HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 DOMINO'S SIGN LEGAL••Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name:Domino 's Pizza ProjectDescription:New Wall Sign Owner ,AddressandPhone:Laura Coyne,POBox 19000-210,Avon,CO 81620 Architec t/Contact ,AddressandPhone :same ProjectStreetAddress:2161N.Frontage Road West Legal Description :(West Vail Mall Sign File) ParcelNumb er: Comments :Approved as submitted Motionby:Hans Wold rich Seconded by :Melissa Greenauer Vot e:4-0 Conditions: TownPlanner:Brent Wilson Dat e:4/19/00 F:\EVERYONEI.DRRlAPPROV1\L \9 7\I D RBAPPR.FRM Build ing Nam e: Board /Staff Action Action:Consent Approved DRBFeePre-Paid:$36 .00 Date Client Addres Desl ner •Schnaubelt This design/eng ineeringis to rema in Capital's exclusive property unt' approved and accepted thru purchase byclient named ondrawing . 15100 "you can dream it Cap italcan build it. RI 309 and Broad Street P.O.Box 788 Lansdale ,PA 19446'()632 (215)822'()166/(215)646-7111 Fax:(215)822'()380 16 1 N Fro ntage Rd.W. Yal ~CO Account Exec. [MIKEBINDER [DOMINO'S PIZZA -c Capital LOCATION .269• DayView • =2 .5 SQUARE FOOTAGE : -LOGO :19"X19"=361/144 -LETTERS :18 "X 90"=1,620/144 =11 .2 -BLUEBAR"3 .5"X 90"=315/144 =2.1 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 15.8 2161 N.Frontage Rd.,W.,Vail,CO Existing Signage • 18"Illuminated Channel LettersWith Custom Logo Dale.00.00.00 Dale:00.00.00 Dale.00.00.00 Revtslons Specifications -18"Cha nnel Letters with Logo &BlueBar. 0 ....:..---'''''''-''= @)....:..._----'='-"= e ....:..·--'='-"= [ o ·CUSTOM LOGO Dat.32 4 00 ELEVATION SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" I ,Io5 1'~'~1 /1 6' ============~ 9"I 7'-6" Do •19" 2 71/2"< Night View PMS 485 •Viny l:Red 3M Scotchcal Translucent #VQ5948 PMS 300 •Viny l:Blue 3M Scotchcal Translucent #VQ5949 PMS 429 •Viny l:Silver 3M Scotchca l Trans luce nt #VL791 9 Pain t:Silver AKZO Nob le Grip Guard VNL 087nWhiteAcrylic Wh ite Flex :3M Panaflex Enhanced Image Sign Faci ng #645 Proposed NewSig nage Scale NOTED Archive a ry/DOml no's I [MtHj269a Drawing #I________________________-----1 Dal Cllenl Designer 1 5/00 This design/engineering is 10 remain Capifal's exclusive property untH approved and accepted Ihrupurchase byclient named ondrawing . 161NFron1ageRd.W. Yall.CO A aunl Exec. IKEBINDER If you can dream it Capital can build it. RT.309 and Broad sue«P.O.Box 788 Lansdale,PA 19446-0632 (215)822-0166 /(215)646-7111 Fax:(215)822-0380 [DOMINO'S PIZZA LOCATION .269• DayView =2 .5 • SQUARE FOOTAGE: -BLUEBAR"3 .5"X 90"=315/144 =2 .1 TOTA L SQUARE FOOTAGE 15.8 -LEITERS:18 "X 90"=1.620/144 =11 .2 -LO GO:19"X19"=361/144 2161 N.Frontage Rd.,W.,Vail,CO Existing Signage Spectflcatlons Date :3.2400 Revisions Date 000000 Dale :00.00.00 Dale00 DO 00 -18"Channel Letters with Logo &Blue Bar. 0,....:.·---"""'--""-""-"" @)....:.-------"~= @'....:.._-----"""-""= [o -CUSTOM LOGO ELEVATION SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" 9 "I 7 -6"I Domino's :} 311 /16' ===========~ 18"Illuminated Channel LettersWith Custom Logo 27 1/2" Night View PMS 485 •Vinyl :Red 3M Scotchcal Translucent #VQ5948 PMS 300 •Vinyl :Blue 3M Scotchcal Translucent #VQ5949 PMS 429 •Vinyl :Silver 3M Scotchcal Translucent #VL791 9 Paint:Silve r AKZO Nob le Grip Guard VNL 087 C White Acrylic White Flex :3M Panaflex Enhanced Image Sign Fac ing #645 Proposed New Signage cale NOTED Archive arylDomlno's I[Mb-6269a prawing #I________________________-----1 • •• I D ,970 Q7 92QS2 PAGE e eSl iOllS'!Call the Plannin g Desk at 479·2121l SIGN!A \VNING A PPI.JCATION 1 /2 Thisapplicationisforany sign thatis located Within theTown ofYail.Specific rcqeirements arc available from the Department of CommunityDevelopment. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. , ,/ l. 1. K L. Name ofBusiness;__-=-__-.:.;:_.!.-~~__........-------------.,.---- Buildingname and address;~S/V AiL ('vWLI...(Z'-G\1\1 .~<..--rT1\-6G ~VJ I Vf\IL Name of'owner :G'AC.-r r ~o(l0!-n,"".s Pbone:503 33:S V~33 Mailing address:'2"33 tv-'L..A.Av(-<~Sr.I D-t'N~r co I «k:,"Z.o'=-, Signature of owner:S a ~~IE"O-G\"'~~AiP~8'I~L S\E:E"l Nameof person submitting:li\u C-A C:p 'i N f=Phone:"1 70 -Cf.2-fc.."?'s"'-t , (Ifdiffcrent thaeowner)Address:4="'>"'(.,-c l d O .....'~t 0 C'L)':C O (d1.-~Q S C o 'S{/(,s c Type of sign (see back fo rdefinitions);r 0 6u ...I,Cj G G C -z i 0 ~v 0 .,<;c !?I b L u o Free standing D Hangingsign ~1Wall sign 0 Awning'ya.Ot:ha,specify:C\-v.NJV0-~.s.Wrn.{A.t.-oc;.o , Sign message:b otY\~"'.D 5.f\~'*-CI.. Size ofsign and size of lettering for each sign proposed: W VL ~-fl-....,."".s-\-"C-"<~<'i'Cv'1:<"-l,~ l.;:ngth of business frontag e:Sc.:>I-"'~\L:=-:-'---- Height of sign above grade :_ 'Nunllx:t of signs pt'opOSed:_'_Number andsize of existing signs :__----_ Location of each sign (attach a site plan !!!1!i an elevation drawing or aphotograph clearly indicating thc proposed location):S ~Dl2...l>r LL'."''9 ~1.Materials and colors of sign (attach samples ):(W)11"E"Y (s .v.A ~"Le-<:ic.)IS I\'€-r1>.L '""'1>\fL "'''ftT ~,.L~5 ~f'U.ie""'l H>-C£ \~P.''''~I \L-L.....M'N~Describelightingof sign (existing orproposed):_....:--:....;~__:..__'__-=-__.:....-:..__N. O .Business license and/or sales tax license verificationis REQlJIRED prior to planning review:If;;",t.lv c;.<-;So ":;L.Ov:'-.:...+n kJ..t..'1O Sales Tax Administrator 's signature (Sally Lorton 479-2125):__-_ P.FEE :S20.00.~$1.00 PERSQUARE FOOTOF SIGN AREA . B y __ .' MAR-24-0~14 ,4 8 FROM ,TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.•J 0 ,8704782452•PAGE 2 /2 SUBMITTAI.R EOUIREMENTS: C1 Complete Application. o As ire plan showing theexact location where the sign is to be located. o Elevation drawingsor photos showingproposed location ofthe sign or awning. C1 Colored scaled (1 /4"=J')drawing.including specific letteringand dimensions and aphoto.if available. o Sample of proposed materials. C1 Drawings showing.how and where sign orawningwill a:tlIch to the buildingand bow the awningwill be constructed. o CondominiumAssociation or Landlord approval.attach a letter.Le..t-/c;t7 h:,~\(0-....., L~.A rm...0 ~e,.fi ),.-rJkhv4 -to h:,/Ill",) SIGN CATEGORIES: I .Fre--$l1ding -A single ormuli-faced sign affixed toasupporting structure.orimbeddedinand extending from the ground lI11d detached fromthe building. 2 .A",ning or Hanging -My sign attached toabuilding and extending inwhole orin pan morethan 9"beyond the building line . 3 .~"A sign attachedto,painted on.or erected against thewallofabuilding Or structure with theexposed face of tbe sign in a plane parallelto the face of the wall an1 not projecting more than 9"fromthefaceofthe wall. 4.Display Box -Afreestanding or wall sign enclosed in glass for tile express purposeofd isplayingmenus, current entertainment orrealestate listings. 5..l.Q int Wrectol'V sign -A freestanding.hanging or wall sign that listsall the tenants within amulti-tenant building. 6 .Subdi vision entrance sign -A sign to identifya major subdivision,a condominium complex,or group of apartment buildings having at lease 100 linear feetof frontage along a vehicularor pedestrian way in arty Re . LDMF.MDMF.HDMF.orSDD zone district. SUGGESTIONS : 1.Copies of the Sign Code arcavailablefrom the DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment,You may wish to c hecktheCodetoverify the typeandsizeof sign you are allowed. 2.Be specific,Vagueness inthe description of design.size.construction maydelay the approval ofyour sign . 3 .Measure the frontage ofyour business to determine thesize (area)ofthe sign )'O U are allowed. 4 .U ghting for awnings may spotlight onlythesign lettering onthe awning.Lighting may notshineinto pedestrianor vehicular ways. 5 .Allindividual business signs will be reviewed by the DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment.New sign prognuns or amendments tosign programs will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. • ,.. 03/31/2000 17:56 2158220380 ""R~:'}.:.~_}.~.'!!..~!WM '....:_~~T COMPAHl£S CAPITOL SIGN JIlMS ID .3 3 1833 ~'I\A,.~,,~..4oI.t':IIl "'=il ....... .......... GMp",.1r D1.lh .....o.wer.CO ... ~....""r _re ..lOt.Dr,1......._......._-.1' .........2 . --'00 11_ c.rMr : Aff1II11 I'ill 1M TClillft d VII,.._,../..til IIIbm you IMII_aM .1I1:tJ1IJ idJ,.ltto"'......,........."..."YlII ...... ..-rae-'.JlUWNIIODUIII",~....",a'l"a ,....,pnMIIIII,.,.."fA',.WIftft..oodIia_btII ..,..TCIMIGfV", .,......,.••n !I~.,....,",,*",fJllt*..~..... q .$.... ~~It PnIjad C udi....... -_.......-.--..'"~"MIIl'~ """(lIJ)U"...,(IlIIII)a,~.., _:(21')__ •• Laura J.Coyne Managing Director Mountain Pizza,Inc. Dba :Domino's Pizza PO Box 1!XOO-210 Avon,CO 81620 Office:9~ Stores:970-476-D330 (Va il) 970-..Cl49-323J (Awn) Fax:97Q.&26..9197 E-mail coyne@moumainmax.net John F.Coyne F ranch isee Mountain Pizza,Inc. Dba Domi no's Pi zza P O Elex 1!XOO-21Q Awn,C O 81620 O ffice Stores Fax Cell: E-mai l 9 70-926·88-16 97U-476-D330 (Vall ) 9 70-949-323)(Avon) 9 70-926-B197 970-376-4289 coyne@moul'llainmaxnel CAPITOL SI~TEMS ID.-:'w;i3;l1 lB3:J ,.......,.......:JLIIliiJ"I ,:)'0;1.~ PAGE 04r......... 0IIfM1--'"•• ....24.2000 Yr.MIlk gei6:I OM .... mMiI 9nII 0..,CO IO'liD6 ........DI .. n.w.tV 'aID lltlN...-... V....CO II'" n..Mr.s.KW~ DllCDinII',Piua .....,'...........ct-.1111 tIIeir ~DpIF. .....miew 1Ile ClICtCIIIId ~_wtU~iI a.typiCII .....C-*d ofdloir layOUt ..U......war14. _..._...J)J"}"O _~......., _oa.'" ~I,...- ",,-,(.It)10411'"QIIIlIjI1J-1lH,....t."'~ , TownofVail •, Departmentof Community Development 75 S.FrontageRoad /\Vail,CO81657 V"-.-!-!u ?~~Rece ipt No .50 9<3-sLName:~1)'1 i41/L/-',*=.I b ~d!I..t.IAddress: Project:50122 Date3-t ::L7/Q2) Please make checks payableto theTOWNOF VAIL Account No.I Item 'No.1Code #!Cost Each ;T otal,I i , I , 00 10000 3 14 11 10 'Zoninga nd AddressMaps I ZA ,$5.00 " 00 100003 14 1112 IUniformBuildino Code-1997 -Volume1&2 CB ,$5 0.95 I' 00 1 0000 3 14 1112 !UniformBuilding Code -1997 -Vo lume3 $57.20 I'-- I I 001000 03 14 1112 I InternationalPlumbinq Code -1997 ICB $36.00 I ' 0010000 3 14 1112 IInternational MechanicalCode -1998 I ICB i $35.00 i ' 0010000 3 14 1112 ,Uniform Mechanical Code-1997 I ;$33.60 I' 0010000 314 1112 !UniformFireCode CB I $36 .00 I' 00 1 00003 14 1112 !NationalElectrical Code I CB !$37.00 " 0010000 3141112 'AbatementofDanoerousBldg.'s 1997 i $9.95 \' 0010000 3 141112 ModelEnergyCode-1995 i $10.00 I ' 00100003 14 1112 AnalysisofRevisions to1997 UniformCodes i $12.75 , 001000031 4 1112 OtherCodeBooks I CB I , 001000031 41211 IBlue£,r ints/Mylar CopyFees BF I $7.00 , 001 000031 41111 , IXC $0.25'[Xerox Copies I I 00 10000 314 1111 ILionsheadMasterPlan ($1.80/$1.60)MS I $4 0.00 r- 00 100003141 111 Studies ,MasterPlans,etc.MS I I' 0010000 3153000 Penalty Fees/Re-Inspections PN I I 001000031 12300 PlanReview Re-checkFee ($40/per hour)PF !! 0010000 3152000 OffHou rs InspectionFees I IOH ! 0010000 3 123000 'Contractors LicenseFees I CL ! 00 1 0000312 4000 i SianAppl ication Fee I SP I $20.00 !7G :;J 001 000031 24000 IAdditional Sign Application Fee SP I 1/.0, 00 1 00003 11 2200 Desiqn Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)I DR I r 001 00003 153000 Buildinc Investigation Fee I PN i I 0010000 240330 0 Developer Improvement Agreemenl DepesilD2-DEP1 0 lA D ~I I 0010000312 1000 RestaurantLicense fee (TOV)I IRL , I 00 1 00002302000 Spec.Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Bev.I 'SA ! .- .- '00 10000 20 1 1000 Tax able @ 4.5%(Stale)-Taxpaya ble I i TP !I '00100003 101100 Tax abl e@4.0%(Tow n)-RetailSales Tax I T 7 ,I. Oth erlM isc.-I IMS i I I ,I, 00 1 00003 11 2500 ,PECAPPLI CATION FEES I 00 1 000031 12500 !Add itional GRFA -"250·PV I $200.00 i 00 1 0000 3112500 Condit ional UsePermit IPV i $200.00 0010000 3 11 2500 ExteriorAlteration -Less than100 sq.ft.PV !$2 00 .00 I 00 1 000031 1 2500 ExteriorAlteration -More than 100 sq .ft.I PV i $500 .00 I 001 00003 11 2500 Special DevelopmentDistrict-NEW PV i $1,500 .00 001 00003 11 2500 I SpecialDevelopmentDistrict -MajorAmend I PV .J.$1,000.00 I ,Q.O 1 00003112500 Special Developm ent District-Minor Amend I PV !$200 .00 00 1 00003112500 Subdivision Fees PV i 00 1 00003112500 Variance I I~I $250 .00 I 001000031 1 2500 Zoruno Code Ame ndments PV !$2 50.00 Re-Zoning PV I $200.0 0I 001 00003193100 GreenstarProgram ,, Othe r -MS ,I !T OTA L:~.~y) f-- f-Comments:- I--- --- f-10;)-7 7 Received b Y:9'v--- I--Cash Mon eyOrder #Check #- I--- I I I I i F:lEveryoneIFo rmslSaJesaet.e.e 2/10199 •• THAN KYOU FOR YOUR PAY IlENT! TOMO of VailIIICUSTOIlERRECEIPT Itt DATE :3/2B/88 81 RECEIPT:8806643 DESCRIPTION aTY A~UNT TP TilSIGNAPPLICATION1$28 .98 ISP CK 1l0UHT AIHPIZZASIGHAPPLICATION 1 $16.88 ISP CK Il 0UHTA IHPIZZA >oo ~ Vol Vol II:t '"Co..~3 .";::." ~~ I ~ (");;;..on::r , 9 f ::til trlj..n 0 trl I) l'<'"l -, "-"'1 '-.jt ~I I.._Ii n 'I '-l l I I I ~I I I ~~-I 'I -S>o I ~Ii=I t:tl 2,,! '<-e II~e I' ;:=;'..:II..II ~II 0 II.. <I {)~'I,z II\~ I I 0 :1..0...r-'I'"!;II;:1:1 Z 11Vol....eQ " II;... II~t CJ1=I,o c.o CJ ~II ~:1 11 I'11 'II, -~----1-------------'.~-------~-.I ~',il ttl ...~ UII II m.88 TIllE:12:28 :19 m.88$3 6.88 TE HDER DETAIL CK 1827 9 DA TE:3/2B/88 TOTAL CHECK AIlOUHT TENDERED