HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 LOT 3 SAFEWAY 2001 DRB LEGAL• Project Name:Safeway Building Project Description: • Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department ofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us DRBNumber:DRB010376 Finish exterior of Safeway building withrealstone. Participants: OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46INC 11/08/2001 Phone: 1371OAKLANDBLVD200 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596-4349 License: APPLICANTChance Soldoff 11/08/2001 Phone: License: Project Address:2171N FRONTAGE RDWESTVAIL Location: LegalDescription:Lot:3Block:Subdivision:VAILDAS SCHONE RL 3 ParcelNumber:210311415011 Comments:changetoreal stone BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy:CharlesAcevedo secondBy:HansWoldrich Vote:3-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED DateofApproval:11/27/2001 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building.Please consult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities . Planner:AllisonOchs DRBFeePaid:$20.00 • DESIGNREVIEWBOARDAGENDA Wednesday,November 21,2001 3:00P.M. PUBLICMEETINGRESULTS PUBLICWELCOME • PROJECT ORIENTATION I LUNCH-Community Development Department 12:00pm MEMBERSPRESENT Clark.Britta in Hans Woldric h CharlesAcevedo SITEVISITS MEMBERS ABSENT Bill Pierce A ndy BlumeUi 2:00pm 1.Safeway-2171N.FrontageRd.West 2 .Gramalegui residence -2614LarkspurLane 3.LionsheadCenterBuilding-520E.LionsheadCircle 4 .Scalpello A rch -E.MeadowDrive &VailRoad 5.PrincessWor ld -227Bridge Street 6 .Joe 's Deli -288BridgeStreet Driver:Bill PUBLICHEARING-TOWNCOUNCILCHAMBERS 3:00pm 1. 2. 3 . Villa Cort ina -ORBoo-oon Finalreviewofexter ior alterations &inter ior conversions . 22WestMeadowDrive/Lot A,VailVillage2nd Filing. Applicant:MichaelSanner &RollieKjesbo MOTION :CharlesAcevedoSECOND :HansWoldrichVOTE :3-0 CONSENT APPROVED LionsheadCenterBuilding DRB01-0369 Part ial Re-roofatAdult/Ch ildren 's SkiSchool 520E.LionsheadCircle/Va il LionsheadCentreCondom iniums Applicant Va il Resorts MOTION:Clark.Britta in SECOND :HansWoldrichVOTE :3-0 TABLED PrincessWorldJewelersDRB01-0381. Proposedsign. 227BridgeStreet,Un it F/LotF,Block5B ,VailVillage1s t Filing App licant:Princess Wor ld Jewelers MOT ION:CharlesAcevedoSECOND :Hans Woldrich VOTE :3-0 CONSENT APPROVEDWITH1CONDITION: 1 Bill Allison Bill •• ...1.Thattherebeablackborderonthelettering . 4.._J oe's FamousDeli DRB01-0377 <~Proposedsign . 288BridgeStreet ,UnitC-1/Lot0 ,Block5A,VailVillage1s l Filing Applicant:JoeJoyce MOTION :CharlesAcevedoSECOND :HansWoldrichVOTE :3-0 APPROVED DAILY SPECIAL SIGNWITH1CONDITION: 1.Thattheframematchtheredw indow trim . DENIEDMENUBOARD Bill 5 . 6 . Gramalegui residenceDRB01-0382 . Conceptualreviewofnewsecondaryhome/garage . 2614LarkspurLane/Lot7,Block1,VailIntermountain . Applicant:GregGramalegui CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE SafewayDRB01-0376 Finalreviewofproposedstonecolumns . 2171N.FrontageRd.West/Lot 3,VaildasSchoneFiling3. Applicant:SafewayStores46Inc . MOTION :CharlesAcevedoSECOND :Hans Woldrich VOTE :3-0 CONSENTAPPROVED Allison Allison 7.Scalpello ArchDRB01-0397 .Allison FinalreviewofproposedChristmasArch . E.MeadowDrive &VailRoad/LotM,Block 50 &Block5E,VailVillage1s1 Filing Applicant:RickScalpello CONCEPTUAL -NOVOTE Staff Denials SafewayBuilding DRB01-0376. Culturedstoneexteriorfinish . 2171N.FrontageRd.West/Lot 3 ,VaildasSchoneFiling3 . Applicant:SafewayStores46Inc. Staff Approvals LipnickresidenceDRB01-0362 . Addition. 1255 Westhaven Circle/Lot 45 ,GlenStream . Applicant:Robert &Jan ie Lipnick GoreCreekMeadowsDRB01-0372. .Newspa . 5020MainGorePlacefGoreCreekMeadows Townhomes . Applicant:GoreCreekMeadowsHomeownersAssociation 2 Brent Allison Judy • RiverbendatVailDRB01-0373 . Re-roof Same-fo r-Same Unit#2 . 4800 Meadow Drive/Riverbend atVail. Applicant:RiverbendatVail Homeowners Association Michel res idence DRB01-0365. Re-roof . 1770Alp ine Drive/Lot 9,VailVillageWest1st Filing. Applicant:JoanLMichel ,Revocab le Trust Rodeen residence DRB01-0374 . Deckaddition. 2821 Kinnickinnick Rd.,UnitC-3/ColumbineNorth . Applicant:Jeffrey &ShariRodeen McLaughlan res idence DRB01-0375. Newwindow. 600VailValleyDrive,UnitA12/Northwoods Condominiums . Applicant:GabijaMcLauchlan HardingresidenceDRB01-0383. Newhottubonrebu ilt deck. 4284ColumbineDrive/Lot20-3 ,BighornSubdivision . Applicant:JeffreyJ.Harding International RMCorpDRB01-0384 . Removeaspha lt drivewayand installheatedpavers. 1975 Sunburst Drive/Lot 10,VailValley3'dFiling. App licant:International RMCorp • Judy Allison Judy Judy JUdy Judy Homestake Condominiums DRB01-0378. News ign . 1081Va il ViewDrive/Lot A-6 ,BlockB,HomestakeatVailCo ndominiums. Appl icant:HomestakeatVa il Condominium Association Cashmere ofVailDRB01-0388. W iden door4"tomeetBuilding Code . 174GoreCreekDrive/LotsA ,B,C,Block5C,VailVillage1s1 Filing . Applicant:CashmereofVail CharmSchoolBoutiqueDRB01-0380 . Newsign . 321Bridge Street/Bridge StreetLodge . Applicant:CarlaLewis ShareSyndicateXiii ,L.L.C.DRB01-0387 . Installegress window &welltoexistingfinishedbasement. 1645 Golf Terrace #341Vaii GolfCourse Townhomes . Applicant:ShareSyndicate XIII,L.L.C. Allison Judy Allison Judy • The applications and information abouttheproposalsareavailableforpublicinspectionduring regularofficehours i ntheprojectplanner 's office ,locatedattheTownofVailCommun ity Development Department,75SouthFrontageRoad.Pleasecall479-2138forinformat ion. 3 •• Sign language interpretationava ilable uponrequestwith24hour notification.Pleaseca ll 479· 2356 ,Telephone fortheHear ing Impaired,fo rinformation. 4 - Department of Commun ity Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-4 79-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us November 8,2001 Chance Soldoff P.O.Box3013 Avon,CO81620 ••y Re :DRB01-0376 -DesignReview Application for Safeway Building Chance : Perour discussion yesterday,theuseofculturedstoneasan exterior buildingmaterialis prohibited intheTownofVail.Title14 (Development Standards),VailTownCode states : "Buildingmaterials shall be predominantly natural such as woodsiding ,wood shakes,and nativestone .Brickis acceptable.Wherestuccois utilized,gross textures and surface featuresthat appear toimitate other materials shall be avoided.Concretesurfaces shall betreatedwithtexture and color if used, however,exposed aggregate ismore acceptable thanrawconcrete.Neither aluminum,steel,nor plastic siding,nor simulated stone or brick shall be permitted." Baseduponthis inconsistency withtheVailTownCode,Iam denying yourApplication forDesignReview .The cultured stonemustbereplacedwithan acceptable exterior material.PleasecontactDavidRhoadesat(970)477-3417 withinfifteen(15)calendar daystoremedythis situation . Sincerely, BrentWilson,AICP Senior Planner o HECYCU 'D PA PE'R • Project Name:Safeway Building Project Description: • Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2139 fax:970 .479 .2452 web :www.d .valt.co.us ORB Number:DRB010376 Fin ish exteriorof Safeway building withculturedstone. Participants: OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46INC 11/08/2001 Phone: 1371 OAKLAND BLVD 200 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596-4349 License : APPLICANT Chance Soldoff11/08/2001 Phone: license: Project Address:2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:3Block:Subdivision:VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL3 Parcel Number:210311415011 Comments:Conflicts withTitle14VailTown Code BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:DENIED Date of Approval: Cond :8 (PLAN):No changes tothese plans maybemadewithoutthewrittenconsentofTownof Vailstaffand/ortheappropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approvaldoesnotconstituteapermitforbuilding.Please consultwith TownofVail Building personnel priortoconstruction activities. Planner:Brent Wilson ORBFeePaid:$20.00 ••• Project Name:SafewayBuilding Project Description: •• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Developmen t 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.245 2 web:www.ci.vail.cO.U5 DRB Number:DRBOI0376 Finish exterior ofsarewav building withcultu red stone. Participants: OWNER SAFEWAY STORES 46INC11/08/2001 Phone: 1371 OAKLAND BLVD 200 WALNUT CREEK CA 94596-4349 License: APPLICANT ChanceSoldoff11/08/2001Phone: License: Project Address:2171N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:3 Block:Subdivision:VAIL DAS SC HONE FIL3 Parcel Number:210311415011 Comments:Conflictsw ith Title 14VailTownCode BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:DENIED Date of Approval: Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmay be made without the written consentofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate rev iew committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approvaldoesnotconstituteapermitforbuilding .Please consultwith TownofVailBuildingpersonnelpriortoconstructionactiv ities. Planner:BrentWilson DRBFee Paid:$20.00 Application for Design Review . Clt4m l..SL-Department of CommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 ._. tel:970.479 .2139 ~x :.970.479.2452 3 C/o -')&<J~ web:www .cl.vau.co.us .~ .-•••• General Information: Thisapplication is foranyprojectrequiringDesignReviewapproval.Any project requiringdesignreviewmust receiveapproval prior to submitting abUildingpermitapplicat ion.Pleaserefertothe submittal requirements forthe particular approva l that isrequested.AnapplicationforDesignReviewcannotbeaccepted until allrequired information isreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The project mayalsoneed to be reviewedby theTownCouncil and/or thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission.Design Review Board approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description ofthe Req~>8"42;out-~4 t l Jreen..{de j frMf--lCtce, O-r-S;C\ik .(..cI~LkI~"L __Cu'_rovl:::.I ,......"--_Block :~Subdivision :,--'--'-'--=-=:...=..--=.........""'-~"---'--"'lI= _--'---'---=-(Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.). Location of the Proposal: eo 6x :?Q13 ·horn .Co'SlbwI o ChangestoApprovedPlans Type of Review andFee: o New ConstructionoAddition ~.MinorAlteration $200 $50 c 0 $20 Forconstructionofanewbuildingor demo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisadded to anyresidential or commercialbuilding(includes250additions &interior conversions). Forminorchangestobuildingsand .siteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc , ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanningStafforthe DesignReviewBoard PLEASE SUBMITTHIS APPUCATION,ALL SUBMmAL REQUIREMENTS ANDTHE FEE TOTHE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVaOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD,VAIL,COLORADO 81657. ,1&a~~111;1llf~i~E t~~~a?::~5 ")}})/}:,"","""'"","'."'''''':':''''};'''''"""''''''','",'""""""""""".""'}"':"'"",:"""',:,:.""",,,:::i "",'.,".'y.'f>.",""",,,,,,,,,,,",..".i """.::·<:::::::;i':)r:':ii('f'·""'",,','.,',.(,...,.,..",.::"},:",,,. PfJl'>\"-°tt9 f),i I?4 I -o?>")l. l .•••• Questions?CallthePlanning Staff at 479-2138 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TOBUILDINGSANDSITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: Thisapplicationisrequiredforproposalsinvolvingminor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposalstoaddlandscapingdonotrequire ORB approvalunlesstheyinvolvethe addition ofpatios,water features,grading,ortheaddition of retainingwalls. 1.SUBMIITAl REOUIREMENTS oStampedtopographic survey*,ifapplicable oPhotosorplanswhichclearlyconveyexistingconditions * oPhotosorplanswhichclearlyconveytheproposedbuildingorsite alteration(s)* oAllrelevantspecificationsfortheproposalincludingcolorsandmaterialstobeused. oLightingPlan*andCut-sheet(s)forproposedfixtures,ifapplicable 0 /Written approvalfromacondominiumassociationor joint owner,ifapplicable / oThe Administrator and/or ORB mayrequirethesubmissionofadditionalplans.drawings, specifications,samplesandothermaterials(includingamodel)ifdeemednecessarytodetermine whether a project willcomplywithDesignGuidelinesorifthe intent oftheproposalisnotclearly indicated. Please submit three (3)copies ofthe materials noted with all asterisk (*). II.REPAINT PROPOSALS For allproposalstorepaintexisting buildinqs,thefollowingsupplemental information isrequired: oColorchiporcolorsampleincludingthe manufacturer nameandcolor number(s) o Architectural elevation draw inqs whichclearly indicatethelocationofproposedcolors(ie . siding,stucco,window trim,doors,fascia,soffits,etc.)Thefollowingisanexample: FASCIA WINDOW TRIM TRIMBAND , ~~..~~.-:....._~,,\O~i UPPERSTUCCO SOFFIT '.. LOWERSTUCCO WESTELEVATION ••••.J Building Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Reta ining Walls Exterior Ughting Other Notes: UST OFPROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Material .A c:-"/f-v.re.d.1<0 c.k I ~..I Please specify the manufacturer's color and number and attach a color chip. Allexteriorlightingmustmeetthe Town's regulations regarding lighting (see Title14-Development Standards).If exteriorlighting is proposed,please indicate the number of fixtures and locationsona separate lighting plan.Identify each fixturetypeand provide theheight above grade,lumens output, luminous area,and attach acut sheet ofthelight fixtures. •• PROPOSED LANDSCAPING •• PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name CommonName Ouantity MinimumRequirementsforLandscaping:Deciduous Trees-2"Caliper ConiferousTrees-6'inheight Shrubs-5 Gal. ~Square Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Pleasespecifyotherlandscapefeatures(i .e.retain ing walls,fences,swimmingpools,etc .) •••• UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFICATION Thisformis to verifyserviceavailabilityandlocationfornewconstructionandshouldbeusedin conjunctionwithpreparingyour utility planandscheduling installations.Thelocation andavailability of utilities,whethertheyaremain trunk linesorproposedlines,must be approvedandverifiedbythe follOWing utilities for theaccompanyingsiteplan. Authorized SignatureDate QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257(fax) Contact:JasonSharp PUBUC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.468 .2528 (tel) Contact:BruceMiller HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949 .5892 (tel) 970.949.4566(fax) Contact:TedHusky EXCEL ENERGY 303 .571.7518 (tel) 303 .571.7877 (fax) Contact:PaulKellogg EAGLE RIVER WATER &SANITATION DISTRICT* 970.476 .7480 (tel) 970.476.4089(fax) Contact:FredHaslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x112(tel) 970 .949.9138 (fax) Contact:FloydSalazar *Pleaseprovideasiteplan,floorplan,andelevationswhenobtainingapproval fromtheEagleRiverWater &SanitationDistrict.Fireflowneedsmustbe addressed. NOTES: 1.If theutil ity verificationformhassignaturesfromeachoftheutility companies,andnocomments aremade directly ontheform ,theTownwillpresume that therearenoproblemsandthe development canproceed. 2.If a utility companyhasconcernswiththeproposedconstruction,the utility representativeshall notedirectly onthe utility verificationform that thereisaproblemwhichneedstoberesolved. Theissueshouldthenbedetailedinanattached letter totheTownofVail.However,pleasekeep inmind that itistheresponsibilityofthe utility companyandtheapplicanttoresolveident ified problems . 3.Theseverificationsdonotrelievethe contractor of theresponsibility to obtainaPublicWayPermit fromtheDepartmentofPublicWorksattheTownofVail.Utilitylocationsmustbeobtainedbefore digging inanypublic right-of-way oreasementwithintheTownofVail.Abuilding permit isnota PublicWaypermitandmustbeobtainedseparately. •• NOTESTOALLAPPUCANTS •• Pre-application Meetinq Apre-applicationmeetingwithTownofVailstaffisencouraged.Thepurpose of apre-application meetingis to identifyanycritical issuespertainingtotheapplicant's proposalandtodeterm ine the appropriatedevelopmentreview process foranapplication.Inmany cases,thepre-application meet ing helpstoexpeditethedevelopmentreview process ascrit ical issues areidentifiedanddealtwithinthe preliminarystages.Apre-applicationmeetingmay be scheduled bycontactingJudyRodriguezat 970.479.2128 orjrodriguez@ci.vail.co.us Time Requirements TheDesignReviewBoardmeetsonthe1stand3rd Wednesdays ofeachmonth .Acompleteapplication formandallaccompanyingmaterial mustbeacceptedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentprior toapplicationdeadlines.Ascheduleof DRB meetings and associated applicationdeadlinesmaybefound ontheWorldWideWebat http://ci.vail.co.us/commdev!planning/drb/meetings/default.htm Foranew residentialdevelopment,theapplicationdeadline istypically3.5weeksprior to aDesignReviewBoard hearing. Review Criteria Theproposalwill be reviewedforcompliancewiththe Design GuidelinesassetforthinTitle12,Chapter 11(DesignReview)andTitle14(DevelopmentStandards)oftheMunicipalCode. Requirements for properties locatedinhazardareas If apropertyislocatedinoradjacenttoamappedhazardarea(i.e.snowavalanche,rockfall,debrisflow, floodplain,wetland,poorsoils,etc.),theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentmayrequireasite-specific geologicalinvestigation.If asite-specific geologicalinvestigationdetermines that thesubjectpropertyis locatedinageologicallysensitivearea,thepropertyowner(s)mustsignan affidavit recognizingthe hazardreportpriortothe issuance ofabuildingpermit.Applicantsarestronglyencouraged to consult withCommunityDevelopment staff priortosubmittinga DRB applicationtodeterminetherelationshipof thepropertytoallmapped hazards. RequiredPlan Sheet Format Forallsurveys,siteplans,landscapeplansandothersiteimprovementplans,all of the follOWing mustbe shown. 1.Plan sheetsizemustbe 24"x36".Forlargeprojects,largerplansizemaybeallowed. 2.Scale.Theminimumscaleis 1"=20'.Allplansmustbeatthesamescale. 3.Graphicbarscale. 4.Northarrow. 5.Title block,projectname,projectaddressandlegaldescription. 6.Indicationofplanpreparer,address andphonenumber. 7.Dates of or iginal planpreparationandallrevisiondates. 8.Vicinity maporlocationmapatascaleof 1"=1,000'orlarger. 9.Sheetlabelsandnumbers. 10.Aborderwithaminimumlettsidemarginof1.5". 11.Namesofalladjacent roadways. 12.Planlegend. •••• Design Review Board Meeting Requirements Fornewconstructionandadditions,theapplicantmuststakeandtapetheprojectsitetoindicate propertylines,proposedbuildingsandbuildingcorners.Allt rees toberemovedmustbetaped .The applicantmustensurethatstakingdoneduringthewinter isnotburiedbysnow.Allsitetap ings and stakingmustbecompletedpriortothedayofthe DRB meeting. Applicantswhofail to appearbeforethe Design Review Boardontheirscheduledmeetingdateandwho havenotaskedinadvance that discussion ontheir item be postponed,willhave their itemsremoved fromthe DRB agendauntilsuchtimeastheitemhasbeenrepublished. If the DRB approvestheapplication withconditionsormodifications,allconditions of approvalmustbe resolved prior tothe issuance ofabuildingpermit. Staff Approval The Administrator (amemberoftheplanningstaff)mayreviewandapproveDesignReviewapplications, approvewithcertainmodifications,denytheapplication,orrefertheapplicationtotheDesignReview Boardforadecision.All staff approvalsarereviewedbythe Design Rev iew Boardandany staff decision issubjecttofinalapprovalbythe DRB . Additional Review andFees If thisapplication requiresaseparatereviewbyanylocal,stateor Federal agencyother thantheTownof Vail,theapplicationfeeshallbe increased by$200.00.Examples of suchreview,mayinclude,butare notlimitedto:ColoradoDepartmentofHighway Access Permits,ArmyCorps of Engineers 404,etc. Theapplicantshall be responsible forpayinganypublishing feesin excess of50%oftheapplicationfee. If,attheapplicant'srequest,anymatterispostponedforhearing,causing themattertobere-published, thentheentirefeeforsuchre-publication shallbepaidbytheapplicant. ApplicationsdeemedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmenttohavedesign,landuseorother issues,whichmayhaveasignificant impactonthecommunity,mayrequirereviewbyexternal consultantsinadditiontoTown staff.Should adeterminationbemadebyTownstaff that anexternal consultant isneeded,theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentmayhiretheconsultant.The Departmentshallestimatetheamountofmoney necessary topaytheconsultantandthisamountshall beforwardedtotheTownby theapplicant atthetimeoffilinganapplication.Theapplicantshallpay expensesincurredbytheTown in excess oftheamountforwardedbytheapplicationtotheTownwithin 30days of notificationbytheTown .Any excess fundswill be returnedtotheapplicantuponreview completion . •••• JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I,(print name),,ajointownerof property located at (address/legal desc ription)_ provide thisletteras written approval ofthe plans dated which have been submitted tothe Town of Vail Commun ity Development Department forthe proposed improvements tobe completed atthe address noted above.I understand thatthe proposed improvements include: Ifurther understand thatminor modifications may be made tothe plans overthe course ofthe review process to ensure compliance withthe Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) ,•• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL.COl .ORADO Statement •••***********************************.*************.*************************************** Statement Number : Payment Method : R0000017 22 Amount :$20 .00 Cash 1 1 /09 /2001 02:43 PM Init :JAR No tation: Permit No : Parce l No: Si te Address: Lo cation : DRB010376 Type :DRB -Minor Alt e ra t ion 210311415011 2171 NFRONTA GE RD WEST VAIL This Payment :$20 .00 Total Fe es : Tota l ALLPmts : Balance: $20 .00 $20 .00 $0 .00 •••**************••••****************************************************•••************.*.* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST : Ac count Co de DR 00100003 112 200 Descripti on DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmt s 20 .00 ~n Review Action FL ,. TOWN OF VAIL Category Number____________Date ---...L.-4c..::::.....-~--'----!~-------- ProjectName:X te !.A-tY\fZ.X 12",,,r:v....-.eo +YI!,/-J , BuildingName:~"r4 -.i ProjectDescription:{ole'"a a()rlJ,,,,,(~,r ""-;'-P"t:l-d a t'",/v "t'~A (Do-?10 P U11 ~+..:LS7f-/---.Jfkt,~.(!......L!ve~:A~k.!::.....__ Owner,Addressand Phone:-~.Lh.(.,-F{e"'---kL."-'/<I.:J"--'4'----------------------- .,.,--------_/ 11 S;Ct -~'"('d.3 ZoneDistrict {r nLegalDescription:Lot .3 BlockSubdivision I}p ('/ ProjectStreetAddress:_ Architect/Contact,AddressandPhone:Q,...,U\c,.,f"<'='j_.....L-....q,."J--~=-'-=-'---J'.LL-~,....--:....cULJ4-L...l..L....-_ "l D10 u }03 -fal S -1/23 Comments:_ Board /,-------Motionby:_Vote:_ Secondedby:_ o Approval o Disapproval StaffApproval Conditions:_ ~I 'Il.:h.J "r re-ct-.Or IV'!('",I rc I S (oe d •.m " @)b -f--bp ,,l e.,·ds ,=dl,/(1 ·+.2.5 _a~re~.J:~=.!".(~t:!:1 ~e.s t -~I A )1 Of)I ,,<::,~prw"'Y'lA)'\,\'"m5;_ DRBFee Pre-paid_..::::1:;}=-..:-:...:<(J-'-'C!LJ _Date:__-=+...:::..-:~.L.-'!.'"------------- TownPlanner 1/)~/1f(', Transmittal TO :1)01""'\IN \"We.MAW ~\til.\..D -1'0 v--l....1 0,",Y p..,H_ DATE:"I •II '"I (P JOBNO :"1 (pD \ WEARE SENDING YOU: A'ITACHED__ REMARKS IV~:MO__FAX.__[#OF PAGE~iI':CLUDINO COVI:R __I ORIG.IN MA:(.__ 1)01""IIoJ '1 ue -N e A ~c <'":;,ue>""""'"\N~-\\-\e,:>t:(.olJ)tt.~rQPo- iO'-'1"L p...ff~V""""" ~QD f -rof \j N ITS I ?ioV:v e~. AN ~c.eP~~~~~~N', ~~I'.!?-.HIN N\\-\.\~M~'. ~oc.~y cop..'o>'\-'":>\N 2.QO l SIGNED :--l)k-J 'R \JbANrq COPIES : DULANEY ARCHITECTURE IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED,KINDL YNOTIFY US AT ONCE. ~~ff I.\I-JNl !r\-~G~e:GlN!ff. e.\1.\~\-\1"-NN I ~-~e w p.,'1'I"'" • TRANSMITTAL TO :Lind y McNamee ~1#{.q(II SAFEWAY inc. WE ARE SENDING YOU: ATfACHED X UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA FAX -#OF PAGES INCLUDING COYFR COPIFS DESCRIPTION Paver andCon crete color samplesforfrontwalkway . REMARKS Lindy,letmekno ww hat Paver and concrete color youwouldlike so I cansenditto Mike Moll ica forhisfile. Thanks! Dan SIGNED:_ DULANEY ARCHITECTURE IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED,KINDLY NOTIFY USAT ONCE o -i o :Il o m •< » 1t • 303-292-4425 • B~!~K Since 1932 4425 RACE DENV ER COLO RADO 802 16-3893 <1'Ve 'u dVot d U.j.t df J3ti ck 'Ycnd ·fILE· p •o s • c MM ER c •IA-r -L Imagine brick pavers made to simulate teakwood patterns on a floor finish, ~-~h e re are two teakwood brick paver models to select from which offer __"'"an interesting app eal different from all other Sunshine Paver offerings. Each type of teakwood paver varies in color shading and amount of graining to simulate the natural variations that occur in nature.Carefu l attention should be paid to blending in order to create the best possible range conformance throughout the installation.Use of the teakwood pavers for exterior applications where weather fluctuations occur rapidly \causing freezing and thawing arc not \\\'recommended. t\\L-·- " D " " . I' .' s p E F c A T o N s •Sunshine Pavers Specifications ASTM/ANSI Te st Results Th e followingAS TMl ANS I testshows how Su nshine Pave rs compa re toc u rrent AS TM :ANSI C-902 ·79A Pedestrian lightTrafficPavi ngBrick Specifications. ASTM/ANSI SPECIFICATION AS TM /ANSI STANDARD SU NSHINE PAVER RESULTS A STM C902·79 C 76 Co mpressive Strength o fBrick CLASS SX 8 ,000 p si CLASS M X 3 ,000 p si CLASSN X3,000psi Av erageof5 19,190p si m eets minim um f or t yp es S X,M X,N X ASTM C 67 -78 C902 -79 Freeze/Thaw 50 cycles o f a lte rnat efr eezing andheating whilespecimen is sa turatedin water Co mpleted100cy cles ofthawingan d fr eezing wh ilesa turated with w ater,Th ere wa s no structu ra l w eight loss o rdi si nt egration o fth e body up on com pletion , ASTM C902-79 Water Ab sorption CLASSS X Avg .of5 CLAS S MX Avg .of5 CLA SSNX Av g.of5 8% 14 % no limit Av g.of5 was 4 .8% qu alifiesasclass SX,M Xo rN X.The t esls w ere made onred b ody uni ts.Light bodyu nitsm ay have h igherabsor ption leve ls. ASTM C902·79 Size Variation De viation f rom Avg . Length ~.25 Width '".187 Depth '"125 D eviation f romAvg . Len gth Av g.7.67 Hi 7.69Low 7.59 Width Av g .3.57 Hi 3 .63 Low 3 .50 Depth Av g ..52 Hi .52Low .50 ASTM C902-79 W arpage Leng t hno t m oreth an V'6i n . 11 .6 m .m .)fo reach 6 i n . 1150 m .m .)o fbri ckle ngth Avg .l.0m.m . Hi 1.5m .m. Low .5 m .m . A STM C2 16 C902-79 Initi alRateo fAb sorp ti on Index o f 30or greater requirespr e-soaking be fore i ns t allati o n Average of 5 wa s2.35 Requires no pr e-soaking b efore in stallation . A brasionVo lume t ested at0.103 A brasionIn dext estedat0 .025 q ualifies as Type I,II,or II I Ave rage of 5 w as .80 qua lifiesas c lassM Xa ndN Xnolimit 0 .78 TypeI Type II Type III ClassSX Av g .of 5 Class M X Avg .of5 Class N X Avg .o f5 n o lim it AbrasionVo lu me IndexA brasion Loss M ax .Ma x.c.m . 0.11 1.7 0.25 2.7 0.5 0 4.0 A STM C902-79 •SaturationCoefficient A STM C902·79 C 41B AbrasionResistance A STM C9 02·79 Eff lorescence Requiresb rick tobe less than sli ght ly eff lo resced Test showed Suns hine Pavers to have no eff lorescence ASTM C 648-71 Breaking Strength 2501bs.352 Ibs.avg . AS TMC41 0 C 902·79 Mo duluso f Rupture A verage g reate rth an2,000 Individua l greate rthan1,500 Average o f 52 ,370 In div idua l res ult s of 5 2840,1980, 28 90,1690,2810 Natural Clay Products Penetrating Sealer from Florida Brick &Clay Company,Inc , • A TRANS PARE NT FILMT OS EAL OUT W ATER ,STA INS A NDDIR T FOR I NTERIORO REXTERIOR USE N a tural Clay Products Penetrating Se aler is acl ear,non -discolorinq r esin that w ill provide a h igh d e greeo fw at er repellency to m ost masonry s urfaces.Wh encuredth ep rod uct b ecomes in solu blea n d offers p erm a n ent p ro t ection . USAGE :Natural Clay Products Penetrating S ealerisi n tended for u se onN a tura l Clay Pr odu c t s with textured or w ire cut s u r face . When p roperlyap plied a ndall owed t o c ure, t h isp roduct wi ll g re atlyr ed u ce wate r ab so rp - t ion.T hi s produ ct i s d esigned t obe applied b ef oreg routing a nd will f un c tiona s ag ro ut rel easeagent to ex pedite g rou t cl eaning . A seco n d appl ication m ay b e m ad e afte r g routj o ints havep roperly c ured .Ex terior w ork u nder sev ere conditions may re qu ire additiona l seasona l coatings. COVERAGE :T he av erage co v erage will b e approximately 30 0/3 50 s quaref eet p er ga llon. Sunshine Paver TrimPieces Manufactured b y Florida Bric k &CkJy Company,Inc . PkJnl City,Florida CAROLINA '"FAMILY I The Hott eros"Series Black wilh Do,1 Red Decal ACOMBINATION OF UNMATCHED AESTHEI'ICS AND PERFORMANCE: THE CAROLINA FAMILY Des ign ed for today's advanced arch ite ctura lstyles and e ngineeredfor premium pe rformance ,the Carolina familyoffe rs architects and specifiersa soph isticated selection of outdoor lig htingfixtures . Toda y 's corporate office parks, commercialretail centers,auto motive deal ersh ips and fa st-food franch ise s are up scale and highprofilein design .The focusison architectural detail -color, size ,shape and textur e.The Carolina family's Hilton,Kiawah ,and Hattera s Se ries offixtures e xtend these d etails of you r build ing design intotheparking area and ground s .The resultisa c omplete aesthetic stat ement. The Carolina familyoffer s an eng ineering package toeffecti vely and efficientlymee t themost demanding spec ifications.Outdoor lightingpla ys an integral role inthe n ightt ime merchandising and se curity of your building ,and our trioof fi xtures offers the aesthetics and safetyyou require, day and n ight . Let the Carol ina fam ilyo ffixtures add co ntinu ity and enhancement toyou r bu ild ing de sign! On thecover... Bri"Hilton withPu ffy Decaf VO flilfo Kiawah with Oork Green Decal Green Marble Ha tteros with Charcoa fMetallic Decal (,THE CAROUNA FAMILY OFFERS VERTICAL BURN Lens FOR SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The advancedhousingof each Carolina fa mily fixture a ccommodates avert ical bu rnlampforamore controlled ,uniform distr ibution pattern . And withbetteruniformity comes better "visibility".Unliketrad itional vertica l burnfixturesthat compromi se aesthetic valueofthefixture hou sing,the Carolina family combinesthese vertical burnlampswithmultiple reAectortypes forpremium performan ce and exceptiona l appearance. • l ightingun iformity is more conduc ive tovisibility thon • h igh footcondles .This comparison ofou r Type 5 squore d istribution • po tterntoa traditionol horizontal burnpo ttern clearly illustra testhe greater un iformity a ch ieved through • a vert ical burnreflector system . ••• • •• TypeFP (ForwardThrow Distribution)Type II Distributio n Type 5 Square Distribution TRANSMITTAL ,"..:. TO:Mike Molica, Town of Vail WEARE SENDING YOU:' IINDERS.EPARATE COVER VIA .",.' ,.'FAK .;,#'ilF pAGES INCUIDING COVER DATE:7/2/96 JOBNO:9601 RE:Safeway Store 631 " roplF.s ' 1 DESCRJPTIDN ,Exterior Parking Light Brochure wi fixture selected ,'. Brick Paving and Concrete color samplesforfront walkway. REMARKS Mike, For your fileforSafeway Store 631. Thanks! .Dan SIGNED:_~----,"_'---=_ DULANEY ARCHITECTURE IF ENCLOSURES ARENOTASNOTED,KINDLY NOTIFY USATONCE '. !~R E E N B R I A R MEDiUM/LARGE ·r.GREENBRIAR SERIES ~IUM/LARGE .Designed to be a vanguard forthe'90s,there's finally a comprehensive aoproa cn tooutcccr Iig ~t inq Sreel"'1 riar ir.-;ofD orare s a r:ign-performance vertc a:burn cutica: syste m into a smart econom ical housing.Strong in capability .Dependable withou t .question.Unique in value. ( I . > I !J lOOQ W Super Matall-'3.hde Type V Square-Va n :::al Sum Gi::;tricu(J ou DECAL STR IPING To com olement t he nxture's appearance.a GO lor-coordinated d~cal is available :r>10stanoard decal colors or by custom order from a selection of hundred s. Deca l is guaranteed for tive years against peeling,crack :ng or fading . BAUAST Hlgn'pewe r factor nanas t Wi th removab le oanast tray .Meial Ha,ide. Sup er Me tal Haliae an d High Pressure Sod iumflxtUl2S Ieature a type CWA ballast.except ~50W HPS fixtures which teaure a~Ioe HX-HPF ora R-HP Fba llas t All ballast tipes are oesigned tor -20"F coera non. BRACKETS Ann Mount:.:-~:'A ~',i 4'lellglo , p1(!fUOea alur.;,num cracs er ,Founeen· incr.arm mounts are shlOP80 stancaro with medium ana large ummaires (GBM.GBL ~.(Asix -inc h bl'aC ke l is avaitab le ,burmust be orcerec seoaratel y from OOtionai Bracket Ordering Information .)A Round Po le PlaIe (RPP)is required ror mounting to 3'-5'rouno poles .(Se2 Ootions in Luminaire Oreenng Informallon ) Pole TDP:The cast alu ~:nu m mount ing nuo conce als wiring compartment an1 mo unt ll;<j hare ware (consi sting ot I~l;r 11/15'Q.=. .lummurJ1 roe s rc ..memurn lixtures and 71'0 a.D.aiurnnum rod s tor large fixtures ,and ahigh-strength grace -five steel bo~wrtn nylon Ins ert and split lock wasne r lor Double locxing) POLES Refer to Poles.iBrackelS sect ion ot catalog lor pote o ~:J e r i~g imn rrn ation. 4MH YA H 2MH 1MH j 4 ¥1"! Eo 09 .311 .25 .41 ! .56: .zo c8A M'lG. HY 20'·".:!51 l .5C1 2.25 ;11 3 1 .4,S 22'1 Q.3il 1 J .72 1 1.86'.93'.37 2'"7.811 3.13 1 ~.56 1 78 '.31., 26'1 6.661 2.661 :3:>1 .67 '.27 28 '1 5.741 2.J OI ~.1S '.57 ..23 30 "5.001 '.OCI 1.00 '.5Oi .201 35 '1 '.67 1 1 4i1 -,..37:l SI.'0 3S'1 3.121 1 25 1 62'-1 11 .12! ~5 '1 2.7.21 .891 4<.221 091 SO'!1.801 72!.:l5 1 18 1 .07 1 REFlECiORS /DISTRISUTION PAmRNS TheGreenOflar f!lerure is available infive reflector systems ana distri- bution patterns ,all vlith vertical bum lamps :Type II(2),Type III(3) (400 watt only),Type V Square (5). Automot ive Forward Throw (FA) (1000 watt oniy ).and Perimeter Forward Throw i FP ).Reflectors are tield·rotllable.enabling generous flexibili ty in distribution pattern s wnnout flXlure movement.All pnotomemc data IS certified by an inuepe ndent testing faC ility. FIN ISHES Each Greenbriar fixture IS finiShed with DuraGrio",LSI Lighting Systems 'revoumonarv suns ricr bake d-on ~o lYesw-powoer finish- Ing proces s,to !J ive me fixture an exceptionally attracti ve appear- ance .stanoam finishcolorsavai i- able fort he Greenbriar are bronze. cocoa .vanilla.black,platinum , white and green _Archi tectura l tinishes include bricl<,gray granite . red granite ,limestone .desertstone an d green marble.The DuraGrip poly esler fin isnwnn sianos extreme weatherchanges without cracking or Deeling .Finis his guaranteed for five iu llyea rs. 30"2.22 1.111 .78 441 .22' W i JA71 1 14 1.221 69 1 .351 22':1 ~.131 2.07 1 45 '83'41 26'1 2.96'1.481 1.04 .591 .3(;, 28 '!2.55 1 281 .d9 S1I .ze i 20'5.001 2.50 1.751 1.00'.50 12'1a.89 6.941 4.861 2.781 1.39: 1~'10.20 5 .101 J .57 '2.041 1.02' 16'7.81 3.91 1 2.73'l5S !78 ' 18'6.17,3.09 2.16;1.23 :.62 Mm . HTAB CDE Lumen Raono 50.000 1MH Levels shown are in IcctciintUIIS. 3MH :/MH 3MH 'MH 'ZMH Froc,. "lMH @CSACertified ®listed for wet loc~lions . 4!Jf1N High PrlSsurs Sodium TYIl8 111- Vertical Bum Distribution PHOTOMETRIes :SPEelFICATIONS :HOUSING The Greenuna r's aluminum housing is finished 10 produce .a clean .snare appearanc e and ' deSigned to ensure weather-light construction .Top-access cover 'provices ease of installation and servicing.All pole-top fixtures are pre -wired .Each fixtureis UL listed and GSA certitied tor wenocarons. LENS/GASKET Tne Greenbnars contoure d tempere d ,glass lens IS sealed to the housinc with an Et>DM gasket,preventin9 entry of moisture and insects. TOP FASTENERS 'Th e Greenlln<lr's tour capt ive Sta inless steel ooor fasteners secure the top-access coverto the hou sing .~~~~,~ • .m '' r.t'J 1M!'" ~~ c,' Ill"" .::.:~.~p ~ lI;'t,c ,." ~~.:..<:1 ,,_1"" .1i:1I".I'm ~:~~s=~:~;?:=nal".Fn>m 4M H tRW liII••''~I uGHTtNG SYSTEMS.A OMSIon Cl!LSI IndU8UM>li Inc. 10000 ALI.IANCE "OAD·P.O.BOX 4.2i28·CINCINNAT I.O HI O 45242-0728 -(5 13)793-3200'"~X 1=13:79 3·01<7 SOCKET S Porcelain mogul-bass sockets teature snnnq-remmrcen COntacts for long life.. .UGHT SOURCES The Greenbriar is designed to operate with any of the following lamp types ;High Pressure Sodium , Super Meta l Ha lide or Mp.fal Halide with mogu l-bo se sockets . 4MH 3MH 2M~l 1w1 ri I I GREENBRIAR •MEDIUM/LARGE .', I G8M M!dium ~rm Moun : ~GBl ~re;te Arm Mov:u :GBPl w~,?(ll ~TOD :G8PM M,a,"m Pote TOll -A--, I ~;t PII.TIlII Mount ......~ Arm Mocilil•DIMENSIONS--.---t ", 8mlcel- H alf I'3ttwm .,LUMINAIREEPA CHART....'-IISII ".J.+1includesbracket..Po le To O Mount D180·T90·lI9Il',-~, -L !_.H I 5.(4.7 ,."9.".!.~~.I WMINAIRf ORDERING INFORMAnON Se lect aparopnate coo icc f rom each column to formulate ord er COOe .Reter t oexampleoelow.l Opllonal Sraaaa:If opllonal braekell will be lltQ e~d .yo.must ;alel;!"DSS -Delele Standlrd BreClCtl -In lil a Op t l o n ~eolumn 01 tlli~' enart.Op tional blaeke ts llllISt.be Drdered separately tnIm lbe Optional B'BcieI DIll,nng Inl omall on enan.! ~'1l '2 -1m Ii +-lOll •~PS -HiQh PrIwuII Sodiu", FP-Peri",,,"'750 100.750.1000 \'Iall 3Bl-Fo"",rd fh,,,,"1000 .1 SMV -Sue",~lal Hallde ~!m I FA -~u IOm et1Ve lV.rlJ::a1l 400,1000 Wit! mOUlll f ~rw;nd Throw I Mri -MBt2 1Hald.G 8~L -~$-l Yll 2 C oj <00.'000 war.I P'/.e T o".~I I I : ~-8IW<I 50 -Wftll.I SiS ··Bela.I 01 -C'tem.j 51 -[)a.k Rell Gatlon; CoJD r Dee.ls 45 -Llqnl GOld Metaillc C:O -cnar..o.1 1Mm l~ ~-e"J8 Mcta.bC ~9 -Oal1<Cro.n 21-To.....'"R.C I H "'~II'$l OSS-lIttrtt S~.rnu:-o &12Ckr.tSC:" OeltONl 6r~kf!t C'faenl"ll)InrC:':'llZlJcr I !to an:Ier ot.,~rnotl nunu t~s ., I FiIlure I PC I-I!u:Ion ·Typ .P'c!O<occt:io ':o "~tl " LL -Less l.'tn(l C ~-Comd lmlp FS-Fus.1l'J lor 12011 &?7/V (1llC1Ot te'lOOOW ..12OV; i'S,-:OSlrl'J to.lZOVlQr lllODW FD -Deubll Fu...,c 'e'20BV &240\' Fa1 -OaUDIe "USlnlJ,or 4tov HSS -xeu..S,d.Snieid ' R ~:'•ROU nd Pol'-PIne NO -ue C:'l 'Cr.S U1ml ••ln Ftftllh I SlaAllInI 9RZ-Bro= COA-Cocco VAIl -VonJlLJ BLK -BlaCk PI.T-Platm""" WIlT-Vlbi!l! IiRN-Grnn ARhII..b1~1 BRO-Bria. GyG-Grl'{G"",". ROG -Rea Gron •• LMS -limesll:n. DTS -Oes<rtsto n.• MGR -"reer.M>rtll.Ii ! 1 I lin. v.llag.· ~,ov 208v 240'/ 217V AWl MT -Murti T .~ l ensj I /'I ,-I I ·GaM -5 -400 -MH -CT -12DV-BRZ-NO : I I lIfllP Wl1II g,Ol rtr l~ullon ! tot .itum .:-T','pe I: :)~":'\'pe.III OF .'P""m.:e ' F~""'l'd Torow ,5 -;)"Pf V SquIre GBPIA - Poll Top GBM- Arm Moun/ l.:.H"URiu n ! fTe nx i EXAMPLE OFATYPI CALORD ER Hate :Arcn r.ecwn l lir.,.nes reQUIte addiMnal leac 11m; i • " '1 I i 2·1::t 10401.0 ,0. cf ftnDn NIlI- Pale Tep Adapto r (Retrofit App ll ~311an ~1 Order F"IPI S IZ8 Hum",of te non BKS-SCPT-TA·2 • BKS ·SC?T·TA-'·:.7 ~:i;·z - EiKs:'SC PT-T"-3 T ..an:~C«I N fulltr:SO.pll ~:::J,7"0 r.rt''''OI1. n n ~..:.:D«lIie.JCI"I",rm.. wa ll Moui": 8......1 Co ntll}ur.bon BKS·SCBO -WM..;.'-..;.'_....;;.:;...;;;c:..:...,-- Order Numaer l ~.O OT lOIlIctKlfftK''II L.l.il":*'tllrl Ordo.,.,.lnc~~Nota-SOfrC#'Y 11f'Gf".. RPP-~~'--JRound~ Pole Plate ' Well Mount Plato 3Ks -s:rIM·OOO ··090· SI(S·£WM ·TrH2o-,TI I120" 3KS-SClJ IA ·09Q-1 a SD" rf81 rr-=J -...®~~[f.' A ::Sq,I "I' Ordor ~Brwe' Numillf I COMlgUt.lion (l l<S ·S C ~H~'S·l S i'l :)l~ 5 ><S 'SOl ~I-01e:-l 01 80· Tenon Mou nt Sli ptllter- °1eoon ~~1$2 -~t!"CD,C::'nSU I !;0Dr/~er otnWtrZeI · IiUlb:SDiC::V nnl'Sl\. 51no 'e 5utOIe 3ratul Cc allaunuDrl I m ~(l IlU'!I!~e>a.; !I '·I.Z .c·I i Iso-sceo-s-« OPTIONAl BRACKET ORDERING 'INFORMATION Of1ltf ~umbBr lli·II-O' e"",l<el Mount "Fo r Inlernational·/cltages.conSUlt taclOry. ••PCI -Specify SIng le "ne volage.480V rot av;lJIaO i •. 'HSS -Consult factory to r Pole Ta ~unIts. "......_r .., I ( GR O U.N D LUG Ground lug IS sta naard. DUPL EX RECE ?TAGE Weatherproof duple x receptacle IS opuo nat. GROUNDFAULT CIRCU IT INT ER RU PTER GrOU nd fault circuit hrerruore r IS ootional. FINISHES Ea ch pole is tinisnea witn DuraGrip',LS I L:gh::!1 ;Systems ' rav olutionarj suoe nor nax ec-on pOly ester -powde r finiShing process . togive the po le an exc ecn on all y attracnv e appeara nce.Th e proc ess elec trostatica lly app nes and therm ally fusesa c O ~/eS !er powder to the pole.Th is umo ue oroteCI :O r. prece ss pr~'Jic e s :1 0 extrem ~iv smooth an a urnr ormi in:sh wh:Ch withstan as extreme wea tner cha nges wllhoutcraCking or peeli ng.OuraGri p flnisn reatures a two-yearlimit80 warrantY. Stan dand finish corers available for polas are bronze.black, plati num,cocoa.vanilla,white. green an d prime .An;iUteetural ii n i s h~~,nclun e Or iCk,gray giQr.;l~,roo Or:.r.lr".I:mestone , de sertstone ar.d greer,marble. Opt lO"o al Du raG rip'Plus features ad,leu prDt~etJ o n with a 3.0 10 .5.0mil thickne ss of pO lye ster- powder l inlsh pius an Inner coaling . This so e cia i~j developeo Inner coatingis a thermal pla stic hydrocarnon res in aoolied totne inside at the oole to sea l an a protect against ann osnne nc an n corrosive matt er,DuraGrip Pic;iin,sh tea uires a five-year nmnec wa rra ~t'f, • BASE Po le base is ASTM -A36 not-rouse steel plate with a min imum yielD STr ength of36,000psi.Two-oiece fab ricated square alu minum bas e cover is optional. ANCHORBOLTS Poles are furnished With anchor bolts feaT uring zinc-plated double nutsand washers.Gaivanize o anchor bolts are ocuona l,Ancho r hOlls conform to AS TM-A36 Wllh a minimum yield s:re ngth of 36,000 psi. steL SQUARE POLES Steel Squ~e POles from LSI Li ghting Systems offer durab le aes thetics to "'"l !1S:,IC8 your sce cm ec light ing design .For a lOOk that lasts.soe cify LSI poles. STEEL SQUARE POLES PO LE SELECTIO N CHART (4"5"and6 "stee lsauarepoles] SPECIFICATIONS POLE SHA FT Pole sha m s electro -we lded ~ST M "A500 Grace C steer tubln Q wrtn aminimum yieldslrengtn oi 50.000 psi.On Ten on Mount ste el pole s,teno n IS 2·318'0 [I. mg n-strengt h pipe.Tenon is 4-3/4' inlengtrL Straight pol es are 4'.5" and 6'square. HAND -HOLE Sta ndard han d-hole tccau on .s 'T ao ove oole base.Hand-hole placed 48"above the pole base IS optiona l. Hand·hol e srze IS 2'x ~'.Pa les taller than 20'sn ail nave a reinforced hand·hole . Follow these steps to determine the luminaire /pole combination for y our application. "Select iummaire i romlurrnn arre "Refer tot ummaee EPA Croa r:•Se lectMPH to matcn tne \'/"~~scee o In Oraering intormanon .to cete rrn me EPA va lue.the app licat IOn area .k . •Seiect oracxet ccnneuranon "Seiect Heig htof orne ,•Conn rrn the pore EPA tnat .s scuau o or "IlIiI exce eds the l u m lO al re!tl ra r.·,~:':?"3S was previous tyceterrm ne n :1m 1IIIIIi_••"I-~S l LIG HTING 5 Y sn;MS.A DIv ISIOnof LSllnous "'''tee . i oooo ALLIANCE ROAO -P .O ,BO X 42726'C INCINNAT :,OHIO 4S242 -o72e '(5 131 :33-3200 'FA ~.l 5 '~!793-0 14, , li li ;"'EPA r Outslde Mol8rial 9;J~:.~!:'l_~O MPH 100 MP~Olmlll$jOIlS 91rd l I ,;----.5;1G ;I "iO O !7 .?79.3 237.,.5':lG E i 10 37.6 lll:2'.5 16..1 -5'16 6 ~2 '29.3 21 5 154 ~U ~.S ~lG a 14'23.3 16.7 12.2 9.C 4'SH I.'6 14'42.3 31.0 23.Z 11.7 ,.5116 C j lj "18,8 131 3.2 0.;4'SHe 3 16'34.6 ~.C 18.5 13.8 S'SHG "·19'''''A 9.7 s.s '.2 "SHe 3 19'27.9 19.7 "1 10.1 S-SHG C 20'l tD 1,0 ~.2 22 ,-SH G 3 21)'18,7 11 ,"11.6 5.9 ,.S07G 3 'j '>/1'22 .~15.4 105 rs:5"511G Gf--.",I!..:~.3;,5 25 •l B."13.4 ,.S07G 0 i 2~'10'6.3 3.4 1.'."5 111.'3 ,,'Z2 '18.i 11.0 8 4 .5.4 ,.SQ 1G ;I ;22'20.8 13,1)B.g 5.5 ,.$11G C ,, WG --, :21"54.0 23.9 17 .0 12.0 "~I'.'ti 4 .0 1.~-5111.'5 !,2.1"15.1 9.7 6.0 1.:!"S07G 9 , i 24'11i.:~O.5 6.2 1 1 ,S ilO C 24"22.5 1'.9 9.7 5.9 5'SlIM"0 I 24'zas '9.8 13 4 8.11 5"S07G 1 24 ~2 n.B 23.2 15.6 s-SO IG J 2E 5.3 2 1 -,.3116 8i, 26 t2.C 7.2 3.9 1 5 4 'SOIG BIZJj1327.£J.b '0 5"S11G C ZS 24.0 ~5 .~ic.s B ~e S07G ei2839.6 27.2 1~.~12 S 6"5016 iI I "2 EO 9 2 '.Y 1.9 .-"SO I G 6 2lI'14.5 8.'4 '.l.2 '<'S'1H""..·I 2f '19 9 12.£7.5 3 9 so SOi8 a 28 35.9 22.7 l S.l 9.;6"S07G ·30'11.2 5.7 :.9 ..SllW 0 ,30'15.3 9.6 5 C'~,7 .'S07G 0 .-....;::I ~O·2S.8 18.5 ".6 66 "S07G J if:35 18.3 IO.C ,~--.-§:'--~-_...-'...-. ~9 '\1 .5 .(3 -F;"51'J 7f1 oJ SOB- Boll-O n Moonl , 3·Boll Patlem SQI'- ~re PollTep follllllaUnn ByOlllor 5OC- Bo n-On Meloni. Holl Pattern Tj (41 AlIenor lollS 1I••d'lIOl. SClI- Z-31il"0 .0 . 1 4-3/4" Tenon STEEL SQUARE POLES 4" 5" 6" Optinn.1 - IIao Canr I• '-----ft,..----- P.B5388~30::•STEEL SQUARE POLES 383 77'7-3889 ...,. BOLT:CIRCLE · 8 A /'1"/;1·c>a>-, c 0 Slc1tell 80UCIrtte 8':O'~'1:'n 12" An.~o,8,11 Size 314'x aCT J /4',30'"x 3.l 'x 3€' AllclI'"B.11 PllllOCllllll :1-114'l-;/4'4'4' en.Plate n_3/4'31~'"HIB' HDte:!W.plaa iilIl!lInIlIOlIS may c:.~'M1I1Oo t 11C1ic:I!.00 n.I USE to<stlmO anen.r eons,Gomwt llOCO""for me oase clate temllilbs. ORDERING INFORMAliON Select approp riate choice fromeachcolumn toformulateordercode.Refer to example netow. NuhI:3-8011 pattern Is required when ordering Citation,Claule,CGrsalr.Cypress,Greenbnlf Ismail),",ritaue and Staruam Series. Heig.'Ti "MOunllng- Cool,.eratl ••Pole finish Oollon, 1 "S' 10' 12' I I l I I Squall Pole lor B.II·lIn MlllIllt ~·Bott,,"n.rn ~SQ 8 5508 5SQe Z·SoIl Penem 4SCC . ~~~.. &qua"Pol.ttlr Pol.TlI\llllOllDt 4S0P ' 5S0P ' bSOP ' ~lIa"Polel.r Ton••1/I1IDII1 4S 0~ 5 S 0 ~ sso s 511G-11 Ga.StHIASwG7Gt:Sloo.V Sl1H-11 Gil..SlUI ConslJIt lIOii =o1tl:MO ::nart on opposite ~B . I ·.: I I I ta ZO° 22' t ~ 35' 3S" ! 5 -Single 0160'-001101. 090"-OOllbl. ONOC'-;)ouble 1'90.-'!riOIB TIl12,.-TnDl O agoa -CiJ.:i ON9!T'-O.... PA-1W1n Parallel Pi-pel<Too MOlI n: N -T.nenMount (5can Clr:lli nor. Sill:5 Z"o lOtl I stanlllrd BRZ-Bronu BU<-BIacl< PLT -PlalJnum COA-~ VAIi -1iIni1la W HT-wn ~. ~R/j -Greer. PP-Prime _eta,el eRC -Briel< GYG -GrJY Granite ROO -Rod GnnIlS LMS-Umestono OTS-O~e I.tGR -G"",loIar1>1. 4BC -••aas.Cover &.....5BC -5'Base Cover-V68C-v:8ute-r J Efl2.-WDttll:rprDo ~Duplu ;;'''C!!r3 o;t- SA-GlllUnd Fautt Cin;L ~,nto ""Oler 46HH -43""Dave Base Han <J ·MI. GA -GiI"'anizoo A'lCNlr BOll S ' F-Pole Preoaratlon tar Doll -on F::::1oollgtmncr DGP -OuraGn~·Poe LAS-Leu Anc:nnr ~ NO-No Op~o" .,. EXAMPLE OFA TYPICAL ORDER I ;58GB -8076 -24 -D180 -PLT -5BC -DGP I NCtlI :Arcnuectural finislles riqul t'addltioaal leaa urne. 'Specli'j mo unting height and iocaDolI . • •All LSI Lighhng $y$tams'0Qle$ars guaranteed':o meel the EPA rBoUlfements listed .LSl lIghnng Systems is not rasponstble if a pale oraar has a lower =PA ratmg than 1l'le indicalec w ind ~oacing zone wrlBre tile po le will D9 locatea.caution:This guarantae Does not apPlY ilthe polelbracketi flxlure combination is u50d to support any othet ilems $l.Iell as flags.pennants,or signs ,wnleh would adO at,.."10 lhe pole .LSI lighting Sy~ms cannot accept responsibllity for hann or damage caused in these sucancns.Nole:F'o<e c:alCUlatJons include a 1 .3 gU$llaetor over steacy WInd veiccnv .Example:poles designed to withstand 00 MPH steady wind will withstend gusts Lo 104 MPH.EF'Al;are lor loCabons 100 mile"a.....v 'rom humcane ocean lines.Nolr.HllnlC811tl ocean linesare tHe Allanlic and Gulf 01 Mexico coastaJ areas. -TO TAL P.D S •• ZONING -(j)J~~ ~'ere:;:;1ra;» ••0• ~. '.. ....-- :. .....':'".:....'. o .•••' ,....'. 18.04.137 Full cutoff. "Full cutoff"meansalight source inwhichnomorethan twoandfive-tenths percent (2.5%)of itstotal output is emitted aboveninetydegrees(90°)as measured from nadir asshownin the example below: (Ord .9(1993)§1.) 18.04.140 Grade,existing. Theexisting grade shallbethe existing or natural topog- raphy ofasitepriorto construction.(Ord.37(1980)§1.) 18.04.150 Grade,finished. Thefinishedgradeshallbethe grade proposed upon completion ofaproject.(Ord.37(1980)§1.) (Vail 4-95)308 75South Front age Road Vail,Col orado 8 1657 9 70-479-2138/479-2139 FA X 970-4 79-2452 July9 ,1996 •• Department of Commun ity Development Dennis W .Wyatt ,Architect Wyatt &Associates,P.e. 1865 South Pearl Street Denver,Colorado 80210 RE:The proposed landscape variance forthe Safeway,locatedat2131N.Frontage Road,Va il,Colorado . Dear Mr.Wyatt: The Town's development revi ew staff have reviewed your application fora landscape variance. Duetothe magnitude of thechanges proposed on-site,staff has performed a complete and comprehensi vereview of theproposalbasedonthe requirements of the Zoning Code ,our engineering standards ,andFireCoderequirements. As you areaware,the To",'U is intheprocess of developing design guidelines fortheWestVail commercial area.Acce ssibility and sitecirculation/maneuverability h ave be en addressedanda preliminary concept hasbeendeveloped.One major goal of this planning effortistocreatean integrated commercial activity centerwhichallowseasy movement of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic between thethreeexisting commercial centers(theWestVailMall,Safeway, andtheVailDas Schone shoppingcenter ).Staff believes thisgoalwill benefit allproperty owners asvis itors tothisareacaneasily accessthe adjoining centersandavo id "losing customers"tothe Frontage Road. Staff believes yoursiteplanningmustaddresstheselongterm modifications tothesiteinthe context of thegoal of achievingaccessand circulation betweenthesites. Staff hasnumerous concerns aboutthisproposal.The comments provided hereinarea summary of our concerns andwe will needtomeetwithyoutoexplaintheissuesinmoredetail. Staff has identified thefollowingitemsthatneedtobe addressed prior to scheduling a hearing on the proposed variance application: o RECYCI.EDPAPER • ACCESS I PARKING • 1.Theentrancetothemainparkinglotfromthe North Frontage Road,asshownonthe proposedplans,doesnotlineupproperlywiththedriveaislesintheparkinglot.Whena vehicleenterstheparkinglotitisconfrontedwithan on-coming one-waylaneinthe parkinglot.Staff believesthattheentranceshouldbe moved tothewesttolineupwith theexisting landscape islandalongthewest property line.The staff proposalwould eliminatemost of theexistinglandscapeislandandcreateatwo-waydrive (without parking)onthesite.Thisproposalwill accomplish severalgoals.Thiswill improve vehicular accesstothesite,provideadequateFire Department access,and create better sitecirculationbetweentheWestVailMallandtheSafewaysite.Theplansshouldshow proper circulationwhichlinesupwiththe east/west orienteddriveaislesontheWestVail Mallsite .Thiscanbe accomplished withoutimpactstotherequired parking needed on theSafewaysite.(PleasenotethataCDOTaccess permit willberequiredforthe project.) 2.Providestripedlanesattheentranceto appropriately direct trafficinandout of thesite. Staff recommends twolanesexitingthesite(one right-turning laneandone left-turning lane)andoneentrancelane.Theseshouldbe marked withthestandardCDOT required stripingpattern. 3.Theparkinglotshouldbereconfiguredwith12'wide one-way driveaislesandarow of head-in (90degree)parkingalongsouthend of the parking lot.Thisrequires reducing the length of the parking rowsand moving thedriveaislefurthertothenorthinthe parking lot.Thiswillaccomplishthegoals of providing moreparking,providing adriveaisle whichlinesupwiththoseontheWestVailMallandVailDasSchonesites,and providing additionallandscaping. 4 .Provideatypical parkingspacedimensionontheplan ,showingthedepthandwidth of parkingspaces.Compactparkingspacesmusthaveaminimumwidth of8'. 5 .Thehand icap spacesshownonthesiteplan occupy one complete row.Handicap spaces shouldbelocatedclosesttothebuilding entrances .Pleaserevisetheplantoshowthatthe firstparkingspaceineachrow,closesttothebuilding,isadesignatedhandicap parking space. 6.Theloadingareatothewest of thebuildingneedstobe addressed more appropriately . Theparkingspacesthere arenotclearly delineated andthey appear to conflict with loadingarea requirements.Makesurethatthesespacesareclearly delineated,providing a dimension of theseparkingspacesalongwith dimensions of thedriveaisleaccess ing them . Youmayneedtoeliminatethesespacesfromthe proposal duetotheapparent conflicts withthetruckloadingarea. 7.In your negotiations foraccessviatheVailDas Schone site,besurethattheaccesstothe 2 •• east of theVailDasSchonebuildinghasatleasta22'wideimproveddriveaisle.Thiswill berequiredforFire Department accesstotherear of theSafeway building. 8.Thereisadrainageproblemwithinthe existing parkinglot.Please provide details of how thedrainageinthisparkingareawillbeaddressed.Thesystem should be designed forthe 2-year stormandshouldflowthrougha grease andoilseparator.Alsoshowhowthe system willconnecttothe Town's drainage system.Adrainagestudywillbe required for theentiresite. 9.Your letterindicatesthatthe existing parking lotincludes105 parking spaces .However, uponreview of yourexisting conditions siteplan,staff hasexcludedtwospacesthatarc currently notusedforparking,butareusedforshoppingcartreturns.Therefore,we calculate 103 parking spacesonsite .Theplansshowthatyou propose 135 parking spaces.Thisincludes6parkingspacesintheloadingarea. Therequiredparkingforthe existing Safeway configuration is69 parking spaces (20,554 sq.ft.l300)andtherequired parking forthenewSafeway configuration is90 parking spaces(26,947sq.ft.l300).Therefore,youareabletoeliminate parking spacesinthe rear parking areainorderto provide the required 10%of landscaping withinthe parking area. 10.Theparkingintherear of thebuilding encroaches ona drainage andutility casement. Pleaserevisetheplantoeliminatethisencroachment. 11.Clearlyshowontheplanhowthe improvements alongthe Frontage road(i.e.,tum lanes, drainage,curbandgutter,etc.)willbe accomplished.Curband gutter willbe required alongthissection of theroad.Youneedtocoord inate these improvements withtheroad improvements proposedbyVailCommons.YancyNieholatSporis Engineering (970- 927-1424)isthecontactonthisproject.Theproposalshouldinclude piping the drainage alongthisfrontageandmusttieintotheVailCommonssystem .Prior to obtaining a building permitonthisproject,youmustsubmitandobtainapproval of engineered street construction plans . Our understanding of thecurrentCDOT requirements forthis section of theSouth Frontage Roadareasfollows : 6'bikelanealongsouthside of theroad 12'throughlane 16'lefttumlane 12'throughlane 12'acceVdecel lane 2'asphaltshoulder 2.5'curbandgutter 3 •• GENER-\L SITE IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS I.Placeanoteontheplanstatingthattherewillbeno outdoor storage of shopping carts. Allstorage of shopping cartsshall occur insidethe enclosed structure. 2.Providea location forthetrash compactor withinthestructure.The existing trash compactor isunsightlyandcausesnumerouslitterproblems.Pleaserevisetheplansto showthatthisis accomplished withinthestructureitself. 3 .The bike pathalongtheNorthFrontageRoadshouldbemovedtothenorthsothatitis adjacenttothecurbfortheparkingarea.Thiswillallowthe landscaped buffer alongthis frontage tobeincreased.Theminimumwidthforthisbikepathis10'. 4.Pleaseshowthechainlinkfenceattherear of thestructureas being rem oved . 5.Please remove theexisting4"steelpipeguardposts,located atthewestside of the property .Replace withamoreattractivebollard,if necessary. 6 .R evisetheplantoshowadequatepedestrianaccesstoSafewayfrom Chamonix Laneat thenorthwestside of thebuilding.Currentlytherearc unimproved pedestrian trailswhich cornedownthehillside.Pleaserevisetheplantoshowamore appropriate access .Also address pedestrian accessthroughtheloadingarea .Staffrecornrnends workingoutan agreement withtheWestVailMalltoallowa sidewalk tobe constructed sothat pedestrians areclear of theloadingarea.Staff believesa pedestrian/landscape plaza shouldbe provided onthewestside of thelotwherethe sidewalk accesses theWestVail Mall.Thiswillprovideanadequatepedestrian connection between thetwo developments andmoresafelydirect pedestrians throughthearea. 7 .The proposed north/south pedestrian-way located inthe parking areaneedsto have a minimum width of 6'.Consider workingthisaccess -way intoa landscape area.Alsothe pedestrian circulation infront of the building is hampered dueto theconfiguration of the landscape planters infront of thebuilding.Pleaserevisetheplantoshowmore appropriate pedestrian circulationalongthe building frontage . 8.Showand provide alocationforbikeracksonthesite.Theseshouldbelocatednearthe entrance of thebuilding . 9 .Placeanoteontheplanthatallcurbingin disrepair willberestoredorreplaced. 10.Placeanoteontheplanthattherewillbenosnowstorageon -site andthatsnowwillbe hauled off siteduetothelimitedlandscapedareasandtheneedforadequatesite circulation .Show wheresnowwill betemp orarily storedpriorto removal. II.If you will beplacing cart round-up facilitiesintheparkingarea,please indicatetheseon 4 •• theplan.Parkingspacesusedforthese facilities maynotbecountedas available parking. 12.Revisetheplansto clearly showallproposedbuilding additions,allexterior modifications includingthe screening of rooftop mechanical equipment,andtheproposedexterior lightingplan.It isour understanding thatSafeway isnow proceeding withonlyinterior modifications.AllitemsrequiredaspartofthepreviousDRB approvalshouldbe includedinyour submittal. LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 1.Inordertocomply with the10%landscaping requirementwithinaparkingarea,please providelandscapeislands/fmgers withinthe proposed rearparkingarea,inordertobreak upthe pavement andprovidealocationforshadetrees. 2.Consider the placement oflandscape islandsonthewestendoftheparkingrows of the VailDasShoneparkinglottodefmethisdriveaisle.Thiswillmakethetrafficflow patternsafeforboththeVailDasSchonecenter visitors andtheSafewayvisitors.Please alsorevisetheplanstoshowthe approved reconfiguration oftheVailDasSchoneparking lot. 3.Onthelegendforthe landscape plan,indicate thatthe8'Aspenswillhavea minimum trunkdiameterof2"measuredatbreastheight.Also,indicatethenumberoftreesby speciesinthissametable. 4.Place evergreen treesalongtheNorthFrontageRoadlandscapearea,toprovide avariety of speciesonthis frontage andtoprovidean adequate bufferduringthewinterand summer months. 5.Provide additional treesinthelandscapeareaalongthewestpropertylinenexttothe spaceonthe adjoining lotlabeled"shops."Place additional treesinthisareatohelp screentheloadingareafromthe existing parkinglotandNorthFrontageRoad. 6.Provide additional trees(sprucesandothers)atthesoutheastcorner of the building.This willhelpscreenandbreakupthemassofthe building . 7.Provide Aspensinthe landscape areastotherearofthebuildingtoprovideamix of species. 8.Removetheasphaltontheeastsideofthebuildingtoprovide additional landscape area. Pleaseproposesome landscaping treatmentforthisarea. 9.Plant perennials alongtheNorthFrontageRoadtofurtherbeautifythislandscapearea. 10.Pleasespecifythespeciesofalltreesyouare proposing.Staff recommends youconsider 5 • the species intheenclosedbrochure . • II.Basedonthesiteareacalculationyouhave provided (144,017sq.ft.),Staff calculates that the required landscaped area is 36,004.25sq.ft.,whichis25%of thesite .Based on staffs calculations of thesiteplan,weshowthe existing landscaping onsiteat36,413sq. ft.,whichis 25.28%oftbe site.When calculating theexisting landscape areas,staff included theareasthatarecurrently covered withgravel.We calculate the proposed landscaped areasat27 ,810 sq.ft .,or19.3%. These nwnbers includelandscapeareaswhicharelessthan300sq.ft.inarea.Thecode requires thatfor landscape areastobe counted assuchtheymustbeatleast300sq.ft. You either need torequestaseparate variance fromthe300sq.ft .requirement ornot count them toward thetotallandscape calculation. These nwnbers are inconsistent withthe numbers thatyouhave provided in your written narrative.Please provide thesquarefootage of each landscape areaontheplanand provide arevisedsummary of existing conditions if thishaschanged. 12.Please provide a landscape planwith greater detailastothe proposed ground cover, shrubs,flowers,andthelike .Staff recommends providinganadditional landscape plan drawn atascale of 1"=10'toadequatelydetailthe landscape improvements.When developing the landscape planpleasebesureto adhere tothe Town's vehicular sight distance requirements.Staff also recommends thatyouenlisttheservices of a landscape architect to appropriately addressthe landscaping of thissite . 13.Please showall mechanical equipment,electricalequipment,andutilitymetersonthe landscape plan.Landscaping shouldbe proposed toscreenthesefacilities . 14.Please provide agradingplanforthe development. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.Provide alegal description onthesiteplan or survey.Thesurvey provided isnot stamped bya registered surveyor.Please provide a stamped survey.Also,staff has reviewed several surveysforthisareawhichare inconsistent withoneanother.Youshould coordinate theseplanswiththoseplansforVailDas Schone andVail Commons asthey mayhavemoreaccurateinformation. 2.Please provide thelotsize of the project onthe survey forthisprojectorhavea calculation stamped byaprofessionallandsurveyor. 3.Provide proposed elevations of thewestandnorthsides of thebuilding.All improvements planned as part of yourprevious application mustbeshownontheseplans. 6 •• 4.The application requiresthatyouprovidea preliminary titlereport,withschedulesA &B. Thiswasnotincludedwiththe application.Pleaseprovidethisreport. 5.Pleaseprovidealetter from theowneroftheVailDasSchoneShoppingCenter,the adjoiningpropertyowner,statingthattheyareinagreementwiththeproposedplans whichindicate improvements ontheirproperty.Providealetterstatingthattheyare workingonanaccess agreement,buthavenoproblemswiththeproposedplansto constructtheproposed improvements ontheirproperty. FIRE ACCESS I.Theparkingareamustprovidetheminimumfiretruckturningradiustoaccessthefront of thebuilding.SeeVailFire Department Specifications basedonVFC 10.204.Thestaff proposedconfigurationmeetsthis requirement. 2.FirehydrantsalongtheFrontageroadmayhavetobemovedbasedontheaccesstothis center.Firehydrantswillbeneededonthenorthside of theSafewaysite.Also,the recentlyapprovedfire connection willneedtobemovedbasedontheexpansionplans. Pleaserevisetheplanstoshowtheproposedlocations of these facilities.Youmaywant todiscussthisissuedirectlywithMikeMcGee of theFireDepartment (970-479-2135). 3.AfiretruckturnaroundisrequiredintheproposedparkingareabehindtheSafewayor VailDas Schonesites. Thevariancerequestis tentatively scheduled tobeheardbythePlanningand Environmental CommissiononJuly22,1996.However,Staffdoesnotbelieveyouwillhaveadequatetimeto revisetheplansforthismeeting.We recommend postponingtherequestuntilafuturemeeting. Pleaseadviseus of your intentions forschedulingthisvariancerequest TheplansshouldberevisedtoreflectthechangesproposedbyTownStaff.Pleasebesureto includeall of thedetails of therecentDRBapprovalaspartoftheinteriorremodelontheseplans. 7 •• Please provide an update tothe written narrative,if that narrative changes based onthese comments .If you have any questions andwantto discuss these issues,please feelfreetocallme at (970)479-2148.A meeting onthe proposal should be scheduled on ce youha ve hadan opportunity to review these items. Si~",relY,l~Ji2JMauriello,A1ep Town Planner DFMljr enclosure cc:GregHall,Town Engineer Mike McGee,Fire Marshall Mike Mollica,Assistant Director of Community Development 8 •• Recommended Trees and Large Shrubs for the Vail Valley Deciduous T rees:H eight Growth Exposure Areas C utleafWeeping Birch 30'-40'medium full sun EWNS ~i European Mtn.Ash 20'-30'medium sun or shade EWNS Flow eringC rabapple 15'-20'medium full sun EW"NS ~~Ginnala Maple 15'-18'slow sun orshade EWNSrr~~~~~Green Ash 50'--6 0'fast full sun WNS~.,\ NarrowleafC ottonwood 50'--60 'fast fu ll sun EWNS''1 ';\!"'lr",..J'Quaking Aspen 20'--60 'fast sunorshadeEWNSJ" Conifer Trees:Height Growth Exposure Areas Bri stlecone Pine 1 0'-~0'slow full sun EW"NS Colorado Blue Spruce 90'-120'medium full sun E\VS * ConcolorFir 30'-5 0'medium sun or shade EWS* Englernann Spruce 50'-1(\')'.1-sunorshade E\VS*me...rum Limber Pine 40'-50'slow sunorshade E\VNS Lodgepole Pine 80'slow full sun E\X '"NS Rocky Mtn ,Dougl as Fir iO'-I00'medium sunorshade E\v"NS Ponderosa Pine 50'--6 0'med ium full sun E\VNS Subalpine Fir 60'-90'slow sun or shade ES Upright Juniper 15'-IS'slow full sun \v~ Large Shrubs:HeightGrowth Exposure Areas Ameri canPlum 10'-2 0'fast full sun E\V}iS Arnold'sRed Honeysuckle 10'-12'medium sun orshade EWNS Canadian Buffal oberry 8'-10'slow fu llsun EWNS Canadian Lil ac 8'-10'medium fullsun E\VNS= Chinese Lil ac 10'-15'medium full sun EWNS= Colo.Redrwig Dogwood 8'-10'fast S14"1 orshade EWNS Golden Elder 6'-S'fas t fu ll sun E\VNS~Serviceberry 8'-10'med ium full sun EWNS Siberian Peashrub 12'-15'medium full sun E\v'NS~-I :Shube~Chokechen)'15'-20'medium full sun E\VNS 'I....II NankingCherry 8'-10'medium full sun EWNS "\Varigated Dogwood 8'-10'fast SU-"1 or shade EWNS KEY OFAREAS E ~EASTOFDOWDJUNCTION W ~WEST OF DOWDJUNCTION N =NORTHOF 1-.0 S =SOUTHOF 1-,0 •=NORTHOFI-iO WITH SUPPLEMENTA L WATER ..=NOT APPROPRIATE FOR BIGHORN AREAOFEASTVAIL Getting Started: C hoosing the righ r cr ee err sh,.;b ferr the site :s ,-~e beSt plac e to stzrt.T rees are a kmg term investm ent.Choose ones u'hi:h are healthy,u'eU branched and MI'e so:i.i,mois t rootbaUs ,You r local nurseryman,k:n.:ls cape architecr or rree care professi onal can a.lS.St )'ou in your sele ction. • TRANSMITTAL TO:Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail,CO81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU: DATE:·5/29/96 JOBNO:9601 RE:Saeway Sore No .631 ATIACHED x TINDER SEPARATE COYER VIA EAX -#oE PAGES INCI TIDING COVER oog jn Majl coprns 1 1 1 REMARKS .DESCRIPTION .Set of Plans fer theabove referenced job LSI ~SiteLighting(5pages) Pictures of stoneplanters (4 pictures) Thanks, SIGNED:_-=-_ DULANEY ARCHITECTURE PLEASE ADVISEIF ENCLOSURES ARENOTASNOTED COPIES:LindyM cNamee -SaCeway Inc . • ~~u SAFEWAYINC. 6900 S.YOSEMITE ,ENGLEWOOD,C O80 112 ·1412 (303)843 ·7600 May7,1996 Mr .M ike Mollica Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75South FrontageRoad Vail ,Colorado 81657 RE:Safeway Store#631 Vail,Colorado DearMike : • P.O.BO X 5 927 T.A. D ENVER.C O 80217 Writer's DirectDial:(303)843-7560 Writer's Fax:(303)843-7916 Safeway wouldliketoextendits appreciation toyouandthe members of t heDesignReview Boardforyourcooper atio n inour application toremodelourfacilityinVail.Asyoumight imag ine,weareveryanx ious tobeginworkontheproject sothat wemaymeetourantici pated competition . Theapproval of the project was contingent on staff review of severa l outstanding items ,whichI wouldliketorecaptoconfirm ,andto informthosewhowerenotab le toattendthe meeting bya copy of thisletter . Staff needstoreviewandapprove thefollowing : •Stonesamplesfo r fac ing of theplanters .Ihave suggested toDulaney Architecture thatweuse60%to70%"Blues"to complement theproposedtealmetalroofingand trimonthebui lding.Thismixis similar tothe stonework used onthenew "Roundabout"near youroffices. •Acolorsample of thetintedconcreteplantercaps. •Aco lor sample of thebrickpaverstobeusedonthe replacement sidewalk . •Asample of thesidewa lk concrete. •Weareto submit aProduct Specification Sheetforthenew parking lotlight ing fixture s. ~flecyded"6t:I Paper Mike Mollica •May6,1996 •Page2 •Thenewfencingatthetruckdeliveryarea retaining wallshallnotbelessthan42" highwithanaturalcedarfinish. •Relocated landscaping fromthe modified planters mustsurviveorbe replaced . Additionally,theReviewBoardhas repeatedly expressed concern regarding exterior maintenance aroundour building,specifically: •The proliferation of newspaper andmagazineracksinfront of thestore.Weare relocating theseinsideourentryvestibule. •Thebank of payphonesattheeastend of thebuilding.Weare relocating these underthecanopyandwill contact USWest regarding newer ,low-profile replacements . •Relocate theFed-Ex ,U.S.Mail,andVailLibrarybookdropboxesto other approved locations. •Store shopping cartsoutsideonlyin screened areas,suchas between the planters and thebuilding.Nocartstorageistobe permitted onthewestend of the building inthe serviceyard. •Maintainthetrash compactor screenand surrounding pavedareatobe cleaner and more presentable. Theseitemscanbe addressed withourStoreManager,District Manager,andRetail Operations Manager tokeepthese concerns fromrecurring. We expect toprovideyouwith contract documents forplan review beforetheend of May.If youhaveanyquestionsor additional comments,pleasecallme. ~t ru I Y~ UN:!:z.MCNAMEE SENIOR DESIGNER LCM/sh cc:Cam Potter BobHenry Ron Zinter EricTemple DennisSpeer KatyPress BrianHannig •• 75SouthFronta ge Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 May6 ,1996 DanDulaney Dulaney Architecture 850 Santa FeDri ve Denver,CO80204 ••FILE COpy Department of Community D evelopment RE:Safeway Redevelopment Dear Dan: OnMayI ,1996,theVailDesignReview Bo ard(DRB)unanimously approved Safeway's requestfor exterior modifications tothe store .TheDRB 's appro val carriedwithitthefollowing four conditions: I.Allexistingtreesandshrubs required tobe relocated asapart of the planter modifications,willbe guaranteed tosurvivefortwo gr owingseasons .ortheywillbereplaced in-kind bySafeway. 2 .Thestonefacingonthe planters willbesim ilar instyletothatusedonthemainVail Roundabout andthatusedontheVailDasSchoneprojecttotheeast.Thefinalstonetypeshallbe subject to staff reviewandapproval .Addition ally.theconcretecapsonthe planters shallmatchthestone facing,andwillalsobesubject to staff reviewandapproval. 3.Thefinalcolorforthe concrete paving,andthesoldiercourse associated withthis paving (tobe locatedtothesouth of thestore),willbe subject to staffrevicw andapproval. 4.Thefinaldetails regarding theparkinglightlighting(i.e.,polesandheads)shallbe subject to staff r eview andapproval. WiththisDRBapproval,andupon receiving staff approvalfortheitemslistedabove,youwillthenbeableto proceed totheBuildingPermitphase .Shouldyouhaveanyquestionsor comments regarding the issuance of a Building Permit,please contactDanStanekat479-2321,orfecifreetocallmeat 479-2144. Sincerely, MikeMollica Assistant Director of Commun ity Development MM/jr cc:Kary Press o RECYCl.EDPAPER II • 501'1(...~l 6:/:"jJ -DR1S &--1 K~ --jj . _j 1::>o-"J)~-~ d.-- c.,ffll('it~H -~j fU,{~~~~~~}~~~/ .;1 ~..4-e ~ce~M..._-~, C~tJl-N~1'/\~.l C~cr--~cd.n.1 ~--r ~;-'1 .~~--UI~-~l ~~-~.z7 {<r%~_~~--=~~~'il /I ~---7 .!l _ 1'1 Cot'ol;{.,-g,,--,-S~~.e.~~i ~-=-~~ --t l --~---- Lo,./(/,;1.;6r-J =-1,.~-r ~~~~~-~~. 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Q' I If) ~ io I to') o to I ~ L a.a: APPLICATION DATE ·§~GN laHN I N G APPLICATIO~ I uwn '-"V H 1L L UI"I-V t.IJ ITvl "'"12 /~,~j l U:j Uj -4 (';j-24 5 2•t1 Ht<15'96•1 2:0 8 No.006 P.Ol ~~ ~4 ~qte ~Please Print or Type i r NAME OF PROJ~CT .S O±£\A )O ~_ NAMEOF PERSON SUBMI'l'f.''NG D b ro.-;:S O D');(:L~_P H O N E 3 0 3-'q J.9-U l J.1 ADDRESS d93D L(L~Q UeQUf L2en vRi,CD <?6dd.f NAME OF OWNER s O£e .LD4 .._PHONE _ ADDRESS c1\:Ol \\,.)0 'C'\-~h.._\:.-r ()0.\Q J r-'-oe.....,--l....:Rd~._ SIGNATURE OF OV/NER ._. d\3\ ho t Block X=.i .:.l ~i n~g~'_ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT RR®W IJh\d M fu (c<~(I),()ql-rn-r1 9 "j l ?'(g"::~)& \I Sf\t-'IOIJ.)A'I'1 QC1n.chQ"r>M I k \t~r 5 )"!..f\S-\o.\\o N:(;'1.',/2-11 -::,.4'0 tl cQ,{O f'l~ ~fd };;t N~l W WJ.4i2 .Q,.tJn1CN e Qh ,':<..,\i&<.Do ti-ho (mol ..Ql-.t i::e.M19'\.."I 'l.o CK)().<l THE F'O L LOW~G INFORMATION IS RJl:QUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE ~P P L I C A N T PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN ,m VIE IV BOARD . i l.DESCRIPTION OF '.r1lJ:..SIGN/AWNING (FREE S'rANDING,WALL, PROJECTING,ETC),INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE.~__ JJ u ~A±: n . ------------,._------:---.,.. SIGN ORAWNING H t_'t'I!R'~m:1 \?\oaL ~L~\~el.,.£JL=------- -------_._-_._--_.---------------------- '':.SIZE OF OVERA f..L ::r3N,::;IZE OF LETTERJ!'lG ANDLOGO -:::::::~=~_ '\SA\:F LOf\~~·-Jq"X IZ '-(P",=2'0 OJ .f!,<1i l~ I o~iJ ''{rz ,'2 I I -:L "3 D1 ij ._,_ c.HEIGHT OF SIGN JlBOV~GRADE ,~/~_ ,"DESCR IBE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROlIOSEO)1 9JX't'S +-.l...J"Y):\--"'tr-'__~".-6 .,,.LENGTH OF B USINESS FRONTAGE (FT) G,(ATTACH) r.•FEE:$20 .00 PLUS ~l .~O PE~.S~ARE FOOT OF SIG ~~. PA ID :6 300 CHI;';I(NO .1aJ l.,j _DATE 4~1.p REQUIRED M87~hIAL~SUBMITI~D W!l1LBPPLICATION 1.Si t ~Plan 2.El c v a ~f6nB showing exact location of a\·!I'.:..1<}'Oll the bUi lding . 3.Ph o t o 9~arh s showin9 propos ed location 4.Coloreascale draw1ng . 5.Sump l ~~E proposed matcri~16 6.F-hoto9r ~l fh of 6ign if .!lo'Bilable ~1 g n Adm inia~rator Peat -It"F a~Nol l:7671 To 1) Co.lDepl, P hon~# Oat" Frorn TO:SIGN APPLICANTS •II ;r r ,.1._'__'V•J..t...•'_',:_,I '~I_I ......«,......''•V L When applications for signs are·eubmitt~d,the following information is required: 1.A completed sign/awning application (attached). 2.A .site plan showing the exact location where the sign is to be located. 3.A photograph if possible and building elevation showing the location of the proposed sign. 4.A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign, as follows: (a)Colored exactly as sign will be. (h)A list of.materials to be 118Cd in s1gn (metal, wood,canvas,paint,etc.) (c)Photograph of 6ign if available. (d)Specific lettering style and size. 5.If an awning is proposed,submit drawings showing exactly how and where the awning i s attached to the building and hbw the awning ia to be constructed. 6.Description of :llghting that will be used in conjunction with the sign or awning.If proposing an awning,lighting 1s not allowed to shine through the entire awning Which calls undue attention to the business.Liqbting may spotlight only the actu~l sign lettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR ~OINTERS 1.Check sign code -verify site,height etc. 2.Be specific.Vagueness on design,size,construction may delay the approval of your sign. 3.Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If tllis application reqciires a separate review byany local, state or Federal agency other than the TOWD o f Vail,the application fee shall be increased by $200.00.Examples of such review,may include,but are not limited to:Colorado Department of Highway Access permits,Army Corps of Engineers 404,etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any pUblishing fees which are in excess of 50\of the application fee.If,at the applicant's request,any matter i6 postponed for hearing,causing the matter to be re-publlshed,then,the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant ~' Applications deemed .by the Community Development Department to have significant design,land us~or other iu sues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff.Should a determination be madeby the town staff that an outside consult~nt is needed to review any application ..Community Devel opment may hire an .outsid'! conSUltant,it shall estim~te the amount of ,money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department.Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant,any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses .i .ncurred by the Town in excess of t he amount f orwar ded by tile applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notif~cation by the Town. OF '-_-'R IL Mi see 11 aneous .Cash 11:0(:2" I.::;}61]:2, I (:i F (..((~H ·l··.::::1Cit·~~{?P ~;.I [,)Tt_'=,I Cit '~I-=t (:i E 1':;1:,(!t 'f '~l t.p~·,(Je t~2 ..~C3.0[: :> Hlrlount paid THRt--lI<'-?Cl I_I ... ..--.'-- j-"---•• ,-~ _'_'I i "'-._..~_.•I..J • TOWN OF VAIL /I . ~/.~ I )1/ ADDRESS,~-'-__,1_--- AC COUNT NO .• - S5.00 • 554 .00 •we:,. 539 .00 •~ $37.00 •I:l S36.00 •~ S37 .00 •1m•"$7.00 • SO.2.:>•• $5.00 • e., ~ '.."-, I S20 .00 ?L>... '/t,:;;,-"'D -Eli! 01 0009'111413 ~IGN APPLICATION FEE g OJ U00042415 UNlmRM BUILDING CODE 1!.01 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES IRE-INSPECTIONS ;f OJ OOOU 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE ~01 DDOu'l":'l'lU VTCART PROJECT DONATION ~0 100U04 1331 PREPAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE ~i 01 OOQO 41413 IA'(DDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE \S1.00 PER S().FT.I ':01 0000 414ll CONTRACTORS LICENSES I'"I:I ::S 01000041540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS I=!.010000 42415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS ~i (11 000042415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE ~010000 42415 UNlmRM fiRE CODE ~01000042415 UNIFORM MECIIANICAL CODE p,0 I 000042412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM ~010000415410:BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS) :'j UI (lOUO 42412 XEROX COPIES ~01000042412 STUDIES l£01000041332 PLANREVIEW RE-CIIECK FEE [S40 PERHR.]~01 0000 42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES ~31000045110 TOV PARKING FUND i i 0 I 0000 22027 TOVNEWSPA PER.;:D:.:I;:,SP;,.;I~::N,.:,:S::::;E~·R:...:.-FU::::.:...:N.:::D:....--+__+-___+_---t-----+;,j ;:*01 000021112 TAXABLE (al4 .51'(STATE) ~.*01 DOOO41010 TAXABLE (Ii)4.0%(TOWN) ,...01 000042371 BUILDING INVEST~IG~A~T:;;IO.<;N!.----------+---+----+----+----jE€l OTIIER :;;.01000041330 ~01000041330 01 0000 41330 111 01 0000 41330 ...01 000041330 0 1 000041330 01000041330 I'EC APl'LlCAll uN I',I!;ES ADD IT IONALGRFA "250" CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT EXTERIOR ALTERATION [LESS T IIAN 100 SO.FT .] EXTERIOR AL TEMTION [MORE THAN 100 SO .FT .] SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INEWI SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND] SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND] SUBDIVISION VARIANCE ... OJ 000041330 01000041330 RE-ZONING OTIIER ~CASH 1 -'1 CK ·#1 &,I(3 '!M.0 LJ REC.~) :EAX...-#OF PAGES INC!,I I D IN G COVER Lindy McMamee-SAFEWAY INC COPIES DESCRIPTION 3 • ATTACHED X TRANSMITTAL TINDER SEpARATE COYER VIA TO:Mike Mollica riu Town uf VIIi! WE ARE SENDING YOU: Roof Plan I Exterior Elevation ·REMA RKS ForDESIGN REVIEW BOARD -Submiu al asyou requested, Dan .1\ SIGNED:/\h-"'"\I DULANEY ARCHlTECfURE IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED,KINDLY NOTlIt'Y US AT ONCE • ~~u SAFEWAYINC. 6900S .YO SEMITE •ENGLEWOOD .CO80 112·1412 (303)843 -7600 :~ar ch 22 ,1 996 ~lr ,/·ii ke r~o 'll t ca TUI-ill 01 Vdi 1 Office of Com mu ni ty De vel opm e nt 75 Su uL h Frontaye Road Va i 1 .Colorado 8165 7 Re:Exte rior Elev atio n Revi ew Safewaj Sto re .6 31 Vil'il,Colorado Dea r I·I i ke : •_4_-",. ---.--;"I,.r"}'(~~·.~.\~.--..:l'41 .•,'"1 •./''I'.j::);f .,.......,I .';;;\,,?I ~-.:;i.'\..\:.....I tL_~. ~"l; Enc losed please f ind bl uepri nts o f the Pr opo ::;p.,l Rev i s e dExt e ri orEl evat iulI, Pro pose d Site P lan a nd t he Jl pf.ol i ca t i on f or Design Review Bue r d es well dS a ch eck to co ver t he fees f o r tile r ev iew. t"5.Ka ty Pre ss o r OUt'Real Esta Le De pa rtmen t ha s s pok e n to Y')U pre'.'i o usl y r e:;cll'ding t he s ubm is s io n o r t hese d oc um ent.s f o r-th e i\pI'il rev i ell p.oiJrd me et ing, If the re is a ny pr'oh 'l el:1 wl t h the:;('documerr ts ,01 't he ap plic ation,p l ease giv e me it cal l immediate ly so we may m c\k(~the neces s ary C01T€c ti u1l S, SAF EltJA Y I He. CO NS1 R:.Jc n ON DE PAil mEN r CMt POTTER CONS TRUCTION DIRE c 'r OR cc:Kat)'F't'ess ~Recy cled"C>CI Paper /'.-•• DESIGN REVIEW BOll,ID APPLICATION •TOW!,OF DATE RECEIVE:I : DATEOF DRB MEETING: **********'. INCOMPLETE APPLIC.l\Z1';mS MAYNOT BE SCHED ********** 1.PROJECT INFORMATI J,]l:New Sto re Front Eleva tion A.DESCRIPTION:New _SpU'J;H ELEVATI ON withnew pref .inished r oofp a nels and insul atedex te r ior f~~i sh s ys tem on t he r oofa nd.lace o f n ew c anopya nd t e xtured p aint on ex :!:.s ting c oncrete bloc.k=,_ ADDRESS: B. c. TYPEOFREVIEW: ~ew Cons tructio~;i9)3t2%r :F"'.\!t:LuaLlun ($26.00) __Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) 2131 North Frontage Road,V'l i l,.")31657 D.LEGAL DESCRIPTIOiL r.ot; subdivision _ SEE ATTACHEI ~~i :'I :".~k _ If 'property is de~cribed by a meets a~l bounds legal description,pleane provide on a sepa ri te sheet and attach to this app l i.ce ti c n, E.ZONING:Commercic:l F.NAME OF APPLICANT :Safeway Stores Mailing Address:~'_(~'i-¥,state Departmen(,6900 S .Yosemite,Englewood < Colorado 80112 ...,__...Phone 3_0_3;.../8_4_3_-_/_5_6/_ fhone ,.(3 03)843 -7567 G.NAME OF APPLICANT ':;?EPRESENTATIVE:__~at~·.Press,Area Real Es ta L :!r~a na ge r Mai ling Addres s:_:~;.r~e As 'Above _.•.-e-r-.-'OWNER (S)SIGNATURE..:.__.._....__._._ Mailing Address :_~:extiiL~u:.e.:~~al..l~:J-''-/;~D2pa rtment,6900 South Yosemite,Englewood ~-.m....1J 0 1l 2 H ,cll'::)03/843-7567 NAME OF OWNER (S):_._........--='---I-__~:i..:.,~~'"._.._H. APPLICATIONS WIL,L NO'.t BE PROCESSEL'WI:'£'i :vUT ormER'S SIGNATURF. I.Condominium Approval if applicable. J.DRB FEE:DRB fees,:::;shown above,are 1.0 be paid a t the time of submittal of i:he DRB app t Lca tL on .Later,when applying for a bu ild ing permit,pleas e }dentify the accurate valuation of the ~J-o p o s a l .The Town C 'Vail will adjust the fee according to ~~e table below,to e~sure the correct fee is paid.. FEE FEE .Vl>;:GAl';:ON $..'.$10,000 $10,001 .~50,000 $50,001 .$150,000 $150,001 -.•500,000 $500,00 :$1 ,000,000 $Over $1,000,000 FEE $'.'0.00 $Su.UO $J.OO.00 OOG.OO ' :~4 rn.00 $·~.;O.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOAP.D APPROVAL EXPI R8f (1 ~i '::YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESSA BUn,DING PERMIT .tS .G ~!.'UED AND CONS'l'RUCTION IS STARTED. 1 r ,I •LIST OF MATERIALS • NAME OF PROJECT:Safeway Store -Elevation Change LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION SEE ATTACHED STREET ADDRESS :2131NorthFronta ge Road,Vail,Colo rado 81657 The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDINGMATERIALS: Roof Siding TYPEOF MATERIAL prefjnis bed Ueta l Roof p anel N/A COLOR Te al Other Wall Materials Fascia Soff i t s Te xtu red P a in t onConc re te Block 'Whit e Cedar P lywood Whit e 5/8"Ced ar Plywood wI groo ves 4"o .c.Wh ite Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Aluminum Sto ref ro nt N/A Alumin JIID N /A N/A N/A Gal yani zed Meta l N/A N/A N/A N/A Soffit Light ing Dark Bronze Anodi zed Da rk Bron zeAnodized Wh ite Chrome Trim B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: 7 N/A Square Footage NA *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate height for coniferous trees.Minimum height for coniferous trees 'is 6°feet. **Indicate size of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is 5 gallon. !YQg GROUND COVERS ~N;;.;A _ 'SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF -"N:;..:A'--_ EROSION CONTROL C.LANDSCAPE LIGHTING:If exterior lighting is proposed,please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan.Identify each fixture from the lighting plan in the space below and provide the height above grade,type of light proposed,lumen output,luminous area and a cut sheet of the light fixture.(Section 18.54 .050 J) NA D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify.Indicate heights of retaining walls.Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3'.Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6'. NA 8 TIM Owners Form 2312 (e Order No.V19694 SCHEDULE A (. Policy No.AQ172281 Amount $2,300,000.00 Address 1.Policy Date:"October 20,1992 at 8:00 A.M. 2.Name of Insured :...-.~.,..._. '.-:-......•-...... SAFEWAY""STORES 46,INC.,A DELAWARE CORPORATION 3.The estate or interest in the land described in this Schedule and which is covered by this policy is: AFEE SIMPLE "AS TOPARCELI ",AN EASEMENT AS CREATED IN INSTRUMENT ","RECORDED APRIL 19,1977 IN BOOK 254 AT PAGE 142 AND AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED JANUARY 17,1978"IN BOOK 265 .AT PAGE 286,ASTOPARCELS2 AND 4,AND AN EASEMENT AS CREATED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 4,1977 IN BOOK 251 AT PAGE 335. 4.Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: SAFEWAY STORES 46,INC.,A DELAWARE CORPORATION 5.The land referred to in this policy is situated in EAGLE County,Colorado, and is described as follows: PARCELONE: LOT 3,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.3,ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF,COUNTY OFEAGLE,STATEOF COLORADO . PARCEL TWO: ANON-EXCLUSIVEPERPETUAL EASEMENT SET FORTH IN RECIPROCAL OPERATION, MAINTENANCE,AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED APRIL 19,1977 IN BOOK 254 AT PAGE 142 AND AS AMENDED IN AMENDMENT TORECIPROCAL OPERATION,MAINTENANCE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 17,1978 IN BOOK 265 AT PAGE 286, WHICH EASEMENT IS FORINGRESS AND EGRESSTO AND FROM THE SAFEWAY STORE CURRENTLY LOCATED ON LOT 3,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.3 AND IS OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBEDPROPERTY: APARTOFLOT 2-A,A RESUBDIVISION OFLOT 2,VAIL DAS SCHONE,FILING NO.3, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN BOOK 252 ATPAGE 118 OFTHE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO,CLERK AND RECORDER'SRECORDS,SAID PARTOFLOT 2-A BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBEDAS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING ATA POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF CHAMONIX LANE, SAID POINT ALSOBEINGTHE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 2-A;THENCE, Page 1 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. TIM Owners Form 2312 Order No.V19694 SCHEDULE A Policy No.AQ172281 Amount $2,300,000.00 Address SOUTH 43 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 35 SECONDS EAST AND ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAIDLOT 2-A,ADISTANCEOF 10.00 FEETTOTHETRUEPOINTOF BEGINNING;THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 43 DEGREES 06 MINUTES35 SECONDS EAST AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE 40.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST 22.00 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 36 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 70.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 37 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 4 SECONDS WEST 15.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 36 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 40.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 27 DEGREES 43MINUTES47 SECONDS EAST 46.23 FEETTOTHETRUEPOINTOF BEGINNING ~' ,PARCELTHREE:, EASEMENTS SET FORTH INRECIPROCALOPERATION,MAINTENANCE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 4,1977 IN BOOK 251 AT PAGE 335,OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBEDPROPERTY: APARCELOF LAND LYINGINTHEEASTHALFOFTHE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OFSECTION 11,TOWNSHIP ~5 ,SOUTH,,RAN GE 81,WEST OF ,THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,EAGLE COUNTY,STATEOF COLORADO,DESCRIBEDAS FOLLOWS:COMMENCING ATTHE NORTHEAST CORNER OFTHE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OFTHE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OFSAID SECTION 11,THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID EASTHALFOFTHE SOUTHEAST QUARTER -,OF SECTION 11,SOUTH 1 DEGREES 39MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 354.15 FEETTOTHE SOUTHERLY LINE OF CHAMONIX LANE RIGHT-OF-WAY,WHICH IS ALSOTHE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF VAIL HEIGHTS,FILING NO.1;THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE ON THE FOLLOWING FOUR COURSES:(1)NORTH 85 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 33 SECONDS EAST 192.82 FEETTOAPOINTOFCURVE;(2)270.55 FEET ALONG THE ARC OFA 238.64 FOOTRADIUS CURVE THELEFT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 64 DEGREES 57 MINUTES33 SECONDS AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS NORTH 52 DEGREES 44 MINUTES , 46 SECONDS EAST 256.29 FEETTOAPOINTOF TANGENT;(3)NORTH 20 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 284.00 FEET;AND (4)82.24 FEET ALONG THE ARC OFA 227.38 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TOTHERIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 20 DEGREES 43 MINUTES 23 SECONDS AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS NORTH 30 DEGREES 37 MINUTES 42 SECONDS EAST 81.79 FEETTOTHE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF CHAMONIX LANE RIGHT-OF-WAY ON THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES:(1)57.35 FEET ALONG THE ARC OFA 227.38 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TOTHERIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 14 DEGREES 27MINUTES06 SECONDS AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS NORTH 48 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 56 SECONDS EAST 57.20 FEETTOA POINT OF TANGENT;AND (2)NORTH 55 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST 198.04 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 43 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 35 SECONDS EAST 469.14 FEETTOAPOINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OFINTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO.70 RIGHT-OF-WAY;THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE ON THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES:(1)SOUTH 44 DEGREES 02MINUTES 56 SECONDS WEST 11.00 FEETTOA POINT OF TANGENT AND (2)254.43 (243.43 CALCULATED)FEET ALONG THE ARC OFA 5550.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TOTHERIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 2 DEGREES 37MINUTES 36 SECONDS (2 DEGREES 30 MINUTES47 SECONDS CALCULATED)AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS SOUTH 45 DEGREES 21 MINUTES44 SECONDS WEST (SOUTH 45 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 20 SECONDS WEST CALCULATED) 254.41 (243.41 CALCULATED)FEET THENCE NORTH 42 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 47 SECONDS WEST 506.70 FEETTOTHE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING,COUNTY OFEAGLE, STATEOF COLORADO. Page 2 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. /--.', TIM Owners Form 2312 PARCEL 4: Order No.V19694 SCHEDULE A ce Policy No.AQ172281 Amount $2,300,000.00 Address EASEMENTS SET FORTH INRECIPROCALOPERATION,MAINTENANCE,AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED APRIL 19,1977 IN BOOK 254 AT PAGE 142 AND AS AMENDED IN AMENDMENT TORECIPROCALOPERATION,MAINTENANCE AND EASEME NT AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 17,1978 IN BOOK 265 AT PAGE 286,OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBEDPROPERTY:'"..---. LOT-2,VAIL DAS SCHONE FILING NO.3. === .,Jl ",.-.J ••'_•~,-'..; -...-.-... •J <::._ Page 3 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. / ) TCII...JH OF .....IR I L Miscellaneous Cash TH!=lt-a<......OLl ------.----- \ I \ I I TCII...Jt-J OF 1~IR IL Miscel laneous Cash 03-26-96 09:50:02 SnrEWn Y '~PR E-P ~I D DESI G ~~R E~JIE W BRD . I t.efii paid Hri,c.l,m t pa i d THRt-n<··,-·OLl ,. -'---- .l!l ~-•0-•___•----.-----_..---___'-0 .------.-...._--_.-.._- IIITOWNOFVAILIRECEIPTNO_--- ~DEPARTME~"OF COltMUJ\TlY DE'''ELOPl''l.EJ\"T -mlE ~~¥,3 ,ZEi ,-2-bADDRESSDATE I PROJECf ~CHECKS MADE PAYABLK TO TOWN OF VAIL ~!:'t .ACCOIll\'T NO .0 ...'---_......~...._-..,_.-: -----,lTEM --C-.'-'"~.,_.,_.,.:,.,"-NO;'-"..•TAX'"'-a:j::-:rurAL '1~ 01000041540 ZONINGAND ADDRESS MAPS 01000042415 UNIFORMBUILDING CODE S54.00 * 01 000042415 UNIFORMPLUMBING CODE S39 .00 * :<01000042415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE S37.00 * B 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM FIKr..CODE S36 .00 *IliI ~e,l 000042415 NATlONAL ELECTRICAL CODE S37 .00 *IJA ~01 0000 42415 OTHERCODEBOOKS *t= ~010000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)57.00 *13 01 000042412 XEROX COPIES SO.25 *I 01 0000 42412 STUDIES * 01 0000 42412 TOVFEESCOMPUTERPROGRAM S5.00 • I!f 010000 42371 PENALTYFEES IRE-INSPECTIONS I;}}01000041332 PLANREVIEW RE-CHECK FEErS40PERHR.1 6::1 W 01 000042332 OFFHOURS INSPECTION FEES If; --01000041412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES t-Et.S '","", r;'01000041413 SIGNAPPLICATIONFEE S20.00 IF; .:-~01000041413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE [$1.00PERSQ.FT.]l{ ~01 440 VTCARTPROJECT DONATION ('Eii 01000041331 ~E PAIDDESIGNREVIEWBOARDFEE I ZZO,lX~- INVES TIGA TlONFEE (BUILDING)III ~31000045 110 TOVPARKINGFUND i i 01 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPEN SER FUN D 11;;:*01 000021112 TA,XABLE(a;4.5 ..(STATE) ~*01 0 00041010 TA:XABLE (tV 4•0%(TOWN) ¥01 000042371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION ~ ~OTHER [~ ~f!i ~'.l't;l,;Al'PLll,;ATl UN lit:ES '0 ....,--,~-~.''-.;;:.~....:-~-,.'1m H:01 000041330 ADDI nONAL GRFA"250"S200 .00 ti!it ~01 0000 41330 CONDlTlONAL USE PERMIT S200 .00 -I1'=01000041330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESSTHAN100 Sl,).FT .1 S200.00 ~01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION [MORETHAN100 Sl,).FT.J S5OO.00 ~ 010000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT [NEW]SI,500.00 ---=IIi£'010000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT [MAJOR AMEND]SI,OOO .OO I=;'010000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT [MINOR AMEND]S200.00 t-010000 41330 SUHUI vISION ~ RJ 01 0000 41330 VARIANCE S250.00 t;;; ~01 0000 41330 ZONING CO DE AMENDMENTS 5250.00 l'i'i-01 DOOO 41330 RE -ZONING 5200 .00 ~OTHER OTHER --:.;TOTAL:$:'2J),CO. I COMMB<TI;:c.-J'lL,JJn-ul _hop u..c,p .c.... (j I I I i CASBi )CK .•[IM.OW REC.B Y 'I --.~._-.~.-.--.........-