HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 BLOCK D LOT 5 LEGALO.;( l.* S& .''t-)'- '-4".\^^* t -B(.-u" \^ov' NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO2-OO5O Job Address: 2507 AROSA DR VAIL Location.....: TOWNMANAGER'SHOME Parcel No...: 2 I 03 I 4201 00 I Project No : OWNER TO9IN OF VAII, c/o rruer,'rcE DEPT 75 S FROMTAGE RD VAIIJ CO 81657 License: 04/og/2oo2 Phone: CONTRACToR FRrsco FTREPLACE & sTovB sHLo'4/o8/2o02 Phone:. 970-668-316o P O BOX 1330 FRISCO, CO 8 0443 I-,icense: 101-M APPLTCAIiIT TOWN OF VATI, C/O FINA}ICE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD vArL co 4L657 License: o DEP rt ARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8r6s7 970-479-2138 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 04/08/2002 Issued. . : 0411012002 Expires. .: 10/0712002 04/08/2oo2 Phone: Desciption: convert wood burning fireplace to direct vent gas appliance Valuation: $3,385.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 lai a tt l:l:t *:|,l it:i *t ** i 'tt t 't** * tt * ** rl * Mechanical-> S8O. OO Restuarant Plan Review-> $O . 0O Tolal Calculated Fees--> S103 . 00 Plan Check-> Szo. oo DRB Fee----------.--> go - oo Additional Fees-------> (5103 . 00) lnvestigation-> SO. OO TOTAL FEES---------> $103.00 Total Permit Fee-'--_--> S0 ' 00 willcall--> $3 . oo Payments-----'-------1 S0 ' 00 BALANCE DUE-----> $o. oo Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT O4/O8/20O2 CDAVIS ACtiON: AP SI'BiTECT TO FIEL.D INSPECTIONS IICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAI{CB. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPI-,IAIICES SI{AIL BE VEI\IIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AI'ID SHALI-, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR CTIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TTIEB}ONE AI 79-213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF rt mw(frwn 75 S, Frontagc Rd. Vall, Colorrdo 91657 Prov-idelrlechanlc.l Room layout drawn to ccalg to lnclude:s Mechenlcal Room Dlmeniionro C.ombustion Alr Duct Slze and locationo Flue, Vent and Gar Line Size and l-ocationo Hcat Loc C;alculaUonro EqulpmcntGut/Sp€cSh€Gt Proiect #: Building Permit #: Permit witt not be accepteO wiUrotltffii6iliili Town ofVail Reg. No.: Tt' f,reol*-- T'1<- @MPLETEV & Materials) MECrfAf{rcAL: +3365 . ao crfrePT*$ M Pl4ar^r JobAddress:a Zg7 kl-s1, (- @4s Dlv aea-ncc workclass: New() Addrtion( ) Artentior!( I neplirt I ottrerl IBoilerlocatjon' tnterffir( )Does an EHU o<ist at this locaUon: yes ( ) N" ( j Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( No. of E<isflng Dweling Unhs in thls buildins No. of Accornmodation Units in thb building: Nofl-ype of Fireplaces p.pou.O Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) Is trtb a com€ts ,r**,3*,t*{.,l.rf ,1.rft ,s*rl. *rr **,1.**r(rrFoR r*,f,****!r** F3 / Cy.ttons/fi ofl E/ mcd|penn ONLYtf *rf ,.r*rt:tr*rt**rt,t rtt tt*,1,t:t rt You must ohin Desiqn Review Boad (QRB) apprwal if any of the mechanical rvork wil invotve AI{yexterior work rhis iicludes ana is noiiim-iieo -b remorat and replacement of drivway snow mett llffiSi;liease contact a ptanner at iig-ztze berore suuririttins vour mCrrl-.iicar permit The Tornn of vail has adofted the 1998 rnternationat Medranicat @de (rMc) wittr the 1g97 uniformMechanicat Code (UMC) as an acceptabte itternative. All nerv construction wrlthin the Tom of vail is onsHered b be of unusually tiglrt oonstruction, tfrgsall combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure fior mechanicat quipmentReftrencethe 1997 UMC Sec. 7Ot.Z, Town of Vail Fircolace Ordinance rn sepbmber of 1991, tfie vail rorn council adopEd an ordinane which resbicts te aonstruction anduse of open hearth fireplaces within municipal uounoaries,--lin"e that time the ordinance hasundergone numenous ctrCnges and revisions, striving noico.ptorise, yetefrective-nesJin addressingthe air quality issue. Therefore the orowing criteria has been adopted: o construction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of vaitmunicipal boundaries. o Dnrellino Units - Each new dwelling unit may contain:one (1) EPA Phase rr ceftified s;lia ruel burning rtevie and no mor€ than tnlo (2) gas apptiances(B vent) OR nrc (2) 9as log fireplaces and no more than two (z) gas apptiance fireplaces (B bent), r Restricte4Dwellinqrfnib - Each new restricted dwelring unit may contain:one (1) gas rog fireprace and not more tttan one (1) gas appriance fireprace. o Accommqdation unlFs - Each new accommodation unit may contain:One (1) gas log llreptace or one (f) gas appliance tireptice. o rf two or mone se$tl$ rlwelling unib or accommodation units are combined b form one taroerunit' tlre combined unit mav reta'in one woooburning i,teplJii rird;iffi; g;sd) and no morethan 2 gas appliance fireplices, or may convert up to twd existing fireplaces to gas. o rf during the courseof a remodel an existing w.oodburning fireplace is altered or moyed, the unitmust tlren comply with all provisions otttr_e 6roinance. iiiit ii, irt" fireptace must be convelted tonaturar gas or r€praced by an EpA phase rr certified unit. F: /cyeryon./f onr/ mcchpcrm rt }i{AR-20-2002 tED.09:48. AM FRo[{o8C0 FrREPIACE Flx:e706Q5 PACE 1 (0 qrEa l egg Frlsco FireDlace O$tOve $hop llrth2o,20m Bob lhlardn 2t07Arue Drlvo \lbll, co t1657 D€rEob, Ihgrk yut br 1qq rwrt lqrdry 6r a quots dl fi€phe lm$t qptirns Er your flopeity l'ZflI- Atoca Dilttq Vrll. CornpHa ffiIabn lnotules: Flltqlffc Xhodlnrlfil DV.XL 43,000 Eru Dtrrcl \6nt fiGptece lndnltrE Dhck rrdl fio., appnmnetoty 1? of co'dd cl{nrey, hlgh ulnd bmln llon cap, rbrm colhr, nrdtmhol hlHhg pemil balcl, and hborbr ffill$n. A5006dcnctufllccuFyouodc,u,trtrtm[t|15016trynpntugtcurnffir. lfrnwcadrdhnFF&SSuT ulutttliUinpmteHrof cmsUrdon#am. Hcsadgn bebrnnd rutrnb urnihtll+pmpthisdepoeftpsyttett Thr* yw ftr pur buahnc, Ub took bruntd h rror{trg ufi you. Shcrnly, >*'lr Jconltlllsmn At agrntlbr Frbo Fkrflaco 0 6hrr tlrp, Ud. Alm|rtrlrlguflrduart!|.ptu,lSm$dsdourbtttflnffirmofff,mfi,iid@. |l$|t-bDooornEdh.tl cr|fib nrm€r cailn to trdrd Frb, Au ffisr s ffii ftrn rdfo!fti lrilt! mi il tf,l b ErH aU upotttfrn dlgtrdtflbFcrrd q!!otqrnd&rrthcdnlr. N gsrgrb ootilf,rtt rFn rtlb, dahL (fiNS blgdourotll. ornn to cery ir rd draf lracraay irnlan, Ornndrer mfoy co,cnA ry vnnrfi OorQrrrihr lnarrilo, ln dr emtd.Vdrhldp$|gruuntmucry-E|ldrdtr.I.rilCtrlcontitFbcoFh.pbl$!taglID,ll4idb.dilrdbC nrcuFbdfllqms,H*ps[4ilyfrclEfllt|lllionrydtrr.ilchrsrdthburd. Airrcohrgedrta Fr|ru||irrll bo d&l to Cl p* drr balrnee (nilnlnlm drn fS,U. l,lot* Thb onbad nry bc rffrdrawn by uo tf nd mpbd udtrtn ll0 days of abow dsb,ffi.hLL_Deb "l ufoz- 74ll Tbn Mlle Driw, P.o. Bon 1330 Frleoo, Colorado 8(H4{l 970{68"S760, FAX 888.5506 www.frlscoll rcplac.. com For thr aum of: -t- CONTENTS ABOUT FI REPLACE XTRORDINAI R PRODUCT OVERVIEW DESIGN STYLES CLASSIC ARCHTM METROPOLITANTM ARTISANTM ARCH ITECTU RAL COLLECTIO NTM FRENCH COUNTRYTM NEO_CLASSICTII ART DECOTT1 ARTS & CRAFTSTM TECHNOLOGY EMBER-FYRETM BURNER DISTINCTIVE FEATURES GAS FIREPTACES 35 CUSTOM BUILDER FIREPLACE SPECI FICATI ONS MANTLES - REMOTE CONTROLS GAS FIREPLACE INSERTS FIREPLACE INSERTS FACING PANELS _ SIZING INSERT SPECIFICATIONS OPTIONS F repl.rce Modcl 44 DyXXL wrth Arirs.rn Ni.kei f.r,:e p ate I 2 3 4 6 B 10 I2 t4 t6 IB la) 20 22 24 25 26 )-7 2B FREpt--E XTRORDNAtr{,,, A home is a cornbination of dreams and choices, each a reflection of you. From the rnost intimate engraved details on a fireplace face to the grandest of fires, our fireplaces and inserts brtng a sense of peace and tranqullrty to your home. Eireplace Xtrordinatr manufactures a unique line of gas flreplaces and gas burning flreplace inserts that complrment a broad range of architectural styles. We utilize the finest matenals. and subject them to vigorous testing stanclards to make flreplaces that stand up to the rigors of time These products are the best money can buy. We are passionate about both the science and the art of fire. Browse, study, dream, and let us help you transform a room to a gathering place In your nome. DESIGN SWLES The design section depjcts our compiete seiectjon of Fireplace and lnsert face plates, which compliment a broad range of architectural styles. These face plates come tn a variety of sizes to fit all our flreplace, and jnsert models TECHNOLOGY Our history is one of lnnovation. Our designs have earned "Best Buy" endorsement from Consumer Djgesfo magazrne. Most recently our Ember-Fyre" gas burner technology was selected by Popular Scienceo magazine "Best of Whats New,' as "One of the Years Top 100 Innovations in science and technology. " Our technology rivals the efficiency of "blue flame" furnace efficiency, yet, offers the appearance of glowing embers and logs with dancing yellow flames found in a real wood fire. A standing pilot milljvolt system generates enough electricity to ensure continued use and enjoyment of your fireplace- even jf the power goes out. GAS FIREPI.ACES Our gas fireplaces burn either natural gas or propane and are rated as furnaces. They can be used. at times, as your primary neal source The installation choices for our fireplaces are very flexjbje. All of the Firepiace Xtrordinair products uttlize a direct vent system to ensure rndoor air quality. Our fireplaces can be installed with either a vertical or a horizontal venr. which enabies you to install a frreplace virtually an),rarhere in your home. These firepiaces can be incorporated in new construction or added to an existing home. Page 24 illustrates how to add a beautiful fireplace, custom tile hearth and mantie. all jn a srngle day. GAS FIREPI.ACE INSERTS The fireplace insert is designed to turn your metal or masonry fireplace into an efficient source of heat, and in fact, can oe useo as your pnmary heat source in a mid sjzed home. Our gas inserts are available jn two sizes and offer the saf nc beautiful face plate choices as our fireplaces DIRECT VENT SYSTEM Outside air for combustion Circulated room air Combustion exhuast o @o fol=trowo&thn| \1, I i I i 1 e o The Model 36 DV-XL \rith Z4 K.ricrL q.)'d C, .', A n / r/{ .llj.l.a |. rnstalled on. fircplace ard rnclrdes Ihe optionai brick Ilreback lsee optrons pg. 29) Classic Arch, sho'wr in 24 karar 9o.d'n h,.r F oplron.r D t. l i rcb.rck. Cl.rssrc Ar.h. sho,,a,n in brushe.J nrckcl rinlsn vvith ootioral brick fireb.rck and opr on.rl .trched scfeen doofs. (See optrons Og. 291 Classic Arch, sho\ ",'l in black meLrllic painted f nish vvirh optronal llnck firebac (. Det.ril of the Cclic.lte Classir Arch hcal excnan!,le qfiil. Ihis Z4 k.tfat qold CLrsJic Arch f.lce piate ls fcatured or a f4 DVL i|lsert vvifh oDtron.ll bri.k tireb.cK .rnd arched f.cina paneli lSee fariNq p.rnels pq Z6J CLASSIC ARCH- face ptate may be used withanyFireptacexrrordinajr gas rnsert or gas fireplace. The graceful arch opening that frames the fire viewing area rs complemented by a parallel arch face. This combination of curves has a timeless appeal and universal applicat,on to a wide range of archjtectural styles_ The delicate heat exchanger grills have the appearance of woven lace, which represents a design departure from the horizontal bars of the averaqe firepjace. The beautiful parallei arch appearance and fine detail of this fireplace has become a unique, trademarked characterjstjc of Fireplace Xtrordinair the oriqinal arched fireolace. %# n ns t} fi ? ? DU METROPOLITAN- tace ptate may be jnst;rtte.i on .ti Frrcpl,r.c xtrordrnair inserts and fireplaces except the Model 44 DV-XXL. This fireplace destcln fr,.ilr.rrcs the same beautiful grillworl< of the Classic Collection, but in a more lineaI retro style. lhr lrcvck'r] cclges of the Metropolitan face plate design also create an intriguing, thfee dimcn!ion.ll .rplrrr,ir, r,:e. lu'r'l,r )lJ l,l'tr,i( i r ! il,\, r',,1 t1.ittlt(l,ll l.,).t!t l(', lr r,il)( 1,i,r , , i' ir,/ ril I if( 1'. !'"4)ilr lr('.t (()|]'l]ll l|r':rl lr)L lr.Ll\,,il r|r ,.lr' rrl,i( i',,'( riil .ri, l(ll alrl,ll\l l",l l , , i ) I i ' I I , | , r ,, , L il\',!' I 'irl,,lr'tr -14.4 lr,ll arolal. \-1, lJl ()i)lii)|, I 1.. I ,,,' i , i r!'(,il,) ) l.t' 1, r .' rr'. t trr r,r rj,)( Mr'lf ()l)l lr).rr'i)i ri, .r' -.r r ri,' i( irl,r{1. ll,url lifi'fr ',vrlfl rr|l ()lt,i ll r1r' ), r il,f('ri|11 ll r rl L,l( il ' ,ir, trrIIrc'i,.'|'tI( illjc of fht M 'lf 1)i,!i trt @ @ oo e ARTISAN* The ArtjsanrM fireplace face plate design and craftsmanship are rerniniscent of the ironwork in the Great Lodges of Furope and Amenca. The Artisan face plate is hand-forged and hammered by master blacksmiths in Europe. Each face bears unjque, subtle characterjstics from the hands of its creator. making it an individuai work of art in iron. Or our gas rreplaces and inserts, a derrcale wrought rron window detarl of chiseled and t\ /isted steel frames the soft curve of a large. ceramic glass viewing window. A convection chamber which circulates heated room air around the appliance is concealed by a delicate, farged air intake and hot air return grill. Varjations in the hand-forged metal texture will create an infinite variety of flrelight reflections, whether you choose New lron paint. hand-rubbed antique nickel. or the antique copper finish. @ rn" copper Artisan face plate on a Model 44 DV XXL firepiace takes you back to a s jmpler tlme. a sloweT pace and things made by l.rand. lEl Hand'ruooed antjque copper flnish. I "uno rubbed antique nickel finish @ ru"* lron painted finish. @ f n r A rr,a. o- , )2 DVS ''reolae e tnse't {New ron - r,n )hJ ,\ tccen[eC Dy r-e ?r(hed raci.rg pCne.S rSee pg. 26J, which close off the fireplace opening. FRENCH COUNTI$ Durinq the nineteenth century a new design pertod was developed known as French Country. This was a departure from the formal French Baroque to a simple, warmer selection of deta jl and matenals. Our French Country fireplace and insert face plate feature a rich. hand-rubbed, antique 24 karat gold finish. @ t"" tfench Countlv on .r J4 DVL f repl,,rte rse rt i.np;rrts ,'r c..lsu.,rl arla!l.,,rnac to thrs i!Orr]. lnslalllalian is ai-.nrplrical wrttt .rppli.;rtron of rect.rngul.rr f.rrin.l p.rnclr an.l qold !.irlr tc .lose otf yorr iir.-91.'ice open ng. Opt or.il .l.r!si( ,:,lsl iirirlt.ttl<s r Lrn.pJele Llre laol( Mer,,ri eng-r.rvirg arcacr-ts 1.. rrrstia i or,rl ,lar .rnd or Ihe he.r: cxclr.:nqc (J:ill Thc l.iwar roon,,rir rlet ie.lLLIa'5 dt-i.rlcd r'nql;rvtrrrj, ara'a:inq the ,,rppear.rrc. of rnciividu;'l rrn!ls oi go.l 'lrcf.tl vvhl.nJoin the qeo'netrc shrpcs nio,r be.rutif!l deLaratva s..tt'[]fl. Freri h ( o!nLiy i5 ..rvni ablc in .r hijnd iL,l)l)t'tl .:rllrqLc qiilal frNisn 5hov,.," he:-. \,vith thc ootionni b'iak fife5,r.l.: and 5crr{rn .locf5 (s. feen drlars .rv.'riiablc for th.r l6 DV1XL fi.epla.e onlyj B @ o @ lrl" l rcnLlr ( untrv on ., J4 DVL fircol.rcc ino f.rc nt p.rNcls reqrif cdl, ndds .lcgJ.ce. rC ,"^,,.rf rrl. 1o lh s livi|rg .oorrr H ' .1 \ l NEO-CLASSIC'' During the mid 1700s. cabinet mal(ers and architects in En- gland sought to incorporate influence from ancient Greek art and architecture, thus begrnning a design style l<nown as Neo-Classic. Neo-Classjc gained popularity for its unparalleled drama. contrasting geometric shapes, and elaborate detaji. Thc an.ient temnle of DeiDhi jn Greece is the tnflUence for elements in our Neo-Classic firep'ace face plate. The circle with rntersecting angular l/nes is one of the most famous of all Neo Classic design motifs. @ t^" l]a.. ( ,r!! r f,rrr'on irlr |',,lodi'l l5 I-)VXL 'r1,1ll,rcl,r: if-t pdleal !ollrOlrl t{] aOnrpl( fl('nl Ill|] ,rrralli'itlll( ,lllal llllfllsnillqs @ l"oCI.r',sii r: :rv.rl,rl) i' rn t;tr:f-tcl iriil:('l (rrtl)/,tttrl c, ttl lre usi'i] !r'rr\,^,/i I \"/,lllt lh(. l)f_if a)|,t rlLr,,rri ir-'t' ;q ,)r,,; Tfrc r'rco Cl.r:sii Lrrr'.il ,r i4 L,]VL ircJrl,r(r' l]\i'rl. ,rl(tltr- v,'tlt optronJ bflaf:,rrd insc1i' t',r,:r'r(l D,rrrfll 1se| p(l ia).'.vhr.lr I .rf . J, ,f, ... ,, , o o ',i., Lir .il oI L)L]' i rr'1,r. ci's .lrl-' n!0 t: iira( freb.'ai .utd lha aolllll' !a l,-'{'l 3ar,rJtrlLJl N.r,:r a,iss L ,lTarii!'i trr . ART DECOTM;36s ptate CZrl o De useo on all inserts and fireplaces. Art Deco, also referred to as Traditional Modern, is a decorative and architectural style that flourished between 1925 and 1940. Characterized by geometric shapes and simple, repeatang patterns, Art Deco is once again at the cutting edge of interior decorating and design. @ rni, Model 34 DVL fireplace jnsert features the Art Deco face plate,"x,ith optional reclangular pane15 .rnd black trim. Art Deco designed interior O ou Dcco is available in brlshed nlrkei oNly ancl comes rn ail sizes for inserts or fircpiaaes. Shown vvith ootjonai brick fireback and optional screen doors fsee pg. 291 @ ^u Deco on a 36 DVXL fireplacc adds r/arnrth and is a iocal point tc this h.rndsorne room B ARTS & C The Arts & Crafts movement of the late 1800s was a celebration of superior craftsmanship. balanced proportions and fine details. William Morris. an influential leader of this movement, called for a return to hand-made processes that reflected a qualjty and integrjty that was being lost in the Industrial Revolutjon. On the Arts & Crafts face plate the scroll vine motif and embossed latticework are a tribute to those craftsmen and their quest. Close inspection of the lower control door air jnlet reveals detailed metal emllossing, creatrng the appearance of an interwoven lattice grill. o RAFTS @ o @ f,,"a,n.! i ,ilL5 .-iir lr-ra' 11-. DVXL i[i:Pl, r( i' l)i]a( )nes the fi)a,,li porrf rrl tilii lje.lLllrful rLi(ifn ;rlral fe,'lL,fe\ lhc alriuD e !araan dcrarl oplran l:ee IJal ,'9) l,IrpeI f ar]\",r, ( i On (J'l I ilc-,rl L.. r rt ll I ' i"ll''rl lEl ,a"r,,r, [, ar,r''r i.,(r't]l.rr.'/s,r\.,,rri. lrlar r.r l-r;rrr(l fLrlllleal arnf.lur (opuel T'inr,,ir, ilra .,ll vyth i);]tri)n.rl f,frak flrcl).rak,lrC the (loLl5 ar sfreeil aloor5 l.,t.t.' 1;r;. l,); Gl ff,,,Arl!.! ar,,ft! atl lr]i'li !\,,'l Ire[]I,r(l'fserll!!r'o\,'vfl'ri:hin!l(i('[il -7 il,rfri,ls (.( c ri(r. 2,i1. \,'ir ( ir iJil rot alelr,r{ t from the firr(' \iote ,'1,'oili 'l {r :J EMBER-FYRE*. CHANGING THE '' U(/AY THE WORLD SEES FIRE We feature n^/o different burner systerns in our gas appiiances, the Flrepitrtr', an extremely efficient and beautiful fire. and the award winning Ember-Fyrern (patent pending) Poprilar Science@ magaztne awarded the prestigious 'BEST OF \I/HAT'S NE\,},' award to the Ernber-Fyre as one oi the years top ach; /ements in science and Technology. This combustlon syst I delrvers an efficrency of !p to 86.5a'/: and a ievel of rea .n so remarkable that jt is difficult to teil apari from our wood burning appliances. HERE'S HO\v IT WORKS. Natural gas or propane Q is piped into a sophisticated SIT gas valve @ with variable turn down rate from 43,000 ro I 6,000 BIUs/hr. The lower pres sure gas then flows through a prerisely engrnee'ec bL,rner ontt.e €) and into a mixing tube @where it3 mrxed with outside air €). The fuel/air mixture js adjusted one time when the appliance is installed, using the shutter cortrcl O. wnrch helps ro cornpens:te'o' variations in altitude, fuel type. and lrne pressure. This gaslair mixture flows through a unique array of burner ports @ in tne ceramic burner tase @ then ignites and burns. There are no visible tubes or grills to obstruct the vrew of the fire. As the Ember-Fyrerru burner heats to a deep red 1200"E jt realistically mimrcs the look of glowing wood embers and charred logs. Dancing yellow flames @ funner enhance the look and feel of a real wood fire. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES The Fire - These are the most realistic qas flres avaiiable. We simply bujld the best fire. The Ember Fyre burner @ looks great when turned down to low. You can stili eryoy the flickering flames and glowing embers. Easy to Operate The controls, which are concealed behind a lower door @ are easy to operate and access. Ali models feature a push button Piezo ignitor. adjustable heat controi, and a variable speed for the powerful quiet fans (except 35C8, fan is optional) We offer a choice of remote control thermostats €) wh jch offer a range of srmple ON-OFF functrons for multiple flame and fan settjngs. ooo Ouality Construction These are the best built gas frreplaces anc inserts money can buy. The healy steel firebox @. S mm ceramic glass @ encased in the hea\y steel frame, and specjally coated metals @ throughout the construction add up to a lifetime of durable horne heatjng cornfort Open and close the lolver control doo[ run your hand over the finishes, you can see and feel the quality that no other gas appliance offers. safety First'The firebox pilot assembly@ utilizes a state-otth+art thermopile and therrnocouple io monitor the pjlot flame and shut off gas flolv in 30 seconds or less in tlre event of a loss of flame. On most models, the cerarnic glass assembly is anchored to the firelrox by spring ioaded retainers @ The spring loaded retalner and the self closing pTessuTe relief doors @ are designed to dissipate pressure in the firebox should the pilot safety control feature ever farl and a delayed rgnition occul The ANSI (Amefican Natronal Standard lnstitute) safery standard requjres an appllance to withstand one maximum delayed ignition without breakjng the glass. We go beyond that, \^,pr.tV^ n [\ nr(\ IFn.On\-CL,t,Ve ma^'fnur"l delayed ignitlons We have been accused of over doing tt. We ask, how can on€ possrbly overdo safety? You Can't. Indoor Air Ouality Direct vent technology@ rs featured on all Fireplace Xtrordtnair flreplaces and tnserts. This double chamber vent bnngs fresh outdoor air for combustlon @ into lhe sealed firebor ard exha.Jsts tl^e prodJ.l\ of combustion through the jnner vent .or" @. Direct vent fireplaces can be terminated either verticaliy or horizontally. Inserts utilize Nvo smaller separate vents, one for arr intake and one for exhaust, to fac,litate installation into an existrng fireplace. Complete Home Heating - These effrcient firepiaces are rated at up to 86./a overa)l efficiency, sirn,lar to your home furnace. Room air is circulated. with the assistance of a quiet fan. under the firebox @ (con- cealed under floor panell. up around the flrebox sides @, ana p\.'l( ire rJFr 1T.rl'Ve rrll nf lhe raC e:,"' ptate@ For additlonal heat distrlbution. one or t\,/o oot/onal power heat ducts @can be added to the 36 DVXL and 44 Dv-XxLfireplace. This system utilizes a buiit-in quiet fan at the point of termination to dra'/,/ heated alr up to 20' away from the firepiace jnto other parts of your home. @ rn" 35 cB Fireplace in this room has a horizontal termination, which allows for the window over the fireplace. Shown with the standard satin black face and optional brick fireback. @ rno installation depicts drywall (painted a light green colo4 making contact directly with the sides of the metal fireplace. The 35 CB does not require expensive noncombustible materials such as tile, stone, or brick. Also pictured is the optional polished brass face and brick fireback. @ fnir photo shows the same fireplace installation (as "8" abovel with a few notable upgrades: l. The sheetrock has been covered by a marble tile and 2. an upgraded face {French Country, from the Architectural Collection) has been added to enrich the appearance of the 35 CB. The 35 CB accepts all the face plates depicted from pages 4 to l7 . Consult the Owners Manual for installation of custom faces. 35 CB (CUSTOM BUILDER) FIREPLACE The 35CB Fireplace was designed to offer a beautiful. large fire view and flame, while generating a modest amount of heat. This model is ideal for smaller rooms or settings which require less heat {see specifications on pg. 22 and 231. This unit is also moderately priced, as it does not include a sophisticated heat exchanger or a blowet and ships complete with an attractive black arched face plate as standard equipment. Less heat outout allows mantles and combustible materials to be installed closer to this model. This results in a lower cost installation. FnrplrcE XrnonpNAR Direct Vettt Small s pE c I F I cAil o H s I![ltTil'J"#]1.ilHilffi ,:l ffi i;?:,fl: ror rerere nce on rv! Direct Vmt Large 4 65ta' 437a' 20tA' 1'-'' ir:,. .wr FIREPIACES Height iinclud'ng standoffsl Depth Flue Diameter Unit Wejght 3+ ]h' width 19 3/a" 6.,/B'8 {top vent) 25O lbs. l0 {rear ventl Burner System EmLrer FyrerM FirepitrM Glass Area lwrlt vary stigh|y with face ptate designl Powerful Fan YES - I30 CFM YES I30 CFM Power Duct Option FERFORi,IANCE' *Gas appliance perforrnance can be affected by negative pressure in the home and by prevaiting atmospneric Heating capaciry. I Up to 1,500 Sq Ft. I up to 2.000 sq. Ft. 8ru Inpur ING) . | : r ooo {highl 18.600 [row) | +0, ooo lh,qh] le. 000 {tov I BTU Input {LPJ. I :t.ooo lhiaht 16.1 \/) | Ll99 (trshl re.000 {rowl IHelrrnq laqjcry. ]| up to t,soo sq Ft I qo to 2.000 sq. F, jr!]1p{ ING). | :r ooo {hishl 18.600 [row) | +o,ooo (h'sh] te.00o {tow]tlJTU Input {LPJ. I 31.000 lhrghl 16 o0o {row] | +o.ooo lhigh) l9.0oo ltow)tlovel1lln!5lcyLrnlxiTlm venrins) | esv, {NG) ss ser llp) | a+vo {NGf 860/c {LpJ overalf Efficiency' rmin,mum venrrnqr I to"o /NGl B0.5oh ll pl | ,rr" iNG) B lozo JLp)TLAFUF' I tt.l+o {NGr zl Svo {Lp} | uto,iNc& LpJtl 165 lbs. 24 Wx12 H=290 sq.in.27'.q'W x l5 r" H = 44O sq. n. Always consult the Owner3 Manual before beg'ning any installation. Installation and A = 24" to 26' *ldepending on mantte deprhl B = 18 ' to I 9"idependrng on manrle deprh) C=6 D=6" F = 3O' to 32 D,o "" q"-'" 1= To tvtantte D= To Side Facing B= To Top Facjng E= FrontHearth C= To Sidewall F= Hearth Width NONO *8 ' maxjmum mantle depth - *Note: Each face p/ate design varies in dimension s/'ghtly. lsee pg. 28J F = 33r./z to 367+" loepenatng on facej*. * 1 2 maximum mantle depth. * -Note: Each face plate design varies in dimenston slightly. (see p9. 28) & INSTATL/ATION I NFORT}iATION Tested and certified r y oMNl_Test Laboratories Inc. to ANS| 221 .44_1992 .,Gas_Fired Direct vent wall Furnace Heaters." Must be installed in accordance with ail locai codes, if any: if not. foilow ANSI 2223.1 and the requirements listed in the Owner's Manual. Custorn Buildu Direct llmt futrrt Inrge Direct Vent Ertra, kttra Larpe 35V4" 4O3/e" 1 6//e" 6 5/a" 100 lbs, FirepitrM 50 Vz' 43"51 3/+ ' 8' 19 5/a' 6 5/e" 27 5 lbs.325 lbs. FirepitrMEmber-FyrerM 30"Wx 163/+" H = 500 sq. in.30"Wx 163/4"H=5OOsq. No {order as option - 130 CFM) 24.OOO lhighl 14,350 {lowj 43,ooo (high) z 2a.oo0 lhighl 13.700 llow)43,OO0 (high) 2 78.50lo {NGJ 80. l o/o {LP)840lo {NGf B5o/o (LP) 7 6.7 o/o ING) 7 L6oto ILP)79o/o (NGl 8Oo/o 37 W x 21" H = 777 sq. in. YES - 2OO CFIV] NO YES YES conditions. Contact local buiding or fire officials about restrictions and installation requirements in your area. up to 1.350 5q. Ft.up ro 2.250 sq Fr. 3.384 (low) 0.800 (low) YES 3OO CFM up ro 3.000 sq. Ft. s8,000 (highl 3 0.000 (low) 58.0o0 {highl 30.000 |ow) -8 ' maximum mantle depth for combustible mantle. \lyith non' combustible mantles S maxirnum depth, l2 mrnjmum clearance from top of face. 8aolo llet ta lLPl 79uo lNGl 8oo/o ILP) 680/o {NGf 690/o ILP) *B maximum mantle d€pth Note: Each face plate desjgn varies in dimensjon slightly. lsee pg. 2Bl {LP] {LP] framing information is available at your local Fireplace Xtrordinair dealer or on our website at wv\ ^/.fireplacextrordinair com A = 42". imeasured from baie of Fireplace)A= 22" Rect. ot 24" Arch*A= 24 r 6 7.50lo {NGJ 68.60/o (LP)7 2o/o (NGl 7 3o/o B = 3 | t/2" irreasured from base of frelr.rceJ C = Bt/z lrneasured glass framel D = Bt/z {measured glass framel D = 4t/2" E = None Require J F = None Required B = 10'R - 14" a - at/-" n- ll7- E = 16" I.f ra,reO J .o l^c rrrh \ requ|ed.E = lZ" lif raised f no hearth ir requ recrl F = 36 Arch or 38 74 Rect. * l 2 maximum mantle depth Note: Each face plate design varies jn dimension slightly. l5ee pq. 281 Note: Each face piate design varies in dimension slightly. lsee pg. 28) NOTE: lmproper installation of your gas appliance or failure to operate it in accordance to the guidelines detailed in the Owner3 Manual may negate yow waftanty and endanger your home and family. lnstalla- tion information is available on our website at www.fireplacextrordinair.com. \{/e recommend all Fireplace Xtrordinair apptiances be installed and maintained on an annual basis by your specialty Hearth Retailer. ^o PRE-MANUFAETURED I NSTALI.ATION SY o STE MS No\,v its easv to choose a firepl..rcc system, .tnd rt c.rn be rrstalled rn an afternoon Fireplace Xtrordlnair, Hearth Classics:r1 and Grand M.:ntlerLlhave joined togerher to prcvide.r one 5top solutron. You select from the hiqhest-qu.rlty g-.s firepi.'lte5. tilc or stonc hearth produ.ts and custom '.^,/ood mantels. .rll desiqned to \"^/ofk ln perfect harmony. No need to search for craftsrnen or fln ish carPenters. I'l @ s"t"., the Frreplace xtrorcrnair '."""' frreplacc modei best suiicd lof v.ltrr.Poiic,,rti{)n @ Choot" youf Hr, rrth classi. tile iurTourd .rnd hearrh ilhe rc .-: re many :e.er.io-.rs va t. ble. Arl ;o t de lr-t , l, l" ' tlil Choor. your Gr.rd Vantle. (Therc crre n;iarrj/ selections .rv.ilable Asl yo--t dL rlet 'o' del, t v 0 Cnoot" your Firepl.rcc Xtrordin.rrr f.rce piatc fsee p.rqcs 4 I 7l @ Xovl sit back. rcl.lx and erjclir; 113;111' .o,.]e trll., jn cner aftertroon' REMOTE CONTROLS Fireplace XtrordinJlr rernotc ront:rols m.jkcs the opcratron of your frfeplaca o. /nsert as easy as the push of a button from the comfort olyour livinq room cha jr Thcrc .rre f,vo remotc ai-.nnol thermoslrts .lvailable for you to choose. STANDARD REMOTE CONTROL - Av.jlatrlc lor .tll iircpl.rces .rnd inserts. thrs remotc allon/s for convenient ON,/OFF control of tha frre nl.ng ,u1,'tl I f hcr nro\f lt selt l]qs to set ind m.lrnt.lin the comfoft ievel of your home. MODUIITING REMOTE CONTROL Ali the gre.rt options of the stand.rC remote control. bLrt \,vrth tne ad.ied feature of modulati.ll boih thc flame heiqht and convection blo',,rrer speed. Available for the Modcl 35 CB, 36 DVXL and 44 DVXXL flreplaces ot'ri;r {See page 28 29 for a con'rpletc /ist ol .rll o High Fire ptlons. ) Low Fire o FIREPI.ACE INSER TS FIREPLACE XTRORDINAIR GAs INSERTS turn a drafty open masonry or merat {zero clearance; flreptac€ into an irresistible source of charm and warmth dunng the coldest weather with a Fjreplace xtrordinair gas inseft, there are no logs to haul or kindllng to llght. Just sit back in quiet comfort anc use your optronat remote control to start and adjust the flre Relax and eryoy the magniflcent fire as it wraps around split logs and glowing emDers so realrstlc you wjll be tempted to thro\,v another loq on the flre. ..*,& i j i i ii q- METAL {Zero Clearance) FIREPLACE Q MASONRY FIREPLACE Upgrade your existing fireplace. O Select a face ptate design {pgs 4 I Z) @ Cnoose the correct size and preferred style of facing panel {pg. 26l @ Determine which inserr besr f,ts your @ Vetat or @ Masonry flreplace (pg 27 ) @ Ai|- intak" and exhaust vent tlners are supplred and Insta ed by your dealer Ff REP'-A.E rNsEt FAcrN:pANELs Facing panels may be used to close off the opening of your fireplace vvhen lnstalling a gas jnsert. We ofier four choices. @ rrusroe Frr pANELs The Inside Fit Paneis corne in one size and are availabie for both DVS & DVL rnsefts. The panels are custom flt by your dealer on srte at your home. The lnside Fit Panel is the leasr obtrusive panel system and allows the complete showcase oFyour original fireplace and the new insert Face plate. There is no trjm fo[ thrs panel. @ nncxeo pANELs The Arched Panel system comes in one srze and rs avairaorc lor both DVS and DVL rnser-ts. This option offers the graceful arched upper oanel which adds a desirabie element to many insrall.rfrons. To ens -re cover.rntr of the fjreplace opening consideration must be made to .rc( ounl ro' tne r.,idiJ, ol lhe top panel. Speciry gold or black trim. @ necrnrucurAR pANELs The rnost popular panel, the Rectangular P.nei System js available in h/,/o sizes for both DVS and DVL insert models and rs the most versatile of a,, our panel systems. Specify gold or black trim. O zrno cLEAnANcE pANELs Designed to be used in coryunctron wtth the Rectancular or Arched panel systerns. This panel system offers a flnished appearance to your installatjcn when the existing fireplace opening is elevated above the hearth. This add,on panel wjll cover up to /" in height below the jnsen. Spec jf)/ gold or black trim. Before visiting your Fireplace Xtrordinair dealer there is some helpful information you can provide during your visit: I Whal D.Jrpose wilr tne frepla(e insert flll? a) Zonal or Supplemental Heatjng OT b) Whole Horne Heating. 2. What room or .ooms {cere'rnlne square footageJ will the insert be used to heat? 3. Do you have natural gas or prop.rre and har rr bee. pjped to the flreplace? 4 ls the fireplace Masanry or Zero Clearance f Metal)? SIZING YOUR FIREPLACE FOR A GAS INSERT It would be helpful toJor down a few basic measurements. Your hearth professiona/ can assess your installatjon. and help select the correct flreplace jnsert for your heatjng needs. YOUR FIREPLACE A = Opening Height B = Width in Front C = Width in Back D = Depth of Fireplace E = Hearth to Mantle F = Hearth to Combustible Facing G = lf the fireplace is raised above hearth, what is the distance from hearth to the fire- place openrng. H = Width of Hearth | = Depth of Hearth @mEos$t^* FIREPI.ACE INSERTS gPtctFlcATloNS @ H"rgr't (E) widtn in Front @ widtn in Back O o"ptn Flex Vent Diameter Unit Weight Direct Vutt Small The dimensions and clearances on this page are fol reference only! nef€r to the Ownerb Manual Prior to installation. Direcl Vent Large 19t/a"24" 24 3n"32 t/z 17 5/t ' 16 tA" | 6 3/a ' l5%" 3" Exhaust - 3" Air lntake - 3" Air Intake 100 lbs.112 lbs. Burner System Giass Area {W'il vary slightly with face designl 24" W x 12" H = 290 sq. in.273/+'W x 153/+' H = 440 sq. jn YEs.l30CFM up to 2,000 sq. Ft. 40,000 {highJ 21,700 ltow) 40.000 lhighj 23.?oo ltowl 840/o {NGJ 860/o ILP) 7 9o/o ING) B1o/a ILP) Max jmum fireplace open jng 4B1/e" W x36t/q" H Ember-FyrerM Powerful Fan PENFORi,TANCE Heating Capacity. BTU Input {NGJ" "Gas appliance pedormance can be affected by negative pressure in the home and by Prevailing atmospherE conditions. contact local buidinq or fire officials about restriations and installation requirements in your area. YES I30 CFM up ro 1,500 5q. Fr. BTU lnput [LP)- Overall Efficiency* {max,mum ,ent conriqurnt ont 3 1 ,000 (highJ I 8.600 {low] 3 I .000 (highl 16.0o0 {low) 85%o (NGJ B5-50/o {LP) Maximum Fireplace opening 44 5/tt' W x 31 1/e" H Overall Efftctency' ta'mff -a' Jpn, (o-,q, dr onr 80% (NGl 80.50/o {LP) AFUE - CTEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBIEs 7 | .30/c {NGJ 7 1 .8oio (LP)7 r c" rNl.;l 74 10/. 1l Pl Installation and framing information is available at your local Fireplace Xtrordinair dealer or on our website at www.fireplacextrordinair.com. see Page 28 for face plate dimensions' (O = face to Mantle O = race to Mantle l0 @ = race to Top Facing @ = race to Top Facing 81,'2" @ = race to Sidewall €) = race to Sidewall @ = race to Side Facrng @ = r ace to Side l- acing 6" ' @ = Heartn Extension Front 12'Hearth Extension Front 1 2" NOTE: | & 2 measured from top of 3 & 4 measured from side of face plate. dimensions on pg. 28 @ = Heanh Width 30-32"' | @ = Hearttr Wrdth 33 s/a"-34 3/+" * *Depending on face. Each face plate design varies. | -Dependlng on face. Each face plate design varies Measurements for each panel is for maximum firep,ace opening coverage.PANET SIZES lnside Fit Arched 8'sidesx l0 top {oversized, then trimmed to fit] 40 3/e" W x 23\h" H at side of arch 443/tt W x281/4" H at side of arch 33 3/8" H at top of arch287/s H ar top of arch Rectangular B" sides x 10" top 40'/a"Wx281/a"H Wx333zb"H Rectangular I 0" sides x 13" top 44 3/a" W x 3l7/a" H TESTING & INSIAIIATION INTORiAATION Tested and Certified by OMN|-Test Laboratories lnc. to ANSI Z2l .A8/CSA 2.33-l998. applicable sections UL 307b. and CAN/CGA 2.17-M91. NOTE: lmproper installation of your gas appliance or failure to operate it in accordance to the guidelines detailed in the Owners Manual may negate your warranty and endanger your home and famity. Instatlation information is available on our website at wwwfireolacextrordinair.com. We recommend all Fireplace Xtrordinair appliances be installecl and maintained on an annual basis by your Specialty Hearth Retailer' 44 t/t t 483/tt 'W x 36lze" H "llo ls"ff+ ryl lI.. !al- t) !a n) aa aJl : ? Lr J. a a = a .o OO cc,l- ir ]J lJ 3,r ix \Q t:OOOOcc coo. c.acc{(]) rlo)<co<.r v!r=?t!( )cac.alc:(]Co:c..I.' '\-f9xF=I-l;+;lf?-a'..Ic. ::?>d\I^\].n-?i.ar aJ- _-l -at :-gnO\!>f5tzgx €fn O.r]OO coc. .oOO c!c. I:o'.o c: =rtr> c- l) .cCC aca. iq --'ir,C])< cc '>o-. .aOO crjo. o..aOC cc-.c c.Crc-' -Lr^t j I-tc- 3-> I-{ .c I:r\ -i-!r -i > -l .c .,-(l -' o< .rl 2< ir.€ OO l]]c. ; OO coc. I ;N 3=co.c..o € (]c aco. I -C r- cc ,>o.; -a OO coo. o..a Oc aoc. I ct ;i c)> o. ..!l I i: ;,\Crxat \, aCi O' .! .a I .-l :]x?>:c.]- .: ,c 9> aD.a\{ -:l ,ir N 9> (!. o{ .rl I ON +rn O;OO (Dc' ;('- O aln C. I \. F> ;-c o. I *..:<l ;n5: ;cO ao a- l -: _ .rl -or-,aoao.a.o.{ I =,i;iacac-. I a)y na f- -- - a:t- \ Nf- ?>.:'.' _i - O\!-i > a'i LI O.r ta o OO O(_- coc. O Oa coo. I\o,C]N OrO. o.b C C- .D I CI\ CY(-- o- ir t-O OO aoa- ao- c aoa- lo\:a) .\l ?x !,^'r =i.. I =:.4:1O' -: c. I -r )'11 1 : .,< il :'-.\ { a]Yo-' a. I _ -:- ciO.L.< a. t- o. LI -cao< O;aO coc. ;aO ctic. I .o o:: co,c-{ ; (]ja ac o- I s) C.\La .:cc.o- ,:. - <)r- coo- -a;c) a]) o- I r- i' O\La=cD.o :-- I c- ,': f.\.:: aaao-- I _..1 -- a) ./ ..j- -l - ac:N t-- O\ .oa.' _i I a' O\ ccacr. < LI o1 tat C'O OO c!a. O OO c! I.o.CN OrO\ a. .]] (_l a ]O ac I cr\ CYo-' -->o-- l-:O OO o. CDO O 'l coo. Io: QN Qx Hl>oi: I\ ?x o- :-.: o. I ..'] 111 ;i 1 lr- .. a\: . ?-!-, >ar :,. !-N -_-: alro!' o.'., o. N u I? = LIJ ) o_ LIJU s p o|!.! aa ,-) Z tr a !o: .! ao - - a)o r:]o or-T a.{ - -t- E:ii -1iy, rJ II E:-I{ l'](r r-a! .:Z an L-rai -Zaa Fg-ottol!l rllalJ I' D o- ci E=i,-i ffiff -a=al ".1;1'.1 ii il r .j:l..]]',i; ,iot 'la:l >trar--a \Jt.., zixJrfx \9 m a--.a-l.C ac.L ll=-.a .it,:.-i -'2.|...)..a --a ol J ri a_-'-.. -!...--r :. a i ;- :-, . .= ,j'.:-- - l l:l - : :i. l- -l 4- la a=:::lili .::.:' la-. -a-i :l.:t a i--:]arJ-.1 7 U rll m an-<Z< ---- .! =- -. .1-/'' a -t aa. .: !l ::: :l ::; -l r="i'l --1.,-< lt> -- c.a- o t/\ o N i-.: a]: a!a\ .l) .Cj- l ar =i -,a !r:l .< l _l aa -. . ; ..: =.a .J r-:. " -P =-:i '-l !: l .Z :-P :..1 -: 1! l)L?: a_. 4: jril _."..' |.r a:' - -t:. , . .! a: :r- f a:= 1. .a .rl a.ar L,l c-.i ,--i {- -<a- .:- L- a at-_Z Jl -l>t -ol l+l :ml o a,-.:) a- !! >.i i- I a: -,., ,..,, '.t.. ".', i- 5:::t. --:]: l,l ' a. 1t=t{ a'- .j ,-) .. ai- :'^F ', ..1 ==..i :. .. -Z N -:1 .ll aa c- :riZ- .1 ! .'t - { :.1 :..:l:,.' !, ;....)] ..: '. ! ,,, t."- ;. il al :r- L-l ajr|. ii| || a-t I | '- - '; | '-, ..'r.:l z tn ,i 'L ri: - .,-l 7 a i.:. = a !.- zIFL v, LUo z a o_ s>,, -a Y:- *a:3. iffil iffi :. :: '-!-r l 7l U: l ,'u:-'lr | ;- r. | - i,.! ,1,!i. .-ri !,. 1 --l I .!1 ar i- .- .:::,, t .f t. 1 a '.= =- .L' l:i2- '-i :! -! ,,' , $NollJo*trgor*S13NVd 9NIfVJ III I v -The beautiful silhouettes, proportrons and styling of the Fireplace Xtrordjnajr have graced the covers and teature stories of rnagazines such as Better Homes & Gardens Remodeling@ (Nov 2000J, Hearthwarming Magazine@ {Sept 2000). | )g Home Living@ {Oct 200 1) & )opular Science@ ioct 200 l) A frreplace enhancement program. rn co-operation with the Nationaj Parks Foundation, rearures I ireplace Xirordinarr fireplaces chee.fulry greeting visitors in over a dozen of the Nations most cherjshed oar ks. includlng Yellowstone. SPONSOR OF ii:-7.,N fu!!!4#.@&4 FOUNDATION t* rf .l. '*,: @ffiffifiG^* Proudly Manufactured rn the USA See the complete ljne of Fireplace Xtrordtnair wood and gas products on the internet at: www. fi replacextrord i n a i r. com We reserve the right to improve our oroducts at any time wlthout prior notificetion. Copyrght @ 1A/2001 . Prinred ln The USA . #9BBO0t59 Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Number: Exterior remodel (stucco, deck replacement, and trash enclosure) Owner, Address, and Phone: Town of Vail fuchitect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Kirk Aker/lUike Suman 143 E Meadow Dr Vail, CO 81657 476-5105 Project Street Address: 2507 Arosa Drive Legal Description: Lot 5, Block D, Vail Das Schone Filing #l Parcel Number: 210314201001 Building Name: Comments: Conditional DRB approval granted 6121100 Final plans approved by staffper DRB recommendation Approved light fixture is 904408 Olde Brick Kichler Lighting (Grenoble Family) Project Name: Town Project Description: Manager's Residence PRJ00-0183 construction of new Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:1. Six new trees shall be planted on southeastern portion oflot Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 08129100 DRB Fee Paid: Town of Vail exempt Project Name: Town Menager's Residence Board/StaffAction Action: Staffapproved with I condition (per DRB) t r;r:. r.('t'F:t: tii,! i w."f^'1tn'3 'i {l I 6x6 CoLUTN CLAD Yt/ lx ROUGH SAh{N I4OOD CONC. PIER FOOTING ROOF OVERHANG EXTERIOR hALL' lx6 ROUGT{ SAhN EXTERIOR 9 DING-BUTT JOINTED 6x6 CORNER ?0519 tl/ 2x4 INFILL FRAI'1|NG 6x6 CORNER P06TS GATE D@Rs BEYOND, lx6 ROUG|I 9ANN FRAI1E INSET 116 SlD|NG PANELg .BUTT JOINTED 2x4 FRAII|NG A9 NEEDED PAIR 3'-0u x 6'-6" NEr4 CONC ON GRADE CONC, PIER FOOTING T.E.V. RESIDENEE REF.DWG: IITLE: FLOORPt/.N DATE:6.30.N SCALE: 1/4'= 1'-0" FROM: MDS Sxncu: 25tr7 ARI]SA DRIVE VAIL, EOLERADO A1ffirRicFrrrl=cli"s,NOfE: PLA|IOF NEW IRASHETVCTOSURE A P6l€ss'on.l CoDoErio^ 9704755105 3'-712" tr v- / 7' FlNlgi-.| /3/e' b/2, %'', /,/ // l:;!ii?#il{$,'H,' d) \r-l i -R'o"G- S,+"'ri'* =r.L l-'l \ ," t\ t+ooD coL. CLADDING-F sn 2<t.- N DrxENSroNeoF14 ,''N il:l;"coLurlNe \PLAN \ i;':ffi#J'- 3t 5Y2u 3/e, I , (t { '+ Borrorl EDGE oF ffi NENDEcKFAscTA il tlll - --l !" Roucl eANN - ll ll NooD coL. CLADD|NG-Fllll"' ll l+- i" ourRK rlrrER ll ll Ar coRNERen ll_-\ ffi r" TALL REyEAL NEARr. - ToP oF coLUrlN - grArN ll ll To rlArcf.r coL CLADD|NG ./ 7' FlNlgl-'l / gECTION T. E.V. R E 5 | D E N E E * ffi,ln,,,oRELwAna{s I STETCH: zsol ARosA DRrvE vArL, EoLoRADo g;\i!=f". I ^MonrrnArqrnA"c. TF-c -s 'iffi,ifolu^onn I Z ^Prcf.$o*'co,F€ron 1."1.;:*;j::#. I lr) S tll I II,' TYP. ro LA/1x ,t' . u V4" ,l 2 .// l J /t Tr Itt.1 l/ tl/2KING AIlING l\,'l'l> li 1,,lr, = I ECK E I JI D \ J -l (f) OO<z+< @ro-a5 I \s EIFS 9Y3TEI1 gEALANT AND BACKER ROD ROUGH 5AIAN hOOD TRIX REI1OVE VERTICAT BATTEN AND RE-FAgTEN PLYAOOD BOARDg A9 NEEDED.TYP EXI9TING SUBSTATE EXISTING K{ALL 3Y5TE11 EXI9TING NAILING FIN REHOVE NINDOIA AND CLEAN AND EXPOgED AINDOIA SUKTALtr EXISTING AINDOA CA9ING PAINT UNIT AND DOOR 5Y9TEI1 T. E,V. RE S I D E N E E o'o#Lfo*,o^ELa,ArtoNs 25tr7 AROSA DRIVE VAIL, EIILERADTI ,\.'ii iii-i'ar.iAit i:i.i"A,.,e= (. ( 970.476.5105 Sxercu: A Por6bnal CorFElDn DAIE: ffi4.00 SCALE: FULLSCNE FROil: MDS NOTE: DETAIL@WNDOW HAD. JAMB N,ID SILL Vz' 9TO COIOR 10622 coLoR 20820 EIF9 9Y9TEI1 ADHE9IVE EXISTING SUBgTATE RIGID INSULATION BOARD -o REIIOVE VERTICAL BATTENg AND RE-FASTEN PLYNOOD BOARDs A5 NEEDED-TYP EXI9TING 9I-.]EATI-.] ING T.E.V. 25tr7 AROSA A Pmfssbna Co.p6€lbn REF.DWG: A3 TIILE: EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS DATE:6.30.00 SCALE: FULLSCALE FRON: MDS NOTE: DETAIL@TRIMBAND Sxercu: NEh E.I.F.9. ABOVE NEI4 gI.]ED ROOF ,ir-C{I1AIN FLOOR LEVEL TOP OF NEh TRII1 BAND AND NEh gI]ED ROOF ROOF 10 IlATCtl EXISTING zxg NAILER AND RAFTERS lxlO ROUGFI gAhN FA9CIA LEAVE UNDERSIDE OF RAFTERS UNSHEATHED FOR AIR CIRCULATION II I GATE DOORS BEYOND. It6 ROUGH 9Al^lN FRA|IE hll INSET lx6 SlDlNG PANELS -BUTT JOINTED 2x4 FRAII|NG Ag NEEDED PAIR 3'-On x 6'-6" 2x4 NAILING RAIL9 Ag NEEDED +fi| I EXTERIOR hlALL, Ix6 ROUGH 9AhlN EXTERIOR gIDING-BUTT JOINTED 6x6 CORNER PO919 rl/tl2r4 INFILL FMfllN6 ll REI1OVE BOARD AND BATTEN @ II INTERIOR AND REPLACE h,/ II PAINTED l" PLYhrooD %'ll | 1'-7/2, I.]OLD NALLS AROUND CORNER II 4 Poglg 4, OFF SLAB FOR AIR IffiI CIRCULATION = \ _llB. NEh 5,, CONC. SLAB ON GRADE.ISOLATE FROI1 PIER FOUNDATIONg z- o + NEhI CONC. PIER FOUNOATIONS FOR 6x6 CORNER PO9T5 ll Sxercu:T. E.V, RE 5 | D E N E E u"rlLYn ^toRELFrA,ousDATE:6.fr.00 SCALE 1/2"=1'-0' FRO,'I MDS NOTE: SECTIONTHROUGH IMSHEAJCTOSURE 25tr7 ARI]SA DRIVE VAIL, EI]LORADO -! Av-| | )l ll_I 'i I/("AN EXlsrlNG NINDoN I I il W,eysrEfl r------I-7-l.ll-+l ll I ll ll, t11-REflovE^lNDohcAslNG a i I / / / / / /I ANDcLEANANDPATNT r | | I I // / / lI ExposEDhtNDot.r uNlT | 1 l/ | I I I I I] sunrlce I eEArANrAND + l -!P-L1 1:[ER:,D LRADT,IEDGE =#?#il4A1 ' | ------- t[.\55trr]ll I i rxrsrrNc suBerArE |lffiffi*l -r I''A'tr lbxlo54l tl ---' RIG'D rNeuLAtoN lkL'{}{x'{ll 1 | -" I I;il,^il::il, il**i[|| ---t-',,r,eYerEfl JKXN.tI l-"lv"<*l ).1 - r RErlovE vERrcAL BArrENs lfff{#ff | |' AND RE-FAgTEN PLYNOOD 1r'""1d2,1 I | \BoARDe A5 NEEDED-TYP ff ,-, 1,/ tllJo-t I T._q.VlESlDEN EE o'ffii[n,*,oRELEvATtoNs I STTTCH: i I zstrl ARosA DRrvE vArL, Eolonnoo #^f;,?f;k, | , i Mg,Ll"rnAxrnAl<cli -rr:els 'i#,YJ^,r*NDow I f ;;l:.":":*1"# JAMBSSTLL$ruCCO) | [.-! / Vzu _L( lf"/Y REflovE vERrrcAL BArrENs ffil-' | ; I ANDRE-FAsrE\PLYNooD lffil ll | ]BoARDeAeNEEDED-rYP IWV/ l-lwzl l------iElFssyerE'.l -|,ffi| 'l/101:'l'l rxrs'uc euBsrArE frl5qq2^rusuLAroN |il \noanp Wl ll 51'3ll'n ^0" 5EALANT AND I ' -lm IBAcKERRoD r ffi REflovEhrNDohcAerNG + -l \\ \ \\ANDCLEANANDPAINT r | \ \ \ \\I EXPO9ED hIINDOA UNIT I I \ \r-# I sunrucr . -t- t EXrerNG NrNDor l {\ \ '#lAN;;;;isiiilr I l\[H' | | llli T. E,V. R E F l D E N q E u'orffi,fo,^,*ELwATto*s I STTTCH: 25tr7 ARosA DRrvE vArL, EoLoRADD ::^E?ffrr", | ) o MonffinArcrnA3e- ITEC i q FRot:MDs ,ow I O A p.r€$io*l corpoErion i43E.,M..dolod6 e) NOIE: DETAIL @ WlNt I:*;",::ji?"uu' JAMB&SILLqruCCO) | I Untitled Document Pageloft ,/ Height: 8" Diameter/Width:11" Extension/Length: 1 1,50" Number of Bulbs: 1 Maximum Wattage: 150W Bulb Base: Medium View other products in this Grenoble family. 9o4408 Olde Brick Kichler Lighting Body Material: Aluminum Extra Lead Wire: 2.50" Voltage: 120V { uact< http:/iwww.ki.../prodetail.asp?prod_ID:1897&page=36&line:Kichler+Lighting&type:Outdoo 7ll2l00 t a \t,t'*d TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 23, 2000 Mr. Kirk Aker Morter Aker Architects 143 E. Meadow Dr. Crossroads at Vail Vaii, CO 81657 Re: Proposed exterior modifications to the Town Manager's Residence located at2507 Arosa Drive / Lot5, Block D, Vail Das Schone Filing #1 Dear Mr. Aker: Thank you for attending the Design Review Board meeting on June 21 , 2000. The Design Review Board approved the proposal for exterior modifications to the Town Manager's Residence located at 2507 Arosa Drive I Lot 5, Block D, Vail Das Schone Filing #1 with a number of conditions: l. That the proposal incorporate the comments made by the Board during the meeting (these are noted on page2); 2. That the stucco colors be approved as presented at the meeting (Indiana Limestone, Warm Taupe); 3. That 6 new trees be planted at the southeast portion of the property; 4. That the proposed ffash enclosure is moved back 2 feet from the front corner ofthe building by the garage and that the roofextend to within 2 feet ofthe rear corner of the building; 5. That the use of wood trim on the windows is strongly recommended; and 6. That staffshall review all final soecifications. {g*"n"uo"o Page 1 I I The comments referred to in condition #l include the following: JDeckrnlings need to be more decorative; ,/Lidht fixtures need to be replaced with updated fixhres that comply with the TownCode; ,_----y' Gutter arr{downspogtneeds to be moved; o Tubesteel feEffieeds to be removed from the front of the house; o Decks need to be replaced and require heavier supports thdn what is existing;. Exposed pipes need to be removed or screened; . Stone veneer is recommended for the lower portion of the front fagade. Please submit revised plans to Community Development Planning stafl for review. If you need any clarification of these issues or have further questions, please contact me at akjerulf@ci.vail.co.us or 970-479-2148. Sincerely, ,e&t,.{/, Ann Kierulf I IPlannerr V Page2 I Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Town Manager's Residence Proiect Number: Project Description: Exterior remodel (stucco, deck replacement, trash enclosure) Owner, Address, and Phone: Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Lld, Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2100 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Kirk Aker Morter Aker Architects 143 f. Meadow Dr Yail. CO E1657 .t76-5105 Project Street Address: 2507 Arosa Drive Legal Description: Lot 5, Block D, Vail Das Schone Filing #1 Parcel Number: 210314201001 Building Name: EoardiStaff Action Action: Approved with 6 conditions Vote: 5-0 Motion by: Pierce Seconded by: Greenauer Conditions: 4. n utthe proposal incorporate the comments made by the Board during the meeung t/.fhatthe stucco colors b..approved as presented at the meeting @) fnat 6 new trees be pian:ed at the southeast portion of the propeny 4 thtat the proposed trash enclosure is moved back 2 feet from the front corner ofthe building by the ga:age and that the roofextend to within 2 feet ofthe rear carner ofthe building dfhtthe use of rvood trim on the windows is strongly recommended {tnutstaffshall review all final specifications Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 06123/00 DRB Fee Paid: exempt Project Name: Town Manager's Residence DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, June 21, 2000 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PROJECT ORIENTATION , LUNCH - Gommunity Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Tom Weber (PEC) SITE VISITS1. Zachara residence - 5133 Black Bear Lane2. Town Mange/s residence - 2507 Arosa Drive3. Brandess Building - 2077 N. Frontage Road4. Vickers residence - 375 Forest Road5. Fritch residence - 183 Gore Creek Drive6. Vista Bahn Building - 333 Hanson Ranch Road7. Pearson residence - 303 Gore Greek Drive #2G. Allison '\,,I \ Io I 'I,l I T l,rt! -t 12:00 pm 2:00 pm PUBLTC HEARTNG - TOWN C9UNC|L CHAMBERS 1. Dreyer residence - Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. 5114 Grouse Lane/Lot 6, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicani: Raymond & Margarile Dreyer, represented by John Railton MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 4-1 (Bill against) APPROVED 2. Vista Bahn Building - Conceptual review of a deck extension. 333Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1o Filing. Applicant: Remonov and Gompany CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 3. Town Manage/s Residence - Final review of proposed exterior modifications 2507 Arosa Drive / Lot 5, Block D, Vail Das Schone Fil. 1 Applicant: Town of Vail MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 5-0 3:00 pm Allison Allison Ann APPROVED WITH 6 CONDITIONS: t 1. That the Proposal incorporate the comments made by the Board during the meeting 2. That the stucco colors be approved as presented at the meeting 3. That 6 new trees be planted at the southeast portion of the property 4. That the proposed lrash enclosure is moved back 2 feet from the front comer of tne building by the garage and that the roof e)dend to within 2 feet of the rear corner of the building 5. That the use of wood trim on the windows is strongly recommended 6. That staff shall review all final specilications 4. Vickers residence - Separation request. Allison 375 Forest Road/Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Village 3d. Applicanl: Gwathmey Pratl Schultz WITHDRAWN AT APPLICANT'S REQUEST 5. Fritch residence - Final review of a dormer addition. Brent 183 Gore Creek Drive (Sitzmark)/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1"t Filing.Applicant: Robert Fritch MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. The dormer roof shall have a gable form with a min. 1' overhang and a roof pitch and colors t match the existing building. 2. The applicalion also requires additional approval from the Planning and Environmental Commission. 6. Zadtara residence - Conceplual review of a new single-family residence. Brent 5133 Black Bear Lane/ Lol 14, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision.Applicant: Kurt Davis CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 7. Brandess Building - Final review of rooflop anlennas. Brenl 2077 N. Frontage Rd./Lot 39, Buffehr Creek.Applicant Jayne Brandess Revocable Trust MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WTH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. The mouniing brackets shall be lowered so the boltom portion is no higher than 2' above the existing roof parapet. 2. The antennas and mounting supports must be painted to match the existing building. 8. Pearson residence - Final review of proposed 250 addition and exterior remodel, George 303 Gore Creek Drive #2GlLot 2, Block 5, Vail Village 1"r. Applicant: Vickie Pearson, represented by Ron DiehlMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL JULY 5, 2OOO 9. Gore Creek Whitewater Park - Final review of lhe placement of boulders and plant Brent materials within the Gore Creek Stream Tract. Gore Creek Promenade/Tracts | & A, Block 58, Vail Village 1d Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Tourism and Convention Bureau & Town of VailMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL JULY 5, 2OOO Staff Approvals Hochtl residence - Re-roof. Ann 890 Red Sandstone Circle/Lot 5, Vail Mllage 9s Filing.Applicant: Christie and Kad Hochtl Red Lion Building - Roof replacement on south %. George 304 Bridge StreeULot C-1 - C-7, Vail Viltage 1d Filing.Applicant: Richard Brown Dickson residence - Addition of boulder retaining wall. Allison 1817 Meadow Ridge Road, Unit 1/Lot 21, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicanl: Phyllis Dickson Lord Gore Restaurant - Installation of a Make Up Air Unit. Brenl 595 Vail Valley Drive/Lots A,B,C, Vail Village 7'n.Applicant Robert McGleary Hilliard residence - Heated driveway and window addition. Allison 1801 Sunburst Drive/Lot 2, Vail Valley 3'.Applicant: R. Glen Hilliard Valley Condominiums - Clubhouse rdpair. George 1510 Buffehr Creek Road/Parcel A, Lionsridge 2no Filing. Applicant: Valley Condominiums Adam residence - \Mndow addition. Brent 765 Forest Road/Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Village 6th Filing.Applicant Nanry Adam Telemark Townhomes - Repaint. Ann 1090 Vail View Drivt1083 Lionsridge Loop/Lot &1, Telemark Townhouse. Applicant: John Cogswell Ryerson residence - Window addition and landscaping. George 4859 Meadow Drive/ Loi 16, Block 5, Bighom srh Additon. Applicant: Tony Ryerson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, localed at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. oo Exisrr^/t -) I k -) -.- -+ to I7n I .Tl 'r''.i t> firlr It ,l t- -) + *x:e -) ao + + -t ozF=E lrJo \f\o (t)LUuJLL=E,UJ o\X(J V E14 H ah z <=42,!.r z:< (9i].z6o!zl yJo hHlalUJzt59 *. 1zuts | o-2 E I =EP^l aa2t =z=tq Io I €Al< | '"Fllo I Ytrrlz | =Hl-l zhl UJFo z H Fi E t!JllJa=Ill.oFFzoo(r z3 O6g r!uJoz.,.3 crv <F2.\ YZa< o)lkr,EN'aF\Aa,/ \N:-.\ :\9l\ c L..i$- r\ ENb\-cl o o () o) =f E =:) o o) o 3 .g 0) 1e: iE8F";= 9 R€*t e g-.= (E FE UP.Ac"o>e:5E:Ee dr.= nc:'-(5 -*-o)85t= EEiFE!Eo ..i6ih'= o 5!q*F E!$eo-(! o-cl: - o(g: O-oiEor Ef;e€ :(2'"o LC\J= or tuE'"ieHEr-sF: e-C? !; o o n! O!.:l 3EE5o i 'EI E>= *6=edt u--;feF9E or -e5g: BItl HPBFl F =G llJ z oJ l d) Y uJ (J z J a l-- ut t! o26 =:).J o- (J z (J lLl = UJ l! z tr llJ tu (r o 3IU 5 IJJ z 6t!o o l z J x F uJol (n IIJ LIJtl.. tr =Eulo- J F zo dl J 9c tfl tr z =f) J 2 UJ: NOtlVn'tVA lFl lF-]t< lv:qlF:lN l.c! l> ..Fr Y,U)g> ;-zl|-S9 oodq ztA:ei .Eo :< #E uJ14 fre(, -I z = tnO7><)z(L< g8 FO .ic.i lEtz lo l<l) t> lFlt< lol.A l6 zo F TL cr (L lo (L \T E z Eoo N)<; E uJ =z tz:)za <r)F: nl<(JFJ >(r Ril6o<z F 2 9z d<r3trOI I I ii-lili i r'ri tzI i=fftlti I+I l9I r<lEls dlil f r/)t!z () IF F z F J faz oo(I X X X X Fl t z tr o =g. lrJo F-l zl .>io ulolut!z q)F E llJtI z Eor!Fo-tL<:o+ cn I C\Jr-c\lOU)z \-JFlZ( cx (\ tll z zH ulF o tuFag] z F luY UJo F = UJ lJ- I uJFoz H& z. rn li Xz|.4(Do2z F\ o-f c{ ..i3v r-., = ==3dd= DNE f]t]t] t = IU llJ()z oa F cr = llJ -h= duJ>oO|! \ LlJ x> JJ tr UJ F q' Eo -9o o! '= Eo(J o --- ts =E.lrl o-zoF(J EFazo C) I ot =loll!l :l <l>l L!lol zl BI 9lFI F\\' F\ Io\\t I Ialrlcnlol-l I dol uJl] <lilol zl 3l :?l E 4 14 HB FJ F.l g I I I I I cjlzl sl 5l al>l u-l ;t ,,Bl fol ulFI F -c FlH F rI] Hz E a rn F- UJ(r o = I ..lHI<!>i e'r lol zlBI*l u4 =4 Fl z J LL OIzl ol Hl -.rl <l>l lr-lol zl 3l 9lFI a z E zB H ui =z (I] _-1 E, e. ir = \JZ E F EFz -J EF UJ-) 2? =-ff,F)zrl-oo o z z - LU F t!F -.1- t <F uJ<zEUJF J<Oo?.:io I z ,'r =zztoo =ziP HnE =e UJo l!o UJr F =E UJc t! E9F=gfra9!a 5:Ei =uJEbod J9EYttBX PE €-; H oF I-- uJ E U' @o z o. UJY UJo oF F CE LlJ O- .hlar _{l.-'-.._l - c\l| '<l IJJ tJzo ts =E,lrl o-z 9F(JfE 6zo C) =H?5ru E=e uJL III'uJrEIIII oz ltJUJo:Ilrol!coFo2oo tI a)-- o 3 i IIJ '.) cu ./>C F z it e,Yvro1>9(J()2 l!< L/= AH>x t >E -rti)Eur& =oG| ! J Iz llJ oz J- t! ioq8 a J FoJ I I{l-tl 5l t-r'l-: !II'i :t .t{ t--1..I IJJl=I<lzl3DlqI \-/LI A c I I I I I I Aul GIIct 1 3 IJ J3r I I I I J q <l El zl fl ol 7 01 uJlq J l!oz =oF r{t Iili \-l .$;l r N il s ddr ||JJ uJF oz oIt J tt z3oF : E uJz3o Fo lrJ ts? C)e e. -rO<Fcro[!<zEurFi'r 2-oo <oC)F =a)=<T,t\2urO -o 29 =sDF d.6() i5 7() =< YZ =u EoE-5 =+c.FOz :<:(. 75 3outh fronlage road vrll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2.\39 oltlco of communlly devcloPmctlt BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permi.t requjres a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval 'Engineer"s (Public l^lor"ks) review and approval , a Planning Department revjew or Health Department revjew, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as 'long as three weel(s. A1'l commercial (Iarge or small) and all mult'i -family permits will haVe to follow ine iUove mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time' However, if residential oi smaller projects inpact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these proiects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparfinent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and t'ime frame. W Date Work Sheet was turned lnto lne Conrnuni ty Development Department. L A 75 3outh fronlage toad Yail. cotor.do 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUNTECT: olllce ol communltY develoPment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TO}TN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PAIKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock' sand, debris or naterial, including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial. fn the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public Works Department will remove said naterial at the expense of Personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall ncit be applicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utillties in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 tn full'vail Building Departruent to obtain cooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: please stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your Fositionr/Relationship to Project t a Date (i.e. contractor, owner) 5a1 x PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE L= .roa READv FoR TNSpECTToN: MoN TUES wED tnr* @ - AM pM LocArloN: e5,i1 n 8t'< n (\ L - CORRECTIONS: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL *o"= -l-D LZ--,4A CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr ! UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: o D tr tr HEATING D tr U ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL Wrrr.rnr- ROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR Plath Construction, Inc. P.O. Drawer 5920 Avon, Colorado 81620 (303) %9-190s Roofing Proposal Page 1of z Pages We hereby propos€ to furnish all labor and material needed to perform the roofing specified below and on attached sheet(s). Attached sheet(s) arc a pafi of this proposal. Unless othenryise specified, the following conditions shall apply: 1) Any guarantee offered shall not be valid until the contract price is received in full. 2) Building permits and dumpsters are not included in our price. 3) Only flashings which are required to complete our portion of the work are included in this proposal. No miscellaneous flashings (window sill, etc.) are included. 4) All material is guaranteed to be as specified. 5) All work shall be completed in a workmanlike manner according to specifications submitted. Any deviation from written specifications shall be made only upon written orders and shall become an extra charge over and above the contract price. 6) All our workers are ftrlly covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance. 7) This bid may be withdrawn if not accepted within 30 days. We hereby pnopose to furnish all material and labor complete in accordance with abovefattached specifications, for the sum of: Please see attached sheet(s) fof all prices and options..... DOLI-ARS g See attached. Payment to be as follows: 100? upon conpletion Authorized Signature, Plath Corutntction Inc: Acceptance of ProposaL The above/attached prices, specifications, and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. Yoq are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as o Authorized Signature, Owner or Agent: Gary Murrein Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Co. 81657 ( 303 ) 479-2LOO l-O-o3-90 Job Nams Town Mgrrs Residence 2507 Arosa DriveJoo Aocress: Vai I , colorado Archit€ct/Dare of Plans: N/A - refoof * Refiim 1 signed cory to our o. October 3, Roofrng Specification 1990 Page 2 of2Pages for Vail Town Managers Residence BASE BID: 1l Tear off existing roofing and remove alt debris from the site. Plath Construction will keep the jobsite as clean as possible and practical during the construction, aad 3 1fielsrrgh slsaning of Plath's work areas will be performed upon completion. Plath Construction will protect the interior of the building at all times from water and weather. 2] Install'JiS-Seal' Ice and Water Guard by'Protecto Wrap' over entire pitched roof area, accordi.g to manufacturer's specifications. Extend membrane up walls a minimum of 12" aL roof-to-wall junctures. Use mastic as needed. 3l Install #L medium cedar shales with laced 18', # 30 felt each course. Use starter and hip-and-ridge shinglss as needed. 4] Install 26 gatge galvanized fl25hings as needed, including valley, step, endwall, pea\ and counterflashing. Cost for work as specified above:$8,719.00 GENERAL NOTES: 1] Cedar shakes for this proposal have been bid at the current market price of $95.00 per square. Due to the extreme volatility of the cedar market, price changes prior to the acceptance of this proposal will require renegotiation of the contract price, to reflect any such sfuanges. 2] Ice and snow removal, daily covering and uncovering of the roof deck with plastic, and drying out of the roof deck, if necessary, will be an extra charge over and above the contract price and will be charged extra at tle rate of $25.00 per man hour. Materials (plastic, propane, etc.) will be charged exfiaat Plath's cost. 3l Priming may be required for JiS Seal, depending on site conditions and outside temperatures during application. If priming is required, this work will be charged extra at the rate of $13.00 per 100 square feet. 4l Sales tax has been included in this proposal. If job is tax-exempt, deduct $120.00 from the Base Bid price. 5l No fees for building permits have been included in this proposal. 6] Upon receipt of the contract price, Plath Construction will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing roofing against leaks due to flaws in workmanship for a period of two years from the date of roofing completion. I*aks quali$ing under the terms of said warranty will be repaired promptly at no cost to the owner. This warranty does not cover any subsequent interior damage tlat may occur. Project Application tlo"" t-f a*/f N? Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Z,r Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot :-? , Block Filing , Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL \cr/oe- aul.1cr| Cs-rlzt .D+rror- ?D 3?( La--iB/ St-oF - :-ipri (."" Approval ,.r i'l \,,r r.. ''Jt' . i - "t pis'i* o\ \ Nt,W ,u Ir4 *^L o"n k r) t-r'I vusb* frL Application oatJ I.This wil l A. PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE procedure is required fg1 any project request'ing a variance. The applicationnot be accepted until all information is submitted. NAIVIE OF APPLICANT ADDRESS PHONE B.l?o.NAME OF ADDRESS |.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE I I l)l PHuNE 6 4l[4tt33 I ollNER(s) (type or p"intl TrrcoO csf VAe[, si ADDRESS PHONE D.PROPOSAL 2-5o LOCATION OF ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 5 BLOC ILING E. FEE $1OO PAID cK#FROM THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I^IILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. KIJ F F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS SfnlEfS, and their mailing aaaresies. THE APPLICANT HILL 8E RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WiTH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO ;DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT Is THE APPLICANT,S RESPONSIBILITY TO M TT nn APPOINTMENT hllTH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT SY OTCREASING-THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PEMIT IS ISSmD-. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relat'ionship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicin.ity. 2. The- degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement.of a_specified regulation is-necessary-to achieve compatibilityand uniformity of treatment among sites in the vilinity or to iifiin ttreobjectives of this title without grant of special privilege. nlrrD l..l.A.F. G. * Vari ance Jz- 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffjc facilities, utilities, and public safety. B. A topographjc and/or improvement survey at a sca'le of at least'l " - 20r stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of a'l'l existing improve- ments, 'including grades and elevations. 0ther elements which must be shown are park'ing and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas anduti'lity and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed bu i 'ldi ngs. D. A11 preliminary building elevations and_floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, genera'l appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the site. A preliminary title report to verify ownersh'ip and easements If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, then written approval from.the association in support of the proJebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. Any add'itiona'l material necessary for the review of the app'l ication as determined by the zoning administrator.. For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Commission meets of each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be sub.mitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete app'lications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the Znd and 4th Mondaysall accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of the (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- A. ,l nVAIL lJn>S"c^r=H,.e T) Fu'*tro 1-or:4+ f-t 1 rtlOLcr-C L Lcr: lC 4, I t FL,uc, 2 bl-oot H- Lo-r p-E:T -FF4/1c5 bpn"'o, bg*," D.4 VtR^rnr s. P-0, bay E+1 \Rrt , G, 6lc,':a brou:uTMrlrou O. |-Vsppt.s M,U 26- zQ RoR{) Ggnlso J,'r.,.,rt^ ,Cn, bl Sot Gopqou ,.AIs-r J. + M*a1 d"'* P,o, bo6 if++ \Jrttc, C-o " D\ L68 beaplsq ,Jenvrs L,- Lo Nreitt l,D"sr 6+t StzscT fIQ6aleL t FL, 3Vl5o tr(.1re, D"^ Ib,. * Lo.rLE 6vo Sc'ur* \{norqoD .fim. , Ln L^uu, lr, Loszs g,^kD bt I I Lbt4 B 'rfC bl"'r H TO: FROM: DATE: SUBfECT: Ron Phillips Peter Patten April 20, L987 Town Managerrs House Ron, I donrt really enjoy menorandurns as a principle form of communication, but it seems that our schedules have been such recently that this may be the nost efficj-ent means for us to make sure our bases are covered. I net with Ray Story this morning to discuss the proposed addition and setback variances required for the Town Managerrs house, Ray explained the project and we understand the proposal . There are a number of guestions f have for you so that you may provide us with further direction on how to handle the project. rlrl As far as tirning goes, would you like this to go to the PEclyt before funding is discussed with Town Council? ..dr,r,,When, specifically, would you like to file an application for the te./ PEC for the setback variance consideration? Who is the appropriate person to handle this through the varianceprocedure? Tf possible, I would prefer that Ray be theItappl-icantrs representativerr through this process due to thepossible perception of the staffrs conflict of interest. Rayindicated that if the project was eventually approved forfunding, he may be compensated for his time to take the project through the process at that time. Finally, Ray agreed to supply us with a site plan/survey showing theentire Iot, setback encroachment requested, as well as the other improvenents on the lot. The survey that was done for the closingwill serve for this purpose. The Planning staff will review on aprelininary basis the proposal at our Tuesday morning staff meeting on the 21st of April . N0. I'IHEREAS,did file an application ttith the Plannincl Department of the County of E agle, State of Colorado, on or aiout j- l-ffi , TOr a varl ance from the strict aoplication of the Zoning of Colorado, 1974, as amended, wjthCounty of Eaqle, State 1/*t-.p#sfuFrooert.y descrj pti on ) 1 ocated unincorporated area of ra916-c6unty, Col orado: and Resol ution, respect to within the t^lHtREAS, the Zoning Board of Adjustment is vested vrith the Dovrer to qrant I or deny such variances bv virtue of Section 30-28-ll7 and 30-28-ll8 C.R.S. .l973, as amended, and Section 9.04 of the Zoning Resolution, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, .|974 as amended; and IJHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the Zoning Board of Adiustment on ' 4--\\ -8D - :and I^IHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, study of the master plan for the unincorporated area of the County, corments of the Eaqle County Planning Department, comments of public offic'ials and agencjes, and comments from the aop'l icant and all interested parties, the Zoning Board of Adjustment finds as follows: That proper postjng, publication and public notice was Dro- v'ided as required by larv for the hearjnq befor the Zoninq Board of Ad,justment. 2. That the hearing before the Zoning Board of Ad.justment was extensjve and complete, that all pertinent facts, matters and issues were submitted and that all interested parties were heard at said hearing. I.IHEREAS, said apolication requested a variance to and >ilfL+-i1 ,, unreasonable hardship will be imposed the provjsions of the Zoninq Resolution hardshi p were in ex i stence regulations from which the -- V That an unnecessary and -r' \ on the propert.y owner if are strictly enforced. That the circumstances creating the on the effective date of the zonin,o 31, t llJr U t qffls moved that the fol I owi nq Resoul ut'ion be adopted : BEFORE THE COUNTY OF RE SOLUT I ON ZON I NG EAGLE, BOARD STATI OF ADJUSTI']ENT OF COLORADO variance is requested, or were created subsequently throuqh no fault of the applicant. .q That the oroDerty for which the variance is reouested possesses exceptional narrorrrness, shallo\{ness, shape or topography which does not occur generall.y to other nroperty in the sarne Zone District. 6. That the variance, if qranted, wjll not dininjsh the value, use or enjoyment of adjacent propert'ies, nor curtail desirable liqht, air and open space jn the nejqhborhood. 7. That the variance, if oranted, will not be directly contrary to the intent and purpose of the Zoning Resolution and/or the Master Plan of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 8. That the followinq specific findings of fact were ascertained: (State soecific facts i.e. traffic, conlestion, park'i ng etc' ) N0l,l , THEREF0RE, be it resolved by the Zon'i ng Board of Adjustrnent, County of Eagle, State of Colorado: THAT, the applicant's request for a and hereby is approved. L.o / - THAT, said variance is conditional upon the followino restrictions: THAT, any violation of the terms of thjs resolution may result in rehearinq and poss'ib1e revocation. tAif 4,fmin) , teconded the adoption of the foreqoingl Resolution' The rolt having been called, the vote was as follotrs: variance to Le l NAr.rE ) NAt-lE ) NAME ) NAI4E) This reso'lution adopted by County of Eaqle, State of Bgo. ote of the Zoninrl Board -----r 1 thi s )or tr day of Adjustment, inq ing inq inq ing @J ont ,6 (ruo) W,ffi 5v cJilao,ot ftp(r r.--, t vot vot a APtJLi CATICN FOR VAIIIANC|: Oro- the 7-oning Resolution oO Ea.3l c County, Coloracrc . to tlre Zcning BoarC of Adju:tments copies required; prini or type' sli6g'pt signatures)(minirntrm 5 4-"'/ ', :.l.:2. 3. Ttre property is located the north side orld b. metes and (may b.-, attachecl) 5.Brief Pr.rrpose and Reason see abtached. 'Attech explanation that on3 or see attached for Variarrce (nraY be attached): nrore conCiti:rts exist undar Sec. Signature of auihorized lan'u . Section 9.O'l'05 ' n..-^r{ R. md Joan F. GeiserAppl icant/On':1et *"t*' Mail Adcress 'l 1323 East-Cinna:lon-.lriye !bg1.ew994. P!:ne: (apa\ ?zc-l'<<6- l.Regutation'an.lsectionNumssr(s)ofZollingRcso|uiicnfrornwhichVa.ian.eissought: Present zon" RS14 Goneral location of property (in relation tr a Torrnt Road, Strearn or oihel larrdmerk): es west of Veil on ti. Lot5alkD,or, see attached eir" r.1o,.44,0 -4 Fee Paict 55 D) /lDate rccd.3/i /B os office completc for Public u9e l-learin3 onApplicaiion acccPitd A;:pl iciLtion rcjocted as ittcornplctc for Publ ic tlecring because: Pa.1c 1 <,f APPLICAlIOi{ I'OR VARIAI{CE fron the zoning resolution of Eagle CountY, Colorado to the ZOI.IING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS 5. Brief purpose and reason for Variance. The owners request a variance to include a second unit in the residence at Z5O7 Arosa Drive, one being a prinary residence which contains Zf3 of the structure, s]1d a seconclary residence consisting of l/3 of the struc- ture. fite reasons for tbe request are as follows; l. fhere v:i11 be no detriment to the neighborhood or environnent in granting the varj.erce as the strrrctural appearance including landscaping and parking will be exactly the same whether the variance is granted or not. Thus, the first reason being that THERE IS }IO REASOII IIOT TC GRANT TIIE VARIANCE. 2. The SECURITY arrd PR0TECTIOII to the building ( fron firertheftt lrater/ser.rer breakage or 1eak, propane leak or e4plosionr vind, vanclalism, etc. ) and the safety of its occupants is best served by having a secondary fulL-tine residence since the firll-tine residence r,rill cften be unoccupied. Snow and ice removalr pl ckup of any wind-bIo wn trash, entry of repairmen/installers, etc., i-s nore easily facilitated by a full-tirne secondary resident. lhus1 , granting th:is variance wiIL be of BENEFIT T0 TtlE NEIGHBORH0OD Eil{VIRONMnlT. 3. Granting the variance wi]-l RELISVE THB Ol'nmRS 0F UIIDUE HARDSItrP in leaving jobs, farnily, etc. on extrenely short notice if items nentioned in #2 above occur; and will relieve the conceln and preo ccupation over these vorries lthi ch in itself creates a harCship. /+. 1T IJILL BD JUST AI{D FAIR rc GRANT THE VARIANCE because A. otrrcunding residences are nulti-unit, -so the atnosphereclftheneighborhoodvillrernalnconsistent I oo /+.8. i'b prevents creation of a trspof'tytr nelghborhoocl r,*r-ich effects resale values for everyone, but especially for the ormers of sinsle- fa-ni1v residence. resale values for everyone, but especially for the ormers of a single- fa-ni1y residence. c. but for lacking approxirnately t000 squal'e feet in lot space, the dr,relling uould be already housing tvo resiCences. THERE IS N0 EVIDE|IICE THAT BEI]IG 1OOO SQUAITE FEET SiiORT 0F THE MANDATED 161000 SQIJARE I'EET L{AKES THIS LOT AI\ry LESS SUITASLB !'0R HoUSING Tl'10 RESIDENCES INTHIN ONE STRUCIURE. D. By the very establishnent of a Variance Board, the founding fathers of the connunity recognized that ARBITRARY I'IANDATES FOR ZOMNG LOTS VIA THE SQUA.RE FOOTAGE I'IETiIOD IS IESS THAN JUST AND PArR, ALTHOUGH THERE l,tiJST CERTAINLT BE GUIDtrINES. ?rus we suburlt that this request is iu keeping uith that original plr-ilosophy that indirridual neecls and circurnstances rnust be consiclered in these deci"sions. This parti cul ar varj.ance request is an excellent exarnple of one wh:ich ful-fills the very purposo of the creation of a Variance Board E. Thisrequest l,lEETS TIIREE 0F THE FIVE POSSIBLE CONDITIONS IN SEC. 9.04.06' 1-5. l,tl{EREBY VARIANCES l4AY BE GRANTED. llote that the only other tuo insiances in Sec. 9.0/+.O6t 1-5. uhere a variarrce nay be granted are in no ltay applicable to this requestt the 1ot, or the structure. F, Request for ttris variance uas previously nade, at which tine the County Planning Board recomrnended approaval by an affirnative vote of lr Lo 1. Subsequently, the Zoting Board of Adjustnent approved the variance by an affirnuative vote of 3 tn ?. However, at that ti-ne a rnajority vote .r.ras inadequate to obtain approval. Had the current voting policy been in effect at the tiroe that first appLi-cation was rnade, the variance voulcl nou be approved. 6. }:>qpl anation that one or nore conditions e oxist uncier Sec. 9.ot+.O6, 1-5. The lot contains approxin;rte1y 151000 square feet and has a gcntle slope of about 10 clegrees nrnning from the street up to the back of the Lot. The tot is easily buildable and is entirely usable except for the 5 foot drainage easement on the lrestern boundary. The owners have designed the structure so that maxirun benefit is clerived frrcm the terrain of the lott thustheyhavebeenabletod.esignahomethatcanaccomodate multiple dwelling units uith:in the structure, without outuard appearancesindicatiagthatanultipledvellingrurj-texists' (see attached drar,rings.'ancl pictures). Aclequate off street .-. pdrking is availabl-e for the required J parking spacest eliroinating . parking problens associ-ated uith nultiple dwelling rurits' Per Sec. 9.0l+106. nunber 4; Al]ovarrceofthisvarj.ancedoesnotdetractfroronordoesj.t dinr:inish the value of current properties in the imnediate area, partly because all of the properties surrounding the olnerspropertylrerebuiltbeforethezoninglraschanged'agr.lare therefore rnultiple dr.relling un:its such as duplexesr triplexest and condominiuns. See the attached map and pictures #1 +a #l+ of adjacent properties. Tfre bui-l-ding blends nicely into the surroundings, and as such does not interfere r"dth the useability of adjacent 1ots, nor cloes it cutail desirable lightt airt or openspace in the neighborhooC. The ollners have includeC for your revier.r the floor plans and exberior pictures of the dueJ-ling constructe'l on said site, vith a reguest for a variance to enable us to f,inish the ground level interj-or as an efficiency apartnent jnstearl of adilitional living space for the owter. Per Sec. ,9.0/r.06. number 5; The requested variance is not directly contrary to the intent and purpose of the rnaster plan, nor does the proposed variance fa1l out of the original intended use of the property' Itre stnrcture wiIL not dfuiinish the value of adjacent properties, nor wjLl it in any uay affect their useability or affect the quality of life or useability of adjacent openspace in the arear 5. conl t. Per Sec. .9.04.05 nurnber 11 Adjacent properties are nnrltiple dvelling units, lrhich rneans that our proporty rdJ-l not nalntain the value it should because it is not zoned the sa$e as adjacent properties. /L1so note it'ens /!2, #3, and /il*b. on this application as they pertain to hardsh:ip to the '1. Or,arer of property proposed for variancer lil-ing1 Block D Lot 5 Donalcl R. and Joan F. Geiser 11323 East Cirutarron Drive &rglewoods Colorado 801 11 Or,rners of adjacent properties: (aII irr Vail Das Strone) Eiling 1 Block Dr Lotl Byron D. & Vi-arure S. Bror"nr eox 5lfl ( nrprex ) Vail, Colorado 81657 SiJ-ing 1 Block D, Irt 4 Byron D. & Vianne S. Brown (lVacant ) Sox 5l+7 Vail, Colorado 81657 ElJ.ing 1 Block C, I,ot 11 l'JiJ-lian H. & Saratr l'til1er ( Uuptex ) Box 19OB Vail, Colorado 81657 Filing 2 Block Gt Lot 1 John E. Bishopr Tmstee Box 1285 VaiJ-, Colorado S16rl ( Vacant, Zoned nultiple unit ) i o . 4,, ?.,' \'b')q#; ee,::;;h\ ..<'L' ---.*- -i .'- \. -a\-' v * '\. i -f'' i* ,. '\/4 \ z ';iri '#it '\u i .-:; ,'''. ",/ , )' '' ^: a" 'l-,.\4'tt .td{ '\ .,1'.. rz t=, "ou'" .rl/ / e:\, ts'>e{ '\ \ *' '4' \ i';: I/ \ o /: ,/ r" \ Tn c*c"\r^,, ;ji t'ii "r,-1/'-r',(r "'...';i.. " ,oh,lt'- ,,' ; o "it*@+I'-.fy. - ",):),-,,.i nq,{2.2- rtdt {\--iull lt Y- ?6 t )tt, a 7 ^\AL ? Fe(t flPPt/c/?y'rs freuPtcrv ?tocrc D /or 5 [?eqttEstED Foe VfiR'rr]ilce ?t --. I/ SF(ottDARr/7l t2PrvaARY /3 2 t t.w.l 7'F "e"-i'ir; 1F...tc I,.t+, )-l' ') \k \'l- \ .-.* ./ t- - t' I 't ( 1I.f l l lI't * -,j4.' p { q .l=o zsO 0 \tN- rn ..J -s .! ,,.$ ..'fl oFt .Ft \P \ €.%'. /\\ E Z--o:s{{<\$9- =- /.' '1- J2"- fs'.'.' R,r% t+'o\% f s4 taR sect F J ul utJ.: c(tu- oJ T-l* o '- lr-ol;itl-l rE- T l;.Eli =l: tII a 3 | ,f- I j rS \ N( tr( p l-/\ \JF5 t\ TOsvoJcJt9o7? ,h n- I I I -lat< I I I ( Irl .g ccc(\(' lt ., _ U?PER LEVEL N^AIN . L EVEL F30' !2'x Io'lo'x ,o ' ; (\r1 t\ I \l $( {J N ?- 1t-=i ! T I 3 -:- i 1 , Y,' FArY'ILY L=J _gxto lill-"', 77' / 16' EAGTE COUNTY Commun'ity Devel opment P.0. Box .|79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE, 303/328-731I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtsstoNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 21 7 COUXTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVI RONM ENTAL H EA LTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5A44 PLANN ING Ext 226 o( 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IOG E Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-5328 TREASU RER Ext 201 March 20, .1980 Don Geiser 'l .|323 East Cimmarron Drive Enqlewood, Co. 80lll Re: Fi I e llo. Zv-90-80 The Planninq Cormission, at thejr meeting on March .l9, .l980, recornmended denial of your variance reouest. This recommendation will be passed on to the Zoning Board of Adiust- ment on April 10, 1980. If you have any questions, please contact this offi ce. Respectfully yours, ---'-7 +2.=--. -P/:zz"--"-) dim tlilliams Zoning Inspector JW/i h cc: Zoning Board of Adiustment rdort couNrY Conrnuni tY Deve'l oPment P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE' 303/328.731I BOARO OF COUNTY coMMrsstoNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Exl 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 217 coul.,lTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG I NEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENTE\l 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PU RC HASI NG/ PE RSON N EL Ext 245 6 March 1980 The Vail Trail P. 0. Box 10 Vai'l , Col orado 81657 Re: Notice of Public Hearing Zoning Board of Adiustment 10 April 1980 P'lease publish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a Legal Notice in the 13 March 1980 publication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of publication of this offi ce. Thank you 4* herine PROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaole Ext 2l I Ba:lall927-3244 Gilman 827-575 | sOC IAL SERVICES 328.6328 TR EASU RER Ext 201 0ffice Manager I NoTIcE oF PUBLI' HEARING O COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO Notice is Hereby Given that the Eagle County Zoning Board-of Adiustment w'ill ho]d a Public Hearing beginning at 10:00 A.M. on 10 April 1980 in accordance with Sectioii g.b+ ot the Eagle County Zoning Resolut'ion' Sai d Heari ng wi'll i ncl ude the fo'll owi ng : File No. Zv-88-80 - Edmund Barnes Request: Varjance from the Lot area based on Lot Slope, section 4.02.03 of the Zoning Resolution. Location: Lot 4, Block 8, Vail Intermountain Subdiv'is'ion File No. Request: Locati on FiIe No. Request: Locati on File No. Request: Locat i on Zv-89-80 - Eagle Radjo Inc. Variance from the Minimum Setback in the Resource Zone North of Minturn between County Road and the railroad tracts' SW 1/4 Sectjon 22, Eagle County, Co'lorado Zv-90-80 - Donald and Joan Geiser Variance from the Minimum Lot Size in the RSM Zone. Vail das Schone Fi'ling #1' Lot 5, Block D Zv-91-80 - Victor and Alice Cuccia Variance from the Minimum Lot Size in the RSM Zone. Vail das Schone Filing #1, Lot 7' Block C This Hearjng will be held in the McDonald Building, County Conmissjoners Meeting Room #103, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. persons affected by a decision on this request are required to make comments to the Commission by ippearing at the Hearing, or by submitting statements in person by mail thru the Secretary. by: Katherine Peterson Secretary, Department of Community Development xg!!. ,{-. ,L q t',;l--5 €{JI E ! Elo) - gdtF I ci ..;d'oo(,o,o o!(F o .lr.-o -u >>';, .5 g!-|g 0arJ o o,o o- !, o_pFF- rJ =ot!J . {u . tu.F <tFu aJ.D a o)o i!'F_<f 16 BoL4i!os" FO(TJ d >o>o - o.rr.rl {u O U ,FP-c Ool-L too F -(-) O- aJo.>6 U ?d- E 'r'F c| o ! o'0 (J L 3 p ur, (U-P .rJ ort o JEsEB .t :E:; o Eo El o oc =+).F o'o 51 3PF.FE.t eC +l Pa,6 c|'-t (|)f oo, F ES IrE El ; 3a:>LUOI(|) El >Lf >? .!.FlE cl F u o!o pl(u ol !our-o.- -c .!lor ol -o.- o o- =-E + Trl! l5<oF- clEr dl 4F t o? t|J16 !l o.ooEt!t oF..^Er- ol F ". FElo OF Fl 'E lx Fclo ol|o (rl cl(u.F.. 5t! ot= I ..15F -.rlol() dl | | {r loll! qjtoi (Ft+r ot otclrtf (\rrl-rrlo q-lr col > lylodl ok! dld | | ctl(Jlr .P orl dl ' .rlo rol o lrol oEl.ov(,/rl Nl d ro|< F !l<ci Li ,;l d.; I ..1.ul 9E,o E 9i,!:o' 'l-- v E 6 -+ 9 6t'"E.r ;;= El;6 .o to Elo oFi:,-Ft^ e ctc (JI+) -.p.. =lF ol '! r.rJtot o cEtg o aJ(,l!l- lo.- Eq,|qtL q-to c c)5L!l O-(FfF -c C,ol (JlE '!l> u t-c,|dto.Plo, a, Er,d16lu (, !€ c ao <1, o cr rt .(, (J olJ<r(J- o o-or .6 ?o.|J C O O gFO O !'r () GtFrJ OO E g 6 l! oJEt- (J r1- o !+r 0, o 6 E.l o r.rJ (J o > iE o!t (, oCF L coGr =ooTr q,s .., ,) 1r,F (D.r cto o> !.F Ol! ! 4, 'F -.Fl: O t-!4 .PtF C L -O F^ 6lo @ O (F aJl EFo Elo r! itF ". ' Et.J (JEto ot ^.-clo olE \o E... =l drll! v .c+rlolO d !--4l rlor lo, o 0,0i|Eld) r.-l a, .J ctl(Jlo .ol.r c ^otllti +,t-F o udl.Dl-4.t116 6v 'FOE ! n c ii E E 3e 3 E c..,.n c E ._ c.tE(|) '<*:< (u-cor >{J.-i! | oi,oEL rl(u .rr .'oor.PoF !.F tD o,rsl6 (D-oF> F.F L = (tI to<O Fd 'FF(Fclr<t- o r!rE .>>(uUu o.F O-so |!' c, r.lJ F e 0, o-E(, Lrso o !- (l) o'o'o - 0r-crJ trrF x c oc'r E c|.o o(5F. EFo c oo .Plo- c)-uo, cl5P.J O X Ol. .ttoE.rr,t Elol o ocr F ol(|)l (l)5 F Ol 5l .F 0, o L clo orlot >Lo)0rot >t,<) '- o -6.F10,, <lrlcl E o (J E.PI.P Ol-l a - rE o, 16l,o I Fl .,Fc <1, ctF (IrlI .|l .) OFF .rrlr.l o .F Et- Flbl *'Ur' E 5lt PI>-l clo L olo (rlI .. llo 9- ot(J Irl PIotL dt rttoll-t()! t(u Iorl ojlo1.6 (u tFLc orlF\l slrzl F rF l.r F\lrl cislco.o |!l rlFl (|)li!L! ,6 .rJlr- Flql dr.ol . r (,lo (olit Tt,51 < "d .; 6l tl o, oldt el = PIol :l :l TI ?l ..1 -lol :f a EI =l,l TI Nl TI -t F!4rr -co)rJ o 1JF O . CpcF ar(uo o-o (D € tr E.-oE|rj 0, >r 'Oc L-rO ortr -.-! tn'F.olE rc-c o ]J ooc{ !-co ae E'o o o..c O O .F=o>! rJ.(l)" e- .:c- .: !-dgxd= tr 6)EEo o F F.-FqJ E|)E (l) E 5 P.F-O.F< .F.F-O P O <lr E 5!xE ! O - O.rJo.F.rr . o oJ L(a =.rJ E(UdJ rF- O (|)e- €o'r'.P ' -ccE o-o.o o crJ |o = .F > '!J'O -O O.P O.i{r O!a!'0 o, .PF.|J< !, L o E oLE-.- -- o = = t o- E EF LH f arE o or-E 9- (J-O(JE!U'ol|J 9-loor >!f o, >r>rc (, >r.rr '! o+rd-.Foj9.Pol,+JLco.Fc6:.:;bb;E'.ECE.:Ed cr.- (rr<! |r,oEo{JE6()-a>I (|J+ t L L! >!rs.- o 0, = roo.< r--!!Fr/r6- sr ro \oN@or E =.o oE ; E =u :! OF o .->|.F <D.F P. ir- L 3 N(JCrO '(,o-ct|-d LF !>r 1l o1r ! J'- c ! Ci' -O rJ 5Z Or '-1,(F - EO,oc Eoo. Fo =, L\o dL -E> () d ! o.- c.F o,r -o P c,o-u E o= 6F = O .- -o! .. rtrE L ^^ 4rl o -N =l-l a rl -l,l F-l ol(\| TI ..1 el )'"-l.=q{ -)q-l r=L- wt= fAt(= L-) 6T)(= L=) @ (?-t) Eq= (o)>kF.V72 e, 2/A\Y/?\ nn nL::IJ(5] (6( --'s nn ni:_:l E a z E 6 r 6-o; F ; F U t-Eo',s .l).- -o= oo, o !-.^ uL E ooo! F r.- ri- - oo oooocqJ. c:'d c 3-i,. -E1 o! 5 C L Or s . Eor€! EDF o u O Ec.= E c-o= >r .-rF.- o L o r ou rlr,rj o o,!o)3 +ro. c, oll, - ldF€ L Olt' tru@..oor or .oo6O 3U.to!.CDrJ i.- E.rJ <DE L L C.-< C.- (F q.| p@ (od t-.- f p.- >orsa,] o.oF cr:lrz o +J.. o-o o,q c l- -o q, o L O 'O! o O)u -L o(u oc (l) crsc=PO O, 3 c >9.-.F o..| 'FtF o o OO l- O - O 3-.For!orcooE ol c o-ooO >(Jo-EO.rJ!F (rl iUc .0,ortroE.Frot sl -FoE-co|!o,Po.Eo isl dSrEcr{Jc .Fl O<+rc c (l) E o o Ll o., - srFdrJOd!- O,- Gtl <-c-('OFoq, OO'o Yl >l FOr9s. o- cr -o rr_ c\r c u I q_.c sr o,5 .. c .Fr- r: @>,crool.FG o I | ...6r'O(F O. Lo,,oE o!* dl cl! l-'--ot r! !.g oF ! ", qjt otr rE{- rl c .Fd>' c rl .a "t- |gl .FotrPIrP6a,, rl {Jls croru E ol E.- l! dlo.- o +r dl olo o u "c c rl -F clclr.F-o ! | Erg.- A Ol O 0,r1.- -o () Ei OloJ {l.F .rJ>l L -c El-l'l!!E cl El4'!LoE O .Fl o-..(J Ero.rr o o 3l El,6< 16<?.t 3l- - - | | ...rlr o.,t lJt otor| .rtot('dl . ' I dlo...6<f o-l dll-l F c\, rl lEFN.nrl ol0l q-l I rr-lroot f |.lt . r+-l ol .Ftrcot crto|r!.Et @t 6trrl orlrli=.rl rl Jli6<fl ca l.o E (/)l col rri>(rl col jl o"i .i il.,t1t I orl old,t dl EP Ea=a (, lF <! a.)vlo LI ; c cFc rJIE(uo o o.JD =d6-9E>. a Lo) .;'oJo '6 vl 'o clrr (urul!ozoLlE o|!0I B(F3oJc 'o larcar.e c .rs o E.-.rro!'!o, o o,-'o(u cr,g-.- .x'o 0ro-q:r o o c, a a cz, ""' h: g -oEEc >.r >roo.!.J ! sl o o '-rr_ o or-oE'.u f-o Oo c r! 'F.F o !t 6x6i!-oor 1,, |! L'o:'oo,o E-tr | > oE3-3.- -l g3.E ! L o t crl E o ooJ-9.9 3l Et.3 =rl!truP El -oFd ol '- lD ct U O-l o.'F - <l:' 3. g J --oS ..t &lot t-ooct I -l E .6 -0 ol <ut o615.lr -l tr .Fl olllt .- o L.rl clq-i/,=oH -l .FEe€l Pl(ul FFt cl (.5l.,. cl (r) Lot I*l i riEl Plrt !t ol . FlI cttr ofrr Icll ..151.- arlo Io.l +rlo l! .!l+r o-lrl oll-l+r l! rlc,l olcrl- el.F ol61 5hlo slE ol +t art6to .Jt:i Nt -l cz 166l.r (rla :lal il rl ..fl(^l <co (J al tl orl o)ldl el 3O E<o - E 1- l,-j EtJ 'tSbEEc =- i 3:s i..€ Ei:ts pl5l& dl . c, =ocE .< '-E .,15i c d _'l ;l TI :l "l JI {UErE(r - 3q- 6 rJE) E !o5E c,+J d F 6', Cr+- (t) L oJ .-.P OJE! l! i-O q-v a, .F o(l) O CJ q'>lJO O', .-O CL E.r(/1 'Oc ra F-o (i r (,.|J ! q- o.F +ro = 0,,o o oEq- E > 59-o o c, Eoo.,6 +r (u.Pc) P o: -o(I) -o.ooO F ..F (J\O . >r.-! c|! E OPF\- - +) = Ou'.(4F.-Ol o Lo.D -o F ., -oEr-=..ooo,c E'r 0,,s-o'0Err6.-)qEO O, F.F.- .- r'-Of coF -P.Fo aJ (rF o.Ff !EqJUJ ' (D IEL 4 0-O Oo .c '\'.F rF .p .ir.F Lo, qi (,o rloo Lu>.> .rJ {rl- F6()l,,4Cc,+r>\ .P4L oJ (uu^(I, oJ rd F{r L s (!lc oEcLo.sF(uo'oacD'F cr o. c.F'o o 4 - cr E>: f d.- (u.p '- !)-c o.o -o or.p c, L'E' !'E' or l- -c F.+r,F-c'O(l)or -c4l^E.P-.-t.-3o€L>jP'!j E t-.-|o'F c - o t o iEE dEOEd=r! € =L O(-)r!LJ !oJ , >(, rl, L o |E>, EE OC'16 drF -o cO !l F= 's-oo €Eot F ! o E I o- oo.+J.FaJ..!.c C, O O.F.P o >r 4> Er, u l-! o |! ! a)o !- .- c, I FOE |r' q, E = d< !!s) 3! -o o'9l, o-oF >\.rr r! F oE 3|,(JEO o-EFr) O3--c ttF |, 1Co = o trF.P aJ c.p-cO .FoOO rOc-; Ei "- E ,. eo +rooLL (lJ p0rooEEo.!r.adP.rr >rc o LO,,(UfL(J O 4r t')P>i 0)UEdxL16oE LC - O,ro, or ME o.F o EF cO f F +r.J E-o r!o.9 d! U l- t, - l- ':t O O = c O <u- J tUo(JdrF.-== O(Jr./) F\ @ Or OF == :l5l'11 EI 0ll ;l (D .- !!>!E ,rr ol ;iLa;' 3l -lHIq'l -t TI -lTI 3l:l ,51'..1. ., el, I <f6 (o F- I "i: n!1 9,ir" .- .l -aFl:EFsO.j,€.PFCO,ro- E E : -Aooo.u.D|,F,r>!tLcDoooc+o-oral!oF{-A'JgAO o or c! .lJc|!a.!oro.!Fo.P!tAc.nrFoF!tlto=tc.tocNcrl'.rr o, d, ..o ET E.€ E:HhEtt (, g C, CF.tr! o oc o d4 a, cO , >O I O'g.Cc * Eo ,- €hEE"'., tF AO' (F F J!o .! r r! ooo9(|,lt {r cr! .P .,|!rlcU| !,a l'..l|,=(|,llt.|J ., Errc 3t <to aD aF cDc o o.rr !1,E 5 .,? SE.o.!E. t"OE . C O O'l't O F. o Ol <Elc.l Ol cFE 6 .,l 6C (,l dF.|JE rt !l.Pat al -+,tto cl FoocD-E(,c o ol 4.t60 ,!l clrFar3F.!r.!a F ?l O3.P Fl rrOO .PF Ll ||,F r rl OG, Ct 'coo >l ForF+t >l F.P. oF(,c c.u t rFE c I F,.P..:Foo. rl st.P= tl c 6.lt o=t| ..-.,!t O O | ...OrF {, tF.rr+t (, l.l tlE l-t.) rll Cl OL.P =-?o ot ol+r.d .Ft oFo ctrroEo..Ptr ra ol FI .c o o ul .Flo, o E arcFa, r rn ?l .Plc E F (tl +rlrrl (, .P +t :t |, 6ctro 6 ol GIo 6P c,r =l 'nl.u c o ca.ol lrl d (Jl ..tl4l . r .- s c)> F I CFO.P.t,l! | Cl ? O.POr!I o,- !'| a'o-6 Lt otcrL urccc!p 3s El EIEFFE 3l Elss.sE 36 R C)I C'I FI (,FF..ota,Io.r>tottrrl) iO I dl(,F<\r I EldF C\l dltt tc rt t>ol tlP ol El."@l rol L ol ol.Fll .Pl6 ll .Pl4ol vrl > Fl (a!p€ orl otlo, rt rl5>t>lc r.rl FrlFtl5 \;;l iil- a-' elt\ 're t TEMPORARY Certifjcate of OccupancY County'of Eagle Department of P'l anning and Development Building Division This certificate issued pursuant to the requirenrents of Section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with th6 various resolulions of the county regulating building construction or use for the fo'l I owi ng: NAME Dona'ld R. and Joan Geiser Use Classification FamiIy Residenee__ Group R-3 Buildjng Permit Nor 1448 Tyoe Construction V Fire Zone 3 Use Zone RSM Owner of Building Donald R. and Joan Geiser Building Official Date :H 8""t-,"t*+ A;J BUITDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX I79 Construct Sing'le pERMrrro Familv Residence 11 r(TYPE OF IMPROVEMEI{T)l{ o. BUILDING PERMITCoURTHOUSE, EAGLE CO. - PH. (303)328-6339 or".,.o*, Donuld !. & .loan Gei"#F July 2 AOORESS -. 1448 NUMBER OF OVYELLING UNITS wood. Co- ,(C oNlR's Ll cENSE) one (STREET) STORY ( PROPOSEO UsE) l-Z^ =0. - 19 --!-!-- PERMIT NO.- 11323 E. Cimmarron Dr.. En ZON ING AT ( LOCAT ION I D ISTR ICT ( NO.)(STREETI BETWEEN ANO (CROSs gIFEET)(cRoss STREET) Eo o @ c;z to s UBD tv ts t0H BUILDING IS Vail das Schone TO BE - FT. WIOE BY - FT.LONG BY USE GROUP ,-o, ---5- ".o.* D "tPJt FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM I CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE EASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNDATIOh ( TY PE) REMAR KS: AREA OR VOLUME esrrulreo cosr $ Plan Check 80,000.00 Fee $184 .00 368.00PERMIT ,.FEE D(cuE tclsauaR E Donald R. & Joan F. FEET) Gei serOWNER Cirnna BUILDIIIG ADDRESS (Affidcvit on reveise ride of opplicqlion to bc cenpleled by outhorized ogenl of owner) !'i,';'i VAR, ^nr'rt r,*Ur,frrm* f,;a i-z4- srl P-2"-u4 t l["' lhilld ii. ibi,ssr 1132, H. Ctmrron hilwflulrnodp &londo E0lll hD llr" |}Lrrrrl trrn tiroitth $. a+pfnve thc d.rfuF of thr hour; x rtrt hertr dferppeurfry thr tlrc qrrallty cf t ro oldlr;l for thr tranr you rl. btrlldlng on lot 5. d.ock F YlI[, tiu$ ScrGis, F$,tog f,l, So edd,tlornl drlrlflg rrnlt to h Frt ln brfom obtrfrr|rg rpprord frut tho Errlo Caun+-:i 'Fpt. o! Plranlrtf ed Dnrlonnt rr Qrtr lot tr uncd for rtnglefdly. fo oril or otir*l obstr.trtlona on ooqrtv tordr *rtnh nust !':r+ eonplotcly elcrrrt ell ttrfr. *b a4ocod .?oiudetloa, crpord actdr ol cDord oonsirto. lllcorw brLr tD be at l.cast 6* x 6'. lt u'rrild llkr tp !F@d r8 rrdi lrna*rfCru r.erli)',iit.dlrloitl-*rt'' r.,i f t/rrll vArL. cul0i.llp 816'l ,! lrrs ihtober l,Zt |V?9 c.e. bDt. d Ptrnntng { Ievel r:-:,rent , ,,ar.l.c 1} rn{r 0c; h'{plar,. &!ft, oourry, c"rr,. ,. ,! -"*. l.a:'t PLU,iltG PERA TTAPPL,*,.* Jurisdiction of Applicant to completc numbued spaccs only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cac @r Form lOO.2 11.73 (LJ!Ca Artlcr.ao gxaf r) ztP FxoNa contlaCtol \a )o"u. aacBrract oa _[E3 | 6rai rL aool aS s FHonE MAIL ADOT€Ss IT XCF I Crass ot work: p{ew D Ao0lTroil tr ALTERATToN D REPATR Typ. ot Fartur. d h.nr WATER CLOS€T (TOILETISPECIAL CONOITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASINI KITCHEN SINX & OISP. OISHWASHER atP|lc^IroN ACCtPT€O AY aPPAOvEO FOA TSSUA|TCE 8Y LAUNORV T RAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEAT€R NOTlCE I HEREAY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. LL ZC:.' 3rcNatuac or cdta"rAcroa ol A\txolrlto URINAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR.'5INK OR ORAIN cAS SYSTEMS: NO.'OUtLETS WASTE INT€RCEPTOR LAWN SPRINKLEE SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK 3 PIT TOTAL FEE Blrttfj 4 s't 7t il"h' ?4M" ) * 11 ax 0 &9,4 WH€I{ PROPERLY VALIDATEO (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUA PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION cK. INSPECTOR Il{TIRXATIC'lrAL CO'{FERIXCI OF lUlLDlt{e ('?tlClAL3 . .r.. .. rorirar. trfi(3[,ffi (:(][J|.\liiY O D[PARTI'IENT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPI'IENT EAGLE, COLONADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | I T.LL FREE ilror, Vail - 949-5257 Basalt ' 927-38?3 June 25, 1979 BOARD OF COUNTY co rJl M tsst o f{ E Rs Ext 241 ADMINTSTRATION Ext 241 ANIN4AL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext ?02 BU II.D ING IN I N SPF:CT IO N Ext. 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDERExt2l7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext ?42 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN S ION AGENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 25 5 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Exl 226 or 229 PU RCr{A5rNG/ PE RSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF E.rq le Ext 2l I Balalt 927-3?44 G ilma n 827-57 51 50ctAl- sE tlv lc E5 32S.6328 RE: Application for Building Perrnit in Eagle County Lot 5, Blk. D, Vail das Shone #1 - Denied The Eagle county Building Dept. requires that applications for Buil9jns permiti'in Eagli County 5e routed to the Eagle County P'lanning, Engineering' and Environme;tal Healih Departments for their co[T?B];nprior to issuance of the permits. Your application \'ras routed on ol Lot t>' Listed below are the comments and recommendations which were made by the above departments during the routing procedure. If you have any questions or vrish to get a furthei explanatioi, please contact the appropriate dept. PLANNING: Approved - for single family residence only' Donald R. & Joan Geiser 11323 E. Cirrnarron Dr. Englewood, Co. 80110 ENGINEERING: Not approved' Site plan' which wi'l'l a'l ]ow water HEALTH: Approved. show grading and drainage. camied away from foundatjon.must to be TREASUIIER Ext 20 | i^t It would he to requirenrents as building permit your advantage 'if You begin soon as possible so as not any longer thatt necessarY. to resolve any Problems and/or to delay the issuance of Yout If{ t I II I I i Les Dougi as Eagle County Build'ing Official .:i LD/jk '\ aa.Co. Engineer uol*"= ,qppLrcA. oi{I Fllo NoZv-58-79 _.t Actlon of Zoning Board of Acliustment on Variance Appl ication Approval tr conditions: Denlat R neasons: (see Order of the Board, attached) llould diminish the properties, and thatif the Variance was 21 June 1979 Date, hearing Note: Section 9.04.10 Appeals from the Board . Any further appeal from the clecision of ths Board may be mads to the courts, as provided by lawr provided, however, that such appeal is made prior to twenty (eO) Oays following the date of the notification of the Boardrs docision. value, use or the applicant not granted. . {/ enjoyment of adiacent had failed to show hardshiP Pngc. 2 ot 2 EAGLE COUNTY Department of Planning and Development P.' 0. B<ix 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtSStoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 21 June 1979 Dona'l d Gei ser 11323 E. Cimmarron Dr. Englevrood, Colorado Re: File No. Zu-68-79 - Variance Lot 5, Block D, Vail das Schone FiIing #1 At their Publjc Hearing on 21 June 1979, the Zoning Board of Adjustment denied your request for a Variance to have a' duplex on an undersized lot in the RSM zone. The Board fe] t that it would diminish the value, use or enjoyment of adjacent properties, and that the applicant had failed to show hardship 'if the Variance was not granted' If you have any questions, please contact this office. ASSESSO R Exl 2Oz BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO N Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 217 CO U NTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 235 ENVI RONMENTAL H EA LTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT EYt 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIOGE Exl 257 SHE R IFF Eag le Ext 2l I Easalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 51 SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | \^* \NlQI^t*u Jim williams Zoning Inspector Jl,l/ kp cc: Zoning Board of Adjustment EAGTE COI'ts{TY Department of PlanningP.0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/3281731| EOARD OF COUNTY coMlvltsSloNERs Ex| 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT ION Exl ?26 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 217 CO U},ITY ATTORNEYExl242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENS ION AGENT Exl247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-575 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Iueve r0pment Iand 22 tlay 1979 Don Gei ser 11323 E. Cimmarron Dr. Englewood, Colorado 80111 Re: File No. 7v-68-79 - Variance fron the Minimum Lot Size in the RSM Zone At their regular Planni.ng Cormission Meeting on 16 May 1979, the Commission recommended approval of a primary-secondary dupl ex. This recommendation will be presented to the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their Public Hearing on 14 June 1979, beginningat 10:00 A.M. If you have any questions, p1 ease contact this office. / \ t,i I . rr tff:.'''.-/"\ W{LLArniv- v<Jim Wil'l iams Zoning Inspector Jl,|/ kp cc: Zoning Board of Adjustment Ext 20 | t tff::::;.:]iil:::r Ea3le County, CclorarJo to tlre Zcning Eloarcl of Acijustments (minimum 5 copies required; print or type, excepi signatures) Section 9.C4.05 Applicant,/o*nrer Donafd. Ra and Joan F. Geiser Mai| Address -1 J -3g-E --8iEggg9!--Dls- 1. Regutation a.rd Sebtion Number(s) of Zolring .qc3olution from wlrich Variance is sought: 2. Present zone--/,$-y4--*. FiteN{4!UJZ_ FeePaidrfu{p2_- Date rocd. 4- ? d _ avz2.4** E-*,h,*'/7At_ t/ar/r7, 3. Goneral location of property (in relation to a To'rn ' . The.property is located approxinately on the north side of I?0. 4. Lcgal description of Property a. Subdivision Name b. rnetes and bounds (may uJ .,,".".ffi see the attached survey map. Road, Stream or other landmark): two (2) niles vest of Vail. rrT- ls) eti"t Purpose and Reason for Variance (nray be aitached): \ ,/ t"" attached 4!!gg jlcrlanat ion that see attaohed Statement: A completc lisi of all owners addresses, of the property proposecJ for Variance arrd of all owrers of al! adjacent properiies is attached hereto; this signatory is properly atrtlrorized to make aPplicaticn tor Yqian.c statecl her;Pn ' , . see attached Signature of ar:thori zed appl icant ; owner? 111- Lot 5 816 D,or, cne or nrore conCitirrrs exist under Sec- 9.04.06r 1-5' office use App! ication acccPted as complete for Publ ic Htaring on Application rejected as incomplatc for Public Hearing becausc: APPLICATION FOii VARTA}ICE fron the Zoning Resolution of Eagle CountY, Colorado to the Zoning Board of Adjustrnents 5. Brief pu"pose and reason for Variance' Theounersrequestavariancetobuildanultipleunitresidenceconsisting oftuouni.ts,onebeingapriroaryresidenceuhichwillcontainz/l of the structure, and a sccondary resiclence consisting of tf3 of tte the stnrcture. The reason for the request for varinace is three fold; - to. help releive the or'rners of unnecessary'financial harclship' - to provide security and protection to the building uhile the primary residence is not occrrpi'ed by orrners' - A single fircify residencels valuo r.rculd be decreased by adjacent nrlltiple direlling units already built. 6. Explanation that one or Llore condition exist under Sec. t),O[.Q6e 1-5o Astheboardknous,buildingcosthaveescalatedtothepointthatrrnless supplenental sources of j-ncome are found, the average individua-l cannot afford a hone today. The original zoning of Vail Das Shone vas zoned for duplexesl which a}louecthomeownersthaisupplernenta]-sourceofj.ncorneintheforrnof rental incone. Iloltever this zoning was changed to 3ingIe fanily residence uhich does not a]*lor.r for multiple residences , thus not neet5-ng the intent of the original buyers and developers. The lot contains approxinately 15r0OO square feet and has a gentle slope of about 1O degrees running from the street up to the back of the l-ot. 'trtre fot is easily buiclable and is entirely usable except for the 5 foot drainage easeme:nt cn the uestern boundarT. the olrners have designod the stnrcture so that naximum benefit is cleriverd from the terrain of the lot,thustheyhavebeenabletodesig:rrahonethathasnultiple clwellingunitsuithinthestructure,r,rithoutoutwardappearaJrces i-ndicati-ng that a multiple dwelling rrnit exists" ("9" atbached drauings) Adequateoffstreetparkingwillbeprovidedfor(seeattachedrnap) thuselinrinatingparhingproblensassociatedrrithanultipledvellingunit" 6.continued Allowanceofttrisvariarrcedoesnotdetractfornnordoesitdinish the value of current properties in the imurediate area, because most of thosepropertiesuerebuiltbeforethezoningr,raschangedarrdaretherefore nostlyrrultiptedwellingunitssuchasduple:ces,tripl6gie5'andcondoniniuns. ltreproposedbuildingblendsnicelyintothesurrouncingslandas such does not j-nterfere r,rith the useabiliiy of adjacent lotst nor does it affect the natural envlronment such as lighting etc' The or.rners lsre included for your revj' er'r the prelin:iaary drauings for the horne to be constructed on saitl site, rdth the lolrer 1eve1 being constncted as a rental unit. '[1so included are drawings of the proposed locatibn on the lot showing off, street Parking spaces' In revieu the owners feel that the zoning variance should be granted for the f,oJJowing reasonsi - ltithout a supplenental source of incone frorn the rental unit aJl unnecessary financial hardship wiIL be incurred' - Ttre requested variance is not di-rectly contrary to the intent e,nil purpose of the rnaster plan, nor does the propo sed variance fa1l out of the origi-nal intendeil use of the property' -- the proposed structure vill not diroinish the value of adjacent properties, nor vilJ. it in any way affect their useability' - The requested variance will help rneet a neerl in the Vail area for enployee housing.-- Adjaeent properties are nultiple ilwelling units. or,rniir of property proposed fot varianceo Filing 1 Block D Iot 5 Donald R. and Joan F. Geiser 11323 E. Cironarron Dr' ftrgleuood, Colorado 8011 1 Ouners of ajacent properties. (aff in Vai'l Das Shone) Filing 1 Block D, 1ot 1 Byron.D' & Vianne S. Broun Box 5/il Filing I Block Dr lot { Filing 1 Block Cr lot 11 Filing 2 Btock G lot 1 Vail. Coloredo 81657 .3yron D. & Vi anne S" Bro r,rn Box 51t"7Vail Colorado 81657 lli-Llian H. & Sarah l'liller Box 1908 Vai-[ Colorado 81657 John E. BishoPr Tnrstee Box 1285 VaiI Cotorado 81657 4,6 o|l ^'+'0'gt"vo^ oa ---. Lo.T S L>FE APPRIAINIATFLY ..'!o" FROn AftOSA r2RlvE Io tsAcr oF LoT, wfTH _THE BAC-K OF LDT', HIGHER -scALEt l/6+n=l' AROsn H ovo'( 0 v0( a.-. - *t K lVe 4.6 %tc,ro oe^ 'v/n\€ *ro$ro'.U: S. trDREsT-7-EKv-r-cE * -_. LOT S LoPE APPR,AII,IATFLY IO" FROM AftOSA PRIVE Io BAcr .r ."., ;t;H I -_TKLE BAEK OF LDT HICHER--__ scALE: l/610 =l' b) .,, oV 6\o' 6roto v0 0 tA t A Ros,q DRtve \i!\\\\\ss\ .l'lrl.1; ' r ,tf, r\.''r \. , { -:UEEER _LE.U EL- - IVIAIN LEVE L -ofEil-.ao. -EAP.ILY- 30' ra l.-f o'-{ l-l I I I-o tf, \ EAGLE COLII{TY rrIJI Lr'- FlNlAl- | C/O lt{StrECllON, llevicr.r F-lorrtirr...r Fornt ( ) b--/?,t14 Datc licf crrlccl Pl,i I itr,4 l'l- n [)F'l-l cA;il oN /t-tl- /4+g Permit No. P I anrr ir rg Conrrnission File No.Locat ion Revicw and returrr to the County Ruildirrg Off icial rviil-rin 6 rvorking days L.At.lDSOAFf E INSpt_otloN FOI{M Prirrrary Routirpr (v{ nerouting I! // n t P lanrring: Con.rplies with: Subdivi sion Flc-gul at ions Zoning Regulatiorrs Site Plan (Landscaping) Comments I Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : f.lo En tr Yesntrnn Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comrrents: nnnu trf,tr X County Health: Water Sanitation perc. test Comments: Recornmerrd Approvar : trn L]n tr Etr Final lnspection: C/A Recon'rrrrend Appr-oval Conrrrrcnts: Fir ral lrrspcct ion: Landscarpi flecornr nerrd Approval Comnrc.r rts : by ngnn Datr-.C/C> lr,;!;uccl F irrcl l--i I ing Datr,. t'a EAGLE COUNTY U''OO FINAL: C/O tNSpECTtON, Review Routirrg Form ( ) -6'- 8 ^fDate Referr'ed PERMIT APPLICATION LANDSCAPE I NSPEOTION FORM Applic Permit No..h,r Location plannirrg Commission File No. Review and return to the county Building official within 6 working days Planning: Complies with: Subdivision Regul ations Zoning Regulations Reviewed by:Datet l,-lq -n 'No Eu tr Yes Dtrn ,e Site Pl an (Landscaping) Recommend Approval : County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage n E[K E ED D Recommend Approval : County Health: Water r J- al -74 Sanitation o/ "-' ' Perc. test Comments: EE EL t]Recommerrd Approval : Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: tr Firral Inspection : Landscaping Recommend Approvat n n Commerrts: C/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date Jurisdiction of. I--- o BUILDING PERAAIT APPLICATION I Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION #J tflst: errrcxto se:erl I oEsci. MAIL ADoIE!3 lrpf !' 3 o t t,tle aicS I tcc I oi DESrGtEi fl lJ 3E OF lUr LOI r{G 8 CIas oI worK: TD+EW O AODITIOI,I tr ALTERATION T] REPAIR tr MOVE f] REMOVE l0 Change of use from PERMf T FEE 368. oo11 valustion ol work: 3 80, flrlO os PLAN CHECK FEE l91,& SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. ot Storie3 Size ot 81d9. (Total) Sq. Ft. Fl,a Sgrinklcrr Rrquired Oy.r ENoAPPLICATIOiI ACCEPTED AY PLANS CHECK€O AY APPROV€O FOR ISSUANC€ 3Y OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES:No. of Dwelling Unll! NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUM8. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR AEANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER I,I,OR K IS COMMENCED. I HEREAY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW TH€ SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYP€ OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHER€IN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OO€5 NOTPREJiO'I'E TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPR'VISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCOhISTEUCTION OR THE PERFORMANC€ OF CONSTRUCTION. HEALTH OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Sp.clfy) II'HEN PROPEBLY VALIDATED IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION Q-^,rr--*5,, t Form lPO.l 1-77 INSPECTOR ,{*e*e DATE TIIANKS IIISPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL IJSE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. I County of Eagle EI..ECTRICAL PF,RMIT Ne l84l Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Job Name........ ....D..S.n9.'!d R. Gei ser"."5702'Ar6;a ""'" ' Vail Das Schone Electrical contractor,.. -....-Sg.'l f Applicanr..-..-. s18[ature APPROVALS $.. $.. 9 June 1980'' t'" "t" -,4h.;\ ""nht4rcqa $-.......26..O0......... $......... ......... ....... $-... ...?.6-,.QQ... ..... Plan Checker THI6 FORIf, IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION {E HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQT'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS Date Paid-...-.9.. Received By2 Building Penrl Receipt #6539 I ELEcT#AL PERMTT APPLilTToN Jurisd iction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. M WHEN PROPERLY AL TED (IN THIS SPACE}THIS IS YOUN PE RMIT CASH PERM IT VALIDATIONcK. M.O.cK. ( M.o. cAsH &"-)A,,,K** /(/ 07 H ses hs S)ote-I ISEE ATIACHEO 3HEET). LEGALI o19cr. 6E,t) p-""ZIP - PHON EDK, L ICENS E NO. 54ae AICXITECT OI OESICNEF LICCNSE NO.+p ; lone MA tL AODFESS PHONE r-tcENsE No. MAII AODREI S IiANCH USE OF IUILDI 8 Class of worK: BIIEW tr ADDITION N ALTERATION tr REPAIR /tt,,pN IEaCZ PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Total LIGHTING Fixtures F IXTU RESAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO AY PLANS C}I€CKEO 8Y APPROVED FOA ISSUANCE AY RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. NOTICE I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HERETM oR Nor, THE GRANTTNG oF A pERMrr OoEs Nor PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE FROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARAAGE OIsP. STA. COOK TOP DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. vr H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER LJPOLE TIUNOGD. PERMIT ISSL'{NG FEE 6f s /+4s INSPECTOR Form IOO.3 1I.73 INTERNATIoNAL coNFEREflcE oF E|UILDING oFFIGIALS MI!! ro^o. t INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM , REMARKS tftlsPEcToR USE SPACE EELOW FOB NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. I,J rNs"=c**BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE JoB NAME \" TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COU ///8 FIEETJES.T NTY n orHen MON COMMENTS: E penrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRITUE AM PM .El+pPRovED ! uporu rne CORRECTIONS LJ DISAPPROVED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: ! nerNSPEcr DATE TE}IPORARY Certificate of 0ccuPancY Countf of E'iigle Department of Planning and Development Building Division This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying'that at the tjme of issuance thjs structure was in compliance with th6 various resolul'ions of the county regulating bui'lding construction or use for the fo'l lowing: NAME Donald R. and Joan Geiser Group R-3Use Cl assification Familv Residence Building Permit No.1448 Type Construction Fire Zone g5g Tsns RSM 0wner of Building Donald R. and Joan Geiser Buiiding Address Lot 5, B'lock D, Vail das Schone Building 0ffi c i al Date /- BU ILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 il\tseec*ru /t-t,;. FIEOUESiT UNTYEAGLE CO E ornen f]pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THU R FRI COMMENTS: r .__ M,O!-r \7 /r/ ' i:,-. TUE i; / --\' APPROVED L-J UPON THE I orsnpPRovED FOLLOWI NG CORR ECTIONS: REINSPECT CORRECTIONS ,/ ,/).\DATE ':., _ .: <../ :\ .--,..! BU ILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 I tNseeclbru HEouLEt EAGLE COUNTY JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED .AM PM CALLER SHEETROCK LOCATION: \*$r:/j "pe S ' LOCATION:LOCATION: ROUGH FINAL SMOKE DETECT PARTIAL LOCAT!ON: ,t :;t, ,' E orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pqnrrnL.LOCATION FEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR EIAppRovED n uporu rss CORRECTIONS E orsnpPRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr t'j DATE Q-.5-'tNseeclru tL///2 FIEOL'EST OUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE C DATE JOB NAME TIME HECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orsrn I pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR E appRovED rRr .-? "'ux$ REINSPECTForsneeRovED frueoru THE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE ./9-/,?*7a rNsr=.fr* EAGLE COU I i^! "' 't,, FIEOIJEST NTY BU ILDING DIV ISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 oarr / i ',! / ,t '^, JoB NAME TIME RECEIVEP .:' -'r t41Y1 P1Y1 CALLER ILDING FOOTING FOUNDATION i"""oor* INSULATION SHEETROCK TION: ;,f6anNe 'r6oos IOCATION: y'c.t [ '.r;a:. )l;; n orsen f] pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM rt .r'- hirrRovED 13 uporu rse CORRECTIONS FOLLOWING florsapPRovED CORRECTIONS: n nerNSPEcr DArE /i - / /. 'i'C BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM t '''-; "' - l///-10 -INSFEC1DN FIEOUESiT EAGLE COUNTY , , .JOB NAME EAGLE COUNTY COVER INSULATION _-- SHEETROCK VENEER - FOOF PARTIAL LOCATION, PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE FINAL W D PARTIAL LOCATIONT PARTIAL LOCATION: E orHen n pnnrral.LOCATION fl aeeBovED I orsnpPRovED I nEtNsPEcr Q urorv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE rNs"=.,ht ,=ulrl!4,,BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JO8 NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY n orHen n plnrreu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRt r? AM(ptv) f] appRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: fi orsneeRovED R.*trNsPEcr CORRECTIONS ."'t i,:. BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 tNseecGru /'',./ FIEClUESi:T I\tTvEAGLE COU DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED , ., AM'PM CALLER BUILDING FOOTING FOUNDATION LOCATION:LOCATION: ' '( j :il;lI PARTIAL PLUMBING ROUGH , t,, | rh: -ltl.r,,r-,. ,.'., E ornen MON COMMENTS: LI PARTIAL. READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR LOCATION TUE , FRI AM PM L:-il APP ROV ED fl uporu rHE n otsnpPRovED FOLLOWING COR RECTIONS: ! netNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE /-.r- rNSr=.t*BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHON E: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER FIEOL'EST EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING FOOT]NG FOUNDATION FBAMING FINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: COVER INSULATION -SHEETROCK VENEER - ROOF PARTIAL LOCATION, PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE WDCSFINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: MECHANICAL VENTTLATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL LOCATION: ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY ROUGH FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL LOCATION: E orHen n panrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMMENTS: AM PM fl nppRovED n DrsAppRovED E nrtNSpEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR \ PLU,ilfri\G PERM rT APPLteTToN Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. .--a .'- ..,. jrr.'-. 1f]stt errrcxco sxrtrl CoN IiAC toi \ . MA rL ADOIEsS PHOiTE MArL lOOrtSS ALL AOOI€3S PHOIiE Ml rL ^ooa€ s s llaicfi 8 CIASS OI WOrK: D NEW D AOOITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR 0escribe work: Typ. ol Fixtu.a o. ltrtr WATER CLOSET (TOr LET)SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. OISHWASH€ R APPLiCATION ACCEPIEO 8Y PLANS CHECXEO 8Y aPPqovEo aoa rs.suaNcE 8Y LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER N OTIC E I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW TH€ SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. UR INA L DRINKING FOUNTAIN F LOO R..SI NK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM 8R€AKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYST€M SEPTIC TANK I PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATEO (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PENMIT /. PLAN CHECK VALIOATION cK. M.o. i,''i ,, ,l ,.;l . i i:. )Lt , .:.,,lt ^{..r- \ i cAsH PE RM lT VALIOATION cK. M.O. CASH t) tJ)/- I "' t- !-kt * AUDITcnc @r Form lOO.2 l1-73 .ro.o.r ?.o.r lNTEFlraATl.'llaL coxFERIt{cc oF tutLDttto oFrtctaLl ..'.... rorrxar. rr(r. ioao. rNsi"=.St FtEouEsi:rBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER PARTIAL . LOCATTON: COVER INSULATION -SHEETROCK VENEER ROOF PARTIAL .l LOCATIONI , MECHANICAL VENTTLATION HEATING HOODS .. "_.-***-_-.*---1 PARTIAL LOCATION: n orHrn I pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR I NSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM flnppRovED fl DtsAppRovED ! nerNspEcr D upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS / DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 rNs"!.Jot FtEolrEsir EAGLE COUNTY .rn .'f DATE i '' -' ;. '.' JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER BUITDING FOOT!NG FOUNDATION FBAMING FINAL PARTIAL COVER TION -SHEETROCK VENEER - ROOF PARTIAL PLUMBING : 'fiOUGH STANDPIPE wDCSFINAL PARTIAL 'L0C.ATJON: .jnf 4* MECHANICAL VENTTLATION :: .. HEATING HOODS PARTIAL LOCATION: ELECTRICAL /4;' ^/7 E oruen n panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WEDMON COMM E NTS; TUE THUR AM PMFRI ElAppRovED ! uporu rHe CORRECTIONS ! orsnpPRovED FOLLOWING COB RECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE +r ilx rNs"=.|ot HEouEs'TBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY E oruen E pnRral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR @ nerRovED n orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr iv/'II4 UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTTONS: CORRECTIONS INsPECI'S ,'T{,^U€S}T BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY onre /n .-2L. - /Q JoB NAME florse n n pnnrrll LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION COMMENTS: CALLER THUR rfl eeTnoveo n orsappRovED d uro* THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: fl nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS ..t", BUILDING DEPARTMENT P. O. Box D Avon, Colorado 81620 949-4280 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECE]VED AM PM CALLER '7r,zA E.INSPECTION REOUEST ! orusn MON COMMENTS: I panrrel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION r=;o> flappRovED ,EorsAPPRovED\E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: I- TxRETNSPECT [ree enro CORRECTIONS / <./ 1 \-/),' INSPECTOR DArE ,/2 .- c *f-Zl BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNseec*rv rrEgr/!,)g:t EAGLE COUNTY COVER INSULATION --- SHEETROCK VENEER- ROOF . PARTIAL LOCATION: PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPEwocsFINAL TEMPORARY LOCATIONT E orHen n pncrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMM E N TS: TUE FRI AM PM -E epPRovED ! uporv rsr CORRECTIONS LI DISAPPROVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNSPEcr DATE -\-- " 1 County of ELECITRICAL Eagle PERMIT Applicanr....... s18nature Ne 1518 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Temporary Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $....... .......... -... $......................-..... 12.00 $.-3.2.. ?.q................. $-........................... s...19.:.?.-0........ ... . APPROVALS THI6 FORilI IS TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 4E HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQI'IREI' F1OR INSPECTIONS Date Paid....... 7 /. Received ev. J:Kglle-l Rece'ipt #5305 Bldg. Permit #1448 ELECTIIAL PERMIT APPLATON Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION S4on [ser errecrro rnter) I DE3Ci. 2 Don t'?"{fl'H""'zzTldilisp. ll MA IL AOOiESS SAme- IICENSE NO.3 6el+ ARCH I TEC Y OF DESICNER MAr! AOO| ESs PHO|IE L IC ENSE NO. ENCIXEEi MAIL AooiEss PXONE L I CEN9E t{O. MA|L aDOtE 39 aiANCH USE OF AUILOING ,J 8 CIass oI worK: E NEW D AOOITION tr ALTERATION C REPAIR ag-#. FECEPTACLE Outtets SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPROV€O FOR ISSUANCE 8YAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO AY: RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOPNOTICE I HEREEY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A P€RMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. srg't(ItuRE oF cor\'FActor or ALTrorlzEo a0ENT OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WAsH. SPACE HTR, STA. APPL. |/. H.P. MAX. PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPEBLY VALIDAT€D (IN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PERMIT tut &+# u+e A.-r4 *s:a{ PERMIT VALIDATIONd*ry INSPE CTO B lNTERNAT|oNALcoNFERENcEoFEu|LDtNGoFF|clAL5Form IOO.3 I l-73 .-,.{ 'c,' j i INSEEC,Gru rIEOUESITBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE TIMERECEIVEO 3 /i> EAGLE COUNTY _ {r€ NAME _ AM /PM. CALLER n orxrn ! pnnrrnl LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED /'7^i -a\\-.y'PM [f neernoveo ! orsnppRovED EJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! netNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DArE lh"/-t BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328.6339 DA,TE TfME RECEfVED l0:0 u AM PM CALLER rNseecGru FIEOUEsi.T AGLE couNrY /L /4t/{ -t-fr" I JOB NAME ! orHen MON COMMENTS: I pnnrral.LOCATION o'@ M APPROVED ! orsepp RovED M uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRFECTIoNS: ! nerNsPEcr READY FOR INSPECTION CORRECTIONS /I"*, <f zffl 7 .liiil 2-q Mr. Melton E. Atwell County Engineer Eagle, Colorado Dear Mr. Atwell: Per our discussion, I have attached a site plan showing dralnage away from the foundatlon. You are authorLzed to rnake any changes thaE may be necessary for you to approve the slte p1an. Thanks for your assistance. SinSerely, U*,^d/ ( ,grrr^ Donald R. Geiser &!"tr e@fl'"8N:lii DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPI'4ENT EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731| ,or, ,orutoror,' Vail - 949-5257 Basalt - 927-3823 June 25, 1979 BOARD OF COUNTY COlvlMlSSlONERs Ext 24 | RovitrltsrRRtlott Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4?92 ASSESSO R Ext 2O2 BUILOING IN I NSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 EruCtNeen Ext 236 ENVTRONMENTAL HFALTH Ext 238 EXTENSIO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle Ext 252 vait 476-5844 PLANNING Ext ?26 or 29 PURCHAsING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SFiERiFF Eaale Ext 2l I Aaialt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-575 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASU RER Ext 201 Donald R. & Joan Geiser 11323 E. Cimmarron Dr. Englewood, Co. 80110 RE: Application for Building Perrnit 'in Eagle County Lot 5, Blk. D, Vail das Shone #1 - Denied The Eagle County Building Dept. requires that app'lications for Building Permiti in Eagl6 County 5e rbuted to the Eagle County Planning, Engineering' and Environmeital ttealih Departments for their copn;gg!;^Rrior to issuance of the permits. Your app'l ication t'tas routed on ol L6l tr' Listed below are the comments and recomrnendations tvhich were made by the above departments during the routing procedure. If you have any questiolts or wish io get a furthei explanatioi, please contact the appropriate dept. PLANNING: ApProved - for single f i1y residence;w, ams,ng nspec show grad'ing and drainage- camied awaY from foundation. HEALTH: ApProved. ENGINEERING: Not approved' Site plan' which will allow water must to be It would be to requirements as building permit your advantaEe if soon as possible any longer than resolve any Problems and/or delay the issuance of Your you begin so as not necessary. to to t.f Les Douql as Eagle C6unty Bu'ilding 0fficial LD/jk cc:Co. Engineer L{. s %.uuo U:-5._FpB E ST sEK,.tl C E. _- -., LOT _ S L>P.E APPROAINAT lo" FRDI\ AfrOSA DRtvE 7o EAc K oF L OT/ WII *THE BACK OF LOT' HIGHE scALEt l/6+"=l' +i 7t) B. \\- K)\z \) I - \,r l:til \ \ a\ Qa.-(\ .\ d D RAnonar.Aez-^z,n(/S4 DRMe \7'''' '''i : l-. ' '."':'F,ri r : i.-.:i'l' F*;<*r-.'-----.--.sH% =:1" -i' \' .? ,Al' ti ",1Brt t' \' i' #",_-4qF',;..''' q \,\Jle ,'n It\rrVt 3 t..: :-P ,^;-{ :.") /6,/;f/ -.4,{.20