HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 2 BLOCK H LOT 7 8 9 LEGALCONSTRUCTION PERM IT ,... TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETE LYPRIOR TOISSUANCE OFPERM IT TYPEOF PERMIT •LEGALLOT 7,8,9 BLK H D ESC.FILlNGva il Das ShDne #2 JOBNAME :Wirth/Wheeler Duplex-TH OWNER NAME W &WAs soc.LTO MAIL ADDRES S Box 5560 1-800-621-6525 CITY Avon.CO.PH . ARCHITECT FIRM Wheeler-Piper Arch. MAIL ADDRE SS Box 5560 CITY Avon.Co.94~H7074 GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. OTHER FIRM Quintana Excavating TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.101X CONTRACTOR TELE.827-5816 NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 9/26/84 001878 III III 14 ~1 PERMITNO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2.OC CUPANCY GROUP ABE H I<§}M BUILDING 260.100.00 DIVI SION 1 2 2a@4 z ELECTRICAL 30.600.000 GEN ERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :Si ngl e famil y ~PLUMBING 40.800.00 one duplex (un;ts 2,3,&4 only)::;) ...J<>MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMITFEES V-N R-3 4455 $331.500.00 BU ILDING PERMIT 1013.00 }PLAN CHEC K 506.00 .ELECTRICAL 372.00 NEW(X)ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING 410.00 DWEL LIN GUNIT S _4_ACCO MMODATIO NUN ITS__0_MECHANICAL ~::t- HEI GHT INFT .__NO .FIREPL ACE S 4 RECREATION FEE 668.25 k"J ."'<I INSULATION :TYPE THICKN ESS R-VALLUE DES IGN REVIEW BOARD 100 .00 ~-;FLO OR 2X10 9 ~"R-30 CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 500.00 ~~EXT.WALL S 2X6 5 ~"R-19 USE TAX 1660.00 RO OF 2X12 11 k"R-38 ~8ELEC.Base B'DTYPE GAS TOTALPERMITFEES 5229.25OFSOLARWOOD~I"k.-~j'»:~'=t (;z 6.h.HEAT ADDITIO NAL PERMITS NEEDED :BUILDING ·OFF ICIAL ------DATE -'t:-y - s.!:!~~Thomas.J\.--.!lrau~_7/13/84-------ST.CUT X ~ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLA STING ZONING &BUILDING NOTES : PA RKIN G DEM O I hereby acknowledge t hatIhaveread this application.f illed out in full the information required , completed an accurate plot plan ,and state that allthe information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws ,andto build th is structure according to the Town 'sz oning and subdivision codes.design review approved ,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. ~MiNt«N«xRx««¥«tiN~~~~_ return clean up to:W &W Management~rP.O.Box 1403 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACT R FOR HIMSEL Vail.Co.81658 AND THE OWNER. rn PLUMBINGrnFOUNDATIONo IX]BUILDING IKI ELECTR ICALoMECHANICAL the p rtnterylv8 11 '-'I -DATE .,4 1.TYP E Of CONSTRU CTIO N 1/1 /II 1'0 -I'4::V _. mmunity development 2.OCCUPAN CY GROUP ABE H I @M BUILDING "J...00 100 ,.. '?O,'~rYJ ..DIVISION 1 220 0'z ELECTRIC AL ETELYPRIOR TO ISSUANCEOFPERMIT 0 ~AL DESCRI PTIONOF WOR K :~PLUMBING 40,9m .MIT ::J ..JB-~~<I !PL UMBING b 1J ~..nr II tI.e »>MECHANICAL ~ FOUNDA.T10N (i fAlJT~1,~LA-I"l7.\J Y 'I L ,r TYPE GROUPG.R.F.A.VALUATION PE RMIT FEES r ~1-"1 BLK +t -sJ;.1J R--3 <NS5 rI/~~1 ~()d BUILOING PER MIT /a .«~ I ,.~~~VJ;>.k.~~H""z.....PLAN CHECK ~6 C-•(7($ ~~T~~,c olELECTRICAL3,l . Ill::t-W M~,{/'CD .NEW<X">ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAI R(>PLUMBING en o ,C 0 PRES'S %~;5':>0 DWE LLING UNITS -+-ACC OMM ODAT IONUNITS~MECH ANICAL I ee .1-800-b2(-1:S~c; HEIGH T INFT.__NO.FIREPLACES ~RECR EATION FEE (rt,'9.-7SPH. 'p:-~tF4:.INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLU E DESIGN REVIEW BOAR D \oM , ORESS &iX $5kt:7 f LOOR 2)(~l7 4Y,d If IZ -~CLEAN·UPDEPOS IT 5"0 6....0 'l X!#t?Yz...lI~<!..o PHCf44·-7014- EXT.WA LLS 1=~t-4 1 (~O.O cJUSETAX z,X\'Z.-I \~}I g -,E?,ROOF 0 p;,t.~M:%?-c!@~'D../ TYPE GAS TOTAL P ~M IT FE ES S ,z:-z...°k?-JFVAILREG.NO.OF HEAT SO LAR WOOD '~~-:.'".P-/~~t/ ADDITI ONAL PERMITS NEEDED:~~"~CO "~------"~---- Y .!:!INITIAL ~INGA D M IN I S TR A T~-DA J~--FVAIL REG.NO .ST.CUT i/ BLASTING ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARKING FVAILREG.NO .DEMO , I hereby ac knowledge that I have rea dth is a pplication ,fill ed out in full the information required, compl eted an accurate pl ot pl an ,and state th at a ll the information p rov ided a sr equired is co rrect.I FVAILREG.NO.agr ee 10 compl y w ith t he info rm at i on and plot p lan,to c omp ly with all To wn ord in ances a nd s tate l a ws ,and to build t hi s s tru ct ure acc o rdi ng t o th eT ow n's fl'n ing afl d s ubdivisi on cod es,d esign review approved.Uniform Buildin g C o de a nd oth er o rdina c E~of th T O~licabl e th ereto. "....I.\lV'v FVAIL REG.NO.SIGNATURE OF 'l/JWN ER OR ~~CTOR VJ\;W-FANDTHE0\N~~.~~ \ OTHER f iRM TOWN0 CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWN0 CONTRACTOR TELE. LECTRICAL ONTRACTOR T OWN 0 TELE. FIRM .l~LJor~ ,~....JID'KD~ department of co " LOT--f FILING CITY MAILAP CITY ~ ARCH ITECT FIRM ~ MAILAD T ELE. GENERAL FIRMlO CONTRACTOR TOWN 0 FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN0 TELE. TO BE F ILU:~O OUTCO MPL TYPE OF PER :B[B UI LDI NG '~E L E C T R I C A LoMECHANICA ..... Re:Permit#1878 Andrew Mo ntoya Building Inspection Dept . County of Eagle Ea gl e,CO. DearMr.Montoya : As perou rphoneco nve rsation of Se ptembe r 26 ,19 8 5;I wi l l,by cop y of t his let te r ,inst ruct MikeRi ppy t o places olidb loc kin g beh ind r im joist a t west side of stair ope ning at mi d-level floo r. Thankyou fo r your co nsiderations • This addition should f a ci litatebe t ter l oad tan sfer f r om u pper wall to l ower bear ing wall .Cor rect ion is as per Se c.25 17.Cd)4 & 5 . CD CJM c c:MikeRippy G)Mitch Whe eler .~HudWir th~ II) fJ)~,... 0 CJ,... I Q)CD ~ CD I-M -.C CJ M Q --Q CJ N CD If'"~COCDa Q '1:1 III '"a---isQu..ca ~:- CD III CJ CD CD anan .:(1)a.a. -.C a.a. ~ a; C :§.-~.a IS III 'a .:til. '"III E.cuc CD.a •• Re:Pe rmit #1878 Dear Mr.Montoya : Thank yo u fo r your cons i dera tio ns. Mike Ri ppy / Mi tch Whee le r t/ Hud Wirth"'" As per our phone co nve rsation of Septe mb er 26 ,1985;I will ,by copy o f th is l et te r,in st ru ctMikeRippy to pla ceso lid blocking beh ind r im joist at we st s id e of stair o pen ing at mid -le vel floor . Andrew Montoya Building I n spection Dept. Co u nty of Eag l e Eagl e ,CO . cc: Thisa dd ition sho u ld faci litate better load ta ns f er fro mupp er wall t o l ower bea ri ngwall.Correct ion is as pe r Sec .25 17.Cd)4 & 5. mo M al .~ ::::l UI yJ ~.....u 0..... I i!2 m ~m I---M L 0 M Q -Q 0 N CD ~L-eDOJc Q "tJ IIIL. C--- 0.e U ft C-e L-::- OJ III a--CD OJ In In•Q)C .Q. L e.c. ~ ft Clc ::5!.-::::l .Q IS .!!!c. .:tt L. III E.coc al .Q • ,•• 75south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 Date:_ Dear Sirs, officeof community development Ona r ecent check of bu ilding permits,we find that the below referenced permit has expired. The Town of Vail Building Department has not received a request for a final inspection on this project,the last inspection request was dated 4-/&-f6 .Please reply in regards to this within 30 days from the date you receive this letter. Your immediate attention is requested.If you have any further questions concerning this matter please feel free to contact me at 479-2138. Sincerely, Expired Permit Information: Dan Stanek TOV Building Inspector DS/jlt READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION:2 <../...r-~ PM_____AM INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ~JI ~'I-( 6!J I THUR FRI /c/ TUES (;Ii .- NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE I @ /fA"s /"JOB/I / BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL d FRAMING /ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- /~INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V,_ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIP ING o POOL /H ,TUB ----::--_ 0 ----,_ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT 0 _ o ~N A L _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ k ~P P R O V E D 7 CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ION REQUIRED DATE ~-5/'INSPECTOR ---I CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION :MON TUES WED LOCATION:-~S-\~,"'- / _____AMPM r INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL {/I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT // BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o '"'g /FIN J\L PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ r FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: v/0 DISAPPROVED " O /REINSPECTION REQUIRED / I I 1.n ,/ / / IINSPECTOR/</_fDATE----''--_ ____-'-.~PM INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAI L.. 'it/~~ WEDTH URFRIMONREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :_ DATE .t..J..:.n -'+-'--I!....l.LO.....L-JOBNAME ~nPL.{,...L-;T-L.!:.!-+.!L!...--L.,~~--/--------- BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSU LATION --.-_ ~SHEETROCK NAI L (}hj lMPfb\_ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGRO UND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WA TER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ o o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FjNAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPL Y A IR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ~PPR O VE D /CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o RE INSPECTION REQU IRED INSPECTOR ~='----.:::..::c;.=.!4-0f""'=~'---------- J • / /-/L J (INSPECTION REQUEST. J lit J 1 TOWN OF VA~L . NAME J -R -<...--e V . CALLER c::L \1 \f rt 1 ~ MON T UES ,§T HUR FRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION:---,:=::.-'"__=_~ DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT /I /'J-Q /?V JOB /I BUILDING: d F00TlflJGS -rSTEEL :d FOUNDATION /STEEL 50<-7;-)51'/,?l;ff o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIRED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL o DISAPPROVED ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ ~D~,~F~I N~A~L~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;d//, ~?APP R O V E D / CORRECTIONS: I INSPECTOR//-2 1 sPc/DATE _t-L_=--_......:....--:-_ INSPECTION REQUEST .. NAME GV ,tv /1-s:~~O~N OF VAIL CALLER =ti I I J1J /3...!S ()(...-;.2 J '"':lL fl s-::: MON TUES WED -tEu0 FRI AM <C'r C/tJY'/}1/<::-!J)(jO/O;,Fr,_ I I DATE READYFOR INSPECTION: :l-c../S-s- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT /I /7 /rY JOB I 7 I A r IciolveI{t.,c ,.Ie BUILDING:PLUMBING: ji'FOOTINGS I STEEL 50or#o UNDERGROUND / /4AJ~FOUNDATION I STEEL ;t.OI(7'!t tvH/1.<:;o ROUGH I DW.V. I (.dlf"~'S~ o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o j lNAL o FINAL v :cFAP"PROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED/ CORRECTIONS: /{'IS r:()/ d INSPECTOR ~=...::,...:;~~=:..:z...,:==-_//--/2-f¥'DATE ---''--'----'-'=----''-..::....-_ I I DATE __+'-;-'-':....L..__ READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:---.:....:=--,~.:::..!.~:::!,J:;.~!._.~::..!::..~_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST . /!J /)/JOB NAME J,t~~..)~tl J&JJ:N_?~~~~~~.0U.::G CALLER ~./r..J/)(tV A~b(// MON TUES J WED .THUR @ ".!@ PM '1.55 l /J ,t ~/J?:?~;/j /3d tz BUILDING:PLUMBING: /uea:II //Aptt'7t.L 17oFOOTINGS/STEEL o UNDERGROUND I i .0 FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 ." DJ )NAL o FINAL t1lJ~P P R O VE D CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED • DATE -..,..:.-'--"-_INSPECTOR PM_____AM INSPECTION REQUEST . (TOWNOFVAI.L II I ~( THUR ~IiI\..~.> CALLER -.:....:=_....:........:....-!..__-+--__...:-_~ TUES WEDREADYFORINSPECTION:MON ,.I LOCATION:~.....:..:.......:......._____'_...!......._ --+---,-,-\~1~~_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I I \ I BUILDING:•PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGPPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0. o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _INSPECTOR Pllrn 6'"" )./ --~P M INSPECTION REQUEST. I TOWN OFVAl -e ....... CALLER C!~('...4 ~...J UES I WEDTHURFRI c;~J--/Y1 I s c.'7 / NAME ~--'-L---'----~-----r-r-----------=..--I--DA TE READY FOR INSPECTION :MON LOCATION :;J.<../s-\"- I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 7 /2-z-It~--JOB 7I -- PLUMBING : I---------:9 UNDERGROUND ---------- o ROUGH I DW.V ._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL I H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL BUILDING: o FOO TINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL o FRAMING RO OF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o ~~L _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL ~o-i'P P R O V E D /CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ( DATE _---..£=....1.'"--'--'.,1...-;'---_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT v/flt..f I I '.,~ INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OFVAl ~-~~~~;tU/ CALLER Cl;;p J/~/~di:Kp;' ~7 17 c-......, INSPECTION :M.O ~GUES)WED :r HURFRI AM ~ e.L 706 Wd/1/.huoeh £)u/M.I / READYFOR LOCATION:~=_-;-=-'=~:....!-"'~~~"'--"..:.....:..--=---------------- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL A MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 --_ o FINAL _ ~P P R O V E D CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED , DATE _----':...L..!----=;..:........:..L-_INSPECTOR ~!tA2=./ _____~PMREADYFORINSPECTION: LO CATION :=~"'-'-L~=-::::=....::::...L..~~~~~.:.=-"------------- BUILDING: o FO OTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMIN G ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILIN G--------- o IN SULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o F INAL PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW .V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT ~{/tJ.r.N;f/f~AIL AWf.e, o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o H EAT ING ~_ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVEDIAPPROVED~~ 'CCORRECTIONS:-..:-_ •••• I ~I GL '----=-:L_.__ ---------1:---Of--l p d>tL-f~1---lPktJ ~~~~---+--~,--,---~-J--~~-- --c9 '2t .~(ikyJ 6v~.__A«.i/VIv.;rL---_..s~-C.d=#-A~ #-_t lJ rA.L .._ ,I --_._----._-_.--------- _Z)a ~-~--i(01-w1--tj.-L,7-- ~._- ,I I --_..----._-----._-.-- .s eE ~,,-,"&-rJ tr (vWI'?4(7'(, • ENGINEERING CHEC K LIST Sub divi sian -t h ,,-Od 5 s:....tf"c,r-r.;, Lot z E3 <2 Block 9Filing---z.-='L:".-!...::£>=------- 1 .Submi ttal I tems (A)Tapa !'lap (8)S ite Plan (C)Uti lity Pl an (0)Tit l e Re por t (E)Subd ivis i on J\g ree ment 2 .~g i ne er ing Requ irements ,...• (Acceptable) / .. (A)Cu lv er t Si z '~s~.oJ tfvr NO s.,i>.(:.i:T '1'/'s_1$-r--, (B)Dri vewa y Grade 8 %mll x )(I\c tuu·j )._~._.1 0 ~,,..O~C P~-K.£ 3 .Source of Ut ili ties (A)El e ctl'ic (B)Gas (C )Sewe r (D)I~il t e r (E)Tel ephone (r)T.V . ~-- ------,_._--..._-- Approved:----_......_-- Di s appro v ed:------------.--flf~ [1 :',Ji ltrnen t of ?u ~)l i c WorkS--- Hill And rews Yoder ~ginee ring Consul_nts,Inc... M e chanical /El e ctrical Bench m ark Pl aza-Sui te 307 P.O .Box 5740 Avo n,Co l o r ado 8 1620 JULY 3 ,1984 JOHN WHEELER WHEELER/PIPER ARCHITECTS SUBJECT:2455 GARMITSCH DRIVE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTED HYDRANT FLOW CHARACTERISTICS DEAR JOHN, MIf(E MCGEE.ASSISTANT F IRE CHIEF.AND I COND UCTED TEST ON WEST .VAIL HYDRANT NUMB ER 23 THIS MORNING. PRESSURE WAS 45 PSIG AND RESIDUALPRESSURE WAS 39 RES UL TEDI N A FLOW OF 1050 GALLONS PER MINUTE . 3 03 ·9 49 -1191 1 -lfOO ·332-3259 (Co lorad oO n ly ) A FIRE FLOW STATIC PSIG.THIS B Y SI MPLE EXTRAPOLATION BASED ON AN 8-INCH DUCTILEIRON LINE RU NNI NG 290 FE ET TOA ~EW HYDRANT .THE ANTICIPATED RESIDUAL AT THE NEW HY DRANT WILLBE 35 PSIG AT A FLOW OF 1000 GALLONS PER MI NUTE. HYDRANT NUMBER 2 3 IS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY AT THE DIVIDING LIN E BETWEEN LOTS11 AND 12 INVAIL DAS SCHONE FIL ING NUM BER 2,BLOCK H. I HOPE THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SUITA BLE FO R YOUR NEEDS.IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONSPLEASE DO NOT HESITA TE TO CO NTACT ME. SI.NCERELY ~,r ..: .' J"_ I ~/V J '.-......~." .,. ."."'....~<... DAVI D L.YODER DL Y/DEC •Project Application •.--- Date _-=-_~~:.==---_ Pro ject Name :F?U,e..-!J N'T "TO VAL....fio...:.6--"'-"£=--(~-=-=~~--=-------..:...--L..--=-:'--------- Pro ject Desc r iption:()-rT.J Contact PersonandPhone __±hJt2 Socl 11)I g.T~r--,.-:..~=-.JIL~~----!!:~~:..::z----- (~..I-~.J~W~~ .if.2-,Zone -+~:::...:-_ (i Le gal Description :Lot --+....-L<~~l-Block -..:t±Fil ing Comments :~~.:..!:~ Date --".!.....:::..=.....l--=:..::....-_ 1'2- APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL o Staff Approval C-,,)-\4 /\,~ Date :--~H-~<----!.L+--------- AL I b ~,u ~.i -1 ,fr'0 ,JJ1L .i; tIMprlnteryl"'I' ·•.- -- 5)?x-:f -~tjVf/\A~t/VJ~Q....-.s.~~V\ ~rtJA~. c)U if _tJ>u-__rwl-if.k/ ~-- •... for SFR,R,R PIS 70:IE D1S1R1CTS ProposedAllO\-led Block Filing f----n- Architect (JCiA I =:s:=l.v-... Pro posed Use ()";,,\-? Legal D escri P~rn:Lot ~~JO Owner IJ::b,~ult~ Zo ne District ---~S>~».~J>~------------_ LotSi ze ------------------------------- Height Tot al GRF A Primary GRF A Secondary GR FA Setback s:- Front Si des Rea r Ha te l'Cou rse Site Coverage La nd sc aping Parking Credi ts: Garage I·lechani cal Airlock Sto rage (30)(33) 20' ]5' ]5' (30)(50) (300)(600) (900)(]200) (50)(100) (25)(50) (200)(400) - Solar Heat Storage Driv e:Slop e Pe rOi itted -------------- Env ironmerttal/Hazards:Aval anche Slop e Ac t ua1 _.I - \ Flo od Plain Slo pe \ 7 CO:;::;;2:nts:• Zoning:~P?ro~e d/D is !p p r o ve d Da te: •... SFR.R1 RPIS 70:IE DISTRICTS Le gal Description:Lot ---Block ---Fi 1 i ng _ -r+~G ~\t 71 Proposed ~ (~(3 0)(33) ~-=-------- Propos edUse AllOl-:ed AI"chi teet ----.,---y----- Pr i mar y GRF A Owner ------------- Height Total GR FA Zone Di str i ct --------- LotSi ze ------------ Secondary GRF A Setba cks:- Front 20' Si des 15' Rea r 15' lOl a te r Co urse (30)(50) Site Co verage La ndscaping Pa rking Solar Heat Storage Drive:Sl ope Permitted --------- ,~ -- ~lo pe Actual (3 00)(6 00) (900)(1 200) (50)(lOO) (25)(50) (200)(400) Credi ts: Ga rage I·l echani ca 1 Storage Ai rl ock Env ironmental /Ha zards:Aval anche Fl ood Plain Slope Cu :::::;"nt ~:--.:...-_ 20nin g:Ar~ro ved/D i s ~~pro ve d Date:; ,.•• b-(8-'&4-Date __--""~...J_>L__=___'___ LIST OF MATERIALS NAM E OF PROJECT_F ~-Ut-,Wr-=rVW)J /tVS€.('S.0,D,#-I'?-) LEGAL DESCRIPTION J,hf-j LOT--LSLOCK Y4lL DAz SUfvN~-#2-FILING DESCRIPTION OF P ROJECT c2NE:-t2q ~Lf--x.+I\}lO s.tAU.:::i£-p-HIl."",,-/ The following information is required for submittal by the Applican t to the Design Review Board befor ea final approval can be given. A .)BUILDINGMATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Mat erihls Typ e of Material ±J aQAf--~t+~.... \'I-b ?fF0.rzvsLf",-!f:. c;..'1Vv&C7 Color /I II~X r"'-'-"!n-l=~-----~I ~3 -fkE:9f;>lp .~Ibl w6t?T/-c.L,t:.17 VJ+\1'Tf;.Windows Soffits Fascia WindowT rim Doo r s Door T rim Hand or De c k Rails Flues --'/'2"""2?-::c.\'-"'~.=_.LYM1~1-_'_P<:.__tz.Wi,#-iic..I 33> t!l1L-,,/f-4-tf?-.=--"_*(;,s 4- _G~t ¢.±'=Mto 1-Q II tk..-I 33- yY)~"\W C;t\)~tlC -l{",.\ m-rt-..I' Flashings Ch imne ys Tra sh Encl os ur es Gre enhou ses vvrtL"" Oth er Quantity: ?----- b --1-"",0__t:,;;-~O_ 6K ~~~[\0f.~t:.:_-~j? ~&eJ2 COllUDon Name ~~~.(,(,.-.6..S:·ft!4 V ---_._- Eotan ic a l Na me E .~PL ANT MAY ERIALS (V eg etat ive ,Land n c a p in g Ma t erials i nc luding Trees, and Gro u nd Cover )• L _ '. J Page 2 •• Plan tMa te r ials Continued Eot anical Name Common Name Quantity Size fbT~\\~A.--a-l?b4-. ~~~~'tfR...Zo LI ~bffj~It?.. c:;j::.1j){\:h1J'?tt c::;.~L.1.-0 111 SWtrNl ~~-r~ &1~Q lY..'(~fw"IS'- l'cl&~LV~_\"2-~L C.)OTHE R LA NDSCA PE FEATURES (R e t ~i n i n g Wal ls,Fe nc es,Swiw nin g P ools,etc.) •• b -f8-fA-.Da te __--"""'----L..lo~_=c....L__ (5) LI STOF MATE I1 Ii\LS NAME OF P R O JE C T----f0J ~-U N \r 3vvJN dous€.(S.t/,D,#/7) LEGALDESCRIPTION 7,0+1 LOT--1±_-_BLOCK yAI L ®~~4f=-z-FILI NG DESCRIPTION OF Pl10JECT aNE:-bl l.::>Lf)(}-IvJo SN<.ft-IP.A.H/L..--T\T '{ The foll o wing in form ation is re quiredf or submittal by the Appli c ant t o th e De si gn Rev iew Bo ardb efor e a fin al approval c an b e giv en. /I Ne~h: ePJ .MQO!?f:lf He.-I h i __---'fkz "'U:;> ColorTypeofMaterial ±J Ut/t4---::.W-tc<.".. \'I-b ~L T2V5LF~f:. -=z:[1Jv?C7 Roof Siding Other Wall Materials A.)BUILDING MA TER IA LS: Fa s ci a II So ff its II Wind ows Window Trim Doors II Door Trim If lIand or Deck Rails Flues Flashin gs Chimn eys Tra sh Enclosu res Gre enhou se s Oth er E .)PLANT MA TE RIALS (Ve get ativ e,Land sc aping Ma teria ls including Tre es ,Shrub s, and Gr ound Cover )- Botan ic al Name Comm on Name Qu[m t ~Si ze ~~t4M[~~?.IlP-,z..,..----- u b a -ID I ~\~~·~..:;:·'t!N -I e?zIt c.L , II -;0 .l ~~CAl-:. t\o~_~~&_\y~ ~[~__4 ...._c:::.+-V.if J Page 2 •• Plant Material s Continued Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size ·fPT~"t~~~-ti-l?b4-. ~~~4,'ttK.'ZO u ~bf".~~It:?" ~'0ll:h9\tt.50'M-c:1,.0 v1 SWU"Wl ~$m &l~Q \.Y..'(~f~I~ tM:2~LVf _\'2-~L. C.)OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (Retaining Walls,Fences,Swimning Pools ,etc.) (Please Specify) ~~~b IJD-U-S 1P f.£t:om PJI-N A.1"LC 4-,-4 /3ov~I ~X/c;7 It\)G>e>"t7 c...g'r--f?.lNIz 1- ~_ew.OVEr..?.CcNc"ee..TlL ... •..-----'Project Application ,, \.-.l (\" t '\'\\\., \\ \ i ,.Date ~-18-g4--_ _-,.~~Oj ec t N a m e :~U~-I!N '(r To~~'E.(S.D.D.:#-I~) :Project Description:oNe.'bUfUu ~-PUO <;.....tbl-E.-f>M :1 t:(----- Contact PersonandPhone ---f!vo SoN WI ~T~(-?Joo -&2[-tp£7 z...C;; .(LovJ>.L-~.Jot\N WMu-lkf-'4 +4 -1 014) , Comments: legaIDescriP tion :lot~BIOCk~Filing VA/£...M S~?:J!C:_iF-2-,zoneY S-· ('S .p.e: ~'Z c--1!.') ~ /0 Date &- 1'2- Seconded by :_ APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL /-!-~be TownPlanner 0 Staff Approval 7is/a t / /f • Date :_-~+-=+-J.L.:t--------_ I I . •1 I ) 1 • • IY'P_CT .... B.Me.V-5091S TV 7/12/8~ IY'S.Me .I"::40'--216 -53 IOFI I I I I HarmonE.Mclendon This certificate does not constitute a title search by Inter-Mountain Engineering to determine ownership or easements of record.For all information regarding easements,rights-of-way or title of record,Inter-Mountain Engineering relied upon THE FINAL ~LAT OF VAIL OAS SHONE,FILING NO .2.. I hereby certify that this improvement location certificate was prepared for the mortgage lender and the title insurance company,that it is not a land survey plat or improvement survey plat,and that it is not to be relied upon for the establish: ment of fence,building,or other future improvement lines •.I further certify that the improvements on the above described parcel on this date,except utility con- nections,are entirely within the boundaries of the parcel,except as shown,that there are no encroachments upon tqe described premises by improvements on any ad- joining premises,except as indicated,and that there is no apparent evidence or sign of any easement crossing or burdening any part of said parcel,except as noted. I, I, I, RESUBDIVISION CF LOT 7,BLOCK H,VAILDAS SHONE FILING NO.2,TOWN OFVAIL, COUNTYOF EAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE Lof 6 0.993 acres Lof 5 1420 VANCE STREET LAKE...-..ooo.COLO 8021!5 (303)0i!30i!-01!5B • 3-Story Wood-frame (under eons true t ion) Lot 10 U.S.G.s.ELEVATION AT GARAGE SLAS::S076.2 ROOF RIDGE:8/10.2 Lot 2 .... """utI N 81'43'00"£ • •1~-MoantaiD ~EngiDeeringLtd. p.o.eox C -1OO AVON ,COLO.811!1RO (3031 94S-!5070i! •••• Planning andEnvironmental Co mmission May 29,1984 1:30 pm Site Inspections 3:00 pm Public Hearing 1 .App roval ofminutesof May 14. Wo rk Sess ion 2;Req uest for a setba ck variance and a conditional usepermit inorde r to const ruct drive-i n bank fa c il ities at the Vai l das Scho ne shoppi ng cente r at 2111 No rth Frontage Road Wes t.Applicant:1st Natio nal Bank 3.Requ est to ame nd Special De velop ment Di strict 4(Cascade Village )to tothe following: a.Increase allowable retail to between 36,000and37,000 square feet. b.Revise the height standards to make them consistent with the current definition of height inthezoningcodeso that no buildings in the SDD will be taller tha n theWestin Hotel. c .Add toCascadeVillage by rezoning and eli minating lot lines (minor subdivision)two parcels known as the Robbins and Cosgriff parcels . d.Re quest a variance tot he fireplace ordinance toallow18accommodation units to have fireplaces. e.Ma ke other minor revisions to the SDD ordinance to bring the ordinance up to date with 1984 zoning regulations and make it consistent with the above revisions. 4.Request for a setback variance in order to enclose acovereddeckand hottubarea at Lot19,Block7,Vail Village 1st Filing at 324 Beaver Dam Road.Applicant:Peter Kalkus 5. 6. Request to rezoneLots7,8,and 9,Block H,Vaildas Schone #2,from .ResidentialPri mary/Secondary to Special Development District No.13, anda concurrent request for aminor subdivision to combine the three lots into one.Proposed are six dwelling units,two ofwhich would be employee units.Applicant:Wand WAssociates,Ltd. A request for a density variance in order to build a manager's unit at the Treetops Condominiums onLot6,Block1,Lionshead First Filing. Applicant:Treetops Condominium Association 7.Admin istrati ve appeal of staff decision rega rding Vail Associates Potato Wagon . 8.Preliminary reviewof early submittals for exterior alterations inLionshead. a.Antlers b.Gondola Building c.Canada's entry remodel •PEC -3-5/29/84 • visible,perhapsfewer dwellings would be more appropriate.Trout felt that it was ironic that the Town wanted tocut down density inone project and incr.ease it in this project.He added that theplan was sensitive tothe site. Trout moved and Rapson seconded toapprovethe request for aminor subd ivision and torezoneas requested,including thedrawings and model shown and the adoptionofthe development plan.The vote was 4-0with Piper abstaining. 6.A request for a density variance in order to build amanager's unit at theTreetops Condominiums on Lot6,Block 1,Lionshead First Filing.Applicant:Treetops Condominium Associattion Kristan Pritz showed floor and site plans Peter Looms,architect for the project, mentioned that there would bethe need topay for two more parking spaces.He added that thespace that would bethemanager's unit had been planned for storage and laundry. Rapson moved and Donovan seconded toapprovethe request for the density variance becausethe strict or literal interpretation ofthe regulation would result in practical difficulty orunnecessaryphysical hardship.The two additional parking spaces would also have tobepaid for by the applicant.The vote was 5-0infavor 7.Administrative appealof staff decision regarding Vail Associates'Potato Wagon. Peter Patten explained that two questions tobeconcernedwithwere:1)isthe potato wagon an accessory use?and 2)is this outside vending? Patten added that the staff considered the "fixed barbecue"an accessory,but that the potato wagon was moveable . ..Dave Edeen ofVail Associates disagreed that the potato wagon was avending operation, .~~u t that it was usedthe same way asthebarbecue.'He added that Vail Associates .didnot intend totake it off ofthe licensed premises..Edeen explained that the potato wagon was leased from Buck Latearneau's company by Vail Associates. Larry Eskwith told theboard that they must make the decision withoutconcern asto who was runningthe operation,and must decidewhetherornot it was an accessory useoravendinguse. Donovan felt that the potato wagon couldbe considered an accessory use if a waitress would have toservethe potatoes tocustomers at tables,but if the potatoes were soldto passersby,it was vending.Rapson stated that duringtheVailSki Classic, Buck'speople were actually receiving themoney--it was pointedout that this was i~correct,that it was free.Viele felt the potato wagon was vending,and felt that the Council should make the final decision.Troutagreedwith Viele,and Piper felt that a basic definition ofvending was needed. Rapson felt that if there was anagreement entered into withtheshopor restaurant owner,it couldbe called an accessory use.John Railton,a member ofthe audience, felt that a restaurant shouldbe able to distribute food asina salad bar,but it shouldbeeateninthe restaurant. •PEC -4-5/29/~ La rry Eskwith stated that hethoughtthe question was not tota lly clear cut. Eskwith felt the question was a difficult one.Donovan offered theidea that perhaps it wou ld depend upon who received the money,for example if one had to go into the shop or restaurant to pay for themerchandise it couldbean accessory use.Piper mentioned that it might make a difference if themerchandise were ona specific premises.Trout as ked if a potato couldbepurchased independently, and Levine answered that it couldbe and that it couldbe eaten elsewhere. • More discussion ofwhetherornotto consider this vendingor accessory uses followed.Donovan felt that theydidnot have enough information and wanted time · for further study. Viele moved and Trout seconded touholdthe staff dec ision that the otato wa on shouldbe considered outside vending.The vote was 2in favor,2Piper and Rapson) against,with Donovan abstaining.Therefore the staff decision was notupheld. Patten stated that the matter would be called up to Council on either June5 at work session oronJune19. ~-2-5/29/84 'II .,• ,- Trout wondered how to resolve the fireplace request with other projects that require fireplaces.Norris stated that inhis original plan,62 fireplaces had beenapproved,and he was askingforonly18.Trout wondered if approval"would come back at theboard,and others would askfor fireplaces. Norris stated that heplannedtocompletephase ii,theparking structure and the athletic club and beginthe Terrace Wing,tobe completed by the fall of 1985. Next spring start thePlaza wing conference,quest 'rooms and retail tobecompleted by Dece mber of '86.Also finish West Haven next summer.Vieleaskedabout employee housing,and Norris replied that there were 20 units reserved for employees at Valli Hi,but these were only 60 %occupied.He added that most employees were semi-permanent,and housing was notan issue.Patten stated that an employee housingsurvey had just been completed by Eagle County,butthe staff had not yet had timetostudy it.His feeling was that employee housing was not critical at this time,but that Valli Hi was notabarometer.He felt that there was a need toplan for longterm employee housing.He added that the staff felt that not all ofthe employee housingshouldbe released.Norris added that several apartments at Col dstream were leased fo r em ployees. Donovan suggestedgas fireplaces,ski trails were discussed,and theparking structure was explained.Piper then mentioned that dwelling units were changed to accommo- dation units,and then fireplaces were asked for.He felt that others couldsay that theycould change accommodation units todwelling units and ask for fireplaces. The study session ended here. 4.Request for a setback variance in order to enclose acovereddeck and hottub area at Lot19,Block 7,Vail Village 1st Filing at 324 Beaver Dam Road. Applicant:Peter Kalkus \ \ thr three lots into one.Pro osed are 4 dwellin The vote was 5-0in favor. ~~ Peter Patten reviewed theproposal and explained that an SDD will often result ina better sit plan.He showed site plans which indicated an open meadow to remain open space.Patten explained that originally the applicants had planned to include two employee units,and since the applicants had removed the employee units from the proposal,the staff was recommending denial.Patten pointed out that the Community ActionPlan stressed the need for employee housing.JohnWheeler, oneofthe applicants,stated that he felt the employee units would causea real hardship inmarketingthe project. Viele felt that such asmall project shouldnotbe required tosupply employee housing.Rapson agreedwith Viele,Donovan added that since the site was very 5.9 Block H,Vaildas Schone #2,from Residential ment District #13,ana concurrent re uest ',.:~Kristan Pritz outlined the request.She explained that the adjacent lot was in ~~,.theprocessofbeingdedicatedtothe Town as open space.The staff felt that thi s was a"no-impact"typeof vari ance and recommended approvaLCraig Snowdon, architect for the applicant,stated that the intent was to try touse existing _~:po s t s and not disturb the site . ..~ Viele moved and Ra son seconded ."•Planningand Environmental Commission May 29,1984 PRESENT Diana Donovan Duane Piper Gordon Rapson WillTrout JimViele ABSENT Scott Edwards Gordon Pierce STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Kristan Pritz Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack The meeting was called to order by thechairman,Duane Piper,at 3:00 pm. 1.Approval ofminutesofmeetingof May 14.Donovan moved and Viele seconded toapprovetheminutes.Vote was 4infavorwithTrout abstaining. 2.Request for a setback variance and a conditional usepermitin order tocon- struct drive-in bank facilities at theVaildas Schone shopping center at 2111 North Frontage Road West.Applicant:1st National Bank ofVail Peter Patten showed changes made tothe site plan since the last meeting.He felt that two things cbuldclean up theparking :10t:Striping ~s per ·theprevious bank approval on Vail Commons (there was to be a joint parklng agreement with re-. striping to include compact cars which would add more spaces),and the landscaping islands which could better define driving lanes. Rick Baldwin,architect for the applicant,showed elevations and perspecti~es ofthe project.Discussionof relocation ofthebikepathfollowed and then j ~h e size of the planters was discussed.It was felt that they were toosmall ·,~t o support plants.Patten reminded theboard that this proposal would be reviewed at DRB. Trout moved and Rapson seconded toapprovethe variance request perthe staff memo of 5/19/84.The vote was 4-0withViele abstaining. 3.Work session to amend theSpecial Development District 4to increase commercial space,revise height standards,add two parcels,request additional fireplaces and other minor revisions.. Andy Norris.applicant,explained the changes and added that astudy had been made which indicated more need for hotel ~ooms and meetingspacewith additional retail.Rapson felt a need to know when the construction ofthephases would takeplacebecausethemarketcould change againin3or4 years.Norris mentioned that Cascade Village will be more self contained so that it can survive anything and can fill the shoulder seasons,plus compete withBeaver Creek aswellas Keystone,Copper Mountain,etc. •••• Planning andEnvironmental Co mmission May 29,1984 1:30 pm Site Inspections 3:00 pm Public Hearing 1 .App roval ofminutesof May 14. Wo rk Sess ion 2;Req uest for a setba ck variance and a conditional usepermit inorde r to const ruct drive-i n bank fa c il ities at the Vai l das Scho ne shoppi ng cente r at 2111 No rth Frontage Road Wes t.Applicant:1st Natio nal Bank 3.Requ est to ame nd Special De velop ment Di strict 4(Cascade Village )to tothe following: a.Increase allowable retail to between 36,000and37,000 square feet. b.Revise the height standards to make them consistent with the current definition of height inthezoningcodeso that no buildings in the SDD will be taller tha n theWestin Hotel. c .Add toCascadeVillage by rezoning and eli minating lot lines (minor subdivision)two parcels known as the Robbins and Cosgriff parcels . d.Re quest a variance tot he fireplace ordinance toallow18accommodation units to have fireplaces. e.Ma ke other minor revisions to the SDD ordinance to bring the ordinance up to date with 1984 zoning regulations and make it consistent with the above revisions. 4.Request for a setback variance in order to enclose acovereddeckand hottubarea at Lot19,Block7,Vail Village 1st Filing at 324 Beaver Dam Road.Applicant:Peter Kalkus 5. 6. Request to rezoneLots7,8,and 9,Block H,Vaildas Schone #2,from .ResidentialPri mary/Secondary to Special Development District No.13, anda concurrent request for aminor subdivision to combine the three lots into one.Proposed are six dwelling units,two ofwhich would be employee units.Applicant:Wand WAssociates,Ltd. A request for a density variance in order to build a manager's unit at the Treetops Condominiums onLot6,Block1,Lionshead First Filing. Applicant:Treetops Condominium Association 7.Admin istrati ve appeal of staff decision rega rding Vail Associates Potato Wagon . 8.Preliminary reviewof early submittals for exterior alterations inLionshead. a.Antlers b.Gondola Building c.Canada's entry remodel •PEC -3-5/29/84 • visible,perhapsfewer dwellings would be more appropriate.Trout felt that it was ironic that the Town wanted tocut down density inone project and incr.ease it in this project.He added that theplan was sensitive tothe site. Trout moved and Rapson seconded toapprovethe request for aminor subd ivision and torezoneas requested,including thedrawings and model shown and the adoptionofthe development plan.The vote was 4-0with Piper abstaining. 6.A request for a density variance in order to build amanager's unit at theTreetops Condominiums on Lot6,Block 1,Lionshead First Filing.Applicant:Treetops Condominium Associattion Kristan Pritz showed floor and site plans Peter Looms,architect for the project, mentioned that there would bethe need topay for two more parking spaces.He added that thespace that would bethemanager's unit had been planned for storage and laundry. Rapson moved and Donovan seconded toapprovethe request for the density variance becausethe strict or literal interpretation ofthe regulation would result in practical difficulty orunnecessaryphysical hardship.The two additional parking spaces would also have tobepaid for by the applicant.The vote was 5-0infavor 7.Administrative appealof staff decision regarding Vail Associates'Potato Wagon. Peter Patten explained that two questions tobeconcernedwithwere:1)isthe potato wagon an accessory use?and 2)is this outside vending? Patten added that the staff considered the "fixed barbecue"an accessory,but that the potato wagon was moveable . ..Dave Edeen ofVail Associates disagreed that the potato wagon was avending operation, .~~u t that it was usedthe same way asthebarbecue.'He added that Vail Associates .didnot intend totake it off ofthe licensed premises..Edeen explained that the potato wagon was leased from Buck Latearneau's company by Vail Associates. Larry Eskwith told theboard that they must make the decision withoutconcern asto who was runningthe operation,and must decidewhetherornot it was an accessory useoravendinguse. Donovan felt that the potato wagon couldbe considered an accessory use if a waitress would have toservethe potatoes tocustomers at tables,but if the potatoes were soldto passersby,it was vending.Rapson stated that duringtheVailSki Classic, Buck'speople were actually receiving themoney--it was pointedout that this was i~correct,that it was free.Viele felt the potato wagon was vending,and felt that the Council should make the final decision.Troutagreedwith Viele,and Piper felt that a basic definition ofvending was needed. Rapson felt that if there was anagreement entered into withtheshopor restaurant owner,it couldbe called an accessory use.John Railton,a member ofthe audience, felt that a restaurant shouldbe able to distribute food asina salad bar,but it shouldbeeateninthe restaurant. •PEC -4-5/29/~ La rry Eskwith stated that hethoughtthe question was not tota lly clear cut. Eskwith felt the question was a difficult one.Donovan offered theidea that perhaps it wou ld depend upon who received the money,for example if one had to go into the shop or restaurant to pay for themerchandise it couldbean accessory use.Piper mentioned that it might make a difference if themerchandise were ona specific premises.Trout as ked if a potato couldbepurchased independently, and Levine answered that it couldbe and that it couldbe eaten elsewhere. • More discussion ofwhetherornotto consider this vendingor accessory uses followed.Donovan felt that theydidnot have enough information and wanted time · for further study. Viele moved and Trout seconded touholdthe staff dec ision that the otato wa on shouldbe considered outside vending.The vote was 2in favor,2Piper and Rapson) against,with Donovan abstaining.Therefore the staff decision was notupheld. Patten stated that the matter would be called up to Council on either June5 at work session oronJune19. ~-2-5/29/84 'II .,• ,- Trout wondered how to resolve the fireplace request with other projects that require fireplaces.Norris stated that inhis original plan,62 fireplaces had beenapproved,and he was askingforonly18.Trout wondered if approval"would come back at theboard,and others would askfor fireplaces. Norris stated that heplannedtocompletephase ii,theparking structure and the athletic club and beginthe Terrace Wing,tobe completed by the fall of 1985. Next spring start thePlaza wing conference,quest 'rooms and retail tobecompleted by Dece mber of '86.Also finish West Haven next summer.Vieleaskedabout employee housing,and Norris replied that there were 20 units reserved for employees at Valli Hi,but these were only 60 %occupied.He added that most employees were semi-permanent,and housing was notan issue.Patten stated that an employee housingsurvey had just been completed by Eagle County,butthe staff had not yet had timetostudy it.His feeling was that employee housing was not critical at this time,but that Valli Hi was notabarometer.He felt that there was a need toplan for longterm employee housing.He added that the staff felt that not all ofthe employee housingshouldbe released.Norris added that several apartments at Col dstream were leased fo r em ployees. Donovan suggestedgas fireplaces,ski trails were discussed,and theparking structure was explained.Piper then mentioned that dwelling units were changed to accommo- dation units,and then fireplaces were asked for.He felt that others couldsay that theycould change accommodation units todwelling units and ask for fireplaces. The study session ended here. 4.Request for a setback variance in order to enclose acovereddeck and hottub area at Lot19,Block 7,Vail Village 1st Filing at 324 Beaver Dam Road. Applicant:Peter Kalkus \ \ thr three lots into one.Pro osed are 4 dwellin The vote was 5-0in favor. ~~ Peter Patten reviewed theproposal and explained that an SDD will often result ina better sit plan.He showed site plans which indicated an open meadow to remain open space.Patten explained that originally the applicants had planned to include two employee units,and since the applicants had removed the employee units from the proposal,the staff was recommending denial.Patten pointed out that the Community ActionPlan stressed the need for employee housing.JohnWheeler, oneofthe applicants,stated that he felt the employee units would causea real hardship inmarketingthe project. Viele felt that such asmall project shouldnotbe required tosupply employee housing.Rapson agreedwith Viele,Donovan added that since the site was very 5.9 Block H,Vaildas Schone #2,from Residential ment District #13,ana concurrent re uest ',.:~Kristan Pritz outlined the request.She explained that the adjacent lot was in ~~,.theprocessofbeingdedicatedtothe Town as open space.The staff felt that thi s was a"no-impact"typeof vari ance and recommended approvaLCraig Snowdon, architect for the applicant,stated that the intent was to try touse existing _~:po s t s and not disturb the site . ..~ Viele moved and Ra son seconded ."•Planningand Environmental Commission May 29,1984 PRESENT Diana Donovan Duane Piper Gordon Rapson WillTrout JimViele ABSENT Scott Edwards Gordon Pierce STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Kristan Pritz Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack The meeting was called to order by thechairman,Duane Piper,at 3:00 pm. 1.Approval ofminutesofmeetingof May 14.Donovan moved and Viele seconded toapprovetheminutes.Vote was 4infavorwithTrout abstaining. 2.Request for a setback variance and a conditional usepermitin order tocon- struct drive-in bank facilities at theVaildas Schone shopping center at 2111 North Frontage Road West.Applicant:1st National Bank ofVail Peter Patten showed changes made tothe site plan since the last meeting.He felt that two things cbuldclean up theparking :10t:Striping ~s per ·theprevious bank approval on Vail Commons (there was to be a joint parklng agreement with re-. striping to include compact cars which would add more spaces),and the landscaping islands which could better define driving lanes. Rick Baldwin,architect for the applicant,showed elevations and perspecti~es ofthe project.Discussionof relocation ofthebikepathfollowed and then j ~h e size of the planters was discussed.It was felt that they were toosmall ·,~t o support plants.Patten reminded theboard that this proposal would be reviewed at DRB. Trout moved and Rapson seconded toapprovethe variance request perthe staff memo of 5/19/84.The vote was 4-0withViele abstaining. 3.Work session to amend theSpecial Development District 4to increase commercial space,revise height standards,add two parcels,request additional fireplaces and other minor revisions.. Andy Norris.applicant,explained the changes and added that astudy had been made which indicated more need for hotel ~ooms and meetingspacewith additional retail.Rapson felt a need to know when the construction ofthephases would takeplacebecausethemarketcould change againin3or4 years.Norris mentioned that Cascade Village will be more self contained so that it can survive anything and can fill the shoulder seasons,plus compete withBeaver Creek aswellas Keystone,Copper Mountain,etc. ••• ~ ..L s -;-"a:.),~ qo rF i b---/ ~j7WJr"'w/~ tf'h /0L~~-~~d~ L L~7 ~~~~ ••• 11,525 :>1 S-o l t..\ •UPPER EAGLE VALLE Y WATER AND SANITA TION DISTRICT S e:.'f>r OREST ROAD .VAIl.COlOliADO 6 1657 (3 03)<116·7 48 0 .\J (J I May 2 9 ,19 84 ~lr .J o hn ~"'hee le r Wheeler -Pipe r/Arch itect s 2 077 No .F r on tageRoa d Va il,Col or ado 8 1657 RE :Lo ts 7,8 ,and 9,Blk H,Vail Das S c hon e Fili ngNo .2,Tow n of Vail Dea r Mr.Wh ee le r: T he Vail Valley Co nsolid at ed Wat er Di str ict an dUp per Eagl e Val ley Sanita tio n Dist r ic t ca n an d wi .ll p ro vi de dome sti c wate rs ervicea nd sewe rs er vi ce to the abo ve refe re n ce d dev e lopme nt . The Di stric ts h a ve e xce ss c ap acity to proc ess domestic wat er at t he prese nt t ime t o it sc o nst itu en ts .Accord ingly , upo n .comp l iance wit h th e Ru le s a nd Regu la tio nsa nd t he p ay - me nt of app ro pr i ate t ap fees ,the Districts will provide d o mestic wa t er se rv ice and se wers ervice . Upper Eagle Valley Sanitatio n Distr ic t 's s ewer l ine ext ends up Gar mish Dri ve ,bu t falls short of making it to th e se t hreel o ts .I ndiv id u al wa te r a nds ewer li n es f or eac h b uilding will be r equired. Sinc erely , DK :p f Dav id Krene k,P .E . r ,Tech ni c al Dire ctor 0-c +-v t"-'\ P;.Iol.r I CI:".:.r I ""::;D 's r ~I {;T5 _h;";.;,..:-•••••~:.:,..'."c_-H~;~Q ••··\..c -,,,'=..~o .".:A i t ~It ""t::.t.,'.'!:~cq (.'!::lol;"'L "'=~C ......1.r t ~.8 t:P RV C~r-E.r<M El AO v ..:.1(:....~A :..!:.•.:...._•••.::::.;::..r:..,.';"4~".r::"..._-:-,S \-t:...._':'''''E C>.((.E.Io'·~."E:_L.'O'''''S >lV t.."!'"~'"'_•....:....'!:R.!:.:.e:...E '.,/A,,,-::::'"5 A,."IJ .:..7 ,O ...."AI ... •'';''-_['"(I;.".'J';)l :.~t..;E;)'.'.'J-,:[:.•V':"IL oJ.',:....E R .:l.t~D 5,A r .'''l ,:.~'O N ( •J'. TO: FROM: • Pla nning and Environmental Com mission Community Develop ment Department • ( DATE:May 23,1984 SUBJECT:A request for aminor subdivision to abandon internal lot lines of three lots and rezonethe property from Primary/Secondary to Special Develop ment District #13.The lots involved inths request a re 7,8,9 ,Bloc k H,Vaildas Schone Filing No.2. Applicant:W&WAssociates ,Ltd ·1.RE ZON ING REQ UEST Background of this Proposal These lots were subdivided by Eag le County and zoned Primary/Secondary by t~:~ Town ofVail after annexation .It isthe applicant's objective to develo p(~ residential units onthe site (all three lots areunder single ownership). Rezoning toan SDD is necessarytogainaccesstoLot9.This lot is a "flag lot"withapproximately a 20 %slo pe where the lot accesses to Garmish Drive. This slope ma kes access virtually i mpossible,leaving Lot9 essentially undevelop- able.The proposed SDD and minor subdiv ision would allow for fle xibility inthe development ofthe site,whilemainta ining the same densities asthe adjacent propert ies intheneighborhood. The staff has been working withthe applicant todevelopa solution for accessing Lot9.The SDD zoning and minor subdivision will allow for the site planning of the three lots asawhole.Th is will substantially improve thei mpact of development on the site by reducingthe number and severity ofcut s for driveways. Elimination of internal lot lines will also allow for flexibility in siting structures onthe lot(s). One aspect of this application that should be notedis how this proposalcould impactLot10.Located directly tothenorthofLot9,Lot 10 is also a "flag lot"with similar access problems.The staff encouraged theappl icant to incorporate Lot 10 into this proposal.Contact was made between the two parties ,but no agree- ment was madeto include Lot 10 in this SDD.If approved,this SDD would eliminate oneaccess possibility toLot10. Develop ment Potential ofthe Proposed SDD The following table illustrates the development potential ofthe i ndividual lots and development ofthe site as proposed und er this application: • (Existing Development Potential ofLots7,8,9 *AllowableAllowable ConditionalTotal Lot Zone Size GRFA Units UnitsUnits 7 PIS 10,890 sf 2,723 sf 1 12 8 PIS 11 ,326 sf 2,831 sf 112 9 PIS 22,218 sf 4,472 sf 2 2 44,432 sf 10,026 sf 426 *Because lots 7 and 8are less than15,000square feet,secondary units would be conditional based upon further reviewas required by Section18.13.080 of thezoningcode.Thisreviewisintendedto insure that a lot of this size hasthe capacity tohandleasecondary unit. Development Proposed for SOD #13 ( Unit 1 Unit2-3 Unit4 Totals #ofUnits 1 2 1 4 units GRFA 2,800 sf 3,500 sf (2,100 sf primary,1400 sf secondary) 2,100 8,400 sf GRFA The total number of allowable units for this site isfour.This number could beashighas6 if the two employee units were tobe included.Allowable GRFA onthe three lots is 10,026square feet,while8,400square feet are proposed. DESIGN STANDARDS FOR AN SOD The development plan for an SOD requires applicable design standards tobe met.The following is a summary of this proposalwith respect tothenine criteria: A.Buffer Zones A buffer zone is required for any SOD that is adjacent to any low-density residential use.Sincethe density and useof this proposalisthe same assurroundingdevelopment,a buffer zone is not required. •5/23/84 ( B.Circulation System Public Works and the Fire Department have reviewed the internal vehicular circulation of this proposal and have approved the design. C.Functional Open Space Inreviewing this site plan,the staff feels the applicant has done a good jobof optimizing views and preserving natural open spaces when possible. D.Variety of Housing Types Potential development on this site couldallow for up to6 units (2of which would be employee units).At one time these employee units were a part of this proposal,but were subsequently eliminated by the applicant. The staff was disappointed tosee this change inthe development plan as it eliminated a key variety ofhousing type. E.Privacy Not applicable to this scale of development. F.Pedestrian Traffic ~.Not applicable to this scale of development. G.Building Type Density,siting,and bulkofthe proposed structures arecompatiblewith surrounding development. H.Building Design This will bereviewed at the ORB level if this proposal is approved. 1.Landscapi ng ofTotal Sites While there are a number of retaining wallsonthe site,they are for the most part adequately landscaped.Otherlandscapingonthe site appears sufficient and will also be reviewed by the ORB if this proposalis approved . •SDD 13 e-5/23/84 ( ( Permit ted,Conditional,and Accessory Uses The usesinan SDD are those permitted inthe zone district inwhich it i ~ located.In this case,uses would be limited to those inthePrimary/Secondary zone. 18.13.020 Permitted uses The followinguses shall be permitted: A.Single-family dwellings B.Two-family residential dwellings 18.13.030 Conditional uses The following conditional uses shall be permitted,subject to issuance ofa conditional usepermit. A.Public utility and public service uses B.Public buildings,ground and facilities C.Publicor private schools D.Publicparkand recreation facilities E.Ski1ifts and tows 18.13 .040 Accessoryuses The following accessory uses shall be permitted : A.Private greenhouses,toolsheds,playhouses,garagesor carports,swi mming pools,patios,and recreation facilities custo marily incidental to single- family and two-family residential uses; B.Home occupations,subject to issuance ofa home occupationpermit. C.Otheruses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses,and necessary for the operation thereof. Other Issues Concerning This Application The applicant has gone througha lengthy processto insure that the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District will beableto service this site with water.While this problem appearsto have been mitigated,anyapprovalgiven shouldbe conditional ona letter from the District insuring adequatewater pressure will be available and meet therequirementsoftheVail Fire Department.The Fire Department has reviewed and approved the development planbut will notgive its final approval unless the above letter is submitted .Said letter shouldbeinour office by June1,1984. STAFF RECOMMENDATION With one exception,the staff is generally pleasedwith this submittal.The site planning and designof this project is much improved withthe flexibility afforded by the SDD zoning.This would notbe possible if the lots were developed individually.However,the staff is discouraged by the eli mination ofthe two employee housing units that wereonceanelementof this proposal.Employee ..•SDD 13 -tt 5/23/84 ( ( II. housinghas been along standing issue in this community and it has been a priority of this departmenttoencourage them whenever possible.The Vail Community ActionPlan also notestheimportance of meetingtheneeds of ~ployee housing.Acounty-wide employee housing survey's initial results indicate there is a preference for this typeof employee unit as opposed toa "Valli Hi"type of facility (final results of the surveyshouldbe available in July). Thisproposalhasan opportunity toadd two employee units tothe community, and that opportunity is notbeing taken.Because of this,our recommendation of this request is denial.Our opinion is that the applicants are asking for everything they want without giving the community the benefit of the employee housing. MINOR SUBDIVISION Description ofRequest This application is required asa part of the rezoning request.Thisminor subdivision would abandon the internal lot lines of lots 7,8,and 9.These three lots would thenbe considered asone lot,or SDD #13 if approved.(De- velopment potential of the lots both individually and collectively have been outlined elsewherein this memo). Criteria Evaluation 17.16.110 PEC Review Criteria The burdenofproof shall rest withthe applicant to show that the application is incompliancewith the intent andpurposesof this chapter,thezoning ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems applicable.Due consideration shall begiventothe recommendations made by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under 17.16.090.The PEC shall reviewthe application and consider its appropriateness inregardto Town of Vail policies relating "to subdivision control,densities proposed,regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents,environmental inte- grity and compatibility with surrounding land uses. Density The proposed SDD includes less overall GRFA than is allowedonthe three lots when considered collectively.Thisisa positive factor in considering the overall bulkand mass of structures on the site.While up to six units could possibly be built onthe site,this applicat ion isproposing on ly 4 units. The staff would prefer a density of 6 units,2 being restricted employee units. Site Plan Abandoning these lot lines allows for greater flexibility in site designing for these lots.The proposed site planhastakenadvantageof this,resulting in an improved appearanceon the lot compared todevelopingthe lots individually. ,.,•SDD 13 4It 5/23/84 c. Compatibility With Surrounding Properties Density on these three lots will notbe greater than those onsurrounding lots.Thisproposal would beverycompatible within its neighborhood. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Because theminor subdivision goeshand-in-handwiththe SDD proposal,we recommend denial.We feel the applicant shouldbeproposinga density which includes two employee units. ••._. /f\b"t~~'j -0.J-tI'--~~J..r 0,.k --..AlC'V~~,,::.+~~~~ "-<-A\I'-&-j.,\O'J'.1 ~~U J '~ ••.4t (f\~(j-rSuL C-"~"~\""s.t.~(~J~~I~;) <C O,\).~_ Q.s.,,~1,~~&-0-1,')2-v"~ r~l,~~~~~l~A ~:J!~':~t:~~ DLl ~[.£4+s.:Ju 1;~ rrrw,or-.Y.£.~f.vtr~~<-~II.lb ./(0 rr /7 ·-~. 7/Pl/.~&?1 . /'-------~j "/~.~ r -_If //7 2/ ,9 -------'t -z---z..-...-- ~L V C ~@~0 t (/3ZIY~ < t/n91 -==- CAlifS z:t ~iI/~Cf //cr;;S.lJb:J IJ /1?1 ~Td .~.~·~rr'1Jj~--4N~.c 5jj ;j(/.ffi/~~kff )/~ .".... ,~1iJ1!~;!/ J(Ji~~ - ),1 ~~_0/t1/~-)II./:z:::j-~tC ~tfdL;2-/'/I~ _";~~i7 D~~;-F1r _§:!:f;7s {T.4t?"'-<€'!U~0/-vL-d¢r-/-4#~L /t-stfr I"~. ~/#_j(} $~~~~~u#.<-7'1.'!4:~4";'/~//rn// ~~"P'-_'{/~4£P-e';/~~--r~/ ~;/T7;tt/"'tf! ~7Jf;l/~ff'/Id?//v£fr .-; Z s-nud4-Y;Z,r/7--rJ ~?lAY ~,:~Y7/fl#-- //./~tA-?t7 I/Je/Af///cfP/ S/C;:/t/l5ZJ /dt/lAp h /~;""1<'/41;/ .. -11 L~Vv-/e,f if-..eA"~~ -I ~/"",-",-.9-J~V~~;y-J) II -I ----k /R /VftiT'f ...::::=:>LA ~Av-kv--.Vv..)o.-.J ~ OJ-b ~J~j~ -+-~--_..---'-_---~ ~~ 7 :~J-~U1\\~ CM.\z~l $i''''c.e.- " •f ..I".. ~ f);~:--~~~~sI~~Jr~ j1JJ-~'l;~krJ/u-~,rJ ~rnJ 'I ~tJ/~p I!e?)wl) .----;>1-0 //ctk-LL &U&A1:AL '<r ~.fv.b ~/SPv ~;t(.~5,pf)tJ;-hu(v-hHY}JJ/.Lr; ,t:ud/ih>e ~/4l tU-gw'd'e --.._- • -- ~,t~l4­ i~6~ -P5.rt:or co......uwrr-(t>W . 10.".-4 Cf V~r L V~I '-I ~\.c,.~IoS 7 1t\1s I~Mf ~-nL- 2.,.~t'\'T'~.~DC.'te. Cii1~~;i:Eil2ffll ~OlSiIZ\t7 WI&r"~"(t~~Mt)vIE..~, ~~,.lIfL t1t"~~.,.~.,.~ ~\-rwt ~"UMf!· .~~ r....c.oc ""o N cJ)If ....L..-.CD OS!•CD CD ....L..-."__If-.e(i)o i ~ ~~"CD ; QlD Q~ ,IG~c.CD~-()CD.:CDi-.e> ~"a IGoc. Gl Q IG...coc... •5/14/84 -3 - Donovan wondered if the Town of Va il property would have t o be done at the sam e timeto makethe proj ect work ,and Knigh t replied th at th e Town property wa s notineminent danger . Viele move d andPiel'ce s econded to approvet he mi nor subdivis ion wi tht he conditi ons Ath rough D as notedin s taff mem odated Ma y 4,1984 .The vote was5-0infa vor . Viele moved and Ed ward s seconded toa pprove the f loodplain modi fication asper the staff memo of May 4,1984 providing pro per permi ts from the Corp s ofEngineers are obtained .The vot e was5-0in favor . 3.Ar equest toame nd Special De velop men t Distric t 4,Cascade Villa ge . Applicant :Mansfiel d Lt d The app licant aske d to t able un til May 29,and Pierce movedand Viele seconded to t a ble to 5/29 with the condit i on tha ti t mus t be hear d the n orwithdrawn. The vote wa s5-0infa vorof ta bli ng. 5.Requ estt o rezone lot s7,8 ,and9 ,Block H,Va il da s Sch CJl1eii~C 'f~ Re sidentialPri mary/Secondary to Sp ecial Developme~t~istrict No .13 , anda concurr ent r eues.t.for -'a-mi nor-.su bd ivisi on toco.ethetht s into one.Pt:QFi osed -are si x dwelling units-,.,..two of which wouldbe em ployee unit s.Appl icant:Wand WAssoci ates,L~ ~-----------The applica nt as ked to table until May 29.Ed wards mov ed and Pierce se conde d to approv e t he ta bli ng with thecondition t hat it mustbeheard the nor withdrawn . Thevote was 5-0in f avorof ta bling. 7.Request for a set back variance i n order to enclose acovereddeck and hot tubareaarea at Lo t 19,Block 7,Vail Villa ge 1s t Filing at 324 Beaver Dam Road .Applicant:Pe ter Kalkus Th e applicant askedto table thi s until May 29.Vielemoved and Donovan second ed to table to5/29 .The vote was5-0 to table .. Pattenexpresse d ades i re t o have a work sessionwith the PE C to discuss way s to im provethemeet i ngs,agenda s,Commu nity Deve 1oprne nt department,longrange proj ects,etc .It wasdeci ded t o t ryto mee t befor ea meeti ng that mi ghtotherwis e be a short one . The meet ingadjour ned at 4:30 pm . •• trn L I TV tOCfl"!'I 0;-<VEll IFI CAT ION :..-._--------.SUBDIVISION~ JOB NAME~- LOT~BLOCK ~F ILING_ND.::....-:~::.-.:....-_ ADDRESS &#Mt kC#t?f?tNE. The location of utilities,whether they be main trunk line s or p ropos cd lines,must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature Da te Mounta in Be 11 1-634-3778 Western Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Ha 11 *Holy Cross Electric Assoc . Ted Husky/Michael Laverty · Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper EagleValley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek ./*For r,~\'1 cons t . 7;~ht'p l e a s e fi 11 0": attached sheet. NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor o f his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fromtli C Town of Vail,Department of Publ ic \~orks and to obta i Il utility locations before digging in anypub1 ic right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail .Abu i ld .ingpcrmi t is not a street cut permit.A street cut permit mus t h e obtained separately . .This form is to verify service avn i labl i ty andlocn t i on, This shou l dvbc used in coujunc t i on Idth pr-opar i nj;your utility plan and scheduling inst :lllations . .... l • DEDICATION "0.,•• RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ......._••,......_••~.II _...........e._.I ..."....,..c,....·• ....0 .Ile•••••.,._.._c_...,..A ..1:1'1."'_.,...:t I'_ ..._.}II/I ....C_.'_'.•D ....CA ••_J.._,.11 ••_••_.It-_ all •.......1-_....ok III'.1".,.~r,. ••or...·,.......Jil1".1 ,.I A D. ......Co _:_~:'!.~_c..'...1 '.71 e_'"_"co..,~~c _••••...-.-_. SCHONE 2 " "'_,-..-. 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DAS FILING NO. APPROVAL 0#PLANNING COMMISSION C (#IV£DATA APPROVAL lit BOARD 0,"COUNTY CO"'1MISSIONERS VAIL ....-...,.. ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE .".--_.._. SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT _...-......~_....,.....-......;"'\ .~;.:J.J ~__ I.r_..r_......,.__1'.,..a_...oe T-.C I;._...__•..__,,_.1'(__.__..•.c '"'.. •___.__1'__,__ ___.c_,,"_1'"••_,••1'_........--_.,....---..-_..-. -', NOre.:./: cj.T()-.~ ~/f,,~i/~:/~"""'--;/ s6~ ----------- • 9Apr84 REI S.D.D.submittal requirements for Lots 7,8 &9,Block H, Vail Das Schone Filling No.2. "S>VA~""-."'\I"J.~~ 1 '"2..--,.> '6 ,1...CQ c;51 y, Dear Tom: Aswe have discussed in your of fice,a soils r.:..e-0rt-wil1.De ---.....~ conducted and available prior to the DRB~ng of May 3~~ 1984,for the referred project.~~/ An 0 &E title report has been ordered and should be available in one to two days.~ I am meeting with Mike McGee today to resolve the considerations ~ with the fire dept.and will submit any adjustment to the site plan as soon as possible.~ A replat drawing is being prepared to vacate the interior ~ property lines. Tom Braun,Planner Dept.of Community Development Town of Vail Vail,CO Thankyou for your prompt review comments. S/1 \Jod Wheeler •PAINE WEBBER JACKSON &CURTIS I NCORPORATED k ublished 11179 Member N~York Stock Exchange.Inc.a nd Other Principa l Exchans,", 55WestMonroe,Chicago,Illinois 60603 (312)580-8000 March28 ,1984 Hr .Jo hn Wh e eler Wheeler Piper/Architects BO X 5560 Avon,Colorado 8 1620 Dear John : This is y our authority to sign all documents ,as a gent, on our behalf regarding the Town of Vail Special Development Districtwhich we ar e applying for on lot s 7 ,8 &9 Block H-Filing #2 Vail Village West. If any other info r mation is required ,please contact me at my office -312-580-8114 . G.Hudson Wirth , ",.•Date of Application APPLICATION FORM FOR -'l:l.Pf'""M~ DISTRICT BETJELel'ftl:EH'i'FLM' 5 '(;P LEGAL DESCRIPTION I.This procedure is required for any project that would go thr ough the Special Development District Procedure . The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A.NAME OFAPPLICANT WAtJJ A'5Soc1AL"tS.!L"tD . 1-I.~,z,.. ADDRESS 3S40 M ~L.ANE...N Cl/'t..T~gp oK IL...PHONE -Z 7t::t-/5'~ j ,~OO'""Z. B.NAME OFAPPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE~-~llPflR-gcw-rU!C-=~~_ ADDRESS Bpx~S5'=0 (tbvoJ I ~.B Lb~o PHONE '"]4-'1 -70'14- C.AUTHORIZATION D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS C/=hJ...~_f?lA\___~f2.-'.--.--=\fA.=\,-1 --'-_ Lo=r?7t ~f-~(~~~til E.FEE $100.00 PA ID _''?. F.A List of the name of owners of all property adjacent to the Subject property a nd their wiling a ddres ses. II.Four (4)copies of the following information: A.Det ail edwritt en/graphic description of p ropo sa l. B.An environmental impact report shall be submitted to the zoning administrator in accordance with Chapter 18.56 hereof unless waived by Section 18.56.030,e xempt projects; c .An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demands generated by the development without undue burden on available or proposed public facilities; (OVER) 1 ~1 Application fo.pecial De velopment Dist.Development Plan D.Existing contours having contour intervals of not more than five feet if the average slope of the site is twenty percent or less, or with contour intervals of not more than ten feet if the average slope of the site is greater than twenty percent . E.A proposed site plan,at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet,showing the approximate locations and dimensions of all buildings and structures,uses therein,and all principal site de velopment f eatures,such as landscaped areas,recreational facili- ties,pedestrian plazas and walkways,service entries,driveways, and off-street parking and loading areas with proposed contours after grading and site development; F.A preliminary landscape plan,at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty f eet,showing existing landscape features to be retained or removed,and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features,such as outdoor recreational facilities, bicycle paths,trails,pedestrian plazas and walkways,water features, and other elements; G.Preliminary building e levations,sections,and floor p lans,at a scale not s maller than one-ei ghth equals one foot,in sufficient detail to determine floor area,gross residential floor area,interior circulation,locations of uses within buildings,and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. III.Time Requirements The ...Planning and Environmental comm:iJssion meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month.An application with the necessary accompanying material must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting. NOTE:It is rec omm ended t hat b e for ea spec ial dev elopment d istrict a ppli cation is submitted,a r eview and comm ent me eting should be set up with the Dep artment of Community Dev elopment. •.. OWNER AND EN CUMBRAN CE REPORT E-8 4 -179 THIS IS TOCERTIFY THA T VA IL-EAGLETI TLE CO llPANY HAS CA USED A SEARCH TO TO MADE OF THE RECORDS IN THE OFFI CEOF THE RE CORDER OF EAGLE CO UNTY FRO t!SEPTE l-iBER ,1974 U1JT IL I·I ARCH 3 0,198 4 AT 8 :00 A.M.,RE LA TING T O THE FO LLOW ING PROPERTY : DESCRIP TION:LO TS 7 ,a ,AND 9 ,BLO CK H ,VA IL DAS SCH ONE ,F IL ING NO.2 , COUN TY OF EAG LE, STA TE OF CO LORADO TIT LE VESTED I N:G.HUDSON WIRTH THE FOL LOW ING INSTRU MENTS WERE F OU ND OF RECORD : 1 .DEED FR01 VA IL CIT Y CORPORATION,A COL ORA DO CORPORATION TO SCANDIA LODGE ASSOC IATES,A GENERA L PARTII ERSHIP CONVE YING SUBJECT PROPERTY AS RE CORDED NO VEMBER 7 ,1 974 I N BO OK 23 7 AT PAGE 2 62. 2 .DE ED FRO M S CAf lDI ALODGE ASS OCIATES,A GENERAL P ART NERSHIP TO G.HUDSON WIRTH CONVEYING SUB JE CT PROPERTY AS RE CORDED APRIL5 ,1 979 IN BOOK 283 AT PAGE 795 . 3 .ANY AND AL LTAXES AND ASSESSMEN TS AND UNREDEEMED TAXS ALES . 4 .ANY TA X OR ASSESS HEN T F OR HATER OR SEllER SER VI CE OR BY R2ASOtl OF I NCL USIO OF S UB J ECT PROP ER TY I N ANY SPECIA L ASSESSMENT DIS TRICT . 5 .RIGH T OF PROPRIE TOR OF A VE INOR LODET O EXT RACT AND RE MO VE HIS OR E ORE THEREFROiJ SHOULD TEE SA llE BEF OUND T OPENETRA TEOR I NT ERSECTTHE PREMISES AS SET FORTH IN P AT ENT F RO M THE UNITED S TATES RE CORDED I N BOOK 48 AT PAGE 236 . 6 .PROT ECTIVE COV ENANTS FOR VA IL DAS SCHONE ,F ILING NO .2 ,AS CON TA INED IN I NSTRUMENT RECORDED I N BOOK 21 6 AT PAGE284 AND AS CORRE CTED BY I NSRUMENT RECORDED I N BOO K 2 17 AT PAGE 7 7 . ".EASEl·IEN T F OR DRA IN AGE 10 FEE TI NHIDTH AN DA UTI L IT Y EASElIENT ALONG THE S OUT HER LY PORT I ON OF S UB JECT PR OPER TY AS S HO WN ON T HEP LAT OF VAIL DAS SCHONE ,FI LI NG NO .2 ,RE CORDE D IN BO OK 2 15 AT /PAGE 482 . THE FOREG OING I NFOR MATION I S FOR I NFORMAT ION PURP OSES ON LY .VAI L-EAGLE TI TLE CO MPANY ASSUMES NO RESPON S IBILI TY FOR LI ABILIT Y OR ACCURACY FOR TIllS REPORT NOR DOES THE TITL E CO MPANY ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBI LITY OR LIABILITY FOR TEE USE WII I CE SAID REPORT MAYBE I NTENDED. RESPE CTFULLY SUB MITTED , VAI L-EAGLE TI TLE CO MPANY PREIHUll :$1 35 .00 BY "-':-:"\I ~,_..i _. , ,I ~Pft~/-TP, ~e><(2..2>5' Vf:,.(L {Co,8(bt;b :~L '3>,_13U:q~?-l ~fbTje.lGt:-J.f.PbT~f2.tCI~L,~C$SaN ~X '30~f:, k ~~f~L.VC7bf.LI>6P-~_~",~;1 j ~;;:':UJ 6~l;f,~ffl J6<£5W1W=Sbb!..Z4S b "A~.!.dt p~.r;-,c:'_.. -;{"~IL.I e.o.'hlbt;,1 "~Lo)-~x -;f,?'1 {~~AI'I C Q •BU,Sf>• :,,~~j (;!:4,r,u--61)(SEf..~or--j1,I'e,n) ~_FT .'if f,{,fL ~ I-- ;.j -• l!~~oW"'.~~ jll L.cT<;.7{B 4-i I ~~-tt,~ti..-()~SdfoJ!JE..fZi~4.2. I '.I • J ./..or '2-,~-d.:::.~J';//,;te1 vJ,t ~f-61l..AtlE.. I:1°z.4 ~r"tb~Axe,- Ii W~")f~l iLl-,,'W%b ~)I UNlf I ~Jvrrf bn.~I 60X 1-~~~I VAIL I Co.?,!{"S& ~~~~~C;;,t2"Lt:±l ~INI;'Z -:~'(KAI f WIWAI41 J',1,r&XSDA./:. )-",$.st'::!qol:.4-~6.~NA S>b.U ~ye..I l:>E.J'.Iu:.•ce.,&>z ~1 ,\}'f ;:1 U!ol.ll";'.Lo-nw:,fl .4 L l~s£L 6J.l<=.t.A~<A41 k.~?'A-sf il Sox ~,'AU-{ea.Vk$~ Vi 1'1 \NIT 4-'.~~N.iJrt.:n.{c.oNPt>.%~fU.T ~Lo~ ~l?:!!.~is'?;.,~ll-I~'glbSo tJ\?~v :L.-oT bL-!}U::.~-:.uurr 5~uON~/ooJ-1-UR:($US~~E.~uAr;,~l J\P '.-+501 ~I i:$JTllCJC'('D{-Nv~I C-D.5ozz,J ..llo.llT '1 ~~)"ortA'T£~l;lOSe..UA\.IT ~'.~D.:J:...Jb..~vf.L~£.,t:..BL~ ;;DM/L£fr />AoJl<.,.qh c....6.e...d..Lo l-otneT;BOiJl.-PfJC.,~,~o303> i ,;;.~~u,t4NT lJ>-l,rT 1 ~41J,)~1:..«!.oS£.E.7).L /c;'",D6YIPlAWUNc.E.. ,.id Boo"</7~17 4-~w£.sr 57 TH &e>L-DfAJ L ce.30+"I i I VAIL.L te.su,Sb .Uo.J.1T ~~w1L.U t.Jo\1 <':.-.j Cd..T!f£le~M,Ao4.oi.esOJ'o.l ;.'1 ,eo u11..1,go 3ULF31~~/u..Coo>l/ :.;LoT LOt .~4f~..~5.~{J~, ~x z.4o~.. V'h.LL f <::0,_<t,lt:,Sb 10'..~}/AT~~~E~ .~l1t1J?::,,·\/AIL,C-o.6lhS~ -. I iI I "~ ,I "I'I! ':1I: ..jl 01" ~".---- 8lb5 6 ~~ChCP~60 ' i I,.~~J,f2A2.ITT~t~N T ($AI4J~T .'3eX '3 z -~~l I/"AtL I~.''blb5'b ~~" #-LD ;~iS.J(jD17i1 A.t f')AY IP W,«A{3>.;L . 10~j~,Ly'r-J ~t>~V1 D Wl ,tforr~ ~?,S"11 I Vl>IL \~.b /~S2:> 0A I"-(ow£r.l ~l.fNN f CAf2.oL J ~~~ i SOI ~~tJ..tT DI2l~,~((,lL~,~,Be>!1 z... liz,~.~~-,.#.T~~*&l-b}4A r<-os~~ (p 11/Yt11 U#S-ne.f;q<-: ~.:~Af!-VA1;):A I dO ...-,~00042 ~.> .............~.. #-~<~tfAfU'1CYT'l L.--WrL~f ~~.e.(~~0 '.~30 s ...~~f~~T-#t~t ~V~[Co,302-$1 1-4;.m ~Ut£F./T~V11-...~~'+/G/fY]A..YA~CJKQ .f3eX '.z.<J:>~I ~I~.I~'~/h£~...... if..tp'."5V~~L.W~~ ~'300 4--,.v-b.J L (<!o. • • ~ (]) (]) (]) ...c ~ •Ul Ul..• Ul l\-••"o " ..--ra> 'araor. Gl IIra..cor.-.c..c.oe l\- S N 26Mar84 Tom Braun Dept.of Community Development Town of Vail Vail,CO RE/Five-Unit S.D.D.for Wirth/Wheeler. Dear Tom: The zone change request for Lots 7,8 and 9,Block H,Vail Das Schone Filing No.2 is based on Topographic consideration and the common ownership of the three lots.Under present zoning and lot line configuration,three duplexes wouldbe allowed (two with employee housing units).All three drive- wayswould have severe cuts andwould have to utilize the maximum allowed slope for private drives.This situation can be substantially improved in regard to the visual and physical impact by vacating the internal lot lines and serving the combined units with one common drive with an 8%or less slope.The units for Lots 7and8canbe located further awayfrom the street and garages would not have to occur within the front setback,thus relieving congestion at the street. The applicant is requesting one less unit than allowed by present zoning in the following configuration:one single-.~ family,one primary/secondary duplex andone duplex consist-\ ant with the primary/secondary provision for .lots less then 15,000 S.F.This request is in keeping with surrounding primary/secondary zoning. Thank you for your cooperation and direction with this request. S~~rely, (1/A Ar---~_ 1'"VV"V' J~~Wheeler f)~ I (f j JJ14 1 ...,.........~.c. DEDICATiON /10.... R ECORDE ·s CERTIFICATE "':"&',..._u ....____"••c ........c~.. ......cc_.,a __C_'rf'hIf t._.....2~_.....' .,....J••____JL __•••_C.__JL.__. -.1..""I~-0.'""'4I#WJ. \ ;.- .... __.1L;.....,;.z l:..LL_._-_. \ I(NOW A4,.~M&N T ,...E ••NT.:T ......,..._......_, 0 '.,"",U.C,t'..,c.•••••,..O"............_-r-T _.,c __tit .,••CT ••• _~:.~::."::",,:::,~:...:..-:.'':;",,~s:..~~"C:~::_~.:.:.~'::~C~'T·•.c::'P:.·;I..-:I~··· -.....T-e ...,.__.W .....ac.~'M."P".TNC_..........1(~I a P -e.""'''10'"til ••r,"-..C.III "...~~••~PI'_.".~H·""'''••••.••_OOOC ·oa··..•N". ........._U _'II N .T C .".~~••~...c'_._.,'U .. .....·r/I n """c __",_.L.ec..·"'·.A VA."" OA.W •__I ••11.·..·"",."1"_-<'1'••r ..·..,,·..toe'ao •••~w ·-e. ......_n..C"•••••·W ·••,r __••".,1'__W ·-'10 ••.•"••0<• •"'..,r ••-e."~O y ·&.·••"•.IO"""'0.,'-'I .,-.c..D '1'"_ .._'1'_..e .,__••_·..·w·IA".""we ..~C .•""""ooe:.Ato._A"•.••".... e.....'11>C_.ra_._I.·..·''"•.a,.lUle.Pt'.•T ,.,~c._.____.,I.c .--_-"f ••-.Te_.-..~}••'."""...cc ~_.•S ·__••_·.,,·w· ......."'C-c a.·I.,·w·"Y.'ria __1 •c....s ac ""."""'0 ...,'''.0.0 .""""-__"'P.~T ••~__"'-""I~C."""'D ac ..",-1.•.·e"__..c.""".__e--C'lf ,..a~..·.:.-...."u .1 _~......T_D __0 .."'C T...,,~-.1 VAIL CIT V CO"~OAAT.ON~A CO\.O oo COA:AO~.....TI0..., .......•.1':""'\J II ~I--.~..,IY....',.~,~.,•.:...'f~_.--!~~_~-e-...e-.......tM_...."'......_C ..._T....~·~~CL&..~\,..:.:... ~..:.~-::::""..::)a...r.__...-.,~_...,t.I o::S.:ll -t •'If ;~I -.__••T_~!.~..T-e ~::-"";':.-;-.-;:::.:~.:••;.,.::::.:;.A~...~:::=·~-::::.:.:,::.:·...~~::;.~:.:~D.,_:,:,~.C:-;'-'""'M" £._~"""".'"C..........eo-l'IDlIUIoy _•-~~._.......,.. _.,_""r.c~••-.; DAS SCHONE FILING NO.2 "-., APPROVAL ...PLANNING COMMISSION ..-...--.-.~......-'hOle ..t.,_~..~,,_._y: "'--_....--.......~..~-..-.....-.........~....._-'~.........II ••." APPROVAL....BO.UD ...COUNTY COMMISSIONERS --,/-::::,......../.--,,, ,I,. ,I ,I II II I I 'l/'*,I",.,'.., ·...·c~..1.-..._ . / ,-.. ..,...._A.·~..,.___....a.......-.._e--..____.." •,""-II __"•••••• ......~.,..-•.,."'__"I ....................~-......-....~.....~ '.~. ~ " VAIL SURV£YOR"S AFFIDAVIT ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE I .",..•.-.....-.-....-.M.........,..,c....aa "~T-...'f'......................-.....-.......................,.-_. ....._~.IC_,.,...'I'I .....,.w-...-"'... ~'"...-...--_,-...."AI.&.__...__....____~ ___ft _"At'...-..--..__........-• ._~-_£~---....C _..................._..... / /NOTII:..........__..-.........Ta..._---...: I •of. ·~t •••"0-........ _._------- J '...' .'''~...''l_ ,.. .. , -, \ \ " "-". \ " " ",, " " x,/ r" :.-, -..... " •-t --..