HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK G LOT 8 (PART) 7 9 LEGAL10 /2 1 /2 002 15:43 FAXVI;I.:n 'L UUL 'L:OHM PRUDE'oI'T AI.GOR E RANG E PR ~L l rE R SMIT HFRA MP TO NRE IaI 002 NO,0870---P .2-------------- STEWART TITLE OF VAIL P.O.BOX2000 VAIL,CO81658 Please deliverthisto : ALIDAZWAAN PRUDENTIAL Thisfaxisfrom: LINDA G WILLIAMS Thisfax was created at 22-NOV-200209:38:03.24 It has a total of 12pages,not including thiscoversheet. If there are any problems,contact thesender at 9260230. COMMENTS RE:2418 GAR:MISCHDRIVE THANKYOU COMMITMENT FORTITLE INSURANCE ISSUEDBY President DEF ABC A! O rderNo .0 2032604 Cha irman of the Board STEWARTTITLEOF VAlL.INC . P .O.Box2000 Va il,Colorado 8J 658 (970)926.{)230 Ac e ,. STEWART TITLE G UARANTY CO MPANY Signed under sealforthe Company.butthis Commi tmentshallnot be valid o rbi nding untilitb ears an a uthorized Countersignature. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY INWITNESS WHEREOF,StewartTilleGuarantyCompanyhascausedits corporate name an d sealto be hereunto affixedbyitsduly authorized officersonthedateshownin Schedule A. Thi s Comm itment is preliminary toth e issuance ofsuchpolicyo r policies o f titleinsuranceand a ll liabilityandobligations hereunder shallceaseand terminate sixmonthsaftertheeffecti ve date hereof orwhenthepolicyorpoliciescommitt ed forshallissue,whicheverfirstoccurs ,provided thatthe failureto issuesuchpoli cy orpoli cies isnotthe faulto f theCompany . This Commitment shallbeeffectiveonlywhentheidentityofthe proposed Insured andtheamountof the policyorpolicies committed forhavebeen inserted in ScheduleA hereof bythe Company,either atthe time of the issuance ofthis Commitment orby subsequent endorsement. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY ,A Texas Corporation,hereincalledtheCompany,for valuable consideration ,hereb y commits to issueitspolic y orpolicie s of title insurance.asidentifiedin ScheduleA.infavorofthe proposed In sured named inScheduleA ,as owner ormortgageeoftheestate or interest co vered herebyin the landdescr ibed or r eferred toinSchedule A ,uponpaym entofthe premiums andcharges therefor;allsubjec t to thepro visions o f Schedules AandBandtotheConditions and Stipulations hereo f. AJB~r izec Co unters ignature !I JKlo unter s i gned: American Land Title Ass ccla-ion Commitment -Modified 3nS SCHEDULEA Order Numb er :0203260 4 1.E ffective date :Novembe r 01,2002 at 7 :45 A .M. 2.Poli cyo rP olicies tobe issu ed: (a)A.L.T .A.Owner's (Extended) Propos ed Insured: WILLIAMHINE and JANETHINE Amount of Insurance $399,000.00 (b )A .L.T .A.Lo an Proposed Insured: TOBE DETERMINED (c)Le asehold Proposed Insured: (standar d)$3 19,500 .00 s 3.T hees tate or interes t inthe lan dd escribedor referredto in this Commitmentan d cov eredh ereinis fee/easement 4 .Title to the fee /easement estate o r interest in said lan dis a ttheeffec tive dale hereofves tedin: RICHARD M.DANGLER and SUE ANN DANGLER,as fee simple to Parcel One and easement to Parcel Two 5 .Th e land referred tointhisComm itment isdesc ribed as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION $1273.00 140.00 20.00 50.00 purported Address: 2418 GARMISCH DRIVE VAIL,CO 81657 STATEMENT OFCHARGES Th ese charges areduean dp ayable be forea P olicycan be issued . PREMIUM OWNERS : MORTGAGE: TAX CER : form 110 .1 SCIIEDULEA Order Number:02032604 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL ONE: A part of Lot 7 and 8, Block G, VAILDASSCHONE,FILING NO.2,Eagle County,Colorado being more partiCUlarly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 8, Thence S 48°26 '00"w along the Southeasterly boundary line of said Lot 8a distance of 46.70 feet to the True Point Of Beginning; thence continuing S 48 °26'00"Wa distance of 39.42 feet; thence N 50"27 '25"Wa distance of 103 .72 feet; thence N 39"32'35 "Ea distance of 38.95 feet; thence S 50"27'25"Ea distance of 109 .82 feet to the True Point of Beginning; TOGETHER WITH2 Easements described as follows: PARCEL TWO AN EASEMENT: 1.A roadway and access easement over the following described parcel of land lying within Lot 7 and Lot 8,Block G,Vail Das Schone,Filing No.2,a subdivision plat as filed for record in the office of Clerk and Recorder,Eagle county,Colorado,being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of the above described East parcel, thence N 50°27'25 "W a distance of 35.94 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Garmish Drive; thence the following three (3)courses along said right of way line; (1)S 48"33'W a distance of 9.50 feet to a point of curvature; (2)50.68 feet along the arc of a curve left hav ing a central angle of 22",a radius of 132 feet; (3)S 26°33 'Wa distance of 84.00 feet to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 7; thence along the westerly line of Lot 7S 53°51'30"E 16 .82 feet; thence N 39°32'35"Ea distance of 140.57 feet To The Point Of Beginning. 2.An easement for ingress and egress over a portion of Lot 7,Block G ,vail Das Schone Filing No.2,Eagle County,Colorado,being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwesterly corner of the above described East parcel, thence N 39"32 '35"E along the Northwesterly line of said East parcel a distance of 3.00 feet; thence S 50"27'25"Ea distance of 36.00 feet ; thence S 39"32'35"W a distance of 6.00 feet; continued on next page Continuation of Schedule A-Legal Description Order Number:02032604 thence N 50"27'25"W a distance of 36.00 feet; thence N 39"32'35"Ea distance of 3.00 feet To The Point Of Beginning. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATEOF COLORADO. THIS COMMITMENT WAS PREPARED ON NOVEMBER 21,2002. FORQUESTIONS REGARDING THIS COMMITMENT PLEASECALL LINDA WILLIAMS,THE TITLE OFFICER,AT 970/926-0230. FORQUESTIONS REGARDING THECLOSING,PLEASE CALL KAMMY YOUNG,THE ESCROW OFFICER,AT 970/479-6010 This commitment is sent to: WILLIAM &JANETHINE RICHARD &SUE DANGLER DIANA MATHIAS ALIDA ZWAAN SCHEDULEB S ection 1 Or der Nu mber:02032604 REQUIREME NTS T he following ar ethe requirements tobe complied with: Item(a)Paymenttoo r fortheaccount of the grant ors ormo r tgagors of thefullconsi d eration forthees tate or interestto beinsured . Ite m(b)Proper in strument(s)cr eatingtheestate or interest tobeinsured mustbe e xecuted anddu ly filed for r ecord,to wi t: 1.Evidence satisfactory to Stewart Title Guaranty Company of payment of all outstanding taxes and assessments as certified by The Eagle County Treasurer. 2.Execution of affidavit as to Debts and Liens and its return to Stewart Title Guaranty Company. 3 .Evidence satisfactory to S tewa rt Title Guaranty Company that the real estate transfer tax assessed by the Town of Vail has been paid or that the transaction is exempt from said t ax. 4.THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENT IS F ORDELETIONOF SURVEY EXCEPTIONS2 AND 3OF THE OWNERS POLICY: ASURVEY,meeting the minimum detail standards of the ALTA/ACSM,Survey OR I MPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE,prepared by a registered Colorado surveyor, within the last TWO MONTHS ,must be pre sented to Stewart Title Gua ra nty Company,for i ts a ppr ova l prior to the deletion of any s ur ve y e xceptions from th e OWNERS POLICY . St ewa rt Title Guaranty reserves the rig ht to take exception to any ad vers e matters as shown on said surve y,or make further inquiry or r equirements r el ative thereto. Said Survey,must be certified to Stewart Title of Eagle County and/or Stewart Title Guaranty Company. 5.Rel ease by the public Trust ee of Eagle County of the Deed of Trust from Richard M.Dangler and Sue Ann Dang l er for the use of U .S.Bancorp Mort ga ge Company to secure $119 ,000.00,dated November 16,1993,r ecorded November 19,1 993 i n Book 625 a t Page 361 as Reception No.521425. Ass ignment of above Deed of Trust to Bank Of America,FSB recorded May 27,1999 a s Reception No.697427. 6.Deed f rom Richard M.Dangler and Sue Ann Dangler,vesting fee simple title i n William Hine and Janet Hine. NOTE:NOTATIONOF THE LEGAL ADDRESS OF THE GRANTEE MUST APPEAR ON THE DEED AS PER 1 976 AM END MENT TO STATUTE ON RECORDING OF DEEDS CRS 38-35-109 (2). 7 .De ed of Trus t f rom the Borrowe r to the Publ ic Trustee for the u se of t he Continued on n e xt page -1- continuation of Schedule B-Section 1 Order Number:02032604 proposed lender to secure the loan. -2- SCHEDULE B Section 2 Or der N umber :02032604 EXCEPTIONS Thepolicy orp oliciestobeissued will contain exc eptions to the following unless the same aredisposed oftothe sati sfaction ofthe Company : I .Rightsor claims o f parties inp ossession ,notshown by thepub licrec ords. 2.Easements,or claim s of ea sements,no tshownbythep ublic rec ords. 3 .Discrepancies,conflicts in bo undarylin es,sh ortage inarea,encroachments ,andanyfactswh ich acorrect su rveyan d inspec tion ofthep remisesw oulddisclose and w hicharenot shown by thepu blic records. 4.An y lien,or right toa lien ,for services,labo r or materialh eretofo re o r he reafter furnished ,imp osed bylaw andnot shown by the public records. 5 .Defects,liens,en cumbrances ,advers e claimsor other matters,if any,created ,firstappe aring inthepublic r ecords or a ttaching subsequ ent tothe effective date hereof,but prior tothedatethe proposed insured acquires of re cord forv alue theestateor inte rest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment. 6.Unpatented miningcla ims;reservations or exc eptionsin pat ents,or a n ac tauth orizing the issuance ther eof; wa ter ri ghts,claims or titleto w ater. 7.Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments and any unredeemed tax sales. 8.The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conservancy,fire protection,soil conservation or other district or inclusion in any water service or street i mprovement area . 9.Reservations and exceptions in Patents,or Acts authorizing the issuance thereof,including the reservation of the right of proprietor of av ein or l ode to extract and remove h iso re therefrom should the same be found to penetrate or int ersect the premises as r eserved in United States Patent recorded August 1 1,1 900 in Book 48 at Page 236. 10.An undivided 1/2 interest in and to the oil,gas and mineral rights therein,as reserved in deed from Pe ter E.Katsos and Catherine Katsos to Gust Kiahtipes and Nick Kiahtipes,recorded January 2,1960 in Book 165 at Page 133. 11.vail HeightS-Filing No.1 Protective Covenants recorded October 10,1969 in Book 216 at Page 153 as Reception No.111672 and Vail Das Schone,Filing No.2 r ecorded October 26,1969 in Book 216 at page 284 as Reception No.1 11806 and Correction to Protective Covenants recorded February 16,1970 in Book 217a t Page 77 as Reception No.11263 4. 12 .All matters shown on the plat of Vail Das Schone -Filing No.2,recorded in Book 215 at Page 482 as Reception No.110984. 13.Townhouse Declaration'for Alpen Chalets Duplex recorded May 29,1974 in Book 234 at page 888 as Reception No.130794. 14 .All matters a s shown on the Townhouse plat of Alpen Chalets Duplex recorded March11 ,1974 in Book 233 at Page 706 as Reception No .12 960 4. Continued on next page Continuation of Schedule B-Section 2 Order Number:02032604 NOTE:EXCEPTIONS 1 AND 4 ABOVE WILLBEDELETED ON THE FINAL OWNERS POLICY, PROVIDED BOTH SELLER(S)AND PURCHASER(S)EXECUTE THE HEREIN REQUIRED AFFIDAVITS AND SAID AFFIDAVITS ARE APPROVED BYTHE COMPANY.EXCEPTIONS 2 AND 3WILLBE DELETEDONTHE FINAL .OWNERS POLICY,UPON RECEIVING AND APPROVINGTHEHEREIN REQUIREDSURVEY.EX~EPTION 5WILLNOTAPPEAR ON THE OWNERS POLICY,AND GAP PROTECTIONWILLBE GRANTED PROVIDEDTHAT STEWART TITLE OFEAGLE COUNTY PERFORMS CLOSING,DISBURSEMENTS AND RECORDINGOF DOCUMENTS. SEE "DISCLOSURES"INCLUDEDHEREWITH. DISCLOSURES Pursuant to C.R.S.10-11-122,notice ishere by g iven that : (A)THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY MAYBE LOCATED IN A SPECIAL TAXINGDISTRICT; (B)A CERTIFICATE OFTAXESDUE USTING EACH TAXING JURISDICTION SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE COUNTY TREASURER OR THE COUNTY TREASURER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT; (C)INFORMAnON REGARDING SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES OFSUCH DISTRICTS MAYBE OBTAINED FROM THE BOARDOF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ,THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER,ORTHE COUNTY ASSESSOR . Note:Colorado Divis ion of Insurance Regulations 3-5 -1 ,Paragraph Cof Article VIIrequ ires that 'Everytitle entityshallbe responsible forallmatterswhichappearofrecord prior tothetimeof recording wheneverthetitle entity conducts theclosingandis responsible for recording ortilingoflegaldo cumentsr esultingfromthe transaction whichwas cl osed .'Provided that Stewart Titl e of Vail,Inc.conductstheclosingofthe insured transaction andis responsible for record ing thelegaldocumentsfromthetransa ction,exceptionnumber5 will notappearonthe Owner's Tit le Policyand theLender 's Tit le Po licy Whenissued. Note:Affirmative Mechani c 's Lien Protection forthe Owner maybeavailable (typically bydeletionofException N o.4of Schedule B,Section2ofthe Commitment fromthe Owner's Policyto beissued)uponcompliancewiththe following conditions: A .Theland described inSchedule A of this commitmen t mustbea single family residence,which includesa condominium or townhouse unit. B.Nolaboror materials havebeenfurnishedbymechanicsor materialmen for purposes ofconstru ction on thelanddescrib ed inSchedule AofthisCommitment withinthe p ast 6months. C.TheCompanymust receiveanapp ropriate affidavit indemnifyingthe Company against unfiled mechanic's and materialmen's liens. D.Thecompanymus t receive payment oftheappr opriate premium . E .Iftherehasbeen construction,improvements ormajorrepairs undertaken onthe property tobe purchased,within sixmonths prior totheDateofthe Commitment ,therequi rements toobtaincoverage for unrecorded lienswill include:disclosure ofcertain construction information;financial informa tion astothe seller,the builder and/or the contractor;paymentofthe appropriate premium;fullyexecuted Indemnity agreementssatisfa ctoryto the co mpany ;and ,any add itional requi rements asmay be neces sary afte r anexaminati on oftheaforesaidinforma tion bythe Company. Nocoveragewill be given underanycircumstances forlabor ormaterialforwhichtheinsuredhascontra cted foror agr eed topay . NOTHING HEREIN CONTAINED WILL BE DEEMED TO OBLIGATE THE COMPANYTOPROVIDE ANYOFTHE COVERAGES REFERRED TO HEREIN UNLESSTHEABOVECONDITIONSARE FULLY SATISFIED. OrderNo.02032604 D isclosures(YSDD)Rev .JO /99 ABCD EFGH IJKL STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Privacy Policy Notice P URPOSE OF THIS NOTICE TitleVofthe Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act(GLBA)generally pro hibits anyfinancialinstituti on,directly or through its affiliates,fromsharingnonpublicpersonalinformationabou t you witha nonaffiliated thirdpartyunless the institutionprovidesyouwithanot ice ofitsp rivacy policiesandpractice s,suchasthetype of in formation thatit collectsaboutyouan d thecategories ofper sons orenti ties to whomitmay be disclosed.In compliancewith the GLBA,we are providing youwiththis d ocu men t,whichnotifiesyouof theprivacy pol icies andpract ices of Stewart Title Guaranty Company. Wemaycollectnonpub lic personal informationabout youfromthefollowing sources : Information wereceivefromyou,such asonapplicationso r otherforms. Inform ationabou t your transaction s wesecurefrom ourtiles .or fromouraffiliates orothers . Information we receivefrom aconsumerrepo rting agency . Information tha t wereceive fromothersinvolvedin yo ur transact ion.such astherealestate agentorlend er . Unless i tisspecifically statedo therwise in anamended PrivacyPolicy Notice,noaddit ional nonpublicpersonal informationwill be collected aboutyou . Wemay dis close anyoftheaboveinformat ion that w e collect aboutourcustome rs orformer cus tomers toour affiliateso r tonona ffiliated thirdpart ies aspermittedbylaw . Wealsomaydisclose this information aboutourcus tomers orformercustomer s tothefollowingtypes of nona ffiliated companiesthatperformmarketingservi ces onour behalf orwithwhomwe h ave j ointmarketing agreements : F inancial servicepro viders suchascompaniesengagedinbanking,consumerfinance,securities andinsurance. --Non-financialcompan ies such as envelope sniffers andothe r ful fillment service providers . WEDONOTDIS CLOSE ANYNONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABO UT YOUWITHANYONE FORA NY PURPOSE THAT IS N OTSPECIFICA LLY PER lv1ITTED BYLAW . We res trict accesstononpublicpersonalin formation aboutyoutothose employeeswhoneed toknowthat informationin order topro vide p roducts orservicestoyou .Wemain tain physi cal,electronic,andprocedura l saf eguards that complywithfederalregulationstoguardyo urn onpublic personal information. File No.02032604 Stewart T itle of ViliI,In c. Privacy Policy ~o lice (piI~e I) R.,..071200 I (YPPNI ) ABeD E FGH IJKL STEWART TITLE OF VAIL,INC. Privacy PolicyNotice PURPOSE OF TIllS NOTICE Ti tle Vofthe G ramm-Leach-BlileyAct (GLBA)generally proh ibits any fin ancial institution,directlyorthrough i ts affi liates,fr om sh aring nonpub lic per sonal informa tionabout youwithan onaffiliated thirdpa rty unlessthe ins titution p rovidesy ou witha n otice o f i ts privacy po liciesandpracti ces,s uch as the typeof informa tionthatit collects aboutyou and thecatego ries ofpersonsor ent itiestowhom it may be di sclosed.Incompliancewi th the GLBA ,w eare providing youwi th thisdocument,whichno tifies youof thep rivacy poli cies andp ractices of Stewart Title of Vail,Inc. Wemaycollectnonpub lic pe rsonal informationaboutyoufrom thefo llowing sou rces: Informationwereceiv e fromy ou,suchason app lications oroth er forms . Information ab out your transact ions we s ecurefrom ou r tiles ,o r fro mour affiliatesor o thers. Informationwe receive froma consumer repo rt ingagency. Information thatwereceive fromoth ers invo lved in yo ur transact ion,s uchastherea l estate agent or lender. Unless i tis specificallys tatedoth erwise in an amen dedP rivacy PolicyNotice,n oadditionalnonpublicp ersonal in formationwill becollectedaboutyou . Wemay dis close anyoftheabove informationthatwecollect about ourcus tomerso r former customers to our affili a teso rtononaffiliated thirdpa rtiesasp ermitted bylaw . Wealso may disclose this informationaboutourcustom erso rformer customers to the following types of nonaffiliat edcompaniesthatp erform marketingservicesonou r behalf orwithwhom wehave joint marketing agreements: F inancialservice prov iders such ascom paniesen gaged in banking,consumer finan ce,s ecurities and insurance . --Non-financial co mpan ies su ch as envelopestuffe rsand othe r fu lfi llment serviceproviders . W EDO NO T DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSO NALIN FORMATIONABO UT YOUW ITHANYONE FOR AI\'Y P URPOSE THATIS NOT SPECIF ICALLY P ERMITTED BYLAW . W e restrict accesstono npublicpe rsonal informa tion abo ut youtothoseemp loy ees whoneed [0 knowthat inf ormationino rderto providep roducts orservicesto you.W e maintainphysical,electron ic,andpr ocedural s afeguardsthat comply w ith federa lreg ulations to guard yourn onpublic personalinfo rmation. Fil e Suo 020 J2 ~$le\\-lI ri Tille ut vll n.In c, Pri "-lK"Po liey No tice (p age 2) Rev .07f100 I (YT'PN2 ) CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1.Theterm mortgage,whenused herein,shallincludedeed of trust ,trust deed ,or other security instrument . 2 .If the proposed Insured hasoracquiresactual knowledge of anydefect,lien , encumbrance ,adverse claimor other matter affecting theestateorinterestor mortgage thereon covered bythis Commitment other thanthoseshownin ScheduleBhereof,andshallfailtodisclosesuch knowledge totheCompanyin writing,theCompanyshallber elieved fromliabilityforanylossordamage resulting from anyactof reliance hereon totheextenttheCompanyis prejudiced byfailuretosodisclosesuchknowledge .Ifthe proposed Insured shalldisclose suchknowledgetothe Company,orifthe Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of anysuchdefect,lien ,encumbrance,adverse claimorothermatter . theCompanyatits option mayamend Schedule B of thisCommitment accordingly,butsuch amendment shallnot relieve theCompanyfromliability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3ofthese Conditions andStipulations. 3 .Liability of theCompanyunderthis Commitment shallbeonlytothe named proposed Insured andsuch parties includ ed under the definition of Insured inthe formofpolicyor policies committed forandonlyforactualloss incurred in reliance hereonin undertaking ingoodfaith(a)tocomplywiththerequirements hereof,or(b)to eliminate exceptions shownin Schedule B,or(c)toacquire o r createtheestateor interest or mortgage thereon covered bythis Commitment.In noeventshallsuchliabilityexceedtheamountstatedin Schedule Aforthepolicy or policiescommitted forandsuchliabilityis subject tothe insuring provisions,the Conditions and Stipulations ,andthe Exclusions from Coverage of theformof policy or policiescommitted forinfavor of the proposed Insured whicharehereby incorporated by reference andaremadea part ofthis Commitment exceptas expressly modified herein. 4.Anyactionoractionsorrightsofactionthatthe proposed Insured mayhave or may bring againstthe Company arisingoutofthestatus of thetitletotheestateor interest orthestatus of the mortgage thereoncoveredbythis Commitment mustbe basedonandaresubjecttothe provisions ofthis Commitment. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Allnotices required tobegiventheCompanyandanystatementinwriting required to be furnished theCompanyshallbe addressed toitatP .O.Box2029,Houston,Texas 77252 ,andidentifythis commitment byits printed COMMITMENT ORDER NUM- BERwhich appears onthebottomofthefrontofthe first page of this commitment. Eii =i!.:......_=;-;..\::..;=; FAX T RAN S MIT TAL SHE E T DATE: NO.OF PAGES TO FOLLOW: TO: FROM: FAX NO.ttI?~-:z 2.1 '" REGARDING: 77kE k rs.77../£~~<.&!SZ;=~6-SS cWO ~~n?t!:;tyT A1t!£neaM A~d/MU~ bc/r'tGK /t-IA?C'4,~')N't/~"O"'-.z~:3, AGE.."7«P -77k ~N v:/'I's"'?D ~,4 C7~f:' -~/<c. NoeQ:If any of t:hQS8 fax copies are illegible I or you do not receive t.he same number of pag-IIB st.at.ed above,please cont.act.us immediately at 970/949-1406. 4 .~~~.\~Ott Jltrll{ttI1o\D {actw!~?l Dt71 \!.f"D\i: •?!i7?IILl 1I DIf) OFFIC E:41199 Hwy.6 &.24 Eagle-Vail ,CO 8 1620 MAILING .P.O.Box 1230 Edwa rds.CO 8 1632 :>HONE .970-949-1 406 'AX'970-8 45-9504 ~:"'2-41'{$'b~·,S c.....~-:b e . ~V--\~~- \-\c:e.e-"IS /:>.-.~\~v"~~'--~--.-..--. E:A 6 '-E::.-\.\C>.."-."-E..'\~~E'i ',~~. AREA CALCULATIONS: LOT7,BLOCK G,VAlL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.2'"0 .32 ACRES LOT 8,BLOCK G,V xn.DAS SCHONE FILING NO.2 =0.28 ACRES EAST PARCEL ALPEN CHALETS DUPLEX =0.096 ACRES WEST PARCEL ALPEN CHALETS DUPLEX =0.158 ACRES ROADWAY AND ACCESS EASElYlENT ""0.101 ACRES ~rf/&vi~~¥: 1"7¥1.57 fc Ylla,ilti~:77Z.tf~tP OFFICE 4 1199Hwy .6&24 Eag le-Vail.CO 81 620 MAILING,P.0 ,Box 123 0 Edwards.CO 8 1632 P-i ONE:970·949-1406 FAX:970-845-9504 1*dl W-Qm: fa~ra rut ~~~~;,(f{II Wtq}~al {~t ~.15~ et!f(t11ltM ,10 I ~~.t e:~oql ~ e~~:ZD~~~ c--- rtmo1li~:t{)Ib ~ tH~1.7~rf ~~t .~$* 41f1t 7lPlf: \~~~-~ .5, 9 ,32. ,,,1 :.'''7 '0' o ••' o "'.:\. ,":i".'" ...;:::,'~.'~Tt) !.I NE. DA'5 SC I .5 4S·2 .~·w- S~I·13·W·tso.c "'" ..", '.. '0 '" '."'','. ., ;~,/",,:,. Lot Report 11/2,12002 CRD LOT 2798WEST PNTt BEARING EASTING STATION 203 9,"1.674 0.000 S SOd27'25"E 1.03.?CO 204 1.074.1l2S 1059.657 103.720 S 48d24'30"W ],6.675 34 ],063.356 L047.],86 120.395 S 36d40'36"td 1.8·277 2 J.008.597 J.006.1l04 1!a.b72 N 53d5],'30"td 20.120 208 ],02D·463 "l"lD.156 20a.792 N 2:Ld57'25"W 'H,.120 209 1109.611 954.216 301l.912 N 3"ld31'S4"E 39.9~b 203 1140.45"l 979.674 3411.908 Closure Error »istance>0.000 Total Distance>344.908 ....--=-=-.LOT AREA:6876 .8601 sa FT OR ·1579 ACRES <, LOT 2798ESMT OF BLO PNT#BEARING DIS EASTING STATION 206 976·'756 0·000 S SOd27'25"E 35.940 202 1170·4%1004.471 35•.,40 S 39d32'16"ItJ 140.567 2],],1062.090 "\14.989 176.507 N 5Ild12'311"1IJ 17·027 2LO 1072.048 901.],77 193·533 N 26d42'04"E 84.01.1. 37 1147.],1.18 938.951 277.599 UNEQUA~RADIUS LENGTH BET~EEN PC-Rand PT-R 207 1187.099 969.627 328.278 N 48d38'OO"E 9.500 201.11"\3.377 976.756 337.778 Closure Error Distance>0·000 Total Distance>337.778 ~~~3 ACRES-==:>LOT AREA:4414·3189 SQ FT -- LOT 2798EAST 279BrAST PNT#BEARING EASTHIG STATION 202 1004.47J.0.000 S 5Od27'2S"E 109.B20 201 1100·S71l 1D8"l.L59 10"\·820 S 4Bd2b'38"W 39·425 204 ],O71l.1.125 1059-1,,57 149.245 N 50d27'2S"W 103·720 203 1140.ljS9 979.674 252·'lb5 N 39d32'3S"E 3l'l.950 202 ],170.496 1004·1l71 29],.915 Clo~~re Error Distanc~>0.000 Page 1 of 2 Total Distance)291.915 ..-:=---~~ LOT AREA:4158·6915 SQ FT O.[]'l55 ACRE~_..~ BLOCK 2798EAST TOTAL AREA;4158·69 T/'OR 0.0955 ACRES .~ BLOCK 2798ESMT TOTAL AREA;4414.3189 sa t ~OR [J.1013 ACRES BLOCK 2798WEST TOTAL AREAl 6876·8601 SQ ~.OR [J.1579 ACRES TOTAL AREA;15449·8705 SQ FT OR 0.3547 ACRES PagQ 2 of 2 :)''-'---' ,. ,, EXHIBIT A EASTPARCEL II part of Lot 7 and 8,Block G,VAIL D/IS SCHONE,FILING NO.2, Eagle County,Colorado,being more particularly described as follows, Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of siad Lot 8,thence S 48"26' 00"W along the Southeasterly boundary line of said Lot 8a distance of 46.70 feet to the true point of beginning;thence continuing 5 48~ :'~6'00"Wa distance of 39.42 feet,thence N 50"27'25"Wa distanceOt103.72 feet;thence N 39"32'35"E a distance of 38.95 feet; 'th ence 5 50"27'25"Ea distance of 109.82 feet to the true point I of beginning. WEST PARCEL A part of Lot 7,Block G,VAILDAS SCHONE,FILING NO.2,Eagle County,Colorado,being more particularly described as followsl Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 7,thence N 36° 41'00"E a distance of 10.72 feet to the true point of beginnin~; Thence N 53°51'30·Wa distance of 20.12 feet:thence N 21°57 25"Wa distance of 96.12 feet;thence N 39°32'35"Ea distance of 40.00 feet;thence S 50°27'25"Ea distance of 103.72 feet to the Southeasterly boundary of said Lot 7/thence S 48°26'00"W along said Southeasterly l ine a distance of 16.68 feet to an angle point on said Southeasterly line,thence S 36"41'00"Walong said Southeasterly line a distance of 68.28 feet to the true point of beginning. ROADWAY AND ACCESS E/ISEMENT A roadway and access easement over the following described parcel of land lying withi n Lot 7 and Lot 8,Block G,VAILDIIS SCHONE, F ILING NO.2,a subdivision plat as filed for record in the office of clerk and recorder,Eagle County,Colorado,being more particu- }arly described as follows: • eBeglnning at the Northeasterly COrner of the above described East "parcel,thence N 50"27'25"Wa distance of 35.94 feet to the ,Southerly right of way line of Garmish Drive;thence the following ·three (3)courses along said right of way line: '(1)S 48°33'Wa distance of 9.50 feet to a point of curvature: (2)50.68 feet along the arc of a curve left having a central angle ·of 22°/a radius of 132 feet; (3)S 26°33'Wa distance of 84.00 feet to the Northwesterly oorner of Lot 7: '~hence along the Westerly line of Lot 7S 53"51'30"E 16.82 feet I ."thence N 39°32'35"Ea distance of 140 .57 feet to the point of ..beg inning. t. '. .'. i I I I I I I I , I 'I 'j " '!i !I' '---, ! I Exhibit A Page two ACCESS EASEMENT An easement for ingress and egress over a portion of Lot 7,Block G, VAIL DAS SCH~NE ,FILING NO.2,Eagle County,Colorado being more particu larly d~scribed as follows : ,'. ,Beginning at the Northwesterly corner of the above described East parcel,the nce N 39·32'35"Ea long the Northwesterly line of said 'East parcel a distance of 3.0 0 f eet:thence S 50°2 7'25 "Ea distance of 36.00 feet;thence S 39·32'35"Wa dis tance of 6.00 fee t;thence N 50·27 '25"W a distance of 36.00 feet;t henceN 39°32'35"Ea distance of 3.00 feet to the point of beginning . ",. .',. , I'". --_.__._-~-_.-_. I ".! i \ ) ) .,-,-,..:".".. 1.30792 .I I ·:::~_··:":".:~;.'-:::~.:.i:::;:ru me:'\t \..~s r :·.,:j....i ::.':';:;...':..·~·.;e t ho ,g,~"...:.."'?X~/··"':.:7~._.1c2~_r ;--::l'.:'-.,'.,.-_or~ed In ~c ~...7...~-J .;__S'.¥."'_, ..!l.lL.a.~£6..1f:';&'jJ_" By....~~L!..:~:l.4~._ '::;',,'(J.y Fc ~~jk,.o..o.j~ --- .. --.----_.••--------_..•••.•---'-'-.'-"'-~":<'....._~."t ,~ i ~. I ":....-'-..",-..' "-.-.--_.-...----"_._------ ," ..)'1..).a ~2 _v ;, f 2J..!./·..·(.,l) TOWNHOUSE DECLARATION FOR ALPENCHALETS DUPLEX WHEREAS,ALPENCHALETS,INC.,'a Colorado corporation ,("dec -, larant")is the owner in fee simple of the following described real estate ("subject property")situate in the County of Eagle,State It .• of Colorado,to wit:-, Lots 7 and 8,Block G,Vail Das Shone Filing No.2, according to the recorded plat thereof,County of Eagle 'and State of Colorado; WHEREAS,such Declarant has constructed on said premises a building consisting of two townhouse units,known as Alpen Chalets Duplex East Unit and Alpen Chalets Duplex West Unit,which townhouses are connected by a common wall: WH EREAS,Declarant recorded a townhouse p lat On March 11,1974 in Book 233 at page 706,filed in Case 2 Drawer A of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of such county,dividing such lots into par- cels as follows : ! I,I,, ", Ea st Parcel (containing such East Unit) West parcel (containing such West Unit) Roadway and Access Easement Access Easement ',:All 'of which parcels are more par t.Lcu Lar Ly ',Inscribed in Exhibit A, .'.1 ~attached hereto and made a part hereof and are hereby subjected hereto; ,the balance of the subject property consists of two parcels which are .excepted herefrom; WHEREAS,Declarant wishes to create easements relating to the '~ar t y wall (placed equally divided on the common boundary separating ~he East Unit and the West Unit),the footings underlying such party wall,the roof over such party wall and chimney enclosures over such.}/ wall,(such wall,footings,roof and chimney being hereinafter des-,, ignated as the "party wall"); NOW T HEREFORE,Declarant hereby provides the following ease- ,'ments and restrictions which shall h ereafter run with the land and -, .", " :! I '--, j, be binding upon and inure to the benefi t o fDec l arant,i ts s ucc essors .and assign s f orever: 1 .T hat por tion of the s ub ject p rope rty des i gnated Roa dway a nd Ac ce ss Easement o n th ep lat and on Ex hibit A here t o,i s rese r- v ed b y De c la rant f or the b enefit of itsel f,its successors and assigns, (including t heo wners f rom time to time of the East Parcel and the '.\ ,,~e st Pa rcel l i n perpe tui ty f or roa dway and access p ur poses.S uch ·a ccess t o thi s du plex sha llb e from the Ea st e nd of s uch easement. 2 .That portion of the subject property designated Access Ea sement on t he p lata nd on Exhibi t A he reto i s dedicated as common p rope rty in perpetuity t ot he ow ne rs from time 'tot ime of t heEa st Parcel a ndo f t he WestP arcel as designated on t he p l at and as described on Exh ib it A h ereto,for access to their portions of the i mpro veme nts loca ted thereon. 3 .The a bove d escri bed p ar cels a nd improvements thereonmay be conveyed and d escribed for all p ur poses as Alpen .Chalets Duplex East (r e pr es entin g the East P arcel,thei mprovements thereon and t he e asements a nd ri gh ts appur ten an t thereto),and Alpen Cha le ts ,Du pl exWest (r epres en ting the Wes tPa rcel,th e improvements thereon and ,t he eas e ments a nd rights appur tenant thereto>. ,"4 .No o wner o f e ither parce l shall make or suffer any struc- ~. "tura l o r d e sign change (inc lUd inga color scheme c ha ng e).either permanent o ri mperm anen t and o f whatever type or nature,to the "' ext erior of h is townhou se wi thoutf irst obtaining the prior written cons ent t hereto from t he owner of the other parcel,which consent ',s hall not unreasonablyb e withhel d or delayed.In c ase o f damage to pr d estruct ion o f either unit,the owner of the other parcel may I dema nd repa ir or re c on st ruction of the damaged portion to cond ition ~~o~p ara b l e to th atp r io r to the d~age and if the owner of such a amaged portion does not commence such repair or reconstruction wit h in 3 0 days ,th e ow ner o f the other portion may do so.Costs of any such 're p a ir or reconstruct ion s hall be p aid fo r by insurance applicab le to.. the 'damaged por tion.If the cost o f repair or reconstruction exceeds -2- (, ,i ". suc h in suranc e,th e ex cess shal l be paid fo rb y the ow n er o f the .dama g ed portion a nd in t he even t h ef a ils t o so p ay;·the owner of t he other port ion may make p aym en ta nd cha rge such other ow ner ,imposing a lien on h is p roperty i n th e amount 'of his payments plus interest at 10\per a nnum,cos ts and a ttorneys fe es . 5.T he said p ar ty wa ll s hal l be a part y wall between such ...tOwnhou ses. '. 0....:..... t; ,j ment i n and t o t h at part of the premises of th e other townhouse on which s aid party wal l i s located,f or party wall purposes,including ..6.T he owners of ei t her p arcel shall have a perpetual ea se- .1 .: maintena nce,repaira nd ins pection . 7.Th e cost o f maintaining the party wall shall be borne equally by the owners of both parcels,as shall maintenance of external appearance and of roofs. B.In the ev ent o f d am age to or d es truction of sa id par ty wall fr om a ny cause,the t he n o wne rs o f the p arcels sha ll,at joint e x - pense,repair or rebuild s a id party wall,a nde ach such owner,his heirs,p er so nal representat i ves,successors and a ssigns,shal l ha ve t he r ight to t he f ull u se o f said p a rty wall so repa ired and rebuilt . If t he neg li gence o fa ny own er sha ll c aus e d amage to or des truc t ion pf sa id party wall,such negligen t pa rty shall bea r the e ntire costs .:' .'o'f repair or reconstruc tion.If the owner at any time o f either parcel shal l neglect or refuse to pay his share,or all of such cost,. in case of n eglige nce,t he o wner a ts uc h timeo f the other parcel may have such p arty wall repaired or r estored and shall be entitled ~o have amechanic's lien o n the premises of the owner so failing to ~ay,for the amount of s uch defaulting owner's share of the repair or !replacemen t costs ,interes~a t 10 \per annum ,costs and attorney fees . ~.9.Any owner of a parcel sha ll obtain and maintain at all times insurance against loss or damage by fire and such other hazards as are generally covered in t he area under standard e xtended coverage provisio ns for at least the f ull i n surable replaceme nt cost of the 'townhou s es..Proof of such ins ura nce shall be s uppl ied b y each owner u?on the reque st by ano ther owner.Any owner may at any t ime one year -3- :'"",1 " I I I'1 i '... " ,, I or long er a f ter the last a ppraisa l demand of t he other owner an ·ap p r a i s al for ins ura nce purpos es of th e townhouses,o rmay h ave such e ppr a.i.ae L made,c h argi ng t he ownczs:of eac h unit equally with the costs thereof. 10.Except as otherwi se s pecifically provided i n writ ing, theo wner or owners of e ach parcel shall share o ne-ha lf of all e x- ,'.\ ,p enses,l ia bi li ties and g ener al upkeep r espons ibilit ies wi th respect '(0 the Acces s Easement a nd such improvements a The owners from time to time of the parcels shall undertake such landscaping and general outdoor improvements as t hey may mutual ly deem proper for t he har- monious improvement o f both parcels in a c o mm on theme.During the first year after the recording of thi s declaration,the owners of each parcel shall spend $1,000.00 for such landscaping on each parce l, or shall satisfy eac h other and Declarant that landscaping of such value has been provided .T he owner of one parcel shall not unreason- ably damage t he va lue o f the othe r parcel su c h as b y shoddy upk eep outs ide,butbot h o wn er s shall make all reasonable effort s to pre- serVe a h armonious common a pp earance of t he build ing a ndg ro unds. 11.All sewe r,wa ter an d other cornmon u til ity connect ion s, co~~on f ac ilities or other e qu ipment and property located on either ?f ~he units but used i n common with the other such un it s h all be pWn ed one-hal f b y the owners of each un it and all e xpenses a nd lia- ;b ~l i t i e s concerned wi th such property shall b es hared p ro portionat ely with s uch ownership.The owner of the unit on wh ich same such property is not located sha ll h ave all reasonable rights to i nspect,repair a nd ma intain such property as shall appear reasonab le from time t o time. 12.If either unit is expanded to c ontain more than two bed- i r~o m s ,t he owner of such uni t shall provide o ne additional parking ~pape of at least ten feet by twenty feet for each such additional b edroom.Three parking spaces pe ru nit have been provided by Declarant . 13.The easements and r estrictions hereby c reated are and sha ll ~p erpetual and construed as covenants running with the land and ~ach·a nd .e v e r y person accept ing by deed or o the rw isea ny portion of the -4 - ----_..._- ··1 r ,"" ,,, above described premises shall be deemed to have accepted such prem- ,ises with the understand ing that he is bound hereby and entitled t o the benefits hereof and that any other present or future owner by deed or otherwise is similarly bound 'hereby and entitled to the benefit hereof,a ll to the same extent as though he had signed this instrument.The undersigned,in executing and delivering deeds to the ,', above described premises may provide,by reference,in said convey- ·ances,that the same are SUbject to the terms,conditions,reserva- tions,restrictions and covenants herein contained,and "may designate the book and page of the record in which this instrument is re corded . 14 .These easements a nd restrictions may be amended or revoked o nly upon the rec ording of an ins trument duly exec uted and a cknowle d- g ed by all of the the n record owners of the subject premises. 15 .If any provision of this instrument or any sectio n,sen- t ence ,clause,phrase,or word ,or the application thereof in any circumstance,is held invalid,the validity of the rema inder of this instrument and of the ap?lica~ion of any such provision,section, sentence,clause,phrase,or word in any other circumstance shall not be affected t hereby. 16 .Any disputes arising hereunder,not otherwise settled , ~ha~l be settled pursuant to the Rules o f the American Arbi tr a tion 'As s o c iatio n .T he costs of e nforcement of any provision hereof by one owner or Declarant against any other owner shall be reccverable ". by suit wherein recovery shall be made for costs,attorney f ees and damages and also for moneys paid out by one 'o f t he foregoing for the obligation of another owner plus interest a t the rate of 10\per annum. INWITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has executed this in stru- , ~e nt this ~day of -DM~aYL-'1974. i ! I ! I I :1 ;I ',I ·1,. .1 I I i I I, " -5- ALPEN CHA LETS,INC . a Colo rado corporation , By cfIu,(/tp (Utd///./(~'; BEN NO SCHEIDEGGER ,VICE PR~~N'r . i " ; ! STATE OF COLORADO 55. ,County of Ea gle The foregoing ins tr ument was a cknowledgedbe fore me th is Ma y .. as ,. "., ~, ,. " VIC E-PRESIDEN T Witness my ha nd and official seal . My commission expires : -6- .'i ,j ,,,, ~I 'I I i I ! I I " I, .1 " "I, Jerry and Janet Hine P.O.Box 1132 Eagle,CO81631 J~_5C10-/!'10 July 29,2005 HAND DELIVERED Heather M.Gisondi Eric S.Priebe 2558 B Arosa Vail ,CO 81657 Re:Hanson Chalet,Lot9 2398 Gannisch Dr. Dear Eric and Heather: Kindly accept this letter as notice to immediately remove any items from our property located at 2418 Garmisch Dr.This includes and is not limited to a trash dumpster, several large trees,and any cars that you may park on our property including your personal vehicle andany subcontractor vehicles.Please be aware as the owner,you are responsible for providing parking for your contractors. The construction of your duplex began approximately one year ago.During the entire period,we have been very accommodating regarding the use of our private property. Even though it has been an inconvenience,until the last few weeks,we have not said much at all about the cars parked in our spaces,and the use of our parking lotasa staging area and storage for your project.Most days,all three of our parking spaces are filled with construction items or cars that do not belong tous.Eric's personal car is usually one of the cars.The situation has become entirely out of hand,and you seem to have taken the attitude that you will continue to use our property,even though I have spoken to Eric and your contractor Trent,several times.I give up trying to bea good neighbor,because you seem to have no interest in doing the same.It is now time to act like the developer you aspire tobe. You are well aware that we have no storage agreement,nor have you ever asked,or been given permission to use our property.Any items or cars on our property must be removed by 1:00 p.m.Friday,July 29,2005.Additionally,no portion of our property is ever to be used in the future for parking,staging,or storage.Any single item or vehicle remaining beyond this time will be charged a $250.00 per day storage fee.This fee will be charged for any part of one day that an item or vehicle is on our property.In addition, we also reserve the right to take appropriate legal action to remove items or cars from our property.THIS IS THE ONLY NOTICE YOU WILL RECEIVE. Sincerely, _~~\.L1 ~"-l, JanetHine FILE COpy October 25 ,2004 Matt Meier.Es q . T own of VailAtt orney 75 S.Frontage Rd .West Vail,CO8 1657 R E:Lots6-9,BlockG,Vail das Schone,F ilingNo .2,Town of Vail Dear Ma tt: fiLE COpy Plea se bead vised that th iso fficerep resents ROilJo nes ,owner of Lo t7 and co-owner of Lot 6,Block G ,Vaildas Schone Filing No .2,w ithin the Town ofYail.As you may be aware,a new re sidence is presently u nder construction onL ot 9,with the street address of 2 388 G:umisch D r.The c urrent owners of that lotar c He ather G isondi and E ric Pr iebe As you may know,Ms .Gisond i's andMr.Priebe's pre decessor-in -interest was Snownow,LLC a nd Colorado limited liability compan y in which Gr eg Amsden of AMS De v elopment,ln c .inVail ,wasa principal .For substa ntially longer than the statutory period requi site to establish a prescriptive easemen t,Lots 6 through 9,incl usive,have s hared a dr ivewayw ith awe st and a n cas t cu rb c ut/portal exi ting o nto Ga rmisch D rive (p lease sec attached ex hibit:existi ng drive is high lighted). Inor about January o fthi s year.I\-Ir.Am sden,on behalf of Snownow,contacted the other lot owners witha n inte rest i nt he d riveway easement a nd proposed awr itten driveway ea sement and maintena nce agreement which woul d fo rmalize the prescriptive easement.Mr.Am sden did S('in c ontemplation of th ec onstruction of apr oposed 3 -unit, townhouse s ty le development on Lot 9 .T he p roffered easement ag reement contemplated a13 -member owner as sociation which wo uldbe co nstituted o fa ll owners o f all u nits with aninte rest I[)the existing driveway and dr iveway p ortalsas de pictedo n the e nclosed exh ibit. Alth ough Mr .Amsden apparently negotiated earnestly,one or more of the owners balked athi s proposal ,to my underst anding la rgely asa consequence of the proposed • :\1.Meier,Esq. Pa~.·2 Oc tober25,200-t assoc ianon.As Iund erstand it,oneormo re o f theowners simply didnotwishtobe burdened wi ththe responsib ilities ,ob ligationsand /or ma intenance contributions whichmay havebeen req uired of t hemasa c onsequence of th e proposed assoc iation .Ultimately,negotiations failed and ,inor about mid -March of this year,Snowno w,byand through Mr.Amsden ,applied toth e Town of VailDepart mento f CommunityDevel opment fora variance,whichvariance sought to .....es tablishan access easement fortheeastern parce l of Lot8andtheo wners of Lot10."(See , encl osedlett er fromW arren Campbell,Senior Planner,to Snownow,LLC ,c/o GregAmsden , datedAugust 4,2004).Mr.Campbell advised that ,"Staffhas determined thatthewestern parcel of Lot8doe s notneed tobe included inthea ccess easement...asno portion of the ex istingorthenewdri veway,associated with your proposed de velopment,encroaches onto that property"(August 4'h lett er ,~3 ). W ithin its Memorandum r eport ,datedApril12,200 4 (enclosed),the Community De velopment Department madethefoll owing observations : •"Sta ff believed that maintainin g accesstoLots8,9and10throu gh the existing common driv eway will c reateless sited isturbance than requiring eachproperty to construct s eparate dri veway connection toGarm isch Dri ve."(p .7,~1); "Ast hisp ropertya nd th eneighboring properties neverhadaformalaccess easement ag reement t he Tow nrequired th eapplicanttoestabli sh alegally recorded acces s ag reementforLot s8,9 and10.The applicant has proposed anaccess easement agreement whi ch includes Lots 6,7 ,8 ,9 and10 .If recorded itwould establish easements fora llth epro pertiesacrossallthelotsmakingtheex isting s ituation legal"(p . 7 'IT I )T ',Il -~ "Staff firm ly believesthat the applicant must have anaccess easement in place for all the properties thut tile proposed driveway will cross andbeimpro ved upon .To not have an easement in place would mean that atall)'point in the future that an)'owner not included asa part oftile access easement could limit access to neighboring property owners"(emphasis added)(p .Z,'11 3). On o r about August10 ,2004,th is office contacted Mr.Amsden ,during the course of which co nversation,Mr.Amsden ex pressed Snownow 's willingness to formalize an easement agree ment between the o wners of Lots 6 ,7,8 &9foringressandegress overthedrive. '!"As discussed below,staff was mistaken that a formal access casement docsnotexist.Although cnnvnluted,when various recorded instruments arc cumulated,a continuous easement servicinu and affecting all affected lots III1CS,infact,exist, • 1\1.Meier,ESlI. Pa~e 3 Ocmher 2~,2nO", In reliance uponthatrepre sentation,andathis request,thisoffice prepared adraft easement agreement toaffectthat purpose.Jt isworthnoting ,too ,thatin our various conversations,Mr. Amsdenhasatalltimes acknowledged that there unequivocally exists prescriptive rightsinall the owners toan ingress/egress easement overanduponthe drive including,without limitation, both portals onto Garmisch Drive . Notwithstanding Mr.Amsden 's agreement on behalf of Snownow to enter intothe easement agreement,Snownow applied for,and apparently was granted a building permit inor about early tomid August ,2004 andat about thesame time,transferred fee interest inthe property toMs . Gisondi andMr.Priebe. On September 9,2004,thisoffice commenced discussions withMs.Gisondi andMr.Priebe, attempting to encourage their cooperation in executing thedraft Easement Agreement tothe mutual advantage of theLot6,7 &8 owners aswellas their own .Ms.Gisondi andMr.Priebe havefounda multitude of waysto rebuff ,ignore anddelay dealing withthis matter andhave movedforwardwith construction without addressing the fundamental matter of the easement. III response to their rebukes ,thisoffice researched the presently existing filingswiththe Eagle County Clerkand Recorder as discovered,in addition tothe unequivocal prescriptive rights possessed bythe various lot owners,the following pertains : I .Amap recorded at Reception No .110984",dated June 25,1969 ,establishes the original configurations of Lots6 ,7 ,8 &9 ,among others. 2.Amap recorded at Reception No.129604,datedMarch 11 ,1974 ,realigns Lots7&8 to their present configurations . 3 .A Correction Deed recorded at Reception No .147329,dated December 17 ,1976 ,notes a "roadway and access easement"overLots7&8. Accordingly,as All'.Jones has rille interest inLot 7,this instrument grants hima title interest inan easement over Lor8. 4 .An Easement dated September 16.1975 recorded atBook 241,Page 836 ,grantsan ingressand egress easement toLot5overLot6 . •all recorded instrumcnts arc recorded inthe records nf the Eagle County Clerk &Recorder. • M.Meier,ESII. Pa~l'... Oclnhcr 25 ,21111-4 Accordingly,by taking theCorrec tion Deed (43,a bove)andthis Easement co llectively.acontinuous title interestisestablished continuouslyo verLots 5,6, 7&8. 5.An Impro vement LocationCe rtificatedatedOctober 29,1997 ,re corded atBoo k 2 51, Page53,notes "Road way accesseasement"benefitting Lots5,6,7 &8. This reiterates and supp orts the assertion made intheindented,italicized not e imm ediatelyabove. 6 .ExhibitDraw ing by EagleValle y Surveying ,dated October 29 ,1997(thesamedatesas #5,abo ve)note s "easement"inthepresentdri veway location overLots5,6,7,8 &9 . Alth ough th is is not arecorded instrument,if supports the instrument recorded at Boo k ]5 I ,I'age 5 3 0 :5,ab ove)and es tablishesthatth e "roadway easement" ex tendsupon.over and ac rosslots 5 through 9.inclu sive. 7.An Easement recordedo n November19,1998 atReception No.6 76689notesthat the owners of Lot s6 &7have a "driveway,parkin g,etc easement"o ver Lot 5.It further no testhat t he own ers of Lots 6,7,8,9 &10 a ll "ut ilizetheexist ing driveway "overLot 5for accesstoth eir respectivepropertiesand "have requested "thattheLot5 Association "d ocument s ucheasement byex ecuting th is Easement." This instrument es tablishesa reciprocaluniversalingress/egresseasement over and across !-O IS 5 throu gh 10,inclu sive. T his Easementfurthernote s thatthis grant of easemento ver theproperty of Lot5is .....inthe sa melocationasis th ec urrently Exis tingEasement"(i.e.,theonenoted a bove reciprocallybenefittinglots 5-10,inclusive)andfurthernotesthat "...thiseasem entis addit ional t o anddoes notmod ify ornegate theExisting Easement." Take n tog ether,the a boverecit edinstrumentsestablisha continuous (and overlapping)title interest ov er a ndacross Lots 5throu gh I 0,inclu sive,forthe purpose of ingressandegress reciprocally toalllotowne rs.As noted before .thetitleinterests outlined aboveare in addition 10 theund eniable pre scripti ve rights wh ich havebeenlongestabl ished ontheselotsandwhich interestwellexceed the statutory time requirements . Inlight of t hefo regoing,thiso ffice advisedM s .GisondiandMr.Priebethat although their ex ecutionof thedraft Easement Agreementwould greatlysimplifymattersandeffecta • J\I.Meier,Esq. P a/.:cS O ctober 25 ,2004 consid erable c ost sav ings to both Mr.Jones andthem ,M r.Jones was secure that ,ifnec essary, heco uld effectively movet he Eagle Co untyDistrictCourt lor declaratory rel ief andtha t the Courtw ould findinfavor of t hepropo sition ad vance by Mr.Jones thath is rights toingress and eg ress ove rtheexisting dr ivea reboth prescriptive and of record .S imilarly,a nyandall of the other ow nerscou ldasse rt a ndpre vail upon identical claim s . Although it was hoped t hatincon sideration of theforegoin g,Ms.Gisond i andMr.Priebe would find it inthe ir o wnself-interesttoex ecuteand returnthe easement agreement and would findit fully a ppropriate under th eci rcumstances,instead ,Mr.Jones 'entreaties havebeenmetwith si lence . In th e contex t o f th e foregoing.Mr.Jones is concerned,baseduponrecent acti vity uponthe co nstruction s ite,thatth ec oncernspresaged inthe Community De velopment Departm ent's April 12,2 004M emorandum report,mays oon c ometo fruition ,tow it,that "...all)'owner not included as II part (~rtileaccess easement could limit access'to neigh boring property owners" and thattheGi sondi /Pr iebe project mays hortlyblockaccesstotheeasternportaltoGa rrnisch Drive .Sodo ingwouldnot onl y interfere wi th and impede Mr .Jones 't itle andprescri ptive in terestsinth e eas ementa ndroadway a ccess ,butwould a lso : I.Cause M r.J ones 'p roperty undue hardship (including,without limitation,palpable financial loss);an d ")Effect unnecessary hardshipand inconvenienceto Mr.Jones and /or h is tenants ; Inco nsideration of these po tential losses,Mr.Jones ,by andthrou ght hisoffice,hasdem andedo f ;V Is.G isondia ndM r.Pr iebe th at.inco nsideration of his interests inthedri veway,that: I .'T hey notbl ock th eeas tern port al o fthedri veo r cause ittobe blocked atanyt ime ; ")Any rec onstruction o rre-paving ofth e drive inth earea of the project of construction will take place onl yin the s ummer months andwill allow forMr.Jones 's unimpeded access durin g such pe riod of co nstruction;and 3 .That thefini sheds urface o fthe drive willbe substantially aspres ent ly exists . Again,Mr.J ones'reque sts ha ve be en metwith silence fromMs.Gisondi andM r.Prieb e. Aso ne of theobli gations o ftheTownin issuing a building permit isto ensure that easements and otherr ights are pr eserved by th e permitee,Iofferthis correspondence asMr.Jones 'request • M.Meier,Esq. Pa~c 6 Octuher 25.200-! that the Town either: 1.Require execut ion of the Easement Agreement byall parties:or ,alternatively, 2 .In struct theLot9 ownersthatth ey must honor the e xisting easement andtak e no steps during oraft erco nstructiont ob lockor otherwise interfere withrights of theoth er lot owners (i .e .,5 ,6,7&R)w ho e njoy ,andha ve an interestin ,th e d riveway includ ing , w ithoutlim itation,boththeeastan dwestportal s to Garmisch Dri ve . Whil e Iha vei nmy possession copies o f allthe a bove-referenced documents ,as s everal of them a re either of architectural siz e a ndor of po or printqu ality,Iha ve not made copies foryou . However ,all documentsa rea vailable atthe office of theEagle County Clerk &Record er (either o rbothon computer hard drive and /or on microfiche)or ,ifmore convenient foryou ,I would be pl eased tomeetw ith you accompaniedb y the documents for further discussion .Iwill a lsobe pleased top ro vide youw itha cop yo fth e draft Easement Agreement on your request. Yo urkin d response to this cor respo ndence,o nce youa refullya pprised of all the facts ,wou ldbe most a ppreciated .Th ankyouinadvance for youran ticipatedinvolvementandcoopera tion . My warmest regard s, R ohn K.bbins RK RIdar en cls 3('otaling f 6 pages) c c R .Jones iviafax It"()ends ) Pleasefeel freeto call if Imay answe r a ndqu estionso r concerns or if!mayofferan y cla rifications .I a mlooking fO f\~o hea ring from you soon. I • Dec-05-Z00S 04:42pm .,. From-Go re Ranr ·urvey ini,LLC 9704790055 T-591 P.004/004 F-253 'EXHIBIT AAOJU'i •1.15.00' ot l.T~=2,$,,'00· ARC.n tr CHaR D.M ,"" SIlO -N ~lr'2 'OO'[ -......... VAlL SKY HIGH CONDOMINIUMS (LOT II) '"501l t"ffOll !ap ~oal WUl Switt lC1C \0>1:0 '0 ...5/ [fie),,,-=.,3."'"(~/O )47~1l PART aF lDT I VAil.OAS ~\.1>(0 NO.2) (Jl[C.,11018') R~$.140m On.T'"•18"08'"'' Me.:59.32'_-:II,ID' SIlO •N4¢'3l)'WE I ."':1 I~~,I SCAtil t·•5Q" SH(ET 2 OF'2 D epartment of Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road Va il,Color ado 8165 7 9 70-479-2138 FAX9 70-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Snownow,LLC. cia GregAmsden 500SouthFrontageRoadEast,Suite112 Vail,CO81657 August 4,2004 Re:Snownow,LLC.Newresidence,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot9,BlockG,VailDasSchone Fining2 . Mr.Amsden, ThisletteristoinformyouthattheCommunityDevelopmentStaffhasreviewedyourproposalto establishanaccesseasementfortheeasternparcelofLot8andtheownersofLot10.Perthe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionapprovalofJuly28,2003,therewasonecond ition of approval whichstated ; TheapplicantshallsubmittotheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment a copy of anexecuted accesseasement with theownersofLots 8 and 10.VailDasSchoneFiling 2,prior tothe issuanceof a building perm it. Staff hasdeterminedthatt hewesternparcel ofLot8doesnotneedtobe includedintheaccess easementdescribed aboveasnoportionofthe existingorthenewdriveway,associatedwithaccess to yourproposeddevelopment,·encroacheso nto thatproperty. Itappearsthroughdiscussion thatyouarenearcompletion ofobtaining anexecutedeasementfor accessacross theeasternportion ofLot8andarewillingtograntaccessforLot10acrossLot9 .Staff willconsidertheconditionofPlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionsatisfiedonceanexecuted and recordedeasementispresentedtostaff whichprovidescross-accessfortheeasternparcelof Lot 8 , Lot9 ,andLot10.Anychangetotheapproveddrivewaywouldcausestafftoreeva luate the d eterminations madeinthisletter. Pleasereviewthesecommentsand ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingthisletterpleasecontactmeat 970-479-2148. ~tJ~~::Cev ~V~0U WarrenCampbell 71 Senior Planner Cc :File r~RE CYCLED PAPER .", I. ORIGINAL MEMORANDUM TO :PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission FROM:CommunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE:April12,2004 SUBJECT:ArequestforavariancefromSection 12-21 -14E(2),RestrictionsIn SpecificZonesOnExcessiveSlopes,VailTownCode,toallowforthe constructionofdrivewaysandsurface pa rkinginexcess of10%ofthe totalsitearea,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot 9,BlockG,VailDas Schone2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: I.SUMMARY SnowNow,LLC,representedbyGregAmsden WarrenCampbell Theapplicant,SnowNow,LLC,representedbyGregAmsden,isrequestinga variancefromSection12-21-14E(2),Restrictions InSpecif ic ZonesOnExcessive Slopes,VailTownCode,toallowfortheconstruction ofdriveways andsurface parkinginexcessof 10%ofthe totalsitearea ,locatedat2388Garmisch Drive (AttachmentA).Theapplicantreceivedapprovalofthisrequestfromthe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommissiononJuly 28 ,2003,withonecondition. Thatcondition stated : The applicant shaff submit tothe Community Development Department a copy of an executed access easement withtheowners of Lots 8 and 10; VailDasSchoneFiling 2 ,prior tothe issuanceo f abu ilding permit. Theapplicanthasworkedoverthepastnine monthstomeettherequirementsof thiscondition.Theapplicanthasbeenabletogetallpropertyownersexceptfor theownersoft he duplexonLot8toagreetoanaccesseasementagreement. TheapplicantisreturningtothePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissiontoask thattheconditionofapprovalberemoved. BaseduponStaff'sreview of thecriteria inSectionVIIIofthis memorandumand theevidenceandtestimony presented,theCommunityDevelopment Department recommendsthatthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission deny this variancerequesttoremovetheconditionofapprovalfromJuly28,2003, approvalo ft hisvariancewithonecondition subjecttothefindingsnoted in SectionIXofthismemorandum.Denial ofth is request affirms thePlanning and Environmental Commission's decisionfromJuly28,2003. II.DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST Theapplicanthasbeenapproved byboththePlanningandEnvironmental CommissionandtheDesignReviewBoardtoconstructanewpr imary/secondary - residenceat2388GarmischDrive.Thepropertyhassteepexistinggradesandis currentlyundeveloped.Anexistingdriveway onthesitecurrentlyprovides accesstotheadjoiningproperties locatedbothtothewestandeastofthissite (i.e.lotsLot8and10,BlockG,VailDasSchone2nd Filing).Theexisting drivewayis5,635sq.ft.inarea(26%ofthelotarea).Theadjoin ing Lots8and 10werebothdevelopedunderEagleCountyjurisdiction,laterannexedintothe TownofVail,andarecurrentlylegallynon-conforminginregardtomanyofVail's developmentstandards.Theexistingdrivewaywasconstructedwithoutformal easementagreementsgrantingtheadjoiningpropertiesaccessthroughthissite. OnJuly28,2003,theapplicantproposedtomakeimprovementstotheexisting drivewaytobringthedrivewayintoconformancewithTownofVailengineering standards.TheapplicantalsoproposedtogranteasementstotheadjoiningLots 8and10foraccessthroughLot9.Theapplicantalsoproposedtoconstructa newprimary/secondaryresidenceonthissiteandprovideatotalofthreenew surfaceparkingspaces.Thetotalareaoftheproposeddrivewayandthenew surfaceparkingspaceswas6,486sq.ft.(30%ofthetotalsitearea).Thissite hasexistinggradesinexcessof30%andisthereforesubjecttotheprovisionsof Section12-21-14(RESTRICTIONSINSPECIFICZONESONEXCESSIVE SLOPES),VailTownCode.Section12-21-14,VailTownCode,requiresthat(in part): Notmorethanten percent (10%)ofthetotalsitearea may be covered by driveways and surface parking. Section12-21-14,VailTownCode,limitstheamountofdrivewayandparking area on thissiteto2,149sq .ft.(10%).Theexistingdrivewayprovidingaccessto Lots8and10is5,635sq.ft.inarea(26%ofthetotalsitearea).Therefore,even thoughLot9iscurrentlyundeveloped,itisnon-conforminginregardtothe drivewayandsurfaceparkingarearequirementsofSection12-21-14,VailTown Code.TheapplicanthadavarianceapprovedonJuly28,2003,whichallowed anincreaseinthenon-conformityofthissitebyallowingimprovementstothe existingdrivewayandconstructionofthreenewsurfaceparkingspacesfora totalareaof6,486sq.ft.(30%ofthetotalsitearea).Theconditionofapproval stated: The applicant shall submit tothe Community Development Department a copyofan executed access easement withtheowners of Lots 8 and 10, VailDasSchoneFiling 2 ,prior totheissuance of a building permit. Theapplicanthasmadeattemptstocomplywiththisconditionofapproval.After ninemonthsofworkingwiththeadjacentpropertyownerstheapplicanthasbeen abletogettheownersofLots6,7,9,and10toagreetoanaccesseasement agreement.Theapplicanthasnotbeenabletoreachanagreementwiththe ownersoftheduplexonLot8.Lot8containsthesouthwesternportionofthe approveddriveway curveheadingtotheeastwhichwillserviceLots9and10. Therefore ,theapplicant isreturningbeforethePlanning andEnvironmental Commission toask thatthecondition ofapprovalfromJuly28 ,2003,be removed.AcopyofaletterfromtheapplicantdatedMarch15,2004,which describesingreaterdetailtheapplicant'srequest ,hasbeenattachedfor reference(AttachmentB).Amapdepictingtheeasementproposedbythe 2 - applicantwhichdisplaysthesmallareaforwhichanagreementhasnotbeen reachedisincludedforreference(AttachmentC). III.BACKGROUND •ThispropertywasannexedintotheTownofVail by Ordinance No.26of 1986. •OnJuly28,2003,thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionapproved theapplicant'svariancetoincreasetheareaofthedriveway onthesite. •OnSeptember3,2003,theDesignReviewBoardapprovedtheapplicant 's proposal. IV.ROLESOFREVIEWINGBODIES Order of Review:Generally,applicationswillbereviewedfirstbythe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionforacceptability ofuseandthenbythe DesignReviewBoardforcomplianceofproposedbuildingsandsiteplanning. Planningand Environmental Commission: Action:ThePlanningandEnvironmental Commiss ion isresponsibleforfinal approval/denial/approval with conditions ofconditionalusepermitsand variances. ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionisrespons ible for evaluatingaproposalfor: 1.Relationshipandimpactoftheuseondevelopmentobjectivesofthe Town. 2.Effectoftheuseonlightandair ,distributionofpopulation, transportationfacilities,utilities,schools,parksandrecreationfacilities , andotherpublicfacilitiesandpublicfacilitiesneeds. 3.Effectupontraffic ,withparticularreferencetocongestion,automotive andpedestriansafetyandconvenience,trafficflowandcontrol,access , maneuverability,andremovalofsnowfromthestreetsandparkingareas. 4.Effectuponthecharacteroftheareainwhichtheproposeduseisto belocated,includingthescaleandbulkoftheproposeduseinrelationto surroundinguses. 5 .SuchotherfactorsandcriteriaastheCommissiondeemsapplicableto theproposeduse. 6.Theenvironmentalimpactreportconcerningtheproposeduse,ifan environmentalimpactreportisrequiredbyChapter12ofthisTitle. Conformancewithdevelopmentstandardsofzonedistrict Lotarea Setbacks 3 ...-. BuildingHeight Density GRFA Sitecoverage Landscapearea Parkingandloading Mitigationofdevelopmentimpacts Design Review Board: Action:TheDesignReviewBoardhasNO review authority onaconditionaluse permitorvariance,butmustreviewanyaccompanyingDesign ReviewBoard application. Town Council: ActionsofDesignReviewBoardorPlanningandEnvironmentalCommission maybeappealedtotheTownCouncilorbytheTownCouncil.TownCouncil evaluateswhether or notthePlanningandEnvironmental CommissionorDesign ReviewBoarderredwithapprovalsordenialsandcanuphold,upholdwith modifications,oroverturntheboard 's decis ion. Staff: Thestaftisresponsiblefor ensuringthatallsubmitta l requirementsareprovided andplansconformtothetechnicalrequirementsoftheZoningRegulations.The staff alsoadvisestheapplicantastocompliancewiththedes ign guidelines. Staffprovidesastaftmemorandumcontainingbackgroundonthepropertyand provides astaffevaluation oftheprojectwith respectto therequired criter ia and findings.andarecommendation onapproval,approvalwithconditions,ordenial. Staftalsofacilitatesthereviewprocess. V.APPLICABLE PLANNINGDOCUMENTS Staffbelievesthatthefollowing provisionsoftheVailTownCodearerelevantto thereviewofthisproposal: TITLE12:ZONINGREGULATIONS Chapter 12-6D:Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) District (in part) 12-60-1 :PURPOSE: The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to providesitesfor single-family residential usesor two-family residential usesinwhichoneunitisa larger primary residenceandthe second un it isa smaller caretaker apartment.together withsuch public facilitiesas may appropriately be located inthesame district.The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended toensure adequate light, air,privacy and openspaceforeachdwelling,commensurate with s ingle- famity and two-family occupancy,and tomaintainthe desirable residential qualitiesofsuchsitesby establishing appropriate site development standards. 4 Chapter 12-17:Variances (inpart) 12-17-1:Purpose: A.ReasonsForSeeking Variance:Inordertoprevent or tolessensuch practicaldifficulties andunnecessary physical hardshipsinconsistentwith theobjectivesofthistitle as wouldresultfroms trict or literalinterpretation andenforcement,variancesfromcertainregulationsmaybegranted.A practicaldifficulty or unnecessaryphysicalhardshipmayresultfromthe size,shape,or dimensions ofasiteorthelocation ofexistingstructures thereon;fromtopographicor physical conditionsonthesiteorinthe immediatevicinity;orfromotherphysicallimitations,streetlocations or conditionsinthe immediatevicinity.Cost or inconveniencetothe applicantofstrict or literalcompliance witharegulationshallnotbea reasonforgrantingavariance. B.DevelopmentStandardsExcepted:Variances maybegrantedonly withrespecttothedevelopmentstandardsprescribedforeachdistrict, includinglotareaandsitedimensions,setbacks,distancesbetween buildings,height,density control,buildingbulk control,sitecoverage, usableopenspace,landscapingandsitedevelopment,andparkingand loadingrequirements;orwithrespecttotheprovisionsofchapter 11 of thistitle,governingphysicaldevelopmentonasite. Chapter 12-21:Hazard Regulations (inpart) 12-21-1 :PURPOSE: ThepurposeofthisChapteristohelpprotecttheinhabitantsoftheTown fromdangersrelatingtodevelopment of floodplains,avalanchepaths, steepslopesandgeologicallysensitive areas;toregulatetheuse of land areaswhichmaybesubjecttofloodingandavalanche orwhichmaybe geologicallysensitive;andfurthertoregulatedevelopmentonsteep slopes;toprotecttheeconomicandproperty values of theTown,to protecttheaestheticandrecreationalvaluesandnaturalresourcesofthe Town,whicharesometimesassociatedwithfloodplains,avalanche areasandareas of geologicalsensitivityandslopes ;tominimizedamage topublicfacilitiesandutilitiesandminimize theneedforreliefincleanup operations;tog ive noticetothepublicofcertainareaswithintheTown wherefloodplains,avalancheareasandareasofgeologicsensitivity exist;andtopromotethegeneralpublichealth,safetyandwelfare. 12-21-14:RESTRICTIONS INSPECIFICZONESONEXCESSIVE SLOPES: Thefollowingadditional specialrestrictions or requirementsshallapplyto developmentonanylotinahillsideresidential ,single-familyresidential, two-familyresidential ortwo-familyprimary/secondary residentialzone districtwhere theaverageslopeofthesitebeneaththeexistingor proposedstructure andparkingareais in excess ofthirtypercent (30%):... 5 "" E.Sitecoverageasitpertainstothischapter,as permitted by sections 12-6A-9,12-68-9,12-6C-9and12-60-9 of thistitle,is amended asfollows: 1.Notmorethanfifteenpercent (15%)ofthesiteareamaybe coveredbybuildings,exceptinconjunctionwithatypeIemployee housingunitinaccordancewithchapter 13 ofthistitle,inwhich casenotmorethantwenty percent (20%)ofthesiteareamaybe coveredbybuildings;and 2.Not more thanten percent (10%)of the total site area may be covered by driveways and surface parking. VI.SITE ANALYSIS LotArea:21,492sq.ft.(0.49acres) Zoning:Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential(P/S) LandUsePlan Designation:MediumDensityResidential CurrentLandUse:Undeveloped Development Standard Allowed/Required Proposed Setbacks: Front:20ft.>20ft. Sides:15ft./15ft.>15 It.!>15ft. Rear:15ft.>15ft. BuildingHeight:max.33ft.(slope)/30 1t.(f1at)<33ft. Density:2units +1TypeIIEHU 2units GRFA:5 ,249 sq.ft.4 ,637 sq.ft. Site Coverage:3,223 sq.ft.(15%)3 ,035 sq.ft.(14%) Landscape Area:12,896sq.ft.(60%)13,000 sq.ft.(60%) Parking:PrimaryUnit 3spaces 4 spaces (2 surface) Secondary Unit 3spaces 3 spaces (1 surface) VII.SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING LandUse North:Low-Density Residential South:Low-Density Residential East:Medium-Density Residential West:Medium-Density Residential 6 Zoning Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary Two-Family Primary/Secondary VIII.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS A.Consideration ofFactorsRegardingVariances: 1.The relationship oftherequested variance to other exlstlnq or potential usesand structures inthe vicinity. Theapproveddrivewayandparking areaswill accommodate vehicularaccessandparkingforthissiteandprovideaccessto Lots8and10.Staffbelievedthattheapproveddrivewayand parkingareasareinkeepingw ith thecharacterofthe neighborhoodandthattheapplicant'sapprovedimprovementsto theexistingdrivewaywillbebeneficialtotheexisting andpotential usesandstructures ontheadjoining Lots8and 10.Additionally, StaffbelievedthatmaintainingaccesstoLots8,9,and10through theexistinq ,commondrivewaywillcreatelesssitedisturbance thanrequiring eachpropertytoconst ruct aseparatedriveway connectiontoGarmischDrive. Asthispropertyandtheneighboringpropertiesneverhadaformal accesseasementagreementtheTownrequiredtheapplicantto establishalegallyrecordedaccessagreementforLots8,9,and 10.Theapplicanthasproposedanaccesseasementagreement whichincludesLots6,7,8,9,and 10.If recordeditwould establisheasementsforallpropertiesacrossallthelotsmaking theexistingsituationlegal.Theapplicanthascurrentlynotbeen able \0 reachagreementwiththeownersoftheduplexonLot8.It isbecauseofthislackofagreementthattheapplicant isreturning beforethePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissiontohavethe condition ofapprovalfromJuly28,2003 ,removed . Stafffirmly believes thattheapplicant must haveanaccess easement inplace forallproperties thattheapproveddriveway willcrossandbeimprovedupon.Tonothaveaneasementin placewouldmeanthatatanypoint inthefuturethatanyowner notincludedasapartoftheaccesseasementcouldlimitaccess toneighboring propertyowners . 2.Thedegreeto which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement ofa specified regulation is necessary toachieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites inthe vicinity orto attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staffdoesnotbelievethatthetopographyofthesiteconstitutes anextraordinary circumstanceor exceptional cond ition.Other properties intheTwo-FamilyPrimary/Secondary (P/S)Districtwith similar topographic conditions havebeensuccessfullydeveloped withoutvariances. 7 However,staffbelievedthepresenceoftheexisting drivewayon thissite thatprovidesaccesstotwoadjoiningpropertiesisan extraordinary circumstanceandexceptionalcondition.Staffalso believedtheapplicant requestedtheminimumamountof relief fromthestrict andliteral interpretation andenforcementofthe zoningregulationsnecessarytoachievecompatibilityand uniformity amongsites inthevicinity andwithin theTwo-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (P/S)District.Therefore,Staffdid notbelievethisproposalwouldconstituteagrantofspecial privilege. 3.The effect ofthe requested variance on light andair , distribution of population,transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities,and public safety. Staffbelievedthatthisvariancewillfacilitatetheapplicant's approved improvementstotheexisting drivewaythatwillimprove bothtrafficflowandpublicsafetyonLots8,9 ,and10andon GarmischDrive. Staffdidnotbelievethattheproposedvariancewouldhavea significantnegative impactonlightandair,distribution of population,publicfacilities,andutilities. 4.Such other factors and criteria asthe commission deems applicable tothe proposed variance. B.ThePlanning andEnvironmentalCommissionshall makethefollowing findingsbeforegranting avariance: 1.That thegrantingofthevariance will notconstituteagrantof special privilegeinconsistentwith the limitationsonother propertiesclassifiedinthesamedistrict. 2.Thatthegranting ofthevariancewillnot bedetrimentaltothe publichealth,safetyorwelfare,ormateriallyinjurioustoproperties orimprovementsinthevicinity. 3.Thatthevariance iswarrantedforoneormoreofthefollowing reasons: a.Thestrictliteralinterpretationorenforcementofthe specified regulation wouldresult inpracticaldifficultyor unnecessary physical hardshipinconsistent withthe objectives ofthistitle. b.There areexceptions orextraordinarycircumstances or conditions applicabletothesamesiteofthevariancethat donotapplygenerallytootherproperties inthesame zone. 8 c.Thestrictinterpretationorenforcementofthespecified regulationwoulddeprivetheapplicantofprivileges enjoyedbytheownersofotherpropertiesinthesame district. IX.STAFFRECOMMENDATION TheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentrecommendsthatthePlanningand Environmental Commission deny thisvariancerequesttoremovethecondition ofapprovalfrom JUly 28,2003,fromSection12-21-14E(2),RestrictionsIn SpecificZonesOnExcessiveSlopes,VailTownCode,toallowforthe constructionofdrivewaysandsurfaceparkinginexcessof10%ofthetotalsite area,locatedat2388GarmischDrive/Lot 9,BlockG,VailDasSchone2nd Filing. DenialofthisrequestaffirmsthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission's decisionfromJuly28 ,2003.Staff'srecommendationisbaseduponthereviewof thecriteriainSectionVIIIofthismemorandumandtheevidenceandtestimony presented,subjecttothefollowingfindings: 1.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillconstituteagrantingofspecial privilegeinconsistentwiththelimitationsonotherpropertiesclassifiedin thesamedistrict. 2.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillbedetrimentaltothepublichealth, safety,orwelfare,ormateriallyinjurious toproperties orimprovements in thevicinity. 3.Thestrict literal interpretationorenforcementofthespecifiedregulation wouldnotresult inpracticaldifficultyorunnecessaryphysical hardship inconsistentwiththeobjectives ofthistitle. 4.Thestrictinterpretation orenforcementofthespecifiedregulationwould notdeprivetheapplicantofprivilegesenjoyedbytheownersofother properties inthesamedistr ict. X.ATTACHMENTS A.VicinityMap B.Applicant'sLetterofRequest C.Mapdepicting easement D.PublicHearingNotice 9 Attachment:A ·~.. Snownow LLC 500S.Frontage Road East,Suite112 Vail,Colorado 81657 March 15,2004 Town of Vail Planning &Enviromnental Commission c/oBill Gibson 75 South Frontage Road Vail,CO .81657 Re:Removal ofa Condition on Variance granted for 2388 Garmisch Drive (Lot9,Block G ,Vail das Schone Filing2) Dear Bill: Attached isa completed application foran amendment tothe Planning and Environmental Commission's impervious (driveway)site coverage variance granted in July28,2003 for the property located at2388 Garmisch Drive inWestVail. The basisforthe original variance wasto improve the existing driveway on applicant's property (used by10 neighboring homeowners)tosatisfy requirements ofthe Town of Vail Public Works Department andtheFire Department.The PEC attached a condition tothe variance requiring the applicant to establish an easement for all portions of the driveway,both onand off the applicant 's property,beingusedby adjacent property owners (BuildingsI and 2,Alpen Chalet Townhouses,andAlpen Chalet Duplex). The applicant approached all the owners regarding tbis easement and ,after twelve months and numerous redrafts,is still unable to obtain mutual agreement amongst the10 neighboring property owners.Several owners do not wish to sign any document,regardless of it's content.The applicant has spent considerable time,money (legalfeesand surveying costs), andhashadlosta $675,000 sales contract duetodelaysin start of construction,The building permit hasbeen approved andhas been ready for issuance since December,2003. Sincethe requirement foran easement imposed bythePECisnotfeasible ,the applicant is requesting removal of this condition.All improvements forthenew driveway are located on the applicant's property except forasmall,triangle-shaped parcel owned by Alpen Chalets Duplex (See attached Exhibit A outlining location of parcel).Applicant will indemnify,defend andhold harmless the Town of Vail,its representatives and employees against anyclaims , demands,loss,damages,liabilityor other expense arising out of any actions taken bythe Town of Vailin approving any aspect ofthe applicant's proposed improvements. Voice (970)-476-8610 amsden @vail.net Attachment:B (9701-476-8637 Fax f -'•• .>: If youhaveanyadditionalquestions,don't hesitateto contact meat 476-8610.Thank you for yourtimeand consideration of this matter. Sincerely, Cc :Robert A.Rymer-Manager of Snownow LLC .~- -EXHIBIT A PART OF LOT 8 (!!l.OCl<G, VAlL OAS SOiCM flUNC NO.2) (Jl£c.,110984) RAllIUS -I ~OO' Ofl.TIo •26 ,1t0Q"' ARC -81.97 0i0R0 ..51.-U' eRG -N J 9":2'OO~ " VAIL SKY HIGH CONOOUINIUYS (1.OT 5) -- LOT 10 PD<tiDC\D'G.~,,-.el\-f r;;Whl~ftf,'i~t\f .SC>U:'·.00' ~I\Mtf ~k 1t~rutWt'\'f SHEET2 Of'2 ~~'1:':~'""953 SouthFront.er RoadWPSt .','.C.SuI~l06 Vilft,C0116S7 (gTtI)419"8698'fn (no)479"OOSS Attachment:C / 7 5S outb Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 8165 7 303-4 79-2138/4 79-2139 October 15,1992 Charlotte andNormBroten 810 4-Avenue S .E. Jamestown,North Dakota 58401 DearMr.andMrs.Broten: '., Department of Commun ity Development Iamwritinginresponsetoyour October 9.1992questionregardingtheaccesstoyour ·building.Itismy understanding thatyourprojectwasbuilt prior tothe annexation ofWestVail intotheTown.I would furtherassumethatthis project isa non-conform ing structureand thereforedoesnotconformtomanyoftheTown's development standards including emergency access .Thisisnotan isolatedsituation andoccursonmanyoftheolder properties inVail,especially thosebu ilt whi le inEagle County's j urisdiction.Afterfurther review,I have found thattheFire Department wou ld not use t hisroadtoaccessyourproject dueto lack ofa proper turnaround areaableto accommodate an emergency veh icle.From theTown 's perspective.t heonly legalaccessforyour project isfrom therightofwayon GarmishDrive. ·Becausethereisaccessfromthepub lic rig ht ofway.theTowndoesnot legally havetheright torequire Mr.Hansontoallow youaccessacross his lot.Iurgeyouto contact Mr.Hanson and/orlegalcounselinordertoresolve thisissue. Sincerely, s~~~ Town Planner cc . ·' LarryEskwith,Town Attorney Jeff andSusanHanson,R.J.Hanson Development,Inc. : I.DESCRIPTIOr~CFREOUEST. ,:}d( .''\-" Jeff Hanson ShellyMello Community Development Department MEMORANDUM PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission July13,1992 Arequestfor a variancefromtheminimum buildable lotareaforpartof Lot8andLot9,BlockG.VailDasSchone2nd Filing/2388 Garmisch Drive. Applicant: Planner: TO: DATE: FROM: SUBJECT: AccesstothewesternpartofLot8,Lot7and10crosstheeasternpartofLot8andLot9. Therearenoplattedeasementsforeitheraccess. Theapplicant.ownerofPartofLot8andLot 9,Block6,VailDasSchone#2,isrequestinga avariancefromtheminimumbuildablelotareainordertocombine part of L0t 8 and9intoa primary/secondary lot.Avariancefromthebu ildable lotareais necessary tocompletea minor subdivisionforthislotbecausethe proposed lotdoesnotmeeltheminimumbuildable areaof15,000sq.ft.Buildableareameans"anysite,lot,parceloranyportionthereofwhich doesnotcontain designated floodplain,redhazardavalanchearea.orareas ill excessof 40% slope:(As perSection ,18.04.045 oftheTownMunicipalCode.)The buildable areaofthe proposedlotis12,562sq.ft.Pleaseseetheattachedsiteplan. /I.e.ACKGROUND '1 Avariancewas granted byEagleCountyin1974whichallowedforasubdivisionofLot8into . 2lots(aneastandwestparcel).,A4-plexexistsonthewesternportionof Lot 8andLot7 . andtheeasternportionof LotB is vacant.Lot9isalsovacant.. Thecombinedbuildablelot size fortheeasternpartofLot8andLot9is12,562square 1eel, whilethetotallotsizeis21,562square feet.The easternpartof Lot 8 and Lot9asthey \- exist,arelegallotswithlessthan15,000squarefeettotallotsize.Under currentzoning,part ofLot8wouldbeallowedaprimary unil witharestrictedsecondary employee unit.Lot9 wouldalsobeallowedaprimaryunitwitharestricted secondary employeeunit. I "\ /. 2 CRITERIA ANDFINDINGS '.' 43lft.l. 1\,. 12.562 21,492 4399 sq.ft. 20%-4298 15%-3223 2free market units Sameas Lot8 13,611 20%-2722 15%-2041 3402sq.ft. Existing Lot9 PIS 7,881 1unitwith restricted emp.unit ••• .1970 sq.ft. Allowablecreditsarenot included inthisfigure. Site Coveragemayberestrictedto15%ofthetotallotsize.iftheaverageslopebelow theproposedresidenceandparkingareais greater than30%as perSection 18.69.050 oftheMunicipalCode. InformationonthebuildablelotsizefortheeastpartofLot8andLot9wasnot analyzed.Thebuildableareaforthe proposed lotisless tllan 15,000sq.ft.and, therefore.theIndividual lotswouldnot meet theminimum buildable lotarea. Thesurrounding area iszoned Primary/Secondary Residential.The adjacent propertiesareamixtureof multi-family structures totheeast,westandsouth and2-familyhomestothenorth.Theproposalis compatible withthe surroundinguses. 1.The relationshIp of the requested varIance to other exlstlng or potentlal .uses and structures In the vIcinity.. 2.The degree to whIch relief from the strict and literal Interpretation and enforcement of a specified regUlation Is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites Inthe vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. UponreviewofCriteriaandFindings.Section18.62.060oftheVailMunicipalCode. the Community-Development Department recommends approval oftherequested variance based onthefol/owingfactors: A.Consideration ofFactors: III.ZONINGCONSIDERATIONS Eastern PartofLot 8 Zoning:PIS Lotarea: Buildablelotsize: AllowableDensity: "Allowable GRFA: ••AllowableSiteCoverage:20%-1576 15%-1182 IV. •• ••• Asthesetwopropertiesexist,twounitscouldposs ibly besitedontheeastern partofLot8andtwounitscould be sitedonLot9.Bycompletingtheminor I subdivisionandcreatingasinglelot,thelotwould be moreinconformancewith thesubd ivision regulations(frontageandsitedimensions),however,itwould remainnon-conforminginregardtothebuildablelotarea. Inreviewingthisrequest,thestaffanalyzedthepossiblepre -existing conditions ofthesitepriortotheinstallationofthedrivewaywhichcrossesthesiteaccess toLot10.As itexists,thereareslopesgreaterthan40%tothenorthand southoftheroadcut,whichappearto be theresult at theroadcut.An estimateoftheaverageslopethroughthisarea,Including theroadwayappears to be approximately 37%.Basedonthisresearch,the staffconcludesthatprior totheInstallation ot thedrivewaythelotwouldhavemostlikelymetthe buildablelotareaof15,000squarefeet.Thestaffbelievesthatreliefisfrom thestandardofbuildableareaisappropriateand .....ouldnot be agrantof specialprivilegebasedonthefollowingreasons: 1.Themanmadedisturbancescreateareaswheretheslope exceeds40%.Withoutthesedisturbances,thestaffconcludes thatthelotwouldmeetthebuildablearearequirement. 2 .Thetwoexisting lotsdonotmeetthe standards forbuildable areaalthoughtheproposedlotdoesnotmeetthebuildablelot size,itwill be more inconformancethantheexis ting situation. 3.Thenewlotwillmeetallotherlotconfigurationstandards. 3.The effect of the requested variance on light and air,dlstrlbutlon of population,transportation and traffic facilities,public facilities and utilities,and public safety. I . I J \ ..__..\_.._--_---:------_. Itthetwoaccesspointsaretoremain,thestaffwouldrequirethatprivate accesseasementsacrosstheproposedlotfortheuseofLots7,thewestern partofLot8andLot10 be established priortotheTownrecord ing theminor subdivisionplat.ThedrivewaystoLots7,8and10,acrosstheproposedlot, wouldneedtomeettheTown'sstandards. ,, I j -"--f----t _ .... I .I I " '. Thegrantingofthisvariancewillrioteffectanyoftheremainingabovecriteria. B.ThePlanningand Environmental Commission shallmakethefollowingfindings beforegrantingavariance: 1.Thatthegrantingofthe variance willnotconstituteagrantof special privilege inconsIstent withthe limitations onotherpropertiesclassifiedin the samedistrict. 2.Thatthegrantingofthe variance willnotbe detrimental tothe public health,safetyorwelfare ,or materially injurioustopropertiesor improvements Inthevicin ity. 3.Thatthevarianceis warranted foroneormoreofthefo llowing reasons: a.Thestrictliteral interpretation or enforcement ofthespecified regUlationwouldresultinpracticaldifficultyorunnecessary physical hardship inconsistent withtheobjectivesofthistitle. b.Th ere areexcept ions or extraordinary circ umstances or conditions applicable tothesamesiteofthevariancethatdonot apply generally to other properties i nthesamezo ne. c.Thestrict interpretation or eniorcernont ofthespecil ied regulation woulddeprivethe applicant ofprivilegesenjoyedbytheowners ofother properties inthesamedistrict. V.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approvalofthevariancewithtwoconditions:1)Thatanaccess. easement,whichmeetsTownofVail standards,beplattedacrossthe proposed lotforthe ownersofLot10priortotherecordingofthe minor subdivision plat.2)Anadditionalaccess easementwillalsobeplattedfortheaccesswhichcrossestheproposedlottothewestern partofLot8andLot7 .Both easements sha ll be indicated asprivateaccesseasementson the minor subdivision plat. The staff findsthatthestrictandliteral enforcement ofthisregulationwou ld result inpractical d ifficulty or unnecessary physical hardship as described onPage5ofthememounder Criterion2 .The granting ofthe variance isbasedonthefindinginSection10(B)(1 ,2,3 band c)ofthismemo . Pleasenotethat,under Section18.62 .080 of the TownofVailZoningCode,theapprovalshall lapseif construction Isnot commenced within 1\\10 yearsofthedateof Issuanceand diligently pursued to completion. C:lPECIMEUOSWALDASS.713 4 ~" .' 4.ArequestforaconditionalusepermittoallowapreschoolattheVailInterfaithChapel. 19VailRoadfTractJ,VailVillage1st. Applicant:BennyClark,VicePres.,VailReligious FoundationNail BaptistChurch Planner:MikeMollica MikereviewedtherequestwiththeCommission,statingthattheconcemsthestaffhad inregardtothisrequestweremainlywiththedrop-offareainfrontofthechurch.Mike statedthatthisareaneededtobeidentifiedandthepavementstriped.Mikestated thatthisreuqestwasforaone-yearperiodonlyandtherewouldbenoexterior changestotheexistingbuilding.Thequestionwasraisedastoafencebeingerected andDianastatedthisrequestwouldbegoingtoDRB.Aftersomediscussion,Chuck Cristmadeamotiontoapprovetheconditionalusepermitperthestaffmemoand DaltonWilliamssecondedthemotion.Avotewastakenandthemotionpassed unanimously,6-0. 5.AnotificationofastaffapprovalforaminoramendmenttoSDD#25,DaysInn,to allowforchangestotheeastandnorthelevationsofthebuildingat 2271 North FrontageRoadfTractC,Collins-WirthSubdivision. Applicant:JimWilson/PeterJacobs Planner:ShellyMello ThePEChadnoproblemwiththeminoramendment. 6.Arequestforavariancefromtheminimumlotsizeandaminorsubdivisionforpartof Lot8andLot9,BlockG,VailDasSchone2ndFiling/2388GarmischDrive. Applicant:JeffHanson Planner:ShellyMello ThesetwoitemswerereviewedbytheCommissionwithShellyMello.Shellystated thatthepurposeoftherequestwastocombineLot8 and 9,throughtheminor subdivisionprocessandthattherewasaphysicalhardshipwarrantingtheapproval. Thestaffapprovalwasbasedonthecriteriainthestaffmemo.Afterfurtherdiscussion amotionwasmadebyKathyLangenwaltertoapprovethevarianceasperthestaff memo.GregAmsdensecondedthemotion.KathyLangenwaltermovedtoapprove theminorsubdivisionandJeffBowensecondedthemotion.Thevotewasunanimous, 6-0. 7.AppealofstaffinterpretationofSection18.58.300 -Setbackfromwatercourseofthe TownofVailMunicipalCode. Appellant:BobKandell Planner:JillKammerer Theapplicantwasnotrepresentedatthemeeting.Jillpresentedtheappealtothe Commission,statingthatthedefinitionof"channel"wasbeingdisputed.Itwasagreed thatthe measurement shouldtakeplacefromthemiddleofthecreek orriver,Two letterswerepresentedtotheCommissioninoppositionoftheappeal.Aftersome Planning and Environmonlal Comm ission ......lIng,July13,1992 4 ,' I - 23 P"'O tect;NO.: ~VITe:10 1 1 ":=0 V ....NC~ L ....K EwOOO.CC L a.B021 ~ .(3:23)2 32 -0 l~a ~rr~er-1\fountainJIa..Engineering Ltd . .- A"'CN'.COLC.8 1e ~o (3 03);:.04 g -~0 7 < P.O.BOX:Q1a Separate Cover Vi a o ReportsoSurvey0 _ o Under o P roposa lsoSpecificat ion soChangeOrder ~E ARE FORWARDING TO YOU: ~He re \~ith o Estimates lSY Pri nts .ri Copy of Le tter :~O .COPI ES I DR.;\·/I t~G No .1LAST DATED DESC RIPTIOU - e::.-I m /n ~tr S;u £,,.../J VJ;leJ r..O/err- I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I T HESE ARE TRA NSIJ.I TTED: !Sf For Your Use []For Approve I o For Revi ew and Cocrn en toApprovedasSubmitted ~As Requestedo PL EASE NOTE:...:_---..:._ cc.dell J-laPJJ d t, fii1J !s M~Ji_AR~ ~~i(~/IJjt;-,/C/Arf s /IJ//f lct-l- N EASEMENT FEET28 LOT 18 EXISTIHC BUILDIHG FIL1HC HO.2 ...".'. O~'• .,~~,:. c..... 'l-~. VAll OA8SCHOHE 18 LOTS 8 'S BLOCk G EACLE COUHTY COLORAOC LOTe • PTOF BECIH OUR LOT 9 OUI PART !:!rr....! LIHES C.O . LOT 16 <, ARC ~9.8BFT CUIlVELEFT CEHUAL AHCLE RADIUS 192FT S ~8 99 U 9.~FT 11 HECORHER LOT ., ",". ""-~UEST LIHE LOT 7y'S ~9 ~I 38E IS.92 FT ._--------_._-----'-------'~-----------~--------------------------------,- SDL1THE~LY R 0 U GARNleCH ORIVE --...... 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 October15,1992 CharlotteandNormBroten 8104-AvenueS.E. Jamestown,NorthDakota58401 DearMr.andMrs.Broten: Department of Community Development IamwritinginresponsetoyourOctober9,1992quest ion regardingtheaccesstoyour building.ItismyunderstandingthatyourprojectwasbuiltpriortotheannexationofWestVail intotheTown.Iwouldfurtherassumethatthisprojectisanon-conformingstructureand thereforedoesnotconformtomanyoftheTown's developmentstandardsincluding emergencyaccess.Thisisnotanisolatedsituationandoccursonmanyoftheolder propertiesinVail,especiallythosebuiltwhileinEagleCounty'sjurisdiction.Afterfurther review,IhavefoundthattheFireDepartmentwouldnotusethisroadtoaccessyourproject duetolackofa proper turnaroundareaabletoaccommodateanemergencyvehicle.From theTown 's perspective,theonlylegalaccessforyourprojectisfromtheright ofwayon GarmishDrive. Becausethereisaccessfromthepublicrightofway ,theTowndoesnotlegallyhavetheright torequireMr.Hansontoallowyouaccessacrosshislot.IurgeyoutocontactMr.Hanson and/orlegalcounselinordertoresolvethisissue. Sincerely, s~~~ TownPlanner cc.LarryEskwith,TownAttorney JeffandSusanHanson,R.J.HansonDevelopment,Inc. ..'" 7'j South Fr on t age R oad Vai l ,Colorado 8 J 657 303 -47 9-2138 /479 -2 J 39 October1,1992 Charlotte a ndNorm Broten 8 10 <!-Avenue S.E. James town,NorthDakota58401 Deportm ent ojCom 1111111 ity D evelosnn cnr RE:Roadwayaccessing Lot10acrossLots8 &9,Block6 ,Va il DasSchone SecondFiling. DearMr.andMrs .Broten: Thankyoufor yourrecentletterregardingthedrivewayaccessingyourproject.Iunderstand yourconcernregardingMr .Hansen'sdes ire tovacatethi s access.Uponinvestigation,the ~stafffoundthat,thisroaddoesnotprovidetheonlyaccesstoyourprojectandthatthe parkingforyourprojectisaccesseddi rectly o ff ofGarm isch Dr.If itweretobefoundthatthis access isnecessarytoaccessrequired par king for yourproject ,itwo uld beuptotheowners ofAlpenChalets andMr.Hansontonegotiatesuchanaccesswh ich wouldmeetthe Town 's driveway standards .Ihavenotfoundconc lusive evidencethatthis accessisnecessaryto meetanyofthe Town 's standards.Becausethereisnoeasementonrecordfor thi saccess ,<-'theTowncannotrequi re Mr.Hansontoprovideaccessforyourbenefitunlessit is necessary toaccessrequiredparking.Anyagreementswhichmayhavebeenarrangedbetweenthe ownersofAlpenChaletsandtheownersofLots8and9arenotenfor ceable bytheTown becausewewere notpartytothem. Iama lso sorrytotellyouthatIamunabletoreferyoutoanyrealestateattorneys .There areanumberoffirmsintheTownwh ich couldassistyou ,however ,itisagainstTownpolicy toprovide recommendations otconsultants. Please feelfreetocallmeat303-479-2138 . Sincerely, ~~ Town PI:~I~er I cc .LarryEskwith,T ownAttorneylq0/Je ff a nd Sus an Hanson,R.J .HansonDevelopment,Inc.11 ~ D\C1 ~W-R.-tUu;10 ~6/~~o~ \\uv/MY~~s.~~1tJfrr~~~.J~€--e~~---~.w~ .(R£-n ;771~~)j,./lYLc<f~;iJ,!!F~ U 'U p~fij ~-U~'!IF-ef ~4 (!JldJl/d8~ • EXHI BIT 11 /\11r. SCHEMA TIC DIAG RAM OF ALT ERN AT E DR IVE ON l OT 9 at','Dn~PA RT OF l OT 8 ,BLOCK G, FILING 2,VA llDAS SCHON E,VA ll,CO LORA DO S r '--\C \-./l (.::;-:-r:;\c--\ 0 :::::1\f -..:='=?[,\"~\.r-r-r-"--I '--"'\'--'-J /-,C ~C \\);:;:::V ·.-''--" 285 O;:;IDGE sr . VAIL.CO;.OR.';OO !HG57 TEL EFHON!:(30JI-Hll·2 11 3 J une 25,1982 Mr .and Mr s .Norman Broten C/O Ra inbow Rea lty J ames t 01-1n Ha 11 Ja ;~estown ,N.D .584 01 Dear Mr .an d Mrs .Bro te n : Thankyou for bri nging t oour attention the fact that the schematic diagram was not i nc lud ed in the mai l ing that you recently receive d. ':I ebel ieve t hat th is d iag ram wi l lbe fairly se lf -explanatory andexpla in th equest ions t hat youmighthave vri thr egard to the nel'/ro ad t obe bui lt on l ots8 a nd 9,rep lac in g the e xi sti ng r oad usedby t heAl pen Cha 1et Tov mhous es ow ners . Si nce noeaseme nt had ev e)"been gr anted for the Alpen Cha let TO \'I11 - housesuseof the dr ive\'lay ,it wi 11 beabene fi tto all t he owners t~ havea bet t er drive a nda leg al e asement for th ed riv e.The proposed dr i veway vJill g o across the upper port ion of lots 8and9and vr i l l be cons true t edwhen the nevi QI·tner s aLlots Band 9 a rebllj l dj 09 t hei r home.The ma jor d i ff e rence i s that the users vri llonly be t he Alpen Cha let Tow nhouseovne rs ,gu ests ,an d owners rente rs .Theownersof lo ts 8an d 9migh t also f ind it necessary touse the dr-iveway wh ich they wi l]be buildi ng ..This should g ive the ownersofAlpen Chalet T OI~n-$ houses a se xce ll ent dr i vewey for the movingvans ,pos sible emerge ncy ve hic les,a nd Eagle Cou ntyt rash pic k-upas was the or-i q i na l intentio of the other dr ive~ay Wil ich will be c lo sedt o tr affic a cross l o ts B and9 . • Mr.and Mrs.·Jeff Hanson R .J.Hanson Development ,Inc . Box2885 South Padre Island,Texas 78597 Dear Mr.and Mrs .Hanson : Septembe r 22 ,~199t <f1~~ ~0~\1K Thank y ou for y ou r lettcr of Septembe r I,1 992.I refe rt o your second paragraph ,and can und erstand your con cern for thes teepness of your parcelof land in Vail.It i s f ortunate th at y ou are i nthebul ldlng business ,so y ouwere aware or t hech allenge you wo uld have i n placing a residence on th e l otwhe n yo u purcha se d it.Some ofthe most beautiful homes in Vail seem t obep l aced onhi lls i des t o t ake a dvan tage of the panor - amic views. Your third paragraph refe rs t o"ther oad"pass ing over yourp roperty a s be ing ana lter - n atewaytoge t to th e Al p ine Chalet to wnhouse s.We do not und erstand y our wo rding,a s this has not been an alternater oute,but r ather th eon lyr oute t oth et ownho uses . Agai n i n your fifth paragraph yo ur efer to thi s a s b eing a n altern ate r oute to the to wnhouses. Ou r conc ern is not whether or no t we park im me d iatelyad jacent to the townhouse,which is only possible by ingress and e gres s on the road which c r osees y our prope rty;bu t rath er c losing this r oute would e liminate any pos si ble a c ce sstot he town hou ses by emerge ncy v ehicles s uch as ambulan ces and fire trucks -and probably t he most immediate p roblem wo uld ben o accessability for hi red s now r e moval e qui pment.Durin g th e snow seas on we have hired professional snow removers s ince owning th e prope rty .. We a lso want to state that the townhouse s we re built i n 1974,a ndth e road was t here a tt h at time;and po ssiblyth ere prior to the to wnhousesbe ing built. Yo url ette rs tat es t hat f orm er owner C .V.Chenault stated we were m ade a ware in July of 19 82 that we were crossing private prope rty a t hi s dis cretion.We are en closing 2 letterswe receivedin 1932,onedated June 12 a ndon e June 25 .Both l ett ers are f rom Coldwell Ba nkerT imberline Properties.Th ey includedas chematic diagram "for a b etter dri vean d a n easem ent for the drive ." We gave the permi ss ion asked fo r i n the l e tterof J une 12,1982,i nf air ness to whomever our new neighbors w ouldb e;and onthe p romise int he l e tter t hat t he proposed new drive - way wou ld go across the uppe r portion of Lots 8 and 9 and would be con s tructed when the new own ers ofL ots 8 an d 9would build t h eir ho me.We a s sume you arethose new owner s, w hom we b etivedwo uld li veu p to the terms ofthe l ettersof 1982 . \V efin d no c ommunic ation fr om C.V.Chenault,a nd c an onlyco ncludeth ee nc losed a re copies ofth e1932co mm unications towhi ch you refer re d. \V e are also p rovi di ngco pi es of t his materialt o the Community Development Depa rtment of the TownofVail. • To : Norman H .a ndCh arlo tt e J.Bro te n 8 10 4 -Avenue S .E . Jam estownN .D.58 40 1 Fro m: R .J.Ilanson Developmen t,Inc . Box 2885 'S ou t h Pad re I sl and ,Texas 7 8597 Date :S epte mber 1 ,1 992 r~lpin e Cha let 'I'o wrih ou s e Ovr n e r s , • At t he Jul y 13 ,1 99 2 PEC Meeting ,ourr equest f or av a ria nce f r om the minim um l ot s ize a nd ami no r s ubd iv is ion fo r p art o f Lot8a nd Lot 9 ,Block G,Vail Da sS c ho ne 2nd Fil ing/2388 Garmisch Dr ive was un animou sl y app rov ed . As s al e owner of t he ab ove property ,weh ave d ecided t o er ect a pri mar y/secondary r esidence in the ne ar fu tu re .Due to t he steepness of the parce l,ou r a l l owab le site c ov er a ge h as bee n restric t ed by the To wn of Vail to on ly 3 ,2 23o f t he 2 1 ,492 sq ua re fee t in t he s ur vey ed ar ea . After meeting with a n archite ct and c on side ring the s lop e ana lysis fro m the eng ineers ,we f ee l th at th e o nly econo mic al ly feasib le build ing f60tpri n t i s th ef lat are a t hat cro sses ou r p ro pe rty .I n t he past you have appa re ntly u s ed t h is l ev el a rea as a na lternate way to get to yo urt ownhouses .We h av e c onsi d er ed g r an t~n g t h is as a pr ivate access ,bu t du et o t he p roh ib it ive costs in b o th money and la nd r e qu ired t o mee tt he e xis ti ng To wn of Vai l standards ,we find it i mp ossi b l e f or u s t o j usti fy t his approach . I n order for u s to cont inue with the recording of the minor s ubdiv ision p l at ,we are req uir ed by t he Community Deve lopme nt Departme llt of the To wn of Vai l to p rov ide writt en d ocumen tation o f o ur d ecis io n to all ow or deny a cc ess ac ro ss o ur prop erty . T h ey will n ot a llow u s an ya lternat i ves othe r than a t w en t y -s o ~e foot wi de ,asph alted ,properly drained ,acc e ss r oad .Former o wner C .V .Ch en aults tates that you were ma de aware in J uly of 1 982t hat you were crossing pri vate p ro pe r ty a t h is discretion ,a nd w~must now pro hi bit y ou f rom continuingt o do s o. As t he p resen t ow ne rs o f t hep rope rty as we ll as fu ture nei gh b ors ,we s ince re ly r egret tha t we can n o l on g er a l low y o u to us eo ur p riva t e l yo wn ed prope rty as an alter n ate means of get ti ng t o t he l o we r lev el of the t own houses ,bu t we fe e ls ur e you are abl e to und erstand the fi na nci al h ardsh ip we wou ld be f orc ed to.shoulder if we were to furnish y ou wit h both th e l and •h a nd t he c o st s i n vol v e d i nbU i ld i ng a n as pha lt a ccess roa&'me et i ng the current standa rds .We wou ld a lsob e for c ed to locat e our b uildi ng e nv elope on amuch s te eper a nd les s des i rab le part of the parce l ,resu lti ng in a drast ic and prohibit i ve escal a tion of th e bui ld ing costs . Pl ease be a dvised that the p u rp o se ~f th isc er tif i ed l e tt er i 3 to regretful ly i nfo rm each o f th e t h ree o wners of the Al pen Cha l et Townhouses tha tu pon re cei pt th ey a nd t he ir tena nts are no long e ra llowed t o 'use o u rp r iva te p rope r ty as a so u rce o f e ntry to t he townhouse s . , is South Fronta ge Road Vail ,Colorado8165 7 303-479-2138/4 79-2139 July29,1992 •FILE OOpy Department of CommunityDevelopment JeffandSusanHanson P.O.Box 2885 SouthPadreIsland,TX78597 Re:PEe Meeting July 13,1992-A request for a variance fromthe minimum lot sizeanda minor subdivision for partofLot8andLot9,Block G,Vall DasSChone2nd Filing/2388 Garmlsch Drive. DearMr.andMrs.Hanson: EnclosedisacopyoftheminutesoftheJuly13,1992 PlanningandEnvironmental Commission(PEC)meetingatwhichyourlotsizevariancerequestwasapproved.The attachedcopyofthemeetingminuteswillserveasyourrecordoftheconditionsofapproval. Pleasenotethattheapprovalofthisvarianceshalllapseandbecomevoidifabuildingpermit isnotobtainedand construction notcommencedand diligently pursuedtowardcompletion,or iftheuseforwhichthe permit isgrantedhasnotcommencedwithintwoyearsfromapproval (July 13,1992).If approval ofthisvariancelapses,anapplicationmust be resubmittedfor reconsiderationbythe Community DevelopmentDepartmentstaffandthePEC. Ifyouhaveany questions orcommentsregardingthisinformation,pleasedonothesitateto contactmeat 303/479-2138. Sincerely, 451vv---r1 // Enclosure ,•• 4.Arequestfora conditional usepermittoallowapreschoolattheVailInterfaithChapel. 19Vail RoadfTract J,VailVillage1st Applicant:Benny Clark,VicePres.,VailReligious FoundationlVail Baptist Church Planner:Mike Mollica Mikereviewedtherequestwith the Commission ,statingthat the concernsthestaffhad inregardtothis request weremainly with the drop-off areainfrontofthechurch.Mike statedthatthisareaneededtobeidentifiedandthe pavement striped.Mikestated thatthis reuqest wasforaone-yearperiodonlyandtherewouldbenoexterior changestotheexistingbuilding.Thequestionwasraisedastoafencebeingerected andDiana stated this request wouldbegoingtoORB.Aftersomediscussion,Chuck Cristmadea motion toapprovetheconditionalusepermitper the staffmemoand Dalton Williams seconded themotion.Avotewastakenandthemotionpassed unanimously,6-0. 5.Anotificationofastaffapprovalforaminor amendment toSOD#25,DaysInn,to allowfor changes totheeastandnorthelevationsofthebuildingat2271North Frontage RoadfTract C,Collins-WirthSubdivision. Applicant:Jim Wilson/Peter Jacobs Planner:Shelly Mello ThePEChadno problem withtheminoramendment. 6.Arequestfora variance fromtheminimumlotsizeandaminorsubdivisionforpartof Lot8andLot9,BlockG,VailDasSchone2ndFiling/2388GarmischDrive. Applicant:Jeff Hanson Planner:Shelly Mello ThesetwoitemswerereviewedbytheCommissionwithShellyMello .Shellystated thatthe purpose oftherequestwastocombineLot8and9,throughtheminor subdivision process andthattherewasaphysicalhardshipwarrantingtheapproval. Thestaff approval wasbasedonthecriteriainthestaffmemo.After furtherdiscussion amotionwasmadebyKathyLangenwaltertoapprovethevarianceasperthestaff memo.Greg Amsden secondedthemotion.Kathy Langenwalter movedtoapprove theminor subdivision andJeffBowensecondedthemotion.Thevotewasunanimous, 6-0. 7.Appealof staff interpretation ofSection18.58.300 -Setback fromwatercourseofthe TownofVail Municipal Code . Appellant:BobKandell Planner:Jill Kammerer The applicant wasnotrepresentedatthemeeting.Jillpresentedtheappealtothe Commission,stating thatthedefinitionof"channel"wasbeing disputed.Itwasagreed thatthe measurement shouldtakeplacefromthemiddleofthecreekorriver.Two letterswere presented totheCommissioninoppositionoftheappeal.Aftersome Planning and EnvironmQlllaJ Commission Moedng,July13,1992 4 J MEMORANDUM Jeff Hanson Shelly Mello TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning andEnvironmental Commission Community Development Department July 13,1992 Arequestfora variance fromthe minimum buildable lotareaforpartof Lot8andLot9,BlockG,VailDas Schone 2nd Filing/2388 Garmisch Drive . Applicant: Planner: I.DESCR IPTION CFR EQUEST. Theapplicant ,owner ofPartofLot8andLot9,Block6,VailDas Schone #2,isrequestinga avariancefromthe minimum buildable lotareainorderto combine part of L0t 8and9intoa primary /secondary lot.A variance fromthebu ildable lotareais necessary 10 completea minor subdivision forthislot because the proposed lotdoesnotmeet the min imum buildable areaof15,000sq.ft.Buildablearea means "anysite ,lot,parceloranyportionthereofwhich doesnotconta in designated floodplain,red hazard avalanchearea,or areas inexcessof40% slope:(As perSection 18.04.045 oftheTownMunicipal Code.)The bu ildable areaofthe proposed lot is12,562sq .ft.Pleaseseetheallachedsite plan. II.eACKGROUND '1 A variance was granted byEagle County in1974which allowed fora subdivision ofLot8inlo 2lots(aneastandwestparcel).A 4·plex existsonthe western portionofLot8andLot7 andtheeastern portion ofLot8isvacant.Lot9isalso vacant.. The combined buildable lotsizefortheeasternpartofLot8andLot9 i s12,562squarefeel, whilethetotallotsizeis 21,562 square feet.Theeastern part ofLot8andLol9asthey exist,arelegallotswithlessthan15,000squa re feettotallotsize.Under currentzoning,part ofLot8wouldbe allowed a primary unitwith ares tricted secondary employee un it.Lot9 wouldalso be allowed a primary unitwitharestricted secondary employee unit. Accesstothewestern part ofLot8,Lot7and10crosstheeastern part ofLot8andLot9. Thereareno platted easements for either access. \ • "Allowable SiteCoverage:20%-1576 15%-1182 III.ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Eastern PartofLotB Zoning:PIS Lotarea: Buildable lotsize: AllowableDensity: 'AllowableGRFA: 7,881... 1unitwith restricted emp.unit 1970 sq.ft. Existing Lot9 Proposed PIS PIS 13,611 21 ,492 •••12,562 Sameas 2free Lot8 marketunits 3402sq.ft.4399 sq .ft. 20%-2722 20%-4298 15%-2041 15%-3223 • •• ••• IV. Allowablecreditsare not IncludedInthisfigure. SiteCoveragemayberestrictedto15%ofthetotallotsize,iftheaverageslopebelow theproposedresidenceandparkingareaisgreaterthan 30%asperSection 18.69.050 of theMunicipal Code. InformationonthebuildablelotsizefortheeastpartofLot8andLot9wasnot analyzed.Thebuildableareafortheproposedlotisless 11lan 15,000 sq.ft.and, therefore,theindividual lotswouldnotmeettheminimumbuildable lotarea. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS UponreviewofCriteria andFindings,Section 18.62.060oftheVailMunicipal Code, theCommunity DevelopmentDepartmentrecommendsapprovalofthe requested variancebasedonthefollowingfactors: A .ConsiderationofFactors: 1.The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures Inthe vIcinity. Thesurrounding areaIszonedPrimarylSecondary Residential.Theadjacent propertiesareamixture ofmull i·family structurestotheeast ,westandsouth and2-familyhomestothenorth .Theproposaliscompatible withthe surroundinguses. 2.The degree to whIch relief from the strIct and literal Interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation Is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites Inthe vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 2 43<t(·l. 1\.' • Asthese twoproperties exist,twounitscouldpossiblybesitedontheeastern partofLot8andtwounitscould be sitedonLot9.Bycompletingtheminor subdivisionandcreatingasingle lot,thelotwould be moreinconformancew ith thesubd ivision regulations(frontageandsited imensions),however,itwould remainnon-conformingin regardtothebuildablelotarea. Inreviewingthisrequest.thestaffanalyzedthepossiblepre-existingconditions ofthesitepriortotheinstallationofthedrivewaywhichcrossesthesiteaccess toLot10.As itexists,thereareslopesgreaterthan40%tothenorthand southoftheroadcut,whichappearto be theresultoftheroadcut.An estimateoftheaverageslopethrough thisarea,Includingtheroadwayappears to be approx imately 37%.Basedonthis research,the staff concludesthatprior totheinstallation ofthedriveway thelotwouldhavemostlikelymetthe buildablelotareaof15,000squarefeet.Thestaffbelievesthatreliefisfrom thestandardofbuildableareaisappropriate andwouldnot be agrantof specialpr ivilege basedonthefollowingreasons: 1.Themanmadedisturbancescreateareaswheretheslope exceeds40%.Withoutthese disturbances,thestaffconcludes thatthelotwouldmeetthebuildablearearequirement. 2.Thetwoexisting lotsdonotmeetthe standards forbuildable areaalthough theproposedlotdoesnotmeetthebuildable lot size,itwill be more inconformancethantheexistingsituation. 3.Thenewlotwillmeetallotherlot configuration standards. 3.The effect of the requested variance on light and air,distribution of populatlon,transportation and traffic facilities,public facilities and utilities,and public safety. I I I \ I ---,.- ----.------- Ifthetwoaccesspointsaretoremain,thestaffwouldrequirethatprivate accesseasementsacrosstheproposedlotfortheuseofLots7,thewestern partofLot8andLot10 be established priortotheTownrecordingtheminor subdiv ision plat.Thedr iveways toLots 7,8 and10.acrosstheproposedlot, wouldneedtomeettheTown'sstandards. , I i -"--I------1 _ I / I'. \Ipi..? •• Thegrantingofthisvariancewillnoteffectanyoftheremainingabovecriteria. B.ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionshallmakethefollowingfindings beforegrantingavariance: 1.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillnotconstituteagrantofspecial privilegeinconsistentwiththelimitationsonotherpropertiesclassifiedin thesamedistrict. 2.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillnotbedetrimentaltothepublic health,safetyorwelfare,ormateriallyinjurioustopropertiesor improvementsInthevicinity. 3 .ThatthevarianceIswarrantedforoneormoreofthefollowingreasons: a.Thestrictliteralinterpretationorenforcementofthespecified regulationwouldresultinpracticaldifficultyorunnecessary physicalhardshipinconsistentwiththeobjectivesofthistitle. b.There areexceptions orextraordinarycircumstancesor conditionsapplicabletothesamesiteofthevariancethatdonot applygenerallytootherpropertiesInthesamezone. c.Thestrictinterpretation or enforcementofthespecllledregulation woulddeprivetheapplicantofprivilegesenjoyedbytheowners ofotherpropertiesinthesamedistrict. V.STAFFRECOMMENDATION Thestaffrecommendsapprovalofthevariancewithtwoconditions:1)Thatanaccess , easement,whichmeetsTownofVailstandards,beplattedacrosstheproposedlotforthe ownersofLot10priortotherecordingoftheminorsubdivisionplat.2)Anadditional access easementwillalsobeplattedfortheaccesswhichcrossestheproposedlottothewestern partofLot8andLot7.Botheasementsshallbeindicatedasprivateaccesseasementson theminorsubdivisionplat. Thestafffindsthatthestrictandliteralenforcementofthisregulationwouldresultinpractical difficultyorunnecessaryphysicalhardshipasdescribedonPage5ofthememounder Criterion2.ThegrantingofthevarianceIsbasedonthefindinginSection10(8)(1,2,3 band c)ofthismemo. Pleasenotethat,under Section18.62.080oftheTownofVailZoningCode,theapprovalshall lapseifconstructionisnotcommencedwithin two yearsofthedateofissuanceand diligently pursuedtocompletion. C:'I'ECIIolEIA05WALOASS ,713 4 "/ \\ TO: FROM: DATE: • MEMORANDUM PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission Commun ity DevelopmentDepartment Ju ly 13,1992 • SUBJECT:ArequestforaminorsubdivisionforpartofLot8andLot9,BlockG, VailDasSchone2ndFiling/2388GarmischDrive. Applicant:JeffHanson Planner:ShellyMello I.DESCRIPTION OFTHEREQUEST The applicant,ownerof Part 01 Lot8andLot9,Block6 ,Vail Das Schone #2,isrequestinga minor subdivisioninordertocombinepartofLot8and9intoasinglelot.Theapprovalofa variancefromthebuildablelotareawillalso be necessaryinordertocompletethis minor s ubdivision.Theeastern portion ofLot8,inquestionandLot9are currently vacant. AvariancewasgrantedbyEagleCounty i n1974whichallowedforasubd ivision ofLot8 into 2lots(aneastandwestparcel).Attachedpleasefindacopyofa letter fromEagleCounty which discusses theCounty 's understanding 01 thesubdivision ofLot8.Itistheirfinding that avariancewasgrantedforthesubdivisionofLot8,howevertheyareunabletocommenton thepurposeofaction .A4·plexexistsonthewesternport ion ofLot8andLot7.The applicant's proposalistocombinetheeasternportionofLot8andLot9andcreateasingle primary/secondary lot.Pleaseseetheattachedsiteplan.. Lot8and9arelocatedwith in the Primary/Secondary Residentialzonedistrict.Portions ofLot 8and9are encumbered w ith thefollowinggeologica lly sensitivedes ignations: ·40%slopes •Medium severity rockfall II.ZONING ANALYSIS ExistingeastExisting partofLot8 Lot9 Proposed Zoning PIS PIS PIS LotArea:7.881 13,611 21,492 ••.. Bu ildable LotArea:N/A'"N/A'"12,562 Allowable Density:1 unitwith Sameas 2 free restricted partof market emp.un it Lot8 units 'Allowable GRFA:1970 sq.ft.3402 sq.ft.4399 sq.ft. ••Allowable Sile Coverage: 20%-1,576 15%-1,182 20%-2,722 20%-4 ,298 15%-2,04115%-3,223 • •• ••• III. Allowable credits arenot included inthisfigure. Site coverage may be restrlctedto 15%iftheaverageslope below the proposed residence and parking areais greater than 30%asperSection 18 .69.050 ofthe Municipal Code. Information onthe buildable lotsizefortheeastpartofLot8andLot9wasnot ana lyzed.The buildable areaforthe proposed lotislessthan 15,000 sq .ft.and therefore,the individual lots would notmeetthe minimum buildable lotarea. MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEW CRITERIA A.Lot Area Chapter 18.13.050 oftheTown 's MunicipalCoderequ ires thattheminimumlot orsiteareafora property locatedwithinthePr imary/Secondary Residential zone district be 15 ,000 squarefeet 01 buildable sitearea.As indicated in Section IIofthisstaff memorandum,thezon ing analysis,the proposed lotdoes not meet therequ ired minimumlots ize of 15,000 squarefeetof buildable lot area.The approval ofavariancefromthe buildable lotareaisrequiredtoallow the minor subdivision. B.Frontage Chapter 18.13.050 oftheVailMunicipalCoderequiresthateachlothavea minimum frontageof 30 feet.The applicant's proposed minor subdivision meets this requirement. C.Site Dimensions Chapter 18.13 .050 oftheMunicipalCoderequ ires thateachsiteshall be ofsize and shape capable ofenclosingasquareare 80 feetoneachsidewithinits boundaries.The configurat ion ofthe proposed lotisofasizeandshapethat the proposal can meet the 80 leetsquarearea regulation. • D.OtherRelatedIssues-EmployeeHousing • Inreviewing this application,thestaffconsideredrequiringallowingan employeeunitwithafreemarketunitfortheproposedlot.Wefelt that itwas unreasonabletorequirethisbecause uie applicantwas taking twolotswithtwo freemarketunitsandtworestricted units,and Cl'eating onedevelopablelot with twotreemarketunitswhichresultsinbetterplanning. IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Thestaff recommendation for the proposedminorsubdivisionrequestIsforapprovalwith the followingconditions: 1.Avariancefromthebuildablelotsizebeapprovedby the PlanningandEnvironmental Commission. 2.IttheaccesstoLot10(adjacentlottotheeast)theproposedlotistoremain.an accesseasement,whichmeetstheTownofVailstandards,mustberecordedpriorto therecordingoftheminorsubdivisionplat.CurrentlyLot10hasaminimumof9 pa~k ing spaces eftefGarmisch Dr!ve . 3.Anadditionalaccesseasementwillalsoberequiredfortheportionofaccesswhich crossestheeasternportionofLot8,totheremainderofLot8andLot7. C :IPECIMEI.IOSIHANSON.713 /\ '.'.•e... RD. 16 18 2397 2313 TRACT ·B TRACT 0 WENDY'S 2399 TEXACO PHILLIPS 66 I ;. .....7 OWEST t ;!: .... t,!I; J 3 IWo,IL '/ i I F'x'IT I I ! G'4RMISCH DRIV£" (50') • • • ,.- 1 1../ -- ,,....,. 1._'_', "-.., ~.., .~ .Pd ~• ~ ~ "'1 I .::.'./ ----~- l :t ,_J ,•-,T'" L .\....I ,,-.., L .\...', LOT 9 2/492./2 SQ.FT. 0.493 AC. -r.r:". /·7 1,, 1, I~ (! \''\1 ):~ ~I ~' ..I ''''ll.'=-:I~ ""IV~j.~ ,~ >.,... q,1 ~ e'",' Ij l ~r, ~I-,....., 1-1Cl,.....,-__IJ ~-:7 -',.,r,'r--,-U r //-I r""- :.4SC - I -....-::;---..-"("IV r J -~O -C ~. I J~j V ••_ , I I I I I ~~.,"-r- ,.,.."I l..~.t~',r o ~I ~I ~I ~ ~I ..~I I I I ,,-rL.1./, t1) g: .... ~ ~ . l\) "~ 01 /'-:.. Jt:'it,;, ~,.. ~~':f~~,··..,.-..n.::·'c:,..,... ';,:.'. ':'-'~~.·'.,';.':2 . .... "·c ,-"",'.-'i ~,•.•. ~I f ..• )ti...··.. ~;, t.~;l . £> t ~, ;'?',.:··R r .....1'."-r ur c »'-f--F:C:/~"~~'~i:'I..".I ...' ,:t ..'_'I i:J :? ,~.~: ~,~,"". -, 1":. .::.:~ .~I .., ":t'•......~~.,. :1"-, ~ :\'..,,-.'- L.\....I ")1,-. ijUij\:l'::Of'::Uf";)I:JH 01 '[JIlJLC.LVUNI T CO"..MlJ.'l ITY PfVa.OPMrNT [:HAkIMlNl (lOll J lU HO ••\:lU\:l 'f(ljlIb7iD'If 1 RfC'D JUN 16 1992 . 500 llllOAOWAY P.O.BOX 119 I:AGlE.WlOlWXl81611 tllX (lOl)318 ·7201 Harch '16,1992 EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO Ms.Shel~y Mellow Town of Vail Community Development 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 'RE:The Subdivision of Lots 7 &8,Block G,Vail Das Shone 12 Dear Shelly, At the request of ~r.jeff Hanse n,I h~Ye reviewed with staft and the County Attorney's O[[ice the plat of the Alpen Chalets Duplex,recorded March 11,1974 in book 233,on page 706. It is the opinion of the county staff that,while the plat is not complete to today's standards,the intent of the plat was to further subdivide Lots 7 ,8,Block G,Vail Das Shone /2.It appears that an east parcel,a west parcel,and remainder lot B were created. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call. ()/11----';:;:, Torn Allander Eagle County community Development cc ,file TA Pest·lt·brdlld tax transinJttaI memo 75T1 II ur I~_.. 1~~J,~/lvfrJ,II.,_FIMt T;,.....A- T (j V ICC>.E -?71 t. Cop!.•r:.r;> C,...,f).:....11'1>0 ...32...11-~"1'O fV.#Y7'1-ZJS7 I'u, ,• 75south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 April 19,1990 Ann Mardis Kelton Garton Kendall 288 Bridge street Vail,co 81657 • oftlce 01 community development RE:vail das Schone,Block G,Filing 2,Lot 9,Part of Lot 8 Dear Ann, Enclosed is a copy of the letter that you copied me on concerning the above lot .I have made some notes concerning the sUbdivisio n procedure for the lot.Should you have any questions concerning it please feel free to call me at 479-2138. Thanks again for your help in clarifying the confusion. Sincerely, ~Town Planner •• kelton /garton /kendall real es ta te sa les and d evelopme nt Mr.and Mrs.Jeff Hanson P.O.Box 2885 South Padre Island,TX 78597 April 10,1990 RE:Vail das Schone,Block G,Filing 2,Lot 9,Part of Lot 8 Dear Susan and Jeff: Since my conversation with Susan this past week,I have the following to report with regard to your lot,above referenced . The listing agents (Sue Rychel/Coldwcll Banker and Chuck Crist /Slifer,Smith &Frampton)have no files and no information. Da ve Cole,as Broker,owned the f iles at Timberline Properties and probably has the files in s torage.The Scheideggers have no records l eft since they sold the lot in 1982,eight years ago. I have f ound some information from my files and notes. information is copied and enclosed as follows. Th e fact sheet has pertinent information highlighted. fr om our telephone conversations are also highlighted. is it represented that a triplex could be built on the re ferenced lot. That Two notes No where above I met with Shelly Mello in the Town of Vail Community Development Department.She gave me these steps: 1)Clean-up the lot lines by vaca ting the lot line between Lot 8 and Lot 9. 2)Clean-up the lot lines on Lot 8 and Lot 7. 3)Then you may request RE -ZONING. This information was given to you dur ing the period May-July, 1982.While you did have us obtain permission for a driveway , you did not stipulate vacating lot lines or any re-zoning . The possibility of a t riplexn ev er came up because you were p lanning to build a single family with a rental unit over the garage.AsI recall,re-zoning was not a concern to you in 1982. 286BRIDGE STR EET .VAIL .CO LO RADO 8 1657 •TELEPHONE (303)476-2466 •FAX(303)476 -7994 • April 10,1 990 Mr.and Mrs .Jeff Hanson P age2 . We rep resented the lo t as zoned primary/seco ndary .The total square foo tage o f Lot9 and part o f 8 was 22,651 (over the 15 ,000 sq.ft .n ecessary to s ell the s econda ry port io n)sq .f t.,but depe nd ing on t he slope of the lot .We t old you,we were not s ure you could sell the secondary beca use t A.depended upon th e I ~W1 -s-l-ope-.o ·•An At.1l-;":__-"ilfaw.<._tIJ.U)•tmPj.U.JV ~ Pl ease let me know if I can forward any additional i nformation .~ I would think Mike Perkin,your a rchitec t,sho uld be able t o hand le v acat i ng the l ot lines and re-zoning for you. Sincerely, -~l,'\,'\j~._...----- At C.Mardis ACM /meb cc:Shelly Mello Community Deve lopment Dep t. 75S .Frontage Ro ad Vail,CO 8165 7 ...• J I .Ju l v 198 1'- Hr,.Jotrn Da nq I er 2 4 18Ge rrn i sc n Va l I.Co l ora d o 81657 Dea r Mr .Da ng ler: • L'::Is t ha ve tha t w eek wh i I e I was i n Va i I w e cJ i s c u s se d t ~he f;:l et ,that VO IJ con str u ct ed a masonr y B a r-B -Que pi t a nd a wooden de ck are on my p roperty . You res ide i n a f ou r -pl ex wlli el l i s p arl:l y located O il ,",I e wes t h t:df o f l ot 8 .O loc l<G .VAi l (Ja s ~)cl1 o n e .F i1 i ng t ~o.2 . Town of V a i 1 .Ea g 1 e Cou nty .C e,I o r'a do.My f F.Hn i I y and I o wn the east half of the same Lo t 8 .and al so t he a cJ jo inin(l Lot 9 . (as s ume t hat YOU w er'e mer-el y c a r e l~~s s in v cn n c1i sr e':j"Jl rI nf t he pro pe rty li ne s.bu t.t1I P en c r-oacl llllp rl1:a nel t he re s u t rt n u s i tuation ca n not be to lera ted . P lease have a tI of y ou r co ns t ru ct.t o ris r emov er!f rom mv property o n or befor-e Se p temhe r'I .1986 .so t haI:A I eq:l t r 'eme dv wil In ot be n eede d. Very tru ly y o urs . c -----,--. C hA r-I es V .Chenau It e e l Hr.Buck All en ~ls .Ann Ma r-d i 5 •• kelton/garton/kendall real estate salesand development Mr.Charles V.Chenault Chenault &Associates 1012 Challenger Austin,TX 78734 Dear Charles and Nancy: I\ugust 16,1986 Thank you for having Susan and Jeff sign the listing agreement for Lot 9 and part of Lot 8.We will get the information into the multiple listing with the next publication. With regards to the deck and barbeque situation,John Dangler moved the deck and has made plans according to the county building department official to go south with the deck within his own lot lines toward the smaller I\spen trees.He felt apparently,that he would be better ofE rebuilding everything legally. Everything looks good with regards to the lot,the paperwork and the progress on advertising and marketing your lot.The only factor lacking currently seems to be buyers.We are still not seeing or hearing from buyer s for vacant land in the Vail Valley.I currently have some interest in vacant lots,however, those buyers are interested in the Singletree/Berry Creek area because a property ow ner can become a member and play golf.. I will stay in touch and I hope to have some interest from a local or other buyer beEore winter.It was nice seeing you again and I hope you had a pleasant trip to Vail. Sincerely, Cl~l;{/V --'- Ann C.Mardis Sales Counselor ACM :csg 288BRIDGESTnEET,VIIIL.C OLORIIDO 81657'TEL EPHmlE (303 )~762~6 6 •• DE LANO E,HUDSPETH,PI TN A N A NI>JC\'I'Z L AW O FII'I CI':S MI CH I\,F:L R .TI El B E:T S PA n f N ER Mr.C.V.Chenault Chenault &.Associates,Inc. 1177 West Loop South Suite 1470 Houston,Texas 77027 Dear Charlie: 2 "00 ~IIM H I T TO W I ':ft II f"n~I~N W "'Y I'I.A ?':A II Ql lSTON ,TJ ~X i\S 77()·HJ J une2,1982 Tr.:U :I'IH )t1E 0 71 n n <"l f\ "'rH"I\.coo r 7 1:l J am enclosing a proposed letter for the owners ofth e Alpen Chal et Townhouses to sign in connection wi th your purch aseo f the adj oining property. Please let me knowifyou have any que stions orifyou think any modifications are needed. Yours ve ryt rul y, Michael R.Tibbets MRT/esr Encl. .• ••• June '19 82 2445 0 0 '.I ".:{i (';;'I.:<~.~'-.t.:\__ 1'/.1"":""''5~ '!'I k 1',r.ccllrrler Chenault &.A sso ciates,Inc. 1177 West Loop South Suite 1470 H ouston,T exas 77027 A t tn e Mr.C.V.C he nault Dear Mr.Chenault: Nov 3 a 51 AM 'BZ I am t he owner of Unit _3 of th e Alp cn Cha let Tow nhouses,t he legal d escription ofmy property being a sf ollo ws: Un it 3 Lot Teil(IO>in Block G,Fil ing -TwOW,Va il Das Schone ,Vail , C olo ra do. Ih ereby g ive you my full perm ission an d co n sen t t o,at you rdis cr etion, cons t ruc t a n a lt e rna te acc ess drive to se rve t he lower p ar k ing le vel of th e building in which my unit is located as se t forth o n th ea ttac hedd iagram,wi th such d rive to be gravel s urfaced and ha ving not mor e th an an e ightperc ent (8 %) grade. This c onsentis c onditionedont he u nders tandi ngt h at u pon completionof the drive ,anyand all land on Lot Nine (9)that is use d for c onst ruc tionof the drive wil l be conveyed by you to the owners of the Alpen C ha let T ownhouses as p art of the common a rea.In consider ati on f ors uch c onveya nceI agree t owa ive a nd release i n writing any further right to use t hep rivater oad w ay n ow lo c at ed o n Lots Eight (8)and Nine (9).In th e e ven t th at you e le c t n ot t o con s truc t th e alt ernate access drive or if for any r eason you fail t o conveyth e land o n which the drive is located to the owners of the I\l pen C halet T o wnhous es,th en I wi ll continue to us e the private drive nowloc at ed onLots Eig ht (8 )a ndN ine(9). Yo~"tt.Jr er y truly, I •-0 (,.\..--(I,f -o-\'.,(.'-./L ·"'-:' Thomas C.lIill /II"CZ::-1~{<;t5'./doLl/ Linda lIil1 Bo x 1334 Vail,CO 8 1658 ••24450, I I :.3 J./~··., I '",~r \!Q 0 .... Nov 3 8 51 M4 lSI ,l ),,'\ )l Chenault &.Associates,Inc. 1177 West Loop South Suite 1470 Houston,Texas 77027 l\t tn:Mr.C.v,Che nault Dear Mr.Chenault: Joh nnet !e r!1 :!":~,r-'",fb l(p,P.cc o:dr.r June ,19&2 I am the owner of Unit 4 of the Al pen Chalet To wnh ous es,t he legal description of my prop erty being as I ollowss Unit 4 -Lot T en TfOT in Block G,rTITng -T \\;c)(2 };-V il n --n a s-Sc G(;;~c ,'viii!; Color ado. Ih er eb y give you my full p ermi ssion a nd c onsent to,at y our di scr etion, c onstruct an a lte rna te a ccess d ri ve to s e rveth e lo wer p a rkin g le vel o f the bu ildingin wh i ch my unit is located as se t fort ho nt he a ttac hed d iagra m,wi th s uch d rive to be gravel surfaced and h aving n ot m ore than an ei ght p ercen t (8%) grade. This consent is conditioned on the und erst anding that upo n compl e tio n of the drive,any and all land on Lot Nine (9)that isus ed for c on st ruc tio nofth e drive will be conveyed by you to the own ers of the Alpen Chalet T ownhouses as part of the common area.In consideration forsu chc onveyanceI agr ee to waive a nd release in writing any further right to use the private roadway 11 0'.1.'lor at ed on Lots Eight (8)and Nine (9).In the ev ent that you e-lr-ct 110t to cons tru c t th e alternate a cce ss drive or if for any r e ason you fail to convey th e land on w hich the drive islo cated to the owners of the Alpcn Ch alet Townho u ses,th en f w ill con tinueto use the private drive n ow lo c at ed 01 1 l.o t s E ight (8)a nd N i ne (9). Yo urs v ery truly, .~i.~'~~'~"1<--'/1.IJ:-.;:t ~ Hr .Nor ma n ll ,Brot en ~A~J;I'~lcIJth~ Charl ot te Bro te n . r./o nil i IIhol'l r~('il 1 t y J ""."S t (1',:11 1·1,11 1 ,L ;'"';I (1\','11 ,N.Il .r;WI D1 ._--'--••24449 9 nco'(_.3 "'~..- r:r"J~~.- NBV 3 e 51 AM 'HZ 1 ') Ch enault &.A ss oc iat es,Inc. 1177 West Lo op So uth Sui te 1'170 Houst on,T exas 770 27 Attn:Mr.C.V.Ch en ault Dear Mr.Ch en ault: John nctl e r h :l!i:'~r :,.'r ...···""r'\P,r ~"r :n :rt r r June ,19l\2 I a m the owner of Unit 2 of th e Alp en Chal et T ownh ou ses,the l e gal desc ription of myp rop erty being as f ollows: Unit 2 Lot TeTl(f5}lnHlockG;TIJTllg T \\~oU )'-'Va i1 C olorado. D asS c h one ,Vail, Ih er eby giv e you Illy full p ermi s si on a nd co n se-nt t o,a t yo ur di scre tio n, c ons truc t an a lterna te ac cess d ri ve t o s erve t he lower p ar king lev el o f th e bui lding in wh ich m yun it islo cat ed as se tf o rth o n th e a t tachedd iagram,wi th s u c h drive to be gr avel surfa ced and ha ving not more t h an a n ei ght p er c ent (8 %) gr ade. This c o nsent is conditioned on th e u nd erstanding th at upon co mp let ion of the drive,anyand all land on Lot Nine (9)that isus ed f or co nstru c tionof th e dri ve will be conveyed by you to the o wn ers of the A lpen Chal et Townhous es a s p art of the c ommon area.In consid era tion f orsu ch conveya n c eI a gree to w aive and r elease in writing any further right tou se the priv at e r oadway now lo c at ed on Lots Eight (8)a nd Nine (9).In th ee vent that y ou e lc ct n ot t o cons tr uc t the a l te rnate acce ss dr ive orif for a ny r ea s o n you f ail t o conve y th e land o n ·...h i c h th e dri ve islo c ated to the o wn ers of t heA lp en Ch ale t Tow nh o u s es,t h e n I wi ll continuet o u s e the pr ivate drive n ow loc at e donLots Eig ht (8 )a nd N ine (9). Y ou rs v ery t ruly,.}I /'i ("r tJjJ[1 ,. '----_.~,L J:ie h -r~·lt a l 1e r [lo x 350 2 Vail ,CO 8 1658 • Chena ult &.Associa tes,Inc. Illl \re st Loop South Sui te /100 H ou sto n,Tex as 77027 A t tru Mr.C .V.C he na u lt •24449 B J ll h ll n c l ll ~!'Ii:::;:',r ,,',''"','r :I '~l k ?Rc :orrl er June ,1982 3t.\'l<-_._----- '(, 1;'",-I "(O!:,S7 :~f'i Nov 3 8 51 AM '8Z Dear Mr.C henaul t:/'<~-') J a m the o wner of Unit I!C;P '~;"t h e Alp enCh aletTow nhous es,the legal description ofmy ~,~R ~,r,ty being as follo ws: Unit 'L ~/J~:~" LotTen {lOY in l3lo ck G,filing f\voT;i},--v,~ir5ii~~'-S chon e;-'vi;;1; Co lor a do. I her e by g ive y ou my full p e r missio n an d consen t t o,a t y ou r dis cret ion , c onstruc t a n a lt e rn a t ea cce ss dri v e t o s e rv e t h e lowe r pa r king l e vel o f th e bu il d ing i n wh ich my ')flit islo c at e d a s se t f orth o n t he at t ac hed d iag r am,w ith s u c h d rivetobe gr av el s urfa ced a ndh a vi ng n ot 1Tl00 e t ha n a n e ig ht p e r cent (8 %) grade. This c onsentis condit ion ed on th e unrl er st a ndi ngth at u pon co mpletionof the drive,any and all land on Lot Nine (9)th at is u s ed for c on struction oft he drive w illbe conveyed by you to the own er so f the A lp e n Chalet To wnhousesa s part of the common area.In consideration for s uch c onv eyance I agr ee to waive a nd rel ease in w riting any further right to u se the private roadway n o w lo cated o nLots Eight (8)and Nine (9).In th e ev ent that you e le ct not to construct t he a lt e rn a te a c ce ss drive or if for a ny reason you fail t o con vey th e la nd o nwhi ch the drive islo cated to the owners of the Alpen Ch al et To wnh ous es,th en J will c o nti nueto us e the p r i v a t e dri v e no w l o ca t r-d o nLo t s E ig ht (n :lI ld N j ll ~(9). Yo urs ve ry t ruly, (/)'1'~II I)y (,f),I.'1 ,~.('~I 0./", I'la!y K /We11 s ,/)J /;'1 .,'-.<:.,('10 :{l (..~';;/'~4j(',f.','I /I ,.I "(:~ ,h I ck Hlq t e [':ox 35 1)~ V.l i l,co 8 1658 •EXHIBIT "]\"• This sal e i sc ond i ti one d urpo n So l Te r furni s hing Ruy er o n or b efore 1'lny 1 0 ,198L with the followi ng : n .Sati s factory evidence tll at c it y s~w er,el ectr ic i ty ,water,an ~ te l ephone services ar e availa ble to su bj ect property,and IJ.Th e written cons ent of n Il the o wn er s of tIle 8 un it buil d in g s it ua ted o n th e lot lying adjac ent t o and directly to tIle east of th e Subj ect Property allowing Bu y er to,at Buy er's discretion ,cons truc t an alternate access drive to serv e t he low er parking lev el of sa id building as s et forth on th e attac lle d diagr am,w ith s uc h driv e to be gravel surfaced and havi ng n ot mor e ttlan a s ev en percen t (7%)grad e , provided that the land used fo r the cons tructi on of said drive slla]] b e conveyed to the owne rs of s aid b uildi ng by B u ye ru p on c o mpletion of the drive,in consideration f o r whic h th e o wne rc o fsa i db ui.lrli ng will waive a ny further right to u se th e privat e ro adway n ow l oc ated on lot s 8 and 9 . --------------------...r~ ...----..-- ----- -------------_.."-.-. :6 \J N,t" :P",U I L.o rll Ih.\9 L.-Il....[3 ~0 T ~ <;.L JW E.C--r f.-.N7 £l<:Ty . \ D I A c:;;\Z A t/)ot==AL---rE R.-"JAlE D t2\Ve NO,,0 -S-e:A.L.E: , LdJ 00, ~3. j I I 1 I ·~~~) e ..LcJ 0 0 ".')-10 3 - - /1'-1 - ~L cJ 001.\ I 1 I. ':).1 0 ~I)L.-I I ~o 0 y- ~I0 ~II l.i 0 {O\:&- .. I\0\0 I I 11;0 05 I I ·~.~~ ~e :w 00'1 J I •i I ~ I ~ t •~ ~ • ~·e t ~ I I I ~ I I J I ~ • ~-I ... 11L.1 01 v~tJ, •• Present GregAmsden JeffBowen ChuckCrist DianaDonovan KathyLangenwalter DaltonWilliams Absent GenaWhitten PLANNINGANDENVIRONMENTALCOMMISSION July13,1992 Staff KristanPritz JillKammerer ShellyMello MikeMollica TimDevlin AndyKnudtsen MaryCaster Themeeting wascalledtoorderat12:35p.m.byChairpersonDianaDonovan . Worksession 1.Arequestforaworksessionforaminorsubdivisionandazonedistrictchangefrom Primary/SecondaryResidentialtoLowDensityMultipleFamily,fortheSchmetzko property,generallylocatedat2239ChamonixLane,more particularly describedas: ParcelA:Atractoflandcontainingoneacre,moreorless,locatedin theSouth1/2oftheSouthEast1/4ofSection11,Townsh ip 5South, Range81WestoftheSixthPrincipalMeridian,more particularly describedasfollows: BeginningattheNEcorneroftheSW1/4oftheSE1/4ofsaidSection 11;thencewesterlyalongthenortherlylineofsaidSW1/4oftheSE1/4 bearingsouth8620'Wadistanceof167.80 ft.toapoint: Thencesoutherlyalongaline167.80 ft.distantfromandparalleltothe eastlineofsaidSW 114 oftheSE1/4,adistanceof200.00 ft.toa point: Thenceeasterlyadistanceof167.80 ft.alongaline200.00 ft.distant fromandparalleltothenorthlineofsaidSW1/4oftheSE1/4toa pointonitseastline; ThenceeasterlyonalineparalleltothenorthlineoftheSW1/4ofthe SE1/4ofSection11,adistanceof50.95 ft.toapoint: Thencenortherlyandparallelwiththe west lineoftheeast1/2oftheSE 1/4ofsaidSection11,adistanceof200.00 ft.tothepointof intersectionwiththeextensionofthenorthlineoftheSW1/4oftheSE 1/4ofsaidSection 11; •• Thencewesterlyonadeflectiveangleleftof9521'00·alongthe extensionofthenorthlineoftheSW1/4oftheSE1/4ofsaidSection 11,adistanceof50.95ft.totheNEcorneroftheSW1/4oftheSE1/4 ofSection11,beingthepointofbeginning. ParcelB:TractA,VailHeightsFilingNO.1accordingtotherecorded platthereof. Applicant: Planner: ErichSchmetzko AndyKnudtsen AndyKnudtsenmadethestaffpresentationfollowedbythe applicant's presentationby MarkDonaldsonandRickRosen.MarkDonaldsonaskedaquestionregardingthe statementinthestaffmemostipulatingthattheGRFAwouldhavetobedistributed evenlyamongall7units.Andyrespondedthatoncetheacceptablenumberofunits weredetermined,thattheTownwouldbeinterestedinseeingthatnumberofunitswith anappropriateamountofGRFAineachone.ItwasnotthedesireoftheTowntosee LDMFdensitiesofGRFAusedonthesiteforonlyafewdwellingunits.Aftersome discussionoftheemployeehousingunitissue,eachofthePlanningCommission membersstatedhisorherposition. ChuckCristsaidthattherequesteddensityof9unitswasacceptable.Requiringan SDDtodocumentallofthedecisionswouldbenice,butnotnecessaryifadifferent document couldberecordedthatwouldbeaseffective.Chuckwantedtoknowwho wouldowntheemployeehousing.RickRosensaidthatideallytheywouldbefree marketunitsrestrictedtopurchaserswhowereemployees.Ifthatalternativewasnot suitabletotheTown,thenahomeowners'associationwouldrenttheunits.Kristan PritztoldtheCommissionthatemployeeunitdeedrestrictionsdonotallowthesaleof theunits.Rickthensaidthathemaywanttoreconsiderthetwounitemployee housingcomponentoftheproposal.Whathehadinmindwhenhesuggesteditwas somethinglikethePitkinCreeksituation.MarkDonaldsonaskedtheCommissionif thetwoemployeeunitsthathadbeenproposedwereacriticalcomponentofthe request.ThePECrespondedthattheywere.ChuckCristcontinuedwithhis commentsandsaidthatforsaleunitsforemployeeswouldbeacceptabletohim.His lastcommentwasthattheviewcorridorsfromthepropertyshouldbeaddressedwith thesiteplan. DaltonWilliamssaidthatforsaleemployeehousingunitswereacceptabletohim. However,hewouldpreferthattheyberentedbytheCondominiumAssociation . Daltonhadquestionsaboutthewaterchannelization.Specifically,wherewouldthe watergoonceitleftthespillwayofthedebrisbasinandwentdownthedriveway? WouldItimpacttheDaysInnparkinglot? KathyLangenwaltersaidthatthecurrentsiteplanwasagooddesignsolution.Given thissiteplan,Kathysaidthedensityof9unitswasokay.However,inordertoinsure thatthissiteplanwouldbeconstructedinthefuture,requiringanSDDwasimperative forhertosupporttherezoningrequest.Shebelievedthesiteplancouldbeimproved byreducingthe2to1slope,documentinghowtheannualcleaningofthebasinwould 2 •• takeplace,andpreservingthe2guestparkingspaces. GregAmsdenhadnoproblemwiththe9unitsandagreedwithChuckCristaboutthe viewcorridors.JeffBowenwasconcernedaboutdensity,unlesstherequestincluded anSDDcomponent.With anSDD,Jeffbelievedthatthedensitywouldbeokay.Jeff wasparticularlyconcernedaboutpage4oftheArthurMearsreport.Hewantedto knowwhowillberesponsiblefortheannualcleaning ofthedebrisbasin.Mark Donaldsonrespondedtothiscommentandsaidthehomeowners'associationwould taketheresponsibility.Dianaspecificallyhadquestionsaboutthesitecoverage.She requestedtheapplicantsshowalloftheareawhichwouldbesitecoverageasthe currentplansonlyreflectedthefirstfloor. IngeneraltheCommissionbelievedthatthesiteplanwasagoodsolutionforproviding adebrisflowbasinwithoutimpactingtheadjoiningpropertiestoomuch.Theyall agreedthatthissiteplanshouldbedocumentedinconjunctionwiththerezoningso thatafuturedeveloperwouldhavetocomplywithitsstandards.However,theydidnot necessarilywanttorequireanSDDifdocumentationrequiringthisparticularsiteplan tobeconstructedinthefuturecouldbehandledinadifferentmanner. 2.Arequestforaworksessionforaconditionalusepermit,aminoralexterioralteration andsitecoveragevariancetoallowfortheexpansionofanexistingoutdoordining deck atSweetBasilRestaurant.193GoreCreekDrivelPartofLotA,Block5B,Vail VillageFirstFiling. Applicant:KevinClair Planner:ShellyMello NedGwathmeypresentedtheproposal.Therewasgeneralconsensusthatthe locationofthedeckwasacceptableaslongasmoreplantingwasaddedtotheplan. 3.ArequestforaminorexterioralterationtoaddanelevatortotheMillCreekCourt building.ApartofLotIBlock5A,VailVillage5th!302GoreCreekDr. Applicant:JohnKaemmer/AnnBrown Planner:MikeMollica MikepresentedtherequesttotheCommission.TheCommissionrequestedthatthe sizeofevergreenandaspentrees,proposedtobelocated,bedocumentedandfelt thattheelevatorwouldnotbeaprobleminthisarea.Aftersomediscussionamotion wasmadebyDaltonWilliamstoapprovetheminorexterioralterationandGreg Amsdensecondedthemotion.Avotewastakenandthemotionpassedunanimously, 6-0. 4 .ArequestforaconditionalusepermittoallowapreschoolattheVailInterfaithChapel. 19VailRoadlTractJ,VailVillage1st. Applicant:BennyClark,VicePres.,VailReligious FoundationNail BaptistChurch Planner:MikeMollica •• MikereviewedtherequestwiththeCommission,statingthattheconcernsthestaffhad Inregardtothisrequestweremainlywiththedrop-offareainfrontofthechurch.Mike statedthatthisareaneededtobeidentifiedandthepavementstriped.Mikestated thatthisreuqestwasforaone-yearperiodonlyandtherewouldbenoexterior changestotheexistingbuilding.Thequestionwasraisedastoafencebeingerected andDianastatedthisrequestwouldbegoingtoDRB.Aftersomediscussion,Chuck Cristmadeamotiontoapprovetheconditionalusepermitperthestaffmemoand DaltonWilliamssecondedthemotion.Avotewastakenandthemotionpassed unanimously,6-0. 5 .AnotificationofastaffapprovalforaminoramendmenttoSDD#25,DaysInn,to allowforchangestotheeastandnorthelevationsofthebuildingat2271North Frontage Roadffract C,Collins-WirthSubdivision. Applicant:JimWilson/PeterJacobs Planner:ShellyMello ThePEChadnoproblemwiththeminoramendment. 6.Arequestforavariancefromtheminimumlotsizeandaminorsubdivisionforpartof Lot8andLot 9,BlockG,VailDasSchone2nd Filing/2388 GarmischDrive. Applicant:JeffHanson Planner :ShellyMello ThesetwoitemswerereviewedbytheCommissionwithShellyMello.Shellystated thatthepurposeoftherequestwastocombineLot8and 9,throughtheminor subdivisionprocessandthattherewasaphysicalhardshipwarrantingtheapproval. Thestaffapprovalwasbasedonthecriteriainthestaffmemo.Afterfurtherdiscussion amotionwasmadebyKathyLangenwaftertoapprovethevarianceasperthestaff memo.GregAmsdensecondedthemotion.KathyLangenwaltermovedtoapprove theminorsubdivisionandJeffBowensecondedthemotion.Thevotewasunanimous, 6-0. 7.AppealofstaffinterpretationofSection18.58.300-Setbackfromwatercourseofthe Townof Vail MunicipalCode. Appellant:BobKandell Planner:JillKammerer Theapplicantwasnotrepresentedatthemeeting.Jillpresentedtheappealtothe Commission,statingthatthedefinitionof"channel"wasbeingdisputed.Itwasagreed thatthemeasurementshouldtakeplacefromthemiddleofthecreekorriver.Two letterswerepresentedtotheCommissioninoppositionoftheappeal.Aftersome discussionJeffBowenmadeamotiontosupportthestaffinterpretationandDalton Williamssecondedthemotion .Avotewastakenandthemotionpassedunanimously, 6-0. 4 •• 8.Arequesttomodifythelandscapingplanassociatedwiththepreviouslyapproved exterioralterationproposalfortheSlifer BUilding,230BridgeStreet/PartofLots Band C,Lot5,VailVillageFirstFiling. Applicant:RodandBethSlifer Planner:JillKammerer JillpresentedtherequesttotheCommission.Adiscussionfollowedregardingwhat typeoflandscapingthatshouldberequiredinfrontofthebuildingfacingBridgeStreet. Theoriginalplanwastohaveanevergreentreeplantedintheplanter.Thepossibility ofplantedpotsthatwouldberemovedinthewinterwasdiscussed.Apollofthe Commissionwastakenandthegeneralconsensuswasthattheoriginalproposal shouldbeimplemented.KathyLangenwalterstatedthatsinceshewasnotabletogo onsitevisitsshewouldabstainfromcommentingorvoting.NedGrathmey,the architectontheproject,askedtheCommissioniftheitemcouldbetabledatthistime tothefirstmeetinginAugust,sohecouldworkwiththeapplicantincomingupwitha suitablesolution.DaltonWilliamsmadeamotiontotablethisitemandrescheduleto theAugust10,1992meeting.JeffBowensecondedthemotion.Avotewastaken andthemotionpassed5-0,withKathyLangenwa/terabstaining.Adiscussionwas heldregardingthenewspaperstandslocatedinfrontoftheOreHouse.Itwas suggestedthatRodSlifercontacttheVailDailyandVailTrailandaskthemtoremove thestands. Items9,10and 11 hadbeenrequestedtobetableduntiltheJuly27,1992,meeting.Kathy LandengwaltermadeamotiontotabletheseitemsandDaltonWilliamssecondedthemotion. Avotewastakenandthemotionpassedunanimously,6-0. 9.Arequestforaworksessionforanamendmenttoanapproveddevelopmentplanto allowtheshiftingofthebuildingenvelopesatTheValley,PhaseIV/1700Blockof BuffehrCreekRoad. Applicant:EdZneimer Planner:AndyKnudtsen TABLEDTOJULY27TH PEe MEETING 10.ArequestforavariancetoSection18.58.320 toallowforsatellitedishantennastobe locatedatTheWrenandApolloParkCondominiums.TractD,VailVillage5th Filing/442and500FrontageRoadEast. Applicant WrenandApolloCondominiumAssociations Planner:TimDevlin TABLEDTOJULY27TH PEe MEETING 5 •• 11.Arequestforsetbackvariancestoallowtheconstruction ofadeckattheKandell residence.4259NuggetLaneEast!Lot2BighornEstates,ResubdivisionofLots10 and11. Applicant:BobKandell Planner:JillKammerer TABLEDTOJULY27TH PEe MEETING 12.AppointmentofPECrepresentativetoMunicipalBuildingTaskForce. JeffBowenwasappointedtotheMunicipalBuilding TaskForce. 13.ApprovalofJune22.1992meetingminutes. JeffBowenmadeacorrectiontotheminutes.AmotionwasmadebyChuckCristto approvetheJune22minutesascorrected.DaltonWilliamssecondedthemotion.A votewastakenandthemotionpassed5-0,KathyLangenwalterabstaining. C:IPECIMINUTES1071392 6 7S South Frontage Road Vail ,Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/4 79 -2139 July29,1992 •• Department of Community Development JeffandSusanHanson P.O.Box2885 SouthPadreIsland,TX78597 Re:PEC Meeting July 13,1992·A request for a variance from the minimum lot size and a minor subdivision for part of Lot 8 and Lot 9,Block G,Vail Das Schone 2nd Filing/2388 Garmlsch Drive. DearMr.andMrs.Hanson: EnclosedisacopyoftheminutesoftheJuly13,1992PlanningandEnvironmental Commission(PEC)meetingatwhichyourlotsizevariancerequestwasapproved.The attachedcopyofthemeetingminuteswillserveasyourrecordoftheconditionsofapproval. Pleasenotethattheapprovalofthisvarianceshalllapseandbecomevoidifabuildingpermit isnotobtainedandconstructionnotcommencedanddiligentlypursuedtowardcompletion.or iftheuseforwhichthepermitisgrantedhasnotcommencedwithintwoyearsfromapproval (July 13,1992).Ifapprovalofthisvariancelapses,anapplicationmustberesubmittedfor reconsideration bytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentstaffandthePEC. .Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorcommentsregarding this information.pleasedonothesitateto contactmeat303/479-2138 . Sincerely, /"'n';tf;1 ' Enclosure 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 303-479-213S 14 79-2139 October1,1992 •• Department of Community De"Jelopment CharlotteandNormBroten 8104-AvenueS.E. Jamestown,NorthDakota58401 RE:RoadwayaccessingLot10acrossLots8 &9,Block6,VailDasSchone SecondFiling. DearMr.andMrs.Broten: Thankyouforyourrecentletterregardingthedrivewayaccessingyourproject.Iunderstand yourccncc rn regarcing Mr.Hansen's desireto vacate thisaccess .Upon investigation ,the stafffoundthat,thisroaddoesnotprovidetheonlyaccesstoyour project andthatthe parkingforyourprojectisaccesseddirectlyoffofGarmischDr.Ifitweretobefoundthatthis accessisnecessarytoaccessrequiredparkingforyourproject,itwouldbeuptotheowners ofAlpenChaletsandMr.HansontonegotiatesuchanaccesswhichwouldmeettheTown's drivewaystandards .Ihavenotfoundconclusiveevidencethatthisaccessisnecessaryto meetanyofthe Town's standards.Becausethereisnoeasementon record forthisaccess, theTowncannotrequireMr.Hansontoprovideaccessforyourbenefitunlessitisnecessary toaccessrequiredparking.Anyagreementswhichmayhavebeenarrangedbetweenthe ownersofAlpenChaletsandtheownersofLots8and9arenotenforceablebytheTown becausewewerenotpartytothem. IamalsosorrytotellyouthatIamunabletoreferyoutoanyrealestateattorneys.There areanumberoffirmsintheTownwhichcouldassistyou,however,itisagainstTownpolicy toprovide recommendations ofconsultants. Pleasefeelfreetocallmeat303-479-2138. Sincerely, > cc.LarryEskwith,TownAttorney JeffandSusanHanson,R.J.HansonDevelopment,Inc. 7>South Frontage Road Va il,Co'lor ado 8 1657 303-4 79-2138/479 -2139 October15,1992 •• Department of Community Development CharlotteandNormBroten 8104-AvenueS.E. Jamestown,NorthDakota58401 DearMr.andMrs.Broten: IamwritinginresponsetoyourOctober9,1992questionregardingtheaccesstoyour building.Itismyunderstand ingthatyour project wasbuiltpr ior totheannexationofWestVail intotheTown.Iwouldfurtherassumethatthis project isa non-conforming structureand thereforedoesnotconform 10 manyoftheTown 's development standardsincluding emergencyaccess.Thisisnotanisolatedsituationandoccursonmanyoftheolder propertiesinVail,especiallythosebuiltwhileinEagle County's jurisdiction.Afterfurther review,IhavefoundthattheFireDepartment would notusethisroadtoaccessyourproject duetolackofa proper turnaroundareaableto accommodate an emergency vehicle.From theTown 's perspective,theonlylegalaccessforyour project isfromtherightofwayon GarmishDrive. Becausethereisaccessfromthepublicrightofway,theTowndoesnotlegallyhavetheright torequireMr.Hansontoallowyouaccessacrosshislot.Iurgeyouto contact Mr.Hanson and/or legalcounselinordertoresolvethisissue. Sincerely, s~~~ TownPlanner cc.LarryEskwith,TownAttorney vdeff andSusanHanson,R.J.Hanson Development,Inc. PUBLICNOTICE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionoftheTownof VailwillholdapublichearinginaccordancewithSection18.66.060 oftheMunicipalCodeof theTownofVallonJuly13,1992,at2:00p.m.intheTownofVailMunicipalBuilding. Considerationof: 1.ArequestforapprovalofaconditionalusepermittoallowapreschoolattheVail InterfaithChapel,19VailRoadfTractJ,VailVillage1st. Applicant:BennyClark,VicePres.,VailReligousFoundationlVallBaptistChurch Planner:MikeMollica 2 .ArequestforaminorsubdivisionandazonedistrictchangefromPrimary/Secondary ResidentialtoLowDensityMultipleFamily,fortheSchmetzkoproperty,generally locatedat2239ChamonixLane,moreparticularlydescribedas: ParcelA:Atractoflandcontainingoneacre,moreorless,locatedintheSouth1/2of theSouthEast1/4ofSection11,Township5South,Range 81 WestoftheSixth PrincipalMeridian,moreparticularlydescribedasfollows: BeginningattheNEcomeroftheSW1/4oftheSE1/4ofsaidSection11;thence . westerlyalongthenortherlylineofsaidSW1/4oftheSE1/4bearingsouth 8620'W adistanceof167.80 ft.toapoint: Thencesoutherlyalongaline167.80 ft.distantfromandparalleltotheeastlineof saidSW1/4oftheSE1/4,adistanceof200.00 ft.toapoint: Thenceeasterlyadistanceof167.80ft.alongaline200.00 ft.distantfromandparallel tothenorthlineofsa id SW1/4oftheSE1/4toapointonitseastline; ThenceeasterlyonalineparalleltothenorthlineoftheSW1/4oftheSE1/4of Section11,adistanceof50.95ft .toapoint: Thencenortherlyandparallelwiththewestlineoftheeast1/2oftheSE1/4ofsaid Section11,adistanceof200.00 ft.tothepointofintersectionwiththeextensionofthe northlineoftheSW1/4oftheSE1/4ofsaidSection11; Thencewesterlyonadeflectiveangleleftof95 21 '00"alongtheextensionofthenorth lineoftheSW1/4oftheSE1/4ofsaidSection11,adistanceof50.95 ft.totheNE corneroftheSW1/4oftheSE1/4ofSection11,beingthepointofbeginning. Parcel B:TractA,VailHeightsFilingNo.1accordingtotherecordedplatthereof. Applicant: Planner: ErichSchmetzko AndyKnudtsen •.. 3 .ArequestforaConditional UsePermit toallowfortheexpansionofanexisting outdoordining deckforSweetBasil Restaurant,193GoreCreekDrive,partofLotA, Block5B,VailVillageFirstFiling. Applicant:·KevinClair Planner:ShellyMello 4.Arequestforavariance fromtheminimumlotsizeandaminorsubdivision,2398and 2388GarmishDrive,forpartofLot8andLot9,BlockG,VailDasSchone2ndFiling. Applicant:JeffHanson Planner:ShellyMello S.ArequestforsetbackvariancestoallowconstructionofadeckattheKandell residence,4259NuggetLaneEast,Lot2,Bighom EstatesResubdivisionofLots10 and11. Applicant:BobKandell Planner:JillKammerer 6.Arequestforanamendmenttoanapproveddevelopmentplantoallowtheshiftingof buildingenvelopes1,2,and3atThe Valley,PhaseIV. Applicant:EdZneimer Planner:AndyKnudtsen 7.Arequestforanexterioralterationandacommonareavariancetoaddanelevatorto Units 301 and302oftheMillCreekCourtbuilding,apartofLot SA,VailVillage Sth1302 GoreCreekDrive. Applicant:John Kaemmer/Ann Brown Planner:MikeMollica 8 .Arequestforaconditional useandavariancetoSection18.58.320 toallowfor satellitedishantennastobelocatedatTheWrenandApolloParkCondominiums. Tract 0,VailVillageSthFiling/442and500FrontageRoadEast. Applicant:WrenandApolloCondominiumAssociations Planner:AndyKnudtsenfTimDevlin 9 .Anotification ofastaffapprovalforaminoramendmenttoSOD#2S,DaysInntoallow forchangestotheeastandnorthelevationsofthebuildingat 2271 NorthFrontage Road,TractC,Collins-WirthSubdivision. Applicant:JimWilson/PeterJacobs Planner:ShellyMello Theapplications andinformationabouttheproposalsareavailableforpublicreviewinthe CommunityDevelopmentDepartmentoffice. TownofVail CommunityDevelopmentDepartment PublishedintheVailTrailonJune26,1992. DEPA.RnIE~T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP~IENT SALES ACTIO..,.FORM ,··"·,·",,,,··;..'..··1 010000 42415 I UNIFOR.'vI BUILDING CODE 01000041540 I ZONING Ai....'!)ADDRESS MAPS 01000042415 0 1 ססoo42415 01 ססoo 42415 01000042415 01 000042415 01000041548 010000 424 12 010000 4237 1 01000041332 0 1 000042322 0 10000 41412 0 1 000041330 0 1000041413 01 000041413 01 000042440 01000041331 010000 I UNIFOR.\1 PLUMBING CODE I UNIFORM ~1ECHAJ""1CAL CODE I UNIFORM FIRE CODE I NAnONAL ELECTRICAL CODE I OTHER CODE BOOKS I B LlJE PRINTS (MYLARS) I XEROX COPIES I STtJDIES I PENALTY FEESI RE·!NSPECnONS i PLA.'<REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE [$40 PER HR.] I OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES I CONTRACTORS UCS'<SES FEES I OTHER FEES !SIGNAPPLlCAnON FEE IADDmONAL SIGNAGE FEE [51.00 PER SQ.FT.] I VTC ART PROJECT DONA nON IPREPAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE I .'.---..55.00 550.00 536.00 532.00 I 536.00 .530.00 I 57.00 ! I 50.25 1 I I 520.00 01 000041330 I ADDmONAL GRFA "250" 01000041330 ICO!'<'DmONAL USEPER.\1IT 01 ססoo 41330 I EXTERIOR ALTERATION fLESS THA..'"100 SO.FT.l 01 000041330 I SXTERIOR ALTERATION [MORE THAi'"100 SO.FT.] 01 000041330 I SPECIAL DEVELOP~1ENT DISTRICT [NEW] 01000041330 I SPECIAL DEVELOP~1E"'"DISTRICT [MAJOR AMEND! 01 000041330 I SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT [MINOR AMEND! 01 ססoo41330 I SUBDIVISION Iv \1 \\()If \ 01 OOO O~1330 :YARIAJ'KE ' 01 000041330 I ZONING CODE A..\1S'lDMENTS 01 ססoo 41330 IRE·ZONING 010000 I CO~IMENTS:·'I 5200.00 I 5200.00 I 5500.00 I 51.500.00 I 51,000.00 I 5200.00 1_ 5250.00 1 5250.00 IMI 5200.00 I lEI I I@I .:..,....'.'..-:...'""..,.,•..,......".,.,.:.:,.......... T OWt--I OF V l=l I L Misc ellaneous Cash 14 :36 :24 ~-E'ce i p t Ii [1 '3859 5 Hccount #'CK #233 J EFF H n t 1S D H "'5 U B D I V I S IO ~j -MINOR Hmouil t tende n ?d :>1£1£1 .00 Item paid Chan g~r ~t urned > Rmount paid 1013.00 THRNK YOU \'OUt-c ashi e r JEt-RUFER ·. ··-mjNl'11IT..JUONEVE4LO'MENTDATERECEIVEDbyCOnx DEPARTMENT _ APPLICATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEW CHAPTER 17.20 VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE (..OR FEWER LOTS) A list of all adjacent property owners (including those behind and across the street)with their MAILING ADDRESSES shall also be submitted.In addition,submit addressed,stamped envelopes for each of the above. Title Report verifying ownership and easements. (Schedules A &B) The first step is to request a meeting with the zoning administrator to assist the applicant in meeting the SUbmittal requirements and to give the proposal a preliminary review. / SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 1.~Th e applicant shall submit three copies,two of which must be mylars,of the proposal following the requirements for a final plat below.Certain of these requirements may be waived by the zoning administrator and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission if determined not applicable to the project. \/A&:f u f £3 ~VAIL DAS SObtJE: LOTS UJl'BLOCK SUBDIVISION E/U t1&b4kL. FEE~O PAID X CHECK 11 '23~~/V!q 'L @/ MAILING OWNER'S C.LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL (STREET ADDRESS)__~_~_ &,~~(2.tV8 D. E. F. l:LEAi~p~~~~TOYW~SlJS~J-\~sdJ PHONE I -S I1 -1 ~1 ~o6 MAILING ADDRESS P'D.'Bo'i<.15b~~5wr~lsl.kvl,(),i""x 1~41 j B.PROPERTY OWNER JEfF ~50S/:!{\A..b{~ 4.An environmental impact report may be required as stipulated under Chapter 18.56 of the zoning code. 5.FINAL PLAT-REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURE: (Soms of these rc~~irare~nts m~y b~waived.} A.The subdivider shall submit four copies of the final plat,two of which shall be mylars,twelve copies of the final EIR (if required)andany additional material as required below.Within thirty days of receiving the complete and correct submittal for a final plat,the zoning administrator shall cause a copy of a notice of the time,place and general nature of the hearing and proposal to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the town of Vail at least fifteen days prior to said hearing.Also, adjacent property owners to the proposed SUbdivision shall be notified in writing at least seven days prior to the pUblic hearing. B.Final Plat -staff Review. The final plat shall be circulated to and reviewed by the town's departments,including,but not limited to Public Works,Transportation,Community Development,Recreation,Administration,Police and the Fire Department.Comments and concerns of these departments will be forwarded to the PEC prior to the public hearing. C ll Final Plat and Supplementary Material -contents. The final plat and supplementary material shall contain the following information: 1.The final plat shall be drawn in India ink, or other substantial solution,on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar)with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one-half to two inches on the left and one- half inch on all other sides. 2.Accurate dimensions to the nearest one- hundredth of a foot for all lines,angles and curves used to describe boundaries,streets, setbacks,alleys,easements,structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius,central angle,arc chord distances and bearings.All dimensions,both linear and angular,are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. 3.North arrow and graphic scale. 4.A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings,units,lots,blocks, and names for all streets. 5.Names of all adjoining SUbdivisions with dotted lines of abutting lots.If adjoining land is unplatted,it shall be shown as such. 6.An identification of the streets,alleys, parks,and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat,and a dedication thereof to the public use.An identification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use.Areas reserved for future pUblic acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. 7.A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure.The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner,as well. 8.A description of all survey monuments,both found and set,which mark the boundaries of the subdivision,and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments,the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer. 9.A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. 10.A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in Chapter 17.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat,and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised statues 1973,Title 38,article 51. 11.A certificate by an attorney admitted to practice in the state of Colorado,or corporate title insurer,that the owner(s)of record dedicating to the public the pUblic right-of-way,areas or facilities as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted.(See example in Chapter 17.32) 12.The proper form for approval of the plat by the PEC chairman and acceptance of dedication and easements by the council with signature by the mayor and attestation by the town clerk.Examples are found in Chapter 17.32 of this title. 13.The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle county clerk and recorder as per example in Chapter 17.32. 14.Certificate of dedication and ownership as per example in the appendix.Should the certificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication .of land or improvements to the pUblic,all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple owner thereof. 15.Additional material which shall accompany the final plat includes,but is not limited to: a.Complete and final environmental impact report if required by the zoning ordinance: b.Complete engineering plans and specifications for all improvements to be installed,including but not limited to water and sewer utilities,streets and related improvements,pedestrian and bicycle paths,bridges and storm drainage improvements; c.Maps at the same scale as the final plat showing existing topography and proposed grading plan (contour interval requirements same as preliminary plan), a landscape and or revegetation plan showing locations,type and sizes of existing and proposed vegetation. d.A map the same scale as the final plat depicting all high and moderate avalanche hazard areas,forty percent and high slope areas and one hundred year flood plain areas as defined in the hazard ordinance of the Vail Municipal Code; e.Title insurance company proof of ownership of all lands within the proposal; f.Copies of any monument records required of the land surveyor in accordance with Colorado Revised statutes 1973,Title 38,Article 53; g.Any agreements with utility companies when required; h.Protective covenants in form for recording; i.other data,certificates,affidavits,or documents as may be required by the zoning administrator or PEC or council in the enforcement of these regulations. THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILLBE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT THE APPROVED PLAT IS PROMPTLY RECORDED WITHTHE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER. .. INTER:-DEPARTMENTAL RE\,1EW HANS ON CH .~LETPROJECT:_ DATE SUBMITTE D:_ COr.A MEIH "S NEEDED 8Y:_ BRIEFDESCRI PTION OF mE PROPOSAL: MII<E 8R.A.KEPUBUGWORKS Re'fiewed t:.~':----------I)ate :JUNE 24,1992 Corn mente: 1.LE GAL D ESCRIPTION I S VloRONG . 2.NOTES ARE INCOMPLETE. 3 .NAME OF PLAT DOES NOT MAKE AN Y SEN SE. 4-.ADO APPROPRIATE SYMBOLS TO DISTANCE S SH OWN ON PLA.T. 5.THI S PLAT WU NEED TO BE REV1ElllED AG.A.IN ,AFTER CORRECnONS ARE MAC'E,FOR .tl.PPROVAL. ....~t ~,' V0004015 SCHEDULE B ~Polley No.AZ233397 This policy do€s not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: 1.Rights or clairos of parties i n possession not shown by the public records. 2.Easements,or claims of easements,not shown by the public records. 3.Discrepancies,conflicts in boundary lines,shortage in area, encroachments,and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the pr€m ises would disclose and which are not shown by the public reco rds. 4.Any lien,or r ight to a l ien,f or services,labor,or material theretofore or hereafter furnished,imposed by law and not shown by the pUblic r ecords. 5.1982 TAXES NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE. 6.LIENS FOR UN PAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES,IF ANY. 7.RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE ~R E M I S E S AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 11, l ~G C ,:~BOOK48 AT PAGE 236. 8.REST RICTIVE COVENANTS,WHIC H DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITU RE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS,IF ANY,BASED ON RACE,COLOR, RELIGION,OR NATIONAL ORIGIN,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECO RDED OCTOBER 10,1969,IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 153 AND AS AM ENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 28,1969,IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 284 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 16,1970,IN BOOK 217 AT PAGE 77 . 9.A PERPETUAL EASEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF GAS LINES ALONG ALL DEDICATED ROADS IN VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.2 AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 6, 1968 IN BOOK 313 AT PAGE 344. 10.UTILITY EASEMENT 7 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTH EASTERLY LOT LINE '. OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL DAS SCHONE " FILING NO.2 • .....,........~•to 1.Policy Date: 2.Name of Insured: File No.V000401S SCHEDULE A AUGUST 04,1982 at 8:00 A.M. ....icy No.AZ233397 Amount $62,500.00 Address NANCY L.CHENAULT,CHARLES V.CHENAULT,SUSAN C.HANSON and RICHARD JEFFREY HANSON 3.The e state or i nterest in the land described in this Schedule and which is covered by th is policy is: A FEE 4.Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: NANCY L.CHENAULT,CHARLES V.CHENAULT,SUSAN C.HANSON and RICHARD JEFFREY HANSON 5.The land referred to in th is policy is situated in EAGLE County, Colorado,and is described as follows: LOT 9 AND LOT 8,BLOCK G,VAIL DAS SCHONE,FILING NO.2,COUNTY OF EAGLE,STATE OF COLORADO EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LOT 8 ·LYING WITHIN THE FOLLOWING 2 DESCRIBED PROPERTIES,BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 8,THENCE S48 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 00 SECONDS W ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 8A DISTANCE OF 46.70 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;THENCE CONTINUING S48 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 00 SECONDS W A DISTANCE OF 39.42 FEET;THENCE N 50 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 25 SECONDS W A DISTANCE 103.72 FEET;THENCE N 39 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 35 SECONDS EA DISTANCE OF 38.95 FEET;THENCE S50 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 25 SECONDS EA DISTANCE OF 109.82 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING AND BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED EAST PARCEL,THENCE N 50 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 25 SECONDS W A DISTANCE OF 35.94 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF GARMISH DRIVE;THENCE THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE: (1)S48 DEGREES 33 MINUTES W A DISTANCE OF 9.50 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; (2)50.68 F EET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22 DEGREES;A RADIUS OF 132FEET; (3)S26 DEGREES 33 MINUTES W A DISTANCE OF 84.00 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 7; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 7S53 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 30 Page 1 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. ."-----~--.rIM ~wners ForM 2312 File No.V0004015 SCHEDULE A ~iCY No.AZ233397 AMount $62,500.00 Address -- SECONDS E 16.82 FEET;THENCE N 39 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 35 SECONDS E A DISTANCE OF 140.57 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Page 2 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. N E~18TIH~8UILOIH~ .~r E08eneHT FE£le. ~o ·. ~.'.",.. (,.'. ..j~• / LOl 18 F ILING "0.2 VAl L D~8 sc HOH[ 10 LOTS •'B BLOCK' EA~L[COUKr~CO_ORADC t=a:mWlc-ro:sd LOI• OUR PAR r LOT • APPAOKlnATE LIHES EAsEnENT 1e8 .8eFT CLEf\HOUT LOl16 ARC :S1il.88FT CUA't'E LEfT CEtH~RL ftHelE RhOIUS JaeFT •'tB S3 U 5.:5 FT 11 HE CORHEA •LDT ., ~••uelT LtHE LOT 7~s ~S ~I 3.E 18.82 F1 r ..'.....>"..~~ \;.»>,'.,/ This sale is 'conditioned upon 10,1982 with the following:•Seller furnishing Buyer on or a.Satisfactory evidence that city sewer,electricity,water,and telephone services are available to subject property,and b.The written consent of all the owners of the 8 unit building situated ~n the lot lying adjacent to and directly to the east of the Subject Property allowing Buyer to,at Buyer's discretion,construct an alternate access drive to serve the lower parking level of said building as set forth on the attached diagram,with such .drive to be gravel surfaced and having not more than a seven percent (7%)grade, provided that the land used for the construction of said drive shall be conveyed to the owners of said building by Buyer upon completion of the drive,in consideration for which the owners of said building will waive any further right to use the private roadway now located on lots 8 and 9. '------y-"'"---/ -::"i'~~(.T r~-::-?"c ~T'1 D I ACt \Z.Ii..VI oF AL-nsR.:.~A'T"t:Pt2\ve NO",-TO -:5""c:::AL..b ,l'MMU\ITY [1[VElOPME"T DEPARTMENT (3l)3)328·8730 500 BROADWAY P.O.BOX 179 EAGLE.COlORA[)0 8 163 I FAX (303)328 7207 .. EAGLE COUNTY ,COLORADO March 16,1992 Ms.Shelly Mellow Town of Vail Community Development 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 RE:The Subdivision of Lots 7 &8,Block G,Vail Das Shone #2 Dear Shelly, At the request of Mr.Jeff Hansen,I have reviewed with staff and the County Attorney's Office the plat of the Alpen Chalets Duplex,recorded March 11,1974 in book 233,on page 706. It is the opinion of the County staff that,while the plat is not complete to today's standards,the intent of the plat was to further subdivide Lots 7 &8,Block G,Vail Das Shone #2 .It appears that an east parcel,a west parcel,and remainder lot 8 were created. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Tom Allender Eagle County Community Development cc.file TA "LAN i>• How to show :CallTim ber line 476-2113 2388 Garmish -=Dr~l~"v~e'______Property Address: side of Gar mish Drive ell Ch ucJ_C _ri'-"'s'-"t'-----_ hone t of Lot8 and Lot 9,Vail Das Schone Filing No.2 l o X S take Locations:Seep lat a ce prior to February 28,1982.OJU .:~r..cr..c.s;:!f;~~~~"1'S:;t ··..-·;,zr:·-.:;".:;..":~::.::l·.~:·~).:::.li ~~·~~_[~~fi3'lI i f Hi .~.:l:~.......4...~'*'w;...~:~_-:::.::_:::":.:~ ~·\'o ...J ~"':';"L G...·;.""-b.i.t...:~<--1::,Lc r it I ~-r:t<J.c...\l:>T-,-';"',"'.Ic.-:,_v'..:c...:.f-.( C...:.~_<..c~ -c.)rI .....,.Uo 52Acreage:PIS,Za n ing :_----'--1-"-_cash"errns: 22,651.2 Lot Di mensions:See p lat attached TOV No_ rights of way: .?Yes _No_Includes mine ral rights?Yes _No_ slope _soil _drainage _avalanche _flood plain _ X No Loca tion :i Tj.,Fee .M o .Bas e ~e _____ it_~atCt.'V"'-~"~to fj'c )1--Iv ~[e'-+--t-o -t0J::-t -, No Lo cation TapFee Mo .Ba se Rate _____ X No Location Tap Fee Mo .Bas e Rate X No Location TapFee Mo ,Bas e Rate._..___ X No Location Hook-up ___Mo .B ase Rate X No Location Hook-up Mo.BaseRate --- X No No_xYes_If y es,already paid for :No_X X No _M aintenance provided by:__T.....,o....WrLQ f Vaj 1 FEATURES/GENERAL Distance I ncluded in subd ivision ---:•LAND S H O \~I ~~G INFORMATION L is:,-;.:"~5 0c i a t e:Sue Ry che 1/Chuck Crist How tosh ow :CaIiTi mber li n e476-2113 S u cc .i s.on :Vail Das Schone Property Address:2388 Garmish Drive D ir ec:onsto Property :South side of Garmish Drive Lo :i s sta k ed :Yes No X St ake Lo cations :See plat C1 O~i n g not t o tak e p 1 ace p rior to Fe bruary 2 8,1982.OJ;) ~..;z:'_';._•.,,~_._~.:~._.::-:.:.....;..:'·'::':..'Xh:o.r~·.-~~~:..·.."._...:.....~~·~._;,;.......~.:-t ,;.:.;;~·ktMt ·~m".:.:z :=-;..-~~~·~--";T -::!'"..:ol6 BASIC LISTING INFORMATION \-.....I ,,,"c,G_"~".L .:_.__'t LLt ;;,U=......''''~.........'L-:_,,,:-:,,1-.( A part of Lot 8 d Lot 9 V a il Das Sc hone Filing No.2 ~..:.tu _~.~P r o ,.e ~y Na me (legal):an,i;4).L'.:: Price:--.S.25->!lO.Q..D.O..-Terms :ca~_Z o ning :PIS Ac reage:__5...2e--_ L ot Dimensions:See plat attached No_ 22,651.2 TOVArchitecturalControlBoard:Yes App r cxi mate Square Footage _-=::..L:~~=--_ Un usual easements .restr ict ions.r ight s of way: Pr operty i sreg istered with H .U.D.?Yes_No_Includes m ineral r ights?Yes _No ._ Un fav orable bUild ing cond it ions:s lope _so il _drain age_avalanche _flo odp lai n _ Sp ec i al f eatures :Sunny! UTILITIES \V a t e r {?;;.-Yo-,,:"qt Yes X 5~'1 "Ye s ~S l2 'Ne r Gas Yes X El t:'c tr i c ity XYes____ T el e ph one Yes X C ab l eTV Yes X T ra s h Re moval Yes X No Locati on :i T ap Fee Mo .Ba se Rilt e .___r:.(O /lft<:JI-1U "-"'.f-k 10 .>.._~l- .--poe--L,-<.lC~",",C "vvy'.,-No L oc a t ion T apee .M o .Base Rate ._ No Loc ation Tap Fee M o .Ba se Rate No Lo cat ion TapFee ____Mo .B ase Rate 0- No Location Hook-up ___Mo .B ase Rate ____ N o Location H oo k-up M o .Ba se Rate ___ N o ROADS No _xYes_ __T,->O",-~.IILOilail ._ Ify es,already paid for: Ma i n tenance p rov id edb y:No_ No_X XYes_--,-,-_ Yes _--,-,-_T ot h e p r operty: In ct u cec i n l ot p rice: SCHOOLS FEATURES I GENERAL Name D i stance Includedin s ubd ivision K i nd e r gart en Inth e vicinity El em en t ary 1.1 idd le -------_.._--------- J u ••lo r f ~i g h ."..-r -:..---. 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