HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 TRACT C LOT 1 FIRST BANK 5 OF 6 LEGALProjectApplication Date _ P roject N ame :----------------------~:c_--------------- Project Description :_ Contact Personan dPho ne Ow ner,Ad dressand Ph one:_ Architect,Address andPhone: Legal Descrip tion :Lot ,Block ~Filing ,Zo ne _ C omm ents :_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ J M otionby: Seconded by :----'-I_I -'--~_=_=...:_ APPRO VAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:_ T own Planner o Staff Approval D ale : / I lh.printery 'va ,1 :.., .•'1-:"...--. -~:;;J~;;';'....'..- ".... ...~~ APPLICATION DATE:OG"tOf)E..J(.,~/?8j .:~.::;; DATE OF ORB i1EETIliG:Oca)'~Q 4 t l~80~__'~~ ..\'~:.~ ;.';~7' '.-~."'­..•_-"u_..........;'.-.......-............. ...~~. •••;'-!'. • , .;.:;;.~.;~ A pre-application meetingwith a planning staff member .is strongly suggestedto .':;-:".~ datermt ne if ariy additi ona I i nformati on is needed.Nc appl.i cation _w.i.ll be accep ted ....~~-S . unless it is comp l'e te (must include all items required by the zoning adm .inistrator).'""~~~1 It isthe applicant's responsibility to make anappointmentwiththe staff tofind-..":;,;.,.: outabout additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE applica-;".:>:f.;::; tion will streamline theapprovalprocessforyour project by decreasingthe number -~~ of conditions ofapproval that the ORB may stipulate.ALL conditions ofapprovalmust .<~* be resolved befo.rea building permitis issued.··:..-~::d .".....~.~,~~ A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:LX-rtiLL.O (,.1:£'J \~l "-.J&Of=CC\MI\A.vt.U!\L··"..;."..:::.. 12Ul/.....-\)\"?lCCAIE.A\N U7l N Q 1 :r~fu~JAGf.tZ.DAS? -... • ORB APPLICATIO N / *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBt1ITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING:· \I ML B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL : Legal Description :.....:::::::...:::====:-%if-Ge-*-::===+-Fil i ng _ te1ephon~&3)47'_"38?O-'f \}~Cf,"u.s \'Y tAJT'( tele phon e<J..o ~41(,-38?O Zoning C~AA.UUCl A (' C.NA r1E OF APPLICANT :\J"\L :±'<H_Quvl,S G.W\f~\IJG, Address 2Z..,H NeUH frLoNTA~f..to,.\?\JAlC--(0 8(b$7 ;( D.NAN E OF APPLICA NT'S REPRESE NTATI VE:~f_l.\~CJ..j~flsL.!::u...~-'\'uW'9='flJL=l::..S'---~~"""-=..........~"'-I. \ Address Z2..A.\~o(;nA-~W2\C::k X,Op,9 (VI\\L..)Co«8lb57 E.NA~lE OF OWNERS:\1 1'\\L.:*U>."-.SZ.S 6:ov\,I \f0C . Signature ~~..(\h .£'f (~lU.J\\S>VJr Address 2.Z.~~\...\Ottl.\:U&N!1'<2L U:>t'yS>1 "tllL 1 CO,8lLSJ telephon e0=D3).,1.7'-"3 89 0 F.ORB FEE:The fee will bepaid at thetimea building permit is requested. VALUATIO N $0-$10,000 $10.001 -$50,000 $:.50.001 -$150.000 $150.001-$.500.000 $500.001-$1,000.000 $Over $1,000,000 FEE $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDI NG ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE ORB: 1.In addition tomeeting submittal requirement s.the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also be mar ked.This work must becompleted before the ORB visits the site. 2.The review process for 'NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings oftheDesign Review Board,soplan on at least t wo meetings for their ,approval. 3.People who fail toappear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meetingand who havenotaskedfora postponement will be required tobe republished. i • .' 4.The followingitems no longer have tobe presented tothe Design Review Board. They,however,have tobe presented tothe Zoning Administrator for approval: a.Windows.skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing planeofthe building;and b.Building additions that arenot viewed from any other lot or publicspace, wnich have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;and/or approval from the agent for,or manager ofa condominium assocta tton , 5.You may berequired.toconduct Na tura1 Hazard 5tudiesonyour property.You shou1d checkwitha Town Plannerbeforeproceeding. Innat~_ Michael Pharris Vice President 221 1 NorthFrontage Road.Vail.Co lo rado 8 165 7 VAIL 303-476-3890 •TOLL FREE HlDO-S43-2814•FAX 3 03-476-2821 ASU B SID IARY O F VA ILH OL DINGS GROU P INC ,. .,,"-~.--..,.- t~':~ "·7.~......... .--... ......:=:«! .. ... MATERI AL TO BE SU8MITTED I.NE WCONST RUCTIO N A.Topographic map and site planof site containing the following (2 copies): .-.".......= ..::,~..- ...- ..',-....;~~ 3. 4. Exis ti ng trees or ~roups of trees having trun ks withdiameters of 4"or more one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermitten~streams,etc.). .-..-r 5.Avalanch~areas,100 yearflood plain and slopes 40%ormore,i f applicable. 6.Tiesto existing benchmark,either USGS landmark or sewer invert. Z.Locations of the following: ___~.Propo sed surface drai nage on and off site showi ng size and t ypeof cu lverts,swales,etc. b.Exact l ocationsofa ll utilities to i nclude existi ng s ources and proposed service lines from sourcestothe structure.Utilities to i nclude: cable TV Telephone sewer water gas electric c.Property lines showing distances and bearings anda basis ofbearing d.Proposeddrivewayswith percent slope and spot elevations e.Alleasements 8.Existing andf inished grades. 9.All existing andproposed improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas,storage areas,walks,driveways,off-street parking,load ing areas,retaining walls (with spot elevations),and other site i mprovements. 10.Elevations oftopofroof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath)to determine height of build ing. B.A statement fro m each utility verifying location of service and avai lability.To besu bmitted with site plan. C.Prelim inary tit le report toaccompany all submittals,to insure property ownership ..anda ll,easementson property. D.Landscape Plan(1"=20'or larger)-2 copies 1.Show the location of 4"diameter or vl .a rqe r-trees,'other 'shrubs .and-native olants tl: are onthe site andthe location and design ofproposedlandscape areas with the varieties andapproximate sizes of plant materials tobe planted.~ 2.Complete landscape materials list. 3.Designate trees tobesaved and thosetobe lost. NOTE:As much of the above information asposs ible shou ld occur on the site plan,so that the i nter-relationof the various components is clear.The landscaoeplanshouldbe separate.The existing topographic andvegetational characteristics may bea separate map.The applicant must sta ke the site to show lot lines andbui lding corners.Trees that will be lost during construction mustbe tagged.The work shouldbecompleted before the ORB site visit. E.~_ArGhitectural Plans (1/8"=l'or larger)2copies 1.Must include floor plansand all elevations asthey will appear on completion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2.Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submittedfor review on the materials list available from the Department of Co~unity DeveloP- ment.Color chips,siding samples etc .•shouldbe presented at the Design Review Board meeting. "-. F.The Zoning Administrator andlor ORB may require thesubmissionof additional plans. drawings,specifications.samplesand other material (including a model)if deemed necessary to determine whethera project will comply withdesign guidelines. .t.HINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photosor sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) ofproposal may be submitted in lieu ofthe more formal requirements givenabove.as longastheyprovide all important specifications for theproposed including colors and materials tobe useti ..- :I.ADD ITrONS -RES IDENTIAL OR Cm·lI-1ERCIAL A.Original floor planswith all specifications shown B.Floorplan for addition -2copies C.Site plan 'showing existing andproposed construction -2copiestapas D.Elevations of addition E.Photosof existing structure F.Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Development At the request ofthe Design Review Administrator you may also be required tosubmit: G.Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability.See attached utility location verification form • .H.Site improvement survey,stamped by registered professional surveyor. I.Preliminary title report,verifying ownershipof property and lists ofeasements. IV.FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit hasbeen issued.and when the project is underway,the following will be required before any building receives aframing inspection from theBuilding Department:A certified improvement surveyshowing: A.Building locations with ties to property corners,i.e.distances and angles. B.Building dimensionsto nearest tenth of foot. C.All utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines,typeof material used, and exact locations.2 copies D.Drainage as-builts.2 copies E.Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F.All property pins are tobe either found or·set and stated on map • .. .-:-'.J....~ ....-....- .~ '!'"•• G.Alleasements • H.~uilding floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. "UST OF r·IATERI ALS .:./Ai·IE -OF p;\OJECT:CH~/IA.()Nl)(C~UJU.S .s"jS"~\'-.I&COST'd...(~,'3 N~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT.-:---:-r--__8LOCK FLUNG _ STREET ADDRESS:zzrt \Nal(X!,,!.Bo t.!TAS::L '£0 b;'2 \I t,,;lL.Co.8'k57 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:/1 .....~ ".-"~?". .\.",".•,p_.... The fa 11 OI~i nginforma ti on is requi red for submitta 1bytheapp1i cant to the DesignRevi ew Board before a final approval can be fiven: A.BUILDHIG j·1ATEiUALS :TYPE OF ~lATERIAL Roof (0ing ) Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Slippery Roc k SWl033 COLOR Windows ~n dO W Tr 3 Doors Door Trim 'Qn d or ~ Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Samples approx imate theactual oamt coklf -only available InDeco rator Cokws PROPOSED TREES B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: phone: PLAiH i·1A TERIALS:........,Botani ca 1 Name ~ EXISTI1IG TREES TO _ BE REi·lOVED _~/~7 Com mon Name Quani tv Size* *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. .(over) -0::-'-•-. ;-... .PL MT :'fATERI';LS : (cDn't) SH RUBS EXI STI NG SHRUB S TO BE REi,lOVE D GR OUi:D COVERS SOD SE ED ~Iam e CD ~on Name Qu an;t"Size .....,........~ Souare Footac e TYPE OF IRR IGAT IO N TYPE OR METH OD OFEROSIONCONTROL -----------------~"""-- C.OTH ER'LANDSC APE FEA TURES (retain ing wa lls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Pleasespeci fy. ZO NE CHE CK FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZO NE DIS TRICTS DAT E: LEG,;L DESCRI PTI ON:\lot Block Fil i ng ADDRESS :~---------- OWNE R \Ph one AR CH IT ECT Phone-------- ZONE DI STR ICTPROPOSEDUSE ----->.;S:------------ LOT .SJ ZE ._..~__-------- Pro po sed \ (3 00)(00) (90 0)(1 00) (50)uoo (25 )(5 0) (200 )(400) (30 )(33) 20' 15 ' All O\'re d Mechanical Air lock Storage Sol ar Hea t Sides Re ar Envi ronment a 1/Hazards:Ava 1anche +_ Heigh t Pr i ma ry GRFA Credi ts:Gar age Water Course Drive :Slo pePe rmitte d ------------ Seco ndaryGRFA To tal GRFA Set backs:Front Lan dscaping Fen ce/Retaining ~all He ights Pa rking Site Co verage Flood Pla i n ~------------- Slope +----_ Wetl ands ---'~----- \Co mmen ts:--------------------------------------';-------- Zon ing:Approved /Disappro ved Date: Sta ffSig nature UTILITY LOCATIC::VERIFICATIC:: SUBDIVIS .c JOB NAHE_~:--_ ADDRESS """:-_ LOT ----";:-BLOCK FILI~:G\-------- DateAuthori=ed Siznature Upper Ea gle Valley Water & Sanitation District 476-7 480 Fred Haslee Herita ge Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 Gar yJ ohnson Holy Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Western Slope GasCo. 1800 92 2-t98 7 Harry Mo yes Hountain Bell 468-6500 The location of utilities.whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the followin g utilicies for the accompanying site plan. NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contrac or of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of ail.Department of Public Wor ks and to obtain utility locations before dig ing in any public righ:- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A b ui ~ci g permit is n ot a str eet cut permit.A street cut per~it must be obtained eparately. This form is to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. *(Please bring a site plan when obtaining Upper Eagle &Sanitation signatures) --"------ LEGAL VE :~S.:IU PT I ON~ A PAR CEL 0 ['LAND LYING WITHIN A RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL ING NO.1.AND VA IL DAS SCHONE FILING NO .3.COUNTY m·EAGL E. STATE OFCOLORAD O.HORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLU JWS: BEG [NN ING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL .ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CHAMONIX LANE AND THE NORTHWEST CORNE R OF LOT 2A.RE SUB DIVISIONOFLOT 2.VAIL DAS SHONE FILING NO.3;THENCE S 19·46 '40 "E420 .66 FEET TO A PO INT ON THE NORTH RrGHT OF WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO.70 FRONTACi E ROAD:THENC E ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LitlE ON THE FOL LOWItI G THREE COURSES:1)S 52·0 2'56"W 62.0 0 FEET;2)S 69°. 5 4'16"W 274 .90 FEET:3)S 46·04'45 "W 45 .08 FEET TO THE SO UTH EAST CO RNER OF THE COLLINS-WIRTH SUBDIVISION.THENCE AL ONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SUBDI VISION N 39 ·52 '53 "W 171.75 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CHAHONIX ROAD :THENCE ALONG SA[D RIGHT OF WAY ON THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES:1 )2 45.63 FEET AL OtlG THE ARC OF A 194.4 FOOT RADIUS CURV E TO THE LEFl'WHOS E CENTRA LANG LE I S 72°23'01 "MID WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N OS ·0 2'. :31"E 229.n 2 FEET:N 28·09'00"W 98.5 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHRIGH TOF WAY LINE OF CHAMONIX LANE:THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID RIGHT OF vi A'[LINE THE FOLLO WING THREE CO URSES:1)N39 ·43'00 "E 88 .0 4 FE ET:2l 59 .57 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A75 .00 FOOT RADIU S CUR VE TU THE RIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 45·30'29"AN D WH OSE LONG CO RD BEA RS N62°28'18"E .58,02 FEET;3 )N 8 5°13 '33 "E 21 4.:34 FEE T TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.SAID PARCEL ALSO BEHl G KNO WN AN D DESC RIBED AS VAIL DAS SCHONE SUBDIVISION-TRAC T "K ". EXCEP T: CO NDO MINIUM UN ITS 401,403.405 .408.409 .412.413.416.417. 420 .421,424 .425.428 .429.43 2.433.436 AND4.17 .I NN AT WEST VAIL CO NL'O HIN IUHSACCOR DING TO THE COt IDO MINIUH HAP 'THEREOF AND AS DEFINED AN D DESCRIBED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATI ON RE CORDED NOVEM BER 15.1983 IN BOOK 372 AT PAGE 8 65.COUNTY OF EAG LE.STATE OFCOL ORAD O. PA HGE L B: CUt IDOM IN IU H UNITS 401.103.405,408.409.41 2.41 3 .416,417. 420 .4 21.424.425,428.429 .432.433.436.AND 437.INN AT WEST VAIL CO NI:'O MINIUH MAP THEREOF AND AS DEFINED AND DE SCRIBED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION RECOR DED NOVEHBER 15.1983 IN BOOK 372 AT PAGE 865.COU NTY OF EA GL E.STATE OF COLORADO. /LEGAL .DESCRIPTION: THAT PA RT OF COMMERC IAL TRA CT "C"A RESUBDIV ISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE.FILING NO .1.EAG LE COUNTY.COLORADO.DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:BEGINN ING AT THE SOUTH CORNER OF SAID COMMER CIAL TRA CT "C".SAID SOUTH CORN ER BEING ON THE NORTHWESTgR LY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF iNTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO .70;THENCE N 35"35 '37"W.A DISTAN CE OF169 .16 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CHAM ONIX ROAD.80 FEET WIDE:THENCE N 44·14'09 "g .A DISTANCE OF 122.66 FEET;THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE.S39 ·52 ' 53 "E.ADIST ANCE OF 171.75 FEET TO THE NORTHW ESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID INTERST ATE HIGHW AY NO.70;THENC E SOUTHWES TERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE,ADISTANCE OF 135 .00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.COUNTY OF EAGLE .STATE OF COLORADO, ~ J -< e ~-1 I\\-g ~ ~ '"'"' " r L ANDSCAPED @------ tit BUILDING " NO RfH ~·..WALK .". ............................., -~~ -....................<, ~\ \ DECK I I I I _-------1-----\----- IS 'DRAINAGE \AND ///,// 1= l Ei I I I I ,, . .'.CO~CRE T£:..J.". CONCRE TE 'DECK ' CONDOMINIUM L ANDSCAPED ~ --------------~~~---- __-;-~R GE ---------__.i->-,-RDCKS -'~,I e--------..._-/__----ITypr ----------------· ------------------------:.::..::::::-----»>»>:..---",.-",...-// »>:/'/-/.-.------.-/' //' • " " --.............) I "-,-,-...., ......................._-----~­---""I I / I I / I ~__--I •• .--.- "-I \ \ \ \'>-......."'''"X »:>:'./' ->-~'~ ./""", \' ----~- 1-----------_------ \\I TEL EPrlONE \'~PEDESTAL ,\\L _----~~/:f!TAR Y SE WER------11 MA NRo!Itr1'P ~-: \\.--=:-:::..-/' STOP ,,__ SIGN O 24 .--:'/'\/-----?!t--::::::::/BASIS or ELEVATION: I -----1';_----__-:::-<-:MH C-127 /.,..--...-//.-/------RIM ELEV.7923 .53' //.-_-/\INV IN 7908.21'/_-.-;//~("n\ --,...,......-f r:.,;.~!..,i .o~\f. c,01'1;JI May 2,1984 Kristan Pr it z ------------'To wn-of Vail Officeo fCommun it y Development 75 So uth Frontage Road Vail,CO 8 1657 Dear Kris t an: Mr.St u Sack s has fo rwa rded you r le tter o f April30 t ome a lo ng wit ht heminu tes of t he meet in g of Ju ne 13 o ft he Plann ing andEnvironmental Comm is sion.Please bea ss ure d t hat we will paint the new antennae sys temon the Chamoni x Corn ers bui lding with a dull li ght paint in c ompli ance with your r equest by Jun e1 ,1984 Conc erningt hematter o ver the old t oweron the Vail Run building,around April 16I sent ac r e w t o the building with th ei n structions to r emove that structure atop the build ing. We were informed byt hemanager,Mr.WilliamFle icher,that heco nside re d this to bea proper ty o f Vail Runandden ied us a ccess to r emove th e tower.I did at this time inform Mr.Fleicher of the requi rementby the town of Vail that the tower be r e- moved.He,however,c ontinued to decline our peopl e a cce ss to r emove th es aidtower.I ex~la i ne d to him that i f h e wi shed to r etain that tow er he wouldhavet o wo rk o ut a n a greementwith the t own of Va il.I then told Mr.FleicherIf elt my obliga tion was then c omp leted a ndheag re ed.Accord ingly, Kristan,we c anf eelno furthe ro bligation toward th is tow er a s we now f eel that i ti s t he propert y of VailRun and,con- sequently,their probl em a s to wh ether i t wil l beperm itted. I a m,of cours e,forwardin g to Mr.Fleich er aco py o f your r equ es t t o me as well a s th e minute s of the me eting and t hi s l etter. Sincerel y, Wi lliam C.Weber Dire ctor of Engine er ing WCW:rf Encl osure 1000 1I0NSRI DGt LO OP.VA Il.COL ORA DO 81657•(3031 476-KV MT ~l ay 2,1984 Mr.Wil li am F1ei ch er GeneralManager Vail Run Building 1000 Lionsrid ge Vail,CO 81 657 De ar Bill : Enclo sed is a c opy of a le t te r fro m th e t own of Vai l as wel l as my resp onse toth em a nd a c opy of th e minutes of th e Design Revi ew Board . As I i nfor me dyou i nmid-A pri l,they ha d requir ed us to remov et hat t owe r.llovev cr ,a t your req uest ,wed id n I t , I,the refore,su ggest that yo u c ontactMs.Kr is tan Pri tz of th et own of Vail at 4 76-7000 a ndwork out s ome form of a g reement as I now c onsider t his tower t obe your proper t y. Sincerely, Hilliam C.Heber Director of Engine ering \~CW :rf Enclosu res 1000 L10 N ~f{I[)GL LOOP .V AIL ,C OLORADO B1657 •UO )I 47&·KVMT '\ 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 April30,1984 StuSacks Program Director KVMT Radio 2271 NorthFrontage Road West Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Stu: officeofcommunitydevelopment Re:Removal of Antennae on Vail Run Building Ihave enclosed a copy oftheminutesoftheJune13,1983 Planning and Environmental Commission that concerned KVMT 's request for acon- dit iona1useper mit tobui1danantennaeonthetopof the ..Cha mon i x Corners building.The Planning Department requests that you comply withtheapproval by removing theoldantennae from theVail Run building and by painting your new antennae at Chamonix Cornerswithadull paint.This work mustbecompleted by June1,1984.Originally, KVMT was askedto remove theVail Run antennae by January 1 ,1984. If you haveany further quest ions,please give me aca11.Thanks for your cooperation. Sincerely, ~\~~Q~?~ KRISTAN PRITZ Town Planner KP:br Encl. MEI1BERS PR ESENT Dan Co rcoran Di ana Donovan WillTrout J im Viele ABSE NT J im f10rgan Gordon Pierce Du ane Piper e -- a ndEnvir onn!en tal Ju ne 1 3,1 983 STA FF PRE SENT Dick Rya n Pe te l'Pa tt en Peter Ja mar J im Sayre Betsy Rosoiack COUNCI L RE PR ES ENTA TIVE Chuck Anderson The mee tin g Vi as call ed toor der at 10 :0 0 ambyDan Co rcoran,chairman.The firs t itemon the a genda ~I a s t he approva l ofth e mi nutes o f the .me eting of May 23 ,1983.Corcor an c orre ct ed it em #1 t o rea d "The vote was 5 in f avor"in stead of4 .Donovan mo veda ndTrou tse condedto a pp l~ve th e minute s as corrected .The vote was 4-0 i nf avor .The a ppl ica nt f or #4,Lodge at Va il,r equested to table unt il J une 27 .Trout mov ed and Vi e le s econded t o ta ble .The vot e was 4 -0 to tab l e . 1..Ar e uest t o-I~zo n~_T!:.e.c_toJl_s Cond ominiu ms f rom the Hi..5Lh Dens ity Mu l t ip le FamilY HDI-1F)zon~_Lsy_i _c _t:_t ~__CD:0lle r cia l i=_C2!:.~JL~of'--~d ist-,=-i .s:.~a nd ~ce_~~s t_f or a n exempt ionto ~JJ~\·,-__a_J_o_ajJ.~~ilc~w i th i n th e r eguir ed f ront s etback . App licant :Treetops Con domin ium Associ at ion .- Pete l"J amar e xplained the me~o andr emindedth e board that t heo r igina l memo of April 13 ,1 98 3 co nta ined th e r equest,a nd that t he PEC had t abled the requ esti n order fo r th ea pplicantt o i nv e s ti ga te traff ic and c irculation i mpactsof the pr opos al o nthe alr eady congested Ea stLi o nshead Circle area .Th e PEC had also askedthe applic ant t olook at mo ving t he loa ding zo neo uto fth e fron tse tb ack andtol ook a tthesnow s torageprobl era .Ja mar sh owe da sitepl anhehadr eceived just before t hemeet ing wh i ch the s ta ff hadnot had ti me to s tudy.The new plan showed a new l ocation f ora loading s pace anda s now s tora gea rea .Ja mar re ad fr om the t raf fic s tudy wh ich s tatedtlla t th e i mpa cts of the pr oposa l coul dbea ll eviated by four l is teditems .He s tated t lla tt here would be no guarantee t hat s ignsor agreements wou ld stop the use o f sh ort te r m parking .He f elt th at a pedestri an connect ion between the proposed cO :ii lii erci al deve I opment a nd the Li onshead par king struc tu re porta l wou l d alleviate so!~e of th epedes tr ian tr avel throu gh th e bus/truck area, as would the limiti ng of t he t ypes ofuses allow ed in the proposed build ing. J ama ra lso e xplainedth atth e applicants sugges tedconsolidating the east andwestb ound bus platform,but tha t th e Transport ati on depar t me nt ga vere asons why t his would not wo rk .He me ntionedt he f act t hat t het raffics tudy al so s/low ed t hat 42 ~of t he traff ic int he a rea wa s h om a utos ,and unti lthe re was a solution t o the pr ivate autoe nte ri ng the area(su ch as aCheckpoint Cha r li e ),noaddit ionalpr oblenls shoul d be created in th e East Li o nshEad Circle a rea .Hea ls os aid that the staff couldnot make a r ecomme nd a t i onof a p ~JI"oJd l w i th out f ur the r s tudy of the nel'i plan . TedStra uss,Pre s ident of the Tr e eto ps Cond omini um As sociation,stated that a t the l astmeetin g,t hey we re to ld to go back an dhave a tr a ff ic s tudymade,they s elected a tra ff icen gill e er r ec o ::;:'e ~d C'd by Pet er .Ja :::a r ,and i t was the e ngin eer's ·opinion that th e traff ic ~att ern int he Ea s tLion sheada rea wou ldnotchange . ·.~e ·'JEC 6/13/83 -5- Co rcoranasked the neigh bors i n the audience i f they wo uld be infav or of the TO V trading par t of lot 40 for lot 34inorde r toplace th edayc ar e center on par t of lot 40.The r esponse f roma llwastha t they were n ot ~ Mor e dis cus si onf ol lowe d concerni ng theexcha nge of pro perties .a nd th en Perkins re quested to tab le the c~~st unt il July 11 .Viele movedand Don ovan seconded tot able t he request until ~11.The vote I~as 3-0 ~I ith Corcoran absta ining. 3.Reque st for a c 6nditi~;;1-~-.mit inord er !~)u i l danantenn ae ont he t opof the Chamoni x ~o r n e r s bui .~d~SG -Rart of Tract C•.~aJJ das Schone Fi ling #1.Appl~nt :R and LI.orrllll<Hl-rcatio ns,Inc .(K V~l T -FH ) Pe te r Ja mar exp lain ed th at an antennae wo uld be placedon t he Chamo nix Cor ners Buildi ng i n West Vailtose rv ice the new studi o for KVMT.Bo bDorf ofKVM T answe d que stion s.Trout suggest ed the ante nnae bepainted ,and Donovan su ggested t hat thepain t be flat in a l i ght c olof.and t hat the f a cili ti es be r emov ed fromthe top of t he Vail Run building.. Dono van mo ved a ndTroutsecon ded to aQp rove th e reques t pe rth e sta ff me mo d ated Jun e6 ,1983 wit hthe cond_iti ons that th e e9-uip me nt R.erta i nJ!1.SL to KVMT ber emo ved from t hetopof t}~_~~i .~Run ~iJ.5Li-"-g~y Janua.!:Y.-l....J...2.8i,a nd tha tt he a nt E!nnae t obe constructed on .the Ch amonix Corner s bU ildi ng~.ilinte d l'lith ad ull pa i nt. Thevote was 4-0 i n favo r. The Plann ing andEnvironmental Co mmission tookabreakto eat lunc h. 4 .Request for an amen~m en t to Sections 18 .04 .030,18 .22 .090 and 18.2 4.130 i nordertoi ncrease t he numbe r of ac commod ation units al l owed i n t he CommercialCore Iand the Public f\c c o mrnod.~ti o n zone distri cts .Appl ican t: Lod ge Properties,I nc. Co rcoran sta te dt hathehada letter from theappl icant wi t h areq uestt ota ble th isi tem until the next mee ting .Trout movedandViele secondedt ot able,a nd thevote wa s4-0 i nf avor of tabl ing. 5.Requ'est f or a var iance fro m Sec tion18.13.080 ffil w hic.!l.-.re stricts_on~un i!. i na P r im a'!y'/Seconda.!Y.-.3.0.~e__to 40 ~of...!.h..e_51.llO\·~a b l e GRFA on lot 11,BlockE Vail dasSchone Fil in9 iil .App l ica nts:I.H.a nd T.K .Turnb ull Jim Sayree xplai ned th e reques tand SusanVaughn ,r e pr c s ent ~ng the Turnbulls, s tatedtha t the60/40 r ule was t o prev ent mirr6 r ima ges,butth atth ea ddi ti ons wo uldhelpred uce the present mirro r appearance o ft heduplexbecause the add it ions would havetobepla ced di ff er ently .The d up le x could remain50/50 and st illchan ge fr om one o fmirror i ll Jage .• ,. ,r'II e.eIIf-~MI\'~~: t+ f+SDDr:I',w.'d ~.Qt\rtlN\)~~-\\1l\\M ~01 ~ ,t',~\.o.C\~~~-IIU CMd.lASt ~m't. ll ~~\~{\1Ii,Q 'roo a~o&lIDl a\1aPeJ aAr~1 ;~D\).S'oJMack.d ")/;l/Tl Orcl.~)~T?"'0 _ I,CnN\.'~'(B,\'-\\I\:lrb ~~c \};\\~1 l. 11--\\\..\1\'\~i;~~vl9-h I\~o1~-~~.r-\'/\01 ~~~(.•U L fit 11+ I II ~ I j Date --1-t""-~~+----- ProjectApplication Proj ect Na me:__-"-'''--'----'-''-_ Project D escr ip tion :-----dz:>,+~........-l.\-':;:>.--~,L\,J,~l_----------------- Contact Person andPhone 1"15-6~Q; Y7Ce -]20 1 Ar chitect,Ad dress andPh one : c..\ Comm ents :_ D ISAPPROVAL Date ~""-7~7L.--_-DesignReviewBoard Mot i onby : Second edby:---J.....:\rt;""------- APPR OVAL ~-O Summ ary :--,,---;-_ st-- o StaffAp proval ProjectApplication 7Date-~,..+l-~+--:!c...-!----- Pro ject Name:__~~-l.-L-_ ,.....~J).", e.\)'S--PV\\......Contact Personand Phone Project Descri ption :--------::::F:..L-..:-..l-!....-C.----.;J~.1::T------------------- Owner ,Add ress and Phon e:.!::....:~...l.l.__---!...2:'...!.Il!l..2._ Ar chit ect,Address and Phone:t r II,<V 1/\ (A \ C omments:_ 7Date---"-r--:....!-...:..J.:...------ DesignReviewBoard Mo tion by: Seconded b y:----'-.".!-----':..:....:.....!-L-_ APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL \ I /\:,~'-----------------r ~{r \ Sum mary:-:--==--_ Date: o Staff Approva l the PrWo le,l'..a ,l ProjectApplication Date __-L _ Pro ject Name:_ Project Description:----,,_ Contact Person and Phone I 1 Owner.Address and Phone:~_ Archi tect,Address and Phone: Legal D escription :L ot ,Bl ock __--'--__~Fili ng _--'--,Zone ----:"d,.--~_ Comme nts :_ DesignReviewBoard IDate-'-_ Motion by : Seconded by : APPROVAL ) DISAPPROVAL JSummary:_ D ate: o Staff Approval MEMO TO :Ri ck Pylman From:Bill Se pmeier Re garding:KVMT Satellite Installation :Visual Scree ning As chief engine er f or KVM T and coordinator of the station 's eff o rts to c onstr uct a n ew satellite dish a t its studios,I appre c iate t he town 's approval of our zo ni ng variance request . Asa condition of t his ap proval,I u nderstandt h at t he Design Revi ew Board needs further information regardi ng the statio n's p lans for scree ni ng this dish from view,h ence t h i smemo . As you know ,t he d ish will be locate d in th e rear par king lot serving t he studio at 227 1 N .Fr ontage Road West .Exis ti ng hUildings t o th e East a nd West will h ide the d i sh i n t hese d irection s. F romt he South,t he dis h wi ll be sc ree ned by t he add ition of a wood en 'p rivacy fence ',co nst r uct ed in ama nner that wi ll b le nd i n with th e woo de n fe nce whic h sc reens the adjacent d umpsters an d tra sh dispos al a rea .T his fence will b e some 10 to 1 2 fe e t i n height and extend west fro m t he d umpste r sa bo ut t he sa me distance,effectively hidi ng t he dis h completely fr o m this angle . From the North ,up o n t he h ills i dea bve t h e location,t he dish will be screened with the a d di t ion o f so mee vergreen plan ts ,short trees an d fenc ing similar to that used on t he south s id e. Since t he d i sh will be o riente d at an angle whi chp res en tsas mall 'fac e'area from t his di rectio n,t his scree ning will min imi ze any vi ew from t he hom es above t he s ite . As yo uk now,t he addi t io n of this s ate llite system is vital to KV MT 's co ntinu ed assu ran c e of q uality n ews,information ,p rogramming a nd e mergency a ction s ervi ce s to t his commun i ty.I wi ll assu re you a nd t he Town of Va il that wef eel as strongly towar ds p reservi ng the visua l asthetic s of th e town as we d o ou r position in serving i ts communications n ee d s~KVMT will ass u re t h at t his installatio n is n ot an 'eyesor e'b ut i n st ead an as set to th e co mmunity . P l ease f eel f ree t o call up onme if yo uh ave further q uestio ns . Thank you. 3/5/87 town of vai 75 south frontage road vall ,colorado 81657 (303)476·7000 April 2,1987 Mr.Dennis Goodman c/o KVMT 2271 North Frontage Road vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Satellite Antenna at Chamonix Corners Dear Dennis: offIceofcommunItydevelopment At their meeting of February 2,1987,the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission approved your request for a variance from setback requirements and a variance from maximum size allowances in order to allow placement of a 3.8 meter satellite antenna in the northeast corner of the Chamonix Corners property. Final approval of the Des ign Review Board and issuance of a building permit will be required prior to installation. have any questions,please call me. KVMT FM PROPOSED SATELL ITE ANTENNA INSTALLATION NOTE :FRONT AND REAR OF ANTENNA WILL BE SCREENED FROM VIEW WITH FENCING AND SCHRUB S ...AS NEEDED. -.- PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION February 23,1987 PRESENT J.J.Collins Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pam Hopkins Peggy Osterfoss sid Schultz Jim Viele STAFFPRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Rick Pylmn Betsy Rosolack The meeting was called to order by the chairman,Jim Viele. 1.Approval of minutes of 2/9/87.Donovan moved and Hopkins seconded to approve the minutes.The vote was 7-0 in favor. 2 .A request for setback and a satellite receivin at 2271 h Fron e in order to install than the maximum allowed A licant:Sk -Hi Va il, Inc.~KVMT RadV Rick Pylman explained the request and showed photos and a site plan.J.J.Collins asked how the dish would be screened from the residents who lived further up the mountain from the dish and was told it would be screened on all four sides and would be turned toward the west so that the narrow edge would be visible from above.Rick explained that this PEC approval would allow the applicant to proceed to ORB,and ORB would address landscaping and screening.The PEC concerns regarding the landscaping and screening could be passed along to the ORB. J.J.Collins moved and Pam Hopkins seconded to approve the request per the staff memo dated 2/23/87 with the request to ORB that there be adequate screening and landscaping.The vote was 7-0 in favor of the request. 3.Appointment of aPEC member to ORB for the months of March, April and May. J.J.Collins volunteered to serve on the ORB and Peggy Osterfoss volunteered to back him up. A work session followed concerning the Plaza Lodge,the Lionshead Centre Building and Hillside Residential zoning. '- rt'r RICHARDS ENGINEERS,IN~ p ,0 ,Bn.C'IOO Avo n ,Colo rodo 81620 Phon.q4'·~07:l Donn ,l ino ."'j ·l ~'1 '.~-"..j CEHT1 I'I CNrl ON----------- / fence S ca le :/":.:/0 ' L EGflL 1lI.::.c i.:I".I l ):l 1\par t 01 Tr a ct "C",Bl o ck tv ,"!le subd ivision of vail Das S(}lQIlC ,F ilill'J No.1,Eag le Coun ty , Co lorado ,IliO l ""1.,Ht ic ul ilr ly d o s cr i b c d as foll ows : ',".~' Ikgln:lL-.q "tt r.o tJo rtlw as1-crly corne r of,Tract: "i\"of s a id Bl ock A;th L'n ce N~<1 °14'09"E and a long I.h(';NC )1·t l:('I-ly l in "of s aid Tra <:t ."C "and a ls o a long t.t,;~SC lll':IIl >l'I ,;R ''J iot-o(-W.1Y J i r .,,!C:h.,monix Road , J 2 ~.()G -[~L'.,;t.I,·,,,,,'e -S <l 2 °')G'~r'.,.:,](,9 .8 4-r N '1:-to-a -- ['ob,t o n th c So u t.h c rl v 1 i n o o l s a i d T rac t "C", wh t ch i ~,.Il ';'l r h o tt o r t uc.r l v l~j(J h t -of -\~a ,/l in e of t nuc rs t eto Hi '!},w,,';No .7 1);r.li o nc e J ·'2.2 4 f~l>t along tho!a rc e lf iI b ,UOO .OO f o ot rad i u s c urv o t o the l ef t, n nd :l in nq ,;'-'I d So u t h ....r lv lim!and ,11 '.'0 a long s a i d Nor l:h c r !'l I l i'lh~.-l ;f-\·:;'y lin e,s u i d c u r vo h ilvin :J il c"nt t.,l il ll 'Jle'o r I °2J '30"an d who s o l o nq chord be ars ~'lH o )l 'I 'H "\~l .1:~.;;I)f co t;t o t h o S()lJ t.lw il ~;t c t"ly c o r ne r o f f.i.lict T L'.,r.t "A",th ence N)C,'3,'37"\'1 a nd along the E"s te r -l,I i ll :of "ai'll Trac t '.\'.'.1(i I .5 0 f e o t to tho I 'o int:o f'b ',!qi li ni rl<J,and co nt;j\nillg 21,780 ';Cj u3 re f eet Ol·:O.SOCO c '~;l L'~'j ,more o r.l os s. ( TO: FROM: DATE: Planning andEnvironmental Commission Community Development Department February9,1987 SUBJECT:A request for setback variance and diameter of satellite dish variance in order to install a commercial satellite dish at the Chamonix Corners building in West Vail Applicant:Sky-Hi Vail,Inc.dba KVMT Radio 1. II. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant wishesto install a 3.8 meter (13 ft.)diameter satellite antenna inthe northeast corner ofthe parcel containing the Chamonix Corners commercial building,which housesthe KVMT broadcasting studios. The requested variance is for both allowable antenna diameter and setback requirements.These requirements are listed as Section 18.58.320 D,4 and6.The zoningcode stipulates that the maximum size ofany satellite dish antenna installed for usebya single residence or business shall be limited to9 feet in diameter.Satellite dish antennas are required to comply with existing setback requirements ofthezone district in which the dish is installed.The required setbacks intheCCIIIzone district are 10 feet.Proposed location ofthedish is within 10 feet ofthe rear property line,andthus requires variance. Included with this memo is acopyofthe applicant's statement supporting his request for a dish ofa larger size than is currently allowedthrough the regulations. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon reviewof Criteria and Findings,Section 18.61.060 oftheMunicipal Code,the Departmentof Community Development recommends approvalofthe requested variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: The relationship ofthe requested variance to other existing or potential usesand structures inthe vicinity. The requested encroachment into the rear setback is ap~roximately 4to5Ifeet.The requested location is adjacent tothe existing trash facilities that serve this parcel.Inreviewofthe site,this appears tobethe best location for the satellite dish,and we feel that withthe proposed fencing and screening that the applicant is amenable to,there will be little negative impacttothe existing or potential usesor structures in the vicinity. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofa specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The staff feels that dueto the desire ofboth the applicant and the Town to achieve maximum possible screening of the satellite dish antenna,that theproposed site is the best possible location andbecauseof this,it would notbea special privilege to grant the variance for encroachment into the rear setback. With regard tothe request for variance from maximum diameter,the staff feels that the technical information submitted by KVMT is sufficient to prove that a9 foot diameter dish as typically usedin residential installations would notbe able tomeet the technical specifications of the FCC that would be required for the operation of this satellite dish for the KVMT radio station.Therefore,we feel that it would notbea grant of special privilege toapprove the variance ofthe maximum size of the satellite dish. The effect ofthe requested variance on light and air,distribution of population,transportation and traffic facilities,public facilities and utilities,and public safety. The location and size ofthe requested antenna will have no negative impacts upon anyoftheabovementioned criteria.While theproposed location is adjacent tobotha parking area anda trash facility,the dish location will not obstruct parking or hinder the trash removal operations . III.SUCH OTHER FACTORS AND CRITERIA AS THE COMMISSION DEEMS APPLICABLE TO THE PROPOSED VARIANCE. IV.FINDINGS The Planning andEnvironmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: That the granting ofthe variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified inthe same district. That the granting ofthe variance will notbe detrimental tothe public health,safety,or welfare,or materially injurious to properties or improvements inthe vicinity. ! That the variance is warranted for oneor more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent withthe objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable tothe site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties inthe same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofthe specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyedbythe owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recommends approvalofboththe setback and maximum diameter variance requests.We feel that theproposed location is inan optimum area to screen this dish from adjacent properties and we feel that KVMT hasproved substantial hardship in request for the size considerations. We would request the Planning andEnvironmental Commission passalong their concerns totheDesign Review Board that this dish be adequately screened from view from adjacent public and private properties asa part of the ORB approval process.The staff also feels that the applicant should explore the possibility of utilizing a mesh dish.' ~l'-'5'-'~~'Sc...e..~\~c.. RLv '-""'-;R.J- o'P DI,91- .i")•.L,-~T<..~.:»"> i1!} r l ~!j If 7 Application Date ---~~-+--"'------ PEC MEETING DATE'------+--+-~---'--- APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I.Thisprocedureis required for any project requesting a variance.'The appl ication willnotbeaccepted until all informationissubmitted. Sky-Hi Vail,In c .•d .b .a .KVMT Radio 13 /IISame 2 271 N.Frontage RoadWest ,Vai l,Co . AD DR ESS,_ AD ORES S_='--=--...;.;...;:-.:..-"-'-_-"-_ ~~PHO NE 476-5 868rt}~--i'~------------- f ~~(lA o~.NA ME OF APPLI CANT'S REP RES ENTA TI VE'----''-'-'_-=..,.~~'__'=__ ~VI£II~ PHONE Cf Y'l-r].JY-----------------------y 7{.,-.s ;r(,d C.NAME OF OWN ER(S)(typeor print)_S_a_~_'M_-__::::__-----------­Signat ur ~>g ~,l'i~v--e ADDRESS,_ PHONE----------------------------- D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL 2 271 N.Fron ta ge Ro ad WestADDRESS.__---'=:.:::..:...:::.......;:.:....:.--=-.:::-=-=~"'___ LEGAL DESCRIPTIO N LOT C BLOC K A FILI NG 1 EAGLE CO UNTY E.FEE $100 PAID ~/~/rl CK #3Yb J/'FROM '5/(i )-/,'-!l/<J j{f/);// THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFO RE THE COMMU NITY DEVELOPMENT DEPART ME NT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOS AL. F.A list ofthe names of owners of all property adjacent tothe subject property INCLUDI NG PROPERTY BEHIND AND AC ROSS STRE ETS,and their mailin g addresses. THE APPLIC ANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADD RESSES."SEE REV ERS E II.A PRE -APPLICATION CONFERE NCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF ME MBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO .;DETERMI NE IF ANY 'ADDITIO NAL INFO R ~1ATION IS NEEDED.NO APPLICATIO N IHLL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLU DE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONI NG AD MI NISTRATOR).IT IS THE APPLICA NT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINT ME NT WITH THE ~TAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS." ,PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATIO N WILL STREAMLI NE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECR EASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APP ROVAL THAT THE PL ANNI NG AND ENVIRO NMENTAL CO MMISSIO N MAY STIPULATE.ALL CO NDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE CO MPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED .'i ";. It I.FOUR (4)COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUB MITTED: A.A WRITTEN ST ATE MENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULA TION I NVOL VED.THE STAT EME NT MUST ALSO ADD RESS:. 1.The relationship ofthe r equ ested va ria nc e to 'other existing or potent ial uses and structures inth e vicinity. 2.The degreeto which relief from the striet or literal interpret ation and enforcement ofa specified regulation isnecessarytoachievecompat ibility and uniformityoft reatment among sites inthe vicinity orto attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. OVER Variance e -2- 3.The effect ~f the variance on light and air,distribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities,utilities,and public safety. B.A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least 1"-20'stamped by a Colorado l icensed surveyor including locations of all existing improve- ments,inc luding grades and elevations.Otherelements which must be shown are parking and loading areas,ingress and egress,landsc~peq areas and utility and drainage features. C.A site plan at a scale of at least 1"=20'showing existing and proposed buildings. O.All preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indic ate the dimensions,general appearance,scale and useof all buildings andspaces exis ting and proposedonthe site. E.A prel iminary title,report to verify ownership and easements F.If theproposal is located ina multi-family development which hasa hom eow..ers' association.the n wr itten approval from the association in support oft he project mustbe received by aduly auth?rized agent for said associat ion. G.Any additional material necessary for thereviewofthe application as determined by thezoning administrator., *For interior modifications,an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by thezoningadministrator. IV.Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Co mmission meetson the 2nd and 4thMondays' of each month.Acomplete application form and all accompanying material (as described above)must be submitted a minimum of4 weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing.No incomplete applications (asdetermined by thezoning administrator)will beaccepted by theplanning staff beforeor after the desig- natedsubmittal date. 'Sec tlon 1 -F List of ad jac e nt property. Adj .East -Rai n t r ee lnn I Cr a dd 0 c-k.De v el 0 pment Co. 22 11 N .Fron t age Rd.,IV .·..J...~L Vail Co . Inters tate 70 lVes t 'Vai l Ph illips 6 6 Serv ice S ta t ion 1 -70 /lVe st Vail Ex i~ Va il ,Co Adj .S outh .Adj .lVes t Adj North Va can t Lot (Hi ll s i d e)bc<;.__cL .(O L PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning andEnvironmental Commission ofthe Town ofVail will holda public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal codeofthe Town ofVail on February 9,1987 at 3:00 PM in the Town CouncilchambersintheVailMunicipal Building. Consideration of: 1.A request for an exterior alteration in order toadd more than 100 square feet to the Plaza Lodge building located at 291 Bridge Street on Lots G,H,I,J,Kand part ofF,Block 5C,Vail Village First Filing. Applicant:Plaza Lodge Associates,Ltd. 2.A request for an exterior alteration in order toadd more than 100 square feet andfo r a conditional use permit in order to expand an existing dining deckand construct another dining deck on the Bell Tower Building located at 201 East Gore CreekDrive on a part of Tract A, Block 5B,Vail Village First Filing. Applicant:Bell Tower Associates,Ltd. 3.A request for a setback and size variance in order to install a satellite receiving dish greater in size than the maximum allowed at 2271 North Frontage Roa~West. Applicant:Sky-Hi Vai T,Inc .,dba KVMT Radio The applications and info rmation about the proposals are available inthe zoning administrator's office du ~ing r egular office hours for public inspection . TO WN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A.BRAUN Zoning Administrator Publ ished in the Vail Trail on January 23,1987. Variance for satelli te dis h installation -KVMT Radi o. To :Rick Pylman From :Bil l Sepmeier Per our discussion,KVMT Radio proposes to inst all a satellite receiving dish at its studio location,2271 N.F r ont age Road ,West , town of Vail. This receiver is necessary for reception of state and national news feeds from the ABC Network ,nation Emergency Action Notification (Emergency Broadcast System)information ,specia lized prog ramming and ot her broadcast services to be utilized by KVM T. Since t his receiver will be uti lized in a n'o n-air'man ne r,cur rent Federal Co~munications Commission regulations apply r egarding signal quality and reception clarity .These regulations require that the dish antenna be at least 3 .8 meters in diameter ,a size that will insu re proper system performance. Beca use t his3 .8 m size is in exces so f the 1 2 foot max imum,KVMT hereby requests this variance . Note that the dish will be installed in the parking area behind the bUilding,as we discussed .It wi ll be invisible from the East,South an d West d u e to the locat ion of the st u dio b u ild in g.T o the North there is a 15 foot embankment,which will be landscaped i n s uch a fash ion as to obscure any view of the dish antenna. Overall height of the dish should remain within the 1 5 foot guideline . Note also ,3.8 meters co n verts t oa dish d iameter of a pproxima tely 13 f eet ,a size that is n oti n gross excess of current reg u la tions . Finally,since only the rear of this dish will be visible,KVMT will paint it in such a manner to augment landscaping efforts to screen it from view . Thank you. 1/9/87 Variance fo r satellite dish in s tallatio n-KVMT Rad io . To:Rick Pylman From :Bill Sepmeier Per our disc ussion ,KVMT Radio propo ses to insta ll a sate l lite receiving dish at its studio location,2271 N .Frontage Roa d,West, town of Vail . This receiver is necessary for reception of state and national news feeds from the ABC Network,nation Emergency Action Notification (Emergency Broadcast System)information,s pecialized progr amming and other broadcast services to be u tilized by KVMT . Si nce th is receiver wi ll be u tiliz ed in an 'on-ai r'mann er,c urre nt Federal Co~munications Commission regulatio ns apply r eg ar ding signal quality and reception clarity.These regulations r equire that the dish a ntenna be at least 3 .8 meter s in diameter,a size that wi ll ins ure prope r system perfo rmanc e. Because this 3.8 m size is in exces s of the 12 foot max imum,KVM T he reby requests this variance. Note that the dish will be installed in the parking area behind the building ,as we discussed .It will be invisible from the East,South and West due toth e location of the studio building .To the North there is a 15 foo t embankment,which will be landscaped in such a fashion as to obscure any view of the dish antenna . Ove rall h eig ht of the d is h s hould r e mai n wi thi n the 15 fo ot gui de li ne . Note a lso,3 .8 meters converts to a dish diameter of ap p roximately 13 feet ,a siz e that is not in gross excess of current regulations . Finally ,since only the rear of this dish will be visible ,KVNT will paint it in such a manner to a ugment landscaping effor ts to screen it f rom v iew. Thank you . 1/9/87 Variance for satellite dish installation -KVMT Radio . To :Rick Pylman From:Bill Sepm eier Per ou r disc ussion,KVMT Radio p ropos es to i nsta ll a sate l lite receiving dish at its studio location,2271 N.Frontage Ro ad,West, town of Vail. This receiver is necessary for reception of state and national news feeds from the ABC Network,nation Emergency Actio n Notification (Emergency Broadcast Syste m)infor ma tion ,specia liz ed prog ramming and other broadcast services to b eu t ilized by KVM T. S ince t his receiver wil l be u ti li zed i na n'o n-ai r'man ner ,curre nt Federal Communications Commission regulations apply regarding signal quality and reception clarity .These regulations r equire that the dish antenna be at least 3 .8 meters in diameter ,a size that will insure proper system perfo rmance. Because t his 3.8 m size is in excess of the 12 foo t maxim um,KVMT hereby requests th is variance . Note that the dish will be installed in the parking area behind the building ,as we discussed .It will be invisible from the East,South and West du e to the location of the studio building.To the Nort h there is a 15 foo te mbankment,which will be landscaped in such a fashion as to obscure any view o f the dish antenna . O verall h eight of th e dish s ho ul d rem ai n withi n th e 1 5 f ootg u ideline . Note a lso,3 .8 meters converts to ad ish diameter of approximately 13 feet,a size that is not in gross excess of current r egulation s. Fina lly,since only the rear of this dish will be visible ,KVMT will pain t i t in such a manner to a ugment landsca pi ng efforts to screen it from view . Thank you . 1/9/87 Variance for satellite dish installation -KVMT Radio. To:Rick P ylman From:Bill Sepmeier Per our discussion,KVMT Radio proposes to install a satellite receiving dish at its studio location,2271 N.Frontage Road,West, town of Vail. This receiver is necessary for reception of state and national news feeds from the ABC Network,nation Emergency Action Notification (Emergency Broadcast System)information,specialized programming and other broadcast services to be utilized by KVMT. Since this receiver will be utilized in an 'on-air'manner,current Federal CODDunications Commission regulations apply regarding signal quality and reception clarity .These regulations require that the dish antenna be at least 3.8 meters in diameter,a size that will insure proper system performance. Because this 3 .8 m size is in excess of the 12 foot maximum,KVMT hereby requests this variance. Note that the dish will be installed in the parking area behind the bUilding,a swe discussed.It will be invisible from the East,South and West du e to the location of the studio building .To the North there i sa 15 foot embankment,which will be landscaped in such a fashion as to obscur e any view of the dish antenna. Overall height of the dish should remain within the 15 foot guide line . Note also,3.8 meters converts to a dish diameter of approximately 13 feet,a size that is not in gross excess of current regulations. Finally,since only the r e ar of this dish will be visible,KVMT will paint it in such a manner t o augment landscaping efforts to screen it from view . Thank you. 1/9/87 MEMO •• TO:Rick Pylman From:Bill Sepmeier RE:Technical specifications,KVMT Satellite Antenna Since KVMT FM is aa licensed commercial broadcast station, it must adhere to all Federal Communication Commission rules and guidelines regarding program transmission quality.These are specified in the Code of Federal Regulations,Part 73,and are summerized as such: Measurements of transmitted signal strength -to -noise levels must exceed 53 decibels. Frequency response must remain essentially flat in a band from 50 hertz to 15,000 hertz. Imtermodulation and seperation of left and right channels:1M must be less than 1 percent total,Seperation must be kept at at least 40 decibels,minimum'. While this technical jargan is confusing,translated it means that the sound must be of as high a quality as the state of the art will permit. Now,relating this to the staellite antenna ••• In the last year,the FCC has permitted the 'close-spacing' of satellites used in the domestic service region,that is, satellite operators have been allowed to shift satellites in their orbits,moving them closer together,in order to operate more satellites in this crowded area of space. Since all satellites operate on the SAME FREQUENCIES,this 2°spacing has increased the opportunity for interference in the reception of satellite signals,ESPECIALLY with small apature (diameter)receiving dishes.Since a smaller dish has less surface area,it is less selective in the area of sky it 'looks'at therefore greatly increasing the ability of other,unwanted,signals to interfere with the desired product. 2271 North Frontage Road West.Vail ,Col orado 81657•303 /476-KVMT •1-800-843-8471 •• In addition,smaller dishes provide substantially less gain to the desired signals,lowering the signal to noise ratio levels.(A 9 foot dish provides only 50%of the gain of a 13 foot dish.) Becaus e of the guidelines imposed upon the FM br~dcas t service to provide a high quality,interference/~fgrral and due to the limitations imposed upon all satellite users by the 2°spacing,combined with the Single Channel Per Carrier (SCPC)format that KVMT's incoming signals utilize (a format more inherent to noise pick up and interference than,say,digi tal transmission), it i s imperetive that KVMT utilize the specified 3.8 meter diameter antenna,as requested in i ts variance applicat ion in order t o satisfy federal requir ements, standards of good e ngineering practice,and to assure a high quality program signal to listeners in its service area. Thank You. Cite: FCC Rules and Regulations,Parts 73.322,73.1610,2.106. 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(PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION February 23,1987 PRESENT J.J.Collins Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pam Hopkins Peggy Osterfoss sid Schultz Jim Viele STAFFPRESENT Peter Patten Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Rick Pylmn Betsy Rosolack ( The meeting was called to order by the chairman,Jim Viele. 1.Approval of minutes of 2/9/87.Donovan moved and Hopkins seconded to approve the minutes.The vote was 7-0 in favor. 2.A request for setback and size variance in order to install a satellite receiving dish greater than the maximum allowed at 2271 North Frontage Road West.Applicant:Sky-Hi Vail, Inc.dba KVMT Radio Rick pylman explained the request and showed photos and a site plan.J.J.Collins asked how the dish would be screened from the residents who lived further up the mountain from the dish and was told it would be screened on all four sides and would be turned toward the west so that the narrow edge would be visible from above.Rick explained that this PEC approval would allow the applicant to proceed to DRB,and DRB would address landscaping and screening.The PEC concerns regarding the landscaping and screening could be passed along to the DRB. J.J.Collins moved and Pam Hopkins seconded to approve the request per the staff memo dated 2/23/87 with the request to DRB that there be adequate screening and landscaping.The vote was 7-0 in favor of the request. 3.Appointment of aPEC member to DRB for the months of March, April and May. J.J.Collins volunteered to serve on the DRB and Peggy Oster foss volunteered to back him up. A work session followed concerning the Plaza Lodge,the Lionshead Centre Building and Hillside Residential zoning. c ' "t . TO: FROM: Planning andEnvironmental Commission Community Development Department DATE:February9,1987 SUBJECT:A request for setback variance and diameter of satellite dish variance in order to install a commerc ial satellite dish at the Chamonix Corners building in West Vail Applicant:Sky-Hi Vail,Inc .dba KVMT Radio () I.DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant wishesto install a 3.8 meter(13 ft.)diameter satellite antenna inthe northeast corner of the parcel containing the Chamonix Corners commercial building,which housesthe KVMT broadcasting studios. The requested variance is for both allowable antenna diameter and setback requirements.These requirements are listed as Section 18.58.320 D,4 and6 .The zoningcode stipulates that the maximum size ofany satellite dish antenna installed for usebya single residence or business shall be limited to9 feet in diameter.Satellite dish antennas are required to comply with existing setback requirements ofthezone district inwhich the dish is installed.The required setbacks intheCCIIIzone district are 10 feet .Proposed location ofthe dish is within 10 feet ofthe rear property line,and thus requires variance. Included with this memo is acopyoftheappl icant's statement supporting his request for a dish ofa larger size than is currently allowedthrough the regulations. l II.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon reviewof Criter ia and Findings,Section 18.61.060 oftheMunicipal Code ,theDepartmentof Community Development recommends approvalof the requested variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential usesand structures inthe vicin ity. The requested encroachment into the rear setback is approximately 4to5 feet.The requested location is adjacent tothe existing t rash facilities that serve this parcel.Inreviewofthe site,this appears tobethe best location for the satellite dish,and we feel that withthe proposed fencing and screening that the applicant is amenable to,there will be little negative impacttothe existing or potential usesor structures in the vicinity. ( ( l III. IV. The degreeto which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofa specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites inthe vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The staff feels that duetothe desire ofboththe applicant and the Town to achieve maximum possible screening ofthe satellite dish antenna,that theproposed site is the best possible location andbecauseof this,it would notbea special privilege to grant the variance for encroachment into the rear setback. With regard tothe request for variance from ma x imum diameter,the staff feels that the technical information submitted by KVMT is sufficient to prove that a9 foot diameter dish as typically usedin residential i nstallations would notbe able tomeet the technical specifications of the FCC that would .be required for the operation of this satellite dish for the KVMT radio station.Therefore,we feel that it would notbea grant of special privilege toapprovethe variance ofthe maximum size of the satellite dish. The effect ofthe requested variance on light and air,distribution of population,transportation and traffic facilities,public facilities and utilities,andpubl ic safety. The location and size ofthe requested antenna will haveno negative impacts upon anyofthe above mentioned criteria.While theproposed location is adjacent tobotha parking area anda trash facility,the dish location will not obstruct parking or hinder the trash removal operations . .SUCH OTHER FACTORS AND CRITERIA AS THE COMMISSION DEEMS APPLICABLE TO THE PROPOSED VARIANCE. ----~_.--_.._.'..--..-- ~HN bTims--"~_~·~i :~.:-:_--:-;L·_~.-;-:~:-:--'-~-:'.: :-The Planning andEnvironmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: Thatthe 'gr anti rig"of -th-e vari ance wi 11not constitute a grant-of spec i a1 '~r~~il e ge in~on~istent withthe limitations on other properties classified inthe same district. That the granting ofthe variance will notbe detrimental tothe public .health,safety ,or welfare,or materially injurious to properties or improvements inthe vicinity. c. ( l v. That the varia nce is warranted for oneor moreof the fol lowing reasons : The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofthe specified regulation would r esult in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship i nconsistentwith the objectives of this title. Therea re exceptions orextraord inary circumsta nces orcond it ions applicable to the site ofthevariance that donotapply generally to other prope rties inthe same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofthe speci fied regulation would deprive theappl icant of privileges enjoyedbytheownersof other properties in the same district. STAFF RECO MME NDATIO NS The staff recommends approval ofboth the setback and ma x imum diameter variance requests.We feel that theproposed location i sinan optimum area to screen this dish from adjacent properties and we feel that KVMT hasproved substantial hardship in request for the size considerations. We would request the Planning andEnvironmental Commission passalong thei r concerns to the Design Rev iew Board that th is dish be adequately screened fromview from adjacent pub lic and private properties asa part oft he DRB approval process.The staff also f eels that the applicant should explo re the possibility of utilizing a mesh dish.' ---·~v.-,",U;J /476-KVM T •1-800-843-8 471 I .( ( ...,. In addition,smaller dishes provide substantially less gain to the desired signals,lowering the signal to noise ratio levels.(A 9 foot dish provides only 50%of the gain of a 13 foot dish.) Because of the guidelines imposed upon the FM br~adcast servic e to provide a high quality,interference/sfg~al and due to the limitations imposed upon all satellite users by the 2°spacing,combined with the Single Channel Per Carrier (SCPC)format that KVMT's incoming signals utilize (a format more inherent to noise pick up and interference than,say,digital transmission), it is imperetive that KVMT utilize the specified 3.8 m(!ter diameter antenna,as request ed in its variance application in order to satisfy federal requirements, standards of good engineering practice,and to assure a high quality program signal to listeners in its service area. Thank You. C ite: FCC Rules and Regulations,Parts 73.322,73.1610,2.106. Hopkins abstaining. Hobbs moved and Schultz seconded to approve the request for a conditional use permit per the staff memo dated 2/9/87 with the conditions in the memo.The vote was 6 in favor with Hopkins abstaining. 3.in order to install a size than the maximum allowed licant:Sk -Hi Vail dba I . The applicant was not at the meeting,so this item was tabled until the meeting of 2/23. 4.A request for ann exterior alteration in order to add more than 100 square fee~o the Plaza Lodge building located at 281 Bridge street.Applicant:Plaza Lodge Associates,Ltd. Tom Braun explained the request and showed site plans and elevations. He reviewed the project with respect to the Urban Design Guide Plan, Design Considerations and zoning.He followed his explanation with the statement that the staff was not able to support the proposal as presented and recommended denial.The staff felt strongly that,in its present state,the existing Bridge street frontage of the Plaza Lodge building is the essence of what is encouraged in the Urban Design Guide Plan. craig Snowdon showed site plans,elevations,perspectives and a model. He also showed photos indicating that most pedestrians used the street rather than the sidewalk.Snowdon stated that the stairs and landscaping were actually a barrier and discouraged the pedestrians from using the sidewalk.He added that the retail shops were too far from the pedestrians in the street.Snowdon pointed out that the proposal would provide a continuous walkway for the pedestrian.The plan was to line the walkway with lanterns and hanging baskets. Jack curtin stated that this proposal was similar to the Bell Tower proposal in that there was not enough landscaping.He felt that the hanging baskets would only provide some landscaping from mid-July until September.curtin felt the need for trees for relief. Jack Campbell agreed with Curtin.He added that much landscaping was not taken care of or was not the right type for the mountains.He felt care was important.John Brennan,manager of Vendetta's,spoke in support of the proposal. J.J.Collins asked for more information on the walkway and street on the Bridge street side of the building.Snowdon stated that the street would be 5 feet wider than it is at present,that about 35%of the present landscaping would be lost,and that he felt the sidewalk would be used more when it was at the same level as the street.Collins then asked the tenants present what their experience was with regard to PEe 2/9/87 -3- pedestrian access at present.John Campbell stated that the sidewalk at present was not used to dodge delivery trucks.He felt that some of the charm of the Village was that pedestrians were walking in the street and competing with traffic,unlike Lionshead.He felt that people liked to walk in the street.It was his feeling that the sidewalks were used to access shops or to window shop,not as an access to the street. George Knox stated that the Rucksack was a good example of pedestrian access right off of the street and the Lodge promenade was a good example of a pedestrian barrier.He noted that when people walk past a shop,they rarely turn around and walk back to the shop. sally Cornwall of the Younger Generation stated that she has both a Lionshead store and one in the Village and that people in Lionshead can walk right in off of the mall,whereas the pedestrians in the Village were deterred by the stairs.She added that the alley to Wall Street was used because there were no stairs involved. Peggy Osterfoss stated that she was basically in favor of the proposal, and was also in favor of not eliminating the landscaping.She was in favor of removing the trucks which she felt did keep people out of stores more than the stairs did.She wanted to hear more opinions on the proposal because the proposal included such a long expanse of Bridge Street and she did not want to rush into a decision.Bryan Hobbs liked the way the proposal changed the street scene but was disturbed by the loss of landscaping.Diana Donovan felt that there should be a compromise between what is existing and what was proposed. She felt the proposal did a lot for the Plaza Building on the Bridge Street side,but felt the proposal might impact the street too much. She did not support the enclosure of part of Vendetta's deck,because they first asked for more deck on Town of Vail land,and now were asking to enclose part of that deck. sid Schultz had no problem with the deck,but did have with the retail expansion.He felt the steps could be redesigned,and added that in the summer they were highly used.Schultz felt that the Town should make certain that landscape areas were maintained.He felt that if the sidewalk is dropped to street level,the trucks would block visibility of the stores.Schultz stated that a5 foot sidewalk would be 2 feet in the winter.Jim Viele agreed that the proposal did a lot for the building.He felt a good job must be done with whatever landscaping was left.He was not sure if he had enough information to make a decision,and felt he needed more information on traffic,loading and landscaping.Viele had no problem with the deck enclosure of Vendetta's.He added that this was the 7th or 8th modification to the Plaza Building and felt it must be tough on the neighbors to have construction every year on the Plaza Building. Snowdon stated that the majority of the outside work would be done by July 4.He restated the board's concerns to be the reduction in landscaping and the nearness of the retail stores to the street. Snowdon asked if he could separate the proposal of Vendetta's deck from the proposal on the Bridge street side,and Viele explained that it was PEC 2/9/87 -4- postpone the originally scheduled zoningof Spraddle Creek.George Gillett wantedtoproposeazoneandso the Town agreedto the postponement.Gi lle tt was supposedtosubmitazone request today.Jay Peterson stated that Gillett hadnot actually closed onthe property yet and there were many agreements between Gillett andVail Associates which neededtobe processed.He said that they would like to come inAugust25th for a work session wh ich would give the PEC t ime toreview their plans before going i nto expensive engineering plans for the subdivision.Donovan asked if there wereany guarantee that Gillett would be the owner byAugust 25 .Peterson answered that there was no guara ntee but tha t he would beworkingwith the staff to show them what they will be presenting .Piper was disappointed that the project was not on track.He asked Patten how far past the deadline for zoningthe property the Town was, and Patten replied that the property hadbeenannexed 1-1/2 years agoand was orig inally tobezoned March of1984.The staff agreedtoan extension unti l January 1986.InJanua ry 1986 the applicant applied for an extension. Peggy Osterfoss felt that theboardhadto agree toan extension asa pract ical issue,but that eventually even the attorneys inChicago dealing with this issue should know that the boardcouldnotbepushed forever.She suggested zoningthe property on August25.Patten replied that the staff would haveto publish thezoningintheAugust9newspaperintimetodothezoningonAugust 25.He said that the Town could publish on8/9 the zoningthe town had previously proposed,Agricultural and Open Space,which would a llow them to take action on 8/25. Donovan stated that someone neededtoemphasizeto the Chicago attorneys t hat theboard was getting serious.Patten asked if theboard would like him to publish on August9 for the 25th.Piper asked the members how many of them would like toseea work session on the 25th.This was discussed and Patten emphasized that a work session couldbeheld on the25thaslongasthe applicant submitted everyth ing neededt wo weeks before that date.Piper said that if there was a work session on the 25th,he wou ld like to know that they would move forward from that point.Patten explained that if there was a work session on 8/25,acomplete submittal mustbeinby 9/2,whichmeant that rea l istically t here may beanOctober date for thezoni ng,because the submittal would havetogo through many Town agencies. Donovan moved and Hobbs secondedtohavea work session on 8/25andtohavethe process move forwardas quickly as possible.Thevote was 6-0 . The board was told that there were no items scheduled for theAugust 11 meeting,but that the re was a possibility that there would bea joint meeting withtheCouncil on that date . The boardhadlooked at some projects in West Vail before the meeting,andthe County Planning office hadaskedthe Va il Planning Commission to comment on the projects . 1:First Bank ofVail drive-th rough ATM. This was tobenext tothe 7-11 building in Chamonix Corners.Jay Peterson was represe nting the applicant,and said that hehadconce rns aboutthe slope in the winter timeand wouldwithdraw this from the County agenda if theboardhad concer ns as well.Pam Hop kins felt th at there wouldbeaproblem if the re we re more than two cars inthe drive lane waiting touse the machine .Sid Schultz -4- 3.A request for rear and side setback variances anda site coverage variance in order toadd two additions toan existing residence at lot 1,Block1,Vail Village 8th Filing. App licant :JohnS.Tuschman Kristan Pritz explained the backgroundof the request which included a setback variance of10 feet for thewestand north property lines inJuneof1976.She pointed out that in 1976 the staff recommended approval,asthe proposal would notimpactany adjacent structures,and would also respect view corridors.It was also felt at that time that the locat ion ofs urrounding residences andthe small lot site created as ituation that warranted the variances. In May,1983 the PEC reviewedasecond request for a5 foot side setback encroachmentin order to build a bedroom addition on the east side ofthe existing residence.The staff felt that there were other locations that would allow for the construct ion ofthe bedroom within,or at least closer to,the requi red setbacks and recommended denial.A non-building easementagreement betweenthe ow ners ofLots1and 2hadbeen arranged in November of1980.The Planning Commission members felt that this nonbuildable area described in the easement provided adequate separation and low impactbetween properties and approved the request 5-0 despite the staff's recommendation. The s taff felt that thepresent request would have no impact on adjacent structures ,the lot i ssmalland built to respect view corridors and recommended approvalofthe request.Pritz added that the staff hadreviewed similar requests andfound that the variances were reasonable.She stated that the it was the staff's opinion that aslongasthe original rationale for granting the setbac k var iances is reasonable and st ill pertains to the proposal be ingr eviewed,it was notagrant of special pri vilege to continue the setbac k encroac hments ,and was a f air i nterpretati on .The var iances a re merely e xte nsions of previous var iances .To requi re that the additions joginand out in order tomeet the existing setback requirements was unreasonable.The site coverage variance doesnot greatly increase the bulkor character of the building nor negatively impact adjacent properties John Ra ilton,arch itect for the appl icants,answered questions .Donovan as ked what rationale couldbeusedtogra nt additional si te coverage.Kristan answered that it wasthes ize of the lot and that the addedbulkdidnot create problems.Railton added that without the variances ,thehouse would be forced tobe constructed with3 stories. Piper stated that aslongas GRFA beyond that allowed was notbeing requested, andaslongas the height wasnotbeing added to,he wasin favor of the request. Pritz stated that if the addition were built,the staff would like to make certain the tree bythe living room was replanted or replaced. SidSchu ltz moved andPam Hop kins seco nded toapprovet he request.The v ote was 6-0i nf avor. 4.A request to amend thetime table for Spraddle Creek Subdivision. Pete r Patten stated that Jay Peterso n,attorney fo r the appl icant,r equestedto -3- felt that in this location,a machine that was accessed by foot would be better.Donovan felt a traffic hazard would be created becauseofthe crisscross of the traffic.Piper felt he would rather seea pedestrian machine,if the4 parking spots alongthe side couldbe marked for short term. Hobbs agreedasdid Osterfoss. 2.The Valley Phase III. This project consisted of10 single family lots,1600 sq ft eachwith5 foot setbacks. Kristan Pritz stated that the staff didnothave adequate information for a final review.Duane asked if the PUD mighthavebeen considered the preliminary plan,and Pritz answered that it may havebeen.Donovan was concernedabout accessing the road from the lots.She asked if 1600 sq foot lots fit the PUD. After more discussion,it seemed the concerns were: 1.Single Family lots inconsistent withthe rest ofthe PUD. 2.If single family lots will be accepted,they should conform toCounty regs for single family lots,if notto Town regulations. 3.Information for the proposal is inadequate.Town needs preliminary plan information suchas contours,utilities,fire access,drainage,and staked lots. 4.How does east endofroad connect to main road? 5.Five foot setback doesnot provide enough buffer. 6.Tract 3shouldbebroken down to indicate what portion of this tract is devotedto open spaceandwhat portion is devotedtotheroad. 7.Lot7has incorrect total acreage. 8.Need to decide who is responsible for completingand maintaining the road. 9.Road doesnotconformto existing contours. -5- OTTO,PETERSON &POST r R E DE RICK s .OT TO J AY K.P E:TERS ON W IL.L I AM J .PO ST ATTORNEYS AT LAW PO ST O F FI CE BO X 3 149 VAIL ,COLORADO OJ6:58-3149 VA l l N ATIONAL BANK BUIL DING (3031 475-0092 EAGLE VA I L PR OF ESS IONAL B UIL DING f 303J 949-5380 July 30 ,1986 D ENVE R D IREC T LI N E (303}623 -5926 Mr .Pete r Patton Town of Vail P .O.Box7 Vail ,CO 81 658 Dear Peter : I am enc losing herewith ac opy of a letter which Is ent t o the Eagle County Community Development Department rega rd ing our Special Use Applicati on . At this po int in t ime we have de c ided to withdraw the application in order to ex plore all ou r a l ternatives for access to t he AT M machine for the First Industrial Bank located in West Vail .I wish t o thank you for your ti me in reviewing this matter with us . "rI'(I Peterson Enclosure "e OTTO,PETERSON &POST FRED E R IC K S .OT 'O j AVK.P ST E:RSON WI L L IAM J .P OST July 30,19 86 ATTO :e..~EY S AT LAW POS T O FF ICE:B OX31 49 VAIL,COLORADO 81638-3149 VAll NATIONAL B ANK B UILDING (3 03)476-00 92 E:AGLE V AIL PROFESSIONAL BUILDI NG (3 0319 49 -5380 DEN VER DIRECT LI NE (303)623-5926 Mr.Mike Mollica Department of Com~unity Development P.O.Box 170 Ec;.gle,CO 81631 RE:ZS-242-86 Dear r·!ike: The Firstbank of Vail has dec idee at this point to withdraw its application fer a Special Use Permit for a drive-in facility for t he the First In6ustrial Bank located in West Vail. If you have any ~uestions Flease cODtact me at my office. Sincerely, \I I Peterson cc:Peter Patton ,"t'.~I / ------------._--_...--.._--------1 ------.------------------..-------- -'-:-~--~~'\-----------._-- Ord i rl<:Jr:c c I lo ,e (.~,cr'i o s 0 f I ~'I .3 ) M 'r'l '("j'l '-1 .,(.j ·H!I Of,V,~ri I I\Ne r: !\'ld /flr C OIW;II (jj'J !Il.W /.1"-r','!I T .J .L 'I " •I 75 south fronl age road va il,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 o ffice of community development Novemb er14,1985 KVMT %Jamie Has tings 2271 Nort h Frontage Roa d Vail,Co lora do 81 657 Re:KVM TAntenna l oca ted ont he Vail Run Building Dea r Jam ie: Rece ntlyIgave youa call c oncerning the KV MT a ntenna that is s till located on t he Vail Run Bu ilding.Th e Comm unity De velopment De part ment has re ceived severa l comp la int sf romnea rbyr esi de nts concerningt he antenn a.I am asking you t o wor k wit h t he gener al manage rofthe Va il Ru n Resor t,Wi lliam Fle isher, t o r emov et hisantenna byDecemver 14,1985. InJ une of 1983,KVMT pres e ntedaproposal tot he Pl anninga ndEnvironmental Comm iss ionto mo ve t heirof fices to Cha mon ix Co rne rs.Th e Pl anning Co mmission approved th is reques t.A condition of ap pro val wa st hat KVM T re mo ve the ante nna by J anua ry1,1984.This requiremen t wa s not me t.In Ap rilof1984 I se nta le tter t oStuSachs,general ma nager of KV MT,a nd ask ed th athe r emove the a nten nabyJune 1,1984.This deadline wa s also not met.The i ssue of removin g the an tennabecame very complicated,ast here were questions asto wh o wa s act ually t he ow nerofth e an te nna and wh owasresp onsible for re mov in gt he ant enna., Th e Communi ty Developme nt De partme nts ta ff is not goi ng tot ry todeci pher t he l e galr esponsibil itiesbetween theVail Run Resortand KVMT.Regardless of wh et her o r not t he ow nerof th e antenna is KVM T or Vail Run 'Re sort,the staff i s re q ui ringt hat t he ant enna be r emove dby Dece mbe r14,1985.We are as king t hat both KV MTa nd Vail Run Resort coopera tetor esolve t his iss ue. 75 south fron t age road vail ,co lorado 81657 (303)4 76-7000 April30 ,1984 StuSack s Program Director KvrH Radio 2271 NorthFro ntage Ro ad West Vai l,Co lorado 81657 officeofcom munityde velopment Re:aAntennaeon r-Va il Ru n ~ildi ng Dear Stu:~ Ihave enclose d acopyo f the minutes of the June13 ,1983 Planning andEnvironmental Com~ission that concern ed KV MT's r equest for acon- dit ional use permi t tobui ld anan tenna e on the t op of the ~namon ix Co rners building.The Plann ing Depa rtment reques ts th at youcomply with the approval byre moving t heol d an tennae from the Va i1 Run buil ding and by pain ting y our new a ntennae at Cha monix Corners with a dull paint.This work mus tbe compl eted by Jun e1 ,1984.Orig inall y, KVMT wa s asked tor emove t heVail Run antenna eby J anuary 1,1 984. If youhavea nyf urther questions,plea segive me a call.Than ks fo r y our cooperation . Sincerely, V·\0 '\\\\\)\a.\\'ft?t: KR ISTAN PR ITZ Town Planner KP :br En cl. 75 south frontage ro ad vail .colorado 81657 (303)476·7000 Ju ne13,1984 Dave Nowlin Western Federal P.O.Bo x 5807 Den ver,Colorado 80217 Dear Dave, offIceof community development Re:KVMT Cha moni x Corners and Va il Run Here is the staff memo and Planning Co mmission mi nutes for the KV MT pro po sa l.I ho pe t his information willbe he lfu l for you r meeti ng on Fri day. Please call me if you have further questions. Si ncerely , 1)Ti~~ffl Ott KRISTAN PRITZ Town Planner KP:br Encl. ME MORA NDur 1 TO :Planning and Envi ronmental Comm ission FROM:Department of Co mmunity Develo pme nt DATE:June6,1983 --- RE:Re quest for a Conditional UsePe rm it inthe Comm ercial Core III Zone District in Orderto Construct aStudioTransmiss ion Linka t the KVMT StudioLocatedint he Chamoni x CornersBuil ding,apart of Tract C,Vaildas Scho ne Filing #1 Applicant :R &L Commun ica tions DESC RIP TIONOF PROPOS ED USE R &L Co mmuni cat ions is currently constr uctinganew studio for KVMT wit hin t he Cha monix Corners Buil dingin We st Vai l.The Co mm ercia l Core II I Zo ne Distr ict a llowsrad ioand televis ion s ignalr elayt ransmi ssi on faci lities asa cond it ional usev iaa recent amend ment.The operation and broadcast ing of th e ra dios tation f rom th isloc at ion neces sitatestheneedf or trans mission ofth e si gn alf rom the studio tot het ransla tor a t Potato Pa tch. Th e STL (Studio Transmitter Link)isproposedtobethe following: "Sp ecific Loc a tion of Site (Appendi x A)(On roof ofbui lding) .70 'from th e east s ideof t hebu ilding and6 I f rom the front of the build i ng . pesc ription of Ant enna 8foo tmetal po le suppo rted by tripod device. Atthetopofthepol e will be aparabolicallys haped tubular struc ture 18 "h igh and46 'across."Corner Re fle ctor"(Appendi xB) Ap proximately 12"belowthecor ner refl ector will be a Vagi Antenna; an open television ty pe antenna 27 "longand 13"deep (Appen dix C). The compl ete STL i stheminimu m hei gh tnecessaryto e ffect good tra nsmission fr om ou r studio to our t ranslator at Pot ato Patch a nd isa lo w pow ered devic es peci fic ally appro vedby th e Fe deral Comnunicat ions Cowmi ssion for t rans mi ssion wiohin Radio Bandsexclusively a llocatedbyt he FCC fo ruse by broadcast ers." CRIT ERIA AND FIND I NG S Upon reviewof Secti on 18.600,the Departmentof Com munity Development r ecommends approvalofthe conditi onal usepermit based upon t hef ollowing factors : Con sideration ofFact ors: Re 1ati on sh i ~d impa ct oftheus e -on development obje ~t iyes oft he T OI~n . Wh ile th e Tow n do esnotencourageroof top ant enn ae orabov e ground uti liti es, i t is importa ntt o real ize tha taqual ity r adi o si gna li s inthepubli c interest . KVMT R~-2-6/6/83 The effect of t~~~?e on li ght and air •.distributio~~_op~lation,tran s p~rtation facilities,utilit~~s.schools2-P_~~~s_o ~d re crea ti on f oc i li ~ies,and other public fac ili ti es and public facilitie sneeds. No imp act. Eff ect upon traffic withoa rticular referen ceto co~estion .autom otive and pedestrian sa f ety and convenience,tra ffic flowa nd con tro l.acc e s s,man euve ra- bility,a nd r em ovalof snow fro m the street and par kinga reas . No impa ct . Effect up on the character ofth e areain whi ch theproposedusei s tobe lo c ~t e d , including the scale andbulkoftheproposed use in relat iontosur ro un ding use~ The ante nnaeequ ipm ent wi ll not .intrude into any significant views,public or private,andthe scale oftheequi pment i s relatively mino r in compa ri son t os urroundinguses a nd structures. Suc hother fa ctors and cr iter ia a s the commissi on deems applicable tot he pro po sed use. The environme ntal i mp act re port concernin g t he pro poseduse,i fan environmental impact repor t is reguired by Chapter18 .56. None re qui red. FINDINGS The De partment of Co mmunity Develop ment re commends that the cond itional use permitbeapprovedbasedonthefollowi ng findings: Thattheproposed location of t heuse is inaccordwithth e pu rpose s of thi s ordinanceandthepurposesofthe district in which the site isl ocated . Thattheproposed location of theuseandth e conditio ns und er wh ich it would be op erated or maintained would notbedetri me nt al tothe public health,sa f ety , or we lf'areormat e ri ally inj uri ous toproperties o r i mp r ov ements i n t he vicinity . Thatthepro posed use would comply with e achofthe applica ble pr ovisions of this ordinanc e . STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS : The Department ofCom munity Develo pment staff recom mends approval ofthe request ed conditionaluse permit for the stated r easons. C ORPORATION POST OF F ICE BOX ~550 MEDFORD,OREGON 97501 (50 3)77 96SOO r-------------------,---------=---.-----------_ APPLIC ATIONS: o AURALBROADCASTSTL o TELEMETRY o POINT-TO -POINT CO MMU NICATIONS ....... ELECTRICAL SPEC IFICATIONS Frequ ency Range: Imp edance: Gain (overd ipo le): Maximum VSWR: Fro nt-to-B ack Ra tio: Polari zation: Termination: 940to 96 0 MHz (Broadband) 50 ohms 14 db 1.3:1 23 db V Type N Female (males with UG-21 /U) MECH ANICAL SPEC IFICATIONS Net Dimens ions: Net We ight: Shi pping D imens ions: Sh ipp ing Wei ght \'J ind Load: 16"x 18"x 46%"- 12 po unds 16V2"x 18'12"x 47"(App rox .8 .3 cu .ft.) •16 pou nds 137 p ounds (100MPH with V."r adial Ice) M l r~I F :ECTOR'M,S t,R:GISTE f1 ED TRADE~I A f1K o r SC ALA ELEC TflONIC C ORI'O ".ATlON 1~.00 ',-/ ('()f1 Lr.EL ECTROIl/C".',,.\".V~.1 ,-l ,-1 COR PORATION POST OFFICE OS":~5 3 0 MEDFORD.OREG ON9750 1 (503)77%5CO CA5·450 Frequency Range: Impedance: Gain(overd ipole): VSWR:. Front-to-back Ratio: Input Power Rating: Polari zation: Termination: N et Dim ensions: NetWei ght: ShippingWeig ht : Wi ndLoad: Mount ing: ELE CTRICAL S PEC IFICATIO NS Any specified freque ncy 216to1000MH z 50 ohms 10 db 1.3:1 maxi mum a tFc :!:0.6% 1.5:1 ma ximuma t Fc :!:1.0% 18db 100 watt s HorV (rear-mount,adju stable) Type N femal e (mat esw ithUG-21/U) MECHA NICAL S PECIFICATIONS (CA5-450 a t 46 0 MHz) 27"X 13"X :5" 4 pound s 7 pounds 25 po unds (100 M PHw ith1/4"ice) Att aches to circular suppo rl wit hma ximum 2·3m"0 .0. 11 8\.1 Corcoranaskedthenei ghb ors inth eaudience if they would beinfavorof the TO V t rading part of lot 40 fo rl ot 34 i nor der to pla ce th eday care center on part of lot 40.The response from all was that they were not~ Mo re dis cussi on fo llowedconcer ningt he exchange of propertie s,un d then ~;rk i n s r eguested t ot able t here guest unti l J uly 11 .Viele moved andDonovan s econded to table t her eque st until July 11.Thevote was 3-0withCorcoran absta i ning. _oPEC 6/13/83-5- 5 . 3.Request for a co n-d i t i-;;;~i--~-~e-~it in order tobuil d an antennaeonthe top oftheChamo nix Corners bu i1dng,part of Tract C,Va ildas Schone Fi ling ~.App 11~n t :R and-l-LD mmaRft a ti ons ,I nc.(KVMT -FM) Peter Jamare xplained that anante nnae woul dbe placed on the Chamoni x Co rners Buildi ng i n Wes t Vai l to s ervice t he new s tudiof or KV MT.Bob Dorfof KV MT answe red questions.Trout sugg ested theantennaebe painted,and Donovan suggest ed t hat the paint befl at in a li ght color.and that the faciliti es be removed from the to p of t heVail Run bUilding.. Donovan mov ed andTrout s econdedto approvethe request perthes taff memo dated June6,1983wit hth e condi tions that th e equ ipment p_er taini na to KVMT be re mo ved fro m the t oo of t he Vai l Run Building by J anua ry 1,1 984 ,andtha tt he ant e nnae to be constr ucte dont he Cham oni x Corners building be painted witha dull pa i nt. The vote wa s 4-0i n fav or. The Planning and Environmental Comm ission tookabrea k to eat l unch. 4.Reques t for aname ndment to Secti ons ·18 .04 .030,18.22.090 and 18 .24.1 30 inor der to i ncreaset he number of accomnodation units allow edinthe Com merc ial CoreI a nd th e Publi c Accom mo dation zo ned istri ct s .Applica nt: Lodge Properties,Inc . Corcorans t ate d that he hada le tter f r om the applicant witha request to ta ble this item until th e nextmee ti ng.Trout moved and Vieles econded to table ,and thevote was 4-0in favor of tabl ing. Req uest for a vari ancef r om Se ct ion 18.13.080 (A L which re strict s on e un it inaPrimary/Secon dar y zoneto 40 %ofthe al~bl e GRFA on lot 11,SlockE Vaildas Schone Fil ing #1.Applicants:I.M.and T.K.Tur nb ull Ji m Sayree xpla ined t here questa nd Sus anVa ug hn,representi ng t he Turn bu l1s, stated th at t he 60/40 rule was topr event 'mirror ima ges,butt hat theaddi ti ons wouldhelpreduce the present mirror a ppearance of th e du plex becauseth e add it io ns woul dhavet o bepl acedd iff erently.Theduplex coul dr emai n 50/50 and s ti ll c hange fr om oneo f mir r or i ma ge.' '.e 75 south frontage road vall .colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 June13,1984 Dave Nowlin Western Federal P.O.Box 5807 Denver,Colorado 80217 Dear Dave, officeof community development Re:KVMT Chamonix Corners and Vail Run Here is the staff memo and Planning Commission minutesforthe KVMT proposal.I hope this informationwillbe helful for your meeting on Friday. Please call me if you have further questions . Sincerely, ~i An-h-f(Itr KRISTAN PRITZ Town Planner KP:br Encl. 75 south front age roa d vai l,colorado 8165 7 (303)476-7000 April 30,1984 Stu Sacks Program Director KVMTRadio 2271 North Front age Road We st Vail,Colorado 81657 office ofcom munity developmen t Re:aAntennae on ;--Va i l Run B~ld ing De ar Stu :~ I havee nc los eda copyof t he mi nu tesoft he Ju ne 13,1983Planning and En vironmen tal Co mmission that concer ned KVMT's re quest for a con- di tional use permitto build ana ntennae on the topof the Ch amon ix Corners buildi ng .The Pl anning Department r equests that youcomp ly wit h thea pproval by remo ving the old a ntennae f rom the Vail Run buildi ng and by paint ing you r new a ntenna e at Ch amonix Corners with a dull paint .This work mustbe compl eted byJune 1 ,1984.Originally, KVM T was as kedtor emove the Va il Run ant ennae byJan uary 1,1984. If youhaveany furt her questions,please give meaca ll .Th anks for yourcooperation . Sinc erely, ~\\~Q~~~ KRIS TAN PRITZ Town Pl anner KP :br Encl. 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 Le e Bennett p,O.Bo x 2451 Vail,Colorado,81658 Dear Lee, officeofcommunitydevelopment October15,1984 Ihave recetved theproposed berm for Chamoni x Chalets andhave given tt a staff approvalwith the following conditions: 1 .Berm notimpact the existing d itch alongtheNorth Frontage Road . 2.Re-vegetation becompleted by November l ~1984. 3.Addition landscape plan for the site be submitted by May 1,1985. please feel f ree to call me withany questions you ma y have. Si nc erely, /",''1 /. (\'.';.'.\)_lt l<.~\.. Thomas A.Braun Town Plann TAB/rme 7 I .. ;••ProjectApplication , J . Date (/7 '/t~//1 ;.'J A It - Project Name : I j...I b t ,1/Pro ject Desc ription :/II Ii:-E 1 l /'l/v I-.-""1' Contact Person andPhone I jf .L I /7rt'j!I/,A I Owner.Address and Phone:__--:.....1....---.:..::.=--_ t{ ;,L L /I/C/JA-[ c c f2JJ1 /17 7{[IlL'/1 II l ')1 I I, II IDate _ Mo tion by :_ Second ed by :_ APPROVA L DISAPPROVAL J JSummary:------t.-=f-'.;.=---"----'---------:--'------------------------ T own Planner .... o St aff Approval D ate :_ ~§::;;"'~.~._.._---"~..:..~-::::::E :~~:G" ----~-~- CHAMONIX CHALET CORP. P.O.Box 1367 •Vail,C olorado81657 June 1,1984 Town of Vai I Vail,CO 81658 Dear Sirs: The Board of Directors of Chamonix Chalet Corp.has given their secretary,Lee Bennett,the authority to construct a landscaping burm at the bottom of Chamonix Drive in anow vacant lot. This area is the main entrance to the Chamonix complex and visible from 1-70 as well as the north frontage road.It has been a vacant lot that has been subject to abuse and I ittering.If a burm is created on which we can plant flowering bushes and native flowers,we will create a pleasant entrance to our complex and a positive asset to the area. The initial money allocated will be $150.00. Sincerely, Directors Cha let Cor p• • \. .. \ \ \ \ \, •LIST OF MAT ERIA LS•(&~i\~~--7:u.n r\~bf1- NA ME OF PROJECT :~\~~f~~~LEGAL DESC RIPTI ON:-'L;vOT~--=--_--=--_-_-_-_-----nBTCLO"'C"'K~-_-...:..-_-_-_-_r-_-_"F'TI"LI"N;;<"G-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_'\.'I \ STREE T ADDRESS:•(MCYl ,S()(• DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT :,~•. The following informat ion is r equiredfor subm ittal by the applicant to th e Design Review Board beforea final app roval canbefiven : COLOR / / / / / / / Flas hi ngs .. Flues Wind ow s Door Trim Window Trim Fascia Hand or Dec k Rails Doors 7 Chimneys ~ Trash Enc1osure /-------------------''--------- Greenhouse s/' Other/ ( Soffi ts Siding Other Wa11 A.BUI LDI NG MA TERIA LS:TYPE OF MATERIA L r-, Roo B.LA NDSCAPI NG:Name ofDesigner: pho ne: PLA NT MATER IAL S:Botantca1 PROPOSED TREES Il!LJ, EXISTING TR EES TO Il!(j BE REMOVED I *I ndicate calipe r for .deciduc·ious trees.Indicate height for conifers.•• • PLA NT MATE RIAL S:Bo tanical N a m~ (can't) SHRUBS EXI STI NG SHRUBS TO BE RE r~O VED GROU ND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IR RIG ATI ON Co mmon Nam e • Qua nity Size Sq uare Footage TYPE OR MET HOD OF _ EROSION CONTROL • C.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify . •• ,•MEMO RA NDU/4 •.>TO:Planning and En vir onmental Conmission FROM:Depa rtmentof Co mmun ity Development DA TE:June6,1983 RE:Request for a Conditional UsePermitinthe Com me rci al Core III Zone District i n Orderto Construct aStudioTransmission Link at the KVMT St udio Located inth e Chamonix Corners Bu ildi ng,a part of Tract C,Vaildas Schone Filing #1 App licant:R &L Communications DE SCR I PT ION OF PR OPOSED USE R &L Co mmunications is currently constructing a new studio for KVMT within the Cha monix Corners Bu ild ing in We st Vail.Th e Co mmercial Co re III Zone District all ows radio andt elevisionsi gnal rel ay transmission facilities asa con d itional use viaare cent amendmen t.The operation a nd broadcasti ng of the radio s tat ion fro m th isl oca t ion neces si tates t he need f or tra nsmission of thes ignal fr omth e stu diotot he tra nslator a t PotatoPatch. The STL (Studio Transmitter Link)is proposedtobethe following: "Specific Loc ati onof Site (Appendi xA)(On roof of building) .70'fr om the east side ofthe bU ilding and 6 I from th e front of the bUi ldi ng. pescription of Antenna 8 foot metalpolesupported by tri pod device. Atth et opofthepol ewillbea .parabolical lyshaped iubul ar structure 18"h i gh and 46'across."Corner Reflector"(Ap pendixB) Appro xi ma t ely12"bel 0\'1 thecorn er refl ector wi 11 beaVag i Antenna ; anopen televisio nty peantenna27"lo ng a nd 13"deep (Appe nd ix C). The complete STL i sthe mi n imum heigh t necessaryto effect good tra nsmission fro m our s tudiot o our transl ator at Potato Patc ha ndi sa lo w powered device specifically approvedby t he FederalComm un ic at ions Commission for trans mission wioh inRadio Bands ex clusively allocated by the FCC for use by broadcasters." CRIT ERIA AND FIND I NG S Upon revi ew of Sectio n 18.600,the Departmentof Co mmu nity Development r ecom mends approv aloft he cond itional useper mit based upon thef ollowing factors: Consid erat io n of Factor s: Rel ations hi ~d i mpactof theus e on develo pm ent object i v~s ofthe To wn. Whileth eTow n do esnotencourager oo ft op ant enn ae or abov e ground utilit ies, it is i mpor tant t o real i zet hata qual ity r adio si gnal i sinthe publ icin terest. .....KVMT RELAY -2-6/6/83• The effec t oftheuse on l ightand air,distri but io~op~l ati o n ,tra nsportation fa.cilities ,utiliti es ,s chooE...L.2_;:!.r.t~s_~_n d re cr eat ion f acil it i es,and other publicfac ili ti es and pub li c fa cilitiesneeds.. No impact. Effect upon traffic with parti cular r eference to congestion,automotive and p ~destrian safe t~and conve ni e nce,t raffic flowandcontrol.a cces s,maneuver a- blli ty,and re movalof snow from the streetandpar kinga reas. No i mp act. Eff ect upon t he chara cter oft hear ea inwhichthe proposeduse istobel ocated, includi ng the sc ale andbulkof the pro posedusei n r el at ionto s urroundinguses . The antennaeequi pm ent will no t int rude into any si gn if icantvi ews,public or private ,a nd t he scale oftheequipment is relative ly mi nor in comp arison tosurroun ding uses and structures. Such other factors and c riteria asthe commissiondeems applicaoletothe prop'osed use. The env ironmenta l impa ct r eportconcerning thepro posed use,i fanenvi ronme ntal i mpact r e po rt i sre q uiredby Ch apter 18 .56. None requ ired. FI NDI NGS The Department ofCommunity Develop ment re commendstha t th e conditional use permitbeapproved basedonthe followi ng findi ngs: Thatth e proposed location ofthe usei s inaccord with thepurposesofth is ordinance andthe purposesof th e di stric t inwhich th e siteis located. Tha t t heproposed l ocat ion oft heuse andt he condit ionsunderwhichi t wo uld be operated ormaintained woul d no t bede tr im entalt othepubli chealth,safety , orwe l f'a reorma ter ia lly i njur-i ou s t o proper tiesor improvements i n th e vi cinity . Th at t he pro po sed use wou ld comply wit hea choftheapplic able prov isions ofth is ordin ance. STAFF RECOMME NDATIO NS: The Depart ment ofCommunit yDevel opme nt sta ff recom mendsapprovalofther equ e sted conditi on aluse permitfo r th es ta ted re as ons. POST OF FICEBOX 4580 ME DFORD,OR EGON 97501 (503)779 ·5500 .. -., •r~·LA ElECTRONI C OR P O ilAT ION ·ce ~/:,/]/'~EI/r>/(,~I'L~]II r\II F..CGO MI NIF LL:CTOR™ .---. APPLICATIONS: o AURALBROADCASTSTL o TELEMETRY POI NT-TO-POINT COMMUNICATIONS Frequency Range: Impedance: Gain(over dipole): Max imum VSWR: Front-to-Back Ratio: Polarization: Termination: Net Dimens ions : Net Weight: Sh ipping Dimensions: Sh ippingW eight Wind Load: ELECTRICAL S P ECIFICATIONS 940to960MHz (Broadband) 50 ohms 14 db 1.3:1 23db V TypeN Female (mates with UG·21/U) MECH A NICAL S P ECIFIC ATIONS 16"x 18 "x 46Vz" 12 pounds 16Vz"x 18'12"x 47"(Appro x.8.3 cu.ft.)•16 pou nds 137pou nds (100MPH with '/~"rad ial Ice) M IN I Fl ECT OR T"I S A RfG ISTERED TRADEMAR K O F SC ALA ELECH10NIC COilPO'l ATI O N POSTOFFI CE £lOX 4580 MED FORD.OR EGON 9 750 1 (503)779 ·6500 >! 2CA5·450V ELEC m onic CORPORATION CA5·450 ·, ',--" Frequency Range: Impedance: Gain (over dipole): VSWR: Front -to -back Rat io: Input Power Rating: Polar iza tio n : Termination: ELECTRICAL S PEC IFICATIO NS Any specif ied f requency 216 to1000 MHz 50 ohms 10 db 1.3:1 maximum atFc =0 .6% 1.5:1 maximum atFc =1.0 % 18 db 100 wa tts Ho r V (rear-mou nt ,adjustabl e) Typ e Nfem ale (m ates wit hUG·21/U) ,. i I N et Dimens ions: Net W eight: Sh ippi ngW ei ght: W indLoad: Mou ntin g: MECHA NICAL S PECIFICATIONS (CA5-450 at 460 MHz) 27"X 13"X ~" 4po unds 7 pou nds 25pou nds(100MPH wit h1/4"ice) Att a ches to circularsup por t w ithma ximu m 2 -318 "0 .0. 1/·BU •Planning and Environ mental Commission June13,1983 MEMBERS PRESENT Dan Corcoran Diana Donovan Will Trout JimViele ABSENT Jim Morgan Gordon Pierce Duane Piper STAFF PRESENT Dick Ryan Peter Pa t ten Peter Jamar JimSayre Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE Chuck Anderson The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by Dan Corcoran,chairman.The first item on the agend a was theapprovaloftheminutesofthe me eting of May 23,1983,Corcorancorr ected item #1toread "The vo te was 5in favor"i nstead of4.Donovan moved and Trout seconded toapprovetheminutesas corrected.The vote was 4-0 in favor.The applicant for #4,Lod ge at Vail,requested to table until June27.Trout moved and Vie le seconded to table.The vote wa s 4-0 to tabl e. 1 ,~re uesttor ezone Tre etQ.2 s Condo min iums fr om the Hi gh Density Multipl e Family HDM F)zone dis.trin -to Comm ercial Core II zope district and a request for an exemption toallow a l oading s pace witl1Ti1 the reqUired front setback. Applicant:Treeto ps Cond om inium Association. Peter Jamar explained the mem o and reminded theboard that theoriginal memo of Apri l 13,1983 containedthe request,and that the PEC had tabled the request in order for th e applicant t o in vestigate traffic and c irc ulation i mpacts oft heproposal on the already congested Ea st Lionshead Circle area.The PEC had also askedthe applicant toTook at mov ing the loadin g zone out of the front setback andtolook at the snow s torage pr oblem .Jamarshowed a site planhehad received just before themeetingwhich thes taffhad not had timeto stu dy.The new plan showed a new location for a loading s pacea nda snow storage area.Jamar re ad from t he traffic stu dy which stated tha t t he im pacts oftheproposalcouldbe alleviated by four listed items.He statedth at there would be no guarantee th at s ignsoragr eements would stop th e useofsh ort term parking.He felt that apedes trian connecti on between theproposed com mercial developm ent andthe Lion shead parking structu re portal woul d alleviate some of the pedestr.ian travel throu gh the bus/truck a rea, as woul dt he 1i miting o"fthe typesofusesallowedinthe propo sed building. Jamar also explained th at t he -applicants suggest ed consolidating the east and westbound bus platform,butth at t he Tr ansportation depart ment gaverea sons why this wo uld not wo rk.He mentioned th efa ct that the traffic studyal so showed that 42 %of the traffic inthe are a wa s from autos,and until there wa s a solution tothe private auto entering the area (sucha sa Chec kpoint Char -l i e),no additional problemss hould be created i ntheEastLions head Circle area,He also said that the staff could not make a recom mendation of a pp roval without further studyofthe new plan . Ted strauss,Pres ident -of t heTreetops Condominiu m Association,stated that a tthe last meetin g,theywere t old t o go back and have a traffic study made,they se lected a traffic engineer recom mended by Peter Jamar,and it was the engineer's -opinion that the traffic pattern intheEast Lionshead area would notchange. •PEC 6/13~-2 - Da vid Lea hy ,t ra ffic engineerwith TDA s howeda ti me lapse mo vie ofthe area, and pointed out t hree no des.one was the priva tevanswithper mits to stop , anoth er was the stopping ofthebuses ,andt he third was the traf fic from autos. He add ed that i t was alu xury to allow priv ate automobiles to drive so close to theski lift,and that this was notallow ed i nmosts ki areas.He felt that wit h the site improve ments suggested by Treeto ps,the area would beopened up,thebuses could all useone platform,th ere would be additional curbspace dedicated to transit use only,andheadded that he saw this area asan extension of the mall,in which casethe retail shopshere would not generate more trips. Mike McGee of the Vail Fire Departmentspoke next,explaining that the Fire Department was concernedabout access to fight fires at Treetops.He said that the fir emen could drive a truc k onto thepresent top leve l of theparking structure,but if it were coveredwith a building,t hey would havea difficu lt ti me becausethedriveway to the west of the building wasnarrowwith either as harp turn ora steep dro p which made it im possible topos it ion a ladder truck.SkipGordon,of the Tow n of Vai l Transportation Depart ment stated that at present 5vans had permission todrop off orpick up passengers,and that one ofthe stipulations was that each driver had toremainin his van.Skip stated that between 2,000 and 3,000peoplewere pic ked up or dropped-off at this point fronl 3:00to5:30 pm during the ski seasonwhich required 3 supervisors from his department.His feeling was that if there were more retail space at EastLionshead Circle there would be more private autQs driving in the area,and that evenwith3 supervisors it was impossible tokeepthe private autos out of the area. CurtUfkes,Assistant Police Chief,elaborated on Skip's comments and added that this was oneofthe worst areas inthe Town with respect to pedestrians and vehicles. Ufkes felt that there definite ly neededtobea Check point Cha rlie at the topof the street.He stated that the Police Depa rtment was in favor ofthe new retail space if a Chec kpoint Charlie were first i nstalled.He added that they hadn't found that peoplewere using the LionsheadParking Structure,and that if evenone car parked .in -Lionshead Circle,it could tie up traffic,and that the loading zone for trucks was overtaxed.Ufkes said that in addition to t he3 ,supervisors,there were 2 traffic controllers usedin the area at the peak times,andsometi mes another uniformed policeman,and still the peoplein autos wanted topar k right in front of the busiest area.He didmention that off-street parking would be a solution for unloading and loading. Pete Burnett,Town ofVail street supervisor,was concerned about snow storage. He felt that theplan presented would increase thesnow tobe cleared away,and reducethe area in which to store snow.He added tha ti t was i mp ossibleto be able to state a certain time when hecould remove the snow,and that theroads werereduced inwidthinthe winter because of the snow. Viele asked if the snow was currently stored on public property,and Peter Jamar said that it was.Donovan wantedto know if it were f easibleto cut aroadtothe east ofthe parkin g structure,a ndaddedth at she fel t aneedto study thenew site plan before making a decision ..She felt that a Check poin t Charlie was neededwhether or not t he Treetops Condo minium proposal was accepted .Donovan ask ed if th e Treeto ps had enough off-street parkin g,and J am arr esponded th at Treetops at present had 50 parkin g spaces,which was 2s paces s hort of what was presently r equired.Witht he addition,27 additio nal spaceswere needed ,and these couldbepaid for in li eu of the actual spaces.Donovan felt that letting people buyspaceinthe parki ng structure •PEC 6/1 3/83 -3-• was in reality letti ng t hem off the hook,and t hat when t he struct ure wa s full of s kiers I th ere was no pla ce topark.She repe at ed that she felt mo restudy was need ed. Trout said that Strauss had re f erred tothes paces as "office space",and questioned that.Ja mar r ep1 iedth at offic es were not permit tedonthegrou nd floor in CCll zone district.Strauss saidt hat they expected t hesp acet obe retail.Trout stated that mostof the discussion was oft he problem i nthe area right now,and suggestedlooking at the applicant's proposal which increased thecurbspace and drop-off area.Hef elt th at th ey couldnotholdtheappl icant res ponsible for a problem that already exists,a nd wo nd ered if the Town Council had r ev iewed or recommended aCheckpoint Charli e.Jamar a nswe red that theCouncil had not budgeted money for one. Discussion followedconcerni ng fi re truc k acc ess tothe bu ilding,and Dick Dur an, Fire Chief,repeat edMike McGee'sconcernsa bou t turni ng r adius;r oom to ma neuve rand steep grades.Troutfe lt th at r estrict ed us es couldbe enforced un til Chec kpoint Charlieis constructed,and i nthe mean ti me,he f eltthe i ssueof the fire truck access shouldbe sol ved. Dan Corcoran stated that theappl icant couldrequest tabling,couldappealtoCouncil if tu rned dow n,o r could as k for avote.Stra uss s ta tedt hat hef elt the need to proceed,a nd t hatTreeto ps di d no t ha ve the money to sta ll a Ch eckpoint Charlie . Trout fel t hecouldnotvotein favor ofthe project with t he fire truck access proble m and encouraged the applic ant tor equest to table .Strauss said he would request to ta ble toa ddress th ef ire safety problem,butprotested t hat this mee ting .wasto discuss traffic pr oblem only. Strauss stated that he ~ro uld li ke only three items t o beaddressed at the po stponed mee ti ng:Added f ire a cce s s,r etail spaceo nly,am dsnow s torage.Corcoran sta ted that th emembe rswho were absent may have add it ionalconcerns as well.Jam ar r eminded theboardth at thes taff also was concern ed a bout theloading area,s incethe y had no thad timeto st udy th e new site plan. Mar ka Moser,inthe audi e~ce ,r emi nded th e bo ardth at wh enthe parking structure was first built,sev eral s pacesweresupposedt o beres erved for drop-off parking, but that this had notmat erialized,and that if these spaces were reserved,part ofth e problem mightbe resolved.----- Strauss asked to table t he item until t he mee tingof July 25 .Trout movedtot able unt il July 25,withViel e seconding.Th e vo te t o table was4-0inf avor. 2 .Conditional usere quest for apr iva te pre-schoolto be located on lot 34 in BuffehrCreek Su bd ivision onCham onix Lan e .Ap plicants:Mi ke and Debbie Dawson • Dic k Ryan pr esented th epr opo sal,ande xplained that,alth ou gh thef acil ity was need ed,th e staff qu e st ioned th e traffic i mpacta ndth e la ck of adequ ate parkin g, and fe lt these concer ns had not bee n ~dequ a t el y addressed. John Perkins,architect f or the applicant,stated that theday care f acilitie s in ••PEC 6/1 3/83 -4- theVaila rea had waiting li st s,representin g a real need .He e xpla i ned th e floor and site plan sand st ated tha t th e building wasdes ignede specially for that property. Mike Dawson ,oneofthe applic ants,stated that th ey had been looking at pro perty for 8-9 months,and found that commerc ial property was simplynotf easibl e fin ancially. Corcoran stated that the staff had received 8 letters of protest fr om neighbors, and a petition ofprotest containing 60 na mes . Dick Pete rson,a neighbor,was con cerned aboutthe traffic on whathe s aid were verynar row streets.He added that t hebus was adet ri ment on suchnarrow streets, and also that hedidnotfeeladay care shouldhavethe continueduse ofa neighborhood park ,and that a day care facility would lower values ofproperty in the area . J im Ki ng,ano ther neighbor ,sai dt hathe was concern eda boutthe no ise because he worked very l atea t night,and the early arrival of children would bo ther him. He sta tedt hatth ere was not enough parking,an ds omeof theoverfl ow wou ld pr obably end up inhi sdriveway. Brian McCart ney,neighb or,was concer nedabout traffic fl ow,espec ial ly i n t he winte r when Buffehr CreekRoad was slippery . Marka Moser,neighbor,fe lt thelo cat ion wi thhigh traffic and stream s was not a safe place for a school. Phoebe Peterson agreedwiththe concernsoftheothe r s,asdid Dave Pe1ka m. Will Trout said that if he lived onth e st reet,he wou ldbeconcerned abou t it, a lso,for traffic do esn't j usthappen a tcer tain hou r s.Donovan felt the situation was dangerous,though t heneedwasapparent .She suggested that th eappl icant try toexchange theproperty f or part ofl ot 40 wh ichwastobecome a Town park. Viele was concerned wi th the pr obl em s,particularly theparking .Ryan said th at the ABC School had a bout 15-18 parkin gspa ces whic hwas not enou gh when sp ecial events were held .Vi ele as ked if a site pl an had been don e for t he Town park, and Ryan answered that one had no t been done ,bu t t hat th erewould beane ighborhoo d meetingtosee wh at wa s wanted or need ed i n thepark.Ryan said t hat he had discussed theexchange withthe Town ~a n age r ,buthad not a s yet r ecei ved an answer. John Perkins stated that he would l i ke to expl oreth e id ea ofalandexchange, a ndwanted to know wh at thePEC felt about it.Di ckPete rsonre minded th e PEC that when the TOV acquired th e park,i t wa s suggest ed no t to have parking there so.that t ~e r e would not bea notherroad cut from t he fro ntageroad.BrianMcCartney s a l ~hedidnotfee l .the TOV s houl d pro vide he lp topr ivate citizens for th e ir buslnes ses,andPerk ln s'respond ed t ha t th e To wnhas a history ofhelpin g oth er daycare centers .Headded tha tthea pplicant had not r eally as ked the Town of Vail for anything,but t hesuggestion concerned anequal t radeof land.He s aid that theschool locat ed onth e frontag e ro ad couldbea nois e buffer from 1-70. •.EC 6/13/83 -5- Corcoranas ked thene i ghbo rs inthe audience if theywould beinfavorof the TOV trad ing part o f lot 40 for lot 34 in order to pla ce th eday care center on part of lot 40.The response from all was that theywere not~ More discuss ion followedconcerningtheexchange of properti es.andthen Perk ins fequested to table th erequest until J uly11.Viele moved and Donovan s econded o table ther equest until July 11.The vote was 3-0withCorcoran abstain ing. order to build a nantennae on the3. (KVMT-FM) Filing Peter Jamar explained that an antennae would beplacedonthe Chamonix Corners Building in West Vailto service th e new studio for KVMT.Bob Dorfof KVMT answered questions.Trout suggested theantennaebe painted,and Donovan suggested that the paint be flat ina light color.and that the facilities be removed fro m the topof the Vail Run bUilding." Donovan moved and Trout secondedto ap'prove the request per the staff memo dated June6,1983 with the conditions tha t theequip ment pertainingto KVMT ber emo ved from thetopof t he Va il Ru n Buildin g by January 1,1 984.a nd that thean tennae tobe constructed onthe Chamoni x Corners building be painted witha dull paint. The vote was 4-0 i n favor. The Planning and Environmental Commission tookabreakto eat lunch. 4.Request for an amend ment to Sections '18.04 .030,18.22.090 and 18.24.130 in order to increase the number ofaccomnodation units allowedinth e Commercial CoreIandthe Public Accommodation zone districts.Applicant: Lodge Properties,Inc. Corcoran stated that hehada letter from the applicant witha request to table this item until thenext meeting.Trout moved andVielesecondedto table,and thevote was 4-0in favor of tabling. ". 5.Request for a variance from Section 18.13.080 A which r estricts one unit zoneto 40 %of the a1 owab eGRFA on ot 1,BlockE #1.Appl icants:LM.andT.K.Turnbull JimSayree xplained the request and Susan Vaughn,represent~ng the Turnbulls, stated that th e 60 /40 rule was toprev errtm lrror images ,but t hattheadditi on s would help r educeth e pres ent mirrorappearance ofthe dup le x becausethe add it ions would haveto be placed d ifferently.Theduplex ~ould re main 50/50and still change from oneof mirror image.' •PEC Re ver en dThomasKentTurnbull ,oneof theapplica nts,add ed th at t he garage was i mportant aswell.Va ugh nadd ed t hatshe was aplanner wi th Eag le Coun ty, and s he did a re vi ew ofthe numb erofhomes int he areat hat are zoned Pri ma r y/ Secondary but are actually 50-50,andth at t here were not ma ny. Trout was symp athetictothe proposal,and was Donovan,butshef elt strongly that duple x that existed beforebeingzoned 60/40 should rema in 50/50,but wanted to find a way todo it without granting a variance.She f elt that thi s was a question that needed tobe addressed .Viele felt that the additions to this property did movetowardthe intent of erasing th emirror ima ge. Trout moved a nd Do novan second edto appro ve t he re~e s tJlo~the__var iance for the reas ons that t he granting of thevar iance would not consti tute a grant of special privilege inconsi stent wi th th e li mitati ons on other pro pe rti es classi fied in t he same distri c t,that the granti ng of th e var iance ouldnot be detrim ental tothe pu blic health,sa fety,or welfare,or mat e rially injurio us toproperti es ori mprove ments int he vicinity,a nd that thevariance was warranted because t he st rictor l iteral interpreta tion ande nf orceme ntoft he specified regula tion would result inpr actical difficu lty orunnecessaryphysi cal hardship incons istent wit h the objecti ves of this tit le. The vot e was 4-0 toapproveth e var iance. 6.Request f oraname nd mentto Section 18 .26.040 ofthe Vai l Muni cipal Cod e, Cond itional Uses in CCI I,i n or dert oadd:.G.Co mm erc ial storag eas l Oi12- it is basem ent lev el,not havi ng any exte ri or fro n tag~on any pu blic w ~ street,walkwa y ormall are a.App li cants:Br ad ley Qu ayle and Michael Arnett Peter Patten e xplained th at this amen dment didnotconcern any s pecific property . Mike Arnet t,oneofthe applicants,felt that there was a need f ort hisuse. Patten remind ed theboard that each conditiona l use applicant wo uld first have toabid e by two absolute s--th e basement level.and having no e xterior fronta ge on any pu blic way,street,wa lkway or ma ll a rea.Donovanwas concerned abo ut hav ing a de finition for "commer ci a l st orage ."Arne tt said that building and fire codescontained defin i tions f orc ommercial s torage. Corcoran fe lt th at concernscouldbe addressed on an individual basi s . Vi ele move d andTroutsec o nd edto approve t hereque st.The vote wa s 4-0 inf avor. 7.Request f oi ame nd acond iti onal useperm it in or derto a l lowtheVailMounta in Sch0 0-to USe th e B'!-l!aJ!.fCa bin a sa ~ne ra l purpose cl..as sroom and small meetln g assemb lyr oom.APPl ica nt:Va ilMou ntain Schoo l Peter J amar s t ated th at the a pplicant had met wi th Steve ·Pa tt erson,and that t hey were actua ll ydoing more t han was necessary to br ingthebuil di ng up to bui lding code.Rick Ba ldw in,represe nting t he.VailMou ntain Scho ol explain ed that th ecabin woul d probably be usedf irst f or musiccl asse s. Do nova n moved a nd Vi elese con ded to ~r ov e th er equest.The vot e was 4-0 i n favor . •PE C'1 3/83 -7- 8 .~ues t to amendjQec ial Deve lopm ent Distrl ct No.6 ,the Va il Village Inn complex ,to add outside vendingasa cond itional use.Applican t:Van Ewing Dick Rya nexpl ained that i f t he ame ndme nt is approved by th ePlanningandEnviron- mental Comm ission,andt hen by th e To wn Council ,the applicantwill have to come backwith a r equest for aconditiona l useper mi t f or a spe ci fi cuse.Hp added that t he staff f elt t hat a certai n amo untofvendingadded toth e s t r e et l ifein Vail,and was in favor of it when it wasn't i n conflict withother uses. Van Ewing said that hehad the support of t hesurroundingshops.Trout said he had t hought t his was i llega l i nt he Town of Va i l.Di ckexplained that this would be r eviewed on a c ase by c ase bas is.Di ana wanted to know what cont rols t he Town had overtheother pop corn waqon s,a nd Ryan re plied tha tt heagreemen t \'Ii tht he To wn in cludedcont rol o f trash ,ty peof menu s,etc .Don ovanf e lt tha ta popcorn wago nwouldbe good,but how could thet owncontrol ven dingof baked good s,ice crea m,etc.,andshe felt that c rite ria shoul dbe li sted.Ryan des cr ibed how this was handl ed i nt he Bou lder mall:Certain area swere se tas ide for certain types ofvending wit h only oneyear le ases.Donov anfe ltvending wa sagold mine because t he owner would not have topay rent ,and s he woulds upport the po pcorn ~agon,butnot much e lse.Viele shared Don ov an'sconcern,andhe a ntic i patedan expans ionof thi s typeofconditional use in to other districts besides SDD6. Ryan admittedt hat he had rec eived 4 or5 oth erre ques ts for various typesof vending includin g alo w frequency radio sta tion for skiers.. Co rcoran stated that un der cond itional use perm it s,onlyafe w criteri a had to be met,so if ana pplicantmet th ec riteria,t hePEC wou ldhave t o grant t her equest. Van Ewi ng suggested c hanginghis r equest toa s pecif ic use,a nd Troutwondered if th ere would beanything wrong wit ht ha t.Trout move d and Vie le se condedt o approveth e r equestto haveanout side po pcor n ve nd i n~on to conform i n appea rance with thos eexist ing in Va i l.Th e votewas 4-0 in favo rofr ecommending this t o Counc il . 9.Request for a minorsubdiv isi on for l ots 15 a nd 16 ,Buf fehr Creek. Applic ant s:Ran dy Gue rri ero and Angel a Le ighton Pete rPat tene xp lained t hat t his wa sa minorsubdivi si on and that the re we re t wo conditionsofa pproval.Randy Guerr ier.o,one of the app li cants,s tated that his pla ns d idi nclude cl eaning up th e parking lot .Pa ttenadded t hat he had a l e tter fro m asurvey company which i ndicated that th is was a n equ al trade-off. Troutm_ove dand Viele second ed t o approve the re qu e st \~i th t he word s,"the lot" in con dit ional #2 bechangedto r ead"lot 15".The vote wa s 4-0 infavor . 10.Pte l im i na?r evi e ~I~<i.f~rior modif ica tion proposals in CCl a nd CC Ire sulted 1n t he f o lo wingl3esignations: Mi nor Gorsuch Chr isty Sp orts Purc ell's LionsheadArcade Vill age Center Sw eet Basil a nd Ma jor ' Lod ge at Vail A &0 Bu ilding Ill u's Bea nery •• Planning and Environmental Commission June13,1983 9:00 am Site Inspections 10:00 am Publ icHearing 1.A request torezone Treetops Condominiums from the High Density Multiple Family (HDMF)zone district to Commercial Core IIzone district and a request for an exemption toallowaloadingspace within the required front setback.Applicant:Treetops Condominium Association 2.Request for a conditional usepermit for aday care facility on lot 34, BuffehrCreek Subdivision.Applicants:Mike and Debbie Dawson 3.Request for a conditional usepermitin order to build anantennaeon thetopofthe Chamonix Corners building,part of Tract C,Vaildas Schone Filing No.1 Applicant:Rand L Communications,Inc.(KVMT-FM) Approximately12:00 noon Lunch (approximately 45 minutes) 4.Request for an amendment to Sections 18.04.030,18.22.090,and 18.24.130 in order to increase the number of accommodation units allowedinthe Commercial Core I and the Public Accommodation zone districts. Applicant:Lodge Properties,Inc. 5.Request for a variance from Section 18.13.080(A)which restricts one unit inaPrimary/Secondary zone to 40%ofthe allowable GRFA.The application concerns lot 11,Block E,Vaildas Schone Filing #1. Applicants :I.M.and T.K.Turnbull 6.Request for an amendment to Section 18.26.040 oftheVailMunicipal Code, Conditional usesinCCII,in order toadd:G.Commercial storage as longas it is base ment level,nothavingany exterior frontage onany public way,street,walkway ormall area.Applicants:Bradley Quayle and Michael Arnett . 7.Request for an amendment toa conditional USe permitin order toallow theVail Mountain School tousetheBaldauf Cabin asageneralpurpose classroomandsmallmeeting assembly room.Applicant :Vail Mountain School 8.Requestto amend Special Development District No.6,The Vail Village Inn complex,to add outside vendingasa conditional use. Applicant:Van Ewing 9.Request fora minor subdivision for lots 15 and 16,Buffehr Creek. Applicants:Randy Guerriero and Angela Leighton (Continued) •PEC 6/7 /8 3 10.Preliminary reviewofExterior Modification proposals in CCl and CCII for the following buildings: 1 ..Lodge at Vail 2.McBride .Building-Gorsuch Ltd. 3.A &DBuilding 4.Plaza Lodge Building-Christy Sports 5.Lifthouse Lodge -Purcell's 6.Lionshead Arcade 7.Village Center 8.Gore Creek Plaza BUilding -Sweet Basil and Blu's Beanery ~.D~M ay 16,1983 APPLICATION FORM FOR CONDITIONALUSEP ERMIT I.This procedure is required for any pro ject required to obtain a co nd i t ~9~1 Use Permit. The appl ication will not be accepted until all information is s ubmitte d. A.NAME OF APPLICAN T R andL Communications Inc.(KVMT-FM) ADDRESSlOOO L i onsridge Loop,Vail,CO.81657 PHONE 476-5868 PHONE 926-3907 B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Bob Dorf----------------- ADDRESS P.O.Box 1,Edwards,CO 81632 C.NAME OF OWNER (p rint ort ype)Craddock Development Inc. (See bottom of Page)SIGNATURE_--..:...;:;..::-=--=-=:..===-==--=-==-='-'-_ ADDRESS Box 7221,Colorado Springs,CO 80907 PHONE ------- D.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL ADDRESS 22 71 Nor th F rontage Rd.Vail,CO 81657 (C hamonix Corners) Filing Part od!BLOCK CBlockLEGALDESCRIPTION.-=L:.::o:.::t=----=-=:.c::..::.c.:....__-=-=::..:::.:~~=_=~......:;..:=____=;:.;:;....;=..:.._=:.._ A list of the name of owner s of all property adj a cent to the FEE $50.00 p lus a n amoun t equal t o the th enc urrent first-classpostage rat e for eac h prop ertyowner t o be notif ied he reunder. CRA DDOCKDEVELOPME NT CO MPANY Den ver Branch Ma nage r subject property' 1.~RAC~A -Phillips Gas S ta tion §o~~0~9troleum p roperties,Inc. E vergreen,CO 80439 2.Inn at West Vail -T ractC C raddock Development Box 7221 Colo.Spr ings,CO 80907 3.~lock A,Lots 1,2,3. Craddock Development 1 nc. (Same as abo ve) ,.;lt.;":~, v·•• Hand L C o rnm un ;I';ll,l U ll ",own e rx <I\1d "[H,l'<ILo!'s of KV ~!T-I")I :I!',} s ubmitt ing tn i.s a p pl i c.a t i on ill c(l mpl i un c«.wit h t.h r:"",u'llt ly app ro v ed a mmcnd r!\('lll t o t h o ZOll :iIl L~<:I H \"th a L allows !C l,'u :e in c L u si.o n of H :i(ii():'l1d '1\;']8 V i~';H)1l :.i l':n:1 1 rol u.y t ra n:-;;nI "':;l on fa c t Lit i.e s HS :1 c'(llH i i t io n;1 1 lIS('i n T lt i"Co rarno r o i al Cl./;'"l IT LO 11 e D i ~;t r i <'I • K V~lT J s cu rrc n t.}v ('\I !I"t!'uc Lio (!;:1 n o w -;IUllj')to Infocd 'li "c::,- pand i n g r ('(Jl :1 J'C I Il:'1l ~:'u J'wha t w a«o n cv -~\s ma ll rnd io ';1.:1.11011 . i\s i de f rom t he ,'ompl \:.\:l'c,c!cl'al n'ql!i 1"'!rw nLs lWC C':;S:ll ')'Lo ma k o :"n c b a mo vr-n n d i ll U I'd,'r to r 11:';U ,;','m:lin o n t he a il'wi th m in i - m um t n t.c rr uo tr on t n ;:~C'l ·v i c'.e ,.i :.1 c.~t l('i·t'~",,:-.,:I r y to C:U !I,-;t.l"t i (.:t <I u e« STL (St,nell l ::TI ':~n :;rni 1 1,,1'L i nk ):!,1.!I",!·;i de ·o f'0 11 1'II l '\',';;i.lldi os . 0 ne ei f rc L oca l:i 1);1 o n ~3i L e'\Ap ",.'11 <1 i>.'\I (On roof of building)..~"------_..•.--------_.~_.----_."--'--._--._._.. 7 01 1'1'(H ~llh(~\·~-l ~;1..~-;i de ~)j'el l!':1\t i lt d i 1l1 !:a nd ti'l l'~jl ~:i l l !'f r'o n t o j'l 110 bu :I (\i !l :,'> J.)ps('.r intoj ()n o f '\l \t("'t !n :l .~..._---_....."'----_.._--_.-..--" ;Ii.L ite t .o o o t :,I.r II c:"U ]','],~' dix B) Ap p r-ox im .r t.c l ',I ~~"I ll 'lo w t.h o ,")I'nl"",'II,'c Lu I' Ant e nu u ::i.tl (l ~)~'n 11·l l.'v .ls -io n t ~.:P (';I n l·.\l ~tl :l ~~"-i " tll )!':'P (A pp e nd i -;('). I II i );I I ,I I' (.\P I H "11 - w i i I ':.;1 "y'a ;:.:i I (l tl ~j:an d t":~'! 1~: '(':':~.A-: ,,;' ,, Til e c o rn p l c rv ,'~T i ,i :i l:1 1 \~m in i nuun hl 'i~:I IL 11{'('c s s:tr'y ;~~,'l"I(:cL goo ,l L r:lnS l1Ii :i:-;i o ll irorno ur S Ll ld io \Il <Jilt'\1';l l1s1;1\."I ':11,P o la- t o Pat c h :111<1 i s :t l ii \\'p owc r cd <I "\'i ,',>s p f:('il'i c a l l::"pl'l'o v "d h y t he h 'd !'r :1 i l '<l1:iI!l Il !1 i rn t .i OI I:,('I 'lIl lll i:·;:,i on ['01'l.1':I I J>:"li :;:;i o n w it.h in n:ldio \·\;)!](h ,'x ('!U ~,i Vl'l ~a ll"\':III'(\by t.h c-1 '.(1"1'U ;';(' b~i \)ro n ,k :1 ~:1 ",':.;. Alternatives •The only alternative to the proposed Studio Transmitter Link would be to use telephone lines from the new studio location to our current transmitter located in the Vail Run building. Various factors make this alternative a less than viable one. (a)The reliability of equalized telephone lines in tandem-necessary for stereo transmission-in the Vail Area,is suspect. (b)The audio quality of telephone lines for stereo transmission is less than the quality that our station is striving for. (c)The telephone lines would carry the signal from the Chamonix Corners building to the current transmitter thereby precluding the removal of the current STL from Vail Run. POST OFFICE BOX4580 MEDFORD,OREGON 97501 (503)779·6500 SCALA ELECTRONIC CORPORATION CA5·450 COMMUNICATIONS VAGI -APP8ND;"II~" 2CA5·450V ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Frequency Range: Impedance: Gain(over dipole): VSWR: Front-to-back Ratio: Input Power Rating: Polarization: Termination: Net Dimensions: Net Weight: Shipping Weight: Wind Load: Mounting: Any specified frequency 216to1000MHz 50 ohms 10db 1.3:1 maximum atFc ±0.6% 1.5:1 maximum atFc ±1.0% 18db 100 watts HorV (rear-mount,adjustable) TypeN female (mates with UG-21/U) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS (CA5-450 at 460 MHz) 27"X13"X 5" 4 pounds 7 pounds 25 pounds (100MPH with 1/4"ice) Attaches to circular support with maximum 2-3/8"0 .0. 17·80 : SCA LA ELECTRO CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX4580 MEDFORD,OREGON 97501 (503)779·6500 APPLICATIONS: •AURAL BROADCAST STL •TELEMETRY •POINT·TO·POINT COMMUNICATIONS •j~I''p£N1:'/'"1'6" MF·960 MINIFLECTOR™ FrequencyRange: Impedance: Gain(overd ipole): Maximum VSWR: Front ·to-Back Ratio: Polarization : Term ination: Net Dimensions: NetWeight: Shipping Dimensions: Shipping Weight WindLoad: ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 940to960MHz(Broadband) 50ohms 14db 1.3:1 23db V TypeNFemale(mates with UG-21/U) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 16"x18"x 46%" 12pounds 16Y2"x 18Y2"x47"(Approx.8.3cu .ft.) 16 pounds 137 pounds (100MPH with 1/4"radial Ice) MINIFLECTOR™ISAREG ISTERED T RADEMARK OF SCALA ELECTRONIC CORPORATION 15-80 • Pierce sugg ested changin g the property line between Guerriero andthe property tothewestto eliminate theangleofthe lot line and accommodate his addition. Piper moved and Donovan seconded to deny there quest for the variance stating thef inding that t he granting oft he variance woul d const itute a grant of special ~rivi1ege.The votewas 5-1 infavorwith Trout against the denial.Trout idnotfeelthegrounds for denial were proper. 3.Re uest to amend Section 18.26.030 Conditional Us hardware for the rela ofthe radio and tel evisi n transmitter site asacondlt iona1 use..Applican . Peter Jamar described the request.The discussion which followed revealed that the members 1 main concernswlththeamendment were the aesthetics and appearance ofthe relay facilities itself.They were remind ed that th is would betheconcern ofany specific conditional use request.Bob Dorf,oneofthe applicants,explained that atoweror possibly adish was necessary in order to bounce radio signals from PotatoPatchtoVail Mountain.He was reminded that the actual relay facilities would have to come before the PEC for a conditional use request.. Viele moved and Piper seconded to recommend to Town Council the amendment to Section 18.26.030 Conditional Uses,to include r adio and television signal relay transmission facilit ies asa conditional useinthe Commercial Core III zone district.The vote was 6-0in favor. 4.A request torezone lot 6,VailLionshead 1st Fil ing (Treetops Condos)from the HighDensity Mu ltiple Fa mily zone district tot he ·Co mmercia1 Co re I I zone district andto allow a loading space withint he reguired front setback. Applicant:Treetops Condominium Associat ion Peter Jamar showed theboardtheLionsheadzoning map indicating where Treetops was located.He showed the proposed si te planexplaining that if therezoning were approved,Treetops would haveto come backthroughthe PEC withan application for Exter ior Alteration for CC II.Ja mar stated that the staff was recommending tabling for 60 days for further study during which timethe applicant would conduct astudy addressing traffic and circulation problems.Jamar showed a ti me lapse filmoftheareatakenduring2hoursinthe morning and2hoursinthe afternoon ofthe Monday of President's weekend.He stressed that the staff needed to know how the commercial spacein Treetops would affect this areaintermsof traffic and circulation,as this is already the most congestedareain town. Peter Looms,architect for the project,stated that thepurpose was to improve Treetops.He felt that the addition would notadd problems tothe area,adding that parking was by permit only.Ted Strauss,president of Treetops,stated that there were rarely any cars parkedonthetopparking level,eveninthe busy day shown inthetime lapse film.He added that storing the snow in that area had causedTreetops$20-30,000in costs to repair sewer lines. Pierce felt it would be best notto have loadin g right where pedestrians would cross,butperhapshave this onthewest side.Strauss pointedouttha tt he Lionshead Lodge had their trash stora gei n this same are a.Vieleas ked aboutTOVplans fo r ped estr ians int heareabetwee ntheVill age andLionshead,and J amar r e pl ied that th ere r eally ha dn'tbeen anystudy don e,a lthoughi t had been .con si dc l"ed ~ur in g t he wor k do neonthe Urban Desi gn Guide Plans.J am arexplained th i swas ades i rabl e connectionto hav e to lin k the Villa ges. ••-. RECEIPT -TheTown of Vail N?23728 ·_______•19:z.__DATE RECEIV ED FROM ADDRESS _ ______________DOLLARS $_ PermitNumber s _Police ReceiptNumbe rs _ HOW PAID-Cash Check _By ---'_ •PEC 4/25/83 -3-• Viele was concernedabout traffic and circulation problems .Jamar said that when therezoningdid take place,Treetops would hav e to present a ~ecific development planwith specific numbers,site plan,etc.,sothe project would belocked into a specific plan,and that Treetops would have t o come back a ndask for any changes inthe future.Corcoran added that theycould come inunder Exterior Alterations. Piper stated that the film showed much pedestrian traffic coming from the Village which surprised him.He felt that the Treetops addition would make a stronge r tie to the Village and was an improvement.Donovan felt that the location was a good one for commercial activity after seeingthe traffic pattern inthe film.She felt that the building shouldbe low andappeartobe tied into the present Treetops condo building and into Lionshead.She felt that thetypeof retail spaceshould be restricted so that shops that encourageauto traffic such as liquor orski repair would notbeallowedinthe space.Donovan felt that it was timethe TOV did something for the pedestrians walking between theice rink andLionshead. Trout felt that the addition was good and echoedthe Gage Davis (Urban Design Plan)study.He felt theplan was a positive one.Corcoranaskedabout tabling °theplantoa specific date,and Jamar cautioned the applicant that theplan would have to come before the PEC under Exterior Alterations inCCII.The next application date for this is May 23,theone after that is November 28. Jamar said that the staff would like tohave15daysin which toreview the proposal after it had been submittedtothe staff.Strauss requested to table until June13. Trout moved and Donovan seconded to table the request torezone until June13 asperthe applicant's request.The vote to table was 6-0. 5.Requestto amend Section 18.64 Nonconformin g Sites,Uses,Structures and Site Improvements,to include language which will allow for interior expansion of pre-existing legal non-conforming uses for additional GRFA.Applicant : ,RichardS.Baldwin Peter Patten explained that the amendment would essentially allow additions to any building whic h meetstheproposed criteri a,butonly applied to those buildings which we re currently non -conforming with respect t o GRFA.He reviewedth e memo which explained thereasonsfo r the request.said that the staff f elt that although theimpactontheneighborsmightnotbe great,the ov erall impactcouldbe great. Rick Baldwin said that it seemed the staff was implyinga fear of creating inequities when i nequities alr oeady e xisted.He added that any new construction would have to come beforethe Town,and that this amendment would notpr event others from applying for a variance.Baldwin stressed that he felt it was the numbe r of units which controlled density,not GRFA.He added that there were problems withthe GRFA method of controlling density. Trout questioned GRFA also,since there werea number of ordinances which controlled in other ways .Donovan felt that controlling nu mbers of units didnot control density ina resort area,and supported GRFA asa control ofdensity .Piper asked if one cou ld changeagarage into GRFA undertheproposed amendment ,and Patten replied that it could obe done,but that many other criteria would also have tobemet . •PEC -4- Ba1dwin felt that oncethe building was in place,the owner shouldbeallowed tousethe interior space.Donovan stated that there would beimpactson traffic and sewage with more peopleusingthespace.Viele was concernedwiththetheory of expanding non-conforming uses,butcouldnotseeany detrimental effect norany real increase in density by allowingane xpansion of existing non-conforming structures. Pierce mentioned that he,beingan"old timer,"had seen many methods usedin the Town to control density,and felt that GRFA,whileprobablytheworstsystem, was the best anyone had come up with.He added that hedidnot feel that someone who had been herea number of years shouldhave more privileges thana newcomer, though perhaps it couldbetaken on acase by case basis.Pierce suggestedperhaps givinga ceiling of5%of GRFA and setting atime limit.He felt that useofspace below grade would begood. Trout was concernedaboutnot eliminating parking.Patten reminded him that there were parking requirements,anyway.Corcoran felt that if someone were allowed touse their garage for living space,they would be quite likely to come back and ask for a variance so that theycould add a garage.He felt more in sympathy withthe amendment if it applied onlyto low density residential zones,but felt that a variance shouldbeasked for ineach case.Corcoran added that he was in. favorofa total rethinking of GRFA in residential zones. Chuck Anderson stated that concern was with renovation ofthe physical plant, that the Town was at a point in history when renovation shouldbeencouraged, and he felt that the issue of GRFA vsbulkshouldbe addressed.Trout suggested the request 'be tabled and a work session scheduled.Baldwin felt that if GRFA were to re-evaluated,he was willing to table his request.The members were polled and Trout was sympathetic with modifications,Donovan could maybe support with time limits,only residential zones included,and with some trade-offs.Piper felt ,the amendment andthe GRFA question needed additional work,that there was a problem withthe way it was presented,but felt that it was a positive step.He didnot want tothrowout GRFA entirely.Donovan added that shemightbe able to support it if it were toapplyonlyto buildings built before 1970 orso. Vielesupportedthe request,but was sympathetic toDuane'sconcernofgarage conversions.He felt that the intent was good.Pierce tendedtoagreewith Duane and felt hecouldnotvote for the amendment in its present format.Corcoran felt the same way and added that the PEC and Councilshould address thi?issue. Baldwin requested tabling until June27. Trout moved and Donovan seconded to table toJune27asperthe applicant's request. The voteto table was 6-0in favor. The meetingadjourned at 4:35 pm. •Planning and Environmental Co mmission April25,1983 1:00 pm Site Inspections 2:00 pm PublicHearing 1.Approval ofminutesofApril 11 meeting. 2.Request for a side setback variance in order to build an addition on an existing residence on lot 15,ResubdivisionofBuffehr Creek . Applicant:Randy Guerriero 3.Requestto amend Section 18.26.030 Conditional Uses,toallowthe necessary hardware for the relay of the radio and television signal totheprimary transmitter site asa conditional use.Applicant : R.&L.Communications 4.A request torezone lot 6,VailLionshead 1st Filing (Treetops Condos) from the High Density Multiple Family zone district tothe Commercial Core II zone district toallowaloadingspacewithinthe required front setback.Applicant:Treetops Condominium Association 5.Requestto amend Section18.64 Nonconforming Sites,Uses,Structures and Site Improve ments,to include language which will allow for interior expansionof pre-existing legal non-conforming uses for additional GRFA.Applicant:RichardS.Baldwin •MEMORANDUM TO:Planningand Environ mental Commission FROM:Departme nt of Co mmunity Development DATE:April12,1983 SUBJECT:Request for an amendment tothezoningordinancein order to include radio and telev ision signal relay transmission facilities asa conditional useinthe Co mmercial Core III zone district. Applicant:R.&L Communications,Inc. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST R &L Communications,Inc.requests an amendment tothe Co mmercial Core III zone district in order toi nclude asa cond itional use signal r elay transmission - facilities for radio and television broadcasting studios,which area permitted use within the district.This change would then require that any specific proposal for transmission facilities would go througha conditional usereview. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development staff recommends approvalofthe requested amendment.According to experts inthe broadcasting industry, it is necessary for FM radio broadcasting stud ios to have signal relay antennae i mm ediately adjacent tothebroadcast studio.A condit ional usereview will assure that the installation of this necessary equipment will be done in the most aesthetically pleasing and unobtrusive manner-as possible. mar ch 28 ,1983PetitionDa~~~__ PETITION FORM FOR AMENDMENT TOTHEZONINGORDI NANCE OR .REQUEST FOR A CHANGE IN DISTRICT BOUNDARIES.1 r -.'r.,, tf) ( I.T his procedure is required for any amendment to the zoning ordinance or for a request for a district boundary change R &L CO MMU NICATIO NS I NC .•I'A.NAME OF PETITIONER.__~-"".........,-,""",-""""...........,..............,........._..........._ 1000 L ION 'S RI DG ELOOPADDRESS_--oIL~>!.......oI~~-lL~~~~~--'PHONE 476 ;5868, BO B DORFB.NAME OF PETITIONER I SREPRESENTATIVE.~:!...o~~_ P.O .BO X 1 ,DWAR DS ,CO . C.AUTHORIZATIONOFPROPERTY OWNER N/ASIGNATURE_---''''-L..::.:.-_ ADDRESS -'PHONE _ D.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL ADDRESS CO MME RCIAL CO RE III DISTRICT filingblock A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property,and their mail in ga ddresses. LEGAL DESCRIPTION~l~o~t~_~~~~~~~~___ FEE $100 .00 p l us a n a mount e qua l to t he then current first-cl ass postage rate for each property owner to be notified hereunder. N/A RECEI PT -The Town of Vail N9 231 92 DATE ,19__ RECEIVEDFR OM ---------=------------------- ADDRESS _ _______________________DOLLARS 5 _ PermitNumber s _Po lice Rece iptNumbers ·_ HOW PAl D-CashCheck --- By _ Petiti on form f or Amen .to4lPning Ord or Reques t fo r ~a n ge in bo u n d~r i e s I I.Four (4)copies of the f oLl ow.in q information: A.The petition shall inc lude asU lrunary of the proposed r evi sion of the regula tion s ,·o ra compl ete description of the proposed changes in di strict boundarie s a nd amap indicating t he existing an d pro po s e d district bou ndaries .Applican t must submit wri ttcn and/or graph ic matcria ls s tating thc rcason s for r cqucs t. III .T ime Requir e ments T he Plann in g a nd Environmen tal Commission mee ts on the 2nd a nd 4th Mondays of each mon th.A petitionwith the necessary accompanying material must be submitted four weeks prior to the da te of the meet - ing.Following th eP lan ning and En vironmental Comm ission me eting , all amendments to t hez on in g ordina nc e or distri ct bounda ry c hange must g o to the Town Cotmcil f or fin al a ction. • 28 MAR CH ,1983 WE THE PETITIONE RS,R &L COMMUNICATIONS,INC .,RESPECTFULLY PETITION THAT COMME RCIAL CO RE III DISTRICT CODE 18.27.030 BE AME NDED TO ALLOW TRANSMISSION FACILITIES ,INCLUillING SIGNAL RELAY ANTENNAE FORRADIO AND TELEVISIO N STUDIOSAS ACONDITIONALUSE .QUALITY SIGNALSFOR F M MA NDATE IMMEDIATE ADJACE NCY OFAMIC ROWAVE TO WE R TO THE STUDIO . SECTION 18 .27 .020 ,PE RMITTED USES ,ALLO WS FORRADIO AND TELEVISION STUDIOS BUT UNFORTUNATELY OMITS THE P ROVISION FOR THE NECESSARY HA RDWA RE FOR THE RELAYOF THE RA DIO AND TELEVISION SIGNAL TO THE P RI MA RY TRANS MITTER S ITES • r- ! I ! I I 1 (TY PE ) .-.......--..~_..;l_~-~__e-_..,. Z mll NG_O '$TR1cT'_ (C OH T fol 'S L ICENSE ) 5{/ r3 lJ~U)I~JG PERM ~T - CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 11 58 (P ROPOSED USE ) .(STRE ET)[NO.) OATE Cri'!-:!:1.,cl!:i)l:)ve lo};r.cnt: P.cf~r.to 'Dui.,Irlinc;P~rl;ti t fl1015 fer [;1 1;0 p l zm an G ~:,:m Gra.l .bui:[di ll U.:.:,J::::,~1 :..:1:_ f o.t'C;~.:U:70n.:!;r CO .r!l~rs . ,, Rt:lt l..m :~G DI VISION OF "'C '/""'n ;,H "r n o'."O'{"l Z9t:-.J I..:.t .......'J I't.--,r-,-.~'"-' COU;::"::lmh:.!::,;e,:,;;CO.--Pi l.(303)323 ·6 33 9 " P ERM I T T O TCll<!!nt r:or:,-Ccr,;!:urg 21 (__) (T YPE Of I MP R OV;:M tfoiT)N O. .A ODRES$ 1 I . -c uo BU I LOING ISTOB E F T.WIO E BY FT .LO NG BY FT.IN HEIG HT AN Il SHA LL CONF ORM IN CO ~ST R U CT I ON ill " o !&ZT O T YPE __'-USEGROUP BAS EMENT WALLS Oil F OUNOAT I ON ,--_ ::; 0:o 11.REMARKS : :l:BETWE EN --....==:-:===A NO ....::::;=:-~;::::::7---------- ~ " " ..- :.....-,j.'.,,. \ ••I ,' ,;. ";"'~ DEP :,RTW'::NTAL APPROVAL F OR CER TIF IC ATE of OC CUPANCY and C O ~lP LI ANCE ,"\'.::1"'-To be fille d i n by e ach div isi on indicated hereo n u pon \"0rflrde r.ion of i1 s f inc.l i nspe ction .--- B:JI LDJNGS -J?? Auo roved b';·_~.£-::"7......';-J j I j i 1 l I I, I, H e:narks _ 1'."P LUMl3lNG Permit No._ Approved by Date --;- R ema rks _ ELECTRICAL Pe rmit No._ A pproved by D ate _ L _' R emarks _ OTHER Permit No.-:--_ .! .:~..........'--; 0_.--1--- A p proved by .D ate -'--'-_ ~~,R emarks _''.'---'=-_ OTHER -,-__Pe rm it No.__=__-,-:--_ A pprovedhy -'-_ Re marks •• BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX179 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT DEPT.FILE COPY V ALID ATION (tONT R'S LI CE NSE ) DATE Craddock Development PE RM IT N o .1l5 8 Denver Co (STR EET) (PROP OSEDU SE ) N UMBEROF PE R MITTO Tenant Work-Century 2l l__l ST ORY --;-:===-::-:-::-:-D WEL LIN G UNITS _ (TYP E OF I MP R OVEME NT)NO. (N O .)(S T RE ET) Chamonj x Corne rs (CR OSS STREET)(CROSS S T RE ET ) :::BETWEEN -==,."....===-A ND --,,=.,..,...-===_QL.....:.:;;;.:::.:...:..:.;:;.:.,;:.:.;;,.:..:;,;,:,.:,:..;:.:.;;,:.:....:.....I ~SUBD IVISION Vai 7 naS Schone LOTLOTBLOCKSIZE _ (TYPE) (CUB I C/SQUAREFE ET) OWNER West VailDe velopment,c /o Jay Peterson ADD RESS Va il,Co.81 657 [Affidaviton reverse sideof application to be campleted by authorized agent of owner) • INSPECTION RECORD • DAT E N 0 T EP RO G R E 5 5 -C R I T I C I 8M 8 A N D R EM A R K 8 I N8P E C TO R ','"'.,..':-'. "")-"0 ;':.-:'{..,.'~-,-"1 ~'·."..':'C ,f ,../.'.,:J .,'.-:~.~ '"ie:':"',''.,,..'"~!::e-:,,;' -..','"""'''-;.-,..~:> "".;.," "...•C• " "".,'..",.,,.~~i~(i.~.~.""" ..,,...',..,~\",. " '~,..,. "...'.-...... " " ••BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION J urisdi ctionof _ Applicantto complete numbered spaces only. 1 osz "• o··oo•"·•J OB "DDR 1:55 LOT N O. (OSEE.ATT A CH(D SH EET I P H ON EARCHITECTORDESIGNER 4 ~"....e~-('I'OPU~ .......IL A OOI'lE SS ~uN/OAf 9~..4Z0z L IC E:NS EN O • g-qq<f PHONE: I.EH O Eft 6 USE 0"aU ILOING 7 d CMM1!:'J!-GJAL- M AIL AOOlllE5 S -,-.....6 S'i""~eire. MA.IL ....O DRES S LICENSE NO . 170-315 I BRANCH 8 Class ofwork:~E W DADDI TIDN OALTERATION o REPAIR o MOVE o REMOVE 9 Describe work:1N T~1ZJo.e..'t=J~-",P-EO(I~ilJJq 10 Chang eofuse fr om Chan ge ofuse t o 11 Valuation of w ork:$:r -Z I 1 41 ~P LAN CHECK FEE IP ERM IT FEE p.:fV SPECIALCONDITIONS : 1-------------------------.----1 S izeo f B ldg . (Total)SQ.F t. Occupancy Gr o up N o.o f Stories D ivision Ma x . oee ,Lo ad AP P L I CA Tl O ~ACCEPTED B Y .PL ANSC HECKEDBY No.of Dwell ing Un its U se F ire S prink lers Zone R equ ir ed D ves O NO O FFS TREET PARK ING SPACES' Covered I U ncovered NO TICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL,PLUMB· lNG ,HEATING ,VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VO IDI F WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZ ED ISNOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS,OR I F CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FORA PERIOD O F 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFT ER WOR K IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION A NDKN OW TH E SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT . ALL PROVIS IONS OF L AWS AND O RDINANCES GOVERN ING THIS TYPE OF WORK WIL L BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPEC IFIED HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESuME TO GIVE AUTHORI TY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPRO~PNS OF A CN"y OTHfE R STATE OR LOCAL LAW R EGULATING CON~T )UCTION I"TH PE RF ORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTI ON . ~.....16Jl1.c4:"" Special Approvals ZONING H EALTH DEPT. F IRE DEPT . SOIL REPORT OTHER (Speci fy) R equired Re ceived Not R equired (OATEI WHEN PROPERLY V A LIDATED (INTH IS SPACE'T HIS I SYO UR PERMIT CASH SICN ATU"E 0 1"OW NEII:.,.OWNEII:B U ILOE"] PLAN CHECK VALIDATION F orm 100.11·77 C K .M.O. OATE ) PER M~'7J;d: INSPECTOR //58 M.O.CASH 1•••BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION, 0 <>s ·z Jurisdiction of ~•·0 0•Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.~•·Jo e AOD R [55 J:-'!c:•r ~H-"'1,-I ':1,-_1 It-I L OTNO . ,SL K IT RACT , (O SEE.AT TACHeD SH EETILE.A L I1OEseR.--OWN£A -M AI L "00 "£.5 5 .,,"PHO N E 2 1 .....T ~- CONT RA CTO R ""A IL.AD DR ESS PH ONE L ICEN SE NO . 3 -, I ,I ~"......-. A R CHITEC TOR DESI GNER M Al L ....CD RE SS PH O NE:L I C ENSEN O . 4 I I ~.,-1 -ENll lNEE R ........I L.A CD RE SS PHO NE L I CE NSE N O . 5 .-L EN DEI'I ........I L AOO RE.SS BR....NCH 6 · U SEO F B U IL DING 7 -- 8 Class ofwork:DNEW o ADDITION o ALT ERATION o REPAIR o MOVE o REMOV E 9 Descr ibe work:I -;.-", • 10 Change ofuse from > Change of uset o I , I PERMIT FE E11Valuationofwork:$•I I P LAN CHECK FEE SPEC IAL CON DITIONS:T ype 0'Occupancy Cans t.G roup Di visi on Size of Bldg .N o.of Max . (Tot.l )Sq .F t.Stories occ .Load F ire U se Fire Sp rink le rs APPLICA TION ACCEPTED BY :PLA.NSC HECKED BY APPROV ED FOR I SSUAN CEBY Zone Z one Required DYes DNa N o.of OFFSTRE ET PA RKING S PACES, Dwelling Units cove-eo I U ncovere d NO TICE Special Approvals Required Received Not Requi red S EPA RATEPE RM ITS ARE R EQUIRED FOR EL ECTR ICAL ,PLUMB·ZONING I NG.H E AT ING .V E NTI LATING OR AIR CONDITIONING.HEALTH OEPT . THIS PERM IT BECOMES NUL L AND VOID IF WDRK OR CONSTRUC· TI ONA UTHORIZED ISNO T COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS.OR FIRE DEPT . IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUS PENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 1 20 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCE D .OTHER (Specify) I H EREBY C ERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AN O EXAMINEO THIS APPLIC ATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. AL L PROV ISIONS OF L AWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPEC IFIED H EREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT P RESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TD VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROV ISIONSO F A NY OTHE R STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGU LATING CONST RUCT ION O R THE P ERFORMANCE OF CONST RUCTION . l ,41'(,:,II 4 "ONA T URE 0'C r TRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED A.ENT IDATE) $1 liNA T URE 01"O WNE'"IF OWNER BUIL.DER.DAT E) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT /1.5 .Y PLANCHECK VALI DATION CK.M.O.CA SH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M .D .CASH •.L 7 J Form 100.1 1-77 EXTRA COPY. S :l ?bO"r:~O 70'a 50 1.,1. fSl~••N.549 8 eJC' ~~=FiRST V1ESTl»fD JlOl lAL P.o.Box 7221 Zip80933 LAK~O.CO LCRADO 301Garden of the GodsRoad ,80907 Colora do Springs.Colorad o 821t~;~ PAY TO THE OR DER O F DATE CHECK N UM BERD ISCO U NT AMOU NT ~LE couA/T'(l IO ...4·1b -• DETA CH BEFOR E OEPOS ITi NG DA TE IN V OI CE N O .R EFERENCE DISCO UNT ACCT.N O .A M OU NT OR N ET A MOUNT BALANCE DEDUCT IONS J D ~4 -1b ~GO C EAJ7/J 12 1 "21 pcym;f ~--- •1?t-'1 IcJ I n, C ~~/'/..c oe.A.e 12.'. i CRADDOCKDEVelOPMENTCO . COLORADO SPRINGS.COLORADO 80907 Date Referred -EAGLE COU NT Y BUILDIf'~E R MIT APPLl CA 110N .e FINAL:C/O I NSPECTION I LAN DSCA PE INSPECTION FORM Review Routing Form (/)Primary Routing ()Rerouting 0.h/1-(/~-to.ft-M~ Applicant /t sr Perm it No. -~~L :(2 " Loca~e5~Pf anriiuq Commission File No ,_ Review and return tothe County Building Official with in 6 working days Comments:e€F~7D A I /II ll lAlG 8 ~.I /)d£'lVI<I01L BUlL Olv9 I"t l1A.J Planni ng:Compl ies wi th: Subdivi sion R egulations Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) Yes No ~8 8J 0o0 Reviewed by :Date:_ /o-/'}-7# Recommend Approval :~-/a?/tu U/~A/ V"l'e=fftT -#/01 £rae SITe"PU9V FtJR t'1/111'-f(J1U1 X O.J,e.u~~ County Engineer:Roads Grading Drainage o 0o0DOo0 Recommend Approval:_ Comments:------------------------------- Recommend Approval:~/~ /t1'-7/~7r Comments:---------------------r ---=----;:.===-- County Health:Water Sanitation Perc.test Final Inspection:C/O Recommend Approval Comments: DO Final Inspection:L andsc ap ing Recommend A pproval 00 Comments:------------,.-------------------- C/O Issued by _Date"---------- Final Filing Date _ -II IIS-/'-~. REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY I INSPECTf.N•BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE:328 -6339 DATE /CI-19 JOB NAME TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING FRAMING PARTIAL COVER PARTIAL PLUMBING PARTIAL MECHANICAL VENTrLATION ELECTRICAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ o REINSPECT FRI AMPM ?x ,::/Ai,C (I , READY FORINSPECTION WED C~ Q..,.rz-..<.-~Z: ./.!-. TUEMON COMMENTS:......!!..-02~:;z...;~...!.-~=.-:....~~~==_........::=___'~_Z..L.::L......!_J'_!...~.....:....:_..!...._ f/t);. DATE /-1-/9-2'<T ,I V / EAGLE COUNTY BUILplNG DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 ·6339 INSPECTI N REGUEST DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE ROUGH woe S FRAMING FINAL FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI,A M PM COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT -/' o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS / -----~<::..-_--=----------"---''-=-----='-----'---''--'=-:--:::------ DATE I INSPECTOR \... EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.o.BOX 179 PHONE :328 -6339 •INSPECTfaN :If:IISJ! REGUEST 7 -IDATE-L JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED ;.:AMPM CALLER ------------------';:rr-.L-.--::.:...-~~-------------- PARTIAL ELECTRICALMECHANICAL PARTIAL VENTILATION HEATING HOODS PLUMBING PARTIAL ROUGH STANDPIPE woe S FINAL PARTIAL COVER PARTIAL BUILDING ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: D OTHER D PARTIAL.LOCA TlON _ READY FOR INSPECTION MON »: '"APP ROV ED ., THUR D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECT D UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS--------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR c/ EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.'BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 •INSPECT N REBUEST DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL VENTrLATION TANDPIPE HEATING FINAL woe S FRAMING HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: D OTHER D PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR COMMENTS:-'-,----,--;--'-__ D APPROVED D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECT D UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS--------------------------------------------------------------- DATE II INSPECTOR ,/ ICONTFPS LICE N SE ) JOB WEATHER BLI PERMIT DATE BUILDING DIVISION 0 EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BO9 COUR:rHOUSE,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)328-6339 73 /( CARD Or:tQJ>er 1 8 19 l it P ERMIT No .~1 1 5 8 APPLICANT _-C~ufJ:fol:.t.-..LliDU~IIllIIl!m:~ADDRE SS 445 V'nlon Denver CO (NO.)•(STREETl • (PROPOSED U SE) NUMBER OF211.__1 STORY =====-=:-;-DWELLI NG UNITS _ NO. PERMIT T O flenant (TYP E Of (NO.)(STRE ET) (CR OSSS TREET)(CROSS STREET) ~B ETWEEN .~~;_;;~""""'----------ANO ,~;;_;;;_;;_;_;~:;_;_---------- ~ ITY PE) ______FT.LONGBY FT.IN HEIGHT ANDSHA LL CONFORM I NCONSTRUCT ION __________BASEMENT WALLS OR F OUNDAT I ON ---,==,-_ L OT...z................_a-............L OT BLOCK S IZ E _..S UBDIV IS I ON v.u nac SCbarM<D -c u BUILD ING ISTOBE FT .WIDEBY0 <D ciz T O TYPE USE GROUP z 0: 0 u,REMARKS: (CUBI C/SQ U AREf EET ) ~~I LO ING OEPT.~--ADDRESS _-'-'=-=-=:.-=....::...--=-.=..:....::..._f1;;A T HIS PE RM IT CONVEYS NO R IG HT T O OCCU PY ANY S TR E E T ,A L LEY O R S IDEW AL K O R A NY PART THEREOF .EIT HE R TEMPO RAR IL Y OR PERMA NE NTL.Y .EN CROA C HME N TS ON P UB LIC PR OP E RTY ,NOT S PEC IF IC A LLY P ERMIT TED UN DER TH E BUIL DIN G C O DE ,M UST BE AP -~PRO VED B Y T H E J U RISD IC TI ON .S TREET O R A LLEY G RA DES AS WELL AS DEPTH AND L OCA TION OF PUBLIC S EWERS MAY B EO BTAINED FR OM THE D E PA RTME NT O FP UBLI C W O RK S .THE I SSUA N C EO F THIS PERMIT DOES NOT RELE ASE T H E APP LICANT F ROM TH E C ONDI T IO NS O F AN Y APPLICAB LE SUBDIV IS ION RESTRI CT ION S. M INIM UM O F THREE C A L L IN S PE C TIONS RE Q UIRED F OR ALL CO NST RUC TI ON WOR K: I .FO U ND AT IONS OR F O OTINGS . 2 .PRI OR TO C OV ERI NGS TRUC TURAL MEM BE RS (READ YT O LA TH }. 3.F INA L INS PECT ION B EFOR E O CC UPA NCY . APPROVED PL.A NS M UST B E R E TA INED ON J O B AN DT HIS CA RO K EPT POST ED U NTIL.FI NAL INSPEC TION HAS BE EN M A OE.WHE RE AC ERTI FI CA TE OF O C CU PANCY I S RE- QU I RED ,S UCH B UI L DI NG SHALL N O T BE OCCU PIED UNTIL F INA L I N SP ECT IO N HA S BEE N MADE. WHERE APP LI CABLE SEPA RATE PERM I TS AR E RE QUI RED FOR ELEC T RI CA L,PLUMBING A ND M E CHAN I CA L IN ST ALLA T I ONS. POST THIS CARD SO ITISVISIBLE FROM STREET B U ILDI NG I N S PE CT IO NA PP ROVA LS P LUMBING I N SPEC TION APP RO V AL S E LECT R ICA L I NSP EC TI ON A P PROVA LS 1 1 1 2 2 2 c/'J/i-;;1--'7Yhv 3 'HE ATING IN SP E CTING AP PROVAL S REFRIGERAT ION I NSP EC TI ON APP ROVALS 1 1 L ~//-J-7~Jr.;(,." O THh 2 2 WORKS HA LL NOTPR OC EE DUNTIL TH E PERMIT WIL.L.BECOME NULL AND VOID IF CONSTRUCTION IN SPECT IONSI NDIC ATED O N T H I S CARD INSPECTOR HAS APPROV ED T HEV ARIOUS WORKIS NOT STARTED WITHIN SIX M ON THS OF DATE TH E CAN B E A RR.ANGED FOR B Y TE LEPHON E STAGES OF CONSTRUCT ION.PERMIT IS I SSUE D AS NOTED ABOV E.OR WRITTE N NOTI FICATION. •• :P-uP~#Jf m~~ -1't-6 ~ ~ '-.~.?o.! ~'- lI4 'I SIGNED RECIPI ENT KEEPTMI9 COPY,RETURN WHITE CCPYTC BENDER •• BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY;P.O.BOX 789 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE;CO.':'PH.(303)328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT I- Z"::l - 0"::o n. " DEPT.FILE COPY V A L IDAT ION (CONT R'S LI CE NSE) 0433PE'1 M I TN O .---,-=--'---=-= Denver,Co. (STR EET)(NO .) AD DRESS -=-~::;-:-==O-..;~~:-;-;--==c:...:..=->--==-= Ma rch 8 A PP LIC AN T Gordon Mean Co. (PROPOSED USE ) NU M BEROF STORY -----===::-c-=-----DWE L LIN G U I~I TS _sign for W!vail Cleaner~ (TY PE O ~I M PR OV EME NT)NO. PERM IT TO AT (LOCA TIO N)21 31N .Frontage Rd. (N O.) West Vail (STRE ET) Z ONINGDISTRICT _ (CROSS ST RE ET)(CROS S S TREET) ~BETWEEN ----;==-==:-:,AND =""::-:::==_ Q L........;.....;.;......;...;....__-'-'--'--' LOT~SUB DIVISION LO T BLO CK SI Z E _ -c ~BU IL D ING IST O BE FT .WI DEBY FT .L ONG B Y _ m FT .IN HEIGHTANDSH ALL CONFORM INCONS TRUCT I ON (TYPE) _______BASEME NT WALLS OR FOU NDATION _ o Z T OT YP E USE GROUP ::0 ll:ou,REM ARKS :_ 81657Vail,Colo. (CU BIC/SQUARE !'"EET)~ (AHidaviton reven..ide of applicationto be completed by authorized agent of owner) WI Vail CIARnArR 2131 N.Frontage Road OWNER _...n...L-"--w.,~~=.ll':a:.I:L__......,.-......,.-::_____=____=:---....,....----=----=:---- AOD RESS _-==-=--=-"-':....o.===~===_____'_=='__'=='-=--===-'-_ AREA OR $FPEERE MIT s 10.00VOLUME--;====-=-==,,-ESTI MATED COST _-===--_______~ DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL FOR CERTIFICATE of OCCUPANCY and COMPLIANCE Tobefilledinbyeachdivisionindicated hereon upon completion ofitsfinalinspection. BUILDINGS Permit No._ Approved by Date _ Remarks _ Approved by Date _•PLUMBING Permit No._ Remarks _ ELECTRICAL Permit No._ • Approved by Date _ Remarks _ OTHER Permit No._ Approved by Date _ Remarks _ OTHER Permit No._ Approved by Date _ Remarks _ •GORDON NEON CO .• 2930 WEST 9TH AVENUE.DENVER,COL.DRADO 80204 •PHONE [303]222-1763 DATE -----------------_.._----- R (~t:'VE? MI\R (};)\916 __ SIGNED 1 ....5T~UCTIO".S TO SENOre;R:I NSTRuCTI ON S T a F1f:CE;IVEIt: I.ICI:£"ylt LLOW COPY.;J.SI:NO WHIT ~AND PINK CQPIII:S WITM CARB ON 'NTACT .1 .....~ITl.I'lIl!:"'LY.2 .Di-TACH !;;TUB,KEI:~PINK COP ....R E TUR N W HI TE C OP"TO SIE:ND IE:I't. •EAGLE COUNTY Eagle.Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPT ...3--5( ~ RE CE IVED o F ---'<:>O:_=-.....",,"-'-"=--~.L-,I.'-.'-"'-G"""-'-'---=~-------- CASH I CH ECK :tL ACCT. H ":T I AMO UNT I TEM CO DE Building Permi tFee //J ~ App licationFor Subdivi si on App lication Zo ne Change Cond it ionalU se ISpecialUseI I I Var iance il Ap pealFee I Code :(Building)(Zoni ng)(Subdivision) Tota l Rece ived I 112 e-o I 11 03N? A ll Items arerece ived fo r col lection onl y and this recei pt sha l l b ec a nce l led fo r no'p aymento f any ite m . 1 ERMIT ABUlLI~G.D P pp I 0 -•0 z ·Jurisdiction of EAGLE C OUNTY ">.0 0•Applicant to complete numbered spacesonly ."••JOB A OOR E SS I L OT NO .leLK IT RA CT (OS EE A TTACHEDSH E ET )L.E ;A '"1 OEse R.• O WNER ('I ,J .~M ....I L.A DD RESS ZI·P "ONE 2 u/.i/l'lv-'..I -.J-<oJ ) 3 CONTO A CTOh~r .:M A l l.A DD RE S S P H ONE l.IC ENSE NO . ct}}fJ ./TYI)~1)",R •./II?I I ,:),:1 J _117 J ~ A RCH IT EC T CUY D E S1G N~, M AIL Ao o ::m ~4~A ":Aj L."E N"5'"E N"O. 4 ,,-d.. EN GIN EER M A IL A DO 'H:S$~PHON E:LIC E N SE N O. 5 L E:ND EA M AI L A ODR ES S B lIlAlIl CH 6 U SE O f'a U I LDING 7 8 Class of work :~E W o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR OMOVE o REMOVE 9 Describe work :...:5~~I d /.I /.•.~'J ...t:'a ~.\ I !/J A'J 11 -e:,~LJ~_•n,~;7;_,"-"'-../,if10Changeofusefrom Changeofuse to 11 Valuation of work :$.PLAN CHECK F EE IPERM IT FEE J A ~ SPECIAL CONOITIONWork w i thin r.n l1nt v ,.i &.t ,.nf_u",,,T yp eo f Occupancy :1 1 _,....,.,,<c onst .G r ou p Divisi on'..''J Ma x ..,.Si ze of Bldg.N o .o f ~..(T otal)Sq.Ft .S to ries O cc .Load F ire Use Fi re Sprinklers A PPLICA TIONA CCE PTED B Y ,PL ANS CH ECKED BY AP PRO VE DF O RIS SUA NC E B Y ;Z one Z on e R equ tred D ves ON o OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES,N o .o f C o vered f U n cover edDwellingUnits NOTICE Sp ecial Approvals R eq uired R ecei ved Not Req uired SEPARATE PERMITS ARE R EQUIREOFOR ELECTR ICAL,PLUMB·ZONING lNG,HEATING,VENTILA TING O R AIR CONOIT IONING.HEALTH DEP T. T HIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID I F WORK OR CONSTRU C· TION AU T HORiZED is NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DA YS ,O R FIRE DEPT. IF CONSTRUCTION ORWOR K IS SUSPENDEDOR ABANDONED SO IL REPORT FORA PERIOD OF 120 OA YS AT AN Y TIME AFTER WORK IS COM ME NCEO.OTHER (Spec ify) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HA VE READ A ND EXAMINED THIS Cou ntyP InAPPLICATIONANDKNOWTHESAMETOBETRUEANDCORRECT. ALL PROVIS IONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOV ERNI NGT H I S r.nl1 n tv Rn D'T YPE OFWORK WILL BE COMPLI ED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANT ING OFA PERMI T DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO V I O LATEDR CANCEL TH E PRO VIS IONS OF AN Y OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATIN G CONSTR UCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION . SI GN A T U R E O F CON TRAC TOR O R AU THO RI ZED AGE NT (CA TE I SIG NA T URE O FO WNER I r O W NE R I!IU I L DER )D ATE) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO ON THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMI T PLANCHECK VALIDAT ION M .O.CASH I NSPECTOR F o rm 100.1 1 1·73 REO R DER F RO M:INTERNATIONAL.C ONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFI CIAL.S.13&0 S .WO RK MAN M IL.L ROAD.WHITTIER ,C A L I ~.ue0 1 1CAONRMTA•NG .....BUILDI PE I PPLI I 0 5s I ~.z • Jurisdiction of "•.0 0·Applicant to complete numbered spaces only."•• J OB AD DR [55 l.O T NO.la L.IT.A C T IOS E E ATTA CH ED SHE E T)LEGA L I1DESC". OWNE R M A Il.ADDR ES S Z'P PH ON E 2 CONT RACTOR JoA AIL A DD RES S P H ONE L I C EN S E NO . 3 / A RCH IT E CT O R DE SI CNER MA I L A DD RESS "HO NE L IC ENSE:N O . 4 ENG INEE:I'I M ....L AOO R ESS PHON E L IC E N S E NO . 5 LENDER M AI L A DDilil ES S BA ANC H 6 U S E Of'BU IL D IN G 7 8 Class ofwork:ONEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR o MOVE o REMOVE 9 Describe work: 10 Change ofusefrom Change of use to 11 Valuation ofwork:$PLAN C HECK FEE IPERM IT F EE SPE CIAL C ON DITI ONS :-.Typ e of Oc cupancy 'I ..'Co n st .G r o up D iv ision Si ze 0 1Bl dg.N o .o f Max . (T ot al)SQ .F t .S t ories oc c.Load Fir e U se F i re S p rin k lers APPllCA TION ACCEPTEDB Y .PLA ~S CHE CKED B Y 'AP PRQVEO F OR ISSU AN CE B Y :Z o n e Z one R eq uired DVes DNa N o .o f OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES, D we lli ngU nits C o ver ed I U ncov ered NOTICE Sp ecial Approv als Re quired Received Not Required SEPARATE PERM ITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL,PLUMB·ZONING lNG ,HEATING,VENTILATING OR AIR C ONDITIONING.HEALTH DEPT . THIS PERMIT BECOMES N ULL AND VOID I F WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORI ZED I S NOT COM MENCED W ITH IN 120 DAYS,OR F I RE DEPT. IF CONSTRUCTION O RW O RK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPORT F OR A PERI OD O F 120 DA YS AT A NY TIME AFTER WORK I S COMMENCED .OTHER (Spec ify) I HEREBY CERTIF Y THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THIS ~,l '.'U APPLICAT ION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. "'.'1 1\'A LL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING TH IS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE C OMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED H EREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT D OES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORI TY TO VIOLA TE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGN AT UR E 0 ,.CO NTR ACTOIII O R A uTHOR IZ ED AG ENT (O A T E) S I CON AT Ul'l E 0"OWNE"I F O WNER BU ILD E R)D AT EI WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLANCHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH E XTRA COpy F orm 100.11 1-73 l't EO RC e:R "'R O M:INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUIL.DING OFFI CIALS.naG 5 .W ONK MAN MILL ROAD.WHI TTI ....CALI".nUt REr EAGLE COUNTY INSPECflON• DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVE D AMPM CALLER "---'-_ BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX789 PHONE:328-6339 o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ / READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:---"-_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS____---'-~~:!L...~_ r , .-, DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISIOF _ EAGLE COUNTY;P,O.BOX 789 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE;CO.-PH.(303)328·6339 P~t PERMIT ... Z o:>- 0 < :l;a. « DEPT:FILE COPY VA L1DA TlON (C ONTR 'S L I C ENS E ) 015274PE'1M IT NO .-=-=-=-=. Colorado (STREE T) 28 George S.Carr M ay (PRO POSEDUS E) NUMBER OF STORY --:-:=====-DWE LLING U I~ITS _Plumbi ng (Dry Cleane[s)_) (T YPE OF I MPROVEMENT)NO . PERMI T TO AT(LOCATION)Veil Des Schone Sboppinfj;Center (NO.1 (5 EE T) ZON ING D ISTR I CT _ (CRO !'iS STRE ET)(CROSS S TR EET) :;;BETWEEN -;-;:=:=-==;,AN D -;-;=:;:-===_ m L..-.....;,........;,...•.;.,..__---'-' LO T::;S U BD I VI ~I O N LOT BLO CK S IZE _ , < ~BUILDING I S T O BE FT.WIDE B Y FT .L ONG BY _ m FT.INHE IGHT A NDS HALLC ONFORM IN CONSTRUCT ION (TY PE) _______B ASEMENT WA LLS OR F OUNDATION _o Z T O TYPE __~USE GROUP :l; '"ou,REMARKS :_ 15 .00 (CUB I C /SQUARE r EET I AREAOR $PER M IT $VO L UME =====--=-==:-ESTIMATED COST FEE _----'-.>!..!'-"""-__ BUILDING DEPT.BY -,,_ Mike Dawson Vaj I ,Colorado OWNER _--'==""---'===""'''--'-_ ADD RESS __--"c.g.LLf-'-".LLl.lL<:>l.""-_ (Affidavit on reven.side of applicationto be completed by authorized agent of owner) ••BUILDING DIVISIONOF EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX789 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE,CO.-PH.(303)328·6339 plu m b l il a BUllDINff" PERMIT •FIELD COpy May 28 0152 APPLICANT George S.Carr (CO NTR'S LICE NSE) (PROP O SED U SE ) Plumbing (Dry CI aner~l s TORY ===::-::=~~~mNc?FUN I TS _ (TYP E OF"I M PROV EM E NT)NO. PE RMITTO AT(LOCATI ON)Vail Cas Schone Shoppln~C~nter (NO.)t s EET Z ONING O ISTR IC T _ CCRO SS STRE ET )(CROSSS TREE T ) :BE TWEEN ....,-"=,..,..--==,,.,...ANO --:-=--:-===_..I-.........:.::.;;.:,:.:....:..;.::..:..:~.:..:::.:.::.:...:~::..:..~...J LOT~SUB OIVIS IO N L OT BLOC K SI ZE _ -e :5 BU ILOING IST O BE FT .W IOE BY F T.L ONG B Y FT .IN HEIGHT ANOS HALL CO NFORMI NC ONSTRUCTI ON "' (T YPE) a Z TO TYPE USEGROUP BASEMENTWALLS ORF OUNOAT I ON ,-------:_ ~ 0:ou,REMARKS:_ 15,00 (C UBIC /SQ UARE FEET) Mike D awson Vel I.Colora,*,B UILO ING OEPT.BY _ ... E CU TH • 9 (CONTR'S LICENSE) 7. «PROPOSED USEJ DATE _....::=:L.__=~19 --::.....:_ Vel', (NO.) a..rGMt.s. • ZONING AT ILDCAT ION)...l'--lU,....(lI.c..!lc:bOl!.~lttODI>liRlI-JC."'Itl.'----------------------0 I STR ICTo _ (CROSS STREET)(CROSS STREET) :::BETWEEN --0-=,.-,-"==,,.-AND --,======_.. LOT~SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK SIZE _ (TYPE) .. ~BUILDING ISTOBE FT.wIDE BY FT.LONGBY FT.IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION., o ZTO TYPE USEGROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION ---,,,--_:-_ :l; a:o..REMARKS:_0 _ (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) Ike 0 Veil,Colo...... 2 Jurisdiction of _ Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. a••"• ~••oo•"•• ,(OS EE AT T A C ~D S HE E T)"VIT'ACT vaLAlOTNO. J~./V J)J '/.-- fl '~Jl,"-4"'11.ADD R ESS P HONE LIC ENSE NO. J .:'9 J,t ':3 S-8 '-/'/9 C; 'I .""All )tcO RESS P HONE L I CENSE NO . MA IL ACD RESS PHO NE LI CE NSE N O . M AIL A DD RESS 811lAHCH ARCHITEC T D lit O E '-'GNER 4 E HGI NE EA 5 L ENDER ""A IL AODl'tlt SS ZIP P HONE 6 USE 0 1"eU 1LDlHG 7 8 Class ofwork:DNEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work: 1I PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS :A'J .J No.TVpe of Fixture or Item WATER CLOSET (TOILET)$ F.. /,BATHTUB LAVATORY (WASH BAS IN) SHOWER KITCHEN S INK &DISP. DISHWASHER PLANS CHECKED BY ;APPR OvED FO R ISSUANCEBY : ~,f}'.1// LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER J ICc VACUUM BREAKERS SEPTIC TANK &PIT CESSPOOL LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER FLOOR -5INK OR DRAIN GASSYSTEMS ,NO.OUTLETS DRINKING FOUNTAIN SLOP SINK WASTE INTERCEPTOR WATER PIPING &TREATING EQUIP. UR INAL / I NOTICE / THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL:AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS.OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM· MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT,THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE ~FJ~ISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGO~?'~"~O"MA ~'0.consrnuc'nc•. (~.-/~~A /'~-~1 ~~V t------i---------t----t---; ~GH ...'UfltE 91'CO NT"ACTd1't ORA UTHORIZED ....GE NT (DAT E ) PERMIT $V cf?e » .,ON AT ••O'OW NC""OW N.'a UIL OC.)OA Te TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT /)/,"J :.J.. PLANCHECK VALIDATION Form 100.2 9 ·69 CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION G PERMIT AP LlC!TION•PLUM B 0 5~•z Jurisdiction of ">.0 0·Applicant to complete numbered spacesonly."••Joa AODR ESS LOT NO.leLK ITRAe T (OSEE ATTACHED SHEET)LeGAL I1OEseR. OWNER MAIL ADDRESS z,p PHONE 2 CONTRACTOR MAIL.ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 3 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAl L ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 4 ENGINEER M ....IL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 L.ENDER MAIL "DDPlESS BRANCH 6 USE:OF'BUIL.DING 7 8 Class ofwork:ONEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe work: PERMIT FEES No.Type of Fixture or Item Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOILET)$ BATHTUB LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) SHOWER KITCHEN SINK &DISP. DISHWASHER APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY :PLANS CHECKED BY ;APPROveO FOR ISSUANCE BY LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE URINAL THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOl DIF WORK OR CONSTRUC·DRINKING FOUNTAIN TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS.OR IF FLOOR-SINK OR DRAINCONSTRUCTIONORWORKISSUSPENDEDORABANDONEDFORA PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM-SLOP SINK MENCED.GAS SYSTEMS,NO.OUTLETS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.WATER PIPING &TREATING EQUIP. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED WASTE INTERCEPTORHEREINORNOT,THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE VACUUM BREAKERSPROVISIONSOFANYOTHERSTATEORLOCALLAWREGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION.LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK &PIT SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT (DATtl PERMIT $ SIGNATURE OF OWNER II"OWNER BUILDER)DATE)TOTAL FEE $ WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLANCHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.,M.O.CASH Form 100.2 9·69 REORDER ...·ROM:INTERN ATIONAL CONI-t:.Ht:.NCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS.5360 S.WORKMAN MILL ROAD.WHITTICR,CALIF.90601 :. Jurisdiction of _ Applicant t o complete n umberedspaces only. Joe "ODR E SS 2 csz "» CO NTRACTO R A RCHITECTOR D ESi GNER LEGAL I1OEseR. O WNER 2 3 4 E NG INEER 5 L ENDER LOT NO .I "L K ITR ACT (O SE E AT TACHED S HE ET) MAIL ADDRE SS ZIP PHON E MAIL ADDR E SS PHON E L ICEN S E.N O. MA IL AODRESS PHONE LICENS EN O . MA IL AD CAES S PHO NE LI CE N SE NO . M A IL ADO RESS B RANCH 6 US E O F B U I LDING 7 8Class ofwork: 9 Describe work: ONEW I / o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR PERMIT FEES No.Type of Fixture or Item Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS: APPliCAT ION ACCEPTE DBY ;PL ANSCHECK EDBY :AP PROVEDFO R ISSUANC EBY: WA TER CLOSET (TOILET) BATHTUB L AVATORY (WA SH BA SIN ) SHOWER KIT CHEN SINK &DISP. DISHWA SHER LAUNDR Y TRAY CLOTHES WA SHER W AT ER H EATER ,$ NOTICE TH IS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR C ONSTRUC- TION AUTHORI Z ED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS.OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS S USPENDED OR A BANDO NE D FOR A PER IOD OF 120 DAYS A T A NY TIME AFTER WOR K ISCO M - MENCED . I HER EBY CER TIF YT HATI H AVERE AD AND E X AM INED THIS APP LICATION AND K N OW T HE SA ME TO BE TR UE AND C O RREC T. A LL PR O VISIONS OF LAWS AND O RD I NA NC ES G O VE RNI NG T HI S TYPE OF WORK WI LL BE C OM PLI ED WITH WHETH ER SPECIF I ED HEREIN O RN OT.THE GRANT INGO FA PERMIT DOES N OT PR ESUM E TO G IVE AUTHOR ITY TO VI OLATE OR C ANC EL THE PR OVISI ONS OF ANY O THER STATE OR L OC AL LAW REGULATIN G CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFOR MANCEO F CONS TRUCTiON . URINAL DRINKING FOUNTA IN F L OOR --SINK OR DRAIN SLOP S IN K GASSYSTEMS ,NO.OUTLETS WATER PIPING &TREATING EQU IP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK &PIT S IG NA T U RE O F C ON TRAC T O R OR A UTHOR IZED AG EN T S IG N A T UR E OF'O W NER I F OWNER BU IL DER ) (D A T E) D AT E) PERMIT TOTAL FEE $ $ PLANCHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.I 1/ AUDIT M .O.CASH Fo rm100.2 9-69 R.OR DER FRO M :INTE RN ATIO NA L CO N F E.WI=.N CE OF BU ILD ING OF FICIALS.536(1 S.WOR KMA N MI LL RO AO.W H I TTI~R .C A LIF,,060t •County Treasurer's Office,Eagle County,Colorado /?~le.Colo..2M ~.,(? i&rcrturll of L-~t?Lkff=~..;A!~&/~-!~6 ~?_ ..Cash Book Page fil E C .r ,HO[Q([L CO..DENVER (T I ) •19 7 s/ OOLL ARS DEPT.FILE COPY VA L1 DATI ON • BUILDING II~ PERMIT 1...-.--~~--- • BUILDING DIVISIONOF EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX179 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)32B-6339 October 29 (PROPOSED USE) NUMBER OF (__I STORY --:-:=====----'-_DWE LL INGUN ITS _ N O. PERMIT TO Tenant Work (T YPE Of'IMPROVE MENT) (NO.) N.Frontage Rd. (STREET) I-70 Service Rd.at Cbamonix Rd. (C ROSS sTREET)·(CROSS STREET) Vajl Das Schone Filing #1 -cg BUILDING ISTOBE FT.W IDE BY FT.LONG By FT.I N HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORMIN CONSTRUCT ION <0 (TYPE) oZ T O TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION _ ::E 0:o ..REMARKS:--.:,:=-===::-:--=-='---'::...:;:=c:::=i!-.=...:==-'=-..::..:=-=-=----'=-=-=--=-==-=-=-"'-''---'=-=--''--'==-------=---=------------ (CUB IC /SQUARE F EET) Craddock Development CO 445 twion,La~e~~od,Co 8 022 8 OWNE R __---l.==!lL="-~=<..lJ4'w.<='"-w..t.o..._ ADDRESS --'l.'I.:lc.....l:Jn,,;l.Q~~~~~=a..,-'':O'-lS.4~a---------- AREAOR VOLUME =====-=-==,-_ (Affidaviton reverse sideof application to be completed by authorized agent of owner) -eBUILDINGPERMITAPPLICATION Jurisdiction of _ Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. 1 osz ". , o·•oo•"••J Ol!A OOR E SS "EO '"11"OTNO..Il .1ee, l DE SCR .llJ.t-£>r ,....,1=Dl...,L .CI - O WNE R 2(f?,U...II rx:JL "J:E \f.r:.c;>, ....AI L A ODIIl:ESS ZIP 1•.fL{S""()~I ~U J-4-1 Ir7rolnn J1 PI-IDN E L EN DER L MA IL A.ODII:ESS 6 -See c....{JA-r I -y:I f .'U kT /SC.G C/ A RCH ITI:CT 0 "DES IGN ER 4 I d1-lIP,W'(j ---r;---j.;O Lt sc U SE O F'B UIL DING 7 .~~vVt.r/).c (-4L- ....AI L AO DRE SS ........11.,A D DR E S ~ ,P HONE PHONE L IC ENSE NO • L /6 -F LICEN SE 1Il0 .I l.f'6f3 B eptANCH 8 Class of work:~E W 0 ADDIT ION 0 ALT ERA TION 0 REPA IR O MOVE o REMOVE 9 Describe work :-rF~1 r4AJ r 1="L-)(U ~4./2.. 10 Change ofusefrom Cha ng e of useto 11 Valuat ion ofwork:$4 o(:;;;E;;>.aD PL AN CHECK FEE 19 ,7S"IPERMI T FEE SPECIA LCONDITI ONS: f----------------------------f S ize o f Bldg . (T ota l)S q .Ft. Occupanc y Group N o .o f S tories Divisi on Max. Oc c.Load A PPLICATIONACCEPTED BY PLANS C HECKED B Y U s e Z on e F ire Sprin klers R equir ed D Yes DNa NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICA L,PLUMB· lNG,HEATING,VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITION ING . THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· TIO N A UTHORIZED ISNOT COMMENCED WITHI N 120 DAYS,OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED ORAB ANDONED FORA PERIOD OF 120 DA YS AT AN Y TI ME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ A ND E XAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAM E TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. A LL PROVIS IONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES G OV ERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIF IED HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT D OES NOT PRESU,,",E TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROV ISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULAT ING C ONSTRUCT ION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCT ION. N o.o f Dwe lling Units Sp ecial Approvals ZONING HEA LTH DEPT. F IRE DEPT. S OILR EPO R T OTHER (Spec ify) O FF STREET PARKING S PACES , C overed I Un covered Required Rec eived Not Requir ed SIGNA E OF'OWNEIII II"E"au DERl DATe) ..............."wHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN TH IS SPACEI TH ISI S YOUR PERMIT //1,./ PLAN CHECKV A LIDATION .....,CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O. ~~~~<3 ~~ F orm 1 00.1 1·77 INSPECTOR CASH 1 CASHM.O.CK .PERMIT VALIDATIONCASHM.O.CK . BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHECK VALIDATION 0 ~s ·z Jurisdiction of ">•00•Applicant to complete numbered spacesonly."•·Joe ADDR ESS I LO 'NO. 1 m I:OACTLEGAL lOSE E A TTA CHE D S HEE T) 10E sco.••. OW N Elit MAI L A OO "ESS ".P HONE 2 v . CON TRACTOR fo.AA1L ADD RESS PHON E LICENSE NO. 3 AR CH IT E CT OR DES iGNER M A.It..ADD R ESS PHO NE L ICENSE «o. 4 E NGINE ER MA IL AOOR ESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 ,.',/.,. LEN DElli M ....IL A ODIl:ESS 81llANCH 6 USE Of'8UILDING 7 / 8 Classofw ork:ONEW o ADDITION o AL TER ATION o R EPAIR OMOVE o REMOV E 9 Oescribe work :-",-~,- 10 Cha ngeofuse fr om Cha nge ofu set o 11 Valuationo f w ork:$PLAN CHECK FEE I PERMIT FEE . SPEC IAL CONDITIONS:Type of Occupancy Const.Group Division Size of Bldg .No.ol Max . (Total ISQ.Ft.Stories occ.Load Fife Use Fire S prinklers APPLICATION AC CEPTED BY PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY Zone Z one Reuutr ed DYes ONo No.0 1 OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES ' Dwelling Units Covered I Un cove red NOTICE Speci al Approvals Required Received Not Required SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL,PLUMB·ZONING lNG ,HEATING,VENTILATING ORAIR CONDITIONING .HEALTH DEPT. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT C OMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS,OR F IRE DEPT. IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPEND ED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPORT FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED.OTHER (Spec ify) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE R EAD AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME T OBE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OFLAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THI S TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OFANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SI GNATURE OF'CONTfUCTOLl!:Olll At THOR I ZIED AGIENT (O ATE) I. SIGNATURE O F'O WNER .1""OWNUI:au It.EO)OATE ) W~EN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT lIt! \ Form 100.1 1·71 TEMP.FIL 1 CASHM.O .CK .PE RMIT VALIDATIONCASHM.O.CK . •BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PLANCHECK V ALIDATION 0 ~,·z Jurisdiction of "·\•0 0·Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.~··JO B A DD"E 5S I .~-I COT NO.I""I I"':T (OSEE A TTAC H ED SH EE:T)LE GAL I1OEseR.I '~J .r:••. OW NEIIl M Arl.ADD IIlESS ZI 'PH ONE 2 --(r I .I . CONTRACTO l't MA IL "DOili E S!;P HONE LIC ENSENO . 3 t A AeH I TEeT OR D ES IGN ER M AI L A DDRE SS PHON E L I CEN SE N O. 4 I E NGI NE ER MAI L AC DRESS PHONE L IC EN S E NO .I 5 -II I -t.t~'-L END ER MA I L A DD RESS It A"''''CH 6 I U S E OF"B UI LDI NG 7 • 8 Class of work :D NEW D ADDITION DA LT ERATION D REPA IRD MOVE D RE MOV E 9 D escribe work:-- 10 Cha nge o f use l rom Cha nge 01 u set o 11 V aluation 01 wor k:$•IPERM I T FEEPLANCHECKFEE'7~...) SPEC IAL CON DITIONS :Ty pe o f O c cupa ncy Canst.Gro up D i vis i on - Size of B ldg.No.o f M ax. (T o tal)SQ .Ft.Stories occ .Load Fire U se Fire Spr inklers APPLICATION ACCEPTED B Y ;PLANS CHECKED BY AP PR OVED F ORISSUANCEB Y Z one Z one Required DYes DNo N o .of OFFSTREET PARK ING SPA CES , Dwelling Units Covered I Uncovered NOTICE Special Appro vals Requ ired Re ceived Not Required SEPARATE PER MITS ARE R EQUI RED F ORE LECTRICAL,PLUMB·Z ON I NG ING.H EATING.VENTILATING ORA IR CONDITIONING .HEALTH OEPT . THIS PERM IT B ECOMES NUL L AND VO ID I F WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHOR IZ ED IS NOT COMM ENC ED WITHIN t20 DAYS,OR FIRE DEPT . IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPOR T FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS A T ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCE D.OTHER (Specify) I HER EBY CER TIFY THAT IH AVE R EAD AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BETR UE AND CORRECT. A LLP ROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORD INANCES GO VERNING T HIS TYPE OF WORK W ILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN O R NOT.THE GRANT ING OFA PERM IT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL TH E PROVISIONS O F ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONST RU CTION OR TH E PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION . SiGNATURE:OF'CONTAA.CTO~O Fl "'UTHO~l lED AGENT (DATE) I , StGNATU ~E Of'OWNE~IF OWNE~e.U ILOERj DATE ) WHEN PROPERLY VALI DATED (IN THIS SPACE I T HISIS YOUR PE RMIT //(,./ >. I ,.J.I.,I ~Form 1 00.11-77 .AUDlt 1 CASHM.O.CK .PERMIT VALI DATIONCASHM.O.CK. ••BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PLANCHECK VA LIDATION a <;•·z Jurisdiction of 0 •,.aa•Applicant to complete numbered spaceson ly .0 ~·J oe A.DDR E5 5 -I -"I LOT HO.I BLK Ii'~C TLEGA.L (OSEE AT TACHED S H EE T)1 e e sc n.!'.(1 OWNER MA tI.....DOlllESS z ,p PH ON E. 2 r • COHT FlACTOAl MA IL ....OD I'tE S S P HO NE LI CENSE NO . 3 • ARCHITECT O R DE S IG NER MAIL AD D RE S S PH ONE L IC ENSE NO. 4 , ENGINE ER M AIL AO D RES S PHONE LICEN SE NO .I 5 -~~I""~'.(. ~ LEN DEPt M AIL "D OAIES S B IIIANCH 6 I U SE O F"BUILD ING 7 /•L 8 Class of wo rk :ONEW OAOO ITION o ALTER ATION o REPA IR o MOVE o REMOVE 9 Oesc ribe w ork:..--1y /L •- 10 Chang e ofuse fro m Cha nge of u se t o 11 Va luation of w ork :$,I PERM IT FEE ,.,PLAN CH ECK FEE I 7 ..;(.v SPECIAL CON DITIONS ,Ty pe o f Occupancy Can st .Grou p O ivl ston ,1.5 Size o f Bldg .N o.o f Max. (Tot al)SQ.F t.S torie s occ .L o ad F ire Usc F ire Sp ri nklers APPLICA TlQN ACCEPTED B Y:PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED fOR I SSUANCEBY Zone Zone Required Dves ONo. No.of OFFST REET P ARKINGSPA CES' Dwelling Un its Covered I U ncovered NOTICE S pecial A pprovals Required Received Not Required SE PARATE PERM ITS A RE REQUIRED F ORE LECTRI CAL ,P LUMB·ZON ING ING.H E ATING .V ENTILATINGO R AIRCO NDITIONING .HEALT HD EPT . TH ISPE RMIT B ECOMES NULL A ND VOID IFWO RK O R CONSTR UC· TION AUTHORIZED ISNOT COMMENC ED W ITHIN 120 DAYS,OR F IRE OE PT . IF CONSTR UC TIO N OR WORK ISSUS PENDED OR ABANDONED SOIL REPORT F OR A P ERIOD OF 1 20 DAYSATANY TIME AFTE R WO RK IS COMMENCED.OTHE R(Specify) I HER EBY C ERTI FY THAT I H AVE REAO AND EXAMINED THIS A PPLiCATI ONA NDKNOW THE SAME TD BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL P ROV ISION S OFLAWSAND OROINA NCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OFWORK WILL BECOM P LIED WITH WHETHE R SPECIFIEO H EREINOR N OT .TH EGR ANTING OF A PERMIT OOE S NOT PR ESUME T O GIVE AUT HO RITY TO VIO LATE OR CAN CEL THE P ROVISIONS O F ANY OTHER ST ATE OR LOCAL LAWREG U LAT ING C ONSTRUCTION OR THE P ERFOR MANCE O F C ONS TRUCTION. SIGNATURE OF CON TRA CTO R O R AUTHO RIZED AGENT (DA T E) , r r I SICONATUAE 01"OWNER II"OWNE R BU ILD ER)DA TE' WHEN P ROPERLY V ALIDATED(IN THIS S PACE!T HIS ISY OUR PERMIT I/l-/ i 11-'3 ~Form 100.1 1-77 EXTRA COP Y, -EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING.RMIT APPLICATION • FINAL:C/O INSPECTI0I)J.LANDSCAP E INS PECTION FORM H ev i ew Routing Forrn (.;)Pr irnary Rout inq ~.oo t ;"g .I 6'.-/J.,1 ~C'A+ddH1v r ~ Date Referred Appl icant I I t,I Permit No. Pf enrii uq Commission File No._ Review and return to the County Building Official with in 6 working days Pl annin g:C om pli es w ith: Subdivision R e gul at ions Zoning Regul ations S ite Plan (L andsc aping) Y es N o Rev i ewed by:Date:------------~8IKl0 //)-/1-7f! VJ 0 -~d/./I!....J Recommend App roval:C~A/1/(AVz;.n~~d /" Oornrnents :CECt:-7?77)8UILO/,(J(r fJFRHlr '#-/{)/'L Ewe C/ Si re paw j r;EUafil Bf/J/{)I1)h PU1.v P!(?/"!#?H/JA/IX ("tJ!'UJbZ S County Engineer:Roads Grading D rainage DODOo0o0 Re commend Approva l:_ Comments:------- D0 l/a-J.tJill We.s:r- B O Uf,"US.D D IIf..q /0,19·78 D?J D Reco mmend A pprov a l:~thtM.!~) Comments:----------------------=---------- County Health:Water Sanitation Perc .test Final Inspection:C/O Recommend Approval Comme nts: DO Final Inspect ion:L and s caping R ecommend A ppro val 0D Comments:------------,------------------- by _C/O I ssued FinalF i li ng Date._ D ate._ -It I/~I REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY et"r"?~ •BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE 1-,&.JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ----.,-F=-'--->--==-=:...1,;""-=-=-"="------------ PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE woe S FINAL OODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: COVER PARTIAL FOUNDATION FRAMING BUILDING ,LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ THUR 5"AMPMFRI/:/1 I '. .,(.-r~tC I READY FORINSPECTION (MO"N)TUE WED COMMENTS:;re;/npb..-J IT!APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT [I]UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS &ij t ie .t7tf'«/64£ DATE /-7-1'-/r INSPECTOR EAGLE COUNTY -BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328 -6339 INSPECTI N -d /It./ REGUEST DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ~---''--_''---'''---'--_ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION STANDPIPE woes FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAl.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AMPM COMMENTS:-"-_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS DATE / INSPECTOR PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY LOCATION : -PI/!,/ REGUEST PARTIAL VENTtlATION LOCATION: INSPECTIL PARTIAL PLUMBING STANDPIPE woes FINAL LOCATION : • COVER PARTIAL BUILDING BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328-6339 E A GLE CO U N TY . DATE ;J-~?-7f JOBNAME ~Z:f:-:~.d£ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER .,..~......,..,7 / Y-~~I ,LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ -'A"~12'~_ MON COMMENTS : 0~ (;'L-?o :/ READY FORINSPECTION WED THUR /I (7 FRI /~t:J I AMPM 0 ~A PP R OV E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS DATE :2 -/J ~-zt;;t( INSPECTOR ~~ EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 •INSPECTI -I REGUEST / BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTILATION STANDPIPE HEATING woes FRAMING FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION I MON TUE WED THUR COMMENTS :--:~------------------- o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS---------------------------------- DATE ::;;' INSPECTOR ..,L /I / REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY ~~.t "~.-'1 ..J-~ II I ~-d INSPECTI "NBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE ?/o?//7 7 JOB NAME d =__.,-/I TIME REtEIVED/AMPM CALLER --->~==-,-"p7'---""-'--------.r;1,-- U PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE woes FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: PARTIAL COVER LOCATION , PARTIAL FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING BUILDING ,LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ I1J~OV E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- INSPECTOR REGUEST I EAG LE COUNTY INSPECTI,BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 ,/ DATE JOB NAME _,/--::_ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER """'""-_ f PARTIAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARYVENTrLATION PARTIAL MECHANICAL PARTIAL PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE woes FINAL PARTIAL COVER PARTIAL BUILDING FOUNDATION FRAMING ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL LOCATION _ .-»: J FRI READY FORINSPECTION } WED THUR /' TUEMON COMMENTS:--------"-'---:------=....:...;..-.::...-"--'---:---'---=-"-~---'-"'----'-----7--:-=---..,.....:_----- o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS---------------......,.----------------- DATE , INSPECTOR ,/