HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE SIGN PROGRAM LEGALo 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 May 7,L987 Mr. Duane Piper P..O. Box 5560 Avon, Colorado g1620 RE: VaiI das Schone Shopplng Center DRB Dear Duane, olf lce ol communlly development Review May 6, !gB7 on May 6, 1-98?" ihe Design Review Board gave approval to the vail9i: :.1'3"e.,phdppi,qE cen[er froi."t. rhe approvat was siven withthe following condltions: - :.1. , r,antdsdapi!! fron the existing planters will be. .il.ansretrbd ro the area adja6"ia-c;-[r,. su'r driveup.. 2. The existing evergreenberm on the south-sidefrontage road. will be transplanted into theof the property adjacent to the ." 3 ' signa'g€:.y+r"1-be located on the dark green varance with| ^ egg shell ioLored lettering 4. Thi bottorn of the valance will be anchored.. 5. The gr6bn vaLance nust be opaque. 6. Trash teceptacles must be part of the proposal , ahunter green cart was suggested 7 ' The dominant awning co10r wi'l be dark green with redand white stripes. - iii -t- o 8. A eonplete signage application will be subnitted withsguare footages for each of the shops. please see theenclosed sign appllcatlon. 9. The existing.llghts and planters in the parking lotnust be repaired or replaced. Good Luck with your project. . Sincerely, ,) r n IK:.1 ll/'1,-. \\ltl11n ffl mKrlstan Prltz Town Planner Jlt -2- _4. Ope a { oo.oio rtF C'FIortoIoo Gl 0aloFo o?oL .9ot ooutItxo5 o d. ooo oll'5 o lDc E =33 oT .Eg JLo EE3'tro! s/s/87 Krlstan Pritz Department of Community Development Twon of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, C0. 81657 Re: Vail Das Shone Shopping Center Kristan: Irm naking appl-ication for signage to Vail das Shone for review by yourself and D.R.B. A11 businesses are shown with the exception of Rocky Mountain Reprographics and Vail Mt. Mercantile. Itrs presently Grantts choice not to have business identification on the awaing valance and Jeffrie cantt nake up her nind. In addition to the valance signage, I would like to use arcade (signage under the canopy hanging perpendicular to the entries) signage of approxinateLy 2 sf. each. The formula for signage area that f have used is 2 sf. for each 5 lineal feet of frontage with a minimum of 6 sf. Since this a modest proposal of signage we would ask that 2 large spot lights be al-1owed to scan the sky ( only until rnidnignt, of course) and that on mj.scellaneous occasions ( such as liquldation sales) tenants have permission to use laser lights. ?arnrr,r,kt 's I t ]o d fncr{ YiD fi"P 00^r hor^B/U Sincerely : (+-{ q-r q-.1 N NCO\OF-NN c)oo o0 00 . v)a 00.' qJ '-1O r-l Cn ]r3$ O .'l +llr r-l Otrr<< a S q-r q-r OUJ c{ c\ .lJ q-{ Lr) $ -til tl I Julz F {ul7 F t{ Fl tr C)o (dH atJ >r 5 tJ q-1 lJ .O (/)€ (0 r|{ .-t.o (g u = lJ O t{ O.FlO,(0>rO.r.rr-l l-, OOFtl9FC\J \J \J C H'FI q{ di< !r+r€ € H ArO >!o o o.otr .F{ t{J . d .qJ O.o0O,.\OCo0. orJ tr (0 0F{ lr Ir .Fl r-lr! O r-l >'3 '-l F{ tr. .u .u r-l .rtq-{ (0-c o 6 cJ {J (d fr C ,lJ oNon !€Fl .rl lrO d 0O Sr Oo>=tro0J.Fl CJ O .'-l -C .-lSrrO |N rrl < . O <-l&- o0 O4 qJF ilc|\-./ tr F OF\ .rl OFl o F J''rrd q{ o (drd o> OFr rr> c4-C c H '.1H {J (d >. E-r O = o0 IJF= E rNo0i(!c! O Fl tr () o0.rlt{ ''-{.. dr-tN (0 Fl -trOO (0trG L p OOO O+J (! O C tr€ > 'Fl o ii o05 3 F4 F .il JJ q..l U.d lr €(0tro o ]J(H ! 00 0).Fl (Jox ()> !..to o o(!!-v oo O rr>30 l+ ]J (! I Irld il J - -Yro vz E J zoI kz FaE I IJ. J J rFoJ z.-. v -F z FaE Il+ oo'6 c) o(h oo 'ryo f*rztrt/"d@g"k*%//b CANOPIES & BACK.LIT AWNINGS gl-{ll^qD_Iqxfl LE & su pply coMpA N y DlVlSlON OF EL|ZAgtrH Wtggll\tc MtttSCO., tNC. Hi?$*o coatins - (10 Milroo' 4 Mil Tensile Strength -\Narp - 221 lbs. Fill - 216 lbs. Tear Strength - Warp - 85 lbs. Fill- 83 lbs. Cold Crack - -20oF EGGSHELL SUN YELLOW WHITE BURGUNDY COLONIAL FOREST GREEN .l i.l*n. I' '. \L Lr'r-l ,-i } ' li,i.,tr (\ltf{ ) j I tlProject Application Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zor e - Comments: Design Review Board o"," ii 'i APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL I i,.- ii Summary: ro\:. Planner IIj;' Date: E Statt Approval T lIJ T 0 l,l N ff0r1fi F al AUG l98r FRI0riY EECEIFT # 4?287 PIPER/ARIHITECT$ Pn BoH 556A AULIH, LlD. 8I6T8 OESIRIFTII]I.I. 5IGI.I APPLITATIOI.I BrFBSF4l4t3 TIITITL trtSH IHEI:H # ll52 UU UUUAIL E9 ''5If,fl e8.88 ls.6E REIEIFT B? FOBTI € "'o- Fv) Jts Kt, t [--$ir $$- r9. -s ,- Lfsl-lrr l" IZI 0l $ dt $| I I 1 I :l It \r., E'F HP F-4 ':l ;B.dJ o4t{3Otat&Z zJc9H(9H=z vz<)==z<< F{3 C/j'-1 FlJ1 <Z*.2 H>H18?z< \ ;l-li!t--l:Y :nNnmNfEL ArwNoa 1F, , tat'ol Cr*) t )r'- 1''t 'y'nvuo'i NATURES PR. E Olrr ntr.et lr e a,lt lr r n..- -4.O -0r a {\- C)c-o cFoFdcIoo G? ofloFE o!! .9oo aEo e oonnIt {c oootIo dE E =o FocttEGoE T August 3, 1987 Kristan Pritz Department of Comunity Development Town of VaiL RE: Vail Das Shone Kristan: Please note submittal of individual business sinage and buildlngidentification. Accompanying sketches note sign location on va1.ance,size and letter style. Valance uill be 21r' high in opaque dark green fabric. Sign letterswiLl be let-into valdnce and sewn. Eggshell color of Letiers rI11be transluscent fabric with back-lighting. frVail Das Shonerf (building identification) will be eggshell co0oragainst red backdrop. '.!r \ *. I- ry: *1n7 Fee Paid q'il'fi na-SIGN APPLICATION Name of Project Name of Person Subrnitting Description of .Project The followingto the Design Sign submittal inforrnation is required for Review Board before a final fee is $20.00. submittal by the applicant approval can be given. A. Sisn Materi at Y*a?* s.1vfi$v*e _ B. Description of Sign ' D. E. c. size or sign V*('v<= f ?e: *<@e - Length of Comnents Application Nunber MATERIALS SUBI4ITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan fuyww;2. Drawings sE6i'7in6-E-act location *3. Photographs sholing proposed locati'on4. Actual sign _5. Colored scalilFarvi-ng - 6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Subrnittal Disapproved for DRB Submittal )1gn Adml nlstrator