HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 10 LEGALTHISP ERMIT MUST B E POSTED O N JOBSITE ATALLTIM ES TOWN OF VAIL 7 5S.F RONTAG E ROAD VA IL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: DEPARTMENT OF COMM UNITY D EV ELOPMENT \JQ-<.\~Sc..Qo-\-...L. ~L..~\\ ,,",oi-~cy.y,t\(G I Job Address: Location : Parcel No : Proj ectNo : ADD/ALT SFR BUILD P ERMIT 2516 AROSA DRV AIL 2 5 16AR OSA DR 2 10314205001 ~1 -o .1l 0 Penn it #:B02-0296 Status ...: Appli ed ..: Issued : Ex pires : ISS UED 09 /06/2 002 09 /09/2002 0 3/08 /2003 OWNER Dwight Henninger 09/06 /2002 Phone:479 -2218/476-1962 POB 4983 VAIL CO Dwightski@hotmail.com 81568 License: CONTRACTO R G &GROOFING P .O.BOX 817 FRISCO CO 80443 License :1 24 -S APPLICANTG &GROOFING P .O.BOX 817 FRISCO CO 80443 License:124-S Description : Re -roof Occupancy: T ype C onstruction: 09 /06/2002 Phone:970-668-5552 09/06/2002 Phone :970 -668 -5552 Valu ation :$7,900.00 AddSqFt:o Fireplacelnfonnation:Restricted:Y #of Gas Appliances:0 #of Gas Logs:0 #o fWoodPellet:0 ......................................................................FEF.SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••**••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13u ilding--->$1 25.0 0 Restuarant Plan Review->$0 .0 0 Total Ca lculatedFees-e-$209 .2 5 Plan Check-->$81.2 5 ORO Fee-----·->$0.0 0Additional Fees----->$0 .00 Investigation->$0.0 0 Recreation Fee------->$0 .00 Total Penn it Fee----->$209.2 5 Will Call--···>$3 .0 0 Clean-upDeposit -->$0 .00 Paymenls--------->$209 .2 5 TOTAL FEES-·->$20 9.25 BALANCE OUE----·>$0 .00 App rovals : Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/06/2002 DF Action:AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05 500 PUBLIC WORKS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**•••••••••• Seepage 2 of this Document forany conditions thatmayapplytothispermit. DECLARAnONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application,filledoutinfullthe information required,completed an accurate plotplan, andstatethatallthe information as required iscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththe information andplotplan ,to comply withall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthis structure according tothetowns zoning and subdivision codes ,de sign review approved,Uniform Building Codeand other ordinances of theTown applicabl e thereto . REQUE STS POR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS INADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUROFFICEFROM8:00 AM-5PM. Se ndC lean-up Deposit To :NIA CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #:B02-0296 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 09-09 -2002 Status :ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** PermitType : Applicant: JobAddress: Location: ParcelNo: Description: Re-roof ADD/ALT SFRBUILD PERMIT G &G ROOFING 970-668 -5552 2516 AROSA DRVAIL 2516 AROSA DR 210314205001 Applied : Issued : ToExpire: 09 /06 /2002 09/09/2002 03 /08/2003 **************************************************Condhions ******************************************** Cond :12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.):SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.3I0.9.1 OFTHE1997UBC. , 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 II TOTAL:$ .JI ...~..\II OTHER :$ I MECHANICAL:$ .,.~~,,...~:...."...". '.".._....0 I ,EL~CTRICAL:$ PLUMBING:$ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) 9 03288640omAE1C1#CFPorarceontact ag/e ountv .ssessors Ice at 7--or VISit www.eeale-countv.com Parcel # 2103 I t.j 7..0500 I JobName:"'Rc.'~h .~. I2.OoF -14 EN oJ \,.,J ~.e.~~c..\O~.,J~."Z.S'llD t::o.Q...O~p.>:1/2,I v~\'- Legal Description II Lot:\0 II~..•.•I II ~mn,·~II.'.i VA ~..g.II ~uuu,.IS on:T.;I/.>o 55 Co.\.I.O.J~ OwnersName :JJ€.J.J .J 70 e.o ~--f't~~•\JAI l.-~\oSi Phone:"'\-,q -L'1..l '2."D .I c.."",~ Architect/Des igner:.Jlt:l>Address :Phone: I Engineer:,.;lp.I Address :Phone: Detaileddescriptionofwork : l:(e/tOOr I-\Ol'-'\c..A,.JO (-,~~E.. WorkClass:New()Addition ()Remodel()Repair()Demo()Other ('Il)'Re:.2.00~ WorkType :Interior()Exterior (x)Both()DoesanEHUexist atthislocation:Yes()No() Type of Bldg,:Single-family C>4 Two-family ()Multi-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other () No ,ofExistingDwellingUnitsinthisbuilding:I No.ofAccommodationUnitsinthisbuilding:I No/TvoeofFireplacesExistino:GasAppliances()Gas t.oqs()Wood/Pellet()WoodBurnino (2J No/TvpeofFireplaces propos~c¥bas Appliances()GasLeos()Wood/Pellet ()WoodBurning(NOTALLOWED) DoesaFireAlarmExist:Yes (x')No()II DoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist:Yes()No ('X)I ....··_·····****--******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************.. - Occupancy Group: Date Received: Type of Construction: ORBFees: \\Vailld ala\cdevIFORMSIPERMITSIBLDGPERM.DOC j Other Fees: I • Questions?CalltheBuildingTeamat 479-2325 Building Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Community Development Project Name:\..h=.,..)....\!oJ Uo8L f2..c:,>I O£u~l'2..£.(2.A:>oc=. Project Address:~llt>p.\'LOSA. ./This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit application is ---'accept e,d. a--Allpagesofapplicationiscomplete ~Has DRS approvalobtained (if required)Provideacopyofapprovalform ul ~0 Condominium Association letterofapprovalattachedifprojectisaMulti-Familycomplex CJ Completesiteplansubmitted oPublicWayPermitapplicationincludedifapplicable(refertoPublicWorkschecklist) oStagingplanincluded(refertoPublicWorkschecklist)No dumpster,parking or material storage allowed on roadways and shoulders without written approval I.J I po 0 Asbestostestandresultssubmittedifdemolitionisoccurring o.J)p 0 Architectstampandsignature(AllCommercialandMultifamily) AI"0 Fullfloorplansincludingbuildingsectionsandeievations(4setsofplansforMulti-Familyand Commercial) oJ II"0 Windowanddoorschedule .jlp.0 Fullstructuralplans,includingdesigncriteria(ie.loads) vIp 0 StructuralEngineerstampandsignatureonstructuralplans(AllCommercialandMultiFamily) ""I,..0 SoilsReportmustbesubmitted prior tofootinginspection oFireresistive assemblies specifiedandpenetrationsindicated t-/\~0 Smokedetectorsshownonplans ""II"0 Typesandquantityoffireplacesshown Applicant's Signatu~'l..l L <5 Date of submittal:~.[*0"2... Received By:_ F:/everyone/forms/bldpe rm2 1 HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest,Director, (970)479·2139 " Check all that applies. 1.Which Departrnent(s)did you contact? R !l!!rl i!"'~_Fnvir0nrn#=l~t:'.!__y~!.!~!~~__"A.~~!!,!_-_ "Planning _"""_"_ORB PEe --,-__ 2.Was your initial contact with our staffimmediate __slow __or no one available ? 3.If you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped?_ 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis?Yes I No If no ,why not?..:-_ 5.Was this your first time to file a ORB app __PEC app __ Bldg Permit N/A 6.Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you : 54321 Name:_ (knowledge;responsiveness,availability) 7.Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter.54321 8.What is the best time of dayfor you to use the Front Service "Counter?--:_ 9.Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you n~ti~?" Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.We are committed tc improving our service. , WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT"IS REQUIRED PLEAS E READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OFTH E FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FORA "PUBLICWAYPERMIT": I s dnyuti iity work needed?YES i,O -- Isa different access neededtothesite ot her thantheexisting d riveway?YES __NO ..-- Isthe driveway beingrepaved?YES NO ..-- IstheRight-of-Way,easementsorpublic property tobeusedfor staging,park ing orfencing? YES NO ............. NO _YES__ NO .---YES,__ Does demolition work being performed require theuseof the Right-of-Way,easementsor pub lic p roperty?YES NO ........-- I s thisanewresidence? Isa "Revocab leRight -of-Way Permit"required ? Isany d rainagewor k beingdone that affects theRight -of-Way,easements,orpublic property? YES NO ..-- 0 0 -' 0 0 0 0 0 0 If answer isNO,is apark ing,stagingorfencingplan required byPublicWorks ? YES NO -- If youanswered YES toanyofthese questions,a "PublicWayPermit"must be obtained, "Public Way Permit"applications maybe obtained atthePublicWo rk's office orat Community Development (asample isattach ed).If youhaveany questions please callLeonardSandova l i nPublic Worksat 479-2198 . IHAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALLTHE ABOVE QUESTIONS. ~bu~"§I ~b -i"(;.l2-Oor=l~l.- Contractor Signature CompanyName JoborProjectName:@..Iwb;vet,.A?e~l OE ,Je.-e &~,s:: DateSigned: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 t • APPLICATION FORTOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 __ pw#:D n oDD OD Parcel #:DDDD -D D 0 -D 0 -DD D Bldg .Perm it#:iBl D D-D I 10 0 1.JobName 2.Excavating Contractor Name StreetAddress MailingAddress D D0,-D (Ifunknowncall 479·2138 ext.0) TOV Contractor's LicenseNumber REQUIRED City Stata Zip Phone # 3.Start Date C ompletion Date (PermitExpi ration Date ) 4 .Work isfor (circleone)Water Sewer GasElectricTelephoneCATV Landscaping Temp.Site Access Other _ Depth _ Total SF"$-_'_ TotalLF $_ TotalPermitFee $_ STBEONTHE JOBSITE BEFORETHE enworkingonasphalt.. otec ted atalltimes . utilitylocat ions and approvals.Once a ll utility company ling applicat ionthroup hthePublicWor ks officetoobta in the owuptooneweek toprocess, Length --------,,;a- Bond Amount $_ 5.Trench-width.-(miii:4 ')-:=~,.----.,.----.--:----,-- 6 .ALL MATERIAL,EQUIPMENT,ANDTRAFFICCO JOBISSTARTED, 7,Rubberout-r iggers are requiredonexcav Asphalt surfaces underneath thebucIa 8.Asignature below indicates arevi s ignatures are obtained ,permittee necessary TownofVail signatures. PublicService Company (1-800-922 Public Service Natural GasGroup (1-800-922-1987)_ U .S.West (1-800-922-1987)_ TCI Cablevision oftheRockies(1-800-922 -1987) Eagle River Water &Sanitation District (970-476-7480,ext.114)_ HolyCrossElectric Company (1-800-922-1987)_ TownofVail Electricians (970-479-2158) Townof Vaillrrigalion (970-479-2158) TownofVailPublicWorks Construction Inspector (970-479-2198) 9.THEREWILLBENOTOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction trafficcontrolplanmustbe approved bythe PublicWorks Department priortoissuanceofthepermit.? 10.All excavation mustbedonebyhandwithin18'ofutilities -(SenateBill172). 11 .Perm ittee must contact PublicWorks Department at 479-2198 24hourspriorto commencing ofwork .Failuretonot ify theTownwillresultinforfeitu re ofbondmoney ,Scheduled inspectionswhicharenotreadymayresult int he Town cha rgingt he contractor a reinspection fee . 12.Icert ify thatI have readallchaptersofTitle8-Public WaysandProperty ,of theVail Mun icipal Codea nd a ll utility company agreements ,signedbyme ,andwill ab ide bythesame,andthatallut ilitieshavebeen not ified asrequ ired . Contractor's Signature ofAgreement Print name clearly Date ofSignature ATTACHPLANOF WORK,INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Showstreetswith names ,build ings,and locationofcuts .USEDASH LINES FORCUT. White-Public Works Yellow-Contractor -I PUBLIC WORKSANDTHEPUBLICWAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permit s: --Fill out th eattachedchecklistwith theBuilding Pe rmit Application. If yeswasansweredtoanyoft he questionsthena"PublicWay"permit is required.You canpick upanapplicat ion ateitherCommunity Development,locatedat75SouthFrontage Road orPublicWorks,locatedat1309ElkhornDrive. ..C"W...._•••- --,Notice siqn-offs for utility companies.ALL utilitiesmust.field verify(locate).respective "'·u ~i,li t ies p r i o r to .s i gn i n g application.Some uti,lity'~bmpan ie ~require up to.4'8 hoursnoticeto schedule alocate. --A construction traffic control/staging plan mustbe preparedonaseparatesheetofpaper . Anapprovedsiteplanmayalsobe used.Thisplanwillshowlocationsofall traffic contro l devices(signs,cones,etc.)andthewor k zone,(areaof construction,staging,etc.).This planwillexpire onNovember 1standwillneedtoberesubmittedforconsideration for approvalthroug h thew inter.Beaware that your resubmissionforw inter maybedenied depending onthelocationofconstruction. ;.Sketch ofwor k beingperformedmustbesubmitted indicatingdimensions (length,width anddepthofwor k).T his maybedrawn onthe traffic control plan orasiteplanfort he jo b. __Submit completedapplication tot he Public Work's office f or review.If requ ired,locates will bescheduled fo r theTownofVailelectricians and ir rigationcrew .T helocatesta ke placein th e morn ing,but mayrequireupto48hourstoperform , >-T he PublicWork'sConstructionI nspectorw illreviewtheapplication andapproveor deny theperm it.Youw ill becontactedastothestatusandanyrequi rements that maybe needed.Mostpermitsarereleased within48hours ofbeing received,butpleaseallowup toone(1)weekto process. >-Assoonasthe permit isapproved,theBuilding Departmentwillbenot ified,allow ing the "Building Permit"tobereleased.Please donotconfusethe"PublicWayPermit"with a "BuildingPermit". ,.NOTE:Theaboveprocessisfor work inapublic way ONLY.Public Way Permits arevalidonlyuntil November 15th.AnewPublic Way Permit isrequired each year if work isnot complete.Re-application each November 15th doesnot meanan automatic renewal. Date SignedSl9nature Ihavereadand understand the above. -\~~vb- F:/everyone/forms/bldpermS DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: oTheTownofVailBuildingDepartmenthasdevelopedthefollowingproceduresto ensurethat 'newconstructionsites -haveadequatelv established proper drainage frombuildingsitesalongandadjacenttoTownofVailroadsorstreets. oTheTownofVailPublicWorksDepartmentwillberequiredtoinspectandapprove drainageadjacenttoTownofVailroadsorstreetsandtheinstallationof temporary orpermanentculvertsat access pointsfromtheroadorstreetontotheconstruction site.Such approval must beobtainedpriortoanyrequestsforinspectionbythe TownofVail Building Departmentforfootings,temporaryelectrical orany other inspection.Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198torequestaninspectionfrom thePublicWorksDepartment.Allowaminimum of 24hournotice. 1:1 Also,theTownofVail Public WorksDepartmentwillbeapprovingallfinaldrainage andculvertinstallationwithresultingroadpatchingas necessary.Such approval mustbeobtainedpriortoany Final Certificateof Occupancy issuance. Agreedto by:=Ow''''LIT'I1Gu,Jl...r~ PrintName ~~lL 0 Signature Project Name:l..le,..J,..lI.....~/Ce-)1~t.C rz'lt~a-!S DateSigned:-...:c?I-t\r'-~<\-'-'\r=,0:-'-::..-_ F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copiesof complete text areavailableupon request) CODE 5-2-10:DEPOSITS ON PUBUC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits:Subject tosubsectionC thereof,itis unlawful for anypersonto litter,track or deposit,orcausetobe littered,tracked ordepo sited,sand,gravel,rocks,mud,dirt,snow,ice,orany other debrisor material uponany street,sidewalk,alleyorpublicplace,orany portion thereof. ....-.-.....",."..':.,... o Notice;Abatement:The Director ofPublicWorksmay notify andrequireanyperson who violates or causes another to violate theprovisionofsubsectionAhereof,orwhohasinthe Director's employment aoerson whov iolates o rcauses another to violate t~~same.ton .r~m<:,vf'<;'!I:h <:'In q ,nr'lv.eL CQcks .mud .. dirt,snow,iceorany other debrisor material within twenty four (24)hours after receipt of said notice bythe Director of PublicWorks.In the event thepersonsonot ified does not comply with thenotice within theperiodof time hereinspecified,theDirecto r ofPublicWorks,or other authorized agent,may causeanysuchsand,gravel ,rocks,mud ,dirt,snow,ice,debrisorany other material toberemoved from any street oralleyattheexpense ofthe notified . o Summons and Penalty:Asan alternative tothenotice for removal provided insubsection B above , anypersonwhoviolatesorcauses another to violate thesame,maybeissueda summons toappear beforetheMunicipal Court oftheTownforsaid violations,anduponbeingfound guilty ofa violation hereunder bepunishedasprovidedinSection1-4 -1 of thiscode. o Notice and Penalty:It is unlawful foranypersontofailorrefusetocomply with the notice ofthe Director of PublicWorksasprovidedinsubsection B hereof,andanysuchpersonshall,in addition to payment ofthe ex penseofremoval incurred bytheDirector of PublicWorks,as provided in s ubsectionB hereof,uponbeing found guilty ofa violation hereunder,bepunishableasprovidedinSect ion 1-4-1 of thisCode.(1997Code:Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3:PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC &IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED o Nopersonshallparkanyvehicleupona street oratany other place within this Municipality insucha manner or under suchcond itions as to interfere with thefree movement of vehicular traffic orprop er street or highway maintenance.(Ord.2(1968)§1) o Whenever anypolice officer findsavehicle attended or unattended,standing uponany portion ofa st reet oruponanyplace within this Municipality insucha manner asto constitute a violation ofany sectionofthisArticle,or left unattended foraperiodof twenty four (24)hoursormoreandpresumedto beabandoned under the conditions pre scribed byColoradoRevisedStatutessection 42-4-1102 ,as amended,the officer shallrequ ire thevehicletoberemovedorcause it toberemovedandplacedin storage inthenearestgarageor other placeofsafety designated or maintained bythis Municipality,and thechargesfor towlnq andstorageofsuchvehicle shallbechargedtothe owner of thevehiclein addition toaten dollar ($10)impoundment charge.(Ord.2(1968)§3:Ord .28(1981)§1) S ignature 0 ...~\""'.J~ Ih ave readand will compl y w ith theabo ve code pro visions:J w.r L "'~'l.i e ..>..>IIJ t..a... PrintName~IL Co) Po sitionor Relationsh ip toProject: D ate S igned ::;;z\\~\o 1..-- Fc/everyone/forms/bldperm? I ~ J"t ....(.1)" f"1 r .y ,.-'p. / ....-1'"11:_-'- -'-:1 -.-.'1 r 1 1 • Project Name:HenningerRe-roof Project Description: Re-roof Participants: •Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Co mmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road ,Vail,Co lorado 81657 t el:970.479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number:DRB020260 OWNER DWightHenninger 08/15/2002 Phone:479-2218 /476-1962 POB 4983 VAILCO Dwightski @hotmail.com 81568 License: APPUCANT Dwight Henninger 08/15/2002 Phone:479-2218/476-1962 POB 4983 VAILCO DWightski@hotmail.com 81568 License: Project Address :2516 AROSA DRVAIL Location: LegalDescr iption:Lot:10 Block:C Subdivis ion:VAILDAS SCHONE FIL1 Parcel Number:2 10314205001 Comments:Tr im colo r willbeagreedtobyHans BOARD/STAFFACTION Mo tion By:HansWo ld r ich secondBy:Margaret Rogers Vote:5-0 Condit ions: Action :APPROVED Date ofApproval:09/04/2002 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmay be made without thew rittenconsent ofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate reviewco mmittee(s). Entry:09/06/2002 By:Warre nAction:COND Cond:O (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnot constitute a permit forbuilding .Please consult wi th Town of Vail Building personne l pr ior t o construction act ivities. Entry:09/06/2002 By:WarrenAction:COND Cond:CON0005SS2 That Elk's Prestique I 300pound forest greenshingle be used wi ththefac ia, soffi tt,w indowand doo r tr im bepaintedtomatchtheshingle. Entry :0 9/06/2002 By:Warren Action :COND Planner:~0MvvI ~~Jj DRB Fee Paid:$20.00 •• 3858·1 • AW r Jed ~t(Y\ co\or~ 3858·2 'Island PondMosslake co U"l """" ••• DESIGNREVIEWBOARD AGENDA Wednesday,September 4,2002 3:00P.M. PUBLICMEETINGRESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION I LUNCH-Community Development Department 12 :00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT ClarkBritta in Bill Pierce HansWo ldrich Char les Acevedo MargaretGarveyRogers MEMBERS ABSENT SITEVISITS 1.VailGateway-12VailRoad 2 .Henninger residence-2516ArosaDrive 3.Kaufmanresidence-1476WesthavenDrive 4.Publ ic Accommodation zone district tour 2:00pm Driver:All ison PUBLIC HEARING-TOWNCOUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00pm 1 .Va il GatewayLLCDRB02·0256 F inal review ofproposed newsigns 12VailRoad/LotN ,Block5D ,VailVillage1st Filing App licant:VailGatewayLLC, MOTION:CharlesAcevedoSECOND :BillPierce TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 18,2002 VOTE :5-0 Matt 2 .Henninger residenceDRB02-0260 Finalreviewofproposedre-roof 2516ArosaDrive/Lot 10,Block10,VaildasSchone1st Filing App licant:Dwight Henninger MOTION:HansWoldrichSECOND :MargaretRogersVOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH1CONDITION: Warren 1.ThatElk's300lb.forestgreenshingle beusedwiththefacia ,soffit,windowand doortrim bepaintedtomatchtheshingle . 1 •• 3.Sonnenalp DRB02-0079 George Conceptual reviewofproposed redevelopment 20VailRoad/PartofLotsL&K,Block5E,VailVillage1st Filing Applicant:SonnenalpPropert ies,Inc.,representedbyBraun Associates ,Inc. CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE 4 .KaufmanresidenceDRB02-0278 Allison Conceptual reviewofproposedwindow/door addit ion Coldstream Condos ,Unit25,1476 Westhaven Drive/Lot53,GlenLyonSubdiv ision Applicant:JamesandJaneKaufman ,representedbyFritzlenPierceArchitects CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE 5.Public Accommodation ZoneDistrictText Amendment George Conceptual reviewofaproposedtext amendment to increase allowablebuildingheightin thePublic Accommodation zonedistrict. Applicant:BobLazier,representedbyJayPeterson CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE Staff Approvals TownofVailLionsheadAuxilliary(YouthCenter/Subway)BuildingDRB02-0250 Re-paint 395S .FrontageRoad West/Lot 1,Block2 ,VailLionsheadFiling 1 Applicant:TownofVail RogersresidenceDRB02-0268 Changetoapprovedplans ;construct abalconyinplace ofacraw lspace 860Red Sandstone Drive/Lot6 ,Block2,PotatoPatchClub Applicant:RosalinRogers Will iams res idence DRB02 -0277 Deadtreeremoval 302MillCreek Circle/Lot 7,Block1,VailVillage1s1 Filing Applicant:GrantW.Williams Lawson/GoldresidenceDRB02-0276 Re-roof 2825BaldMountainRoad/Lot1,Block2,VailVillage131h Filing Applicant:Thomas WardLawson GolfCourseIslandBridgeDRB02-0281 Repair 1278VailValleyDrive/Unplatted Applicant:TownofVail HilliardresidenceDRB02-0262 Newwalkway 1801 Sunburst Drive/Lot21-A,Va il Valley3'd Filing Applicant:Glenn R.Hilliard 2 Amanda Warren Judy Warren Warren Bill • ChicoresidenceDRB02-0265 Interiorconversion 1234 Westhaven Drive/LiftsideCondominiums Applicant:LiftsideC-51CoLTD MaderoresidenceDRB02-0266 Interior Conversion 1234 Westhaven Drive/LiftsideCondominiums Applicant:LiftsideB52Inc. McKeetaresidenceDRB02-0282 Deckextension 1808AlpineDrive/Lot14,VailVillageWest1st Filing Applicant:GordonS.McKeeta • Allison Allison Warren The applications andinformationabouttheproposalsareavailableforpublicinspectionduring regularofficehoursintheprojectplanner 's office ;locatedattheTownofVailCommunity Development Department,75SouthFrontageRoad .Pleasecall479-2138forinformation . Sign language interpretation availableuponrequestwith24hournotification .Pleasecall479- 2356 ,Telephone fortheHearingImpaired ,forinformation. 3 •• ApplicationforDesign Review DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75 SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www .ci.vail.co.us General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesign reviewmustreceiveapprovalpriortosubmittinga bUilding permitapplication.Please refertothesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticularapprovalthatisrequested.AnapplicationforDesignReview cannot be accepteduntilallrequiredinformationis r eceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTownCouncil and/or thePlanning andEnvironmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. --.--•...:.:'.--.Locationof.the PropQsal :Lot:'0 -Block:Co :1 Physical Address:VA ,,_ Parcel No.:2.103 1'-1 1..D S'cOO \(Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 forparcelno.) Zoning:__..:....:..:=.::...--'--==::...c...:.=..=._ Name(s)of Owner(s):-OWL (,~T I-lel-lt-l I..J be~ Mailing Address:Po eo,c.YC1 'b~ "A l '-I c...0 Phone:_~.Ll-,---=b_·-,-'....:'\=-:10=..'1-.=._ Owner(s)Signature(s):==g0=t Ll C:::) Name of Applicant:DL.WLv,>'I...lC:~I ..H""~~JZ- <'\''1 -1.'L\"b '-tV\..1.L.".. Forconstructionofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidentialor commercialbuilding(includes 250 additions &interior conversions). Forminor changestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painti ng,w indow addition s,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminorchanges to buildingsandsiteimp rovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forrevis ions toplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanningStafforthe DesignReviewBoard. ~$1.00 per squarefootoftotalsignarea. $250 $650 $300 $20 $20 NoFee $50 NoFee o ChangestoApprovedPlans o SeparationRequest Mailing Address: \IA 1\....c...o Phone:_-.:-=-"'---=:.::::.:....='--_ E-mail Address:d""\~bh\il 0ho~\.CQ='I Fax:__--'-..1....J'---=='--_ Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o ConceptualReview o NewConstruction o Addition o MinorAlteration (multi -family/commercial) X MinorAlteration (single-family/duplex) For Offi~ettl}.~,Only:"'-z'" FeePaid:·_Zl':::-"'E CheckNo.:-"o/"-n-=---~_ APPl icati0 I}!!~:_ Planner:W ~ •• oExisting andproposedcontourlines.Retainingwallsshallbeincludedwiththetop of wall andthebottomofwallelevationsnoted. LightingPlan: oIndicatetype ,locationandnumberoffixtures. o Include heightabovegrade,lumensoutput,luminousarea oAttachacutsheetforeach proposedfi xture. II.REPAINT PROPOSALS Forallproposalstorepaintexisting buildings,thefollowingsupplementalinformationisrequired: o Colorchiporcolorsampleincluding themanufacturernameandcolornumber(s) oArchitecturalelevation drawingswhichclearlyindicatethelocationofproposedcolors(ie . siding,stucco,windowtrim,doors,fascia,soffits,etc.)Thefollowingisanexample: FASCIA WINDOW TRIM TRIM BAND UPPER STUCCO SOFFIT LOWER STUCCO Page 5of 12/02/07/02 SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION Building Materials Roof • PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material • Siding Other WallMaterials Fascia Soffi':s Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim HandorDeckRails Flues Flashing Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses RetainingWalls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Pleasespecifythe manufacturer's name,thecolornameand number and attach a color chip. Page6of 12/02/07/02 swc rIVUY I LlW(D 288 ·'..ORG ";3(1 ..:B CONSTRUCTION DES IGN PERFORMANCE ORG!WI 110 WARAANn ASTIIl PRODUCT ST'lLE PAOOWT ILB$)FG LGl"START TRANS COVfllllGE AR MPII/l'RS U45Z PRESIDENTIAl SHAKE Tl lAM 480 FG liFE IQ:,;~,YE S ,PERFORMANCE 15 110110 ",PROVEN" LAN DPlAAK TL lAM i !34 0 ;FC"'lI f~";';10",;iiiYES .""PERFOIlMAN~,:15'l1 ll110 ..PIIOVE..••" GIIMOMANDA lAM 4Z5 "1'.·FG ·lIFE .,~to -U YJ:S '",,15 ·1101t 0 ,PROVt:I" CAIIRIAGf HOOSC LAM 355 RJ .-LIr'I',.~h;l .~'"~'.1'-~;~.,15 ,..;;,ll lY1D'·:.-r,.PROVEN" COOORY ESTATES lAM NOT PUll.ISHEO FG un 10 V£S 10 IKlIS CLAIt.l:O . GfW«)CANYON tAU 450 fG l IFE 10 YE S 10 "1DIlI5 CLAIMED'. COUNTRY MANSION lAM WI I'UIIll SlED FG l IfE lot .YES 10 '..,'8l}'5'CLAIMED TIMBERL"I[ULTRA tAM NOT 1'Ulll13HE0 Fc LFE 101 YES .10 <.-,9Oi10 DYNASTY'lAM 2BO Fa lifE 7 10 6llI5 PRESIDENJlAl SHAKE LAM i ass '-..ra IlDEfEN Ilt:NCE lAM 300 :.....'.'FG lANDMARK 50 lAM SUMWT III W INOFI~TEfI STORMMASTfR !.M' HERJTAG E50 IJII)MARK4D HAIMlNY WOOOSCAP£411 HARA«l NY Z GRAN 0 SEQUOIA P1I1HAClE 45 TIMBERLINESELECT 40 ECliPSE == 0..: COMPANY CEIlTAlNlliO GEATA1NTEEO CERTAINTEED C6lTAlNT EEO ~GAF::I GAF GA F_e- 00 GAl'r--,..,IKO,..,CEIlTAlttTfED....,....,CERTAJl'tTE EO,.., CERTAINl£EO=...., CERJA INT£EO.. ....:J Elk ·l.LJr-ElK , IICO OWENS CORNING ;;:~ .P TAM KO TN.I<O ATlAS =ATlAS :z BI'(;MMCO u..BPCOfEMCO<:><:>CEATAINTEED"'":z C£RTAINTEEO<ELK ',c..:> "'"aK......:;;:II>GA F-ec ~..W =~GP -e-MAlARKEY , r--OWBlS CORNING= :z=:;;: .......= -=......., ==1 < •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAI L,C OLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method : Henninger R000002881 Amount:$20.00 Check 08/15/200201:35 PM Init:JAR Notation :523 Dwight Pe rmit No : Parcel No : Si te Address: Location: DRB020260 Type:DRB -Minor Al t,SFR/DUP 210 3 14205001 25 16 AROSA DR VAIL This Payment:$20.00 Total Fees: TotalALLPmts : Balance: $2 0 .00 $20 .00 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT IT EM LIST : Acco unt Code DR 001000 03112 200 Descr ipti on DESI GN REVI EWFEES Cu rrentPmt s 20.00 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo N OTE -COpy OFPERM ITT OB E KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE NRX SEPTEMBER 28,1 993 -.~639 7PERMITNO. 1.TYPE OFCONSTRUCT ION I IIIII IVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM BUILDING 7 000.00 DIV ISION 122a34 z ELECTRICAL 0 GE NE RAL DESCR IPTI ON OF WORK,i=-c PLUMBING::JREMOVEOLDSHAKES,INSTAT.I.NEW CEn AB ..J... SHAKESONMAIN HOUSE ONLY .>MECHAN ICAL TYPE GRO UP GR.F.A.VALUA TI ON PERMITFEES V R-3 BUILD ING PERMIT 115.00 PLAN CHECK 75.00 ELE CTR ICAL NEW ()ALTERATION ()ADD ITIONA L ()RE PAIRXX)PLUMB ING DWELLI NG UN IT S --ACCOMMODATIONUNITS __MECHANICAL ~HE IGH TINFT --NO .Fi REP LAC ES --RECREATIDN FEE INSULATION·TYPE THICKN ESS R-VA LLUE DESIGN REV IEW BOARD ~FLOOR--CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 100.00 R:-'-. EXT .WALLS USE TAX ~-~ROOF ~~~--WILL CALL 3.00 ~<3'TYPE EL EC .GA S TOTAL PERMITFEE S $293.00OFSOLARWOODHEATDANSTANEK 9/28/93 ADDI TIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:a UILDINGOFFI CIAL ---.---DATE ----- s..t:!.INITIA L 1----------------ST.CUT ~ONING ADMINISTRA TOR DAT E BL AST ING ZONING &BUILDING NOTES , PARKING DEM O I hereby ack nowledge that I have read this applicatio n,filled out infu ll the information re q uired, completed an accurate pl ot plan ,and state that all the informationp rov ided as require d is correct.I agree t o comply w it h t he information andpl otp lan ,to com ply w ith a ll Town ordinances and state laws,andto b uild this structure acco rd ing t ot he To wn's z oninga ndsubdivi sion codes ,desig n review approved ,Uni for mB uilding Code and o ther or~nance s ;2e Town applicab le thereto . CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO:~~~~~/S HOMESTAKE BUILDERS COR PORATION SIGNATEOFOWNER OR CONTRACTO R FO R HIMSELF BOX 762,EDWARDS,CO 8 1632 AND THE OW NER. TO BE FILL ED OUT CO MPLETELY PR IOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT Q9cBUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL ?S1 h A o n"A n RTlTF .GAL LOT 10 BLK /C/ ESC.FILING VA ILDAS SCHO NE #1 JOBNAME :K OENIG REROOF OWN ER NAM E BERNARD I<O ENIG -- MA IL ADDRE SS 2 516 AROSADRIVE CITY VAIL CO PH 476-82 35 ARCHIT ECT FIRM MAIL ADDRES S CITY PH . GENERAL FIRM HOMESTAKE BIIIU nEBS CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.100-B TELE .4 76-1125 FIRM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VA IL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM PL UMBING TOWN OF VA IL REG .NO.CO NTRACTOR TELE . FIRM MECHANICAL CONlRACTOR TOWNOF VA IL REG .NO. TELE .,OHlER FIRM• TOWN OF VAI L REG .NO...CONTRACTOR TELE . •••TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLf17i 1fjJ <?.RM DATE:.'.1-6 REC'D5EP 2 8 1993tI'APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~*****************************PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** [1-Building [,J-Plumbing []-Electrical []-Mechanical []~other.~__ \\Q .,-.I .IZt=-Rcc r-ell II\.~'ill _..I t1 Job Name:·l0a.-1U.~~t..J Job Address:d':/~n y vf,Cl-yYllVl ...l...;..t~_.__::--_ Legal Descnp~,Lot 10 .Block C-Filing I SUBDIVISION<t!qJrk:,s,,.(,,~ Owners Name:~n twd~oj1 f\.l~Address:;25 1&t)YtJ >ILWIIJL Ph.4 :t&-&??~ Architect:,n 72 '76';;5;;7.-(~Address:Ph._ Work Class:[]-New []-Alteration Number of Dwelling units:_1 __ General Description:te«1~Ve 0 /0/.(hoAr'S -/;'0£10 /1 /)(""../<:"'r--'eW/~o tq k e ('i /l/no"a t(oj)~ ..'t':'~/y []-Additional ~-Rep a i r []-Other _ Number of Accommodation Units: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$;-'::00 0 'c -r»ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:,E'"----:Z=-~~-:--::;=",..---- ~********************f1!*~~O~~!OR ~N FO~f I 9 N *********~***********I*O***h* "eneral Contractor:--IJ£lr~~~{'fti'A~f'J Town of vai i R9JIJ.r ,NO.0 P Address:E.J'tv <9-,('V.<:8 ('f Lr -{.','I i-,a,.;!--,Phone Number:.Lt111 -I PI.., ,;1'1'pft'X.'",;{eF"/1/<-...,~t'/:-;<!-1/.-:I/{,ti t -;1 Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: /O o.oU BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: fl !lONE "'3 .06 Z G g ~SQ.FT.VALUATION ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDINGPERMIT FEE:1/""-:co BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:7 <t .,x/> PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE:RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE:CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: DRB FEE:TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Comments:_ CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: • • 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 • oUlce 0'community development BUILDING PERf·1IT ISSUANCE TIME FRA~IE If this permit requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s (public Works)reviewand ap~ova1,aPlanning Department revieworHealth Department review,and areview by theBuilding Department,the estimated timefora total review may takeaslong as three weeks . All commercial (large orsmall)and all multi -family permitswill have tofollowthe above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount oftime.However,if residential orsmaller projects i mpactthe various above mentioned departments wi.th regardtonecessaryreview,these projects may also takethe three week period. Every ·attempt will be made by this departmentto expedite this permitas.soon aspassi b1 e . I,tbe undersigned.understandtheplancheckprocedure and time frame. 1-Agreed to by.I )tProject Name ~Date Work Communi ty Sheet was turned into the Development Department. ,, • • 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-21.38 or 479-2139 • office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. _____AMPM t-rC H n ) INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME _-'---""---""'-'---'----'-_ LOCATION :_-;--_--'---~-"-"'-___'___'_'_+=--'--'-____l_----'_'_'_"'____'_'___'____'_~_ READY FOR INSPECTION : ~f)l (0 PER.MIT ~UMBER OF PROJECT DA~E _\11 ~)q3 r• BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 C/FINAL (Fc r ~(C C(')o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _--l--'-------'-----l.~_INSPECTOR -----{-,~~'4?-~----------- ~sign Review Action Flm TOWN OF VAIL Date _CategoryNumberj,_ ProjectName :J;::ii?.Ail.J'-"--'''-1~;2\_+_------------------------ \ ProjectDescription: o Owner,AddressandPhone:lZJ1;[\a/}~r~~----- Arch itect/Contact,Add ress andPhone:_(.i:('-'-l..!.'-!....'--"""'"""+'t---7-?P--'-~::;=-.L..f<=---..L-~~~UL~+--J....1..!..j~---=!~ LegalDescription :Lot 10 B lock ----'-~_Subdivision ~----,-~,--,-,=,,,---,-~~:::..:....:=-_ ProjectStreetAddress:_ Comments:_ Y\n Board/Staff Action Motionby:W /l ~f>:y N)t Vote:_ Secondedby :?:I /"l 1?cfl Q\.Q~JbL F o Approval o Disapproval DRBFeePre-paid _ ,~vised 3/17/93 '•• Application Submittal DateJ l O~E::fZ..93- APP ICATION POA AN EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT (EHU). IN LUDING fA.CONDITIONAL USE APPLICAilON AND REC0 OCT 1 1199J1 A DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPUCATION I :,,,. ! f ~,·,I ' f ! I i,. I •I ; i , ,. ~~ I .~:~• ii EI', I!' !i ' I 'I I !!nq' f ' I ' j; Ii;.·, "chart Itflc:htld to lhis application form 1II11mrCfl~lhe reql.llrements for each type 01 tuu No 9rnpl ylll!hous ing unit whiCh IS COllStructed In accordance with thiS Chapl~r Shell be Slll)dlvld d or divided into any form or 11"19 &hares ,inlervel ownerEhlp;,or Itaction.,1 lee. All typeslf EHUs may be Illo~stKI.bul anry 10 tenants who are fun·time employees who work m 'lagla COUnly .Arl EHU !>haU nol b9 leas~for {I P'JriO\.!less than thirty (30) conaeCUjve days.For the purpOl'lft!\0'Ih~Se<;tion,a lull-time employee Is one who works Ell aVl:!lClgl:!01 ~minimum ollhrrty (30)hours e<t~h week. -,. NAMe F OWNER (printor type)..J~~'!5f:.'+-~ii'C!.:~- ::~G~~;-=(,,'-4-'i:L"~o~~.'~'·7-F-~~I'HONc..tl.ltrt~< STRE ADDRESS 'Z.;l(,.!£.O$!x,~..;...,_~_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT \0 BLOCK G F IL.ING~ LOT AlEA ll,,1Coo -- A) C) 0) E. .Q.~IIERII\ H.Pleaso noluCle prwl vIcondominium assooiatlon approval,If applicable . G .Please nclude stamped,aocrossed envelQpes andlist of the names 01 the own~t$QI ~ll property adjaoent to th~$VQililot property. F.Fee:0 EHU application fee.250 tee,Of oondit ional use fee IS tequired for an HU request.A DesIgn ft9'vlew Board (ORB)fG4i!Is required. D. e. 'secl!Q...'!..t{W4.0-Dc!initipn An t:mployee H using Unil (EHU)Ehall mean a dwelling unit which shall rot 00 le~l'e(1 or ·ren\fld lor eny tiod legs 'hall \hirty (3Q)c:onseCl.JtivG days,aOCl Shall be rented only to tenants wt10 are fUll-tim Billployees in Lagle County .Developn~nl standards for EHUS sh~lIl>e as provided in Cha~t9r 18.57 -Employee lIoU&ing .for the purpoS&S Of thi~Seclion ,a hJlI-time OmplOY,00 Ii~lall !Il;lW I fl person who wo~s a rnllljrll~11l or ~n average of thirty (30)hours Per weBk.There sh 11 be tlve (S)categories of EHUs:'fype I,Type II,Type III.Typp.IV and l ypo V ProvisiOf1$r atin"to eacn type 01 EHU are set lcrth In Ohapter 18.57-Etnployee HOLlsing 01 this Code. .. "y'/"'li OF RE US.ST:REVIEWS THAT AFtI::FU~OUIRED ; V Type I HU ORB Hearing bate -:;~~q3 __TypeII·EHU PEe C~nditional Us~HRI:lring DatL .,ORB Oi'lte~_._ iypc Iii EHU PEe Conditional USB Hearing Date.,"_DAB Date..====Type I~EHU PECi Conditional U~e Hearing Date ORB Date __._TypE!V EHU DF=l13 Hearing Oate__..__ A.NAME f PETlilONEA ~A~v_I4et-l I&......_~ MAIL!G A~DRess ~51!o OO$A B3..*'Vb\{.....J:lHONF.t{-7fo 8Z~( NAMe F PETITIONER'S REPRESENTATIVE S/l?tJf'f1 ~U\X"$. MAILI G AODRF.SS~9...<;;.fl'~'~~W .~PHONE.1]li47 c. Ill. II. I. DESCRIPTIONOFPROJECT:AppmoN or S'gwp~~7J21CJ$1)~~ __*,S!llCt l)lnr LISTOFMATERIALS• LEGALDESCRIPTION:LOT~BLOCK c STREETADDRESS :2;11.,k.O$A Pt- • NAMEOF PROJECT:5!>eNle.AbPlJlo!J SUBDIVISION ~Je.$S~f ThefollowinginformationisrequiredforsubmittaltotheDesignReviewBoardbeforeafinal approvalcanbegiven:. A .BUILDINGMATERIALS:TYPEOFMATERIAL COLOR Roof-t>e.:.t:~\)~CoN~~~-~ Siding 'NooD ~ Other WallMaterials Fasc ia W~• Soffits rL.LfwOO9 II Windows GkN?.J?Md<.f3~wN WindowTrim t2 y,\'J~1'.tflM"at W G11~ Doors ~~ DoorTrim Ib.WOO!?"J\tt:.rrM W~J¥!1t'\ HandorDeckRails '2)(2 RNk<:»,'2);.~rl1Anl1 Wo~~ Flues Flashings @t\}J _\J\Nv1 J)?\ih Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses - Other B.LANDSCAPING:NameofDesigner:- .Phone: PLANTMATERIALS:BotanicalName CommonName QuantitySize" PROPOSEDTREES EXISTING TREES TOBE ~:'mo~~ p~~ "Indicatecaliperfordeciduoustrees .Minimumcaliperfordeciduoustreesis2Inches. Indicateheight forcon iferous trees.Minimumheightforconiferoustreesis6feet. -7 - .. Block 6 Filing V0b (s ,.:fi.I ZONE CHECK FOR ~ R piS ZONE DISTRICT~a,R, ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot I() '2..'3 \{p A'fZ.o~. DATE: PHONE _ 1 rJfL,-" **LOT SIZE __--l.....:::::..+-~~_ OWNER PROPOSED USE -l,--...L.::+-..l-=-"",,-~--i.~__ Water Course Setback Site Coverage Existing Proposed +425 =.1B11. +425 =I/o f_ 20'~15' 15' (30)(50) 1Ef52 , ok. 3'/6'-1Y/-u Allowed Front Sides Rear (30)(33) 3 lqD ~eP ~ Setbacks Secondary GRFA Height Total GRFA Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Primary GRFA Parking Garage Credit Drive: ~....;,:...R.eqrd (300 &(900)(1200)-i.L.£~~ Permitted Slope ~Actual Slope 0t ls+i r'j _ Date approved byTown Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment:Yes,_NO,_---t~__???----- Environmental/Hazards:1)Flood Plain 2)Percent Slope _ 3)Geologic Hazards a)Snow Avalanche._ b)Rockfal--S =-.,.._--..._ C)(j>ebris Flow ''4)Wetlana·s,_ Previous conditions of approval (check property file)~:__ Does this request involve a250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?_ **Note:Under Sections 18.12.090(B)and 18.13.080(B)of the Municipal Code,lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15,000 sq.ft .in area may not construct a second dwelling unit.The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B)and 18.13.080(B)of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. fhMi?;J.fYYI 'O r: IO ...••:.' 5~ iVV\l6 ~/fJOkJ 5-1)~ '.....'.•• * * * * **' .." DEPARTME:-.iT OF COM;ynJNITY DEVELOP~lENT S,\LES ACTION fOR;;{ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIl,)..C.OLO R4DO IS}6.57./.y-J v I L.l;;J.L/4;''/I • I \,i,~(//' 1 I) I.y "?'C"::~.~;~~~,;,:~;",.~c~;~~"~<',,;.~~".,',,,"~;~;~~~~'~",,'f,8~~,:.~~!.~~~-;'i",:;.~",.-,:·~~".~~,,~a<·.I<>~0'<?:;';'MN>$fP;!,'(";'~;~':',:....~'\,:i:/,'t!~l ~l".TOlV N OFVAIL_,n:J .~ OJ oooa41540 IZCl\Th'G AXD ADDRESS MAPS I I 55.001 * I ~:~~;~;:~I:;'~~;:~~:~G~O:DEE I ~~~::I _I : 9 01 0000 42·115 '/UNlFOR.\!MECH"SJCAL CODE I 53'2 .00 ifI::::::::;i~::F!2:~~AtCODE i I .::::..I I[~::~~~~~~I~:~~~~~:~~;:~~~~S I I ~~:~l I.6 01 OOC{)42371 i PENAI.H FEES/RE·I}.'SPECTIONS i II If ~~:0 1 00..."'0 ~]332 i FLA.'!REVJEW RE·CHECK FEE [S ~O FER HR.)I I I ~K ~.'"01 (0()00 42322 I OFFHOURS J}iS ?ECTION FEES II I 1) %OJ (l o..."'O ~1412 I CONTK.-\CTORS ll CE.'.'SES FEES I I ii~1 01 Co()OO41330 I OTIIER FEES II I @:W :X·.. iii .01 NOO 4 141 3 I SIGN APPUCATION rr.E '..I S'"O .OO I ;"~!i~01 COOO 4 14 13 iADDlTION/\L SIGNAGE r::.E (Sl.oo i'ER SQ.Fr.)I j n 01 !X'OO ~'2~":0 IYIC ART PROJECT DONA1]ON I I ff~l OJ o.."®.Al331/lP RE P,AJD DESIGN REVlEWB OA RD FEE /.z::;r,'=.'-I l.)'l =f~*%*w 0100004241 2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUC TION PERM IT COMPUTER DlpKS S,00 :$S *01 0000 21112 TAX (4;1;)iMii*.01 0000 4 10 10 TAX (4;1;)It g;01 0000 4237.1 I NVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING)TOTALDUE :it t!t~~t!~r~~~~~~1 §,01000041330 ICONDmONAL USEPER.\f1T ..I I S2N .001 B,~t-.01000041330 IEXTERIORALTERA1l0 N fLESSTHAN 10JSO.FT.l .5200.001 y':h 01 (1(100 4 1330 I E.XTERIO R AL1T:RA1101'1 l~jQRE TI-l M-I 1CoO SQ.FT.l S500.00 I :M A 01000041330 I S PECIAL DEVELOP.\iE....-r DISTRICT [NEW]51.500.00 I NfiOJ000041330ISPECI,\L DEVELOP.\IEi\'T DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEN]))51.000 .00 I ~\ J',0 1 0CX\1 J I}~O I SPECL"L DEVELOPMENT DISTRlCT (MlNOR AMEND)I S'2oo.00 I :n~'~4 010-.."0041330 151..'13 DIy1510:--l I I g f~01 OOno~1330 ;VA RlAJ'ICE I 5250.001 *~01 0000 4 D30 I ZONING CODE A.\lE'1DME."lTS 5250.00L %.ft 010000 4lJ30 IRE·ZO!'<'1};G 5'200 .00 I ii ~.':01 0000 I .I f1 f'•4 ~,.3.~.%~~;~1f!"~~''''C O~I M E:H5 :,q:,:,1 11': W ~.;.:~'I-----------------'------~---------------I '"I~'!:,"'r;~':';"'.:>v'~t'Ot,8'N-1 '~<~·':"~'''';~·''~;~,*1*'';,<.''''''':0,~'-:;'~id:7Ji ''M''¥.<\';%''lW;;~fic.~·~"'~~:~~~.';WP:;"'lWr.w;N~""I '~;')('W,'l'#':liY"~'~it'M:~')WE:'\~r<71.",,"~gt ....•• TOWN OF V R IL Mi scell aneous Cash 1 1 :25:33 F\:'c ~i do tl 1 "\OE:2(' r!CC C.Uf I t #CY #·i 604 -,'.'RTf-:tlE'.'..-r:'[;'I:n T/SCHU:"E '·.[:'F:E:F EE I t e o.p,=.id 50,00 RllIount paid 5 0.O~) THRNK YOU • PUBLICNOTICE • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that theDesignReviewBoardwillbereview ing the following applicat ion on November 17,1993 ,intheTownofVailMunicipalBuilding. 1.Arequestfor asecondaryunit addition foraTypeIEmployeeHousing Unittobe locatedat2516ArosaDrive/Lot 10,BlockC ,Vail dasSchoneFilingNO.1 . Applicant:BernardKoenig Theappl ications andinformationabouttheproposalsareava ilable inthezoning administrator 's officeduringregularofficehoursforpublicinspection . TOWNOFVAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PublishedintheVailTrailonOctober22 ,1993. IREC'DOL.I I I 19 9 ~~• Lot 9,Block C 2518 Arosa Lot 11,Block C 2508 Arosa Lot 14,Block C 2457 Chamonix Lot 15,Block C 2459 Chamonix Lot 16,Block C 2467 Chamonix Lot 3,Block D 2527 Arosa Lot 4,Block D 2517 Arosa Lot 5,Block D 2507 Arosa ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS BERNARD KOENIG 2516 AROSA DRIVE-SECONDARY UNIT LOT 10,BLOCK C,FILING 1 VAIL,COLORADO Gary and Helen Stevens P.O.Box 133 Vail,CO 81658 Kathleen M.Beckley 12605 Cypress Road North Miami,FL 33181 Chamonix Chalets Homeowners'Association c/o Brent and Heidi Young 2456 Chamonix Lane,Unit B1 Vail,CO 81657 Chamonix Chalets Homeowners'Association c/o Brent and Heidi Young 2456 Chamonix Lane,Unit B1 Vail,CO 81657 Chamonix Chalets Homeowners'Association c/o Brent and Heidi Young 2456 Chamonix Lane,Unit B1 Vail,CO 81657 Galen A.Aasland P.O.Box 383 Vail,CO 81658 Guentner and Sigrid Munch 2009 Green Briar Drive Mansfield,OH 44907 Town of Vail c/o Finance Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vail,CO 81657 ••ProjectApplication z// Date ..:://.,,21;/y projectName :~BW /AN~-,1».£.1Lj-/}~Jez:::r'I Project Description:~p;(,/I-uW !;e/l..-m tJ-pl LI1 J /5fl'd/~l ~/;/ Contact Person and Phone 4/h ko-r-~II Owner,Add ress and Phone :L#~~...::-~~{/~~IA~:...;~~~/~=--_ Ar chitect,Address andPho ne:_ 10 c ",,---;t.2.:..!.:...:....-LL!~..&::.~!..L.J.::!:...._,(,Zone /I Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion b y :_ Seconded by:_ APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Dal e: /_./'-(Town Planner ':-g;~/(f -:Staff Approva l •MEMO TO:TOWN OF VAIL BU ILDI NG DE PAR TMENT PLANNI NG COMMISSI ON &CO~lliUNITY DEVELOP MENT RE:SITE PLAN EXPLANATION LOT 10,BLOCK C,FILING 1 VAIL DAS SCHONE • 1)THE PURPOSE OF THE FILL DIRT IS: A)TO INCREASE DRIVEWAY SPACE . B)TO IMPROVE AESTHETIC APPEAL OF THE HOUSE. C)TO CO VER EXISTING DEBRIS FROM GARAGE EXCA VATION. 2)LANDSCAPE PLANTI NGS: A)THE BERM WHI CH IS TOO STEEP TO GROOM,WILL BE DENSELY PLANTED I N PREMIUM RYE AND BLUE GRASSES. B)ASPEN AND SPRUCE TREES WILL BE PLANTED NEXT TO THE HOUSE AND AT THE NORTH AND EAST END OF THE DRIVEWAY. THIS WILL LEAVE THE MIDDLE OPEN FOR SNOW REMOVAL. C)THE BOTTOM OF THE EASEMENT DITCH WILL BE PLANTED IN GRASSES TO CONTROL ANY EROSION DURING THE RUN OFF . 3)ESAEMENT: A)THE FILL AREA ONLY ENTERS THE 10'EASEMENT AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE LOT 10,BLOCK C,FILING1 VAIL DAS SCHONE. B)THE 10'EASEMENT HAS BEEN PARTIAL FILLED BY THE ORIGI NAL EXCAVATION ON LOT 11 ,BLOCK C,FILING1. C)THE CULVERT WILL BE FREE OF ANY DEBRIS AND THE BOTTOM OF THE DITCH EASEME NT WILL BE RETURNED TO IT"S NATURAL FALL OF APPROXIMATELY 1.8"OF FALL PER FOOT. D)THE REMAINDER OF THE DITCH WILL BE SEEDED TO PREVENT FUTURE EROSION. ALEX J.GORDON BOX 1744 VAIL,CO.81658 .:............... .." ~.'·~·"'I ."'..;"', ....... ..-....". ...~.,.' .: ...P ~.'::" '~::,;A::-'"...-: _.....,~I .~". ....... LW ..~ ..0) .0- ~'.'."'-.~I , ,....":'_.'.:'... :vk....,',:.'..~,.,;:,.:~/~!'P :,> , :., / / p )..J,~':,; :..-::~~4 ~'~";·.~~::.':':{;~~·;0:-:' :'"':~.....-.-,::..•.~.. • v ,"- """~---.--.....- • qO.> -- --- )/ /• 80/0 --" / / i /I-I-~/;'/I ~/ / ~O~P Seale :1"=20. .... ,;-.:». ."~ ,,",' ":» :.: .,,, .:' ~", J .',;';;'.::~~~'.:~}:/:~'.~,:;'~~<~..;~:-:.~,;-:.;..~:~:.,-,' r,..;., ,~.'.'r :-," • ,. ".. >' ...q = ,.1 ·-: ~ ".-..: "-.. .: ,- .';... " ~;-:.: .~# ;... c . -, oJ ~.:.:: ~-,.:,; ~X~~i :J I"J '1 U",,:,:-~:,-._". ".,....; " " z- .' ~ .' ", r .: .' ,J ,i ....>... ,., ......... r. 'E. ........:~;._~..;. • ! I I • ,.' .sse» \ \'. .SbN ---! I I I / ,"1 21....; L.. ---r---_ i I \ \ \ \ \, \ "~-;\ "'\ I I !, I /3 I j H :._• I I ./ -----r--,~S:-:S:-S-I -- I • ,f I I I I I f I I I ; ; i I I, I I I I I i, I I I I I• / I I I ./ r. - 75 south f rontageroa d vail ,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 June 3 ,19 83 Alex Gordon 2516 ArosaDrive Vail,CO 81657 Re:Gordon Residence DearAlex: On Jun e 1,1983,theDesignReview Boarda pprovedyour appli cation for as econdary unit. Sin cerely , ~~~ Ji m Sayre Town Plann er JS/bb Project Application //1 /,I Date -/ r:C:I -I J "7'" /lA....r .r ~/7 ,L 1./'-/9 Cy .:j'r,.C /I/P-,/ /./'/1./ /'"/.//-7 ) C ontact Person and Phone "-/_'''-"'L/_'':>'''~~~...LL:-:.-'-~_..£...~...L_~==:!..._---:::'-__-=----~L _ Arch itect.Ad dressand Phon e : Project Descr iption:__--<:..-=-__-=-_~_~~___'_!..___~_LJ'____'__~_...:_.___=::.L _ I 'j. / DesignReviewBoard /Date ---'-''''---'---------'0..,.,...- Moti on by : Seconded b y: DISAPPROVAL Summary:_ o Staff Approval Dat e: th.pM.....,I"ail .•, APPLICATION FOR SECONDARY UN IT FOR LOTS OF LESS ru 15,000 SQUARE FEET IN 11IE RESIDENTIAL ZONE DISTRICT AND IN 111E PRm\HY/SECONDA[{Y RESIDi :NTlAL ZONE DISTRICT I.A.NAME OF PETITIONER_~~*r\V\~\~-A..,(\'O C-wtd.!W). ADDRESS &~4.L+I \1aiJ-t C!L~I1tLQ~_PHONE~:t-'7/P-Ib/7 otQOl..Cj 4q -%4>D B.NAME OF PETITIONER'S REPRESENTATIVE---=~=-.:..>,>=----------- ADDRESS PHONE _ C.NAME OF OWNER SIGNATURE'--__~:..=~~..:L-.::~:>.J:>L.>....,;"-'-~,....,"'-'-""'----------- ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL FilingJ A..y-~br Lot--lL Block L '25 I J.p LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS.__-'-...~~--'-~_===_.=..1_'__--'-_ E.FEE:$100 plus anamount equal to the then current first-class postage rate for each property owner to be notified hereunder. F.A list of the namesand mailing addresses of ·owners of all property . adjacent to the subject property, I I.CRITERIA TheCommunity Development Department and Design Review Board may grant an exception to allow the addition of a second dwelling unii if the following criteria are met: 1.The second unit shall not exceed forty percent of the total GRFA allowed on the lot;and 2.TheCommunity Development Department shall find th:!t the granting of the exception will not be detriment:!!to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the arc;1 ill which the subject property is situated,lind 3.That no variances for se t hucks,height,park ing ,site coverage or Landscap Lng, site devc l opmcn t or gross residential 1'1001"a rca wou ld be approved unless the granting of such avar i ancc boncfi t s 'the visual appcn runce of the site and surrounding n rca ,lind _. • MEMORANDUM TO:The Community Development Dept.& Design Review Board Town of Vail DATE:May 17 ;1983 RE:SECONDARY UNIT AT Lot 10,Block C Filing 1,Resubdivision of Vail Das Schone Please consider the criteria in granting an exception to allow the addition of a secondary dwelling unit at the above mentioned property. 1.Lot 10,Block C,Filing 1 consi sts of divided by equals x equals 13,840 sq.ft. 100 138.4 25 3,460 GRFA allowed on lot 1,384 sq.ft.allowed for secondary unit The garden level apartment atat 2516 Arosa Drive is 30'x 36' which equals 1,080 sq.ft. 2.Since the building exterior and grounds will remain unchanged, we will continue to be consistent with the other property in the neighborhood in reference to archi tecture,and materials and colors. 3.The primary unit is 1,400 sq.ft.and the secondary unit is 1,080 sq.ft.which requires 4 parking spaces.Two are enclosed bya newly constructed garage and the additional 2 are in the driveway and area outside the garage. 4 .Access to the second ary unit will be along the south side of the building to the lower level entry.This is consistent with the privacy of the adjacent structure,as it has its entry here and only one small kitchen window. 5.The trash and outdoor storage has been handled for one unit up to last fall as is.With the addition of the garage,the trash and storage for two uni ts will be out of sight,as well as tucked in the storage bin to the north of the entry staircase. Memorandum Page 2 6.Please find attached t he signed agreement as to the use of the proposed secondary unit.~\j9~-=~j~·- \.~~\~'\\"'--~~Mary Ann Go on Box 1744 Vail ,CO 81658 •• ..,. ;: :i ;',.;l:.;I 1 ...t-..",r c b. ";(.i h i J;::Jled I \1("1 :~I ':1 j]be "I :'..!~'··.·J:~j l !':'"I I ,·t:~~n:"typ e (I i ":,i.l ~{;P I"i.u ri c d•o r c Lo t l.es l I n c ~-';·.~_l r ;jf!"'.'1 ;i ;':;pc rs onu L p l"op crt~·," ...',"' :.};;(;!:)~:·('~;t!"ictt':d t r.d rcn Jd en tIu I ". ,.:,;.:,:!S '.'~l 'l],-t~,:con d it j (l l~d l a nd iJCCl:5Sor 'Y f ,;.1 d'l \.Ie ;l (lI e :;l'.{'!: ":1) tl :;,'. .:!j ' :l~;'~.~:;<~:':;'~',l:\d c.~:.1;") ,:lci '.-.I n J ::~:'\...i '"!r "~·1.'_'·'It.:--j(;\ i;l ~"';;u','ti ll 'TI ;'.,':'l (\!\/,!i i ~,\'::i q f:()rdi ':"l ,';n'.:t '~~,'Inri R('!strict-io n s ',;,i ;:~~:__:~.'~,:"~~~:\.',:,,_,__._...i ',,~I','l t'Coun <:,C::)'."'r ,I Go, i.'I l. :;:1 :j;". rI '.l!",:;:},':'I:. \,:_,) l.'::E t\,SS T n.h:TJO ~~S:--_._-._--,_._._--_..._'.-.._- r r-(i .I "·;I .'I i J; ~:'. ...:.....(' ,I',,;.:'.'l':· iJ~:iZ..\Tr(.:':-:u r 1l1·:Cj .;\;;X:"[l'>::J-:.:;rl r p r"n',.';:.,".:.):':.l ..n '\~.I .!l lf_,d :;:r li.'.;lo-:r l rrr.li.:.:.':'11 ~~·,i.;.i :-·~~.~;~~~~7~-t-;-:;-I ·-:--;;:·_·~';~::;':';.ru l c x .~.n :Ji t 't i~I '~l ·'.';'(':r ,~·(:tr-.r -,l :ll;",:·~I .1.e :lg:li :l st rj~rp ('t LJ:L j -::(;;,!t ilt.''·u 1:.·I-,:·.",:l l b~;:rr:r.unrc .t »..ln:l i~!,·r l·~;[:'-;.lj;,:\~:-:.t L 'i cn a t Jon s l.a l l c."qt i n ..«.'[;"le:!:t'm.-.i:l i n fu ll f or c «.:.I n ·~(:f~ec t lo r rh c F(·r il'd 01 :~J y ear s f ol.Lo ....·.ill f t hc-t:k :;Lh o f Tr (~lIL ;:u li cr .o r u n t Ll tid..s ;)C,:~:l ·t :!t ion is t.-:r:ni n,!:c:d :.;:~t\f.~rc.::n Cl f i.~~:·p ~·(~:i dc(I.-;r~i::i ~7'·e i f ,.~L o c rur ::. :.;;~~~l 9~"'~~':;·~·!__9l~_~::.'~::J~~~:~r~..!.o ~.:Tl li '"j.l(:cl:[r"l Li~:r~m:,ly bc -:l ll \i :~dl ,d (J;',.·(~V O k l~U only I !P (l ~'[11 Il ·::i.j:!1'·'lJ~'"'.-.'rirt i..':1 :ipprcv :l ~i .n rcc or dn b lc f{:rril i)f <-I]]o cn e r s ,n11 lj e:ll:"-::-:':"dd J.llf;.J ~i n..!m.,l;'::g,-If',C:or I Lr s;deed o f t r us;(J~rc c o rd 0 :1 a ny por rio n p C t.ht'pI op er t y..utd t h~'To .....::o f \",1 i l. .1';NFORC:_'1ENT AND REl'fEDIES:(.1 )Each p rov ision of th is De cl ar ation shal l be e nf orce 3blt.l '0)'.,r.y O f,.,111cr ('r t he Tow"TI of V<1 il b y .3 proceeding fo~a p roh ibitive o r man d:J.tory i.njunct i::.n o r by ,q su'it or net io n t o rC COVl:r d ama,ges .If c ourt p roce ed in g ;e;are i n st il:tl t ed in connect io n vdeh the r ights of e nf o rc erne:1t a nd reme d ie s prov ide d i :1 tl,,:c Dc.clar<J ti on,th e p rev :lil in g p ,'3rt y s ha ll be en titled t o recov er i t.s r:OS(.O;;1nd e X ;H~n se s in c on nce t:ion the:-ewith ~inc llJ d in t~r easo n ~bl e D tt Drnt:!)'f ec:-;, E!J~<;:l_Y}:"-!~~~J.SJ_()NS or D E C )"/~R>\jI Of'.::E,?'ch p r o v i s i on 0:th :i.~~De cl.ara t I o n, a nd ;t g ~·~c nh;:'~L ,prorn i.s e,c o v c n an t :lnd und er t a k uu;r o c o mrL y ~·j.t h eac h p r ovf.s i on of t h i s Dc c Li r ••t i.o n,;];1C .my n cce ss.t rv ex t:e;H ion o r ro scrva t ic n o r gr ant o f t l l l ~.cst n tl!,ri~t 'l~(Ir i :1 [~r~st t l :~f fc ct U~t0 :l ny p r ov i ~i l )1 1 o f t llis Declaration : (j)-S!l ~iJ 1 b ~~u cew ct!.incc r pc r at ed i n (~:lCl l de od c ro t h e r m st rumc n t by which ~-j :t y rig hL I l 'i t.Luo r in t.er es r :i.n an y p o r tLo no f t he pr op c r t y J s g ran t e d,d e vis ed 0 :-c onv eye d ,...'iH:t hc ~·Of n o:':sc t Lor th or re f er r ed t o in s uc h d ee d or o ther . inst ru ment;(i.i)sh al.'~by v i r r ue of a c cc p t ance o f any right .t,Lt I.e or i.n rer es t i n an y p(l 'r::i(l :l of 1..1]{~pr o pe rt y by <111 o wnor,be JE:'-::.'med a ccc p t e d,ra t L f i cd , ado p t ed a nd cC'.c:lu rc.:d il~:;[p er so naL cove nant o f s u ch own e r a lit;,:I S.1 p e rso n a l c ovenn n L ,:3il :--l~,.l b e b jnc.ing o r::;;t ':'C:1 o wner a nd hI.s h e ii s ,pc rsonn l r ep r cseri t.a t Lve s,. succe ss c.1t·s "'~n d a~sir.~r.s;,1 no ,sha ll be deerncc ;~p e ;:-s o n a:covcna-It ,-0 ,\"l'ith Rnd f or the b(~:1e'::lt o f e;-;l ch o w1.1c r o f uny por tiu n of t he p ro perty;3 na (i i i ) s h all b e uccffi('.d a r C:ll (,p'.'t.'n.:Ji1l by D p '.::l ~l :-.'m t ~.f 'J r t I'.,...1:1:.;....J.\,..::>1 tl H:i r h(~ir S I person .:ll rf:~p r('.se n r;ll i.'':(:~:'s u cc C's sors ;]nd ~l s5i.gns ,an d al s o;);In eq ui ta h le s el-vit udc ):.-u n ni l1 g j .n ";;J C :i cas e ,-:is a lH..:rde :'1H l:.:h and U r ()~th ,:.!tit le to 'eac h and every p o rtion o f ::i10 prorJ er ty . • /~:\.,;;".J')' (C ,>:J>:J -r~ -.',....\~., N o t a ry Pu b I Lc \ \',("l.,\-;.--~-·.1;"'.~.._;1"--.--_'.\......-:-:..=z:.-' AJ ~"J .Co rd o r; ~!.~l'Y Ann (;o rd o n Ad dre ss : •\t h e I t,,'L"',' .> "-.~'".., n t·\'•.·-,h ·!r'.':'):I'ro p er•.'I'n S l r uc l i o n ,t he ma s c u i,iIle P.-,c:1.~l :·at i l l n s h ~1 11 LncLud c t l ic !t;>i,\'ininc o r n e u t cr r l ie p I u raI u n d vic ...•·.J t ~r S :L . 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My C':J:;~'1 '!\L C !'j i ):~:-_..,-._,---_.'-- I:. .";',; '.•:i ,; (:·/\['[',0,\:;:T L·...u .:i '~:l ~:.n -d h /.::H:i :l }.'.S in t ~l ~~.i n s.t r urne n t,a r c (..i r co nv cn i e nce .i~:\·.;I~l l .,:.'1.it('"oJ t~l d t'I\.·d .1 1:,,'(I n !"i r r u i l'~::111'1 P !'o ..,-j :=;i.o n :.;(I f t hi s JC c.i nr.1 t ion. " :,il~'»s-:"...1 u i.c d III :.:h L-.. (".:":'.1 •.m el UIl'."1 r".~u~d:· r,V'·:.::.<!':1 .~:;.J -'~l 'b i:::"'!lli 'C :i -.,Il .ti d "';~l ,~i 1 i nnur-.t ~l :..ill..'h~~H..:;·-~~o f :l l:•.::.~I ·i :1~::.:-::~;,,'••...,.~(':;:n;!!i ..l';r ~;.l't-I's on ::]rc p r c s cn tr t Lvcs ,su cc c s s o r s :";tll.S,::-;':II';U n nd s ......t.'r ii l u b e Eo r c me t h i s 8 ';;;da v o f 19S .: } Pursuant to Ordinance ,22,Series of 1981,of the Town of Vail,I,the undersigned,as owner of Lot~,Block ~ Subdivision,do hereby agree that: 1.The secondary dwelling unit shall not be sold,transferred or conveyed separately from the primary unit for a period o ~not less than the life of Trent William Ruder,a life in being,plus twenty-one (21)years from the da te that the Certificate of Occupancy is issued for said second unit,and 2.The secondary dwelling unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30)consecutive days,and that if it shall be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley.The "Upper Eagle Valley"shall bedeemed to include the Gore Valley,Minturn,Red Cliff,Gilman,Eagle-Vail,and Avon and their surrounding areas.A "full-time employee"is a person who works an average of thirty (30)hours per week,and 3.The secondary dwelling unit shall not be divided into anyform of timeshares, interval ownership or fractional fee,and 4,A declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be filed of record in the Office of the Eagle Count y Clerk and Recorder in aform approved by the TO~TI Attorney for the be nefit of the Town to insure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land .The recordin g shall occur prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for said unit. Owner I TO:THE CO~ruNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT &DESIGN REVI~OARD RE:SECONDARY UNIT AT LOT 10,BLOCK C,FILING1 VAIL DAS SCHONE Lot 9,Block C:Gary and Helen Stevens Box133 Vail,Co.81658 Lot 11,B1ock C:Richard E.Sexton Cynthia Ford Sexton 5144 Gould Lane La Canada,Ca.91011 Lot 14,BlockC;Douglas A.Bittetto MaryA.Adams Box2765 Vail,Co .816 58 James E .and Linda Gay Cotter Box385 Vail,Co.81658 Lot 15,Block C:Monica R.and Albert reynolds Joseph and Rosalia Piller Box2746 Vail,Co.81658 Beverly J.Keir Box415 Vail,Co .81658 Lot 16,Block C:Lewis F.an d Ann P.Livings ton 700 Flagstaff Star Rt . Boulder,Co.80302 Meril M.Sheils 1185 Park Ave. NewYork,N.Y.10028 Lot 3,Block D:MarkandVi ra Wilt 2566 Cortina Way Vail ,Co.816 57 Lot 4,Block D:Byran and Vivian Brown Box547 Vail.Co.81658 Lot 5,B1ock D:Donald and Joan Geiser 11323 East CimmeronDr. Englewood,Co.80111 ..' "....... .~.:J ~.t..'. ,r ~,....... -,.~ t •0" '.'. ."".v;..~. .0- Iw ",r '1O -\ .~. •\"\:t., ..', /. • ',.".." .. " :; .. ~.'l ..f:.'.,:_ '".~.. .,. '. ":,Iq ,- \!1 ~ / \f) )-':)$et°0 -r;\?@0 / I--\LJ rn (j)~ \,.....~_./' .- I 01<o; I u..~ / 0 _I 0-u-- .'.....~. "',,: r-", -, \ tlu .) \-,---,/ ,-- \..-:, U.TIlIty R VY\ I 1/\0 '-~II :><\\0 Dil.,/ ~tJ<:l- -~I~\ L ,-'-.1 1 '---.-.)"1 ~_.-) ..''-'. V\.\-1C ~\EN \~':(,,"X.,'_g 'I .1 o ~.;_.~.L __'~"J--""\-_ " .'.'~,,~.'-, ..,.... ". ..-~ ..--~ ," :.-'...-. ,";. .; :~"~'..~. '; -.'.' .~,'-, -: '-~ ~::.-. '.' I3E D ~M 1'?~3 '/x \\'-G " -~........... L IV I \\JC,\('f-I\ IS"~o")(Ie.I _q " NOTE -COPYOF PERMIT TOBEKEPTON JOBSITE........-.. DATE ·8-25-82-0011 30- 111 111 IV (§) PERMITNO. L TYPEOF CONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR{)BUILD ING 5000 D IVISION (f:l 2a 34 z ELECTRICAL 250a GENERALDESCRIPTIONOFWORK :~PLUMBINGConstruct2-car garage ::::J ..J-c>MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION PERMIT FEES V M-1 5000 BUILD ING PERMIT 50.50 PLANCHECK 25.25 ~ELECTRICAL 25.00 NEW ()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL(1\)REPAIR ()PLUMBING ~[;;DWELLINGUNITS __ACCOMMODATIONUNITS MECHANICAL G.R.F.A.__BEDROOMS --RECREATIONFEE COMMERCIALSYST __COVERED PARKING DESIGNREVIEWBOARD 25.00 ~&: HEIGHTINFT.__UNCOVEREDPARKING CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT 100.00 J - NOFIREPLACES --USE TAX 100.00 ffJ~I£UINSULATION TOTAL PERp;ffi\fEE~$325.75 TYPE THIC KNESS R ·VALUE FLOOR ~J!!/A 0 k /J'I--f.d..f}'~~___-BUILDING OFFICIAL D E EXT.WALLS ---------------ROOF ONINGADMINISTRATOR DATE HEAT ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: ELEC :GAS : SOLAR :WOOD : I hereby acknowledge that Ihavereadth is application.f illed outin full the information required , completed an accurate plot plan ,andstate that al~eJo.!.ormation provided as required is correct.I agree t o comply with the information and plot n ,tq cqm¢¥..with all Town ordinances andstate laws ,andtobu ild th is structure accord ing t th~~Nn 's zonin d subdivision codes ,design review approved ,Uniform Bu ilding Code and other ~c~s 0 I ..-~.Icablett;e reto. ~..>J --..;:__ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FORH IMSELF ---AND THE OWNER. o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo _~~1 '~..S9NSTRUCTION PERMIT .\ 10100 VII "department of community development TO BEFILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT Il(f BUILDINGUELECTRICALoMECHANICAL LEGAL LOT 10 BLK C DESC.FILING Vail Das Schone #1 UOB NAME :Alex Gordon Garage Add. OWNER NAM E MAIL ADDRESS CI TY PH . ARCHITECT FIRM MAil ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM Owner CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . TELE. FIRM LECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO.CONTRACTOR TELE. FIR M MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. the prlntery l\la tl CONSTRUCTION PER MIT TO BEFILLE D OUT COMPLET ELY PR IORTO ISS UANCE OFPER MIT TYPEOFPERM IT LE GAL L OT 10 B LK C. ESC .FILIN G V~IL ~5CtlO"-~~I OBNAME : O WN ER NAME N<l.){+Hq>at l\v\OGM'rlw MAIL ADDRESS ~\7 ~4 CITY va;\!Cs .'6\lt~PH 4'7l.-\DI'7 ARCHITECT FIRM Wl!>h,n Bofrol or k. MA IL ADD RESS BeN lrl.p3 CITY AV1>Y\r J-.PH .,,\tfq -7 l1\tl-- GEN ERA L FIRM Nll.V 8bcd 4'0 ~DLUN.i' CONTRACTOR TOWNOF VAIL REG .NO. TELE.- FIRM lJp)l Gt>YJ:Lon.-(;)v..>V1r IrECTRICAL O NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAI LREG.NO. TELE . FIRM Nt:." PLUMBING CONT RACTOR .TO WN OF VAILREGNO. TELE. FI RM N~ ME CHANIC AL CO N TRACTOR TOWN OF VAI L REG.NO. TELE. O THER FIRM TOWN OFVAIL REG.NO. CON T RACTOR TELE ~01 0 6 N OTE-CO PY O F PERMIT T O BEK EPT O N JO BSITE DATE ~lll.o["iQ u b IIIIII~~PERMIT NO . i .TYP E OF CONST RUCTION ..., 2.OCCUPA NCY GRO UP ABEH ~BUILDING (;.~-"'. ! DIVISION (}-z 23 34 z ELE CT RI CAL .2.":;'"00 l-)GENERAL DE SCRIPTION OF WORK :""PLUMBING Cl)V\~t=/let Z car ~::> ...J-c>MEC HAN ICAL TYP E GRO UP SQ.FT .VALUATIO N PERMITFEES / J7 /YI -/....s ~tJ t:)O BU ILDING PE RMI T ,~t!).......;V PLAN CHECK -2$..2-S- ELECTR ICA L -<s -00 NEW(I ALTERATI ON ()AD DITION AL ex)RE PAIR ()PL UMBING ,-- MECHANICA L -DWE LLIN GUNITS __ACCOM MO DATIO N UNITS__ G.R.F A BEDROOMS RECREATIoN n eE - COMM ER CIALSYST __COVERED PAR KING DESI GN REVIE W BO ARD .).5:0 0 HEIGHT IN FT .__UNCO VERED PA RKING CLEAN·UP DEPO SIT /0 8 -0 0 NOFIREP LACES --USE TAX /C'/O .OO IN SULATION ..J OJ..~~..,,-TOTALPE RMITFEES TYPE TH ICKNE SS R·VA LUE FL OOR '. BUILDINGOFFIC IAL ------DATE J---- EXT .WAL LS i-~t-{Y .~t~g.-=: ROO F 170NI ~MINI STR AT O R--~DATE W- HEAT ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: ELE C:GAS: SOLAR:WOO D: Ih er eby acknowledqe that I have read this appl ication ,fill ed out i n full the i nformat i onreq u ired , compl eted an accu rate plot p lan,and state that all the information pro vided as requ iredi s correct.I a gree to comp ly wi th the in format ion a nd plot plan,t o c omply w ith a ll Town o rd inances and s tate la ws ,an d to build t hisst ructu re according to t he To wn'sz oni ng and subd ivi sio n c od es,d es ign re v iew approved,Un iform Building Code and other ord inances,~Town applicab le th er eto .i.'\\~\~"'~'ol~-\~ S IGNATU'6~f OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDTHE0 EA. o P L U MBl i~GoFOUNDATIONo ~r BUIL DING ELECTRICAL ::ME CHAN ICA L PM_____AMFRI eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I . C"'cM /;r// INS DATE NAME (lOi-d~"J / CALLER -=-__--'-''--_ READYFOR INSPECTION :MON TUES 0 Ei2 THUR LOCATION :?;)£I?t?t-0 f (;J')t - BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING 1 mROUGH n EXHAUST HOODS I o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL .'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED 1M prtraWyJY1Iil ~ INSPECTOR -........:,./.-Li'C--.:....~:.........'__~_4._'~C-::..-----_?////DATE --+--"--_-'-_----,--"-'-'-_ • DATE /0-ZtR -/?:....JOB NAME •INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 00Ki2G;{/C:;/£ee/G:E dI!If' CALLER MON TUE C W'EBTHUR FRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :~_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D .W.V. IJ(FRAMING R'E~S/!"o ROUGH I WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL I H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING • o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 A 0 D/~o FINAL ~=(0vED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS : DATE -'.::.l..~--'-_ _____AM eTION REQUE TOWNOFVAIL ' I - THUR FRITUESREADYFOR LOCATION:~~"'--~~--'=":;..:......!O...-".....:....>----:~ DATE -+-~~,+",----=--"--_JOB NAME -"Ju~-:";:"-v--'-'~'--"----!.L.J.~~-=-_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ IVFRAMING I 7\ROOF &SHEER o PLYWOOD NAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o t o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL I , ~ // // MECHANICAL: o HEATING ----'~ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 ---"...::;.-_ o FINAL -----~.,L_------1/t/- ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o ----------------7"r--- o FINAL ---------.,.L-.,,L--- o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: IA/~--.:V DISAPPROVED ~~NS P E CT I O N REQUIRED ./"-) DATE +'--L-,.......>-"-"'----I,JL..=::::......._ , __~~~~-f5:."--~~~~a:,r.4=----LL.-_____f~fu",L-£&.~~~'____=':!Z::eu~~"'+~~~"'·~ 7-27-A- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL bAK'fGB IiP.u- ,« .PMFRITHUR CALLER READY FbR INSPECTION:~TUESWED LOCATION:-'---<h- o REINSPECTION REQU IREDoDISAPPROVED f ,'~ BUILDUIIG:PLl'/MBING: o FOO TINGS /STEEL o U NDERGROUND I ~FO UNDAT ION /STEEL/['j ROUGH /D .W .V. o FR /~MING rJ ROUGH /WATER o INC;ULATION o GAS PIPING o SI'EETROCK NAIL o POOL /H.TUB 0o--' o F INAL o FINAL, EU':CTRICAL:MECHANICAL:.. o TEMP.POWER o HEATING , o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 /l "O/FINAL o FINAL '/..~o APPROVED ICORRECTIONS: I I 1'-2 7-ez-> DATE -,--_ -----c9 P,MTef'J< eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . ?)-.~"-"'1 --£<" ()) FRI DATE INS 1 /1 )7 J ./JOB NAME \(1fq 0 v Jtrl k!'I T /J:;Et /.CALLER _ READYFOR INSPECTION:MON TUES 0 E 0 THUR LOCATION:,::)/6 tr r 0 S ~~ ••F========================~ BUILDING: i ~FOOTINGS/STEEL _ o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ., • MECHANICAL: o HEATING -L.. o EXHAUST HOODS --' o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT D---:r---------------~Y~L -------------- ~ID4.PP R OV E D~EC T I O N S : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -,?----"-----''--_ the prin 'Ky'v ail INS eTION REQUj:ST TOWN OF VAIL • -::::/J.c O"\Gc,;r"".cAJ d l(7tt -d 70 0 0 -E -<t a v(~~·-'s ~~(7 THUR FRI AMPM Afl.:r 0 '"C 7bf,~~~ U ~./' READ Y FOR INSPEC TION : LOCATION :;l.S'1 f.. DA TE __q_t_~_~_f,----)__JOB NAME A I",y ~/u:;J.~_CALLER A c..--->..:.:.:.:..:: WED , •BUILDING: ,0 FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATIO N/STEEL oFRA MING ROO F &SHEER oPLY WOOD N AILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NA IL _ 0 _ I a 'FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND --,-_ o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ oGASPIP ING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.PO WER _, o ROUGH \ o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ oSUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ oF INAL _ ~PR O VE D CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _---4.:....-=----l<:....------ I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application ,filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan ,andstate that allthe information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances andstate laws,andto build this structure according to 'thE\T own's zoning and subdivision codes ,design review approved ,Uniform Build ing Code and(her\J..~t~!:p~IiCable thereto.• SIGNATURE OFOWNEROR CONTRACTOR-FOR HIMSELF--- ANDTHEOWNER .I'"._.•1- I I DATE ):'25.75 I ----,-'DATE -- TOTAL PERMIT FEES .'.~- PERMIT NO. ,..J BUILDING 5000 z ELECTRICAL 2500 ~PLUMBING::> --''"MECHANICAL> PERMIT FEES BUILDINGPERMIT 50.SO PLANCHECK 25.25 ELECTRICAL 25.00 PLUMBING MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 25."J CLEAN·UPDEPOSIT 11.:1.'... USETAX Ie').'';, ZONING &BUILDING NOTES ;_ R,VALUE 5010 VALUATION GAS; WOOD; THICKNESS SQ .FT. HEAT INSULATION NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE __UNCOVEREDPARKING __BEDRDOMS TYPE GROUP M-l 1- __--I1---+---i1 ~t-1 /-'~~ BUILD ING OFFICIAL I-------+------+-----u,-._ ~ONING ADMINISTRATOR v FLOOR TYPE DATE .c C:3-82.~ 1.TYPEOF CONSTRUCTION 111111 IV (yj 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE HIR V DIVISION ~2 2.34 GEr;!.':.R_AL DESCRIPT~ON OFWORK ;_ \..f"'>i.1"""ct £-"';,-:l"c ••1'('-: ROOF ELEC; EXT.WALLS G.R.FA COMMERCIALSYST __COVERED PARKING DWELLINGUNITS HEIGHTINFT. NO FIREPLACES SOLAR: NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()I.)REPAIR() o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo ~Q~STRUCTION PE,...R_M_IT_~~~~~--, o BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL TOBEFILLEDOU T COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT LEGAL LOT IJ BLK C DESC .FILING V 11 I'~S SChc..!f2 JOB NAME:A1 xGo &!;a . OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM -. MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM ....I~; CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .NO. TELE . FIRM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE . FIRM PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .NO . TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWNOFVAILREG .NO . C ONTRACTOR TELE.I ·.. the prtnlery/v311 ~!l i G AND EN V IR O N r~EN T J\L COf'lt11S. Jun e 28,1982 Holi day Inn Homes t a ke Room Site vi sit s1:30 pm 3:00 pm 1.App roval ofminutes of J une 14,1 982. 2.Requ est fo r a garage on Applicant s: t wo s etbackvar iancest o a llow :the c ons tructi on of lo t 10,bl ock C,Vail das Schone Filing #1. Al exa ndMary Ann Gordon. 3 .Reques tfo ra n exteri or alterat iona ndmod if icati on for th e Vail Lion shead Gon dola BUil di ng t o a llowext erior se at ing for Le Petit Cafe . Applicant:Elliot Alport.". 4.Requ e st for exter ior a ltera tion and mo dificat ion ~o r .One Vai l P~ac e t o allow exte ri orse ati ng on th eeast sid e oft he bU lldlng f ot'Petlt Cafe. Applicant:Elliot Al po rt 5.Requ est for a pprovalofthegeneral circula tion andaccessplanfo r the Arterial 8usiness Distri c t.Applicant s:Prop erty own ers i n the proposed di strict. 6.Requ est for s everal ame ndmentstoth e Vail Mu nici pa l Code r edefining theterm "family,"addingdefini ti on s of "hos te l "a nd "rooming hous e" and providi ng that nos ingle fam ily or two-family dw e l ling s hall be used in wh ole orin part f or short t erm r en talas accom mo dation units,a roomin g house ora host el.Appl icant:To wn of Vail 7.Reques t for a me ndments toth e pa rkingchapt er ofth e Vail Municipal Cod e to clarify wording,revi se ce rtain par kingre qu ire me ntsand to amend th e definition ofFloor Areaa ndtoi nc lu de anew parking requirement f oremployeehousing projects.Applican t:Town ofVail 8.App eal ofan admini stra tive interpre t ation con cerning the Lodge Room Conversion ord inance.Applicant:Jay K.Peterson Pub l ishedin th ""~"f;"a il June 25 ,1982. ,- PR ESE NT Scott Eclwa rds Hill Trout Dan Co rcoran Duan e Pip er Jim Morgan Jim Viele ABSENT Di ana -Donovan PI.I NG AND ENVIRor m ENTAL Cor~MI S S •. June28,1982 ST AFF PRESE NT Pet er Jamar Jim Say re La r ry Eskwt t h Di ckRyan Bet sy Rosol a ck COUN CIL REPR ESENTATIVE Chu ck Anderson Dan Corcoran ,chairman,called the meeti ng toord er at 3:00p.m. 1.Approval of minutes ofJune 14,1 982. Dan corrected two items in the minutes:r'l isspell i ng of "not"onpage3 and the fact that Diana s econded to deny t heWilli ams setback requ est onpage4.With these corrections,Edw a r ds moved a nd I~or g an seconded to approve the minutes. 2.Reguestfor two setback vadances to allow the constructi on of a~~~ on lot 10,BlockC,VaildasSchone Fil ing #1.App lica nts :Alexan d Ha ry Ann Gordon Peter Jamar presented the req uest explai ning that the staff recomn ended a pprova l bas ed uppn the findin gs and the feelin g t hat the garage wouldimprove the quali ty of the site and neighb orhood by enclo sing the park ed vehicle s.Edwards su ggested that perhaps the Desi gn Review Board look at the hei ght of t he garag e as it rela ted to the neighbor's garage '. Ed wards moved a nd Trout seconded to a pprove the r equest for the setback var i a nc es per the staff memo dated June22,1982with the not e to the ORB to c onsi der the height of the garage .The vote was 6-0 in favor. 3.~eguest for an exterior a lterationandmodifica ti on for t heVailLio nsh ea d Gondola Building to allow e xterior se a ting for Le Petit Cafe .Applicant: Elli ot A1port. Peter J alMr presented the memo,adding th at at the next meeting th ere would bear eques tto remove outdoor dini ng fr om the Urb an Des i gn Gui de ~~i;:.;1 process because the To wn wast rying to encourageoutdoord ining,al'~:..i1 ~"would f a cil ita te outdoor dinin g .There was discu ssion a bout 1eaving in '_>~w ord "remove" in the requirements for ou tdoor dinin g,so that (l O':.....I_·ldhave to go through the UDGP in order to r emove outdoor dining. Pet er ex plain ed that the staff rec oIl L'I!cn<.l eci approval of the r equest for th e reason s stated in th e me mo .Vi e',.·moved a nd Morg an second ed to appro ve th e requ e st per ::>,f!s taff memo dat e d June23,1982.The vote wa s 5-0 withTrout abs taining.. ,-PE ~8/82 -2- 4 .Re qu,st for exterior alteration and mod i fication for One Vail Pl ace to a low ex teriors ea ting on the east s~de ofth e bu ildi ng for Petit Cafe . Ap plicant :El lio t Alpo rt Peter Ja mar saidth att hes taff wa sr eques ting t hat th e item be tabled because ofl ack ofi nformation.Jac k Cur t i n repre s enting One Vail Place con doassoc iat ion and Mrs.Hill,s tat ed t hat th er estaurant was a lready using th e ou tdoorspace ,a nd th at th e s pace was not we l l defi ned,sotha t t he t ables were be ing moved ont o other pro per t yand into th e f ire lane . Hereques tedt hat t here be strong demar ca tio n for th e di ning area. Troutre quested that t he itemnotbeta bled,and J ama r replied that he didnotrec eive part ofthe necessary 'i nformati on unti l Friday of t he prev ious week ,ahdtha t therefore the staf f hadnot had ti me topr epare a mem o on it .Ell iot Alport rep lied t ha t everyth ing e lse in t hea pplication was t i mely ,withthe exception ofth e l e t ter from VA.After more discussion, Piper movedt o t able un t il July 1 2,and Co rcorans econd ed t he mot ion. Th e vo te was 2-3 wit h Viele,Morgana nd Edwa rds votingagains t tabl i ng . Aft er more dis cussion,Larry Es kw ithpoint ed out th a tbecause VA had certa in eas ements r es e rvedto th em,t herewas no \'Iay a dec i sian coul dbe ma de by the staff orthe conn iss ion wi thoutknowingwhat thoseease me nts were . DickRyan emphasize dt hat t he items houl d be tabl ed.Edw ards mov ed and Corcor an seconded to 'tab le the item s o t hat t hes t aff couldstudythe issues . The vot e was 5-0 in favor of t abling wi th Trouta bstain ing. 5.Requ est for ~proval ofthegenera l c i r c ulation and accessplan for th e ' Art eria l Business District .Ap pl icants:Property owners in t heproposed di stri ct. Di ck Rya n exp lained that on e of ther equirements ofthe new Arte rial Bus iness Di st ri ct was a general c i rcul ationandac cess pl a nto be usedas d gUide fo r th esubse quen tdevelo pment of t he area .He po inted out one change i n th e Te xaco si te,a nd that vias t hat t heentra nce hadbeen mo ved tot he oppo site end ofthe property .Ne il Clar k of I -Pl an showed t hes ite planan d showe d the Te xaco entrance on thewest s ide.He pointed out that most ofthe ex i ts were evenly s paced a long the frontage Roa d.Trout stated that he had s ugge stedplanning interior pedes trian pa thways ,andd idnotseeanyont hepl ans.Ry an answered that he felt th at street s ide sid ewalks were needed a long th e fro ntage road .Clarkadded tha t each owner would have to s how a pedestri an conn ecti on tothe prop ert tes on either side of hi m.Decel era ti on la nes,con nec ting bridgesandbikepatlls we re d i scusse d. Bo b Vo l i ter wanted to know all t he cost s . Aft er mor e di scus si on,Piper mo vedandVi ele second ed t oapprove wi th th e one access chan ge t hegenera lci rcula ti on a nd access planas per t he staff memodated J une 23,1982.Th evote was 4 inf avor,0a ga inst,with Vi ele and Morgan abstain ing. .,•PE C 6/28 /8 2-3-• 6.Reques t for se veral amendments to the ,Va il M unic i ~JL Code r ed efi nin ~ .t er m "fam ily ,"addi ngdef init i ons <;!f "h oste l "~n d "rooming hous e"a nd pro'{iding tha tno s if"!9 1e fam ily or t \'IO -f amil y dVle ll if"!9.sha ll beusedin \'lho 1eorin pa rt fo r s ho rt t e rmr e nta l as ac commodati on units,aro om ing hou se or a ho s tel.Ap pl icant:Town of Vail Jim Sayre presented th e memo and explained t hes taff'sr easoning for th e nu mb er ofpeople allowed perdwelli ng unit.Discus si oncenteredar ou nd short t erm vsl on g t e r m r ental,1ega1 it ies ,a ndwhe t hert o haveth e ord i na nce di r ected only at r ental s .Ryan as ked t ot a ble t he i t em until July 12. Pipermov ed and Trou ts econdedtot able the ame ndme ntr equ est until July12as per applic ant's request .Th e vot e wa s 6-0in favor of tablin g. 7.Re que st for am endm ent stoth e park in~cha pterof t he Vail Munici pa lCode t o cl a ri f ywordin g,r e vise certai n pa rki ngr equirement sandt o ame nd t he definiti on ofFlo orArea and toi nclude anevi pa rking r equ ir eme nt for employ ee housing pro jec ts.Appli cant:Town ofVail Ryan req uested to ta ble this item.Viele and Morgan mov edand Edwards second ed totabl e per th e applica nt's requestt o July 12.The votewas 6-0 in fa vo roft abli ng. 8.~pe a1 ofan admin is trative interpretation c oncerningthe Lodge Room Conver sion ordin ance.Applicant:Jay K.Pet e rson Ryan pre sented th emem o,and JayPeterson expl ained th a t he and Peter Patten had listen ed to all ofth e t a pes oft he council wh e ntheordinan ce had been discu ssed.Pe te rsonf elt th at all r eferences intheordinan ce were to do withl odge rooms,notcondos.Ry andisagre ed. Discussion followed concerning whe th er ornot a lod ge unit containeJ ki tchens. It was exp lainedth at alodgeuni t didnot containaki tcllen,and was synon ymouswith "accommod at ionuni t."Jayf elt t hat th e ordinance sh ould apply only t olo dge r ooms becauset he ordin a nce wa sn 't cl ear and because the Town hasbeen concerned withhelp ing lo dge own ers,and this interpret ation would make it possible for the Inn a t I~est Vail to stay in business by condominimi zingth eir a ccommodati on units,whic harediff icul t to rent. He added that hecoulds ee no adv er se consequences fo rthe Town.Edwards agreed.Larry Es kwi th pointedout th at th e or dinance dea lt wi ththe question ambiguouslya nd couldbei nterpre ted e i t herway. Chuck Anderson f elt that there has been serious conc ernaboutthel ack of lodgero oms ,and that maybe this wo uld beaninc entive,and that it was i mpo rtant nottohave anordinanc e in oppos it iontoth is concern. Ed wards mo vedandTrouts econded toin te rpret th epa r agra ph referredin the mem odated J un e 24,1982 to applytoaccommod a tion unitsonly .The vote was 5-0infavorwith Corcoran abstaini ng . Tro ut was appointed to t heORB for July,August a nd Septemb er.The meeting wa sadjour ne d at 5:30pm. PW NG AND ENVI ROW'lErn AL C Oi~r lI S S. June 28,1982 Holiday Inn 11 mne stake Room Si te visits1:30 pm 3:00 pm 1.Approval of minutes ofJune 14,198 2. 2.Re que stf or tw ose tbackvariances to a llow t he con s truct ionof a garageon l ot 10,blockC,Vai l das Schon e Fil ing#1. Ap plicants:Al ex and Mary Ann Gordon. 3.Reque st for an exterior altera tion and modification for the Vail Lion shead Gondola Buildin g to a llowext e rior se at ing for Le Pe titCafe. Appli cant:Ell iot Alport. 4.Requ est for e xt eri or alterat ionand modi fi cati on f or On eVail Plac e to allow exter ior se ati ng on the east sideof thebui ldi ng fo r Pe ti tCaf e. Applicant:Elliot Al port 5.Request for approvalofthegeneral circul ation a nd access plan for the Arterial Business District.Applicants:Property owners in the proposed district. 6.Request for several a mend ments t ot he Vail Munici pal Cod e redefin ing the te rm "fa mily,"add ingdefi niti ons of"hostel "and "roomi ng hous e" and provid i ng th at no single f amily or t wo-fam ilydwelli ng shall beusedin whole orin part for shortterm rentalas accommodation units,a rooming hous e orahostel.Appl icant:To wn of Vail 7.f{equest for amend ments toth e parking chapter of t he Vail Munici pal Cod e to clarify wo rding,revis e ce rtain parkingr equ irements and to amend thedefinition ofFloor Area a nd t oin clude anewparking re quirem ent fo r employee hou sin gproject s.Ap plicant:To wn of Vai l 8.Appeal ofan adm inistrative interpretation conc erning the Lodge Room Conversion ordinance.Applicant:Jay K.Pete rson Publi shed intheVail Trail J un e 25,1982. ,. I~pplicat iOl~D_June 1,1982 ... APPLICATION FOIU1 FORA VARIANCE I I.This procedure is required for any project requesting a Variance. The application will not be acc epted until all information is submitted . A.NANE OF APPLICANT Alex J.and Mary Ann Gordon Box 1744 ,Vail,Co.81658 same as aboveB.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE~-==~;:.....;::.::..::._.-=:.._---------- ADDRESS P.HONE _ 'R\\\s\~~'\'t ~~~~\\~~~ PHONE 476-1017 AUTHORIZATIO~\\'tiFP~ERT~EE~ SIGNATURE \,-/~=".....~'""'-~'-""--_--"=__--'-+_>_.=.J.-'=-r""O'>...l..l...;.:....:;'---'''-'--''-''''"''''--'--'-- ADDRESS Box 1744 ,Vail,Co.81658 c. D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL 2516 Arosa Dr.ADDRESS -:-- LEGAL DESCRIPTION lot 10 block C----Filing 1 Vail das Schone FEE.$100.00 plus a n amount equal to the then current f i r -s tvc l as s posta ge rate for each property o....n er to be notified h ereunder. A list of the nam es of owners of all property adj acent to the subj ect property a nd their addre s ses\i •,.'/.11 "I""'J. I I TO:Planning and Environmental Commission RE:Variance on Lot 10,Block C,Filing 1 Vail das Schone The set bac k requirements in Chapter 18.62 of the Town of Vail building codes cannot be met with the construction of a garage on Lot 10,Block C,Filing 1 Vail das Schone.We Wish the proposed garage to be3 feet from the lot line on the West side "and 6f eet from the lot line on the South side as shownon the plot plan. The reason for this location of the garage is due to the extreme slope o f the lot .The lot has a drainage easement of 10 feet as well as a large gully down the North lot line which is 25 feet wide and15 feet deep.Also the lot is steep enough that the house had to be located on the lot as indicated with retaining walls to terrace the driveway and parking. We would definitely like to cover two of the parking spaces and feel the garage would add favorably to the appear- ance of the neighborhood. Alex J.Gordon ~\.~'\h~~~~~~"'" Mar y Ann ordon ...• I I TO:Planning and Environmental Commission RE:Variance on Lot 10,Block C,Filing 1 Vail das Schone Lot 9,Block C:Garyand Helen Stevens Box133 Vail,Co.81658 Lot 11,Block C:Richard E.Sexton Cynthia Ford Sexton 5144 Gould Lane La Canada,Ca.91011 Lot 14,BlockC;Douglas A.Bittetto MaryA.Adams Box2765 Vail,Co.81658 James E.and Linda Gay Cotter Box385 Vail,Co .81658 Lot 15,Block C:Monica R.and Albert reynolds Joseph and Rosalia Piller Box2746 Vail,Co.81658 Beverly J .Keir Box415 Vail,Co.81658 Lot 16,Block C:Lewis F .andAnn p.Livingston 700 Flagstaff Star Rt. Boulder,Co .80302 Meril M.Sheils 1185 Park Ave. NewYork,N.Y.10028 Lot 3,Block D:Markand Vira Wilt 2566 Cortina Way Vail,Co.81657 Lot 4,Block D:Byran and Vivian Brown Box547 Vail .Co.81658 Lot 5,Block D:Donald and Joan Geiser 11323 East Cimmeron Dr. Englewood,Co.80111 I • Town of Vail Vail,Colorado Gentlemen: --•• 2518 Arosa Drive Post Office Box 133 Vail,Colorado 81658 May 31,1982 I We are the owners of the property adjacent to 2516 Arosa Drive where Alex and Mary Ann Gordon reside.We have . reviewed the site plan for the proposed garage on that property,and have no objection to the three foot set back from the front of the property and the six foot set back from our mutual property line. Helen Anne Stevens • MEMORAN DU M TO:Planning and Environmental Conmission FR OM:Department of Community Devel opment DATE:June22,1982 SUBJECT:Request for a front and side s e t b a ~k varianc e toallowthe construction ofagarag e upon lot 10,Block C,Vaildas Sc ho ne Filing #1. Applicants :Alex a nd Mary Ann Gordon DESC RIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED Th ea pplicantsre qu est a front setback variance of17f eetf romther equired 20 foot front s et ba ck and a9 foot variance from th e r equi red 15 foot side setb ack as required by thePrimary/Second ary Residenti al Zo ne District to enablet hem to c ons tructa two car garage upon their lot which at this time isoccupied by a single family home. The propo sed garage would sit 3 feet fro m the front l ot line a djac ent to Aro sa Drive and six feet from the side lot line which i s adjace nt toa lot owned andoccupiedby Gary and He len Anne Stevens (see attach ed s ite plan ). Lot10 i s13,840square feet inareaandallowsthe c onstructionof a single fa mily ·home.The dwellingwhich exists was const ructedwhilethe lot was a part of Eag le County.Theareaofthe site upon whicht he house sits is basically the most bui ldable port ion ofthelo t,duetoa steep r avine l ocated upon the no rth side.The house conforms to Town of Va i1 se tbackrequire me nts except for thesouth west corner which is located 13fe et f rom the side property l ine rather th an the 15 feet r equ ired by TOV zo ni ng .The building did,how ever , conformtoEagleCounty's required side setback of 12!f eet when it was built. The area which is curren tly proposedasagarage is utili zed at this time as a pa rking area.The applicants feel that it would bebeneficialtothe app earance ofthe site aswellastot he neighborhood to encloseth e area and have enclosed parking for two cars.The s itecoverage allowed upon th e l otis 276 8 squar e feet,and wit h theaddi tion ofthe garage,t he total s ite cove rage by bUildings woul d be 1460 squarefee t which ~s wellbel ow the all owab le , CRI TERIA AND FINDINGS Up on reviewof Criteria a nd Findings,Sectio n 18 .62.060 ofthe Municipa l Code,t heDepart ment of Community Dev elopment r ecommend sapprovalof the r egueste dvari ance based upon thefo 11 owi n9 factors: Consideration ofFactors: Th e r elationship ofth e requested vari ance to other exi sting orpot ential GO r.6/2 2/82 -2- usesa nd st r uctures inth e vi cini ~ Th e r equ ested vari a nces houldnothaveany negativei mpac t s upon any exi sting or po te nt ta .l us es ors tr uc turesin th e vic inity.'Th epro posed garage,wh il e loca ted only thr eefee t off the f rontpr operty linewould s i t15fe et off th eedgeoft hepavem ent due toth e 12 f oot di stance bet ween the edge of Aro sa Drive and th ef r on t property1ine.The houseto t.hes outh is situated s uc h t.h at th e garage s ho ul d have no nega ti ve i mpacts upon it.The owner s oft hi s hou s e,the Stev ens,have written al et t er insupport ofth es ideand fro nt setback vari ances. Th _e degree f o I'lhich r el i ef from th e s t r-i ct or1H eral in terpre tation and e n- for c ement ofa s pe~if i e d r egula ti on 'j snecess ar y t o ac hi_eve compatibi..l.'Lt.l and un iformityof treat ment am on gsi tes in thevi cin ityor toa ttaint he obj ecti ves of this ti tl e wit hou t grantof special p l'i vi l eg~ The granting of th e variance iswarra nt ed for several r eas ons .Due to phy sical con s traints up on th e site (th e steepness and loc a tion of ex i sting hou se ), it would be diffi cult to site agarage uponthe lot with ou tin fringing upon ther equired s etbacks.The f actst hatt he parkin gwhich is c urrently un e nclos ed willbe enclos ed and th at the structure will nothaveany nega tive im pacts upon surroundingusesor structure s i s rea sontogr ant r eli ef f rom tIle s~rict interpretation ofthe s etback requirem ents. The effect ofth e re qu ested variance on li ght and air,di s tl'ibution ofpopul ation, trans portation andt r affic facilitie s,pu bli cfa cilities and utiliti es,a nd public safety . The proposal will have no negative im pacts upon th e above. Such other factors and criteria asth e commission deem sa ppli cabletothe proposed vari ance. FINDINGS: The Planning and Environmental Commi s s ion shall make the following findin gs bef ore granting a variance: Thatthe granting ofthe variance will not constitute agr ant ofspecial privilege inconsistent withthe limitation s on oth er prope rti es cla ssi fied inth e same district. Thatthe granting ofthe variance will notbedetrimental tothe public health, safety,or welfare,or materially 'i njur i ous toproperties or improvem ents inthe vicinity. •GOl'don 6/22/82 Thatthevariance i swar ranted for th e following r eason: The s trict or literal in terpreta ti on a nd enfor ceme ntoft hespe cified reg ulati on would r esult inpr acti cal diff iculty or unn ecessary phy sical har dship in cons is - tent withth e objectives of this title. STA FF RECO MM ENDATION S: The Department of C o ~m uni ty Developme nt s taffr ecom mendsa pprova l ofther equested varian ce.Theconst r uc tion ofth e gara gewill aes thetically impro ve th e qu ality ofth es ite and nei ghborhood by e nclosingparked vehicl es.Th ere is s uff icient areabetw een thegarage a ndro adway so as nottoi mp act tr a f fic ,or snow r em ov al , and the siting is such that it will notimpactt he adjace nt property own er. Atthetim e theproj ect is reviewed by the Desig n Revi ew Bo ard ,t he l ands capi ng s houldberevi ewed i n ordert o insure proper screening oft he garage from the road and adjacent lot. ..• \ \ •I ~, I , 1, I \.\.. \.i ~ \.., 1 \j ~ ~., ,~ ';• '1 \, l ! \ \ J \~\/0' ",.,\ '\\\'CC )\ \--\\\ \~ I, \\."., I :,:,1 /to,j !/'- /[I~"., ,, / I , tI I / .I / .;"..! "•,I I - .I ;' (Ij / I ;' ! ,' / _~_.1·-:'·-.-------'._......-. /, r Project Application Date _.::::....::...:....::~=~+.=.~_...: Project Name :(~?//c.>/),r.1'//J 7: Project Description :G~7///-,.I('5" Contact Personand Phone Owner.Address andPhone: Architect ,Address andPhone : LI c /4 Comments :-~:-:----7----------------=-=----:-::--------- Date _"::"":::::""::",,:,,:,_--=--=---,-=,,,,,::,,,_ DesignReviewBoard !ffj;Pff;( Seconded by : Motion by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL _________-1.7~--~D _ Summary:_ Date : ..-....o Staff Approval the prin"ry.".'l ,OL Ii ; :;,\::;:':IF I ;'~:;i C'I'._~..-----e ~-~,~~~_~~_~ORD~~,~~G~,.__• 1.0T _J..Q ,-':WU:.~__,I'J 1.1:~I,; 1:I::-:t:I(11"1 J I ;:;OF l'I(u'JU:T ~_CA,g.GARAt;!_E ..,._......,....._.__.._ ---------------------------------_._- 'l 'hv f'o llowi n j;i u f o r ma t i on i :.rc qu i rc d [or s ubm i t t .t l b y t he u p p l I cnn t.t o t he Dcs i gu Rc v icw Board b ol 'o roa f in a l upp r ova l C :'I I b e I:ivcn: A.nuu.nu«:H<\TEHIALS Colu r natural Roof Si ding Othe r ~a l ]Ma ter ials 11 2 cedar sha ke smooth c edar ------------------- NA Fas c ia rough ced ar dar k brown .._---- Soffits ced ar natural l'lindo \':s s pruce f r am e dar kb rown l~ind o w Trim rough c edar d ark brown Do ors sp ruc e da rk brown Door Trim rough c edar da rk bro wn Hand 0 ::De ckRail s NA Flu es NA Fl ashi ngs shee t me tal dar kbro wn Chimneys NA Tr ash En~]o s u r es NA Gr ecn houses NA Ot.he r Ga r age do o r s moo th c edar n atural B.LANDSC API NG Name ofDesigner: Phon e PLA NT HAT ERI ALS 9 7<2-/Q 12 976 -7 0 0<)E'-:lo<'.:;J /7 llotanical Name Common Name ~antity Size-r TRE ES ,FYIS';'''}.tcyJ ud6 -&EMtj loIQrs /lS<9€/-J /0 II 1 0 '1-(,, .jr.?/r)~:&-d ~Iu IK,It,/1.2./ ,J.)5£JJ?/-J ~llJ~~~-qa«'£c t>J uPd rS r~':si 0 t71tv/!f Ic:N 4Jk 4 2 /)/dr-/z.4 ·4/-0 I /0/ 1 E.:....> .)IJr ;:;/-J".J lr cI iliA/lIS i E!.J u,-IJl 8 ~~Iclr-r<;lr/eyJ .<110 ,/ 'I 8'-1 :2 ~"'5 IJ--:S S8 J~ch "a ,kt2 &5S v LJ,lIou /, --_._------_. I jl I • " .. MEM ORANDU1-l TO:Planning and Environmental Co rrmission FROI·':Depa rtmentof Commun ity Develo pment DATE:June22,1982 SUBJECT:Requestfo ra front and side setback variance to a llowthe const ruction ofagarag e upon lot 10,Block C,Vail das Schon e Filing #1. Applicants:Alex and Mary Ann Gordon DESCRIPTION OF VARIANC E REQUESTED The applicants request a front setback variance of 17 feet from the required 20 foot front setback a nda9 foot va ria nce fro m therequi red 15 foot side setbackas required by the Primary/Second ary Residential Zone District to enable them to const ruct a two car garage upon their lot which at this time isoccupiedbya single family ho me. The proposed garage would sit 3 feet fro m the front lot line adjacent to Arosa Drive and six feet from the side lotlin e which is adjacent toa lot owned and occupiedby Gary and Helen Anne Stev ens (see attached site plan). Lot 10 is 13,840 square feet inarea and allowsthe construction ofa single family home.The dwelling which exists was constructed whilethe lot was a part of Eagle County.The areaofthe site upon which the house sits is basically the most buildable portion ofthe lot,duetoa steep ravine located upon thenorth side.The house conforms t o Town ofVail setback requirements except for thesouthwest corner which is located 13 feet from the side property line rather thanthe15 feet required by TOV zoning.The building did,however, conform toEagleCounty's required side setback of 121 feet when it was built. The area which is currently proposedasagarage is utilized at this time asaparkingarea .The applicants feel that it would be beneficial tothe appearanceofthe site aswellastotheneighbor hood to enclose thearea and have enclosed pa rking for two cars.The site coverageallowed upon the lot is 2768 squaref eet,and withthe addition ofthe garage,the total site coverage by buildings would be 1460 square feet which is well below the allowable . CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon reviewof Criteria and Findings,Section 18.62.060 ofthe Municipal Code,the Depart me nt of Community Dev elo pment recom mends a pproval ofthe reguested variance base d upon the foll o wi ~g factors: Consideration of Factors: The relationship ofthe requested varian ce to other existing or potential " -2- usesa nd st ru cture s i n t he vicini ty .. Th e r equest ed vari ances houldnot ha ve any negativ e i mpacts upo n a nyexi sti ng or po tentialuses or s tru c turesin the vicinity.Th eproposed garage,whi le located only three f ee t off t he front property line would s it15 feet off the edgeofthe pav eme nt dueto t he 12 f oot di stance between theedgeof Arosa Driv e and th e fron t pro pe rty l ine.The house tothe s outh is s ituated suc h t hat t hegarage s hould have no negativ e ilil pacts upon it .The owners of t his hou s e,the Stevens,have writtena letter in suppo rt oft he s ideand fr ont setback varia nces. Jh e degree to which re I i ef from th e strict or 1 it eral inter pre tation a nd en- fo rcement of as peci fi e d regu lati on is necessary to ac hi eve compatibil ity and uniformity of treat ment amon g s ites in t he vici nity or t oa ttain the ob jectives of this ti t le withoutgrantofs pecialprivi lege. The granting ofthevariance i s warrant ed for s everal r easons .Due t o physica l constraints upon t hes ite(the steepness and l oca ti onofexi sting hous e ), it wou ldbe difficult tos ite agarage upon the l ot without infr ingi ng upon t hereq uired setbacks ,The fac ts that the parkingwhichi scurre ntly unenclosed will be enclosed and th at t he struc ture willnot have anynegat ive im pacts upons urro undi ng usesor st ruct uresi s r easonto grant re lief f rom t he Sl:rict i nterpreta ti on ofthe s et bac k requ irements . The effect ofthe r ~e sted var i ance on li ght and air,distributi on o (J?~u l a t i o n , tran sportation and traf fic fac ilities,public facili ti es a nd util i ties,a nd public safety . Theproposal will hav e no negat ive impacts upon the a bove . Such other f actors and criteria asthecommissi on deems a ppli cable tot he proposed variance. FI NDI NGS: The Pla nni nga nd Env ironmental Co mmission shall make t he foll owingf indi ngs befo re granting avari ance: That thegrant ing of the variance wi ll not const ituteagran t of specia l pr ivi lege incons istent wi th th e limita tions on othe r properti es c lassi f ied i nth e sa me district. That t hegr anti ng of the variance will not bedetri menta l tothe publi chea lth, safety ,or welfare,or materiall yi njurious t oproperties or im provements i nt he vic inity . '. Gordon 6/22/82 -3- Thatthe va ri ance i swa rrantedf or th efo llowin g r eason: The stri ct or lite ralin t erpreta tion and enf or cement of th e spe cifi edr egulation wo uldresu lt inpr ac ti cal diff iculty or unne cess ary ph ysical hardshipi nconsi s- t ent withtheobjec tives of thi s ti tl e. ST AFF RE COMMENDATI ONS : The Dep artmentofComm unity Development staff r ecommen ds a ppr ovalof t he r equested varia nce.The const r uc tion oft hegar age ·wi ll a esthet ica ll y i mprove t he qua lity of t he site and nei ghborhood by e nclosing pa r ked vehicles.There is suff ici ent areabetween thegar age a ndro adway so as no t t oi mp a ct tra ff ic,ors now r emoval , and th e siting is s ucht hat it will no t im pa ct t he adj acent propertyowne r. At thetimetheproj ect is revi ewed by t heDesig n Re view Boa rd,thel a nd scaping shouldbe reviewed in order to insure pr oper scre ening of t hegarage fr om the road a nd adjacent lot. .. • • \ I' I \. , \ ..' \, ; \ " \ \ , ..' \1-- \£ '--\-~ {\·V - / / /~I ;'.: !t-, !-- /U/.~ I I t) ,N !·0II' I ~- / '9 If, '-j . I ,O '1i I !!l I / / / ! I I / ., / " / / /, r ! :' i .' .. / I / I, "! / " -"\':.:~"'1 J <-, .'.,,., / _.,r :..-:-1-::---.--....--..~......~ "./ _".1 . ......-~. ,I), .:»f "-'.J /(1 / (). b),. ), // i.:,,' LI sr (.1'r·~'i TF..I ~;1'1 ~,-, ,,• l :l:::U :II '-j J (;:;OF 1'!(U,j I :CT.__.__J _CAR __G-~G _E .•....._ Tlu -['o ll o wi n j;i n f or mo t i o n j ~;rc q u i r cd [o r s u bm i t t a l by til t:ap pl ic:'IlL to t.he De :;j g n !(';vi c;'o'/ llo;1r d h c t'or c a f i n a 1 u p prov a l G i ll he l:iv c n : PO Or Si di ng Oth er \';all Na t cr i a1 5 B.LANDSC API NG Na me of De signer: Ph on e PL ANT t·1ATE RI ALS Botanical Name TREES SHRUBS 11 2 c e dar s ha ke smoot h ced ar NA Common Name Colo r n atural nat ur al Quantity Si ze .......--- •..I.U ;·\!.II!::/.:I ;i 1''1'IO:-.i:I.OT ..J~.__.__I\!.O<:K .__.~.__..I'11.1:;l:.•L.'lA.IJ;...PAS...SCH9NJ<:.._ I:I:~;U (I I 'TJ(;;;OF I'lmJI :CT J_C~~ARAG _E ._._.__..__....,..,.... Tnv Fu l low i n j;l nf'o r ma t i on i ~;rcqu i rc d fo r s ubm i t t al b y t .h o upp l i c.m t to the J)c si!:1l Rcv icw Bo ardbcI'orca f i na l app rova I call be given: A.I\I IILf ,l i';(;r·V\T EHIALS Roof Sid ing Olher ~a l l Mate rials 1/2 cedar shake s mooth cedar · NA Col or natural natural Fascia ro ugh cedar dark brown ---_.._- Soffits ceda r natural l~indQl-:s s pruce frame dark brown lI'indow Trim r oughc edar dark brown Doors Spruc e dark brown Door Trim rough cedar da rk brown Hand 0 :-Deck Rails NA Flues NA Flashi ngs s hcetmetal dark bro wn Chi mn cys NA Tra sh En::losur es NA Greenhouses NA Other Gar ag e d oor smooth c edar natural B.LANDSCAPI NG Nam e ofDesigner: Phone PLANT MATERIALS Botan ical Name TREES SH RUBS Common Na me Size •'l'm.lPOlL\I ~Y ,,.. Cer ti fic ate of Occupancy County of Eag l e Department of Pl anning and D e v e l o ~ne n t Buil ding Divis ion ' This certi ficate is sued pur s ua nt t o t here qu irement s of sec t io n 306 of t Ile Un i form Bu il ding Ce de cer ti fying t hat a t the ti ~e of i ssuance t his str uctu re was in complianc e wi th the var ious re s ol utio nso f th e county re gul a tin gbui ld ing co nst ructi on 01'use f or t he f ollowi ng: NAME Alexa nd Ma ry An n Gordon R-3UseClassificationSingleFamilyDwellingGroup------- Use Zone RS t1vTypeConstructionFireZone3--'--'---Buil ding Pe rmit No .1477 Own er of Build in g Al ex and Mary An n 'G ordon';-Box 1744 ,Va i(Co lorado 816 57 Lot10,B16 t kC ''Vail das S h o ri~'#l ' Bu ilding O ff ici al~~~~~~~~~__ Date J~,J t:i-~,I • BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX 179 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT DEPT.FILE COPY V ALIDATION PER MITT O OATE Al ex &Mary Ann 6-ordon Construct single family residence ILl (TYPEOF'IMP ROVEM ENT)NO. (NO .1 (CR OSS S T REET) Vail das Schone #1 (ST REET) 10 (P ROPOS ED US E) C (CONTR'SL IC ENSE ) (CROSS S TREET) "g BU ILDING IS TO BE F T.W IDEBY FT.L ONG BY FT.IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM I NC ONSTRUCTI ON III (CUB I C /S QUARE FEET) Alex &Mary Ann Gordon Box 1744,Vail,Co (Affidaviton reverse sid.of applicationto be campleted by authorized agent of owner) ---------------------------------------..,. DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL FOR CERTIFICATE ofOCCUPANCYandCOMPLIANCE Tobe filled inby each division indicated hereon upon c ompletionof its final inspection . BUILDINGS Permit No._ Approved by Date _ Remarks _ PLUMBING Permit No ._ Approved by Date _ Remarks _ ELECTRICAL Permit No._ Approved by Date _ Remarks _ OTHER Permit No._ Approvedby Date _ Remarks _ OTHER Permit No._ Approvedby Date _ Remarks _ If17 REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY 4 fd-t =~-CJ 5 /' :;t.~-/~O~ • DATE JOBNAME --~z...::.~_'T--'-"="""''''----''==:L.:~--_:,.._----- TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER -=----;-__---~_;_------ BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328·6339 PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY PARTIAL MECHANICAL VENTrLATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE woe S FINAL PARTIAL COVER PARTIAL FOUNDATION FRAMING BUILDING ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER o PARTIAL.LOCATION READY FORINSPECTION I ;),'3dMONTHURFRI COMMENTS :/J •0 r7)'R' UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : »: ED o DI SAPP ROVED o REI NSPECT DATE a -a¥'-9i2 I y r r , REBUESTON EAGLE COUNTY JJ INSPEBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLE R --;-,.--...,........_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION FOUNDATION STANDPIPE woes FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCA TlON _ READY FORINSPECTION W E0 )~,'/ MON TUE THUR FRI AMPM J ,,I r ~/).•.J ,(~COMMENTS:/~ / ,y) o REINSPECT / [g{pp ROVE D 0 DI SAPP ROV ED []~O N THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS t'"I -------":..:;.---~"'-'-~.::.----7"----'~---,.__~...;,-~'--_F_~=.!L..,,~-'-''-''-:.=...=.--''''~~:..:...._.,...--- ,'-A • DATE r ,I •39 ..,BWLDING PERMIT (CO NTR'S LI CENSE) JOB WEATHER (P R OPOS E D USE) CARD July 16 19 79 PERMIT No.__~1A 7 7 APPLICA NT _llJ=~ILD<lLI..,1[....1=lL':.:JJ!J:I,""''-ADD RESS Bq~o.F4.j V~J}E ~Tl Co . PER M IT T O ----,~"':'IY:'w::;!'I.,':;".,==_:_--- (NO.)(STR E ET) (CROSS STREE T){CROSSST R EET! 10 c o ZT O T YPE __=--=====-==1: '"o IL P1 50,000.00 MI NIMUM O F TH R EE CA L L IN SPE CTI ON S REQU I RE D FO R ALL C ONSTRUCTION WOR K: 1.F OUN DA TI ONSO R FOO TINGS . 2.PR IO RT O COVE R ING S T RUC T URA L M EMB ERS (R EAD Y TO LATHI . 3 .FINAL I NSP EC TI ON B EFO RE O CC UP ANCY. A PPRO VE D PL ANS MUST BE RE TA I NED O N JOB AND THIS C ARDK E PT POSTED UN TIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS B EEN M A DE.WHERE A C ER TI F IC AT E OF O C CUPA NC YI S RE - Q UIRE D,SUCH BU ILDI NG SHA LL NOT BE O CCUPIED UNTIL FINAL IN SPECT ION HAS BEEN MADE . WHERE A PPL ICAB LE SEP AR ATE P ERM ITS ARE R EQUI RED FOR E LECTR ICA L,PLUMB ING A ND MEC HANIC AL IN ST ALLATIONS . POSTTHISCARDSOITISVISIBLE FROM STREET B UILDINGI NSP E CTIO NA P PROVAL S INS P ECTIONS I ND I CATED ONTH IS CARD CA NBE AR RANGEDF OR BY TE LEF!HONE OR WRI TT EN NO T IF ICA TION • 4 ~'""-."--J.)-/7-7 .r/ ELE CT RI CAL IN SPE CTI ONA PP ROVA LS REFR IG ERATI ON I NSPE CTION APPRO VALS 2 INS P EC T IN G APP ROV AL S PL.U MBING I NSPE CTI ON APPROV A LS -I'p-..?'7 b oW ~7"l.-~/J -I ?--7 7 ~ PERMITWILL BECOMENULLANDVOIDIFCONSTRUCTION .WORKISNOT STARTED WITHINSIXMONTHSOFDATETHE .PERMITISISSUEDASNOTEDABOVE . ,., I '.f :... 3 2 TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL FINAL -"" SMOKE DETECTOR /q77 REG4EST PARTIAL INSPECaN PLUMBING PARTIAL ROUGH-: STANDPIPE woe S"......-....- PARTIALPARTIAL FOOTING FOUNDATION BUILDING BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 DATE _--"-_.t::....:'---....l.<..-':::""-__ T I MER ECEI VED --..L-'-o..'-'-'_ r ' LOCATION: lSI!;!k1'J h 12 /lJi..,.l/etl~ LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ o REINSPECT THURWED READY FORINSPECTION o DISAPPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- ~ COMMENTS :---'qt~~~~~~~~:3:~~~~d_L,;j;,W~L4~q,.L.--r~?:z,;~!:!2"*:!:::::::~=;t_- DATE EAGLE COUNTY , I BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 INSPEC N / REG~EST I ) ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY ROUGH FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIALPARTIAL J I I /, PARTIAL PLUMBING STANDPIPE woe S INAL INSULATION __ SHEETROCK VENEER _ ROOF PARTIAL COVER FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL BUILDING DATE _--'-_=-'--~"--__ TIME RECEIVED ---'-_L--_ ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION o DISAPPROVED (f, ",/ 8 APPROVED TUE WED THUR o REI NSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE A pplicant to complete numberedspacesonly. Jurisdiction of _ 1 <;··oo·~•· o•z ~. .. APPLICATION i · BUILD ~G ~~~IT / Jo e ADD"E5S A"CHIT£(T 0"DtSll;'H[.R ""'A lL AD DRESS PHO"'!E L ICENSE:N O . 4 ENG INEEIt ...,.01.11..A D DRES S LICE.J.S£NO. 5 8 Class ofwork:}4 NEW o ADDITION I o A LTERATION o REPAIR o MOVE BRANCH o REMOVE 10 Change ofuse from Change ofuse t o 11 Valuation ofwork:$PLAN C HE CK FE E /31 "1 P ERMIT FEE 3.'Itt :::? SPECiAL CONDI TIONS :Occup ancy G r oup Di yl ~jon 1------------------------------1 Size o f B ldg . (T ot al)Sq .Fl. No.of S tories M ax , Oce.L o ad APPLICATION ACCEPTE D B Y PLANS CHECKED BY Use Zone Fire Sprinklers Required Dves DN a N o .01 Dwell ingU nits OFFSTREET P ARKING SPACES , Covere d I Uncovered NOTICE SEPAR ATE PERMITS ARE R EQUIREDFOR ELECTRICAL,PLUMB· lNG,HEATING ,VENTILATING O R AIR CONDITIONING . THIS PERMIT BECOMES NU LL AN D VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZED is NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS,OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FORA PERIOD OF120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO tilE TRUE AND CORRECT . A LL P ROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERN ING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCT ION OR T HE P ERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCT ION. Special Approvals ZONING HEALTH DEPT. FIRE DEPT . S O IL REPORT O THER (Specify) Required Received Not Required l O A T E) I J ?J~\71 WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE}THIS IS YOUR PERMIT S l t.O NAT IIlE 0 "'"O WN ER II U ) PLANCHECKVALIDATION DAT E ) CK.M.D.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. /4'77 M.O.CASH Form 1 00.11·77 INSPECTOR 1,...- GPERM IT APPLI C TIONBUILD 0 ~>·z Jurisd iction of M >.0 0·A pplicantto complete numbered spaces only.M••J OB AOOR [.$5 L OT NO .,'LK I"At T LEO"I (OS [£A TT.ACH EO S H[.[.T I10£.5,,,. OWNE R MA IL AOO ItES S li P P MONE 2 CONTR "eTO"M A 'l..A ODR[SS PHOIII E LI CENS E N O . 3 "'''CH ITECT 0 "D [SIGN E ..MAIL AOO IIlt:SS P HONE L ICENSE ao . 4 ENG IN EER MA I L AO DI U:SS PHO N£.L IC[.NSE N O . 5 L tN Otl'l '-4 "'11.AOOllttS$BIIl A,.,CH 6 u ec 0,.eUIl.OING 7 8 Class of w ork:O NEW o A D DITION o AL TERATION o REPAIR OMOVE o REMOVE 9 Describe work : 10 Change ofuse from Change ofuse to 11 Valuation of work :S PLAN CHECK FEE /IPERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDIT IONS :T ype of O c c upa ncy c onst .G roup D ivision S ize o f Bldg .No.of Ma x. rrcran Sq .F t.St ories Occ.L oad Fire Use Fire Sprinklers AP PLICAT ION ACCEPTED BY P LANS CHECKED BY APPRO VED FOR ISSUAPIICE B Y Z one Z o ne R eq ui red D ves O No N o.of OFFSTREETPARKING SPACE S , D wellingU ni ts C o ver ed I U ncovered NOTICE Sp ecial Approv als Req uired R ec eived Not R equired SEPARATE P ERMITS ARE REQU IRED FOR ELECTRI CAL ,PLUMB·ZON ING I NG.H EATING,VENTI LATING ORA IR CONDITION ING.HEALTH DEPT . THIS PER MITB ECOMES NULL AND V OID IFWORK OR CONSTRUC· T ION AUTHORI ZED IS NOTCOM MENCED WITHIN 12 0DA YS ,OR F IRE D EPT. I F CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSU SPENDEDOR A BANDONED S OIL R EPORT FO R A P ERIODO F1 20 DA YSA T ANYTI ME A FTE R WORK IS CO MMENCED.OTHER (Specif y) I H EREBY CERT IFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO E XAMINEO T HIS APPLI CATIONA NOKN OW T HE SAM E T O BE T RUEA NO COR RECT. ALL PROVIS IONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GO VERN ING THI S TYPE OF WORK WILL BE C OMPLIED WIT HWH ETHERSP ECI FIE D H EREIN O RN OT.THE GR ANTING O F AP ERMIT DOES NOT P RESU ME TO GI VEAU THOR ITY TO V IOLATE ORC ANCEL THE P ROVISIONSO F A NYOT HER ST ATEO R LOCAL L AWRE G ULAT ING C ONSTRUCTION O R T HEPE RFOR MANCE OF C ONSTRUCTION . S IGN ....TUR E O F CONT ......C TOR OR ....UTHO RIZED ....GENT (O....TE ) SlGH ....T AE 01"OWNER II"OWNE"BUILDERI O....T E l WHE N PROPERLY VALIDA TED liN T HIS SPACE I TH IS ISYO UR PERMIT P L AN C HECK V ALI DATION C K.M.O.CASH P ERMIT VALID ATION CK.M.O .CASH EXTRA COpy Form 100.1 1·77 .... EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FINAL:C/O INSPECTION,LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FORM Review Routing Forrn ()Pr lrnary Routing ()Re<OUI~A 7-/(J/79 t2.4~~7~N'7 7 Date Referred Applicant ~Permit No . ~/Ji;'1 /);-)/JUfO~CJI f/~~~~ Location Planni"g Commission File No._ Review and return to the County Building Official within 6 working days Planning:Compl ies with: Subdivision Regul ations Zoning Regul ations Site Plan (Landscaping) County Engineer:Roads Grading Drainage County Health:Water Sanitation Perc.test Final Inspection:C/O Recommend Approval Comments: No Reviewed by:Date:1-io/Jr o DODODO ~0 Recommer '6 4 DO Fir ia!Inspection:Landscaping Recommend Approval 00 Comments:------------------------------ C/O Issued by _Date,_ Final Filing Date,_ ••WEST van,ARC IIl'l'.U::Tun.AL C BO:{6Ol~ VAn.,COLORADO 81657 TO,Mr.&I-Irs.Alex Gordon Ibx 1744,Vl1U,Colorado 816.57 l'e h ere by approve j'?ur ple.ns for a one famUy house on Lot 10,m ockC,VaU lAs Sc'lone,FUing fl,Eagle County,with the following stipulations I There is to be no exposed foundation or exposed metal. No cars or other obstructions on county road,which I'll t be completely cl ar at all tmes. F you put in an additional dwell ing unit,you must seek and obtain &PJl1'Oval from t he IDlg1e County Dept.of Planning and Development as t he lot appears too =11 for two rhroll 1ng units under t he County Zoning Resolution. BUcony Posts to be at least 6 x 6. Suggest retaining wall for parking and bring down bullding. Any futur additions,alterations,including color changes,etc .must be sul:nit tad f or a ppr oval to t h West Van AJochitectural Committee. would 111:8 to recolf,Illend as much landscaping as possible.including trees. «~".I (~, STEVE BOYD,Consultant 476-JY~ LOUISF .tIVINGSTO N,M fl1;:~!~) t ot P\a!'\n il'~~II oop .counw.Col o E.g'·' RECENE O ~U G 13 '979 July :n,1979 e ,e ,rept.of P.la nning and Deve lop llent Eagle County EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 INSPEC4N REGLJ,EST _",:",<":>,,::,,,:,--,,-,__=__JOBNAME '-'A-'.I.:.......:..__=--=-=--'-'-_ _--=--'--""=-AM @ CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe SFRAMINGFINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL i LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: _________0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ J Y',h ..... READY FORINSPECTION \ MON WED THUR FRI JAM PM _./ r ". COMMENTS:_ o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: IZJ APPROVED ./ o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT CORRECTIONS--------------------------------- DATE ) EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 INSPEC REBU,EST DATE ~JOBNAME TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE FRAMING WDes FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATlON _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------- DATE 2PLUMINGPERMITAPP.U<iTION _0 ;; &dCk r1l«<Y ;a ,{)fk!/•·z Jur isdiction of "••0 0J7'·Applicant to complete numb ered spaces only."•·,.I 0 III A COillt [55 .&1.-;!i:,;/"NM J."d.._..ft,157/?()A.~~/ 1,.01'",o .I""ImCT 0 5££",TT ...(MI:O SMEl TILt'"I /11 c:l oEscllI . OW ...U'l2/u ~/77AAI Io,,4 At L ADOltlSS ".PM ONt 2 CO.,0. c T7Z ,g;,j/~~'IL .00 .... P H OIll[I,.I CE:NSr.N O . 3 '/J'A 'if .~--~LJ;;2Lt -96 ,J.:2.7/->, .aR CH't E CT O lt O tSlc;",[l't /......,1,."'COIIE SS P HONE 1,.1 (["'$["'0 . 4 r.1Il co 1"1[["""A I r..A O O"£!>S P HON I[LIC ENSE N O . 5 ..£,..OE"....,...11,.A D D'U .SS 1 l1li ...",eM 6 . u"0 "!UJ'LCI"'lC xd:~-P?~.~/'k /).-b#~/y7 8 Class 01 work :~N E W r7 O ADDITION ~L TE A A TI ON OAEP~ 9 Describe work :fP~~a ,L.:-~L7?;A?1;£A~'~/9 V {7 ,-/c/ PERMIT FEES No.Type of Fi"lurw or Item F_ SPECIAL CONDITIONS ::;>WATER CLOSET (TOILET)$~00 ~BA THTUB t:.1-7 0 ':?LAVA TOR Y (WASH BASIN);:.~" SHOWER /KITCHEN S INK &DISP.:;bo D IS HWASHER APPl lCA TlO'"ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECK ED 6'1'APPR OvED fOR ISSUANCE BY LAUNDRY T RAY I C LOTHES WASHER ;<b o ...L WA TER HEATER J(0<" NOTICE UR INAL DR INK ING FOUNTA IN I HEREBY CE RTI FV T HAT I HAV E R EAD AND EXAMI NED T HIS /.e b?A P PLICATION A ND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AN D COR RECT.FLOCR ··SINK DR DRA IN ALL P RO VISIO NS O F LAWS AN D ORDINANCES GOVER NING THI S fo...SLOP SiNK TYPE O F WOR K WIL L BE CO MPLIEDW ITH WHETHE R SPECIFI ED ~S SYSTEMS ,NO.OU~TS H ER EIN OR NOT.T HE GRANTI NG O F A PE RMIT DOES NOT WAT~PIPING &~ATING EQUIP. P R ES U ME TO GI VE AUTHORIT Y TO VI O LA TE OR CANC EL THE WASTE I~RftPTOR P ROVISIO NS O F AN Y OT HER STATE OR L OCAL LAW REGU LAT ING VACUUM lHfo?lu<ERSCONSTRUCTIONORTHEPERFORMANCEOFCONSTRUCTION. LAWroy.(pRINKLE~YSTEM S~ER <, r?L4,~/~~ESSPOOL <, .£~/tJ)!/9 .;-SEPTIC TANK &PIT <, $I G ......T U"l 0"CONTflIACTOfll Ofll AUTI10lltlZlEO "-GIE"lT ,IO Anl PE RMIT $10 00 I l:NA T "0 "OW NE",,.O WH IEJII B UIL.DEJII )O A TtJ TOTAL FEE S "':{(.,no WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE'THIS IS YOUR PERMIT 1£171 PLANCHECK VALIDATION CK.M .D.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK .M.O.CASH c a c ®.. Form 1 00.2 1 1·73 //777 INSPECTOR "KOJllO••""0":INTERNATIONAL CONP'ERENCE 0,...UILDING O,.,..ICIALS ••M •••wo......M ILL "OAD.WMITT'.".CA"'''...... 2•MNG PERMIT APPLIC TIONPLU81 &<;>z • Jur isdict ion of ">.0 0·Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."•·J oe A O DA [S5 "1.0T N O.I'"IT.ACT OS EE ATTACHI;O 5H££Tj"'..,I1DE:5C Ill. I 0 .....1\1(111 MAIL AO OIIIE.S S z,.PHONE 2 CO ",t IllACTOR ""'AIL AO DlItESS PM O N E L ICEN SE ...0 . 3 A RCH I TE eT 0 111 O ESl c;I\jEI'I .....A IL AODrH.5S PIol ONE L.ICt:NS E N O. 4 EN G'N EEIll M ....I L AOOI'lE ss P HONI:L ICE ,.,£.NO . 5 L END ER MA l L."COlliE 55 BIlIAN C,", 6 ."O F ""JI I.01 '"G 7 8 Class ofwork:D NEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work : PERMIT FEES No.Ty,,",of Fixtu..or lte...F .. SPECIAL CONDITIONS ,WATER CLOSET (TOILET)$ BATHTUB LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) SHOWER KITCHEN S INK &DISP. DISHWASHER APP llCA T lONACC£PTE D BY PlA,..S C HEeKE 0 B Y APPR O vt:OFO R ISSUANCE B Y LAUNDRV TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE URINAL DR INKING FOUNTAIN I H EREBY CERTIF Y THAT I HAVE R EAD AND EXAMINED THIS APP LICATI ON AND KN OW THE SAME T O BE T RUE A ND C OR R EC T.FLOCR ··SINK OR DRAIN A LL PRO VISIONS OF LAWS AND O RDINAN CE S GOVERNING THI S SLOP SINK T YPE OF WORK WILL BE C OM PLIED WITH WHETHER SPECI FIED GASSYSTEMS ,NO.OUTLETS HEREIN OR NOT .THE GRANTIN GO FA PERMlf DOES NOT WATER PIPING ..TREATING EQUIP. PRESUME T O GIVE AUTHORITY T O VIOLATE OR C ANCEL THE WASTE INTERCEPTOR PROVISI ONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR L O CAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMAN CE OF C ONSTRUCTION.VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK"PIT 5IGNArUlll[0"CONTIIIACTOft 0111 AUTHOftIZ£D A.G£NT lOA T£I PERMIT $ S llONA.T III 01"O V'fN£1Il II"OWN [III eUILOElll j (O ATI.l TOTAL FEE S WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE}THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLANCHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O .CASH G RG ®M Form 100.2 11 -73 A UDIT '111.0"0.'111 ""OM :INTERNATIONAL.CON'f'ERENCI!:Or'BUIL.DING O .......CIALS ••MI.S.WO'lllKMA"MILL "OAD.WH'TT'.",CALI".""I REGUESTN EAGLE COUNTY {7()(c \0 (\ INSPEC (\I (.. BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE Sr v?~1/JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ~_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE HEATING woe S FRAMING FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: "'( o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION FRI AMPM I 2- o DISAPPROVED WED(TUEMON o APPROVED COMMENTS:--L-+.t...:-':...:.::....:::....::=t-------'-'-l..:....:-"--=~r_-----i=.:.'-=-"-'------="--'==O'="-~;_------- o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- (..- 1 DATE Lf'CtA¥J ~")B )71 ,.. EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328·6339 I J INSPEC N REGUEST DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ~_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE HEATING woe SFRAMINGFINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM I o DISAPPROVED 0 REI NSPECT IO~L- o APPROVED COMMENTS:----;.--C.---=-_ o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- } I I I DATE \.,,........ ~,-.•• County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT N!!1638 Building Valuation $. Electrical Valuation $. Date of Application Qcto.b.er ..2.3.19 Z9 . Electrical Contractor ~~~~.~5~~:.Y.~.~!7 ::..~~.~~~~.?•.~y.p..~.~~.~~?~. Applicant . Slanature Permit Fee TEMP.12.00 32.00$. APPROVALS Inspection Fee Total Fee $. $H .•.O.O . Pl anChe cker Dale Date Date Paid October ..23.,l9l9.. Received By ?iill~,Y...~~:r:.~J.!'!. receipt #5733 BuildingPermit #1477 THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48HOURSADVANCENOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS ,3-..ELEC TRfCAL PERMIT APPL i!ATION (!~./0 ~w"'?•·z Jurisdiction of ~>•0 0•Applicant to complete numbered spacesonly.~••Joe ADOI't SS I LO TNO .IBLk ITO A CTl.EGA L.O SEE AT TA.CHED SHEET)1 DESCIIII. O WNER ,2{~tI~MA.IL AD OIllESS Z IP P I'tDHE 2 /l),AI .. c o ...r .....C T OA .J..,'..",f MAI L AD DRESS .~..«,(~.PHONE Llct ...S (NO . 3 A'-.A'.~r>I .i,p':f .'-.J.d.Ci<,-<// "'''CH ITl C T D ill D ES I GNE ft ItolA IL AD DRESS P HO"'£LICENSE NO. 4 ItNG I NE EIl:M AIL A DDRESS P HON£.L IC ENSE NO . 5 L EN DlA MA.IL A O DR E SS BR ANCH 6 USE 0 1"B UI LD I NG 7 8 Cla ss o f wo rk :DNEW o ADD ITION o ALTERAT ION o REPA IR 9 De s cribe work : PERMIT FEES No .Each Fee SPEC IAL CONDI TIO NS :Total R ECEPTA CLE O utlets L IGH T ~SWITCH if p~~........-...-~LIGHTI NG APPLI CATION ACCEPTED BY ;PLANS CHECKED B Y APPROvED fOR ISSUANCEBV F I XTURES RANGES C LO.DRYER WTR .HTR .II • NOTICE GARBAGE D ISP.S TA.COOK TOP V -,\ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAM INED THIS D ISH .WASH.CLOTHES WASH.ft Y ,,~ APPLICATION A ND KNOW THE SAME TO BE T RUE AND C ORRECT .S PACE HTR .S TA.APPL.1Il H .P .MAX.~f J ALL PROVIS IONS OF LAWS AND OR DINANCES GOVERNING THIS ).I .'JTYPEOFWORKWILLBECOMPLIEDWITHWHETHERSPECIFIEDMOTORS,H .~.,.,,.,cr IHEREINORNOT.T HE GR ANTING OF A P ERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL TH E iH Y......•."" PR OVISIONS OF ANY OT HER STA TE OR L OCALLAW REGU LAT ING 1/'17 .-7 11' CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMAN CE OF C ONSTR UCT ION.NO .TRAN S.-~S IGNS ..,.-J::!JJu NO .LAMPS TE MP .POW ER DpOLE D UNDGD .,IV.c:SE RVICE 0 ·200 A ......v 2 01 ·4 00A U DN EW 401 ·60 0A S I GH.f"'\J'In 0 "CDNTfIlA CTOllt O ft "U THOR IZED "GE NT .("0 "T7 o C HANGE OVE R 600A P ER MIT ISSUING FEE $ Sl c;;l\l"TURE:0,.O WN ER I FOW NE.R B U ILDE.R OAT E)T OTAL FEE $ P LA N CHECK VALIDAT IO N WH EN PROPERLY VAL IDA TED (IN THIS SPAC E)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT CK.M.O.CASH PER MIT V ALI DAT IO NCK.M.O. 1.;2.<20 INSPECTOR Form 100.3 11-73 ".ORDER "'''OM :I NTERNAT IO NAL C ON FERENCE O F BU ILDING OFFICI ALS .n.o S .WORKMAN M ILL "OAD.WHITTI ER ,CALIF.u.~t 3 0 ;;s ~z Jurisdiction of M >•0 0•Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.MaaJoeADOR£55 LO T NO.10lK ITA'.T OS EE A TTACHED S HEE TILEG'L I10E5e... Q WNE"M Al L ADDRESS lOP PHO NE 2 CON T""'CTO"""'A IL AC DRESS PHONE L ICEN SE N O. 3 A"CHI T ECT D ill O£.5I G ....E A M AIL A DD RESS P I10 N£L ICE N SE NO . 4 ENGINEER MA IL A DDRE SS PHONE LI CE NS EN O. 5 LENDE R MA IL A DO IitESS BRANCH 6 US E OF'B U ILD ING 7 8 Class of work :DNEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work: PERMIT FEES No.EachFee SPECIAL CONDITIONS :Total RECEPTACLE Outlets LIGHT SWITCH Total LIGHTING Fixtures APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY 'PLANS CHECKED BY APPRO VED F ORI SSUANCEB Y FIXTURES RANGES CLO.DRYER WTR .HTR. NOTICE GARBAGE DISP.STA.COOK TOP I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAM INED THIS D ISH.WASH.CLOTHES WASH. APPLICAT ION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND C ORRECT.SPACE HTR.STA.APPL.~,H .P.MAX. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED MOTORS ,H .P. HEREIN OR NOT .THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO ViOLATE OR C ANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMAN CE OF CONSTRU CTION.NO .TRANS. SIGNS NO .LAMPS TEMP.POWER UPOLE UUNDGD. SERViCE 0·200A 201 -400A DNEW 401 -600A SIGHATU"£01"(ONT"...CTO"OR AUTHOR IZED AG ENT (DATE)o CHANGE OVER 600A PERMIT ISSUING FEE $ '1 GNA T In 0"OWNEA I F O WNER BUILDER '10A TEI TOTAL FEE S I -- WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH Form 100.3 11~73 REORDER FROM:INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS.5S4IO s .WORKMAN M ILL ROAD.W HITT IE R,CA LI"._Nit, 3-.. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLI~ATION , (J~°;, ;J ~'--l-<-;•z •.Jurisdiction of ~••°0·Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.~•• J 08 A ODA:£5'oLfJ~..;LS14 a.,:»:I L OT NO.I Alo ~~I'VJ ,V~~,rL~9lJ2::S HEE~/LE!:.L l Dl:sc llt.L I~ 2°W2i ~MAI L A DDfilE SS ~~~'1.)~:J C.<?1Ar'0/-}>-,tU-<.,.~..J:iPl..d &"X-:2 S J I..1 CO NT 'U C T O A:J ~M AI L AO Dilt E SS P HONE.L I CE N~t NO . 3 .J3~'~J5nL -.S oYa LSd </-9 cJ <,I /&94- ARCH I TECT 0"D ESI GNER ""A 'L AO D"E S5 PHO NE.L I CE N S ENO . 4 EN GI N EE-llt MA IL AD D RE SS PH ONE LlC E"lSE NO . 5 L £NDEA M AIL A ODfil ES S BRANCH 6 USE o r S U IL D I NG Il~c~u-7 8 Class 01 work :B1'lfw o ADDITID N o ALTERATION o REPAIR . 9 Describe work :tU~~'c'-~~A...<It-o /7 I A ~~l'Y.L....L " J:J(j{).L1Q ..d~PERM IT FEES -No .Each Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS :/J G/Total RECEPTACLE Outlets LIGHT t".1--i:>SWITCH V /~II I#.».F'a () LIGHTI NG APPLI CAT IO N ACCEP TED BY :PLANS CH ECKED BY APPROVEDF ORISSU A NC E BV FIX TURES rt fJ L ~I I V RANGES CLO .DRYER WTR.HTR. NOTI CE GARBAGE DISP.STA .COOK TOP I HEREBY CERTIFY TH AT I HAVE READ AN DE XAMINED TH iS DISH.WASH .CLOTHES WASH. APPLI CAT ION AND KN OW THE SA ME TO BET RUE AND CORRECT .SPACE HTR.S TA.APPL.~.H .P .MAX . ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING T HIS TYPE OF WOR K WILL BECO MPLIED W ITH WHET HER SPEC IFIED MOTORS ,H.P. HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF APE RMIT DOES N OT PRESU ME TO GI VE AUTHORITY T O VIOLATE OR C ANCEL THE PROVI SIONS OF ANY OTHER S TA TE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION R THE PERFORM ANCE OF CONSTRUCTION.NO .TRANS . SI GNS ,~fZ~,,//o-s:79 NO .LAMPS TEMP.POWER U POLE UUNDGD. SERVI CE0·200A 201 ·400A DNEW 4 01 ·GOOA S l ~01"CONT RA CTOR-O R A UTHO RI ZED A G EN T COA TE I o C HANGE OVER GOOA PERMIT ISSUINGF EE S TOTAL FEE S , 51 GN T f':[Q P'O WN ER I'"O W".EA e UIL.DEA )OAT E I WHEN P ROPERLY VALIDATED liN TH IS S P ACE I TH IS IS YOUR PER M IT /11.38 :(~At: .' P LAN CHECK VALIDATION C K .M.O .CA SH P ERMIT VALIDATION CK .M.O .CASH ~~.H /L/?? fiu.¥c§?33 INSPECTOR For m 100.311·13 R EORDER PORO M :INTERNATIONAL C ONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFIC IALS.n eo s .W ORKM AN ...11..1..R OAD.W HITT ••R ,C ALI ....90.0 . 3ELECTRICALPERMITAPPLIj\TION ..~. 0 (;••z Jurisdiction of "••0 0·Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."•·J OB A D D"[55 l.OT NO.10 LK I!ITOACT 0s1E1 ATTACHED SH EET)L"OL I I IJ10Ilsc... DWNElit MAIL AODIl:E5S ZI P J'MDNE 2 , (ONT"Io(TO"MAIL ADDRESS PHONE:L I C£NSE ~O . 3 ....R CHITECTO R DESIGNER MAIL ADDIlIESS P HONE LleUf5E NO . 4 f.NGINEEIll MAIL ADD A ESS P HONE L ICE....SE NO . 5 LENDER MAl L ADDRCSS BRANCH 6 USE:01"BUILDING 7 8 Class of work :DNEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION D REPA IR 9 Describe work : PERMIT FEES No .E ach Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS :T otal RECEP TACLE Outle ts LIGH T SWITCH To tal LI GHTIN G F ixtures APPLICATION ACC EP TED BY PL ANS CHECKED BY APPROVE 0 FOR ISSUANCE BY F I XTU RES RAN GES CLO.ORYER W TR.H TR. NOTICE G ARBAGED ISP.STA.C OOK T OP IH EREBY CERTIFY THATI HA VE REA D AND EXAM INED T HIS DISH.WASH.C LOTHES WASH . APPLICATI ONA ND K NOW T HES A ME TO BE T R UE A ND CO RREC T.SPACE HTR .ST A.APPL.V,H .P.MA X. A LL PROVI SIONS OF L AWS AN D O RD INANCES GOVE RN ING T HIS T YPEO F WOR K WI LL BE COMPLI ED WIT HW HET HE R SP EC IFIED M OTOR S'H.P. H EREIN O R NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PER MI T DO ES N OT PRESUME T OG IVE AUTHORITY TO V IOL ATE O R CAN CEL THE P ROVISI ONS O FA NY OTHER STA TEO R LO CAL LAWR EGUL AT I NG CO NSTR UCT IO NO R THE PERFORM AN CE OF C ONS T RU CTION.NO.TRANS. SIGNS NO.LAMPS TEMP.POWER DpOLE DUNDGD. SERVICE 0 -200A 201 ·400A DNEW 401 ·600A SIG N ATU RE OF CONTRAC TOR O R A UTHOFlIZED AG ENT IDA TEl D CHANGE OVER 6 00A PERMIT IS SU ING FEE S SIGNAT "0 1"OWN EfIl:IF OWNE R aUI LD E A)DA TE}TOTAL FEE , WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLANCHECK VALIDATION CK.M.D.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M .D .CASH E Ear C ON f:E RENCE DE BUILD ING O EEICI L S.S360 S.WORKM AN MIl.l.",oAe.W H ITT'."'.CALI~••0.01 1:L /~9-7- BUILDING DIVISION INSPEC REGlIEST P.O.BOX179 •• PHONE :328·6339 EAGLE COUNTYC:5 /t.~ DATE Id-.)/,<\J=t1 JOB NAME it .'I /rkLA-'f ~j"'J /'"Gordo-A..-, TIME RECEIVED I f).~O(AMPM CALLER (1)0 A h ~-rfl,;.),'<v r i.J $,;),/-9 4:;2 ;;;L BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL VENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE ROUGH woe S FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION . THUR I,'30 o REI NSPECT {•CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE /J -J 7--/1 REGl,JEST ".N EAGLE COUNTY ,,)' INSPEC..BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 J I - BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE HEATING woe S FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON THUR ...,--- o REINSPECT CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- (?tCd-) (1-Ion4 ) ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY LOCATION: EAGLE COUNTY /"t.. • PLUMBING MECHANICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION STANDPIPE HEATING FINAL woe S HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION: PARTIAL BUILDING DATE 1,,:)-'::;;'i -71 JOBNAME--TIME RECEIVED :).0 0 AM~CALLER BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 ,LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ MON TUE COMMENTS:_ o APPRO\iED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS I DATE BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 I /I/ INSPEC ON REGl,JEST "I '. EAGLE COUNTY I, 1 PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY LOCATION: PARTIAL ENTrLATION MECHANICAL LOCATION: PARTIAL PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE woe SFINAL LOCATION: PARTIAL COVER LOCATION, PARTIAL FOUNDATION FRAMING BUILDING o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ MON TUE WED I I_ I flr THUR rF RI AMPM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT J• DATE I I ,. N //;/:77 REGUEST•I , EAGLE COUNTY 'A,--v::;..:--//£ 67;:~./~./ INSPECBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE /-7'---Ft27 TIME RECEIVED _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION __ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY.-·tJ STANDPIPE woe S FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ FRI AMPM ,.,-, [j}-APP ROV ED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- -------------------------------------j'- DATE /-?rO /--7";'-' INSPEC .i N REGL,JEST... EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328·6339 ./DATE ,,///f /JOBNAME ~:;~7---,,--,-__--,,,.::..---,--,,-__--,:...--,-,_....-:..-,-_ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER .,.=--'-_-=--_-'-'-_-'--'---'------"-'---_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE woe SFRAMINGFINAL OODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON WED // THUR FRI AMPM Ul APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS -,.---DATE 1-/-/-'---~---+,..:-------