HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK F LOT 1 LEGAL-)a INSPECTION REQUEST- TOWN OF VAIL oot. 4- READY FOR LOGATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:THUR FBI AM@ 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tr tr tr B tr tr g FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B UNOERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W-V. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING TNSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL EL o CI o tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHA,NICAL: I] HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS coi\rDUrT tr SUPPLY AIR DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIFEDB APPROVED CORFIECT oor= ?- F - t" rNSpEcroR oz E =g ulo- L' c c LT ' c (\ tt uJlult = E uJ o- * s'Wht'l ot1o1 3: qce)U s rt II F U llrl Itlrl Ilt ItFl lor Irxl l.\l tl'l-l IilHI| . r'l I IEE I l5H r i:a i 13fl r 4l < 2 == =zo in uJ F z (9 z =l co€ o =zo EzF 1 lvt. 1 r+fl Earl : E ril,1a JrtzA Fltrl qq 1 aqHH H tl.l H rq ts h z H ts ! H( 4l <(vH(Zr E( .9 ato sio (, '6 .=oo o oc G q, '= N }EFO .Ef-=oo 9: Pgoo 3o(gct or .E =E-'=9d (',l: oO El =!,.i0) p9'o '-= .t .9. 469 o'i (! '=9(,| *-!g8F =.2 n.Yo 6e9ce.= (('tfcg 6Pc-o :$EcY* EE; EEA =:EcEo € e9l: c.Y- (s CL6 CL sEEo- o.:fie E6:EE Eo6= EFE_ae eeC(6 0'- --Eg,*; E5=36>.O (!= -r:E3i8 3't e9E ar eEg -o(U 6 v at\ an N ttl f c^,.1 c ra c\ 6 F =u, z @ Io ()z J E UJ 6 z & J z I(J UJ IJJ UJ z tr uJE uJ =BJ IJJ z uJ F Ruroc z UJ o x F uto t Fl F a UJlu l,l- =c uJo- J FoF z o J F ul ul oz ao =fJo- ; uJt NOt.tVn'tV (. Fv Yal 6Z}Lt 6""itr ^ 6 z>g 5 : 9''E 9 O E-.', O EFz>o8e Q7b { ;Eig EE.i $i U< __lr) =@61 =>t z9 J IL UJ e, o-u,E J z9troo z tr tuF =UJ2 F 2lz tr o = aLzf z ltl3o ll,/o J ll,l tr z tz FI 6I ulf tt)tt) llJz 9- z F loz _l I I lil<l :{IIr|Jl u-o a o = ..r I<l trl zl zl .. >l uJ uJ uJzot (r llJ(L J z E o = 6 z Y o- H ffil an I F $o- o : ^IJJE: =E 5 e;€8 A3E I ==tt A ),= ; I o-f'Esen E i =t "" , € * Fl "sHr F bl =ElsE 5 ^ul f stt._ i at 4I = uJt-r : >t JJr- F lii Fl d)ru =F f '-- =i i r5r5 UJlo F <r 2, tl IIJ; 5 vl-l u)l AI "lHI<l = lJ- J E] F J --.1 z H F{H zz E IJJ =z '1 zz E r,2 z Fr UJ =4 .l El<l a-l-l al >l<lol rnll-\llr)l c'rl A H a1 a (N .if I r\\T Io. F\ \o FJH F 3l ?l 'lEI 6l =ltrl x IJ,J ) oo I @ r cn F-l ; ril N $l el cil tl slolFI + N \ q, $ il ui JulF a F.r r4 F-l rd & F1 Hfi F]HH B . Ei Irn-n z d llJ -J u- z3oF cf) -ir I .$ dJ uJF .lzlHI EI F.tl*l frl 14ltsl<lFl HI =l =l A I -i ,--t uu { u 2 3cF @ F cn I c.t u. 1I F zH E Fl H B lrlF B =Etr I.{ --1 =.1(9l ql <lil 9l 3lIFI r\ cn I\o o\ dJ u,lF =E ct =.) uJ =<l>l 6l zl 3l 9lFI ulJ ItrF' (r uJz = F() uJtrro E -J O<FGC)uJ<zEt!Fo6 o Jt<oC)F F3qE fio(J >Y =#dzo O 0p =3g6 E Ei\g+Eo2toon36 l|!- Lc)r-(o DA *3 ., I utFo d) ?zo FoulY I,U to oF tr uJ \ro.or lt -'lo-li;l 821,Dl| "tlgu, '^F\Jzo ts =E. lrJ o-z9F(JfEF(nzo(J Fl o'z E ur=Fulacoo-zo F(L u,V lrl(I! o c c c tr o o e.l <nululu- ts =E uJ(l- rn.$ (f)(n ca {o v !tt Fg c I I I I I tu,lIF l6 Il3rJl.l I I'& IrI1 .<E tq5lqH lb- iEHtoz'rJ<'=& uJF e. F Faz o zzo F ?i I q Fl ) tdcFl d T a IJ I I 14zz E o UJF z z o!tr ID .6 ozzo B g U FF P rr z F F trIr z F F rr v H FH &ott{ zoHH(-) H&H(n lrl 14rrl IIJu, U' lt oFo Fzoo .Eo trllJz =od l! ulaz-a GvfulFI<F7aYZ.t, < -i- o c aJ ti o .Y' aEE:E eEgEfi E gEE$ ; EE3E;06 FP *€:EE EEEE€ g"; E"t €sEaei iEg€E iEEg5 i$;*E IiglE; F iBiige c\ c( oo o Ctr .$ oo o\ A rn C! oo oo oo o o o!n + (\(\ (\. tr = uJroz 63 Y oz EF() 0z6 = o.- 9z o UJ = ru UJ zI F u,, (,) uJe. o oo 3u,t UJg, z 6 UJ F oo-ulo o- i llJJ x F uJ U'l rlt d F tt) UJ uJt! ==(E uJ o- -t FoF 0z 6J .o J 9EFotllJut zo = L J 9z () UJ: NO|lVn]VA oF E ccl!.|f(L o\ b3lt;lO r.:l .51rhl UuJ 9E ts =E ;Eo =t!oz UJztu =>c -ItYr =uJcn =G|Gl z l! -<oo. zIF a tr- G (9 o- cl u.l F UJ z Eoo z tr E uJ F l;luJz lltltltl Ez:tz9qlFru<oo< =u:lrR'.Uo<z trz,. 9z..: F.,: -fioB6OI !] lfIll-lll lelil ul J o u,zYo F l! zo F 5oz oo! o Flo l- -rl<lt-l 2_l zl .. >l uJo uJujzo = gJ o- z 9 tr |H il;,; cfl 9z I (,z J lJ- I r',, I _lJ an Fo zl HI F.rlH ? zz : Hu il =z IDo-) )I E }z zf'l x 1I]P :lI|E 4 lFlI\Hl\JrH Il(/) i>l< tF rnFl iv, lullE,o/6I</a = No\.<r I\or\-:r I(L F \o @ FlH i: (Jov7v) .a =aH =tr o\ x ulroc : @ ({ I@c{rn i (q \o @ till-lq' rd Fo z l-{ F..i "jZ|lo(J & (-) =c pq Io .if oz oulE J a l!oz 3olF] crro\ C' Irf] Io\o c ui JIuF \J \\ fJ r\. \ J \ ssi .g I lru\\|.fo =.) c'1 urll5i <1 ltl.folz;olFI \t5 { \>- -..1- j< t'' ui -)uJF ,Yt N ,N \ N *.-: E \ilsff. ctz durG ltio z 3 F \sN \ tS d dF N \-< N s tr \ Nf\ ctz ou, J tt 23oF tlc Rtr I NN :u F =tr Iolzl ol uJl .El JI <l>l ltol zl 3lolFI lljJql F' E E UJz =o F C) LU Er(J E, E -rO<Fcollr <zEUJF(nZo JE<oc)F r3 H=(J (tz6 = J t ? i.) 2c 6F =3gE (ro E.urY+EF1-o2 o C) .J<oo 11,33 zo9z4 60 =zff a-,P ED F Hlt EE E<CL]€EB9.Era 'EE =>FJF = l,ll -E b=oo--fi ; >(LE 8s9 trurE X.LE ;-6. u.loi!tr H oF -=O lrl o-zo F() DEFazoo J (,(JzE =o=ul(I) i! Ets I 't E5 I ,, lO , _APPLICATION MUST BE FTLLED OUT COUPLETELY OR rT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED I******************** * * * * * *** ** pERMIT INFORTTATION ******* * * ******************** ^ . ,/ ..-tlrauiraing t [/'rrumring l{-nLectrilcat ftf-Mechanicar [ ]-othert .) Y . -, f -c 7\-- ror uarne: (eoa'nnrlN Eainat6Faaar"=",, zSzS h*yot T/zrttr- Legat Description: rctJ aLocxi(-'' ritine E ***rrr^,y'ftL b*sfu owners Narne: @Address: 2575 t\ Ph.q76- 4?Z 6, ArchitectrM ,i, TowN oF vArL corsrRucrroN h"'" r"'-' r ) i'J{*r*,i, tt (^157 'S6o+. Address: Eox 7 , F4*, 1o (/t3l pn.Jzf -2if t slF4-Iln>, ,4,., ^t /n EY. i! t15i ' " ttz,-E G [ ]-Alteration J\r/-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accommodation Units I )prnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliun"""]cas Logs I Wood/Pellet ********************************* durloruc: t l0 5, tt o o EI,ECTRICALI, I 5AOc,OTHER: $ gONTRACTOR rNFORI.IATTON *************************** Address: cfte E {tiii',;di;'---- Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE! /?,oo PERMTT APPLICATION FORM DATE: General Descriptj-on: Work Class: [ ]-New Number of Dwelling Unitst I Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address:ll Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLIJMBING PERMIT FEE: I,TECHANTCAL PER}TIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CTIECK FEE: l-]u r_r_r_r_ OTHER TYPE OF FEE: r,,,rctlrt1- ' tZ, oooffi E Conments: liJ /'lzunrr i,ntlr- Juel4:i/\t 26 7s lJ,e BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNA '-9/ (.e.oG.,A,t,**r4 /d s. fi-ei- , r)' I CI.EAI| I'P DEPOSIT NEFT]IID /*tt-.S\-"1'r\, 75 soulh lrontrge road rr!ll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottlce ot oommunlty devclopmant BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI{E If this perTit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer's (.Public works) reyiew and approvat, a piannini-oepartrent review or.Health Department review, and'a review by the 6uiibingDepartment, the estimated tine for a total "euien ituv i.["-is t5ngas three weeks. f]] cgtnngrgia] (large or sma'r'r) and ail murti-famiry permits wilrnave ro roilow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l lry.:ra'l1 projects-should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresroent'rat or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned lfll"lT:lt:,.with regard. to necessary review, these proje.ii"ruyatso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to exped'ite thispenn'it as sgon as possible I, the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time /-r^ , Comnuni ty Devel opment Department. 75 soulh tronlage roed vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 olflce ol communlly developmcnl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and acknowledged I/l ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMTTNITY DEVELOPMENT IIARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No- 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soir, """r., sand, debrisor material , incruding trash &unpsterl , poriable i:oilets .rra---workmen vehicles. upon-any streetl siaewair, -;ii;y or publicp1?9" or any portion theieof. rhe risrri:;;;;t-;n arr rown ofVail streets and.:gags is approxinateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance wirr be strilliv -enrorcla by the rown of vairPublic works Deoartment. pers-ons found vi6latinq ttris ordinancewilr- be siven a 24 hour writren i"iil"-ti^;;;;;'=aid rnareriar.rn the event the person so notified does not compry with th;---notice within the 24 hour tirne =p""iii"a,--il"-;;;ric worksDepartment wirr remove said nateiiar it it" ""i""se of personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance =h;il not beapplicable to c-onstruction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in ttre-iitrri_u_"uy. To review ordinance No. 6 in ful1, please stop by the Tor,rn ofYlll B"ilding Departrnent to obtain a copy. tnant you for yourcooperation on this natter. p t,o Pro (i.e. contractor, ovrner) ||0 75 routtr frontrge rord udl, color.do 81657 (3qr) 47p438 (303) 479439 ollice ol communlty development NOTTCE TO CONTRACTORS/OI{NER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, t99I , the Town of Vail Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures !o ensure that new tonstructionsites have adeguately established proper drainage from buildj_ngsites along and adjacent t.o Town of VaiI roads or streets. 'The Town of Vail Public Works Department wiJ-l b€ required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads orstreets and tbe instarlation of temporary or pern€rDent culverts ataccess points fron the road or street on to tbe construction site.such approval must be obtained prior to any reguest for inspectionby the Town of vail Building Department for footings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspection. please carr 4'r9-2160 torequest an inspection from the public works Department. Allow aminimum of 24 hour notice. A1so,.the Town of Vail pubric works Department will be approvingall final drainage and culvert instalration with resutting roadpacching as necessary. such approval rnust be obtai-ned prior toFj.nal- Certificate of Occupancy issuance. TOW,IOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail,.Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1 z. D e p artme nt of Comnuniry Deve loprnent rlrFORIIIATIOf, XEEDED ItHEIf APPLIIXG FOR A I.IECHAIWCAI" PERUTI 3. 4. HEAT LOSS CAICULATIONS. TO SCA]-,E FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOI{. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EOUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECITANICAL ROOM. FAIIJTRE IlO PROVIDE IHIS IIIFOR}iAIIOX WILL DEL,AI YOUR PERMIT. FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT''IS REOUIRED 1) 2) YES NO Yls lhis a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ot the right of way, easements or public propefi? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, pafting or fencing? B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe oEaoP ContraAorA Signature 3) 4) s) 6) X X Y X 7) 8) Job Name Duen-a-^- 5//o PUBUC WAY PERMIT PR@ESS How it relates to BuiHing permit: 1)ermit a licalion. 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) lf yes was answered t9 3ny of the above questions then a "public way permit" isrequired. You can pick up an application at either community oevetopment,located at 75 S. Frontage Road or pirotic works, located at 1309 Vail vauef orive. Notice sign ofls for r.rtility. companies. All utilities must field verify (locate)respective utilities prior to signing application. some utility companies iequire u[to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate). A construction tratfic colrof plan must _be prepaled on a separate sheet of paper.This plan will show locations of all tratfic donirotdevices tggn., *nr., etc.) andthe work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) sfglc[olwof o-"ing performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (tength,width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the rraffic bntrol pran or a siteplan for the job. pubpit qmpleted application to the public work,s office for review. ff required,locates will be scheduled torthe Town of Vail Electrici"nr ano litig"tion crew. Thelocates are take pface in fie morning, out r"v require up to 4g hours to perform. The Public work's construction Inspeclor will review the application and approveor disapprove ths permit. you will be contacted as to the siitus ano any changesthat may be needed. Most permits are released within 4g hours of being received,but please allow up to one week to process. As soon p pg_rmit is processed,g cop.y wiil be faxed to community Deveropmentallowing th.e-."Building permit" to be rel-eased. please do not *niu." the "pubticway Permit'with a "Building permit" to do work on a prolect iite itserr. Note: 'The above process ls for work In a rlght-of_way only. rPublic Way Permit's are yalid ontv until November 15th. required each year. . . t Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: KROGMANN ADDHON DATE: 5-ll-94 ADDRESS:2575 DAVOS TRAIL CONTRACTOR: CARR CONST. VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: ISOM OCCUPANCY; R-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. I. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC 12IO OF TTIE I99I UBC. 2. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE TTIE STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED. 3. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL T0 CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED IF DWELLING HAS A MONITORED FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. 5. FOOTINGS TO BE A MININUM OF 48'' BELOW GRADE. 6. SOLS ENGINEER TO APPROVE SOIL CONDITIONS AFTER EXCAVATION IS COMPLETED BUT BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TTIE TOWN OF VAIL. 7. VENTTLATTON rS REQUTRED FROM ALL BATHROOMS AS PER SEC.1205 OF THE 1991 UBC. .'. l| ' 8. MECHAMCAL PLANS NEED TO BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY TOWN. OF VAIL BEFORE ANY MECHAMCAL WORK CAN BE STARTED. 9. A I-I{R FIRE RATING IS REQUIRED BETWEEN DWELLING AND GARAGE AS PER SEC. 504 0F TnE 1991 L]BC. IO. STAIRWAY TO MEET SEC.33O6 OF TIIE 1991 I.'BC. ISOFT & ASSOC. Er'lCC '/-ft^uer\W 5e532e6?65 P. e1 FAn*o , 'h u fla-{o fitnLLre '/*'g p."ect7sa'} 1o/12*ffy F? LEE lgx-ltu4nL' 4+.- /r Va,,, I CONFIRIT{ED SENT: [)T * IT n /75, lsom a AssocllrEs ll //^\ Arutritecture LandPlanning ProioctManegrment I.ACSIMILE CONNESPONDENCE rmNttMlrlo, 4a r p Ee+a +rrrr/ - ,/ coMPANY: , !/AIL rAx NUMBE n, * 17 ? ' zr/5 =- -W xn -Krzqq rvrnt FES rryxd DArE: --t/lfs NI'MBAR OF PACES WTEIS SHEET: ADDEDCOMMENTS, -/fu- 4 X tQ,-FA-a,a Lq--T4r'€ Cr fra ll^L bF d\.r-r- FROM: --J I E P,0, Box I Eaqlc, Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FAX 3?8-6266 -q<JOB NAME '/l/ln 4,N t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . t 479-2138 rdt.n to.---.-.-- kk l"nflV lJ I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION ,,\^A.r,,\i.,. 4<41 n e TUES WED THUR FR PM L\JVr.t | | \,' I ra.i4n ry1 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING tr FOUNDATION / STEE- O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB{FRAMING tr tr tr o BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK E POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: trTE T] HEATING o noub*r tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT :tr SUPPLY AIR t-'lD .+.rtr FINAL ! .T' D FINAL--_]I|-;- trAPPRovED., f .tFrsAPPRovED connedforu ,,8 REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTORht. ir:,'5 7 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT d.. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: 'r,11tJt 'ILL BUILD]fiTG:PLUMBlNG: O UNDERGROUNDD o n E tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL o LI tr tr o ROUGH / D.W.V ROUGH / WATE R- ....: nq FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEF MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr I] tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL o tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ELDISAPPROVED i;RElNSPEcrloru REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o PEtNs PERMIT NUMBER CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE 3 I75ror"or. OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 7 ON TUES WED THUR @ /'?-\?lw-\-------------$9/- (ro-/ B] tr tr t-,E E tr tr o FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDEFGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL i H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED CTION REQUIRED oor, 7 -/h {5 rNSPEcroR : t'".il INSPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 oerc ..48- JoB NAME CALL TUES PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: *:o @ FRI -------@ Pu tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - /-, / tr FoUNDATTON / STEEL VnouCx / D.w v. : ( ' 4 ' / ..3>,'W$rynE flnouc* / wArER 5fr24"/ o Btto'|o%tJ*til,_,"o )t'oo. prprNc r,t / 'n tr FINAL ErtrunL tr TNSULATTON , o PooL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL I] l-1 - ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PER DATE IT NUMEER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: (*I 479-2138 I NAME ":' CALLER TUES WED -_l ,'/'rr'' '' ro, READY FOR LOCATION: FUILDING: Ei-FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING rr BOOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL E trtr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr o TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL .\t-+- ,/ ,tr,:,AppRovED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,/ rl DATE INSPECTOR ,"#"rroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED PM,auy'!SPECT-!ON: MON\ I-Ji 7f I-tl/t, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJ€CT 479-2138 JOB NAME (j,l,,l A BUILDING:PLUMBING: { roorrrucs/$rE€ts CCt lC I l f-{ ,, tr SNDERGR9SND tr FOUNDATION / STEEU tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n n E FINAL '".''tr FINAL ELE BT trF uc tr_ CTRICAL:M tr tr tr o EGHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR *6r r7 T JOB PROJECOF ?, MBERIT NUPERM DATE 479-2138 trr7/ {fsrorilct-, INSPECTION: ---@ PM TT.TSilCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME CALLER /(a-" MON TUES WED THURREADY FOB LOCATION: ,5 '05 //4t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATI FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR il INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION o tr tr POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING (nouax tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n_ tr SUPPLY AIR n ;Grrunr-4s tr FINAL APPROVED 4' t t El OISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUTRED(/, /t CORRECTIONS: onre ,)'' .?/ - I u{' tNSPEcroR ._.----- n,- .. -) rNSPEPJJ,9U, $F,ouE - 479'21386 7{7 READY FOR INSPECTION: oor= 2a,4,: Q{ JoB. NAME LOCATION: '2 CALLER BUIt.DING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: I] UNDEFGROUND E ROUGH / D-W.V- I] ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu PtYwooD NAILING E] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION o Foot- / H. TUB C] SF{EETROCK NAII:tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL:ELECTRICAL: g TEMP. PO\ryER tr HEATING O FrOUGH tr CONDUIT tl E REINSPECTION RE( O EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR DISAPPROVEDAPPROVED COFTF|ECTIONS: ?IN -) SPECTIoN REQUE a 7{7 pennltf NUMBER OF PFOJECT oor= -za, :/?{ JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 IESa CALLER BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL O FIOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND t] ROUGH / D.W-V- tr BOUGH/WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu FLYWooD NAlLlNc tr GAS PIPING tr I]\ISULATION o sHernocr o Foou/H.TUB NAII:tr Etr tr FTNAL E FINAL MECHANICAL:ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. PO\ryER O HEATING O FTOUGH TT CONDUIT tr DISAPPROVED I] REINSPECTION RE( O EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR E] ^n lB FINAI- -- ,r tT- ( VX APPRoVED coFrFrEcTloNs: tt -ot -75 ,14 ,}Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL , /\-oate 7, a'7 5 Project Name: Building Name: Project Description:Na^^l Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: J s aw' , /Jf.fo ( . Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision Zone Districl Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval ! Disapproval Conditions: |Gtattnnnrouat oate: ?'7'7f DRB Fee Prc-paid //4+' ,{,! 0iTrc o co,ta, tt lr ooop +, uc !9o(, o(r O(.tJ IOllZJ 0. +, +, 6 o >r co o +, oz iEil ; 'g:! ! ;J; $il"9{ E 3?,9 3>6+, . '.;' x ,/ \ rt +r x ,?'w (.{tu rsoM & Assoct o AT ES LE Tr E db F TRA N S m o_TTrAF ? Archilecture Land Planning project Management (303) 328:2388 TO TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ' 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST VAIL, CO 8L657 WE ARE SENDING YOU E Attached 0 Under separate cover via O Shop drawings D Prints 0 Plans E Copy of lefter O Change order THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: f) Samples the following items: ! Specifications E For approval E For your use f, As requested 0 For review and comment o O FOR EIDS DUE O Approved as submitted D Approved as noted D Returned for corrections 0 Resubmit-copies for approval O Submit-copies for distribution O Return -corrected prints -19- O PRTNTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS coPrEs oATE NO.OESCRIPTION I 031395 "AS-BUILT., COPY COPY TO SIGNEO: r.@'.! ttot /ffi|r< ci*\ r- or.tl ll .hctoso.c. ..e not .. .,oacal. ki^dly aolit ut ra oac.. o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 January 30, 1995 Mr. Juergen Krogmann 2575 Davos Trail Vail. CO 81657 Depart nent of C omnrunity Deve lopme nt RE: Employee housing unit located at Lot 1, Block F, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing Dear Mr. Krogmann: Since the Town of Vail updated the Employee Housing Ordinance, one of the requirements is to track all employee housing units. This requirement was included in your employee housing agreement. The Housing Authority believes it can be more effective in providing additional housing if it understands how etfective the existing programs are. This information will also be valuable to the Planning and Environmental Commission and Vail Town Council as they make decisions regarding luture employee housing developments. By February 10th, would you please provide the following inlormation so lhat we can undersland how the employee housing unit is being used.oo Number of months in 1994 that the unit was rented .9 Nlonthly rental rate S-&AA z'- Name of First Tenant Places of Employrnent I/u ku()tr \,\Hours Per Week a Name of Second Tenantq", Hours Per WeekPlaces of Employment l'/n k 4 gv'-t- (On the back of this page, please add additional information about any other tenants residing in the unit.) Please return it to: Mr. Andy Knudtsen, Senior Planner, Community Development Department, Town of Vail, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657 This information must be submitted to our otfice by February 1 0, 1995. Providing housing that is atlordable has been an increasingly important goal ol the community. We appreciate your efforts and cooperation. Sincerely, ,,/ / r,/ // /J>4/" {iwcl 7k'"'7 IAndy Knudtsen Senior Planner rKc0ltAY 5 1 1994 8-642 P-43? 06109/94 04:13P PG 1 OF 2Fisher ff,.le County CJ.erk & Recorder '* typ, t EMPL'YEE ttoustN. uNtr EESITqTryEIoIElANI o t WHEREAS,, JuERGEN t(8ocl,rANN ls lhe ownor of cerlain plopotly ('lhO Oivnef) OescrlUeO u' Lot 1' BLock F' A Resubdlvision oE Val1 nas Schone' 4ro,o''*"-"' 538484 Sara J. REC 10.00 DOC 0r\ ("rfie Propcny")i and WHEREAS, the Owncrwishe5 to placr certaln roslricllons on lho usg of a unit 9f aparlmont localod on tho Proporty lor thO benotll ot lhe Ownet and tho Town ol Vsil, Colorado ("tho Town"). NOW, THEREFORE, tho Ownor doos hereby impooe, eslablish, aoknowledge, doclaro lor lhe borlolit of all psrgons who may hereinalter purchasor or leage, or hold lho cubloct lahd lhO folowlng rostrlcllong, covenails, and qondllions, all of which shsll be dcomod to run with the land and Inuro to thg bonolit end be bonding upon lho Ownor, ils respecllve 0ranloos, succsssors. 8P{,8$lgns. 1. rh6 Emproyse Housrns unr. conrainrns %rf{kt#,"\;rr-toted ao arypo I Employee Houshg Unlt (EllU) whioh must comply wilh all tho ptovisions of Sectlone 18.57.020, 18.57,030, and 10.57,040 ql ths Vall Munlcipal Code as amendad. Tho 'fype I Enployeo Houslng Unil shall not bo loascd or rented for any period ol lose llran thlrly (30) conscculive days: and, lt lt shall bo rBnled. it shall bo rontsd only lo lonanls wlro 0ro lull time employeos who work in Eaglo Cottnly. F:or lho purpo3os ol thls paraffaph. a lull tintc omplcyee 19 one who works an avorage ol a mlnlmum of thl(y (30t houa8 oach wLlek. A Type I EttU may be sold. tranglorrod, ot conveyect ssparatoly lrom any slngle lamlly lwo lamily dwellkrg only lf lt meets llro following oonditionsl a) lt mu$t be usod by tho q/./nsr ot lhe IyPe I EHU as a Pormanonl resld9nco. For lhe purpose of tlris parsoraph, a pcrmanent rosuEncc shall mean lho homo or pltco itr which one's habilation ls lkcd and 10 which one, wh0n0v0r h0 or she ls absenl l'la9 a prosent intention ot rellrnlng altcr a depadure or absonco thorElrom regardless ol lho durallon ot ab6once. ln delcrmlnhg whal is a Permanont residence, the Town slaff shatl lake the tollowlng circumstances rolallng to tho Ownor ol lns rcsidenoe inlo accounu buslnoss pursulls, employntont, Incorn0 6ourcos, lesidence lor income or olhcr tax putposes. age, marilal slalus, resldencs ol psrenls, spousc arrd children il any, tooallon of pcroanal and real proporty, and molor vohlolo r0gi6trali0n. b) U a Typo I FHU iB sold, lranstarrod, ot convoyed separalely lrom thB otlrsr unll in E Two.Famlly dlelling lt is a part ot. then both tho Typ€ | EHU and lhe unll to which lt is altached shall be subjocl lo sll tho provisions set forth in 90ctl0n 18.57.020. Tho Type I El-lU ohall nol be divided inlo any lorm 0f lhroshsres, Int€rval ownershlP, or lractlonal lea ownersnlp 8s llDse lsrnrs {re dollnod ln tho MuniCipal Code of ths Town of r{ Fl{'t..J ,o 2. s, (o 4. o Vail,t No |alor thai February 1 el each year, lho owner of each e mptoyoo houslng unlt wlthin tho Town whlch ls conslructed followtng tho ollocttve date of thls ordinanco ohall oubml uo (2) copiee ol s repo( ol a lorm ro be oblatnod from th6 communtly Devofopment oopettmenl, to the communily Devglopment Dopartm.nt ol tho Town ot vail snd chalrman ol tho Town ol val Hougtno Auillor[y s€tilng fonh svldonco oslsbllBhlng thal 6a0h lonBnt wlrom rosldes wilhin thstr employ€€ houslng untt 16 a tull"ilmo emptoyoo In Eagle Counly. Thirty dayc prior to tho lransfsr ot a deed tor a Type I EHU. the proopoctiye purchasor shall submlt an applicarion ro tho communiry Dovetopmont Depanment docurnontho fiar lho proapegllve purchaser m6elt lho crlteda eet torlh abovg and shEtl tnctuclo an allldavlr altlrming lhal he or she meets thoso crileria. Tho provlsions ol these restrlctlvo covenanls may b€ €nforced by tho or,vnsr and lhe Town The conditions, reslrlctlons, slipulations, and agrd€rnents contained hBroh 6half nol he walvod, ebandonsd, terminatsd, or srndndsd excepl by lhg wrl[on oonsent ol both tho Town ol valt and the owner of lhe proporty, TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado munlclpal corporatlon lnslrument wa$ acknowlodgecl betoro me thts I day of ilfo.lt|'rst My comml8slon 0xptr06: 5. 6. 7, 8. !f?ti By: I By: l ZEAiLE-,c-e, 9t b'rl 538484 B-642 P_43?06/09/94 04;13P pG 2 oF2 ci$orrhr\CdtEt{r4 o TO:FILE FROM:CHUCK FELDMANN DATE: FEBUARY 22, L995 SUBJECT: EXPIRED PERMITS MEMORANDUM THISFILEHAsBEENcLosEDANDTHEPERMITvoIDED.-AccESsToTHIS PRoPERTYTHRUREPEATEDREQUESTSoFTHEcoNTBAcToRHAVEFAIIJED. INFoRI.,IATIoNHAscoMETqIIHEATTENTIoNoFTHEBUILDINGDEPARTMENT THAT cEoRGE CARR e.x-.a.9rcenn piwsrlic & HEATTNG HAs I-,EFT TOWN AND HAS ABANDONED HIS BUSINESS. C4i,< /_/.9./2/d / fu-'4J X /L/o{r ' {2*f z-o'rV / s t/o,olud ( tlg Udorzt'r) ' 7. z/a*< Lh U*r /? /W oz ts =c UJc F anul UJt! L = Lu #y'/4 ra-lr€s'eu t7?V? CN I N I 2z E rl Itcn l<.<o|' rOlol r wliNllr:l I.l| 'x I l<:i ,g f - | a tEd rir;= ,? ,zJ t,^loo l>tiE,z D U ; a z 5 0 6 = ffiEs; e r EiN :(t 0) o E .E o) ,J luaEI lEloIL I IG E h o r)Ell ru 3=sz^ c rlt\ro N \c cn F E (L oz o) f CD :<() UJ z g. f-(J (5z6 Iz I L! qJ q./ z tr IIJ gJ og cl Bg gJ z 6 o F6 uJ (L l 2 t! (J )< uJa f- - U'u, UJt! F = UJ(L J F F z o =f F J z =f, z I uJ EEE;i E;;Fi !-; t-e l ,\lr{ NOrlVn-rVA -l -''lF1 <l Izl q F-rl r{lv rrr zo.l l-rl : -E =zzv- i o- A=x I zYFP oi 6oaZr()oir:4(JzXr!<oq aur :-:i6--Fofr rNO >E -r.o B zHB H F]tsX Fz z tr f { cr o UJo- c LUE z Eo xx z tr E l! . z tl Lzfz9q) o< =E2tE 3o<z Iz ttz n,oItro:r I (\i4 . ,11, -) zt2oi t\ El ') ol o i Fzi d 6 UJ il F fli ri,t =l sl :r? EI =qH;l 6il> PIF]I ] z. =<coo =z o- u- t (r ul o- f LIJ59E-.t ..\ oy2EYa9Eir sd:>E ;'j BFo14()i \'r-=i-io ar;-J .P XIEC YtlsE :l=r x)-9 U.-ts J'=i,, i-U {n o :<J(D 5 llll-fl Tirsl*l FFI(Dl TI(Dldl TIF!lHl<l-l I z:l u- FJ E zz E(J v u; =z (I) a I Az E 4Iz 14 .;..t 1tr4E 4 HIHl<lgl -l >l<l -lr-l ill eulq <l --, =l (o I Io- F\ Ln FlFI i (-) a d ?-j t tr t4 Ltt o<l --.t E @ N I N cn I o- cf - E !d'Fln.xl)ta)xE'l!t)X{xr!a))41t{Ild{ts+:X )xl)x ,FIj(=)g fiXr{xX ..f, a trc cF lvq)o HICcc Ht(DFHc trl I>iir'l oF+z4o>uJ 4J$sffx lz!3040iTF I ln IJJ trF = tr u IJ F =E o z' C' llj 5 tl.o zl]lpi g oz .; tu J z =I t!J uJF r.lJz B F UJF I <F u.J <zE (aZo <o()F FS ;F =z-uJ O -c) &Oozt- =<>(r fF'.3o <xYFz()3# /\ FYZ =g E. ttl -tJ \-, z -l.Jl<olau)-l .-! (\ E z lu tsa d)o-,zo rotrlY uJct Ft = u.l lJ- I lrlr z UJF o ts =E lrJ o-zoF(Jf E,Fazo C) o UJFoz z J f @ o6 zz t F FI == zz c.lHq,x .\rl I I I I I I "lts;..It9slr :ilo|,1'z tr<lo &15 ru tr';///'Ya U' UJ llJ LL L trJ H !-{ f-.1 z J \\ N '\J S $s'-* i I, f r-i \ H !-r f-.{ f'\:., ia; rg €E$fE €:E>"R ie;;: i ErBG IEES E E.'i E Ei;FB t";Eei SErBi €ligr 9i;,o66iiu F fioi Ei 6 p E6FSE:-of 3d60---c: o q, c erEc€ E l;:E T: F9 g ;s;Eg isH,;i (n UJ uJ LL ts =tr IIJ ) F F F = z o 5 26 fJ I I{ I q t.'l r'1 qti,1 '14clcl -l 4'lJ x 4 - 3Zu- 6zto tr. o J E UJz uJ >d z tr^ roo =r,ozu-<oq (L!a>x I cc f .. >l luo UJulzaF uJ(L) z Eoo o.^o69 t! tu F E -)) 3 F ullJ E UJzY iF UJ F z F)laz izfz <oo< >62(ERr5o<z vltl Lz 9z do3frOI Lrl& z Eo z tr F.J ;urz t$(l).n.+l at(tlElr I(p +. rfll lli+r .ltu.\lt.i =l'E al .T dl+Hl,d rl 6Sl.* ul I'lt2lt3lqol =.1ol LUI :l <l>l aLlol zl;lolFI rltltltlldll1ltolI ullllll<ll>lI u-lloltzl Ft d I I I I cil =.1olull 5l <l>l rLlol 5l g ol r!FIF *.ir-l A : a4{a "lFl l.'-l'l ut u.,i q IJg = )n >{ Ti&rd x?.? u4 =i4 -l x -A &,& ii z. (D __r xi] utru EI o<l-{ E v) .o l! :g I Ird F{tdFI1(| Eqq -t.ql el ull TI <l>l t4.lol zl;l sl (,z IL 6 5 oF tFz z ITJ = l-Ei!Lrr x+E Oz oF() Fzo o F uJJ E2? =f]Fd6 O uJ E <FGOuJ<ZE t,,l Zo() oz tr t llJc = H lr-oEg =E < rn )lc! l ;Fo I =<ii Yr cooi I =<E tr '-, I} q EE'E S . ,.-, --r >- Lli ltjE ;=lEFSI-U=IJi! J cl )<i i Hl .S9z. 3 *l zd?E ; Yl ohiE 3 El =usiE ^ -a J)=- ll Fl (DuJ> -g = fxTRtt'*rlTliff ri- \.. co 9.-,(o luF U) of z |- nJY ltJo F F =(4ERLLl -.{ t! .?lo'l !-;lClL!loFlo iil .r Fl H.;bEzo F =&lrlo tZ\o i6 f'-.8Fazoo z tr =€ ll*$alg \lI*91; l1 g;;i:iflii !iqeE\'19?!iqec\'1*?lEt:;!< . or =.9 -9 .il9a; - == O:,F:- C H _dtilrrJc. 3 s+Ex il :EF99H61]T_9E6p6.,FE $*i59e iF$$3n vo.vOO E:33O..;.r|qg,Y--.n--c :83;e A>==' c 9 o Fgc i'- (or ? ! I.c o _ - >;:(gE-siF F O O'-;: -i= o ;.= al cl .1!=F--^O ;€;oE.9-o9=!i9ro, qic F !{() X.-i:ql ? Y- v,5Y"d,.'!P! lrlIUI'!l ulcl Jl \c\Mr lrl - > c( ?-l - r 6 olzl - - FlgNcl I = @ c.r c4 trl rd- 3d=Z Z v- lrO O ().oltr ^ dzd(g 5 r eg = .\ X b!|t+&qb-x6 A Eol:. > <) 1..q o Yldt9 Z XrJ (rL < H trI q il.liP A dd(E 8 :51-; si Ur{ <t i ?Jt t! | > ./,l o I F =t d i t z n ftt l{.) | €l(Jl v) a(noo -E.E t'lr- z Ha zz E g u; =z bc o b{tr) E{4 I I lcolca | ,--{ I crtll| \ot lr'.ll. t\ril(0IL, lO't- 9")Yt/\>ul AH, .n1 -iffi* ,.tl I Hl Itl)ldlrilqol 0 xlc, olul F4 l(II .t 1ql "d Al dd '1 Et<tt Jflg 6l I (\ CN E& q) FI b0€ 14 I el olujlqt {lil f, llIlollzJtfl -l f, dfl ol1l ol uJlqt alilq zl il I I .l 1l('t lrll 5l El, u,z u.i <o(JF F5tO co! ozr I,IJI,: z g, .- =acoo =z:tf a.,P J oo =E l:(DtJ b: s IA ciio;tsoqE2loJF i9.:Ela =>FJI-! iF: 6;E ooI 5r,F OPh ptrs,Y!, i \u F l_r. () =Oz oz z LIJ5 oFo Fz z =-l J .lu t_-o ID 't zo Fo v u,(0 rrr v,\ lr z, I,IJ , 0-Ir -.1 > .l6 rl?lrl !J ,,, vT,d b E E,t! o-z ,9FO EFazo(J I r r^', |SOM & ASSOCIATES! r-\\ Ken Long Senior Planner P.0 Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Land Plannin0 (303) 328-2388 FAX 328-6266 Proiecl Management Town of Vaif .il"?,li'iil:H"3"::" 0FFlcffi fr#p NAME:KROGMANN REMODEL ADDRESS:2575 DAVOS TRvArL, coLoRADO OCCUPANCY: R3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V DATE:L0/28/93 CONTRACTOR:VAIL VALLEY CON ARCHITECT: ISOM ENGINEER: PLANS E)GMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Tb€ itens listed belor are not intended to be a complete listingof all possible code requirements in tbe adopted codes. It is aguide to selected sections of the codes. rhe following ig not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of tbe Torn of Vail . 1) SMOKE DETERCTORS ARE REOUIRED PER SEC.L21-O OF THE 1991 UBC, 2' FIELD ]NSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tNsPEcrloN neoi,lesr TOWN OF VAIL /r' /' JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI I ". AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_.., ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR _ tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"roN 'REduEfo,, TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr D D n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLvwooD NAIL|NG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D- tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING 4oucn tr EXHAUST HOODS tr'CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR Tl D FINAL tr FINAL eeeaoveo-ai4 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDI CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTIONTOWN OF hEollestVAIL I t t. DATE , READY FOR INSPE r/'T LOCATION: CALLER MON -\ ,.:T.UEg-.' ; )i ,t tt. THUR FRI- ,/.''" o' 4. /-ft.. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTIONS: DATE /l )r -Q->.(tl / U INSPECTOR Ttfet- 1,ia:. :l{ise.} . al s#s-noN- heduest " READV FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MON TUES w:@.T PERMIT NUMBER CALLER FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. trF tr trll trS tr_ E ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING OOF & SHEER ,.tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr ,=tr.'-ro*=,- tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPFOVED D RETNSPECTTON REQUTBED 'r0,, INSPECTOR ffisnop / ffi {s ffi ., i;* l,* ffi ffi dfi ifl{ !;fiil i# tiil tl,J| HS i:ieli:F ::; i"$ ffi ii$ t'T .;.{ l. trt ffi ,tr ffi ffi t$ 11 z/r lSoM & AssoctATEs U lr/O\ Architecture Landptanning prolscrManaffmenr ISOH & ASSOC. EHCC - 38332€t6266 a Decombor lq 1993 TOWN0F V/UL ATTN: DAll STAI{ICK Building D€partment 75 South Ftontagc Road Wcst Vall, Colorado 816J7 RE: KROGMANNRESIDENCB, VAILDAS SCIIONE DeuDan: This lettor will confinnour conversation oftoday concerning theKrogrnsnnresidencc onDaws Trail in Weat Vail, I have instructed the worlsuen on the job to inEtall four 2 x l0e as aboam undor the ooluuur al tho entrance to tlre kitotrca Ths beam is supported by tho aoncrete fourrdatlorr wall to the west and the lntsrior support urall on tlp closet neat the entra[ce aroa irr tlre bel€meat. Ewn though there is not a uupport at thir location prwiously, I frIt that thio b€am would be a eafety factor in the etrucf.lre Sincercly yours, cro: frrergen Krogmann (93?3loYt) P.0. Box I Eagle. 6e1otr6o tt*t (303) 328-2388 FAX 328-6266 I /7{, tsoM & AssoctArEs l__l lr/^\ Architecture LandPlannins ProjectManasement December 10, 1993 TOWN OF VAIL ATTN: DAN STANICK Building Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: KROGMANN RESIDENCE, VAIL DAS SCHONE Dear Dan: This letter will confirm our conversation of today concerning the Krogmann residence on Davos Trail in West Vail. I have instructed the workmen on the job to install four 2 x lOs as a beam under the column at the entrance to the kitchen. The beam is supported by the concrete foundation wall to the west and the interior support wall on the closet near the entrance area in the basement. Even though there is not a support at this location previously, I felt that this beam would be a safety factor in the structure. Sincerely yours, cc: Juergen Krogmann (9323tov2) P0 Box9 Eagle Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FAX 328-6266 }. :|. ''., ]:I INSPECTIONTOWN OI -,; ./ _,: ..i "' REOUEST VAILPEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME CALLER INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI Ai\l rPM ^ BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,-'ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o . tr FINAL E] FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING E ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: Forsnppnovro 'rynerruseecroN REeUTRED onre t t /l /it rNSPEcroR / hffisxop t ilign Review Action Feh TOWN OF VAIL f o^r"Q't'?f# Category Number- Project Name: Building Name: Owner. Address and Phone: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_Zone District Proiect Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: D Approval ! Disapproval x:::w"#, Town Planner on", ?'?4/ DRB Fee ere-paia lh n /7x rsoM & AssoctArEs Ll ll=\ Architecture Lano Ptanni"rs ProiectManasement 24 August 1994 Randy Stauder Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Krogmann Residence Dear Randy: Accompanying are two sets of a revised floor plan for the second floor of the Krogmann residence on Davos Trail in west Vail. The changes to the plan on the interior are very minor being a redesign ofthe master bathroom and closet plus relocating the gas fireplace to the east wall ofthe bedroom. The other change for the exterior is enlarging the balcony to 8' in depth instead of the approved 3'and extending it across and in front ofthe master bedroom. The new addition will have a stucco exterior much like Cortina Chalets, not a T-l I I siding. Mr. Krogmann will endeavor to replace the western retaining wall even though it is not on their property but the Town right-of-way. Please advise if these changes would be appropriate and could be handled by staffreview. Sincerely yours, v rb\L qrtot cc.: Juergen Krogmann 9324rhu hfd.t "tt W't, P.0 Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303)328 23BB FAX 328-6266 FIL T COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 343-479-2452 August 15, 1994 Deparnnent of Communiry Developtnent Steve lsom P.O. Box 9 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Steve: Thanks for meeting with me at the Krogmann residence last Friday. As we discussed on-site, the existing siding on the unit is T-1 11. The application for the addition [o the house stated that the siding materiallo be placed on the addition would match the existing residence. As you know, T-1 11 is not an approved building material within the Town. Thus, an approved type of siding should be chosen that will as closely as possible, match the look of the existing siding withoul being plywood. Another option would be to replace the existing siding on the house to match an approved siding material that would be used on the addition. Please call me to resolve this issue, We also discussed lhe two-tiered weslernmost retaining wall system. This wall is severely dry-rotted and in a poor state of repair, I would appreciate any attempts on your part to work with the owner of the unit to replace this wall at the same time that the other retaining wall is replaced. This is not a requirement on the project, it is merely a request from Community Development. Thanks for your attention lo these details. Sincerely, {=-/;K_4,, Randy Stouder Town Planner $ign Review Action Fen TOWN OF VAIL t" -- /r/y Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: 7)r-EIr Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address:7f ta r fia--V. Gomm Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval a Disapproval ,[ StaffApproval Ctnditions: Board / Staff Action Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid f-l /7{, rsoM & AssoctArEs Ll l/^\ Architecture Land Plannins Project Managemenl 24 June 1994 i.i J.l / i ) T,': i ! lrt,-, ."f llVr Lv",r ' .. r-'Ll tl Randy Stauder Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Krogmann Residence Dear Randy: On Thursday, June 23, 1994 I spoke with Andy Knudsen about deepening the garage for the Krogmann residence. Mr. Krogmann has requested that the garage be three feet deeper to allow for large vehicles such as a Suburban to be parked in the garage. The extension 3 feet to the south would not violate the variance that has been received on the property nor would it violate the site coverage since we are well underneath the site coverage for the site. Andy requested that we redJine 2 sheets of drawings for your perusal. I will contact you in a day or so to see ifthis is acceptable with these changes to the garage depth and second floor. fu nz*>-r /''*t( 4/E effftr+/ ^"x"-(t/rF F*;tr^ *gzhra'/, z/, /'r 7 Sincerely yours, +71 f 6r?fk 4-?l I 5lA 4truaT cc: Juergen Krogmann 9l22gffE A"z C/"-L- P 0 Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328-2388 FAX 328-6266 ttnn Review Action Fnn TOWN OF VAIL caresory nu^a.,47 '' k5)/euVlo/ rt(r#o^ * ,/o fq/ Project Name: Building Name: Project Owner. Address and Phone:e q76-qt Legal Description: Lot / atocx f Subdivision Project Street Address: L Board / Staff Action Molionby'. tub />rtl'V Vote:5--o seconded or, J;/4 ?,o"^ ln/ ffipproua / ! Disapproval t] StaffApproval /-,-zDJl 'J)*,,'''"'?/t r ", ) DRB Fee ,,"-ouo #so /*c( ZONE CHECK G, *, * ,rfolo*, orrr*r.rf DA'E: //u/rr f LEGAI DESCRIPTION: Lot / BlocK { ,r-tins M.Y)"t Sa/^, /{ ADDiREss z 2T7f baUr 6; / OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE PHONE PHONE Existinq Proposed ztl-\|*l a I 425 425 (t,qlo c 602o I Sfu A*:t-tL - 4- -.--- |3'/6' 3Lfrg/^"u' utoil) (,f s.eqra { (3oo)@ rroorrrro@ ,* Permitted Slope -!! Actual Slope /J2a Enoineer: /,/ r,,22 N/ lT..4- 3at - 6 eo6 **Lor ,rrs //, ){;%a-. 61 I,. S:/Z #> Height rorar GRFA attnt Allowed (30) (33) Prirnary GRFA Ittl += JIE> econdary GFFA :V;J rl(T ttul lt5y Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage 7o1o Landscaping btrb Retaining Wal1 Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental /Hazards : Date approved by Town Yes No 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope /,/h 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfallc) Debris FIow 4) lrletlands Previoue conditions of approval (check property file). Naut Does thle reguest involve a 250 Addit.ion? No / How much ot the altowed 250 Addition is used with this reguestZ,{/h **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Department may grant an excePtion to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections L8.t2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental. unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. = l{7'? - 20'l7'1 15' 15' (30) (s0) t,303 42b% P,176"' /W,_ffitG @' >2o' l<//t Yd€ftaa 4,V/qt lr{ flgu:,r,on I Yr*W A'-+"'^#"^'x2 try!^ rfu ^n/ s,^t a rl r^,,^#) trEtrEEEE r 'll J. .." ---..= ll il ti ii!i i :::..-.::.- . .i. : I \,\ \\l I r\\1. \) L N $ o 99Z9SeEe6g o ts l,l rl S I. CClStrrJ33t,t39g 'd ni r ''1 t-f ! frs-t ' lv\. i"_\ \1.(\u i '' '' ; : I ' I . ) : . i . l M tn U m[il [d T@ r:-1]ll----:----Jl HEHHEEM I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I i I I I Iniilirrl I I I I IFt'iIJ ifrrf Iotzrl m I i l t I I I i i t I I I I I I I I l I I I I i I I I I u(r.NH z z C i.4 +{.lrl Lr., ax3a6eJ pap I5 o tr3s2S626€. o IA rsoM & AssocrATEs Archil+h rre I and P!4nning Proiect Management FACSTMILE CORRBSPONDENCD TRANsMrrrot RAH>{ _ uoI\,l.PANY: --i- g v FAXNLIMBER: 4 ? L_: Z.l E L FRoM: i Hr-*g: ADDEDCOMMENTS: DATE: 2/!vrr'g+ - N[iMBEROFPACES Wfi{IS SHBET: 7 Etcr^r CONFIRMED SEM: Eag'e, Colorado 81631P.0. Box 9 {303)328-2388 FAX 328-6260 &>3tr€.j€-d $] F o ? (r) fr o 4 i x ! : 'n 0 I i c- 9F ,.,.3; 3 Er. '60 -ui! tr'al:O U F ,8H"fr .c F! e.d{oE'rEaci0 ' +rT pDut) : n 0et,l:E t9i c o .0 -Ot0 '.'{ 0 n- D.c\t l].d .rr o .,r kt -r 0!.0{ t c a rr o o.ir3 >.c g5u Il ,{.<.Jtl ir0rt(J d P.', ,. c,li Eoo o { ocz-1 541 .'t96r ,.4 \r. \. "-...\\ \ \ 'C\'. \t.\{ \'' \\i \l '\l /'./ lari'J,\-\/ l*' /\. o/)F ,,,- .//o ./\ //E il 3*'* ,'i' o ,'' IFfri' n ,\t_ ,.,' J ,z;''-*i\/-o,(r H!,'rf /, z6'd 997.9428291 t' s Ll) o{ $, I 4l dlLl 7l ul I tr) |-.)l Illrlul ttl kl 'lui I Ol bJlnl Ll AH-\i I rl 8l fri ,6 i l l I 5 o t c q ;i oz a T ri t"* r\' 9 3: F T 1:.-,. J c'F' \/l frs:, rl 2 trj l{ u \)r o{ IJf \] F J{ .tz q 'Ju 0v \r 'r*i I tloao \".-__ r\- 't' /' -\ "t-.--._-'--')+{* -".... \..* r*' " / -.t?{,- )/F a2 '3OSSH 3 l,l'f Sl3 31.13 2 -<--(' + :f \_, -ra5 N € =9.->/ EE -g's\s) e/€?€5 e, -+.3C\\i€ \r --\ 3 ] I I Lii q Frn {, u lil Ni fi ox &a F!J fiI ?fl l! q. 6 E x lii pd zt, fl+J i{$: u^5 "G) -'-'t I I I (i) I I I I L- -i l--l t... j 1 tL--.._. o rl X ------i:i:i?i:*". li\o,il'F'yllf/lI '(--,-/\- nl = r' lll1 :l JJfnJ j Liz ) L-lj...".iE{ t' .-"1(./') ir fFil ./ ri i..r '] ---"---.''-i--l v,|10il ;'-i(latf9fi,di --t $ ll JJl43 'JUE Cr' a' HUE I -l I I SOtl &ASSOC.El'lcc =aga?e6266 P. e t ffiTTtrfrF TRANSnnrrrr,Iu ,f$& ASSOGIATES Land Planning [J $hop drawlngc E Copy ol letter ; ., C ztCl | ;7ol/ gENDlNs vou ( r'tto"r,cd tr undu ssparate cover via ----------------tr Prints . D Changs ordel B Samples SE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked bdovr: E For approval fl for your use 'u A$" requEetsd ae Eubmltted E Resubmir copi€s for EpFroval D suhriil -copies tor dlstributiontr AFproved es nobd O Retlmed for correclions 19-;..,- D FRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US t ( 4/rn/.4t'* X; /3,2 c. a:r,..<:i,yl , .4).2<clry'n.-r'' ?24ai'r,../ 4; o €., {*, *u'* and commcnt tr FOP BIDS DUE- s following itrns: ' SIONED: I 7|nrir klr @t,.,c"-, h oun lf Sacloeur.t tt |'Ol .r nol.4 llndt nctltr tr: ti ci'cr. oH & fissoc.EHCC 3A e626€ 15l\da{ch 1994 RE: I(ROGMAIIN RESIIIENCE no dprfuikler ayrtem would be required for tho ltrogmann Residence. fbsre oall ifyou harre any qrreetiotrs. Sfutcercly, rs o 332 o gcl|lruf n ilX lsotrt & AssoctArEs lJ L,/'=\ Architectur€ LandPlanning ProjectManamment Mr. MichaalMccee Town of Vall FlreDePartment DearMdtad: We havo cnclosod a topographia nap of tho Vail Ridgc erce rrith the Krogmenn Paroel ond tho adjoining property to thereast. This mqp rhows ttrrt enrugenoy access is avaitable tlnough the udjoiniqc iE ;d to thc l(ogmann Parcal and wo would thcrdorc request your mncurrcnce thd {,*-r&da KcnLong oa. Krogmenn Eagle, Colorado 81631 r( P.0, Box 9 (3os)32&2388 FAX32&6286 rl|..; $*.*;\. T\\ t" I \iirc; rl\ Eg 'd -Kl. 99ZgEtZEgAg 33H= r1 '' *o':]ossu € Hos r l^**' Bob Armour stated that the third parking space should be localed on the west side of the house. Greg Amsden agreed with Bob's comment and added that a variance was not warranted for this site. Neighbors spoke against the proposal Kathy Langenwalter stated that the applicant is withdrawing the variance proposal and will provide an uncovered parking space on the west side of the two-car garage. She asked Randy to inform the Design Review Board about what occurred at today's meeting concerning this item. 2. A request {or a side and rear setback variance to allow for an expansion to the existing residence localed at (nnnffiot 1, Block F, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant Juergen Krogmann and Monica Roth Planner: Randy Stouder Randy Stouder made a presentation per the staff memo. Staff recommended approval of the requested variance with conditions as outlined in the memo' Steve lsom, the architect for the project, stated that they were proposing to enclose the airlock on the southwestern corner. He said that there would be no change to the exterior. In addition, he stated that they were proposing to construct a second floor over the existing garage. Steve stated they would remove an interior stairway in order to enlarge the existing master bedroom and create the primary unit as upstairs. Jeff Bowen stated that he did not have a problem with this proposal. He said that he would like lo see access for a fire truck created. He felt that this proposal was positive for this site. Allison Lassoe stated that she agreed with Jeffs comments and added that she would like to see additional parking space on the site. Kathy Langenwalter added that the additional parking space should not be located next to the garage. Steve lsom stated that Condition #3 of the slafl memo would be difficult to meet' The PEC decided that Condition #3 would be eliminated. Bill, Greg and Bob had no further comments concerning this proposal. Jeff Bowen stated that Condition #3 should be deleted unless it was required. Pbnning and Envlronmo. al commigdon F€,bMry 28' 1994 I- Kathy Langenwalter asked that the four evergreen trees be relocated so that the trees would be localed along the back of the proposed addition. Jelf Bowen made a motion to approve the requested side and rear setback variances per the stalf memo with Conditions 3 and 4 being deleted as conditions of approval. Greg Amsden seconded the motion and a 7-0 vote approved this item. 3. A request lor a worksession for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located aI227 Bridge StreeVLots C and . D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, VailVillage lst Filing. Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, lnc. and East West Partners Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica made a presentation to the PEC and stated that the purpose of this worksession was to discuss the progress that has been made with the requested major CCI exterior alteration. He stated that the filth floor was a significant issue on this site. Jeff Winston, the Town's design consultant, stated that he had spoken with the applicants and staff several times since the February 14, 1994 PEC worksession. He said that there were still some concerns with the proposed mansard and flat roof forms. Mike Mollica stated that fifth lloor double dormers would be repeated on the back side of the building as well as the front. Jeff Winston stated that the double dormers were positive. He stated that in his opinion, a view corridor encroachment still appeared lo be the most favorable solution for this site. Ned Gwathmey stated that they would like to find a solution that would allow the applicants to proceed with construction activity on April 15, 1994. He stated that he lelt that he had designed a solution that would work for the site without necessitating a view corridor encroachment. Bill Anderson stated that the double dormer approach was positive. He stated that the architects had done a good job modifying this request since the February 14, 1 994 PEC worksession. He stated that changing the fifth floor roof line was an improvement. He said that he would support a view corridor encroachment for this site. Bob Armour stated he would be in favor of a view corridor encroachment. Kristan PriE suggested that the PEC keep the view corridor encroachment criteria in mind, during this discussion. Phnning lnd Envlronmenlal C.ommission F€brurry 28, 1994 n /7{, tsoM & AssoclArEs l_l lr/^\ Architecture Land Planning Project lvanagement February 2,1994 R[u'i; ;',;i I1994 Town Of Vail Planning Staff Attn: Shelly Mello 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: REQUEST FOR DRB REVIEW FOR KROGMANN ADDITION-LOT I' BLOCK F, A RtrSUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE Dear Shelly: This fetter is an application for DRB approval to renovate a duplex residence at2575 Davos Trail. This duplex was constructed prior to the adoption of the existing ZoningRegulations for the Town of Vail. At the time of construction. the rear set back was 7.5 feet and side setbacks were 7.5 feet. 4 rn. application is for the following changes for the first floor: l) An entrance air lock to be located within the 15 foot side yard setback. The new walls will be extensions of the existing walls that were constructed about 1974. 2) The easterly wall of the existing garage will be torn down and replaced by a new wall as shown on the plans and an entrance air lock.will be added. |',r ,41'ttre following changes to the second floor are proposed: l) A portion of the existing porch will be enclosed as shown on the floor plans. 2) The living space above the galage will be added as part of the primary unit. The total area of Lot I is 0.2644 acres or I 1,5 17 square feet according to the enclosed survey by Leland Lechner. a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado. ,$ {-'.g^44 gzrrr -"iu h .r/;-.-f,/ kn u^r^sh>w ktL'u"\ t,*} rrt bq (€g . {:__Urrn"pOk\r,r P.0. Box I Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328-2388 FAX 328-6266 Ptc,D FEts ? t9y{ TOWN OF VAIL/KROGMANN/page 2 The following Site Data applies to the proposed addition: Allowed Site Coverage----20% or 2,303.4 square feet Proposed Site Coverage--l9 Yo or 2, 182.0 square feet Allowed G.R.F.A. (1 1,517 X .25) + 425 +425 = 3729.25 square feet Proposed G.R.F.A. ( lst floor ) : 1,534.5 : (38% of Total allowable GPJ'A) Proposed G.R.F.A. ( 2nd floor) =_1.!84.1! Proposed Total GRFA : 3,519.1 Allowed Impervious Site Coverage : 4,606.8 square feet Proposed Irnpervious Site Coverage:4,600.0 square feet Allowed Building Height : 33 feet Proposed Building Height = 2l feet The owner, Juergen Krogmanrl agre€s to restrict the secondary unit and has signed the Type I Employee Housing Unit Restrictive Covenant. Three copies of the following are enclosed: l) Design Review Board Application 2) House plans 3) Elevations 4) Site Plan 5) Survey 6) Signed Covenant A check for the fee of$100.00 is attached. Please call if you have any questions or need more information, Sincerely, Ken Long cc: Monica Roth (9322totS) :' rovis€d 9/A/91 DRB .a.P!LTcATION _ rowN .oF vrllr, cor,oRe.Do DATE APPIJICATION RECEIVED 3DATE O!' DRB MEETING : . ***** ***r*fl't,o rrnTATS IIPIJICAIPION ITTLI, NOII BE ACCEPIEDuNrxL .ttr!,. REQpTRED rxFonrqnrioN-r-s--i6Lr.rrrrrp**itt** ***PROJECT INEORM}TION: ?toQ4 I. A,DESCRIPIION.:wa11 aragei and replace withfloor addition.wa l.:t-TYPE OT REVIE!,I: New Construbtion ($200.00) x Addition ($50,00) Minor Alteraeion ($20.00) Concept.ua] Revieu (90)C. ADDRESS: 2575 Davos Trail D. IEGAL DESCRTPTTON: r,oL I.Jfr\r.rJJ t rro\,1\J.rrruN : lrou - , r Block Subdlvlsion Vail Das Schone If property is described bydesqrlption/ please provida aEuach to this applicat ion. a neets and boundson a separate sheet legal and ZONING: NAVE OFMailing AI,PLICANT .Address: !9T lnPe r If requtred, applicant:atampect survey showing fbl arej.must provldo a cuaront.Arr.ached ll^ql7 sq.fE. Phone ilJlYP.oF ApplrcANy s REpRESEN?ArIVE: Isom & AssociaresMalling Addrcss r Eegtre,.C0 8153t Phone q?i-rang NAME OF OWNERS: Aergen gnann sIGNI\TURB (S) :Malling Addresi VALUATION$ 0-$ 1o,o0o$10,001 -$ 50,000$50,001 -S 150;OOO $150r 001_ - g 5OO/ 000 $500,001 - S1, 000,000S . Over S1/ 000,000 INC. Phone Condominlum lpproval if applicable , n/a PIB FqEt DRB fees, as shown above,. are to be pald agthe t.tne of submlrcar oc onn-aiiii.;;io;: ' Larer, whenapplylns for a building. permir,'pi;;;;-i;."rrf,y theaglyfaqg valuation of irrl prop6sat. -ine-rown of, Vatlwrrl adjusr rhe feo accordl,.;;-i;-ino iiiir!'bero*. toensure the coriect fee is piia.- 'Eri: q.sFnrrtn . Y-zx el.,a ' fu of - FEEs 20.00s 50.00 $r00.00 <- s200.00 $400.00 s500 .00 * DEsrcN ntvrEll BoAnD AppRowfr ExprREs oNE 'EAR ArrER r.xNAr .ATPROVAI,. UNLESS A,BUILDING PER}[T"'I i;Iuno A}ID coNsTRucTIoN IsSTAREED. XINO 'IPPIJICJITTON I{I!L AE PROCESSED }IIT'OUT OWNER' S SIbNATUBE lIsT -qF MATERTAT,S NAME OF PROJECT: Krognann Rgsidence LDGAL D[scRrprroN: Lor_L:_ BLocK F suBDrvrsroNYS:l tr3: J9!9" STREET ADDRESS : ? 57 5 T)rrro< 'T're i I DDSCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Remove exlsEing garage wa11 and replace new ga.rage r4ra11 and second f 1_o-or addltior"t. 2 tgst ?he followlng lnformation is Review Board before a final BUILDING MATERIAIJS: Roo f S 1d 1ng other lfa]I Materials Fascia Soffits Wl ndo\.rs wlndow Tr im Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck RalI s FIues Flashings Chl.mneys Trash Enc losures Greenhouses Other required for subniltal to the Dosignapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIALexisting, N/A COLOR To naEch existins N/A N/A To maEch exisEing To match exis E ing B. N/A N/A N/A I{14 N/A N/A LANDSCAP ING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT !'IATERIALS: BOtANiCAI NAMC PROPOSED TREES Common Name OuantitV Sl. ze* EX:STING TREES TO BE P€MOVED No change to Landscaping *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. liinimum calioer fordeciduous t rge-s i.s 2 inches. Indlcate heighL for conlferoustrees, Minimum helghc fo)i conlferolls lrees is 6 feet, ,qacD FFq wi th PLANT MATER PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED rlndlcate s ize5 qal Lo4 . GROUND COVERS S L,|IJ SEED OIT IRRIGATION TYPE OR MBITHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Bot an i c.e ] Nane Common flamq Slze* <t'qr.e" --e-5.qql' of, proposed shrubs. Minimum slze of slrrubs ls Type Square Footaog No .hrnge fq. eYferi or C, LANDSCAPE LIGHTING; If exlerlor ltghting is proposed, please abow the number of fixtures and }ocatj-ons or1 a separateIlghting plan, Idenuify each flxLure from Lhe lightinq pLan on the Ilst, belOw and provide the wattage, treiglrt abovegrade and type of light proposed. No change OIHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retainlng wallsr fences, swlnmlngpoolg, etc.) Please specify. Xndlcato heights of retalningwall8. Maximum helght of wa1Js wiehin the front selback ls3 feet.. Maximum height of walIs elsewhele on the proportyis 6 feet. No chaqge ITY LOCATION VERIFICATJIN SUBDTyTSTON Vail Das 9"ttp_qg JOB NAMA Kro gmann Resldence ror 1 BLOCK F FILING ADDRDSs :?475 Davos Trail, Vail' CO 81657 The ]ocatton and avallabiliLy of utiliuies, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, nusL be apProved and verlfied by the foll-owing utilities for Lhe accompanying site plan. Authorlzed Siqnalure Dat e U. S. Weet Communlcat ions 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public servlce Company 949-5?8r Gary HaI l Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 9A9-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage cablevislon T,v, 9 4 9-55 30 SLeve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley water & Sanitation DlsL!ict '.476-?480 Fred Ha8]ee No Changes ro ExEerior No Changes to Exterior No Changes to ExEerior No Changes to ExLer ior No Changes to ExEerior NoTE: 1, Thig form is to verlfy service availability and location, This should be used in conjunction wichpreparing your utility plan and schedulinginstalIations, 2, For any new construction proposaf,, the applicant must provide a completed utility verificaLion form, 3, If a utillty company has concerns wlth the proposed conscructionr Ehe uLility representative should noE directly on che uLility verificatlon forn that thero i6 a problem which needs Eo be resolved. The issue should Lhen be spelled out in detail in an attached ]etter Lo l-he Tovrn of varl'. However, please keep in mind Lha! it is Lheresponsibility of Che uLility company to resolveidentified problems. 4. If the uLIIlty verification form has siqnatures f,rom each of the utlllty cotnpanies, and no comments are made dlrectly on tshe form, the TownwilI presume t:hat, there are no problens and that.the development can proceed. 5. These verifications do not relieve the contractorof hls responsibility to obLaln a stleet cutpernit from the loHn of Vallr Department of Public I'lorks and to obtai.n utililv }ocat-lons beforo dldqinq in any public right-of*way or easemont in the town of vail A buildj.nq permit lg not astreer cut- p_e.Elni L. A street cuE permlt musb be obt.alned separately, * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and el-evatioDa when obtalning upper Eagte VatLey WaLer & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed, I j I I DATE: LEGA', DESCRIPTION: SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICT$ lot I Tr ai1 Block -L- Fl L ing Vni I Sas Schone ADDRESS; 2575 8f9: OWNER .lrrergen Krogm:nn ARCHITECT Tcnm ,i Assoc-i a f es, Inc. PHONE PHONE 47 6-3138 328-2388 AI I or.red Exist inq 3338. 5 I q8a 6 1534.5 Permlttad Slope 8t ActsuaI SIoPe No Change DaLe approved by Toun Engineer: Yes 1l )\ rr^ V 1)1rr v-_--_______!:_ r r r Flood P laln Percent Slope No Geol"ogic Hazards N/A a) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris F low 4) Wet Iands trE Prevlous condft,tons of approval (check property file) Does thlB request dnvolve a 250 Addition? -----:-ll€ .-. How much of Lhe allo'n'od 250 Addition is used wlth thls requesl? **No!e: Unde! Secilons I8.12.090(B) and 18.I3.080(B) of the Municipal Code, Iots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary whj'ch.are les6 than 15,0b0 sq. fb. ln area may not construcL a second dwclling unit' The communiLy DeveloPment Depirtment may grant. an excePtion to -thi6iesgriction pro.rided the applicant me6Cs Uhe crlLeria aet forth under S""iion. 18.i2.090 (B) and i'e. t:.080 (B) of the Municipal Code _includlnsiJ.i"r."civ ';;;;;i;iL"s the unic as a rong-Lerm xenLar unit for furl- time employees of the Upper Eagle valley' ZONE DISTRICT L PROPOSED USE Re s ident iaf * 't LoT srzE 11.517 sq.ft. He lght TOTAI GRFA Prinary GRFA L7,27.,6+ Secondary GRFJ\ -!!|!35* Setbacks !'ront S tdes Rear water Course Setback Slte Coverage Lands caping Reta{nlng Wa 1I t{elghts P a rki ngr Garage Cred!t Drive: View Corridor Encroachm€nt: Envi ronmental /Hazards : (30) (33) 2I 2819 2744.2 594-3 t2s = 2L52.6 1341. r 6L1 -\ 425 =Jy:!- 1403. 1 131.4 20' -+a---.---15' L/. /Lz.) 15' -f,{5- (30) (so) 4607 Nn ch erlge 3t /6t NIA Reqrd No change - (300) (600) (900) (1200) 6no Propo_oeq Tota I 2I 2L 10 o FI !_t COP Y TOI|IN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D ep arnne nt of C onmwniry Deve lopme nt January 27,1994 Steve lsom lsom and Associates P.O. Box I Eagle, CO 81631 FAX: 328-6266 RE: The Krogmann variance Dear Steve: We have completed the initial review of the Krogmann variance application and proposed residential addition at2575 Davos Trail. The following items must be submitted to complete the application. Once we receive the requested items, we can schedule you for a Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeling date. 1. The owner's signature is required on both the variance and the DRB applications. 2. A topographic survey showing: the location of existing structures and other improvements to the lot; spot elevations, starting from the edge of asphalt at Davos Trail and ending at the garage floor slab; all slopes 407o or greater; existing vegetation; and the location and height of any retaining walls. 3. A landscape plan should be submitted; a combined landscape/site plan on one sheet is line. The landscape plan should include information on what, if any, plant materials will be removed as a result of the residential additions. The landscape plan should propose a planting program to screen the building additions that are proposed, especially in areas where they encroach into the rear and side yard setbacks. According to my calculations, the landscape requirements for the property have not been met. The existing building and asphalt coverage on the site is in excess of 40"/". The site is approximately 825 square feet short of the minimum landscaping requirement of 60% coverage. The combined site/landscape plan should show existing and proposed topography, especially as it relates to drainage provisions. Mr. lsom January 27,1994 Page Two I understand you may wish to amend the application and propose constructing the residential addition over lhe existing garage rather than demolishing the garage and moving the entire structure forward out of the rear setback. This would of course change the application and we would need to see amended site and landscaping plans and new elevations. Once we receive the information requested above we will schedule the application. I spoke with Ken Long regarding potential dates lor the PEC meeting. lf I receive the information requested above no later than February 3, I will schedule the application for the February 28 meeting. lf you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at479-2138. Sincerely, 6il^. I JL,1Y-tVrv'l(Jt Ot u **?4'/Randy Stouder Town Planner oo frRetum to PROJECT: DATE SUB Y fd4 DATE OF PUBLIC HEAR COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT ru& 1,t'{a hee Reviewed by:Date:,''./2'2t: L /o='-z ...!- . ,-t "-/ -:/t:,...-'a" '''| r /.": - '-n - 7.,..t/* /ty' '" r "':'''1 5 ' -' -'-1"t'(< ' z?"/':t ' "'"'' '"^ /tu)t /t" '/ tO i ) z)r;' '<: 2" / /4' <r'a-'I t ) t',?t:. .. . - . '( 5, 1'z'-""/ rri..d i llY&l Return ," V*'/4 flrr/qffiner PROJECT: DATE SUBM INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW W,o^,,n k&l*^ftt DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PHOPOSAL: fte-r-r/o( ru%- 6fu*/ n l*tl/ Htfu,l6ry,?e 44) a',;ta-,-( du ,urr,ffifu, "# 6'/" a 9rr gt- otfu' G,q.P* Jlna.6/49 ffi!"air(1r/*n/)' | /,L4 bo-(. k Engineerins: AY #"E I Reviewedbv:f, t g^r"' /4,* f ' ^-t s' () ,,^ L,..- (- bu"'/J +" t^"-f, ,/ U (-t S u ,..-- Reviewed by: Comments: '^, ild{{o*' , dr\.o" Comments: \r) +ry oJ)"/,'uno' ( ,t frl\-/ ,.) ,rr-! 1. Jr-"^ { l.-^ 4r/o.., --J J"L Landscaping: 9e,nzn : L) IC t/&, '"F l-/ Date: orovis ed s/4/9L DRB APPITCAIION - IIOHN.OF \rAXL, COI,ORADO DATE APPITCATION RECEIVED : DATE OE DRB MEDTING: . ********** A. DESCRIPT.ION.: TIITS APPIJICJTTDION WIIJJ NO! AE ACCEpTEDI'NTIIJ ATJJ. REQUIruD INiTOR}OIIIION rS -SUiUrrrgO ****t***** PROOECT rNE.oRMATroN 3 REC'DDEC 2 S lss I. B. TYPE OF RDVIEW: _ New Constlu'ction ($200.00) . x Addition (9S0.00) Minor AIL era!ion Conceptual Review ($20.00) ( $0)c, ADDRESS: 2575 \avos TrailD. TEGAL DEscRIPTioN: I,oT I Block Subdivlslon Vail Das Scfr6n ff propert,y ls descrlbed bydesqrlption, please provicleautach to t.his appLication. a neets and bounds legirlon a aeparate sheet and ZONING: N,|].tB oF!railing APPLICNNT 3Address: I,9T IRqA: ff required, applicantsramped survey showing lot area.must provldo a current,Arrachqd ll.517 sq_._f t. Isom & AssociaEes @Phone NAME OF O*NERS. Juergen Krogmann |SIGNITURE(s): iMalllng AodresF INC. Condonlnlum l\pproval if appllcable, n/a pnn nEEl OM-I::il . as shown above, are to be paid arthe tihe of submlcuaL of, DRB iipir."uuron. Later, whenapplyins foT..1-l!j:rdins. permit,' lrease iaent.iiv-lire"-''accurate valuation bf the proposil . The Town-lt-v"ffwirl adjusr r.h9 fec_accorcins' io-Cr,e iauri-iitii,.li- Mensure ghe correcr fee is ,^^, ,r" r;;;-r- A--e: $E'Frt cn uFnrrr T: VlLUlrrIoN FEE (4$ 0-$ 1o,ooo Sio.oo110,001 -$ 50,000 $50.00$ 50,001 - $ 15O.OO0 $100.00 <- 91s0,001- - $ 500, ooo $zoo , dd L $5001 001 - $1, 000. ooo $400. OOS . over $1, OOO, 000 6soo. oo * DEsrcN REvrE!| BOARD AppRo\rrdJ ExprREs oNE XEAR AFTER Fil{ArJ .AIPROVAI, UNLESS A .BUI'-.DXNG PERMIT rS iSb-UEO AND CONSTRUCTTON ISSTASTED . 't*NO IPPIJICAEION WIIL AE IROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S S XbNATUR:E ,fi?q .6r?g araqe an addi r ion. avos rral- II, PRE-APPLICATION MEETIN9: 1,. pl:-gppff"at ion meec,ing wirh a member of rhe planningscaff ls stronqly encouriged to deteimlne if any addltionalappllcatlon inioimatjon ri neea.J, --iL is tn" apptlcanlsresponsibirity to nake .tr lppoinirn"ni wrth the suaff todotern.ine if rhere are adaitionar subrnitcat ;;q;i;;";i".please not,e. that a coMpLETE "ppiicaiion wlll sfreamti".-inuapproval prOCesE for your projlct., III. In addltlon to meeting subnlt!'al requiretnents, the?ppllcant musL 6take and tape the project 61Ee rorno,lcaEe property Iines" bullding lines and bulldlngcorners. AIl lrees to be removed nrust be taped. AiI6ite tapings and staking nusL be qo^piuluo prtor to cheDRB site visit. The appltcanr musr ;;"";; ir,"t "iir.intdone during the wlnter ie not buried Uy .no". Ihe review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requlrestwo-s€parate meeclngs of the Design neview Board; aconceptual approval and a final afproval . Appllcantsshould plan on presenelng their ab'vaiofienr proposar ata mlntnum of two rneetingi before ouuiiiinq finafapproval. Appllcants who fail to appear before the Design RevlewBoard on their scheduled- ireeting aii"-ina-"no have noua6ked 1n advancc thar discusstoi on cneii icem Uepostponed, wiII have their items ,e*o*r.d-from che DRBdocket.unt,il such time as the ltem has beenr6pubI isbed. The.fol.Lovring items may, at the discretion of t.he :::1lg-l9.t"isr. rar.or, be approved by Lhe CommuniryueveJ.opment DeparLment sLaff (i.e. a formal tteariigbefore the DRB may not be requlred) : a. I*19:":t :f:tiglrs and simt.Lar exlerior changeswnrcn do noL alLer the existlng plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addit,ion. proposaLs not vislble from anyot.her lot_or public space. AE tbe'time such aproposal ls subniLted, applicants ,nusc lncludeLetters fron adjacent property or"nei" and./or fromEn€ agent for or managor of any adlaccntcondomlnlum associatlon sl:at ing thE issoclationapproves of lhe adcllLlon. If a property is located ln a rnapped hazard area (j.e.anow aval-anche, rockfalI, flood iiatn. aeuris fiow, -- werland, etc), a hazard it.roy rnusi le'.JU*itt"o and thoowner musL 6ign an affidavit recognlzing the hazardreporL prior. to t.he lssuance of, a-buildinf permic.'Applicants ar:e encouraged to check "iin-a"ro"n plannerprior ro DRB application Lo aeuermirre-in! relatlonsrripof che propercy to all mapped tararas. -'-- " for all resldentlal construction: e. CIeaxIy lndlcate on the floor plans the insidefaco of the exterior structurai vraLIB of thebuilding; andb. Indj,cate with a dashed tine on the site pJ,an afour foo! distance from Lhe excerioi iace of thebuildinq wa]Is or supporiing cotumns. D. E. If DRB approvesmodifications/ resolved prior the appllcation lrit.h condltions oraL1 conditions of approval mu6t beto Town lssuance of a buj.Idlng permit. IV.NEW CONSTRUCTI o ONIThr€o copies of a recent tol)oqraphic s,.urvsv' stemped bv-a llceneed surveJor. ae a scale of 1l - 20t ot larger, on $lrlch the following Information is providedl 1, Lot area. 2. Two foot contour l"ntervals unless the parcel con8isEs of, 6 acres or more, in whlch case, 5' contour intervals nay be accepLed, 3. Existing Lre€s or groups of Lrces havlng trunks$ith diamet.ers of 4" or more, as measured from apolnE one foot abovo grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and ot,her significant. naCuralfeatures (Iarge boulders, intermiteent Etreams, etc , ) , 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfaII, etc.), centerline of, stleam or creek, requlred creek or stream setbackr 1o0-year flood plain and slopes of 4Ort or more, if appllcable, 6. Tles to existsing benchmark,' elther uscs }andmark o! 6eHer invert'. This information should be clearly stated on the survey 60 that aII rneasuremencs ale based on the same slaltlng Polng.Thls ls particularly imporcant for height moasurementg. see Policy on survey Informatlont f,or more information.regarding surveys. 'l , Locations of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culveres, swaleSretc. mus'L be shown. b. ExacC locaLiorr of existing utl1lty source8 and proposed service Iines from thelr 6ource to the structure. Utilities Lo include: Cable TV Telephone S eerer Wat er Gas B. c. show al1 ulility meter Iocation6/ including any pedestals to be locaLod on site or tn the riqht-or-way adjacent to Lhe site. Revocable . permlts fronr the Town of vaiJ- are regulredf,or lmprovements in the right-of-way. d, Property lines - dlstances and beallngs and a basle of bearing musl be shown. e. All easements (Tltle report must also includeexisting easement locaE ions ) 8. Exlstlng and finished grades. 9. Provlde spot elevations of the street, and a mlnlmurn of one spoc elevation on either side of t,he lot.. 25 feet. out from Lhe side property line6. C{l-6 Dl^n l. Locatlons of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. Proposed driveways, Percent slope and SpoL elevatlons must be shown. AII existing improvemenls including s!ruclures, landscaped areasr service areasr storage area6, walks, driveways, off-street parklng, Ioadlng areas, retaining walle (vllLh top and boteom of wall- bpot elevations), and other exlsLing slte rmprovemenu s . , for ttte staff to determine buildlng height, AlIrldg€ lines-should be.lndicat.ed on-the 61te plan.Elevat.lons for roof, rldges shall also be lndicat,eELevat.ions for roof, rldges shall also be 1 tedon.the slts plan wl-th correspondLng fin{shed andexi8ging grade eleva!ions, A. Driveway grades may noc exceed. Bt unlesg approveclby the Tonn Enginee!. LandBcape. pJ,an (1', = 20, or larger) - 3 coples requlrod 1. Tho f,ollowlng informatlon nust be provlded on ttreIandscape pIan. The locatlon of, exlsclng 4"diameter or Larger trees, the locatlon, 6lze.spacing and type (common and ]atin name) of allexlstlnE and proposed plant naterial , AII treesto be saved and to be removed nust alao boindlcated. The plan musL also differentiatebetween existing and proposed vegetation. 2, Conplete the attached landscape materlals Ii6t. 3. The location and type of existlng anct proposedwaterlng systens to be employed in caring- forplant naterLal following lCs tnseallatlo;. 4. ExlsLing and proposed conlour lines. In order t,o clarify tho Lnter-relation of the varj,ousdovglopnent proposal componont€, please incorporate aamuch of the above informatl.on as possible ont.o the slt,eplan , Sion. gff ffgm eacb uClllty companv verifying theIocation. of utiliey service and availability (seoaCtached). A preJ.j"m{nary t+tIe reporL must accornpany aIIsuDmrEEaJ,s, to Lnsure property ownershlp and locat,ionof all ggseEents on property. Archltectiural Plans. (1/8" = l, or larger, L/4,, lEpref,orred scale for review) 3 copies required. 1. Scaled floor plans and alJ. elevatjlons of theproposed developmenc. Elevations must shovr both. exlsting and finlshed gradea. 2. One set of floor plans must be ,,red-Llned" to showhow tbe gross residential floor area (GRFA) wascalculaLed. 3. Reductions of alt elevatlons and the slte plan (g-L/2tt x l-1$) for incluslon in pEC and/or TownCouncil nemos may be requested. A. Exterior aurf,aclng rnaberlals and matorlal colorsghall be specified on the attached malerials llst.Thls materials list, musl be completed andsubmiet,ed as a par! of DRB apptication. colorch1p6, giding samples etc., should be present,ed tothe Design Reviow Board meetlng. ?ong chgc\ I+s!. (atrached) nust be compJ.ered lf projecris locabed within the slngle-Family, pilmary / sec-ondiryor Duplex zone districts. Photog of lhe exlsting sit,e and. v,lrere appticabJ.e, ofadJacent st ruct,ureE. NOTE: D. oof riclqe s (withElEtin o I. The Zoning Admlnlstrator and/or DRB may requ submi6sion of additional plans, drawings' the speclfications. sarnples and otber materials (j.ncluding a model) if deened necessary to determine whether aproject wiIl compty wlth Deslgn Guidelines. V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUII.OINGS. Photos or skeeches which clearly convey the ledeveloPnent proposal and tbe location (site plan) of the redevelopment proposal may be submitted in tieu of the more formal lequirements set forth above, provtded alI important speclf,lcatlons for che proposal including calors and materials t'o be used are submitted. VI . ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Orlglnal floor plan6 wlth all speciflcatlons shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans 7/8" = 1' or larger 0/ 4" - f is preferred) C, Three copies of a slte plan showing existlng and proposed construction. Indicate roof rldge elevations wiLh exlsting and proposcd grades shown underneath, D. Elevatlons of proposed addition, E. Photos of lhe exist.ing strucLure. F. Specifications for al} matoria.l"s and color samples onmaterlals ]-ist (attached) . At. the reque6t of t.he Zoning AdninistEator you may also berequired Lo subnlt: G. A gtatement frorn each utility verj.fying locatlon ofservice and availabllity, Sec attached utlllty IocaLlon verificalion form. H. A site improvement surveyf stamped by regiscered nrnfocc i nn> -I--,------.,-I AUrveyor. L A prellminary cttle reportr to verify ovrnership ofproperty, whlch lists all easenents. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN once a building permit has been issued, and constructlon 1s underway, and before the Bulldlng Department. wiII schedule a framLng inspeclion, two coples of an Improvement LocatlonCert,lficate survey (ILC) sUamped by a registeredprofessional englneer nust be Bubmit.ted. The following inforrnat.lon nust be provlded on the ILC: Buildj.ng IocaEion(s) with t,ies to properLy cornersli.e. distances and angLes. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. AIl utIIlLy servlce Iine as-builts/ showj.ng lype of mat.orlal used, and size and exact locaLlon of Iineg. Dralnage as-bulILs. Easls of bearlng to tle to 6ec!ion corner. o lre A n E. G. AII property pins are to be either6tated on iftprcovenent survey, All easements, Bulldlng floor elevations and a]] wiLh exl.sclng and proposod grades Iines. found or sei:. and roof rldge e levaE i ons shown under the rldge VI II . CONCEPTuAL DESIOREVIEI,I A, $ubmlttal _TeguirementF I The owner or authorlzed agenc 9l aly proJect requlring design approval as prescrlbedDy cnra chapEer may submlt plan6 for conccptual revlow!v tne Deslgn Revlew Board io the Departmonr ofCommunlty Development. The conceptual revlew lslnfend.ed to give the appllcant a basic understandlnq ofthe _ compatlblllty of their proposaL wjrb rhe Tov,rn,aDe6ign Guidelines. This procedure j.s recomrnendedprimarily.for application6 more complex Lhan single-family and two-family residences. However, deveiopersof slngle-farnily and two-f,amiIy projects sirall not.'beexcluded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign revlew. Comblete app-Iicatlons must be submittedl0 days prlor to a scheduled DRB meeting. The followlng informatlon shatl be subnitted for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape p.Ian at a mlnlmunsca]e of, one inch equals twenty feet; 2, Concept.ual elevations showing exterior macerialsand a descripLion of the chaiacter of the pxoposedstructure or structures,; 3. Sufflclent lnformation to show the proposalcomplles wlth the deveJ-opnent standlrdi of thezone disurict in which the project. 1s to belocat.ed (i.e.. GRFA, sice coverige calculatlons,number of parklng spaces, etc.)i 4. Completed DRB application form. B. Procedure: Upon roceip! of an application forconceptual design review, the Depirtment of CommunleyDevelopment shall review the submitted malerlals forgeneral .compliance with the appropriate requtrements ofthe zoning code. rf the propbeai is in baslccompliance with the zoning code requiremenEs, theproJect shall be forwarded !o the png for conceptualrevlew. If the appllcation is not generally incompLiance with zoning code requlreients, theapplication and submiital mateiials shalI be returned.t,o the appllcant with a wrltten explanation as to v,hythe Community DevelopnenL Departrnent sLaff has found'the projeet not to be in compliance with zonlng code!€quil.ements. Once a conpl.ete application has beenrecelvod, the DRB shalI rLvtew til-e suUrniiled ""nciptuarreview. appl ication and supportlng material in ordei: todetermlne vrhether gI l9C the project generally complieolrlth the design guidelines. rhe-pna doos not-vote- onconceptual reviews. The propercy owner or hisrep.reaencative shall be present at the DRB hearino. LIST OF }4ATERIAI.,S NAME 0f' PRO.IECT : Krogmann R.gs idence . . LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Lor-Li- BLocK F SUBDrvrsroN Y"il trt" qtlot" STREET ADDRESS: ?57-5 nFvos Trail DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Remove exisElng Farage and replace with and second floor addir ion. The f oI lor.rlng lnfornat.ion is Review Board before a fina] BUILDING !{ATERIAIJS: Roo f S 1d lng Ot,her Wa 1l Material s Fasci a So ffit s Wlndows $llndor Trlm Doors Door TrLm Hand or Deck Rallg FIues Flashingg Chlmneys Traah Enclosures Greenhouses regu j,red for submit,tal to the Dosignapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COI,ORexiit.iog, N/A To rnatch existine N/A N/A To match exisEing To rnat ch exisEing N/A NiA N/A N/A ,. N/A R N/A N/A N/A LANDSCAPING: Name of Designe! r Phone: PLANT I.'ATERIALS: Botanical Name Cornmon Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED No change to Landscaping *Indicate caliper for deciduous Lrees. t'tinlmum cal!p_er fordeciduous t r.ee-s is 2 inches. rndicare nESirt-Toi-i6nTEE? strees. Minimun helqht fo): conlferous trees is 6 feet. PLANI MAIERC: Botanlcgl Name Common NarE PROPOSED SHRUBS Size* I I EXISTING SHRUES TO BE RE!,TOVED * Indicat€5 qallon.gize of, proposed shrubs. Minirnurn slze of shrubs ls .TvDe Square Eootaqg No r.hrnge tal er<ter.ior. .GROUND COVERS I SEED TYPE OT IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LfGHTING: If exterlor lighting is proposed, please ahow the number of fixtures and locat.ions on a separabeligltting.plan. Identify each fixture from the flAhting pLanon the lis0 below and provide the lraltager trelgtr! above - grade and typo of Iight. ProPosed. No change OTHER IANDSCApE FEATURES (retalnlng vralls. fenceg, swltnmingpool6, etc.) Please specify. Indicato ireights of retainlnglra116. Maxinum helght of walls wiehln the front setback li I f9e!. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the proporlyls 6 feeL. ., ., No chanie SUBDIVISION u(lrrr "o*rro" u"orur.orro" Vail Das Schone JOB NAME Kro gmann Residence Lor I BLOCK FILING 8165 7ADDRESS2475 Davos Trail, Vail' CO The locatlon and avallablllty of utiliLies, lthether tbey be maln trunk llnes or proposed ]ines, musL be apProved and verlfled by tha following utilj.ties for tho accompanying site PIan. U,5. We6t Communlcat ions r-800-922-r987 468-6860 or 94 9-4530 Public servlce company No Chanees to Exterior Assoc. Lavert.y T.V, No Changes to ExEerior Upper Eagle VaIley water & Sanitation Dlsgrlct * 476-?{90Fred Has1ee No Changes to Exterior NOTE 3 This form is to verlfy service availability andIocation, Tbis should be used ln conJunction withpreparing your utility plan and schedulinginscallations. For any new construccion proposal, the applicant must provide a cornpLeted utility verificatj-on form, If a utillty company has concerns wlth the proposed conatrucLion, the utiliLy lepresencative ohould not directly on the utllity verificaclon form that there is a problem which needs ro beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out lndetail in an attached letter to Lhe Town of varl. Hovrever, please keep in mj-nd cha! it is theresponsibility of the uLillty company to resolveidentj.fied problems , If the utillty verification forn has signaturesfron each of the utillty cornpanies, and no comments are made dlrectly on ttle form, the Townwill presume chat there are no problems and thatthe development can proceed. These verifications do noL relieve the contraccorof hls responsibilily to obtain a streeL cutpermit from the Town of VaiIr Department of Public Works and to abtai.n utilitv locat-lons before diqqihcr in any public right-of-way or easement inthe 'Lown of vai]. A buildinq permiL is not astreet cut_p_ermie, A street cuc permlt musL be obtalned separately. t Please brlng a slt.e plan, floor p]an. and elevatioDa Hhen obtalning Upper Eagle Valley Waeer & Sanitation 6ignatures. Fire flow needs must be addrossed, Authorized Siqnatu-re Dat e No Changes to Exterior 949-5?81 Gary HaIl. Holy Cross E lectrlc 949-5892 Ted Husky /Mi chael Heritage Cablevislon 94 9-55 30 SEeve Hiatt No Chanees to ExEerior , revilad L0l5/92 Ric'ODEC 2S l?-?l' DateAppl icat lon PEC MEETING DATE T APPDIC'AtrTON }OR A \''}RI.AI|CE this procedure ie regulred for any project requestlng avariance. The appLicatlon wlll not be accepLed unt1l alIlnformation is submiLted. \/// A'NA!,jE OF APPr,r cANrlgL9$^LoTH_ ADDRESS 2575 Davos Trail -Vail- C0 81657---.PHONE 476-3138 ,-/ ", NAME OF' APPLICANT' g REPRESENTATTVE. TSOM &,AS$qqJNC, ADDRDSS ?.0. Box 9, Eagle, CO 8f63f PltoNE 32&=2388 NAME OF OWNER (S) ADDRESS OWNER(S) (type or prlnt) JUERGjN I{RPqIANN SIGNATURE (S) 2575 Davos Trai1, VaI1' C0 81657 PHONE ,/,7A-? I ?R LOCATION OF PROPOSAT]I LEGAI, DESCRIPTIONI LOT B Lo C Kg- F I L I N G-A 3es u!4ivis iog-g..f .. -v-e+--!39- sl!9rt9 ADDRESS V// E.FEE $250.00 PAtDzSFt-pK #3Yn"/L.or. THE FEE lgggT BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAI,. c, /r, TI .-, I f t n.l III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A SA!A_I€Ig APPLICATTON wrLL STREAMLTNE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COT,lMlSSION (PEC) MAY STIPUI.ATE. ALI, CONDITIONS OF'APPROVAL TfUST BE COMPLIED WITH BETORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4\ COPIES OF THE FOI,LOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED 1 . /A. A WRTTTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRICTSE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED AND THE REGULATTON INVOLVED, THE STATEMENT MUST AI.,SO ADDRESS: 1. The relaLionship of the requested variance toot,her existing or potentlal uses and structures i.nthe i icinitv. ,vuit Stamped, addressed envelopes of Lhe names of owners ofaI1 property adjacenL to tire subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEIIIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a llst of their names and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT vllll, BE RESPONSXBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. A pre-applicaLion conference with a plannlng staff member lsstrongly suggested ta det,ermlne if any additionalinformatlon l-s needed. No application wiII be acceptedunless lt l-s complete (rnust lnclude al I items requiredthe zoning administrator) . It is tshe appllcant,sresponsibtlity to make an appoinLment wlth the -staff toout about addltionaL submltLa) requiremeints. Il*?';:.::ox:i;i,ii'li5 fiil:;"il'iF'."specified regulation is necessary to achieve .compatibility and uniformity of treatment amongsites 1n the vicinity or to attain the object.ivesof t.his titLe without grant of special privilege. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. How your request complies with Vail-'s Comprehensive PLan. B.topographicleast l- " = an d / o r i mp r ovement. s u rve y--at--n-scdle---o f z_0,1 ssa{,i@o tdtgl-gseliors_ of a1I existj.4g,{/t {Y. ,'-' -LLL '/r. r/ o.A11 preliminary building elevations and floorsufficient to indicate the dimensj-ons, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings andexisting and proposed on the site. plans spaces ,rzn. Nlhr. A preliminary title reporL to verify ownership and easements. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, thenwritten approval fron the association in support. of theproject must abe received by a duly authorized agentfor said association. Any additional material- necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zoni-ng administ.rator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey andsite plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. REQUIRBMENTS The Planning and Environmental Comrnission meets on the2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A completeapplication form and all accompanying material (asdescribed above) must be submi-tted a mi.nimum of four(4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoningadministrator) will be accepted by the planning staffbefore or after t.he desiqnated submittal date. AlI PEC approved variances shatl lapse if const.ructionis not commenced within one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued to completion. If t.his application requires a separate review by anylocal, St.ate or Federal- agency other than the Town ofVail, the application fee sha1l be increased by9200.00. Bxamples of such review, may include, but arenot l-imit.ed to: Colorado Depart.ment. of Highway AccessPermits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The appl-icant. shaLl be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50t of theapplication fee. lf, at the applicantrs requesLr doymatter is postponed for hearing, causi-ng the matter t.obe re-published, Lhen, t.he entire fee for such re-publicatl-on shal-l- be paid by the applicant.. A. lJ A.V. ilr c' IV. TIME clL s improv tsr Ti-rrcluding qf-de5 Other elements which- musf-b€ shovrn a a-nd loadingareas, ingress and egress, landscaped areas and ut.ility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at. l-east 1r' = 20/ showing exist.ing and proposed buildings. B. 3:i:ilfi*: "o;:T:o"?{":?i"::l-5::t'l:i:oil::'".other issues which may have a sj_gnificant impact on t,hecommunity may require review by consultants other thattown st.aff. Should a determination be made by the townstaff that an outside consultant is needed t.o reviewany application, Community Development may hire anout,side consultant, it shal1 estimate the amount ofmoney necessary to pay him or her and t.his amount shallbe forwarded to the Town by the applicant a! the timehe files his application with the Community DevelopmentDepartrnent. Upon completion of the review of theapplicat.ion by t.he consultant, any of the fundsforwarded by the applicant for payment. of theconsul-tant which have not been paid to the consultantshaLl be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurredby the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by theapplicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. \ / revired t0/5/92 Appllcation Date PEC MEETING DATE a9Pr.,re.A![toN This procedure le requlredvarl"ance. the applicatlonlnfornation is submitLed. tptrlo Frp SOR A \rARl.f,llcE '') 2 $gt for any proiect requestlng awlll not be accepted unf.il all A.NAME OF APPLICANT MONICA ROTH ADDF€SS 25f5 Devas Trail -llail. c0 81657 PHCIIE 476-3138 B.NA-l,tE Of' APPL I CAN?, S REPRESENTAT IVE rsoM _6,_,AS$O.QJN.L__ ADDRDSS P,0. Box 9, Eagle, C0 8163f PttONE ?,a-2iaa NAME OF owNER (S) ,ttt l_,/I1-E] J D OWNER(S) (type o SIGNATURE (S) 2575 Davos Trai1, Vai1,81657 PHONE_ a'ia-er rs __. D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAT, DESCRIpTIONT LOT BLCCKI_ FILTNG_ l\-!9gu!4i14qao_n 9! Vail Das Qchone ADDRESS 257j pavos Trail. Vail. !O -9*1-651__ E . FEE $250 . 0 0 PAID_-'.-_ CK *BY THE FEE MggT BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT DEPARTMENT I..JILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAI,. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners ofall property adjacenl to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEtrrND AND ACROSS STREETS/ and a list of their names and mailing addr:esses. THE AppLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A pre-application conference with a planning staff member jsstrongly suggesred to determlne if any additionalinformation 1s needed. No application wiIl. be acceptedunfess 1t is complete (nusL lnclude aJ] items requiredthe zoning adninistralor). It is the appllcarlr,sresponsibil-ity to make an appointmerit wlth the sLaff toout about additional submltt.al requi r:emen|\-s . III' PLEASE NOTE THAT A gal=-!.E!s APPLICATTON wrLL STREAI"ILTNE TIiE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THD NUMBEROF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIFUI,ATE. ATt CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL T,IUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORS ABUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLI,OWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OT THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATTON INVOLVED. THE STATEI.IENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationshlp of the requested variance toot,her existing or potenLlal uses and structures j.n t.he ',,ici1it.r', b by f lnct MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 28,1994 A request for a side and rear setback an addition to the existing residence located at 2757 Davos Trail/Lot 1, Block F, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. ilI"I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Planner: Juergen Krogmann and Monica Roth Randy Stouder I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is proposing a second story addition over the existing garage, and two new airlocks, one at the entrance to each unit in this primary/secondary structure. The proposed expansion to the second level of the struclure allows the upper level to become the primary unit. The ground floor would then become the secondary unit which the applicant is proposing to deed restrict as a Tyce I employee housing unit. An internal connection between the two floors (units) will be eliminated so that two separate, physically distinct units would be created in the duplex. The existing primary/secondary struclure was constructed in approximately 1974 and was existing prior to being annexed into the Town of Vail. Setbacks at the time of the construction were 7.5 feet from the side and rear lot lines. The current setback requirements are 15 feet for side and rear yards. The proposed airlock for the secondary unit, the employee housing unit, involves extending two of the foundation walls and would enclose an area within the side yard setback. The addition over the garage would add enclosed tloor areawithin the rear setback since lhe garage is 7.5 feet from the rear lot line. Thus, the applicant is requesting a variance to the 15 foot rear setback to allow for an encroachment of 7.5 feet into the rear setback; and a side yard setback variance to allow for an encroachment of 4 feet into the 15 foot side yard setback. t. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The subject property is located in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district. Allowed/Required Existino Prooosed Lot Area: Height: GRFA: 15,000 sq. ft. 33 leet Primary: 2,152 sq. ft.Secondary: 1,577 sq. ft. 3,729 sq. ft. 11,517 sq. ft. 11,517 sq. ft. 20.2 teet 21 feet 1,228 sq, ft. 1,978 sq. ft. (+750) 1,330 sq. ft. 1,397 sq. ft. (+67) 2,558 sq. ft. 3,375 sq. ft. (+817)Total: Setbacks: - Front: ,: *side: *Rear: 20' 15' 15' 71', 11 ',/l3' 7.s', 71' 11 '/16' 7.s'. Site Coverage: 2,303 sq. ft. (20%) 2,030 sq. ft. (18%) 2'164 sq. ft- (19%) ' Landscaping: 6,910 sq. ft. (60%) 6,085 sq. ft. (53%) 6'650 sq. fl. (59olo) Parking: SsPaces SsPaces SsPaces 'Setback variance request III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: - A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relatlonship of the requested variance to othsr existing or potentlal uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes hat the proposed variances to the rear and side setbacks will have litle or no impact on the adjacent residences located on the sides and lo the rear of the subject property. The applicant does not propose any further encroachments into the rear and side setbacks than cunendy exists on the lot. Creating an airlock lor the secondary unit does not change the existing side yard setback. The distance between the airlock and the side property boundary is 12 feet, which exceeds the existing minimum setback (11') which is measured from the northwest comer of the house to the western property boundary. The proposed improvemenF to the primary unit are located over the existing garage and do not change the existing setbacks from the rear property line. This addition, however, does add mass and bulk to the portion of the building lhat is currently located in the rear setback. Because, the topography slopes steeply up lrom the subject property to the north, and because the adjacent house to the rear is at a substantially higher elevation, statf believes that the applicant's request should not impact the adjacent property due to the increased height and mass of the addition. The applicant is proposing to improve the side yard setback along the northeast property boundary by eliminating a section of garage that currently protrudes into this setback. Thus, the remodel ol this portion of the garage actually removes the nonconforming portion of the structure that currently extends into this side yard; the proposal will meet the full 15-foot side yard requirement along lhis property boundary. Staff feels that the second story addition will not have any negative impacts on the adjacent pioperties to the north and west. However, statf feels that additional landscaping should be required along the rear elevation of the addition. Current landscaping in this area is nonexistent and the structure is quite close to the rear property line. The applicant proposes four evergreen trees along the back of the proposed addition. Staff recommends that a total of six evergreen lrees be provided due to the length of the addition. The applicant proposes to reduce asphalt surfaces on-site by 565 square feet. This will improve landscaping coverage to 59% ol the site, as opposed to the current 53% coverage. However, the applicant is proposing to push the side wall of the garage (north wall) out 3 feet further to the east. This creates new site coverage within the rear seback. The garage would cover an additional 15 square feet of area within the rear setback. Staff asked the applicant lo remove the proposed encroachment. However, the applicant wishes to proceed with the cunent design. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity ot treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the oblectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Many of the structures in this neighborhood are nonconforming with regards to the setback requirements. Most of the lots are substandard in relation to lot size requirements as well, and the neighborhood appears quite congested. The applicant proposes the residential additions to the existing structure rather than demolishing and rebuilding major portions ol the existing house' This is desirable on this lot due to the existing configuration of the driveway. The driveway is currently at a 12Vo grade and requires two sharp turning motions which are difficult to negotiate. lf the applicant were to demolish the existing garage and move the entire struclure forward out of the rear setback, this would adversely impact the current parking and it would be difficult to provide the required five parking spaces. . Stafl does not feel that granting the requested variances provides any special privilege to the applicant. The variances are n€cessary due to an existing nonconforming situation and the applicant is not aggravating that situation by further encroaching into the setbacks. In fact, the applicant is proposing to remove an existing nonconformity along the northeastern propefi boundary, and will provide the full 1S-foot side setback. 3. The effect of the requested varlance on light and air, dlstribution of population, transportation and traffic facilitlqs, publlc facillties and utilities, and Publlc safety. Due to the topography and locations of existing structures on the subject. property and on adjacent properties, the proposed addition should have llttle or: no impact on views, light, air, etc. The proposed variance will also have no impacts on transportation, traffic facilities, public lacilities and utilities and public safety. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the sarne district. 2. That the granting of ths variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properlies or improvements in the vicinitY. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons:a l"iXiili:'llfflJ?i"S'fi:"1,".ffi'":flfiT,iffi 1111.'n:H'[* physical hardship inconsislent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptibns or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the requests for side and rear yard setback variances. This recommendation is based on staffs opinion that the requesled variances would not have o an adverse impact on sunounding properties and structures; that granting the variances are not an extension of a special privilege to the applicant since the variance is required due to an existing nonconforming situation; and that the requested variances should not have any impacts on public utilities and facilities. Staff finds that he variances are warranled since a strict and literal interpretiation or enforcement ol the ordinance would creale a difficult situation regarding the provision of parking on the subject property. Staff also finds tfrat the existing nonconforming situations regarding setbacks have created a need for the variance and that the variance will actually have a positive impact as far as removing one of the nonconformities relating to the northeastern side yard setback. lf it is the desire of the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) to approve the requested variances, statf recommends that the lollowing conditions be imposed: 1. The house shall be retro-sprinklered, if deemed necessary by the Fire Marshall. lf sprinklering of the building is required by the Fire Marshall, construction plans must include the sprinkler system. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed construction, the applicant shall record the proper EHU deed restriction documents with the Eagle County Glerk and Recorder's Office. The deed restriction shall set forth that the employee housing unit is to be permanently restricted for employee . housing. 3. The northeast garage, and primary living room above, shall be redesigned so is added within the 15 foot rear yard setback. 4. Two additionaleverg ed atong the northwest side of the plan currently proPoses onlY four f :bvrryon.Utggmann.22S hpplptopos#aqdiilon. ThB'ap e\preggin this location. n fl{, rsoM & AssocrArEs l_J L/ \ Archilecture LandPlanning ProieclManagement 25 February 1994 Mr. Randy Stouder Town of Vail CommunityDevelopment RE: KROGII{ANN RESIDENCE Dear Randy: Per your request, we have added four evergreens to buffer the proposed second floor addition from the neighbors to the northwesl and eight aspen to shield the new entry to the west and the garage to the east. We have discussed emergency vehicle access with Mike Magee and have included a topo map that shows how this lot can also be accessed ttrough the driveway for Lot 2. Although the site plan does not clearly indicate drainagg due to the snow on the ground at the time of the survey, the area to the north drains around the structure and there are no drainage problems. We have also included reduced copies of the plans. Call me ifyou have any questions Sincerely, /(*"-X"-'U" Ken Long 9tXlloa P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FM 328-6266 I I I ?,.' I Eoca o. rl-otlo ioao DAVO S \s 1,#?hq t rl I c I I zo F t'l,l E] E lIJ t-. o m z F rd,l til Znn< &vl rc P-' v lJ-r 14Uny FFnan'H =X x tl "tla g"r e;i f--lI' Intu, $$ t.--i il-ltll,-llllltrsMt z lrj uFv z Jn rt'. ooJ t". ozo f\ r,'l v) h rsz 3t/! rl lt i i\ \.r-*L I I 'I #- I i .t ,i- I I It ! i ,Q9=,,1 131V29 o an adverse impact on surrounding properties and structures; that granting the variances are not an extension of a special privilege to the applicant since the variance is required due to an existing nonconforming situation; and that the requested variances should not have any impactl on public utilities and facilities. Staff finds that the variances are wananted since a stsict and literal interpretiation or enforcement of the ordinance would create a diflicult situation regarding the provision of parking on the subject property. Statf also finds that the existing nonconforming situations regarding setbacks have created a 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed construction, the applicant shall record the proper EHU deed restriction documents with the eage County Clerk and Recorder's Office. The deed restriction shall set forth mai tne employee housing un1 is to be permanently restricted for employee primary site coverage the 15 setback. the northwest side of the proposed addition. The four evergreens in this " .l r/e ,rL{'-v-e *,d \ad /s. t:bvrryon€U(ogm.nn 228 l/l^J turh fu*U'+1 f* s%'V)u;'*;'4 {pK' 4' housing. 7'a n /7{, tsoM & AssoctArEs l__l lr/ \ Architecture Land Plannins Proiect Management ?ren nra February 2,1994 2 1994 TOWN OF VAIL BUILDINGDEPT. 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: VARIANCEAPPLICATION LOT I, BLOCK F, A RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE Dear Staf: A. This primary/secondary duplex was constructed in approximately 1974 and was existing prior to this area being annexed into the Town of Vail. The set-backs at that time were 7.5 feet for side and rear and the duplex was built to those setbacks. We are proposing to build over the existing garage with a second level addition tothe primary unit. This variance is for the existing northerly and westerly lot line set-backs which are currently l5 feet, according to section 18.13.030 - SETBACKS, of the Town of vail Zorung Regulations. A variance for an encroachment of 4.1 feet into the westerly side set-back for an entrance air lock and a variance for an encroachment of7.5 feet into the rear set-back for the existing batfuoom are being requested. The additional second floor improvements will still encroach into the rear set-back but are included in this request for a variance. The encroachments requested by this variance are the least necessary due to the duplex being in its present location prior to being annexed into the Town of Vail. The variance will have no effect on light or air, the neighbors to the north are situated above this lot and the shadow of the second floor will not block their sun or views. It will have no effect on distribution of population, transportatiorq traffic facilities, utilities or public safety because the density will not be changed from existing. TOWN OF VAIL/ Building /Variance Application/page 2 P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FAX 328-6266 The request for a variance also complies with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. B. An Improvement Location Certificate at a scale of ln = l0'is enclosed. C. A Site Plan at a scale of l" - l0'is enclosed. D. Building elevations and floor plans are enclosed. E. A pretiminary title report has been furnished. F. There is no home owner's association. A check for the fee of$250.00 is enclosed. Please review this application and schedule a meeting with the PEC. Sincerelv.A{,t*f,y-*{ Ken Long Senior Planner (9322Tov4) / RE: tl /7{, IsoM & AssoclArEs L_l lr/^\ Architecture Land Plannins Project Manasement December 21,1993 TOWN OF VAIL BUILDINGDEPT. 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 VARIAI.{CE APPLICATION LOT I, BLOCKF, ARESTJBDIVISION OF VAILDAS SCHONE Dear Staff: A. This primary/secondary duplex was constructed in approximately 1974 and was existing prior to this area being annexed into the Town of Vail. The set-backs at that time were 7.5 feet for side and rear and the duplex was built to those setbacks. We are proposing to demolish the existing garage and construct a new garage with a second level addition to the primary unit. This variance is for the existing northerly and westerly lot line set-backs which are currently l5 feet, according to Section 18.13.030 - SETBACKS, of the Town of Vail ZontngRegulations. A variance for an encroachment of 4.1 feet into the westerly side set-back for an entrance air lock and a variance for an encroachment of 7.5 feet into the rear set-back for the existing bathroom are being requested. The new garage and the additional second floor improvements will not encroach more than one foot into the rear set-back but are included in this request for a variance. The encroachments requested by this variance are the least necessary due to the duplex being in its present location prior to being annexed into the Town of Vail. The variance will have no effect on light or aiq the neighbors to the north are situated above this lot and the shadow of the second floor will not block their sun or views. It will have no effect on distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities or public safety because the density will not be changed from existing. P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303)328 23BB FAX 328-6266 TOWN OF VAIU Building /Variance Application/page 2 The request for a variance also complies with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. B. An Improvement Location Certificate at a scale of l" = l0'is enclosed. C. A Site Plan at a scale of l" = l0'is enclosed. D. Building elevations and floor plans are enclosed. E. A preliminary title report will be furnished. F. Tlrere is no home owner's association. A check for the fee of$250.00 is enclosed. Please review this application and schedule a meeting with the PEC. Sincerely,1/ ^/ -/4J-'-(- a O-"*(! Ken Long Senior Planner (9322TOV3) 2t03-t42-03-024 2103-142-03-021 2103-142-03-001 2lo3-142-O3-OO2 2103-142-03-O04 2103-142-03-004 2103-t42-04-001 2103-142-01-005 (e322APO) Cf q)q+ - o{a cut sr-v-\r cud g\\ KROGMANN RESIDENCE LOT I, BLOCKF A RESUBDIVISION VAIL DAS SCHONE ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS ELFRIEDEDEVANEY 2565 CORTINALANE VAIL, CO 81657 LARRY& ANNEH. AGNEBERG IO83 LIONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL, CO 81657 WILLIAMJ. LIGHTBLAU 2600 CORTINALAI.IE vArL, co 81657 PORTER WHARTON III 672 CLARKSON DENVE&CO 80218 ANNAM. ADLER P.O. BOX l85s vArL, co 81658 GREGORY A. & MICI{ELLE M.W. HALL P.O. BOX 1673 vArL, co 81658 NANCYA. RICCI P.O. BOX 1484 VAIL, CO 816s8 GREGG B, & BEVERLY J. JOHNSON 2566 CORTINALANE vArL, co 816s7 4. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vait on February 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration for the Laughing Monkey to allow an addition to the south side of the Creekside Building located at 223 East Gore Creek Drive/a pan of Tract A, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant Jose GuzmanPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of he Covered Bridge Building located at227 Bridge StreeVLots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners Planner: Mike Mollica 3. A request for a variance for required parking to be located otf-site for a slngle family residence located a|2842 Cortina Lane/Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge. Applicant Hans WiemannPlanner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a driveway to exceed 8% located alz4/ll Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 1 1, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant: Steve Sheridan and Adam SzpiechPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a variance to allow for a 6 foot fence located in the front setback and a variance to allow alternative materials not listed in the Design Review Board Guidelines for a fence located al 5118 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn Sth Addition. Appllcant Robert SchonkwilerPlanner: Randy Stouder A request for a side and rear setback variance to allow for an expansion to the existing residence located at2757 Davos Trail/Lot 1, Block F, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant Juergen Krogmann and Monica RothPlanner: Randy Stouder A request for a minor subdivision and to Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, specifically described as follows: t rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Roacl/more 7. A D|'cal d l||'|d h lhs Sorrhw$t Ouartor d Sedlon 1,1, Tonnshb 5 SorJth, RugB 81 Wo.t d th! 8th Pdndprl Metidhn, mo|r p|tllcuhrly darctbcd r fo|ow!: Seglnr||g .t r pofr unrtu r b..$ c.p !d tor I rftlas corFr lr lh W.3t Ou|n.r d ldd Sxdoo ra, beta (Nonn 29 t|€E!3 28 tnh(t3 5l r-ot N Udn tOzaOg i.* O"egt 0to.th 4t D€gr€. 15 mlou.. 02 locood. t{..{ 91596 l€.1 librrr'to: fhd|c! Nodh 7l d'9n3| 05 mhls 19 r€csldr Elq tO.Ze tA; nencr f$.iC t.€r "tong rtre rrc a r qrrvr to $! dem rhbh lr t|Ilg||dr r chont bodng Nodr 88 d|gt!r. 12 nhrir. 30 lrcoidr E tt l8l.?8 tmt; Thcnce South 7' degnl3 40 mlnutr| 2l r€aond! E|3! 82.n lxli lhrnct I'17,/atl |!st ddl, lia rto ol I qrrys l,o $a hlt tt{ch Jc rta|.ndr r drord bcrhg North I dcArr.| 36 mlrut€| | 7 racondr E|J. 145.60 hdi Thfics No||h 70 d.er|o| 52 mhulr| 55 i.con& Erd, ,lCB.t5 lra{: Thsnor 5'1'l 0 tea |long th- lc d r curvc ro rtrc dgh *hbtr rrc .ut trn& . drord b!||ln! Souh ,17 d!gr!|. lO mhusr 37 lrsnd| €.!l ,L.20 l.d; th$c. South l'a deg.a6 6 nlnubt 50 3econd! Wbat 1105i fcct: Th.ica goqlh €8 d.![lra 18 ranul€t 91 locodr W.d,320.6 L.t: lhoncr North 19 dclrci 07 |rtnuta 06 3.con6 ltJln, 50.00 h; Thrrc! South ?7 dogEot aS itnulGt 41 locon& Wt|l 16018 hi Thrnar gosth '10 d!grt.. sl ntrruilt 33 tftond. watl 36118 to.l; Thlnc. Nonh 8? dGlrer| ,a0 nloutor 0€ !.condt wh, 3t|7 72l.tt: Th.nc. (t{orth ,t I dca..6 52 mhut.r 13 $condr Erl, I g}.00 L.l Dr.dl Notlh I 1 degt .t 55 nlrul.s 3l tftohdr E!i. 129.75 l|tl llt||ud} ro $r POINT OF gEGNNNG. Bosrhe fro.n OLO. tl€d lor Souft hCf d S.doo l|!. b.lu9r.r S.Clqtt t+la (G.LO. .icqd so|llh 0l dlgt.t g)2 mlnut's E 4 (Sor$ 01 thgttx 38 rnhurar 3a !.coodt E|rt l'Liaxrd) 8. 9. A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Developmenl Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40"/o located at 4335 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Bighom 3rd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicanl: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Juanita l. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen Michael Lauterbach/BAB Partnership Jim Curnufte Walter Kirsch Randy Stouder A requ€st for a minor subdivision located at 4316 Streamside Circle WesULots 2 and 3, Block 4, Bighorn 4th Addition. \ KROGMANN RESIDENCE LOT I, BLOCKF A RESTJBDIVISION VAIL DAS SCHONE ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS 2103-142-03-024 ELFRIEDEDEVAI.IEY 2565 CORTINALAI.{E vArL. co 81657 2103.142-03-02I LARRY & ANNE H. AGNEBERG IO83 LIONSRIDGELOOP VAIL. CO 81657 2IO3-I42.03-OOI WLLIAMJ. LIGHTBLAU 2600 CORTINALANE VAIL. CO 816s7 2IO3-142-O3-OO2 PORTERWI{ARTONIII 672 CLARKSON DENVER. CO 80218 zto3-t42-03-004 ANNAM.ADLER P.O. BOX 1855 VAIL. CO 81658 2IO3-142-03-OO4 GREGORY A, & MCHELLE M.W. IIALL P.O. BOX 1673 VAIL. CO 81658 2t03-142-04-00t NANCY A. RICCI P.O. BOX 1484 VAIL. CO 81658 2103-142-01-005 cRECrc B. & BEVERLY J. JOHNSON 2566 CORTINALANE vArL, co 816s7 (e322AFO) PLEASE I'I{KE CHECK TO THE TOWN OF VA]L D EPA RT;\{ ENT O F CO |VI;VIIj,-.IITY DEVEL O P}IENT' S,\LES ACTION FOR}{ l\,1.\lE DATE NTAGE ROAD Do hesz . r,v:iicou zc\T\.c .d\D .{ DDRIJS !,tA}S0t 00004r5<0 LD\tn:OL\{ B UILDL\-O CODE U M FOR.\{ ?LU!'6 L\-'C C OD E 0l ctoc 424 l5 0t 0000 {24 | 5 0l 0000 42nl5 .l ul"il'oR-\l )lfEcHilqctLcoDE 0l croc\? r1{ 15 | UNIFOtu\{ FIRE CODE 0l 0co0 {2{ l5 N,\NONAL EL ECTPJCAL CODE oniER coDE300Ks0t 0000{24t5 0l o"T0{154s B LUE PRD.TTS OIYLA,It 0l 0001 .12{ I 2 ):ER.OX COPIES / S'iUDtEs 0t 00c{ r?3? I PENA l.fi FEES / R E.I.,\-'S PECT]ONS ot coco{t332 i pL,r,v nr.r.is'v RE.clJEcx FEE lsr0 FER F;R.l 0l co00 42323 OF? HOURS L\.SPECTION FEES CONT}L\CTORS L]C L\S ES FZES0l 0cD3.lu12 0t 0000{[.50 loTiiER l-zEs SICN APPL]CA1'1O}.I FEE.01 0000 414)3 ADDITIONAIJSIGNAOEt;E ISI.G]?ER SQ.IT. lTC ART FROffCT DONAT]ON 0l co004t1t3 0l 00crc 121.t0 PRE PilD DESIGN Rg,\'IEW BOARD FEE0t 0000 .{ | 33 t OI OOOO424I2 I BUILDING_CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COI'IP 41010 TAX Oi OOOO 4237I INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 0t cs00 { l3 AL USE P EXTERIOR ALTERA THAN t00so.Fl.0l c9004t330 t 00c0{13 IioRETHA"\ tCOSO.FT. SPECIAL DE SPEC)A tsNT DtsTRlcT tl't.,\Jo 0t 00cr0 41330 | sPECLA L DE OPI\fENT DI I'ili\rOR Al\lL\l) sLB DlvlSlo: 0l 0000 .l 1330 0l m00 .i I _1 CODE A,VE\Dl'lEVTS .i) fu-c< * * * * i .,, .. u T(llrlH {]F r.JFl I L l,tiscrllaeous Cadr 1?-29-93 l2:59: 18 Re,ceipt lf IJ7BB{, Flcrount* fl{S,1938 F:F:NEHHI'IH I.!RFIF:IHCE\I5OI.1 & ASSOC\URRIRhICE Hnrount iendered ) 230.49 Itar paid hr.rrt paid Et. f1ffer84153€r6€1$ ?56. 96 Ch*nge returned ) B.8O THFIFIK 1/T}IJ Vour cashier REHTHR t^ 1\{7 PLEASE IfAKE C TOWN OF VAIL D E PA RTT{ E)i T OF CO ivl ;VlLiNiTY D EVELOP}IENT' S.\LES ACTiON FORIf 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD _yArL, col,o\-Ll-41^-\ ' , ZC\E\'C ..t"\D ADDRESS !''A.PS0l c{--\10 4 l5<0 0l cslo {21 t5 [TNIFOR.\{ I LITLDI..-C CO D E 0t o0oo{24i5 u M FOR-\{ Pt-u!6 L\-'c c oD E 0l 00\T.12.1 l5 | U)\'IFOR-\'{ l{ECH.IJ{ICALCODE 0l c)00c l1{ I 5 Un*lFOtu\{ FIRE cODE 0l o00o{2.il5 | x,rnoNAlrlEcTPicALcoDE ONJER CODE EOOKS0l 0000 {21 r5 BLUE PRL\rTS 6rY1;RS0l 00J0 .l 1543 0t 00o){21r2 | }:eRoxcoPEs/STUDIES 0t 00c{ 12371 PINA I.TY FEES / R E.[\IS PECTIO:.''S ot c4co.t,t-132 i tL,r.V Rgrqgrv RE.CIiECX FEE [S.<0 pER HR. 0l 0000 42323 I OFF I1OURS [\isPECTION FEES CONT]L\CTO RS LICL\S ES FT,!S0l 0003.11{!2 U I rt!,K fl,LJ sICN APPLICAllON F;E 0l CO00 { l--t30 -0r c900 41413 ADDITIONALSIONACEF;E ISI.O.]PS.I,SQ,IT,0t 0000 4 t{ l3 lv:c e R.r pn ojr.cr DoNATroN PRE P'JD DESIGN ,qEVIEW BOAR.D FEE OI OOOO4T4I2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COI'{PUTER DI *.01 0000 41010 TAx 0t 0000 42371 TNVESTIGATToN FEE (BUrLDrl'^\rV,/ TOTAL DUE: 0l 00c0{13 ETTERIOR AL SPECTAL DEV0t 0000.rt330 0t 00codl330 SPECLAL DEvELOPITENT DISTRICT lltlJ '-O 0t 0000{t-130 zoM).'c coDE A,vE\D[l f.-l .- \l T0trf].| tfF lJFl I l- lliscel lartous Cdt 12-!9-93 12:59:57 Rec*ipt S 13?897 Flcr:r,unt * f,K * 4939 HFttl:il'1ENl'l 0EE\I50I{ g RSS0C\DRE FEE Flmc unt tendered : 5g'as Ircc paid hor'.|t Paid E1[1E1frB41531gBE sB'gf, Ch.:rn,3e re?urned 7 8'66 THF|f\n< I/OIJ Yrrur cashiEr EEFTHfl rgvis€d 9/A/9L DRB FptrsuroN - ror{N.oF v?ur,,n.qQlo.-glpoi r lgy; DATE AppIJrcATroN RDcnrvE ' lli-' ' ' "- i i DATE OF DRB MEETING: , rrrt******** !!gts APPI,ICAtrION WIIIr NOI AE ACCEPIEDUNTtr'J .N.TJ! RIQUTFID INFORMATION TS SUBMITEED**r**trr**/r I.PROJECr INF oRMATIOgT B. TYPE OF RDVIEW: Nelr Constriction Addition ($50.00) X uinor Alteration($200.00)($20.00) ($0) C. ADDRESS: E' D. I,DGAI DESCRIPTIONT Lot - , Subdivlslon y/,L Conceptua] Revie$ a neet.s and bounds legdrlon a separate sheet and If property .Ls descrlbed bydescrlption/ please provicle agtach to this applicatlon. F. N^VE OF Mailing NA,I,IE OFMailing NAME OE' OWNERS: ! SIGNI\TURE (s) : -- 'Valling Address:-, ot+ri, qo futiiT Phone Condomlnlum ltpproval lf applicable,N/A FEE SCHEDULE: VAIiUAIION$ 0 - $ 10,000$ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150/00t-- $ 500,000 9500, 001 - $1,000,000$.Over 91r000,000 * DESIGN REVIEW BoARD AlPRowfiJ EXPIRES oNE YEjAS AFTER FINAII APPROVAI/ UNLESS A.BVII.,DING PERMIT IS ISSUED AlrD CONSTRUCIION I8 STAAEED . * 'TNO .ITPPIJIC$,IION HIIJI.I BE PROCESSED I{IT.HOUT OWNER' S SIbXATUNE I DRB fEEt DRB fees, as shown above, are to be pald atthe LIme of submltgal of, DRB applicacion. Lbter, whenapplylng for a building permit, please idengify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of ValIwilI adlyst che fea according to tho table below. toensure the correct fee is pa5.d. FEE P.IItrD ' S FDEs 20,00s s0 .00 $100.00 $200.00 9400.00 9500.00 DESCRIPTION.: tn f,rrrr,... O / <. LoT ,\REA I If requlred, applicantstanped survey showing Lot area. t"1:122"t" Phone APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATI'!E: Addrcss t mus-t, provldc a current. aq<le. c ,o LIST OF MATERIA],S NA},'E OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I.,OT--.,IL BLOCK F SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: Z DDSCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Vai I 8<s Jc-h o- e- The followlng Lnfornatj-on is Review Board beforc a final BUILDING MATERIAIJS ] Roof 51dlng other WalI Materials Fas c ia Soffits Windows Wlndow Trlm Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ral ls FLues Flashings Chl.tnneys Trash Enc losures GreenhouEes Other LANDSCAPING: Na'ne of PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES required for subnrittal to the Dosign gpproval can be given: TYPE OF MATDRIAT COLOR /t/ r / aa,^t r, E--fr--LAtyt5-< c*f , /.1 EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate callper for deciduous trees. Minlnum caliD-er for deciduous t r_ee-s is 2 inches. Indlcate height. for conlferoustrees. Mininum belqht fo): conlfelous trees is 6 feet. '{Er rsziota , 14, fr . . N.A. N,A !l t. De s igne r I Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Slze* Jo", l,lArERrAr,': PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanicql Nane ouantitv Slzg* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED i Indlcate s ize jz_5ja_=_4-Yl_:_.!- GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF I RRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs.Minirnum s lze of shrubs ls Sguare Footaqg C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If ext.erlor llghting is proposed, please show the number of fixLures and locatior-rs on a geparatelighting plan, Ident,ify each fixture from the Iighbing planon the llsL below and provide the waltage, height abovegrade and typo of light proposed. oTllER LANDSCAPE FEA?URES (retainlng wal1s, f€nces, swlnrmlngpools, etc.) Please specify. IndlcaLe heights of retalningwall6. Maximum helght of walls wlthin the front setback ls3 feet. Maxj.mum height of $ralls elsewlrere on the prop@rtyis 6 feet. Mo 2aaNa,c t\ urir r r"ti-ql, i o" *^rtor t o" ' / i. ,..'suBDrvrsroN v*ll- I)As >1-/+oNE JoBNAME Kpor, ,f R&st^ - Lor / er,ocx FILING ADDRESs Z57K Dn,.ras --ta-att-. The locatlon and avallablllty of ut'ilities, vrlrether they be maln trunk llnes or propoaed linesr rnusl- be apProved and verlfled by the following utilities for Lhe accompanying site plan. ' Aut.ho rl zed Slqnalu!e U. S. WesC Communlcat ions 1-800-922*r987 468-5860 or 9 4 9-4 530 Public service company 94 9-5781 Gary Hal I HoIy Cross Elect ric Assoc, 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage cablevislon T,v. 94 9-55 3 0 SLeve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley water 6 Sanitation DlsUrict * 4?5-?{80I'red HaB lee Date $-Jf--fu7Ercoz- 1( il (( I( NOTE :1. ThiE form is !o verlfy service availablllty andIocalion. This should be used ln conJunctlon withpreparinq your utility plan and schedulinginstallations. 2, for any new construction proposaL, the applicant must provide a completed utility verlflcation form, 3. If a utillty company has concerns wlth the proposed construction, the uEillty represengative should not directly on the utility verificat.j.on forrn lhat thero is a problem which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out lndetail in an attached lelter to the Town of vail . However, please keep in mind ehat lt is theresponsibility of the uLillty company to resolveidenclfied problens , 4. If the utlllty verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made dlrectly on ttre form, the TownwiII presume thal thexe are no problems and Lhatthe development can proceed. 5, These verifications do not relieve the contraccorof hls responsibility to obtain a Etreet cucperni! from the Town of Vail, DepartmenC of Publictlorks and to obtaln utilitv locat-lolrs beforediqoina in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of VaiL A bulldinq permit i.S not astreet cut-_pe.rmjt, A street cu! permlt must be obtalned separate Iy . * Please brlng a slte plan, floor plan, and elevaLions whenobtalning Upper Eagle VaILoy water & Sanitation 6lgnatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. ZONE CHECK DATE:I Height ToIaI GRFA Primary GRFA TotaI n/L ab?) /;70 /3ba Proposed T 4h[^ !;xrsErng NU lr" lTaO 20, 15' 15' ( 3' /6' _Reqrd (3oo)( ) (eoo) (12oo t 16 Permitted Slope 8* Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi-ronment a1lHaz ards : Yes No FLood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) t{etlands Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file) Does thls reguest invoLve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections 18 .12.090 (B) and 18 .13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned ?wo Fanily and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Conmunity Development Department tnay grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 78.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fuII- time employees of Lhe Upper Eagle Valley. r.) 2l 3) lh, *, n prfolo*r DrsrRrce LEGA! DEScRrprroN: Lor I Block F riri rn V D, ;kAnrQ, ADDRESS: OhINER PHONE PHONEARC}IITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE ll -t4**LOT SIZE ll -\ ?l I secondary GRFA i\ 6 \ + A2s --)-b-T/p .. Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaIl Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: YM 10 OGign Review Action lhn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number /,.1, 1?,7 3 Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Descripliont /\,{',-( 4 -, ,.,.; ,1",^ Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: 5.f^r--c '[ ,.r-.- P0 7.,,, r- ? , t ,?...{c C/, 7rr.:'. r Legal Description: Lot i Block F Subdivision \1,<..! , in- 4 r /^-o r:" I Zone District 2 9't S -),r^.,^- -7 n-"'JProject Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval D Disapproval \Ei_staff Approval Town Planner Date: f4 : Zn Z.DRB Fee Pre-paid --4?- ;<l .]i I-l I ,.1 ISoH & ASSOC.Er,lCC 3@332942€6o,Oj n t7X rsolrr & AssoctArEs lJ lr/t=\ Architecture LandPlannins Pmie,:lManasenpnl PACSII{ILE CORRESPONDBNCE TndNSltIT TS3 OOMPA}IT: PAX NSMBER: FROU: RE: DATE! NO. PAGXS(W/l'Hr h;lru fflo l/;ce_ FAX 328-6265P.0. Box I Eaole, Colomdo Sl63l t303)328-2388 o,Ojl'. i,, :.,1J--. tl ilfi.lxl LI hl a Tt I L T A1q q AIt rfl ri 14 |ll aJd J t 3 T i-.. 'l "rf := -tJ{I 1 + uQ'r2 ql tdl+j it ul .{!F g' .t?:- hi ld \g a. F e" \I i) aNC/.:J-lvg ?NrJsi *rut.t J -uu5str rJ lru$l z rd'r fl fr \l;h v ,L-,2 vYdv{Jduutjg o,Oj ri I i,ai\ J 0lil{;l rn 'ti r!i i t.1t::nt t: i, ilv Ll tr, R l-t il U.H Kx fl I liil i; D]Dsp, a R' l<t I l<!rli'lij ':t05Sn B 1405r3 31,I399294e9969za'a U"irut* Sara J, B:617 f i-sher P-115 08/23/SS 11r 094 Eagl/Dounty Clerk Pc1 OF1 & Recorder REC DOC 5 .00 s2..50 IEIE DEED , llde thlg dry of bett{€.fr August, 16' L993 HEN4N A. IJ$IgGtr{IE$ AId SEbWIE M. IiIIJSGIKIES of th€courty of EAGLE ard st.te of rhooe lcdil 6Adf 66-is of the 17912 @l0N S[.*IR\rNE-".C4- 92714 ' County of Colorado, of the flrst prrt, end JUEreEN XROGIBNN Ufl[EsSETll, That the g.id psrty of the firet prrt. ard State of Colorado, of the sccord Far!.^ - - - - - . tor anj-in-conoideration oi the s,rn of $*rt$325r 000.00 ) - - ----TTIIF!r'OGWAOO- Co.nty of mGtE The foregoing instnnent ras scknolledged belore me on this dsy of , b,yHEIMIIf, A, I,IilIS(IIKIE$ ant REI.IASF U. ilnISGIKtES Argust 16, 1.993 l'ry cc| ission expt r.ea rluly 30, 1"996 uitrGss [ry hsrd srd offlcirt se€t. TlrsEE lrUlOREo llfritrY Fl\,E rl0rsAll0 D0LLARS AxD 00./100rHs ro the srtd Farty of the firqt pert in har,rd p.id by the 6tid p€rty of. the.eecond psrt, the,receiPt {r:ieo!^!1 f1rcW acfnort "aeeO' ar*'ccnfe66ed, iae'bargained, e'rentna, eotd artd tonveyed, 6nd by.these presents.does gren!, -barulin, 96tl' convery ani cmf im, urto tite "eiO 6.tv oi ite "n"6nd par.i, tri" heire-and asiigru forever, ell the foltoHing degcrl bcd or patc.l, of tand, sltuato, I'ying and being in thc courlty of EeGLjE €nd st.t of cotor.do, to Hlt:Idi'f; BIffi. A RgsllBo:ilirslb!,1b!;'nAfi na$-$cpllE.-I-El-!+!c No' 1, Ac@RDrl{G m THE ffitnD--prlrr-fiffimF; ccutvrv oF EAGIE, srJfrn oF colnn.lm. lol N 6tso krt*n .s stFGct nutfter IOT ]., BIOCK f, VATL DAg SCI{OI{E #1 T0GETHER rith att snd singuler rnd heredltamnts Ird apFlrteriance6 thereto betonging. or.in.anyuiae apPcrteinind, end thc r.versi oft and rcnerrlons, ii*i ndef ar'O rerne inders, ""nil, iaeuos ond pfofits thereof; ard etl tha cstate' ^right. title iiii...ii,-ii.f r ad dd'rd rtratioor*" of th€ scid psrti of th; tirat ptrt,'eitheF in [eH or €quity,of. ln rnd to tha lbove barsaln€d pr€$i3eg. rith ths her€ditamntg gnd aPpurtetFnc6.----- to'il#;rrb r<j'noii ir,J "iil il;,;a dove berEair1go and daecribed, rlth tte sppurtcnancee. rnto. the eald pertv of thc s€cond prrt, hi6 hcir3.rd sa€igns foeever. And the eald party of thc first_part. for^hfrErtf' his helr!. -cxecutor6, "J friiir"[iliil;-dd'.;*;sni. ei*i, i;.cati, qrd airee'to and xith tlre s"qid p?ltv gf !.]€.8?S9n{ paf:-f!P_.!':i.",,.td csigns, thet et the tllE of the enseet ing ard det lvery of the6e Presmtar he is Hetl soited of tho Preml8ea 'Do.'E;*6ft,;;;i-gi{,-irjre, p.rie"l, ausoirii qrd indrieasiute eeiete of ir,lrerimnce, ln tar, in 1* tiry!:f _!! has good risht. rrlt t p*"i qni ra*irt'autrroiiti to grant, bargain, sett ard eonvcy the eets in maffier ard forn aa aforeseid, arrd iiii'iil a.ri lr" iree arro cl,ear fron'ctt ionr*i qna-ottrif gr€nt6, bergaine, sates, ens, taxee, as&sslEntt snd €rlcubrunces of *tetcver kiid or nature soever. exiepr cHtenfL rDGs Aro AEsEssfiE ls toR THE YEAR 1993 AID suBsEq,tEttT YEARE AND suBJEcT Io EAsEl,lEllIs, RE$ERVAII0]|S, RESTRISIIoNS, co\'EIAltTt AtU RIGHTE 0f f'AY 0F RECoRD, rnd th€ ebo\r€d bargained premises in tha quiet srd peecosbte posEegEion of 891d. Party.of th€ sec$d pErt, hi3-heire 6nd aii;S"i 6it"st "ti "na *ery pcFson or pdrson* tar.rf ut ty cl,aiining of to ctaim.thb nhole.or.ery oTt thereof,. the Eald pafty oi-itte fiiit fart *hatl rnc iriit wARRAltt Atlo FoREVER 0€iEND. lhe-ringulsr ftrber shstt lncl'ude the pluFal, th€ ptural the gingutar, and thG use of any gcnder shalt bc applicebte to etl genders.- t[ ilTitESS ;HEREqF, the iaid party of the'?lrst part hea hircunto eet his hand 6nd saal the dsy and year flmt Sove rr i t ten. I> 88- I (SEAL) , LESLIE C. KEYS NOTARY PUBLIC IATE OF COLORAD Fonn tJzA COPUTER llA[RA]rTY oEED - For Photosraphlc Becord209321/.2093?I.1 V20932 My commissio;-Eiiir;ffi Veo934 ll"iru,r, Sa,ra J F-115 0 23 /93 PG1 OF1 & Eecorder REC DOC 5 .00 32 .50B-617 F isher Eag ounty i.1 : 094 Clerk TEI8 DEED , llede thle drv of Augtst J"6, betHe.ri HEIM|I A. IJ!,[SfiIKIES ard REIWIE !{. Irr.rSifffl.rrls of the cornty ot EAGIE ond strte of Coloredo, of th€ flr€t Prrt, and JTIERGET{ XRtrIBISI or pafccl county of EAtrE of tand, iltustc, lying ard beine in thc,3 ,lying 17912 ccX^lAN Sr. nfioae lssr diidres6-is *IR\IINB-'CA- 927]da' ' of rhe " countv ol 6nd state ol colorado, qf the second Farlr- -- --,gtTlEEsETH, Thst the Erid p€rty of the fifst part, for and-in-ione ia""ation o? itre'iun or 1*rr*$325r000.00 ) TIIREE HUI{ORED TIfiXTY FIVE IHOJSAIID OOIIARS AIID O()/1OBTHS to the sard Forty of thc f irat prrt in hsnd p.id by the.said P€rty of the.second pu.!1 !!n-iT:14_:!::*l-i:_lPbr*r,ilti*eO end'cslfes66d, iir'Uqrg"inua, sl-ant"a, sold and ionviyed, snd by.these preeenta does srsntr bargein, setl, ;;t';t-;ii;; ;i; t["'iiii"iiiil-;i iilil;il-iiri. t,i' heirs'end asiisns foiever, dtt the fclLouins deact'lbcd r993 State Doc. Fee tot sl ete6 knorn 66 €tFlct nurber fO:t l', BIOCK F, VAil, DAS SCIIONS #1 TO0EIHER xith att and singulsr and heredl tatEnts ord €pFjrteianoeg tbereto betonging, or.in.anyniee epPcrtEi ing, snd the raver.si on and rcrgr lons, i*ri rUen ino remaildem, .*ii, iea*t and profits thereofi and s[[ th. Gstste,^riEht, title ini"r*t, .[i;" sra d.t*ttd *rata*uer of the eaid party 6f th; firat Ptrt, eithor fn tsH or €4Jlty,of, ln lnd to the ebove barcel n6d d'enige3. Hith the her€ditafl|enta and aPpurtetFnc6.--" fr'iltlE--Alb-Td'ttoii ;i;;il 'preri"J"-ii.iru-Uerelineo ina described, t{lth the eppuntcnsnces, y|to.!l? sild Prftv of tft. gcona p".i, hia hcirs ard aaeiins forever. -Arrd the eafd p.cty gf-thc fir3t.Fart, for hl s.tf' hi8 hol13, cxeoutorar rnd *inrrlratire, doe-e.qqv;;i; ;;;ni, iifoatn, gna es"ee.'to aira r;-tt' tlre s.qid p?ftl 9f thi,"?!g{!:I1^!''il.l"it" tnd essigns. that et tie tlme of the ense6t irg €rd deL lvcry of-the6e Pr$entgr he is welt scized of thc Prmrgea aDove ;ilt d, 'ae of good, eure. po"i*I, absoiute anA inacieasiuti esirte of inheritarae, ln tar,. in 1:. tiyl:l-l!. has sood rirht. futt Fl.*r end r a*ur'auiniiiti-i" gra"i, o4gain, oett and convey lhe ssi€ in msmer ard form Ba sfores€id. ard lili'if,i *r[ lii. iiee ",ro itear froor'stt iormei ana-ottrin lrgnt€, bergaine, sates, Hens, tsxee, tssessrtnts.hd e grbrunces of dtatever kind or nature eoever.iiiipr cg{enAl rA)cs ArrD Assissl,tEills roR rHE YEAR 1993 Al{D suBsEouEr.lT yEARs AND suBJEcT T0 EAsEr4E Ts, REsERvATIolls, n€sTRtctto[s, colGllANTs AilD RlGlllS oF UAY 0F RECoRD. rnd the sbci/ed bargained pF.mises in the quiet and peece.bte posgesgion of sefd. Party.qf th€ secsd Pgrtr his^heire ard aliiii" "siindt-"i i-uni-ieri p"iuon or pdrsins tiwiutty ctaiinins or to ctaitn tha xhole.or.ErV Pfrt lhergof1. the said partv oi-tie ttiet part shEtt rna uiit HARRAT11 ANo FSREVER oEiEND, Ihe singulsr n rbcr shall lnclude the ptural, the ptursl the singular, sM'thc use of any gender shalt ba applioabte to etl gerder6'- tN ilTt{EBS LHERE0F, th! iaid party of the'?lrst part hee hlrcunto eet his hand and soal the day and year flrst sove rr i t ten. ACMBDIII3 EO 1IIE RECNRDED E[.F|jf ITIEREOF,, sTlfrB on' ;ounty of EAGLjE and $trte.,of cotolqqq, to Blt;iit'f; BrffiT. A RErrBDlivlsfol.rpl_'\Br_Ij DA$_gqpNE._I_rI-!+!c No' l, ffi&frfmD-ffrr-tHffiFEF, actn|TY Of EAGIE, STAIE OF CoInRAm. County of EACLE I> s8. I The for€goir€ instrutent l.|as scknolledged before ne On this dEy of , byHEIIfin A, rJrrs$flGE$ ard RENAIE M. rrT;rsCHKlES ArgrJst 16, 1.993 l,ty ccnrrission expl res Jtrly 30, 1996 uitrEe6 iry hsnd ard offlcist seat. ) (sEAr) (sEAt) (SEAL) LESLIE C, KEYS NOTARY PUBTIC STATE OF COLORADO ffiForm rJZA 0IFIPUIER I{ARRANTY oEED - For Photogrephlc Record2093fl.20932V \D0932 mission Voo?f,4 {. BUITDING DIVISION EAGTE COUN.ry, P.O. BOX 789 CouRTHOUSE, EAGTE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-633e pERMrr ro adilition of 2 car qaraqe(--) sroRy I'YPE OF IMPROVEMENI)NO. oo oo'. MaY 20 eeer-rcrnr F & l-.{ | ilischkis nooness Vail, Colorado BUILDIIG PERMIT var-tDArtoN ,L,/ t) a_ , \-.-....( ,s J4 ,--r,t *o 01 5 0 I C ONIR'S LtC€NSE) NUMEER OF DWELL NG UI'I TS iPROPOSED L]SE ) aT ( LOCAT tora)avos lra ZON ING O ISTR ICT (NO., BETIYEE!{ANO ICRO55 5TREETJ ( CROS 5 STREETI: @ o dz: oL Vai I Das Schone -1 E LITr-ot ' gLocx ' -s zE BUILDING IS TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY SUBOIVISION TO TYPE USE GROUF - FT. lN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORIV1 lN CONSTRUCTIOI{ EASEMENT WALLS OR F OUNDAT ]CN REMAR XS: AREA OR VOLUME EsrrMArEo cosr $ 4,ooo FEE"'t $ zz.sO (CUAIC/SqUAFE FEET) SU ILO ING (Affidovit on isveire ride of applicotion fo be completed by oufhorized ogenl of owner) Oo .oo ) lhereby certify thot the proposed ond I houe been outhorized by outhorizeC ooc'1. work is outhorized by the owner to moke this ihe owner of 'record o,.n l;-^r;.'n os his SIGNA'I ADDRE APPRO\ DATE - '.J l"tki:)';i'12)ll'': rT:.{?e. .- ,' t' BUILDING O'"'''OT'O BUrL;Ni. EAGTE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGTE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 orre MaY 20 APPLICANT eenrurrr ro erddl tlon of 2 car gar4e(-) sroRy(TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. AOORESS NUMBER OF OWELL ING UN ITS (PROPOSED II SEJ PERMIT rg 74 PERMTT No. TIETD COPY 015 0 AT (LocAT IoI{)avoS ZON ING o tsTR tcT ( NO.)(STREET ) BETWEEN AND ( CROSS STFEET)( cFoss STREET) o o oz = lr suBo tv ts toN Vall Das Schone TO TYPE USE GROUP BUILOING IS TO AE - FT. WIOE BY - FT. LONG BY .t tr LOT LOT _____L BLOCK -]_ S tZE BASE MEI{T WALLS OR FOUNDATION FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION (TYFE) RE MARKSI AREA OR VOLUME EsrrMArED cosr $ 4r0oo FEE''t g e7^sn (CU8IC/5QUAR€ FEET) oo ,taov INSPECTION RECORD DATE -/k 7 f-fu.7, q- 17. lf:aL tr BUILDING PERMIT AP o AT roN t PLIC 1 Juridiction o Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SP THIS IS YOUR PERMI' PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR #.yryaep s TR 4-rt-- vrf,)^/f 1[s:: rrrrcx:o sxeerl ,""iR- t l{' t-tLtsct+Kts vttt- qLo' €t6s1 MAII ADDhESS PI{ONE LICENSE NO.3 3 - o@ER, Lo tt*, Qo r l4b U+rr- Coua . ARCHITECY OR DESlCl.lER MAI L ADOFESS PHON E Boklttb lrftL qst-o. LICENSE NO.4 \-oBtrLo# 4 ENGINEER MAIL AODRESS PHON E MAIL AODRESS IRAI{CH U5E OF BUILOINC1 C-t1ter 2 c/tR 8 ClassofworK: trNEW }6gg111gX DALTERATION trREPAIF trMOVE trREMOVE I 0escribe vuork:pflou .o7 2cA CrfK/f{>k- To /-4-/si/pc- Re-st}c'at l0 Change of use from PERMfTFEE Z,7\I I Valuation of work: $ 4 ..O.g O. - SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slz€ ol Bldg. (Total' Sq. Ft. Flro Sprlnkl€r5 Requlred !y93 flnq OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACES: N OTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE BEOUIRED FOF ELECTBICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OF WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF T2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D. 3I6NATUiE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTIiORIZ Form 1OO.1 9-59 INTERNATIcrNAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIAL **.:2.?, t )o INSPECTION RECORD DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET EACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT, LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT, LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW-UP, ETC. - ; € Iolo lf"t.. asll Oouos-tr:, ( ,^),*lt/ r e /),-., ( , L-CI-f6 / E.fo'r;ftq ..*= -*'1,rir 1 '- /_-/n/,. '6't%?(^ (/e*l' N,. 24226 ,fa County Theasurer's Offtce, Eagle County, Colorado corc.%.194 I7 OpruiupD uf Account of lrrE c. t. HoEcxEt co.. oByEl (T !) s- - S(2 ,4J'-' t Fund a, $ $ Cash Book Page Y, I '- /z . ,,- - ', Treasur ey il'------: "tI /u**"'.,-ar1"ou - .-(.;o P County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Name... .tt....2-4_..,. N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 161 $.. ..... . $...(0a"0.Q-.. $...&.0.,8 Q.... $... tr-.0.0 . $.&{'0-0-.,.. Plan Chrcker Elecrricatcontractor-..-- 0*tu kt*;jt APPROV,AI.S Applicant..-.-.. Slilature /1. / '4e" e!:w= Chlel Bulrulng Offlcial / THIS FORilI IS TO BE POSTED ('1{ JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUGTTOI{ 48 HOURS ADVAIICE NOTICE REQI'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS Date paid.......3.==2f.: ?-./-... . B"^-d 4- Jlt IIa c, f. rl0aIrcr ca., ralvrr rrralt Ot EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED ourc ?-Jd , rc2tl or De.u ,?"' ^ ' ' 4 CHE9KCASH AMOUNT ITEM Buildi Permit Fee u/ Application For Subdivision lication Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Va r ian ce Appeal Fee Code: (B u ild ing) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for no-payment of any item. N9 245 ,, O- Fro/z- ADDT]ESS OF JOB J57f 'Dooos Troil , I'Jest dail, Ca/ara/o ESTIMATED COST OF JOB $ t00 LY AS NAME A t/, J:u.^l"Ua ffiDBYBUlLDtNGDEPARTMENT,Ttl|SPERMll-AUTHoRtzESTHEELEc.rRlc^LWoRKDEscR|BEDBELoW No. of Units TEMPORAIlY METEB CIRCUITS LIGHTING H E ATING POWER SUB-CIRCU ITS U'fILITY {RAI\JGE. DISPOSEI], DISI-I\^/ASHER, COOLER, FAN, DRYER. ETC.) F!XTUBES NUMBER OVEI] F IVE NEW SERVICE ENTRAIICE NUI\4BER OF n i\4PS CHANGE SERVICE ENTRANCE NUfulBE R OF A|,'4PS WIRING IVIOTORS & CONTBOLS NUMBER OF OtL BURNERS. STOKERS FORCED AIR SYSTEI\,lS, ETC. SIGNS NEON EXTERTOR SIGN AND ONE TBANSFORMER I'IEON INTEIIIOR StGN AND CNE TNANSFOfifUER ADDTI IONAI. TFANSFONMEBS, EXl'ERtOR OR INTERIOF INCANDESCEi.JT EXTERIOR StGN OF 25 LIGHTS OR LESS NUI,.1BER OF LIGHTS OVER 25 TRANSFORMERS & RECTIFIERS. BANKSOF % KVA ADDITION TO OLD T4'ORK MOTORS 1 HP OR LESS MOTORS OVER I HP I.IST UNDER REMARKS ADDITIONAL HP PER IVIOTOIi, REMARKS: It*J:::,w:Ty,il'^Jr TIlIS PEH14IT VALTD ONLY TIVHF-N SIGI{ED BY THE CHIEF PLDG. INSP. pe nNrr t{9 ELECTRICAL PERMIT DATE TOTAL FEE WHEN JOB IS READY, CAI-L THE BUILDING DEPT. ONE WORKIt\lc DAY BEFORE INSPECTION IS WANTED BU'LDING DEPT. APPROVAL BY OR Olf'l/\NC E5. C0l'l'tRACTOR ADDI]fSS Fo R AL-L wo n r/\ o o rJ ri "r, qo lo.illil, ?Ji.j31 r -r I+iffj'-FElJ' I r tF F ^ cc EPrs E i1 h'-i,5ii"61l'ill%li J t" [3 3 f ' u,, r\ p p Lr c A B L E coN rkAcl(] !-{'s r4rol'{ [ No, EXNCTLY AS NAMECHIEF BUI I..DII'JG INSPECTOR THIS I:OIiM IS AN APPLICATION clN FIEOUEST DAIE ?tb1 rU-JoBNAME- rfME REcEfvEs /tt:'Ut (gdevi cALLER EAGLE COUNTY E ornen f] pnnrrnu LocAnoN 57'f READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR t, ;2/ E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr FRI ^r@ APP ROVE D E uporu THE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS rN8 .r,IrY--.;rEu.i!n-'F-{..j N FIECIUEST UNTY " J I . DATE TIME EAGL E CO JOB NAME CALLER n ornen I prnrtnl.LOCATION 357€ READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR , 13,'2/ ^@ APPROVED E OISNPPROVED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREcrloNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr {:,;. -.... .. n r,, ,., *-. a.INSP 1o^, REeuEsr EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEB E orxEn ! pannal. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED @ FRr /i 3a lil)pMMON COMMENTS: TUE fieee RovED E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR oot, /n- l/- 2 Q ar DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSP T EAGLE E orxen f] pnnnnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION fzaf66,ovED ! orsnppRovED fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: +60 EI netNsPEcr CORRECTIONS Dept Ot cdo-Couny. INSPECTOR