HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 17 LEGALTOWN OF VArt l_g s. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657970-479-2L38 ADD/AT,T MF BUTLD Phone: 970-329_3320 Phone: 970-328_3320 Phone: 476-330g -,, TOV/Comm. Dev. lji1l- rp n pPgrit Refu n dapproved amount Building----->245.OO Lg,gg2 #Of Oa6 Aplrlirnc€3: Rastsuarant plan Ravier- _ > DRB 86c-------- RGcrcetion Fc€---^--__ -_>el.rn-Up D.poalt - - - - - - - - > Plrn Ch6ck- - - > Inv.dtlgrtsion> wil.1 crll----> 159.25 .oo 3 .00 DBCI.AR,ATI ONg ii:",'rya':f;:t;nt; lht"i.n:v' !'ad. !hi' 'ppltcrEr'on' flr1.d our in fuI1 chc iDf or'rcion r.qur.r.d, coEpl.E.d rn rccur.E. prorco co.pty rlrh r1r aor' orur'inf,ormgion Provldcd eo regulrcd- ir "o.ro.a. ;;";.:-;" coupry *ich tho in-fornaeion .,,d lrrot. Fr.rn,cod*.-drrisn -J.;-;;;;;.rri,:H iliii,i,'"i;.i"i,:""il:i""::i:i:::"$':;aT:*'ii;i.*#:i*l;ff'il, subaivleion REQUEaTS FoR r*gpEcrroNs gHA"'' BE I'ADE Tl,"$rr-FouR goltRg rN ADvANcs By raLBpHoNE AT t--v ,/ // ./ Hy'/ t \* DB'ARTTT{EN' oF coMMrrNrry DEVEL.', /" bz_ gil*tE / NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TTMES PERMIT permit, #: 899_0176 'Job Address: Locat.ion. . .: 2469Parcel No..:Project tto., Va chamonlx Ln, Brds -,i;iil:a.. i"li73B7rr99rssued...: 07/09/L9ggE:qpires. - : OI/OS/2OOO APPIJTEANT SNOT{CAP ROOFIMIP O lgr 32s, EDWARDS co 8t_632CoNTRACTOR SNOWCAP nooFrlre"'*-"P O B_O_X 325, BDWARDS co 8L632OwNER cHAMoNIx -;A];;'.aa;; 2479 chamonix In, .,riil , co. gj_652 DescripE,ion:Re-roof, game for same, w/fire treated shakes Occupancy: RlTllge Construltion:Tlpe Occupancy: Valuation: ['lraplac. tnforortlon: R..tricLcd: v MulEi-Family Pr.rn ch6ck---> rse.2s DRB F".--__:_:_-_:::::::_: :: ror.t calcureccd FGt!!_--> Eo7.2sInv.dtlgrtsion> .oo """r""ir"" ..:-:. -------t .00 Addirlonal p.6.-----_-__> .oow'.1 crir----> ,:;: S:=*;:;;::::::::: ,..::i ;fi::Iai_:::-_:-:_::: iil:li,,....ir...,**. ."."...,.m:.f::;;;;;;;;:;;;;;i.*....,..::l;::."..*.Ti*a:.?:::;;;.;.;;:;;:....,.......;::.". lllrv,rleqffiffiiffgffgl if """ lrl i_: ;ffi : 6ii$'r?888 dFi8ozl338 rr.rrr**l,*t**rr Jrr., rrrt * rrr*tritrrrrir*rt rrr*asee Page 2 0f Ehis Docunent for any conditlons EhaE may apply to this permlt,. ouu rntrle *of ors Logs: *of, wood/pall.ct I airr**tlrr,, OPFTCE FRO}| g:OO Alt S|OO pM *Of, Wood/pal Lct I 3and Cl.rn-Up D.poalg To: gnowcap Roofing OR COITTRACTOR FOR HT SEIJF *****:l!t*t****!t****!r**:t**********:t*:t**************************!t****!t************* permiE #: 899-017G coNDrrroNs **********i**ii********************?i*3f "lin?(??.*********i:?:ffi.I:lH?*******permj.r,.Type: ADD/ALT MF BUIID PERMTTappf iciii , SrvoWCap ROOFIN. :"ErsFrr r Applied : 07 / 09 / Lggg 97'_328_3',20 rsaued: 0Z/09/J-999To E:q>ire : 01_/05/20o0 ..Iob Addreee: Locat.ion: 2459 Chamonix Ln, BIdg E, Chamonix ChaleEsparcel No: Deecription:Re-roof, same for same,w/fire Ereateil shakes CondiEions: ARE REQUIRED TO CITBCK FOR CODE EOMPTIAI{CE.rN WAILS,CETLINGS,AI{D FLOORS TO BE SEALEDFIRS MATERIAI.,. ].. FTEI.D INSPEETIONS2. AIJIJ PENETRATIONS WTTII AN APPROVED U* * * * * * !r * * * * * *** * * ** * * * **X* ** * :t * * * * ** ** * !t :r * **** * *** * * * * * * *** ** *TosrN oF vArL, corroRADo "---'--r'-'! sEat,emnt.*************!r***********!t**********:t**ir*****!t:l*************:l!r** staEemlts Number: REc_0539 .amount: 5 07.25 O7/Og/gg 11 :13paymenr Merhod: cngcx--Noffil;; #gsg4 rnj_r,: KW Permit No: 899-0126 Tt4ge: A_MF ADD/Ar,T MF BurrJD pERLocaEion: 2469 Chamonii-in, BIdg B, Chamonix c.lralet.s Ttris Payment 507.25 Total Fees: TOt,Al ATIJ PiNES: 507.25 50?.25 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !r * * !r * * !r * * :r * * * * * * * * * *l?l?ff :i - -. * * * * * * * * * * I I * *Account Code Description AmountBp 001000031r-1100 BuiLDifrc-ibn'rff rees 24s.OOpF 00100003112300 pr,alr crilci'rses Ls9.2sAD D2-DEP08 - cl.,&Al{rrp oiposrrs 100. oowc 00100003112800 writ eali-iNSpeerroN FEE 3. OO o o j 'Fl3BJ9o- uIJE o t, HcEl0 6 c| a .1 AEt! E 6 6 FI gl oC'o o o o o o FIJBfi88"l'{aqlzo EHC'a E H oIoliocU o 4I o Fo2ot)'oOUo E A F o F I2 & E A.H9H 68EA(|Ta F ooIA0r|l| a't aE aF.33hoq-ua riE E lrHae F8ln(D e raH EEi8H'oo EA lrHHZi0DooA-Hi El' o t !l E !l' E I Et{i6<o2A oEE-!l8 BHo 40i| r(,UU qH Aql o uIo D Hdo Ic A B Ec HHI{c F :l o FD o ES E tt!t ao1Eoil!'rlqot EE8 TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT AFPLICATION,FORM .. . (;onfacl lheJaagle ()rrrrrfy Assessors office at g7042g-g640 tor parcel *-\. i.'n cet * _ -j]rc3{ t|io ?oojt:" -' "' rr'r'c.-__-a:8.:jj__permit# ?54-bl-ltr r,,r,N"rn.,,_Cha"r'a.oni X C lrzrlefs JobAddrerq: Ilrrildin.q( ) -flumbirrql'. r r cg ar Dr:scripio ",lrW"r# Agrrff.t,"'-.rv"n,e,__$-icK (?,-eqer Addrcss: {rcltilect'ddrcs: lrcv:riptron of Job; \\'rr;ft 1'1t.. 1.1."'f,Alteradon ( )Addjtional ( r{,,nrl'( r !f Dweiline u',rr"' [ (4 | Ja . : Lf Vni+s Nunrtxr :ud Trpe of Firrplaces: Gas Appliances llli)l.I)ll{r3 g r'r-.lJivflllNG Bqq- ot-l 14 Mechanlcal ( I | $rq V j',n[9tt"'Xtry €, R"-rouf SuMlvision Phone# Pbonc# Repair ( )orherx) K"-.oF Number of Accomurodatiort U nilq Gas Logs WoodZPcllA 308 vALUAT|qNS ELECTRICAL: $ Re-r"o{ OTHEf,,: TOTALI'IECHAMC.AL $.__- 'IiNn of \Jail Registratlon No. I |cc!u!st El4lfqgtpr Addre*c: Phonc #1 r'rvy1 o6 Vail Rcgistration No. l'lnmbing Cont ractor I orr rr of V;ril Regismtic,rr No. it t ec ! 44!g[..!fur!gcleg : 'I osl ot' V;ril RcgtsUaticn No Ad&ess: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFTCE UgE lTvF'l:L- BUILDING. SIGMTUFE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: 91.FAN UP p.ErPo$.!l- a:lv d zsvzBLboLFj, O1 'rd:ro..n3o-lto3-nor'r,todJ 90.2t EE_€to_1nf TOIIIIOFVAIL Dc partntnt of Cotnmunity Deyelopmcnt 75 Sourh Frontage Road l',til, Colorado 81657 070-479 2t_18 FA^' ,)70-479-2452 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUTLT'ERS Effective January I, 1999, the Town of \,'eil Building Departrnent h* dwelopcd the ficlknving procedures to ensure that new construciion sites heve ndequately established proper drainage from building sirce along and adacent to Town of Vell todg or slreets. rhe Town of Vail Public works Department will be required to inspect and approle drainage adjacent to Towrr ofv'ail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at eccess points fiom the road or sbect onto the construiiion site. Such approval must be obtained pnior to,any request for inspcctiott by the Tou,n of Vail Building Departnrent for footings or tcmporaf,y clectrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval a1479-2198 to request &r inspcction frorn tht Public Works Department, Allow a minimun of 24 hour notice. Also. the Town of Vail Public works Deparfrnent wirl bc approving dl firttrl drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as rrc*ssary. Such approval must be obtained prior to Final Certificatc of Ocdpaucy issurnce. Fa *r,*nrrr^u*zsvvglv6l6' A| rd30-r\30-!lo3-nol,'lloul Eo! ?l E6-Bs-1nr3 Dltd Tfltlrll nE It^,tt nnlt(!?r!t rra.rr.llr .-it-r,\. Jr+. i.r-a a^ a b.-a. !-G,-- | 2 H'est Jlleatlotu l.lriw I'eil. ()olomdo EI6S7qiil.179-2250 VatI FinDelrffinirrt Waste container storage location Wastc load out area location Entry and Exiting details of abatement areaI)etails_of entry and exiting prans for the occupants of the strucutrein unaffccted areas. Tdwn of Vail Fire Department.Requirements for Asbestos Abatetnent within the Tovyn of Vail. i lrc fiollowirrg iterns are required for work to be done within fie Towrr of vail. 'A Tor;rn of Vail perrnit is required per Ordinance No. 19, Series of l99gA copy of the General Abatement certificate, and State of Coloradocertilication. Infonnation cretailing trre narne of the on site project manager, withcontact numbers. Estimated stfiing date and time and estirnated duration of project.A. coplz of uriften arrangements with the facility operatots for anytcmpol'ary disabling of the air handling systems, fire sprinkfer systern,and ararm systems with the names and contact plon";r*b;;; irah.r*individuals. Site plan with details addressing: zsbz6eDoeE,O I s6.zl E6-60--rnr' rd:Iq-A3(I-t^to3_n oI , t^touJ h TOI]N OF VAII. I)e pa tt ment o_f Cltm.munity D eteloFtnunt 75 South Frontaga Road lhit. Colotado 81657 o70-'t79-2 I 38 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDTNG PERMIT TSSUAJ{CT TIME FRANM lf this perrnit requires a Tor*r of Vail Fire Departrrent Approvaj, Enginccr.s (public Works) rer4e$ arrd approval- a Ptanning Depaftnert review of Health Departncnt rc.vicq etrd I t€l,icrv b1' thc Building Departrnent, the estimucd time for a tctal review may trkc as long $ thrcc (3) q.eeks. All comnrercial (large or small) and all nrutti-family permits will have to follort thc above mentjoned nr&xinrum requiremcnts. Residcntial and small projcds shoutd iake e lesgcr arnoilnt Of tirnc. Hortsvcr. if rcsidcotial or rmaller projects impact thc rariorrs abovc medtiohed deparlments with regard lo nec€ssar,v revict', tbese projocts mry also takc thc lhrec (3) vcet< period. El en atlempt rvill be made b1' this deparrment to expedlte this pennit as soon es Dossiblc. I. the rrndenigned- understand the Plan Chock procedure end tirne Farne. t rlso uflderlt|nd thst if the permit is not picked up by rhc e,rpiration dato, that I must still pay thc plan Check Fce and that if I fail to do so it may affect fuhrrc permits that I apply for. >ruaetf K"t&,,^,1 , &'. ]l,rV/,J"" 3 CVtl projecrName: Cl"o^nnix e \, tek fL".t Work Shcct nas turncd into tln Communitr Der.clopment Dept. ,.!}^a 1a X 2f .ltt.r:n P A F'inzsbzEaEoLB'cil .Idgo-/,|gO-ttOJ-AOt,l^totJ 1,6,?l 6B_80_1nr ':r' i r' 8,b ,a?'\ 10: TP.OM: t)A1E: PJi: JOB NAME: ..PUBLIC W^Y PERMIT*: l. ls this a nele tesidence? YES .1. l$ an]' utiUtv work needed? {. Is the drirrrvav bebg rcparcd? MEMONANDII!1T ALL CONIR^CTORS TOIVII OF VAIL PIIBLIC WORKS JA..NUARY I. 1999 TVIIFN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQIJIRED ur,rr' --t -? -8:99 PI-F,ASE ANST,VFR THE TOLLOWING QTTESTIONNAIRE REGARDING THE NEED FOR A No)(- jl . Is de-molldon vrork being performed that reqlir;s tfu usc of the Rlght-oGWay, cascmedb or publlc propertj? YES_ NO X YEs-.-.-- Nojx_ YES NOJ_ ) 6 Ls a different accost needed to rhe site orhcr than 16s 6ldsrtng drir.oltsy? }'ES Nox ts an1 dralnage s orlr lelng done that affects thc Rlght-of-wr"v, eescmenb. or publtc Ftoperty?YES__ - NO:_- 7 s. ls a ''Revocablc Right-of-Wa1 Pernif' rcqulred? YES-- NO-X- -A. ts the Rigbtof-lv4y. eas€ments ot public properg'to bc uscd fot stagng, pa*lng or fenclng? YES__* NO x_B. lf NO to 8A. is a parking. slaEing or fencing plan re+rlrcd ty Communlty Der-elopncnt?YEs-_ NO )< - lf you annvered YES to any of these questiols. a '?ublic Way Permit'' must be obtaind. '"Pulllic Wa.'- I'ennlt' applications ruy be obtained at lhe Publlc Wo*'C ofrcc of at Comnnity t)evelopmcrr!. Ifyou har"e an1 questionr phesc call l,eonard Sandoval ftotn Public Wotts et 479-2198. I HAVE pE,\D .,L\D ANSWERED ALL TllE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Date:lshs--1 3 5\Jd Contractor Simatue Compmy Nane n /5 Kfi:) z\?7Rl,bOZGi.ot 'r.dao-n go-Noc-nor'NoUJ eO'Z I BE-El6-'lnC It. PUBLIC WORKS PTRMIT PROCESS Hort, it relates to Building pennits Fill out our check lirililrrn+j{**** **rronrage Road or pubtic works.l;.,t#;iil |:i.".:,i# Htr $ H ry co mpan i es. Ar r ut il iti esrn' 1. f crd verig (rocrte)to ie lou,s 'ot;;;,' H:ffi:T",fffL,*"rion some urir;ry "ornpa,,ll, ,*u,r. uo A construction tra{ff< p,lper_An ,ooro'Jt controustaging platr must beprepated .o-1, l scperue shect ofarr trarlic ";i."i;;;:::'-ltl!^^' also be u$a consuusli.rl 5,.n;,,j"11.(lisnt...on"r, ;;";l' rn,s plan will show tocatiotrs oC ,ou",ouu,i-,il"dnffil.lllf "iiililffi :i'"TilI"?ffi ;!T,1T-,u.,* Sketch ofrvork beinswi<rrhandd;;;;"i;"fi f iil,Tff i3n'*:*i-n jicl jincdimengioust,"nsth, plan for the job "ro 'rrir De orawn on the Faffic *ntrol pf* ot a slte i:illf;?,1f .":s.i1ll:'*:"torhepubric*"1*._.,T:.forleyiew.rf rquircd,n'. lo."iur;"il"":':::T the ro*n of vaillin the morni ne; ;; ffi ::frlX.ff f ii rf;it'ffi:iil,;- #:#iili,|#i;n*i.y":".f;,rl:*1'i:i..r0,,*,."_o iltU::: t*.ililr;l"T ;fjf *"rJ.tr ';:+f HT3.$TH# H As soon a^s the peffnit is iiitqil:*kffi .*,r*nrfrH{l{fi il':#Hr*on a project itself "''r q -ourr(Llng fermit" which is to do wodc N01E: Th: above process is for wnrL :n - _..Lr!p,, r, r i " w.. Ji, j ;-#: l.:,fi :iil #ll,iJ#JyI+A new hrhtic Wav perrnir is required ;;h;#;*ork is nor cornptete. 4 6 ZS t,U BZ b@LE . o r 11 |.l 3:)\.r',t 'Id3(t-n go_r{oJ_AOI , t^rnrr 60 'ro: FROM: DAlE: SUBJEC'T: Read .and acknowtcdged [.: (lollE 52-10: DEpOSns ON PUBLTC wAyS PROEIBTTED A Lnla*firl deposits: Subjcct to subscction C thcreof, it is unlawful for en-v pefson to littcr,track or deposiL or cause rote rittered, r-acked or depoett"d *"4;;;i l**., mud dirtsnolv' i"u. or anv other debris or materiar upou any sircet, ,ii"rrreriiru"i,'oipuuti" ptacc, otan]- Fortiort tlereof B. Notic:e; Abaternent: The Director of pubtc works ma;- noti$ and require any person whoviolores or causes another to violate the pmvision or subssction a uJoi, .ir"rro has in theDirettor's enrplolment a person rvho vjolatcs or causet another to violate the same, topremove such sand gravcl, rocks.,nud, dirl snow, ice or an1. ottrei aiUris oi fnut*et u,ithidhryeuy four (24) hours aftor receipt of soid noticcbl. thc Diiecto. oipuuli.:ivorl"- In td'"elcnl the pe$ou so nqtified fgas-1_ot gomply lirh tf,e notl.. *itttii-ti. pol"a "rtire hereinspecified. rhe Director of pubric wo*s, or oder authorized $lnt mayLuse anl,such satd,gralel. rocks. mud- dirt, _s1orv. icr, debris or any other mate;il to.ue remooto ao* arrv shector all,:y at the expense of the notified.c Excq rtions: The provisions of subsection A bereof shail not be appricabre:I within t}e imnrediate area of an,r'constnrctioq mahtenance iii iegaiiprqect oranystrcct or allet' or of aniv $atcr nuin, serrer main, elcctricity rire, jr* iii", ietep-lionJlireol an!. appurtenance thereto;2' 'to deFosirs of sand din or materials necessa4'for {e.protcction of thc public safcty; ,od3 '[c prrbric arcos designarcd for the dumping oiaep*hilg;i;;;;t riJlf)' '\umntorq: Penaltv: .As an altcrnative to the niti.e for...*olnJpr*iaeJ in subeeaiorr Babove. any persorr u'ho r"iolates or causes another to violue tlre samg mal, be issued a gurnmorui toappear before rhe Municipal court of thc Tolr for said viorar;;, r"d;;;leing fourrdgrrilti'of a violation hereundcrte punished as pro'ided in section-lJ-l-iidt *a.-E Noticc: Penart-v: It is unla*6rr foi any personioanr or rerLsc r. ";*piy ,-il the sotice ofthe Direclor of Public works as prorided in subsection B hereof. ald auy such pcrsotr sbe1, inaddition to palment of thc r-tpense of removal inorrreo by the Direcior of fubfic worla, asprovided in subsection 9 t^"'eqt ,ry !.Tq F*deuittyire;&t;; iir.iiaer, u.punishable as provided in section t-l-t or[is coae. (isgz coae, oiainance 6 (1979) ,ALL COI*ITRACTORS CURRENTLY RECISTERED WIn{ TT,E TOWN OF VAIL TO\11I OF V-AIL PUBLIC woRKs AND CoMMUNITY DEVELoPEIVIENT JA.NIJARY I. 1999 CONSTRUCnON pARKrNc AND IvIATERIAL STORAGE &"za V'P_' fiur"^p R"-Q^, ,e, . Position or P.etalionship to projecl: o^ru. --1-'-6'11_ Corrt -ch. (i.c. conrac{ot or oorrer; z9ba6aboaE.ota:)dd 'rdao-n dcl-!,to3-aoJ, ' Hottl t6'zt E6_BO_-rnr. T'?IflN OF VA]L l.l aps 1nn snl of Comnuni tv Developntent i5 Soutlt I'rontagc llotul \hit. C'olorado 8165'/ ai0 4'/9,2138 IAX t'70-479-2152 ", l. J, INFORI\I{TION NIOEI'ED 1VITEN APPLYING TOR A MECEANTCAL PERMTT IIJ:AT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE. FLOORPLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITHEQUIPi.A]IrDRAWN INTO scArE. wrrH PrrySrcAL DIMENSTONS AND BTU RATINCS OF ALL EQUIPMEIIT IN l ltE MECHAMCAL ROOI'I. SIIO1V *CIZE AND LOC.{TION OF COMBUSTION AIRDUCTS. FLUE.S. VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. I{OTE WTIETITERELEVATOREQUIPMENT WILL AISO BE INSTALLED INTI{E N'ECIIATiICAL ROOM. F,ATLURI; TO PROVTDE TEIS INTORMATIONWTLL DEI.4{Y YOURPfNMIf. lDa urrtr",r.r'r, ,'. n"o zsb46LbALB. dr 'rd3o-Aao -lloc-AoJ. 'llo8J E6't t BB-E|6-'lfl('Ft 'fl :l9vd Tvz 1nr\l =----al,C, -- G\5 \FJ a'/ ( es do\ B f..f C( rFotPs-d A o'5 e n4' $*.fr T7 o vDoqa- C(^s>\|n td :tJ !r :{--rFSS-LJ e\ Ytc- J6 s ti PROPOSAL SNOWCAP ROOFING, INC. P.O. BOX 325 EDWARDS, CO. 81632 970-324-3320 DATE: JULY 08, L999 PAGE lOF2PAGES PROPOSAL SUBUITTED TO: NAME: CHAMONIX CHALETS ADDR: P.O. BOX 1375 vArL, co. 81658 PHoNE: 476-3308 : DICK $TORK TO BE PERFORUED AT: JOB TITLE: CHAMONIX CHALETS JOB ADDRESS: BLDG. IIEI' cHAl{oNIX LANE VArL, CO. 8L657 ARCHITECT: Nr/A DATE OF PLANS: N/A wE HEREBY PROPOSE to rernove the existing roofing and furnish and install class rrBrt No.l- Grade cedar shakes, with cold roof and cold riclge. Underlaynents of 'Vycor Ice and Water Shield', with 36 and 18 inch, 30 pound roofing felt, as follows: l-l 'Vycor Ice and lfater Shield' will be applied shingle fashion. on top of the existing bare pllntood deck. The vycor will be applied over the entire roof sheathing surface, lapped three inches on the head laps and six inches on the end laps, and extendLng up all vertical walls adjoining the roof a minimum of L2 inches in height. 2l The entire roof surface will be covered with a layer of 36 in<:h, 3o pound U.L. roofing felt by Tamko, lapped four inches on the head laps and six inches on the end laps, and extending up all vertical walls adjoining the roof a minimum of t2 inches. 3l A cold roof will be installed consisting of 2 x 2's at l-6rl o.C.'s attached with 16D air nails. Horizontal skip sheathlng, l- x 4 battens will then be installed at 3 L/2n o.c.'s and attached with 1 3/4tt air staples. 4l A crold ridge vent, will be installed, Using vertlcal sleepers of 2 x 2's, with horizontal I x 4's laid flat, flberglass screen. (No drip edge flashing is included on the cold ridges. ) 5l Sheet metal flashing, ds needed for this job, will be shop-formed from 26 gauge galvanized metal , and includes the f o.l lowing : 1l Wall flashing2l Step flashing 3l chimney crickets (2=franing by others)4l Drip cap flashing (6 inch flat stock) 6l Thj.s proposal includes the additional adjustments necessary pe:r AugusL 1997 invoice; Class B, eave screen, l-2rr eave drip, barges, and pipe jacks, chimney reglet. CHAI,IONIX REROOF PAGE2OF2PAGES JULY 08, 199971 This proposal includes all staples, nails, mastic, andderivery fees, labor, and clean up of alr waste roofing materlals(to be placed in a Snowcap Roofing Inc. provided recepta-leconvenient to the roof staging area). 8l This proposal does not include any snowfences, gutters anddown spouts, nor chimney nrodifications. This proposal may notinclude all other niscellaneous unforeseen labor and naterLals thatrnay be required for a conrplete systen, such as the need to replaceany plywood decking. Snohrcap Roofing, Inc. agrees to take al,treasonable precautions needed to guard against danage to adJacentpr:operty, Iandscaping, etc. during operations, however thecustoner agr:ees and recognizes the danger inherent ln this type ofwork and agrees not to hold snowcap Roofing rlable in the event ofany danage or injury which occurs during the course of normaloperations and which was reasonably guarded against. 9l Due to the inconsistency of the construction materialsmarket, rnaterial prices can fluctuate rapidly. Any prlce increasesprior to our: purchase (typicalry 30 days prior to the conmencement ofthe roofing project) will cause the contract price to increase r accordingly. 101 rf snow removal or daily installation/removal of plastic isrequired, this work will be charged extra at the rate of-g:E.OO per man hour and $45.OO per supervisor. Rel_nforced plastic (2Or x 1OO,rolls) will be charged extra at $120.00 per roll. or current cost.Any propane required to dry the roof deck will be charged extra at Snordcap t s cost. 111 Upon paynent in full, Snowcap Roofing, Inc. will issue awarranty cer:tificate guaranteeing roofing specifled in this proposalagainst leaks caused by faurty workmanship for a period of orte yearfron the dat-e of roofing completion. subsequent l-nterlor damag-s arenot conpensable, and T & M fees wirl be charged if our investigationfinds Snowcap's workmanship not responsLble for the leak(s). COST: AII rnaterial is guaranteed to be as specifled. AII workshall be per:formed in accordance with the specificatlons subrnittedand conpleteid in a workmanlike nanner, for the sun of:$19r992.00 NINETEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HI]NDRED AND EIGHTY-TT{O DOLLARSTERI.{S: Net 30 days, no retainage, 2t per month charged on overdueaccounts, as well as any legal fees incurred. workmans conpensatlonand Public Liability rnsurance will be furnished by snowcap Rooflng,rnc. No adclitional work shall be performed prJ-or to the executlon-ofa signed change order. Respectfully Subnitted: Snolglap Ro,",, -*;'<.iffujn"' ::::::__:i::-!::!::::=::L_::=:::_1i::3:L_T::::::!:::::1lili=13=!1I3: AccEPTANcE oF PRoPoSAL: r authorize you to proceed with the work asspecified herrein. r guarantee paynent according to terms speclfled. DAEESIGNATURE** Return one signed copy to our office. :r* July 8, 1999 TO: The Town Of Vail FROM: Chamonix Chalet Corporation SUBJECT: Re-roofing of E Bullding (2469 Chamonix Lane) I'le glve approval to Sno-Cap Roofing to proceed with the constructlon of a new roof for E Building in our complex. 4) ,, -= /2, .-A- 4."--'--t'-o'"''- Dick Brewer Manager REpTlSl IOttN UF Uflr|-, COLURADU -r trAgE 1 ::::1iI=i::::=::::::::ti!5:i!::=::::==i:i:=:::Q:ri::::====*==::!::===== Aetivity: Address r Locat ion r Parce I : 899-0176 g/?7/19 Typer A-MF Status: ISBUED tronstr: AMF 2469_Charonix Ln, Bldg E, Charonix Chalets Oee:Use: Description: Re-roof, sale for sare, w/fire treated shakesApplicantr SNOl.lCAtr ROOFING Phone: 97O-388-33?O Ownerr CHflt{ONIX CHALET CORF Phonez 476-33o,8 Eontraetor: SNOtJCflFi ROIIFING Phone: 974-3PA-333€l Inspection Request Requestorr Sherry Req Ti:el O8:OO Iters requested to OOO9G BLDE-Final Inforration..... Correntsr bldq E be Inspeeted... Phone: 3?8-332O flet i on Corrent s Tire Exp Inspeetion History... .. Iter: OOee6 FIRE DEPT. NOTIFICffTIONIter: OO51O driverray grade finalIterr 0OSIO BLDE-Footings,/Steel f ter : tno,ar?g BLD[i-Foundat ion/SteelIterr SOS?U PLAN-ILtr Site trlanIterr OOO3O BLDG-FraringItet: OOS40 * * Not On File * * Iter r oo,o5,0 BLDG-Insulat ionIter; o,G,o,60 BLDG-Sheetrock NailIterr O0,OBO * * Not tln File * * Iter: o,o,076 BLDG-Misc.Iter: SOO90 BLDG-FinalIterr OOS:iO BLDG-Terp. ClOfterr OO531 FIRE-TE]I|P. ClOIterr OO53e Plr-TEl'F. C/OIter: OO533 PLRN-TE]I|P. ClUIter: 9S537 PLAhI-FINAL C/OIter: OO53S FIRE-FINAL ClO Iter: ItO539 PIf-FINAL C/(}Iterr o,O5,4O BLDG-Final Cltr ':? ,,J-NJ(' n$'