HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK G LOT 6 LEGALD epartment of C ommunity Development 75SouthFronta ge Road Vail,Colo rado 81657 9 70-479-2138 FAX9 70-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us December 9,2002 Cornerstone Prime P.O.Bo x 49729 Colorado Spr ings ,CO80949 FAX 719-592-0053 RE :2428 Garmisch Dr ive/Lot 6 ,BlockG,VailDasSchoneFiling 2 Dea r Ms .Birch: The purpose ofmyletter istoconfirmTwo -Family Primary/Secondary res idential asthe TownofVailzoningforthe above referenced property.I have enclosed sections ofthe zoning codethatpertaintothisproperty . If you have any further needformy assistance ,pleasedonothesitatetocontactmeat 479-2128 . incerely,/J /J :*~etft c ~'-6 ,.Planning Permit Tech "./TownofVa il Enc . o RECYCLED PAPER '.' ·, 12-60-.1 ~ SECTION: 12-60-3 CHAPTER6 RESIDENTIAL OISTRICTS ARTICLE D.TWO-FAMILY PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENTIAL (PS)DISTRICT 12-60-2:PERMITTED USES:Thefollow - ingusessha ll beperm itted: 12 -60-1 :Purpose 12·60-2 :Perm itted Uses 12-6 0-3 :Cond itional Uses 12-60-4:Accessory Uses 12-60-5 :LotAreaAndSiteOimensions 12-60-6:Setbacks 12-60-7:Height 12-60-8:OensityControl 12-60-9:SiteCoverage 12-60-10:Landscaping AndSite Oevelopment 12-60-11 :Parking 12-60-1:PURPOSE:Thetwo -family pri- mary/secondary res idential dis- trict is intended toprovidesitesforsingle- fam ily residential usesor two-family resi- de ntial uses i nwh ich oneun itisa l arger primary residence andthesecondunitisa smaller caretaker apartment,together with such public facilities asmay appropriately be located inthesame district.Thetwo- family primary/secondary res idential dis trict is i ntendedtoensure adequate ligh t,air, pr ivacy andope n spaceforeachdwe lling, commensurate with single-family andtwo- family occupancy,andto maintain thede- sirable residentia l qualities ofsuchsitesby establish ing approp riate site development standards .(Ord.30(1977)§2) S ingle-fami lyresidentialdwe llings . Two-family residential dwe llings. TypeIemployeehousing unitasprovided in chapter 13ofthistit le.(Ord.6(2000)§2: Ord .8 (1992)§11:Ord.30 (1977)§2) 12·60·3:CONDITIONAL U SES:T he fo llow ing conditiona l usessha ll be permitted,subjecttoissuanceof acon- ditional usepermitinaccordancewiththe provisions ofchapter 16ofthistit le: Bedandbreakfastasfurther regulated by Section12-14-18ofthistitle. Homechilddaycarefacil ity asfurtherregu- latedbysect ion 12-14-12ofthistitle. Publicbuildings,groundsandfacilit ies. Publicorprivateschools . Public parkandrecreationfacil ities . Publicut ility andpublicserv ice uses. Ski liftsandtows . TypeIIemployeehous ing unitassetforth i nchapter 13ofthistitle .(Ord .17(2001) §2 :Ord .6(2000)§2:Ord.8(1992)§12: Ord .31(1989)§2:Ord.30(1977)§2) December 2001 Town of Vail 12-60-4 12-60-4 :ACCESSORY USES:The follow- ing accessory usesshallbe permitted : Home occupations,subject toissuanceofa home occupation permit inaccordwiththe provisions ofsection 12-14-12 ofth is title. Pr ivate green houses,too l sheds ,playhous- es,garagesor carports,swimmingpools, patios,or recreation facilities customarily incidental to single-family andtwo -family residential uses . 12-60-8 notexceed t hirty t hree f eet (33 ').(Ord. 37(1980)§2 ) 12-60-8:DENSITY CONTROL: A.Dwell ing Units:Notmorethanatotal oftwo(2)dwell ing unitsshallbeper- mined oneachsitewithonlyone dwellingunitpermittedon existing lots lessthanfourteenthousand (14,000) square teet. Ot her uses customarily incidentalandac- cessory to permitted orconditionaluses, andnecessaryfortheoperationthereof. (Ord.30(1977)§2) 12-60-5:LOT AREAANDSITEDIMEN- SIONS:Theminimum lotorsite areashallbefifteenthousand (15,000) squarefeetof buildable area,andeachsite shallhaveamin imum frontage at thirtyfeet (30 ').Eachsite shallbeof asizeandshape capable of enclos ing asquarearea,eighty feet (80')oneachside,with in itsbound- aries .(Ord.12(1978)§3:Ord.30(1977) §2) 12 -60-6:SETBACKS:Inthe prima- ry/secondary residentialdistr ict, themin imum front setback shallbetwenty feet (20'),the minimum sidesetbackshall befifteenfeet (15 '),andthe minimumrear setback shall befifteenfeet (15 ').(Ord. 50(1978)§2) 12-60-7:HEIGHT:Foraflatrooforman- sard roof,theheightofbuild ings sha ll notexceed thirty feet (30').Fora slop ing roof,the height ofbuild ings shall December2001 B.GrossResiden tial FloorArea: 1.Thefollow ing grossresident ial floor area(GRFA)shallbe permitted on eachsite: a.Twenty five (25)squarefeetof gross residential floorarea(GRFA)for eachonehundred (100)squarefeetof thefirstfifteen thousand (15,000) squarefeetofsitearea;plus b .Ten (10)square feetofgross residentialfloorarea(GRFA)foreach onehundred (100)squarefeetofsite areaoverfifteen thousand (15,000) squarefeet.nottoexceedthirtythou - sand (30 ,000)square feetof site area; plus c .Five (5)squarefeetofgross residentialfloorarea(GRFA)foreach onehundred(100)squarefeetofsite area .i nexcess at th irty thousand (30 ,000)squarefeet. 2.Inaddition totheabove,fourhun- dredtwentyfive (425)squarefeetof grossresidentialfloorarea(GRFA) shallbe permitted foreach allowable dwellingunit. Town of Vail 12-60-8 '. C.Employee Housing Units:Notwith- standing the provision of subsections A and 8of this Section ,a Type I em- ployee housing unit shall be permitted on lots of less than fourteen thousand (14,000)square feet in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13 of this Title.Any Type I employee hous- ing unit existing onor before April 18, 2000 ,shall not be eliminated unless all dwelling units are demolished,in which case the zoning on the property shall apply.However,an existing Type I employee housing unit may bere - placed with a Type II employee hous- ing unit on lots of fourteen thousand (14,000)square feet or greater.(Ord. 6(2000)§4:Ord.8(1992)§§13,14: Ord.37(1990)§5:Ord.19(1990)§1: Ord.12(1988)§4:Ord.23(1986)§1: Ord.23(1981)§2:Ord.22(1981)§1: Ord.35(1980)§1:Ord.22(1979)§1: Ord.12(1978)§2:Ord .30(1977)§2) 12-60-9:SITE COVERAGE:Site cover- age shall not exceed twenty percent (20%).of the total site area.(Ord. 41 (1990)§5:Ord.30(1977)§2) 12-60-10:LANDSCAPL~G AND SITE DE- VELOPMENT:At least sixty percent (60%)of each site shall be land- scaped.The minimum of any area qualify- ingas landscaping shall be ten feet (10') (width and length)with a minimum area not less than three hundred (300)square feet. (Ord.30(1978)§2) 12-60-11:PARKING:Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 10of this Title.(Ord.30(1977) §2) Town of Vail 12-60-11 June 2000 12-18-1 12-18-5 CHAPTER 18 NONCONFORMING SITES,USES,STRUCTURES AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS 12-18-2 :CONTINUANCE:Nonconforming sites ,uses ,structures ,andsite improvements lawfully established prior to the effective datehereofmay continue, subjecttothe limitations prescribed inthis chapter.Sites,uses,structures ,andsite improvements lawfully authorlzed byper- mitsor regulations eXistingpriortothe effective date hereof maycontinue,subject 12-18-1 :PURPOSE:This chapter isin- tendedtolimitthenumberand extentof nonconforming usesandstruc- turesby prohibiting orlimitingthei r en large- ment ,their reestablishment after abandon- ment,andtheir restoration after substantial destruction.Whilepermitting nonconforming uses,structures ,and improvements to continue ,this chapter is intended to limit enlargement,alteration,restoration,or replacement whichwouldincreasethedis- crepancy betweenexisting conditions and the development standards prescribed by thistitle.(Ord .8(1973)§20.100) 12-18-5:STRUCTURE AND SITE IM- PROVEMENT:Structuresand 12-18-3:SITES:Siteslawfully established pursuanttoregulationsineffect priortotheeffect ive datehereofwhichdo notconformtotheminimumlotareaand dimensionrequirementsprescribedbythis tit le forthe district inwhichtheyaresituat- edmaybecontinuedandshallbedeemed legallyestablishedbuildingsites,subject to thesite development standards presc ribed bythistitle.Nosuchsite shall befurtherre- ducedinareaordimensions.(Ord .8(1973 ) §20.300) bysuch 8(1973) tosuch limitations asprescr ibed permitsor regulations .(Ord. §20.200) 12-18-4 :USES:Theuseofasite orst ruc- ture lawfully establishedpriorto theeffectivedatehereofwhichdoesnot conformtotheuseregulationsprescribed bythistitleforthe district inwhich it is situatedmaybe continued,prov ided thatno such nonconforming useshallbeenlarged tooccupya greater siteareaorbuilding floorareathanitoccupiedontheeffective datehereof.Anysubsequentreductionin siteareaorfloorareaoccupiedbyanon- conform ing usesha ll bedeemedanew limitation,andtheuseshallnot thereafter beenlargedto occupy agreatersiteareaor floorareathansuchnewlimitation .(Ord . 5(2001)§5 :Ord.8(1973)§20.400) Purpose Continuance Sites Uses Structure AndSite Improvement Ma intenance AndRepa irs Discontinuance ChangeOfUse Restoration SECTION : 12-18-1: 12-18-2: 12-18-3: 12-18-4: 12-18-5 : 12-18-6: 12-18-7: 12-18-8: 12-18-9: December 2001 Town of Va il 12-18-5 si te improvements l awfully established prior tothe effective datehereofwhichdonot conform tothe development standards prescribed bythistitleforthe district in whichtheyaresituatedmaybecontinued. Such structures orsite improvements may be enlarged onlyin accordance withthe following lim itations: A .LotAnd Structure Requirements: Structures orsite improvements which donotconformto requirements for setbacks,distances betweenbuild- ings,height,buildingbulkcontrol,or sitecoverage,maybeenlarged;pro- vided,thatthe enlargement doesnot further increasethe discrepancy be- tweenthetotal structure andapplica - blebuildingbulkcontrolorsitecover- age standards ;andprovidedthatthe addition fullyconformswithsetbacks , distances betweenbuildings,and heig ht standards app licable tothe add ition. B.Density Control :Structures wh ich do notconformtodensitycontrolsmay be enlarged ,onlyifthetotalgross resident ial floorareaoftheenlarged structure doesnotexceedthetotal gross residential floorareaofthe preexisting nonconforming structure . C .OpenSpaceAndLandscaping :Struc - tures orsite improvements wh ich do notconformtoreq uirements forus- ableopenspaceor landscaping and site development maybeen larged; provided,thattheuseableopenspace requirements applicabletosuchaddi· t ion shallbefullysatisfied,andprovid- edthatthe percentage ofthetotalsite whichis landscaped shallnotbereo ducedbe low theminimumrequi re- ment. December 2001 12-18-8 D.OffStreetParki ng AndLoading :Struc - turesorsitei mprovementswhich do notconfo rm totheoffstreetpa rking andloading requirements ofthistitle maybeenlarged;provided ,thatthe parkingandloadingrequirementsfor suchadditionshallbefullysat isfied andthatthe discrepancy betweenthe existingoff street park ing andload ing fac ilities andthestandardsprescribed bythistitleshallnotbeincreased . (Ord .8(1973)§20 .500) 12-18·6:MAINTENANCE AND RE· PAIRS:Nonconforminguses, structures,andsiteimprovementsmaybe mainta ined andrepairedasnecessaryfor convenient,safe,or efficient operat ion or use;prov ided,thatnosuchmaintenanceor repairshall increasethediscrepancy be- tweentheuse,struc ture,orsite improve- mentand t hedeve lopment standardspre- scribed bythis title.(Ord.8(1973)§20 .600) 12-18-7:DISCONTINUANCE:Anynon- conformingusewhich isd iscon- tinuedforaperiodoftwelve(12)months , regardlessofanyintenttoresumeopera- tionofuse,shallnotberesumed thereafter, andanyfutureuseofthesite orstructures thereonshallconformwiththeprovisionsof this ti tle.(Ord.8(1973)§20.70'0) 12-18-8:CHANGEOFUSE:Anonco n- form ing useshallnotbe changedtoanother nonconforminguse unlesspermission hasbeengrantedbythe towncouncil.Priorto granting suchpermis- sion,thecouncilshalldeterminethatthe proposed use doesnot substantially differ fromtheexistingnonconform ing usein termsofcompatibilitywiththecharacterof theareainwhichitislocated ,andthe Town of Vail 12-18-8 councilsha ll determinet hat theproposed usedoesnot increaseor aggravate the degreeofnonconformityexist ing priorto anysuchchangeofuse.(Ord.8(1973) §20.800) 12-18 -9:RESTORATION:Whenever a noncon forming usewhichdoes notconformwiththe regulations forthe districti nwh ich it is located,oranoncon- form ing structure orsite improvement which doesnotconformwiththe requirements for setbacks ,height,density control,build ing bulkcontrolorsite coverage is destroyed byfireorother .calamity,byactofGodor bythe publlc enemy,itsusemaybe r e- sumedorthestructuremayberestored, provided therestorationiscommenced withinoneyearand diligently pursuedto comp letion .Allnewcons truction mustcon- f ormtotheappl icable adopted building codes ,firecodesandother relevant codes regard ing safetyand construction wh ich are i neffectatthe timerebu ildingisproposed . (Ord .3 1(2001)§12 :Ord.39(1982)§1: Ord.35(1981)§1:Ord.8(1973)§20 .900) Town o{Vail 12-18 -9 February2002 Department of Community Development r 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 •• NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Job Address:2428 GARMISH DR Location ...:LOWER UNIT Parcel No ..:2103-114-11-004 Project No.: La+t.P 13 1~~ V6.t 'D«-SSe j,...-tfr.-.e... Ji e JOBSITE ATALLTIMES Permit #:B95-0223 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:07/25/1995 Issued ...:07/25/1995 Expires ..:01/21/1996 APPLICANT BURGE SERVICES Phone:788-1330 2805 S.SHERMAN,ENGLEWOOD,CO 80110 CONTRACTOR BURGE SERVICES Phone:788-1330 2805 S.SHERMAN,ENGLEWOOD,CO 80110 OWNER HELTON RONALD J &MARY ROSE - ERICKSON -LORD -STUDT -ET,5470 W PRINCET,DENVER CO 80235 Description:FIRE RATE MECH.ROOM &REPAIR WORKNumber of Dwelling Units:000 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation:500 Fireplace Information :Restricted:#Of Gas Appliances:#Of GasLogs:#Of Wood/Pallet: ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** 20 .00 13 .00 .00 3.00 Building-----> PlanCheck---> Investigation> I/ill Call----> Restuarant PlanReview-->.00 Total Calculated Fees--->36.00 ORB Fee----------------->.00 Additional Fees-------->.00 Recreation Fee---------->@ Total Permit Fee------>36.00 Clean-Up Deposit----->:00 .Payme nts---------------->36.00 TOTAL FEES-------------->36.BALANCE DUE------------>.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 07/25/1995 GARY Action:APPR Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept:PLANNING Division: 07/25/1995 GARY Action:APPR N/A Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division: 07/25/1995 GARY Action:APPR N/A Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept:PUB WORK Division: 07/25/1995 GARY Action:APPR N/A ********************************************************************************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS Iherebyacknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled outin full the information required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the informat ion provided as required is correct.I agree tocomply with the information and plot plan, tocomply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town'szoningand subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHON ~T ~79-2./,/. SendClean-UpDepositTo:SIGNATURE OF Ol/NER OR ONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND Ol/NER o RECYCLED PAPER •• PAGE 2 ...)..JEAA;It*.*kkAJtJtAXAXRAAAAAWAR******** Applied:07/25/1995 Issued:07/25/1995 PERMITADD/ALTSFRBUILD BURGE SERVICES 2428 GARMISH DR LOWER UNIT 2103-114-11-004 75 South Frontage Road CONDITIONSOF APPROVAJl)epartment of Community Development Wlfirm:ut:lratll"~85:V-0223 as of 07/25/95 Status:ISSUED **~O~7~~t~~Z~~************************************************************** FAX 970-479-2452 Permit Type: Applicant: Job Address: Location: Parcel No: ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** o RECYCLED PAPER ••**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0048 Amount: Payment Method:CK7554 Notation: 36.00 07/25/95 08:59 Init:MMC Permit No:B95-0223 Type:A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFRBUILDPE Parcel No:2103-114-11-004 Site Address:2428 GARMISH DR Location:LOWER UNIT Total Fees:36.00 This Payment 36.00 Total ALL Pmts:36.00 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 20.00 13.00 3.00 • NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALT SFRBUILD PERMITPermit #:B95-0223 Job Address:2428 GARMISH DR Location ...:LOWER UNIT Parcel ~o ..:2103-114-11-004 Project No.: Status ...:APPROVED Applied ..:07/25/1995 Issued ...:07/25/1995 Expires ..:01/21/1996 APPLICANT BURGE SERVICES Phone:788 -1330 2805 S.SHERMAN,ENGLEWOOD,CO 80110 CONTRACTOR BURGE SERVICES Phone:788 -1330 2805 S.SHERMAN,ENGLEWOOD,CO 80110 OWNER HELTON RONALD J &MARY ROSE ERICKSON -LORD -STUDT -ET,5470 W PRINCET,DENVER CO 80235 Description: FIRE RATE MECH.ROOM &REPAIR WORK Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation:500 AddSq Ft: Fireplace Information:Restricted :#Of Gas Appliances:#Of GasLogs:#Of Wood/Pallet: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEE SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Building--->20.00 Restuarant PlanReview-->.00 Total Calculated Fees-->36 .00 Plan Check-->13.00 ORB Fee------------>.00 Additional Fees------>.00 Investigation>.00 Recreation Fee------->.00Total Perm it Fee------>36.00 Will Call--->3.00 Clean-Up Depos it----->.00 Payments -------------->.00 TOTAL FEES-------------->36.00 BALANCE DUE------------->36 .00••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••***~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••AAkAAAA.AA •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/25/1995 GARY Action:APPRItem:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 07/25/1995 GARY Action:APPRN/A Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 07/25/1995 GARY Action:APPRN/AItem:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 07/25/1995 GARY Action:APPRN/A Dept:BUILDING Division: Dept:PLANNING Division: Dept:FIRE Division: Dept:PUB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS Iherebyacknowledge that Ihave read this application,filled outin full the information required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according tothe Town "s zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE HADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Send Clean-Up DepositTo:SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER •• Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B95-0223 as of 07/25/95 Status---:APPROVED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Applicant--:BURGE SERVICES 788-1330 Job Address:2428 GARMISH DR Location---:LOWER UNIT Parcel No--:2103-114-11-004 Description: FIRE RATE MECH.ROOM &REPAIR WORK Applied--:07/25/1995 Issued---:07/25/1995 To Expire:01/21/1996 **************************************Conditions ****************************** NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUS T BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES 75SouthFrontageRoad Va i~CoLorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 • MECHANICAL PERM IT • Permit #:M95-0112 Department ofCommunity Development Job Address :2428 GARMISH DR Location :LOWER UNIT Parcel No:2103-114-11-004 Project Number: Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: ISSUED 07/25/1995 07/25/1995 01/21/1996 APPLICANT BURGE SERVICES Phone:788 -1330 2805 S.SHERMAN,ENGLEWOOD,CO 80110 CONTRACTOR BURGE SERVICES Phone:788-1330 2805 S.SHERMAN,ENGLEWOOD,CO 80110 OWNER HELTON RONALD J&MARY ROSE ERICKSON-LORD -STUDT -ET,5470 W PRINCET,DENVER CO 80235 Description: REPAIR MECH . Fireplace Informat ion:Rest ricted:#Of Gas Appliances : Valuation: #Of Gas Log s: 300.00 #Of ~ood/P allet: SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ***********************************************************FEE SUMM ARY ********************************************************** Mec hanical--->20.00 Re stuarant Plan Re vi ev-r-o .00 Total Calculated Fees--->28 .00 Plan Ch eck-->5 .00 ORB Fee---------------->.00 Additional Fees-------->.00 In vestigat ion>.00 TOTAL FEE S----------->28 .00 Total Permit Fee------>28 .00 ~ill Call---->3.00 Payments---------------->28 .00 BALANCE OUE------------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPAR TMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 07/25/1995 GARY Action:APPR CONDITIONOF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS Iherebyacknowledge that I have readth is application,filled outin full the information required,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the info rmation prov ided as required is correct .I agree to compl y with the information andp lot plan, tocomply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this stru cture a ccording to the Town'szoningand subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE B J;' o RECYCU'DPAPER •• **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0049 Amount: Payment Method:CK7554 Notation: Permit No:M95-0112 Type:B-MECH Parcel No:2103-114-11-004 Site Address:2428 GARMISH DR Location:LOWER UNIT 28.00 07/25/95 09:00 Init:MMC MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees:28.00 This Payment 28.00 Total ALL Pmts:28.00 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41312 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 20.00 5.00 3.00 •••L/I I b e if TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION if :1.I d 3 -If 7 --7 PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DAT~:7-~f?:1.:5- PERNIT Ii--- ~APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~*****************************PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** [.J-Building [J-Plumbing [)-Electrical [J-Mechan£cal [J-Other __ Job Name:!&".;d!r-c,,/Job Address:"J-'I d J/rY /l?h7/St iJ I ,i../,,'?I L 2I~5 S C//OJI/~ Legal Description:Lo.t ce Block {r Filing ..z.SUBD IVISION: (/."PtJ .../(/lei t:. Owners Name:fLo 'v'lle l rt:://Address:·:f"Y ?0 f"r-Ul/c.;J{/A;·lJ ,v /<~Ph .303 96'1 3jhcJ I )& Number of Accommodation Units: _______________________Ph._ [)-Additional ~-Rep a i r [)-other _ Address:-Architect: General Description: Work Class:[)-New [J-Alteration Number of Dwelling units:~~we~ V//Hr * mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ,/ **************~t~****************VALUATIONS ********************************* .fY/(.;,t!)g <V ,v/9S-0 /{2-("LBUILDING:$,#(9 &'ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$£66 ,(...(7 TOTAL:$_.ro C)'<.1 ft?I ~***************************-CONT~CTOR INFORMATION ************************7.** "eneral Contractor:i Ll.!c::!-('&,....(...i!-I Town of Vail Reg.NO. Address:2£,,-5'.<;"$'4 ;hrt;Q;J f Al1u (C,,,,,,J GO'Phorie Number:====~~_= Electrical Contractor: Address: 'Plumbing Contractor: '.Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: ******************************** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Comments:_ •••uf-{P TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970 -479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALL TIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #:E99-0171 Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No .. Proj ect No.: 2428 GARMISH DR 2428 GARMISH DR 2103 -124 -11 -002 Status .. Applied. Issued .. Expires. ISSUED 09/24/1999 09/24/1999 03/22/2000 APPLICANT DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES P.O.BOX 1452,EDWARDS,CO 81632 CONTRACTOR DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES P.O.BOX 1452,EDWARDS,CO 81632 OWNER JONES RONALD A 2428 GARMISCH DR,VAIL CO 81657 Phone:970-926 -6202 Phone:970-926-6202 Description:ELECTRICAL REPLACEMENT OF UNDER GROUND Valuation:2,000.00 El ect ri ca l---> ORBF ee ---> I n vest igat.i on > wi ll Ca ll ----;:. TOTAL FEES ---> 50 .0 0 .00 .0 0 L a O 53 .0 0 To tal calculated Fe es ---;:. Addit io na l Fees ---------> Total Pe rm i t Fee--------> Paymen ts ----------------> BALANCEDUE -------------> 5 3 .00 .0 0 5 3 .0 0 5 3 .00 .00 Item :06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09/24/1999 JRM Action:APPR APPROVED Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/24/1999 JRM Action:APPR N/A Dept : JRMDept: BUILDING Division: FIRE Division : CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I h ereby a cknow ledge tha tIh a ver e ad t h i s app l i cat io n ,fi lle d ou t in full the i n f orma t io n r equired,c o mpl eted an a ccu ra t e p l o t p lan .a nd atate thata l l t he i nforma tion prov ide d a ~r e q ui red i o cor rec t.I a g r ee to c ompl ywi th t he i nforma tion an dp l ot p l an , t oco mp l y wi th a l l Towno r d inan ce s a nd otQte l awa,an dt o b u i ldt hi ss tructure accordi ng t ot heTo wn's zoning a nd subdivisi on cod es,des ign review approv e d,UniformBuildi ng Cod ean d other ord i nances of the To wn a pplica bl e t h e reto. REQUES TSFOR INSPECTIONS S HALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOURHOURS IN ADVAN CE BYTE LEP HONEAT4 79 -21 38OR AT OUR OF FICE F ROM 8 :00 AM 5:00 PM •• TOWN OF VAIL .COLORADO S ta t.emnc S tatemnc Number :REC -0565 Amount :53 .00 0 9/2 4/99 1 4 :09 Payment Met hod:ex Notation :09969/DBL DIAMND I nic:IN Permit No :E99 -0 171 Type :B-EL EC Parcel No:2 103-114 -11 -002 S ite Addre ss:24 28 GARMlSH DR Locac ion:242 8 GARMIS H DR ELECTRICAL P ERMIT This ?aymenc 53 .0 0 Tota l F ees : Total ALL Pmta : Balance : 5].00 53.00 .00 Acco unt.Co de EP 0 01000031 11400 we 00100003 112 800 Des criptio n ELECTRICAL PERM IT PEES WILL CALL INS PECTION ~E E Amou nt 50 .00 3 .00 Sep -24-99 09.47A Double D;amond Serv;ce•970 926 6203•P.02 TOWNOF VAIL CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT APPLICATION FORM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED M Contact the Eagle COunty ASS8S8On Office at 97D-328-Bti4lJ for P8tCel , /-f Parcel#QIQ~~::ll-DOd __ DalC :--9 -as -9 9 Pennil/#_ lob Name::Roo :To r\QD Job Addrc:.;1 :QYd R C-{J nmUm ili ill Q BwldiDg ()P1mnbinc ()Electrical}(i Mc:challical ()Other () Legal Dcacription:Lot,__Blodr.Filin....&Subdivision,_ Phoncll Y1la -OlaC/R Number of ~mmodatioll Units:_ An:hitcct:~:PlIOllCM _ DcscriptiOIloflob:(boo p.o.u.Q e1.g.ctri cal /frL repW.if rRflac(wl1}jd~l1!II1.M?JOond Work Class:NQW ()Alteration ()AddlliOllil1 ().Repair <fY Other ().~~• Number of Dwc1JiDg Units:,_ Number andType of Fireplatcs:Gas Applianccs,G311 Logs.WoodlPcllct._ BUILDING;$:._ PLUMBING $._ VALUATIONS ElJ;CJI!!!=AL:$Q,c[)D~ MECHANICAL $,_ CONTRACTOR INFORMA"OON OTIJER:$TOTAL $.-------- Calera!Contra~tor;,_Address:-'--_ Town otVaii Rcgistr.ltion No.Phuru:#._ EIa:tri~.J Conlrlldor:tol2bl12.lJjaxmo1~wiCJ5 AddreS!r ~Rxu lY~-£duJOAci5 eO &lM:l. Town of Vail Registration No.Q 15-.£Phoueil QaltrtRQOd.£9'l-0'7 f Plumbing COQtrlldor._ Town of Vail Regislration No. Addn:$s:---------------- Phone 1/,_ McclwliaJ Co!tractor:Address :_ Townof Vail Rcgit..lIationN9.,Phone #,_ FOROFFICEUSEIGROUPSO.FT.VALUATIONI BUILDING ::=-_ SIGNATURE:,_ ZONING :SIGNATU"""R~E~:------------ CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUNO TO: