1. Toilet compartments and related accessoraes specified in Division 10. 2. Mirrors are speci-fied in Division 8' are 1A SUBMITTALS General: Submit the folLowing according to conditions of Contract and Division 1 Specifications Sections' product data for each toi-1et accessory item speci-fied, including construction details reLative to materials, dimensions, gages' profiles, mounting method, specified options, and finishes. Setting drawings where cutouts are required in other work' including templates, substrate preparation instructions, and directions for preparing cutouts and installing anchorage devices. Maintenance instructions including replaceable parts and service recommendati-ons. OUALITY ASSURANCE SingJ.e-Source Responsibility: Provide products of same manufacturer for each type of accessory unit and for units exposed to view in same areas, unless otherwise acceptable to Archi-tect. TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES 10800 - 1 1.5 -L.O PART 2.7 z.z I I I I I A. PROJECT COND]T]ONS Coordlnation: Warranty Period: Completion. 2 - PRODUCTS Coordinate accessorv locations, Subject to compliance with offering toilet accessories the Work include, but are not instalJ-ation, and sequencing with other work to avoid interference with and ensure proper instal-1ation, operation, adjustment, cleaning, and servicing of toilet accessory items. WARRANTY Warranty: Submit a written warranty executed by mirror manufacturer, agreeing to replace any mirrors that develop visible silver spoilage defects within warranty period. B.years from date of Substantial I I t I I I I I I I I I I T A. A ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS AvailabIe Manufacturers: requirements, manufacturers that may be incorporated in limited to, the following: Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc. Roll-1n-Reserve Di-spenser: Fabricate of stainless steel for mounting indicated below, size to store and dispense either 4-I/2-inch-diameter or 5-inch-di-ameter core tissue rolls, with reserve rol-L placed in service by automatj-c release or by action of manual release bar. Hinge front of unit with pivot hinqe and secure with tumbler lockset. MATERIALS, GENERAL Stainless Steel: AISI Type finish, 0.034-inch (22-gageJ TOILET TISSUE DISPENSERS 302/304, with polished No. 4 minimum thickness. laminate combination unit wa1l depth with contj-nuous, compartment in upper portion not Less than 400 C-fold or Waste receptacle in lower 1.)Mounting: Surface mount at CMU wal-l-. Mounting: Partition mounted. z.+COMBINATION TOWEL DISPENSER/WASTE RECEPTACLE UNITS A. Recessed Unit:Plastic fabricated for nominal 4-inch seaml-ess wall flange. Towel of unit designed to dispense 700 multifold paper towels. TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES 10800 - 2 2. 3. 1. 2. A. A. I I I I I I I I T I T t I I I I I I I portion of unit provj-ded with reusable, heavy-duty vinyl liner, minj-mum 4-ga11on capacity. Provide flush doors with piano hi-nges and tumbl-er l-ocks on upper and lower compartments. 2.5 GRAB BARS Stainl-ess thickness follows: Qiaal Trrrro. not less than Provide grab bars with wall 0 . 05 inch (18 gage ) and as z.o Mounting: Fully recessed 4-inch-thick waLl-- Operation: Single coin (free) z. t TOILET DISPENSER & SANTTARY NAPKIN 1.Mounting: Concealed, manufacturer's standard flanges and anchorages. Cl"earance: ]--!/2-inch clearance between waLl surface and inside face of bar. Grlpping Surfaces: Manufacturer's standard nonslip texture. Heavy-Duty Size: Outside dj-ameter of L-l/2 inches, SANITARY NAPKIN VENDORS General: Fabricate cabinet of stainLess steeI, not l-ess than 0.034-1nch (22-gage) thj-ck, all-welded construction. Provide door of seamless stainless stee1, mi-nimum 0.05-inch (18-gage) thick, with returned edges and equipped with tumbler lockset. Provide identification reading "Napkins" and "Tampons" at coin slots; brand name advertising is not allowed. Capacity not fess than l-5 napki-ns and 20 tampons. A. Surface-Mounted: Fabricate of stainfess steel 2.8 SOAP D]SPENSERS A. Liquid Soap Dispenser, Deck-Mounted: Deck-mounted piston and spout-type unit with a minimum 16-fluid-ounce capacity, polyethylene reservoir concealed below deck. Piston and 6-inch-1ong spout of stainless steel- wlth brightly polished finish with chrome-plated deck escutcheon. 1. Provide unit designed 2. Equip unit wi-th valve f orm. FABR]CATION tvnF for nominafur r- operation. DISPOSAL UNITS for mounting on vanity deck. for dispensing soap in 11quid TOILET AND BATH ALLI-JDlJI(I.r-5 10800 - 3 Genera.l-: No names or fabels are permitted on exposed faces of toi-let and bath accessory units. On either interior surface not exposed to view or on back surface, provide identification of each accessory item either by a prlnted, waterproof labef or a stamped nameplate indicating manufacturer's name and product model number. Surface-Mounted Toil-et Accessories, GeneraL: Except where otherwise indicated, fabricate units with tight seams and joints, exposed edges rol-l-ed. Hang doors or access panels with conti-nuous stainless steel piano hinge. Provide conceafed anchorage wherever possible. C. Recessed Toilet Accessories, Generaf:Except where otherwise indicated, fabricate units of all-wel-ded constructj-on, without mitered corners- Hang doors or access panels with full-1ength, stainless steel- piano hinge. Provi-de anchorage that is fuJ-ly concealed when unii is closed. I I I t I I I I I I I I I t t I T I I A. B. A. D. Keys:Provide accessory units resupply, etc. representative. 3 - EXECUTION universaf keys for access to toilet requiring internal- access for servicing, Provide minimum of six keys to owner's PART J.l- A. INSTALLATION Instaf.L toilet accessory units according to manufacturers' instructions, usi-ng fasteners appropriate to substrate as recommended by unit manufacturer. Install units plumb and 1eve1, firmly anchored in locations and at heights indicated. InstaII grab bars to withstand a downward load of at least 250 lbf, comPlYj-ng with ASTM F 446. 3.2 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING Adjust toilet accessories that mechanisms function defective items. for proper operation and verifY smoothly. Replace damaged or B. Clean and polish all- exposed surfaces strictly according to manufacturer's recommendations after removing temporary labels and Protective coatings- TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES END OF SECTION 1O8OO 10800 - 4 I I I I t I SECTION :-:-452 - RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES L.2 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Divj-sion 1 Snar-ifir-rtion Ser-f innc- :nnlv to this Section. SUMMARY This Sectj-on includes the following types of residential- applJ.ances: 1. Mi-crowave ovens. 2- Refrigerator/freezers. 3. Dishwashers. 4. Ice maker. Refated Sections: The following sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. Kitchen si-nks, waste disposers and instant hot water di cncnsers Frc encnificd i,n Division 15 Sections!r!/vrrevr "Plumbing F j-xtures . " 2. Plumbing connections for appfiances Division 15. 3. Electrical services and connections specified in Division 16. SUBMITTALS PART 1 1.1 A. 1.3 B. B. I t T I I I I I are specif i-ed in for appliances are General-: Submit the following according to Conditions of the Contract and Divisj-on 1 Specification Sections. Product data for each appliance type required indicating compliance with requirements, includlng installation lnstructions. Provj-de complete operating and maintenance instructions for each aPPliance. Schedule: Submit schedule of appliances. using the same room designations as shown on drawings' I.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Energy Ratings: Provide residential appliances that carly labell indicating energy cost analysis (estimated annual operating costs) and efficiency information as required by Federal Trade Commi-ssion. B. UL and NEMA Complj-ance: Provide electrical components required as part of residential appliances that are listed RESIDENTIA], APPLIANCES LT452 - T I I T I I and labeled by UL and comPlY standards. with applicable NEMA AHAM Standards: Provide appliances that conform to the following standards of the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers: Refrigerators and Freezers: Total vofume and shelf I area ratings certified according to ANSI/AHAM HRF-l-. Design Cri-teria: The drawi-ngs indicate sizes, profiles, and dimensional- requirements of residential- appliances and are based on the specific types and modefs indicated. Appliances by other manufacturers may be considered' provided deviations in dimensions and profiles are minor and do not change the design concept as judged by the Architect. The burden of proof of equality is on the proposer. Contractor to verify and coordinate appliances, cabinets and dimensions. ViARRANT]ES Warranty: Submit written warranties executed by the manufacturer of each appliance specified agreeing to repair or replace units or components that fail in materi-afs or workmanship within the specified warranty period. 1 Microwave Oven: 9-year limited $tarranty on defects in the magnetron tube. Refrigerator/Freezer: S-year warranty on the seafed refrigeration system. 3. Dishwasher: S-year warranty on the dishwasher motor and pump and 1O-year warranty against rust on stainless steel components. Warrantj-es specified above shafl not deprive the Owner of other rights the Owner may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and wiLl- be in addition to and run concurrent with other warranties made by the Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. 2 - PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS AvalLabfe Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requi-rements,' manufacturers offering appliances that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not linited to, the following: General Electric ComPanY. I I 1.5 PART 2.1 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I D. A. B. RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES Lt452 - 2 A. A. I I I I I t I t t I t I I I I I I 2.2 2.4 MICROWAVE OVEN A. Provide: GE Brand Spacemaker JVM23WL under cabinet modef with JX81A recirculating charcoaf filter kit or equa1. f(I5l t(_L l.J15t(fl I (Jt(/ r r(t !5.4Iir(J A. Top-Mount Freezer-Type Refrigerator/Freezer: Provide freestanding, frost-free, two-door, top-mount freezer modef refrigerator/fxeezer on adjustable ro1lers, and reversibl-e doors with door shefves. 1.Capacity: Provide the followinq minimum values, measured according to ANSl/AHAM HRF-1 and certified by AHAM: Provide GE Brand TBX1SSAS or equa1. 2. CoLor: White on white. DISHWASHERS Built-In Dishwasher: Provide under-the-counter automati-c dishwasher sized to replace 24-inch base cabinet. Dishwasher shall be operable at water pressures from 15 to 120 psi and shal1 not require more than I2.0 gallons of water for normal wash cycle. Provide two wash leve1s. Include full-extension, vinyl-coated upper and lower di-sh racks and removable sil-verware basket.Provide sound-absorbing exterior insulation blanket around tub and back to reduce noise. Include soft food disposer and self-cleaning food filter system. 1. Provide Built-in GE GSD78OTWW or equal . 2. Color: White on white. ICEMAKERS Built-In Icemaker: Provide under-the-counter automatic i-cemaker sized to replace L8-i-nch base cabi-net. 1. Provide Scotsman Brand CSW1AE-1B or equal' 2 . Color: t{hite on white. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General-: Comply with manufacturer's recommendations. i-nstructions and I I RESIDENTIA], APPLIANCES 11452 - 3 I I I B.Built-In Equipment: Securely anchor unj-ts to supporting cabinets or countertops with concealed fasteners. Verify that clearances are adequate for proper functioning and rough openings are completely concealed. Freestanding EquipmenL: Pl-ace units in final locations after finishes have been compfeted in each area. Verify that clearances are adequate to properly operate equipment. D.15 and 16 for plumbing and IUtilities: Refer to Divisions electrical requirements. ADJUST AND CI-,EAN Testing: Test each item of verify proper operation. Make 3.2 I I T I I T I I I I I t t I I residential equipment to necessary adjustments. B. Accessories: Verify that accessory itens required have been furnished and installed. Cleaning:Remove packing materi-aI from residential leave units in clean conditj.on' readyequipment items and for operation. END OF SECTION L1452 RES I DENTIAL APPLIANCES LL452 - 4 B. B. c. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DTVISION 15 SECTION 15010 - GENERAL MECFIAMCAL REQUIREMENTS l.PART I - GENERAL l.t RELATED DOCUMENTS: hovisions of the General Conditions , Supplementary Conditions and Division I - General Requirements, and applicable provisions elsewhere in the Contract Documents apply to work of Division 15. ln case of disagreement betwecn drawings and specifications, or within either docunent itself, obtain written clarification from ttre Mechanical Engineer through the Architect. Failure to obtain clarification prior to bid will result in the better qualiry and greater quantity being required during the construction phase without additional reimbursement t.2 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEMS: The related work of Division 15 includes but is not limited to: l. Section 15045 - Mechanical Related Work 2. Section 15060 - Pipe, Valves & Pipe Specialties 3. Section 15250 - Mechanical lnsulation 4. Section 15400 - Plumbing 5. Section 15560 - Electric Heating Terminals 6. Section 15800 - Air Distribution 7 . Section 159(X) - Temperature Control Systems 8. Section 15990 - Testing Adjustiag & Balancing 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Work lncluded: Unless specified otherwise, provide all supervision, labor, materials, traDsportation, equipment, hauling, and services necessary for a complerc and operationa mechanical system. hovide all incidental items such as offsets, finings, etc. required as pan of the work even though not specifically shown on contract drawings or specifications. Inspection: Inspect work proceeding or intcrfacing with work of Division 15 sections prior to submining bid and report any known or observed defects that affect the mechanical design to the General Contractor. Do not proceed with the constnrction work util defects are oorrected. Existing Utilities are indicated as accurately as possible on the Drawings. If utilities are €ncountered and not indicated on Drawings notify the Architect, prior to proceeding with work. GENERAL MECHAMCAL REQUIREMENTS 1501S1 DTVISION 15 SECTION 15010 - GENERAL MECHAMCAL REQUIREMENTS I I It.4 1.5 UTILITIES, EXTENSIONS, CONNECTIONS AND FEES FOR WATER AND WEB: A. Provide all services within the building to a point five (5) feet outside of building. Provide pemxment marker at grade for other contractor's location rcfcrence for conftction purposes. B. Connection charges, membenhip fees, system development charges and the like, that in principle allow the right to obtain the services from the utility, will be arranged and paid for by thc prcperty owner. REFERENCES: Ge,neral: 1. For products or workmanship spccified by association, uade or Fedcral Stadards, co4ly with rcquirements of the standard, except when more rigid requiremenrs arc specified or are required by applicable codes. 2. The darc of the standard is that in effect as the date of the Contract Documents, exccpt when a spocific date is specifiod. @UIYSIROI: A. Matcrids and apparaos requircd for the work shall be new and of fint+lass quality; to be fumishcd, delivercd, cr€ctcd, oomectcd and finished in cvery detail; and to be so selected and arrmged so as to fit propcrly into the building spaces. B. Unless otherwise spocifically indicated, equipment and matcrials shall be instdled in accordance with the rtcommcndations of the manufacturer. This iacludcs the performaocc of tcsts as raconmcnd€d by the manufacrurer. HGMINATION OF CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND SECIEHIQN: A. The mcchanical drawings show the general arrangement of all piping, ductwork, mcchaoical equipmeot, and appurtcaances, and shdl be followcd as closcly as actual building construction and the work of their trades will permit. B. l}e architectural and $rucnrrd drawings shall be considercd part of the mcchanical work insofar as Oesc drawings furnish this Division with informaion relating to dcsigD and construction of the building. C. Field vcrify building dincnsions governing mechanical work. Do nor scale thc mcchanical ttran ing for dimc.nsioos. If field dimcnsions are Dot available take dimensions, mEasurcmsnts, locations, levels, erc. from the Architectrrd drawings and the approved shop drawings zubmitted on the actual equipnent to be furoished. I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.6 1.7 150102 GENERAL MECTIAMCAL REQIJIREMENTS 1.8 1.9 I I I t I I I I I I I I t t I I I I t DTVISION 15 SECTION 15010 - GENERAL MECITAMCAL REQUIREMENTS D. No extra compensation shall be claimed or allowed on account of differences between the actual dimensions and those indicated on the drawings. E. Discrepancies: Examine Drawings and Specifications for other parts of the work, and if any discrepancies occur betwecn the plans for the work of this Division and the plans for the work of others, rcpon such discrcpancies to the General Contractor and obtain written instructions for any c,hanges necessary. F. Order of Precedence: The precedence of mechanical constxuction documents is as follows: 1. Addenda and modifications to the Drawings and Specifications take precedence over the original Drawings and Specifications. 2. Should therc be a conflict within the Specifications or within Drawings of the same scale, the more stringcnt or higher quality requirements shall apply. 3. In the Drawings, the precedcncc shdl b€ figuttd dimensions over scaled dimensions and noted materials over graphic indications. 4. Should a conflict arise betwecn the Drawings utd the Specifications the Specifications shall have precodence. 5. Should there be a conflict in dimensions or locations benreen Mechanical Drawings and/or Archilecturd/Stnlc$ral Drawings, the Architectural/Structural Drawings shall have precedence. EXAMINATION OF PROIECT SITE: A. Exanine sire carefully to determine conditions to be encountered, work to be p€rformed, e4uipment, materials to be transported, storcd, fumished, and other feanues applicable to completion of the work. B. Study drawings and spocifications, rcport inconsistencies, errors, omissions, conflicts with codes and ordinances. C. Submittd of bid will indicate included in the bid. REGULATORY S9USMENIS: satisfactory sleminatiens made, applicable allowances A. Exccute Work per Underwritcrs, Public Utility, local and State Codes, Ordinances and applicable regulations. Obtain ard pay for required permits, inspections, and c€rtificates. Notify Architect of items not moetitrg said reguirements. B. Coryly with latest editions of all applicable codes, standards, ordinances and regulations in effect as of the date of the Contract Documents. GENERAL MECHANICAL REQI'IREMENTS 15010-3 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 - GENERAL MECHAMCAL REQUIREMENTS I I t I I C. If disoepancies occur between the Contract Documents and any applicable codes, ordinanccs, acts, or standards, the nost stringent requircments shall apply. r.10 9SD!MII9N: A, The Contractor shall plan all of his work in advance, and shall inform the General Contractor of the proposed mnstnrction serhedule and anticipated completion due upon request. Contractor shdl complete the entire installation as soon as thc condition of the remaining building constnrction will permit. B. Before purchase, fabrication, or installation of items, determine if the installation will propcrly fit and can be itrstalld as contcmplated without interfcrcnce with structural elcments or the work of other trades. c. Locations of pipes, ducts, switchcs, panels, cquipment, and fixtures, shdl be adjusted to accommodarc thc work or interfercoces anticipared and encountered. Determine the exact route and location of cach plPc and duct prior to fabricarion. D. Right of Wry: Lines which pitch shall havc the rightof-way over those which do not pitch. Lines whosc elcvations camot bc changed shdl havc rigtrtof-way over lines whose elevations can bc changcd. E. Offsets, Trmsitions, and Changes in Direction: Offscts, transitiotrs md changes in direction of pipcs and ducis shall bc made as required to oaintain proper head room md pitch of slorping lines whethcr or not itrdicated on the drawings. F. Where major conllicts occur, contt"c{or shdl rcly upon the Architcct/Enginecr to make final decision rcguding priority of right-of-way. Contractor shall rcquest written clarification ftom rhe Architcct/Enginccr prior to conflict rcac,hing critical stage requiring rcmoval of previously installcd e4uipmcot or system componcnts eithcr by himself or by other tndcs involved. G. When directedby rhe Architect/Enginecrsubmit shop drawiags showing interrelationship of various portions of work and work of otbcr tradcs. Failurc to properly ooordinate may rcsult in reooval and rclocation at cxpcnsc to the Contractor. H. Coordinate alt elccrical additional work with Electricd Contractor. Read the electrical spec and rt?ort a[y i$onsistcocics. l. Coordinate dl cuning & paching with Gcneral Contractor. J. Urility Interruptioos: Coordinate mechanicd utility intemrptions with the Owner and the Utility Compatry. Plan work so that duration of the intemrption is kcpt to a minimum. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 1501G4 GENERAL MECHAMCAL REQUIREMENTS t.ll I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 - GENERAL MECHAMCAL REQUTREMENTS PROJECT @DIII9N: A. Accessibility: l, Be responsible for the sufficiency of the size of shafts and chases and the adequate clearance in double partitiom and hung ceilings for proper installation of his work. Coordinate these requirements with the General Contractor. Such spaces and clearances shall be kept to the minimum size required. 2, Locate all equipment which must be serviced, operated, or maintained in fully accessible positions. Furnish access doors for this purpose. Minor deviations from Drawings may be allowed to provide for better accessibility. Any changes shall be approved by the Architect prior to making the change- B. Fabrication: l. Before any ductwork is fabricated and before installing and/or fabricating any lines of piping or ductwork the Contractor shall assure himsclf that they can be run as co emplated in cooperation with Contractors of other Divisions of the Work and the physical constraints of the Strucnrral and Architectural Work. C. Freeze hotection: 1. Do not nm lines in outside walls, or locations where freezing rnay occur. Piping next to outside walls shall be in furred spaces with insulation between the piping and the outside wall. lnsulation of piping shall not be considered freez€ protectioD. D. Scaffolding, Rigging and Hoisting: l. Provide all scaffolding, rigging, hoisting and scrvices necessary for erection and delivery into the premises of any equipment and apparatus fumishd. Remove same from premises when no longer rcquired. r.r2 $EM!IIA!S: A. Within thirty days after award of the Contract, submit to Architect complete catalog data and/or shop drawings for each item of material and for every manufactured item of equipment to be used in the work. Such data shall include specific performance data, materid description, rating, capacity, dimensions, and type for each item of material, each manufactured item, and all component pafls utilized in final operating mechanical system. Applicable data shdl be underlined and each applicable item identified in each catalog by the same identification acronyms used on the Drawings. B. This Contractor shall submit to the Architect the number of copies required by the General and Special Conditions of Division l, but in no case less than four (4) copies. GENERAL MECHAMCAL REQUIREMENTS 1501S,5 DWISION 15 SECTION 15010 - GENERAL MECHAMCAL REQUIREMENTS C. Each ircm submitted shall bear the Contractor's stamp, be datcd and sigped cenifling that he has reviewed and approved the submittal. D. The review oo[unents of the Architect and/or Engineer do not in any case supcrsede tbc Drawings and Specifications, and shall not relieve the Contractor ftom respoosibility for deviations from the Drawings or Specifications unless he has called to the ancNrtiotr of the Architect, in writing, such deviations at the time of submission, nor shall it rclieve him from responsibility for errors of any sort in the items submitted. E. Test Rcports: Submit ccrtificd test r€pors as required by various Sections of Division 15 showing coryliance in accordance with the Gcneral Conditions of the Contract. l.l3 PROpUCT OPTIONS ANp SB$MIQNS: A. Substitutions: Comply with Division I & Instructions to Bidden. B. Contractors desiring to use alteroate equipnent or materials and manufacturers or supplicrs desiring to furnish altcrnate materials or cquipment in lieu of those specificd, shdl submit requests for approval to the Engineer not less than sevcn (7) calendar days prior to scnduld closing date for reccipt of proposals. C. Materials and equipncnt arc spocificd by mmufacturer md caralog numbers. Thc manufacturers and catalog trumbcm are uscd to establish a dcgrce of qudity and stylc for such equipmcnt md matcrid. D. Wh€n altemate or zubstitute materids and equipmcot art used, Contractor will be responsiblc for space rcquircment, configurations, pcrformancc, c,hanges in bascs, supports, struchrral ncmbcrs and openings h structuE, etectrical chaagcs and other apparatus and trades that may be affcctd by their use. I.I4 PRO'ECT RECORD DOCUMENTS: A. General: Coryly with Division l. B. Job Site Documents: Mahtah at the job site, one rccord copy of the following: l. Drawings 2. Specifications 3. Addcnda 4. Rcvie*ed Shop Drawings 5. Field Test Rccords I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 15010.6 GENERAL MECTTANICAL REQUIREMENTS t I T I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 - GENERAL MECIIANICAL REQUIREMENTS C. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. Maintain documents in clean, dry legible condition, apart ftom documents used for construction. D. Record lnfonnation: label each document "Record Document. " Mark information with contrasting color using ink. Kecp each record current. Do not permanently conceal any work until rcquired information is recorded. Record the following information on drawings; l. Horizontal and vertical location of underground utilities. 2. Location of internd utilities atrd appurtenanc€s concealed in construction 3. Field changes of dimension and detail 4. Changes by c,hange order or field order' 5. Details not on original con$act drawitrgs. E. Record the following information on Specifications; l. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number and supplier of each product and item of equipment actually installed' 2. Changes by change order or field order. 3. Other matters not originally specified. F. Shop Drawings: Maintain shop drawings as record documents recording chaogcs nade after review as specifred for drawings above. 1. 15 ELECTRIC WIRING AND SAFETY DEVICE WORK AND MATERIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: A. Unless otherwise indicated, all mechanical equipment motors and controls shall be fumished, set in place, and wired in accordance with the following schedule: MD = Mechanical Division, ED = Electrical Division, I = lnstaller of equipment r€quiring electrical service. Furnished Under Set In Phce or Mounted Under Power Wired & Cotrnected Under Control Wired & Connected Under I . Other Equipment Motors/Starters I I ED I 2. Mechanical Equipment Motors MD MD ED MD 3. Mechanical Magnetic Motor Sta(ters MD MD ED MD GENERAL MEC}TAMCAL REQI}IREMENTS 1501G7 DIVISION 15 sEcTroN l5olo - GENERAL MECHAMCAL REQUIREMENTS Footnote l: Footnote 2: It is thc intcntion of this spocifrcation for all conduit and wiring which connects to oontrol equipmcnt or provides controls to mechadcal cquipmcnt to be provided by the Mechanical Contrrctor. Othcr portions of the specification which msy be in conflict with this conccpt shall be broug[t to the attention of the e,ngincer for clarification prior to bidding the project. The ED sball provide l20V jrmaion borcs for the express pulpose of teoperan[e mntrols. h shdl be the responsibility of the Mechanical Contractor to coordinarc thc tocarioa of thc junction boxcs (if not otherwisc shown on thc Elcctrical drawings) and to utilize these junction bores for tempcraturc control wiring' The Mechancial Contrrctor shall conncct to the l20V juuction boxes and exteod li1e a1d/or low voltage wiring to all ncchanical md control coDponcnts whictr rcquires control wiring. Device is uscd in thc power wiring circuit to the cquipment. Control fimctions do not exist. I I I I I t I I I t I I t I I t I t I Frrrnlshed Under Sct Ir Plsce or Mounted Under Power Wired & Connected Under Control Wired & Connccted Undcr 4. Control Sriring Rcgrrdless of Voltrge MD MD MD Srt foolpt! I MD 5. Control Componene: Control R€hys, ThermostaB, Control Transformcn MD MD MD Scc foouFrc I MD 6. Time Clocks MD MD MD SGr foorroE I MD 7 , Damper Motors rnd Acuators MD MD MD Sac foollorr I MD 8. Control Darnpcrs Inrcgral wi& a Frn Unit MD MD 9. Fire and Smoke Duct Detectors (including rehys) ED ED ED ED 10. Manual Operating Swirches MD MD ED Scc footnor! 2 11. Fused and Unfuscd Disconnect Swirches & Thermal Overload Swirches ED ED ED 12. Contrctors ED ED ED ED 13. Temporary Hcating Connection MD MD ED MD 1501G8 GENERAL MECHAMCAL REQUIREMENTS D. F, I I I I I I I I I I t t I t I I I I I DTVISION 15 SECTION 15010 - GENERAL MECHAMCAL REQUIREMENTS B. All temperature conrrol conduit and wiring will be fumished and installed by the Mechanical Contractor. The Mechanical Contractor shall assume all temperature control responsibilities. C. Division 16 shall fumish and install all conduil and wiring rcquired for power wiring carrying equipment full load amperage to all mechanical equipment unless shown otherwise. D, Provide Division 16 with a complete surnmary list of all mechanical equipment and line voltage control requiring electric power within 30 days after award of contract. This list shall summarize equipment powcr loads, line voltage control requirements, quantities, and locations of equipment and mnnection points. E. All staners, olher than those in Motor Control Centen shall be fumished under Division 15. All starters fumished under Division 15 shall be complete with three O.L. heaten and shall conform to NEC and NEMA requirements. I.16 DELTVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. Deliver and store naterials and equipment in manufacturer's unopcned containers fully identified with manufacturer's name, trade name, type, class, grade, size and color. B. hotection: Make provisions for coordination with Owner and other Contractors for safe storage of materials and equipment. Store materials and equipnent off the gmund and under cover, protected from damage. C. All items subject to moisture danage, such as controls, shall be stored in a dry, heated space. large lrcms: Make arrangements with other Contractors on the job for introduction into the building of eguipment too large to pass througb finished openings. Schedule delivery of large cquipnent requiring special openings, as required for installation without delaying the work of o&er project trades. Acceptance: Check and sign for materials to be furnished by Division 15 and other trades for installation undcr Division 15 upoo delivery. Assume responsibility for the storage and safekeeping of such marcrials from time of delivery until fiml :rcceptanoe. Inspection: Stored material shall be readily acccssible for inspection by the architect until installd. GENERAL MECFIAMCAL REQUIREMENTS 1501G9 DTVISION T5 SECTION 15010 - GENERAL MECI{ANICAL REQUIREMENTS t.t7 WSNIIE: warranty: ln accordance with Division I, provide a wrinen warrmty to the ormer covering the entir€ mechanical work to be frce from defective marefials, equipmeot and *otk anship for a period of one year after Date of AcceptaDce. Purchase of manufacturers ext€nded wanatrty may be required to comply with the one year requirement. During this pcriod provide labor and materials as required to re?air or t"it""r arf."tr at Do additional cost to the Orvncr. Provide certificates for suc.h itcms of eaoipmeot which have warranties in exccss of one year. Submit to the Ccneral Contractor. This warranty will be superseded by thc terms of any specific equipmcnt warranties or warranty -oiifications resulting from usc of cquipmenr for tcryorary hcat or ventilatio1. I.18 SCHEDULE OF TESTING: Provide testing in accordanoe with the Gcocral Conditions of the Contract. Make all specified tests on piping, ductrvork and rclatcd systems as necessary. Demonstratc the proper op€ration of equipment installcd undcr this project. Equipment shall not be tested, or op€ratcd for my purpose until fully lubricatd. in ;ifr"ce with manufacturcr's instnrctions and until oonnectiotrs to fully opedive systens have bccn acconPlisbod. A schedulc of testiog shall be drawn up by the Division 15 Contractor in zuc,h a manner thar it will show areas t6ted, test pr€ssurc, length of test, darc, time and signature of testing pcrsonncl. All tcsting must b€ pcrfornd in thc prescncc of the Crcoeral Conticfor's rcprescntative; his signanue for vcrification of the tcst mgst 4pear on the schedule. At completion of tcsting, the schedule shall theo be submincd in triplicate to the Architect, Make sure opcmtional and pcrformance tc$E are nadc on $asonal equipmcnt' Complete all tcsts rcquired by Code Authorities, such as smoke dercction, life safety' fire protectiotr atrd health codes. 1.I9 CERTIFICATES AND KES: Cenificarcs: Upoo coryletion of the work, deliver to thc General Contractor one copy of Certifrcatc of Final Inspection. Keys: Upon coqletion of work, subnit keys for mechaoical equipment, panels, erc' to the Gcneral Contracor. I.2O OPERATING AND MATNTENANCEETA: submit thl€c (3) typ€d and bound copies of the mainrcnancc manual, 8-l/2' x ll" in size, to the fuchitcct, for rcview and 4proval. These approvcd copics shall then be transmincd to tbc Owncr. GENERAI MECHAMCAL REQIIREMENTS I I I t t I I I t I t I B. B. D. E.T I I I I I B. I 1501G10 B. T I I I I t I I I I I t t t I I I I I DTVISION 15 SECTION 1s010 - GENERAL MECHAMCAL REQUIREMENTS The manual shall be enclosed in a stiff-back, three-ring binder and shall have: C. Table of Contents, Equipment List witb identification used in contract documents, D. Alphabetical list of all system components including the name, address, and 24- hour phone nunber of the company responsible for servicing each item during the first year's operation. E. Operating i$tructions for complete system, including procedures for fire or failure of major equipment and procedures for normal starting/operating/shutdown and long-tcrm shutdown. F. Maintenance instructions, including valves, valve tag and other identified equipment lists, proper lubricants and lubricating instructiotrs for each piece of equipment and necessary cleaning/rcplacing/adjusting schedules. G. Manufacturer's dara on each piece of equipment, including: 1. lnstallationinstructions. 2. Drawings md specifications (approved shop drawings). 3. Pans lists, 4. Complete wiring and temperanu€ control diagrams. (Approved shop drawings). 5. Completed TAB r€port. H. Be responsible for scheduling hstructiond meetings fs1 maintenancc personnel on the proper operationd and maintenance of all mechanical systens, using the maintenance manual as a guide. These meetings mrun be scheduled through the Architect or General Contractor and far enough in advance so that all personnel can be notified. Provide instnrctional sessions as required. END OF SECTTON I5OIO GENERAL MECFIAMCAL REQUIREMENTS 150lG,11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l. I . Motors.2. Starters.3. Access Doors. 4. Temporary Heat. 5. Excavation. 6. Cutting and Patching. 2, PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 WIQS: DTVISION 15 SECTION 15045 . MECHAMCAL RELATED \OORK PART ! - GENERAL 1.I RELATED @MEN: A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-l Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A. Types of mechanical related work specified in this section include the following: A. Motor Characteristics: Except where more stringent requiremens are indicared' and except where required ftrom mechanical equipment qmnot be obtained with fully .omptyiog motor, comply with the following requirements for motors of mechanical wotk: l. Temperature Rating: Rated for 40"C environrnent with maximum 50"C temperature rise for continuous duty at full load (Class A lnsulation)' 2. Altitude Dcration: Motors to be fumished to maintain specified rated service factor at altitude of Project. 3. Starting Capability: Provide each motor capable of making starts as frequently as indicatd by altomatic control system, and not lcss than 5 starts per hour for manuallY controlled motors. 4. phases md Curr€nt Characteristics: hovide squirrelcage induction polyphase motors for 1/2 hp and larger, and provide capacitor-start single-phase motors for l/3 hp and smaller, except u6 hp and srnaltsl may, at equipment manufacturer's option, be split-phase type. Coordinate current characteristics with power specified in Division-16 sections, and with individual cquipmcnt requirements specified in other Division-Is requirements. For 2-speed motors provide 2 separate windings on polyphase motors. Do not purchase motors u il power characteristics available at locatiotrs of motors have been confirmed, and until mtation directions have bcen oonfirmed. MECHANICAL REI.ATED VORK 15045-l DIVISION 15 SECTION 15045 . MECFIAMCAL REIATED WORK I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I t B. D. 5. Energy Efficiency: All motors rarcd greater than 10fl) wans shall have a Power Factor of not less than 85 % under rated load condirions. The 85 % PF may be obtained by desigr of the motor or by providing a c4acitor. Capacitors, if provided to obtain the E5% PF, must be switched with the motor. If the notor draws less thm 1000 watts at full load, it is excluded from the E5% power factor requiremcnt. 6. Scrvice Factor: 1.15 for three-phase motors and 1.35 for single-phase moton. Motor Construction: Provide general purpose, continuous duty moton, Dcsign 'B" except 'C' where requircd for higb starting torque, l. Frames: NEMA No. 56. 2. Bearings: Ball or rollcr barings with inner and outct shaft seals, regrcasable except permanently soalcd where motor is normally inaccessible for regular maintenmce. 3. Where belt drives and other drives producc lateral or axid thnst, in motor, provide bearings designed to rrsist thrust loading. Refer to individual scctioos of Division 15 for fractional-hp light-duty motors where slecvc-t1rye bcarings ac permified. 4, Enclosure Tlpe: Except as othenrisc indicatcd, provide open drip-prmf motors for indoor use whcrc satisfactorily hous€d or remotely located during orperation, and provide guarded drip-proof motors wher€ cxposcd to oontact by cryloyces or building occupatrts, Provide wcath€r-protected ''fype I for outdoor use, Type II where not housed. Refer to individual scctions of Division 15 for other cnclosure requiremcnts. 5. Overload Pr,otectiou: hovidc built-in thernal ovcdoad prct€ction aod, where indicatd, provi& intcroal se.nsing devicc suitable for signaling aod stopping motor at sfilrtcr. 6. Noise Ratiag: Pr,ovide 'Quict' rating on motom. Motors shall not cxcecd 80 DB aJ full spced and powcr. Name Plrrc: Providc mctd namcpluc on each motor, indicating full idcotificatioa of nanufrcturcr, nrings, characcristics, constnrction, special featur€s and similar information. Manufacturer: Except whcre ircm of mechanical equipment (which otherwisc complies with rcquiremcnts) must be integrally equipped with motor produccd by aaother manufrcturer, provide motors for mochanical equipment manufactued by one of the following: r504t2 MECHAMCAL RELATED TTORK 2.2 I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I t t I I DWISION 15 SECTION 15045 . MECHAMCAL REIITTED \TORK Allis-Chalmers CorP. Baldor Electric Co. Century Electric Div., lnc. General Elcctric Co. lnuis Allis Div.; Litton Industrial hoducts, Inc. Marathon Electric Mfg. CorP' Reliance Electric Co. Westingbouse Electric CorP. STARTERS: A. Motor Starter Characteristics: Comply with NEMA stardalds and NEC. Provide Type I general purpose enclosures with padlock ears, and with frames and supports for mormting on wall, floor or panel as indicated. Where starter location is not within sight of motor, provide disconnect switch within sight of motor. Provide type and size of starter reoommended by motor manufacturer and equiprrent manufacturer for applicable protection and start-up condition; refer to individual equipment sections for basic load requirements . 1. Manual switches: Provide manual switch and pilot light for motors l/3 hp and smetlsl, exc€?t where interlock or autonatic operation is indicated. Provide extra switch positions and pilot lights for multispeed motors. a. Overload Protection: Provide melting alloy type thermal overload relays. 2. Mapetic Starters: Provide magnetic starters for motors 1/2 hp and larger, and for smaller motors where interlock or autonatic operation is indicatcd. lnclude the following: a. Maintained-contacr push buttons and pilot lights, properly arranged for single-speed or multispeed operation as indicated. b. Trip-ftee thermal overload relays, each phase. c. Build-in 120-volt contml circuit transformer, fused from line side, where service excecds 240 volts. d. Control circuit conductors to be protected in accordancc wirh Article 250-5, Exccption 5, of the National Electric Code. e. Externally operated manual reset. f, Undervoltage release or protection. B. Weather Protection: Provide weather-proof mounting of magnetic starters for equipment outside of the building. MECHAMCALREIATED VORK 15045-3 DTVISION 15 SECTION 15045 . MECHANICAL RELATED \(ORK I I T I I I T I I t T I I I T I I I I 3.2 J. C. Motor Starter Manufacturer: Provide motor starters for mechanical equipment manufactured by one of the following: Allen-BradleY Co. Cutler-Harnmer' lnc. General Electric Co. Square D Co. llgslinghexs€ Elecrric Co. SPrecher & Scttutt PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I INSTALLATION OF MOTORS AND STARTERS: A. lnstall motors on motor mounting systems in accordance with motor rnanufacturer's instructions, securely anchored to resist torque, drive tbrusts, and other extemal forces inherent in mechanical work. Secure sheaves and other drive units to motor shaffs with keys and Allen set scrcws, exoept motors of 1/3 hp and less may be secured with Allen set scrcws on flat surface of shaft. Unless otherwise indicated, set motor shafts parallel with machine shafts. B. lnstall staners and wiring devices securely supported and anchored, and in accordance with manufacturer's instdlation instnrctions. l-ocate for proper operational access, including visibility, and for safety. C. Install conrrol conDcctions for motors to comply with NEC and applicable provisions of Division- 16 s€ctions. EXCAVATING FOR MECHANICAL WE: A. General: Do not excavate for mechanical work until work is ready to proceed without delay, so that totd time lapse from excavation ro completion of backfilling will be mini6g6. B. Existing Utilities: l.rcate md protect existing utilities and other underground work in manner which will ensurc that no damage or service intemrption will result from excavuing and backfilling. C. All trenches dceper than the footing of any building or structure atrd paralleling the same shall be at least forty-five (45) degrees therefrom, unless permission is otherwise granted by the Administrative Authority and Structural Engineer' D. Excavarion for Trcoches: Dig trenches to uniform width required for particular item to b€ i$talled, sufficiently wide to provide ample working room. Provide 6" to 9" clearance on both sides of PiPing. 1504il MECHAMCAL RET..c,TED ITORK 3.3 3.4 I I I I I T I t I I t t I I I I I t I DTVISION 15 SECTION 15045 . MECFIAMCAL RELATED \TORK l. Excavate trenches to depth indicated or required. Carry depth of trenches for piping to establish indicated flow lines and invert elevations. Beyond building perimeter, keep bottoms of trenches sufficiently below finish grade to avoid freeze-ups. 2, Where rock is encountered, carry excavation 6" below required elevation and backfill with 6" layer of cnrshed stone or gravel prior to installation of pipe. 3. For piping 5' or less in nominal size, do not excavate beyond indicated depths. Hand excavate bottom cut to accurate elevations and support piping on undisturbed soil. 4. Grade bottoms of trenches as indicated, notching under piping couplings to provide solid bearing for entire body of piping. E. Shape sub-bases and bottoms of excavations with recesses to receive pipe bells, flanged connections, valves and similar enlargements in piping systens. MEIIIIN: A. Do S9! @f,!!U until installed mechanical work has been tested and accepted, wherever testing is indicatod. CUTTING AND PATCHING: A. Openings in New Construction: l. Provisions for New Openings: Verify all openings required in the pew construction in connection with the work under Division 15 with the Architecturd and Stnrcturd Drawings and shall then meet with and veriff same with the General Contractor/Construction Mamger who will assign the work to the appropriate cotrtractor to provide all openings in the new construction of the co[ect size and location in walls, floors or through r<iofs required for the installation of the mechanical work, B. Cutting in New Construction: 1. Failure on the part of the Division 15 Contractor to make the above arrangements for required openings shall cause the cost of cutting and patching for tbe necessary openings or the installation of his work to be borne by him, cither by having the cuttitrg done by the appropriarc contractor as assigned by the General Contractor or in the form of performing the required cutting himself. ln either case, all patching shall be done by the appropriate finishing contractor as determined by the General Contractor. No cutting or drilling of holes shall be done without approval of the Architect/Engineer. MECHANICAL REI.JTTED \TORK 15045-5 DWISION 15 SECTION 15045 . MECHAMCAL RELATED \?ORK I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 3.5 C. Patching in New Construction: l. The appropriac finishing contractor as detcrmined by the General Contractor shall patch all opcnings in the new structurc. All opcnings made in fire-rated walls, floors, or ceilings, shall be patched and made tigbt to conform to thc fire rating for the enclosure. All materials used in patching shall match the Eaterials specified in the Architectural Specifications and all patched areas shall bc restorcd to the specified finish surface to the satisfaaion of the Architcct, 2. The Division 15 Contraclor shall pay the appropriate Finishing Contractor as determined by the Gcocral Contractor for dl patching resultiag from cutting to accommodate mcchanical work. D. Cutting in Existrng Building: The General Contractor shall make arrangercnts for rcquired opcnings in the existing building to facilitate the pass4ge of ductwort, piping, etc., through cxisting floors, walls, and beams. Division 15 Contractor to coordinatc all requirements. E. Patching in Existing Building: The General Contractor shall patch all existing walls and floors to match cxisting. HEATING SYSTEM USED FOR TEMPORARY HEAT DT'RING 9NIBIJEIIQN: A. Permancnt heating syscm shall not bc usd. B. If for any reasoo the heating system has been placcd into opcration, it shall not be shut down except for modcrate wealher, and all heated areas shaU bc maiaained at a rninimum temperaturc of 50oF. 24 hours a day. Building must b€ totally encloscd (No temporary barriers). C. When any air-handling cquipm.cot is uscd for tcmporary hcat, the filars shall bc installd and naintaincd. Bcforc building acceptaoce by Owncr, thcse tmits qhell be thoroughly cleancd and new filtcrs shall bc installd. This is ovcr and above thc set of filtcrs to be providcd tbe O,urner as called for in the specincations. Coils shall be cleanod if nec€ssary, as determircd by the Architcct or Engineer. 1. Any and all systcms bcing uscd for temporary heat shaU be come the contractor's raponsibility to maintah, and be put iato first class working ordcr before acceptmcc by the Owner. 2. Atry guarantc€s that surr with the use of equipmcnt for tcmporary heat shall b€ pereonally errend€d by the contracting firm holding the prime conract for constnEtion, so thaf the Ocmcr wiX have his one-ycar guarmtce from dafe of acceptt|ncc. END OF SECTION 15045 MECHAMCAL REI.6,-TED \TORK150+ft I I DIVISION 15r sEcrIoN 15060 - prpEs. vALvEs AND pIpING spEcIALTIEs I I, PART I -GENERAL I I.I RELATED @MENIS: I A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-l Specification sections, apply to work of this section. r t.z DESCRIPTIoN oF woRK: A. Types of equipment specified in this section include the following:I l. Pipes and Pipe Fittings.' 2. Valves. t 3. Piping Specialties.4. Supports and Anchors. r 2, PART2. PRODUCTSt 2.1 PIPE AND FITTINGS: I A. Shatl be of material, weight, ASTM and ANSI Designation, and pressure ratings as follows unless specifically excepted otherwise. I B. Sanitary Underground Inside Building: l. Pipe: Service weight cast iron hub and spigot soil pipe, Class B ASTM 474-75. I 2. Fittings: Cast iron soil pipe hub and spigot fittings shall correspond ro pipe in material, class and ASTM Designation. t 3. Joints: Elastomcric cast iron soil pipe joints conforning to ASTM C564-65T. C. Sanitary Soil, Waste and Vent Above Ground: r l. Pipe: r a' a;#ir*fi *::,:::it%J'hub cast iron pipe conrorming to b. l-112" and Smaller: Standard weight galvanized steel pipe per ASTM I Ar20-72a. c. lt/2" nd smaller: DWV copper with no lead solder joints. I d. Finings: CastironnohubfittingsshallbeAsAGoup022conforming to CISPI Stadard 301, latest edition. Galvanized pipe finings shall be tar coated iron recessed drainage type, ANSI B 16.12.I t t PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 1506G1 DTVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES e. Joints: Cast iron pipe joints shall be hubless type using finings, gaskets, clamp assembly complying with CISPI Standad 301, latest edilion. Galvanized steel pipe shall have screwed type joints using ribbon typ€ joint compound. D. Domestic Cold Water and Hot Water Above Ground lnside Building: l. 3" and Under: a. Pipe: Tlpe L, hard drawn, seamless copper tubitrg ASTM B 88-70. b. Fittings: Wrought oopper or bronze solder joint pressure type finirys per ANSI 816.22. c. Joitrts: 95-5 tin-antimony solder metal per ASTM B 32-70, alloy Grade 95TA. E. Narural Gas, Above Ground Inside Building: l. Pipe: Schedule ,10 for pipe sizcs over l/2', black seamless steel pipe per ASTM 453. 2. Fiaings: a. Over ll2' thnr 2': 150 pound malleable iron, screwed or welding finings per joints bclow. 3. Joints: a. 2" and Undcr: Threaded using joint compound resistant to gas-air mixtulc. b. Norc: Wcldolcts, Threadolas, Sockolets, whcre permined by authoritics having jurisdiction may bc usd in lieu of standard fittings on natural gas PiPing. MISCELLANEOUS PIPING MATERIALS/PRODUCTS: A. Welding Marerials: Except as otherwise indicated, provide welding materials as determined by Installer to comply with installation requirements. l. Conply with Soction II, Part C, ASME Boiler and hessure Vescl Code for welding materials. I I T I t t t I I I I I I I I I T I I 2.2 1506G2 PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES I I I T T I I I I I I t I I t I I T I DIVISION 15 SECTION 150@. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES B. Soldering Marcrials: Except as otherwise indicated, provide soldering materials as determined by Installer to comply with installation requirements. l. Tin-Antimony Solder: ASTM B 32, Grade 95TA. 2. Silver-Copper-Zinc Solder: ASTM 8260-62T, Bag-2' 3. Canfield 100% Water Safe. 2.3 ]/AwS: A. General: Provide factory-fabricated valves recomnended by manufacturer for use in service indicated. Provide valves of types and preszure ratings indicated; prcvide proper selection as determined by lnstaller to comply with installation requirements. hovide end connections which properly mate with pipe, nrbe, and equipment connections. Where more than one type is indicated, selection is lnstaller's option. B. Sizes: Unless otherwise indicard, provide valves of same size as upstream pipe size. C. Operators: Provide handwheels, fastened to valve stem, for valves other tban quaner- turn. hovide lever handle for quarter-tum valves, 6" and smaller, other than plug valves. Provide one wrench for every 10 plug valves' D. AcceptableManufacturers: l. Swing Check Valves: Crane Co. Jenkins Co. Milwaukee Valve Co. Nibco, Inc. Stockham 2. Drain Valves: Hammond Valve CorP. Nibco, lnc. Milwaukee Valve Co. 3. Gu Plug Valves: DeZurik Co. Lunkenheimer Co. Fowell Co. Walworth Co. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 1506G3 DTVISION 15 SECTION 15060 - PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES Gas Cocks: DeZurik Co. Llnkenheiner Co. Nibco Walworth Co. Conbraco Ball Valves: Appolo. Iamcsbury CorP. Nibco, Inc. Worchestcr. Stockham Milwarkce Valve Features: l' F.Valve Schcdule: Nibco: 4. t I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I T I 5. 2. 3. General: Provide valves witb fcanrcs indicated and, where not othcnrise indicated, provide proper valvc fcatures as dercrmined by lnstaller for installation requiremeots. coryly with ASME 831.9 for building serviccs piping, and ASME B3l.l for powcr piping. Thrcaded: Valve cnds complying with ANSI B2.1. Solder-Joint: Valvc cods complying with ANSI 816.lE. l. n General: Providc the following valves for various valve tlpes referenced in Division-l5 sections. Drain Valvcs: a. 125 lb. SWP: bronze body, scr€w-in boooet, rising stem' composition disc, 3/4" hosc outlct' Conform to ASSE 1005' Ttreaded Solder Ends Ends 73 72 150604 PIPEs, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES I t I t I t I I I I I t I I I I t I I DTVISION 15 SECTION 15050. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 3. Plug Valves: a. 2' and Srnaller: 150 psi, bronze body, straightaway pattern, square head, threaded ends. DeZrrk: 425 Lunkenheimer: 454 4. Ball Valves: a, 2" and Smaller: 150 psi, bronze body, standard port, bronze trim, 2- piece constnrction, TFE seats and seals. Tbreaded Solder Ends Ends Milwaukee : BA-100 BA-150 5. Swing Check Valves: a. 2' and Smaller: 125 lb. SWP, bronze body, horizontal swing, renewable disc. Conform to MSS SP-80. Threaded Solder Ends Ends Milwaukee: 509 1509 6. Gas Cock Valvcs: a. General: Special valves required for cquipment comcctions only itr natural gas systems include the following types: b. Gas Cocks: (l) Gas Cocks 2' and Smaller: 150 psi non-shock WOG, bronze straig[tway cock, flat or square head, threaded ends. c. Acccptable Manufacturers: DeZurik Corp. Jenkins Bros. Lunkenheimer C-o. MBCO, Inc. Walworth Co. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 1506&5 DI\4SION 15 SECTION 15060 - PIPES. VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES I I t I I I I I t I t 2.4 PIPING 84T44!E: A . General : Provide factory-fabricated piping specialties recommended by manufacturer for use in service indicated. Provide piping specialties of types and pressure ratings indicated for each service, or if not indicated, provide proper selection as determined by Installer to comply with installation requirernents. Provide sizes as indicated, and connections, which properly mate with pipe, tub€, and equipment connections. Where more than one type is indicated, selection is Installer's option. B. Pipe Escutcheons: l. General: Provide pipe escutchcons as specified herein with inside diameter closely fining pipe outside dianeter, or outside of pipe insulation where pipe is insulated. Select outside diameter of escutcheon to completely cover pipe p€Detratiotr hole in floors, walls, or ccilings; and plpe sleeve extension, if any. Furnish pipe escutcheons with nickel or chrome finish for occupied areas, prime paint finish for unoccupied areas. 2. AccrptableManufacturers: Chicago Spe.ialty Mfg. Co. Producers Specialty & Mfg. Corp. Sanitary-Dash Mfg. Co. C. Dielectric Unions: l. General: Provide standard products recommcnded by manufacturer for use in service indicatcd, which effectively isolate ferrous fron non-ferrous piping (electrical conductance), prcvent galvanic action, and stop corrosion. 2. Dielectric finings shall conform to ASA 816.8, and shall be platcd as applicable 6 minimum ef .0005' and have no flow restriction when assembled. 3. AcreptableManufacturers: Epco Sales, Inc. FABRICATED PIPING SPECIALTIES: A. Pipe Sleevcs: Provide pipe sleeves of one of the following: l. Sheet-Metal: Fabricate from galvanized sheet metal; round tube closed with snaplock joint, welded spiral seams, or wclded longitudinal joint. Fabricate from the following gagcs: 3' and smellel, 20 gage: 4" to 6" 16 gage; over 6', 14 g ge. 2, Steel-Pipe: Fabricatc from Schedule 40 galvanized steel prpe; rcmove burrs. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES I I I I t I t t 150606 B. B. D. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I DIVISION 15 SECTION I5O5O. PIPES. VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 3. Iron-Pipe: Fabricate from cast-iron or ductile-iron pipe; remove burrs. Sleeve Seals: Provide sleeve seals for slceves located in foundation walls below grade, or in exterior walls, of one of the following: Lead and Oakum: Caulked berween sleeve and pipe. Link Seal 2.6 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS: Horizontal-Piping Hangers and Supports: 1. Gcneral: Except as othenr/ise indicated, provide factory- fabricated horizontal- piping hangers and suppors complying with MSS SP-58, selected by Installer to zuit horizontal-piping rystems, in accordance with MSS SP{9 and manufacturer's published product information. Use only one type by one manufacturer for cach piping service. Select size of hangers and suppons to exactly fit prpe size for bare piping, and to exactly fit around piping insulation with saddle or shield for insulated pipiag. Provide copper-plated hangers and supports for copper-piping sy$ems. Vertical-Piping Clamps: l General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide factory- fabricated verticd- piping clamps complying with MSS SP-58 selected by Installer to suit vertical piping systems, in accordance with MSS SP-69 and manufacturer's published product information. Select size of vertical piping clamps to exactly fit pipe size ofbare pipe. Provide copper-plated clamps for copper-piping systems. Hanger-Rod Attachments : l. General: Except as othcrwise indicated, provide factory- fubricated hanger-roc anachmcnts complying with MSS SP-5E selected by Installer to suit horizontal- piping hangers and building attachments, in accordance with MSS SP-69 and manufacnrer's published product information. Use only one type by one manufacturcr for each piping service. Select size of hanger-rod attachmcnts to suit hanger rods. Provide copper-plated hanger-rod attachments for copper- piping systcms. Manufacnuers of Hangers and Supports: l. ) l. AcceatableManufacturers: B-Line Systems Inc. Elcen Metal Products Co. Fee & Mason Mfg. Co.; Div. Figgie lnternational. ITT Grinnel Corp. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES tw7 DTVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES D. E. F. G. H. I. I I t I I 2.7 Shields: l. General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide shields under piping hangers and supports, factory-fabricated, for all insulated piping. Size shields for cxact fit to mate with pipe insulation. 2. AerptableManufacturers: Elcen Metal Products Co. Pipe Shields, Inc. Value Engineered Products GLASS THERMOMETERS: A. General: Provide glass thermometers of matcrids, capacities, and ranges indicatd, designed and constnrcted for use in service indicated. Case: Die cast alumhum finishd in baked epoxy enamel, glass front, spring sccured, 9'long. Adjustabte Joint: Die cast aluminum, finishd to match case, 180'F adjustment in vertical plane, 360 degrces adjutnent in horizontal plane, with locking dwice. Tube and Capillary: Mcrcury 6ll6d, mrgnifying lens, l% scale range accuracy, shock mounted. Scale: Satin faced, non-reflcctivc aluminum, permanently ached markings. Srcm: Copper-plated steel, or brass, for separable socket, length to suit installation. Range: Conform to the following: Hot Water: 30' - 240oF with 2oF scale divisions. Acceptable Manufacturers : Cooper Davis Duro E ilst Gage Co. Foxboro Marshalltown lnstrumetrts, lnc. Taylor Trerice (H.O.) Co. Weiss lnstruments, Inc. I I I I t I I I I B. c. I I T T I 1506G8 PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 15060-9 B. c. A, B. c. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 15 SECTION 15050 - PIPES. VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PIPE AND PIPE FITTING !N$!LI![!QN: General: Install pipes and pipe fittings in accordance with recognized industry practices which will achieve permanently leakproof piping systems, capable of performing each hdicated service without piping failure. Install each run with minimum joints and couplings, but with adequate and accessible unions for disassembly anc maintenance/replacement of valves and equipment. Reduce sizes (where indicated) by use of reducing fittings. Align piping accurately at connections, within l/16" misalignment tolerance. Locate piping runs, except as otherwise indicated, vertically and horizontally (pitched to drain) and avoid diagonal nrns wherever possible. Orient horizontal runs parallel with walls and column lines. l.ocate runs as showu or described by diagrams, details and notations or, if not othenrise indicated, run piping in shortest route which does nol obstruct usable space or block acccss for servicing building and its equipment. Hold piping close to walls, overhead corutnrction, columns and other structural and permanent- enclosure elements of building; limit clearance to l/2' where furring is shown for enclosure or con@alment of piping, but allow for insulation thickness, if any. Where possible, locarc insulated piping for l" clearance outside insulation. Wherever possible in finished and occupied spaces, conceal piping from view, by locating in columr. enclosures, in hollow wall construction or above suspended ceilings; do not encase horizontal runs in solid partitions, excfpt as indicated. Electrical Equipmcnt Spaces: Do not run piping through transformer vaults and other electrical or electronic equipment spaces and enclosures. 3.2 PTPTNG SYSTEM I9IS: General: Provide joints of type indicated in each piping syste.m. Thread pipe in accordance with ANSI B2.l; cut threads full and clean using sharp dies. Ream threaded ends to remove burrs and restore full inside diameter. Apply pipe joint compound, or pipe joiat tape (Teflon) where recommended by pipe/fitting manufacturer, otl mrle tbeads at each joint ad tighten joint to leave not more than 3 threads exposed. Solder copper tube-and-fining joints where indicated, in accordance with recognized industry prrcticc. Cut tube ends squarely, ream to full inside diameter, and clean outside of tube cnds and inside of fittings. Apply solder flux to joint areas of both nrbes and fittings. Use only flux with no lead content. Insert tube full depth into frtting, and solder iJ1 manner which will draw solder full depth and circumference of joint. Wipe excess solder from joint before it hardens. Hubless Cast-Iron Joints: Comply with coupling manufacturer's installation instructions.D. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES DTVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 3.3 INSTALLATION S WE!: A. General: Except as otherwise indicated, comply with the following requirements: l. Install valves whelp required for proper operation of piping and equipment, including valves in branch liaes where necessary to isolate sections of piping. Locate valves so as to be accessiblc md so that separate support can be provided when necessary. 2. lnstall valves rdth stemE pointed up, in vertical position whcre possible, but in no case with stems pointed downward from horizontal plane udess unavoidable. Install valve drains with hose+nd adapter for each vdve that must be installcd with stcm below horizontal plane. B. lnsulation: Whcre insulaion is itrdicated, iDstall extcnd€d-stem valves, arruged in prqper mrnner to rcceivc insulation. C. Reneurable S€ats: Select and install valves with renewable seats, exccpt wherc otherwise indicated. D. Installation of Check Valvcs: l. Swing Chcck Valvcs: lnstall in horizontal position with hingc pin horizontally perpcndicular to croter line of plpe. lnstall for pmper dircction of flow. rNSTALI.-ATTON OF PIPING SEGIAITIS: A. Pipe Escutchcons: Install pipc cscutcheons on cach pipe penetration thnr floors, walls, partitions, and ceilings whcrc pcoctruion is cxpoacd to view; md on exterior of building. Securp cscutchem to pipe or inslation so escutcheon covens penctration hole, and is flush witb adjoining zurfacc. B. Dielectric Unions: I. Providc dielectric pipe finings and isolators at all cotrnections betwceNr diseimilar metds in the domcstic watcr and fire protcction systeIrts to cootrol corrcsion potcotisl causcd by galvmic or clec*rolytic action. INSTALLATION OF FABRICATED PIPING SEEIAIJIE$: A. Pipe Slecvcs: lastall pipe slecves of types indicatcd where piping passes througb walls, floors, ccilings, and rooft. Do not iastall sleeves tbrough structural memben of work, exccpt as dctailed on drawings, or as reviewed by Architect/Fnginecr. Install sleeves accurately ccntcred on prpc runs. Size sleeves so that piping and innlation (if my) will have frec movcrncnt in slccvc, including allowmcc for thcrmal expansion; but not less than 2 pipe sizcs larger than piping run. \l/here insulation includes vapor-banier jac,ta, provide slccvc with sufficictrt clcannce for installation. Install lcngth of slceve equd to I I I I I t I I I I I I I 3.4 I I I I I I 3.5 150@10 PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 3.6 I t t t I I I I t I I I I I T I I I T DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES thickness of construction penetrated, and finish flush to surface; except floor sleeves. Extend floor sleeves 1/4' ibove level floor finish, and 314" above floor finish slopcd to drain. Provide temporary support of sleeves during placement of concrete and other work around sleevei, and provide temporary closure to plevent concrete and other materials from entering sleeves. I . Install sheet-metal sleeves at interior partitions and ceilings other than suspended ceilings. 2. Install iron-pipe sleeves at exterior penetrations; both above and below grade. 3. Install steel-pipe sleeves except as otherwise indicated' INSTALLATION OF HANGERS AND SUPPORTS: A. General: lnstall hangers, supports, clamps and attachments to support piping pro'perly from building structure; comply with MSS sP-69. Anange for grouping of pardlel runs of horizonral pipitrg to b€ supported together on trapeze q/pe hangers where possible. Install supporri with maxinum spacings complying with UPC. Where piping of various sizes is to be supported together by trapeze hangers, space hangers for smallest pipe size or install intermediate supports for smaller dianeter pipe. Do not use wire or perforated rnetal to support piping, and do not support piping from other piping' B. Install hangers and supports complete with necesary inserts, bolrs, rods, nuts, washers and other accessories.- -Except as otherwise indicated for exposed continuous pipe runs' install hangers and supports of same rype and style as installed for adjacent similar PiPing. C. prevent electrolysis in support of copper tubing by use of hangers and supports which are copper plated, or by other recognizcd industry methods, oI by plastic coated hangers. D. Provisions for Movement: l. Install hangers and supports to allow controlled movement of piping systerns. 2. Lnad Distribution: lnstall hangers and supports so that piping live and dead loading and stresses from movemetrt witl not be transmitted to connected equipment. 3. Pipe Slopes: Instal| hangers and supports to provide indicated pipe slopes, atrd 8o that maximum pipe deflections allowcd by ANSI 831 Pressure Piping codes are not exceeded. E.InsulatedPiping:Complywiththefollowinginstallationrequirements. l.Clamps:Attachclamps,includingspacers(ifany),topipingwithclamps Fojecting througb insulation; do not exceed pipe stresses allowed by ANSI B3l . PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES 1506G11 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060. PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES I I I I I I I I I I I I T T I I I I I 3.7 3.8 2. Shields: Where low-compressive-strength insulation or vapor barricrs are indicated on cold or chilled watcr piping, install coated protective shields. CLEANING, FLUSHING, INSPECTING: A. General: Clean extcrior surfaces of zuperfluous materials, and prcpare for application of spocified coatings (if any), Flush out systems with clean water before proceeding with required tests. Inspect each run of each system for completion of joints, supports and acc€ssory items. 1. lnspcct pressue piping in accordance with procedures of ASME B3l. !!!!$ rESrs: A. General: Providc t€Eporsry cquipncnt for tcsting, including punp and gggcs. Test piping system before insulation is installed wherever feasible, and remove control devices before testing. Test each natural section of each piping sysrcm independently but do not use piping system valvcs to isolate scctions where test pressur€ excceds valve pressue rating. Fill each scction with water and pressurize for indicated preesure md time. 1. Requirod test periods is 8 hours. 2, Tart long runs of Schodule 40 prpe at 150 psi, exccpt where fittiags arc lorrcr Class or pressur rating. 3. Test each piping systcm ^t Lfi% of operatiry prcssur€ indicatcd, 4. Test drainage piping systcms at a nominal prcssur€ of l0 ft. hydrostatic head. 5. Test gas piping sysrcm to l0 psi for screwed finings and 60 psi for welded fittings. 6. Obscwc canh test section for lcakage at cnd of test pcriod. Test fails if bafsgg is obscrvcd or if pttssurc drop excceds 5% of test pressure. B. Repair piping systems s€ctions whici fail required pipitrg tcst, by disassembly and re- installation, using new matcrials to cxtctrt requircd to ovcloome leakage. Do not use chemicals, stopleak compounds, mastics, or other temporary rcpair methods. C. Drain tcst water from piping rystcms after rcsting and rcpair work has becn corylaed. END OF SECTION 150@ 1506&12 PIPES, VALVES AND PIPING SPECTALTIES I DIVISION 15t sEcrIoN 152s0 - MECHANICAL INSULATIoN I I, PART I-GENERAL I,I RELATEDDOCUMENTS: II A. Q*ylqgr and- general proyisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-l Specification sections, apply to work of this section. I r.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: I A. Types of mechanical insulation specified in this section include the following: l. Piping System Insulation: f a. Fiberglass. 2. Ductwork lnsulation: I a. Fibergtass. I I.3 OUALITY ASSURANCE:t A. Flame/Smoke Ratings: Provide composite mechanical insulation (insulation, jackets, coverings, sealers, mastics and adhesives) with flame-spread index of 25 or less, and I smokedeveloped index of 50 or less, as tested by ASTM E 84 (NFPA 255) method. t z. PART 2 - PRoDUcrs r t, -rrr-r*-*ru*rloN MATERTAT*: r A. Fiberglass Piping Insulation: ASTM C 547, Class I unless otherwise indicated. I B. Jackas for Piping lnsulation: ASTM C 921, Type I. I C. Encasc pipe fittings insulation witlr onc-piecr premolded PVC fitting covcrs, fastened as per manufacturer's recomrne,ndations, excepr in RA plenuos. I D. Adhesives, Seaters, and Protective Finishes: As recommended by insulationI manufacturer for applications indicated. - 2.2 DUCTWORK INSULATION MATERIAI,S: I A. Flexible Fiberglass Ductwork lnsulation: ASTM C 553, Type I, Class B-2 - 0.75 LBS/FT}. B. Jackets for Ductwork lnsulation: ASTM C 921, Typ€ I.I C. Ductwork lnsulation Acccssories: Provide staples, bands, wires, npe, anchrcrs, corner angles and similar accessories as recommended by insulation manufacturer for applications indicated.I D. Ductwork lnsulation Compounds: Provide ccments, adhesives, coatings, sealers, protective finishes and similar compounds as recommended by insulation manufacturer for applications indicated.I I I T MEC}IANICAL INSULATION 1525G1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15250 . MECHAMCAL INSTILATION t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.2 3.3 3.4 5. E. Acceptable Manufacturers: CertainTeed CorP. Knauf Fiber Glass. Manville Froducts Corp. Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp. Pinsburgh Corning Corp. Rubatex Com. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I INPEI!9N: A. Examine areas and conditions under which mechanical insulation is to be installed. Do not procced with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrocted ia mrnne; acceptable to Installer. PLUMBING PIPING SYSTEM !WLdII9N: A. Application Requirements: lnsulate the following plumbing piping systenui: 1. Hot and cold water piping. B. lnsulate eacn piping system spocificd abovc with one of the following types and thicknesses of insulaion: C. Fiberglass: l/2" thick for prpe sizes up to I ll2'. D. lnsulation Omined: Omit insulation on unions, check valves, pre-insulated equipment. DUCTWORK SYSTEM INSULATION: A. lnsulation Omitted: Do not insulate lined ducrwork. Refer to Section 15800 for lined ductwork specifications. B. Dual Temperature Ductwork: 1. Application Requirements: lnsulate the following dual tenperature ductwork: a. Round rigid supply ducnrork. 2. lnsulate ductwork system specified above with one of the following types and thicknesses of insulation: a. Fibcrglass: 2'thick. INSTALLATION OF PIPING AND DUCTWORK III$!J,I{II9N: A. General: Install insulation products in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions, and in accordance with recognized industry pnctioes to ensure that insulation serves its intended purpose. B. lnstall insularion on plpe systems subsequent to installation of heat tracing, painting, testitrg, and 8cc€,Ptanoe of tcsts. 1525G2 MECHAMCAL INSUI.ATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I D. DIVISION 15 SECTION T5250 . MECFIAMCAL INSULATION C. Install insulation materials with smooth and even surfaces. Insulate each continuous run of piping with full-length units of insulation, with single cut piece to complete nrn. Do not use crt pieces or scraps abutting each other. Clean and dry surfaccs prior to insulating. Bun insulation joints firmly together to ensure complete and tight fit over surfaces to be covercd. E. Maintain integrity of vapor-barrier jackets on insulation, and protect to prevent puncftre or other damage. F. Cover valves, fittings and similar items in each piping system with equivalent thickness and composition of-insulation as applied to adjoining pipe rult. Install factory molded, precut oi job fabricated units (at Installer's option) except where specific form or type is indicated. G. Extend insulation without intemrption througb walls, floors and similar piping penetrations, except where othcrwise indicated. H. Install insulatiotr and vapor barrier jackets conthuous over piping at trapeze hangers. PROTECTION AND REPLACEMENT: A. Replace damaged insulation which cannot be repaired satisfactorily, including units with vapor barria damage and moisture saturated udts. B. Protection: Insulation Installer shall advise Contractor of required protection for insulation work during rcmainder of construction period, to avoid damage and daerioration. END OF SECTION 15250 3.5 T I MEC}IAMCAL INST'I.ATION 15250-3 I DIVISION 15t sEcrIoN 15400 - PLUMBING I 1. PARTI-GENERAL I 1.I RELATED D9!!MENTS: I A. Drawitrgs and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplcmentary Conditions and Division-l Specification sections, apply to work of this section. r r.2 DESCRIPTIoN oF woRK: A. Systems and equipment specified in this section include the following: I l. Potable Water System. 2. Waste and VeDt System.r i ilffif?#t 5. Warcr Heaters. I 2. PART2 - PRODUCTS I ; "*r.^* ^ND PRoDUCTs: I " "*gr;"-a*r* materials md factory-fabricared piping products, and specified equipmcnt of sizes, q4l€s, pr€ssure ratings, t€mperantre ratings, and capacitics asr ,1i,,?**illjff"j,till,l,ffitr##i#1.T-,#yffiflf#:"il*1 materials or products are indicated, selection is lnstaller's option. ! 2.2 PIPES. PIPE FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES: A. Fotable Water System: I l. Interior Water Piping: I a. Copper tube; Type L, hard-drawn temper; wroughtopper fittings, solder-joints . 2. Exterior Water PiPing: I a. Tube Size l/2' througb 4": Copper nrbe; Type K, hard tenper; silver - solder-joints. I 3. Basic Valves: I a. Sectional Valves: (l) 2" and Smaller: Ball valves.I I T PLUMBING 1540G1 DIYISION 15 SECTION 15400 . PLUMBING b. ShutoffValves: (l) 2" and Smaller: Ball valves. c. Drain Valves: (l) 2" 6d $mall6x; Ball valves. d. Check Valves: (l) All Sizcs: Swing check valves. e. Ac{€ptable Manufacturers: See Section 15060 Waste and Vent System: 1. Above Ground Waste and Vent Piping: a. Pipe Size l0' and Smaller: Hubless cast:iron soil pipe; Service weight; Hubless cast-iron soil prpe fittings, hubless joins. 2. Underground Building Drain Piping To 5 Fect Beyond Building Line: a. Pipe Size 15' and $mellsl; Cast-iron hub-and-spigot soil pipe; Cast- iron hub-and-spigot soil pipe fittings, compression gaska joints. 3. Floor Drain: Flashing (safc pan) shall consist of one of the following: a. 4 lb/ff2 sheet lead with apprcpriate under support. b. No. Z B & S gauge (.02) sheet copper with 15 lb. asphalt felt sub pans (silver soldered seams only). c. .04 thickness non plasticized chlorinated polyethylene and asphalted samrated fclt flashing as 4pmved and acce?table with jurisdictional code. 4. Drainage Piping Products: Provide factory-fabricated drainage piping producs of size and type indicated. Where not indicated, provide proper selection as determircd by Installer to comply with installation requirements and governing rcgulatioos. a. Cleoout Plugs: Cast-bronze or brass, threads complying with ANSI 82.1, countersu* head. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I 154co2 PLUMBING 5. I I I I I t I t I I t I I I I I I l I DIVISION T5 SECTION 15400 - PLUMBING b. Floor Cleanouts: Cast-iron body and housing cleanout plug; adjustable round top as follows: (l) Nickel-Bronze Top: Manufacnrrers standard cast unit of the panern indicated: (a) Pattem: Exposed flush type, standard non-slip scored or abrasive finish. (2) Cast-iron Top: Manufacturers standard cast unit of the pattem indicated: (a) Patrcm: Exposed flush type, standard non-slip scored or abrasive finish. c. Wall Cleanouts: Cast-iron body adaptable to pipe with cast-bronze or brass cleanout plug; stainless steel cover including screws. d. Acceptable Manufacturers: Josam Mfg. Co. Smith (Jay R.) Co. Zurn lndustries lnc. Drains: a. Gcneral: Provide factory-fabricated drains of size and type indicated. Where not indicated, provide proper selection as dercrmined by Architect/Engineer to comply with installation requirernents and goveming regulations. b. Floor Drains: (l) Floor Drain (FD-l): Josam No. 30000-A, cast-iron body, flashing collar, weepholes, satin Nikaloy strainer. (2) Acceptablc Manufacturers: Iosam Mfg. Co. Smith (Jay R.) Mfg. Co. Tyler Pipe; Subs. of Tyler Corp. Zurn Industries, lnc.; Hydromechaaics Div. PLI'MBING 1540G3 DTVISION 15 SECTION 15400 - PLUMBING c.Natural Gas System: l.Natural Gas, Above Ground Inside Building: Pipe: Schedule 40 for pipe sizes over ll2, black seamless steel pipe per ASTM A53. Finings: (l) Over ll2" thru 2": Same as above except 150 pound class, screwed or welding finings per joints bclow. Joints: (l) 2' and Under: Threaded using joint compound resistant to gas-air mixture. Welded only in return air plenum. (2) Note: Weldolets, Threadolets, Sockolets, where permined by authorities having jurisdiction may be used in lieu of standard finings on narural gas piping. 2.3 PLUMBING FD(TURES: A. I I I I T I T I b. B. General: hovidc factory-fabricated fixtures of type, style atrd material indicated. Where nore than one type is indicated, selection is lnstaller's option; but, all fixtures of same type must b€ furnishcd by single nanufacturer. Materids: t. General: Unless othenpise specified, comply with applicable Federal Specification WW-P-541/-Series sections pertaining to plumbing fixtures, fittings, trim, metals and finishes. Cooply with requirements of WW-P-541/- spccification relaive to quality of ware , glazing, enamel, mmposition and finish of metals, air gaps, and vacuum breakers, even though some plumbing fixtures specified in this section are not dcscrib€d in WW-P-541. 2. Provide materials which have been selected for their surface flatness and smoothness. Exposed surfaces which exhibit pitting scam marks, roller marks, foundry sand holes, stains, decoloration, or other surface imperfections on frnished units are not acceptable. 3. Where finings, trim and accessories are exposed or semi-exposed provide bright chrome-plated or polished staioless steel units. Provide copper or brass where not exposed. I I t I I I I t I I t 1540G4 PLUMBING 2.4 I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I t DTVISION 15 SECTION 15400 - PLUMBING 4. Stainless Steel Sheets: ASTM A 167, Type 3021304, hardest workable temper. a. Finish: No. 4, bright, directional polish on exposed surfaces. 5. Vitreous China: High qualrty, free frorn fire cracks, spots, blisters, pinholes and specks; glaze exposed surfaces, and test for crazing resistance in accordance with ASTM C 554. PLI.JMBING FITTINGS, TRIM AND AWBS: A. Watcr Outlets: At locations where water is supplied @y manual, automatic or remote control), provide commercial quality faucets, valves, or dispensing devices, of type and size indicated, and as required to operate as indicated. lnclude rranual shutoff valves and connecting stem pipes to permir outlet servicing without shutdown of water supply piping systems. 1. Vacuum Breakers: Provide with flush vdves where required by goveming regulations, including locations where water outlets are equipped for hose attachment. P-Tr4s: lnclude removable P+raps where drains are indicated for direct conrc,ction to drainage system. Fixnre Bolt Caps: Provide manufacturer's standad exposed fixture bolt caps finished to match fixture finish. Escutcheons: Where fixnrre supplies and drains penetrate walls in exposed locations, provide chrome-plated cast-brass escutcheons with set screw. Aerators: Provide aerators of types approved by Hedth Departments having jurisdiction. Conply with additional fixture requiremeots contained in fixture schedule. Faucet/trim shall meet ANSI I17.1 Section 4.20.4. Acceptable Manufacturers : l. Plumbing Fixtures (Vitreous Cbina): American Standard; U.S. Plumbing Products. Crane Co. Eljcr Co. Kohler Co. B. c. D. E. F. G. H. PLUMBING 15400-5 2. Plumbing Trim: Delta Kohler Co. Spealcman Co. Symmons Co. Just Co. (sink only). Elkay (sink only). 3. Fixture Seals: Bemis Mfg. Co. Beneke Corp, Foftes-Wrigbt Industries, lnc.; Church Products. Kohler Co. Olsonite Corp.; OlsoDite Seats. 4. Electric Warer Coolers: Elkay Mfg. Co. Oasis FiltrincMfg. Co. Halsey Taylor Div. Han's Drinking Fauet Co. Sunroc 5. StsiDless Ste€l Sints: Elkay Mfg. Co. Just Mfg. Co. 3. PARTS-EXECUTION DIVISION 15 SECTION 15400 . PLUMBING 3,1 INSPEEI!9N: t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t Geoeral: Examine areas and conditions under which piping systems ar€ to be installd. Verify acoal locations of cquipmcot, fixtures and/or piping connections prior to installation. Also examinc floors md substrates, and conditions under which work is to be accoqlished. Corr€ct any incorrcct locations of piptng, and other unsatbfactory conditions, Do not procccd with work util unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in mmner acccptable to Instsllcr. 1540S6 PLIIMBING 3.2 3.3 3.4 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 15 SECTION 15400 . PLUMBING INSTALLATION OF INTERIOR WATER PIPIN9: A. Install piping level with no pitctt. B. Locate groups of pipes parallel to each other, spaced to permit applying full insulation and servicing of valves. INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND SANITARY DRAIN PIPING WITHIN BUIIDIN: A. General: lnstall underground building drains as hdicated and in accordance with Uniform Plumbing Code. I-ay undergtound building drains treginning at low point of systems, true to grades and alignment indicated with unbroken continuity of inven. Place bell ends of piping facing upstream. I$tall required gaskets in accordance with manufacrurer's recommendations for use of lubricants, cenents, and other special installation requirements. Clean interior of piping of din and other superfluous material as work progresses. Mahtain swab or drag in line and pull past eac.h joint as it is completed. Plre plugs in ends of unconpleted piping at end of day or whenever work stops. B. All soil and waste piping: Shall be run at a slope of not less l/4" per foot (2.08%). Piping 4' and over may be run at a slope of not less than 1/8" (1.O4%) per foot, with approval from local code offrcids. All storm drain piping shall be run at slopes indicated on the drawings. C. Cast-iron Pipe: Install in ac.ordance with applicable provisions of CISPI "Cast lron Soil Pipe & Fittings Handbook". INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUND SANITARY DRAIN, WASTE AND VENT PIPING WITI{IN EUIIDIN: A. General: Install all piping, as indicarcd and in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code. B. Provide restraints and hangers as appropriate and in accordance with manufacturers recommendations based upon type of pipe, fittings, joints. C. Piping shall be nm true, plumb, and straight, with all restraints and hangers adjusted to carry their proportional load and locked to prevent pipe 'wag', rnisalignment, movement or shear. D. Provide anchors for piping risers on every floor using riser clamps, wall brackets, knee brackets, and foot blocks for all vertical piping over 20 feet straight heigbt. PLUMBING $4007 DIWSION 15 SECTION 15400 . PLUMBING t t I I I I I I I t t3.5 E. All soil and waste pipiag shall be ruo at a slope of not less than ll4' pr foot (2.08%) for piping up to 4' in sizc. All piping 4" and over shall be run at a slope of not lcss than ll8" (l.U%) per foot. All storm drain piping shall be run at slopes indicatod on tbe drawings. F. Bushings in soil waste or vent piping shall be prohibited. Tapped spigots or te€s shall be used when chmging from cast iron prpe to steel waste or vent piping, and for appropriate cleanout plugs. G. Al[ horizonral waste and vent piping shall be supponcd from thc building stnrcnue at mt more than five (5) foot intcrvals. Cast iron no-bub pipe and finingsshall be supportod within one foot of each side of couplings. All vertical storm, soil and vent stacks shall be supported with riser clarnps at each floor slab. H. The waste connectioDs bctwccn fixtures and their respective collection md venting sysrcms shall consist of galvanizcd stoel uipples and cast iron drainage fittings. I. All interior waste and vent piping up !o I l/2' shall consist of galvanized steel witb cast iron drainage fittings. Atl piping 2" and ovcr shall consist of senrice wcight cast iron soil plpe and fittings. J. All cast iron prpe and fittings shall have affrxed thcreon tbe CISPI grade mark of identification. K, hovide all cxpansion joints, braccs, earthquake restraints as required by the conuact documents and jurisdictional authority. rNsTALr-ArroN s pRATNAGE PIPING PB9p@S: A, Cleanouts: Inststl iD abovc ground prping and building drain piping as indicatod, as required by Uniform Plumbing Code/DBC Amcodments; ad d each change in dircction of piprng gr€ater that 45 dcgrces; 6l mini6ls1 intcrvals of 50' for piping 4" and smallcr md 100' for largcr piping; and at base of car;h vcrtical soil or wastc stack. Install floor and wall clcanout covcrs for ooncealcd piping. Wall cleanouts shall be installed at a maximum hcight of l'{' abovc finished floor unlcss otherwisc indicated or dircctcd on the plans. INSTALLATION QE FI.OOR DBI$IIS: A. General: Install floor drains in accordance with manufacturer's wrinen insmrctions and ia locations indicated. B, Coordinatc flashing work rdth work of watcrprmfing md adjoining substrate work. C. C.over all drain straircrs during builditrg construction with hcavy duty tape similar to duct taPC. 3.6 I I I I t I I I 1540G8 PLUMBING a1 3.8 3.9 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I DIVISION 15 SECTION T54OO . PLUMBING D. Install drains at low points of surface areas to be drained, or as indicated. Set tops of drains flush with finished floor. E. Insfall drain flashing collar or flange so that no leakage occurs between drain and adjoining flooring. Maintain integrity of waterproof membranes, where penetrated. F. Provide flashing (safepan) for each floor drain above grade, 24"x24" n sizc' EOUIPMENT CONNECTIONS: A. Piping RunouS to Fixtures; Provide soil and waste piping runouts to plumbing fixtures and drains, with approved trap, of sizes indicated; but in no case smaller than required by Uniform Plumbing Code. B. Locate piping runouts as close as possible to botton of floor slab supporting fixtures or drains, C. Upon completion of hstallations, flush all traps and fill wift water. INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING EIXUBES: A. General: Install plumbing fixtures of types indicated where shown dld at indicated herghts; in accordance with fixture manufacturer's written insmrctions, roughing-in drawings, and with recognizcd industry practices. Ensure that plumbing fixtures comply with requirements and serve intended purposcs. Comply with applicable requirements of governing authority having jurisdiction penaining to installationof plumbing fixtures. B. Fastcn plumbing fixtures securely to indicated supports or building structur€; and ensure that fixtures are level and plunb. secure plumbing supplies behind or within wall constnrction so as to be rigid, and not zubject to pull or push movement' C. Itotect installed fixtures from darnage during renainder of construction period. FIELD OUALITY CONTROL FOR FIXTURES: A. Upon compldion of installation of plumbing fixtures and after units ar€ water pressurized, test fixtures to demonstrate c4ability and compliance with requirements. When possible, correct malfunctioning units at site, then retest to demonstrate compliance; otherwise, remove and replace with new units and proceed with raesting. B. lnspect each instaued unit for damage to finish. If feasible, restore and match finish to original at site; otherwise, remove fixture and replace with new unit. Feasibility and maich 19 be judged by fu.tri1sct /Fngineer. Remove cracked or dented unis and replace with new units. PLUMBING 1540G9 DTVISION 15 SECTION 15400 . PLUMBING 3.l l 3.IO ADJUSTING AND CLEANING OF FIXTURES: c. Clean plumbing fixtures and trim of din and debris upon completion of installation. Adjust water pressurc at drinking founuins, faucets, shower valves, and flush valves to provide proper flow stream and specified gpm. Adjust or rcplace washers to prevent leaks at faucets and stops. INSTALLATION OF NATTJRAL Q!$ PIPING: E. F. G. H. I. J. Use sedants on metal gas piping threads which are chemically resistant to natural gas. Use sedants sparingly, and apply to only mrlg threads of metal joints. Remove cutting and threading burrs before assembling piping. Do not install defective piping or fittings. Do not use pipe with threads which are chipped, stripped or damaged. Ptug each gas outlet, including valves, with threaded plug or cap immediately after hstallation and retain until continuing piping, or equipment connections are completed. Ground gas piping electrically and continuously wittr;n project, and boDd tigbtly to grounding contrection. Install drip-legs in gas piping where indicated, and where re4uired by code or regulation. lnstall 'Tee" fifting with bottom outla plugged or capped, at bottom of pipe riscrs. Use dielcctric unions wher€ dissimilar mctals are joincd together. Insrall pipiog with l/64' per foot (l/8%) downward slope in direction of flow. For piping running through duas or air plenums, install in welded conduit, ventilated on both ends. 3.12 GAS SERVICE: General: Arrange with Utility Compary to provide gas servicc to building includiag gas meter, regulator and servicc shut-off valve. Consult with Utility as to exrcnt of it's work, costs, fees and pcrmits involved. Pay zuch costs and fees; obtain permits. Costs for achral installation of scrvicc and scning of meter by the utility company shall be paid by the owner. Extend building servicc line from gas meter into building. Provide full size plug valve on downstream side of metcr, Entcr building 3[ I minimnm 6f 12' above grade. A, B. B. c. D. I I I t I I T I I t I I I I I I I I I 1540G10 B. PLt'MBING DIVISION 15. SECTION 15400. PLUMBING 3.13 INSTALLATION Q[ VALVES: A. Gas Cocks: Provide at oonnectiol to gas train for each gas-fircd equipment item; and on risers aod braoches where indicatcd. B. Locale gas cocks where easily accessible, urd where they will be protected from possible injury. END OF SECTION 15400 PLI'MBING 1540G11 I DIVISION 15r sEcrIoN 15560 - ELECTRIc I{EATING TERMINALS I I. PART1 - GENERAL I I.1 RELATED @UIAENIS: f A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. I B. Division-16 Basic Elecrrical Muerials and Methods sections apply to work specilied in this section. I 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A. Types of electrical heating tenninds in this section include the following: I 1. Electric Baseboard Radiation. 2. Cabinet Heaters. 3. Electric Wall Heaters.I 2. PART2-PROpUCTS T 2.1 ELECTRIC BASEBOARD @IdI!9N: A. Matcrials and Equipment: ! l. General: Except as otherwise hdicated, provide manufacturer's standard electric baseboard matcrials and components as indicated by published product information, and as requircd for complae installation. I B. Heating Elements: I l. General: Except as otherwise hdicated, provide manufacturer's standard elements for indicated duty and rated for indicated capacity, consisting of electric resistance elements inside aluminum tube mechanically expanded into I ahminum fins, and equip with capaclty type automatic reject thermal overheatI cubut. C. Temperature Controls:I 1. hovide factory-installed temperanre oontrol package. I D. Cabinets: Provide cabinets braced and reinforced to provide required stitress, with adjustable heating element supporls and expansion oompensating brackets. Phosphate and paint cabina inside and out with single coat of bakedon primer. hovide one piece, 20- I gage, botom, back and front panels and 16-gage grille. I I I ELECTRIC HEATING TERMINAIS 15560-1 DMSION 15 SECTION 15560. ELECTRIC I{EATING TERMINALS I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.2 E. Acceptable Manufacturers: Berko Electric Mfg Div. Brasch Mfg Co. lnc. Markel Nutone Div: Scoville, lnc. Q-Mark Div. Erincraft Mfg. Co. Vulcan Trane CABINET HHIEBS: A. Marerials and Equipment: 1. General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide electric cabinet heater manufacturer's standard materials and components as indicated by published producr information, designed and constructed as recommended by manufacturcr, and as required for complete installation. B. Heating Elements: 1. General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide manufacturer's standard elements of indicated duty and rated for indicated capacity, consisting of resistance elemcnts in steel sheath with extended fins, or in spirally finned shearh. 2. Cabinets: Provide cabines braced and reinforced to provide required stiffuess, and containing adjustable heating elemenr supports. Provide 1/2" thick, 2'lb density, glass fiber insulation on interior of front panel. Phosphatize and paint cabinets inside and out with single coat of baked-on primer. lnclude discharge air grillcs in cabinet, die formed with fixed directional louvers. Provide cabinets with removable front panels secured by slide bolt, cemlock or Phillips head scrcws. Fabricate froo l6-gage galvanized stecl. C. Moton: l. Ge,neral: Provide shaded-pole or permanent-split capacitor moors, resiliently moulted, tap wound with builr-in thermal ovcrload protection, and of permanently lubricated type. Electrical characteristics: 120-volt, 60 Hz, single Phasc. 2. Motor Controls: Provide multispeed motor control switch with OFF position, mounted bebind access door. 3. Internal Wiring: Providc high temperature, heat-resistant wiriag in flexible metal conduit ftom terminal junction box to electrical dcvices. Provide fuses in motor and control circuit wiring. I I I I t t I $5602 ELECTRIC HEATING TERMINAIS D. F. 2.3 t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I DTVISION 15 SECTION 15560 - ELECTRIC HEATING TERMINALS Fans: 1. General: Provide double width, double inlet centrifugal fans, balanced statically and dynamically, of indicated capacity. Connect fan to a single or double e ended motor shaft, with fan, housing and motor moutrted as an integral assembly on motorboard. Constnrction: l. Whcels: Talc-filled polypropylene or aluminum. 2. Housing: Galvanized steel. 3. Motorboard: Galvanized steel. Acce?table Manufacturers: Berko Erincraft Mgf. Co, Markel. Trane Co. Vulcan Mfg. Co. Q-Mark Div. ELECTRIC WALL HEATERS: A. Materials and Equipment: l. General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide electric wall heater manufacturer's statrdard materials md components as indicated by published product information, designed and constructed as recommended by manufacturer, and as required for complete installation' B. Heating Elernents: l. Ggneral: Except as otherwis€ indicarcd, provide manufacturer's standard elements of indicated duty and rarcd for indicated capacity, consistilg of resistance elements in steel sheath with extended fins, or in spirally finned sheath. 2. Cabinets: Provide cabinets braced and reinforced to provide required stifftEss, and containing adjustable heating element supports. Phosphatize and paint cabines inside and out with singlg co11 of baked-on primer. Include discharge air grilles in cabinet, die formed with fixed directional louvers. Provide cabinets with removable front panels secured by slide bolt, camlock or Phillips head screws. Fabricate from 16-gage galvanized steel. FI FCTIUC HEATING TERMINAIS 1556G3 DTVISION 15 SECTION 15560 - ELECTRIC HEATING TERMINALS C. Motors: l. General: Provide manufacturer's motors with built-in thermal overload protection, and of permanently lubricated type. Electricd characteristics: 120- volt, 60 Hz, single phase. 2. Motor Controls: Provide motor control switch with OFF position, mounted behind access door. 3. Iilcmd Wiring: Provide high tcmperature, heat-resistant wiring in flexible metal conduit from terminal junction box to electrical devices. Provide fuses in motor and control circuit wiring. D. Frns: 1. General: Provide manufacturer's standard propeller type fan. E. Acceptable Manufacturers: Berko Elecric Erincraft Markel Q'Mark 3. PARTS - EXECUTION 3.I INSTALLATION OF HEATING EBMIMTA: A. lnstall heathg termind units as indicated, in accordance with equipment manufacturer's written instructions, and with recopizcd industry practioes; complying with applicable insrallarion reguircments of NEC and NECA's 'Standard of lnstdlation'. B. Coordinate with other clectrical work, including wiring/cabling work, as necessary to properly int€rface installaion of beating terminal units with other work. C. Clean dust and debris from ear;h heating terminal as it is installed to etrsur€ cleanliness. D. Comb out d'meged fins wherc bcot or crushed before covering elements with enclosures. E. Touch-up scratched or tnafl€d heating terminal enclosure surfaces to match original finishes. F. Tigbten cotrtrectors and terminals, including screws and bolts, in accordance with equipment manufacturer's publishcd torque tightening values for cquipment oontrectors. Wherc manufacturer's torquing rcquirements arc not itrdicated, tighten conncctors and termimls to comply with tightedng tolques specified in UL Std 4E64. I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 155604 F F.CTRIC HEATING TERMINAIS I I sEcrroN 155@-ELEcrRIc HEATING?ffiRI# I 3.2 o*oNDrN: I A. Provide equipment grounding connections as indicated. Tighten connections to comply t ;Hjg**"t,orque values specified in UL Std 486A to:rssure pennanent and effective I 33 rwrrrc: I A yffifrT'r::""mr;ffilT'5,:H#:Jffi;1J"ff'ffi1#Jffi I lgl.#T5;.ffiiT".possible, field correct mertunctionins units, then retest to I END OF SECTION 15560 t I I I t I I I I I I ELECTRIC HEATING TERMINAIS 1s56Gs I T t I I I I I I T I T I I I I I I I I DIVISION 15 SECTION I58OO - AIR DISTRIBUTION PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 RELATED D@UMEAES. A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General a-nd Supplementary Conditions and Division-l Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF VORK: A. Metal Ductwork. B. Ductwork Accessories. C. Grilles, Registen 6c Diffusen. D. Dampers. E. Rooftop Heating & Cooling Units' F. Fans. G. Air Terminals. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 DUCTTTORK MATERIALS: A. Sheet Metal: E:<cept as otherwise indicated, fabricate ductwork from galvanizcd sheet steel complying with ASTM A 527, lockforming qudity; with G 90 zinc coating in accordancl witl eSfU A 525; and mill phosphatized for exposed locations. 2.2 MISCELLANEOUSDUCTITORKWBIAL!, A. General: Provide miscellaneous materids and products of rlaes and sizes indicated and, where not otherwise indicated, provide type and size required to comply with ductwork syntem requirements lncluding proper connection of ductwork and equipment. B. Fittings: Provide radius typc fittings fabricated of multiple sections.with maximum 15 degrJ chaoge of direction per sectioo. Unl6s specifig,llf detailed otherwise, use 45 dcl.ee latenls end 45 degrei elbows for branch takeoff connections. lfhere 90 degree branches are indicated, provide conical qae tees. C. Duct Liner: Fibrous glass, complying with Thermal Insulation Manufecturers Association ffnvtA) ,tHt-tOt; of 1" thick. The liner shall meet the Life Safety Standards as cstablished by NFPA 90A and 90B. The duct liner shall conform to the requirements of ASTM c lo7l, with an NRC not less than .60 and a thermal conductivity no higher than .25 at 75oF mean temPerature' D. Duct Sedant: Non-hardcning, non-migrating mastic or liquid elastic sealant, type appliceble for febrication/instdletioa detail, as compounded 'nrl recommended by manufacturer specifically for scding joints aad seams in ductwork' AIR DISTRIBUTION 15800-l DIVISION 15 SECTION 15800 . AIR DISTRIBUTION E. Duct Cement: Non-hardening migrating mastic or liquid neoprene based cement, type applicable for frbrication/installation detail, as compounded and recommended by manufacturer specificdly for cementing fitting components, or longitudind seams in ductwork. F. Ductwork Suppon Materials: Except as otherq'ise indicated, provide hotdippcd gdvanizcd sted fasteners, anchors, rods, straps, trim and angles for suppon of ductwork. G. Low Pressure Flexible Ducts: Duct shdl bc factory preiasulated with a solid inner liner formcd by a reinforced {r'miassl laminate material mechanically locked or bonded together by a corrosive resistent Flvaniz€d steel helix, covered with a minimum 1-112" thick fiberglass blanket and sheathed in a polyethylene vepor berrier. The insulation shdl have a maximum 0.23 "C" factor, to meet FHA/HUD requirements and a vapor barrier permeability of 0.10 perms (ASTM Eg6Procedure A). The duct shdl have a positive working pressure rating of 6' w.g. (dl diaoetcrs), negative working pressure rating of 1' x'.g. (all dirmeten) and at a maximum operating temperirture of 180oF (dl diameters). Prcssure nting brsed on tcst with tempcnrture and velocity applied. the duct shdl comply with the latest NFPA 09A Bullcting end be UL-181 listed rs a Class I Air Duct. A maximum installation length of 10'0' shdl be maintained in straight nras and shdl be Flo<mastcr Typc 5, Viremold VCK or llan 6c Cooley. H. Spin-in Finings: Conicd, bellmouth sph-in fittings may be used for duct tapa and shdl include quadrant dampen on dl lines to air dcvices (diffixcrs and grilles) evcn though a voluoe &mper is specified for the air device. flhis does not epply for higb pressure duct). The spia collar fining shdl be mrde from G90 gJmniz€d sheet mctd. The construction shdl hevc a febricetcd minimum overall length oI 7' by Flcxmastcr U.S.A., lnc., Type CDD or Hert 6r C.ooley SM-2D. The locetion of spia-in fittings in the ducts shdl be detcrmincd eftcr terminds are hung or the locrtion of the light fixtures is known so as to minimize flexible dua lengths and sharp bends. 4EBICATIoN' A. Shop fabricate ductwork in 4, 8, 10 or 12-ft lengtls, unless otherwise indicated or required to complete nrns. Preassemble rtork in shop to greatct o<tent possible, so rs to minimizc field assembly of s)'stems. Disasscmble systems only to entcnt ncccssary for shippiag md hendliag. Metch-mark sections for rcassembly end coordinated instdlation. B. Shop fabricatc ductwork of gagas and reinforcement complying rrith SMACNA 'HVAC Duct Construction Standerds'. I I I I I I I t I T t t I I I I I I T 15Em-2 AIR DISTRIBUTION D. B. B. I T I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I t 2.4 DAMPERS: DIVISION 15 SECTION T58OO - AIR DISTRIBUTION Fabricate duct fittings to match adioining ducts, and to comply with duct requirements as applicable to fittings. Except as otherwise indicated, fabricate elbows with centerline ndG equd ro associated duct width; and fabricate to include turning vanes in elbovs where shorter radius is necessary. Limit angular taPers to 30 degrees for contracting tapers and 20 degrees for orpanding tapers, Fabricate duawork with duct liner in each section of duct where indicated. Laminate Iiner to internal surfaces of duct in accordance with instructions by manufacturers of lining and adhesive, and fasten with mechanical fastenen. Low Pressure Manual Dampers: Provide dampers of single blade type or multiblade type, constructed in accordance with SMACNA 'IIVAC Duct Construction Standards". Acceptable Manufacturers: Air Belance, [nc. American Varming & Ventilating, Inc. Arrow Louver and Damper; Div' of Arrow United lndustries, Inc. Cesco Greenheck Lowers & Dampers, Inc. Penn Ventilator Co. Ruskin Mfg. Co. Venco Vent Products. TURNING ]IA}E!, Menufactured Turning Vancs: Provide turning vanes coturtruct ed of l-l/2" wide curvec blades set *3/4' o.c., supponed with bars perpendiculer to blades set at 2n o.c.' ano set into side strips suitable for mounting in ductwork' Acceptable Manufacturen: Aero Dyne Co. Ainan Corp. Anemostat Products Div.; Dynamics Co1p. of America. Barber-Colman Co. Duro Dyne Corp. Titus Producs Division, Phillips Industries, lnc. AIR DISTRIBUTION 15800-3 DryISION 15 SECTION I58OO - AIR DISTRIBUTION @! HARp\(ARE: A. General: Provide duct hardware, manufactured by one manufacturer for all items on project, for the following: 1. Test Holes: Provide in ductwork at fan inlet and outlet, and elsewhere as indicated, duct test holes, consisting of slot and cover, for instrument tests. 2. Quadnnt Locls: Provide for each &mper, quadrant lock device on one end of shaft; and end bearing plate on other end for &mper lengths over 12". Provide extended quadrant locks and end extended bcaring plates for orternally insulated ducrwork. B. Acceptable Manufacturers: Ventfabrics, lnc. Young Regulator Co. FLEXIBLE @!ECI!oNS' A. General: Provide flexible duct connections wherever ductwork connects to vibration isolated equipment. Construct flexible connesions of oeoprene'coated lamepl9f fabric crimped into duct flangcs for artachment to duct and equipment. Make ainight ioht. Provide adequate joint flcxibility to dlow for thcrmal, axid, transverse, aod tonional movement, end also capablc of absorbing vibrations of connected equipment. B. Acceptable Manufacturcrs: American/Elgen Co.; EnergY Div. Duro Dyne CorP. Floraust (Ihe) Co. Ventfabrics, Inc. GRILLES, REGISTERS AND DEEUSEBS. A. General: Exccgt as othen'ise indicated, provide manufacturer's stendard air device wherc shown; of size, shepe, capacity and type indicated; constructd of materials and compone[ts as iodicatcd, and as required for complete instdlation, B. Performance: Provide eir deviccs that have, as minimum, temPerature and vclocity trave$es, throw and drop, end noise criteria ratings for each size device as listed in manufac'turer's current dat& I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I r5800-4 AIR DISTRIBUTION 2.9 I I I I I I I I I I T I I T I I t I I DIVISION 15 SECTION I5EOO. AIR DISTRIBUTION C. Ceiling/$(lall Compatibility: Provide air devices with border styles that are compdible with adjacent ceiling/wall sysrems, and that are specifically manufactured to fit into ceiling/wall construction with accurate fit and adequate suPPort. Refer to general construction drawings and specifications for types of ceiling,/wall construction which will contain each type of air device. D. Tlpes: Provide air device of qpe, capacity, and with accessories and finishes as listed on grilles, register and diffirser schedule. E. Acceptable Manufacturers: Anemostat Products Div'; D,tnamics Corp' of America' Carnes Co.; Div. of lVehr Corp. E.H. Price Krueger Mfg. Co. Metd Aire Co. Titus Products Div.; Philips Industries, Inc. Tuttle & Bailey. ROOFTOP T]NITS A. Generd: Provide factory-assembled and tested rooftop units as indicated, designed for roof mounting, consisting of comPressors, condensers, waporator coils, condenser and evaponrtor fans, refrigeration and temperature controls, filters, and dampers. Provide capacities and electrical characteristics as scheduled. B. Casing: Provide manufadurer's standard casing construction, corrosion Protection coatin;, and exterior finish. Provide removable panels and/or access doors for inspection and access to internal parts. Insulate casing with 1' thick minimum thermal insulation. Provide knockouts for electrical and piping connections. Provide condensate drain connection. C. Evaporetor Fans: Provide forward-cuned centrifrrgd, belt- driven fans with adjustable sheaves, D. CondenserFans: Provide propeller-qpe, directdriven fans with permanently lubricated bearings. E. Coils: For waporirtor and condenser, provide non-ferrous construction with aluminum plate fins mechanicdly bonded to seamless copper tubes; with brazed tubing joints. F. Compressors: Provide seniceeble, semi-hermetic, or fully hermetic compressors, in accor&nce with manufacturcr's published technicd data. Provide vibration isolators and crmkcase heaters. AIR DISTRIBUTION 15800-5 DIVISION 15 SECTION I58OO - AIR DISTRIBUTION G. Safery Controls: Provide the following controls, each designed for manual reset: 1. High pressure cutout. 2. Compressor motor overload protection. H. Heat Exchangers: Provide manufacturer's standard constnrction for gas-fired heat e:rchangers and burners. 1. Controls: Provide the following controls: a. Redundant gas valve. b. Electronic spark ignition system. c. High limit cutout. d. Forced draft proving switch. I. Economizer Control: Provide econornizer control consisting of return and outside air dampers, outside air filter, fully modulating electric control system with enthalpy control, and adjustable mixed-air thermostat. Design slntem for 100% outside air cepabiliry. Provide automltic changeovcr through adustable enthdpy control device. J. Accessories: Provide the following accessories as indicated and/ or scheduled: 1. Curb: Providc insulated roof curb under unit, constructed in eccordance with NRCA Standards. Provide seal strip between curb and unit, and wood nailer for flashing. For deck slopes, fabricate support units to form level top edge. 2. Thermostat: Provide programmable thermostat assembly for staged heating and cooling with menual or automatic changeover on standard subbase. K. Acceptable Manufacturen: Cerrier Air Conditioning; Div. of Carrier Corp. Lcnnox Industries, Inc. McQuay Group, McQuay-Perfex Inc. Trane Co. York; Div. of Borg-Varner Corp. 2.r0 CEILINGI.EDIIId&BS' A. Centrifugd Ceiling Exhausters: Provide centrifugd ceiling exhausten, designed for ceiling mounting, of t)?€, sizc and capacity as scheduled. l. Provide AMCA Cenified Ratings Seal. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 15800-6 AIR DISTRIBUTION 2. 3. +. ), I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.tl DIVISION 15 SECTION I58OO. AIR DISTRIBUTION Type: Provide galvanized steel housing lined with acoustical insulation, adaptable for ceiling or wall instdlation. Provide centrifugal fan wheels molrnted on motor shaft with fan shrou&, all removable for service. Provide integral backdraft damper fan discharge. Grille: Provide integral metal grille with flange on intake with attachment to fan housing. Motor: Provide permanent split-capacitor motor' Permanently lubricated, with grounded cord and plug. Electrical: Provide junction box for electrical connection on housing, and receptacle for motor plug-in. Accessories: Provide manufacturer's standard transition finings as indicated on drawings or schedules. Acceptable Manufacturers: Acme Engineering & Mfg. Co. Carnes Co. CooL Co., Loren. Greenheck Fan Corp. ILG Industries Jenn Indrstries Penn Ventilator Co,, [nc. AIREBM!:IA!S: A. Gencral: Provide factory-fabricated end tested air terminds as indicated, selected with performence chrracrcristics which metch or exceed those indicated on schedule. 1. Casings: Coostruct of dieqst duminum or sheet metal of the following minimum thicknesses: IJostream Pressure Side: Downstream Pressure Side: Steel Aluminum 2$ga 0.032" 2ilga 0.025' a, Provide hanger bracL,ets for attachment of suppons. b. Linings: Line inside surfaces of casings with lining material to provide acoustic performance, thermal insulation, and to prevent condensation oo outside surfaces of casing. Provide minimum thickncss of L/2'. Secure lining to Prevent dclamination, sagging, or scttlitrg. AIR DISTREUTION 15800-7 DIVISION 15 SECTION I58OO - AIR DISTRIBUTION 5.PARTl. DGCUTION 3.1 EjSBE9IIoN, I t I I I I I I t I I T I t I t t I I c. Leakage: Construct casings such that wben subjected to 0.5-in w,g, pressure for low pressure units, and 3.0-in w.g. pressure for high pressure units, total leakage does not exceed 4% of specified air flow capacity with outlets seded and inlets wide open. Construct air dampen such that when subjected to 6.0-in w.g. inlet pressure with damper closed, totd leakage does not exceed 10% of specified air flow capacity. 2. Air Dampen: Construct of materids that cannot corrode, do not require lubrication, nor require periodic senicing. Provide maximurn volume dampers, both pressure dependent and pressure compensated, that are cdibrated in cfm, factory-rdusted, aod marked for specified air capacities. Provide mechanism to vary air volume through &mper from minimum setpoint to maximum setpoint, in response from signal from thermostat. 3. Elcctric Hcating Coils: Provide heatiag coils constructed of electric resistance elements in gdvanizcd steel casing with control box and factory-wiring. Provide ovcr-teolrcnrture protection and Ul-listing as duct hcater. Controls: 1. Provide electric powered controls, compatible with electric temperature cotrtrol system. Acceptable Manufacturcrs: Anemostat Products Div.; Dynamics Corp. of America. BerbAire. Cernes Co, Enviroruncntd Tcchnologies. Titus Products Div.; Phillips Industries, Inc. Mctd Aire. Cerrier Corp.; Sub. of United Technologies Corp. Tempmaster Corp. Tnne $he) Co. General: E:ramine areas and conditions under which ductwork accessories and cquipment lre to be instdlcd. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfectory conditions have bccn corrected in menncr acceptablc to Instdler. 15800-8 AIR DISTRIBUTION B. D. F. I I t I T I I I I I t I T T I T I I t DIVISION 15 SECTION I58OO - AIR DISTRIBUTION J.2 INSTALLATION OF METAL DUCTIVORK: 3.3 INSTALLATION OF DUCT LINER: General: Install duct liner in accordance with SMACNA lrvAC Duct construction Standards. Duct sizes shown on plans are clear inside dimensions. Increase duct sizcs accordingly. G6neral: Assemble and install ductwork in accordance with recognized industry practices which will achieve air-tight (5% leakage for systems rated 3" and under; 1% io, ,ytt.-t rated over 3") and noiseless (no objectionable noise) systems' capable of performing each indicated service. Install each run with minimum numbr of loins. Align do.i*otk accurately at connections, within l/8' misalignment tolerance and with internal surfaces smooth. Suppon ducts rigidly with suitable ties, braces, hangers and anchon of type which will hold ducts true'teshape and to prevent buckling. Suppon vertical ducts at every floor. Field Fabrication: Complete fabrication of work at project as necessary to metch shop fabricated work and accommodate installation requirements. Routing: Locate ductwork runs, except as otherwise indicated, venically and horizontdly and avoid diagond runs wherwer possible. Locate runs as indicated by diagrams, details and notations or, if not otherwise indicated, run ductwork in shonest rouie which does not obstruct useable space or block access for senricing building and its equipment. Hold ducts close to walls, overhead construction' columns, and other rt-.tool and pefmanent enclosure elements of building. Limit clearance to tl' where furring is shown for enclosure or concealment of ducts, but allow for insulation thickness, if any. Iflhere possible, Iocate insulated ductwork for 1" clearance outside of insulation. tifh.t*"r possible in finished and occupied spaces, conced ductwork from view, by locating ln mechanicd shafts, hollow wall construction or above suspended ceilings. Do not encase horizontal runs in solid Partitionst excePt as specificdly shown. coordinarc layout with suspended ceiling and lighting layouts and similar finished work. Electricd Equipment Spaces: Do not route ductwork through traosformer vaults and their electricd €quipment spaces and enclosures. Installation: Instdl metd ductwork in accordance with SMACNA F{VAC Duct Construction Staodards. Sedant: Sed dl suppln return and exhaust ductwork with duct sealant or duct cement in accordance with manufacturen instructions. AIR DISTRIBUTION 15800-9 DIVISION 15 SECTION I58OO. AIR DISTRIBUTION T t t I t I3.4 B. Extent of Duct Liner: 1. All rectangular supply air ductwork 2. All return ductwork. 3. All transfer air ductwork. 4. All transfer air boots, 5. rVhere shown otherwise. INSTALLATION OF FLEXIBLE DU9[S, A. Maximum Length: For any duct run using flexible ductwork, do not excecd 8' - O" extended length. B. Installation: Instdl in accor&nce with Section Itr of SMACNA's, 'FIVAC Duct Constnrction Standards, Metd and Flexible'. INSTALLATION oF DUCTTTORK @EES, A. Instdl ductwork accessories in accordance with manufacturer's instdlation instructions, with applicable portions of details of construction as shown in SMACNA standards, and in accor&nce with rccognized industry practices to eu re that products serve intended function. B. Install turning vanes in square or rectangular 90 degrce elbows in supply, return and cxheust air s)'stems, end clscwhere as iqdicated. TNSTALLATION gE GRrIJj,S, REGISTERS. AND DIFFUSERS: A. General: Instdl eir oudets and inlets in accordence with manufacturcr's writtcn instructions and in accordaoce with recognized industry practices to ensure that products serve intended functions. B. Locate ceiling air diffirscrs, registcrs, and grilles, as indicated on general constnrction "Reflected Ceiling Plans'. INSTALLATION oF ROOFTOP UIEIS' A. General: Instdl rooftop units in accor&nce with manufacrurer's instdlation instructions. Instdl units plumb end level, firmly enchored in locations indicated, and maintain maaufacturer's recommended clearances. B. Suppon: Instdl units on roof curb, in accordance with Nationd Roofing Contractor's Association OIRCA) instdlation recommendations. 3.5 I t I t I I I I I 3.6 3.7 t I I I 15800..10 AIR DISTRIBUTION 3.8 I I I t I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 15 SECTION I58OO - AIR DISTRIBUTION C. Electrical \firing: Install electrical devices furnished by manufacturer but not specified to be factory-mounted. Furnish copy of mrnufacturer's wiring diagram submittal to Electrical Installer. 1. Verify that electrical wiring installation is in accor&nce with manufacturer's submittal and installation requirements of Division'16 sections. Do not proceed with equipment surt-uP until wiring instdlation is accepteble to equipment Installer. D. Stan-up rooftop units, in accor&nce with manufacturer's start-up instructions. Test conttot and demonstrate compliance with requirements. Replace &maged or malfunctioning controls and equipment. E. Grouoding: 1. Provi& Positive equipment ground for rooftoP unit comPonents. INSTALI"TTION 9E EAIIS, A. General: Install fans where indicatcd, in accordance with manufacturer's instdlation instructions, and with recognized industry pracrices, to ensure that fans comply with requirements and serve intendod PurPoses. B. Elearical Viring: tnstall clectrical devices firnished by manufacturer but not sP€cified to be factory-mounted. Furnish copy of manufacturer's wiring diagram submittal to Elearical Installer. 1. Verify that electrical wiring installation is in accordance with manufacturer's submittd and instdletion requirements of Division-16 sections. Ensure that rotation is in direction indicated end intended for proper performance. Do not proceed with fan start-up uotil wiring instdlation is acceptable to fan Instdler. 3.9 INSTALLATION OF AIR IEB\4IALS, A. General: Instdl air terminals as indicated, aad in accordance with manufacturer's instdlation instructions. B. Location: Install each unit lwel and accurately in position indicated in relation to other work; and maintain sufficient clearance for normal service and maintenance, but in no case less than that recommended by manufacturer. AIR DISTRIBUTION 15800-t I DIVISION 15 SECTION I58OO - AIR DISTRIBUTION 3.12 I t I I I I I t I t I I I 3.10 3.11 EXTRAsTocE A. Provide one complete extra set of filten for each air handling sptem. If slatem is designed to include prefilters and after- Iilters, provide only pre-filters. Install new filters at completion of air handling system work, and prior to testing, adusting, and balancing work. Obtain receipt from Owner that ne*' filters have bcen installcd. FIELD OUALITY@I' A. kakage Tests: After each duct s;ntem which is constructed for duct classes ovcr 3' is completcd, test for duct leakage in rccordance with SMACNA IIVAC Air Duct kekagc Test Manud. Repair leals and repeat tests until total leakage is less than 1% of slntem design air flow. B. Operate instdled ductwork eccessories to demonstnte compliance with requirements. Test for air leakage while system is operating. Repair or rcplace faulty accessories, as required to obtain proper opennion and leekproof performance. C. Upon completion of installation of eguipment and aftcr motor has been cnergized with normd power source, test equipment to demonstrate compliance with requirements. I0here possible, field correct mdfunctioning equipment, thcn rctest to demonstrate compliance. Replece equipment which cenaot be satisfactorily corrected. D. Upon completion of instdlation end prior to initial operetion, test and &monstrate that air terminels, and duct connections to air terminds, are leak-tight. E. Repair or replece air terminds and duct conncctions as required to eliminate leaks, and retest to demonstrete compliancc. EQUIPMENT ENEQNS' A. Genenl: Conncct mctal ductwork to eguipment as indicated, provide flexible connection for eech ductwork connection to equipmcnt mounted on vibration isolaton, end/or equipmcnt containidg rotating machinery. Provide acccss doors as indicated. ADTSTING AND 9LEAIBIjG' A. Clean ductworL intcrndly, unit by unit rs it is instdled, of dust and debris. Clean external surfaccs of forcigr substances which might cause corrosive deteriontion of metd or, where ductwork is to be peinted, might interfere with peinting or euse gaint deteriontion. 3.13 t I I I t I 15800-12 AIR DISTRIEUTION I I sEcrIoN r58oo-AIR """iffif"ilot'iI B ftTntr":3::::'*i;:iil*al'i*:,i:,1'j,;:T:'.'i":,:-:11",:H'j; I polyethylene film or other covering which will ptevent entrance of dust and debris I undl time connections are to be completed. C. Adjusting: Adjust duawork accessories for proper senings and for proper action. r 3.14 sPARE PARTS: I A. Furnish ro Owner, with receipt, one spare set of belts for each belt driven centrifugal I B. Fumish to Owner, with receipt, one set of filters for each unit requiring filters. 3.1s TRAINING OF O\rNER'SPENISEI, t A i::"j*fiffi:J|#:J'::H'.::J::lf*?:';'jT;:ffi,:',,r:'ruc'l owner's I END oF sEcrIoN 15800 I I I I I I I I I I AIR DISTRIBUTION 15800-13 2.1 I I I I t I I T I I I I t I t I I I t DIVISION 15 SECTION 15900. TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS. ELECTRIC 1.PART 1. GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-l Specification sections, apply to work of this section. SUBMITTAIS: Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for each system automatically controlled, containing the following information: 1. Schematic flow diagram of system showing fans, dampen, and control devices. 2. bbcl each control device with setting or adjustable range of control. 3. Indicate faaory and field wiring. 4. Indicate each control panel required, with internal and external wiring clearly indicated. Provide detail of panel face, including controls, instruments, and labeling. Include verbal description of sequence of operation. a PARTe- PROpUCTS ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: Barber-Colman Co. Honeywell, Inc. Johnsoo Controls, Inc. MCC Powers Robenshaw Controls Co. MATERIAIS AND EOUIPMENT: General: Provide electric control products in sizes and cepacities indicated, consisting of dampers, thermostats, clocks, sensonr, controllers, and other components .rs requirec for complete instdlation. E:rcept as othenrise indicated, provide manufacturer's standerd control system components as indicated by published product information, daigned and constructed as recommended by manufacturer. Provide electric control s)'stems with the following functional and construction features as indicated. Dampers: Provide automatic control dampers as indicated, with damper frames not less than formed 13-ga galvanized steel. Provide mounting holes for enclosed duct mounting. Provide damper blades not less than formed 16ga gdvanized steel, with maximum blade width of 8'. Equip dampers with motors, with proper rating for each application. TEMPERATTIRE CONTROL SYSTEMS . ELECTRIC 15900-1 DTVISION 15 SECTION 15900. TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS. ELECTRIC 1. Secure blades to l/2' dirmeter zinc-plated axles using zinc-plated hardware. Seal off against spring stainless steel blade bearings. Provide blade bearings of nylon and provide thrust bearings at each end of every blade. Construct blade linkage hardware of zinc-plated steel and brass. Submit leakage and flow characteristics, plus size schedule for controlled dampers. 2. Operating Temperature Range: From -20 to 200oF. 3. For standard applications as indicated, provi& parallel or opposed blade design (as selected by manufacturer's sizing techniques) with optional closed-cell neoprene edging. 4. For lowJeakage applications as indiceted, provide parallel or opposed blade design (as selected by manufacturer's sizing techniques) with inflatable seal blade edging, or replaceable rubber seds, rated for leakage at less than 10 cfmlsq. ft. of &mper area, at differential pressure of 4" w.g' when damper is being held by torque of 50 inch-pounds. Damper Motors: Size each motor to operate dampen or vdves with sufficient reserve power to provide smooth modulating action or 2-position action as specified' 1. Provide permlnent split<apacitor or shaded pole type motors with gear trains completely oil-immersed and sealed. Equip spring-return motors, where indicated on drawings or in operational sequence, with integral spiral-spring mechanism. Furnish entire spring mechanism in housings designed for easy removel for service or adjustment of limit switches, auxiliery switches, or feedbrck potentiometer. 2. Equip moton for outdoor locations and for outside air intakes with "O ring' gaskcts designed to make motors completely weatherproof, aod equip witb interaal heaters to permit normd oPeration at -40oF (40'C). 3. Furnish non-spring return motors for dampen larger than 25 sq' ft., and for valves larger than 2-l/2', sized for running torque rating of 150 inch-pounds, and breakaway torque rating of 300 inch-pounds. Size spring-return motors for running torque nting of 150 inch-pounds, and breakaway torque rating of 150 inch-pounds. Room Thermostats: Provide room thermostats with locking covers, and with conceded or readily-accessible adiustment devices and dead band' Photohelic Smoke Detcctors: For cach eir handling unit and air sptcm with capacity of 2,000 cfm or greater, provide UlJisted photohelic smoke detecton in main supply and return air ducu. Connect detectors into control circuits to stop fans of both rooftop uoits in event of presence of smoke. I T I I I I I I I D. I I t I I I t I I I 1590G2 TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS . EITCTRIC I I t I I I I t DIVISION 15 SECTION 15900 - TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS. ELECTRIC F. Clocks: Provide time clocls specified as pan of temperature control sequences, _of 7- day,2(hgur type, with weekend or skip-a-day features. Equip time clocks with 10- hour spring ."rlyor,.t to maintain clock movement in case of power failure. 1. PART 1- EXECUTION 3.1 SEOUENCE OF OPERATION: A. Electric Baseboard Radiation: 1. Interlock with rooftop unit compressors to deactivate when compressors are running and time clock to activate during occupied mode. lntegral thermostat shdl energize electric element to maintain constant sPace temPenrture' B, Cabinet Unit Heater Control: 1. CUH-I Provide single-temperature room thermostet to rycle fan motor end electric element to maintain constant sPace temPenrture. Provide integral residual heat sensor to coniinue fan operation until element temperature falls below pre'set points and provide unit mounted speed switch' C. Electric Vdl Heatcr Control: l. EH-1,2,6a3 Provide integral thermostat to cycle fan motor and electric element to maintain constant sPace tetDPcnrture' Provide integral residud heat sensor to continue fan operation until element temPerature falls below pre-set points and provide unit mounted sPeed switch. D. Exhaust Frn Control: l. EF-l Provide 7 dr.y programmable time clock with weekend omitting device and hend-off-auto switch' 2, EF-2 Provide reverse-acting thermostat to energize fan on rise in sPace temPenrture. E. Rooftop Unit Control: 1. SafetY Control: a. In eech system providing air in cxcess of 2000 CFM, a smoke detector shall be instdied in the supply duct downstream of the filten' Activation of any detector shall cause the air moving equipment to lutomaticdlY shut down. I I I I t T I I I I I TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS - FIFCTRIC 1590G3 DTVISION 15 SECTION 15900 - TEMPERATURE CONIROL SYSTEMS. ELECTRIC I I I I I t I I 3.2 t.t b. Providc low-limit controller to prevent mixed air from falling bclow 45"F for temperirture selccted. 2. Rru Unit Operation: a. Ifall mountcd thermostat by unit manufacturcr with fan "on-auto' switch and system "Heat-off-autocool" switch. Provide manual 'occupied-unoccupied' switch. b. In the unoccupied mode the outside air demper shdl close and the unit shdl cyde in respolrse to the thermostat sct point. ln the occupied mode the fens shdl run cotrtinuously and the outside air dampcr shdl open to its predetermined minimum position and the unit heating and cooling stages will modulate to maintain space tcmPe!:rturc. c. Economizcr controls shdl modulete the outside, return and exhaust air dampcrs to maintein the mixed air tcmpenture set point. ASLEIIoN, A. Examhe erees and conditions un&r which electric control slntems arc to be iostdled. Do not proceed with srork until unsatisfactory couditions have becn correctcd in manner acceptable to Instdlcr. INSTALI..ATION QE ELECTNC GONIROL SYSTEMS: A. Gencral: Instdl systems and materids in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and rougbing-in drewirys, and dctails on drawings. Install clcaricd compooents aod use electricd products complying with requirements of applicable Division-16 sections of these spccificetions. Mount controllers at convenient locations and heights. B. Control Viring: The term 'control wiring' is defined to include providing of wire, conduit and miscelleoeous mltcrids as rcquired for mounting and connccting clcctric control devices. C. Virilg Systcm: Instdl complete control wiring syntem for electric control systems. Conceel wiring exccpt in mechenicd rooms and areas where other conduit and piping are exposed. Provide multi- cooductor instrument harness (bundle) in phce of single conductors where number of conductors can be run along common plth. Fastcn flenible coaducton bridging cabinets aad doors, neatly alont hinge side, and protect against abrasion. Tie and support conductors neatly. D. Number-code or color<ode conductors, excluding those uscd for local individud room controls, approprirtely for futurc identificetion end scn'icing of control systcm, I I I I I I I I I I I 159004 TEMPERATT'RE CONTROL SYSTEMS . ELECTRIC I I I I t I I I I I I I DIVISION 15 SECTION 15900. TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS. ELECTRIC E. Reset Umit Controls: Instdl manud-reset limit controls to be independent of power controllers; automatic duct beater resets may, at Contractor's option, be instdled in interlock circuit of power controllers. F. Unit-Mounted Equipment: Where control devices are indicated to be unit-mounted, ship electric rela;n, electric switches, valves, dampers, end damper rnotors to unit manufacturer for mounting and wiring at factory. 3.4 ADruSTING AND CIEANIIJG: A. Stan-Up: Starr-up, rest, and adjust electric control systems in presence of manufacturer's authorizcd representative. Demonstrate compliance with requirements. Replace demaged or mdfunctioning controls and equipment. B. Cleening: Clean factory-finished surfaces. Repair any marred or scratched surfaces with manufecturer's touch-up paint. C. Find Adjustment: After completion of installation, adjust thertnostats, control vdves, motors and similar equipment providcd as work of this section. 1. Final adjustment shdl be performed by specidly trained personnel in direct employ of manufacturer of primary rcmPerature control system. 3.5 CLOSEOUTE@EDURES, A. Owner's Instructions: Provide services of manufacturer's technicd rePresentative to instruct Owner's personnel in operation and maintenance of electric control systems. 1. Schedule instruction with Owner, provide at least Tday notice to Contractor and Engineer of training date. END OF SECTION 15900I TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEMS . ELECTRIC 15900-5 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I DWISION 15 SECTION 159e0 - TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions anJ Di"isiott-l Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 RELATED TflORK; A. E:rtent of resting, ad.iusting, and balancing work required by this section is indicated by requirementslf titis r""tion; and is defined to include, but is not necessarily limited to, aii distribution systems and associated equipment and apparatus of mechanicd work. The work consists of setting speed and volume (flow) adiusting facilities provided for systems, recording &ta, conducting tests, prepering and submitting repor6, and reiommending modifications to work as required by contrect documents' B. Component rypes of testing, adjusting, and bdancing specfied in this section includes, but ii not limiied to, the following as applied to mechanical equiPment: 1. Fans. 2. Ductwork systems. 3. Rooftop units. 1.3 OUALITYNWE, A. Tester's Quelifications: Firm with at least s-years of successful testing, adiustint, and balancing experience on projects with testing and balancing requirements similar to those required for this proiect. r.4 QUALIFICATIONS oF G9!IBA9IQB' A. The Mechanical Conrractor shall procure the services of an independent testing and balancing egency specializing in thi testing, adiusting and balancing of environmental sy$ems .o fo.fo.- the ebove mentioned work. Testing and balencing work shall be directly supervised and the results certified by a Registered Professiond Engineer, who must be " full ti-" employee of the firm. The Engineer shall represent the TAB firm in progress meetings as required, and shall be available for interpreting all material found in the balance repon-. All individuals involved in ectual testing and balancing shdl be NEBB ccnified. B. Codes and Steodards: 1. NEBB Compliance: comply with NEBB's "Procedural standards for Testing, Adiusting, and Balancing of Environmentd Systems" as applicable to mechanical air and hydronic distribution systems, and associated equipment and apparetus. TESTING, ADIUSTING AND BALANCING 1599G1 DIVISION 15 sEcTroN 1see0 - TESTING, ADIUSTING AND BALANCING 2. AABC Compliance: Comply with AABC's Manud MN-l 'AABC Nationd Stendards', as applicable to mechanical air and hydronic distribution systerns, and associated equipment and apparatu. 3. Industry Standards: Comply with chapter 40 of ASHRAE recommendations pertaining to measurcments, instnrments, and testing, adjusting and bdancing, excePt as otherwise indicated. APPROVALOF99NI&{'CToB, The Mechanical C,ontrector shall submit thc name of the TAB firm to the Engineer within 30 days of contract award to ensure that the TAB firm is on the proiea from the outset of construction. Any TAB firm desiring to offer their services for this work shall submit their qualifications to the Engineer, not less than seven (/) calendar days before the bid date. Approvd or disapprovd will be given on each request and this acdon will be givcn in writing prior to bidding the work. Firms desiring to bid the balance work shdl submit a booklet of qualifications which will be reviewed by the Engincer and Architcct. 1.6 UDMIIIAIS, Submit ccnified tcst reports, srgaed by Tcst and Balance Supenrisor who performed TAB work. In addition, have repon cenified by Professiond Eoginccr who is familiar with TAB work and also with proiect, and who is registercd in jurisdiaion where testing is bcing conducted. Include identification and r]?cs of instruments used, and their most recent calibration date with submission of fiad test repon. Submit biognphical data on Engineer who is to directly supervise testing, adjrsting, and balancing work. IQ! CONDITIONS: I I I I I I I I T I I T I I I I I I I B. B. B. 1.5 Do not procecd with tating dj,stioC, aad balancing work until work hrs been completcd and is opcrable. Ensure that there is no latent rcsidud vork still to be completcd. Do not procced until work scheduled for testing, adjusting, and bdrncing is clean and free from debris, din, end discarded building materials. Put all heating ventihtiog and air conditioning sptems and cquipmeat into full operltion and continue opcrltion of same during each working dey of testing and bdancing. Preliminary TAB requiremcnts shall be ascertaincd prior to the commencement of work through a review of availeble plans and specifications for the projca. In addition, visud observetions at the site during construction shdl be made TESTING, ADIUSTING AND BATANCING15990-2 2. I I I I I I T DIVISION 15 sEcTioN 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING to determine the location of required balancing devices and that they are being installed properly for the need. D. Before any air bdance work is done, the system shall be checked for duct leakage, assure filtirs are installed, see thet filten are changed if they ue diny, check for correct fan rotation, equipment vibration, and check automatic dampers for proper oPeration. All volume control dampers and outlets shall be wide open at this time' PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.r PATCHING MAIEBIA!!, A. Except as otherwise indicated, use same products as used by original Instal.ler. for p.."hiog holes in insulation, ducwork and housings which have been cut or drilled for t.rt purforo, including access for test instruments, attaching jigs, and similar purPoses' a. At Tester's option, plastic plugs with retainers may be used to patch drilled holes in ductwork and housings. 2.2 E[ INSTRUMENTS: A. Utilize test instrurDents and equipment for TAB work required, of type, precision, and capacity as recommended in the following TAB standards: 1. NEBB's Procedurel Standards for Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of Environmental Systems. 2. AABC's Manual MN'l "AABC National Stan&rds" 3. PART 1- EXECUTION 3.1 Examine installed work and conditions under which testing is to be done to ensure that work has been completed cleaned, and is operable. Do not proceed with TAB work until unsatisfactory ionditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Tester. 3.2 Test, adjust aod balance environmental s)'stems and components' as indicated' in accordance with procedures outlined in rpplicable standar&. I I I I T I I I t t I I j.3 Test, adjust end balance system during summer season for air conditioning slntems and during "ointer se"rol for heating systems, including at least period of operation at outside conditions within 5 deg.F wet bulb remperature of maximum summer,design condition, and witbin 10 deg.F dry bilb temperature of minimum winter &sign condition. Vhen seasonal oPeration do-.r troi permit measuring find tempenrtures, then take final temperature readings when seasonal operation does permit. TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING 1599S3 DIYISION 15 SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADIUSTING AND BALANCING I I I T I I t I t 3.4 J.) Balance all air flows to terminals within + 10% to -5% of design flow quantities. Measure and record the following data. Air Balance: A. Air supply, return and exhaust systems with air quantities for each air device; air handling units including supply, return, mixed, and outside temperetures and fan &ta including CFM, static Pressure, fan RPM, motor running and full load amperage before and aftei find balence. Air difftsion patterns shall be set to minimize objectiond drafts and ooise. B. The supply, return and exhaust fan static Pressure shall be sct by the bdancing firm aod thJ control contractor if the systems heve fan volume control dampers. The duct static shall be confirmed both through the instrumentation instdled on the job and by the balancing contrador. The s)'stem shall be tested in all operation modes (full return air, full outside air, modulated &mper position, full cooling). Amperages shall be recorded in all modes. The fan speed resulting in satisfactory s)'stem performance shdl be derermined at full design delivery. Inla or oudet fan volume control dampen shdl be in the wide open position and one path presenting the greatest rcsistance to flow shdl be fully open and unobstructed. C. Find adjustments shdl include, but not be limited to, the following: ITEM All Fans: Belt Drive All Fans: Direct Drive ADruSTMENT RPM. Include sheave and belt exchange to deliver air flow within limits of instdled motor horsepower and mechanicd stress limits of the fan. Determine the limiting fan tip speed before increasing RPM. Find fan speed setting shdl allow for predicted filter loeding and shall establish propcr duct pressures for opcration of zone CFM regulators' RPM with speed taps. Set fan speed on tap which most closely approechcs design CFM. Repon tap sctting on equipmert data sheet as higb, medium or low. RPM with speed control rheostet. Set output of fan at design CFM by adjusting the SCR. After adjrstment, checl fans ability to restart after powering down. Increase settiog if required for ProPer st ting. I I I I I I I I I I 159904 TESTING, ADIUSTING AND BAIJINCING 3.6 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mechanicel Contractor Furnished Magnetic and Manual Starters. Furnish and exchange rhermals as required for ProPer motor Protection. REPORT OF WK, A. submit six (6) bound copies of the final testing and balancing report at least 15 dap prior to the Mechanical Contractor's request for final inspection. All data shall be recorded on applicable reporring forms. The repon shall include all operating &ta as listed in sections above, a list of all equipment used in the testing and balancing work, and shall be signed by the supewising engineer and affixed with his cenification seal. Final acceptanie of this project will not take place undl a satisfactory rePoft is received. B. Vhen deemed necessary by the mechanicd consulting engineer, firm shall run tempenrture and,/or humidity recordings and shdl read eny of the rePoft quantities in the presence of the engineer for verification PurPoses. c. \rhen all balancing is done and dl dampen are ser, ell tesr holes shall be plugged and alt dampen shall be marked. The following information shall be recorded in the final repon: Design inlet or outlet size, actud inlet or outlet size, design cFM and velocity through the orifice, for each termind in the system, D. The pitot tube traverse method for determining CFM shall be used and recorded wherever possible. E. After all balancing is complete and all coordination with the contractor and the engineer is complite, furnish a bound repon which shall contain the following information: 1. RPM, drivc sheave information (as instdled and as changed), fan nameplate information, motor nameplate information, and amperage and voltage to dl motors (in all operating modes). 2. Static pressure across all comPonents of the system. 3. Required and find belanced CFM at each system terminal. Include the terminal size, reading orifice size, and velocies read to anain the CFM' 4. Thermal protection for all motors shall be recorded. Starter brand, model, enclosure q,pe, instdled thermal heaters and the rating of the heaters, requirgd thermal heaiers and tbe rating of the heaters if different than installed shdl be recorded. If the stanen were furnished by the mechaaical contractor, the heaten shall be changed to the correct sizc and so noted in the repon. If the st.rteni were furnished by the electrical contractor' the correct heater sizes shdl be noted in the report and the electrical contractor shall be advised. 5. The repon shall include a sheet which shall repon the method of balance, project altitude, and any correction factors used in the calculations. Motor Staner Thermal Heaters DIVISION 15 SECTION 1s990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING TESTING, ADIUSTING AND BALANCING 1599G5 DTVISION 15 SECTION 15990 - TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING t.7 3.8 6. A reduced set of contract drawings shdl be included in the repon with dl terminals clearly marked and dl equipment designated. GUARANTEE OF TflORK. A. Guarantee the tests and bdence for a period of 90 days from date of final acceptance of the test and balance repon. During this period, the TAB Contractor shall make personnel available at no cost to the Owner to correct deficiencies in the bdance. oruNERs NM&!S, A. General: Upon final completion of the job, the mechanical contractor shdl schedule one ftrll &y with the owner's represe[tative and mechanical engineer to review each component of the mechanical system and to instruct the owner's representative on proper operation and meintenance of the system. The temlrcnrture control contractor shdl be present to review all temperature cootrol systems. B. Patch holes in insulation, ductwork, and housings, which have been cut or drilled for test purposes, in manner rccommended by onslnal Installer. C. Mark equipment settings, including &mper control positions, fan speed control levers, and similar controls and devices, to show final senings at completion of TAB work. Provide markings with paint or other suiuble pertnanent identification materials. D. Prepare report of recomrnendations for correcting unsatisfactory mechanical performances when system cannot be successfully balanced including, where necessary' modifications which exceed requirements of contract doc-uments for mechanical work. E. Retest, adjust, and balance systems subsequent to significant system modifications, and resubmit test results. &&W, A. Contract plymenr retainege will be withheld against the Mechanical Contractor until the find completion of this section of work has been demonstrated by the submission of the TAB repon and an evduation of its contcnts has been madc by the Engineer. END OF SECTION 15990 I I I I I T T T T I I I I I t I I I t 3.9 159906 TESTING, ADIUSTING AND BALANCING I T t I FIRST BANK - WEST VAIL E]-,ECTRI CAL SPECI FI CATION .]IINE 19 9 7 SECTION 160r-0 GENERAL PROVISIONS PART 1 - GENERAL t 1.01 coNDrrroNs f A. A11 work under this Sect,ion shal-L be governed by project I general conditions, along wiEh all supplements and amendments thereto, as published by Architect. I 1.02 coDEs AI{D REGULATIoNS: Comply with ArchitecEural section A. Comply with aII applicable state and local codes, I regulations and ordinances, and the latest applicable I requirements of the National Electrical Code (NEc) of the I illi"""li,'il=:";:::i il,:::,:ff:l.inspection authoritv r B. Comply also wit.h all OSHA requirements and directives. I 1. 03 EXAIiITNATTON OF PREMTSES A. Examine the premises prior to bidding and become ful1y familiar with existing conditions I ]-. 04 PERMITS I A. secure and pay for all permits, fees, taxes, licenses and I inspecEions in connection with the electrical work. I 1. 05 DRAwTNGS AI'ID spEcrFrcATroNSI A. Drawings are diagrammatic and indicate general arrangement of electrica] work. Locations are approximate I and shall be subject to minor modifications as directed by Architect and/or Engineer. I B. Contractor shall be responsible for exact fitting of all I materials, equipment, etc., in building. A11 dimensions sha1l be verified on the job. I C. Refer to Architectural , Civil, SEructural , and Mechanical I Drawings and Specificatsions, as part of this seE, and be responsible for all information contained therein as I affects the electrical work. I D, InsLructions such as "provide..." shal-I mean "Contractor shall- be responsible for the furnishing and installing of new. . . , complete in every respect. "I T r-5010 - L PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 STAI{DARDS A. A11 material- shall be new and shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratorj-es Incorporated (UL Iisted) for the purpose intended and shall bear the UL label . Damaged or defective materials shall be replaced. A1l- materials shalL comply wiEh the laEest NEMA standards. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SHOP DRAWINGS: Comply with Architectural Section. A. Furnish five (5) sets of Shop Drawings t,o Architect for the following: 1. Light.ing Equipment. 2 - Dist,ribution Equipment. 3. Mechanical Eguipment requiring electrical . B. Alf materials and equipment shall be approved prior to beginning work. C. Receipt within 30 days after award of contract. D. Shop Drawings, including: 1. Dimensions and detail-. 2. Floor plan wiring diagrams showing rout,ing, zones, wire quantity, and field connections. 3. Catalog data specifically for equipment to be used. 4. Maintenance data. 5. See shop drawing requiremenEs in General Provisions. 6. Tf more than 5 seEs are required by Contsractor, Electrical Contractor shall provide Sepia reproducible so they can copy additional sets tshey require. only the 5 sets required in 3.01-A will be reviewed, E. Electrical Contractor shall provide shop drawing approval stamps on all equipments supplied by Ehem prior to Engineer's shop drawing approval Electrical Contractor tso check for conformance with the design of the projects and compliance with the information given in the contract documenEs. ConEractor is responsible for dimensj-ons which shalL be confirmed and correlated at the job site; fabrication proceEs and techniques of construction. 3.02 AS-BUII-,T DRAWINGS: Comp1y witsh Architectural Section. A. Maintain a compleEe set of Electrical Drawings at the job site with all changes in the work marked thereon in a I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I t I16010-2 I I contrasting co1or. B. Electrical Contractor shall provide Owner at completion I of project a complete set of As-bui1t mylar drawi-ngs I showing all changes in work marked there on including aII system wiring diagrams. r 3.03 cooRDrNATroN: comply with Architectural section. A. Order the progress of the work so as to conform to ther :;:3:il:.i:":':il lllli:i"!'::'H:i,:11 .'"'Erical I 3.04 WORKMANSHTP A. Provide a compeEent foreman on Ehe job at alf times. A11 I work shall be accomplished in a manner which is neaE, I workmanlike, of first quality, and compatibLe with good commercial practices and standards. Provj.de competent workmen who are skilled as electricians. I 3 .05 INSTALI,ATION I A. InsEall all eguipment and materials in accordance with t information as indicated on Drawings and in ful] accord with Manufacturerrs recommendations. - 3.06 CUTTING AND pATCHING: Comply with ArchitecEural Section. I A. Provj-de all cutEing, channeling, chasing; drilling, etc', I operaEions as may be required for electrical work' rn general , all such operations shalL be hel-d to a minimum. I B. A11 patching and painting shall be done by Contractor' t 3.07 CONSTRUCTION POWER AIID LIGHTING: Comply with Architectural I Section. I A. provide construcEion power and lighting for construction as required. Energy costs will be paid by contractor. All- temporary facilities shatl be properly grounded, shall I comply with NEC and oSIIA requirements, and shalL have ground fault Protection. 3.08 TRENCHING: Comply with Architectural Section. I A. Be responsible for aII tsrenching and backfill for I electrical work. Backfilling shall be done in accordance wich Architectural specifications. Be responsible for all I new and existing buried utilities. I B. Electrical Contractor shall locate all onsite and offsite utitities prior to any trenching or excavaEion done by r any tsrade to locate utilities in areas where construcElon I I 16010-3 is to be Performed. 3.09 SECONDARY SERVICE A. Power for disEribution within the building will be underground, available from the secondary side of a existing padmount transformer supplied by the local utility company. This service is 3 phase, 4 wire, t2o/2o] volt, 60 Hertsz alternatinst current for normal power and lighEing requirements. Verify these requirements with the loca1 public uEility. General arrangement of the eervice equipment is shown on Drawings. Equipment sha1l be as specified herein. Provide all coordinaEion with utility company as required. Notify Architect or Engineer if characEeristics or point of attachment are different than thats shown on Drawings. B. Include in Contract a1l charges by the utility company for that portion of the work furnished by tshem. 3.10 TELEPHONE SERVICE A. Telephone service for the building is existing. General location of the service equipment is shown on Drawinge. Provide all coordination wiEh telephone company. Notify Architect or Engineer if characEeristics or point of atE.achment are different than that shown on Drawings- B. Include in Contract all charges by Telephone company for that port,ion of the work furnished by tshem. 3.11 GUARANTEE: Comply with Architectsural Section. A. Guarantee all materials, Iabor, workmanship and successful operat,ion of all eguipment instsalled under t,his cont,ract for a period of one year from date of final acceptance. Repair or replace' at no expense to Owner, all defects which may arise during this time due Eo inferior or defective rnaterials, equipment, or workmanshiP. 3 . ].2 SUBSTITiITIONS A. The intent of Specifications is to estsablish quality standards of materials and equipments installed' Specific items are idenEified by Manufacturer, tsrade name or catalog designat,ion. Should Contsractor Propose to furnish materials and equipment other than those specified as permitted by 'ror approved equal" clauses, he shall submit a written requests in duplicate, at ]east five calendar days prior t,o bidding date, for any or all substitutions I I I I I I16 010 -4 B. o I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I to Architect along with a sEamped sel-f- addressed return envelope. Request. shall be accompanied with complete descriptive and technical data and al-l- other information deemed necessary by Architect for evaluation. Substitutions submitted for approval shall LisE items as specified with the alternate substitution. Where substitutions after the design, conduit, wiring or space requirements indicated on Drawings, contractor shall incl-ude items of cost for the revised design and constructi-on. Substitutions sent by fax machine wilf not be acceptable and wil-L not be reviewed. 3 .13 OIITAGES A. Coordinate al-l electrical service outages with Owner and General Contractor. Pl'an al-l- work so that duration of outage is kept to an absofuEe minimum. Provide temporary wiring as necessary and as reguired in order to maintain continuous service for ownerrs operation where outage mus! by accomplished during a time when power is deemed necessary by Owner, or when outage is to be of an extended duration, maximum 5 hours. A11 outage time and scheduling of same shall be as approved by Owner and shal1 conform to Ownerts schedules. 3.14 DEL.,MRY AND STORAGE OF MATERIALS A. Make provisions for delivery and safe storage of all materials and make the required arrangements with other Contractors on the job for the introduction into the building of eguipment too large to pass through finished openings. B. Where materials are indicated to be furnished by others to contractor for installation, these materiafs shalL be checked and their delivery properly receipted' Assume full responsibility for the storage and safe keeping of said materials from time of delivery until final accePtance. 3. ]-5 AVAILABLE TO OWNER A. Electrical Contractor shall be available Eo owner for additional hook up to lights, equipment, etc', on time and material . 3 .16 ACCESS PAIIELS I A. Access panels required by tshe Electrical Contractor shal} I I 16010-5 be provided by Ehe El-ectrical Bid Contractor then turned over to the appropriate t.rade for installation. See Architectural specification section Division 8. 3. ]-7 REMODEL WORK A. Electrical- Contractor shal-1 remove all wiring devices, lighc fixtures, etc., which are indicat.ed to be removed. In general , symbols which are dot.ted indicate devices which are existing and which are to remain. Symbols which are dotted and which have an "R" adjacent indicate devices which are existing and which are Eo be removed. Devices which are to be removed may require reworking conduit and wiring in order to mainEain senrice to other devices. If removed devices are on wall-s or ceilings which are Eo remain, blank coverplates are to be installed on outlet boxes. B. Where remodeling interferes with circuits in areas which Iare oEherwise undisturbed, circuits shall be reworked as I required. Existing devices and circuiting which are shown are indicaEed only for informational purposes. Efectrical contractor shall visit the site and shall veri-fy conditions as they exist and shall remove, relocaEe and,/or rework any electrical equipments or circuits affected (whether indicatsed or nots) due to removal or reworking of existing walIs, ceilings, etc. Electrical ConEractor shaI1 familiarize himself with all work to be done by other trades by studying ArchitecEural , SEructural , Mechanical and Plumbing Drawings. Coordinate routing of all conduits with Mechanical and Plumbing cpntractors in order to avoid conflicts with ducts, pipes, etc. LighEing fixtsures removed and reused shall be cleaned and reconditioned by Contsraccor prior to reinsEallation. Provide new lamps, etc., as reguired to restore fixEures co operatsional condition. A11 eguipment, fixtures, devices, eEc., which are removed sha1l be delivered to owner for disposition. A11 items which are removed and not {tanted by owner and which are not reused shatl become the property of Electrical Contractor and ghall be removed from site. The cost of cutting and paLching necessary for the instalLation or removal of electrical work shall be included in the Electrical Contract. Coordinate with General Contractor. I I I T I I I I I I t t t I I I I t c. D. F. G. 15010-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T H. Electrical Contractor shall remove and replace lighting fixtures; rework, relocate and replace conduit and wiring and do other work required by the inetal}ation of new ductwork, piping, etc., above exist,ing eeiling. Coordinate with other Contraetors and verify the extents of the work. END OF SECTION 1.60].0 15010- 7 I I I I I sEcrroN 16100 BASIC MATERIAI-,S AND METHODS PART 1 - GENERAL I 1.01 STANDARDS A. A11 materials shall be new, shall be UL listed for ther ::H::i":"lll3ii;,:":,:li'i.':::,:::.:"iiTl;":ili3"u "' shall comply h'ith latest NEMA slandards. t 1.02 STIBSTITUTIONS: Comply with Architecturaf Section. I 1_.03 BALANCING A. The complete system sha1l be load bal-anced to within l-0-l-5 percent per phase. I 1-. 04 METERING EQUIPMET\]I| A. Provide for metering equipment as indicaEed on Drawings and in accordance with the reguirements of the utsi1i-ty company serving the project. Provide aII necessary deEails. r 1.05 PHASE ROTATTON I A. Electrical Contractor shall assure and be responsible for proper phase rotation of all motors, compressors, and I other three phase eguipment prior to energizing I equipment.. B. Electrical Contsractor shal] be responsible and coordinate I proper phase rot,ation connect,ions made by the servi.ng f utilitsy company prior to energizing main service equipment. I PART2-PRoDucTs I 2. or- MA'N DrsrRrBlrrroN swrrcHBoARDr A. Existing is a circuiE breaker t)4)e distri-bution I switchboard as indicated on Drawings. SwiLchboard is an I ampere rating, voltsage, phase and number of wires as indicated. New Circuit Breakers shaLl be of the I conventional varieEy and sha1l matsch existing I manufacturer. New CircuiE Breakers shal-l- be of quantities, sizes and number of poles as indicated on Drawings.I I 16r-00-1 2.02 STACKED METER ASSEMBLIES A. Provide sEacked metering assemblies as shown on Drawings and as described herein' Assembly shall have branch breakers at top or bottom of vertical- sections as shown on Drawings and shall be equipped with ground bus. B. MeEer sockets shall be bolted to back of vert.ical section and shall be of such rigid consEruction Eo insure proper alignment of jaws with utility meter. Plated aluminum or copper bussing shall- be used throughout the panel . Provide manual by pass switches per utitiEy comPany shal1 include connections from each meter socket to individual branch breakers. Covers over all unmetered compartment shal] have provisions for "leaded-wire" sealing. Vertical sections shall be bolted to horizonLal bus Erough' Horizontal barriers shalI be used for separating breaker compartment and meter socket. A11 metering equipmenE shall be approved by Lhe utility company. 2. 03 BRANCH CIRCUIT PAIIEI,BOARDS - GENERAI, A. provide branch circuit distribution panelboards for all general lighting and power circuits where indicated- Panels shall be flush or surface mounted as indicated' provide panels with main lugs only or with main breakers as indicaEed. Main breakers, where specified, shall be located ats top center of panel, bolEed to bus bars. Back connected branch circuit breakers are not acceptsable as main breakers. Panels sha1l be of voltage, phase, number of wires, tinned aluminum or copPer bus size as indicated. Provide number and size of full width, t.hermal-magnetie, bolted breakers as indicated. A11 breakers sha1l be quick-break, quick-make and sha1l have an internat trip-free mechanism; two and three pole breakers shall be internally "common trip" and shall have a common operating handle. A11 panels shall have a minimum widt,h of L7 inches. All panels shall have flush, hinged stseel doors equipped with master keyed locks ' Atl panels sha1l have copper ground busses. A11 tswo-eection panels ehall have matching trim sizes for each section' B. L2O/2Oev or L2o/240V panelboard shall- be GE 1:4)e AQ same manufacturer as rnain distribution center or acceptable equal with circuit breakers having a minimum IC rating of 10,OOO AIC amps sYmmetrical . c. panelboards shall be by same manufacturer, GE or Equal by Serrgn, Siemens, Eaton or Challenger. I I I I I I I I I t16100 - 2 I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I 2. 04 I.,,OADCENTERS - EMERGENCY PANEL ON],Y A. Provide loadcenter t14)e distribution panelboards unless specifically indicated otherwise. All- panels shall have a flush, steel hinged door and shall have quantities and sizes of plug-in, thermaL-magnetic, full width circuj-t breakers as indicatsed. All two and t.hree pole breakers shall have a common internal t'trip free'r mechanism and a common operating handl-e. Loadcenters shall have master key locks, copper bus and copper ground bar ' I-'oadcenters shall be same manufacEurer as Panelboard. 2.05 SAFETY SWITCHES A. Provide fusible and nonfusible heawy duty type disconnecE switcheswhereshownandrequired.switchesshallbe horsepower rated, quick make, quick break, by same manufacturer as main distribution cenEer' B. Each encl-osure shalt be NEMA Eype suiEable for surround'ing area and condition. ConsuLt Mechanical Drawings and SpecificaEions for their requirements ' c. switches shall be equipped with rejectj-on clips for class "Rrr current l-imiEing fuses- D. Shritches shall be same manufacEurer as Panelboard. 2.05 FUSES A. Provide sizes, classes and types of fuses as indicated for all fused safety swiEches. AlL fuses 0-600 amps sha1] have the class 'rR" rejection feature. Verify actual load current of at1 mot.ors prior to ordering fuses and provide fuses of sizes as recommended by Manufacturer. Generally, motor fuses shall be the dual elemenE t)4)e and shal1 be set at l-10 percent of ful] load amps, ot L25 percent where required for heawy duty usage or high ambient EemperaEures. Fuses shafl be the power voltage rating to match ci-rcui-t characteristics in which inst.alled. Fuses ind.icated on Drawings are those of Bussmann co., equal by Gould Shawmut or LitEel Fuse. 2.07 SPARE FUSES A. Provide three spare fuses of each size and tlpe installed.Placeinametalcablnetadjacenttomain distribution equipment. cabinet shaI1 be wa]l mounted, shall have a hinged door and 1aEch, and shall be labeled "SPARE FUSESTT on cover. I 2. 08 NAI'IEPLATES I L6100 -3 Provide 1" x 3" laminated plastic nameplates (l/4" high whit.e letters,' black background for normal power equipment, red background for emergency power equipment) for all- switches, panelboards, conErollers, eEc., in main distribution switchboards and subdistribution panelboards. Nameplates shal1 be permanently attached to equipment with two screws. Provide blank nameplates for all spares. On MDP provide special nameplate 3rrX 5'r as specified above, listing the following: Name and address of project, name and address of Archicect., name and address of Electrical Engineer and name and address of ElecErical Contractor. MulEiple Gang l-,ight Switches: Provide engraved coverplates 1/8u lettering black filled on all switch plates lwo and more ganged. Let,tsering shall indicate area served. Engraving Remote Smoke Duct Units: Provide phenolic engraved 1/8" letEering to white core. LetEering shal1 indicate mechanical- unit served. Attach witsh screws. Engraving Manua1 Fan Shut Down Switches: Provide Eame phenolic E,ag as smoke duct unit nametags. Label aLl mechanical equipment, safeEy switches, and starters, etc., with raised letEer tape. NameplaEes and labels shall indicate t,he general areas and type of elecErical load served by each circuit. Neatly tabel all Junction box coverplates as to their function. Use a permanenE ink pen. Labeling shall be lights, smoke detector power, fire alarm' recepLacles, etc. Labeling sha1l be done on ,f-boxes that are above accessible ceiling and in storage rooms and maintenance areas, etc. Do not label ,J-boxes in public view. 2.09 NM-NONMETATLIC SHEATHED CABI.E - NOT AJ-,I,OWED ON THIS PRO.'ECT 2. r_0 coNDUcToRs A. Provide a complete system of conducEors for a1I raceway systems. A11 conductors shall be rated 600v, and shall be of a manufacturer subscribing t,o applicable IPCEA and NEMA standards and pract,ices. Conductors shall be of sizes and tlpee as indicated, and as required by NEC for specific uaes. Where quanticies of conducEors in a raceway system are noE specifically indicated, provide number as required to maintain function, control and number of circuits ae indicated. A11 conductors shall be UL listed and approved, and shall confonn to the A. B. D. E. F. t16100 -4 B. c. D. I I t I I I t t t t I I I I I t I t I F. following: Minimum wire size shaI1 be #12 AWG copper except for control or signal circuits which may be #14 AWG copper. Unless otherwise indicated, all wiring for branch circuits sha11 be copper #12 Awc in L/2" conduit, protected by 20 ampere circuit. breakers. If distance from panel to first outsl-et is 75 feet or greater (for 120V circuits), #10 shaIl be insEalled. Wire sizes #10 AWG copper and smal-Ier shal-l- be solid; #8 AWG copper and larger shal1 be st.randed. The following insulation standards shall apply: 1. A11 feeder and service conductors sha1l be tlpe THWN, XHHW or RHW. 2. Other conductors shaLl- be per NEC THHN/THWN copper unless noted otherwise, Art.icle 3l-0. 3. Type THWN copper for exterior runs in conduit. Al-uminum conductors not allowed on this project. Motor wiring for power sha1l be sEranded. 2.11 CONDUITS A. Conduit.s shall be provided for all wj-ring runs as shown and specified. All sizes shall be per NEC. Use GRC where required by code, utilit.y company, for mechanicaL protectj-on and ag shown. Tlpe IMc may be used in lieu of GRC where permitted. Use EMT for all other runs. The use of AC (Armored Cable) , MC (Metal clad), or flexible conduiE shall not be used for branch circuitss or feeders (except for final connections to vibrating eguipment - 35"). Provide approved couplings and connectors for all connections. Fina1 connecti.ons to motors and other vibrating or rot,at,ing equipmenE shall be made in ffexible conduit. B. Heaw1nrall, t)rPe II, rigid, Schedule 40 PVC: 1. For all wi-ring runs in or under the floor slab which is in contacE with t.he ground. 2. For all wiring runs buried underground, unless otherwise indicated. 3. Do nots uee Schedule 40 or 80 PVC above ground. Stub max, 5't PVC above grade then change tso EMT conduit. Note: Provide e><pansion jointss in accordance wi-th Manufacturer I s recommendations. C. Use approved tlpe couplings and connectors in all conduiE runs and make all joints Eight. Provide insulated bushings for afI terminations in pipe size 1- L/4" and Iarger. Provide all steel set screw couplings and 16100 - 5 connectors for al-l other conduitss. Provide expansion fitting and bonding conductors for all runs which cross building expansion joint.s. Provide wat.erproof fittings for all runs in wet locations such as exposed Eo weather, buried in sfabs, etc. 2. ]-2 SIJRFACE RACEWAY A. Steel .025 and .040 inch, buff finish. Ten foot lengths wit,h coupling. One piece raceway system consist of separate base and removable cover sections. System shall be furnished complete with all appropriaEe sized fittings, J-boxes, and support hardware. ManufacEurer wiremold series 500 and 700 with all fittings. 2.13 SUPPORTS A}ID HANGERS A. Provide supports and hangers as neceasary and as reguired to insure a good and substantial installation. Support raceways, fixturee, cabj.nets, boxes, etc., on approved types of trapeze hangers or wall brackete as manufacEured by UnistruE or accepLable egual . Provide steel hanger rods securely faetened to or through the building strucEure for all trapezes, etc. Do noE suspend from mechanj.cal piping or ductwork. Perforated plumber's sEraps or wire will not be permitted. B. Obtsain Architects's approval for the use of powder powered fasteners and use only in Locations as he may direct. 2.14 oUTLETS A. Outlets shal1 be galvanized steel or zinc pressed sLeel outleE boxes for all locations except where otherwise indicated or where cast metal boxes are required by NEC. Boxes are to be 4r' square or octagonal , depth as required. Provide plaster or tile rings for all ffush outlets installed where wood, drywall tile plaster, etc., u)rpes of finishea are applied. A11 outlets for exterior application shall be cast, weatherproof t1pe, with gasket and case coverplate. Tile boxes of extra depth may be used for interior, dry applicatsions where masonry block or brick walls constsitute the finished wall surface. In any event, provide outlet boxes of proper tlpe and design for the part,icular fixture or device to be installed' Boxes shaIl be ae manufactured by Steel City or accePtable equal . B. Surface mounted boxes sha1l be cas! metal weatherproof, with grounding tserminal , threaded hubs and shall be I16100 - 6 p a D. t I I I I I I I t I t I I t I I I t I similar and C. PuIl Boxes: -.a."r' r i rod '|.rrr ! e\as:! ss vJ locations. equal to Crouse-Hinds design Type FD or FS. Provide pul1 boxes in raceway runs as NEC and iob conditions. Install in accessible 2 . ]-5 LIGHTING EQUIPMENT A. General: Provide alt lighting eguipment and lamps as shown on Drawings and as called for in these Specificalions. Provide all such equipment ful1y eomplete and prewired. Install all equipment in a secure and subsEantial manner, and in full accord with Manufacturerrs recommendations. Provide all such miscell-aneous installation equipment such as support, hangers, yokes, flanges, etc., as is necessary. Provide 1 L/2" spacer, finished, factory-approved type, between tops of fluorescent fixtures and combustible ceiling materials as required by code. Provide for aiming of all adjusEable lighting fixtures as directed by ArchiEect; exterior fixt,ures shaLl be adjusted ac night. Fixtures (Luminaires): Al-1 fixtures exposed to weaEher or cold temperatures shaLl- be weatherproof and suitable for efficient operation aE temperatures and conditions concerned. AII fixEures shall bear UL label for it's particular appJ.ication. S1im1ine fixtures shaLl be TB or as indj-cated; 32 watt fluorescent shaIl be rapid start; 20 watt shall be trigger start. InstaLl surface or pendant mounted luminaires true and straight. Provide plaster frames or similar type devices compatible with ceiling construction for all recessed fixtures. Dual/three level lighting fixtures shall be provided wiEh 4 wire flex and lead conductors. Electronic Ballasts: 1. Separate electronic batlasts shall be provided in order to provide dual/three level lighting as shown on plans, 2. Ballasts shall be compatible wiEh T8 lamps' high power factor energy saving, electronic E)4)e. 3. BaIIast shall bear the CBM, UL,, and ETI-, ]abels certifying the ballasts comply with these specificat.ions and standards. 4. Ballasts shall be rrPtr rated. 5. Ballast shall be one of Lhe following: Motorola M2RN-T8-IL,,L-120, or equal by Tri-ad Ultrad, or 16100 - 7 I IAdvance Mark 7. E. Proper lamps shall be provided for all fixtures and shaL] bear GE label or equal by Sylvania or West,inghouse. A11 incandescent lamps sha11 be rated for 130V operations. 2.16 DEVICES AI{D PLATES A. Switches: Provide the following flush switch devices where indicated and required. Verify color with Architect prior to installation. Devices to be of rating required by NEC for load controlled. A11 devices to be Specification Grade, L2o/277v, guiet tyjpe. A11 devicee shall have screw-type terminals. Provide as shown or acceptable equal . 1. Devices: t I I t I I I I T T I I I I a. 20 amp switches b. 3 -vray switches c. 4-way switches d. Pilot light e. WeaEherproof f. Key operated Leviton- 1221-White Lreviton- l-223 -White Leviton-1224 -White Leviton- 122l.-PI' (120V) -L22t7P(277V) Hubbell-128L w/L795 Leviton- 122!-T" 2. ResErooms - Same t)Pe as above ltem 1. 3. Unfinished areas - Same tyPe as above ftem 1. B. Thermal overload switches: Provide thermal overLoad switches for all single phase motors which are not furnished with built-in overload protection. switches to be of size and number of poles as required and shal1 have suitabfe encloEures. Do not install on roof or exposed to weat,her. Provide Allen Bradley Bul . 600 or acceptable equal . Size heater elemenle in accordance with Manufacturer I s recommendations. c. Receptacles: Provide the following flush receptacle devices where indicated and required. Verify color with Architect, prior to installation. Afl devices to be Specification Grade with screvt t)tPe terminals. Prowide as shown or accept,able equal . 1. Devices: a. 15-3W, grd. duplex-120V Leviton-5252-White b. Clock hanger outlet-120V Leviton-5261-CH c. 20A-3sr, grd. single-120V Leviton-5251-White d. 2OA-3W-2P, single-250V L,eviton-5461-White e. 30A-3W-3P, single-125/25O lJeviton-5207 f . 5oA-3w-3P, eingle-125/250 Levit,on-5206 g. 3OA-4W-3P, eingle grd. I-,eviEon-278-l-25/250 16100 - 8 D. E. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t h. 5OA-4W-3P, single grd. I-.,eviton-279-t25/250 i. w.P. lift lid, duplex TayMac 503 s1G, A4 For GFI TayMac 929, A4 T-,eviton- 6 5 9 9 -white Leviton-6899 -White I-,,eviton- 5262-SG 2. ResErooms - Same tlpe as above Item 1. 3. Unfinished areas - Same t)rPe as above Item L. Eguival-ent devices: Equivalent wiring devices as manufactured by Slater, Arrow Hart, Hubbel1, Danie1 Woodhead, Eagle, or P & S may be used in lieu of l-,eviton devices indicated. Coverplates: 1. Finished and unfinished areas provide .040 smooth metal white finished coverplates, refer to Interior Designer's drawings for coverplate finishes' 2. High abuse, Mulberry Lexan trEnduran Series. 3. where finished walls are Eo receive a special treatment such as wood paneling, etc. , provide coverplates to match the same type background as Items 1, 2 and 3 above, as approved by ArchitecE. P]aEes shal1 be as manufacEured by Hubbell, Leviton, Mulberry, Sierra, Stemco, or equiwalenE manufacturer. Floor outlets: Provide flush floor outlets in locations as indicated on Drawings. Components indicated are WaIker. j. Ground Fault 15 amp Ground Fault 20 amp k. High Abuse FLush Floor Box: Cover: Accessories: RFB4-C1 (Concrete), RAKMII (Carpet), RAKMTR-BUFF (TiIC) RFB-DR InEernaf Duplex Receptacle Bracket. RFB-B-Internal Blank Cover Bracket. RFB-WT-Combinat ion Wire Tunnel/Mounting Bracket . DTB-2 -3T-Te1/Data Bracket-3R ,Iacks. DTB-2-2T-Te1/Data Brackec-2RJ Jacks. DTB-2 -DT-TeL/Data Bracket-IBM Type II. DTB-2 -SB-Te1/Data 16100 - 9 Special out1els: PART 3 - EXECIIIION 3. O]- MAIN DISTRIBUTION A. Provide new Breakers finger, dead fronts Bracket-Duplex ilack. RFB-CATs (Qty 2) - for Special Data Coverplate MQ6 & MQB as directed by Owner. complete with all required mounti-ng and etc. for a complete installation. 3.02 PANELBOARDS AND LOADCENTERS A. InsEall panels up 5 feeE 6 inches to top of panel or as directed by Architect. B. Drip shields sha1l be provided for all main distribution equipment where shown on the drawings. 3.03 SAFETY SWITCHES A. AI1 ext.erior mounted disconnects L2 feet and less above finished grade shaIl have padlocks; master laminated type minimum 3/15 inch shafts, master keyed, Eo lock disconnect doors. 3.04 CONDUCTORS A. Conductors sha1l be continuous from outlet, to outlet or J-box. Splices shall- be held to a minimum. Where necessary, splice in readily accessible pul1 box, ,J-box, or outLeE box. The joint insulation value sha1l equal that of tshe conductor. Splices and connections shall be made in an approved manner. Instrall wiring in the raceway systems only aft,er the conduit run has been completed and aftser such time as conduits have been thoroughly cleaned and dried. Enclose underground,/exterior conductors in conduiL schedule 40 PvC. A1l secondary and exterior branch circuit conductors Eo be buried a minimum of 30 inches below finished grade. Provide 2 inches of sand fill above and beLow conductors and instaLl eLectrical marker tape 5' inches above all runs. Wire and cable No. 6 and smaller shall be factory color coded. Where factory color is not available, or where on short runs facEory color coding is not practical . mark conductors on each end and in J-boxes or pul1 boxes with 1" band of colored pressure sensitive plastic tape or by the use of brilliant waEerproof lacquer properly applied. I I B. I I D. 16100 - 10 E. r. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t I Colors for each phase and the neutral shall be consistent throughout the system. l-. The folLowing color code prevails for al-L service, feeder and branch circuits: Neutral - White for 120V. Ground - Green. Phase A - Black for 1,20/208V. Phase B - Red for I20/208v. Phase C - Blue far ]-20/208v. Wire and cable sha]l- be the proper size to fit under 1ug landings in accordance with UL fisting. Where larger wi-re and cable is used for voltage drop, etc., and will not fit under UL Iug listings, Electrical Contractor shall- provide proper wire and cabLe size under lugs and either pigtail to larger wire and cabLe or use power tap blocks. Provide insulation val-ue ecrual to the wire and cable being used. High Compression Terminationr Provide high compression terminations for connecting smaller conductors to larger for voltage drop issues as shown on drawings. H-type compression tap connectors sha1l be for copper combinations, sized for correct conductor installation using 15 ton and 12 tson head tsools per manufacturer UL listed. Manufacturer Thomas and Betts. Compression taps series 63100 with high compression tool . Provide shop drawings. Provide i-nterlocking insulating hard covers and secure with tape sealant per manufacturer, UL listed. Manufacturer Thomas and Betts Series HTCXOO (H-Tap Insulating Hard Covers) , and HSTS25 Series. Provide shop drawings. Provide cable wraps (nylon ty wraps) around branch circuit, bundles and feeder bundles in all switchboards, panelboards, and loadcenters. 3.05 CONDUITS A. Slab on Grade: Conduits shalI not be located in slab buE below 6 inches, thus cutting of slab will not damage conductors and conduit. B. AII conduits shall be installed concealed in finished areas. Exposed conduits will be permitted only at surface cabinets, in mechanical equipment rooms, and as oEherwise permitted by Architect. C. Route all conduits either para1le1 or perpendicular Eo walls and structuraL members, always avoiding proximiEy 16r"00 - 1.1 to sources of heat such as fl-ues, hot water lines, etc. Runs whj.ch are buried below the floor slab or underground may be run direct (angular) to fuLlest practicaL extent. IJocate raceways so as noc to endanger the strengLh of any structural members. All runs pertinent to the building structural system sha1l be installed only when and in manner as approved by Architect. Actual conduiE runs are not necessarily j-ndicated, but are to be installed in the mosE feasible manner compatible wit.h building construction and work of other crafts. Outlets shown connected tsogether musE be wired on the same circuit. Maximum size conduit in floor slab above grade shall be one inch unless permission is obt,ained from Structural Engineer. A11 bends to be made by the use of an approved bending tool . Cut all conduit,s square and ream al-l cuts to remove burrs. Exercise all necesEary precautions during the construction period to prevent entry or accumulation of moisture, dust, concrete, and all foreign matter into the raceway system. C1ean and dry all raceways prior to pulling conductors. Provide one spare 3/4" conduit for each four unused poles in all flush mounEed loadcenters; extend from loadcencer Eo an accessible point beyond the area of finished waIl or ceiling construction and cap. Secure af1 raceway systems in building structure in a rigid and secure manner using approved ty;re fasteners such as "Caddy Clips" or similar tl4)e of other manufacturer. The use of wire, plumbers straps, etc., will not be permitted. Locations and spacing of fasteners shall be as reguired by NEC. Conduit hangers, clamps, light fixtures, supports, etc., shall be fastened Eo joists or beams only. Do not support from bottom of roof decking or mechanical ductwork. Al-1 roof penetsrations done by Electsrical Contractor must conform to General Contractorrs standard criteria and shal1 be subject to his authorized RoofJ-ng Contractor. General Contractor sha11 pay aII such cosEs directly Eo Roofing Contractor upon demand. ConduiEs penetrating through fire-rated wa1lE and floor slabs shall be sealed againet t,he spread of fire and products of combustion with smoke-rating of the floor or wall through which conduits pass. See Drawings for additional requirements . Flexible conduit shall be instalLed on primary and I D. E. F. Lt. rr I. I,J. I K. 1510 0 - 12 c. I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I secondarv connections to all transformers. 3.05 SI'RFACE RACEWAY A. InstaLl in all surface areas. B. Support using two hole RouEe racewav tiqht to dry locations exposed to public straps. One hole not acceptable. ceiling and walI. use approved 90 degree fittings. Paint all raceway, fittings, and J-boxes to match area installed uDon. 3.07 WIRING ABOVE SUSPENDED CEILINGS A. Al-l- wiring systems such as security controls, telephones, intercom, TV, etc., shall be in conduit. 3.08 OUTLETS A. Install all outlets in a secure and substantial manner and locate so as to be compatible with space, const.ruction and equipment reguirements, and with the work of other trades. Verify final outlet locations with ArchitsecE prior to instal-l-ation. Install all outl-ets plumb and in accessible locations. Flush outlets are to be installed witsh front of box or ring ffush wiLh finished surface. All outlets are to be installed flush unless used in conjunction with exposed conduit sysLem or unl-ess otherwise indicated. If outlets are not installed plumb, flush, or in approved locations, relocaEe or reset and refinish at no additional cost to owner. B. Lighting outlets: Install flush waLL or ceiling outfets to accommodat,e type of fixEure to be installed' Provide 3/8" no-bolt fixture sEud in all ouElets where required by weight of fixture. C. Swit,ch outlets: Instsa11 up 48" to top of box above floor on latsch side of door and 4 inches from centerline of ,f-box to outside of door frame. Verify door swing prior to installation. Use gang boxes for multipfe device inst,all-at,ion as required. D. Receptsacle outlets: InsEall up 16" (per arfSt Handicap Requirements) tso bot,tom of box, mounted vertically above floor in all general locations; instafl at switsch height where shown tso be in combination. Install in all kitchens, mechanical equipment rooms, above counters, and wherever else noted. Install integral with baseboard r-6r_00-13 radiation covers or in floor where both occur at the same LocaEions,' refer Eo Mechanical Drawings for location. Rough-in outleEs for electric water coolers so as to be concealed behind uniL, accessibLe, and in accordance with recommendations of equipment suppLiers. other mount.ing heights to be as indicated on Drawings. Mount all weatherproof boxes vertically. E. Sound Transmission: Outlets indicaEed on Drawings "back- Eo-back" are to be installed with a minimum of 6" lateral separation between outfets for minimum sound transmission. Silicone caulk seal all conduit entrys to boxes aftser conductors are installed and silicone caul-k between aII boxes and finished wall surfaces prior to inst,alling cover plaEes. "Through-the-wal1" tlpe boxes are not permit,ted. F. Fire Rat,ed Walls: Maintain separation of ,f-boxes of horizontal distance of 24 inches box edge to edge of opposite sides of walls or parEitsions. Use steeL outlet boxes or rated ,f-boxes not exceeding f6 sqluare inches in area, providing t,he area of such opening, do not aggregate more than 100 square inches for any 100 square feet of waIl or partition area. G. Mount all weaEherproof (W.P.) outleEs verEically. H. il-boxes shall not be st,acked aEop or use of mult.iple extension ri-ngs on each oEher to form single J-boxes. Single J-boxes shall be used of proper size per NEC. 3. 09 LIGHTING EQUIPMETqT A. Recessed fixtures shall be connectsed from a 'J-box above the ceiling with flexible conduiE. The supply conductors Eo recessed fixtures shall be in accordance wit.h Manufacturerrs label or as specified, whichever is more sEringent. Cut openinge in ceilings for outlets or recessed fixtures so that fixture or trim completely covers the openings when installed. B. Recessed fixtures in suspended t-bar grid ceilings: Overafl dimensions of fixtures to be recessed with grid ceiling musts be such that they will fit wit.hout distortion t.o the t-bars. No field modification of fixtures wifl be allowed. Install fj-xtures only after such t.ime as all adjacent t-bars have been installed anc. supported from the superatructure at each corner of the fixture. Provide bar hangers supported from and secured Eo adjacent t-bars to support, incandescent fixturee. Fixtures must not be supported from ceiling panels. I I t I I I I T t I t I I I I I I I1_5100 - 14 B. p I I I I T I I I I I I I I I t I I I I Fixture must be securely fastened, however, to ceiling framing member as required by NEC 410-16. 3.10 COVERPI,ATES A.Install oversized or "mistake plates't for any outlet where standard sized plate wiII not cover rough-in opening. Provide ganged plates for combination devices and multiple device instatfation as required. Install plates $rith holes sized to accommodate cable to be installed for alf t.elephone and computer outfets. Provide blank coverplate for any unused outlet box, i.e. CRT/telephone outlets not used at time of projects completion. 3.11 FI-,OOR OIIILETS A. Install- so that coverplates are flush with top of finished carpeE. B. Verify tlpe of floor covering with Architsect prior to ordering trim rings. Verify with owner/Architect all accessories required for a complete system of power, telephone /datra, and security inside of floor box' 3.12 FIRE A. PENETRATIONS Provide fire rated stops to maintain fire ratings waI1s, ceilings and floors. Conduits may peneErate t.he waIls, cej-1ings, floors partitions provided fire stopping is provided per Uniform Building Code 4304 and 4305. END OF SECTION 16].00 of current. 16r.0 0 -1-5 rl t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTroN 15103 EMPTY RACEWAY SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Principal work in this Section: 1. The requirements of SecEion L50L0 apply to work of this Section. 2. Empty raceway systems for, but not necessarily limited to these systems. a. Telephone /Data. b. Security. c. Surveillance. PART 2 - PRODUCT AND EXECIITION 2.01 EMPTY RACEWAY SYSTEMS A. Provide empty raceway systems with conduit, cabinets, wiEh plywood, backliner, outlet and floor boxes, ,J-boxes, backboards, and all miscellaneous appurtenances required for a complete syscem. Leave empty raceway systems complete wit.h puIl rope, minimum 4' exEra length at each end, properly tagged. B. Systems shall meet requirements of, be accepted by, and be approved by the code authority, utility, equi-pment supplier, Owner, or Contractor furnishing system equipment and wiring for the sysEem invoLved. C. Empty .raceway systems incfude systems that allow open wiring installed in hoIlow wa1ls. Provide wal1 plaster frames, coverplates, and pull wires from outlet to J-box above accessible ceilings. D. Empty raceway systems for the public telephone system shall conform to the following additional requirements: 1-. Raceways L l/2rr t.rade size and larger shalf be provided with pull ropes, 3/L6" diameter pollpropylene, with 700 lbs. minimum breaking strength. 3/32", 2oo lbs. puI1 lj-nes shall be installed for L 1-/4" corLduits and smaller. 2. Raceways with more than two 90 degree bends and for runs 200' and longer shall be provided with through pullboxes, accessible after construction. 3. Unless indicated otherwise, telephone and signal L5L03 -l_ ouElets located in stud wallE or non-masonry parti-tions shall be flush mounted plast.er rings, securely atEached Eo metal studs or other suitable backing. Size of opening and coverplates ehall be as specified under "CoverplateEI in SecLion 15100. Conduits for theee outlets Eha11 be terminated and buehed. A pull wire or cord shall be installed and secured through the plaater ring for use by the telephone company. END OF SECTION 16103 I I I T I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I15L03 -2 I SECTION 16400 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART ]- - GENERAL I 1.Ol- Furnish and instaLl a complete electrical system as shown on I Drawinqs and Specifications. I PART2-PRoDUcrsI r 2.0r_ MECHANTCAT EQUTPMENT I A. Phase prot,ecEion: A11 motors l- HP and above using 3 phase power and 3 phase air conditioning units shal-I have I protection for phase reversal-, loss of phase or phase I unbalance of 10? voltage drop or greater on any one phase. Manufactured by Cutler Hammer D50 or equal by Mark Time or Square I'Drr. 2 .02 TEI.EPHONE SYSTEM A. Provide a complete system of outlets, conduits, equipment space, cabinets, etc., for telephone company use. System shal-I be as indicated on Drawings and in accordance wit.h all requirements of telephone company. B. A1l outlets shall be provided with coverplates, per coverplate Specif ications . 2.03 EXIT Al.lD EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEM A. Provide a complete exit and emergency lighting system as indicated on Drawings. LocaEe all exiE lights for maximum visibility. Entire system shafl comply with Article 700 of NEC. B. Provide battery powered emergency standby lighting system as indicated. - PART3-ExEcurroN I 3. 01 cRouNDrNc sYsrEMr A. Ground the entire electrical distribution syscem, including all raceways, outlets, fixtures, equipment, etc., in fu}l accord with NEc. Bond neutral conductors and raceway systems at the main service; then extend and connect to continuous, metallic underground cold water piping supply sysEem aE Ehe points where it enters the buitding. Extension is to be made with copper conductor housed in rigid steel or Pvc condui-t where required, both I I I I t t I I I I r.5400-1 B. c.I I I I I D. E. F. sized per NEC. Connection is to be made to t.he water pipe with an approved clamp which will bond both conduit and conduct,or t,o the water pipe. Provide grounding jumpers around the water meter of same size as main service ground. If metallic pipe is not available, or if local inspection auEhority requires, provide driven ground rod or rods to properly ground the system per NEC. Provide separate grounding conductor in all racer{ays. Provide separate grounding jumper from the grounding screw of a1l- receptacle devices to the metaLlic box in which mounEed. Jumper may attach tso box with a separate grounding screw or clip device. ,Iumpers may be eliminated if approved self-grounding devices are used. Provide separate bonding conductor, bare copper, for runs of flexible conduiE, where required by NEC. Provide separate grounding conductor in all runs to exterior lighting sEandards, such as post lights, signs, A11 conductoxs used for grounding and bonding purposes sha1l be copper, insulated green, only. Provide a separate grounding jumper for all dielectric unions in fresh water system of same size as main service ground. Provide a 3/E" diameter by 10' driven ground rod bonded to waLer piping system and to the main disEribution cenler in accordance with paragraph 250-84 of NEC. A11 ground busses used in distribution equipment and panels shall be copper. I. 3.02 MECHANICAI, EQUIPMENT WIRING SYSTEM A. HeaEing, ventilating and air conditioning equipment: Provide branch circuiEs, feederg, il-boxes, disconnecE switsches and make all connectione to motors and controls for heating, ventilating and air conditioning eguipment in accordance with DMSION 15000 MECHANICAL SCHEDIILE (1s010) . contractor shall refer Eo Mechanical Specifications and Plans for all power and conErol wiring. Provide outl-et on separate circuiE for control wiring in all mechanical eguipment rooma. 3.03 TELEPHONE SYSTEM I A. Provid.e enErance conduit as indicated; maintain minimum I 24" separaEion from Power. B. Confirm all outlet locations and mounting heightss prior I t I I IL6400-2 I I to beginning work, same height as duplex outlets unless noted otherwise. I C. Provide conduit raceway from telephone equipment space to t exposed cold water pipe for ground. t 3.04 or^rNER's EeuTPMENTr A. Provide all power feeders and make compleEe fi"nal connections to all owner's equipment. Eguipment will ber :::H:l:: :li,:::,'l,3l3il!;.::T:::,*:,:::":::;:, pigtails, etc., as required for complete connection of t all equipment and related controls. A11 rough-in requirements shall be verified with Architect prior to I beginning work. ALL dimensional data and eLeetrical I characteristics shall be verified from approved Shop Drawings. A11 final connect.ions sha11 be accomplished per I Manufacturersr recommendations. A11 work shall be t coordinated with Equipment, ContracEor. I 3. os srcNsr A. Provide circuits, feeders, outlets, and disconnects for all signs; Iocate outlets where directed by Signr ::il::::';l;.il?ll,'::1.::.:::":;5i ;::"iH':l*u o" switches, sign lighting panels, and magnetic contactors I where necessary and shall make final connections to signs as required. I END OF SECTION 16400 I I t I I I I 16400 - 3 I I sEcTroN r64Lo EXTERIOR LIGHTING I PART ]- - GENERAL I 1.01 cENERALr A. Furnish and install complete system. I PART2-PRODUCTSI I 2.0r_ EXTERTOR FTXTIIRES I A. As indicated on fixture schedule. r 2.02 CONDUIT I A. Type EMT. Section 1611-0. I 2.03 ExrERroR BUTLDTNG LrcHT coI{:rRoL I A. Time switch: 1. Standard Electronic 7 day time switch with day I omitt,ing device with L6 presets , !20v. I 2. Approved Manufacturers: Paragon Ec7000 Series, Intermatic, Tork, or Engineer approved egual- I B. Phoro Cel]:I 1. l-20v. 2. Approved Manufacturers: Paragon Cw201-70 Series, f Intermati-c, Tork, or Engineer approved equal' C. Lighting Contactor: I 1. 1,2}v, 20 amps, multipole (as shown on Drawings), I NEMA 1 enclosure. 2. Approved Manufacturers: Square D Series L,G, General Fl ant-ri r. or Engineer apprOved equal . I PART 3 - EXECT'TION r 3-oi. rNsrAJ,LATroN I A. Building exterior and sign lighEing shall be photocell on I and off control . I I I I END OF SECTION 16410 16410 - L I PARr2-PRoDUers t I I SECTTON 16900 ELECTRICAI-,, COMPLETION t PART t- - GENERAL I r-. or- cENERAL A. The enEire electrical system shall be left in firsE-class workabLe operating condition and all work shal-] be I complete. 2.01 DIRECTORY CARDS A. Provide labets and neatly typed directory cards for all panelboards and loadcenters. Directory cards shall indicate the general area and type of eLectricaf load served by each circuit. PART 3 - EXECUTION t 3.01 CLEAI.i UP: Comply wit.h Architectural Sections. I A. Remove aLl matserials, scrap' etc., relative to the I electsrical installaEion and leave the premises in a clean, orderly condition. Any costs to Owner for clean-up I of the site will be charged against Contractor. I B. Clean all electrical equipments and materials of all foreign matter. Clean all light fixtures using only methods and materials as recommended by Manufacturer. I 3.02 ACCEPTANCE DEMONSTRATION: Comply wiEh Architectural Section. I A. UPon comPletion of the work, at a Eime to be designatedr by ArchitecE, contracEor shall demonstrate to Owner t.he I :::i::iil ll"'liu"lli':,::;:iT:li:';::li::;"unae*nisI contract. Provide instruction manuals for alJ- equipment listed below: I B. Emergency Battery Units. C. Flush floor boxes. I D. Time Clocks. T 3.03 TEMPORARY WIRING: Comply with ArchitecEural- Section. I I I I 16900-1 A. Remove all temporary wiring, outlets, etc., complete. 3.04 DRAWINGS: Comply with Architectural Section. A. Deliver UAs-built'r Drawinge to Owner. END OF SECTION 15900 16900-2 rlggl fluil0nElnoil/onDEn r0RM (PLEASE USE PRICE LISI PROYloElt 0ll BAcr 0F TilS PrG9 )mrsry EffGgIiUC I/Ug' o Chrc* or llon.Y Otdcr mrde payable to: Knor ComPanY D Visa O rtC ExP. Da|r: Relercnce P.O.* (Gov. agencies only): SHIPTO: (Addrers whete unlts are rhlpped. Do not use P'O' Bor'): nAre CnEGIf,rS P/AYABLEI|OI ffOX OOffiPAIW suBrorAL Salu taxon hlihmia thlPnanF onlY cA se,6 LX 7.75% wfthln lrugc counu cA 725% outstde omga countY' cA t S,,Wtng &,t nlthg ($ro.N) t (tt odcr hrgerttwt gl75.m, call(auCa.) TOfl.L '-- UQTL FIPE OEPT d? rt[ST i[qgg{ [r I VE vqlr., C0 816i7 FS-0 7-01? INSTALLATION ADDRESSES (Fire Deprtmont requlres ihic inlormetlon): List ALL actual addresses and cities whcre 'rtems wilt be installed. Attach ssparats shcat for addilional instrallation address€s' t. 3. S.ctlon A El[cHR$ 17r.|,':! AnmtF.rgb fvinc' CA tl61/t ?ratSarrlt .Fg,;.71+&*2 I I I I I I I t T I I t I I I I I I Our most popular modell 8200 rut0[-80[@ COMMEROA! APPUCA'NOil5 o Mort popular KNox-8OX r Heavy-duU, high sccuriU construction r Medium capacity. Stores keys, ecccai crrds and rmall entryr hems o 1/2" solld steel door. Dimensions: Surfacc 5'H x 4-W.x3-U4'O Recesed 7'H x 7'W flange Weight Appror. 10 lbs. Colors: Elrck Bronze, orAluminum Options: - Alarm Tamper Swhdres . Aluminlzation (Add'l Rust & Corosion Protcctlon) f400 ttil0tt-B0tto @ COMMERCIALAPruCATIONS. Heavlfduty KnoxVauh Large Capacity Storer keys, acc6s cardt, floor planr, other building Gntry itcmt 5/E'rolld steel door Dimrnrionr: ssrfrce 7-H x 7'W x 5-D Recessed 9-l/2"H x $1f2'W Flange Weight Approx.30lbe. Colors Elach Bronze. or Aluminum Options: - Alarm Tamper Switdtes - Duel Lod<s - AluminizatSon (Add'l Rurt & Cotroslon Protectlon)ldeal for tO or mone keysl E t3w llgl slooilu rer Sx[lctc3 . For rapid acceti to.utomated parting gates, electric.lly operated doorr, clevlton and othct €ontrol circuit itenrt o For emcrgency rhutoff of povircr systeml . heventt ttmpering of circuiu Tcf: tt0-s'z-n669 . tll-282-1181 . ltrr llf'252'0012 I I I I I I I I t I I I t I t I I t I Inor [ry anil llrts BaDlnoB o Model 1300 - UL listed high recurity cablnet . Modet 1220 - Medium security cabinet r Model t 100 - Small document storage cabinet . 5tor6 keys. blueprina. floorplans, MSDS information, telephont or otter entry items . Available in 5' or 7' dePthr . Securely storet uP to 231 keys (oPtional panels) . Dimensions: Model 130O 14-1n"H x 18-W x 5'or 7'D Model 1220 l+ln'H x l8'Wr 5'or7'D Model 1100 l4"H r 14"W x4-112'D . Weight APProx- 25{5 lbs r Color: Light grey tllm Eholntlzl h try.d|rr tbutt||o 01201) ,r30! w, l(ct Pamb (n352) shofi,130? drom a a a lflgh SEGuriU Pefloclf r 5ecur6 pcrimeter and fire acccs gates, sPrinkler ryrtem$ hazardous drcmicals shut-off valves H.avy duty steel bodY Weather redstant cov€r Agency labcl included t650 n0r{0[o Residential APPlications . Mcdiumdug KNOX-BOX . Marimum capacity of 2 keYs e Availablc as surface mount or secur?d orrer toP of door with bracket (1550DH) r Dimensiorul 5'H x 4'W x F1n"D 4 o Color:glack ,@ cg:€, f,ct Ri'|ts Sir!: l'DLmrEr ffielfilGo|E ltcns TanDlt ff!.ntE !r 9d: lt 1l21lt1'l/2nil flt L!3 SU.: l']l r 1.1/C'W IrmDcl ScrlsSln: l-l/Zilr l.|l, $on[alolr h Mastff K8v Retemion Sv$Gm r Master Key Retention SFtem for the fire department r Securely retains and controls master key in tPParatut r Key releas€ rignal sent from dirpatch via radio . Asd:t Trail tr.ck3 mattet kcy u$ge Kcy Switches Ail ?lltlrddr d.hL$.L.l orn Glr|rf$fi fryS$llClItioz Xly $rith m Montho P}a.t500 ooal f.rt fuitch oo uoonuo ArE Padlocks bd,l lrllilrIlt|ca$..lrbtrrlttt0 ?l$lccr- vrd rr.. r e.Erc" l,n orcrh Stll ?|dber - 7/ld dr. r 1-?/0' lotn th|c5r arcl Pxlod( . si.odcd s/lf de r 2-3/l' bn ducHo lrD IrSr5. s5.3sr $il.o5' 35Et.@T $zzmr lsr.of tc{zof t53e.0oT t6roo Id &nv l|25.mT gs$m 5' t1fl.m7 lroa.ot 3.11DT 35Am5' $2zor $toeo Etr t60.o 3rtm f69.O lrirfihltl fo c Y.t YG io l{o Y|r YG Dtr $9.m 11200 3$9.01) ldn $10.0 3r25.O Irl$$rfil Ir3s.m tlrE.O t&o $rs0.00 32{0.O a&l 3150a 8l.|}Do. t3.@c. t3.O.atll.Or tg.6 1350 310.@ $.m $eilu 1650 fil0X-B0X - Residcnlial Use 0nly lrd Sudrcr Doorll,cn Armorcd Deta and Key Cr0ineh 1300 Series - UL Lislod A||^t fd[ llrr lulrllilltllSOl eay Singlc llo t& Cilt Sith Xo136 &:y Sin& Yrs 1301 cny $nfr Ytg t$s G|ty Ud to llot G.gr otnl tlo l30Z CGt or|c Y.E tg 3r!' 0d Y.| Wl lCfilgn 3br1C5l A-t 1220 Sorics lltt ldrl lrslA 6rt SlneLlUL Gnr SilehlA 6|tr Sloeflaa Gt? gaCb 16 6ru DtnlrU or|y hdlm 0,ry DudlU Gt? &c 1300 & 1220 Cabinot 0ptionslru adt35l l|cr hr.l . at l(.rrs llti! Efig hml & f,otrndi0 lailnlty' 7C lOyE It5it SrUm(l6tJfidtltilmr||lu|eliltttltl t!5a ooaru|tsbaF Cq|ldt' t20t l,chx ||artl|o 0or .r|rylof c$iu tfolclbl) 1U. ednhood 1100 Serlcs Data slorage C.blnGta4r E0llm th$mgaelhcl(ildhtlfYdorill AcsassoriesEl lrtrl0l Ro0.0tnd.dt|rrlrllrEdron Fa O.Dt R.lhcli|| Ilt SrlL$ oEl rG $r.d{to.$ndhclirrkysntuttDdtot Polc. 0|0t Rdbchr x.t srSh D.c.l lG Ptfft|lPmitl.diu.ocd(l.rfllm frylry(hd.e.oll0l 107 f''t ftrer lPr.|aet d l0) lm Tatrrf SS (P.cr.er of 501 lmg lrnor EvidGt 6ile lP..r.e! 0l l0l g||[ anGrry ta7s.O 3200 Scilrs Kll0I-8OXc - Commorcial Use lunftcE toulT t00tl AtU ll|t lEr|.lrli.lr.r f|tre|!|lh!t201 lbd llo :1202 o..t Yc 3203 thrt to3Oa lhA YrttZ05 lldr|'n flc t26 llumkruD Ycr Eln |h,i3ftrul llo 320t Drr&ma Vrc nEcEssE0 ltouxT il00E[ E|lf $E trn|rtdB Ito Y!| t{c Y.i fo VA W Dell.@ Xolf21 orf 8r@ Yr3 3810 320 Rrcrsd l|onhe Il all lr5t.0 t|eto tzm.m 3as.0 lr6r.0 tz07.D Slarm 1207s Efr 3r4.0 3:at.O E2aao ta17[ |a8.0 32{tO |an00 $1im tar.o Y.r 334L@Ycr $GA-OY.t tl0.mllo tilt$0llo $01.00tlo $almto $ta0tao t23t00tlo $01.00to $Amllc $6eO Y!| tggtoY.. lalOoV6 3aSS.oto Slt,DIo $$fi llo lCt?.Ob $|amro $t3.Ollo AS&Oto ltz.oto lalto 170.0 llo ll0 Yrs Yrr l5 llo ]t0 io Wt tlslt'2l Ahrrw, . 3ld. @ Er.tVa ,'frthutlW llumlnrn {{00 Ssilss l$I0XYAULT. Gommerclal Use suBrrcE murr t00Er bru !l|lr lfrt I|[!r!IEr fl[|lber tdn.r0l $d SheL xo l5 &5[00 W, rd Srrel Yt3 tlo $!(o('m! 0H tt|Il to tlo tslLoo ar0l 3hcr nc Y|t Io 35aE $orm dEhEIn TO o Yrr YG ilo llo TO t{o tll6 3H. a16 thC(a('/ lu sid. lbSirrfL Y!3 tlo Y6 llo Yrs I0 YG llo Yrr to Y|s {a0t Ehd 0|c(0 |lnion Sidr {ll0 lludnm Shel aall llmh{n hfl ..12 Adrm qC aal3 oulEJuro thel aala lmSllia SlI|:l{lt 0rr Irmt 0d aal6 D|nt|!nD Dd R!cESSE0 rtoulTt00Et bdt lc|r ld rrrlEeD lblm a|r 4.30 thcfi $!reL llo t{o F09-m ,r'Bt SbGr shca Y6 llo 33aLo ,|.3a Lcr otl lo xo sl]r.00 rl83 lbd( D|II . YG [o t s.O aaSa Eu Siteb xo vtt l!511tr aatt rrd+rs tlcr arl37 m aa90 ||uililm SlteL to ail'lo Al||nlun Siil Y|t Lal Ahrfun 0d tlo ail{2 &ninm Ad Yas l4l3 DJt!.ur! $rCa Xo Ua1 Dt0|uu Ct|| Y|r atLS lbrt E|urtr 0d to a{ra D.fil|orE ood Yr ra70 .|On|c|$dtlqilinllt S.tt Yr30d xc0d Yrr I I I rll TOTfl. P.6 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I ffirrr.rrlr r lra.tlt-lttl r tlrr ltf-tlZ-