HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 SHOPPING CENTER 3 OF 3 LEGALI W t1r"+l^^rR\5 3fi [',.7'^ 3f ,t' a' towl.r oi,' verl 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-21,38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description:2 STORY RES. Occupancy ) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0359 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED NEW MULTI_FAM BUILD PERM Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD Location. . .: 21 06 ZERMATT LANEParcef No.. I 2103-114-15-013 Leo WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620 WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INCP O BOX 958r AVON CO 81620 TOWN OF VAIL WEST Status. . . (VAIL cAppIied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 30394 Phone: 30394 co 81502 I SSUED 72/04/ree6 01/02/Lee7 0'7 /oL/Lee7 9 4360 94360 tr-grrrfiARKBT, PO BOX \/&t i LoIvltr-xttI TOWNHOMES 6-UNITS 729, GRAND JUNCTION D-2 Apartment Houses Tabl-e Date: 05/L7/L996 Type ZonelV-1HR&V-N USER VALUATIoN: 319,560 dof Gas Apptiances: 6 Factor Sq. Feet Valuation71.30 5,316 379,030.80 Total Valuation: dot Gas Logs: 379 r 030. B0 #0f tJood/Pa L tet: ******************1********Jrt****************************** iEE SUflt4ARy **************t******************i************************ Fi reptace tnformation: Restricted: Y Bui l,ding-----> 1,710.W Restuarant ptan Review--) PLan Check---) 1,111 .00 DRB Fee-------- Invest i gati on> tli L l, caLt----> .00 Total Catcutated Fees---) 6,232.OO200.00 Additionat fees---------> .00 2,658.00 Tota[ Permit Fee--------> 6,?32.00500.00 Payments------- .0O Recreation Fee---------->3.0O C[ean-Up oeposi t--------> ***************i***********'t****irt********lt**************ff***************i.t*****t**************i********************************* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS r.hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this appl,ication, fitl,ed out in futt the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty viith the information and pLot iLan,to.compty vith atI Town ordinances_and state [aws, and to buil,d this structufe according io'the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordjnances of the Town appticabl,e thereto. R€QUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL 8E tlAoE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Af 179-?138 OR AT OUR OFFICE F Rol,t 8:00 A 5:OO p Ile4i ,q51q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:L2/.Q4/.L996 CHARLIE Action: NoTE PLANS ro cnAh.iin-L2'/05'/L996 DAN Action: AppRItelnt'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:L2/.04/.1996 CHARLTE Action: lloie pr_,nus To ANDY-K -- 12'/13'/1996 ANDY Action: AppR ak iiTti/?A82o.iliftt"tB""i:IY3ilT AppR N/A Dept: FrRE Division: Itgm:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS ' Dept: pUB WORK Division:12/04/1996 CHARI,IE action: NoTE PLAN TO pUeWbRKS-'Itqni'.05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Depr: HEALTH Division:!?/,Q!11229 q$ARLIE Acrion: AnFn u/a --E -' I2'/O5'/L996 DAN Action: AppRIteryr;'.95550 ENGINEERING. Dept: ENGTNEER Division:!?/,Q4/.t996 CHARLIE Action: NoTE pLANs ro renF.i'p-'1,2/30'/1996 TERRI Action: AppR bee conai[Ion; - o O€VELOP14ENTS SIGNATUR€ OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HI SELF AND O!Ii{ER * * * * ** ************** ***!kt r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * *** * * r.** * * * *** * * * * ** * * * * * * * C(egn-Up Deposit To: UARNER Permit #: 896-0359 Permit Type Applicant Job Address Location Parcel No CONDITIONS as of ot/L4/97 Status: TSSUED******************************************************************************** NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD PERM WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC 3039494360 2106 ZERMATT LANE (VAIL COMMONS) 2103-L14-1s-013 Applied: 12/oa/1996 Issued: OL/02/799'7 To Expirez 07/O!/L997 Description2 STORY RES. TOWNHOMES 6-UNITS Conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of TCO, applicant shall record an ease-ment, five feet in width, located immediatety north of thenorth face of the DI building.2. contractor viras never able to correct differences in erevation between the approved grading plan and the submitted building permit plans. Therefore the contractor shall be responsibLe for correcting all drainage problems associated with thebuiJ-ding elevation and grading. This may include garage drains. The contractor will preform a surveyed grade check at the framing inspection. * * * * *'* * * *** * * ** ******* *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0242 Amount: 6,232.O0 OI/I4/97 15:10 Payment Method: CK Notation: #7698 Init: DS Permit No: Parce] No:Site Address: Locati-on: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 0L 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEUI FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 896-0359 Type: MF BUILD NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD 2103-1L4-1s-0L3 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST 2106 ZERMATT LANE (VAIL COMMONS)Total Fees: 6 t232,006,232,00 Total ALL Pmts: 6,232.00 Balance:.00 * * * * * * * ** ** * t * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Amount 1,740.00 200.00 1, l_3L . 00 500.00 2 , 658 .00 3.00 U JA o : z o =F c fiEi:Y:E;; iiEE"BilE=ii FE€€EE Sggs€g gAi:i; Eg€aE;tr b E e eF l{ rf'*- $ \:P II \Nl. " F.-16idrl J ^rl b-ls ulql BI!qq 1qil o0(!l 1-ll i l.rl r'{i Izl Bl-l 3€ =co E a\'Fy orH Y*-<>x Q,,,U -zzos{ 3iz ^ e. \.iY/\:-2o! llt \.r. q i.,,ts2 rt- xa\ lrl v(---\,FtrZzu^.! \ -'1>-<: lJJ F- *Jc4 ?: co i .a r''oE zkrF--i- S9=r'-/.-r-<vo;lFh'-. -/_F-L;1.,^<-y :?e|.ax*.{-^ i F!_u.. I r- -.:Itct J 9I (J?>:tz-..YYs>?< =ieR\J-l\- J-l:c(l!zu:(i-caFLL i- .--: 94:) \: qi ..., t-- Y -+rg*5 i-' -\ i{:- v -:- a- {< a.a C. tl-t -t-fhdtrte. FR ENt- -IFa ri-a{tH -afF)dF rF. f"\sv +--aF((F?F?E|e l}F\aaLI Ff -a *FI?LIL. f?r\€v lFf 11 A.i{ ELI f l)JrF. OF)tfrlf{e. € q \, I -.: co t- It.Fls Io\l (F lr)l c c.) |lF o,i F cOi tt :1 - a: F{ cd +J 0) a qJ F/. X o,r-lpr I v, N I zHAFfH <Az EEo FlH U z. t CIIECK REQUEST PREPARED BY:DATE: VENDOR NAME: VENDOR NUMBER: gp, FOR BP #Vu -Ct3=1 NAME OFJOB: \/^:)z ACCOLTNTNUMBER: Ot0000Z2O0Z AMOUNTOFREFLTND; $51yroo DATE APPROVED:0-)'-17 APPROVAL SIGNATURE: t I REFT131 TOhtN OF UAIL, COL.ORADO PAGE E5 AREA: EFB9/3@/97 O7:35 REQUESTS FOR INSFECTION l^loRK SHEETS FORt 9/3@/97 Activityr 896-tZt359 9/3A/97 Type: MF BUILD Statr-rs: ISSUED []onstt': MFAlvl Address: EO99 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location: 1106 ZERMATT LANE (VAIL COMMONS) D-e ParceI : ElOS-1 l4*15*tzl13Description: t STORY RES, TOI^INHOMES 6-UNITSApplicant: WARNER DEVELUpMENTS, INC Owner': TOTJN OF VAIL Contraetor*: IdARNER DEVHLOFMENTS, INC Occr Oq'Al Use: V l-HR Fhone: 3O3949436O F,hone: F'hone: 3O39494362t Inspect ion Request Infonmat ion. . . . . Reeuest or': Rich Req Ti me : E8: tZtO Comnent s : DE cal I t o Items nequested to be Inspeeted.,. flc AA54A SLDG-FinaL C/O Fhone t 748-QLA7 meet i on Conment Time Exp Inspection Item:Itenl 'Item: Item l Item: Histor'y...., 140501 trW-Temp. access/dr.ainaqe OOSOE Fhl-Rough qrade OA5la3 F t^l-Fi na I dr- i v eway gr"ad e rAlAAl0 BLDG-Foot ings/St e e IUelL3/97 Inspector': DS A3/63/97 Inspectorr EG Aratzle0 BLDG-Fo r-rndat i on /St e e I AE/e3/97 Inspector: CF Noteg: winter pr otection is'lA3/,L1.297 Inspe{ton: EG OOSEa PLAN-ILtr bite F, Ian OOOSO BLDG-Frapinq Qt/eL/97 Inspe[torr Ct)A3/e\l97 Insoe&tor: DS A6/13/97 Inspector: DS 06EEm BLDG-Inrulat ion e3/eA/97 Inspect or": CD @3/eA/97 Inspector.: DS \ A3/?9/97 Inspector: Ds ACAAA BLDG-Sheetr"ock Nailq3/eg/97 Inspeetorr DS A6/0l3/97 Inspector; EE A667A BLDG*Misc. o6/17/97 InEpeetor: EG CItzr{agra BL-DG-Final erOS3A BLDG;Temp. C/u fih/ 1"3/97 Inspeetor: DS E6/ 19/97 Inspector': DSfi6/:E4/97 Inspector: DS Act i on: AtrF R Action: f,FFR ffct i. on : FA t equired Action: FIFtrR Actionr N0 Actionr AFFR Action: Dlrl Act i. on : FA Rr:tion: F'fl Act i on: FA Aet i on r FFI Act i on : AF'F R Act i on : AF'F R Aet ion: trA Action: F'Aflction: Ffl NF'F,ROUED AF.F'ROUED units Br9, lrA APF,ROVED .J TRUSS REPT]RT DE D_3 LATH NOT UNITS 8r 9r lgtr D-E UNITS lP D-E UNITS 9 & ';D-l UNIT tl bldq clE unitl bldq d e: TCO D-E UNITS D_E UNIT IOD-E UNITS 11, REflDY 1I T]NLY & 13 1B 1- 13 8E9 ler l3 & 11 +[.l ,tS' :r', I RECEI VED Iten: Itemr Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: ft8531 FIRE-TEMP. C/u ltem: AlAs3e FW-TEMF. C/A Item: Ata533 F'LflN-TElYlF. C/A It em : lAla537 FLAN-FINtrL C,/0 Itemr erlZlS3S FIRE-FINAL C/A Item: UtO539 FW-FINAt- C./O - llom. fifiE/rt7t nl DG-trin:l .fllf1 I :49 N0 .001 P .01 l,[R]tI1' /t ^ t APPLfCATION l'tUgl BE FILI,ED oU! collPLgl'ELI oR IT t{Ay NoT EE AccEprED.I X* '*' *rrri*** tttt**t*"'rtt*r* pEnUIT fNFORM1IfON t ****tr..*rr*r *****ri*r,,*i rrr7t I x] -Bulldlng Job Nane: I l-Plumblng I l-El3ctrtcrl I l-rrocbanlbal I J_othsr Ns gccr- Flilo ouu..".,2lO6 Zerratt Lane, Yal-l Legal Dcacrlptlon: Lot Elook_ Flllng Owners Nano: EARryBR DEyELOPUENTS Add,reNsi P.O. Bor 958, Avon,co 81620 p1.949-4360 Arohltect: g DONAID.SON, AIA Addr6se! p.O. Box S:OO, lvon, C9 S1620p5.949_5200 Generol Deecrlptlon! unfinlshed baseEents I{ork clasBi [xl-N6w I l-Altaratlon 1 ]-Artdttlonrl t l_Repalr [ ]_other Nunber of Dnelllng Unitc: G Nuubct of Accornnodatlon Unlte: ItrU." and Type of Flr6pl_aees: Gea-Appllanera__!_ Gaa Logs [.******.r*******.".",i6;:.;qSffiug^rrt;ftq]..****,r** lll$nilrcAt.s f-TOTAL: I ::::: i .:::: :::::: :.:::::.::g-g3lsn rNFoRilrarotf il *. il * ft *. *r ft , r * r. fi ft r. r Addrese:;.- iil.'"'--ddraqe r Town of ValI Req, NO. rrn_aPhono Nunbers t49-436fr --- l{ood/PeIIet PLU}IBING: X::::r.: OTttER: I PLunblng Addrees: Contractor : AS.U_ueFEBBry pLUltBrN fonn ol vail ReE. No.Phone Nunbcr: g4*_g3rs- Town of Vail Reqr. NO.Phone Nunber: oFFrcE ugE r***.rrrr*****rr**rr*rr*rtr..rrr EUTIJDTNC PIAN CHSCK F8E: r***i*rt***t***taa***trtr*t*trtt BUTLDING PENUIT FEE: PLUUBTNC PERi'TT FEE: UECTIAIIICAL PER}trT IEE:EIJEqRICAL IEE: OTHER TYPA OP EEE: DRB FEE: loR P!I'U8INC ItECt|ANrcA& RECREATION CTBAN-UP fqtAIr :oEE o3 rss0--- IUILDINCS slcHrTttREs ZONfNC! ErGI|AII{IREr -t-- !0:I{ARNBR DBVELOP}iEMS, rl{c. ruu,t'{ ur VH I L LUfI-UE.V IU:JUJ-4(Y;-2452 --- 19-96ao g:49 No .001 P .02 luttn tt rcuth froatrgt rctdl|ll, eolor.do llltt Itor) (79-2llE or 479_2119 ,llo: gRo[t: DATE: Read EuBtEct: coNstRtetroN pARKrNc t 1ATERTAL gToRAcE i!"!ii'6'ir3il*'"r:.Io. 5 ctates p.rt i|-ia unrarrur ror anv -or^-ltatcriar ; -il;i":fi;*.lli.!iil:^ Ty sou, -ro"il'93na, dcbririrorknen v.hicleg $fif$$$ffi*ffi#*k#fffi *=l i::- :-i iiiir.-il " o,"i";t;".H:.:::l'il}{*:iiltffi *:lrr' ::f::P:nt nirl renovc -i"ro -fritliiFi"llol- tne Pubr lc wort:llljiilll;^ rhe provrrrons or-;;I;t;dl:.::: :g:l'! or poraon .-:5^::::l: co constnstlon, -r"fi'I.i::"'c'ss 6narl not bce||v rEre€t or atrey o, .ni'otlil;il;'ff :i. ;rdll_l*l;;." ,r l;:r":**":"8;;i$;'"1""i""11; l':ff . "'ii"iil SS 13:',31" offlcr of ao|nmunll, rrw.lop|nrnt lffi"TIHffRs cuRR8utl,rl REGTSTERED t|rT't $rE ToIfN ot vArr. puBr,rc r{gRt€/cotort Nrry DEIEI0DIENT llARClt 15r 1988 ri.e. contractor, owner) / tt rogttr tront t. tvtdrr . colondo t|flt(tot) 479-2138. ot 4?9-2L39 o.JrJ rru.vur r .uJ ottlcr ot conmunlt drr.loprn.|rt EUIIDII{G PERTIIIT ISSUAI{CE TIIIE FMNE If this permtt r.qril::_l Town of Vall Ftre Departnent Approvrl,Bngrneer"s (Publti t*t) revie*'ani'ipprlrr, a prannrn! Deparmentrevrer or Her'tth Departnint-..ii"r,ii["a,rrrtr* by the tull!tnglyil*lt"the estimated unre 6i'r-iitjt rev ier_iai..t[!,il,rone All coamercrar ('rcroe-or snnll) rnd arr nultl-famty permlts wrlrnave t0 fol low ttre ibovc.mcnti6neJlriiimum requirenents. Residenilaland. smal I projects tq9"1c grif-.-i.'i!ll"o:inrunt.of time. Hoiever. ifresrdenttal or smal ler,ercjicts-f,ipili' tie varlous above nentionedli3i "ili:'inll lf ,ilnill- I,lfi: ilii- i'Jil*, tr,iii p"iii. t .;; Every rttempt wilt br.ng! by thls departnrent to expedite thispennl't aS SOon aS p.ssrott. 'srrL Le exPeo'lte this l;.iil undersigned, understand the plan check pr.ocedure and 'me hcet wa s- tuftE?-TFEi-tfiE cve'l oom...nt Deprrtment. Town of Vai I 25 SouLh Front.age RoadVaiI, Colorado 81557(303) 4?9 -2138 Plan ana1ysis based onthe 1991 Uniform Building Code NorE:The code items risted in this report are not intended to be a conpretelisling of all possible code requirements in the 1991 uBc. rt is a quide toselected secLions oE the code. Proj ecE Nunber: PRJ96 -0200 Address: 2105 ZERMATT LANE ConEractor: VIARNER DEVELOPMENTArchitect: MARK DONALDSON Engineer: PETER MUNROE Name r VAIL COMMONS D-2 Date: December 5, 1995 Occupancy! R1 Type of Const: V- 1hr Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK FIRE PROTECTION 1-2.0 Feet 1?.0 Feet 40.0 Feet 5.0 Feet 2 sides. AREA AIJT'OWED RATIO STATUS DIRECTION BOUNDARY NoRTH Building EAST Building SOUTH Property l ine WEST Building Area increased 18.75t FI, NAME SE PARATION AREA INCREASE 25.0 Feet 35.0 Feet. 40.0 Feet L0,0 Feet for open area on OCC MAX FIJR 2 Condo D8 2 Condo D9 2 Condo DLo 2 Condo D1l2 Condo D12 2 Condo D13 TOTAL FOR FLOORL Condo D8 1 Condo D9 1 Condo D10l- Condo D11 L Condo D12L Condo D13 TOTAIT FOR FLOOR BUIIJDING TOTAL Rl ok Rl ok Rl, ok Rl ok R1 okRL ok R1 R1 R1 R1 ok ok ok ok ok ok 443 12469 443 12469 443 12469 443 12469443 \2469 443 12469 2658 12469 443 12459 443 12469 443 L2469 443 12469 443 L2469 443 t2469 2658 12469 5315 24938 27 . 0 feet . 50.0 feet. -- 0.04 ok 0.04 ok 0.04 ok 0.04 ok 0.04 ok 0.04 ok 0.2L ok 0,04 ok 0.04 ok 0.04 ok 0.04 ok 0.04 ok 0. 04 ok U.ZL OK 0.21 ok Table 5-D The actual height of this builctinq is The maximum heiqht of the builctinq is EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTIONTable 17-A & Tabte 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WESTOCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRC NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNGWALL WALL PROT WALL WAI,I, PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROTRl thr thr None thr thr None thr Lhr None lhr thr None The exEerior wal1s may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.220L. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- openings are to be protect.ed with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of thearea of Lhe wall maximum. Sec, 504. (b) & Sec,2203. & Table 5-AMaxinum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreaber than 12 feeL. -- Sec. 430G. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permit.Ced in this wafl.* -- These walls may be required t.o have a parapeL wall 30 inchesabove the roofing. The parapet wall is required. to have the samefire rating as the wal1. see section 1710, for details and exceDtions. OTHER BUILDING ELEI.,IENTS Table 17 -AELEMENT MATERIAI, RATING NOTESInberior Bearing wall Any I hrInterior nonbrg waII Any j- hr See Foot.note #zSLructural Frame Any t hrExLerior Struct Frame Any t hr See footnohe #1Shaft Enclosure Any t hrFloor/Ceiling Assembly Any t hrRoof/Ceiling Assembly Any L hrStairs Any None NOTE: See Sec. 1705. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES: l-) Erements in an exterior wall located where openings are noL permitted orwhere protection of openings is required. shall be protected againstexLernal fire exposure as required for exterior bearing walls or thestructural frame, whichever is great.er. -- Table j-T-A. fooLnote 17) Nonload-bearing walrs within a dwelling unit that are noL par! of acorridor may be of:a) Noncombustible (nonrated) maLerial sb) Fire reLardant- t.reated woodc) Combustible framing with nonconbustible covering inType IfI and V construcLion -- Sec. 1705. (b)2. DRAFT STOPS: rf there is combusbibLe consbruction in the floor/ceiling assernbly. draftshops shall be installed in line with wal1s separaLing individual dwellingrunits and guesb rooms from each other and from other areas.- - sec . 25L6. (f) 4.A. (ii) rf there is combushibre construction in the roof/ceiling assembly, draftstops shall be installed in line with walls separating individual dwell-ingunihs and guest rooms from each other and from other areas,- - sec . 2516. (f) 4. B. (ii) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 5-B None requ i red ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR Rl OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boirer orcentral heating unit serving more than one uniL. -- Sec. 1213.A thr occupancy separat.ion is required around common sLorage and laundryrooms. -- Sec. L202. (b\ A Lhr fire separat.ion is required between dwelling unit.s. -- Sec. 1202. (b) EXIT REQUIREMENTS: FI, NAME NOTESOCCUPANT NUMBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOORLOAD REQUIRED WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 2 Condo D8 2 Condo D9 2 Condo D l. 0 2 Condo D1l 2 Condo D12 2 Condo D13 TOTAI, 1 Condo D8 1 Condo D9 1 Condo D10 1 Condo Dll 1 Condo D121 Condo DL3 TOTAL 2 | 0.0 No2 I 0.0 No2 | 0.0 No2 L 0.0 No2 L 0.0 No2 L 0.0 NotZ 2 0.3 No2 t 0.0 No2 t 0.0 No2 L 0.0 No2 I 0.0 No2 L 0.0 No2 t 0.0 No12 2 0.3 No No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R Yes N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R Yes N/R In areas where 2 exits are required, bhe minimum separation ts l/2 of the maximum diagonat of t.he area or floor. -- Sec. 3303.(c)Door swing is based on sec, 3304. (b) except as noLed.Occupanl l-oad is based on Tab1e 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noled.Exit. width is in feet. and based on Sec. 3303. (b) .Exib width is to be divided approximat.ely equally among exit.s.Width shown for aII areas is based on ohher exits. (0.2) Width shown for 1st floor is based on oLher exits. (0,2)width shown for other froors & basetnent.s is based on sbairways. (0.3)For the minimum width of doors, see Sec. 3304. (f)For the minimum width of corridors, see Sec. 3305. (b)For the minimum width of stairways. see Sec. 330G. (b) FOOTNOTES: HANDICAPPED ACCESS: L) Handicapped access is required to at leasLto Lhis building. -- sec. 3103. (a) & (b)3.2) If. a ramp is used for handicapped access,1:12. - - Sec 3307. (c) one primary entrance the max slope is STAIR NOTES: Wibhin a dwel l ing unitr A stairway in a dwerring must. be at leas! 35 inehes wide. -- sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and lhe minimum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3305. (c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side of stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is more than 3 risers, -- Sec. 3309. (j) ExceptionsProvide a guard. rair where d.rop off is greaLer than 30 inches. Minimum heiqht= 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. 1712. (a) exc 1For common stairways: The maximum ri-se of a step is ? inches and the minimum run is l-1 inches.-- sec. 3305. (c) The minimum width of a stairway is 3G inches, 44 inches it the occupant loadis greaher than 49. -- Sec. 3305. (b) Also see exit table above to see if minimum widbh is greater Lhan 44 inches.Provide handrails on both sides of a stairway 34 t.o 3g inches above thenosing. (May be on one side if less than 44 inches wide) -- Sec. 330G. (j)Provide a guard rail where drop off is grealer than 30 inches. Minimum height= 42 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7I2. (al The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 330G.(o)Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor ]-hr fire-resistive construcbion. -- Sec. 330G. (1) Provide a landing within L inch (I/2 inch at d.oors used. for handicappedaccess) of the threshoLd. -- Sec. 3304. (i) The minimum width is same as door width ancl the minimum lenqth is 44 inches.-- Sec. 3304. (j) The maxinum travel disLance in bhis buildinq is-- Sec. 3303. (d)150 feeL ROOFING REQUIREMENTS: 1) The roofing on this building is Ced.ar or redwood shake shingles accordance with Section 3204 (e) required to be CLass C - - Tab1e 32 -A and #L shingles const.ructed in , Special-purpose Roofs may be used.- - Exception #32) See section 3204. and ICBO research reports for requirement.s criteria of U.B.c. SLandard No. 42-2 Sec.4205 INSULATION NOTES: 1) A1r insulaLion rnateriar including facings are required to have a frame-spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450 unressit is in a concealed space and the facing is in contacl with a walr orceiling. -- Sec. 171"4. (c) exc.#22) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected.Sec. 17 L3 GLAZING REQUIREMENTS : A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5405. (d) ADDITTONAL REQUIREMENTS :For R1 occupancy Arl chimney enclosures for wood burning fireprace factory-bui1tchinneys shall be protected by a I hr. fire resistiveconstructi_on.All projects larger than four dwerring unit.s sharr be supplied withstamped drawings from a quilified architect and/or st.ructuralengineer. Address numbers shall be posted plainly visibLe and legible from the s Ereec. ACCESSIBILTY IS REQUIRED AS PER THE 1994 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE.If bhere is 15 or more dwelling units, a fire alarm system isrequired in this building. -- Sec. L2j.I .Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used forsleeping. -- Sec. 1204. A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.fL., a clear heighLof 24 inches, and a clear widbh of 20 inches (mininunr . --Sec. 1204. Atl habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to 10% or more of the floor area. (min l0 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205. (b)AII habiLable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to 5*or more of bhe floor area. (min 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. f205. (c)Provide a smoke detecCor in afl sleeping rooms and areas havrngaccess to sleeping rooms. - - Sec . f2I0. (al 4.The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is Z feet 6 inches exceptkitchens. halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of ?feet.sec. -- 1207. (a) HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : NOTE3 Section numbers listed below are from ANSI A117.L - L985 WATER FOUNTAINS : l") One musL have a spouh within 36 inches of bhe floor. -- Sec. 4.15.22) Spout must be ah the front of the unit. -- Sec. 4.15.33) Cont.rols must be at or near the front of the unit. -- sec. 4.L5.4 & 4 .25 ,4 4) A canbilevered unit. is required to provide a clear area und.er the unit of27 inches hiqh, 30 inches wide, and 1? inches deep. -- Sec. 4.15.5 (1)5) A clear area of 30 x 48 inches is required at the founEain. The cleararea is required to provide for a forward approach wihh a cantileveredunit and for a side approach otherwise. -- Sec. 4.15.5 & Fiq.27 b,c,d, TOILET FACILITIES: 1) A 5' diameLer unobstruct.ed turning space is required in the toilet room.-- Sec. 4.2.3 & Fiq. 3 (a) 2) when water closet is not in a comparcment, the cl.ear area requ.ired isra) 48 inches wide by 55 inches deep with a side approach.-- Sec. 4.16.2 & Fiq. 2848 inches wide by 55 inches deep with a front approach. - - Sec. 4.76.2 & Fiq. 2860 inches wide by 56 inches deep with both approaches.-- sec. 4.1-6.2 c Fiq. 28d) side bar is required to start within L2 inches of Lhe back wal-l andextend to 54 inches from the back wall. -- Sec. 4. j-G.4 & F!g.29The rear bar is required to be 3G inches long. -- F),q. 293) When water closet is in a compartmenL, the area required is:a) 55 inches d.eep by 50 inches wide with a grab bar at the back and. oneat the sid.e. Door is at f ront. or sid.e. - - FiS. 30 (a) orb) 65 inches deep by 35 or 48 inches wide with grab bars on both sidesand door aC front. -- Fig. 30(b) . d) If a floor mounted water closet is used, the depth dimensionshown above must be increased 3 inches. -- FiS. 30(a) c (b)e) Side bars are requireil to start within l-2 inches of the back waII andextend to 54 inches from the back waII. -- FiS. 7.55a & 7.55bThe rear bar is required to start within 6 inches of the side warland be 35 inches long. -- Fiq. 30(a)4) The bars are to be 33 to 36 inches above the floor. - -Fis . 29 (a) , (b) a b) c) Fig. 30 (c) . (d.) 5) The top of the seat on the water closet is requiredabove the floor. -- FiS. 29(b) & Fig. 30(d) to be 17 to L9 inches 6) Urlnals are required !o be stall type or have an el.ongated rin and bewithin 17 Lncheg of the floor. -- sec. 4.L9.2 a Fig. 29(c)7) A clear area of 30 X 48 lnches is required in front of the urinal .-- Sec. 4.18.3 8) Accesgible lavatories shall provide a clear area under the lavatory of29 inchee. -- Sec. 4,19.2.1 & pig. 319) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front of the lavatory.-- Sec. 4,19.3 a Fiq. 32 10) The botEom of mirror is required. to be within 40 lnches of lhe floor.-- sec. 4,L9.6 & Fig, 31 R- I. HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : Adaptable dwelllng units are required, -- Sec. 3108. (a)8. Public-uge and conmon-use areas shall be accessible. -- Sec. 3103.(a)8. Project Number: PRiI95-0200 Address: 210 6 ZERMATT LANE Contrac I,or : WARNER DEVEIJOPMENTArchitect: MARK DONAITDSON Engineer : PETER MIJNROE Town of Vail 25 South Frontaqe Road Vail, Colorado 81557(303) 479 -2138 PIan review based onthe 199L Uniform Building Code Narne: VAIL, COMMONS D-2 Date: December 5, 1995 Occupancy: R1 Type of Const: V- 1hr Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK Provide details (construction and location) of d.raf tstops in the f loor system. - - sec. 25L6 . ( f.') 4.A Provj.de details (construction and location) of d.raf tstops in t.he attic. - - Sec. 25L6. (f )4.8 A 42 inch high guardrail with a maximum opening of 4inches is requied where step is grreater than 30inches to floor or grade below. -- Sec. L7l-2. The enclosed usabl-e space under the staj-rs isrequired to be protected by l-hr fire-resistiveconstruction. -- 3305. (1) For heating or hot-water supply boiler applicationsa floor drain sha1l be supplied for suitable disposing of accumulated fluids. UMC 2119 Supply a floor drain in the laundry room toadequately dispose of water d.ue to overflow or Line breakage . In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundrv rooms a mechanical ventilation system directly connected to the outside sha1l be provided. UBC L205 (c) Domestic clolhes dryer exhaust ducts shall beinstalled as per U}{C 1l-04 & L9 03 . Flexible ductconnectors nay not exceed 5' length and sha11 noE. beconcealed within construction. Ducts sha1lterminate outside the building and not exceed 14' l enqth . Required correctiona for: Page f 2 Project Id. : VAIL COUII{ONS D-2. Addrese: 2106 ZERIiATT IrANE f SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 10 11 Furnaces not listed for alcove or closeLingtallation shall. be inEtalled in a room having a volume at leaEt 12 tines the Lotal volume of the furnace. BoiLers require a room at leas! 16 timeg Larger than the volume of the boil-er. UlfC 504(b) Provide a mechanical drawing showing basic designr orhydronic syaten or duc! Eygten, size of eguipment (BTU e aclual volume size), size of mechanicaL room, and size of combustion air to be supplied to equipment . TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 l'lechani ca [---) Ptan Check---> Investigation> l.l i tt catt----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *: M97-0059 Job Addreas. . . z 2099 N FRONTAGE RD !yESTLocation : VAIL COMMONS BLDG 16-2)Parcel No..... : 2l-03-114=15-013Project Number : PRJ96-f2OO )---.--/ Status. , . Applied.. Issued.., Expires. . Valuation: fof Gas Logs: ISSUED 04 /22 / reeT o4 /23 / LeeT t0 /20 / LeeT APPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PTUMBING & HE Phone:605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE Phone: 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t crry MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 9 7 0-8 45-B 315 970-845-8315 18, 600.00 fof llood/Pa L tet: Description: MECHAN]CAL FOR NEW SIX PLEX Firep(ace Information: Restricted: Y #Of Gas Apptiances: 6 ****************************f************t*******t********* FEE su6t{ARy ****************************iit******t**t*****************380.00 Restuarant Plan Revielr-->95.00 DRB.OO TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 .00 Total Catcutated Fees---).00 AdditionaL Fees--------->478.00 Total Permit tee--------> 478'.OO ,.00 478.00 428.00 ***************t******t************************r*r*********r***************************lllllli-lli;;;;;;;iiiiiii************i**** IqeBi ,gSlqo_pvMING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:04/23/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAViSItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL I. EIE D-INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. coL,rBusrroN ArR IS REQUTRED pER sSC. 607 OF-rUn-ISt1--uMe;- ---3. INSTAI_, AT]ON_!{qgT qONEORM To MANUFACTURES rNstnuCtrOlls-enoTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UME._4. GAS APPLTANqEE_SSAL! BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ SEALI, TERMTNA,TE 4,S gpECrFrED rN See .906-OF-rHb---l091 uu-C-.'-s. AqgEss To HEATINq EQUTPMENT MUST eOupl_,i wlrH-see.5os-[llp703 OF THE 1991 UMC;6. BoTLEBS SHAL! EE-MQqNTED oN FLooRs oF NoNcoMBUsrrBLE coNsr._ UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSIIELE_FLO6RiNG:- ---'--' 7 . pEBIU T" pLANs_^A!.lA qaDE_ANAlySr s Miasi - BE-Fosisn- iN -MECHANTCAL _ BgoM pBroR rg_4!!_rNgpEclroN-nE0uesi: -- ----- 8. DRAINAGE OF .UECEAN_IqAI, ROOMS E6I,ITAiNTUG HEATING OR HOT-WATER$qPPLY BOILEB.F gHAL,L BE EQUIPPED_WITH- A FLOOR- DRATU"FNN'SNd.'2119 0F THE 199L UMC * * *.* *tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that t have read this apptication, f il,l.ed out in futt the informtion required, compteted an accurate ptot pttn, drd tt.tc th.t.tt thc lnlorntlon pfovlded 13 ncqulrd_ i_s oorrcct. I lgrcc to coQty vlth the Inforr.tlon rnd ptot pt!n,to _corPLy slth ltt Tolrn ordin nc.t _.nd st.tr trrrs, {rd to bolld this 3tructure-accordi ng io thc Torn'a zoning md ruMivlribncodes, dcrign roviar approrcd, lltlforr Bul tding Codc and othcr ordin ncca of thc Torn appl,icabLo thlneto. REGI'E3TS FON IilSPECTIOIIS SHALL EE }IADE TI'ENTY-FOI'R HOI'RS III ADVANCE OY TELEPTIOI{E AI 479-2138 OR AT OI'R OFFTCE FK'II 8:IN Nt 5:OO P sl@t luRE or ouilER oR cot{tRAcTo8 ton HIilsELf AND OUI{EI iI I . -t' **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0263 Amount,t 428.00 04/23/97 O9229Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #2516 lhitr CD Pernit No: M97-0059 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMITParceI No: 2103-114-1S-0 13Site Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTLocaLion: VAIL COMMONS BLDG D-2Total Fees I 478.00This Payrnent 478.00 Total ALL pmts : 428. O0Balance: .00* ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Account Code Description Amount01 OOOO 4L3I2 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 38O.OO01 0000 4t332 PLAN CHECK FEES 95.0001 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO i / I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArlf co 81657 97 0-47 9 -2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. DEPARTMENT OT COWUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLUMBTNG PERMIT PeTmiI AT ALL TIMES P9 7-00 3 9#: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Stat,us...: ISSUEDVAIL COMMONS D-2 Applied..: 04/22/19972103-114-15-013 Issued...: 04/2.2/1997PRJ96-0200 Expires . ., IO/19/I997 AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE phone: 9?0-845-8315605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE Phone: 970-845-8315605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81601 TOWN OF VAIL * CITY MARKET, pO BOX 729r GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Description: PLUMBTNG FoR RESTDENTTAL srx PLEX VaLuation: 38,500.00 **************t*************************************t****** tEE SUlll'tARy ************************************tt*ff*************t*** P tumbing-----) Ptan Check---> lnvest i gat ion> tlitL Cal,l.----> 585.00 146.25 .00 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Review--) TOTAL FEES-----734.25 Total Catcutated Fees---> 734.25 Addi t iona I Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments > 731,25 73t,,25 BALANCE DUE---- Itern! ,O5IOO-BUII,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04/22/r9s7 _CHARLTE Aaaioni AbFn CHARLTE DAViS--rrbm:' 0s600 FrRE DEpAnrMeiir04/22/r99"t CHARLTE -Aaaio;i; AppR N/A *****************************t****************t*******i***************t******t********************t*t*************r*************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECIIqNS_ABE BEQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. ALL WORK MUST COMpLy WrTH 1994 DFC-------3. AI,L PENETRATIONNS MUST BE PATCHED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE RATEMATERIAL ****************************************t**********************ti*****************************************t*********************** DECLARATIONS r hereby acknowledge that r have read this aPptication, fil,ted out in fuLl. the information required, compteted an accurate pl.otpl'an, and state that atI the infornati.on provided as required. i.s correct. I agree to compty vith the infornation and ptot pl,an.to comply vith aLl' ToHn ordinances _and state [avs, and io buil.d this structure according io'ttre iowna" ioninj "no subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved, unifortr Buil,ding code and other ofdinances of the Tovn afpticabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR I}ISPECTIONS SHALL 8E I,IADE TTIENTY-rOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0263 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *25t6 734.2s 04/23/97 09:29Init: CD P97-0039 Type: B-PLMB 2L03-114-1s-0L3 2099 N FRONTAGE RD I!'EST VAIL COMMONS D-2 Total Fees:734.25 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: Thie Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4!332 01 0000 41336 PLUMBING PERMIT 734.25 734.2s .00 Description PIJUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount s85.00 L46.2s 3.00 I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address...:Location......: ParceL No.....:Proiect Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M97-0059 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS BLDG D-2 210 3- 114- 1s-013 PRJg 6-02 0 0 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires.. Valuation: #Of Gas Logs: APPROVED o4 /22 /ree104/23/Lee'1 LO /20 / Lse7 APPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE Phone: 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE Phone: 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81601OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t crTy MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81502 970-845-831s 970-845-8315 18,600.00 #0f [,ood/Pal. Let: Description: MECHANICAL FOR NEW SIX PLEX Fireptace Infornation: Restricted: Y #0f Gas Apptiances: 6 ********ff*tff******t******ff**t*t****t***tt***f,tr|**ffff*** tEE SUI{|IARY ****ffi*##**#**tr*ff**#***ffiffi*****ffif,f,tt llechani cat---) Ptan check---> Invest igat i on> UitL cal. L----> 380.00 Restuarant Ptan Rev iev-->95.00 DRB.OO TOTAL FEES---.- 3.00 .00 Totat catculated Fees---> 478.W-0O AdditionaL Fees---------> .0O478.00 Totat Permit Fee--------> 478.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE----****i***********ffiff***********H*******ffi#****i*s**s***tr******i****Jd****t****t***t*************H*****i********ffi*ff Iqe.Ui .Q51qo_EqIIJDING DEpARTMENT Deptr BUTLDING Division:04/23/1997 CHARLTE ACEion:-ADpn cHanr,rE DAViS-Itbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. F.'IEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. CoMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED pER SUC. 007 0F-rHe-1Sii--oMe;-----3. INSTALLATION-MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES IT'TSTNOCITOIIS-ANOTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE T9S1 UMC_._s. AqgEgE To HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COMpLy wrrn See.S0S ANo703 OF THE 1991 UMC;6. EQI EBS qLIALI, BE MOqNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLN TI,OONIIIC:_ -7. pEBMTT,PI,ANS_ANp qODE ANALYSTS MrUST Be FOSiep- rN-laecHeNrcAlRooM pRroR rg_4!! rNgpEetrof-neoiissi: -- ----- 8. DRAINAGE OF L1ECE4,!,IIqAL ROOMS CoNIEiIITNG HEATING OR HOT-WATERguppl,y BorLEB.g-SHALL BE EQUTPPED WrtH A FLOoR-DnefN--FUn-'sEe-.-2119 0F THE 1991 nMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS r hereby acknovtedge that I have read this appl'ication, f i!l,ed out in ful,t the information required, compteted an accurate pLot vv pt!n, lnd st.ta thrt .tt thc lntorntion p.ovidd !s rcgui fcd is corfcct. t rgr.e to corpty uith thG infon tion .nd pl,ot ptan,to.corPty |rith al'l' Toun ordin nc.r _md 3t.tc t.u3, .nd to buitd this structurc-accordi ng io thc T6rn'e zoning and subdivieiarncodc3, dcaign rlvicr,.Ppror.d, Itritom 8ui tding Cod. |nd othcr ordin nc.3 of th. Torm aipticlbt. thcrcto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SII LL BE lt DE IIfENW-FOUR HOIIRS llt ADV NcE Ay TELEpHONE Al 4:79-218 oR AT OtR ofFrcE FRo E:OO A 5:m p gIC{ATURE OT OTIER ON COIrNACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AIID OI}IER TOllTN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES P9 7-00 39PLUMBING PERMIT JOb Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTLocation...: VAIL COMMONS D-2ParceI No.. : 2103-114-15-013Project No. : PRJ96-0200 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . APPROVED o4/22/Iee7 04/22/1,ee7 Lo /7e /7es7 45-8 31sAPPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PI.JI,'MBING & HE Phone: 970-8 605 WEST L2TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE phone: 970-845-83l-5 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SpRrNeS CO 81601OWNER TOWN OF VAILt crTy MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81502 Deecription: PLITMBING FOR RESIDENTIAL SIX PLEX VaLuation:38,500 . 00 ******lt*t*t**l*l*****rffi**** FEE SUI{ilARy ****i##ffifffi*trffi Pl.ufrbi ng----> 5E5.00 Tota t catcutatcd F"Gs--->734.25 Pl,an chcck--->145.25 AdditionaL Fees---------> .m .00 734.25lnvestigation> .00 Total permit Fee--------> TS4.?s Pi Ll, Cal.t----> 5.00 payments------- BALANCE DUE----*ttt**|lt*'t*t**tl|.*t**i**t|t*********r.'t****i*t*ffi****************t**i*t**ffi*ffi****H**kr*rr****** Ite{r! .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUILDING Division:04/22/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIt'e.Ui'.956Q0_FIRE DEPARTMENT ____ _-,_ Dept: FrRE Division:04/22/7997 CHARLIE Acrion: AppR N/A ff*******t*******rrtlffi***rr***ffiffiffiffi*ffi****************ffi***i*****t**********t****t*****fr****ffi******fr*t******* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. EIELD,INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITf, 1994 UPC---_3. AI-,I] PENETRATIONNS MUST BE PATCHED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE RATEMATERIAL rffi**ffi**t"**ff*******t*t**ffi*ffi*ffir**t***ff.*****ffii*ff***ffiffiffi****t***ffffiftffiffiff*ff****** DECIJARATIONS I. hereby .acknovtedge that I have read.this apptication, fitl,ed out in futl, the informat ion requi red, conpl,eted an accurate plotptan, and strte that at( the 'i nf ornati.on provided as required is correct. I agree to conpty with the iniormation and ptot i:Lan,to.compty vith al'[ Toun ordinances and state [aHs, and to buiLd this structure according to- the Toyn,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, d.sign revieU aPProved, Unifonn Buitding Codc and other ofdinances of the Town appl.icabl.e thereto. REQUESTS toR INsPEcTloNs SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FoUR llouRs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Al 479-2138 oR AT OUR oFFIcE FROtt 6:00 A 5:OO p Restuarant Ptan Revict --> TOTAL FEES---- SIGNATURE OF OIII{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII,ISELF AI.ID O!'NER --l:1 HH \o\oNcrgooS EH \o\oe.rorftorcr$ OF(n F< OF(/lEl ,-. -. -. --. c.l N c.l r.. 6 \f, o\ \n -. \n o\c4+OrnO\OSl,O*o\ i p,^ ^ -,8 ga EE?-F3*g HHHHEHHH E t{z N o (t) Fl-r neAl t{ EE5.nfuz222otFeE3Atq90q;EI< aa f'l><tq puf h F AX F 9 9 R 3 R Ra-ta -. O\ + rn \O r/) O\ O\. l-t rt: ONOC4OOO\Ctl€EkEsarot999HH\l N - iEl Fl > eE. H H ?s a =: R: R F - r{o\-.r \n6lo\al>,g8S3EfrS8Ehd8c"c'rF. = -.R - IEI |l H 8,"E6Zcl'.? >h HHe*EEre nrVF E H Hs R r e F K R R . l< rn "<-. $ Cl \O rn \O nn FdBgSEiETSKt{ ts.l Gl cyFr S$3S36SSa [\ r-. F, F. !+ o\ F-€rf q\r -.r o\r"tVOr O\Orf VlFr Fr Fl r+ o\ Eoo& FlzoN /A H, o Fq E =fiAl EgE, A F r---rv ,Y. l- ; e?a,i qgE H><< aa f'l><Fq .< F. r-. -, N N c.l \oi Nclftcoot$EH ..,\oe.rcr(cror$ O\Oo$f-al'-. (\ -r C.l a{ t.- 6$61 16,-r rr O\OrH cO \t O rn O \O * lr?6l $ o\ t-{ trtrtr H H HF K 9 Lrr^\O$-.C.l\ON\Of-P<ES33s=SNnIFlq?e{c.|t-- '-{ F{FEI-I cr i a,^ 'q ,.vafra* - ? >e FE3-F3*s frHEHEHHH E rdz N o4 o FE fEla |q I E Ep (A U)U)otlF H o\tr F EE U'fu2Z 3g5HIiF.HU:>H >': <in F{?*H F l.r'l.-H gA HEf-F3",s HHHHEf;HEo z N g o frl CA €EAl F FH32zZo:,F EBAR6qY>FHtr<<aaH><tr II --. C{ (\ e'l'-. F. '-. -. N N (\ r.d llAEE \o( Norfienor$ pa4H H H PN R s e R K F X EifrH$ETEEEgPHX N iprn t< rhErtZcr--? >O > > !: 74RR;,-Ff,.3 HHEHE!f,IQlQ,-JOJcrtc0F > u7il H AF X = 9 K = R R4-a - A rtt cO O\ -r c.'l cA N \O t.- =44 s h 3 s $ s N 3 >; Ir{ lJ (\ c.) -l 'r 'i HNr- E.l N cyF H S 3 S 3 6 S fiatt r+ o\ tr- 0o .f or \n .- rn o\crtti.O( c|\OSrnt o.\a?an F.r H F. .-. c.l c\| N HH \ F-cror(crar$ E & 14zoN -\tLFI AvA l-\ U) ?nlic0 -lt-t -t*EU3r-F.E2zE' gEa >.BYi,r Q6qr; YEFI Htr{< aD f'l><tr H 8.,.,HAZ :xfr E? HHEHErHE z & Flz N o rq0 I x E U) ct) cn Fl ti al E{ gu uzAzz >,4EB EUYEl-l >.: < it) .--. r-{ F-r -. (\f c.l Ol to'-o' ' , t: .,'rt. ., ? l ,-, 'r ri' ri::i;.1. , ::i.r r.i '7,1 Front Vict't @ry Oorrs,ppp 97.1n', Mlnlmum Clearances: Sldes: 6'; Rear: 6"; Frontr 4" (slzes 50-100), Unobstructed (slzes 195-995); Top: 23' (from top of boller) Input BTU/H Slu€ .x 1000 Hentlng Cop, BTU/tl x 1000 Net l8R 8TU/H x 1000 AFUE % SDark lqnltlon St6ndlnq Pllot Dlmenslons (lnche5)Wdter Gas Approx, Conn. Conn. W€lght (lnches) (lncher) (lbs.) Nat ProG6s Gls N.t ProGdi Gos N6t Pto N.t Pro G6s Gos Gos Gos I cDv 50 50 t5 ,) 100 100 195'' 195 ' 16rI r '|60' t!5 995 19 ,{3 63 6183 85 101 106133 1351sl5 t9o 36,5 37,1 51.8 55.6 79.2 73.990,4 99,9 115.7 117.1 161.7 165.9 81.1. 85.,{ 80.9 89.0 84,0 8s,9 80.5 89.584,0 85,0 80.7 89.783.0 8,1.5 80,7 89.7 83.0 84.8 81.0 83.083.9 8s.0 81.5 83.5 13-3t8 91-3t4 93.5/8 91.3/1 I 13.3t8 97.3t1 91.1t8 91.3t1 5 16.7t8 98-3t1 91.1/8 9C.3/4 5 16.7t8 98-3t1 !3.v8 99.v1 6 90.3/8 98.3/4 93.y8. t9.3/1 6 95.5/8 31.1/9 93-1t1 24.3t1 7 1/9 190 r ".1/? 196 r, l*1n i31 r, Iln 138 I I1n $1 ; I1n t8t I 1.1t1 1-1t1 1-114 1-1t1 1.111 1-111 Accrssonns Power Vent Kit - For through-tre-wall venting on 50,000 to 195,000 BTUilrr sizes. Contlnuously regulated draft reduces energy costs by malntalnlng efflclent combustlon. Non-Combustible Base - MINI-THERM ll must be Installed on a Teledme laan non-combustible base assembly or otfrer approved non-combustible surface, Base adds 1" to boller helghb listed in table. Non-Combustible Stand - For easy maintenance accessipllity, a 19-119' hlgh non-combustible ffoor stand ls also avallable. ' : Compresslon Tanki - Alr-charged diaphragm-tyre tanl(r,vitfr automatlc makeup water control, 'Not aYolhble ln C.mdd. Acccssorv Skcs P6rt No. Power vent Klt (u.s.) 50-195 10570000(crnad.) 50-995 Pv.09 Non"CombusublE Base 50 & 75 10166701 . 100 & l?s 10,16670c . 160 10166703 99s 10166701 Non-Combusubl€ Stlnd '50-195 90.|0!800160-995 10109900 'Compresslon Tonk 50.195 40066800 160 & 99s 40066900 Wnonr Rmnv ro Hnp You Ihe hot water speclalists at Teledyne laars would be happy to put thek over 40 years of experlence to work for you. For asistance In chooslng the rlght unlt for your applicaUon - or lf you d simpV like to know more about our producb, seMces, and extenslve wananty - Just call toll-ftee 1-80G362-5678 (U.S.). -,\.TELEDYNE LAARS 90 industrlolWay, Rodrcster, NH 03867 . Tel: (800) 369-5678, (603) 335-6300 Fa\: (603) 335-3355 180 5, Servlce Rodd West Oakvllle, Ontarlq Canada L6K 9H4 o Tel: (905) 811-8933 Fo(: (905) 841-9635 : 6000 Condor Drlve, lvloorpc*, C\ 93091 r Tel (805) 599-9000 Fa* (805) 599.5934 o ldodrE l,.ors Documcnt 10!9t 9{03litlo h U.SA lrnve it ttl A.0. Snrith ru llttt frris much quality hrto zt ltltt'llriccttg-s watcr hratetr' When you've been the innovative leadef in waler heaters lor over 50 vears. vou 0et t0 ktr0w a thittg or lw0 aboutbuilding qu a lily and value into Vi,iipti,,rrtrs. And rhis iouldn'llle lllore apparent lhan in our low price, triUtr valtre Euotrtrllly Elterqy Saver gas series' . ltt ll:l"li ) Jl i:iil l l l i: 1..\'l l.) l l l:l )l:l(,'\l' I;l;Il(:ll:N( ;) s'l;\Nl)j\ l( l)) s- .(:()1.()l{-(.()lii:l/i\l.i:1,'rri iiii'i l:S('t:'l'('lll:()Nt S\ 'lll(;ll(Jt.\l.l l\ til..\.'r-'l.i\l)'r'lit'ttt ("t:rrtlilrr l(rO0" r\tt -A,O. Strritlr'elevt'Ir1lr'tl 1llrr.'.:s lllitl (,rllil'li lttrlg'llrstittli ctlr'tosirlrt l)11)l('!ti(rtl. I R\.l.lli..\\'\:l)t"l \'.\\()l)l:. l)i{/rr!(r'((l l)\ ,\'() Srttitll, lrtrtvicle' i :ttttlitiUll:rl :lIrrr.tll.l tl;(". l',*l: ;rti'tr.t rr''l|:t.llllitl5t ((.,ftr)Si\'( t clr tllr.'tltt itl tt:ti.'t. ;S 'l)ll;, l t ltl: !:ri l'rr. \ ,irt\'i \\:il('l llltr/ l:lllli S .'l lll(:K. l:\l:l((;\' l:l'l;l(.ll:\'l lr().\ll l\St :l-'\'l'l()N orl irtl J. tlttrtlcls ttr It'(ltlL! ii ill!ll)\ lttitl lrrrr' \\ 'ONli.l']il:(:li l\'l l:(;l(.'\'l l:l) lrl.( il; lJr\ltljl't: Sltrrvs dttwn l'ltrrv <lf ltcltt rltrrrtt.rllt totlll)llsli(,tl sys(clllso tttlt'titttttttt ltcitt is tnutslt'r'rccl l{) \\':ll (r. "llllllil: Slil),\l(;{l l: l.l-\K (.l IIJ:KS '\l:l'l:ll FINAI' r\SSliI{ltl.\'' 'Sl'll(:lAl. Al)lt )'1,\ltl.l:'l lll:l(\l()S'l;\'ll l'cts vtrtt."clirtl 'F= clorvtt" to:,:tvL'litcl \\'llcll it\\':tl lut cstctttlcd llcliotls' ' \) .N()N.\11;l;\l.l,l(.lt.\1.1..'lIl'lil)l(,\lN\/,\1.\/l:hitsir i;Lonll)irl:tlir)rl .i/ r" itlltt/(lt-.lilr liltillg N. l:\lili(;\' ).\\ r\\ ' l'li.\ i I . ltt.l(\l:l(. r\ll "tr',.'i ln(lllrl )(,l t l rt,l r tt't lirt itttllrtrvc tl cottll)tt.\tir,tl t'llt,' tt lli ) ' 'ltlN(; lJ,\Sl: t)\ lt(tl'l())l l(,\'l llt:lt lll;\N l.E(iS. liusicr'l() rrlu\(. ( i(l. r(l io (;i\1.1.()N l------l \l.E(iS. liusicr' l() rrl'l\ (. ( i(]. lo. io (;i\1.1.( )N r------ \J\I{Ol)l:t.SoNl.\'r I I \- ;f,lilli\"i:ii;;.1''il;'iiil' i' il,lllli)]i,,, hlr# :s gulkrrr.iizt': l(, nl(('r ,,," ,,.i.'i',,"' I ainb-riJJt,-"' I z0.lt4 2t |2 N()lli: SP,\(:li.S:\\'t\(, lr,\\ lrr,\' .\l(,1)l:1.! xr':ri|lrhl( rvll( r'( r(rli(xl \Px(( rr rttirtirtr:rl. Sr, e .l)( ('ilit :tli, rl \l rcrl\ l' rr rllrrl'(' i|||i|I tIIiII i{'||' s.YEAR LIMITED VrA;liinl:'t'/ OU t r-lllE. ll tanfi sr'ould leak at sny lime during lhe ksl 5ycars Lrr'rlicl lLrrrri:' !l lr:'': i'r;rrr:rr'll Ao Elnrtrrv/rll b()rsha teplaccmgnl ncalol lnstalldtro|. lat:r)f r,itr,.rrr!j,J/-il'v;:r'i'ri..!:lliriir!rlra )'y'rltrl uSeU ccrrltlllerCially' l''/1rt' ratnty rs lof t y!dr ll'Jla irrii.-iirlr'j l'r:!t :tt'i't:tittt"Jn7 For cornplglc lrrlollrrirlro'l Corlsvll In|., /.t4lrtr. lrirtri:ir ,i '\r- '-:"tr "'/i'n'r i1'''Jucls Corrrl'lrrll ,--..J A.O. Sm; ' \^l?lC, tJr,, l.:j : : il',,1 :.{r ' l,:'.r. j!t: tl.r. 'r'Jnl l2 l!iitKC plr,)CiCl Clla(rt'jS Ot {rrploYqlt'cnls i,rl I'ri I t:r'r'._''n .r r'-1"-s Pc.hr. | 90'ftii! | Po. H.. Fs6.3u i 3;' )' :... . :':'v.::-.:...-:-".:'-. l-.-'" l-::: rsc..ru I .lo I .tc . .;:: t,,,', ::t : 30 ouri i 30 | ___-_1__ _- r_- -- r.--, -..- - -,-- - -- - - I .-----i-'- - rso.ro | .sc i ii, , .ri.',,';c ,i i, 3; atrl | 17 9_--;---_-- r- ..... rso zl i .s I t. i : ,;i", ts'; t. :L"teu | 75'c rsc.ror i .r:, I ric i ri,',r.,,' i')r '!t'N I ttg .\r ,:\ l( t(.r.-1", \.\ (, lrrrrlll ( ',rlx,lltllr,rl lr,lr,,1 PERI-IIT /I Pb96.opoo General Description: Work Class: I J-New t I -Alteration Job Address: Filing Address: ,/, I ,n. Address: , {, t {t pn.Zfi-5za- t,ronal I Nu&ber of l-Repair [ ]-Other Accornnodation Units: Number of Dnelling Units: 6_ J APpLrcATroN I'tusr BE Frr,'.ED OUr coupLETELy OR rr uAy NOT BE ACCEPTED ,T***************************** PERMTT rNFoRl'{ATroN **************************'r* [ ]-Buildin -Plunbing J-ELectrieal. t/-\reehanibat I j-other Job Nane: Lega). Description: Lot Block Onners NaDe: Architect: [ ]-Additional |I:::-::: :*" of Fireptaces: cas Appri"n""=4/. Gas Loss_ r{oodlpe1r.r- {********************************* vAr,uATroNs **** ******* ******** ************** EI.ECIRICAL: $OTHER: $ Address: Elect,rical Address:contractor: Plunbing Address: PLWBING PER}IIT FEE:I'IECTIANICAL PER}TIT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FE8:DRB FEE: 8U_I-LDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:PLWBTNG PI,AN CHECX .rEii lrlc4ANrcAL PrAN cHEck FEE:RECREATTON FEE:CIJAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI'IIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONfNG: SIGNAIIIREI I'IECHANIcAI,,@ * * * * col{rlRlrcron,?fi#nkfitr TOTAL:$- ****** * ********* ********** *lown of Vail Req. NO.Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO.-?.A- pYnone NUrnber: e-ta._a= Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Pnone Nurnber: Town of Vail. Req. NO.Phone Number: FOR oFFrcE USE ***** ** * ****** * **************** contractor: Mechanical Contractot: 4t(*t/Address: - - 't'(+'Y' r ************ ** ** * ***** ** * *******BUILDTNG PER}TT EEE: SQ. FT. TO: FROM: DATE: BE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Piease answer the toll estionnaire regarding the need lor a ,public Way permit.: YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhal requires the use of the riohr of way, easements or public iroperty? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing dnveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easements, or public prcpefty? 7) ls a 'Revocabte Right CI Way permit. required? 8) A. ls the right of wayi easemenls orpublic property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B, lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Developmenl? it^vgu- algwered yes to any of lhese questions, a "Pubtic way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way Permit' applicationf tiy be obtained ar the'pubtic work,s office or at?.TT',litt Developmen! ]ly"l n11e^any_euesrions prease cail charrie Davis, rhe Townol Vail Construction lnspector, at 4Zg-215f.. 1I 2\ (,'6c> q\ 6) rparl answered allthe 75 roulh |rontrg! rold vell, colorrdo 81651 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 oftlcc ot conmunlty dey.lopmGnl TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: ATL CONTRACTORS CURREITTLYL REGISTERED WITH TI|ETOWN, OF VArL TOr{N OF VAIL PUBL,IC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEIOP}IENT I.IARCH ]-G, 19Bg CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn suurmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anvperson to litter, track or a.po=it.;t-";iri-"J.r, sand, debrisor uaterial , including tii=rr-Erripsters, portable toiLets andworknen vehicles-upon-any-;r;;; siaewaii] -;ii;y or publicilii",$":g #fri"_tt.i"o;:-E" risiriroi-ili-;" a'. rown or rhi : ; ;e i;;":' ;iU_T:. ::,i:iil":l?::: I.';.i, i *.#jfl:i, ". PubLic works oeoartnentl--p!i"ins found ,i3riri"g this ordinance'it. be s'iven "- zc nooi'rriiill"iotice-to-;;;;rsaid raareriar.rn the event the person so notiriea.does not comply with thenotice within the-24 frour-tirnJ-lpecitiea, tfre puEfic WorksDepartmenr wirr- ""ro.r"-=lii-iilI'.:.u:. "i-inJ";rd;=" or personno:i'fi'ed' The orovisions-or-'iii" ora:.nance srrirr nor beapplicable to c-onstruction, -di;; any srreet ." "ii"t-;;-;;;,"tir'iii!3"i: ;f.":!;*i_:Tj;crs or To.review ordinance._No.. G. i.n full_, please stop by tne iown of::ii"::ii3i"3"o:f;if*:*.::"";;;i" - copy. if,";i. you ror your cknowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 routh tronlrg. rord vrll, colondo fl657 (so3') 479-2138 0t 479-2139 oltlcc ol communlty dcyclopmaltl BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCI TIMT FMNE If this permit requi.res a Town of vair Fire Departnent Approvar,Engineer''s (Publ t" p:fl_l.vi"* ."i'approvai , a planning Deparunentreview or Health Departnent.review,-.n[ a.review oy tne duiiaing Siri[H!r,l;.ll: .rrtr.ted tjme ror'a-totar ..ui.n-i.y, iu[!,u, rone All commerciar ('rarge or smat) and at murti-famiry permits wi'have to fol row the ibove ;";ii6il-;ximum requirements . Res.identialand small projects shou'rd t"i.-;-ie;;li'amount of t.ime. However, ifresidenti'al or smar t 91,n1gi9iir-iriJJi the va.ious above mentioneddepartments wjth reqa.rd to necessii.y-review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. tvery attempt will b:^lpg. by this deparr.,nent ro expedite thispermit as soon as posslDle. i;.Jli undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Date woif t was,/turned-jnfTh'e Community De eloomeht Departnent. TOWN OF'VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 ELectrica(---> DRB Fee Investigat i on> i,li L t caL l.----> TOTAL FEES---> Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 252.OO .00 .00 3.00 255.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN ELECTRTCAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pernit #: 897-0033 Phone: 3039263358 Phone: 3039263358 co 81502 255.00 .00 255.00 255.00 .00 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...: ISSUEDvArL coMMoNs BLDG D2 Applied..: 03/19/19972103-114-15-013 Issued...: 03/I9/1997PRJ96-0200 Expires..: O9/[S/I997 APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O.BOX 1457-, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX t45t, AVON CO 81620OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t cITy MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION Description: WIRE NEW RESIDENTAL 6-PLEX Valuation:14,000 . 00 ********************i*****************t*******************t FEE SUt'll'tARy ************************************ft************i*****i* Tota I Catcutated fees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payment ********fi****************i**t**********************t*****ff************t********i**************i**************t****t*ff********** Dept: BUILDING Division: ERNST Dept: FIRE Division: ****************t**************t**********************i***ff**************1****************************************trt************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***************t************t**********************************f***********ff***************ff****************i**i**************** DECLARATIONS r hefeby acknowtedge that r have read_this apPtication, fitl.ed out in fuLL the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atI the infornation provided as required.is correct. r agfee to compl,y rrith tire information and ptot ftan,to comPty with aLt Tovn ordinances,and state taws, and io buil,d this structure according io'the Town's zoning and subdjvisioncodes, design review approved/ Uniform guil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIJENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI.I Item! .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Q? /19 /L9_9_7-CHARLTE lcrion : - ApFn-r,onITbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT OF OI,INE OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII{SELF AND O}'NER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**********************************************r(***************** Statemnt Number: REC-0253 Amountz 255.00 O3/2L/97 t4t29Paynent Method: CHECK Notation: *6588 Init: CD Permit No:Parcel No: Sit.e Address: Location: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 4131.3 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:Total AIrIJ Pmt6: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 897-0033 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAT PERMIT 210 3-114-l- s -0132099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS BLDG D2 255.00 **************************************************************** 255.00 255.00 .00 Amount 252.0O 3. 00 Mn r',EO 3-r1^97 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 897-0033 Job Address Location. . . ParceL No..Project No. 210 3- 1" 14- 15-013 PRJ9 6-02 00 APPROVED 03/7e/Lee7 03/1.e /Lee"l 0e /75 /1,ss7 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST StaTuS... VAIL COMMONS BLDG D2 Applied.. APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX L45L, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451, AVON CO 81620OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t CITY MjARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Description: WIRE NEW RESIDENTAL 6-PLEX Valuation z L4,000.00 *fi*lt*ltt*****t******ff********ffi*ffi'Hi*ftlH(**t*i**** f EE SUtlllARY ***H***fftr***Jrt***ftffiffi*****r**rffiffffi** Etectricat---> 252.m Tota[ catcutated Fees---> 255.@ Additional Fees---------> .00 Total Pernit Fee--------> 25 5 .00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- DRB Fee .m fssued... Expires. . Phone: 3039263358 Phone: 3039263358 Investigation> .m l itL cal,L----> 3.00 ToTAL FEES---> 255.00 ********ffi*******tr******ffi**ff******************ffi******ffi***********ic*****t****t********ffitr****t*******t*ffi******** I!eA: ,9qq90_EI,EqTRICAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:03/19/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR FOR ERNSTItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Divj_sion: *ffttffi******ff***tt*ffiffitrt*ftffi*t*t***ff*f,t***fiffit*ffff**#rff*ffit**ff***ffi***t**ffi*ffi*****ff**trffit*****ffi**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***ff*******H*****ffi**********ff*****ff**************ft***t******ff**********tt****t*********rffi**f,**********#******** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknorrtedge that I have read_this aPptication, fitted out in ful.l, the information required, conpl,eted an accurate ptot Ptan/ and state that al'[ the information provided as required is correct- I agree to compty Jith tire inforrnation and pl,ot pLan,to compty tJith aLt To|Jn ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this stfucture according io-the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revieu approved, l.rniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabl.e thereto- REOUESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-?138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI,I 8:OO AI.I 5:OO P|!1 SIGNATURE OF OI.'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OIINER I EPTTTCEOIb}I t['SI! BE FIIfiED OU! CpITPtr,RTsEY OR IE I{Ai NOr UE ICCEECtsD paers tlalez'-lav-.dVa_l Addressc| 7t s' Iranh# U Uqil Eb.,j?7-azY ' rculteot: Ho t , JlOwldo - Addtrese: .affi: ?*eneral DescrLpy'lont rrlc class3 M-ner t.l-Atteratlon g 1_tddltlonal t l_Repat! [ l_o,the8 ccq',sodadlor. oor.-sEv.. v,ta_tt a ''ber an'4'Tlpi of ?trreSrlacess cas Aptril!,anaes_ caa r,og'_ ItooVpellet_:" ---i***t*******af*il*i***t****.**t*r* vAlltaTroNg *********r*rl*r*r***ra***rra**r** --- rrsr;tr.aNlqalri ' EOIDAITS - - .: =@ -- ***.**rirrr***r****n****** oor.rcRAffiB rNFonMilDroN **r************i***a***r**letal cirntbaator: ^ krD1: --------: na'- -- ,r,_r.r h^_ i*13 oontrao#ls #se51.,J"A,I+Eqf'-fu* o-! v-ar ""-*l,IoEgbtng ipntr.otor: tbone lnuibers 'q?*: aXT Ehone tturnber: :hanlaal contnc&or: lreesi :1.;;3:-::::::r**:**i*******r FoR orrtcB.usr ***r**.i***r*.******r**m**r*r*lr.uilc, rEBrg! 3EE3 -Q-to3- tl</ - 15-ot4 IOW oF var! coNsltRltcErolfPERIE! tFSrJICelDIoN FORT,Iwfffit 1-s-az p?6QCo'ro&ctoi .l ![o!rn of Val,l Reg. ]to. Phona lnuiber: tuBnft' EERrtrr aEBs --- il?llFtrl? r|rtrrltrrr.rr- --- -- {ilrr*ae pgnltr!-EEEr T-5FEl-dr r--lcmlqe& Itrtss ER scPB 0p.trrr: I EEES EUTDDXNG PI,IN CI|ECK EEts!PUntEIltG EI,Ail CBSqK tEtss {FcIANxclD PLIN cBEeK aEBc RECREATTO}I rEEtcIEIN-ttp DEPoSITI T(IIAL PBNUTE ESEss -- ----a --r- BI'II.,DITIGS SIGNA:N'RB: ZONING: sIqNA[UnEt P8 lcEouF-fB-ilffi lr ItP DEPOSIT IEfUt{D tot rd r.rJ:,r:6a aes! er ',**,esEE%64l6 i 'tN :hnHd JIUlf,:TB M*E : K]UJ REF.T 131 o6/84/97 67 t37 'o TOr^'N OF VAIL, COL.ORADO RENUESTS FOR INSF'ECTINN WORK SI-IEETS FORI 6/I=4/97 F,R6E lE AREA: EG Activity: E97-OO33 6/84/97 Type: B-[:|-EC Statt"ts: FINAL Constrr NAtrT Address: eO99 N FRONTAGE RD I^JEST Location: UAIL COMMONS BLDG De Farce I : 31t13-114-15-O13 Descnipt ion: TJIRE NEl,il RESIDENTflL 6'-trLEX Appl icant : SHAhI ELECTRIC Owner: TOWN 0F VAIL' Contractor : SHAI,J ELECTRIC Fhone: 936-3JFA I I, ll, Aet i on Time Exp Occ: Fhone ! Fhone: FhE,ne: Use: :ur39863358 :103916J358 Inspection Requdst Infot'mation..... Reqr-restot'r I{AREN Req Time ! tAl f ElE Comments:lF-l Iterss necuested to he Inspedfed.,. ao# EHb-ETNAL C/O _19p- tr!::!:o::- []omment :::-- -:::-::--:-::-::--,;:---:;&u;---:::::: Inrpectl.ion rr.*!figv.1.1' 6 -- J,.r :t 7 t1,/,ry,' It etr: Et$iEO, ELEC-Ro'rgh - ,/ .-/r .ii.?{/fF/6! !.napecton: ES Actionr DN cables-tor,tching hot pipe'i'H$);1., /97 Inspector': EG Acticrnr AFFR bldg dP rrnitsB-9-ltD-l€ i gqttlg/97'Inspectol': 'EG Action: AFFR bldq dE r-rnits13*14' It'em I 8613Q ELEC-Conduit Id em,i .O'af 49 ELEtr-Mi Bc.\ o'5/19/97' Inspector: EG Action: AtrF,R south side bldg dF' A5/91/97 lnspectolr F-G Action: RFFR senvice 3.-meter's Itefi-,rr.&€tl9O ELEC-F inal:.':':'6trt"/97 Inspeetor : E6 Action: AFF,R bldq dE unitE-9 . '-:96/46/97 lnspeetor; EG Action: AFFR bldg dP unit 18r Item: daet+ (IRE-ALARM RoUGHItem: er0538 FIRE-FINRL C/O o REpT131 ToWN OF VAIL, C0LORADO or6/t9/97 08:18 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION lllORK SHEETS FORt' 6/L9/97 PRGE 17 AREA: EG =========================g================-==============ffct ivity: E97-6033 6/L9/97 Type: B-ELEC Statr-rs: FINAL Constr: NAtrT Addr.ess: fl099 N FRONTAGE RD I^IEST Location: VAIL C0FIMUNS BLDG DS Far.cel : E1Et3-1 14-15-413 Deseription: I,JIRE NEW RESIDENTAL 6-FLEX Hpplieant : SHAW ELECTRIC 0wner: TOWN trF VAIL Contr'actor: SHAH ELECTRIC Occ: Use ! trhone: 3t2t39863358 Fhone: Fhone: 3t2t39863358 Inspect i on Reqr"rest Inf ormat i on. . . . . Requestot': KAREN/SHAI^J ELECTRIC Req Timer 08:OO Comm.ents: BLD6, Iteos r.equerted to be Inepected... AOlgZr ELEC-Final Fhone: 986-3358 Dl; UNIT lO Act i on Com m ent e ^z-, T i',t . (frApa me Exp Inspection Histor'y,.Itenr O0IPO ELEC-Rdugh 6"tE"?? 4rt, .\ 'Iten r--lter l Itenr: Iteml ;7 lten: D5/r,6/57 Inspeetor: A3/ l9/97 Inspeet or': 03/L9/97 Inspector": OO130 ELEtr-Conduit OOl40 ELEC-Misc. A5/L9/"9'7 Inspector: @5/eI/i7 Inspector: ctCIlgd ELEC-Final 06/lE/97 Inspector": EG OOEE4 FIRE*ALARM ROUGH ooSFB FrRE.I-FINAL C/0 Act ion: DN Aetion: AFtrR Action: AtrF'R Act i on: AtrtrR Action: AF'l--'R Act i on : ftF'F R touchinq hot pipe un it EB-9-1O-te units13-14 EB E6 E6 E6 EG cab bld g bldq dr south side bldg dt gerv ice 3-m et erg bldg dl unit6-9 s de REPT 13I TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO PAGE EO AREAI EGA6/t3/97 BB:0il REOUESTS FCIR INSF|ECTION WORK SHEETS FORz 6/13/97 ======== =====*====*============================= == = == === = ======== =============-=L"Activity: E97-rlO33 6/13/97 Type: B-E[-HC Statr-rEr ISSUED Constrr NAtrT Address: EtD99 N FRONTflGE RD WEST Farr:e I : Et03-114-15-O13 Descript ion: TJIRE NEI^I RESIDENTAL 6-FLEX Applicant ; SHAW ELECTRIC Owner': TOWN UF UAIL Contractor-r SHAH ELEETRIC Occ: Use: Fhone: 3O39863358 Phone: Fhone: 3O39E63358 Inspection Request Request or: Karen Req Time: BffiS Itens requested to OOI9O ELEC-Final I n fornat ion. . Comment s : DP be Inspeet ed. Fhone: 9*6-3358 rrnits B and 9 Act ion Comments -'n&a.^.--"/' F*, '/' / pfi td-A ri"" E*p Inspqet i on Hi st ory. . . . .: Iter! OOllO ELEC-Temp. Fower Itemr AOle@ ELEC*Rough 05/ tbJ97 Inspect or": EG 05/19/97 Inspector: EG Act i on: DN Action: AFFR bldg Action: AF'FR bldq 6./s " 2q eable 5 de de un it s8-9-1O-1 unitsl3-14ol5/19/17 Inspector: EBItel: OO1S@ ELEC-ConduitIten: AOI4A ELEC-Misc., A3/L9l97 Inspector: EG Q3/AI/97 Inspector: EG' , Itenr OOtgO ELEC-FinalI lten! OOAE4 FIRE-ALARM ROUGH. Iten: 6G538 FIRE-FINAL C/O Action; AFFR Act i on ; AF F'R south side bldg d€ g er.v i ce 3-meters t\t L. lj | , :.I " l;': r- ,' ' { i:,i ir , rr!.:r, ,'i,;,: ;.. i .. (li. ' ,rr. i i:tri TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 9't o-47 9-2L38 Job Address. . . LocationParcel No..... Project Number ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M97-0079MECHANICAL PERMIT 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS BUILDING D-2 2103-114-15-013 PRJg6-0200 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED Status. . .applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . I S SUED 05/76/|ee7 05/76/ree7 LL/12/ree7 APPLICANT ALLEN'S HEATING, A/C & SHEETME 5570 HARLAN STREET, ARVADA CO BOOO2 CoNTRACTOR ALLEN'S HEATTNG, A/C & SHEETME 5570 HARLAN STREET, ARVADA CO 8OOO2 Phone z 3034214020 Phone t 3034214020 OWNER Description: VENTING ONLY TOWN OF VAIL t crTY MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81502 Valuation:4 ,2OO .00 fof l,lood/Pa I Let : ************************i********************t************* FEE SUl.lt4ARy *********i****************i*********t********************* Fi reDtace Information: Restficted: Y l,lechani ca [---) PLan Check---> Investigation> lli t t. catt----> #Of Gas App I i ances: 100.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi e!r-->25.00 DRB Fee--------.OO TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 fof Gas Logs: .00 Total Catcutated Fees--->.O0 Addi t i onal. Fees--------->'128.00 Totat Permit Fee--------> Payments 128.00 .oo 128.00> 128.00 ************************************r**********************************ri**************llllXi-lli;;;;;;;iii*iii************ill*** Itqm:.05100_EqII_,DING DEpARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:os/16/1997 CHARLTE A-aiona -ApFn cHenr_,rE DAViS-IIbm:.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ' cb\D.rrroN oF AppRovAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU]RED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.z. CoMBUSTION ArR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 -UMa;--- 3. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL_BE VENTED ACCORDING tO EUEFTSN g- ATIOSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 19gr UUC_._ ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that t have read.this apptication, fitLed out in fuLt the information required, compteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that aLt the information provided as required is cofrect. I agree to compty r^iith tire information and ptot ptan,to compty uith aLI Town ordinPnces_and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according tothe town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town appl.icabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ]'IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS SIGNATURE OF O}INER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HIIISELF AND OI,INER CE FRol't 8:Cl0 Atl 5:00 Pl.l **************************************************************** '***'tl**'********************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0276 Nnount: 128.00 05/L6/97 14:33^ Payment Method: CIIECK Notation: *7339 Init: CD TOSTN OF VArL,, COLORADO Statemnt M97-0079 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 210 3-114- 15-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS BUIIJDING D-2 TotaL Fees:128.00 TotaL ALL Pnts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address:tocation: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4t3t2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Deecription MECHANICAII PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 128.00 128.00 .00 ' Amount 100.00 25.00 3.00 *.*Contac t o N PERMIT APPLTCATION FORM D^tEz S - /UlZz , APPLTCATTON MUST B8 FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE AccEpTED X***************************** PERMIT fNFORI'{AIION *****************************fll Eagle County A"""""otlf i.. 28-8640 for parcel //. TOWN oF VAIL coNsTRUcTrofi#;r PERNIT /I gg_@? Legal Description: Lot Owners Nane: Architect: Block_ Fifirg suBprvrsroN, Address: Address: Ph. Ph.j General Description: work crass: ffi'uew [ ]-Atteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair t l-other . rypmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas AppliancesIU (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS BUILDING: S Nurnber of Dwetling Units / PLT'UBTNG: $ JIr***************************tl Eeneral Contractor: Address: ElectricaL Address: Contractor: PJ-unbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAIJ PERMIT FEE: ETECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: comments: cas Logs_ Wood/Pellet ********************************* fl,fCfnlCel: $OTHER: $ uEcHANIcAt, l&VTTt TOTAL: f CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Number of Accomrnodation Units: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLI'TIIBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I,IECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEA}T I'P DEPOSIT REFI'IU' VALUATION o 75 soulh frontage road v.il, colorado 81657 {303} 479-2138 or 479-2L39 rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any soil, rock, sand, debrisor materiar, incruding trash iunpsteri, p".iuuie-'toilets andworknen vehicLes.upon any srreerl ;ie;;"i;;;i;y or publicpI?:" or any porri6n theieof. --rn" risht_oi_;;t-;n aLL Town ofVaiI streets and.5g"g" is approxinatety 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wirl be. strilliy--lnforced. by the Toh,n of vai]Pubri-c l{orks Deoartment. p"riln= found vi;ra[in; this ordinancewilr. be given a 24 hour writren n"ti""-t"-;;;;;:"="id materiar.In the event the person so notified.does not -ornpfy with thenotice within the 24 hour time-speciii;;,"it"*i"[ric worksDepartment wilr. remove said rnateiiui "i [n"-'""pli.e of personnotified. The nrovisions of ifri= ordinance shall not beappticabre to c-onstruction, -riint"t".,ce or repair projects ofany street or arley or any utirities i" itr"-ri!fri_"_r"y. To review ordinance No- 6 in fu'], please stop by the Town ofYlil B":]ding Department to obriin a copy. rlank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. ad and acknowledged by: oltlce ol communlty deyelopment ALL CONTR,ACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DETTELOPMENT I{ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE TO: FROM: DATE: . su&TECT: Re Y Fm-, 75 south ,ronlage .oad vall, colorado 81657(3o3, 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ofrlco of communlty devclopmeut BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this perml:t requires a Town of Vai.l Fire Department Approva.l,Engineer's (pubt i" f*-rl review unJ ipp"ouur,' a iiannini-bepartmentreview or Health Department.review, unl ._review by the BuildingDepartment' the estinated time ror'a totat ieuien-ilav'ia[!'as rongas three weeks, A]l commercia'r (rarge or smail ) and al'r multi-famiry permits wiilhave to follow the above menti6ned ri*irrr requirements. Residentia.land.small projects shourd take a teiier amount of time. However, ifresidential or smal'r er,projects impaci the various above mentioneddepartmeflts with regard to-necessaiy review,-tn"r" ;;;j;"1; ,.ya'l so take the three week period. Every attempt will be Tgge by this department to expedite thispermi't as s.eon as possible. - -- e'rrvY' ee e I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. I Communi ty Devel opment Departrnent. MEMORANDUM a TO:ALL CONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY 9, 1994 RE:WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit": YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propeqly? 3) ts any utility wo* needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecling the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ts a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit, required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for slaging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? ll you answered yes to any of lhese queslions, a "Public Way'Permit" rnust be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be oblained at the'Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town' of Vail Construction Inspecto\ at 479-21ffi. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Contractor's Signature Date r , Project Application / .r,.' 1 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: -, ..i." Town Planner Date: E statt Approval o qeEen[InelldItyduq|L|ultq||l]|U|nldL|Ut||>1it.gqgg.'.rvai: uni"tt it is coirplete (must include all items required by the zoning adninistrator). ':'l*t it'ii-ttr. appiiiini;s iesponsibiiiiy to miie an appointnent.with the staff to find .'': out about additional-submittal-".qui"*.nil. -i;r"l!" note that a C0MPLETE applica- : .:l..,'i* iiJn-"ill streamijne the approval'process for your projgcl by decreasing the number - .;:-:;ji-lonAiilons of approvat that the'oRB may sti.lulate. ALL conditions of approval tutt ,..rrffi be resolved before a building permit is issued. : a ,Jr I *l$ $EP 22 \sss APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF ORB I'IEETII{G:- "'.."1'l . . . ,.'i:.: '4e t'.,;i.= TI6N IS 5UBIIITTED**.r* ' ':'"F?r****THIsAPPLIcATI0Nt'|ILLN0T8EAccEPTEDUNTILALLINF0Rt.lATI0NI55UtsmlllLu--. - l,Jla I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: . " ' :" ""i-a' 'si:;i A ore-application meeting with'; planning'staff member.is strongly suggested to .f'il a"ffi#!'ii'iny"uiF;;;;-i'iiiri#.iiij'l"i'"illLil *nt ippii.atio-n wi il ,f".':'"i'"{ .f*' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:'-O EoTrz ^iltlu I-r',il \/ l'.. ,,' Raaress Z I ll N, Faapr*de PalI ?1 Legal Description Lot_,Q_ Block Nee Zoning : \ NAi.lE CF APPLICAI.IT: Address D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address E. NAME OF Si gnature B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS VAIL DF6 €CHO'JEFiling _E9LL_ oL 11cc- BLb6' ven'.t11 $ 2s.oo $ so.oo$100.00 .. $200.00 $300.00 TO THE DRB: 1. In addjtion to meeting submittal requiremeints, the_applicant must stake the site io inai.ute propeiiy fin"t una-Orilding corners. Trees that will be removed should also be inarkiO. itris wort must be completed before the t)RB visits the . site. 2. The review p"o""r, for'NEl,l BUILDINGS wi'l I normally involve two separate meetings oi tne Design Review goaid, so plan on at least two meetings for their.approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Oesign Review Board at their scheduled meeling ina who have'hoi asfea for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. terephone. 41h4-94- -- telephone qe -46a f / / C The fee wil'l be paid at the time a building permit is requested' w €le* O!{NERS: tel ephone $ 50,000$ 150,000$ .500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 4.The following items no They, however' have to a. Windows' skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the -D existing plane of the building; and b. Bul'tding additions that are not viewed from anv other lot-ol-rybli:-:ti::' *niif,'friu"-fraa iette"i-submitteA from adioining property owners approvrng the addition; anJfoi ippiovar rrom ttre-iient f6r'' or manager of a condominium associ ati on " You may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies checf wittr a Town Planner before pt'oceed'ing. .\,tr '?:j! .i. :'::.'i.I ,._F '-j,r. . .it 1 lonqer have to be presented-to.the.0.:]gn Review Board. "''jtl€ il"iiirli"ila'io-ir,i' i6ning-norini stratoi for approval : on your property. You shouid5. I. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED NEl^l CONSTRUCTION ':. A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 cop'i es): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamo. 2. Ctihtour intervals of not more than 2' uniess the parcel consists of more, in which case, 5r contour intervais will be accepted. 6 acres or :, . '-3. Existing trees or groups of ti'.ees having trunks with diameters of 4" cr more one f ool above graie . , .,. '- . .- 4. Rock outcroppings and other sign'i ficant natural features ('l arge bouiders, i nterm'i ttent streams , etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year flood piain and slopes 40% or more, if appiicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS 'landmark or sewer invert. l. Locations of the fol'lowing: ---q. Proposed surface drainage on and off site sholing size and type of culverts, swales, €tc. b. Exact'l ocations of all uti'l ities to inciude existing sources and proposed serv'i ce lines from sources to the structure. Utiiities to include: cabl e TV. Telephone sewer water gas ei ectri c c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. All easements 8.. Existing and finished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas 'service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, load'ing areas, retaining watls (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. E'l evations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determ'ine height of buiiding B. A statement from each uti't ity verifying location of service and availability. To be submitted with site plan. C. Preliminary title report to accompany all subm'ittals, to insure property ownership' - and al.l_. easeqents on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) .- 2 cop'ies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or.larqer trees, other'shiulis -ani'iia'tiVe olants tl. are on the site and the locat'ion and deiign of proposed landscape areas with the varieties and approximate sizes of p'lint materials to be planted. lr 2. Complete landscape materials 'l ist. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan' so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape p'l an shou'l d be: separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteri st]cs may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that r1il'l be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. E.-- Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies 1. ltlust i ncl ude f 'l oor pl ans and al I e l evati ons as they wi I I E'tevations must show both existing and finished grades' 2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shal'l be specified and submitted for i.ui.n on the materials list availabie from the Department of Conmunity Develop- rnJnt. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the 0esign Review Board neeting. ! F. The Zonin'g Administrator and,/or DRB may require the drawings, specifications, samples and other material necessiry to determine.whether a project-wi11 comply iI. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS photos or sketches that clearly indicate what'is proposed and the location (iite plan) of proposal may be submitted in tjeu of the more formai requirement: S]vql above' as long as they provide all important spec'i fjcations for the proposed including colors and materiais to be used. - iI. AODITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COI'IMERCIAL A. Origina.l floor plans with ai1 specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D . E'l eva ti ons of addi ti on E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and Oepartment of Communi ty Developrnent color sampies on materials list available at At the request of the Des'ign Revier.r Adrninistrator you may also be required to stlbm'it: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and avai'l ability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements' IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building pennit has been issued, and tlhen the proiect is undentay' the following will be required 6"to". any building receives a framinb inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey sholing: A. Buiiding locations with ties to property corners, i.€. distances and angles' B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. A1'l uti'tity service lines as-builts and exact locations. 2 coPies D. Drainage as-bui'lts. 2 coPies showing size of 'l ines, type of material used, E. Basis. of bearing to tie to section corner. F. Al] property pins are to be either found or.set and stated on map. ,'G. All easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations =j aDpear on comPletion. submission of additional Plans '(including a model) if deemed with design guideiines. LIST OF I'IATERIALS ttH'-'5'![RiFila-, The fo l 'lorvi ng Eoard before A. BUILDING inforrnation is required for submittal by the appiicant to the Design Review. a finai approval can be fiven: |'IATERIALS: TYPE 0F MATERIAL c0L0R ':'.;t, lllEll'+?lftT.' Roof Si di ng 0ther Wa'l'l Materi a I s Fasci a Soffi ts t,li ndows llindol Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Fl ues F'lashi ngs Chimneys Rails Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REI'IOVED *lndicate callper TO of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Ouani ty for cohi fers . . (over) deciducious trees. Indicate he'ight for .. -sa, -l:.-{ .i . - PLANT NATERIALS: Eotanieal Name Comnon l'lame Quanitv Size ,..,.. (con't) ','t1 SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED Tyoe (nrrero Fnntearc GROUI{D COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swirrning pools, etc.) Please specify. -o ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Bl ock Filing nATtr.iEiiiery AODRESS: 0",lNER ARCHI TECT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZF .". Al Iorved (30)(33) Pro oo s ed Hei ght lota I bKrA Primary GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence/ Reta i ni ng "'la1 I Hei ghts Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock S torag e So'lar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : ?0' Itrl /"n\fqn\ ( 3oo ) (600 ) (s0o)(1200) f.^\/r^r'r\[9u/\ruu, (2s)(so) ( 2oo ) (4oo ) SIope Actual Aval anche F'lood Pl ai n Sl ope }Jetl ands Geologic Hazards Comnnents: Zoni ng: Approved/0i sapProved Date: J[att Slgnature UTILITY LOCATIO}I VER.IFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NA}IE rnf BLOCK FILING utilltles, whether they be main trunk lines and verified by the following urilicles for AI)DRESS The location of Eust be approved site plan. or proposed llnes o the accompanying Aurhorized S lsnacure Dat e MounEain Bell 468-6500 Wescern Slope Gas t 800 922-t987 llarry Moyes Co. Public Service Conpany 949-5 781 Gary Hall l{oly Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted IIusky/Mlchael Laverty I{eritage Cablevision T.V. 949 -55 30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanication Dis rricr 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:These verifications do noc relieve Ehe con!raccor of his responsibiliry co obcain a streec cuc permir fron lhe Town of Vall, DeParcrnenc of Publ'ic Works and Eo oblain utility locacions before digging in any public righc- of-wayoreasemenEincheTownofVai1.Abui1din@ cu! pernit. A screec cuc pernic urus ! be obgained separalely. Thls foru ls co verify servlce availability and locaclon. This should be used in conjunc!lon with preparing your ut1l1ty plan and schedullng lnscallaclons. a' *(Please bring a s!te plan when obralning Upper Eagle Va11ey l.later & Sanicaclon slgnarures ) DESCRIPTION OF I{ORK REIIOVE EXISTING T'INDOT{ AND REPLACE I,'ITH I'INDOU APPROX. I'.97 LARGER (HORIZONTALLY). RE}IOVE 3'-OT'ENTRY DOOR AND REPLACE UITH I-PAIR OF 2'-6i FNEilCH DOOnS. PATCH AND NEPAIN TO }IATCH EXISTING. a Type ZonelV-1HR&V-N Zone 1 V-N USERVALUATIoN: 3O7,161 #0f Gas App L i ances: 4 -1'-av1_:.v-_- t .2L,,'-,'// 'a ..2,/' --..-/ -':'- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Occupancy Apartment Houses Private Garages Invest i gation> lli(L caLt----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED NEW MULTI_FAM BUILD PERM Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD.Location...: VAIL COMMONS 2099Parcel No.. : 2103-114-15-013 ,, Iif -tAppLrcANT WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, rNC -' r P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620 coNTRAcToR WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, rNC P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL CO 81657 Description: NEI^I RES. TOWNHOMES 4 UNITS #A1 ON JOBSITE AT Permit #: ALL TIMES 89 6 -0 210 WEST Status. . . N. FRONApplied.. fssued... Expires. . ISSUED r07 /23/Lee6 oe /1.3/Lee6 03 /12/ree7Phone: 3039494360 Phone: 3039494360 I'a..t-.\r c/Y E'6 6+ ValUatiOnv\a.4uve Table Dare: 05/77/1996 s5.50 2L.30 Subtotal-: 7 ,L45 396,547 .50 875 18, 637 .50 8,020 415/ 185.00 415,185.00 #0f l,lood/Pa I Let : Total Valuation: #0f Gas Logs:F i reo lace Information; Restricted: Y ******ffifi*tr*#ffiffitit*liH*ffiffi************* FEE SUl,ll.lARy irf*)*tr*tr***********irt****ffiJri#*********tr*l#*ffi* Buitding-----> 1,572.00 Restuarant Plan RevieH--> Ptan check---> 1,021 .80 DRB Fee--------- .00 200.00 3,57?.00 500.00 6.86E.E0 Tota I Ca I cu lated Fees---> Addi t ionat fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments-------- 6,868.80 6,868. Eo 6,E6E. EO .00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 Ctean-Up Depos i t--------> ToTAL tEES------EALANCE DUE-----*******#J.l*********t*M#***ir**ffi**rc*#**rrt****#**********trt**irHlr**rr**ffrr***ff*****tr/rJ<**ffiffr**rt****##rt**# Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division07/23/.1996 CHARLIE Actionr NOTE PLANS TO DAN'07'/.23'/.199 6 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE07'/29'/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIte.mi'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division07/.23/.1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO ANDY 92'11?7\221^A{PI_ ^--+9!J9n: AppR Andy Knudrsen0e71271ee 6 ANDY--- iiaaloii: iiFpR eniiv-xnuatGenI!e{'i"q56q0_EIB DEPARTMENT Depr: FrRE Division 971?1/\229^CI+RI,IE -.^sglon: AppR N/A _--07 /23 /t996 CHARLTE-- Ac't.ioii; AppR N/Ai!e{ri'.q55q0_PltB!Ic woRKS ' Depr: pUB woRK Division07/.30/.7996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO LARRY - -- o9l1371996 DAN Action: AppR Ige,{,i',9:290^ENVIRoNMFNTAL HES_LIU -_,_ Depr: HEALTH Divisiono7 /23 /Lee6 cHani,rn- A-Ction i-eppit u/eItbM:. 05550 ENGINEERING ,Ite.4!'.05550 ENGINEERING ' Depr: ENGTNEER Division07/.30/.1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO TERh.i -- 0B'/12'/1996 TERRI M Action: NOTF| NEE|| ADDrTtorunt. rwFo0B'/.r2'/.1996 rERRr-M Aaalo;; NoiE NE-ED-eoortrbnAl ruro09'/I2'/1996 TERRI--}.{ Action: AppR SEE CONDTTTONS ***ffi*rrl*ffi****ffiJr**tr*.l**J(*f'|*ffi***L*Jr****rrri*********Mt-#**t**********J.***t(ffi**#(***#LffiJrtdr** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this pernit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appLication/ filted out in futt the infornation required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that a[[ the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty rrith the information anA ptot ptan, to co;pty with atl, Tovn ordinances and codes, design reviev approved, Uniform R€OUESTS IOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE state lalrs/ and to bui[d this structure according to the Townrs zoning and subdivision Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE send Ctean-Up Deposit To: IIARNER DEVELOPI'IENTS ******************************************************************************** Permit #: 896-0210 Permil Type: NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD PERMApplicantr WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC 3039494360 Applied: 07 /23/L996Issued: 09/L3/L996lo Expire z 03/L2/L997 CONDITIONS as of 09 /1.3 /96 Status: ISSUED * * J. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Job Address;Location: VAIL COMMONS 2099 N. FRONTAGE RD #A1Parcel No: 2103-114-15-013 Description: NEW RES. TOTVNHOMES 4 UNITS +A]. Conditlons:1. NO PLUMBING,ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL WORK ALLOWED UNTIL PBRMITS ARE AQUIRED2. THIS CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL FEDERAL AND STATE ACCESSIBILITY REGULATIONS .3. ALL UNITS ARE TO BE SEPARATED BY 1HR CONSTRUCTION. PARTY WALLS ETC..4. See permit for construction standards for driveways and roadvrays .5. All landscaping and site improvenents nust be installed orbe bonded at time of TCO. S1GNATURE OF OIJNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELT AND OIINER **********r.***************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0200 Amount. 6/868.80 09/13/96 13:57 Payment Method: CK Notation: #7158 lnit: DS **************************************************************** Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DES]GN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payrnent 896-0210 Type: MF BUILD NEW 210 3 -114-1s -013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS 2099 N. FRONTAGETotaI Fees i6,868.80 Total ALL Pnts: Balance r MULTI_FAM BUILD RD #A1 6r 868.80 6,868.80 .00 Amount r,572.00 200.00 1/ 021_ . 8o 500.00 3t572.00 3.00 Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 TOLJN 0F VFIL COM-DEV ID:503-479-2452 iuL ts'96 (,ii,ii';llili'di-:,',:,$:l'D"gll,$Illh'tii,l'Ft*, lv DArE; -iiisls6- -- 8:49 No,001 P.01 PDRIIIT. / ^ t APPIfCATIoN l{UgT BE FTLLED otll couPLElELt OR IT !{AI NoT EE AccEprEDattrrt*t'*t"r**tttrit***ttr.rr*r* pERt{IT lNFonilt,troN i****r.i.*rr}rr***rrrr.rtr*i,rfl[xJ-Bulldrn'r [ )-plunblng I J-El3ctrlcal g 1-uectranr-car t J-othcr Job Nanel VAIL C(Dtlt0trS BrJc. Al trob Addrrsr: 2099 N. FR0NTAGE ROAD raEST tegal Daacrlptlon; Lot Blook Flllng Ownsrs Nano: WARNER DE9ELOPMENTS,INC tdd,re*: P.O.BOX 95g, AVOI{, CO g1620 Ph.949-4360 Arshltect: VICIoR UAnK DONAIJ)SOI{Addrege: P.O.BOX 5300, AVON, CO 81620 Ph.949-5200 General Descrlptlon; RESrDElfrrAL mHNEor,IEs, 2-smRy, I'NFTNTSEED BASEuENT o-work clar': [x]-Nes I J-Alteratlon t ]-Addltlonal t l_Repalr [ ]-ather Nutober of Dnelllng unitgr 4 Nunbaa o! Accourodatlon unlta! #tutt and Tvpc of FlreprSF+o9-.! xp"rlancrel!_ Gas ross_ r{oodlprrrcr_- [****.*Ery**.5Fi'79.lfi^,'ij''on'*l*t****rrtttt*l**trttt**tt*ttttlBUIIJDfNG: a 3o7,L64 ELEqInfCAL: S_ _ OIHER: Irl"lT:T,.F ngqriiiili;r--- rorrI.c- lrt*tY***iflfiiYr,f Eene ra I conrracill : I#ff ;ffiffis.1"Iy*ntolf r fi rr r . * * r ft r * i r * r *. r I rt | | tnaai"", ;;;'r 5;:3""$"$li,""t- No-tto- A Electrical Contractor: AddresE:Town of ValI Plrone Nunber: Town o! Vail Phone Nunbcr: Town of Val.l Phone Nunbcr: Reg. No. -_._.Reg. lfo. Reg. NO. Plunblng Contrastor: Addrees: l{echanical Contractor:AddresBi -. *******a**rt***ta l*ttt t t,**irttt t.tiBlrrt.n"Na rrFErr?rrr:ii*. ,,,. 1..'r\.,-...,. -JR OFFTCE ugg *****.**lr****rrtttttttttrttt**BUTLDING PERMITi ii&,1n'i EUIITDfNC PIAN CHECK FEE:r.it- t, PIIII,IEINC PIAN CHECX IEE:PLUIIBING UECIIAIfICAL EI.,ECTRTCAL OTTEN TYPE lEEri '" gP ltfgr -, .r= ,-. _, ,r RECR8ABION FEE3Jrt. i cIJNt-Up DEPOSfT: -l-. I;:.:. LT.EA||-UP DEPOSTT: ;ij , BqtAL PERI|II FEBg: DUIIDINCs Stct|tauREs ZONTNG: STGNAIURET t{ARttER DEVELOP}iENTS, INC. TOIJN OF VRIL COM-DEV ID :305-479:7[52 JUL 19 ',96 o 8:49 N0.001 P.02 7t routh fronirft tutdrrll, 99ts66e g:197 (!ot, 479-2llt or 479_2139 TO: FROU: DA?E: olflco ol aommunl|, drrrlogmnt i*rTlY^T* cuRRtlrlttrl, REGT8TERED rrlH nrE IOrw ot VAIL pltBLIC tfoRt€/co!,trrtrrNlTl DEvEI,opuENt }IARCB 16, 1988 sUEitEcEr coNstBUetIoN PaRKINC t liAtERrtIJ gTORtcE ii'i:ffiyir3ili"lt!.Io. 6 rtrros p:t it-iE unr*rur lor any ii,U:i::."*r"*Ui#.:l*":s::iil,Tikii:{ir:qr"*::I" ft.rr*+t***i:}li$*i; ' *i;;#*Fil,$:];i,*ilr*:*irt$liti$iliiii'#"= iiiiiilirt $""ii:*i:u. i'3i:likii"ii:jfr ;i';'; ro!rri*" rnv rtrert or iif"y or .ni'uirti;il;"il !i"'iffil_:$1f." "r !;:,":**"g"8:ii#:""l""iilt; t,:;T;. "tf":l i* ;,:,,,n -u_1*?c. cofaetor, orrncr) IOUN OF VRIL COI''I-DEV ID:303-479-2452 lnun tt .octh tront go rotrlr.{, cdor.{to ttt''('oit, 479-2138 or 4?9-2t39 JUL 19'96 8 :50 No .001 P .03 ottlcl ot Oonounl|' doy.loEr.rt EUILOIITG PERTIITT IssUAI{cE TIITIT FRANE If this penltt t"qrtl::-l Town of Vall Flre 0epartment Approvrl,Bngrncer's (.publ ti tJglfs) riiier'anl'ipirrr,, a plrnntng Denrunentrevrew 0r fierlth DeDartmnt-i""io,,i^I'i,Tyr* by the Builitnsluerilff"j:"ure estinared umi rdi'.-titir rcview nay take as tons All cormercrrr ('rarce_or m!'!) rnd at nurtl-fanty pernrts wf'nave t0 fo'ow ttre ibovc.rciiti6n"J-miii*i rcqur"$Ents. Resirren*arand.smrll projects ,llrlo t ii-;-i.fffi;unt.of time. lbiiver, irrestdenthl or smalIer.proiiJts-riiiii' ttl vrrtous rboye menuoned;ig: "ilil.in:t ll,fi[:;to' nrc;s;[- i,JiL, u,iil p"i ji. il, ;;, Every lttempt Hlll be.mlgc by ttrts deprrtnent to expedite thispermtt aS SOO1 tS p.S.lblt. - -"'- -:7'r u'|srlL r.u exPEqrle ChiS i;.fiil undersigned, understand the plan chcck prccedure and ilme OatE Ei Sllec-t -a s 4u-in-EiiTf6-t6E ucye tcomn'tt Deptrtnent. a II REPT I31 a9 /3ft/97 TOI^|N t]F vpIL, c0LclRADO O7:35 REGIJESTS FOR INSF'ECTION I^IORK SI{EETS FOR: 9/3fr/97 F,AGE 9 AREAI CD Aetivity:896-Ott0 9/3A/97 Type: ltlF BUILD Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr': MFAM Addr"esE: P?t99 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location: VAIL COIIIMONS e099 N. FRONTAGE RD +iA1 Far.cel: 3183-114-15-14 13 Oee: tZttZtf.tl Use: V N Description: NEW RES. TOTINHOMES 4?UNITS dfil Applicantr WARNER DEVEIOFMENTS, INC F'froner 3O3949436O Owner: TOl,lN trF UAIL Flrone: Contractor': WARNER DEVELOFI'IENTS. INC Fhsne: 3O3949436O Inspection Request Infonmation..,.. Requestor: Rich Req Time: lZlB:OO Comments: Al call Itens r:eqr.rested to be Insperted... nn54fr BLDE-Final C/O Fhone: 748-frL87 9,/q- L/36o to neet Time Exp AF,CR AF.F'ROVED,/CORRECTION REGD FT]RMS AND EARTH DOI^JELS F'ER AF.F.ROVED PLANS Act i on: QF!-'R ILC approved f ot ALl Act i on: NO TRUSS REF.ORT RECEIUED flct ion: APFR units 1*4 Inspection Hirtory..... It em: OOSOI trl^|*Temp. access/dnainaqe It em : gtASglS FW-Rough qnade Item r AB5A3 FrW-Final dr.iveway gr-ade Item : rlraafrZ FLDG-Foot ings/St ee IlA/04/96 Inspeetor: CD Act ion: Notes: CLEAN LOOSE MRTERIAL FROM ALL PRT]VIDE CLEARANCE FRT]IYI REBAR INSTALL KEYI^IAYS AND STAB ALL Item: tD00€O BLDG-Foundat ion/Steel Item: raOSeO PLAN-ILC Site trIan Al I lA/97 Inspect or.: ANDY Item : e'fiOs0 BLDG-Fnaming AL/?t3/97 Inspector: CD Oll31,/97 Inspector.: CF lO/ l5/96 Inspect or: CD Act i on I AF,F,R FTFF,ROUED Notesr COMtrLETE TOF, 8AR *= INEiTRLQTION FROVIDE CLEARANCE FROM FORMBOARD TO REBAR WHERE DESIGNRTE Notes: e1ect./plumb penetr-ations muEt be fire stopped soffit/dropped ceilinqs mrrst be fire hlocked acld bear*ing r.rnder. tri.ple and dor-tble gr'idder' trr-tsseE add bear.ing r-rnder- dor-rble mici-o lam at gat'age sloped roof packor.rt al I tro int I oacls adddrywal l backer's wher'e neecled shim header-g wher.e neL'ded Iteml OOASla BLDG-Insulation fi-c/A4/cj7 Inspector.: D$ flctionr AFFR AFFROVED Item: A0la6er BLDG-Sheetrock Nai1 Oe/ lE/97 InEpector: EF Action: AF'FrR ala'la4exeptbasenentAe/17/97 Inspector': CF Action: fiFFR unit al Notes: garage mr-tst have a t hr. occ Eepet'ation -.ral-- basement level walls done only Item: OOA80 * * Not 0n File * * Iten : 0taA7O BLD6*tt{isc. Iten: rAA09lZl BLD6-Final Iten: arzrS3rzr BLDG-Temp. t:/$ Comments Ilt.?/ I A/97 Inqner.tor:r CF Qr':*'i,nna {lpF-ll rrni:h s 1-4 bldo,.At oo o J f, z (J =F o EE 9 " E E;E;: Y.3E;e !;E;.EXIE=:tE!;i:I -s .E 5 ; 5; FET; E9 23a-EsE It eir:c=c.->o .g 9E: = a' €.a ;.E: :$r; i Ei E *i;':€rsEeE ttr b E a eF / );AI.t=^=\r-ill= - +Jqq :i 1 01 opq +{ F -H 1 401 1 {€-p r = rl.rl d rt-.i B ts 'lf z 1 .; = cU F IYI FI JI Orl I o 7. .= : :- .= = E cn c r.'l C!..1 rJ o .rl o OJ x OJ r-{ t{ h U 7. I zH F-rH z EE F-lH Ir..l t{ ar .\'.-orH Y:.--4>* >22.as< 3iz Ya\;-z'v=z=trl F--F q i,.'fsz l\xa\ Lrl \'/- c( ,"t-=zzoxLTJ\- .ai<= |. l!-Jca%cai ,a r.orz ,-*\5\J=FZ*F<Y Q;"<F3>,a--l- lL >.zoA PE+U :-'f\r.l ql dto> J ?) \.-?>t1 z< -Yvih€E-<r<x\r-^- -l- t- a<:SZ.r.-S;rtL)txH.,.FY-+rg+i*;:-\t:-- \./ / - 'l-ff- -O.!a -t-rLdtt A. FR tn -rl-a t{rF.l+ F F{ fFadF if{fx--,v !.-alr --El F9 a+\ -aLI{r -a *FL. La EY r+-l trt A.FIai{raJrFr .fJtFa |{A. € l-$ I Ic, Ai-.,. ..--., ,/-' ,\rr{rf i / a-) ^ ---"',\.f,:.'-->Pfi&trtif--.,*. ......_._- F.r{il . - -- /r1rp7 r,.1,, ..-.._,,__..._"Oj CITECK REQUEST PREPARI]D BY:DATE: lD/L VENDOR NAME: VENDORNUMBER: DESCRIPTION oF EXpENSE: CLDAN up DEposrr REFUND FoR Bp H,r<tr- _ NAME OF JOB: \ l,; ACCOUNTNTTMBER: 0t000022002 AMOIJNT OFREFUND. +bAii/-r c'-O DArEAppRovEDt /A.?l-qZ APPROVAL SIGNATURE: u-).,l1.1la1 U-l!''l TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2738 APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451, AVON CO CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1,451 , AVON COOWNER TOWN OF VATLI CITY MARKET, PO BOX Description: ELELC FOR NEW 4-PLEX ******t*****************Jrt******************************* Etectri cat--->306.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JoBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 896-0311 Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...Location...: VIAL COMMONS BLDG A-1 Appli-ed.. Parcel- No..: 2103-Ll-4-15-013 Issued...Project No. : PRJ96-0121 Expires. . ISSUED t2/27 /Les6 12/27 /tee6 o 6 /25 /tee7 63358Phone: 30392 81620 Phone: 3039263358 81620 729, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81502 Val-uation:1.6,900.00 FEE SUflitARy ********************************************************* *********************ff**********lt't********ff**********i***************************f,*****************************ff*************** ITem: O6OqO,EIECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division:12/27/!99,6 ciiaRr.,re Actlon: AFpn-ron ERNsrItbm:'056q0_!'IRE DEPARTMENT Deptt FIRE Divi_sion:12/27/L996 cllARr,rE Acaion; AppR N/A *******************************************)t't************************************************ffi******************tr**************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ****************************i**************************************i***************r*********r*******************ffi************** DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that r have read.this apptication, fil,ted out in futl, the information required, compteted an accurate plotp(an, and state that att the information Provided as required is correct. I agree to compty riith tlre iniormation and pl.ot i:l,an,to comPty vith aLL Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according lo'the Town's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review apProved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticab!e thereto. DRB Fee .00 3.00 Investigation>tliLt Cal.l.----) TOTAL FEES---> 309.00 309.00 .o0 309.00 Payments------- TotaI Catcutated f ees---> Addi tiona I Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> BALANCE DUE----.oo 479-2138 0R A OFFICE FROI,IREOUESTS FOR INsPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TI.IENTY-FOI'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OI,INER I. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt*****************************r.********************************** Statemnt Number: REC-o24L Amount: 309.00 OI/02/97 12229Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #6385 lhj_t: CD Pernit No: E96-0311 Type: B-ELEC EL,ECTRICAL PERMIT ParceL No: 2103-114-15-013SiIe Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTLocalion: VIAL COMMONS BLDG A-1Total Fees: 309.00This Payment 309.00 Total ALL pmts: 309.00BaLance: .00 ********J.********!t********************************************** Account Code Description Amount O]. OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 306.0001 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Pernit #: E96-0311 Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST STaTus...: APPRoVEDLocation. . . : VIAL COMMONS BLDG A-1 Applied. . : L2/2? /1996Parcel No..: 2103-114-15-013 Issued...: LZ/27/1.996Project No.: pRJ96-0L2I Expires..: 06'/23'/1997 APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC phone: 3039263358P O BOX L451, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC phone: 3039263358P O BOX L45L, AVON CO 81620OWNER TOITTN OF VAIL - t cITy MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Description: ELELC FOR NEW 4-PLEX Valuation: 16,900.00 ***ffiffffifi**ffilk**ffiffi******Hffi**|HtHr******* FEE SUltllARY *lrttrti'ffiffiHff***#*lrl*t*ffi*ffi******fiffi Etectricat---> 306.00 TotaL cat,cul,ated Fees---> 3og.oo DRB FeeInvestigation> .00 TotaL permit Fee--------> 309.@Uitt CaL l.----> 3.00 payments------- TOTAL FEES---> 5O9.OO BALANCE DUE---- ****t**************ft******lt*****,r***fi***ff*********ffi*tr*****ff****#***ffi*********t***rttrt**ffi***ffint***lr*ffiffi**** I!gn:,9q990 ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:1,2/27/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR FOR ERNSTItb.n:'.05600_EIB DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:1.2/27/1996 CHARLIE Acaion: AppR N/A *ff*ffi**ffit**tt*ffit*i*ffit**lrrt***}*t*********r*ffi*t*ffi****t*ffiffiffi**ffi*****tffitffi**ffr***t**ffi**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ************ff******ft****ffi***************************************#***ffi***ff****t***tt*****ffi*****ff******tr***ffi*** DEQLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read.this app[ication, fitLed out in ful,l, the information required, conpl.eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the informtion provided as required is correct. I agree to compty Jith tire infornat,ion and ptot il,an,to conpty Hith al't Tovn ordinances and state taws, and to buiLd this structure according tothe Toun's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design reviev approved, Unifofm Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabl,e thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE l'tADE TI,ENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE tROtt 8:OO A 5:OO ptl SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR COilTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AID OI.INER FTom : SHRU ELECTR I C '2to3- ,L'{' t'5'ot3 PHol,lE lto. : @495 [ollt| 0l T[I! Co}{$T$UC{I0N PERMfl! TDPLICIEION D9R!C DAIEr-Jj\fB0.rll& *******|*|tti*********t*****PFRI-|IEINFoEMATIoN*****i***ti*********tl****.r**I 1-adrd{g, I J-Dluilbtng M;Eleotrloal I l-t'lschBnl6e+ t l-othst- ,l- )n ,b Nruor Y'ai1(la{rrw+,filaq A !. irob Adar.sEr ,ohl,trotr HnnV ftortttlrn., Dec. 26 1996 4: 51Pl'l Pol ??tr1b - o,&\ fppUqATIbN t{US.f DE FIIIJDD OUt cot{Ptllllrx oR IE ltA:| No! EE ACCEFIIED Addlrese t ,nsral Drrcrlptlont l_r!",rrc clesss gr/!.Wcw [,]-Alterrtlon 1 1-146ltlona1 | J-Rcptlr I l-Other-- rlbsr of tlrrelllnE unltcr -L Number o! Ilooonnoaadlon onL3al W' rubcr on4 Tlpo of Sirrplacta: Gsa Appllsnccr.F Gaa tagl- tfooVPellot- ****t**lfla*****a****a***t**r** * vJ|LU^BfoN8 ***********r *************l*******i**.***t**r*** vJ|LU^BtroN8 **** Balo Fu--- r .E::gTIIgllt lbfffi*II'DINOt ttloINOl *****lll r******Jr**i*i*fr *** neral rlrscct eotrloal OBHBnt lE$nNIC.,\tJt -*:-TOFA!I €,16- ostr INFOBMATION *****tt*titf tl****ttilirtt* Bown of Vall SeE' NO.- fbono lftrnbert 194-qltoYi!#drcasr ullblngdrer;t ccntreeters Tovtn of Vrll Fhone Numbrrr Town of Vall Dhonr Nurribct: iFown of Vrll Phone NunDcrl f,eE' !fO. ahanloel Contraotorr dtrasrl *Jr*******r**********t*******i* FORll,ltlN0 D!$fi8 FAlr UU!$IO t!8$Ir ltEg $U\NIGIIIT DERlllB SEEI ECtrRICIIJ .FEEI ]IER, EIEE OD..FEB3 B TEEI oFFICE usE ***********.**t**t***f tl******t BUILDINC DI/ilI CHBCN trI8' BcE. NO '',t PIUUDn|C PI$il CillCK fEEs UECITNIICAL PUIN CIIECX. FEEI RECRTATION FEE! CIJBAII-UP DEPO9ITi IOTAIJ PERI'IIf F3[8: BUII,DINC' FtCNAn S!r EONIN0r 9IONIIURD: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9 -2738 Job Address. . . Locati-onParcel No....,Project Number DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status.. 2099 N FROMNTAGE RD VAIL COMMOApplied.2103-114-15-013 Issued..PRJ96-0121 Expires. JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0168 I SSUED r0/77 /tee6 ro /r7 /tee6o4/t5/re97 APPLICANT AST 605 CONTRACTOR AST 60s OWNER TOWN 75 S Investigation> !i Lt Ca L t----> AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE wEsT 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE wEsT 12TH STREET/ GLENWOOD SPRINGS SPRINGS Phone: 816 01 Phone: 81601 Valuation: fof Gas Logs: Payments 970-845-831s 970-84s-8315 20, 000. 00 fof Uood/Pat tet: co Description: VAIL COMMONS BLDG A1 MECHANICAL F i reD [ace Information: Restricted: Y OF VAIL FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL CO 81657 fot cas Apptiances: 1 *t******i**i*********************************************** FEE SUI'1l.,lARY ********************************************************** nechan i cat--->40O.O0 Restuarant Ptan Review--> P lan check---> 100.00 DRB .00 Total calcutated Fees---> 5O3.O0 .00 Additionat Fees---------> .00503.00 Total Permit Fee--------> 503.00> 503.00 .OO TOTAL FEES----- 1.00 *******r*****************************r*******'t**i**r******r***,t********************r***ilfll:i-lli;;;;;;;;*****i************ill*** Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:l0/77/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISI!eTj.',9!Q90 FIRE DEPARTMENT Depr: FrRE Division:IO/77/I996 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED pER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMTNATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 AND703 OF THE 1991 UMC;6. BOILERS SHALT BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT'PLANS AND coDE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICALROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.B. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERsqppl,y BorLERs_$HALL BE EQUTPPED wrTH A FLOOR DRAiN psn sEe-.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hercby acknorlcdge that t hlvc rcad this lpptication, til,ted out in futt the infornation requi red, cofrpteted rn accurate ptot p[an, and strtc that att the lnforration providad as required is corract. I agrc? to conpty rith the informtion lnd Ptot pt.n, to conply yith .tl, Toun ofdinancca and statr [avs, and to buitd this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, design rcview appnovcd, Unifonn Euitding Code and other opdinances of the Tovn appticabte thereto. ***J.************************************************************ TOWN OF VArL, coLoRADO StatemnL **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0228 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: #2508 503.00 Lr/06/e6 13:54Init: CD Permit No: Parcel No; Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4r3L2 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Total Fees: ToTaI ALL PnTs: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE M96-0168 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2103-114-15-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST 2099 N FROMNTAGE RD VAIL COMMONS 503.00 * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * !k*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s03.00 503.00 .00 Amount 400.00 100.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2I38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address Location. . . ParceI No..Project No. 2099 N FRONTAGE RD 2099 N FRONTAGE RD 2103-114-15-013 PRJ96-0121 WEST Status. . . VAIL CApplied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Payment s I SSUED ro/r1/Lee6 r0/17/ree6 04/15/ree7 1,128.00 .o0 1 ,',128,0o 1 ,128.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLUMBING PERMIT Permit AT It. ALL TIMES P9 6 -01,7 s Description: VAIL COMMONS BLDG A1 PLUMBING Valuation:60,000 . 00 ***************************t**t*i************************** FEE SUI'll.tARy *****************i********i****t***************i********** P Lumbi ng-----) AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL CO 81657 900.00 Phone: 970-845-8315 co 81601 Phone: 970-845-8315 co 816 01 Ptan check---> 225.OO .oo 3-OO Restuarant P lan Review--> TOTAL TEES----- Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Pefmit Fee--------> .00 1 ,128 .OO Invest i gat ion> }|iti cal. t----> IIqm: .O5IOO BUILDING DEPARTMENTIO/L7/T996 CHARLIE AcIion: APPR CHARLIEIt'em:, O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: DAVISDept: FIRE Division: *********************************************************t******************************t****************************t************ CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMTPLIANCE ******t**:f***********************i****************t*********t*********************i****************************i****************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this apptication/ fitted out in ful.I the information required, conpleted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty ],ith the information and ptot plan,to compty with att Tolrn ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabl.e thereto. REoUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE tlAOE TUENTY-FoUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 179-21!8 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:00 Al4 5:0O Pt4' .'.\- ::1' SIGNATURE OI OI,^INER,,OR CONTRACTOR **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, CoLORADO Statemnt ******rr********************************************************* Statemnt Number: REC-0228 Amount: 1, 128 .00 [/06/96 13 :55 Payment Method: CK Notation: #2508 Init: CD Permi-t No: ParceL No: Site Address: Location: This Payment P96-0175 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 2103-114-Ls-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST 2099 N FRONTAGE RD VAIL COMMONSTotal Fees: 1, 128. 00 1, 128 ,00 Total ALL Pmts : l, l-28. 00 Balance:.00**************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 OOOO 41311 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 9OO.OO 01 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 225.00 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitPLIIMBING PERMIT AT AIL TIMES P9 6-017 5 Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. 2099 N FRONTAGE 2099 N FRONTAGE 2 10 3-114 -1s-013 PRJ96-0121 1 ,12E.00 RD WEST Status. . , RD VAIL CApplied.. Issued. . . Expires. . .00 Total Catcutated Fees---> APPROVED 70/r7 /Lee6 L0/L7 /ree6 04 /rs /Lee7 APPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE phone: 970-845-8315 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81601 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE Phone: 9?0-845-83].5 605 wEsT 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81601OWNER TOV'N OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL CO 81657 Descriptioni VAIL COMMONS BLDG Al- pl-,tMBING Valuation:60, 000 . oo ft*i*ff*ffi*ffiffiffi FE€ SU ilARy Ptunbi ng-----) Ptan chcck--> 9(x).00 ?25.@ Rlstuarant Ptan Rcvielr--> TOTAL FEES----- 't,128.8 .00 1,124.OO .00 Investigat ion> .00 Uil,L Cal,l,---->3.00 AdditionaL Fees-------> Tota I Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE----ffi *ffitffi ffi ffi **ft ***ff trt*****r*trrffi tHtffi **rHriffi tnHrrt*ffi ffi jffi **** I!qm: .051q0-EgII,DINc DEPARTMENT Depr: BUILDTNG Division:t0/t7/1996 CHARLTE Aarion: -ADFn CHenlrE DAvrS *t*ffiffi***ffi*ffi***rt**ffirffir**ir************ff****ffi*ffi***ffi**H***fftt*tnffi*ffitrrffiffi*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMIPLIANCE *t**ftffiffi***ff*fr*ffi*ffi*frffi******i*t*f,t'|tffir!***t*t***tffi***ff#*fffi*ffi*ffn**Jrttrffi**,f,**i*,t****ffi** DECLARATIONS I hcrrby acknowtedge that I havr read-this apptication, fiLl.ed out in fuLl. the information rcqu'i rcd, corpteted an accuratc ptotplan, and state that alt the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compl,y riith tire iniormation anO ptot i[an,to comPty with al't ToHn ordinances _and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according io'the Toyn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, l,rniform BuiLd'in9 code and other ordinances of the Town appticabt,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FoUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 479-2138 oR AT OUR oFFIcE FROl,t 8:OO Al't 5:00 ptl SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER .lull'r 0F t",Fl IL t014-DEV '!nh lJAfi'g ! rD o-4?s -24s2 P.O2 'j:52 t',0.1101 t'-,li OCT- 16-96 l,tEll lE : 02 AST & ]ICFERR I H P & H a4585 t 5 r.ltrv i: (l(.r'rt {t* t linf,l(, Qorrrlty Asgsu$oro Olf tre ,ii,'31"*iildig,f&5i".6ig_'39H"?[X$li,8l$i[ft i$flIfi - D ltzz t0-,/(+-?6 yl:Rlllr I PPSqa- ot3-t , AFFLICATrON I'UST BE TILLED OUtr COM9!^ETELY OR yn U y lror 8E ACCEPTAOI$*****r*r*r***tr******r**i***.* pERltIT trNponuATroH * rr * * * * . r * * * . * r * * * * * * * * * * * * * a aIYI J-nutldlng [Ll-Plubbtng. I l-Elooerlaat [J4-Mcchanlbat [ ]-other\ ,Iob Addres u, -?ffi N, ful*, LerJrl DescrlptLonr Lot Dlcck_ rlttng,-,-.*-'..,s,UBprylsloN: * cL'n6rs NArne I AtIlEccc:Ph. .rrrchito6t! V :errerat Deecriprio", 4-%CX .Fl/ie. .. ,(. .'ork clresr 1p-llcw I J-Altcratlon [ )-Aal€r.tlonal [ ]-Repalr [ ]-Other 'rurnbar of tlrrelllrry Unltr; -t- Nunber of Aocommodatlon Unlte: yrnber arrcl Type of, Flroplaoegi 6ac Appllaneca. {,.* co" Logg,_ wood/perret, h***ir****ar'i-******-**-*****i_CQNTRACTOR TNFOnilATXoN * * * * * * * r r * r * * * * * * * . * * r * * * r *,3:l::::. "og,ffioAg uu$,yrra iwziF- .-rJnn -"'ro,n or valr Res. No..dclrres. *&QE!B ;.Phorlo Ntrrnberr .-qY?:W: lectrlcal contraotor: - rtqwn or votr Reg. No,Cdrcrcs %- 'l Phono Nurrber;,EZ%*F9'F ' ^ *tr**ir*tt5?6:uitig**t*r*i*** vALUATIoNs *rr*****r*********r***rr*****tf *r* iurr,orrrc, $ *. - ErECtBrcALr {v'%-6168 orHER! |,LirMBrN6' Tzt;m. @at r{Ecilili;;ffi;W ;;ffil; -_ ..^..,tof.Atdr) Trrwn of Val] Ileg, NO. Fhone Nulfiber: orrlcB ugE ********r********************rr BUTTDTNC PIAN CHSCK FEE: PLiUI-IBINA PIAN CHECK .8EEjUf,CTIT}IICAL' PI.AN CHECX FEE: - NECREATIO}T FEE; 9IJEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUIT FEES: BUfI.TDINCT SIGNATURE' SONIN0 r SIONASURE t Ca tractor: :chanicrl contrectort .&UE 4S r@t€ -_.ldross ! r*ir**********************t***ar FORJTIJDING PBR.MIT FEEI LUMBING DERMIS FEE; -.-,--_.--.- 9CI{ANICAL PERI,IM FEEr ,PCTRICAIJ FEEsIHER TYPE OF FEEr aB FEEI rnt&Otlt .r.a!_ uP_ !EPo$IE tlF0ltD ror' - (oMt€tqtYnR , ocT-16-95 l'lErl 15:g2 Asr & HCFERRTN P & H e45As15 P'El3 -:..i; .-i- 'Jr.trL Lutl-uLu IDU-4?9-2452 l\10V 22O 9:54 Nu.tlfll r.t]4 ?3 roulh lronltgr rord Yrll, oolorrdg ill57 (0031 479-213U or 479-2I.19 TO: tsROlt3 D'ITEt gUBJSCES otlloa ol Gommunlly davtlopmsnl AtL CONSRA TORB CURRENTLYL REGT$TERED IIITH THE TO9N OP VAIII TOI{N OF VAIIr PUDITXC w0RKS,/cot4ltuNl'l'y UEVELOPMENT l'tAReH 16, 1908 COHSTRUCTION PNTKING & UATERIAL STORAGE rn rrrrunary,.or4lnancg No. s 3gateE that i,t ls unlawfur for anyperson to littcrr Eltek or deposit any soil, rock, srnd, debrieor Blat€rr,al, tncludlnE trash durdpstol'-, portablc tollots and$orkhsn vthlcleg upon gny rtreet, rtaawaix, alley or prbli;p,l?y"_:I any porttbn theirot. Tire rlght-oi-way 6n ali Town ofVarl, attortr and fgags ls approxlmateiy s ft. iCt pavcnent. Th,lF.ordlnanoe wtlr bc strilliv--cniorcia by the roi,n of vailp?Fl1-o woSkc Departnent. priiini found vlirarjnq thic, qrdtnoncoIrrri'. Dc {tlvcn r 2{ hour rrrltton nosicE Eo remgv€ eald natsria}.rn, En€ eYel! the pgrd-on ro notl.fled doeE nor conply with thenotslca wtr'9hrn the-z{ hour tlmo-ipici.flea, th6 pubric rforksDepartnerrt vilr rcnovc.eald nateltii at trrs'crp""o" cc teieon19i-if1"9: The proviaionc of tlti-ordlnance enifi-not uedpprlcaEle to Conatfuctlon, nrlntenance or ropaLr proJects ufany strcet or allay or any'urlliaia--i" itre-iighi-i-way. To rsvt€w ordlnancc. No,.6. ln !urr, prease stop by the To},n ofYili-l:lldtns Dcp+r'tmrnt-to-'of,6r; . oepy. rharrh ysu ror yourcaoperEtlon on thls nrtt.r. Rea Y d and acknowladEed by: vt (1.e. contractor, o\irner) {d Geu*+t- coNwlwa{4 ocT- 16-96 l,lED riJr,it'i 0F uFtlL ctlM-DEV I3:O3 AST & T'ICFERR I N P & H Iu|:-azs-24s2 a45851s t'tOU f?O P.g4 9:55 hlo,t.r0l P,05 t3 |outh tlcnl'lr rord Yrll.o0lgndg fictt(tosl 479-2r38 or 429-2139 ottlca ol comrnunlty devtlopmcnl BUILOINO PERIlTT ISSUANCE TIME FRA}IE If thts Perytt requ{rel a Town of Vail Ftre Department Approva't,Ensinc*rr,.(.pgilrt l*rrfs) revrew lna ipbiovri.'i iiii',ii'rit"bEpirtmentrsvtetv or Health OaRarfm{nt.revlerr, anii'a-r*uie* by ttre 6ufilingDcpaFrmenr, ure estima ted irrne' ion'a-iitit' .iuiin-i.'oy"iriE' ii iingrs fl1res weelts, All conn€rcl'tl ('rarge or small) and att mu'ltl-fanriry permits r+il1hove ro_ fol loyl ine ioove _ruinii6nii-rniiimirr requt rements, Res idenrla Iand,snall proJectr rhourd titie i-ieiiir"imount of trme. However, rfr.estttenrlal 0n slna,ll er.prcJectl trlii.E't[e var,tous above mentioneddePartments with reolrd. tO-nicissiiy-reri"*. there proJectc naJrals0 tal(e th€ rhrco-h/eek-iei;ioEl' fivery .ttempt u{.lt be nrade by thls deparhront to expedtte thispeml'l d$ s.00n as possible. ' e" v'''r - I:-lle underslgned. undcpstlnd the plan check procedure and tine T ranle . llu,o Conimuni ty Developmont oepartment. OCT-16-96 I.IED Ig:61 AST & I'ICFERRIN P & H 845A315 P.O1 Feg3ffilIf; 5 rc:_adut) rS ryL ForNumbar: Sender: Notes: Fax Number (970) 845'7913 Phone Number (970) 845'8315 ryAstalwcmerrw PLUMBING & HEATING, INC' /a-rc-q6 Pages includitg oover sheet: r P.0. Box 784 . Glenwood Springs' C0 B'l 6oP r OCT- 16-96 l,lED l3 ! S4 AST & I'ICFERR I H P & H e45eE 15 P.A3 !t r53 l''lir .itr)I F'.t12:,; ,,Jpl1L lDl'l-lrEU iJOj-ott'-i.,s,I'lt:r! je AIL CONTRAOTORS ?ow[ oF vjirl'pu sttc wonKs DEPARTtuIENT MAY 9,1994il;;li'A'illsurc wAY PERMIT' ls REQUIRED !,ES TOr FHOM: DATE: RE; Job Namei G F[1]; ardins tho need {or a'Public way Permit': ls thjs a now rosldonoe? lE demolition work boing per{ormed rhat requlres the use of the dght ol way, oassments or public property? ls any utllity work needed? ts the driveway belno rEpaved? ls dll'fcrenl aoooEs needed to eita other than exlotlng ddvewrY? ls eny dralnage woft being done aflectlng the dght ol wsy, €aBgrnsnts, ur ;rultllc proporly? NO tl 2) e\ d) 5) 'li,ffi#tr 6) 7l ls a "Flcvocable Right Of Way Permit' reqrrired? 0) A. ls tha dght ol way, oaoemonto ot publlc propcrty 1o be used for stsglng, parking or tencing? B. lf no to 8A, la a parklng, staglng or fenolng plarr roqulred by Oommunlly DevelOpment? ll yorr enswered ye e to any of these quosllons, a "Public Way Pnrmlt* must be oblalned. "publio Way Peirnlt' appilcattons mey be obtalned er the Publlc Work't ofllce ot at Community-Dovelopmciri, lf ycu havc any qul$tlons pleaes oall Oharlie Davls' lho Town oi Vail Conetructlon lnspeoior, at.470-2158. I heve read and ensweted allthg ebovo questlonb. Job Ndnle Conlractols $lgnalure ofibnae} /o-t7 -Zba DEpARTMENT oF coMMUNrry DEVELopMENT c. t A^_sTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0168 Job Addre6s... z 2099 N FRONTAGELocation......: 2099 N FROMNTAGEParcel No..... : 2LO3-LL4-15-013Project Number: PRJ96-0121 RD WEST Status. . RD VAIL COMMOAppIied. Issued.. Expires. APPROVED t0/L7 /Lee6 1.0/L7 /Lee6 o4 /15/Lee7 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OltlNER Description: VAIL COMMONS BLDG A]. MECHANICAL Fi reptace Informtion: Restficted: Y AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS TO$IN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL CO 81657 Phone: 8L601 Phone: 816 01 9 7 0-8 4 5-8 315 97 0-845-83l-s Valuation: #Of Gas Logs: 20, 000 . 00 fof t,ood/Pa L l.et: ffiffiffitffiffi FEE SUI IARY *ffif*ffi**ffi**ffi fOf Gas Appliances: 1 40O,m Restuarant Ptan Revi ew-->100.m DRB Fee--------.M TOTAL FEES----- .@ TotaL Calcutated Fees---> 503.00.00 Additional, Fecs---------> .00503.00 Total Permit Fcc--------> 503.00 .00 llechani ca [---) PLan Check---> Invest i 9at ion> ll'i t L Ca l, L----) 3. m ffir**ffi**tffi*ffiffi*rrirnr*lffir***ffi************r*ffirr*****rr*-l*illllffi;;**;;:*-*--*is;ff-* I!eI! .951q0_Bq_II,DING DEpARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:lO/l't/1996 CHART,TE Acrion: APFR CHARLTE DAViSIt'ern:'05600_EIRE DEPARTI.4ENT _ Dept: FrRE Division:10/77/1996 CHARLTE Ac'rion: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL l. EIELD TNSPECTTON9 ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.?. coyBusrroN ArR Is BEQUTRED pER seC. OO7 OF-rHe-1S9i--0Me;---3. TNSTALLATTON-!,IU$T COfrFORM r0 l"iANtFAciunns- rllstn[eriolls-auo. Tg ApPENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 IJMC.4. GAS AppLTANCEq SHALL BE VENTED-AeeOnDillC TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ sEA __TEBMTNATE 4S qpEClFrED rN SEC.906-OF-rHn--rSgi UMC-.-5. AqqEgs To HEATINq EQUTPMENT MUSr-e6l.lFl,i wrrH--sne .5os-l,llp703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. BOILERS SHAL!, EE MOqNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST._ qNlESg I,rSrED_EQR_yquNrrNc oN coMsustrblE-FtooRiNG;- --- -- - 7 . p^EBl,lrT, E!ANq^ANQ qQDE ANALYS r s - Mlusi - BE-FoSTeD--i}.i -MECHAN r CAL_ Bqqu pRroB ro AN rNspEcTroN REouEsi;8. PRAINAGE OF .MECHAN-ICAI, ROOMS- E6TIIATIITUC HEATING OR HOT-WATER_sgppl,y BqTLEBF^gHAr.r_L BE EQurppED wirH- A FLooR- Dnein--Fen- sEc-.-2119 0F THE 1991 r,IMC ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hercby rcknovlcdgc that I have read this .ppti cation, fil,tcd out in futt thc information requi red, co?teted an accurltc ptot Ptan, rnd statc thrt atl the informtion provid.d as requifed is correct. t agre. to cor?ly yith the infonmtion md ptot p[!n,to co||pl,y uith rl,t Tosn ordinances and stste taws, and to buitd this structure acconding to thc Tovn's zoning and subdivision codrs, dcsign rcvicv appnoved, thiforr Building Code and other ordinances ot the Toun appticabte therrto. REGIrESTS FoR IllSPEcTIols SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FouR TOURS lN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHoIIE Ar 479-?136 oR AT otR otFICE rRoi 8:m Ai 5:m Pn SIGNAIURE OF OUNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OTINER H3r":*il"uMBER co. I Montrose , Co 81402 Phone: 1-970.'249-0801 Fax: 970-2494755 SoldTo: a EDWARDS BUILDINGCEN RqL-o.2t6 Delivery List Job No: Page: I Date: ll:22-1996 ProjeotID: l399edwa Pmject: Block No: N,Iodet: LotNo: Contacl:Site:Office:Deliver To: VAIL COMMON BLDG AI.A4_.-..<,- \-- Q*rnqt- Accornt No: Designer: Riok Salesman: RF LOADING 8O.IO-IO Name: Phone: I'ex: 926-3381 (910\9)6-)4nl Tentatirrc Deliverv Date : Profile:Qty:Truss Id:Span:Truss Tlpe:Slope:LOH ROH Load By: 44 ,CJO5 34 lbs. each 5-1-8 2X6/2X4 ROOF TRUSS 4.24 0.00 2-9-ts 0-0-0 A I CJO9 9-9-6 2X6tX8 ROOF TRUSS 4.24 000 ff z.s-rs iriII il+-l,r.t 4 ,C.IO9A 76 lbs. each 9-l-10 2X6t2){8 ROOF TRUSS 4.24 0.00 'l2-9-15 L Lir., r !., I i.lil-3fiq7 i,"I ,^\I GEOl 11 - 5 - 0 2X6t2X4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 I2-0-0 |[iVo t"r "!lifiru1url, L,lHv ,-^-I GEO2 I 13 lbs. each 15-5-r5 2X6DX4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 2-0-0 2-0-0 1 GEO3 285 lbs. each 32-0-0 2X6nX4 HOWE 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 2-0-0 "--N=I GEO4 l13 lbs. each t5-6-0 2X6nX4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 2-0-0 2-O-O #hN I GEO5 281 lbs. each 32-0-0 2X6/2X4 HOWE 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 ,--N\I GE06 ?5 lbs- each ll - 0 - 0 2X6/2X4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 2-0-0 2-0-o I GX07 85 lbs. each l2-7-7 2X6nX4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 2-0-0 2-0-o ,,-^\I Gf,08 tt-5-7 2X6t2X4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 2-0-0 2-0-0 ,(l) 2-Ply E0r 247lbs. each 32-0-0 2X6/2){8 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 0-0-0 0-0-0 ,, (l) 2-PIy HOz 251 lbs. each 32-0-0 2X6/2X8 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 0-0-0 2-0-0 ,(1) 2-Ply H03 247lbs. each 36-0-0 2Xd2X6 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 2-0-0 0-0-0 /Kh-I 804 258 lbs. each 36-0-0 2X6/2X6 ROOF TRUSS 3 Rows Lat Brace 6.00 000 2-0-0 0-0-0 I 805 274lbs. each 35-0-0 2X6/2X6 ROOF TRUSS 3 Rows Lat Brac€ 6.00 000 2-0-0 0-0-0 10 J0l 13lbs. each t -11 -11 2X6/2X4 ROOF TRUSS 6.O2 000 2-0-0 0-0-0 4 5 J03 2l lbs. each 3-11 -11 2X6l2X4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 2-0-0 0-0-0 z I JO34. 16lbs- each 3-11 -ll 2X6t2X4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 z 4 J05 5-11 -ll )x6DX4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 2-0-0 0-0-0 f3""K?il"uMBER co. o Montrose , Co 81402 Phone: l -970-249-0801 Fax: 97U249-O7Si Sold To: O EDWARDS BUILDING CEN Deliverv List Job No: Page: 2 Dst€: ll-22-1996 ProjeotlD: l399edwa Project: Block No: Model: Lot No: Contact:Site:Offrce:Deliver To: VAIL COMMON BLDG AI.A4 Accoutrt No: Designer: Riok Salesman: RF LOADING 8O.IOJO Namc: Phone:926-3381 (910\ 926:240 | Tentative Deliverv Date: Profile:Qty:Truss id:Span:Truss Type:Slope:LOH ROH Load By: z ',J()SA s-11-11 2X6i2X4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 4 10 J05 42 lbs. each 6- 11 -0 2X6t2X4 MONO 6.00 0.00 2-0-0 0-0-0 4 6 JO6A 36 lbs. cach 6-5-8 2X6t2X4 MONO 6.00 0.00 2-0-0 0-0-0 a J JO68 3l lbs. each 6-5-8 2X6l2X4 MONO 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 R J (l) 3-PIy T0l I 19 lbs. each 15-6-0 2X6nX8 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 2-0-0 -.^\6 (2) 3-PIy T02 85 lbs. each 11 -0 -0 2X6nxg ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 0-0-0 0-0-0 A I T03 tl -0 -0 2X6nX4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0m 2-O-O 2-O-O ,-A\J 0 ) 3-Ply T04 93 lbs. each 1l-5-0 2]{6n]{8 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 4 3 T06 6 - 1l - 0 2X6nX4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 0-0-0 0-0-0 z 5 T07 21 lbs each 3-7-8 2X6nX4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 2-0-0 0-0-0 -6\6 (2) 3-Pty T08 125lbs. ea.h 15-6-0 2X6/2X8 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 A I T09 tl lbs each 15-6-0 2X6t2X4 ROOF TRUSS 5.00 0.00 2-0-0 2-0-o E Tl0 32-0-0 2X6nX6 MOD. QUEEN 3 Rows Lat Bra.e 6.00 000 0-0-0 0-0-0 15 T11 230lbs. cach 32-0-0 ?x6i2x6 MOD, QUEEN 3 Rows l-et Brace 6.00 000 2-0-0 0.0-0 A I Ttz El lbs. each 15-6-0 2X6/2X4 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 0.00 2-O-0 2-0-0 J (1) 3.Ply Tl3 97 lbs. each 12-1-8 2x6t2x8 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 2-0-0 0-0-0 /,A_ .,(l) 2-PIy Tl4 73 lbs. each 11 - 5 - 8 2X6/2X6 ROOF TRUSS 6.00 000 0-0-0 0-0-04ITr536-0-0 2X6/2){6 ROOF TRUSS 7 Rows I .^t Brace 6.00 000 2-5-8 0-0-0 I T16 262lbs. each 35-6-8 2X6/2){6 ROOF TRUSS 4 Rows Lat Brace 6.00 000 2-5-8 0-0-0/e I Tt7 ?71 lh<.r.h 35-6-E ROOF TRUSS 6.00 2-5-8 0-0-0 f3"":1?X"'MBERCo. I Montrose, Co 81402 Phone: l-970-249-0801 Fax: 97n-249-07 55 SoldTo: I EDWARDS BUILDING CEN Delivery List Job No: Page: 3 Date: ll-22-1996 Projcqt ID: t3Dedwa Projcct: Model: Block No; Lot No: Cotrtact:sitc:Ofrcr:Deliver To: VA]L COMMON BLDG AI.A4 Accoutrt No: Designer: Riok Salormaa: RF LOADING 8OIO-IO Narne: Phonc: I',r: 926-338t lE70\ 9)6-) 401 Tcntative Dclivcrv Date: Profile:Qty:Truss Id:Span:Truss Type:Slope:LOH ROH Load By: /4{n"*'I T17B 36-0-0 2X6/2X6 ROOF TRUSS 6 Rows Lat Brace 6.00 0.00 2-0-0 0-0-0 I T18 32-0-0 2X6/2X6 ROOF TRUSS 2 Rows Lat Brsce 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 I Tt9 32-0-0 2X6t2X6 ROOF TRUSS 2 Rows Lat Brace 6.00 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 I T20 32-0-0 2X6t2X6 ROOF TRUSS 3 Rows Lat Brace 6.00 000 0-0-0 2-0-0 -KD- *1 T'itl 32-0-0 2X6t2X6 ROOF TRUSS 3 Rows Lat Brace 6.00 000 0-0-0 2-0-0 Above listed to righl). Received by; Dale: itEms have been received in gcod conlitiom. (exceptions listed Thank You for vour Business. Thb sandy aleil eymbol b used to atlract your atbntionl PERIiOMLSAFETYIS INVOLVEDI Yllhen you see thb symbol - BECOME ALERT - HEED ffs TESSAGE. DANGER: A DANGER deoignates a conditon wherc failure to follow insinrctlons or hsed wam- ing will most likely rteult in serftrus peroml injury or death or damage to structums. CAUTION: A CAUilON idenlifies safe operating pracdce or indacatos unsafe condltlom that could lpgult ln personal iniury or darnaqe to structurcc. HIB-91 Summary Sheet COMMENTARY and RECOMMENDATIONS for HANDLING, INSTALLING & BRACING METAL PI-ATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES O It isthe esponsibilitv of the instal@rhuildeL buildino contractor.licensedcontractor. ercctor or erection contractor, to prooedv receive. unload. store. handlo. install and brsce metal plate connected wood trusses to orotect life aN propedv. The installer mustexercise lhe same high degree of safuly awareness as with any olherstruclural malerial. TPI does not intend these recommendalions to be interpreted as superior to the project Architect's or Engineer's design specification for handling, installing and bracing wood trusses for a particular roof or floor. These recommendations are based upon the collective experience of leading technical personnel in the wood CAUTION: The buiHer, buiHingcontrac{or, llcensed contactol, ercctororercction contractoris advlsed to obtain and read the entire booklet "Commentary and Recommendations for Handling, Installlng & Braclng iletal Plate Connected Wood Trusre , HIB- 9l" ftom the Truss Plate lffititute. a when failurc tofollow instruc'tlons could Esult In aever€ pelsonal injury or darnage to strucfutus, TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 583 D'Onotrio Dr., Suite 200 Madison. Wisconsin 53719 (608) 833-5900 truss industry, but must, due lo the nature of responsibilities involved, be presented as a guide for the use of a qualified building designer or installer. Thus, lhe Truss Plate Institute, Inc. expressly disclaims any responsibility for damages arising from the use, application or reliance on the recommendations and information contained herein by building designers, installers, and others. Copyright O by Truss Plate Institute, Inc. All rights res€rved. This document or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the Dublisher. Printed in the United States of America. CAUTION: Alltemporary bracing should be no less than 2x4 grade marked lumber. All connectlom should be made with minimum of 2-l6d nalls. All truasea assumed 2' on-center or less. All multl-pty trusses should be connectsd together in accor- dance with design drawings pdor to inEtallafon. TRUSS STORAGE GAUTION: Trusse should not be unloaded on rough terain or un- even surface which could carce to the truss. Trusses storcd hortsontally should be suppolted on blocking to prwent excessive lateral bendlng and bssen mobtun gain. WARNING: Ilo not break bandlng until Installatlon boglnr. Gem shouH be exercised In bandlng rc- b avoH shlftlno of lndfuHual trussee. WARI{|NG: Do not lifr bundled trussee by the bands. Do not use damaged truss€s. CAUTION: Trusse stored vertically should bo braced to prevent toppling or tipplng. DANGER: Do not store bundles updght unleee prcperly braced. Do not brcakbands until bundlee alu placed in a stable horizontal DANGER: Walking on truseee tilrich arc lying flat is extrcmely dangetous and should be sfricQ Frame 1 MINIMUM PITCH TOP CHORD LATERAL BRACE SPACtNG(LBs) TOP CHORO DIAGONAL BRACE sPAclNG (DB5) [# lrusses] Over 2.1 - 42' See a reoistered professional enqineer o,, OF - Oouolas Fir-Larch nr - llem-itr SP - southern Pine SPF - Spruce-Pine-Fit o'\ .O' ^oq ^'v.v (9.,f -se,+Y *;o" -/All lateral braces lapped at least 2 trusses. Diagonal brace also required on end verticals. I op chords lhal are laterally braced can buckle loselher nnd crus. collapse itlhere i! no diago- nalbracing. Diasodalbracing 6hould b€ nailed lo th. LrJcr sidr ol lhe Iop c hord *hcn pu rlins are atlachcd to lhc lopside ol the lop chord. MONO TRUSS A WARNING: Failuretofollowtheserecommendatlonscouldlesultin A A severe personal injury or damage to trusses or buildings. A I NSTALLATION TOLERANCES PLUMB Truss Deplh D(in) I T tl/i' !l Maximum Misplacemenl OUT.OF"PLUMB INSTALLATION TOLERANCES, WARNING: Do not cul lrusses. OUT-OF-PLAN E INSTALLATION TOLERANCES. DANGER: Under no cltcumstances should construclion loads of any descrlptlon be placed on unbraced trusses. 80w D(in)D/50 D(fr) 12"1 14"1 24"1 t2" 3i4', 44" 60"'t -'t 4" 72"1-1t2' 1 -3 t4'7', 96"I' 108',I' L(in) Uzoo L(ft) 50 1t4' 4.2' 100 lt2' a3' 150'314" 12.5' L(in) Uzoo L(ft) 200"'I 16.7', 250"1-1/4"20.8', 300"25.0' 1%' ll Frame 6 Continuous Top Chord Latcral Brace r Required 10' cr G rcate r l | ..- l i.- l,.l Attachment HF - Hem-Fir SPF - Spruce-Pine-Fir braces lapped al least lr/Yo--\--\_ lfusses. ----.--. End diagonals are eseenlial for I slabitity and must be duplicated on both ends of the truss system. Toochord! lh!l sre latcr!llv br!ced can buckle togeiher.nd aue collape il Iherc i3no diago- nal bracing. Diaqonalbracing sho!ld bc nalred lo lh. und.r6idc of lhe top c hord 6hen purLn! 3re atlach.d to th€ loDaide ol lhe too chord. ,orr,,2-o'(DB") PF;g. ".. - v- n -n *ji I 30" or I grealer tt 1' The end diagonal brace for canlilevered lrusses must be placed on vertical webs in line wilh the supporl. TOP CHORD LATEFIAL BRACE sPACtNc(LBs) TOP CHORD DIAGONAL BRACE SPAC|NG (DBs) SP/DF SPF/HF See a reqislered professional enaineer DF - Douglas Fir-Larch SP - Southern Pine A yi:l is;"::li fi,l11"iruiffi:lJ,1T$:';l'itiot tl!1'*" "'" A 4x2 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSS:TOP CHORD Top chord! thal are lnterallv braced can bucllc togetherand cau*collap!e ifthere isno diagG nalbracing- 0iagonalb.6cing !hould b€ naited io the unders;de ol the top cho'd ,hen pu' lins are atlached lo lhc loe6ide oi lhe ioo chord. {j ,,-',' -" ,,e) -i End diagonals are essenlial for ,i slabilily and must be duplicated sn -,--ibolh ends of lhe lruss system. rrur" i "j"'"' IlL --l Trusses m ust have lum- Continuous Top Chord Late ral Bface ,1,:l Bcquired I I 10 or Gfeater '.'"|i,l Atlac hn ent Fequired ..<. I r 'lt /^r ! --.-.1 All laleral braces lapped ,-...- ber oriented in the hor - zontal d rection to use this brace spacing. al leasl lr to-{sses' o MECHANICAL INSTALLATION l Toe In Tag Line ,.. Toe In Spreader Bar Toe ln SDreader Bal Less lhan or equal to 60' Tag Line Approximalely 1Z truss lenglh Truss spans less lhan 3o'.Lifting devices should be connected lo the truss lop chord with a closed{oop attachmenl ulilizing malerials such as slings, chains, cables. nylon slrapping, etc. ol sufticienl slrength lo carry lhe weighl ofthe lruss. Each lruss should be sel in proper posilion per the building designer's framing plan 8nd held wilh the lifting device until lhe ends ol lhe truss are securely tastened and lempo- bracinq is inslalled.Grealer than 50' Aooroximatelv % lo % lruss length--^ --.,:.., ^^, - - 't Grealer than 60' CAUTION: Temporary bracing shown in this summary sheet ls adequate for the lnstallatlon of trusses with similar configurations. Consult a registered professional englneer lf a dlfferent bracing arrangement is deslred. The engineer may design bracing in accordance with TPI's Recommended Design Specilication for Temporary Bracing ot Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses, DSB-89, and in some cases determine that a wlder spaclng ls posslble. GROUND BRACING: BUILDING INTERIOR cROUND BRACING: BUILDING EXTERIOR di.sonala (cBD) vcnic.l(GBV) '--,\ ... . 2\, Orouttd- . !t-t*. .. - . rd truss of bracerlroral (Lltc, group ol tru6s€. diason.lc (GSD) Note: 2nd tloo..ydem 6hrll havo adequ.tc capscity lo rupporl ground Aackup Slrul (sr) Typical horizont.l lic mcmb.r with multiple ltale! (HT)D'iv€n CAUTION: Ground bracing lequired for all installalions. Frame 2 vo) " All lateral braces \ lapped al least 2 Itrusses. DF - Douolas Fir-Larch HF - Hem--Fil SP - Southern Pine sPF - Sp.uce-Pine-Fir Continuous Top Chord Lateral Brace Required Attachment Feq uired PITCHED TRUSS Top chords that ar€ l.ierally braccd can buckl. togctherand c€usecolJap* ifiherc isno diago- nalbr3cing. Oiagonrlbtaci'lg 3hould bc nailed lo lhc 'rnder6ide or lhe loo chord t,h.n ourlin! are attached lo the toDside ot th. toD chord. M INIM UM PITCH TOP CHORD LATERAL BRACE sPAclNG(LBg) TOP CHORO DIAGONAL BRACE SPACTNG (DBs) See a regislered prolessional engineer Ayi:f]n:ilifi j:ll"l:;iffi:1"ii,T*"":';l';l,io::;!1'""'n'"4 SPAN MINIMUM PITCH OIFFERENCE TOP CHORD LATERAL BRACE SPACTNG(LBs) TOP CHORO DIAGONAL BRACE SPACING (DBs) [# lrusses] SP,'DF S PFi HF UD to 28'2.5 7', Over 28' - 42'3.0 9 6 Over 42' - 60'5 3 Over 60'See a regislered professional engineer OF - Douolas Fir-Larch HF - Hem--Fir SP - Soulhern Pine SPF - Spruce-Pine-Fir I vP v rv,u Lateral Brace neq Ll lreo ^i \ I l.:,' Attachmerl Beq u ired All lateral braces lapped at leasl 2 lrusses. - ?o' - Top chords thal sre lalerally braced can b!ckle together.nd cause collapse illhere isno diago nal bracing. Oiagonalbracing 5hould bc n,rred lo the underside of the top chord '!hcn pu.l ns are .tlached lo lhe topside of the top cho,d SCISSORS TRUSS Frame 3 BOTTOM CHORD LATERAL BRACE sPAclNG(L85) BOTTOM CHORO DIAGONAL BRACE sPAclNc (DBs) [# lrussesl Over 48'- 60' Over 60'See a reois'lered Drol F - Douolas Fir-Larch F - Hem--Fir SP - Soulhern Pine SPF - Spruce- Pine-Fir All lateral braces lapped at least 2 trusses. BOTTOM CHORD PLANE "^ O^'"w "b* \,r/() 'o'c . -f.l Bottom chord diagonal bracing repeated at each end of the building and at same spacing as lop chord diagonal bracing. - Ayi:x'i:;"::llfi ,i11"Hi1fi""1"i,:,T$:'iJ';l;.:ili1'esu''linA ^ Cross bracing repeated at each end oJ the building and at 20' Intelvals. -\ Permanent cont in uo us lateral bracing as specif ied by the truss engineering. fo.G,. o\..o I WEB MEMBER PLANE Frame 4 EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VNL COMMON A Truss Typa ROOF IRUSS 2-6't2 G3{ 2-34 4.24w PLATES M20(209a) Weight: 34 (bs) DEFL 0n) (bc) Ydetl Vert(U) 0.01 6/5 999 V6tl(TL) 0.01 U5 999 Hotz(TL) o.00 5 n/a Min Length / LL del, = 2tto SPAC' VG 2-o0 Platesln easo 1,00 Lumber lncrcase 1.U) Rep Stnass rrcl l/Ocode UBC-94 BER ARACINA cHoRD 2 X 6 S?F-S 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or &0 on center pufin spacing. TCH?RD 2x4SPF-s 165flF 1.tr BoT CHORD 1'7:6?0,6-7:6.}.0' 56.G30. 2X4 SPFS Stud 0bs/siz6) I =1 0tl3tv7-1 2, 5=320/0-98, 4=221/&.'8 Max Hoz 1--18o0oad case 5) Max Ufrt 1:170(load case 2), 5:28(load cese 2), 4:35(toad casa 2) CHORD l-2--738, 2-3:103, &4=12 T CHORD ,6=674, 6-7=674, 1-7=674 2-7=t16,2-5=7#l ,,1 Irrc truss ies b een checked tor unbalanced loading conditions about hint 4. i,; fhis truss tras be on designed lor the wind toads gcnented by 80.0 n.p.h. winds at 25.0 feet abow {ound ievel, using 5.0 p.s.f. top chord dead load and 5.0 p.s.t bottom chotd dead load, 100.0 m as from hunicano oceenline, on a category t .,nclosed bu dng, of dmensbns 45.0 by 24.0 with exposur€ C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber Increasa = 1.33, Plate Increase = 1.33. Both end wtthab are exqosed, STMPSON H2.5 connectotE rccommended to connect truss to beaing walls due to uplill as fo[ows: Ono connector at lolnt(s) 1, 4, 5. oAD CASE{S' 1) Lumber lncrcese=1.00, Plate Increase=1.oo Unitom Loads (bs per fr) Veft:1-2:1 80.0, 2-Yi 80.0, 94=-1 80.0, 56--20.0, &7=-20.0, 1-7=-20.0 Concentrated Loads 4bs) veft:1=fig.1, 3:1 36.4, 6:1 6.0 trfd?do"-.to" -'cjzb ffil''$ A U/lWryC - Verify dcsign parametcrs and READ NOTES ON THIS AND RI:I'ERSE S.DE BEI:ORE L'SE. Design valid tor use only rvilh J{iTgk conneclors. This design is based only upon pa€r|€lers shown, and is lor an individual building componenl lo b€ inslalled and load€d v€rtically. Applicability ot design parameters and prorr€r incoporation of compooent is r€sponsitility of building (bsigner - not tuss designer. Bracrng shown ls tor lateral support ol individual w€b m€n$€rs only. Addilional temporary bracing to insurg statrility during construciion is Ihe responsibility ol $e 6r6ctor. Additionai pemanent bEcing of ihe overall structuro is th€ r€sponsibility ol lhe building design€r. For general gui(hnco rogarding labricalioo, quality contlol, storage, delivery, e€clion, and bracing, consult OST-OA Oullhy Standard, OSB.89 Bracing Spacfllcatloo, and HIE-91 Handling Inltalling end Br.cing R€commandlilon availabl€ lrom Tru!! Plst! Instltut ,58:| D' Onof.lo ffrr€. $adbon, lvl 53719 3Ul . l..< 5J90doz-9urz E, o3tnz -t oz ItD 0o..) ooo+.rrfo o d 6oS;;o*- =o i o;.d*qP5ii;U5rlt=e.q;1iE i5c :., o ^1*=i;5d6o.<' Ita 3 n i =ed;=€ 3il: a\ '\ 'Yo od :-=Q F+$ d3*qg 6 ^":-'*= 9o'q1' 14f <o*oo o =dgo >q6'Cqo Q! ig-o 9.4 RJi1FOr! 8a 3o1o,ot o !sl m ot;l,n I= E o AE rlr Etl =zo o 3 xa,sH a;.f; e '9il4 3Fqq;8 O-f,x'o6**d=1;d E8:. d_q gito.r f, 5',o o oo ol o o c o ool =lcoc 6- o 9.q oo J. @ {ffsc)oJo HO -o(oo aQoo B;: a'd 8e ]. tsrltIl a {=J\-lJt\r ira\fd 0tF{ry E !5 ; .!1rlFDIaz-ml5fi zc 3oo -"r.f,(o (n U, o 3 {o1'o. 66!oal 2 Fi!:ts *::i ;Eiigs i?! d s EEe =f;g E;-t €s6 =RKAH U6<!-l- ;> = @@-=odNs 3s AO:8S Rffo!9 -: (, ! A' Y'8;S s__N)?9 li I 8 Fz TOP CHORD TOP CHORD @ 6 F ;, F = F e 90 ).'. I s" F e,, 1o :- pF b iig€Fi li ai€ Fii$E HflH i$ $gfl [$$ $+a*iig ,i IE$ El g g $$ Ef il =aE ;;B E$ ,F; 3F iiE gsE fri til '€q q iEi gi ; 'ai ac *d $E EE Eg $[ Fi F{a ,ig 5i B$ f$ g$gg 'F g 'F es" 1a'fi--e= 3f€Hfit+ la ee:a ail [Fii o z. F E3-' *aA'gg3 ss *i=n se = t i Bqdj?+v, ,b 999EDWA Iruss G,|09 TrussType t ROOF IRUSS aty Plv f EDWARDS BUIA'NG CENTER VNL COMMON A U45N45 ctushies, lnc. MonNov11 09:02:121996 PagB 1 , .2-$.15 , 2-104 392 $&3 ,6eq, @2 , 9-90-, 2-1A4 0+14 2.t1 0101 1-1114 1+42-915 4.24F2 . 2-1M 312 S&3 ,664, &e2 , $96 , 2.164 S4l4 2-$1 GlOl 1-11-14 1-14 ^4 o (Y) N 4Io ,8"oft"r"6,Yt t":"eq6,[10:&ao,oiv12l .oAD,Ne Grst)tcu 80.0tcDL 10.0,cLL 0.0,cDL 10.0 SPAC,,VO 2-0-0 Pleteslncroasa 1.00 Lamber lnc'aasa 1.0O Rap Sfrrss /ncr NOCodo UBC-94 cs,TC 0.39BC 0.45wB 0.99 (Matnx) DEFL (tn) (loc) lldetl Vett(LL) 0.07 12/11 999 Vaft(TL) 0.08 1A11 999 Hotz(TL) 0.02 I n/a MinLonglh/Lldell=2t{) PLATES M20(209a) Weight: 79 (lbs) GRIP 127F3 ,UNBER.OPCHORD IOTCHORD ryEAS tEACnOilS ;ORCES toP ctloRD ,OT CHORD 4/E&S vorEs 2X6 SPFS 16frF 1.5E 2X E SPF-S 19flF 1.7E 2X4 SPF-S Sfud 4bs6ize) 1=213W7-12, 8=290/tn-U12 (nput: o-XA) Mex Hotz 1=266(load casa 3) Max Upfift 1=-298(loed case 2), 8=-334(load case 3) BRAqNA -TOPCHORD BOT CHORD WEBS sheathed or +3-1 4 on center Ptfin sPecing, excePt end ve,ticals. 1 -1 3:6X0, 1 1 -1 2:&&0, 9-1 0:&?0, 1 2-1 3:a.&,0, I 0'1 1 :63,0' &9:6-90. 1 Row at midpt UB 1-2:3304, 2-3.-3162, g4:2442, +Y2239,,6'-1 17, 6.7=1 37, 7-8:497 e9=2283, 9-10=2283, I 01 1 =307 8, 1 1 -1 2=307 8, I 2-1 3=307 8, 1-1 3=307 E $ 1 ?-54, X1 F 8A,, I 0=1 41 2, &8=-2882 lJ ftb tuss tas be€ n designed for he wind beds genented by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 teet abova g@und levd, usjng 5.0 p.s.t top chord dead load and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord daad had, 100.0 fiiles frcm hunicane oceanlina, on a category t enclosed buldng, of &nen,tlons 45.0 by 24.0 with exPosurc C (ASCE 7'93). Lumbor lncrcas€ = 1.33, Plate lncrcase = 1.33. Both end vedicals are exposed. l) STMPSO,V tUS26 ncomnendod to suppott concentnted load fiom membe(s) perpendcdar to ttuss at Fintsi(s) 2, 1 3, 4. at joinb(s) 11,9, 6. l) Required beaing size at lolnt(s) 8 graater than input beaing size. loAD CASE(S/ l) Lun ber lncrcase=l .00, Plato Inqaasa=1 .00 Continued on page 2 RE b","..'Po:tJ'"3* A WaANtltC - Vcifi dzsign paranctcn and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE L.SE. D€sign valid tor use only with illl€k connoctoG. This design as bas€d only upon parametors shown, and is tor an individual building component to be install€d and load€d vortically. Applicat lity ol design paramelers and proper incorpo€tion ol component is responsibility ol buildino designer - not lruss designer. Bracing sho /n is lor lateral suppon ol individual web m€mbgrs only. Addilional tempo.ary bracing to insu.6 stabilily dldng con9ruction is the responsibility of the €r6dor Additional p€rmanent b€cing ot th€ overall structure is lh€ rosponsibility ol $e building designer. For general guidance regarding fabdcation, quaiity control, slorag€, d€liv€ry, ereclbn, and bracir€, consuh CIST{8 Ouality Stlndard, DSB-€g Baaclng Speciticdion, ard HIB-91 Hrndllng Inolalllng and Bracing Rocomm€ndatbn availabl€ lrom Tfuaa Plato In3tltute, 503 O' Onofrio D.iv.. adlson. Wlsgng t lllTck lndu.lrlc., Inc. ffi;f# o =(nl..< 6J90do >v,zo o =ttz =oz {r+ i5 o-- = i'o!ooo=si;;q: o 6 6D QR-aaqY=o5(D;6 *q*5ii;U5'i='e.q51i0i5c:"o^=i zz'tgxF' d. *= Y **Pdf f!.tr e F< 3 d: :1 o-* i --NQ ob :'=sp.6 = Q i0'*3* i'3;rYii. :P6'o o x d-f 3= vo"8 Ro5' o*oo o =dga bg9Ou-?s.rg =69.oei F1FOt9 8ao= 3dI o,oI 55xu,sF a=E d$lgI 5d=6'c *, =O iq;3 Oerfd-gl1;d E8=:.dq g oo- { - FoF ozoox =v,u,oox O= 9;- o ilr a|lt 3zo 3 {53* Ug =8 aQ !o 6E'e* 8qo I iFEE jEl : zc 3oo J-.f,(o v, (t, o 3 c NFfiR gH D!_.'" +ti Io!o. (Jfto CN 2 FiE*ts ; 3:! lEiiss i;!: i r5d g EEi, = f;B b3 - arr-l @o-=@dNq 3g55.. 1sd2fifi BFol." ;(, .\r .b Y'8;S edJN)(r€rN I 8o z TOP CHORO TOP CHORO *la€ei ai ra; ssi aa *$i i$ ggi 3g$ $*fr6ig ,i 16g g$ gr 3E ql q$ re € g$ Ef +$ 'a$ Eg' g* 'ig 3 E E$ A gE-EEEg iFEiHF$*$g $igi ii E$gg EF g. = 13-' *[A'$fl3 sq -igfi qq u'E' € *g*rq+u, ob IggEDWA fn ss cJ09 TrussTypa ! ROOF IRUSS ary 1 w 1 ! EOWARDS BULD/,NG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U/'5891'5 Houstor ftuss Monftosr 3.3W ,oAD CASEIS' Unllorm Loeds @s PerO Ven:t2-l N.O, 2-g:1 go.o, ?4--1 80.0, +5:1 n.0, fi--1 8o.o, 67--1 80.0, Con c. ntrated Lo ac,s (hs) Veft.1-509.1, b136.4, tt=316.4, 6:496.4, 9=-968.4 1 1=-748.4, 1T-16.0 sep iN 7c9awtex rngusrnoq tns. Msn Nev M,V1.ra 'rr9 r.gc . Lg--20.0, 9-l 0=-20.0, I 61 1 =-20.0, I 1-1 2--n.0, I 2'1 3--20.0' 1'1 3=-20. f"oo $ari f,a o-o ,.p,c.'d A wnNmC - Ycrify design paranctctr and READ NOTES ON THIS AND /dVERSE SIDE BEFoRE USE. Itaddn vqll.l ld ' 's ^ntu wirh llIL& Mnh.^t ^ Thi. .la.id^ ie h!.a.| ^nrw ' 'Mh h.r.mAtarc .thw^ 'n'l l. r^' rh rnin,irl' '.1 t bulldlng componer to b€ insblled and loadgd verlically. Applicablllly ol &sign paramet€rs and p.ope. Incoporaflon ol componont is repor|siulity of bullding d€Bign€r - nol lruss d€Bign€r. Braclng shown is lor lateral supporl ot individual w€b membo,s only. Additional brlporary bradng b in6ure siability dudng conslruction iE the r€€ponsablllty ol tie orector. Additional ponrEn€nt bracirE of tho oveiall gtruclure is the r€sponsS{ity ot tho building de6igner. For g6no.al Ouidance regarding taHc,adon, qualily conlrol, 6tD€9ts, dolivery, 6r€ction, and bracho, consull OgT{a Oua[ty Sildrdrd, DSB{O Bncing Sgaarficatbn, and HIB{I Handllng Inaldllng rnal Braclng Racodr.nd.llon available llom ffua! Plata Inattt lc,sgt d ordrb ttdr,., S.dLon, Wl 53710 IIlT.k hdu.trb., lnc. $r'i'r.i*ue; =Vt"l-<,n ra539o60Z-svrzo oa h2 =oz t+99go ooo=.,|flo o d dl)g;;qao i'o; d e9 ^ ='O J *JO;I:6',=g+ol -; +:eFd*r*=i;=x*o<-' *p qs # ;Ed'4Cl, s,*a6;= oiiii 3Fg a=g nqa s;3sg 64-'a= sF8- 3- '&3o o =8go Dg3s9! r+i6ga +3 E1d-g =98a' ;o1o,op v !sl tl U 5.illr\> rE F o AE E '|t2zo o illxutFF ;rEd39E; 5Be 3tdq;8 0<.rl P' 6 --'**A= laA EBrdqooo- 1 d'o o ooo f o o ='o o f =) o 6' og o o a. €i*3Jo I'dq6- ,e3at=aQoo 6b- =-'e* 8eo tr ItlEt iiFF jFJ a zc 3oo =.f(o at, vr o 3 TOP CHORD 2 Fi!:B H -3:: IEiiEs i*!a ligi =F8 b= -an-t N {86 =RFAR bX<!.r" +t ={o\to,r09 :0 U' @.o o I D U' L(t, 3Qa dB889 @bao'-r,>ES es'^NO*\, (r!A.:-8;S e --_N)q"9 li I O Fz TOP CHORD @ 6 i F F = e- P tr :., e s' F !' l.r - p3b ;+a;e- a* ea$ Fgi gE ngE +fi $g[ iE$ -+g giE ,i lE$ gI i g $F gi +i *EH fl;E efi *E; 1+ i'i g*fi rflen '€q q ifii sF a ' ti g$*{ $s g$f$ 1gfii$flg,g$ $$$$ ifi fi$g$ EF ;" 16i dba'$g3 es-iEFqqg'E'$$ qa.i+v, lob I39gEDWA Iruss CJ@A rrussryoe t ROOF TRUSS AU 2. Pty 1 t EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VNL COMMON A UI'58946 Llouston Tru$ Montrcse 4.24F2 , lce I t&3 tllr 9110 I3G9 2-7-',ll O-+14 3+9 3.3q) e s€p zg 7999 Ml I ex tngusmss' tnc. M.tt, ,rev , , -2-$r5 I }ce I t&3 +l-f +l-10 I }09 2-7-10 M14 3+92.9't5 s o c, orate OfiEefs 6,V: [6:091,0-2-12] LOADNC(Ft'rcl.l n.0rcDL 10.0scLL 0.0SCDL 10.0 sPACrto 24-o Ptetes lncrcese 1.@ Lumber lncr€es€ 1.N Rop Sitoss ,ror ArOCode UBG94 c!''TC 0.27BC 0.36wB 0.97 (Mafiix) DEFL Ail @c) Udetl VaftU) 0.05 9n 999 Veft(TL) 0.06 9n 999 Hotz(TL) 0.01 6 nla Min Lenglh / LL defi = 2/X) P'AIES GRTPMne^ge) 127n3 WaW:76(tbs) L[/fl'BER BRAC'NO TOP CHORD 2X6 SPF.S 16&F 1.5E TOP CHORD BOTCHORD 2X8SPF.S 19gF 1.7El,t/EBS 2X4 SPFS Sfud BOT CHORD REAclloJt s obs/czo) 1=185u)-7-12,6=gt 610-8-1 Anpt oxg) Max Hotz 1=2500oad case 3) Max UNt 1=-fi80oad casa 2), 6=3490oed case 3) FORCES TOP CHORD 1-b-2615, 2-3--18U, 34=-1637, 4*-21, &6=-678 BoT CHORD }7=1 725, 7-8-2/t47, &9=2447, 1-9=2447 WEBS 2-9=-V,2-7=-763,+7=1023,+6=2183 totEs t) Irb trrss tas D. an daslgned tor the wind bads gene'eted by 80.0 n.P.h. wtnds at 25.0 feet el 5.0 p.s.l. top chod da.d had and 5.0 p.s.f bottom clrotd deed bad, 100'0 nfles trcm hunicen€ cetegory ! endos€,d b.tt&rg, ol dnr,nstons 45.0 by 24.0 wih .xcf,sure C (ASCE 7-93)' Lmrt Ptete lnc'r,ase = 1.33. Both eN wrlbars et€ exposod. A STMPSOTV LUS26 rcconmlf/nded to suplf,ft @r,centrated bad lmm men be4s) Frpencfrculal 3. ettolnh(s) 8. 3) R.qri6d beenng lizo st tdnt(s) 6 gF,ater than lnryt baadng size' LOAD C/ISE(S' 1) Lamber lncnaso=1 .OO, Plato lncreese=l .U) Unltom Loed6 (lE p€,tlt) Vett:l-F180.0,2-3=-180.0,3,4=-1U.0, +F1n.0,67:20.0,7-E='20.0,8-9=20.0, Concent/'eted Loats r'/bs) Veft:1=-fig.1, 2=-1%.4, 3--316.4, 5*'496.4, 6=-968.4, 8--748.4, 9:16'0 Sheethod ot +11-12 on center N,fn specing, excedond ve bels. 1-9 :6-3-0, &9:&3!0, 6-7:690, 7-8:634. ,ove gound lovel, using oceanlne, on a Dr lnc'?,ase = 1.33, to ttuss at jdnb(s) 2, I, 1-9=20.0 ';(.Ftd?qh A, W,lWtWC ' Verifi drsign paramctcrs end READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. l Oesign valid ior uso only with UIf€k coonedo.s. Thi6 dosign ls bag€d only upon paramolers shown, and is lor an individual lultOing conponent to O€ instalted and loa(bd vortrcally. ApptDabrlrty ol d€s€n paramelets and prooor incorporation ol - ---t1cornponBnt is rosponsb ity of buibing deEJnsr . not truss designsr. Bradng shown |s ior tat€ra;suppon ot norvrduar weo llll -monb€rs or y. Addlllonal temporary braclng lo insure stability during consfuclion is the respon6ibllity of ths eroctor Additioml I II t#ffil'trf**i:ffJ":T#Jf,:j5f:3tl';',ffi:Bl:iiftlfi3t"J"[ff9"1#:BHJ:3t*ilx Itlll Sp.clflcdlon, rnd HIB€i ltrnallng Indllllng ard Br.clng R6omm.nd.don available f.om ltu$ Plrt. In8tltut., a8l' o' IlTrk lndUdrlcr, Inc. Onol.io D v., t rdl.on, W 5:t19 #@ tU iltD\>.lFrE F o-zoo Ftn Ezo o F9 HH 5g ftU= 93, 'un"ssd F * ai3g6 6 ssB.lF E fiiflg E eef* 2 x4'h5n6o.<-' l+*qB; ;Bd';:< 3si *+agigsg 6 9:.'&= p H 8-d,v R o*5' 6'(Do =89a-bg 3F9! r+ =59.dc-:g 3LrQ 8aa=l6aoto* sl nl rlrF ae$i n =aX? ;Ei =O X *is,lo6'Yri*z;d E8-:.dqgit6.r o6'o o 6-oo o o o c oo. oo) =) o o o a. (o t5 6'5'fo 8'dO= dii e9DO 6b' 9-a 8qo E IFi=, FBI =Lf--ElEIi 2 Ii!:ts n 3:t iEiiss i*!r I rEii i EEE FfF b;2.n z C 3oo =.f,(o U, at, o 3 q NFHB €8b- :i" ={o!o. (JI0U' L 93a 6E889 @.bA.o: <:'ZSS efio:l' X(, .-J .S Y'8;8 e__t\)P9 Ai 9 8coPz TOP CHORD TOP CHORD t 'il-;i ri '=iar? Bi -*i if *giEgg g+gEi EiE ,i lE$ Ei g $iF-sis$eiEgga$9H$tH ega aa 11 *gE n;E E[ ,F$ ii ffiF gi4 frfl *n '€i qif;i gi A-ii Eg *a gs EE Es $aFi $$F ,gg 5r$$ ia E$E€ EF g 'd eF 5 F' fiq'; *g lug[f, ia 'igg F[ +ufl* g#qdj+€u, ,b N9EDWA Inrss GEO4 TrusTypa t ROOF IRUSS ary 1 Ply I t EDWARDS BUIL.DING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458947 trias' lnc' MonNov ll 0992:16 1996 F s Ttt .oADlNO (pz?,cu 80.0.cDL 10.0tcu 0.0tcDL 10.0 SPACiNG 2-&'0 Prates/ncr€ase 1.00 Lunher lncrcesa 1,00 Rep Sf/sss /ncr NOCode UAC-94 cs,TC 0.00BC 0.00wB 0.00 DEFL Ail 1oc) Ydoll Veft(LL) 0.00 / '* Veft(TL) 0.@ / '* Hotz(TL) 0.@ n/a Min Length / LL defl = 24t) PLATES ARTP M20(209a) .12783 Weight: 113 (lbs) J'MAER BRACING toP CHoRD 2X6 SPF-S 16gF 1.8 ToP oHORD steafted )OT CHORD 2X4 SPFS 16flF 1.ff BoT CHORD r4no'0' 3-4:5'10-8. )IHERS 2X4 SPF-S S,t d troRcEs votEs l) Gatla nql,tr.E confnuous bottom chord beafing. , Grbro sfuds spaaed at 16 inches on centar, i1 eaUc sUas ixceadng 72 inchas trlngth to be lat€,eitry braced at mid@nl For studs exposed to wind, see Milek'Stended Gable End Detal'- , Studs to Dr t sfat ed wtth 1x4 M20 datas. LOAD cllSE(S, sta n d a rd sffi'.'$ A W,cw/idc - Vetify dzsign patametcts and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE IISE. I DGsiOn valid tor use only with MIT€k connec,tors. Thls design is based only upon pa€melers shov/n, and is for an individual { ffi"1trffi:fr*ffifd'lh#tr$t*$t,9,,ffsi;fi;$$ffitr*" t[F Sp.dfic.tbn, lnd HIB-91 tLrndling In.lalllng rnd Br.clng R.connrodstion available llom t+ur. Pl.b In.iltute, -5&t D' IlTok lfdUflfbr, Inc. OnofJb Ddn , .dl8oo, wl5it719 o fl4 Sffiie) I P (n't.< 5J9o o=o ;Vlz0 o! 2 =o2 ill Efrt 4-o o o b FilD e EF ozo i IF[ g+E n- "rE*eaa ggrad Fi €Al FI Es+ i',oa !t!ooooiioooo=(r, l f o 6'3 6;g;;q =oio: g 3g *J O;uIo= O !1 ^ * es *:1*itl5r6o.<-- **qs; ;Bd'1C a 6;"a6;= o ix xgiil R-:x:I od :-.Qzr I -- nt +h'*i* ds t.: * :qq:iui g-X:3= r'o 8 Rs.j- co* o o o e6.J^ 5'o =tb6i7io ,tr "* oo ac {5Jo. 6- 6'fo Hg =.x6ii aQ B; C-a 8qo E .t=J\-r F,5i=, = v -IIl ;.4,6@ T i :Fl I zc 3oo =.f(o (n C" o 3 9 Fi!: tiitEs i*!; i;aE =;g E;-t N {sd =RRAR bX<!1 " +" E {o!o,fc|' rt(' C]' QQa 68889 cDi5e_ <: =g$ st {J-'CD!\:--8;S eJ-N)P9 li I 8coo 2 TOP CHORD TOP CHORO @ .d ; 6 F = 6 s P :.r e !F F !' lo - Fg E ieE';igi g*F +EtF+ fiag i$ $g$ $E{ $[Fiq 3ig 'e ifiF €[ q E i[ Eil ii *fiF $iHgi,imgi iEl *3E [i?$ 5* E f,g* gi a' d+ eg $a fig EF Eg glga a$a 'qg 5f fr$ id 6gEg Es gd aH ' g' f;q'; 3$ au$[i ea 'igB i[ qui* g #gd=i+u, Truss Type ROOF rRUSS EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A I -2+0 | t&t2 | 11-S t 13S I 2{r4 '&l2 t&12 244 5.ool12 PLATES GRIP M20(209a) 12789 w6lgt t: 75 0bs) DEFL Ail qoc) Ydefl Vaft(U) 0.00 / ** Vert(TU O.@ Hon(TL) 0.00 n/a Mln Length / LL defl = 2/t0 sPACrrvG 2-0-0 Platas lncrcasa 1.00 Lumbetlncreasa 1,00 Rep Sfress rrcr A/OCode UBG94 cs,TC 0.00BC 0.00wB 0.00 (ps0 u).0 10.0 0.0 10.0 cHoRD 2 X I SPF-S 1650F 1.5E cHoRD 2X4SPF-S t650F t.sE ARACING TOP CHoRD Sheathed BOT cHoRD 1-4:60-0, 3-4:11&.8. 2X4SPFSStud GaAa Bqtth.s cantinuous bottom chod beaing. GeDre sauds spaced et 16lnches on centet. Gable sluds cxoea dng 72 tnchas tength to be tate'€ny b'?,c6d at midpoint For studs exposed to wind, sao MiTek 'Standard Gafu EN De'f,ff. S-rt ds lo Do ,bstare d wtth 1x4 M20 plates. CASE(S,, Sfetdatd A W,IWWC - Verifi dzsign parametett and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Dosign vslid tor uso only with lriTek connectors. Thls d€sign is based only upon paramelors sfrown, and is lor an individual building component to bo installed and loadsd v€nically. Applicability of design parametefs and propor incoporalion of compoi€nt is responsibility of building designer - not tru6s d6sign€r. Bracang shown is lor lateral support of individual web memb€rs only. Additional tenporary bracing to ansure stebility duing construction is the rosponsibility ot ttr6 er€ctor. Additional p€manent bracirE of th€ overall slructure ia the respon6ibllity of the building designer. Fo. general guidanco rogErding labricalion, quality control, storage, d€liv€ry, €r6ction. and bracinq, consult QST{€ Quallty Slandard, DSB€g Baacinglabricalion, quality control, storage, d€liv€ry, €r6ction. and bracinq, consult QST{€ Quallty Slandard, DSB€g B.acing It-I Sp.dfc.tlon, rnd HIB-91 tldndllng Installing rnd Br.clng R.cornrFnd.llon available trcm ftu.! Pht In.dtn., 5gl D' IlTck ktdualllaa, lnc. Onotrb ltrlr,e, l|.dbon, Wl {l]7'19 51il'"*.[o.d5rO J$rui.rnuel =(tr-l.<tn-6390 o=o surz0 o3lnz Joz =Tgd bg 3q9p.rg =59.oti F1d'q3gtao=ld1o,o* *I)sOooiiodsE* o 6 60H;;q+o5o F.9 H3o:.oE3dt1 e9*: 1*=.i;5r6 o- -<- - ** iiPf e*o' =EZ a*;.6;'= oux rt '\ '-o od :'=9RBi 9a'E*=X qrdi 5,i :P 6'sg 6 E-'RJ gHP';o R ri = ro* o o e3E # 3g g a : a3 =o X*,-6* 6'6' ,xo6'**d=1;dEBrdqg o-Af- f d'o o o o o f o /\_ o o (o t5:to 6- 6'JogF i'5(ooth=aQ 6E' e-d 8qo :- t ill !F nts t . ltt.F\> tE n o-ziio i!,n E-o 6 39I9 TItIt I {=lN rE III *\[C'A4Earv=t tl 1-va d\s't jFl a z C 3uo =.f,(o CI' U, o 3 o!o. L,,!oo 2 Ii!:s n::! iEiiEs i*!I iiri =;8i; €sd =RKAF -H<!-i- ;>UT-I O@-=odNg 3g A9 -.":"igu Bq H:3 er-l\)?9 tize-o =6 .rz TOPCHORD TOP CHORO I tH'Fi ll iig *Bi$1 $$$ *fi rgiFg6 ++ia$ $i$ ,i i6i gF fl E +$ Ea li *rH nlt e$ .l; 3F a:i ssE rn?g 'gfi g *6* gi A';i ac ga gs EF EE $aFi rgg ,4g 5i *s ii EsEs gF g d eE + F' EE'; 3g au$[i ea 'ig$ $[ gug* $ #q6.<+u, EDWAROS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A Trus Typa ROOF TRUSS 18 3(6 tl 16 6xl2 = 15 14 13 3x6 ll7x14M18 - 6x12 - 11 36 ll O€=ffit ft8= 6,6\ , }ts t &114 t 11-ts l lSO{ 1 206€ 1 2$1{ 1 28-As l 32'04 l 3S8 3-54 4+8 4-S 4-6-8 44€ 1S a1g otbefs (X,V: [19-1-8,040], t1t98,0-2-1q, Px+0,a2-12] t8:6+0,G2-121, [10:0-1-4,oa0], [10:63-4,0'2-14] PLATES GRIP M20(209a) 127/93 M18(189a) fi8n6 Weigtt: 247 qbs) DEFL (n) (oc) Ydell Veft(LL) 0.46 15 824 VenffU 0.58 15 659 Hon(TL) 0.14 10 n/a MinLength/UdQl,=240 cs'TC O.72BC 0.5ewB 0.59 SPAC'|VO 2-0-0 gales ,rcr€sse 1.00 Lumbet lncrcase 1.00 Rep Sfr€ss rncr A/OCode UBG94 P CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E T CHORD 2 X I SPF-S 19fiF 1.7E2 X 8 SPF-S lgs1F 1.7E BOT CHORD Ri?id celing dracv apNed, or 1A0040 on centar brccing. 2 X 4 SPFS Stud 'Excey'' 163 2 X 4 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E. 1$E 2 X 4 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E 2X4HFUffity Laft:2X4,Rigl1t:2X1 (lbs/size) 1=658AU69 AnNt A:}$, 10=6606tO-&9 Anput: o.s.8) Max Hotz 1:36(load case 2) Max Upfift 1-- q/oed cese 4), 10--6170oad cesa 4) CHORD 1-2:13690,2-3=13010, 3.4=-15436, +5=15436, &6.-15436, 67:15391,7-8--15391, &9--12908, *10=-13475 T CHORD 10-11=11921, 11-12.11921, 12-13=11527, 1:+.14=16709, 1+15=16709, 1116=16709, 1d-17=11619' I 7-1 8=1 21 77, 1-1 8=1 21 77 2-18=68,2-17:622, C17=1714, :+.16=4792, 416--1730, &16--1599, 615=197,6.13:1657, 7-l 3:1 7fi , &1 3=4850, *1 2=1 633, *1 2--/K,9, g1 1 =67 2-Cy tru$ to b6 connected togpther with 1 0d neils as hlhws: Top chords connacted with 1 tow(s) at 3 inches on contan futtom chords connected with I rwt(s) at 3 inchas on center. Webs connect€d with I rcw et 6 inches on center. Itb tuss ,ras been designed tor the wind loads genercted by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 feet above ground level, using 5.O p.s.t. top chord dead load aN 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord dead bad, 100.0 mllas from hunicane ocaanline, on a categgry ! enctosad buMing, of dmensions 45.0 by 24.0 with expsure C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber tncrcase = 1.33, Pleta lncrcase = 1.33- Bdh and vatdcars a/B axposed. Conlinued on page 2 BRACINC TOP CHORD Sheathed ot UOz on center prrfrn spacing. A, W,lnuWC - Wrify design parameters ard READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVI:RSE SIDE BEFORE tiSE. Design valid tor use only with MlTek connectors. This d€sign is based only upon parameterc shown, and is lor an individual building component lo be Installed and loaded vortic€lly. Applicability ol dosign paramaters and proper incorporation ol -ffiff*'tTiftrlHi-1;*1-*#j,Il1*ri*ffiit' nf-"' illt spocfflca o;, e;d H|B.91 Hanelng Inst;lllng and Brachg dommcnd.tton avaitabt; from Truoj ptarc tnaltute, -sgg D' IlTe k Indualrlo!, lnc, Onolrio Ddv€, .dl&n. Wl91719 itiiilie$ P(/,^ *=5J9u60Z-vvrzc' oD tn2 =oz tm {*'*D 0o.r.|!;i==; !ooo=o';;q :o668 qqSgB ; d RqP5U;U 5 dr* =e.q;:jg i:.rxis5tEo<-- ;*,i EH 3 fr$FIil A3 FF; 3- '&3o o =Fgd bggF 9! r+ =69.o c33get:!taitt o,ol o !al EI o .;l' -\> .a F o ae rlr Etll 3zo 3 5 sa$ E "aae 3raq,;3 Ocaf.l 6- a' = 6'=1;d E8=oY*odr o.d'o o d-oo f o c o oo =) o o ; o {i 6'6':'o 8.dq6-.'o(oo(,r=a9 lJO 6b's* 8qo :- !Fi $I a EIFl zc 3uo =.J(o v, U, o 3 <.N L 2 Fi!:I ;3:t ;EiAEs i?!: I r5E g E3i r;8 E;-l @,o61 o3 o ,t a qfrnR gH Ds" +> ={o!o, (Jto6 9ea 6ERX9 @6A-d- ."e:g$ 8t (, .{ -N :-8;S e JIN)qPg Pz\J b =6@o2 (-.tl L('t TOPCHORD TOP CHOBO 3 ' i ' FfigigiEEfii$igliqgui$ffEgi,g+Eg ll g; +F :s g$ 43 egn 3e ie s3Esqr'?F ;sa ';i Bg *a $g EF Eg $fl Fi $$+ ,{g *B F$ ia E$g€ FF g 'd aF = F' fiq'; 3g au$[i ia 'ig$ F[ [u$* $ #q-6-igv, OD igcEDwe Ttl,ss HO1 rrussryr t ROOF TRUSS aty 1 PIy 2 ! EDWAP,DS BUTLDNG CENnERVATLGOMMoN A U478:49 loug{on Truss Mont ose 3.3(N e s€p ZU 7CCJ Ml ' eK 'ngusqte:t, tna. Ntet, tt vY t t otEs I SrilfPSO , HUS26 r€cotrllnended to strp'r,ft @rrcenhated toad trcm numbe{s) peryendcular to ttuss atlo/intsF) 17, 12. I Reqttad beeing slze at idnt(s) 1 , 10 gnater then inryt bearing gze. oAo cAsE(s, I Lumbet lncrcase=7 -(n, Hate lncnase=1 .(n Unitom Loeds (lbs Fr A Vo*1-z=-1'80.0,'2-g:180.0, i4=390.9, +51390.9, &6='390.9, 6'7='390.9,7'8:390.9, &9:180.0,9'10-180'0' 1e11:20'0, 12-1Y43.4, 1?14:43.4, 1+15=43.4, 1u16=-ta.4, 1&17--43.4, 17-18:20.0, 1'16:20'a Concenhated Loads (lbs) Veit I 2:1 305.9, 1 7: I 305'9 11-12=20.0, ffi;;'l- A WeAUtUe - Vctifi d*ign patamcuts a READ NOI\ES ON THIS AND /dVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Dosign valid lor use only vrlth MIT€I connectors. Ihls dosign is basod only upon parameters shown, and is lor an indlvldual bulldlng componenl to be inalallod and loadec, v€nlcally. Appllcabllity ol d€aign paramolerc and prop€r Incorporation ot componenl ls aeoponslbilily of building d€sign€r - not true6 doslgner. Bracing shown i9 for laieral 6upport ol Indivldoal web membors only. Addllional temporary bracing to in8ua6 slablllty during construclion is lh€ r€sponslblllty of tho erec,tor Additional pomanent braclnq ot th9 9v€rall strucluro ls the r€gpon6ibllity ol lhe buikiing designer. Fo. g€nsral guidanco regading fabdcaton, quaiity co rol, sloraoe, d€liv6ry, or6cllon, and breing, consult OS?-88 Ouallty Sbnd.rd, DSB{g Br.clng Spacltlcdlon, .nd HIB{I Hrndllng In.trlllng.nd B6cln9 Reommrn(htion availabl€ from llu.. Pbtr In.tftuL, 583 D' Onoldo Drtv.. taadllon. wl 511719 IIlT.l hdu.lrl.., Inc. ti .A 28?cz i,ct7 ,".3 oo FI. ltt?u\> rE F o ee otn 2zo o -o = c.r,l-< 5J90doZ->v,z0 o!tn2 =oz o 00c)o=-oileE* d6 6; Xdau- =oioi g 3g*ro; ooXa id iFxt:85i6o-.<- ' l+*qB# ;E{';=< 3de.,r o* x --N9 oE :-.9R8r ga's**x R r disii :P6' S g 6 -r:.= 3 = s.'8- d'u P g.5' o*oo =qgo bg0d 9p.r+ =5gd R1 F1d-q =!8a io3 o,oa !at rlrxc,AF ;.3E d 39 g d e 39 -^' c *,+q 5 :o'6' Q-f,AO6-*ii=1;6E8: dq q ooJ l 6'o o 6-oo 6'f o oo oo ool =.coc 6' o 9_o oo (o {tf,gf)o:to 8g =8a9 !oB; 9-d 8eo E @ TItrtl aiFi sEtufi zc 3uo =.f,(o (n U, o 3 2 FiE:B ;3:i lEiais i?!r I rlE iI-.Ee =;F E;-l l\) c-€96 =R886 gi OI E io!o. !0at @.oe-{ o o a @@-=odNg 3gA9- <:":tss eff'_N)€--Jdi.s S,'8;S e:-l\)?9 ll '9 8 }-z .{ a-o, TOP CHORD TOP CHORO ;t[6gi 3i rafi $Ei EE Esi ifr E$i EE# gs$trFig *i Efr Efl F E +a ll ii '[i F*g€fi -gfgi iEi $ig ffi $* $F E *[; li I' al ag ua $g EF ag $lgi E$B ,ag 5i +g i; EgEg =u g6 eH + F' fiq*; 3g [u$$i ae 'ggg f[ sufl* $Fq-a-ja+v, EDWARDS BIJILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A Truss Type ROOF IRUSS 2 18 3xO ll 17 4x5 = 16 6x12 = 15 14 3(6tl 7x14 ,|8=6xB =ffi, 11 36ll 6xg = 6x8 \ P,ete Ofse(X,Y): n:A14,60-ol, FtCO,$2-121, P'A3-12,G2-121, [8:tI12,62-12], [10:a1-4,0-0-0]' [10:0-94,0'2-14] PLATES GRIP M20(209e) 12783 M18(189e) 10&96 Weight: 251 (lbs) DEFL (n) qoc) I/detl Veft(U) 0.44 15 869 Veft(TL) 0.55 15 695 Horz(TL) 0.13 10 n/a Min Length / LL defi = 2/t0 SPAC"VC 2-0-0 Ptates lncnase 1.00 Lumber lncrcase 1.00 R€p Shss rncr NOCoda UBC94 LUMBER BRAC"VC TOp CHORD 2 X 6 SqF-S 21OOF I .8E TOP CHORD Sheathed or +9-3 on c€ntar Pufin spacing. aoT cHoRD 2 X 8 SPFS |gfiF 1.7E BOT CHORD Figid celing ditocily epfud, ot 1a@'00 on centet bncng. WEas 2 X 4 SPF-S Stu.l 'Except' tG3 2X 4 SPF-S 16WF 1.ff, 1&8 2 X 4 SPF-S 16ilF 1.5E OIHERS 2X4HFUfrtyWEDGE Left: 2 X 4, Rleht: 2 X 4 RE CTIo/NS (hs/slz.) 1=6312/0-64 AnNt: A5-g), 10=6665tv6'10 Anprt: &r8) Max Hotz 148(bed ceso 2) Max Upfrft 1=-5840oad case 4), 1h6730oad cese 4) FORCES TOP CHORD 1-2F-12854, 2-3--lBiB, U:15337, *5:15337, $6='15337,67:15359,7-8--15359' &9--12393' 9-10--129fi BOT aHORO 1611=11483, 11-12=11483, 12-13=11066, 1:*.14=16798, 1+1FI6798, 1116=16798' 1617=11021, 17-1 8=1 1362, 1-1 8=1 1362 TVEBS 2-18=62,2-17479,117=1431,916=5204, +16=1723,&16-1764,615=196,613=1738' 7-1 3:1 7 23, & I 3= 51 77, &1 2= 1 46E, 9- I 2: tt6 4, S1 1 =63 ,VOIES 1) Z-W truss to ba connacted toget er with 10d na;ls es fofiows: Top chords connocted with 1 tow(s) at 3 inches on ciiter. Boftom chords connacled with 1 row(s) at 4 inches on centet. Webs connected with 1 mw et 6 inchas on canler. 2) Tt,b trrss ,as b een designed fot tha whd loads gen.rated by 80.0 n.p.h. winds at 25.0 laet above gnund levat, ugng 5.0 p.s.l. top chord deed hed and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord dead loed, 100.0 rilas lrcm hunicene ocaanline, on e aat6gory t inclosed bufldng, of dimf/ncons 45.o by 24.0 with exposurc c (AscE 7-93). Lumber lncraas = 1.33, Piata lncrsasa = 1.93. futh end venicars a/€ oxposed. Continued on pago 2 l.l:jet A, +U,lnNtNe - Verifi dzsign paramctzrs dad READ NOTES ON TIIIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid fof us€ only wilh MIT€k connectorg. This dosign is basgd onty upon paramelers shown, and is lor an individual building compongnl to be install€d and load€d vedicalv Applicability ol dosign parameters and proper incorlQoration ol _ _==', -ffitr*'a#iffii's,*r:iijj*{ifr *#r#frfl[,]#ffllgiml#ilfr ,'M:ruill'"il|Ifabdcalion, quality conlrol, slorage, d8livory, or8clion, and bfacing, consult OST.8a Ouallty Stand!.d, DSB89 graclnq It-I Spocflcao;,aidHlB4lHrnillngInst;lllngandBraclngRc;ommond.tlonavailablelromftulsPlatcInstltur€,-583o'lllTaklndu3lrlat, Inc, Onoldo Ddva. liladlaon. Wl 53719 =U,l-<mi5J9060 >v,z0 o2ttr2 -l =oz rfo aoooiiooooa('lfo o55'! xd6\:o 5'o -.o*Y*ju;,,'lo-'o*ol*fi+:-F6*f*ai;5n6o.<-' ;< ooc o *13Ai aPd 1Cl, (,^.b' F 6: 9 H *:ao* x -:NI ob :'=e Es+ Fe3F5ii. :86..ss 0*:iR= s'oq>a P ri,5' o*oo o =nIt--o>cctEod 9p.r+i69.41: F1oE =q8ao=ld1 o,o:l 5 s ; ='q d6-oQ =-4il4 6' c_ ; =o X1;8 ,loa,'**ti= i roo x5E =-.l +o o- ot.tl*t\> tE , o =zoO= 6' o 6-o = f o o c o oo c o o a. o rlr g,m 3zo _o {5fo6'6'fo HO O= ='x(oo aQ 6b'l='9-; Oa oc- EItIl 7 3u I F-)i B5 ; .t3l !zl hf: @ zc 3uo =.J(o U' Vr o 3 N €Ed =R688 gio- i' E {o!o. oIoat 2 Fi!: iEiiEs i*!I iige =;8 E32rn{ @CD-=@HNq 3g55 -6)o-\r.-2ES R6'^NQ-\JdiA s,'8;S edJN)?p ti 9 8Iz TOP CHOBO TOP CHORO HiF*ii ii Flg giE $$ gflf, ii gsi F$g $*FrFiF ,i iEg gl fl g $p E4 iq =Ed nisE* if if,5;F gig tE d$-€r q gil; es g 'ii Eg *F $s E$;g $[ Fi $$f, ,$E $r *[ i; E$E€ FF g6 aH + t' ee'; 3$ Auglg la 'ig6 ig I u€* ; F965*+, lob t399EDWA Truss H02 rrussrya t ROOF IRUSS atv I Plv 2 t EDWARDS BULDIiNG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U4589il Houston rnssMontose 3'300 e seP 20 1995 Mirek lrrctusnes' nc' Mon Nl tvorEs 3, SlttpSON HUS26 rcconmended to suptt concenfrated load from menbe4s) peryendcutar to truss etiainb(s) 17, 12. ,) ReqtuT,d beanng si/ze at Nnt(s) 1, 10 gee6t than inyt beaing sbe. LOAD C,ASE(S,' 1) Lumber lnqease=1 .00, Piate Inc/eas€=l .u) Unitom Loads flbs pet ft) Vett-Z--t'AO.o, 2-3--180.0, &4=-370.3, +5=-370.3, 5.6:370.3, 67--370'3, 7-8:370.3, &9:180-0, 9-10--180'0' 1G11= 12-13=-41.1,1$1441.1, 1415=-11.1,1$16=41.1,1&17411, 17-18='20.0, 1'18=20.0 . C o ncentated Lo eds (lbs) Vetl 0:360.0, I 2:1 1 33.0, 17:1 I 33.O ,v 7 7 Ut:V1.,rV 'ttXt rcgc a .20.0, 11-12=20.0, R o-5r ftq5o +( tsi:ti A WnNWe - Va.ifi lesipr oatamcats znd READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Oosign valu fo. uso o||ly with MlTsk corinectors. This dqsign is based onv upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building componsnl to bg insiall€d and loadod v€dicalv. Applixbiliv ol design pararneters and proper incorpoEtibn ot corilponont is responsibillty ol blilding designer - not tnrss dssigner- Bracing shown ls lor late.al supporl ol individual web mombsrs only. Addilional temporary bEcing to insur€ stability during construction is the responsibility of th€ er€ctor Additional p€nnanent bracing ol th€ overall struclur€ is the respoNibility ol the building d€signer. For goneral guidance regarding tabdcalion, quality control, slorag€, delivery, e.€clion, and b€cing, consult OST.0g Ouality Standard, OSB-0S Braclng Spaclflcrllon, rnd HIB€i Hrndllng Instrlllng and BJaclng Becommrndadon available from Tlua! Platc Institute, 583 D' Onotrlo Drlw. ldllon. wl 53719 I lllTck lndu.lrl.., Ino. ssio-inr-9 = ur'l-<ln{5J9cr60 surz0 o Ptllz =oz tm {rr'fi8993 eqe$aI o 6 6c(g;;o--g=o5(D; d csi=oJ*JO; il+al eudR qgfru o- -<- - rl*qs# ;Ed e F* 3 s:qii+ i.--,t.t9od :ce Re = 3a'EFs,[ gE 3qg 6 e:Pa= sB8- 5' (H-6' o o =dgd bgco ?9.rg =59.41i!O 5e =98a ;oao,op o !al EI ot,fl?a\> ro A o-z6.6) ilr IDtt 2zo I z F ioo =; Tq d 9sE; : fi3 =o Xq;3 Os'f.2da'u* d -:- a (,aD HBa o o- J 6- o oo :t o c oo oo) =lc d- o o a. o ti il3Jo s6' =of'o(ooat, =z-Ot)ooB; A'" 8qo E E]El a!Fi jil zc 3uo =. =(o (n UI o 3 2 ii!:6 3 i:i ;Eiiss i:!I s r5E g iEi =6F E;{ -to!o. (J !oo C-€sd =R{88 si E @.o61 o o o @@-=odNg 3sAe- -:'<g$ 8t dis St'8;S e_-N)q., I Ai 9 g Pz .\.| (-ol TOP CHORD TOP CHORO s+f HEiai rag eBi$B flgi i$ $giiEg $$fr#*iE ,i lFi Ei fr* aE .E i q I f g Eg[ Ea $i 'f$ t5E g[ *E$ ii flii Esfi fiflail '€1 qgf;i gi i'ai ac *e gg Eg Es $aEi t$a ,+e *g F$ ia E$gs EF gd eF + g' fiE'; 3f, Eu$[i ea 'ig$ $[ su€* $#q-d=i+v, ,b ngeowe Intss H03 rrussryr t ROOF TRUSS oty I Plv 2 ! EDWARDS BULr/'NG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458951 5x8 ll 4 sxg tl 6 6)<12= 3 (o @lo 6x8 = 't5 tz,f(6: 14 Ox12 = 13 6x12 = 12 11 5x8 = 2(4 ll f300e Sep20 1995 MiTok hdustths, lnc. Mon Nov 11o9:oz:33 79s6 t'vston Truss Montrcse ,tete OtrseE (X,V: [1tu1-8,G60], p:e2-12,G2-121, [8:G0-0,G60], [13:&2-0,G2-01' [14:G2-0'62-0] .O DiNG (t,E,'tcLL 80.0tcol- 10.0,cLL 0.0tcDL 10.0 SPAC"VG 2-o.0 Hatas lncrcase 1.@ Lumber lnc/.€,ese 1.00 Rcpsfessrrcr iroCode UBG94 cs,TC 0.66BC 0-67wB 0.86 DEFL Ad loc) vdet Ved(LL) 0.60 3 712 VeftCL) 0.75 3 570 Hotz(TL) 0.12 I n/a Min Length / LL de =240 P,J.TES M20(2W) GRIP 12783 Weight: 244 fibs) ,UMBER BRACNA top cHoRD ?X6 SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or +7-11 0n canterpu n spacing. ,oT cHoRD 2 X 6 S?F-S T|OOF 1.8E BOT CHORD Ri?id caling direcw apfied, or 1&00-co on contef b'ac,lng. UEBS 2 X 4 SPF-S Sfud 'EYcePf' 1+2 2X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E, 133 2X 4 SPF-S 18fiF 1.5E ?EACTIONS (lbs/slze) 1=$1il/t-U8, 8=355/W-r8 Max Hon 1=790oad aas€ 3) Max Ufilt 1=ng(load cas€ 4), 8=-2600oad case 4) :ORCES tOP CHoRD 1-2=-6578, 2-3=16217, ?4--7432, +5=6648, &6'-5241,67--5867, 7-8=-6637 IOT CHORD &g=58/n,9-10=5840, 1611=7248, 11-12=7248, 12-13=7248, 1914=16217, 1+15=5645, 1'15=5645 TVEBS 2-15=58, 2-14=10937, 514:2695, s13=-9697, 413=2052, U13=691, $11=151, ,10='2310' 61 0=1 568, 7-1 0=673, 7-9=82 votEs l) 2-dy truss to be connected togptherwith 10d na/"s as ffiows: Top chords connocted witt I row(s) at 6 inches on' ciiter. Bo?om chords conneded with I row(s) et 12 inches on centar. Webs connected with 1 rcw at 6 inchas on conter. ?, frris trrss ,ras !€ en deslgned tor the wind bads generated by 80.0 n.p.h. winds at 25.0 feet above grcund hw| using 5.0 p.s-t top chod daed toed and 5.0 p.s.f boftom chord d.ad load, 1W,0 zl/les from hufiicene oceanline, on e catitgory I indosed bufldng, ot dmensj/ons 45.0 by 24.0 with ex4su,€ C (ASCE 7-93) . Lumbet lnc'E,asa = 1 .33, Plete lncrcase = 1.33. futh ond v.rlicals ere exposad. idss: ffi",'T-Condnued on page 2 A WIAUNC . Vertfi dzsign paranztas atd READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design v6lid lor use only wilh ftllTgl connectors. This design is bas6d only upon parameters shown, and is for sn individual building compooent to bo install€d and loac,€d venbally. Applicability of dosign parameisrs and proper incoporation of component is responsibility ot building designer - nol lruss designer. B€cing shown is lor lat6|al suppon ot individual web memb€rs only. Additional lomporary bracing lo insure stabilaty dudng conslruction is thg responsibility ol the ereclor Addilional permanent bracing of lho overall shlctufe is the responsibility of th€ building designer. For general guidanc€ regarding fabdcataon, quality conlrcl, storag€, delivery, ereclion, and bracing, consuh OST+8 Ouality Strndrrd, OSg€ Br.clng Sp€€flcallon, and Hl$gl H,.ndllng InrLrlllng rnd Brrclng Fscommorddtlo.| avaihble lrorn llu$ Phte hstitute, 58it O' Onot lo DrlY€. lladbon. Wl 53719 IlTrk lrdurlrlrr, hc. I q/€ '.trted': $ /oNAL c; = (t,l-< 5J9o o=o vulzc, oF tltz =oz ,Tq9qog33q sE9ff o56'0R';aq:loio d d -oqR 5'li; IAsiegt+i*i tI x+< Ro.<-' ** qs # ;Ed1Ca (,*.s. E 6: Q U.!lo+ 6 ---N Q ob :@=e H+* r3*ss 6*iKi !''oP;'o R u5 o*oo =dgd dg 3g9!.r+ Eo 9.o R3 E1-E =9taa= a6aotoa v rlr !sl tt rt ,t?t\> rE ,t o -2o-O tn Pzo s ; -'q d6-o! = "q il+ -rr'' C- A =O Xq;s 0orJ.lo6'Yd= loAEBr ^oo-ooJ :t o o 6-oo o o ooJ =J o 6' o o u o a.f(o {5ro.6'6'fo I'sO= -'orbo aQ oo 6E' =='c* 8go tr EIFtl a 3u =FPl B5 i f|!lFDI rnI5fi zc 3oo =. (o (n v, o 3 TOP CHORD c{86 =RHQH 66<!1 " +>OI E Jo!o. I o -Q@-1 o3 oIalf, (t 2 Fi!*I H::i *Ellns i*!r $ rEd I EBE =;F E; 39; 68889 or6A9- -r',tEs eS'-N€*n (,!a.:-8;S s.-_t$ !^, I li ;-6 sz TOP CHORD 9 d F' 6 F = 6 P F :'r e en F !' l'r - PE > iir*ii gi affi ggg fig gEa iE ggi $Fg n*$EF$ii ,i lEg si m g3[ ia 3i *f;* nisu$ ii iu $;i 5:3 [g g* ';f g#[i ii H' ai eB ua gg EF Eg $flEi F$F ,$g *i+s ii EsEs FF g 'd e$ + $' fiEu; 3g au$[i ea 'iEF g[ gufl* $#q*=€tu, Trug€Typc ROOF TRUSS EDWARDS BUANNG CENTER VNL COMMON A U458951 e SrMpSO , H2.5 co nnectots tccomn|r,nded to connect tztss to beeing wals dua to uqtt as /r,fiows: Ona connector at Nnt(g I , 8. CASE(S, Statda/d . i.A;. .. A U,CRNINC - Vcrifi dctiga paranctcts and READ NOTES ON T7{IS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Dosiln valid lor |t3€ only wih llllgk connoctorg. Thlg d6ign ls bas€d only upo.r paramete€ shown, and i9 lor an individual buildlng componont to be inslalbd and loadEd vefllcally. Applic€bility ol d€sign parameteG and prcp€r Incorporalon ol ri.-'r componenr |B r6pon3rbrl[y ol Du ong oesEn€r - nol tn ss (tesrgngr. Bracrng shown s lor lateraiuppon of rnd&iouar weo l'llll memborg only, Addltlonal tsmporary braclng lo Insure stabilily during construction is the resporciblllty ol th€ €reclor Addilional I ll f,ffiil1'lf;il,'9*'ffffii$"1[H:,:"'H:ffil1Ti:"'",:i:Hlilli'R*PH;[il3ffi"j,S:33$J"3#ll3 lVlll sp.cmc.dofi, and HB-01 H.rdllng In.Llllng rnd Br.clng R.commdrdltlon availabd lrom lttr.a Phic In.tfiute, 5€3 D' f lTok lndurlrl.3, hc. Onotrlo lrrlw, l|.dadi, wl 5gtl9 I#iiiiej PU':.< 539o60 vurz0 o- zi =oz *It aood-=-o s996 d'3 6;g;;q+o 5'o = I a*3 *rOtn a4s =dsf+1*ii;5nEo.<-' t*qr# fE{'; ^E< 3 s*:S6+ R--*9 od :'=sBBi 3q'e*=F Q r 6'i 5 ii :8 6'sg 6 4.'8i c.'B Ro5' (6(Do =3gd 6g 3g9! a3;o9.tti!O iq =Q8ao= :dt o,oa v ilr !At ltl o 9 rt Filan\>,lFrE F o ee FEI 3zo s ; i'E d6-6Q = "iE$ =O Xq;s ,dg31;6 3taoo- :to 6'o o o f o c o oo =lc o ; oo-' @ {f 33:to 8g i.616o(tt =aQ !o 6E'l='e* 8eo E Irltrtl - ir=J\ -tt\aE I\I F\TEA'Er-rV3- tt =-35 i o!l -=-_'ElLIi zc 3o'o =. (o (n, v, o 3 TOP CHORD 2 Fi!:6 H 3:i ;EiE$s i*! d i i8i =;Fg; -{ -{o!o, (J! o c{E- =R686 !Ho- i- E @,o61 o o o oo @@-=@>r!('l()O88e @i) 5G. -\l-iff$ 8t {JJ-(r!ai-'8;S eJ-tJ C,OI\)2o co I Ez C-\t ol TOP CHORD i sl li ri ria figgggegi iigglgEg u;gE$;g{,g igg $[ [9_ ='H *o 3d 3d a tg 3; +i 3fi a es 3; *; q3 uf,$gg gf, 59 ia3 t:; g$ $$ ;f q r+a is tr' aJ EE $a ga .E$ ig $fi si Ffa ,$g $i+s i; 6sss EF g"d* s* ? g' aec= 3$ iu$[$ -a ilgF f[ g-E* # #qd-.*+u, Truss Typa ROOF TRUSS EDWARDS BUANG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458952 , -Z-tg , l&8 , 754 , 1,100 | 196s | 211{ | s}12 | 3ffi | 2.5.8 3+S /UX) At8 tffi 548 ,2j12 ,2'12 6.00FZ 7 3 9 2x4tl 1Ox16 = 2 15 2x4tl 14 6xl2 = 13 6x12 = 12 11 8x10 =,4tl 36{}0 O(8 = 1Ox1O t ofiseg (x,v: Il9-?5,0-O-Ol, t1:O-1-1/3.,A2-sl, 12:0-+8,62-121, F:oi3.8,O-+121, t8:G1-4,o!o.0],, [8:O1-4,G1-1I, [12:G0-0,c.r81,113"G2-4'42'0]' F4$-e0,a2-ol PLATES GRIP M20(209a) 127R3 Weight: 261 (lLt) DEFL (n) (lac) Ydefi Veft(Ll) 0.56 3 762 Vert(TL) 0.70 3 61 0 Horz(TL) 0.19 I n/a MinLength/Udetl=240 sPACrflG 2-O0 Ptafes/ncntase 1,00 Lumber lncrcase 1.00 Rap Sfess ,aci' A/OCode UBC91 @q E0.o 10.0 0.0 10.0 cHoRo 2x 6 SPFS 2100F 1.8E cHoRo 2 x 6 SPFS 2100F 1.8E BRAC'NA top CUOAO Shaathed ot l-ri on centet pufin sPacing' BOT CHO RD 1 -1 5:c.&!0, I + 1 5:6-9i0, I * 1 4:&CO, 1 2'1 3:63'0' 1 1'1 2:6?0' 10-1 I :63-0, 9'1 0:e.3'0, eg:&W. WEAS 1 Row at midqt ,10 2 Rours at t3 Pts :,-.13 2 X 4 SPFS Stud 'Ercepf 1+22X4SPF-S165p,F 1.5E, 1U 2X 4 SPF-S 165p,F t.sE, 2 X 4 HF IJW 'Excapt' wGL2XSHF 13gF 1.3E Lefi:2X8,Right:2x4 1$32X4SPF-S 165p/F 1.58 1&.62X4SPFSNo.3 4bstlize) l=/t&it?.&O AnWt o.rq, 8=356210-7-1 (nput: G&g) Mex Hotz 1=lnqoed cese 3) Max Urtft 1:310(toad casa 4), 8--2610oad caso 4) CHORD 1-2:66tt6, 2-3--10510, i4=U36, +5..5757, 16:4936, &7:5524' 7-84587 CH?RD &s=5836, $1G5836, 10-11=5912, 11-12=5912, 12'13=5912, 1&14=10510, 1+15=5833' 1-1*5833 2-15=78, 2-14=5261, &14:2304, s134990, +13=17E4, ,13:215, ,11=111, ,10=-1351, 610=1499' 7-10=-1010. 7-9=103 tEs fris trrss tas Deer deCgned tor the find bads g€neretad by W.O m.p.h. winds at 25.0 ts,at sbove gmund levd, using 5.0 p.s.t. top chotd dead k,ad end 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord cteed load, 100.0 nfles ftom hunicana oceennne, on e oat6gory f indosea butdng, olfimendons /t5.0 by 24.0 with exposrr. C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber lncrcase = 1.33, Ptata lncr.esa = 1.33. Both end wrlkars ate exposed. S/IMPSON H2.5 conn.doB reco'mn ended lo oonnocl trrss to beeing wans du6 to uplift as ffiows: One connector at loh,t(s) 1,8. Requircd beeing siza et lcint(g 1, I geater than Input beaing gza. '.$ 'd:',.... ""., ". t.1, :t]$j;,Ii A WAntqUC - Veifi dzsign parametets and READ NOTES ON T HIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFOR| LISL. D€sign valid lor us€ only wi$ MlTak connoclors. This design is bas€d only upon param€lers shown, and is lor an individual buildlng componenl to be installod and loaded vgdically. Applicability ol design panmet€F and proper incorporatrcn ol --'i lt*fr--:-ltlni',i;r,-ir"iF,"u*dr,rit[tl-ifi+*itmsl{fr ,'ffi dii*-ttllabrication, quality confol, slo6go, delivery, ereclion, and b€cing, consult OST{a Ouallry S'trndard, OS&89 Braclnglabricatiirn, quality control, slo6go, delivery, ereclion, and bracing, consult OST{a Qually Strndrrd, Dtt&89 Braclng ItIr Spacltlcrtlon, rnd HIB€i Hrndllng ln.trlllng.Dd Brlclng R€comm.ndldon availablo lrom l+ur! Pl6t.In3tltuto, 58:l O lllTak lndualflaf, InC. Onolrlo Odvc. Mrdllon. Wl53719 =.nl-< 5J9o6oZ-vurzI o3lnz =oz {*oooA i q- 3 q 4q996: o d 6I,Qxa;qg=o5(D x g 3s Ii$x :g t* qgFu o<-' *r, qB # ;Bd'1C., rr*AF6': 9u.:ao* d -:NI o6 :-'Q F+* d:ieg' 6 A.'3i g'EB P9.5 6(Do o =d*o\tts,E90 9! rg Eogdci =gq-d!. =!8ao=l-1o,ol I !sl E t .fla-\> rE F o a; ilr Ett 2zo o 5 I9 s ; ='E 6 *=E* q3a| Otar dg3 ecaita r o o o ooo of o o -oc oo o 5'coc d' o o ct oq.)(o €i 33Jo 8d' =.8(oovr=aQ DO B;:c* 8eo E I1El aiFi f|!ltrDI'f,I5fi zc 3oo =.:t(o v, Vr o 3 2 Fi!:I n 1:t iEIiEs i:! E iiae =;Fq'l t; c=86 =R898 Add- I- = -lo!o, r (r,!l L', t, @.o;{-{o3 oIoIto @ c..1 (tt @@-=@dEg 3gAe_ i:'<$$ eQ (r\rA:-8;S e__tscroN) 20 @ b 6@c) 2 TOPCHORD TOPCHORO I l* ;i li al$ igggiagi iggglgg$ u;$ff ;Eg,i *gg gg g E$H 3;i$ 3E 'IE ai ia $g -giEg $g Fi F$a F$g 5i i[ ie E$gE EF Ed eF =r F- f;e'; 3g guH[i ea 'iEE fg guA* $ #qaj€+v) 1 ,b pgEDWA Iruss H05 TrussType ! ROOF TRUSS ary 1 Ply I ! EDWARDS BIJILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458953 lous/'on Truss Montose 11 6x8 = 4 12 11 6x12 =6xB = 3.3W e seP ZU 7993 MII eX 'nOUsArgS, tnc. M.m tvev ' t v'.r 4x5 \ 7 (o @lo 7x12 = 2 14 2x4tl6x8 = 8x8 a p:698,er12],[8:o.1-4,eo.o],p:a1.4,$1-1I'[11:6$o,6uE],t1g92.4,o-2-o] oAuMo (ps' I sPAcrrvo 24-o'cLL 80.0 | Plates lncrease 1.00'cDL 1o.o I Lumber tncraase 1.oo ICLL O.0 | Rep Sttess ,ncr NO \CDL 10.0 | Coda UBG94 cs'TC O.EEBC 0.72wB 0.97 DEFL (n) qoc) Ud6fl vaft(LL) 0.43 3 999 Veft(TL) 0.53 3 803 HotzOL) 0.17 E n/a MinLangth/Udefl=240 PIATES GRIP M20(20ga) 127/93 Weight: 2U (lb€) .UMBER BRACING 'op cHoRD 2X6SPF-S 2100F 1.8E TOP CHORO IOTCHORD 2X6SPFS21OOF1.8E BOTCHORD YEAS 2 X 4 SPF-S SA,d 'ExcePP 1?2 2X 4 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E, 12-3 2 X 4 SPF-S 165p.F 1.5E WEBS 12-4 2 X 4 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E )rHERS 2X4HF lW'Exce4' wGL2X6 SPF-S 1650F 1.8 VEDGE Left:2X6, Right:2 X 4 E C ONS (bslsae) 1=tn0rv$0 Anprt: o.rq,8=3563tu7'1 Anput: 0-3'8) Max Hotz 1=100(had case 3) Max Uplift 1--310(load case 4), E:261(load casa 4) roRcEs .OP CHORD 1-2--6374, 2-3--8257,3{:5596, 45.-5006, A6--4564, 67--5108, 7-8:64o8 ,OT CHORD &9=5686, 9-t0=5686, 10.11=4954,11-12=4954, 12-13=8257, 1X14=5631, 1-1+ ryEBS 2-14=98, 2-1343A6, 913:19U, g1?-3598, 412=15U, t12=106, ,10:795' 7-9=123 VOIES l, ITris truss tes be en designed lot the wind loeds generated by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 het a) 5.0 p,s,t top chord cleed load and 5.0 p.s.f bofrom chord daad toad, 100.0 miles from hunbanc category t andosed buwing, of dmensions 45.0 by 24.0 wtth exfr,surc c (ASCE 7'93). Lunl Ptate lncre.aso = 1.33. Both and venicars ate oxposed. l) STMPSON H2.5 conn€dots locor/flr€nded to connact truss to beadng walls due to upfrt as fol Nnt(s) 1, E. ,) Req,rircd beaing gze ettrnnto) 1, 8 greaterthan inPut beaing si.a. i.OAD CllsE(S/ Standard sheathed or 2-16 on centar pudin spaclng. 1 -1 4:6.3-0, 1 3-1 4:e.3.0, 1 2-l 3:&?0, 1 1'1 2:&.3.0' 9-10:63-0. &9i&30. 1 Row at midpt ,10, 167 2 Rows at 113 ds 3-12 ,5631 &10=1395, 7-10:1258, ,ow ground lev€|, ugng I ocaanfrne, on a pr lncrease = 1.33, lows: One connactor at 1At1:&.&'0. r*,s'HL_h A WrlnNmC ' Wify dzsigt paraneters and READ NOT ES ON THIS AND REI/ERSI. SIDE BELORE LtsE. Dosign valid tor u36 only with MIfd( conn€clors. This design is based oally upon parameteE shown, and is lor an individual ::lll;:?"""1T3:tr'll*,ffJ:l1'ff#Jfffi::lli1[:1%"Jffi:ly,"j":f,Tl','ffT,:i,"",::,'j:ffi:[fffi',1llil11". tllmembgG only. Addili,onal tempo€ry bHcing io insure stabilily during const(rction is the lesponsibility of the €r€ctor Additional permanentbfacing of the overall strucluro is lhe responsibility ol lhe building dssign€r. For general guidanc€ r€garding tabrication. qualily contrcl, storage, dolivery, 6€ction, and bracing, consult OST-OA Ouallfy Standlrd, DSB{g Braclng Spoclllc{tlo;, a;d HIB-91 Hrndllng Inltalllng and Braclng R;ommondatlon availablo lrom ]}uss Plato Instltute, E83 D' HlTak lndurlrlce, Onolrlo Drlvc. Madbon. Wl 53719 lnc, = (t,l-< 6J3o60 surzE' o2n!z{ :!o2 r+!(fO.)o i'i'ooooa.'!lf,o o 6'dos;;q =oio;6 ee F5 3; 3 aPitd =5?x?'4 as6 tt*3Fj ePj;=< 3t: &34 1;; Fl+ Fs 3F 5 ii :P 6' fr3 s#b9' ."8Fo o =s9iibggF 9p.rg =6gd Ri F1dqt9 8ao= :-ao,oa o !sl F o .illxt\> tt! xl o -2oO rlr EEI !zo 9 -o ttlF ;-Ed *98 a e39 -"; c A =o X*,'6:6'6' E-g iz;d E8=0q IoAr f 6' o o :t o oo o oo) =f o .\_ o rl -' @ {5 33Jo BgO= ='5(oo a9 EO B;:a='C-d 8so - {= $si=, = v -lll[._d@ t ' jEf 3 z C 3oo =.a(o U's v, o 3.{ q ot 2 Fi!: l;iiEs i:!l 5 rEd r EEi =;g b= =- c€s6 =R8Q8 Eb<!l- ;> E o!o. o!o(, @,o o3 o U) co@-=@dEs 3gA9- <:" =ss sFo!-- X(r!a:'8;S e!rN)?9 tl 9 8oPz TOP CHORO TOP CHOFD @ .6 ; .6 F = F e !o :., e !r, 5 s.' |.) .- pF b ilg€ii ii fl*t asi gs afiE ifi [grig' $+i #$ig ,i lFg El I E+$ gF g$ sff F3g gg -i$ i3 qii gsfi nilEH 'cq F qfr3 sg o 'IE iE ia gg -E$ Eg $$ Fa F$fl F$g 5g F$ ie E$iE gF g ,d eB" 'r g' fil *; 3g Es gli ia r*gg g[ q r€* ; #q-sj€+u, tob 399EDWA fruss J01 Tnssrype ! ROOF IRUSS atv 10 Ply I t EDWARDS BULANG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U/'58954 oaslbn lruss Monlose ' 3.300 e Sep ZO 1995 MtfaK lndustaes, nc. , -24{l | 1.11-11 | 2.o0 t- l'l-'l'l MOn NOV'l ' UY:V4.11 TJvo r T I YI9l-l qrl9l , l.ll-11 1-l l-l I LOAD,NA 0,€.0rcLL 80.0rcDL 10.0SCLL 0.0 ECDI- 10.0 SPACTTYO 2+l) Platas lnc'P,as€ 1.00 Lwrber ln €es€ 1.00 Rop Srress rncr A/OCode UBG94 cs,TC 0.03BC 0.02wB 0.00 (Mafix) DEFL Ail (bC) Vett(LL) 0.00 1n Veft(TL) 0.w 1n Hon(TL) -0.00 2 tulln Length / U del, = 2tK) Ydetl 999 999 a P'ATES M20(2W) Weight: 13 (lbs) CR'P 12783 LUHAER TOPCHORD BOTCHORO REACffOlYS FORCES TOP CHORD BOTCHORD ,rorEs 2X6SPF-S 16ilF 1.8 2 X 4 SPFS 16WF LE. (lbs/stzo) 1=51 2tu5q g=laAgA, 2=13&Vrg Max Hotz 1=-180(loed case 5) Max Udltt 1=-480oad cass 3), 2=-30(loed casa 3) 1-2=-75 1-3=0 BRACING TOP CH9RD Sheethod or 6.0-0 on center Prfin spacing. BOT cHoRD Risid ceiling &r.ctly a$ed, or 1o004o on c€n|€,r bracing. t, D,ts trrss ,ras D een chocked for unbalanced loedng confitions about i6int 2. 2J lrl's tr.rss has D een designed tor the wind loads geiented by 80.0 m.p.h. wlnds at 25.0 leet abow ground levet, using 5.0 p.s.L toP chod dead load and 5.0 P.r bottom chord dead 61ad,1OO.O nflas lrom hunicina oceanfne, on a citegory ! enctosed buflding, ot frrnensions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposurc C (ASCE 7'93). Lumbar lncrease = 1.33, Plete lncrease = 1.33. Both and vefticals a/B exposod, 3) S/MPSOA/ H2.5 connectoB ncnmm1nded to connect ttuss to beaing walls duo to uqtfr as toflows: Ons connactor at ioint(s) 1, 2. lollD CllSElS, Standad ffi-uattn A WanUUe - Vaify design parameters and READ NOTES ON I'HIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid lor use only with MlTak connectoF. This design is ba6€d only upon parameters shown, and i6 for an individual building component to b€ inslalled and loaded venically. Applicability ol design parameters and prop€r incleoration of componont is fesponsibility ol building d€oignor - nol lruss dosignor. Bnclng shor,/n is lor lateral suppod ol individual web t mombors only. Additional tsmporary bhdng lo insure stability during constn ctjon is the responsibilily ot lhg erector Addition"l I pormanont br&ing ol thg overall stnrturo ls lh€ responsibility ot lhe building designer. For genelal guidance r69ardin9 |labrication. qualily control, slo.ag€, d€liv€ry. €reclioo. and bncing, coftult O{iT-86 Ouality St!nd!.d, DSB-89 Eraclng f Sp.cflc.don, and Ht&91 Hrndllng lmt ltlng .nd Bnclng R.corn.roodatbn ava abb ftom ftu!. Pl.te Instituto, 583 D llTak Onoftlo orlvc. adlson. Wl53719 hdutlrl.., 8ll5:/ i .,- u#,gj fcJ6;lL P CN'l< 5J9o o=o vurz0 o3tltz =oz tm {*'R! 9o..)iqt'3q\oooaq-;;qj o 6'6oqs;;q :1 =o i'o x g 3S 3 ifr3ld =saFd* ig ;.- *1 :Eg ETi Yo.* X --No od :'=o e+a g3$ A3 sF;g* ,$ro =8gd;g 'dFQ! Fg;ogq -t =get =98a:t+ o,o+ o !Fsltn o 5 .'ltiF\>ro - o AE s g+E # egE a eB9 -rr'' C i =O {q;s Q-f,/.o6.Y a'=1;d E8=.d9coo- rlr Itm !zo ) 6' o 0-oo o:t o o -o oo o =) o 6- o o o o 5' t5 33Jo s6' a3 a-O-i) !o B;: =-'e* 8so E 5tEt i {=t\-t\as l-,\ a! .(\ Id 1-,-?-h/ z B5 i o!l "*lLIi zc 3oo =.f(o vt v, o 3 LN {o\,o.4(J I,oC' c 2 Fi!:s *::l ;EEigs i*! E iiae =;F b3 -.n €86 =RF8a !io- i- E (I'@-=r@dNg 3gao.t--\l- =8s eS'^N)o-n (, '-J \ :-8;S e!-1\)P9 H :I o 2 TOP CHORD TOP CHORO q s- E 6 F ; F P e :'l s s'' 5 !' t., :p]b i+st.eiai ra; 3gi s; gsi i; igx i$$ $ig#$ig ,fl iF$ gg fr; +F '' '* g35 f EF gf, alfi ry f,fri [[; =*f,ss 's[ F aE3 Fi q 9; $f, i3 ;i =F3taF ?[ "g$ E*,aE;;; :i $$ ;d q $se is a' ai ac *a $g EE Eg $flFi $Fe ,tg $i $$ ie Eggg gF ga eH = F'tq'; 3g E; $$1 ea'iEg Fg [';* g#q*5:+u, ob gggEDWA Iruss J03 rrussType t ROOF IRUSS av 5 Pty I t EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458955 dustias, lnc. = -r+o I 111-ll I2+0 31 1-11 I 311-11 | 11t-ll Mon Nov 11 09:02:45 1996 Pagc Isfor Iruss Morl|'oso T TI9l*l tqt9l-o 6.01llz :oADfic(F0tcu 80.0tcDL 10.0)cu 0.0lcDL 10.0 sPAC'tG 2+0 Ptetos rrrcrsase 1.00 Lufi|,bf,r lncE,es€ 1.00 Repslrassrrcr i/OCode UBC94 cnTC 0.24BC 0.08wB 0.00 (Mattx) DEFL (n) (loc) Veft(LL) 0.01 1n Veft(TL) 0.01 1/3 Hotz(TL) -0.00 2 Mln Length lU defl = 2tK) Ydall 999 999 n/a P,,ATES GRIP Mneaga) 127R3 Weight: 21 (lbs) LUMAER BRAC/NE rop cHoRD 2x6 spF-s 165p/F1.# TOP CHORD Sh'ethed or 6+0 on centef Pun sPacing. goT cHoRD 2 X 4 SqF.s 1650F I .# BOT CHORD Ridd celing drecly appf/ed, or 10-&N on center bndng. REAC'IOTVS (|[.sftize) 1=71?fi-r8, 3=36,i&&8, 2=316tVrE Max Hon 1--180(load cas6 5) M.x UNft 1=-55(load casa 3), 2=-63(load ceso 3) FORCES TOP CHoRD 1-2:157 8OT CHoRD 1-3=0 tnotEs t) It,'s tuss ,ras b een chackad lor unbdencod hadng conffins ebout iohtt 2. d,p fns Uuss las O ean destgaed fot tha wind toads gaiented by 80.0 n.p.h. winds at 25.0 leet above gmund tevet, using 5.0 p.s.t. top cho'd dead loed and 5.0 P.s bottom chord dsad 61ad,1@.0 nfles tom hunicine oceanfinl, on a citagory I enclosed buitding, ot dimenstons 45.0 by 24.0 wtth ex@surc C (ASCE 7'93). Lunber lncrcase = 1.33, Hate lrrc/'"ese = 1.33. Eoth end vetlicab an axposed. C) SIMPSON H2.5 connecy'.o.E t€cottlntmded to connect truss to baadng wetrs due to upfrfi as fotrows: One connedor at Nnt(s) I , 2. LOltD C/lSEls, Sfendad _#,ffii"ft A WqRN 'tC - Vrifi dzsign parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND RE\ERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. O€sign valid for us€ only with illTok connectors. This d€sign i6 bas€d only upon paramol€rs shown, and i6 lor an individual building co.npon€nt to b€ install€d and loadod vodically. Applicabilily ol d6sign paramstors and propef incorporalioo of component is responsibility of building designgr - not fuss de6ign6r. Bracing shown is for laleral support ol individual web mombgrs only. Additional tompo€ry bracing lo insur€ slability durino constrlcllon is the rgsponsibility ot th€ erector Addilional permanent bracing ol th€ overall slructure is th€ r€sponsibllity ol the building design€r. For g€noral guidanco rogarding labricalion, quality conlrol, storag€, d€liv€ry, ereclion, and bracing, consult OST.8A Oulllg Standard, DS+89 Braclng W;i:e Sp€ctfleatlon, and HlB.91 H.ndllng Inlt.lllng lnd Braclng Fgconm.ndrtlon availablo from ltu!! Plat6 Instftut , 583 O' [lTak lnduSltlat, lnc. Onolrio D v.,l{Edl.on, Wl53719 oo \ lllfrt\> YE F o-zoo l!!n =zo 3 HH *g fiilr ?=, 'gn"Y3d I * at9$d 6 'ii;g E IABi E aE t* ggfru o.<-' qB i ;efrFi 3diq6* R--'o *+F ii Ied 6 4.5sd "FE._ 5' o*oo o =F9d>qocso 9E;+i6go 33 E1d-g =!8a ;oa o,o* !st tt rlrA ; i'E d-iE$ 1;8Osrf ,ag3 Eqiit6.r Jo 6'o o ooo f o ooc oo o f =f c 6- og o a.a(o {i il3fo sdq6' a3 e9ooB; 9-d 8qo 5 EIFI a t2ar=J\ JsI\aI *\I9a/78l-ryEsl/ r .: rd,(93 3il a L -.1o! Q-rGt !oo , 2 Fi!:i ilIFs i*!: S rlii g EEi =fEg; -t zc 3(t o =.:l(o <t, U, o 3 {s6 =R688 !io- i'i 9Qa 688tse @$ao.9ss ia'^N€-nvJ.(,.\,AY8;S e__N(, o l\) 20 @ : 8c0o2 IOP CHORD TOP CHORD i1*6Fi $i flg6 rEi $g Egi af Egi iEg $Eg ;a =l$ ii ,eF €i F e $g EF is eF F5$ af; *g$ l+ iEl gii 'ilfl Ei u;l E i[E sF a 'ae Eg $i $F EF ;g $fl Fi F$fl ,$g $r i$ fi EfrEs FF g d aB + *'EE*;3g gu$ffi aa'ig$ r[ s'A* $#g-d=++u, EDWARDS AIJILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A T114,s6 Type ROOF TRUSS 6.0l F2 PLATES M20(209a) Waight: 16 qbs) DEFL 0n) (oc) Ude V6tt(LL) 0.01 t3 999 Vert(TL) 0.01 t3 999 Hotz(TL) -0.N 2 nla Min Length/Udefl=240 sPAcrrvc 2-0-0 Hates lncrcese 1.N Lunbetlncreese 1.00 Repsfrssrrcr A/OCode UBG94 LUMAER BRACING TOp CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 16gF 1.8 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 60-0 on cantar pudin sPecing. cHoRD 2 X 4 SPF-S 16fiF 1 .8. BOT CHORD Rigid ceftng dinc0y ap4ed, or 104GOO on center bncing. (lbsrbhe) 1=361/O&8, 3=37/V?E, 2=32ttt$5-a Max Hotz 1=69(load caso 3) Max Upfrtt 1=-7(load case 3), 2:64(load case 3) Max Vett 1=387(toed case 5), 3=37(load casa 1), 2=324(load case 1) CHORD 1-2:158 CHORD 1-3=0 ,volEs t) Dris trrss tas been checked lor unbalenc€d loadng candilions about idnt 2. 2i 7rs truss tras b.en designed lor the wind loads generated by 8O,O n.p.h. winds at 25.0 teat above grcund leval, using 5.0 p.s.l. toP chod dead load and 5.0 boltom chord daad toad,loo.O nites Aom hunicane oceantia, on a category t endosed buflding, ot dimensions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposuQ C (ASCE 7'93), Lumb lnar?,ase = 1.33, Plate lnarcase = 1.33. Both end vefticars ara exposad. 3) STMPSON H2.5 connectots 'E,commended to connect truss to beaing watls dua to upttt as fohws: One connector at Jdnt(s) I , 2. LOAD C/lsElS, Stende|id ;i.:i,s A U,lIJJtlrc - Vctify dzsign parametets and READ NOTES ON |'HIS AND REV'ERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Dosign valid lor uso only with MlTok connoctot€. This design is based only upon param€teF shown, and is for an individual building componontto be installod and load6d venically. Applicability ol design parametors and proper incorporation ol componont is responsibiliv ol building designer - not truss dasigner. Bracing shown is lor lateral supporl of individual w€b membors only. Additional lomporgry bracing lo insur€ stabilily du/ng construction is the responsibilily ol lho erector Additiooal pormanent blacing of tho oveiall stnrctrrs is ths respor'tsibility of tr boilding designer. For general guidanco regarding labtuation, qualily control, sto.agp, d€liv€ry, €reclion, and bracing. consult OST-88 Oual[y Standard, DSB{!' Bracing Sp.clflcttlon, and HlF91 H.nalhg Inslrlllng.nd Br.cing RacoomGndatlon availabl;from Truss Pl.t€ lnstitute, -5811 o' lllTrk Indufltlea, Inc. Onolrlo Orlv€, lradllon, Wl 53719 =U'l-< 6J9060Z->qtzc' o =tnzi =oz {,+'*!(,o..J i56-5io!oooao3;Aq EF99""Y=o 5'o x g *g H; REe.q;i*; =!-rd* 1*=i;5nEo.<-' *{,qB; ;Bd';:< 3s: 9 ob :'.sp.6 r q i0'*3* i'5*F 5 ii !49 * ^ * t =;au o P. -- *i go*Q' ;o E si5' o*oo =8go>us, g.oo 9v eg-o 9.4cj!O dqr! 8ao=i61o,oa v !Fsllll rt F .tnIF\>\-tF F o a6 t,n =zo ilr5 ; i'E d6-69 = "qH4 3F{q;8 As') 'lo6'Yd= 8tr:d9goo- ao 6'o o 6-o =o f o oo oo ol =fc o o o o.)(o t5JO6'6':to 8g =.xlx a9 71 -6b*5':t ii 8q ]. TItrll I a=<\ IE t-\! *\[stazE{fvi -ta.g i^ 613/t jEl t z C 3 cto =. (o u', ur o 3 TOP CHORO 2 Fi!:6 n 3:! *Eiigs i*!r i rld g iBE =fH b3i- LNf nR eH<!1 " +> =d !o. faJo U' t!,o;i--{o3 o a (, (-.{ @@-=@dNg 3gA9' <:" =s$ 8Fs:: d8;S eJII!(, o t\) I 8@Pz Ot TOP CHORO lt[€gi gi s*F FEigi {gi ;fi lsisEg $$si$ Er# ,i iEF €f, F g+F ae +i -aE ;rE €F ,F; iF aEE gqE iilea 'i[ q3[i 5i t 'ai Ec *a $F gF EE $eFi g$B -$g *$ ia Efrg€ FF g 6 es" + g' Eq*= 3g au$[a ae 'ig$ i[ q'fl* $ #q-;--€tu, Truss Typ ROOF IRUSS EDWARDS BUILDTNG CENTER VAIL COMMON A 6.01liz PLATES GR'P M20(209.) 12783 Welgl,t: 30 (bs) DEFL (tn) qoc) Ydett V€tt(LL) 0.04 1t3 999 VedFL) 0.06 1f3 999 Hotz(TL) -0.N 2 rda MinLength/tIdelt=240 SPAC/VO 2-AO Hates lncnaso 1,00 Lumbar lncrcas' 1.N) Repsfess/rcr i/OCode UBG94 (ps0 u.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 BER ARAC'A'O cHoRD 2X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0.0 on center pnfn spacing. CHORD 2X 4 SPF-S t65OF t.sE BOT CHORD REid ceiling drectly appfied, or TOWOO oncenter bft&rg. qbsl.ize) 1=912t$i8, 3=5&tr38, 2=49&t0-rg Max Hotz 1=-180(load casa 5) Max UNt 1:61(had case 3),2=-96(load case 3) foP cHoRD 1-F237 cHoRD 1-34 t, Iris trrss rras been checked for unbdanced loedng condtions eboutjoint 2, 2) THs tuss hes been d*rigned lor the wlnd toads g.nented by 8o.O m.p.h. winds at 25.0 faet above gnund level, using 5.0 P.s.L toP chord daad loed end 5'0 bottom chord dead toad, IOO.O niles trom hunlcane ocaan[ne, on a catagoty I enclosed buflding, ol dimensions 45.0 by 21.0 with expsure C (ASCE 7'93). Lumbar lnc|€ese = 1.33, Plate lncrease = 1.33. Eoth end ve,licab ard exposad. SI/MPSON H2.5 connectors ncommonded to connect truss to beaing wals due to ufifl as hllows: Ons connector at toint(s) 1, 2. IOAD C/ISE(S, s'andad ffi?,$ A UenNWe - Veify &sign paramems and READ N()TES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE IISE. Dscign valk for tiso only rviih rlgk connectots. This design is basod only upon parameters shown, and is lor an irdividual buildlng cornponent to be insialled and load€d vsnrcally. Applllability ol design parameters and pror|er incorporaton ol -rrn r co.npon€nt is responsibility ol building designer-nor truss design€r. BEcing shown i6 lor lateraisuppon ol i;dNidual web llll <memb€rs only. Adlitional temporary bEcing to insure sliability during construclion is the rosponsibilrty of the erector Additaonal p€manent bBcing ol th€ overall slructure is the responsibility ol lh€ building d€signer. For gen€ral guidanc€ regarding labricalion, quality conlrol, storage, delivery, ereclion, and bracing, consult OST{8 Ouallty Siandrrd, DSB-88 Bracing III- Spocltlc.llon, rnd HIB-91 Handllng Inrtrlllng 6nd Braclng lleconnandrtlon available lrom llu.s Platc In.thute, -583 D' lllTak lnduflrlcr, Inc. Onol lo D vo. [hdi8on, wl5:]719 P U,'l<5J3u60Z-vvrzI o =tnz =oz q9go dEs*d33;g;;o*- =o 5 (D i 9 3e*ro;?:oj'q+o: is da:*{a5nEcL<' *1qB; ;Bd'e=* 3di Q oU :'=o BF;= 9a'ER=X RJdi 5 ii" :P 6'Sg 6 e:-' 8 i s.'B d.U P q 5 o*oo =896',>g ga 0! r+ =5gdIt =ge!. =!ta ;.;l o,ot rt ! 5l EI rtt.ilia\> tE E o ae EF Ezo o ills *oo =; ='E dd-o!= "i-+4 ut r_; =o Xq;3 Oror;o6'-*d =ils: d_q q o6.r )od'o o =o o oo oo o l j o s. oo (o {5:'o6'5'Jo 8gOx t^=a9 ool='e-; 8eo E tsllEl IFFi :il: zc 3oo .i-.f,(o v, U, o 3 TOP CHORO 2 FiE: iii;ss i*!r i rId g EEi =f;F E3Z,n c(-{s6 =R684 E{o- i' F @,o o3 o 0!o, +qJ(J Io(t, @@-=rOdNg sgsG-:FS 8Fol-" X(,.-r.N.Y8;S eJ-N)(, 'O N) 20 @ : 8@ z ..1 q TOP CHORO @ 6 F -" F = 6 P P :.' e t, l'' !, to .-Fd s *'--i *i ''u?Eis4 *s[ afi [g[i*$ *gi #$iE ,i lF$ EI 'e gr ge ii 'ia e5c Er uee 3* i;l ast r;*; '€i q sgi si a 'ai ai *e ee EE Eg $e Fi ta+ -ag Fe $l F; gfrgg FF g d aH + F' aq'; 3g Au$gi ia 'iEg ig IuE* $#s-o-5+tv, tob B.gEDWA Truss JOSA Trussrype ! ROOF IRUSS aa 2 Ply ,, I EDWARDS BULANG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U45895E $on rruss Morlroso 3,WU e JgP ZU 1 YJJ Mt ' eX 'nSUSI,OS, 'na. F tll-ll I 111.11 6.0l FZ t t11-11 , t11-11 MOn TYQV ,, vt.va.., | ,.tv rcg. T I ol 9t-l Ilq't31 .OADNO0LT0tcLL a).0tcDL 10.0,CLL O,O,CDL 1O.O SPAC"C 2-$0 Ptefesrnc/ease 1.00 Lumber tncrcase 1,00 Rep Slrass ,ncr NoCoda UBC-94 c{i,TC 0.64BC 0.19wB 0.00 (Mattix) DEFL (n) (oc) Ydelt Vert(LL) 0.04 ln 999 Veft(TL) 0.06 1/3 999 Horz(TL) -0.00 2 ,r/a Min Length / LL den = 240 PI.ATES AR//P Mne0ga) 127n3 Weight: 23 (lbs) .I"I'BER BRACING-op cHoRD 2 X 6 SPFS 16fiF 1.# TOP CHORD Sheathed or GGo on center prfin spacing. tOT CHOP,D 2 X 4 SPFS 16fiF 1.#. BOT CHORD Rkid ceitring drccry eppled, ot 1&.A040 on centet bncing. ?H C7T,ONS ('bs/stze) 1=552DU8,3=56rtFlS, 2=4g6t}-rl Max Hotz 1=1040oad casa 3) Max UNft 1=-12(load cese 3), 2:96(load case 3) Max veft 1=5940oad casa 5), 3=560oad case 1), 2=496(oad casa 1) :ORCES 'OP CHORO 1-2=-237 IOT GHORD 1-3=0 ,orEs l,l 7tr6 tuss ,res b€ m clrecked tor unbdenced ha&rg condtions about jcint 2. y Ttrs fzss lras De en designed for the wind toeds gene'€ted by 8O.O m.p.h. winds et 25.0 feet abow gfiund level, using 5.0 p.sf. toP chord dead bed end 5.0 p. botom chord dcad bad,1OO.O nfles Aom hunicane oceanfrne, on a categoty I enctosad buit&ng, of dmensions 45.O by 24.0 with exrysu€ C (ASCE 7'93). Lumbet lnc/",es. = 1.33, Plate lnc,Ease = 1.33. Both end vetws arc exposed. D SIMPSON H2.5 connec1lo|€ recommended to connect truss to beaing wals dua to udift as fobws: One connector et hint(s) 1 , 2, .OAO CASErS) Stenderd f$'zi.$ lllTfk Indurlrl.r, Inc. A w,sI-NtuC - Veify daigt paumctcts and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFOM USE. Design valid for use only with Mllok connectors. This design is bas€d only upon pa.ameters shown, and is lor an individual building compon€ol lo be inslallod ar|d loaded vedically. Applixbilliy ol design pararnelers and proper incorporalion ol componsnl is r€sponslblllty of building d€signer - not lruss d€signsr. BEcing shown is tor latoral support ol individlal web memb€rs only. Addiliooal tempo.ary b.acing to insuro slabilily during construclioo as lhe responsibility ol thg erector- Additional perrnan€nt b€clng ol the ownll slructule is the responsibility ol th€ building designer. For goneral guidance regarding fubdcalion, quality control, slorage, d8livery, er€ction, and bfacing, consult OST{8 Ouality Slandard, DSB-89 Braclng Spec lcrtlon, dnd HlE41 Hlndllng Inatalllng and B|€clng Rccomhcndatlon available lrom ltuaa Phta Instltute, 583 D' Onot.io Orlv.. adlton. Wl 5:1719 I ffi ilsiri'Nile) oo . tlra-\> tE *, o -2oo Eltt =zo o 9 P(/'l.< 639o60 9' ulzc, oa hz oz tm. {*'88333 :oooaa.1;;q Ei338Y=o5(D ft3fr:[4si-; =\eFd*Ir=iI =x9d€ ', =8go 6g 3go! r+ =6gd3t F1 d- !. =!t6',.:r eo3 o,oF *{,Rdi fp.PXo 6 b O =ac(/, b*.ts'6;= o lx x I od :-.e RB I 9aE**x R r d'FSii "-9* o d ;;-5:ax _*i !'ffP;o R ii.j to* o o d' oo o J =fc c 6- o o o o 9. (o t5fod' 6',fo 8.9'xorO(oour=aQ DO 6b =i'e-d On o I !Fst illxarsF arE d FSgd e39 3Fqq;3 Q-r.lo6Yd=1*dqH=oY!l ooJ rl -t t !t- t\={nt\l ira\f E F>F{rvE B5 i 61rl!:DI rrrIbfI zc 3oo =.f,(o v, v, o 3 2 Fils6 3 3:l lEiiis i*! E I i8 E 5;8 E;-t <. N C-€86 =RRQX EX<v- ;> E Jo.lt o. (Jtov, TOP CHORO TOP CHORD @,o;-{--{o3 I u, <-.{ @CD-l@dE9 3gao':Bs sff'^No'-n (,\rA:-8;S e -J-l\)?P N 9 8@O 2 Lo i s* Ei ri ras fiEF gi ugfi ii igi igi uii ff ug$ g *gg lI 19$H Ei i' *fgsis?H ;sisdFr5,: B-., ai as $a $g Eg EE $efi if F ,$s *[ *s i; Esis EF gd 3H + $' fiE*; 3g au$$i xa 'igfr Fg stfl* f #s*je+v, ID $9EDWA Iruss J06 Truss TyF MONO t atv 10 PU I t EDWARDS BUANNG CENIER VAIL COMMON A U458959 oaston fruss MortrDsa s' lnc' I .24{) r d11{) | Mon Nov 11 09:02:53 1996 Paga 1 e114 x4 2 s (') 9- 91o 4 4110 oAInNa @r0cLL 80.0'cDL 10.0cu 0.0cDL 10.0 sPACrrvG 2-0.0 Plates lncrcase 1.00 Lumbetlncreese 1.00 Rep Stnass ,rcr NoCode UBCq4 cs,TC 0.65BC 0.22wB 0.00 DEFL Ail @c) Ydetl Veft(LL) 0.0E 1t3 957 VeftOL) 0.10 1f3 766 Horz(TL) 0.00 3 nla Min Length / LL d6lt = 240 PLATES GRIP M20(209a) 12789 Weigtt: 12 (lbs) ,UMBER BRACING OP CHORD 2X6 SPFS 16fiF 1.5E TOP CHORD toT cHoRD 2X4 SPF-S 16fiF 1.5EyEES 2X4SPF-SStud BOT CHORD IEACTTOTVS qbs/sitr.e) 1=101/WU8,3=65/UO-&8 Mex Hotz 1=278(load case 3) Mex Upfift 1--60(bad cese 2), 3=-113(oad case 3) roRcEs 'OP CHORD 1-2--0, 2-3=-589 IOTCHORD 1.FO ,orEs , frris trrss ,ras Deen deslgned forthe wind hads g.noratod by 80.0 n.p.h. w'nds et 25.0 feet aI bottom chod deed loed, 100.0 miles fiom hunicane oceanline, on a cetogoty I endosed buldn Lumber lncrease = 1,33, Plate tncrcase = 1,33. Both md vefticab arc exposed. l) SIMPSON H2.5 aonnectors t cotn nended to connecl truss to beaing wal/6 dua to u4ift as loll .OAD CASEIS, Stettdetd Sheathed or 8+0 on center Pufin spacing, except end veftcab. 1-3:6?0. nve grcund levd, using 5.0 p.s.f. top chord dead bad an' g, of dmanslons tt5.0 by 24.0 with exlp.sut€ C (ASCE 7't ows: On6 connector at Nnt(s) 1, 3. tt 5.0 p.s. e3). #? A W,lnUJ1Ve - VeriJy dzsign petameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. ) Dosign valid lor u6e only with MlTgk connectors. This d€sign is basod onty upon parametors 6hown, and is lor an individual / building component to bo Inslallod and loaded v€rlicalty. Appllcability ol d€sign paramslers and proDer incorporation ol -Jr.F-tr#;J:H;"ffiHi'jiYJl,:',,1'J3,::13'[i;1"J"':ffiii1*"j;?:X"]?ffi[XT;J%'3[fHliff"i;:11$Ti::1"- Itl e"#H:ll'tr'#J"lli:ffJ":i""fffi:"'5',fi:ffi';ff',lBtijf,'[1*31,",j;i,ij8lL1,1,3lli3!?Ji3illil', Ittlf Sooclthdion, .nd XIB€i H.ndllng In.t lllng.rd Breclng Rocommondrdon available ftom Tru.r Pl.tc Inrttrto, 58i] O IITCk Induallba, hC. Ooolrlo O ve, Mrdilon, Wl53719 ffi;i';$ G =q,l< 539u60Z-;Vrz(, o?tltz =oz tm {* i5 6' ='i o !oooasi;;q: o 6 60Ffl;AS_+;o5(D- ; d -oe*53; Aasl: +L au d+ri;'i o.<-' **qB; ;Eq'aC a (,;i\6;'= oitsxYo-* i --N9oU :'=Q Rs i 3a'EFq[ gE 3Sg 5 e:.'3i qs8- 5- o*oo =8go bg90J'9! agEos.dcj E1FO :99 8ao= adao,oa v 'ttsl tt ,ill*,\> ro 7 o =2ao ilr t!m Pzo 'o o rlts *o! =; -'E d *q3a 3Fqq;3 Oc.,:td-gi1;d $t aoo- ) 6' o o-o =f o o )C o o o (o t5 6'5' vo HO5'o@o a.Ot)!o 6b' C-dOa c 5ttrl I {= sI\tg t-\Ir1\fd d2?{ry i B5 ; f|!l.J,r- 'f,15fi z C 3oo =.f(o q, U, o 3 2 Fi!:fr H::i ;EiiEs it!: I rld g EE i 5;F E;-{ Ltv €Ed =P.RA8 u6<v- i>\,/ I ={o!o, .l (/', , v, @,o --{o oI to @ cC- (- (D @o-=@HNq 3g55- 1s'.>nS 8Sol:' X(t .\, .N l-'8;S e__N)P9 ti : 8 Fz TOP CHOBD TOP CHORO ilH'gi ii a*g $BF $g $g* ig $gi F$g $*$H*EE ,i lEi gl g F +r ts +e rai $;F {[ 'i; 5E gEi g*g [$ ss ;F c;*F ig e'ai Eg -a gs EE Eg ifl Ei Hfl$ ,+g li*$ fia E{ss FF g € s:., *Heu$[1 aa '$gB ig qufl* $#ga.++c/, lob 1399EDWA Iruss J06A TrussType t MONO aty 6 w t EOWARDS BUILDING CENTER VNL COMMON A U458960 Iouston Truss Mot trose 3.3W' e Sep 20 1995 Mt t eX 'ndUSWes' tnc. MOn NOY 71 v':v1:o? , -2{}O , 6t8 6.ooFZ q o) (o fe$8|6t8 LOADING (ps|TCU 8o.oTCDL 10.0BCU 0.0BCDL 10.0 SPAC'/VO 2-G0 Pleteslnctsase 1.00 Lwrbet lncrease 1.00 Rrp Sflrss /r,cr /VOCode UBC94 cs,TC 0.55BC 0.19wB 0.00 DEFL (n) (loc) Yddt VenLD 0.06 1f3 999 Vaft(TL) 0.08 tJ 952 Hotz(TL) 0.0o 3 n/a Min Lenglh / LL dell = 2tK) PTA'ES M20(209a) Weight 36 (tbs) GRIP 12743 LUMBER TOP CIIORD BOT CHORD v1€8S REACNONS FORCES TOP CHORD BOT CHORD ,YOIES 2X6 SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E 2 X 4 SPFS 16fiF 1.5E 2X4SPF-SStud 4bs6ize) 1=968tV&8, 3=60Wr8 Max Horz 1=262(load case 3) Mex UNt 1=-580osd case 2), 3=-106(toad case 3) 1-2=0, 2-3=-548 1-3=0 BRACINO TOP CHORD shaathed or 6.00 on center gfin spacing, except end venicds. BOT CHORD 1-3:63-0. t, Ihrs truss ras Deen deslgned tor the wind loeds genented by W.0 n.p.h. winds et 25.0leet above ground level, using 5.0 p.s.l. top chotd dead bad aN 5.0 p.s bottom chod dee.t,oad, 100.0 nffis trom hunlcene oceanfrne, on a catego,y I enclosad bufldng, of dmonslons 45.0 by 24.0 with exPosun C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber lncftase = 1.33, Ptete lncrcesa = 1.33. Both end ve,ticals are exposed. 2) SIMPSON HZS connectots rccornmended to connect tust to beaing watrs due to uNfr as toflows: one conneclot at toint(s) 1, 3, IOAD CaSE(s, Standerd 6$ffi A WW.IVC - Verify dcign paramercrs and READ NOTES ON 7 HIS AND M:\.ERSE SIDE BEFORE USE, Oesign valid lor use only with iliTgl conn€clors. Thi6 dosign is based only upon paramelors shown, and is for an individual -4buifdlng comporient to bs instrall€d and loaded voalixlly. Applicability ol desqn parameters and proper Incorporaton of _ _{4 ;iffil*;frtt#r--ifrrfr.*:{'*iifr#*ift,trti:*fri -- ilI Sp€cltlcatlon, and HIB-91 Handllng Indllllng lnd Brrclng Rocommendatlon availablo liom ltus. Plate Inslllute, a8t D' UlTek hdual?laa, InC. Onofrlo Drlve, lradbon, Wl 59719 W'#t#'# ruF: 'nE;+f 3 * dq3$6 3 qse.lt E fi*;3 3fr3i = fitlid€ r' tf*qs# ;Bd e =< 3 d: a\-\rvI ob :@=a?t i'= o +6'i8t lq5*=F Qr6'F5!J. :Pdqg 6 4P*= go*F-;o E si.5' o*oo =dgo;g 3E9p.r+ =6ga3i E1dq =98ao=l62 o,o+ v !Fsl It 5 .tn\>.lFJ@ - o =zoo Eatl =zo o 9 ilrxars.H ;rEdOO9=:diHS 5 r+ 33qdi* Or") ,B-gl1;d EBr.dgcoo- ) 6' o o 6'f o o -oc o oof = o o a.) @ {i 66' vo =o5'o(oo a9 !o8; C'd 8qoc:- ItltIt I t-f=<\ J i! ^(-\\ Id ei?{ry1 B5 ; 11!lrDI l'tIbri 2 EiE:6 ; 3:l iEliis i*!r i rId g iEe =68-r ta E-!zan-{ TOP CHORD zc 3uo =.f,(o v, q, o 3 {o1'o. 4 a.tl(JI o (-{s- =P,RAX bH<!_r" +t F (D _'1 I (t o@-=@'.J \/ (,t ( ) O.RX9 tDbF5_ ...,=9:SE eFo]]'^!(, \r A :-'Si'S e --Nq., p A: I 8@o 2 c.\'| (D TOP CHORD i+g'gi li rsa lgi eB flEi if $gi iE$ -1a#$it 'i lE$ gi F q+[ Ee ii 'aE $39 E$ ,$; 3F [Fi gii ri Eil '€q qlfi+ gF a 'ai ai *i fig geag $g Ei $$a ,$g 5[ 6$ ea E$g€ g' g d s* 3 g' Fcc= 3$ au$[i da aig$ Fg grf,* g#q*j+.?u, ob 3dsEDWA Iruss J6B TrussTypa t MONO atv 3 Ptv t EOWARDS BU'LDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U45.8961 @iauslries, rnc. Mon Nov1109:02:57 1996 Pago 1 . a+8 &s8 6.ooFZ 2x4 n 2 N CD cit Fe$8|&s |OADING (F0lcLL u.0rcDL 10.0SC[.L 0.0)cDL 10.0 sPAcrrvo 2.{'0 Plates lncraase 1.U) Lumbetlncroase 1.00 Rop St/ess ,rcr ruOCode UBG94 cs'TC 0.55ac 0.19wB 0.00 DEFL (ln) (bc) Udafi Veft(LL) 0.06 1n 999 Ve,t(TL) 0.08 1f3 952 Hotz(TL) 0.00 3 ,r/a Min Length / LL delt = 240 PLATES M20(209a) Weight 31 qbs) GR'P 127/93 .UMBER toP cHoRo ,OTCHORD UEAS ?EACrrOffS :ORCES IOP CHORD ,OT CHORD voTEs 2X6 SPF-S 16frF 1.5E ?x4 SPF-S 16&F 1.5E 2X4SPFSStud (lbs/she) 1=608/0-s8, 3=60|J,o-rg Max Hotz 1=228(load case 3) Max Ufift 1=-290oed cese 2), 3:1060oad case 3) 1-H,2-b-548 1-3=0 BRAc/NE TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6.G0 on center Prfin sPacing, except end votticals BOT CHORD 1-3:&.9'0. , ftb tuss ,res been desuned lor ths wind loads genented by 80.0 m.p.h. wtnds at 25.0 feet abow ground levol, using 5.0 p.s.f. top cho'd deed losd end 5.0 p bottom chod dead load, fin.o ,rtes ftom hunlcane oceanfrne, on a category t anotosed buildng, ot clin:tr,nslons 45.0 by 24.0 with exposutg C (ASCE 7-93). Lumb lnc'€ese = I.33, Pleto lncrcase = 1,33. Both and veficels arc exposad. l) S|IMPSON H2.5 connectoB rccotwt ended to connact ttuss to baaing wals due to upfifr as totlows: One connador at Nnt(s) 1, 3, :oAo CASE(S, Standard #1il$t;t-\ A WqMt rIC ^ Wrifi drsign patametets and READ NOTES ON'1HIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEIORE USE- D€sign valid lor use only wilh JtllTck connectors. This dosign is based only upon pafaftelors shown, and is lor an individual building component to be installgd and loaded venically. Applicability ol design param€ters and propor incoDoralion ol component is rospoisiulity of building dosigner - not truss dgsigner. Bracing shown is tor lateral support ol individual w€b rnombers only. Additional tenpolary bEcing tio insufe stabilily dudng construction is the responsibility ol the srsclor Additional pemanont bracing ol lhe overall slructur€ is the responsibility of the building d€signer. For genoral guidanc€ regarcling fabrication, quality contrcl, storag€, d€livary, 6r€ction, and bracing, consult QST.88 Ou.llv Slandard, OSB€9 Braclng Speclllcatlon, and HlB4l tlandllng Inatalllng and B,rclng RecomrEndatlon available lrom Tru!! Phte Inltltute,5&| O' Onotrlo Drlvq ll.dbon, Wl 5:l7l I IIlT.k Indu.trl.!, lnc. "i "g o = (tr'l-<rni5Jgo 60z->v,20 o- z =oz *E ooooiiodss* d'3 6;F;AE =o5o: n oo xJot' A4si =et+1*iilxxRo.<-' l+* 3 A i Fsd;E{ 3 ilrqA* R.--,.>9od :@=ep.d'i !Q i0R** i': dFsii :P6' 9" g 6 ?:.' 3 j s.'B 3- '&*o =dgd ag 3qo! F+ =5ga3i F1d9. =98a iot o,oa s.5x ./,AF ;.rE dOO!=3)ya 5B469; =O X1;I ,lo6,'** ii =1;-@ E8= 0_q q ooJ v ilr F ilu Fo,t o 2o tt 3zo o 'o sd- 5'oxo =ab6;FOFa ^-o oo 6(D =o o {i 6'6'fo 8dq6' ='o@o z'- Ot)oo8; C-a 8e :- TItrll i t2 J\ -st\a ta l-I! r\[?,JE =tt- :@ -'s3 f,il I z C 3oo =.J(o <t, UI o 3 TOP CHOFD ctv €s6 =RS88 sio- i' = !o, IJIo(t 2 Ii!: Hiii*s i*!e iiai =f;gi;-t @@-=OdNg 3$ao'igg cI (,!.N:-8;S e_.-N(roN) io @ b;6 Fz TOP CHOBO atilg;ggi ;g- = 6 P e .. e !'' 5 !' N - Hf, F Ei* 'Fi g$ si6 f;gi$i EF+ *fi [gF i$s *+g *i;s ei i*- E $F Ei il =aE B;H E$ F; i+ aEi gqE fFee ugfl g iE3 lF a 'aa Eg *a $g E$Eg $a Fi F$B ,$g 5i $i fi E$gs FF gd a$ + *' fq*= 3fl iu$[i ea 'ig$ rg qufl* $#s6j*+v, lob t399EDWA fruss T01 TrussType f ROOF IRUSS ary I PIv 3 t EDWARDS BUILD'NG GNTER VAIL COMMON A U458961 Houston T/u'ss Montose 5x12= 2 3.3(n e sep 2u 1995 Ml I eK InOUgneS, lnc. MOnNOv7| vt.v.t;w ttto 1x12-- I !7-8 | 444 | 91€ | 11-10€ | 1+$ | 17'SO I$73 24-{lJ-.74 6.mIu z4tl 3 rPt9ro T I*l +l'lI9rt9lfo! l1?€ le4.8 l91€ t 11-1G8 1 37€ nete Olfses (X,V: I1:G1-8,tOol, F:A3-E,G2-101, f2:G912,O2-121, [4:60-o,o-1-s], F:OO0,0-941, [8:$3.5,60-0], Ftt'2-0,O2-91' [e:0-i}lO'AGq' 19 :O1 -8,0541, [1 0 :02-8,0-c-0] LOAD,NG (ILrr)TCIJ- W.0TCDL 10.0acLL 0.0gcDL 10.0 sPACrivG 2-0-0 Plates lncrcase 1.00 Lumber lncrcase 1.00 Rep Stness ,ncr NoCocte UBG94 cs,TC 0.42BC 0.85wB 0.98 DEFL 0n) (loc) Y&n I PLAIES aR/F VenLD 0.22 9n 807 | M20(209a) 127R3 vert(Q 0.28 9n 646 | Hotz(TL) 0.07 6 n/a I Min Length / LL deil = 240 | Weight: 119 (lbs) LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPFS 16ilF I .5E TOP CHORO sheethed or 6M on center Put BOT CHORD 2 X 8 SPF-S 19&F 1.78 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling direc-Ay aP$ec!, or 1 WEBS 2X 4 SPF-S Stud'Excapt' 1t2 2 X 4 SPF-S No.3, 2-9 2 X 4 SPF-S 16WF 1.5E 572X4SPF-S 16fiF1.5EoIHERS 2x4HFalffily WEDGE Lelt:2x 4, Right:2x 4 REACTIONS (lbs/size) 1=12731rfie7 AnpuC o.5.8), 8=13091tG.5-11 1iput: O-r8) Max Hoa 1:53(toad case 2) Max Ufitt 1=-1366(load case 4), 6=-14550oad case 4) FORCES TOP CHORD 1-2=-21071, 2-3-25575, S4=-25574, +5=-18766, $6:21 185 BOT CHORD 6.7=1 E765, 7-8=25623, &9=25623, *10=1 8620, 1-10=1 8620 WEBS 2-10=4636,2-9=8310, &9=-369, 49:58, 48=4148, 47:8212, q.7=9183 A'OTES 1) trCy tuss to be connected together with 10d nails as follows: Top chords connacted with 2 row(s) at I inches on canter. Eoltotn chords oonnected with I tow(s) at 9 inches on center. webs connected with 1 rcw at 6 inches on center. 2) Thb truss has been designad for the wind loads generated by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 feet above grcund levet, using 5.0 p.s.f. top chord deed loed and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord deed load, 1N.0 miles lrom hunicane oceanfrna, on a cetegory I enclosed bufldng ol dfff,nsions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposure C (ASCE 7-93). Lumbet lncrease = 1.33, Plete lncrease = 1.33. Both end vedicds erc exrysed. 3) SFcial hawr or conneelion rcquired to disfibuta tho bottom chord unilotm load into af plies. 4) Required beedng s'zo et icint(s) I , 6 grcater than inplt beaing sae. Continued on pags 2 frn spacing. G&00 on center bncing. lScel fi8dF?Pd A WanNtltC - Veifu design parametcts and READ NOTES ON T HIS AND REVI:RSI: SIDE BEFORE LISL. Oeslgn valid lor use only with ttllTgk conn€c1oF. This (bsign is based only upon paramelers shown, and is lor an individual building compoiont to b€ ingtalled and loaded vertjcalu Applicabillty ot design paramateE and propor incoDoration of compon€nt is respoosibilig ol building designer - not truss dosigner. Bracing shown is lor lateral suppon ol individual web I msmbors only. Additional l€mporary bracing to insuro stability dudng construction is the responsibility ol lhe ereclor Additional I permanent bracing ol the ov€€ll structure is the responsibility of the building designsr. For gen€ral guidanco regErding I labricaton, quality clntrol, storage, delivery, €rgclion. and bracing, consult OST.88 Ouality Stendard, OSB{9 Bracing I Sp.clllcatbn, and HIB-gl Handllng In3lalllng and Br.clng RscomftFndatlon availabl€ I'om ltus! Plrto lnltltute, 5&| D' lllTak Onotrlo O.ivq adlaon, Wl5:)719 hduitrl... Inc, _+ 'Y': U;lua I =.n!.< 5Jgo 60 > ttr 20 oat ln2 =oz tm {* 8q55E'\ooo3si;;q: o 6 do(*;;q =ia+q *JO;-u 5 tr=.s.g;ijg =-zsg;uo-.<- ' Ertt 3zo qsi ;Enr e =* 3 d:S6.* 3--,o $F-" 6 ifi aa$ s;$ A3 sF; 3- '8$o o ilFi g+E# EE*4Ba 5E3td Fle;t. gt a=$+ fli!$l 1'Faj Iol F F F E*t ozoo6 50xolab6i FO+oO= 0.9ooo- o ilr o {r 6'6'Jo HgO^- ='6(oo a9 6ba-'9-a 8qo ]r I]trll a iu i H-)l!5 ; ar!l ----EILIi zc 3oo =.f,(o (n U, o 3 2 Fi!*I ;3:l ;Eiigs i;!l S rE5 s rBe =;8rr ,tb; =- N {s6 =Ra(\@=\1n X ar v ()< \, v ; > -I -.1 !o. o!o an Co@-:f@.! .{ (, () o8Be @6 AO>8S ss'_NO--Jd<L s''8;S e!-tQ?9 li 9 8@ z roP cHoRo TOP CHOBO isilH'ia; rag 3Ei*g gfii ig igi ;g$ ggi#$iE 'i lF$ Ei fl* eE =E i q I Fg E +l ie ii *ei Fgggg,3fi gg i;g *3i gi1i,gg g *g; gi i' ai 69 ufi $s EF Ee 5i5g $Ffl '$$ 5i n- *i ese: sF gi aB" + F' EE'; 3g Eu $$i ia 'i gf i[ g ti* f Fqd.€+v, ,b 'B9EDWA fruss 701 rruesType |! ROOF IFUSS atv 1 PIy 3 t EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U158962 Io//6ton r'rugt Mont!'|,isc l3W e sAP ZU l99J Mtl AK lngugnes, tnc. Mgn NgV tr Vr;V.t.e ' ttto rdgtt oAD CllsEfit, I Lutnbor lncr€as=1 .A0, na|3 hcnese=1 .@ Unitom Loads (,bs per lt) Ved:1-2=-180.0, 2-3=-180.0, ?4=-180.0, +5.-180.0, 56--1ffi.0,6-7--1508.5,7-8=-1508.5, &9:1508.5,9-10=1508.5, 1-10--1fi8.5 Concenvated Loeds (tbs) Vett6:3@.0 f'.'-sft:B A Wa,AUnte - Voifi dcign paramctets aad READ NO'IES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. o€€ign valh for us€ only with i,rfr* coon€c1ors. This d€siln is basod only upon paramstgrs shown, and is tor an Individual building compongnt lo b€ Ingiall€d and loaded vortcdv Appllcablllty ol d€sign pa€m€tgrs and prcp€r incoDo€tion ol conpononl is r€sponsibillty of bullding designBr - not truss deslgner. Bracing ahown ia for laioral support ol individual web memb€rs only. Addlllonal t€mpoGry bracing to insure stabilily during congtruclion is th€ r€sponsibility ol tho erector. Addilional Ipeflmnont braclng ol the owrall atl]ct$e h th€ rosponslblllly ol the buildlng designer. For gon€ral Ouldanc€ regarding tabricadon, quality control, storago, delivery, eroclion, and bracing, congult OST{8 Cu.llty Slandrrd, OeB{g B..clng Sp€cltbrllon, lnd HIBOI Hlndlln! Inltllling and Bracl E Bacomm.ndldon av6il6ble from ltur. Pht Inrtlh'||€, 58:l D' Ondrlo Drlvr. !dl.on. Wl5:t71I IIT* hdurlrlcr, Inc. ca&' TONAL PU'l-< 639060z-vvlz E' oF !nz =oz /r- =' - r'r dss* o 6'6DRa;q =o 5'o; d ee ^'= O J*r o;' 3 agltd =EeF6# Ii,; !'i d. ..= Y til qB # ;Bd'e=< 3d::ao* ; --NQ ob :-=a Hs+ *e 3i 5 li :P dss 6.Fi8= t'o 8 5' o*oo =8go >qAE90fr9Erg =639:gelt!ta:t: o,o+ t !sl tt t 5 .'l!it\> rE ,t o-zao ilr Ertt 2zo o 6 ;-Edo-o! =6434 :Ei =o 5i;3 Adt;'**d* Eg3 =1 +o oJ a 6' o 6-oo =o o oo oof =co 6- o ; a.f(o {5 6'5' vo O;ij'o(oottt =-a9cJllo1l: =='e* 8qo - I1trtl a i-,\-t\!lgt\ II A\-acta4g{ry2 =ll * |ir r€' !r jEl I zc 3(t o =.f,(o v, Vr o 3 ctv €tsd =RRA8 E6<rrv;> F- {o!o. (JIo(t 2 Fi!:I ;3:: iEiiss i?!r i rEE g iE i 5;8 E;-l oo-=oHNg 3S5.5- ;s'zHS 8fioly X(r\rA':-8;S s -JN)CPg IPzu I 8Iz TOP CHORD TOP CHORO ; iB si $i a$g fiEEgag$i iFigi iqg uii#Egi,i iFg [l 1e$* *a 1as3EEiP?F ;ga 'ai ac *d $E g$ Eg $a Fi i$F ,$g *f,i$ fa g$gg EF Id aF ? g' fie'; 3g gH g[i ea'igg Ffi a'g* $#q-s=<.1 .r, tob 399EWtA Iruss T02 TrussType t ROOF TRUSS otv 2 PIv 3 t EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U45896i *on Trussfioiirose 330oesep 20 1995 MiTek lndusfiies,lnc. MonNovll 09:03:03 1996 Page ?.S!O 5-6-0 8-3-O | 1-ClO 2-90 6.ooh2 6x12= 5 6x12= , 2-24 , 4-+13 S7.3 &910 , l',l{x) '2-26 2-24 2-24 rql9,o T I9l?l-l l9rt9l' (f,- 4x6t \ \oADNo (F0rcLL 80.0rcDL 10.0tcu 0.0 SCDL 10.0 sPACr[O 2-&O Platas lncroase 1.00 Lumber lncrcese 1.00 Rops0essrrcr NoCoda UBG94 cs, TC BC WB 0.17 0.41 0.74 DEFL Ail qoc) Vert(LL) 0.07 W VertOL) 0.N U7 Horz(TL) 0.03 5 Min Length / LL detl = m Ydefi 999 999 n/a PLATES GRIP M20(209a) 12783 Weight: 85 (lbs) LUMBER BRACING rop cHoRD 2 x 6 sPre 16fiF 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or a.Go on canter Nfin spacing. 3OT CHORD 2X8 SPF-S ,ggF 1.7E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling drecdy apfred, ot 10{0.00 on contor bracing. WEBS 2X4SPFS Strd'Except' RE CT,ONS (tbs/:gze) 1=E90@u14 qnwt: GrE),5=E90qvr14 anput: G+8) Max Ho,z 1=280oad cese 3) Max UN 1:955(load case 4), 5=-9550oad case 4) FORCES TOP CHORD 1-2=-15220, 2-3=1 1 594, 3-4=-1 1594, tl5:1 5220 SOT CHORD 56=1?tA9, 67=12453, 7-8=8224, &9=12453, 1-9=13409WEBS 2-9=3225, 2-8=-2590, X8=5371, C7=5371, +7:2590, +6=3225 iroTEs 1) XW tuss to be connected togqther with 1 0d nails as fotrows: Top chotds connected with 2 row(s) at 9 inches on canter. Bottom chotds connacled with 1 row(s) at 12 Inches on center. W6bs connected with I rcw at 6 inches on cent6t. 2) Irns fn ss tes been desigaad hr the wlnd toads genontad by 80.0 m.p,h, winds at 25.0 faet abovo ground lavel, using 5.0 p.s.t top chord dead load and 5.0 p.s.t bottom chord dead |oad, 100.0 miles trcm hunicane ocoentine, on e category I enc/k,sed buildng, of dmensions 45.0 by 24.0 wlfl exposur€ C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber lncrcase = 1.33, Plete lncrease = 1.33. Both end vefticals arc expsed. 3) SFcial hanger or connection requircd to dlsttibute he bottom chod unihtm load into all dies. 4) Reqnir.d baadng g,ze at joint(s) 1, 5 $eater than input baaing size. LoAD CASETS) 1) Lumb€r lncrcase=l ,00, Plate lncrcase=1.@ Unilom Loads (lbs pct fi) Ve :1-2--180.0, 2-3--180.0, 14=-180.0, +5:180.0, 66--1508.5, &7--1508.5, 7-8:1fi8.5, &9:1508.5, 1-9=15o8.5 ',rrdffm A V,si.NIue - Veifl design parameters and READ NOTES oN THIS AND M:VERSE SIDE BEFORI': IISP:. Dssign !€lid lor usg only with MII€k connectoE- This d€sign is bas€d only upon param€ters shown, and i6 for an individual () i_\ e i2 ./)I building componenl to be inslalled and loaded vel|ically. Applicgbility of design paramelors and prop€r incorporation ol componenl is r€sponsibjllty ol building designer - not truss design€r. Bracing shown i6lor l6teral support ol individual web m€mboG only. Addilional temporary b.acing to insuro stabilily dunng construclion ls the r€sponsibility ol lho €roctor Additional permanent bracing of the ov6€ll struclur€ is lh€ r€spoosibility of the building designer. For gsneral guidancE rogarding fabdcation, quality control, slora96, d6liv6ry, eraciion, and bracing, consult OST€8 Quallty Stlndsrd, OSB{9 Braclng ,{{ /i.i$Iftf?* l'POCrnCtUOn, anO nrE 9r nanonng lnsrrflrng ano bracrng Onoldo orlve. lladi.on. wl53fi9 avaraDrc fiom lruaa Ptate harluto. Suit u fl tar |ltctaattttrr |.rc. tt .il,'\>.lFrE a oa; Etn e-o P(/'l-<m-639060Z-yvrzo o Ptnz =oz rt 6-==o s99d o 6 6!s;;q =o5o. o =*YR 5 U;u 5 ai=.e.q;i -x=!dF6*1*i!;5t 6o<' *aqB# ;Ed' ; Fi 3 s: +rar al .\ rvI od :'=q-n i = 6t =;ri5: =95Fqs a; g e.d f; 4.5Ri p 8Q';o R ti5 d'oo a\ =d9obg 3F9p.rg;o 9. 6'3i =g-t rq 8ao=l61 o,o* 5l m ilrxn,'sF f,oo =; -'q dd-o! =riHi i F=a'E 1 =o Xq;8 '/o6'"*ii=ibd6i5t.dgc o oJ f d'o o d-oo l o o o ool =l o o oo tfJo6'6'fo s6' -'H 16oatt =a9 6E' 9'd 8qog lrrtr] aiFE jEl zc 3oo =.f(o v, at, o 3 2 Fi!:B * 3:i iFEigs i*!: s rlt r EEi F6F b=1^ N €86 =RKQR E6<v" +o-r {o!o. f (.to :0 o qq(" 68889 oo.b AG.Enu Bso!'" ;(, \.1 A' :-8;S e!-l\)C,)ON)20 @ ; t5oo 2 TOP CHORO TOP CHORD @ ,r- F 6 F = 6 9 !D : e s' F !,o N :- pg i i ;l ri a*a flig $1 tgfi ig igl gqg uflg ff ;$g,i igg !l fle$g *a ia sgErus?r isi';i g$ *a g3 EE Eg lF Ei Hfl$ ,$g i[ i[ i3 6$s€ iF g- 5 6 .*q'$[a ia'ig$ Fq q'i* $#g*r€+v, Truss Typ. ROOF TRUSS EOWARDS SUILOING CENTERVAIL COMMON A t-1s13 6.00F2 o I Y(f) (o I(oIo t'Pt9,o 4x10 -10x12 r 4x5= 4x5 r- 2x4,, 2-3.6 Plato Offs€ts (x,Y): [,f:G2{,Gs0], l5:GG8,Gl€1, ff:o-8-9,oG01, f:GO{,0+01, [8:tr1{,0-341 LOADING (p30 TCLL 80.0TCDL 10.0BCtr 0.0BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X O SPF€ 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 8 SPF€ 1950F I.7EWEBS 2X4SPF€Stud'Excapf /t-92X4SPF€1850F1.5E OTHERS 2x4HFulility WEDGE Rlght2X4 REACTIONS 0b/sk6) l=4298/G54, 7=t08lv0-7-3 (inpul: 0-$8) Max Hoz l=-2g(load case 2) Ma( Uplift 1=-438(load caso 4), 7-1iE7(load cass 4) BRACING TOP CHORO Shsath€d or 6{.0 on cenlsr pudin spacing. BOT CHORD Rigld csltlng directly apdisd, or 104G00 on csnlsr bradng' NOV FORCES TOP CHORD t-2={515, 2-S€380,34=42s2, 44=-1188€, ffi:i5293, G7:1S421 BOT CHORD 7€=13479, &9=l1006, *'10^7264., l0.ll=7Sill, 1'11=7443 WEBS 2-11=107, $t l=-62, $10=-287, +10=3,|3, +9-8975, s9-1978, s=3495,6{=/rc8 NOTES I ) +ply truss to bo connected logether with I 0d nails as tollows: Top chords connod€d wlth 2 ro!v(s) at I Inch€s on centar. Boitom d|ods cdrnoded with t rcw(s) at 12 inch€3 m cenlor. W6b8 conngclod wilh 1 ro$, at 6 inch€3 on csntar. 2) Thb tuss ha3 b€sn design€d for lhe wind loads lpnoratsd W E0.0 m.p.h. win& at 25.0 foet above grcund l6vEl, uslng 5.0 p.s.f. top chord d€ad load ard 5.0 p.3.f bottom dod doad load, 100.0 mil6s frcm hunicane ocsanline, on a category | endos€d buflding, ot dim€mions 45.0 by 24.0 wtth oeosur€ C (ASCE 743]. Lumb€r Increase = I .33, Plate Incr€a3€ = t .33. Both €nd wdicals ar€ €xposod. 3) Sp€dal hengar or connedion rsqulrsd to dlstihjt€ th€ botlom cho.d concentratad load into all plies. 4) Spoclal hangsr Fquircd b suppoi concsnfaiad loads. 5) Spacial deslgn l€qulr€d for truss wilh concsnlratsd load3 over 5000 lbs. 6) Rsqulrsd beadng slze at join(s) 7 gr€aler lhan InM beadng sizo. LOAD CASE(S) l) Lumb€r lncresFt.m, Piato Inct€as6=1.00 PIITES GRIP M20(209a) 12783 Walght 92 0bs) DEFL (in) (loc) Udefl Vod(LL) 0.07 9 999 Vert(IL) 0.08 I 999 Hoz(IL) 0.02 7 nla Mln L€nglh / LL defl = 24(l SPAC|NG 2{-O Platos Increasa 1.00 Lumber lncrsas€ i.(n Rep Slr€ss Incr NOCode UBG94 $;a;nT ^ Q${$|949npgsel ,A, WAR'NLNG - vanht dzs'g pdrameters axd READ NOTES ON I'HIS AND REVF:RSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid tor us€ only with MlTek connoctors. This dsgign is based only upon param€t66 shown, and is for an individual building component to be installed and load€d vqnically. Applic€bility ol design parameters and propor incoeoration of component is rosponsibility ol building designer - not lruss designer. Bracing shown is lor lateral suppod of individual web memb€rs only. Additional lemporary bracing lo instire stabiliv during conslruction is the responsibility ol tho €rector Addifonal p€rmanenl blacing ot the overall structure is th€ r€sponsitility otthe building d€signsr. For g€nsral guidance regarding labrication, qualily control, storag€, d6liv6ry, €rection. and b|acing, consuh CIST{A Qlallly Strndard, DSB-8O Bracing Spccilicatlon, .rd Hl&91 H..dtlrE Inrtilllng rnd BGclng R.common<lnlloi availsbl; liom Trus! Plai. ln3tltute, 583 D' IlTak lduattba, hC, Onotrio D,iv.. iltdllon. Wl 53n9 = .t,l-< 659qdo vurz c, o Phz o2 ,|o ooo -- ='.ndEs# d'3 6'; Hdas-+ o j'o x g 3g ^ J O-n'u 5;i=.s3s;+!q f fc:"o;i-f*i!;5n6o.<-' qsi ;Ei*e=< 3d:q6+ i-:roI od :'=sR8i 9a'e$s[ a;3efr. AFI8i t'68 Ps.5 o*oo =Rgd bg 3qO! 3g =69. itc3!O te =98ao= :61o,oa t ilr !Fst|ll It .tt,A\PJo *l oazoo aFI Pzo o s ioo =al'E d Fg g a :83 =o X1;3 ,lo6'Yd*lrad eqait6.r 6' o o o o oo. ool 5' o o o oo ='(o {5*3fo 8g'OF 5'O(oo a9 oo 6b'l='s* 8o*o - EIIII !t i!i\ l !l|-\:I A\a?v7a ll =.!5 i 6!ltrDI=r-lrrIbfi @ z C 3oo --.f,(o U' v, o 3 TOPCHORD 2 Fi!*I ;::i iFii$s i*! d g EEE =;H E3 =- {s6 =XI?OP FXgQ" ;y -I c), (J ! o @o-=o::q ()qFH: :3zas 8Fo!'" ;(, -.J A :--8bs eJ-N)C'ON)20 @ :o 6 2 TOP CHORD s sil$Ei ai aag *6i$g Efii ;fi Eg$ iEE g$i# EiE ,i i6i EI fl* eE =Ee q [ *9 eg$ ar ii ?ia n;e aE ,e$ g[ i;i *** [i $$ '5F EFg; gi a'ei ** ua g* #E -g 3$ Ei fin$ ,$E ii gF 3i E$ig =$ *q-;--<+ut Tn$s Type ROOF TRUSS cAsE(8) Unfonn tedE (bs p€r fi) Veftt-ts-'t80.0, 2€=-180.0, $4=-180.0, 1€'-180.0, 5.6=-180.0, G7.-180.0, 7€!-20.0, 8€-20.0, $l0a-20.0, lGl lE-20.0, l-l l=-20.0 Conc€ntatod Loa& 0bE) vort7.-0102.5, 8-3170.8, 9€€588.3 NOV EDWARDS EUII.DING CENTER VAIL COII,MON A i;rkq A, WnmUe - Vcrfi dtign parancten aad READ NOTES ON THIS AND REWRSE SIDE BEFORE USE. D66i9n valid br uso o.rly wfli XIIC( co.rnedo.s. Thb dgsign is bas€d on|y upon paramoloF shown, and i8 lor an individual -/-building co.lpois lo be installed and load€d vedicaly. Apdicability ol d€s*Jn paran€tors and prof|or inco.poradon ol _ _# co.rpo;er b Espons&ility ot bufdhg d€{*I€r - nor tu69 d${lner. Btacjng srtow'| |s tor hlera;suppon ot inorvrduat rwb lttl-non$sr8 o. y. Addilidal bmpo.ary bracing b insur€ Gldilty durlng congrudion is th€ r€sponsbillty of the erecto.. Addiional I Il ffiffiffi'J"ff,ffi.:ffif,:"1trffiHT',9,ff:Hmlfit%1trjff3,9:'ffi;trslx lvlll Sp.cflc.llon, !|rd H|Bal Hrna[||o In.t llng.rd Br.cl.E F.comn ndrdon evsilabd trom ftu.. pt t Indhn , f'83 D' IlTflf hdurlrl.., lno. vIt Ft,z\>-tF,. F o =zoo Ellt =zo o =9 9 =U,l-<|n_r639o602-vvlz E, oE nlz -a =oz ,fo 90.) ^-- - |l\ ooo=(,ll(D o 6 Oog;;q =o 5'o x: *sxJo;' s agltd=q c:"o;fi-i:= l; 38 Eo<-- *1l6; =p.TX! 6 b O =i F* 3 S: :1 0; ; --NQ od :'.Q s.6 i Q i0*9R i'; *F5!i :86..9"9 6 4.'Ri s$q;o P tL5' 6'(Do =dgr bg 9F99.r+ =og.aci:get =98a io2 o,oa !Fslnxn,,sF ; ='q d6-6!= "E4aJ (' :6'ti. =O X*.-6" d6' ,lo6'-*d*i *o F5i =-r +oo- ilr l 6'o o 6-oo o o oo oo 5'coc 0- ; n o 5'(o {5 6' 6'fo 8Fg6- 5'o(oo aQ ooD:ool='C-d 8qoc EIEt i I. =Ib. i HPi!5 i 3El a c 3oo =.J(o v, ct, o 3 -.1o!o- (Jt0(t 2 EiE:I il 3:l ;Eligs i*! d s EE E, = ;8 b3Znil z{E- =RKQX UX<!-i" +> = @@-=@! \.r (,! () 6RH9 orbE5 -(,O-!-2ES R6'^NQ--l (, '-J \ :-8bs :_..-N(roN) 20 @ b-i5@Pz TOP CHORO TOP CHOFD *sil;Ei ai r;s *Ei EE gfii ii ggi3E$ $EgtrEfH ,i ffi6 Ei F E +g ii +i ?il F$E EF u$$ 5+ iEl gqE F$rfl *gi q $E+ l$ a ' *i E$ gi is EF6g $igifin$,$g iig$ ii E$$g *$ ;q-o-=€+u, ob 399EDWA Iruss 106 rru$rype t ROOF TRUSS AU 3 PU I t EDWARDS BIJILOING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458965 't-2{ hdusties, Inc. Mon Nov 11 09:03:10 1996 Paga I t&8 6.00F2 o Y(') 9r9lo- x4 -oADtNG (pt)lcLL 80.0rcoL 10.0tcLL 0.0lcDL 10.o sPAcrrvo 2-$0 Platas lncrcese 1 .N) Lu|irberlncrcese 1.00 Repsfressrncr /VOCode UBC-94 cs,TC o.tuBC 0.25 wB 0.21 DEFL (n) (toc) Udetl Vaft(LL) 0.08 1/4 957 Vart(TL) 0.10 1/4 766 Hotz(TL) 0.00 4 n/a Min Length / LL def, = 24O PTA'ES M20(med) Waight: 3E (lbs) GRIP 12zi93 LUTABER BRAG/NA rop cHoRD 2X 6 SPF-S 16flF 1.8, TOP CHORD Shaathed of 6-0-0 on centar Nfin sPaclng, 3OT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF-S 1650F 1.*, except end ve icab. wEBS 2X4SPF-SStud BOTCHORD 1-4:&0. REACTIONS (bsl€/.ze) 1=65/t/O-&E,4=6Sqtfg8 Max Hotz 1=1940oed cese 3) Max Ufrtt 1=-480oed c€sa 4), 4:75(load case 3) FORCES fOP CHORD 1 -2--200, 2-3=0, }4*96 SOT oHORD 1-4=176WEBS 2-4:523 irorEs t) tDis fruss ,ras D e6n desbned for the vlnd loeds gon^nted by n.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 teet above ground leval, using 5.O p.s.f. top chotd dead loed enct 5.0 p.s,t bofrom chord daad toad, 1@.0 m{as lrom huntcane oceanfrne, on a catagory I endosed bul&tg, ol &nens/rc,ns 45.0 by 24.o wih axposuro C (AscE 7-93). Lumber lncrcese = 1,33, Hete tnc@asa = 1.33. Both end w icds erc exposed. 2) SIMPSON H2.5 €'tnnocto/5 nocomtrrended to comect truss to beaing wefs &to to upfilt as folows: One connector at je,n1,4. LOAD CllSEfS, Standetd 6:f.ft'&* A Wnntne ' Verifi dasign paranetcrs and READ NOTES ON THIS AND RE]|ERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valid tor us6 only wilh MII€k connectoc. This design is based only upoo paramstels shown, and is for an individual building compo.|ent to be installod and loaded vonixlly. Applicability of d€sign paEmeters and prop€r incorporalrcn ol component is respoosibility ol building d6ign€r - not lruss d€sign€r. Bracing stlown is lor lal€raisupporl ol ndivtdual web t m€mb€.s only. Additional lemporary bracing lo insure stabilig dudng construction is the rosponsibility ol tho ereclor Addilional I p€rman€nt bracing ol the ovorall slruclurs i3lhe responsitility ofthe building designer. For general guidance r€garding I tabric5tion. quslity control, storage, dolivery, grection, and b.acing, clnsult OST{8 Ouality Stlndard, DS8{9 Br.clng I Sp€clticatlon, and HIB-91 H.rdllng Indaltlng .nd Br.clng R.conn€odation availabl€ liom lius. Plrt Instltuto, a83 D' IlTek hdu3lrl... Inc. a C'o...o 52 -r_ $rci'r'tnuQ Onolrlo Drlve. liladho.r. Wl 5371s ! =v,l..< 6J90do ; 3t, zq oPtltz oz rlD aoo ^-= ='^rsE9il " 3 3;g;;q =o 5'o xgFg ^ J O-n Ias=jEf: 1*!i;5n 6o..<-' s oo a. o ri !+qsJ ;Ed'4Ca o*aAd= 9H' ar\rvI ob :'=q Fg* i:isd 645Ri go'q' ;o p si5' o*oo =dgo bg 3 e-'9p. Fg =5g6' 3=-!O 5A =!taa= :dt o,oa ! nl tlt ,F Xs +i.$ g "4+4 a:aO .,' f d-931;d 3q aooJ rlr Inln F @7 o2o EIt Pzo o o o6 5'oxo = .'>b6i =o d.9oo 8o.'o @8.oo. t5 6'6' S'o' O- =.6(6o aQ oo 6b'l='9-d 8qo E EIFl I 5!a= -.-t\a!! L',\I4\i9a4S{fvE 35 i ar 1rltrPI mIbf- z C 3oo =.f,(o q, (r, o 3 (-€s- =RRAX bX<!r" +t = 2 Fi!:I ;3:i iEEigs i*! = i rId g EEi =;Fg; -l -{o!o. (J,oo @ -Q@"1 3 o @ @@-=(,dNq 3sE5-(,9b; ieisB 6i vr-(, .-i a :--8;S ei!N)(,oN 20 @ ; aooz c L crt TOP CHORD TOP CHORD 9 .6 F- 6 F = 6 p e : e e }, P N : Fg i iH ;i ri a*e ggg$g*$[ igfigfl fiq$ u;fiff +E$,$ igg $$ flg $[ iA li =frg frlE ?F ;$ ;s s;F i=s 14 ;; an .= $$E' ai ac $a $s EF;E glFi H$+ ,$E $i #$ i; gsEg Eu g 'd aB + g' fiq'; *g au$gi ea 'igf Fg g'€* f;"#q-o-=i+u, 'ob 399EOWA In ss TO7 rrussType It ROOF TFUSS aty 5 Ply 1 ! EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458946 sfoD lruss Montose 3.300 e SeP 20 1995 MiTeR lndus ias, hc' . -2+O 37€ , 2+O 37{ Mon Nov 11 0!t:O3:74199Ct $T o,l , 174 374 :oAtilNo (IB0lcu a).otco/- 10.0JCLL O.OICDL 10.0 sPAcriro 2-&0 Ptates lnc/?,ese 1.@ Lun ber lnc/'ese 1 ,00 Reps0€ssrrc/ NO Coda UBGg4 cs'TC 0.19BC 0.06 WB O.N (Matix) DEFL (n) (loc) YdaltVettu) 0.00 1f3 999 Vaft(TL) o.01 t3 999 Hon(TL) -0.00 2 a Min Leng[h / LL defl = 240 PIATES ORIP M20@ga) 12783 Wetght: 21 (,bs) LUMBER rOP CHORD 9OTCHORD REAClIo/VS FORCES TOPCHORD SOTCHORD UOTES 2X 6 SPFS 16QF 1.58 ?x4 SPF-S 16ilF 1.# (bs/slze) 1478/Vr8, 3=3&1138, Z=285/ rB Mex Hotz 1=-1800oad case 5) Mex UNft 1:54(toad case 3),2:57(load case 3) 1-2=-142 t3=A BRAc/NA TOP CHORD Sheathad or 6G0 on centet pJfin sPacing. AOT CHORD RW c€rtng cfrrectly appfrod, or 1A0A@ on cantar bncing. tJ lr1(9 frrss has been checked lor unbalanced loedng conditions eboutunt 2. 2J l}ris tn ss has b o.n designed lot the wind loads generated by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 teet abov6 grcund level, uslng 5.0 p.s.t. top chord deed load and 5.0 P.s bttom chord dead loed, 1W.0 trllos fmm hunicane oceenline, on a category I enclosed butrdng, ol dlmensions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposun C (ASCE 7-93). Lamber Inc/ease = 1.33, Ptete lnc/esso = 1.33. Both end wnbab are exposad. ?) S/MPSON H2.5 connecto/s rec!,mmonded to connect truss to baaing wals due to uNfr as foltows: Ono connector et Nnt(s) 1, 2. LOADCASE(S, Standad '.,6$ft:i.- A wnNtllC - Verifi dcsign parumeter and READ NOTES oN THIS AND RE\ryRSE SIDE BEFORE LISE. / !!irh l,rl-& /qnn6i^rc 8252 _-z t il building component to be instialled and lradod vortically. Applicability of d€sign paBmete6 and OroDer ircon|oration of _ _--y' component rs r€sponsioilrty of Duilding desrgner - nol lruss d€sqn€r. Bracrng ehown rs lor tateraisuppon oi indvroual web III!(- members only. Additional t€rnporary bracang to in€lre stability duriirg conslruction is th6 rosponsibility ol the ereclor Addilional I ltp€rmanenl b€cing of lho overall slructure is lhe €sponsibility of the burlding d€signer. For general guidance regarding lttlltabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, eroctlon, and bracing, consult OST{a Ouallty Standa.d, OSB-89 Bracing I Sp.ctllcatlo;, a;d HlB.gl H.nelhg tnd;llhg rnd Brrclng R;omnood.tlon availabl;liom Tru3! PlEie In3tltute,!8at o' lllTrk lrdrf:lflfr, lnc. Onotrlo D.lvo, liiadltorl, Wl 5ll7l0 c9 =(t*-<5390doZ->v,z(, o-tlnz =oz tm {,t'*E oooX ^-='=; rq9gd: o 6 6!Es;aqY=o5o- ; d eeR58;Iasi: +L31, tf lr*n o..<-' *t,qB; ;E{'1Ca .,^a6;: o ix x:ao* i .--N Eg; F;gF 5 ii "-9 *ed A*i 3 j y d8g- '&3o o =8gd bg90 99.rg-og.d c5;1d-L :99tr eo+o,oa v rlr 'ttalnl FI v 5 .tl,,,\>.lFJQ /, o-zo.o Etn 3zo o s,JXOOO9= "e++6'c i =O Xdt=. Q-J,/oa''**d=1;d E8=dq g oo- :to6' o o o o ool = Co o o a. =(o ti 6'6' =o-'o(oos' =-aQ ooB; =-'c* 8qo - EItIl a i2t-=,\:rtt\ !.st tr511\fd qz;(_ryE - tt =B5 i .t!l =u- -trr5fI z C 3oo =.f,(o CI' UI o 3 2 Fi3: iii;Es i*!l i rEd I Eai =fF E3i- TOP CHORD cN €86 =R896 ad -_-11 P -I { !o. (J !ot, @o-=@\ ! ('| t) o.RX9 d6E5-(,o-.\]-_2SS Bfi.{ CD \, A r-'8;S e__N)e9 N b 8@ 2 TOP CHOBO E iF $i gi Flg figEgH$$a iEagiiFg $if mEii,i +ss $l il g 3$ if 3i *gE i;fi $[ .;i ;a srl g=q en ** s:B q iil gs a'ai Ec *f g3 EtEs $ffi ftaa ,$g 5a E$ ei E$gs EF g d 3H + F' fiq'; 3g gu$[i ea '1gF F[ sue* g#q-d..*+v, lob t399EDWA fn ss T06 TrussType t ROOF TRUSS atv 2 Pty 3 U EDWAROS BUILOING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U45896'' 'touston Truss Montrcse ---3^?00 tseP 20 1995 MiTek lndustries, lnc. Mon Nov 11 09:03:17 1996 Paga , 2-74 $2{ , 7.94 1$4-O 12-t14 , 156-0 1 8x8 = ExBz 2-7.o 2-7.o 6.ooF2 12 3x10 2.74 8x8 tt 4 st Ts 6x8, 5 11 8xB = 10 1}.12= (o Td'd @ dTd' I ,-?4 I ar4 | ?-$0 I 1G44 |2-74 2-74 I 3x10 ll 8x8 = 8x8 \ 2.74 Plate otts€fs (X,V: t1:0.3-5,0-o-07 [1:a2-0,0-2-9], [2:G1-4,&1-8], [4:O0-0,0-2-0], [6:61-4,G1-8], [7:OC5,6e0], [7:0-24,02-9], [9:0-a0,a-+8], 110:6c0,0'+EJ, [11:6O0,G+E] LoAD,Na (ps?TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0gcLL 0.0scDL 10.0 SPAC,IVO 2-0.0 Hafos ,rcr€asa 1.00 Lumbarlncrease 1.00Repsarssrrcr A/oCode UBC94 cs,TC 0.32BC 0.62wB 0.86 DEFL Ail (bc) Vart(LL) 0.15 10n Veft(TL) 0.19 108 Hotz(TL) 0.06 7 Min Lsngth / LL delt = 24O Udefl 999 945 n/a ORIP 12783 PLATES M20(209e) Weight: 125 (lbs) U'MAER TOPCHORD AOT CHORD yt€8s OIHERS WEDGE REACTTOTVS FORCES TOPCHORD BOTCHORD WEBS tvotEs 1) 3-p[y tuss to be connected to€g.ther with 10d nails as fofiows: Top chords connectad with 2 mw(s) at 9 inches on center. Bottom chords connected wi/in. 1 row(s) at 12 inches on canteL Webs connected with I mw et 6 inches on centel. 2) Tl,is truss has been designed tor the wind loads gana"ated by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 feet above gnund level, using 5.0 p.s"f. top chord daad load and 5.0 p.s.f boftom chord dead load, 100.0 miles trom hunicana oceanfrne, on a category I enclosed buildlng, ol dlmanslons 45.0 by 24.0 with exposurc C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber lncrease = 1.33 Plete Incrcese = 1.33, Both and vefticals are exposed. 3) Special hanger or connoc(,on rcquircd to distibuta the bottom chord unilom bad into all plies. Continued on page 2 BRACING TOP CHORD Sheatfied or 64O oa center Pufin spacing. BOT CHORD Ngid ceiling drcctty apfied, ot 1G00-00 on center bracing. 2X6SPre 16WF 1.5E 2 X I SPF-A 19WF 1.7E 2X4SPre Stucl Except' 11-3 2 X 4 SPF-S 16ilF 1.5E. 10-4 2 X 4 SPF-S 16ilF 1.5E 2X4HF UW Lefi:2X4,Right:2X1 (bs/sizo) 1=12699tO-8-7 qnryt: c-.s8), 7=12699n-8-7 Anput: 0-rg) Mdx Hotz 1=40(toad case 3) Max UNft 1:1362(toad case 4),7=1%20oad casa 4) L2--2m35, 2-3- I 8 422, g4-- I 387 5, + 5=- 1 387 5, '6: 1 8422, 67 :22635 7-8=199t1O, &9=199tt0, *10=1 6477, 1Gl 1=16477, 1 1-12=199.';0, 1-12=199tto 2-124724, 2-11:3856, 111=5593,910'-5721, +10=11945, &10:5721, 59=5593, e9:3856, G8=3724 efi-'n A Ulp'ttUe - l'eifl design parameurs atd READ NOTES ON TH\S,4-ND |.]rl.7lRsl' SIDE BEFORE L|SE. Design valid for use only with MIId( connectors. This design is bas€d only upon parametsrs shown, and is lor an individual buildiru componont to be install€d and load€d venically. Apdicattlity ot desiqn pararn€lers and propor inco$Dralion ol 8252 ii I^t li: componenl is responsibility ol building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support ol individual web members only. Additional tempolary b6cing lo insure stability duing construclion is the responsibility ol th6 arector. Additional pemanent bracing ol the overall sfl]clurc is tho rosponsibiiity ol the building designer. For gen6ral guidanc€ regarding fabdcalion, qualily conlrol, sloragg, daliv€ry, €r6clion, and bracing, consult OST€a Quality Stenderd, DSB{g Breclng Specilicslion, and HIE€1 Hrndllng Inltrlllng and Bracing Recommondetlon available frofi rluas Plrto Inatltute, 58il D' Onolrio Drive. liladllon. IYI 53719 tll.lllT.k Indurlrle3, Inc. TONAL =U,l-<rr ri639060z-sulz E' o P,ttz =oz *a aooo-i i odeg* d'3 3;R;;q+o5o x g 3gx J o: a431jst:r*ii;5n6o<-' ** R d = i!.7x! 6' b o =ac', o*A a 6: 9 x. :1 0 + 6.--ro9 ob :-=Q Rs r 3a's*=x I r 6'F5i:. :Pdsg 6 4P*i sBQI' R 4 J (O ru o =Tga' bg 3F|oE r+ =59.oci F1rE39 8a 3o1 oto:l v tns ; i'q d6-6! = "g ++6'c_A =O Xq;s 0srf.lo6'Yd= Bg:dqgit6.f t F .,ll,,' \=to a o =zoo !sl |lt t!n Pzo rlr 6'o o 6-o oo E. oo ool c o = j t5Jo. 6' 6'fo So' =H16o a.Oz)oo8; 9-d 8so - 5ltIl 3iFi iEl ? zc 3uo -r-.f,(o (t, v, o 3 TOP CHORO 2 Fi!:ts * 3:l xEiigs i*!: i tlE e IEi =f;F E;-t Lt9=s6 =RKQX bX<v" +>OT->I io!o. (.J!o @ 00 -! 3 o (n .{ @@-=oHNq gg 55- <:28S R6'^N)Q-\J (r!a:-8;S e -:-l!ooN)20 0 I g ?z a-o, TOP CHORD i ll ;i li rla 1ggg;eg$ i$igi ggg igg ;gg g ;gg ![ flgga ii 3i =Huuu+s, rgi$:'s+*i 3;'dt Eg $a $g EF Eg $$6a FFe 'ig 5i $$ i; gsEs Eu g 'd aF + 5' fiq'; 3l gu g$i aa 'i gB Fg a tfr* $ #q-a-5€.?u, 'ob ssbEDyyA Tn ss 708 rrussryro It ROOFTRUSS atv 2 PIy 3 t EDWARDS B'JILDING CENTER VA]L COMMON A U458P67 Hosston Truss Monaoso YOTES ,) Req,tbd beehg size at jdt t(s) 1, 7 gnatet then Inprt beaing size. 3.300 e Sep 20 i995 Miek tndusties,lnc. Mon Nov ll (N:03:18 1996 Page :oAD CASE(S,I l) Lumbor tncrca€€=1.u), Plate tnc6ase=1.(n Unihm Loa& (bs par lt) Vertl-2=-l 80.0, 2-3=-1 80.0, E4=-1 80.0, +*-1 80.0, 1-12--1508.5 67=-180.0, 7-8=1fl8.5, &9=-1508.5, 9-10--1508.5, 1G11--1fi8.5, 11'12--1508.5, $q 4ao;o i NOV {A, WrWttttC - Vcrifi dcsign paratnctcn ard READ NOTES ON THIS AND REwRsE 'IDE BEFORE IJSE. u€$gn vano rcfuse onry wrm | | ti, connoclors, Inrg oealgn E oaa6o onty upon palameters snown, ano |srct an noMoual bullding compon€nt to b€ installed and loadod \,6dcally. Applicabllity of d€sign paramEters and propgr inco@olation ol compongnt i9 responsibillty ol bulldlng deslgnor - nol l.u8s d€signer. B€cing shown is lor lateEl auppod of individual web m€rnb€rs only. Additional t€mpo€ry b€cing lo insure stabllity dudng congtruction is the responsibility ol lh6 oroctor Additional pamanent bracing of lhe ov€rall skuctur€ is lho rg8ponslbllity of the building dosignqr. For g6ne.al guldanco r€garding tabrlcalion, quality control, storage, dellvery, oroctlon, and bracing, con6ult QST{8 Ouallty Stlndard, DSg{g Br.clng Spldllcltbn, rnd HIB-91 tLndlng hltllllng rnd Bnclng R.comrEndalion availabl€ lrom llusr Pldc In.tltuto, 5&, D' Onotrlo Drlvo, tlrdbon, Wl 5:}719 IlTrk lrdurlrlm, hc. tf{t'?r rt 0 m.F aa$ EfiHi ;si-o xq;s .loi;'**d=z;d E8=qq soAr rt I.tn,,' \=lo - o =zo.Olo. 6' o d-oo ) ooc oo. o J =) o o ooj' t5Jo.6'5' So =.H16oat, =a9 x=' =i'9-; 8qo E ottt Pzo 5 o P ct7l<rnri-oJ9('60z-vulzo oxl z =o2 t+'It aooo:tloooo=erlfo o 6'6!s;;q =o5o* 3 H3H J Oi-'t = 6'5O g.\ + id=5h':Io2P{.e5n6o.<-' s ooc o - t+* 3 F j .=Pd;E{ 3 iliqA+ R.--n> 3F+ 6:3 fr+a 9a3ss 0*:i3i t'dB RS.5 o*oo o =d{-gd 6g 3g'9! agio s.dt3 =g3L =98a 3o1 o,ol !?sl tl ilr iFi=' iEl a zc 3oo =.J(o q, u, o 3 2 FiE:ts il 3:! HEii$s i:!l S rld I I-.Ei =;gg; -{ {E- IRRAR bX DU" }'i> LN {o!o, oI0.D @6-=@HNq 3gE5 -(,O-!-2SS 8fioY-" X(r!.s:-8;S eJIN)?P N I 8Iz TOP CHORD TOP CHORD * sf €gi [i iaF ssi rE Ffri iigti aui *;#?.TFis t sei €fl F $ir ,;i 3H 3ii a;rri $rs qg fEi $fg **f fiH +tg g$€E ii s g$f, Ef 3l =saftlEe$ F; ii$Fi $:E [i $* ';il gFgi ig q 'ai EE ua gg EE Eg $[Fi $$a '$g *[ *+ fi; EsEs Er gd eB" = g' fiq'= 3; flH $lfl aa 'ig$ $[ $u!* i fr rb 399EDWA Iruss TN rrussType t FOOF TRUSS av I PU t EDWARDS BULANG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458968 slo, ,rults MoaDllte 3.394 e seP zu TYYc Mt, ex tndusues, rnc. Mon Nov r t vt-u"- tt , -240 7+0 1S&0 , 17-6-0 ,. 7-9{)7.$0 s Ts I zso { 1rs0 | 7-$O 7-9{ 'tate O,F,a16 (X,Y): F:o.A0,0-0-01, Frt-l-7,Uhol oADtNe @s0'cLL 80.0'cDL 10.0cLL 0.0cDL 10.0 SPAC,/VG 2-0.0 Ptateslncreasa 1.N Lumberlncrease 1.00 Ropstressrrc/ /VOCode UBG94 cs,TC 0.978C o.fiwB 0.10 DEFL (n) (,oc) Yden Vott(LL) 0.10 /tn 999 Vott(lL) 0.12 4/3 999 Hotz(TL) 0.03 3 n/a Min Length / LL dalt = 240 PLATES GR'P M20(2W) 127/93 Waight: 81 0bs) ,UM8ER'OPCHORD IOT CHORD vEas IEACfTOIYS ORCES,OP CHORD IOTCHORD yEES torEs 2X6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E 2X l SPF-S 16&F 1.#, 2X4SPF-SSlud (hs&ize) 1=1864/0-18, 3=1864D'8 Max Hotz 1=-52(had ceso 2) Max Uptlt 1:1590oad casa 4), 3=-159(bad case 4) 1-2=-1600,2-3--16@ X4=1413, 1-4=1413 2-4=150 BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-1-13 on.center Wrtn sPac E. BOT CHORD 1-4:690. ?4:&3.0. ) Irnb tuss t s 6een designed tor the whd loads genent d by 80.0 n.p.h. winds at 25.0 feet above gmund bvel, using 5.0 p.s.L top chord deed bad and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord deed loed, 100.0 nfles tom hunicena ocaantrne, on e category I enclosed btfidng, ot 6m6ndons 45.0 by 24.0 wtth exposurc C (ASCE 7-93). Lumbet lncrcase = 1.33, Plate lnctaese= 1.33. Both endve icals arc expsed. , S/,UPSOTV H2.5 co nneclors recommendod to connect tnJss to beaing wans due to u$tt es ft,lwts: One connedor a, joht(s) 1, 3. ,oAO CASEIS, Standad -'mi"f:*h\ A WlnUme - Verifi dcsign parumeten and READ NOTES ONTHIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE L.SE. O€sign valid tor uso only wilh illTok connoctoF. This d8sign is based only upon paramelers shown, and is lor an individual building compon€nt to be installod 8nd loaded vertically, Applicabiliiy of design pa€mst€ls and proper incorpofalion of 28252 j,s . . r..f'Sj component ia ro6ponslbrlity of building d€sionor - not truss deslrner. Bracing shown is tor latoral suppon ol individual rvsb mon$ers only. Additional temporary bracing to insure statility dudng conslruction is th€ r€sponsibitity ot the er€ctor Additional p€manent bracing ol the ov€mll structur€ is lh€ r€sponoibilily of the building d€sign€r. For general guidanc€ regarding t'?ir(cw> ,cur6uqr, qu4rt w,NU !on, dE Drdqng. @n$tr !rDr-!. uulrry rr.noalEr u|'t'.5:r Eracrng S@fc.tbn, .nd HtB-91 Handllng In.t lllng.nd Br.clng Racommoodnllon availabl€ lrom Tru.! Ptlb Indtut , 5E! O' IlTfk hdudrbf, InC. Onotrlo Odr,a, I.dboo, wl sitTlS PUil<|li .-5J9u60 vurzI oD z =oz rtD 00.) e9g6d36;Ra;q=o5o; o SQ-=.oJ* J O;' [4si esff*f*Eii568o<' qEi ;Enr;=i 3d:9ii* R.--,oI ob :'.Q B8 - 3a'erq[ gE 3i3 sph;o g ei5' <o* o o o =d9d bgso q! r$ =5go3i!O $i =!8a 3.+ o,o* tns ; -'E d *: E* =o X!.;6Oraf a-9 3 Eeiitar rt .il \>,lFta F o =2oo v !Fsltl Etn 2zo 3 o ilr lo d'o o 6-o 6') o o -o oo o l =f o o o o a. t53*Jo Hd 5'o ti=a9 !9B; 9-d 8so I ts1Fl 7 l. =5b, I HPi B5 ; at.nlFDI =-- 5fl zc 3uo =.f,(o at, vr o 3 {o!o, 5dIov, 2 FiE:B =::! ;Eiigs i?!t I rld 1 EE i Ff;g'{^b; =- TOP CHORD €86 =RQ88 si E 3Q; 688ts9 @\b ao' -!,9ss dr'^r\)Q--r (r!\-8bS e_Jto(roN 20 @ I 8@oz TOP CHORO , eFe;s ri egi$gt FE E$i i$ rgi $6i +Eiie *ii *i ;er €fl F E i['gfi i$ giF $lEE$*i$i'g iii $$i,[igi $iF E Fgi li i''E $g *i uF EE *g *i Ei $i$ ,$s illg* ii E$gg =$ t€qo-.€+u, ob 399EDWA Iruss T10 rrussType t MOD. QUEEN atv I PU ! EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458969 ,ston Truss Montrcse 3.300 e seD 20 1995 MiTaR Inclusfios. lnc. Mon Nov 11 09:03:25 1996 r , s11-1 lerl€ 1fll0 2104 , 26-{Lt5 , 32-OO $r1-1 Fq 13 4x4= 5x8 tt 5 12 ',11 5x8 = 5x8 = 10 4x4= "8$oF, t+8 4x6. 3x6, 4 54€ tG8 +11-1 4x6 \ 316 \ II@ , &5.4 , tao{ , 23-&12 , 324{t 7.612 7&12 7x12= t'g 7x12= )late O'6,efs (X,Y): n :0-1-5,&G01, 19:0-1-5,0-0-01, [12:a-e0,o1-8] .oADlNc (pso,CLL EO.O'cDL 10.0,cLL 0.0tcDt_ 10.0 sPACrirG 2-0-0 Phtes lnc'?asa 1.@ Lumber lncftese 1.00 Rep Sfnass rncr A/OCode UBG94 cs,TC 0.53BC 0.72wB 0.93 DEFL 0n) qoc) Udat Vaft(LL) 0.27 11/10 999 Ved(TL) 0.34 11/10 999 HonOL) 0.14 I n/a Min Ldngth / LL delt = 240 PLATES GRIP M20(209a) 127n3 Weight: 222 (lbs) ,UNBER BRAC/NA 'OP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-A 16ilF 1.#. -. TOP CHORD Sheatbed ot 2-&1 on canter Nfin spacing. loT CHoRD 2X6SPF-5165,|F1.#, BOT CHORO 1-13:6?0, 12-13:6tr0, 11-12:6-3-0, 1a11;6.34,9-10:'.&0.I/EBS 2 X 4 SPF-S Stud Eycapt' WEBS I Rwr at nidpt +12, 126, 12-s 12-5 2 X 4 SPF-S 165plF 1.8)IHERS 2X4HFUWVEOGE Lett: 2 X 4, Nght: 2 X 4 aEACI,ONS (bs/size) 1 =31 5tl/&a'4 (nput: o.ra) , 9=31 51t/U64 (nput: Or8) Max Hoz 1:83(load casa 2) Max Uiltft 1=-231(toad caso 4), 9--2310oad casa 4) roRcEs OP CHORD 1-2:5457, 2-3:4877, 14:4877, $5=31156, 56:3456, 67=-4877, 7-8--4877, &9--5497 IOT CHORD 9-1b48&, 161F&45, 11-12=t$45, 12-13=2fi45, 1-13=4860t€AS 2-1b-752, +1b789, tl-12=-1384, 512=2158, 612F-1384, 6-10=789, e10--752 ,orES ) this tnlss ,ras been dasigned tor the wind bads gcnented by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 leet above gound levet, using 5,0 p,s"t. top chord daad had and 5.0 p.s,f boftom chord dead load, 1 00.0 mlles fiom hunicane oceanfrne, on e aatagry I endosed buil6ng, ol dmensions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposure C (ASCE 7-93) . Lumbar lncrease = 1 .33, Ptatc lncrease = 1.33. Eoth and verticals are exposad. I SIMPSON H2.5 connactors r€commendad to connec't trus6 to beaing wells due to uplift as hllows: ona connoctor at loint(s) 1,9. t) Rewhed beadng size at Nnt(s) 1, I Water than input baaing size. .OAD CASE(S, Standard RT 9pta^,anp.,$ A WdWtttte - Verifi dzsign paranetets and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REIyERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. D€6ign valld lor uss only with MlTgk conneclors. This design is bas€d only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component to be in6talled and loadod v6rtically. Applicability of d€sign param€ters and proper incofpofalion ol componsnt is rosponsitility ol building dosigner - nol truss designer. Bracing shown is lor laleral support ot individual \^/eb m€mbe€ only. Additional temporary bracing to inaure stability dudng construction is lhe responsibility ot ths oreclor Addiiional pemanent bEcing ol the overall slructlro is tho responsibllity of the building designer. For g€neral guidance regarding tabricalion, quality conlrol, storag€, delivory, €rection, and bracing, consult OSI-88 Ouallg Standa.d, OSBS9 Braclng q) a\ $,6iiiieJ Spccmcdbn, and HIB-91 Handllng lnltalllng rnd Brlclng R.@mmendrlion available lrom T]u.! Pl.t ln liuto,583 D' Ill3l( hdualffar lnc. Onof.lo O.lvo. lradlson, Wl 5:1719 rt g, Ns ;'oo =+3.$ sd*Xi ;s5*o {:-6- do' ,/.o6."*A=ibd6t55. 0q q oo- rt F{ap\>,lFro ! o-zoo o =ltl-< 5390doZ-;Urz0 o =tn2 =oz r+o9o..)o ='i ooooa('lfo 6'3 5;ga;o*- =o5(D x I *g*J O; { = o';g+o l esf^l 2P? #5n6o<-- o< o o o **Rd] =E.Tx! 6' h o <;=i 3d:Sii+ R--p *[i *;gF;ii !1 9*en' 6 AP 3 = s.'g- 3- '8* =8go bg90 9p.2O Iogdci =gFI, =98a:tI otoa ilr !Fsttt Eit =zo :) 6'o o 6-oo =o) o o -o oo o l 5'c c tl o o g o a.f {i 33fog6' -'orbo aQ !o B-; C-a 8soc:- 5lIII i t2.5=J\-t\aglAt $>ir|r'r B5 ; al _pr t-2- - !!rLIi 2 iig:6 H::! *Eiigs i*!r S rIt g iBi, T fiN b=zan-t zc 3 cro =.f,(o (t, U, o 3 l\)frHB €sE- i"i -{o!o, (JIoo @@-=r@dNg s$ A.ol i:p:BS eS ; ni.€ - ^\r(,!AY8;S e__N)CPg PzQ;-6 o 2 TOPCHORD TOP CHORO i ir*gi li alg ggggEggg ig ggi rgg $+gE$ gig,i ffig gl g C sa ia 3i =Fs*sF?e is Es s*i +ie frEt* 'eq u ifii li A';i eg uF se gB ig qgEi F$F u$g it i[ *; E$E€ FF g F sB 3 g-Eec= 3g Eu $[3 aa 11gfr Fa [*E* $#g-6'-e+ul 2+O $1r.1 1-1441 tfl.1 F rGlr4 t0olrZ tG8 tG8 $&8 tl1-t I 12 11 SxB = 5x8 = PLATES M20(209e) I ,l *l lqlgro 4rct 3x6 t 4 , &5.4 | laeo | 21&12 | 32{u) |&a4 7412 7412 &t4 ofiso|s (X,V: F :149,0-001, [1 :&O0,ce0], [9fr1-5,a$0], n2:aao,G1-81 1 1X12, ARIP 12783 cHoRD 2 X 6 SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E -. cHoRD 2X6SPF-S 16fiF 1.5L Weight: 230 (lbs) ARAC,,VG TOP CH1RD Sheathad ot 2-&1 on center Nfin spacing. BOT CHO RD 1 -1 3 :6.9,0, 1 2-1 3:G.3.0, 1 1 -1 2:&.}.0, 1 0- 1 1 :e;}0, 9'1 0:&.9.0' WEBS 1 Row at ridpt +12, 12-6, 12-s'EAS 2X 4 SPF-S Stud'Excaptr 12-52X4SPF-S 165,.F 1.5EIHERS 2X4HFUw'Excepl' wGL2X 8HF 1350F 1.3E Left:2X8,Wt:2X4 0bs/slz6) 1=351tUO7-0 (nfiut: G'.8), 9=31ilfi-64 (nput: o-Ug) Max Hon 1=1180oad case 3) Max Ufifr 1:280(load case 4), 9--2310oed case 4) CHORD 1-2--5497, 2-3--4877, !4--4877, +5--34fi, t6=-3456, 67--4877,7-8--4877, &9:5497 T CHORD 9-10=4860, 10-11=/t045, 11-12=$45, 12-13=4045, 1-13=4860 2- 1 3=7 52, + 1 3.7 89, + I 2=-1 384, 5 I 2=21 58, 6 1 2: 1 384, 6 1 0=7 89, 8- I 0=-7 52 frds trrss t rs boo n deqgnad tor ths wind loads gonerated by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 feet ebow gtoud level, using 5.O p.s.l, top chord dead loact aN 5.0 p.s.f bottom chotd ddad load, 10O.O n flas trom hunicang oceanfine, on a cat€goty I endosed building, of dinensions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposurc C (ASCE 7-93). Lumbet lncraase = 1.33, Phte lncrcase = 1.33. Both end vefticers are exposed. S/MPSON H2.5 c! nnectoB rocomnended to connacl ttuss to beaing wals due to uNft as follows: One connactot at joint(s) 1, 9. Requircd b€aing size atiain(s) 1, 9 gnater than inpJt beaing gza. CASE(S, Slandard Truss Type MOD. QUEEN EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458970 DEFL (n) (Ioc) llden Vaft(LL) 0.27 1ffi0 999 Venqq 0.34 11/10 999 Horz(TL) 0.14 9 n/a Min Lengtrh/Udefl=240 SPAC"VG z.GO Plateslncreese 1.00 Lumberlncrease 1.00 Rep St/ess /rcl NoCode UBC94 A WlnNttle - Verifi dzsign paramcurs and READ NOTES ON THIS AND MVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. CLesign valU tor us€ only with Mif€* conn€clo.s. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is lor an individual building componsnt to bo install€d and load€d v€rtically. Applicability ol dosign paramelers and Droper incorporation ol *fr{fr*{alitl#fr*##.*1iiilr*-;fi.ffrfll,]fi iff-- tllfabdcation, quality control, slorage, delivsry, or€ction, and bracino, consult OST-88 Ouallty Standard, DSB-89 gracing It-I Spocltlclllon, lnd HIE€1 Handllng Inltllllng and Bracing Recomm.ndldon available lrom Truls Plato Insthule, 58:t O lTfk lndu3lllaa, InC. Onolrio Orlvr.llldllon. Wl 53710 ffi''ili'* v ,tls ; i'q 6 "9Eae3ga''c i =O {s;8Oarldgl : <hA E8=.0q sodr rt .il?-\> ta! F o<zo.Olo. o o o f o.o o o ) =-f oc o t o ='(o Et! czo {irO6' 5'1ro Hdq6'-'ooo a9 oo 6E' 9-d 8so :- P CT'l-<nr{6J3060 vvrz0 oE lnz -l =oz rfD00c) ooo=urrlo o560R;;s- =o i'o .- o !+9t'= O J *JO;35.r'='a.q;i es t^li*=i;5tEo<-' qs i ;Ea*;F* 385qii* f,-:u eIi *eg'afr ;issi "$e 5' o*oo =8go 6g90lr 'r9p.r+ =5go3i!O $irg8a i.ao,ot 'ttslm ilr E]tIl iiFi jEl I zc 3 C'o =.:t(o U, U, o 3 LN c€86 =R8QR U6<rrv;>OIF- {o!o, E6Ioa 2 Fi!:I ;3:i IEiigs i*!t i r!E g EBi =6Fg; -t t!,o61 o3 r D o gQ6 688Be @bA.o: <:":Es efi'^\)o-\t (t '-l .N :-8;S eJ-N)(r{|N) 20 @ :o;6 Fz (D TOP CHORD TOP CHORO iegc=i gi e=- = 6 e P : tr s'' 5 !' ''r -Hi F I iF Egi ig f,g6 f$i $4 nfig i$ ggi Esg $[$ fq 3is td IFF E** Ea si uflg g3g 6fi ,gg gu iEi [qi gF*i is' g3** ;i 3 'IE Eg ia $* EE Eg $gEi $FF *$g $i B[ fe E$i€ FF g 'F aF 1g' fiq'; 3g Aug93 ia 'igg 3[ gt;* ; #gdj€.1 .r, Job 1399EDWA Iruss T12 Trussryp. t ROOF IRUSS atv PU I ! EDWAROS BUILANG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U45897 sfoa fruss /lror?oso 3.300 e Sep 20 1995 MiTeR lndusties, Inc. Moa Nov 11 o9:o3:3o 1996 t .2S t Z-$O t rteo , r7+O t 2{}O 7-9-0 5x8 = 26.00[12 1 7-$O | 15€O I T I =l5l YI$l It(oldJo 7-SO7€4 Plet Ol's,ets (X,Y): [1 :0-40,0-0-0], [39-1-7,a'0-,0] LOADNO (tLr?TCLL ffi.oTCDL 10.0BCtt 0.0BCDL 10.0 sPAC'tG 2-0-0 Plates lnc|sase 1.00 Lumbq Incrcase 1.00 Rep St'3ss ,rcr A/OCode UBG94 cs,TC 0.97BC 0.6wB 0.10 DEFL Ad qoc) veft(LL) 0.10 4r3 Vett(TL) 0.12 4t3 Hon(TL) 0.03 3 Min Length / U det =240 Ydafl 999 999 n/a fl.ATES GRIPM20(ng4 12783 weQhr. U @s) LUMBER ERACTNG TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.58 TOP CHORO Sheathed or 2-r-13 on cantar pfin spacing. BOTCHORD 2 X 4 SPF-S 16flF 1.# BOT CHORO 1-4:670.3-4:6-3-0.vvE8s 2x4 sPF-SStud REAC7,ONS (lbs/she) 1=186Ue*8, 3=1864to*8 Max Hotz 1=52(load case 3) Max UNft 1=-159(toad caso 4), 3=-159(load case 4) FORCES TOP CHORD 1 -2: 1 600, 2-3=- 1 600 BOT CHORD 3-4=1 413, 1-/t=1 413WEBS 2-4=150 iroTEs tl Itls tt ss ,as been dosignad for the wind loads genented by 80.0 m.p.h. wlncts at 25.0 laet ebove gmund level, using 5.0 p.s.t top drord dead loed end 5,0 p.s.f botom chotd dead load, 100.0 nfus tlom hunicane oceanfrne, on a categoty I en&sed butdng, of &nenCons 45.0 by 24.0 with expsure C (ASCE 7-93) . Lumbar lnctgase = 1 .33, Plete lncrcas€ = 1.33. Both ond w rcds arc exposed. 2) SIMPSON H2.5 conneato/.€ Baommendad to conn€ct ttuss to beaing wafis due to uNft as fonows: One aonnector et Nnt(s) 1,3. IOAD C/ISE(S, Standad K-_#ltriA L, WnrrnnC - Veif:r lz:ion t>anmctzts ani RFAD NOTF.I ON THIS ANft RFW.R.SF .SIDF BEFORF IISE.Its oEsign valid for us€ only wiih Mltqk conn€clors, Thls doslgn is bas6d only upon parametors shown, and is lor an individual building componenl to be instell€d and loadod vedically. Applicabiliv ol dosign parameters and proper Incoryo€tion ol compon€nl is rasponsibility ol building d€sign€r " not trugs d€signer Bracing shown is for lat€ral suppon ol individual w€b members only. Addilional t€mporary bracing to insure slabllily during construclion is the rosponslbllity of ihe erector. Aclditional pemanent bracing ol the overall srudure is the responsibility ol tho building d€signer. For general guidance regarding labrication, quality conirol, slorage, delivery, eroction, and bracing, consult OST-0a Oudllty Standard, OS8-89 Bracinq SFclflclllon, ud HIB€I Handling Indalllng and E,aclng Roconm6ndldon available trom Truls Plat! Instltute, 583 D' Onofrlo D.lvc. iiladl8on. W 5371 I llTok lndurlrler, Inc. iE a:ediilLe) I =U;l-<tn-6390do vvlz0 op z{ =oz ! nl tn 5xs ; i'q dd-o! =df g ag*s --'€1 =o \t'6:o o' ,lo6'**ti=1;d E8:. 0,q so6.r o (f0.)oiioooo=(,rlfo o 5' o'og;;q +o 5'o x E 3gx- r o;' 3 ag1-:;c c v'o ;- ? z=u5t Eo<' rf* 3 A j dPa - C', a)*a 6 ;': o )x x :1 ct+ x --N9 ob :-'a Hs+ *s3i 5 ii. :8 6'e.s 6,*i3= s'dB d,v p a5' o*oo o =Tgd bg90 9? r+ =5gaci =gte =98a ;o1 o,oI ilr t E,t ozo l!rn !zo o-o6 J^' 50xo7c"a6; Hd ='.o o {t e3Jo 9(D ,lx a9 6E' c-; 9o oc TIEl I i!-\ art\!gE I\I *\IclatcravS - tt =35 I ar!lFI'I 'f,15fi !)l DI ilzl!lrl @ zc 3oo =.f,(o U' UI o 3 {o1to.I';o!0o 2 Fi!:ts H 33i iEiiss i=!: i rIE s EEi F;F b3 4^ {s6 =RRAX bX<!-?' ;> -I @@-=@HNq gg E5 -(,PaE dpol-' X(,\lAY8;S e -JN)?P P :o 6@Pz TOP CHORD TOP CHORD iagtgi al rsg aeigi fl$i ifi $gi aE$ ug; #*lg ,i lei Ei F c $fl EF si *EH fl;i €$ ,g$ i* iEE gqE $flEil 'eq q in+ gi a ' *i Eg ga $s EFEg $iEi$i$,$€ ili€$ ii Egi$ *$ ;ga_.t+u, lob t399EDWA Iruss T13 rrussType t ROOF TRUSS aty 1 Ply 3 ! EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U45897' 6x8 =2 |sfo, fruss ,ltonrose ol I(Y) 3.300 e Sep 20 1995 MiTeR lndusties, lnc. Mon Nov ll o9:o3:32 1996 , -240 , 1C6 , 6+12 , *1-2 , 12-1-S 2x4 .,. 2 | 4G'8 | &t{ | 1r-1€ | @,r 9lo- 4ate oltso|s (X,V: [3:0-G0,c1-1 2], [6:0-&0,0-581, F;OOA,OUS] loADilG (F0rcu 80.0rcd- 10.03CU 0.03CDL 10.0 sPAcrrvc 2-0-0 Ptates Increasa 1.0O Lumber Incraase 1,N RepsfFssrrc/ ruOCode UBG94 cs,TC 0.17BC 0.69wB 0./t6 DEFL Ail (loc) vd6tl Veft(U) 0.10 7/6 999 VefttL) 0.12 7/6 999 Ho,z(TL) o.03 5 n/a Min Length/Udefl=2/r0 PLATES ER/,P M20(20ga) 12783 Welght: 97 qbs) LUMBER rOP CHORD 9OTCHORD WEBS RE4CTTOTVS FORCES rOP CHORD 80T CUORD llVEBS IYOTES 2X6SPre 16WF 1.5E 2X 8 SPF-S 19frF 1.7E 2X4 SPF€ Sfud 'Evcapt' trl 2 X 4 SPF-S 16ilF 1.8. 76 2 X 4 SPF-S 16WF 1.5E (hs/size) 1=10242.n-e13 @put: 6rA), 5=988?-/&e9 qnput: Mex Hotz 1=66(load case 3) Mex Ufrlt 1--11fi0oad case 4), 5--10600oad case 4) 1-2--1 45@, 2-3--1 4225, e4=-1 41 53, +5=-1'U1 1 U5= 1 27 21, 67=8586, 1 -7= 1 2838 2-7=188, i7=7380, 96=7264, 46=102 BRAC'NO TOP CHORD Sheat red or 6Gl0 on center Ptrtn spacing. BoT CHORD Rifid ceftng drccv appfied, or 1G@-0o on contet bncing. 0-r8) 1) gdy trws to be @nnec/'a<t together with 10d nails as htrows: Top chotds connected with 2 row(s) at 9 inchas on centor. Bottom chords connecled with 1 row(s) et 9 inches on center. Webs connacted with 1 rcw at 6 inchos on cantet. ?) ftns fruss ,ras b.en designad fot tt e wlnd beds gene'ated by 80.0 n.p.h. wlnds at 25.0 teet abovo gmund leval, using 5.0 p.s.t. bp chotd daad load and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chod dead load, 100.0 miles lrom hunicane oceanllna, on d category I endosad bu 6ng, ot dmensions 45,0 by 24.0 with ax'p.surc c (AscE 7-93). Lumber lncrcase = 1.33, Plate tnc'eesa = 1.33. Both an.l wftcals aE sxposoct. ?) Spedal hanger v connedion nquircd to dbttibute the bottom chord unitom toad into atr pfres. q Reqnt€ct beefing .tize et Nnt(g 1, 5 gnatet than input boadng she. LOIID C/ISE(S' 1) Lumb€.r lncnas€=1 .(n, Hate lncnase=1 .00 contnuad on pegp 2 iT,''L" friffi A W,tWWe - Vnify dzsign parameten and READ NOI4ES ONTHISAND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE L|SE. D€sign valid for us€ only with MII€k connectoF. This design is basod only upon parameters shown, and is lor an individual building componont to bo installod and load€d vorlically. Applicatility of design paramelers and prop€r incorpoGlion ot compononl is r€sponsibility ot building dasigner - nol lrws dosagnor. Blacing shown is {or lat€ral suppod ol andividual web m€mbels only. Addidonal temporary bracing to insur€ sbbilily during constnrtioo is the responsibilily ol lho ereclor Additional pormanenl bracing of lhe overall strrcfure is lho rgsponsibility of the blilding designer. For gensral guidance regarding fabdcation, quality control, slorag€, delivery, 6r€clbn, and b€cing, consult OST{8 Ouality St.ndrrd, DSB{g Braclng Spoclflcdlon, and HlB41 Hlndling lns|llllng rnd Eraclng R.commendalkrn available trom nuss Pl.to lmtltute, 58:t D' Onolrlo Orlv.. il.dl.on. Wl 53719 lllTrk hdurlrlcr, hc. I z"e,d rorrr..- ..\\yONALPY t 7(/,.l-< 539o o=o ;v,2c, o Ptn2 =oz *q9goOrloooo=(,|:)lo d'3 3;ga;o-- =o5o; d se F= 3* x agi d.gil:f*ii;5nEo..<- s oo o o qs f ;Bir;=i 3B'igA* R.--p B[i F;gF 5 ii :P dSg 6 !-: -' 3 = p H-8-'3- '83o o i I$f 9+E il' "rE*aEi si il;Eiiqsi F g E g3 1-;ar g oa rlr F-l D Fon ozo EEI Ezo 9 'o s6.46'5'o >."bbiFO o= oo 6di'o6C o tiJo.d'6'Jo 8SO= ,83 a9 6b' 9-a Po oc tstltrll I t. =<\ t I#r 35 i 111rlEDI!zln|I5fi zc 3uo =.f,(o CJI U, o 3 N €sd =RKQH E6<v- ;> ={o! :J <-r (.,oItoa @,o oIo U) 2 Fi!:I F 3:! iEiiis i?!t i rEd 9 EEi =;Fg; -{ a-.{ (- (D @o-=@dEs 3sao-t,zss eFoly X(r\J.\:-8;S eJ-l!?9 ti 9 Fz TOP CHORO TOP CHORO *g['.ci fii gaH $siEE E$i i$ asiFE$ sgF;i Fig ,i ifiE tfl F3 iF =:g a* s3g aAE g3 $iq i* qsi a;s *eEi 3Eg F $$q ii S g ga ia li =gg friF e# ;i ig l;i $5: [4 s* ;r € $+e as {,ai E$ *a gg EE Eg lF Ei F*$ ,$€ iF *$ i; 6ss$ Eg g. € .: qa'$[i ia 'igg i[ qui* g#s;j<+u, ob 399EDWA Iruss T13 TrussTypo t ROOF IRUSS aty 1 Pty 3 t EDWARD9 AUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458972 W 3300 e Sep n 1995 MiTek lndustbs, tnc. Mon Nov 11 O9:03:xt 1996 Pags 2 oAo cAsEfs, Unffot n Loads (,bs per fr) Vetl-F1@.0,23:1$.0, l4:180.0, /t-*-1W.O, 5{.-1508.5,67:1508.5, 1-7=-1508.5 Concont1eted Loa& (|D,s) Vett:1:3ffi.0 ffiodgx A Ulnlttve - Vctifi dzsign paramctcrs and READ NOTES ON THIS AND RE:.'ERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Do8lgn valld for u8e only with lilll€k connec'tors. Thls d€sign ls based ooly upon parameters shown, and is for an individual bu dlng componont b be inslall€d and loaded venically. Appllcability ol dg€ign param€lers and prop€r Incolpo.ation ol @nponent Is roaponslbillty ol bullding deslgner - not tru89 d€€ign€r. Bracing shown is for lato€i gr.tppod ol ;dvidual w€b t m€mb€r8 only. Additonal t€mporary bracing to Insu.6 sbbillly dldng coostruc$on is th€ r€gponsibillty of lhe 6rector. Addilional Ipormangnl braclng of thE overall 6tnrcluro ls tho rospon8ibility of lh€ buildlng desilner. For gonoml guidancs rggarding Ifabft€tion, quallty conrrol, storagg, d€livory, orgcdon, and bracing, consull OST{a Oualny Strnda.d, DSB-09 Braclng I Spccflc.don, arid Hl&Ol Handlkrg Hallng rnal BriclnO Racomm.ndadon avallabl€ from ltus! Phta Inathutq 58it o' IlTak Onotrlo Drlva, l|d.on, Wl 5:tfl9 lnc. i2 lA1-$'i; Iti|5ui F o ee onl 2zo o 9 9 =v,l-<rni559o602-surzI o =tnz oz E33qgg9o' " 6 3;R;;d+o5o ft3fr: 3 aEl asr: 2 x?'i aeF saj =Pf;=< ;i:Sii* f,-:uI o6 :'=S a+a ti*qd A*18= t',u 8A'u P g.j o*oo =dgd >t6tc90 9P.2O =t-o 9.o3i =gr!.r! 8air1 otol !al tn ilrxq,AF xoo =; -'E d ?Egi ;H: =s;:o dialu*d* l:p d aHAoAr f 6'o o 6-oo =of o ooc on o : =lcoc 6- o oq oo (o tt:to 6' 6'JoOFo6 -o(oo a9 1loo:oo =='g-d 8so :- EItIt t2t-=,\ -ltt\ast tt - .a\I A\-Asta4E{ry = B5 i .t!la;z- -Elhri zc 3oo =.f,(o v, UI o 3 2 Er!;6 * 3:!gEiii s i?! s i EBi =fiF E3-t =S6 TR8QR E5<:l- +> = Jo! c). f (/', (J oo QQa d8RN9 @65.d- ;P:Bs eB._tuo-\, \J!'(, ..J \ :-8'.S 9!JN)(,oN) 20 @ I g o 2 (- TOP CHORO TOP CHORO @ 6 F 6 F = ; p F :.l e !, F s, to :- Pt iir*gi gi agg ggg gg gg+ ii ggl lgg alfier+lr ,* *Fg Fl a g ga ia 3i =Fanilg# ;i ii $;i 5:3 [i s* ;r c rse is {,;i Eg $il gg EF Eg $aFi HflE ,$e $Fig ii E$Fg *u i'F eF i g' fieu; 35 qugli ae sic, qq i g, €g#g*=i+, }D ,99EOWA Truss T14 rrussType t ROOF IRUSS atv 1 Ptv 2 t EDWARDS AU'LDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U45E973 nstoi.i stfioiitose 2-106 6.ool12 -- 3300 o Sep 20 1995 MiTak lndusties, lnc. Mon Nov 11 09:03:35 1996 F 21p4 Sl' | &?t | 11''8 | Pa! 2-106 2-106 2-10€ al T(v) 1 1-s8 I 9$'13 | r$8 I ?.?- 2.(}5 1-rt-tl 2-1-1 1-&121.1G3 oA,)'NG(F0'cu 80.0'cDL 10.0cu 0.0cDL 10.0 sPACr rG 2+0 Plateslncreese 1.00 Lumbetlncrease 1.00 Raps&essrrcr A/oCode UBC94 cs,TC 0-14ac 0.44wB 0.61 (Metix) DEFL 0n) (toc) Uddfl Vail(LL) 0.05 A7 999 VenffU 0.06 A7 999 Hotz(TL) 0.02 5 n/a Min Length/(ldelt=240 PLATES GRIP M20(209a) 127R3 Wetght: 73 qbs) NO ,UIABER BRACING 'op cHoRD 2 X 6 SPFS 16fiF 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or e.04 on canter gtdin spacing. IOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 16gF 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid cefrng drccty apficd, or 1G0040 on center bncing. I/EBS 2X4 SPF.-S Slud FiACnoNS (lbsktza) 1=256210.5.8,5=2?7&?^rg Mex Hotz t-nqo€ct cese 2) Mex UNt 1=-244(load casa 4), 5=-2?3(load cese 4) roRcEs 'OP CHORD, -z--/tottg, 2-3--3790, g/r=-36/t8, 45:391 0 tOT CHoRD $6=3393, 67=3393, 7-8=2433, &9=?(l3,9-10=3512, 1-10=3512yEAS 2-9:184, ?9=1762, 77=1527, +7--202 ,orEs ') 2-W huss to be conneded togetherwith 10d nails as hnows: Top chords connected with 1 tow(s) at 6 inches on centor. Botlom ct ords connected with 1 row(s) at 7 lnches on centor. Webs connected with 1 rcw at 6 inches on centet ) Irb tuss tas De€ n deggned for the wind loads geneftted by 80.0 m.p.h. winds et 25.0 feet above g@und tevel, using 5.0 p.s.l. top chotd daad toad and 5.0 p.s.t bottom chotd dead loed, 100.0 nfles lmm hunicane oceanline, on a categoty I endosed bufldng, of dmengons 45.0 by 24.0 with exposure c (ASCE 7-93). Lunber lnctease = 1.33, Ptate lncr?.as' = 1.33. Both and vetticab ara axposed, l) STMPSON H2.5 c onneci.o'€ rccomfi,anded to connect truss to beaing wells due to uqrfr as foflows: One conneclu at Nnt(s) 1, 5. .oAD C/ISE(S,, t) Lumbr lnc,€'ase=1.@, Plata Inc,Ease=1.0o Unltotm Loa(t (lbs par n Vert:1-2.-180.0, 2-3*180.0, l4=180.0, 45:180.0, &6--20.0, e7--20.0,7-8=-20.0, g9:20.0,9-1b'20.0, 1-10:20.0 Continued on pagg 2 $ffi':?fl}-\ A WnNWe - Vcifi design paramenn and READ NOTES ON"IHIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE LISE. Design valid lor us€ only with MlTek connoctors. This design is bas€d only upon parameters shown, and is lor an individual 28252 i -/ //),i !X7, *ffi1,*qfrfr[:d$m$",,Td*"stdi*t,ftTfu ffi'-" t[F Specillcrdon, and Hl&91 Handling lnstalllng rnd B.aclng R.rcornrnondallon available irom lluas Pllta Inatltute, 583 D' IlTak Indutlrlaa, Inc. Onoftlo Drlv!. iladlton. Wl 59t19 ,f:f:ilt9 It f3\>\,tFrE F o e; Ett 2zo o ==_o P(/'l-<,n _!6390doZ->U'zo o3tltz =oz tm {r+ ii d-= = o ;dEs* -1|'v'-: o 6 6Dqg33F ft3fr: A4si -h =:EFd* ? ziu Hgm q€ # dE:8E: 9L:a1 \rv9 oE :-=q Fg* i:ied' 6*-1I= r'o BPo5' o*oo o =dgo bg 959p.rg =69.o RJ E1i'q =98ao=idt o,oa !Et tn rlrxv,sF 5;€ s64.3 4 es9lFd:=;.u ;i F' ,Ao6'Yd=:;d88*nod =-.r +it6.f 6'o o ooo =o:) o o o o f =.lcoc o o ; j' €iJo-6'6':TO HO g6- -o(oo aQ 8;: c-; 8qoc:- trrEl a l--\ - -.\t\aY t -1,! +\IEA'ErD/3 B5 i 6!ltrPI'tltf i zc 3oo =. =(o v, v, o 3 2 Fi!:B H 3:I iEiigs i=!: i rEd g EEi =;F b=ztn{ L{s6 =R688 gio- i'i {o!o. L)I (t @.o o3 o o oo ..1 co @@-=@dNg ss A9- iyzBs eF'^N€-\J (, \r A. :-'8;3 eJ-N)99 ti b;6 Yz TOP CHORD TOP CHORD l sl si $i s*a gggggci$ if ggiggg UFggig$,g igg $[ g ;$a ia 31 =gsun*aa r$E 'ai Eg $i $g EE Es $eFi F$a ,$g $r$$ ii Efrgs EF g 'd eF + g'fEU= 3$ gu$[i ie'igB Fg q'fl* $=*o'-o-5€+u, ob 399EOWA Iruss T14. TrussType |! ROOF TRUSS AU 1 PU 2 t EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A UI'58973 .k tndus'ies,lnc. Mon l,lov 11 0993:381996 Page 2 .o DcAsE(s, Concenttt d Loeds (bs) Va :8=3&.7, 7=-552.4, E:60E.3, 9=608.3, 10=-&8.3 ffiq[q,."s A ulnNn'tC - Vcrifi dzsign paramctet' aad READ NOTES ON THIS AND REBRSE SIDE BEF)RE USE. D€sign valid lor use only ynith l|tIU( conn€cto.8, T]ds dosign is bas€d only upon paranElers shown, and b lor an individual building compon€nt lo b€ inltall€d and loEdod vsdlc€lly. Appllcabillty of d9glgo pa.am€teE and propor Incoeoralion of compon€nt ls rs8ponslblllty ol building deslgner - not tuss dssign6.. Braclng ghown ls lor lat€ral support of individual web tr|€ntsr8 only. Addltonal bmporary brachg t0 insur€ sl,ability dudng conolructlon is the rosponsiHliv of the orector Additlonal p€rmansnt bradng ol the oveEll glructuro la th€ aeSpon8ibilily of the bulldlnq de€ign€r. For ggneral guidance regardlng hbricalio.r, quallty coarhol, 6torag€, d€liv€ry, €|Ec.tion, 6nd-bradng, consull OSt tO Oulltly SLn brd, DSB{o Brlclng o 7 X rs\6rtcjljiuej 5P€llCdrq] r|o |lr',lr Fanorng |nara||frg rm nrtcmg ria@m||loc|lton ava aDre tom Itutt Pttl! |n!!tr'|ll, 5qt q tt I tI' ttqututta, tfrg. Onoarlo Drhr., I.dhon, Wl5it19 =U,l-<llr -539060z->v,2o o =tnz{ !oz *q9goOrlooooa./'t:lo SqqPx66u-+o5(D : g *s *J O;' s agild i5}; !!o:*rE5n3o.<-' qE i dBir;=* 3diqii* i.--n>I od :'=e R"i+ *e 3i 5 0 :P d'sg 6 4-'3= s8Bg- ..83o o =89a-6g 9qQ! ;g =59.4c- =gEE =Q8ao= a-1o,oI s 5 ;=Ed *g34 6cA =o 5q;I ,Ao6.** a'=:.tA8g€dqq o o- ,t fg\> tE F o AB rlr EIn !zo l ^' o o oo o ool =J oC o ; 9. = {i*3Jo 8dq6' .;8 aQ I'o B;: g'a 8qo - I||tr] 3iFi jil I zc 3oo =.f,(o U' v, o 3 (- N €s6 =R8R8 -86i::_l - +>Or->I @.o=.{o3 o o o!o, (JIo @ 2 Fi!:B H 3:i ;Eliss i*!I ligi -;F b= =- gq6 dB8ts9 cD6 ao'-1,:BS eE'^No*-J (,\r\:-8;S eJ-N)(, o N.)io @ I 8@Pz (- o, TOP CHORO TOP CHORD @ 6 i 6 F = 6 e p :.' e s,' 5 s, to :-[+ts E aF4*5 nr ?ei gfq;iEfiA 39 3fr3 $6F $6Ffg 3A$ '; gF; #3 s 5 iF 'Fi r$ aaE tiE gi$Ei iE iei iE* ,fiflgfl FEI $ i$3 ii s e an aa ii =-$-4g i$ -fig i* *nF ai; st 5H ;il gflia is I' ai Eg $E $s Es Es $aE$ Hia 'iE $i $$ i; EgEg sg Id aF + F'fiq';3g i5 fi$3 aarigF 3[ gu;* $ 1ga-€+v, ob 399EDWA Iru&s 715 TrussType |! ROOF TRUSS aty 1 PU I t EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458974 SxB tt o 3.n0 e Sep 20 1995 MiTek lndusfiias,lnc. MonNovll 09;03:401996 Page 4x5 r 4x6 \., 6 12 11 6xB = 8x8 = ston fruss Mortrose . -?.+A . 1.q-d 7.FA I r4n 15-AA lgAA t738 35:{i€ , z-ra 394 394 4{4 4{X) 4-O{&GO 8{X) T el9l-l It(o14ro 5x8, 56.ooFZ 11 6x8 = 8xB z 6x12= 4 G$8 7.68 4+O 8-O0^^ ,tate OtrseE (X,V: [1:c1-8,04-01, n;GGE,0-2-10], [3:GG0,0-2-12], [4:a0-0,a3-12L [5:G1-12,0-2-0], 19:61-0,oa01, [9:G1-8,e1-5], [11:6e0,02-0], [1 2:60-0,GU8], [1 3:404,02-0], n 4:60'0,0-2-01 .oADNs (psl'cu 80.0'cDL 10.0,cu 0.0,cDL 10.0 sPACt to 2-0-0 Pafos rncr€ase 1.00 Lumber lncrcase 1.00 Rep Sfrass ,rcl' A/OCodo UBG94 cs,TC 0.93BC 0.94wB 0.93 DEFL (n) (loc) Ydet Vott(LL) 0.47 4 915 Veil(TL) 0.58 4 732 HotzOL) 0.19 I nla Min Length / U dett = 240 PLATES GRIP M20(209a) 127/93 Weight: 263 (lbs) .UMBER ARACING rOP CHORD 2X6SPF-S21OOF 1.8E TOP CHORD Sheathed ot 2-&2 on centet pufin spacing- ,OT CHORD 2X6 SPF-S 1650F 1.58 BOT CHORD 1-14:670, 13.14:&3.0, 12-13:&&0, 11-12:610, 10-11;a.3.0, 'VEBS 2 X 4 SPF-S Stud Except' 9-10:6-3-0. 1+32X4SPF-S 165p.F 1.5E, 1*52X4SPF-A1650F1.8 WEBS l Row at midpt 1?4, 11-611-62X4SPF-516&F1.5E zRowsatlnils 1+4, 111,11-8)'HERS 2X 4HF alffity'Exced' wGL2X6SPF-S 16fiF1.8ttlEDGE Left:2X6, RWt:2X4 ?EACnONS (,bs/siza) 1=400&E&0 (nput: GUg), 9=3fi&V7-1 (nput: O&A) Max Horz 1=118(load casa 3) Mex Ufin 1:3100oed case 1), 9=-2610oed cese 4) .oFtcEs tOP CHORD 1-2=4585, 2-3--5970, 94=-5332, +5=-7722, ,6--4356, 6-7:4356, 7-8--4356, &9:6064 tOT CHoRO $10=5391, l$l1=5391, 11-12=5216, 12-13=5216, 13-14=6917, 1-14=5791MEBS 2-14=-523, 111=1976, +14=-2258, +13--2530, 113=3148, ,11:23N, &11=2800, &11=1676, tl0=1e) YOTES t) It rs tuss hos been designed tor tho wind loads generated by 80.0 m.p.h. winds et 25.0 faet above ground levet, using 5.0 p.s.L top chotd deed load and 5.0 p.s.t bottom chord dead load, 100.0 mll6s lrom hunicana ocoanfine, on e category I andosed buldng, of climensions 45.0 by 24.0 with 'xposurc C (ASCE 7-93), Lumber lncraase = 1.33, Plate lncfi'aso = 1.33. Eoth end vedicars €r€ e.xposad. l) SIMPSON H2,5 conneclots rc@mmonded to connect truss to beaing wans due to ufift as fo|Dws: On6 connectot at jdnt(s) 1, 9. ,) Requind baaing size at bint(s) 1, I Water than inryt baaing size. -.qf-^sp\, D4SnJBj'F.qfA ^7 u'..9cwGi;.rtC,\Z -\' -': A 'UlAttttuC - Verify dcsign parameters and READ NO'IES oN T |IIS AND REVIIRSI: SIDIi BEFORL: ($L:. Design valid lor use only with MIT€k connectors. This design is bas€d only upon parameters shown, and is tor an individual brJilding componenl to be inslalled and loaded vedicalv Adplicability ol design parametsrs ard proper incoeoration ol - ----1 ffiifrnffltil,'=#,'r"*,"1'fi';ffi;qtr,u*+""ffifrs ''"-' tll - labricalion, quality conlrol, storage, d€livery, ereclion, and bracing, consult OST-8O Ourllty,Strnd.rd, 9::9ttfj"g^^ ^. 52 $;;'ml'j rtElxE.xgrr' .,N nre-Jr ndun,ru rEr.nn,g arN sr.!nry Onotrlo Drlve, Mrdl3on. Wl53719 P ct,l-<rni5J9o o=OZ-;Urz0 o3ttt2-{ =oz tf oooas'lfo = !2. 2. -u o oo RA;o-- =o5(D;6 se F-= O JxJ o;U5.r.'='og;1ig=: 2x?6xi< *o<-' It1qB; ;Ed'B=i 3B"iqiil l.--loI od :'=e Hl+ F3 3i;5 ii =9 *s.d 6 a5*i go'Q';o R ri5' <o* o o o =Fgd bg90 9p.r+ =69.dci!Ortrgtao= 3-1 o,ot U ! A}tn v 5 fg \=vo F o-zo.o t!trt gzo o rlrxo,sH ;=Ed9e!;g3+ -,"' C A =o Xc,-6'' 6'0 ,/.o6,'=d=1;dE8{dQq o o- l o o ) o oo oo oo =if o ;i o o o o @ {5 66' vo =oj'o(oot=aQ oo C-6 8e 5ltrlt a t!.t=,\{rt\aL lr! r\IEa4er-lVg - ll =.B5 I 11!l =BtriIbfi zc 3oo =.J(o <,, U, o 3 TOP CHORO 2 FiE:ts * 3:= EEEEis i=lt i rEd ! isi, =;g-r-b; =- 1to. o!o @ a-€s6 =R686 !io- i- E o I og, @O-=r@> : sl () I5ij: @i? \G.>Es eE'^r$e'-n (r\rA8bs e_.-N)?9 A* I g Pz -.1 (-gt TOP CHOHD s si$Ei ai eaE seieE cni i; aai leE +li#ag$ ,j igg $3 fl * eE =Ei q[ *9 e F$ aa iq ?Fa e;Ecr'i$ii $El H3i [i,, in s $qE' ;i EB BA EE sE ig g$Ei F$F ,$g *e+s ;; Esgs au gF eF 3a're€.;3[ gu$gi ia qEfr rg q*€* $#ga-{+.t, ,b 399EOWA Iruss 716 TrussTypa t ROOF IRUSS atv 1 PU I t EDWAROS BUIL.DING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458975 re20 rcgsMiTa[lndusfiies,lnc. Mon Nov 1109:03:45 1996 Page I 5x8 tt 5 *on T/U$ Montrose . -2.5a . 494 96{ l}A8 19+8 2+1M , 302€ , 35+8 '2-S8 4-9-4 +94 44.O 6-0.0 6x12= 4 14 13 '12 11 6x8 = ^4 tt 8x10 = 8xB = H'$ 6x8 = 8x8 = 4x5: 6 3x4 tz 4)6 \ 7Iqo 3x4 r 2 (o 4,ict 11 6x8 = 8x8'- -G$8 9€{ , 1368 196-8 2S-2a , 3$&8 &o0 &&0 744 \ate O sets (X,V: [1:0-1-8,0-00], n;&A8,&2-101, [9:01-4,O60],I9:61-4,61-1il, [11:0-0-0,0-2-0], n2:O$0,0-r8l ,oADtNG (tLr?'cLL 80.0'cDL 10.0rcLL 0.0tcDL 10.0 SPACTiYO 2-AO Plates lnc'Bese 1,00 Lumber tncrcasa 1,00 Rep St €ss ,ncl ,VOCode UBC94 cs,TC 0.86BC 0.89wB 0.96 DEFL 0n) qoc) Ydelt Vett(LL) 0.42 13 999 VenCD 0.52 13 E19 Hon(TL) 0.19 I n/a Min Length / LL dell = 2tK) PATES GRIP M20(20ga) 127n3 Weight: 262 (lbs) ,*i"lb'ri"te"x ,UMAER ARAC"VG 'OP CHORD 2XOSPF-S 16flF 1.8, TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-1-3 on centet pufin sFcing. . . tOT CHORD 2X 6 SPF-S 16ilF 1.5E BOT CHORD 1-14:&3.0, 13-14:690,12-13:610, 11-:12:6!0, 10-11;e90,y€8S 2X 4 SPF-S Stud'Except' 9-10;&}.0. 1+3 2 X 4 SPF-S 165flF 1.5E, 11-4 2X 4 SPF-S 16WF 1.5E VI,EBS 1 Row at midd 1+4, +11, 11-5, 11-o 11-5 2 X 4 SPF-S 16flF 1.5E)rHERS 2X4HFaJW'Except' wGL 2X6 SPF-S 16fiF 1.8VEDGE Lefi:2X6,Ri lrt2X4 |EAC7,ONS 4bs/!iza) 1=4005tO-8-0 Anput: Or8}9=3fi3/O-7-i Anp* A-Xg) Mex Hon 1=1 l9(loact cesa 3) Mex UPift 1=-310(load cese 4),9:2610oad case 4) ;ORCES 'OP CHORD 1-2--6431, 2-3c-5589, ?4:4993, +5--4352, 56=-4356, 67:5977, 7-8--5977, &9--6541 tOT CHORD $10=5795, 1411=4908, 11-12=5948, 12-13=848, 1114=5948, 1-14=5676t€BS 2-11--775, t14=1712, 414--15tlo, 413=100, +11:2685, &11=2852, 611=-1405, &10=852, &'10=727 ,orEs ) Ihrs truss tas b€en designed tor tha wind loads genarataat by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 feet above grcund levat, using 5.0 p.s.l. top chord dsad load and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord deed load, 100.0 milas lrom hunicane ocoanline, on a cetegory I endosed buldng, ot dmensions 45.0 by 24.0 wth exposure C (ASCE 7-93), Lumbor lncrcase = 1.33, Plate lncreasa = 1,33. Both end wflhals an exposed. l) SIMPSON H2.5 connectoB rccon?/'l€,nd€d to cmnect truss to bea,ing walls due to upfilt es fdows: One connector at loi,(s) 1, 9. l) Reqired beeing size at joint(s) 1, I gaatar than input beeing s'za. .OAO CASE(S, Standard o\ lllTrk krdudrlo, lnc. A Wnnme - Vetifi design paraneter and RMD NOTES ON I HIS AND REVIIRSI: SIDE BEFORL: USI:. Dssign valid lor us€ only with MlTek conn€ctors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component to be Installed and loadod verlically. Applicability ol dqsign parameters and prop€r incorporation of componont is responsibility ol building designer - nol lruss dosigner. Bracing shown is lor lateral suppod ol individlal v/eb memb€rs only. Additional temporary bracing lo insure stability durido construction is the responsibility ol the erector Addilional p€manenl bracang of ths ove€ll stnrcture is lho respoarsitility ol the building desi)ner For general guidance r69ardin9 fabd)ation, qualily control, storage, d€liv€ry, ereclion, ard bracing, coosuh OST€8 Ouallty Strnd.rd, OSB{g Bracing Sp.cltlcldon, d|d HlF91 Xanitllng kr8talllng .n.l Br.6ing Rocommondatbn available frorn Tiu.3 Plate In3tltutq 58it O' Onotrlo D.iYo. t rdl.on. Wl 5:tl9 I ()rl PsdiijnlQ = |t,l.<,n _i5J9u60z->v,2 E' o3tlz =o2 ,+!0o.c)o=-odsE* o d 6DR;;q =o 5'Oi s 39 Ii3X =Dilf*ii;5nffio<' s ooc oo s E J dPf;={ ;ili al\'v9 od :-=o F+* i;ied E 4.58= s"B!t- .& 3 o =89dbg 3q9!.rg;ogoiit1d9, =98ao= :dIo,oF .! F n'l u, n| 5xs a;.$ 3 "4+4 3Fd e;3 ,Ag31;dE8:.oq s6-d.r t f5\>\IFYo a o ee o ilr Etn =zo o 9 5 =o 6'o o d-o o o c o oof =f Coc 6- o ; o 5' t5 33JOvo O= ='o(oottt =a9 !o 6E'l='C'd 8so :- 5lFl aiFi jil I zc 3oo =.J(o q, v, o 3 q N {86 FR898 Ai UT E {o!o. o,o u, di o I a 2 F*!: iiiigs i*!? i rEd s EE i =;8 b3-- c{ ctr @O-=@HNg gg A5' =5',5$$ Bt {J-'(rr{.\8;S e_.rN)99 li 9I@oz TOP CHORD TOP CHOFD ;sgEgi [* sgF sFf EE gai i$ lsflgEg $aiig Fif *i ssi Ei Fi eE q; qg s; e +g ia li sat **E€fi -E; gl i;l *i;'[ata *g* E *g; lfi I'di $s *d sE EE Eg $rFi $$f, ,4g $g +g i[ E$cs E' gd 3H+a€ 83.' *ig'$flA sq -igB qq q'A* $ fq-d5<+, f"' lseeEDwA Irust 717 TrussType t ROOF IRUSS aty I Plv I tl EDWARDS BIJILDING CENTER VA'L COMMON A I!458976] 5x8 tt rsro, fntss tltoattose IqIo 3.300 e Sep 20 1995 MiTeR lndusties, tnc. MonNovtl @:ut:& 1996 I , -2-18 I $94 | 11.6.8 | 1548 | r9&8 | 24-1G8 | 302-8 | 3$tr | qIct 6xB = 4 14 13 12 11 4x4 = 4x5 = 6XB = 8xB = 4x5 \ 6 3x4 lz 4x6 \ 7 11 6x8 =8x8t +s8 t94 116{ , 15€€ t$A8 27-6-8 , 3s8 Gfil $94 $94 440 ,l-0-O "rste ofise.s fx,y): 11:0-1-8,0-0-01, fl:0-G8,G2-101 p:a2-12a2-121, I9:61-4,aG01, [9:G1-4,0-1-1I, 111:o60,a2-0], [12:GG0,GU8! LOADTNA 0ts0 | SPACING 2+0foll 80.0 | Ha'€s lncrease 1.00ICDL 1O.O I Lumber tncnase 1.oOla(l O.0 | Rep Sfrass lncr AIO SCDL 1o.O I Coda UBC94 cs, BC WB 0.73 0.83 0.97 DEFL (tn) loc) Vett(LL) o.tp 4 veft(TL) 0.& 4 Hotz(TL) 0.18 9 Min Length / LL de = 2/n Udefl 999 849 n/a PLATES GNPM2o(ngd 12783 W6ight: 271 (lbs) .UMBER IOP CHORD )OT CHORD /VEBS )THERS TIEDGE ?EACrrOlVS 3oRCES rOP CHORD lOTCHORD TIEBS YOTES D fHs trrss ds been deslgoed hr the wind loeds genercted by 80.0 n.p.h. winds at 25.0 feat above Wund level, using 5,0 p.s.t top chord deed loed and 5.0 p.s.l bottom chord daad load, 100.0 nf,€s ftom hunbane oceanline, on a cetegory I enclossd buf,dng, of dimensions 45.0 by 24.0 wifl oxposurc C (ASCE 7-93). Lwtbet ln$ease = 1.33, Hete lncr€as€ = 1.33. Both end vedicab ara exposed. 2) SIMPSON H2.5 cannedots recomrrr.nd$d to connect truss to beaing ware dua to ufrlt as folows: On6 connector at joiltt(s) 1, 9. ,) R'quired baadng siza at jcint(s) 1, I Watet than input beaing size. |OAD CASE(S/ Standad 2 X 6 SPfiS 16gF 1.5E 2 X 6 SPtiS 16fiF 1.5E 2 X 4 SPF-S Stud 'Except' 11-52X4SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E 2X 4 HF ItW lExc€N' t/vGL 2X6SPFS 1650F 1.8 L.ft:2X6,Right2X4 (,bgnize) btn0r0-8-0 (nput' &58), 9=3563/9-7-1 Anput: &I8) Mex Hotz 1=1180oad casa 3) Max U$ft 1=-310@ed case 4), 9--2610oad case 4) l-2=-6357, 2-3=-5186, X4:5167,45--4350, 56:4354 d7:5858,7-8--5859, &9--6527 *10=57ilt, 1&11=4911, 11-12=5167, 12-13=5167, 1&14=4634, 1+15=5624, 1-15=5624 2-15=118,2-14=-1129, ?14=640,313=969, +13=728, *11:2308, $11=30N,6-11--1413,6-10=761, &10=-757 BRAC"V6 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-2-10 on center Pufin srycing. BOT CHOF,D 1-15:690, 1+15:&9.0, 1&14:6-tr0, 12-13:&90, 11-12:e?0, 1411:6?0, 9-10:63-0.WEAS l Row at midpt 2-14, 11-5, 11-6 2 Rows at 1/3 pts +11 @,'ffi'$-h A U'lWtUC - Veify design patameters and READ NOTES ON I'HIS A^'D REVERSE SIDE BEfORl. trsl:. Ossign vali, for us€ only with Mllgk conn€clors. This desirn is bas€d only upon parameterc shown, and is lor an individual building cornpongnl lo be installed and loaded v€rticalv Applicsbility ol d€sign pa€m€ters afld prop€f in@rporalion ot conpon€nl is r6sponsibility of building d€sign€r - not truss d€signer. Blacing shown is tor lateral support ol individual web memb€rs only. Addilional tgmporary bracing to insure stability dudng construclion is tha responsibility ol the erector- Additional pemranent bracing ol lh€ ovorall struclur€ is the responsibility ol the building design€r. For g€neral guidance regarding tabricafion, quality control, slo6ge, delivgry, ereclion, and br6cing, consult OST-88 Ouallty Standaid, DSB-89 Br&lng Spocltlcrtlon, rnd HlB4l Handllng Inrtalllng rnd Braclng Bccommondslion available from l?uaa Plrtq Instltute, 583 D' Onol.io D.ive. Mrdlaon, Wl 5371 9 t lllTrk Indu.lrl.r, Inc. -raaa{t-.,N ToNALE/ = .t,l-< 6J9odoz-sulz0 oF tnz =oz I F-trfi?F\> rE n o =zo.O t tm {,+'fi8Y33 !ooo+ -'383*Fs;;q- =ilqa: A4siast* ai;'i d, *= Y **q€; EEi 6 ;'X o lx x::o+ x --N9oU :'=e aa* r:*eS 6 4.5&i sH.R- '-IU P O5' o*oo !a i[6F agE$Eg il;eii Eas i3 aar *a ilr Ett 2zo o Io f 5' o 6'oo =o o c o l =f oc 6- o o o o o.J @ tiro6'6' vo O= =.6roov, =,aQ db =, ='9'a 8qo E !Fi=, jFl a zc 3oo =.f,(o v, U, o 3 g FiE:I n 3:! lEiiss i*! B i i8i =;s b=zm-l cN{sd =RKQR bXrl tr " ; tOI = \,o. (JIoo (D,o61 3 oI D a @@.-=O\ .{ (Ji () o.8ts3 @bA.o:- <:'ZHfi ESoly ;(, .'.J .s :-8;S e -"AJc)'c|\) 20 @ 9 8c0c)2 c'r TOP CHORO TOP CHOBO i qgtei ai gai aEi FE Esi ss $riEsfr $aa;g gis 'i iFi fri F I +5 ,3i l$ gig ggi;33$i rn reE *t* aa+ eg gaE $ *Efr ii e ?3a ii 3i *Fe eili E$ 'i$ ii $Fr s:g [n*n '€q gsEi el { 'ai Eg *i gs EE Eg g[ Ei FFa ,ig 5i 6$ f$ E$gE EF g d eF + F' fq*= 3I a5$g$ aa '1Eg rg gtE* $ #a'-d-{+v, lob t399EOWA Iruss T17B TrussType ! ROOF IRUSS atv I Plv 1 t EDWARDS EUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U/'5897 3.300 e Sep 20 1995 MiTeR Industies, tnc. Mon Nov ll o9:o3:541996 Pegc .-2+0. d-&O g4.O 1.44 1844 .2GG0. 2t!-0 3034 3gI0 , 2-OO 4-84 rf8{ ts/ion Truss Montosa 6,00llZ 6x8 = 8x8'- 440 244 8+0 4&O 44{l 244 5-40 5-44 5+O 5x8 rl 6x8= 6x12= 7 T I ql 9l-l t(oI 4,ro 8x8 = , 7-G0 , t4-GO 18{4 ,2040, 2&O0 , 36-0{ 7-(x)740 zate Ofisets 6,n: ft P-1-8,0-a01, n:aa8,a2-101,l7:6G0,&I121, [11:c14,a&0], [11:G1-4,c1-1t, [13:GG0,a24], [14:6O0,a+8J LoAuNe 0Lrt)fcu &.0rcDL 10.030ll 0.03CDL 10.0 sPACrrvG 2-0-o Pletes tncrcasa 1.00 Lumbet lncrcese 1.0O Rep sfress ,ncl NOCoda UBC94 cs,TC 0.63BC 0.83wB 0.97 DEFL (in) (loc) Veft(LL) 0.40 14 Vott(TL) 0.50 14 Hon(TL) 0.18 11 Min Length / LL defl = 240 Ydat 999 862 n/a PLATES M20(209a) EHP 127/93 waigrltt 282 (lbs) LUT|,BER BRAC'NO TOP CHORD . 2 X 6 SPfrS t650F t.sE TOP CHORD Sheathed ot 2-+11 on cenbr ptfin spacing. AOT CHORD 2X6SPFS 16fiF 1.58 BOT CHORD 1-16:6-3-0, 1t16:63,0, 1+15:6-10, 1U4:6.30, 12-13:&3'0,yt€8s 2X4 SPF-S Stud'Except' 11-12:6-&0. 197 2 X 4 SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E WEBS I Row at midpt +15, 1&6, 197, 13-g OIHE'RS 2 X 4 HF Uflity'Arcapt' 2 Rows at 1n pE 6.13 wGL 2X6 SPF-S 16&F 1.5E WEDGE Lefr: 2 X 6, Right: 2 X 4 REACTIOMi 4bs"f*zo) 1=392?O-7-B AnFNt: G$8), 11=3#?tV7-1 (hlput: A?8) Max Hotz 1=1180oed casa 3) Max UNI| 1=-310(load ces6 4), 11--2610oad case 4) FORCES TOP CHORO 1-2F-663, 2-3:ffi14, E4=-6014, +5=-4772, U6--4263,67:4344,7-8--43fi, &9=5859, 9-1F5659, 19-11=-6527 AOT CIiORD 11-12=5783, 12-13=4911, 1u4=4494,1+15=4494, 1$16=5126, 1-16=5782WEBS 2-16--fi1, $16=586, +15=-1199, 5-15=13il, &15=-469,6-14=60,613--2196,7-13=3196, &13:1413, *12=761, 1&12:757 TYOIES ,) ','rs tuss tas b€en designed for the wlnd loads genented by 80.0 n.p.h. winds at 25.0 teet abow ground levd, using 5.0 p.s.f. top chord dead load and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chod daad load, 100.0 riles lmm hunicane oceanline, on a category I andosecl buMng, of &nenslons 45.0 by 24.o with axposuro C (ASCE 7-93) . Lumber lncr?ase = 1 .33, Hal€ lnclGase = 1.33. Soth end wfticels aiir exposed. 2) SIMPSON H2.5 aonnectots recommended to connect truss to beaing walls due to u4ift as Nows: One connector et htnt(s) 1, 11. q Reqn,€d beaing she at j<int(s) I , 1 I greetar than in4tt beaing sfue. Lollo CASEIS, Standad sa.il$aE..-q FE A V,q,nVtnC - Vctifi desigr paramaets and READ NOTES ON !'j!ts AND REI/ERSI: SI}L BEFORE Ust':. D€sign valid tor use only with MfI€|( connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual q cz Q .r9 compon€nl is r€sponsibility ol building d€sign6r - not lruss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support ol individual web members only. Addilional lemporary bracing to insuro siabilily during construclion is the responsibility ol lh€ Broclor ddilional permanenl bracing of lh€ ov6€ll struclur€ is lh€ fosponsibility ol the building d€sign€r. For general Ouidanc€ regarding fabdcation, quality control, slorag€, deliv€ry, erociion, and brecing, consull OST-88 Ouallty Standa.d, DSB.09 Bracing I ..v $mr'g Onotrlo Orive. adlson. Wl53n0 I .r'l.<ttr -639(' o=oz-sul20 o Ptn2 =oz tm {*'*!aoo i5oiiosooo+q3;;q : o 6 do QR"a;qY=o5'o 4 s 3e* f, oh aagr-; =:-Fd* qgfr* o-.<- ' **qB# dBd' e s< 3 di 9 ob :'=e Fg$ d3i e. d. 6 4.5 R i g'o'Q' QO5' ,o* d o o =8la' dg90J'9p.rg =69.oii!o t1r!tao= 3d1 o,ol rt 1tsl tt .t!2\> rE t o-zoO rlr t!tt 3zo 5 a,J=OOO9=l "4il4:-'9j.is;:6'6'o6J 'i.o6''= a'= :aA H8:dq g o o-J J d' o o o o c o oof, =) oc o o o =' {iJo.6'6'fo HgOF 5'o(oo.tt =a9CJoo 6E'a='C-d 8qo :- TIFl a t2{-=,\Jtt\ !.sr x!I\\td et?{ry 4 B5 I n!l =74--Et5fi z C 3 cro =.f,(o at, Ctt o 3 2 Fi!: HiiiEs i*!> g >3d I iai =;Fgf -t --lo! c)- oI (t (-{s6 =R684 gio- i' => @,odl 3 oI l,o UI qe6 6ERXP @btr5' 3!' -l- @ (, .'! !.:-isB 6i rJJ.(,\J\:-8;8 e__N)(rol\J 20 @ ; 6 2 -.,1 d, TOP CHOBD TOP CHORD i r* ;i si ssa gggggagi igggl ggg u;g*Egi,! igg $g g g 3[ iA =i =E* 'f,*?[ ig is *ar a;; :i a; an .j $aE' ai es *a gs giEg $aFi F$a '4g $g F$ i; E$ss 'F g 'd aH ? g' fiq*= 3g gu$[i aa 'igfi ig su€* $ #o'-5i€u, lob t399EDWA fruss 718 rrussrype t ROOF TRUSS av I Plv 1 t EDWARDS AULDING CENTER VNL COMMON A U45897, tlous'on Truss Montrcse 6.mFZ r0 4To 1x12t4{" 6]x8 = 3 6x8 = 6 3<4= 3 3x4 = 4 3.n0 e Sop 20 1995 MiTek lndushes, lnc. Mon Nov 11 09:03:57 1996 3x4 t 7 Peg , 4-54 &110 r17-fi 18-45 2110 2764 , 32.04 /LA8 4-$8 4+1t 4.&f | 4-911 +$ J =l 1 3x4 =2 12 sx8 = -9€ 1Zt2\ =Me | &114 | t6-O{ | 2}1{ | 32{lO I &11{t 7-1-0 7-14 &11{ 4ateOts€rs(X,V: [1:tA-9,0-.0'0],n:4$0,0-0-0l,tE:1-&9,c-G01,[8:&0-0,0-$0],Fo:e$o,urEl '-oADtNG (F0lcLL 80.0tcDL 10.0tcu 0.0)cDL 10.0 sPAC'ln6 2-0-0 Pletes lncrease 1.@ Lumbar tncrcese 1.00 Rep Stress ,rcr NOCode UBC94 cs,TC 0.55BC 0.79wB 0.97 DEFL Ail (toc) VeftU) 0.34 11 VettCL) 0.43 11 Hotz(TU 0.16 E MinLendh/Udel,=2/tO Ydell 999 886 n/a PLATES GRIP M20(ng4 127n3 Weight: 28 (lbs) LUMBER BRACING fOP CHORD 2XOSPF-S 1650F 1.*, TOP CHORD Sheathad or2-&12on center ptrtn spacing. 3OT CHORO 2X6SPFS t650F t.5€ AOT CHoRD 1-12:6&0,11-12:&90, 1011:&.3.0, +lo:e90, &9.'&&O.WEBS 2X { SPFS Sftrd V1€8S 1 Row at mtulpt 12-4, &9 OTHERS 2X 8 HF 13flF 1,3E WEDGE Left:2X8,Nght:2XE REACr,OMi (bs/slze) 1=3171/0-65 (nput: c-.&8), 8=317' &5 (nput: &3-8) Max Hoa 1=-47(load case 2) Mex Ufitt 1=-2320oed cese 4), 8:232(bad case 4) FORCES roP cHoRD 1-2:-5790,2-3--4985,l/t=-'t453, +5=-5/84, ffi--4453, &7*4985,7-8--5790 9OT CHORD V9=51 20, 9-1 0=5397, 1 o-1 1 =5W7, 1 1 -1 2=5397, 1 -1 2= 51 20wE&S 2-12=-741, &1F19t4, +12=-1311, tl-l1=80, ,11=80, ,9:1311, &9=1394,7-9:741 UOTES t) Itb ,russ irs been des/gned for the wind loeds gqnented by 80.0 m.p.h. winds et 25.0 feet above grcund leval, ug,lg 5.0 p,s.f. top chord claad bad and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chord dead load, 100.0 mlles lrcm hunicana ocaa/irfne, on e category I endosad buMng, of dmansions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposure C (ASCE 7-93). Lumbet tn aase = 1.33, Plete lnc'€ess = 1.33. futh eN veticals arc sxDp,sed. ?) SIMPSON H2.5 cnnnectots ncommended to connect tnrss to beaing wefis due to upfrtl es follows: Ono connsctot at join(s) 1, 8. ?) Rogn4i'rd bea,tng slze et jdnt(s) I , I Weter then lnput bearing rize. LOAD GqSE(S, Stendad ffit-ftffi A U,lnNmC - Vetify dcsigo parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS,LND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE. Design valkl lor uso only with lliTek connectors. This design is based onty upon param€ters shown, and is lor an individual / building componenl lo b€ installed and loa(bd vorticalv Applicability ol design paramelers and proD€r incorporation ol --t__ ffiff#"{#iiffi#i"fffrtl,ffiifittir*tffil: .- l|ll- Spocltlcltton, rdd HlB.gl Hrndling lnstllllng ard Br'clng R€commcndation available lrom ftutr Plat In.thuie,58:| D' lllTak Induildat, lno, Onolrlo Drlw. Mrdllon. Wl 53719 t'tft"Z !"" #{,!# oo 5 .tnIt\>,lFtE F o e; Etlt =zo o 9 e =u,l-<mrt5J90602-y tJ)zc ostn- =oz *!0o..)o': = osEg;.6 6;g;;q =o 5'o ft3$: 3 ag1tdf: Ei; u d.€:" l+ t' R 6 = =str;=< 3d:Sii+ i-:r.>9 od :'=a Fi+ +3 3F 5 ii :P 6..sg 6 4P*= PHF- QO =' ,o* d o o =3gd 6g90 99. E+Iogd R'r1dg =9ta ioI o,oI .|t sl ln ilrs ; i'E d *4B4 =49:d6'Os,J d-93 c s6o o- )o 6'o o oo o o l =.lcoc 6- o ; o =' {5Jo.6'6'Jo B.g =ojo(oo aQ !o 6b'f5':t di 8qo E 5lEt a {=,\{.t\ g -L\tI A\,E.?w7a tl =.B5 ; 8Bl =.r, -'f,tLIi z C 3uo =.f,(o v, u, o 3 o!o, (JIo(, 2 Fi!:ts * 3:i ;Eiiss i*! = i rlE s iEi =fig E;-l €s6 =RRAR EX AI-I o@-=o! ! (, (l o.889 @6A.o- <:":Es sfi'-NO--j C, .-J \ :-8;S eJ!N)q.' p li 3 8Iz TOP CHORO TOP CHORD 9 6 E 6 F = 6 s F :'J e s,' F t' f') :- 3dts i iF ii li ary fiEE$egEi i[$ei fi[g $F$q'iiF,* *Fg Ei f, e $g ;$ it $$ *e$ ga ir Eu ud* F*; -s sr 'Ea et+e ii e d aF = aF *€ ss iF gi *fl$ 'ig ;i *[ ii 9gEg Es s € -: ,ra'$lfl ea'*EB 3g $ufl* $1q-o-jq+u, ob 399EDWA Iruss Tt9 rrussrypa ! ROOF TRUSS atv 1 Ply 1 t EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U458979 Youston Truss Montose 1't^12, =lv(o 3.300 e Sep 20 1995 MiTek lndusties, tnc. Mon Nov ll o9:o4:(n 1996 Page , $5a , 1Gr14 , 16{}0 , 21-14 , 26+8 , 3240 158 St8 $1{)t10 t5€ 5x8 = 5 z4tl 4 . 5x8 = 3 a t 9_ 91o 13 ^4 11 10 3x10 = 5x8 = 8 ^4 , s5.8 , 1G11{ , teoo , 2't-1{ , 266A , 32{x) $t8 $1{t1-0 ta8 ,late Otfsa's (X,V: [1:1-0-9,aa0], 11:0-0-0,0-0-01, P:A2-12,0-2-121, [5:62-8,0-2-12], [7:61-5,&G0] .OADIMT(trs.''cLL @.0'ca- 10.0tcLL 0.0tcDL 10.0 sPAcrrvo 2-o-0 Plateslncrease 1.00 Lumber lncrcase 1.00 Rep Sfr?ss ,nc. ArOCode UBG94 cs,TC 0.61BC 0.67wB 0.78 DEFL Ail loc) Ydet'l Vad(LL) 0.28 4 999 VedOL) 0.36 4 999 Hotz(TL) 0.14 7 n/a Min Length / LL datt = 241) PLATES M20(209a) Waight: 235 (lbs) GRIP 127R3 b-:.*r%.,?i UMBER BRAC/NE 'OP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-6-9 on @ntar piin spachg. tOT CHORD 2XOSPF-S 16&F 1.5E BOT CHORO 1-13:6&0, 12-13:690, 11-12:63-0, 1G11*70,9-10:610,YEAS 2 X 4 SPF-S Sfrtd &9:634, 7-E:&},0.,IHERS 2 X 4 HF l,dw'Except' W€ES 1 Rwt at midpt 2-12,9-6 WGL2X8HFl3&F1,3EVEDGE Laft:2X8, Rigl,t:2X 4 IEACTIONS (,bs/siza) 1=3163,O-ASAnput: A3-q, 7=3162/a.6-.5 (nput: A-$8) Max Hoa 1:57(load case 2) Max UNft 1=-232(loed case 4), 7--232(load case 4) ORCES 'OP CHORD 1-2=-5683, 2-3=4556, U4=-4520, +*-4520,56=-4539, 67:5631 tOT CHORD 7-6=4974, $94974,9-104055, 1611=/t055, 11-12=/t071, 12-13=937, 1-13=5037yEaS 2-13=108, 2-12=-1084, 912=597, U 1=663, +11--891, ,11=686, ,9=572, 69--1030, 6-8=107 totEs ) frrb trrss ,as leen desigaed for tha wlnd loads gcnented by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 feet above ground lavel, using 5.0 p.s.f. top chotd dead load and 5.0 p.s.l bottom chord dead load, 100.0 niles lrcm hunicane oceanfrne, on a cebgory I enclosed buldng, of dn endons 45,0 by 24.0 with exposurc C (ASCE 7-93). Lumbar lncrease = 1.33, Plete lncrcase = 1.33. Both end vartlcab arc axposed. ) SIMPSON H2.5 connectors racommanded to connoct truss to beaing wals dua to ufift es tollows: One connectot et loint(s) 1, 7. t Requi/E,d beatlng .ize at Nnt(s) 1, 7 Weter than Input beaing slzs. OAD CASE(S) Standad L, Wn ptniVr; - lbih ,lccin oatauetets and RF-AD NOTF.I ON THl.t A ND RI.:VF R.SI: .llDF nl'F()Rtl I i.\t:. ,i,fr lllTok lndu.lrl.r, Inc. oesign valiil for use only with MiTsk conngclors. This design is based only upon paran€lers shown, and is lor an individual building compononl to be installed and loaded v€rtically. Applicabili9 ol design paramelers and proper incorporalion oi coftpon€nt is respon6ibility ol building dssigner . not tru6s d€sign€r. Bracing shown is lor latelal support ol individual wsb ln6mb6l5 only. Additional temporary bracing to Insure slability during construction is the responsibility ol th6 orector Addilional p€dmn€nt bracing ol the ovg€ll struclurs is th€ r€sponsibility ol lh6 building dgsign€r. For gonsral guiclance regarding tab calion, quality control, storage, delivgry, ercclion, and bracing, consult OST{0 Ouellty Standard, DS9-89 Eraclng Spacltbrlion, and HIB-91 Hrndllng Instllllng and Braclng Rccommendatlon availabls fuom Ttu!! Phtc Instftutr, 58:l O' Onoliio Drlva. Mld|3on. Wl53719 t ffi^t# PCnl.< 'n-639u60z-svrzo o3tnz =oz tm {!+'*o (fooiqrlq\ooo=q?;;q 8q3gH; d +q&r{; a43 r -6 =:-Fd* If6*o.<-' t+*qB# ;Ed';^q< 3d: al '\ ,Y Q ob :qq F$il +3 3F: ii. :P asg 6 €? 3 = e..'8- Ro-5. ro* o rn =dgd 6g 9F ?P.rg =6go1j;1xo =!8ao= :dI oto* rt !Fst,l v .tl*t\Fro F o =zoO ilt ItEI =zo o s <l,J{o *qfla 3F{di* dg31;d BHA o-' d. r ) 6' o oo f, o o -o o oof =l /r- o ; a.f, @ ti dF 8g =.H6oa=aQ lto 6E'e'; 8eo :r EItIt IFFg jEl a zc 3uo =.J(o U, U, o 3 2 FiE:B H::I EEiils i*!: i r5I g iE A, 5 6g E;{ L N €s6 FF,KQR bX<!_r" +oi Io!o, 66Io U' (D'1 o I I, o .{ CD sgd d8RH9 r!5E5 -(to!^-28S 8frol]' X(,\,A:-8;S e__N)?9 l: II@Pz TOP CHORO TOP CHORD i ig$gi $i r*fl $Fi Ei {si if gsi$E$ $ig *gig ni ;sF €fl F E +n ii il *fii n;g€i,e;ga a;l gii fiiii +[ E i[l li I'di Eg -i $s EiEs $$F$ $f+ ,$E *i *[ ia E$i€ gF gd aB" ? F' fiau= 3l gu$[i aa 'igf F[ [ufl* $ #q-5++u, lob t399EDWA Iruss T20 Truss Type ROOF IRUSS t atv I Plv 1 ! EDWARDS AULDING CENTER VAIL COMMON A U45898( loatston I russ Mo rcsa JSUU e sepZU lyVC MlI eK lnOUSrnAS, tnc. Mqn NgV t ' Vr;V.,.Vat rtto rag . e54 , l2-llo 1$1{ 2ta8 , 32{4 ,34-{10, st€ 6.ooF 3x6. 2 62.0 45.8 Ct8 2+O 5x8 tt 4 5x8 = 3 q T@o T I =l5lFl5l'l Il(oloro 98 5x8 = 3x'l0 = 7 ?s4 tt 1412 \'=#Q zlate olF,e's X,Y): [1:0-1-5,&0-01, p:4242,o2-12], [6:1-G9,&o.0], [6:6a0,&a0] LoADNe0190rcu 80.0fcDL 10.o3CU 0.0 SCO|- 10.0 sPACrrvG 2-0-o Platas lncrcasa 1.@ Lumberlncreaso 1.@ Rep Stgss ,rrcr ,VOCode UBC94 cs'TC 0.93BC 0.68wB 0.84 DEFL (n) (loc) Veft(LL) 0.26 9n Veft(TL) 0.32 9n Hon(TL) 0.14 6 MinLength/Udel,=24C) Udell 999 999 n/a PLATES M?0(209a) GRIP 127/93 Weight: 227 0bs) 2X6 SPF-S 16fiF 1.5E 2X6 SPFS 16fiF 1.5E 2XlSPF-SStud 2X 4HF UW'Exced' wGR2X 8HF 13fiF 1.3E Laft:2X4,Right:2Xa (lbs/dze) 1=3163tO-65 (lnput: Mex Hotz 1--102(load case 2) Mex UNlt 1--232(load caso 4), '.UMAER IOP CHORD 7OT CHORD /yEas ]IHERS NEDGE ?EACrrO 'S RORCES BRACINC ToP CHORD shaathed or 1-169 on center prfin spacing. BOT CHO RD 1 - 1 1 :63-0, 1 G 1 1 :6-3'0, 9-1 0:63-0, t9 :&90, &.7:6tO.WEBS 1 Row at nidpt 2-10, ?8, &5 0-F8) 7-8:&&0, 0-3- 8), 6=3 5270-7-0 A n pu t : 6=-281(toad casa 4) roP cHoRo 1-2=-5/t96, 2-3--4134, ?/t=-3686, +5.-4125, U6:5457 IOT CHORD 67=4830, 7-8=4830, e94694, $10=3694, 1&1 1=4879, 1-1 1=tt879lttEBS 2-11=128, 2-10=1328, 110=727, &8:11, tl-8=715, 18:1283, 17=127 votEs t, ftis ?uss has lean deslgned tor the wind loads generated by 80.0 m.p.h. winds at 25.0 feet above grcund level, using 5.0 p.s.l. top chord dead loed and 5.0 p.s.f boatom chord deEd load, 1N.0 mlles tnm hunicano oceanline, on a category I endosed bttldng ot dimensions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposurc C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber lncrease = 1.33, futs lncreasa = 1.33. Both end wdicals ara axposed. 2) SIMPSON H2.5 conneato|€ Ecommended to connect tlrss to beaing wels due to uNfi as toltows: One connactor et ldnt(s) 1,6. l) Re!I4i,€d beedng sjze atwnt(s) 1, 6 grcatet than hpltt baaring siza. LOAD CASE(s, Standad /Y C':r&'-[ry A wnnwC - Vctifi dcsipr paramctets atd RMD NOTES ON THIS AND REI'ER'E 'IDE BEFORE L'sE. 52i t tt/ I uesgn varc ror use onry Inrs oesrgn 's oas€o onry upon param€r€rs snown, ano |s ror an Inorllouar building component to b€ inslalled and loaded venically. Applicability 0l dosign parametels and proper incoDoralion of component is responsibility ol building designor - nol lruss designer. B€cing shown is lor latBral support ol individual web members only. Additional lompo€ry b€cing to insure stability du ng construction is the responsibility ol lho erBctor Additional permanent b.acing of lhe ov€rall slructure is the responsibility ot th€ building designer. For g€noral guidanc€ regarding labrication. quality control, stofag€, delivery, erection, and bracing, @nsull OSf-08 Ouallty Standard, DSB49 Br.cing Sp€cificetion, and HIB-gl liandllno Inltalllng and Birclng R.commendallon available lrom Tlu8! Phto Inltltuto, 5&l D' Onotrio Drivs, t adbon, Wl53719 lllTck lndurtrlor, lnc. g,.iiioiej =(nl.<m_t5J90do >q,zI oD tl.lz -l =o2 rf sE96 o 6 6!R;;q =o5'o; d se-'=.o J FJO;. aasi EFd*r*3i;5n6o.<-' -\ o c a- oo **qB; ;Ed'; =< 3 d::ao* x -:N9 ob :'.9p-6 r q t0' fr+a g;$ss o*iAi '' o B 3' o*oo a\ =89o6g 9Eep.rg =6gd3i F*d9. =!!tao= ;d3 o,oa .! F F tll s 5 a]e dOO9= "4;+4 lFqq;8 Ool ,B_93 1*d 5qa o oJ v .F\> tE ,t o -2o.o v rlr En 2zo 3 I o oo =ol o o o oof =fcoc d o o o o a. {5 6'6' vo -o6oatt =aQ oloo 9-a O/r :- EItIt I {=rN Ig t\ TryFtt/+ =tl- ^-9 jEl 3 zc 3oo;-.f,(o <t, v, o 3 TOP CHORD q N L.{S6 TRKQX UX<1rv ;>OI {oTo.I6o, @ 9 Fi!:I * 3:' ;Elaes i=!: 5 rtd g EE; =f;F E;-t @.o 3 (n 3_ea aBu5: @i2 ao-9,tEs eE'_N)O--J (r!a:'8;S e;-:lu^.,u t; ; oO Fz <.ot TOP CHORD @ 6 i 6 ; = 6 p 90 :.r I lr' 5 !' f-.) - tr,Fb i i* ;i ar aia figg$ga$i 4g${3fig$ +;fiff +gg,g ggg gl flg $a iA 3i =F4 tilF g$ "ifr ;r $*F 5=s [q'ti aE *a $s EE Eg $E Ei FFa ,ig 5i $$ f$ E$g€ *F g 'd aH ? +- € E-:"*ia'$g3 e1 -lgFeq1'E* f;-frqa-j++(r, lob 1399EDWA In ss T21 Tru*srype f ROOF IRUSS ary I Hy 1 t EDWARDS BU,LONG CENTER VAIL COMMON A U/'5898.' Houston Tru$ Montrgse +1111 +11-11 6.OOl-12 3x4... 2 't212.-4*b +11-tr 2-24 +11-11 rl-1111 244 99 6x8 = 8x8 = 3.300 e Sep 20 1995 MffeR Industtios, lnc. Mon Nov ll og:u4:oa 199a , 411-11 1 911€ 1 1+1 +11-ll 3x5 r- o '3o .D 4ro 3xS / 3 sxg ll 5x8 =45 13 12 5x8 = 11 4x6 = 5x8 = 3x4 t 4)6 \ 1a s N , 7-A8 , 14114 , 17-rO, 24-&8 , 324.0 . 7-S 7-t8 2-24 7-S 7-$8 Ptate Ofrse/s (X,Y): [1:1-o.9,0-GO], F P-e.0,0-+4, [S'O2-12,G2-121, 19:61-8,61-5],I9:A1-0,GA0| LOADNabs|TCtt a).0TCDL 10.0BCLL O.OBCd- 10.0 sPACrffG 2-0-0 Plates lncrcase 1.00 Lumbar lncrces' 1,w) Repstresst cr ,VOCode UBG94 cs'TC o.StBC 0.73wB 0.81 DEFL Ail qoc) YdeflVeftU) 0.27 13/12 999 Veft(L) 0.U 11/10 999 Hon(TL) 0.14 9 n/a Min Lenglh / LL defl = 24t) PLATES GRIP M20(209a) 127n3 Weigtlt: 249 (bs) LUMBER TOP CHORD AOT CHORD wEas or,tERs WEDGE REAC''oIS FORCES TOPCHORD BOT CHORD n/EAS torEs 2X6 SPF-S 16&F 1.5E 2X6 SPfiS 16ilF 1.8 2X4 SPFS Stud 2X4HFtJW'Exceil' WGLzXSHF 13fiF 1.3E Lefi:2X 8, Riglrt 2X 4 qbs/.ize) 1=3163/0-&5 qnptt: &?8), 9=352?V74 (nput: llax Hotz 1--1130oad case 2) Max UNt 1:2320oad case 4), 9:281(loact cas€ 4) 1-2=-5731, 2-3=-5109, 14--3706, 45.-3312, 86=-3704, &7--5067, 7-8=-5067, &9=5670 9-10=50@, 161 1=4244, I 1-1 2=4244, 12-13=3309, 1U 4=4265, 1-1 4=5074 2-14--702, &14=706., 913--1325, +13=1N9, ,13=9, ,12=999,612-4A9, 610=667, 510--652 BRAC'NG TOP CHoRD sheathed or 2-&10 on center Nrtn spa&rg. BOT CHORD 1-14:634, 13.14:&&0, 12-13:t&0, 11-12:e3'O, 10-11:6?0, 9-1O:&3.0.TYEBS 1 Row at midpt C13, 1;}5, 12-o &.'8) ,) Irris t/rrss tas D aen designed tor the wind loads genentod by 80.0 m.p.h. wiMs at 25.0 leet abova gnund level, using 5.0 p.s.f. top chotd dead bad and 5.0 p.s.f bottom chotd dead bad, 1@.0 niles lrom hunicane oc€anfne, on a catagory I cndosE'd bufldng" of &nensions 45.0 by 24.0 wi[, oxrr,su'E C (ASCE 7-93). Lumber lncrease = 1.33, Pleto lncrc8.sc = 1.33. Bolh end wftlceb a/€ €xposed. 2) SIMPSON HZS @nnocto6 'g,corfinended to connect truss to beaing wa/.. due to u4ift as foiows: One connec/,or at J<int(s) 1, 9. 3) Reqildd beeing dze et Nnt(s) I , I gr€eter than inryt beeing sae. LOAD C/lSElS, Standad "-dffi,,F;ffi A WentWNe - VeriJy design parameten and READ NOTES ON 7'IIIS AND RI:VERSE SIryE BEFORE USF:. Oosion valid lor us€ only with MIfd( connectors. This d€sign is bas€d only uDon oaramet€rs shown, and is tor an individual J tt7 I lllT.h Indurlrl.r. Inc. building component to be inslalled and loaded verlically. Applicaulity of design paramelors and proper incoporation ol component is rcsponsibility ol building designer - not truss dosignor. Bracing shown is for lateral supporl ot indiv*lual web m€mb€rs only. Additjonal lomporary bracing lo insurg stabalily during construcd,oo is the responsibility ol lhe grector- Addilional pgmanent bracing of the overall structura is lhg rgspoosibility of the building designer. For general guiranc€ regarding fabdcation, quality control, slo.age, delivery, ereclioo, and b€cing, consult OST€8 Ouallty Standrrd, DSB{g Bracing Spocltlcltlon, and HIB{I Hudllng Inal,.lllng and B.aclng Recofim.ndstlon availablo lrom llura Plato Instltule, 58:l D' Onolrlo Oriv€. Madl.on. Wl 53719 ((d1 TONAL 't rr t rlr t ,ilap\>r5a o =2o.o t!tt =zo o o P .t'l-< 5J9odoz-surzo o P|lt2 -l =oz tm {*'fi8933 tooo+si;;q: o 6 doqs;eqg:o-o ;.d*q fr=*cs.q;ijg-: i*ii;5n6o<-' *{,qB# ;Ed' a F: 3 di :1 o-+ i --NI ob :-=QRBr ga's Fq8 a; g efr' 6 4.58i s'*B- Ro =' ro* o o o =Rgo bgso J'9p.rg =59.dii F1i'qr!8ao= ;d1 o,o+ ,iEI X .trsF ;.rE d *sH; 3Fqq;3 Q-r.lo6'Yd= ; PO Fii 5 =-r +odr ) o o 6l o o oo co -- o t =' t5 6' 6' vo =o5o(oo a9 ooB; e-a 8qo E ItlEl t t!a=<\ f !! l,\ -!i\\: = 5 >-Cs, .44 E(-ryi - tt =.;5 i 6!lEDI -El5fi zc 3oo =.f(o (t, q, o 3 2 Fi!:I 3 3:! lEiigs i*!r I :5E r EEi =;g Ef-l {E- =RRQE U5<1rv +tc]r E {o 1to. IJ1l @ @@-=@! ! (, () 68tse @i ao'"wo-\J_a8S BFol-" ;(, \r .tr' r-8;S e;1 =rg:5 i; :o t5 O 2 TOP CHORD TOP CHORD lsg€gi gi esg aEiEi sgi ifi $giiE6 u1a#iiE -i lEi gi F e +F aa ii Urg Fig g$ ';fi ;[ ifi g$$ ila as 'eq t lia ig i 'ai aB *i $* Esgs $aEiFFE ,$E ui *g ia EfiE€ EF gd eH I g' fitu= 39 $rggi ia '1gF ig +uf;* $ #q-dr++v, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PoSTED oN JoBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD PERM PeTmit #: 896-0358 Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...I S SUEDLocation. . . : 2108 zERMATT LANE (VArL CAppIied . . t1_tZ/04/tgg6Parcel No.. : 2IO3-11,4-15-013 DEVELOPMENTS, INC958, AVON CO 8t-620 DEVELOPMENTS, INC958, AVON CO 81620 VAIL MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Issued... : 01./02/1997Expires..: O7/Ol/1997APPLICANT WARNER POBOX CONTRACTOR WARNER POBOX OWNER TOWN OF t CITY Description:2 STORY RESIDENTIAL Occupancy Apartment Houses 7-UNIT TOWNHOMES TyPe Zone l- V-IHR & V-N USER VALUATION: 407,880 #0f Gas Apptiances: 7 Phone: 3039494360 Phone: 3039494360 Factor Sq. Feet Valuation55.50 7 ,098 393,939 . 00Table Date: O5/L7/L996 Fi reptace Information: Restficted: Y Total Valuation: flof Gas Logs: 393,939 .00 #0f t|ood/Pa L Let: *****t*********************************ff***ft************* FEE SUflllARy *********************************************************i Bui l'ding-----> 1,972.00 Restuarant Ptan RevieH--> .00 Tot€t CatcuLated Fees---> 7,505.80Ptan Check---> 1,281.80 DRB Fee----*;--Investigation> .O0 Recreation Fee----------> 3,519.OO Totat permit Fee--------> Z,5O5.8Ot,Ji|'|.ca|'|.---.>3.00c[ean-|.,PDepos,it-------->5oo.ooPayments----------_-----> TOTAL fEES-----**************************************t*****ti***************************i*******ff**********************ff*********************** rte.m: .05100 qgrI,DrNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTIDTNG Divisionn/,a+ /,122A qUABi,IE -AcEid;i:--Nijtn pi,exs ro cfrIF.iiE I?7,947.\296_ q!! BI_,IE Acrion: HOfn pLitNS ro nii-rtt K-\2'/16'/!9_96 _CHARLTE Acrion: apFn cHjiilnre- ------ rte.m:'.o54oo PI-,4'NNTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division!7/,9!/,!2ga cl{4,RLrE -AaEidi;--Noie plaNs ro eilbt x12'/73'/1,996 ANDY Acrion: ApFn aF-- - Iteryti'.856q0 {IBE_BEPARTI,TENT Depr: FrRE nivision72/04/1996 CHARLIE Aciion: AppR N./A --r Iter!i-.Q55Q0 Pltqllq woRKg ' Dept: pUB WoRK DivisionL?/04/\e_2Q^CEA_RL,_rE ACtion: NorE pLANs ro pilEfroRK-s-- "--'-' ----' Ige.F i'.95?q0 EN!_IBQNMENTAL HEAI-rH1,2/O4/1,996 CHARLIE Action: -ApFi[ N/n --r Ile{ti',q5l90_ENGITNEERTNG. Depr: ENGTNEER Divisionl?/,94/,f226- c{AR_LrE gcrion: NorE pLANs ro rEEF.i p-- --- --- 1,2'/30'/1996 TERR] Acrion: APFR sdj- conaitliiiis ******ffi***t*************tr****t***********************ff*t**************************ft*t**************************ff*********** See Page 2 of Lhis Docunent for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknor ledge that r have read.this apptication, f il,l,ed out in futl. the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information prov'ided as requ'ired. i.s correct. r agree to conpty uith the informtion and ptot il,an,to cotrpty vith atL Town ordinances _and state [aus, and io buiLd this stfucture according lo'the rownis zonifi and su6ivisioncodes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town aipticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL SE }IADE TTIENTY-FOI'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 179-2138 OR AT OUR OFFTCE IROI.I 8:OO A 5:OO PI4 Scnd Ctean-Up Deposit To: IIARNER DEVELOPIIENTS SIGIIATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII,IS€LF AND OIINER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0358 as of Ol/03/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** PETMiI.TYPE: NEW MULTI_FAM BUILD PERM APPliCd: I2/04/Lgg6Applicant, Ttlf?l.3EvELopMENrs, rNc risued: ot'/oz'/Lss7 To Expire z O7'/07'/L997 Job Address:Location: 2108 ZERMATT LANE (VAIL COMMONS) D-1Parcel- No: 2103-114-15-013 Description:2 STORY RESIDENTIAL ?-UNIT TOWNHOMES Conditione:1. Prior to issuance of TCo, appricant sharr record an easement,, five feet in width, located immediately north of thenorth side of the D1 building.2. CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL FEDERAL AND STATE ACCESSIBIIITY REGULATIONS3. contractor shall check the grade at the fratning inspecton toinsure positive drainage * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jr * *rl *** * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO St.atemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0241 Amount: ?,505.80 0f/fi/97 t3222 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #7659 Init: CD Permit No: ParceL No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 0l- 0000 41310 01 0000 4133101 0000 4L33201 0000 22002 30 0000 4s032 01 0000 41336 Descript,ion BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PIAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 896-0358 Type: MF BUILD NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD 2103-114-1s-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST 2108 ZERMATT LANE (VArL COMMONS) D-l Total. Fees: 7,505.807r505.80 Total ALL pmtsz 7,505.80 BaLance:.00 ************************************************************!t*** Amount L,9?2.00 200.00 1r 281.80 s00. 00 3, 549 .00 3.00 €;E:::t=;E !rg$e E€*E !i rEE:i€ ta;Eg? IE giEg EAEE; ! HE: b.it Eg€EE;tr E E E &F ll = € '3 '6 J I t I '- a: U ; Jr.1 c.lq do!q o7 .= = E '=i E ntHI I c i'l .{ d lJ q) 'o oq, X OJFl or I o, o U I zH tfHp az EE tsl z. lrl l{.1 a) urH Y!-a>x =zzos< 3iz ^a\J)i' a\ l- 2a!-z= H.-, I:S2 AqQ r-- t* <.zuA 'r.J --i -':-aF<=I'JFJaa ?J ca I <,., r.or zlrll-t--* tJ {H9=*/--^:--<Yciil=zl-- !r- ;-zo6 pssG - ' t- r.,l\ ,.' L! Eto> J hLJeli.iz* -YVrbf< =i=:\rFl\- -L t: c( ISZU:Il::EU:XH.,,.FY*+xg+i' i'i -\ ;'-i-\.//- rFfts -O. iFItiFfh E'EIe. FR mt- -IFE rF,a{dF -aflJdF rFl '|Fx€v rJa*F{€c?E|e FaaHrJ -a *FT?t{LI .F'v l{-f 11 A.tf{ trtt{rP t{-a .fJ tl{ |{AItJ\t .*1.t":1, :'j.t?. _.___.,- uj. cr{ECK REgUEST t,/- PREPAREDDY: OKlrS Wr>u&l=_ 'DArE, lO/z/q= vENDoR NAMEI lAJfv^J /ee Davrat-z-pr{ / r.rNrr\ VENDORNUMBER: OO'\p4bS DESCRIPTION oF EXPENSE: CLDAN up DEposrr REFUND FoR Bp #Hto-cgsh NnNm or los: VA.( 0 AruaLt- $ b - / ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOLINT OF REF{.JND: & n>O (-P DATE APPROVED: ,.,, ^ppRgvALstcN^rups, Vil4JL TOI,'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Occupancy Apartment Houses Table Dare: 05/17/1996 Fi reptace Inforration: Regtricted: Y DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD PERM PermiT #: 896-0358 JOb Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST STaIus...Locatj-on...: 2108 ZERMATT LANE (VAIL CApplied..Parcel No. .: 2l-03-114-15-013 fssued. . . Expires. . APPROVED 12/04/Lse6 ot/02 /ree7 07 /07 /Lee7 94360APPLICANT WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t CITY MARKET, PO BOX 729, Description:2 STORY RESIDENTIAL 7-UNIT TOWNHOMES Phone: 30394 Phone: 3039494360 GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Factor Sq. Feet Valuation 55 .50 7 t098Total Val.uation: #0f Gas Logs: TypeZonelV-IHR&V-N USERVALUATIOII: tO7.8W #Of Gas Apptiances: 7 ffi**ffffi*******tr**i***||*******ffi*ffi********:ft**** FEE SUtll'lARy ****fi*****t***ff***ff******rHr**trlffi******#**** .00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 Ctean-l,rp Deposi t--------> TOTAL FEES----- 500.00 Payments------- 7,505.80 BALANCE DUE---- 393, 939 . oo 393,939.00 fof Uood/Pal. tet: .m 7,505.& Bu i Ldi ng-----) PLan Check---> Invest igat i on> Ui t L Cal.l,----> Restuarant Ptan Revi e},--> DRB Fee-------- 1,972.00 1 ,261 .80 .00 Tota[ catcutated Fees---> 7.505.80200.00 Additional, Fees--------->.003,549.W Total Permit tee--------> 7,505.E0 ff****t*fflh******ffiffit***ffi**tffiffi***ffi******ff****ff****tff*ttff**tff*i!H*r*tffi*ffi*****f****** rtqmi .05100_BqrLDrNG DEPARTMENT Dept! BUTLDTNG Division:L2/.84/.1996 CHARLTE AcEiont--Noin pr,eNs ro cHAF.iieL2'/.047.7996 CHARLTE Acrion: NOTE FaANS rO AUDY-K-IZ'/16'/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHALRIE I!e4i"Q54Q0_PI_,ANN-rNG DEPARTMENT Depr: PLANNTNG Division:LZ/,q-4/.1996 CHARLTE Acrion: NOTE PLANS TO ANtt-KLZ'/I3'/L996 ANDY Action: AppR akItem:'o5600_EIRE_DEP4,RTYENT _ Dept: FrRE Di_vision:1.2/o4/L996 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR N,/AI!Sq';',955q0_PlrEI,Ig woRKS ' Depr: puB WoRK Division:12/04/1,996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO pUBftORKS-- "----- -- Ilery';',95?q0_E!,IV_IRoNMENTAL HE+!I{ ._,_ Depr: HEALTH Division:12/04/L996 CHARLIE Action: ApFn u/aIt'em:' .05550_ENGINEERING Dept: ENGINEER Division:l2/.Q4/.1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS To TERF.i-p--'---'---' -* 12'/30'/1996 TERRI Action: AppR see conditions *****tffi|***tlt**ffit*t*ffi****t*****ffit**ffr*ffi**ffft***f*ffiffi*ffi******ff***iffi*******ffi*ffitff****ff*** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. OECLARATIONS I.hereby acknovtedge that I have read.this appl,ication, f il,l.ed out in ful,L the information required, conpl,eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that al'l' the infornation provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compty riith tire inforration ana pioi iian,to conPl'y Yith al't ToHn ordinances -and state [avs, and to buiLd this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviev aPProved/ uniform Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl.e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-r|3A oR AT oUR oFFtcE FRoII 6:00 A 5:oo PI,I Send Ctean-up oeposit To: UARNER SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII4SELF AND OI.'NER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0358 as of OI/02/97 Status: AppROvED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD PERMApplicantWARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC 3039494360 o DEVELOPl'IENTS Job Address Location ParceL No Description2 STORY RESIDENTIAL 7_UNIT TOWNHOMES Conditions:1. Prior to iseuance of TCO, applicant shal-l- record an easement, five feet in width, located irnmediately north of thenorth side of the DL building.2. CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL FEDERAL AND STATE ACCESSIBILTY REGULATIONS3. Contractor shall check the grade at the franing inspecton toinsure positive drainage Applied: 12/04/!996 Issued z o!/02/7997 To Expire. 07 /ot/t997 2l_08 ZERMATT LANE (VAIL COMMONS) 2 10 3- 114- 1s-013 l/--_..AppLrcATroN MUST BE FILT,ED ouT coHpr€tELy oR IT HAy No! 8E AccEprED ^-.':-:_::--*-*-****t'tt***r* PERI-trr TNF'RMATToN **!r**t.ri***************r**rr ,::,_:ltr.::: I J-prumbine r J_Elscrrlcar I J_Mochaniba] [ J-orher t ,".r"* ,""", *r,Legar Descriptlon; Lot_ Brook_ Flllng qTrRnr'rc,.,\,. ;;;;;":;illlilii'ii-*--;;;x'''-^*oRrNFoRx^TJoN*r*r*******ffi Address,Tpwn ot vall Reg. No.llo_Alnon€ Nunber: gtg_ti6T:,.r 2_.rJ(,V_------Electrical Contractor: sEArJ rr tr^rlD'rAddregs iiffi::? "onr.o..o", Pbone Nunber: - gzi_jlE--_ ;;ffi::: r-ejrLracEor: .AST &_McF.FRRTN pr.UHRrNc Tourn .,r rr-:1 '._ * -- Mechanlcal cantractor. Grenwood sptioGtE-El7il l;3;"';"Hll,'un. "o. Addreea Fr:one Nurnbar: ---3y,T33II9 :!I11IT FEE; ---'-"--!r roR o"L19:^Y,:: :::.1.:.11'**********r***..*r?LU;{BING pfn11fi ile: -<._,_ BU_r!DING PLAN CHECK FEE: r.x'rnr.* gSIlIIgll, pszutri'FEE: - :53lP.ll9-pu|r cnncr i'iii ------jlEc?RrcAL rEE: ____r_ r.rscHANrci& r+r, ,qiicif.=#qui,)IHER TYPE OF FEE: ,./.J.iwJ..*rsAl. ,rEE: _ --.-..- .*e._.rrt4ur*! ,TN ,qXFCi<.fqEi)THER TYPE OF FEE:)RB FEE:______ TcnAL pERurr rEii: --- ffit Hrt??hyr'^ Ulu 0 3__ l--.,__ I ev.rr. I vALrrATroN | lurLDrNcsl-t-t-| i__l I Zoxrxc:.rJ:lm;;-__r____t . I grcNAruREr DEVELOPIIEMS, INC../l,' It I :I,EAT IIP DEP,OSIT BIPIII(D !O:WARNER |*(:r,n1.6., i;.nl* C.r,.' '"t " ' '96 I (,r*;il;;,' 4,m,;-:jm I T " TKli Ii;;, Eiff 3il,;35t/, DAIE; :49 No .001 P . 01 PERIIIl. I APPLT.AU'N MUsr BE FTLLED ouT coMpr.ETELy gR rr r,rAy Nor EE AccEprEDal as"-'JrL^rr.,n llusr BE PTLLED ouT ..MP'-ETELY gR rr r.tAy Nor EE AccEprED f,rr*r***i****ttlt****t'tt*l*** PER'lrr TNF'RMATT'N *****rrritftrr*****rr**r**rrr lx l-Bulldtng I J-prunbtng I J-Elsctrrcar 5 1-r,rechanibar I J-orhsrJob Nane: vArL c(x,tt{oNs gce6 e-l Job Addrege: 2lo8 Zernatt Lane, Vail Legal Daacrlption; I,ot Elook Fillng O\rners Nana: t{ARllER DEVELOnm|TS, INcAdd,regs: p.o.Box 958, Avon, VI General Deacrlptlon: z ******rt**rr***taa*tttritti**rt, BU.TLDING PERUIT TEE:PLUIIBING PER}TT FEE:fi;Hi:ll PERrrr FEE: OTHER TTPE 08 PEE:DRB FEE: th unf o0 8162(Ph. 949_5200 a --_ ::..nor'l [[,Nuraber of Dnelllng Unitc; 7 r,.r_L.^_ ^- -__-, y.._es Nunbct o! Acconroodatlon Unlta: ^fnber and Type of FlreplacesS Glg ADr:liancoo -r -;- |^__ f,.".":.;':..:.'ei::ffi;.:.:.:::rh?ii?:i"fu..:...T.;;:::f :::::; :,uI3PIilg " 407,880.00iffi;iii;; ffsg ErrECrRrcAL: $v urcniiiiclii r- lllil: n - - - - - "ra rrr,rtrilaa---4*r2 Eenera r "o"raro "iil ;';i#'#j?HToR*rrFoRlIATroN_ * r r * r * * i * * r rt*r r * * * * tr r * r rAddress: - P_O- Ro,r oqn_ Av.,.|r.t. CO ilZli-Town ot Vall Reg, NO.lro_APhone Nunb€r: - g+g_4ffiElectrlcal Contractor; SHA}I ELECTRTCAddrEes:AddrEes:von. CO 81620 phone Nunber: ___fZO_Sf=:Plunbing ContractrAddress: gr; AsI' r-r.rrEBRrn pr.rlrnrxcAddress: leehanlcal Contracto. Gtenvood sp.iog;-6-6i661 Phone Nunber: Addrese: Lown o! Vail Reg, No.Phon€ Nunrbrr:..,._.__ FOR OFFTCE usE **.rrrr*rrf**fr.t*rrrtr*rrr.r** P_U_r_!grNc Pr.AN CHECK FEE: 3!{I1PII6 PIAII CHECK }EE:uEcHrilrcA& PrtN ctREcREArron Fdo,. I tlffslF.q?IfslSAIIoI_IFi "ifr.:r::9ry$r-g3_9p-poslri ' '': ! -- : TGEAIT PERttIf EEE9: 'EC 0 l DUfLDfNcs SICNATT'RE: ZONINC ! STGNAflIREI c'LEAlt ltP !0:IJARI{ER DEVELOP}TENTS, INC. et J z:-Ja-o'JU lru.vvr r.uJ ottt€. ot Oonounlty drvdopmlrt tt rout'r tront g. fgtdnll, color.do '.|fjt€0t1 479-2138. ot 479-2L39 BUILDII{G PERITIIT ISSUAI{CE TII,tT FRAITE If this pennit t.cr{:::_l Torn of Vafl Ftre.Department Approvrl,tngrneer's (.publtc *:*rt riiie, aii'ipirr.,, a plrnntng Deparmenrrevlen or Hertth 0eparhent-r.ii"r,-"i5rl'r9Y1g, by the Builltngffrilg:"*"the estinated trmi rji'r-iitil revier nny tr["_ii.rong A1 l gsfingrglcr ('raroe-or smrll) rnd arr nult'-fara'y perarrts rvr.'have te follow ttre ibovc.mcnti6neJ-ndii"ui requirements. Residentlrland.smat p.ojects shourd F[e-;-i.;:;t;unt.of rime. Hoiever. ifres r dent.ta I or sma I I er,projiits-r;ilfi ' tie vartous above mentionedli3; "Sil.in: t ll,::Ti:; t0- ;ece, iill;- i, Jil*, *,., i p"i j i.;#; Eyery lrtempt wilf be.mrgr by ttt, department to expedite thisperml't ag SOO1 fS pOSsrOt!. rsrr! LU expegrle tnis i;.iil undersigned, undcrstand the pran cheek procedure and tme tncet was tu-in-E?Ttf6-ffi'E Develoomeqt oep|rtment.Corununt ty I\U . UUI r .u2 lottn tt aouth tronLrgr tplttnll, oo16666 63ry(tor) 479-zl.3t ot b79_2139 TO: FROM: DA?E: Raad and acknowledged by: otflcr ol eom|nunlty drnlopntnt il*""3lTiso"" clrRRErrTr,yL REGTSTERED tfrrH rHE Towts oF vtl! poBtfc lroRtG/coltlrrrNrTl DSVELoplrsNT llARClt 161 1988sU&tEcT: coNstRc?roN pAnKrNC t lrAtERrAL gTOnAcEIn suruary, Ordi, !:r:?l to'iriili"anc' No' 5 stttes _t*t rg_is unlawrul ror anv I;:i"Ti:i:$!:timt""l."fili; t,:ffi ".;i":il ;:i ;::.,ff" contrlctor, oH'rer) 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departrnent of Community Developrnent Dcccmbcr 16. 1996 Mr. Brcnt Biggs Pcak Land Survcying 1000 Lionsridge Loop #3B Vail, Colorado 81657 Frx:476-5616 Rc: Dcar Brcnt, Eascmcnt at Vail Cornrnons In ordcr to conform to thc Unifolm Building Codc standards for scparation bctwccn buildings, wc havc bccn rcquircd to crcatc a "no build" cascmcnt adjaccnt to thc Dl building at tlrc Vail Commons dcvclopmcnt. Wc will bc rccording an cascmcnt fivc fcct in rvidth and 175 fcct in lcngth, running thc cntirc lcngth of thc Dl building. Thc southcrn bordcrof thc casement must bc locatcd a1 thc northcrn facc ofthc building and cxtcnd fivc fcct furthcr north from thcrc. I havc cncloscd a drawing that -- how do they say -- is worth 1000 words. Would you plcasc dcscribc this cascment with a mctcs and bouncis lcgal dcscription? With that. wc will be able to rccord thc cascmcnt. We will nccd this lcgal description by Friday, Dcccmbcr 20th. Plcasc givc nrc a call if you havc any qucstions. I can bc rcachcd dircctly at479- 2440. Scnior Housing Policy Planncr cc: Tom Moorhcad Susan Connclly /Dan Stanck {p orn"rror*o F:clcryonc' nd)\96,_lcltcrs\J,cak$w.dI6 9EF(t-4}- CD t'nl ,hal \ *6' .i @< I s-et{'.]')= !' l3:-, L/ ttldl-*,r , /,n') I i l I tl I I I' .i,l i ll I ll i \..) (\"tc -20it; ,'Ilt'- .II \i AI ,), }v REF,T 1 ;J I TOt^lN OF VAIL, COL.ORflDO A9/3A/97 TI7:35 REEUESTS FOR INSF'ECTION WORK SHEETS FOR: 9,zStZtl97 F.AGE E3 AREA: CF Activityr 896-tltssB 9/}fi/97 Type: MF BUILD Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr: MFAM Address: €:O99 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Location: l?lOB ZERMATT LANE tVAII- COMIvIONS) D-.1 Farcel ! g1O3*114-15-fi13 fjccr Description: E STORY RESIDENTIRL 7-UNIT Appl icant: I-IARNER DEVELOFMENTS'' INC Own er' : TOI'JN OF VR I L Contractorl WARNER DHVELUF,MENTS. INtr TOI'NHO}YIES Fhone: Fhtrne; F,hone: rzreral use: 3rZ'3949436lzl 3tzt3T4943€'Et Inspect ion Reqr-rest Inf or.mation. . . . "Requestor': Rich Req Tine: O8:Ot?t Domment s: Dl c:al Items reqLrested to be Inspected... 4fr54o BLIIG-Final C/A Fhone: 748*ttlB7 I to meet Aet ion f,omments Time Exp InspecItIt tion em ! em ! Histony..,.. gltZlSBJ Fl'rl-Final dr"iveway gr.ade grra0lE BLD6-Foot ing s /Bt ee I AL/I,A/97 Inspector.: CF Action: AF.F'R COIYIF'RCTION RF'RT RECEIVED Notes: WINTER FROTECTION REU.A1l31/97 Inspectot': CF Action: RF,F'R east half wntr prot neqd OtaCtgA BLDG-Foundat i onlSt ee I 0l /et,/97 Inspeet or': CF Act i orr: FA NTI{ SEC, WNTR pRT REG. @L/?4/97 Inspeetor": DS Actir:rn: AFtrR SOLITH l/? AF FOUNDATION 6E/V3/97 Inspector: CF Action: FA bldg d-1 r-rnits 516,7 AASEA FLAN-ILC $ite Flan 4 n4/?,3/97 Inspedt or.: AK Qnt i on : AF,trR ApF ROVED I A3/13/97 Inspector*: ANDY Action: AFFR ILC approved t'r,: AAA3,0 BLD6-Frlging 'l td?/ lt /97 Insp{ctor: CF Act i on: N0 tr.r_rss }"eport pecei ved A4IIL/97 Inspector"r'EF Action: FiA r-rnits 516&7 Notes: penett'ations must be filled in p,*r.ty wall Iower level- anchor- pl.ates to f loor. A4/eX/97 Inspector': DS Action: DN lt{ET READY tA4/e3/97 Inspector.! CF Aetion: FA unit l-4 Notes: f ir"e bloeking r"eqt cJ in sof f its clropped cei I inqs and rtair V6/13/97 Inspector: DS Action: F-'A 1l-1 BUILDING LATH AAOEA BLDG-Insulation A4/I3/97 Inspector': DS Action: RFIrR UNITS 51 61 7 fr4/e3/97 Inspectol'! CF Action: AtrFR r-rrrits A,3 & 4 Notes: fire bloek dr.opped ceilings'at Iowerr levels do not vapor bar.r.ier. behind gr.een board ceilings to be blown in on upper" level A4/3td/97 Inspectorr: EG Action: AFFR d-l no 1EA65[' BLDG-Sheetr-ock Nai I A4/IA/97 Inepector: CF Action: FA UNITS 6 & 7 A4/eP./97 Inspertor! DS Action: AE'F'R UNIT 5 ONLV A4/3A/97 Inspector': EG Action: AFF'R d r-tnitP-1 @5/n7/97 Inspeetor.: EG Actiorr: A|-'PR bldg d units 3-4 ta'aogla BLD6-F i na I 0€f53O BLDG-Tenp. C/O It em: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: 6q/:i'? /q'l f n<nar.t nr. r f. D - ,4.4 i nr'l E'A IINITq :i- A- 7 NNI V REPT131 TOI^IN OF VAIL, COLORADO U9/3Q/97 fr7r35 REGUESTS FBR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FOR: 9/39/97 A5/3A/97 Inspector.: DSItem: 0O531 FIRE-TEMI-,. C/0 Item: AA53g F'h|-TEMF,. C/n ItEM: OIZI533 FLAN_TEMF" C/AItem: raAES7 trLAN-FINflL C/nItenr: Ara538 FIRE-FINAL C/A Item: 40539 PN-FINAL C/0Item: VA54fr BLDG-Final C,/O Act i nn: trA UNIT$ 1,3! 3,4 ONLY \fM'S F,AGE E4 AREA: CF Notes: REMOVE ALL CTINSTRUCTION MATERIALS COSMETICS NOT COMF,LETE DISHI^TASHERs Nor INSTALLED.: .fri'i 't,4 a TI I I TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 '10wn or v ar r 75 South FronLage Road Vai1, Colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 PIan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Proj ect Number: Prj95-0199 Address: 2108 Zermatt Iane Contractor: Warner Developments Architect: Mark Donaldson Engineer: Pete Monroe Plans Examiner: Charlie Davis NOTE:The code items listed in this report listing of all possible code requirements selected sections of the code. Name: Vail Commons Bldg. Date3 December 13, 1995 occupancyr Rl Type of Const: V- 1hr are not intended to be a in the 1991 UBc. It is a DIRECTION BOUNDARY NoRTH Bui Idingf EAST Bui Iding SoUTH Public way wEsT Buildinq SEPARATION AREA INCREASE 5.0 Feet 10.0 Feet 54.0 Feet 1.0 Feet FIRE PROTECTION 5.0 Feet 52.0 Feet 1. 0 Feet OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS Department of Community Deve lopment oFr{rrdt D- L comp I ete guide to 2 Condo Dl 2 condo D2 2 condo D3 2 Condo D4 2 Condo D5 2 Condo D6 2 condo D7 TOTAL FOR FLOOR r conoo ur l- condo D2 1 Condo D3 1- condo D4 L Condo D5 r uonoo ub L condo D7 TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL R1 R1 R1 IAI RL RL R1 R1 R1 R1 ifr R1 R1 RL ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 51-5 st 5 515 l t_f, 5 r.5 llf 51-5 JbU] 499 499 /rOO ,,! OO 499 499 499 3493 7098 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok f,-u 10500 0. 05 10500 0 - 05 10500 0.05 10500 0.05 t-0500 0.05 10500 0. 05 1-0500 0.05 10500 0.34 r-0500 0.05 10500 0.05 r_0500 0.05 10500 0.05 10s00 0.05 1_0500 0 - 05 10500 0.05 1-0500 0.33 21000 0.34 acbual heiqht of this buildinq' is maximum heiqht of the building is 27.0 feet. EO 0 FoaF -- Tah] a The 'Ine {P *"n"uo'uu' 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment NORTH OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT R1 thr l-hr None EAST BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT thr thr None EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS Table 17-A & Table 5-A AND OPENING PROTECTION SOUTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WAI.,L PROT thr thr None WEST BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT thr* thr* NOP The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.2201. None - - No f j-re protection requirements for openings. prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the wall maximum. Sec. 504. (b) c Sec-2203. & Tabl-e 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than 12 feet. - - Sec. 4305. (h) NOP -- openings are not permj-tted i-n this wall. * -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is requl-red to have Lhe sane fire rating as the wall. See section 1710. for details and exceptions- OTHER BUIITDING ELEMENTS Table 17-A ELEMENT MATERIAL RATING Interior Bearing wall Any I hr Interior nonbrg waII Any t hr St.ructural Erame Any t hr Exterior Struct Frame Any t hr Shaft Enclosure Any t hr Floor,/Ceiling Assembly Any t hr Roof/ceiling Assembly Any I hr Stairs Anv None NOTE S See Footnote #7 See footnote f1 NOTE: See Sec. 1706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES: 1) Elements in an exterior wafl located where openings are not permitted or where protection of openings is required, shalI be probected againsL external fire exposure as required. for exterior bearing walls or the strucLural frame. whichever is greater. -- Table 17-A, footnote 1 7) Nonload-bearing walls within a dwelling unit that are not part of a nnrri nnr mrrr l-.a nF. a) Noncombustible (nonrated) material sb) Fire retardant - treaLed wood c) Combustible framing wlth noncombustible covering in Type III and V construction -- Sec. L705. (b)2. DRAFT STOPS: If there is combustible construction in the floor/ceiling assembly, draft stops shall- be installed j-n line with walls separating individual dwe11i-ng units and guesb rooms from each other and from other areas.-- sec. 2515. (f ) 4.A. (ii) If there is combustible construction in the roof/ceiling assembly, draft stops sha11 be installed in line with wa11s separating individual dwelling units and gues! rooms from each other and from oLher areas. {g *""r"""o r*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 Department of Conmunity Development -- Sec. 251-5. (f ) 4.B. (ii) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 5-B Nl.\n 6 ra^,r i raA ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR R1 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required. around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unit serving more than one unit. -- Sec. 121-3.A thr occupancy separation is required around common storage and laundryrooms. -- Sec. 1202. (b) A thr fire separation is required. between dwellingr units. -- sec. 1202. .b'l EXTT REQUIREMENTS : FL NAME OCCUPANT NWBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES I,OAD REQUIRED WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 2 Condo D l-2 Condo D2 2 Condo D3 2 Condo D4 2 Condo D5 2 Condo D5 2 Condo D7 TOTAL L Condo D1 1 Condo D2 l- Condo D3 I Condo D4 1 Condo D5 1 Condo D6 1 Condo D7 TOTAI, JI JI J-L JI JI 11 2L )'l 21, 11 )1 L42 0.1 No No 0.1 No No 0.1 No No 0.1 No No 0.1 No No 0.1 No No 0.1 No No 0.5 No Yes0.0 No No 0.0 No No 0.0 No No 0.0 No No 0.0 No No 0.0 No No 0.0 No No 0,5 No Yes N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N,/n N,/ R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N,/R N/R In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is L/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303.(c)Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted., Occupane load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noEed.,Exit width is in feet and based on Sec. 3303. (b). Exit width is to be divided approximately equally among exi.t.s.Width shown for all areas is based. on other exit.s. (0.2)Width shown for 1st floor is based. on other exits. (0.2)width shown for other fLoors & basements is based on stairways. (0.3)For the minimum width of doors, see Sec. 3304. (f)For the minimum width of corridors, see Sec. 3305. (b)For the minimum widLh of stairways, see Sec. 330G. (b) FOOTNOTES: HANDICAPPED ACCESS:L) Handicapped access is required to at least one primary entrance {7 *""o'"o'u'r 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Development to this building. -- Sec. 3103. (a) & (b)3. 2) If a ramp is used for handicapped access, Lhe max slope is12L2. - - Sec 3307. (c) STAIR NOTES : Withi-n a dwelling unit: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3305. (b) The maximum rise of a sbep is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3305. (c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one sid.e of sbairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing' ifthere is more than 3 risers. -- Sec. 3305. (j) Exceptions Provide a guard. rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches. maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. l-712. (a) exc 1 For common stairways: The rnaximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the minimum run is 11 inches.-- sec . 3306. (c) The minimum width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the occupant loadis greater than 49. -- Sec. 3306. (b) Al-so see exit table above to see if minimum width is greater than 44 inches. Provide handrails on both sides of a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosr-ng. (May be on one side if Less than 44 inches wide) -- Sec. 3305. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height= 42 inches. maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. 1,712. (al The minimum headroom i-s 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive consbruction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) Provide a landing within l- inch (l/2 inctr at doors used for handicappedaccess) of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304.(i) The minimum width is same as door width and the minimum lenqth is 44 inches.-- sec. 3304. (i) The maximum travel distance in this building is - - Sec. 3303. (d) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS : 1) The roofing on this building is required to be Class B or better.-- Table 32 -A 2) See section 3204. and ICBO research reports for requiremenrs. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS:rf openings are not provided in each 50 feet of exterior walr or there isfloor area more than 75 feet from an exterior openingr, an automaticsprinkler system is required. -- Sec. 3802. (b) rf the buildinq contains 15 or more d.werringr units, an automatic sprinklersystem is required. -- Sec. 3802. (h) rf t.here are 100 or more sprinkrers. the automatic sprinkler system shalf besupervised by an approved central. proprietary. or remote station serviceor a local alarm which will give an audible signal, at a consLantly Sec.3803 1,50 €eeE. attended Iocation. {P """'"'"o '*o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirement for a standpipe. A hose is not required. -- Tabl_e 38-A FOOTNOTES: INSULATION NOTES : 1) Afl insulation material including facings spread rabinq of 25 or less and a maxrmumi! is in a concealed. space and the facrngceiling. -- Sec. 1714. (c) exc.#22) Foam plastic insulations are required to Department of Community Development 1) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c) , (d) , and/or(e) WAI.,I., AND CEII,ING FINI SH : L) Wall and ceilingr finish materials are rcnrri rcd Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-B.2) Carpeting on the ceiling is required to have a spread rating. -- sec. 4204. (b) 3) Textile wall coverings shalf have Class I f l-ame and shall be protected by automatic sprinklers acceptance criterj-a of U.B.C. Standard No. 42-2 Tabl-e 38 -A to comply with Class I flame chr6, d r: l- i nn or meet the-- Sec. 4205. are required to have a flame- smoke density of 450 unless is in contact with a wa11 or be protected.sec. l/,LJ 20 units or more, or over dwelling units shall be and fire sprinkler sys temsFrre Department. ORD.3 of GLAZING REQUIREMENTS ; A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety gJ-azingr material . -- Sec. 5405, (d) ADD ITIONAL REQUIREMENTS I For R1 occupancy A11 chimney enclosures for wood burning fireplace factory-built chimneys shall be protected. by a I hr. fire resistrveconstructron. AII proj ects larg'er than four dwelling units shall be supplied with sbamped d.rawings from a quilified architecL and/or structural AlI building within the Town Of VaiI withthree stories, and containing anysupplied with engineer fire al_armfor approval be the Town Of VaiId:. A1I crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail shafl be Iimited to 5'height from floor to structural floor/ceiling, have a dirtfloor only, with ventilation as per UBC code. and minimumaccess as per UBC code or maximum access of 9 sq. ft.AIt R- 1- occupancies within the Town Of Vail will be required Lo haveaIl l-andscaping' and parking facilities complete to obtainfinal inspection approval .Address numbers shall be posted prainly visible and legible from the s treet . If there is 15 or more dwefling units, a fire alarn system isrequired in this buildinq. -- Sec. L2LL.Provide a wind.ow or d.oor t-o the exterior from every room used forsleeping. -- Sec. 1204. A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.fL.f a clear height {p *""'""'u '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3V479-2 139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Conmunity Development -- Fis. 29 (a) , (b) a to be 17 to 19 inches of 24 inches. and a clear width of 20 inches (minimum) . -- Sec. 1204. AII habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to 10% more of t.he ffoor area. (min 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205. (b) AIl habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal toor more of the floor area. (min 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205. (c) Provide a smoke detecLor in at] sleeping rooms and areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. 1210. (a)4, The minimun ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feeL 5 inches exceptkitchens, halls, and baths mav have a ceilino heioht of 7 feet.Sec. -- L207. (a\ HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : NOTE: Section nunbers }isted below are from ANSI A117.1 - 1985 WATER FOUNTAINS: 1) One must have a spout within 36 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.L5.22) Spout must be at the front of the unj-t. -- Sec. 4.15.33) Controls musL be at or near the front of the unit. -- Sec. 4.15.4 & 4 .25 .4 4) A cantilevered unit is required to provide a clear area under the unit of27 inches hiqh, 30 inches wide. and 17 inches deep. -- Sec. 4.15.5 (1) 5) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required at the fountain. The cleararea is requj-red to provide for a forward approach with a cantileveredunit and for a side approach otherwise. -- Sec. 4.15.5 & Fiq.27 b,e,d, TOILET FACILITIES: l) A 5r diameter unobstructed turning space j-s required in the toilet room. - - sec . 4.2 .3 a Fig. 3 (a) 2) When water closet is not in a compartmenL, the clear area required. isra) 48 inches wide by 55 inches deep with a side approach. - - Sec . 4.'16.2 e Fiq. 28b) 48 inches wide by 65 inches deep with a front approach. - - Sec. a Fiq. 28c) 50 inches wide by 56 inches deep with both approaches.-- sec. 4.L5.2 & Fiq. 28d) side bar is required to start. within 12 inches of the back waII andextend to 54 inches from the back wall. -- Sec. 4.L6.4 & Fig. 29 The rear bar is required to be 3d inches long. - - F:q. 293) When water closet is in a comparCment, Lhe area required is:a) 55 inches deep by 60 inches wide with a grab bar ab the back and oneat the side. Door is at front or side. - FiS. 30(a) orb) 65 inches deep by 35 or 48 inches wide wi-th grab bars on boLh sidesand door at front. -- Fiq. 30(b)d) If a floor mounted rrater closeL is used.. the depth dimension shown above must be increased 3 inches. -- FiS. 30(a) & (b)e) Side bars are required t.o start within 12 inches of the back wall andextend to 54 inches from the back wall. -, FiS. 7.58a & 7.56bThe rear bar is required to st.art within d inches of the sid.e walland be 35 inches long. - - Fiq. 30 (a) The bars are to be 33 to 36 inches above the floor.Fiq. 30 (c) , (al) The top of the seaL on the water closet is required or lYo 4) 5) {,2 *""'""""*u* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r3q479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 above the floor. -- FiS. 29(b) & Fiq. 30 (d.) 5) Urinals are required to be stall type or have an elongated within 17 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.18,2 c Fiq. 29(c) 7) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front of the - - Sec. 4.18.3 Accessible Iavatories sha1I provide a clear area under Lhe 29 inches- -- Sec. & Fiq. 3L A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front of the-- Sec. 4.'J-9.3 & Fiq. 32 The bobtom of mirror is required to be within 40 inches of-- Sec. 4.L9.6 a Fiq. 31 Department of Community Development rim and be urinal . lavatory of l avatory . Ehe f1oor. 8) 9) r0) R-1 HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : Adaptable dwellinq units are required. -- Sec. 3l-08. (a)8. Public-use and cornrnon - use areas shall be accessible. -- Sec. 3L03. (a)8. {g *r"r"""o "*"* waRNER ?Ti.9lSNrsJc. AVON, COLORADO 81620 -LETTT @F TRANSNNIT-TAL Denvcr 53/H695 (303) 9494360 _.--..r'.j.I arog at Y Ar| > WE ARE SENDING YOU d Attached ! Under separate cover via tr 6 TO the lollowing items: ! Shop drawings t1 Copy of letter n Prints I Change order O Samples oaTE lJo! NO.l- lo-qt | 4@ ^rrENrloNG l& - ?*- -!'lvEE E Specifications coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1zt Ltn*-A^t aa.r*,L..r *zJ*a.kan- E// D'/ 44' THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval \! For your use ! As requested tr Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted tr Returned tor corrections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return-corrected prints tr ! tr El For review and comment n tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS rnoofi 2.0? l@|'t., ob rr ol.rl t, ancloautar att nol aa ndad, hlndly notny arut o,|ca. Compoction Test Report CI]EN] WARNERDEVEIOPMET.{TS,INC. P. O. BOX 958 AVON, CO 81620 TLITHOMPSON. INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS fr'\l i .{ ;'oRi N(-1 :ittiJf cI l!04ir96 -c'r No 20 VAIL COMMONS vArt. col.oRADo STRUCTURAL FILI 02005 shtr r pf TEST NO.tocAfloN DEPTH tltsl TESI TYPE I.ABORA]ORY FIETD sottTYPI MAX DENSITY rcF oMc DRY DENSIW rcF MC coM- PACTION 1" A' 8 FEET SOI'TH & I5 FEET EAST AF NF T^'1DNFD TTF 'lTV MADVET IF N {^1tA o.)1t1 |5A OA cus/E No. I r.)n N6 ntnn 43 60 FEET SO1ITH & 22 FEET EAST r)F NF '6DNFD r)F 'TTV MADIIFT l5 N (:1)A o2 1t3 I 5-5 OA CUFIE NO. I tf1n Nr) nrnnf AA 94 FEEI SOUTH & 6,FEET EAST t1F NF aarDNFO r.\E r^|Tv f,t^DlfBt la N t^Itn ot lo r a7 o_? CURVE NO. I tr.ta Nai ntnnt AA I5I FEET SOi'TH & 23 FEET EAST r'tE }rtc l^a\D[tED nB ^m/ lrADr/ET IE N||(^ltR t ot 1a',. I R?OA cufvE No. I ta,tn Nar ntnnt AA r 58 FEET SOI'TH & 6 FEEI,EASI .]E NE T^'1ONED '\E 'TTV I'ADIIET It Ntk ltA !ot l rt AN oL cus/E No. I rrE Nal ntnnJ AAA DFTFqT .lE IEqT N't '/N l^1)A I ot 1tt , (-ql OA CURVE NO. I tuna Nln ntnnr A7 35 FEEI SOTIIH & 9 FEET EASf (1F NF '6DNFO ..rF 'ITV MAOIIET NA N ti ltA I ot lt3 r 55 OA cup /E No. I ta.}n N6 ntnnr AA IO FEET EAST OF NORIHEAST .dDNFD .)F l rIV MAOIIFT NA N (:1rA !ot 1t7 (a2 oo cuRvE.No. I . tnn N/1 ntnnr I BEIOW GRADE spEcrFrcATroNs: 95 oi6 oF MpxrMUM ASTM D 1557 MoTsTURE wrHrN +l-2 % or oPTrMrrM TYPE OF COMPACIION EOUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNITS: I) VIBRATORY SHEEPSFOOT ROUER I ) WHEEL ROLLING WIIH LOADER Mo,sIURE ADDTD BY MTURAL THlcKNEss oF LIFT 12 NcHEs IYPE OF IAATH MCA/ING EOUIPMFNIAND NO OI UNIIS: 4) END DUMPTRUCKS l) LOADER l) DOZER SANDY IHIBAULT IITTD R(PAES€NTATM LP THIS REPORI PRESENTS OPINIONS fORMEDASA RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION Of FIII PTACTMT NI A5 IVELL AS THE TTSTS SHOVVN AAOVE. WE I.AVE RELIED UPON TI.]E CONIRACTOR IOAPPTY THE NECESSATTY COMPACIIVE EFFOATAND MOISIURE IO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING IIMES WHEN OUN OBSERVEA IS NOT PRTSENIAND AT TOCAIIONSOTHER THAN THOSE T€STED IEST DATA AAI NOI II-1I SOLE BA$5 f OR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FITL MEETS SPECIF CATIOI{S Pr?ocRtssREPoaT DURING THIS USr THE CONIRACTOR REMOVED THE FROST FROM NORIH 2IHIRDS OF THE UNBI.ANKETED FILT AREA. THE SOI,'TH IHIRO OF THE FII.L WII.L BE WORKED AFTER THE NORTH END WAS IESTED FOR COMPACTION. IHE COMRACTOR INFORMED OUR CII./THOMPSON REPRESEMATIVE THAT THE REMAINING FITI MATER!{ WILT BE 3/4 INCH AGGREGAIE ROAD 8ASE. FIMtr. DENSTY IEST RESULTS INDICATE SATISFACTORY COMPACTION EXCEPI FOR DENSlry IEST NO. 46. IT WAS SUGGESTED TO IHE COMRACTOR TO RECOMPACT THIS AREA. A RETEST WItt NOT BE REOUIRED, (SEE PAGE 2, REPORT 20 FOR TEST NO. 49) I XN ouR opf NroN Fu,r coMpAcTroN MEErs spEcrflcAroNs As TNDTcATED By ouR oBsERVATroNs ANo rEsr No.{st 42, 43, 45, 444, 47 & 48 I r fN ouR oprNroN Fn L coMpAcroN DoEs Nor MEET spEqFrcAroNs As rNorcArED By oul ossEpvAlroNs AND rEsT No.(sl 44 &' 46 AND S}IOUID BE RCWORIGD SCOPE Ot OBSESr'ATDN: i I rULL IIME: i IXERIODIC. ON CAU &{SlS; f }poNTRAcIoR's oR cl.lENT'S RIPRESENI IIvt ADvlsED CHUCK WllH n EWNG CONSTRUCTTON crrirHoMPsoN.lNc U.- L)eo*- ;.-5 Anf'aov{r)riY DA}l DowNlNG, FlEl-D MANAGER Compoction Test Report Ctl[NI WARNER DEVELOPMEMS. INC. P. O. BOX 958 AVON, CO 81620 TL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSUL I ING GEO-TECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS j'1rL 1204196 ros Nc 02005 i.r lJaT Nar 20 sHttl Dt 2 ::|[] ,.] vAlL coMMoNs VAIL, COTORADO STRUCTURAT FIII Itr TEST NO.tocAfloN DEPTH TEST TYPE I.ABORATORY Ft€tD so|t wPt MAX DENSITYrct oMc ORY DENEWrct MC coM. PACTION A9 80 FEEI SOUTH & 8 FEET EAST oF NF e.)pNFp c)F (:tfv M^prrr o6 Nltc 124 !a2 123 (5.3 96 CURVE NQ, I -tctB No ntoo-r I SRo\ GRADE spEcrFrcATroNs: 95 % or MAXTMUM ASTM D 1557 THts aEpoRT PaESENTS oplNroNs FoRMEDAs A RESUTT oF ouR oBsER\,/ATloN MOISTURT WTHTN +l-2 o/. OF OPT|MUM OF FILL PtACtr'rENl AS WEtt AS IHE IESIS SHO/VN ABOVE. WE l-tAVE REIIED WPE OF COMPACIION EAUPMENIAND NO OF UNITS: (sEE PAGE I, REPORT 20) MOTSTURt ADDED BY SANDY IHIEAUTT FIILD AtPAf$iJIAIM TP UPON THE CONTRACIOA TO APPTY THE NECESSARY COMPACIIVE EFFORTAND MOISTURE IOACHIFVE SPEC IED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVEf? S NOT PRESENI AND AT LOCATIONS OIHER TI.1AN THOSE TESTED TESI DATA AAE NOT THE SOtE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHTR THE FII.t MEETS SPECiFICAIIONS NCHESTNICKNESS OI LITT WPT OT EARTH MOVING EQUIPi.IENTAND NO. OF UNITS pRoGREssREpoRT SEE PAGE I, REPORT 20 FOR PROGRESS REPORT. I XN oup oprNro$ Fru. coMmcnoN MEETS spEcrncAlroNs As rNotcATEo By ouR oBsERvAIroNsANo lEsr No.{st 49 { I IN OUR OPINIOIT TItI- COMRACIION DOES NOT MEEI SPECITICATIONS AS INDICATEO BY OUR OESERVATIONS AND TESI NO.(SI AND SHOUID 8E REWOErcD scopE or oBsEpvAIoN: I i fuu ME: t tXen|oorc.ot ce|'l sAsrs; t lGoNrRAcroR s oe cuENrs REPRESENTAI|VE Aovts€D CHUCK WIH EWING CONSIRUCTION cruIHoMPsoN lNc D+- Do-'-- "-..V^or?o.1r'r, DAN DowNlNG, FIELD lvtAtn%ER Compoction Test Report CIIINT WARNER DEVEI.OPMEMS, INC. P. O. BOX 958 AVON,CO 81620 '| lgtol eclog spEcrncAnoNs:. 95 ... % oF Mpn MUM A$IM D I 557 MoisTur?rwlHlN +l-2 % oF oPT MUM TYPF Ot COi\,4PACToN EOUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNIIS I) VIBRATORY SHEEPSFOOI ROLTER SAT.IDY THIBAUTT TITID QTPat$NIATM !P CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS MoTsTURE ADDED BY I.IAIURAL THlcKNEssoF LIFT 12 TYDE OF 6ARIH MCVINC €QUIPI\,1EI]'T AI.]D NO CF UNITS: l) LoADER .l) DOZER 4) END DUMP TRUCKS THIS REPORT PAESENTS OPINIONS FORMEDAS A RESULT OF OUR OBSEI{/ATION OF FIIT PIACTMENI AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHCI,A/N ABOVT. WE I-{AVE AELIED UPON IHE.CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSAI{Y COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TOACHIEVE SP€CIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMESWHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOI PRES€NI ANDAT TOCATIONS OTHIR T|IAN THOSE TESTED. IEST DATA ARE NOT IHE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONSON WHETHER THE FILI MEE'IS sPtcrFrcAltoNS PRoGRESSREPoRI DURING THIS VIS|I THE COMRACTOR FIAD REMOVED l0 TO l2 INCHES OF IN-PIACE SIRUCTURAL FILL PI-US THE FROSI PROTECTION IIFT DUE TO FROST FROM COTD OVER NIGI-TT TEMPERATURES. BLANKETS WLI. BE BROUGHT IN TO COVER THE FII,L. 6 TO 8 INCHES OF FILI WAS REMOVED IN IHE AREA OF DENS]TY IEST NOS. 38 & 39 PRIOR TO RETESTING. THE DEPTH BETOW GRADE FOR DENSITY TEST NOS, 38 & 39 INDICAIES THE DEPI}I DURING RETESTING. FIMI. DENSITY IESI RESULTS INDICATE SAIISFACIORY COMPACNON EXCEN FOR DENSTTY TEST NO. 4l . (COMTNUED ON PAGE 2, REPORT I 9) t XN oup oprNtox nu. coMncToN MEETs spEcrrrcAnoNs As rNDcArEo By ouR oBs€Rv\noNsANo TEsr No.{s) 35, 36, 37' 38A, 394 & 40 I l rN ouR oprNroN FtL coMFAcloN DoEs Nor MEET spEcrFrclTroNs As TNDTcATED By ouR oBsERvATroNs ANo rEsr No.rsr 38 & 39 AND SHOU1D 8E REWORKEO SCOPE Of OBSERVAIION: i I fUtL IIME; i lXERloDlC, ON CALL BASIS: t I)PONIRACIOR'S OR cl,lENI'S REPR€SENI TI\tr ADVISED CHUCK WJTH EWNG CONSTRUCTION r)^Tr I Z031196 JoB No 02005 ati,oar No 19 sHE[r pF sLuJtcI VAlt COMMONS VAIL, COLORADO STRUCIURAI- FILI 30 FEET SOUTH & 6 FEET EAST 6I FEET SOU}I & 27 FEET EAST I52 FEEISOI'IH & 24 FEEI EAST & 16 FEET EAST crr,rHoMpsoN,lNC Op D*_,,-b A ''?O\IO8' DAN Do1/{NING, FIEI,D MAI.IAGER Compoction Test Report WARNER DEIGLOPMEI.IIS, lNC. P. O. 80X 958 AVON, CO 81620 r raoul euoe sp€crFlcAroNs: .. 95 % oF MAXTMUM ASIM D 1557 l,4orsTURE wrTHrN +l-2 % or oprMur\,4 TYPE OF COMPrcNON EQUIPMENTAND NO OF UNITS: SEEPAGE I, REPORT I9 DATE ruPOAI NO St,B.ICr 1203/96 roB No l9 VAIL COMMONS VAIL, COIORADO STRUCTURAT FILT TL/THOMPSON, INC. COATSULTING GEOTECHN ICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 02005 sHErT 9r TEST NO.tocATtoN DEPIH FEEI TEST TYPE IABORAIORY FIEI,D SOITTYPE MAX DENSITY PCt oMc DRY OENSITY rcF MC coM- PACIION A1 I55 FEET SOUTH & I6 FEEI EASI .\g NE ATTDI\IED TtE AITV T'ADVEI AI N a laA ot Itt A1 OA CURVE NO. I l(-lR N6 nrnn! TH6 AEPORT PRESENTS OPINJONS FOAMED ASA RESULT OF OUR O8SER1/AIION Of TITL PLACEMTNI, ASWELTAS THE TESTS SHOIVN ABOr'E. WE I'IAVE REI-IED UPON THT CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTM ETFORTAND IVOISTUR€ TOACH EVE SPECIIIED COMMCTION DUR1NG TIMESWHEN OUR OBSTT',/EA 6 NOT PRESENIANDAT I.OCAIIONS OIHER Trl,AN IHOSE TESTED. TEST DAIA AI?E NOT THT SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONSON WHETHER THE FILI. MEETS SPECIFICATIONSMOISruNT ADDTD BY TH|cKNESSOF LIFT TYPE OF EARTH N4O\./]NG EQUIPMENTAND NO OF UNIIS INCHES paoGREssREpoRT (coMlNUED FROM PAGE l, REPORT lq IrWAS SUGGESTED TO IHE CONIRACTOR TO RECOMPACT THE AREA OF DENS]TY IEST NO. 4I. NO REIEST WILL 8E REOUIRED. D tN OUR OprNrort f ,t COMnCTtOr{ MEETS SPECTHCATTONS AS TNDTCATED 8Y OUn OBSTRVAflONS AND IESI NO.15) 1l)O ouR oprNro4 flr.t coMpAcroN DoEs NoT MEET sptcr;rcAnoNsAs rNDrcArED oy ouR oosEp\r'ArpNs AND rEsT No.lsl 41 AND SHOU1D BT REWORrcD scoPE oF oBsEl\r rloN: tl FUtl rlME; I iXERloDlc, oN c^Lt EASls; t ))QoNTRACTOR'S oR ctlENT's REPRESENTAnVE ADVISED CHUCKWTH il/tNc CONSIRUCnON , SANDY IHIBAUTT FIITD REPN€$NIAIM tP cTt/rHoMPsoN'lNc U* Do-r* r-*s Ap'r'crvr( d\ DAl.l DowNlNG. FIELD i/lAtlfGER Compoction Test Reporf CLIENT WARNER DEVETOPMEMS, INC. P. O. BOX 958 AVON, CO 81620 ,. SAI.IDYIHIEAUIT fITLDftPRI$NTAIM tP DAII atPoRr No SUIJJTCI l?02y96 JoB No l8 VAIL COMMONS VAIL, COLORADO STRUCruRA. FILL TL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 02005 sHFtr pf 95 70 oF MAXTMUM ASIM D I 557 vOtYune wuttt . t/-:2 IYPT OF COIVPACIION EQUIPMENTAND NO. OT UN TS ll VTBRAToRY SHEEPSFOOT ROr.l"ER l) WHEEL ROtLTNG WTTH IOADER Mo sTURE ADDED BY MIURAI. THlcKNEss oF LIFT 12 TYPE OT LAPJ{ MCS./I\C EOUIOMINI AND NO OT UNITS l)t oADER ll DozER 3) TANDEMS PRoGREssa€Ponl DURING rHFUSIrHE COMRACIOR INFORMED OUR CII"4]IOMPSON REPRESEMATM ll{ATTHE COVER LIFT WAS REMOVED, ITIE SURFACE WAS RECOMPACTED AI.ID FILI PTACEMEM COMINUED. NO MOSTURE WAS ADDED DUE TO BETOW FREEZING OVER NIGHT TEMPERAIURES. IN.PTACE STRUCTURAI. FILI. IN T}IE SO['H I/3 OF THE FILL AREA |'|iAD AN ADD]IIOMI, 6 TO I2 INCHES REMOVED DUE TO FAITING TESTS. FROZEN FILL WAS OBSER/ED BEING REMOVED. FII.L WAS REMOVED UNNL SPECIFIED COMPACNON REPRESEMED 8Y RETEST NOS. 34A AND 338 WAS OBIAINED. IMPORT FItt TEMPERAIURES WAS 40 DEGREES F. (CONNNUED ON PAGE 2, REPORT r8) e{N oue oprNroq Fru. coMpAcTroN MEETS spEcrfrcAlroNs As rNDrcArED By ouR ossERvArpNs AND TEsr No.(s) 3l A, 32' 34A & 338 f l rN oun oprNrott Fru. coMpAcroN DoEs Nor MEET spEoFrcAroNs As rNDrcAr[D ByouR oBsERVArtoNs AND rEsr No.(sl 3l , 33, 34 & 334 AND SHOUID 8E PEWORIGD SCOPT of ossGRv TION: I 1 tULt IIME: i lXERloDtC.ON c^u EASIS: ( NoNTRACTOR'S OR cuENrs RtPRtsENTAIvE ADVISED CHUCK WIIH % OF OPTIMUM THIS REPORT PRESTNIS OPINIONS FORMEDASA RESUTT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF F IL L P Irc EMEN'I AS WELL AS IH E TESTS SHOVVN ABCA.I E. WE I-IAVE RE IIED UPON THT CONTRACTOR TO APPIY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFTORTAND MOISTUAE TO ACHIE!'E SPECITIED COMPACT ON DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSEI?VER IS NOT PRESENIAND AT LOCATIONSOTHER IHAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT lHE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FII-L ME€TS SPECIf ICATIONS n El,!/lNG CONSIRUCilON cTr/rHoMPsoN.lNc b- L)*- ;.-V IESI NO.LOCA ON DEPTH FEII TYP€ ITBORAIORY FICTD sotlTYPE MAX DENSIIY rcF oMc "1" DRY DENSITY rcF MC coM- PACIION -11 30 FEET SOUTH & 24 FEET.EAST r.|F NF '6DNFD 6F 'IIV MADI'FT ^1 5 N (i lrR !o,lo r (tt a3 CURVE NO, I |r)R N.) nron! -11 a Nlte 1rA !o2 123 (6.3 96 CURVE NQ, I t.)R N.) ntnn! 92 74 FEEI SOU}I &. IOfEET EAST. .)F NF Cr1DNFD r)F 'ITV MADIIFT 35 Nltc 1)A !o,tra t A6 06 CURVT NO.I t()R N() o?no! 33 I I6 FEEI SOL'TH & 30 FEE] EAST .TF NF 'TTDNFD 'lE T^FV MADIIFI 35 Nltc lza !a2 l9 c 6.5 o3 CURYE NQ, I ta"rR Nr) nrnn! 3A I52 FEET SOiJIII& 7 FEEIIASI .IF NF '6DNFD ')F 'ITV MADI/FT 35 NUC 124.2 9.2 I Og.C a?a5 cuRvE No. .l t()n Nr) nrnnf 33A PFTFST .)F TFST N() 33 Nlte t2a !92 I l3.C 7.5 88 CUFVE NO..I r6R Nr) nronF 34A NUe l2a I 92 129 (s.7 loo cuRvE No. I PFTFST .)F IFST N(1 3'-toB No t)2.l(l5 338 NUC 128 5 9,2 123.C 6.n 06 CURIVE NO. I PFTFST r)F IFST Nr) 3.?A lon No n2()()5 I aetow cuD€ APPNC&ID'Y DAN DOWNING. FIEID MAI.IAGER Compqction Test Report CIIENT WARNER DEVELOPMET.fiS, INC. P, O. BOX 958 AVON, CO 81620 DAII REPOAI NO SUBJECI l?0?96 ros No l8 VAII.COMMONS VAIL, COLORADO STRUCTURAL FII.t CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 02005 sHrf r pr TEST NO.tocAloN DEPIH fEEI TEST WPE IAEOPAIORY FITID so . wPE MAX DENSIW rcF Of,ilc DEY DENSIWrct MC coM- PACIION 95 0,6 oF MAXTMUM ASTM D 1557 MolsruRE wrTHrN .+l-2 % oF oPITMUM WPE OT COMPrcNON EOUIPMENIAND NO, OF UNITS: THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED ASA RESUTT OF OUR OESERVATION OF FItT PTACTMENT, ASWELL A5 THE TESIS SNCNVN ABOVE.WE IIAVE RELIED UPON THE CONITTACTOR TO APPTY THE NECESSARV COMPACIM EFFORIAND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIf IED COMPACTION DURING TIMESWHEN OUR OBSENVER IS NOT PRESENIAND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED TEST DA]A AQE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS.MOISTURE ADDED BV IHICKNESS OF LIFT IYPE OT E,AJ?TH MOr'lNG EOU]PMENTAND NO. OI UN IS pRoGREss REpoRT (coMlNUED FROM pAcE I , REPORT I 8) THE AREA OF DENS]IY TESI NOS. 32 Al.lD 33 WERE lN THE SMDE OF IHE CIIY MA,RKET STORE. DURING THE TIME IT TOOK TO REWORK THE SOUTH I/3 OF IHE FILT, THE SURFACE OF lHE REMAINING FILL EECAME FROSEN DUE TO COID TEMPERATURES. IT WAS SUGGESTED TO IHE CONIRACIOR TO REMOVE 2 TO 4 INCHES OF ]HE IN-PIACE FITI BEFORE PTACING ANOTHER LIFI. n tN oup oprNlo?t frtr coMBcTroN MEEIS sPEctncAr|oNsAs lNDlcAlED EYouR oSSERVAnONSAND ICSI NO.{S} I I tN OUR OPINION TITI COMPACIION DOES NOI MEEI SPECIFICAIIONS AS INDICAIED BY OUR OESERVAIIONS AND IEST NO.(S} AND SHOUID 8C REWORKED scOPt Of OBSERI,/ IION: il FuullME: t rfEPlODlC.ON CAtL BAsts; i )GONIRACIOR'S OR C|.IENTS PEPRESENTATVE ADVISED CHUCKW]IH EWING CONSTRUCTION SAIIDY IHIBAULT fITtD RfPRTSINIATM LP crr/rHoMPsoN, rNc ^ n ,1,'r,{r.1,,, ot#ff*H?li',i,J,fifrr. Compoction Iesl Repori WARNER DFVETOPMENTS, NC. P, O. 80X 958 AVON, CO 81620 sPEcrFrcATroNs: 95 O/. OF MPJ(IMUN,4 MoTsTURE wTHrN +l-2 IYPE OF COMPACIION EOU PMENTAND NO OF UNIIS IVOISTURE ADDED BY TH1CKNESS OF TIFT I}?E OF EAR'IH MOV]NG IQUIPMEI'IT AND NO. OF UIN$ SANDY THIEAUII t rt r o Rtft?r$ NTAI M LP r)iilr I l/27196 Jos No ai Por?r No 17 inr:rir( I VAIL COMMONS VAII, COLORADO STRUCTURAT FILL TL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 02(X)5 SHEEI pF tl(t NO.tocAloN DEPTII TEET TEST IYPE IAEORATORY FIEID SOII. TYPE MAX DENSIW rcF oMc DRY DENSIIYrct coM-\cno N'T TFqTq DFDFdDMFN ASTM D I557 % OT OPTIMUM THIS AEPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED ASA RESUTT OF OUR OBSET{VATION OF F LL PLACIMENI AS WTLL AS IHE TESTS SHO\,VN ABOVE, WE I-IAVE RETIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLV TH€ NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORTAND MOISTURF TO ACHIFVE SPECIFIED COMPACIION DURING IIMESWFlEN OUR OBSERVIR LS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCAIIONS OIHER TI-]AN THOSE IESTED. TESI DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THT f ILL ME€IS SPECIFICATIONS PAOGRESS REPORT DURING THIS VIS]T THE COMRACTOR WAS NOT PLACING AT.{Y STRUCIURAT FILI.. CI!/THOMPSON WAS NOT INFORMED OF THIS UMIT THE S]TE WAS VIS]TED. ]HE S]TE WLT 8E VISITED ON MONDAY, 1210?/96, UNTESS OTHERWISE NOTIFIED. I I tN OUR OprNrON FrU-COMmCnON MEFTS SPICTFTCAITONS A5 TNDTCAIEO 8Y OUR OSSERVA ONSAND rESr NO.lSl I I tN O{rR OptNtON Ftn COMPACTTON DOES NOI MEgr SPICTFTCATONS AS TNDTCAIEO 8y OUR OESERVATTONSAND rESr NO{Sl AND SHOUI,.D 8E R€WORrcO rcoPE or ossERvATloN: i I fulrllME: | ]XERloDlc'oN cAr[ EAslS; t DGoNTRACtoR's oR ctlENls REPRESGNI TNE 'ovlscD CHUCKWIH EWING CONSTRUCNON cItirHoMPsoNlNc U'- D*. ;'..v {:''t^'rr 'i' DAl.l Do/r/NlNG, FIELD NIAMSER Compoction Test Reporf I gaot euoe sPGctFlcAfloNs: 95 PRoGRESS REPORI DURING THIS VISIT THE COMRACTOR }{AD PROCESSED THE COVER LIFT PLACED TO PROTECT THE FII.T FROM FROST, BELO\^/ BUIIDING DI . DENSIIY TESIS WERE PERFORMED ON THE STRUCTURAI FII.I IMPORIED TO THE SM. ftE S]TE WITI. 8E VIS]TED TOMORROW UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTIFIED. THE CONTRACTOR PIANS ON A FOUR DAY HOLIDAYWEEKEND FOR TI-IANKSGMNG. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CQNSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS WARNER DEVELOPMEMS, INC. P. O. 80X 950 AVON, CO 81620 DAII: rI POitT NO SUBJTC I l/26196 JoB No 02005 16 sHttr pf VAIL COMMONS VAIL, COLOMDO STRUCIURAI, FILL IEST NO.tocA oN DIPIH FEET WPE I.ABORATORY FIETD sott wPE MA( DENSITY rcF oMc "1" DRY DENSIIY PCt MC coM- PACIION o/o .A I8 FEET EAST & 32 FEEISOU}I arE tlE ^nDl|'lED nE r^lTV lr,^Dt/El tn N I^1aQ. t o,104 |A'on CURVE NO. I tr}a Nf1 n9nf]. oo I8 FEET EAST & 80 FEEI SOIITH NE TIE ,^,1D1\IED 'TE '-TN' IIADYET A4 N r^laa t ot 1rq f 7t ot CURVE NO. I tr.|a Nr.| ntnnc 2n 20 FEET EAST & I30 FEEI SOI'TH arg NE r-l.tDNED a'tE ,^lTV trADllET 6n Nlta lra.ot ltR I AO lnn cuR\iE No. r tr.ra Nl1 ntalnr "/" OF MAXIMUM ASTM D I557 .,,. OF OPTIMUM THIS I?EPOAT PRTSENTS OPINIONS fORMED A5A RESUTIOF OUR OBSERVATON OT FILI PTACIMENT,AS WITT AS THE TESTS SHO\A/N A8OVE. WE FAVE RELIED UPON THE CONMACTOA TO APPTY THE NTCESSAT{Y COMPACIIVE EFFONTAND I\,,IOISIURE IOACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING IIMESWHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRTSENT, AND AI TOCATIONSOTHER THAN THOSE TESIED TEST DAIA ARE NOT THE SOTE BASIS TOR OP NIONS ON WHE-|HER THE TIIL N4FETS SPEC]F]CATIONS N4otsTURE wTHtN +l-2 ryPE OF COMPrcTION EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNIIS: r) V|BRATORY SHEEPSTOOT ROTLER ,l) ToADER WHEET ROLUNG MoISTURE ADDED BY MIURAT THlcKNEss or Lrn 12 TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPN,IENIAND NO. Of UNITS r) toADER r) DOZER 5) TANDEMS SAI.IDY THIBAUIT flttD ntpaf5tNlAlM LP t XN ouR oprNroN nrt coMpAcloN MEtrs sp€crncAroNs As rNDrcArED By orJR oBsERVAnoNs AND rEsr No.(s) 28, 29 & I I IN OUR OPINION TILI COMPACIION DOES NOI MEEI SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED 8Y OUE OBSEP\r'AIONS AND TESI NO.(SI AND SHOUTD BE REIVORIGD scoPt oF oBscFr'AroN: I futr rlME; lxERloolc. oN cAtl' sAsls; I1)SoNIRACIoR s oR ctltNrs REPPESENI TIVE ADvls€o 30 CHUCKWIH EWING CONSTRUCNON crL'rHoMPsoNlNc U* [o*,-,'.-7 ^pperv:r'b\ DAN DowNtNG. FIELD I\ilAldGER Compoction Test Report WARNER DEVELOPMEMS, INC. P. O. BOX 958 AVON, CO 81620 I oeorenroe SPECTFTCATTONS: 95 "/" OF Mlo(rMUM MoTSTURE wrTHrN + l-2 WPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPM€NIAND NO. OF UNITS: I ) VIBRATORY SHEEPSFOOT IOLLER --l) LoADERS WHEET ROUJNG MorsruRE ADDED BY . ,trlAIURAL rHrcKN€ss oF r,rFT 12 ]YPE OT EARTH MOVING EQUIPMEI'IT AND NO, OF UNITS r) toADER l) DOZER 2) TANDEMS CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS DATT atPot?- No SUBJFC] I l/25/96 Jo8 No 02005 l5 sHEtT pF VAIL COMMONS VAIL. COLORADO STRUCTURAL FIIL TEST NO.r-ocAfloN DEPTX FEET TESI ryPC TABORAIORY TIELD so . wPE MAX DENSITY rcF oMc DRY DENSITY PCt MC 1" coM- PACTION 7" 1A 12 FEET EAST OF NORIHEAST I^..TDTIED r1E T^ITV I'A D!/ET RC N a ltA ot ltA I 7,)lnn cuF/E NO. I lr\n Nat ntnnl t4, 30 FEET EAST & 60 FEET SOUTH .IE NE AI1bA.IED N E AIN' I'ADYEY q,a Nllr^104 o,1Ca a .,8 o4 cus/E No. I rnD ttn ntnnr ,A IO FEETTAST & I04 fEET SOIJI}I I.IE NE AT'IDNED 'TE AIN' I'ADVET (n N a Ita ot lt1 t AO OA CUR/E NO. I tna Nar ntnn, t7 I8 FEETEAST& 164 FEETSOI'TH .TB NE ''1DNED '1E T^ITV f,'ADIlET 5n N a 1ta oo lrn t 7A o? CUR\E NO. I tl1n Nt.l n,).lnt ,., A N .^ItA r ot lta t 7a OA CURVE NO. I tara Nar nrnnlDETFCT I1E TEqT N'T '7 ASTM D 1557 % OI OPTIMUM IHIS REPORT PRTSENTS OPINIONS FORMEDASAffSUTI OF OUR OBSER\,/ATION OI FILL PTACEMENI AS WEI-I AS THE IESIS SHO\,ryN ABO\I. WE |-l/cVE RETIED UPON TIIE CONTRACTOA TO APPTY THE NECESSAf{/ COMPACIIVE EFFORTAND MOISTUru TO ACHIEVE SPEClFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCAIIONS OTHER THAN IHOSE IESTED. TEST DATA AAE NOT II]E SOIE SA9S TOA OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FlLI MEETS SPECIFICATIONS PAOGAESSREPORT DURING THIS VIS]T THE CONIRACTOR l{AD PROCESSED THE FROST PROIECNON LIFT PTACED DURING IHE PREVIOUS FItt PIACEMEM. FIMI- DENSIYIEST RESUTTS INDICATE SATSFACTORY COMPACNON. ITWAS SUGGESTED TO THE CONIRACTOR AND TO lHE GENERAL CONIRACTOR TO PTACE A FROST PROECNON LIFT ON TOP OF THE STRUCTURAT FITL WHEN THE FILL IS COMPLETED. 1T WAS AI-SO SUGGESIED TO THE COMRACTOR TO RECOMPACT THE IOOSENED FIIL MAIERIAI. AfTER IHE FOONNG EXCAVANON WAS COMPLETED, 1T WAS AISO SUGGESTED TO THE COMRACTOR TO APPI.Y COMPACTM EFFORT IN II{E SOIJI}TWEST CORNER OF IHE FILT AREA WHERE THE I.ARGE COMPACTION EOUIPMEM COUTD NOT REACH. I rXN ot p opf NloN FfLl. coMmcroN MEETs spEcrrrcAnoNs As tNorcATED By oup oBsGRvAnoNs ANo rEsr No.{s) 24, 25, 26 A 274 rrNouRoprNroNfr.tcoMpAcroNDoEsNorMEErsptcncAnoNsAsrNorcArEDByouRoBsEFr'AroNsANorEsINo.(s) 27 AND SHOUI.D BE REWORrcD SCOPE Ot OBSEFT mON: i I tul,l TIME; lf,ERlODlC, ON CA|LSASIS; SAI.IDY IHIBAULT FIITD RfPAt$NIATM tP t r)€oNrRAcToR's oR cr.rENrs REPRESENIAIM ADvlsED DON WEWING n RlcH w //ARNER DEV. cTl./rHoMpsoN. rNc A__ Ur_'*,.-5 ^rPao'/tD'v DAN DolvNlNG. FIEID I4AIIAGER Compoction Tesl Reporf CIIENT WARNER DEVELoPMEMS. INc. P. O. BOX 958 AVON, CO 81620 TL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS DAIL RTPC?I NO SUB.]F C - I l/2296 rc8 No t4 VAIL COMMONS VAIL, COTORADO STRUCTURAL FItL 02005 sHttl p, ]ESI NO.r.ocATtoN D€PTH FEET IEST TYPE I.AEORATORY FtEto sott wPE MAX DENSITY PCf oMc DRY DENSITY PCt MC "i" coM, PACTION Nf1 TF(Tq PFDFI.IDMF') sFtcrFrcArtoNs: 95 ?; oF MAXTMUM Mo sTURE wrTH N +l-2 ryPE OT COMPACTION EQUIPMENT AND NO. OF UN TS MOISIUAE ADDED 8Y THCKNf SS OF LITT WPE OF EARTH MOr'ING EOU1PMTNTAND NO OF UIIITS: SANDY IHIBAULT flttD RTPNfSTNIAITVF tP IFIS AEPORT PNESENTS OP1NIONS FORMEDAS A RESUTI OF OUR OBSER/ATION OF FILL PLACEMFNI. ASWEtt ASIHE T€STS SHOiVN ABOVE WE |{AVE REtlED UPON IHE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACT VE EFFORTAND MOISTURE TOACH FVI SPECIFIED COMPACTION DUAING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVEA S NOT PRESTNI AND AT TOCAI]ONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESIED. IEST DATA AAE NOT THT SOLE BASIS FOROPINIONS ON WI-lETHER THE FITL MEETS SPECIfICATIONS. ASTM D 1557 % OF OPT MUM PAOGRESS REPORT THE COMRACTOR WAS NOT PI.ACING AI.IY STRUCTURAT FITI TODAY DUE TO THE PAVING OPERAIION ATONG IHE NORTH FROMAGE ROAD. RICH W]TH WARNER DEVEIOPMEifiS. INC. INFORMED OUR CIIJTHOMPSON REPRESEMATM II{ATTHEYWOUTD RESUME FITL PI.ACEMEM ON MONDAY. 11125196. IIINOUROPINIONfII.ICOMPACIIONMEETSSPECIFICAIIONSAsINDICA'EDBYOUROSS€RVAIIONSANDIESINO.ISI I I IN OUR OPINION FIIICOMPACIION DOES NOT MEEI SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED 8Y OUR OESERVAIIONSAND TEST NO,I5I AND SHOUTD 8f REWORrcD scoP€ oF oBsERvATloN: ; I tuu llME: lx€RloDlc. oN cAlL BAsts: l NoNrMCloR's ot cl'l€Nrs REPPESENTATIVE ADvlsED RICH WIIH WARNER DEVETOPMEMS crr/rHoMPsor,r,lNc u* D*-,,-b ,\ri,r,o,,'to 8Y DAN DOl,l/NlNG, FIEID tvlAt{AGER Compoction Tesf Report I 8€towe$oe SPICIFICAIIONST 95 MoTsTURE wTTNLN +.1--2 l/PE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITSI I) VIBRATORY SHEEPSFOOT ROLTER 't) toADER WHEEL ROLUNg Mo,sTUaE ADDLD Bv MTURAI THlcKNEss oF url 12 IYPI OF EAATH MOVING EOIJIPMENIAND NO Of UN]TS r) ToADER l) DOZER PaoGaESsREpoRr DURING THIS VIS]T IHE COMRACTOR WAS CILIHOMPSON, INC. WAS NOI NONFED AS REOUESTED. END SINCE THE FILT WAS LAST IESTED. t)ri f r?{ pof)T NO :it,il.lfCT TH S REPOAT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMEDASA AESULIOF OUR OBSEM/ATION OF FITt PTACEMEN1 AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOVVN ABOVE WE IIAVE RELIED UPON IHT CONTRACTOA TO APPTY THE NECESSARY COMPACT|VE EFFORT AND MO STURE TOACH EVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DUR NG TIMESWHEN OUR OBSEIIVER IS NOT PRESENI ANDAI TOCAI ONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED, TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BAS S FOR OPINIONS ON WHEIHER THE F tI MFETS SPECTFCAT ONS PROCESSING STRUCTURAT FlLt BE[O1,1/ BUILDING Dl. NOADDITIOMI. FItt |{AD BEEN PTACEDATIHE NORIH WARNER DEVEIOPME].ITS. INC. P. O. BOX 958 AVON, CO 81620 I l/21196 JoB No l3 VAII COMMONS VAt, COLORADO STRUCIURAT FITL TL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSU LTIN G GEOTEC HN ICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 02005 SHrtl pr IESI NO,tocATtoN DTPIH FEET TESI TYPE |rBORATORY FIEI.D SOITTYPE MAX DENSIIY rcF oMc DRY D€NSIW PCF MC coM- PACIION ,)60 FEET SOUTH & I 8 FEET EAST .]E NE 'T'IDNED f.lF T^FV MADIZET 7n N l^ItA oc 1t4 I -65 o7 cuF/E NO. I t..)n Na1 nrnnl t1 I20 FEET SOtfiTI & 30 fEET EAST AE NE 'I'IDNEO f1T '|TV Ir'ADI'ET nn N a ltA t a2 1t5 a a7 o7 cuR/E NO. 1 rr.tn N..l ntnnt % OT N,IAXIMUM ASTM D 1557 % OF OPTIMUM r XN orJR oprNroN Frt.t- coMncloN MEGIS spEcrrrcAroNsAs rNDrcArED By ouR oBsERVAnoNs ANo IEsr No.lsl 22 & 23 I I tN OUR OptNtON fltl COMPAC1ON DOES NOI MEEI SPECTHCAI|ONS AS |ND|CATEO 8Y OUR OESEFTAIpNS ANO rESr NO.lSl AND SHOUID 8E REWORKED scoPE ot ogsERvATloNi I fUl'tTIME; .lXERloDtc'oNcAttE^sls; I DGoNIRACToR'S oR cLlENrs RfPREsENrArlvE ADvlsED SAI.IDY IHIEAUIT ItfID rrf PQt !tI.JT IfvF IP crt/rHoMpsoN,lNc U* Do*r,-,,.-6 Aor)rrovto8Y DAN DOWNING. FIELD lvlAl.lAGER Compoction Test Report cLrtNI WARNER DEVELoPMEMS, lNc. P. O. BOX 958 AVON, CO 81620 MorsluRE w TH|N +l-2 Ir?E OF COI\IPACIION EQU]PMENTAND NO Of UN TS l) V|BRATORY SHEEPSFOOT ROLT."ER l ) toADER WHEET ROLUNG MoTSTURE ADDED BY . .hIATURAL THTCKNESS oF L|FT 12 IYPE OF EAAIH MO\./ING EOUIPMEI\]T AND NO OF I]NITS IILoADER llDozER SAI.IDY IHIMUTI I tTD ATPRTSINIAIM TP SPECIFICATIONS: 95 %OTMAXMUM ASTM D T557 TH S REPORT PRESINTS OPINIONS FORMEDASA RESUTT Of OUR OESET{/AIION TL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS i)AIi I l/20/96 roB No O2O05 at')()'lr N() 12 SHETI p{ I su8-rFc' vAlt coMMoNs VAIL, COTORADO SIRUCIURAT FITT % OF OpT MUM OF FlLt PTACEMENT, AS WEtt AS THE TESTS SHOIVN ABC^/F WE l-lA\t RELIED UPON IHE CONIRACIOR TO APPTY IHE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE ETFORT AND [.4OISTURE TOACHIEVT SPICIFIED COMPACIION DURING Ti|\,4ESWHEN OUA OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCAIIONS OTHER THAN THOSI TESTED IEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOIE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILT MEETS INCH€S PROGQESS REPOAI DURING THIS VISIT THE COMRACTOR WAS NOT PROCESSING AT.IY STRUCTURAI FIIL BELOW BUILDING DI. NO OTHER DENS]TY TESNNG WAS REOUESTED. 1T WAS SUGGESTED TO IHE COMRACTOR TO NOTIFY OUR OFFICE WHEN OUR SERVICES ARE REOUIRED, I I tN OUR OptNtoi.t ftttCOMPACTTON MtErS SPECTFICAI|ONSAS TNDTCATED 8Y OUR OsStR\r'ArONS AND lESl NO.(SI , I IN OUR OPINION III.LCOMMCIION OOTS NOT MEEI SPECIfICAIIONSAs INDICAIED BY Ot|P OBSERVAIIONS AND 'TSI NO.(SI AND SHOUTD 8[ RE\A'ORKEO SCOPE OF OBSEm/AI|oN: I FUtt TIME; [ER|OD|C, ON CAI.| BASIS; N:ONTR CIOF'S OP CtltNrS REPRESENTATIVE ADvlStD DON WIH EVtING CONSIRUCTION -,tr TEST NO.LOCATION DEPTH FEEI TEST IYPE IAEORATORY FIEI,D SOII. TYPE MAX DENSIIY PCF oMc a" DRY D€NSIW rcF MC coM- PACTION [tr.\ tccYc DcoEt-rDtrEh crf.,THoMPsoN.fNc U_ D-*r-,,-X zr " 't: r' DAN DowNtNG. rtrlD ulHn6en Compociion Test Report SANDY IHIBAUI.T spEctgcArroNs:, 95 - % oF MpxrMUM AST-M D, 1557 MorsruRE wrHrN *l--2 o/o oF opTrMUM TVPE OF COMPrcTION EQUIPMENTAND NO OF UNITS: 1) VIBRALORT SHEfPSFOOT ROTLER .I) WHEET ROLUIT€ WITH I.OADER MoTsTURE ADDED BY MIURAI rurcxr.rrss or rm - '12 . rNcHEs mE OF EARTI l L4Or'lNG EQUlPf./lEflT AND NO. Os UNIIS r) toADER_lJ DOZER PRoGRESS REPoRT DURING lHlS VIS]T IHE COMRACTOR WAS REPROCESSING THE AREAS OF PREVIOUSTY FAlLlNG DENSITY TESTS PERFORMED ON MONDAY, 11118196. NO MOTSTURE WAS BETNG ADDED DUE TO COOL OVER Nlcl-ft IEMPURAIURES, TTIE COMRACTOR PIANS ON WORKING THE SOI'TH HALF OF THE FILI. IODAY IO LEVET OIJT AND EVEMUATLY STOPE THE Fltt FOR RUN OFF AWAY FROM IHE CIIY ]I/ARKET STORE. I-xrN ouR oprNrou Fr.L coMmcTrol MEETS sprcrFrcAlroNs As rNDrcArED By ouR ossERvlloNs Ar,lD rEsr Ho.1sr . .-l pN, t 94' 204 & ? I { ] IN OUR OPINION fIU COMPACTION DO€S NOI MEET SPECIFICAIIONS AS INDICAIED EY OUR OSSERVAIIONS AND I€SI NO.(SI . AND SHOUID 8E REWORXTD scopE of ossERvAIoN: f t fur.r.T|ME; [ ])QERroDrc,oN c rr Msrs; OGoNrRAcroR's oR cr,rENT's REPRESENTATVE ADVIS€D DONW]IH WARNER DEVETOPMEMS. INC. P. O. BOX 958 AVON,CO 81620 DAft I l/19/96 Jca No atpor?l NC I I suEJrcI vAlL coMMoNs VAII, COTORADO STRUCTURAI FII,[ CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 02005 sHfr t ltrt rESI NO.tocATtoN DEPIH FEEI TEST WPE IAEORATORY TIEID SOIt TYPE MN( DTNSITY PCr oMc DRY DCNSITY rcF MC coM- PACTION IAA Nltc ltA !at l3l r AO loo c-ufvE No.1 . ra)R No nron.rDFTFST ()F IFST Nr) I A l9A NltC lrA !o)122 (rtl 05 C,URVE No- I |()R Nr| nronFPFTFST .)F TFST N.) IO 2AA Nltc 12A F 92 125 C 5.6 07 CUM/E NO. I PFTFST c)F TFST Nc) ?O -toR N() ()2005 21 I42 FEET SOIfiTI & I O FEET EAST a5 Nltc t?a f ot \16 t 5A 9A CUtr/E NO. I r)F NOPTI{FAqT (:.)DNFP.(:ITV MTT -toB No_o2005 THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS TORI\,4ED ASA RESUTT OF OUR OBSERVANON OI FIIL PLACEMENIAS WEI.I AS THE TESTS SHCIflN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELI€D UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSAR/ COMPrcTIVE EFFORIANO MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPEClFlED COMPACTION DURING TIMESWHEN OUR OBSEQVER ]S NOT PRESENI, AND AI LOCAIIONS OTHER II-IAN THOSE TESTED, TESI DATA ARE NOi IHE SOTE MSIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHEIHER THE IILL MEEIS SPECIF ICAIIONS n EWING CONSTRUCTION crr,,rHoMPsoNlNc u_ u** r*b_ LP APPAO/ID 8Y DAN DOWNING, FIELD [,lAr.lAGER Compoction Test Report CLTENT: WARNER DEVETOPMEMS, lNC. P. O. BOX 958 AVON. CO 81620 DArr I l/18/96 JoB No REPOaT NO lo suBJfcT VAIL COMMONS VAIL, COLORADO SfRUCTURAT FILI. CTL/THOMPSON, INC, CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 02005 SHEET ltrr TESI NO.rocATroN DEPTH FCEI ItSI WP€ I.ABORATORY FIEID SOII, TYPE M'JX DENSITYrct oMc ORY DENSIW rcF MC coM- PACIION ln I25 FEET SOI'TH & I5 FEET EAST .)F NI1DTIJFAqT 'ADNFD-T^ITV MIIT on NUC 124 !92 17(9l CUR/E NO. I |.tn Ncl o2r)r)r IO 75 EEEI SOiIIFI & IO FEET EASI r.!F N6DTI{FAqI '6DNFD.'TTV MI'I en Nltc 128.!9.2 la.t t2 I 92 cuRvE No.l roR No o2no5 20 ,20fEEI SOIIIH & 20 FEET EAST .)F NOPTI{FAST (:.)DNFD.(:ITV MI(T t1 O Nlte 124 !a2 't2rl (9.3 93 _CIJRVE,NO, r _ r6R N(^) ornn.E I g€tolfl cRADE sPEcrncAnoNs:.. 95 "/O OF IVAXIMUIV A.5TM p 1557 T{PE OE !A.RII.1 IJICIlNG EQUIPMENT AND \O OF UI.IIS r) roaDER--u.DozER PRoGRESSREPORT THE ABOVE TESTS WERE PERFORMED DURING FILI PLACEMEM AND INDICATE UNSAIISFACTORY COMPACTION. THE COMRACTOR WAS ADVISED TO RECOMPACT IHIS AREA. RETESTS WIt[ BE PERFORMED TOMORROW. t I tN ouR optN|oN Hu coMmcnoN MEETS sPEctftcATtoNs As tNotcAlED EYouR oEsERvAnoNs AND tEsr No.{s} rj(N ouR oprNroN f[r. coMgAclroN DoEs Nol MEEI sPtclFlcArroNs As rNDrcAlED BYoUR oEsERvATroNsANo rEsr No.{sl THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMEDAS A RESUTT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FIII- PLACEMENIAS WETL AS THE TESTS SHO\,ryN A8OVE, WE FIAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPTY THE NECESSAR/ COMPACIIVE €TFORTAND MOLSTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING IIMESWHEN OUR OBSERVER ]S NOT PRESENI, AND AT LOCATIONS OTH€R TTAN THOSE TESTED. TTST DATA ARE NOT THE SOTE BASIS FOR OPINIONSON WHETHERTHE FILL MEETS SPECIFICAIIONS. MOISIURE WITHIN +l-2 % OF OPTIMUM TYPE OT COMPACIION EQUIPMENIAND NO OF UNITS: IJ VIBRAT9RY SHEEP.SFOOT ROI.I.ER 2) WHEET ROLLING WIH TOADER Mo$ruREADDEDBY -tlATURAt IHICKNESS OF I IFI ,.. ANO SHOUI,D 8E R€WORXI D scopE ot oSsERvAIoN: l t tuttT|ME: I lxERtoDtc, oN cAr.t EAsts: tlGoNrMcIoR's oP cttENl's REPRESENTAIIVE cTt/rHoMPsort tNc. QowNlNG T[IDAEPaESENIAIM TP APPI?O\,TD BI CURVENUMBER 1 MAXIMUM DRY DENSfi 128. 5 PCF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONIENT 9.2 %DRYWEIGHT MOISTURE CONIENT% Somple Description sAtS. SLIGHTLY SILTY. BRowN LreurD uMIT PLASTCIY INDEX Locolion IMPORT FRS4 ROARINIG FORK REDI MIX EAGLE. COLMADO CompoclionTestProcedure ASTM D 1557 METTOD A SILT AND CLAY GRAVEL SAND _ Compoction JOB hE. GS-2005 Iest Results tt/t2/96 Compoction Tesf Report CLTENI: WARNER DEVETOPMEMS. lNC. P. O. 80X 958 AVON, CO 81620 SPECIFICATIONS: 95 . o/o ot MAX MUM Mo sTURFWTTHTN +l'2 ryPE OT COMPACT]ON EQUIPMENT AND NO OI UN TS U VIBMIORY SHEEP9FOOT ROITER MorsTURr ADDED BY MTURAT THICKNESSOI I-IFI I/PE OF EARJH MO'ING IOUIPMENTAND NO. CF IJNI]S r) BACKHOE l) TOADER r)Ar{ I l/12|96 ]oB No al r)OtlT lro 9 suu.rtcT vAll, coMMoNs VAIL, COLORADO STRUCTURAL FILI CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 02005 sHrrl pr ASIM D 1557 % OF OPT I\,IUM THIS REPORT PRESENIS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF Fltl- PIACEIVIENI AS WEtt AS IHE TESTS SNO\'ryN A8OVE. WE FIAVE RELIED UPON THE CONIRACIOR TO APPLY IHE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFTORTAND MOISIURE TOACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMESWHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOI PRESENI AND AI LOCATIONS OTHER II-IAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOI IHE SOTE BASIS FOR OPlNIONS ON WH€IHER THE TILI MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. PROGRESSREPORT DURING THIS VIS]T IHE COMRACTOR WAS NOT PTACING AT.IY STRUCTURAT FILT BELOW BUILDING DI. THE COMRACTOR WAS TOCATING A UNLW SIUB OIJI II{AI WIIL RUN AT THE BOITOM OF THE STRUCTURA. F|LL. THE COMRACTORWttt RESUME F|LL PLACMEMTOMORROW, I t/13/96. ll tN ouR optNtoN F[.r coMmcloN ME€TS sPEctftcATroNs^s rNDrcArEo SYouR oEsERVAloNsAND lEsr No.lsl tI IN OUR OPINION FII,|, COMPACTION OOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICAIED 8YOUP OSSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.ISI AND SHOUI,D BE REWOEKED SCOPE OT OSSERVAIION: I I FUTI,TIME: I ]XERIODIC. ON CAIT BASIS: t trGONIMCIOR'S OR CUENI'S REPRESENIATIVE ADVISED crt/lHoMPsoN lNc. SANDY THIBAULT TIT L D RIPNESE NTAIIVT TP TESI NO.tocAI|oN OEPIH FEET TYPE IAEORAIORY FIEI"D SOII, TYPE MAX DENSITYrcf oMc DRY DENSIW PCF MC % coM' PACIION Nr) TFSTS PFPF.)PMFD APIROVID BV DAN DOWNING, FIETD MAI.IAGER Compoction Tesf Report WARNER DEVEIOPMEMS, INC. P. O. BOX 958 AVON, CO 81620 TL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS I getowerloe 2 gsnuxro w I orc ponn sprcrrrcnroNs,.. 95..*- o/o oF MAXTMUM AS|M D 1557 MorsruREwrrHrN +1.2 o/. oF opTrMUM ryPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENTAND NO OF UNIIS I) VIBRAT,ORY SHEEPSFOOI ROITER -I ) WHEEI ROLTING WIITI LOADER MoTsTURE ADDED BY -iIATUMI, THrcKNEss oF LIFT 8: L2 - TNCHES qANDY IHIBAULT f1€LD AIPA€SENIATl\,t tP r)ATr, I l/l l/96 roB \o 02005 r.,f Por?i No 8 ye er pF srrJ.lLCT vAlL coMMoNs VAIL. COLORADO STRUCTURAL FILL ct /It10MPsoN. lNc. ^of eoJr D tsY DAN THIS REPORI PRESTNTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A I?ESULI OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FIIL PLACEMENT ASWELL ASTHE T€STS SHO\AA ABCA/E WE I-IAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPTYIHE NECESSATW COIVPACTM EFFORTAND MO STURE TOACHIEvf SPECIFIED COMPACIION DURING TIMESWHEN OUa OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENI ANDAT LOCAIIONS OIHER II1,AN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT IHE SOIE BAS S FOR OPINIONS ON W]ETHER THE FI[t MEETS SPECITICATIONS ryPE OF €ARTH MO\/ING EOU PMENTAND NO OF UNITS] U I,OADER IJBACICIOE pRoGRESsREpoRT DURING IHIS Vlslt THE COMRACIOR l{AD BROKEN UP THE FROST lN IHE PREVIOUSTY PLACED STRUCTURAI. FILT FOR BUIIDING DI . NO MOISTURE WAS ADDED DUE TO COOL OVER NIGHT IEMPURAIURES. FINAI- TES] RESUTTS INDICAIE TFIAT SANSFACTORY COMPACTION I-IAS BEEN ACHIEVED. IHE COMRACTOR WITL PLACE A TOOSE LIFI OF FILI- MATERIAL TO PROTECT IHE COMPACTED FILL FROM FROST. AT THE SECOND VIS]T NO ADDITIOMI- STRUCTURAT FItt FIAD BEEN PIACED. orCN oURoPtNtoN tltt COMPACIIoN MEEIS sPEClFlcAIloNs As lNolcAIED 8YouR oBsERvAIloNs AND TESI No.(sl . l7' IOA & l58 r rN ouR oprNroN nr.r. coMpAcroN Dots Nor MEET spEcrrcAnoNs As rNorcArED By oup oBsERVAroNs AND TEsr No.lsl I 5, I 6 & I 5A AND SHOUI,D Bt REVIORIGD scoPE ot oBsERVArloN: :l tuu IIME; f DoERloDlc. oN crt s sls: t DGoNIRACtoI's oP cl'IENT's REPRESENI TIvt ADVISED TEST NO.t-ocAfloN DEPIH FEEI TEST TYPE I.ABORATORY FIEI,"D SOIL TYPE MAX DENSIW PCF oMc DRY DENSIry MC 1" coM- PACTION v" l5 25 FEET SOLfiII & 6 FEET EAST OF NOPII{FAST (:C)PNFP r)F (:ITY MI(T 8.5 NUE ]29 t 8(l l9.t 5.2 92 SAND, SIITY, RP.)\^/N l6 75 FIET SO.UIH&6 FEET EAST OF Nr)DTI.IFAST l:r)DNFD .)F 'ITV Ml1T 05 NUC 124.(8.O 121 .t 5f)0A SAIID, SILTY, NPOWN 17 135 Fr SO,i,TH & tOFr EASI OF NOPTI{FAST tlr)PNFD r)F (itIY Mt.T lo 5 Nltc 129 (ao 122 (55 o5 SAND.,SI[TY. RDO\A'N l5A Nlte l)a f ao l9 r 4.7 a, SAND_ SttW AFIFST ()F TFST N() 15 RDr)WN l5a Nltc 129.C ao 122,C.5.3 95 sAt,lD. SILW PFTFST ()F TFST Nc) 16 ROt.)WN l58 NUC 129.C 8.O 126,C 5_O 98 !AND, SIL]Y, RP()WNPFTFST r)F IFST N() I5A DONWTH EWING Compocfion Test Report WARNER DEVELOPMEMS, INC. P. O. BOX 958 AVON, CO 81620 TL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS DATI I l/09/96 ro8 No 02005 Rf POR'\O 7 SuErt pF sunrtcl vAlL coMMoNs VAIL, COLORADO STRUCIURAT FITL TESI NO.tocATtoN DEPTH IEET IEST IYPE IAEORATORY FIELD sorr wPE MAX DENSIry PCf oMc DRY DENSITY PCf MC 4/o coM- PACIION "/" N.) lFgIq PFDF(1OMFN SPTCIfICAIIONS: % OF MAXIMUM MOISTURE WTHIN % OF OPTIMUM ryPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: MOISIUAE ADDTD BY TH|CI(NESS OF lFr .,_._-,.. INCHES TYPF OF EARTH MO\4NG ESUIPMENTAND NO OF IJN TS TH S REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED ASA RESUTT OF OUR OBSER\iAI1ON OF FITI PLrcEMENI ASWELT AS THE IESTS SHOVVN ABOVE.WE I.IAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPTY IHE NEC ESSARY COMPACTM EFFORTAND MOISTL]RE TO ACHIEVE SPECIF ED COMPACI ON DURING IIMESWHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENl AI\D AT LOCATIONS OTNER IHAN IHOSE IESTTD. IFST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOROPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FIIL MEEIS SPECIF CATIONS PROGRESS REPoRT THE COMRACTOR WAS NOT ON SM AS SCHEDULED. 1T WAS SUGGESIED TO TIM W]TH WARNER DEVELOPMEMS TFI,AT ADDITIOMI. SNOW l{AD TO BE REMOVED FROM UP AGAINST THE C]TY }/'I,ARKET STORE. THE STRUCIURAI FILI AREA WAS NOT COVERED TO PROTECT ]HE FILT FROM FROSI. fl tN ouR optNtoN flLt coMPAcTloN MEEIS sPEctFtcAl|oNs As tNucArcD 6Y ouR oEstRvAlroNsAND IEsr No.(s) f] N OT'R OPINOTT R[I.COMflACIION DOES NOT MEEI SPECIFICAIIONS A5INDICATEO EYOUR OSSERVAIIONS AND TESI NO.IS) AND SHOUI..D BE REWORIGD scopE of oSsERvAroN: 't fur-rT|ME: 'xERroDrc. oN c^r.r. MS|S: {'lGoNrMCroR's oR cu€Nl's REPRESENTAIIVE ADVISED NMWIH WARNER DEVETOPMEMS 9Ar,,rDY ItrLEAurT f[LD AfPNtSfNTATM tP crrrrHoMpsor{lNc A* D^r.*,,-h ^t'r"o{'| 8! DAN DowNrNG, rrp umn€(n Compociion Test Reporl CLIFNI: WARNER DEVETOPMENTS. INC. P. O. 80X 958 AVON, CO 81620 CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS ixrF '11107196 roB No 02005 RfPOAr NO 5 SHrir I oF surt.rtcl vAlL coMMoNs VAIT. COLORADO UTILITY TRENCH BACKFITL TEST NO.rocAl|0N DEP'IH FEEI rESI WPE IAEORATORY flEt-D SOILWPE MAx DINSITY PCr oMc "/o DRY DINSITY PCF MC % coM- PACTION N'T TECTq DFOF'1DMFN MOISTUREWITHIN "/" OF OPTIMUM TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENTAND NO. Ot UNITST MOISruAF ADDFD BY THTCKNESS OF L|FT _..,,--... TNCHES 95 .-. %oFMAXTMUM ASTM D 698 THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMEDASA RESULT OI OUR OBSER/ANON OF F LL PLACEI\4ENT.AS WEI-I AS THE IESTS SHO\iVN ABC /E. Wf |-IAVE RELI€D UPON IHE CONIRACIOR TO APPTY THE NECESSARY COMPrcTM EFFORTAND MOISTURE TO rcHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMESWHEN OUR OESERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED, TESI DA]A ARE NOT THE SOI.E BASIS FOR OPINIONSON WHETHER IHE FIIT MEEIS SPECIFICATIONS IYPE OT TARTH MCA/ING EQIJIPMENIAND NO OF UNITS: l) BACKHOE PAOGRESS REPORT AS REOUESTED THE SITE WAS VISITED. DENSITY TESTS WERE REOUESTED ON SANITARY SEWER SERVICES PREVIOUSTY BACKTILED. THE SERVICES WERE IN THE NORTH FROMAGE ROAD. IHE COMRACTOR EXCAVATED THROUGH I}IE FROZEN GROUND USING A BACKHOE. VISUA! OBSES/ATION OF IHE IN.PLACE SOIL INDICAIED SOIL WAS SAIURATED AT IHE SAN]TARY SERVICES TO BUITDINGS 8I AND D2. T WAS SUGGESTED TO IHE COMRACTOR TO REMOVE THE WET MAIERIAT AND REPTACE TT WIH SUTTABIE BACKFILI. MAIERIAI. RICH W]TH WARNER DEVELOPMEM WIII NOTIFY OUR OFFICE WHEN DENSIY TESTS ARE REOUIRED. E tN OUR OPtNtON f |rr COMgACIION MTEIS SP€CT;TCAITONSAS TNDTCATED EYOUR OSSERVAT|ONS AND IESI NO.lSl I I tN OUR OptNlol{ FtU,COMmC ON DOES NOr MEET SPEC|f|CAT|ONS AS TND|CAIEO 8Y OUR OSSERVATTONS Ar,lD rtsr No.lsl ^ND SHOUID BC REWORrcD scoPE oF oEsEnvAIIoN: I] FUuTIME| I XPEPIODIC. ON CALT 8A5IS; ]XCONIRACTOR5OR CIIENTS REPTESENTATNEADVISEO RICH WIH WARNER DEVETOPMEMS sAl,rDY !d!BAULT ftEto RtPatstNTA]|Vt IP CII,/IHOMF6ON lNC. r^, nlJ1'" (-lan/z t *7 ^rpao./rDgv DAl.l DowNlNG. FIELD [rlA]lA6ER .J r-rf ]-.,q-1J> ( u>:44 9f1IJ HRLH1 IEL IS I..L.3@3 949 52e/@ P.@L e7ol949-5m FAV949-5A5 VICTOR AAARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS, P.C. AIICHIIECruRE r Pt ANNti.lG r NTEflORS 8ox 53m . A\ori. Colcrodo 6f 62O -DNA lC|,*t,"' LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL rc. n,-k ,_ oerc_ffi_ro*,.o.Jib_ b-oa ot vYE ARE SENDTNG YOU VtA: H '* ct uPs D FEDERALEXPRESSu us riAll tr DELTvERY f3-gs-gL EI sxop DRAwtNGs E pnocREss pRtNTs fl coPtEs II DATE DRAWING # THESE ARE TRANSIf,ITTED AS CHECKED BELOW:I tr.FORAPPROVAL tr REI/IEVYED BYVIf,OAglron youR usE tr RE ECTED'tr REVTSE AND SUBMTT_ coPtEs RETARKS: Q.rcu fas REeuEsrED tt dr;s ,lr,7cas' f 7. V4f Euo o'7 tLtia ol. tthe, tkde tt NT r{er..ceo -/ ytura Tran, a, Tre sf*raa.rar1 COPY TO SIGNED VICTOR MARK DONALDSON, ARCHITECTS, P.C. J t1t1-1.1- L>) ( A>; 41 vmo HRCHI r'ECfS P.C.343 949 5M P-92 2arcriiF.'r.rD noin cvtq.H4,rz. aF\AtlP. IuF{E ALOIJJER LEVEL BUILDING FLOOR FLAN K : zil\\tv ;'.iC"l Torfl- P.az' CNFO ,a,'\6strs FI FI rLr --rSErrolll fr >6 rrr (J tJlrn Ff \iW;o - 9 ruffin#Fi]I I I I Pl {|. rol I IAqq, !.. s\ !.)n z f-l r..r u tr IucH t\ u)o 5l.l -Go tsflto C.'L C\\$ \qr li(u z ta 0) .@ c.r E.YS *E8[n;\ I roH d HU-; tr',()? I i$f; I{ crfl $f{Jfi 5o Eh "!4Uo& cucc ES cf c>-c c)-oF(J r0E Y{L CU(u < 3* ._E; E:E c g = ;€ 63;H !asEl.D -9tblis rEiig : Fo!E!;n ii:CFlF E.E!8#H EE ii;E iilseR- EFari5i ;€ $B; i E i:i€iE3 ;gE;;ig i qt=ii a; InisEx 5 + F;€ b sg 3ig:"f, ,c'igig: iiiigiiii cggEgraii L)c H o f F c o +)c f = .:Z(J E m z,@ d()uJo FO 20 UJ <J <oEJ>. 1uJolzdt Fl IIur E \o = F : : 6rrlF F g(JoHr|.|<o I e,d,. f raoNtgt \t ><3? 1 ,.$- gg.FUtl ' >- (J3ll == .Po \d ,, g== oE o!9'' =55 6 -Fav(J.raJeOro'0(.) lr )aJ -6Jr! J C)r GtU,Luefio << UJ2a --t> <t J<or= r: o. a)zo-'r!(v4@d-\t oO \dO @CAN O /Fd r Fa)m t- d,r o o F- <olrJ It _ I a:t !.o\ J:tafJ J JOF\ (J OJ hJF(] \toci< <ao m =5&9x i-t> =P-,il--H 3a E ..5 lIJuJ < < u'r,! ru cal>oEx llI>-F FH\o< ocrul< oz,JJF= -Ul5z6 ZO 6 r (-) (:)zv'r 20 arJ ('\oor O-F JOur (J at.e-o 6FF .L(.,to JoH\roo<o :zute o<FE art co cou.ro - JoUl .J:Z H O .F\i'(J H OF C,rN< <C o"Fc Lud OuloL) ] JI'IFr.' tro -2, tuJo(:t- Uru (t J 'H(jFF H6 O(rl<<< ui <ao- aoa!o-JJ u.lCJOO(/'A 'I 6JF aDo) cr" c> tr.J LL ie:H 1:*eh.-Ir.r > I> i: (r\ (rrrt q)-oJ- \o (J \o (J :l FS E [:;[::i6- 5 <a--t (r-r'r E ._t o a--o--..ro = aa x uJx rtlx =- c r^< r^<B l! \O O_ \O O_5 3 elcafasJ FrF@r!ao= E- J Ful ct lu o lrlF q u.l 5 E@r ulQ 6 oa!o- F ltl oIJ c F. -F- F- (tDlr14 - tl ctoooEl/'tutr^!o'r' ow4 utoo s666tt\t\O drrrnrnc, @ ' , ,ct ralFF qlt-o <t -F*rl\Ul ' r Fe\trJrr a)\O\O ' ulmFe4@ | r d-d,d, --\'FF(\rm c) N = o9-9-0 o (JO2@ dotrl o FO zor! (J <o =J>-lUO)a .(l o mo tlllj .o llJ (Jz N 2 o- o c aoo c f, CU (t) lL c ..-l cfo: IZ CJ cc a gtgiB o P'9HbF- e.6 x P-6C X d= E-S F;IEF^ J Flo Ed 5 F g.Eigti EEii;E Ei!$t 3s gs-i€ ii F5i$i Es siiaF AiinisE:6 €F6{E 3t siEgf ;eailgEfE €f$E$HEg; r.l t oJ F Ctn(f, H uJ<o-4d.ficolelF-t \t Xoo l N <uJO. J =u,!F.'DH ' >.- c)3ll:: .P (:) \d ,. ggt! ol og"=6d 6 -;(v(J..4)+o (J ll J F(,Jn, J )aF ctsituJd [ 6 1< = r> (9J <a\r tr- = {\: o\ nz,o- .r!m F @ c=eoo -co loG vt o /Fd . F Cla.l t- e,r! Cr O t- <Our||E[ | a.t.,o\6J J JOF\ (JOJ FJFO +e45.. s--R *5QO\JE .. Ul Lr rF-,L-.' 3A g ..5uJt! < it ou uldl =q6i €=iE 6=JJFE tUIY6 Z,O cJo2A o@@ o . u.r\o\ooo o JO r!rno cl-ro clruo <ztaJJo o HO OF Ul < dCO (J ' 'lrlcto uJ-mAJF UI lu O\ oCldoo o-l) (J o<o <F= do riJ (Jlll rJzF(\| 9i (.) l(, ..6 =zctH rt.| riJ ulcL JJo(/) o-o- o .o o-. \O uJ (\lo F-<f,o', 6l? Q Lrl !-- N 9 -5 -t J F|ll o E Ful o ulF J\Oc \' F NI\ \' F..f- \' N ul@i-|' 6 cao'-a\l trlIJ 5 qta- ulooI-|d @N -(\JFulrtJa\l qaaor r -ml.| F- C) ctoo ao.. oult== clr.ar oCl-rrlO.. Fg ll \O<mujc - c (, ,u,c:)o: L (J CE ! *- -iE gEE; FH !F$E} itsitiE geiFl E 5 E:F=* EE:riE E!:$-$ gs gs*i€ EE sEii!jE :;!:F?; t55.Fi{i if,if,E g{ rig9i o ! 9p, E-ifEt$ E g€iiEgf iEieEEiii iiiiisigi ;€r'{E;3: SEEEiFIEE E j EE$ Eig; 2@ douJ tt zo Yd =J>-lUJO :F- ^frNr.rooo o\ arlN Na\J | >\ rqt .Jc)ooo *: q'Iooo coooi6(JO '-l\t \t .O\t\O \OodJd aJH\ \ xxx z F <o o HJo C)>r.rn_oooo<oiao\\O \O I ooo OF' F cOooo ltrJF Fao - , | (tr < \tE /t .C) r\tl!\t I a4Nt4 H nr rl F l-) mH cL ro- trl 4 trl (J 6 ^-ts (rF(rF- Ut Ut Jz, a (jt ., O.:) lll 0, -!z F (.:,(9- Jo-\Jl-(JOHZ<HJF<>€) \tu\t lll'{t <'- ll, ts -Luoa < aO wl(a x x >< J.:, L iJo f > P \avorvoN A O- d < ..4 rr arrt L F4 rr_r l4r ura - o- o o gul \o \o uI \-v -c art (,r!Lu r e E$ "_-*-*d63! ;-!3 **#H3 O-oO-oJ < ar J.-J r-4OOr0O (.lE@(l. 6 COa!O_ -a Ur !z 6 Fct)cD co Lrl LJ- o tlt! F\o uJ z ? -0 -0 9-9-0s-l-g ' o \' 2 o\ F- CU (t) f F c -tJ1 Cl .\Z (J I i ,* -!E gEEiF3 EiPEfl- F; h !r5E F r! qE ; Fo EE !il .i:gFEE HE;iI* iE:i;i ;!:$s-Eo ctaiE3'# 95s1: EEFiiti iE ;gEEfEE Ei,iiiii * EE6:: E t F;€ a gE gi;:f c E(]o clo m X cto =QoaO zd,Ho z,oul (J ve, <(oEJ>.3trl o F-183rn H uJ<. m-eut-= . 5 ,aOtno to xo \ Cro mn I NN <tllzq't zo zar!o. r- t-rh - ,,= = it tAft5 -'c " gFG oI o', e,-o.O=!-F6pFo F- (J t ! af .FooooQ 4 @ J(J I J ?A!g o- UJlrl J ; Ca(,l)o Jo 2d||6 < mH\JOO<<r o_o4: = o. ():. <3H- o 3 ,43o9 >FC e;n ll g rNe. Fl)m Fddcrruo - Jo r! o 6- f- <oul'Jz E o. o =lt atlt..o. =NE- Q-43 o-oj ietro- o.r rle eurc) <\o< <ao rrt =aJ f, Ja^F OOO,, >- p\ XO!? .'o < JcoJr r.?a LF FF6i-- Eej? -x_,3 gAE ..6 -9F:'-: -c| o <ltl< <.l'ur rU atl9l<<(< @<q-@ FoFx Jctfi>-F Fqf -.o-=r:r uraro o\o< 0|6r!< o=.o(,O-CL QJF FJFE 5[iVO 2O ro (\rrr't (:': \ \ tlO-OHr',\ rrtn (r "lJ.O o\O (J f - | un' e(nO r! \t r\tF O".rO-..rF (/)Frt ar-N:ElJO rO r! J+ ul J\tut x riJx uJx(vo2i(\lo:eNll r/1< |'\<Ul \OO- \O aL I O- O-F Fdf O-Ooo-OourJ Fu-FoOr!@= J Ftll(O .t \o \i. Ul ao\ttt \\ O-m u.|F J\t oco\o -\t rn \o t\ 9-9-0 o)cn qo co LLIu- @.+ co\o oo @ao ut(nN 6=? .O.Ocaa| |It4rt o *m tl UJ F\o = 2 o ut(\ro\ COF FN4 -(vm a)oFO omNm F-oF- -t-ol- JI\aot\*F:i alrONeq 3;,bi- @ CU at lo CE J)cf CU 3 {r=*!-? Iig;FI iFeEFq FF€:FE $€iEE-.l XTEEE; t t:;nE ;€i$Fg* EE€€E ET Ri€!'EE H6g:E Eg ;ilir A! Esii;:6 € R;t a s{ iEggf, 'srErif,e!fisi€igs igiiiigii €;€eEEi F: F€Ttg g; }: gEBgEFiIE EIHE$HEg; aalLFz.Q do z,eHo(5J =or!() EJ>-fr!o om r.to, om rno a.rl'- @@ ao tl tiJ e(J \o (-t = 1..- = o- l") F O(J6 H Ur<av - e,emA ' ^rJ x''or(lo_t.F N<ulzrn z,<) N. J =1J,rr.rcr\,F.t/aH-,; - u== i6 <ao-F JO d.oN Ot OUI\, .r Pg od "PgS t -=- - o8 6- 'ocr " .J 5oJo- 8=E ' '-3-1 i AgS $ 9<.-,o jq zd rr o S --'o<o o oo|'!: <: o. nzI F. F@ - |t!t t F co d> -HoH* ==Hl s s .Fli ?El ieoa . . corlo - Jo 4 cr 6 F- <olll F - ul .Jz h 6 t lrlfi :Elt r alt..o\lx x ::€- Q-.R o-oj jsxo- o-6,":*1 5 -5 SHP 6^r< <ra r' Ee.,c, - o<$9,ii i-i-- =PEoSs$ 6=-- 6ojC -t-H geg ..69t - F r(JFF hA O rrlr!< <|,rrJ rlaofi-e;a E#;i 8qp'P =3F= qHgE Ea 9 -9 -L 'oa m .or (nxti \o Fl\J o x I -9 -L I i!:=Hrc :tq\:;; SgSI: rn ao lnEi 'O oF of HSS EI-ql'iqTI 6 r.r rv F c"Fml,FcoEg d *-d*-d*i'339' s *83-F3* fif;fi;; i *l*x}:* J F4Fdtr ao3 5.r.-- o o <tt3 ct" a colll <f.o\r- N{.r (\tt av N lrlutOO\tN f \toO 6 \O 0o co F- F- \o aa Il'i\t \t t Lal J Fut - FlllN o|N .jo \O \t \Oo F ulN*$c) o C\Og\o o oa\cr@qr -FTNN @o rna o.lvr @o tv)o \o4 !!oo ooc, oo6hh o\o o or -^loomtlli.rrFJrttf|mn i l.-,OO.o A I\OF- @ o\c|\o \o d(a@l!.tNN(tulE== utomt")o (:t(tolJo\t\to dOOEf-\o\oF- Oo . .Clf.l-t $r4 |f|l.| alO\ooO\ <-(\roo Nlll r I r ' Ftnu.r-rtqnmta (.tl\r N<.o aoU.IF FNm{ul daaao' ' | ' o-d -rNr!\t Fo\OrraF ao(o ;-utlC\I \J"rngqd a f c .F1 (D +)lc l ll cr i ,* -ii BEE;FH c;sEFg FFlii: FrcEd! E g E;S+ J :! EI! Ef; gE:;ii E!:$-$:- sF:rE5i ;F iB: Et sEEs!jg Esigii! IiiiEj* sigEi E -E$- t-ir-g!6 sf;E!€'+E ;€it:;;ss Eiie€€rii iiEiiiigi F€st$;i 5€ EggiiFiEE (902,6 e.ol!o =EFo zotu (J <ar =J>=urO ma! oao ott lYto\ o a(l tl E .o z F- z, o- o@ otl m\o rr"l il13$co H rlJ<o - d,d,' ? .roco\o .\t xO r (JO \OF ll t\ <uJzv.l zo c). J za LrJ Ct Utt H!o ' - \- (J=tn |= = |ro \dftb dq ,, EiE oI o., dlOEoO6.,F -Q(J(J (f oQ=d aO () ll J ? t/r@O-FulJHGUtl)(J J<) Z,e,|d < uJ-\+oo<o oor= aa: o\ 02L-.-.r,!@F@d,)z LlF o F6\o tsdo 00<F= aA ao carn o /F. roi I .:t Fd. F(lra t-d,eclruo - Jo q o 6 t- <oul .Jz F o. u.t :E i ct.to\F:tq- AF c' OJ r JalH\ (rF(\r <( {< o-F oJ HJFCr \tll rlJ g Q|ulo 6cr< <t@ t t Ec) I JaaF <o\o " > P\ ><o(l "O <( Oo\JE ..lrl cr rFE3-- 6.j? -JL-H 3AE ..5F(JFF FO O UJUJ< <(,ul trl aOul <( <f.( utico-o >oFx .oI>-F FHAid HSP l>Pg 9S95 26 9-9-Z .o G- m .bt .+ tv r7N \o 9-9-Z \O o\F- a\t\rm:'j \ [\ tl rri Ttrr\ (/r.c'\O (J\O a.) f - ' rt' @r4o r,J 4\tr d 'rd I'rF c')F|!t?rFl\--f Cl \t ul J.t r! J\tarl x uJx IJJ t<(vo zNo zNc rn< rn<lrl \O O- \O O- 5 too^EoEfrJ FTLF6r!63 J Ful a- llr o ttlF J\O \O aO \O \Oq 5.or.- o o.o o@ N+n @o ,io O.a.l @o Mto €ro @co i!6rn F- O\.OIJF- \t F \t (\l E\t\tO\NNc)' aOaOt-F-€B -a.l \t + rtr r^ r!.oo\1.-hL)N\tF\t6S:?* o60\ao.IF I--(\lN l- UIA\O\O oq) \t\td \t \t O\O OO\ -NO <>Ntltiri. F-@O\ o =\Oa\ cO O\ t - (l ctF-Fdo\o\@'. otr,l4== (:to ocoo@..rt tvlF(T FcO@ <NrN c FO\O a(nCJ LH cf, c f CU x c r(, +),cl = -)loo ct I "- -!A iEES F* : FFE F@ >9 t 5 i; I-ra E:! FEI91 x FlqtE! i< d:CFlE E.E!8+: i a:F=* EE ii;E ;iig=$E- rFari5i :F FBi Ej gAif! Ig igti{g: irigi; b f s;.g e gE 3EE€f, ' s'tgi9! iiiigiiFi gFF;gfsii 26 eouJotu<zd,Ho 20 <oEJ>-lurO o\ro tl \o ul = F 2, a\ro \oao oo <J<) oo \O\o 9-9-0 x.l *., \' a'ar 9-9-2 il 83=s=psF-= . 5 i@I^N t\t x6 r (-)O F(\I ll i- <uzq\ zO '. J ZU,.'? -- * >g .; J a Il== }.O \lx* x p $! d:;gEg"I :EHs s o 9o I ;5 6= ''5'i'i u 56\\\-.--St,i -- - - B=E - ilSi j -..:a3]-r n o- lo- I lJ 'J Jo ze tt a < oO llri ,4 ytq ,!tp -bd8 r ' f,o-= .rfo S; 34i {r (r \€r (rr t F r F .rrlN F @ co ol rt:Ji,,d .zlr.l- o G\ooF Fco I F .oFS -{ E r:Tt:Ti ili,r I l- [n*: 6E;. l. ;Qb- N 5 6-^,4-i= Hjd= a--.j --l-l 3X:\ *E i3 E d *-d*-d* F*ffs 6pF- ^Qs?- ---o H {! ro-,.oco 6 *B.=*BF- i=;3 ;s;= i$ig Eggs :i :;;r;r $ pipaenq gBii EBe* 658= eEfr= :; E- J Ful o :E ut Gl cr (\l UIr: J\t@o ulN \O O\a-lF O\ N6''- \O \O lrlc -(vm|.l lll\t l(.1N6A\tNO.(\l |\.1'-E@' 'I-C! cO a cotdEoo ";b -\t rn \o t- F oo (\r.0 oo \OO $#{ xl,"wq v (uo(I clo CV lc C rD +)lclo -:ZU cc 3.:< 3- .--EE AEE;f,H e ;$EI€ ^9 3 5 F - ;;:li;E FI"EIE: Fro*E! i{ 0^gF!E E E;8+i EE:i;I i F !,u =eH 5::#i *E !E€€i ;E i*;€€;? U e E =iE a ! g !t< t 5E I siii" a; If,iif:b 4E;.3h sg Eij€f iiiiiigii EgaggriiE otl(90z,q e.o =uHO z,Otu (J <6 =J>-fuJo NO co@ o 6\o tel F\o z, F o o @ z o \t\t mo\ \to oo ra€ F: gP = N - ddm=.,q) EN " Nx I-zqrzo.tJZ(tt lrl o\ F 9t-i, - ,,== ia CAftE dq 'g$8 sI ou .!=ornEoF6sF ^R o,, o eoo9H 3 --.,,,r ,, -, ?.a)o cl l! ur J H Gt cr)cl cl Jo Zd 16 < UJ->+9o<o o.ol!= 6: o. a)zF 'UlN F aO d5,:84- O G\OOrr Fdo o<F= Ul !o - o -i r i6H rr l:t aNE . Fa)lgt r-d4C)IU(J - J<) rrJ c| a t\ <c'ur .--.lz F 6. Oll:Ell r!:r..O\F9q_AFOJJJAH\(.'j|F(\t <( < qF 6 6J -JHO| \taf urQ< qUrO <O\< <6 m =L, f JUIF OO\O " > .J\ X()(, tto < Jo\Ja .r.l| LF FFG=-- 60jq _,x._,3 eac ..5F(JFF FO (:r <tU< < (,r|l rr|COurg <c <f vt<q-@ F6Fx .llI>-F Furo--JJ ulOO O\O< O6ur< Az.6uro.o. QJF FJFE a|jjvaf Z,O 9-9-0 €\t .oP 'oo6 \'tial co F" \o NNl \ av rn o\ \o@ .\t \ \ [O-O-o (,r (rT, F (J\O (Jl(\lF - ' t/i ' \O(/, ct 40 G\fH O-.rd.'r F q)-\t (/) F La1- f o \otJJ'trirJ\taa >< u.l >< t! ><mo:z Nc) z(\lc (f< rn<Ul !_O- \O O- - o- o-F Fao5 o-Oo o.o OUJJ FrLFaOt!@:. ul o- Futao oe ut J\o \t @ \o \oo- 5t^ \o1..- .oo. ctrctt (ii e trl L|- F urN.\O 6rrJN \t o\ ao5:?;- f-N f- \oe - a\t lv) .{t \t ulo<f maJF- tvl N8F-\t- O\ aO.O ---N a)ool:eo\ o\ F- l:O OO -l-ooout,,.rtsJlt\t\tN - .oF-aoo. I c III|\OI-CO : :l]'O.O\dNN-aar t(\tN C'*== ut-l.ll.lo crooQ.O.O.O.O eO6at(pNNF ao.'O I FFN mv\ IJOOOF- < -OOOt-trl , , , , FF!t\Ji\l$+N lJl- l\<F- F- Nt t.+r^ EEtD' ' | ' o-etrFNm.' Fo\Ll o\t \o{t o<f, (\rv c (t) l( c (, {-Jrc:)o = lt ct Y ** -iA EEE;FH !F$E$6 i,9HElt- ;t;:!?;g FsIiE; Fo !d iF -d^- I C:F EEiE*c i E:F--J :! EUT E* e E i!;i ;i:$=$ *c !gc€E EE i*i${:i :giefgi EFs€g!-i ; El9.i; b f F;€ a ss 3ilgf, s ig, = {qEFF. E*€_8 5!€ g gi;Eiti i€iaEiFii E$Eiigiii €e€E;ErE: F€g!s sg 5: EFEiiggEE ct c)2Q u,6 HOatJ =oIIJ (J E TIJ EJ>=riJ o :lAUm F uJ< -dd'I"om(v 6l XO r <JO F(\l ll lizv1zO||J=A Lu Ct\ t- th-,5 - u== ie qaft5 dq " gs$ or or! d:)O\OEOo6..F ^R tr- o" o $ooYH 3 -c, 'r -r P-lq o- ul lrl J r G(,lJo JC) ze, O < r!H\J() C) <o o-or!= ur:6 nz,F 'LU*t F CCI el,z!!- c) c3\o6o\ Fdo .or(-= aA !o - o /F . ro -_ ll (, uNd r F(tmeorlu, - rO l! C) 6 F* <OUl tJz H O r 6lltrl I Cr..O\r-:rqH OF o J J JOF\ (Jr(v< < dF 6 6J FJ-<) -tE ruQ< oqro <O< <.e m E() f JartF OO\o.' > p\ ><o(:, ir6 < J(,\Jr ..ut Lr rFE=-- 6qj9 _,,iI_,8 3aE ..5 -9 r-: F-: rcl q <uJ< <{,uJ rr, calur<<< ut<o-@ F6Fx lt:l>- F|!q:J:J urc|O O\O< 66r!< Ozou,alo- oJF FJFE -[i!zci 2aO r Adf{. i a-t -: bi i ui ,,O-o* = rn ('v\ u>'oE 'O o\O o:lFS E I*T[*TI 6- F ctl F \t (rF\o- g a' *-d*-d*}o..r.oro.o f *83*83- ndil;; 3 eipgige J ul.,)@ ct tl- lll e c|N trl Ul\t N \t O\t N(\rm\o5t€3 cOF-N\Oe I|g|m\t \t lll\t O aOLl\t F- aO55Pi 6@CO4 IFFa\l 5^.o t -.o o. 9 -9 -0 \to tqo rnao @(! o@ \tl @o \t\t o+ oti aoar coao oo @\' rir..t J\O \O O \O m tl!! EF\o z ao =.L o r...*)44 9" trl\t \t l{l o ONNF .tlnOO -OF-OOJvl++{ - .ol.-aoo. I c -l \oF-co (!lO\ O\et\r F-tO..NN C'ul-==u.t\ochmo c|oo(JoF-mN EO.nqlNoF-N ao..OFFF(\I l.t |tt (loom+ ia -OOl:OUt.... t-l-t-J\t\t\t ltl alNN<F-F.tr,t-F eql. | | | o-d -FNt l\t FO\u\t =\ \o e, {, z Gza EI 8., \' Fo = \o tl \o z .t(U - (\J(l (c E)r{ cc c>.c )-o-(J a! c.oo*rc CUG c (o 1)c)o = ll (J.ttr ! u*=-t-r e i F:5H i";i€F E FFiEa: Fo Ed !N !,,.i: E E€ gElEi 4 ;E.EHE* gE:;iE ;ij$F3, eiatE eErEgig : g ;;IiE aiIFiflEx 5 + F;+ F sg itgEf r-iat$e '€ii:Eis* Z:=-=qnF"==E:B€2EA;! FCi$iiliE EEEiIEEiE ;gigEEig! EEAEiFfEE Ef HE$ igg; I =: OHN-ia ' o.r=(t \ (-)O ()O m'9| ll !\zrnza=a)N'JH? *J -J J A 6O OO ll=: rJOi X K ft5 d: _fid d: 6s_ e'oo\ c'-H x. 6i r'1 i: I i: , p oF =p oni ;Eqq $[ \t t{' . !- !- !.- F F oo o 6O o 60E ; i >>>;; g=ff -fi_ -s_ _H_1 j' o >n>rr SS€SS 9q,-- jCoggq jq69go zdtteT E QX Qe (r<o r-o --.i 6o*= ,.ioF. F J@ F J@ -.I'JF. F COi* - I ^r .o3,H*H*a*H*H* ==Hl g 3 ge o 3 9e * -$lt iEIs I t:,t:,.i- E- .^ b ",-..(,-r^E ri -- - - '- _ 6?39 = d?13-- o9l3-- [,,9,, ?;.:hJ t@ \t -t \t cO F\t(9- CtF O F-- !N O N- ! oJ J JOH\g d 9--!-...q.q a,i-K-K-i-i- E-ff- E-8- \to9-8N \tag 6J HrF. 5*.=. : x;*x;*x F"533]6.5 ;=;3 ;$==:;e-3==:;a. e$iE IHESe=5= $ prp5i5e H,"!*j;!+!+! gB;; E$eg=;fu$p3=ifu =SE= Etfi= -ru'r ro ^- @ 9-9-0 'd1 P c.a e @tuL!J ul o- Ful o ltlF J\Ot\- \o \o{t \oco \o(\l oo oo \i.o oo oo (oo oo (\o oo oo \o.o ao ao ao @ F- .O co N 2:) oooo t! Oornc)c) 2U'rNO o- c3 Gt Gl -JJJO tr < < <rL <5=2,=ouJ F=22d ooo< (,EEEUJEEEo (rooo d d_o!!o Fooo E ZF@3 L)! .' 9E9' .-i d Er-.| ==>r-LJl^H"q53; fi E Efl .f :trdc o eqrqEe*ilil 6 AU;"8; sHc <E c,.- 12 ,.,1 t- --- 3' tF, @ Hq\t$ L o)<oO C \ <- rrtHps;'i t B E-*ff:g z tH .(i F ulF-\O@l)ai !l (\lE\tl.lOG)N'{tt l t- t- \o oa Im'{t\t ur \o \o.o \o EO\ O\ O\ O\o\o.o \o \o NOON-lNooF- J|'r\O\Or^ UraO \Oi.lNm 5B$ aol..-E -NN \OF-@- oa =;.bf-d urt.) \o \o tel 5[ililf, f-o oN- -FooF.- -lrar \o \o l.l Nft) \t ltlolao' ' ' I -rNm \t rO\O C\I D(,o CE clo(J o CU c {J(clo .:Z U CC i "- -tE EEE;f,H !FEE}€ >9I E F; E-;n s:3 FElel: Fco CE.! E g.EieI * EEii;E :i;$F ss gsgi€ €i saE$l iE ;$!rf AiI6gi€ 5e 3iisr cFg;gFsii (50z@ e<) uJ< F(] zO <6 =J>lUJO al33cO H ur<o-dd!=r@ (\,l t- l\ XO r (-)O r.\ <t ll N <r!lzur=oo.JE@r!o\rFatl..- >\- (-)3a I= = ..o \go_F J<r doo. ol olgo. I aoome.) -o =oo 6 -F- o fF r^(J.. o eo!c)ooqf d !O (J lt a.)J ea@ cL Jrrl J FH <aA(l (J J<) rld [ 6 o< luF\JO Z | > <5JO<Ct <rnr= a9a O. (J z,Fo..rlJNF@d)zuJe o rn6l\- t-do @<(F= (a @ cd\O <l .rl- . .6r ll lJ d . Falr{1 t-d,douJo - Jo r! c' 6 N <ouil rJz i o. l!lr-fl r a:t..o\F:tq- a- o oJ J JOH\ (JHm< < clF OJ HJHC' \td riJ d OulO 6.{t< <(aO t t ElJ J JUIF <FO.. > P\ XO(J,,O < OO\rr .rUtr_F t-Fa=-- 6uj9 -',L_,.' gag ..5H(jFF FO O r!r!< <|,uJ ur corrr< < < ir<q.<o >oFx Itt>-FSCdd HSP :>Pc gBsE 96 d,P cO O (o LTJ o.. F\o(/t'o cO ' aa@\t :t'o UJ J\t -N IJJUJX O F O- O-N\O -cl o uJ ><!-.o -ela^'r f9 , :.'i '(Ji-J \l -gi tJ- -- tl) J.:' -#-^.'Ft :, @o a\r\l @@ oo t*o\F-.ao fl\Fcl N z a\l oo a\l r!@ -t Ul (\lo Nd J ul o E FH{. =h-FoN5ur ^-E6ir'o\o\t e xxx I\t 14(\1 5 F ? -0 -0 F <f<0 @(o aoo tllu ro UJ (Jz CO 2 lllF 4to 4tq'-r.r lJ\t6' F. oa@' -F ulooo.J 5 OO \O -tn C) \t JN- ^-t* ' nb E --tt^ \o (:loo41'rlfr@.. (turd__ urol-o. 1166c) \oF dr^oC a{\O tO.. r!F\O I\alOO <-\tornur... FroroJ m t)o\o\<NNutNl.t{ eEti' ' ' o_ d.IrNt t FF-\t tt -9 -Z := :Oro OJ a (n f F c tic lo o ct +.t< P-- nE ggEiFH !FEEFc FtiEi: F.b E E.=;{ i-- g EEE g.E;B# .l ;T.EgE* rEt;;E E!I!F * * EicaE EEgiiiglE ;;!iii; i g 5.5 dit iF"glEE.E ; g.E *;:6 * i 6€ a sr iiigf ' s'igigx :Eii:ficqt i r ihE nE"E Fi{FEitgE i{iiiiiia F€rttE;Ft EEBE!FfIE EIgE$Hegg ot4ctoz(! eouJaul<z, d,FOIctJ20 <oEJ>. :)rllO ac3r uJ<edL1= . t@rLt N Xo r (Jo FF lr N <ttlzqr z,o Z(/|H? -- - >g ,r5 t 6 ll i: +rO \d- p x ft! dr 1E:$'I :tixB8"B*$'E??g:5;. \t .u'\ ' oo oN6o oi: . ozd co < . J(J I J -qt-F-@o-uJotrlulJHCdCoY \ \ || q) CJ J^-6@ Zd, 16 < Uj - o -c| -_ E\Jo: rlt a!\ ap o<o r a!c)E= -: o\ nzi \o (Jo\ (-,J I F ! F\t .UlLri e @ d,)i; F zurF ocr c3\toF- Feo ao; - ' \tr F-(, r(HE ut (D LrJ o \t o /ts ! ro ;' Cr rL \t' rr^ ll a,E = AJ;S:;- tr999 = d9:R H,,9,, F.'..h j9 Fav(a- oF o F- r J J6H\ (.)H d P:de:d* Elns $uF- e's31 3dIQ Iaf+'oco'o r -83-FF^ a=-i a6:ei.r :$lE dHE- :E ---- oo roFF Ho o > <rrt< < (,r! rrjroeGaG 5 FeFH*HE E#ii EEFP=- FSF= EHEE Ea -ra1\o F- (p ol'- co(\l \ON (fo NI\ tL-E -Z J t-, o* Ful o i\tO\OO \' tl \o F z, \O(\l oo oo \O.O B 2 :l J ri .'(J Lr o TIJFFX Fr! oL rnoo z(valct >- (/roiFNJ<o- ca ca Gl - uJqr a ut c) uJ<<<L (52,2,2, ru ,-zz,=,d ooc)< (/'E=EUIEE=a l,OtAOUJ U' (J (J <J d d:o _o _u-o FC)OCt d -(J(Jd@ <\\LUE ZF(O3 F:a q) (:,N OT Jer.r rr o-@rt\t \'' ttlC' 4O ctoo co. .c l/1ur o F'FIJP<(r Fmm q, <\o\or!@@'do F@\O F Ur\O F \O F(Jt tco@N8F'K: F-F-\O\O aa - F),rt \r r^ tr.t- \o -(r.\r@@CFrn\Oor.\t @@Nea' ',--Nm urF- l.'crrll aieao co -oo J\O\O F-@q@r '-\oN ,L-E .Z It-t -5 --i CU cf a c {-.11cln IZ ct i 3-..EE AEE; fH !; gE$ € >,985i- E; ! t/;0z X d= E-o 6..sdxi1 ,c3iF*;n .i:eF= 5 E E;8I€ i 6:F=J :!ErllE* i e:t;I e E Ir=+i Ei=#fE- eflasi;s ;sg'3! 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FoN-JlttLtvt\oF ljo co<m rtrU.|NNNm\turrn B4@r | ' ' I o-d -FNt t.+€ FFr- 9-9-0 J Ftllat, o E ttt(vql\ c)m ulF o- @Nr oco ()\O q.lN oao oo .o(o \oo f..-f: \o COrl \Oa.l t?'a \tav rv)@ N{tr Oa\l .OaO o.o\ F UIF-O\ ol)6rtt5=? \O\Ooc -aA\t- ut€ mcloo\6?' l.* t-4 I(Vm (v trlrJ \o lrJ (-)z \o m(v = o" !.t\om|/|lJ!'\t \OgSE3 -NOmu...JF- @l-F- .J aIF 'Od\Oo@trFl \t<t c () CE :lo c o +)lc f -ll(J ct I * *=,g? AES;FH !;$EI€ P'9 t 6 Fs Bg!: i- f$rig! g; S e?F E.E;8+G .E 6:F=-l ;8.!gEfr : E:iiE ;!:$$E, eia;ibH 9:61: EE FIiii EE ig!efi; I s 5.E ig; ieiii:E €F6€i ss riEsg , E'€gi€! iiiiiigii EFiiiFii€ (902@ eolrl 6 zeHO 20t! (J <oEJi3 ei33o\ H r!< -ed\O: , ) rcoO\Fl \t xd r (JCt F(! rl l\ <r!zrn 2Q za IJJ O\ F 1Adlr - >.- (-)3v, tl= = +, ct \do-F JO davav OI Or!6!@\tavl-c:) o rn=oF Cl .JFo FF (J . . al eoooo Oa@J(JllJ?AaO O- u.l l!.l J H CAC1|lJ(J JO Zd,|d < rjJH\Joc)<c) aLr.rr!= -.= o\ azfFrF.rlNFcO(!,) 2a rlF o c3N6\t FOIO .o<HE (rf ao - e -F . '6H ll .:l ENd. Falm t- d,4ouro - Jcr ur o 6 I\- <out,Jz H o. o - I g'.o.F.'(J_ QF c| J J JCIF\ (JF(v< i( aF 6 6J HJ-c| -te rl(l c)lrlo <o.< <t6 tet =l.| f JUIF OO\O '. > P\ ><O(J ..6 < JO\JI! ..aa LF FF -= -L)JO I UJ a6 O FqtHrluJ (:t J . JrJo Hd E ,.o'EoFF rO O <r!< <t,ur uj aoESli 858. 5S6{ €=ii 6=ocrro-o- 6JF FJFE rlrlvd zo (\tol-N\tF-N.t .\t \o\ \ tlo -o - \or urr^ u).f'\O (J\O (Jl I - ' \t' ?A O-o rL+ 4\t | (a (r\tH 6-.'4.'r qlF @etvt (4eF-.:E Ul -> I'OJX() \O rrJ J.t ru J -t -Nr!u) x rllx uJx clNO2:(VO Z(\I H Oc rn< rn< F rnlu \OO- .OO- O-O\OQ--tUFI O- O-F FtO t-t I5 O.OOO..oO ur xF-OJ FrFCOraOf Ur 4 g, cf) ur Lr- J Fulur@ c)- FUIN \t onr l?l ItlF -j,o \o.o \o o- 7l-z -z F* oao a\J@ @€ \O\O N,|- F- o(p oio aqrl F utNmo(.)o@8FoOFN \Ot/tAE!a' r I -\r\tF aJooo\6?=t Nt\\Ool Eavmm uroN (>a) (ooCFNO F(! aOo e -ur o v)ulirrFJ(\ICO F- - \ot\-F 'Jc -r/1 \o F- a!O\ r^dF-nl@.'(vmoUI*== utltl@ \oo ctoolJCf(\r\t\O 4l/\tcrnctco ao ' .c)NN ' ral r.al q,@to@o <-r^t\r^ l,1ut t t . t FcoFJr.rrn\Oe a-lN F-i(N oUIF NNm\t\t EEO, ' ' ' Ae -FN|vl(O FFttla I" @o ;+- co.b co(\t \oao o€\ o tlllj F\o = F ao .b 2 z-6-0 o t_9_9-9 (,ocr clo(J aalLF c !(c fo = .Y (J cc 3 { *= *i? f,is€5H E ;FE$s >9 H 6 F- i.; h t/;g Fg"EIE : FaEdi d ,o-.i: eeF gEis+ c i i:F=* EE ii;I ii F !"u=+i EI;&f [c EE €€EEE ei{!;q: fit+:E j g :;t:8t; I E 6.= ig; if,gggx b € F;€ a sa silgfl EiEiiFiEE om(roz@ douJo z, d,HO zO UJ (-, -J>-luo ' tl- l'rooo o\ ulavNN ' >t -1' aroooo i strooo (.:ooof,6 LJ6 tt\t \t \O\t\O \Ood, JCLH\ \ xxx 2 <OO-JOr/\ r^ ! OOO <o !a: O\\O \O f OOO OF. F aOooo Fdo - | ' a < \tE - ts ,c| (\tG-t ' lw.|.\lt4 ; N ll F Ll a.lFo-to-.rCuJ(JON> ureur?- Ut trl Jz a Ct ., O\> Ur C, { F (9(9- JO-\J F(J G, F :Z< E J F Cto 'o uJ.+ riJ-t <.- a, 4 ^rud .t oo mut x x xJJ L l-t o I >r .J\.\JONON A O- @ < "o .. (D L rs s s -<,_9_- 6$-- eagOO F F J"oo F FF <a (,' r!5 3o5.oi?39': S=i5 €:iEJ Fr@rlo (9-60- a @c!o- .a uj v 6 o)g $. ,L.Z .E q€ (9 t&," '-Ya o tvl tlllJ ro UJ 2 co a(l 2 c\l (o (I c:lo c .tJ(cf a'l -Yoo cr j .s- '! aEEgfgi FF€;iI cr; S t?F E.E;E+r IIEHE* eg:;;E Eii$F[* sEE€g EE lH!$t isi€istx 5 4 F;{ i. sg 3iigfl I ma5Qz,@ eouJoa!<z, d,FOa.9Jz,oUJ (J <6 =JiE)a€ =- -f "i l' ooo o\ a,(\INN | >r -a .toooo * oIooo uooo=6 cro cl\t \t \O{'\O \OodJil. glH\ \ xxx z F <o o HJo A>rn rn '0 ooo <o | = O\\O\OJoooctF.N@oooFdo - | | a < \tE - ts ,ct 4\tr\t I m(\llg| F(v F()l?lr o- .o_ t4 B rlo 6 t'-F (r-CaF:r q, Ul )2 | i9 ,. O\D Ul q., .y F (9(,- -l O - \J l-o (E i -< H J H Oo .qlrJ.tru.q <.- o, c -|rJe <( aq nvt >< x >< Jd L lro = >r aJ\(\lO(\lOa\J O. Q- aO <: t.O .r (/tt L -er^|'\ur.'-o-o6!!tu \o \o u,t\lz-c (.' (, riJ r! r d Eo F F JJ(J(J h FF < (/' Ul5 8o5.oYP83.r E:55 8=iiJ FrlaDrlao (9:C@(l O aO O_ O_ -l ut !z 6 9-9-O t- N tl (J F\o = F |\- = o- o oo ?-0-0s -0 -1. r c\l cH o (t) l F c (o +,r1clo .v. CJ E < 3d .--EA AEEI Fa !; sElo >.9I b i- ir; 3 H;I sfi;E{ cd g e?5 g.E;8 +; iEEEEi Ei:$F *c gE€€€ Egraigi : g :;te8 AiEiii: s{ siggi CE c) (J CU x i ZQ doul 6u,< -eHOa5J20ul (J z,r>.fulo!a(D *183o\ H llJ < = tt , d,dav: , 5 .aoO\{. m- xd r (j|o tr||.t I t\ <uJzrzo..Jza IJJ o. t- t.o ' r >- (J3a tl== 9c! \dl! F JO ll d.trn O- O rlJH3 0d .3=P E -=OFro"a).tOoooO d, 0O r(J ll J -aGO aL trl uJ J H Gl(,Qfo ro z,d, Ia <t |JJH'\J a)O<O d-Or: : O\ a)zI F r F ,ul@ Gt aO d,-<3H- - g (aNoN >trq To(J 4m€ . F()m t-d4Our(-J - JO ur c| a F* <Out 'rz H o t oIrI I ct'.o\F>'(9F AF O J J JOH\ (JHN< <l 6-F o 6J iJx<:) \t4 rld ou,tc]r <|'r< <.o |ft =q) :) JartF ON().. > P\ xo(-' ..6 < J€r!! r.(. LF FF63-- Eaj9 -X_,3 gAE ..5roFF xA O <UJ< < OrU rrltOul<<< vl<(o-o F6Fx -ctl>- Fr|ro-rr ulC)O O\O< O6uJ< Ozau,(Lo- oJF FJF= rt|Ivo Z,O rn\or: tl at 'o(J :l \Oo UJ J\t ozNo< (\t F@-Oot!|!6= o\\'f-,aO \ llJJ\lrlJxozN \O aL o-F-ooo4F@ \t .o 6 ,i- fJo\o e, ta58 tlororocooo r.966t)rn.]l.crn \o \o er.\r,1eN\o\o(\r !o '.Cl\tm|9l\t l/1rnu-| | | | F a-lct @@o.oo .a-t\ \t \t l: rn rrtrl!,.r,tF\t'\..J\oro\o\o F F ttoJN<o,o\ura\t(vNm\t!\Ful CBln | | | | ' I o-d -rNrO\taOO\ FFrn- 9 -9 -0l'-ct)q) cAe cotrt |! \oxro o tlllJJ EF\o lrJ z, o FN z P- l,r.t\o€ 6P= \O \o oa -tvt -t. ur€.O 5=p t-t\ oaaor r -Nm - cto. O. @.'\?\t C'tllq uto\ooal6FO\qi l- r^ l-omNI.l rO\\OO\ J ao cat aal (qtr | '-rtrro F- R.-?"qb.u)4c\l -g-#-r, nJc0 (.oog(oo o@ CE >.(J l) l- O .'r(J ro -cou) -iL(\JO (Jc a U''lLF C Pc f :E o cr +.;i agetrH E F$EF iEs€gg5 E.6ia* J :!lqrE EEE!;F[; E*c€E EEiaigglE : ilef Eilngg! se Iiigi F i3. r-icE€5 itiEEgFgi iiiiEEiii Egg€ifgiE otlct c)2@ d.oL!6U< =eiCl zOut (J <o =J>- :)tr, oLoo ; - ' -l' ooo o\ taN.!(V | >,2(t .P ctoocr F C't33338 \t \t \O\t \O \Ood t) JCL l-i '"n r4r ! ooo <o <a o.€ \O f ooo oF. a{ cOOOO rluF FeO - ' | .t <.t= lt .o [\tE\t ' t9avm Ha! I FutlH O- .O- .r d r!(-) 6 F-t- arae-, (rt ur | (9 .. o\> Ut c, -r F (.5(9- JO-\J F(J |! h Z<C H J H Oo .ifr!.+rlJ.i' <,- o.| E -uJd < ao mU! X X XJ- L IJ(J I >t !\(!o(voN 4 CL co < ..6 !t l/D L -dr^r^tn.,-o-o6.0t^t \O \O tlt \-ja -c t, (, ui ul - a|I E!o r r J-OO F FF <t (, riJI 4-r=-!z @OjOP Ut V<< ll t >- F5 OeO-oJ <orJ._ ul JJJ O a: rrr <J FEaD|laD (ll-OOO- O dO-O- - ul !Z 6 f-d)? o \o tl F\o UJ 2 tL -z -t ? -0 -s-i-L I N 2, ci"e.o- ljl-. Lt--On ;: N .l t')olL a G o_ cu E(D ar c) (J N i .e- ,-E EFigfi lF{Eai5 E 6;St< -q a:F=! ;:.ag E; g€:;B Eo cielE g$€?!is a! Efli€i siriigf F€rgg Ei F€ €Fsiiggii otl(902Q d(fU6U<ze,Ho z.Ot! (J qur<oEJ>-lr!O co F gLtN H ul<N:ee,=-: . :' ..ot tF- .\t )<.ifN ll i\ < trl(\r'JE(,,.FU'F,>-o]rl= = +ro \d ,, E$S oI our =oF O !FF-(Jtri)$C),ooltJorutJLtlrHUr.GC/| lrJ d I o <r Lro t!z > < (JJ<<)E= ras c'\ d= <)zo- 'rlJm N ao (oav df,o\o+ Fqo rF @rdl.\N/F.F'oNd t F(.)lr) Gl Fdr! Cr O F- \t. <OrlJ fI := lf I lll .tO\ Xtt J-6.J J J6H\ (VJ () dJ HJFO F \'6c'. < (t@ tst 2<, E<6().. > r\ oz xoOO\Jr rrat Lr eF-J"-_,H 9A g j3 ..5 L! ru< <r/,rlJ <F rlJ.o>oFx llI>.F = r- -\o< OAL! < \ O:zJJFE 5rU!. 6 1= Z,O (JOzo6r2,Lt\r! c'\ ozd0oo.ulo o<o Z lllF <H= cor|loul rJz e u)eqlf, z2 ulo- J Joo o- o- o\ooF-@o\:.J \ \ tlo-<)-rn urr^ l't'cl\O (J\O ofP - ' nt' ?lc) E\t r!\t F @-F (/tF@ -fJO \O ul r\t r! J \taa >< !u >< r! ><NOZa\lOZ(Vc (r< rn<Ul \OO- \O O- ! aL o-F Fdl3 (f-ooo-oo r!J F r!r- dl4 ao = UI o- lrl \t(rl \ om trlF J\t rO \O \Oc J ul o :t Fut@ crr ulF J((I4 -ravm\t 6' o JT F ul dlcl -JO OFo ouroJUIF -I.|J O(:l J.Hoo utoo OJF 1L-Z -' .\rf7 v N co at)s) , cl) '.4 l-LrlJ:*- T ,.t -:rt T-l I ,ar" I:;lrl*l II9" ]^ :}l:l F1.o I I I T I;l F.^- :I tl (J F\o utE F t: 2 o- oo *O, @ a)cl@ N5-X: NrO\O4 I\t\tt^ ulm \o \o(J\O<OF 6:PY ao@a\E@. | '-a\.trtt l Ul-O\o 5e9n \O\t r:F\OO\ Jmoao N rvl \ F- t) t!,NNCaN F-aqrr C'tll*== (:roo aq.. (.t ctoo<\t \t c F-rO UIOnFF-Fooo a<t t\ o\ rvl \o ro om(\rF O\@@Ctoo -f-\t\t\Ornul E -FNri \t O\ o l\aOe4 I\ON'O sE'o cc fo(J N c (ti (t) l F c +)cl .)l CE Y "- -lE f,EE; fH E F FE I\o >93bF- i?-5 8Ei FflE;EE e€iEit EEii;G E!I*F Fc gsEi€ €t sEiil Jg ;;iif?; 'gE,FEti {sgEEEi ;3.: P;:6 €F;€a €g 3i;gf, F .E $- E-iEE€g E g;cE€ 5F icisEii9g igiiii€gi EgiEgFgiE z,Q eotrl 6r,u <z,eioa5Jz.aut L, vd <6EJ>-lt!o)4 ao l.r co tl \o tu-(J 2 F o = o. (vo ..t\t oo aao\ NN NN I.* @ \to t l\o 9-9-0 c!f/-V \o t\t\NI \ 9-9-0F9-9-t-l @ F g(J m i uJ<:5.8 o r 33 u Nr.- {-:ZtnZO-.JZArlc}lrFa/DxlD' - >,r (J3 - a 6c) ||:= aJo \dFJOur(J 6. do I coail-f -- :E!: li ii df -o oN ><ro o pFr+ ;.i ivi o FnJ N--.-. .5 r-b!? .t i.t i oo- t:--ooo ol: . . Ozd, co < . . (J J ea/,;i F e @ o- UJOO Fr! J H (3U,\ \ [ Lt() Jclorrr!(J zE tt 6 (t ll-lo -o - E\ro = rn (, rn ut _o o<o -cr ool!: : o\ ()= .l \O (J \O (J:t I F. F J\O -.l'IJc) r,| @ dffia u zurF O F .$6- F4o all --: - r m | @a <H= (rr .o Uroo ca\t - :/F . t6;-L- o r\t r\r I cl;- F o- rro- r'r ltiorr|o - JO-c|c) c O 6 N <O =_ F (/)FN(4FF-.= t! .JZ H O rJ\t\iidrJ r! fl i -(t..O\ j- f F(\I(J- clF O ' rFL OJ J J6H\ (J ... J Ee< < o-N O O oJ iJHc) -t = a \OUJJ-rfUJJ\t al uJd OIUO > 6Ct\< <(@ t l E = <h x rrlx rlx (J| = JU|F <( c).. > !\ xo-f-^--^-- NOZNOZN (2 ..6 < U,pe= OO\Jr r.a,n LFE--=- fr SS Str 63__ Guj?;btgo -.:l--,H gag ..5____ @ XL,FF H6 O >>F ulut< <or!l ul.OGftGG iI A ^*tr ^h:9 Ul<<< ul<o-.o o ' >6Fx .ot>-F F-'--'- 3 PtrP3f33 H*dd EgP-F\ocouroJ r>PS gag6 26 -r'\ \O l\ aO F. oo oo ort 'O.t oo oo t- Ftrltt \? \t o-a a- FUICO.J \t OFN av ulF J\OO\t O \t\ON\O F aJ@@@coq!N.\lN^l Nool-:l'-oof- ulraro \oq€ r r.lEtE' NN\Oq trfO \t \t ul\o o 6'P co I\-r@r I -NN F- ..)\OF- aO -c E,.l',,.i.i.i: EP clz ,o '- cq \: r-(- C\T o(,o cc c) C) o CU c i -c- ^!€ EEE; Fg i ;FEF iFiiii! ssiFlc 5 6:F=t EE:iiG ;!jj-$ gs gsEsiii s;E$! lE :;!ef AilsiaE gg gilsi c o l)c l lzo CE om(ro - a(l douJor!<2eFO 20ut (J e, uJ<oZJ>-lr!o!ao F- o tl!tl \o (-) = F o o 2 (vo FO 'itN \t\t oo \to oo \t\t nlCgrn F trl <o-dd:: . :t tao\t lrt t\t X6r()O.itF N<uJ =OO'JiElttr!ct\rFqtF.o' - >r o=u, :: .ro \dal-F Jo d\Oh Ol ()ujr!(l 6 t ll oO(\lF ! -d:foEoocl.JFo F- \oo.. o eoooo-oQ'.d dt o ll J ?AaO cr Jt! J r <A@t,ito Jo r!d[6 <t uJF\JO Z > <5Jo<o <orl: <: o. <)zI F t E- al- .B\t tat @ d,)z UJF o \t 6$ Feo dl.(FE Ui) ao (a\r o .,F t toF ll (!, Fd ' Fa-!Iv| FecoriJ(J :I Jo r or o f- <oUl .Jz E 6 . lrl ll E ll ..jl ..o\ J-t--t(jtF 6e o 6J J J6H\ (-,rN< ( d-- 6J HJ-<f \tIt riJd Olllo O( < <t@ m =(, = JlrlF <o\o " > |J\ xo(t 'tO <( OCt\Jl! ..qD LF63-- E.j? -X._,3 9Ag ..6E(JFF HO O !r.t UJ < < t,U uJ tOut<<< art<(o-.o >6Fx tt:t>- FIrrAJJ UIOO -\O< 06r!< O=auro.o. oJF JJFE ?[.4!Z6 zo 9-9-0 il lr t\NI \ 9-9-0l-- 9 -9 -7 -------a $ -.8*i:- SrSr = r U|ut ur!*- P.:'3FS E t:lt:Ti 6- l- (r-FulFF-E H d p-d*-d*l.o-tos f -83*83- +xrx $ pipHigg F |rl@aommL,-F@aO F. () <).O -|\-OO@ Jt t(\lNrl \OF- 0O Fc IhrOf\CO \^ot-o oo o<t (\r\t ro^l oo oo .ix.r oo \t\'. \to o a Fur((lU)\\N oF ltlF J\O o \t UI\OFNq).omF5f- r- t-.oclDr | |8!O.rl \t lrlt- F-()l^mli - €^-eao' t -a\r a\r F- ==cto@caoN6.. C'ure utrnrnrn.oo .'66t F--{'{'N\O eorrtBrnltturu\ lO.'CIFFeF mur|!r | ' I Fl)@OOF-O.l -a(l o o liltlUrrt,!tFFr(\JJmNNmF aJ.nrr.|<F\'IttF-Nfl\l.q1|.l Cato' ' ' ' | 4c -FNm-to\ FFnl- UDU LH c (t, +.trcf : tl (J E. Y ,_ __rE aES€FH : FFEP iF$iiEs ggiBE -: SiEeEs EEi:iH 5ii#i ac iF;i€gE s;E$! ;E ;gi:ni; F g 6.E. sE if,iai se 3iEii F !s ;-icEi5 iiiaEgiga tEiiiBiii I (roz@ d()trl 6u,t <z&FOaaJz,O!! (J duJ<o =J>.=riJ ovao 433F- u.r <: cf e,eO\: . raotrrn \t X6r(-rOO-tlN<UJzv\ zo =ar!lo\ F l,tao I r >- (J3(h lt= = i.6 \aftb d9 'r g&E qf o,., dfo+EoociPFO F- (.lr . t Cl {-Ooo-oo oa dt J(J lt J et/'aO aL ul t! J r c3tt)(J JO Z&,i6 - UtH\Jo J r < 5 (rro<o ar-<trl: ao- o\ nz,r:. .lrJCO m € d,2zuJF c) ca$6av i-i aao ao<cHE g|l @ \t o /F t ,OF rr cl rlFd I Fum FddouJ(J - Jo ul c| 6 F- <Olll .Jz H 6. ollEtl I llt,,o\ JE:NE- e-4P o-oj iSxo- o.ll (uQ4 q)ulo <o\< <.o r.t El) :) JlrlF OO\O '. t g\ xO(r 116 <c Jcl\JrL ..ta LF rF63-- E.j9 -,L._,8 -CraE ..5H(rFF HO O <uU< .a(/|Ut rlcout< << arl<o-@ F6Fx ltt>-FIlq:r:J urcro o\o< oour< oz.Q(,O-O- OJF FrFE -:tr.tv6 2a) utxz a\l o- F0llOrrJao3 (J \'.\'b-; tl!J<r!,JO Z .O O- 1-O Otrr.o)",,t( r':!.,us Loc\l LNC\ f€Lr..alr \o .o 5P Cl)o UJ t.r- J Fulqt c)- Flrl@ OF F o, utl\ra)F-5- -t4, @lrav .il . \t \ ll\ rO o\O \Or!J\t (vo z oJ \O o- O- O- r-o_oooFIFaq .".v", t\J F:. (:lo coCGON@r. C'tll (:too 4C> rfilO.. Fa) FI\-N c J ul o rl- ul(oSn-\ 6[!roF5ur*Ei6igs s xxB.cN 5J F |".- oo oo \oav 9 -9 -0 F- oo (\l.0 F o @,o tl \o z o o GI 2 pula) 5 c@- Lrao ao Nao -N@tlt.. r@' '-m '{t \OiO oo \o\o ulNF10lJla !l,| \o I'OJN OFF @N-o:cOl'-r^utrrr NmmB -FNut ES o@cfo >,CJ )4oicJoEou)3{L CU(} (Jc (n lcF c (, +)lcfo: L(Jo cc i ,_ _j ?i€iig isiigi! rci3E€ I;i:F=f EE:i;6 ;!:$F[: gFai€i! i:i{i igigiii gi r i:ii o (JOzo dOtrJ o zeFoa3J =Otrl (J vd <o -Jit : : 6r!.o F 0(JF- h rrl<o - e,e,' f .co Ft rrt tv )<.oF rr N <rlJO. J =tnai/D _ ,,: : )t cE ,' gnP oI our x599 I .:5 (J ff J eutJ trl J r Glr,urell o < u,:a > raJ<or!: a..l: o\ (J:zo- .r!m iat (t dl.tOrO FEO aOGl\t O /)- . .oFd . F ajtvt ,-d,bu9,' ?o..5 i9o-oj iSIo- o- 3$E,r *ltS =F.-,,:t._,8 eac ..5uJt!< < orr.t r! dl =e.5= €=it 5=JJ)-t luryo ZO :zo JO<....o rrrJol'r00o oa\||.t o\N ail or2: rrlr! o\@lt,.LFN (O UJ (J av |.r d,=F..:lo \t ! 'if . OOoz4ao o-\ ||\ || lJoO -O - r\JOv\ (nv\ 6T o <o\O (J \O (J I I v zLlF - | (\l r @tr, <FEct r,r E\tr (L.rO_ trr oaorloF U|-FU)FF- - Ua.JZf FN(J-d ..-.--o E-fi*aa x ui>< urx u fNO ZNO Zf! (9..Oq ur< r'r< :r=ur \oa \od ll-ruuJA F - -(JFF5 8o85.oEE SEjjJ FTFdIEdI] A/IAA Ful o E F ()r-l ul Jo\oo\o JO UrOm O O J !>r . . . I -ol.looF J\OOnt\OO FrtiN F 19tJo - o .ePPvPOF ()FLLLL<a o-Fo o, q, O O,ouro <t 2a-a-lJO Oqt J .-t tt-FrnrO OF(rt<adcO() ' r. 'ulCrO r!FrnF-m OJF (' 9-9-O f.-cn<t, cl?o f,n u-lu- 'O|. \O'. 5-os.o JCt rO \O \O xxxx F utF- t4uao mtF'l oF-E!a' ITNN ut.t -t \o.o qaoaoo oOFFtvlt l al{l.t..rt \tUl ..'. t-; t- J Fut c)- Frn@ om oc, F..ct oc> (\r€ N\O oo F-a- oo oa: oo (oN \O^r o(t F.^- zf J 6000 r! Oornoo :lloNo o- Gt (?t ci o trr<<<tL az,z,zo!.1 t-=2-d ooo<, a ==Eul==-a .,ooo (-,, :fd d!! lto Fooo :E =F(!t:l 3 , Hq' x:flthc r-l I-.o; ]E 4!=5t 9 o. {3< -s' - ;€ &a E: i;j ilE E - -':.! S;. . i .oO ,u t-!E^*rse 6 E :;i-!5 2'a'/ ./- \Ot-@Fci;i'NA Itt- \o o d\o N l: l: \Oc 8F1\t \t \' tl uJJ ro llj z o o = o *t 9-9-0-9 -t ----------rF-9 UD(J LH F ]f,!(,co(f c >.L: c =nO-'r .Eo('l-rL CUO :Z x c rt, c o tl(J CE i -c- --tE eEE;f,H !;3E8"€ >9ll 5F- inEt6E PESiE -: Fo EE fiq .i:9 F= 6 E 6 rE5€i EE:f ;6 Eig$E[' !Ec€g EEgEESg:g E;ieFii iniei:6 € F;{ a sg Eig="f rhiEi9+ iiiiii!ii EgEEgesii 450z c(l do Hc|<5J20 UJ (J <oEJ>-luro or tl a) .o ul u = F o = NrN o\ (a' >,-(r., .|J OF Ct-36(-.,O ()\c) ulOE JJA @Fz << -JO a:t ><o | : rOF.\taO 'uJF F4O< \rE - t ,H(v ll e()tvl€uro6trl.rl J:z I c| .. q\ F g(5- J O H \hz< HJFcIat HuJd <a !o mlJo I > .J\<!!6 rr Ut r_ F6S-- eAgF FF < (, UJta !z<< lt I >. F!uJJJI6UJ<aa (D(\o. -utYa! 9-9-0 9-9-0 n ;,i r. \O \t \O <(F ol o- o- ao @aro! (!-66- !f o(\t .o -oJ \' o \o \' o -lO r\t fJO .O tu * A^ JFq ,r,,r...vffi :#fi{'' .s (9 '6-, c o .r_.r1c l )l I Sni< 3* -.EE AEE;FH :;FEFa FF t 6I- F;;85S gFsiB ^. FTO EE;- L^CFEE E E!8+€ i il:F=t EEii; = it F:&as Ellef *c gi€€E EEg;fggjE ;;i:sti isglE€i =gtF:x b 5 9;S i 3g iilgg ' E'tgig! iiii9igii E5FEgrgi€ ol.l(9o =@do ze><O 2QIJJ C) ud,eu)<oEJ>.fr! (fvdl = 6Ul = 6ff? = \t <) d.d,. .to 6r (ro 53 '' Sx 3I-zv\ z,o ZaH9-:*>g*,ria @ lt = = +.o \ \dI t s E! d:;gFn"l ]:*Hs *q..+ *6 ri "6::8 igE;; Qt d @ J(-, tt J Z -ut = ' aO O- !u u.l J H Gl(,\ n> tr uo ro z,e,|d < <, uJT = - 3 63 6o -bi3 o<o*= Jo E 34.. \o oF of I F. - .Bg I-3 . gtFss Ei*-i--fi siHisB I3-"r=u; Erali N - = ;l ,;':,.;_ G.o'JJ(r - J<)b _ . F b-:n-o; FIJ= 3_;; Ble_l 3S:t. I iE ,., J rN< < cF 6 oJ -JHo .tE I E:ii:d* 6 -5 sBP 6n3.. S-*R. 5 *5f,+-r'oo'o r *83-F3- aE-i a6:c lflE IHE- = lE K5556 5 pupalnr gH5; EEp* EsE= eE6= : E- J ul o- F u.F- oF u.lF a- \o 9-9-0 l--<Jr{) d,oo 'uJ 5on-o8o F uto F @rnljur -+ @ t-583^9 O\O\@€E -\trar rrl \O |l|o@co 6t t-rt,ttn^rdr.l F-F- t4(f \t l.l l-l .il o <;Nf7 V i\NI \ \t\O\O\O N\t\o\t o co .o (-jz lvl 2 o- \o a-lN.@-+ 6T.^F ooo\ -a!mm c\j T}(oocr cJ i ,_ -ja eEEjgg ! FFEFs Etiiax Fo Ed.!E PeiFT€ S E:F=I ;E.ESEfr g E:iii :!:$F [e gEE€s EEgtfgg ig ;Eie8 Ai Iiaii gi ri;s$ r -E$- ' E;€liEt e€il=figrr i s:HE neE [i€aEErli i{€iEiigi F€:E$FiF€ eicii[iiE c(t) lL c to +)c l ll E s otl(Jo2@ eo r!<z,dFCI 20 d lrJ<o =J>-f|I|O F\o ul- = o N N = o- i ^=ra\ ooo 6 t)a\l(\lc\l | >\ -.tt a) 6333 E .* ooo =, (J(J6 I-)\t -i \O\t rO \C)o€ oJ O- l-Ho- ) xxx A-o ?S|'rttr\rQooo<o<io..O \O f OOO OF. $ cOOOO.UJFFd|O - ' I a <a \t= 2 j- 'O q\tr\t ' mclm i N ll F L) taBo..o-tqErlJ(JaN-F !/)FCoF- (rl UI Jz, I l.:t .! O\fUrqr+F(9(9-JO-\JF(J(giZ<HJHO(] .srjr-iur\t <.- o r -trJd < aa If|l,l >< >< X J-' L IJ(J f > s\NONON O. O- dl < tto tr (/rt L Fr44(n(,-il-OarqUl .O \O Ul\-)z-E t9 olJru r d Eao t- - JJ(Jo r FF < U| lLtI 4-E-V aqEOP Ul W<< l| t >- F::r O.oO.oJ < (lr"'- l! J-JJ O 6 ur dJ Frroro! (:t-aoo- o ao(l.(! a i- v a zL-a -z F- tl UJJ 7-9-l,-9-t I Nc H (n f F c (t] +Jc f Lon E(t cr c fo CU xo .ll(J E $.iX le="9? a3:59H E ;$E$e >9 A 5 i- F?: A5: €giFE5 HE;FI* EE:tEi ;!lj-$[* gia€E EEsIEjg Jg ;gi:l?; ! s 6.= itt iHgii3^S ; f : *; si 3risf, s€aifiigs iiiiiiigi ;€f!€ Fi Fl EFgtigiiE oIrt(roz.@ eo z, () IIJ (J <6z.J>-fr!o s= gH = F 2 ddm:.t.coor (ro FN ,, $x I-zqr zo ., J = ltts? -- ->g .=[== +.o \d i : g fiE .': rr drl\\o ct- ot!r! ; .; er -o oE33 E -EFs o nl -t 9 I 5- (r" t 5oE-- - - gK - J8-i i E8i' o fi- ea- a= ?s=e := SIil =$* p2 Fs s 6 i*^i*={ ==Ei s 3 :S:q :E: ie5* - 5 ar-iard+ F:H= :_d: Elel 3s:\ 5e ... J -N{ < O-F 6 or -J-o \tE I p-d*-d* s -5 guP 3S6.. s--r. *6rico'o'oco'o'o ff -83-83- g=-i u6:c l[]H IHE- :EF6;55fi S *l*=f=n E?Ei 6Q*3 FEFr qEgE H:- ------4 |r|o-JJ utc)o o\o< A6uJ< o=,J F4F.oLrs= O(/)O-(L QJF FrFE -ralzC Z,C ;.o9xYF.\o o\o\o\o \t \t r^\t u.l o- Fu.l o UI J\tq. N 60. (\Jgr r'--t n- G- -P o.9\o tL-z -, l\ N\ .d NT7-V 5.*.8o.- r|rF\O\O FNLro o rlr av a\lcaor N\o\tO ' FFN oior aO.OI\-at I\t l.r rn \O \O @o\o- -F-@6O lll.ifNO@NOOa.|F6- c,\t |orOd ' oF-N-c| NFFT \ONNN€oo -t l(O@€F-r.r1.1Itlrrr.trrJ(\J.+.it.c \t F F (\rm\tut\OF\O oallo | | | | | | '-rNm\t|.1Nm € \o tl UJ F lrl z F |||.t'lv1\o \o Fl)FhOTNN6?N*TT Fr o oo\ - Fa\t N l.l l.l \o u.tal.rF-coal \O rF*c rrrornO FalF *l.rN(\lt- JNF.F*\' o )al\' F-tl E@co@r. oul4== cloo ae.. Ft) F@.Oqr(v (\r<\tsul.\tNe F-F- N ^tz, \o\t'K- h i Bf;H: m - (J edn+'\oroi'6 r (JO l.ll.l ll a- @ <L!zq\ =o zthH?--*>9.i.= i s o EE d: "&+FEg >bf;Fx s *{*$ ."E ;'=::q:9 ;e;o . o - l, "{. ,, 3!r'_ ro HH,,d i ., oS F - E EE Ee *bi8 ffo*" -io 3 3lF : "rl e: - jBP I-B -g=HSS BI**i*'{ slHleB lfi**<b; E*a5 _ - .4 E S-6Srr-= E:H: =_d: 8,,9,,. ?o..h 1 5= 'r J =NE- e-s.3 o-oj jSIo- o o'; I e-d*-d* 6 -5 gHP 5hE" tlrs 5 5Fr-ro'oco'oco E *BF'E=* aE-i as:q lr-x eae = ..8i555fi5 E *l*xl=* AEEE ;eq8 E-o- iour o u.,d = ;r;;t;* HSli geF* FSF= qHg= ,' E6E.s.3o- z.Q douJ6 ze,FO(9J20t! (J <6EJ>-furo trP Cll e Llltr-J tstrt o ul c! ul 9-9-O \o Nfa v t\ avl \ ro J{'() \O \O \O Ulrn@O. OO\L)rr\O(v@e \o \o r") \o r^ O\O\O\@@E -m'Cr^rn.O :EFavNwl '{lmM|NIrl\(\tNF- JN|\- F-\t IOo\ oF SFAdS Ulf-FFtO.OC)oo(.) F aO N nr l.- cv \O \OE ' F\O\OcO\tO N(\lNlsl\t \ONAlmN mOO -Ml aO cO @ @ F rn rr,!ul,.,,,...JN\f{.if $ rnF F *"N .o UION \tF coo\ tl \o z, t: = - IJ ctav a\le\o \oaA'. ctul*== (:ro o lo.' Ft) FF-f-().t \t<o.o.utN (vE >o1 a!t1\trn\oF-Ft\qto.. ' ' ' ' | '--ml.t.rftl..| \oNm *"\Li{C\ *, H36 -#.-1 (\l X c o (t) l LF c o Pc:o v. O ct .c\(,c G c>.cl frioH(-)(o -c rrL CU|o I I s.= **-6 iEsiFI :;3E8"€ -9 H 6 i- e;: t;g FlsiB -; Fo Ed !;n .i^gF!E g€iFin iE:iiE g!j$-F [ * EiH€g EEFIEig xg EsieEE-t E'"iF Ei; + gE:tl x b + 9;€ aE; fi: qsg :6 > d:i= a9& F 3.95i: F !& ;-ieE€s* E [;Ei: gf ;Ei;;tiF, ;€IEgEgE€ IiElE5gss iiEisiiii :€iEigiiE €g E€E ;;i i ,,1iV | '-t--' , ,t- -i---r I t A IIt\ \s I I I I i I I I I I I I ( l5-;r=Ltr--t UIII iT= r!rc!-: lr*l-l IIrni 6L I r-{c.rF - -i*-- , "l--il- o rlJ_ '_ ____-=\lt-r ii r__'i l, t (*q-or-" L- - ---=-==-=-ri -] l1 liil r-F Ll,.) | \-r | !t I r-lJ il lz\ \ il'x\< aa IvY\ v\r.\A \ql\ € I I I I I I I I tl il I L I !i !i li l ll It ii li ii ii ii rt li l ii o \ Il Ilit i i,- J . .i;-' - I .L--..rlir illlr'?-q ',f fl "1i:' I iil : il tl=" ;illrh,---* i!ir=H- li$r tiitir Is'-t I J I I ti ---lr lll I i I .t tl II l[j::_ro!__.il*.1 ll,FEr-E--F=::_=:: o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2738 Etectricat---> DRB Fee Investigat i on> UiLl. caL t----> TOTAL FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0034 Job Address Locat.ion. . . ParceL No..Project No. 270.00 .00 .00 3.00 273.00 Phone: 30392 ISSUED o3/Le/reel o3/7e/tee7 os /7s /tee7 633s8 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status.."VAIL COMMONS BLDG Dl Applied..2103-114-15-013 -- riiued...PRJ96-0199 Expires. . Phone: 3039263358 I CITY MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81502 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL ?-PLEX Valuation:15, 000.00 ***********lr****Jr****ff******ff******l|********************* FEE SUlfi',lARy ************************ff********************#***ft****t APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O'BOX 1,451 , AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 145L, AVON CO 81620OWNER TOWN OF VAIL Totat Catcutated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> 273.W .00 273.@ 273.@ BALANCE DUE---- ********************************************************************#********************************t***ff******ff************* Ttem: 06000_EI,EtcrRrcAr.i DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:03/re /!997 CHARLiE- -Acr-ionl AFFn-non ERNsrItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division: **i**t******************ff**********t********f***********************************************************************t************ CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***************************ff**t****************'t****s*********ff*******t***********tit****tr*********i************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that r have read.this apptication, f il,ted out in futL the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy iith tire information and pLot ptan,to conpty with al'l' Tor^'n oFdinances_and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure-according io'the Town,s zoning and subdjvisibncodes/ design review approved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Toun afpIicabl.e thereto. REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL EE I{AOE T}'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE SY TELEPHONE AT 4 58 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROIIv) OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR IOR HII.ISELF AND O!'NER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt****************************r.*********************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0253 Amountt 223.00 O3/2L/97 14|29 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #6588 Init: CD Pernit No: E97-0034 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMITParcel No: 2103-11,4-15-01,3Site Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTLocation: VAIL COMMONS BLDG Dl Total Fees: 273.00Thj.s Paynent 273.00 Total ALL pmt,s : 223.00Bal.ance: . 00**************************************************************** Account Code Description Anount01 OOOO 4I.313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 27O.OO01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE; THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 897-0034 Nr,n irf-rt) )-g_77 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST STaTuS...: APPROVED VAIL COMMONS BLDG D1 Applied..: 03/19/1997 Job AddressLocation... ParceL No..Project No. 210 3-114- 15-013 PRJ9 6 -019 9 Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 3039263358 Phone: 3039263358 03 /te / rseT 0s /t5 / LeeT APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX t45L, AVON CO 81620OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t cITy MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Description: ELECTRfCAL FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL 7-PLEX Valuatj-on: 15,000.00 ********ff*******ffi*t*****ffi**J.l**ffi*******ff**** FEE SUllllARy ff*****tr***ff***ff***ff*********ffi*#*#ffi*ff*ffi*** Etectricat---> 270.00 Total Catcutated tees---) 273.00 AdditionaL Fees---------> .0O Total Permit Fee--------> ?73.W Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- oRB Fee .00 *tffiffit*ffitr*ffiffit|t}t***fr**ffi***#*********ff*****ff****tff**lr*******M*ffiffffi*fi***#ffiff** I!g$i ,9q990-EI., qTRrCAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:03/19/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR FOR ERNSTIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: *Jrt*ffi*****fi****ffi*ff****t**ffi****t**ff*****ffi******tr***ffi********r*Jr*trt**ffrffi#*i**ffi*ff*fr**ffi*t** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **ff*****ffi*ft**ffi**ffiffiffil"tffit't*tt****t***S***#rrt*rtffi*ffir**fffftrffrffiffiff*****ff**ff*ff***ffi*ffiffiffff* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLl,ed out in fuLl, the information required, conpleted an accurate ptotptan, and state that a[[ the informat'i.on provided as required is correct- I agree to conpLy rJith the ,iniormation and pLot irLan,to compty with al't Toun ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd th'is structune according io-the ToHn,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review approved, Uniforn BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appl.icabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Ar 479-2138 oR AT oUR oFFIcE FRotl E:OO A}| 5:OO pil Investigation> .00 tli l. L CaL l.----> 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 273.OO SIGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OI,INER ,1 . .. Totflf o8 vtrD collslRlrqlIot{. Jtt 3 - ltr/- /J- L\ t j PERltrEJlp! cqrrgI-roRu pesq6- o.t71DLmLa t7- dl7 ' | . , ermrcmrbr ugs[ EB Frr,raD our @rcrJE[Er,r oR IE uni $oq EE rccEpr[BD *****t**"**q****l**i*****a** P,Enum rNFonMil[rox *******.***r.....--r-.rar..'-^,.-^.!"--'--i-i--'------rttttr|.tr*t PlmlII| INFOnUAtr'IoN *******t*****r*lat*t****tft*f t l-TuudrnF,,l t."tqtnl tvt-Breotrtcar I l-Mectrarrlcal I l-otber__. ob r{ar*: .{"itto^,uob tddressc ?.,6q N. +r^t?a !J, U;-u EgaI DesarlXltlonr l'ot fnets l|aneg rchltectr mber of Dre[lng Onl,ts: tilbet rnB! Ettp6 of rlteplacest cas Alr$Llanaee . cas l€gg ,. lloo{r/pe!.let- .r: '****************ti****a**tt***'t** vl,luAlrrotfs **rf ir*****************r******** llrronccrlli', !r.r^'nD?'iri. l(,ttrnm'iilE; fu"Effifgf:J5,2fr- ;ffi:.l-- __ iifiIir*""1'et'rJ5- *Il^tgf-"11_n"s. rg-..- q Phona Nbrbarr oua# Phone Nnnbers - q>O rnblng Gontractor:re^^-- - . Town o! VaLl Res'. !lO.-- -iii; . Ttt -- ^DhonE t{Unbers - lddress: 75 .5. ft?il^f. pJ. t t4!JeIL.4n-Z3y . i. Addtress: h.r, ,*+ --_-i.G i Itown of VaLl tteE. lfo. Phone Nunberr FOR oFaIcB . U€B r* * ****rt*****r**+************j EMDDTNC PIA$ CHNCK rEEt PDI'I{BTNG PIlAl| CHEqK rEBs ITECBAIIICAI, PlAl{ CEECK EEBS RECREAITOI EEE: CLENI-UP DEPOSIT;lqrefr PERI{Itr FSB9: BItIIrDnlcs STGNA URES zoNrNos sIGNAntnE! *:i uesor_fonr ,. lrj\r nao fqlsn pt<F ', . ,...trk classt Vl-ltew [.!-]lteratlon [ ;-Addltl,onal I 1-ggratr I l_otbet rhanl,cal Contractor: lress: r*********ll*****r**i* **ra*** * :IrDSlc' lE8ltr[ EEE:rilBffe PtRlgl rEEs IIATIECMI PEAIEA EEE: igf,Rf,qA& FEB:3R TIPB OF TBBSI FEE8 f,il I'P DEPO$T trEHNXD TO: Id 1"H9T:6a e66I 6T 'Uttl BSEE9Z6AZS : 'th.t lt{}td c18.113]3 r"lr{si : Lndl REPT131 65/3(t/97 TOWN OF VRIL, COL0RADO oB:Ol REGUE9TS FOR INSFECTION WORK 5HEETS FuRz 3/3fr/)7 PAGE AREAI EG 15 flctivity: E97-00t34 3/36/97 Type: B-ELEC Statrls: FINAL Eonstr: NAtrT Addr"ess: 3O99 N FRUNTAGE RD WEST Location: VAIL CUMMI]NS BLDG Dl Pance 1 : E1O3-114-15-O13Deseription: ELECTRItrAL FOR NEW Appl icant: SHBW ELECTRIC Ownen: TtrWN OF VAIL Contractor': SHAtl ELECTRIC Occ r RESIDENTIAL 7-F,LEX . Fhone I Fhone: Fhone: Use: 3039e6335S 3ra39e63358 Inspect i on Reqlrest Inf or.nat i on. . . . . Request or: Karen r-kReq Time: 08:8tO Connents: unit's bl tate am Fhone:9;16-3359,D/Itens nequested to be Inspected...Act i on Cornments OAI9O ELEtr-Final Time Exp Inspect i on Item r Item: Item: Item: Itenr: History..,.. 001e0 ELEC-Rough O4/LLl97 Inspector: A4/e3/97 Inspeetor: 0Af a+0 ELEC-Mi sc. aed.g/.9" Inspeetor.: 0'4194 ELEC-Final o5/e3/97 Inspector.: EG @OEE4 FIRE-ALARM ROUGH SIO53S FIRE-FINRL C/O EG EG E6 f - Jo.97. Action: AFFRAction: RF'F'R Aet i on: trPFR Act i on: AtrtrR dl r.rnitsE 6 7 units l-4 dl east s ide servise units 5-6-7bldg?-1 REPT 131 o'3/ee/97 tl8:O7 RECIUESTS FOR TOWN OF VAILi COLBRAD0 INStrECTION I^IORK SHEETS FnR= 3/E?/97 Activity: E97-0034 3/e?/9'l Type: B-ELEC Address: EO99 N FRONTAGE RD WEST' Location; VAIL COMMUNS BLDG Dl Farcel : ?163-1 14-15-O13 Descriptionr ELECTRICAL FOR NEtl Appl icant: SHAW ELECTRIC Bwner: TOttN OF VRIL Conti"actor.t BHAW ELECTRIC Occ: Us€ t RESIDENTIAL 7-F'LEX Fhone: 3O3986335S FhonP: Fhone: 3039e63358 Fhone: 916-3358 BLDG Dl F'AGE L7 flREA: EG =t==-ta======= Statr.rs: ISSUED Constrl NflFT ''Time $xp Inspect i on Request Information..... Request or: KAREN/SHAW. ELECTRIC Req Tinre: @BIOO Cornentsr UNITS 5, 6 E 7, Iters nequested to be Inspeet ea. .', Tft-f on-D-ommentsqp AAt9@ ELEE:FinaI -..+t-. Inepec! ion History.t .if. . It'ea.r 091.10 EL.EC-Tenp. Fower It en : @Ole0 -€fEC-Ror-rgh '. 84fll/97 Inspector: EG' o'4/e3/97 Inspector: EG Itern r OOl30 ELEE-ConduitIten: AAI4U ELEC-MiEc.' 013/79/97 Inspector: EGItem: OO19@ ELEC-Final Itenr Aqee+ FIRE-ALARM ROUGH Item I Ogt5sB FIRE-FINAL C/0 s:-z Aet i on: APtrR Act i on: AFPR Aetion; AtrtrR dl unitsS 6 7 units 1-4'd,l \.- east side servuirse :. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8165? 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT permit # I M97-0045 Job Address. . . | 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Localion : VAIL COMMONS BLDG D-].Parcel No..... : 2103-114-15-013 Project Numbe,r,; PRJ96-0199 APPLICANT ALLEN'S HEATING, A/C & SHEETME 5570 HARLAN STREET., ARVADA CO CoNTRACTOR ALLEN'S HEATTNG, A/C & SHEETME 5570 HARLAN STREET, ARVADA CO OWNER TOWN OF VAIL I CrTY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Valuation': 4,900.00 l/Of Gas Apptiances:l/Of Gas Logs:l/Of llood/Pa t Let: Status. . .Applied.. Issued. . . Bxpires. . I S SUED o4/oe/|ee7 o4 /oe /tee7L0/06/tee7 80002 80002 Phone:. 3034214020 Phone l 30342]-4020 **tf****t*******t**********t******************************* FEE SUt4fiARy *********************i*******************t*********t****** Description: vENT I NG/DUCTWORK/FLUE S F i reptace Information: Restricted: l.lechan i cat---> PLan check---> Investigation> l.l i l. L Cat t----> 100.00 Restuarant Ptan Reviev-->25.00 oRB Fee--------.OO TOTAL FEES----. 3.00 .0O Total catcut8ted Fees---).00 Additionat tees--------->'128.00 Totat Permi t Fee--------> Payments > 128.00 r*********t*******r*************************i******************************************illlXli-lli;;;;;;;iiiiiii************il?*** Iterli ,q51Q0_EVII,DING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDING Division:O4/09/1997 CHARLTE Acrionj ADFR Cuai,RrE DAViSItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.?. CoMBUSTION ArB JS REQUTRED pER SEC. OO7 OF THE-19t1--0Me;- ---3. GAS AppLIANCEg SIrAL!-BE VENTED ACCORDTNG-rO-CHaFinn s--ANnSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF rHE -].gS1 OM-C._ **************************************************************!tt(*******rt******** 128.00 .00 128.00 accurate ptot and ptot pl.an, subdivision 8:00 A 5:00 PH DECI,ARATIONS I hefeby acknowledge that I have read.this apptication, fitted out in fu(1, the infornation required, compteted anptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comp1y riith the in{ormationto -comPty vith att ToHn ordinances and state taws, and to buil,d this structure according tothe Tovn's zoning andcodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl,e thereto. SIGNATURE OF OilNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OIINER -'4, **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0257 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *7232 128.00 04/09/97 15:28Init: CD Permit No: Parcel No:site Addre€s: Location: This Payment M97-0045 Type; B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMTT 210 3-1 14-15-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS BLDG D_].Total Fee6: TOTAI ALL PMTS: Balance: 128.00 128.00 .00 128.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 4l3L2,t 01 0000 4L332' 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 100. 00 25.00 3.00 fconracc Eagle Councy a"""""o.ffi". Oy"lf at 970-328-8640 for Parcel /l . TowN oF vArL coNsTRUcTroN "3/ PERnrr /tIPARCEL #: pERMrr AppLrcATroN FoRMu'----- ""*''ii*i"7ai'd)_'o* ^ 9%'035x P@qe -oQq , APPLICATToN MUST BE FILLED OUT CoMPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE acCnprdn - tu...x***************************** PERI{IT INFORI.IATION *****************************rl [ ]-Building I J--plunbing [ ]-Electricat ftl-nechanibar [ ]-other\ /'lrob Name: l/n'' I ( ow - o*" Job Addre ==, ag!_/_f*r.t^ge g6"t ilzi.il gu* D- I Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filirg sugprvrsroN, owners Name: fOru Address: Address: Ph. Ph.Architect: ,l General Description: work class: M-uew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accommodation Units: rlrrnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances- Gas Logs_ wood/pertet_IUD********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* 't BUILDING: $EI,ECTRTCAL: $OTHER: $ I'IECHAN r cA u l@a:d, OT*TOTAL: + CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Nurnber of Dwelting Units: 7 Address: Electrical Address: Contractor: Address: ******************************** FORBUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEEs MECHANICAL PERMIT FEA: ELECTRICAIJ FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLT'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Plumbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contracto , O//*,'* tlta/:.ryL l-C?q&orn of vair neg. No. /Sl-OPhone Number : Sa3E_- faJ- /Oe_ BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURX: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFIITID TO: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o 75 soulh tronlage road veil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2t39 rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr.awfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any ,oif,-r""i, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash hurop=c.r=, portabre toirets andworknen vehicles. |pon. any streetl sidewaik; -;ti;y or publicp1?:" or any portion theieot. --iir" righr_oi_riv ln al' Town ofVail streets and.:gags is approxinatety 5 ft. off pavement.Thls ordinance wilr be. =ttili.rv--enrorcLa rv-it"-r"wn of vair.Public works Denartment- perslns found viaratin; this ordinancewiLl- be given a 24 hour r.iti""--notice to remove'said materiar.In the event the person so notified does not -ompfy with thenotice within the 24 hour.t$;-;;;;i;i;;,"ii"-i"iric worksDepartrnent wirr remove said mateli.t .t in"--""p""se of personnotified. The provisions .t-trri"-"raii"""I "f,5ii not beappricabre to c-onstruction, r"iri"r,.rce or repair projects ofany street or a1ley or any urilities i; il"-;iifri_"_r"v. To review ordinance No- e in furl, please stop by the Tovrn ofIlil-llilding Departmenr to obrain a copv. rirani you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. offlce of communlly deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLVL REGISTERED I{ITH THETOWN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) and acknowled [l{]r 0 75 roulh tronlage rord Y!ll, colorado 81657 (303') 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ottlco of communlty dovclopmeltl BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this peryrlt requires a Town of vair Fire Departnent Approvar,Engineer''s. (.publ ic ptFl reyiew und app"ouuf ,'a iiunnini'b.purt "ntreview or.Health Departmint ieview, anl "_review by the BuirdingDepartment' the estimated time tor'a totar ""ui"rr-il"v"ia[!'as tongas three weeks. fll cgmmgrgial (large or smal'l) and a.ll mutti_family permits willhave to follow the above menti6ned maximum requireminis. -Residentia.l and.small projects shourd take a 'r esser amount of time. However, ifresidential or sma'l ler.projects impaci the various above mentioneddepartments wi th reqard' to- necessai"y-revi ew, il.,"r" p""j".ii' ruyalso take the three'weef peii-oa. Every.attempt wrll'l be made by this departnent to expedite thispermit as s.oon as possible. - - -- -'rr--I Ys v' I, the underSigned, understand the p'l an check procedure and t.imeframe. Communi ty Devel opment Depa rtment. MEMORANDUM TO: ALLCONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VA|L pUBLtC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY 9, 1994RE: WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY pERMtT,tS REQU|RED Job Name:' Doto. nba arding the need for a'public Way permit': YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right . of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls diflerent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7l ls a "Revocable Right CI Way permit, required? 8) A. ls ihe right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes lo any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the'Public Work's office or at Cg.mr|u1ity Development. ll you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town' ol Vail Construction Inspector, at 429-2158, I have read and answered allths above questions. \ ' l ''l t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 E Iect ri ca [---> oRB Fee lnvestigat i on> l.li L t cal.l,----) TOTAL FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status... D BUILDING'VAIL COMMONS Applied..2103-114-15-013 Issued...PRJ96-0199 Expires. . Pernit #tre ISSUED 02 /12 / 7ee7 02 /t3 /|se7 o8 /t2 /ree7 Job AddressLocation... Parcel No.. Project No. APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451, AVON CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC OWNER Descriptioni TEMPORY POWER *t********************************************************* P O BOX L45L, AVON CO 81620#uFiffnrrrrff'pO SOx 729, 6RAND JUNCTION CO BL5O2 co 81620 Phone:. 3039263358 Phone: 3039263358 Valuation:300.00 FEE SUlt'lARy ********************************************************** 4?.OO .00 .00 3.00 45. O0 TotaI Catcutated Fees---) Additional, Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> 45.00 .00 45 .00 Payments------- .oo **************t*****t**********t***************ffi***********i************ff********************************t***********i********** Dept: BUILDING Divj-sion: Dept: FIRE Division: **********************i*********ff************************************************************************************************ CONDITION OF APPROVAL *************************t*********************************t**************************************ff*************************t**** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknor.rledge that I have read-this apptication, tiLl,ed out in fu(1, the information required, conpleted an accurate ptotp[an, and state that atI the informat'ion provided as required is correct. I agfee to coBpLy r/ith the iniormation and pl.ot ptan,to comply |rith al't Town ordinances and state [aws, and to build this structure according to'the Town,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design revie}J approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town a[plicabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI'ENTY-TOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHONE Item: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT02/72/1997 CHUCK Action: APPRItem:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT02/1"2/1997 CHUCK Action: AppR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF ANO OI,,INER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Ptan Check---> 168.75 Investigation> !li l,l, caLt----> .00 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JoBSITE PLUMBING PERMIT PeTmit AT ALL TIMES P9 7 -0 018 Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...: TSSUED VAIL coMMoNS BLDG D-l Applied..: 03/I2/19972103-114-15-013 Issued...: 03/t2/1997PRJ96-0199 Expires..: O9/OB/L997 APPLTCANT Asr AND MCFERRTN PLUMBTNG & HE phone: 970-845-8315605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601coNTRAcroR AST AND MCFERRTN PLUMBTNG & HE phone: 920-845-8315605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81601OWNER TOWN OF VAILt crTy MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81502 Descriptj-on: PLUMBING FOR RESIDENTIAL 7-PLEX Valuation:45,000.00 ***********************************ff*ff******trt*********** FEE SUl.ll,tARy *********************it********************************** P Lumbi ng-----)675.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi eH--> TOTAL FEES----- Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Tota t Permit Fee--------> .00 846.75 8/,6.75 .00 u6.75 Payments------- ****************t******i*****t****i************************************ti**************illiffi-lff;;;;;;******i************ill*** ITqm: ,OSIOO-BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepI: BUILDING Division:03/I2/!992 CHARLTE A-Eioni ADpn cHenLrE DAVrS-Itbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: **********************************ff**************************t*********************************ff******************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD rNsPEcrroNS ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMpIrrANcE. *******************ff******************************t**************t************************ff*********t**i********ff**t*********** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have rcad this apptication, f il.l.ed out in fuLl. the .infornation required, Ptan, and state that atl the infornation provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compty vith tireto comPty rrith al.l' Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure accordinq to-the Town,codes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town aipl,icabLe $f 'zoning and REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAOE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE OFFICE FROI{ compteted an i nfofmat ion accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdi v'i s ion CONTRACTOR FOR HII{SELF AND OI.INER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0251 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notationt #2552 846.75 03/L2/97 t2.43Init: CD 846,75 *********************************************************r.****** Pernit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description PTUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE P97-0018 Type! B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 210 3 -114- 1s-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS BLDG D-1Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 846.75 846.75 .00 Amount 675.00 168 . 75 3.00 TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF o /VotrFrEr.) COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT 3* r}-'r 7 CO AT ALL TIMES P9 7-0018 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUMBING PERMIT JOBSITE Permit Job AddressLocation... ParceL No..Project No. APPROVED 03 /L2 /Lee7 03 /12 /tee7 0e /08/Lee7 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status..- VAIL COMMONS BLDG D-l Applied..2103-114-15-013 Issued.. -PRJ96-0199 Exnires.. TOTAL FEES----- TotaI Catcutated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> APPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PLI]MBING & HE Phone: 970-845-831-5605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81601 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE Phone: 970-845-8315 OWNER 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SpRrNcS CO 81601 TOWN OF VAILt crTY MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81502 Descriptionl PLUMBING FOR RESIDENTIAL 7-PLEX Valuation:45, 000. 00 *trffr***ff***ffiff***ffi**ff****t*#**ffff**ffi******* FEE SUllilARy *t*ff**********ff***H**r*t*ff#******ffift******* Ptuibing----->675 .OO Restuarant Plan Reviey-->.00 846.75 .00 u6-75 .00 446 -75 PLan check---> 168.75 Investigation>tlift Cal.l.----> .00 5.00 *tt***t**Jr'tffi***i*ff***ffi*'t*t*ffitt*ffi*ffi********tr***ff********#***********ff***********tr*#****ffi#**** Itqm: .05100 IUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:03/12/1997 CHARLTE action:- e,Fpn CHanlrE DAViSItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: **********#*****ff*****ff****t*************ff**********i*************************#***ff***ff******ff*****#ff********** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F'OR CODE COMPLIANCE. *tt**ffi**ffiffi*ft**ffiffii*fi!ffirfi*ffi***t*******it*****ff*tffiffi*************trt!Hr*ffrrr#rlt**ffifit**Hr*ffi** DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknoHledge that I have read this app[ication, fitl.ed out in ful,l. the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the infonmation provided as required is cofrect. I agree to compty i'ith tire infornation and ptot il,an,to compty |rith aLt Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to- the Tovn,s zon.ing and subdivisibncodes, design review approved/ Uniform Buil.ding code and other ordjnances of the Town afpIicabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE TI,fENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Al 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROtt 8:OO At.t 5:00 ptrl SIGNATURE OF OI.'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel- No.....:Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pernit #: M97-0031 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL COMMONS BLDG D_1 2103-114-1s-013 PRJg6-0199 Status. . .Applied.. Issued. . . Expi-res . . ISSUED o3 /72/tee7 o3 /72/1,ee7 oe /oB/tes7 APPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE Phone:605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE Phone:605 wEsT 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81601OWNER TOWN OF VAIL* cITy MARKET, pO BOX 729f GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81502 Description: Valuation: MECHANICAL FOR RESIDENTIAL 7-PLEX 970-845-8315 970-845-8315 2L,7OO.OO fof Uood/PaL l.et:ti reptace Information: Restricted: Y fOt Gas Apptiances: 7 fof Gas Logs: *************************************irt******t**t*it******i FEE SUI[,tARy ****i***************************************************** llechani cat---> PLan Check---> Investigation> l,i l,L caLt----> 440.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--)110.00 DRB Fee--------.OO TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 .00 Total catcutated Fees--->.00 Additionat Fees--------->553.00 Total Permit Fee--------> 555.00 .00 5 53 .00 553.OO ti*******************t****t********r*******************************r******************illllli-lli;;;;;;;;;****i************iff*** Ileq'i .Q51q0_BV_II,DING DEpARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:93/12/1!99,7 -CHARLTE Aariont--EpFn cuenr_,rE DAViSIIbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. !'IELD TNSPECIIONq ABE,B QUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. coMBusrroN ArR rs B.EeuiREo-Fnn Srcl--667 bF"rrn-Istl^'ufre ..---'3 . INsT4l,LArrON_llggT_goNE oBM ro MANuFAciuneS- rH-stnoetiolls-AHoTo AppENDrx cHAprER 21 oF THE 1991--aMe-.--- ---4. qAS-4,pplrANqEq_slral-,l_gE vENTED-AeCOnDillc ro cHAprER 9 AND_ SEALL TERMTNSTE ,4S qpECrrrED-ru--Suc-.'96-e -or-rHE--ieql 0udl-s. AqqngE To HEATINq EQUrpMElli l,rusr-eoMpi-,i wirH--Sec.5os-lilro703 0F THE 1991- uMc:6. FOILEBS SHAL! EE_MQUIIIED ON FLOORS Or NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST._ UNLESS LrsrED_FOR-UqqNTrNG ON cOMeUSiriiLE-FLOoRING;- ---'---7. pEBl4r!,plaNq^ANp qaD ANALysrs Miusi-BE-FoSieD- iN-MECHANTCAL_ EooM pBroR rq_AN_r_Nqp crloll nuquESi: -- ----- 8. DRAINAGE OF .$ECEAN-IqAL ROOMS' '6IIIAIIITNE HEATING OR HOT-WATERggppl,y BorLEBq-$HAI{_L BE EeurppED-WitH- A FldoR- Dnein--Fnn SEc-.-2119 0F THE 1991 uMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI-,,ARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl.ication, fiLted out in fuLl, the information required, conpleted an accurate plot pt.n, rtld stat. thlt att th. intormtlon provlded .3 r.quind ls corrcct. I lgrcc to coipl,y elth thQ inforFtion lnd ptot ptin.to _corPLt vith {|tt Toun ordinan_ce3 _!||d !t!t.. tavs, lnd tb buitd thi3 3tructufc accoralng io the Tovn, s roni rtg and subdivislbn REOUESTS FON INSPECTIOI1S SHALL BE I.IADE T}IEiITY-FOUR HOURS III ADVANCE 8Y SIGNATURE OF OII{ER ON CSTTNACTOR FON HIISELF IIID 38 OR AT OUR OFIICE FROI'I 8:OO AH 5:OO Pfi o/ **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt.**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0252 AmounU: 553.00 03/LZ/97 t2243 Payment Met.hod: CHECK Notationz *2552 fnit: CD This Payment **************************************************************** Permit No ParceL NoSite Address Location Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 41336 M97-0031 Type: B-MECH 210 3 -114-15-0132099 N FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL COMMONS BLDG D-l MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees:553.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMTT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 553.00 ss3.00 .00 Amount 440.00 110.00 3.00 TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address... L.,ocation...... Parcel No.....Project Number 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS BLDG D-]" 2 t 0 3- 114- 15-013 PR,J9 6-0l- 9 9 Status...: APPROVEDeppIied..: 03/72/1997Issued...: 03/12/1997 Expires. . : 09/08/L997 NorrPtgO3-rr,Jb AT ALL TIMES M97-0031 9 7 0-84s-8315 970-84s-831s 21,700.00 fof t,ood/Pa l. Let: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitMECHAN]CAL PERMIT #: APPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PLIJMBING 6( HE Phone: 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601 CONTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE Phone: 605 WEST 12TH STREET, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601-OWNER TOWN OF VAIL t clTY MARKET, pO BOX 729, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81502 Description: MECHANICAL FOR RESIDENTIAL 7-PLEX Valuation: #of 6as Logs:Fi reotace Information: Restricted: Y fof Gas Apptiances: 7 *ffit*ff*ff**rr************ffi********t********t*****ff FEE SUill4ARy ****#*t*ff***tr***ff***ff*************t*S**********t** echani ca l.---> Ptan Check---> Inv.st i gation> lli l,l. cal.l.----) 440.00 Restuarant Ptan Review-->11O.0O DRB Fee--------.OO TOTAL FEES----- 3. OO .00 Total. catcutated Fees---> 555.00.00 Additional Fees---------> .0O553-00 Total Perrit FeF-------> 553.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE----*ffi*ffi**ffi*t**t***t*ffffi**ffiffi**ffiffirt*tr**trl****Rtffi****t****t***t**ffi***ffi**ffi**ffi********* Ileqti .q51Q0-9qII-,DING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:03/12/L997 CHARLTE Acrion: eFFn CHARLTE DAVISItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Divisi_on: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. !'IELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQU]RED PER SEC. 607 OF- TIIS_1S9I__UME;- -_' 3. INSTALLATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES rllStnoCriOlls-AtoTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 I'MC.4. gAs AppLrANcEs SHALL BE vENTED RccoRDrllc ro cHAprER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE-19S1 UMC-._5. AqqE$q TO HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COMpLy Wrfir SnC.5OS-arrro703 0F THE 1991 UMC;6. EqT EBS SUALI, EE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE-FLOORiNG;_ -7. pEBl4iT,p!,ANq-AND qqDE ANALYSTS Mr0Si Bn pOSinD- rl\I-r,lscueurcar,_ ROOM pRrOR rq_A!! rNgpEcrroN REQUESf: -- -----8. DRAINAGE OF UECEA!.IIqAL ROOMS CoNrerNruc HEATTNG oR HoT-WATERgqPPLY BOILEB.q-9HALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FTOOR_ DNETI.T--FEN-'SEC-.-2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hcrlby acknowlcdge that I have read this aPptication, fiLl.ed out in ful,l, the information requi red, conptrted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that at[ the infornation provided as rcquired is correct. I agrce to corpl,y rith the inforration and ptot pl,an,to corpty uith a(t To n ordinances and state [axs, and to build this structure accopding to'the Tosn's zoning and suMivisibn codes, design ncvi.r, aPProved, Uniforr BuiLding Codc and other ondinancrs of thc ToHn appticabte thereto. RESUESTS FOR II{SPECTIOI{S SHALL BE NADE IUE TY-FOUR TIOURS I}I ADVANCE BY TELEPHOI{E AT 4fi).21yd OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI E:U) Ai 5:OO Pil SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR CO{TRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OTINER .TOLII.I OF VNIL COM.DEV T q HC.FERRIN P & H 03-479-24s2 ' Olllce a45A515 P. O4 Nov zls 9:s2 No.ool P.o1 TOtff or PESU!! VAIL CoNSTRUGDTON IDP&ICATION POn}I PER}iIT ,.+- DttEEz 3-l/-1'7. omere Nane: sr.ccrRlcAtr ItrEcrrrwrctf,rlry Town ot VaLl Reg. No. Phone Nunber: town of Vall Reg. N0. Phone Nunbers lddrBs8: Ilechanlcal Addrcssr Contrrctors r*r**r*1*l**rtrrta*t***rl***rrtra rohSUIlDIilG PERHIT TEEI PLI'IIBING DERIIIA F883 UECIT.ilIICAT, PER}IIII FEErEI,ECIRICAI, FEE' OAIEN TYPE Otr' PEE: DRE FEE: . F1l, ---- -,F.5- effib-4q? APPIfCATTON UUST BE rIT.lED OUT COTIPI/ETEIJY OR tT }IAY NOT BE ECCEPTED **rr*.t**t*****it*****tr*r*rr rmnr Dl1l1o$q1Troy r***r*r***r*..rrr*rir*rr*ti** t l-Butldtng tFl-Plnrnblng i ]-Eleotrloal tXl-uechinlbar t t-Other ,rob Nansc l/ril fuAnrs F,!dg. DJ rob rddres * pfN, ful,kg+ (d. , V.d!, A . LeEal Decorlptlonr l,ot_.* Bloolt__ tlllng Architectr ceneral Desorlptlobr lddrees: Eloctrical contraotors Addreea: t'orlc gla8r: pA-tfow [.]-tlteration g ]-tddtrtonal f t-Rspatr [ ]-Other._ Number o! Drrolllng unttai 'l NutdcGr of, Accenrnodatlon Unlts: . $rnber and Tlpe otr Flroplacee: caa Appllancee. 7_ cu, r,oge._ wood/pellet__._Y._.. f,rrrt*****ll*.*t*t**t*t*a***tc**rr vAutA[roNs *trlrrrr]******t***rrr*****lli****IBI'I',DTNG: I OTIIBR: TOTALI **ttl IrpoRllATroN f *** * *i*r** ***r f **rr rrt a*. r ,."f;?"1-m;lown of vall Reg. NO,-442F Phone Nunbaar Fe.q..pE7F_ fo$rn of, ValI Phqns lfunbert Reg. xo. orllcE ugE *r*r*****r**t******.orrt*rlrt.t B{'TLDIIIO PIAN CHECK TEEI DU'UBINC PI.AN CHECK .r8E3ilEclttrylOrt PLAN cHEcK FEE' RECNEATIOTI FEE: C!EIN-U8 DEDOEITT T0IAI., PERUTT FEES: BUffrDlNGs 8lcllATUnEr ZoNf$Cs gTONATUNEI -<l- onmentst llAR- 12-97 l.tED AA : t 5 AST & mCFE Toldlrt 0F uRrL C0|{-DEV Oror-orn -z4sz 9 :54 No .001 p .04 oftlor of comnunlly dcuGlop|nrhl ||al ?3 roult| ltonhjr rord uril. cclonde flfiTllolt 4?9-2138 or 429-2139 luttn TO: FBOHr DATEs gu&rDgr! rn Euuary, ordrnnrcr Fo. 6 etater ttrat r.t re unrawf,ur for anyperson tq llttm, ggacF-ir-eiiiiii ihy goll, rock, slrrd, debrLsor natertal, {nciucGt-i;"b-f,iiirt.rr, porrable torletg andworknen vehtcles.up"".-pru-etr"il' rri.,ioii,'iriiy-ir puurtc . *tii+n"ii"ii'{$.-fl :ti#eiiil:*r#}i*i,*i$,"' ii t#tiil:"3:ti:Ut! ;fh:idrii:df ii#i:r" hr ",:*trr r" *ru;u*t**l'l*#*rsff*rfi,ffi h:i"#i:i"sTt[ifhttl,l""fill; p'Iease. sr;fl"|il ;l: i:t'df , AIN CTNTRACTON8 CURRANTI,!|I, REAI8TEREP T|ITTT IITETOIIN OF VAIL TOt{r! or vtll, pttBLIC lr08KS,/COMl.ruNITy DEt/ErppDrENT uAnffi,16, 1988 coltssRusffoN plRNxNc & uATERTAL sfoarc8 (1.e,contrqctor, ownsf) HAR- 12-97 l.tEn '.rouil oF vRrL coft-DEv lnwn tlor-or, -;i;z ta_|o0th t onlllo,Ord n|l. oebnde ttttt(!of, 4?t-2rs0 or {?9_2139 Oe : 13 AST & I'ICFERR I N P & H Arl5gg15 P-elz Hoij]fls' --'-gt5s N;.obT i.bti otflc. of cormrrtry drudopmotl . SUIIDIIIO PERHTT ISST'AIIC€ TII{E FRAI.IE $iffi;fi*;fililtr$i,r;Ji'i+llrffiifi*r**i',il,l*,, m$mlff u$J;gq$i*:,i,tr*rsrof*t*W" Fffi{,:"TTotr-ilt#rsf:.bv thfs depffinsnt to expedrte thfs fu.i31 undenglgned, unde'stend the phn check procedure and time I' t 'r ! i. i :' i. t, I !, I I TI !, 't' i l. h tl I !' ii l: t: I I I t: t. I r ,. eet frint eveloprnont irAR- t 2-9? l.rEn TOIJN. OF VRIL COI{-DEV TO: FROMi DATE: RE: Job Name; Date: Plsase answerlhe 08:14 AST & f,tCFERRtN p & H A45A315 p.c'3 fros-azs--zqs2 Nov !s e:5s.N0.001 p.02 MFt gRAttgu,rYt ALL COIrNASTOHS TOwt{ OFVA|L pUBLlc woRKS DEPARTII'IENT MAY 0,18gf ' WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERM|r'.IS REQUIRED D/ regarUlng the need for a 'Pubtio Way Permil': YES !a Gou 66)U ls lhls a new resldencs? 2) ls demolilion wofi belng performed that requlres the uss of the rfglrt of way, easomonrs ot pubfc ptoporly? 3) ls anyhility woft nesdsd? 4) ls lhe ddveway bolng repaved? 6l ls dlfferenl e@ess needqd to glto other than exlsilng ddvewaU? 6) ls any dralnage wodr belng done affeatng the rlght of wsh iasements, or publlc propgrty? 7l ls a'Revocabto Fr'ght O'l Way psrmit' requlred? 8) A. le the rlgh of way. oacomente or publlc property to be used for staslno. paddng or fendng? B. tf no lo &{,la a paillng, slaglng or fenctng ph1 requtrert by O6rnmrinn! Devolopment? ll^ygq "$yrr4 yeg |o an.y oflhese guesllons, a ,publtc way permtt. must be obtatned,"Publlc wey pernn' aUpilggttonl mif ne iUr"rned at the pubilc Wodr,s otftce or alc.o.ffgttvDwqfopmeirt Jf yorlBy_fu;tq;esdonsptease caftcharue Dsvts,rhaTownof Val Construgton Inspectoi at Cze.eiEB]'' I have read and answersd allthe above 'JWeFerrin & HEATING, INC, GStrffif; ' ,FaxNumber (970) E4t79l3 ' . PhoneNunnbee(970) 845-8315 -_o5/, .: -Glenwood Springs. CO 816O2 r 84Tr s P.A6 llontVlav @w OoroprUg,+t .?'---l cl-u' MlrfrilJm Clesrdncesr Sldcs: 6'; Reor: 6'; Fronb f (slecs 50100), Urobohrcted (dzcs 19S995) Top: e3' (ftonr top of bole? hput Btu/H Slrc . r 1000 Heaunt Crp. BTU/H r l(m NctloR BntH r 1O0o Afut t Soortl$itlon StondlngPllol Dlmrnrlont [o!ic!L Ilyatc. Gor Approel(onn, Conn. V?lght I (Lrclct) (rtdrct (bo) [__. Nai Pto Gar G!6 Nat Pto @G|t Nat Pto Nat ProG.r Go! Gas GB A8cov 160 5075 ?5 100 100 It5 t9s 160 160rgs 995 .t {3ot 648t 8!tr(x 106133 t3:ir8{r t90 365 57.15t.c 55.6?te ?3,99o.t 9gl 115.7 117.{ 16r.7 165.1 u..l 85.{ 00.t 81.0 8,lo 85.9 €0.5 8e.5 81.0 85.0 EL7 81,7 r3.0 84,5 80.? 89.7 &1,0 8,r.8 81 0 83.0 $.q 85.0 81,5 83.5 t3.3,0 tt.x/4 93-5/1 31-y. 't r 3-3/8 tt€/{ tt'tB tt.3rf 5 1&7/r 98.y. 9{-1,3 tLi/{ 5 r6-tn l8-3/{ 13-5/8 rei/{ 6 rox/[ 98.U{ 83-518 99.y1 6 t'5/s :tr-1n r3-1/,r l,t-3/,t 7 ifr lil 1-,n ll.l Itn r38 |rn r6t IIn r8r I 1.1t1 1-rl1 1-lt1 1-t11 r-'ll1 t.114 Accrssonus Powcrvcnt lfi- For Srot$t-he-wilwndrg on 5Q000 to 1!5,000 BTU/hr rlzes. Contlnuously regulated dnft red.rccs encqy cos6 by malntalnlrg cfficlent combwtlon. Non (omhrtible Bac- MlNl-IHERlvl llmust bc hstalled on a Teledyne lran non*omhrUblc base flsscmbf or oher €pprcved non-comhstible zurface. Base adds 1'to boltcr hel$rb llsted ln taHa Nontombustiblc sturd - Fdr eey malnknarre xceslblllty, a 19-t&r high non<ombrtble floor stard ls also ovdhble. Conpcrslon lank' - Alr*twgied dldptrgn-qpe tank wlh automatlc makeup water conUol. 'lbt{vdt$k h C.ndr, fac.lr€'y Slrtr ?|'t NGffirvciln@I) so'trs lo5roooo ((onrdt) 50'l!5 Pv'@ NorlG6tltblc !.sc 50 & ,5 10160701 tm& lrs 10106?01' 1@ 101667009es ' 1016670t-iffitttcstono l+lrs lolm8mldo.res 10101900 ffir.'* ao'1t5 A0066800 160 & llli 40066900 Wr'nr f,nov ro IIff You 'thc hot water specialistr at Teledyne Laals would t e happy to put hclr over 40 years of etpedence to wort for rou For aslstance h choodng he tlght unit torprrreppllcatlon - or f yottd slmply lke to loo!', more obout our products, reMccs, and attenslvc waranty - just call tollliee l.E00t64'56t8 (U.S'). "I'TELEDVNE L/AARS $ hdr:rdd way, Rocicrtzr, NH 0306? r Tch (800) 36t-567s, (603) 335-63{n foo (603) 335€3st' ToUYtl of vail ffi iffiffi 'gffi ;ffil:lffi Kxntrtsstffiifriili"iiia?i''}5oFFl0ECoPY () FtAR- I 2-97 t{ED T & i4CFERR I }I r- P. H DT ffiEtri.sEffi'mm*le(&dt !|. t€ed. P. AAT & I1CFERRIN P & H it:ir.r'. -,i 84f ts En \o\oc.r6ftorar$ gE ESgs€csa \Aroc{crficrcr$ atAR- l2-97 HED EHHsaeeFPR& EFsn$sHess$ 3Ez EEFg*Efi*r E -.NNNN tibsxeeRrRsltt frH55SE$RHS*---= -'F FdrAOrr'lE r'r C\Ft!tO./rQ\Cr$ln.r.d r-. $ 6 HT'noPRRFR gF,$EIEtN* l"'ht*Is$6en gEE*EEss lii:'!, i:iitr -liE :riEo Bo'I.I g as tr.- e EN pts H frltrA r-H HH gE, E g HzoN eotrItvt f; E3 EE Hft EH Aa ,: E EX A EEfr FA U) F HHSHggHE H..-'ii.. E -FiF.-.{o|(\r 3 \ornNcrftrrct$h!lEgl EH Ei FE Hrt E{ FsB E-i- H, FHEc |!lrir.-' Fr-Fr-.li{.:{N ' .: II' ?.toi. f.r'-rr n.-.r{Err.dt.|(t r \o ct c.r $ ct c.t $l F Hn*eeK:F$ assE$s$HF3*-'-'.-9 -F{R FO$O\r .{r Or(nr(fOlA.:ttl't|l| F. F. F. l|l 6 dp HEZ HaEEEfiHfr -.-.-.-.61N1t1 ,l I s ES* Ef; R N Efia HsE.E ? E'EHHE FHHH urr.c|ctilc.tNtlFl' H.H n8 H3. sl r..:. .:H oE ,rUilH ,:Hs8tB n'{ EsI FEEIg br * f* A -ritO(D€tt\GIC{'.-.C{-.N &oliitTol.\r16|BHEStsSC.l'atl F. * -'nt^ -':'. ' 'tFl it+ t\€!oC'ltnrrrtlr.tto9rctroaFl-4.<' !i ;'1.8," .$iH.*FE xX#fiEA, HfiH.H EH H FtHFTF-da{Cl I I t -F+$ .\lr t- -\ \ F + *N' IQ; \ \ s a-\ \ ( \ N \' N f- :.i.ii. ir;rrr iltfito, I p,.'fi;}" I t,t''ii.!t '/ftvtri '\ti ,r "i lliriI .r, ti:r ./,\ 'iib}Vr:/ I't*' L,r- {.. H ? d NI:ld3J3].l r ISV 6, I:AO tr3n a6-Zl-llvtls t tasle6@'d I o u"<*:* INSPECTION REOUEST PM /1 7 o PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ' DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALTER TUES WED THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL i H, TUB 11 |--l D FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - t1 O FINAL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL i H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER g ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR #s'o' -nii[""f f -Jf -* (/a:/,,i,"a)/:-' ,-'] lf 70 / Gn f'- INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL ', ,L, -, io n /-- D -. PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT .Y L) 4.. READY,"FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIWED AM PM rccyboN, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ,8 UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ctz E =E uJo- or)rf) oo o st U' IJJ uJlt = =E UJo- - 7,v*8/J?{#{ s I I I $ N I I I tLuIF lo tsl I ct)(\ll\-F. I cq=ItU r-a l9d 15,'loE t6Et=F iuF. o F FIz =o zz I ol "t!l(Ul ot!l 1 inulF z zo @ € =zoN ,'] (Uluoa : oio :lu\q (J I qq ,u(J a6 :ovc IIJI z o (I,P.e an>(U =!EEdJOod .. O) O ct)P.ct+,cLc @5otJ)L(OCl!t{.O@cr-c '-P .o= oo(Jcv), =Ot-+ro.F(UO 11' OaF-{ > uJ(rlF zg an o oo() 6 E\ s"\0,E o Eco @ oo o, =d) E o =l d c) o CL ct '.g E c ct) Egoo) otE €! 83 rd6.9'aE'; o.E6-oc3= :R EAoI.goCaooN() -of; ffiFR 9(l, oo-E PF E€oo Eo(5c|l o.= trfid) oc oO'F= =Eq9-cl Eo'cct ";o.g .!E -i- ooxG'=O(,' g8E 5:fr EgE6PE '-oe: i :EPd'l =c9d'- o.! E EE E E-Fsoo -c-.:cg rE+ i,Y- (6 ct(5 o. sEE oP o-E€: E6: E E.EO(!: EEE - o.; eeE(6 o'- --E $€E.si3]6> 9 6a .iFEHii8 B'i s9E ore5g -()@ rC <\o |.t (Y)(O or rf)(\l o O(> .-{ o ror-l ro rr,tr) E =llJ z oI) @ Y, UJ oz Jc o oqJ UJ z 6 = E J 9z oulE uJ u,lll-z9F u,l UJ o 3llJ =u,Ez 6 uJo E o-ul o. z UJJ() x uto tn uJ uJl! tr =E uJ o- Fo oz oJ J C)eF UJJqJ zo =J J z gJ. NO|lVn'lVA ll4tq t5 t:t:"+f-.-.t FT 6qgz-O6 l'5 =lcol Bi-..l! gE >E --n)ss zz99F^atlg5e90666da)zrr<oq o.xF5.j(\i z tr tt rri Go uJ - O(> o|<,(o e uJE z E z tr e r|J * B z oEzlzQrak6o< =E2ER 'r-xd<z aLz, 9z d6 =trOI lll ft-lIl fll!t;ljI t<lt5t-t l.elEl utfJ -.J E (/, (t UJ2Y i u,(l z tr Jl <l)z lJ- o o3 g) dr IHI2tl =i ',1_l f F UJ uJ uJza E2E tJl ) z Eoo z tr(r, Iu z Y(E q (\l I&, .E t-< oar-dc)O ul Eo t0oazo Fo-ulY IJJo oF E E uJ o-trlo+l>olo.\R<"olrl H u,rbkzo z oPzF< d)o =ztl t-,P ifioo= =E'*=o^dd= E llJ lt to2zE<lLl6U)neE9E;be Ed =>.=uJ-5 b=o dil: >o-: OLE 909 ltttE XO-r x>o:.:.lFc'io=eE UJ @ -=r F =E.lrlo-zIF(J EFazo() !t]n I ^l2.1 ol IJJI tEl 3l t!lol 3l sol ulFIF ol =.1ol(\l (f) IroN<f I *l ol =.1ol ql al>l 3| +t an o(J (l) (u I = tr ol =.1olutl 5t <l>l (J I+,o(u LtJ L d. o.t-, .€ = o =Jtr ENc eo ./f ai or Q, UI rU ii =z -) ooa an 05 =! rU cct tr o(-) (t oF C) EFz C) 2 ul = J o F C)L|) UJ EgP =<(ZE -Fd6 E <FCOuJ<zEuJ l- C) F uJE C)b ot EE! v) IJJ llJl! F =Et!o- ) '01-4 I rl { &,8 <33 €l: lta t;t*toI'rIG IFlol<-zoo cco Eulz3od |! UJ6z;:aEv)ut <F2a YZs)< s ,JJ ? Rl { S n--(l)c6*8.o,.'=E63.0 gi E",'.9 *fr gE: F.= E F 3 EEXg& :eeiE :;€ l: EEF;E :€ 3E: 3E9P 5 cii:i CESgF iEEgg !:o'.aE es;:i E FAEp gEiiF 66}io-2 Ed i 9os!bf; c'gFO < s't -Eo =ILo z.o E()o UJ J t!zu,(, t^ ta lsl' t^t: zo F 6l'l^l zl <l sl <l .. >loul UJ LUzoF E uJ J z EulIL\>o ul JJ g, (t, utz:< iF J =F u, ,l zl il :al S oz ll. tD I II IF J a_ !f5ao "!,? lO -J & -z- hl il =z -' oov)F- .-9 ast 0la E o N 6 = >t$F ) F &l-lel {l :l f, HCI{.{ = I I 1l El 3| sl sl ttl :l3lolH I .'l! flJI al>l|rlol =lolFI I ;lull .EI:l flq zl BlolH <I BI zl;lg ,l cillul :t 3lltlol pl I l!z3o <Fcot!<z. G.LUF6Zo C) (Jc) Z, l- =#JZlro C) z oul = o 9E 6Z oO J<o sg !tn z o9zQ c()o =z o-- P J.^i5 =F=B;3 E =CEulGttoEEyzE<rtf€aE9Ek '9'E "'=>E JFE il=o o-- E; =(LE 8bI ir-uEX(Lr x>! EFo-ari HoF Ell -C=a t- 'e) 0,so Y o?_--) \ \ |ltItrst; -/ o oro .a!--E-.=-oa6 bF-E-C, v c, '= R3E d ElS.E=l*EEI; E:IE & =lo-;= r) 3EE a.=.9 H:=laa=l 5a-t E++ _Ft _-_-1_1__- _ _ _=_-elutl oF la dl!-.=u- c) ;.,fr \)s ) oa \ |\ tf 5 c t) .t =r"O at) ='=(l' uiFil€l rl . it.ft: o td t ( s $ oz:: 0o.{t sd E flT s$ €$ s P.kAJ 3d $F $Es trr iFzt <3I 'o5i H$ b!i q$ ig t$ $g 6'E zoF -tJ ru F(n UJ 3 oo Et 'Nll^l *? $$ 3fi I$ $do0 zoIl'- s IrJJ tLl l.- P ru srrlJru o o ?IR9T NASNONAL, AANK Af VAIU 9RIVE'U? +l-oIb '(tqn*uroll. r- ---T (lj€ E:.! cbsE3Ir i- FA -c! oq) rtrc-j<r 'nl"i, ,l lA\ . r'r'ir.i' s{'('.t\ . \(.\{ t: , E <l) X'r'i' \ \ fr *t ?d i /o g $ t- UI l* {r T6r$ BI(i z oIb s.nt -UJ a? -F 0/,oz i3 HF rflgt rt. H$ !t $ zoI fiJ UJ Fo uJ B Bo $ d2 1 \) * T o $,v $ {s fit $ o o 'i#. 7 ?139T NAsNONAt AANK O{VAIU PRN'E'Ui +la oIb wall. oo . )'' t ,.j" OF VAIL I DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: i, PM.. rr.rsffcnoN REouEsr TOWN BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooo NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING ROUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL , ,E APPROVED :.:...... CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIREO DATE INSPECTOR ,*rt"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL iDATE ' JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: O UNDERGROUND E] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL . : O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,^ -INSFECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr B tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR r|. t hart/wil " rns#cnoN REQUEsT" TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES '. ,<i: \ THUR / FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED AM PM BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER trG AS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr u tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr.APPROVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ti t ' tr '... / \,' . ,.J DATE /JOB NAME .MON CALLER TUESREAOY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: THUR PMAMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB q SHEETROCK NA|L tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINIAL tr FINAL 6"Rppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr u tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: O HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB FINAL tr o FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E] REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE * JOB NAME .. 7 ,i, ,, CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEGTION: ( MON. 'TUES WED THUR BUILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND B ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB t_t n tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr o FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: TEMP. POWERtr tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I / ", r, PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF V+lL . ,'r. I --.Lr, 'JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING o tr tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT r'l tr SUPPLY AIR n il FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED ,/: .r, tr DTSAPPROVED tr RETNSPECTTON REOUTRED )RRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rffir /') ?c, PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT DATE 1l INSPECTION: MON JOB NAME , i' ', i ,i",, ,,:/ t, ,r'?) CALLER TUES OF rll INSPECTION REQUEST VAILOF READY FOR LOCATION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED GORRECTIONS: m DATE INSPECTOR