HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 SHOPPING CENTER 2 OF 3 LEGAL\--t\".c.*l,.",tr\= tt"iltl 6Jrl zl)< *ign Review Action Fln TOWN OF VAIL Category Number r /,o^te t,/a/4] Project Name: Building Name: I ' Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: T\ -vt,'< ,J ,l ^ li , 7aZ a?l - I ? l7 *J Legal Description: Lot - Block- SuOOivision U rf , / Oz Ae zone District (f Z ProjectstreetAaar""., 2ltl l.-] , Fran{=?. lJ . Motion by: Board/gl-dict;-> Vote: Seconded by: tr Approval D Disapproval ! statt npprovat Conditions: Town Planner ,rt l Project Name: Project Application Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board r lt/.,,i/lllny't.nnr Motion bv: lJtuL\ | Itl\UJ'l/'I. | .,r r ( It^v{/J \t \-/Seconded bV: v "-t-t I ' I DISAPPROVALAPPFOVAL Summary: ll\ I I !,, i'l. t I\ \ ilr,ii i',1 '.,\,i! 4,^ l-l , r,!itsF,r illlr: ,\i'j bs'ci \ r i t hr t(({ ) \) rt'r,,',.,''iJ'J,tult'tj ,pV, t^,\*ff ^ E starrApprovat *r,De . K) rar.qAft,'.| f'flt*ffi a ggl'rcr{ i,u t,l t '.' ,n 7r !vv\ ti(LflrqJ1 v LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS:, Filing 3 DESCRIPTION OF PR The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other l,Jall Materials Cano^y a.mir€ Red w,/ beige & green strip€ SEucco (repair ef efiisEing eeler end EexEure enly) Fasci a Soffi ts l,li ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther SEeel sta; r Devee lD24G Eahrin a'.ninn nr66n tT^ ^L^-^^ B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani'cal Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Duane Piper 949 7074 Common Name -Balsan-Poplar SFrrrco relocated to the Quanj ty Si ze* ?r?na1 & 1??;g 1) tarr Ifront yard. 8t tal I This tree will be for deciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. (over ) *Indicate caliper PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS Bqtanlcal l'lafle None .- Cormon Name ' Quanity Si ze ovi eti ng, r.rill he removed - Square Footage3F,.,,' ., EXISTING SHRUBS rhosa ohrubs -located j^oJ.he-Dl€.orers, r0 BE REM'''ED t nnnUn0a ,\ $^{Rr._ GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swirming pools, etc.) Please specify. A ncr+ stcne-wall pLaster wi,l,l be cosstru^ted. Pl anti.gs wi 1'l bo f 1or"o.o osd low ground covers . -/') 75 3oulh tronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce of communlly developmenl May 7, L9B7 Mr. Duane piper P.O. Box 55GOAvon, Colorado g1G2o RE: Vail das Schone Shopping Center DRB Review May 6, LggT Dear Duane, on May 5, 1982 the Design Review Board gave approval to the vaildas schone shonping-cen€er pt;t;"t. The approvar was given withthe following L-onotErons: L. Landscaping from the existing planters wj.ll betransferred to the area aajaEeirt i"-[tr""a"n]< driveup. 2. The existing evergreen will be transpl.anted into theberm on the sourh-side "i-luE-p"rpli.iv-l'aJacenr to thefrontage road. 3' signage will be r-ocated on the dark green valance withegg shell colored letterrng. 4. The bottorn of the valance will be anchored. 5. The green valance nust be opaque. 6, Trash receptacles nust be part of the proposal, ahunter green cart was suggesteil. 7 ' The dorninant awning coror wilr be dark green with redand white stripes.- -1- I 8. A conprete signage apprication wirr be subnitted withaquare footages for cach of the shops. please see theenclosed slgn applloatlon. 9. The existtng.lighte and_planters in the parking lotrnust be repaired or repliced. Good L,uck rith your proJect. Sincerely, ,) t n IV,-l llJrI\ttgn YnfIeistan Prltrz To!'rn Planner JIt -2- 75 soulh tronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oltlco of communlty development April 30, 1987 Mr. Duane PiperP.O. Box 5560 Avon, Colorado 8LG20 RE: Vail das Schone Shopping Center DRB Review April 29, !gg7 Dear Duane, on April 29' L987- the Design Reivew Board mad.e the folrowingcomments on the Shopping Center RemodeL: l-. Investigate extending the lights east past the Bank. 2. Subrnit a colored south elevation that wiLl showclearly the awning, planter areas, and staircase. 3. Consider upgrading the parking area lighting,planters, and bike path connection. Cenerally theentire east end of the project needs to be tiirisneOespecially in respect to Landscaping. 4. Signage should be addressed. The lineal frontage,allowable square footage and sign design detailishould be subnitted. Please suburit this information by Monday afternoon so that rwill have sone time to review it. thanks! Sincerely, #r[*Ah Kristan PriEz Town Planner eo Project Application Proiect Name: Project Desctiption: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board ".'" 1/Iq/kt Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL {A{?) FI I \t,/l I Su m mary: Date: OT.VW 3)l\)tl' oo \ c )o ii \ f.p d \ $ 0 s* )tlt U N Ytq\ a\ a, T( PI t{ F {) X oIt\ si 6 v)i { tl F vt d s I'$lrRii d$ ia{ nii\$i l!\ L ti $l{ i u * 0o ( ttI a e{ o o \0 { F v Cr E $ F' n 'l;r; X d{\I $ $ t tr a -\ n i.lts. ;i*' :! e s lJl Y {tIIio J.| Jt!!t ff'I Itr ll 0tt3 IN t $\+q e E g riJ u !.) $ a s = { d t el! iift .t it 0l (.t lq x-! iLlic 4 ,ra'rll J( Kvql U x? $l u) !{ ss a s ..o -.rl FABRICATED TREE GUAR o DS l so srEEL- 8AR STOCK -TREE\ GRATE of' coat a Plr et( tion ntin co:al ul Rt STYI"E A ni,7 NEENAH tree guards are manufactured. lrom hot rolled mild steel in iir; i;;;ii;t;;70 ittustrateo stl,teibuards are designed to b-e attached i;iilt";i;;;i; oorting iugs'wnicn are integrallv,'cast to the under- side oJ the tree 8rare.. >p,l'.itr'iiiiCnteni mEtnobs can be furnished for qrates which may arrea"o-v oe-in-Jtilted witho_ut the cast lugs. contact iijr? fr'dErlnri'idpi'eJeniaii'ue with vour special requirements . .. Guards are lurnished standard in pieces which are easily bolted toeether and assembteo'''ii'fiJiGri. tbom-ptete assemblv instr.Ycligl': ;;e"i;;ir;;a with eacn o'dei'jVertlcui-b?I: -are bolted to the top and bottom halt rrngs ani tne two halves are assembled around the tree and bolted to tn, et.i..'A-lt';;;;;S;;t bolts will be furnished with ;';;;;;;il"ld tltei.oliij'tecommJn6eo:as vour unit cost is the 'most econom ica l, reducei itJ "ipoiiitio-n -costs'.and m inim izes the [lit".,i t]riib"l',i.ni'aeeioi-l.,i,;;;;iI;ithea,n iransit or at the iob site. Asanoption,atadditiona|cost,NEENAHwil||urnishsuardscomp|etely assembted in two hatl t"Jiiini".'iiJ-'aiidmOteOeuarJs will be supplied using the standard t"tnoi'di:ji.idmqtv' *nlcn i-s-with the vertical bars bolted to the nngs, o|, ur'a"n1it'',6-n - b',drs crn be welded to the rings. Tree guards are lurnished un-painte . as the standard' Optional painl-- inp. at additional cost, ;;'bi;;iplied' See-aQ-v.c'e on paintin€ tree li:i# il"P;;e-s5. if'tiiioi/ painiing is required' vour suards wrrl 5e shipPed Pre-assembled' Perhaps our five standard styles are not suited to vour needs' Special sizes and styles can o."ti'iiTuitilreo1o your specifications' our Eneineerrng ano sates itiii'i'tJii'iof and-anxious to cooperate In iiietoJtefit of a special guard lor vou' SpecilY when ordertng: 1. Style i. Oir"ntion L (c9?rq feight as measured lrom-' or 6tis standaid height) 3. Tree oPening diameter 4. Un-assembled i. ii.tt*rnUed (Standard bolt method) (at additional cost) O. pr"-asse.Oled (welded method) (at additional cost) 7. Ootional paint (see page 35 lor paint type available) (ai additional cost) 8. ShoP drawings for aPProvat top ot grate-4i 5i 0298i) li : tlLtYtl:rt- ' desiSn with expandable tree opening. Avail- n angle frame. il required. tat - 260 gounds. R-8849 1800 R0UND (Form€rly R€622) Tree opening rs expandable In this two prece grate. Available wilh cast i.o-n angle lrame, il required. Weight per set - 4OO pounds. 7 t800 RouluD AilD StCTrot{ 50- ,rl --r-Ttl HAIF PLAI'{ ANO STCTION I t800 RoutuD ND R8849 except vrith lour 1O" dramete/ l,ght Otndable. Available with cast iron angle {rame, :e{ + qffi M @ pounds. I APPLICATION DATE OF DRB DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I.IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatjon meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional informatjon is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items requ'i red by the zoning administrator).It is the appl'icant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Description Address NAME OF Address Bl ock Filing \Xril- 448, sll\s|r€ f+LbZoning c. D. NAME oF APPLTCANT: |4vt9qot\ wtfF*. . tel ephone E. NAME Si gna Addre F. $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be compieted before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normal'ly involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. be paid at the time a building FEE permit is requested. j, -.'. .. . ' -.1i $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $ 100 .00 $200.00 $300 .00 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : teteohoneffi&fr- terephone W&U- DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION 4.The followJng items no longer have to be presented to-the.Design-Reviw 8oard. iiiJy,-f,oweuei, have to be flresen[ed to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. bllndows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Buildins additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space'- wntcn hive had letters submitted from adioining property owners approving the addltion; and/or approva:l from the agent for, or manager of a condorninium 5. associ ati on . You may be required to conduct Natura'l Hazard check with a Town Planner before proceeding. Studies on your property. You should I .l : r:"&PJ' r:'t q- -4.OpeI { Ooo-io r'FoFIoltq oo Gl oaloFo oE E .9oo ooI|Ilxo!iB oo G' o.€3o og Et! Fil .Eg JLE Eat,tro! 4/20/87 Kristen Pritz Dept. of eomnunity Devel-opment Town of Vail Colorado Re: Vail Das Shone Shopping Center Parking Kristen : The followingls uses: Use Retail Bank Warehouse Condos a sr unary calculation qF 22,53r r,25O (Bsmrt) 7,593 28 condos Parking Rati-o 1 to 300 1 to 200I to 1000 2/ cond,o TOTIAL Requirenent 75 8 fo 146 sbaces of parking required for current The square footages and condo count are taken from the o{ner ts leasing information and plans; The accompanying site plan indicates existing parking for 154 cars; for an excess <if, 8 spaces. Pl-ease note that existing parking does not indicate parking available on the east side of the building. I have conveyed your request.for a cross easement agreement to the owner. He would prefer to not use that parking ds required count and avoid the agreement at this tine. His reasons invoLve sensitive negoiations for the sale of the adjacent -parcel. (Keep in mind that the owner of Vail das Shone is also.d majority otner within a partnership for the land adjacent to the east.) these figures will assist in your review of zoning. Sincerely; Encl; Site Plan fouwl s 75 south frontage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 20, t987 oftlce ol communlty development have any further questions. fnnice inprovement to the retail area! Mr. Duane PiperP.O. Box 5560Avon, Colorado 9L620 RE: Vail Das Schone Renodel Dear Duane, The forlowing information shouLd be submitted no later thanTuesday afternoon, April 21, Lga71. L. A site improvment survey. 2. Details on light posts and tree grates. 3. An existing parking layout that wilt show what spacesare lost through the re_design. 4. A parking dernand inventory showing present requiredparking, exsiting parking-and prololed parfinf. 5. An access easenent wirr be necessary for the parkingspaces located on the east side of lhe projecl if tfrespaces are for required parking. 6. A site pran that shows irnprovements in front of theshops as well as new parking. Bill Andrer,rs may have additional inforrnation that he needs. rwrrl grve him the drawings when r have a complete package ofinformation. Please let ne know if yougeneral , the project is a Sincerely, i) \ n I {t'rhn Y{,tt Kristan pritz Town Planner uJ oz z =ldl .6 z-z IH lo I I I I I I t_,, td IE r3tzr6 cn IF\ c\i I o (!p at c\+ a u.J IIJ l.L ts =t UJ dffilq o () o -g.o(g .9ao.(g 3'o,ho\ ooo (!q E s, E (! ID o ; =o E :) o(D o ct '.g o o t': (! .Y' 1-Eg€E8F; F e t?€ Ht e e F.I (5 aFJc: 96S:0c-o> =g,!s.E =ei;c9cF -*=d) ; €;FI!Eo* O O-cE;;i ,E.;;-e SE; eoiEor s *:,FE6: F :Es g ErES -o.yo--C?co'-:E7', O tn+'-E ._d! O e .:i:'E!=gglE 9 (!E5 ;T EB;*;E9E or -cEg: - o (!: (.1, lu UJ l.L F = u,l(L a o = = uJ o- z o .o oE co B LU z(J 6 LI'l oz j NO[Vn']VA .. >l ltlo uJtuz (/)F llJ J z E o lJ,.ll CE tzlz trqr<Qo< >fi 2CERil5ci<z iz 9= -IEOBtrOI FI r-l .u CJFIo it{ 5q YIJ>(sZ r!! Y v (l)<t zlJ llJ'w < .r-'r oa$ 7a) =>(! -r(rf t'u ,$ =d)Gr z IL3 tr o l E IL UJ J z Eoo z tr uJF q-d+>\5EEq€ R!/ol =.1(5l uJl 5l <l>l bl zl =lolFI I I I I ctl =.1ol uJl 5l al>l rLlol =l sOl uJFI F ;t IEt r4l..r | | |Fll Ol =l -l ot I.dt I l.r l Itl c;lal zl.rl ,'il -t uJllcclEl -Jlffisl*l bltzl =31qol ctlutlcl JI <l I =lIFI I "l=.1 sl 1l al>l bl zl 3lolr-l tirp tl YI7r Il. FItr F)tahtiJE a LU =z (Do_-) z J lJ- Eilg b= z J E EFz z T ul = <oC)F;C)trs \26o <F uJ<zEUJF(42o(J J< (,) <5 !',!3 DT z -r uJ = z.-o =Qcoo =z O- LL J ooz& 3b53cour L ct! o- lJ- u z f U)I oF tr o- JFuJ-h= o- Lu>cOu-9o5 u.r ^aLx>fiF J UJ (D o o co € oo.oIt II - zoo : [' I I \ a {[tru I TOI{N OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERI.IIT APPLICATION FORllr"'- . .., DATE: 5-24-?3 ni--',"'; .-cbQtt Ii 6 t99t t APPLICATION UUST BE FILLED OtIf COI.|PLETEIJY OR IT !!Ay NOT BE ACCEPTED !********** * ************ **** *** pERI{rr rNFoRl,lATroN ** ****************r** * *******tl ./[ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing [c,f-Electrlcal [ ]-Mechanical I l-other bre e.. Gr.(l".rd.-' Address: Z,rl C-t f, py' u,. ,".Tli3]!]z Address: work classs [ ]-New [rjiatteration I J-Additional 1-(aepair [ ]-oth Nurnber of Dwelllng Units:Nunber of Acconmodation Units: ^ lpmber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ Wood/Pellet_ l,********************* * *********** VALUATIONS ********* * ***********************tt viuttoluc: ElEerRrcAttl-4ieo'1 orHER: !_pLultBrNG: '-- uEcHANrcALzi- TorAr,: f- l***** *** * ***** * ************ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ******** * ** **************** lEeneraL Contractor:Address: Phone Nunber: Electrical Contractor: -fbb Address: Plunbing Address: [echanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR Owners Name: Architect: General Description: Ph. Contractor: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMIT FEEs MECHANICAI., PERUIT FEE: EI.,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB TEE: tffilvr,lrt | 6z l_ttl ttlr-r-r_ Connents: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nunber: oFFrcE usE *** ** ********** * ***** * * * ******* BUII.,DTNG PI,AN CITECK FEE: PLT'UBING PIAN CHECK FEE3 UEC}IANICAI, PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PERUIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATT'REs CI.BAT{ I'P DEPOSIT IEPIIND T.O: VALUATION , ,r. luwn u l|al 75 south troniagc rord Yril, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&]ECT: Read and acknowledged by: offlce of conmunlly devclopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITll TTTE TOWN OF VAIIJ TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEL,OPMENT IIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnnary,,ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial , incl.uding trash dunpster-. portable ioileti andsorkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public P1?9e or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way on ali Town ofVail streets and.roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.Tlris ordinance wilr be striltry enforcld by the Toin of vairPYlli-c works Department. persons found vi6tating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .fn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puLfic WorksDepartment will remove said nateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfrift not blapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tovtrn ofVail Building Department to obtain I copy. flani you for yourcooperation on ttris natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 aouth front ge ?ord vrll. colorudo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 oltlco ot oommunlly dcvrlopncnl BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAltlE !f thi.s peryl.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineef 's (Pgb]ii }Jo1ks) rey'iew and approval,' a planning' Departmentrevfew or Health Department review, and'a review by the Eui'lbing Department, the esti.mated time for a tota'l review nny take as 16ngas three weells. All comnercial (large or small) and al'l multi-family permits wi'll have to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residentia'l and small projects should take a'l esser amount of time. However, if fesidential or smaller projects inpact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be nade by this departnent to expedite this permi't as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame.. 5- 26- ae Communi ty Devel opment Department. /' ! //l"i t't P DATE ,' , ,. JOB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: CALLER TUESMON WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O BOUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL C] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING n tr u ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB E FINAL D FINAL fF ir APPROVED .1' - -O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t.,r.,1e91R elll9J,t s, DATE ,/ -,: a/t4 INSPECTOR niF*op oz b =g. ulo- U'' UJ LIJ LL F = llJ J/51161101 f,.L,l I l_ IE I I I I 1,. IE IFlaz l=to lotz I I I I I "rPoJ<lloIq I I I I t..., M<rllo EE i'lo;zAd u Fa 2 s : s l! uJo = E' (6 0)1)o O o)c = E o = ;o o. (o 3 .9 ooE ut c,E o .9 ! o og(! ol '= oN ^o 'o F1 o o E oo(! o o .2 I c ai]6 rD t'i (! '=aDo*!og8F aoaq; IEQc;.= (!Frco xoc-o e:5:ge c96 B5t_'F >;iFa =EE E;s F5 e.==S 0-6 cL sEE ./reO.E*e D;6o-'-EE EO(!:aiEl.: : evC(E0- - --c3,*; E:E '6>o (!: v=E3i8 a6eOEo EEg -oc, fn e.t F uJ z 6:f :<(J TJJ (J z J (J ) z = o- Iz ul trltll z F UJ o oa o .D =!9 !J,J z 6l].l F t!o z x F ulo FlFl FlFlH a[!ulIL E E UJ a]. J FoF oz J f ao 9 o UJ t.l z6 = d .J z E NOrrvntvA ."I3l; (\t tFt<- .:F fcoz =FZ u-Ioo<4=*> :l-6Ez -oz uJ flr J<^,e/ -ua >E -rfru z tr^ ana =>_ozLL< o-Yt5 t{ z tr J LL(r f E IL E j z Eoo Rt4z tr LIJ F ; LIJz bzlzOoF9l o< >(r 8o<z I Azz-_F do3 '.rJOI z s F .Jlaz uttr ar <n UJz o IF o_ I I L 1 I + gi f-l F 4'o uJtuzoF lll t2 i- = l< = ao .t{ CN I Ft H t{ toe --zE'rf.s 5,+el'< = i z(1 n F ) 2 Jdl F J =Jtr = & Fcl zH 4 t; =z -)- z H A H UJ: z trlEoldI = I o- Xts ^/. B E-rh Fo = tr u4 GI CIdn-{ = o- Eo E ts an =tr I I I IEalJI o.l ol =.1 fll 1l <l>l r!lol zl;l FI F Ioo\ I lI g oz ri llJ J z 3 F =tr r tr oz Iu J z 3 F e. z ,i uJ = ILoz3o IJJ) uJF EoIo ott z E EoIJ o tro E ooott--- 8e3o =zF - --\e. ',7!l cluS nr-r>- LJ L--JJFIuJ -l!EI Jt Hl "6\.4 tLl z;(J a'l | : l"LF ;I O':I..? i-l J Y o.-r H =l ;;ENi Flnn H o ttuz = I F LIJ trr(J t <F uj <zE[!Ftit z O ) aF tu J UJ ; I zL t 9P;o =<ZE d6 i5::F =2:IY Y,Z>U !+o =b2 J<O.nA!H tr) _.{ UJ Eoo ? z F TL UJY ut @ F F.._ rfl5o\(rq ul(L tr chof (Li{oFno9Erl(, uJ i-FTJzo l Lii F t \ F =Elrl o-zo F(JfEt-azoo -.v ^ APPtfCATfON UUST BE FILLED OUT COT.IPLETEIJY OR IT ltAY NOT BE ACCEPTED trr***************************** PEIll,lIT TNFORUATTON ****** ** **** ***************** tl ,t-[ ]-Building [ ]-Plutnblng [ ]-Electrical [ !-Mechantcal J/1-ottrerClOmO Job Name:Job Address: Legal Description:Lot Block_ filing susprvrsroNt Add.ress: fdr Ph. General Description: /"3*,trlr I PERMII APPLICATION FORM DATE:(oqa Ol,{ners Nane: Architect: I{ork class: [ ]-Ne$r 5-aft.=.tto Nurnber of Dselllng Units: Nl-A Number of Acconmodation Units: NE and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/PeIIet BUI -adrnicailrTEcffircE-L: t-OTHER: I TOTAL: I **** * * ********* * * * ********* coNTnACTOR INFORMATTON ** ***************I Contractor: ('t t-iICY]|.l rI)0Off-N, Town of Vall Reg. Address:Phone Number: Electrical Address: Contractor:Town of vall Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO.+ Phone Nunber: Plunbing Address: Contractor: Itlechani.cal Contractor : Address: ****************t*************** FOR oFFICE USE ** ************ * * *************** BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PIUMBING PERMTT FEE: I'IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE 3 ELECTRICAIJ FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEEs DRB FEE: BUILDING PI.AI{ CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: l3- BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: gf-nepair g Corornents: CI.EA}T UP DEPOSIT RETUIID TO: VALUATION &/" 75 roulh tronlrge ?o!d Y!ll, colorado 81857 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ottlca ot comnunlly developmcnl BUILDING P,ERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permi.t. reQuires a Town of Vai'l fire Department Approval ,Engineerr's, (.Pyb]ic Works) reyiew and approval, a p'lanninf'Department review or Health Department review, and'a review by the 6uiliing Department, the esti.mated time for a total review iny take as 16ngas three weeRg. All commercial (large or smal'l) and all multi-family permits willhave te follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnts. Residential and_small projects should take a 'l esser amount of tjme. However, if !esidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so take the three week period. - Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permi. t as spo n as pos s i bl e . !,. the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame.. r Communi ty Development Department. I i).. 75 ioulh fronlage rold Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 oftlce of communlty developmenl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAIJ STORAGE rn surnraaryr.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor nateriar, incruding trash durnpsterl , portable i:oileti andworkrnen vehicles upon any streetl sidewaik, altey or public _p_I?g" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n ali Town ofVaiI streets and.roads is approximately 5 ft. 6ff pavenent.This ordinance wilt be strillry enforcld by the Town of vailPYlli: works Department. persins found vi6rating this ord.inancewlrr be given a 24 lrour written notl-ce to rernove said nateriar.rn the event the person so notified does not comply witlr thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puLric worksDepartment will remove said materiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance stritf not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 Ln full, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain a copy. rirank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. ad and acknowledged by: va=...:_'-nos (i.e. contractor, owner) Re Y Date Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: DANCING BEAR DATE: 10-19-93 ADDRESS:2211N.FRONTAGE CONTRACTOR: CUSTOMDECORS VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: A-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 111-1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all pmsible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be cunstrued to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQIIIRED BEFORE ANTY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. AJ-L PENETRATIONS IN FLOOR,CEILING, AND WALLS TO BE FILLED WTTH AN APPROVED FIRE RESISTTVE MATERIAL. 3. FIELD INSPECTION FOR BUILDING IS REQUIRED. 4. THIS PERMIT IS FOR DEMOLITION OF NON-BEARING PARTMONS ONLY. PLEASE I'IAKE CHE TOWN OF VAJL D E PA RT;\{ E.\- T O F C O lv1 ;vlliN ITY D EVEL O P }tEN T' S.\LES ACTION FOR},[ . 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD NA}IE C0L0RAD0 81657 ;fiiii&Bri ZCI\T\'G .\\D ADDRESS l'tAPs0t 00004r510 0l c{"10 {24 I5 TINIFOR-\{ B UILDI\G CO D E 0l 0000{2.{r5 UMFOR.\,I PLUT{BDIC CODE UMFOR.\.I J\{ECHAJ{ICT,L CODE0l 000042415 UNIFOR,\{ FIRE CODE0t co00 .{2{ l5 0t 0,39)42{r5 N,\TIONAL ELECTRJCAL CODE 0t c900{2415 ol.tEn coDE EooKs 0t 0cr00.{ I54s BLUE PRT\TTS 6IYLAIIS 0t ooc|] {2112 | >:tnox coPEs / s'ruDIEs 0l 00co r?371 I PENAI,TY FEES / RE.',,'..'SPECT]ONS ot ooco { t332 i PL,ruV Rgvtnv RE.cHEcK FEE t5.(o FER HR.l OFF IIOURS b|SPECNON FEES CONT:T,\ CTORS L]CE\S ES FEES0l 0000.11{t2 0t 0000 { 1330 SICN APPL]C^TIOi'I FEE.0t c\too4|1r3 0t 00co4t{13 ADDITION^I- SIGNAGE iEE ISI.OC PER, SO.IT. 0t 0cs0 42.{{0 lTC ART PRO';CTDONAT:ON 0t 00004t33t PRE PAJD DESICN REVIEWBOARD F:E OIco00424l2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI .01 0000 42371 INVESTIGATIoN FEE (BUILDING) I '"oro" ou", ZO"OO AL USE PER\flT 0l 0cr00 { 1330 EYTERIOR A LTERAT'ON I NiOR E THA"\I I OO SO.FT. 0t 0000413 OIOMOAI33O ISPECLALDEVELOPT CODE,t'VE\'Dl'IENTS * * * * * * * * i flalhmn|o|n ''-)., . TormofVaf, ldBankChecking Building lf- t(; Buikliu lngpedion 1A11Fa 1016 80.(X, a ,0 lli*rllrsr C*r B1-86-94 t6:2tt43 Eec€j.pr * tIZ696 Rccounr *, Ct( * 16t6 JHt,oqrcrtm EEffi\.oFF rRs rr.lsP FEE5Asrount. ten{6refl; } 'd-# Itrf;paid. EllBBgaT233?g06 chenge..rerurned,. ) haurt,pai6. 88. B8 6.80' THff{K l/OU Vnur cashier EEBTHF /atp4, O/"bE silo,ue3d DEpARTr4sMf oF coMM'Nrw DsvErJopMENr SAwr{/ NOTE: THfS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iTOBSITE AT AL,L TfMES PTI'MBTNG PERMTT ffi .fob Address Location. . .Parcel No.. Project, No. 2171 N Frontage Rd, 2r.03 -114-15- 0r.2 tus. . lied. Issued.. . E:<pires. . Phone: 303-328-6660 Phone: 303-328-6660 Phone : 3 03 -333 -193 3 1,000.00 ISSUED to/2s/L999 LO/29/L999 04/26/2000 TOV{N OF VATL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479 -21-38 APPI..TCAIVT CONTRACTOR OWNER BUSINESS Description: #. FIRST CtAfiS PIJI]MBING & SEATINGP O BOX L793, EAGL,E CO 81631 VIEST VATI., MALI, CORP 233 MILI{AI]KEE, DEN\IER CO 80206 SI'BWAY Plumbing eo move sj-nk for rernodel Valuation: gEE SOt Any P]-uDbir€|- ---- > Plrn ch.ck---> InvcaiigNtsiolr> wiLl c.Il---- > ne3Lualrnc Pl.n RcwLeu- -> TOXtrL PEEA----: ToEal calculetsad, Fsaa_-_ >21.75 eRCi,l s:oo AI'l 5 : C0 PM 15. OO ,00 3,00 .oo 2r.75 Addiliosral Pc.t---------> 'oo 21.75 2t.75 .00 tr*Jrrtwi*tl:)*,l r*i*ririt+|t*fir+rr***+r+*ttl+tt*rrrir*tl.ttrrttltrlt!,*t+r Tolal Peruig Fa€_--_----> Pafr[cEts- - -- - - - BAIANCE DI'E- -.. B{IILDING DEPARIIIIENT DepI: BUILDING DiWiSiON:KATIIY Action: APPR ADprowed per-Kw FrRE DEpARLENT 'DeDE: FIRE Diwision:KATITY ACTiON: APPR N/A rEem: 05100 10 /2s/L999Item: 05600 ro /2s/L9e9 CONDITION OF APPROVA.I, 1. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIAI.TCE. DECLARA'IIONS I hcreby acknoc|ledge that I have r€ad lhis appLication, ::i]e<i outs i.n fufl ihe :nfo*latiolr :equi.!ad, conpleEed an acculagc Plots pian, and sgaEe EhaE al.: Lhe informaEion provi.cieq as t:equr:ieci is cor::ect. : agree bo conpiy rrith Che informatslon and pioE pla!, ',o cornpiy ',,i;h al,L Tolrn Drdinancss and :]t.ar-e La*s, and ic buifd this st.-.lc.ure acccr.di$g to che lownrd zor!i:]g and subdi\ri51on ::caes, ;esigi: raview aoor:oved. i;n-:carn 3ui-.1rngi :;qe :nc.c::ea,it.j::tanceE;j :jre ;ilqn sopljcsrle al:eracc. aEQUESTS FOR iNSPE(3IONS SHAI; EE MADE TV{6NIY-9O('R iiCU-iS IrI ADVAr\CE ay '.t ""y m BOX 1793, EAGLE CO I R r1T OUR No Psr*\ t TowN or vnnlNsrRucnoN pERMrr n{cAroN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLNTE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contactthe Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640for Parcel#.* Parcel# Zro-s' lt9 -rS -Ol?- o",., lo/blm Job Name: 3 r b!uar-{ Rervrr-nTlnt\> Job Address: Building (h Plurnbing ( ) Block Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) -lrgaffescription: l,ot Filins SuMivision 233 ft-1's-uL<e Adftess: -\r<A{er. Ccl FozC[= Address: Permit # Other ( Phone*/:o5133]-1935T-.--r- Phone#Architect: ll n O.*.'OOoffi Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Alteration () t)/o- Additiond ( ) b/u Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Ac commodation Units: Gas Logs WoodlPelletNumber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BLIILDING: $ PLTJMBING $ -X Geneml Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No.t3L-P Mechanical Contractor: VALUATlONS ^e4ELECTFJCAL: S C) -MEC}IANICAL $ o --E- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTHER: $TOTAL$@ Address: Phone # Town of Vail Registration N" @ Plumbinq contractor , tsTC (., ts i/ i F Address: Phone # /..t Ba{ t7l3 3)t- ) Lt 3 Town of Var[ Regisuation No. ocT 25 1999FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: enon * I)AIC Reeaivad Address: Phone # Address: Ca.U Qohn \I+af\u.n \,,1f".[ \ P^-i*,- q-1b-qq8's\Ltl \ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTIH TI{E TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PI.JBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNIry DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY 1, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: ITEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit or cause to be liuered" tracked or deposited- sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any stree! sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notif, and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or qruses another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks. mud" dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent may cause any such san{ gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shalt not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any constructiorq maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtgnance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B abov€, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same! rnay be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guiltl' of a violation hereunder. be punishable as provided in Section l-zl-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowl edged by: Position or Relationship to (i.e. contractor or owner) Dats, ,cllLsln? TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERN{IT ISSUANCE TTME X'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Plan:ing Department review of Health Departrnent review, and a review by the Building Departrnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projccts impact the various above mentioned deparunents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to cxpedite this permit as soon as possible. I. the undersigned. understand the Ptan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay tJre Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: t"*l- t bd into/the Community Developrnent Dept. {g o*rr^"o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: DATE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PI.]BLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A "PIJBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED PLEASE ANSWER TMFOLLOWING QI]ESTIONNAIREREGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PIJBLIC WAYPERMIT': l. Is this a new r€sidence? YES 2. Is demolition work being performed tbat requires tlle use of the Right-of-Way, eas€ments or public property? YES NO< No 2< YES No-<- Is a different access needed to the site other tlan the existins drivewav? YES Noa< J. n 5. YES NO--rl- B. If NO to 8A, is a parking staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES No-i<- If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit'" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's offrce or at Community Dwelopment. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. Tr{E ABOVE QUESTIONS. Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES_ NO_24 Is a "Revocable Right+f-Way Permit" required? YES No)<- A. Is the Rightof-Way, easements or public property to be used for stagtng, parking or fencing? No 2<_ f-,t Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? 6. 't. 8. Company Name REFTTSl LI/q3/ 1999 OBrO3 RE0UESTS OI.'N OF VAILT INEtrECTN h'T]RK CT]LORADD SHEETS FOR:ll/ 3/1999 U T tr99-qt135 Il/ 3/19 Type: B-trLMB Statrrs: ISSUED Eonstrl ACOIII E171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST e171 N Frontage Rd, Sr-rbway el0S-l l4-15-Ola Occr UEe: Frlumbing to nove sink fon remodel FIRST CLABS trLUMBING & HEATING Fhone: 303-348-566O I^IEST UAIL MALL CORF Fhone: 3tZt3-333-1933 FIRST trLAgS PLUNBING & HTATING Fhoner 3O3-388-666O PAGE 10 flREAr JRltl Activityr flddres s r Locat i on l Far"ce I r Descri pt i on l Flppl icant l Owner: Contract or r Inspection Request Requestorl FRED Req Timer 0B:OO Itens requested to gAe9A FLMB-Final Infornation. . . . . Comnents: SUBI^JAY be Inspected... Fhone: 376-811P - I.IILL CALL Act ion ConnentE Ti ne ExP Inspection Hietory.....It en r OOelgl trLMB-Undergr'or-rnd Itemr BOeeG FrLMB-Rouqh/D. t^,. V. Iten r OO€3O PLftlB-Rough,/Water Iteol A0g46 trLltlB-Eas F,iping Iten: OOe50 trLMB-Fool/Hot TubIt en : 6Ae6A F,LMB-ltli sc. Iten l Gaeqqt F,LftlE-Final TOhIN OF VArI, ?s s. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 9155?970-479-2t38 Descriptj-on:InsEall flre sprinkler system FLrelrlae€ Infor!|allon: RcsLrictscd: DEPARIT'IEICI OF COMMI'NITY DE\IELOPMENT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST SPRINKLER BE POSTED ON PERMIT 'JOBSTTE AT Permit #: ALL TIMES F99-0009 rrob Address' '. , ???? N FRorirrAcE RD wEsrLocar,ion. . . . . . : ?-o?? N.-;;;;;;"^'Rd, vailparcel No-.... : 2j.03_ri+_ii_6ij=,Project Number: pR,J99_oi4i Status..visiApplied. fssued. . Ercpires. *Of Geg AFpl{ancee: Valuation: #Of OaB Log6: 2 ,4OO . OO *of Wood/prllats: .00 . o0 ?9.00 79.o0 . o0 73 .00 Total Calculated F€G6_-_> AdditloneL Fc66------ ---> Toetl PerDit Fe.-- ----__> n<r-off/"'. : ISSITED -:LO7/09/L999ker, . z O7/09/L999.: 0t/05/2oOO APPLIEAItT WESTERN sLoPE FIRE & SAFETY,INC. . Phone z 970-641.-474L708A w. NEW yoRK AI/ENI E, eulnviJou, co 81230coNrRAcroR wEsrERN groeE-;:i6"i"se"sry, rNc:-., phone : 970_64L_474r708.A. w. NEW yoRK AVENUE, GITNNISON, CO e1230OIINER TOWN OF VAIL* CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAI{D .]T]NCTION CO 81502 Pal n.ntr-------- 7s.oo*.*r'*,*,**,,****,*r****,**,** **.*l*i**i,,,,** ."".."".."Tfl11.111;;;;";;;;:;;":"..*.._,..._;::,,, ii'tilt\ii:3ffi gTffft 5f **-ffi HT":T:$!i,T:F+".*;i;i:il; coNDirroN oF APPRoVAL1.. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLTAIVCE.******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I h€reby acknowl€dgo thar, I hrve r.ad.this applicelion, filled ou! in fult rhe infc ii"ii.frj :ifi""ii'i*'":1i"3::ffi;:,::ft*: ;#:*tiiiirj:i::iil.iIiii"q :#,i"tiii'l;"'it?i*::# ffiTi:: ;iil,codce, dlcrsn ";.;-;;n;:;:::;:i,* ;$i:,:;':;rx.,:""il::""::i;J:*"n*:j:'x"li.:li. ;r;";;il;"1," rubdiv,e,on RBQUESTA FOR rNsPBCTrOlls gItArJ! BE ,{ADB T!{ENTY-POUR HOUng rN AqraNcE Ay TELEFHONE AT 4t9-2].38 OR A.I OrrR oFFTCE FRO!' S'OO A.tir 5:oo pr,, ,gIONA?I'RE OP OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HTMSEIJF AND OWNER v11-11** * * * * !r * * * * * * *******3* * * * * * ** * * ** ** * * ** ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *Tor{N oF vArL, coLoRADo '''-----r-x' sEat,emnt.:r*************!t*!r*********************************************!t* Statemlt Number: REC_0541 AmounE, ? :lg.o0 o7/tg/99 LL:08Pa]rmenr Merhod: cr{EcK n";;;;;, # 004545 rnt: KMsf Permit No: F99-OO9? __Type: F_SpRNK SPRINKLER pERIurTParcel No: 2103_114_15_-oi3Site_Address: 2099 N FROI,I?AGi RD WESTLocation: 2099 N. rrontale-iA, v"ir v'Eion clinic in cir 78.00 78.00This Paymenc TotaL Fees:78.00 ToEal ALL pmE,s: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * ** * * * * * * :* * * ** * * **:?l*::i -. ** * * * * * * * * ; 9: -*Account, Code Description Amount,MP 00100003111300 MEarIAtricAr. pERMrr FEES Go.oopF 00100003112300 pl.alr- ciiec? eeBs ls. oowc 00100003112800 ml,i cAr.i rNspEqrroN FEE 3.OO |lrC,s iCKi.'l Sr-OrE rrRE iD:503-641-5821 JUL 08'99 11:41 No.OO4 P.O2 a ^- ?Zfqq-oltll TOU,N OF VArTOilsTRUcToil PERTr APGAnoN'FORII {lF{rIJil q!0r rn sT, lE aotryrrTt_o.n TEEa!4IcATroI wt+,.4E FrrlcaEf m*ffi33ryfff,.gJ,o{*b'|MtPnnt* Zt-o3-- ll9 - l1^ol3 '.*',-., B11Q \?\- JobNenc:\1t-,1 V,'s',on Job Addt6: Fdl@()Pltdbgl'. t n dh.l( )tftAnicd( )W1.{ .o{#1 ttod Dectdodlob: I Wo*Ctrr Ncry ( ) nframqd Additoml( ) noairt I Oelf( ) 'tf ) I VOrdDrnltbgttr xrd*ofAccomcd*imudtr:- I xl0crrrlTypcdllrr|roa; OuAnptlnq ccrlrp.---.---_- Woodlhltc- I !ya.ualgt 1 GOITElClttR lt{FoRt^iloN I: Gd.seHnG@Addtrs:i---"r A'1 tovaotrvdRlticill@Ns*--.--..--- rlomtF{l.- ndl\ *ddJrsf'lor :l +4 .r-r rrrrrrrr D-r.r* *ri hg-A u:eq- rot,-,: q"e+.,Gtt''""ro"' 'co: tl* Tonorvr[Rqt$nri6xo. IZQ-] -,-, rtoc*-. :! , hrthrc ' I i TwnofVdlncg|6rls}lo.---.--.---- FDtrEfl- .... !i ; .*rt+"F*** .rdltcss: . i - u-^^^ .llP|lnc{ 6g11p6s: .llll ,0 s 1999 .,, QIGNATIIRE:- -... . , , ZONINGLSlGMTl..REr ., .. , -,, - . fdgc-Ass-!N93-AO& 'ltoll r5'Dl BB-zo-rmFE9DZsaDe4F'o t IJESTERN SLOPE FIRE ID :303-641-3821 I JUL 08'99 11:41 N0.004 P.01 o AX CO VER SHEET WESTffiN SLOPE HRE & SAFETV,INC. T$WEST NWIYORK cuNN,so^r, co. 81290 Ptr,rc nwrh* s70041{7al Faxttwrfier 070'041€0ilt sElD ro cotlw'or,r flir/irytr.,lrdtttttgqrtu' . 2 {0.99 lfto loaalo/n Ptrooc ,nn$s _tii{!$rK."vqr-: : :. :::" L ,npn I n rlvrap ! mt.'"o'nnm'r fJ ert"-t"t l rnv*l'nm'r,u",t' ooffllEYIS {t I I{ il i! ;'i '':!'rl ;i {l rl "'l,1 i!a ,i! i4 iil o..l;:l :;,1 .1,,1 ;..1jl ::;i Wta,? 13:t + z'1 1 ,JOBSITE AT ALI-, TIMES Permit. #: 898-001-5 RD WEST Status...: ISSUED RD (MArL Applied..: OL/30/L998 Issued. . . : Elcpires. . : Phone:. 3034767300 Phone:. 3034757300 8a657 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPI,f CAI\TT CONTRACTOR OWNER Elect!ical---> DRB Fee Inve6tsigation> will call- ---> TOTAI, PBES- - - > EI-,ECTRICAL PERMIT ilob Address: 2O77 N FRONTAGE Locati-on. . .: 2077 N FRONTAGEParcel No. . : 2l_03'114--1"6-Q30 Project. No.: -pRrf97-0249 )-l-_-__.____-.../ SUPERIOR ALARM VAIL PO BOX 2644, VArL CO 81658 SUPERIOR AITARM VAIIJ PO BOX 2644, VAIL CO 81558 WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES LTD 2L27. N FRONTAGE RD W #]-O]-, VAIL CO DEPARTME}fI OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMEIfT NOTE: THrS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON Description: FfRE ALARMS (stsrobes and pulls) Valuation: l-,000.00 FEE SUI.4MARY 50.o0 .00 ,00 3.00 53 .00 .00 53 .00 53-OO .oo Totaf calculaEed Pees-- -> Addibional Fees- --- -- ---> Tolal Permit Fee--------> Pa).ncLL-r - - - - - - - BAIANCE DUE... - ITEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAI, DEPAR 'II!:NT DCPT: BUII,DING DiViSiON: OL/3O/1,998 'JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .fRIVI- OL./30./A998 .fRM ACTiON: NOTE CALLED FIRE DEPTIIbM:.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DCPL: FIRE DiViSiON: ,._.,.,..i... CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTI4ENT APPROVAL-IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. DECLARATIONS I hclcby acknoeLcdge that I have read tshis applicatsion, fi1led out in full tshe information reguircd, comPlet€d an accurats€ ploE pIan, and 6eate tshats aLl the information provided as requiled iE correcC. f agree tso conpLy nith tshe informalion and plot. Plan, to comply wifh all Torrn ordinances end state ]a$s, and to bui.ld t.his strucLure accordi.ng !o Ehe Town's zoning and EubdiviEion codes, d€€ign teview approved, Unifornr Building coae and oiher ordiirances of tshc Tolrn aPPlj.ca:-= rhereto' OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PMREQUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SHAIJIJ BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY r ra t f !ti rr a rrrrt t t a rra r'r i rlr a a a frr t+ rttt?r*. rr r fOWf Oe Vrrr,. COLORIDO strteunE ttt ttt rt.rrrrrr*ttr:*r arar*rl.rirrrt tttrttrrrrtttattrrr*t ttrtr*r rar r gErgcnnE Nunbcr: REC-0{86 Aoount ! Prl/[cnc U.Ehod! CK ltotrtion t 25tg 53.O0 !z/La/98 n 22L hlt,: JN Per|nlt Nor E9g-0015 Tylrr ! B-ELEC EtrEC?RrClIJ Parc.l Nor 2103 - 114 -16 -O3 O gIC. .lddr.rt ! 2O7? !C FROICIAGB RD rEST lJocrEion! 2077 N FROrTAeE RD (HtIIr BOIE9) Tocal Faca: fhi! Payrlqn! 5!.00 Totrl AIL tuclI Baltnca I PERMIT a tat tt t tr t t*tt* t !r rl}r I rtttttttrart+tttlrjrr!tatttttarrrttt*trt*ltrt AccounE Coda DGscrlption 53 .00 .oo A|!ounc 50. oo 3 .00 EP OO1OOOO31114OO EITECIR,ICTIJ PERIIIT PEES |fC 00100003112800 WILIJ CAr.t TAAPBCIION rBt o .. APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED.t f*********************r+******** pERI{rr TNF6RMATT6N ***************************** t4rtrvl\.r-l.r^I\i.ll-.[ ]-Buildinq [ ]-Pluhbing [ ]-Erectrical- [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other Job Name: Ml.rLBox€-S .rob Actdress: ZD17',U, '. * QAI Cun-- vLegal Description: Lot Block-- FiIing susorvrsroN: o$rners Name: Architect: ,*Cbn cac c Eagle County Assessors ac 970-328-8640 for Parcel /l . 0fflce TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTION PERMTT APPLTCATION FORM DATE: (,asq1,--o*L* fftt',' Address: Address: Number and Tvpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances__ Gas Logs_ wood/peJ-letI lk * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *I ******* BUILDING: PLUMBING:,********** Eenera] co Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contrac Address: ******rr * ******** ** ** * * ** ** ****** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MEC}IANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: CTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: - bbls Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. No. BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: FOR RECREATION FEE: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: EI.ECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAI,: $-,.* -I._- General Description: Lq-*.5.^r (-!e4or1 -A\b.^:(- work class: [ ]-New [']-Arteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accornrnodation Units: OTHER: $ TOTAL: { CoNTRACTOR INFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: tr**** 9-s GROUP Somments: VALUATION I}EPOSIT REFIIND -o o 75 soulh lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: <llrt TF/rm . R Y ead and acknowledged by: oltlce ol communlly deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL puBLIc woRKs/coMMUNITy DEVELOPI,IENT MARCH L6, LgBB CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr.awfur for anyperson to Litter, track or deposit any ""ir,-r""f,, sand, debrisor material, incruding trash durnpsteri, po.!"uie--toirets andworkmen vehicles. upon. any srreerl =ia;;.i;, -;ii;y or publicp1?:" or any porrion theieof. rn" rishr_oi_;;;-;, arr Town ofVaiI streets and.:?ug, is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavehent.This ordinance wirr be. "triE[iy--lnforced by the Town of VaiIPublic works Denartrnent. perslns found violating this ordinancewil] be given a 24 hour writien notice to rernove-said nateriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not cornpry with thenotice within the 24 hour.time-speci;i;;,";;"-;;[1ic worksDeparthent witr remove said mateii.t ut trr" -""p."se of personnotified- The provisions "r [ti=-"rai".."I ;fr;ii nor beapplicabre to cbnstruction, rui.i"nunce or repair projects ofany street or atley or any urilities i; a;"-;i!ii_._*,.y. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fuII, please stop by the Town ofYlll B"llding Departrnent to obtiin a copy. rrranr you ror yourcooperation on this matter. Xuu* 75 louth tronlage .oad vsll, colo.ado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 BUILDING PERI|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department ApprovalrEngineep''s..(pubi ic W:IFl reyiew una ipp"ouuf ,'u FiinninS"b.purt .ntreview or.Hea'lth Departm6nt.review, anl'a-review by the ouiibing - - Department, the estimated time for a totar r.ui"n-"mui''iu[i'i, r6ngas three weeks,. ll] rgTrgrgiat (rarge or sma'il) and a'il murti-famirv permits wilrhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnts. Residentiarand.sma'l 'l projects-shou'l d take a 'l esser amount or-iinie.' However, ifresidentia'l or smaller projects impact the various auove mintioneadepartments with reoard to necessai-y review, ttreie proj..ii'r,.yalso take the three-week perioJ. Every.attempt wi1'l be made by this clepartnrent to expedi te thispet'mit,as sQon as possible. I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe, oftlce ol communlly dev6lopmenl Communi ty Develooment Department. o MEMORANDi'JM TO: ALL CONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY 9, 1994RE: WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'lS REQUIRED Job Name: Dale: Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit': YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefiy? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed to sile other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done aflecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? B) A. ls lhe right of way, easemenls or public property to be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no 1o 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by CommunityDevelopment? , lf you answered yes lo any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis,lhe Town' of Vail Construc,tion Inspeclor, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Contracto{s Signature Date 3) PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino permit aoolicatron. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc,.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct. 15th. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public work's construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The.above.process is tor work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.* A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 4) 5) 6) 7) cdlpway o o 75 south lronlage road Yall, colo.ado 81657 (303) 479,2138 (303) 4792139 otlice of communlly developmenl NOTICE TO CONTRJACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effective June 20, I99Lt the Town of VaiI Building Department hasdeveloped t.he following procedures to ensure that new const.ructionsites have adequately estabtrished proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or screeEs. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads orstreets and the instal-lation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from tha road or street on t.o the construction site, Suchr approval must be obLained prior to any requesL for inspectionby the Town of VaiI Building Departmenl- for footings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspection. please call 479*2L60 torequest an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. ALso, the Town of Vail Public Works DeparLment wiII be approvingall final drainage and culvert installation with resulting roadpacching as necessary. Su.ch approval must be obtained prior toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8/,657 303-479-2 1 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D c pa r n n c nt of Conuuni ty Dcvelopt t t t' t t r INFORMATION NEEDED WHEN APPIVINC FOR A MECHANICAL PERMTT 1. 2. HEAT LOSS CALCUTATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR ""O".OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIoNS AND BTU RATINGS OF.ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3. SHOW STZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. FLL'ES, 4. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EOUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS THiOTAETTON WILT DEI.AY YOUR PERMIT. ciz t =E uJo- :..c\l ooo o \o .n UJulu- ts = uJ \$\s+\NS Or N o\ &]Irv HH B Ff 14 c)H = I.'J .J TLll. z ) ltlF ttz o ozz out z z J- od zz ulz 3 IJJ I z 9 \'\ >=iU, PL \./ alo(sc t a oA. tr-J llJo ='r oH A z IrlFl q) o I -o C'o:l. CDo. (U dF o S $ c Ea. oEo 6 o O o) .sE d) E =:l; o o. 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(v <l FI :l l € z 9 z ; l -)z ;ur o< ic 3o<z 7; z- OI ^* .'llur ll il^ tijtl < otl;ll ollo<ll tl^tl II -I otl ?il uJ:tl<ll it^tl tl >llutl:ll oIr.\ R\,, oE F J 0ul J Z e+ Y; ]=< =z : JO NO- t! uJ-c<><(rut.^ tL eve- tJtc> O !^ {tsx6 =va i tJ O -FG L-O_ltJ> t- --:- J l- ='=\!-r- F s ;--iu 6 : :>F]+il F cJ<=tulE =u,E6Io t! (,)) )- rt- Oi!l (-);-\.-Z i|x,$ adsl Ejld blqJl E4l;i-*l IuJ .-lr Io+l -l E itilu, -Fl L,}.l'><i = =ccLOu-Fo, Ect)o) .. >l UJ llj t!z tr uJ ) E o \sr 'vr = z F-^ .nOz>ooQZr!<.,, )X-();()FO ;Gi N' DDfl b =trl zo C)f (n 7oO c <oOF -< *,2trovc) ..i5\J\.,,= =42 ;d=<F uJ<Z. E.UJFttZoc) F LIJtr f() E UJz =o't'. I ot!t-o ) o LU LUu- E LUo- J F F F UJal o o ; -a z ; c() = l) co ) G (J (-, o- fo tn tl, L! == Ltt c 3 I F o z o 3 c t/, \ ) t-c <i ^'< 't- -:- o) c '= (Dvr;i odipn6gUF;E c.?o9! ip: lt . i 3: iNs IiE;\]:r-!-\ -9cJ:.9 \;3ri\* i!EiNE:3;:-/ ; ! e.;: >-E9:5[ > :(/)''ooiic F litr -,;= 6Ij -! o.!(! c L:!=*5;= - *= =mo O'- i c == cJ (/.) q - ^.: (/) OEi:EE ! i l:3-3I-.;i....:a;.oe '. >-: o a o (tiI'.t ' !; *i a'r (.]9z = = 9E ()lu 6 6 f NO[Vn]VA R=\J* =q UJ l-- o >< L ...!' \ 'F I I I I I I Iol z.l urlil:lilol :t ..i >t) I I Jzl oi urlal )l alllFl;l;lol I I II I Iolz) (,l uJl(El JI al>l u-lol 3l H J-l ol url EJ <lilol ;Iol FI l,i roJ I cl c! l I'J 6t- I Iul r'l.+,1 .Jl NII-l I cilzl ol uJlil <l>l lr.lol =lqtFt !j *d JaC., =tr !! F (J <5 tl>.2 ll EE I 9P =s=F-1Zrro() aEla i : '... + \N\\ I OF PROJECT*-Qtr) \\ ] JOB NAME rrusilcnoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAILMPERM DATE CALLER TUES IT NU \ READY FOR LOCATION: (-\€e>SPECTI MON THUR BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr0;;,;;;M"POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIREDp{-neenoveo CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR L' ( o>- J PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT { ,*rt".oNTOWN OF DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: .F REOUEST VAIL i ON WED THUR I "L APPAOVED 4 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED >/?o JoB BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ,itr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ,aPERMIT NUMBER OF ECT DATE JOB NAME \\.r SPE CALLER TUES WED THUR PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: r\.-j-- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER ,--, ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr ,tNSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL frnenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED oarc //- /?'Qo rNSPEcroR rNsilctoNTOWN OF REQUEST'.VAIL !'PERMIT NUMB IDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR NAME :.? BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,-.'' ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILINq tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED COBBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED . ,/ /) DATE,..',-Ll -7/ TNSPECTOR j] z ( ot- J PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT / -Jr rl7 NAME lrvsilcrloN REouEsT . TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB MREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED ) THUR AM.PM B o tr tr tr E tr D UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr ft tr E tr tr UMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr o o tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY IAIR /rrrunr-tr FINAL APPROVED-.--1/ L tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: rdFsnop '7/aZ/DATE " - /- ,',/ TNSPECTOR |3Ar INSPECTToNTS COr{PLsrED The lteus below need to be cooplete before givlng a per:mlt a flnal C of O. Pleaee check off ln the box provlded. PINAL PLU{BINC DATT: n n rINAL UECf,ANICAI DATE: IMPROVEI,TBIfI SURVSI RESID. NA}18: DATE: [l rINAL ELECTRICAL DATE: FINAI. BUILDINC EAST SIDE:WXST SIDE: DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O DATE! CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCT 4-L{-qlDATE: -l*- -I [ ' IANDSCAPITG DI'E DATB! FILE NAHE: ciz E =E ll,lo n rn + U) t.ljr! lJ- E =t uJo- Belr$ /s/h #vo I I I I@t@ @r@o{ o\ l!r rrlo c.) I <r <EI E rv ul { {rO&tJU)ErSQPloEEltr ltl- >}-|,o(/)&t(J?<,2t4 -16- uJF o oF (n =o =z uJ oz =oJf co .5 =zal -.: - o c l+ o x d.:' I lll e;€;E I; EEgEI IF EIEigIF:i;Fe l; l€EiElEi $; ge E ut.y,4 *-y-"e i A 2 EEEi':u| ', EEEE"{JLi:-oE9d,{t2E*;;E'i"n"l sEAiYaT iEEii*li C\rn r\ a.l .if .$ + = UJL z J Y uJ-(Jz Jc J 9EFo UJ tr z =l o-- oz - UJ UJu,l!z tr UJ uJ E @; uJ> uJ z uJ F6 o- UJ fz UJJ x F LUof U' UJ UJ lJ- ==E,ul o- J FoF (,z = CD F (lJJ II,J oz6: J z UJ. F.r F NO[Vn]VA =l> G l! - r - lrr ." { lf= co * lt E;3;z Z u-' tr ^ 6zis: =9:E Y u iriit o ta =i. 3!6Z H'Ll-<oq ii -uJ - c<:F 2r-. : r.u;r (\l Oi Fl HFztrlF A E Fl t:lEFfr z Fl { a) {I 4I I { t) .1 I 2 lzlH IE lFl l*IEItltb{ l" |ll;) zotr J IL tr cl g.o UJ F Ht<F o- uJ(r j z Eo z.o EIu F ; IJJz L2lzOoFul<()o< >tr>(!Rtrdci<z Fz. Oz d63trOI UJl (I aa z 9IF zo tr J loz cc 3 F UJ X F.f f-a .J Ei z1 zl .. >lo I'|Jo UJr!z g) =trtuo- J z EoH-k-o+ =.1ol uJl 1l al>l t!l zl il -l'ilNl '-'r I '-{ | I I c;l =.1 HlorlNJl:i sl* *l-tvl6 5l rol uFI F z H,1 x & E_ d ollulcl JI ?lilol zl 3lolFI \' I so\ I I I ol =.1ol uJlEl JI al>l rr-Iol zl pl H Hq) k1 Ff r4HHz tlllllill'tltll,ltr/,tu4tEltdtcI =l Iflg5 Faltl-$lc.{l-l I I ol =.1oltul 5l sl rLlol zl =lolFI .t') H & z H oz =u- le lcn Ilfrltz x'E co.ol.t t*l- Ir-llFrf,t< l> I IF J H U) Xt(xl l.lao () att tn A FlH > u; =z co l-l\otc{ l3Itl' I Ifit c H*<lJ<trE(J &E z F N 2l rlrI]I(Jl<lzl sl Bl Bl uJl =l4 t- ;\J b2 E 9P s3]F d.e O z ro uJ F Fzo J EF [! E -.r O<F r!<zE T]J F.qZo ul tro @ -zo t- IIJY UJo or =(ro IJJ CO(Lo\ Ir >n v>\J< 1E IguJbkzo ."i5!/ \,,, = =Eeqi.r -r-iUJ6il=XXtrE! t G. uJ.L ILoPultroyzE<c!foy26a9tt cr trd2> =uJ:-5 h=lJ i ;'ii: >(! E 66E 5^'r x>oiiiFo- 'io-!tr llJdl F --c z nY =zcoo>z -rOO- lJ- ts =Elrl o-zIFofEFazoo !trn '6 i ^clr, OF -r .iHco +,E<.rtcoclrJ F. rOCLJ-40.Clt o- x =<< c) JE qI F.. H q)u-v c d, .'; Og.6lLrrL r,r, E lO.d ILd c)lo c).rJluJ .rJ (t,llrJ C elzoo-luEl3/' .OlFIE(JIol(5 L rtslz$ o_l I =L(,lo c, +rlJ +) OrlJ .F' LT' Io(u IlJ- J C\.t Itr.l IF:'l t' I I l a-l"lrl x p o x x loo o \0-l lsI r.lJlrrIFt-l=lo(IIJ f-l!\lix| \l- !H l,)3 i"rrll1 t,. fiHF. til g 9*;E IE;Eg8* l: iffN lg" \) { I Vi \ c€ t\ t0 l t { Y + I {, R { I $.. sl = uJ z ao r gJ ()z C () uJ uJ z E J Iz. u, UJ uJ z tr qJ E(,tu oE olo 'g au z 6 UJo oo. UJ o. z UJ x F uto $;{ tr Nl ;'isl3 z J @ IqF(, ur UJ (' z. ao =D o- z IIJ J F l- \EXE W\: z 6Jlo 6 oz C\J NOIVn']v i;Esg ' lH? $'l rl lrJF o E>G --.n = alt 6a zz9o ip e 2e?>9(.:la)zrl-< --6t()FO -j.i .f (: ( a tl JI :t Fo-,a^ Hg =EqH_l l-l I 3 z9F $l "l J 5l El i\ $ trn-llE< zl .. >lo rUoujruz vl u,zxII = UJq J zI =oo z F J f, CNz UJ(Lu-to =u, o =Y o. =Fo Jo 3 F u,l ifigsE * ll"'ll E l^ll = lsilg! iEll F i l:il :5 rFll j r.ull tr5II = F :ll E =;ll !g rrJ ll o Izll gEE;5 roo-:--c=o(/,c eg;:i E !a;e' iEgEF q i $ \ l 3 u..r Ed=6oF g1 E N5 Esg *t3 a BY 9 -F TE .:EJ;EgEE=t E=H96au{}\;BF-Ail:-r6 flf=EiF C**HI FHT;.r + z $f, flFniD =t t Hl;r* .0i XIrzl )-> oz J tr I Jdt I I 'l 5J d Id 5t0j J v-t ,l sR,tt7* A1d_ a grl tlClE:J>IflEEI Illll- adtdtol rl i= livl I fl rl.c | -Fl -l rc .'fl f,$ ftHl + + *t#q4 9l>l 3l ul90t trrlr Fl F H|I :l ;l F dfill IJdit l Jg,l lI|ltrlJ xl elI rcl Izlil I ifli urd ffiII rJ uJljt :t5 g$;l a oa uJz =o Fcr UJ =Iolr -rO<F(EC)uJ<zaEUJF o() JE 6P;C' =<sEU eF gE d6 C) 6p =3E6 ,E irg:+doz il 5:Fl co u AE ffi J<c)ou,3H -$ [l \! *$ u, tsg, @o-zo Fo- uJV lrlcl o-F EEE UJ-.\tI.o (Loo I ulFoz ts E E,lrlo-zo F C)DEFQzo(J '€":" '''" PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES INSPECTION REQUES.T TOWN OF VAIL in- LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR f'")c)o oz E =Euto- 7Q€0t +d,1 @lC'\,.-r I ^lk.lo l1 vl I I I ..,1 FfNIt-r I o,3 -.lo CD ITz;o ffit.2 I l", t<to I I I I I, IFt< rFlQz t= d:EE I5o- 6.Y' tur E!EiiIE EffiF -IE 3;F:ENgi $;t.ec'v?sE;ei !tggr iEE;g(!o'-!- E;OOC gEEfi i$giF eE$ei =>E Iut =co zo F^o= FOtrEoo1>(., ()()z|r<oquj :.:o-YIE r(\l l"l Inl tEl ilElu JBloXFl lts;tr 1.^ 6 5- lii = FHIi gmlE rH l=trx ta EHF Q) J =F dtu<>og at) =c IJJ(L z Eoo ,1 cO 10 u,lF o UJF (t, @o-zo Fo. uJY IJJo oF F E HBlrq iJo. \., H r8 ulFoz tr!n z Ytr =< =zJOOl! :E: =oiaHE rffir = l! tt uJ z U)o F E JFut :-h= o- uJ>oOL9o\uJxo-;>Er- J lt uJo co E CIoo Et .E 5 E EI o -f - F =E,lrlo-zo F(JfEFazoo ; J ro F J z lJ- HEF Fl EJ B trt UJ =z dl --)t =z r-l z trr z N uJ = F\ F (!') I\o IL FlH ==et!= o- =tr oz ciruE J a ltoz =9l H ts F-l CA z =tr I .i z .; u,l J a lt z3 F o'l\o\o Ior.iI o\ d uJF = tr oz o uJ J a lr, z == z d!l cr J II z3oF =tr oz o UJ G -J ttoz =oF utJ uJF E,ulz =o F Iu =I C) <Fc()uJ<zEUJF(rz-oo JU<o(JF;<)trsgtt8 sF 33 =Fd. zo o *5)lF?Qz<+G Y,z =g (r E i.r ry+EFt-Oz<Oog.!H a ^,c... u,, o h. C3 .a'JE(o€(Jc 14, H .Ee-l-(5& I =< o Ju- !4r-. H ellr-eEI a - =lo c Grlr! sa l-lo rElB ogllrJ E qjl r! cFIzoc_lU EI3e3lo P,.-lzlF c-l 3 L rnfo c)+, IJ€ cJId;-llrJc\Jl =><cql !a4 =bE=Ui^. S 5=4:uJ o:= l--F E).., I ::: ( =::>E= g 9sql E5i: --.r uo-F F-IJil3<=-:E -lt-oIo *F** { \^ c^ trl t- Fr s.t UJ tr ct,ooIzo Fo-u,x utlo o F E lrl a- zo9 =<crOEZtf o-- P J,.i5Y:/r- ;== ddE NDD a)) uJ UJu- F =IU J oF F 3 u, o (u tl, z F w (J llJ (J CJ ll, alt (Jz a llJtrtrlF = lJ.,u,u,Foz oz oJ lD .a ozzo l_ t<ro I I I I IlE t< IF r=ltol rgl rF I I Nfi\ \ N 'n! i.Js \ I I N:il llt ldlv,t>l= Itrlol\ o () zoo tRcifn6 I ut' q, , crti!-o!,v3 a al,o.9 3&Eo f39,o !FCq; ,:orr|a()o N (.tl :!l;.=itt -o.go' 1g-Etc ,:(9.r-o'-tt)oiotoD il, i'5 rCO o f tto o ocl6 '.c lt E.FvtR!i F,;o9:35c olaD-r 9:0'io>l t-o! =oa-!F ! E.ti s,l :3I lN (.1 it E ;3E'FO 90) 'o6 -E,cDctr$ rr- o!Etoo3o(!oD :E crf:Co 9o. ':g (J .::gr|a s!tOC9(! .9 vtoBorc.=.D 9: ; o, a0ctr i'oOoF.>=9.!i i;.jr >r;la;:Er) O-c:ei:o<a-F '!0 I o.- io- =- E€ coooEG :o ot65.g 'io >'i Eoo-9E OC o -iD(,)I+ i'j 1t.E65E E8 F.e.:P E'= 0, Gt EN o)-!l3'5:c9 E a.: oEjoc( =!t-o( 9elf,= c =- atiEE ;-E !2- Ej9r ao"ie sr coE l:c o-:o--cor-)68 d3aJ> -='.5:.9E.ieEotr91 o G .,: lrr'IEl'5trtLlct.9IEI e'I6 E.Ele H =lg =lfl s': l.siI Fr| ".:| !;I:El-c €!FIo-==O|Eo-(!: =s-tll; (/, OE o'.! .8tr -c(E_o. Gt o'ga 99:;'s j E3 O tl' (J'-l(gE i>.9 (-o oat, o-(eE!\o( lolclu,tzl3vc t! lrtoz...3 c*o5q,FT<F ,TOYZo< z J z o UJ = Nouvn.lvA sl =l zl -. >l CI|rlo UJ UJz vt! =G UJGJ z9Foo U'F.!rr<ioH t! I t))tu, lzIYl() lF I I IItutq.l>IF|ltl l:lol EIJI anlzl o- E oz I t-' ; o Iv, 2)zo F oo =:o()o I o 2f (9 zJ B -tl ll -llJ||< O ldtol l*lt^lttl-ltzl lslr $llFllJll<tl -il -tl =tlqr ll =tl oz -rr, = -IirlJ zo e3E9ur(J U9ar<.ocH8>(JFO -jd :IIJ o3x= @ o at, 3; "l* {oi EllB"l:ilO\ltrlgtl $Jo.,tl #\rY.J- t- E U /^,-heov,l Edo'l i42= >< I I Ittvlt{ ctot J E a Nio' .U \ E z .D C,z J II ,i U) IJ.lo J I I E J (, u, oz oqrl JI st bl =lolFI o iroi 5 sl \l fl BI FI o \ \ (. o $. zI :1 slI BI t.oflJ 4EFOz YF?a) <o-c) :9g3 ;Jz () J F IU-,rI.,, :o<r-(rc)uJ< tU F- o C) () r.lJ = C) zo l-Of, F(nz,o C) trFtr - t l'l ',r .r>:, 75 south lrontage road yail. colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 department of publlc works/tra nsportatlon TO: FROM: DATE: RE: rn sumnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that lt r.s unrawful for any person Eorltter, track or deposit any sol1, rock, sand, debris or materlll, includlngtrash dunpsteis, porcable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk' al1ey or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-wayon all rown of vail streets and roads 1s approximacely 5 ft. off p".*r"*".rc.This ordinance will be strlctLy enforced by che town Lf vail publlc worksDepartment. Persons found violating thls ordinance wilL be given 24-hourrtritten notice to remove said uraterial. In the event the Derson so notifieddoes not cornply with Ehe notice within che 24-hour tirne specifled, thePublic l,lorks Department will remove sald rnate.rial at che "*p"r"" of personnotified. The provislons of this ordinance shall not be applicable toconstructlon, oaintenance or repair projects of any street or a11ey or anyucilities ln the right-of-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town of Vail BuildingDepartnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your- cooperation ln this matcer. Read and Acknowledged by: Dat e VAIL1989 MEMORANDTTM ALL CONTMCTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOIIIII OF VAIL TOI.IN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTT1ENT MARCH 16, tg88 ORDINANCE NO. 6 L Town of Vail Building Department Project Requirements and Contractor Inforration 1. Building perrnit application: A.) Fill out work sheet.B.) Subnit two complete sets of plans. * ff fast-tracking project see fast-track application. * No permits, including Fast-Track, will be issued withoutwritten approval from planning department for on siterequirements. * AII design review board, planning cornnission and towncouncil approvals and conditions, if applicable, betweenthe Town of Vail- and the developer, shal1 be acquiredwith written agreenents concerning these natteri beforebuilding perrnits are issued. * Condominium approval for gry work in a condoniniunizedbuilding 2" Architects & Engineers stamps required on all plans: r. Exception: R-3 single farnily & duplex.R-l one story structures Contractor registration with Town of Vail building department: A. ) 91 nillion liability insurance. B" ) Worknen compensation insurance. c. ) T.O.v. registration. ' * All insurances must be kept up to date if working in the Town of Vai1. On site project requirements i A. ) Posting of perrnit in a clear weather protected cover,visible from road or hallway if condominiurn or townhouse. B. ) Set, of starnped approved plans must be on site forduration of project. No inspeetlons can be done if plansare not on site. Fast-Track projects to have plans onsj.te as approved. .3. 4. t 5. Required insp.ections: A. ) Excavation and footing rebarFoundat.ion rebar Masonry fireplace ( structural design & chinney riners )Underground_DwVr.water, gas, c elecf.ric )Temporary electric service lough plunbing ( OW, water, gas, & hot tubs)Rough electric ( see ordinance no. 12 ,Rough mechanical ( s?s 'Btr vents, duct work, combustion ) toush sprinkrer (tn:i;!.::i::lii:":rl l3::l;{) & atp;-;i"i Rough fire alarrn Rough framing ( property improvement survey when req. )fnsulationFireproofing ( if required for structural components )Sheetrock scresr / nail offExterior lathFinal plurnbing Final mechanicalFinal electrical Fj_nal DRB ( -landscaping, .exterior finishes, paving,Final fire department i it reguired )Final building 6. Property improvement survey: A. ) Reguired on all new construction. B. ) Submitted and approved before rough framing inspection.c-) rmprovernent-survey to include treilrrt ot ridge;;-;;;;-"'slab elevations, property lines, ind footprlnt'"i """construction- survey must be stanped by a- licensed---"engineer. ?. Fire department inspections: A. ) Shop drawings on fire aLarrn system. B. ) Shop drawings on sprinkler syltern. * Shop drawings to be subnitted to building department and.rnust be approved before work is started. - 8. Street cut pernits: A. ) rssued by the Town of vail public works Departrnent.No work may start without first obtaining i pernit. * Dates: street'cuts are pernitted between Aprir 15 toNovember 15 onlv. 9. Townbuilding and 1987 A.) of Vail amendrnents to the 1985 editions of uniforncode, uniform plurnbing code, uniforrn nechanical toaenatl_onal electric code: Ordinance no. 12 LgB7, Amendrnents to the 1987 NationalElectric Code for the Town of Vail 1.) Alf electricat wiring in groups A,B,E,I & Hoccupancies as defined in the Uniforrn-BuildingCode, shall be incased in conduits, raceways,or il approved arrnor. All wiring in group R_lshall be encased in conduits, riceways oi inapproved arrnor to the circuit breakei box foreach unit No alurninum wire or copper_clad. aluninun wire smaller than size g-;i11 bepennitted within the Town of Vail . 2.1 Persons engaged in the installation of renotecontrol , low energy po!/er and signal circuitsas defined in article 725 and 26O of 1987 NEC,need not be licensed electricians; however, ailsuch persons shall be registered with the state' electrical board. proof of registration shallbe produced when asked by the iown of VailBuilding official 3.) All such installations of remote control, low. energy power and signal systens are subject tothe. permit and inspections reguirements ofsecr.ron 1,2-23_lL6 C.R.S.. Accordingly alJ.installations of remote control, low energypower_and signal systems nust be performe6.-inaccorcrance with the minimum standards set forthin the National Electric Code. B.) Underground gas piping: l.) public service co. requires all gas pipinginstatLed underground to te weld5d, tfrl t5wn ofVail .acknori/ledges and supports thisrequl,rement. 2.) U.P.C. reguires a 60 psi test for 30 rninutes. C.) Firep.J.ace chinney chases: 1.) Afl fireplace ,/wood stove chases to besheetrocked with S/8" Type X gypsun board andfiretaped. rnspections ari-requiila. 10. Inspection requests: g A.) B.) l]t_-i::!:9r1on. request. sha1l be catled, j_n at teast 24 hrin advance by the -electricat cont tor onlv. :^I::::ryc:-:c-n-ree inspectionreinspection when sucfr portion oi wo;k ;;;';hilf,or inspection is carled is-not complete-or-wnen correctionscalled for are not made. 1.) Electrical reinspection gea.OO2.) Building plumbing a mechanicalreinspection 930.OO. c- ) Electricar inspections are-_on Monday, !{ednesday & friday9nty, 8:0o Al,t to 3:3o pl,t. No specifi; A}[ or pMinspections can be grantea auring-p"irLiraing season. 11- speciar construction request for vair vilrage & Lionshead: A-) Approvals.frorn the rown or Vair conmunity developnent,potice, Fire and public wo_rks.aeparirne;G i, ;;d]i;;;'before construction is to begin.B. ) Any heavy equiprnent ie: cran6s, backhoes, concretepumps etc.. - used in the core areas nust be pre alproveaby the building department. 12. Holiday crosures for vair vilrage & Lionshead. core areas: A-) No construction work wirr be conducted during thefollowing holidays. 1.) Memorial^Day ( three day holiday weekend )2.) rourth of JULY3.) Coors Bicycle Classic ( as scheduled )4.) Labor Pay ( three day holiday weekend.)5.) special Events ( proper notiie wiii-u"'given ) 13. construction working hours in for vail virrage & Lionshead,core areas: l.) u91aay thru Friday z:oo A.M. to ?:oo p.M..B-) off season and sunrner core crosure tlioo 1,.u. to 2:oo p.Mdairy' no vehicres are ar:l:9w9d into-tneJe core areasduring these hours. rn addition no r"uJ-nois", ,r.n-""jackhau'nering and other noisy "on=tr"riion activitieswill be allowed during this time.--------c- ) Deliveries of construction materials and trash removalsharr- be between the hours of Tzoo a.lrl-to r.r.:oo A.M. and2:00 P.M..to 7:Oo P.M.. 14. Certificate of Occupancy. A. ) Certificate may be issued when it is. found that thebuilding or structure complies with the provisions' of the u.B.c., u.l!t.c., u.F.c., u.F.c., & N.E.c. asadopted by The Tolrn of VaiI .B.) No building or structure of group ArE,frHrB, or R-loccupancy, shall be used or occupied, and no chanqe inthe existing occupancy classificltion of a building orstructure or portion thereof shall be made until tf,ebuilding official has issued a certificate of occupancy.C. ) To R-3 occupancy shall be used or occupied until a- finllinspection has been conducted and apprbved. by thebuilding officiat.D-) Tenporary certificate of occupancy may be issued, providedno substantial hazard exist in the building or structure. '-r::.,4\ t ,"ril"toN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. tt's l, - ttl;^S JoB NAME TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES THUR ; FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr D E tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: --./ r D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED onre t'/t - /'-/' - (ff rNSpEcroR 2a YZo< l! 3 3 F !J du-<tog tu J zI =oo z tr co =Y(! <l zl zl E >E -?i tr't z F. E3tn c5z>9()Q2l!<o*H6;oFO;$j l*l:|:l I IEI J8l 9=l =elleEH IEiE h'rE|M 6< lul I { 3 1 oz E =e.Itto- uJF o uJF6looazo F(I uJY ut co oF ts EcorP@tr 6\ l! r-ro.!c\|cNo,-oUr&r<6EFoz E*=A;ErEr E HltoEqE5€vE9!Lb95EE dLE h=E ;ff: >dE 8b9 \urE XO-E ;tEul €= IIJ dl F :I - z ,rPz_eoo =z=)fd9 E =Et!o-zoF(J =)EFazoo D!! J fl q col (, =J ll- J to Fo -) U) lrl H o .t) 14M ra z ui =z6 -r FI & Fz 2 s(!cc = z ah llk r:{ b UJ z E t-l E u- 4J J = F =tr o llJ < lroz3oF q) HHFrc) Fr 14 v)HA B IF\ a.l z o uJlr t!oz3oF @(n \o I co\o\t I{ ll i z .; lllc J ttoz3 F tr oz ctulE t!oz 3o F =tr z ,i llJ = z3oF llt ut E IJJz 3 (J uJ EI() --.r O<F(tsor!<zEUJF c,'l zo JE<oOF -<ti(tsXF-,2^tro -o 2P E?>(ts]F'-a() dE 13 E6 E. E ;.g FEOz () <c)qfr-a g r tn uJ UJtl ts = 1r.lo I I l_ t3 I I I I l- r9I? l6z t=<ll(, ltzl ||rIJ IuJ I tt, t> otl .coFo CEFzoo o IIJ F z v, c.9 6e"E.,'-oo€E-oooE a-.g6.ogE E(g f3v,o oFSorruc :o 90j1N(inf;:c 5E--\ eb 1O.E tc:(gio.!loiolot ip ,fo E g cf do o oo.6 ig E ;s (u.|' gE C()o-.=o PEo.:c! :: lol ! st:3.: >6 CLNEo. 3 5i)oi-Fl :olqf ;i-:.o()-.tiorc t.E ! :PJr6i ;3c;GEl or.S::t | 6':ilo rD a=,,b'=br- '= EJEt.ago9oEo.C6-i a/r O}E -sE ooi3 O(o a!, rtt 0)pc) 9c.-- t! crY;o(Ec trio.Oc'FS='96o€ 5;.=:\!a-tr,) o j:oi:oi9-r: ir;*J'.- |io.rEt lo.!| -T r..CrC(ioc i.; c'E c .!t oi'E.e 'Eo >'5o.aEoo-OEoc -(5o-oat P-G d: :(J5E E8 =.2*B =Lt'ix6 o(E =€g't c9-o.: c'o.9 !, (tt.crc =!-o = 9.!! r=- |iGilFi2-.i9rr!( '16 oio ! : 5.:, -ttrtrF(!i o.-;o o-IEE 3;9::s;F TUtsEoEEOo)oct IE't!) t:tlgto Itrto r.!IElbliI ='| -. :lo.l gl =r .9;;i ==oco-Gg att aEt_G Et O(!(!tr.cg 66 og;,8c)f EE tE(!'rJ >,9oq)Ea9E*o -aJ F =au oz t!) UJ u.J Lr- F = UJ J FoNO[Vn']vA { t; o3t!o =>E .llEu.$ =iDN zz9olict2 EE=2s89u.<.o o- HEFO .jci t! TE o olcl(,t t:let< tuJ ;<(lzlol !l 8l<l .. >lolUoululzob .E l,uo. J zIFdo I!o- r!>oF utJ atq, ruzxo =ul oz Y o =.D @ <t J 3 F gJ o FoJ \ : a UJ =z tDo-r -.ot\\ .lJ I s I>uFlt otl ,lFI ol CI J = I II I I I I =l FI \ N I I I J oz d uJl JI il 33l gl JO<Fcc)ur<zEUJF o() J C) Fol! -lUJ (,z @ =:) J z ? Lu = o E i,,t!+8,F'Oz lrl F-l 11r ulFo @o?zo Fo.ul }< lrJo oF F tr\--tr.losd>elo-lo "sl ?*l r' gr 2E I z(,9 =<rt)o 53 o.,P!t! J.-i6-=, -!-< - ir 4=xoB;E trXtr ,.i fe.=<G IUua !-*b EEgF^3 T56l tJ O*= F-F E.i- g5ffI C-F-,..F=I =l-esi FlEO= LI E;5FI Euq rl €q= =ulr3 JaF.r J' E3 -ET F EEtrl o-zo F()fEl-ozoo a uJ UJ]I- E =G, IJJ o- s\.\s EoF e,FIz = 'l I luJ lo I I I I I I t_, t6 IEt(, rE t= @ F\ @ o trt{oz F, II ulo trolt IEoFo tFzo o o oc g llG .9act ct c 3ctF o ol'(,oco .E Eo (l, -c o Ec6 o oo o) E:o E o =cl oo clcl6 3 .g E .9oott sioooo c .9o EIl =o I'trE coN ltc 'oF oG o o = (,(, G E () o ,9.c Pflt o ttc(! o](! d:gE6g'=0r(, sbE EEE ..E 8Ec-o efs :98; >=c96'- oG B5t EEE,FOO iEo3esg=E CI(g CL$Ei fE; E6: E E.EOo: EE E- o.i: -r.Cd o'-5acs*; Esl P Ilo ifis9E o EEg -o6 at,t! lrJu- E t IJJo- J FoF or.l q{ +r 6 o tr q{ € !,h l, :el9.1 E:01 E.r{ |fiilxollolErl H*lol tt) N z9.! o zo F. EY ano1>9(J()2rr<o*U/ tiCEFO -i$i IL n zo F (tz =tr oz ciulE J t!oz3 F g ,lolull .El JI <l>l |II g 3lolFI oz oultr J t!oz3oF oz o l,uE J l!oz3o F o v) l, H n)o P ui =z o-l rr u'l c.) I\oNc'\ ,lsltrl Iot Iut I Hl cslt{l Zl Hl sl61 5l>l alat >lRl trlEl :l =31HPI t9? =<z. e. d6() E F C) Fzoo z T()ul = t-E^ iJ =+Eo2 t <F G. <)LU<ZF I.IJ Ftrzo Q Fo IJJt (ts oz F =tuto- l! +J lrzh oPzez co O ,-r =Z -l -ro N o- u- ;Ei ;,"5 = !!n tr =E uJ o- u-o uJoz o2 F E JFuJ-h= (L LlJEO-Ol!9oquJXo-:>HF =tr uJ dt F co EIL -9o B1' 'E I E EoIJ A: f=.6IDEl=E :e =€ -8trtr ..i) LO.$ ('.) c)o UJF o LllF a)oo-zo Fo-ulY lugt oFt =G uJ o.r. oO ^@ >Fo-Fl Y@ I ulFoz E =Elrl a-zoF()fE 6zo() !t = oz a llJul ! =ul tnu, oz('z 6!fc! .6 ozzoN ul F z o I iFgg- lEsEgf lig:€lI j';=9r I c96hP s€:EF =55*E'cEoEi€cePEr FE iii( sg EE3 or EE 6 9 is"E;e -- c r(D €= O u, E eg;:s E FA;E ti3;F i F$;E 9 C)tt u., u, UJ z F u, uJ (5z ID =f, F UJo(l z UJ () at UJ rJ. I tU J F F =>E -l'rlEur,S =lDN 66 Ep lg(,1>E9rJ-<oq s8Fclj r\i lt E (9 o-f t: t< s ll<lzlol EI .. >lo uJo UJrUz at,F =lll J zo =oru -o 9'JJ a F lu tuf UJz:a9 oF 2fz9oFUJ<oo<OJ =:t=E61oo<z r|J 3u, ul lk l'-lol il (,z Jtr I d I 'tFo ul =z I I I U' Hq otq J E Jtlrlg.l CIq{ = I J oz) o/ urlql Jl <I EI zl BI 5P =c)=<!r *-;o G -rO<FE(JlrJ <zE I.lJ F o(-) eF gE *z (J z -F = J<c)outUJ UJ Fz () FI C\I rafr-r tso<=<cu, !tB\-/ llEO5fq:^:g5E :uJ o ;=F-FG :EI E=H8=3;5F E.J 6 9.= \E*i8Hq€{= = ll,-oip {aF** zo9 =<q)o =z a-,P Ji6 EZ ;C)-'; uJE= trD oz J E) F ulI tl- t! o- F x,x>< DD Ja ,il IL{tu,IF 6 o-)z=od l- u- o-llJ lrl urFto oF E cc-l! tb -----qrL rIrqofl ?q rt $,?Ex bEEtrlo-zoF C):fEF CNzo() VAII VALTEY PLUTBING & HEANilG,'IilG P.O. Box 2048 AVON, COLORADO 81620 (303) 9&777r TO T -'r the following items: tr Sp€cificttions wE ARE SENDING vou ;(ett "hed tr undar separate cover via ! Shop drawings tr Copy of letter E Prints ! Change order {eunt E Samples LETTT @F TRANSNNITTAL "*en //, /?# 1"" "" ,r/- I -^-'WZ. rrkt,<-.g,fl{e* Et a3 7t<tu r &+up coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 3 q4Fw FtB-e ?Ear€aTLoo Yta-N THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as check€d below: E For approval ftru your us€ E As requestod ! Approved as submitted tr Approved ar noted D Returned for corroctions i Resubmit-copies for ap,proval tr Submit -copier for distribution O Return -corrected prints Nfo, revicw and commcnt D D FOR BIDS OUE 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: nur'I2er @7|G-e-,b. ol.rl ,t atcf,raurtr art rroa aa nc.d, lhrdt ttoarty ua ,t onct. lVrr,l l rn tut"t/: DAF9,' q'tt -lcAo PY: fJrr- r, Wffba 2-,a-75{. &(Y"',21#'EtM6 3. Ar}JIjE='r fi?E tnOpl *t frt & ta- HY.\e- fti AfrzvHf lb?60'' . -ei.{4.,Wf .TlffiIAlUJi errsr: /4hNIDE >t'"i|s"waw- eeAt+ j!&{tr& }' .1"J litfi!ftr-fl, lUtlf :: ?''o" i: l-l;t- I ,,- .l,'\t "la w,t€r1'40NlDg-x 15"W QI)O: E€ATI . iilit,ll )l 'Jl .) !' i;, o' ?tsfr: q'la-'* IlY, T-J P- frA4a\'- L,T7f ::4rV'AE"Mfu , i'nt- irt' 'Brt4" ',:,ot' 1Iirt^f.t,f t oft ., l,u,il/s I ?'-o" //z' ot- rf! t N.l f) t+ rf a WrEt4lv'eb d' l-JQ- frA A(e-- ?-,5'75'tufr ,'+? "F/ l+e*v. Y.ruF to urlwsaveaf qY-srFdcnle€, M,tZe 10,-0,, , '6Fr-*, tb f.et-ct=9d. t -:*.,,i [5" NUMB ,*ri".oN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D BOUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr E o tr D HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL WKIPRo'*D O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTON :' DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED )/\AM PM a : a PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,"slsnoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL THUR ,, FRI ,; BUILDING: r) T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n }<NAL . E!--ETNAL ELECTBICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr F+NAL tr APPRovED t*---lSisAppnovEo INSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR 75 south tronlegG road yall, colorado E1657 (303) 476-7000 August 3, 1988 ofllce ol communlly developmenl Ace HardwareAttn: l,lr. Patrick OrBrian 2111 North Frontage Road l{estVail, CO 81657 Re: Outside Business Activity of Ace Hardwareat the Vail Das Schone Shopping Center Dear Patrick: Enclosed with ny letter is the conditional use reviewapplication for your request to al1ow business activity out onthe siderralk in front of Ace Hardware. Along with theapplication forn, you should also submit a brief statement asto how the business activity would be managed on the sidewalk.It will also be helpful if you would indicate the area that youwould like to set aside for the business activity on a site - plan. If you do not have a site plan of the project, I believe Duane Piper, the architect who did the recent renovation, willbe able to provide you with you a site plan. f have also attached the sections of the zoning code forCommercial .Core III that relate to business activity outside ofyour store. I have highlighted Section 18.2'I .O3O ConditionalUses ;f and Section t-8.27.L2O Location of Business Activity. I have also provided a schedule for our planning Conmissionsubmission dates and Planning Cornnission neetings. If you haveany further questions, please feel free to give me a ring.Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely,lr r n,i,1,/ ,'t , Lr fl'nniff\ rfl \-t' Kristan PritzSenior Planner Attachnents KP: kc f8.26.180 Adoption of Lionshead urban design guide plan and design considerstions.A. The Vail Lionshead urban design gui<le pla n and desienconsiderations are adooted for rie iurpoJ ;i. ;;i",;i;;;-;and preserving rhe characler and r.iralirv of Vail Lionsheaj(LLz) and to guide the future alterations. change andtmprovement in the CC2 districr. Copics of the Vail Lionsheadurban design guide plan and tlesign c:onsidero,,n nr; ,t,o iib. oiIlle ln the community developmenr department oi the ro$ n.B. Revisions to the Vaii Lionshc.lcl urblrn cicsign gurtlc r.larr urrddesign considerations shall h!. r.-vicrved Llr- the pianrring ancienvironmental commission rvith oiticial lrction'ro be rlkcnby the torvn council b1'resolurion on a scnriunual basis toensure that the plan ret'lecrs thc purposcs :urd inr,_,nt lbrwhich it has been adoprr'd. The rcvic.rv and acrion slrall t:rkcplace rvithin thirty days tblloruing rhe put-.lic lrr..rring on rircapplicrtions. (Ord. 21(|980) S ? (part).) ZONING Chaprer 19.27 COIIT}IERCIAL CORE 3 (CCJ) DISTRICT Sections: 18.27.010 Penrrirted uses. 18.27.030 Conditionaluses. 18.27,U2 Accessory uses. I S.27.050 Lot arer and sitc clirne.nsir.r ns.18.27.060 Setbacks. 18.27.O70 Heiglt, 18.27.080 Dcnsityconrrol. 18.27.090 Covernge. !1.?2.!99 Larxlscapine and sire dsckrlnrcnr. 18.27.1 l0 Parking rnrl loflrlirrs, Ilt.27. I l0 Locrrion ol'llrsirrc.-ss acrivirv. { l -(h-{ ) co\t\tERCTAL CORE 3 (CC3) DISTRICT I S.17.010 Pemritted uses. The tollou.ing uses shall be permitred in the commercial core 3 disr ricr:.\. Proiessioncl trffic.'s. business offices. and studios:B. Bcnks :rnd llnancial insritutions: C. Ri.rail stores and estaL:iishments rvirhout linrit as to floorrrer inr-'luding the ioilo*'ing: l, .i-i6-Jir (coMMERCTAL CORE 3 (CC3) DTSTRTCT Apparel stores, Art supply stores and galleries, Auto parts stores, Bakeries and confectioneries, including preparation of products for sale on the premises, Bookstores, Building materials stores without outdoor storage, Camera stores and photographic studios, Candy stores, Chinaware and glassware stores, Delicatessens and specialty food stores, Department and general merchandise stores, Drugstores and pharmacies, Florists, Food stores, Furniture stores, Gift stores, Hardware stores, Health food stores, Hobby stores, Household appliance stores, Jewelry stores, Leather goods stores, Liquor stores, Lnggage stores, Music and record stores, Newsstands and tobacco stores, Photographic studios, Radio and television stores and repair shops, Radio and television broadcasting studios, Sporting goods stores, Stationery stores, Supermarkets, Toy stores, Variety stores, Yardage and dry goods stores; Penonal services and repair shops, including the following: Barbershops, Beauty shops, Business and o fltce services. D. 356-5 (Vail l2-21-l(6) ZONINC Cleaning.and laundry pickup agencies without butk cleaning or dyeing. Coin-operated or self-service laundries, Small appliance repair shops, excluding furniture repair, Shop repair, Tailors and dressmakers, Travel and ticket agencies; E. Eating and drinking establishments, including the following: Cocktail lounges, taverns, and bars, Coffee shops, Fountains and sandwich shops, Restaurants; F. Additional offices, similar to permirted of Section 18.27.010 C. Health clubs. (Ord. 30( 1986) $ I: Ord. business, or services determined to be uses in accordance with the provisions of this chaprerl I l( l98l) $ I (part).) 18.27.030 Conditionaluses. The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the commercial core 3 district, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accord with the provisions of Chapter 18.60:A. Drive-up facilities; B. Multiple-family drvellings for employees of the Upper Eagle Valley as defined under the primary/ secondary residential zone district, subsection t8.13.080(BX3Xb) and (d). Upon approval of the conditional uses, the planning and enviion_ mental commission or torvn council may impose conditions necessary to preserve the units for employees; C. Public utility and public service uses; D. Public buildings, grounds, and lacilities: E. Public park and recrearion facilities: F. Theaters. meering rooms. and convention facilities: G. Commercial laundry and cleaning services. bulk plant;ll. Major arcade;l. Pet shops; J. Any use permitted by Section 18.27.020 rvhich is not con_ ducted entirely rvithin a building; C( Vlil l?-2.1-l{6)356-6 COMMERCIAL CORE 3 (CC3) DISTRICT K. Massage parlors;L. Outside carwash:M. Dog kennel;N. Radio and television signal relay transmission facilities;O. Commercial storage-as long as it does not include any existing exterior window display frontage on any public way-, street, or mall area, and no existing exterior window display frontage on any public way, street or mall area is removed in order to provide commercial storage, and the commerciatstorage shall be limited to ten percent of the gross _ _ commercial square footage of the building. !9l9^.^3-9(le86l g 2: ord.23(te83) g t: ord.le(te83) g l: ord. 20(t982) g 5: Ord.6(1982) g 5a: Ord. lt(r981) g I (part).) It.27.042 Accessory uses. The following accessory uses shall be permitred in the com- mercial core .1 district: A, Swimming pools. tennis courts. patios, or other recreation facilities customarill, incidental to conditional residential:B. Home occupations. subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of secrions l g.5g. I _10 through 18.58. 190: C, Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted _ orconditional uses. and necessary for the operation thcreof;D. Minor arcade. (Ord. 6(1982) g 5b: Ord. I t(198t) g | (parr).) 18.27.050 Lot area and site dimensions. The minimum lot or site area shall bc twenty-five thousand square feet of buildable area. and each site shall have a minimum frontage of one huntJred feet.(Ord. I l(198t) $ | lparr).) 1E.27.060 Selbacks. - In the cornmercial core 3 district. the setback shall be tu.entvfeet on all extcritrr boundaries of the zone district.(Ord. I lil9st) g t (part).) 357 lVail ll-2.r-86) f, ZONING It.27.070 Height. For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not_ exceed thirry-five feer. For a sloping roof. the height of buildings shall nor exceed thirty-eight feet. (Ord. ll(t9gt) $ I' (pan).) It.27.080 Densitycontrol. Not more than thirty square feet of gross residential {loor area (GRFA) shall be permitted for each one hundred square feet of buildable site area. Total density shall not exceed twelve dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. (Ord. I l(1981) g I (part).) 18.27.090 Coverage. Not more than forty percent of the total site area shall be covered by buildings. (Ord. ll(1981) g t (part).) 18.27.f00 Landscaping and site development.At least twenty-five percent of the total site shall be landscaped. The minimum width and length of any area quali- fying as landscaping shall be fifteen feet with a minimum arei not less than three hundred square feet. (Ord. I l(1981) g I (part).) 18.27.110 Parking and loading. Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accord- ance with Chapter 18.52. No parking or loading area shall be located in any required front setback area. (Ord. I l(l9gl) g I (part).) 18,27.120 Location of business activity. A. All permitted and condltional uses by Sections 1g.27.020 and 18.27.030 shall be operated and conducted entirety within a building, except for permitted loading areas and such activi-. ties as may be specifically authorized to be unenclosed by a (vuil 12-23-86) 358 C coMMERCTAL CORE 3 (CC3) DISTRTCT r conditional use permit .and the outdoor display of goods.|'. lne area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly irr front of the establishment displayingthegoods and gnlir-9ly upon the establishment's own pr6peity. fiAewatks,building entrances and exits, driveways'and strects shall noi _ _ be obstructed by outdoor display. (Ord. 34(1982) g 3:brd. I l(t98tig i lpart).y o C 358-l (vdt | 2.2!16l Date of Date of Appl fcation PEC Meeting I. APPLICATION This procedure is required use. permit. The application will not be FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for any project required to obtain a condit.ional accepted until all information is submitted. A.NAI4E OF ADDRESS APPLICANT PHON E B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S ADDRESS REPRESENTATIVE PHONE c.NAI'IE 0F OI,JNER(S) (print or o!INER(S) : 'STGNATURE(s) ADORESS tvpe ) PHONE 0.L0CATI0N 0F PROPOSAL: LEGAL- ADDRESS LOT BLOCK FILING E. .FEE $1oo THE FEE MUST ACCEPT YOUR PAID cK#BY -!F_IA!D BEFORE THE DEPARTI4ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I.IILLPROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property. INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHTND AND ACROSS bTNIETS, THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIB'E FOR CORRECi adjacent to the subject propertv and their mailing addresies. OI,INERS ANO CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE I.IITH A-PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 DETERMINE IF-ANY-ADDITIoNAL tHronunrton is-lleloeiil N0 AppLrcATroN t.rrLLBE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT Is COMPLEiE .MUsi.ii.iciuoi-nri-ire|Is nEQuTRED BY THE ZONINGRqIi.N$iR4igB).-^ II-.1! THEAPPLicANi:i_neii;oniierlii io-r'rnxg AN App0T NTMENT- HITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABO'i AOOiiiOI,rN["IUEMiiiNi-NEQUIREJIIENTS. PLEASE NOTE THA' F.R y'uR '*,r,1-f,!3E8h€#,tE:ii:^iiflil,H'bF :IfiStTldil5 li'^iil33li'ril?'i;: fl,Ef,_ffilr tlif;,i,iitiS,+!hf:ro tiront or AppRovAL Fruir- sEloupLr ED wiiH'eiForii, n et II. Four (4) copies of the following information: A. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics, and neasures proposed to make the use conpatible with other properties in the vicinitY. B. A description of how your request contpJ-ies with Vail's conprehensive Plan. c. A site plan sbowing proposed development of the site, including topography, buildlng locations, parking, traffic circulation, useable open space, Iandscaped areas and utilities and drainage features. D. Preliminary building plans and elevations sufficientto lndicate the dimensl-ons, general appearance, scale, and interior plan of all buildings. o PLANNING AI.ID ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSfON1988 SUBMITTAIJ AI.TD MEETING DATES DEADLTNE Decenber 28 January 11ilanuary 25 Sebruary i.5February 29 }farch 14 March 28 April 11ApriJ- 25 lilay 16 May 31 June 13ifune 27 iluly 11July 25 August 15August 22 October 12October 3l Novenber 14 November 28 1989 Decenber 12 December 26 January 16January 30 MEETING DATE atanuary 25 February 8 February 22 March 14llarch 28 April 11April 25 May 9 Ylay 23 June 13 June 27 July 11July 25 August 8 August 22 September 12 Septenber 26 November 14 November 28 December 12 December 26 ,Tanuary 9 January 23 February 13February 27 September 12 October 10Septernber 2d October 24 (o -lIf.) c.JOO IIJFooo-roz@o>F(o0. \,uJ to Yut=loo O rr.rFFtE =CE uJ o-5-l>@lo-\8ur'lgu, 23 €!tr =l J Hl "39H =EE,r,l 3 6I FI =iEr-l rrLUG FIRIT]!<JX.JLJ EzE u.to.q-o2 IJJEO E<o. l€aB9ELa9.= aE =gF-J =utEF85rF=:FEY9tEXeqo-!tr llJo F -f:. t rtr\{fitr\zrE = z o92e dro =z L-9 E =E lrJo-z9Fot EFtn2o() 8 a,e.? 5t -:5=r ., lk>;i -,rGl^- Hlat siF -;= 13 r. rZ loro lzl= 11 o2.h< ltJ IJJo E .rol! 2 B !Go;Zz!-o ootr ^ 62I5 >eE P oE anoe,6t 8ozXE<9q iH5 sEP 2 dNO =lrlz. oF an LlJz, (J = 01 = E >E --.r'ftl ,$ =aOGl 5ffi1;l s,Fll e ;lil*[' oz ts =.e, uJo- oP(u +) P J F6 (l,o LoPo6 llJ lJI UJ zlrl -a F ;i ll lfil .l*lFt .l(,t olzt zl8olI r.ul -J El =31Ebl dFl (.) d,F UJJt! =L!z. .lolutltrl JI al>l l!lol Aq H I .l =.1ol fl, E -rO<FE()[!<zF I.IJ F.1 Z Jt<oOF E< ^EiiF-,2ilo(J t 9P gE d6 s5 =FEo2<c)(4 (n rir lll JO UJz =o u,.F F oz xxxx ><xx><:<xx><x $gF. ; E ."'.9 ? ra95 iE g6 iE 9Ric€ 6 lE"*, I "=€-ic+:5rcL N (.t 5*tsv B=\ooY-.F o EeE3;E3le-c€Ep- q'o6Ej3o :o(Jr :oJ ;:(! )t/'E i€€ E.J. ::goo E.& "'' a;';sp -ot6 E.! 9rvry:E!3F" .3 raS EgE ov14 -'6.:rE =.tt:3€3F(t-=P :.-(!]s e,i 3 '='li8 .Eatl i8 5,'oo :-F, .'P la=: -o(o-rctqr( -c0Ep-l.!6i c () a.oo- =oc@ac l:oJc:c0 Ot/'E =a,to=EE IEJ i:g:oo iE."' i"'-a;';;;G qt !i:E6'i- q) gb S, O' c arle; EE!rc\-uto€c- =€ri's:-o,:oi )o:rE:9S::!i--c\i;l15. !tsE'6: 9o#t P5(!= -@ €tae5sa9a)=.ot. 3 i: iJ >\'r:trj i 5.r 6 or:o.:- nlo:osiFi IttIEl'5xo!o, lct.9IEI c.tiloIE I otI c! Ir cl -t o(oio,C cc.9;;i ==CL|go-(uF .D=Eo (E E(a9rD O(! .EC -4.(! O. o o j 3E: r3;C (!; 3'" f :E:) o:9dq)trq)-oo .(Jd (! o o io .xo(!' .lI0,'ol at, tlJFoz z dJ f @ 4(' =zo l_ t3 I I I I l_ IE lNr N $k x{F qI |t, f F UJ lz rU o o 3 _t! u,t z 6!J trJ tr,it!zo F UJ oql G 2 o!! (,zo =qj rt, - C).z F =El! z to ttuj IUr!F =r! an UJr!tt F E's -J F9lFI t= >c r\-\=\ ur\Je zoq3 -oFtl9oi>P()L'ZbfH8>c)FOj atj :<eo =t!oz trl O. l G,cll g,o Elu,z. u( -. >l ll UJ UT UJzI =UJG J z Eoo u,O. l!>o l2 tr qz oz I I I I F z F (, t! o =o o I I I al, tszf ]t; il3 llFl '8 l6ll lEllFtlJtl<tl ^ll -lliil!! tlzIi oo artJ 3 (,z t! _J ccl F rn (U !- N ozl ol sl <lilol 3l FI !.i. \til< =->Gto(Jo.J u, =z (Do-) J<oault! uJJO :F gE d6o <oL)F;ot<bFur= JO<t-(rO IIJ <zE. TIJ Fozo(, (, [lJF o €Fz(' rF s5 F3r-- tro= o() I =?Ge IF -t-t o 9C =: o.9ts O-E +,Jo- G,i,!rF c,r_ ,. .e Gl 553*t!(rE(U o 3'i oLU l' .6 +'o<!o) UJO -O- | ;E# E I iEF: IFL(J '5** 3 |J.LOE IJ(l, .F {9€ r/) = .)d"66iH -*--F4F-"-cvl F z .<rPz?qlo =zlfdP Rnn ts GgJ-.O--. bH .E<ztn oFX acolr Hr- ]-r- r ffi=ldFEl&flr)(JlE rrrl o-,af {.. 9:FD- cG'E.lt -9o oE c3 E Eo C' o qt E (, G'! lE! - eggqif B;E a:F € I><><>< R\tr L 'oi0,cfi \ZLo <i Prolect Appllcation rli llr lC-IDttc& 1l project Name: )al(5 Ui ' f,.,{. r.-f'q rro.{v' Prorect Description: Contact Person and Phone Ownsr, Addr€ss and Phone: Architect. Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ) t1 !/,.r - \ :1,2 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rNs#toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DArE q-q tb JoBNAME-I-oal(-., lrrD CALLER MON /- TUES - WED Ir-- ---- -_' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr D.{+nL c € Cr trFrNAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH i] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FlttAL tr FINAL !9,d tr DISAPPROVED N RFINSPFCTION FIFOI IIRtrN ECTIONS: '.'-.-- .-\ rr.rspecr5r--- ' -- ,'!,,DATE ,i s lk, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. \ t'-\t tj READY FOR LOCATION: o * JOB NAME rNs#cnoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER+FRAMTNG_ ROOF&S& SHEERtr ijiv"viroti'n-ii L r r.rc tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: :t /sneenoveo '/vl EINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECT ciz E =E UJc c c o FI Oo oorr) oo oort ro U' IJJ lrJll E =ELllI d'Lu._ 13 oz o /80s/hx)(o o(\l o * z. = &. ll,uIF Jiz.#trJu>s-0d, 6L)-F UJ e F tFI == zz o uJFoz z = @ .6 =z stEO l=o t- =too lrgrlrel li6l 12 5 t 19 E\ IE;r\ li E\IE5 E\ t tt+ - rR\lZ^ P .-81.: tX E{r9U U AJt 7z 7^0 #te -o 4./ I=11'/ /<. '.1 '/. /')'-,)^a / ie $g E=> lr.lOJ-(J -i- o cx -i: cn '=OU);<*!oiESFa =.e s? €*8E8..= (! - = =..E 6 E EE:Oc-o> I;E;.E;=9c96EIoSo 3 5;.5 E EEI E; gF E.; e-e sEieo!E-or : *:€E6:i EEEg - cL.Y O -- c lG o'- !.c;o(/' E€Ef ; E:; *ff; eEg: - o (B: o @ oI(\l r.C) o Lr)sf oo o o or{ (C (\ ==e uJc z ! @ x () z J F UJJ IIJ z @ =J 9z uJ = UJ UJl!z tr llJ uJ to =g uJcz 9.U'ulo F oo- uJo o- z uJ x F UJo tn uJ lrJ't! == ITJ J FoF z oJ @ J IEFourJur z =Jr - z I() UJ. Fo!- NO[Vn']V E =ZZtt-o ootr ^ 62o = ;o? x =trFYgo-at<'E6b IozXr!<(oq 4H6-e. =H 2 rN(J =>E .s A -!i.:99 {s z tr ) l! e gJ o oorrt rft IJJ J z F x>( 2 F uJ 3 uJz U)Fz z tr o = (o tsz o =d 3 u,l 5 tulr lL- z f,z I trI UJf (E ooulzYI- z tr J l z --l =i Fxul lt EIT H t-'lI t(Elol<t9td t;,; I I| --r I| 5t s tzlt-| --l | =t)It--.lI .. >lto -lLb,l%-= lg *1 IEI u.tlo.IJt<lzlo| :-_l^ 6 lO Ff < o +t#--H ffi H Elgl6lrl<trclJt<ld)lrLl , .'{ ?7 ., !a o =llJ (\I I cct L ..c IIJF o e ' //4 , -/, 4J .v),t...y r,.,t 2/) !,,,' 4.t,- ulFo:@ o-zo Fo IJJY ulo oF F Eru o-lro o-oo I ulFoz LI Hq; ':z, e. (-, u.l-Fo J ii =z (D -1 an IJJroo F =tr UJg,oo = o- o e l! ci ujI >l t!oz 3lol F1 l'f+sfu! (oqt Fl -JJ TdoJrzJo =uJ1EulJ--lr <(.t ><|!tJ+ Olz!3qoEF (\l Nt\tr) I c\l@ uiJ ul F (5z, 6 = o- L!JJ J =tr IL CL I .iz ti uJ J II z3oF t\NN I O-rsr Or uiJ lu F tr oz o|ll G J l!oz3oF = tr z ,i uJ ) l!oz3 F r.riJl!F tttz = F() Itltr oE E -.r O<Fc()ur<zE[UF(nZo() 9EF uJ) r 5( 2 oz (D = J(L I = ix :ZF F3 Y,z =8 E l-g. tr =+EFl-o2dc>fffr=l zo9 =4dro =z=)=d9 =fE =.Eulo- tloEqE<cf€8n9Eir 'e'EE => = uj :- E FE: >o-i 8u'E irE ;-Eulo1rri uto oF ro @ (o r-{ or-{ rRvr= = ts =E UJa-zo Fof E.,a zo(J m! I r*F<t T-lr)<F|<rr_J I I :o I;i'rs i.= | !-o ixlarl oltl I+ ln5 loo l^tx {3 ls-l cl) -:< i , c r-l'For,J ==;zL q- l: t6 $ 0 J o ul X x rl r."1 tllltH_.- sl $\r 1 .lJt 0r '^s i/l \Jt|III ,:=Ltr+ tli ll*, N YclS.:'. ld'i9',:io t|/, s5E-"c li :.e *35 l5 ;B E 3* l;EiEcF lo € F!:!E I lFi;:ti / 16 Ilur l<ro N; \ta r.v I il$lb r ltttulu-l Fl;F uJ F 0z 3 z o) UJ UJ Hll E;Eii!{l;irt I;Jt. l|.,, >.o I I z J s 1.,r ts g l,Frl-:lEls/g/F gl,l ilN+/ i fEffNi1"NOIvn]vA {t\= >g ed ,J -ll/ at, iill Yll o-I =^ll 3l2 < i .. >l .J UJou, z U' =qt J zo t- oru lo : o (,z Y c (, = o r! o B F r,lJ Fe ;;: 2\' :gEgg :Eg EBifEg; -o,:or-- c f (DE*'"i e eg;:= E !aEgiT 59 Rii 3: .d iF$;g ils[ il;t I I I x I I I I x I Y 3 lloz tro- U' UJ J uJzl! )c 2z h.o- I<f, =969o6d\J2r!<ocH3>c)FO - .i -),tl FilEgji illtl,ill ; r16-ll = ilI ill x Ftz .qJ Ei;grJO Ll, .F EC-F o- 9-(9 o-.- =.t'v i'l'- c'svc g.=(JqrO tr- t, !- o{olrl o.)A O+J t-rJ C -zoo-q)Ev, _oHE(Jo(5 L t+-z(F a =Lt,O (l) +r. -J +J C,lJPvt l!J(\l- rrltr: a^.F-.(! u.,F ox oF b UJ Ilo o.o I lrJFoz do9z4(DoE3f,D dE Enn Est;t# KFD lF = u- TJ.J F |JJ€ vl:z E X t!_t- F Lr.t !l F -,J lJ- rlJlt/, I t4lJA. q, o c, Eo(, o 3 G, (l, $l ll/lI $d\t td il$a $d$Jfl,il:l fl,iJ]JJ Vail Apothecary, Inc.2111 N. Frontage Road West Vail. Colorado 81657 Vail Clinic PharmaGy, Inc. today. sot[eone 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Gary t I have tried to fill everything out properly.it to your satisfaction please call me and T will sendbrlng it back for correction. Tf t have not completed someone right. down to only pharmaclst on duty call and 1 will have I was not able to brlng this down as 1 arn the Also, if we need to pick up the permlrs please stop by. Thanks for alI you undersranding and help Gary. '{:4" -fV,rorce/lo{ /and. lr'n|t3"!= ::_-2 "^,,*t . ,?tznoe Bi ta/es/ ry:;7:;:;ii'ri;"n;i/{1*;ti7rf .i:trii;{;:';::,,2)1""',:lt=*i;ii. q;:;-:;r!; i;..'-d,:"7,i{ag/'rf"r?(r' .c?/o'.o:do: alescrtp'" '";'ooi sZt;r};;;: ; 'Deginn;ng:il JPi: f iq'ii;i"tlttg"'corner'oi '/'l u' 'o""f,"r1iJ"if7ii: F,/.no tt/o.s:i/htn;.':6tii;e /ii;foo/hc3+rc;iii*lrt:l:::li:::/fl?ii;: lLt (o" ' , offloE llEut uA S s. ir.*9 8eAA.6E . il"f,o \\. 'o t u \, \i \i $ \g \ ,8.cfs lfurr- C/3 \ \i \t. I (, s(/ I I I I I I /2.25', o1!,_ c/ 1., .c) o,\ ; z€ . Urvtz'- k)q. il rNsttoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBEB OF PROJECT JUTJ NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUESMON WCO' THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING S noucH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t,''tr APPROVED./: CORRECTIONS: - 9Lv'-]1. r dulll_ftrJx fii{ INSPECTOR \ DATE rNsttoN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES 'wib- +run AM ?uFRI ..,':. /t' -l BT tr tr &t\ d tr tr tr ILDI roo :ou rRAI roo )LY\ NSL iHE NG: TINGS NDATI PLUMBING:UILI FO FO FR, RO PL' rNs SH / STEEL ON / STE EL E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERMING OF&S HE )N ON CK ER AITINGYWOOD tr GAS PIPING SULATIO O POOL / H. TUB EETRO NAIL tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr a frll,tar tr FINAL ROVED tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rNsPAtoN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF i ,.' VAIL WED THUR FRI AM Pt\4 DAIP / : ,r'': '' ,i i i' JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB q sHEETRocK NAIL ',#--, o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor= ;,' i :t 't /.'INSPECTOF I JOB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF ,.1 a,t. , REQUEST VAIL I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,rn CALLER TUES D ) THUR FRI a L---'- PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr o o n UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR T] qf rrrunl tr FINAL /l DISAPPROVED I ElroYED CORRECTIONS: REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,,';: DATE INSPECTOR .t4vd 7 t*- t-o C)N O u,F o llj ts .t)o 1 z Fo- UJY IIJ d) oF F TE UJ(L lto Lo9o= t!Foz oI z , 'r l-, zedro =z=:)dPxEn! J "dg783 =Lll;dd= tr uJo- l!o.P IIJ59E<c!fo9)6BEvcr cd ,Jt- =uJ-E b=o dtr: >tL E 669 ittrE XO_E X>t q- o-.iEi UJ F -] - ts =E, lrJ o-z9Fo EFozoo oz F =e IJJ o- c c cc cq L.c (t) IJJt!l! = = UJo, bt,l1hz? Lt lclL 'J, l'l |.\ O) c! F) \ z. G. = d rl\ r@lol I l9Jc\t i3- 5 F) Iil =O_ E;o.|JO6zi-qt luF FI = z z o uJFoz oz oJ @ cd z =1\ Eo E UJz3OE u- l!6z.-3Eo:l lrlFI<F7oYZo< oti (' '=Oul g8E =.s n.Er I E=Eo:{Ec"o'-oe:5:gPE'5 =c96 EE5 E E-s,FOO cc- 3eetq= c,:- (! o-(o o- sEE (,)f o.Efie E6:EE EO$: Es E eeC6 0'--c= o--= E'€ E-ei= '6>9 6E .iFE3'i g Bfe9Earc5g -o6 X Ex6 c{ ro c O rf)Lr)r\ c t- (\ tr E UJo- z I x C) uJ Oz o_ r! uJ z J J oz UI: IJJ uJu-2 tr IJJ (u @ =lJ,i u,/ 2 6 UJ Fo gJ o- z X r u,lo U' Lu UJtl- E = IJJ J Fot- z J o ) FogJ llJ oz CO =J J Iz gJt F NOtlVn'lVA L!e (l \z ci F lr Ll. ;C s Lr.d - o; l! z F uJ IJJz uJ =>E __lr) 3u8 =lON zz99F^@95E90.naz>-oa)ozrL<oq dYi6 -i<ri J co LJ- Fz, ctlJ- lJ- tr -J Lr_ a. (J I co oa z tr u- 4o c oeo ut F ra) -o- UJ J z E o ><xt<z.IF e uJFJ 3 uJz l l I ID zlz9. ,!.). <oo< >fi>(E9tr6o<z Fz. 2= [io3tr I t1 tl l-:ltoltoltdl !Jl.J (E oa uJzY iF F z tr J z \- ;J); F LIJ <l FI z_l zl .. >l uJ ul uJz U) = UJ J z Eoo :>- il '-l_l I--.-+ =F )dl 1>tlI lElol{tlldl''' l*-,l>o9 I I I I I I I I I .lol il IJJIcl JI <lilol il sol uFI F q) () (,o JlrJcl elrle, lrJ =o L)v, tJ) E J 'jj=zo<O<, 9.5H ol =.1ol Lul 1l al>l t!l ol zl 3lol)-l I l<fI I l-r I lF-I llI lottl to ctqtlrtl"ltx I c6lt d-a ulodEat<EI J Et g5 L-Eirg t-Oz J o &F uJ) uJ t2? s3>Fd6 C) F E z z uJ = -rO<F(rOuJ<zt [,U Ft4Zoo FlFlN t! t o UJ ITJu- L =E UJ o- lt ul an:I lr G.o F-o 0E h ,o G,ll,z 3 l! Lu|r F z 6 .9 EgOo) sg E* .(E6.9'aE';o \E\\:P\ t'e\^)N(J -t -,, Fl Q E€N!;s P=ooi,: > €Etoo8o6oD o.E:o 3;t'Eoo :gop EO.CGG; g3 .!E E6E'=oU' gEE Calta.e; Itq)cE.= (6 bF€c-o'.trs :Eic96'- o,c : E5 EEA =:E,-oO ;EoE;B FE e,=- (6 o-(o o-$Er oP o-E€e E6:EE Eg ('-6 FFE_ae -',c,d o'-5aP gEE '6>,9o-o. fi* 5.it s9E oOEE.L O Ct! -(r(! { Vt V)c\ E E UJ z .o tn UJ TI,Jll- ts Equlo- FoF - >G -rdt3tn8 =6n| o5q Egato1>9()tJzr!<Y5 ^- CJ-8 ;ci uJ zo Foo .. >lo UJ IU lUzo = llJc z E zI E u.lF ^Cr!oJ"-6+J<.d(Jc HC'J-cL cto-x<o aJ- aF-{ O)vc r3c('UI ,op(o @ 8C F Ee.L! CL (5z. T\ J ,L! -\d(\o \LL l\, a\\ I Lr-'\a tdl!z, IJJFo dIo1zo F(L UJV lrJo oF F TCul,-q- ltlol o-lololrl q- UI{J(u U) c\.1 trtF.Eo(5! z, .+- =!oc,J+,J+Joc,l!J ttJ F- Fr (\l guJbkzo z .rPzF<oo =zlDJO ,,? * QtrN ts =E lrJ o-zo F() :)EFazo(J -,.i re.><s s1 t\/\ao EsuE^< E=4 EH P-F IE 5ft g F-:J F E= H =Rd'i oa E5: *-E-l 6 69Fl t-uEIJ- X O- Eue;€fi= Jurr3TF++ E -CI :E? =oi=uJX6d= 64n id>+ IT| ,t | ,r"tz.l--i.rJitr 'n5qg vI ) ---sn q 3 -\-|g UJ =zoo - I'l' I I ")trttrt cIclqIt5 .l o )'.-.1 \o . 9l\F{lt") --r-l x 91 6 dl o sl q &glot< Ft = | >r- IR1".t\ la- lo. z o-)q 6 E"l s!h d .l;lll >f El. sil.t'J<+ 6l JEI qE9l drrl Fl F ol =.1('l 3lolFI =tr d (91 IIJ : 3 t!oz BolFI tr I I I olzl cil IIJI :l slttlol flr = o <5ulil sl hl zl 3lolFI ll,JqJ 15{E:iE=t F [!F T G c -tO<FG(Jt!<ztUJF6Zoo JE<oC)F E3qE-A z ID =Jo- ? z)) 6p F3 g6 ouhg+tFr-o2 o() <()a, (n rir llj JO ><x xXXx><x ? Proiect Name: Project Description: Project Application Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date '1 ;'l ' - Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ) Su m mary: Town Planner Date: E statt Approval LIST OF MATERIALS iiAiiE 0i I'R0.IECT: Vai]=las Shone Shopp LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N: LOTg BL0CK --.FILrrru valr uas Snone. r-iling 3 STREET ADDRESS: _2111 N. Frontaee l,l. DESCRIPTION 0F PROJECT: Remodel of south face of building with new walkway The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE.OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng 0ther l.la'l'l Materi al s the applicant to the Design Review COLOR Stucco (reoair of existine. color and texture only) Fabric awnine White No chanqe N/A N/A Steel stair Devoe 1D24C N/A Ral sarn PoFl ar I I ''lrr^t, ."1 & 12' to 15t ta1l by Fasci a Soffi ts !Ji ndows Nindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fl ashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhbuses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer! Duane Piperphone: 949-7074 Botanical Name Cormon Name Ouanj tv Si ze*PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES -r EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ''Indlcate caliper Indicate hei ght for conifers. (over) CanoDy awnine Green wlth red and white strip for deciducious trees. l. CIATES, LTD. 8e33 uwl.r Avcnu3, Sull. 307, 8kokl., llllnol! C0077 - Phon. (3izl 07€it05 June 19, 1987 Town of Vall Communlty Development DepartmentVail, CO 81657 To whom lt May Concern: OEiIEFAL PAFTNER: WIWXANAOEXENTCO, c. r{uoso|| wlFlH - PREgIOE T MNCHELL T. IYI{EELEN - V. FNEAD€IT' 8€CY mmSW'"1331'Xi,*";"'iHl"HITi;":;3':' construction debris from the removal of the concrete planter box wbich is presently located in front of their building. It is our understandlng that these materials will be the concrete and re-bar that comprise tbe box, and a small amount of dirt. It ls our further understanding that tbese materials will be removed to a permanent disposal site before wlnter of 1987 beglns. Please do not hesitate to contact me lf you have questions concernlng any of the above, or need additlonal lnformation. Sincerely yours, ll^J*g S,?l^;l,l* Mishael L. Philllps AccountantVail Commons, Ltd. WEST VAIL ASS WEST VAIL ASS CIATES, LTD.OEN€NAL PAiTNEF: WIWMANAOEM€NTCO.g. HUOSON WIFTH - PREgIDE T MTICHELL T. WH€ELEF - V. PR€8IOE'II. SECY9933 L.vftor Av.nuo, sult.307, skokl., llllnol! 00077 - Phonc (312) 077dn5 June 19, Lg87 Town of Vail Community Development Department Vall, CO 81657 To whom it May Concern: Thls letter w1tl verlfy that we have given permlssion to va11 Das Schone condominium associatlon to temporarily store constructlon debrls from the removal of the concrete planter box whlch Is presentJ.y located in front of their building. It 1s our understanding that these materials w111 be the concrete and re-bar that comprlse the box, and a small amount of dirt. It is our further undbrstandlng that these materla.ls w111 be removed to a permanent disposal site before wlnter of 1987 begins. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you bave questions concernlng any of the above, or need additional lnformatlon. Sincerely yours, ly,;^*g S'?l^;il,'i* Michael L. Philllps AccountantVail Commons, Ltd. Michael L. Phillips Regardlng t remodel at, ?LLL plans. Renee Va11 StanLey Das Schone ondomlnlum Associatlon Phillios ond Associotes Public Accountants June 30, 1987 Town of VailBuilding Department 75 South Frontage RoadVall, Colorado 81657 To lVhom It May Con Associationrsbst, we have reviewed tbe This letter w111 serve as authorlzation for Rippy Contrac-tors to do the construction. Please feel free to contact me should you have anyquestions. Thauk you. Slucerely , P, O. Box 1403 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 476-1692 t ,.--\./ / ('. t' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REOUEST VAILrowN ot . n. -{.1:J CALLER 'r*) THUR .(r --/, /'-'.tD^rE // (o/ { + JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION:, PECTION: BUTLQTNG:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL -- n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS P]PING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL il(/l,,, - /.xh ^at ln t' s. nrl-. tr FINAL I:(0 tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr n ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR n n r4'rnr-tr FINAL '-771--' {llppeoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 3' t;nK- DATE ) NSP ECTION . TOWN OF -' ( l' 'i. i-. REQUEST VAIL : / nt..t' :, ,, \ t,U .4-_ tt ) t- ! La ,{ DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES -\\.,',r,'.' READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NA|LING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL r-t D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL .p nnenoveo . ' coRREcroNs, t,4 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oere ) - .f,ci- ?-l JOB rf INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL f 'Ctr'' AM , pM CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:YUES WED THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL _ PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAITING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECT.OR.. INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: CALLER MON .. TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM]READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPBOVED /CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE r!- 1l .--/ - c^l INSPEC 1-t't=:==.-*--'> i J.qb"l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE TI INSPECTION REQUEST. JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL BUII-DING:PL tr tr tr o tr tr UMBING: tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FII{AL tr FINAL d1f'Peaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED t,l / (':., - , t\ I 'l ./ \'1 v \ | c- t .,- : -, , 4a ,^ , - t a-DATE INSPECTOF{ \, r t.-^ ,.,li r, l\. \\)L \INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL r) REOUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT NAME CALLER /-:_>INSPECTION: IMON , TUES WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: DATE 'i' , "' -_ i': t. ;o, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PTYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTBIGAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH o tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR \ tr FINAL FINAL PPROVED -.._tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR '-- \. t ! ,' z'\ -) I \ It" PEFMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ', ! lb'- 1r"r INSPECTION *,Ai4 St. REQUEST VAIL H ,,", , ' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME i MON CALLEB TUES THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON oo INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,,-! car-r-en *-\ READY FOR LOCATION: /1 UES )WED THUR FRI BUILDING: C] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n D+ln rnl tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICALT tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL )ROVED ECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING TEMP0MRY C of 0 CERIIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: oz tr =E uJI o rt o FI o ooo ro U' uJ uJl! E = uJI ..\.-, l frLyh pl) d2 tt/otllt P) r-o r-l oc! z vH4 E >{ l< PJ o ,4 = '-f,TF 6FlEvoU (,Hz'i 6.J LIJF o F FIz =o zz (t uJ z z ) dt .6 =z o IJ rL t{ FzH F1 .r**llJ't- F oz > \ \>*e t r.l\ --lx)rt\ LL tr U) =I Eol! CE F F2 c(, $,*.qa -al lr r oH z{ t-.{ ct o o 5(E .9 I +sa (E\ =o q) c(! o o, ; a=,:, d] E o =cf; o 3 o)'t o '6 Q) g; o) o .9 at) ;ltf (! g)+'1 6rN I =ot- oc. ; oo o f of o .9 =l) ar; '(! rDti(5'=9(,)*io;oc cottts; 9l::YF.! F -0 8E e: i*60 =pF; >=cY" e3t_'; >, E EE =r-l: ,-.: o3'= o-o-tqf c.=- (6 o-o o- sEE a)€cLE9c-(6C;,:YEO ar t6E EE E veCo o'- r *-cs*: EiE36>,o c= x:t Hii 8 -3'f e9do eEg -o(! cr L'sl oo rl o Fl F- rJ> ==c UJ o- z nJ z J 9e. l-() u., uJ z co =Jo- ) z I(J tu = UJB'L!z tr IrJE UJ =llJ uJ z i; uJo 6 uJ l z uJ x F ul <n t, uJ llJ lJ- F = uJ J FoF- z J .D J 9E IJJJ|ll z =Jo- J z llJt -1 =r. NOtrvn'lv^ @ ff1 F+l Ef $Ht 4 I 1 4 I-* I sl H H4 1"a"HEIFHFqE YE 3 z F llJ UJ2 UJ >E -Io3u,$ =d|N zz xo- Axfatrg,o QOz>t, (J()z l!<oqltt -tLY.Y iN z9F l {u-(r l gJ L l- o \0 a c z E o j -}z tr LIJ FJ =UJz Fzlz <oo< =HR!!bo<z q F 2,. 91 EO3trOI ultr a E uJz 9I (! F z F Jloz Flot .. >lo UJ UJL!z F cr u,J IL J zo Eoo FlL<oH xX oL! L]Jt! F z 6 c\ I cq uJF o IIJ ts CJ)oo-zo Fo-ulY r.lJ c0 o F F (E uI IL tLo TIJt- z E =Elrl o-zIF(JlEFazo(J 6 ag z) ol IJJI il <l>l rLlol zl 3lolFI ?l uJl :l <l>l :t 9l I I I Iol =.1ol uJl 5l al>l t!lolZt ...,3t fol ulFI F rO t\ Nra zllAAHl ,l staE L-Y t< l-,.,1ot Izl Al\Jt zlol .;lul HlZl Ll El sl Fl I 'rlloltzlg3lEt oltrt Fl zl ol uJt *lol zl 3l 9IFI ,l 6l 6l :l jr .r{ .tt =J ll- oHH (n HX m '-1H E ui z (D ll| | c") ll-lI loI lTI orl \ol\ol rl\ol c tFtlqt 14 xl(Iot ofl'l 'q gt I uI F-'tq HsuJiHAE42o I I I Ilr I I I<nfl cI CI{l> E(J >Y =o =#]FJZrr-o z .l- LU E Fz \JZ O F Fz a Oul) uJ <F(r()r!<zEuiF.1 Z (_) F Lr.JF I(J z /tt = =<(Do =z tL tJ- EE3 A;E !trn t UJc lI- E9EAol60ioE9at irbe'ES =>FJF =uJ-E E=o dtrE =*E 669 iurE XO-t x>E=FcL 'io-!tr UJ @ F ---txlxln':*:*- --i ... tu c, Ho+, =<.EE(.t Cl4l Fr aE4Je40.(5a xz< o) J|!|,Fr F. ItllvE d -=lo c.olLr- ut Llr,.(' la.E I H ".ElttJ ! (Ullrl CFIzoo-l- '51-'E -l(5 i-q-lz (F cLlEt,lo (U.PlJ+J (lJI JP(/I'oc, I!- J c!l LrJ I-.t lr $ a l- I\i l- N l^ 8 0 t { anu,ul Ll- E =G UJo- ault-o2 z6Jl @-E o = I I I lu, rfro I I I I IH to I I s Ntl (r rl J UJo =i co.L ICEtoIFlo z o .Eo E BJz =vE t! u.loz ... i;o tt: gE6s igE .E'"' $EPcc.= 6 €sE63c =EE €'5 =c96 EsE EEi ,- o o' Scgrtq=i,i=Sr Q. (E O_. \ JA I \t $N VJ I I tt \1 6 'l {\ I o o\ N a e I I h [.] NI crl \ tr Ee, UJaozo J .D -ou,I()z Jc J EFo uJ ]U (Jz @ =) 2 () UJ ul uJu-zo F utEou, =UJ qJez u.l t- tao uJo o-3z ul x F uJo U' UJ LU A E\ ffio-l JI<lFIolFI z J 9c Fol^l u, ozo tJ o- 9z oUI = J FoF -C\J NO[Vn'lvA luF o l.-.. =l\>\ rt\ l_ | =-;t: ? Ilzlo16 e IE E.n0E!3f 9,8FO ...i ll : r{h.t -C\l $ \ \q t;t<lo-lr|Jle I IJItlo IFlolol< h =tr E lrr lFI ol ^l ;l u.l Izl zl ., >lo uJotu UJz !, =.rulo- J zo F 6 I ataz z tr : ooo I o =z z Jlll3 uto- lrioooF q, ulJ z 9 J oz o uJ oz Y cc a. o =Fo @ \Jx >< iEFFE JFEiH6o'-':-t=ooc gg;: s E FA;E ggiEg N .\' lht l-fl ''Nl t;F-:tr P rul tlI XI9l :-1 stgt <l 3Iql x J-io. .J ir -Isl\)l >I 5l rl't ..t iJ $ v-l $ uJ E 4 $. \ stt ll: ,/di fo, l$cil <] qE 3l r"l rrl c'r{ :l "1 Ft ill I I I I Iol =.1olu4 TI 3 u-l :t 3l E l"l, Jfl,J I,l Jfl,J I I I I ol =.1ol 5>l t!lolilsol urFIF 2 tr uJz =o F UJ F.? JO<Fc()ur<ze.UJF<52o() JE 5P i<irF!2UJO() 9F =E!zEO -.o i5YF 33 gE EFI; J<oou,uJ llj -rO x. .x ><x E__o HEEEbp {FD!! .\ c\)e|.L \JA \ lrjoots lrlz, ar! .t', 6<s@2.9= ;=od F!-o-llj r.lJ ul-o o-F F CElll -rO.-_-En> ,-.1 EUo"{lt4l H-."i\Fzx ts =E, rl.| o-zo F(Jf E,Fazoo e 1 6 B d J z= fo -tJg) uJ frE IIJtv4.I'J6 Efq F^. < T54:U O -F cE sff g Ff lr r-l: =. u, L-lE_ F 5I €= s Fl H ju 5lEf,: HI Ese rlg<f- *.1 E =uJ-aDig.l .x -et ><><X t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \!-iDATE '\ JOB NAME \\ CALLER INSPECTIQN:MON TUES . WED THUR 'PAI T INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: C] UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT AF trc tr_ CTRIGALT MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O-APPROVED GORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED (/ DATE INSPECTOR 3t({t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE w ' INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,\ \ .JoB NAME -t\\a''\ V';r"-'' f CALLER ':^i "" MON TUES WED THUR i' FRI )\-,..-READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL - PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL AMING C'I{. tr RoUGH / WATER u tr tr tr BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALT tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR E] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ''- -t-..- l\\.ro, INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL r .ri:. , . PERMI DATE T NUMBEB OF PROJECT NAME ooN CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr HOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL E IAPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR,,!- PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT |r.\' \.r -. I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL :!,! JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: i MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED cdRRECTIONS: INSPECTOR. o FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belo,v items need to be comp'l ete before giving a pennit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUIT,IBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY C of 0 ciz F =t u.lo- oo st- o IJJ UJII tr =e UJo- m4,L LE A€'9 L-f /"5+ ctr)I It\ @lorl I or.H.-rl<to gl )i>t 5:5zt<l I =i* f;E 5lE Rri to >-' =>-.2 t/rt,; gi= H= I Nl colo)'-l I Or.. .F{l!r, >lo =l I I o uJFoz oz 6Ilt0 .at o z_z F z.r F l/) F H|- Fr l|( t!Jul at, =T cEol! c; o o -go C' = (! F () 5o 0r!(,c(5 =o 0t o Ec (U oE o o) .sI @ E o =cl Do o o. CL G] .g E .9 at,oo .!ioooo .9 .9':Eo at, E .E O! 'E oN :hc 'oF o.c o o) .geooo6 E o U' .9 o o o Ec6 lt 'qt oti o'i9Co sbE E; g E=E6FEc-o'- tte:5 =: gP cPG EEE E E-c,FOO -iE o e0eF! i,=- 6o.(! o. *EE(,)- o,'s €:E6:EE EO(!: EE E - o.; ee C6 0'-5ae StEgB: o(E= I; g aE-: EEg -o6 r Or-l rf)(\I @ t = IJJ =! a0 x uJr z J 9EFout uJ z to = o2 llJE uJ uJl!z tr m ul o lo 3g uJ 2 d IJJ F tn uJ z uJ x F ulo at Lu UJlt- tr =t IJJo- J FoF ozoJ =co J I C) IJJJ uJ oz ao =JC J () z uJE NOllvntv^ -l F c F Lr ( c Lrc E LT cl ; 3ZZtt-o ootr ^ 6zI5 >9EP oE v,(,cEZr.()ooa(JzX tr <(oq iH6 s-R Z i(\l(, =>E --.V)3r.u8 =.oN I'zo F J ll- E o o.3oe(, uJc F aL UJ J zI tsoo =oF E uJF ; uJz o z zOo koo<ol =Fxrr6ct<2 ant2, 9z -'i rfio3d llJl) U'g, uJzYo I zIF 5l U'z (- ') =3 Fx!J o 3 lJI<ltrl =l zl .. >lo uJo uJulzotr =uJ J z E =o 5 FI-tlI tclol{tltdl" lEaE {O co co cvOc) e'\ /-/ F z{- IIJ troooazo Fo- uJY taJo oFt ffho.;bl>olO- -tRJxrgg!ubkzo z oP =Q.coo =z=fdP ifi 2?a aHg F E uJ o-l! P IJJE9E<af€uB9tt ir 'EE =>.=uJ-E h=E :gE =**E 669 itrE XO-t x>t q- €= uJ c0 oF --- ts =E, lrJo-zoFof E, 6zoo nn! J =.1ol rJtl 5l al>l t!lol zl 3lolFI tllltltltl *rl T<CI ull lcEltJlt<ltilloltzl =|'lEOt! Fl ol uJl .El JI <l>l |rIol zl il lJ.z, z =tr I I I el nl.cl il t!lol il col ulFt r- lrlz,oz, =tr lllllltltltl+rl Ict Itut I(uloll(ot Ist I(ot I =l I =l fl =l 5IOIrl <l -Jeg r!z,oz, =tr lllal t+llclllF{l4lolHI Heltl ctl Eqlt=lisl 3514zl =l =l-sl 9l 2p s3fFd6o or.5 =+E l-o2 -rO<FE,QuJ<zE!uF(aZo(J FND -l zzo< llJ uJo = ott CEo ->E { !Eo? =.vz zl! ho o o l. 5 3 =F\iiu, 6 cv F g [!_ s3 *;iN(J Ez F I uJI "t*i>og ul J ...\ clrl O co+,<|os)EF{ .llJ- cLx<(l, a,J- oHO)vg .=c'|taL(nE lo @O+,-oo oQ.(Jh (J rF ah+t (U a/, (\I oLq- I o,+, +J c) -) ; Ee. LrJo- c5z, J |! tolr ..4IrJot4ltrJz, urn aal!2. ==z=oi F l+. o.l,lJ u.JY- ul r- o t!F ox oF F ccul_-_a_ IL'o o-oo I tljFoz !!D z (99zzdro =z o--P :E= =()^= rr.l E6il= UId=<ft gz1 d- #b Es g E^< 5=EaH I-F ac sff EF=:J FE=H =6=d fiEo= g E--{ u 59El urE!-X O. Eue r.sq; =utriCoIp *F** F =E ltJo-zoFofEFazo() ttr (tz Jtr I I Jo FoJ I\c2oJ v) o d -.J:'<i ui =z co -)I tl l"i !lE $ l"Etl HdqHgJ.<<=4=c) c F an ut .Eoo f4 I \_9 -u(i-\ ui J ul Uqt-t -,)l -r:it vil "i\l-- _r4Yol=. >lE TTJSl!4,L u-lloitzlE3lst 9lUJ FI >l r!I 2l 3l 9lFI r!lI 3lolFI = Itltl lelt('l lHltJl l3lllr-llol dflr I "l =tr IJJz =o o\lu\F\ =\() E -rO<FE()ur<zE IJ-I F(1 Zo JII<oC)F = (-);frY:ts\ztra !to''z t- =fr)trd5 i5 33 'EE oc\. n?.,--3ts(=o2 J<()0u,3H ><xXXxx,x oz ts =E UJo- oo rJ1 U' IJJ llJlt E =E IJJo- . d1u Lg oES lri t'st" .{) o(\l (n d. z. lrl .-) pJ 9u-l!ooz. oJ uJ oF E,FI == zz ollJ z =o = dl .6 o =z G,urz3o ulT F oz o Eo -9.o G = 6 o \ att @o (d E o( b\ o Ec(g o)Eoo o) ! =o E o =f, Eo o o.o.(6 3 .g o (!, o,c c N !,c 't- oE g)c E (! o o .2c E' o o rt (! .ri 36 d:gE6g'=9o g8E =.e R.:1J 6E9c-.= (s O YE'c-o'- toc:5:gFe'; -cPd'- o. -c E sE E EE,FOO iEo e'q I t! i,=- (r cL(! o-$E; oP o-E*:E;:EE EOO: EE i t+,C6 0'- € -o€ $EE '6>O.!= ;$E a.E":e5g -o(! o LO o -l F = uJ z ! ! uJ (,z J 9 G.F(J uJJ UJ z =J 9z llJ = UJ u,lILz UJ (J uJt @ 'uJ UJ z 6lll F tl, uJ o. z utJ x F ul(ttl z, F -I =UJo at UJ UJ lJ- tr =Eulc J FoF oz 6 =f CO J () eF qt J IJJ oz 6 = d z uJz o =t! NO|lVn]VA ; =zZtL F-OZI5 :eF9 OE66 E6b ll(JzXtr<9q iH6 C-R 2 rNO >tr --l')Eut,S =aON U.Jz.o E t/1 ar',I J LtJ.r F t- z. JIlrlo t!d. z. c).r ./) z tr J q ci c oc uJo- (L !! J z Eoo zoF E uJ F =uJz ILtltltl u)FzlzOo < (.)o< =Exlr-6o<z Fz. 9z tro3tr Fnt(rttltll t-l toltoltdl ull c( Q)(t) UJzY iF uJo, F z tr J oz ( : 'F lrJ o 3 Jl<l trl zl zl .. >lol! ltl!lzo ==ul o- J z E o z F.o 5o t', @ cO(\aO F\ Ol N > = IJJFooo? zo FL IIJY IIJo oF ts Elrl o.lro o-oo I ulFoz uJF 6 ,^=g= =k=co o-zz=l3=o- LLo TW Jdfi ??= -;r 4 ;Hg ts ut lto2 lrjE()2ZE<€ll606eB9vtE Ed => =lrl-E r-=o Jtir =FE 659 \urE XO-t x>t q- o-i!tr uJ6 F --- E =Elrlo-zIF(Jf E.Fanzoo I I I I sl ol Hl JI <l>l tr-lol zl =lolFI I I I I I .l 9l ,: .I'ol'utl _.rl al>l ttlol il sol ulFI F C) = U'' lJ-l = </1 v) d J L! =z K'roi'o f') Iro <\t Ol ?lsrlc{l-l .lol =.1olt!l :l al>l tI.l ;l fl Ftnz, C-) >- &. =tr z"g s3f,Fd6 C) to () E Fz z I LU = s5 =fE t-o o E -lO<F(lC) IJJ <zEUJFo6 o EF uJ) IIJ J<c)an53!!D INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t!t, "1DArE /;i. I rl . ?-7 JOB NAME ,I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR €NI,:MON .A*,, PM CALLER ii', . Y- -.t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr ^ t./ITF'fNAL (-'&----tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FII{AL O FINAL T(ppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED( CORBECTIONS: INSPECTOR c ,'f) c) SJc)(:) ,7 '"/ ,//.,,.U /-]4 ,'/1, ,6 {/t e IJJF s)ooazo Fo- IJJY ulo o F = Sn-EP L=loli "ilO orl() cl-=lt-lgu, i^F26 nD! z. ,rP =zd)o =zJO O- lJ- ifi(Jo= =Fe 6d= )<'r-- PS L_l L_l E UJ o- lt aj lllE9E<of606eB9tttb9 Ed => =l!:-E E=u * i'iiE =9-E 56 9 ittlE XO-r x>F=Fq'io=!,E IJJ (D F I-- F =E.lrl o-z9F() EFazoo i I oz ts =t uJd LTOIY f,.)I I t, .Ft<to I I I I lo, t< rFtq,2 t=to lolz EEiEE$ *;g:Ex;EoiEor9 -i- o c l+ aHf*e l=ggfiEE le tg:illg €Eigl :E;;9 iEiii :Ei;E EHo< =oqu- 1J-{ol aEE'{al fi-d EJ =>E -t = llJ =6 z Ft E3'u, o1>c)(Jo2r!<oo ^-(J=oFO;<ri J) 3 F uJ rl<l -l zl z1 .. >l IJ,J IJJ uJzoL uJ z E slol-cl(rl 2l €l =|! oz J tr I Jo F J (u .al| P o! (U = (g {J =ii z (n I a = 'F ilu.t- ,E. t,-'I :F rFF:ts :F\ !lil 'l I 'llaq4 Lr) s I io- rg ; a u. =. tr o ot u,tl 5 al>l t! ol z B1 9tr1 =tr z uJ -J z3 F = tr z o u,l = lr z3 F =E tr .iz .,i u,l J tt z =I <n F Fz. C-) J tr Tlr' C\t LIJ 5 al>tl.olzl;t9 o T\ I c\ uiJut uiz = a F ul ='t'oE E-:o<F(rC) r,! <zE r.l zo J EF LuJul x. ? 2 -.I - t 9P =<aaE]Fd6 axYF7<)z<+cAFY,z =g oth =+E 1-o2<c)qg .n IJJ UJu- tr =tut(L UJF z z J o€ oz ar F .2z =o ozz ( rsl I t!! T;3 .1 I I 'Ji t!J uJ.t zt t! o z o CD'Bs Eg utq8! 83 raE5.9'6E s\.olF;3oF EE .cOc tttOQ)N(J €E EeFO eb '=oo*E PE EToo 8()G cl) o.S ii-=f,m!-oc,b El -E ^oo9 1) O.c(Et= (/lq)t'tdg E6s'=o(/, sbE Ef;g E=E O YEs-o 9oS!o a =€isl 'S =c96 EsE EEi =:E,FOO iEo €eetq: i.:- (6 o-(! 0- sEE o+,O.s€e E6:EE Eo (E= EE E - o..y -PEct o'- .rt@r EEE3g:o(6; -r;Eti 8 B'6 s9Eo eEg -o(! t Eu,IL(, z.aJ- .D (,z6 = c U> uJ UJr{ ==(r uJo- F F zzs9ho- QxlF90aa1>E9r.L <oq +UFO -. <ri (L UJ ) z tr tot2.. 9= fioItr F"l IR lolz.F-:9i I I I I I I Jv,UI CI CI :j<=E(J tltttltltltolt=ltolI Ullljlt<ll>l tbltzl!3tE9lTIJ FI I c;l =.1ol uJl 5l <l>lttlol zl aFI ol =.1ol uJl 5l ;l zl il llj =z z,F =<ad !zqo F C) LjJF T E -rO<FG() IIJ <ZE,ulFarz 9 F uJ) UJ oF() zo C) =foL! <c)Qt253 g z o9 =e2Z dPntn "dE=retltirj ;1 () -! -i UJ6E= i.i cd.><ft g1 Lxb EsuF^SxxtE-Uil rd 0 'F cc 5fi9F=:J F => tu -E=! E:6i Ei-r8 59Ii urElr- X O- Eue r €q= =uli6 *F**><.xx ffil Ed Lrj z, J IJ- aL o UJt!z, uJ ./, oa(a z.g= z=od Ft!ILUJ rJJY-uJ- @ oF =t\ccr .tr5 tLl Ir}' I o-\ot Io-r It\gur iF\Jzo b =E,lrlo-zo Fo:fEF CNzo() -tr- ,'trds' ( , Di "? Jln, dil o -.o tl rl tl 1l rl Tl Jl il t ,t J I t' I * "dq : E*&:,,s 6:R :i:€Ir\\l{.". L \Lt: I I I I I I I I f,,\ .. \ \\ E E€A: =L- T n =€:€giI -Ee€i| :R.gFei I Xl'3;ei q ! =H 38.JdFs-f _...,_ Fr .i;gg€{ :< f$ "EE=59Nl-- ;; 3E Fe R Fs- iFtEFi 'l Ftd c'P q qr e -rl -a'Er€€8i \, .A !=6=s:B I 3e:.=3;; -6;€E: s_ p gggF.e=E S a ss+E3e't ,-. ..-. ;, - llt- _- l- .c66'--e.-P 3:a- - -€g- -k.9E?i.atl()grE ' i8. ; >oi:8.\ i.o;E -f.': fa vt .[FS{). .r :\\a, d:!'1 l t SPIN PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECf ION:MON THUR i FRI AM ;-PM"1 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL {:v::=; ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB q SHEETROCK tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVEO tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED I COBRECTTONS: DATE INSPECTOR I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OE VAIL 1)'tV,.,., f t ,t c{ READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr .,h UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND BOUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB rt tr tr SHEETROCK FINAL tr D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR /lE FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE (i'.' L- r,l INSPECTOR o PARIilNG ANALYSN FOR VAIL DAS SCEONE SHOPPING CENTER APRrL t9,1999 Existing Parking Capacity = lE4 spaces Existing Parking Requirements : Use Square Footage Units Required Parking Residential 1,330 20 40 spaces Residential 715 8 16 spaces RetaiUServices 33, 535 (net) nla 102 spaces Health Club* 2-477 (net) n/a 25 spaces TotalRequiredParking 183 spaces Available Parking (existing minus required spaces) I space * Heahh Club required parking determined at a rate of I space per 100 square feet of net fToor area. i '* Datc: August 27,1997 Owncr, Addrcss and Phone: Peterson Enterprises, Inc. Suite 307 10E S. Frontage Rd West Vail, CO E1657 476-0092 Architcct/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Project Street Address: Comments: Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Parcel Numbcr: Project Description: Alpine Wine and Spirits - removal of 2 existing doors and replace withstucco to match existing. Inslall 3 air condensors in the rear of the store under the existing shed roof. The condensors should be spaced accodingly. T3.;0&s1 A)q*r j tj.l9 &s S'L^' Block Subdivision: Vail das Schone d3 Zone District Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Paint the condensors to match the existing brown wood. Town Planner: Dirk D. Mnson Date: 8t27197 Board / Staff Action Action: STAFF APPROVAL DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20,00 Qucstions? Call [lanning Staff at 479-2128 APPI,ICATION FOR DESIGN RBVIEW APPROVAI' {A. TOl'i/N OFVAIL CI]NERAL INFORMATION This applicatiorr is fol any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval, Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw ntust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subrnitting for a buiiiing p.rruit. itot spccific infornration' scc thc submittal rcquircnrcnts for lhc particular approvll thot is rcqucslcd. 1'trc ap.-piioation cannot bc acccptcd until all.thc rcquircd infor^ratiou is strbrrrittcd. Thc piojcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc'fown Council itrrrVor thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conttnission. Dcsign Reviqn Board approval cxpircs 0nc yclr:rftcr final approval rtnlcss a builtling permit is issuctl and construction is startcd' DI]SCRIPTION OF TIJE REQUES'I': 1,]. c. D. ti. t ['. rf G. I-OCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT;- BLOCK:-- FILINC: CZ pHySTCALADDRESS: 2lll AJ. - +v 'TA. uJ PARCIIL tl: -(Contact Eaglc Co' Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONINC: NAME OF OWNtIR(S): MAI]-ING ADDRESS: PFIONI]: owNER(S) S IGNAl'U RB(S): NAME OF APPLICANl': MAILING ADDRI]SS: PI-IONE: I,t. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FI]E: 0 Nerv Constrrrction - $200 trl Additiorr - $50 ;,f)dMinor Altcration - $20./\ Constntction of a ncrv building. tnclutlcs :ury addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcrrtial or comnrcrcial building. Inclutlr:s ntinor changcs to buildings and sitc ittrprovcnrctrts' such as' . rcrooling, painting, windorv atklitions. landscaping' fcnccs and rctaining rvalls. ctc. DRBfccsarctobcpaidatthctinrcofslbnlittal. Latcr.whcnapplyingforabuildingperrnit,plcascidcntify thc accuratc valuation ofthe projcct. ThcTownofVail will adjust thc fcc according to thc projcct valuation' pr-,EASE suBMIT THI5 Appl.,tcATtoN, ALL suBNitt'TAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE To rHE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI]OPMENT, ?5 souTH FRoNTAGE ROAD' vAIL, COLORADO 81657. 4rr A-ffZauED TYPEOF MATERIAL:CQLQ.R:'I]UILDING MATERIALS: i plea.se specify ths manufacturcr's color, number and attach a small color chip *+All cxtcriorlightingnrustmectthcTown'sLightingordinancel8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingispropoled' plcasc indicate the number of fixhrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. .tdc.ltiff each fixture type and providc iir f,rigltt uUoue grade, lumcns output, luminous arca. and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixtures' Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trint Doors Door Trinr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinmcys 'l'rash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lightingr* Othcr I.l Updated 6D7 . alf: -514- ' \ o*gn Review Action Fofh TOWN OF VAIL .A i i. Category Number Proiect Name: Building Name: ( l'i ( | .-.,a Owner,Addressanapnone: 5rn/f lz/t,/h, f ( f/,,, tf,qe-tc,/ ti^,I rr- 'rltFl 'r t{-rltr ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot- Block- subdivision Vri', I n,, i.t"h n fi ,4 Zone District -r.-LProlect Street Address: Comments: - Board / Staff Action Molion by:Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval E Disapproval p'Staff Approval Conditions: - - fi?nni c.- / ata' Lt r,e L,rftr 'tu'-' Town Planner ,""' 7,/2 [ ft?9 DBB Fee prc-paid { ; o- Pt:t] oo TDlljN I]i ,/lIL r:!t"l-trEV r! o3-47e-2452 "o *tttii*f** IN-C-;QMFIJSTE AP.PI'I04T.LONF,, weY NO!, E4 . gPYEnu,4ED FOR REvIEw. att*ttt*** A. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: D. Nerrr consbruction ($200.OOl *1finor AlEeration ($20.00) eddition ($50.00)conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: I,EGAL DESCRIFTION:I/OE Block SubdiviEion If properLy is described bydescripclon, ploase provl-de [o [his applicaIion. a meeis and bounds legal on a separaLe sheeL and aeLach ZONING:rl F.NAME OF APPLIC.I\NT: Maitin Address I I P APPIJICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address: NA},18 OF Mailing Fhono l{.NAME OF OVJNER(S): RePPtry^la-hnt/)€*Lrrfifl srcNArusE, Mai 1. inq Address : 1)o ()<) - to I, .'r APPT.IQATIONy WII,.IJ NO? 8D PROCESSED WITflOIJT Condominiuin Approval if applicable. rEE SCTIEDULE: VT\IJUATION$ 0 $ i0,000g 1 0, 001 $ s0, 000$ 50, 001 $ 150, 000 $rso, 001 . $ 500, 000 f500,001 . $1,000,000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APFROVAL EXPTRES APPROVAIJ UNIJESS A BUII{DINO pERMfT fSIS ETARTED. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above,\ are Eo be paid at EheLime of eubmiLcal of the DRB apprilation. r.,lrer, whonapplying for a buiLdinq permir. plbase idengify the accurarevaluation of bhc proposal. The Town of vait wiII adjust lhefee according to the tabte below, to ensure Lhe correct feeis paid en,. G\de...-fus-- r.. hq..i_r_..- -Sll,f OWNER'g STGNA?URE FFF $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200, 00 $400,00 $500.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION oo T rurJN !F vHrL L!14-ULV rU o5-4 (s-'24>'2 ' II. PRE.APFLICATION MEETIN-G-I str urllj4 1U:bE ND.UU4 I'.UJ A pre-applicaLlon meeting with a member of the planning sLaff is encouraged Eo determine if any additlonal appl-lcaLion informaiion is needed. rt is the applican['sresponsibil.ity Lo nake an appoinbmenb wlth the Bt,af f to determirre if Lhere are addit,ional submittal requiremenLs. Plea6e note EhaE a CoMPIJETE appl.icatlon wlll streamline Lhe review procees for your projecL. III, A. In addition Eo meeLing.submiEtal reguiremonLs, Lhe appLicanu musb stake and Eape the project site Loindicate properLy lines, building Lines and buildinqcornerF. AII Lrees Lo be removed musL be Eaped, Jlll sice uapings and staking must be compleLed prior Eo the DRB site visiu. The applicanb mush ensure that staking done during Lhe winler is not buried by snow. B, The review process for NEW BUIIJDINGS normaLty requires t\4ro separaLc meeLings Of the De6ign Review Boardr a concepLual revlew and a final review. C. Applicantp who fail to appear before Lhe nesign Review Board on Lheir scheduled meeLing daLe and qrho have noL asked ln advance EhaL discussion on Lheir iLem bepostponed, wil,l have Lhoir itens rernoved f rom Lhe DRB agenda unLil sucb Lime as the iLem has bocn republ islred. D. fho folLowing iLems may, aL Lhe discretion of Lhozoning adninisLraLor, bc approved by bhe CorununiLy Development DeparLmeriL sbatf (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may noL be required) I a. windows, skyliglrus and similar exLerior changeswhich do nol alLcr rhe exisLing plane of thebuildinq; and h. Building addirions noi visiblo from any oEher lot:or publi,c space. AL Lha bime such a proposal is submiLtcd, appticanus musL include leLters fromadjacent propcrLy owners and,/or from Lhe agenL foror manager of any adjacenL condominium associaLionstating Lhe association approvcs of the addiLion. E. rf a proporLy is locaLcd in a rnappcd hazard area (i.c. snow avalanche, rockfa}I, flood p.Lain. dobris fIow,welLand, ctc.), a'hazard study musL be submltEed andLhc owner musL sign an affidaviL recognizing the hazardreporL prior co Bhe issuance of a building permit,. Applicant s arc encouraged Uo check with a Town plannerprior to DRB applicat ion ro deLermino bhe relaLionshipof Ehe properriy ro all rnapped hazards. P. For aII residenlial. consLruc!ion; a, CIearIy indicate on rhe floor plans the insidcface of Lhe oxtorior sLrucLural walls of Lhebuilding; and b. Indrcabe wit,h a dashed line on Lhe site plan afour foot disLance from Bhe exuerior face of Lhebuildinq walls or supporIing columns. G. If DRB approves che applicalion wibh conditions ormodifieat,ions, aIl condiuions of approval must be addresBed prior to bhe applicaLion tor a building permi t , TO!JN .OF 'Ji]IL C.OM-DEU r D lt3-47e -24s2 sEP 0u4 L0:59 No.004 P.04 IV, NEW CONSTRUCTION A, fhree copieg of a recent copographic survey, sLampod by a Colorado Prof,essional L,l.cenged Suriveyor, at a scaleof 1t' = 20' or largor, on whieh the following informaLlon ls provlded: L. Lot area, and buildable area when different Lban loL area. 2, IJegal. deecription and physical address. 3. Two fooL conbour intervals unless Lhe parcel consists of 5 acros or more, in whiCh eage, 5, contour intervalF ma), be accepBed. 4, Exlsting treeg or qroups of trees having t,runkswith diameLers of {tr or more, as meagured from apolnt one foot above grade. 5. Rock outcroppings aild other significant naLuralfeatures (Iarge boutders, intermiLLent BEreams, sLc. ) . 6. Haqard areag (avalanche, rockfall, eLc.),ccriterline of sbreams or creeks. required creek or Ecream setback, and 100-yeaf, flood plain, ifapplicable. slopes of 40% otr more shall be c).early dolinoabod by cross hatchinq. 7. Tles uo existing benchmark, eiLher U$GS landmarkor sewor inverL. This informaLion musL be cloarly sLagcd on thc survoy so that aLl- measuremen,fs are based on Lhc samc sLarting point. This isparticularly inporuant for clcLernining buildingheighL and drivoway slope', see Policy on Survcy Lnformation, for morc information regafding Furveys 8. L,ocations of Lhe following musL be shown: a. Size and Lype of dralnage culverts, swales, e Lc. b. Exact locafion of existinq utiLity serviceIines frorn their source to lhe sLrucLure,including: Cabte Tv sewer GasTeLcphone waLer Elecbric c. AIl utiliLy moLor locations, lncludlng anypedes[als Lo be locaLed on site or in LherighL-of.way adjacenL Lo t,he EiEe. tl . ProporLy lines disbances and boarings and abasis of bearing, e. rndicate aII easemenbs idenrified on Lhesubdivision plau. 9. Provide spoL elovations at bho edge of asphalt,along Lhe street frontage of rhe properLy atLwenLy-trvc foot int.ervals 125'1, and a rninimum ofone cpot elevaLion on eiLher side of rhe IoL. B. gi t.e plarr L. r-,osaLions of the followlng nust be shown: a. Existing and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off siLo. lu|]JN.ur- \rHrL r.ur,r-uLv ruo.1-4(9-'245'2 lrrP ui4 11.:UU No.UU4 P.U5 c. Proposed driveway, including percenL slope and spol eJ.evai:ions ab Ehe properLy line,garage slab and as necessary along thecenLerl.ine of bhe drive Lo accuraLel.y reflect driveway grade. d. A d' conereLe drive pan a! Lhe edge of asphalE for driveways Ehat exit bhe streeL inan uphill direction. 2, AII existlng improvements incLuding sLructuresr Iandscaped areagr g€rvice ateag, sforage atreas,walks, driveways, off.sgrecL parking, Ioadingareas, rebalning walls (with top and bo[tom otwall spoL clevatlons), and oLhcr exLsting siLe improvemcnLs. 3, fn ordcr to deLermine proposed bullding heightsolevat,iong of al,l Uop roof ridge6, and eaves when deLermined necessary by the zoning adninistraUor,ehall be indicated on Lhe site ptan wiLh existing and propoged conLour lineg shown underneath, C. IJandscee.e.!.1.an (1u = 20, or larger) - 3 copies 'reguired 1. AL a.minimum, bhe fol.lowing information must beprovided on Lho landecape plan: a. LocaLion of exisUing t-rccs 4" diameLer orlarger, b. Type, gize and locaLion of all- exisLing andproposed plant rnaterial , c. Location of all Lrees Lo be lrangplanted, d. A deiail-ed legend of atl proposed pLantmaterial including conmon and Iratin names. 2, 'Tho locaLion arld Lype of existing and propose'd waLoring sysLems Lo be employod ln caring fort planL mar,erlal following it s insLaLlation, 3. Existirrg and proposed eontour 1ines. ReLainingwalJ.s should be included wiLh Lhe conuourinformation wiLh Bop of wall and botbom of waIIelevalions lisLcd. 4, Comp1cLc the atLached landecapc maLerials l"isL. D. Siqn of f f ron.g.Lch uuilitv cornp._a.o)f verifying Lholocabion of uuilit"y service and availabiliuy (soc atfached ul:ility veritication form) . mus L accompany all s t,LaIs,LO lngure properby ownership bhe subjecEand idenbify allproperEy.eaSemenL,s af f ecbinq (1/8" = 1, or larger, I/4,, is review) 3 copies are required, 1. Froor plans and alt eleva[ions of the proposed development drawn to 6cale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both exiselng andfiniehed grades. 2, One seb of floor plan6 must be ,red-l.ined" to show ho$, thc gross residential- floor area (GRFA) r^raE calculaUed. 3. Exterior nagerlal.g and col.ors shall be specified on bhe albached maLerials lisL. Ihls materials LisB musL be compleLod and submitted as a pari of bhe applicablon. Color chipe, siding earnploseLc., shall be presenLed a[ the Design Review tt F.preferred sc,aIe for tl I. Eoard meotinq. Details including, but not limiEed Lo fascia, Lrim, rallings, chimney cap, meuerlocd[ions, €|,c. musE be shown graphicaLly andful.ly dimonsioned, zoFe check rist (attached) nust be compleeod If theproJect is located r,rithln t,he single-Family,primary/secondary or Duprex zone dist,ric[a. phobos of lhe existing sibo and where appLicable, of adJaceni sbrucgures. The Zonlnq AdninisLratar and,/or DRB may regulre che submission of addilional plans, drawings,speclfications, samples and other maLeriaLs (incLuding a modeL) if deemed necessary to determine whoEher aproject wiIl comply with Design Guldel,ines. !{INOB AL,EE&LTIOI.IS TO tttE EXTBRIOR OF BUILP'INGR, PhoEos or sketches which clearly convey Uhe redevelopmentproposal and Lhe locaL.i.on (siue plan) of Lhe redevel.opmontproposal may be submicBed in lleu of the more formal requiremenLs set, fort,h above, provided all lmporcanEspecifications,for t,he proposal including colors andmaLerials to be used are submigtod. ADD.ITI-QNS :.8-,SIoENTIAL aR CO!8{ERC,TAL A. original floor plans with a1l speeificabionE shown. B. Three sats of proposed floor plans L/9" - 1'or larger(L/4', = 1, 1s preferrcd) v. \77 C. lhree copies of a siBe plan showing exisElng andproposed construcLion. IndicaLc roof rldge elevaLlons wiC.h exisuing and proposed grados shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposcd addition, E, Photos of the cxisLing sLrueLure. f. SpecificaLions for aII mat,erials and color samples onmaterials Iisi (attached) . AL Eh€ request of t,he UoninE Adrninistrat,of you may also berequired co submit: c, A sLatenent from aach uciliLy verifying location of,sorvlce and availabillcy. See aLCached ut,illtylocation verificaLion form. !1 . A siEe improvement. 6urvey, sEamped by regist,ered Colorad,o Professional Liaensed surweyor. I. e preliminary ritle reporc, to verify ownership ol:property, which lisrs all easements. vII. _EINAIT SITF._ptAr\r Once a burlding permiE has bcen issued, and consLrucLion igunderway, and bafore uhe Buitding DeparLnent will schcdule aframing inspection, cwo copies of an rmprovement lJocat.ionCertif icate survey (Il,C) st.amped by a regisLeredprofessJ-onal engineer muqE be submitted. The followinginformaLion musL be provided on bhe TLC: A. Bulldinq Locarion(s) with ties Eo property corners,i , e. dis tanccs and angLes . B. BuiLding dimensions to [he nearesL L.enth of a foot. 5 7.qD7.-6) b-E 09: t] Tilfl '.r r:') 'r ' t-thj t-tLl: T I h6. g0 .i]S Af n-ilnl I T HA tn Ntrln I rurJN.ul- \'HlL LUr"r-uLV rUJ 5-4 (9-2432 sLP t|e4 11:u] No.uu4 r.u/ C. Atl utlllly sorvice llne as-builLs, showing type ofmaEerial u6ed, and slze and exacu locaLion of tineg. D. Basis of boaring Eo t,ie Lo soction corner. E. All, propercy pine arc to be either tound or EeL and,staLed on improvemenc survey. c. AIL ea8enenLs. H, qarage ELab elevabions and all roof ridge elevaLionswith exlst,ing and proposed grades slrown under Lho rldgel inos VIII.CONCEPTUAIJ DE8IGN REVIEW A. gubmi-Lqal requlremenLs! The owner or aubhorized agentof any projecL reguiring design approval. as prescribedby bhis chapter may subnit plans for concepLuaf reviewby the Deglgn Review Board ho bhe DeparLmenL of Conununlby DevelopmenL. The concepLual review isintended bo give Ehe applicanb a basie understanding ofthe compatibility of their proposal wiLh bhe Town, sDeslgn Guidellnee, This procedure ls recorunendodprinarily, for appliCat.lOng more comp1ex than eingle-family and Ev,'o-famlly residences.. I{owever, developersof slngle-family and Lwo-family project,s shall noL becxcluded from Btte OpporLuniby to reque6t a conccpLual.design review. complcbe applications muslr bc subnltLed 10 workLng days prior to a scheduled DRB meeLing. The fol.lowing information shalL be submiLbed for aconccptual review; 1. A concepLual siLe and landscapc plan aL a minimumscalc of one inch eguals twenLy feeL, 2, ConcepLuaL elcvaLions showing exLerior mat,eriaLs and a descripbion of Lhe characLer of Lhe propooed € tfucLurc or s Lruct,ures ; 3, Sufficien[ information to show the proposal compliea witlr Uhe dcvclopnrent sLandarda of Lhozonc disrric! in which the project iF to beIocalcd (i.e. Cnf'fr, siLe coverage CaLculat-ions, numbcr of parklng Epacos, etc.)i 4, Completed DRB applicaLion form, S. ProcodUre: Upon receipc ot an applicalion forconcepLual dcsign review, Lhe DeparLnenL of CommunityDevelopmcnt shalL review bhe subniLted maLerlals forgeneral.compliance wiuh the' approprj,aEe reguiremenEs ofLhe zoning code. It Lhe proposal is in basiccompliance wiLh the zoning code requiremen!€, Lheprojecl shall bo forwarded Lo Lho DRB for concepLualreview. It Lhe application is nor, generally incompliance wiLh zoning code reguiremenLs, LheappllcaEion and submibbal maberials ehall be returnedbo the applicanb with a wriLten explanaLion as ho whythe CommuniCy Developmeng'Department staff has founclt,he project not bo be in comptiance with zoning coderequiremenLs. Once a compleLe afrplication hae beenreceived, hhe DRB shBll reviow the subniLEed concopLual.review apSrJ.icat,lon and supporting maLerial in ordel todet,ermlne whether or noL the projecL generally complieswILh the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote onconcepLuaL reviews. The properEy owner or hisreprcsentaLivo _s\a,L1 be present at the DRB hearing. T0lrrN.!F VRIL CUf'l-DEV IUJS-479-24s2 pLANT MATERIAIJS I Bo-b,FFical Narne sEP te4 Conmon Narne I I :02 Nu .004 P .09 Ouanb,LbJ Size* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS il l,q- *IndicsLe caliper for deciduous Lreee. Minirnpm gg]-iper fof IndicaLe height, for cbniferous bree5.**IndicaLe size of proposed shrubs.5 qallon, GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGAIION TYPE OR METIIOD OF HROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE L,IGIITINGT If exLerior lighting is proposed, please show bhe number of fixuures arrd locaLions on a geparatelighting plan. Identify each fixLurc from Ehe lighting DIanin the space below and provlde Lhe height above gracle, Lypo ofIiqhb proposed, lumen output,, lurtinous area and a cut sheet of t,he ligbE f,ilLuro. (Secr,ion 18.54 . 050 ,J) OTHER IJAbIDSCAPE FEATURES (reLaining walls, fences, swimmingpoolE, et,c.) Please spccify. IndicaLe heighLs of reeainingwalls. Maximum height of watls wibhin the tronL sebback ii3t. Maximum heiqhr of walls clsewtrere on L.he property iE 6, SUEDTVI9XON JOB NAME IrOT BL,OCK FII]ING ADDRESS The'locaul"on and avallabitiEy of uEil.lCies, whethertrunk lines or proposed lincs, musg be approved and folLowing util.ities for tho aceompanying site plan, Auchorized glqnaqure they be mainverified by che 'Date U.S, West CommunicaIions 1- 800 - 922 - 19 8? 468-6860 of, 949-4530 PubLic Servico Company 949 - 5?81 Gary Hall Holy Cross Eloctric Assoc. 949 - 5892 Ted ttusky/Mlchael Laverty Ileritage Cablevisiori r.v., e49 - 5530 S Covo IIlat E Upper Eagle Vall-ey waLer & Sanibahion olstrlcE * 476-7480 Frad ltaslee NOTE:This form is bo vorifyIocation. this shouldpreparing your utiliiy Ins Lal lations . avallablllcy andin conjrinction wiLh scheduling be usedplan and 2, For any new consl.ruceion proposal, the applicanE musL provide a compLeled utility verification form. 3. rf a utllity company has concerns wiEh bhe proposed , construction, the ulilil,y roprosenLative should no[direc[ly on Lhe uLility verification forrn thae Chereis a problem which needs to be resol.vod. Tho lssuoshould Lhen be spelJ.ed out in detail in an aLLachedLotLer ho the Town of Vail.. Howevor, pleaso keep in mind Lhat it is the responsibility of Ehe uBil.ity company to resolve identlfiod problems. . 4. If t,he utiliry vorif icaglon f orrn haE gignaLures from each of tho ut,ility cornpaniee, and no commonLs are mado directly on the forn, t.ho Town will presumethat there are no problemg and that the develol)nenLcan proceed. 5, Theso verifications do not relieve the conLracEor ofhis responsibil.iEy go obtain a atreet eut permiL from the Town of vail, Departmenc of publlc workg and Lo obLain,.Ur.iliuv Locarions b,F.tg{F dloginE ln any pub}ic right-of-way or easem€ne in the Town ofVail. A_.bq+I-dinq permif, is not ._a*..st-feet cut permib. Eireee cul permit must, be obEained Beparately. 6. InsE.alla[ion of service ].inee arc aL Lhe expense andresponsibility of the properCy owner. I Please brlng a siLe plan, floor pLanr and elevaLlons whenobtaining Upper Eagl,o Valley waLer & SanibaLion signahures. Flreflow needs must be addreesed. ()I'A Fit l'OhJ 9n: TT 1i6.80 J?S 9 7.q87.-6) t-90q:flT A!fl-Hnt "ITHA tn N|rln I I UUJN UI- VH I L UUM-IJLV : JUJ-4 (9-2452 uuNu (':ttBcK FOR Residcnce, DupJ.ex, stPd)8 'e4 11j u.t No Primary,/ SecondarySing1e FanriLy DATE I IJEGAIJ DESCRIFTIONI IJot _ Bl-ock _ Subdivision ADDRESS: OWNER ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED UgE ARCHIIECT LOT SIZE All=owed (30) (33) BUIIJDABIJE ExJsFi$q, Helght ToLaI GRFIT Prinary cRf,'A Secondary GRFA .SeLbacks 431 = 425 = Fronbgldes Rear 20' 15', 15, Si Le covcrago iii:* . ''1,.^i. t,andscaping :iiilii: lrli 'r: ' :i' narking _ ., -neqrd Garase credir (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ \Drivc ! pnrmi F.t.ad Sl nnp * PrarrnsoriDrivc! Pormic[ed S].ope % Proposeil slope . ft,,,r:,, "niH i'lComplies with T.O,V. LtghLlnq Ordinance yes No .1,,,,r.*, waLer course serback (30) (sot - Y*,*t I Do Finieh Grades Excccd 2r1 (Sotl IJnvi ronmenta 1/Hazards :1) Flood Plain 2) Percenli Slopc (< > 30t) 3) Geologic llazardsa) srrow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris r'1ow 4) WeLlande Vlew Corridor EncroachmenE: yos NO Doe6 Lliis reguesL invoive a 250 Adriiuion? How much of Lhe aIlowcd 250 Addit,ion is used wiLh bhis Previous condit,ions of approval (check prol)erLy f ite) : regues L?- .'.l^i trtit; !*nr*uw ZONE DTITRICTS 10 fir*n Review Action nor,f l, TOWN OF VAIL Parccl Numbcr: Project Namc: Owncr. Address and Phonc: A#d/dffihAddrcssandpnone: Ril 3't' , 5fM4 I ?ol 'qilo G*\ 2o a, &l , lt L.f osi , A'-' , Co wez Lcgal Dcscription: Lot- Block- Subdivision Zone District Building Nane: A"9)-A -* A'";'&L^irt c3 "J C2 Proicct DescriPtion: Proicct Strcct Address: Commcuts: Board / Staff Action Vote:Motion by: Sccondcd by: n Approval ! F- Conditi Disapproval Staff Approval ons: DRB Fee Pre.Paid F o ;"ffyilr x Lexlz'z nlew laeerJ4 nlaw .h> Y"*^LY- " -; oe3o o? ?wc1 AVA,fuOP WALL*a iaevee € -o" Mhl.. -'4tv6yr15S,7- og]3 | - - t\tu1ilq 4(?t)oO r Ja* 4(vn &OO ?LV4 u,Ja H\,,n/\ \') z 4iftb,Al +Ahsw {^t{\,r'-r,v--z \*/ LJ oz hW4_ 'l PARTIAL SITE {-ALE' tlE = lr' No* $o sccle ARCHITECTS , P.C. 'a- ul)" VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE *)., 8.6,q1 ^ | .aADfi6\€4 bl tr OO48 Eo.t B.dv.r C...k glvd. E.nch'irork Plozo, Sult. 2O7 P.O. 8ox 55OO. avon. CO 41620 97 O,/ 9 19 - 32OO F X,/9 19 - 52O 5 VICTOR M,A.RK OONALDSON BUILDINGS "ryo 'z Jew 4 niav z lew Al^ftJ "l{_?Y* oco o? vwq 0 I $ h"A '72ar1' WA9L A4 JAA?O? O'-o" Mxy- -6v€g4rO r Jaw 6(vn w = U -t5 Il I-/- IOO*7\ \, ,tlaxv{$q- -AW?(*'a E'+Ahlwa"\^- alf \{ lr"1.--r.J \*r/LJ IvLv+ L\$a , LHAtyoil Lqilz bL hw\_ a|\ PARTTAL strE PLAN @ 3ca.-=, ttF-E Nat *o scale w VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS , P.C. BUILDINGSARCHITECTURE PLANNING OOrl8 Eort 8.oY.. Cr..k Alwd. E.ichrnork Plozo, Sult. 2O7 P.O. 8or 53OO, Avoa, CO 41620 9? O,/ 9 19 - 52OO F AX,/ 9 19 -5205 Nom. I Nom. mRNER ?:'Y1t3t#NrUc'' AVON, COLORADO 81620 D.nvcr 5344695 (303) 9494360 n1 -r a.r^r aU Ve.L > WE ARE SENDING YOU tr Attach€d B Under separate cover via LETTT @F TRANSNflITTAL '^r' E- tt-c't lJor No' ^-'"''ohrrd.. ll rru.*l REI the following items: tr Samples tr Specilications TO tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr Prints tr Change order {r,"n" tr coPtEs OATE NO.OESCRIPT'ION lL 6.rrct-l {*.rd..-^.rrr-t Q*f t,.n G-It,r-..^ e.'24,e-s B9{q'.r THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as check€d below: D For approval Fd vour use 0 As requested tr Approved as submitted E Approved as noted E Rsturned for corrections tr Resubmit-copies for apptoval tr Submit -copies for distribution E Retu rn -corrected prints E For review and comment tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER IOAN TO US REMARKS |mrr2ro2 /G-, b- h., b ol. . ft ardoturtr a,t noa a! noaad, Nt dlt noi'tllt oa at oac.. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 87657 97 0-47 9 -2738 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TTMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT permit #: 897_0040 Job Address: Locat.ion. . . :Parcel No..:Project No.:PRJ9 6 -0 12 1 ISSUED o4 /02/ LeeT 04/03/Lee7 0e /30 /Lee7 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status..VAIL COMMONS BLDG A1 uNITAppIied.2103-114-15-013 rsiued.. APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: TENNANT FINISH OF BASEMENT Occupancy: R1Type Construction: V NType Occupancy: RUSTY WOOD CONS?RUCTroN, INC.P O BOX IL47, vArL co 81658 RUSTY WOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC.P O BOX tl47, VAIL CO 81658 TOWN OF VAILt CITY I4ARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND phonez 3039490177 Phone t 3e39490177 JUNCTION CO 81502 Add Sg Fr: #Of Gas Logs:fot good/Pa I tet: **f,***ffi ffi **ffi *fi ***H*ffi*****H*l**rr*#r* Expires. .00 Totat Calcul,ated Fc.s--->.00 Additionat Fees-------->.00 Total permit Fec-------> Multi-Family Type V Non-Rated Valuat,ion:10, 000 Fireptace Infornation: Rlstricted: y fof Gas Apptiances: ffi*ffiffi*#rrt***ffiffiffi*rffi**#**tffi*fr* FEE SUI iARYBui Ldi n9-----) P(an Check---> Invest i gati on> UiLt caL l.---> 145.00 94.25 .00 5.00 Rrstuarant P[an Revi ev--) DRB Fer------ Rlcreation F!c______> C(can-Up Deposit-------> r\,tAL t-EE)----- 3Q.25 .00 312.25 342.25 .00 Payments------ EALANCE DUE---- lffillltlllffiHfi$ffi#i$ CHARTIE N/A PER N/A N/A DePt: DAVISDePt: ANDYDept: Dept,: BUILDTNG PLANNING FTRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may appry to this permit. DECLAMTIOIiIS I hcreby acknoxtedgc that I have rcad this appl'ication, fil,ted out in fqu, the infopmation. pequ.ired, conrptcted an accuratc pr.otpl'an/ and strte that aIt the infornration prol'iaea-is-fiqurrea, i"-"o"L"i.' i';g;;1" conpty Hith the iniormation and ptot pr,an,to comPty uith al'l' Tovn ordinanccs.and state [a,s/ and to bui r,d this st ructu rc-a".o.d i ng to the Toun's zoning and subdivisioncodes' dcsign rcview approved, uniform zuitoint |fo"'"ni other ordinanccs of thc ToHn appL,i cabt,e thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL 8E IIADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: RUSIY IIOOD COltSriUCrtOH ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit *t 897-e040 6s of O4/07/g7 starus: TSSUED**********************************************i********************************* Permir.Typg: 4!?1Arr MF BUILD pERMrr applied: o4/02/tss7Applicant: RUSTy wooD coNsrRucrroN, rNc. lssued: o|'/oaTlggi303e490L77 ro Expire z ogTsoTLssi Job Address: Location: VAIL coMMoNs BLDG A1 uNIT D Description: TENNANT FINISH OF BASEMENI Conditions:].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATTONS rN WALLS,CETLTNGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEA].,,EDWITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.1210 0F THE 1991 uBc.4. PER T.O.V. ORDINANCES, NO KITCHENS ARE ALLOWED TO BE INSTALLED TN THE BASEMENT AREA **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0256 Amount: 342.25 04/07/g7 15:02Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *4344 l;lit: CD ???,0040 rype: A-MF ADD/ALT MF2LO3-LL4-15-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS BLDG A1 UNIT DTotal Fees:342.25 Total ALL pnt6: Balance:*****************!t********************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 4131001 0000 4133201 0000 2200201 0000 41336 BUILD PER 342.2s 342,2s .00 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSTTS W]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 145 .00 94.25 100.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PoSTED ON JOBSITE PerrnitPLI]MBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMES P97-0023#: Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 2099 N FRONTAGE RD VAIL COMMONS BLDG 2103-114-1s-013 PRJ96-0121 WEST Status...: ISSUED A1 UNrTApplied. . I 04/03/1997Issued...: A /03/t997Expires..z 09/30/L997 APPLICANT HI-TECH PLTjMBING Phone: 970-945-103845855 HWy 5 & 24 LOT 57, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601CONTRACTOR HI-TECH PLI.'MBING Phone: 970-945-103845855 HWy 6 & 24 LOT 57, GLENWOOD SpRrNcS, co 81601OWNER TOWN OF VAILt crTy MARKET, pO Box 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Description: pLttMBING FOR BASEMENT FINISH ffi FEE SuIIIIARY P LuobingF---> 45.00 Rrstuarant pl,an Revica*_>Pl,an Check---> 11.25 TOTAL FEES---- Valuation:2 r 500. 00 .00 5.00 ***ffi ** rtem: 05100_BUrI,prNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BurLDrNc Division: 9 + / o 3 / ! e e 7^ cugB_t rE__ Aalidiii ADFR ffnnL r E DAV isruem:'0s600 FrRE DEpAF,rffiiii --" --n6Fr: FrRE Division: ****t*f,t* Invest igat ion> Pi tt CaLl.--> CONDITION OF APPROVAL ,t : llf,"Rof;il.fiE8Etgdfini$u*]8fi"1$B? roccHEcK FoR coDE coMpLrANcE. .00 Total Catcutated Fecs-->59-25 AdditionaL Fe.s----> TotaI PernitPaYrenls---- 59 .25 .@ 59 .25 59 .25 DECLARAT]ONS I, hePtby .acknowtedge that r have rcad-this appl'icrtion, fitl,ed out in fu . the infornation requ i fed/ conptetad anpLan, and statr that al'L thc_illgTttion prolided as r.qqircd t" co..."i. - i ;g;:.-i. conp r.y rrith thc informtio;to compty vith att loHn ordinances-and stitc-taws, and io bui[d this structunc according to the Toyn's zoning anJcodca, design review aPproved, LJniforr BuiLding cooi ini othcr ordinances of the ioun appticabt,e thereto. accurttr p(ot rnd ptot pt!n, subdivision REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI'ENTY-FOIJR IOURS IN ADVAIICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479;u/"'i OR CONTMCTOR fOR ************************************,**************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0256 Amount:Payment Method: CHECK Notat,ion:59.25 04/07 /97 15 r 03#4344 Ihit: cD Permit No: p97-0023 Type: B-PLMB pttMBING PERI,IITParcel No : 2103-114-15--013Site Address: 2099 N FRONTACE RD WESTLocation: VAIL COMMONS BLDG A1 IJNIT D Balance: .00**************************************************************** This Payment Account Code01 0000 4131101 0000 4L33201 0000 41335 Total Fees:59.25 Total AtL pmt,s: Description PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE 59.25 59.25 Amount 45.00 11.25 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Perrnit #. 897-0043 Job Address Locat,ion. . .Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT DOUBTE Q ELECTRICP O BOX 975, EDWARDS CONTRACTOR DOUBLE Q ELECTRICP O BOX 975, EDWARDS 2099 N FRONTAGE RDVAIL COMMONS BLDG 2I03-7I4-15-013 PRJ9 6 -0 12 1 co 81632 co 81632 WEST Status. . A1 uNITAppIied. Issued.. Expires. Phone: 3O392 Phone t 30392 53.00 .00 53.00 53. m .m ISSUED 04/02/Lee7 04 /03 /Lee7 oe /30 /Lee7 63675 63675 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t cITy MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Description: ELECTRTCAL FoR BASEMENT FrNrsH Valuation: r,5oo.oo ff**ffi*******tt***ffi@ FEE SU IIARY rrffi**ffi******l*fr**fr@ E Iect ri ca [---> DRB Fee Invest igat i on> Ui Lt Ca L t----> TOTAL FEES_-> 50.00 .00 .(X) 3.@ 53.00 Totat Catcutated Fees--> AdditionaI Fees-------> Total Pernit Fee-----> Paynents------- EALAI{CE DU€---- {EZH:,fl E I il.F+flfi Tiliii5flHilir$8il',o* ERNsr Dept: Dept: BUILDING Division: FIRE Division: E _rELD, TNSPECTTONS AREALL WORK UUST COupr,y CONDITION OF APPROVAI *lf;8ul$g? roccHEcK FoR coDE coMpLrANcE. DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknowtedge that I hav! fcad.this apptication, fitl,ed out in ful,l, the information ncqui red, compteted anpl'an' and state that atl thc information pro;idcd as rlquired.is correct. I agree to conpty lrith the informatronto compty t'Jith al't ToYn ordin nces and statc [avs, and io buitd ttris st ructur.-"iio.o i ng to the Toyn,s zoning andcodes, design reviev approved, l,rniforr auitolnt -ia.""nd other ordinancei oi ir,i-io*n appt icabte thlrcto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E IIADE TIJEI{TY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHO E Af 479-2'I3E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII accurste ptot and ptot ptan, subdivi si on E:00 A 5:0O pi mliffiiin-am=afi **************************************************************:l* TgWN OF VArL, COLORADO srarennr**************************************************************** Stat,emnt Number: REC-0258 Amount: 53,00 O4/07/Sl tStOl__::ry:l:_ryl* cHEcK Norarion. #4344 rhit: co Pennit *, I iil;---;il, -;r;;;;---;;;il;il-;;ffi --parcel No: 2103-114_15_6i3Site Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTLocation: VAIL co!{MoNs BLDG A1 UNIT D This Payment 53.00 s3 .00 Total Fees:53.00 Tot,al ALL pmts: Balance: .OO**************************************************************** Account Code Deecription Arnount01 OOOO 41313 ELECTR1CAL PERMIT rEES 5O.OO01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO NAME OF FROJECT;, T,ECAIJ DESCRIPTXON: STREET ADDRESS; rhe fol.l"owing informatlon is Review Board beforo a final A. SUUJDING MATERIAI.IS: Roof sidins OEher WaII Material.s Fasela SofflUs wtndows (l) Wlndow Trlm Door$ Door Trim Iland or Deck Rails Flues FJ.ashings Chlnneys Trash Enclosures Orccnhouses . ReLaining walls ExLerior Lightinq Othor B. I,ANDSCAPING: Name of I#j!-gE-_uesssa!!. il BLOCK TVISION reguired f,or submlEtal approval can be given: TYPE OF IIABERIAIT to Ehe Design COLOR t'l\A INtft , , Il\tl L .ll rll lv" * .uococl-- ^(lu-tL-' - Vt-rr'\ft .. . -, - I N lt.&. I N l+t , , .-..- _ Irll ANl*{- I. NIR Designer:phone: I N\ft 7 7.Ct?7.-6) lz-9O9: flT Alar-ilnt r T HA -rn N|Iln I 3'r 5' gtrv,i atara, , , -'- - -I llV RO'J r,On' oN Z0: T T t6. 80 ..lls TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 87657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT pernit #: Bg7_0040 Job Address Location... Parce] No. .Project No. lSSUED 04/02/Lee7 o4 /03 /Lee7 0e /30 /ree7 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Statu6...VAIL CoMMoNS BLDG A1 UNrTApplied..2103-114-15-013 Issued. ..PRJ96-012L Expires. . APPTICANT CONTRACTOR O$INER Description: TENNANT FINISH OF BASEMENT Occupancy: R1Type Construction: V NType Occupancy: RUSTY WOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC.P O BOX tL47, VAIL CO 81658 RUSTY WOOD CONSTRUCTTON, rNc.P O BOX 1147, vArL co 81658 "OWN OF VAILt CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND Phone z 3039490L77 Phone: 3039490177 JUNCTION CO 81502 Multi-Farnily Type V Non-Rated Valuation: Fireptacr Inforration: Restri ctld: y 10, 000 fof Gas App I iancls: Restuarant ptan Revi eH--> DRB Fec-------- Recreation Fce--------> CLean-Up Deposit------> TOTAL FEES-_-- Add Sq Ft: #0f cas Logs: .00 Totr( Catculatcd Fccs-->.0O AdditionaL Fees------->.00 Total pernit FeF----->100.00 Payncnts-----342.25 BALANCE OU€--- #of uood/Pa t Let: rffi***ffi#rt*#*lrjh**#**ffi#**tlr*******fi* FEE SU[llARy **rtt*ffi **Hffi**********ffi *tr*ffi H*#ffi trBui LdingF----> Pian Check---) Invcst igat ion> Hi L l. Cal,l.----> 145 .00 94.25 .00 3.00 342.25 .00 342.25 342.?5 .00 iii\yt'it::iinrfi iH:rFFiltFHf, : iiln'n1l; : :fi ief, i r';$* * : : x i CHARLIE N/A PER N/A N/A Dept: DAVISDept: ANDYDept: Dept: BUILDING PLANNING FIRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Divis ion: Division: see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLAMTIONS I hereby acknowtedge thtt t have rcad this aPPl'ication, fitl,cd out in fuLt thc inforration. required, conptctcd an accuratc ptotpl'an' and state that atl' the infornation provi JJ-as-llqui reo is co*eci.- i;;;-i. corp r.y riith tire iniormairon and ptot pr.an,to corPtv vith aLl' Tovn ordinances -!nd state tavs, and i" tritiiiil'iii""ai.Ilil..oing to the Toun,s roning and subd,ivisioncodes' design revicv approved, l,lniform BuiLding c6ai ano othcr ordinance" oi in.-io*n appr.rcabte thcfcto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 :y""n An y/00 Prl OR COIITRACTOR FOf, HIISELF ATTO-OIJI{ER Send clean-Up Deposit To: RUSTY UOOD COrSriUCrtOl ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermj-t #: 897-0040 as of Oi/Oi7Sz srarus: TSSuED******************************************,ti**i****!k**************************** Pernit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTTApplicant: RUSTy WOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. 3039 490L7 7 Job Address:Location: VAfL COMMONS BLDG A1 UNIT DParcel No: 2103-114-15-013 Description: TENNANT FINISH OF BASEMENT Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE2. ALL PENETRATTONS rN WALLS,CEILTNGS,AND FLOORS TOWITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS ANDAS PER SEC.1210 0F THE 1991 uBc.4. pER T.O.V. ORDINANCES, NO KTTCHENS ARE ALLOWED TOED IN THE BASEMENT AREA Applied: 04 / 02/ L997rssued: O4/03/1997 To Expirez 09/30/L997 COMPLIANCE. BE SEALED EVERY STORY BE INSTALL **************************************************************** T9WN OF VAIL, COLORADO sratennt**************************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0256 tunount: 342.2s o4/07/g7 L5;02Paynent Method: CHECK Notation: #4344 fhit: CD Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Locat,ion: This Payment Account Code01 0000 4131001 0000 4L33201 0000 2200201 0000 4L336 P?1:0919 rype: A-MF ADD/ALr l4F 210 3-114-15-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL COMMONS BLDG A1 UNIT DTotal Fees:342.25 Total ALL pmt6: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITSI{ILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE BUILD PER Balance: .00**************************************************************** 342.25 342.25 AnounL 145 .00 94.25 1 00.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PosTED oN JOBSITE PermitPLUMBING PERMIT AT #: ALL TIMES P97-0023 ilob Address: 2Q99 N FRONTAGE RDLocaLion...: VAIL coMMoNs BLDGParceI No.. : 2I03-LI4-15-013Project No. : pRJ96-0121 WEST Status. .Al UNITAppJ-ied. Issued.. Expires. TSSUED 04/03 /tee7 04 /03 /tee7 0e /30 /Lee7 APPLICANT HI-TECH PLUMBING PhONC: 970-945-103845855 HWy 6 & 24 LOT 57, .LENWOOD S'RTNGS, CO 8L6'tCONTRACTOR HI-TECH PLWBING Phone: 970-945_103845855 HWy 6 & 24 LOT 57, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601OWNER TOWN OF VAIL* cITy MARKET, pO BOX 729, .RAND WNCTTON CO 81502 Descri-ption: PLUMBTNG FoR BASEMENT FrNrsH valuati_on 2,500.00 ***ff FEE SU ARYPl'unbingF----> 45.00 Rcstuarant plan nevieH--> .00 Tota( Catcutatcd Fees___> 59.25Pf.an Check---> 1'1.25 TOTAL FEES___Invcstigation> .m r,riLl. ca(r---> 3.oo Jlfi:"i:::l:_::::--_i ?2.tr2 ftem:05100 04 /03 /1997It'en:'05500 .FItt?fr::tHffiiffi'HH$.Dept:CHARLIE DAVISDept: BUILDING Division: FIRE Division: 1 2.E_I_ELp TNSPECTIONS AREALL WORK MUST COMPT'_ CONDTTTON OF APPROVAL "lfi8"i$g? roccHEcK roR coDE coMpLrANcE. DECLARATIONS r hrrcby acknowtedge that I havc read this sppLication, fiLl,ed out in fuLt the infornrtion required, compl,eted anpl'an' and state that atI the information provideo as rlquirld is co"n."i. - i;g;;;-i" compty ,,ith the informationto conptv uith al'[ Toun ordinancca -and stite [aws, and d" t"idiiii'iii"".".1'iii"iaing to thr Town's zoning andcodes/ design reviev approvcd, uniform Buil,ding c;de ano othcr ordinances of the ToUn appt,icabLe thereto. accuratc Ptot and plot ptan/ sqbdi visi on REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE AT 479: HII{SELT **************************************************************** TgWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nunber: REC-0256 Amount:Payment Method: CHECK Notation:5e.2s 04/07 /97 15:03#4344 ririt: Co Pernit No: p9?-0023 Type: B-PLMB PLIIIr{BING PERMITParcel No: 2103-114-15-013Site Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTLocation: VAIL COMMONS BLDG A1 rJNrT D Balance: .00**************************************************************** This Payment Account Code01 0000 4131101 0000 4133201 0000 41336 Total Fee6:59.25 Total ALL pmts: Description PLIJI4BING PERMIT FEES PIAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 59.25 59.25 Amount 4s. 00 11.2s 3.00 TO$IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 E lrct ri ca t--> DRB Fce lnvestigat ion> t i tt cat t-_-> TOTAL FEES-> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E9z-0043 3039263675 303926367 s .lob AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 53.00 2099 N FRONTAGE RDVAIL COMMONS BLDG 210 3 -114-15-013 PRJg6-0121 WEST Status...: ISSUEDA1 uNlTApplied. .: o4/A2/L997 rssued. . .: 0a/B/1997 Expires . .: 09/30/1997 APPLICANT DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC Phone:P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632 CONTRACTOR DOUBLE O ELECTRIC Phone:P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632OWNER TOI1IN OF VAILt cITy MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR BASEMENT FINISH VaLuation:1, 500 . 00 rtrrt*|l******t*ff FEE SUI{IARY Total Catcutated Frcs--> Addi t ionaL Fees------> Total, Permit Payrents----- BALAT{CE DUE--------> 53.00 .00 53.@ 53.00 .00 It'em: O6OOO-ELECTRIC4L DEPARTMENT - DepI: BUILDING Division: It/',?^',/tziulo"FtftFiB""tfi*8ffi'aiiFii'ron ERNsr Depr: FrRE Division: ***t*ffi t*ffirff fi ffi **r***tt**fr *t******tr*i*ffi|ffi ffi ** CONDITION OF APPROVAL l: lflf,"Boiilrfi$Eiltggfi"fl]rrlBg"l$E? roccHBcK FoR coDE coMpLrANcE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedg' that t hav! rcad this appl'ication, fitled out in fu , thc information_ rcquired, compl,ct.d an accufatc pl,otptan' and statc that atl thr inlormrtion pro;ided as rlqui rJ is-io....i. - i"Jgi..'to conpty rJith thc intomrtion and ptot pLan,to colp [y vith ttt Tovn ofdimnces and stitc [avs, and to build this structurc-according to thc Torrn's zoni,rg and subdivisioncodes/ dlsign rcviev approved, uniforn Building c6oc ano o ,cr orJin"nce"-.i' it.-i*n appl,icabte thrrcto. REOI'ESTS FOR INSPECTIOTIS SHALL BE IIAOE TI.'ENTY-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHOI{E AT 479-?13E OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROII E:OO AII 5:OO PII rlNER oR coNTRAcron ron xrniElF-Ii6-dI'EF **************************************************************** T9WN OF VAIL, COLORADO sratemnt**************************************************************** Stat,emnt Number: REC-0256 Amount: 53,00 O4/07/Sl tStOS__::T:T_y::T3j cHEcK Notarion | #4344 ririt: co Permit No: E9Z-0043 Type: B_ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMITParcel No: 2103-f14_15_Oi3Site Address: 2099 N FRONTAGS np WESTLocation: VAIL COMMONS BLDG A1 UNIT D This Paynent,53 .00 53.00 Tota1 Fees:53.00 Total ALL pmts: Balance: .00* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * * * * *** ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Account Code Description Amount01 0000 41313 ELECTR1CAL PERMTT FEES so.oo01 0000 41335 wrLL CALL TNSPECTTON FEE 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 N,'a9-,i7 cO DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT pernit #: 897-0040 Job Address Location. . . Parce1 No..Project No. APPLICANT RUSTY WOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. P O BOX tt4't, VAIL CO 81658 CoNTRACTOR RUSTY WOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. P O BOX tL47, VArL CO 81658 OWNER 2099 N F.RONTAGE RD WEST SIaTus. . . ! APPROVED VAIL coMMoNs BLDG A1 uNITAppIied..: 04/02/!9972103-114-1s-013 Issued...: 04/03/7997PRJ96-0121 Expires..: O9/30/t997 TOWN OF VAIL t CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND Phone: 3039490177 Phone z 3039490177 JUNCTION CO 81502 Description: TENNANT FINISH OF BASEMENT Occupancy: Rl Type Construction: V N Type Occupancy: MuIti-Family Type V Non-Rated *****ffi***ft*ffiffitffi**ffi'r**ffi**ft***rtffii** tEE SUilllARy ***Jr*******t**it*rtt**ift***ffi!t*ttffr*i*rHrt*rtffi**** Bui LdingF---->145.(n Valuation: Fi reptace Information: Restricted: Y 10 , 000 #0f Gas AppI iances: Restuarant Ptan RevieH--> DRB FeF------ Recreat ion Fee----------> C Lean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES----- Add sq Ft: #0f Gas Logs:#Of tlood/Pa t let: Total Catcu[ated Fees--> 342.25 Additionat Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Payment BALANCE DUE---- .00 34?.25 .00 342.25*ttffi*t**ffi****i*ffi******t**ffiffiffiffi***ff!ffi***ffi*tt*ffi********ffffi*ff***ffffiffrtffi*ffiffiffi** Item! .05100_EqILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04/03/L997 CHARLiE AaEion: ApFn CHARLTE DAViSItem:'.05400_PI,4qINING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division:04/03/t997 cHARLTE AaEion,--EitFn x/a pER ANDY-Item:'05600-FIRE DEPARTUENT _ Dept: rrnn Division:04/03/1,997 CHART,TE Acaiona AppR N/AItem:' 05500 _PUBLIC WORKS04/03/1997 cHARtrE AdLion: AppR N/A *t*****ffi*******i*****lt********fr*tffi**t'H***t***Jrtt**rtr*t***t*********t***********ffi****t***ffi**ffir**t t***ffi****t See Page 2 of t,his Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIOI{S I.hcreby.acknowledge that I have read_this apptication/ f il,l.ed out in fult the information required, compteted an accurate ptot Pl'an, and state that att the information Provided as required is correct. I agree to compt,y riith tire iniornation and p1ot il,an,to conP I'y Hith al't Toun ordinances -and state tavs, and to bui l,d this structure according io'the Tovn,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviev aPproved, uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Toun afpticabLe thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A1 479-21|3A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROIT 8:OO AI4 5:OO Ph Pf,an Check---) 94.?5Investigation> .00 lli l.L catt----> 3.0O .00 .00 .00 100.00 t4?.?5 Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: RUSTY UooD CONSTRUCTION SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI]ISELF AI{D O!'NER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0040 as of 04/03/97 Sratus: AppROVED******************************************************************************** Pernit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Appliedt o4/oz/t99iApplicant: RUSTY WOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. Isaued: O4/03/L9973039490L77 To Expirez O9/30/t997 Job Address: Locatj-on: VAIL COMMONS BLDG A1 UNIT DParcel No: 2LO3-Ll4-l-5-013 Description: TENNANT FINISH OF BASEMENT Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS rN WALLS,CETLINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQU]RED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.4. PER T.O.V. ORDINANCES, NO KTTCHENS ARE ALLOWED TO BE TNSTALL ED IN THE BASEMENT AREA TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLTIMBING PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *z P97-QQ23 JOb Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST STaTus...: APPROVEDLocation...: VAIL COMMONS BLDG A1 UNrTApplied..: 04/03/1997Parcel No..: 2103-114-15-013 Issued...: 04/03/L997Project No.: PRJ96-0121 Expires..: O9/3O/L997 APPLICANT HI-TECH PLUMBING 45855 HWY 6 & 24 LOT CONTR.ACTOR HI-TECH PLUMBING 45855 HWY 6 & 24 LOTOWNER TOWN OF VAIL t CITY MARKET, PO BOX Phone: 970-945-1038 SPRINGS, CO 8160l_ Phone: 970-945-1038 SPRTNGS, CO 81601 JUNCTION CO 81502 Tota l. catcutated Fees---> 59.25 AdditionaI Fees-------->.00 Total Permit FeF-------> 59.25 Payments------- 57, GLENWOOD 57, GLENWOOD 729, GRAND Description: PLUMBING FOR BASEMENT FINISH Val-uation:2,500.00 ff**ffi|****ff*tffiffi*'H*******ffi****ffi*i**ffi FEE SUI.lllARy ffi*ff*t****tt**ffi**ff****r**r*********rffiff*ffiffi*Ptumbing-----> 45.00 Ptan check---> 11.?5 Investi gation> t^f i l.l. Cal.t----) .00 3.00 Restuanant Ptan Review--> TOTAL FEES----- .00 59 .25 ******************Hffi**********ffirr******************r*ffi**r***********r***********il*Y[i-lli;;;;;;iiiiii******r*-il;iil* Itqm: .O5IOO,EUILDTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:94/03/1!997 CHARLTE AaLion; AFFR cnanlrE DAViSItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: *ffi**ft ffi ff ***ffi t'l.t**trffi ffi *ff ***ffi *ff *t**ffi *****ffi *ft tr*ff ff **ffi Mffi t***ffi rh*rrffi f,*tiffi ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. EIEI.,Q-INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITf, 1994 T]PC - - ffi***ffi*tt*tffi*t*tffiffiff**t*t******t****t*tffi****t******rffit*f*ff*ffi*ffiffiffii*f**f*ffiffiffiturt*ffi*ffi DECLARATIONS I.hefeby -acknowtedge that I have read-this apptication, fit(ed out in fuL! the information nequi red, compl,eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y iith tire information and pLot il.an,to compty lrith al'L Toun ordinances,and state taws, and to buil,d this structure according io-the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revieu approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl,e thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 479-2138 oR AT ouR oFFIcE FRor 8:Oo AII 5:oo P SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OIINER TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIJOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 897-0043 Job AddressLocation... ParceL No..Project No. 210 3-114- L s-013 PRJ96-0121 Issued... Expires. . APPROVED 04 /02 /Lee7o4/B/ree7 0e /30 / LeeT 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST SIatus.. - VAIL COMMONS BLDG A1 UNITAppIied.. APPLICANT DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632 CONTRACTOR DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975f EDWARDS CO 81632OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t crTY MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81502 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR BASEMENT FINISH Valuation: 1,500.00 tttt*ffi****t.'t**ffi*,rtt**ffiffi|t|t*******f,|****rrt***ft*** FEE Slr[[ARy rHrlt***,ffi*****ffi*ffi*ffi**Hff*ffitt Phone: 3039263675 Phone l 3039263675 Totat Catcutated Fees---> 53.00 Additional, Fees---------> .00 Tota[ Permit Fee-------> 55.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- Etectri cat---> 50.00 oRB Fee Investigation>.00 l,il.L catl,----> 3.OO TOTAL FEES---> 53.OO :t**ff**tffi**ffi**ffi**,r!t***ffilr/r|t*1t*i****t*****ffi****r**#t*ffi**ff*****ffiffiffiffi****#fftt*ff*ff*ft I99ni,9Fqg0 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:04/o3/1997 CHARLTE Action: AppR FOR ERNSTItem:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTI,IENT Dept: FIRE Divi_sion: *******ff**ffiffi****ffiff*t*#ff*ffi***ff*tt*t*****|Hr*********ff**********#*lrH***********ffi***ff*ff******ff*#********* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITE 1996 NEC **ffi**ffffi***************ritttffirt|t**ffi***tit*********ff*****ff*********ff*******ffffiffi**ff****i#**ffi**t************ DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that I have read_this appl,ication, fil.Led out in ful.l, the information requi ned, conpl,eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy iiith tire information and pl,ot j:tan,to compty vith al'l' Town ordinances _and state [aus, and to buil,d this structure according to'the Toun's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revieY apProved, uniforr BuiLding code and other ordinances of the town appticabte thereto. REqUESTS FOR II{SPECTIOT{S SHALL BE IIADE TTENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 oR AT oUR oFFIcE FRoI'I 6:00 A 5:Oo PIt SIGT{ATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HITISELF AND OINER : '. pencsr, tt$/09 - 117-tiot3 Owners Narne: Architect: O to* oF vArL coNsrRucrrt PERUTT APPLTCATTON oatn: 4/- ?7 crril PERr'rrr t6eo-za 'o*re. Aa'^ l/.*,1./. ) t APPLICATfON UUST BE FILLED otII COUPLETELY OR rl !!AY NoT BE AccEptED r********************* ** * ****** PERltrT INFORUATTON ******* * ********** ** * * * * *****rl pl-Building [ ]-prunbing -[ l-Electrical [ ]-uechanicat [ ]-other Job Name: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing rob Addre s* 204q il. /a,-E4L?,L //0LL Address: Address: Ph. Ph. Py-llPIM' t!W- ElEcrRrcAut-rcioa.ao orHER: I Jmber and T119e of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances _ cas Logs_ woodr/perret_ r-_-It**************************-****.-P*gafl?-"9r- l-***************************** :.'-- ^-.-- ^ / ^-e' t't -^z) - ffff:3:,cofrE;W; rown of vaiL Res. no./+2:Jg_ Electrical contrac to,, f)),/ a a7",,ffir'aro'l].| ^"-T::':-. Town of Vail Req. NO. . _phone Nunber: ait E u zT643 i]!*:3? t?ip"ip' $,!oct, !- 7 " -,* T:T^",{..r:il. y"p,- ;e.&PPhone Number : V?el_q( fi, Mechanical Contractor:-&?3 il;;#;;'r \'e'Ltarrues' {/lFr ::::_.,{.-y:i1 *"s. No-- Phone Nunber: ********************************FOR Number of Dwelling UnLts: Lon -Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nuraber of Acconmodatl.on Units: OFFfCE USE ** *** ****** **** ***********!t **** BUTLDTNG PIAN cHEcK FEE3 PLUMBTNG PIAN CIIECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN cttEcK FEEs RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT TEE: MECHANTCAL PERUIT FEE: ELE TRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 0/ (t. t MEMORANDUM O TO: ALLCONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY9,1994 RE: a WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way permit": YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2l ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) fs ditferent actess needed to site. other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainaga work being done afiecting the right of way, easemenls, or public propefty? 7) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permil' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !f19u_ alswered yeslo any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way- Permit' applications may be oblained at lhe Public Work's office or atc-o.TTrlity Development. lf you have any questions ptease caltChartie ojui, ir,e io*n' of Vail Construction lnspec,tor, at.479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. _ Job Name Contractor's Signature Daie a PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino permit aoptication.lf yes was answered to any of the above questions tfnn a "public way" ig required. You can pick up an application at either community Developmeni located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 13dg Vail Valley Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies ieq'uire ui to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic controlistaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan willexpire on Oct. 1Sth. and will'need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work heing performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic iontrot ptan oi a liteplan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's otfice for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g houis to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any thai may needed' Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but pleas6 allow up to one week to process. v) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to comrnunity Development allowing the "Building Permit" to beieleased. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: ] Jtrg 9O9ve process is for work in a pubtic way onty.* Public Way Permits are vatid only until November isttr.' A new Public way Permit is required each year if work ts not complete. cdlWey I 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 I 2. 3. 4. Depanment of Comnruniry Developntent ITTORUATIOT XEEDED NHE|[ APPLIIIIO FOR }IECIIIIICAL PERIIIT FAILURE HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPI'{ENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS A}TD BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECTIANIC.AL ROOX. sHow sIzE AND tocATION OF CO}|BuSTrON AIR DUCTS, FLIES, \IENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. rO PROVIDE rlIIS IXFONilATIOX I{II.L I'ELAI IOUR PENUII. t TOWI,{OFVAIL luwn Ir 75 toulh honttge load Y!ll, color'do 81657 (30:r) {7$2138 (303) {7}2139 offfce of communlty devolopmenl NOTTCE TO CONTRACTORS/O9|NER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, 1,99r, the Town of vail Buitding Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites h_ave adequatery estabrished proper drainage from buildingsj-tes along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads of streets. Tbe Town of vail pubric works Department will be reguired toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of vail roads orstreets and the instarlation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccesg points from the road or street on to tle construction site,such approval must be obtained prior to any reguest for inspectionby the Town of vail Building Department tor to-otings or temporaryerectrical or any other inspection. please catt 4'1 9-2160 t6request an inspection from the pubric works Department. Alrow ami.nimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail pubric btorks Department will be approvingall final drainage and culvert instalration with resulting roadpacching as necessary. such approval must be obtained prior toFjnal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. 75 3oulh tronlage ro.d vaal, coloredo 81557 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: SUBJEET: oftlce of communlty deyelopmrnl ALL CONTRAC-TORS CURREITILYL REGISTERED I,,ITH TIIETOWN OF VAIL TOVIN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COI4MINITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sumnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit.an' ,"if,-"J"i<, sand, d,ebrisor roateriar, incllldinS trash iunpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicres.upon anv srreetl siaewairc]-;ii;y or pubr.icP1?:. or any portion theieof. il,e right-oi-way in aft Town ofVail streets and.r?"9= is approiirai"iv-s-it.-lti pavement.This ordinance wirl be. striiily -enforced by the Town of Vair.Public works Department. persins found "ihi[i"g this ordinancevill' be given a 24 hour writren ""ii""-to-;;;;;""aid rnateriar..fn the event the person so notifiea Aoes-";;-;;p1y with thenotice within rhe 24 hour,tine-speciii;d,' if"-iiiiric worksDepartment will remove said urate;i;i-;r-inJ"!"i#=e of personnotified- The provisions or iiris orctrnance shalr. not beapplicabre to cbnstruction, rnainlenange 9-r repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the ,igni-._".y. To review ordinance No- 6 in fur.', please stop by the Town of:::i"::t13,1"3"";f,i:'fi:$":a "rii-t" a ccpv' ri.,,i vou tor v-ur Re Y ad and acknowledged by: Fr"*- 75 louth lront ge .ord rr,rll, coloEdo 81G57 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 r oftlcc ot communlty dcvclopmcnt BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this perytlt lequr,l:: a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (Publi. t$l review and app"ourr, a iiannini'bep."rnentreview or Health Department review, anl'a_review by the guildingDepartment, the estimated time tor'a-totar review may take as longas three weeks. All cormercial (large or sma'') and al'r murti-famiry permits wi'have to follow the ibove ment'i6neJ-mirirur reguirements. Residentialand.sma]l projects shourd take a 'resier'amouni of time. However, ifresidential or smal'rer.projects impaii the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to-necessa"y "euie*, il"i" p"oj".li"#|"'"a] so take the three week period. ' Every attempt will be nnde by th.is department to expedite th.ispermi't as soon as possible. - I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. Cormuni ty Devel opment Department. I t t. REPTISI A3/ I3/97 tZtB r OB TOl^tN OF VAIL! COLORADO REGUESTS FOR INSFECTIDN HORK SHEETS FOR.. 5/13/97 PAGE AREAI CF . Activity:897-0O40 5/L3/97 Typer Addr.essr €tZt99 N FRUNTAGE RD IJESTr Location; VAIL COMMUNS BLDG Al UNIT Far"cel : 3lO3-1 14-15-O13 Description: TENNflNT FINISH OF BRSEMENTApplicant: RIJSTY WOOD CUNSTRUCTION, INC. Ewner : TIIWN 0F URIL Contractor : RUSTY I^JUUD CtrNSTRUCTIBN' INC. 5t at Lrs r ISSUED Constr i AltlF Occ; Lfse: V N Fhoner 3O39498177 Fhone: Phone: 3839490t177 Inspeetion Request Requeston: RUSTY Req Tine: EB:O@ Itens nequested to AAO90 BLDG-Final Information.... Eonnents: hJILL be Inspected... Fhone: 390-P7O6 CNLL / A*D Act i on Comrnent s Time Exp InspectionIt em: Itemr Item: Itemr Item: Iten l History..... OOOSO BLDG-Framing @4/13/97 Inspector: DS OrZrOS0 BLDG-Insulat i on OAO6ra BLDG-Sheetrock Nai I o4/LA/97 Inspector: CF AIOA7A BLDG-Misc. OOO9O BLDG-Final o'o344 BLDG-Final tr/O Act i on : AF F'R Act i on: AF'trR NF,F,ROUED BLDE A1 UNIT D ntprrsr B,5/13/97 rZtB:08 P97-40e3 3/L3/97 Type: B-PLMB tsO99 N'FRCINTRGE RD I^JEST VAIL COFIMtrNS BLDE A1 UNIT D EtoS-114-15-Ol3 PLUMBINB FT]R BASEMENT FINISH HI-TECH F'LUMBINB TOI.IN T]F VAIL HI-TECH PLUMBING F'AGE 9 AREA: CF Status: ISSUED ConEtr: AAtrT Occ:Use r Fhone: 97O-945-1O38 Frhone: Fh on e : 97tD-945- 1tZt38 TOWN OF VArLr COLtrRADO REGUESTS FOR INSPECTIBN I^,ORK SHEETS FORz 3/13/97 Retivity: .,'-Address: Locat i on : Farce I r De scr i pt i on: Appl ieant: Ewn er l Contract or' : InEpect ion Request Requestor: RUSTY Req Time! 08!OOItens requested to OAe96 FLMB-FinaI Information...., Fhone: 39O-17O6 Comments: WILL CRLL A-D be Inepected.,, Act i on Comnents Time Exp Inspect i on It en: Itenr Item: Iten: Iten: History..... la0el0 FLMB*Underground ra0ee0 PLMB-Rough/D. t^1. U, Q4/L3/97 Inepector: DS COP3O FLMB-Rough./l.lat er o4/13/97 Inspeetor: DS OOe60 PLlttB-ltli sc. 04/13/97 Inspeetor: D$ AOeg@ trLMB-Final Act i on: AtrtrR Action: AtrPR ftct i on: AtrtrR I^JATER TESTED DOMESTIC PRESSURE gcr FSI REPT 131 o3/ L4/97 Tot.lN uF VAIL, CoLORADO OBTIDE REEUESTS FOR INSF,ECTION HORK SHEETS FORz 5/14/97 E97-6r443 3/ L4/97 Type: B-EI-EC 3899 N FRONTRGE RD WEST UfIIL -CO}IIMONS BLDG A1 UNIT D e103-114-15-Bl3 ELECTRIEAL FOR BASEMENT FINISH DOUBLE E ELECTRIC TONN OF VNIL DOUBLE G ELECTRIC PAGE lE AREA: EG $tatus: ISSUED Constr: AAFT Oec: Use: F h on e : 3O39863675 Fhone: Fhone: 3t2t39E63675 Aetivityr Addness: Loent i on : Farce I : Descr i pt i on : Appl ieant: Owner: Contractor : I n s pect i on Req lte st Requestor: RUSTY Req Tine: IDBIOO Items requestq{, to 0019r4 ELEC-Final Information.... r.rooD CommentE: WILL be Inrper:ted,.. Fhone:39O-37O6 CALL RENUEST; BUILDING A; D Time ExpAct i on Comment s --r------ Inspect ion'History. ... , . Itern: OAl t0 ELEC-Temp. Fower' Iten: GSle@ ELEC-Rough Q4/16/97 Inspector: EG Item: OOl3O ELEC-Conduit Iten : CrEr140 ELEC-Misc.Item: 6el19A ELEC-Fina1 Iten: AE€A4 FIRE-ALARM ROUGH Item :,Fro538 FIRE-FINAL C/O s - // '?7. Act ion: AFF'R bldg al-unit d o \\ o/ + r .t : it-( Ft- ,| !. i i \ltr I a4?itq-5 af) .l: I t, t\t/\r-i or r( ts\) r,\ lr1 F It') \ \F. \0 o -\) z z I |-Sr \ z t- rt) p z -1 I..1 qlzltql XIcdl'I ^lzl !!, Ii-tt<t rr Ivlct) |rrl I /1 | I N-4 I LI {- I t-<ts?l'! : \-r c t-\ \.) .) (5 z N c\l c.l ; DzFzD OO o Y/ fr ciz3 arl Fz '-.r l\./ | <l Nr I rrb .l V) ril F \1 4., l:l z z