HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK H LOT 12 LEGAL••fiLE COpy Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail.Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co .us Ma y 17,2001 JohnMartin ,AlA P .O.Box621 Vail ,CO 81658 Re:Ment/ik Residence -Lot 12,BlockH ,VailDas Schone #2/2437 GarmlschDrive Dear John: On Monday,May 14,2001 ,thePlanningand Environmental Commission votedto approve the variance requestforsnowstorageinthe right-of-way at2437GarmischDrive.Thevariance request for parking in the right-of-way wasdeniedduetothe availability of architectural alternatives,which would allowaU of therequired parking tobelocatedwithinpropertyboundaries . On Wednesday,May16,2001 ,theDesignReviewBoardvoted unanimously to approve thefinal proposal fortheMentlikresidence .Therewerefourconditionsofapproval : I .That the garage shownonth e southelevationbefacedwithstoneuptothedeckrails; 2 .That the driveway entrancebereduced to 24feetattheedge of GarmischDrive: 3 .That a revocable right-of-way permitberequiredforthelandscaping ,driveway ,concretepan,and snow storage tobelocatedintheTownright-of-way;and 4 .That stamped engineering drawings berequiredforretainingwallsbetween4and6feettall. These conditions mustbeaddressedprior to applyingforabuildingpermit.Ifyouhaveany questions or concerns,pleasedonot hesitate to contact meat479-2148or ak jerulfrfi)eLyail .co.us. Sincerely, Ann Kjerulf Planner II1GIS Specialist Town of Vail o RECYCLEDPAPER • TOWN Project Name:Mentlik Res idence Project Description: • Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number:DRB010047 Newsingle-family residence Participants: OWNER WILLIAM L.MENTUK 600SouthAvenueWest Westfield,NJ 07090 License: APPLICANT JOHN G.MARTIN AlA PO Box621 Vail,CO 81658 License: Project Address:2437 GARMISH DRVAIL 03/15/2001 Phone:908-518-6305 03/15/2001 Phone:477-2476 Location: Legal Description:Lot:12Block:HSubdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL2 Parcel Number:210311413008 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By:BillPierce SecondBy:Charlie Acevedo Vote:4-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:05/17/2001 Cond:CON0004728 Thatthegarageshownonthesouthelevationbefacedwithstoneuptothedeck rails Cond:CON0004729 Thatthedrivewayentrancebe reduced to24feetattheedgeof Garmisch Drive Cond:CON0004730 Thata revocable right -of-way permitberequiredforthe landscaping,driveway, concretepan,andsnowstoragetobelocatedintheTownright-of-way Cond :CON0004731 Thatstampedengineeringdrawings be requiredforretainingwallsbetween4and6 feettall Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approvaldoesnotconstitute apermitforbuilding.Please consultwith TownofVailBuilding personnel priortoconstructionactivities. Planner:AnnKjerulf DRBFeePaid:$200.00 ~. •DESIGNREVIEW BOARD AGEND!' Wednesday,May 16,2001 3:00 P.M. PUBLICMEETINGRESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION I LUNCH-Community Development Department 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain BillPierce HansWoldrich CharlesS.Acevedo MEMBERS ABSENT AndyBlumetti SITEVISITS 1.DauphinaisResidence-1936W .GoreCreekDrive 2 .SunVail Condos -655N.FrontageRoad 3.Summers LodgeCondos-123WillowPlace 4.All Seasons Condos -434GoreCreekDrive 5 .GoldenPeak-458VailValleyDrive 2:00 pm Driver:Allison PUBLICHEARING-TOWNCOUNCILCHAMBERS 3 :00 pm 1.EdelweissCondos-Finalreviewofproposedroofingmater ial.Brent 103 Willow Place ,Edelweiss Condomin iums/Lot 4 ,Block6 ,VailVillage1st Filing . Applicant:Edelwe iss CondoAssociation ,representedbyNedbo Construction MOTION :Bill Pierce SECOND:Charlie AcevedoVOTE:4-0 TABLED UNTIL JUNE 6 ,2001 2 .Summers LodgeCondos-Final reviewofproposedroofingmaterial.Bill 123Wi llow Place/Lot5,Block6,VailV illage 1st Filing. Applicant:SummersLodgeCondoAssoc.,representedbyRickHalterman MOT ION:Bill PierceSECOND :HansWoldrichVOTE:4-0 TABLED UNTIL JUNE 6,2001 3.SunVailCondos-Finalreviewofproposedrepaintwithcolorchange.Bill 655N.FrontageRd.lLot9 ,Block2,VailPotatoPatch Applicant:SunVa il Homeowner'sAssociation,representedbyKentKrohlow MOTION:BillPierce SECOND :Charlie Acevedo VOTE:3-0(Woldrich recused) CONSENT APPROVEDWITHONECONDITION: 1.Approvedinaccordancewiththesubmittedpaintchipsamples ,notthepaintsample appliedtothebuilding . 1 ••'-., 4,All Seasons Condos -Final review ofproposedroofingmateria ls andrepaint. 434Gore Creek Drive/Lot B ,Block3 ,VailVillage51h Filing. Applicant:All Seasons Condominium Association MOTION:BillPierceSECOND :Hans Woldrich VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITHONE CONDITION Bill 1.Approved in accordance withthe submitted tarandgravelroofandbrown metal fascia sample .Theredtrimcoloris approved in accordance withthe submitted paint chip sample. 5 .MenUik residence -Final review ofnew single-family residence 2437 Garmisch Drive/Lot 12 ,BlockH,Vaildas Schone Filing2 Appl icant:WilliamL.Mentlik,represented byJohnG .Martin MOTION:BillPierceSECOND :Charlie Acevedo VOTE :4-0 APPROVED WITH4 CONDITIONS: Ann 1 .That thegarageshownonthesouth elevation befacedwith stone uptothedeck rails; 2 .That the driveway entrance bereducedto24feetattheedgeofGarm isch Drive; 3 .That a revocable right-of-way permitberequiredforthe landscaping,driveway, concrete pan,and snow storagetobelocated inthe Town right-of-way;and 4 ,That stamped engineering draw ings berequiredforretaining walls between 4and6 feettall. 6.Lazier residence -Final review ofa new single family residence andEHU . 1290 Westhaven Circle /Lot26,GlenLyon Subdivision . Applicant:Buddy &KeraLazier ,represented by William Reslock MOTION:BillPierceSECOND :Charlie Acevedo VOTE :4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1.No outside comer materialchangesareallowed. Bill 2 .Add10aspentrees,6to8feetinheight ,inthearea between thehouseand driveway. 7 .Petrus residence -Final review ofnewsinglefamily residence withEHU .Bill 84 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 28 ,Block7 ,VailVillage 1s1 Filing. Applicant:Petrus Management,represented by JMP Arch itects MOTION:BillPierceSECOND :Hans Woldrich VOTE :3-0 (Acevedo recused) CONSENT APPROVED WITH3 CONDITIONS: 1.Resolve retainingwall height issueswithstaff; 2 .Meet all Public Works Department requirements; 3.In lieuof low level plantings,provide 10sprucetrees,8to12feet inheight,inthefront ofthesitewiththe intent ofscreeningtheviewof vehicles parkinginthedriveway. 2 8. 9 . 10. GoldenPeak-cleptual reviewofproposedaddition e 458E.VailValleyDrivefTractF,Block3,VailVillage5th Filing Applicant:VailResortsDevelopmentCompany,representedbyPatrickHim CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE Daupinaisresidence-Conceptualreviewofnew single-family &TypeIEHU. 1936WestGoreCreekDrive/Lot1,StraussSubdivision. Applicant:PatDauph inais CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE Red Sandstone Athletic Field -Finalreviewofproposed athletic field . 610N.FrontageRd.WestlA portionof Tract C,VailPotatoPatch . Applicant:TownofVail ,representedbyGreggBarrie MOTION :BillPierceSECOND :CharlieAcevedoVOTE :4-0 APPROVED Ann Allison Allison 11.VailValleyMedicalCenter-FinalreviewofproposedPhaseIadditions .George 181 West Meadow Drive/LotsE &F,VailVillage2nd Filing. Applicant:VailValleyMedicalCenter,representedbyBraun Associates MOTION:BillPierceSECOND :CharlieAcevedoVOTE :3-0 (Woldrich gone) TABLED UNTILJUNE6,2001 Staff Approvals VailGloLodge-Replacefiberglassswimmingpoolwith smaller fiberglasspool.Ann 701W .LionsheadCircle/Lot1,Block2 ,VailLionsheadFiling3. Applicant:Maximum Comfort PoolandSpa Fleischer residence-Changestoapproveddeckdesign .Bill 1765WestGoreCreekDrive ,EastUnit/Lot7VailVillageWest2nd . Applicant:Chad Fleischer Manartres idence -Frontentrychange ,newdeckrailings,newgaragedoor.Ann 2945MannsRanchRd /Lot4-B ,Block1,VailVillage13th Filing. Applicant:FrankC .Manart Tyler residence -Additionofbaywindow.Allison 433GoreCreekDr.I Lot7VailTrailsEast. Applicant:Tim &NancyTyler Hormel residence -Additionofpatioarea,2hottubs,additional landscaping .Allison 1527VailValleyDr./Lot10,Block3,VailValley1st Filing. Applicant:Geo .A.Hormel &CO LaBottega-Additionofoperablewindows .Allison 100E Meadow Dr./VailVillagePlazaCondominiums. Applicant:Jamm LTD . Vail Chamber of Commerce -Temporary directionalsignageforVillageandLionshead .Russ 241E.Meadow Dr/VailVillageandLionshead. Applicant:TownofVail 3 BrandessBuilding-Installatio!f air conditioning unit. 2077N.FrontageRd.!Lot39 ,BufferCreekSubdivision. Applicant:DentalCenterofVail,PC Wh ite residence-Additionofsp lit railfence. 1833LionsridgeLoop !Lot4 ,Block3,Lion's RidgeSubdivision . App licant:Kenneth L.&KathrynWhite Billingsley residence-Addressmonument. 1170PtarmiganRd.!Lot3 ,Block7 ,VailVillageFiling7. Applicant:LucyC.Billingsley Timber FallsCondos-Installation ofbaywindowonunit#404. 4496 E.MeadowDr.!Timber FallsCondominiums Applicant:CarolynBrown Dikeouresidence -Change i ndormer. 352BeaverDamRd.!Lot5 ,Block3,VailVillageFiling3 . Applicant:Gwathmey,Pratt ,Schultz ,Architects •Allison Allison Allison Ann Allison The applications andinformationabouttheproposalsareavailableforpublicinspectionduring regularofficehoursintheprojectplanner'soffice,locatedattheTownofVailCommunity Development Department ,75SouthFrontageRoad .Pleasecall479-2138for i nformation. Signlanguageinterpretationavailableuponrequestwith24hournotification.Pleasecall479- 2356 ,TelephonefortheHearingImpaired,forinformation . 4 •• Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970 .479 .2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www .ci.vail.co.u5 Project Name:Mentlik Variance Request Project Description: PEC Number:PEC010032 Request for variance fromTitle14toallowforsnowstorageintheright-of-way. Participants: OWNER WILLIAM L.MENTLIK 600 South Avenue West Westfield,NJ 07090 License: APPLICANT JOHN G.MARTIN AlA PO Box 621 Vail,CO 81658 License: Project Address:2437 GARMISH DRVAIL 04/17/2001 Phone:908-518-6305 04/17/2001 Phone:477-2476 Location: LegalDescription:Lot:12Block:HSubdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL2 Parcel Number:210311413008 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy:John Schofield SecondBy:Doug cahill Vote:6-0 Conditions: Cond:CON0004732 Thatadequate screening be provided. Planner:AnnKjerulf Action:APPROVED DateofApproval:05/17/2001 PECFeePaid:$250.00 •• Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci .vail.co .us Project Name:Mentlik Variance Request Project Description: PEC Number:PEC010038 Request forvariancefromTitle14toallowforparking intheright-of-way. Participants: APPLICANT JOHN G.MARTIN AIA04/17/2001 Phone:477-2476 PO Box 621 Vail,CO 81658 License: OWNER MACLEAN,JOHN &CAROL FAMILY05/17/2001 Phone: 11 MAIN ST CLEBURNETX 76031 Project Address:2437 GARMISH DR VAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:12Block:HSubdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL2 Parcel Number:210311413008 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By:John SChofield SecondBy:Doug Cahill Vote:6-0 Conditions: Planner:AnnKjerulf Action:DENIED Date of Approval: PECFeePaid:$0.00 PLANNINGAND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday,May14,2001 PROJECTORIENTATION 1-Community Development Dept.PUBLIC WELCOME ,,• PUBLICMEETINGRESULTS • 11:30am MEMBERSPRESENT DianeGolden JohnSchofield DougCahill GalenAasland DickCleveland Site Visits: MEMBERSABSENT BrianDoyon 12:45pm 1.VailPlazaHotelWest-13VailRoad 2.VailValleyMedicalCenter-181WestMeadowDrive 3.StraussSubdivision-1916 &1936WestGoreCreekDrive 4.Mentlikresidence-2437GarmischDrive 5.VailRacquetClub-4695VailRacquetClubDrive Driver:George NOTE:IfthePEChearingextendsuntil6:00p.m.,theboardmaybreakfor dinner from6:00 -6:30 p.m. Public Hearing -Town Council Chambers 2:00pm 1.ArequestforavariancefromSection12-6D-10oftheTownCode ,to allow forareductionin thelandscapingandsitedevelopmentrequirements,locatedat383BeaverDamRoad/Lot3, Block3,VailVillage3'd Filing. Applicant:A2ZHoldings,LLC Planner:BillGibson MOTION:JohnSchofieldSECOND:DickClevelandVOTE :6-0 APPROVED 2 .Arequestforafinalreviewofaproposedspecialdevelopmentdistrict,toallowforthe constructionofanewconferencefacility/hotel;andafinalreviewofaconditionalusepermit, toallowforTypeIIIemployeehousingunitsandfractionalfeeclubun its,locatedat13Vail Road/LotsA ,B,C,Block2,VailVillageFiling2. Applicant: Planner : DoramarHotels,representedbytheDaymerCorporation BrentWilson 1 ~TOW~ SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTREQUEST MOTION :JohnSchofieldSECOND:ChasBemhardtVOTE:5-1 (Clevelandopposed) ••, RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL WITHCONDITIONS: 1.Thatthe developer submitsthefollowingplanstothe Department of Community Developmentforreviewandapprovalasapartofthebuildingpermit application for thehotel: a.AnErosionControlandSedimentationPlan; b.AConstructionStagingandPhasingPlan; c .A Stormwater ManagementPlan; d.ASiteDewateringPlan; e.ATrafficControlPlan; f.ASpraddleCreekroutingandcontainmentplan;and g .Anenvironmentalauditincludingsoilsandstream conditions (duringexcavation). 2.Thatthedeveloperprovidesdeed-restrictedhousingthatcomplieswiththeTownof VailEmployeeHousingrequirements(Chapter12-13)foraminimumof28 employees,andthatsaiddeed-restrictedhousingbemadeavailableforoccupancy, andthatthedeedrestrictionsarerecordedwiththeEagleCountyClerk &Recorder, priortorequestingaTemporaryCertificateofOccupancyfortheVailPlazaHotel West. 3.ThatthedevelopersubmitsafinaldetailedlandscapeplantotheCommunity DevelopmentDepartmentforDesignReviewBoardreviewandapprovalpriorto makinganapplicationforabuildingpermit.Thisplanwillinvolvetheremovalofthe obsoletedeliverybayasphaltfortheChateauVailontheNineVailRoadproperty. 4 .Thatthedevelopersubmitsacompletesetof civil engineer drawingsforalloff-site improvements,includingtheimprovementstotheSouthFrontageRoadandWest MeadowDriveforreviewandTownapprovalpriorto application forabuilding .permit. 5.ThatthedevelopersubmitsacompletesetofplanstotheColoradoDepartmentof Transportationforreview andapprovalofarevised access permit,priorto applicationforabuildingpermit. 6.ThatthedevelopermeetswiththeTown staff toprepareamemorandumof understandingoutliningtheresponsibilitiesand requirements oftherequiredoff-site improvements,priortofirstreadingofanordinanceapprovingthespecial development district.Thisincludesstreetscaping improvements alongSouth FrontageRoadandWestMeadowDriveinaccordancewiththeTownofVail Streetscape MasterPlan,asamended . 7.ThatthedeveloperrecordsaneasementforSpraddleCreek .Theeasementshallbe preparedbythedeveloperandsubmittedforreviewandapprovaloftheTown Attomey.TheeasementshallberecordedwiththeEagleCountyClerk &Recorder's OfficepriortotheissuanceofaTemporaryCertificateofOccupancy. 8.Thatthedevelopersubmitsafinalexteriorbuildingmaterialslist,atypicalwall sectionandcompletecolorrenderingsforreviewandapprovaloftheDesignReview Board,priortomakinganapplicationforabuildingpermit. 9 .ThatthedevelopersubmitsacomprehensivesignprogramproposalfortheVail PlazaHotelWestforreviewandapprovaloftheDesignReviewBoard,priortothe issuanceofaTemporaryCertificateofOccupancy. 2 •• 10.Thatthedevelopersubmitsarooftopmechanicalequipment planforreview and approvaloftheDesignReviewBoardpriortotheissuanceofabuildingpermit.All rooftopmechanicalequipmentshallbeincorporatedintotheoveralldesignofthe hotelandenclosedandscreenedfrompublic view. 11.Thatthedeveloperpostsabondtoprovidefinanc ial securityforthe150%ofthetotal costoftherequiredoff-sitepublicimprovements.Thebondshallbeinplacewiththe Townpriortothe issuanceofabuildingpermit. 12.Thatthedevelopereitherreceivesapprovalfromtheneighboringowner's associationstoallowforconstructionact ivities onneighboringpropertiesorsubmits aconstruct ion stagingandlimits ofdisturbance planthat indicatesallofthese activitieswilloccurontheapplicant'sproperty . 13.Thatthedeveloperprovidesaccess(viaapermanent ,legallybinding easement agreement)fortheNineVailRoadAssociationandgueststoenterthe subject propertyfromVailRoadandexitacrossthesubjectpropertyfromthelocationofNine VailRoad's surfaceparkingareatoSouthFrontageRoad.Thisis necessary to facilitatetheapplicant'sproposedtrafficcirculationplan. 14.ThattheapplicantsubmitscivildrawingstodeterminecompliancewithallTownof VailengineeringrequirementspriortofinalDesignReviewBoardapproval. 15.PursuanttoSection 12-7A-14,TownofVailCode ,theapplicantshallpayroad impactfeesinanamountthatisdirectlyproportionatetotheanticipatednewroad impactsgeneratedbythisdevelopment($5000perpeakhourtripend).A specific amountforroadimpactfeeswillbedeclared(andadoptedviaa memorandum of understanding),basedupontheanticipatednewroadimpactsoutlinedinthe applicant'strafficstudy .Thisdollaramountwillbeputinescrowonceabuilding permitisissued .Anyactual improvements constructed tothefrontageroadwillbe cred ited againstthetotal.Theescroweddollarswillbeheldforaperiodof10years fromtimeofpermitissuance.Ifandwhenanysortoffundingmechan ism isputin place(suchasaspecialdistrictwhichthis development participatesin)anydollars generatedfromthedevelopmentwillbeoffsetbytheamountowed.Ifthereisan excessitwillberefunded.Anyshortfallwillbemadeupbytheescroweddollars. 16.Thattheapplicantcomplieswithallfire department stagingandaccess requirements pursuanttoTitle14(DevelopmentStandards),VailTownCode .Thiswillbe demonstratedonasetofrevisedplansfortownreviewandapproval prior tobuilding permitsubmittal. 17.ThattherequiredTypeIII deed-restricted employeehousingunitsshallnotbeeligible forresaleandthattheunitsbeownedandoperatedbythehotelandthatsaid ownership transfer w ith thedeedtothehotel property. 1B.Thatthe developer coordinatestherelocation oftheexistingelectric transformers on thepropertywithlocalutilityproviders.Therevisedlocationofthe transformers will bepartofthefinallandscapeplantobesubm itted forreviewandapprovalbythe DesignReviewBoard. 19.Priortofirstreadingofanordinanceadopting aspecialdevelopmentdistrictforthe property,thedevelopershallresolvetheguestexitdrivealignment tothe satisfaction ofthetownengineer. 20.Withintheparametersoftheapprovedbuildingenvelope ,anadditionalcommon employeestorageareamustbeprovided . 3 •• VOTE:5-2 (Schofield & Clevelandopposed) 21 .Anadditionalsix inchesofheight(perstorey)maybeaddedalongtheSouth FrontageRoadw ing withinLevels4andabove. CONDITIONAL USEPERMIT-FRACTIONAL FEE CLUB UNITS MOTION :JohnSchofieldSECOND :ChasBernhardtVOTE:6-0 APPROVEDWITHONECONDITION: 1.Theapprovalofthisconditionalusepermitisnotvalidunlessanord inance approvingtheassociatedspecial development districtrequestisapprovedon secondreading . CONDITIONAL USEPERMIT-EMPLOYEE HOUSINGUNITS MOTION :JohnSchofieldSECOND :Chas Bemhardt VOTE:6-0 APPROVEDWITHONECONDITION: 1.Thattheapplicantrecordsapplicabledeedrestrictionsforallemployee housingunitswiththeEagleCountyClerk &Recorderpriortothe issuance of aTemporary Certificate ofOccupancyfortheVailPlazaHotel West. 3 .Arequestforafinal review ofaconditionalusepermit ,toallowforthe construction ofPhase IofDonovanPark improvements,generallylocatedsoutheastofthe intersectionof MatterhomCircleandtheSouthFrontageRoad. Applicant:TownofVail Planner:GeorgeRuther MOTION :ChasBemhardtSECOND :DougCahill APPROVEDWITHONECONDITION: 1.Thattheheightofthepavilionshallnotexceed38.5feet. 4 .ArequestforavariancefromTitle14(DevelopmentStandards),VailTownCode ,toallow forsnowstorageandparkingwith in thepublicright-of-way ,locatedat2437Garm isch Drive I Lot12,BlockH,VaildasSchone2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: WilliamH.Mentlik,representedbyJohnMartin,AlA AnnKjerulf VARIANCE-SNOWSTORAGEINTHERIGHT-OF-WAY: MOTION:JohnSchofield SECOND:DougCahill APPROVEDWITHONECONDITION : 1.Thatadequatescreeningbeprovided. VARIANCE-PARKINGINTHERIGHT-OF-WAY: MOTION:JohnSchofield SECOND:DougCahill VOTE :6-0 VOTE:6-0 DENIED-DUETOTHE AVAILABILITY OF ARCHITECTURAL ALTERNATIVES WHICH WOULD SOLVETHEPARKINGPROBLEM 4 ••\5.Arequestforaminor subdiv ision andavariancefromSection12-6D-5oftheTownCodeto allowfortheresubdivisionofLot1,StraussSubdivision,aresubdivisionofLots46 &47, VailVillageWestFilingNo.2,re-creatingLots46 &47,locatedat1916 &1936WestGore CreekDrive. Applicant: Planner: PatDauphina is,represent ing RichardStrauss AllisonOchs TABLED UNTILJUNE11,2001 6 .Arequestforaconditionaluse penmit ,toallowforanaddition totheVailValleyMedical Center,locatedat181WestMeadowDrive/LotsE &F,VailVillage2 nd Filing. Applicant:VailValleyMedicalCenter,representedbyBraun Associates Planner :GeorgeRuther MOTION:JohnSchofieldSECOND:ChasBernhardtVOTE :6-0 APPROVEDWITHTHREECONDITIONS: 1.Thattheapplicantsubmitsafinallandscapeplanand exterior lightingplantothe CommunityDevelopmentDepartmentforthereview andapprovaloftheDesignReview Boardpriortotherequestforabuildingpermit. 2 .ThattheapplicantreturnstothePlanning &Environmental Commission withan applicationforanamendedconditionalusepermitaddress ing theproposeduseofthe firstfloorspacepr ior requestingabuilding penmit foratenantfinishofthatspace . 3.Thatthe penmit expires5/31/03andtheapplicantmustreturnpriorto5/31/03toprovide additionalparking. 7.Arequestforaworksessiontodiscuss anewspecialdevelopmentdistrict,to allow forthe redevelopment oftheVail Racguet Club ,locatedat4695VailRacquetClub DrivelVail Racquet ClubCondominiums,Bighorn5 h Addition. Applicant: Planner: RacquetClubOwnersAssociation ,representedbyFritzlenPierce Architects. BrentWilson WORK SESSION-NOVOTE 8.Arequestforaworksessiontodiscussamendingcertainresidentialzonedistrictsinthe TownofVailtoallowhomedaycarefacilitiessubjecttotheissuanceofaconditionaluse permitandahomeoccupation penmit. Applicant: Planner : TownofVail GeorgeRuther WORK SESSION-NOVOTE 9 .ArequestforthereviewofaproposedtextamendmenttoChapter11,DesignReview ,of theZoningRegulationstoallowforproceduralchangestotheperfonmancebondprocessas prescribedintheVailTownCode. Applicant: Planner: TownofVail GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTILJUNE11,2001 5 Arequestforaconditionalusepermit,toallowfortheconstructionofa soccer field,located at610N.FrontageRd.Westl AportionofTractC,VailPotatoPatch .Afullmetes &bounds legaldescriptionisavailableattheDepartmentofCommunity Development. 10. Applicant: Planner: • TownofVail AllisonOchs •, TABLED TOJUNE11,2001 11.ArequestforavariancefromSection 12-60.6 (Setbacks),VailTownCode,toallowforthe constructionofagaragewithintherequiredfrontsetback,locatedat1956GoreCreekDrive /Lot45,VailVillageWestFiling#2 . Applicant: Planner: DavidIrwin AnnKjerulf TABLED TOJUNE11,2001 12.ArequestforavariancefromSection12-7H-10oftheVailTownCode,toallowforaproposed additionintherearsetback,locatedat660WestLionsheadPlace/Lot1,VailLionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: WITHDRAWN LionsSquareCondoAssociation BillGibson 13.ApprovalofApril23,2001minutes 14.InformationUpdate Theapplicationsandinformationabouttheproposalsareavailableforpublicinspectionduring regularofficehoursintheprojectplanner'sofficelocatedattheTownofVail Community DevelopmentDepartment ,75SouthFrontageRoad.Pleasecall479-2138for information . Signlanguage interpretation availableuponrequestwith24hour notification .Pleasecall479-2356 , TelephonefortheHearingImpaired,forinformation. Community DevelopmentDepartment 6 TO: • MEMORANDUM Planningand Environmental Commission FROM : DATE: SUBJECT: Community Development Department May 14 ,2001 A request foravariancefromTitle14 (Development Standards),Vail TownCode,toallowforsnowstorageandparkingw ithin thepubl ic right - of-way,locatedat2437 Garmisch Drive I Lot12,BlockH,Vaildas Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: WilliamH.Mentlik,represented byJohnMartin ,AlA Ann Kjerulf I.DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST The applicant is requesting avariancefromthe Development Standards to allow for snow storageandparkingwithinthepublic right-of-way in association withaproposalto construct anewsinglefamilyresidenceat2437 Garmisch Drive . At12,750s.f.,thesubjectpropertyisnon-conformingwithrespecttolotsize.Thislimitsthe development potentialofthelottoonefreemarketdwellingunit.Furthennore,the average slopeofthelotisgreaterthan30%thusreducingtheallowablesite coverage to 15%oflot s ize.Insituationswheresteepslopesexistandsitecoverageisreducedto15%,somerelief fromthe strict appl ication ofthezoningregulat ions is achieved by allowing garages tobe constructed inthefront setback.However,thereisnorelieffromthe Development Standards thatrequireprivateparkingspacestobe accommodated within property boundaries .Similarly,the Development Standardsrequire snow storage tobe accommodated withinproperty boundaries andtobe contiguous with driveway area . Theproposed residence requires2.5parkingspaces according to Section 12-10-10, Schedule S,oftheZoningT itle.Accord ing to Section 12-10-11,where fractional requirements result from application of the schedule,thefraction shall be raised tothe next whole number.Thus ,theparking requirement forthe proposed residence becomes 3 spaces.Twoofthesespacesare proposed with in agarage .Theth ird space,9'x19 ',is proposedinfrontofthegaragebutwitha14foot encroachment intothepublic right-of-way . The14foot encroachment intothe right-of-way isroughly proportional toand just lessthan the15foot encroachment ofthegarageintothefrontsetback. Thereis150s .f,of driveway area within theproperty boundaries and450s .f.of driveway areaintheright-of-way.Becausethedrivewaywillnotbeheated,30%ofthedrivewayarea or180s.f,isrequiredforsnowstorage .Theapplicantisrequest ing that180sJ.ofright-of- way ,aroughlysquarearea adjacent tothe driveway and encroaching intotheright -of-way approximately 14feet,beallowedforsnowstorage . Attached tothe staff memo isa letter fromthe applicant's representative that outlines the technical issuesinvolvedwiththesitingofthegarageinthefrontsetback. 1 • II.STAFF RECOMMENDATION • TheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentrecommends approval oftherequestedvariances subjecttothecriteriaoutlinedinSectionVofthismemorandumandthefollowingfindings: 1.Thatthegrantingofthevariancesdoesnotconstituteagrantofspecialprivilege inconsistentwiththelimitationsonotherpropertiesinthe Primary/Secondary ResidentialZoneDistrict. 2 .Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillnotbedetrimentaltothepublichealth,safety orwelfare,ormateriallyinjurioustopropertiesorimprovementsinthevicinity. 3.ThatthestrictliteralinterpretationorenforcementoftheDevelopment Standards resultsinapracticaldifficultyorunnecessaryphysicalhardshipinconsistentwiththe developmentobjectivesoftheTownCodeorthePrimary/SecondaryResidential ZoneDistrict. 4.Thatthestrictinterpretationorenforcementofthespecifiedregulationwoulddeprive theapplicantofprivilegesenjoyedbytheownersofotherpropertiesinthesame district. III.REVIEWINGBOARDROLES A.ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionisresponsibleforevaluating: 1.Therelationshipoftherequestedvariancetootherexistingorpotentialuses andstructuresinthevicinity. 2.Thedegreetowhich relieffromthestrictorliteral interpretation and enforcementofaspecifiedregulationisnecessarytoachieve compatibility anduniformityoftreatmentamongsitesinthevicinity,ortoattainthe objectivesofthisTitlewithoutgrantofspecialprivilege. 3.Theeffectoftherequestedvarianceonlightandair,distribution of population,transportationandtrafficfacilities,publicfacilitiesandutilities,and publicsafety. 4.SuchotherfactorsandcriteriaastheCommissiondeemsapplicabletothe proposedvariance. B.The ORB hasNOreviewauthorityonavariance,butmustreviewanyaccompanying ORBapplication.TheORBisresponsibleforevaluating : 1.Architecturalcompatibilitywithotherstructures,thelandand surroundings 2.Fittingbuildingsintolandscape 3.Configurationofbuildingandgradingofasitewhichrespectsthetopography 4.Removal/Preservationoftreesandnativevegetation 5.Adequateprovisionforsnowstorageon-site 6 .Acceptabilityofbuildingmaterialsandcolors 2 •• 7.Acceptabilityofroofelements ,eaves,overhangs ,andotherbuildingforms 8.Provisionoflandscapeanddrainage 9.Provisionoffencing,walls ,andaccessorystructures 10.Circulationandaccesstoasiteincludingparking ,andsite distances 11.Locationanddesign ofsatellitedishes 12.Provis ion ofoutdoorlighting IV.ZONINGSTATISTICS Staff hasreviewedtheproposalaccordingtothePrimary/SecondaryZoneDistrictandthe surveysubmitted.Theanalysisprovidesthefollowing : LotSize: Zoning: Hazards: Standard GRFA : Garage Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: 12,750s.f ./0.2927 acres Primary/SecondaryResidential none Allowed 3,613s.f .(inc/.425s.f .credit) 600s.f . 20 ft.(GRFA)/O ft.(garage) 15ft.(north) 15ft.(south) 15ft. Proposed 2,978s.f . 510s.f . 20ft.(GRFA)/5ft.(garage) 16ft. 15ft. 53ft. Site Coverage :1,913s.f.(15%*)1,913s.f .(15%) *Site coverage is limited to 15%onlots with slopes greater than 30%. V.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS A.ConsiderationofFactorsRegarding theVariances: 1.The relationship ofthe requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinity. Parkingintheright-of-way : Theproposedparkingintheright-of-wayencroachesupto14ft.intothe right-of-way .Thesnowstorageareawouldalsoencroachupto14 ft.and occupyanareaof180s.f.ofright-of-way.Becausethereisbetween25 ft . and28ft.ofright-of-waymeasuredbetweenthepropertylineandedgeof Garm isch Drive,staffbelievesthattheproposedparkingandsnowstorage intheright-of-waywouldhavenoeffectonusesorstructuresinthevicinity . 2.The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Theapplicantisproposingtoprovideenclosedparkingspaceswithina 3 •• garagethatwouldlegallyencroach15feetintothefrontsetback.Duetothe steepnessofthelot,thegaragecannotbepushedfurtherbackintothesite withoutnecessitatingtheconstructionofretainingwallsinexcessof6feet. AccordingtotheDevelopmentStandards,retainingwallsinthefrontsetback maynotexceed6feetinheight.Itispossibleforthegaragetobedesigned insuchawaytoaccommodatethreeparking spaces-by stackingtwoofthe spacesandeliminatingsomeoftheproposedGRFAwithinthelowerlevelof theresidence.However,staffwouldnotrequirethis typeofadjustmentwith typical residentialdevelopment.Itwouldfurtherlimittheapplicant'sabilityto utilizeavailableGRFAwhentheproposedresidenceismorethan600s.f. sma ller than itcouldbeaccordingtotheallowableGRFAforthislot. Furthermore ,duetothe15%sitecoveragelimitationandinabilitytoadd GRFAwithinthefrontsetback,theapplicant'sabilitytoaddGRFAtothissite inthefutureishighlyunlikely. 3.The effect of the requested variance on light andair,distribution of population,transportation and traffic facilities,public facilities and utilities,and public safety. Notably,theproposalforsnowstoragedoesnotinterferewitha large drainageswalethatexistswithinthe right-of-way.Staffdoesnotbelievethat thevarianceswillhaveanegativeeffectonthefactorslistedabove . B.ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionshallmakethefollowingfindings beforegrantingavariance: 1.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillnotconstituteagrantofspecialprivilege inconsistentwiththelimitationsonotherpropertiesclassifiedinthesame district. 2 .Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillnotbedetrimental tothepublichealth, safetyorwelfare,ormateriallyinjurioustopropertiesorimprovementsinthe vicinity . 3.Thatthevarianceiswarrantedforoneormoreofthefollowingreasons: a.Thestrictliteralinterpretationorenforcementofthespecified regulationwouldresultinpracticaldifficultyorunnecessaryphysical hardshipinconsistentwiththeobjectivesofthistitle. b.Thereareexceptionsorextraordinary circumstances orconditions applicabletothesamesiteofthevariancethatdonotapplygenerally tootherpropertiesinthesamezone. c .Thestrictinterpretationorenforcementofthespecifiedregulation woulddeprivetheapplicantofprivilegesenjoyedbytheownersof otherpropertiesinthesamedistrict. 4 • VICINITY MAP Planning and Environmental Corrrrission May 14,2001 sti~kclProPEirty:.••..••....•.......... Lot 12,BlOCk H,.·.. Vail DasSChone RUng 2 1 2556 N -=====-==~;...;...,;;,====~~~~~-=====""'===--===--==Ma,;""..p~_1IITOWN.L Ftocil.Ired by the Corrrronity 1Jevfiopment Department,May 7,2001 •John Gt Martin·Architect C REATIVE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN MAIIJIi>l, P.O.IJOX 621 VAil.cot.cRA DI..--:1'16M A , 2586 DAVOSTRAIL VAn .COb ..'2AOO Ptlb5'1 1970)40 77-24 10 (970)4 '17 -223 1 jmarti n@di ve.Dd . ...".joLogmarbn.com Memo 10:Ann Kjerulf,PlannerI, TownofVail,Departmentof Community Development 7S S.FrontageRd. Vail,Colorado,81657 From:JohnG.Martin,AlA (970)477-2476 Cc:William L.Mentlik doLDLK&M (908)654-7866fax DaIIIII:04/1712001 He:TownofVailPlanning and Environmental Commission VarianceRequest MentlikResidence,Lot12,Block H,VailDasSchone #212437 Garmish Dr. No.:2 attached sheets Mr.W illiam Mentlikrespectfullyrequestsavariance for two unresolvedzoningissuesonthe MentHk Residenceasstatedon the staffreviewmemodatedMarch30,2001 ,signedbyAnn Kjerulf. 1.Requiredparkingspaces(3)mustbe accommodated withinlotboundariesandare9'x18' insideagarageand9'x19'outside. 2.Snowstoragemustbe accommodated withinlotboundariesperTOVstandards.Please reviseplansaccordingly(10%area of heateddriveor 30%areaunheated drive). Therealdesignhardship onthissiteisthefactthattheproperty lineis approximately 26feetfromthe edge of pavementonGarmish Driveandatthepropertylinethegradeshavealreadyrisen approximately10feetandcontinuetodimbanother10feettothe20footfrontsetbackline.Inother words,at the pointthat we canplaceour first Livable Area perimeterwall,we are already '20 deepfeet intheground.The MentJik Residence,which conforms toallotherzoning requirements forSingle- FamilyResidencesonsteeplots,will haveaproblem conforming tothethird parking requirementand snow-storagerequirement due to the severesteepness ofthe lotand the allowablegaragelocation withinthefrontsetback. Tobemore specific,wehavedesignedthegaragetobewithin S'.{)"of theFrontPropertyLinesoasto conformtothe 6'.{)"retainingwall requirements .Pushing thegaragebackawayfromtheFront PropertyLineshalfincreaseretainingwaifsbeyond the allowable height We show 27feetlength of driveway fromthe FrontPropertyLineto the edge of existing road atGarmishDrive.TIlis ismorethan adequatelengthtoprovideathirdandfourthautomobileparkingspaceinfrontofthegarage.It just so happenstobeonTown of VailRightofWay.Also,we havemorethanenoughsnowstorageareato theimmediatesouth of theentirelength of driveway,butagain itis alfwithin Town of VailRight of Way. Weallknow from common sensethatautomobileparkingand snow storagearegoingtooccurinthis •Page1 •• area anyway.Whynotwaivetheserequirements ,orallowtheserequirements tooccuruponTown or VailRight or Way,sothatthis finehouse,which the ORB hasalreadyperceived to be agoodaddition tothe neighborhood,can be builtasdesigned. 1.Therelationship ofthe requested variance tootherexisting orpotentialusesand struelures in thevicinity: Weshall be par1<ing carsona27'length or privatedrivewayandsnowstorageshalloccuron thegradualslopingfrontyardoftheresidencejustasallotherneighborson Garmish Drivedo. 2.Thedegreetowhichrelieffromthestrictor hteral interpretationand enforcement ofaspecified regulationisnecessarytoachievecompatibility and uniformity of treatment amongsitesinthe vicinityortoattainthe objectives ofthis titlewithoutgrant or specialprivilege: Inordertoachieve compatibility with similarsite walls,driveways,andsnowstorageareason Garmish Drive,we need 1000k degreeofrelieffromthestrict interpretation or the specified regulations onthethird par1<ing requirement andthesnow storage requirement . 3.The effect or thevarianceonlightandair,distribution or population ,transportation,traffic facilities,utilitiesandpublicsafety: Thereshall be no effect onany or thelisteditems. 4.Howtherequest complies with Vail's Comprehensive Plan: Therequestfor par1<ing andsnowstorageintheTownRight or Way onthis residential dead- endroadhasno detrimental effecttoVail's Comprehensive Plan. •Page 2 10 15 ID 1-36'01'06' R-125.00' l -7&'58' 1-40.64 ' Cl..£N-n.29 ' BRU-N 34-50'27"E AHAo• D4Tt:~..01 "__Illr: JOHN G,lI.lRTIN.ARCHITECT Mr.WIlliam L MentIIk P.D...Itt w.IL ~....,. =-r.:l~~Lot 12,IlIock Ii.Vd Diu ecta.I'a'cI 2-...-...,_IlL.""'CloIIlr.-_ ,!>Y!>T£M!;TO BE 'DE!>I6N-aIlI.D" ;TO BE .a.PPRO\IED BY'"cwe:t.. R!'F'ENCIES ElEn'EEN 010!>EH ST'&TEM •BY 0l'N:R. IolS<L TNIT ......,APf'RO',/ED BY ClH'ER. :APPFlOVED BY ~ AAfA ·__!>F. Jt>.SOFFFIT RECESSED CAN --LJI ~DIRECT IONAl.LI5HT . HOlE,AU.ARVoS OF Ie<~TO I'EUM F'ROP6<_TlOI< U5II'S ~llRlP-l..1lE 5Y5TE11 TO Ell:~AHl> 5(.BMlTTED TO M<"HrfGT BY I..J'W5GN'E ~TOR. AU.DI5Tl.R!lED N1EA5 ~1lEGEM:REVB5ETM"'"SEEIllIO&. EFlO5IOH eotm<DL 5HAU.Ell:"'''''<TAItE>BY IVG&ll9IT OF HA'(e.o.JL5_Jll'PLICAel£ ",- LANDOCAFE LEGEND 5Yl'1lOl.-5lZE GlWlTTT'l' 65 • ~• 6F • CA 2 QA 10 CW 6 CJ 6 56 6 0052~RD 6 OG b F'F 6 GC NlEA ·__5F . / / / / • / // "I"F o ~ """~-ot A __tor: JOHN G.MARTlH,ARCHITECT Mr.W1BJam L Mentlik ,.0....U.....~.tW Lot 1t._H,V..0........Fa1g I=-=~:=.....T._--__Dr..-.e..-_ .. ~'.IJIj~J .J B, Ji ~~ ci II..:III~ ! "'I~i ~:'r"Id~g ~~~h I I• I I I I I 6 ....•.. r -----------------, ....'II -, .- .. GUEST BEDROOM "'.1'X 12'·2' '-.J '--r------ .. I'III jf;:jI:•-,,-___0-. • ~L~LEVEL FLOOR PLAN ~M2 ~\4 ecALE.V8'·I'-ID'-."'CJJ ,, ",I,,,, .,~-....... GCWIII5l---iil3i:--- IIfTID.MeA &'-5'.l'&'~',,' "I ",,, ,,'I'...,,, ,I ' ,..I ",, !_i,f ,:1.--··~~i ,>~t ~~:I~~:,, --------------------------~MASreR : BEDROOM : 11'-2".x 16'..q"I -1': //1 ',: /I ":/I \.: ~I ~ I II ,I 11 I I I III • • • 1r-----i r-I I I : I : I I I IL J L _ L I1 ---' :I I I_J :I I I I I 1.1. .. :!Ie '.Aii II:E J.J I, Jj!li ci II ~d !.,I1=-~I 9 ill!1~din.... ~~~J! .. .-:'.Ii IJ~~!Ii !ic~JI~sI ! ~;!Ul uaul §1.1-~~h ----, l I I l- I I I ,J II I L 1.-1.- I I I IL J L _ r----- I h-------------L-I I I• • @ fIlOOF PLAN A&SCALE.1/4'.I'-/t)' • @ ~~:,~~T )EL.EVATION , i .~ • --- .I - i ---.J_ I I I 2-__ 1 I I I I cL l-------l I cL _~ ------------------------------------ ,e I -----+=::::::::=~~=== I I I '..I ~_.--}--r ---l~------------"--~ II I I II I •:d ,b I I I I ~----------~ ---- • • I I I I I I ~ I I I I r-------:L ~ /I /".I__""""t J ••John G.Martin·Architect CREATIVEA RCHITECTU RAl D ESIGN •~liIEE!IT' P.O.BOX 62 1 2 t:86DAVQsTRAIL vxn,COLCRADO BlOSS.VAll.COLORADO Blb57 1970)4 77 -2<70 (970)47'1.2237 jrn,utin@ctive.ncl www.job ngm a:r lin .com Memo To:AnnKjerulf ,Planner I, Town of Vail ,Department of Community Development 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail ,Colorado,81657 From:JohnG .Martin ,AlA (970)477-2476 Cc:William L.Mentlik doLDLK&M (908)654-7866 fax Date;04/1712001 Re:TownofVail Planning and Environmental Commission Variance Request Mentlik Residence ,Lot12,BlockH,VailDas Schone #2 /2437 GarmishDr. List of namesand addresses of all property owners adjacent tosubject property. RomaChmielewski 2445 Garmisch Dr. Vail,Co .81657 (Lot11) TJ.Conner POBox548 Vail,Co .81658 (Lot13A,2447 Garmisch Dr.) Gary DePaolo 2427 Garmisch Dr. Vail,Co.81657 (Lot13B) Aspen Chalets Ron Jones -Apartment Manager 17VailRd . Vail ,Co .81657 (2428 Garmisch Dr.) VailSkyHigh Condominiums VailSkyHigh Condo Assoc. POBox3527 Vail,Co .81658 (2448 Garmisch Dr.) •Page1 -Is ITEMMAYAFFECTYOUR PROPE~ PUBLICNOTICE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthePlanningand Environmental Commission oftheTownof Vailw ill holdapublichearingin accordance withSection12-3-6oftheMunicipalCodeofthe TownofVailonMay14,2001 ,at2 :00 P.M.intheTownofVailMun icipal Building .In consideration of: A request foraconditiona l useperm it,toallowforanadditiontotheVa il ValleyMedical Center, located at181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E &F,VailVillage2nd Filing . Applican t: Planner: VailValleyMedicalCenter ,representedbyBraun Associates GeorgeRuther WilliamH.Mentlik ,representedbyJohnMartin ,AlA AnnKjerulf plicant: Planner: A request foravariancefromTitle14 (Development Standards),VailTownCode ,toallowfor snowstorageandparkingwithinthepublicright-of-way,locatedat2437 Garmisch Drive/Lot BlockH,VaildasSchone2 nd Filing . Arequestforaworksessiontodiscussamendingcertain residential zone districts intheTown ofVailtoallowhomedaycare facilities subjecttotheissuanceofaconditionaluse permit anda home occupation permit. Applicant: Planner: TownofVail George Ruther ArequestforavariancefromSection12-6D-6(Setbacks),VailTownCode,toallowforthe construction ofagaragewithintherequiredfrontsetback ,locatedat1956GoreCreek Drive! Lot45 ,VailVillageWestFiling #2 . Applicant: Planner: DavidIrwin AnnKjerulf A request fora worksession to discuss anewspecial development district,toallowforthe redeve lopment oftheVa il RacquetClub ,locatedat4695VailRacquetClub DrivelVail Racquet Club Condominiums ,Bighom s"Addition .. Applicant: Planner: RacquetClubOwners Association ,representedbyFritzlenPierce Architects. BrentWilson Arequestforafinalreviewofaproposedspecial development district,toallowforthe construction ofanew conference facility/hotel;andafinal review ofaconditionalusepermit,to allowforTypeIIIemployeehousingunitsandfractionalfeeclubunits ,locatedat13VailRoad! LotsA ,B,C,Block2,VailVillageFiling2 . Applicant: Planner: DoramarHotels,represented bytheDaymer Corporation BrentWilson Arequestforaconditionalusepermit,toallowforthe construction ofa soccer field,located 610N.FrontageRd.West/Aportionof Tract C,VailPotatoPatch .Afullmetes &boundslegal description isavailableatthe Department ofCommunity Development. Applicant: Planner: TownofVail AllisonOchs 1 ~. u V o C--t-'-\J _l\-'~\\ ••... A requestforafinal reviewofacondi tional usepermit,toallowforthe construction ofPhaseIof DonovanPark improvements,generallylocatedsoutheastofthe intersectionof Matterhorn C ircle andtheSouthFrontageRoad. Applicant: Planner: TownofVail GeorgeRuther Arequestforthe reviewofaproposedtext amendment to Chapter 11,DesignReview ,ofthe ZoningRegulationstoallowforprocedura l changestothe performance bondprocessas prescribed intheVailTownCode . Applicant: Planner: Town ofVail GeorgeRuther A requestforavariancefromSection 12-60-10 oftheTownCode ,toallowforareductioninthe landscaping andsite development requi rements,locatedat383BeaverDamRoad/Lot3 ,Block 3 ,VailVillage3'dFiling . Applicant: Planner: A2ZHoldings,LLC BillGibson Areq uest fora minor subd ivision andavariancefromSection 12-60-5 oftheTownCodeto allowfortheresubd ivision of Lot1,StraussSubdivision ,aresubdivisionofLots46 &47 ,Vail VillageWestFiling No.2 ,re-creat ing Lots46 &47 ,locatedat1916 &1936WestGore Creek Drive. Appl icant: Planner: PatDauph inais ,representingRichardStrauss Allison Oc hs The applications andinform ation abouttheproposalsareavailableforpublic inspection during regular office hoursintheprojectplanner's office ,locatedattheTownofVailCommunity Development Depa rtment,75SouthFrontageRoad .Thepublic is invitedtoattendprojectorientat ion andthesite v isits thatprecedethepublichearingintheTownof VailCommunityDevelopment Department. Pleasecall4 79-2138forinformat ion . Sign language interpretation availableuponrequestwith24-hour notification .Pleasecall479- 2356 ,Telephone fortheHearingImpaired,for information. Community Development Department Published Apri l 27 ,2001intheVail T rail. 2 I I I I I TOWN ...."r>.~..,." r."'... ,·1 NO .232 Application for Review by the PlanninCi and Environmental Commission Deca'tmeIlt r:A QlrnrnunIr ~ 75 SC1JttI fftllltage RaI.Vall.ClIIcIr1Dl 81657 b!I:97Il.419..2.139 1\IX:97U.Q!il.2452 WII!b:_.d.vail.co.us P.2 141 01 c.._lltlfannatian: ihlS aPl)liCalian is tor any proj8tt reqI.iring apprtMll from tt1e.Planning and Enviltlnl'herlli!ll CDmmission.Please reer to the :iiUtmitml reQUin;!n'Ii!lICS to:"tt2 ~~that Is ~...",.,An appIcaIbl fOr IIIanring am ElWilDillStal CGlnrnisSiDn ~cannot b!!IICXlt$G!d fJI'lljl all ~lntcAilldtbl is ''''::hcd by the CammunIt.Y ~~Tre pQjeCt tni!V also need 1:1)be ~~Dj tt1l!Town QlundI andIOJ"ltIe Design ~8oartL ,.".of AMAatiolt ....'-: I!I VOlriana! CI 5ig1 ViIrianCIl LI Aszanlng I:J Mi!Ijor~ CI MInar SIl~' [J 5pB:Ia/DlMIopnB1t OI~ C MaiD"AlNndrner1t ttl an SODo~Arredl'_,tto an SOD C 2Dning COde ....idrnl!lIt $2SO $200 $200 $1000 +$2Ojlaf; $2SO $1500 $1000 $200 $250 o COIldillaniil UM PlInTtit o ~Hau*Ig LJnIV1\IrII'_o ~and 8n5iI1dastofl9jar&lJ!rior Nl!Ilaa....lIIliDin·rron in val VllllIge CI MinOJ"Ederiar Ala dID.in vail YilIage [J M$r eanor Abiill:illh in l..iI:lnshMd c:J MInCIr ElcreriDr ~in I..iClnSIIeIdoliocqila!n I1IIIdil'Il:lIIoAmendrnenttD8De:Pl!lllP'11I!I1t PIlM1 Ie IlIPF III lite Ph....._1:~1'2...Bkldc H SlA:adivision:V,·7 k!fo *,4,cfe fjlqj Z pb,.-a'Addleu.2'137 Gar~("9t:"PI".&t"r a,.SIr,,£7, Plm:IlI No.c z,0 ~,I "f I ~00 ill (Con1ilCt Eagle Co.ASS""IO'"_910.328-.8640 for parcef no.) Zo JftIp ftlMA'C'?,/$"eCO'4JQ'Y'"@,QQ~tl~( Nalllll(s)of Owt_CII):Wt'I(i,.~i-.Me/lt-/,-It:5'9 40U;~H Mdlno ....,n:(GOO S t::Ivrn ...4L..o'F-.we$[""15~""'Elet-o N .J_Q7l:'~O _________~--;~~'1';7"--Pl!iOOf*qO'b -$7'i>-iP30 C own.(s)SiQMlln(s);_....~ce;;.~~.q.L ~-_ Name of A.....13IIIt:-lOff,..{4:.HLIi!.T,,.,(-......It!"- Mil ,tteu:fbQqc:WZ I k14fl Co.gfii2 $"'?I _______________PIwifte.j'zr.:?1.{7 2 ~Z'£Zl4' I Far otIIa!Ute Onlr. FeeP8id;Qleck:No.:,By'=",:~__-----_------AppIc3Ii:III DIlle:PEr;:Na.:_ PIl!nner:----------~NO.:_ •• Application for Review by the Planninq and Environmental Commission Department of Community Deve !opment 75 South Frontage Road ,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d .vail.co .us General Information: This application isforanyprojectrequiring approval fromthePlanning and Environmenta l Commission.Please refer to the submitt:ll requirements for the particular approval that is requested.An application fer Planning and Environmental Commission Review cannot be accepted untilall required information is received by the Community Develo pment Department.Theprojectmayalso need to be reviewed by theTown Cou ncil and/orthe Desig n Review Board . Type of Application and Fee: ~Variance o Sign vartance o Rezoning o Major Subdi vision o Minor Subdivision o Speci al Development District o Major Amendment toan SDD o Minor Amendment toan SDD o ZOning Code Amendment $250 0 Conditional Use Perm it $200 0 Employee f-'.ousing Unit/Type:__ $200 0 Bed and Breakfast $1000 +$20/lot 0 Major ExteriorAlteration inVail Village $250 0Minor Exterior Alteration inVail Village $1500 0 ~"ajcr Exterior Alteration in Lionshead $1000 0 MinorExterior Alteration in Lionshea d $200 0 Floodpla in modification $250 0 Amendment to a Development Plan $200 NoFee $200 $500 $200 $500 $200 $200 $250 Description of the Request:r """"0 Z""'1/11 i ,Wt/','ve "J,r.J a .-4 ,-"of a hJ 6S"'F1 E:'I.-Q ri ·)..0 7010 Cfo'O -51 0 -G3 o £ Z A[fo'-"7110.....-5'&('t"e aM..h ClUv/'q~"':J 2 1 'k"9 fb Of'c!l'lVt'¥7Z tvr""':'1 --;D..<"p.o·W. Location of the Proposal:Lot:12-Block :H Subdivision :(1,;>.7 a.,7c~P.1C fj Zf4j Z Physical Address:2'137 G c./''''I /'ic.l,pl"'.(q /f?r2.'Z/tR 7'Z, Pc:rcel No.:ZI O~II '1/300 'b (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970 ,328-8640 for parc el no.) Zoning:f b'Ma"z /;ieco"'l J a <l'''7 fks;~e,n'Cr I 7 (7 Name(s)of Owner(s):W r /({C/<1/!L-.Me/7 HI 'k c/o L..0 £..,.0'H Mailing Address:G oo 5 0l./T rt A:vr-:.wC:ST __________________Phone:_..I.!o<'-""'_L.L--""-_~L..=._J__ Owner(s)Signature(s):_ Name of Applicant:-!ot/rJ G .HI./Z II,'(-AlA Mailing Address:..!.!fb"'--"~=:::....ioG~2....1'___~.L.L."____''--'=::..:...--'-~~'-'=''____10ff 1:'0.1)(05"""<Q ________________Phone:"(70 tt Z?-2'fz<e PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATIo.'\I,AU.SUBMmAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD,VAIL,CO LORADO 81657. For Office UseOnly: Fee Paid:Check No.:By:_ Application Date:PEC No.:_ Planner :ProjectNo.:1 JO'0 15 20 EROSIOW GCJNT'ROL ~CT)FfItO€. AnON OF ST.AKED HA,'(MILS Fost SEDIt-err GONTROL 5WOHt HATCl-EO 1*36"01 '06· R·1 25 .00- L=7 8.59 ' 1=40.64' CLEN=77.29' BR(j=N3 4·5{)'27 "E 8 88 o• 0.5'TRLN(DlA. """,""IO.OOS (TYP) OArt:5-'1-01 APw-*_1llr: JOHNG.MARTIN,ARCHITECT Mr.W1HIam L Mentllk '.0....S21 'foI.CoIwOdo e1eM l.Dl 12,Block If,Val Du Bchan8 ~2::=;-:~::J :~:~;;; In-tlr4ollthoLoom _..~ __Dr••Val,CoIorodo.., .~/ lG 5 T'5n:MS TO ee "DE5IG~ElUILO·. tr5 TO BE APf'ROVl'D BT'OWNER. GREF'ENG IES BE1l"'EEN Gt\05EN 5T'STE H :D B Y OI"fER. ~L TANT AND Af'PROVEJ)BT'0I'f'lER. 3E Af'Pl<OVE'D BT'ortlER. >w E-glalo!lo) OPE AHA.Y FROM PER IMETER OF HC.:lUSE . 3E D tREGTED BY 0HiER. NOTE I ALL J>.RE.ItoS OF l'£J'i L..ANO'5CAPlN6 TO ReCEIVE PROPER IRRI6ATlON usll<6 ~DRIP-LINE SYSTEH TO BE O6I<>I£D AND 5U>H1TTED TO ARlA<ITEGT By lANDSC.APE WK!RAC.TOI'-. ALL DISTl.I<BEO AREAS SHALL RECEIVE I<EVE6ETAnoo SEEDII<6. EROSION WNTROL SHALL BE HAINTAINfD BY PL~OF HAl'8AJLS I'+IERE APPLICA6l..E, NS 65 I ~~5f'flI!GE ~'I>'TALL 4 RJ I ~~cf"~~~,b 'TALL 4 6P fi'l'l.EGONf PINE ~1>'TALL 4 CA I ~1<6 ~RAB APPLE ~'~AL.2 QA I ~~~."1'-' 3·~AL.10 Cill 1 ~~OI 06).3 GAL..b C J I ~~'".JJNIPER ,,~,56AL.~ 56 ,='~';S "AL .~ RD I =:~D 5 <>AL.b OG ='1A~FOlII.H)S <>AL .b Pf ~'I;';!\tO.'~~~5 (,AL.b ->fA GC ~~~~""""'"WA~)AREA =__5.F . ,=~~RTM-l T .~~~Pa6J ~~ 5EED NA Tl.O'W.I">RAS6ESIHIL.DfLOto£RS AI<fA •__S.F. alANTIN SOFfFIT RECE55ED CAN DIRECTIONAL L16HT LANDSCAPE LEGEND Sll'ElOl NAME SIZE .' // '. • ./,>'/~'///t I /"///.,r"~.,//j'i l ;: ...,....~I /.1 .//j I /...:~.ii I~.'f---_r /I 1 /1/","'..// r "-/-:/!I i .'!-I i ,/1 )<,///.'./'....I ,/'/............//I !;<..........i ~//f /.'X /,._r 1 ~q,I ./',-'/'/.I /...'l.o.I .:.if !:/"-.: '////j /'/:...... V //'/I ///' /,//;/;1;.II ////1/' I ///I'_#h~ /./"'Z58>L6l#.~~ /./,//1:1 . ,./"'P--I--,HH'lY'lII <c: t H1 10 15 10 " GJ 06 DATI;s-q-ol ,,__for: JOHNG.WARTIN.ARCHITECT Mr.William L Ment6k ,.0...at 'Ultl.~.'15lI LDt"._H,VoI Du_~2r.=-~:~l ~~:rJ~--.----_....."......-....,. .. ji IIr~I.J R,Ji !i ci II :id ! 81 IU <;> ~1§fj l";1?;i oRRIf\ ~~~J 5..,~~ CRAWL8PACE 5'-0'MAx.I£~ TO ..kJISTS ABOVE 2 CAR GARAGE 20'-10-x 24 '-6" 5KJ SToAA6e I .....,• r -----------------i I I • I I I I I I I I I $....-.se L.f!'IB-I I T.o.GOHG ,•eo!i4'-4"I MEDIA ROOM 12'~'"14'~" -, :t<11Il 1---",+'-:---1••• 1~...J IIII •I I ,I I ,Lili~il I:J .• • • ... --~-.""""I--"._+--f1 8ITllIlG MEA el-5',t 0 ·....• /I ',,I " /I , ,/I-, /I , /I '","I " I I .. ~'.Jil jI~~! l~~~~i iI ilfl :!i BI J1:- U I ~lsil l 9 ',""l';ciiiU,/, ;! zl-6~h;l ,~. Hl6H I Hlt<O\?l'e Ir ----, I I I _J I I I I I I 1-1- <,//,-- ",f /'---L \J/ BEDRooM.....'rc !I'f")(12 '~6' , $~~::-~L GftN TO 6REAT ROOM BElOt'I L -1 "I,I:--'---').'-n / .'-1/ ! BEDROOM f!I j II'-/')'x 12'-&' I:1---------, r --- i rr=~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~ I I I I I I I I L I L _ 1r------t- IIr - I I II I II • • @ Ut=I=e;,..LEvEL FlOOR PLAN A4 SCALE,1/4'.I'-c:!)' .. ~'IIiI 1:&I.J I, J~Iii~~II i ~i ! "'I~j ;1ia ~i sS I"ii g z JJ§~ul ---I I I -l l- l I I f- I I I I -----J L -----, I I I I ~__J I I I ILJL __ r ----- I 1---r-------------'---1 I I • • • .~ • ----.+=:===:~=== II I I ~_.--..l i---l~-------------_-.S II II •:I I I d------i ---------------1 I I I I c!-.-...s • ---- .. I I IL __1 I I I I 11111L~----l I cL _~ ---- • • I I I I I I ~ I I I I I -------..L~ I ________________________l ~ • 1.PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE Questions?calle Planning Staff at 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS / Apre-applicationconferencewithaplanning staff memberis strongly encouraged.Noapplication canbeaccepted unless itiscomplete.It is theapplicant'sresponsibility to makean appointment with the staff to determine additionalsubmittalrequirements . II.SUBMmAL REQUIREMENTS )(FEE:$250.00.Thefee must bepaidatthetimeof submittal . )!:f Stamped,addressedenvelopesandalistofthenamesandmailingaddressesofall property ownersadjacent to thesubjectproperty,includingpropertiesbehindandacrossstreets.The applicantis responsible forcorrectnamesandmailing addresses.Thisinformationisavailable fromtheEagleCounty Assessor's office. A written statement oftheprecisenatureofthevariancerequestedandthespecific regulation involved. A written statement addressing thefollowing: A.Therelationshipoftherequestedvariance to other existingor potential usesand structuresinthevicinity. B.Thedegreetowhichrelieffromthestrictorliteral interpretation and enforcement ofaspecifiedregulationisnecessarytoachieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment amongsitesinthevicinityortoattaintheobjectivesofthistitle without grant ofspecialprivilege. C.The effect ofthevarianceonlightandair,distributionofpopulation,transportation, trafficfacilities,utilities,andpublicsafety. D.HowyourrequestcomplieswithVail'sComprehensivePlan. ON flL-e rg Apreliminary title report,includingschedulesAandS,to verifyownershipandeasements. CondominiumAssociationapproval (if applicable). o Anyadditionalmaterialnecessaryforthereview of theapplicationasdeterminedby the Administrator. Four (4)copiesofthefollowing: Atopographic and/or improvement surveyatascaleofatleast1"=20'stampedbya Colorado licensed surveyorincludinglocationsofallexistingimprovements,includinggrades andelevations.Otherelementswhichmustbeshownareparkingandloadingareas,ingress andegress,landscapedareasand utility anddrainagefeatures. DeP.:o I Wj.:t ~l'gJ5"":3 REeD A.PR 1 7 2001 Ptuo\OD32- * ••Asiteplanatascale of at least1"=20'showingexistingandproposedbuild ings. Building elevat ions andfloorplanssuffic ient toindicatethedimensions,generalappearance, scaleanduseofallbuildingsandspacesexist ing andproposedon the site. For interior modifications,an improvement surveyandsiteplanmaybewaivedby the Admin istrator. , t III.PLEASE NOTETHATONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED.ALL OFTHE REQUIRED INFORMATION MUSTBE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TOBE DEEMED COMPLETE . N.TIME REOUIREMENTS A.The Planningand Environmental Commissionmeetson the 2ndand4thMondays of each month.A complete application formandallaccompanying material (asdescribedabove) must be acceptedbytheCommunityDevelopment Department bythe appropriate submittal date,wh ichisa minimum of four (4)weekspriortothe date of the PEC public hearing. Incomplete applications(as determined bytheplanning staff)willnotbe accepted. B.All PEC approved var iances shalllapseif construction isnotcommencedw ithin oneyearof the dateofapprovalanddiligentlypursuedtocompletion,or if the useforwhich the approval is granted is not commencedwithinoneyear. V.ADDmONAL REVIEW AND FEES A.If th is applicationrequiresaseparatereviewbyanylocal,StateorFederalagency other than the TownofVail,theapplicationfeeshall be increasedby$200.00.Examples of suchreview, may include,butare not limitedto:Colorado Department ofHighwayAccessPermits,Army Corps of Engineers 404,etc. B.The applicant shallbe responsibleforpayinganypublishingfeeswhichareinexcess of 50% of the application fee.If,attheapplicant'srequest,any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter tobere-published,then,the entire fee for such re-publ ication shallbe paidby t he applicant. C.ApplicationsdeemedbytheCommunity Development Department tohavedesign,landuse or other issueswh ich mayhaveasignificant impact onthe community may require review byconsultants inadditiontoTownstaff.Shoulda determination be madeby the Town staff that anoutsideconsultantisneeded,the Community Development Department mayhirethe consultant.The Department shall estimate the amount of moneynecessarytopay the consultant andthis amount shallbe forwarded totheTownbythe applicant at the time of filing an application.Expensesincurredby the Towninexcess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paidto the Townbythe applicant within30days of notification by the Town.Anyexcessfundswillbe returned to the applicant uponrev iew completion. 2 •John G.Martin·Architect C REA TIVE ARCHITE CTURALD ESIG N MAillI!Q, P.o.R\.-'X 621 VAil ..COLORAIX'BlbM •:3.l:KEEr1 2 586 DAVOE T RAil. v ..\JI..('nl~DO 61&57 (970)4.77-2476 (9101 40 77-2237 jlll 41tiu@c ti Vt'one l .........jol.ngmutin .c om Memo To:AnnKjeru lf,Planne r I, Town of Vail ,Department ofCommunity Development 75S.Frontage Rd . Va il,Colorado,81657 From:Joh n G .Martin ,AlA (970)477-2476 Cc:William L.Mentlik c/oLDLK&M (908)654-7866 fax DalBc 0411712001 Rei TownofVailPlanningandEnv ironmental Commission Variance Request MentlikResidence,Lot12,BlockH,VailDas Schone #2/2437 Garm ish Dr. No.:~attachedsheets Mr.W illiam Ment lik respectfully requests avariancefortwo unresolved zon ingissuesontheMentlik Res idence asstatedonthestaffrev iew memodatedMarch30 ,2001 ,signed byAnnKjerulf. 1.Required parking spaces (3)must be acco mmodated withinlot boundaries andare9'x18 ' insidea garage and9 'x19'outside. 2 .S now storagemustbe a=mmodated withi nlot boundaries per TOV standards.Please reviseplans a=rdingly (1()Oil.areaof heated drive or30%area unheated d rive). Therea l design hardship onthiss ite isthe fadthatthe property lineisapprox imately 26feet from the edgeof pavement onGarmishDriveandatthe property line the grades have already ri sen approximately 10feetandcontinue tocl imb another 10 feetto the 20footfron t setback line .Inothe r words,atthepointthat we canplaceour first Livable Area perimeter wall ,we are already 20deepfeet inthe ground.The Mentlik Res idence,whichconforms toallother z oningrequ irements for Single- Family Residences onsteeplots ,willhaveaprob lem conforming totheth ird parking requirement and snow-storagerequirement duetothe severe steepness of thelotandthe allowable garage location withinthefrontsetback. Tobemorespecific ,wehave designed the garage tobewithin5 '-0"of theFront Property Linesoasto conformtothe6'-0 "retain ing wallrequirements.Push ing the garage back away fromtheFront Property Lineshall increase reta ining wallsbeyondthe allowable he ight We show27feet length of driveway fromtheFront Property Linetotheedge of exist ing roadatGarm ish Drive .Thisismoretha n adequate lengthtoprovide athird andfourth automobile parking space infrontofthegarage .It justso happens to be on TownofVa il R ight of Way.Also ,we havemorethan enough snowstorageareato the immediatesouthoftheent ire lengthof d riveway,butagain it isallwith in Town of Va il Rightof Way. We allknowfromcommonsensethat automobile parking andsnowstorageare going to occur inth is •Page 1 •• area anyway.Why notwa ive these requirements,or allow theserequ irements to occur uponTownof VailRight of Way,sothatthisfinehouse ,whichtheORBhas already perce ived tobeagoodaddit ion to the ne ighbortlood,can be builtas designed. 1.The relationsh ip ofthe requested variance to other existingor potential usesand structures in the vicinity: We shall be parking carsona27'length of private driveway andsnowstorageshall occur on the gradual sloping frontyardofthe residence just asall other neighbors onGarmishDrivedo. 2 .The degree towhichrel ief fromthestrictorliteral interpretationand enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary toach ieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment amongsitesinthe vicinityortoatta in the object ives of thistitle without grantofspecial privilege : Inorderto achieve compatibility with similar sitewalls,driveways,andsnowstorageareason GarmishDr ive,weneed100%degree of relief fromthestrict interpretation of the specified regulations onthethird parking requ irement andthesnowstorage requirement. 3.Theeffectofthevarianceonlightandair ,distribution of population,transportation ,traffic facilities,utilities and public safety: Thereshall be noeffectonany of thelisteditems. 4 .Howthe request complies withVail's Comprehensive Plan : Therequestfor parking andsnowstorageinthe Town Rightof Way onthisresidential dead- endroadhasnodetrimentaleffecttoVail's Comprehensive Plan. •Page2 0411712001 ************************JIIt************************************tIIl*******.*.************** TOWNOFVAl L,COLORADOCopy Reprinted on04-17-2001at16:32:14 Statement ****************************************~*******************************.******************* Statemen t Number: PaymentMethod : R0 000 0061 0 Check Amo unt:$250.00 04 /17/200104:32 PM Init:AK Notation:check #5183 Permi t No : Pa rcel No : Si te Add re ss : Lo ca ti on: PECOI0032Ty pe: 2 103 114 13008 24 37 GARMISH DR VAIL PEC -Variance Total Fees:$250 .00 This Paymen t:$2 5 0.0 0 TotalALL Pmts:$250.00 Balance:$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST : Acco un t Code PV 001000 03112 500 Des c ription P EC APPLICATION FEES Current Pmts 250.00 04/1712001 ************************JIIt*****************••**••••••••••••••*iIIl•••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOFVA IL.CO LORADOCopy Reprinted on04-17-2001 at16:32:20 Statement •••••***.***.***.*********•••**••••*•••**.*********************.**•••••*••••*.************** S tatement Number : Payment Met ho d: R000000 610 Amount : Check $2 50.00 04 /1 7 /200104:32 PM Ini t :AK No ta t ion :check #5 183 PEC-Va ri a nc ePermitNo: Parcel No : S ite Add ress : Loc ati o n : PEC010032 Ty pe : 2103 11 413 008 2 437 GARM ISH DR VAIL Tot al F ees:$250 .00 Thi sPa ymen t :$250 .00 Total ALL Pmts :$250 .00 Ba la nc e:$0 .00 *******************************•••**•••**••••••••***•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCO UNT ITEM LIST: Accou n tCod e PV 00100003 112500 Descript io n PECAPPLICA TIONFEES Cu rre nt Pmts 25 0 .00 • Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado8165 7 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us April5,200I JohnMartin,AlA P.O.Box 621 Vail,CO81658 Re:MentfiA Residence -Lot 12,Block H,VailDas Schone #2/2437 Garmi'ichDrive DearJohn: TheproposalfortheMentlik residence received a conceptual review from theDesignReviewBoard yesterday (April 4dl).Iwouldliketo summarize thetwomajor comments madebytheORB: [J Reconsider the location ofthe retaining wallsonthe north sideofthe property .As proposed,theyare veryclosetotheproperty line.Trytopullthewalls away fromthe property lineand eliminate some if possible. [J Examine thesidesofthegarage where cedarisproposed andlookforan alternative suchasusing morestone.Also,lookfor alternatives totheproposed shedroofabovethe garage. Currently,theproposalis scheduled fortinal review on April 18th •Please submit revised plansbynoon on Monday,April16th inorderto proceed to this meeting.Iam confident thatyoucanresolvethe parkingissuewithintheexisting building footprint.Therearealsosome outstanding Public Works issues thatmustbe resolved priortotinal approval. IwillbeoutoftheofficeuntilApril 16th•Ifyouhaveany planning questions.pleasefeelfreetocontact any memberoftheplanningstaffwhocanbe reached through Judy Rodriguez at 479-2128 .Youmay alsocontactLeonard Sandoval regarding Public Works issues at 479-2198 . Sincerely, AnnKjerulf PlannerI Town of Vail o JU'CYCLEDPA PF.R C -~FommumtyDevelopmentPlanRoutmg orm Routed To:TomKassmelor Leonard Sandoval,Public Works Return To:AnnKjerulf,Planning Date Routed:03/21/01 ReturnBy :03/28 /01 Project Name:Mentlik Residence Project Address:2437 Garmisch Drive Project Legal:Lot12,Block H,VailDas Schone #2 Project Description:New Single Family Residence __Approved __Denied(citedetailedreasons)_x_Approved withconditions • 1-'.J"''''r~\il''t\~"~,rt~~f;c~_'!j'.,."..~'JID ~ir;!~1f§l)f '~..,1!!':i5',~~"l1t ~;', Ij ,"~."",,,'.C;Q~l~l §,"J."d'"''',1 .~'O~..,~:$~ Max width of driveway is 24'.(Flared endtoflaredend)adjust and revise . Provide landscape plan. Revocable right of way permit for parking space withintheright of way ,snow storage in R.O.W.,4'concrete panand landscaping. Need stamped approved drawing from license P.E .forall boulder retaining walls4-6ft. Revocable right of way permit required.Concrete pan,landscaping,driveway,and concrete wall.At Building permit stage. Date received : Reviewed by :Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed:5-9-01 •FILE COpy · D epartment ofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 8 1657 9 70-479-2138 FAX 9 70-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co .us Mar ch30,2 001 JohnMart in,AlA P.O.Box621 Vail,CO 8 1658 Re:Mentlik Residence -Lot 12,Block H,VailDas Schone #2/2437 GarmischDrive Dear John: Planning ,PublicWorks,andFireDepartment staff havereviewedtheproposalforthe Mentlik residence tobelocatedat 2437Garmis ch Drive.Priortofinalapprovaltherearcanumber of issuesthatmust be resol ved: Public WorksIssues: Site Pia"&Landscape Pia" o Finishedgrad es may notexceed 2 :1..Please revise plansindicat ing gradesnotgreaterthan 2:I(note northeastern and s outheasternportion s oflot). o SnowstoragemustbeaccommodatedwithinlotboundariesperTOVstandards .Pleasereviseplans accordingly (10 %area of heateddriveor30%areaof unheateddrive). o Sh ow all (3)requiredparking spacesonthe siteplan. o Showtheelevationgrade of thebottom of theditchontheeast and westsides of theculvert.There mustbeatleast I 'ofcove r over theculvert. oShowthelimits of disturbancefenceonboththesiteandlandscape plans. oShowonthesiteplan,b est managementpract ices forerosion control(onthelotanintheTOVr.o.w.) oOnthenortheastern portion ofthelotnearthepatio,betweentheconcretewalland boulder retaining wall ,a 6'benchisrequired .Wallscannotexceed6'.Pleasereviseplansaccordingly . oAlllandscapingmustoccurwithinlotboundariesandr.o.w.unlesstheowner of Lot13gives approvalforplantingonLot13.Pleasereviseplansaccord ingly. PlanningIssues : Site Pia" oRequiredparkingspaces(3)mustbeaccommodatedwithinlotboundariesandare9 'xI8'insidea garageand9 'xI9 'outside . o Community DevelopmentDept.mustreceiveacopy of anencroachmentagreementfortheretaining wa llproposedwithinthe utility easementonthesouthside of thelotorthewallmustberemoved. o RE CYCLEDI'APER • Fire Department Issues: o The residence will have tobe sprinklered duetosite constraints. • Please notethatpriortothe issuance ofa building permit,the Community Development Department will requirethe following information: o P.E.-stamped drawings forwalls between 4'and6'in height and double-tier walls. o A revocable right-of-way permitforthe concrete pan,portionof driveway,landscaping,andconcrete wallintheTownofVail right-of-way Youare scheduled fora conceptual review withthe DRB onApril-l".Afterthat meeting,Iwillprovide youwiththeBoard members'comments sothat ~ou can make any further necessary revisions totheplans andproceedtoa final DRB meeting onApril 18 '.Ifyouhaveany questions or concerns,pleasecontact meat 479-2148 or email meatakjerulf@.ci.vai1.co .us.YoumayalsocontactLeonard Sandoval at479- 2198 regarding Public Works issues or Mike Vaughan at 479-2252 regarding Fire Department issues. Sincerely, dlU 'LL-~AnnK~e~J PlannerI TownofVail ••Community Development Plan Routing Form RoutedTo :TomKassmelorLeonard Sandoval,Public Works ReturnTo :AnnKjerulf,Planning DateRouted:03/21/01 RetumBy:03/28 /01 Project Name:Mentlik Residence Project Address:2437 Garmisch Drive Project Legal:Lot12,BlockH,VailDasSchone#2 Project Description :NewSingleFamilyResidence __Appro ved _x_Denied (citedetailedreasons)__Approvedwithconditions North easts ide of lotnearGarmishDr.-disturbedgradingmustreturntoa2:Igrade.Adjust andrevise. Retaining wallmayberequired . Snowstoragemustbewithinlot boundaries perTown of Vailstandards.Adjust andrevise .Sitedistance requirements willbeaffected. Showallrequiredparkingspacesonsiteplan Showelevationgrade of bottom of ditchlevelonbotheastandwestside of culvert .Theremustbealeast I'of coverover culvert. Showonsiteandlandscapeplans-limit of disturbancefence . Showonsiteplan -Best Management Practices .ErosionControl.OnlotandinTown of VailRight of way. Northeastside of lotnearpatioarea -Betweenconcretewallandboulderretainingwall,a6'benchisrequired . Half thedistance of thetwowalls.Asshown ,willnotwork.Wallcannotexceed6'inheight.Adjustandrevise. Provide stampedapproveddrawingforwallsbetween4 -6 ft inheight.Alsoprovidedrawingfordoubletier walls. Fire Department approval required . Landscape plan-anytreesplantedmustbewithinlotboundariesunless owner oflot 13Agivesanapproval. Adjustandrevise. Revocable right of waypermitrequired.Concretepan ,landscaping,driveway,and concrete wall . Datereceived: Reviewed by :LeonardSandoval Datereviewed:3-27-01 • APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL G ENERAL INFORMATION This appl ication is fo r anyproject requiringDesignReview approval.Any project requiring designreview must rece ive Design Review approvalpriortosubmittingfor a buildingpermit.For specific information,seethe submittal requirements for the particular approvalthat is requested.The application cannot be accepted until all the required inform ation is submitted.Theproject may also needtobereviewedbytheTownCounc il and/or thePlanningand Environmental Commission.Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a huilding permit is issued and construction is started. A.DES CRIPTION OFT HE REQ UEST:Vrc;.W evS ToJA efS (O~TCA-k 'it&r R-fPHU..I(. Ytzr4f:.-liAef-.1 (<:iN PC?<uE 52e·..WIl..LdAM L MeNrtdl::. Construction ofa new building . Includesanyaddition where square footageis added toany r esidentialor commercialbuilding. Includes minorchangestobuildingsand site improvements.suchas, reroofing,painting.willdo~additions.landscaping.fencesand retaining walls,etc. $20oMinorAlteration- LOC ATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT :12.BLOCK:H fiLING :VA("b,H SC tUJ/Jf .#7- P HYSICAL ADDRESS :Z I.{"5 7 (it A f?H ISH Dl2... P ARCEL #:2 J ():5 ~Uc;-I ~·a:::aContact EagleCo.Assessors Office at 970-328 -8640 for pared #) ZONING:fflHAf8!5w,vD,c..7?'t'., NAME OF OWNER(S):WfL..L.CAM t...Be AJ Tl.-IK cfc.,Lrz l..k,Jt H. MAILING ADDRESS :tRot:><;()()Tk AI$&)VE W6~T /,tJ~sTF!EkD &1.CQo'V2 PHONE:"to(3-5(e~(j,~o,.. OWNER(S)SIGNA TURE(S):-----.:SrY--==---?-:.---&-f-tl-"''''~:::..:·if"='''--------------.I U NAME OF APPLICANT:-lD lof.,.{Gr f.1,M?rtr{•A:IA MA ILING ADDRESS:'-I..'f6!£--I:g1':O~)<,----,~~z.-:::...I...(_ \lArk Co.<6l "s=!>I TYPE Of REVIEW AND fEE; j(}New Construction -$200 o Addition -$50 B. C. D. E. H. -*F. G. DRB f eesar e tobe paidatthetime o f submittal.Later.when applying forabui lding permit,please identify the acc urate va luation oftheproject.The Town of Vail willadjustthe f ee according totheproje ctv aluation. P LE ASE S UBMIT THIS APPLlCATION ,ALL S UBMITTALR EQUIREMENTS Al'lD THE FEE TO THE DEPART iVIEN T OF COiVlMUNITY DE VELOPMENT.75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, V AIL,COLORADO 8165 7. MAR.13.2001 12:29PM LE RNE R,DAVID,LITTE NB Da /1~/20al 10:%2 FU 970 9237 JOHN G MARTIN • NO .418P .l III 02 AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURE FROM OWNER FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION: ~• WlUIam L Menttik JOI'lN G.....,RTIN,ARCIoIITECT 11'4 _ii,-..__8.UI ......,(lml')~?t "",.(S7Q)D7_~.,..........--JoM""'_......... J~PlnIJMI A'1 _fIIIr. Mr.William L Mentlik Lat 12,.-oM v.II ElU ...FlIng 2 :w.:p Or..va GJ_..,. NEW CONSTRUCTION DESIGN REVIEW •• GENERAL INFORMATION The review process fornew construction normally requires two s eparate meetings of theDesign Re view Board:a conceptual approval andafina l approval.App licants should p lan on presenting their deve lopment proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. I..SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS A preliminary title report.including Schedules Aand B.to verify ownerships and easements. Photos of the existing siteand adjacent structures.where applicable. C ondominium Association approval.if applicable. o Three (3)copies of the following: To pographic survey,stamped byalicensed surveyor,ata scale of I"=20'or larger.on which th e following information is provided : Yd Ticsto existing benchmark.either USGS landmark or sewer invert.This infonnatioo must be clearly stated onthe surveys othatallmea surements arc based onthe same commencement point. Qd Lotareaand if applicable,buildable area . J2"Legal description andph ysical address . ~Scale witha graphic barsca le a nd north arrow . ~Property boundaries tothe nearest hundredth (.01)ofa foota ccuracy.Distances and bearings anda basis of bearing mustbe shown.Show exi sting pins o r monuments found and their relationshi p totheesta blished comer.. ca.Topographic conditions attwofoot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of6 acres o r more.in which case.5'contour intervals maybe accepted. Exist ing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4"or more,as measured froma point onefoot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders.intcnnitteiit streams.etc .)... All existing improvements (ineluding foundation walls.roof overhangs,building overhangs. etc .). 1fV~Hazard areas (avalanche,rockfall,etc .),centerline and edge of stream or creek,required c reekor stream setback,IOO-yearfloodplain and slopes of 40 %or more,if ap p licable. • ~Size and type of drainage culverts.swales.etc. ••• o IE Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service linesfrom their source tothe structure.Utilities to include: Cable TV SewerGas Telephone Water Electric Showallutility meter locations.including any pedestals onsiteorinthe right-of-way adjacent tothesite. Indicate all easements identified onthe subdivision platand recorded against the property as indicated inthetitlereport .List any easement restrictions. Spot elevations attheedge of asphalt.along thestreet frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25').anda minimum of onespot elevations on either side of thelot. Site and Gmding Plan.ata scale of I"=20'orlarger.showing the following information: rB Property and setback lines. ~Existing and proposed casements. !lsi Existing and proposed grades. IZI Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks.patios. fences andwalls.Indicate thefoundationwithadashedlineandthe roof edge withasolid line.'. All proposed roof ridgelineswith proposed elevations.Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all rooflines.Thiswillbeusedto calculate building height , Proposed driveways.including percentslopeandspot elevations atthe property line.garage slabandas necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. A4'wide concrete panattheedge of asphalt for driveways thatexitthe street inanuphill direction . Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service linesfrom sources tothe structures..' Ui Proposed surface drainage onandoff-site . aI Location of landscaped areas . Location of all required parking. Snow storage areas. Retaining wallswith proposed elevations attopand bottom of walls.A detailed cross- Proposed dumpster location anddetail of dumpster enclosure.'. 2 I •• section and elevation drawings shallbe provided ontheplanor separate sheet. g~Delineate areas tobe phased and appropriate timing.ifapplicable "'¢"Landscape Plan,ata scale of I"=2<Y orlarger.showing the following information : Landscape planmustbedrawn"atthe same scale asthesiteplan . Location of existing trees,4"diameter or larger.Indicate treesto remain.tobe relocated (including new location).andtobe removed.Large stands of treesmaybe showntas bubble)if the strand isnotbeing affected bythe proposed improvements and grading. Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. Detailed legend.listingthetypeandsize (caliper for deciduous trees,heightfor conifers. gallon sizefor shrubs andheightfor foundation shrubs)of allthe existing and proposed plantmaterial including ground cover. Delineate critical root zones for existing treesinclose proximity tosite grading and construction . Indicatethe location of all proposed plantings. ~.;,',4 The location andtype of existing and proposed watering systems tobe employed in Cl1l,1ng forplant material following its installation .:.•:; Existing and proposed contour lines .Retaining wallsshallbe included withthetopofwall andthe bottom of wall elevations noted . Architectural Floor Plans(1/8"=I'orlarger.1/4"is preferred).including the following: ~Floor plans of the proposed development drawnto scale andfully dimensioned,Floor plans and building elevations mustbe drawn atthe same scale. ~"Clcarly indicate onthefloorplanstheinsideface of the exterior structural walls of the building. il!J Labelfloorplansto indicate the proposed floorareausc(i.c .bedroom.kitchen,etc.). I2SI Oneset of floor plans mustbe "red-lined"indicating howthe gross residential floor area (GRFA)was calculated.Sec section 18.04 .130 Floor Area.gross residential (GRFA)of the Vail Municipal Code forthe definition of GRF A. ~Provide dimensions of all roof cavesand overhangs . o Architectural Elevations (1/8"=I'orlarger.1/4"is preferred),including the following: ~All elevations of the proposed development drawn toscaleandfully dimensioned.The elevation drawings must show both existing and finisbed grades.Floor plansand building elevations must bedrawnatthe same scale. 3 ••\ rJlp If building faces areproposedatanglesnotrepre sented wellonthenormalbuilding ele vations.show thesefacesalso. Elevations shal l show proposedfinished elevat ion offloorsandroofsonalllevels . 1ilJ All exterior material s andcolorsshallbespecifiedontheelevations. ~.Thefo llowing shallbeshowngraphicallyandfully dimensioned:fascia.trim .railings . chimney caps.meterlocations.andwindowdetails . Wi}Showall pro posed exteriorlig hting fixturesonthe building .. Illustrat e alldecks.porches andbalconies . ~Indicatethe roof andbuildingdrainage system (i.e,guttersanddownspouts). fJ(Indicate allrooftopmechanicalsystemsandallother roof structures.if applicable. Il4 Illustra te proposed buildingheightelevationonrooflinesandridges .These elevations s hould coordinate withthefinished floor elevation s andthedatumusedforthesurvey . till E xterior color a ndmaterialsamples s hallbe submitted to staff and presented attheDesign ReviewBoardmeeting . Q($a £,jAcJ~g h t i n g Plan.indicating ty pe.locationandnumb er of fixtures.Include heightabove grade .lum ens r~output.luminous a reaand attac h acutsheet of eachfixture , The A dministratoran d/or ORBmay require the submissionof additiona l plans.drawings. spec ifications .samples andoth er materials(including a model)ifdeem ed necessary to determine whether a project w illcompl y withDesignGuidelineso rif theintent oftheproposal isnotclearl y indicat ed. .~ II..IMPROVEMENTLOCA nON C ERTIFICATE lILC) On cea buildin g permithasbeenissued,andconstructionisunderway .and before the Building Department willscheduleaframinginspection.two copiesofan Improvement LocationCertific ate survey(lL C)stampedby aregisteredprofessional engineermustbe submitted.Thefollowin g information must be providedontheILC: A.Basis of bearing andtictosection comer. 13.All property pinsfoundor set. C .Build ing locationls)withticstoproperty comers (i.e.distan ces andangles ). D.Building dimensions.including decksandbalcon ies.tothenearesttenthofafoot. E.Building andgaragefloor elevations and allroo f ridgeand eaveline elevations . F.Alldrainageandutilityservicelineas-builts,showing ty pe of material.sizeand exact location. H.All casements. 4 BUILDINGMATE RIALS: • '. LIST OF rROPOSED MATERr~LS T YPE OFMAT ERIAL: • COLOR:· Roof Siding Other W all M aterials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim .Doors MelfA!'?'<iffr'4l£-1'0 ~te v'G(2.r:11<(,leG a pAF /)(E2 fler,der IK'f 5'IOff.()<If "I(..~ 5e/Hw A(,C/H ,.CLAD ...)l...,.,.,Ptc SiJ>..((..{-SQL.ID ,t gv-r(~fl,lvT " J1p()r?E PAid rc.-Cl.?Si.l-{ #470 0 ·5 <'SeC-IO •f?...rr€,dWr If {''''IT€'RrJ.Yi 5f4N!7AeQ T~ II /1 8 vrrGRtJU( S )AtJP"#l2 ~ Door Trini Handor Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lightingt" 5M,,!I;A~la lJ AJr20w 7f;IH .."({B(/~C/T 2"~C13.P ?iC'-{(?A((...S .Mti'rA.L.f1f'5H(cwl£)II I'Fvr71i f:rJVr / 5fe :5rr~fM JJ /~T(oN 5, err C~L-6-[?~.Cf u,I Other *Pleasespecifythe manufacturer's color,numberandattachasmallcolorchip **Allexterior lighting must meetthe Town's Lighting Ordinance18.54.059(1).Ifexteri6r lightingisproposed, please indicatethenum ber offixtu res andlocations onaseparate I ightingplan .Identify each fi xture typeand provide theheightabovegrade,lum ens output.luminous area,andattachacut sheet of the lighting fixtures . 2 ~ ~:Up'd~ted 6/97 • PROPOSED LANDSCAPING "":,J'E €-lA::-~.YP5c....-~f'l-At0 • ,PROPOSED TREES AND SHR'UBS : EX ISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: Botanical Namc ,.' COOJmolJ Namc Ouantity GROUND COVER SOD SE ED IRRIGATION "Minimum 'requirements for landscaping:deciduous trees -2 inchcaliper coniferous trees-6 feetinheight shrubs -5 gallons Square F ootage T YP E OR M ETHOD OF E ROSION CO NTROL OTHER LANDSCAP E FE ATURES (retaining wail s,fenc es,swimming pools,ctc.)Please specify.Indicatetop and bottom e leva tionso f retainingwa lls,'Maximum heightofwalls \v it h i ~thefront s etback is '"feet,Maximum heigh t of walls e lsewhe r e a ll the p roperty iso fe et. ',';" 3 "'{i ," ·...1 .Updated 6197 •()--,, :('-1":;/:"'-'-1'1_-' UTILlIY LOCATION VERIfICATION I ~.? This form is to verity service availab ility andlocationfornew construction and should beusedin conjunction .with preparing yourutilityplanand scheduling installations .Thelocationand availability of utilities.whether theybemaintrunklinesor proposed lines.mustbe approved andverifiedbythe following utilitiesforthe accompanying site plan . Authorized Signature D~~ l:..C.J..A1 T lI<-r 949-5530 FloydSala zar "\'i\-i2-1A Ji./l Z ,11'l1'1ti ~S-~o EagleRiverWater ~~~~~t;gon District *r:L;4/f Fred Haslcc ~JI }tl)iltdk~t-.3 --f Z -(J *Pleasebringasiteplan.floorplan .andele vations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation U.S .West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468 -6860 or 949-4530 (&,el) Public Service Company 949 -5781 CI 70)u,,2,·I{OS=7 ~)h i(f \]rq)11q,(o uq(~ HolyCrossElectric l slbciJ '1 Q)(v,Q,~~t.o 94lJ-5892 f~ TedHusky /John Boyd '6~'i:>'C"f -'-{blO signatures.Fireflow needs musthe a ddressed. NOTES: I .Iftheutility verification form has signatures fromeach of the utility companies.andno comments arcmadedirectlyontheform,theTownwill presume thattherearcno problems and the development canproceed. 2.Ifautility company has concerns withthe proposed construction.theutility representative shall note directly ontheutility verification formthatthereisa problem whichneedstobe resolved. Theissue should thenbedetailedinan attached lettertothe Town of Vail.However,please keep inmindthatitisthe responsibility of theutility company andthe applicant to resolve identified problems. 3 .These verifications donotrelievethe contractor of the responsibility toobta in aPublicWay Permitfromthe Department of PublicWorksattheTown of Vail.Utility locationsmustbe obtained before digging inanypublicright -of-way or casement within theTown ofVaiI.A building permit isnotaPublicWay permit andmustbe obtained scnarately. 4 Updated 6/97 • I.PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE • A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required.No application canbe accepted unless the mandatory pre -appl ication meeting hasbeen completed.It isthe applicant's responsibility to schedule this meeting by calling 970-479 -2128. II..TIME REOUiREMENTS The Des ign Review Board meetsonthe l st and3rd Wednesdays of each month .A complete application form and all accompanying material mustbe accepted bythe Community Development Department a . minimum of three anda half(3 1/2)weeks prior tothedate of the ORB public hearing. Ill.REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal willbe reviewed for compliance withthe Design Guidelines assetforthin Section 18.54 of the Municipal Code. IV .NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS : A.Ifap roperty is located ina mapped hazarda rea (i.c.snow avalanche,rockfall .floodplain,debris flow.wetland,etc).ahaz..ard study must be submitted andthe owner must sign an affidavi t recognizing the hazard report prior tot he issuance of a building permit.Applicants arc encouraged to check withthe planning staff prior to submittal of aORB application to determine therelationship of thc property toall mapped hazards. B .BasicPlan Sheet Formal.Forall surveys,siteplans,landscape plans and other site improvements plans.all of the following mustbe shown . I .Plan sheet size must be24"x36".Forlarge projects.larger plan size maybe allowed. 2.Scale.The minimum scale is1"=20'.All plans must be atthe same scale. 3.Graphic bar scale. 4 .North arrow. 5.Tit le block,project name,project address andlegal description. 6.Ind ication ofplan prcparcr,address and phone number. 7 .Dates of original plan preparation andall revision dates. 8 .Vicinity mapor location map at a scale of 1"=1.000'or larger. l).Sheet labels and numbers. 10 .A border withaminimum left side margin of 1.5". I I .Names of all adjacent roadways. 12.Plan legend. C.For new construction and additions,the applicant must stake and tape the project sitetoindicate property lines.proposed buildings and building comers.All trees tobe removed must be taped.The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow.Allsi te tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. D.Applicants who failto appear beforetheDesign Review Board on their scheduled meeting da te and w ho have not asked in advance thatdiscussi on onthei r item be postponed.willhave their items removed fromt he ORB agenda untilsuchtimeasthe item has been repub lished. E .Ifthe ORB approves the application with conditions or modifications,all conditions of approval m ust be r esolved prior t o the issuance of ab uilding permit. 5 Updated 6/97 MA R 1 3 •0 I 9:51 .0 3 /1-"/2001 10:(:.I FR.LEAD IJ I LLE OPS FAX 9iO~2237 JOES G ~~TI N •PA GE.00 2 IilJ 01 UTII,I1Y LOCATION VERIFICATION This fOITTl isto verii)'serviee availability and location for new constructicr;and should be used in conjunction .with preparing your utility plan and scheduling insialhlt10ns.The location and availability of'utilities,whether t~ey be main trunk lines or Ilro/lOlied lines.mustbo approved and vcrified by the following utilities forthe accom~nying site plan, Aulborized 51 !!narurc us .West CQmmunicario~ 1-800-922-1987 468~6860 or 949-4530 Ho Iy ross Electric Assoc. 949-SR92 'red Husky/John Boyd r.c.r. 949·5530 Floyd SaI<l7M EagLe River WatCf &.Sanitation District " 47f,-741l0 Fred Haslec DW ~J:>)£)1 I ~PICOS$D bring a :lirc plan.floor pllU1.and elevations when obtltining Upper ~lc Valley Watw &Sanitation signatures.fire flow needs must be addressed...~- NOTES: I .If the utiliey verification form has siif\StUTC.'l from cach ofthe ytllily companies.andno comments arc made direclly on the forot.the Town will presume that there lII"C no problems lII1d the <k:Vclopmcnt can proceed, If a utility eompany has CQJll;Oft1S with thg proposed conlllnJclion.the utility reprcsc:ntarivc shall note directly on the utility verification form that there U II problem which needs to be resolved, The issue shO\l.ld thCQ be detailed in ...uacl1ed Idtcr to the Town of Vail.However.please keep in mind Iliat it is the R5JlOnsibility of the utility company and the;appliCMl to n:solvc identified pc'Oblans. 3 .These verifications do not relieve the conlnlC1Ol'of the rcsponsibilit,yto obtain a Public Way Permit ttvm the Department of Public Works at the Town orVal"Utility ID!dltlons mmstbe; obtained bcfO!J<diuiru:in 8fI)'public riglrt·of~WBYor cascmcntwithin tho Town of Vail.A huildjDJ,!pennil;1 not a Public Way permtt and must be gbtained ieslRl'iteh. 4 Upc1lced 6/9 7 970 47 72237 PR GE.0e l MAR .13 .2001 12 :S9PM .HOLY CR OSS VAI L•I UTI'-<ITY I .QCAIlON YERlpCATION •NO.9 99 P.2 This formisto verify service availability and location for new eonsiruction and should be usedIn conjunction .with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations.The l ~cation and availability of utiliries,whether t~ey bernain trunk fines o r proposed lines.mustbe approved and verified by the followin g utili ties for the aeeomp~ying site plan . .!AuthQm:cd SllltJaturc u.s.West Commun ications I -SOO-922-1987 468-6860 or 949 -4530 Public Service Company 949 -5781 Gary"H all Hol y Cross Electric Assoc . 949-5 892 Tcd Husky /Jah!l Boyd T .C.!. .949·5530 Floyd Sal w.ar Eagle River Water &Sanitarian District .. 476-74KO Fred Haslcc 3-13-QI i ..Please bring asiteplan.tloor plan .and elevations when obt ainink Upper Eagle Valley W ater &Sanitation s ignatures.Fireflow needs must be addressed....... N OTES: .I I .If th e utility verification form has s ignatures fi'om :each of the utility companies,and no comments arcmilde directly on the form.the Town will presume that there arc no problems and t he development can proceed.. i 2 .If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction.the utility representative shall no te directly onthe utility verifi cation formthatt hereIsa problem which needstobe resolved. The issue s ho~ld thenbe detailed inan attached letter to the Town of VaiLHowever,please keep in mind tliat it is the responsiblllty of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems.. 3.These verifications do not relie ve the contractor or the responsibility to obtain aPublic Way Perm it from the Dep artment of Public W orks at toc Town ofVaiI.Utility locationsmust be obtained before diogjng in anypub lic right -of:wa ~or easement within the Town of Vail.A building permit is not a Public Wsy pennit and njust be obtained senarately. 4 Updated 6197 !-Dc I.g~o&i(H /'FIIANer .2 VJ4/t.-PAs'5ew;.!£. 2Lf~7 GPlNrY1/~h Dr.-tJ,;w 5/(~C,L{E':"'rAf.-(IL-Y HoH"::'· UTILITY LOCATION VERIfICATION -JgJ-,/l s I0Arh/l q7c7 1.1 77 -2 '-17& 'Jk FAX 477 -'22 '$7 This fonn is toverify service availability andlocationfornew construction and should beusedin conjunction .with preparing your utility planand scheduling installations .The locationand availability of utilities .whether theyhemaintrunklinesor proposed lines.mustbe approved andverifiedbythe following utilitiesforthe accomp~nying siteplan . Authorized Signature U.S .West Communications I -800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-57!1 I GaryHall HolyCrossElectricAssoc . 949 -5892 TedHusky /John Boyd (J.z ;~···".. 949 -5530 FloydSala 7.ar EagleRiver Water &Sanitation District .. 476-7480 fred Haslcc ..Please bringasiteplan.floorplan.and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation signatures.Fireflow needs mustbe addressed. NOTES : I.Ifthe utility verificationformhas signatures fromeach of the utility companies,andno comments arcmade directly ontheform,the Town will presume thattherearcno problems and the development can proceed. 2 .Ifautility company has concerns withthe proposed construction.the utility representative shall note directly ontheutility verification form thatthereisa problem which needstobe resolved. Theissue should thenbe detailed inan attached letter tothe Town of Vail.However,please keepin mind that itisthe responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems, 3.These verifications donotrelievethe contractor ofthe responsibility toobtainaPublic Way Permit from the Department of Public Works atthe Town of Vail.Utility locations mustbe obtain ed before digging inanypublic right-of-way or casement within theTown of Vail.A building permit isnotaPublicWaypem1itandmustbe obtained senarately. 4 Updated 6/97 • I.PRE-APPLICATIONCONfERENCE • A pre-application conference withTownofVail stains required .No application canbe accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meetinghasbeen completed.It isthe applicant's responsibility to sehedule this meeting by calling 970-479-2128 . II.TIMEREOUiREMENTS TheDesign Review Boardmeetsonthe1st and3rd Wednesdays of eachmonth.A complete application formandall accompanying materialmustbe accepted bythe Community Development Department a minimum ofthrce anda half(3 1/2)weekspriortothedate of the ORB publichearing. III.REVIEWCRITERIA Your proposal willbe reviewed for compliance withtheDesign Guidelines assetforthinSection18.54 of the Municipal Code. IV.NOTETOALLAPPLICANTS: A.Ifa property islocatedinamappedhazardarea(i.c,snow avalanche,rockfall,floodplain.debris flow,wetland,etc).ahazardstudymustbe submitted andthe owner mustsignan affidavit recognizing thehazardreportpriortothe issuance ofa building permit.Applicants are encouraged tocheckwiththe planning staff priortosubmittalofa ORB application to determine the .relationship of t he property toallmappedhazards . B.Basic Plan Sheet formal.Forallsurveys,siteplans,landscape plansand other site improvements plans,all or the following mustbeshown . I .Plan sheet sizemustbe24"x36".for large projects,larger plan sizemaybe allowed. 2.Scale.The minimumscal e is I"=20'.Allplansmustbeatthe same scale. 3.Graphic bar s cale . 4 .Northarrow . 5.Titleblock,project name,projectaddressandlegal description. 6 .Indication of planprcparcr,addressandphone number. 7.Dates of originalplan preparation andallrevisiondates. lI.Vicinity maporlocationmapatascale of 1"=1,000'or larger. lJ .Sheet labelsand numbers. I U .A border withaminimum left sidemarginof1.5". II .Names of alladjacentroadways . 12.Planlegend . C.Fornew construction andadditions,the applicant must stake andtapetheprojectsiteto indicate property lines,proposed buildingsandbuilding comers.All trees tobe removed mustbetaped.The applicant must ensure thatstakingdoneduringthe winter isnot buried bysnow.All site tapings and staking must be completed prior tothe day of the DRB meeting. D.Applicants whofailtoappearbeforetheDesignReview Board on their scheduled meeting dateand whohavenot asked inadvancethatdiscussionontheiritembe postponed.willhave their items removed fromthe ORB agendauntilsuchtimeastheitemhasbeen republished . E.Ifthe ORB approves the application with conditions or modifications,all conditions of approval mustbe resolved prior totheissuance of a building permit. 5 Updated6/97 •• DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST OSURVE/ Scale V Benclunark I --V Legal description ;V LotSize /'-'rv".c _V BuildableArea =""V'-' ./Easements 1-F.,DtJ (S)6T t:£ ./Topography N IA>100yr.floodplain '"IA -Water Course Setback ~Environmental Hazards N CP (~~Tre~UJI MN f/)CPEftrj ./Utilitylocations VrJ .9 T£rpUtrJ. o FLOOR PLANS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRF A Crawl\Attic Space EHU o BUILDING ELEVATIONS Scale Color-Materials RoofPiteh o LAt~DSCAPE PLAN Existingtrees Proposedtrees Spot elevations o SITEPLAN .,/'Scale .,/BuildingHeight -, Legend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Titlereport(A &B) Utility verification form V Site Coverage /'Eaves/Overhangs (4') ./(N \~iDli-'Decks/BalconiestSIr\i~ ,/Garage connection 4 QR.>'fS Ey..Cffii)~'.\ ,/~I. \-lD __ N If.><-.Fences Barking/Garage Nor $/'tU.,,)rJ Turning Radius Driveway (accessand grade) /SnowStorage Photos of site Buildingmaterial samples C.O.Verification SWI\Shade Angles Utilities (underground) View Corridors Variances Plat restrictions •• ZONECHECK Phone _ Phone __---'-_ Proposed usc Buildable arca,_ Date:MA/1t tI 'tl /Q / Legaldescription:Lot 11-BJoek _.:.u-_F i lin g_--,!!..L:~....rl..!.L.~::!:::::~~c:J..'::L">L4..!...~::::"" Address Q431 4Aem i ~L H D2 . Owner [V/&J(I.ik. Architect .1')HN MfMrrA: Zonedistrict £..1.5L Lot size Uii 5-D 't:;[ Allowed Total GRFA 2>1\3f\+lfJ-C;=3lo/5 ExistingProposedTotalRemaining 5~0r~l .£i f . Primary GRFA +(425)(675*)=_+----=---- tJ /be .SocGIlGary GRfA __+(425)(675*)=_+----=---- *675 =425credit plus250addition Docsthisrequestinvolve a 250 Addition?__~_ Howmuchoftheallowed 250 Additionisusedwiththis request?__...l...:.!..!::~_ Site Coverage D;;;.)Iq /~tJ/A +rq t3 =¢ Height (30)(33) Setbacks Front 20' Sides 1-,\'.) Rear 15' '. Landscaping Minimum ?fle W RetainingWallHeights 3'/6' Parking Required 3 Enclosed (300)c@9Y(900)(1200)Garage Credit Driveway 10m I 7 Permitted Slope %ProposedSlope % Complies withTOVLightingOrdinance Yes,_No,_ Arc finished grades lessthan 2:1 (50%)Yes,_No,_ E nvironmental/H azards I )PercentSlope «>30%)'7 ~/. 2)Floodplain _...!.N""'L:.I A.::::.......;·_ 3)Wetlands /JIb.-. 4)WaterCourseSetback (30)(50)'_.L..:N'-!.'I""'A-""--''--_ 5)GeologicHazards -,-.::....-_ a)Snow Avalan che__..c.N.::..c.;1 f:>..::..-.;..'_ b)Rockfall _·---;__ c)DebrisFlow _ Previo us conditionsof approval (check property fi le),~'_ Isthe property non-conforming?Describe:_ +1-~ ~t.-"CN 1SF . rv\t\l'~:I ~~'2.-~.F . WpcQ..;~q S.F. ~l1e5(. .j..~2...--'Zo S'D I)ale;09-21-2000 L.ardTltle GararteeOJmnt <IBJt:J.r&lDSJRBinQ..l -6 ~ Our Order Number:V27OS114 Property Address: LOT 12,BLOCK H,VAlL DAS SCHONE FIL~G NO.2 I'Rt:nENTIAI.GOllE IlA'I;GE PROI'ERTlK~-EDWAllOS POBOX llOJ EDWARDS,C O 81632 A 1ll'l1 BllL CAYNOSlO Pho",,:97().92G-s.wo 1'..:970·926·6503 ~nl Vb.COUl"M:~* JOHN MA(."Ll!A!Ii FAMD.Y J'A){TIiERSIIU' 11 MAl!\:ST . CI.FBlJRl\"E,TX 70031 Aan:JOHN ~lACLEA:'" PM",,:817-645-3700 Fas:,817·~·3788 Scnt VI.US l 'osbll S<,,1~ L\NU TiTLE CUARA:'I:TIiE CO"lPA:"'Y 65 MARKET ST It4,p.n HOX 4420 EAGLF~CO 81631 A ttl.;~e ao."inM Group J>bonr:9'1l).318-504S Fu:'J10-328·S0/i4 F.ASTV,\Il.RJo:AI.IT.- POBOX IOJ3 • 3Y71 BIGHORN ROAQ . VAlL.CO XI6iS,. AlU1:I'll.TRlClA DRANCA 1'00111::'J70-476-6663 ~'a"970-416-6007 Sent Via Fax W1LUA:14 Mt~>;n ,m. 6(K)S.AVE.W.I WE!>"TFIF.I.D,NJ 011fO gem Via Unliro Plon:cl Service · I ,,~ ",'," 'I '"~~F~'!',!'f " i ~i!. i j "I':W 'llfiH """","'1 ,1 I r"'".'r,'.'·,"~",l\r '!'l!'" "',I ',!.;,!."I'.'j I'I ",,i I I II ~I ,'I .I;: ,, r I I I, I,, ( 1 \ \ I, \ L_ :. i !; ::. "i , Mar ~2 01 05:17p E ~l Realt~/Bi~horn M~mt .From L~~d Tit le Guarantee Company Thu Sep 21 16:31:09 2000 IzdTrtleGa'atee CbrlJnj 'ttl.RCDlTACTS 9 _476 -6007 Page2 of 8 •ft . p.2 n"le:09-21-2000 Property 1\ddre&S: LOT 12,BLOCK H,YAIL DAS SCHO:-lE FILIN(;xo,1 BuyerlBorrower: WILLL.\M MENTUK ..,... Our Ord";'NU!D~~'.:.v #~~.·e ' .~:',',\ .' .""'" Seller/Owner:......'.t JOH:-i AND CAROL MACLEAN FAMILY PAR:r"'~RSHIP,.LTD .,A ll!XAS LlMn'ElJ P 1NE~HI1' -'i>,#..'.....':-~..." .~! If you have Ilny inquiries or ""'lulre'[urlher assistance,please cont'!-cl one of the.nmnbers below::...·~.i·.~ For Closing ,uslstance:For Tille Assistance: Engte Closing Group .Vall Tide Dept. 6S MARKET ST1/4,P.O.BOX4420 Trida K£lIogg EAGLE,CO 81631 108 S.FRO:'llTAGF.RD.W.11203 Phone:970·328-5065 P .O.BOX 357 Fa'<:970-328·5064 VA"~<"'0 81657.. .Phone:970·476·21'11 Fu:9704764534 -;EMIliI:pkf:J1ogg@lIgc.com ESI1MAlEa=l1n.EFB5 . .. Alta Owners Policy 1().17·92 Deldloll of SIDndanI Jo}<""pdon(s)(Owner) TllX ReportR013387 TOT'AL THANK.YOU "'OR YOllR ORDERI :" ~. $809.O'tl $40·t.$15.£ .'... t~ :Is, " $864 .oet • .... •l i e •I I I I I I I I I I I I I JJ I I I I I I .II .. r ••.. · ","••.. ...•i ;,~ I I I ~. I I Mar ~2 01 05:17p E~l Realt~/Bighorn Mgmt .Fro mLandTitle Guarantee Company ~Thu Sep21 16:31:09 2000 Chic"ll0 'nu"Insunmce Company A LTA COMMlTM ENT 9 _476-6007 . Page3 of 8 p.3 Schedule A Properly Address: L Or 12 ,KI.lX":K H ,v xn,DAS ~HO:-:E FILING NO.2 ". Our Order No.V270584 Cust,Ref.: 1.Effeclive Dale:SqJtcmbo.T 07,2000 III 5:00 P.M. 2.POliCy 10 be Issued ,and Proposed Insured: "ALTA "Owner's Policy 10·17-92 Propo.<ed Insured: WILLIAM MENTLIK $191 .2S0.00 3 .The estate or interest in lhe land described or rd'errcd tointhtsCOll1l1lihncnl and covered herein is: A Y""Simple 4.Tille to the estate Or Interest covered herein Is lit the effeclln dale bereof vested In: JOHN AND CAROL MACLEAN FAl\onLY PARTNERSlln'.LTD.,A TEXAS LIMITED PA"R11'IERSHIP 5.The land referred to ill Ihis Ceimutrment ts described fL_follows: t.or 12,Ill.OCK H,vxn,DAS SCHONE FU.IN(i NO.Z,ACCORDING TO THE RF..cORDED PlAT TH\i:Rl<:<W,COCNTY OF EAGLE,STAn:n¥COI.oRA no. l i e:! I : !~•I : I : :I,I ". '..,. ." ~:.. .'.'" ,.".' ",:-a, i i Mar •From ~2 01 05:17p E ~1 Land Ticle Guarantee Company . Realt~~Bighorn Mgmt Thu ~cp 21 16:31:09 2000 9 _-476-6007 Page 4 of 8 p.4 AL "I'A COM:\1 IT MEN T Schedule B-SecUon 1 (Requirements) The following are the requleements 10 be complied wllh: Our Order Nu .V270584 ttem (8)Pa)-ment 10 or fur the RccolDll of !he g~1Iurs or mortgllROrs of \he full cOffildel"llUon for \he """""or hllerest to be insured,. Hem (b)Proper Insirumelll(s)creallng Ihe eslllie or inleres1to be IlI5UI'Cd tml<1 he executed Bnd duly filed for record, 1fl-w1I:--...•. Item (c)Pay""''''or ai,taxes,charges or """"ss menls levted and assessed ngllllWt lhe snltjeci premlsCJl which are due and JlIlYable. Hem (d )AddlUolllll requiremenlS,if BOY disclosed helow:.. \.EVIDENCE SATlSFACfORY TO mil.<:()Ml'ANY 'lllAT TID:TK~L",CONDITIONS i\ND PROVISIONS OF THE TO~01'VAn .TRANSFER TAX IIA V~;HEENSA T1Sl'iED . 2.WAR1L\NTY D!':E1)!''ROM .JOI1N A1'\I)CAROL M1\CLl<:AN FI\MILY PARTN\<:RSIUP,LTD.,A TEXAS UMITED PARTNERSHIP TO WILLIAM MENTpK CONVEYINC;SUBJKCr PROPERTY. NOTF..:CERTIFICATE 0"-LIl\UTED PARTNI<:RSHIP NF.c.oRDED JUNY.14,19%INKOOK ft97 AT PACE 380 DL'iCUlSK'i .JOHNR.~fACl.EAN TO BE 1'111\.CENRRAl.PARTNI';R OF.JOHN AND CAROL MAl:U:AN FAl'onLY PARTNERSHIP,LTD'.,A n;XAS UMITHD PARTNERSHlP. "'-. !'lOrE:THlS PROPERn'MAYBE SUBJF,(-r TO AN ASS~'i"'lli~TBY THE VAIL I>AS SCHOOK HOMEOWNERS ASSOClATION.PLEASE CONTACI'THE ASSOClA nON TO ENSURE TH"r THE ASSESSMENTS ARE CURRENT. NOTE:ITEMS 1-3 OF TIIE GENERAL EXCEmONS AREHEREBY DELETED FROM 1HE OWNKR'S POUCY. ..). UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FIN"L ~ AFI'1DAVIT.ITE.'l.f 1"0.4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTI()lI;S WILL aE.AMEl'>DEJ)AS FOLLO'''''S: n"."'!NO.4 OF THE GJo:N";RAL EXCEJ7110NS IS DELETED AS TO ANY UENS OR FUTURE URNS RESULTL"iG FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF JOHN AND CAROL MACLEAN "FAMILY PARl":'iERSHlP,LTD.,A TEXAS UMlTED PARTJliERSHlP. CHICAGO'IITLE lNSURA!'lCE CoMPANY SHAll.HAVE NO [..lABILITY "'OR A:'>Y L1~S ARISING FROM WORK OR MA 1ERlAL FUR."IISUED AT THE REQUEST 'OF WILLlAM MENTUK. NOTE:n"KM 5 OF THE GI!:.\'ERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND rrnz .1 1 I I I ~lfTTT"TlT'n I 1 I I I I .. II I I ~II . II : " f '.~ ,. ~ I '.. :' I , I !I .0' I --!r , :.. ·.":.i ~I -",;'·'.·,:·. I '."~.: I ·', ,.;,, I .:;".,·. :".: I I I I , Mar J2 01 05:18p E ~l Realt~/Bighorn M~mt Fro~land Title Guarantee (ompany~Thu5ep21 16:l1:09 2000 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B-Seclion 2 (EYceptlolls) 9 _"176-6007 Page 6 of 8 ,.'~ Our Order llio.\'270S84 I p.6 T he policy or p"li";""10 he i.,~ucd will conl.ll.ln e<""ptilln.~III Ihc rllllllwlnl:un'."..lhe ""me "re diHpl ~""d ofIn thl':s H*faction of Ihl':Company:..; I. 2. s, 4 . 5. 6 . ,. B. 9 . 10. 11. u, ltights or claim;of parties In possession nol shown by the public records . j(.asemenlS,or clllim.of easements,not Shown,by lhe public n:cords. D1s<:"'paneles,conflic1S In boundary lines,shortage in area,.elX'n>aelm",nIS,and 'lIIlY faClS WIdell a COIT«t surV<y and insptttion or the prmi.'l15 would disclose and whlch are nol shown by the pUbik """lrds. Any lien,or right to a lien,for scm....,labor or rnalerial Ihtretofonl or hereal'ler-f1JmI.hed,impaled by law and not shown by u.,public recerds, Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims OT otlter motters,if any,c",""d,nlSt l1JlPl'arlng in the pubUc records or atlaChlng sullsequent to d.e efl'ecl1ve dale hereof bul Prior to Ihe dale the proposed Insw-ed a.oquIre..of record for YIllue U",estate or tuterest ur murtgage UteROll covered Ily tills COllunllmtnL Taxes or sp.:cial assessmems which an:oot shown ....exi.ti~liens by the public records. Uens for unpaid waler and sewer cllarRes,If allY. In addldon,the owner's polic)'will be subjecllD the mortg&g~,If Illty,noled In Section 1of ScbeduJe B bereot, RIGlfl'OF PROPRlETOR OF AVEINOR LODE TO EXTRACr ANI)REMOVE HIS ORE TI1ERI<:l<'ROM SHOULD TIlE SAME B":FOIJNIl TO PI<:NETRATE OR INTERSE<....T THF.PRI<:MISK'i AS RFBERVF:D IN l:NITEJ)STATES PATE."IT R":COR.I>F.D ·AlJGUST u,1900,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE2J6.... RESTRICTIVE COVE1"ANTS WHICH DO NUl'COi\TAI~A FORFEITURE OR REV":RTER Cl.AUSE, BUT osirrrrxc A7\Y COVENANT 0)1.RFSTRlCfrO:'ll BASED ON RACE,l-'OLOR,RELIGION, SEX ,HA/'llDlCAI',FAMILIAL STA IDS OR NA'nONAL ORIGIN UNLESS ANDONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A)L'.EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42,SECTION 3607 OF TIIE L"NlTED STA'mS CODE OR (B)RELATES TO IL\ND£CAP BUT DOES SOT I>ISCRIl'I'll~ATl!:AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS,AS CONTAINED iN INSTRUMENT Rj(,(:t)RDED OCTOBER 10,1%9,IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 15.3'ANDAS "AMENDED IN I"'STRUI\lE'iT RECORDED OCTOBER 211 ,1969.IN BOOK 216 At PAGE 2lI4 AI'D AS AM~DED IN lNSTRUME..-T RECORDED FEBRUARY 16,1970 IN BOOK 217 AT PAGE 77 . RESERVA '110'"OF AN UlliDIVIDEDU2 INTEREST INA'ND TO THE on,GAS ASD MINERAL RIm ITS TO TIm ABOVE DR..s CRIDED LAND AS .SIIT FORTI I IN WA RRA NTY DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 30,1959 rx BOOK 16S AT PAGE 133. A PHRPETUAL EASEMENT FOR TIlE CONSTRUcrrON MAINTENANCE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT 01'GAS UN"S ALONG ALL DEDICATED ROADS L"VAILDAS SCHOi\"; 1:•', :I .II~I::!::::':::::::::::=JI Ii II I ! ...,. '..,. :'•J:I::!:::!:!:±::::::!:¥11.'.. ~I -.» ~: :.. "."'.~~'.;.., ,.: ,.',." i .: ,..; ~ 0 .~.", : :,: I I ,, • , !.. Mar 12 01 05:17p E ~l Re alt~/B lghorn Mgmt f rom Land Title Guarantee Company ""Thu >ep 21 16:31:09 2000 9 _476-6007 Page S of 8 p.5 A LT A COM ~t IT MEl':T Schedule B ..Seellon I (Requirements)Our Order No.V270584 Conl1nued: TAXES A NlJ ASSI',ss,,"IENTS FOR THE YEA 2000 A ND SUBSEQl Jt;ro;T YEARS. rrs..M 7 UNDER SCHEDlJLt;B-2 W BE DEl.ETF.D UPOIIi PR()()!l1'1'lA T TH\O;W,\TER AND ~ER CHARGES AREPAIDUPD TE. RECORDS THE DOC CMEl':TS REQUIRED U ND'IED ~LE B·I. :'IIOTE:CI'O:'II PROOI'OF PA YMENT OFAL ES..l11':M 6 \'HLL BE AMENDED TO READ::. • /-\;;11iii, f, I, \, \,, '-, ,, I, • Mar 12 01 05:18p E~~l Realt~/Bighorn Mgmt Fr~Land Ti tle Gu~rantee Company~Thu Sep21 16:31:09 COOO A LTA COM [1.1 IT ~1 ~:N T Schedule B-Section 2 (Exeepttons) 9 _476-6007 Page7 of S Our Order No.V:170S84 p.? T hepolicy or policies 10 be issued will cuntain exception.10Ihe followh'l\unlessIhe same are disposed of 10 the satisfaction of the Company: FlUNG :"0.1.AS DE'5CRlBED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTE.'WIER 6,1968 IN BOOK 213 AT PAGE .~44, 13.EASEMK"'TS,RESERVATIONSA:-;n RHSTRlC11O:,\S AS SHOWN OR RF.SRRVlm ON THE PLAT OF VAIL DAS SCHONE loiLL"IG NO.:1 RECORDED JUNE zs,1969 IN BOOK 215 AT PAGE482;LNCLUDI1'iG B UT NOT LD.urED TO: UT ILITY F..ASK\fE:"iT ALO:"lG THE SOUTHERLY WT LINE OF S UBJECT PROPERn", •T •.. I I ••,I Mar )2 01 05:18p E ~l Realt~/Bighorn Mgmt from land Title (;uarantee Company "ThuSep21 16:31:09 2000 9 .-476-6007 Pag"8 of 8 p.8 L.AND TITLE G UARANTEE COMPASY DISCLOSURE STATEMEN1' Required by CR.S.10-11-122 A)1M 5111tiecl real propeny lIlay be localed Ina sPecial IllXing districL B)J\C"r1iDcale of Taxes Due listing each l:JX\ng jurisdiction may be olllllined from Ihe Counly Treasurer's QUlhorized agent C)T he inlonnalion rqlardlng sp:cilll dislI1cls and the holllKlwies of such dlslricL~lIlay be olUfncd fromlhe Board of COlmly Connnlsslo""rs.the COlmly Ocri<Bnd Recorder,or the COIBlIy Assessor. Effective September I ,1m,CllS 30-10-406 requires Ihat all documents received for recording or "ling In II", clerk and recorder'5 ornre shall contain a IDp margin ol atle....l oneInch III"..left,right and bottom margin of at lease 0111'bllIr or :on inch.The cieri<tIlId .nonkr rmsy rcr.....,ID ",cord or file lilly document thai dlles nol contorm,exc"P!lhat,Ihe requiremenl for die top IlI8l'!lin .dlallnol apply ID documents us~fonns 011 which splice is proVided rill'fttording or "ling Infonnarion at the IDp margin of the documenL So~:Colorado DlvlslGn of lnsurance Regu1at1ons 3-5·1,Paragrllph Cor Article Vll requires that "Every till"end!>'shall be respomlble for all rnalleJ'S which appear or record prior 10 the lime or recordJlII: whenever the title endty conducLo<the cl'L<tng and is respo",lhIe for recording or nling nf legal docWnellL<resullll1R I'rom the lJ'lIJ"'BCdon which wa.<closed".Provtded dial T.snd lllle t.uaranlee Compmy ronducls the etos ing of the Irmm:d Ir1IRRu:llon and Is ~ponslble for recording the 1Cl!1II documents from the transaction,excepdon number 5 "ill not appear on llle Owner's Tide l'ollcy BIId tile Lenders IVUcy when Iss~d. Nole:Amnnallve mechanic',lien proleelion ror IfIe ~r may be a\'llllable<t"l'Ically ~deleUoD or Exccpllon no.4 or Schedule B,seenon 2 or the Conunltment rrom the Owner's \'olley 10 be Issued)upon colll)lliance ,,1t11the following conditions: A,The land described in Sehednle A or tfIi..col1WlitmcnlllJlISt be..single family residence whicb ' includes a condominium or IDwnhouse ....L R.N o labor or material,han been l'urnt.bed by Ineel1Hncs or ltlllerilll-rnen ror purposes of eonslJUcdon on the IBIId described In Schedule Aor Ihls Conmibnelll within the pest 6 months•. C.The Co~1ItI1<'reeerve an lIf'P"Opri.....aClldavU Indenmll'ylng Ifl4'Company aglll ...,tm·ftled mechan!e's and materilll-men'5 liens , I),T he Company IIIml recetve pa)-mem of the appropt1ale premilDll. E.If UIo:re IlllS been cOll!llJUction,11IIIlIVfemt."'l~or l1ll\lOr repBi,.,.under1aken on the .propKly 10 be purcms"d wldlin six IIIlJrnm prior ID the Date or the Comrnilment,IIIe requi~rnenlS lD obWn coverage ror unrecorded liens will Include:dlscJo~of cer1llIn l'OnslJUcdon 1lIfonnallon; nllllndal Inlonnallon as to die seller,the builder and or die conttae\Or;ptlyment or tile appropriate premlulII fully executed Indenmlly Agreements sadsfactory 10 IfIe company,and, any adtlltlonal requlremenL....may he neeessmy ur"'r an n1Utllnallon nf lhe uforesald infonlllliion by the Company.. No coverage will be ginll under any circumstances fur labor'or material ror whkh Ihe imun:d has contracted for or agreed tn pay. !'."olhing herein conl8ined "ill be deelned to obligate die company ID p1'Ovtde any of UIP covenlgl:S referred to herein IDIIeois the above conditions In:fully sali!llied . •• \ \ \ "\ / / '-....I --""1=';-, I I I I I I II ~-.J~-"H ",,---,I I I I II -LJ,-:L.=.-~_II I I I I I I I Ir- I I T r I I •I •• KI CHlER LIGHTING 237 CaSI aluminum wittl brass bound,be\leled gloss panels .1-lIgnt 75-W.Max.(M)Hgl.13W WIOItl4:r.:Extension 6 ~·.Hgf.fron can/er of WOII opening 3 ~·.U.l.lislecJ for we,lOCO/ion . K -9 2 60 Ol OE B RICK ftI Cost aluminum'HIm brass boUnd.seedy glass pone ls I-lighl,)5 ~W.lola,.(M)Hgi.1311'. Widfh 6 ~:ExtenSion n~:Hgr.from center of wall ;og 3 W.u t listed for weI roc cnon K -9 261 O lO E BRICK ~ Costaluminum wiltJ brassboUnd.seedy glass panels .l·light,lOo-w.Malt.(M)Hgl .16!.1 : Wid1t18 1i:Exfens joo8W.Hgf from ceolef 01 wall opening 3 W u.t.lisl9l1 IQf werlocation . Costaluminu m w ith brass bound,clear bevelad glass.3·lIghl.60 ~W.Max.eC)Hgi.22: WIOfh BW,Extension S*".Hgr.fromcenler 01 wallopenmg 19',ll.L 115100 for Wet location, K -996 1 OlO E B RICK iSI Oleor beve lea glass.J.li ghl,60 ~W.lola,(C) Oia.8~:Hgl 19 -W U L.lislad for wet IOCOHon T US k.. IOAT[,3~12-o 1 JOHNG.MARTIN,ARCHITEC T P.O.Box 52 1 Yall.Colorado a l~ Phone,(170)4n-2471 r a",(170)4n-22J7 jmortln_.com .......lahn.rnartln•••m A Per*lI ..ReeIdence for. Mr.William L Mentllk Lot 12,Block H,V Schone FIlIng 2 20437 0IrriItl Dr.,val Colorado 81857___----I IDATE '3 -12 -01 JOHNG.MARTIN,ARCHITECT P.O.80.821 Van.Colorado 81858 Pl>ano,('70)477-2478r"",(970)477 -2237 JmortlnOcttve.com ....Johngmorfln.com A PeraonaI Residence for. Mr.William L Mentlik Lot 12,Block Ii.Vall 088 Schone fling 2 2437 GarmI8h Dr.,Val,CoIarado 81857 EDC£Pl[M:D ROAD BASIS OF ELEVAT ION @ --SE ilER MH ---RIM ELEV =80~2.6 INVERT EIEV •e039 e ]c ") / -: -: / I /'c / / I ) 1=36·01'06' R=125.00' L=78.58' T=40.64' CLEN=77 .29' BRG=N 34·50'27'E / / I o 4 SURVEYOR 'S CERTIFICATE I.MichaE'I J .Post,a ProfE'ssional Land SurvE'yor rE'gistE'rE'd undE'r the laws of the Stote o fCo lorodo,do hereby certify thot this topogrophic survey was Made by Me and u n der My supervision.and tha t the survey is accuro te ond correct to t he best of My kno wledge. /!.!:.~"/,~~Ll~_Mic h a E'l~ Cotor-o e o PLS.30lf6 BUILDING OUTLINE / l '1 I / 1 // DIICH I /eo "o 1 / / / / / / / / / / / / / I ,/ f I RE.HYD I / /J /1 2 / o 292 7 AC I / /// //// /II/ //LOT 13A / / /I / // //I/ // I S/6<"..1 I "0 ,,,e (/ / /11 / /I///LOT /I / I / / / LOT 11 I I II // /// / /---J I / / / // N 83"01 '16"W / / / / I / / / / / I / / / / / ~7.0'/ / / / / / / / / /4.. I I 10 -- LOT UNPL ATT ED --r HD .5 RE:IAR '11\wASt£R I)DATE OF SURVEY 2 /2 /01 2)SURVEYOR HASMADENO INVESTIGATION DR INDEPENDENT SEARCH FOR EASE MENTS OFRECORD (OTHER THAN PLATTED>.E NCUMBRANCES , RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS,OIoiNERSHIP TITLE EVIDENCE.DRANYOTHER FACTS THATAN ACCURATE AN D CURRENT TITLt SEARCH MAY DISCLOSE . 3)NOTICE 'ACC ORDING TOCOLORA DO LAIoiYOUMUSTCOMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASEDUPONANYDEF ECT IN THIS SURVEY IoIITHIN THREEYEARS ArTER YOU FIR T DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT .INNO EVENT ,MAY ANY ACT ION BASEDUPONA NYDEFECTIN THIS SURVEY BECOMMENCEDMORE TH AN TENYEAR FR OM THEDATEOFTHE CERTIF ICATION SHOIoiN HEREON 4)2-3'OF SNOIoi ONLOTATTI ME OF SURVEY;SOME FEATURES MAY EXIST BENEATH SNOIoiTHATARENOTSHOIoiNON THIS DRAIoIING. 5)BASIS or ELEVATION>SEIoiER MH APPRX .SO 'EAST or EAST CRNLOT12 (SEE DRAIoIING) 6)BASIS or PRlFERTY LINE LOCATION,IoIEST PROPERTY LINE LOT12 (SEE DRAIoIING) 7)BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ALO NG PROPERTY LIN SHOIoiNHEREONARE ASSHOIoiNONTE SUBDIVISION PLAT ONLY .ABOUNDARY SURVEY IoIDULD BE NECESSARY ·0 DETERMINE THETRUE DIMENSIONS OFTHELOTAND SET BACKS .IoIHICHMAY VARY FROM THE PLATTED DIMENSIONS NOTES· 41199 HIGHWAY 6 '"24. P .O.sox 1230 EDWARDS.CO.61632 970 9 49-1406 M.POST 2/9/01 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY LOT 12 )BLOCK H VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING No.2 TO'w'N OF VAI L)EAGLE COUNTY )COLORADO z."t "?7 6..4 I2-Hl<7H p~. JOB No.1587