HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT 4 LEGAL, TOWN O F VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGERO AD VAIL,CO81657 970-479-2138 N OTE: DEP ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1-::b,_,S--~LJ-''Sci u~ ---:\-.'v.l'-~\ "1',\,.;,-W k .ot L\ THISPERMI T MUSTBEPOST ED O N JOBSITEAT ALLTIMES I Job Address.: Location : Par cel No : Proj ect N o: A D D/ALTMFBUILDPERM IT 2466 CHAMONIX RDVAIL 2466 CHAMONIX RDBLDG C D,E,G,I.] 210314106010 Permit #:B02-0058 Status : Applied : Issued : Expires: ISSUED 04/11/2002 04/23/2002 10/20/2002 OWNER ROBERT D.BENTER TRUST 2411 22 AVE GREELEY CO 80631 License: CONT RACT OR EAGLE VA LLEYI MP ROVEM ENTS 2460 CHAM ON IX LAN E #C3 VAIL,CO 81657 License:688-B APPLICANT EAGLE VAL LEY IMPROVEMENTS 2460 CHAMONIX LANE #C3 VAIL,CO 81657 License :688-B Desciption: REPAIRSTAIRSBRING UPTO CODE 04/11/2002 Phone : 0 4 /1 1/2002 Phone :9 70-476-1769 04/11/2002 Phone :970-476-1769 O ccupancy : Type Construction: Type Occupancy: R1 V N ?? M ulti-Fa mily Type V Non-Rated Valuation:$7,000.00 Add SqFt:o Firep lace Information:Restricted:Y #ofGas Appliances:0 #ofGasLogs:0 #of \V'ood Pellet:0--"'****"'··.._*_*---******,.·***-***-*""":****·*****_·-'"FEE SUMtvlARY **-_._**•••_-*-*--*_*--*--_._*-** Build ing->$115 .00 Restuarant Plan Review.->$0 .00 Tota l Calcula tedFees-e-$192 .75 Plan Check ->$74 .75 DRB Fe L~---------->$0.00 Additional Fees---->$0 .00 Inves tigation->$0.00 Recreation Fee--->$0 .0 0 Total Permit Fee--->$192 .7 5 Will Call--->$3 .00 C lean-up Deposit---->$0.00 Payments----------->$192 .7 5 TO f AL FEES---------->$1 92 .75 BALANCE DUE----->$0.00 ."'**IIr._*******.***********"'.*********"'*-._*********"'*********_**************"''''****''''''.",,*****...'''...*...***'*...***'''******"'********************************* Approvals: Icem :0 5100 BUILDI NG DEPART MEN T 04/18/2002 JRM Action :AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS ****,,***-*'**--*****"'.**.*****'**-*'**-*******.,*,,**.**.*"'_._*'**.*.***,,**._-*--*_."'....."''''...'''*'''....**.--*--*_.*••••••_*--*-_._*••• See page 2of this Document for any conditions t hat may apply tothis permit. PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #:B02-0 058 CONDITIONS O F APPROVAL asof04-23-2002 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALTM F BUILDPERMIT Applicant:EAGLEVALLEYIMPROVEM ENTS 970-476-1769 JobAdd ress:2466 CHAMONIX RD VAIL Location:2466 CHAMONIX RDBLDG C D,E,G,!,) ParcelNo:210314106010 De scription: REPAIRSTA IRSBRING UPTO CODE C onditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELDINS PECTIONS A REREQUIR ED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. C ond :14 (BLDG.):ALLPE NETRAnONS INWA LLS,CEILlNGS,ANDFLOORS TO BESEALED WITH AN APPROVEDFIREMAT ERIAL. C ond:16 (BLDG.):SMOKED ETECTORSA REREQUIRED IN ALLBEDROOMS AND EVERYSTORYASPERS EC.310.6.1 OFTH E 1997UBC. Co nd:1 (FIRE):FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL ISREQUIREDBEFORE A NY WORK C AN BEST ARTED. Applied:04/11/2002 Issu ed:04/23/2002 To Expire:10/20/2002 DECLARATIONS I hereby a cknowledge that I have r ead this application,filledou t infulltheinformationrequired,completed an accurate pl ot plan,and s tate that allth einformationasr equired is correct.I agree to comply wi th th e information and plot plan,to comply with allTown ordinances and state law s,and to build this structure according tothe towns zoning and subdivision codes,designrevie w approved,Uniform Building Code and o ther ordinances ofth eTown applicable thereto . REQUE.STS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADETWENTY·FOURHOURSIN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00AM-5 PM.~~ Send Clea n-up Deposi t To:N J A ~~D 4?V '....~)/02- SIGNA E OFOWN ER OR CONTRACTORFOR I ISE{F A NDOWN Er APPUCATION MPLETEOR UNSIGNED Project #:_ Building Permit #:,_ 970-479-2149 (Inspeg!ons) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials) BUILDING:$7,000 ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL :s ::t-1m1.'l - For Parcel #Contact EaQle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.esate-countv.com Parcel #,21 O'S l'i (~C,0 10 ct.........,.cl,...(40 h·c...I t-c eo s .... (application wilrno.t be accepted without parcel number)6-!I:"r ,.-".,. :C~~""'O""')(C ~l<.{5 JobAddress:Z'-(00C~Q_t>01.)t L'1 II II o'k:~II ... or I I Lot:,I I II: ersName:C C.c..o I J)I Address:~~;?n e :-_.._---- Architect/Des igner:Address:.~. A I 1"lUll\::; Engineer:Address:LI~I I:nuu I cu~ I - Detaileddescription of wor \qATE DU.,e:{)1- Rt..p"':,r S ,£;-,1'5 g,,;\."l v t>\U \...--GI v "'- Work Class:New()Addition ()Remodel()Repa ir (X)Demo()Other() WorkType:Interior ()Exterior O<J Both()Doesan EHU exist atthislocation:Yes()No() Type of Bldg .:Single-family ()Two-family ()Multi -family ~)Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other () No.ofExisting DwellingUnitsinthisbuilding:Lf No.of Accommodation Units inthisbuilding : NolTvoe of FireplacesExistino:GasAppliances()Gas toes ()Wood/Pellet()WoodBurnina (l/) No!Tvpe of FireplacesProposed:Gas Aonllances()GasLeas()Wood/Pellet()WoodBurnina(NOT ALLOWED) DoesaFireAlarmExist:Yes()No()If DoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist:Yes()No() **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy ****************.********************** Planner Sign-off: IAccepted By: occuoancv GrouD: Date Received: Type of Construction: public Way permit Fee: DRB Fees: j Other Fees: F:/everyone/formS/bldgperm RECtO APR 1 0 2002 Questions?Callth e BuildingTeamat479 -2325 Building Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Community Development cl~o "'v c..~\<-{ (~c:........."'I}C [...1') Project Name:----"::......:..::::..:.:...:..::......:-.0...--='---"".....:..::'--__"----'-=..:..:.......:.=---4--=-_ Project Address:_""--->..::'--:;:.=....::....:....:C!....:...._-"-'.:..L -=--="'-'-.:.......:._ ,/ThisChecklist must be completed before aBuilding Permit application is accepted. CiI'Allpagesofapplication iscomplete lit Has DRB approvalobtained (if required)Provideacopy ofapproval form iiY CondominiumAssociation letterofapprovalattachedifprojectisaMulti-Family complex oCompletesiteplansubmitted [J PublicWayPermitapplicationincludedifapplicable (r efer toPublicWorkschecklist) oStagingplanincluded(refertoPublicWorks checklist)No dumpster.parking or material storage allowed on roadways andshoulders without written approval o Asbestos testandresultssubmittedifdemolitionisoccurring oArchitectstampandsignature(AllCommercialandMultifamily) oFullfloorplansincludingbuildingsections andelevations(4setsofplansforMulti-Familyand Commercial) o Windowanddoorschedule o Fullstructuralplans,includingdesigncriteria(ie.loads) oStructuralEngineerstampandsignatureonstructuralplans(AllCommercial andMultiFamily) oSoilsReportmust besubmitted prior tofootinginspection oFireresistive assemblies specifiedandpenetrationsindicated o Smokedetectorsshownonplans oTypes and quantity offireplacesshown Applicant's Signature:_"""*-"'---'-_ Date of submittal:_ Received By:_ F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 WHEN A"PUBLICWAY PERMIT"IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OFTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLICWAYPERMIT": D Isthisanewresidence?YES __NO~ D Does demolition work being performed requirethe lJ.sf ofth e Right-of-Way,easements or publicproperty?YES NO_-,X-,- D Isany utility workneeded ?YES __NO ><. D Isthe driveway beingrepaved?YES __NO )< D Isa different accessneededtothesite other thantheexisting driveway?YES __NoL D Isanydrainage wor'Xeing done that affectsth e Right-of-Way,easements,orpublic property? YES NO D Isa"Revocable Right-of-Way Permit"required ?YES,_NO X' D Isth e Right-of-Way,easementsorpublic property tobeusedforstaging,parkingorfencing? YES NO Y If answerisNO,is aparking,stagingorfencingplanrequiredbyPublicWorks? YES NO >< If youanswered YES toany of thesequestions,a"P ublic WayPermit"must be obtained. "PublicWayPermit"applicationsmaybeobtainedatthePublicWork'sofficeorat Community Development (asampleis attached).If youhaveanyquestionspleasecallLeonardSandovalinPublic Worksat 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Contractor Signature JoborProjectName:C l,......."A I':c~...(~.(, DateSigned:y/~(0 l.. I F:jeveryonejformsjbldperm4 CompanyName S~~r""AY'> BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCETIME FRAME If thispermitrequiresaTownofVailFireDepartmentApproval,Engin eer's (PublicWorks) reviewandapproval,a Planning DepartmentrevieworHealthDepartmentreview,andareview bytheBuildingDepartment,theestimatedtimeforatotalreview willtakeaslongasthree(3) weeks. All commercial (largeorsmall)andallmulti-familypermits willhavetofollowtheabove mentionedmaximumrequirements .Residential andsmallprojectsshouldtakealesseramount oftime.However,ifresidentialorsmallerprojects impactthevariousabovementioned departmentswithregardto necessary review,theseprojectsmayalsota ke three(3)weeksto reviewandapprove. Every attempt willbemadebythisdepartmenttoexpeditethispermitassoonaspossible. I,theundersigned,understandtheplancheck procedureandtimeframe.Ialsounderstand that ifthepermitisnotpickedupbytheexpirationdate,that Imuststillpaytheplancheckfee and that ifIfailtodosoitmayaffectfuturepermitsthatIapplyfor. !5Il-AO (3 .....1--- Printname Agreedtoby:_....!L__-=-__=---'--'_ Date:--'-I'----"'--IL....::.--"'''---------- Signature ProjectName:C./..,,...,"-,,,<C~(J slc.lv'<-vA.y 5io.!~L i 1 F:everyone/forms/b ldperm 3 DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: I>Y TheTownofVail Building Departmenthasdevelopedthefollowingproceduresto ensurethatnewconstructionsiteshaveadequately established proper drainage from bUilding sitesalongandadjacenttoTownofVailroadsorstreets. 0'TheTownof Vail Public WorksDepartmentw ill be requiredtoinspectandapprove drainageadjacenttoTown of Vail roadsorstreetsandtheinstallationoftemporary orpermanentculvertsat access pointsfromtheroadorstreetontotheconstruction site.Such approval must beobtainedpriortoanyrequestsforinspectionbythe TownofVail Building Departmentforfootings,temporaryelectricalorany other inspection.Please callLeonard Sandoval at479-2198torequestaninspection from the Public WorksDepartment.Allowaminimumof24hournotice. r:Y Also,theTownofVailPublicWorksDepartmentwillbeapprovingallfinaldrainage andculvertinstallationwithresultingroadpatchingas necessary.Such approval mustbeobtainedpriortoany Final Certificateof Occupancy issuance. IJ~eo::>/3 ..."{..~ PrintName ?Z~47l5 Agreedto by:_-=------'_-=.:..::....:.......:.....-_ Project Name : DateSigned: Signature C--~.c:,..~...~cL..(~f sfc.,,,"""'~F f//1//G z, F:{everyone{forms{bldperm6 '"~ (" , ~""\. J:: ...---'-.1 uJ .-C.0 c;-- -..(~;>J , -r-J ~, "><.\) --.- 1 ».-»il y ,~ .D 1> r-- [" ~I'" > ~ ~--r 75 ~.z .)'c"r ~ ~ p V\ ~" ~~ V' ~ V' ". ---t----C::.W .J 0 ~ 0 & -:;;t..... Z rs--~ ." ~C) ,..".... 0 s:"4 ~ ~ l'"7J ~ ,~n 0 ,.-1---.I::: \5 c. - >,.-- .... < ~~ ;>l'"" J ~~O~ ;:> 3 ..... --.,,..L.-- ~ ~ .... -5';~'1 II ~\J'> r 'C--VI ")(. V't :J>\fJ V> lJ G" '"'0 0 'Z ~ "t- c.-e ~ r \-~~~~ i"- t'o «r: (\~-t- -~l.C:> <:>r---'\'l:;-~0 ~~~cf-d ~ J J~ ~-~~~-~--i2 V+ tt -, ~~~~\.lJ ,~ -~ 'e,." '\-'~~,,~ ~ '\,~ ~?'\ '\ ~~ 0 ~,~j ~rt-'- C'> :!-- b •.1 Town ofVaU OFFICE COpy CHAMONIX CHALETS CORPORATION To Whom ItMay Concern :April 4,2002 Brad Benter hasthe approval ofthe Chamonix Chalets Board of Directors toworkonour stairways inordertomake them consistent with theTownof Vail building codes . Dick Brewer Manager,Chamonix Chalets INSPECTIONREQUEST Town of Vail 479-2149 PermitNumber::JSO~-CO~'6 DayofInspection :MonTues wed~FriDateofInspection:'AJ"kw\ JobName:~ JobAddress:2 l\Co O C RO---1l\.QJ'\.::V V>~ Phone::3qO-"11.39 3QO-'l-;{ctCj RequestedBy:_ OtherComments :W \\\C CL\" * * *Final,_ PLUMBING: *Underground,-:--_ *Rough/DVW _ "'Rough/Water _ *GasPiping _ "Pool/Hot Tub _ BUILDING: o Footing/steel,_ o Foundation/Steel'-------o Framing~_ o Roof &Sheer--------o PlywoodNailing _ o Insulation--::---------o Sheetrock/Nail,_ o ~inal _ ELECTRICAL: oTemppower _ oRough o Condu'::"it----'------- o o Final,_ MECHANICAL: "Rouqh _ *Heating,--'-_ "'Exhausthoods _ *Supplyair _ * '"Final._ __Reinspection required r / Denied-LJ Corrections/Comments:--"L---..:W~-_r'"1~------------ __Approved Inspector:_Date:_ Project Name:?PU;;ts.Uck...&-LJ/,,-JOtr.-1 {.~oIy?ORB Number:DRB050246 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FORAN11'X20'REDWOOD DECKAND FRENCH GLASS DOORS Participants: OWNER SPIERS,MICHAEL J . 2466CHAMONIXRDG4 VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT SPIERS,MICHAEL J. 2466CHAMONIXRDG4 VAIL CO 81657 Project Address:2466CHAMONIXLNVAIL CHAMONIX CHALETS,UNITG-4 06/10/2005 06/10/2005 Location: LegalDescription:Lot:3Block:Subdivision:CHAMONIX CHALETS ParcelNumber:2103-141-0601-6 Comments:see conditions BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:06/20/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building.Please consult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities . Cond:201 DRB approval shallnotbecomevalid for 20days following thedate of approval. Cond:202 Approval of th is project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following the date of finalapproval,unlessa building pe rmit isissuedand construction is commenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:CON0007235 Deck &doorstomatchexisting siding &trim atCO. Minor ExterjorAlteratjons Application for Design Review .DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81557 tel:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 .web:www.vailgov.com '?IO~\<-tI06()16 General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesignreviewmustreceiveapprovalpriortosubmittingabuildingpermitapplication.Please . refertothesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticularapprovalthat isrequested.Anapplicationfor Design Review cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequiredinformationisreceivedby t heCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTownCounciland/orthe Planning andEnvironmental Commission . Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. location of the Proposal:Lot:_,--_Block:'B ,(-, v .:I -<,?D --7 2 ~U970 ')TO ---72.-'~0 ((...(1 4 7 D 7 79 o'-t-DO Forconstruct ion ofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidentialor commercialbuildinq(includes250additions &interior conversions). Forminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc. Forminorchangestobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedby Planning Stafforthe DesignReviewBoard.. Plus $1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea. $550 $300 $250 $20 NoFee $50 No Fee o Separation Request Zoning:~~~~;z::~[:=::::::::::t~~~"--_~_/.~~~-----'-- o Changes toApproved Plans Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Name(s)of Owner(s): Mailing Address: E-mail Address : Owner(s)Signature(s): ______________;:--Phone:---'-.L...:;;----::---:,-----'=-.::--~-- V)':.p ·d (.,'j G \VI s,V'\.l ()\o"f ax:.L..:--=.--I.--'..-.L.-=---"--"''--=-__ Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o NewConstruction o Addition ,.-.Parcel No.: MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERAnONS TO BUILDING ANDSITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application isrequiredforproposalsinvolving minorexterioralterations and/orsite improvements.Proposals toaddlandscaping donotrequire DRB approvalunlessthey i nvolve theadditionofpatios,waterfeatures,grading,ortheaddition of r etaining walls. I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS** c::::9 ?AllpagesofApplicationarecomplete C-O~C h eckli st iscompletedandsigned ~StampedTopographicSurvey*,ifapplicable ~~~SiteandGrading Plan *,ifapplicable ~.Landscape Plan*,ifapplicable . ~ArchitecturalElevations*,ifapplicable c:::r::f)Exteriorcolorandmaterial samplesandspecifications. )3"Architectural Floor Plans *,ifapplicable ..Jd"UghtingPlan*andCut-sheet(s)forproposedfixtures,ifapplicable ~ll tf e report,including Schedules A &Btoverifyownership andeasements* ~q;p h otos oftheexistingsiteandadjacent structures,whereapplicable. c:::::EiJ Writtenapprovalfromacondominium associa tion,landlord,and jo int owner,if applicable-tJ'Site-specificGeological Hazard Report,ifapplicable* ..ii!t"TheAdministrator and/or DRB mayrequire thesubmission ofadditional plans, drawings,specifications,samplesandothermaterials(i ncluding amodel)if deemed necessarytodetermine whetheraprojectwillcomply wi th Design Guidelines or if th e intent oftheproposal isnotclearly indicated. Pleas e submit thre e (3)copi esof the materials noted with allasterisk (*). **For interior conversionswith noexteriorchanges,thesubmittal requirementsincludea complete set ofexlstinq andproposedfloorplans,atitlereport,and written approvalfroma condominiumassociation,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable. Ihavereadand understand the aboV&lsted submittal requirements: ProjectName:~'1e\~I \)e (.k. Contractor Signature,__,--+..:....,,~-L>p---===-------- Date Signed -'-+--+_ I JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I,(print name)f7 \L "'-Q.11-&1$"'(2 U-.f <?\r-..ajo int ownerof property locatedat(address/legal description)-' providethis letter as written approvaloftheplansdated whichhavebeen submitted totheTown of VailCommunityDevelopment Department fortheproposed improvements tobe Iunderstandt hat theproposed improvementsinclude: ~i i )'2.D ~e.V\ll ~G,La )))f') I further understand that minor modifications maybemadetotheplansoverthecourseofthereviewprocessto ensurecompl iance withtheTown'sapplicablecodesandregulations. . R ,~~ (Signature) M t:l VI a."j .L v/ Page2of 11/07/16/04 (Date) C-&--0,I.e -r:) Zoo j (-, , PROPOSED MATERIALS BUilding Materials Typeof Material Roof Siding OtherWallMaterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim HandorDeckRails Flues Flashing (.)t ("I t ~ cJ lAl.\A I '",~......... ---vvv ..... Yt ,II ~cr 1 i10 -.I"~() Chimneys TrashEnclosures .5 Greenhouses RetainingWalls ExteriorLighting "'0"'1 ,rn ,iAI1 --------('-0 'TOWN O~\~A l l D ESIGN REV IEW STAFF APPROVAL Other U'-~DATE:__p ;l.cJ /tJS- Notes:----------.::-:---S,-'7-J.\-F F·==?2~;¢;=. Pleasespecifythe manufacturer's name,thecolorname and number andattachacolorchip. ~1D ~tJ{OO SfIERS.MICHAlE For: .... IV 0" r1l 0. MILGARD Windows Bid 06/02/2005 W indows 2.797.81 Labor en D.nO Delivery (;\IT)0.00 Sales Tax (NT)0.00 Total Bid 2.797.81 QTOOO199 Job Sit~Addres... I 'VAIL RESIDE-N:-::·C=E,..----'----- -......_.J .__.....-..... GREGORr DOOR &WINDOW POBOX 290 1790 AIRPORT RD BRECKENRIDG E.COLO 80-124 (970)453-6428 Fax:(970)453 ·845 1 ·1--·.. il.. ...,... i ~ 71 5 nG BIt''''lWOlle Wood CladI-1\ Qly ~izI:lX>eripl in. 90610 FOOXXR ·FlUlCh 0001 (OXXR) GIL Fini>h ham.:G""'" CLR LEo Tempered Other Grid s Nol Keyed 4 None 9/16-Ext Jamb(~Q{161 SlidingScreen Mulli I'oiol Lock Poli~hed Brass ()lIn~.,ions RO·I08 ~II! "<>I t'S Each 2.797.81 T=I 2.iQ7.81 .... Lfl..,. ex> ""Lfl..,. or-m Malerial :!.i97.)\1 Q150 Material en 2.;97.81 Labor (NT)0.00 Delh'cr)'(NT)0.00 0%-Resale SulJT01',\L 2 .197 .81 ~.. I ~ i ~ " ~, • ~ ~ r:U15 PrnSl'('d 0IJ:U2::!(}(lc;J:-'4:,:54P\1 ?~ fogc I of! Depo!>it~ TOTAL~ ~i1-6~·q4- / f c"'.....Bi<h (;old \'r"';oo ~.1 .0 0.. '"o,., o o No N <'1 N ><s ATCJM~V iewer rage 1 or 1 C~Ci""oV\:t-(~(.!-<-~ l),(,v k..w'Ii v\o ~(oVV\(..,. (CtVlV1J ~i-S.lt.~1tu..-'\. lr )t 1f-L O L\c-~_+r-J Z 'f1tv\-,:1 .>X t -trU\V'\t,,,.1 -1 .'" .» D(~L ',\-.1\{'{\;~)It -t I-f \)-""s,J 1 '-~ ~\0 SlA.r \,/{..--/f..'[';ts 0",-'\~>L p<u('{'fL 12.-~ ~;)i 5 4..,)"t fL,L +0 .s Cc..rc.~ro"" ~l S.(E~Sl <.--(()I.o\.~f-I 1 V\cc«£iv.--.(Wc.Jp'./~('L"\<..-.> (TOWN or VAIL to(A c..DE C I ~f lEW ST tAL DATf 6/~(~h '.. http ://gisweb.eaglecounty.us/website/ecgislMapFrame.htm 8 1 ",I"r-.~~~~?/2 00 5 W -c»:l-=-..1 \t.I-t v'I~'\I V N /' ...;s;i-w>~--" ",.-".> ...lo "- 2 ~I$~-~~,o U )LL [~ ~Wt-= OU)~I , {I \l;r-------··-- i ._--~ i i __h _i .-.~_I ,------I,I "'\.(I L Ii......"\c'c..e,..)'*.J fI !,I'/C,.iotA 1 v.S : k-- I , ~....----1- 7 (:4-II . .1--'.1 _..--i_ I t i ! I, **********************************•••••*.*.*••••******************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: SPIERS R050000786 Amount:$250.00 Check 06/10/200508 :13 AM Init:JS Notation :1 225/MICHAEL Permit No : Parcel No : Site Address : Location: DRB050246 Type :DRB-Minor Alt,Comm/Multi 2103-141-0601-6 2466 CHAMONIX LNVAIL CHAMONIX CHALETS,UNIT G-4 Total Fees :$250.00 This Payment :$25 0.00 Total ALL Pmts :$250.00 Balance :$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 250.00 PARADIGM DESIGN l\W ..,_~...51991i*i------ , .'0); ~.t..-:7~~~~ 7 ·~·]R(~,'~1-r l ,AWrtlO'-l ,n ,--_I '..-,' LX-.ok...,~...~.. ,b{)Dfn c»-J ....A(:)l...1T",01'-~. \.f-..., ~, \.\\ -.Ie ][[]~,-,-Ir-,,.',. , A I •~il I ,, ,., /-'.A·I "III·.,·1 II i Ii II 1 • Y ., A .•. I i I VI'f I !1 ~ /'\. .1 oj I,I r:r:11 '\.~"II,APPfI1 ! I III jl : I II I I II I I~~III I I II "J -:. ~ I ""~t ~ ,\~I II . '-I II I I I . I - I .1 . EA-.::r FI E "'ATIC*-J .=:cuTH E E'~'"T'"', P.O .BOX 731 VAIL ,COLORADO 81658 A.kJ",~TK.ot--Jb A£)l/lTl U-J ....."-~4-Lor -,1..e..-o:-;<.eo 4""~~~-.4 _::'•{1 ARCHITECTURE PLAN1G I TERIORS 303-476-6397 J L ,~-- ) f I - I~ -'I I / L.---f...--r--...--r-----"....-r- ... (H TEL TE PO BOX 7 I rl 1658 I TERIOR ,0 /'ItiJ PARADIGM DESIGN [= lit // '---------/ , I L /' I~'I • t -:A.::I PI E YATI ~Ttl • A ARCHITECTU E PO BOX 731 VAil,CO 0 PLA 1658 2-;z.S-1 I TERIORS 303-476-6397