HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK H LOT 1 2 3 4 SET 2 LEGAL• VAIL TOWN COUNCIL EVENING MEETING TUESDAY,APRIL 6,1999 • 7 :00 P.M.INTOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA NOTE:Times of items are approximate,subject to change,and cannot be relied upon to detennine at what time Council will consider an item. 1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . D ick Duran BillWood ,USFS 6 . All ison Ochs RussFo rrest CITIZEN PARTICIPATION.(5mins .) CONSENT AGENDA.(5mins.) A.ApprovetheMinutesfromthe meetings ofMarch2and16 ,1999 . B.Proclamation No.1 ,Seriesof1999 ,re :Build ing Safety Week . Appo intment toDes ign Rev iew Board .(5mins ) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:Appoint two persons fortheopen posit ions ontheDesignReviewBoard. BACKGROUND RATIONALE:Therearetwoopenposit ions onthe DesignReviewBoardeachwithaterm expiration dateofMarch31, 2001 . Appo intments toPlann ing and Environmental Comm ission .(5m ins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:Appoint three positions onthe Plann ing and Environmental Commiss ion. BACKGROUND RATIONALE:Therearethreeopenpos itions onthe Plann ing andEnv ironmental allw ith atermexpi ration datesofMarch31 " 2001. U.S .ForestServiceControlBurnUpdate .(10mins.) ResolutionNo .5,Seriesof1999 ,AReso lution Adopting ThePlan Fo r Arosa/Garm isch Annexation ,AnAreaWith in ThreeM iles OfTheTownOf VailBoundary ,Being2.66 AcresMoreFully Described AsAn Unplatted PortionOfTheSE %,SE %,SE %,SW %OfSect ion 11,Township 5 South ,Range81West.(10mins .) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:Adopt Resolut ion No.5,Seriesof 1999 ,approving theplanforthe Arosa/Garmisch area annexation . BACKGROUND RATIONALE:TheTownofVa il isapp lying foran annexation andzoningon property wh ich was previously unzoned .Th is property isownedbytheTownofVa il having beenobta ined pursuant to theLand Ownership Adjustment Agreement (LOAA)withthe United StatesForestService. The Colorado Revised Statutes setforththe procedure for annexation . Sect ion 31-12-105 ,Limitations ,requ ires thatthemun icipality shallhave inplaceaplanfor that areatobeannexed ,which generally describes a proposed location,character,andextentof streets ,.....playgrounds,.... parks,.....grounds ,openspaces ,utilitiesandtheproposedlandusesfor thearea . STAFF RECOMMENDATION:Adopt ResolutionNo .5,Seriesof1999 . •• 7. AllisonOchs Russ Forrest 8. AllisonOchs Russ Forrest NinaTimm Ordinance No.7 ,Seriesof1999,firstreadingofan Ordinance Annexing AnArea Commonly KnownAs Arosa/Garmisch,AndSettingForthDetails InRegardThereto.(30mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:Approve/modify/deny Ordinance No.7,Seriesof1999onfirstreading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE:TheTownofVailisapplyingfor unilateral annexation andzoningon property whichwas previously unzoned .This property wasobtainedbytheTownofVail pursuant totheLand Ownership Adjustment Agreement (LOM)withtheUnited States Forest Service.TheTownofVailisrequesting annexation and zoning of outdoor recreationofthis2.66acres,generally locatedontheNorthside ofArosaDrive ,andabutting2497and2487 Garmisch totheEastandthe Town Manager's housetotheWest.This annexation andrezoning further implements theTownofVail LOM and portions oftheTownof Vail Comprehensive OpenLandsPlan . Thisisoneofaseriesof annexation/de-annexation and zoning procedures thattheTownofVailwillbe pursuing asaresultoftheland exchange withtheUnitedStatesForestService.This annexation and zoning recommendation isproceedingin conjunction withthe Arosa/Garmisch employee housingplanning process .Thislandhas beenidentifiedasthesiteofthe Arosa/Garmisch ne ighborhood park , The employee housingandparkwillbe developed simultaneously ,as partofthesame development plan . STAFF RECOMMENDATION:Approve Ordinance No.7,Seriesof1999 onfirstreading. Ordinance No .8,Seriesof1999 ,firstreadingofan Ordinance Amending TheOfficialZoningMapForTheTownOfVailIn Accordance WithTitle 12,Zoning Regulations ,Chapter 5,ZoningMap;Applying Zone District Designation ToAPortionOfUnzoned Property Previously OwnedByThe UnitedStatesForestServiceAnd Transferred ToTheTownOfVail Pursuant ToTheLand Ownership Adjustment Agreement And Annexed By Ordinance No.7 ,SeriesOf1999To Outdoor Recreation (Or)District, Section12-8bForProperty Generally LocatedOnTheNorthSide Of ArosaDrive ,And Abutting 2497And2487 Garmisch ToTheEastAnd TheTown Manager's HouseToTheWestMoreFully Described AsAn Unplatted PortionOfTheSE Y..,SE Y..,SE Y..,SW Y..Of Section11, Township 5South ,Range81West(30mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:Approve/modify/deny Ordinance No .8,Seriesof1999onfirstreading . BACKGROUND RATIONALE:BACKGROUND RATIONALE:TheTown ofVailisapply ing forunilateral annexation andzoningon property which was previously unzoned .This property wasobtainedbytheTownofVail pursuant totheLand Ownership Adjustment Agreement (LOM)withthe UnitedStatesForestService.TheTownofVailis requesting annexation andzoningof outdoor recreation ofth is 2 .66 acres,generally located on theNorthsideofArosaDrive ,andabutting2497 .and2498 Garmisch to theEastandtheTown Manager's housetotheWest.This annexation andrezoning further implements theTownofVail LOM and portions of theTownofVail Comprehensive OpenLandsPlan. Thisisoneofaseriesof annexation/deannexation and zoning procedures thattheTownofVailwillbepursuingasaresultoftheland exchange withtheUnitedStatesForestService .This annexation and zoning recommendation isproceedingin conjunction withthe Arosa/Garmisch employee housingplann ing process.Thislandhas been identified asthesiteofthe Arosa/Garmisch neighborhood park. The employee housingandparkwillbe developed simultaneously,as partofthesame development plan . •• 9. AllisonOchs Russ Forrest NinaT imm 10. Dominic Mauriello STAFF RECOMMENDATION:ApproveOrd inance No.8,Seriesof1999 forzoningmakingthespecificfindingssetforthinthe memorandum to thePlanning and Environmental Comm ission fromthe Community Development Department datedMarch22 ,1999 ,onfirstreading . Ordinance No.9,Seriesof1999,firstreadingofanOrd inance rezoning fourtractsf rom primary/secondary toresident ial cluster locatedat2497 , 2487 ,2485 and2477Gram isch Dr ive ,alsoknownasLots1,2 ,3and4 , BlockH ,VailDasShone ,Filing NO.2.(30mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OFCOUNCIL:Approve/modify/deny Ordinance No.9,Seriesof1999onfirstread ing. BACKGROUND RATIONALE:TheTownofVailisapplying fo r rezoning onTownofVailpropertywhichiscurrentlyzoned primary/secondary resident ial toresidentialcluster .ThispropertyisownedbytheTownof Va il and isthesiteoftheproposed Arosa/Garmisch employee hous ing andneighborhood park . Thecurrentplan istoconstructafour-plexandduplexpr imarily onLots 2 ,3and4 .AneighborhoodparkisplannedforLot1andthelandtobe annexedtothewest. Theproposedzonedistr ict iscompatiblew ith andsuitabletoadjacent uses ,isconsistentwiththeTown 's LandUsePlanandzoning regulations ,andis appropriate forthearea.TheTownofVail purchased thesefourlots in1990andatthetimeofpurchaseidentifiedthemto includeane ighborhood park ,openspace ,oremployeehous ing.The 1994 Comprehensive OpenLandPlanstatesthatthelandshouldbe usedforapublicuse ,whichincludes employee housing .On January 26 , 1999,Counc il approvedaconceptconsistingofa four-plex and duplex on theeastside ofthelot ,with aneighborhood parkonthewestside ofthe lotsandonthelandacquiredinthelandexchangewiththeUnitedStates ForestServ ice.Currentzoningwouldallow8dwellingunits.The purposeofth is rezon ingistocluster6dwellingunitsto maximize theland ava ilable forapark. STAFF RECOMMENDATION:ApproveOrd inance No .9,Seriesof1999 onfirstreading . Ordinance No.3,SeriesOf1999 ,secondreadingofan Ordinance Amend ing Title12,ZoningRegu lations,ByAdd ing TwoNewZone Districts As Chapter 7H :LionsheadMixedUse1District And Chapter 71: LionsheadMixedUse2DistrictInOrderTo Implement The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan ;AmendingChapter2,Definitions,Section 12-2-2 :Definitions;Amend ing Chapter4 ,Districts Established ,Section 12-4-1:Designated ,ByAdd ing LionsheadMixedUse1DistrictAnd LionsheadMixedUse2District;Amending Chapter 10,Off-Street ParkingAndLoading ,Section12-10-17 :LeasingOfParkingSpaces ; AmendingChapter10,Off-Street ParkingAndLoading ,Section12-10- 16:ExemptAreas ;ParkingFundEstablished;Amending Chapter 13, EmployeeHousing,Section12-13-6 :TypeIIIEmployeeHousingUnit ; Amending Chapter 13,EmployeeHousing ,Section12-13-7 :TypeIV EmployeeHousingUnit ;Amending Chapter 14,Supplemental Regulations ,Section12-14-19 :Sate llite Dish Antennas ;Amending Chapter 15,GrossResidentialFloorArea,Section12-15-3 :Definition , Calculation ,AndExclusions ,Sect ion 12-15-2 :GRFA Requirements By ZoneDistr ict;AmendingTitle12SignRegulations ,Chapter 4 ,Sign Categories,Section11-4A-1 :SignsPermittedInZoningDistricts ;And AmendingT itle 5 ,PublicHealthAndSafety ,Chapter 1,Public Nuisances , Section5-1-7 :NoiseProhibited.(10mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OFCOUNCIL:Approve/modify/deny Ordinance No.3 ,Seriesof1999onsecondreading . •• 11. Domin ic Mauriello 12. Jeff Hunt 13 . Mike Jewett BACKGROUND RATIONALE :Thisisanordinancecreatingnewzone districtsforthe implementation oftheLionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.Thedetailsoftheproposalarecontainedinthe February 22 ,1999 PlanningandEnv ironmental Commiss ion memorandum and proposed Ordinance No .3,Seriesof1999 ,wh ich are includedintheTownCouncil packet.ThePlanningand Environmental Commission ,atits February 22, 1999meeting ,recommendedapproval (unanimously)ofthe proposed code amendments withminor modifications. RECOMMENDATION:Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No.:3, Ser ies of1999 ,onsecondreading .. Ordinance No .4,Seriesof1999 ,secondread ing ofan Ordinance Amend ing theOfficialZoningMapForTheTown Of VailIn Accordance WithTitle 12,ZoningRegulations ,Chapter5,ZoningMap ;Rezoning ParcelsOfLandInTheLionsheadAreaIn Accordance WithThe AttachedMapToLionsheadMixedUse1District AndLionsheadM ixed Use2District ;AndRezoningTractEAndTheLionsheadParking Structure In Accordance WithTheAttachedMapToGeneralUseDistrict. (10m ins .) ACTIONREQUESTEDOF COUNCIL:Approve/modify/deny Ord inance No .4,Seriesof1999onsecondread ing. BACKGROUND RATIONALE:Thisisanord inance rezon ing areasof Lionsheadtonewzonedistr icts LionsheadMixedUse1and Lionshead M ixed Use2Districts in accordance w ith themap includedinyourpacket andrezoningTractEandtheLionsheadpark ing structure fromPark ing DistricttoGeneralUseDistr ict.Thedeta ils oftheproposalareconta ined intheFebruary22,1999Planningand Environmental Commission memorandum andproposed Ordinance No.4,Seriesof1999 ,wh ich are includedintheTownCounc il packet.ThePlanningand Environmental Comm ission,atitsFebruary22 ,1999meeting ,recommended approval . (unan imously)oftheproposedrezonings. RECOMMENDATION:Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No .4, Ser ies of1999 ,onsecondreading . Ord inance No.5,Seriesof1999 ,secondread ing ofanOrd inance AmendingTitle3,Chapter 4 ,Section3-4-1ofthe Municipal Code ,to RemovePlanningand Environmental Commission Representation onthe DesignReviewBoard.(5mins .) ACTION REQUESTEDOF COUNCIL:Approve/ModifylDeny Ordinance No.5,Seriesof1999onseco nd reading . BACKGROUND RATIONALE :Theexistinglanguageof Chapter 4 , DesignReviewBoard ,oftheMun icipal Code ,statesthat"Thedesign reviewboardshallbecomposedoffive(5)members .Four(4)members shallberesidentsoftheTown ,appointedbytheTownCouncil ,andthe fifth member shallbea member ofthePlann ing andEnv ironmental Comm ission of t he Town ." PECmembershavestatedthattheamountoftime necessary toattend boththePECmeetingsandtheORBmeetingswas excessive and difficultforworkingprofess ionals toattend . OnFebruary23 ,1999 ,theTownCounc il directed staff to present an ordinancethatwouldremovethe requirement thataPEC member serve ontheORB. RECOMMENDATION:Staff recommends approvaloftheOrd inance No. 5 ,Ser ies of1999,onsecondread ing . DiscussionofMainVailRoundabout.(15mins .) 14. 15. • Town Manager's Report.(5mins.) Adjournmen t -9:55 p.m. • NOTE UPCOMING MEETING STARTTIMESBELOW: (ALL TIMESARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TOCHANGE ) THE NEXT VAILTOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY,4113199 ,BEGINNING AT2:00 P.M .IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEON TUESDAY,4120199 ,BEGINNING AT2:00 P.M.IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAILTOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEON TUESDAY,4120199 ,BEGINNING AT7 :00 P.M.IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Signlanguage interpretationava ilable upon requestw ith 24hour notification.Pleasecall 479-2332 voice or479-2356 TDDfor information. C:\A GENDATC •• PROCLAMATION NO.1,1999 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING SAFETY WEEK PROCLAMATION WHEREAS,fromtheinception ofthisnation,ithasbeentheresponsibility ofthestates and theirlocalgovernmentstoadoptlegislationandadministerlaws and ordinanceswherevernecessary to protect thehealth,safety and welfare oftheircitizens;and WHEREAS,it hasbeena fundamental part ofthe democratic principles ofthisnationto involveall interested and affected parties inthe formulation,adoption and administration ofsuch ·' laws and ordinances;and WHEREAS,among themostbasic and essential oflaws and ordinances arethosewhich are designed to protect the public's health and safetyinthe buildings inwhichwelive,work and play;and WHEREAS,inan attempt toassuresuchsafety,theTown of Vail,State ofColorado,has adopted and administerstheUniformBuildingCode and othermodelcodes,whichcodeshavebeen designed and maintained by building officials withvaluable assistance from consumers,fire prevention officials,design professionals and the construction industry;and WHEREAS,it is throughtheefforts oflocalbuilding officials andfire prevention officials and their cooperative relationship withthe construction industry thatthe administration ofthese health and safety regulations is accomplished; NOW THEREFORE,theTownCouncil of theTown of Vail,State of Colorado,does herebydesignatetheweek ofApril 5-9,1999,asInternationalBuilding Safety WeekwithintheTown of Vail. TheTownCouncilurgesall ofthecitizens ofthetowntousethisweektovisittheTown's Building Safety and lnspectionServicesDivisionofficeintheCommunity Development Department and tobetter familiarize themselves withthe important building safety information and services provided bythe people there. IN WITNESS THEREOF,Ihavehereuntosetmyhand and theTownSealthis6th Day of April,1999. Robert E.Ford,Mayor Lorelei Donaldson,TownClerk •••RESOL UTION NO.5 SERIES OF t 999 ARE SOLUTION ADOPTING THEPLA N FORAROS NGARMISCH ANNEXATION. AN AREA WITHI !'THREE MILES OFTH E TOWN OFVAIL BO Ui'iDARY.BEING 2.66 ACRES MORE F ULLY DE SCRIBED ASAN U:-;PLATTED POR TION O F THE SE Y..SE 'I..SE Y..SW Y.OF SECTIO!'t 1.TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH.RA!'GE 81 WES T.. \\lHEREAS.this 2 .66 acres inthe Arosa/Garmisc h area was acqui red thro ugh the Land Exchange pursuant.tothe LandOwnersh ip Adjust ment Agree ment with theUnited State s Fo rest Serv ice:and WHEREAS .the ArosalGarmisch annexationisco nsistent with the Comprehensive Open Land s Pl anado pted by t he To wn of Vail:and WHEREAS .Section3 1-12-105.Limit ations.of theColo radoRevisedStatutesrequiresthatprio r tocomp letion of any annexationwit hin the thr ee mileareao f themunici pal bounda ry.the m unicipality shallhaveinplacea planfortha t area:and WHEREAS.this annexa tion is of unincorporated muni cipallyown ed land asdesc ribed in Section31 -12-106. NOW.THEREFORE.beitreso lved by t he Town Council of the Town o f Vail.Colorad o: I .ThattheVail TO \\1l Counc il hereb y app rovest heplanfortheAro sa/Garmisc h annexation .a n area withinthree mi les of t he Town of Va ilboundarya ttached hereto asEx hibit A . ,Thisplanreadi ly desc ribes theproposed location .cha racter.andextent of the proposedlanduses forth is ann exationas required by Section 31-12-105(1)(e). 3 .Thisreso lution 'shallta ke effectimmediately uponitspassag e. P.\TROD L'CED.READ .APPROVED Al\D ADOPTEDthi s __day o fApril.1999. RobertE.Ford.Mayor ATTEST : Lorele i Donaldson .Tow n Clerk C:'AESOLU99 .! •• PlanforArn sa/Garmi sh A nnexation An area within3 miles of the Townof Vail boundary. Thisplanisintended to generallydescribe theproposedlocation,character ,andextentofthe proposed land usesfor thisannexation(seeattachedmap).Thearea isintendedtobeutilized as apub lic neighborhood parkw ith playground,paths and trails ,open spaces,and other relatedpublicamenities.In addressingthe statestatutes,thefollowing general useanalysis is provided: •Streets Nost reets areplanned forannexedarea. •Subways Nosubway s are planned for annexed area . •Bridges No vehicular bridgesarc proposedforthe annexedarea.Someminorpedestrian bridges may be constructed in conjun ction with potentialpark/playground deve lopment. •Waterways Nowaterways ar cplannedfor annexedarea . •Waterfronts No waterfronts areplanned furannexedarea . •Parkways Noparkways are plannedforannexed area. •Playgrounds Aplayground is plannedforthea portiono fthearea beinga nnexed.The area is intended tobe developedasa neighborhoodorientedparkandplaygroundwith other ancillaryuses . •Squares Nosquaresarc plannedforannexedarea . •Pa rks This area is intended to serveasaneighbo rhood park . •A viationfields No aviat ionfieldsarep lanned forannexedarea. •Other public ways Theareamayinclude pedestr ian wa lkways,paths,andtrails. •Groundsand Open Spaces Theareais intended tobe utilized as publiclandan dincludessomeareas of openspace. •PublicUtilities Thearea isintendedtobe served byutilities andmay containeasement s and thelike to serve uses onthesite . •Terminals forwater,light sanitation ,transportationandpower Nosuchterminals are plannedfurannexed area. IIVAILIDATAleveryone ld om'3mile .doc Exhib it A Arosa/Garmisch Annexation Areatobeannexed 2.66acres SE1/4SE1/4 SE1/4SW1/4 ofSection11,Township 5South ,Range81 West N w s •• ORDINANCE NO.7 Series of 1999 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING AN AREA COMMONLY KNOWNAS AROSA/GARMISCH , AND SETTING FORTHDETA ILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS ,theTownofVa il hasacquired2.66acresintheArosa /Gramisc h areafro m theUnited States Fo rest Serv ice pursuant totheLandOwne rship Adjus tment Agreeme nt:and WH EREAS ,thisanne xation of unincorporatedmun icipally-owned landi s being completedpursuant toSection31-12-106(3)of the Colorado Revised Statutes /and WHE REAS ,suc h un ilateral anne xation doesnotr equire n oticean dheanngasprovided in Sect ions 3 1-12-108 and3 1-12·109 ;and WHEREAS ,theTownCounc il,pursuant toReso lution No.5,Ser ies of1999 ,has In place aplan for th eareatobeannexed :and WHEREAS ,thisisanareae ligible forannexat ion assetforthin Sections 31-12- 104 (1)(a)and3 1-12-105. N OW ,TH EREFORE ,BE IT ORDAINED BY T HE TO WN CO UNCIL OF THE TOWN OF V AIL,COLORADO.THAT : Section 1,Anne xation of thearea commonl y knownasArosa /Ga rrmsch cons isting of 2 .66 acresbe ing anun plattedport ion oft he SE 'I.,SE Y.,SE Y.,SW 'I.of Se ction 11, Townsh ip 5 Sou th ,Range81Wes t,asshown on Exhibit A attached hereto : ATh earea propos ed t obea nnexed isowned b y thean nexingmu nic ipalityand is notso lely apub lic stree t ornght-of-way . B.Notlessthan 1/6oftheper imeter oftheareapropose d tobeannexedis con tiguous w ithth ea nnexing mu nicipa lity . C .A communityof intereste xists between t hearea proposed tobeanne xed and theanne xing mun icipality. D.Sa id areais urbanor will beurba nized inth e near future . E.Saidareais integrated w ith theanne xing mun icipality and iscons istent with the C omprehensiveOpenLandPla n." F .T his annexation fu lfi lls all req uirementsof Section 13-12-105 ,Limitations inthe Colorado Rev ised Sta tutes ,inc luding tha t themun icipality hasinpl ace aplan f orthatareaas requiredby Section 3 1-12-105(1)(e). Section 2 .A nnexationscosts .All costsande xpenses connec ted w ith the annexation sha ll bepaidbythe T ownofVa il ,Co lorado. Section 3,Filing Cop ies oftheAnne xation Plan andAnnex ing Ordinance. A.Acopyof theanne xation map (ExhibitA )w ith theorig ina l ofthisanne xation ord inance shall be filed in t he Office ofth eTow n Clerk oftheTow n of Va il. B.TheTownCler k sha ll fileforreco rd ing two (2)certifiedcopiesof th is anne xation ordinance andamapof thearea annexed contai ning a legal descnption of suchareaw ith the Co unty C lerk and Re corder ofEag le Coun ty ,Co lorado . C.TheCountyClerk and Recorder ofEagle County shallbedirected tofi le o ne (1) certifiedcopyoftheanne x ation ordinance andmap withtheDivisionofLoca l Government of the Department ofLocalAffairs . ••, Section 4.Wrthinninety (90)daysaftertheeffect ive datehereo f .theTownofVa il. Coloradoshallimposezoningontheannexedareainaccordingw ith Chapter18.68 ofthe Mun icipal Codeof theTownofVail.Co lorado . Section 5.Th is anne xation shalltakeeffect inaccordancewiththeCharte r ofthe TownofVailandtheStatutesoftheStateofColorado . Section 6.Ifany part .section .subsection,sentence .clauseorphraseofthis ordinan ce isforanyreasonheldtobeInvalid.suchdecisionshallnoteffectthevalidityof the remaining portionsofthis ordinance ;andtheTownCouncilherebydeclaresitwouldhavepassedth is ord inance ,andeachpart .sect ion.subsect ion ,sentence .clauseorphrasethereof .rega rdless ofthefactthat anyone ormoreparts ,sect ions.subsections ,sentences ,clausesorphrasesbe declaredinva lid . Section 7.TheTownCouncilherebyfinds ,determines and declares thatthis . ord inance isnecessaryandproperforthehealth ,safetyandwelfareoftheTownofVail and the inhabitantsthereof . Section 8.The amendment ofanyprovisionoftheVailMunicipalCodeasprovided inthisordinanceshallnot affect anyrightwhichhasaccrued .anydutyimposed .anyvio lation that occur red priort otheeffect ive datehereof ,anyprosecution commenced ,noranyother actionorproceedingascommencedunderorbyvirtueoftheprovisionamended.The amendment ofany p rovisionherebyshallnotrevive anyprovisionoran y ord inance pre viously repea led or supersededunlessexpress ly statedherein . Section 9.Allby laws.orders ,resolutions andordinances .orparts thereof. inconsistentherew ith are repea led totheextentonly ofsuch inconsistency .Th is repealer sha ll notbeconstruedtorevise any bylaw ,order ,resolutionorordinance .orpartthereo f,theretofore repealed . INTRODUCED.:READONFIRSTREADING ,APPROVED ,ANDORDERED PUBLISHED ONCEINFULLONFIRST READINGthis 6th dayofApr il.1999,andapublic hearingforsecondread ing ofth is Ord inance setforthe20thdayofApr il,1999.intheCounc il Chambersofth eVa il MUnicipal BUilding.Va il.Colorado . Robert E.Ford .Mayor Attest: Lorele i Donaldson .TownClerk READAND APPROVED ONSECONDREADING ANDORDERED PUBLISHED this 16thdayofMarch .1999. RobertE.Ford ,Mayor Attes t: LoreleiDonaldson ,TownClerk ,•• Plan for Arosa/G a rrnish Ann exation An a rea w ithin3 miles of the Town of V ail boundary. This plan is intended togenerally describe the proposedlocation,character,andextent of the proposed land uses for this annexation (see attachedmap).The area isintended to beutiiized as a public neighborho od park with playground.paths and trails.open spaces,and otherrelated public amenities.In addressing the state statutes,the following generaluse analysis isprovided: o Streets ;0,;0 m eets areplannedfor annexed area . o Subways No subwaysareplanned forannexedarea. •Br idge s Novehicular bridges areproposed fortheannexed area.Some minorpedestrian b ridges maybe constructed inconjunction with potential park/playground development. o Waterways No waterways areplanned forannexed area. o Waterfronts No waterfrontsare planned for annexedarea. o Parkways No parkways areplannedfor annexedarea . o Playgrounds A playground isplanned forthe a portionofthearea beingannexed.Theareais intended !O be developed as a neighborhoodorientedparkand playground with other ancill aryuses. o Squares Nosquaresareplannedforannexedarea. o Parks This area is intended to serveas a neighborhood park. o Aviation fie lds No aviation fields areplannedfor annexedarea. o Other public ways Thearea may inclu depedestrian walkways,paths.and trails. o Grounds andOpen Spaces Theareais intended to be utilizedaspubliclandandincludessomeareasof open s pace. o Public Utilities Theareaisintended TO beservedbyutilities andmaycontain easementsandthelike toserve uses onthesite. o Terminalsfor water,light sanitation,transportationandpower Nosuch terminalsare planned forannexedarea. \\V AILIDAT Aleveryoneldom'3mile.doc Exhibit A ~., \,'\ ro~:·iOFUIl.~ ••Arosa/Garmisc ' ....nnexation Ar eato beanne xed 2.66 acres SE1/4 SE1/4 SE1/4SW1/4 ofSec tion 11 ,Township 5South ,Range81 West N , s • ORDINANCE NO.8 Series of 1999 • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONINGMAP FORTHETOWNOF VAIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 12,ZONING REGULATIONS ,CHAPTER 5,ZONING MAP; APPLYING ZONEDIST RICT DESIGNATION TOAPORTIONOF UNZONED PROPERTY PREVIOUSLYOWNEDBYTHEUNITEDSTATESFOREST SERVICE AND TRANSFERRED TOTHETOWNOFVAIL PURSUANT TOTHE LAND OWNERSHI P AD JUSTMENT AGREEMENT AND ANNEXED BY ORDINANCE NO.7,SERIESOF1999TO OUTDOOR RECREATION (OR)DIST RICT,SECTION 12-8B FORPROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ONTHENORTHSIDEOF AROSA DRIVE,AND ABUTTI NG 2497 AND 24 87 GARMISCH TO THEEASTANDTHETOWN MANAGER'S HOUSETOTHEWESTMORE FULLY DESCRIBED ASAN UNPLATTED PORTIONOFT HE SE 'I.,SE 'I.,SE 'I.,SW 'I.OF SECTION11 ,TOWNSHIP 5SOUT H,RA NGE81WEST. WHEREAS,theTownCounc il wishesto implement theLandOwnersh ip Adjustment Agreement withtheUnited StatesForest Serv ice byzoningproperty acquired bytheTownof VailandannexedintotheTownofVa il;and WHEREAS ,theTown Councilfinds thatthis zonedesign ation iscompatible w ith and suitab le t o adjacent u ses,isco nsistent w ith theTown 's LandUsePlan and Z oningRegulations, and is consistent witht he OpenLandsPlan ,andis appropriate forthearea ;and WHEREAS ,thePlann ing andEnvironmental Commiss ion oft he TownofVailhas recommended approva l ofth is zo ning map amendment at its March 22 ,1999mee ting ;and WHEREAS ,theTownCouncilconsidersitintheinterestofthepublichealth ,safetyand welfaretoamendtheofficialTownofVa il zoningmap. NOW ,THEREFORE ,BEITORDAINEDBYTHETOWNCOUNC IL OFTHETOWNOF VAIL ,COLORADO,THAT: Section 1.T he off icial zoningmapoftheTownofVa ilishe reby amended asfollows : Anunp latted portionoftheSE 'I.,SE Yt ,SE 'I.,SW y.ofSection11 ,Township 5So uth , Range81West,ofpreviouslyunzonedpropertyownedbytheUnited StatesForest Service and transferred totheTownofVailpursuanttotheLand Ownership Adjustment Agreement shallbe includedinthe Outdoor Recreation(OR)District. Section 2.Ifanypart ,section,subsec tion,sentence ,cl auseorphrase oft his ord inance isforanyreasonheldto beinval id,such decisionsha ll noteffectthevalidit y ofthe remainingportionsofthisordinance ;andtheTownCouncilhereby declares itwouldhave passedthisordinance,andeachpart,section,subsection,sentence,clauseorphrasethereof, regar dless ofthefactthat anyone ormoreparts ,sections,subsections,sentences,clausesor phrasesbe declaredinvalid . Section 3TheTownCounc il herebyf inds ,deter mines anddecla res thatthis ordinan ce isnecess a ry andproperforthehealth ,safetyandwelfareoftheTownofVailandthe inhabitants t hereof. •• Section 4.TheamendmentofanyprovisionoftheVailMunicipalCodeasprovided inth is ordinanceshallnotaffectanyrightwhichhasaccrued ,anydutyimposed,anyviolation thatoccurredpriortotheeffectivedatehereof ,anyprosecutioncommenced ,noranyother actionorproceedingascommencedunderorbyvirtueoftheprovisionamended .The amendmentofanyprovisionherebyshallnotreviveanyprovisionoranyordinancepreviously repealedorsupersededunlessexpresslystatedherein . Section 5.Allbylaws ,orders,resolutionsandordinances,orpartsthereof, inconsistent herew ith arerepealedtotheextentonlyofsuchinconsistency.Thisrepealershall notbeconstruedtoreviseanybylaw ,order,resolutionorordinance,orpartthereof,theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED,READONFIRSTREADING,APPROVED ,ANDORDERED PUBLISHEDONCEINFULLONFIRSTREADINGthis6thdayofApril,1999,andapublic hearingforsecondreadingofthisOrdinancesetforthe20thdayofApril,1999,intheCouncil Chambers oftheVailMunicipal Building,Vail ,Colorado. RobertE.Ford,Mayor Attest: LoreleiDonaldson,TownClerk REA D ANDAPPROVEDONSECONDREADINGANDORDEREDPUBLISHEDthis 20thday ofApril ,1999. Robert E.Ford ,Mayor Attest: LoreleiDonaldson,TownClerk • ORDINANCE NO.9 Series of 1999 • AN ORDINANCE REZONINGFOURTRACTSFROM PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENTIAL (PS)DISTRICT,SECTION 12-60 TO RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER (RC) DISTRICT ,SECTION12-6E ,LocATED AT2497,2487,2485 AND2477 GARMISCH DRIVE, MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED ASLOTS1,2,3AND4,BLOCK H,VAIL DASSHONE FILING NO.2. WHEREAS ,anapplicationhasbeensubmittedbytheTownofVail torezonethefour parcelsfrom Primary/Secondary Residential(PS)District toResidential Cluster (RC)Distr ict; and WHEREAS,2hilethecurrentzoning Primary/Secondary Residential(PS)District ,allows residentialdeve lopment asapermitteduse ,theproposedResident ial Cluster (RC)District providesan opportunity foramoreeffective development ofthelandforlocalshousing ;and WHEREAS ,therezoningeffortiscons istent w ith thesurroundingand immediate adjacent properties;and WHEREAS ,inaccordancew ith Section12-5-3 ,thePlann ing and Environmental Commiss ion held apub lic hearingontheproposedzon ing amendment andhas submitted its recommendation totheTownCouncil ;and WHEREAS ,allnotices requ ired bySection12-3-6 havebeensenttothe appropriate parties ;and WHEREAS ,theTownCounc il hasheld apublic hear ing asrequ ired bySect ion 12-3-7 . NOW,THEREFORE ,BEITORDAINEDBYTHETOWN COUNCIL OFTHETOWNOF VAIL ,COLORADO ,THAT : Section 1.TheTownCounc il findsthattheproceduresfo r theprovis ion ofrezoning property intheTownofVailhavebeenfulfilled ,andtheTownCouncilherebyreceivedareport of recommendation fromthePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission recommending the rezoningofsaid property . Section 2.TheTownCouncilf inds thisproposedzoningactionis incompliancewith theTownofVailLandUsePlanwh ichisthe master planforguiding development within the TownofVa il. Section 3.TheTownCouncilfurtherfindsthattheproposedzone districtis compatiblewithandsuitabletoadjacentuses,isconsistentwiththeTown 's LandUsePlanand Zoning Regulations ,and isappropriateforthearea. Section 4.Ifanypart ,sect ion,subsection,sentence ,clauseorphraseofthis ordinance isforanyreasonheldtobeinvalid,suchdecisionshallnoteffecttheval idity ofthe rema ining portionsofth is ordinance;andtheTownCouncilherebydeclaresitwouldhave passedth is ordinance ,andeachpart ,section ,subsection ,sentence ,clauseorphrase thereof, regardlessofthefact that anyone ormoreparts ,sections,subsect ions,sentences,clausesor phrasesbedeclaredinval id. Section 5.TheTownCouncilherebyfinds,determines anddeclaresthatthis •• Section 5.TheTownCouncil hereby finds,determinesanddeclaresthatthis ord inanceisnecessaryandproperforthehealth ,safetyandwelfareoftheTownofVa il andthe inhabitants thereof. Section 6.The amendment ofanyprovis ion oftheVa il MunicipalCodeasprovided inthisordinanceshallnotaffectanyrightwh ich hasaccrued ,anydutyimposed ,anyviolation thatoccurredpriortotheeffectivedate hereof,anyprosecutioncommenced,noranyother actionorproceedingascommencedunderorbyvirtueoftheprovisionamended .The amendment ofanyprovisionherebyshallnotreviveanyprovisionoranyordinancepreviously repealedorsupersededunlessexpresslystatedhere in.. Section 7.Allbylaws,orders,resolutionsandordinances,orparts thereof, inconsistent herewitharerepealedtotheextentonlyofsuchinconsistency.This repealer shall notbeconstruedtoreviseanybylaw ,order,resolutionorord inance,orpartthereof,theretofore repealed . INTRODUCED ,READONFIRSTREADING ,APPROVED ,AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCEINFULLONFIRSTREADINGthis6thdayofApril ,1999 ,andapublic hear ing forsecondreadingofthisOrd inance setforthe20thdayofApril,1999 ,intheCouncil Chambers oftheVa il Munic ipal Building,Va il,Colorado . RobertE.Ford ,Mayor Attest: LoreleiDonaldson ,TownClerk READAND APPROVED ONSECONDREADINGANDORDEREDPUBLISHEDthis 20thdayofApril,1999 . RobertE.Ford ,Mayor Attest: LoreleiDonaldson,TownClerk , T O: FROM : DATE: • MEMORANDUM Planning andEnv ironmental Comm ission Community Deve lopmen t Department March22 ,1999 • SUBJECT:Arequestfor arezoningfrompropertyownedbytheTownofVail zoned Primary /Secondary toResident ial Cluster locatedat249 7,2487,2485and2477 . Garmisch Drivelt.ots 1,2,3and4,BlockH,VaildasSchoneF iling #2 .. App licant: Planner: TownofVail ,representedbyAndyKnudtsen andNinaTlrrirn Allison ocns I.DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST TheTownofVailisapplyingforarezoningonpropertywhichiscurrentlyzonedPrimary/Secondary Residential toResidential Cluster.T hisproperty,locatedatat2497,2487,2485 and2477Garm isch Drive /Lots 1,2,3 and4 ,Bloc k H,VaildasSchoneFiling #2 ,isownedby t heTownofVail ,and is thesite oftheproposed ArosalGarm isch EmployeeHous ing andneighborhood park. Thecurren t plan forthesefourlots isto construct a4-plexandduplexprimarilyonlots2 ,3 ,and4 . Aneig hborhood parkisplannedforlot 1andthe soon-to-be -annexedlandtothewest.Thepark w ill requ ire aCondit ional UsePerm it.Thesite planisstillintheprelim inary stage(see attached). II,STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staffrecommends approval ofthisrezoningrequestsubjectto review inSectionVandthefollowing finding: Thattheproposedzone district iscompatiblew ith andsu itable toadjacent uses ,is consistentwiththeTown'sLandUsePlanandZoningRegulations,andisappropriateforthe area. III.BACKGROUND Th e TownofVail purchasedthesefour lotsfromtwofamilies in1990 .Whenpurchasingtheselots , Counc ilidentified themtoincludeaneighborhoodpark,openspace,oremployeehousing.The1994 ComprehensiveOpenLandPlanstatesthatthelandshouldbeusedforapublicuse ,whichincludes employeehousing.Neighborhoodparticipationforproposalsonthissitebeganin October of1998 andcont inued through November withneighborhood meet ings withdes igners.Counc il approved thedevelopmentofsixunitsandaneighborhood parkonNovember17,1998.OnJanuary20,1999, thesiteplanwasbroughttotheDesignReview Boardfora conceptual review.On January 26, 1999,Council approved the concept ofa4-plexandduplexontheeastsideofthelot,withthe ne ighborhood parkonthewestsideofthelotsandonthelandtobeacquiredinthelandexchange withtheU.S.ForestService . 1 • IV.ZONING ANALYSIS Lot Size: Lot1:.26acres(11 ,325.6 sq .ft.) Lot2:.45acres(19 ,602 sq.ft.) Lot3 :.24acres (10,454.4 sq.ft.) Lot4 :.24acres(10,454 .4 sq.ft.) TotalArea of Site:1.19 acresor 51 ,836.4 sq.ft. Total Buildable Area:1.19 acresor 51,836.4 sq.ft. •, Standard CurrentZonina :PIS Proooseo Zonin.a:RC Setbacks:20'/15 '/15'20'/15 '/15' Heiqht:30'/33'30'/33' DwellingUnits :•2du'spersite,with1 onlotsless •6du 's perbuildableacre than15,000 •Totalof7.14du 's allowed •Total of5du 's allowed(plus 4 allowableEHU's) GRFA:•25%offirst15,000 •25%ofbuildablearea 10%ofnext15,000 225sq .ft.per constructed single 5%over30 ,000 familyor duplex 425sq.ft.perallowabledu •Totalof12,959sq.ft. •Totalof14,394.1sa.ft. Site Coverage:•20%oftotalsitearea •25%oftotalsitearea •Totalof10,367 SQ.ft.•12,959.1 SQ.ft . V.CRITERIA ThePECshallmakethefollowingfindingsbeforegrantingapprovalofazonechangerequest: 1)Isthe existing zoning suitable with the existing land useonthe site and adjacent land uses? Thepurposeoftherezoningistoallowfor'the development ofsix employee housing units andaneighborhoodpark .Eachoftheunitswill be soldtoqualifiedbuyersselectedthrough alotteryprocess.Currentlythefour undeveloped lotsarezoned Primary/Secondary. AdjacentlandtothewestiscurrentlyU.S.ForestServicelandsoontobeannexedintothe TownofVailthroughthelandexchange.This property isthe proposed siteofthe ArosalGarmischParkandisproposedtobezonedOutdoorRecreation.Adjacentlandtothe east(lots5and6)is currently zoned Primary/Secondary.The current useofthis property is Sunlight North,a9-unit residentialcomplex. 2)Is the amendment preventing a convenient workable relationship with land uses consistent with municipal objectives. Thisrezoningallowsforthe development ofsixemployeehousingunits,inaduplexand4- plexformation.TheprovisionofemployeehousingisaTownobjective stated intheLand UsePlanandtheMunicipalCode. 2 •• 3)Doestherezoning provide forthegrowthofan orderly viable community? TheTownrecognizesthatapermanent ,year-roundpopulat ion playsan importantrolein sustaining ahealthy,viablecommunity.ToencourageemployeestoremainwithintheTown , theTownistakinganactivesteptoprovidequalityhousingfor itsworkforce .Res idential Clusterzoning allowsforaclustereddevelopmentof6units ontheselots ,increasing the areaavailablefortheneighborhoodpark.Staffbelievestheclusterapproachforth is land tobeamoreefficient andorderly approach tohousingthandevelopmentassingle fam ily and duple x homes . 4)Isthechange consistent withtheLandUsePlan?. Thefollow ing aregoa ls andpo licies oft heLandUsePlanstaffbelieves are relatedtothe proposedrezoning: 1.1Vail shouldcontinuetogrowinacontrolledenvironment ,maintainingabalance betweenresidential,commercia l andrecreationaluses t oserveboththevisitorand thepermanent resident. 1.10DevelopmentofTownownedlandsbytheTownofVail(otherthan parksandopen space)maybepermittedwherenohighhazardsexist,ifsuch development isfor publicuse. 1.11 Townownedlandsshallnotbesoldtoaprivateentity ,longtermleasedtoapublic entity orconvertedtoaprivateusew ithout apublichearingprocess. 5.1Additionalresidential growthshouldcontinuetooccurprimarilyinexisting ,platted areasandasappropriate i nnewareaswherehighhazardsdonotexist. 5.2Affordableemployeehousingshouldbemadeavailablethroughpr ivate efforts, assistedbylimitedincentives ,providedbytheTownofVai l,withappropr iate restr ictions. 5.3Theexistingemployeehousingbaseshouldbepreservedandupgraded.Additional employeehousingneedsshouldbeaccommodatedatvariedsites throughout the community.. V AILDATAIEVERYONEIPECIME MOS199IAROSA 3 • Residential Cluster SEC TION: 12-6E-1:Purpose 12-6E-2:Perm itted Uses 12-6E -3 :Condit ional Uses 12-6E-4 :Accessory Uses 12-6E-5:LotAreaAndSiteDimensions 12-6E-6 :Setbacks 12-6E-7 :Height 12-6E-8:Dens ity Control 12-6E-9:SiteCoverage 12-6E-10:Landscaping AndSite Development 12-6E -11:Par king • 12-6E-1:PURPOSE: TheResidentialClusterDistrict isintendedtoprovidesitesforsingle-family,two-family ,andmultiple - 'familydwell ings atadensity notexceeding six(6)dwellingunits peracre,togetherwithsuchpublic facilities asmay appropriately belocatedinthesamedist rict.TheResidential Cluster District is intendedtoensureadequate light,air,privacyandopenspaceforeachdwelling,commensurate with res idential occupancy,andtomainta in thedes irable res idential qualit ies oftheDistr ict by establish ing appropr iate site development standards . 12-6E-2 :PERMITTEDUSES : Thefollow ing usessha ll beperm ittedintheRCDistrict: Multiple-familyresidential dwellings ,includingattachedorrowdwellingsandcondom inium dwellings withnomorethanfour(4)unitsinanynewbuilding. Single-fam ilyresidential dwellings . Two-fam ily residential dwellings. 12-6E-3:COND ITIONAL USES: Thefo llowing cond itional usesshallbe permitted intheRCDistrict,subjectto issuance ofa cond itional use permit in accordance w ith theprov isions of Chapter 16ofthisTitle: Bedand breakfast asfurtherregulatedbySection12-14-18ofthisTitle. Dog kennel. Privateclubs. Public buildings ,grounds andfacil ities. Publicorprivateschools . Pub lic parkandrecrea tion fac ilities. Publicutili ty andpub lic serviceuses. Skiliftsandtows. TypeIIIemployeehousingunit(EHU)asprovided inSect ion 12-13-6ofthisT itle. TypeIVemployeehousingunit(EHU)asprovidedinSection12-13-7ofth is T itle. 12-6E-4:ACCESSORY USES: Thefollowing accessory usesshallbepermittedintheRCDistrict: Home occupations,sub ject toissuanceofahomeoccupat ion perm it inaccordwiththeprov isions ofSect ion 12-14-12ofthisTitle . Privategreenhouses ,toolsheds ,playhouses,attachedgaragesorcarports,swimmingpools ,patios , orrecreationfacilit ies customarilyincidentalto 'single-family,two-familyorlowdens ity multiple-family resident ial uses . Otherusescustomarilyincidentalandaccessorytopermittedorconditionaluses,andnecessaryfor theoperat ion thereof. 4 •• 12-6E-5 :LOTAREAANDSITEDIMENSIONS: Themin imum lotorsiteareashall be fifteenthousand(15,000)squarefeet,containingnolessthan eightthousand(8 ,000)squarefeetofbuildablearea.Eachsiteshallhavea minimum frontage of thirtyfeet(30').Eachsiteshallbeofasizeandshapecapableofenclosingasquareareaeightyfeet (80')oneachsidewithinitsboundaries . 12-6E-6 :SETBACKS: IntheRCDistrict ,theminimumfrontsetbackshallbetwentyfeet(20'),the minimum side setback shallbefifteenfeet(15'),and the minimumrear setback shallbefifteenfeet(15').. 12-6E -7:HEIGHT: Fora flatrooformansardroof,theheightofbuildingsshallnotexceedthirtyfeet(30').Forasloping roof,theheightofbuildings shallnotexceedthirty threefeet(33'). 12-6E-8:DENSITYCONTROL : A.GrossResidential FloorArea:Notmorethantwentyfive(25)squarefeetofgrossresidential floorarea(GRFA)shallbepermittedforeachonehundred(100)squarefeetofbuildablesite area ;provided,however,thatsingle-family andtwo -family dwellingunits constructed inthe ResidentialClusterDistrictshallbeentitledtoanadditionaltwohundred twenty five(225) squarefeetofgrossresidentialfloorarea(GRFA)perconstructeddwellingunit.Totaldensity shallnotexceed six(6)dwell ing unitsperacreofbuildablesitearea. B.Exempt ions:AllprojectsthathavereceivedfinalDesignReviewBoard approval asof December19,1978,shallbeexemptfromthechangesinthisSectionaslongastheproject commences withinoneyearfromthedateoffinalapproval.Iftheprojectistobe developed instages ,eachstageshallbe commenced w ithin oneyearafterthe completion ofthe previousstage . 12-6E-9 :SITECOVERAGE : Site coverage shallnotexceedtwentyfivepercent(25%)ofthetotalsitearea. 12-6E-10:LANDSCAPINGANDSITE DEVELOPMENT: Atleastsixty percent (60%)ofeachsiteshallbe landscaped . 12-6E-11:PARKING: Off-street parkingshallbeprovidedinaccordancewithChapter10ofthisTitle.Noparkingshallbe located inanyrequ iredfrontsetbackarea,exceptasmaybespec ifically authorized in accordance with Chapter 17ofthisTitle.Atleastoneparkingspaceperdwellingunit shallbelocatedwithinthe ma in buildingorbuildingsorwithinanaccessorygarage whenever the development is reasonable .and appropriate forthesiteandisrequiredbytheDesignReviewBoard . 5 •• PLANN ING ANDENV IRONMENTAL COMMISS ION March22 ,1999 Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT:MEMBERS ABSENT :COUNCILPRESENT :STAFF PRESENT : G reg Moffet J ohn Schofield GalenAasland .BrianDoyon TomWeber DianeGolden AnnBishop Sybil!Nav is LudwigKurz GeorgeRuther AliisonOchs JudyRodriguez Public Hearing Greg Moffet called t hemeet ing toorderat2 :00 p.m. 2:00 p.m, 1.Arequestforajoint worksession withtheTownCounciltoamendtheTown 's "Public Accommodation"ZoneDistrict ,Chapter 7and amendments to Chapter 15 ,Gross ResidentialFloorArea(GRFA),TownofVailMunicipalCode . Appl icant: Planner: Johannes Faessler,representedbyBraunAssoc iates ,Inc. GeorgeRuther George Ruthe r gaveanoverviewofthestaff memo . TomBraun ,representing theapplicant,sa id thepurposeofthe district wasforshort -term accommodation units.Hesaidallthe properties wereSDD 's already. Greg Moffet as ked foranypubl ic comments . JimLamont ,representing theEastVillage Homeowner's Association ,suggested relativeto Johannes proposal,therewasmoreofanaff inity betweentheTal isman,Austr ia Hausand Sonnen a lp,thantheHolidayInnsite.HesaidtheTivoline ighborhood didnotwantto change. Hesa id however,thattheywantedequal treatment withGRFA,butdidnotwant commercial. Hesa id hehadnoproblemwithon-street commercial ,from pedestrian precincts ,withno variable setbacks outsidethe pedestrian p recincts.Hesaidtheywantedtopreserve the character of t hene ighborhood. Greg Moffet suggested addingacondit ional usetohaveitinkeepingwiththe neighborhood. 1PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission Minutes M arch22.1999 JimLamontsaidthe setback issuedoescomeinto consideration w ith pr ivate property and shouldnotbeavar iable issue ,butonTown rights-of-ways thereshouldbeflexibil ity.Regarding impact fees,hesaidtheyhadtobegenerallyappl ied orhaveanoverall impact fee ordinance so thesuburbsandinnerc ities wouldgettreatedthesame.Hesaidpublic expenditures werebeing dealtwi th here.He suggested ref ining thelanguagedown,asitwasobt use. •• Tom Weber as ked if therewasaneed togobeyondw hattheStree tscape Maste r Plan manda ted. J im Lamon t said,yes .Hesa id therewasonlyoneproperty inLionshead that wasaPAandsaid T obecarefulcare fulinta king outastanda rd thatwascommontoallzoned istricts .Hesa id that th is maynotbethecor rect ordinance .Hesaidtheparkingwascrit ical becauseifit changed acrosstheboard ,itwouldchangetheeconomicsof redevelopment andthe developers would needtoknowassoonaspossible .Hesa id heandDaveCorbinhadtalkedtoover40 property owners ,whoagreedthatthecommercialareawasfailing,being dusty ,dirty andloadedw ith delivery t rucks.Hesa idifthe park ing requirement wasreduced,itwouldbeaw in /win situation.' LODGINGDEF INITION: GregMoffetas ked forany pub lic commen ts. Bob Lazier,ownerof theT ivoli Lodgeandsome commerc ial downtown ,sa id theTowncoulduse som enew hotelrooms,but warnedaga inst stifling developers ,asthe re wasahuge needfor 500-1000beds.Hesaidthereappearedtobea movement towardstheHoliday Innsite.He saidweseemtobetryingtoputeverythinginabasket ,sothatallaretreatedequally ,whichis notnecessary ,aslongastheyaretreatedfairly .Hesaidthe character ofTivoliwasvery different fromthe economics oftheSonnenalpandthat commercial wasnotneeded ,as itwas walk ing distance totheVillage.Hesaidtoputallpubl ic accommodations underone umbrella wou ld bediff icult.Hesaidtheheightrequirementof48 'lim ited theTivoli.Hesaidhewas addressingthis ph ilosophically andadv ised nottogetboggeddownw ith specif ics. TomWebe r saidGeorgewasgoing in the right direction . Brian Doyon said itwas in theright direction,butwou ld liketosee t hedurat ion of t ime forFFU's. George Ruthe r e xplained thattherewasaminimum1nightownersh ip andamax imum of1/1 i h nightownership. Brian Doyonsa id theFFU definition washisonlyconcern. JohnSchof ield suggested lookingtotheusedefin ition ofan accommodat ion unitvs.adwelling unit.Hesa id theshort -term warmbedsorthe70%usemadese nse ,buthedidn 't knowabout enforcement,buttoaccompl ish theobjective ofwarmbeds/short term ,70%wasgood .He asked ifthere was currently a24-hr .des k requirement under lodgesand ifnot itm ight be someth ingt ocons ider.Hethenasked ifall thecurre nt acco mmodations inthePAZoneDistrict had24 -hr.desks .Hesa id this wasfocus ing onthequa lity oftheamen ities,torecogn izeitasa lodge.Hesa id the languagewasdirec ted towardstheuseoftheunit. GalenAaslandagreedwithJohnthatthepurposeofthe district wasshort-termuni ts.Hesaid the smaller hotelswould potentially stillworkw ithout afrontdeskandhewas comfortable with the70%,butthereneededtobeflexibilitytoencourageredevelopment. GregMoffetsaidtoaddaprovisionthatthenumberofAU's neededtobereplaced.Hesaidthe 24-hr.deskwasappropriatemostof thetimeandthattherewasa difference betweenafront des k anda24-hr .desk. Plann ing and Environmental Co mmission Minutes March 22.1999 2 •• BobLaziergavetheWillowsasanexampleofhavingafrontdesk . GregMoffet suggested requiringpeopletokeepbedsinthelivebedpool,buthe wouldn't know howtoenforcethis . GeorgeRutherstatedthattheFFUdoesnotcounttowardstheequivalencyandaskedhow toensurethattheseunitswouldgetusedmorelikehotelrooms,ratherthancondos. GregMoffetsaidthatinnocasecouldAUsquarefootageberemoved.Hesaidtherecouldbe fewerlargerunits ,aswasoneintheAustriaHaus. Georgesaidthiswasanand/orsituationwiththepropertyowner. REV IEW PROCESS : GeorgeRuthergaveanoverviewofthereviewprocess . TomBraun suggested notfewer meetings;justnot6-8 worksessions onthelarger projects and tohaveprojectsfinishoutclosertowheretheywouldendup. GregMoffetaskedforanypubliccomments.Therewerenopublic comments. GalenAaslandsaidheagreedw ith whatthePECtalkedabout,andagreestohave adjacent property ownersnot ified.Hesaidhelikedtheformattodeedrestrictemployeehousingand wouldliketoseesomekindofscenariosetupsoastonotbeasurprisetothe developer. TomWebersaiditneededtogetasclosetoadesign-by-rightprocessaspossible. BrianDoyonagreedwithGalen.HesaidthePECwouldliketotakesomeoftheissuesand makethe decisions andnothavetogotoCouncilsincetheywereplanningissues.Hedoesnot like twogroupsreviewingrequests.HethengavetheexampleoftheAustriaHaus,withthePEC givingapprovalandCouncilturn ing itdown. JohnSchofieldsaidtorefineit have zoninganddesigncriteriaso applications cangoright to theORB.Hesaidifitwentintosetbacks,then itwouldneedtogobeforethePEC. GregMoffetsaidhepreferredtoseerequestsreviewedmorecloselytotheGU process. HesaideverybodywouldbenefitifaCouncilreviewwasattheiroption .Hesaidthat developers nowgothruthePECandthenhavetostartalloverwith worksessions withCouncil.Hesaidhe wouldliketoseealistoffactorsthathavetobeconsidered,suchassetbacks,etc.,andifwe couldtake mandatory Councilreviewoutoftheprocess,thenitwouldbe streamlined ; GeorgeRuther summarized thePEC comments thatifanapplicantwasnotaskingforany Deviation,hecouldgorighttotheORBifall development standardsweremet.Hesaidthe minutetheywantedtovary,thePECkicksin.Hesaidifthe development standardswere met,thereseemedtobeaclearpathtomoveforwardwiththeproject. TomWeberaskedifthereshouldn 't bea development-by-right path. GregMoffetsaidthereweretoomanysubjectivefactorsforabuild-by-right. P lanningand En vironmental Commission Minute s March22.1999 3 •• GalenAaslandsa id foranymajor redevelopment,itwas importantforCounc il tohavesome rev iew . Tom Weber saidwithagoodzoneyouhavea design-by-right path. George Ruther sa id inaGU zone.theunder lyingthread istha t allthepropert ies areun ique ,as all deve lopment standards areset bythePEC. GregMoffet sa id the beau ty ofit wasit doesn 't have toovercomespec ial privilege. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: TomBraunsaidJimLamontsaidtoleavetheEVHApropertyownersalone,astheydidn't want tochange.Hesaidhewasnotadvoca ting Jim 's posit ion. Joh n Sc hofield sa id hed idn't unders tandhowsomeonewo uldn't want t o change tothe new zoni ng. Brian Doyonagreed . GregMoffetsaidJimaskedtoinclude intheprocessa consideration ofthecha racteristics ofthe neighborhood. GeorgeRuthe r said it wasalready inthecond itional useasabroadbase . G reg Moffetsa idhe suspected J im wasconcernedaboutdraw ing nighttraff ic tothebaseoft he buildings inthisneighborhood.Hesa id we haveazonedistrictthatdoesn 't work ,butwe wantedto encourage redevelopment andnotmaketheprocesssoonerousthat nobody will undertakeit. GeorgeRuther sa id wewerenotrezoning ,justamending itandthegoalofthis project wasto identityte xt amendments.Hesa id wewerecreat ing PA1-PA18orcrea ting azone district uniqueto t hatparcel.Hethough t wemightneedto inviteeach property owne r orhavea representative sent t o understand whichwaytogo. TomBraunshowedaslide presentation . GeorgeRuthersaidregard ing GRFA ,thattheapplicanthasproposedtohaveit increased and thePECwouldliketoseeiteliminated . GregMoffetsaid ,fortherecord ,hejustrece ived p roposed amendments tothePAZoneDistrict. Hethenaskedforanypublic comments .Therewerenopublic comments . Greg Moffet saidhewantedtoeliminateGRFA. John Schofield saidhetoowantedtoeliminatedGRFA ,butwiththeORB guidelines,he thought GRFAwas j ustified . Tom Weber agreed ,butasked ifth is sho uld betreatedlikesetbacks . Plannin gand Environmental Com mission Minutes March22.1999 4 •• GalenAaslandsaiditwasnotappropriatetotakeGRFAoutofonedistrict. JohnSchofie ld saidGross "residential"isnottalking about "accommodat ion: GregMoffet sa id hewouldlovetoseeastudyoftheshort -term bedbaseoverthelast20years , ashecouldpred ict adropof60%.Hesaidweneededa product to compete withWh istler,and everytimeweaddanartificial constraint,welosethatability. GregMoffetsaidthatCounc il hasstated thattheydon 't wanttoeliminateGRFA. Tom Weber askedif 120%isenoughtoincent development,asthe Town hasident ified that w~ needtoincreaseGRFA..'. GregMoffetsaidweareaddinga50%component andthatthiswasasmuchpushasyoucan get ,orhowmuchCounci l cangetwithoutgettingscreamedat. TomBraunsaid itcomesdowntoGRFAvs.commonarea . Ga len Aaslandsaid120%ispolit ically doab le. GeorgeRuthersaiddensityhasbeenthrownoutthedoor,asitwas increasing the intensity of the useonthesite. G reg Moffetsa id hewaswillingtorecommend120%toCounci l asa total package and guideline andyouwou ldn 't needacompellingreasontogooverGRFAw ith criteria,when demonstrating why. JohnSchof ield saidaslongasCounc il knowsthatatleast3ofthePEC (John Schofield,Greg Moffet andDianeGo lden)are infavorofdoingawaywithGRFA . Tom Weber saidwhynotkeepitat80%withthebenefitofacquiringpublicbenefits . Greg Moffet saidyou can't buildanythingwiththatanditthenbecomesartificial. George Ruther rem inded thePECthat120%wouldbeou r maximum ,buttothe developer it'sthe minimum andrea lizing th is,heasked howfle xible was it. Greg Moffet sa id ifthisprovides incentive for redevelopment ,thenhewantedtoseeit.Hesaid wewerekillingoureconomyandourpublicpolicyobjectivewasformorelivebeds . S ITE COVERAGE ANDLANDSCAPING : Tom Weber saidhed idn't think weshouldgoashighasCC1andCC2 . TomBraunsaiditwasa development drivendecisionanditcamebacktoflexibility.He advised togivethemthechancebecauseeveryonewouldbenef it. Tom Weber sa id aslongas65%workswellwith30%landscaping . Plannin g and Environmental Co mmission Minut es March22.1999 5 •• GregMoffet,usingtheHolidayHouseasanexample,saidmaybeweshouldrevisittheparking issue,as itrelatedtoAU's. GeorgeRutherstatedAU'srequiredonespaceperunit. TomBraunsa id theparkingrequirement fellapartforthelodges ,asLodgesgetdingedforthe restauran ts,etc. GregMoffetsaidalotofpropertiesaresurroundedbyCC1andthatparkingwas prohibited inthe CC1 .Hesaidweneedtolightenupalotonparkingandmaybemakeitaflexiblepartofthe process. BrianDoyonsaidtokeeplandscapingwhereitis . JohnSchofieldsaid hewould tendtokeeplandscapinginthe25%-30%range ,ratherthan parking. GalenAaslandagreedwithJohn. GregMoffetsaidtotreatthislikeitwasaflexiblecriteriatobeconsidered. GeorgeRuthersaidachangewasneededforthedefinitionofanAUandDU. GregMoffetsaidtheconsensusamongtheBoardmemberswastotreatFFU 's likeAU 's,rather thanDU's TomWebersaidacons ideration forstreetscapeshouldbeincluded. GalenAaslandsaidhewasstillconcernedtheunsolvableparkingproblemsuchasthemaxed outChristianiaandwouldliketoseesomeofthosepropertiesbeabletopay-in-Iieu. GeorgeRuther summarized torelieve applicantfromrequiringparkingon-site. 2.Arequestforaconditionalusepermit,toallowforthe consolidation oftwodwellingunits i ntheCC2ZoneDistrict,locatedat124E.MeadowDrive /AportionofLot 5E,Vail V illage FirstFiling. Applicant: Planner: Alfredo L.Suarez,representedbyFritzlen ,Pierce ,Smith Architects AllisonOchs Tom Weber recusedhimself. AllisonOchsgaveanoverviewofthestaffmemo . GregMoffetaskedforanypublic ,applicantorCommissioncomments.Therewereno comments. JohnSchofieldmadeamotionforapproval. BrianDoyonsecondedthemotion. Planning andEnvironmentalCommission Minute s March22,1999 6 • Themotionpassedbyavoteof4-0. • 3.ArequestforarezoningfromPrimary/Secondary Residential toResident ial Cluster, locatedat2497 ,2487,2485 and2477Garm isch Drive/Lots1,2,3and4 ,BlockH,Vail dasSchoneFiling #2. Applicant: Planner : TownofVail AllisonOchs AllisonOchsgaveanoverv iew ofthestaffmemo. GalenAaslandstatedfortherecordthathelivedabout3lotsoverfromthis property ,butthat he . sawnoconflic t. AndyKnudtse n saidhewasnolongerw ith theTownofVail,butthattheTownofVailretained him tota ke twoprojects throughtheprocess .HesaidthattheTownhadexploredhowtoma ke itallworkandCounci l feltstrongestthattherebehousingononesideofthesiteandtheparkon theother sideofthesite.Hesaidtherehadbeensomecomprom ise andthedesignworkedbest w ith theneighborhoodandthetopography.Hesa id that72%ofhomesinVailwereownedby secondhomeownersandTownwouldliketogetmorefulltimeresidents. ChasBernhardthandedoutaletterthatexplained howtheseparcelswerepurchasedw ith RHETTfunds.Hestatedat arecentneighborhoodmeet ing ofabout40people ,38werenot in favorofthisproject.Hesa id therisks oflosingthatRHETTfundwasnotworththe consequences . Karen Scheidegger,anownerofsomelotsinthevicinity,statedshewasopposedtothisasit was purchased withRHETTfundsforapark .Shesaidthathadsheknownshecouldhave built a cluster oftownhomeswhenitwaszonedPrimary/Secondary ,shewouldhaveandshe askedw hy the T ownwasabletodothis. Brian Doyonsa id theTownwasdownzon ing andcreatingaparkaswell. GregMoffetsaidheisconcernedaboutthedurationandstrengthofadeedrestrict ion. AndyKnudtsensaidtheTownwouldretain ownersh ip,whichwouldstrengthenthe deedrestrict ion . TomWeberthankedthetwopublicentriesthatmadecomments.Hethensaidhewas notinformedorexper ienced regardingRHETTfunds. GeorgeRut her saidTomMoorheadwouldrespondtotheletterwiththeTown 's stance inthe matter. GregMoffetsaidhehadnoauthoritytorezone. TomWebersaidthenewzoningwas consistent withwhatwashappeningoverthereandthis wasaveryniceplanbalanc ing theopenspacewiththeneedforemployeehous ing. Planning and Environmental Co mmission M inutes March 22 .1999 7 •• BrianDoyonsaidhewasatthe neighborhood meetingandwasfamiliarwiththe RHETI funds, butwas concerned aboutthe reimbursement ofthetaxesbacktothetaxpayer .Hesaidhewas infavorofthisandifthe38neighborswereopposed,theywouldhavebeenatthismeeting. AndyKnudtsensaidtheyhad documentation that80%ofthe RHETI hadbeenreimbursed back tothetaxpayers . JohnSchofieldsaidthepublicconcernwasataxmatterandthisisnotaPEC matter.Hesaid Karenwas concerned withdownzoning . Karen Schdeigge r stateditwasnotrighttohavea cluster development,when it was zoned Primary /Secondary. AllisonOchsstatedthatatTownmeetings,theTowngoalsweretocluster. GalenAaslandrespondedtoKaren Scheidegger tolookatthislotas encumbered,stheTown ownedtheproperty underneath andadjacenttothiswasanSDD.Hesaidthe cluster wasgood forthe neighborhood ,asitwaskeepingthe development inonesmallcornerofthe property and prov ided ahuge amount ofopenspacetotheTown. GregMoffetsaidthisapplicationclearly satisfied thefindingthePECisrequiredtomake.He saidtothosefolksopposedtotheTowndevelopingtheirlands ,tobuythe landasa neighborhood anddedicateittoopenspace .Hesaidhewasinfavorofdeed covenants ,but something stronger wasneededtokeeptheopenportionofthelotsopen.He suggested a conditionbethattheproportionoftheparcelbe dedicated toopenspaceandhavea conservation deedrestrictionplacedonit,orsomething similar asitneededavery durable legal restriction. AndyKnudtsensuggestedacond ition requiringavoteofthepublic. JohnSchofieldmadeamotionwiththecond ition thatCouncilusethe strongest possible language toensurethattheparkarearemainsasparkland /open spaceandoneoptionwasto includeitasCharterOpenSpace. GalenAasland seconded themotion . Themotionpassedbyavoteof5-0 . 4.Arequestforannexationandzoningofoutdoorrecreationofan unplatted portionofthe SE 1/4 SE 1/4 SE '/4 SW 1/4 ofSection11,Township 5South,Range81West,generally locatedonthenorthsideofArosaDrive ,andabuttingSunlightnorthtotheeastand Town Manager's housetothewest. Applicant: Planner: TownofVail AllisonOchs AllisonOchsgavean overview ofthestaffmemo . AndyKnudtsensaidth is wenthandinhandwiththepreviousrequest. Planningand Environmental Commission Minute s March 22 .1999 •• GregMoffetaskedforanypubliccomment.Therewasnopubliccomment. Karen Scheidegger askediftherewasaguaranteethatthislandwouldbeleftopenasopen space . AllisonOchssaid itwouldberezonedoutdoorrecreationatthistime,butcouldberezonedinthe future. GregMoffetsaidwecouldincludeaconditionmak ing itCharterOpenSpace,whichwould requireavoteofthepublic ,tomakesureitwaskeptapark. JohnSchofieldmadeamotionforapproval. BrianDoyonsecondedthemotion. John Schofield amendedthemotionaddaconditionthatCouncilusethe strongest possible languagetoensurethatthepar k arearemains asparklancl/openspace.Oneoptionwasto includeitasCharterOpenSpace. BrianDoyonsecondedtheamendedmotion. Themotionpassedbyavoteof5-0. 5.ArequestforaminoramendmenttoSpecialDevelopmentDistrict No.35,AustriaHaus , toamendSect ion 6ofOrd inance #12 ,Seriesof1997toclarifyaconditionofthe Ordinance,locatedat242E.MeadowDrivel PartofTractC,Block5D ,VailVillage151 Filing . Applicant: Planner: BillSullivan,representingtheAustriaHausDevelopmentGroup GeorgeRuther TABLEDUNTILAPRIL12,1999 6.ArequestforafinalreviewofaproposedlockerroomexpansiontotheDobsonIce Arena,locatedat 321 E.LionsheadCirclelLot 1,Block1,VailLionshead2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: VailRecreationDistrict GeorgeRuther TABLEDUNTILAPRIL 12,1999 7.ArequestforavariancefromSection12-6D-6oftheTownofVailMunicipalCode,to allowforan encroachment intotherequiredsidesetbacks,locatedat3003 Bellflower Drive I Lot9,Block6,VailIntermountain . Applicant: Planner: Mr.GuillermoHuerta GeorgeRuther TABLEDUNTILAPRIL26,1999 Planning and EnvironmentalCommission Minutes March22,1999 9 ••• 8.A requestforavariance fromSect ion 12-60-9 (SiteCoverage )of the Town otVail Municipal Code,toallowforsi te coverage inexcess of20%andavar iance fromSect ion 12-60-6(FrontSetbacks)oftheTownof VailMunic ipal Code,toallowforan encroachme ntintothefront setbackonaPrimary/Secondary Residential zoned lot, loca ted at 362Mill Creek Circle/Lot9,Block1,VailVillage FirstFiling. App licant: Planner: Wa lter Forbes;representedbyGwa thmey-Pratt Architects Allison Ochs TABLED INDEFINITELY TomWebermad e amot ion totable theaboveitems. GalenAasland s econded t he motion. T he mot ion passedby a voteof 5-0. GalenAasl and madeamotion t otable item#8until April1i h • JohnSchof ield seco nded themotion. Themot ion passedbyavoteof5-0. 9.InformationUpdate 10.Approval ofM arch8,1999minutes. Brian Doyonabsta inedandJohnSchofield hadcorrec tions. J ohn Sc hofield madeamotio nf orapprovalasamend ed. To m Webe r secondedt he motion . T he motionpassedby avo te of 5-0. ChasBernhardtreadtheRHETTordinance. Greg Moffet explained"thereas"doesn't rule ,but whereitbeg ins"Nowtherefore "does . Galen Aas land madeamotion toadjourn . Brian Doyon seco ndedt hemotion. Themotionpassedbyavoteof5-0. Themeetingadjournedat5 :10p.m. Planningand Environmental Commission Minutes March22.1999 10 •• ORDINANCE NO.3 Series of1999 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE12,ZONING REGULATIONS,BYADDINGTWONEW ZONEDISTRICTSASCHAPTER7H:L10NSHEADMIXEDUSE1DISTRICTAND CHAPTER 71:L10NSHEAD MIXEDUSE2DISTRICTINORDERTO IMPLEMENT THE L10NSHEAD REDEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN;AMENDINGCHAPTER2,DEFINITIONS,SECTION12-2- 2:DEFINITIONS;AMENDINGCHAPTER4,DISTRICTS ESTABLISHED,SECTION 12-4-1: DESIGNATED,BYADDINGL10NSHEADMIXEDUSE1DISTRICTANDL10NSHEADMIXED USE2DISTRICT;AMENDINGCHAPTER10,OFF-STREET PARKING ANDLOADING, SECTION 12-10-17:LEASINGOF PARKING SPACES;AMENDINGCHAPTER10,OFF- STREET PARKING ANDLOADING,SECTION12-10-16:EXEMPT AREAS;PARKING FUND ESTABLISHED;AMENDING CHAPTER13,EMPLOYEE HOUSING,SECTION 12-13-6:TYPE III EMPLOYEE HOUSINGUNIT;AMENDINGCHAPTER13,EMPLOYEEHOUSING,SECTION 12-13-7:TYPEIV EMPLOYEE HOUSINGUNIT;AMENDING CHAPTER14,SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS,SECTION12-14-19:SATELLITE DISH ANTENNAS;AMENDING CHAPTER 15,GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOORAREA,SECTION12-15-3:DEFINITION,CALCULATION, AND EXCLUSIONS,SECTION12-15-2:GRFAREQUIREMENTSBYZONEDISTRICT; AMENDING TITLE 12SIGN REGULATIONS,CHAPTER4,SIGN CATEGORIES,SECTION11- 4A-1:SIGNSPERMITTEDINZONINGDISTRICTS;ANDAMENDING TITLE 5,PUBLIC HELTH AND SAFETY,CHAPTER1 ,PUBLIC NUISANCES,SECTION5-1-7:NOISE PROHIBITED. WHEREAS,theTownCouncil desires to implementtheLionshead Redevelopment Master Plan ,adoptedbytheTownonDecember15,1998;and WHEREAS ,theTownCouncil findsthattheLionsheadMixedUse1Districtandthe LionsheadMixedUse2Districtare compatible withandsuitabletoadjacentuses,are consistent withtheLionshead Redevelopment MasterPlan,Town'sLandUsePlan,andZoning Regulations ,andareappropriateforthearea ;and WHEREAS,thePlanningandEnvironmentalComm ission oftheTownofVailhas recommended approvalofthesenewzonedistrictsatitsFebruary22,1999meeting ;and WHEREAS,theTownCounci l considers it in theinterest ofthepublichealth,safety ,and welfaretoamendsaidChapterandSectionsoftheMunicipalCode. NOW ,THEREFORE,BEIT ORDAINED BYTHETOWNCOUNCILOFTHETOWNOF VAIL ,COLORADO ,THAT: Section 1.Title12,Chapter 7 ,addingnewArticleH.LionsheadMixedUse1District,toread asfollows: ARTICLE H.L10NSHEAD MIXEDUSE1(LMU-1)DISTRICT SECTION: 12-7H-1:Purpose 12-7H-2:Permitted and Conditional Uses;Basement Or Garden Level: 12-7H-3:Permitted and Conditional Uses;First Floor Or Street Level: 12-7H-4:Permitted and Conditional Uses;Second Floor and Above: 12-7H-5:Conditional Uses;Generally 12-7H-6:Accessory Uses 12-7H-7:Exterior Alterations Or Modifications 12-7H-8:Compliance Burden 12-7H-9:LotAreaand Site Dimensions 12-7H-10:Setbacks 12-7H-11:Height and Bulk 1 Ordinance No.3,Series 01 1999 • 12-7H-12:Density (dwelling units peracre) 12-7H-13:Gross Residential Floor Area(GRFA) 12-7H-14:Site Coverage 12-7H-15:Landscaping andSite Development 12-7H-16:Parking and Loading 12-7H-17:Location Of Business Activity 12-7H-18:Mitigation of Development Impacts • 12-7H-1:PURPOSE: TheLionsheadMixedUse1District isintendedtoprovidesitesforami xture ofmultiple -family dwe llings,lodges,hotels,fractionalfeeclubs ,timeshares,lodgedwellingunits,restaurants, offices,skierservi ces,and commercial establishments inaclustered ,unified development. LionsheadMixedUse1District,inaccordancewiththeLionshead Redevelopment MasterPlan, is intended toensureadequatelight,air,openspaceandotheramenities appropriate tothe permitted typesofbuildings andusesandtomaintainthedesirablequalit ies oftheDistrictby establishing appropriate site development standards.Th is distr ict ismeantto encourage and provideincentivesfor redevelopment inaccordancewiththeLionshead Redevelopment Master Plan . Thiszoned istrict was specifically developedtoprovideincentivesfor properties toredevelop. The ultimate goalofthese incentives is tocreatea economically vibrantlodg ing,housing ,and commercialcorearea.Theincentives i nthiszonedistrict i ncludeincreasesinallowablegross residentialfloorarea,buildingheight,anddensityoverthepreviously established zoninginthe Lionshead Redevelopment MasterPlanstudyarea .Theprimarygoaloftheincentivesisto createeconomicconditionsfavorab le toinducingprivate redevelopment consistent withthe Lionshead Redevelopment MasterPlan.Additionally,theincentivesarecreatedtohelpfinance publicoff-site improvements adjacentto redevelopment projects.Withany development/redevelopment proposaltakingadvantageoftheincentivescreatedherein,the followingamenitieswillbe evaluated :streetscape improvements,pedestrian/bicycle access , publicplazaredeve lopment,publicart,roadway improvements,andsimilar improvements. 12-7H-2:PERMITTEDANDCONDITIONALUSES;BASEMENTORGARDENLEVEL: A .Definition :The "basement"or"gardenleve l"shallbedefinedasthatfloorofabuilding thatisentirelyor substantially belowgrade. B.PermittedUses:Thefollowingusesshallbe permitted inbasementorgardenlevels withinastructure : Banksandfinancialinstitutions. Commercialski storage. Eatinganddrinking establishments. Publicorprivatelockersandstorage . Personalservicesandrepairshops . Professionaloffices,businessofficesandstudios. Recreation facilities . Retail establishments. Skierticket ing,sk i school,sk ier services ,anddaycare. Travel agencies . Additionaluses determined tobesimilartopermittedusesdescr ibed inthis subsection,in accordancewiththe provisions ofSect ion 12-3-4ofthisTit le. C.ConditionalUses :Thefollow ing usesshallbepe rmitted in basement orgardenlevels withinastructure,subject toissuanceofaconditionalusepermitinaccordancewiththe provisions of Chapter 16ofthisTitle : Conference facilitiesandmeetingrooms . Liquorstores . Lodgesand accommodation units. Majorarcade. Multiple-family resident ial dwellingunits ,timeshareunits,fractionalfeeclubs,lodge dwellingunits,andemployeehousingunits(TypeIII(EHU)asprovidedinSection 12-13-6 ofthisTitleandTypeIV(EHU)asprovidedinSection12-13-7ofthis Title). Radio,TVstores ,andrepairshops . Theaters . Additional uses determined tobe similar to conditional uses described in this subsection,in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4of this Title. 2 Ordinance No.3 ,Seriesof1999 •• 12-7H-3:PERMITTEDAND CONDITIONAL USES;FIRSTFLOORORSTREET LEVEL: A.Definit ion:The"firstfloor"or"street level"shallbedefinedasthatfloorofthe buildingthat islocatedatgradeorstreetlevelalongapedestrianway. B.PermittedUses:Thefollow ing usesshallbepermittedonthefirstfloororstreetlevel withinastructure : Banks ,withwalkuptellerfacilities. Eatinganddrink ing establishments . Recreat ion facilities . Retailsto res andestablishments. Skie r ticketing,skischool ,sk ier services ,anddaycare. Travel agencies. Additionalusesdeterm ined tobesimilartope rmitted usesdescribedinthissubsection,in accordancewiththeprov isions ofSect ion 12-3-4ofthisTitle. C.ConditionalUses :Thefollowi ng usesshallbepermittedonthe firstfloororstreet level floo r with in astructure ,subjecttoissuanceofacondit ional usepermit inaccordancewiththe provisionsofChapter16ofthisTitle : Financial insti tutions,otherthanbanks . Barbershops ,beautyshopsandbeautyparlors . Confe rence facilit ies andmeetingrooms. Liquorstores. Lodgesandaccommodationunits. Multiple-familyresidentialdwellingunits,timeshareunits,fractionalfeeclubs,lodge dwellingunits,andemployeehousingunits(TypeIII(EHU)asprovidedinSection 12-13-6 ofthisTitleandType IV(EHU)asprov ided inSection12-13-7ofthis Title).. Radio,TVstores,andrepa ir shops . Additional uses determined tobe similar to conditional uses described in this subsection,in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4of this Title. 12-7H-4:PERMITTEDAND CONDITIONAL USES;SECONDFLOORAND ABOVE: A.PermittedUses ;Except ion:Thefollowingusesshallbepermittedonthosefloors above thefirstfloorwithinastructure : Lodges and accommodation units. Multiple-family residential dwelling units,lodge dwelling units,and employee housing units (TypeIII(EHU)as provided in Section 12-13-6of this Title and Type IV(EHU)as provided in Section 12-13-7 of this Title). Additional uses determined tobe similar to permitted uses described in this subsection,in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4of this Title. B.Condit ional Uses :Thefollowingusesshallbepermittedonsecondfloorsandhighe r above grade,subjecttothe issuanceofaconditionalusepermitinaccordancewiththe provisionsofChapter16ofthisTitle: Banks and financial institutions. Conference facilities and meeting rooms. Eating and drinking establishments. Liquorstores . Personal services and repair shops. Professional offices,business offices and studios. Radio,TVstores ,andrepairshops . Recreation facilities. Retail establishments. Skier ticketing,ski school,skier services,and daycare. Timeshare units and fractional fee clubs. Theaters . Additional uses determined tobe similar to conditional uses described in this subsection,in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title. 3 Ordinance No.3 .Se riesof 1999 •• 12-7H-5:CONDITIONAL USES;GENERA LLY (on alllevels ofabuildingoroutsideofa building): Thefollowingconditionalusesshallbepermitted ,subject toissuanceofa conditional usepermit in accordance withthe provisions ofChapter16ofth is Title: Bedandbreakfastas further regulatedbySection12-14-18 ofthisTitle . Brewpubs. Coin-operated laundries. Commercial storage. Publicorprivateparkinglots. Publicbuildings,grounds ,andfacilities . Publicparkandrecreationfacilities. Publicutilityandpublicserviceuses . Privateoutdoorrecreationfacilit ies,asaprimaryuse. Skilifts andtows . Television stations. Additional uses determined tobe similar to conditional uses described inthis subsection,in accordance withthe provisions ofSection12-3-4ofthisTitle. 12-7H-6:ACCESSORY USES: Thefollowing accessory usesshallbepermittedintheLionsheadMixedUse1District: Homeoccupat ions,subject toissuanceofahome occupation perm it in accordance with the provisions ofSection12-14-12ofthisTit le. Loadingand delivery andparkingfacilities customarily incidentalandaccessoryto permitted andconditionaluses. Minorarcade. Outdoor diningareas operatedinconjunct ion withpermittedeatinganddrinking establishments. Sw imming pools ,tenniscourts,pat ios orotherrecreationfacilities customarily i ncidental topermitt ed residentialorlodgeuses . Offices ,lobbies ,laundry ,andotherfacilit ies customarily incidental andaccessoryto hotels,lodges,andmult iple-family uses. Other uses customarily incidentalandaccessory topermittedor conditiona l uses,and necessary fortheoperationthereof. 12-7H-7:EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS: ReviewRequ ired:The construction ofanewbuildingorthealterationofanex isting buildingshall be reviewed bytheDesignReviewBoardinaccordancewith Chapter 12-11oftheZoning Regulations.However,any project whichaddsadditionaldwellingunits,accommodation units, fractionalfeeclubunits ,timeshareunits ,anyprojectwhichaddsmorethan1,000 sq .ft.of commercial floora rea orcommonspace ,oranyprojectwh ich has substantial off-siteimpacts(as determined bytheAdministrator)shallbereviewedbythePlanningandEnvironmental Commission asaMajorExteriorAlterationin accordance withthis Chapter andSection12-3-6 : Hearings.Any project wh ich requiresaconditionalusepermitshallalsoobta in approvalofthe Planningand Environmental Commission in accordance wit h Chapter12-16 oftheZoning RegUlations.Complete applications formajorexterioralterationsshallbesubmittedin accordance with administrative schedules developed bythe Community Development Department forPlanningand Environmental Commission andDesignReviewBoard review.The followingsubm ittal itemsarerequired: 1.Application:Anapplicationshallbemadebytheownerofthebuildingorthebuilding owner 's autho rized agentorrepresentativeonaformprov ided bythe Administrator.Any applicationfor condominiumized buildingsshallbe authorized bythe condominium association in conformity withall pertinent requirements ofthe condominium association's declarations. 2.Application ;Contents :Anapp lication foran exterior alterationsha ll includethe following : a.Completed applicationform ,filingfee,andalistofallownersof property located adjacent tothe subject parcel.Theownerslistshallinc lude thenamesof allowners,the ir mailingaddress ,alegal description ofthepropertyownedby each ,andageneral description oftheproperty(including thenameofthe property ,ifapplicable),andthenameandmailingaddressofthe condominium association's representative (ifapplicable).Saidnamesand addresses shallbe 4 Ordinance No.3 ,Series of 1999 •• obtainedfrom t hecurrenttaxreco rds ofEag le Countyasthey appeared notmore thanthirty(30)dayspriortotheapplication submittal da te . b.A written statement describing the proposal andhowthep roposal complies w ith theLionshead Redevelopment Master Planandanyother relevant sec tions oftheVail Comprehensive Plan. c.Asurveystampedbyalicensed su rveyorindicatingexistingcond itions onthe property includingthelocationof improvements,topography ,andnatural features . d.A current titlereportto verify ownership ,easements,andother encumbrances , including Schedules AandB3. e .Existingand proposed siteplanatamin imum scaleofoneinchequals20feet (1 "=20 '),a vicinity planatan appropriate scaleto adequately showthe project locationin relationship tothe surrounding area ,a landscape planata minimum scaleofoneinchequals20feet(1"=20'),aroofheightplanandexistingand proposed building elevations ataminimumscaleofone-eighthinchequalsone foot(1/8"'"1').Themateriallisted above shallincludeadjacentbuildingsand improvementsas necessary to demonstrate the project's comp liance wi th the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. t.Sun/shade analysisoftheexistingand proposed buildingforthe spring/fall equinox(March21/September 23)andwintersolstice (December 21)atten o'clock (10:00)A.M.andtwoo'clock (2:00)P.M.unlessthe Department of Community Development determines thatthe proposed additionhasnoimpacton theexistingsun/shade pattern.Thefollowingsunangleshallbeusedwhen preparingth is analysis : Spring /Fall Equinox 10:00A.M . 2:00P.M. W inter Solst ice 10:00A .M. 2:00P.M. SunAngle 40 °eastofsouth,50°declination 42 °westofsouth ,50 °declination SunAngle 30°eastofsouth ,20 °declination 30 °westofsouth ,20°declination g.Exist ing and proposed floorplansatam inimum scaleof one-fourth inchequals onefoot (1 /4"=1')andasquarefootageanalysisofallexistingand proposed uses . h.An architectural ormassingmodelofthe proposed development.Saidmodel shallinclude buildings andmajorsite improvements on adjacent properties as deemed necessary bythe Administrator.Thescaleofthemodelshallbeas determined bythe Administrator. i.Photooverlaysand/orother graphic material to demonstrate thespecial relationship ofthe proposed development toadjacent properties ,publicspaces, andadopted views per Chapter 22ofthisTitle. j .Parkingneeds assessment andvehic ular circulationanalysis ,prepared bya qualified professional. k.Anyadd itional information ormaterialasdeemed necessary bythe Adminis trator ortheTownP lanning and Environmental Commission (PEC).The Adm inistrator orthePlanning and Environmenta l Commission may,athis/her or their discretion ,waivecertainsubm ittal requirements ifitis determined thatthe requirementsarenotrelevanttothe proposed development norapplicab le tothe Lionshead Redevelopment MasterPlan . 4.Work Sessions/Conceptual Review:If requested byeithe r the applicant orthe Adm inistrator,submittals mayproceedtoaworksessionwiththePlanningand Environmental Commission,a conceptual review w ith theDesignReviewBoard ,ora worksession withtheTownCouncil. 5.Hearing :Thepublichear ing beforethePlanningand Environmental Commission shall beheld in accordance withSection12-3-6ofthisTitle.ThePlanning and Environmental 5 Ordinance No.3 ,Seriesof1999 •• Commission mayapprovetheapplicationassubmitted,approvetheapplicationwith conditionsor modifications,ordenytheapplication .ThedecisionofthePlanningand Environmental Commission maybeappealedtotheTownCouncilinaccordancewith Section12-3-3ofthisTitle. 6.LapseOfApproval:Approvalofanexterior alterationasprescribedbythisArticleshall lapseandbecomevoidtwo(2)yearsfollowingthedateofapprovalbytheDesignReview Boardunless,pr ior totheexpiration,abuildingperm it isissuedandconst ruction is commenced anddiligentlypursuedtocompletion.Administrative extensions shallbe allowedforreasonableandunexpecteddelaysaslongascode provisions affectingthe proposalhavenotchanged. 12-7H-8 :COMPLIANCE BURDEN: Itshallbetheburdenofthe applicant toprovebya preponderance oftheevidencebeforethe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionandtheDesignReviewBoardthatthe proposed exterioralterationornew development isin compliance withthepurposesoftheLionshead Mi xed Use1District,thattheproposal isconsistentwithapplicableelementsof theLionshead Redevelopment MasterPlanandthattheproposaldoesnototherwisehavea significant negat ive affectsonthe character oftheneighborhood,andthatthep roposal substantially compl ies withotherapplicableelementsoftheVail Comprehensive Plan . 12-7H-9:LOTAREAANDSITEDIMENSIONS: Theminimumlotorsiteareashallbetenthousand(10,000 )squa re feetofbuildablearea. 12-7H-10:SETBACKS: Theminimumbui lding setbacksshallbete n feet(10')unlessotherwisespecifiedinthe LionsheadRed evelopment MasterPlanasabuild-to line . 12-7H-11:HEIGHTAND BULK: Buildingsshallhaveamaximumaveragebuildingheightof71'withamaximumheightof82.5', asfurtherdefinedbytheLionshead Redevelopment MasterPlan .All development shallcomply withthedesignguidelinesandstandardsfound intheLionshead Redevelopment MasterPlan. Flexibility withthestandard,asincorporatedintheLionshead Redevelopment MasterPlan,shall beaffordedto redevelopment projectswhichmeetthe intentofdesignguidel ines ,asreviewed andapprovedbytheDesignReview Board. 12-7H-12:DENSITY (dwelling units per acre): Unlessotherw ise speeifiedintheLionshead Redevelopment MasterPlan ,notmorethanUptoa 33%increaseovertheexisti ng numberofdwellingunits ona property or35dwell ing unitsper acre,whichever is greater shallbeallowed.Forthepurposeofcalculatingdensity,employee housingunits ,accommodation units,timeshare units,andfractionalfeeclubunitsshallnotbe countedasdwellingunits.Additionally ,alodgedwellingunit ,asdefinedherein,shallbecounted as25%ofadwellingunitforthepurposeofcalculatingdensity . 12-7H-13:GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOORAREA(GRFA): UnlessotherwisespeeifiedintheLionshead Redevelopment MasterPlan,notmorethanUpto 250sq.ft.ofgrossresidentialfloorareashallbeallowedforeach100sq.ft.ofbuildablesite area,oranincreaseof33%overtheexistingGRFAfoundontheproperty,whichever isgreater. Mu ltiple-family dwellingunits inthiszoned istrict shallnotbeentitledtoadditionalGross ResidentialFloorAreaunderthe250Ordinance,Section12-15-5 ,oftheMunicipalCode . 12-7H-14:SITE COVERAGE: Site coverage shallnotexceed seventy percent (70%)ofthetotalsitearea ,unlessotherwise specified intheLionshead Redevelopment MasterPlan. 12-7H-15:LANDSCAPING ANDSITE DEVELOPMENT: Atleasttwentypercent(20%)ofthetotalsiteareashallbelandscaped ,unlessotherwise specifiedintheLionshead Redevelopment MasterPlan . 6 OrdinanceNo.3.Series of1999 •• 12-7H-16 :PARKINGANDLOADING : Off-street park ing andloading shallbeprovidedinaccordancewithChapter10ofthisTitle.At leastone-half (1 /2)therequi red park ing shallbelocatedwithinthemain buildingor buildings . 12-7H-17:LOCATIONOFBUSINESSACTIVITY: A.Limitations ;Exception:Alloffices,businessesandserv ices permittedbyzonedistrict, shall beoperatedandconducted entirelywithinabuilding,exceptforpermitted unenclosed parkingorloadingareas ,theoutdoordisplayofgoods,oroutdoorrestaurantseating. B.Outdoo r Displays:Theareatobeusedforoutdoordisplaymustbelocateddirectlyin frontoftheestablishmentdisplayingthegoodsandentirelyupontheestablishment'sown property .Sidewalks,buildingentrancesandexits,drivewaysandstreetsshallnotbeobstructed byoutdoordisplay. 12-7H-18:MITIGATIONOFDEVELOPMENTIMPACTS: Property owners/developers shallalsoberesponsibleformitigatingdirectimpactsoftheir developmentonpublicinfrastructureandinallcasesmit igation shallbearareasonablerelation tothe development impacts .Impactsmaybedeterminedbasedonreportspreparedbyqualified consultants.Theextentofmitigationandpublicamenityimprovementsshallbebalancedwith thegoalsofredevelopmentandwi ll bedeterm ined bythePlanningandEnvironmental Commissioninreview ofdevelopmentprojectsandconditionalusepe rmits.Mitigation of impactsmayinclude ,butisnotlimitedto,thefollow ing:roadwayimprovements ,pedestr ian walkway improvements ,streetscape improvements ,streamtract/bankimprovements,publicart improvements ,andsimilarimprovements.The intent of this section isto only require mitigation for large scale redevelopment/development projects which produce substantial off-site impacts. Section 2. asfollows: Title 12,Chapter7,addingnewArticle I.LionsheadMixedUse2District ,toread ARTICLE I.L10NSHEADMIXEDUSE2(LMU-2)DISTRICT SECTION: 12-71-1:Purpose 12-71-2:Permitted and Conditional Uses;Basement OrGarden Level: 12-71-3:Permitted and Conditional Uses;First Floor Or Street Level: 12-71-4:Permitted and Conditional Uses ;Second Floor and Above: 12-71-5:Conditional Uses;Generally 12-71-6:Accessory Uses 12-71-7:Exterior Alterations Or Modifications 12-71-8:Compliance Burden 12-71-9:Lot Areaand Site Dimensions 12-71-10 :Setbacks 12-71-11:Height and Bulk 12-71-12:Density (dwelling units peracre) 12-71-13:Gross Residential Floor Area(GRFA) 12-71-14:Site Coverage 12-71-15:Landscaping and Site Development 12-71-16:Parking and Loading 12-71-17:Location Of Business Activity 12-71-18:Mitigation of Development Impacts 12-71-1 :PURPOSE: TheLionsheadMixed Use2Districtisintendedtoprovidesitesforamixtureofmultiple-fam ily dwellings ,lodges ,hotels,fractionalfeeclubs,timeshares ,lodgedwellingunits ,restau rants, offices,skierservi ces ,lightindustrialactivities,andcommercialestablishmentsin a clustered , unified development.LionsheadMixedUse2District,inaccordanc e withtheLionshead RedevelopmentMasterPlan ,isintendedtoensureadequatelight ,air,openspaceandother amenitiesapprop riate tothepermitted typesofbuildingsandusesandtomaintainthedesirable qualitiesoftheDistrictbyestablishingappropriatesite development standards.Thisdistrictis meanttoencourageandprovide incentivesforredevelopment inaccordancewiththeLionshead 7 OrdinanceNo.3,Seriesof 1999 •• Redevelopment MasterPlan. Thiszonedistrictwasspecificallydevelopedtoprovideincentivesforpropertiestoredevelop. Theultimategoalofthese incentives istocreatea economically vibrantlodging ,housing ,and commerc ial corearea .The incentives inthiszonedistrictincludeincreasesinallowablegross residentialfloorarea,building height,anddensityoverthepreviouslyestablishedzoningin Lionshead Redevelopment MasterPlanstudyarea .Theprimarygoaloftheinc entives isto createeconomicconditionsfavorabletoinducingpr ivate redevelopm ent consistent withthe .Lionshead Redevelopment MasterPlan.Additionally,theincentives arecreatedtohelpfinance public ,off-site ,improvements adjacenttoredevelopmentprojects .Publicamenitieswhichwillbe evaluatedwithredevelopmentproposalstakingadvantageoftheincentivescreatedherein may include:streetscapeimprovements,pedestrian /bicycle access ,publ ic plaza redevelopment , publicart,roadwayimprovements,andsimilarimprovements. 12-71-2:PERMITTEDAND CONDITIONAL USES;BASEMENTORGARDENLEVEL: A.Definit ion:The "basement"or"gardenlevel"shallbedefi ned asthatfloorofabuilding thatisentirelyor substantially belowgrade. .B.PermittedUses:Thefollowingusesshallbepermittedinbasementorgardenlevels withinastructu re: Banksandfinancialinstitutions . Commerc ial skistorage. Eatinganddrinking establishments. Publicorprivatelockersandstorage . Personalservicesandrepairshops. Professionaloffices,businessofficesandstudios. Recreationfacilities. Retai l establishments. Skierticketing,skischool ,skierservic es,anddaycare . Travelagencies. Additionaluses determined tobesimilar topermittedusesdescribedinthissubsection ,in acco rdance withthe provisions ofSection12-3-4 ofth is Title. C.ConditionalUses:Thefollowingusesshallbepermittedinbasementorgardenlevels withina structure ,subjectto issuanceofacondit ional usepermit inaccordancewiththe provisions ofChapter16ofthisT itle: Conference facilitiesandmeetingrooms. Liquorstores. Lodgesandaccommodationunits. Majorarcade. Multiple-family residentialdwellingunits,timeshareunits,fractionalfeeclubs,lodge dwellingunits,andemployeehousingunits(TypeIII(EHU)asprovidedinSect ion 12-13-6 ofthisTitleandTypeIV(EHU)asprovidedinSection12-13-7ofthis Title). Radio,TVstores,andrepairshops . Theaters. Additional uses determined tobesimilarto conditional uses described inthis subsection,inaccordancewiththeprovisionsofSection12-3-4ofthisTitle. 12-71-3:PERMITTEDAND CONDITIONAL USES;FIRST FLOOR ORSTREETLEVEL: A.Definition :The"firstfloor"or"streetlevel"shallbedefinedasthatfloorofthebuildingthat islocatedatgradeorstreetlevelalongapedestrianway . B.PermittedUses :Thefollowingusesshallbepermittedonthefirst floororstreetlevel withinastructure: Banks ,withwalkuptellerfacilities. Eatinganddr inking establishments. Recreat ion facilities. Retailstoresand establishments. Skierticketing ,skischool,skierserv ices,anddaycare. Travelagencies. Additionaluses determined tobesim ilar toperm itted usesdescr ibed inthissubsect ion,in accordancewiththeprovisionsofSection12-3-4 ofthisTitl e. Ordinance No.3 .Seriesof 1999 8 •• C.ConditionalUses:Thefollowingusesshallbepermittedonthefirstfloororstreet level floorwithinastructure,subjectto issuanceofaconditionalusepermitinaccordancew ith the provisionsofChapter16ofthisTitle: Financialinstitutions,otherthanbanks. Barbershops ,beautyshopsandbeautyparlors. Conferencefacilitiesandmeetingrooms. Liquorstores. Lodgesandaccommodationunits. Multiple-family residential dwellingunits,timeshareunits,fract ional feeclubs ,lodge dwellingunits,andemployeehousingunits(TypeIII(EHU)asprovidedinSection 12-13-6ofthisTitleandTypeIV(EHU)asprov ided inSection12-13-7ofthis Title). Radio,TVstores ,andrepai r shops. Additional uses determined tobe similar to conditional uses described in this subsection,in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4of this Title. 12-71-4:PERMITTEDANDCONDITIONALUSES;SECONDFLOORANDABOVE: A.PermittedUses ;Exception :Thefollowingusesshallbepermittedonthosefloors above thefirst floorwithinastructure : Lodges and accommodation units. Multiple-family residential dwelling units,lodge dwelling units,and employee housing units (TypeIII(EHU)as provided in Section 12-13-6of this Title and Type IV(EHU)as provided in Section 12-13-7of this Title). Additional uses determined tobe similar to permitted uses described in this subsection,in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4of this Title. B.ConditionalUses:Thefollowingusesshallbepermittedonsecondfloorsandhigher above grade,subjecttotheissuanceofaconditionalusepermitinaccordancewiththe provisionsofChapter16ofthisTitle: Banks and financial institutions. Conference facilities and meeting rooms. Eating and drinking establishments. Liquorstores. Personal services and repair shops. Professional offices,business offices and studios. Radio,TVstores,andrepairshops. Recreation facilities. Retail establishments. Skier ticketing,ski school,skier services,and daycare. Timeshare units and fractional fee clubs. Theaters . Additional uses determined tobe similar to conditional uses described in this subsection ,in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4of this Title. 12-71-5:CONDITIONALUSES;GENERALLY (onall levels ofa building or outside ofa building): Thefollowingconditionalusesshallbepermitted,subjecttoissuanceofaconditionalusepermit inaccordancewiththeprovisionsofChapter16ofthisTitle: BedandbreakfastasfurtherregulatedbySection12-14-18ofthisTitle. Brewpubs. Coin-operatedlaundries. Commercialstorage. Gasolineandservicestations. Publicorprivateparkinglots. Publicbuildings,grounds ,andfacilities. Publicparkandrecreationfacilities . Publicutilityandpublicserviceuses. Private outdoorrecreationfacilities,asaprimaryuse. Skiliftsandtows. Televis ion stations . 9 Ord inanceNo.3,Series of1999 •• Vehiclemaintenance,service,repair,storage ,andfueling. Warehousing. Additional uses determined tobe similar to conditional uses described in this subsection,in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4of this Title. 12-71-6:ACCESSORYUSES: ThefollowingaccessoryusesshallbepermittedintheLionsheadMixedUse2District: Homeoccupations,subjecttoissuanceofahomeoccupationpermitin accordance with theprovisionsofSection12-14-12 ofthisTitle . Loadinganddeliveryandparkingfacilities customarily incidentaland accessory to permittedandconditionaluses.. Minorarcade. Outdoor diningareasoperatedinconjunctionwithpermittedeatinganddrinking establishments. Swimmingpools ,tennisco urts,patiosorotherrecreationfacilities customarily incidental topermittedresidentialorlodgeuses . Offices,lobbies,laundry ,andotherfacilities customarily incidentaland accessory to hotels,lodges,and multiple-family uses . Otheruses customarily incidentalandaccessorytopermittedor conditional uses,and necessaryfortheoperationthereof. 12-71-7:EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS: ReviewRequired:The construction ofanewbuildingorthealterationofanexistingbuildingshall bereviewedbytheDesignReviewBoardinaccordancewithChapter12-11 oftheZoning Regulations.However,any project whichaddsadditionaldwellingunits,accommodation units, fractionalfeeclubunits,timeshareunits ,anyprojectwhichaddsmorethan1,000 sq.ft.of commercial floorareaorcommonspace,oranyprojectwhichhas substantial off-siteimpacts(as determined bytheAdministrator)shallbereviewedbythePlanningandEnvironmental Commission asaMajorExteriorAlterationinaccordancewiththisChapterandSection12-3-6: Hearings.Anyprojectwhichrequiresaconditionalusepermitshallalsoobtainapprovalofthe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommissioninaccordancewithChapter12-16oftheZoning Regulations.Completeapplicationsformajorexterioralterationsshallbesubmittedin accordance with administrative schedulesdevelopedbytheCommunity Development Department forPlanningand Environmental CommissionandDesignReviewBoardreview .The followingsubmittalitemsarerequired: 1.Application:Anapplicationshallbemadebytheownerofthebuildingorthebuilding owner'sauthorizedagentorrepresentativeonaformprovidedbythe Administrator.Any applicationfor condominiumized buildingsshallbeauthorizedbythe condominium associationinconformitywithall pertinent requirementsofthe condominium association's declarations. 2 .Application ;Contents :Anapplicationforanexterioralterationshallincludethe following: a.Completedapplicationform,filingfee,andalistofallownersofproperty locatedadjacenttothesubjectparcel.Theownerslistshallincludethenamesof allowners,theirmailingaddress,alegaldescript ion ofthepropertyownedby each,andageneraldescriptionoftheproperty(includingthenameofthe property,ifapplicable),andthenameandmailingaddressofthe condominium association's representative (ifapplicable).Saidnamesandaddressesshallbe obtainedfromthecurrenttaxrecordsofEagleCountyastheyappearednotmore thanthirty(30)dayspriortotheapplicationsubmittaldate. b.Awritten statement describing theproposalandhowtheproposalcomplies withtheLionshead Redevelopment MasterPlanandanyotherrelevantsections oftheVail Comprehensive Plan. c.Asurveystampedbyalicensed surveyor indicatingexistingcondit ions onthe propertyincludingthelocationof improvements,topography,andnaturalfeatures . d.Acurrenttitlereporttoverifyownership ,easements,andother encumbrances, including Schedules Aand83. e.Existingandproposedsiteplanataminimumscaleofoneinchequals20feet OrdinanceNo.3 .Seriesof1999 10 •• (1"=20'),avicin ity planatan appropriate scaletoadequate ly showthe project location in relat ionship tothesurround ing area,ala ndscape planata minimum sca le ofo neinchequa ls 20feet (1"=20'),aroofheightplanandexist ing and proposed buildingelevations ataminimum scaleofone-e ighth inchequa ls one foot (1/8"=1').T he mate ria llistedaboveshall includeadjacent bu ildings and improvementsasnecessa ry todemons tratethepro ject's comp liance w ith the Lionshead Redevelop ment Mas ter Plan. f .Sun /shade analysisof theexistingand proposed b uildingforthespring /fall equ inox(March21/September 23)andw inter solst ice (December21)atten o'clock (10:00)A.M .andtwoo'clock (2:00)P.M.unlessthe Department of Community Developme nt determines thatthe proposed additionhasno impact on theexist ing sun/shade pattern .Thefo llowing sunangleshallbeusedwhen prepa ring thisanalysis : Spr ing/Fall Equinox 10 :00 A.M . 2:00P.M. Winter Solstice 10:00A.M. 2:00P.M . SunAngle 40°eastofsouth,50°declination 42 °westofsouth,50 °declination SunAngle 30°eastofsouth,20°declination 30°westofsouth,20 °declination g .Existing andproposedfloorplansatam inimum scaleofone-fourthinchequals onefoo t(1/4"=1')andasquarefootageanalysisofallexisting and proposed uses. h.Anarchitectural ormassingmodelofthe proposeddeve lopment.Saidmode l sha ll includebu ildings andmajorsite improvements on adjacent properties as deemed necessary bythe Adm inistrator.Thescaleofthe modelshallbeas dete rmined bytheAdm inistrator. i.Photoover lays a nd/or other graphi c mate rial todemons trate thespecial relationshipofthe proposed developmen t to adjacent properties,pub lic spaces, and adoptedviewsper Chapter 22ofthisT itle . j .Parkingneeds assessment and vehicular circu lation analysis,preparedbya qualif ied prof essional. k.Anyadd itional informationormater ial asdeemed necessarybythe Administrator ortheTownPlanningand Environmental Commission (PEC).The Administrator orthePlanningand Environmental Commission may ,at his/her or their discretion ,waivecertainsubmittal requirements ifitis determined thatthe requirements arenotrelevanttothe proposed development nor applicable tothe LionsheadRedeve lopment MasterPlan. 4.WorkSessions /Conceptual Rev iew:Ifrequestedbyeithertheapp licant orthe Administrator,submittals mayproceedtoaworksessionwiththePlanningand Environmental Commission ,aconceptualreviewwiththeDesignReviewBoard ,ora worksession withtheTownCouncil. 5.Hearing:Thepubl ic hearingbeforethePlann ing and Environmental Comm ission shall beheldin accordance w ith Sect ion 12-3-6of thisT itle.ThePlann ing andEnv ironmental Commission mayapprovetheapplicat ion assubmitted ,approvetheapplicat ion with conditions ormodi fications,or denytheapplication.The decisio n ofthe P lanning and Env ironmental Co mmission maybeappealedtothe T ownCounc il in accordancewith Section12-3-3ofthisT itle. 6 .LapseOfApproval:Approvalofan exterioralterat ion asprescribedbyth is Articleshall lapseandbecomevoidtwo(2)yea rsfollowing thedateofapprovalbytheDes ign Review Board u nless,prio r totheexpiration ,abuildingperm it is issuedand cons tructionis commenced a nd diligently pursuedtocomp letion.Adm inistrative extensions shallbe allowedfor reasonable andune xpected delaysas longascodeprovis ions affectingthe proposal have n otchanged . 12-71-8:COMPLIANCE BURDEN: Ordinance No.3 .Seriesof1999 11 •• Itshallbetheburdenofthe applicant top rove bya preponderance oftheevidencebeforethe PlanningandEnvironmental Commission andtheDesignReviewBoardthatthe proposed exterior alterationornew development isin compliance withthepu rposes oftheLionshead Mi xed Use2District,thattheproposalis consistent with applicable elements ofthe Lionshead Redevelopment Master Planandthatthep roposal doesnototherwisehavea significant negative affectsonthe character ofthene ighborhood,andthattheproposal substantially complies withother applicable elementsoftheVail Comprehens ive Plan . 12-71-9:LOT AREA ANDSITE DIMENSIONS: The minimum lotorsiteareashallbeten thousand (10 ,000)squarefeetofbui ldable area . 12-71-10:SETBACKS: The minimum building setbacks shallbetenfeet(10')unless otherwise specified in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Planasabuild-toline. 12-71-11:HEIGHTAND BULK: BUildingsshallhavea maximum average bUildingheightof71 'witha maximum heightof82 .5', as further definedbytheLionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.All development shall comply withthedesign guidelines and standards foundintheLionshead Redevelopment Master Plan . Flexibility withthe standard ,as incorporated intheLionshead Redevelopment Master Plan,shall be afforded to redevelopment projects wh ich meetthe intentofdesign quldellnes,as reviewed and approved bytheDes ign ReviewBoard. 12 -71-12:DENSITY (dwelling units per acre): Unless otherwise speoifiedinthe Lionshead Redeve lopment Master Plan,notmorethanUp to a . 33%increase overtheexisting number ofdwellingunitsonaprope rty or35 dwelling un its per acre,whichever is greater shallbeallowed .Forthepurposeof calculating density,employee housing un its,accommodation units ,timeshare uni ts,andfractional feeclubunits shall notbe counted asdwell ing units .Additionally ,alodgedwellingunit .as defined herein ,shallbe counted as25 %ofa dwelling unitforthepurposeofcalculati ng density. 12-71-13:GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA (GRFA): Unless otherwise speoifiedinthe Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan ,notmorethanUpto 250sq .ft.ofgross residential floorareashallbeallowedforeach100sq.ft.of buildable site area,oran increase of33%overthee xisting GRFAfoundonthe property ,whichever is greater. MUltiple-family dwellingunitsinthiszonedistrictshallnotbeentitledto additional Gross Residential FloorArea under the250Ordinance .Section12-15-5,oftheMunicipalCode. 12-71-14:SITE COVERAGE: Site coverage shallnotexceed seventy percent (70%)ofthetotalsitearea ,unless otherwise specified inthe Lionshead Redevelopment MasterPian . 12-71-15:LANDSCAPING ANDSITE DEVELOPMENT: Atleasttwenty percent (20%)ofthetotals ite areashallbe landscaped,unless otherwise specified intheLionshead Redevelopment Master Plan . 12·71·16:PARKING AND LOADING: Off-street parking andloadingshallbeprovidedin accordance with Chapter 10ofthisTitle .At least one-half (2)therequiredparkingshallbe locatedwithinthemainbuildingorbuildings. 12-71-17:LOCATION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY: A.Limitations ;Except ion:Alloff ices,businesses and services permitted byzone district. shallbe operated and conducted entirelywithinabuilding,except for permitted unenclosed park ing orloadingareas ,the outdoor display ofgoods,or outdoor restaurant seating. B.Outdoor Displays:Theareatobeusedfor outdoor displaymustbe located directly in frontofthe establishment displaying thegoodsandentireiyuponthe establishment's own property.Sidewalks,building entrances andexits ,driveways and streets shallnotbe obstructed 12 Ordinance No.3 ,Seriesof 1999 byoutdoordisplay . •• 12-71-18:MITIGATIONOFDEVELOPMENTIMPACTS: Propertyowners /developers shallalsoberesponsibleformitigating directimpactsoftheir development onpub lic infrastr ucture andinall casesmitigation shallbearareasonablerelation tot he development impacts .Impactsmaybedeterminedbasedonreportspreparedbyqualif ied consultants.Theexten t of mitigation andpublicamen ity improvements shallbebalancedwith thegoalsofredevelopmentandwillbedeterm ined bythePlanning andEnvironmental Comm iss ion in review ofdevelopmentprojectsandconditionalusepermits .Mitigation of impactsmayinclude,but isnotlimitedto,thefollowing:roadwayimprovements,pedestrian walkway improvements,streetscape improvements,streamtract/bankimprovements,publicart improvements,andsimilar improvements.The intent of this section isto only require mitigation for large scale redevelopmenUdevelopment projects which produce substantlal off-site impacts. Section 3.Title12,Chapter2,Section12-2-2:Definitions,isherebyamendedby addingthefollowingdefinitions: Commercial Ski Storage:Storageforequipment(skis,snowboards,bootsandpoles) and/or clothingusedinskiing-relatedsports,whichisavailabletothepublicormembers , operatedbyabusiness,cluborgovernmentorganization,andwhereafeeischargedfor hourly,daily,monthly ,seasonalorannualusage.Skistoragethatispartofalodge ,or dwellingunit,inwh ich afee isnotcharged ,isnotconsideredcommercialskistorage. Personal Services:Acommercia l businesswhereaserv ice isofferedtothe customer includingbeautyandbarbershops ,tailorshops ,andsimi lar serv ices. Lodge dwelling unit:Asmalldwellingunitwithlimited kitchenandfloorareaandwhich contains650sq .ft.or lessoffloor areaandis intendedtoberentedon ashortterm basis. Section 4.T itle 12,Chapter4,Section12-4-1:Designated ,isherebyamendedto addthefollowingzonedistr icts: LionsheadMixedUse1District(LMU-1) LionsheadMixedUse2District(LMU-2) Section 5.Title 12,Chap ter 10,Section12-10-17:LeasingofParking Spaces ,is herebyamendedasfollows : (Note:Textwhichis striclwA isbeingdeletedandtextwhichis underlined isbeingadded .) ModifyB(1}asfollows : B.LeaseQualifications;ApplicationToLease:Aparkingspace ,spacesorareas maybeleasedbytheowner,occupantorbuildingmanagerthereofinaccordancewith thefollowing: 1.Anyowner,occupantorbuildingmanagerwhoowns ,occupiesormanages ten (1 O)ormoreprivateparkingspaceslocatedinCommercialCore1, Commercial Core2,Commerc ial Core3 ,High Density MU ltiple-Family ,Public Accommodations.Lionshead MixedUse1,Lionshead Mixed Use2or specialdevelopmentzonedistrictsandprovidessufficientparkingforuseby employeesmayapp ly totheAdministrator oftheTownforapermittolease pa rking spaces. Section 6.Title12,Chapter 13,Sect ion 12-13-6:TypeIIIEmployeeHousi ng Unit andSection12-13-7 :TypeIVEmployeeHousingUnitareherebyamendedasfollows: (Note :Textwh ich is striG I~en isbeingdeletedandtextwh ich is underlined isbeingadded .) Section 12-13-6:TypeIII Employee Housing Unit Modify B(1 and3}asfollows(modifysummarytableasnecessary): B.GeneralConditions : 13 Ordinance No.3 ,Seriesof1999 •• 1.ItshallbeaconditionaluseintheResidentialCluster ,LowDensityMultiple - Family,MediumDensityMultiple-Family,HighDensityMUltiple-Family,Public Accommodation ,CommercialCoreI,CommercialCoreII,CommercialCoreIII, CommercialServiceCenter ,ArterialBusinessDistrict,ParkingDistrict,General Use,andSki Base/RecreationZoneDistricts.It shall bea permitted usein Lionshead Mixed Use1and Lionshead Mixed Use2 zone districts. 3.Itshallbecountedasfive-tenths(0.5)dwellingunitforthepurposesof calculatingdensity,unless located inthe Lionshead Mixed Use1 or Lionshead Mixed Use2 zone districts,where itis not counted as density.Thenumberof TypeIIIemployeehousingunitsshallbedeterminedbythePlanning and EnvironmentalCommissionaspartofthecondit ional usepermitreviewprocess setforthinSection 12-16-6,"Criteria;Findings "ofthisTitle.if applicable. Section 12-13-7 Type IV Employee Housing Unit Modify B(1 and3)asfollows(modifysummarytableasnecessary): B.GeneralConditions: 1.ItshallbeaconditionaluseintheResidentialCluster,LowDensityMultiple- Family,MediumDensityMultiple-Family,HighDensityMultiple-Family,Public Accommodation,CommercialCoreI,CommercialCore2,CommercialCore3, CommercialServiceCenter ,ArterialBusinessDistrict,ParkingDistrict,General Use,andSki/Base RecreationZoneDistricts.It shall bea permitted usein Lionshead Mixed Use1and Lionshead Mixed Use2zone districts. 3.Itshallbecountedas0.333ofadwellingunitforthepurposesof calculating density,unless located inthe Lionshead Mixed Use1or Lionshead Mixed Use 2 zone districts.where itis not counted as density.ThenumberofTypeIV employeehousingunitssha ll bedeterminedbythePlanningandEnvironmental Commissionaspartoftheconditionalusepermitsreviewprocesssetforthin Section12-16-6 ofthisTitle,if applicable. Section 7.Title12,Chapter14,Section12-14-19:SatelliteDishAntennas,ishereby amendedasfollows: (Note:Textwhichis striolwR isbeing deletedandtextwhichis underlined isbeingadded.) Modify D(1 )(i)asfollows : D.Compliance WithReq uirements ;Variance: 1.Requirements:Satellitedishantennasshallcomplywiththefollowing requirements: i.Duetothespecialaesthetic importanceoftheco re areasofthe Town,exterior installations ofsatellitedishantennasin CommercialCores1,aA€I 2,Lionshead Mixed Use1,and Lionshead Mixed Use2 zone districts sha ll bepermittedonlyif screenedbysometypeofenclosingstructure.Saidstructures requiredtoencloseasatellitedishantennaintheseareasshall complywithallapplicablezoningregulationsandshallbe architecturally compatiblewiththeexistingstructure . Section 8.Title12,Chapter15,Section12-15-2:GRFARequirementsbyZone District andSection12-15-3:Defin ition ,Calculation,andExclusions,areherebyamendedas fo llows : (Note :Textwhichis slriol~eR isbeingdeletedandtextwhich is underlined isbe ing added.) Section 12-15-2:GRFA Requirements byZone District Modifybyadd ing LionsheadMixedUse1andLionsheadMi xed Use2zonedistrictsto tableasfollows : ZoneDistricts LMU-1 LionsheadMixedUse1 LMU-2 Ordinance No .3 ,Seriesof 1999 GRFA RatiO /Percentage Upto250%ofbuildablelotarea Upto250%ofbuildablelotarea GRFACred its None None 14 • Lionshead MixedUse2 Section 12-15-3:Definition,Calculation,and Exclusions Modify 2(b)as follows: • Mu ltiple-Family Structures:Wi,thin bu ildings containing morethantwo(2)allowable dwellings o r accommodation units ,thefo llowing additional areas shallbe excluded from calculation as GRFA.GRFA shallbe calculated by measuring thetotal square footage of a building assetforthherein .E xcluded areasassetforthshallthenbe deducted fromthe total square footage: a.Enclosed garages to accommodate on-site parking requirements . b.Allor part ofthe following spaces ,provided such spaces are c ommon spaces" andthatthetotal square footage of allthe following spaeesshallnotexeeed thirty five persent (36%)of the allowable GRFA permitted onthelot.Any square footage wh isH Ol<Geeds the thirty five pereent (35%)maJEimum shallbe ineillded inthe ealeulation of G~ (1)Common hallways ,stairways,elevator shafts and airlocks . (2)Common lobbyarea s. (3)Common enclosed recreationf acilities. (4)Common heating ,cooling orv entilation systems,solar rock storage areas ,or other mechanical systems.Square footage exeluded from ealeulation as GRFA shallbethe minimum square footage required to allow forthe maintenanee and operation of sushmGehanieal systems. (5)Common c loset and storage areas,providing access tosuch areas isfrom common hallways only . (6)Meeting and convention faci lities. (7)Officespace,pro vided suchspaceisusedexclusively forthe management and operation of on-site fac ilities. (8)Floorareatobeused i naTypeIIIoraTypeIV "Employee Housing Unit (EHU)"as defined and restricted by Chapter 13ofthis Title, provided said EHU floorareashallnotexeeedsi )(ty persent (60%) of theth irty five persent (3e%)sammon area allm\'ance defffieEl above.Any square footagefortheTypeIIIorTypeIV EHUs whish Ol<Geeds the sixty persent (60%)maximum of allowed eommon areashallbe included inthe ealeulation of GRFA.If a property owner allocates common areaforthe purpose of employee housing,and subsequently requests a common area varianee,the Townshallrequ ire thatthe housing areabe sonverted bael~to common uses andthatthe employee housing unitsbe replaeed withinthe Town . Section 9.Title 11 ,Chapter 4 ,Section 11 -4A-1:Signs permitted in Zoning Districts, is hereby amended by adding Lionshead MixedUse1and Lionshead Mixed Use2zone districts tothe table i nthesame category which contains Commercial Core2 . Section 10.Title5 ,Chapter 1,Section 5-1-7 :Noise Prohibited,is hereby amended to readas follows : (Note:Te xt which is stricl<en isbeing deleted andtextwhichis underlined isbe ing added.) Modify G(3)(b)as follows : G .Motor Vehicle Noise : b .Notwithstanding subsection G3aabove,itshallbe unlawful foranype rson to permit anyidling whatsoever oftheeng ine ofany unattended bus ,truck orany 15 OrdinanceNo.3 ,Series of 1999 •• motorvehicle,exceptforrefrigerationvehicles,withinthe Lionshead Mixed Use 1,Lionshead Mixed Use2,CommercialCore1ortheCommercialCore2Zone DistrictsoftheTown . Section 11.Title12,Chapter10,Section12-10-16 (B):ExemptAreas ;ParkingFund Establishment,isherebyamendedasfollows: (Note:Textwhichis stricl~en isbeingdeletedandtextwhich is underlined isbeingadded.) B.ParkingFund:InCommercialCore 1,aM CommercialCore2,and Lionshead Mixed Use1,propertyownersorapplicantsshallberequiredtocontributetotheTown ParkingFund,herebyestablished,forthepurposeofmeet ing thedemandand requirementsforvehicleparking .Atsuchtimeasanypropertyownerorother applicant proposestodeveloporredeve lop aparcelofpropertywithinanexemptareawhichwould requireparkingand/orloadingareas,theownerorapplicants hall pay totheTownthe parkingfeehereinafterrequired. Section 12 .Ifanypart,section,subsection,sentence,clauseorphraseofth is ordinanceisforanyreasonheldtobeinvalid,suchdecisionsha ll noteffectthevalidityofthe remainingportionsofthisordinance;andtheTownCouncilherebydeclaresitwouldhave passedthisordinance ,andeachpart,section,subsection ,sentence,clauseorphrasethereof, regardlessofthefactthat anyone ormoreparts ,sections,subsections,sentences,clausesor phrasesbedec lared invalid. Section 13.TheTownCouncilherebyfinds,determines anddeclaresthatthis ordinanceis necessary andproperforthehealth ,safetyandwelfareoftheTownofVailandthe inhabitants thereof. Section 14.Theamendmentofany provisionoftheVailMunicipalCodeasprovidedin th is ordinanceshallnotaffectanyright whichhasaccrued,anydutyimposed,anyviolationthat occurredpriortotheeffectivedatehereof,anyprosecutioncommenced,noranyotheractionor proceedingascommencedunderorbyvirtueoftheprovisionamended.The amendment ofany provisionherebyshallnotreviveanyprov ision oranyordinanceprevio usly repealedor superseded unlessexpresslystatedherein . Section 15,Allbylaws ,orders,resolutionsandordinances,orpartsthereof, inconsistent herewitharerepealedtotheextentonlyofsuchinconsistency.Thisrepealersha ll notbeconstruedtoreviseanybylaw,order,resolutionorordinance,orpartthereof,theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED,READONFIRSTREADING ,APPROVED,ANDORDERED PUBLISHEDONCEINFULLONFIRSTREADINGthis16thdayofMarch ,1999,andapublic hearingforsecondreadingofthisOrdinancesetforthe6thdayofApr il,1999 ,intheCouncil ChambersoftheVa il Municipal Building,Vail ,Colorado. RobertE.Ford ,Mayor Attest: LoreleiDonaldson,TownClerk READANDAPPROVEDONSECONDREADINGANDORDEREDPUBLISHEDINFULLthis6th dayofApril ,1999. RobertE.Ford,Mayor Attest: LoreleiDonaldson,TownClerk 16 OrdinanceNo .3 ,Series 01 1999 •• ORDINANCE NO.4 Series of1999 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FORTHETOWNOF VAIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 12 ,ZONING REGULATIONS,CHAPTER 5,ZONING MAP; REZONING PARCELS OF LAND INTHE L10NSHEAD AREA IN ACCORDANCE WITHTHE ATTACHED MAP TO L10NSHEAD MIXEDUSE1 DISTRICT AND L10NSHEAD MIXEDUSE2 DISTRICT;ANDREZONING TRACT EANDTHE L10NSHEAD PARKING STRUCTURE IN ACCORDANCE W ITH THE ATTACHED MAP TO GENERAL USE DISTRICT. WHEREAS ,theTownCounci l wishes to implementthe Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan ,adopted bytheTownon December 15,1998;and WHEREAS,theTownCounci l findsthattheLionsheadMixed Use1District ,Lionshead Mi xed Use2District,andthe General UseDistrict,in accordance withthe attached map,a re compatible withandsuitableto adjacent uses ,are consistent withthe Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan ,Town 's Land Use Plan ,andZoning Regulatio ns ,andare appropriate forthearea; and WHEREAS,thePlann ing and Environmental Commission oftheTownofVailhas recommended approval ofthesezoningmap amendments (in accordance withthe attached map)at its February 22 ,1999mee ting;and WHEREAS ,theTown Council considers itinthe i nterestofthep ublic health ,safety,and welfare toamendthe Official TownofVail ZoningMap. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BYTHETOWNCOUNC IL OFTHETOWNOF VAI L,COLORADO ,THAT : Section 1.TheOfficialZoningMapoftheTownof .Vailishereby amended as follows : The Lionshead areashallberezonedto Lionshead M ixedUse1DistrictandLions head M ixed Use2 District in accordance w ith theattachedmap .Additionally,TractEandthe Lionshead parking structure shallberezonedtoGeneralUseDistrict in accordance withthe atta ched map . Section 2.Ifanypart ,section ,subsection ,sen te nce,clauseo r phraseofthis ordinance isfo r anyreasonheldtobeinvalid ,such decision shallnoteffectthe validity ofthe remaining portions ofthis ordinance ;andtheTown Council hereby declares itwouldhave passed thisord inance,andeachpart,s ection,subsection,sentence,clauseor phrase thereof, regardless ofthefactthat anyone ormoreparts ,sections ,subsections,sentences,clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 3TheTownCouncil hereby finds,determines and declares thatth is ordinance is necessary and proper forthehealth,safetyandwe lfare oft he TownofVailandthe inhabitants thereof. Section 4 .The amendment ofanyprovis ion oftheVail Municipal Codeas provided in this ordinance shall notaffectanyrightwhichhas accrued ,anyduty imposed.any violation that occurred prior tothe effective datehereof,any prosecution commenced ,noranyotheractionor proceeding as commenced underorbyvirtueofthe provision amended .The amendment ofany provision hereby shallnotreviveany provision orany ordinance prev iously repealedor superseded unless expressly stated herein . Ord inanceNo .4,Seri es of1999 1 •• Section5.A ll bylaws,orders,resolutionsand ordinances,orpartsthereof, inconsistent herew ith are repealed totheextentonlyofsuch inconsistency .Thisrepea ler shall notbe construed to revise anybylaw ,order,resolutionorordinance,orpart thereof,theretofore repealed . INTRODUCED ,READONFIRSTREADING ,APPROVED ,ANDORDERED PUBLISHEDONCEINFULLONFIRSTREADINGthis2nddayofMarch ,1999,andapublic hearingforsecondreadingofthis Ordinance setforthe16thdayofMarch,1999 ,intheCouncil Chambers oftheVa il MunicipalBUilding,Va il,Colorado. RobertE.Ford,Mayor Attest: LoreleiDonaldson ,TownClerk READANDAPPROVEDONSECONDREADINGANDORDEREDPUBLISHEDthis 16thdayofMa rch,1999. RobertE.Ford,Mayor Attest: LoreleiDonaldson ,TownClerk OrdinanceNo.4,Serieso f1999 2 • • LIONSHEAD REZONINGS Proposed Lionshe ad Mixed-Use 1District The Properties outl ined onth is map areproposed t obe rezoned s 1'9-1 (2 ,;;...J :':) uf cd .~If0, ProposedGeneralUseDistri / 0 ParcelsoProposedGeneralUseDistrictoProposedUonsheadMixed-Use1 District t:J Proposed U onsheadMixed-Use2 District /\/GoreCreek TM •. Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM : DATE: SUBJECT: PLANNING STAFF,RUSSELL FORREST BRENT WILSON JANUARY 8,1999 SUMMARY OF STATUTORY ANNEXATION REQUIREMENTS Although Vailisahomerule municipality ,thestatehas determined (in City &County of Denver 1'.County Court -1958and theMlinicipal Annexation Act of 1965)that annexations are "special statutory proceedings ."Thus,stateguidelinesfor annexations mustbefollowedbyall jurisdictions.Ironically ,requirements for disconnection ("de-annexation")proceedings are outlined onlyforstatutory municipalities . Fortunately,thestate standards arerelativelylax,as demonstrated below : ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 1)Contiguity -notlessthanI16th of the perimeter of theareaproposedfor annexation mustbe contiguous tothe annexing municipality ."Municipal satellites"or "enclaves"are prohibited . 2a)A "community of interest"mustexistbetweenthetownandtheannexedarea . 2b)The annexed areamustbeurbanorsoon-to-beurbanized . 2c)The annexed areamustbe integrated intoorcompatiblewiththeexisting municipality . 771e requirements outlined ill2a-2care assumed tohavebeenmet if the contiguity requirementfrom itemIhasbeenmet. 3)When establishing amunicipalboundary,nolandheldinidentical ownership maybe divided intotwoparcels (inside andoutsidetheboundary)withoutthe written consent of the landowner unlesssaidparcelsare separated byadedicatedstreet,roador other publicway . In Caroselli 1'.Town '?f Vail (706P .2d 1),TOVlostasuitbecauseaUSFSparcelwas divided without formalconsentfromtheUSFStodividethattractfromtherest of thefederal lands. (')RECYCLEDPAPER •• 4)No annexations maytakeplacewhichwouldhavetheeffect of extending the municipal boundary morethanthreemilesfromanypoint of suchmunicipal boundary in anyone year. 5)If a portion of aplattedstreetoralley isannexed ,theentirewidth of saidstreetoralleyshall be included inthearea annexed .Reasonable accessalongthis streettoproperties outside the municipal boundary shallnotbedenied. It is important thatthesefindingsaremadeandpresentedinany staff memo randum orpublic recordpriorto annexation . ANNEXA nON PROCEEDING REQUIREMENTS The "Poundstone II"amendment totheColoradoConst itution (1980)requiresthatall municipalities inthe state establishatleastone of thefollowingthree criteria priorto annexing an unincorporated area: I)The question of annexation hasbeensubmittedtoavote of the landowners and registered electors of theareatobeannexed,andthemajority of suchpersonsvot ing havevotedfor annexation;or 2)The annexing municipality hasreceivedapetitionfor annexation signedby more than 50%of the landowners intheareawhoownmorethan50%of theland (excluding streets andalleys);or 3)Theareaisentirely surrounded byorissolelyownedbythe annexing municipality . Petition for Annexation If the governing bodyfindsthepetitionisin compliance withthecriteria outlined above,notice of the hearing mustbe published andanypersonmustbeallowedtopresent evidence and testimony.If,atthehearing,thegoverningbody determines the annexation criteria havebeen met,itmay(butisnotrequiredto)annextheterritory . Petition for Annexation Election A petition for annexation election mustbesignedbyatleast75electors,or10 percent of said electors,whichever isless .If thetownfindsthepetitiontobeinsubstantial compliance with requirements of the statutes,anotice of hearingispublished (requirements tofollow)anda hearingis conducted (requ irements tofollow).Thetownmaythenpassa resolution to proceed and conduct theelection procedures.Thetown,however ,alsohasthe discretion and authority nottoannex. ..,.....•• Setting Hearing Date -NoticeGiven Notice of hearing must establish thedate,timeandplace of the annexation hearing.Thehearing mustbeheldnotlessthan30daysnormorethan60daysaftertheeffectivedate of the resolution setting the hearing.ThehearingisnotrequirediftheTown determines the statutory requirements forpetitionhavenotbeenmet. Annexation ImpactReports Required for annexations largerthan10acres .Requirements areoutlinedinC .R.S.31-12-108 .5 . Hearing Any person may appear topresentevidenceuponany matter tobedeterminedbythe governing bodyin connection withthe proposed annexation.Theproceedingsmustbe recorded,butthe Townmay present minutes summarizing thepresentation of each speaker. Findings Uponthe completion of thehearing,theTownmustpresentfindings offact withregardto whether the statutory annexation requirements havebeenmet,whether anelectionisrequired, and whether additional termsorconditionsaretobeimposed .IftheTownfindsthe proposal doesnotcomplywiththe applicable provisions,the annexation proceedings must terminate. Annexation without an Election Oncethe Town has determined an election isnotrequired,itmayproceedtoannextheareaby ordinance,unlessit chooses toimposeadditionaltermsand conditions onthe petitioned request, in which casean election mustbeheld.However,ifsaidtermsand conditions are proposed by 100%of the petitioners,an election isnotrequired. Summary of Town ofYaii Requirements forAnnexation Procedures • • • Findings of compliance withtheCRSprovisionsoutlinedabovemustbe entered intothe record. Ifan area tobeannexedisnotownedbyTOY,awrittenpetition from the landowner(s) shouldbe forwarded totheTownrequestingthisannexation.If theTown determines the state requirements outlinedabovehavebeenmet,itmayannextheareaby ordinance . However,if additional termsorconditionsaretobeimposedaspart of the annexation,an election is required. ThePECmaybegin reviewing zoning designations orsubdivision proposals prior to annexation -provided apetition(whichmeetstheCRScriteria)hasbeenreceived or a resolution of intent hasbeenpassed .Theproposedzoningor subdivision maynot become final,however,untilthe annexation ordinance hasbeenpassedonfinal reading . PLANNINGAND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION I ••FILe COpy PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday,March22,1999 FINAL AGENDA Project Orientation I PECLUNCH-Community Development Department 12:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT COUNCIL PRESENT Greg Moffet John Schofield Galen Aasland BrianDoyon Tom Weber DianeGolden AnnBishop Sybill Navas LudwigKurz Site Visits:1:30 p.m. 1.Townof Vail-2477-2497 Garmisch Driver:George NOTE:IfthePEGhearingextendsuntil6 :00 p.m.,theboard will b reak for dinner from6 :00 -6 :30 p.m. PublicHearing-TownCouncil Chambers 2:00p.m. 1.A request fora joint worksession withtheTownCounciltoamendthe Town's "Public Accommodation"Zone District,Chapter 7and amendments to Chapter 15,Gross Residential FloorArea(GRFA ),TownofVailMun icipal Code . Applicant: Planner: Johannes Faessler,represented byBraun Associates,Inc . George Ruther WORKSESSION -NOVOTE 2.A request fora conditional use permit,toallowforthe consolidation oftwo dwelling units intheCC2Zone District,locatedat124E.Meadow Drive I Aport ion of Lot5E ,Vail Vii/ageFirstFiling. VOTE :4 -0(Tom Weber recused) SECOND :BrianDoyon Applicant:A lfredo L.Suarez,represented byFritzlen,Pierce,Smith Architects Planner:Allison Ochs MOTION:John Schofield APPROVED ..,.-"""••\ \ 3.'ArequestforarezoningfromPrimaryiSecondary ResidentialtoResidential Cluste r, locatedat 2497,2487,2485and2477GarmischDrivei Lots1,2,3 and4 ,Block H,Va il dasSchoneFiling#2. Applicant:TownofVail Planner:AllisonOchs MOTION:JohnSchofieldSECOND:GalenAasland RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL WITH1CONDITION: VOTE:5-0 1.ThatCouncilusethestrongestpossiblelanguagetoensurethattheparkarea remainsasparkland/openspace.OneoptionistoincludeitasCharterOpen Space. 4.Arequestforannexationandzoningofoutdoor recreation ofanunplattedportionofthe SE 1f4 SE 1f4 SE 1f4 SW V4 ofSection11,Township5South,Range 81 West,generally locatedonthenorthsideofArosaDrive,andabutting Sunlightnorthtotheeastand TownManager'shousetothewest. Applicant:TownofVail Planner:AllisonOchs MOTION :JohnSchofieldSECOND:BrianDoyon RECOMMEND TOCOUNCILWITH1CONDITION: VOTE:5-0 1.ThatCouncil usethestrongestpossible languagetoensurethattheparkarea remainsaspa rk land/openspace.Oneoption istoincludeitasCharterOpen Space . 5.ArequestforaminoramendmenttoSpecialDevelopmentDistrictNo.35,AustriaHaus, toame nd Sect ion 6ofOrdinance#12,Seriesof1997toclarifyaconditionofthe Ordinance,locatedat242E.MeadowDrive/PartofTractC,Block50,Vail Village1s t Filing. Applicant: Planner : BillSullivan,rep resenting theAustriaHausDevelopmentGroup GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTIL APRIL 12,1999 6.Arequestfora finalreviewofaproposedlockerroomexpansiontotheDobsonIce Arena,locatedat321E.LionsheadCircle/Lot1,Block1,VailLionshead2nd Filing . Applicant: Planner: VailRecreationDistrict GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTIL APRIL 12,1999 7.ArequestforavariancefromSection12-60-6 oftheTownofVailMunicipalCode,to allowforanencroachmentintotherequiredsidesetbacks ,locatedat3003Bellflower Drive/Lot9,Block6 ,VailIntermountain. Applicant: Planner: Mr.GuillermoHuerta GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTIL APRIL 26,1999 2 I •• 8.Areques t foravaria ncefromSection 12-60-9 (SiteCoverage)oftheTownofVail Municip al Code,toallow for site coverage inexcessof20%andavariancefromSectio n 12-60-6 (FrontSetbacks )of the TownofVail Municipa l Code,toallowforan encroachmentinto the frontsetbackonaPrimary/Secondary Resident ial zonedlot , locatedat362 Mill Cree k Circle I Lot 9,Bloc k 1,Vail VillageFirstFiling. Applican t: Planner: Walter Forbes,representedbyGwathmey-PrattArc hitects AllisonOc hs TABLED INDEFINITELY MOT ION:GalenAasland SECOND:JohnSchofield VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL APRIL12,1999 9.InformationUpdate 10.ApprovalofMarch8 ,1999minutes. The applications andinformationabouttheproposalsareavailableforpublicinspectionduring requtar office hoursin t heprojectplanner'sofficelocatedattheTownofVail Community Development Department ,75SouthFrontageRoad. Sign language interpretation available upon requestwi th 24 hournotification.P lease call4 79-2356 ,T elephoneforthe H earing Impaired,for informatio n . Co mmunity DeVelopmen tDepartment 3 ,•• PLANNINGANDENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PUBUC MEETINGSCHEDULE FIL£COPy Monday,March22,1999 FINAL AGENDA Project Orientation I PEe lUNCH -Community Development Department 12:30p.m. MEMBERSPRESENT MEMBERSABSENTCOUNCILPRESENT GregMoffet JohnSchofield GalenAasland BrianDoyon TomWeber DianeGolden AnnBishop SybillNavas Ludwig Kurz Site Visits:1:30p.m. 1.TownofVail -2477-2497Garmisch Driver:George NOTE:IfthePEC hear ing extendsuntil6 :00 p.m.,theboard will breakfordinnerfrom6:00 ·6:30p.m . PublicHearing-TownCouncilChambers 2:00p.m. 1.Arequestforajoint worksession withtheTownCounciltoamendtheTown 's"Public Accommodation "ZoneDistrict,Chapter7andamendmentstoChapter15,Gross ResidentialFloorArea(GRFA),TownofVailMunicipal Code. Applicant: Planner: Johannes Faessler ,representedbyBraunAssociates,Inc. GeorgeRuther WORKSESSION -NOVOTE 2.Arequestforaconditionalusepermit ,toallowfortheconsolidationoftwodwellingunits intheCC2ZoneDistrict,locatedat124 E.MeadowDrive I AportionofLot5E ,Vail VillageFirstFiling. VOTE :4-0(Tom Weber recused) SECOND:BrianDoyon Applicant:Alfredo L.Suarez,representedbyFritzlen,Pierce,Smith Architects Planner:AllisonOchs MOTION:John Schofield APPROVED ••• VOTE:5-0 3. ...\!," .'Arequestforarezoning fromPrimary/Secondary Residential toResidentialClus ter, locatedat 2497,2487,2485 and2477Garmisch Drive/Lots1,2 ,3and4,BlockH,Vail dasSchoneFiling#2. Applicant:TownofVail Planner:AllisonOchs MOTION:JohnSchofieldSECOND:GalenAasland RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL WITH1 CONDITION: 1.ThatCouncilusethestrongestpossiblelanguagetoensurethattheparkarea remainsasparkland/openspace.Oneoptionisto includeitas Charter Open Space. 4 .Arequestforannexationandzoningofoutdoor recreat ion ofanunplattedportionofthe SE '/4 SE %SE %SW %ofSection11,Township 5 South,Range 81 West,generally locatedonthenorthsideofArosaDrive,andabutt ing Sunlightnorthtotheeastand TownManager'shousetothewest. Applicant :TownofVail Planner:Allison Ochs MOTION:JohnSchofieldSECOND:BrianDoyon RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL WITH1 CONDITION: VOTE :5-0 1.ThatCouncilusethestrongestposs ible languagetoensurethattheparkarea remainsasparkland/openspac e.Oneoptionistoincludeitas Charter Open Space. 5 .ArequestforaminoramendmenttoSpecialDevelopmentDistrictNo.35,AustriaHaus, toamendSection 6 ofOrdinance#12,Seriesof1997toclarifyaconditionofthe Ordinance,locatedat242E.MeadowDrive/PartofTractC,Block 50,VailVillage 151 Filing. Applicant: Planner: BillSullivan,representingtheAustriaHausDevelopmentGroup GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTIL APRIL 12,1999 6.Arequestforafinalreviewofaproposed lockerroomexpansiontotheDobsonIce Arena,locatedat321E.LionsheadCircle/Lot1,Block1,VailLionshead2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: VailRecreationDistrict GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTIL APRIL 12,1999 7.Arequestforava riance fromSection 12-60-6 oftheTownofVailMunicipalCode ,to allowforan encroachment intotherequired side setbacks,locatedat3003 Bellflower Drive /Lot9,Block6,VailIntermountain. Applicant: Planner: Mr.GuillermoHuerta GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTIL APRIL 26,1999 2 •• 8.Areq uest f or avar iancefromSect ion 12-60-9 (SiteCoverage)oftheTownofVail MunicipalCode ,toallowforsitecoverageinexcessof20%andavariancefromSection 12-60-6 (Front Setbacks )oftheTownofVailMunicipalCode ,toallowforan encroachment intothefrontsetbackonaPrimary/Secondary Residentialzonedlot, locatedat 362 MillCreekCircle /Lot9,Block1,VailVillageFirstFiling. Applicant: Planner : Walter Forbes,representedby Gwathmey-Pratt Architects AllisonOchs TABLED INDEFINITELY MOTION :GalenAasland SECOND :JohnSchofield VOTE :5-0 TABLED UNTIL APRIL12,1999 9.Information Update 10.ApprovalofMarch8,1999 minutes. Theapplicationsandinformationabouttheproposalsareavailableforpublicinspectionduring regularoff ice hoursintheprojectplanner's officelocatedattheTownofVail Community Development Department ,75SouthFrontageRoad. S ignlanguageinterpretationavailableuponrequestwith24hournotification .Pleasecall479 -2356,Te lephone forthe Hear ing Impaired ,forinformation. Community Development Department 3 ••FILE COpy DESIGNREVIEWBOARDAGENDA Wednesday,January 20,1999 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION I LUNCH-Community Development Department 12:30pm MEMBERS PRESENT BrentAim ClarkBrittain HansWoldrich BillPierce GregMoffet(PEC) MEMBERS ABSENT SITEVISITS 1.ArosalGarm isch Employee HousingSite-ArosalGarmisch 2.Mereles/Firmanresidence-1924SunburstDrive 3 .Nancy's Nest-765ForestRoad 4 . Driver :Jeff PUBLICHEARING-TOWNCOUNCILCHAMBERS 2:00pm 3:00 pm 1. 2. 3 . Nancy'sNest-Final review ofademo/rebuildofaprimary/secondaryresidence , withaTypeIIEmployeeHousing Unit 765ForestRoad/Lot8,Block2,VailVillage6th Filing. Applicant:NancyAdam,representedbyFritzlen ,Pierce ,Smith Architects MOTION:ClarkBrittain SECOND:HansWoldrichVOTE :4-0-1 APPROVEDWITH1CONDITION: 1.Thattheencroachmentsonsiteberemoved ,asrequiredbystaff . Mereles/Firmanresidence-Conceptualreviewofanadditionlremodelofa primary/secondary residence . 1984Sunburst Drive/Lot 20 ,VailValley 3'd . Applicant:R.Mereles &R.Firman ,representedbyFritzlen,Pierce,Smith CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE McDonald's -Buildingaddition. 2171NorthFrontageRoadWesULot2B ,aResubofLot2 ,VaildasSchone 3'd Filing . Applicant:GeorgeGreenwald MOTION:BillPierce SECOND:GregMoffe t VOTE:5-0 APPROVEDWITH1CONDITION: 1.Thattheapprovalisforthebuildingonly;additionalsignapprovalisrequired . 1 Brent Allison George •• 4 . 5. BallResidence-Finalreviewofanew single-family residence. 2835 Snowberry Drive/Lot8,Block9,Intermountain. Applicant:Chris &MaryBall,representedbyBethLevine MOTION:ClarkBrittainSECOND:Greg Moffet VOTE :5-0 APPROVED AS PRESENTED WITHA YOSEMITE GREENROOF Arosa/Garmisch EmployeeHousingSite-Conceptual review ofproposedemployee housing 6-plex. Applicant:TownofVail ,representedbyAndyKnudtsen CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE Jeff Allison Staff Approvals ChinaGardenExpress-Newsignage . 143 E.Meadow Drive/Crossroads East. Applicant:SharonMou Beaver Dam ,LLC residence -Officeaddition . 443 Beaver Dam/Lot 4,Block4 ,VailVillage 3r<!. Appl icant:BeaverDamLLC Zevada residence -Revisions topreviouslyapprovedplans . 1337VailValleyDrive/Lot4 ,Block3,VailValley1st . Applicant:Spad Intemational,Ltd. DailyGrind-Courtyardironfenceasrequiredforliquorlicensing. 288Bridge Street/Rucksack Building. Applicant:DailyGrindCoffeeCo. Solar Vail-Revised antenna location. 501N.FrontageRd.West. Applicant:Western Wireless Brent Allison Brent Brent Dominic The applications and information abouttheproposalsareavailableforpublic inspection duringregularoffice inthe project planner's office ,locatedattheTownofVail Community Development Department,75SouthFn Road . Signlanguage interpretation availableuponrequestwith24hour notification .Pleasecall 479-2356 ,Telepho theHearingImpa ired,for information . 2 • PUBLICMEETINGSCHEDULE Monday,March 22,1999 AGENDA Project Orientation I PECLUNCH -Community Development Department 12:30p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Site Visits: 1.Townof Vail-2477-2497Garmisch Driver:George 1:30p.m. NOTE:IfthePEG hearing extends until 6 :00 p.m.,theboardwill break for dinner from6 :00 -6:30 p.m. Public Hearing -Town Council Chambers 2:00p.m. 1.A requestforajoint worksession withtheTownCouncil toamendtheTown 's "Public Accommodation "ZoneDistrict.Chapter7andamendmentstoChapter15,Gross ResidentialFloorArea(GRFA),TownofVailMunicipalCode. Applicant: Planner: JohannesFaessler,representedbyBraunAssociates,Inc. GeorgeRuther 2.Arequestforaconditionalusepermit,toallowfortheconsolidationoftwodwellingunits intheCC2Zone District ,locatedat124E.MeadowDrive I AportionofLot5E,Vail VillageFirstFiling. Applicant: Planner: Alfredo L.Suarez ,representedbyFritzlen,Pierce,SmithArchitects AllisonOchs 3.ArequestforarezoningfromPrimary/SecondaryResidentialtoResidentialCluster , locatedat2497 ,2487,2485 and2477GarmischDrive/Lots1,2,3 and4,BlockH,Vail dasSchoneFiling#2. Applicant: Planner: TownofVail Allison ocns 4.Arequestforannexationandzoningofoutdoorrecreationofanunplattedportionofthe SE Y4 SE 1,4 SE Y4 SW 1,4 ofSection 11 ,Township5South,Range 81 West,generally locatedonthenorthsideofArosaDrive,andabuttingSunlight northtothe eastandTownManager'shousetothewest. Applicant: Planner: TownofVail AllisonOchs •• 5.Arequestfo r a minor amendment toSpecial Development District No.35 ,AustriaHaus , to am endSec tion 6 of Ordinance #12 ,Se ries of 1997to clarify acondi tion ofthe Ordinance,locat edat242 E.MeadowDrive/Partof Tract C,Block 50,VailVillag e 15t Filing. Applicant: Planner : BillSullivan ,representing the Austria Haus Development Group GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTILAPRIL 12,1999 6 .A request foraf inal rev iew ofaproposedlockerroom expansion tothe Dobson Ice Arena ,located at321E.LionsheadCirc le/Lot 1,Block 1,Vail Lionshead z'"Filing. Appl icant: Planner: Va il RecreationDistrict GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTIL APRIL 12,1999 7.A request fora variance fromSection 12-60-6 oftheTownofVail Municipal Code ,to allowforan encroachment intotherequiredsidesetbacks,locatedat3003 Bellflower Drive /Lot 9,Block 6,Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Planner: Mr.Guillermo Huerta GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTIL APRIL 26,1999 8.A request forava riance fromSection 12-60-9 (Site Coverage )oftheTownofVail Municipal Code ,toallow forsite cove ragein excess of20%anda variance fromSect ion 12-60-6 (FrontSe tbacks)oftheTownofVa il Mun icipal Code ,toallowforan encroachment into t hefront setback ona Primary/Secondary Residential zoned lot , located at 362 MillCreek Circle /Lot 9,Block 1,Vail VillageFirstFiling. App licant:Walter Forbes ,represented byGwa thmey-Pratt Architec ts p,ann ik(AIliSO.nOchs TABL ~I ~ND NI 9 .InformationUpda te 10.Approval ofMarch8 ,1999 minutes. The applications and information aboutthe proposals areava ilable forpublic inspection dur ing regular office hoursinthe project planner'soffice locatedattheTownofVail Community Development Department,75SouthFrontageRoad . Signlanguageinterpretationavailable up onreque stwith24hournotification .Pleaseca ll479·2356 ,Tel ephone forthe HearingImpaired ,for information . Co mmunity Deve lopment D epartment Pu blished Mar ch 19,1999 intheVailTrail 2 • MEMORANDUM TO:Planning andEnvironmental Comm ission FROM:CommunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE:March22 ,1999 • SUBJECT :Arequestfora worksession -to discussproposedtext amendments to thePublicAccommodation ZoneDistrictregulat ions amend ing the .'. variousdevelopmentstandardsandrevising the development review process Applicant: Planner : JohannesFaessler ,representedbyTomBraun GeorgeRuther I.DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST OnDecember 14,1998,theappl icant's representative,TomBraun ,appearedbeforethe Planning &EnvironmentalCommissionw ith arequestforaworksessiontodiscusstext amendments tothePublicAccommodationZoneDistrict.Duringthemeeting ,anumber ofissueswerediscussed .Acopyoftheminutes fromtheDecember14th meetingis attached for reference. OnJanuary2 ,1999,theapplicant 's representativemetwiththePlanning & Environmental CommissionandtheVailTownCouncilforajointworksessiontofurther discusstheproposedtextamendments .Follow ing apresentationoftheissuesand amendments byTomBraun ,theCounci l andtheCommiss ion eachagreedthat amendments wereneeded . OnFebruary22 ,1999 ,theapplicant'srepresentativeagainmetwiththePlanning & Environmental Commissiontocontinuediscussionontheproposed amendments tothe PublicAccommodationZoneDistrict.AcopyoftheFebruary22 nd meet ing minuteshave beenattachedforreference . Thefollowingdiscussionissueswereconcludedandneednofurther discussion atthis time: •Build ing he ight shallremain unchangedwithamaximum of48 'forslopingroofsand 45'forflatroofs; •Commonareashallnolongerbelimitedto35%; •A10%limitationshallbeplacedonrestaurantandretail development witha cond itional usepermit requiredtoexceed10%; •Setbacksshallbe20 'onallsideswiththeabilitytoreducethe setback requ irement withoutavariancegiventhatcertaincriteriaaremet; •Horizontalzoningshouldnotbeimplemented .Instead ,themarketshould determine theusesonthedifferentlevelsofabuilding; •• •T hereshou ldbenolimitation ondens ity(dwellingunits/acre );and •Theproposedtextamendmentsshall beapplicabletoallprope rties curre ntly zoned Publ ic Accommoda tion .Rezonings shouldnotberequired. Further d iscussionis neededon t hefollowingissues: •TheCommiss ion agreedthattheGRFA,site coverageand landscapingfigures shouldbeamended ,thoughafinalpercentage for eachstandardwasnot de termined; •TheCcmrn ission agreedthat the defini tion of a"lodge"needs tobe .amendedto . furtherinsure t hataccommodat ion units areconstructedinthePublic . AccommodationZoneDistrict yetaf inal definition wasnotconcluded . •T heComm ission expressedaneedtorevise thedevelopmentreviewprocess.but agai n further discussionisrequired. The purpose of this joint worksession isto continue the communication between the commun ity,applicant,staff,Planning &Environmental Commission and the Town Council with regard to possible amendments to the Town 's Public Accommodation Zone District Regulations.To facilitate this discussion,staff has again identified issues which we believe need tobed iscussed in greater detail. Each of these issues is discussed in Section III of this memorandum.It i s not the intent of this meeting to rehash those issues already discussed and resolved at early meetings. II.DISCUSSIONISSUES Staff has identifiedfiveissueswhichwebelieve needtobed iscussed and addressed priorto theCommission makingits f inalreco mmendationto theTown Councilonthe proposedamendments.Thefollowing d iscussionissueshavebeen identified: 1.Lodgi ng Definition Acco rdingt oSect ion 12-2-2 oftheTownofVailMunicipal Code ,a "lodge"isdef ined as : Abuilding or groupofassociatedbuildingsdes igned foroccupancyprimarily as thetempo rary lodging placeof individualsorfamiliese ither in accommodation unitsordwe lling units,inwh ich thegrossresidential f loor areadevotedto accommodat ion units exceedsthegrossresidentialfloorareadevotedto dwe lling units .andinw hich allsuchunits areoperatedunde r asingle . management providingtheoccupantsthereofcustomaryhotel servicesand fac ilities . AttheFebruary 22"d worksessionmeeting therewasdiscussionregardingamendingthe ex isting defin ition ofa "lodge"toincrease the likelihoodthataccommodationunitswillbe constructedandtoinsure thatthe intentof thezonedistrict isconsistentw ith Town objectives.Asthedefinitionexiststoday,apropertyzonedPubl ic Accommodationcould beconstructedwith 51%oftheallowableGRFAdevotedtoaccommodat ion unitsand 49%oftheGR FA devotedtocondominiums •• Staffbelievesthatthe allowable uses ,whetherpermitted,conditional ,or accessory , shouldbeofthetypewhichdirectlybenefittheintentofthe district andmeetthe deve lopment objectives oftheTown.Staffwouldaskthatthe percentage of GRFA be increased to70%for accommodat ion units,FFU's andtimeshares .Thirty percent ofthe GRFAwouldremainavailablefor construction of dwelling units.Staff believes thatthe 70%/30%splitis appropriate giventheresultofresearchcompletedon redevelopment needsofLionshead .Duringthe Master Plan discussion anincreaseof30%overand aboveexistingcond itions wasidentif ied asnecessarytoeconom ically ach ieve redevelopment.Inadditiontothe30%GRFAallocationfor dwelling units ,FFU 's and other formsof interval ownership willremainavailableasafinancing mechanism for hotel redevelopment 2.ReviewProcess The applicant hasproposedanamended development reviewprocess.The proposed processwouldbe applicable onlytothosepropertieszonedPublic Accommodation and isverysimilar innaturetothecurrentreview processutilizedbytheTownfor properties In thecoreareas.Theessenceoftheamendedreviewprocessisthat proposals for development wouldbereviewedforcompliancewiththeVailVillageUrbanDesign GuidePlan.Historically,theVailVillageUrbanDesignGuidePlanhasbeenthe planning document usedbytheTownwhenreview ing projects intheVillageCore. G iven thelocationofthemajorityofthePublic Accommodation zoned properties, relativetotheVillageCore,itwouldappearthattheGuidePlanwouldbea reasonable and appropriate toolwhenreviewingprojectsinthePublic Accommodation ZoneDistrict. There aretwoPublic Accommodation zonedpropertiesintheTownthatarenotlocated inthe general v icinity oftheVillageCore:TheRoostLodgeandTheMarriott .Ofthese twoproperties ,themost problematic withregardtothe development review process is theRoostLodge.TheRoostLodgewouldneedtobereviewedmore similarly toother properties inTownthatarenotwithinmasterplannedareas.InthecaseoftheRoost Lodge,staffwouldsuggestthatthedesign guidelines outlinedintheZoning Regulations applytotheproperty . Theresearchcompletedbythe applicant oftherecent redevelopment projectsinthe Public Accommodation ZoneDistrictindicatesthatthemajorityof redevelopment was facilitated byutil izing theSpecial Development Districtprocess.Andwhileutiliz ing the Spec ial Development Districthasbeen characterized as difficult and arduous,the processhasenabledthe community torealizepublicbenefits,whichmaynothavebeen possible otherwise .Forexample ,theAustriaHausSDDresultedin substantial public improvements toSliferPlazaandEastMeadowDriveandcreatednewly deed-restricted employee housingunits.IntheabsenceoftheSDDprocess,itis questioned whether thereremainsaclearand reasonable meansforthe community to involve theprivate sector inthe construction ofoff-sitepublic improvements.Most importantly,theremust remaintheabilityfortheTowntorequireoff-sitepublic improvements and employee housing tomitigatetheimpactof redevelopment ofprivateproperty.MuchoftheTown ofVail Streetscape MasterPlanhasbeen implemented viapublic /private partnerships resultingfrom opportunities createdby redevelopment.Thecreationof deed-restricted employee hous ing ismore difficult torequireandobtain without adopted legislation. Staff continues torecommendthattheexistingreviewprocessforCC1,CC2 ,andthe Public Accommodation districts berefinedtobeless arduous andtime consuming than 3 •• theSpecial Development District process,yetstill enable the commun ity to require off- site improvements to public property and employee housing to mitigate the impactsof redevelopment. 3.Development Standards The applicant has proposed numerous changes tothe development standards prescribed forthePublic Accommodation ZoneDistrict.Many ofthe proposed changes have been discussed and resolved.The following amendments remain unresolved and areinneedof further discussion priorto forwarding a recommendation totheTown Council : •GRFA ratio is increased from80%(0.80)to120%(1.20) •An increase in allowable site coverage from55%to70%.(80%currently allowed in CC1 and70%in CC2). •A decrease inthe landscape area requirement from30%to20%to correspond withthe proposed increase insite coverage . The proposed changes arein response tothe findings ofthe research completed bythe applicant ofpast redevelopment projects.Inmost instances,applicants for redevelopment inthe Public Accommodation ZoneDistrict havesoughtrelief from the GRFA,common area,density,site coverage ,and setback standards byrequesting variances or Special Development Districts.Theintentofthe proposed changes isto reducetheneedfor variances and minimize theuseof Special Development Districts, while providing the necessary flexibility to redevelop a lodge orhotel property.The intentistoalso provide incentives for properties to redevelop. GRFA The majority ofthe Council and Commiss ion members believe thatanincreaseinGRFA is needed .The applicant's research of recent redevelopment onPublic Accommodat ion Zoned properties indicates thatthe average GRFA percentage granted is96%.Staff wouldsuggestthatthe applicant,the Commission andthe Council furtherdiscussthe proposed amendment tothe GRFA percentage and proceed towards determining an appropriate figure . SITE COVERAGE The applicant has proposed to increase thesite coverage limitation from55%to70%. During the discussions at previous meeting several Commission and Council members expressed a concern that70%site coverage wastoogreatand would resultin negative impactson landscaping.The average site coverage granted forthemostrecent redevelopment projects inthe Public Accommodation Zone District is approximately 49%. LANDSCAPING A decrease inthecurrent landscape area requirement hasbeen proposed.The decrease inthe landscape area requ irement isdirectly correlated tothe proposed increase inthesite coverage limitation .The applicant has proposed reducing the landscape area requirement from30%to20%.A potential benefit of reducing the 4 •• landscape requirement isan increase instructured .underground parking ratherthan surface park ing lots . III.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Asthis a worksess ion todiscusspossibletext amendments tothePublic Accommodation ZoneDistrictregulationsamendingthe various development standards andrev ising the development reviewprocess ,staffwillnotbeprovidingaformal recommendation atthistime.However,atthetimeoffinalreviewbythe Planning and Environmental Comm ission.staffwillprovideits recommendation .: 5 •• PLANNINGANDENVIRONMENTALCOMMISSION December14,1998 Minutes MEMBERSPRESENT: GregMoffet John Schofield GalenAasland DianeGolden BrianDoyon Tom Weber Public Hearing MEMBERSABSENT: AnnBishop STAFFPRESENT: RussForrest DominicMauriello GeorgeRuther Jeff Hunt . JudyRodriguez 2:00 p.m. GregMoffetcalledthemeetingtoorderat 2:00 p.m. 1.A request foraminorsubdivisiontorelocateanexistingpropertyline,locatedat2695 Davos Trail!Lots16and17,BlockB,VailRidge. Applicant: Planner: RandallJ.Fischer JeffHunt Jeff Huntgaveanoverviewofthestaffmemo . GregMoffetaskediftheapplicantorpublichadanycomments .Therewerenocomments. JohnSchofieldaskediftheapplicantagreedtoaconditiontoremovetheexistinggarage.The applicantagreedtothecondition . JohnSchofieldmadeamotionforapprovalinaccordancewiththestaffmemo. DianeGoldensecondedthemotion. Themotionpassedbyavoteof 6-0 . 2 .Arequestforaworksessiontodiscuss amendments tothe Town's "Public Accommodation"ZoneDistrict,Chapter7andamendmentstoChapter15,Gross ResidentialFloorArea(GRFA),TownofVailMunicipalCode. Applicant: Planner: JohannesFaessler,representedbyBraunAssociates,Inc. GeorgeRuther GalenAaslandandBrianDoyondisclosedfortherecordthattheyhadclientswhoowned propertyinthatzonedistrict ,buttheysawnoconflict . GeorgeRuthergaveanoverviewofthe staff memo. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes December 14,1998 1 •• Tom Braunsa id that Johannes hadaskedhim toresearchwhatwaswrongw ith the zone district and heexp lained they wanted tohavedialog w iththe community.Hesaiditwasthe Town 's lodgezonedistrict andtha t therewere 18PA propertiesincluding theRoostLodge .Hesaid there hadbeen9redeve lopments ,eachonerequiringan SODreq uest.Hesaid thatall the redevelopments hadrequ ired someexcept ion to t hecodeandalltheredeve lopments had togo t hroughso me kindof p rocess .Hesaid t hat consumers were demanding larger suitesandthat the marke t demanded thosekindoffacilitiesalongwiththe accessory types ofuseswh ich strained the amount ofsquare f ootageyouhadtoworkwith. Hesaid that us ing 35%for common area ,therewouldbe fewer rooms ,since there were .so . many constraints andtheyneeded tofindasolutionfora better framework.Hethensaid that the PA district was important tothe T own,andthatthesolutionshouldprov ide flexibility with controls.Hesaidthat assuming morePA properties would redevelop ,the existing PA standards represented toomany constraints.Hethen went intoa discussion ofthe proposed amendments tothePADistrict,which excluded theRoostandthe Marriott,asthe Marriott was included inthe Lionshead Master Plan .Heexpla ined the review processwasusingthetooloftheVail Village UrbanDesignGuidePlanandtheywerehangingtheirhatonthat process tobethetool,which wou ld spelltheendresultofwhatwouldhappenonthatproperty.Heproceededtogo over the development standards tobechanged : •Increase GRFA from .8to1.2 •Elim inate limitation to common area ,retail,etc. •No limittoA.U .'s andF.f.U .'s . •Setbacks asperUrbanDesignGuidePlan. •Increase site coverage from55%to70%. •Decrease landscaping from30%to20%. Hesaidtha t wou ld seta framework andwasaquick overview. Discussion #1-Uses: Greg Moffet saidthe current zone district hadallowedand conditional uses . Tom Weber said theonlyusestobechangedwere the10%limitonretail. George Ruther statedthe intentofthezone district wastoprovidelodging properties inthe most effective manner possible .Heaskedthe PEe to consider usessuchas,churches,med ical offices ,and private clubsandschools,or if amendments shouldbemadetotheuse section. Galen Aasland saidtherewasnoneedforthe10%limitation onretailand restaurants.Hesaid with regardto eliminating anyth ing,weshouldhavesomeflexibi lity aswedidnot want just hotel units ,as itwasa wonderful thingtowork inanoffice adjacent totheTown.Hesa id he didn't see alargereasonto eliminate someoftheuses. Greg Moffet saidItwasalot easier tokeepusesin,sincetheywere conditional. Diane Golden saidshewasleeryofnotleavingth isin ,asshe wanted tohaveanything possible. 2 P lanning and Environmental Commission Min utes December 14,19 98 •• Tam Weber sa id withregardtothe10%;hehadn 't heardwhytolimit itto10%andtherewasno clear argument todoso . GeorgeRutherexplained10%wassoone particular usewouldnotdominatethesite. Tom Weber said itmayberestrictingredevelopmentwhenhotelswanttoprovidethese amenitiesfor their guests . GregMoffetsaidwhenyourestrictit 10 10%,youdon'tmeet today's standards . TomBraunsa id his premise waswhatwastheproblemwith22%or12%. DianeGoldenasked,whyputalimitonit. Galen Aasland statedthat70%woulddoawaywithabedbasetosupporttheseservices . GregMoffetsaidfoodandbeverageoperationsdon'tmakeenoughtopaytherenttobeon BridgeStreetandasa"standalone"theywouldnotmake economic sense. DominicMauriellosaiditwasagood ideatohavetheseusesonthefirstfloorofbuildings,more spreadovertheTownandnotconfinedtoBridgeSt. Tom Weber saidheheardtheargumentstotakeitout,buthewantedtothinkaboutit,buthe questionedhowvalidthesepublicbuildingswereasa conditional use . GregMoffetsaidtherewasnousebyright. Tom Weber saideverythingneedstobeconditionaluse . DominicMauriellosaidanyofthepropertiescouldhaveapublic transportation facility on their property. TomWebersaidmostofthepublicusescouldbetakenout. BrianDoyonsaidthe market woulddictatethe10%,butChurchesshouldbeoutandhehadno problemwithprivateclubsorculturalfacilities.Hesaidauseforaprivatecondo association wouldbedefeatingthepurposeofbeingalodge ,ifyoucantgeta reservation there .Hesaidthat publicamenitieswereexpensiveanditwaspointlesstoaddalloftheseasaconditionaluse . JohnSchofieldsaid10%wastooarbitraryandtoletthemarketdictate .Hesaidthe conditional usesmakesense . GregMoffetsaidtogetridofthe10%,aslearningcentersareprivateschoolsandofficesare nicedowntown.Hesaidhedidn't seeimposingonpeopletochangethecodetopermittheuse andsohe suggested leavingtheconditionalusesin. Tom Weber askediftherewasapossibilitythe10%wouldaffecttheneighbors. 3 Planningand Environmental Commission Minutes December 14,1998 • Russ Forrest saidthecond itional usepermitwou ld monitor that. •• Tom Weber said lfyouwan t toget ridofthe 10%,theneighboringpropert ies might object, assum ing thatthe neighbors wouldn 't haveaproblemwith theuse . Greg Moffet statedthatthe CC1encouragesfoodandbeverageoperations. Tom Weber said therewasapointwhereyoucouldhavetoomucheating ,drinking &retail establ ishments . Greg Moffet summarized the PEe agreedtolosethe 10%,exceptforTom ,buteveryone thought tokeepconditionaluses . Greg Moffet askedforanypubliccomments. JimLamontsaidthat10%hadagreatdealtodowiththeneighborhood .Hesaidtheorig in of the10%wastomakesurethe re wasabalanceforsupport services forthepeopleinthe buildings andhesaidthephilosophy oftheVailOrdinancewas notmarket -driven,butexclus ive driven.Hesaidthe master planningdocumentdidn'tspeakformajor expansions tothose propert ies ofseveralhundredt housandsquarefeet ofcommercialandthe uniqueness ofthe neighborhoods thesearelocated inhadtoberespected. Discussion #2-Review process: GeorgeRuthersaid staff hadtomakeitlessarduous andmoreclear . Greg Moffet askedforanypubliccomments . Jim Lamont saidaslongastheappealsprocesswasinplace ,hehadno comments. TomBraunsaidthewildcardwastheRoostandsoitwasexcludedfromth is amendment and the Marriott was included intheLionsheadRedevelopment. George Ruthersaidpubl ic participation was important inany redevelopment andtonot just have theBoa rds review redevelopment becauseofoff-siteparkingandother issues . Tom Weber sa id hewouldneedmoretime andintermsoftheRoostLodge ,he didn't necessarily seetheneedtobreaktheRoostout.Hesaidnottogothrougharezoning process thatwouldbe costlytogivetheRoostanewzonedistrict. BrianDoyonagreedwithTomandsaid mostofthe issuesshouldbecoveredif itwasdoneright. Hesaidthereview processwasgettingstreamlined.Hesaidwewereveryawareofthe process andweare constantly tryingtochangeit,sohedidn'tseemuchneedforany major changes . John Schofield said he saw nogreatpurposeinremov ing theRoostandtherewasnologicto single outtheRoost just because itwasnotinthisarea. 4 P lanningand Environmental Commission Minutes December 14,1998 •• Galen Aasland saidnottoeliminatethesetbacks .Healsodidn'tagreewith eliminating everythingsoit just wouldgototheORB,because therewouldbenopublicprocess .Hesaidhe wantedthemajorityofthepropertiestohavehotelunits. DianeGoldensaiditwasinterestingtohavePAzonesnexttohighdensityzonesthathad restrictions . George Ruther saidPAwastheone district thatrequired 50%lodges. DianeGoldenthoughtthereviewprocesswasfineandwantedtokeeptheRoostinthePAZone District. Greg Moffet saidwearenowtakingstepstochangethereviewprocessandhesaid the SOD processdidn't work,asitwastooarduous .HesaidaslongaswecankeeptheRoostalodging building,hedidn 't carehowitwaszoned. DominicMauriellosaidcurrentlyalodgecouldbebuiltbygoingthroughtheORBonly.He suggestedmakingsomeusesconditionalusessothattheywouldcomebeforethePECBoard. Hesaidthewaythecodetreatedpermittedand conditional usesneededtobelookedat. George Ruther explainedthatausebyrightgoesrighttotheORB. TomBraunstatedthatthisdraftwouldprovidemoreassurancetoguarantee public input. Dominic Mauriello said staff wouldliketomoveawayfromalltheBoardslookingatan application andthere was asectionofthecodethatdealtwithnon-conforminguses.Heasked if itwasa permitteduseandsquarefootagewasbeingadded ,wouldthe applicant reallyneedtocome beforethePECorcantheygobefore staff andtheORB. George Ruther summarized thequestionsthatneededtobeaddressedwere:howmanyhoops would applicants havetojumpthroughandwhatBoardswouldtheyneedtogo through . Discussion #3-Development Standards .George Ruther explainedthattheywereproposingtoamendtheGRFAratioandsowhatdowe dowithalltheSODrequests. John Schofield thoughtthatSOD'sstillhadaplace. George Ruther saidSOD'shavebeenidentifiedasbeing problematic and difficult forthe staff andthepublictogothroughandheaskedifwehadgonefarenoughwhenredoingthe standards. GregMoffetsaidthatGRFAwasnotgermaneenoughforthePAZoneDistrict . BrianDoyonaskedwhatitwouldtakeforredevelopment. Russ Forrest saidTomBrauncoulddoananalysis . 5 Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes December 14 ,1998 • Greg Moffet asked forany public comme nts . Galen Aasland agreedw ithJohn regardingGRFA. • Jim Lamon t asked iftheGRFA inc luded anycommonareapenalty.Hesuggestedsetting t he GRFA numbers totakeoutthecommonareapenalty . George Ruther said ,no. Gale n Aas land said hewouldliketosees tandards foreverybodythatcomes inforachangein thebuild ings .Heagreedwitheverythingelse ,exceptforthesetbacks ,but therewasno applicationforchanging height. TomBra un sa id,no,but let'sdiscussif height shouldbe included. Ga len Aasland said hewanted theheightleftas itwasandthesetbackaffectedadjacent propert ies .Hesaidvaria nces we re neededonsetbacks ,so itwou ld becomeapublic review. Diane Golden saidshehatestousethewordeliminated andshedidn't likethedecrease inthe landscape . Greg Moffet saidiftherewasmorebuilding,therewouldbelesslandscap ing. T om Weber agreedw ithDianein th ings notbeingeliminated,buthewou ld liketocomeupwi th someth ing tha t wo rked,as hesaid theymight getintroublew ith completely eliminating.Hesaid we have ju st requiredtheapplicant tocomeintothePEC,which takesastepbackwards. TomBraunsa id wewe re trying toeliminate uncertainty. Tom Webe r saidweshou ld conceiveapathofleast restriction,whereanapplicantcould just go throughtheORB. George Ruther saidwithanSOD,allthedevelopment standardsgooutthedoo r. T omBraunsaidtheUrbanDesign G uide PlanonlyreferstotheCC1. Galen Aasland saidthe UrbanDesign Guide Plan doesn't address spacesbetweenthebu ildings. Russ Forres t saidimpactswo uld have theadjacentsspeakupandthe intensityofthe usewould requ ire coming before theBoard. JimLamontsaid j ustificationofthesetbackswantedcommercial frontageandifconfusion resu lted,thentheUrbanDesignGuidelineshadtobeconsistent.Hesaidweneededtobe conscience of neighborhoods thatexistedprev iously andsomeofthecommercialneededtobe internaltothebuildingtokeeptheneighborhood.Hesaid weneededcons istencyintheplanning · process . BrianDoyonwantedtoseesomesortofbuildingtofindoutwhat theGRFAreallyshouldbe . 6 Planningand EnvironmcntalCommission Min utes Decemb er 14,1998 •• Russ Forrest said staff will continue tosay that GRFA,asit related to commercial use ,was the least useful development tool. Brian Doyon saidhe would stillliketosee the model andthesite coverage change was a good idea . John Schofield saidby modifying accessory uses ,we would goto bulk and mass and the bulk and mass should control.Hesaid setbacks where necessary and parking standards needed to be addressed asa development standard ,for example,in the CC1 with parking on site ,or pay- in-lieu .He said this needed tobepartofthis package. Dominic Mauriello said staff would be studying parking in the Town,since they received a $3000 grant from Northwest COG . John Schofield saidif we started changing ratios ,we would have to look at parking and loading and delivery. Greg Moffet asked what dowe want ,as Council wanted live beds and this was a good first step . He said if the purpose was to increase thebed base ,we then needed to figure out how to get more beds.He said ceiling heights didn't cutitand we don't need GRFA.He said we cannot embrace the past,but need to compete inthereal wortc and make a living.Hesaid we needed to book groups in April andMayand FFU's needed some kindof limit.He liked the idea of GU zone standards,if we clearly delineated thero les of the bodies in this process.He suggested delineated this asit related tothis zone district.He said to figure out how to solve the problem and then execute it. Jim Lamont said ifwe were goingto change the GRFA system,everyone should getit back,not just inthe PA andwe needed to know the consequences ofit.He said he didn't understand the distinction of common areas or hallways beingthe same as conference rooms and the 50% relationship of AU's and FFU's .Hesaid there was no sense in units per acre,and it was a market force.Hesaidhedidn 't know about site coverage,and there was a value of the 20' setback between buildings,suchasw ith the case of the Austria Haus.He said people were going tobe concerned that this was universal enough and not just applying to Johannes.He said he would liketo see centralized parking structures andhe would rather have parking on-site. Dominic Mauriello saidwe can't lump GRFA Townwide andifwe needed a parking analysis,the applicant would have to come back next summer. 3.A request for a minor subdivision to transfer a portion of Government Lot 3,obtained by the Town ofVail from the United States Forest Service ,pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement,toLot15 ,Block 7,Vail Village First Filing . Applicant: Planner: Town ofVail Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview ofthe staff memo. Greg Moffet asked for any public or Commissioner's comments.There were no comments. 7 .Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes December 14,1998 • GalenAaslandmadeamotionforapproval. JohnSchofieldsecondedthemotion . Themotionpassedbyavoteof6-0. • 4 .ArequestforafinalreviewforamajoramendmenttoSpecialDevelopmentDistrict #6, VailVillageInn,toallowforahotelredevelopment,locatedat100EastMeadowDrive, LotsMand 0,Block 50,VailVillage1st. Applicant: Planner: DaymerCorporation,representedbyJayPeterson GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTIL1/11/99 BrianDoyonmadeamotiontotableitem #4 . DianeGoldensecondedthemotion . Themotionpassedbyavoteof6-0. 5.InformationUpdate RussForrestsaidjustasanFYI,thattheUonsheadwasgoingtoCouncilforfinalapproval tomorrow. DominicMaurielloaskedthePECtoattendtheeveningCouncilmeeting,asamajordiscussion would occur. 6 .ApprovalofNovember23,1998minutes. JohnSchofieldmadeamotionforapproval,asamended. DianeGoldensecondedthemotion. Themotionpassedbyavoteof6-0. BrianDoyonmade amotiontoadjourn. DianeGoldensecondedthemotion. Themotionpassedbyavoteof6-0. Themeetingadjoumedat4:15p.m. Planning and Environmental Commission MinulCS December 14,1998 8 •."" PLANNINGANDENV IRONMENTAL COMM ISSION February22,1999 Minutes MEMBERSPRESENT : GregMoffet John Schofield Galen Aasland DianeGolden AnnBishop BrianDoyon Tom Weber Public Hearing MEMBERSABSENT:STAFF PRESENT: Russ Forrest Dominic Mauriello George Ruther Jeff Hunt Allison Ochs Judy Rodnguez 2:00 p.m. GregMoffetcalledthemeetingtoorderat2:00p.m. PublicHearing-TownCouncilChambers 2:00 p.m. 1.Arequestforarenewa l of(andan amendment to)anexisting conditional use permit at the Lionshead Miniature Go lf Course ,locatedataportion of Tract B &D,VailLionshead 15l Filing. App licant: Planner: Charl ie Alexande r JeffHunt JeffHuntgavean overview of thestaff memo . Greg Moffet askediftheapplicanthadany comments.Hed id not. Greg Moffet askedforanypublic comment.Therewasnopubliccomment. BrianDoyonaskedwhatwouldhappentothewallatnight. Charlie Alexander saidit laiddownflat. JohnSChofieldaskedhowtheapplicant proposed toscreenthearea. Charlie Alexander saidwhenthefence went intotheground ,itwouldbe covered w ith 4'tall perennialsandheaddedthattherockwouldbe24 'tall. John Schofield encouraged theapplicanttostayasfarawayfromthebikepathas possible . GalenAaslandsaidthereshouldbenoparkingconditionattachedtothisrequest. AnnBishopechoedGalen 's comments. DianeGoldenaskedhowlongitwouldtaketo dismantle itandhowtheemployeeswouldbe trained inthe dismantling . Charlie Alexander sa id dismantling wouldtakeonlyafewminutesandemployees would be personally trained. Planning andEnvironmental Commission Minutes February22.1999 1 •• GregMoffet stated thattheapplicantdidafantast ic jobhesaidhewas in favor ofgrantinga conditional useperm it becausetheapp lication metallthe criteria. JohnSchof ield madeamotionforapproval,inaccordancewiththe staff memo. DianeGolden seconded themotion. Themotion passed byavoteof7-0. 2 .A request fora variance fromSection 12-60-9 (SiteCoverage)oftheTownofVail Municipal Code,toallowforsitecoverageinexcessof20%anda variance fromSect ion 12-60-6 (FrontSetbacks)oftheTownofVailMunicipal Code,toallowforan encroachment intothefrontsetbackona Primary/Secondary Residential zonedlot, located at 362 Mill Creek Circle I Lot9,Block1~VailVillage Rrst Rling. Applicant: Planner: Walter Forbes,representedby Gwathmey-Pran Architects AllisonOchs BrianDoyon recused himself fromthis itembecauseofaconflict. AllisonOchsgavean overview ofthestaffmemo. Greg Moffet asked jftheapplicanthadanythingtoadd. Ned Gwathmey.representing theapplicant,statedthatthesitewasa constraint sinceitwas 14,000 sq .ft.andthe applicant wasaskingforlessspacethanthesizeofatable . Greg Moffet askedforanypubliccomment.Therewasnopublic comment. GalenAaslandsaid ,giventhelotwasunder15,000 sq.ft .beforetheTown adopted the ordinance,ifthe applicant hadbuiltthisbeforethegarageandthe applicant was requesting a garagewiththis application ,theTownwouldhave supported thegarage .Hesa id the applicant's requestswere backwards,buthewasnot,however ,infavorofgrantingthe setback variance. AnnBishopsaidshewasin support ofthisrequestandwasagainstthestaff recommendation. DianeGoldensaidshe thought itmadesenseandwasreasonable ,however,feltitwasa grant ofspecial privilege andaskedtobeconvincedbyherfellow Commissioners . Tom Weber agreedwithGalen,butfeltthe setback wasaself -inflicted hardship. AllisonOchs stated thattheORBgrantedapprovalin 1992. Dominic Mauriello saidlotsizewasrecommendedforapprovalwhenitwas annexed fromthe County. Ned Gwathmey stated theissueofthesetbackwasanegativepointandheaskedifthetwo requests couldhe separated andthenherequestedtotablethiswholeissue. John Schofield saidifthezoningchangeoccurredafter,hewould support it,as it created a hardship by going backwards. GregMoffet disagreed andsaidbothrequestswereagrantofspecial privilege.Heexplained thatifallthelotsinTownwerebuiltout,wewouldbeattheedgeofallthelotlines. Plann ing and Environmental Commission Minutes February 22 .1999 2 •AnnBishopmovedtotablethis item. JohnSchofie ld secondedthemotion . Themotionpassedbyavoteof6-0. • 3.ArequesttoamendtheTown 's"Public Accommodation "ZoneDistrict,Chapter 7and amendments toChapter15,GrossResidentialFloorArea(GRFA),TownofVail MunicipalCode. Applicant: Planner: Johannes Faessler,representedbyBraunAssociates,Inc. GeorgeRuther GeorgeRuthergavean overview ofthestaffmemoandadvisedthatthiswouldbea recommendation totheTownCouncil. GregMoffetaskedifthe applicant hadanythingtoadd . TomBraunsaidhehadnotproposedachangeinthe percentages ofthe initial application;but thatjustcameupin discussions andhehadjustheardthenumbersforthefirsttimetoday. Greg Moffet askedforanypublicinput.Therewasnopublicinput. LodgingDefinition: Tom Weber saidthenumberswerenotappropriate,becauseofthegive &take aspect of recent applications. RussForrestsaidwedid group unitsthatprovided accommodation unitsfor guests duringthe Lionsheadprocess. BrianDoyonagreedwithTomWeberonthenumbersissueandsaidhehadn'tseenany numberstomakeadecisioneitherway . GeorgeRutheraskedthePECfordirectionofencouragingupto50%ofapropertyfor condos. GregMoffetstatedthosecondoswouldbeunrentedsecondhomes. BrianDoyonsaidweneedtohavenumbersontotalunitsandhewould like more information. Hesaidmorecondos (penthouses)wouldbeneededtomake redevelopment work. John Schofield askedhowtherewouldbeassurancefor accommodation unitstoremainau 's insteadofturningthemintodwellingunits.Hewantedmorethan51%GRFAforau's . GalenAaslandsaidbedsneededtobereplacedpersq.ft. AnnBishopagreedwiththeotherCommissioners comments andagreedwithGalen 's comments. DianeGoldensaidhergoalwastohavemorepeoplelivinginVailandthatshe would need more information. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes February 22,1999 3 ••GregMoffetsa id 5 1%wasnotenoughforau's and thereneeded tobeasq.ft .rep lacement of ho tel beds .Hesaid if ff u'swereperm ittedto be built ,wewould needcondos ,as it can't all be ffu 's. Rev iew Process: George Ruthergaveanoverviewofthereview processchanges. Tom Braunexplained thatvariouszonedistricts couldberequestedbyvariousproperties.He sa id anew zonedist rict withamendeddevelopment standardshadbeencreatedand would have togotoCouncil.Hesaidifapropertywasnotcontemplatingredevelopment,the property wou ld not havetorezone. TomWeberaskedifwewerecreatingazonedistrictthatnotallpropertiescouldfitinandthen this wouldnotbetoomuch different fromanSDDprocess.Hesaidthiswouldnotbe streamlining,but justformalizing .Hesaidhesawproblemswiththecodenotworkingnowand theproblemwasthataPA 1,2 and 3 could happen,s ince somanypropertiesaresodifferent. George Ruther saidtherewou ld bemoredetailonhowto implementthestandards. Dominic MauriellosaidwewantedtoreducerelianceontheSDDprocess,butnot eliminate it. George Ruthersaidthiswastobelookedatcollectivelyforall18properties. Tom Braunsaidan amendment wouldchangetheunderlyingzoning ,butthat itcouldgorightto theDRBandrelyonthe designguidelines,asthis wasputt ing someteethintothereview process . George Ruthersaidatthe December 14,1998meeting,thePECexpressedneedingapublic hearing . Greg Moffet asked ifwewantedtohaveaCC1 styleprocesswhereeverythingwassubjec t to review.Hethenaskedforanypubliccomment regardingthereviewprocess .Therewereno comments . Galen Aastand saidhewasaga instthe "one atatime"processandthat zoningshouldapply generally to thisdistrict.Hethoughtthatthiswasveryappropriateandwhathasbeenwritten wasverygood .He thought it wasappropriatethatthestaffwritesthefinal recommendation , rather thanthe applicant andthat itwasappropriatethatitbelookedatlikea CC1 . AnnBishopsaidtheunder lying zoningwasnotworking appropriately andsoshewasin favorof thesta ffs recommendation,butshewould liketohearJ im Lamont 's comments. DianeGoldensaidthereview processshould applytoall18propertiesandweneedtheCC1 style. Tom Weber saidtherewas some merittoanotherzonedistrict,butweneededstandardsto address alltheproperties,evenw ith theirdifferences.Hementionedthereview process design- by-rightifrevisingthecodeandtherewasnouserevisingthecode,ifthedevelopersstill needed tocome in.Hefeltthereshouldbeaway f ordevelopersto havearoutetotake. Brian Doyon saidheagreedtomakethezonedistrictworkbetterandsuggestednothav ing more boards brought intogetanapproval.Hefeltthatnotallthecardswereonthetableforthisand would liketoseemoregenerallanguage. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes February 22,1999 4 ••John Schofield saidthatcreatinganewzonewouldoffsetanoption ,butwouldmakethis more arduous.Hesaidhewouldliketosee ,speakingfroma developers standpoint,thatifhemetthe criteria,hewouldknow exactly wherehestood . Greg Moffet saidhedoesnotwanttoseeadesign rev iew come outofthis.Hesaidhewas comfortable withtheCC1reviewprocess ,astheydidnot protract into6monthordeals,suchas theGoldenBear. DominicMauriellomentionedthatsometypeswouldallowthePECtobethe approval Board, takingtheSODprocessoutofplay. TomBraunsaid ,intheory,anSODanyrequestcouldcomein. Development Standards: GeorgeRuthersaidthiswasthe3ra timewehadseensetback.GRFAandbUildingheight changes . TomBraunsaidwewerenotsayingnosetbacks,butsetbackswithapurpose .Hethen showed an illustration ofa6:12roofpitch vs.a3:12roofpitchandsaidthereneededto be dialogifthe Townwasencouraging steeper pitchedroofs. Greg Moffet askedforanypublic comments.Therewereno comments. Galen Aaslanc saidtheGRFArationeededtobechangedandsincethisdealtwithreality,itwas appropriate tochange.Hesaidhewasforeliminatingthe35%commonarea,the10%in dining, the density lim itation andagreedtothe50-70%increaseinsitecoverage.Healsosaidhe was okwith decreasing the landscapingrequirement.Hedidsaythatthe consistent height inthe Villagegaveit itscharm.Hesaid ,speakingasadeveloper,thatthe mid-height scheme couldbe manipulated andwouldbea disadvantage totheTown.Hesaid adjacent properties haverelied on setbacks betweenbuildingsandtheywerebeneficial.He mentioned that under the current zoningsystem,itwas difficult without anSOD,buthewouldliketochangethezoning,rather thanhavenosetbacks.HesaidthePAshouldbe 20'20'20',butreliefmaybe requested without avariancefromthePECusing criteria alongwiththe7that staff hadshownonpage5. AnnBishopagreedwiththe development standards,buildingheightsand -maintaining the levels statedinthememo.ShesaidshealsoagreedwithGalen'slanguageaboutthe setbacks . DianeGoldenalsoagreedwiththe development standardsandGalen 's language regarding setbacks.Shethoughtthatthebuildingheightshouldstaythesame ,aswellasthesite coverage.butshewas concemed withgoingfrom30%-20%inthe landscape requirement.She feltan increase inGRFAto120%wasok. Tom Weber voicedhisconcernonevaluatingthecodewith just the summary andhe didn't agree withadjustingthevolumesonGRFA.HeagreedwithGalentohave setbacks asa starting point. Hesaidhewashavingahardtimewitheliminatingthe10%dining.Heaskedusingthe definitionofalodge,wasit necessarily inthe character of development totakeoutthe10% altogether andsohehadaproblemtakingitout.HethoughtbyincreasingGRFAto120%,we stillweregoingtohave variances,soitstill wouldn't hitthe mark by what's outtherenow.Hefelt thebuilding height shouldbekeptaswritten.Hesaidregardingthe distinction betweentheeave heightandtheroofheight,a distinction wouldneedto be madewheretheeavewasplaced.He agreedwithtakingoutthe35%commonareaandbumpingupthesite coverage. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes February22,1999 5 ••BrianDoyonsaidnottoplayaroundwiththeeaveheightandbychangingwhereweare measuring,itwouldn 't changethatmuch.Hesaidsetbacksneededtobeestablished ,withthe applicant requestingtochangethembecauseofviewcorridorissues.HesaidGalen 's solution would requiretheapplicanttocome in,whichwouldnothelptheprocess .Hesaidheagreed withtheGRFAandtoleavethecommonareauptotheapplicant,aswellasthe10%accessory uses .Hesaidhewasoktoincreasesite coverageto70%,butnotokwithdecreasing landscaping.Hestatedthatthecosttoputaparkingstructureunderabuildingwasprohibitive , andnotrealistictoencourageredevelopment.Hesaidthiswascreatingmorehardscapeswitha Lionsheadimage. John Schofield saidhewasinfavorofeliminatingthe35%and10%andthatthesitecoverage ' and landscapingrequirementsgohandinhandwithsitecoverage.Hefeltsetbacks definitely couldbea number lessthan20'.HesaidtothrowoutGRFAandletdevelopersdowhatthey wanted.Hefeltthateaveheightmademoresensethanridgeheight,allowingmorecreativity. GregMoffetsaidyesto35%and10%andhepreferredsetbacksfortheGeneralUsestandard. HeagreedwithJohnandDianeregardingGRFA.Hesaidthat120%wasaweakattemptto solvethe problem andhelikedtheproposalforbuildingheight,aswellas increasingsite coverage. Applicability ofregulations. George Ruthersaidthiswas discussed atthefirstreviewandshouldapplytoallproperties. Horizontalzoning: GeorgeRuthersaiditwasimportanttohave development onthesitebeshortterm accommodations. GregMoffetaskedforanypUblic comments.Therewasnone. TomWebersaidhorizontalzoning mightdeterdevelopment. BrianDoyonsaidtoletthemarketdictatehowapplicantswouldsetuptheirbuilding. John Schofield saidletthemarketdictate . GalenAaslandsaidhesawsomemerittorealestate inTownandtoletthemarketdictate. DianeGoldensaidtoletthemarketdictate. GregMoffetsa id toacceptthefactthatzoning doesn't permitthemarkettodictateforthe greater public purpose whenweapplyrulesacrosstheentirezonedistrict.Hesaidwecouldnot permit more t-snirt shopswhenweneedmorebedbase. DominicMauriellosaidsometimesthemarketdictatesbutwemay want todiscourage1st floor accommodation unitsalongpedestrianareasincomparisontolawnareas.He suggested that the151 and upper floorsmayneedtobedictatedandnotmakeitburdensomeontheapplicant. GregMoffetaskedforanypublic comments. JoeStaufer,formerowneroftheVailVillageInn,saidhewasapproachedbyatimesharebuyer, buthe thought thePECandCouncilwouldnevergoforatimeshare.Hesaidtimesharewasan incentive toeverypropertyownertoupgradetheirpropertyanditwouldbeprofitable.Hesaid that proliferation ofcommercialspacewasnotinthebest interesttotheTown.Hesaidthe Planningand Environmental Commission Minutes February22,1999 6 ••.charmofVailwasseeingflowers,treesandgrassand ifthe landscaping requirement was reduced,youwouldbetakingsomeofthecharm thatisVail.Hesa id the amendments don 't fit alleighteenpropertyownersandthatthiswasanSODforonepropertyowner ,representing only one property owner,Mr.Faessler. KayeFerrysaidshe was not comfortable witheliminatingthe10%limitationfor business.She saidshewasinfavorofmorehotelrooms,buttheintentwastogetmoreactiv ity onthe streets. Shesaidshewasmore concerned aboutnotlosinglivebedsintheprocessofthese transitions. SheagreedwithJohnnottopursueGRFAanylongerandshesaidtostrivetomakethe changes thatwill accommodate thelargestnumberofpeople. HansWoldrichsaidwhen landscaping isdecreased ,youwillhaveapavedTown ,whichshould notevenbe considered. JimLamontsaidhereceived several lettersandtheywerenot inthepacket. GeorgeRuthersaidtheletterswere addressed totheCounci l. Jim Lamont saidalllettersshouldbeavailabletothepublic.Hesaidhewastryingtomakethe distinction betweentheUrbanDesignGuidelines andthe Master Plan,ashe didn't knowwhere thoseboundarieswere. RussForrestsaidthis information couldbeprovidedtohim. Jim Lamont statedthathebelievedanSODwasforlargeblocksofproperty.Hesaid because of the sheer size,thatspecial consideration shouldbegiven.Hesaidifwenow visit thesame subject astheVVIandchangeitfortheAustriaHausbehind gates ,he can't seeWhythereisa distinction made .Hesaidthe development standardswereshared consistently in different zone districts.,andan established pedestrian precinctneedstohappen .He stated that setbacks reducedonthestreetwouldbeok,butnotbetweenproperties .Hethoughtmixedusesand horizontalzoningmadesensetotradeoff,butwhydidwewanttoexpandaCC1.Hesaid loadingand delivery neededtobeaddressed ,astheBavariaHaushad18-wheelers blockingthe roadtoaddresstheAustriaHaus.Hesaidweneededavisioninordertosolvethe problem .He askedhowmanytimesdoweneedtotellyouwedon'twantGRFAand weshouldn 't be . discussing height,becausewehavealreadydec ided on11'floor tofloorinLionshead,sothat height standard shouldapply.Hestatedthat ifheightischanged ,itwouldneedtobe changed in .everyzone district.Heaskedif11'wasappropriateforLionshead ,whythenisitnotfor everywhere else? RussForrestaskedJim if a limit shouldbeplacedonthenumberof floorsbasedonthe11' height. JimLamontsaidwehavegottoevaluate whether preservingthe character ofVailVillageisa good argument.Hesaidthe Tlvoll ,ChristianiaandVillaValhalla don't want anythingtodowith this proposal,astheywere very happywithhowtheycanredevelop .Hestatedhe didn't mindif this application wasforMr.Faessler,butlet'scallaspadeaspade.Hesaidtherewasabig difference withwhatJoe Staufer gotandwhat Johannes Faesslerwasgetting.. GalenAasland questioned thatifthepropertyownersthatJim mentioned had written letters,you wouldhave fthought theywouldhavebeenforwardedtous. Jim Lamont saidhe would deliver themessagetothem. Joe Staufer saidhehadtold Johannes thathewasin support ofusinganSODforone property owner,asanSDDwouldgivebacktotheTown. Plann ing and Environmental Commission Minutes February22.1999 7 ••Greg Moffet asked staff iftherewereanystudies showing whathad happened tothelivebed base. RussForrestsaidwehadsheernumbersfor accommodation units,butthatChrisCareshad survey numbers. Greg Moffet saidthebedbasewasgoneandhewouldliketoseethenumbers. 4.A request forthe establishment ofnewzone districts entitled Uonshead MixedUse1 District and Uonshead MixedUse2District(Title12,Zoning),inorderto implement the Lionshead Redevelopment MasterPlan.Other modifications arebeingmadeto other sections ofTitle12,namely,Chapter4Districts Established ,Chapter1q Off-Street ParkingandLoading,Chapter13EmployeeHousing,Chapter14 Supplemental . Regulations,andChapter15GrossResidentialFloorArea(GRFA).Additionally Title 11 Sign Regulations andTitle5PublicHealthand Safety arebeingmodified. Applicant: Planner: TownofVail DominicMauriello Dominic Mauriello gaveanoverviewofthestaffmemo. RussForrestexplainedthenewsection,Mitigationof Development Impactsand adjacent public improvements couldbeaddressedthroughthis mechanism,butnottooverburdentheapplicant, orprevent redevelopment. GregMoffetaskedforanypubliccomments . Jim Lamontsaidhehadnothadachancetoreviewthis,butwaslookingforthe consistency between Uonshead andVailVillage. DaveCorbinofVail Associates,saidhewas concerned withtoday's permitted uses becoming conditional usesinthewestendandthatwe wouldn't havethebenefitofusesbeing grandfathered,suchasthecatserviceyardbeingmovedtotheHolyCrosssite.HesaidVA would no longer havethisuse-by-right,andVAwasinthe process ofstudyinghowtodothis rightnow. .DominicMauriellosaid modifications orlocation changes wouldcomeinunder conditional uses, astheytodayin Uonshead. DaveCorbinsaidhewaspleasedwiththisotherwise. HenryPrattsaiditwashis understanding thatthezoningordinancewasintendedtobeuse-by- right.Hesaidthe mitigation impact paragraphturneditintoan SOD. RussForrestsaidyoustillcouldhaveanSODapplicationandbychangingthe use-by-right,we would stillneedtheabilityto collect fromimpactsoftheuses. DominicMauriellosaidemployeegenerationwillbein another ordinance. RussForrestsaidit should bebalancedwith incentive to encourage redevelopment. BrianDoyon said wearearguingthedirectimpactmeaning . Planningand Environmental Commission Minutes Febnuary 22.1999 8 ••Jim Lamontaskedifthepublicwaspayingfor infrastructu re.Hesaidtheopenimpactfeewas nebulousandneededtobedefined throughan impactfeeordinance ,aswha t youaredoing may notbelegal. RussForrestsaiditwaslegalasagene ral nexus. JimLamontsaidwecannottaxourselvesback intosuccess.Hesaidhewasnervousabouthow farweweretaxingthedeveloper. DominicMauriellosa id thiswasno different fromanSOD. GalenAaslandaskedaboutthelanguageregardingthemaximumaveragebuildingheightand askedhowmany times ayearcouldthe 1,000 sq.ft thresholdbeused.GalenAasland asked how Chapter 10 dealt withparkingandloading .. DominicMauriellosaidthatwehaveagranttofundaparkingstudy,Hesaidiftherewasnot landforparking,itwouldbeeitherparkingpay-in-lieu,oroff-site.Hesaidtheyrecogn ized that theparkingregswerea disincentive toredeve lopment. GalenAaslandaskedaboutGRFAonpage21,8cand8dasnottreatingsingle -family and multiple-family thesame. DominicMauriellosaidthatwasagood question andifwewerenotgoingtoregulatecommon area,maybeweshould just lookatfloorplateortheoutsidewalls. GalenAaslandaskedifthisaffectedallofTown,hadtheTownbeengiven proper notice . DominicMauriellosaidifwestart counting oneverylevel ,itwould impact the applicant's abilityto do additions inthefuture. GalenAaslandsaidwearetryingtoget consistent zoning throughout andthis perpetuates differences. Russ Forrest saiddirectionhascomefromCouncilandhe disagreed withJim,astheCouncil wasmoving incrementally withGRFAwiththedesignstandards.He suggested putting itinthe formofamotionto forward toCouncil. GalenAasland suggested changing Chapter 15,so that thetwo chapters were consistent. .AnnBishopsaidshewas concerned withthetax implications on developers onpage18. DianeGoldensaidshehadno comments. Tom Weber suggested modifyingthe development impactsand would liketoadd .streamtract . improvements. Brian Doyon wanted tosee"banks"asause -by-right onthefirstlevelofabuildingandfinancial institut ions onthe2nd level.He mentioned under12-7h7 ,the studies showthe winter solstice at 10am(ifthesunisevenup)andat2pmasthesuncasting shadows.He questioned ifthiswas appropriate and suggested a different timeorperhapsswitchingto4pm,whenabusinessdoes business.He thought publicart improvements wasactually private art andneededtoquantifyit more . Greg Moffet proposed thelanguageinallcasesshallbevery reasonable ,with relationto development impacts,withreasonableasastandardusedinalllaw. Planningand Environmental Commission Minutes February 22 ,1999 9 • Galen Aasland askedifTom Moorhead couldseeth is. • John Schofield saidthisneededatweak,butwouldrecommendapproval subject toallthe comments made. Greg Moffet said,regarding12-7H-18,everytimewe lamentthefactthatthe code isaga inst the applicant,wehavetriedtomicro -manage byordinance.Hesaidtotheextentwecanleavethis tothepublic,hewasverycomfortablewith18. ChuckMadison suggested addingthe wor~"direct"beforeimpactin paragraph 18 . Galen Aasland said ,regardingGRFA,thatproper notification neededtoberequired. Dominic Mauriello saidanordinancewasneededtomakeit consistent for single-family and multiple-family,sothe single-family couldbenotified . Greg Moffet suggested addingtheworddirectinthe151 sentenceofthe Mitigation of Development Impacts andthatstaffaddresstheproposedGRFA. Galen Aasland madeamotiontorecommendapprovalonbothzone districts,incorporating the comments andchangesandin accordance with findingsinthe staff memo. AnnBishop seconded themotion. Themotion passed byavoteof7-0. 5 .Arequestforarezoningof property locatedintheLionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Area ,in accordance withtheattachedmaptoanewzone district entitled Uonshead MixedUseDistrict1andLionsheadMixedUse District 2District,(including,Vail Intemational,LodgeatLionshead-PhasesI-III,TreeTops,Lionshead Center,Lionshead Arcade,Vail21,Lion's PrideBuilding,VantagePoint,Lifthouse Condominiums, Westwinds,SunbirdLodge ,Gondola BUilding ,Landmark Condominiums,Landmark Townhomes,NorthDayLot,LionsquareLodge,LionsquareNorth,Montaneros,Concert HallPlaza ,Antlers,Marriott,Enzian ,VailGloLodge,LionsheadInn,VailSpa ,West Day Lot ,VA Maintenance YardandtheAmocoStation)andarezoningofthe tlonsnead parking structure fromParkingDistricttoGeneralUse . Applicant ; Planner: TownofVail DominicMauriello Dominic Mauriello gaveanoverviewofthestaffmemo. BrianDoyonhadnocomments. John Schofield hadno comments. GalenAaslandaskedifpage2wasfromtheLandUsePlan . Ann Bishop hadno comments. DianeGoldenhadno comments. Greg Moffet asked ifthetennis courtsiteshouldbe discussed inthe community facility study.He thenaskedforanypubliccomments.Therewerenopubliccomments. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes February22,1999 10 •• John Schofield madeamotiontorecommendapproval,in accordance withthestaffmemo. AnnBishop seconded themotion. Themotionpassedbyavoteof7-0. 6.ArequestfortheestablishmentofSpecialDevelopmentDistrictNo.36,toallowfora commercial expansion,locatedat680W.LionsheadPlace/Lot3,Block1,Lionshead ThirdFiling. Applicant: Planner: AntlersCondominiumAssociation,representedbyRobertLeVine JeffHunt TABLED UNTILMARCH 8,1999 7.ArequestforamajoramendmenttoSpecialDevelopmentDistrictNo.7(TheMarriott Hotel),toallowfortheconstructionoftheGoreCreekClubandaremodeltotheexisting hotel ,locatedat 714 LionsheadCircle/MarriottMark. Applicant: Planner: HMCAcquisitionProperties,Inc.,representedby East-West Partners GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTILMARCH B,1999 8.ArequestforanamendmenttoSpecialDevelopmentDistrict No.4 (GlenLyon),revising theGlenLyonOfficeBuildingsite(AreaD),locatedat1000S.FrontageRoad West/Lot 54,GlenLyonSubdivision. Applicant: Planner : GlenLyonOfficeBuildingPartnership,representedbyKurtSegerberg DominicMauriello TABLED UNTILMARCH 8,1999 9.ArequestforafinalreviewofaproposedlockerroomexpansiontotheDobsonIce Arena,locatedat 321 E.LionsheadCircle/Lot1,Block1,VailLionshead2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: VailRecreationDistrict GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTIL MARCH B,1999 10.Arequestforaminor amendment toSpecialDevelopmentDistrictNo.35,AustriaHaus, toamendSection6ofOrdinance#12,Seriesof1997toclarifyaconditionofthe Ordinance,locatedat242E.MeadowDrive/PartofTractC,Block 50,VailVillage1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: BillSullivan,representingtheAustriaHaus Development Group GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTILMARCH 22,1999 Tom Weber madeamotiontotabletheaboveitems. John Schofield secondedthemotion. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes February 22,1999 11 • Themotionpassedbya vote of7-0. • 11.InformationUpdate Three,two-yeartermPECvacanc ies (GregMoffet,JohnSchofieldandAnnBishop) DominicMaurielloadvisedthePECtowritelettersofinteresttoLoreleiDonaldson(TownClerk) expressing interesttorepeatterms.He thenadvisedthePECthatBrentAimwouldnotbe running againfortheORB. 12.ApprovalofJanuary25,1999minutes. Tom Weber abstained fromminutecorrections,ashewasabsent. Galen Aasland hadchanges. John Schofield madeamot ion forapprova l oftheminutes. Brian Doyon seconded themotion. Themotionpassedbya vote of6-0 . GregMoffetaskedRussforanupdateonthecommunityfacilities. RussForrestsaidtheywerelookingat8differentsites ,with agreenlightfromCouncil. AnnBishop madeamotion toadjourn. DianeGoldensecondedthemotion. Themotionpassedbyavoteof7-0 . Themeetingadjournedat6 :20pm. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes F ebruary22 .1999 12 • MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planningand Environmental Commission Commun ity Development Department March22,1999 ArequestforaConditionalUsePermittoeliminateadwellingunit ,located at124 EastMeadowDrive/Lot5E,VailVillage t",. Applicant: Planner: AlfredoSuarez,representedbyBillPierceofFritzten,Pierce,Smith AllisonOchs . I.DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST Theapplicant,AlfredoSuarez,represented byBillPierceofFritzlen ,Pierce,Smithis requesting a conditional usepermittoallowfortheeliminationofadwellingunitlocatedintheVillage Center Condominiums at124EastMeadowDr. The applicant isproposingtoeliminateUnit5FintheVillageCenter Condominiums.The elimination willbe accomplished byconnectingUnit4Fwiththeunitabove.Theproposed connection willbe accommodated by constructing aninterior stairway connectingthetwounits . AccordingtoSection12-7C-3 (PermittedandConditionalUses),intheCC2District,permitted and conditional usesforspecificfloorsshallbethesameasthosepermittedinthe Commercial Core1District.PursuanttoSection12-7B-5(Permittedand conditional uses;above2ndfloor): thefollowingusesshallbe permitted onanyfloorabovethe2ndfloorabovegrade subject tothe issuanceofaconditionalusepermit: Any permitted or conditional usewhicheliminatesanyexistingdwellingor accommodation unit,oranyportionthereof,shallrequireaconditionalusepermit. II.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval ofthe applicant's requestfora conditional usepermittoallowfortheeliminationofonedwellingunit throughthe connection of two dwelling unitsattheVillageCenter Condominiums .Staff's recommendation ofapprovalis baseduponourreviewofthecriteriaoutlinedinSectionIVofthis memorandum .Staff recommends approvalofthisrequestsubjecttothefollowingfindings: 1.Thattheproposedeliminationofthedwellingunitisinaccordancewiththe purposesectionoftheCommercialCore2ZoneDistrict. 2.Thattheproposedlocationofthedwellingunittobeeliminatedwillnotbe detrimental tothepublichealth,safety,orwelfareormateriallyinjuriousto propertiesor improvements inthevicinityoftheVillageCenter Condominiums. 3.Thattheproposedeliminationofthedwellingunitcomplieswitheachof • theapplicable prov isions oftheMunicipalCode. III.BACKGROUND In reviewingthis conditional usepermitrequest ,staffrelieduponthegoals,policiesand objectives outlined inthevariousTownofVailplanning documents .Wh ile the purpose s tatement ofthe Commercial Core2ZoneDistrict specifically references theVa il Lionshead UrbanDes ign GuidePlan,stafffeelsthat dueto thelocat ion ofthispropertywithintheVail VillageMasterPlanBoundary ,itismoreappropriateto consider theVailLandUsePlanandthe VailVillageMasterPlan.Thefollowingisasummaryofstaff's review oftheTown 's planning documents: Municipal Code Acco rding toSect ion 12-7C -1 ,thepurposeof theComme rcial Core2ZoneDistrictisintendedto : Providesitesforamixtureof multiple-dwellings ,lodgesand commercialestablishments inaclustered ,unifieddeve lopment.Commerc ial Core2Districtin accordance withthe VailLionsheadUrbanDesignGuidePlanandDesign Considerations ,asadoptedin Section12-7C-15 ofthisArticle ,isintendedtoensureadequatelight ,air ,openspaceand otheramenitiesappropriatetothepermittedtypesofbUildingandusesandtomaintain thedesirablequalitiesoftheDistrictbyestablishingappropriatesite development standards VailLandUsePlan 1.1 Vailshouldcontinuetogrow inacontrolled environme nt,maintaining a balancebetweenresidential ,commercialand recreationalusestoserve boththevisito r andthepermanen t resident. 1.3 Thequalityof development shouldbemainta ined andupgraded whenever possible . 1.4T he original themeoftheoldVillage Coreshouldbecarriedin tonew development intheVillageCorethroughcontinued implementationof the UrbanDesign GuidePlan. 1.12Vailshouldaccommodatemostof 1he additionalgrowthinexisting developed areas(infillareas). 5.1Additionalresiden tial growthshouldcontinuetooccur primarily inexisting ; plattedareasandasappropriate innewareaswhe re high hazardsdonot exist. 5.4Resident ial growt h shou ld keeppacewiththemar ket place demands f ora fullrangeofhousingtypes . VailVillage Master Plan Goal #1 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserVingthe unique architectural scale oftheVillagein order to sustain itssenseof community and identity. 1.2Ob jective:Encouragetheupg rading and redevelopmentofresidential andcommercialfacilities . 2 •• IV.CONDITIONALUSEPERMIT CONSIDERATION CRITERIAANDFINDINGS In accordance withChapter16oftheMunicipal Code,anapplicationforaconditionalusepermit within Commercial Core2,thefollowingdevelopmentfactorsshallbeapplicable: 1.Relationship and impact oftheuseon developmentobjectives oftheTown. Staffbelieves theapplicant'srequesttoeliminateadwellingunitintheVillage Center Condominiums willhaveminimalnegative impactsonthe development objectives oftheTown .However,staffbelievesthattheproposalwillreducethe effective occupancyrateofthetwounits ,whichwhencompounded throughout theTown ,couldreducethebedbaseoftheTown . 2.Effect oftheuseon light andair,distribution of population,transportation facilities,utilities,schools,parksand recreation facilities,and other public facilities and public facilities needs. Staffbelievestheproposedeliminationofthedwellingunitwillhaveminimal negat ive impactsontheabovedescribedcriteria . 3.Effect upon traffic,with particular referenceto congestion,automotive and pedestrian safety andconvenience,traffic flow and control,access, maneuverability,andremovalof snow fromthe streets and parking areas. Staffbelievestheproposedeliminationofthedwellingunitwillhavenonegative impacts ontheabovedescribedcriteria . 4.Effect uponthe character oftheareain which the proposed useistobe located,inclUdingthescaleandbulkofthe proposed usein relation to surrounding uses. Noexteriorchangesareproposedwiththisrequest.Therefore ,staffbelieves therewillbenonegativeimpactsontheabovedescribedcriteria. ThePlanningand Environmental Commissionshallmakethefollowingfindingsbefore granting a conditional usepermit: 1.Thattheproposedlocationoftheuseisinaccordancewiththe purposes oftheZon ing Requtatlons andthepurposesofthe district inwhichthesite islocated. 2.Thattheproposedlocationoftheuseandthe conditions underwhichit wouldbeoperated or maintainedwouldnotbe detrimental tothepublic health,safety,orwelfareormateriallyinjurioustopropertiesor improvements inthevicinity. 3.Thattheproposedusewillcomplywitheachoftheapplicable provisions oftheZoningRegulations. F ;\EVERYONE\PECIMEM0I99ISUAREZ 3 TO : FROM : DATE: • MEMORANDUM PlanningandEnv ironmental Commission Community Development Department March22,1999 • SUBJECT:Arequestforarezoningfrom property ownedbytheTownofVailzoned Primary /Secondary toResidentialClusterlocatedat 2497,2487,2485 and2477 Garmisch Drive/Lots1,2,3and4,BlockH,Vaildas Schone Filing#2. Applican t: Planner: TownofVail ,representedbyAndyKnudtsenandNinaTimm AllisonOchs I.DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST TheTownofVailisapplyingforarezoningonpropertywhichiscurrentlyzoned Primary/Secondary ResidentialtoResidentialCluster.Thisproperty ,locatedatat2497,2487,2485and2477Garmisch Drive/Lots 1,2,3 and4 ,BlockH,VaildasSchoneFiling #2 ,isownedbytheTownofVail,andis thesiteofthe proposed ArosalGarmisch EmployeeHousingand neighborhood park. Thecurrentplanforthesefourlotsisto construct a4-plexandduplex primarily onlots2,3,and4 . A neighborhood park isplannedforlot1andthe soon-to-be-annexed landtothewest.Thepark willrequireaConditionalUsePermit.Thesiteplanisstillinthe preliminary stage(see attached). II.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staffrecommends approval ofthisrezoningrequestsubjecttoreviewinSectionVandthefollowing finding: That theproposedzone district is compatible withandsuitableto adjacent uses ,is consistent withtheTown'sLandUsePlanandZoningRegulations,andisappropriateforthe area. III.BACKGROUND TheTownofVailpurchasedthesefour lotsfromtwofamiliesin1990.Whenpurchasingtheselots , Councilidentifiedthemtoincludeaneighborhoodpark,openspace,oremployeehousing .The1994 ComprehensiveOpenLandPlanstatesthatthelandshouldbeusedforapublicuse ,whichincludes employeehousing .Neighborhoodpartic ipation forproposalsonthissitebeganin October of1998 and continued through November with neighborhood meetings with designers.Council approved the development ofsixunitsandaneighborhoodparkonNovember17,1998.OnJanuary20 ,1999, thesiteplanwasbroughttotheDesignReviewBoardfora conceptual review.On January 26 , 1999 ,Councilapprovedthe concept ofa4-plexandduplexontheeastsideofthelot,withthe ne ighborhood parkonthewestsideofthelotsandonthelandtobeacquiredinthelandexchange withtheU.S.ForestService . 1 • IV.ZONINGANALYSIS LotSize: Lot1:.26acres(11 ,325.6 sq.ft.) Lot2 :.45acres(19,602sq .ft.) Lot3:.24acres (10,454.4 sq.ft.) Lot4:.24acres (10,454.4 sq .ft.) TotalArea of Site :1.19 acresor 51,836.4 sq.ft. TotalBuildableArea:1.19 acresor 51,836.4 sq.ft. • Standard cuirem Zonina:PIS Proposed Zoning:RC Setbacks:20 '/15'/15 '20'/15 '/15 ' Heiaht:30 '/33'30'/33 ' Dwelling Units :•2du'spersite ,with1onlotsless •6du 's per buildable acre than15 ,000 •Totalof7.14 du 's allowed •Total of5 du's allowed (plus4 allowable EHU's) GRFA:•25%offirst 15,000 •25%of buildable area 10%ofnext15,000 225sq.ft.per constructed single 5%over30 ,000 familyor duplex 425sq.ft.per allowable du •Totalof 12,959 sq.ft. •Totalof 14,394.1 so .ft. Site Coverage :•20%oftotals ite area •25%oftotalsitearea •Totalof10,367 sq.ft.•12,959 .1 sq.ft . V.CRITERIA The PEC shall makethe following findings beforegrantingapprovalofazone change request: 1}Isthe existing zoningsuitablewiththe existing landuseonthesiteand adjacent land uses? The purpose oftherezon ing istoallowfor t he development ofsix employee housing units anda neighborhood park.Eachoftheunitswillbesoldto qualified buyersselectedthrough a lottery process.Currently thefour undeveloped lotsare zoned Primary/Secondary. Adjacent land tothe west is currently U.S.Forest Service landsoonto be annexed intothe Town ofVailthroughthelandexchange .This property isthe proposed siteofthe Arosa/Garmlsch ParkandisproposedtobezonedOutdoorRecreation.Adjacent landtothe east(lots5and6)is currently zoned Primary/Secondary.The current useofthis property is Sunlight North,a9-unit residential complex. 2)Istheamendment preventing a convenient workable relationship withlanduses consistent with municipal objectives. This rezoningallowsforthe development ofsixemployeehousingunits.ina duplex and 4- plex formation.The provision ofemployeehousingisa Town objective stated intheLand UsePlanandthe Municipal Code. 2 "•• 3)Doesthe rezoning provide forthegrowthofanorderlyviable community? TheTownrecognizesthatapermanent,year-round populationplaysan important rolein sustainingahealthy,viablecommunity.Toencourage employees toremainwithintheTown , theTownistakinganactivesteptoprovidequalityhousingforitsworkforce.Residential Cluster z oningallowsforaclustered development of6unitsontheselots,increasingthe areaavailablefortheneighborhoodpark .Staffbelievestheclusterapproachforthisland tobeamoreefficientandorderly approach tohousingthandevelopmentassinglefamilyand duplexhomes . 4)Isthechangeconsistentwiththe Land UsePlan? ThefollowingaregoalsandpoliciesoftheLandUsePlanstaffbelievesarerelatedtothe proposedrezoning: 1.1 Vailshouldcontinuetogrowinacontrolledenvironment,maintainingabalance betweenresidential,commercialandrecreational usestoserveboththevisitorand thepermanentresident. 1.10 DevelopmentofTownownedlandsbytheTownofVail(otherthanparksandopen space)maybepermittedwherenohighhazardsexist .ifsuch development isfor publicuse.. 1.11 Townownedlandsshallnotbesoldtoaprivateentity,longtermleasedtoapublic entityorconvertedtoapr ivate usewithoutapublichearingprocess . 5.1Addit ional residentialgrowthshouldcontinuetooccurprimarily inexisting,platted areasandasappropriateinnewareaswherehighhazardsdonotex ist. 5.2Affordableemployeehousingshouldbemadeavailableth rough privateefforts, ass isted bylimitedincentives,providedbytheTownofVail,withappropriate restrictions. 5.3Theexisting employeehousingbaseshouldbepreservedandupgraded.Additional employeehousingneedsshouldbeaccommodatedatvariedsites throughout the community. VAILDATAIEVERYONEIPECIMEMOS199IAROSA 3 Residential Cluster ••'. SECTION: 12-6E-1:Purpose 12-6E -2:Permitted Uses 12-6E-3 :Conditional Uses 12-6E-4:Accessory Uses 12-6E-5:LotAreaAndSiteDimensions 12-SE-S:Setbacks 12-SE-7:Height 12-SE-8:Density Control 12-6E-9:SiteCoverage 12-SE-10:Landscaping AndSite Development 12-6E-11:Parking 12-6E -1:PURPOSE: TheResidentialClusterDistrictisintendedtoprovidesitesforsingle-family,two -family,andmultiple - family dwellings atadensitynotexceedingsix(6)dwellingunitsperacre,togetherwithsuchpublic facilities asmay appropriately be located inthesamedistr ict.The Residential Cluster District is intendedtoensureadequatelight,air,privacyandopenspaceforeachdwelling,commensuratew ith residential occupancy,andtomaintainthedesirableresidentialqualit ies ofthe District by establishing appropriate site development standards . 12-6E-2 :PERMITTED USES : The following usesshallbeperm itted intheRCDistrict: Multiple-fam ily residential dwellings,including attachedorrowdwellingsandcondominiumdwellings withnomorethanfour(4)unitsinanynewbuild ing . Single -family residentialdwellings . Two-family residential dwellings. 12-6E-3 :CONDITIONAL USES: The following cond itional usesshallbe permitted intheRCDistrict,subject to issuanceofa conditional usepermitin accordance withthe provisions ofChapter16ofth is Title : Bedand breakfast asfurtherregulatedbySection12-14-18ofthisTitle . Dogkennel. Private clubs . Publicbulldlnqs,groundsandfacilities. Publicor private schools.. Publicparkandrecreationfacilities. Publicutilityandpublicserviceuses . Ski liftsandtows . TypeIIIemployeehousingunit (EHU)asprovidedinSection12-13-6 ofthisTitle. TypeIVemployeehousingunit(EHU)asprovidedinSection12-13-7ofthisTitle. 12-6E-4:ACCESSORY USES: The following accessoryusesshallbe permitted intheRCDistrict: Home occupations ,SUbject toissuanceofahomeoccupationpermitinaccordwiththe provisions of Section 12-14-12 ofthisTitle . Privategreenhouses ,toolsheds,playhouses,attachedgaragesorcarports,swimmingpools,patios , orrecreationfacilities customarilyincidentaltosingle -family,two-familyorlowdens ity multiple-family residential uses. Otheruses customarily incidentalandaccessorytopermittedorconditionaluses ,andnecessaryfor the operation thereof. 4 ..•• 12-6E-5:LOTAREAANDSITEDIMENSIONS : Theminimumlotorsiteareashallbefifteenthousand(15,000)squarefeet,containingnolessthan eight thousand (8,000)squarefeetofbuildablearea .Eachsiteshallhavea minimum frontage of thirtyfeet(30').Eachsiteshallbeofasize andshapecapableofenclosingasquareareaeightyfeet (80 ')oneachsidewithinitsboundaries. 12-6E-6:SETBACKS: IntheRCDistrict ,theminimumfront setback shallbetwentyfeet(20'),the minimum side setback shallbefifteenfeet(15'),andthe minimum rearsetbackshallbefifteenfeet(15'). 12-6E-7:HEIGHT: Foraflatroof ormansard roof,theheightofbuildingsshallnotexceedthirtyfeet(30').Forasloping roof,theheig .ht ofbuildings shallnotexceed thirty threefeet(33'). 12-6E -8:DENSITY CONTROL : A .GrossResidentialFloorArea:Notmorethantwentyfive(25)squarefeetofgrossresidential floorarea(GRFA)shallbepermittedforeachonehundred(100)squarefeetofbuildablesite area;provided,however,thatsingle -family andtwo -family dwellingunits constructed inthe Residential Cluster District shallbeentitledtoanadditionaltwohundredtwentyfive(225) squarefeetofgrossresidentialfloorarea(GRFA)perconstructeddwellingunit.Totaldensity shallnotexceedsix(6)dwelling unitsperacreofbuildable sitearea. B.Exemptions:All projects thathavereceived final DesignReviewBoardapprovalasof December19,1978,shallbeexemptfromthechangesinthisSectionaslongastheproject commences withinoneyearfromthedateoffinalapproval.Iftheprojectistobe developed in stages,eachstageshallbe commenced w ithin oneyearafterthe completion ofthe previous stage . 12-6E -9:SITECOVERAGE : Site coverage shallnotexceedtwentyfivepercent(25%)ofthetotalsitearea . 12-6E-10:LANDSCAPINGANDSITE DEVELOPMENT: Atleastsixty percent (60%)ofeachsiteshallbe landscaped . 12-6E-11:PARKING : Off-street parkingshallbeprovidedin accordance with Chapter 10ofthisTitle.Noparkingshallbe located inanyrequiredfront setback area,exceptasmaybe specifically authorizedin accordance with Chapter 17ofthisTitle.Atleastonepark ing spaceperdwellingunitshallbelocatedwithinthe mainbuildingorbUildingsorwithinan accessory garage whenever the development is reasonable and appropriate forthesiteandisrequiredbytheDesignReviewBoard . 5 20 "0 • TO: FROM: • MEMORANDUM PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission CommunityDevelopmentDepartment • DATE: SUBJECT : March22,1999 ArequestforannexationandzoningofOutdoorRecreationofan unplattedportionoftheSE 1;4 SE 1;4 SE 1;4 SW 1,4 ofSection 11,Township 5South,Range 81 West,generallylocatedonthenorthsideofArosa Drive,andabuttingSunlightNorthtotheeastandTownManager'shouse tothewest. Applicant: Planner: TownofVail AllisonOchs I.DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST TheTownofVailisapplyingforanannexationandzoningonpropertywhichwas previouslyunzoned.ThispropertywasobtainedbytheTownofVailundertheLand OwnershipAdjustmentAgreement(LOAA)withtheUnitedStatesForestService.The TownofVailisrequestingannexationandzoningofOutdoorRecreationofanunplatted portionoftheSE 1;4 SE 1;4 SE 1;4 SW 1;4 ofSection 11,Township5South,Range 81 West ,generallylocatedonthenorthsideofArosaDrive,andabuttingSunlightNorthto theeastandTownManager'shousetothewest(seemap). II.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staffrecommends approval oftheannexationandzoningofOutdoorRecreationofthe abovepropertysubjecttothereviewofthecriteria inSectionVandthefollowing findings : 1}Thattheareatobeannexedandproposedzonedistrictiscompatiblewithand suitabletoadjacentuses,isconsistentwiththeTown'sLandUsePlanand ZoningRegulations,andisappropriateforthearea. 2}TheareaproposedforannexationiscontiguoustocurrentTownboundariesby notlessthan1/6oftheperimeterofthearea. 3}A"communityofinterest"existsbetweentheTownandtheareaproposedfor annexation. 4}Nolandheldinidenticalownershipwillbediv ided withoutwrittenconsentofthe landowner. ••j 5)Theannexationdoesnothavetheeffectofextendingthemunicipalboundary morethan3milesfromanypointin anyone year. 6)Thattheexistingzon ing issuitablewiththeexisting landuseonthesiteand adjacentlanduses 7)Thatthezoningisnotpreventingaconvenientworkablerelationshipwithland usesconsistentwithmunicipalobjectives. 8)Thatthezoningprovidesforthegrowthofanorderly,viablecommunity ' 9)ThatthechangeisconsistentwiththeLandUsePlan III.BACKGROUND OnFebruary19,1997,theTownofVailandtheUnitedStatesofAmerica,acting throughtheUnitedStatesForestService,enteredintoanagreementtoexchange approximately62 .268 acresofNational ForestLandsforapproximately75.02acresof non-federallandsinEagleCounty .TheexchangeallowedtheForestServ ice toresolve encroachmentsontotheNational Forestfrom20landowners ,convey10parcelstothe Townthatareencumberedwith specia l uses ,andtoacqu irelandswithw ildlife or recreat ion values .Theexchangeimplements theTownofVail Landownership Adjustment Analysis(attached),andportions oftheTownofVail Comprehensive Open LandsPlan.TheTownandtheForestServicehaveaccomplishedthisbymakingaland tradeofequalvalue. Thisisthefirstinaseriesofannexation/de-annexation andzoning procedures thatthe TownofVailwillbepursuingasaresultofthelandexchangewiththeUnitedStates Forest service.Staffhasdecidedtoproceedw ith thisannexationandzoning recommendation tocoincide withtheArosalGarm isch EmployeeHousingplanning process .This landhasbeenidentified asthesiteofthe ArosalGarmisch neighborhood park.Theemployeehousing andparkwillbedevelopedsimultaneously,aspartofthe same development team. TheTownCouncilwilldraftanannexingordinance.Followingtheeffectivedateof annexation ,theCouncilwilld irect thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissiontoholda pub lic meeting toconsiderthezon ing districtstobe imposed.ThePlanningand Environmental Commissioncanalsohold thehearingpriortoannexation.However ,the proposedzoningwillnotbecomefinal untiltheannexation ordinancehasbeenpassed onfinalreading. IV.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Annexation ThePlanning andEnvironmental Commission shallmakethefollow ing find ings before recommendinganannexat ion totheTownCouncil: 2 •• 1)TheareaproposedforannexationmustbecontiguoustocurrentTown boundariesbynotlessthan 1/6 oftheperimeterofthearea. Theareaproposedforannexation is2.66acresor115,869.6 sq .ft.Thetotal perimeteroftheareais1,364.54sq.ft.It isadjacenttocurrentTown boundaries by682.28 sq.ft.or Y2 thetotalper imeter. 2)A "communityofinterest "mustexistbetweentheTownandthearea proposed forannexation. A.Areatobeannexedmustbeurbanorsoontobeurbanized. B.Areatobeannexedmustbeintegratedintoorcompatible 'withthe existingmunicipality. Becausethesite it adjacenttoTownboundariesontwosides ,thereex ists a physical "communityofinterest."Thissiteistheproposed locationforthe ArosalGarmisch ne ighborhood park.Thisisaneedthathasbeen identifiedby theComprehensiveOpenLandsPlan,alongwithmeetingstatedneedsinthe CommonGroundsprocess . 3)Nolandheldinidenticalownershipmaybedividedwithoutwrittenconsent of the landowner.- Thelandexchangeag reement betweentheTownofVailandtheUnitedStates ofAmerica,throughtheU.S.ForestService,hasbeenattachedforreference . TheTownofVailcurrentlyownsthisproperty. 4)Noannexationshalltakeplacethathastheeffectofextendingthemunicipal boundarymorethan 3 milesfromanypointin anyone year. Th is annexat ion extendsapproximately460ft.or.087ofamile. Zoning ThePlanningandEnvironmental Commission shallmakethefollowingfindingsbefore recommendation ofazoningdes ignation ofOutdoorRecreationtotheTownCouncil : 1)Istheexistingzoningsuitablewiththeexistinglanduseonthesiteandadjacent landuses? Thep urpose ofthezon ing requestistoallowforthe development a neighborhoodpark ,whichwillrequireaCondit ional UsePermit.Adjacentlandto thewestisTownpropertyusedastheTown Manager's house .Adjacentlandto theeastistheproposedsiteofthe ArosalGarmisch EmployeeHousing development.ThissiteiscurrentlyzonedPrimary/Secondary Residentia l,butis intheprocessofrezoningtoResidentialCluster.The neighborhood parkwill extendintotheselots. 2)Isthezoningpreventingaconvenientworkablerelationshipwithlanduses consistentwithmunicipal Objectives . Thiszoningallowslandacquired inthelandexchangetobeusedforapublic purpose,aneighborhoodpark. 3 •• 3)Doesthezoningprovideforthegrowthofanorderly,viablecommunity? ZoningofthesiteasOutdoor Recreation allowsforthedevelopmentofa neighborhoodparkthroughaConditional UsePermitprocessbyrestricting development.Parksareanintegralpartof anycommunity.WiththeTownof Vail's emphasis onoutdooractivities,alongwithitsnaturalbeauty,thiszoning helpstoprovideforandorderly,viablecommunity. 4)IsthechangeconsistentwiththeLandUsePlan? ThefollowingaregoalsandpoliciesoftheLandUsePlanstaffbelievesare relatedtotheproposedzoning : 1.1.1 Vailshouldcontinuetogrow inacontrolledenvironment,maintaining a balancebetweenresidential,commercial,andrecreationalusestoserve boththevisitorandthepermanentresident. 1.8Recreationalandpublicfacility developmentonNational Forestlands maybepermittedwherenohighhazardsexistif: a)Community objectivesaremetasarticulatedinthe ComprehensivePlan b)TheparcelisadjacenttotheTownboundaries,with goodaccess. c)Theaffectedneighborhoodcanbe involvedinthedecision-making process. 2.7TheTownofVailshouldimprovetheexisting parkandopenspacelands whilecontinuingtopurchaseopenspace. Inaddition ,thefollowinggoalsandprioritiesoftheComprehensiveOpenLands Planshouldbeconsidered: 3.Provideadditional recreationfacilities "..West Vail,onthenorthsideoftheInterstate,couldutilizean additionalsmall "pocketpark"tomeetthisneed." 4 • • ~ N Arosa/Garmisch Annexation and Zoning 2673 -, to C') C') 2.66 acres 1 2556 2 2566 9 2457 14 2457 G". 7 246 12-88-1 • CHAPTER 8 •12-88-4 SECTION : OPEN SPACEAND RECREATION DISTRICTS ARTICLE 8.OUTDOOR RECREATION (OR)DISTRICT Passive outdoor recreation areas andopen spaces.(Ord.21 (1994)§9) 12-88-1:Purpose 12-88-2 :Permitted Uses 12-86-3 :Conditional Uses 12-88-4 :Accessory Uses 12-88-5 :Lot Area And Site Dimensions . 12-88-6 :Setbacks 12-88-7:Height 12-88-8 :Density 12-88-9:Site Coverage 12-88-10 :Landscap ing AndS ite Development 12-88-11 :Parking 12-88-12:Additional Development Standards 12-86-1 :PURPOSE:The Outdoor Recre- at ion District is intendedtopre- serve undeveloped oropenspacelands f rom intensive development while perm itting outdoor recreational activities that provide opportun ities tor active and passive recre- ation areas ,facilities anduses.(Ord. 2 1 (19B4)§9) 12-88-2:PERMITTED USES :The follow- i ng uses shall beperm itted in theORD istrict: 8icycle paths and pedestrian walkways. Interpretive nature walks. Nature preserves. 12 -88-3:CONDITIONAL USES:The following conditional uses shall be permitted,subject to issuance ofacon- dit ional use permit in accordance w ith the provisions o f Chapter 16of this Title: Accessory buildings (permanent and tempo- rary)and uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted orcond itional out- door recreational uses,and necessary for the operation thereof,including restrooms, drinking fountains,bleachers ,concessions, storage buildings,and similar uses. Cemeteries . Equestrian trails,used only to access Na- tional forest system lands. Pub lic parks and active public outdoor rec- reation areas and uses ,excluding bUildings . Skilifts,tows and runs. Well water treatment facilities.(Ord. 21 (1994)§9) 12-88-4:ACCESSORY USES:The follow- ing accessory uses shall be perm itted i ntheORD istrict: Accessory uses in the OR-District aresub- ject to cond lt lcnal use perm it review in Town of Vail 12-88-4 ••12-88-12 accordance withthe provisrcns of Chapter 16of this Title.(Ord.21(1994)§9) 12-88-5:LOT AREA AND SITE DIMEN- SIONS:Not applicable intheOR District.(Ord.21 (1994)§9) 12-88-6:SETBACKS:In the OR District, the minimum setback shallbe twenty feet (20 ')from all property lines, except as may be further restricted bythe Planning and Environmental Commission .in conjunction with the i ssuanceofa condi- tional use permit in accordance withthe provisions of Chapter 16of this Title.(Ord. 21 (1994)§9) 12 -88-7:HEIGHT:For a flat roof or man- sardroof,the height of bUildings shall not exceed twenty one feet (21').For a sloping roof ,the height of buildings shall not exceed twenty four feet (24').(Ord. 21 (1994)§9) 12-88-8:DENSITY:Not applicable inthe OR District.(Ord.21 (1994)§9) 12-88-9:SITE COVERAGE:Site cover- age shallnot exceed five percent (5%)ofthe total site area.(Ord.21 (1994) §9) 12-88-10:LANDSCAPING AND SITE DE- VELOPMENT:Landscape re- quirements shall be determined bythe Design Review Board in accordance with Chapter 11 ofthis Title.(Ord.21 (1994)§9) 12-88-11:PARKING:.Ott-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 10of this Title.(Ord .21(1994) §9) 12-88-12:ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS:Additional regula- tions pertaining to site development stan- dards and ·the development oflandin the "· Outdoor Recreation District are "found in Chapter 14of this Title.(Ord.21 (1994)§9) Town of Vail • EXC~~~GE AG~EEMENT •»>: 7~is Exchange Agre,:ment,mace t~is \qib d ay ~f 6\;(I1c.ry .,:997, b etween the To~0=Va~l,a m~,~c~?a l corpo=at~on,wnose aca~ess ~s 7 5 South F rontage Roa d,Vail,Colorado8 1645,h e =einafter ~efer=ed t ~as the ~andcwne=, and the Un ited S tates of ~~erica,a ceing by and t hrcugh the Forese Se rvi ce, Depar~ment of Ag=i culture ,i~considera t ion of the a pp ra is als by ~h e partie s h ere~a of the land or interest in lanc herein described and othe r g ood and valuable conside rations ,~he r ec eipt of which is hereby acknowledged ;do hereby severa lly agree a s follows : WITNESSETH: Pursuant t o t ~e Genera l Exch ang e Act of March 20 ,1922,as amended (~2 Stat. 4 65 )a nd the Act o fOct ober 21,197 6(90 Stat .2743),the Landcwner does h e reby agree to c onvey to the United S tates of America t he real property desc ribed in S chedulenAn enclosed her eto and made a part h ereof .In exchange t:h erefore, t~e Un ited Sta tes of America a grees t o convey to t he Landown er by P atent issuec b y the Depa rtment o f the Inte ricr ,t he re al p roperty describ ed in Schedule "B" e nc lcsed hereto and mace a pa rt h er eo f .Th ere will be no need to equalize values pur suant to S ec tion 2 06(b)of the Fede ral Land Po l icy and Man agement Act o f 197 6 (43U .S .C .1716 )s incet he va lueswe re d et ermined t o be equal.The ag reed to v alues for this exchange a re: P=cperty o£the Landowne=:$4,50 2 ,000 Prop ert y of the United S tates ':$4 ,502,000 F irst,the Lancowner agrees to c onvey by warranty Deed in a c cordance with Depa rtment o f Just ice standards whe~requested by t he Fore st Service,t he lands c r in t erest in lands describe d in s che du.l,e "A"to t he trna t ec States of America a ne.its ass igns,together wi th necess ary documents required to c onvey good tit le,::::-ee f z cm a l2.encumbrance s exc e p t;thos e set f orth i n Schedul e itA.II Second ,t he Landowner agrees to delive r all necessary documents to the Forest S~pe~visor,White R ~v e r Nat ional For est,who will act as e sc ~ow holde~. Third,the Landowner agrees t~f ~~is h tit le eV~Gence en the rea~prop e rty des c ribed in Schecule "A "in a form satisfactory to the Office o ft he Ge neral COlli~sel 0:the United States Department of Ag riculture a nd p ay a ny e scrow e xpe~ses i ncurred he rei~. Fou~th,the Landowner agrees t o de-ar~ex a ll ~emaining National F c~est System land wi t hin the corpo rate boundary o f t he Town of Vail within one year of the clcs ing of t his land exchange.This pa ragraph ONLY of this Exchange Agreement s hall s urvi ve c losi n g lli'ltil the d e-ap~ex a t io n has occured and consiti tues a c ontractual obligation on the part of t he To~~of Vail . When title has b een a cc ept ed by the Fore st Service,the Uni t ed States of ~~eri ca agrees t o convey by patent the real property desc rib ed in S ch edule "B," sub ject to any encumbrances ncted therein . n-- 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111616689~03/17 /1997 02:28P B720P718 23 1 of 1_R 76.00 0 0.00 N 0.00 Eagle,Colorado OKE No .059 6 -010 5 (05 -3 1 -9 8) ••2 30t~?arties agree ~ot to do,or suffer othe rs to do,any act by which the value 0 :the real ~rc~erty which is the subject 0:t he Agr eement may be dimi~ishec or fu~~he=encumbered .In the event any s uch loss 0=damage ccc~=s frcm any cause,ir.cluding ac ts of Ged,to the real p roperty described i~ schedules ".=\"or liE,II prior to execution of deed 0 :'-i ssuance of pa t enz ,eit~e :.­ p arty may r efuse withcut liability t o complete the ex change. Thi s Agreement wi ll be te rmi~at ed 'i n t he e vent that eith er pa rty c a nnot ccnvey a g ood and sufficient t itle to the real property agr eed t o be exchanged. This Ag=eement is legal ly bi~ci~g on all parties,subject ~o t h ~terms and c o n d ~ti o n s herei~and ma y only be amended or terminated by mutual conse~t~ Pu rsuant to a~agree~enc between the Landowner and Vail Associaces,I~c.,the Landowner agrees ~o i~clccie a covenant in regard to ski area ope rations in all future co~veyances of the Federal land (described as Lot 3,sec.7,T .5S ., R.80 ~.,6th P .M.)to be acquired by the Landowner .The s peci fi c language of the cover.ar.t shall be agreed to between the Landowne r a nd Vail Associates,In c. No member 0:Congress,or Re sident Commis sioner,s ha ll be a dmit te d t o any s hare or part of thi s agreement or to any b ene fit t hat may a ri se t her ef rom unl es s it ~s made with a c o rporation fo r its general b enefi t (18 U.S .C .43 1,4 33). IN WITNES S WH EREOF,the Landowner,by,its duly authorized represen tative,and the Reg ional Forester,acting for and On b ehalf of t he Fores t Service,USDA, have executed t his Agreeme:lt this 19Th day of 6 brdr\.Cj ,::'9n. TOWN OF VAIL,a m~~ic ipal corporat ion 11\\1 11\\\11\\1\1\\1\11\\\111\\1\\11\1\\I!\\I \\1\\11\ 6689 03 /17/1997 02~~8~:7~:~~;~.2 Colorado of 15 R 76.00 0 0.,,·' :OREST SERVICE U .S.DEPARTMENT OFAGRICULTURE Regi o :lal Fores te ~ Rocky Mour.ta in Re gion,R-2 Public repc~ting b~=ce~for this collection cf information i s es timat ed to ave rage 4 hours per respocs e,i~cluding the t ime fo rr eviewi ng instructions, searching exist i:lS data sources,gathering and maintaining the d ata needed,and completing and r e v ie w i~s the collection o f i nformation.S end comm e:lts r eg ard ing t his burde:l estima te or any oth er a spect o f t h is c olle ct ion o f information,including suggestions fo r reducing t h is burd en ,t oDepa rtment of Agriculture ,Clea ranc e Of fi c er ,OI~~,Room 404 -W,Wa shing ton ,D .C.2025 0;and to t he Of fice o f Manageme nt and Bu dge t,P ape=wo rk Re duction P ro ject (OMB NO. OS96 -010S),Washington,D.C.2 0503 . ~1.,,. ••3 ACKNOWI.:::::GMEY:' Scate c: COU.l"lCy of ---'~="'--I-=~_ SS : Ncta'.~"l;l .~<P1~i~Da ture Holly L.Mc~ulcheon ~~~rO F :_~.~.'.:' Nolal}'Dubllc ~.'l;'.':<.-' 75S.Fron tage Rei. Vail,CO 81 657 My Com missio n Expires 01/07/99 MyCommissicn expi~es : Or.this .!J.fh.da y of fe /;;Jr.((QJr..LJ ,1:;)97,before me,f!olllINet!u.:lcheC7L.,. a No t a ~1 pub ~ic in ar.d for sa~S~a~e,personally appea red ;t[Ober+~.n1Cl~ a s Tou rn /11ana O;/!z ,fer t ne Town o f Vai lA~ci:'~cipal coroora~i.on . .:-$i-f'C C U r;·:;--·,:.- )-.\,.-~."".'-.-<.\i "':;:r WIT !'<"'ES S W"'dEREOF ,1:h e r e un t ose t;my h and &T.c.:O:1\5id'i.B/r'.se:al. H ."....~J-"",,',::.'. j ~'.~t;~'.~.--."..;:r:::. S t ate o f Co lo=ado 55: .l'.CKNOWLEDGMENT Co unty o f Jeffer son ) Or.this J3.th da y of hbc.),.v v ,1997 ,b e fo re me,DtrVf-.DA-MRoJ ,a No tar y Pub l ie i r.and f or s aidl s t at.e,pe rsona lly appeared E:/rzJr!'H]1-i f STIll- I N WI TNESS WH EREOF ,I hereunto s et my har.d and official s eal . DAVE DAMRON NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO Notary Public Signature MyCommission expires : <::oJ ' /111 1111111111111111 111111 111111 111 11111111111111111111 61668903 /17/1997 0 2 :28P B720 P71823 3 of 15R 76.00 0 0 .00 N 0 .00 Eag le ,Colorado •• NATIONAL FOREST MANAGEMENT ACT ANALYSIS .TenoN OF VAIL LANDOWNERSHIP ADJUsTMENT White River National Forest Holy Cross Ranger District ~~-­D7Z7;;;J {/WILLIAM ~.WOOD Recommended bY--77~--~~Tr~~~_ nger Approved by__/~~~~~~~~~~~~_ •• NATIONAL FOREST MANAGEMENT ACT ANALYSIS Town of Vail Landownersh ip Adjustment I.PURPOSE AND NEED: The Forest Service Manual (FSM 5407.1)directs t~at the Forest Supervisor shall prepare and maintain appropriate written material to implement landownership adjustment actions and rights~of-way procurement in conformance with the Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan). The manual f urt her directs that each National Forest will prepare a Landownership Adjustment Ana lysis for incorporation into the Forest Plan as an amendment.The White River National Forest Management Plan gives direction with identified strategies to guide the decision maker in cons idering land adjustment offers,and as a tool in the management of the National Fo~est.These strategies consider acquisition and conveyance cri~eria.The management plan does not present specific strategies for areas that ha ve cc~plex ownership patterns and associated high land values.The 301y Cross Ranger District i d entified three areas where these conditions exist:the Town of Vail;Town of Minturn;and the Edwards,Town of Avon,and Eagle-Vail area.This document presents the possible management practices for a landownership adjustment strategy i n the Town of Vail area. Therefore,this Landownership Ad justment Analysis is needed to: 1.I ncorporate the respective purposes of laws which authorize land purchases,donations,sa les,and exchanges along with i mplementing regulations in the Code of Federal Regulat ions (36 CFR :254),Objectives and Po licies in FSM 5400,.and the White River Resource Management Plan (LMP). 2.Display the strategy for landownership adjustments on the White Ri ver National Forest in the vicinity of the Town of Vail. 3.Provide a basis for cost effective lands management decisions by displaying lands whose acquisition or conveyance will contribute toward accompl ishment of the ob jectives developed to imple~ent the Forest Land and Resource Management and community objectives. II.PUELIC INVOLVEMENT In May of 1991 the Town of Vail and the Forest Service formed a working group to develop a draft landownership adjus~~ent analysis.The working group consisted of representatives from the Town of Vail,Eagle County,and the Forest Service.The group shared planning documents,conducted site 2 •• visits,and discussed landownership opportunities and concerns.The group initially developed se veral statements describing a desired future conditicn fcr l andownership patterns and adjustments.Possible management practices were then developed based on the desired future condition.A narrative description and a map depicting the location of these management practices was subse~~ently developed.This draft information was the sub ject of three publ ic meetings hosted by the Town of Vail and the Forest Service.The f irst meeting was a presentation of the desired future condition and possible management practices at a regular session of the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission.Several members of the Town Council and interested residents were present at this meeting.Later this same information was presented at a special evening meeting.This meeting was well attended by interested residents and business representatives.The third meet ing was a final presentation of the specific parcel research to the Vail Town Council.Many of the comments and concerns received at the meeting were incorporated into the .final draft. III.EXISTING COh~ITION The Town of Vail is an internationally renowned four season resort.The municipal boundaries are essentially surrounded by National Forest System lands.Presently,the private land within the Town is about 90 percent developed.Real estate values are high.The potential to create additional private land suitable for development creates a highly competitive and speculative environment.Conversely,the purchase and preservation of land to be used as open space has been a high priority for the Town of Vail.As a result,proposed landownership adjustments within and adjacent to the Town cf Vail are often highly controversial.Forest Service administrative decisions have been repeatedly appealed by the Town of Vail and its citizens.Civil 'lawsuits have resulted when appellants fai led to get relief through the administrative process.Landownership adjustment proponents have also pursued legislative action to consummate exchange proposals. Landownership adjustments are costly and time consuming.The most recent adjustment was a conveyance of two parcels to the Town of Vail under the authorities of both the Sisk and Townsite Acts.This process took just over ten years from the time of proposal to completion.The cost to both the Town and the Forest Service was very high.A portion of the original proposal is still being contested in civil court. The National Forest System lands surrounding the Town of Vail are highly regarded by residents and visitors for their recreation,scenic,and wilderness values. The White River National Forest completed a Land Classification Plan in 1969.This plan focused on acquisition priorities.In 1977,an amendment 3 •• to the 19E~Land Classification Plan was approved that allowed for the oon~eyance of two paroels for urban expansion and to improve the public a~~inistration of the parcels.The amendment stated that,"if the tracts were traded and developed it would be with the general co~mitment and approval of the city and county governments."This decision helped to reinforce a strong role for the Town of Vail and Eagle County in Forest Service land ownership decisions. In January of 1980,District Ranger Nunn submitted a Petition of ,Annexation to the Town of Vail for eight parcels of National Forest System Lands totalling 138 acres,more or less.In February the Vail Town Council passed an ordinance annexing these parcels.The Town passed an ordinance in ~pril that zoned three of the subject parcels,approximately 36 acres, as Public Use District and the remaining parcels,approximately 102 acres, as Green Belt and Natural open Space.The Forest Service maintains that Ranger Nunn lacked the authority to petition for annexation and therefore the agency does not recognize the action.The annexation and zoning of National Forest System lands by the Town of Vail continues to be a point of cor.tenticn that tu=ther complicates management of adjoining lands. The curre~t Forest Plan,published in 1984,identifies specific management re~~irements for individual areas within the Forest.A management area prescription was developed for each area.The management area prescriptions for National Forest System lands adjacent to the Town of Vail are summarized below.A detailed description and the location 'of these management areas are found in Appendix A:Town of Vail Landownership Adjustment Map. Winter Soorts Site (lB\:Management emphasis provides for downhill skiing on existing sites and maintains selected inventoried sites,for future downhill skiing recreation"opportunities. Semi-orimitive Motorized Recreation 12A):Management emphasis is for semi-primitive motorized recreation opportunities such as snowmobiling,four-wheel driving,and motorcycling both on and off roads and trails. Semi-orimitive,Non-motorized Recreation (3A): semi-primitive,nonmctcrized recreation on areas. Management emphasis is for both roaded and unroaded Non-forested Wildlife Winter Rar.oe (SAl:Management emphasis is on winter range for deer,elk,pronghorns,bighorn sheep,and mountain goats. Wood Fiber Production (7E\:Management emphasis is on wood fiber production and utilization of large roundwood of a size and quality suitable fer sawtimber. 4 •• Wilderness~Semi-~rimitive reel:Management emphasis is fcr the prctection and perpetua"ion cf essentially natural bio-physical ~onditions. A survey cf the Town of Vail and National Forest boundary was conducted by the Forest Srvice in 1991 and numerous title claims were identified.These title claims range from portions of homes and private roads to landscaping and outdoor lighting on lands identified as part of the 'National Forest System.Porticns of National Forest trails and trailheads appear to 'be located on private property or Town of Vail owned -lands. National Forest System lands adjacent to the Town of Vail host numerous components of theTow~'s utility infrastructure.Water tanks,powerlines. sewer lines,elec"ronic si"es,and roads are a few examples. IV.DESIRED FUTURE COh~I~ION: The Fcrest Service defines the desired future condition of the - landownership pattern as chat pactern expeoted to result if the goals and objectives of the Forest Plan are achieved.Chapter 3 of the Forest Plan outlines broad goals for the Lanqs program: -Acquire private lands within wilderness.Consolidate National Forest ~·nership Patte=ns. -Acquire necessary rights-of-way to facilitate management of the Fcrest including public access to National Forest System lands. -Pursue opportunities to make landownership adjustments to improve management efficiency for both National Forest System land and intermingled private land~'to meet high priority resource management objectives. National policy prescribes that Landownership Adjustment Analyses shall classify lands fcr acquisition or conveyance to achieve the following objectives: 1.Enable the Fcrest/Grassland to implement a proactive land acquisition and conveyance program; 2.Enable the Forest/Grassland to achieve the legislative objectives for which it was established; 3.Enable the Forest Service to aoquire lands valuable for recreation, wildlife habitat,wilderness,and other natural resource management purposes; •• 4.Enable the Forest Service to respond to direction given by Congress for establisr~ent of classified areas such as wilderness,national recreation areas,and scenic rivers; S.Consolidate landownership to improve operating efficiency"improve efficiency for the development of private lands,and improve opportunities for ccmmunity expansion; 6.Reduce the need for and number of rights-of-way to provide for public access to Na~ional Forest system land ar~private access to inholdings; 7 .Reduce the miles of private/Forest Service property line and to reduce the miles of property boundary survey,posting,and maintenance; e~Reduce special use permit administration; 9.Conveyance of lands,especially near communities,that are encumbered with private uses and where acquisition of other lands can better serve the public interest; 10.Improve oppor~unities for agency and private partners to pr~vide recreational,wildlife,and other natural resource services; 11.Mai~tain and i mprove the ab ility to acquire key parcels through the Land and Water Conservation Fund Composite Program; 12.Reconcile Recreation Composi te Plans with the Forest Plan. Under Management Requirements in the Forest Direction section of Chapter 3 in the Forest Plan,General Direction statements describe the priorities. fcr l andownership adjus~ments: 1.Classify lands for acqu isition or to acquire int~rests where lands have been identif ied as more valuable for National Forest purposes;or where current or potential use of private lands would adversely affect National Forest values and where acquisition would not transfer impacts to another site according to the following priorities: a .In designated wilderness areas and other Congressionally classified areas. b.Where lands or rights-of-way are needed to meet resource management goals and objectivities. c .Lands which provide habitat for threatened and endangered species of animals and p lants. 6 •• d.Lands which include floodplain qr wet lands . e.On lands having outstanding scen ic va lues cr critical ec~systems, when these resources are threatened by change cf use or when management may be enhanced by public ownership . f.Lands wh ich are National Forest in ch~racter that provide essential big game winter range and are va luable for other National Forest purpcses. 2.Class ify lands fcr conveyance according to the following priorities: a.To states,counties,cities,or other federal agencies when conveyance will serve a greater public interest. b.In small parcels inte:ming led with mineral or homestead patents. c.Suitable for development by the private sector,if development (residential,agr icultural,industrial,recreational,etc.)is in the publ ic interest. d.When critical or unique resources (wetlands,flood plains, essential big game winter range,threatened or endangered species habi~at,histcrical cr c~ltural resources,critical ecosystems,etc.)cnly when effects are mitigated .by reserving i nterest to protect the resource,or by exchange where other critical resources to be acquired are considered to be of equal or greater value. In addition,the Forest Service Manual direction is to avoid the disposal of National Forest System Lands occupied under term permit unless the existing permitted use can be accommodated by agreement with the permittee.These term permits were issued and are administered based on a favorable determination that such facilities are in the public interest. In many cases,these lands contain permanent improv~~ents crucial to the operation of the permit and may best be managed under the private ownership of the permittee . The needs and concerns of lccal communities are an important component in determining the desired future condition of landownership patterns along ccmmon boundaries.The Town of vail landownership working group formulated a set of goals for the desired future con?ition based on a ten year planning horizon: 1.That there be no National Forest ~ystem lands within the municipal limits of the Town of Vail. 2.That the Forest Service survey,identify,and maintain the common boundary of the To~n of Vail and the Forest Service and that both 7 •• agencies share in the enforcement of regulations pertaining to the boundary.The boundary has been simplified where possible, irregularities have been reduced or eliminated. 3.That all land exchanges and purchases optimize both local and national public benefit.Conflicts with local interests are recognized in the decision making process of all land exchanges and purchases,and all effcrts are made to address and minimize those conflicts. 4.That all lands acquired by the Town of Vail are used for public purposes such as open space,employee housing (per Town of Vail ~~ployee Housing ordinance),recreation or for the resolution of unauthorized uses. S.That the Town of Vail,Eagle County,or the Forest Service acquire all privately owned tracts,parcels,and previously unplatted lands adjacent to,and outside of,the commonTown of Vail and Forest Service boundary.These lands are transferred to the National Forest System,Eagle County,or the Town of Vail where jo~nt objectives are satisfied. 6.That publio access to National Forest System lands be maintained or improved.New access points meet Town of Vail and Forest Service needs. 7.That National Forest System lands within the study area that are encumbered with abandoned uses,unauthorized uses;or infrastructure related facil ities are reduced or elimin~ted. 8.That the Town of Vail and National Forest reoreation opportunities are jointly planned and integrated. 9.That all unincorporated,platted residential areas within the study area are annexed within the municipal limits of the Town of Vail. 10.That the wood fiber production a~phasis management area (7E),as identified i n the Forest Plan,that can be viewed from the Town of Vail be replaced by a recreation emphasis prescription. 11.That new developments are discouraged on private lands that exist outside and adjacent to the Town of Vail. The above ~tatements represent both goals that the Town of Vail,Eagle County,and the Forest Service will pursue in partnership,others are individual goals.For example,the discouragement of new developments on private lands (Item 11)is outside the jurisdiction of the Forest Service and would be the burden of the Town of Vail and Eagle County. 8 • V.POSSI~LE KA"NAGEM!:N'l'PRACTICES: • Differences be~ween the existing conditions and the des ~red future conditions ind icate a potential opportunity cr the need to take act ions to achieve the gcals and objectives of the Forest Plan.The means to achieve the desired future conditions are possible management practices.Comparing the existing condition of landownership within the Town of Vail Special Study Area to National Forest policy;the goal and objectiv~s found in the Fcrest Plan;and the desired future condition statements .developed by the Town of Vai l working group yields several potential opportunities for landownership management: 1.~liminate National Forest System lands within the Town of Vail. 2 .Improve opportunities for local governments to aoquire and preserve open space. 3.The Forest Service,Town of Vail,and Eagle County shall consider land-use objectives established on lands administered .by the other parties in their management practices. 4.Reduce the number of National Forest special use permits for Town of Vail inf:astr~ct~re facil ities. 5.Resolve all title claims and eliminate a ll encroachments invo lving Naticnal Forest System lands. 6.EIL~inate Town of Vail zoning of National Forest System lands. 7.Jointly plan and integrate recreation opportunities and facilities. 8.Improve or maintain pUblic access to National Forest System lands. New access points should meet Town of Vail and Forest Service objectives. 9.Reduce the private and National Forest boundary to reduce the extent of property boundary survey,posting,and maintenance. 10.Jointly enforce regulations ·pertaining to the management of the common boundary. 11.That all land exchanges ans purchases optimize both local and national pUblic benefit.Conflicts with local interests are recognized in the decision making process of all land exchanges and purchases,and all efforts are made to address and minL~ize those conflicts. •• The range af possible management practices cr authorities fer landownership adjustments include the purchase of non-Federal lands,donation of . non-Federal lands,exchange,sale of Federal lands to municipalities,and legislated adjustments.The Town of vail landownership working group applied these authorities to the Town of Vail study area in an attempt to take advantage of the opportunities identified above.The result was a narrative and map describing desired management practices for landownership adjustments (see .Attachment A). Once a landownership adjustment is proposed,a parcel specific environmental analysis will be ccnducted.This analysis must include a determination of public interest and must consider a reasonable range of alternatives,including no'action.The management practice identified for the SUbject parcel(s)(see Attachment A)would be one of the alternatives considered in detail.The Forest Service decision maker may then choose all or portions cf any alternative considered. VI.FOREST PLAN CONSISTENCY: The management practices identified above comply with the direotives of the White River Forest Land and Resource Management Plan and with all legislative authorities.The selected management practices are within the public interest. ~.", 10 • ATTAClj:MENT A .0 Narrative and Hap of Possible Hanagement Practices •• Pa~cel E:Thi9 pa~cel is lccated alcng Gcre Creek near the Interstate 70 right ef way and ccntains National Forest System Land~that have been annexed by the Town of Vail. Department of Transportation for issued by the Forest Service for Space District Gere Creek,two areas Vail's Snow Avalanche Size:40 acres Enc~mberances:Easement issced by the Interstate 70 and a right-of-way Highway 6 (Bighorn Road) Zoning:Greenbelt and Nat~ral Open Hazards:IOO-year floodplain along rockfall hazard.T~e Town of include this parcel Unique Resource Values :Wetlands along Gore Possible Management Practioes:Conveyance to Service would need to reserve access to would need to reserve trailhead parking of medium severity Hazard does not Creek the Town of Vail.The Forest the Gore Creek campground and and access to trailhead Parcel G:This parcel is located immediately north of Prrma court and ccntains Nat icnal Forest System Lands that have been annexed by the Town of Vail. + size:5 acres Encumberanoes:Easement issued by t he ~epartment of Transportation for Interstate 70 and a right -of-way issued by the Forest Service for Highway 6 (Bighorn Read) Zoning:Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District Hazards:?or~icn cf pa:cel withi~medium severity rockfall hazard Unique ResoUTce Values:Potential wetlands Possible Management Practice:Conveyance to the Town of Vail Parcels G-2,G-3,G-4,and G-5:These four triangular shaped parcels are :cc ated north of the Interstate 70 right of way and contain National Forest System Lands that have been annexed by ~he Town of Vail.The intent of the annexa~ion was to cap~ure ~he 'I n ~e=s t a ~e 70 easement. Size:Undetermined E~cumberanoes:Easement issued by the Department of Transportation for Inte=state 70 Zoning:None Hazards:Parcel G-2 is within a h igh severity rockfall zone Unique Resource Values:None identif ied Possible Management Practices:Conveyance to the Town of Vail 12 •• Parcel F:This ·parcel is loca~ed at the north end of Booth Falls Road and conta ins National Forest System Lands that have been annexed by the Town of Vail. Size:14.8 acres Encumberances:Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District has.a water storage facility on the parcel under special use permit Zoning:Public Use District,Town of Vail is .cons idering rezoning to Agriculture and Open space Hazards:High severity rockfall zone,high hazard debris flow zone Unique Resource Values:None identif ied possible Management Practice:conveyance to the Town of Vail for the southern port ion of ~he parcel and deannexation for the northern portion.The Forest Service would need to reserve access and trailhead parking for the Booth Creek trail Parcel E:This parcel is located at 1278 Vail Valley Drive and contains National Forest System Lands that have been annexed by the Town of Vail •. Size:10 acres Encumberances:Town of Vail has purchased the northern one third ~f the parcel tha~included a golf course maintenance facility . Zoning:Greenbelt and Natural Open space District Hazards:High and moderate hazard debris avalanche zones;medium severity rockfall hazard zone;and possible snow avalanche influence zone Unique Resource Values:None identified Possible Management Practioe:conveyance to the Town of Vail for the northern portion of the parcel (accomplished)and deannexation for the southern port ion Parcel D:This parcel is located immediately south of Ptarmigan Road and contains National Forest System Lands that have been annexed by the Town of Vail. Size:5 acres Encumberances:Ptarmigan Road crosses the nor~hern portion of the paroel Zoning:Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District Hazards:High hazard debris ava lanche zone;medium severity rockfall hazard zone;and possible snow avalanche influence zone Unique Resource Values:None identified , Possible Management Practice:Conveyance to the Town of Vail for the northwest portion of the parcel and deannexation for the remaining portion v~..., •• Parcel C:This '~arcel is located L~ediately south of Rockledge Road and contains National Forest Syst~~Lands that have been annexed by the Town of Vail. Size:11.5 acres t Encumberances:The entire parcel is within the Vail Associates ski area permi=.An unauthorized diversion structure exists near the center .of the northern boundary.An unauthorized driveway and numerous .. landscape improvements occur on the western portion •.Portions of Rcckledge Road are also located on the western portion of the parcel. Zoning:Greenbelt Open Space District Hazards:The southeastern pcrtion of the parcel is located within a medium severity rock fall hazard zone Unique Resource Values:None identified Possible Management Practice:Conveyance to the Town of Vail,with private participation,of the western .pertion of the parcel,up to the western boundary of the adjacent Lot 1.Since this parcel is within a winter sports special use permit,it is intended that this conveyance would occur with the concurrence cf the permittee,and that it would include only that portion of the parcel that is ourrently encumbered with improvements. The desired management practice for the remaining eastern portion is conveyance to the permittee since this parcel also lies within the winter sports special use permit.It is intended that this conveyance would occur cnly with the participation and concurrence of the Town of Vail.Such conveyance would be subject to agreement on a conceptual master plan to be imp lemented cnce the parcel is no longer in federal ownership.The conceptual master plan must accommodate the existing pe=mitted uses and facilities and provide desired access for the permittee and the Tcwn of ·yail. Parcel B:This parcel is located i~~ediately north of the main Vail Interstate 70 interchange and ccntains Naticnal Forest System Lands that have been annexed by the To~~of Vail. Size:40+acres Encumberances:Public right of way,special use permit for horse stables and trail rides,and numerous utility corridors Zon~g:Agricultural and Open Space Hazards:lOO-year floodplain (Spraddle Creek),moderate hazard debris flow area,medium severity rockfall zene . Unique Resource Values:Pctential wetlands Possible Management Practice:Conveyance to the Town of.Vail ***Status Change:Conveyed to the Town of Vail *** 14 •• Parcel A:This'parcel is located Un~ediately north of vail View Drive and west of Potato Patch Drive and contains National Forest System Lands that have been annexed by the Town of Vail. Size:11 acres Encumberaoces:Vail Valley Drive and Potato Patch Drive both traverse this parcel Zoning:Public Use District Hazards:IOO-year floodplain (Red Sandstone Creek)and medium and high severity rockfall zones. Unique Resource Values:Potential wetlands possible Management Practice:conveyance to the Town of Vail of the southeast half of the parcel and deannexaton for the remaining northwestern pa~ion Vail das Schone Parcel:This parcel is located northeast of lots 1,2,3,and 4,Bl ock H,Vail Das Schone Filing No.2.The parcel is entirely National Forest System Lands. Size:Not determined Encumberances:None Zoning:None Hazards:None identified Unique Resource Values:None identified Possible Management Practice:Conveyance to the Town of Vail. Vail Heights Parcel:These two triangular-shaped parcels are located to the north of the Vail Hei9hts subdiv ision in West Vail .The Eagle county Assessor is unsure of ownership and believes that the Town of Vail may be the owner. Size:Not determined Encumberances:None Zoning:None Hazards:None identified Unique Resource Values:None identified Possible Management Practice:If the Town of Vail acquires the property, then the Town would convey to the Forest Service. •• Ladner Parcel:'Xhis unplatted,private parcel is located north of Lots 8 and 9, Block ~,vail Ridge (Cortina Lane).This parcel is located outside of the municipal boundaries of the To~~of vail. Size:7.2 acres Encumberances:None identified Zoning:Resource (County Zoning) Hazards:None identified Unique Resource Values:None identified Possible Management Practice:If the Town of Vail acquires the property, then the"Town would convey to the Forest Service. ***status Update:Town of Vail is in the process of acquiring*** East Vail water Tank Parcel:Upper Eagle Valley Water District needs to expand current storage facility.This expansion may encumber National Forest System Lands.Eagle County Assessor is unsure of ownership. Size:Undetermined pending proposal Encumberances:None Zoning:None Eazards:High and moderate hazard debris flow zones,medium severity rock:all hazard zone,a~d high hazard snow avalanche zone Unique Resource Values:None identified Possible Management Practice:C=nvey a parcel sufficient to allow for needed expansion to the Town of Vail or Water District Ulbrich Properties (Lots 16,19,and 21):These three lots are privately owned and are located within the Town of Vail municipal boundary in the West Vail area.The lots are i~ediately.north of I-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. Size:Lot 16 is 17.83 acres,Lot 19 is 16.41 acres,Lot 21 is 13.47 acres Encumberances:Fcrest Service r=ad and trail easements Zoning:Hillside Residential (Nov.17,1987) Hazards:High and moderate hazard debris flow zones,high severity rockfall hazard zone in the southern portion of Lot 21 Unique Resouroe Values:None identified Possible Management Practice:If the Town of Vail acquires these parcels, then the Town would ccnvey to the Forest Service 1 6 MR~1;,''':j':j 11::l:~l::lI-'M URII:..N HNU H1NUMm• ORTEN &HINDMAN Auornlt,J at Law March 12,1999 • ORTEN 6<Ii/!'JDMAI'J ,nc Jerry C.M.One" 11Iom",J.H indman M )"l"J.r...uulcy lnuM K .Sd.1t.~h l!~ /.a"T'"C.Hol""'J Laura J.Cib,on )rnl1!M .f.Fujii Thom....M,Ho",,11 William H .Sharr OfCounse' 1099 Ei8hleet1r~Str"er Suite 27S0 Deswer;CO a0202-'1~27 3Il.l!l'.lz·999'l tollfree lIOOI1!09·5242 I.,.3031295.217& e-mail hoa.laW@onenhindman.com www.orfenhindman.com Maling a Dil)f:rrm~1:,,:irh Covrnunrs ""d CumnlllniricJ Via Facsimile uuI Firsr Class Mail Town Council Town ofVail 75 S.Frontage Road Vall,CO 81657 Re Opposition of the condominium assOci4[lOnJ to proposed housing ontop of any new Lionsheac!parking structure Our File Nos-9278-9001 and 9262-9001 To whom Itmay concern: Our firm represents the Sun Vail Condominium Association and the Lionshead ArcadeBuilding Condominium Association.These two Associations have asked our firm to inform the Town ofVail that they objectto an y new employee housing as might be constructed ontop Of or as a part of any new Llonshead parking structure. The Associationswe represent objectto ~y employee housing being included in the Uonshead parking structure due to the guest experience and owner experience expected at the condominium communities,and expected in the Lionshead core area.TheLionsheadarea should not bear the brunt of employee housing development (or the villageor within the town. Our clients also understand that amajor commercial property owner.Robert Lazier,isalso opposed to employee housing in any renovated parking structure atLionshead,orIn the core area of Lionshead,Additionally.our clients understand that several other owner asscciadons in the area arcalso opposed to proposed employee housing atany renovation of the Uonshead parking structure. Further,If employee housing is tobe lnduded within any renovations to the Lionshead parking structure.the Assoc iations request that any new employee housing be proportionate in slze,quality,and visual appearance to other new employee housing as might beapprovedby the town in other locations within the town.Herealso,there iscone em that within the Lionshead area that a lesser degree of architectural finish and quality of employee housing might be allowed and constructed,than forpublic Improvements or might occur within the village.The concern oftheAssociationsis that the Lionshead area not be treated with any less qualitYas other areas ofVail Our clients wouldliketo be involved in any community planning process, work sessions,taskforces,or other mechanisms that the town might pursue in attempting toaccomplishemployee housing in the Uonshead area.In this regard,pleasedo not hesitate [0 contact the Sun Vail Condominium Association and the LionsheadArcade Building Condominium Association Associations,incareoftheir managing agent,KltWilliams,at P.O.Box3622. MRR 12 '99 03 :59PM ORTEN RND HINDMRN•ORTEN &HINDMA.!'l • Page 2 Board of Directors Towno(Vall M.rch 12.1999 Vail,Colorado 81650.telephone number (970)476-<l690 (extension u PlOI &><. c:Crt!1:Moffu.Ch1.'rmln/Planml\l:and Envixvnml:'ntRl Commission Board of Dlr«tan,Su.n Vail CondPminiu:m ADOOiltion.d»Kit wiUiOluu Board c:A Dirn:tan..Liond1~A~t BUIl4ir\1l Clm.&.,.niniu,'n A~i1riu(\.do Kir Willisuns LadgQ ilt Lion~l!'~d V"il1R~mariot\al • lobetr luftr W,\cuF.tU\sUNlfIllL 'JOWl'Ll ••• PLANNINGAND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION March8,1999 Minutes MEMBERSPRESENT: GregMoffet JohnSchofield GalenAasland PublicHearing MEMBERSABSENT: AnnBishop BrianDoyon STAFF PRESENT: Russ Forrest Dominic Mauriello .George Ruther Judy Rodriguez 2:00 p.rn, GregMoffetcalledthemeetingtoorderat2 :00 p.m. 1.Arequestfora worksession todiscuss theestabl ishment ofSpecial Developmen t DistrictNo.36(Antler 's),toallowforaresidential expansionof24new condom iniums, and7newemployeehous ing units,locatedat680W.LionsheadPlace/Lot3 ,Block1, LionsheadThirdFiling . Applicant: Planner : AntlersCondomin ium Association,represented byRobertLeVine JeffHunt JeffHuntgavean overview ofthestaffmemo. GregMoffetaskediftheapp licant hadanythingtoadd. RobLevine saidhewashopingforafinal intwoweeksandwantedtohearthePEC's concerns . Hesaidtheroof element hadbeenchangedandrockhadbeenaddedasthishadbeenan architectural concern . Greg Moffet askedforanypublic comments .Therewerenopublic comments . Ga len Aaslandsaidthe14'parkingspacewastoosmallforaparkingspot. GregMoffetsaidtheunits werejustoverenoughtorequire moreparkingandsaidthatthe projectwasbookedheav ily as short-term withweeklyturnover. GalenAaslandsaidifaparkingspacewasrepresentedasaparkingspace ,it needed tomeet the standards.Hesaid intermsofstackingspaces ,you couldn't stackemployee spaces infront of guest spaces.Heagreedthattheshuttleservicehadreallychangedthis industry andsaid thatsincethe landscapingwascloseto20%,itwasok.He suggested knock ing offthe southeast corner ofthesw imm ing pool,as itwasdangerous. DianeGoldensaidshedidn 't likethestackedspaces.but suggested stacking employee to employee ,since allowances couldbemadesincetheywereontheshuttle.Sheagreedthat landscaping shouldbe20%andalsotoknockoffthecornerofthe swimming pool. TomWebersaidthe setback wasalright,buttheapplicantneededtocomeupwithan analysis ofhowmanyparkingspaceswouldbeneededsincetheyareonthebusrouteanddon 't want to getintotheparking management business.Hesuggestedadd ing additional landscaping bythe pooltobringupthetotal landscaping to20%;possibly addingtothebermonthe other sideof thepool. Planningand Environmental Comm ission Minutes March8 ,1999 1 ••RobLevinestated that theeastern partof thepropertywasownedbythe Townof Vail. JohnSchofield suggested workingw ith theMarriottonthewests ide,asitwasno t realatt ractive. He suggested going onemoreleveldowntoaddresstheparking ,ashesaidhedisagreed and thought parkingwasneeded.Hesa id makethespacesworkwithusingarealsizespace , otherwise ,peopleenduptakingtwospaces.Hesa id iftheapplicantcouldcomeupwith numbersshowingmoreparkingwasnotnecessary,thatwouldhelp.Hesa id hewouldlike the numbersshowingload ingt ruckscou ld fitintheradius aswellasafire truck .Hesa id heagreed wit ht heothers regardingthesw imming poo l andsugges ted ajo int vent ure onapoolw ith t he Marriott. GregMoffetsaidtheMarriottwascorporatelyownedandwouldnotbeag reeable dealingwithan association .Hesaidthesetbackswerefine ,butwithoutenoughpark ing youwillbe creating '. problemsforyourselves .Hesuggestedbeforegoing toCouncil,thattheappl icant comeinwith evidenceratios,Hesa id helikedwheretheswimmingpoolwas .Hesaidtoformalizean agreement withtheTownandencouragedaleasewithperhapstheapplicantmaintain ing the landscapingontheeast.Hesa id heag reed w ith thestaff's recommendation onloading. GalenAas land saidyouhadsignificantly lessconference roomsthantheMarriott ,andsothe park ing generationwasdifferent. RobLevine saidthey don't markettheirconferencefacilitiesforpeopleoutsidetheAntlers . Architectural Character RobLevinepresentedamodel. Greg Moffe t asked forany pub lic com ment.Therewasnopubliccomment. Ga len Aaslandsa id theentrancewasstart ing togetbetter,buthesaiditwas unacceptable on t heeastandwestsidesand itneededtowrapbette r.Hesaidthisdes ign perpetuates the Lionsheadlook .Hesa id tomakechangesontheeastandwestside,andhesaw opportunities tomakec hanges ontheroofs.Hesa id hedidapprec iate thestoneon thebottom . Diane Go lden saidtheentrance wasfine ,butthedec king needstobemademore i nteresting, perhaps w ith somedes ign . RobLev ine saidtherail ings wouldbeopen.Hesaidtheownerswouldlike themtoremain picketsastheyarenow ,butthatdebatewasstill goingon. GalenAaslandsaidtheapplica nt wasriskingmonotonyandsuggestedputtingglassaroundthe athleticclub.Hesaidth is projectneededtoaddsignificant interest ontheroof ,w ith more var iation. RobLevinestatedtheywereconcernedaboutthegreatvariationfromtheexisting building, Domin ic Mauriellosaidtheywereusing thesameroomdesignastheexistingbuilding. RobLevine statedthattheseunitsneededtostayrentableandiftheybecamemore expensive , theywouldbelessrentable.Hesaid theoutdoorbalconymadeitmorerentable .Using the AustriaHausasanexample,hesa id whattheydid wou ld notworkforwhatwearetry ing todo. Tom Weber saidthemassingandcourtyardarerightthere,butthey neededtobreakuptheeave whereitgoesintothe dormer tobreakthecontinuousband.Hesuggestedkneebracesatthe decksandhehadnoopiniononopenorclosedrailing .Hesaidhelikedtheeastelevationbetter thanthewestelevationbecauseithadmoreglass.Hesuggestedacopperlookratherthanthe Planning andEnv ironmental Comm ission Minutes Marc h 8 ,1999 2 ••greenwithmorearticulationofstructureattheeavelines ,perhapsw ith metalshingles. JohnSchofieldechoedthecommentsfromtheother Commissioners ,withtheadditionofheating theinteriorcourtyardbecauseoftheshade.HeagreedwithGalenontheeastandwest elevations,thattheyneededtogetitrightandhesaidthatthestonewas definitely astepinthe rightdirection . Tom Weber suggestedverticalwoodsidingontheuppertallerunitstobreakupthenorth elevation .Heencouragedastudyanenclosedwalkway. GregMoffetagreedwithTomtodosomemoreinterestingthingswiththerooftocreatemore architectural interest.HesuggestedtalkingtoNancySweeney ,AIPP,todiscussartandthe interestissueforthebalconies . DominicMauriellosuggestedgoingbacktotheDRBforaconceptual,beforecomingbacktothe PEC. GregMoffetagreedthattheDRBwouldbehelpfulandtakethemodelasitwas,before changes weremade . 2 .ArequestforamajoramendmenttoSpecialDevelopmentDistrict NO .7 (TheMarriott Hotel)andaconditionalusepermit,toallowforthe construction oftheGoreCreekClub andaremodeltotheexistinghotel ,locatedat714LionsheadCircle 1 MarriottMark. Applicant: Planner: HMCAcquisitionProperties,Inc.,representedby East-West Partners GeorgeRuther GeorgeRuthersaidthePECwasmakingarecommendationtoCouncilforthemajor amendment,butthatafinaldecisionwouldbemadeontheconditionalusepermit.Hethen gavean overview ofthestaffmemo. CONDITIONALUSEPERMIT: GregMoffetaskedforanypubliccomments .Therewerenopublic comments . John Schofield askedtheapplicantiftheproposedpercentageof 1/20th shareswas open-ended orpartofthisapproval. Henry Pratt,of Gwathmey PrattArchitects,saidthatfractionalfeeclubsweredefinedasinterval clubswith1nightorlessoramaximumof 1/12 . GeorgeRuthersaidamaximumorminimumcouldbeplacedasaconditionontheapproval. GregMoffetsaidtherecouldbeanamendmenttotheconditionalusepermit. GalenAaslandmadeamotiontoapprovetherequestforaconditionalusepermitforinterval ownership fortheGoreCreekClubTractA,asdetailedinthestaffmemo. JohnSchofieldsecondedthemotion . Themotionpassedbyavoteof5-0. GeorgeRuthergaveanoverviewofthemajoramendment. Plann ing andEnv ironmental Commission Minutes March8.1999 3 ••Dominic Mauriello said buildings could encroach upon setbacksinabuildtolineoron adjacent properties 10',perthe Lionshead Master Plan . Henry Prattsaida setback wouldnotbemorethan 7'. George Ruther said staff though t 7'was reasonable ,as longas there wasan approved landscape plan . Henry Prattsaidthispro ject wasthesameas presentedin January atthepre -ap meeting and theyhadbeen working onthedes igns forover18 months .Hesa id this met thenew design gu idelines in letterandintent.Hesa id hetriedtomakeeachofthe buildings lookd ifferent to reduce the apparent s ize ofthe project andtherewasverylittle impact onlightand shading and ne ighbors.Hesa id there were steeply,slop ing roofstobringthem more inlinewiththe walls .. Hesaidthe66newtimeshareun its had varied roof elements to make it very clear that there . were different fromthe existing hotel.He stated thattheonly impact wasalongthe creek and along Lionshead Circle.Hesaid landscaping wasata minimum leveland that they were getting ridof some ofthetennis courts and volleyball courts,butthattheyst ill anticipated a permanent special events tent.He stated thatthe Marriott wasnot interested in sharing thepool.Hesaid theywere creating newshu 's inthebuildingwheretheski storage was,totaling 10 pillows.He saidthattheywererunning behind schedule rightnowandthat it met the intent ofthe Lionshead Master Plan .He explained the rationale forthe 30%density ratio,because they almost doubled the required ehu's which wereon-site,beingin excess ofwhatthe Town required.Hesaidthe manager would havea residence on-siteandtherewouldbe improvements tothe existing loading and delivery.Hesaidthey couldn't change theexistingbuildingandwere proposing a two -berth loading dock to create 3 usable loading docks andwasthe best they coulddo with the existing hotel.Heexpla ined thatthenewbUilding could accommodate anyUPSor other vans andthat there would beno restaurants inthenewbuilding.Hesaidthat laundry tended to show upin smaller vansandthattrashwou ld berolledoutfromins ide thebui lding.Hesaid ownership would make itmorecompl icated ,asthehote l wouldretaintheirpark ing.Hesaid Peter Dan was herefromEast West Hospitality toexplain theload ing. Greg Moffet saidwe would needtoseethe easement recorded forany loading management agreement. Chuck Mad ison explained whenwego through the platting process ,wew ill go through thelegal access atthattimeandwewereawarethatwouldhavetobe addressed. George Ruther saidthat when a loadingtruck was parked onthe west sideof Lionshead Circle , staff would needtoknowthat there would be another placetogo . Henry Prattsaid there were5loadingberths,wh ich metthemin imum requirement.Hesaidthey were proposing todoonewingper off-season ,ifyouwanttocallit phased ornot.Hesaidhe hadno problem with Condition #1 ,andthatregarding Condition #2 ,theyhad6unitsor1°pillows andthatrega rding Condition #3 ,theywereonthe agenda fortheApr il 7thORB meeting .He said Conditions #4 &#5wereas discussed andthat Condition #6wasnota problem andthe Town had asked usto extend a simple concrete path sidewalk tothe west daylotand Condition #7 allowed usto grade ontoVA 's site.He mentioned thatCondition#8hadroofs overhanging ontothe sidewalk and there wasno problem with Condition #9 .Hesaid regarding Condition #10, that they should notbe required to snowmelt the property infrontofthe west daylot.Hesaid regarding Condition #11thatthearea between theretailandthe pedestrian was very tight for landscaping ,butthatit could beputbythe street.Hesaidthe streamwalk in Condition #12was already inandthey would negotiate withstafffor wildflower seedsasitwasinourbest interest. Hed id havea problem with Condition #13to upgrade the Frontage Roadasthe Lionshead Master Planwas proposing to relocate theroad ,sothis condition didn 't make sense .Hesaid theywere spending millions of dollars to upgrade the property andth is condition wasa Plann ing andEnvironmental Commiss ion M inutes M arch8 ,1999 4 ••dis incentive andsohewantedthiscondi tion removedentirely . GregMoffetaskedforanypubl icinput.Therewasnone. Geo rge Ruthersa id regardingCondition#5,t hattheaccesswasneededfo r the lowerleve l of theparkingstructure .Heexplained thattheaddition oflandscap ing wasacond ition perthe ORB's approval.Heexplainedtheunheatedsect ion ofWestLionsheadCircle wasfora pedestrianconnection.HesaidregardingCondition#8,thattheareaof encroachment mightbe anopportunitytoexchangesomeoftheexisting privatelandadjacenttothe streamtract.He saidthereweresomeopportunit ies for improvementsandbenefits. 'TomWeberstatedthat90%ofdeliverieswereUPSorFedExfortheGoreCreek Club ,so he d idn 't seemuchdeliveryhappen ing andthat10pillows weregoodenough.Hesaidhe didn't agreew ith theword inginCondition#13 ,buthethoughtdevelopmen ts shouldpay for impacts ,as itwouldn 't makesensefortaxpayerstopayfornewdevelopment. JohnSchofieldas ked howla rge thebanquetfacil ity wasandhowoften itwasused.Hesa id therewasnotenoughparkingforbanquetsandhewasconcernedhowparkingwouldbe handledwhensomeoftheparkingwentaway. HenryPrattsaidthehotelhadgonetovaletparkingforallevents.Hestatedthattheparking structure wasunderutilizedandtheywerenotmakinganychangestohowtheexistinghotelwas operated. JohnSchofieldsaidhewas comfortable withtheheight,loadingdockandthesetbacksonthe west. ChuckMad ison saidthegaragewou ld beaccessed f romthetop level.Hesa id thetwolower levelswouldhaveinternalrampsandadeliveryvehiclecouldgofromthealleytothetopand circu late downtothe lowerleve ls.Hesaid therewou ld berec iprocal access easements withthe valet. GalenAaslandsaid ,althoughimpressedwiththemodelhewas concerned withtheheightand theparking,astherewasa significant deviationfromtheheight.Hesaidhewasbotheredby the inconsistencyoftheamountofdeviationfromtheheight.Hesaidtheapplicant hadn't demonstrated aneedforthetwotowers ,sohesaidhewouldneedtotellmewhythisisthebest andhewouldneedtosellmeonthebig masses.Hefelttheprojectneeded smaller towersand alsoamanageron-site .Hesa id hewasfinewiththeload ing,butthatbanquetshadalways beenaproblem.Hesaidtheapplicantwouldhaveto demonstrate thatthis was acceptable ,but inhismind,hewasalittleshort . HenryPrattsa id,intermsoftheheight,therewasnoheight restrict ion on landmark elements . Domin ic Mauriellosaidtherecouldbeflexibilitywiththeheight oflargebuild ings intheLionshead Master Plan. GeorgeRuthersaidtheintentoftheguidelineswastogetaslopingroof . RussForrestsaideachindividual areaoftheLionsheadMasterPlanswas discussed andthisis anewsetofrules . ChuckMadisonsaid thetwolandmarkelementsweretryingtobreakuptheboxlook .Hesaid theywerestartingwith85 'across ,buttherewasnoaddit ional squarefootage ;thiswas merely anarchitecturalfeature. Planningand Environmental Comm ission Minutes March8 ,1999 5 ••Diane Go lden hadnoobjection wit hthe height,butwould lovetoseeanehu i nt heGo re Creek Club. ChuckMad ison saidwecou ld neverfindama nager whowantedtolive on-s ite. DianeGoldenaskedifthegues ts wereonlygoing tousevale t par king. Chuc k Mad ison s tated thatwastheway itwasnow . G reg Moffet sta ted thatifyoustayedatafirstclass hotel,youdealtw ith a v alet.Hesa id he d iffered from hisfellow Comm issioners,ashethoug ht thepark ing wasf ine.Hesaida manage r 's unitwasneededintheGoreCreekClub ,becausethehote l andGore Creek Club werenot commonly owned. Henry Prattstatedthat therewouldbea24-hr.desk. DominicMaur iello saidtherewasnosuchrequireme nt fora time-share . GregMoffet sa id todeed restrictthe easement andreco rd theplat,regard ing theload ing.He sa id tha tt hisbuilding wasspecif ically delineated asaspecialcase.Hement ioned thatthere werereal opportunities forA IPP tointegratefunctionalartpiecesherew ith no greater impact thanlandscaping.He thought th is complied withthecode ,butwouldlikeanon-s ite ehuinthe GoreCreekClub ,t he loading/deliveryplanberecordedandplatted,thebuildingbe t rimmedback offthes idewalks ,assetforthinthememo ,tha t snowmelting occur infrontoflotAon ly,that pub lic artbesubstituted ,part icula rly at the frontentrance ,anddeleteCond ition #13andrequire this app licantt opayap ro-rate asitrelatestotheFrontageRoad impact. RussForrestsa id Greg Hallhasaballparknumberconcern ing theFrontageRoad impacts. Greg Moffet saidhewouldliketoseeanumberpriortoCouncilapproval,asitrelatestothe FrontageRoadimpact.Hesuggestedanaddit ional condit ion tohidethemechan ical. Jo hn Sc hof ield sa id byadd ing 61 par king spaces ,the t otalwouldbe355spacesand66roomsto theGoreCreekClub .Heas ked whattheave rage occupancy ofthehote l was. Chuck Madisonsa id between60%-70%approxima tely . PeterDansaid managers on-s ite don't workout ,astheydidn 't wanttodealwithprob lems ona 24-hr .basis. Greg Moffet saidalltheehu'swerenowontheneighbor 's property.Heunders tood about manager burnout ,but one isneededon-site . Jo hn Schofield saida24-h r.deskwasnotrequ ired. HenryPrattaskedto just put inanehuandnotamanager 's unit. Tom Weber saidth is isabout thecodeandI'm goingagainstit,asano n-site enuwasnot needed . GeorgeRuthersaiditwouldgain acceptance inthe community tohave t hisfacility. HenryPrattsa id a manager's un it woulddoawaywiththenumberofpillowsinTownandthe24 -hr deskcanbemadearequirement. P lanning andEnvironmental Commission M inutes March 8 ,1999 6 ••JohnSchofield suggested acho ice ofeithera24 -hr.deskoranenu. GregMoffe t askedwhatkind ofassurancecouldtheyhave iftheowneroftheland decided they d idn't wanttodobus iness anymore . ChuckMadisonsaida fixednumberofparkingspacescouldbeallocatedtotheGoreCree k Club andsaidtheywouldn 't be successful ifwedidn 't spellitoutupfrontallocatedbydeedtothem. Hesaidthespaceswouldbeallocatedtousethetopfloor (1 perunit)fortheGoreCreekClub andthehotelwouldusethelowerfloors. GregMoffetsaidthisstillsounds liketheyarestillencountering problems forevents. HenryPrattsaidtheytooktheapproachthattheparkingwas grandfathered andthiswasa new .project.Hesaidtheyhadheardnoth ing from management thatparkingwasa problem.He said theyhadtolearnhowtoparkthatstructure andnonewspacescanbeaddedtothat structure. JohnScho field madeamot ion forapproval inaccordancewiththefindings onpage 18and Conditions1,2,6w ith thechangethattheehu's bedeededwithnolessthan10 pillows ,witha 24-hrdeskorehuon-site ,Conditions#3 ,#4,#5w ith load ing inthealley off-street ,Conditions #6 ,#7,,#8,,#9 ,#10withtheheatedsnowmelt continuous tothe applicant's property andnot furthertothewest,Condition#11withlandscapingapprovedbytheORB,Condition #12,,#13 thatbeforethefinalreadingwiththeTownCouncil ,theapplicantenterintoaFrontageRoad agreementandthatwerecommendtotheORBsomeothershinglethanasphalt. Tom Weber secondedthemotion . DianeGoldensaidtoamendthemot ion toincludeAIPPartinthe landscaping. GregMoffetsa id soamended . GeorgeRuther suggested toincludethechangetoCondition#5tosayrecordedand platted . HenryPrattsaidasphaltshingleswasanapprovedmaterialintheLionshead Master Plan .He saidhisshinglewasa40 -yr.top-notchshingle ,sothisrestrictionwasnotin accordance withthe Lionshead Master Plan. John Schofield stateditwasa recommendation ,notacondit ion. GeorgeRuther suggested amending ittoreadins tead of "priortothefinal(2nd )reading ,couldwe saypriortothe1st reading. John Schofield saidtoleaveitpriortothe2nd readingsee ,astherecouldbe changes onthe t" reading. Themotionpassedbyavoteof5-0. 3 .Arequestforafinal reviewofaproposedlockerroomandloadingdock expansion tothe DobsonIceArena,locatedat 321 E.LionsheadCircle/Lot1,Block1,VailLionshead2 nd Filing . Applicant: Planner: VailRecreationDistrict GeorgeRuther TABLEDUNTILMARCH22,1999 Plann ing and Environmental Commission Minutes March8 ,1999 7 ••4.ArequestforavariancefromSection12-6D-9(SiteCoverage)oftheTownofVail MunicipalCode ,toallowforsitecoverageinexcessof20%,locatedat362Mill Creek Circle I Lot9,Block1,VailVillageFirstFiling. Applicant: Planner: WalterForbes ,representedby Gwathmey-Pratt Architects AllisonOchs TABLED UNTILMARCH 22,1999 5 .Arequestforavar iance fromSection12-6D-6oftheTownofVailMunicipalCode,to allowforan encroachment intotherequiredside setbacks ,locatedat3003 Bellflower Drive I Lot9,Block6,VailIntermountain.. Applicant: Planner: Mr.GuillermoHuerta GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTILMARCH 22,1999 6 .A requestforan amendment toSpecialDevelopmentDistrict NO .4 (Glen Lyon),revis ing theGlenLyonOfficeBuildingsite(AreaD),locatedat1000S.FrontageRoad West/Lot 54 ,GlenLyonSubdivision . Applicant: Planner: GlenLyonOfficeBuilding Partnership ,representedbyKurtSegerberg DominicMauriello TABLEDUNTILAPRIL 26,1999 DianeGoldenmadeamotiontotabletheaboveitems . John Schofield secondedthemotion . Themot ion passedbyavoteof5-0. 7.InformationUpdate DominicMauriellosa id theordinancetorezoneLionsheadwasapprovedbytheTownCouncil. RussForrestadvisedthatadvertisingforthePECandDRBwouldcontinuefor another 3weeks andanewpositionwasbeingcreatedforDRB,sincethePECrepontheDRBwasbeing removed. Three ,two-yeartermPECvacancies (GregMoffet ,JohnSchof ield andAnnBishop) 8.ApprovalofFebruary22,1999m inutes. DianeGolden,TomWeberandGalenAaslandhadchanges. Diane Goldenmadeamotiontoapprovetheminutesasamended . JohnSchofieldsecondedthemotion. Themotionpassedbyavoteof5-0 . JohnSchofieldmadeamotiontoadjourn. Planning andEnVironmentalComm ission M inutes March8 .1999 8 ,•'RLECO PLANNINGANDENVIRONMENTALCOMMISSION March22,1999 Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT:MEMBERS ABSENT:COUNCILPRESENT:STAFF PRESENT: GregMoffet John Schofield GalenAasland BrianDoyon TomWeber DianeGolden AnnBishop SybillNavis LudwigKurz GeorgeRuther AllisonOchs Judy Rodriguez .Public Hearing 2:00 p.m. GregMoffetcalledthemeet ing toorderat2:00p.m. 1.Arequestfora joint worksession withtheTownCounciltoamendtheTown 's "Public Accommodation"ZoneDistrict,Chapter7and amendments toChapter15,Gross ResidentialFloorArea(GRFA),TownofVailMunicipalCode. Applicant: Planner: Johannes Faessler,representedbyBraunAssociates,Inc. GeorgeRuther George Ruthergaveanoverviewofthestaffmemo . TomBraun,representingthe applicant,saidthepurposeofthedistrictwasforshort -term accommodation units .HesaidallthepropertieswereSOD's already. Greg Moffet askedforanypubliccomments . JimLamont,representingtheEastVillage Homeowner's Association,suggested relativeto Johannes proposal ,therewasmoreofanaffinitybetweentheTalisman,AustriaHausand Sonnenalp,thantheHolidayInnsite.HesaidtheTivolineighborhooddidnotwanttochange. Hesaid however,thattheywantedequaltreatmentwithGRFA ,butdidnot want commercial. Hesaidhehadnoproblemwithon-streetcommercial ,frompedestrian precincts,withno variable setbacks outsidethepedestrianprecincts.Hesaidtheywantedtopreservethe character ofthe neighborhood. GregMoffet suggested addingaconditionalusetohaveitinkeepingwiththe neighborhood. 1PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission Minutes March 22,1999 Jim Lamont saidthe setback issuedoescomeinto consideration withprivate property and shouldnotbeavariableissue,butonTownrights -of-ways thereshouldbeflexibility.Regarding impact fees,hesaidtheyhadtobegenerallyappliedorhaveanoverall impact feeordinanceso thesuburbsandinnercitieswouldgettreatedthesame.Hesaidpublic expenditures werebeing dealtwithhere.He suggested refiningthelanguagedown ,asitwasobtuse. •• Tom Weber askediftherewasaneedtogobeyondwhattheStreetscapeMasterPlan mandated. JimLamontsaid ,yes.HesaidtherewasonlyonepropertyinLionsheadthatwasaPAandsaid Tobecarefulcarefulintakingoutastandardthatwascommontoallzoned istricts.Hesaidthat thismaynotbethecorrectordinance.Hesaidtheparkingwascriticalbecauseifit changed across theboard ,itwouldchangetheeconomicsof redevelopment andthe developers would needtoknow .assoonaspossible .HesaidheandDaveCorbinhadtalkedtoover40 property owners,whoagreedthatthecommercialareawasfailing ,beingdusty,d irty andloadedwith delivery trucks.Hesaid iftheparkingrequirementwasreduced ,itwouldbeaw inlwin situation . LODGINGDEFINITION: Greg Moffet askedforanypubliccomments. BobLazier ,owneroftheTivoli Lodgeandsome commercial downtown,saidtheTowncoulduse somenewhotelrooms ,butwarnedagainststiflingdevelopers ,astherewasahugeneedfor 500-1000 beds.Hesaidthereappearedtobea movement towardstheHolidayInnsite .He saidweseemtobetryingtoputeverythinginabasket,sothatallaretreatedequally ,which is notnecessary,aslongastheyaretreatedfairly.HesaidthecharacterofTivoliwas very different fromtheeconomicsoftheSonnenalpandthatcommerc ial wasnotneeded ,asitwas walking distance totheVillage.Hesaidtoputallpublicaccommodationsunderone umbrella would bedifficult.Hesaidtheheightrequirementof48'limitedtheTivoli.Hesaidhewas addressing this philosophically andadvisednottogetboggeddownwithspecifics. Tom Weber sa id Georgewasgoingintheright direction. BrianDoyonsaid itwas inthe rightdirection,butwouldliketoseethedurat ion oftimeforFFU's. George Rutherexplainedthattherewasaminimum1nightownershipandamaximumof1/12th night ownership. BrianDoyonsaidtheFFUdefinit ion washisonlyconcern. John Schofield suggested lookingtotheusedefinitionofanaccommodationunitvs.a dwelling unit.Hesaidtheshort -term warmbedsorthe70%usemadesense,buthe didn't knowabout enforcement,butto accomplish theobject ive ofwarmbeds/shortterm,70%wasgood.He askediftherewas currently a24-hr.deskrequirementunderlodgesandifnotit might be something toconsider.Hethenaskedifallthecurrent accommodations inthePAZone District had24-hr .desks.Hesaidthiswasfocusingonthequalityoftheamenities.torecognizeitasa lodge.Hesaidthelanguagewasdirectedtowardstheuseoftheunit. GalenAaslandagreedwithJohnthatthepurposeofthedistrictwasshort -term units .Hesa id the smaller hote ls wouldpotentiallystillworkwithoutafrontdeskandhewas comfortable with the70%,butthereneededtobeflexibilitytoencourageredevelopment. GregMoffetsaidtoaddaprovisionthatthenumberofAU'sneededtobereplaced.Hesaidthe 24-hr.desk wasappropriatemostofthetimeandthattherewasadifferencebetweenafront deskanda24-hr.desk. Planningand Environme ntalCommission Minutes March22.1999 2 •.' BobLaziergavetheWillowsasanexampleofhavingafrontdesk. Greg Moffet suggested requiringpeopletokeepbedsinthelivebedpool,buthewouldn 't know howtoenforcethis. GeorgeRuther stated thattheFFU does notcounttowardsthe equivalency andaskedhow toensurethattheseunitswouldgetusedmorelikehotelrooms,ratherthancondos. Greg Moffet saidthatinnocasecouldAUsquarefootageberemoved .Hesaidtherecouldbe fewerlargerunits,aswasoneintheAustriaHaus. Georgesaidthiswasanand/orsituationwiththepropertyowner. REVIEWPROCESS: GeorgeRuther gave anoverviewofthereviewprocess . TomBraun suggested notfewer meetings;justnot6-8worksessionsonthe larger projectsand tohave projects finishoutclosertowheretheywouldendup. Greg Moffet askedforanypubliccomments.Therewerenopublic comments. GalenAaslandsaidheagreedwithwhatthePECtalkedabout,andagreestohaveadjacent property ownersnotified.Hesaidhelikedtheformattodeedrestrictemployeehousingand wouldliketoseesomekindofscenariosetupsoastonotbeasurprisetothe developer. Tom Weber saiditneededtogetasclosetoa design-by-right processaspossible. BrianDoyonagreedwithGalen.HesaidthePECwouldliketotakesomeoftheissuesand makethe decisions andnothavetogotoCouncilsincetheywereplanning issues.Hedoesnot liketwo groups reviewingrequests.HethengavetheexampleoftheAustriaHaus ,withthePEC givingapprovalandCouncilturningitdown. John Schofield saidtorefineithavezoninganddesigncriteriaso applications cangorightto theORB.Hesaidifitwentintosetbacks,thenitwouldneedtogobeforethePEC. GregMoffetsaidhepreferredtoseerequestsreviewedmorecloselytotheGUprocess. Hesaid everybody wouldbenefitifaCouncilreviewwasattheiroption.Hesaidthat developers nowgothruthePECandthenhavetostartalloverwith worksessions withCouncil.Hesaidhe wouldliketoseealistoffactorsthathavetobeconsidered,suchas setbacks,etc.,andifwe couldtake mandatory Councilreviewoutoftheprocess,thenitwouldbe streamlined. GeorgeRuther summarized thePEC comments thatifanapplicantwasnotaskingforany Deviation,hecouldgorighttotheORBifall development standardsweremet.Hesaidthe minutetheywantedtovary,thePECkicksin.Hesaidifthe development standards were met,there seemed tobeaclearpathtomoveforwardwiththeproject. Tom Weber askedifthere shouldn't bea development-by-right path. Greg Moffet saidthereweretoomany subjective factorsforabUild-by-right. Planningand Environmental Commission Minutes March22.1999 3 •• Galen Aasland saidforanymajor redevelopment ,itwas importantforGounciltohavesome review. Tom Weber saidwithawellw ritten zoneordinance,youhavea design-by-right path . George RuthersaidinaGUzone ,theunderlying threadisthatall the properties areunique,as all development standards aresetbythePEG. Greg Moffet said thebeautyof itwasitdoesn 'thavetoovercomespecialprivilege. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Tom Braun said JimLamontsaidtoleavetheEVHApropertyownersalone,astheydidn 't want tochange.Hesaidhewasnotadvocat ing Jim 's position. John Schofield saidhedidn'tunderstandhowsomeone wouldn't wantto change tothenew zon ing. BrianDoyonagreed. Greg Moffet saidJimaskedtoincludeintheprocessa consideration ofthe characteristics ofthe neighborhood. George Ruthersaiditwasalready intheconditionaluseasabroadbase. Greg Moffet saidhe suspected Jimwasconcernedaboutdrawingnighttraffictothebaseofthe buildings inth is neighborhood.Hesa id wehaveazonedistrict thatdoes n't work,butwe wanted to encourage redevelopment andnotmakethe process soonerousthatnobodywill undertake it. Geo rge Ruthersaidwewerenot rezoning ,justamend ing itandthegoalofth is project was to identity text amendments .Hesa id wewere creatingPA1-P A18orcreatingazone district unique tothatparcel.Hethoug ht wemightneedtoinviteeach property ownerorhavea representative sentto understand whichwaytogo . TomBraun showed aslidepresentation. George RuthersaidregardingGRFA ,thattheapplicanthasproposedtohaveit increased and thePEG would liketosee iteliminated. Greg Moffet sa id,fortherecord,hejustreceivedproposed amendments tothePAZoneDistrict. Hethen asked foranypubliccomments .Therewerenopublic comments. Greg Moffet saidhe wanted toeliminateGRFA. John Schofield saidhetoowantedtoeliminatedGRFA,butwiththeORBguidelines,he thought GRFAcouldbe eliminated . Tom Weber agreed,butaskedifthisshouldbetreatedlikesetbacks . Planningand EnvironmentalCommission Minut es March22.1999 4 •• GalenAaslandsaiditwasnotappropriatetotakeGRFAoutofonedistrict. John Schofield saidGross"residential"isnottalkingabout "accommodation ." Greg Moffet saidhewould love toseeastudyofthe short-term bedbase over thelast20years, ashecould predict adropof60%.Hesaidweneededa product tocompetewith Whistler,and everytime weaddanartificialconstraint,welosethatability. GregMoffetsaidthatCouncilhasstatedthattheydon 't wanttoeliminateGRFA. Tom Weber askedif120%isenoughtoincentdevelopment,astheTownhasidentifiedthatwe needtoincreaseGRFA. Greg Moffet said we areaddinga50%componentandthatthiswasasmuchpushasyoucan get,orhowmuchCouncilcangetwithoutgettingscreamedat. TomBraunsaiditcomesdowntoGRFA vs .commonarea. GalenAaslandsaid120%ispoliticallydoable. GeorgeRuthersaid density hasbeenthrownoutthedoor ,asitwasincreasingthe intensity of theuseonthesite . Greg Moffet saidhewaswillingtorecommend120%toCouncilasatotalpackageand guideline andyou wouldn't needacompellingreasontogooverGRFAwithcriteria,when demonstrating why. JohnSchofieldsaidaslongasCouncilknowsthatatleast3ofthePEC(John Schofield,Greg MoffetandDianeGolden)arein favor ofdoingawaywithGRFA . Tom Weber saidwhynotkeepitat80%withthebenefitofacquiringpublicbenefits. Greg Moffet saidyoucan'tbuildanythingw ith thatand itthenbecomesartificial. GeorgeRutherremindedthePECthat120%wouldbeourmaximum,buttothe developer it'sthe minimumandrealizingthis,heaskedhowflexiblewasit. Greg Moffet saidifthis provides incentiveforredevelopment,thenhewantedtoseeit.Hesaid wewerekillingour economy andourpublicpolicyobjectivewasformorelivebeds. SITE COVERAGE ANDLANDSCAPING: Tom Weber saidhedidn'tthinkweshouldgoashighasCC1andCC2. TomBraunsaiditwasa development drivendecisionanditcamebacktoflexibility .He advised togivethemthechancebecauseeveryonewouldbenefit. Tom Weber saidaslongas65%workswellwith30%landscaping. ....... Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes March22,1999 5 •• GregMoffet,using theHolidayHouseasanexample ,saidmaybeweshouldrevis it theparking issue ,as itrelatedtoAU's. George RutherstatedAU's requiredonespaceperunit. TomBraunsaidtheparkingrequirementfellapartforthe lodges,asLodgesgetdingedforthe restau rants,etc. GregMoffetsaidalotofpropertiesaresurrounded byCC1andthatparkingwas prohibited inthe CC1.Hesaidweneedtolightenupalotonparkingandmaybemakeitaflexiblepartofthe process. BrianDoyonsaidtokeeplandscapingwhereitis. John Schofield saidhewouldtendtokeeplandscapinginthe25%-30%range,ratherthan park ing. GalenAaslandagreedwithJohn. Greg Moffet saidtotreatthislikeitwasaflexible criter ia tobeconsidered . George RuthersaidachangewasneededforthedefinitionofanAUandDU. GregMoffetsaidtheconsensusamongtheBoardmemberswastotreatFFU's likeAU's,rather thanDU's TomWebersaidaconsiderationforstreetscapeshouldbe included. GalenAaslandsaidhewasstillconcernedtheunsolvableparkingproblemsuchasthemaxed out Christiania andwouldliketoseesomeofthosepropertiesbeabletopay-in-lieu . George Ruther summarized torelieveapplica nt fromrequiringparkingon-site . 2.Arequestforaconditionalusepermit,toallowforthe consolidation oftwodwellingunits intheCC2ZoneDistrict,locatedat124E.MeadowDrive/AportionofLot5E ,Vail VillageFirstFiling. Applicant: Planner: Alfredo L.Suarez,representedbyFritzlen,Pierce,Smith Architects AllisonOchs Tom Weber recusedhimself . AllisonOchsgaveanoverviewofthestaffmemo. GregMoffetaskedforanypublic,applicantorCommissioncomments.Therewereno comments . John Schofield madeamotionforapproval. Brian Doyon seconded themotion. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes March 22.1999 6 • Themotionpassedbyavoteof4-0. • 3.ArequestforarezoningfromPrimary/SecondaryResidential toResidential Cluster, located at 2497,2487,2485 and2477Garm isch Drive/Lots1,2,3and4,BlockH,Vail dasSchoneFiling #2 . Applicant: Planner: TownofVail AllisonOchs AllisonOchsgaveanoverviewofthestaffmemo. GalenAaslandstatedfortherecordthathelivedabout3lotsoverfromthisproperty,but that he sawno conflict. AndyKnudtsensaidhewasnolongerwiththeTownofVail,butthattheTownofVailretained himtotaketwoprojectsthroughtheprocess.HesaidthattheTownhadexploredhowtomake itallworkandCouncilfelt strongest thattherebehousingononesideofthesiteandtheparkon theothersideofthesite.Hesaidtherehadbeensome compromise andthedesignworkedbest withthe neighborhood andthetopography.Hesaidthat72%ofhomesinVailwereownedby second homeowners andTownwouldliketogetmorefulltimeresidents. Chas Bernhardt handedoutaletterthatexplainedhowtheseparce ls were purchased with RHETI funds .Hestatedatarecentneighborhoodmeetingofabout40people,38werenotin favorofthisproject.Hesaidtherisks oflosingthat RHETI fundwasnotworththe consequences. Karen Scheidegger,an owner ofsomelotsinthevicinity ,statedshewasopposedtothisasit was purchased with RHETI fundsforapark.Shesaidthathadsheknownshecouldhave builta cluster of townhomes whenitwaszonedPrimary/Secondary,shewouldhaveandshe askedwhytheTownwasabletodothis. BrianDoyonsaidtheTownwasdownzoningandcreatingaparkaswell. Greg Moffet saidheis concerned aboutthedurationandstrengthofadeed restriction . AndyKnudtsensaidtheTownwouldretainownership,whichwould strengthen the deedrestriction. Tom Weber thankedthetwopublicentriesthatmadecomments.Hethensaidhewas not informed or experienced regarding RHETI funds. GeorgeRuthersaidTomMoorheadwouldrespondtotheletterwiththe Town's stance inthe matter.. GregMoffetsaidthe Commission hadnoauthoritytorezone,onlyto recommend therezoningto Council. Tom Weber saidthenewzoningwasconsistentwithwhatwashappeningoverthereandthis wasaveryniceplanbalancingtheopenspacewiththeneedforemployeehousing. Planning and EnvironmentalCommission Minute s March 22.1999 7 •• BrianDoyonsaidhewasattheneighborhoodmeetingandwasfamiliarwiththe RHETI funds, butwasconcernedaboutthereimbursementofthetaxesback to thetaxpayer.Hesaidhewas infavorofthisandifthe38neighborswereopposed,theywouldhavebeenatthismeeting. AndyKnudtsensaidtheyhad documentation that80%ofthe RHETI hadbeen reimbursed back tothetaxpayers. John Schofield saidthepublicconcernwasataxmatterandthisisnotaPEC matter.Hesaid Karenwas concerned withdownzoning . Karen Schdeigger stated itwasnotrighttohaveaclusterdevelopment,whenitwaszoned Primary/Secondary.. AllisonOchsstatedthatatNeighborhoodmeetings,theneighborhoodgoalsweretocluster. GalenAaslandrespondedtoKarenSche idegger tolookatthislotas encumbered ,stheTown ownedthepropertyunderneathandadjacenttothiswasanSOD.Hesaidthe cluster wasgood fortheneighborhood,asitwaskeepingthe development inonesmall corner ofthe property and provided ahugeamountofopenspacetotheTown . GregMoffetsaidthisapplicationclearlysatisfiedthefindingthePECisrequiredtomake .He saidtothosefolksopposedtotheTowndeveloping theirlands ,tobuythelandasa neighborhood anddedicateittoopenspace.Hesaidhewasin favor ofdeed covenants,but something strongerwasneededtokeeptheopenportionofthelotsopen .He suggested a conditionbethattheproportionoftheparcelbededicatedtoopenspaceandhavea conservation deedrestrictionplacedonit,orsomething similar as itneededaverydurablelegal restriction. AndyKnudtsensuggestedthe possibility ofmakingthis cnarterooen Space. John Schofield madeamotionwiththecondit ion thatCouncilusethe strongest possible languagetoensurethattheparkarearemainsasparkland/openspaceandoneoptionwasto includeitasCharterOpenSpace . GalenAaslandsecondedthemotion. Themotionpassedbyavoteof5-0. 4.Arequestforannexationandzoningofoutdoorrecreationofanunplattedportionofthe SE 1f.I SE 1f.I SE 1f.I SW V4 ofSection11,Township5South,Range8 1 West,generally locatedonthenorthsideofArosaDrive,andabuttingSunlightnorthtotheeastand TownManager'shousetothewest. Applicant: Planner: TownofVail AllisonOchs Allison ocns gavean overview ofthestaffmemo. AndyKnudtsensaidthiswenthandinhandwiththepreviousrequest. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes March22.1999 •• GregMoffetas ked foranypubliccomment.Therewasno public comment. Karen Scheideggeraskediftherewasaguaranteethat t hislandwo uld beleftopenasopen space . AllisonOchssaiditwouldberezonedoutdoorrecreat ion atthistime ,butcouldberezonedinthe future. Greg Moffet sa id wecou ldincludeacondit ion making itCharterOpenSpace ,whichwould requireavoteofthepublic,tomakesureitwaskeptapark . John Schofield madeamotionforapproval. Brian Doyon seconded themotion. John Schofield amendedthemotionaddaconditionthatCouncilusethe strongest possible languagetoensurethattheparkarearemainsasparklandlopenspace.Oneoptionwasto includeitasCharterOpenSpace . BrianDoyon seconded theamendedmotion. Themotionpassed by avoteof5-0. 5.ArequestforaminoramendmenttoSpecialDevelopmentDistrictNo.35 ,AustriaHaus, toamendSection6ofOrdinance#12 ,Seriesof1997toclarifyacondit ion ofthe Ordinance,locatedat242E.Meadow Drivel PartofTractC,Block5D,VailVillage151 Filing. Applicant: Planner: BillSullivan ,representingtheAustriaHaus Development Group GeorgeRuther TABLEDUNTILAPRIL12,1999 6.Arequestforafina l rev iew ofaproposed lockerroomexpans ion totheDobson Ice Arena,locatedat321E.Lionshead CirclelLot 1,Block1,VailLionshead2nd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Vail RecreationDistrict GeorgeRuther TABLED UNTIL APRIL 12,1999 7.ArequestforavariancefromSection 12-6D-6oftheTownofVailMunicipalCode,to allowforan encroachment intotherequiredsidesetbacks ,locatedat3003 Bellflower Drive I Lot9,Block6,VailIntermountain. Applicant: Planner: Mr.GuillermoHuerta George Ruther TABLED UNTIL APRIL 26,1999 PlanningandEnvironmentalC ommission Minutes March 22 .1999 9 •• 8.ArequestforavariancefromSection 12-60-9 (Site Coverage)oftheTownofVail MunicipalCode,toallowforsitecoverageinexcessof20%andavariancefrom Section 12-60-6 (FrontSetbacks)oftheTownofVailMunicipalCode ,toallow foran encroachment intothefrontsetbackonaPrimary/SecondaryResidentialzonedlot, locatedat362MillCreekCircle/Lot9,Block1,VailVillageFirstFiling. Applicant: Planner: Walter Forbes,representedbyGwathmey-PrattArchitects AllisonOchs TABLED INDEFINITELY Tom Weber madeamotiontotabletheaboveitems. GalenAasland seconded themotion . Themotionpassedbyavoteof5-0. GalenAaslandmadeamot ion totableitem#8untilApril12th • John Schofield seconded themot ion. Themotionpassedbyavoteof5-0. 9.InformationUpdate 10.ApprovalofMarch8,1999minutes . Brian Doyon abstained andJohnSchof ield hadcorrections. John Schofield madeamotionforapprovalasamended . Tom Weber seconded themotion. Themotionpassedbyavoteof5-0. Chas Bernhardt readthe RHETI ordinance. Greg Moffet explained "thereas"doesn'trule,butwhereitbegins"Nowtherefore"does. GalenAaslandmadeamotiontoadjoum. BrianDoyon seconded themotion . Themotionpassedbyavoteof5-0. Themeet ing adjournedat 5:10p.m. Planningand EnvironmentalCommission Minutes March 22 .1999 10 ArequestforarezoningfrompropertyownedbytheTownofVa il zoned PrimarylSecondary toResidentialClusterlocatedat 2497,2487,2485 and2477 Garmisch Drivel Lots1,2,3and4,BlockH,Vaildas Schone Filing#2. TO : FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: • MEMORANDUM Planningand Environmental Commission Community Development Department March22,1999 ~ rtc.Mtftu.¥\Jo-.ktM ?rcl~~~~ ~-D Applicant: Planner: TownofVail ,represented byAndyKnudtsenandNinaTimm AllisonOchs I.DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST TheTownofVailisapplyingforarezoningonpropertywhichiscurrentlyzoned PrimarylSecondary ResidentialtoResidentialCluster.Thisproperty,locatedatat 2497,2487,2485 and2477Garmisch Drivel Lots1,2,3and4 ,BlockH,VaildasSchoneFiling#2 ,isownedbytheTownofVail ,andis thesiteoftheproposed ArosalGarmisch EmployeeHousingand neighborhood park. Thecurrentplanforthesefourlotsisto construct a4-plexandduplex primarily onlots2 ,3 ,and4. A neighborhood parkisplannedforlot1andthe soon-to-be-annexed landtothewest.Thepark willrequi re aConditionalUsePermit.Thesiteplanisstill inthe preliminary stage(see attached). II.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staffrecommends approval ofthisrezoningrequestsubjecttoreviewinSectionVandthefollowing finding: That theproposedzone district is compatible withandsuitableto adjacent uses,is consistentwiththeTown 's LandUsePlanandZoning Regulations,andisappropriateforthe area . III.BACKGROUND TheTownofVailpurchasedthesefourlotsfromtwofamiliesin1990.Whenpurchasingtheselots, .Councilidentifiedthemtoincludeaneighborhoodpark,openspace,oremployeehousing.The1994 ComprehensiveOpenLandPlanstatesthatthelandshouldbeusedforapublicuse ,whichincludes employeehousing.Ne ighborhood participationforproposalsonthissitebeganin October of1998 and continued through November with neighborhood meetingswith designers.Council approved thedevelopmentofsixunitsandaneighborhoodparkonNovember17,1998.OnJanuary20,1999, thesiteplanwasbroughttotheDesignReviewBoardfora conceptual review.On January 26 , 1999,Councilapprovedthe concept ofa4 -plex andduplexontheeastsideofthelot ,withthe neighborhood park onthewestsideofthelotsandonthe landtobeacquired inthelandexchange withtheU.S.ForestService . 1 • IV.ZONINGANALYSIS LotSize: Lot1:.26acres(11 ,325.6 sq.ft.) Lot2:.45acres(19,602sq.ft.) Lot3:.24acres (10,454.4 sq.ft.) Lot4:.24acres (10,454.4 sq.ft.) TotalAreaofSite:1.19 acres or 51,836.4 sq .ft. TotalBuildableArea:1.19 acres or 51,836.4 sq.ft. Standard CurrentZoning:PIS Proposed Zoninq:RC Setbacks:20'/15'/15 '20'/15'/15' Helcht:30'/33'30'/33 ' Dwelling Units :•2du'spersite,with1onlotsless •6du'sper buildable acre than15,000 •Totalof7.14du 's allowed •Totalof5ou 's allowed(plus4 allowable EHU 's) GRFA:•25%offirst15,000 •25%of buildable area 10%ofnext15,000 225sq.ft.per constructed single 5%over30 ,000 familyorduplex 425sq.ft.per allowable du •Totalof12,959sq.ft. •Totalof14,394.1sa.ft. Site Coverage :•20%oftotalsitearea •25%oftotalsitearea •Totalof10,367sa.ft.•12,959.1 sa.ft. V.CRITERIA ThePECshallmakethefollowing findings before granting approvalofazone change request: 1)Istheexistingzoningsuitablewiththeexistinglanduseonthesiteandadjacentland uses? The purpose oftherezoningistoallowforthe development ofsix employee housingunits andaneighborhoodpark.Eachoftheunitswillbesoldtoqualifiedbuyersselectedthrough a lottery process.Currently thefour undeveloped lotsarezonedPrimary/Secondary. Adjacent landtothewestis currently U.S .ForestServicelandsoonto be annexedintothe TownofVailthroughthelandexchange .This property isthe proposed siteofthe ArosaiGarm isch ParkandisproposedtobezonedOutdoorRecreation.Adjacentlandtothe east (lots5and6)is currently zoned Primary/Secondary.The current useofthis property is Sunlight North ,a9-unit residential complex . 2)Istheamendmentpreventingaconvenientworkable relationship withlanduses consistent withmunicipalobjectives . Thisrezoningallowsforthe development ofsixemployeehousingunits ,ina duplex and4- plexformation .TheprovisionofemployeehousingisaTown objective stated intheLand UsePlanandtheMunicipalCode. 2 •• 3)Doestherezoningprovideforthegrowthofanorderlyviablecommunity? TheTownrecognizesthatapermanent,year-round populationplaysanimportantrolein sustainingahealthy,viablecommunity.ToencourageemployeestoremainwithintheTown, theTownistakingan active steptoprovidequalityhousingforitsworkforce.Residential Clusterzoningallowsforaclustereddevelopmentof6unitsonthese lots ,increasingthe areaavailablefortheneighborhoodpark.Staffbelievestheclusterapproachforthisland tobeamoreefficientandorderly approach tohousingthandevelopmentassinglefamilyand duple x homes . 4)IsthechangeconsistentwiththeLandUsePlan? ThefollowingaregoalsandpoliciesoftheLandUsePlanstaffbelievesarerelatedtothe proposedrezoning: 1.1 Vailshouldcontinuetogrowinacontrolledenvironment,ma intaining abalance betweenresidential,commercialandrecreationalusestoserveboththevisitorand thepermanentresident. 1.10DevelopmentofTownownedlandsbytheTownofVail(otherthanparksandopen space)maybepermittedwherenohighhazardsexist,ifsuch development isfor publicuse. 1.11Townownedlandsshallnotbesoldtoaprivateentity,longtermleasedtoapublic entityor converted toaprivateusewithoutapublichearingprocess . 5.1Additionalresidentialgrowthshouldcontinuetooccurprimarilyinexisting,platted areasandasappropr iate innewareaswherehighhazardsdonotexist. 5 .2 Affordableemployeehous ing shouldbemadeavailablethroughprivateefforts, assistedbylimitedincentives ,providedbytheTownofVail ,withappropriate restrictions. 5.3Theexistingemployeehousingbaseshouldbepreservedandupgraded.Additional employeehousingneedsshouldbeaccommodatedatvariedsites throughout the community. VAILDATAIEVERYONEIPECIMEMOSI99IAROSA • Residential Cluster SECTION: 12-6E-1 :Purpose 12-6E-2:Permitted Uses 12-6E-3:ConditionalUses 12-6E-4:Accessory Uses 12-6E -5:LotAreaAndSiteDimensions 12-6E-6:Setbacks 12-6E-7 :Height 12-6E-8:DensityControl 12-6E-9 :SiteCoverage 12-6E-10:LandscapingAndSite Development 12-6E-11:Parking • 12-6E -1:PURPOSE: TheResidentialClusterDistrictisintendedtoprovide sitesforsingle -family,two-family ,andmultiple- familydwellingsatadensity notexceedingsix(6)dwell ing unitsperacre,togetherwithsuchpublic facilities asmay appropriately belocatedinthesamedistrict.TheResidential Cluster District is intendedtoensureadequatelight,air,privacyandopenspaceforeachdwelling,commensuratewith res idential occupancy,andtomaintainthedesirableresidential qualities ofthe District by establishing appropriatesite development standards . 12-6E-2:PERMITTEDUSES: Thefollowingusesshallbe permitted intheRCDistrict: Multiple-family residentialdwellings,includingattachedorrowdwellingsandcondominiumdwellings withnomorethanfour(4)units inanynewbuilding. Single-family residentialdwellings . Two-family residential dwellings. 12-6E-3:CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional usesshallbepermittedintheRCDistrict,subject to issuance ofa conditional usepermitin accordance withthe provisions of Chapter 16ofthisTitle: Bedandbreakfastas further regulatedbySection12-14-18ofthisTitle . Dogkennel. Privateclubs. Publicbu ildings,groundsandfacilities. Publicorprivateschools. Publicparkandrecreationfacilit ies. Publicutilityandpublicserviceuses. Skiliftsandtows. TypeIIIemployeehousing unit(EHU)asprovidedinSection12-13-6 ofth is Title. TypeIVemployeehousing unit(EHU)asprovidedinSection12-13-7 ofthisTitle. 12-6E-4:ACCESSORY USES : Thefollowing accessory usesshallbe permitted intheRCDistrict: Homeoccupations,subjecttoissuanceofahomeoccupationpermitinaccordwiththe provisions ofSec tion 12-14-12 ofthisTitle. Privategreenhouses ,toolsheds ,playhouses,attachedgaragesorcarports,swimmingpools,patios , orrecreationfacilitiescustomarilyincidentaltosingle-family,two -family orlowdensitymultiple -family residentialuses . Otherusescustomarilyincidentalandaccessorytopermittedorconditionaluses,and necessary for theoperationthereof. 4 •• 12-6E-5:LOTAREAANDSITEDIMENSIONS: Theminimumlotorsiteareashallbefifteenthousand(15,000)squarefeet ,containingnolessthan eight thousand (8,000)squarefeetofbuildablearea.Eachsiteshallhaveamin imum frontage of thirtyfeet(30').Eachsiteshall be ofasizeandshapecapableofenclosingasquareareaeightyfeet (80')oneachsidewithinitsboundaries . 12-6E-6:SETBACKS : IntheRCDistrict,the minimum frontsetbackshallbetwentyfeet(20'),the minimum side setback shallbefifteenfeet(15'),andthe minimum rear setback sha ll befifteenfeet(15'). 12-6E-7:HEIGHT: For aflatrooformansardroof ,theheightofbuildingsshallnotexceedthirtyfeet(30').Forasloping roof,theheightofbuildingsshallnotexceedthirtythreefeet(33'). 12-6E-8:DENSITYCONTROL: A.GrossResidentialFloorArea:Notmorethantwentyfive(25)squarefeetofgrossresidential floorarea(GRFA)shallbepermittedforeachonehundred(100)squarefeetofbuildablesite area ;provided.however,thatsingle-familyand two-family dwellingunits constructed inthe Residential Cluster Districtshallbeentitledtoanadditionaltwohundred twenty five(225) squarefeetofgrossresidentialfloorarea(GRFA)perconstructeddwellingunit.Totaldensity shallnotexceedsix(6)dwellingunitsperacreofbuildablesitearea. B.Exemptions:All projects thathavereceivedfinalDesignReviewBoard approval asof December19,1978,shallbeexemptfromthechangesinth is Sectionaslongastheproject commences withinoneyearfromthedateoffinalapproval.Iftheprojectistobe developed instages.eachstageshallbe commenced withinoneyearafterthe completion ofthe previous stage. 12-6E-9:SITECOVERAGE : Site coverage shallnotexceedtwentyfivepercent(25%)ofthetotalsitearea . 12-6E-10:LANDSCAPINGANDSITE DEVELOPMENT: Atleastsixty percent (60%)ofeachsiteshallbelandscaped. 12-6E-11:PARKING: Off-streetparkingshallbeprovidedinaccordancewithChapter10ofthisTitle.Noparkingshallbe locatedinanyrequiredfront setback area,exceptasmaybe specifically authorized in accordance with Chapter 17ofthisTitle.Atleastoneparkingspaceperdwellingunitshallbelocatedwithinthe mainbuildingorbuildingsorwithinanaccessorygarage whenever the development is reasonable and appropriate forthesiteandisrequiredbytheDesignReviewBoard. 5 feb-0 9-99 06;SZP jm S / ~.utec9 7~9 S7 9 09~6 ~a,a .., p.OZ ',~'\ .~\'\ ...,\ 'C'\~cs:\."-z.tl~.-~~~.~~\~ \t\'.\r}'"~l~\ <,-, '~., ,~<, West Vail TOVoOwned Land Topography j\/Topography NBulldings j".I Roads..\.N Vegetation N A.Nco:ThlI map IK_.. ~NOT prClpOrticlfl••r..-y Dorpt."'C__..IIy~1 October 1998 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT : ~...o ••M~;~ J rol .'~r\M\MEMORANDUM ~ Planning and Environmenta l Commission :tr::;t ~;IJ ( CommunityDevelopmentDepartment March 22,1999 ArequestforannexationandzoningofOutdoorRecreationofan unplattedportionoftheSE V4 SE V4 SE V4 SW 1,4 ofSection 11 ,Township 5South,Range 81 West,generallylocatedonthenorthsideofArosa Drive,andabuttingSunlightNorthtotheeastandTownManager 's house tothewest. Applicant: Planner: TownofVail AllisonOchs I.DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST TheTownofVailisapplyingforanannexationandzon ing onpropertywhichwas previouslyunzoned.ThispropertywasobtainedbytheTownofVailundertheLand OwnershipAdjustmentAgreement(LOAA)withtheUnitedStatesForestService.The TownofVailisrequesting annexationandzoningofOutdoorRecreationofanunplatted portionoftheSE 1,4 SE 1,4 SE V4 SW V4 ofSection 11,Township5South ,Range 81 West ,generallylocatedonthenorthsideofArosaDrive,andabuttingSunlightNorthto theeastandTownManager'shousetothewest(seemap). II.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staffrecommends approval oftheannexationandzoningofOutdoorRecreationofthe abovepropertysubjecttothereviewofthecriteria inSectionVandthefollowing find ings: 1)Thattheareatobeannexedandproposedzonedistrictiscompatiblewithand suitabletoadjacentuses,isconsistent withtheTown 's LandUsePlanand ZoningRegulations,andisappropriate forthearea . 2)TheareaproposedforannexationiscontiguoustocurrentTownboundariesby notlessthan1/6oftheperimeterofthearea. 3)A"communityofinterest"existsbetweentheTownandtheareaproposedfor annexation. 4)Nolandheldinidenticalownershipwillbedividedwithoutwrittenconsentofthe landowner. •• 5)Theannexation doesnothavetheeffectofextendingthemunicipal boundary morethan3milesfromanypointin anyone year. 6)Thattheexisting zoningissuitablewiththeexisting landuseonthesiteand adjacentlanduses 7)Thatthezoning isnotpreventingaconvenientworkablerelationshipwith land usesconsistent withmunicipal objectives. 8)Thatthezoningprovides forthegrowthofanorderly,viablecommunity 9)Thatthechangeisconsistent withtheLandUsePlan III.BACKGROUND OnFebruary19,1997,theTownofVailandtheUnitedStatesofAmerica,acting throughtheUnitedStatesForestService,enteredintoanagreementtoexchange approximately62.268acresofNationalForestLandsforapproximately75.02 acresof non-federal landsinEagleCounty.TheexchangeallowedtheForestServicetoresolve encroachmentsontotheNationalForestfrom20landowners,convey10parcelstothe Townthatareencumberedwithspecialuses,andtoacquirelandswithwildlifeor recreationvalues.TheexchangeimplementstheTownofVailLandownership AdjustmentAnalysis(attached),andportionsoftheTownofVailComprehensive Open LandsPlan.TheTownandtheForestService haveaccomplishedthis bymakingaland tradeofequalvalue. Thisisthefirstinaseriesofannexation/de-annexation andzoningproceduresthatthe TownofVail will bepursuingasaresultofthelandexchangewiththeUnitedStates ForestService.Staffhasdecidedtoproceedwiththisannexationandzoning recommendationtocoincidew ith theArosaiGarmisch EmployeeHousingplanning process .This landhasbeen identifiedasthesiteoftheArosaiGarmisch neighborhood park.Theemployeehousing andparkwillbedevelopedsimultaneously,aspartofthe samedevelopmentteam. TheTownCouncilwilldraftanannexingordinance.Followingtheeffectivedateof annexation,theCouncilwilldirect thePlanning andEnvironmentalCommissiontoholda publicmeetingtoconsiderthezoningdistrictstobeimposed.ThePlanningand EnvironmentalCommissioncanalsoholdthehearingpriortoannexation.However,the proposedzoningwillnotbecomefinaluntiltheannexationordinancehasbeenpassed onfinal reading. IV.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Annexation ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionshallmakethefollowingfindingsbefore recommendinganannexationtotheTownCouncil: 2 •• 1)TheareaproposedforannexationmustbecontiguoustocurrentTown boundariesbynotlessthan 1/6 oftheperimeterofthearea. Theareaproposedforannexationis2.66acresor115,869.6sq.ft.Thetotal perimeteroftheareais1,364.54sq.ft.ItisadjacenttocurrentTownboundaries by682.28sq.ft.or Y2 thetotalperimeter. 2)A "communityofinterest"mustexistbetweentheTownandthearea proposed forannexation. A.Areatobeannexedmustbeurbanorsoontobeurbanized. B.Areatobeannexedmustbeintegratedintoorcompatiblewiththe existing municipality. BecausethesiteitadjacenttoTownboundariesontwosides,thereexistsa physical"communityofinterest."Thissiteistheproposedlocationforthe ArosaiGarmisch neighborhoodpark.Thisisaneedthathasbeenidentifiedby theComprehensiveOpenLandsPlan,alongwithmeetingstatedneedsinthe CommonGroundsprocess. 3)Nolandheldinidenticalownershipmaybedividedwithoutwrittenconsentofthe landowner.- ThelandexchangeagreementbetweentheTownofVailandtheUnitedStates ofAmerica,throughtheU.S.Forest Servtce,hasbeenattachedforreference . TheTownofVailcurrentlyownsthisproperty. 4)Noannexationshalltakeplacethathastheeffectofextendingthemunicipal boundarymorethan 3 milesfromanypointin anyone year. Thisannexationextendsapproximately460ft.or .087ofamile. Zoning ThePlanningandEnvironmentalCommissionshallmakethefollowingfindingsbefore recommendationofazoningdesignationofOutdoorRecreationtotheTownCouncil: 1)Istheexistingzoningsuitablewiththeexistinglanduseonthesiteandadjacent landuses? Thepurposeofthezoningrequestistoallowforthe development a neighborhoodpark,whichwillrequireaConditionalUsePermit.Adjacentlandto thewestisTownpropertyusedastheTownManager'shouse .Adjacentlandto theeastistheproposedsiteoftheArosaiGarmischEmployeeHousing development.ThissiteiscurrentlyzonedPrimary/SecondaryResidential,butis intheprocessofrezoningtoResidentialCluster.Theneighborhoodparkwill extendintotheselots. 2)Isthezoningpreventing a convenientworkablerelationshipwithlanduses consistentwithmunicipalobjectives. Thiszoningallowslandacquiredinthelandexchangetobeusedforapublic purpose,aneighborhoodpark. 3 •• 3)Doesthezoningprovideforthegrowthofanorderly,viable community? ZoningofthesiteasOutdoor Recreation allowsforthedevelopmentofa neighborhoodparkthroughaConditionalUsePermitprocessbyrestricting development.Parksareanintegralpartofanycommunity.WiththeTownof Vail'semphasisonoutdooractivities,alongwithitsnaturalbeauty,thiszoning helpstoprovideforandorderly,viable community. 4)Isthe change consistent withtheLandUsePlan? ThefollowingaregoalsandpoliciesoftheLandUsePlanstaffbelievesare relatedtotheproposedzoning: 1.1.1 Vailshouldcontinuetogrowinacontrolledenvironment,maintaininga balancebetween residential,commercial,andrecreationalusestoserve boththevisitorandthepermanent resident.. 1.8RecreationalandpublicfacilitydevelopmentonNationalForestlands maybepermittedwherenohighhazardsexistif : a)Communityobjectives aremetasarticulatedinthe ComprehensivePlan b)Theparcelisadjacent tothe Townboundaries,withgoodaccess. c)Theaffected neighborhood canbeinvolvedinthedecision-making process. 2 .7 TheTownofVailshouldimprovetheexisting parkandopenspacelands whilecontinuingtopurchaseopenspace. Inaddition,the followinggoalsandprioritiesoftheComprehensiveOpenLands Planshouldbeconsidered: 3.Provideadditionalrecreationfacilities "..West Vail,onthenorthsideoftheInterstate,couldutilizean additionalsmall"pocketpark"tomeetthisneed." 4 • • ~ N Arosa/Garmisch Annexation and Zoning 2673 -, (0 (Y) (Y) 2.66 acres 1 2556 2 2566 9 2457 14 2457 c:... 12-88-1 • CHAPTER 8 •12-88-4 OPENSPACEAND RECREATION DISTRICTS ARTICLE B.OUTDOOR RECREATION (OR)DISTRICT SECTION: 12-88-1:Purpose 12-88-2:Permitted Uses 12-88-3:Conditional Uses 12-88-4:Accessory Uses 12-88-5:Lot Area And Site Dimensions .. 12-88-6:Setbacks 12-88-7:Height 12-88-8:Density 12-88-9:Site Coverage 12-88-10:Landscaping AndSite Development 12-88-11 :Parking 12-88-12:Additional Development Standards 12-88-1:PURPOSE:The Outdoor Recre- "ation District is intended topre- serve undeveloped oropenspace .lands from intensive development while permitting outdoor recreational activities that provide opportunities for 'active and passive recre- ation areas,facilities and 'uses.(Ord . 21(19'94)§9) 12-8B-2:PERMITTED USES:The follow- ing uses shall be permitted in theOR District: Bicycle paths and pedestrian walkways. Interpretive nature walks. Nature preserves. Passive outdoor recreation areas and open spaces .(Ord.21 (1994)§9) 12-88-3:CONDITIONAL USES:The following conditional uses shall be permitted,subject to issuance ofa con- ditional use permit in accordancewith the provisions of Chapter 16of this Title: Accessory buildings (permanent and tempo- rary)and uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional out-: door recreational uses,and necessary for the operation thereof,including restrooms , drinking fountains ,bleachers,concessions , storagebuildings,and similar uses. Cemeteries. Equestrian trails,used only to access Na- tional forest system lands. Public parks and active public outdoor rec- reation areas and uses,excludlnq buildings. Ski lifts,tows and runs. Well water treatment facilities.(Ord . 21(1994)§9) 12-88-4:ACCESSORY USES:The follow- ing accessory uses shall be permitted intheOR District: Accessory uses in the OR "District are sub- ject to condltlonal use permit review in Town of Vail 12-88-4 ••12-88-12 accordance withthe provisrons of Chapter 16 of this Title.(Ord.21(1994)§9) 12-88-5:LOT AREA AND SITE DIMEN- SIONS:Not appl icable intheOR District.(Ord.21 (1994)§9) 12-88-6:SETBACKS:In 'the OR District, the minimum setback shallbe twenty feet (20')from all property lines, except as may be further restricted by the Planning and Environmental Commission in conjunction with the issuance ofa condi- tional use permit in accordance withthe provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title.(Ord. 21(1994)§9) .12-88-7:HEIGHT:For a flat root or man- sard root ,the height at buildings shall not exceed twenty one teet (21').For a sloping root,the height at buildings shall not exceed twenty four feet (24').(Ord . 21 (1994)§9) 12-88-8:DENSITY:Not applicable inthe ORD istrict.(Ord .21 (1994)§9) 12 -88-9:SITE COVERAGE:Site cover- ageshallnot exceed five percent (5%)at the.total site area.(Ord.21 (1994) §9) 12-88-10:LANDSCAPING AND SITE DE- VELOPMENT:Landscape re- quirements shallbe determined bythe Design Review Board in accordance with Chapter 11 of this TItle.(Ord.21(1994)§9) 12-88-11:PARKING:Ott-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Title .(Ord .21 (1994) §9) 12 -88-12:ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS:Additional regula- tions pertaining to site development stan- dards and the development at land i nthe '. Outdoor Recreation District are tound in Chapter 14 ot this TItle.(Ord.21 (1994)§9) Town ofVaiZ • EXCBPflGE AG~EEMENT •.>:3:;(.. T his Ex change Ag reement ,made thi s I ~±b day c f h bf \lc,ry ,1997, b etweent he Town of Vail ,a muni cipal ccr?orat ion,whos e add re ss is 75 South :rontage Road ,Vail,Col orado 81 64 5,he reina ft er ref erred t o as t he ~andowner, and the United States of Amer ica,a ct ing by an dt h rcug h t he Fore st Service, De pa r tment o f Agricul ture,in consi dera ti cn of thea pp ra isals by t he part ies here to of t he land or i ntere st in landh er ein desc ribed and o ther good and v aluabl e cons ide ra tions ,the re ceipt o f whi ch is he reby a c knowledged,do hereby severally agree as f oll ows:. WITNESSETH: Pur suan t to the General Ex cha nge Act of March 2 0,1 92 2,a sa me nded (42S tat . 4 65)a nd the Act of Oct obe r2 1,1976 (90 S tat .2743),t he Landowne rd oe s hereby agree t o c onvey to the Uni ted States of Americ a the re al property described in Schedule "A "enclosed heret oa nd made a part hereof.I n exchange therefore, the Uni ted States of Ameri caa grees to convey to the Landowner by Patent is sued by the Department of the Inte r ior,the real property described in Schedule "B" enclosed h ereto and made a part h e reof.There will be no need t o equalize v alues pursu ant to S ection 206 (b )o f the F ederal Land Poli cy and Management Act of 19 76 (43 U .S .C .1716 )since th e va lues were determined t o be equal.The a gr e ed t o val ues f or t his e x change .are : P roperty o f the Landowner :$4,5 0 2,000 P r operty of the Uni t ed States ':$4 ,502,000 F irst,the.Landowner:a grees t oc onvey b y WarrantyDeed in accordance with Department of Ju s tice s tandards when r equested by the Forest Service ,the lands o r interes t in l ands d escri bed in S chedul e "A"t o theu nit ed States o f America and its assigns,t ogether with ne ce ssa ry documen ts r equired t o ccnvey good tit le,f ree from all e ncumbrancese xcept t h ose set f orth in Schedule "A ." S econd,the Landowne ra grees to deliver a ll n ec essaryd o cuments to the Forest Sup erviscr ,White Ri ver Nat ional Fores t,who will act a s esc row holder . Th ird,the Landowner agrees to furnish title e v idence on t he rea l property desor ibed in Schedule "A"in a form satisfactory to the Office of t he General Counsel o f the United States Department of Agriculture and p ay any escrow expenses incurred h erein. Fourth,the Landowner agr e es to de-annex all r emaini ng National Forest System land within the corpora te b oundary of the Towno fVa il within one year of the closing of this l and 'exchange .This pa ragraph ONL Y of this Exchange Agreement s ha ll survive closing until the d e-annexation has occured a ndc onsit itues a c o nt rac tual o bligation on t he part of the Town of Vail. When t itle has been a ccep ted by t he Forest Servi ce ,the Uni te d States of America agrees to convey by patent the real property des cr ibed in Schedule "B," s ub ject to any encumbrances noted therein . n- 111 111I 11111 111 111 11 1111111 11 11 11 111 111 11I 11111 11 11 1111 6 1668903 /17/1997 02:28P B720 P71823 1 o f 1~R 76 ,00 D 0,00 N 0 .00 Eagle,Co lorado OMB No.0596 -0105 (0 5-3l -98) ••2 Bot~parties ag re e not to d o,o rs u ffer o the rs to do,any a ct b y which t he v alue of t~e re al p rope rty which is t he sub jec t of t he Agreement ma yb e d iminished or fu rther encumbered.I n the e vent any such loss or damag e occurs fr om any cause ,including acts o f God,to the real p rope rty described i n S c hedu les "."."or "E ,"p r ior to execution of de ed or i ssuance of patent ,e ither pa rtymay r efu se without liability to c omplete the e xchange. Th is Agreement will be term inated in the even t that either pa rty cannot ccnvey a good and suff ici en t title to the real p roperty agreed to be e xchan ge d. Th is Agre ement i s legall y binding on all p a rties,subj ect to the t erms and conditi ons here in a nd may onl y be amended or t erminated by mut ua l c o ns ent . Pursuant to an agreemen t be tween t heLandown er and Va il Asso ciates,I nc .,the Landowner a grees t o i ncludea covenan t in r eg ard t o s k i a rea operations in a ll fu ture conveyances o f the F e de ral land (des c ribed as Lot 3 ,sec.7 ,T.5 S., R .80 W.,6th P.M .)t o be acquired by t he Landowner .The specific language of t he c ovenant s h all be agreed to between t heLandowner a nd Vail Ass oci a tes,In c . No member of Congress,or Resi de nt Co mm is sio ner,s h all b ea dmi tt ed t o a ny share o rp a rt of t his a g re ement or to a ny b enef it t h at may arise the ref rom unles s it is made with a corporat ion for its genera l b e nefit (1 8 U.S.C.4 3 1,4 33). INWITNESS WHER EOF,t he Landowner ,by.its duly authoriz ed r e pre s enta tiv e,and t he Regional Forester,acting fo r and on b ehal f of t he For es t Service ,USDA , have executed t his Agreement thi s .19th day of 6 b rllocj ,19jJ-. TOWN OFVAI L,a municipal corpor at ion 11\\\11\\\11\\1\1\\\\11\\\111\\1\\11\\\\11\\1 \\1\\11\ 6689 03 /11/1991 ~2~~8~~'~~~~~~.23color.do of 1!5 R 76 ,00 0 ",,,.. FOREST SERVICE U .S.DEPARTMENT OFAGRICULTURE Re gi o nal Fo res t er Roc ky Mo unt a in Reg ion,R-2 By :\/-1'~~ILL Public r epor ting burden for .t h i s co llection of i nforma tioni s es t imat edt o average 4 h ours per r esponse ,including thet ime for r eview i ng instructions , searching existing data sources.,gathe ring and maintaining the d ata n e eded,and completing and r eviewing the co llection o f i nformation.Send c omme nt s regarding thi s burden e stimateo r any o t her a s pect o f this c oll ec tiono f information,i n oluding suggestions for r e du cing thi s burd en,t o Department of Agriculture ,Clearance Off i ce r,OI~~.Room 4 0A-W,Wa shington,D.C .2 025 0;and to the Office of M~~agement and Budge t,Pap e rwork Reduc tion Pr oj ect (OMB NO . 0596-0105),Washi ngton,D .C.20 503. ••3 A C~"OWL EDGM E:>TT S ta te 0 f _==:..==-.::'---_ coun ty o f .........=~=-:=.:;.'="'~----55: Nct a'.~'1Jil J..ii!~:'Si~l1 a t u r e Holl y L.Mc ~utc heori ~:.I:!'!~rOF :~,;.'.~' No lary Pllhli c "-!.):.~,:,~.-. 75 S.Fro ntageRd. Va il,CO 81657 My Com miss ionExpires 01/07/99 On t his J.jjh day of Fei:Yru ~,19 97,before me,flo Ut.;Ml!{!LdcheCTn.-r « a Notary P ubl ic i n and for;';::Sta te,perscnally a ppeared ~O bert W .~Cl~ a s Trruru lYana O;/A r fo r the T own of Vail4~·7trl1Yd:-c~pal c o rporati on. $>'tr~CCU r ··';;;···...r ,r '\,,'..,.~·.,.O.<..A .\..;· IN WITNE SS WHERE OF,I her eunto set my handJt:j ~*5:.;<fi~~'i;!~l.. .,•01;11 ".....-,l:..../......"....":r:::i ~.. My Commissio n expires : Sta t e of Co l orado ) )SS: Co u nty of Jeffe rson ) ACKNOW LEDGM ENT On t hi s J9.th day o f h hC ,\M""j ,19 97,before me ,D pcJf--DA-MRoJ ,a Not ary Public in and for said S t ate ,personal ly a ppeared 1;::,17JrBl]1t EST!lL-- I N WITNE SS WHEREOF,I hereun to s etmy hand a ndo f fici al s e al . DAVE DAMRON NOTARYPUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO _\jaJf1J(Un K)~ Nota ry Publ ic Signature My Commi ss ion e xpi res : 1111/11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 616689 03/17 /1997 02:2SP6720P71823 3 of 15R 76.00 0 0 .00 N 0.00 Eagle,Colorado •• NATIONAL FOREST MANAGEMENT ACT ANALYSIS .TOWN OF VAIL LANDOWNERSHIP ADJUSTMENT White River National Forest Holy Cross Ranger District ~OiJZ-7);2 ~ILLIAM ~.WOOD District nger Recommended bY~77~~~~~~ir~~~--------- Approved bY_'-I-~~~~~~U~~~:::::"'_ •• NATIONAL FOREST YJWAGEMENT ACT ANALYSIS Town of Vail Landownership Adjustment I.PURPOSE AND NEED: The Forest Service Manual (fSM 5407.1)directs that the F orest Supervisor shall prepare and maintain appropriate written material to implement landownership adjustment actions and rights~of-way procurement in conformance with the Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan)• The manual f urther directs that each National Forest will prepare a Landownersh ip Adjustment Ana lysis for incorporation into the Forest Plan as an amendment.The White River National Forest Management Plan gives direction with identified strategies to guide the decision maker i n considering land adjustment offers,and as a tool in the management of the National Forest.These strategies consider acquisition and conveyance criteria.The management plan does not present specific strategies for areas that have cc~plex ownership patterns and associated high land values.The Holy Cross Ranger District identified three areas where these conditions ex ist:the Town of Va i l;Town of Minturn;and the Edwards,Town of Avon,and Eagle-Vail area .This document presents the possible management practices for a landownership ~djustment strategy in the Town of Vail area. Therefore,this Landownership Adjustment Analysis is needed to: 1.Incorporate the respective purposes of laws which authorize land purchases,donations,sales,and exchanges along with implementing regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR 254),Objectives aqd Policies in FSM 5400,.and the White River Resource Management Plan (LMP). 2.Display the strategy for landownership adjustments on the White River National Forest in the vioinity of the Town of Vail. 3.Provide a basis for cost effective lands management decisions by displaying lands whose acquisition or conveyance will contribute toward accomplishment of the objectives developed to implement the Forest Land and Resource Management and community objectives. II.PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT In May of 1991 the Town of Vail and the Forest Service formed a working group to develop a draft landownership adjustment analysis.The working group consisted of representatives from the Town of Vail,Eagle County,and the Forest Service.The group shared planning documents,conducted site 2 •• visits,and d iscussed lan downersh ip opportunities and concerns.The group in i tia l ly deve loped se veral statements describ ing a desired future condit ion for landownership patterns and adjustments.Possible management practices were then developed based on the desired future condition.A narrative description and a map depicting the location of these management practices was subsequently developed.This draft information was the sub ject of three p ub lic meetings hosted by the Town of Vail and the Forest Serv i ce.The first meeting was a presentation of the desired future condit ion and possib le management practices at a regular session of the To wn of Vail P lanning and Environmental Commission.Several members of the T own Counc il a nd int e rested residents were present at this meeti ng.Later this same i nformat ion was presented at a special e vening meeting.Th is meeting was well attended by interested residents and business representatives .The th ird meet ing was a final presentation of the spec ific parcel research t o the Vail Town Council.Many of the comments and concerns rece ive d at the meeting were incorporated into the .final draft. III .EXISTING CONDITION The Town of Vail is an internationally renowned four season resort.The municipal boundar ies are essentially surrounded by National Forest System lands.presently,t he private land within t he Town is about 90 percent deve loped.~ea l estate values are high.The potential to create additional pri vate land suitable for development creates a highly competitive and speculative env i ronment.Conversely,the purchase and p reservation of land to be used as open space has been a high priority for the Town of Vail.Asa result,proposed landownership adjustments within and adjacent to the Town of Vail are often highly controversial.Forest Service administrative decisions have been repeatedly appealed by the Town of Va il a nd its citizens .Civil 'lawsuits have resulted when appellants failed to get relief through the administrative process.Landownership adjus tment proponents have a lso pursued legislative action to consummate exchange proposals. Landownership adjustments are costly and time consuming.The most recent adjustment was a conveyance of two parcels to the Town of Vail under t he authorities of both the sisk and Townsite Acts.This process took just over ten years from the time of proposal to completion.The cost to both the Town and the Forest Service was very high.A portion of the original proposal is still being contested i n civil court. The National Forest System lands surrounding the Town of Vail are highly regarded by residents and visitors for their recreation,scenic,and wilderness values. The White River National Forest completed a Land Classification Plan in 1969.This plan focused on acqu isition pr iorities.In 1977,an amendment 3 •• to the 1 96~Land Class ification Plan was approved that allowed for the con~eyance o f t wop arcels for urban expansion and to i mprove the p ubl ic adm inistrat ion of t he p arcels.The amendment stated that,"if the tract s were traded and developed it wou ld be with the general commitment and app rcval of t he city and county governments."This decision he l ped to re inforce as trong role for the Town of Vail and Eagle County in Forest Service land ownership decisions . In January of 1980,District Ranger Nunn submitted a Petition of .Annexation to the Town of Vail for eight parcels of National Forest System Lands totall ing 138 acres,more or less..In February the Vail Town Council passed an ord i nance annex ing these parce ls.The Town passed an ordinance i n April that zoned three of the subjeot parcels,approximately 36 acres, as Publ ic Use District and the remaining parcels,approximate ly 102 acres , as Green Belt and Natural Open space.The Forest Service mainta ins t hat Ra nger Nunn lacked the authority to petit ion for annexation and therefore the agency does not recognize the action.The annexation and zoning of Nat ional Forest System lands by the Town of Vail continues to be a point of contentien that f urt her complicates management of adjoining lands. The curre nt Forest Pla n,pub lished in 1984,identifies specific management requ irements for indi vidual areas within the Forest.A management area prescription was developed for each area.The management area prescriptions for Nat ional Forest System lands adjacen t to the Town of Vail are summarized be low.A detailed description and the l ocation ·of these management areas are found in Appendix A:Town of Vail Landownership Adjustment Map. Winter Sports Site /lB):Management emphasis provides for downhill skiing on existing sites and maintains se lected i nventoried site~for futu re downhill skiing recreation..~pportunities. Semi-primitive Motorized Recreation (2A):Management emphasis is for semi -primitive motorized recreation opportunities such as snowmobiling,four-wheel dr iv ing,and motorcycling both on and off roads and trai ls. Sem i-primitive,Non-mot orized Recreat ion /3A): semi-primit ive,nonmotorized recreat ion on areas. Management emphas is is for both roaded and unroaded Non-forested Wildlife Winter Ranoe (SA):Management emphasis is on winter range for deer,elk,pronghorns,bighorn sheep,and mountain goats. Wood Fiber Product ion (7E ):Management emphasis is on wood fiber production and utilization of large roundwood of a size and quality suitable for sawtimber. ~~\.. .\ 4 •• Wilderness ~Semi-cr imitive (ecl:Management emphasis is for the protection and perpetuation of essentially natural bio-physical ~onditions. A survey of t he Town of Vail and National Forest boundary was conducted by the Forest srvice in 1 991 and numerous title claims were identified.These title claims range from portions _of homes and private roads to landscaping and outdoor lighting on lands identified as part of the National Forest System.Porticns of National Forest trails and trailheads appear to be located on private property or Town of Vail owned -lands. National Forest System lands adjacent to the Town of Vail host numerous components of the-Town's utility infrastructure.Water tanks,powerlines, sewer lines,electronic sites,and roads are a few examples . IV.DESIRED FUTURE CONDITION: The Forest Service defines the desired future condition of the -- landownership pattern as that pattern expected to result if the goals and objectives of the Forest Plan are achieved.Chapter 3 of the Forest Plan outlines broad goals for the Lands program: -Acquire private lands within wilderness.Consolidate National Forest Ownership Patterns. -Acquire necessary rights-of-way to facilitate management of the Forest including ~ublic access to National Forest System lands. -Pursue opportunit ies to make landownership adjustments to improve management efficiency for both National Forest System land and intermingled private larid~'to meet high priority resource management objectives. National policy prescr ibes t hat Landownership Adjustment Analyses shall classify lands for acquisition or conveyance to achieve the following objectives: 1.Enable the Forest/Grassland to implement a proactive land acquisition and conveyance program; 2.Enable the Forest/Grassland to achieve the legislative objectives for which it was established; 3.Enable the Forest Service to acquire lands valuable for recreation, wildlife habitat,wilderness,and other natural resouroe management purposes; •• 4.Enable the Forest Service to respond to direction given by Congress for establishment of classified areas such as wi lderness,national recreation areas,and scenic r ivers; 5.Consolidate landownership to improve operating efficiency,improve efficiency for t he de velopment of private lands,and improve opportunities for community expansion; 6.Reduce t he need for and number of rights-of-way to provide for publ ic access to Nat ional F orest system land and private access to inholdings; 7.Reduce the mi les of private/Forest Service property line and to reduce the miles of property boundary survey,posting,and maintenance; a .Reduce special use permit administration; 9.Conveyance of lands,especially near communities,that are encumbered with private uses and where acquisition of other lands can better serve the public interest; 10 .I mprove opportunities for agency and private partners to previde recreational,wildlife,and other natural resource services; 11.Maintain and improve the ability to acquire key parcels through the 'Land and Water Conservation Fund Composite Program; 12.Reconcile Recreat ion composite Plans with the Forest Plan. Under Management Requirements in the Forest Direction section of Chapter 3 in the Forest Plan,General Direction statements describe the priorities. for landownership adjustments: 1.Classify lands for acquisition or to acquire int~rests where lands have been identif ied as more valuable for National Forest purposes,or where current or potential use of private lands would adversely affect National Forest values and where acquisition would not transfer impacts to another site according to the following priorities: a.In designated wilderness areas and other congressionally classified areas. b.Where lands or rights-of-way are needed to meet resource management goals and objectivities. c.Lands which provide habitat for threatened and endangered species of animals and plants. 6 •• d.Lands which include floodplain qr wetlands. e.On lands having outstanding scenio values or critica~ecosystems, when these resources are threatened by change of use or when management may be enhanced by publio ownership. f.Lands which are National Forest in ch~racter that provide essential big game winter range and are valuable for other National Forest purposes. 2.Classify lands for conveyance according to the fcllowing priorities: a.To states,counties,cities,or other federal agencies when conveyance will serve a greater public interest. b.In small parcels intermingled with mineral or homestead patents. c.Suitable for development by the private sector,if development (residential,agricultural,in~ustrial,recreational,etc.)is in the public interest. d.When critical or unique resources (wetlands,flood plains, essential big game winter range,threatened or endangered species habitat,historical or cultural resources,critical ecosystems,etc.)only when effects are mitigated by reserving interest to protect the resource,or by exchange where other critical resources to be acqUired are considered to be of equal or greater value. In addition,the Forest Service Manual di~ection is to avoid the disposal of National Forest System Lands .occupied under term permit unless the existing permitted use can be accommodated by agreement with the permittee.These term permits were issued and are administered based on a favorable determination that such facilities are in the public interest. In .many cases,these lands contain permanent improvements crucial to the operation of the permit and may best be managed under the private ownership of the permittee. The needs and concerns of local communities are an important component in determining the desired future condition of landownership patterns along common boundaries.The Town of Vail landownership working group formulated a set of goals for the desired future con?iticn based on a ten year planning horizon: 1.That there be no National Forest ~ystem lands within the munioipal limits of the Town of Vail. 2.That the Forest Serv ice survey,identify,and maintain the common boundary of the Town of Vail and the Forest Service and that both ~, ~,u ..' 7 •• agencfes share i nt he e n forceme nt of regu lat ions pertain ing to t he boundary.The bou ndary has been s implified where possible, irregularities have been reduced or eliminated. 3.That all land e xchanges and purchases optimize both local and national public benefit.Conflicts with local interests are recognized in the decision making process of all land e xchanges and pur chases,and all efforts are made t o a ddress and minimi ze those conflicts. 4.That all lands a cqu ired by t he Town of Va il are used for publ ic purposes s uch as open space,employee housi ng (per Town of Vail ~~ployee Hous ing Or di nance ),recreat ion or for the reso lut ion of unauthorized uses . S.That the Town of Va il,Eag le County,or the Forest Service acqu ire all privately owned tracts,parcels,and previously unplatted lands ad jacent to,and outside of,the common Town of vail and Forest Service boundary .These lands are transferred to the National Forest System,Eagle County,or the Town of Vai l where jo~nt objectives are satisfied. 6 .That publ ic access to Nati onal Forest System lands be maintained or L~p r o v ed.New access points meet Town of vail and Forest Service needs. 7.That National Forest System lands with in the study area that are encumbered with abandoned uses,unauthorized uses;or infrastructure related facil ities are reduced or elimin~ted. 8.That the Town of Vail and National Forest recreation opportunities are jointly planned and integrated. 9 .That all unincorporated,platted residential areas within the study area are annexed within the municipal l imits of the Town of Vail. 1 0.That the wood f iber production ~~phasis management area (7E),as identified in the Forest P lan,that can be viewed from the Town of Vail be rep laced by a recreation emphasis prescription. 11.That new developments are discouraged on private l ands that exist outside and adjacent to the Town of Vail. The above statements represent both 9oal~that the Town of Vail,Eagle County,and the Forest Service will pursue ·in partnership,others are individual goals .For example,the discouragement of new developments on pri vate lands (Item 11)is outside the j urisdiction of the Forest Service and wou ld be the burden o f t he Town of Va il and Eagle County . ~~'..", .8 • V.POSSIBLE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: • Differences between the existing conditions and the des~red future conditions indicate a potential opportunity or the need to take actions to achieve the goals and objectives of the Forest Plan.The means to achieve the desired future conditions are possible management practices.Comparing the existing condition of landownership within the Town of Vail Special Study Area to National Forest policy;the goal and cbjectiv~s found in the Forest Plan;and the desired future condition statements .developed by the Town of Vail working group yields several potential opportunities for landownership management: 1.Eliminate National Forest System lands within the Town of Vail. 2.Improve opportunities for local governments to acquire and preserve open space. 3.The Forest Service,Town of Vail,and Eagle County shall consider land-use objectives established on lands administered .by the other parties in their management practices. 4.Reduce the number of National Forest special use permits for Town of Vail infrastructure fac ilities. 5.Resolve all title claims and eliminate all encroachments involving National Forest System lands. 6.Eliminate Town of Vail zoning of National Forest System lands. 7.Jointly plan and integrate recreation opportunities and facilities. 8.Improve or maintain public access to National Forest System lands. New access points should meet Town of Vail and Forest Service objectives. 9.Reduce the private and National Forest boundary to reduce the extent of property b oundary survey,posting,and maintenance. 10.Jointly enforce regulations ·pertaining to the management of the common boundary. 11.That all land exchanges an~purchases optimize both local and national public benefit.Conflicts with local interests are recognized in the deoision making process of all land exchanges and purohases,and all efforts are made to address and minimize those conflicts. •• The range af possible management practices or authorities for landownership adjustments include the purchase of non-Federal lands,donation of . non-Federal lands,exchange,sale of Federal lands to municipalities,and legislated adjustments.The Town of vail landownership working group applied these authorities to the Town of Vail study area in an attempt to take advantage of the opportunities identified above.The result was a narrative and map describing desired management practices for landownership adjustments (see .Attachment A). Once a landownership adjustment is proposed,a parcel specific environmental analysis will be conducted.This analysis must include a determination of public interest and must consider a reasonable range of alternatives,including no·action.The management practice identif ied for the subject parcells)(see Attachment A)would be .one of the alternatives considered in detail.The Forest Service decision maker may then choose all or portions of any alternative considered. VI.FOREST PLAN CONSISTENCY: The management practices identified above comply with the directives of the White River Forest Land and Rescurce Management Plan and with all legislative authorities .The selected management practices are within the public interest. 10 • ATTACHMENT A .' Narrative and Map of Possible Management Practices •• Pa~ce l fl:Th is parcel i sl oc at ed alcng Gore Creek near the Interstate 70 r ig ht o f wa y and cont a ins Natio na l Forest system Landa tha t have been annexed b y the Town of Vai l. Size:40 acres Encumberances:Easement iss~ed by the Department of Transportation f or Interstate 70 and ar ight-of-way i ssued by the Forest Service for Highway 6(B ighorn Road) Zoning:Greenbelt and Na tu ral Open Space District Hazards:100-year f loodpla in a long Gore Creek,two areas of medium se ver ity rockfall haz ard.T he T own of Vail's Snow Aval anche Hazard does not incl~de th is parcel Unique 'Resouroe Values:We tl ands along Gore Creek Possible Management Practices:Conveyance to the Town of Vail.The Forest Service would need to reserve access to the Gore Creek campground and would need to reserve trailhead parking and access to trailhead Parcel G:This parcel i s located immediately north of Pr~ma Court and contai ns Na ti on al F orest S ystem La nds that have been annexed by the Town o f Vail . + S ize:5 ac r es Enc umberances :Easement i ss ue d by t he Depa rtment of Transportat i on fo r In terstate 70 and a rig ht-of-way i ssued by the Forest Serv ice f or Highway 6 (Bighorn ROad) Zoning:Greenbe lt and Natural Open Space District Hazards:Port ion of parcel with in medium severiti rockfall hazard Unique Resource Values:Potential wetlands Possible Management Practice:Conveyance to the Town of Vail Parcels G-2 ,G-3,G-4 ,and G-5:These four tr iangular shaped parcels are l ocated north o f t he I nter st ate 7 0 right of way and contain Nat ional Forest .S y stem Lands that have been annexed by the Town of Vail.The intent of t he a nnexa~ion w~s to cQp~ure ~he "I nterstate 70 easement. Size:Undetermined Encumberances:Easement issued b yt he Department of Transportation f or Interstate 70 Zoning:None Hazards:Parcel G-2 is within a high severity rockfall zone Unique Resource Values:None identified Possible Management Practices:Conveyance to the Town of Vail 1 2 •• Parcel F:This 'parcel i s located at the north end of Booth Falls Road and contains National Fores~System Lands that have been annexed by the Town of Vail. Size:14.8 acres Encumberances:Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District has a water storage facility on the parcel under special use permit Zoning:Public Use District,Town of Vail is considering rezoning to Agriculture and Op~n Space Hazards:High severity rockfall zone,high hazard debris flow zone Unique Resource Values:None identified Possible Management Practice:conveyance to the Town of Vail for the southern portion of the .parcel and deannexation for the northern portion.The Forest Service would need to reserve access and trailhead parking for the Booth Creek trail Parcel E:This parcel is located at 1278 Vail Valley Drive and contains National Forest System Lands that have been annexed by the Town of Vail.· Size:10 acres Encumberanoes:Town of Vail has purchased the northern one third of the parcel that included a golf course maintenance facility . Zoning:Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District Hazards :High and moderate hazard debris avalanche zones;medium severity rockfall hazard zone;and possible snow avalanche influence zone Unique Resource Values:None identified Possible Management Practice:Conveyance to the Town of Vail for the northern portion of the parcel (accomplished)and deannexation for the southern portion Parcel D:This parcel is located immediately south of ptarmioan Road and contains National Fores~System Lands that have been annexed by the Town of Vail. Size:5 acres Encumberances:Ptarmigan Road crosses the northern portion of the parcel Zoning:Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District Hazards:High hazard debris avalanche zone;medium severity rockfall hazard zone;and possible snow avalanche influence zone Unique Resource Values:None identified ' Possible Management Practice:Conveyance to the Town of Vail for the northwest portion of the parcel and deannexation for the remaining portion •• Parcel C:This'parcel is located immediately south of Rockledge Road and conta ins National Forest system Lands that have been annexed by the Town of Vail. size:·11 .5 acres , Encumberances:The ent ire parcel is within the Vail Associates ski area permit.An unauthorized diversion structure exists near the center of the northern boundary.An unauthori~ed driveway and numerous landscape improvements occur on the western portion.Portions of Rockledge Road are also located on the western por~ion of the parcel. Zoning:Greenbelt open Space District Hazards:The southeastern pcrticn of the parcel is l ocated within a med ium sever ity rock fall ha~ard zone Unique Resource Values:Ncne i dentified Possible Management Practice:Conveyance to the Town of Vail,with private participation,of the western ·portion of the parcel,up to the western boundary of the adjacent Lot 1.since this parcel is within a winter sports special use permit,it is intended that this conveyance would occur w ith the concurrence of the permittee,and that it would include on ly that portion of the parcel that is currently encumbered with improvements. The desired management practice for the remaining eastern portion is conveyance to the permittee since this parcel also lies within the winter sports special use permit.It is intended that this conveyance would occur only with the participation and concurrence of the Town of Vail.Such conveyance would be subject to agreement on a conceptual master plan to be implemented once the parcel is no longer in federal ownership.The conceptual master plan must accommodate the existing permitted uses and facilities and provide desired access for the permittee and the Town of ·~ail. Parcel B:This parcel is located immediately north of the main Vail Interstate 70 interchange .and contains National Forest System Lands that have been annexed by the Town of Vail. .+S:Lze:40 acres Encumberances:Public right of way,special use per~it for horse stables and trail rides,and numerous utility corridors zoning:Agricultural and Open Space Hazards:100-year floodplain (Spraddle Creek),moderate ha~ard debris flow area,medium severity rockfall ~one , Unique Resource Values:Potential wetlands Possible Management Practice:Conveyance to the Town of .Vail ***Status .Change:Conveyed to the Town of Vail *** 14 •• Parcel A:This'parcel is located immediately north of Vail view Drive and west of Potato Patc~Dr ive and contains National Fcrest S ystem Lands t hat h ave been annexed by the Town of Vail. Size:11 acres Encumberances:Vail Valley Drive and Potato Pa tch Dr i ve bot~t raverset his parcel zoning:Public Use District Hazards:lOO-year floodplain (Red Sandstone Creek)and med ium and high severity rockfall zones. Unique Resource Values:Potential wetlands Possible Management Practice:Conveyance to the Town of Va il of the southeast half of the parcel and deannexaton for the remaining northwestern portion Vail das Schone Parcel:This parcel is located northeast of lots 1,2,3,and 4,Block H,Vail Das Schone Filing No.2.The parcel i s entirely National Forest System Lands. Size:Not determined Encumberances:None Zoning:None Hazards:None identif ied Unique Resource Values:None identified Possible Management Practice:Conveyance to the Town of vail. Vail Heights Parcel:These two triangular-shaped parcels are located to the north of the Vail He ights subdiv ision in West Vail.The Eagle County Assessor is unsure of ownership and believes that the Town of Vail may be the ·owner . Size:Not determined Encumberances;None Zoning:None Hazards:None identified Unique Resource Values:None i dentified Possible Management Practice:If the Town of vail acquires the property, then the Town would convey to the Forest Service. •• Ladner Parcel:'.T his u nplatted,;;:r i v at e parce li s l ocated north of Lots 8 and 9, Block ~,Vail Ridge (Cort ina Lane).Th is parcel is located outside of the muni cipal boundaries of the Town of Vail. Size:7 .2 acres Encumberances:None identified Zoning:Resource (County Zoning) HaZArds:None i den ti fied Unique Resource Values:.None i dentified Possible Management Practice:I f the Town of Vail acquires the property, then the 'Town wou ld convey to t he Forest Service. ***status Update:Town of Vail is in the process of acquiring*** East Vail Water Tank Parcel:upper Eagle Val ley Water District needs to expand current storage facil ity.This expansion may encumber National Forest System Lands.Eagle County Assessor is unsure of ownership. Size:undeterm ined pending proposal Encumberances:None Zoning:None Hazards :High 'and moderate h azard debris flow zones,medium severity rockfall hazard zone,and high hazard snow avalanche zone Unique Resource Values:None i dentified Possible Management Practice:convey a parcel sufficient to allow for needed expans i on t o the Town of Vail or Water District Ulbrich Properties (Lots 16,19,and 21):These three lots are privately owned and are located within the Town of Vail municipal boundary in the West Vail area.The ·lots are immediately-,north of I-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision . Size:Lot 16 i s17 .83 acres,Lot 19 is 16.41 acres,Lot 21 is 13.47 acres Encumberances:F orest service read and trail easements Zoning:Hil ls ide Residential (Nov.17,1987) Hazards:High and moderate hazard debris flow zones,high severity rockfall hazard zone in the southern portion of Lot 21 Unique Resource Values:None identified Possible Management Practice:If the Town of vail acqu ires these parcels, then the Town would convey to the Forest Service 16