HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 LOT 3 SAFEWAY 1976 LEGALVAJb*1J^-,E;\3 L.frS W t\16 -1 t, \t\, {*,C'#"jr,*t Tom Castleberry IReal Estate Representative TC: s1 Enc losure {1 ' 46tl SAtr EVVAY ::roREs. TNcoRPoRATE:D 3888 E. Mexlco Ave., December 30, 1976 Clty of Vail Town C lerk .137 South Frontage Road West Vail, C olorado ?roposed Expansion of Safeway Store No. 631 Vail Das Schone Shopping Center Interstate 70 at West Vail Exit Vai l-. C.ol-orado Gentlemen: I{e are consideri.ng expanding the Safeway at the capt ioned location. A pLot plan of the proposed expanded store is attached. You could be of great assistance if you would compLete the enclosed questionnaire and return it in the encLosed self-addressed, stamped enve lope . If you are unable to answer a particuLar question it would be heLpfulif you would indicate on the quest,ionnaire the person, department or agency that you believe coul,d aid us in answering tbis question. Please send us any rules, reguLations or guldelines that nay apply to the proposed project. Thank you for yodr cooperation Very truLy yours, Rrcr',tro FEB u 3 1377 '.).. .: ',-r.',:, & Devel taglo County. Colo. LocJt too rlddresg; o QUESI.IONNAIRE ON PROPOSED-.LOCATION Your asslstaoce o'rth th€ follourng quesrrons ,,lr.l be appqectaced. preasq advise, as to theapproPrlatc iterue belorr, ehere separa!e (discrettonaryllJ or olnisterroi[2lt peruirs, ricen-5es'-certiflcates' agree&ents or other entllLements fir use regardtrrg "ny oi che lEens rrnderrhc fcll':'-'146 6;rLiii; ai; iiqulre.l."" " ",,"r"q.ritii. c.r.riaorn'.n5 a bullji.ng dnd/u. u(:(upJncyperuit. Your idenrj.ficatlon of_I) the iteo iequired, 2) rhe isiuing <tcpuriroenc or agency,3) the departDrenr or agency's a,idiess ""J ql-"i"in"r item,s issuancr is discrerlonary or nln-iscerlal !'ould be greatl].. aPPreclated. The departDent.or agency oly be d{stri.ct, nuni.ci.pal,counBy' re8lonal,,srace orledg4al, , ,.1 ,1 ---rr r. zonrns. c'7Ld 484*7 0V4--2""4-'-""' -zy;-.t p2t A. Uirat is rhe zonlng-classiftcaElon of^the prope;ty? CAal'1-r4/r;-.-PB. Is a superoark", OZEO undgr this zoning? C. Lhat orher typ"r of!""" are pemltted unde-r tbis^zoning? D. rf rhere ^," ""$#?.rKKz, F"m"f'4 ,^ / . /, /;,t/y'8i,;-p4Front: 75' Rear: AJ^ , stde: /0'ol,$ )u. 'E. If there ar. off-stleet parklng ard load ing arequlrenen rs, what are they? I 4:-- /aa- 3 oo 4*f4A+- -a-{,-al 4,Ac.,. ./, d L.o/ Or II.Discretior.ary Revlerrs. lre lhe-re revlews for any of the follorring, if so, by vhat agency?A. Archi tec ture: Design:' Landscapiag: or plat be required, and if so, under lrha t circuBstances? c. Indlrect source coo trols. d. Transportation control plans. e- Parking oanageoent plans. f. PaEktng peral t s . 2. Coastllne or shcrel ine. 3. Nolse. B. c. IC. griliry Ava tlabil lty.rroo vhorD are the follo,ring available and are-any speciai peraits required?A. Electrlcity, 74-+ a.+o--*-e- e_b_z,, .a1 I t'B. Gas . /J/,-{t<'--t' c. n^r".'- 2"*yn/,L2 u r-t<, aa-;rt/-4 D. Are there any linltatl6ns on ghe ava-ilalility of.add-itlonal utllity- serviqes for the-,1- Environuenral Controls. ProPos€d larger building, and !f so, what are the iifriiicioisi"-A. ConEroI Types -I. Air quall ty. a, Stationary so$!ce, l b, Atr quality roaintenance /roanagenent 9lans. r tt.- lli i(.r:rrr:r:,i t.re ese.ci-s"' o! ', Zl llr':;r.ires e .i,'re:a!raaion cilnc4s or r.:qrrla t ions. iuC;ne:ra. deliber;ri ion ar decision. r)i shethcr there is a con(oraiiy to appllcable statutes, ordi- ubdivision Plans/ptats. A. llay a sirbdivision gLan o 4. ).. Solld rasrc disposal. lJa ter. a. Effluent quallty. b. seuer hookup perElt.. y-"-i ryr- tv'+ ,t-uv 5"-'-.'t*'{' 6. Ocher - please list:, a. b. B' To your kao'l,edge arc aoy or tt" "uo"" requlred, bu! not prerequlsltes to tho lssu-ance of butldlng and/or occupancy penlEs? C. ltay an envlrom€ntal assessoent be requlred for thls pro.lect? If yes' please attach ao lnforuatlon rt""t o. set ot guldell,nes on the procedure tobe folloncd. u l. IlsuLatlotr. 2- Aenttng. 3- Ligbring. 4 . Cool.irg. 5. Struciure orientatlon- 6. Gas. 7 - E1ecEl.cl.ty. lratca.- Other - ple.se i.lst:t. 2. l!. Sezard Controls. . a. tlooo- 1. Is thc proposed locaclon t,itht! a "speclal Flood Eazard Area" as deslgoated by Ehe' unttcd States DepartDeot of lloustng and Urban Developoent? lVO, ?. ff the ensr.er to nl'' is 'Yes,r' please anaser ths folloving: t. lias rhe comunity adopted the Federal Flood fnsurancc Progra[ so that. Eederal Flood lnsurance ia requl,red for construction or resale finatrcing? - b. I-t the colrunity had adopted rhe Federal Flood Insurance Prograr, r.rh lch, progre! did ir adopt - the "Emergeocy" or "Regular?,, llhat, tf any, restrictr.ons and/or requireEents are there concerntog coasiructionrt thls location? B. ceolotlc. l. Atc thcre spectal procedurea or perEits because of land eubsidence, Iandslides or !'I_. Resource Corservaclon Controls. - eerrbquakcs? t. c. c. /vF Ihad( you for aidlng us by answerlng the above questtons. plcasertt* euclosed self-arldressed staoped envelope to Dc. rcturn thls questlonn3ire in l':r ts qGsi!.onoalre eas ansrered by-rnCect oe at (T(:l-ephooe !fo.) 31 ( Slncerely FpF .f urther iof orDatlon ^:/*a4,Lz^-A -) THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA December 20, 1976 .REcri\,,rD DEU zz 19z6 DeDl ot f1.n., .- -voLtagle Counl/, aoto- Les Douglas Eagle County Building Dept. P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Les: Enclosed please find one set of preliminary drawings of the pnoposed West Va'i'l Shopping P1 aza, and a copy of a letter from our structural gngineer describing our proposed loading for the roof of the structure. Please note that our enginebr is presently designing under this loading design, and we would therefore appreciate a qu'ick response if you have any comments. Thank Best you very much, and have a happy hof iday season. . Y'l6rter,AIA PARTNERSHIP, AIAMORTER/TODD CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vArL, coLoRADO 81657 476-5105 # r,r f M BeR 2305 cANYoN BouLEvARo BouLoeR' coLoRAoo 80302 JOHN SON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, INC. December 8, 1976 4,[ 4 - 1951 Consull i ttg Ettgineers JLn lforter The Uorter/todd P.O. Box 1186 Vai1, Colorado Re: West Vall Dear JLm! Par tner shlP 81657 Commerclal Bu lld ing This let.ter ls to summarize our concluslons regarding roof loadlng for the above proJectt as exPressed in a meetlng wlth you and the contr""tlr "i st""ley Structures (fornerly Prestressed Concrete of CoLrralg) on December 6';; r ;vo# I^Ie bellev e thatAolsf rs /^u'"""on^bl'e basic snon-loal^f or ;:;r:;:'in"-'iIi;;;" ;;;;ia-t" designed ror a live road of 80 psf. The latter value correspon9"-::^:n:r::":::-- ilrilrli'ioa""l"i.rtremenr of 50 p"i'r"" autos plus one-ha1-f the snort load. Dead loads, of roof structure and superimposed materLals, w111 oi course ie added to these loadings' ;;.-;;;;"- "i"rd-*{". wh""" roof -top parkLng occurs' ,ne We are proceeding wlth deslgn of the bulldlng based on the above criteria. Please let us know if thls is not acceptable to you or the butldtng offlclal' Very trulY Yoursr JOHNSON-VOTLAND-ARCHULETA' rNc. RIIV: f w R[C:l'lflD UtU z e 1976 U!!1. ',, I r-, i.,,,J & ueVOL Esglo Countyr Colo. Cr,,,185 -'.. " lt.. t' 1i,2 Rob er t cc: Burt Darmour - Stanley Structures ) il!IIID IEIETOTNilT P.O. Bor ?89 Erglo, Coloredo El6ill 12 Julv 1976 Rtchard Tofel P;O. Box 1528 ,1, Colorr.do Re: Flle No. Zv-17-76 - Varlence ffi\f,"i" meeting on 8 July 19?6, the ZonlngBoard of AdJustment epproved your flnfftcatton for. a varlance. lUJ" have any queetlons. pleaee contact thts offtce. f e\ ,a 1lf t tt ,a vll ll.4 */' ft. t Dlrector of Plannlng U Sl/ge Zonlng Board of Adjugtment; Boerd of County Commlsslonere Planning Department/Planning Commiroion: Subdivlaion; Rezoning, Applications and Review (t08) 9&6388 Building Offioial: Builclfrrg Permib and Inepection, Zoning Administration (flB) 32SdBg Y DTDIETTEIIT U II.AIII{I Ceetlc Perl Bldg. 510 Brodway \ t ITTIBTTTIil OT TIAI{I{IIIE AII Cestte Perl Bldg. 510 Broadway P.O. Box ?E9 ? JulY ltt?l D DTVETOPilETT Egle, Coloredo 816lll RdIl SirnlrtOf , rfr. Oorrily Atloary Ede, Cds$ At3I lr r Crd C rrUt ar Vdl Dr Sdtnrr FllftU ib. 3. tC In eirdbr lr Lot tA \rdl ltlt*rr, Flltq l{o. !" Pton 6vhn |hr O11l dylr ttlr olllo r b i,lu Jrottld traord trr did. Dl||oH C Pfrr{m Planning DepartmanMPhnning Commiasion: Subdivloion, Rezoning, Applications and Review (EB) 32&8338 Bullding Official: Brdldlng Permits and Inepection, Zoning Adminiatration (3G|) 32843:19 illtE c0ut{I! ?+;v'D JUL 6 - 1976 Depi, Ul PranHnil & i-level- Eagle County, Colo. off ice of the town manager I July 1976 Steve Isom Eagle County Department of Planning and Development Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE3 File No: Zv - L7 - 76 - West Vail MaIl Dear Steve : Ttre Town of Vail staff has reviewed the proposal for the West Vail Mall as submitted to the Technical Review Corurittee on 1 July 76. Given the present zoning of the site and the quality of the design proposed, we feel that a variance pennitting site coverage with impervious materials of upto 75t is satisfactory. Ihe visual inpact of the extensive site coverage should be minimized with l ands caping. A landscape plan and schedule for iupleuentation should be required. box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 Srrt-iJ.e , Allen Gerstenberger Director. Human Resources cc. 3 Terrell J. Minger Jin Latrpnt Kent Rose I q a EAGLE COUNTY ENGINEER Courthouee P. O. Box 734 Eagle, Colorado 81631 29 June 1976 Phone 328-6337 MEMORANDUM To:County Attorney From: County Engineer Re: Release of Surety for Vail Village West Filing #3 The correspondence relating to subject matter which you gave to me on June 16, L976 is returned herewith. As f am sure you krrow the purpose for requiring surety for public improvements at the time of sub-division approval is to insure that the, sub-divided parcels of land have the necessary improvementsinstalled by the.' developer. In reading the above referenced correspondence and talking to Dave Elmore it appears very doubtful that the improvements will be installed in the near future. Thus, I feel that the County continuing to hold the surety is more important tharr normal in this case. I would suggest that if Vail City Corp. needs this surety released then they should either; a. Vacate the plat in j-ts entirety, or b. Provide ne\ry, substitute surety, based on an updated cost estimate for the County approved facilities,i.e. plans approved by the County. Which cost estj.mate, would be subject to the approval of the appropriate County Offices. I would stlongly advise against the County releasing the surety .rld:".,lity other conditions. /-__\.,vf ./'r'i ''-Bi11 cc: It{ike Blair Steve Isorrr WVS,/hV -Y a nE.hril 1976 Dm Elrut Vell Qlty Ocp*tlln' 10001 8r Fvsu D.rrttr Sffi,llltl Ftir No, CbOf-?l| Vail Or $ciltcr. ffltf {O At [,rdr rpoclat nrrtlnO sr 25 Jrm tlmtr tro Bord of Cots*y Comralutm*r ryr.d io til rtgnrd yerr d..d d h[t o]r l€t 12 Vall Mc6lulr Fllltrg #2. 8r rnrNfd Goptrr lhr clflrd ffrd wlll bo ttootfrd In lfr Oottltn Tlt Flrd Plat cr VJI Drr SdEm *l war dp rhrrrdtt tr Sod C Aou'tty , Smrrdrbmnr. ff ycr lSlfry edfaf tr... rld idr lf,Or. norl Dlrc5? ot Pfrr{tg $nd ct lor{ at OlrU Arrnfdsrrl oofr nrtf, Prrr|!! nd OT II.ATININO AIID DEIIEI.OIIilEI{T 550 Broadway June 1976 P.O. Box 7E9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 To: Town of Vai | , A I len Gerstenberger Eagle County Engineer Eagle County Sanitarian West Vail Property Owners Association Re: Fif e No. Zv-17-76 - Vail Das Schone Filing #3 Enclosed is an appl ication for a variance from the maximum lot coverage with impervious materials, 7916 versus the required 70%. The site is lrl 2, Filing#3' Vail Das Schone, between the Ramada Inn site and Safeway Store. We would appreciate your comments by 12 July '1976. !ETAETilEilT McDonald Bldg. 15 J=-^- for: Director of Planning sl/kt sr/kt Planning Department/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 328-6338 Building Official: Building Permits and Inspection, Zoning Adrninistration (303) 328-63:19 EAEI.E TOUNTT la&rt c0uNry o DESE&TTf,EtrT '\lcl )onrkl Illdg. 11 OT P&EHNII{ o $&HO ITTIETOPMEr{T 5l-r0 tlroadway P.O. Dox 789 Eagle , Colorado 81631 June 1976 Editor, The Vail Trail Vail, Colorado Re: Publ ic Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustment I July 1976 Please publish the attached Notice of Publ ic Hearing as a'rLegal Notice" in the 17 June publication of your newspaper. Please bill and send aff idavit of publ ication to this office. ,,ft-Z"-//2A."", Michael S. Blaif Director MSB,/kt I'LrnninlJ lloplrt.nlcnt 'l'llrnning Cornrnission: Sulxlivisiorr, ltt,z,rniug, Alrplical,ions arrd Rr,view (303) 328-G33tt lltriIlirrrl Ofliciirl: IluiLlirrg l'r.r'nrils ltrri lnslrcc(irrr, lonirrli ,r\tinr inish.a tion (.j03) 32tt-$331) o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF EAGLE. COLORADO Notice is Hereby Given ihat the Eagle County Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a Publ ic Hearing beginning at 1O:OO A.M. on I July 1976, in accordance with r Section 9.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing will includo the fol lowing : File No. Zv-11-76 - Vail Das Schone Filing #3 Request: Variance from Section 3.07.06 Eagle County Zoning Resolution, Maximum Lot Coverage. Location: North Frontage Road, West Vail, situated between existing S afeway Store ar'rd existing foundations for proposed Rarnada Inn, more particularly described as f ol lows: "A parceL of land 1yin9 in the East Half of the souLheast Quarter of Section 11, ltovrnship 5 south' ila::ge SL i,lest of the 6th Principal }lerician, county of EagIe. state of colorado cescribed as: Connencing at the Northeast Corner of the South,rest ouarter of the Southe.tst Qu:rt-er of said :'"ction Ilr thencc along the ltcst Linc of said East Half of ihe Southeast Quarter oj Section lf, :ti!"39'00"tJ 354.15 feet to a point on thc Southerly line of Chanonix Lane, qhich is also the -tcr:E!:west corner of Vail lleights - Filing tlo. 1i thence N45"13'33'li and along the ScutherLy line of :,3iC chamonix Lane lLo.oO fect to the true poj.nt of beginning; thence contirluing N85"13'33"E and aiong r.,id Southerly Iine 82.82 feet to a point of crrrve; thcnce continuiirg alcng said Southerly lino 270'55 :iei ;Iong the arc of a 238-64 foot radius curve tc the left whose c€rnir.rl ang}e is 6'1'57'33" "tnd :;iro:e lon-: chord bcars N52o.14'.16"E 256.29 fcc't to a point of tangcnt; ti).-nce S'13"06'35"e "rnd r,ct alcoq -:.1id tangen!, 349.03 feet to a point on a curve on the t{orthv,/estcr}y line of the interstate liighwa'1 ::o ?) Right-of-wayr thence Southwestarly alang said Northwe'sterly line 200.22 feet along the arc oi a ;,5ro.Oo foot radrus curve to the right whose central 31r1le is 2"O4'Ol-" .lnd whose loncj chord bears -lji33C'56"tt 200.20 feet to a pojnt of .t.lngcnti tbencc S52'02'56"W and along said tan.r'i.nt and ccntinujng .r1r;g sar<i Norrhr,'esterly i.ine 2Bil.OO'f't_,ct; thence N19".1{i'40-n 12O.66 fcct to t_he true point of beErr,ilng,:.,iidining I4L,495.52 sguare feet ot 3,249J ac!.es, nore or l-css.', Fif e No. Zv-18-76 - Patricia Rickman Request: Variance from Section 4.02, Eagle County Zoning Resolution, Supplementary Lot Area. Location: Vail Heights Filing #1 , Lots 5,6,7,8 and 9, West Vail, Colorado, East of West Vail l-70 lnierchange, and north of Vail Das Schone Shopping Center. Tlris Hearing shall be hold in the Eargle County Annex, Rm 3, 510 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decisior-r on this request are invited to mal<e comnrents to the Board by appearinb at the l-learing, or by sr:rbmitting written statements in person or by mail thru tlre S cc retary Further information nray be obtained, and comnrcrrts submitted, by contacting the Eaglo County Dt:partment of P I ar-rning and Developmerrt, 510 Broadwa5r, Phono 328-6338 , Box 789, Eaglc, Colortrdo 81631 by: Micharel S. Blerir, Secretary Zonirrg t3oarcl of Acljustment a TI e P.O. Bor ?89 ITTTEIIT OT lilt{ilIilC [tID DETETODTEIIT C.stlG PG.L Bldg. 510 Broodway 11 Junc 1976 Erglc, Color.do 81631 Blchrd Tofel r' P. O. Box 1328 Valt, €olorudo 8fGI7 Ril Fllt No. tv.l?.?t Vrllp rn .tlrg on lO Arla 1g?lr th. Z'thrg to-d of ACrrtrnrr* It e prSllc tr*lr; fi trr Vrlaco Apllcatlon. Tlhl hrdng wlll tdtr pla on I firly 1976, brilrrrlne d A.M. ln tlro Gaatfe Ped( Bldg. 510 Brudwcy, Eglc, Colordo 01631' hwr ary'q.tcatlonar pleasc conlGt thle oflla. Dtttctaf ol Planlng : 'Planning Depsrtmant/Planning Commieoion: Subdfuirion, Rezonlng, Applications and Review (3lB) 320{SgS Building Official: Buildhe Permi0g srd lmpection, Zoning Administration (36) 3AS{l|39 I t, a I ffro- the Zoning Resotution off Eagle County, Colorado to the ZoningBoard of Adjustments (minimum 5 copies required; print or type, except signatures) Section 9.04.05 Applicant,/owner Richard M. Tofel an Mail Address 1. Regul ation and Section Number(s) of Zoning Resolution from which Variance is sougtttt: Section 3-07-06 2. Present Zonelll-Jcomerc-i-al-Lim j ted 3. Gengrat locatlon of property (in relation to a Town, Road, Stream or other landmark): North Frontage Road, l,lest Vail, situated between existing Safeway and existjng foundations for proposed Ramada Inn. 4. Legal descriptlon of proPertY a. Subdivlslon Narne Vail Das Schone Lotz-Blk-' or' Fil jng 3 b. metes and bounds (may bo attactred) include survey or map: See attached drawings 5. Brlof Purpose and Reason for Variance (may be attached): See attached sheet Attach e>gtanation that ona or rnore conditions exist under Sec' See attached sheet Statement: 9.04.06, t-5. A oumpleie list of all orrners adCres_ses,prcposed for Variance and of at is properly hereon. - A,., / office use Apptication accepted as complete for Public Hearing on date Appl icatlon iejected as incomplete for Pubt ic Hearing because: Flle No '*,/7- 7L Fes Paid APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE ! I i i Date recd. Zr/€/z/ by. i 1l I Storei 6. 7. 'by: planning administrator Pa,ge 1 of 2 date o R/TOTHE MORTE DD PARTNERSHIP, AIA Supplement to Application for Variance from the Zoning Reso'lution of Eagle County, Colorado In response to item Number 5 of the Applicat'ion and reasons for Variance are: for Variance, the purpose '1. The request for variance js from Section 3.07.06 Mqf!qLLg!__Qg! gg-9., requesdingcoVerageof79percentof.theIotwith@, in lieu of the maximum permjtted 70 percent coverage. 2. The resultant area of non-impervious materia'l s will be a well-landscaped, well-maintained area, of natural grasses, indigenous trees and pl ant'i ngs of the area. A complete :l andscaping plan will follow. 3. A total area of 29,700 square feet wi'l I be landscaped, nearly seven- tenths of an acre. 4. Nearly .|0,000 square feet of the proposed structure is devoted to a landscaped, covered mall, which will enhance the year-round activities, uses, and character of the area more than mere open space' while provid'ing a year-round landscaped area. 5. l.Jhile the proposed uses on the property are in accordance with those permitted under the Comnercial/Ljmited zoning, the general area has taken on the character of a Commercial,/General zone. Our proposed area of non- impervious materials exceeds that required under Commercia'l /General zoning by 1450 square feet. 6. The end result will be a vast improvement over existing conditions' as no natural landscaping exjsts on the site. CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 476-5105 THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA Supp'lement to Application for Variance fron the Zoning Resolution of Eagle County' Co]orado In response to item Number 5 of the Application for Variance, the fo'llowing conditions exist: '1. An unnecessary and unreasonab'le hardship wil'l be imposed on the.property orunei if tne -provis'ions of this Resolution are strictly enforced. 2. That the variance, if granted, wi'l'l not diminish the value' use or enjoyment of adiiient firoperties, nor curtajl desjrab]e light' air and open space in the neighborhood. 3. That the vapiance, jf granted, wi'l 'l not be direct'ly contrary to the intent and purpose of this Reio'lution or the Master P]an' CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 476-5105 THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AIA Owner of Property Proposed for Variance Vai'l City Corporation 10001 East Evans - APt. 69C Denver, Colorado 80231 Co-Appl i cants Richard M. Tofel and Jeffrey B. Selby P.0. Box 1528 Vai'1, Colorado 81657 Owners of Adiacent ProPerties To the East and West - Vail City Corporation Same as above To the North (Across Chamonix Lane) The Pine R'idge Townhouse Association P.0. Box 2135 Vail, Colorado 81657 A comp'l ete 'l ist of townhouse owners is avai] ab] e from the Association. BOX 1186 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 476-5105CROSSROADS AT VAIL e7 May r97t conr Rrur PtFrttl P, O, tsox IEAE Vall, Qololdo lfGJl Fllr No. tf.lf.ll Fltnl Fld At thrlt +rdJ nlaathg cril Mat t9?6r $! Botd ol Co.rdy Oorrrnlgtcrrro opp?otrcd )rtrrr Flrcl Pl{ b. Vall Dar Schono Flltrxg #9, lrorrwr. wll} nd clgn tr Pti t{ttll F oof of rl[r!no., l.a. pqtd of lFrdr la to ora rdlrtrctlctal tb oorrrtyr lf yar ht$! lry qrctloc, doc cqrtd 0tlr oftlco. lrr Dlt*tt d Plrlilne Grr Bora ct Ortft eomntrtcrl ; tr; Cfllrt . !\/ED lylAY :: i ,]976 !if'. vr I Lirl,Lr.3 r. L/cvoL Esgls County. Coto. KNol{ ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, rhaL Vail City Corporarion, a Colorado Corporation being the owner of all of that real estate wlthin the subdivlsion named Vail das Schone, Filing No. 3, in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, the plat of which was recorded in said County under date of , L976, in Map Case Drawer of P1ats, does hereby impose restrictiion and protective covenants as hereinafter set forth, and does hereby reserve easements as hereinafter described. The w.irhin covenants apply to conunercial sites within Filing No. 3. EASEIIENTS: An Easement and Right of Way 7\ feet in width along all site bound- "rTes, ex"ept the westerly boundary of Lot I and the easterly boundary of Lot 3, for use of utility service lines and for the construction, erection, and mainten- ance thereof, together rrtith the right of lngress and egress thereto is hereby reserved. USAGE: Each l-ot shall be used for any conmercial or residential usage which ls pE?rnittea by the Zoning Resolution for Eagle County, Colorado under the zone district known as commercial liroited. LIVESTOCK: No animals, livestock, horses or poultry (except dogs, cats, and other pets for household enj oyrnent and not for commercial purposes) shall be kept, raised or bred in the subdivislon. BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION ARCHITECTIIRAL CONTROL: No buildings shal1 be erected, placed or altered on any site unti1 construction plans and specificaEions, together with site plan show- ing location of structure has been approved in r^rriting by the Architectural Com- mlttee, as to quality, material, and workmanship, and harmonious design vith existing structures. In the event the Archltectural Conmittee fails to act on plans presented for approval within 30 days, then applicant may proceed the same as it the Corunittee had granted approval-. COIISTF-r-TCTION: A11 residences must meet specifications and codes of Eagle County, and State of Colorado. Once work has begun on any strucLure, construction must be pursued to completion wlth al-l- due diligence, being cornpleted within two years. 0n1y new constructi-on wiLL be allowed; no oLder buildings may be moved onto any site without approval in writing frorn the Architectural Committee. FTREPLACES ETC.: A11 fireplaces, chimneys, barbeques and incinerators shall be equipped and maintained wl-th spark arresting screens. LOCATION: A11 imorovements sha1l be loc.ated so as to maintain a minimum front yara set-Uack of 50 feet; deviations from the regular.set-back may be granted by the Architectural Committee. No side yard resErlctlons sha11 be made except for infringernents wlth respect to easements. A11 actuaL construction site shall receive the advanced approval of the ArchiEectural Comtrittee. DRMI,IAYS: A11 driveways sha1l be located so as to a1low rninimum water run-off , "naGt"rfon and culverts of 12 inches diameter or more sha1l be installed wher- ever driveway crosses barrow pits. SIGNS: No signs, billboards or other advertising structure of any kind shall be erected, used or maintained on any lot for any purpose whatsoever, except such commercial signs as have been approved by the Architectural- Comrnittee for identi- fication or plaees of business or other commercial uses. hIATER: Each structure designed for occupancy or use by human beings shall con- iect-with water facilities rnade avail-able to the property by the West Vail Water and Sanitation District. No private we11s sha11 be used as a source of water for human consumption or irrigation. NULSANCE: No noxious or offensive activity sha11 be carried on rvithin the sub- division, nor shall anything be done or permitted which shal1 constitute a pub- 1ic nuisance therein, l*orr.rruE covENANrs Vail Das Schone, Filing No. 3 C0UNff & STATE REGUTM : I'Ihere Covenants and regulations for Eagle the regulations for Eagle County or the conditions set forth in these Protective County or the State of Colorado conf1icts, State of Colorado shall take Drecedence. ) PROPERTY I'IAINTENANCE TREES AND SHRUBBERY: Natural beauty, wherever possible, sha11 remaln. In no case shall shrubbery, or other Jrowth be maintained in such location as to cause a traffic hazard or to reduce visibilitv. I,IASTE DISPOSAL: Each residence sha1l naintain a safe, enclosed incinerator for disposal of combustibles. Non-combus tibles sha11 be kept in covered sanitary containers. No area on any site shall be used as a dump for any kind of waste or trash. A1l residential structures will be provided with permanent sewer connections. No septic tank r^rill be allorved in Vail das Schone, Filing No. 3. COVENANTS CHANGES 0F COVENANTS: These covenants shall run vith the land and shall be bind- i"g o;;II parties and all persons claiming under them for a period of 20 years after which time said covenanEs shal-l be automatically extended for successive 10 year periods unless an instrument signed by 757" of the then owners has been recorded, agreeing to change said covenants in whole or l-n part. ENFORCEMENT: Enforcement sha1l be by proceeding at l-aw or in equity against any person or persons violating or attempting to viol-ate any covenant either to restrain violation or to recover damages. SEVERABILITY: Invalidation of any one or more of these covenants by judgrnent or court order shall in no way effect any of t.he provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect. ARCHITECTUML COMMITTEE: The Arehitectural Comnittee shall be cornposed of Rlchard.@by,andDavidG.E1more.Ifanyoneorrnoreofthe.committee rnembers sha1l become incapable of serving for any reason, then a new member or rnembets shall be named by Vail City Corporation, or in its failure to so act with- in a period of thirty days then in that event 602 of the then land oi'rners shal1 designate the new members by a simple petition(s) wherein the person(s) receiving the largest number of petitionerst designation shall serve as committee nernber (s) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this docurnent is executed by the undersigned this 20 day of May , L9_fS_. At t est Davirtr., O., ' Elmore Presldent r State of Colorado ) County of-Fr,Xlr--it" The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 20th day of May, L976, by David G. Elmore as president of Va1l das Schone, a Colorado Corp. Wl"tness bv hand and official seal By ,) Secretary My connnission expires tilY Comrnksion Expires SePt 17.'19n I'iIODIEEE 4ler Gore Range Properti ? es REALTOR O Richard M. Tolel rlellrey B. Selby Uail, Golorado 81657 P.0. Box 152E Uail, Colorado E1657 303-476-2AE? SECEIVEb l{ay 20, L976 rMAy z 4 1976 Oepl. 0, ptanntng & osveL frsh OjttrU ooe Department of Planning and Devel-opment Eagle County Box 789 Eagl-e, CO 8163L ATTN: Mr. Mlchael Blalr Dear Mr. Blalr: Ihe enclosed Protective Covenants for Vall Das Schone, Filing No. 3 are being submltted in accordance wlth your request at the County PJ-anning Conmlssion meetlng of May 1-9, 1976. These revised covenants ref l-ect an additlonal paragraph concernLng regulatlons for Eagle County and the State of Colorado. Should you have any further questLons regarding these covenants ' please contact me lmmediately. Yours truly, I I I 20 Mry l9t6 Oar Rag| Pt$artL. P. O. Bo( 164 Vall, Color* tl0$t Ro Fllr ltb. 3&cl|r'tl0 F|li Pft Vdt Dr schilr Flllne fg (FrmAy wd VCI Mdl) At thdr ngulr rrdtrp cr 19 May tgit6' sf Eqlr Cqt*,, Pldtltt Oommlrlon noorilrnd.d ?pruvd of yq,r Flill PIA w|tr tr tdlrylne oondltlorl 1. Slgnchrc *r tltle orrtlflcdlqt Hock| 2. Lrltr of oomdlm wlth lndlmlnry plrU *'-3. Flnd rmglnrlng pln, Ocd adtrndr rd lrrpmemlfi ry..rrfiti4. Proirctlw Covrnmtr p.rttipt! ar Cs[tlrotlon, Loc-lonr Slgn, ud Drlnrvryr $.rdd tultn r rntrtc. 6d to lrcludr Eaglr Ootrtily Tdle6lr rrguldlcu. nrm tr€]ryn rddlsrr wlll br prnntrd to gra Bortd of Oott*y Oorrunlulour d thrlr rycclrl nrrtlrp cr 2O Mry 19IO, btlmlng d 9:0O A.M, In thr Ortlr P.!k Bl€.t 6fO Bmdrmy, Eql|r. C6ilor&. lf ycr lnn rV $r..lldr, flrcr oodaot lhlr of?lcr. M{drrf C. Eldt Dlrrcbt MgB/d €r B€Jrl ot Oor'rty Oqrmlrlotr?| 7 t Cdf Rrto Pnp.rth. P. O. Bo. t68 Vallr Cdor$ OCU| Rot llli ttb. Cpre|r|! p;rllmlnry Plu wrd vd.rrr|l At t'|.lt F.o|a rv.dtrT er tfl Apdl le'I!, h OoCd of eor|lu Ctnillrlorut gl!|tad tFF Urd to trr Pf|f lmlnry Pln uiilt'fi fof]ilrlne dtb!|t 1. lf ry r*braa Il loctd cr srr dlo - srr fut,r flar t! 8c|rf gffilC nrld L corirtll h rlOltcr o| lrrl u ngrt, vdlr UrtE. 2. Th. db*r Jnid rEt lt Jnfi o t|-ttnd Fld ru tr nnrt ;l t|l d plt ottll lrlr cilcr. 3rltt rtsr Scld of Oerilt €onrmfrhrr ddl of L.l l. ll yar trr -ry qr*lorr, \//\/J4!hrh;i.bn l?r Ol|l&dFfrul'E I 4,J-{ RICHARD D. LAMM GovERNoR i"#QQ[o JOHN W. ROLD Oirsctol COTORAIn GEOLOGICAT SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING - 1845 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE 892.2611 April 15, L976 Michael S. BlaLr Eagle County Departnent of Planning and Development P.O. Box 789 EagJ.e, Colorado 81631 Dear l{r. BlaLr: RE: Sp-64-76 PREL. PLA}I, WEST VAIL MALL I,Ie have no obJ ection based on geology to this plan as presented. Slncerely, .4.1 4%1_AL. R. Ladwie 0 Engineerlng Geologist cc: Land Use Comlssion rRL/j p RECiiVi:D APR 1 e 1976 Dr:i.it. Cl pJar]rirI I i r,!yel. ragle Co!nty, 0010. GEOLOGY SIORY OF THE PAST. . . KEY TO THE FUTURE -*"# @ RECEIVED APR i b tt76 Rcgistcred Pro{cssionol Enginccrs Registered [ond SurvcYors Kcnnclh E. Richords Mr. Stephen Isorn Eagle County Planning Department rosc ur r l-ce .box /6v Eagle, Col-orado 81631 Re: Sp-64-76 Prelimi-nary PIan West Vail Mall Dear Mr. Isom: Today I received a copy of the Technical Review Conmitteers comnents on the I' est Vail Mal1 parcel. Item 6, the drainage easements, should definitely be provided, and will be, as stated. Item 4, the oil and sand pits, as specified, will take care of these problems for the conditions here in the Vail area, even in the winter time' These particular kinds of traps, which are 10 - 12 feet deep are, in fact, one of the few kinds which will perform under our year round conditions. Ponds freeze over and cannot be considered for the subject locaEion. Other rock and sand filtering systems soon become clogged and freeze up in the winter. Many of these have been installed in mouotain areas and final designs will be submitted later for approval by your county engineer. At any rate, the diameter, depth, and number of units required is variable, and annual cleaning of each unit is required for proper operation. We are certain that once these reasonably priceal"its ar. installed, they will do the best job possible for the subject cornmercial area, and vi1l be well accepted by your county sanitarian. As to rtem 3, the sizes of the drainage areas are very Inrell determined' and have been field checked numerous times for the 4 or 5 previous drainage reports made by us in this same general area, I have used the drainage formula and runoff co-efficient which produces the highest flow possible because of the steep grades in this area. The per cent imperviousness is in accordance wlth published tables, but there are many differences in opinions as to which run-off formulae and co-efficients to use for various terrai,n, per cent grades, time of concentration of f lows, etc. I'lhen we have only tTto 24r' culverts crossing under I-70 to serve the subject property, there should be no reasoD to oversize the culverts larger than those shown. It is very imPortant that the channels on each side of Lhe culverts be constructed as recomnended in our report' o -Rkfr. CIVIL T,NGINETRING . PI.,^NNING . sURVIY5 SUBD|VIS|ONS . WATER & SEWER sY5Ttit\s Box 643 Vcil, Colorodo 81657 Phonc 476-5072 Dcnvcr S#57T52q 893-1531 April 13, 1976 ,/o t"gtt t-"o, o -0oo Oept.0l ErSle To: Mr. Stephen Isom Eagle County Planning Department From: Richards Englneers, Inc. KER:cr cc: Gore Range Propertles P age 2 April 13, 1976 but there has probably never been a culvert installed in Eagle County, which has not had an occasional overflow, at least when not kept properly cleaned out. The culverts specified, with proper inlet and ouel-et protection with heavy rock rip-rap or concrete will be more than adequate, especlally since small 18r' culverts have handled all of the dralnage previously, for some Eime no\{. There could be an occasional flooding at the Vail L{est Interchange, but' this is an areawide, county and state problen which should be looked at. It is not much different than the conditions which still exist on I-25 through Denver. This was mentioned ln our drainage report, but there are nany builders and developers who have created these condltlons as ln other subdivlsions in Eagle County. As far as the subJect property is involved, I definitely feel that the recomnend- ations in our drainage report are more than adequate to handle the drainage conditions affecting it and the adjoining areas. We have endeavored to obtain the cooperation of most of the builders in the surrounding areas, and have seen many of the larger culverts and drainage channels constructed. If there are further questions, please call or let us know as soon as possible of aay desired changes. Final plans will be subnitted vhen required. Sincerely, RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. &,"-,'flcqE*/.*,4 Kenneth E. Richards €.o ?.6con i;i ;[ir; ;li itti*ti;llsi; ErE i ilii, ii lll.!iiiii rs$;i.*,ir;tEiigE? s*iiti*rI!*l:;riiIit r iEigii lI =*$iiH i$i Ifl* t) o d l: o o (! 3 .9 .9 .9 ID q)c -c {J oy': 6: 6o oe!q) >'; iBd6 i-) or ? 9l .9 ';y6'q,p q.: ur * 9AEF sTlo.Y 6 ho)t;.Y>C C.|;IUtccilo .: o.o o o, r.: i.i 'c .Y > q E:il : #; " {rogE fi :.€ J +H ; E; B& d.{5 b ,r i!i'+;3 *" ;E ii Tse ; [s ;5 igs i rg .r? i 'fl" ; Ha 3;5 2ai f EF ;:t * ss5 ; 8e EFr i 3.F h E: 9nY tsX F cP :.o8 J F:l )l 5i..H:3 c fl;i n; pEP;F: t >.i; sE !=;SH{ B i;: =c PPU-^cF qEh,EB, ib!;;o € ,r *ir;r€ -"gl;trI i tP=':E'i;E:;qF I ' ;ii;: iq,tlit r I€I;€t Esef iE ; s{r#*i;EF'uu I tj:8jf .lE1 i ,;$g;Fstg ; E . a o;..,3 !o .: {X(o; o'-o)6'*a:!zEao lr- : ltii;lt,re,,a?;i6:6Zni$tal:I H riF?iit;::#!:: t lre:BAi ;l Elil;? € ii! [; ii, €er.9Eltl F;?E-a!E[-p' z?it:!q*t "' ;:e:!H;F H i!?{r tii ! lE ::qgisE t i1liitit t;tiii;tte e*r*;f **it*[;;f ,;;Fp!c;i[E iiiiE] z -,-1. $i*;iiEiii ll*5*u[ues irl;i!* * r - :'S!sEgs$3 {t I;"'i";;;; ! rt o)o(t -o E 3 (tO.q(.) { o) 'e c =oE Eo oooc'-[,ooo(l oio-Y.9\-f, E16*.9 4,o P g FY; o :-> ^ Fik ts'xo; .: i< : B E.E tr 9F5 >. E: !oo t F.i 6O i oo' d " (r:';I s- *E tP 6 Jo urtr u, oo - Ea g X95,oi:rioo -. -oz o ut o .9^eTHE;!exoPufT?;€;cV39eig# @(l | 6 r oie ri qe B& e& :& J9 ;9 t9a6 Nb Nd 2E zE zEoo ou oo =(, =o = lltrr (E LL (E tLE 6i nN .8d|:oXJ&ETs6o9E?Y AC-69o(' 6> o* E-s'6.:3 n .oJ |ltcB ;ro tAO -C€-oas 5 -2llo h h Po= ; ; -5d E EdBb P; 8-8Or 0ti 0e:.q oSl oFEE.*,i;t6 i; tap* d c?E 1[=o a, o o o :+f..- o erc (r) rvo *: r:.-ro-: & 6 E 6 5.8f p ;6 ;Fo66 z: zEP ^ o o'k @ f tIi iifi i,.'ii5 a@ f 8 E*gI H E :EE *E $ i ii c! q g (o-. t: g € ob3 P-i ; = de-E; Q E :U;t6r C0:X F: I $ i:;d; _u E 5Es EI I g ;fl;sfi g F :3;i r; i F rigi *E.f 9 r(5g Iist ! s;;';tEFt :'.i;.i ri*is* ;; HE$ {s;t$f ste$f,,EEg$s #i8#;#t;8fi; #i'",; F: ]o 9E u)g.g -0 EF ;t €5 *f g.g bq !T ;E gI tfi t.9 Ea 5i tf 3t 5f €€ E E ia rE; .he 5R ! -'; d d, u *,ti$$; i [$ :: 'pt e ;tff FgI ;t*E ;r# ii!;E ds c 9t ^o F= ! =EcE :fe; to .:b,-gI B-,iE 3o :: k.: ii oo 856* ot +5E: ft EfEB EI ER.:E' IE Ebgq a i lho: :.E b;;s oH;. eE!94 iFEC O-69O o6Ep *_E.q s.o o iEt ;!EfF €*iil tE'il€; t 3': gsfF;fi Fr!i EIi93e Pl!; ooLo@-lr*4, tDtor{v (L,€F ,iFE8d 'Pld pq9#rb F-t o c r = : f -P88 P&lqf'-- I .1 b' ;9t!1r .i,jjE .ig;:Ep N I;.= ooooo!+ o -6i z'a +.9.2i z.cH slJ^"4X sIiu [#sttd i; t..ct9vl DEDABTIilEIIT OT TIAIINI Caetle Peak Bldg. 510 Broadway 13 April 1976 O NC AI{D DEllEI.OTIilEt{T P,O. Box 7E9 Eagle, C,olorado 81631 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING In accordance with Paragraph 3.09 and 3.10 of the Subdivision Regulations of Eagle County, Colorado, notice is hereby given that the Eagle County Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing to consider the following Preliminary Plan submitted for the proposed resubdivision of certain real property located in Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as f ollows: Gore Range Properties West Vail Mall Vail Das Schone Filing #3 1lz mi les West of Vail, Colorado Such public hearing shall be conducted at the Castle Peak Bldg. (Courthouse Annex) Rm 3, 510 Broadway, Eagle, Colorador at the next regular meeting on the Eagle County Planning Commission on 21 April 1976, commenc ing at 8:00 P . M . All Citizens and specif ically all adjacent property owners' are hereby invited to make comments regardi ng the proposed subdivision either in writing or at the Publig Hearing. Dated this 13th day of APril 1976 by: Michael S. Blair Secretary, Eagle County Planning Commission Planning Department/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 328{338 Building Official: Building Permits and Inspection, Zoning Administration (303) 328-63:19 ra0rr couNrr v+IL DAS qCHONE. FTr,lNG }iO. J PRELTT{IIIARY PIAii APPLICATION AhTACE}IT PROPERTY OWNERS Property adjacent to the east and west vail city Corporation 10001 E. Evans, Apt.69C Denver, Colorado T-aE 4, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing No. I Brandywine Condominiun Association vail, Colorado Lots 2, 3 and 4r Vail Heights, ['iling No. 1 Pine Rid.ge Townhouse Association Box 1640 Vai1, CoLorado Iot I-, vaiL Heights, Filing No. I Gore Ranqe Condominium Association Box 1395 Vail, ColoraCo * Lots 8 and 9, Vail Heights, Filing No. 1 Patricia A. RicknU'-n Box 1383 Vail' Colorado Property to the south fnterstate Highway No. 70 Right-of-way 10, 11' 12 and 13, Vail Heights, Filing No. I Derby Associates. Inc. 826 N. McNight Road St. Louis, MO 63130 . (1,,1; ?", .u,o. of COLORADO OEPARTMEIIT OF HEATTII 12IO EAST IITH AVENUE :C!!VTD APR 1 2 1976 oept' ol P;anni g & Devel' lagle County" Colo' DENVER, COLORADO 80220 . PHONE 386-61r1 Edward G. Dreyfua, Ii{.D., ll.P'H.lElecutlve Dlr.ctor April 9, 1975 Mr. Michael S. Blai r, Director Department of Planning and Development Eagle County P. 0. Box 789 Eagle, C0 81631 RE: File No. Sp 64-16, Preliminary Plan, West Vail Mall Dear Mike: There is not sufficient information contained in the appl ication re- ferred to above for us to complete our review and commen t on this proposal. We would like to kn ov,r the estimated amount of sewage thatwill be generated by this development, where will it be treated (we assume the UEVSD plant), and will the plant have adequate capaci ty to treat the additional load by the time the development is completed? We realize that timing is difficult to estimate for new construction, but we are probab ly looking at two to three years before construc-tion is completed on the UEVSD plant. Very truly yours, FoR DtRECT0R, UTATER qUALtTy CoNTR0L DtVtStoN /'d L+-e{- Keqlneth W. Webb, P.E., Chief l,late r Qual ity Management Planning Section KWV/mb cc: Bob Siek Di ck Bolman ].Iiire E[t j rr Ea8'l e Co.' ni;' Planr,:r { Ea7Le Cornt..' P.l e.r-i-g Depl-,. Box ?89 Ea31e, Co] oradc el63\ Box 386 - Cagle, Colorado 81631 Apri-l 8, 1976 RECTiV:D APR t 2 1976 DeDt' 0l Piarring & urvel' Eagle CountY' Colo' Dear ]ifi-ke: The West Vai-.l Mal .l Prelimi-nary II!,an vras srbrnitted to +.he Eagle Corrnty Soil Conserwation Distriet for revi*ew and cort-ent. l^Ie r'cr'ld zug.1est tjat a cl.etail-ed drLlnl5e sh'd; be done of the a:ea abor"re the proposed project prior to Ccrrelolnent. Since:e1y, ,. .-) ^/ /, / /. { ../-4.ri.*A*,t-,t/,./,//,,t-/4 ( /L' t/,/ Ross E. CharnberS, Pre si-dent 6 Apfll ttTC Oor Rlgr Frq;lL. P. O. gG ttt Vrllr Odt$ dttil Rrt Fllo hb. SP-C4-?tl. Prllmlnry Plrr W.d Vdl Mdl Tb ?.ffiod Rolrw Cfrm{tt o for Edr Oornty (r gup !t i.chrloJ dvlrlrr fionrvrfan pjllo amlr) rwfernd yur ;flba|cr cr t fprl| ffiC rr l ctlfr., lhr foltukrgorrrill rt rrornsrfflcr to til lld lhr P|rnhp Qomrnlnlsr h crilCillla d TFmd rd tlrt ot lh Flp.rtyt TTur Au{dbr n alrmrrt brlulrn tlr pldr i* mliud dolr tlorrr Nerd rn h rw rrln(hdr Ttr ettlo|r* d un-66 lt bo lcw. lt Jrcdd ba thllad rrd tt tldrur rfrlf lrvlad. It mrn |hl ttl t ft. k{.b rr iao .ndl b h.{a nn4; t|pm nt nilllE rnltr All lrrdr ffflo JcTd rfrr trorn thr Frcrfrgr 8ad crly.ffrrr *tildd !. 7.t ft Cdnnr.c.rilrt ot .dr .lO il Prul A. Ohrrrlrur Lrr Jradd lr Infitllrd lbr Cr |rrgth o| tha FlF.rlU. flrlr tuld lrCanrd wllh tlr Aanrtt Erplrrr.a. llrr Aohool Dltlct RE!O, Kdd rrqrtr d ot lhr frd c tl. €-r vdrr tfrrt. fin rtrlrtr*r wlf l br ltrtr*ld to tr OomU Flrrilrl Oonrnlrlcn r{ trr Plrt{rlOrel|rlt fer rr&hdlan bt tlr Cortrrlrrlcr fi !l 19rll ltt3r b.glrl{ra A CIOO P.M. lf yer lrr rV tfllcr, drr odrl thlr oftlot. r, /,i eirpliFbmfcr Dlnff d Plrrrltg Sll'kf oo Bodof Or|ty Orr'rmlrlcur f. 2.t. ,f. t. G. 7. U]PPER E,\Gn-tr \,i\n-[-EY SANI:r,{TION DnST"R.nCT P.O. Box 487 Minturn, Colorado 8 1645 April L, I976 Mr. Michael BLair, Director Departrnent of Planning and Developnent Eagle CountyP. 0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 APR 0 5 1976 L)€gt. 0l liarlr,'tg & uevgL Etb fdtl[&, colo. Re:File No. Sp-64-76- Prelirninary P1an, West Vail Ma1L Sanitation District has the line above referenced developnent. Dear Mr. Blair: The Upper Eagle Va11ey and plant capacity to serve the However, Vail Ci.ty Corporation, which we understand has an interest in this proposal, is still delinquently indebted to the District. Until the delinquent obligation is resolved theDistrict will not serve this property. jpc/ tj J. AnatoT. Grimshaw W. CacekA, F1ewe11ingK. Richards Gore Range PropertiesVail City Corporation t Coll ins Manager Jarnes P Di stric o@ tl,lountain Bell RFC:iVFD APR c 5 i976 u'"*,;;il;;'.1,'"*t Colorado Springs, Colorado ApriI L, L976 Eagle County Pl-anning Connnission P. 0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NTIMBER 3 We have reviewed the applicatlon and plans submitted by Gore Range ProperEles for the development of the Vail Das Schone Filing Number 3. We can forsee no major problems with this proposal except to note that there is a large buried feeder cable located in the Uttltty Easement on the north side of the North Frontage Road. Thls cable will have to be located and protected during the placlng of culverts and the deepenlng and widening of drain- age ditches and must have adequate coverage after all grade work is completed. This would be the responsibility of the contractor doing the work. Mountain Bell Telephone Company wlll provide aII assistance necessary to locate thls cable for the contractor during the work operations. If you have any questions or need additional lnformatlon please call me at 636-4647. ,a.y' ,a 4 ,// Z K /J,''"-,o-14- Facilities Planner Mountain Bel1 Telephone Company DMINAGE STUDY. FOR VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO. 3 EAGLE, COI'NTY, COLORADO I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t Prepared by: RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. P. 0. Box 1908 Vail , Colorado 8L657 Vail Phone: 949-5072 Denver Phone: 893-153f Amended: tlarch 22, L976 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I March 17, 1976 flr': i n; o Str rdrr fon Parcel A Das Schone Commercial Tract LOCATIO:J: ParceL A, of the Das Schone Commercial Tract, is a 3.25 acre parcel lying just West of fhe Das Schone Safeway S-cone in West VaiJ-, Nor"th and East of the West Vaif I-70 in'Lenchange, in the SE 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Pr.incipal M^nirir- r:dla County, Colorado. This pareel is about 1 .l-l2 mil-es l/est of .Vail , Colorado, and is not pr"esently within the boundaries of the Town of Vail-. AREA Ai{D GENEML DISCUSSION: The par"cel under conside:ration -lies in a major dnainage area ]abeled "A" on the attached map. The total drainage ar.ea feeding towards Area "A" consists of about 140 acres and splits into two dinecticns, about 400 feet above Pancel A in back of the old Gone Cneek School building and f.l-ows Southwesterly and Southeasterly along rather poorly defined dr:ainage swal-es. llith wor"k pneviously done, namely two 30rr cu.Iverts across Chamonix Road East of the subjeet site, and a J-arge dnainage channel behind the Safer^ray Stor:e and Shoppette building, very 1itt1e outside d:rainage r"eaches Parcel A. Thene are existing noad ditches on the North side of Chamonix Road which coll-ect the snallen amount of dr"ainage fnom Lots 2, 3 and 4o Vail Heights and diver:t this flow to culverts below the sub j ect pa:rce.]-. The ar.ea within Pancel A, aften being built up, will be about 70% impe::vious with paved parking and structures. This will add little additional flow to the existing drainage ditch along the South side of the Parcel, which is the North side of I-70 Nonth frontage road. This dnainage wiJ.l be enough however, to cause a need for new large cu.l-verts at the intersection of the Vail I'lest turn-off and the entr.ances to the Phillips Gas Senvice S'bation. I I I -r- I I I I I I I CRITERIA: For: sma.ller areas, the national dnainage fonmula is the best and most conservative one to use. The maximum expected runoff for a 100 year storm is computed as follors: Q=AIR Whene , Q = I,laxiinum expected runoff on peak dischar"ge fnom the watershed bassd on a 100 y3ar storm. lbibutary area in acres. Runoff coefficient fon a fairly steeP slope with moderate vegetation = 0.20 and with 70% imper:vious area = 0.50. I"laximum expected nainfall in a I houn peniod which is cons ider"ed 3tr for" the Vail area. 42 cfs, less 30 cfs I-70 highway to = 12.0 cfs 6.0 cfs 4.9 cfs 3.1 cfs 4.2 cfs I I I FOR AREA ''A'': Q=140x0.2x3=84cfs. L/2 for dnainage ditch South of Par:cel A = routed thnough existing 24rt cuLvert across Gore Cneek. Balance fon dr"ai"nage ditch Add Safeway and Shoppette Flows (4 Acres): Q = 4 x 0.5 x 3 Add A::ea fnom Pancel A (3.25 Acnes): Q=3.25x0.5x3 Add Rarnada fnn Site ( 2 . I Acres,) : Q=2.1 x0.5x3 Add Lot C, Lots 1, 2, and 3, Vail Das Schone, Filing No. I (2.8 Acres): Q=2.8x0.5x3 Additional outside area flow unplatted parcel to the Q=6.6x0.5x3 I I I I I I I I I I I wouLd be from the East of the Shoppette (6.6'Acres) Drainage Ditch Total Flow -2- 9.9 cfs 40.1 cfs I I I I I I I I I I 36" dianeter culver-ts should be instalted in f::ont of the <rrhiani Panopl A and the Phi l l ins Sf,af i r'1n rrnder e l I entfanCes.uiljeeL r rlrrf rPd vLsr+vrlt These wifl car"ry about 40'1 cfs each at a I.4% grade. Because the existing 24I culvent under I-70, i^iest of Parcel A is -laid at a steep grade, no changes are necessary to handle the maximum f1ows. The new 36r' culvepts proposed fon the Safeway Stone and Shoppette entnances (see attached map) have not been installed yet. For cLay with sonie gravel, the velocity of fJ-ow in the frontage road ditch shoutd be kept unden 5 feet per second. The noad ditch shou}d be 2.5 feet deep by 4.5 feet wide to carr"y the rnaximum flow. Dnainage fnom the subject Parcel A can be adequately carnied along the side lot lines to this road ditch. Car:e should be taken to provide adequate drainage away fnom each structure on the site. SUI.IMAPJ: Par:ce.l- A should not be seriously affected du:ring a heavy storm if the above protective measures are taken. The County may become involved in the instali-ation of a new culvert at the Chamonix Road intersection, but new development will- cause part of the additional flows . Respectfully Submitted, RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. I t I I I I I I I I I I Kenneth E; Richards Registered Pnofessional Engineen and Land Surveyon No. 2lB3 -3- tij(\\,/ i I i7\'....> \'-liir 7:!',2 J t'g: \) \ i t t tfI;i I +c' \9 N. o. l':ir Ss Gore Range Proper o lies REALTOR O Bichard M. Tolel rlellrey B. $elby Uail, Golorado E165? Nlarc}:. 22, L976 EagJ-e County Planning Comnission Box 789 Eag1e, CO. 81631 Dear Sir: The enclosed Prell-rninary Plan Applicatlon is rnade with respect to the Vail Das Schone Filing No. 3 (forrnerly i{est vail 1tu11). Please find enclosed the following data: 1. Prelirninary Plat 2. Letter concerning soils condltlons 3. Drainage report for subject property and property to the east 4. Architectural Development plan for the proposed Subdlvision 5. List of adiacent 1ot owners P,0. Bott 152E Uail. Golorado 61057 303-479-24E2 R:^-i'i ':!) Drpt. or \ Eaele MAR Z z 1976 Pianning I' i'iBl' County, Colo' Enclosed is due at this our check in the amount of $25.00 which represents fees tlme. Yours truly, Gore Range Proper o lies REALTOR O Bichard M.Tolel rlellrey B. Selby Uail, Golorado E1657 P.0.8ox l52E Uail, Golorado E1657 303-476-24E2 March 18, 1976 R€crotr-r) &AR r * iy,i6Mr. Stephen Isorn Director of Planning Eagle County Department of Pl-anning & Developnrent Box 789 Eagle, Co 81631 Dear Mr. Isom: With your assistance and cooperatlon we have lnspected the Eagle County Environmental and Engineerlog Geologic Map for Land Use prepared by Charles S. Roblnson and Assoclates' Inc. of Golden' Colorado. The nap rel"ating to the Property proposed for subdivi- slon ls referred to as sheet 1E and ltaa prepared in 1975. Inspectlon of the Geologic Map revealed that the subject proPerty has a combinatlon of two types of solls. As per the attached plan there ls approxlna tely 5Q1t of the proPerty located in the 1A zone and the bal-ance of the property is located in a zone referred to as 3D. The 1A zone is defined as high stable gravel covered terraces above the physiographlc fl-ood plain. Enphasis on, but not lfunited to, groundwater ' surface and subsurface drainage, composition and characterlstics of underlylng bedrock that nay be penetrated and possibl-e resource evaluatlon. The 3D zone known as debris fans ls deflned as gentLe thick colLuvlal slopes conslstlng of fine to course rounded material with emphasis on, but not l-inited to, surface and subsurface dralnage, frequency and control- of mudfl-ows and debrLs f1-ows, hydrocornpaction and pos- sible resource evaluation. After investlgatlon of the geologlcal characteristlcs of the property proposed for subdivislon lt has been determlned that there are no uraj or probl-em areas concernlng the solls. ffi6 M. rofe\ I%rY il ll /ii RECEIV,E )! r,^n o t 1ql'61MAK 6 LJ r.r ' -J