HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 1 PARCEL A TRACT D WENDY'S 2 OF 2 LEGALPhone 328 6338 WfNl i fi;n»: ,EAGLE COUNTY ._"rlCf't{/f/a{1.1-/ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOp rv ,ENT Eagle County Annex P.O.Box 789 Eagle,Colorado 81631 29 September 1975 Vail City Corporation 10001 East Evans -#69C Denver,Colorado 80231 Re:Se-113-75 At their meeting on 26 September 1975 the Board of County Commissioners denied the captioned appl ication for the reasons given in this Department's letter to you dated 18 September 1975 (copy enclosed). .. B;:;:~~I Quentin Mitchell ,Jr. Planning Assistant· QM/ge enc.(1) cc:Board of Co un ty Commissioners •• Wendy's Per Rick Py lman :Th e Town cashed a $1500 lett er o f credi t for Wendy's with the agr eement that if the work i s comp leted,the money would be gi v en back.On in spection,i t appears t he following i s n eeded:"50 Austri an p ine seedlings,mix 15-3't re es".All th ese woul d b e pl a nte d in the retaining wall be h i nd t he rest au ran t.The Town woul d h ave to plant these thems el ve s. 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 July 18,1989 Mr.Peter Witter Wend Colorado Associates,Limited P.o.Box 4786 Dillon,Colorado 80435 Re:Building permit #2872 Dear Peter, .. ollice of community development This letter is to remind you that on November 15,1988,the Town of Vail was granted an irrevocable letter of credit for the amount of $1,500.00 to cover the costs of required landscape improvements to the Wendy's Reseaurant.The expiration date of this letter of credit is August 1,1989.To the best of my knowledge,the landscape improvements have 'nat yet been completed and no final inspection has been requested nor 'approved.The Town of Vail will draw on this letter of credit on July 31,1989,if the required landscape improvements are not installed and approved by the Town of Vail planning and building departments. Please contact me at your earliest possible convenience so that we may resolve this situation. Sincerely, ~~~c~ Rick Pylman Town Planner RP:lr • 2/18/92 TO:Steve Barwick FROM:Betsy Rosolack/Kristan Pritz • SUBJECT:Wendy's letter of credit of 8/1/89 Would you please find out where the money from this letter of credit was placed?It was for $1500.Apparently the Town must use this money to finish Wendy's landscaping.Thanks. I' • 75southfrontageroad vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479·2139 July 18,1989 Mr.Peter witter Wend Colorado Associates,Limited P.o.Box 4786 Dillon,Colorado 80435 Re:Building permit #2872 Dear Peter, • office of community development , ,I ,I, This letter is to remind you that on November 15,1988,the Town of Vail was granted an irrevocable letter of ~redit for the amount of $1,500.00 to cover the costs of required landscape improvements to the Wendy's Restaurant.The expiration date of this letter of credit is August 1,1989.To the best of my knowledge,the landscape improvements have 'nat yet been completed and no final inspection has been requested nor 'approved.The Town of Vail will draw on this letter of credit on July 31,1989,if the required landscape improvements are not installed and approved by the Town of Vail planning and building departments. Please contact me at your earliest possible convenience so that we may resolve this situation. sincerely, ?tL~C~ Rick Pylman Town Planner RP:lr ,', This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your l scheduling installations. ·.. 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 July 17,1989 John Blair Wood French,West,Wood,&Brown P.C. P.O.Box 588 Breckenridge,Colorado 80424 Re:Wend Vail Dear Mr.Wood, office of community development This letter is a response to your June 23,1989 correspondence regarding the bedding plant outlet adjacent to the Vail Wendy's Restauran~.Your letter requested an explanation of several sections of the Municipal -Code as well as the Town of Vail interpretations of those sections.Please understand the following: The bedding plant outlet which was approved and permitted under the jurisdiction of Eagle County was granted the right of continuance under section 18.64.020 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code.This section of the Municipal Code states: "Nonconforming sites,uses,structures,and site improvements lawfully established prior to the effective date of this ordinance codified in this title may continue,sUbject to the limitations prescribed in this chapter.Sites,uses,structures,site improvements lawfully authorized by permits or regulations existing prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title may continue sUbject to such limitations as prescribed by such permits or regulations.". Under the provisions of this section,the Town of Vail Attorney and the Vail Town Council approved the continuance of the bedding plant outlet. , With regards to your question regarding the discontinuance and reestablishment of the use on a seasonal basis,I refer you to section 18.64.070 of the Vail Municipal Code: "Any nonconforming use which is discontinued for a period of twelve months,regardless of any intent to resume operation of use,shall not be resumed thereafter,andany future use of the site or structures thereon shall conform with the provisions of this title." The bedding plant outlet,to the best of my knowledge,has never been discontinued for a period of twelve months.As the use occurs for approximately one month per year,I believe there is only an eleven month interval between the discontinuance and reestablishment of this use. Enclosed,please find a copy of the documentation of the Design Review Board decision of April 29,1987.Design Review Board approvals are valid for a period of one ·year.If construction of the approved structure has not commenced within a one year period,then the approval is invalid.The structure in question was built within the required time frame from their initial approval.This approval is valid until there is such a change in the structure that would require a rehearing by the Design Review Board.As long as the structure is built to the specifications of the approval,there is no requirement for the Design Review Board to re-review this project. with regard to your question regarding building permit issuance by the Town of Vail,it is and has been the determination of the Town of Vail Building Official that this structure does not require a building permit.Therefore,no building permits have been issued for this structure within the Town of Vail. I have enclosed the site plan that was submitted and approved by the Design Review Board.The site plan was also reviewed by the Town staff and the Town Council at our original hearings in 1987.Asa preexisting nonconforming use,the Town of Vail parking standards are not applicable to this use.However,parking requirements for retail space within the Town of Vail state that one parking space shall be required for each 300 square feet of retail floor area.As diagrammed on the site plan,this business does meet the parking requirements of the Town of Vail. In reference to the last paragraph of your letter,I would like to remind you that as the determination has been made,the bedding plant outlet is a legal,preexisting,nonconforming use,accepted by the Town of Vail.The Town of Vail cannot and will not enforce zoning regulations applicable to this structure until a discontinuance of this use occurs.If such a discontinuance occurs,all zoning regUlations .,. will apply to this site and any necessary enforcement of those regulations will be made in a timely manner. If you have any further questions regarding legal interpretations of this issue,I suggest you contact the Town of Vail Attorney directly. sincerely, ~c.L ~U~ Rick Pylman Town Planner RP:lr •LAW OFFICES OF • FRENCH ,W EST,W OOD &B ROWN,P .C. 100 SOUTH R IDGE ~SUITE 204 P.O .BOX 568 BRECKENRIDGE,COLORADO 80424 (303)153·2901 ROBERT H .S.FREN CH STEPHENC .WEST JOliN B.WOOD D .WAYNE B ROWN JANICE L.R UMBERUER D AVIDA .DRAWBERT Mr.Rick Pylman Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail,CO 81657 Re:Wend Vail Dear Mr.Pylman: June 23,1989 TELE COPIER (303)i53.()192 Your letter of June 15 has raised a number of questions regarding the approvals of the bedding plant outlet.Not being familiar with the Town codes,perhaps you could explain the following : It is my understanding from your letter that the Town made a determination ,apparently during 1987,that the outlet was a legal,non -conforming use.It is my understanding,however ,that the bedding plant outlet is annually discontinued and re-estab- lished ,and that structures associated with the business are removed each fall .I consequently do not understand whya deter- mination that the use was a legal,non -conforming use during the summer of 1987 carries over to mandate a similar decision when the use is re-established in the spring of 1988 . You also state t hat the Design Review Board reviewed the project on April 29 ,1987 .I would appreciate a copy of any decision or permit issued by the Board,and would s pecifically appreciate learning the duration of any permit or permission that was granted.Perhaps you could also determine whether t he Board 's approval would survive the annual breaks in the operation of the business. Your letter states that the outlet was issued a building permit by Eagle County,presumably in 1986 .Again,it is my understanding that the shack is annually disassembled and then reconstructed.Perhaps you could advise me if building permits have been obtained from the Town of Vail for 1988 and 1989 and ,if not,why not. You also advised me that my client can call the Vail Poli ce to enforce your parking restrictions .It would be of assistance •• to learn where the parking for the structure is supposed to be, and perhaps you could show me the location of the designated parking in the approval given by the Vail Design Review Board. Additionally,I would appreciate it if y ou could determine whether the legal parking that is designated is sufficient to meet the Town requirements applicable to a commercial business of this nature. It does not underestimate the situation to advise you that the annual reappearance o f the bedding plant outlet is drawing the credibility of the Town's zoning ordinances and enforcement procedures into question,at least as far as my client is con- cerned.Accordingly,your additional effort to provide responses to the questions that I have raised would "be greatly appreciated. Si~cerely, C -·-·'..--~-'cQ John Blair Wood JEW:s fs cc:Mr.Gary J.Miller Mr.Ned Gwathmey 2 270.01 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 June 15,1989 Mr.John D.Wood French,West,Wood,and Brown 900 South Ridge,suite 204 P.O.Box 588 Breckenridge,Colorado 80424 Dear Mr.Wood, office of community development Your letter of May 31,1989 requested information and Town of Vail action regarding the bedding plant outlet located adjacent to the Wendy's franchise at 2399 North Frontage Road in Vail. Th is bedding plant outlet,referred to as Flowers by Jackie and Ja ne , was first permitted within the jurisdiction of Eagle County in 19 86. The use apparently met the Eagle County zoning requirements and was issued a building permit by Eagle County.By the summer of 1987,the sUbject property had been annexed into the Town of Vail.A determination was made by the Town that the bedding plant outlet was a legal,nonconforming use in accordance with the zoning ord inances of the Town and would therefore be allowed to continue.The To wn o f Vail Design Review Board reviewed the project on April 29,1987.Th e proposal consisted of 20 foot by 14 foot greenhouse constructed of 2 by 4 lumber and clear visquine.The lumber was to be stained brown. This request was approved by the Design Review Board by a 4-0 vote. As the existing structure meets the parameters of the Design Review Board approval,there has been no requirement for any further review by the Design Review Board. You are correct in your assumption that parking in the right of way in this area of the community is a violation of Town Ordinances. In fact,the area is very clearly marked with "no parking"signs a t the boundary of the road right of way and the private property.Th e Vail Police Department is aware of this situation and will routinely enforce any violations that are encountered.If the manager of the Wendy's franchise believes there is a violation of this parking requirement,he may call the Vail Police Department and they will respond. The Town of Vail does have a long range Landscape Improvement Program in place and the beautification of the West Vail freeway interchange is a part of that plan.There are no scheduled improvements to take place in the area this year,but I will discuss your request with the staff for possible prioritization. Sincerely, ----:/r:»\'(,'-,t)t<....<\.-\.-J Rick Pylman Town Planner RP:lr TO BEFILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT IlQc BUILDING XXI PLUMBING IlQc ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL0 NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ATENOV.10.1988 UUjb O':' PERMITNO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2 .OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 9,000 DIVISION 1223 3 4 z ELECTRICAL 1,000a GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK :~PLUMB ING 1,000REMOVEEXISTINGSALADBAR&INSTALL ::> ...J EXPANDED SUPERBAR Wlmm NECASSARY "=MECHANICAL> PLuMBING &ELECTRCAL.TOTAL 11,UUU TYPE GROUP G.R.F .A.VALUATION PERMITFEES V A-3 11 ,000 BUILDING PERMIT 126 elf#; PLAN CHECK 82 //888 EL ECTRICAL 44 NEW ()ALTERATION ~ADDIT IONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING 10 (JAt DWEL LIN GUNIT S__AC COMMODATI ONUNITS__MECHANICAL /3''1/ HEI GH TINFT.__NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE ~INSULA TION :TYPE THICKNE SS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FL OOR •CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 100 EXT .WALL S -NONE -At s:, USE TAX /Iff IJUROOF J ~',J)TYPE ELEC .TOTALPERMITFEESOF.IE 'wPJ1I 14' $362.00 SOLARHEAT GARY MURRAIN NOV.14,1988 ADDITIONAL PERMIT4t Eb1°$1l0 /IN'ftt!BUTt.DING OFFICIAL------DATE ----- RICK PYLMAN NOV.14,1988 SHUT A I ~f J ,~'I I.JI ~}!JXI ---------------ONING ADM INISTRATOR DATE BLASTING V W2.J''''·,,\P~,f..:rjL ZONING &BUILDING NOTES : PARKING )V"If'X -")DEMO X I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application ,filled out i n full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required i s correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the ~zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved ,Uniform Building Code and other 0 (lin ncesof t ~applicable thereto. CLEANUPTO:WEND VAIL PARTNERSHIP 'L I "-'~/e"1-~'~--- POBOX 1 458 ..--SIG~.x~RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF DILLON,CO '3()L /3'0 AND HE OWNER. ,~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT IDW~ department of community development • ~GAL LOT BLKVAILDASSCHONE ESC.FILING JOBNAME :WENDY'SSUPERSALADBAR OWNER NAME WND VALLPARTNERSHIP MAIL ADDRESS POBOX 1458 CITY DILLON,CO PH . ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH . GENERAL FIRM C &H ENTERPRISES CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE .778 -65 76 FIRM GINN ELECTRIC LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE230-5592 FIRM COMPLETE PLUMBING PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.CONTRACTOR TELE .371-7443 FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. the printery /va il " ,I NOTE-COpy OF.PERMIT TOBEKEPTON JOBSITE XDATE 11-1 '0-0 I THE FOLLOWING IS NEEDED FOR FILIIIG PERf·IIT: 1 L t t f d 5S (IF I\PPLICAOLE.e e r rom con aa n, 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 111111 I@ 2,2 Sets p f conn lete dra wi ngs/e xp1anat i 0 1 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP OEHIRM .OUILVIIIG a ll///--",,~-'X I ElECTRICAL 1000.~~%~/OO XZDIVISION1224Q 11f5./'10 vE ~PLUMOING j{/Ou ,r '-L'J7P g ·xGENERALDESCRIPTIONOFWORK:-c ;:<01 r 7?N~.SI!"-&O ~At?h.JO :> -J N/A X-c MEClfANICAL:/.It'--,"7'¥}J..L F-..~-,-,r -.s u p~-PIl > ·"tV I7;lJ ....SC Jfl5,f .#>'"f2 .,I'7 A "-iI~~E:t.,-,~.lOTI\L /1.nod 'v .J')"'~XoJJ<;;T TYPE GROUP G.RF.A.VALUATION PERM I r FEES . 1:1?-11-/2 -4.e v OUILDING PER MIT t ee:Co '.'1 ,0 °0 -- PLAN CHECK 2>2.,Ci) 4~~C<;). ElECTRICAL /l EW (ALTE RAl JON {)4;AODI II OtlAL ( _. PLUMOING 10 I ~~)I REPAIR() DWELLING UNITS __ACCOM MODATION UNITS __MECfIA NICAl / "EIG HT IN FT.--uI"0.F I ~e P L A Ce V --RECREATIOtI FEE / INSULATION:lY.PE /T H I C K N ~S R·VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW OOARO ( A//[,-./i .. FLOOR /CLEAlI ·UP DEPO SIT /tJO I ca //»:LLeXT.WA LLS USETAX -,//RO OF . TYPE ELEC.GAS TOTAL P~R MH FEES _3bZ~Q-c:.' OF HEAT SOLAR WOO D ~U l l ::;~:~~~---OATE -----ADDITIONAL PERMITSNEEDED: 1.N INITIAL ST.CUT t ---------------~O N I NG ADMINISTR ATOR DATE OLASTI NG ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARKING DEMO I h er eby ack nowledge l hal Ih ave re ad this a pp lication .fill ed out in full the i nf ormation r e qu i red, compl et ed a n accurate plot pl an ,an d st a le th at all the i nfor ma li on pro v id ed as r e qu ir ed is co rrect I a g ree 10 co mpl yw ith the informat ion and plot pl an,to .E£m ply wil h n il To wn o rd in ances and state I"".a nd '0 b ulld 11 ,;,s tructure acc ordinq lu"'~7 '"bdt';'t ""'0'''.,,,tg" review approved.Unilorm Building Code and 01r ordi nces of e Town appl icable (here 10. ...XX '/1 T ~p~ ,~T u nlf OF oWNER OR CONrnl\CTOn FORHIMSELF ,THE OWNER .j IiAJI ',;;-S ~,r.»0 "/..j;'lroO/VIi «; LEGAL LOT fli p r e I ~BlK 7Z ,.t .u OESC •.FILING .#/ JO£l NAME:fNGND'tX S Ift-ItO 8fff2- OWNER NAME 1<,£f'JD V~/I I'JHl ,"...,l'l~ MAli ADDRESS en..J:5J.././'f.rR CITY 0/4.0rJ , ~,:pl"~.,..".5 -..s-117 CO PIl .If~,-'10 'B i ARCHITECT FIRM /'I/.J+ MAli ADDRESS CITY Pit GENERAL FIRM C b#r.N'TF,~"".,·l e CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. T HE.77 8 -6s76- Elill.!{,../N tv GL€c'Tk.~ ELECTRICAL eNTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TElE.:12,t!}-sS-q.:< fiRM Co "',_c ~/:'"rl?/-v t;. PLUM £lING TOWNOF VAil REG.NO. CONTRACTOR,TElE.17/-7 ..('-13 , 'N//ifiRM MECHANICAl CONTRACTOR TOWNOF VAil REG.NO . TElE.-- /1 /,/11OTHERFIIlM laWN OFVAILREG.NO . CONTnI\CTOIl TUE. }-'.' TYPE OF PERM IT f71 £lUILOlflG t'?:f.p LUM£lIfIG~Lr:C TIl I CA L 0 FBUNDflTlONo-MECFIII'15CAL 0 Y'J ( ~.;.:~C~NSTRUCTION PERMIT low~&1 rlcpartru cnt of community development '****I'LEl\SE FILL OUR I.JIIE!tE lilE(X)1·II\RKS I\IlE TOBEFILLEDOUT COW'LET ELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT x x X X • 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-21)8 or 479-2139 • officeofcommunitydevelopment ( TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Date by: Town of Vail Building Department project Requirements and Contractor Information "~•.f ..-~..,. ,_. ..-.-•.'...,,, -"0.~ 1.Building permit application: A.)Fill out work sheet. B.)Submit two complete sets of plans. '*If fast-tracking project see fast-track application. *No permits,including Fast-Track,will be issued without written approval from planning department for on site requirements. *All design review board,planning commission and town council approvals and conditions,if applicable,between the Town of Vail and the developer,shall be acquired with written agreements concerning these matters before buiiding permits are issued. *Condominium approval for any work in a condominiumized building 2.Architects &Engineers stamps required on all plans: *Exception:R-3 single family &duplex. R-l one story structures 3.Contractor registration with Town of Vail building department: A.)$1 million liability insurance. B.)Workmen compensation insurance. c.)T.O.V.registration. *All insurances must be kept up to date if working in the Town of Vail. 4.On site project requirements; A.)Posting of permit in a clear weather protected cover, visib le from road or hallway if condominium or townhouse. B.)Set of stamped approved plans must be on site for duration of project.No inspections can be done if plans are not on site.Fast-Track projects to have plans on site as approved. ,..•.--...-.- 5.Required inspections: •I .~. A.)Excavation and footing rebar Foundation rebar Masonry fireplace (structural design &chimney liners ) Underground DI'I"V,water,gas,&electric) Temporary elect=ic service Rough plumbing (Dw~,water,gas,&hot tUbs) Rough electric (see ordinance no.12 ) Rough mechanical (gas "B"vents,duct work,combustion } (air,fireplace flu masonry &type "A"} Rough sprinkler (hangers,location,&testing) Rough fire alarm Rough framing (property improvement survey when reg.) Insulation Fireproofing (if required for structural conponents } Sheetrock screw /nail off Exterior lath Final plumbing Final mechanical Final electrical Final ORB (landscaping,exterior finishes,paving, Final fire department (if required ) Final building 6.Property improvement survey: A.)Required on all new construction. B.}Submitted and approved before rough framing inspection. c.)Improvement survey to include height of ridges,base slab elevations,property lines,and footprint of new construction.Survey must be stamped by a licensed engineer. 7.Fire departnent inspections: A.)Shop drawings on fire alarm system. B.)Shop drawings on sprinkler system. ,*Shop drawings to be submitted to building department and must be approved before work is started. 8.Street cut permits: A.)Issued by the Town of Vail Public Works Departnent. No work may start without first obtaining a permit. *Dates:street 'cuts are pernitted between April 15 to November 15 bnly. ,. .. " .".'--....~-••.. ~,1. .. 9.Town of Vail amendments to the 1985 editions of uniform building code,uniform plumbing code,uniform mechanical code and 1987 national electric code: A.)Ordinance no.12 1987,Amendments to the 1987 National Electric Code for the Town of Vail. 1.)All electrical wiring in groups A,B,E,I &H occupancies as defined in the Uniform Building Code,shall be incased in conduits,raceways, or in approved armor.All wiring in group R-l shall be encased in conduits,raceways or in approved armor to the circuit breaker box for each unit No aluminum wire or copper-clad aluminum wire smaller than size 8 will be permitted within the Town of Vail. 2.)Persons engaged in the installation of remote control,low energy power and signal circuits as defined in article 725 and 760 of 1987 NEe, need not be licensed electricians;however,all such persons shall be registered with the state electrical board.Proof of registration shall be produced when asked by the Town of Vail Building Official • 3.)All such installations of remote control,low energy power and signal systems are subject to the permit and inspections requirements of section 12-23-116 C.R.S .•Accordingly all installations of remote control,low energy power and signal systems must be performed in accordance with the minimum standards set forth in the National Electric Code. B.)Underground gas piping: ..1.)Public service co.requires all gas piping installed underground to be welded,the Town of Vail acknowledges and supports this requirement. 2.)U.P.C.requires a 60 psi test for 30 minutes. C.)Fireplace chimney chases: 1.)All fireplace Iwood stove chases to be sheetrocked with 5/8"Type X gypsum board and firetaped.Inspections are required. '." •-, -~---..-e -•t 10.Inspection requests: A.) B.) All inspection re~~est shall be called in at least 24 hr in advance by the electrical contractor onlv. A reinsnection fee mav be assessed for each insoection or reinspe~tion when such portion of work for which inspection is called is not complete or when corrections called for are not made. 1.)Electrical reinspection $44.00 2.)Building plumbing &mechanical reinspection $30.00. c.)Electrical inspections are on Monday,Wednesday &friday only,8:00 AM to 3:30 PH.No specific A1-1 or PH inspections can be granted during peak building season. 11.Special construction request for Vail Village &Lionshead: A.)Approvals from the Town of Vail Co~~unity development, Police,Fire and PUblic Works departments is required before construction is to begin. B.)Any heavy equipment ie:cranes,backhoes,concrete pumps etc .••used in the core areas must be pre approved by the building department. 12.Holiday closures for Vail Village &Lionshead core areas: A.)No construction work will be conducted during the following holidays. 1.)Memorial Day (three day holiday weekend)_ 2.)Fourth of JULY 3.)Coors Bicycle Classic (as scheduled) 4.)Labor Day(three day holiday weekend) 5.)Special Events (proper notice will be g iven 13.Construction working hours in for Vail village &Lionshead core areas: A.)Monday thru Friday 7:00 A.M.to 7:00 P.M .• B.)Off season and summer core closure 11:00 A.M.to 2:00 P.M daily,no vehicles are allowed into these core areas during these hours.In addition no loud noises such as jackhammering and other noisy construction activities will be allowed during this time. c.)Deliveries of construction materials and trash removal shall be between the hours of 7:00 A.M.to 11:00 A.M.and 2:00 P.M.-to 7:00 P.M .. -. .~.. ~.".; , ,I ---.-••t .f I. 14.certificate of Occupancy. A.)Certificate may be issued when it is .found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of the U.B.C.,U.M.C.,U.P.C.,U.F.C.,&N.E.C.as adopted by The Town of vail. B.)No building or structure of group A,E,I,H,B,or R-l occupancy,shall be used or occupied,and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion.thereof shall be made until the building official has issued a certificate of occupancy. C.)No R-3 occupancy shall be used or occupied until a final inspection has been conducted and approved by the building official. D.)Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued provided no substantial hazard exist in the building or structu~e. 2 'INS.CTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ~TOWN OF VAIL DA TE ,//-/<i--Q JOB NAME -JtL"--=.L...L.l~-<-=~/'-?"",--_---:;--------:;,,-----_ CALLER 7 &.:z/~~-t < PM_____AMFRITHURWED L OCATION :----+:::7"'-''-='-''-''-''''"-'---''--=--'='''---------------------- READYFOR INSPECTION :MONTUES C ~.£,arLCL.c . BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D W .V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ I:RROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o F INAL o REI NSPECTION REQ UIREDoDISAPPROVED~APPROVE~~~ CORRECTIONS :_ INSPECTOR ~...:;:::.1.ft1t 4 :;:;:(1 ////-/5--If';[ •0DATE+.L-----<--=------;,:....-..,s.'----- "' ____--'~PMFRITHUR INS eTION REQUES'f TOWN OF VAIL ~ew,od[) CALLER ~._- MON~WED JOB NAME READ Y FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION :_ ( PEBMIT N UMBE ROF PROJECT DATE _I \I 'S I~ \ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND -,----,,;':...-_ o FOUNDATION /STEEL ~U G H /DW.V._===:",.~~_ o FRAMING OUGH /WATER -,,4~::;.-=-===,-------- ROOF &SHEER ~o PLYWOOD NAILING ----------0 GAS PIPING ------------ o INSULATION 0 POOL /H .TUB _ o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 ~_ o 0 o FINAL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT O ~_ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL --- ---...-..,.....-0 APPROVED c..,-dRRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED the prln"ry 'va d c::) / (' INSPECTOR __..j.-:---I~~'t:::!=.~::::::::=:::.;...----DATE -4-+-+-P-"I--=......:==------- eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE //-/s>J?!JOB NAME --_.L..L.:....:.:....:....:.~...:::,L----,.:-~_ CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION:MONTUESWED LOCATION :he'fl t \b~at'.a.o ............ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 ----'-_ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ 9(F1 NAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ -?A P P R O VE D_~/' CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED t " DATE L...-:'----_L....J.=-_~~'----__INSPECTOR _?~~..7 lI,e"i"'..,"'" ;• FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need tobe complete before givingapermita final C of O. Please check off inthe box provided. 0 FINAL PLUMBING DATE: 0 FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: • ,' r\(1,'FINAL ELECTRICALrDATE:N0\:).-,-\i;--"'-..'---:'1;6""",,-,_""-,_ I o FINAL BUILDING DATE : o CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. DATE: o TEMPORARY Cof0 DATE: •• ,. " I CONSTRUCTION PERM IT NOTE-COPYOF PERMIT T OBEKEPTON JOBSITE FEB 2 9,1988 DATE PERMITNO.0032311.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION IIIIII IV V 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP AB EHIRM BUILDING D IVISION 12 2a34 z ELECTRICAL ~10.00 0 GENE RALD ESCRIPTION OFWORK:~PLUMBING ADD 2 LIGHTS FOROUTDOO RSIGN ::J ...J ""MECHANICAL> TYPEGROUPG .R.F.A .VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT PLANCH ECK atf-tf::; ELECTRICAL 44.00 :J /71.2 NEW ()ALTERATIONl{X}[ADDITIONAL (J REPAIR ()PLUMBING t/(Fr DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL 38'65 HEIGHT IN FT.__NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATIONFEE .{/~ INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DE SIGN REVIEWBOARD 11 I /"FLOOR C LEAN ·U P D EPOSIT f l.II-IEXT.WALLS U SE TAX V , 'JROOF T YPE ELEC.GAS TOTALPERMIT FEES $4 4.00 OF HEAT SOLAR WOOD ERNST GLATZLE JLT FEB 29,1988 '--------------------A DDIT IONAL PERMITS N EEDED:BU ILDING OFFICIAL DATE s.!'!INITIAL 1----------------ST.CUT ~ONING ADMINISTRA TOR DATE BLASTING \j ZO N ING &BUILDI NGN OTES: PARKING A (DEMO I hereby acknowledge thatIhaveread this app l ication ,filled out i n fulithe information required, completed an accurate plot plan ,andstate that allth ei nformation provided as requiredis correct.I a greeto c omplyw ith the information and plot plan ,t o comply w ith all Town ord inances andstate l aws,and t obu ild th is st ruct ure acco rding tothe Town 's zoning and subdivision codes ,design reviewapp roved,UniformBuild i ng Cod e an d ot her or dinanceso f reTown a pplicablet hereto . /1a -Q rt ~- S IG"'FrATURE OF OWN ERO R CONTRACTOR""fOR HIMS ELF AN D T HE O WNER . D PLUMBING D FOUNDATION D '......~-.. T OB E FILLED O UT COMPLETELY PRIOR T O ISSUAN CE O F PERM IT TYPEO F PERMIT '0 BUILDING )E)ELECTRICAL D MECHANICAL LEGAL LOT BLK ~E S C .FILIN G \,~\\.\"t-,-\j OB NAME :WNX WENDY'S SIGN ELECT.- OWNER NAME MAILADDR ESS C ITY PH . ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADD RESS CITY PH . GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR T OWNOFVAILREG .NO . TElE. FIRM STATEWIDE ELECTRICAL LECTRICAL 128-E CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .N O . TELE.4 68 -2088 FIRM PLUMBING TO WN OF VAILREG.N O .CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHAN ICAL CONTRACTOR T OWNOF VAIL REG .NO . TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . CONTRACTOR TELE. the printery vail I .~!J-''7 / NOTE -COpy OF .fER~IT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE :),,j )(DATE THE FOLLOWING IS NEEDED FOR FILING PERMIT- ) n . l.Letter from condo assn.(IF APPLI CABLE 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2.2Sets pf complete drawi ngs/exp 1ana ti 0 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM BUILDING ")( !z ELECTRICAL If{;q \CJ •()<::)1..,DIVISION 1223 3 4 Q k7ENr;,RAL DESCR IPTION OFWORK:G OO d ....PLUMBING .'-c 1 '-'""H T ':;'EO R Q u T 'Dco 12 :J --'1./-c MECHANICAL'J'~'*<;>I Sf ;C 1\) '"~I TOTAL x TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDINGPERMIT PLANCHECK ELECTRICAL ~\.\,\\\) NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATIONUNITS __MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT.__NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE IN SULATION :TYPE THICKNE SS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT , EXT.WALLS USETAX ROOF TYPE ELEC .GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEESOFSOLARWOODHEAT ADDITIONAL PERMITSNEEDED:iiuTLDINGOFFICIAL ------DATE ----- s.!!.INITIAL ---------------ST.CUT 'ONINGADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARKING DEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required. completed an accurate p lot plan,and state that all the information provided as requ ired is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws.and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes.design review approved,Uniform Bui lding Code and other ordinaL!:napplicable thereto.JX (ffi :O~SIGNATUREOFOWNEROR CONTRAC"fOR FORHIMSELF ANDTHEOWNER. o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo CONSTRUCTION PERMIT o BUILDINGoELECTRICAL .0 MECHANICAL LEGAL LOT BLK DESC.FILING JOB NAME :u..::ll:::IV n '-i"<, WNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAli ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO .U'9G TELE. FIRM 5'-rA T(;;'"~·~/\DE:g,EC ELECTRICAL TOWNOFVAILREG.NO,(J q Go ONTRACTOR TElE.t:I.c:q,-:J o R '8 FIRM PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. x , ( x __~O:><.. InI'I'n'=o--:=ivaIn \1" department of community development *****PLEASE FILL OUR WHERE THE (X)~~RKS ARE TOBEFiLLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT ! X X X MONTUESWEDTHUR @ •II INSPECTION REQUESTI(S TOWN OF VAIL II j{A---/J l cr ~I .3 '-f--cC-I /f ZCALLER It READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION :_ PERM IT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE '-i I~11 fY JOB NAME III r BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o "m:FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR -----:-'- 0 _ o FINAL./o APPROVED CORRECTIONS : / o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ~-----INSPECTOR _ / CONSTRUCTION PERMI T the p rlntery ,vall o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo N OTE -CO PY O F P ERMITT OBE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 2 /26 /8 8 I IIIII IV{J)PERMIT NO.003 230LTYPEOFCONSTRUCTION 2.OCCU PANCY GROUP @ BEHI RM BUILDING 3,000 12 2a ~z ELE CT RICAL 1 000DIVISION0 GE ~R A L DESC RIPTIO NOF WO RK :~PLUMBING~E ND PARAPET WALL ,RAISE SIGN UP ::> ..J«MECH ANICAL> " TY PE GRO UP G.R.FA VA LU ATION PERMITFEES V A3 4,000 BUILDING PERM IT 63 41 aPLANCHECK ELECTR ICAL 44 G NEW()ALTERA TION (x )ADD ITIONA L ()RE PAI R ()PLUMB ING ........ DWELLIN GUNITS __ACC OMMODATIO NUN IT S__MECH AN ICAL ~t'I'\ __NO .F IR E PLA C~HEIG HTIN FT.--:-ftttR EA IiOiq FEE ..,.10 'I'-INSULATION:TYP E T HI~ESS R-VALLU E DESIGN REVI EW BOARD / .I ""<,V ~V'FLOOR CLE AN·UP DEPOSIT /100 C)0.2EXT.WA LLS USE TAX ,/'ROOF ./C)C) ~TYPE ELE C.GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 2 58.00 OF SO LAR WO ODHEAT GARY MURRAIN 2 /2 6/88 ADDITIONAL PERMITA ,'BUILDING OFFIC IAL ------DAT E ----- !:!.INITI AL RICK PYLMAN1----------------ST .CUT I7 0NING ADMINIS TRATOR DATE BLA STING /ZONINGa BUILDING NOTES : PARK ING ./MA 'T'rR n1111.A rA T __T M'T'J;"DT()D ()l:' PARAPETTO R AVE STnT Nr-'T'()MA'T'rU DEMO ./ I hereby acknowl edge that I haveread this application ,filled out in full the i nformation requ ired, compl eted an accu rate plot p lan ,and state that all the information provided as required is correct I ag ree to comp ly with the information and plot plan ,to comply w ith a ll Town o rdinances and state laws ,a nd t ob u ild thisst ructu re acco rding toth e Town 's zon ing and subd ivis ion c odes,d esign review approved,Un iform B uil ding Codea ndo the r ~a n~o f the Town appl icab le there to. ~t 1-1 '-rtf fu.-NI--,'A£~A it ·~V <r:~I-fl ..r 1 SIGNATURE OF O'itNER OR CONT RACTOR FOR HIMS ELF I)L-I tCI...-I t.~~ANDTHE OWN ER. 13 <::,'>(/Y r-j.,-()I C Co U tV gO $l3 S- -TOBEFILLED OUT COMP LETEL Y PR IORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT T YPE OF PERMIT kJ BUILDING ug ELECTRICALoMECHANICAL LEGAL L OT BlK nWENDY'S J I F.SC.FILING OBNAME :WENDY'S SI GN OWNER NAME WENDRY MAIL ADDRE SS PETER WITTER BOX 4786 DILLON46 8 PH .CITY 2 277 ARCHIT ECT FIRM WUTTER MAI LADD RESS CITY PH . GENER AL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE . FIRM SUMMITWEST ET ECT ,I NECTRI CAL 105PTOWNOFVAILREG.NO.NTRACTOR TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOW N OF VA IL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRA CTOR TOW NOFVAIL RE G.NO. TELE. OTH ER FIRM TOWN OF VAI L REG .NO. CON TRACTOR TELE . I NOTE -COPY OFJ'ERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE I THE FO LLOWING IS NEEDED FOR FILING PERMIT' ) n xDATE from condo assn.(IF APPLI CABLEl.Letter 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIO N IIIIII r'f5j)~2.2Sets pf compl ete drawingS/explanatio 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP cP B EHIR M BUILOI NG ~('""QL,.~,,?c;dO --')( ! DIVISION 12 2a@4 z ELECTR ICAL '-1 //'\~/I!JI(:JO .0 "-y...0~GEN ERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK:p:::r::...J)i='X<C PLUMBING POMf d !&Io lf """;4#4 &1 ::> -'<C MECHANICAL X(J'k !~>..,TOTAL "Vt:tC7 CJ.~X TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A .VALUA TION PERMIT FEES.u-11-3 -=:...-~O'dol 0--'cd'>,QVBUILDINGPERMIT 'I til.<:"'"PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL ...jer"00 NEW()AL TERA TlON (Xl ADDIT IONAL ()REPAI R()PLUMBING -cT DWELLING UNITS __AC COMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL --e- __NO .F IREPLA C E~RECREATION FEE "-HEI GHT IN FT .-- INSULATION;TYPE /'fHICKN!iSS R·VALLUE DESIGN REVI EW BOARD .:II I:> d //FL OOR CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT Im,CO/1 //EXT.WALLS USE TAX ROOF /[/II 41 ELEC.//~TYPE TOTALPERM IT FEES ~S~»: OF SOLAR /---;/-HEAT 0 00 ~--~~%.. ADDITIONAL7ITS I)IfEDE ,'"~~a F,-----; s.~INITIAL \~1 1M ""....----:!-----ST.CUT ~ONING A M NISTRATOR -DATE BLASTING lO~~~&BUlLDING NOTES ;Mr.k i,\,P{", PARK ING (.'>lr'_-•L It,/\<.0/~F n:.r...tlcl.J-=-.k,.I....••k \h,1('\\'--""h_.l\Ac.'-L I DEMO ~ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application.filled out in full the i nformation r equired, comp leted an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply w ith all Town ordinances and state laws ,and to build this structure accord ing to the Town 's zoning and subdivis ion codes,design review approved,Uniform BUilding Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. XX BAM l ~.1,'B~L-h1 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR coJrRACTOR Fdtl HIMSELF AND THE OWNER . o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo CONSTRUCTION PERMIT LEGAL LOT BLK DESC.FILING ;A)~..I....~h'1 JOB NAME: WNER NAMF .j),7-",'AJ.d:/.u (1 J,..J/fj,,;jI MAIL ADDRESS Rni 41" CITy J).a:('..L PH .I..ft,(,JJ.77 ARCHITECT FIRM eJJ :&(y,rl-44 MAIL ADDRESS Be)(47 Il'c., CITY rl1 -fI_r:.J.PH.'I/.5JJ77 GENERAL FIRM 0\,=k1 f",,;;f;z....to CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE.<ft,8 'dJ 77 FIRM S«-w M'd lJd £0 ELECTRICAL jlNTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG.NO. TELE .ifh '!,J.0 'if l' FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO. CO NTRACTOR TELE. x I \ ( ( \ x X X x lown 0 val department of community development *****PLEAS E FILL OUR WHE RE THE (X)~1ARKS ARE TOBE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOFPERMIT TYPEOF PERMIT rn::EruILDING &1 ELECTRICAL -0 MECHAN ICAL •• Project Application ~~15 -'d-d-"7=t y=z(o -WL-JYLJ.7-- (~l~ Contact Person andPh one Pro jectNam e: Owner.A ddressan dPh one:---....>.,..£'"""'-10+\''''''"'''=-------------------- Project De scription: Ar chitect.Add ress and Phone :----IJ~--'-'-->-=c..___=_------------------- Legal D escr i ption:L ot ,.Block ,Filing ,Z one _ C omments:._ \ -----.JoI-'(-'--r:'''-'l V I v'le d. Design Review Board Motion by: Secondedby: A PPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL ____3-=-----..:::o~-I----­ (,\A J!~WiN\c'i ct b ~.J:?vt n()":\ o Staff App r oval • • __d--\\~w.-'-'-~-I--Iann-cr _ Da te: Sum mary:~IO .\""'C~k2 bg Ci2 ''\{.\IO~~d v~.k,b.e .~ht sb:x..J ') ------f=\...".,~'--\'-=e-........--'f4--'-'-5·b:i\V'c,k ~c"k;,)0\fr l (&ch h _____---'--\~'----fiN v c..:h..Jy'c.--\\k c...c...LeJ;i ")J-e l'21 t/-.e d 6<2 x'I h v-dd'bv V'\· ••Wen d VailPartnership , -I.•....•••( NA~lE OF COMPANY:--"--"-'-'---------'-------------- P.O.Bo x 1458 Di llon;CO 80435 (303)468-5117 ADDRESS :....:......:.~...=..::..:"---'-..:...::....:'--'~_'_'___'___ PHONE #:---'-_-'--__._ CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION PREQUALIFICATIO N FORM Must be received and approved prior to issuance of registration. **Submit tothe Town of VailBuilding Department. PLEASE SUBMIT COpy OF ANY PERTINENT REGISTRATION WITH APPLICATION. Type of registration _~O~w~n~er~/~B~u~i~ld~e~r __ App lication madeby:Pa rtner (Title) DATE OF BIRTH 9/27/39 REGI STRATI ON FEES 55.00 55.00 75.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 $125.00 Rene\~al CostRegularCost General Contractor Aor Construction Manage ment (Valuation over $1,000,000)$175.00 General Contractor Bor Construction Management (Valuationunder $1.000,000)100.00 Plu mbing ....................................................75.00 Mechanical 75.00 Electrical ............•............;••.~·.••.................75.00 Special (includes drywall,gl ass,masonry,·concrete,elevator etc.75.00 Excavation .........................75-._0 ~~ Owner/Bui 1der ......•••..•....•..•..•....••..•..•...•.•..•~. ITISI MPE RATI VE THAT ALL CO NTR ACTORS HA VE TH E FO LLO WI NG I NSU RA NCE CERT IFIC ATES: LIABILITY -Option #1:$1.000,000 inthe aggregate for Bod ily Injury $1,000.000 intheaggregate for PropertyDamage Option #2:-Combined single limit of $1,000,000.00 WOR KME N'S COMPE NSATION *No Wor kmen 's Camp. -Show that you arecoveredinthe State of Colorado -Providea lette r stating youarethe sale owner & will notholdthe Town liable for any accid ents.At thetime you hire someone you will provide us with WC. NOTE:If you arepurchasing an electr ical orplu mbing re gistrat ion,you must providea copy ofaMaster Registration from the State of Colorado. Thank you. Janei1Turnbull TOV Building Dept. ......I'.," ,••..".I ,~ By:...........................................................Q Coroora tfO"it> .A Partnership An Individual Pri nci pa 1Office:.Qi.l.l.o.n.,..C.o.l.o.r.a.d.o..............•.........•.... EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE (AlA Document Number A-305 79 Edition may be usedin1ieuof)-, 1.How many years hasyour organization been in business asa .contractor underyour present business name?...............•. 2.How many years experience intheproposed ty~e and size of construction work hasyour organization had?...........•..... 3.List the most recent projects your organization has had in construction work similar intype and size: Type and Classof work When .'Co mp 1eted Name and Address of Owner ..~~P?!rl.~~~Qt~Q~Q~~I.~qq~t~~Q~.~Qq.~~t~~Q~~~~Q~.~Q.~.~~Q~~~~. ..~~?t?~r?Qt?::.9Q.g~~Qg . .................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................"....... 4.List municipalities you have licenses and current status: ........................................................................................,... ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ....... .~••;I ,'.,)',.'........ t ...f •• "5.What other important proj ects ofsimi la rmagnitude hasyourorgan ization completed? Type and Class of work ~Ihen Co mp le ted Na me &Add ress of Owner ·. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................. ·~.. 6.Have you eve r f a il ed to comp le te any work a warded to y ou? ·If so,whereand why?..•............•....................... 7.Name t he Surety Company,bondin gca paci ty, andth e name a nd addre ssof the lo c~l agencyyou e xpe ct to use: 8 .What i s the c ons tr uctiona nd exper ience of th e pr incipali ndividual sofy our o rganiz at iona nd t hose i ndivi du als to be directlyi nvolved i nanypr oject in th e To wn ofVail. Individual's Name Present Position or Offi ce Yrs.of Con- struction Experi ence Ma gnitu de &Type of \-Iork In ~I ha t Capac i t y? •p.e:t.er.}I.i :t:t ~r..•••~g rto ~r ............•.3.0....•..•.Up.~9 .~~g.~:~~~~!!~~!. ·p.a.t.•By.er.s ~~[l!QY ~~...........•.1.5 Up.~9 .J?~:~?~~~~~:. ·. ......................................................................................................................................................, 9 .Do youholda ny valid li censes,i .e.Master Plumbe r,Archit ect,El ect ri cal? ....~n;1J i teet ~..qe.n.e.r.aJ .•C.o.n:tfps;:!:pf.J~Y~r?L . ..oO·".. • •10.list themajor items of equipment wh ich you,or your company, or corpora tion own or will beusedinthe Town of Vail:........• ..:/.:.'...,.....- •••,.'._~ •.. .,. .\. ..'_.... .................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. 11.List below the Contracts which you,or our company,or corporation were party to,during the previous ten (10)years, that were involved in litigation ofany type: 12.The following is for a~l contracts which you,oryourcompany, or corporation were party toduringtheprevious f ive(5)years. A)Percentage of pro jects completed within schedule . ••••••••••••••% 13.How much of the work will youdo directly compared to sub-contractors? 14.Banking References A.Vai'l National Ban k B. 15.Trade References A. B. C. D. E. ".,.,~....,... (••I ~•• 16.Have you ever had a license inourareaorany other area underany name that was: A)Revoked B)Denied C)Suspended If so,please explain: 17)If registrant is Corpor-at ionor Partnership,please state applicant relationship/position: ...~itt~rl .~~rt~~ri ..~¥~r~l.~~e!9¥~~. 18)What is your postion in th{~registration? A)Officer B)Stockholder C)Principal D)Other __Partner 19)Social Security #:••???;?f;~??}. 1 •COLORADO• STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED ADVANCE PREMIUM REPO~l~TE COMPEN~~TlQNJ~~~RANCE AUTHORITY "DENVER COLORADO 80203 PHONE I (303)866-3542 PAGE r 1380P3 ETAL DBA HID GARY J MILLER PETER C WITTER WENDY'S OLD.FAS NED BALANCE FROM HAMBURGERS PREVIOUS STATEMENT P0 80X 1458 DILLON.CO 80435 COUNTY :::'55 POUCY PERIOO \M:lRKMAN'S COMPENSATION FROM I TO CLASS PAYROLLIDAYIYEARIMOIDAYIYEAR NUMBER IRATE PREMIUM .OOCR 26 ~0 7 ~1 '~~',BATCH '(J 87-194277-070188-120186-NR .** >88 '.,i,. 9079 340.000 3.06 10.404 MANUAL PREMIUM 10.404 STATE FUND DISCOUNT 15X 1.561 DISCOUNT PREMIUM 8.843 YEAPLY POLICY CHARGE 40 ANNUAL PREMIUM 8.883 PREVIOUS DEPOSIT ,,'. 0 CURRENT DEPOSIT 2.961 ADDITIONAL DEPOSIT 2.961 .2.961.00DR 9079 MIN PREM 86.00 "-.- IF STATE ,FUND EXPERIENCE MOD ,APPL IES ENDORSEMENT WILL BE '.ISSUED WHEN DETERMINED THEABOVE DISCDUNTIS BASED ON PREMIUM SIZE. FINAL DISCOUNT WILL ·8E 'pETERMINED 'UPON AUDIT. 0 ; TOTAL PREMIUM CHARGE OR CREDIT FORTHIS PERIQO ....~2.961.00DR lRANSACTlDN DATE DETAIL Of TRANSACTIONS SINCE PREVIOUS STATEMENT I 17 87 CHECK RECEIVED CK NUMBER ,-001053 2.961.00CR 2.961.00CR AN AMOUNT MARKED {CRI ISA CREDIT BALANCE ANDWILL BEAPPUEDTO YOUR NEXTPREMIUM CHARGE , PAYTHIS AMOUNT ~.OODR KINDLY MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO "STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE AUTHORITr AND WRrTEYOURPOLICY NUMBERIN THEUPPER RIGHT-HAND CORNER OFYOURCHECK. PLEASE RETURN THE ATTACHED COPY WITH YOUR REMITTANCE, '(REV 7-87) •W~II p rov ide thein surance describe,;this ..,......polic y in r~turn for thep re mium andco nc e with all ap plicableprov i sions o f th is p o ll c . POLICYNO..9 6-2 2 -1 96 2 ~6 BUSINESS 'POLICY -'SPECIAL :FO R"'3 Coverageaffordedb y th is po licy i s A ided by !S T A T E :FAR ":6 E NERA L ,I N~R A N C E 'CO "P A N Y :3 0 01 8TH .AY ~GREELEY CO 80638-0001 .. aStoc kCom pany with Ho meOf ficesi nBlo oming t on,il linois..1809 /65-2 Named InsuredandMa iling Addre ss W£ND-VAIL .PARTNERSHIP PO BOX 1458 DILLON ;CO 80435 I",'; r ,.'l' RE PARE'O' J/01/IH .,. ~8030C '. ( .COYERA6E .A :-i INFLATION COVERAGE 'IHDEX:.1D2 .1 I COVERA6E ,B-'CONSUMER 'P R IC E ;I N D E X :.340 ~8 •ProjectApplication I Contact Person and Phone Project Descri ption :---~:>...,..l""--"---="""'=--"-.-=-=-='-':';;"'----'<.L..:=-_ Owner.Address and Phone:-------'-""""--'~'T'<'d..;==---------------------- Project Name:__----'..L-___=_!------=:c:~""--'-::::.L-~~~'_l..;,.u;;;;::....,~f___-- .....Arch itect,Address and Phone:------'-fO-L..!..."'--'-=....:'''"-.;;==--------------------- Legal Description :Lot Block Fi ling ,Zone _ Comments:_ \ If--("[),,;r\. !C'" DesignReviewBoard Date Motion by : Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL _____3-"'-----"-"°'--------11 _ C,).J.'t14 l/1li ('->{c:\'D ~k V1 bn ""', , Date :-----'--+-'-'----;f--------- o Staff Approval A PRO,EcSS IONAL CO RPOr1ATlON POSTOFF ICF ROX4786KEYSTONECOLOR ADO 80435 ~03 168 2 277 w •TT E R • AR C H TE eTS November 4,1987 Mr.Rick Dept.of Vail,CO Pylman Community Development 81657 Re:signa~e Change Wendys at Vail Dear Rick: The Wend Vail Partnership,operator of the Wendy's Restaurant in West Vail,would like to make application for the attached signage changes. The review fee of $20.00 is enclosed. Please let me know of the review date and if any other materials will be required. Very Truly Yours, ~. Peter Witter Enclosures PW:sc .~"".J("..• APPLICATION FOR ASIGN ~ I.This procedure is required for any project requesting a Vari ance. The application will not be accepted until all information is submit~ A.NAl1E OF APPLICANT 'NfMP V~L ~~lf ADDRESS f,Vfui-·14-5B uum l1),Ev4c6 PHONE 4fJj J).111 ,' B;NAHE OF APPLICA.:'iT'S REPRESE~'I'rATIVE ~'"D ~W6.~~,--_ ADDRESS l DuO s:Mn-\~-?0'C .go \;IJ~:PHONE t1.6 '11'1-J c.,NAME OF OWNER (pri n t or ·type)\Nt;'l;vO ikiL-P,-~,,-~--,-,-~---,-_l_P _ SIGNATURE ~M{j~. ADDRESS LO()D~~~~~Y)\M'h\PHONE +10'\'(!l-J D•.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS W8-1p{~15l.'\C;\\W ..I~P " LEGAL DESCRIPTION ret,.-block Filing,_---:_ E.FEE. (O'-le.r ) •pu.ge L.•• .. II.Four (4)copies of the following information: A.A statement of the precise nature of the variance requested, the regulation involved,and the practical difficulty or unnncc~~< phynical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this ti~le that would result from strict or literal interpretation anu en=o=~ ment of the specified regulation. B.A site plan showi.nq all existing a r :1 proposed features on the . site,and on .adjoining sites if necessary,pertinent to t he varia~ requested,including site boundaries,required setbacks,buildi~g locations and heights,topography and physical features,existing sign locations,proposed sign locations and any related data. c.Such additional material as the zoning administrator may pre- scribe or the applicant may submit pertinent to the application • III.Time Requirements The Design Review Board meets on the 1st,3rd and 5th Wednesdays of ~the month.An application with the necessary_accompany~n g material must be submitted 17 days prior to the date or the mc ct1ng. ----- •~\d.\"'~~bL C~"",~~uf +to "'.'~L.t­ ~ht>~ •fe.:)c..\e.,..~~+v.~~,:)~~e>C.V()U~'foup -b ~,~ •I ~~/-.>c...h.>Je,,\b.rc..t..kf-I~(~'V I v'-<..d.. tk ~1_ ~,,,,,,-\e.v,ur o-P-ro~c.ve..1l Cc""-::>fv...>c....f,o ~ (~c.v~~-t.T ')~~VQ..-~€,<-k.rltP ~ld,""~ Co!oJ-b Vh.:.,-k.l-J \.-.ee...fya 1Mt>+1~to e..~r/vvL c.~f{e.~~( o..",j c.""'~d \)~......s~uc>-J.. vok..3-0-1 CLVc,K~~'o~k..v~ ----" L.._. !JI i 1 Ij i ! I J I I r i !I f- -..._"-.- =--.-:-::-::::.=.-=.:'~~-----_._.-;:,;,:.--.- -_.--.---~~J...~-~r-::!Q_L',-0.i-1 ._:tii;.--- ~A~::::~-~~~~~~-~':-..---------------.1 /:--':----.._.~ -, .I -I I -_.:-<1.---20 r'"\.>(J '=2l?J rr~l ~e'=C ',.,ep --ro ~S+r~~l~ _.-Wer-lvY'"~O~r::;> ~II ~W J~~~C:"" .:...-.;;:~.....J -.J ,,, j J "?Iucca J ~ "'",, ,: "- \/ / / / \~~~"" I I I ",I.r........................:._•.-- ~-------~~~------. -~-----~-_l_---------_ -r-:----:-- -,--- =~: \, -~\: !'""'~--1:~ 1 ----.--- -..'- , r~I~I I : ~+ • '"-JI2-eett-it-loJ:.e - ""'-l~r-J'-'-r er ----.--- ••0.~ -----i--------,---._---,---~-:-.--...~.--;~'-..-.~--.------::=-..-~_..-:....:~,'.;,~::~co ..~>~·>'.::::;., --,.,..c •',•.'.t<~~:~~.>:..:~;:.:.><\:).~~- ..' "---_._- .....~"'.:. I I .: I p"..J. L ~· 1 ~1...e"J.~.~ , -~ ", -~ •f-- I-----..~._=~=~, --1'4'\4--,']I ~\i ----...-..----1----..-.-=.,--.. -_.....-4----__-~... l ; i .-f--- <..,f----<:;0.~A -F'~f'1'l:ot-l I i I II~-.--j f---_-_I ~f---'--~~===H:==-~-=l==1t=/~;rI====1F===:Il====l l===::::H::===H====lI .L J .,~l I I, .....---------- l------ -1------- .. ~- i ! f -I-.--r, Ir ~ ~ .....'---~---l ~ ~. ".;:-I 'Ii .1 j ''':i " 1 ,"f I.r . I ';P,A I r--'T ~'/I ' •'.--,...-11?T,.,..·-~l-IN(;"o -~~""r ~~"':__v.I I -..----::.---...---------------------t -.....----t---~~-""''...!;::~"'t?02.C o...:"·.J ---------+r -------4 "---.L "..I•___________________1 .__.__.--j •.---+___-__-l. ')SO UTH ELEVA T ION .------~- 1/,_I \_n i ----------------------------------------- .ra 6\;~VV"'/'.1 "4 ,\,'~VVI ~?;n.~(L ~l\~~J~-+~':>d-"'-<J c;,,-oCJ(""'"1~or>5 \-,'<;<:""V'\<T) ]1",0-1 ~a~'o C.1 £?C;;~I\,?'~\1""\"V\.~~IVVl \> f-"'''.:l 0"f""l ~\N\.J""'??J--v.._\,-,,'pr'~'l ..yo -,~.~---r+r V -t'o ""().J(-...fd>,1::t\.A.~c;.l"v1 (h <;;'-7 \..A 1 I +q I -tc d<"""\1 -\<;:-.,d -+"0 S-"av'""::)"P'~<;'''?"-"'0 \la'F"'"v "\?1<"'W -1 ~d<;\~MV\'71-~..."~''''("\'""''0..\--,;\.'-'r e <:'1 """.\.Co f'~'"'J J?~c ,,")'-'""1--1-J'?'~.I'"'"I P,.II "'1~'-'1 ~O./'.rxr«J 0 ~~<:'l\'y C;1~Q. ~t JJ~ .u,]"!.\\\I _~d-Y?g ~("""'y-1 ~~~<"-<?(Y' Da te C?-1_--==~c...,7,-_~- •Project Application• .ft.\tcl~c Q,..&-J A-re>,s,.,P.JContactPersonandPhone \}f':l.;U'\Ir-\~.l---------=--~----_----":"-_-- Pr oject Description:L ~.."~-.1\_ --~t::t>-»...)\~ Proj ect Nam e: .---"' WE:})D ../. G2.n._-R Ar chitect .Address and Phone :Q~'\'7 ~crfS:)£'I.... Legal D escrip tion :L ot B lock Filing .Zon e _ Comm ents :_ (-e...1\'$;.\()V"\...10 DesignReviewBoard Dat e _ Motion by : Seconded by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 51"?',"" S k->'-\-..\.-..\Sum mary : Ie> \=-0 -~ ~ ~ r.>f lO'±:/.q .Q ~ ~Staff Approval Da te:, ___";:>,~:a ll"''''=-)~Town Pl anner h -\~~7 the prlnt.,."....,1 "j " JIl,. •• D ENNI SA NDERSON AS SOCIATE S,INC. LandscapeArchi tectu re .Planning .VisualCommunication May 25,1987 Rick Py1man TOWN OFVAIL TOWN PLANNER Dept.of Community Development 75S .frontag e Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Rick: • By varying the si zes we will mainta in the a p pr ox imat e lin eal feet,and achieve amore natural look ing Landscape as demonstrated in this sketch . As per our meeting with Larry Benwa y on May2 2,1987,thi s letter describes the changes I woul d like to make to the Wend y's at Vail Landscape Plan dated Apr il 27,1987. 1.Beca use o f richer soil conditions than or iginally anticipated,substitute Colorado Blu e Spruce for the Austrian Pin e. 2.Var y th e siz es of t he 10'Spruce.The Plan sh ows 27-10 ' Spruce or a total of 270'Lineal Feet,I would like to vary the s iz es to 10-7'(6-8'),10-10'(9-11'),7-13'(1 2-14'). 10'10'10'V .S.1 0'7 '1 3' Thank you fo ry ou rt ime an d if y ou have a ny q uestions ,p leas e dont hesi tate t o call. S ince rel y, ~6 Denn is Ande rso n ••••••:')•.1 •.1 '".'. ~..".:"".;.;.,.l;....'.1 ::,n .• specif atlons • FIXTURE sha l l be Und er wri ter 's L aborat ories ,In c.li sted . HOUSING sha llb efa bricated from ao ne-p iece extruded a luminum s ide panel w ithm itred corners t hata re in te rnally w e ld ed ands ealed fo r wea ther tight i nt e g rity . A p r e ss-formeda lu minum t op cove r sha ll i nterlo ck w ith t hehou s ing andha ve aco ntinuous w ea th erti ght se al and a 3/4 "high p e a ke dce n ter fo rincr eased stre ngt h and e fficient water runofl. LENS FRAME ASSEMBLY sh all cons ist ofa Y,,"t h ick i mpact r esistan t c leartemp er edsa fety gl ass l ens e nc losed byao ne-piec e molded hi gh temperatur e gasket.T emp e r e d glass s hall c onform t o U SASta ndard Sa fety C odes (USAS)Z 26.1an d Z9 7.1 and Federal Specifi cation DD-G-451C .L ens a nd ga sket sh al l b e r eta in ed in ane xtr uded alumin umf ra mew hi chsh a ll be hing ed a t th e p oleenda nd s hal l c l osean dseal t h e o pticalc ha m ber b y four(4)g asketedv i bra t ionp roof quarter-turn fast eners.Lens f ram e s hall b e r emov a ble w ith out t oo l s b y m eans o fqu ic k-disco nnec ting hinges . OPTICAL CHAMBER sh a ll consi st ofao n e-p iece hydro f orm ed K im Asym e tron Re fle cto r w ith a highly sp ec ular Aiza k "processeds ur face an da s ocke t a sse m bly for ANSI type III o rt yp e IId istribution . Reflector sha llinc orp oratean in t egral down li gh t d iffusing fac e t toe limin a te excessi ve i llum inati on di r ec tly u nd er t he f ixture.Reflectoran dle ns f rameas s emb ly sh al l form a herme t ica lly sea led chamb er fo r highly r educ e d main ten ance a nd cl ea ning.A ll w ires t o th e l a mp holder s ha ll beseal ed a t p oint of entry into the optical c hamber.Lam pho l de r shall bep orc elain m ogu l ba se w i th vi b rati on proof lampgr ip sh e ll. ALL ELEC TRICAL COMPONENTSsh a ll b e U Lap pro ved andbean integralp a rt o fth e fix tu re.Ba ll asts a nd r elated com p onen ts sh a ll b e i nt e grate d o nto a s ingl e m o unti ng p late asa se lf-c onta in edSUbass e mbly.T o facilitat e fas t assemb ly a ndm aint en ance,t h ise l ec tr i cals ub asse mb l y s hallb e attached tot hef ixturew ith q uick d is connecting hi nge s.Fastt ield w ir ing sh a ll bep ro v id ed f or by p r e -wiring a l le lec t r ica l c o mp onen tsw ith q ui ck d isconnect p lugs.A ll b a lla sts sha ll beoft he compon ent type regu la t ing au totran sfo rm e r w ith p ower f actor bett er th an 0 .90(HPF).Ball as ts s hall beo ne ofthe foll o win g t ypes as requ ir e d :M e rcu ry ba llasts sh all pro vid e ::t:5 %la mp power regul at ionand ::t:10%input vo ltage r egu l ation .Hi gh Pr essu re S od ium balla s ts s hallp rovid e ::t:5%lamp po wer regu latio n and ::t:10%input v oltag e regu lati on.Metal li c Hal ide ba llasts s ha ll pr ovi de ::t:7 %lamp pow er r egulati on and :!::10 %i nput voltage r egul a t i on . FIXTURE ARM s hall beaon e-piece rectangu lar a lu minum extrus i o n wi th in ternal c e nt er ing g uides.L uminair e-to- p ole asse mbly s hallbe m ad e t hrough a m e ch a nic al att ach m en t w i thin th e arm,e liminatingall exposed fas te nersorw e lds .A rm ass e mbly s hall in clud e ap ole reinforcingp la t e w hich w i llmount in side t he p o le for ad ded s trength at th e armj oint. STANDARD FINISH o n lumi nairea nda rm sh allbe se mi-g lo ssbl ack b akede namel.(optional ba kede namel o r ano dized co lors avail abl eo n re quest). e- -.. A 1-4 K im L igtll ing.In c.• photometrlcs • On e Fi xture Catalog n umbers EKG-135 through EKG-139 (type II) Lam p:250 Wall High Pressure Sodium r ated30.000lum ens Isolux lin es 0 1 hori zont alloot candles •Po int 01 m aximum candlepower ---Hall m ax imumcan d lepower iso can dela t race ANSI C lassificat i on; Type II,Medium.Cu t-off III ..:c '"Qj ~ '"c /1 = I §/-'fo 0 !'-1.7 5!:--,0!2 15 ' io 2 ~ N 70 ' 20 ' ss- o !!'c :> I c 1-_\~1r.::::::::~~;~r:.=~-=-=.:::.~-+tJ2.7S ";I I 3 gIIII 150 .!! I ." I ~ 40 I ~ :l ~4 .!! ,.; 50 ' &D ' WI..:;; C III U (; ~1 1.2 1 1.6 1 2.7 Sc ]1 .6 I .8 I 1.3 (; ~- .2 .34 .52 .1 .14 .3 .05 .0 7 .1 250 watt High Pressure Sod ium TypeII horizontal isolux longitudinal distance in units 01 mounting heights vertical plane through ma ximum candela 00,~, 80 70 Maximu m can dela at A ngle 66Y,"ve rtica l,83 "hori zonlal,90 " 15.294 candlepower ~~: 66h " 65 " 55 " 45 " 35 " 25 " 15 " 5" 0 " Candela o 38 3 15 15294 14376 10624 60 82 4 294 565 9 5576 5435 5400 Lumens Downw a rd S treet Si de 13093 D ownward House S ide 4925 D ownward T otal 18018 Upward T otal 0 All pborbrnetrtc datahasbe e n pres ented with tho grea test possibl e degree of acc uracy.If desir od , e ctuet IND EPENDENT TEST ING LABORA TORY r epo ris w ill be submitted forveri fication , "I '---1-I .,_.._ "If- 0 .6,i ,,t j 0 .3 o 12345 width 01 areaIn units 01 mounting heights •••_.-0- c .2 iii~0 .2 H-f++-:....r++~-'-+.j-;~-I-..!.---l-s '0..~0 .1 t-tTt....;...++-;--/-++..!-+-i~-++.J-H-l ;g Gi8 J I I I r II I I I !I I r r coefficients ofutilization andflux distribution A l-16 K im Lighti ng ,In c.• •ProjectApplication • Dat e _ \~~¥--'--\-------Project Nam e : Project Descri ption :_ C ontact PersonandPhone Own er ,Addressand Phone:_ Arch itect ,A ddressa ndPhone: L egal De scription:Lot B lock Fi ling ,Zo ne _ Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard / M otion by : Sec onded b y: G~h¢-­ (§.L\\bS Date _ APPROVAL ~-D D ISAPPROVAL Sum mary:I ""'"vvw=S:<::\\IS.<'''-'\I.vuu:~,lCY'"'!.l.,)fc.:,4'=s. 'I. Town Planner o Staff A pproval Dat e : lhe pr inlery 'l/l iI J~\"I~ G,'\.....-e.\~\t\'\-1-1v."W"~\\-~4J V'O ~<;f5 ~(~~~~~s~ Colc>{~-0c4l ~'SId l "'J l-0""k iSLcd> Q.iV(~VYl-QvJ ~b.e.-~wv'kd o.)<.!-- ~~~-tl.-~U.e-V1Jr.0 ~T0f e-cc> ~~k del~~d • .,.... --- ~~.At.c"l+~s'-i I l{co ,~'d Cc0.:"s €6b 7% ---fJ s&te:>c;lC~?C:.;t:l..Q t..t~-1; tc.,,~66c.t;.?L :';}'=i l7J.-~~~I o~ _~~t-lot-~~~?1C:x?- _IfJt(J-c.~1 l ~'\~ SIG N APPLICA TIO N ••Application Nu m~er _ Fee Paid ;;h~ ;./Da te d4ed:J,c /f?t37 Name of Project t?Je,o~~. Name of Person S.ubmitting ==~""Phone 1b6 ·Z277 Locati on of Project as ·",:2a6a ,;;fbM/L!/5/40 /~O Description of Project (A(.JE=Py aJ€AI/Jf:?~,ytWRMV= cy=~)N~'f'3M2 ~7 1j7 The follo wing information is required for submittal by the applican t tothe Des ign Review Board before a final approvalcanbe given. Sign submittal feeis$20.00. B.Description ofSign a='F 7 1241&5 4<JP 6 r ~~ C.Sizeof Sign -..........::""""'---7y=.ac:.=-~""""'~-=7'----'=''-'''''~..>------ D.length 'of Fron tage (Ft.) E.Co mments,__-------------------- Sign Ad min istrator MATER IALS SUBMITTED WI TH APPLICAT IO N 1.Site Plan V ./ 2.Drawings showing exact location ~ 3.Pho togra phs show ing proposed loc-at~'~·o-n----- 4.Actu a l si gn 5.Coloredscal-e-d-r-r-a w-'.,..-·n-g-_ 6.Photog raph of sign _ Approved for ORB Submittal Disapproved for OR B Submittal _ • Sign Administrator " • Wendy's at Vail Exterior SignageSchedule • Symbol No Wording/DescriptionSize A r BuildingSign :Wendy's 20 S.F. B Exterior Menu Board 32.25S.F. C "Pick-Up Window"3S.F. Do Not Enter 0 Do Not Enter 5S.F. E Exit 5 S.r. t ( •• WI36C t•t PAGE 18 •• Manufacturers Specifications -------7'.M ---------1r ( r 3 'O M L " ( DESCRIPTION: Individual letters for mounting on building fascia reading "Wendy's"with scroll and illuminated cameo on raceway. OPTION: Letters may be ordered as Individual letters mounted directly on wall,without raceway. Either letters on a raceway or as Individual letters may be ordered without the cameo. Specify when ordering. SIZE: •LETTERS:3'high x 7'-8"wide. .CAMEO:'3'high x'2'-6"wide. Total Width -10'-8". ,FACES: •LETTERS:Whtte (standard)or red (optional)acrylic plastic formed 1/2"deep. Letter faces are attached to steel cabinets. •• •CAMEO:Silk screened In red,white,and blue on 3/16"acrycllc plastic.Cameo Is attached to steel cabinet. •SCROLLS:Main scroll and cameo scroll are aluminum,painted black. GRAPHICS: •CAMEO:Cameo of Wendy has red hair with blue hair ribbons,a blue and white striped dress on a white background with a black.border. CABINET: Each Individual letter and cameo cabinet Is constructed -of sheet metal painted dark bronze.' MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS: Indlvlduallett8ra are factory mounted on 22 gauge steel raceway.Raceway has mount- Ing brackets for fascia Installation.See OptIons above• t ;•• Exterior Menu ~ (. •• 00 o J , ·SIGN TYPE ~"~B_ -PAGE 24 •• Manufacturers Specifications ( \ I 7 841"-------4 1-16114"-1 1-10'" 3" 4" I~"I EJ T .114 .l IM"r .,..353/ 40"1J~....r""~17 5 /1 6 "~ I 8 UII:6°'STL.TUBE: ( .,0.. ..;. CUSTOM COPY:.,:' As required. MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS: Mounting base:fabricated steel structure which bolts to back of &lgn.The base Is to "JJe anchor bolted (4 required)to concrete foundation. DESCRIPTION:. An illuminated four panel exterior menu sign,with copy strips and price system. SIZE: -EACH FACE:40"high x 215/16"wide. -COMPLETE SIGN:52"high x 86"wide. FACES: Silk screened black backaround on matte COPY STRIPS: acrylic plastic.FaCes are retained In Actual size (AS)and visible opening (VO) aluminum extrusion,hinged for servicing.sizes: Cover door faces arepolycarbonate plastic -HEADERS:AS-I 1/8"x 16'". with protective marguard finish..VO-3/4"x 12 1/2" LETTERING/BACKGROUND:-ITEM STRIPS:AS-I 1/8"x 13 1/2" Screen printed.Vo-3/4"x 12 1/2" _HEADERS:Belwe copy:clear copy on -DRINK STRIPS:AS-I 1/8"x 4",._ black background with orange back-up Vo:-;.13/16"x 37/8"'.:.>.,.' sbips.'..'""~"';'.".'.',:-:.Drlnk 'strlps slide Into opaque black carrier," •ITEMS:'Helve tica COpy:c:l8ar copy on black .then the ,en tire unit Is placed 111~~titer :' 'backgrqund with whlte .baC:k-up strlps~"::':..:.:'~ck on the back of the faces~"s':/·.~:::./". •PRICES:Helvetlca'copy:".....~dear copy"on '-:•PRI~E CHIr:'~:AS-.685'~_x .53~'~.:::·~·;~~':; black'background ~whlte.back-up price :V O-:-.S86"x .44"'.::..~.:;..:..~~:;:';1::;;'~.:.'~::;:~' system.";:.>'.:'j ,:i,,:_;'':-:',,:.~...''..-..•PRICE CARRIER:Vo-3/4"'x ~1~8~~~.~.. "•'..,""'.',,;.p ......;.,':',.•f,".i'..~.·,:";:?:_·.·....0•.•''.'•".•••·Three price chips are snapped Into·opaque · CABINET:.'.::';>.''::~~.";':-~.\....:.:;.,':.-,,".''.;black;;p lastlc fonned carriers MclI....rtect .Extnided aluminum .cabl net with smooth ".·In to algn...''.'.':'::::;>::";<:..:'~,. metal back,dark bronze finish...''.>.,....•..".. .. OPTIONS: -Upper transllte display with faces to hold four (4)transparencies.Transllte starter kit available.'.. •Remote.speaker pedeStal or sign-mounted ,~k~~::,:....:...';";-:;;.c..;···.,..<.';.:. •• ..••.....1..;..' ( J .I I Co"~: .~..,---' .,"..".,....' " ••f ."... ,,, ( • .,, \ ..... ,,. ••••• -. PAGE 22 ..'I. ..I.•'•• ( C,, :.~: tt ,I .S IG N_.'_TYPE E_ 'PAGE22 '"'.,,".•• Manufacturers Specifications ---2'2"-----< ( t-----2'2"-------1 2'0" J.~r~ 2'0" L~___ ----::r2"----"'1 r 2'0" La.==::.1 "" ',' '" DESCRIPTION: An illuminated double face sign to dlt:ed auto traffic. SIZE: 2'high x 2'·2"wide.,',,'" FACES: Painted polycarbonate plastic. GRAPHICS: White letters on an illuminated red background.Black arrows on white backaround with black border.Entire sign surrounded by a yellow border. CABIN Extrud aluminum painted dark bronze. POLE/POLE COVER:,', -POLE:1 steel pole 51"long., ,,'..-POLE COVER:Fonned .125 Kydex painted ,,da rk bronze.',,, -'MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS:" ",Weld matchplate to top of pole. .:FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS: CONCRETE BASE:12"x 12"x 36" OPTIONS: Enter ' ExIt Pick Up Window "'CUSTOM COPY: ,As requlnitd. -.~":,..;;";.;-.;...-."....~ •::.......;~;.;.-".!';:.'~.:.'l .~-..;:::...,.-"•.-~"_.:_:::"'::".;';:I :·~:":~~~·":--··~.~."; •• II ( ( • PUBLICNOTICE • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a pUblic hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on March 23,1987 at 3:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. 2. A request for a conditional use permit for commercial storage at the West Vail Mall located at 2161 North Frontage Road. Applicant:Vail Mall Joint Venture A request for a front setback variance and requests for conditional uses for a drive-thru window and outdoor dining deck on Parcel A,a Resubdivision of Tract D,Vail Das Schone SUbdivision. Applicant:The Wend Group Partnership 3.A request for a setback variance to add retail space to the Lionshead centre Building located on Lot 5,Block 1,Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant:Vail Lionshead Centre Condominium Association ..• 4.A request for an exterior alteration and for density and height variances in order to construct an addition to the sitzmark Lodge located at 183 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant:sitzmark Lodge/Bob Fritch The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for pUblic inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A.BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on March 6,1987 A PROFESS IONAL CORPORATION POSTOFFICE BOX 4786KEYSTONE,COLORADO804353034682277 w •TTER •ARC H TEO TS TRANSMITTAL To l?e.r±."r U2mmUVt;~Oeva..oei?7evd-_ =@M 4 V"l,'L,Date II M'\rC11 S., Attention Mr .12.1614 P"fl.wJ-tYJ Via hU1dL _ Copies Descripton (z)-Iwo ~Ie-s '?I+G 2eC&1<:V\5 <tl.)iLvo url~S Cc.+1Gef'~L f.4nd'SCAfe fL'ln ,.. Remarks Signed Copy to Date No. A-I A-'2. A-? A-L A PROFESS IONAL CORPORATION POSTOFFICE BOX 4786 KCYSTONE .CO LORADO 80435 3034682277 w •TTE R • ARC H TEe TS March 11,1987 Mr.Rick Pylman Department of Community Development Town of Vail Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Design Review Board Work Session Submittal Wendy's at Vail Dear Rick: Attached find the following materials in support of the above request: 1.DRB Application Draft 2.Project Summary 3.Conceptual Site Plan 4.Schematic Building Plan 5.Building Elevations 6.Site Sections 7.Conceptual Landscape Plan It is my understanding that this work session has been scheduled for the May 18 Meeting. Very truly yours, Peter C.Witter PCW/shw Enclosures ...- COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT ,l •• .:r., 'HNo/MP/S,ide:,170F/173."1/L Lo calJ urisdiction:Town of "Vail DistiSection/P atrol:"30219 'i ho' 0,i ~l""11J '.c..DOH PermitNo .:'3 8 7 04 0~'," 'rr),•.2....'" PermitFee:$75.00 ,~J DateofT ransmitta l:5-14-87 THE PERMITTEE; Wend Vail Partnership Ltd. Box 145 Dillon,CO 80435 ,',t':-."/ I ''l.'I' I _',,'.~,... i s hereby granted permission to construct and usean acc ess to the state highway at the location noted below, The acc ess shall be constructed,mainta ined and used in acco rda nce w ith the t ermsan d condi tion s of this permi t . 'including the State Highway Access Code and l isted attachments.T his permit m aybe revoked by the issuing authority ifat any tim e the permitted access and its u se violate an y ofth e te rm s an d conditions of this permit.The use of advance warning and construction signs,flashers ,barricades and flaggers "re required atall times during access construct ion within State right-of-way in conformance with the MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL .DEVICES,Part VI.The issuing authority,the Department a nd the ir du iy appoint ed agents and employees shall be held ,ha rmless against any action for persona l injury or property damage s ustained oyreas on of the exerclseot the permit. LOCATION: On the north side of I 70 Frontage Road,a distance of 600 feet .I'1<east from Mile Post 17 3. ,. >" L•'••~ ACCESS TO PROVIDE SERVICETO: " .,1," Wendy's Restaurant (approx.3800 sq.ft.) ,,:,..,',..' OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS:'~ " See Attached Sheet..'.;! MUNICIPALIT Y OR COUN TY APPROVAL Requ ired only when the appropriate local authority retains issu ing authority. By(X)Not Reqnired Date Title Upon the signing ofthis permit t he permittee agreestothetermsand cond itions and referenced attachments contained here in.All construction shallbe completed inanexped itious andsafema nner andshallbe finished within 45daysfrom initiation.The permitted accesssha ll be completed in accordance with t he termsand cond it ions ofthe permit prior to being used .The permittee shall notify _--<A:>...J...........P...Ji.....e.....r .....c.s;e'---::-::-=----:-:::-::-::--_ with the Colorado Department of Highways In at 328-6385 atleast48 hours prior to commencing construction within theState Highway right-of-way. Thepersons igning as th~~Be itteemustbethe owner orlegalrepresen tative ofthe property servedbythe permitted accessandhavefullaut Om\0 ~ccptthe permit andallit'stermsand conditions. ,}M;) Permittee (X)),,'{'--u -'Date It)W 6 7 ,6bTti ,-//7>1 Wf;:'Ie::::>Vb1L-!7---'-:;::4,-;;,~.,_~ ')-/Q-Y7 (Dateofissue) Previous EditIonsare O bso lete an d .,.:·11 ...",!hI'?usedMakecopiesasne~sa ry f or ; ,-vc a l Au th ority 'In s r -.-~--";~i ~a l } ."n O N :~.~-:-'"'-------------------------------' f"'~ >I', I.e: I Th~~OIlOWI~;paragraphs a;e p~rtlne.hllghtsof th:;t~ie ~Ighway Access Code.•e are pr ~vlded fo ~your con~;nlence but '1 do not alleviate compliance with all sections of the Access Code.A copy of the State Highway Access Code Is available from your l local Issuing authority (local government)or the State Department ofH ighways (Department).When this permit was Issued,the '« Issuing authority made Its decision based In part on Information submitted by the applicant,on the access category which Is assigned tothe highway,what alternative access to other public roads and streets Is available,and safe ty and design standards• .Changes I nuse or des ign not approved bythe permit orthe Issuing authority may cause the revocation or suspension of the permit. Appeals •:.._ 1.Shou ldt he permittee or appl icant c hoset o o bject t oany of t hel ermso rco ndit i ons o ft hepe rmit p laced therein by the D ep artm ent .a na ppeal mu st b efi led wi thth e Co lo rado Highway Comm iss ion w ithin60 days o f tr ansm ittal of the perm it for p erm i ttees i gn ature.T here questf ort he heari ng shall b e fi led i n writi ng ands ubm ittedto t he Colorado Highway Co mmission,420 1East Arkan sas Aven ue ,Denver,Col orado80222 .T here quest s ha ll i nclude re asons f or the appeal and ma y i ncludere comm e ndati onsb yt hepermitteeo r appli cant that wou ld beacceptable t ohim. 2.The De pa rtme nt m ayco nsider an yo b j ecti ons a nd req uested rev is ions at t h e r equest o ft he appl icant or perm ittee .If ag reementis reach ed,the Department ,w it ht hea pprova l o f the l o cali ss uing au th o rity (i fapp licab l e),may revise the perm it acc ord in gly ,oris suea new perm it ,orre quire the app licant to submit a new a pp li cation f or re consi deration .Changes in the or igina l application,proposed de s ig n o r acces su sew ill no rmall yre qu ir e subm ittal ofa new application..' •.1 :-'I '"i Go.t 3 .Regardless of any communications,me etings ,o r negotiations with the Depa rtment rega rding revis ions and objections to t he pe rmit,ifth e permittee or app l icant wish esto a ppeal th eDe part ment's decis ion to t he Comm iss ion,the appeal must be j b rought t o t h:Comm iss ion wit hin60da ys o f t ransm ittal o f t he perm it..'..(/~\ 4 .Any appeal b y the applic ant or permittee of ac tion b y th e lo c al issuing authority when itis the appropriate'local authority (unde r SUbsect ion 2.4),s hallbe f iledwi ththel ocalau tho rit y an dbe con sistent w ith th e appeal p rocedures of the local authori ty.' 5 .Ifth e f inal action isnot furth er app ealed,the Departmenl o r local authority m ay rec ord the decision with the County Clerk·'.l andRecord er. II Construction standards and requirements 1.Th e access must b e under construc tion within one year of t he permit date.However,under certain conditions a one year I ,tim eex tensionmay b egr anted ifrequ estedIn writ ing p rior top ermit ex piration .. 2.'.Th ea pplicant shall no t ify the office spec ified on t hep ermi t atleas t 48 hours prior to construction .A copy of the permit shall .j b eava il ab l efor r eviewat the construct ion s ite.I nspections will be made d uring construction:-'I"'C~I'('.>.::', 3 .T heaccesscon struct ion within highway righ t-o f-way m ust be c ompleted wit h i n45da ys .& 4.It i s t he r esponsi bil i tyof the pe rm ittee t ocom plete th e c onst r uctio no ft heaccessac cordingto t hete rms and conditions of i:' th e permit.If t he pe rm itt eew ish es 10 us e t heaccess pr ior t o comp le t io n,arra ngements mus t be approved bythe issuing a uthor ity a ndD epartment and i ncluded o n t he permit.T he Dep artment or i ssuingauthority may order a halt to any una uthor ized us eof the access.Reconstruct ion ori mp rovements t oth e acc ess ma y be required when theperm ittee has . f ailed to m eet r equ ired sp ecificat ionso fd esi gno rm aterials.If a ny const ruc t i onele mentfa ils w ith in tW9y ears dueto i mp r operco nstruction o r ma terial s pecif i cations,t hepe rmittee is respon sible f o r all re pairs . 5.Inth e e vent i tb ecom esnecessaryto removea nyr i ght-of-way f ence,t hep osts oneither s ide of the access sha ll be securely br aced wit h a n approvede ndp ostbef ore t hef ence isc ut t opr event anyslack ing of t he remain ing f ence.All posts and wire r emovedare D ep artm ent pro pertyand shall betu rnedo ver toa represe ntat iveoft he D epartmen t. 6.A copy ofthepe rmit sha ll be availab lef orrevi ew atthe cons tructionsit e.If necessary ,minor changes aner add itions shall be ord ered bythe Department or loca laut horityfi e ld inspectort om eet unanti cipated si te conditions. 7 .T hea ccess sha llb e constructed a ndma int a in ed i n ama nner t hat sha ll n otc ausew atertoen ter on to the roadway,and shall not i nterfere w iththedra inag esys tem i n t he r i ght-of -way . 8 .Where nec es sary tore move ,relocate,orrepa ir at raff ic c ontrold evice orpu blic or private utilities for t he construction ofa permitted access ,the wor k s hall b eac complishedby t hepe rmitteew it houtc ost to t heD epartment or i ssuing authority,and atthe direc tion oftheD epartment o r ut ilit y company.Any damage to the st atehi ghwayor other publ ic r ight-of-way beyond that which i s allowed inthe permit shall be repaired imm ediately. 9 .Adequate advance w arning i s require d atall times during acces s c on stru ction ,in conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control D evices for Str eets and Highways.This may includ e theuseofs igns,flashers,barricades andf1aggers ,This is al so r equiredby sec tion 42-4-5 01,C .R.S.as am ended.Th e i ssuing auth ority,t he Departmen t and t heir duly appointed agen tsa nd employees shall beh eld harml ess aga inst anyaction f or personal injury o r p roperty damage sustained by re asono fth e e xerciseo fthep ermit. III Changes i nuseand violations 1.If t herear e ch anges i n t heus e of t heac cess,t he accesspermit-issu i ngautho rity must ben ot ified of t he change.A change i n p roperty use which mak es the exist ing access de sign oru se in non-conform ance with the Access Code orthe terms and c onditi ons oft hepe rmit,mayre qu ire t he rec onstruction o rr elocat i ono fth e access .Exampl es of changes in access use are; an i n cr eas e i n vehi cul ar vo lumeb y20p ercent ,oran i ncrease by20per cent ofa d i rectiona l c haracteristic such asa left turn . The i ss ui ng au t horit y w ill revie w t heor ig in al perm i t;itmayd ecide it is adequate orreq uestth atyo ua pply f ora new perm it. 2 .A llt erms and c ondit ions of t hepe rm i t arebi ndingup on allass igns,successors -in-i nterestandhe ir s. 3.When a perm itted drivewayi s cons tructed o r used i nv iolat ion o f the A ccessCode,the l ocalgo vernm ent or Department may obtain ac ourt ord er t o halt th evio lation .Such access perm its m ay b erevokedby t he i ssuing authority. IV Further information 1.W hen the pe r mit ho ld er wish esto m akeim provementsto anexi st i ng legal access ,h e sha ll make h is request byfi l ing a c om pleted p erm it a pplication f ormw ith t he issui nga uthority .T he i ssuin g auth or i ty maytake ac t ion o nly on t he request for i m provement.D enia l do es not revoket he existin gaccess. 2 .Th e perm i ttee,h is heirs,successors-in-interest,andassig ns,of t he property ser vicedby t he access shall be responsible for mee ting the te rmsand co ndit ions oft hepe rmitand the remo val o r cl earanceo fsno w or i ce upon t he access even though d epos itedon t heac cessi nt hecou rse o f D epartment snow re moval op erat ion s.Th e Department shall ma intain in unincorporated areas t he highway d ra inag esystem,includin g thos e cul verts under t he access wh ich are part of that system w i thin th e ri g ht-of-wa y . 3 .The is suedat e of the permi t isthe date theDepartment representative s igns the perm it which is after the perm ittee has returned the permit signed and paid any required fees. '. . ~. ;. I ", i, •I " 4 .The Department may ,when necessary for the Improved safety and operation of the roadway,rebuild,modify,remove,or r ede sign th e h ighway including anyau xilia ry lane.',! ..~r 5.A ny driveway,whether construct ed b efore ,on ,or a fter Jun e 30,1979,may b ereq uired bythe Department.Jwith written co ncurrence o f the appropriate local authority,tobe reconstru cted or reloc ated to conform tothe Access Code ,either at t hep roperty owne r 's expense i f th e reconstruction o r relocat ion i sn ecessitatedbya change i n t heuseof the properly w h ich resu ltsi n ac hangein t he typ eo f d riv eway ope ration;oratth eex pense o ft heDepartment i f t he reconstruction or - relo cation i sn ecessitat ed by cha ngesi nroadort raffic cond i tion s.Thenec essity for t he relocati on or reconstruction shall . b ede termined hv re f,,,,,n,,,,In I hp.~I"nri ",ri~~p.I fnrlh i n Ih"A r.r.,,~~r.nri" PERMITNO.387040 •'r ·,-• 1 Driveway shall be constructed 35 feet wide with 50 foot radii.surfacing for driveway approach is required as follows:12"of class 1 gravel in 2,6"lifts;6"of class 6 gravel in 1,6"liftS. 2 Also 3"of HBP in 2,1.50"lifts of grade E,EX,or equivalent.The asphalt cement in the HBP shall be AC 10. 3 Fill/cut slopes shall be at a 2:1 slope on the roadway and at 6:1 on the access approach. 4A design for and construction of a drainage pipe under the frontage road is required.Frontage road shall be overlayed 100 feet each side of cut for pipe 5A new 18"CMP culvert shall be used.All culverts (side drains)installed in open ditches shall have flared end sections. NOTE:Pavement design for construction may be modified upon ----submission of an approved design by a professional engineer.Such design shall have a Structural Number no less than 3.36.Written approval of the modified design is required before construction. 6No drainage from this site shall enter onto the surface of the highway.All existing drainage structures shall be extended to accommodate all new construction and safety standards.. 7 Contractor shall follow the applicable construction specifications set for by the Department of Highways in the latest manual Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.The property owner is responsible for any ·, utilities disrupted by the construction of this driveway .and all expenses incurred for repair.Any damage to any existing Highway facilities shall be repaired prior to continuing other work. 8 Compaction of sub-grade,embankments and backfill shall comply with Section 203.11 of the Division of Highways Standard Specifications. 9 Compaction of Hot Bituminous Pavement (HBP)shall comply with Section 401.17 of the division of Highways Standard Specifications. 10 If frost is present in the sub-grade,no surfacing material shall be placed until all frost is gone or removed. 11 Saw or score asphalt to assure a straight edge for patching. 12 The first 20 feet beyond the closest highway lane,including speed change lanes,shall slope down and away from the highway at a 2%grade to ensure proper drainage control. 13 All excavations on Utility lines,culverts,other trenches or tunnels shall meet the requirements of COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS,OSHA,Colorado Industrial Commission and the Colorado Division of Mines whichever applies. 14 The area around the new work shall be well graded to drain, top soiled,fertilized,mulched and reseeded. 15 Work shall BEGINAFTER 8:30 A.M.and all equipment shall be off the roadway BEFORE 3:30 P.M.each day. PAGE NO.1 APROFESSIONALCORPORATION POSI OFFICE BOX4786KEYSTONE COLORADO 80435303 4682277 w • TTE R • ARC H TEe TS 25 June 1987 Town of Vail Community Development 75S.Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Attn:/Mr.Joe Norris I Re:.Wendy's Restaurant "'~Dear Joe:--------- In regard to our telephone conversation on Tuesday,June 23,we are proceeding per your directions that the building reqires no form of fire alarm system,monitor system,or smoke detection devices.Aswe discussed,the building is indeed a "Type V, Non-rated"structure and has well in excess of 40 ft.separation to any other structures.We are proceeding per your directions despite the conflicting information coming from the Vail Fire Department.You stated that acceptance of the building and its systems is under final jurisdiction of the Building Department, and I trust any disagreement between you and the Fire Department will be resolved as soon as possible. As you are aware,construction is proceeding at a rapid pace and therefore we need confirmation of these items immediately. Please call if you have any further information. Thank you. Don Brinkmann cc.Mr.Garty Morant Mr.Mark Francis Mr.Tom Mengenhauser May 8,1987 .. TEe TS ,.' ARC HR • TTE That the sewer installation comply with all local codes and separation requirements from the existing water line. That the Ownerbe responsible for repair or damage caused as a consequence of this installation. That the Owner take all necessary precautions, including adequate compaction during backfilling to prevent sliding or erosion. That the Owner revegetate the cut to existing appearance. That all legal and surveying costs associated with this installation be assumed by the Owner. A PROFESSIO NALCOHPORA110N f'0$1 OFflCr:BOX 47li{j K(YSJ ONE.COLOHAOO 6()'135 303468 2277 . w 'Asa precaution,to insure that these conditions are complied with if something .occurs in the future,you should have the power to cut off the sewer service. 2•. 3. 1. 4. 5. 6. We ,would like you 'to grant a sewer easement as indicated on the attached sheet to the property owner of Lot 12 above us. I don't see that this would adversely affect the use of your property and ~his general route is the only one for a gravity sewer from Lot 12.I believe that the easement should contain the following conditions: Mr.Robert Bourne CNL Income Fund Ltd.Ltd. 122 East Colonial Drive,Suite 202 Orlando,Florida J280 ~Wendy's a.~vail Dea rBoo;----' May ll,1987 Page Two ••• If you concur with this proposal,please let me know and I will have the legal description drawn and forwarded to you. Very truly yours, Peter C.Witter Encl.. cc.Gary Miller,Corey Schmidt ____I .'•._ -, ,.'. ... ~ _. ..,e READYFOR INSPECTION : •INSPECTION R'EQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT [)TOWN OFVAIL DATE SOV 6'E JOB NAME J;.Jrnd.:O rJ)~!~A+: CALLER I..)J?~~ ED THUR FRI It.ru ,,)e:5 PM ~--- BUILDING:PLUMBING: I ~OTINGS /STEEL or:=,o UNDERGROUND ~i"12I::;:f;1=)UN DATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. ~'o ROUGH /WATERoFRAMING ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o ,fINAL o FINAL {/rl ~P P R O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED 7 CORRECTIONS : 1M prLnleryN a,1 7 /~ I I NSPECTOY---<..OP=-_I---f----=--_DATE S-/9-6 7 ______AMPMFRI •INSPECTION REQLJEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER ----=::._:....:..:;-=--~___'_'_'_~~_____'.=.~__ MONTUESWEDTHUR • READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:'--_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ('r DATE JOB NAME __-'--_--='--~~_,.--___=_------____,----- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK N AIL _ o _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D .W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL/H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: 1\1mTEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECT IONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED / / ./~/, ,-/,~r ", f .;. //1c<-, DATE _::...:-_---"'---="'-_~_____'::....-__INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL W~rJJ~(, CALLER ~V-e TUES @ THUR FRI I ~Or AMPM • S -')/,-~JOB NAME READYFOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION:----,_ DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL I'D"FOUNDATION /STEEL ..:....l)<:....:....K ..o....-_ -'o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW,V,_ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H ,TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIRED 0 _ o FINAL _ o DISAPPROVED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ _____________~0 SUPPLY AIR _ ~ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP,POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ 7 1 ;~~~I N A L Q PPROVED C bRRECTIONS: FA ( \ )01,C. tht'p,lnle"I'Iail / 7/~ ! ( INSPECTOR _=="'"~--'----'-~"---'"'---------7DATE-=::5 :0...---="--_'-'-"----_ /~csr I NSPECTION .E QUE ST TOWN OFVA IL JOB NAME \U Q.t'\d.I "'-,--CALLER -'o:l'<" MON TUES WED ~FRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :_ DATE ~-;)"7 <1<, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL ~O )F b U NDA T I O N /STEEL ~oK:::::..!..~._ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ .q II!AL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL 'rtA~PR O V E D I CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED / DATE _S~_-=-,-----=----,-_INSPECTOR ~~,' / • PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 5'/':)...I jg.l JOB NAMErI ~."I INSPECTION Ri:QUEST kJ..e..-~'.J TOWN OF VAIL C ALLER 1 AM <;) D04t- I FRI I:OD h.e..I (\+r-~to:........;:=:--"""'-==--- ~1./!3D THURWEDMONREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION : BUILDING:PLUMBING: ro;OOTI NGS /STEEL ,\J:)d-~-r .v c!....$=r ~/~0 UNDERGROUND ~F O U ND AT I O N /ST EEL (.(J<2 ~t No 4 wI'o-I/>0 ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING n INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY A IR, 0 0 ~~lfJ A L o FINAL ~6?P P R O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTI ON REQUIRED7CORRECTIONS: thllp rinlery/va .l7INSPECTO~_"=-_o.-e--=~._-'-j'---_-----...::'--_ INSPECTION REQlJEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER _---=~-!--...::::..-~_._::_...:.._-=-.::=______.:::.=__=______==::...__ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE S'I ')..r If J JOB NAME -------:'----~~---~___A-­ / _____AMPMMONTUESWEDTHUR.@READYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :---,_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W.V.~ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: II-~TEMP.POWER _ / o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 -----.,._ o FINAL r--r-rrr-:_ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ D /APPROVED .--/..:~;:t'~ /.. CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -+-----=---6-'-.-----INSPECTOR --- / ~printerylva il ,, READY FOR INSPECTION : LOCATION :----::=.::~"'--==:........=~.:z,L!.:...L1..~_'__7~::.----------- .\ JJ1.2J .INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL DA TE 1//;Jt i JOB NAME ~~d ~I ,,,CALLER ~t24V d,<At24&d &kflJWl'!Md MON TUES..-:'l'WEDTHUR FR T '?!d/)J G PM bh r/ad 0 BUILDING : o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROO F &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND __~..........-=.....-_ I ROUGH /DW,V.~-((..c::s:r o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIRED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ o _ o FINAL _ o DISAPPROVED ELECTRICAL: o TEMP ,POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ .q ~I NA L _ ~PP R O V E D I C 6RRECTIONS: DATE W-;)-~7 FRITHUR INSPECTION REQUEST 1_I _{l (TOWN OF VAILVV~l ..r CALLER -L.....:...:...'::..:::..---...---=--=-~..:::::::.:=_==~~ TUESREADYFORINSPECTION:MON LOCATION : PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING )tROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL I "A PPROVED .J~' CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED /'J ,97DATE~.•r _INSPECTOR / th e prln'ery lva ,1 ·'. d5\1~ PERMITNUMB ER:-'O"::-'::-F-=-P-'-RO""'J--:E=-=C=-T-- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ------1(;0 PMFRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION:_ DATE (,-~-~J__JOB NAME W-"'RI.....U".......A"""-;'j-:5:7L-_ CALL ~O"\I .e MON TUES~THUR o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED BUILDING:~PL U M B I N G :..J o FOOTINGS /STEEL Q:JNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WA TER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o Fi t AL o FINAL h I r:I'l l/I ( CZ1 APPROVED ./ CO/RRECTIONS: I DATE --'.~_"':;>-_,,",-,L--_ WEDTHUR <8 AM @ ~-1-1.<..~7;(;;( CALLER TUES JOB NAME READYFOR INSPECTION :MON LOCATION :-=-=~~"'__~=~.=....L:~~ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 61/,f/(1 I I • PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _-,--_ AROUGH e..f...+eA-/o/IN ~/ o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY A IR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED -"/INSPECTOR -:-.~~L.....:.:......:.....____,,_--"--~----/DATE =---'--__,;.----L._ _____AM ~ INSPECTION REQU.ES T TOWN OF VAIL c.:::... CALLER .I<") MONTUESWEDTHUR @ DATE ----O..~----'c....::.::--"-L..:. READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION :_ PLUMBING: o POOL I H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL ,..--~./RROUGH I DW.V.l ei \-<<,,'\0 W FRAMING tic")~-~"9(ROUGH/WATER {D O f'S-~l ~O O F &SHEER foPLYWOODNAILING0 GAS PIPING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ ~FhN A L MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL _f~~P R O V E D /CORRECTIONS: -,\' o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ----"'------'----"-_-"'----'-_ the prlnlef)'IYail ,.,.I'I -----9 PM -INSPECTION REQUEST l (TOWN OF VAIL J t'\--tx ~) W EDT HURFRI CALLER MON JOB NAME ·--- READY FOR I NSPECTION : LOCATION :_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE b l .t?JYj I I BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS I STEEL 0U NDE RGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEE L 0 ROUGH I DW.V._ o FRAM ING 0 ROUGH I WATER _ ROOF &SHEER _---::;:-_---,,,--GAS PIPING {"")K .~PLYWOOD NAILlN G._Q -'-'::>.-=-----=;;>--'-"'--f""~---- m INSULATION ?Af-t..0 POOL I H .TUBJ ----------- o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 _ o 0 o FINAL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o H EATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPL Y A IR 0 _ o FINAL o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED '\""S ~\~N @ PM \ •INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OFVAIL THURFRIWED • CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION :®TUES LOCATION:=----_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE\C)-~Q -~~JOB BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION ----~~---r----­I ~HEETROCK NAIL W %r.,,,p l..,J-f"" o o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL C).q..APPROVED /CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLYAIR 0 _ o FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE (P -~q -ts7 INSPEC'_-/-..Q:L._...L.-f-J~~="""__ the prlnter,N ail ....., M \PM e INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER MONTUESWEDTHUR ~ ---'''-''-_'----_-'----'-JOB NAME ..::..'-----'---"'-~~-"'-L-__=_------------ READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION :_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK ~~0i:l ~",....).~'0-&0 I -, o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLYA IR 0 0 ..p l lNAL o FINAL ~'~~P P R OV E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED !CORRECTIONS : DATE '7 -:3 --1)/ ••INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL _____@ PMFRIMONTUES JOB NAME --'-'o...L-"'-"-""'-""'i-~----------------D ATE .,-<:t -%"1 READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION: BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROO F &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAil _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIRED o FINAL _ o DISAPPROVED ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER -----------0 HEATING rA o ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS J:l_--'I'-'o=--.:~=c"____ o CONDUIT --------------;-5 SUPPlY AIR 0 1 1~I CO?<:::4 o (0 ---------------- ,0 f iNAL /':fu1ApPROVED7C6RRECTIONS: <,U.! 'dU (' DATE _~----':.L.-_=---'--_ • PM INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI CALLER MON TUESREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION:_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER oGAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING ..........~~;.c '&~ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT 0 o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL t ril APPROVED ~~ CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED /7 DATE '"7 -I S--rz INSPECTOR ~f2 '417/'/. PM_____AMFRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READYFOR INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT~JOB NAME _~}.~~...L~~~"",~,""--,,-:»'.::::\~~,,"",,,,--_---,--------,..__--:---,..,.-__ CALLER c:::;;: MON TUES ~THUR LOCATION :_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT Ib ...~,>0 ""......... o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ./ DATE =---_INSPECTOR ••INSPECTION REQUEST PERMI T NUMBE R OF PROJECT /,/TOWN OF VAIL DATE /-12 -Jf7 JOB NAME _1~-~---,-7~d~Wf-r-"-:J,------:-:-__------::,.-----_ CALLER (llj'-i.e ~It/...'F/ PM_____AMFRITHURWEDMONTUES 1/00;1'LOCATION :__...r;.x--'--=-J--_--"--=-----'-''---'-_ READYFOR INSPECTION : tV~1 BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .T UB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o _ ,)ft(~NA L /?/9 o REINSPECTION REQUIRED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS __--,-----_ o SUPPLY AIR _ o _ o FINAL o DISAPPROVE D,/APPROVED --:?~ CORRECTIONS: ~ DATE --L<'---------'--.=e-_4.-'--..::-r-r- }.~,..~ INSPECTOR--Ihe prlo.ryl va tl FRI INSPECTION REQUEST _~)s TOWN OF VAIL CALLER --=------'-'-'---"--"....L..;;~-__o__=______==__----­ TUES cSV THUR • DA TE JOB READ YFORINSPECT ION:MON L OCATION:_ PERMI T NUMBER OF PROJEC T BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROO F &S HEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 r 7EMP-c:~\JtslF-.1 NJ\"L ~o FINAL I ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUG H o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o F~f ~o FINAL •,/...<;E.flOVED •o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECT IONS: 9'-/-eP 7 DATE --~~7----'<-...t:----- ."".,,,,,,,'"''~ e INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMITNUMBEROFPROJECT DA TE f/;71ft JOB N AME --"--l,..~=----~-f---':"""_----------- PM______AMFRI CALLER MON TUE S WED T HURREADYFORINSPECTION: L OCATION :_ BUILDING: o FO OT ING S /ST EEL o FOU NDATIO N /STEEL o FRAM ING ROOF &S HEER o PL YWOOD NAILING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o rr:;iF INAL PLUMBING: o UN DER GROUND o RO UGH /D W .V._ o R O UGH /W ATER _ o GAS PIPING o PO OL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TE MP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAU ST HOODS o S UPPLYA IR 0 _ o FINAL _ ~PPR O V E D CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -,"'--.::....:....--==---=:.-:...-_INSPECTOR •• FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below itemsneedtobecomplete before giving apermita final Cof O. Pleasecheck off inthe box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: D~--,------,-_ FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: D~.=...:...:.=:~:=....--......_ FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE,";\:~S'.;:-'"\'d FINAL BUILDING DATE: D--_------==;=F--~__- DATE:~~ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCYw------ ,.....•• APROFESSIONALCORPORA 'IOt\POSTOFFICEBOX 47Ro KEYSTONe.CO LORADO 80435303 4 58 2277 w TT E R ARC H TEe T S March 30,1987 Mr.Rick Pylman Department of Community Development Town of Vail Vail,Co.81657 Re:Design Review Board Submittal Wendy's at Vail Dear Rick: Submitted herewith find the materials in support of the above request.In response to the concerns expressed at the Design Review Board Work Session we have made the following changes, studies and modifications: 1.Lgng~~gg~_~lgn Added trailing junipers and larger conifers at the retaining wall area.Refined planting elsewhere;low berms at entrance. 2.Retgining_Ngll Elevations and studies submitted. Stained precast concrete cribwall proposed. 3.~~~gg~t_tl~ight Sections were cut and viewline studies taken from above and from the I-70 Overpass. Asa consequence,the parapet was raised to 3'-0". The parapet height would be 7940 and the eye level at the overpass would be approximately 7936.Thus the roof top equipment would be effectively screened. Several condominiums above might be able to see the wendy's roof although the natural sight lines would be both above and to the east.The roof top equipment would be painted a dark grey. 4.M~t~~igl~_~_~Q1Q~~Upon further study,we have decided to lighten the color of the stucco at the building base and slightly darken the siding.The accent color would be extended to include the handrails. • Mr.Rick Pylman Page Two • Please let me know if any further materials are required. ;:J;;:;: Peter C.Witter PCW/shw A PROFESSIONALCOR PORATION POSTOFFICEBOX4786KEYSTONE.CO LORADO 80435 3034682277vvwTTERARCHTEeTS TRANSMITTAL To TOH N OF VAIL Date Apr il 15,1987 JobNo . JobT itle Attention Mr.Bill Andrews Via CopiesDescriplon 1-Drainage and Grading Plan Action Re:Wendy's Site Drainage Date 4-15-87 No. Remarks Pleasereview and provide any input regarding drainage from the site.Thank you. Don Bri nkmann Copy to Fi Ie ORDINANCE NO.1 Series of 1987 •·~~ ?~ AN ORDINANCE ZONING CERTAIN PARCELS OF PROPERTY ~~ LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT D,L:)A ~ A RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE,FILING NO I,U71.~ TOWN OF VAIL,EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO,HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE TOWN OF VAIL,DESIGNATING SAID ZONING DISTRICTS FOR THE ANNEXED PROPERTY;SETTING FORTH DETAILS{rJ:-~ RELATING THERETO;AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP I IN RELATION TO THE ANNEXED PROPERTY.~~ WHEREAS,the property tobezonedherebyhasbeen recently annexedto the Town of Vail;and WHEREAS,the PlanningandEnvironmental Commission has considered the appropriate zoning for the recently annexed property andhasunanimously recommended that the Town Councilzone the parcel Commercial Core III;and WHEREAS,the Town Council considers it inthe public interest tozone said annexed property assoonas possible. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO,THAT: Section 1. The Town Council finds that the procedures for the provision ofzoning districts for property recently annexedtothe Town ofVailhave been fulfilled,andthe Town Councilhereby received the report of recommendation of the Planning andEnvironmental Commission recommending thezoningof the annexed property. Section 2. Pursuant to Section 18.68.070 of the VailMunicipal Code,a parcel of property described asa resubdivision of Tract D,a resubdivision ofVaildas Schone Filing No.1,Town of Vail,EagleCounty,Colorado is rezonedas Commercial Core III (CCIII). Section 3. As provided inthe ordinances ofthe Town of Vail,thezoning administrator is hereby directed tomodifyand amend the official zoning map to include the zoning specified in Section Two (2)above. Section 4. If any part,section,subsection,sentence,clause or phrase of this ordinance is for anyreasonheldtobe invalid,such decision shall not affect the validity oftheremaining portions of this ordinance;andthe Town Council hereby declares it would havepassed this ordinance,andeach part,section, subsection,sentence,clause or phrase thereof,regardless ofthe fact that any oneor more parts,sections,subsections,sentences,clauses or phrases be declared invalid. •• Section 5 . The Town Councilhereby finds,determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health,safety and welfare ofthe Town ofVailand the i nhabitants thereof. Section 6. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment ofany provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which -has accrued,anydutyimposed,any violation that occurred prior tothe effective date hereof,any prosecution commenced,norany other action or proceeding as commenced underorby virtue of the provision repealed and reenacted.The repeal ofany provision hereby shall not revive any provision orany ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED,READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS 6th DAY OF January 1987,anda public hearing shall beheldon this ordinance on the 6thday January VailMunicipal Building in Vail,Colorado. 1987.January6thdayof__'-'--""'--..:!.-_Ordered published in full this Paul R.Johnston,Mayor ATTEST Pamela A.Brandmeyer,Town Clerk INTRODUCED,READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED _____________this__dayof _1987. Paul R.Johnston,Mayor ATTEST:_ Pamela A.Brandmeyer,Town Clerk APROFESSIONAL CORPORAfiON POST OFFICEBOX4 786 KEYSTONe.COLORADO80435 3034682277 w • TTE R • ARC H TEe TS Wendy's at Vail ~~Qi~£t_Q~mmg~y _ 1.Project Summary A one-story Wendy's Restaurant of approximately 3750 sq.ft. with parking for 39 cars located on 1.25 acres of land. 2.Conditional Use Request A request for conditional use for a drive-thru window and for outside eating tables has been applied for.This has been scheduled for the March 23 Planning Commission Hearing. 3.Variance Request A variance request for encroachment of a driving lane into front set-back has been applied for and is also scheduled for March 23. 4.Loading Supplying of the restaurant occurs in the morning prior to store opening.Additionally,a drive-thru lane has been provided which can be used for loading in a crisis. 5.Snow Storage Due to the use of retaining walls,snow will be hauled and dumped. 6.Land Use Total Area Building Coverage Paving and Sidewalk Landscaping and Natural Square Feet 54,391 3,800 26,419 24,172 % 6.98 48.57 44.44 • LAN J)TIT LE GU A RAN TEE COI"IPANY Representins Title Insurance Company of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER Mar·ch 13.1987 Our Ordoaor: BUYER: SELLER: ADDRESS: V9132-4 WEND VAIL.A Colorado General Partnership 1-70 TRACT D ASSOCIATES.LTD.,A Colorado Limited Par·tnEorship OTTO PETERSON AND POST VNBB VAIL,CO 1 Attn:JAY PETERSON VAIL ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE BOX 7 VAIL.CO.816!::i8 3 Attn:JIM POTTER WAL TER S LATION 3773 CHERRY CREEK DR.#735 DENVER,CO.80209 1 Att n: ALPINE TITLE 104 E.BUFFALO ST. DILLON,CO.80435 1 Attn:GARY MILLER LAN D • TIT LE • GUA RAN TEE COM F'ANY Representin9 Title Insurance COmFany of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING 1000 S.FRONTAGE RD. VAIL,CO.~H657 1 Attn:DAN C. 714 1 Attn:JAN JOHNSON FRENCH,WESTWOOD &BROWN ATTN:MARGIE PO BOX 588 BRECI<ENRIDGE CO 80424 1 Attn:JOHN D.WOOD CLOSER 1 Attn:BETH .."":~."'-~'".,-'',',".-.......•,..:-'._..."••••• '1 ,':. ',:. r '".~ ~:.~ i.._~',',',..( :·.i ...;.'~ COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and . issued through the office of A GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 South Frontage Road P.O.Box 357 V ail,CO 81658 (303)476-2251 (]; ; \ Rep resent ing: .-•.~-~__,,_,.,u .-:-._,'~~_:-"'"''''::~:.:'_~:;".~.~'.,r-,-:;;'•.••••,.••,._~."._..••:-'''.~__:"_;~:;~"':.'•."':".~"':..'.'1-'.-__,"'_" .::';:.:..-."...;." ::.~ ~..) ~.'...'...,"r .~ 1',.-.r . .',' ~..- ;. TIMForm25822/78 ••AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATIONCOMMITMENT ·1970 Rev, n .., I ".~•~~-/'~»:»1'"\(~.."'";r._.~...:--,.~_....,t J ~~,•"r :"'..'\ .'.I .J ~>-..._.)I",("t",·y '}'\II ..t l ....I '~I .·i -,'"",•','~"...'...!':...;',!_~.r J '-..j '.~f ...J ;:~.'-.,,....../.l \ a Stock Company of Minneapolis,Minnesota TITL E INSURANCE COMPANYOF MINNESOTA,aMinnesota corporation,he rein called t he Compan y,foravalu able c onsideration,h erebyco mmits toissue i ts po licy o r policies of ti tlein surance,as identified inSc hedule A ,in favor oft he prop osedInsur ed n amed inSc hedule A,a s o wneror mortgageeo fthe estateorin terestco veredh ereby inthelandde scribedo r refer red t o inS chedule A,up on payment o f t hep remiumsandchargesth erefor ;a llsubject t o theprovis ions o f S chedules A and B a ndtothe Conditions and Stipulations hereof. T his Commitment shall bee ffectiveo nlywhen theidentity of the prop osed I nsured an d theamo unt o ft he policy orpolici es co mmittedforhavebe en inserted in Schedule A hereof bythe Company,either atthetimeof t heissuance ofthis Commitment orby subsequent endoresement. This Commitmen tispre liminary tothe issuance of suchpo licy orpolicies of tit le insur ance andallliabilityand ob liga- ti ons hereun dershallceaseand terminat esix months after thee ffective date hereof orwhenthepolicyorp oliciescommittedfor shallissue ,whichever first occurs,provided that thefailure toissuesuchpo licy orpoliciesis not thefault of the Company . I.The term "mortgage",wh en used herein,shall include deed of trust ,trust deed,or other security instrument. 2.Ifthe proposed Insured hasor acquires actual knowledge of any defect,lien ,encumbrance,adverseclaimor other matter affectin g theest ate or interest or mortgage thereon coveredbythis Commitment other than those shownin Schedule B hereof, andshallfail todisclosesuch knowledge tothe Company in writing,the Company shallberelievedfromliability foranyloss or damageresulting from any act of relianceher eon tothe extent the Company is prejud iced byfailure of the proposed Insured tosodisclosesuch knowledge .Ifthepr oposed Insured shalldisclosesuch knowledge tothe Company,orifthe Company other- wise acquires actual knowledge of anysuch defect,lien,encumbrance,adverseclaimor other matter,the Company atits option may amend Schedule B of this Commitmen t a ccordingly,but such amendment shall not relievethe Company from liability previously inc urred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3.Liabil ity of the Company under t his Commitment shallbe only tot he named proposed Insured andsuch parties In- c1u ded und er th e definition of In suredintheform of policyorpolicies committed forand o nlyfo r actual loss incurred inre- liance hereon in undertaking in good faith(a)to comply with the requirements hereof or(b)to eliminate exceptions shown in Sched ule B,or(c)to acquire orcr eate the es tate o rinterest ormortgage thereon covered bythis Commitmen t.Innoe ventshall such liab ility exceed the amount stated inSchedule Aforthepoli cy orpoli cies committed for an d such liabilityissubject to t he insuring provisions andthe Conditions and Stipulations andtheexclu sions fromCoverage of theform of policyo r policie s corn- mitted forinfavor of th e pro posed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference andmadeapartoft his Commitmen t ex cept as expressly modified herein. 4.Any action or actions orrights of action that the proposed Insured ma y haveorma y bringagainstthe Company arising out of the status of th etitletothe estate or intere sto rthe status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment mustbe basedonandare subject tothe provisions of this Commitment. "•'> Inaddi tion to thematte rs conta inedin t heConditions and Stipulat ions and Exclusions fromCoverage above referred to , this Commitment isalso subject tothefollowing : I .R ightso rclai ms of parti es in p ossession not shown by thepublic records. 2.Easement s,orclaims of casem ents,not shownbythepublic records. 3 .Discrepancie s,co nflictsinb oundary lines,shortageinarea,en croachments,an d an y facts wh ich ac orrect su rvey and insp ection of the premises w oulddi sclo se an d wh ich are not shownbythepubli c records. 4 .Any lien.orrighttoalien,for ser vices,l abor or material theretofore or hereafter furni shed,imposed bylawandnot sh own bythepublicrecord s . 5.Defe cts.Iicns,encumbrances,adver se claimsorothe r matters,if any ,created,first appearing inthepublic record s o r a ttaching subsequent tothe effective date hereof but priortothedatethe proposed insured acquiresofrecordfor valuethee state or interest ormortgage thereon coveredbythis Commitment. INWITNESS WIIEREOF,Ti tle Insu rance Company of Minnesot a hasc aus ed it s corporate nameandsealto be hereunto a ffixed byit s dul y au thori zed offi cerso nthed ate shownin Schedule A,tobevalid whencountersign ed bya validating officer or other authorized signatory. ',.'.,'. ~-:_....';-,I "•'......~:."..,..\..:;..i•:,"i n • ALTA -Cha~51es - ALTA OWNER POLICY Tax C.:I'"t i f. --TOTAL • COM MIT MEN T SCHEDULE A Application No.V9132-4 Fo~Info~m~tion Only $697.00 $5.00 $702.00 With your remittance please ~efer to V9132-4. 1.Eff~ctive Date:March 04,1987 at 8~OO A.M. 2.Policy to be issued,and p~oposed Insured: "ALTA"Own",r"'s Policy Form B-1970 (Amended 10-17-70) ProFosed Insured: WEND VAIL,A Colorado General Pa~tn~rship $651,600.00 3.The estate or interest in the land described or reFerred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4.Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at tIle effective date hereof vested in: 1-70 TRACT 0 ASSOCIATES,LTD.,A Colorado Limited Pa~tnership 5.The land ~eferred to in this Commitment is described as f o ll ours ! PARCELA,A RESUBDIVISION OFVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.1, ACCORDING TO THEPLAT RECORDED XXXXX IN BOOK XXX AT PAGE XXX, COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO. === PAGE 1 •• ALTA COM MIT MEN T SCHEDULE B-1 (R~"luirements)Application No.V9132-4 The followin9 are th~re9uirements to be complied with: 1.Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration For the ~state or interest to be inr.ur€'d. 2.Proper instrument(s)creating the estate or interest to b e insured must be executed and duly filed for record,to-wit: 3.RESUBDIVISION PLAT ACCEPTABLE TO THE COMPANY TO BE RECORDED IN EAGLE COUNTY. 4.TRADE NAME AFFIDAVIT OR GENERAL PARTNERSHIP AGREEl"IENT OF ~~END VAIL,A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP,DISCLOSING THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THE PARTN ERS THERETO. 5.EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS,CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAx HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 6.WARRANTY DEED FROM 1-70 TRACT D ASSOCIATES,LTD.,A Colorado Limite d Partnership TO WEND VAIL,A Colorado General Partnership CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NOTE:CERTIFICATE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP RECOFmED ..JULY 18,198~:IN BOOK 363 AT PAGE 791 DISCLOSES WEST VAIL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION,A COLORADO CORPOr<ATION TO BE THE GENERAL PARTNER(S)OF1 -70 TRACT D ASSOCIATES,LTD., A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. THE COUNTY CLERI<AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES r~ETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENT FOR RECORDING!! === PAGE 2 •tit ALTA COM MIT MENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)Applicati on No.V9132-4 The policy or policies to be issued will contain e xceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisFaction of the Compa ny; 1.Standard E xceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6.Taxes and assessments not vet due or pavable and special assessments not vet certified to the Treasurer's o ffice . 7 .Any unpaid taxes or assessments aeainst said land . 8 .Liens for unpaid water a nd sewer charges,if any . 9.RIGHTOF PROPRIETOR OFAVEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFBO~l ~;HOULD THE SAt1E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR I NT ERSECT THE F'REtHSES AS RESERVED INUNITEDSTATESPATENT RECORDED AU9ust 11 ,1900 ,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 236. 10 .RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS,WHICH DO NOT CONTAINA FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OM ITTl NG F\ESTH I cn ONS,IFANY,BASED ON RACE,COLOR,Rt::LI GION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN,AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED July 07 ,1965,IN BOOK 190 AT PAGE ::;;59 AND AS At'lENDED INI NSTRUrlEtH RECOF\DED t'la .....22,1 S'68,IN BOOK 212 ATPAGE 829 AND RECORDED .JUNE 19,1';;68 IN BOOI(21.2 AT PAGE 966 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED February lb.1970,IN DOOK 217 ATPAGE 7:3. 11.AN EASEMENT AND RIGHTOF WAY FIVE FEET IN WIDTH ALONG ALL SITE BOUI ,mARIES FORUSEOF UTILITY SERVICE LINES AND FORTHECONSTRUCTION,ERECTION AND MAINTENAN CE THEREOF,TOGETHER WITHTHERIGHTOF INGRE:=;S AND EGRESS THERETO AS RESERVED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED ~ULY 7.1965 IN BOOK 190 AT PAGE 559. 12.EASEMENT AS GRANTED TOVAILVILLAGE WEST AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 7,1981 IN BOO~<3 32 AT PAGE 991. 13.EASEMENT AS GRANTED TOVAILVILLAGE WEST WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 7,1981 IN BOOK 332 AT PAGE 992 . PAGE •PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION 3/23/87 PRESENT STAFFPRESENT J.J.Collins Diana Donovan Peggy Osterfoss sid Schultz Jim Viele ABSENT Byran Hobbs Pam Hopkins Peter Patten Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack The meeting was called to order by the chairman,Jim Viele. 1.A request for a conditional use permit for commercial storage at the West Vail Mall located at 2161 North Frontage Road. Applicant:Vail Mall Joint Venture/Mr.Dave Tyrrell Rick Pylman stated that the applicant was requesting to utilize 375 square feet of space located on the northwest corner of the lower level below Bullock's for storage.Dave Tyrrell was present representing the Vail Mall Joint Venture. Diana Donovan moved and J.J.Collins seconded to approve the request for commercial storage.The vote was 5-0 in favor. 2.A request for a front setback variance and requests for a drive-through window and outdoor A,A Resubdivision of Tract D,Vail Partnershi Rick Pylman explained that both setback variances and conditional uses were being requested.The property had recently been subdivided and rezoned to CCIII.Rick showed site and landscape plans and stated that the staff felt there would not be any negative impacts from the request.Jay Peterson represented the applicant and stated that he had worked with the staff for 9 months on the subdivision,rezoning and then this application. J.J.Collins stated that the applicant had been to DRB concerning the aesthetics for conceptual review.Peggy Osterfoss felt the use was appropriate for the site.She wondered how snow removal wouldwork and was told that the applicant had committed to hauling the snow away.Diana Donovan felt there should be a small area to store some snow.The applicant stated that there would be room on the westerly side,but to meet the Town of Va il •• code,would require more space than there was available.Dia na answered t hat many times when snow is supposed to be hauled a way it doesn't quite get done. Peter Patten asked how the parking had been computed,and was told that there were more spaces than the Town of Vail requi red, but the number of spaces was s imilar to other restaurants t he applicant operated.sid Schultz was concerned about snow removal and wanted to make certain that the DRB would focus on needed landscaping.Jim Viele felt that regarding the setbacks, he felt it was better to use some of the unused portion of t he road setback rather than push the building back and have to h ave more retainage.Diana asked if it would be possible to have higher landscaping on the back,and was told that small evergreens would be planted on the retaining walls. Diana Donovan moved and Peggy Osterfoss seconded to approve the conditional use permit request per the staff me mo dated 3/23 /87. The vote was 5-0 in favor. Diana Donovan moved and sid Schult z seconded to approve the setback va r iance request per the staff memo with concern of t he PEe to DRB regarding landscaping and snow storage.The vote was 5-0 in favor. 3.A request for a setback variance to add retail space too the Lionshead Centre Building located on Lot 5,Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant:Vail Lionshead Centre Condominium Assoc. Rick pyman stated that the applicant requested to table the request to an unspecified date. Diana Donovan moved and Peggy Osterfoss seconded to table the request.The vote was 5-0 in favor. I• TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental commission community Development Department March 23,1987 A request for conditional use permits in order to have a drive-through window and a dining deck on Parcel A,a Resubdivision of Tract D,Vail das Schone Subdivision. Applicant:The Wend Group Partnership I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The applicant,the Wend Group Partnership,is requesting , these condo ona es as well as a setback vari e in order to develo a Wend's restaurant on this site.This parcel ~ was ~dentified through the Lan Use Plan as aving the potential for a community commercial use.It was su sequently s divided and rezoned to Commercial Core III. Commercial Core III requ~res as a con ~lonal use,r~ve-up f cilities and also any use which is permitted which is not conduc e en ~rely w~~n a building.The outside-dining deck falls into this categor and thus also requires a cond itional use perm i.This memorandum Wl deal solely with the conditional use permit requests.The setback variance request will be covered under a separate memorandum. The applicant feels that the proposed drive-through window will represent a large and essential part of the restaurant business.It is the applicant's statement that approximately 30%of sales will be from the drive-through window.This window lS situated to allow for the s ac ~ng 0 up to 10 cars without an encroachment upon traffic circulation or parklng. The drive-up window stacking lane will also be utilized as the loading area for the restaurant.The applicants have stated that loading occurs during hours in which the business is not open to the public.Should loading occur during restaurant hours,by utilizing the drive-through lane as the loading area,there would be no encroachment upon traffic circulation or parking.We feel that utilizing this area for ~ this secondary use is a positive attribute in that it reduces the required amount of asphalt on this site., consists of a --;::~~!7I:!.'=.!::.¢.~~~~~~~~~:.=,~~~~~~~~~"----,Th e pat.Lo as is I ~ I • TTTT T T T0 1·1 N 0000o(I 0000 F I.}1,.1 I.)I) l)AI L ,. 26 FEB 1987 THURSDA Y RECEIPT It 44745 WEND COLORADO ASSOCIATE S LTD PO BO X 145 DILLON ,CO.8043 5 DES (R IP T IOt~: COI~D I TI ONAL USE 131131313134 1330 TOTAL 131:36PM 100 .00 iee .ee , CASH CHECK It 2219 RECEIPT B'j' FDBD • II .CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60,the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permits based upon the following factor: Consideration of Factors. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The Land Use process identified this parcel as a potential site for community commercial.Subsequent resubdivision and zoning supported by the Town staff and approved by the To wn Council reaffirmed that development objective.The conditional uses requested for both the drive-through window and the outdoor dining patio are Ln cidental ~ses customar j]y found associated with this te of restaurant.The Community Deve opment Department feels that th1s use does meet the development objectives of the community and therefore the requested conditional use permit requests also meet those development objectives. The effect of the use of light and air,distribution of population,transportation facilities,utilities,schools, parks and recreation facilities,and other public facilities needs. ~T h e two conditional use permits requested have no impact on 1~this criteria. The effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion,automotive and pedestrian safety and conven ience , traffic flow and control,access,maneuverability,and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The proposed outside dining patio has no impact upon this criteria.The concept of a drive-through window could,if improperly designed,negatively impact congestion,automotive and pedestrian safety and traffic flow and control.Ho wever, we do feel that the building and site plan provide adequate stacking distance for the drive-through window and that the parking and traffic flow on this site will function well with ~no negative impacts. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located including the scale and bulk of the proposed use i n relat ion to surrounding uses. The two proposed conditional uses are incidental uses to the permitted use on the site (a restaurant).Neither of the requested uses add bulk or mass to the permitted restaurant. In fact,the opportunity of a drive-through window reduces ·"• the required size of the restaurant as does the availability of exterior seating. III.Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed use. IV.FINDINGS The community Development Department recommends that the conditional use permit be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health,safaety,or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. V.RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of both the conditional use permit request for a drive-through window and the conditional use permit request for an outside dining area.We feel that these uses are incidental to the permitted use on the site and create no additional negative impacts. • TO: FROM: DATE: Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 23,1987 SUBJECT:A request for a front setback variance on Parcel A,a resubdivision of Tract D,Vail das Schone Subdivision. Applicant:Wend Group partnership I.DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant,the Wend Group Partnership,is requesting a variance of five feet from the re ired 20 foot fr petbac.The parking and loading section of the CCIII zone distrIct states that off-street parking and loading shall be provided with no parking-O~loadin area located in any required frQUt-setback.The proposed site plan (enc se shows a five foot encroachment into this front setback.The requested encroachment is a portion of an access lane that leads to the parking area and associated travel lanes. The applicant states that no viable alternative design configurations are available other than reducing the width of the access lane to approximately 15 feet.The applicant goes on to state that impact of the encroachment is minimal and is mitigated by the following factors:65 -70 feet of area exists between the property line and the edge of the pavement.The owners PIa se significant landscaping~on the remaining 15 feet 9£-~etQac as well as he 65-70 feet between the property line and the edge of pavement. II.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of criteria and Findings,Section 18.61.060 of the municipal code,the Department of Community Development recommends approval of the requested front setback variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The site plan that has been submitted for this proposal places the building well back from the requ ired setbacks and places most of the parking and asphalt to the side of the property.The minor encroachment of the accessway into the front setback st~ll ma~n 'ns a green-~ce area a ~ appro x~mately 85-Ieet to the edge of pavement of the Frontage • In relation to the other commercially approved properties along this area,this is an improvement with regard to the buffer from the Frontage Road.Many of the commercial properties developed along this road were developed through Eagle county and developed without the benefit of this regulation.Therefore,the buffer between the parking and the Frontage Road is minimal.lie f eel that the amount of buffer along with the intense landsGa i~Ian proposed present a workable situation for th~s r~est. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and un iformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special pr ivilege. The intent of the regulation allowing no parking within the front setback is to maintain an ade uate uffer betwe~n parkin areas and the hLLc road .We fee]that bJL- ma~ntaining the 15 fo~rea of the setback-and-h¥_ inst ituting an intens ive landsca e Ian for the area between te park~ng 0 and the Frontage RoAQ.the Jnten of th~s regulation is being met and therefore grantin of this var~ance wourtl~e a spec~aI r~v~le e.The majority of the commerc~a space a was developed along the Co mmercial Core III area was developed through Eagle County and does not maintain this requirement. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of popUlation,transportation and traffic facilities,pUblic facilities and utilities,and pUblic safety. The community Development staff feels that the requested variance has no negative impact upon this criteria and in fact,is an attempt to enhance this criteria.The requirement could be met by narrowing this access lane to 15 feet in width.The applicant,in attempting to maintain appropriate safety standards,has submitted the variance request.We feel that the impacts are minimal and that we are gaining safe access in travel lanes through this request. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems app licable to the proposed variance. • III.FINDINGS The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the pUblic health,safety or welfare,or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficultly or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development recommends a roval of the requested variance.we ~a the five foot encroachment into the 20 foot setback presents minimal im act when viewed in con unc ~on W1 e ro an sca e plan,and when recognizing that ed tance between ro ert llne e edge of pavement i s up to and exceeds 70 feet.Discussion W1 e Town Engineer indicates that there is very little possibility of this road ever widening,and therefore this 70 foot distance will be maintained.We feel that this combination of factors complies with the intent of this section of the zone district and feel that an ne ative impacts a~deguately mitigated and that it is not a rant of special privilege. .~. -.' :I / ./-: -./ --, \-'_\I....t tt..L....:.. -: \ \-\ \ '. '. NV1d 3J.IS t ,.'0::... r,-... .{ '-- -;' -. • I NTER-DEP ARTME NTAL REVI EW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING~~~__ PROJECT:W¢.)utIS DATE SUB t-l ITTED:~.~ c m"~JIE NTS tl EED ED BY:------- BRIEF DESC RIPT ION OF THE PRO POSAL: l~::;+<vJ ('T..'"+ w I LL LSc ..:A::-c./boD &t{,lp...h9-7'5 o P/-./9/rJ/}(.£Di:('-<.Ja=v W G"'>->0 7'IS f ~,N7/7-<-~;:;140 /It:.crJG,Sou7#<-=¥!.t...'t ..;::lo pc~T'1'0A/C:-C.,::)<->L.D &C //v/{,.L 0,5<:''-1<;'S L/'l-rPte......,;}~~ CO"""pl.c-ru;;;-He ..P..e.6rt.../t-v /.s FIRE DEPA RH1ENT Revi ewed by:Date _ Co mments: "/~/o:1:::'--- '""7/Y L ';;/Ze---,;t,,I!.-F' V r /L/7'''1 U --LI ,ci C,.47/aw.) >:-;l;rfl~-Y"M,,=~.~ POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:Date._ Co rn nen ts : .'.'.-, REC 2EATiON DEPA RTME NT Re vi e ~ed ty :Date------------------ Cor;z:ent s: 30 March "1987APPLICATION01::_...:::::.~~~~_.-·.' DATE OF ORB :-1EETI I~G:15 Apri 1 1987 ORB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application me~t~ng wi~h a pla~nin~staff member is s~ron~ly s~ggested to determine if any add1t1onal 1nformat1on 1S needed.No appl1cat1on w1ll be accepted unless it iscomplete (must include all items required by thezoning administrator). It isthe applicant's responsibility to make anappointmentwiththe staff tofind outabout additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline theapprovalprocess for your project by decreasing the number of conditions ofapproval that the DRB may stipulate.ALL conditions ofapproval must be resolved before a building permitis issued. A ONE $TOR}WENDY'SRESTAIIRANT OF AepROXIMATELYA.PROJ ECT DESCR I PTI ON:_~~~WU-W.l:.w.J..l.......;)L....lll~w.u:>J:ULJL....UJL...L1J:;..l:...C~u:Ja..L..J..lo..L-_ 3~OU SQ FT.lOCA'rED ON 1 25 ACRES DE I AND B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:• Das Schone SubdivisionAddress_---:::.~...:::..:::.:..:.::.:..:..::.....=:..::..:.~:...:..::.:.:.__ Block Filing _LotTractDLegalDescription Zoning CC3 C.NAME OF APPLICANT:WEND COLORADO ASSOCIATES LTD. BOX 145Address~_._..:.telephone 468-5117 D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:'Witter -Arehit ects-'----=~-------------- Dillon,Colorado 80435Box4786Address_....::..::."-'-~..:.-_.=....::..;:...::..c:c-'-'---=....:c.=....::..;....::..::-=---=-telephone 468 -2277 E.NAME OF OWNERS:WEND COLORADO ASSOCIATES,MANAGING PARTNER telephone_ Sign~ture _ Address --------------------- F.DRB FEE:The fee will bepaid at thetimea building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $°-$10,000 $10.00 $10,001$50,000 $25.00 $,50,001 -$150,000 $50.00 $150,001 -$.500,000 $100.00 $500,001 -$1,000,000 $200.00 $Over $1,000,000 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL ~UBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1.In addition to meeti~g submittal requirements,the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also be marked.This work must be completed beforethe DRB visits the site. 2.The reviewprocessfor NEW BUILDINGS will normallyinvolve two separate meetings ofthe Design Review Board,soplan on at least two meetingsfor their approval. 3.People who fail toappearbeforethe Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have notaskedfora postponement will be required tobe repub1ished., FICIHb ---'----------•LIST OF 1 ·~Al[Rlr\L S Wendy'5 Restallrant •NAI'lE OF PROJECT:_.Wendy'5 Restallrant LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT Tract D BLOCK ___ STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: .......••.'. The follOl'l1n9 information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Rev i ew Board before a final approval canbe fiven: A.BUILDING HATERIALS:TYPE OF HATERIAL COLOR Roof Single ply Rll bber with Ballast Sid i ng -'-'_x.........6l-1.oC.t:!edwaJ.lr ___ Other 11all r·1aterials R-Wall (Synthetic StllcCO) Olympic 917 Std.10610 · Light Beige Fascia ,x 6 Cedar Soffits Cedar Ply Windo;~s Dark Bronze Anodized Hi ndow Trim None Doors Dark Bronze Anodjzed w/Glass DoorTrim NOne Olympic 917 Olympic 917 Hand or Deck Rails -Wendy's Re d'Pa ntone 485 II F1 ues [(oot -top Equi pment·Pa j nt alit Dark Grey Flashings ~@ [(oot·Wendy's Red,Pantone 485 I I Chimneys N..A. Trash Enc l osures Similar to building Greenhouses Dark BronzeAnodized Other Accent at Fascia:Wendy'sRed,Pantone 485U Column at Entry: B.LA::DSCAPlllG:Name of Designer:Dennis Anderson/Berridge Associates,VAil,Co. phone:476.,.6405 PLANT HATERIALS:Botanical flame C or r,~ion Ilame Quanity Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTI:;G BC:ES TO _ BE Ra·:OVED "'Indicate csl i per for dcc i duc i ous trees.Indicate height for conifers. (0\'''1") •• .,.PLANT HATE RIALS : (can't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size ' Square Footage TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROSION CONTROL C.OTHER :LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swi mming pools,etc.)Pleasespecify The retaininQ walljs proposed asa precast concretecrib wall which steps ha ck 4 feet eyery '6 feet ver tical.It will be stained tothe roseoftheVail pas s retajnage.The crib 'con struction givesa s hadow pa ttern to breakIIp the mas s and a ll Ot/s for vegetation to ta ke hold wi t hin thscrtbs . .. •...LIST OF MATERIALS WI3NOy'f?HI1/J16(/~G?e:I<.S -v'JtIL.--,c;.ovoA.&OQ LOT BLOCK FILING _ NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: -... The followinginformationis required for submittal by the applicant tothe Design Review Board beforea final approval canbe fiven: A.BUILDING MATERIALS :TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fl ashi nqs " Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses Other 'B.LANDSCAPING:Name ofDesigner: phone: PLANT MATERIALS:Botan ical Name Common Name Quanity Size* rl1~t-I-k;;Sf',~I1OIA/'IT 1--z:Yz,1I c.~£.-...PROPOSED TREES 'AA t?/r"tN T c.-i"<A f!? F/NtJ5 -rlV5TA/I'tN "2--~/0 IN/e~A e:f'lt:E" ~/Nfl$f'tl/$17<litIV ~q -?e;e:ow N0!S NlbM P/N~.If!;"IV ~y.:.f\ r°;::'(/LAJ$q ",'kf4/IVb II ~f?"~emtlt,.oloeS /tsr-G'I'I' EXISTING TREES TO ___ BE 'REMOVED *Indicate caliper fordeciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. (over) ....• -PLANT MATERIALS:Botani ca1 Name (con't):rLJ""'I~e-~vS <sAg/IVA ...~rn A:'? SHRUBS .~f/.01f!1\oo~I .:1'"lJ IV 1~~u7 <?I.YzlJpPfrvO .::J I)rJ I PE?,e.IIS C;>."T...-H11tt~1<?G-lfOy4 :JCNJ/("e;:<oJ >'rlo~)1--.I LV Il/t"o ei ' COA/oJ u 5 S11?VOtVl~ .-..~• Common Name Quanity Size ~ot'rO m~",a crv~J~~(;/t5 b~L..- 'Ov fOP "'"vo q t?bt'tL--.j1l rJ ,fG'&, -r~q;b~L--..::rvtJ(e~,,?O W 1(....jO ,..;Glrftf'E't 4 S-.b It L.-:-...:T\?t-i le~ ~£011V1~~?2 c:::;-~vW6W()I) EX I STI NG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Square Footage "t.-C:; 10 I O()O 5000 I t\Nf'v'VIo/V 2 pJ cr<.1tLf0'"rIifO!Vb ,,~_-=-....::...-_ '7 --'b "A I vi e~to c.+:·w(eo t-j J11ttr ----"'--'-__ tJ6J1vf3 bfl<t\92 ~wt vO EWVV Gf2S v'1wtJ GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION ~tpM&tl-=C/:::-_ TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROSION CONTROL C.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. CONc--AeT€r<.er?t"J/JJb "WI(vvS.r}JOoO r(;3"~.?T NtJf€.TH e~r Pr<offt'TY '"/...-/N ~."p t7 v C-O E}'<.5 (-;-rb I ) 7 /jJ &l1JvrJIVC:?~£?15 B4I UiW "-I A PROf-l:SSIONAL CORPORATIONPOST OF"ICE BOX4786 Kl:YSTONE.COLCRADO80435303 4682277vvw•TTE R ARC H TE eTS February 23,1987 Mr.Rick Pylman Department of Community Development Town of Vail Vail,Colorado 81657 Re:Variance and Conditional Use Request for Proposed Wendy's Restaurant Dear Rick: Attached find materials in support of the following requests: 1.Request for Conditional Use Permit for Drive-thru Window.(18.27.030) 2.Request for Conditional Use Permit for outside eating tables. 3.Reguest for Variance for the encroachment of a dr1ving lane into front set-back (18.27.110: No parking or loading area shall be located in any required front set back area.) It is my understanding that these requests will be reviewed at the March 23 Planning and Environmental Commission Meeting. Ve~UIY yours, 1~Jt;~ Peter C.Witter PCW/shw Attachments • February 23,1987 • The proposed drive-thru pick-up window represents a large and essential part of Wendy's business and market attraction. Approximately 30%of the sales will be derived from the drive-up window. The pick-up window is situated to allow for the stacking of up to 10 cars without encroachment upon any traffic circulation.(See Location A)In comparable locations we have found stacking for 6-7 cars adequate. Conditional use for three tables (8-12 seats)of outside eating space is requested.These would be located due south of the Sun Room and would be separated by a guard rail from vehicular traffic.Four planters would divide this area.(See Area B) • February 23,1987 This request is necessary to provide vehicular access to the proposed parking.It is supported by the following arguments: 1.Ordnance 18.27.110 states that "No parking or loading be located in any required front set-back area." In fact,neither parking nor loading are proposed in this area.However,because of similar precedent,the planning staff has requested that this request be submitted for Variance Review. 2.No viable alternative design configurations are available to us other than to reduce the width of the driving lane to approximately 15 feet. 3.The impact of this encroachment is minimal considering the location of the project and will be mitigated by the following factors: A.A65 to 70 foot undeveloped zone exists between the frontage road and the southern property line. In reviewing this location with the town engineers it was felt that it was unlikely that the frontage road would be widened in the foreseeable future. B.The owners propose significant landscaping on the remaining 15'landscape zone as well as the 65 to 70'frontage zone if allowed. 4.We believe that no special privilege is being requested and that the intent of Ordnance 18.27.110 will be fulfilled. •• February 23,1987 Wendy's at Vail Portion of Tract D Vail Das Schong Filing No.1 Owners of record of contiguous property: Lot ill.Benno Scheideggar Dennis and Patricia Gayle Walchner 2702 West Cortina Lane Vail,Co.81657 Lot 112:Corey A.and Katherine Schmidt P.O.Box 2650 Vail,Co.81658 Tract D:1-70 Tract D,Associates Ltd. 9933 Lawler Ave.Suite #307 Skokie,Illinois 60077 Tract B:West Vail Associates,Letd. 9933 Lawler Ave.Suite #410 Skokie,Illinois 60077 Frontage Road:Colorado Department of Highways Appl ication Date~-;2~.t"1.=:b=:.'1.J-__- PEC MEETING DATE~---- APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I.Thisprocedureis required for any project requesting a variance.'The application willnotbeaccepted until all informationissubmitted. A.NAME OF APPLICANT WeND ~~p..~=-::'I~LIP. ADDRESS~\-4s.t?\I.t'''~.L c:>-+~s. _____________________PHONE~""b SIll B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE~~VV~l~~~~~\__ ADDR ESS W \1T1;lL Arz..:::.~It1:::t::::.T 7 ____J?c::!<4 J bu..D \U_A=...."~bc::>1~s PHONE....:1'-b -2-z.17 - C.NAME OF OWNER(S)(t~~7 print).'NftJD c::D~f2AsO='k~~.&V.~~~~) Signature(s)/~hhNh .V~6 f'P=VR!Q4...sC ADDR ESS.-:....d!2..J:::l...!~_ ______________________________________________________________PHON E._ D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS~~~~~"'r;:l\\lI~"'~P~~p ~~~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING ~.I'----!'--..:......!._-------- v E.FEE $100 PAID CK #'2-:2.\1--FROM V'J~~~ THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. L--f.A list ofthe names of owners of all property adjacent tothe subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS.and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. .....II. " A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRO NGLY SUG GESTED TO .:-D ETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFOR~'ATION IS NEEDED.NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZO NING ADMINISTRATOR).IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTME NT WITH THE S.TAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS..- .PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASI NG THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PL ANNING AND ENVIRO NMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE.ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERNIT IS ISSUED ..".i ,;, Ill.FOUR (4)COPIES OF THE FOLLOWI NG MUST BE SUBMITTED: A.A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED.THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS:. 1.The relationship oftherequested variance to'other existing or potential uses and structures inthe Vicinity. 2.The degreeto which relief from the striet or literal interpretation and enforcement ofa specified regulation isnecessarytoachieve compatibility and uniformityof treatment among sites inthe vicinity orto attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. OVER ..Application Date -- PEC MEETING DATE ____ APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE " I.Thisprocedure is required for any project requesting a variance.'The application willnotbeaccepted until all information is submitted. A.NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS PHONE B.NAME OF APPLICANT 'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS PHO NE C.NAME OF OWNER(S)(typeor print) Signature'(s).. ADDRESS PHONE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING E.FEE $100 PAID CK #FROM._ THE FEE MU ST BE PAID BEFO RE THE COMMU NITY DEVELOPME NT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F.A list ofthe names of owners of all property adjacent tothe subject property I NCL UDI NG PROP ERTY BE HI ND AND AC ROSS STREE TS,and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RES PONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II.A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBE R IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO .:·DET ERMINEIF ANY'ADDITI ONAL INFO R~l ATION IS NEEDED.NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR).IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPO NSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE ~_TAFF TO FIND OUT ABO UT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIRENENTS." .PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLI NE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASI NG THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONME NTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE.ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLI ED WITH BEFORE A BUILDI NG PERNIT IS ISSUED.'.;. Ill.FOUR (4)COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A.A WRITTE N STATEME NT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VAR IANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED.THE STATEME NT MUST ALSO ADDRESS :. .. 1.The relat ionship oftherequested variance to 'other existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinity.."'.'.. 2.The degreeto which relief from the striet or literal interpretation and enforcem ent ofa specified regulation isnecessarytoachieve compatibility and uniformityof treatment among sites inthe vicinity orto attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. OVER • MINU TES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 6,1987 7 :30 p.m. A regular meetingoftheVail Town Council was held on Tuesday,January 6,1987,at 7:30 p.m .intheCouncil Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT : MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Paul Johnston,Mayor Kent Rose,Mayor Pro Tern Eric Affeldt Gordon Pierce John Slevin Hermann Staufer GailWahrlich-Lowenthal Ron Phillips,Town Manager LarryEskwith,Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer,Town Clerk The first order of business was theapprovalofthe December 2and16,1986 minutes .Gordon Pierce made amotiontoapproveboth sets of minutes,and John Slevin seconded.Avote was takenandthemotionpassedunanimously6-0 . The nextitem was Ordinance No.32,Series of1986,first reading,concernjng amendment of thELzoning map JClr.L.a.p(i~kj!1g district.The full title was readby Mayor Johnston .The item was requested by all involved parties tobe tabled indefinitely. The third item was Ordinance No. zoning for VaildasSchone,Vail Mayor Johnston rea the title,n u eter Patten explained the ordinance andthe reasoning for it.There was some discussion anda request to clarify the spelling ofaperson identified in the ordinance.After a short discussion by Council, Hermann Staufer made amotiontoapprovethe ordinance,and Go rdon Pierce seconded. Avote was taken andthemotionpassedunanimously 6-0.1 ~0 .~ The nextitem for discussion was Ordinance No.I,Series of1987,first reading ,to zone Parcel Awestofthe Texaco Station in West Vail.The title was readin full by MaYOr Johnston.Rick Pylman gavebackground information on the ordinance and why thezoningchangeswerebeing requested by the applicant .He cited criteria usedto evaluate the request andgave staff's recommendation for approval.Jay Peterson, representing the applicant,the Wend Group Partnership,answered questions from the Council.Eric Affeldt made amotiontoapprove the ordinance,which Kent Rose seconded.Avote was takenand the motionpassedunanimously 6-0. The fifth item on the agendawas.Ordinance No.2,Series of1987,first reading,a request to reZORe t wo lots inVail Village First F,I,ng to cFeate one primary/secondary lot and two single family lots .Mayor Johnston readthe full title ofthe ordinance.Rick pylman explained the reasoning for the rezoning request,listed the criteria usedin evaluating the request and why the staff recommended approvalofthe request.Gunther Hoffler asked questions to which Peter Patten r esponded.Mr.Allie Lane made remarksasto why he was against approval; Mayor Johnston,Larry Eskw ith and Peter Patten responded.There was more discussion byGunther Hoffler,Tom Braun,LarryEskwithand Ron Phillips.Jay Peterson, representing the applicant,gave reasons why the applicant wanted approval.After a short discussion byCouncil ,Kent Rose made amotiontoapprove the ordinance with the stipulation all of staff's recommendations inthe staff memorandum dated December 22 ,1986tothe PEC were followed,plus addingone more itemto bring Lot 14 into compliancebefo re the plat is signed.John Slevin seconded .Avote was takenandthemotionpassed 5-0,with Gordon Pierce abstaining dueto his invol vement inthe project. The nextitem on theagenda was Resolution No.I,Series of1987,concerning the formation ofthe Va il dasSchone,Va il Ridge,BuffehrCreekandVailHeights street improvement district.LarryEskwith explained the reasoning for the resolution and heandStan Berryman answered questions from theCouncil .Dave Tyrrell had questions astowhathadbeenagreedupon,to which Ron Phillips andLarryEskwith TO: FROI·': DATE: •Town Council Co mmunity De velopme nt De partment January 7 ,1987 • SU BJECT: ~Wte - The applica nt,the Wend Group Part nership ,filed concurrent requests to s ubd iv ide a ndz one Parcel A,Tract D,Bloc k B,Vai i das Scho ne Fil ing No.1. The ex is ting Tract B is a 4.88 acre parcel and is zonedPr imary/Secon dary.The applicant wishes to subdivide outa1.247 acre parcel andzone this Commercial Core III.Theminor subdivision was approvedby the Plann ing Commission and th ezoning req uestwas recommende d for approval byth ePla nni ng Commiss ion. The zone req uest is now before the Town Council for their review. Although the request from the Town Council is for zoning only,the Community De velopment Departmenthas enclosed both the zoningandminor subdivision memorandums t hat weresubmitted to the Planning Commission on December 22nd. Thesehavebeen included for your review. The staff recommendation is for approval.The Planning Commission unanimously reco mmended ap proval ofboth requests. ( TO: FROM: DATE: • Planning andEnvironmental Commission Community Development Department December 22,1986 • acre APPLICANT:Wend Group Partnership ( l I.THE REQUEST The applicant,the Wend Group Partnership,is requesting to subdivide 1.247 acres from Tract D,Block B,Vaildas Schone Filing #1.Tract D as it currently exists contains a total of4.88 acres and is zoned Primary/Secondary.Through the Land Use Plan,this parcel was shown as having two different potential uses.The upperbenchof the property was designated through the Land Use Planasa Medium Density residential category.The lower parcel along the Frontage Road was identified as Community Commercial designation.The proposedminor subdivision reflects the areas as designated on the Land Use Plan.The requested s ubdi visio n,descr ibed as Parcel A,is the parcel designated on the Land Use Plan for potential commercial uses.This parcel is east ofand adjacent toand approximately the same size as the West Vail Te xaco service station. Section 17.16.110 of the subdivision regulations states the following PEC rev iew criteria: Theburdenof proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is incomp liance witht he i ntent and purposes of this chapter,the zoning ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems applicable.Due consideration shall begivento the recommendation made by public agencies,utility companiesand other agencies consulted under 17.16.090.The PEC shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town ofVail policies relating to subdivision control,densities proposed,regulations,ordinances and resolutions,and other applic able documents,environmental integrity and compatibility with surrounding land uses. Legally,subdivision regulation is limited toareviewof the technical and specific elements of the subdivision code itself.This includes a reviewof access,minimum lot size,minimum frontage,road grades, physical buildability of the land itself (slope,geological hazards, vegetation,etc.). The applicant is concurrently requesting that this parcel bezoned Com mercial Core III.Although this zoning will be addressed ina separate memo,the proposed Parcel Aof this subdivision doesmeet the legal and technical requ irements for the subdivision and for the site standards spec ified in the Commercial Core III zone district. " II. • STAFF RECOMMENDATION • (The staff recommends approvalof this subdivision request.The application doesmeetthe technical requirements as specified through the Town ofVail subdivision regulations and also is a step toward implementation ofause that is designated within the Land Use Plan. { l TO: FROM: DATE: • Planning andEnvironmental Commission Community DevelopmentDepartment December 22,1986 • I.THE REQUEST as ( II. This application is being submitted concurrently withaminor subdivision request on Tract D,BlockB,VaildasSchone Filing No.1 .The minor subdivision request,if approved,will create a property that is now known as Parce l A,a1.247 acre j ustwestof the e xisting West Vail Texaco service station .The entire tract D,a total of 4.88 acres,is currently zoned Primary/Secondary.The recently completedand adopted Land Use Plan designates the area shown as Parcel Aon the subdivision plat ashavinga potential for commercial development.The t wogas stations adjacent to this property are currently zoned Heavy Service District and the property along the Frontage Road from the 7-11 store to Safeway is zoned Commercial Core III.The applicant feels that this parcel is a logical extension of that commercial use. It is our understanding that the applicant's desire is to develop a fast food restaurant on this parcel.A restaurant wouldbea permitted use within the Commercial Core III zone district.The process for developing a restaurant on this parcel should the Commercial Core III zoningbe granted would involve submittal toand approval from the Design Review Board,a staff reviewto insu re compliance withzoning regulations ,and the issuance ofa building perm it by the Community Development Department. EVALUATION OF REQUEST A.Suitability of Existing Zoning The existing zoningon the ent ire Tract D parcel is cur rently Primary/Secondary.This parcel is located between comme rcial prope rty to the south andlow to medium density residential prope rt ies to the north.The recently completed Town ofVail Land Use Plan identifies two distinct separate uses for this parcel. The area shown as Parcel A on t heproposed minor subdiv is i on is designated through the Land UsePlan for Community Commercial zoning.The area shown as Parcel B on the subdivision which is the upperbench closer to the residential neighborhood and separated somewhat by grade from the ex isting comme rc ial zoning is des ignated as Medium Density Residential area.We feel that this property wouldbe diffic ult to proper ly develop at its present zoning.We feel that the des ignation of these parcels with in the Land Use Plan is correct. "•• (B.I s the amendment presenting a convenient workable r elationship within landuses consistent withmunicipal objectives? C.Does the rezoning provide for the growthofan orderly ,viable comm unity? Throughout the La nd Use process t here was much disc ussion from resident s of th ecommunit y giv entot heneed f or local ,community comme rc ia l uses .The desig nation of t his area as Community Commercial in the Land Use Plan ref lects that desire ofthe citizens in the community.We view this application asan im plementa ti onofth at Land Use Planandint hat light f eel that it does provide for thegrowthofan orderly and viable community. ( II 1.STA FF RECOM MENDATION Staff reco mmendation for the proposal tozoneth is parce l Comme rcia l Core I II is for approval.We feel that implementation of this request reflects municipal objectives aswellas desires ofthe citizens of the community as evidenced through their input to the Town ofVail Land Use Plan.Thisa pplication represents implementation ofa portion of that Land Use Planandhas full support ofthe Commu nity Deve lopment Department . B.L.M. :1'~I ~ -' CO UNTY w / z -~:-:·~a=.~~-;.:-"'.:/.:-::~2~·~~:J .~:Z~~...~~~~M :f·-f :~7~~~....o V ,~ RI M T J '~::;; •• c::::::::::::::__ c .... .• ORDI NANCE NO.1 Series of 1987 • AN OR DINANCE ZO NI NG CERTAI N PARCELS OF PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT D, A RESUBDIVISION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE,FILING NO.1, TOWN OF VAIL.EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO,HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE TOWN OF VAIL ,DESIGNATING SAID ZONING DISTRICTS FOR THE AN NEXED PROPERTY;SETTING FORTH DETAILS RELATI NG THERETO ;AND AME NDI NG THE OFFICIAL ZO NING MAP IN RELATION TO THE ANNEXED PROPERTY. WH ERE AS ,theprope rty tobe zon ed herebyhasbeenr ecentl ya nnexed to th e To wn of Va il ;and WHEREAS.thePlanningandEnvironmental Commission has considered the appropriate zoning for the recently annexed property andhasunanimously recommended that the Town Councilzonethe parcel Commercial Core III ;and WH EREAS,t he Tow n Co uncil cons iders i tinthe public interest tozone sai d COLO RADO .THAT: Section 1. The Tow n Council finds that the procedures for t he provis ion ofzoni ng ~-- dis tricts fo r pro perty r ecentlyannexed tothe To wn of Vail havebeen fulfi lled,and the To wn Co uncil hereby rece ived the r epo rt of r ecommendationof t he Pla nni ng and Env i ronme ntal Commission r ecommend ing t hezoni ng of th e a nnexed property . Sectio n 2 . Pursuant to Section 18.68.070 oftheVailMunicipal Code.a parcel of property described asa resubdi vis ion ofTract D,a r esubdivisionof Va il das Schone Fili ng No.1,To wn of Vail,Eag le Co unty,Co loradoi sre zoned as Com me rc ial Core III (CCIII). Sectio n 3. As pro videdi ntheordinances ofthe To wn ofVail ,thezoning administ rator is hereby directed tomodifyand amend the official zoning map to include the zoning specified in Section Two (2)above. Sect ion 4. If any part ,sectio n,subsect ion,sentence ,c la use or ph rase of this ord inance i sfo r anyr eas on heldtobein val id,suchdec is ion sha ll not affect the valid ity ofthere maining port ions of this ordinance;andthe Tow n Co uncil hereb y dec lares it wo uld havepassed this ordinance ,andeachpar t,sect ion, subsection ,sentence.clause or phrase thereo f.re gardlessof t hefa ct that any one or more parts.sect ions.subsections ,se nte nces.cl auses orphr asesbe dec la red inva lid. Section 5. •.• The Town Councilhereby finds,determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health,safety and welfare of the Town ofVailand the inhabitants thereof. Section 6. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment ofany provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued,anydutyimposed,any violation that occurred prior tothe effective date hereof,any prosecution commenced,norany other action or proceeding as commenced underorby virtue of the provision repealed and reenacted.The repeal ofany provision hereby shall not revive any provision orany ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated 1987,anda public hearing shall be held on this ordinance ontheday of ,1987 at 7:30p.m.in the Council Chambers of the------------------ VailMunicipal Building in Vail,Colorado. Ordered published in full this ATTEST ___dayof ,1987. Paul R.Johnston,Mayor Pamela A.Brandmeyer,Town Clerk INTRODUCED,READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED _______________this__dayof _ Paul R.Johnston,Mayor ATTEST:_ Pamela A.Brandmeyer,Town Clerk 1987. IV~I)'I ORDINANCE NO.1 Series of 1987 AN ORDI NANCE ZONING CERTAIN PARCELS OF PROPER TY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT D, A RES UBDIVISIO N OF VAIL DAS SCHONE,FI LING NO.1, TOW N OF VAIL ,EAGLE COU NTY,CO LORADO ,HERETOFORE AN NEXED TO THE TO WN OF VAIL,DESIGNATING SAID ZONING DISTRICTS FOR THE ANNE XED PROPERT Y;SETTING FORTH DETAILS RELATI NG THE RETO;AND AME NDI NG THE OFFICIAL ZO NI NG MAP I N RELATIO N TO THE ANNEXED PROPERTY. WHEREAS,the property tobezonedherebyhasbeen recently annexed tothe Tow n of Vai l;and WHEREAS,thePlanning andEnvironmental Commission has considered the appropriate zoning for the recently annexed property andhasunanimously recommended that the Town Councilzonethe parcel Commercial Core III ;and WHEREAS,the Town Counci l conside rs it inthe public in terest tozonesa id annexed property assoonas possible . NOW,THEREFORE ,BE I T ORDA INED BY THE TOWN COU NCIL OF THE TO WN OF VAIL , CO LORADO ,THAT: Sect ion1 . The To wn Cou ncil f inds t hat t he procedures fo r the prov ision ofzoni ng d is tr icts for pr operty r ecent lya nnexed tothe Town ofVailhave been f ul filled ,a nd the Tow n Co uncil here byr eceivedthe report ofreco mme ndation of ·thePla nning andEnviro nmental Commission recommending thezoni ng ofthe a nnexed property. Section 2 . Pursuant to Section 18.68.070ofthe Vai l Municipal Code ,a parcel of property described asa r esubdivisionof Tract D,a resubdiv is ion ofVaildas Schone Filing No .1 ,To wn of Vai l,Eagle Coun ty,Co lorado is r ez on edas Com me rcial Co reI II (CCIII). Sect ion 3 . As provided intheordinances ofthe Tow nof Vai l,thezoningadminist rator is hereby directedto mod ifyandamen d the off icia l zoning mapto include th e zoning specified inSectio n Tw o (2)above . Section4. If any part,section,subsection,se ntence,clause or ph rase of this ordi nance is for anyreasonheldtobe invalid,such decision shall not affect the validity oftheremaining po rtions of this ordinance;andthe Town Council hereby declares it would havepass edt his ordinance ,andeach part ,sect ion, subse ction ,sentence,clause or phrase thereof,re gardless of the fact that any oneor more parts ,sections ,subse ctions ,sentences,clauses or phrases be declared inval id. ~",. Section 5. The Town Councilhereby finds,determines and declares that this ordinance is neces sa ry and proper for the health ,safety and welfare of the Town of Vailand the inhabitants t hereof. Section 6. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment ofany provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shal l not affect a ny right whi ch hasac crued,anyduty imposed ,any violation that occurred prior tothe effective date hereof,any prosecution commenced,norany other action or proceedi ng as commenced underorby virtue of the provision repealed and reenacted.The repeal ofany provision hereby sha ll not revive any provisi on orany ordinance previously repealed or superseded un l ess expressly stated herein. INTRODU CED,READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS 6th DAY OF January 1987 ,anda pub lic hearing shall beheldonth is ordinance on the 6thday of January ,1987 at 7:30p .m .in the Counci l Chamb ers of the VailMunicipal Building in Vail,Colorado. Ordered pub 1ishedin full th i s6thdayof January ,1987. PaulR.Johnston,Mayor ATTEST Pamela A.Brandmeyer,Town Cle rk INTRODUCED ,READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLIS HED _____________this__dayof 1987. Paul R.Johnston,Mayor ATTEST :_ Pamela A.Brandmeyer ,Town Clerk •• Parcel C.Bryan Hobbs moved andDiana Donovan secondedtoapprove the r equest fo r a mi nor s ubdiv is ion wi th the f ourcondit ions listed i n the s ta ff memo dated Decembe r 22.1986.The vote was5-0in favor. Bryan Hobbs moved andDiana Donovan secondedto recommend approval to the Town Councilof the rezon ing perthe sta ff memo withthe map dated 12/22/86.The vote was 5-0i n fa vor. 4.A request to amend Special Development Distr ict No .6 in order to r e-establishapproval for Phase IV of the Vail Village I nn for a period of18 mo nths.App licant:Va il Vi ll age Inn .I nc. Tom Braun e xplained that the action taken by the PEC would be advisory and final decision would be made by the Town Council.The staff supported the req uest and r ecommendedextension of the approva l for 18months.Diana wo ndered if anychangeshadbeen contemplated.Jay Peterson ,representing t he applicant,stated that the app licant planned tolooka t inc luding the service stat ion int he plan.Bryan Hobbs moved and Peggy Osterfoss secondedto recommend approval ofthe request to the Town Council.The vote was 5-0 i n favor. 5.A request for aminor subdivis ion in order to resubdivide Lots1and2 , Block3 .Va il Valley First Filing to allow access toLot1 . Applic a nts :John andPat ricia Slevin and Rogerand Nancy Ande rson BetsyRosolack explained that this was merelya housekeeping request,because the lots werebeingused at present as requested on the plat .The ownershad exchanged quit claim deedsin 1973 to allow this tohappen,buthadnever fo rmally filed a plat. Diana Donovan moved and Bryan Hobbs secondedtoapprove the minor subdivision. The votewas5-0 in favor. 6.Areq uest fo r a mi norsubdivision and f orzoning ofParce l Aof Tract D. Vai ldasSchone,Fil ing No.1. Applicant:Wend Group Partnership .>Rick Pylman explaine that the applicant was requesting to subdivide 1 .247 ac res from Tract D,Block B,Va il das Schone Fi l ing#1.This area is east of a nd adjacent to the West Vail Te xaco service stat ion.Tract Dcu rrently contains ato ta l of 4.88 acres and is zoned Primary/Secondary.Through the Land Use Plan,the parcel was shown ashaving two different potentia l uses ,the upperbenchbeing designated as Medium Density Residential andthelower parcel (the onein questio n)being designated as Community Commercial.The appl icant is r equestingtozonethelower parcel Commercial Core III whic h is t he zoning for the commercial area east of the Phillips service station. Byran Hobbs moved andSid Schultz secondedtoapprove the request for aminor subdivision per the staff memo.The vote was 5-0i n favor. Bryan Hobbs moved andDiana Donovan secondedto recommend approva l of the proposedzoningtothe Town Councilper the staff memo.The vote was 5-0in favo r . pec12/22 /86 -2- TO: FRor-l : DATE: SUBJECT: •Town Council Community Development Department January 7,1987 The applicant,the Wend Group Partnership,filed concurrent requests to subdivide andzone Parcel A,Tract D,Block B,Vaildas Schone Filing No.1. The existing Tract B is a 4.88 acre parcel and is zoned Primary/Secondary.The applicant wishes to subdivide outa1.247 acre parcel andzone this Commercial Core III.Theminor subdivision was approvedby the Planning Commission and the zoning request was recommended for approvalby the Planning Commission. The zone request is now before the Town Council for their review. Although the request from the Town Council is for zoning only,the Community De velopment Departmenthas enclosed both the zoning andminor subdivisiJn memorandums that were submitted to the Planning Commission on December 22nd. These havebeen incl udedf oryour review. The staff recommendation is for approval.The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval ofboth requests. ( TO: FROM: DATE: • Planning andEnvironmental Commission Community Development Department December 22,1986 • acre APPLICANT:Wend Group Partnership ( l 1.THE REQUEST The applicant,the Wend Group Partnership,is requesting to subdivide 1.247 acres from Tract D,Block B,Vaildas Schone Filing #1.Tract D as it currently exists contains a total of 4.88 acres and is zoned Primary/Secondary.Through the Land Use Plan,this parcel was shown as having two different potential uses.The upperbenchof the property was designated through the Land Use Planasa Medium Density residential category.The lower parcel along the Frontage Road was identified as Community Commercial designation.The proposedminor subdivision reflects the areas as designated on the Land Use Plan.The requested subdivision,described as Parcel A,is the parcel designated on the Land Use Plan for potential commercial uses.This parcel is east ofand adjacent toand approximately the same size as the West Vail Texaco service station. Section 17.16.110 of the subdivision regulations states the following PEC review criteria: Theburde n of proof sh all rest with the applicant to show that the application is incompliancewith the intent and pu rposes of t his chapter,thezoning ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems applicable.Due consideration shall begivento the recommendation made by public agencies,utility companiesand other age ncies consulted under 17.16.090.The PEC shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town ofVail policies relating to subdivision control,densities proposed,regulations,ordinances and resolutions,and other applicable documents,environmental integrity and compatibility withs urr oundingl and uses. Legally,subdivision regulation is limited toareviewof the technical and specific elements of the subdivision code itself.This includes a reviewof access,minimum lot size,minimum frontage,road grades, physical bui1dabi1ity of the land itself (slope,geological hazards, vegetation,etc.). The applicant i s concurrently requesting that this parcel bezoned Commercial Co re III.Altho ug hth iszon i ng willbe addressed ina separate memo,the proposed Parcel Aof this subdivision doesmeet the legal and techn ica lr equir em ents for the subdivision and for the site standards specified in the Commercia l Core III zone district. II. • STAFF RECOMMENDA TION • (The staff recommends approvalof this subdivision request.The application doesmeetthe technical requirements as specified through the Town ofVail subdivision regulations and also is a step toward implementation ofa uset hat is desig natedwithin t he Land Use Plan. ( l ... TO: FROM: DATE: • Planning andEnvironmental Commission Co mmunity Development Department December 22,1986 • { Request for zoningofa1.247 acre parcel previously designated as rimary/Secondary residential to Commercial Core III. APPUCANT: I.THE REQUEST This application is being submitted concurrently withaminor subdivision request on Tract D,BlockB,Vaildas Schone Filing No.1.The minor subdivision request,if approved,will create a property that is now known as Parcel A,a1.247 acre just westof the existing West Vail Texaco service station.The entire tract D,a total of 4.88 acres,is currently zoned Primary/Secondary.The recently completedandadopted Land Use Plan designates the area shown as Parcel A on the subdivision plat ashavinga potential for commercial development.The two gas stations adjacent to this property are currently zoned Heavy Service District andthe property alongthe Frontage Road from the 7-11 store to Safeway is zoned Commercial Core III.The applicant feels that this parcel is a logical extension of that commercial use. It is our understanding that the applicant's desire is todevelopa fast food restaurant on this parcel.A restaurant wouldbea permitted use within the Com mercial Core III zone district.The process for developing a restaurant on this parcel should the Commercial Co re III zoningbe granted would involve submittal toand approval from the Design Review Boa rd,a sta ff reviewto insure compl iance withzoni ng regulations,and the issuance ofa building permit by the Community Development Department. II.EVALUATION OF REQUEST l A.Suitability ofExisting Zoning The exist i ng zoningon the entire Tract D parcel is currently Primary/Secondary.This parcel is located between commercial property to the south and low to medium density residential prope rties to the no rth.The recently completed Town ofVail Land Use Plan identifies two distinct separate uses for this parcel. The area shown as Parcel Aon the proposedminor subdivision is designated through the Land Use Plan for Community Commercial zoning.The area shown as Parcel Bon the subdivision which is the upperbench closer tothe residential neighborhoodand separated somewhat bygrade f romthe existing commercial zoning is designated as Medium Density Residential area.We feel that this property wouldbe diff ic ult to properly develop at its present zoning.We feel that the designation of these parce ls within the La nd Us ePlan is correct. •• (B.Is the amendment presenting a convenient workable relationship withinland uses consistent wi th mu nici palobj e ct ives? C.Does the rezoning provide for the growth ofano rde rly,viable community? Throughout the Land Use process the re was much discussion from reside nts of the com munity given to the need for lo ca l,community commercial uses.The designation ofth is a rea as Community Commercial in the Land Use Plan reflects that desire of the citizens in the communit y.We view this application asan implementation of that Land UsePlan and in that light feel tha t it does provide for the growthofan orderly and viable community . ,, ( III.STAFF RECO MMENDATION Staff recommendation for the proposal tozone this parcel Commercia l Co re III is for approval.We feel that implementat ion ofth is request reflects municipal objectives aswellas desires of the citizens of the community as evidenced through their input to the Town ofVail Land Us e Plan .This application represents implementation ofa portion of that Land Use Planandhas full support of the Community Development De partment. ;::. ~. (") Tc·z fT1 .~r '·. 'f r o.....~1 AlNno:> --- / 'lAJ"l'8 I"""V\J 18 • c _~ • ORDINANCE NO.1 Series of 1987 • AN ORDINANCE ZONING CERTA IN PARCELS OF PROPERTY LEGALL Y DESCRIBED AS A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT D, A RE SUBDIVI SION OF VAIL DAS SCHONE,FILI NG NO.1 , TOWN OF VAIL,EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO,HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE TOWN OF VAIL ,DESIGNATING SAID ZONING DISTRICTS FOR THE ANNEXED PROPERTY ;SETTING FORTH DETAILS RELATING THERETO;AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP IN RELATION TO THE ANNEXED PROPERTY. WH EREAS,the prope rty tobezonedherebyhasbeen recent ly anne xed tot he To wn of Vai l;and WHEREAS,the Planning andEnvironmental Co mmission hasconsidered the appropriate zoning for the recently annexed property andhasunanimously recommended that the Town Councilzone the parcel Commercial Core III;and WHEREAS,the TownCouncil considers it in the public interest tozone said "'~~'?i~ <• CO LORADO,THAT: Sectio n 1. The Town Council finds that the procedures for the provis ion ofzoning ~' ~- dist ricts for property recently annexed tot he Town ofVailhavebeen f ulfil led,andt he To wn Co uncil hereby received the report of recomme ndatio n of the Planninga nd Enviro nmental Co mmission recomme ndi ng t hezoni ng ofth e annexed property. Section 2. Pursuant to Section 18.68.070 of the VailMunicipal Code ,a parcel of property described asa r esubdivisionof Tract D,a r esubdivisionofVaildas Schone Fili ng No .1,To wn of Vai l,Eag le County,Colorado is rezonedas Comme rcia l Core I II (CCIII). Section 3. As provided in the ord inances of the Town ofVail ,the zoning administrator is hereby d irectedto modifya nd ame nd the of fic ialzoning map to include the zoning specified in Section Two (2)above . Section 4 . If any part ,sect ion,s ubsect ion,sentence,clause or phrase of this ordi nance ~i S for a ny reaso n held tobe i nvali d,suchdec is ion sha ll not affect t he validity of t he r em ainin g port ions of this ord inance;and the To wn Counc il hereby declares it wou ld havepassed this ordinance,andeachpart,section, subsection,sentence,c lause or phrase thereof,regardless of the fact that any oneor more parts,sections,subse ctions,sentences ,clauses or phrases be decla red invalid . '., •• Section 5 . The Town Councilhereby finds,determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health,safety and welfare of the Town ofVailand the inhabitants thereof. Section 6. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment ofany provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued,anydutyimposed,any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof,any prosecution commenced,norany other action or proceeding as commenced underorby virtue of the provision repealed and reenacted.The repeal ofany provision hereby shall not revive any provision orany ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated 1987,anda public hearing shall beheldon this ordinance on the day of ,1987 at 7:30p.m.in the Council Chambers of the VailMunicipal Building in Vail,Colorado. Ordered published in full this dayof 1987. Paul R.Johnston,Mayor ATTEST Pamela A.Brandmeyer,Town Clerk INTRODUCED,READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ____________this__dayof ,1987. PaulR.Johnston,Mayor ATTEST:_ Pamela A.Brandmeyer,Town Clerk I.l COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment wasproducedand issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 South Frontage Road P.O.Box 357 Vail,CO 81658 (303)476-2251 Representing: TITLEINSURANCECOMPANYOF MINNESOTA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANYOF MINNESOTA T IM Form 2582 2/78 A MERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT -1970Rev. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANYOF MINNESOTA a Stock Company of Minneapolis,Minnesota TITLEINSURANCECOMPANYOFMINNESOTA ,aMinnesotaco rporation,he reincalledthe Company ,for avaluable consideration,hereby commits toissue i tspoli cyo rpoliciesof t itleinsurance ,as identifiedinScheduleA,infavorof the proposed Insur ed namedinSchedule A ,as owner o r mortgagee of t heest ateor interest covered hereby inthelanddescribedor re ferred toinScheduleA ,upon payment ofthepre miums and chargesthere for;allsu bjectto thep rovisions ofSchedulesAand Bandtoth e Condi tions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shallbee ffectiveo nlywhen the identity o fthepro posed Insured andthe amount of thepolicyorpolicies committed forhavebeen inserted inScheduleAher eof by theCompany ,either att he ti meo fthe issuanceofthis Commitment orbysub sequent endoresement. This Commitmen t is preliminary totheissuance of suchpolicy o r policieso ftitleinsuranceandallliabilityand ob liga- ti ons hereunder shallceaseand terminate sixmont hsaftertheeffectivedateher eof orwhenthepolicyorpoliciescomm itted for shall issue,whichever first oc curs,provided that thefailureto issuesuchpolicyorpolicies isnotthefaultoftheCompany . CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS I .Theterm "mortgage",when usedherein ,shallin clude deed of trust ,trust deed,o r other security instrument. 2.Ifthe proposed Insured ha s oracquires actualknowled ge ofanydefect ,lien,encumbrance ,adverseclaimor other matter affecting the estate or interest ormortgage thereon covered bythis Commitment o therthanthoseshowninScheduleB hereof, andshallfail todisclosesuchkn owledge t o the Company inwriting,theCompanyshall berelievedfromliabilityforanylossor dam age resultingfromanyact o freliancehereontothe extent the Company isprejudicedbyfailureofthe proposed Insu red tosodisclosesuch knowledge .If the proposed Insuredshalldisclosesuchknowledgetothe Company ,orifthe Company other- wiseacquir es actualknowled ge o fany suchdefec t ,lien,en cumbrance,adverseclaim or other matter ,the Company atits optio n mayamendSchedule BofthisCommitment acc ordingly,butsu ch amendment shallnotrelievethe Company fromliability previously incurred pursuant toparagraph3of theseCondition s andSt ipulations . 3.Liability of the Company und er this Commitment shallbeonlytoth e nam ed proposed I nsured andsuchpartiesin- cludedunderthe definition ofI nsured intheformof policyo rpo licies committed for ando nlyfor actual lossincurredinre- lian ce here on inunder taking ingoodfaith (a)tocomply withthe requi rementshereofor(b )toeliminat e exc eptions shownin ScheduleB,o r (c )toacquir e orcreatethe estate o r in terestormortgageth ereon covered by thi s Commitment.Innoevent shall suchliability exceedthe amount stated inSchedule A fo rthep olicyor policies committed forandsuchliabilityissubject tothe insuringprovisionsandt he Conditions andStipulations andtheexclusions fromCoverageoftheform of poli cy orpoliciescorn- mitted forin favoroftheprop osed In sured whichare herebyincorporatedb y reference andmadeapartofthisCommitment exceptasexpresslymodifiedherein . 4 .Any action o r actionso rrightso f actiont hat thepro posedInsured may h aveormay b ringagainsttheCompany arising ou t ofthe status of thetitletothe estate or int erest o rthestatu s oft hemortgage thereon covered bythis Commitment mustbe basedon andare subject totheprovisions ofthi s Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS Inad dition t o the mattersc ontainedinth e Conditionsand Stipulationsand Exclusions from Coverageabove referredto , t hisCom mitment is a lsosubje ct t o t hefollowing: I.Rightso rclaims o fpa rtiesin possession no t shownb y thep ublic records. 2 .Easements,orclaims of easements,notshown by t he pub lic records. 3.Discrepancies,conflictsin boundary lines ,shortage inarea,encroachments,andanyfactswhic h a co rrect surveyand inspectiono fthepr emises would discloseand which arc not shownby t he p ublicrecor ds. 4 .Any lien ,o rrightt o alien,forservices.laborormaterial th eretoforeo r hereafte r fu rnished,impo sed b y lawandnot shownbyth e public records. 5 .Defects,liens,encumbrances.ad verse claimso r o thermatt ers,ifany ,c reated,firstappearinginthepubli c records o r att aching sub seq uent to t heeff ective dat e h ereof butpriortoth e date th e prop osed insu red acquireso frecord for valueth e estat e or interestormortgage ther eoncoveredb y this Commitment . INWITNESSWHEREOF,Titl e In suranceCompany o fMinnesota h ascausedit sco rporaten ame andseal tobehereunto affixedbyitsduly autho rized offi cerso nth e d ateshown inScheduleA,t o bevalid when co untersignedbyavalidating officer o rot herauth orizedsignatory . ,. ALTA • COM MIT MEN T SCHEDULE (~ • -Charges - Owne r-Po 1 i cy Ta x Certi f. --fO TAL-- Application No.V9132-3 For Information Only $!::;.OO $5 .00 With your remittance p lease refer to VYI 32 -3. 1.Effective Date:July 2 7,1986 at 8:00 A.M. 2.P olicy to be issued,and proposed Insured: "ALTA"Oum e rrs Po I i cv Form 8-1970 (Amended 10-17-70) Proposed Insured: WEND GROUP PARTNERSHIP,A Colorado General Partnership 3 .The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee 4.Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: 1-70 TRACTD ASSOCIATES,LTD .,A Colorado Limited Partnership 5.The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: A PORTIONOF COMMERCIAL TRACTD,RESUBDIVISION OFVAILDAS SCHONE FILING NO.1,ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO. NOTE:SAID LEGAL DESCRIP'rION WILLBE AMENDED UPON PROPER COMPLIANCE OF ITEMS SET FORTHIN S CHEDULEB-1 HEREIN. PACiE 1. ..•• ALTA COM MIT MEN T SCHEDULE 8-1 (R€'9uir-€'ments)Application No.V9132-3 The followin9 ar-e the r-e9uir-ements to be complied with: 1.Paym€'nt to or-for-the account of the 9r-antor-s or-mor-t9a90r-s of the full consider-ation for-the estate or-inter-est to be insur-ed. 2.Pr-oper-instr-ument(s)cr-€'atin9 the estate or inter-€'st to be insur-ed must be executed and duly filed for-recor-d.to-wit: 3.SURVEY OF SUB.JECT PROPERTY ACCEPTABLE TO THE COMPANY. 4.WARRANTY DEED FROM 1-70 TRACT DASSOCIATES,LTD.,A Colorado Limited Par-tner-ship TO WEND GROUP PARTNERSHIP.A Colorado Gener-al Par-tner-ship CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NOTE:CERTIFICATE OFLIMITED PARTNERSHIP RECORDED July 18.1983 IN BOOK 363 AT PAGE 791 DISCLOSES WEST VAIL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION.A COLORADO CORPORATION TO BE THE GENERAL PARTNER(S)OF 1-70 TRACT DASSOCIATES.LTD., ALIMITED PARTNF-RSHIP. TH E COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENT FOR RECORDING!! PAGE ,.•••••4 ALTA C OM MIT MEN T SCHEDULE B-2 (E >~ceptions)Application No.V9132 -3 The policv or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the followin9 unless the same are disposed of to the .satisfaction of the Comparl"'o': 1 .S tandard Exceptions 1 throu9h 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6 .Taxes and assessments not vet due or pavable and special assessments not vet certified to the Treasurer~s office. 7.An v unpaid taxes or assessments a9ainst said land. 8 .Liens for unpaid water and sewer charses.if any . 9.RI GHT OF PROPRIETOR OFAVEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TOPENETRATEOR INTERSECT THE PREMISE~=; ASRESERVEDINUNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Ausust 11.1900.IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 236. 10 .RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS.WHICH DO NOT CONTAINA FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE.BUTOMITTING RESTRICTIONS.IF ANY.BASED ON RACE.COLOR.RELIGION, ORNATIONAL ORIGIN.AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED July 07.196~.IN BOOK 190 ATPAGE 5 59 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Mav 22.1968.IN BOOK 212 ATPAGE 829 AND RECORDED JUNE 19.1968 IN BOOK 212 ATPAGE 966 AND AS AMEND EDI N INSTRUMENT RECORDED February 16.1970.IN BOOK 217 ATPAGE 78. 11.AN EASEMENT AND RIGHTOF WAY FIVE FEET IN WIDTH ALONG ALL SITE BOUNDARIES FOR USE OF UTILITY SERVICE LINES AND FORTHECONSTRUCTION.ERECTION AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF.TOGETHER WITHTHER IGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESSTHERETO ASRESERVED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 7.1965 IN BOOK 190 ATPAGE ~59. 12.EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO VAIL VILLAGE WEST AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 7.1981 IN BOOK 332 ATPAGE 991. 13.EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO VAIL VILLAGEWEST WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 7.1981 IN BOOK 332 ATPAGE 992. PAGE :::: • DC WEST VAIL DEVELOPMENT CORP. 9933 Lawler Ave nue.Suite307.Skok ie,Illi nois 60077 -Pho ne (312)677-6305 November 24,1986 Mr.Jay Peterson 108 So .Frontage Rd.,West Vail National Bank Bldg.-Room 307 Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Jay: • President G.HUDSON WIRTH Secretary E.CHAS .SCHUETZ Treasure r HENRYJ .WILKENS VicePres.&Ass't.Tress . J OSEPHN .DIETRIC H This letter authorizes you to sign the application for the sub- division of our 4.9 acre property in West Vail,surrounding the Texaco station at the West Vail 1-70 interchange . This property is owned by 1-70 Tract D Associates,a Colorado Limited Partnership. Sincerely, ~,1£~ieJ.;tL G.Hutlson Wirth ,President West Vail Development Corp. General Partner •• 1.A complete subdivision plat is attached. 2.A topographical map is attached.At this point in time,there is no proposed grading plan.When the property is developed,a complete drainage and landscaping plan will be developed and submitted to the town. 3.The property is not in any hazard area nor in the 100 year flood plain.See topographical map for any areas over 40%. 4.See attached title commitment for ownership. 5.Regarding an easement to the remainder of Tract ~ through the subject parcel the following will occur.An easement will be granted for a non-exclusive,perpetual easement and right-of-way,over the subject property's vehicular areas for the purpose of providing emergency and secondary access by two axle passenger vehicles to the remaining portion of Tract D. • 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 November 26 ,1986 Mr.JayPete rson P.O.Bo x3149 Vail,Colorado 81658 DearJay: • We havecompletedapreliminary reviewofthe submittals you have made for the Decembe r 22nd Planning Co mm ission meeting.The 4 submittals will be considered accepted and scheduled for the Decembe r 22nd meeting when the following additional materials are submitted : 1.Vail Village InnProposal (Tom is your contact person.) *Na mes and addresses of adjacent property owners. 2.Slevin/Anderson Subdivision (Betsy is your contact person.) * * * Property owners'signatures or consent forms for Lots1and2 . Statement astothe net increase/decrease ofthe size ofeach lot. The slope of the proposed access easement will havetobe verified asa part of this submittal.Thiscouldbedoneby either staking the location ofthe access easementtoallowfo r field ver ificat ion,orbythe submittal ofatopo map of the lots. 3.Tannenbaum Minor Subdivision (Rick is your contact person.) *An a na l ys is of thes ubject parcels indi cat ing all areas above40% s lope in order to determine the buildable area of the proposed lots. *Ve rif ication ofthes ize ofthe lots as exist ing. 4.Wend Group Partnership Minor Subdivision (Rick is your contact person.) *Acomplete subdivision plat containing all elements as required unde r Sect ion 17.16.130Cof the Subdiv ision Regulations. •• * * Unde r Section 17.16.130C15 ,we would require the submittal of C, D,E,F,anda written statement addressing the possibi l ity ofan access easeme nt for proposedParcel B from theNorth Frontage Road (this wasonce discussed in your conversations with Peter). As written,youraddendum to the application i ndicates th atTra ct D is requested tobezoned Commercial Core III.We wereunderthe impression youwere requesting Commercial Core III only for Parcel B.Please clarify this in written form. The s ubm itta l oft hei nforma ti on re ferenced above i s necess ary before these appl ications canbe considered accepted .Submittal of this material mustbe made by Monday,December 1 at 12:00 PM in order tokeep these applications on the December 22nd Planning Commission agenda. Since re ly, ~ Thomas A.Braun Senior Planner TAB:bpr •• DATE ~~o v e mb e r 24,1986 APPLICATION FOR 0 MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEW (4orfewer lots) P.O.Box 4786,Keysto ne,CO 80431 Wend Group PartnershipNAMEOFAPPLICANT PHONE __ MAILING ADDRESS------------------------- A. B.Jay K.Peterson P.O.Box3 149,Vai l,CO 8 1658MAILINGADDRESS_~~~~~~~~~~~~,PHONE 4 76-0092 C.NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER(S)(print or type)1 -70 Tract D Associates,Ltd.,a Colorado Limited Partnership OWNER'S SIGNATURE PHONE (312)677 -6305 MAILING ADDRESS 9937 Lawle r Ave .,Suite 307,Skokie ,1L 60077 D.LOCATIO N OF PROPOSAL (ADDRESS)Adjacent to Texas Station in West Vail See Subdivision PlatLOTSBLOCKSSUBDIVISION _ E.FEE $100 F.MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED The subdivider sha ll submit three (3)copies,two ofwhichmustbe my1ars ,ofthe proposal f oll owi ngthe requirements for a final plat as foundin Section 17.16.130 ofthe Subdivision Regulat ions.Certain of these requirements may bewaivedby the zoning administrator and/or the Planning andEnvironmental Commission if determined not applicable to the project. G.An environmental report may be required if so stipulated underChapter 18 .56 ofthezoningcode. H.The Departme nt of Co mm unity Developme nt wi ll berespo nsib le for seei ng that theapproved plat is promptly recorded withtheEagle County Clerk and Reco rder. I.Include a list ofal l adjacent property owners (includ ing those behind and across the stree t)witht heir ma ili ng addresses. • ~DENDUM TQ APPLICATION • This application is for a minor subdivision and zoning for ~~I 4 Tract D,Vail Das Shone,Filing II. The subdivision proposal is pursuant to the attached plat and the zoning request is for Commercial Core III.This application is in conformance with the Land Use Plan. • 1.Colorado Division of Highways P.O.Box 2107 Grand Junction CO 801502 2.Tract A S-M Petroleum Propeties,Inc. Box 1059 Evergreen,CO 80439 3.Tract B West Vail Development Corp. 9933 Lawler Avenue,Suite 410 Skolie,IL 60077 • 4.Tract C Craddock Box 7221 Colorado Lot 1,23,Bl.A. Development Company Springs,CO 80907 5.Lot 11 Bl.B Benno &Karen Scheidegger 2702 West cortina Lane Vail,CO 81657 6.Lot 12,Bl.B Corey and Katherine M.Schmidt Box 2560 Vail,CO 81658 7•Lot 9,ai ,A Antonin &Eva M.Belehrodek 3514 South Elmwood Berwyn,IL 60402 8.LO ~ Gar~ra E.Hall 2579 Arosa Drive Vail,CO 81657-- 9. Kittie Yates 288 Bridge Street va n,CO 81657 L.r i'I~IC A Thomas Louis &Barbara Ann Wiest Box 2839 Vail,CO 81658 10.Lot 12,Bl.A Hermann Staufer Box 1188 Vail CO 81658 I );~//./It (.-L,c 0 .---• [-ATE:0 5 /23 /8 5 E A GL E CON DaM INIUM A SSES S 0 R LIS TIN G COD E :019 7 CONDOMINIU M:VAI L VIE W TO WN HOU S E ====~======~=;~==========================~==~======================~ 000 1 S CHEDUL E:01 341 1 DIS TRICT :113 ARNOLD ,THOMAS S. BOX X-I00 AVO N STATE :CO Z IP CODE:8 1620 UN IT8 BK 0252 P G01 26 BK 036 1 PG0 146 TAX I TEI1S :11301 2 30 0002 S CHEDULE :013:3 37 DISTR ICT:113 HELWI G,NORMA NR. 2 45 0 CO LORAD O S TAT E BANK BU ILDING DEN VER STATE:CO ZI P CODE :8 020 2 UNI T6 BK 0253 P G 015 7 EK 0 2 67 P G 0993 TAX IT Er'lS :1 130 1230 0003 S CHE DULE:01 335 1 DISTRI CT:1 13 GANTER ,WILLI AM A.&JUDIT HA. 2 42 7 I~ES T CHAMG NIX ROA D.UN IT1 VA IL STATE:CO Z IP CODE:8 1657 UNIT 1 13K 04 14 P G 02 18 TAX ITE115 :1 130 1 23 0 000 4 SCHEDULE:0 13327 DISTR ICT:113 ~IR K ,TH Of1AS H.J R. 540 SOUT H CRESTWA Y \~I C H ITA S TATE:KS Z IP CODE :672 18 UNIT7 BK 03 0 3 P G 04 19 13 K 03 7 7 P G 00 4 1 TA X IT Er-1S :11 30 1230 000 5 SCHEDULE:01 33 36 DISTRICT :113 KUD EL.PAUL J .&SHI RLEYA. 493 3 ROS E DOl-!NE RS GROVE STATE:IL ZIP CODE :60 5 15 l jN I T2 BK 02 13 P G 0<3 17 TA XIT EI1S:11 30 1 2 30 CON D 0 MIN IUM \TE:OS/2 3/8 5. EAG L E C OUNT .ASSE SS OR L IS TIN G F CODE :019 7 CON DO MINIUM:VA ILVI EW TO WNHOU S E =====~=====~==~==~=~~==========~======================================= 0006 SCHEDUL E :01 3 406 DISTR ICT:1 13 S HERR OD,OR VILLEW.&PATRICIA R. 6 07 8 SOU TH JACKSON LITTLE TON STA TE :CO ZIP CO DE:80 12 1 UNIT 9 81\022 3 P G 0 64 1 TAX ITEt1S:1 130 12 30 1)00 7 S CHE DU LE :0 13326 DIS TRIC T:113 S 11 I TH ,DONA L D J . 8 60 0 WES T 9 5TH STRE ET O',!ERLAN D PAR K STATE :KS ZI P COD E:662 12 UNI T 5 BK 021 6 P G 0352 TA X ITEM S:11 3 0 123 0 0 008 SCHEDUL E:01 3 307 DI STR IC T :11 3 S TOTT,EDWAR D EAR RINGTO N BOX1 5 50 ',J AIL STATE :CO ZI P CODE :8 1658 UN IT 4 8 K 02 16 P G01 39 TAX IT Et1S:11 30 1 2 30 0 00 9 SCHEDULE :01 3334 DISTRI CT:113 VAI LVI EW TOW N HOUS E VENTUR E #1 f.GLAHE,ROBERT W. 4 02 9 HA MPTO N AV ENUE WESTERN SP RINGS S TA TE :I L ZI P COD E:60 558 UN IT 3 BK 02 14 PG 0698 TAX ITEI1S:1 1 3 0 1230 75southfrontageroad vail,colorado81657 officeofcommunitydevelopment .J /!'/\..../!--L£-«j VJ tC "#,,,,;;J v l r--r!u ~(;.--L.../C~ /l~_(()~I ;:~J .U:.G <I '--<.-l, ILD -- -------- • • PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning andEnvironmental Commission ofthe Town ofVail will holda public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal codeofthe Town ofVailon December 22,1986 at 3:00 PM in the Town Council chambers in the VailMunicipal Building. Consideration of : 1.Requesttoapply previous Town ofVailzoningtothe following re-anne xed areas:Vail Heights Filing No .1,Vaildas Schone Filing No.1 and Filing No.2,VailRidge,an unplatted parcel betweenVail Heights and Vaildas Schone Filings 1and2,recorded in Book 281,Page350. Applicant:Town ofVail 2.A request for a conditional use permit in order to replace a dwelling unit with commercial spacein the Clock Tower located on Lot D,Block5 , Va il Vil lage 1st Filing. Applicant:Margariethe Christy 3.A request for aminor subdivision and rezoning ofLots14and17 ,Block 7,Vail Village 1st Filing to create 3 parcels,two Single Familyandone Primary/Secondary. Applicant:Michael Tennebaum 4.Request for aminor subdivis ion in order to resubdivide Lots1and2, Block3,Vail Valley First Filing to allow access toLot1. Applicants:Johnand Patricia Slevin and Roger and Nancy Anderson 5.A reqest to amend Special Development District No .6 in order to re-establish approval for Phase IV of the Vail Village Inn for a period ofe ighteen months. Appl ,icant:Va il Vi llage Inn,Inc. • 6. 7. Request for aminor subdivision and for zoning for parcel Aof Tract D, VaildasSchone,Filing No.1. Applicant:Wend Group Partnership Request for aminor amendment to Special Development District #4,Cascade Village,to expand an existing restaurant in the Colorado Mountain College bUilding i nArea A. Applicant;Andy Norris The applications and information aboutthe proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office 9uring regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A.BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on December 5,1986. " 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 office of community development WIE 39 9UH3~JT:L:l :tZ/OB/86 I~ETURN TO !3ENDEI~ E:QX CLDSED BARBARA &THOMAS WIEST BOX 2839 VAIL CO 81658 • • PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning andEnvironmental Commission of the Town ofVail will holda public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66 .060 of the municipal codeofthe Town ofVail on December 22,1986 at 3:00 PM in the Town Council chambers in the VailMunicipal Building. Consideration of: 1.Requesttoapply previous Town ofVailzoning to the following re-annexed areas:VailHeights Filing No.1,Vaildas Schone Filing No.1 and Filing No.2,VailRidge,an unplatted parcel betweenVail Heights and Vaildas Schone Filings 1and2,recorded in Book 281,P~ge 350. Applicant :Town ofVail 2.A request for a conditional use permit in order to replace a dwelling unit with commercial spaceintheClock Tower located on Lot D,Block5, Vail Vill age 1st Filing. Applicant:Margariethe Christy 3.A request for aminor subdivision and rezoning ofLots14and17,Block 7,Vail Village 1st Filing to create 3 parcels,two Single Familyandone Primary/Secondary . Applicant :Michael Tennebaum 4.Request for aminor subdivision in order to resubdivide Lots1and2, Block3,Vail Valley First Filing to allow access toLot1. Applicants:Johnand Patricia Slevin and Roger and Nancy Anderson 5.A reqest to ame nd Specia l Development District No.6 in order to re-establish approval for Phase IV of the Vail Village Inn for a period of eighteen months. App l .icant:Vail Village In n,I nc. 6. 7. Request for aminor subdivision and for zoning for parcel Aof Tract D, VaildasSchone,Filing No.1. Applicant:Wend Group Partnership Request for aminor amendment to Special Development District #4,Cascade Village,to expand an existing restaurant in the Colorado Mountain College building inArea A. Applicant;Andy Norris The applications and information aboutthe proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office ~uring regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A.BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on December 5,1986. " 75southfront age road vail,colorado 81657 office of community development YI~T 88 0108NL.b1.HETlmN TO ~;ENJ)E:F;Y{lTES 2329 CHAMD;'1IX W lIL CO EI:L657-Lt:;;~l.:1 F<ETLJRN TO SENDEH MS KITTlE YATES 288 BRIDG E ST VAIL CO 81657 • • PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning andEnvironmental Commission of the Town ofVail will holda public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the munic ipal codeofthe Town ofVailon December 22,1986 at 3:00 PM in the Tow n Council chambers in the VailMunicipal Building. Cons ideration of: 1.Requesttoapply previous Town ofVailzoningto the following re-anne xed areas:Vail Heights Filing No.1,Vaildas Schone Filing No.1 and Filing No.2,Va il Ridge,an unplatted parcel between VailHeightsand Vaildas Schone Filings 1and2,recorded in Book 281,Page 350. Applicant:Town ofVail 2.A request for a conditional use permit in order to replace a dwelling unit with commercial spaceintheClock Tower located on Lot D,Block5, Va il Village 1st Fil ing. Applica nt:Margar iethe Christy 3.A request for aminor subdivision and rezoning ofLots14and17,Block 7,Vail Village 1st Filing to create 3 parcels,two Single Familyandone Primary/Secondary. Applica nt:Michael Tennebaum 4.Request for aminor subdivis ion in order to resubd ivide Lots1and2, Block3,Vail Valley First Filing to allow access toLot1. Applicants:Johnand Patricia Slevin and Roger and Nancy Anderson 5 .A reqest to amend Special Development Dist rict No.6 in order to re-establish appro val for Phase IV of the Vail Village Inn for a period of eig hteen months. Appl ,icant:Vail Village Inn,Inc . 6. 7. Request for aminor subdivision and for zoning for parcel Aof Tract D, VaildasSchone,Filing No.1. Applicant:Wend Group Partnership Request for aminor amendment to Special Development District #4,Cascade Village,to expand an existing restaurant in the Colorado Mountain College building in Ar ea A. Applicant;Andy Norris The applications and information aboutthe proposals are available inthe zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A.BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on December 5,1986. ,i _I I ~[....j v 'I -{ 75south frontage road vail,co lorado 81657 office01 community development ...-r-(~ PAUL &SHIRLEY KUDEL 4933 ROSE DOWNERS GROVE IL 60515 "'. I!i I!dI!!!!I!Ill!!II!I,I,!.11.1 • • PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning andEnvironmental Commission of the Town ofVail will holda public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal codeofthe Town ofVailon December 22,1986 at 3:00 PM in the Town Council chambers in the VailMunicipal Building. Consideration of: 1.Requesttoapply previous Town ofVailzoningto the following re-anne xed areas:Vail Heights Filing No .1,Vaildas Schone Filing No.1 and Filing No.2,VailRidge ,an unplatted parcel between Vail Heig hts a nd Vaildas Schone Filings 1and2,recorded in Book 281,Page350. Applicant:Town ofVail 2.A request for a conditional use permit in order to replace a dwelling unit with commercial spacein the Clock Tower located on Lot D,Block5, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant:Margariethe Christy 3.A request for aminor subdivision and rezoning ofLots14and17,Block 7,Vail Village 1st Filing to create 3 parcels,two Single Familyandone Primary/Secondary. Applicant:Michael Tennebaum 4.Request for aminor subdivision in order to resubdivide Lots1and2, Block3,Vail Valley First Filing to allow access toLot1. Appl icants :Johnand Patricia Slev in and Roger and Nancy Anderson 5.A reqest to am endSpecial Development District No.6 in order to re-establish approval for Phase IV of the Vail Village Inn for a period of eighteen months. Appl ,icant:Vail Village Inn,Inc. 6. 7. Request for aminor subdivision and for zoning for parcel Aof Tract 0, VaildasSchone,Filing No.1. Applicant:Wend Group Partnership Request for aminor amendment to Special Development District #4,Cascade Village,toexpandan existing restaurant in the Colorado Mountain College building inArea A. Applicant;Andy Norris The applications and information about the proposals are available inthe zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL CO~~UNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A.BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on December 5,1986. " • 1-70 T RACT D ASSOCIATES (Near Te xa c o) •-CSli fer&___________ompany _ 2 16 ,2 59 Squa re Fee t 4.965 Ac re s Suggested Zon ing:Arterial Business District Heavy Service Special Development District Sugge sted Us es :Po st Offic e Fi re Station Resident Homes -High Den sity Municipal Services Park/Open Spa ce Hotel Etc. Price:$3,460,000.00 Cash,or terms acceptable to Seller 23 0 BridgeStreet,Vail,CO8 1657(30 3)476-2421 ••(_. C Sli fer&___________ompany _ VAIL COMMONS LTD. • 287 ,452 S qu are Fee t 6 .6 Acres P ro p os ed S pe ci al Dev el opment Di str ic t 40 ,000 .00 Residential 4 0 ,000 .00 Of f ice 40 ,000 .00 Re ta i l/Comme rc ial po ss ible Occupa ncie s: ... Ba nk Athletic Club Department Sto r e/ Misc.Re ta il Pool Complex Res taur ant s Condomi nium/Town homes Etc . Pric e:$4,600,000.00 Cash,or terms ac c eptabl e to S eller. 230 Br iJl-:e Str eet ,Va il,CO 8 \65 7 (303)47 6 -24 2\ Phon 328-6338 EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNINO AND DEVELOPE Eagle County Annex P.O.Box 789 Eagle,Colorado 81631 18 September 1975 ,, Vail City Corporation 10001 East Evans.#69C D nver,Colorado 80231 R S8-113-75 'At their regualr meting on 17 Septemb r 1975.the Eagle County PI nning Commission recomm nded that the captioned appUcatlon bd nled for 'the following reasons: 2. 3. ...."".4. The owner of an undivided Intere tin the subject property objects to approval ot the exemption. The requested division does not quality as an exemption.This situation Is aocentu ted by the f ct that there have been many exemption r quests covering land in the Das Sohone commercial tracts and other undivided plats in the Das Sohone subdivision.This pi ce -meal division of land preolu 8 the exercise of ny unified,planned pproaoh to the use of the land. The proposed use of the requested lot is not In conform nee with the zoning covering aid lot. The un1f1ed approach me tioned bov must Inelud resolution-of .the physic 111mitations on the use of the land (E.O ••drainage,ace se), This recommendation wU 1b presented to the Board of County Commissioners at their special meeting on 26 Septemb r 1975,beginning at 9 :00 AM. Best r gar-ds , Quentin Mitchell,Jr. Planning A sistant QM!g oc:Board of County Commissioners Van City Corporation,Suit 250,823 Commerce Dr.Oak Brood,Ill.60521 Sent certified mail,18 September 1975,Certified No.367855....._-----~--- 328-6338Phon EAGLE COU TY D EPAR TM ENTOF PLANNING AND DE VELOPMENT E agle County Annex P.O.Box 789 E agle,Colorado 81631 21 August 1975 Vail City Corporation 10001 E t Evens -#69-C D nver,Colorado 80231 R:File !'b.59-113-75 Recreational Development Co.of America Exemption Appl icatlon At their regular meeting on 20 August 1975,the Eagle County Planning Commission recommended that th captioned eppl icatlon be tooled because of the opposition of an Interest owner In the lend (Town of Vall) Th applicant also xpr ssed a deslr to withdraw the application until proper zoning can be r celved.Th re was no formal withdrawal. This exemption eppllcatlon will be heard again at th 17 September 1975,Eagle County Planning Commission meeting. Enclosed for your use era five copl s of the form for eppllcatlon for rezoning.The contents and necessary attachments ar e shown in the County Z oni ng Resol tion, as Is the necessary timing. Best Regards, QM/kt cc:Board of County Comml slonersj Vail City Corporation Suit 250,823 Commerce Drlv Oak Brook,illinois 60521 Certified Number 367852 21 August 1975 to the Denver Colorado address Certified Number 367853 21 August 1975 to Chicago Address • box100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-5613 • office of the town manager August 19,1975 Eagle County Commissioners Eagle County Eagle,Colorado Re:Exemption APPlicatio~l~ Vail City corporatio~~ Gentlemen: The Town ofVail strongly opposestheapprovalofthe subject exemption application basedonyour definition of Subdivision,Section 1.08ofthe Subdivision Regulations ofEagle County which st a tes "Any parce l oflandinthe state which is divided into two or more parcels,separate interests,or interests in common,unless exceptedas providedin these regulations." In studying Section 1.08.02 very carefully,we feel that none ofthe specified criteria for exempting this division ofland from th e definition ofasubdiv ision apply tothe subject property.In fact,we feel the applica tion is for t he sole pu rpose ofevadin g t he Subdivision Re gulations contrary totheprov is ionsof Section 1.08.02. Further,the Town ofVailopposestheproposed exemption because we own an 'undivided 1/16 interest in Commercial Site "0". If you have any questions,please feel free to call. Sincerely, DEPA R ENT OF COM r lTV DEVELOP MENT iaoa s.i:i:2;icd Zoning Admin istrator DST/j k 2420 ALCOTT S TREET D EN VER ,COLORA DO 8 0211 (303)415 8-6 20 1 ••WRIGHT-McLAUGHLI N ENG INEERS ENGIN EERING CONSULTANTS RONA LD C .M cLAUGHL I N KENNETH R .WR IG HT HALFORD E .ERI CK SON DO UGLAS T .S OVE RN JOHNT .M c LANE THOMA S W .M OR RI S JIM MIE D .W HI TF IE LD ASPEN O FFI Cii; p .O .B OX .028 ASPE N ,COLO RAD08 111 1 S TE ....MBO ....T OFF I CE P .O .B OX 5 220 ST EjIl,MBOA T VI L LAGE:.C O L ORADO e 04gg C OMP LETE ENGIN EERING S E RV ICES I N TH E SPE C IALT YF IE LDS OF WATER SUPP LY AND D iSTRI B UT I ON W AT ER A ND SEWAGE TREATMENT S EWA GE CO L LECTIONA ND R EUS E INDUSTR I AL WA STES S TO RM DRAINAG E F LOOD CO N TR OLA ND O TH ER W ATER -ORI ENTEDP RO JECTS August 14 ,1975 RE er"''7 f) AU G 1 t:j:J 15 Dept.or I 'Ir, Ea gle LU"dIY. Mr.Michael S.Blair,Director Department of Planning andDe velopment Eagle County,Colorado P.D.Box789 Eagle,Colorado 81631 Re:File No.Se-113-75 Dea rMr.B1air : At the direction of Vail Village West Water and Sanitation District, we are responding on their behalf to you r request for commenton the abo ve subdivision r egulation exemption for Vail City Cor poration. The District hasno objection,but would like to point out that extension of its f acilities will be necessary to serve t he property invol ved.Such ext ension ,connection,etc .mu st bedonein accordance with the rules andr egulations of the District. Very truly yours, WRIGHT-McLAUGHLIN ENG INEERS ,t;;;4L..&~~~-- Francis D.Barrett By _ cc:Jim Collins Byron Brown Tom Grimshaw 5-17.1 ~VIRON M ENTAL HEALTH • Box811-E agle Coun ty Courthouse Eagle.Colorad o 8 1631 Vail 176 -5613 Eagle 328-77 18 Au g us t 6,1 975 Bas alt 927-3322 Vail Cit y Corpor ation 10001 Eas t Evan s St reet #69c Denver,Colorado 8 0231 Re:File No.Se -113-75 Recre ational Development Comp any of America De ar Sir: We have r eviewed you r propo sed e x emntion from sub- divi sion r eg ulati on s and fee l that more info rmation is ne eded before we can of fer any comlilents or r ecom- me ndat io ns in re g ard s to th e i n te n de d use of this pro p erty. If yo u have any que s tions ,pl ease feel free to contact this office. Cordially , Eri k w.Ed een,R .P .S . Environmental He alth EWE :da 1 cc :P lann i ng • PLANNING STAFF INFOReTION SHEET (1)Location t Vail Das S chon e,w es t o f Texaco (2)Size:150'x 150' (3)Proposed Action:Exemption to create a l ot •File #,Se-117-75 Name Rec.bevel .Co. Request Exe mpti on (4)Significant Physical Features:Dr ainage from nor th should be I oaked at (5)Surrounding Land Uses (600'or more,as significant): Re sidentiala ndC omme rci al (6)Utilities (Availability/Locations):Yes (7)Roads (Types/Locations):Pav edf ro nt age road a long south (8)Current Area Zoning:RSM (9)Other Significant Conditions: (10)Staff Comments And Recommendations: Se eTRCl ette r,b earing i nm indt h at t his l and i s zoned RS M (ll)The following referral agencies have questions or negative responses (copies attached): -Co.lor ado Geol ogi ca l Survey -TRC • Rr::C::-I\/CD'<-_I i L. AUG 1 3 1975 •• Dept Of Planning &Deve l. DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH Eagle County.Colo. 4210EAST 11TH AVENUE·DENVER.COLORADO 80220 •PHONE 388 -6111 EdwardG.Dreyfus,.M.D.,M.P.H.:Execut1ve Director COLORADO August 11,1975 Mr.Michael S.Blair Director,E~gle County Department of Planning and Development Eagle County Annex P.O.Box789 Eagle,CO 81631 Re:File No.Se-113-75 EXEMPTION FROM SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Recreational Development Company of America Exemption Dear Mr.Blair: The Colorado Department of Health has reviewed the above referenced document and has determined that there would be no adverse environmental impact associated with this proposed exemption. Thank you for the opportunity to review this document. s 'BJ~(..~~L Robert D.Siek Assistant Director,Department of Health Environmental Health RDS/pl •~ JOHNW.ROLD Director COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 C OLUMBINE BUILDING-1B45 SHERMAN STREET DENVER,COLORA DO 8 0203 PHONE892 -2 611 August 5,1975 Michael S.Blair Eagle County Department of Planning and Development P.O.Box789 Eagle,Colorado 81631 Dear Mr.Blair:RE:Se-113-75/RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF AMERICA A review of this proposed exemption indicates that the geologic constraints are minimal but that surface drainage on the site could bea problem and will have to be considered in all plans.We have no objection to t his exempt ion based on the geology of the area. Sincerely, L.R.Ladwig Assoc iate Engineering Geologist LRL/jp cc:LandUse Commission GEO LOGY STO RY O F TH E PA ST.,.K EY TO TH E FUTURE •• July 21,:975 ~l ":"''''-'''~.',....-..."i'"j\l~_:"'_.-,,/.'-"'-J _...l ", '-......0- () ._.J ~J,r -, \,...-i r.::-"'.... I:::0 Eagle County Pl a n n~n g Co mmission : Plea se f indenclosed t he fo llo wing: 1 .Application f ore xempt io n: 2 .Name ofowner :Vai lCity Co r po rt ion 10001 E.EvansSt .#69c Den ver,Co lorado 80231 3 .Ad jacent own ers :Va il Ci ty Cor po r at ion Note:property on t hree s ides owne dbyVail City and forth si de is fronta ge road . 4 .Sketch of s ite propos ed 5.Access:f ront ag ero ad 6 .Drainage,par ki ng ,r e veg etationdata tobe provided by purc haser at t i me ofa ppli cation for building permit . 7.Chec k t or $25 . Vail City Cor po ratio n By :~~d tJ .~~~6U- I•II sui te 2.;0 •""""""d plazn rcrrace •,,,,1,>,,,,,,,'.",,:orado ""11 °.'03 ·770·1oR') "-.....suit e 250 •~2:~("nmmP1TP drive •oak brook ,i!!j:;o i ~60 .)21 •3 12-88 7·BOO -----~. •"..•. , H".,, ~J ": l, ,-, APPLICA TlOl'-j FO REXEM PTI ON FROtv',EAGLE C OUNTYSUBD IVIS IO;I REGULATI ONS Pursuant to Scc tio n 6.01 of the Eogl e County Subdivi sion Rcgulol ':ons I(we) h ereby c pp l y for e xemptionfrom the pr ov i sio ns wilh soid reg u!a:'ions as 10 my (our)pro posed de velopment k nown o s ...~..t~;s ,,,.b..'~.'~~~"",,.c.).,'4.,\.~~~~ s,\.t ..C l "1)"·•':'-t:'.'-.C <:o ~:"":\~..::-.C:~l?-I . Loc ated :.,.~.~?1:,,~.~.\..\,,..,,,,,,,. A d'.,C!>';'0..",,,to "J.~\I A c.+0 \~d'ld 'd ..If-\n comprising ..,.....•..,••",."~.,...I VI C Into cp p.o x:n1ote y .~.~~~<;~~~,~}.~~~:.~?'::"~<;'"i n teres ts for t he foll ow ing r eason.Y·.'.,?.\:~~... 1"S e-'~.-ti 1'b •'\-J..J I••.•"Y ~:"l:".i.t ~~1.~.~.~,\~>':'..C?-.~!'..~.~S:~~~':~~:'~~c.,,-noT-.....\"t~\"h'"p 1.>I>.:c:-v...,'.........~"-'t'-'~ ·.,~.~t..~,.-".:'?"::-::..•..7""::::.:":-.E).::.~.~L:".\~:~~...•.~~~.\r...l."~~.~~":...O;~'?:t ... It is unders tood t hat o ny cc ti on by thi "Co mmis sion gr onHng said ro gue s:'for sai d rcgulal 'k ,ns e xc rnpt io n Clpp iies only 10 ~h<::p ro pose d deve lop ment as show n on th e sk etch plan or o t h er in forrnctionc trcc h ed hereto .c:::k; :\.:~:~: (M ust be Sigi,od bf Ol1 \':10 rec ord O\ncrs of the p roperly) Do ted ..'.7./~.c:..7.!1:..",I~ec()jved ,..,,. By .,••.'.,•.••.,.,•••••,••••..•••, RESOLUTI Ol'! Th e foregoi ng .A.pp!icwtio n h as bee n c on sid ered by the Boord i"l~i s .....•"....' d ay o f 19 w h i ch Hnds and de te rrnincs t hct rhis D ivis ion of Lands is not w irhin H,,,,p u rposes for w h i ch tho sub d ivi sio n regul aHons wire c dcp rcd Qild th erefore said A ?p !ica rior.is g.cn!·cd (d en ie d}. Board 0 1 County C o mmission ers o f Eo g !.:;C ounty By .....•..•.••.....••,..•..•.•••.•••.. C hai r man .. .., o To wn o f Vai l,Col or ado,will have s aid deed recor ded in the office I I l-..!!: I i ~ ! II I I•I ;I I • 1 I,I ..:.' ..,:.' =t ..':" ... ...( ·:.r~1'~:~ ...~?~::: ... ...i,"':' '......... an undivid ed one-six-,.,J ..... .::!.......~l '.::.'.t:~:~·,. Tr a ct .D,i tb e ing understood that the .'. '.1975 ;':.unl ess ·ad ve r se weather conditions or o ther g ood cause pre- ,':t ee nth 'int e r e st in sa id ,\;con ve yi ng to th ~T own of Vail,Colorado, 'lo;" --.- f I , I .'• .:. .... .".···t ~·· .....~;:.;. !t o. " "". .:.; :ii,;~ r ,» :..::,'. .':' .,.:.. botO.~m,'i::.i.{~;,i I Pr-ea id·rrt Xi·,<:,t •• .:. 'VAILCITY CORPORATION ,....J.By:()an;/J.a~·"·· Da vid G .Elmo re , ,P res ide nt ss. ) ) ) (b)To wn of Va il ,Colorado,will thereu pon d eliver or equa L'va Iu a ,provided that such Vail .City Corpor ation has the Vail City Corporation will del iver to the Town of .~. contract on the .date fir st above written . .to Vail City Corp or ation agood and.su rr t c t e ritwarranty deed .to reconv ey said int erest in said tract,said deed to be held in perty to Vail Ci ty Corporation . .-.!.~';''.': Colorado,.·will give written notice to Gore Valley Title ,Inc.,'.':. 'to record said d eed so as to eff e ct a reconveyance of said pro- -r••., ',:.", escrow b y Gore Valley Title,I nc . .··:-.:'~:·r~....~;:..:.~;s,""::.~:.~'..., .,;··.\I.';'f{.!;.~:,i!O:;;,;':.I!H :L·(c)Promptly ,aft er it has removed said topsoil •-.,:t .~"':-."'::•-.•.,"'"",• ::.from Tr act D (or such 'other 'land s agreed up on),Town of Vail,... .;:.lt~l"/',;.~';·:·~t I.;·),',~''::-~:,:.;.:«._-~.~....'::'~l./~,i·r 'A l{.,\_~.~::"'.,;6...~.·'::::r!t.Jii:~···-.'j;',:.'.~~r-~·...r;",":":"::~"'J(I ~ting ·:securi t y:··i H+~\;·.,:(,."-:',......: ./.·(security is .consented to by the Town .of Vail,Colorado ,which ' >.:': ;;':'..consent 'wi ll not b e unreasonabl y wi thh-eld . .:' ,. OJ,,. ...-.~~',: , •""'i ' "1 ,,",;'."' •,I.'.~.'.'..' ice ·....·t;·.i:.'I.'/.".:~:.. r '. ".: ~.n,_ ;0•• '.. :.", ...'. ,,' .';">.. r .o, .';,,;r!:i :->. " -,, .' ..... "'1~;'i~l r . ,. ,. ~..' TOW N OF VAiL,COLORADO ~.'0,','.: " ....:..; " ..,," ..;';. ';"'",. ;;•~t •••.;• .'" .... :/." i , ,", :t -L;~....I,..,'. .'ii~:'~".:-;';..:'~!~:.:::-";:.u %.:.~:_~:~.:': ',' ." !{~;';iii;t:;\\,i~}:j::::!:" t /k '''' "i~:1 FI l~1.:11'",r ~I '••'~I ;,Nft~: .~,.)~.,::.;: '!'~i ;;i'~;:'ii ::,:'..~;.i,'i '..:,.';.;.!,,~I~J \T I~r r.....\""'".....~;•.\':p ....:.:.-,.::..t,,.,~1:~~S~~;i ;.~r ·:,·~·;"}::;.'~~·t ~t ;T~J t .;",',~.;.~,i !Bt:~;\''i\:::,.'::">',i,'>,;;:(;','.. 1 4~·J·:1-.:<,,',"',~....i1~;;t·::.,,:,"',,, '"'I',' :i .1 ', ·~::.\1/ "..,.~:.. ',:.;;i;i!~Ji .!".,~ r -',.~.•,-t " ." ->;t-':'/,:'i:i: " .-~. '.. ~~; '.';- .:,~ ,...,"':i,', "j :;. ." 0 °I ..;...." .r :1 .;~:'\!:: ." --, ., .... i! ;,::i?"\:~"~?)\':}#':;<':';;::\l +::" " , ,, •. 1 -\ 1 ! I .-~'.\-.,.:".:. :- .•:.a C<flkf Pres ident a nd Secretarj-of ......corporotion. !'i ,: dayof •:.;..;••.••••.•••.••I .......~1.1\:1·,.",. ,..........................•....~.~. as •• ~~J.~~L f.Q.RJ.'9PlJ .!.Q lj .___.__.__.._'_'., ny_..~lb,.:...ss.:........-~.~~ Pr-ldt'Dt. , I:April .~ '.~'d .t._?:.CJ.g__o·,I O(k..X~M H."r.?J . -,'. STATE OFCOLORAD O.} ____,Oou.ly .l.--i;,'q,,"J~__... andtheabove bargain ed premi ses in the qu iet andp eaceable pcas essicn orth e said part y of the secondpart. i ts h eirsan d u signs .against all an devery person or p ersons lnwlully ·d aiminF,o r to claim the whole ·or a ny p art th ereof.t hes aid party of t he f ir st part sh alla nd w ill WAltRANT AN D F OnE,.E R DEFEND. IN WITN ESS WHEREOF.The &B Id party oft he fint part.ha th ca used its eemerete na me to be ,hereunto eubecribedby it.!Pr esident,a nd Ih corporate seal to be h ereunto e1fixed,a ttested hy its Secretary,the ,da y and year nnt n bovewritlcn.:r., Attest:l .I ~'~·l ':..;::; '."'. ':.~:":::';!f;~'.~.: ~./i{TOGETHER with all and lingular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto beionginc,or In anywise ~appertaining',and the reveuion or revemonlJ.remainders,rents,issues and profita t hereof;andaUthe estate, ·ri ght,t itle,interest.claimandd emand whatsoever of th e s aid party oft he fint part,eith er In law ~r equitJ',of,In andto the soon bargained premises with theh ered itaments an d appurtenances. TO nAVE ANDTOHOLD the said premises abov e bargained and described,with the appurtenances untothe ·aaid part ..Y.~at thesecond part its belreand as signs forever.Andthe s aid -----::.7--_-.--.---------···-------~s~";;t;;;: -~-'-'-;'~.~.~~}:~~~/~~~,~~:~.,. pa rty of the first part,for ltae.ll, and III &UCC<'1I0r8.'doth covenant,grant,bnrgafnj and agree to an dwit h the said port Y at tho second part, ,i ts heirs and a ssigns,that a t the t ime 01 the enecallnganddeli very of these preaenta It b well eehcd of the premises aboveconveyed,85 at &g ood,s ure,perfect,ab solute and i ndefeasible estate ofinh eritance,in law,In f ee almple,nnd bath go od ri ght.f ull powera ndlawful authority to gr ant,bargain,l eU and conny tho pmo .In m anner and torm ef creaaid,and that th e sam e are freo and dear f rom all fonner and other grant.,bargains, ,:'sa lft,liens,taxes,e sseeam ents and Incumbrances of whatever k ind Or nnture so ever; ,Excep t for GeneralTaxesdueandpayab1e,res tri cti ons,reserve ti ons ,easements and covenants of record. 1.1"';'"'I'.;:•I"~·[,".'.,.,'.''C.I, ·.[Tms DEED.Made thio 30th dayor i "" :i:191 .5~,~Iween VAIL CITY CORPORATlON .\:i! :·.a tOrporatioD du ly organh.ed and existing under'and by 'f'frtue of the laws SHU 'D Ot~l!nlTm It['.r,.11 ;;~.~.'~:'oil 1 '...\.~..e-'.:, l'hUh.Stat.oC Colorado olthe lIra t part,a.nd MAY ·,'2}/q'7S;II !\r ,TOWN .OF.·VAIL,COLORADO,aColorado Nurdcipal .S ..Ii ;.~..~..'I.~-:;'I '.:.Corporation "..-rIC)5'0 i iic.'I,,,I"...·..,..!f:';A =;:?'i II :!rc.le ~:-:r ;'~~"County oC Eagle ;'"::'and S lale of 'I .,1,'II '·~~.Cnlorado :.,:-,·:·:!of theaecondpa.rt:••:;;.!.',."if i ,1 (.:.:•I ?",o'U I ,·",.':.1.I " i:"~I 'WIT~ESSETRt That th~a.afd party ot tho ~iraL l~art.for ~nd in ccnslderatlon of the sum of r..TEN AND NOI 100---~IlO!.LARS. to the said party ot the1irat ptn ~In bandpaidbythe eaid part y oft he s econd part.th e rece ipt whereof is here- by ecnfeeeed and acknowledged.bath granted,bargained.soldand co:lYeyed,andbythee e presents doth grant,bar- gain ,sen,convey and ecnf trm unto the laid part y ofthe seco nd part,;ts heirs,and assigne for- ever,All at the tollcwinr described lot or parte}of land,siwatc,lying and being in the Countyof Ea gle and Slale oC Colorado.to wit:.:• "..;An undivided one-si xte enth in terest illandto .",,'i ;i:'>';;·.TRACT ·D,aResubdivi sion ofVail Vas Schone,Filing No.1.accordtnq i !l:;;~;~~!,i~(J';~o ::,t he ;r e c ord e d plat .thereof,.County of ,Eagle,State ofColorad o ,...L}!i :lf·;~~l;'1i;~iY',T \'.,i ."'.'...''",!oUr l;! .:.T.'f ..:·, 'h ~, ,...- .....~. :=••~.~~-•.-.-~.-:: ..,'.~........~ ._:"'- ."'-~";;' .;-.~,.. ~..": ,": i ·.... ~:~~~:( ..... ";.;.;' ..':., ''r ....:. :-'" .~. :~~:·".~:·:~P " ::. "'.:.:-;.,:.~..:-. .,.-.,"-.-."1"'"'--..'~f:jf.:If· , '" .~.. "::'!;.o....:'. I, " ~-.-= ~.: ~: ..."~.... ~ -e-.:. •~::'::e...==:. .~-r ".~ -. :: ,i.";: 1 ~.r:.:.." ..~.~'., ---;,..." -=t ' .............'...~'.'_.' '- x,'.. v '::.~::"'. ';.';~.: r TO WARRANTY DEED .:.;}~l L ~35732 ~\:._::lf~~~1'~__~~~>-;:~o~~~~~.:~~~~~-:~:<;:,:<:::-~.~'~-,,,-;,:~;(¢~~.,.,-:.,. ~.No.. :<J ,," , recreational -developlnent July 21,1975 company =~ ===-~.,_. ~••... Eagle County Planning Commission: Pleasefindenclosedthe following: 1.Application for exemption: 2.Name of owner:VailCityCorportion 10001 E.Evans St.#69c Denver,Colorado 80231 3.Adjacent owners:VailCityCorporation Note:property on three sides owned by VailCity and forth side is frontage road. 4.Sketchof site proposed 5.Access:frontage road 6.Drainage,parking,revegetation datatobeprovided by purchaser at timeof application for building permit. 7.Check tor $25. VailCityCorporation By:~~d tJ."£~e'\-L ~ sui te 250 •greenwoodplaza terrace 'englewood,colorado 80110 •~0~-770-1683 .....suite 250 ·823commercedrive >oa k brook,illinois 60521 ·312-887-1300 ~ ---_..__.._----_._---.._-_.. AP PLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAG LE COUNTY SUBD IVISION REGUL ATIONS Pu rsuan ttoSe ction 6.0 1 o f th e Eagl e County Su bdlvi sl on Regula tions I (we) h ereby a pply fo r exe mption f romth e provisions w ith sa idre gul a tions a stomy (o ur)pr op osed deve lopmentk nowna s ..•~.0t!-~o·)a'~'l".t~~~"'..~:"..,,~,\.~~, ~,"C \"1)II ."'fIir..'\,~~~~,.r.C:~~.. Loc ated:."~.~",'t:.,~.~.~.\,,'0'••0•• A d •.G.~a.."6'lr.~"4,'I"AC.+0'-1;.,d''d d'•Incomprising..•...•.•1..0.'0...................IV I e In to app roxi mate y .~~~~~~h .~.1~1 .~t..l~~I .interestsfor the foll owing rea son .•~~~.~.'.'t:'~... ...~~....~t.~~~.I~..~f.~.~:t:,...I.~"*'~'~)~'.~'~'''''\~:''.~.~~~~~.~~~~~....1'\.,-....\"",'"-.~..p"",."c ......,........,t,'",,,,e- ...~"l'~..,..0•"?..0 ••!.'..~~.~\l~':"o'~~!'':'o 0 .roe,,,~.\~,,,:'.·~~.~~~~.oD:~~t-t~cl.. It i s un d erstoodt hata ny actio n b y this Co mmission gr ant ing sai d requestfo rsa id regu lations e x emption app lies onl y to the p ropose d de ve lo pme nt as sho wn o n the sk etch pl anoro th er i nfo r mati on attach ed her~:to.•r .......A..A ....t;_':. ..\l~:'~1~~".~~..1:;1 0•0 •••• ;! I • ! I I i ! Ii , I i f r I ': .. /. t, ! I I I I i ..- I I O-I)'S ,e4I»~-,,~[of1 ~- ., H. 1 11 J j (Mu st b e si gn cd by'a II th e r e cord owners of the pro p erty) Dated •...7./?-.~17.~.0 "0 00 .00 Rec eived .0 0 0 .. By••...••••.•..•.••.••..0 ••••••••• RES OLUTION Th e foregoi n gA.pplication h asb een co n sid ered by th eBoard this .o ~.c..::.....0 day of ..~~f.'1,t>t1~"~o ..19 .:<~..wh ich finds and d eterm in es that th is Divis ion of Land s i s not w ithin the pu rp oses for w hich t he subdivis ionr egu la tions were ado pted and th er efore soid A pplic at ioni s §l :f (d eni ed ). Boardo f C ou nty Commi ssione rs ~\,o f ~a gl e Co urVY " I '...-/,.1a,.",,,,\.C-•!-l ,••L I t aByJ.1:..A..~\.. Chairmgn '. Ii ".i:., :( ,I \ \o. "1/tI• I ..•• Ir !. I i r ,. i!'', ,,.''.",.;., l " Pa ge 31 o ·. '" I: " I·~ 1 Ii 11,. i: I' I, ; i I -! I I i II.;I :I , I: !. I " ( ,."1 ..;',),~. ¢~ ..':;' ',.t-.'.;'.~. .;',J'.I. :10 .;• .~;:~.' '.... ..~'I" ..'. '~~f1 ;~. ·~;:.~:;~J;;ir( j'•• :.-. '.'.':,:\i,r:·, 1975,~un1ess adv er se weather conditions or other good cause pre- ..Towno f Vail,Col or ado,will h av e sa id d eed r e corded in the office .,. 'tJ*.!':'J;'':"~::"~.•_~E\\/£~'.'.~".':"~;"~ Y/.(.',f;.f:·.•··:.l·;..';.~·;;,:,".,.,'."(ii!J ·91c:.,.J)1CVV\:~.:.:~t"'''''f·f·.·.\.i:·;-·.1-;.{,;"-,.,,..~.4 ~·:~·"i.:;...,.::.."I S£.O 17'":,J .".".'t ~...."(i:..'"~,,''.,r::':»',"'iV'"Ii ,.,;"".'7/c...,I \"".t::I-;~~;f}:.?~A "":,:~:."~.·"::':I..,,·.~.:·\:·;.~:~';r ·.\~<'..)":.'J ..».•'i .','/·:F1 ~..~.;,.~~'~::':\••',-.,-,;..•,L ,-,&.Da ve\.. lW~·'.:.•':.:;.'.01 Planning/,1.,4""".'.""..!lepl....co\O. I ""\~;,,,.<,»"""1"''''CONTRACT t.a Ie coun.,.'...J~t~~::f~~(i :\·t::·:;!;~,.;~~~:::.t g ...:':i.:• b·:~~~.\··.-'/:,,!.:THIS 'CONTRACT,.made this'30th day of April,1975,.,/f .','>lIt":;"...'.~:.',;••..A........(1'..~l ';\·.·,•..by a nd between VA IL CITY CORPORATION ,a Colorado corporation,;'::""~~~::~:../:'~._~".~'.'.''~:,l ~: 'f~i~i::,~~."-~,.,,.a ~d ,,~O W N .,O~,.VAIL.COLORADO ,a municipal corporation,,,,;.:;"'; .i~,.,.::.\~'h ~...!:,:.',';.~"!·'f:';~i:·~···~:;.~.::::~:.~",:.",',.....":",."-/\~~I,.:.~·'\'V·'·..'.i ....'.."':"""""',\1".."'.,'j'''';"WITNESSETH'...',~.,,~;~,!~,~!;:~~~:~":f,.;)::i ;;<~'~t~"~.:~"!;~'"...>:~,I •.'...'.,c :.:::::.~j.~~~~;.~' ,·t.l ;!/r'·,....,;,~',r "~;':'.".:,.1.Vail Ci ty 'Corpor ati on agre es to sell 8 ,000 cubic :':"')'.\\j'.·\~~f '.:'""',..'";~"''''·,·l ''t)t ~I"··~'-i-.:.",..';'~"~~r ;l>:·.:-yard s "of ·topso il of reaso n able qu a lity for t he purpose,of .::;';iJ::,l ~,l.;.'":'~..~',~~::::'t:'f in ish ;landscap in g from Tract D .Resubdivision of Vail Das Schone,')'.i' ':',~'.'...}.:.,:::\~:'~~'~::.:~//;:Filing No ~I ,Eag le County,State of Color ado,to the Town of .,Yi':,t1>"'·I~'I';}r.r "".·<}r~··'';·''•.'':',"..'.,)":."•."l:"41~V '-H ;'"'/~,';,'.,,1',,,,:;.:.......:.~~I'",.'1~f~~;::;ji;fj ~,~~~~I,Ya.:n!~lc o l~o r.a do ,for ':the.,sum of $25 ,000.00 to be paid upon .the.;;;i'l ,);~\\)..~ ~~W\1:!.,'~.~~!,:",~,,,....'.;..".-.~:..':.':~\' "!'I\\;:""~",«-execue t on hereof,receipt for which is h ereby acknowled ged..:".;;"'h':..",.r,_._ ~J'I,''''.l,\~",:;....,:.'.'.'2.Bys u pp Lemen ta I written agreement of the p art ies :';,.'....,..v,It;.:;~r:·."Va il .Cit y Corpor ation may furnish all or part o ~.said .topsoil t:j ~~,~",I'.:.....".4 . /~~~~;i ,~..f rom .other lands o wned by i t and des ignate which areas are to be'-N.;."!:I....'~,:,... .l ,'.1,I;;..1;\..:..:.A't·",:~".,,""'>'"'-\stripped 'to obt a i n s aid topsoil.~~'.1r:~Jiti\l"~.,,,.-:t ",~~~"'~'l\;i "",·t.'·'.(tW~I.:.."~~'.,....,.,:./.r '..:.t".;3 ..Town of Vail ':Col orado,will r emove said ',topsoil n '\;, if;~);f ",'.:1..:J r o~.."s ~i d .Tra.c tD (or such other lands as are designated in ~-~".".~',.~.~j;:'ac co rd a nce with p ara graph 2h er e of)at it se xpen se by ·Augu st 31, ·~WP'Wl~/~':\"N \~~~i:.I ;eludes .removal b y sa id date.in whicb ev en t removal will b e ~tl!h~.::f ::~:;...."."\~\~:_~\)~:.,;:!:co:~,p]~;~~;~~;;.~~.soon t he reaf te r ,a sp ract icab le .l::(,~~.~{C .,·",'.··'·4:Vail C ity Corpor at ion warrant s th at it i s th e sole \~'r .~":~fi*'~""',':.own e r of said Tr a ct D and ~r.at said tract is fr ee from any encum-.;r:·:.~;~tii f.;}:Iy>t:brance.··-:(;h;-:: \~;l"'''',.'''''l.:-'.-·tl ,".'1..,.....:v-i i\\·ll.....j!"i fJl ~';i :'~··,;·:·''':·.t:.~.,'','..~.,"':....'.j ~:~•.:-.:..•,......',";>i/o,.>,',5.(a)T o secure th1 s transa ction Va11 C1 ty Corpora-"'>;:~"> .l ,"..I f ".'. ~)k;.'::v';·/:;·:·::';i~t i on ~Wl1 l.A e l1 v e r t ot heTo wn o f Vail,Col ora do ,at th et ime of }';,.: ·t:'1.:·~.I(~i;:,.·.l .•u ·"•.~.......J .I :'~""!'f ''......:.{-I''s:t'j ,-.>.'....•.",'.····l,'I fI~~,!"~}';·':"":r e c e ip t of,s a id $25 ,000.00,'a g o od an d 's uf f i cient war r anty deed :";:',':-..':I -'~:\!}.:~:·-';'.;'...'~"'y;~. t';·"llo)'\;'·.·..',,':,c o n ve yi n g to the Town of Va il,Col orado,a n und ivided on e -six -.....,,.';:"'".)-·\.J c::-:,;:~\'..;71 .••.·.:i ··~11 .,r '-!':~-.:·':~1\A~'~;~:':'.'::te e n t h 'interes ti n sa id Tract .D,it b e in g und erstood th at th ~'.'.':..:::., 1"1'1:,"\~"~~~;.~. ;:i-t'l,.~.)i·I O;I;l~i/.',..~\{i.~~'....J .o f the Co unty C l erk a n dRe co r dero f Eagle County,S tate of Co10- ~,\r\I ,...'""..,~'i~it~~~/f::~~'..':;.r a do .;....)'..,');i.:'·.':"•J:N~~~"-'r tl ·4 •01 1.:·,-,.'t ·~~It '•...,·.-,)~.-;~-.",l ~;·l ~i~.r J :i :'\.':,-I,';,~_'.:'.....·..~r·';-··";I _. ~.l .h:£f.~'i :.·.'....:..,".:. "~:",;,,.~~<jJ~;:,':, ~~~l&1\if~~t;{{,i't~;:L.• .. perty to Vail City Corporation. to record said d eed so as to effect a reconveyance of said pro- " <».. I of ;~..,.<.. ~'t ;,., ·l~::.•·.·f "."'..,'I,.;., "'..... ·.a.::<;: L__._ ~. fJ t t '" H r. .'. ......• .:. :~,'o;.i.:;·-.··...·3:· .... ·t · y..'~,':~", ..;);,;W ,~} ':;'::.,! .;....:;~::', i;.~r'.;.t~::lj.".'\'ii:!:~;;,Mlt f .; ,.: ,':.:;;.:J~.:~;:?::' r .·:,.. ":" ".\':.";::..;Inc., " 'Page 2 .;....'-..~_:.,~.~':,. •.'','..!,~. :I t·.···.,i ",X&l~;, before me ,,:'~;.'-..:....,:-:..,;:: P i d t ""'"''''''resr en .-....s:...'tr ';~~~1 ~'. !~'.'.~~;:;.•<...'. $25.600;00,a bill .';'.~._, ••"•.'I .'~':J;,,;,.c ..",..''',:.".'''j'·,.r .....:)','!;:!·:~,·:~'~r<:>::,:·,~-;~}~· executed this ''",:';~.; • option cr sUbsti~u.~..;,,:.:.'. .'J.~:.~'J~:'i ~.,:~;~r::~'~. substi t u t e "1;:',~\:""~.'~"!'~'!'i CITY CORPORATION ()~&"n< ,(Ja.{Uvu.f-)y~bW.s By: Dav id-G.~lmor e. .Pr esident Not:a-r y'Publ!i.e' 'VAIL .:'•',..:t ,......,'.;.. ....i l -M f )'-ii C 'il"..--- ss. ',' ~ '.r ;:.,~il·:.·; _r' of equal.··value;provided that such Vail .CitY Corporation has the Vail City Corporation will deliver to the Town of ),:.,..• .7. .-" ~•. ..' Colorado,.·will give written notice to Gore Valley Title, contract on the .date first above written. ':. 'consent 'will not be unreasonably withheld. I ..",•.:. ',;;. escrow by Gore Valley Title.Inc. :'~'::-.~;'r:-.:/,~~"~.-::.":.:,.."l·.'..o!"'t t'H}~;:i r '··.:;::.'i ~n:,:·(c)Promptly ,after it has removed said topsoil.,:..~l:!.":'....,'..".. :from Tract D (or such 'other 'lands agreed upon).Town of Vail. ..;.:"'~'''~~·••I.'i ·<·;,'i:f ..-\:,··,~.:..;:".;."..,~..l ·I~;"1.1 ~"i r~IJ.\x :i :·~.'.(6..f;·;~::'it~~~~'~"i ~.;:\(":"'"':".'. ""':'::\"'if;l ~ting ·:securi ty:'i.1 ;;Y-\r-.}'·",",-",';: ·,:,.'.·,'security Ls v cons errt ed to by the Town .of Vail.Colorado,which ..:"::'~ }\":r:).~'. 1 :i "~i i':~.!".-.J,,\,,: .::,.,".:,..,'i ,Vail,.Colorado.at the time of receipt of said i·:r;}·\'t·\\:;~!".~',.!<,;,:,:'~.\'.<"f !·{o f .',.s a le ii.~o r ·said topsoil.:,:,: ,l :,r;;:':,'.:··.t ~.t·..~~.\;}y::~:/IJ":: "';','..::INWITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have (b)Town of Vail.Colorado.will thereupon deliver to.Vail City Corporation a good and.sufficient warranty deed.to reconvey said interest in said tract.said deed to be held in .;~~:.,/.,.\:." l~i "'i~'(~t \~i~,\";!'!,~; I'·;"j ~:.-...1<\..'1 .....",';.!:'i T:~::..'STATEOF COLORADO') ~:!\:,.i1:"',;·'I ·)·t~I."::·'·";'COUNTY OF EAGLE ) 'tl;V:;';'·,i:.:·il,·,ih.',,;ij;'..::,i ' :.1;i t:::..v .,:",.~,.The foregoin gi nstrume nt was a cknowledged),to""j \I x'.."I~'~,~:i ···.'..,~.t h i s '30th da yo f April,1975.by David G,Elmore as':~h~'~·"':;'2'!ioOfl.;VM L"C I T Y CORPORATION. .~~~;,~~:::?~l..J;:.~~.~~·:;f:.4'\:~r~;~:~"...:,{,~,,~,~~...·Yt ~~,;F*'~'\:';~O~O ··::\'I~~~'WITNESS myh and a nd o ff Lci aI sea l.•1.1 ._..0-/\~'....'\""~I ''\\':f,rJ',:.t.,.'I f?'....·..:C.~L,.'fl 'I,:,~tll n 'f ,l :'\~··~~t<.l:'~·i 1 ~,("§i .:,~~:::. !I f~l~::\(Ji:1'[,;,."-,.;/.,,."ii 'f'i,:!I1:')',1,',\If ::.~A ·~.•,U8 U Q/o 2~,'.::h.\;"~~!'~·-:;:~:t;,··~:~;r!:;s~\~~~··~}~:tv~\!t.'·:· r "IL':n';';~'""'\~"~'~,.:.""·"i,l\~.ll l,~· ,"!".",.0 ,,'r 0\0 ,;,~"";,""C ..,l '~~"~-,;r.v...:r-,y y .....'.'T.·t~\..... J ·~','rj;t"t '\l!I'\:~'j·~:ilj I M Y.i;'·COilll;Ji S SiOn expir es:..~~ll ,q t s,'\~7 ';'Lt.r ·"·'~I':~~'''I,~,h ');""~"'>,."-.."'I '"I Ii ,~\~,'fH'::....'I':':'I ';,::(::,::,";I ~.~I ",:lo ."it"11 I ~':...1f l!:.•"I ." "!~,.\,~ /!I'l'1=rl ,'~~}i)\'"p ..).\.~... •~'~'.;I.i )j I',(·1 ..'~!,~·:eq ;",t •. '1 ::t~!M~.::!i;;{\!::,>.::::;:;;i;~\')..::;"t;ri,i.; {,'il !~.l '~"''''''01""i'.n ·'''·...'1,',".'(I •.,·'1 lt t "'~:·I;'J·l lj,':"··"";'\~.,.:,I:'t'~:I~':,;.'.....';.~I .:. .."...;-~~:'~"!,,,'.', r !I 1 ,~ .j I ;;.'.,...t •• :iI' ."t ," ---.14~~';-tj;..~.,~~~.~,.~ ~f ''f!" .'j '~.I:;'.:i ·~'rll ;)~'(r '"'J ?LI~.'.'J-: 'l j ~.,.~; ;~S~-'i!,~ ~'.I ,.~..,";~~l '·: •"J I I ~.~':,:":'"~).\I( ," f '~j ~.~:: ~...,..".:.r II' ,"',:;: "'" . ••\j :•••:...."",1.,:'l " ice ..': .".' ,~.--,I'"_..,._'._. ';);i(::' .','} '.<'~.\} ·:{.r?:,'~:·~·· "':~:~;~i.;...~~.:{ ,>y ~,::~"~;/t·: .'') ",' ,i'. 7', t, '"',''..;.:q .)~.:..' ,, " ~:!/~! .'!',.''',::i ;~;':f :i :/;;;t;, '..r; l :':, It .;.... ~";':'~'":;l_r }'~'.-,:' .(;~:',~:;y~:\t ' '.::.. .~, .~~, (.,.'.'.'..~:r'}.://,'tV.;.'.: Pag e ,3 ,I .. COLORADO ,~ TOWN OF VAIL, :1. ,.'.' " ':5 ...;. '..'; .:::'.::;;' !.,.\' "'j ,:";'\)}./:' .~, ,\:~~:t :·~ I .':I!:.:, :)! ..:..,.... ,, '1-;:.,, '. ..':,'~ .: -.'.~,I '.':'1'·, " ". ,',,',: ,'l ' c .;,' ..... '.' .t ". .'.',,: "·;j;;j t~!\ii;!!.~t!.\f,i:~~:;~k i , I':",'; :!; 1i ,..':'.'~'!ij~''<,B~'{{:!i~~:~W~;¥;.. -."".". (j;N ',:"';':'Xi:::':·;:f,.Y-:: ;1 .~.{J l~: i ,l :~)~~~;"'t :',:,~!' 1 j '~' rj:::~~;~ ;~::~';~: /)\it ..~l .~:~~; ;;·:}~t~ .:1·';1,'K ':~'!'~.i! ,~~ :1 !i!':f i:~""~";';jll;"I\, .;·r ')n~,> :1{i ,,~IF ~"t ~:::",'<';'i:;.,/j,~1';lt\;1.~;\.""::":";'1 ~W{i \'\'l ~.",:.J t~1}(~~r,:'!,lf ';z,:\::;1 ,:;[.":\,;,,,;,,' ~'~'!t~~.~1 :.\.~.t :,. :c~:I,~·';:." i11t~;i;(;',;",:!'l"">'<..,; ...~,. .. .'....i.';.:-.. "~,. -'"....'. ..-..,. ."~".:ff4it ·, .~.., ., r , .'.:;."-"'~:~'~':'..,":'.,.... .-'" ., .II '.\:.. 1 ..., -.-.- -";_••e,', ., y 'r .' -, < .",":::..- '..,' .7>. .~.. \.e: :, .1 " ~...-.::.....-.'!. .~::'J;':4i~~-~::~':~:' " II ..~.... ,~~~~:: ••'0 .~ :.-.;..~:'...oI ~;'.:l .'..~>..'T'w •••,.• ..".;...f.:~~..·:::._..._:'.·.·.·:.:~,·.;..--:_:·r;.·..2..~..~...~7.•'...·.;...:.:........•.•:_.~;.::..'.::=.~..~•...:•.:.,".:.:-..•./.........:-.; ,._..;"~~:::.-;.:r-~:t~;:<;'-:'. ~..-,.". .., .;~ 1 I I I ," -.:,'~t ~ ,..'.....:~'.:~~: ,;I ~. -:-,;:.'" j~~::'::.': ~"j" ,",{:\':j : <. ;Vl,~·:~. ':;~.~ .;:f.;;:.. :,'.'(1'/;'" :1 ,~':.j , If :~;t\.~1 ,.10\';1, .1,I {}~t.~I '~'~,I"I:~h' '1:.1-1':',;":' ;~' "fJ,~..l f;:\~';~0\.': ;i.}:;:/ ;,'.t. j1~i 's ',.~.}': ~~f:~:!:( ,F .V~~:' ..f ::'.':. '". ~·.t.~;:. '~):(~i : '.,:~"~ -~<}~;~;:",/,1,,/, .·i~~:~:l ~·ll,·;~!~~;.i : •",f ,"!'~'}'I .'r::~~::t :>t '-I! ;.\'::\"i'Y.-::.<·/\'f )~~J,".(:.,~~"!,, "-flkf Pres ident and Secretary of ..:'a c:orpoT'atioD•. lU>cord.r'.Starop ".'.::'::~! .'.I ' dayof .'))dJl ~" !II ',:,""I I t ,~.':'t :.i;1 '·l :.'!~;·I 'J .,.'i II ,,".(:'. .1 .~i II 'I ISrmOOClM!!lT1Xt fII ",!l .'" MAY~)/QiS;11 , Si7§:~i f """ ,'i'l.;I !i ..;,;;".h L LU f'JI.:&·•• ,,, ............_."....•...•.t ..•.~......·"C.· as as g,-,ttt..- :~,!,~f,±1 x ..·c.Q,~?r·w J Q,I~,'7J ......-.""~~:~.~ y_.~d.b..(PJ::m~_ Prald ~nt. ,\: April .~ .,' ,;; '.' CO;",,,.t,...."".~.=.29"".......,0 'c1 0 ,k "..r..~.."M.•....J{~r.,..~J , ,', ;;~'. :.-..~, ST ATE OF COLORAD O,} .County of...J;,'(!,.,"J f!...... ..,\ and UIO a bove ba.rgain ed p rtmises in t.ho qui et a nd peaceable pos:se8sion ot th e said Jl~rt y 01 th o8econd part i ts heirs a nd R8s igna,ay,nlnst all an d e very person or P(lrROOS lnwl nlly ~htl mjn r.'or to claim tbo whole ,ora ny part t her eof,t he Imid party ot t ho Ural part shall And will W AURANT AND }<'Oft EVER DEFEND, I N WITNESS WJJ EUEOF,Th e u id party of t he t int part ha th CA used its corporatona me to be ,h ereunto suuscribed by i ts Pres ident.an d ita corpor atesealto be h er cunlQ affix edl a.ttest ed hy its ,; Secr d ary,the da y and y ear I Jnt ab ovewri ttc D...:.,t ;"'. Att eat:.:.l ~.<:..f '.:;'.';'0 '':' :·:~·!t~:~t~::~~i;:·...."-....:..·:·--·"..,,-·_~·,·~·:·~;;;;;;: I"".'II ';'I '.I ,. ·:tTlIIs DEED,M~d.lh;.'30th '"day or t 19 Z.~;.'I W ..~V~IL CITY CO~PORATION.: ;,a co rp oration duly org anized and exialing'under'and by virtue 01 the lawst:.,I .I t i ." :~t <,'l~;..'.:,r. !~~tlh.S l&te o l 'Colorado otlhellr.tpart.and i\r .TOWN DEVAll,COLORADO,aColorado Hunicipal , "...I II'-,.Jj ""..'<~'I ',-,Corpore t i cn ':.,''·'1 ..I;'....;..1_: 'l'rl lho "I;:.:",Counly 01 Eagl e ;'.'::',and Slate of....1 'J f ;l .I I I '.,J,Cnlorado l';"·:;":!ofth••ocondparl:I ';,;,I " I .',"jf ,i ,.;I ."';::I !'•··'U .;...:~,'.i i "~'~WIT ~ESS~,ThAt th~Il-lIld part.y oftho ~rat ·~.~.fo/a nd in ccn aideratlon of the eumof , TEN AND NO/IOO ---------''--''---------~---------------~----------------DOLLARS, to th o laid party ofth e t int part in hand pa id by t he la id part y 01 tho second part,th e receipt whereof is here- by eonfeesed end ackno wledged ,hath gr anted,bargained,soldand conveye d,andbyth ese pr esents doth ETant,bar . gain,s ell,convey a nd confinn unto th esa id part y ot t.hes econd port ,;t s h eirs,and ass igns to r .. ever,"n ofth e foll owing'described Jot orpa recl or land ,!1t.ua te,lying an d helng in th e . County of Ea gl e and State ofColerede,towit :.:" ",,;An undi vided one-si xteenth in terest ill andto ~·~h ..·,,·:;;';TRA CT,D.aResubdivi sion of Va il Oas Schone,Filing No.1,accordi .ng ,cl,t,,' ~W\!~!f.\~~;~o;.!~,~J ~c,o rd e d platt ,he re~t.,·County oUag le.State of COl~ra~o//,::<t!i ~~,_.I r,"':lf,..",(?~.~.}~,~...:."r '\:"i'\'~',,-.''.'':.:.J ,.,:'.'t ','.1 ,.,1\,.r ~.\y:!:::r.;l~I~.~t;;~',::,.:';,''"'",,''.:".:/" ','I S ,..;~!::':'> ".',H: ,:·ti'J;,:·,~,:,~~-. .~./f/ -..TOGETHER withalla nd lingular the heredltameuta and appurtenances thereunto beionginc,orIn a nywise ~app ertai ning',andt he revera ion or r everalona,r emainders,reub,iss ues a nd profits t hereof;and IlU th e es tate, ,ri gh t,title,interest,claim anddemand wh atsoever of th e IBid p arty of tbe lirst part,eit her In la w ~r eqw ty,of ,fa andto t he above bar gained pr emleee with th e b eredltamente an d ap purt enances. TO nAVE ANn TO HOLIl the said p remises IlboTe bargained a nddes cribed,wit h th e appurtenances u nto tho .IBid part .y ~of th e eeccnd part i t s heire and as s igN forev er ,Andth e enid part,.of thefiut part,for HuH, and it a suc:ct"!8on,dot h covenant,gra nt,ba.rgain;a nd 0KTee t o an d 'Wi th t hesaid part Y ofthe second part, i ts heirs an d a ssigns.th at at th e Umo 01 the e naenl lng-and delivery 01 these pr esents it fa well s eized of th e prem ises a bove conveyed,as of a go od.l ure,perfect,a bsolutea ndindefeu aible es tate ofinh eritanc e,In Jaw,In l ee s imple.a nd hath to ad ri ght .f ullpowera ndlaw ful authori ty to g rant ,bar g ain,l eH and conny the same .in mann er and fonn Dlorcuid,and th at th e f1 n.rn e aro frca and ~l t"k r fr om nU fonner and other granh,bargains, .:,&lei.liens,t axes,a uusmen!a a nd Incumbrance B of whatever kindOr nnture !Oever j .Exc ept for General Taxes duea nd payaul e,r estricti ons,res ervations,e asements and covenants ,of record. 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