HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 UNPLATTED CONDOMINIUM GENERAL 1 OF 6 LEGALTOWN OFVAI L 75 S .F RONTAGE RO AD VAIL ,CO 81657 970-479 -2138 •DE PARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NO TE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JO BS ITE AT ALL TIMES ADD /ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Address :2077 N FR ONTAGE RD WEST Loca tion ...:2 077 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Parc el No ..:2 103-1 14-16 -030 P ro ject No .:PRJ9 7-0249 P ermit I :"B 97 ~2 t- S ta tu s ..·.'~:~S S tDtl' Applied .'•.::=;.111/H 9", I ss ued .'-:·.!::~-4 ?l·.Dr 9 ' Expires '.~-:::.o 6 1fJ ~t·~r De scription: OFFICE E XPANSION (MAIL BOXES ETC) AP PLI CANT VAIL VALLEY CARPENTERS 2 121 N .FRONTAGE ROAD,U03,VAIL, CONTRACTOR VAIL VALLEY CARP ENTERS 2 121 N.FRONTAGE ROAD,U 0 3,VAIL , OWNER WES T VAIL ASSOCIA TESLTD 21 21 N FRONTA GE RD W '101,VAIL CO Occupancy:B2 Type Construction :VI -HR Type Occupancy : B2 Type VI -Hour Phone :970 -476 -735 : CO 8 1 657 Pho ne :97 0 -47 6-7 CO 8 1657 8165 ;T OV/Comm.Dev. Clean-upDesitRefund approved amount date Valuation: f ir eplace Jnf or~tion :Re str i cted : 70 ,000 Add Sq Ft: lIof GII S l ogs :#ot Wood /Pallet : *****,.,,**************************************************f EE SUHMAR Y ..*-.t**t*-,***.ttt*t_••,_,__._,*********_*._*,__,_,_. Duilding----->590.00 Re $tUlIfllnt Pl an R~vie w -->.00 To ta l Calculated Fees---)1 ,326 .50 Plan Check---)383.50 ORB fee ----------->100.00 Addit ional fe~s ------>.00 Inve st iV8th,lIl).00 aeereett cn Fee-----).00 rcte t Per lll lt fee -----)1 ,326 .50 Will Cal l ----)3 .00 Cleen-Up Deposi t-------)250.00 P 8y ~ent s ------------>1 ,326 .50 TOTAL fEES ----------)1,326.50 BALAN CE DUE ---------).00 t *"*"***'***'*'*~**t '****************~************~*'~********************~***********t*******************************.*** Item :05100 BUILDI NG DE PARTMENT 1 2 /10 /1997 JRM Actio n:APPRAPPROVED Item:05400 P LANNINGDEPARTMENT Item :05 600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept:BUILDING CD/JRM/ART Dept :PLANNING Dept :FIRE Dept:PUB WORK Division: D.j.v .j.s .j.on : D.l-v .I.s.J.0n: D ~v ~s ~o n : See Page 2 of this Document fo r any cond i tion s that may apply to this permi t . DECLARATIONS I hereby a cknowledge t hat I have read t his application,fillfd out infu ll th e i n f o ~t i on requ ired,co-pleted an a ccur ate plot p lan ,and s tate that all the ;n f o ~t i an pr ovided as required's eorr ect .I agree t o COMp ly with the i n f o r ~t i on and plot pl an, to ta.ply with all T()WIl o rdinanus end state laws,and t o build t h is structure a ccording to t~TO'oI'1 's zoning and subdi vhitlf1 codes,design r evl ew app ~ed ,Unl f or.Build ing Code and oth er ordinanc es of the To wn appl i table t hereto . REQU ESTS FOR I NSPECTIONS SHAll BE "ADE TW ENTY -fO UR HOUR S I N ADVANCE BY TE LE PHO NE 4~138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROH B:oo A"5 :00 P" Send Clea n-Up De pos it To:OF OW NER OR CON TRA CTOR f OR Hl"SELr AN D OWNER ••******************************************************.+******************~*.~.• CONDITI ONS P ermi t t:B97 -0 4 28 as o f1 2 /10 /9 7 S ta t us :I SSUE D ******************************************************************************** P er mit Type :ADD/ALT COMM BU ILDP ERMT App l ican t:VA IL VA LLEY CARP ENTERS 9 70 -476 -7 352 J ob Addres s: Lo cation :2 077 N FRONTAG E RD WES T P ar cel No:2 10 3-11 4-16-03 0 Des cript ion : OFFI CEEXPANSI ON(MAIL BOX ESETC) .,.Appl ie d:.12/J..o /1 0 0.., I ss u ed:'12/1 1)/1 !'" To Exp i r e:.0 6/08/J9 " Condi tions : 1 ,F IR E DEPARTMENT APPRO VAL I SREQU IREDBEFORE ANY WOR K CAN .BE STARTED . 2 .F IELD INS PECTIONS AR E RE QU IRED TO CH ECK FOR COD E COM PLIANCE . 3 .ADA BATHROOMS ON EASTEND OF CMPLEX ARE REQ 'D SEELETTER SE NT TO S CO TT WI RTH (PROPE RTY MGR) 4,ADDITIONALCONDIT IONS ARE ATTACHED TO BLU EP RI NTS 5.AC CESSIBLE WORKING ADA BATH ROOMS ARE REQ 'D P RI OR TO BUILDI NG FINALBEINGISSUED ••**************************************************************** TOW NOF VAIL ,COLORA DO S ta temnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC -0367 Amou nt : Paym ent Method :CKNotation :11364 1 ,3 2 6.5 0 12/1 0/9 71 5:48 t ni t:JRM ADD/ALT CO MM BUILDP 1 ,3 26.50 1 ,3 26.50 .0 0 RD WEST RD WEST Total Fees : Tota lALL Prn ts : Bal an c e: 1,326.50 B97-0 428 Type:A-COMM 21 03-114 -1 6-030 2 077 NF RONTA GE 2077 N FRONT AG E Permit No : Parcel No: S ite Addres s : Loca tion : Th is Payme n t ******************************************************.********* Account Code BP 00100003111100 DR 0010000 3 112200 PF 00100 0031 123 00 0 1 00100002403100 WC 0010 0003112 800 De sc ript io n BUILDINGP ERM ITF EES DESIGN REV IEWF EES PLAN CHECK F EES CLEANUP DEPOSI TS WILL CAL LI NSPECTI ONFE E Amount 590 .00 1 00 .00 38 3.50 2 5 0.00 3 .00 o 0o0 ·.o 0o0 o 0••"" o 0o0 o 0••"" o 0o0 o 0••"" oo, "o,•• • oo •oo o•" oo o•" oo o•H oo e•H oo H • ,••• • Q ". te ~r 00 H '~e-e•H••00••'"~O •o• ••, ooo H •H•"o ~ ;~.Ie;~.~·C~n t ;}~c Eag le Coun ty Asses so r f f L cc "...ry ()j17-0 2...-r ( at;970 -3 26-8640 f or Pare 1 IJ .TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIOIW1 f<-PERl-lIT D _ PAR CE L ,.P ERMIT APPLICATI ON F ORM --~.'l:f ~DATE:11 /18 /97 ~1 .1""F'=~.0)'11'.1 -110 -O:lo 2./7 ,.r;tI APPLICATI MUST dE FILLE OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MA NOT BE -CCEPTED ~*****************************PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••_------*-_._----*.*--** [XJ -nuildi ng [J -Plumbi ng [l-EI e ctric al [l-Mecha nrcal [l -other _ San Diego ,CA Owners Name:Peter Blick lessee Add ress :, West Vail Assoc .,Ltd -own er Ar chit ect :MBE CorpQrate Ofc.Add ress : J ob Name :Mai l Boxes Etc .J ob Addres s:2 221N.Fronta~g~e~R~d~.~W~.c-___ ..5e.e attached Exhibit A .I 0 ;"""-ih~Lega l neac r I pt.Lom L ot J -13 l"ocK___Fi11ng \/,f!1..P SUBD IV IS ION :.. 2 121 N .Frontage Rd.W. #-11 1 Ge nera l Descr ipt ion :Office Expansio n "work Class :[]-New [X ]-Alt er a~i on []-Addi ti onal []-Repa ir []-Oth er _ Nu mbe r'o f Dw elling Uni ts :Nu mbero fAccommodationUnits: ( ..mber and Type of Fireplaces :Gas Appliances.Gas Logs Wood/Pellet '***************************AAA***VALUATIONS *****~**********A****************"""J I '.'r _ BUILDI NG :17-=-$10 ,000 E I,ECTRICAL:$,""iI /;c.i"...:-_O'rHER:$;-========PLUMBING :$MECHANI CAL :$TOTA L:~ )(******-A***********...********CONTRA CTOR I NFORMA 'l'I ON .l .*:j'"***********************l~eneral co ntracto r:Vail Valley Carpenter s .Inc.e ~o f Vail I):g;-No .0at "-6' Addres s :2 1 2·1 N .F ro ntage Ed .,W.,Vail,CO 8'F1 ....Phorre Numbc r-r ~7 6 -7 35"~~ Ele ctrical Con trac tor :Better-Way Ej ~ctr:ic •.!..!!£..:.v,l lU .yown o f Va il Reg .NO '!278E -=- Address :1813 Sunset PI ,Ste .A,Longroont,CO 80 501 ~Ofi-rhone Numbe r: Town o f Va il Reg.NO o _ Pho ne Numb er: Towno f v ail R.'C~g~.~N~O~.~===Ph one Nu mbe r:_ E ******************************* G PLAN CH E CK FEE: G PLAN CH ECK YEE : CA L PLAN CHE CK FEE : TION FEE : UP DEPOS IT : P ERM IT FEES : ____fJ_<2 2 IJ f ifF '-Mechanica lContracto r: Address ' Comr.lents • Plumb ing Co nt ractor: Add ress : .~~J~~{:\\................~~\\".ome'us BUI LD ING PERM IT ~~.nUILDIN P LUMBING P ERM IT .,,",",;,]PLUMB IN MEC HA NICAL PERM I ..:un~~0 ,.it.?\MECHANI ELECTRICAL FEE:.'.1'\1:.\\RECREA OTHERTYPEOFF EE:eN ~.101 ...·.CLEAN- DRB FEE :i·TOTAL T YPE GRO UP SQ .FT .VALUATION BUILDING : SIGNATURE : ZONING: SIGNATURE:. {CLEAN UP DEP OSIT REFUND TO~ lown of vai 7 5soulh lr o n t a 9 ~r oad va il,colorado8 1657 (303)4 79 -21)8 o r 479-2139 • o ffi ce 0 1 c om m unity d evel op m e nt T O: FROM: DATE : SUBJECT : ALLCONTRACTORS CURRENT LY L REGISTERED WITHTHE T OWN OF VA IL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS /COMMU NITY DEVELOP MENT MARC Il 1 6 ,1988 CON STRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL S TORAGE In s umma ry,Ordi nance No.6 states t h a t it i s u nlawf ul fo r any pers on to litter ,t rack o r de pos it a ny s oil ,rock ,s and,d e br is or material,i nclUding tra sh dumps ters,portabl e toilets and workmen vehic les u po n any street ,sid ew alk,a ll ey or p Ublic p la ce o r a ny p ortion t h e r eof .The ri gh t -o t -way on a ll Town of Vai l streets and roa ds is approx i mate ly 5 ft.off pavement . Th is ordi n an cewil l b e strict ly enfo rced by the Town o f Vai l P ubl ic Works Depar tme n t .P erso ns f ound viol at ing thi s ordin an ce will be giv e n a 2 4 h ou r writt en n o tice to r emo ve said mat eria l. I n t he eve nt t h e perso n so n o t i fi edd o es not c omply wi t h t he notic e within the 24 hour time sp ecif ied,the Publ ic Works Depar tment will r em ove s aid material a t the exp ense of p erson n ot if i e d.T he provisions of th is ordinan ce shall not b e a pplicab le t o construct io n ,ma int enan c eo r r e pairp rojects o f any s tree t o r a l ley o r any u ti lities in th e rlght -a-way . T o r eview Ord inance No.6 in fu ll ,p leas e s top by the T own of Va i l Building Dep artment to o bta in a c opy.T hank y ou for y our c o op erationo n t his mat ter . ~~~k n a W l e d gC d > "Co ntractor~o s i t i o n /R e l a t i o n s h i p ""11 /18 /97 I'-Dat e b y: t o Project (i.e .c ontract or ,owner ) 15 50ulh lr on l l'l g ~road vall ,colore do 81657 (303)4 79-2 138 o r 4 79 -2L39 • oUl ce of community dev elopment BU ILD ING PE Rr :lTIS SUANCE TIM E FRA ME I f this permit r equir es a Town of Va il Fire Department App roval. Engineer '·s {Publi c uor-k s)r eviewand a pproval .a Pl ann ing De partm e nt re vi ew or Health Depar tm e nt revi ew.anda r e view by th eBuildi ng Depar tment ,the e s t i ma ted t ime f or at o tal review may take a s l ong as thre e weeRs. Allc omm erc ial (l arge or sma ll )an d a ll mu l ti -family permits wi ll ha ve t o f o llow t heabo ve menti o ned maxi mum requi r eme nts.Residential and sma ll projects s hou ld takea l esseramo unt of ti me.How ever.i f resid e ntia lor sma l ler pr ojec ts impac tt he va rio us a bove ment ioned departments wi th r egard tonecessary r eview,th ese pro ject s may a lso take t he t hree we e k peri od. Ev erya tt emp twil l be ma de byth i s departnlentt o expedi te t hi s . perm it as soon asposs i ble. 1,th e undersigned,understand thepla n check procedur e and t i me fra me. ~Ma ilBoxes Etc. Project Nam e 'f.1 1/1 8/97 Date Wo rk Sheet was tur ned into th e Comm unity ueve l n om -nt Department . •MEMORANDUM •TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WH ENA "PUBLICWAY PERMIT'ISR EQUIR ED Job Name :Maj J Boxes Etc. Date:11/18/97 Please answert hefollowing questionnaire r egarding theneed f o ra"Public Way Permit": 1)Isthisa newresidence? 2)Is demolit ion workbeing p erio rm ed that requirestheuseof t he r ight of way,easementsorpublic pro perty? 3 )Is anyutility work needed? 4)Is t hed riveway beingrepaved? 5)Isdiffere nt accessneeded tos ite ot her t hanexistingdriveway? 6)Is a ny drainage work being don e affecting t ho rightof way,ea se ment s , orpublic prop erty? 7 )Isa "Revoca ble Right Of WayPe rmit" required?. 8)A.Ist he rightof way,easeme nts or publicproperty tobe usedfor staging, parking o r f encing? B.If no t o 8A,isaparking.staging o r fenc ing plan required byC ommunity Development? x x x x x x x x x If youanswered yes toanyof t heseq uestions.a"Public Wa y Pe rmit"must beobta ined. "PublicWayPermit"applicationsmaybeobt ained at t he Pub lic W ork's office o r at CommunityDevelopment.Ifyouhavea ny questions pleasecall C harlie Davis,th eTown ofVail Co nstruct io n Insp ecto r,at 4 79-21 58. I have reada nd answ ered a ll theab ovequ estions. Mai l Boxes Etc . Job Name Contractor's Signature 11/18/9 7 Dale ••TOWN OF VA IL 75 S .F RONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 816 57 97 0-47 9-2 13 8 DEPARlliENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE,THIS PERMITMUST BE POSTED ONJ OBSITE ATALL T IMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #:E9 7 -0318 J ob Address : Location ...: Parc el No ..: Proj ect No.: 20 77 N F RONTAGE 2 221 NFRONTAGE 21 03 -114 -16 -03 0 PRJ9 7 -02 49 RD WEST Status ...: RD WEST(MAp p1ied .., I s sued ...: Exp ires ..: I SSUED 1 2 /10 /199 7 1 2 /1 2 /1997 0 6 /1 0 /1 9 98 APP LI CANT CO NTRA CTOR OWNER BETTER WAY ELECTRIC SUITE A ,1813 SUNSET P LACE,LONG MONT ,CO BETTER WAYELECTRIC SUITE A ,181 3 SUNSETPLACE ,LONGMONT,CO WEST VAILASSOCIATESLTD 2121 NFRONTAGE RDW #101,VAIL CO 81657 Ph on e: 80 501 Ph one : 80 501 3 0 3-4 42 -308 0 303-44 2 -3080 De script ion :ELECTR ICALFORADDITION/REMODE L Valuati on :15 ,0 00 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PEE 9~~UlRY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• rn .et.ric.l ---:> ORB 1'....---:> Inv••t l!J_tl on> Wil l C.ll ----. TOT A L F EES---:> 2 70 .0 0 .00 .00 LC O 211 .00 Tot.}c .lcu l .t ~d P~....·_-:> Add i t ion .}P•••---·~----:> To tal p .~i t ,...._------:> '.yt:len t ..-_••••••••-._-_•• aA~C!DUB ---··--------> 273.C O .00 211 .00 2 11 .00 .00 .............................."""""". Item,06000 ELECTRICAL DEPAR TMENT 12 /10/19 97 JRMAction,APPR APPROVED Item ,05600 FIRE DEPARTM ENT Dept.: JRM Dept.: BUILDING FI RE Divi sio n: Di vis ion: ....................••.................••...•.••••••.•..•."..."........•....•.••.•.•.......................•....................•. CO ND ITION OF APPROVA L 1.FIREDEPARTM ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED . 2 .F IELD INS PECTIONS ARE REQUI REDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ........".....•...................................................•.........."..............•.•..................""..". DECLARATIONS 1 h.~.b y ~c k no vl .d9 ~th«t I h aw«~.ad t hi5 appl i ca tion.f i llad out in fu ll t ha i nform~tion ~equ irad.c ~pl .t .d an aceur.te pl ot p la n ,a nd e tata t h at a l l the inCot~~tion p rov ided a.raqui~ad i .c o ~~ac t.I a 9 c c ~t o com p l y wi th the informat i on a nd p l o t pl an, t o co ~p l y with a ll To wn o rd inanc ••and Bt at.l a wB,Bnd to b u i ld t h is Bt r ~ct u rs a ccording t o t he Tovn's %on 1ng a nd BUbd ivisi on code.,d eBiqn r ev iew a pproved ,Un i form Bu il din g Code en d othsr ordina nc es of t he Town appl icable t herato. Rt:QtJf.STS F:)R I NSPECTIONS SHALl.8 1 MADE nl!HTY ·FOUR HOURS IN ADVAN CE BY TELBPHON R AT ."·213 1 C'R AT cea OrrICB Fil:OM 1 ,00 AM s ,o o PlC •................................................................• s~.~.~e N~er ,~EC ·O).'~~u n t : P...~r.t ....t.hod :CK !'lot..u ci on:l!H ~" 27),00 1 2 /12/"1):40 I n lt :HA;,r ELEC'nll CAI.P ERi'ltT 2 1).00 p.~i t No;£"·01 1'Typa :S -~L F.C '.r ~.l No :2 1 0)-114 -16-010 S i te Ad d r ..u :2077 N F ROIf:'AGE RO WII !lT Locat io n:2221 N r RON7 AO !RD W~ST CM"'I L a O ~E ~1 Tota l 1"", Tot.oo l ALL PIIIt.., Balane., 273 .00 21).00 .00 ..................•........................................•.... Acc c>=t Cod. I 'O Ol OOO O)l ll .O~ we 0010000 111 21 00 oeacrl p t1on EL ECTRI~PE~MIT PEES WILL CALL I NSP E CT l~PEE "'-un o;; n o.oo 1 .00 I '.•• 970oll799J JS r-ev.3 1 1997 e4:~S P:1 F2 or f'1 e. ~O~~OF VA IL C O NS~R U C T IO N P!nMI~h P P L I C ~T I gN FoRM D ~I!:.L ;l.-.J ·27 PERm'"I'-- AP PLI C ~~I O N MU ST BE PILLto OUT CQ~P~~T!LY OR I ~MAY NOT Et AC C2 PT ~D .(••••••~••••••••••••••••••••••PERM I T INFC RKA TION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (,-Build1 t'l 9'[J -Pl umbing r;<J -Ele ot ric "l [J -Mec hlln i"ca l (]..o t hel" J ob Na",.'1'1 -:I A1.)<~~£,11-.Job Add.~SOI ;J;1,a L /i..·1:>.,,1;;;.I/,j w..rt: ._________Ph ._ )<)Le 9'a1 De sc r ipt i on:Let:.S loox__F ilinq -'....U<J.""'''''''...._ o·....n .rll NaZlle:~I/t 4 (1...J3 Li",A,;.t!d.rQ il s: _______--,._,Ph ,_ Sot c:b"'",t £;i,;6v l -A ~d it i on.l [l -R.poir [l-O t her __ Num be r or A cco~~odation Un 1 ~.: Arohite c tl General O••er1pti 0":~eJ~~p:<:L.i 1-/..!;(J"-"a~"'=:..."s=-__':::.J"_:::::::._..w::'O'''''''~~r:.J.~r...!..~------­ I<ork Cl •••:Xl-Now [l-Alt••o~ion Number o f c well in;Un ite : H.chani =al Contractor: A~<3res.:Town o~Vail ~,••~9~.-=N:O~.::::==:Phone Nu.'Tlb er:_ _~~~~~**~~~••*•••*••*•••••••*.**FOR a pPleE US E ••*.*~**••*~.*•••••*•••*.*••*.* BC ILOIN G PERK1T ~E Z B U I ~D ING PLA N CHEC X FEE:; P LUM &I ~G PERM IT F E~:P~~~IN~PLAN c~cx TEEt MECHANICAL PERMIT P'EE :ME CHANI CAL P LAN CHEC K FEE : ELECTRIC Al:,FEE',!U:ClUl ATION FEE: O';l;'tiE R T YPE OF ''~E::E ; ...•CLt~N ~UP CEPO S!T: ORB lEE::"~OtA L P~RM X~FEXS : T ~P ~CROUP .Q.'1"VA ~A T ;ON iU':tLDINQI SIQNJ.T UR .E ~, ZONING' SIGNATUlUl' Cot.lmtnt:s : i "l.,, ,__..._.~d__158 1 o ~--.I J .J:!!)'l ;J I ~'~;!!3 8 ,Wg:5 L66I 8 .HJ "•• ~.J:..1 S'97 0"=36 P:1 F3 ,.... 1 5 IOU ~l'l l,elMa g_,ol d ",II,c o IOot.;:O .1'" (3C3)4 19 -2 1.38 0 :'4H-213 9 '1'0: !"ROX ; CAn: SUBJECr ; ALL CONTRACTORS CURRZNTLYL RZOIS'1'r.RE O ~ITH TRz 'IOw:.r OF V).IL TOWN O!'V",tla PUSt.IC woa1<S/COMMt1N=':i:'~D~toPM!:U'l' HARCH 15,1 998 CONS~UCTION P~R X:NO ,MAT ZRIAL S TORAGE In .u~.ry,Ord 1n.nc ~No .••~.~••tha t it i,unla~tul :or a n y p Qr50~to litter,track or depo3it Any gci l ,rack ,a a~~,4.b r i. o r ~a t .:1 ~1 ,i nclu dir.g t rash d~rnpmt8r.,p ortak le toilees end v orkMQn v e hicl e.upo ~any .tr••~..~~6~a lk ,al ley O ~p ~bl ic pl acA or an y p ortion there of .Zha r ight-ot-way ona ll ~o w n cf Va11 o~r~tt.and road.iy .p~roxi~Q t .ly 5 t ~_oft p .Y.".n~. ~ni.o~d ~n .nQ.wi ll ~e .triot ly eM~oreGd by th_~Qwn 0 :V.il ~wb 11c Work.cepDrtmant.Per_on&to~nd viol .t i n ~thi_o rd ift.no~ will e6 qive"a 24 h o ~~~ritt a n n c ~ic Q to r a~OVR s.id ~atQrla l . I n th.eve nt thm p ers on 80 not ified d o .s no t oo ~pl y ~1 ~h t he n ot ice wi ~hin th .~4 h our tirn~4p.~iti.d .th e P u ~:10 wor ~& o Gpa r ~~.r.t will rQ~QV ••a1~~.tarl&l a t the expenae at p~r so ~ not ified .ThQ provi.ionl o f thi.ord i nanca sh~ll not b' appl i cab le t o con s truc t ion,ma inten ance or rep air p:oj oce a o r an y I ~r ••~or a ll ey or a ny u ti lities i n the ri;h ~-e"'\la.y ,:.-.-"...__.,. To rav ie ~Or ~in .nc.No .6 1n tu ll,pie•••s t op b y t n~~ow n o f VAil B\lildin ;De;:l:art J:l e:t Ti t to oo~a in a cOrY'Than k y ou to:-··yo'.:.r c ooperat ion on thi s J:I&t~~r . E-/..J;;<..:£~..: contracto r,ow ner ) .,r H !0 \ • .71 '08~ 9724 799 335 • 711 lOll '"IronIa;.ra id "III,c,JOridO I 1U1 (10:1)479-2 13~er 4 79 -2.13' BV I L~ING PER/lIT ISS UA ~C;,IME F AA \~E If t ~ts ptrn{t re qu t re~a Town of V&11 F ~re ~epartr.ll~t A ~p r~va l f [1"91"..","s (?abHc W:)f<S)revfe ....ud z.P P"o"'ll~a Plann ing Det1rt.T.ent rev t e .....or Hea l to r.:Jep Ut':le nt re v Iev ,In d e r evt e..~y the !h.:i1d 1ne D::tartrne :lt.th e e 3t ~lI'i'!t e d t im,~or a tota l re..,iew rr,A)'ta ke as lo ng ..&th ree weelt 5,. ~;~ec~;m~~ir~~i],:r~~~~;:;~~~~n:dcT~~~~~';:~~~~~~~n~:~f ~:S1~~~ti a ~ a nd s!t!o l l projec:ts ,h;)ulc ta ke!.'l es ser !n!O unt o f t ime.r!c'oi e'.'er,if r es ide:nt15 1 or silll'.r proj@ cts impac t ~h e ~erious e bo vt m ~'t i o ned dtpar bents .,tth r egerd t o neces sary r e v1e ~1 e-e se proj eetll tIiIy also t a~e t~t t~~e e ~t lk period.. Ev ery at t omptwi l l ,e ~!j .by t ~i ;~e p!rtm ent to ~xpec ~t .t n1s . .~~l·:!\tt a~s.o on as poss ible. 1.t he u nder5 ~~ned.u ~derltl~~t,.p'an c h ~k p~cced~r~and t1 ~e trull . \f ;;;2-3 .77rOat.Io.'ork Sh e ~t \01 85 't'Jrr:e d '''£0 the OOmmur 1ty o .~e'a ~~nt Deca r tmQ ot. \ ) " "•• MEMORANDUM TO: FROM : DATE: RE: A~~CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL pua ~lc WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY e,1994 WHEN A "P U B ~I C WAY PI!RMIT 'IS REQU IRED t1dh:V -:,.v "-1 C-j.,..<.f..;'<-,1""c,> Job Name:'/'7;';/'{-ro x '--'c:t;. Oato:./1 ..1 7 Pleas'."s er t h.1o llo w~nc ques tio:"l f'l sJ r.rBOard in g ~h8 need tor a "Pyo!lcW ay PermW : 3) <) 5) 6) 7) 0 ) Is this.r.aw ,asldenee? I,demolit Ion work os:n g perrcrrned that ,e ,ulre.'o a USe 01 theright of way,aasamenl.or pubITe pr opa~? Is any 'u:i1:ty work 1eedad? Is 1MQ erivewey Cl ing r.pavad7 Js d (H .~er'lt s ec...needed t e site olher than 8xlstirg driv a."..!y? I s a"y drarnage work ,oing dona aHec1 i ng tl1 Q rl ghlof way.easeme nts, or pu bl.c p roper:y7 Is e "Me voeobl a Righi O!Way Pe r",I,'.. requ ired? A ,Is the ri ght 01 way.,...mlnta.or publIc p ropeny to be u••d forstaging, par,;ng o r fenci ng? B.If '0 '0eA,!.a porklng,staging or fenc Ing 'plan rgq u l ra~by Co ~m un :ty Development? ~l:!Q x X »: X X X 'X x .x If you answared yes 10 s ny ol these questlcns,a'Pub Uo Way Porma"",uOl 1>.cbi.:ned . ·P ubl'c Way Permit"applicafons may be obtained att he Publlo Work',oHi ce orat ec.'nmunlty Coveropmo.t.If you havt aoy questions pleasa ca ll ChMie Davis,Iht Town e'Va'i Conslruetlon Insp &C1 or,at 479·2 158, .-. .,... .--. '.I .. '.". ...• \ ,1 ."UA')WeS1 v uJ f i <;SoC.V- 0 111 'CONSULTANT.C. P .O .BOX 4 572 VAIl.COLORADO IIeSi FIELD REPORT •19J I,II 9...a ·i~:jl FAX 949·1 577 WEA THER,_...lC~\.-"O",UI.I.I<D~'(:""'-1 --",C""Q!..Ik~D",- TO , V AIL VALl E'(CARPEt-lTf;fi;Sj I NC . ...1J..2..1 N .FgONTA C;E RoA D WB GT VA IL}C O 1>1(,,58 A TIENTION: c gAl C;O R R I Ck PROJECT, MAIL B OXES ETC. DATE , A RRIVE, DEPART ' 11./2-1 '1...1.7 __ 11'30 A.M . I visited the s ite of thea bovereferenced project to obs e rve theframedwallattherear of the s pace to d etermine ifit is a beari ng wal l.Thebuild ing is beingremodel ed and it is de s ired to move thewallapproxi mate ly 5 'toward the fro nt o f the s pace.The st ructure of this buildi ng c on si stso f preca st concre te bea m s,columns and tloor slabpanels .T he light-ga uge s tee l-frame d wallinq uesti on is nota bearing wa ll and can sa felybemoved. SIGNED,_~~J P.E . REVIEWED, COPY T O: KRM CONSULTANT_C. ".0.aox 4172 VAil.COlORADO elIsa .== • .==-- (1'70)948·1311 FAX "1-1577 FIELD REPORT DEPART: __.J..J)L:...1o A·M • TO: VAIL VALl ex CA~I'ENIE!;S J I N C. ..zL2J N.FgoNTA~E eM!:>W5GT VA Ik J (,0 S 1-"(o'-'5:>.B<>-_ ATTENT ION: C gA I4 o~RI CK PROJECT: MAlk BOXES ETC . DATE: ARRIVE : WEATHER : 12./2./'lLL7__II 11 :30 A.M . '-!..QU O'(I CO bD I visited thesite of theabove referenced project (0 observetheframed wall attherear of the spaceto determineif it isa bearingwall.Thebuildi ng is being remodeledand it is desired to move the wall approximately 5'toward the front of the space.The structure ofthisbuilding consists o f precast concrete beams,columns and floo r slabpanels .The light-gauge steel -framed wa ll inque stion is notabearing wa ll an d cansafelybe moved. SIGNE D: j!,aJ~~!BE . REVIEWED : COPVTO: , KRM CONSULTANT.C. ".0.lOX 4572 VAIl.COlORADO '11I51 FIELD REPORT •__a Cl10)'41-'311 fAX IU·l '577 DEPART:__-u)1..:...10 A.M , WEATHER: TO: VA IL V ALl EY CAI<:.PENTEgS J INC. ...1J2.1 N.FgoNTA~E &:.OAD We;&T YA lk I GO SIC.sa ATTENTION: C.U14 O ~&ICI<: PROJECT : MAIL BOXES ETC. DATE:_12 /z./"IL..L7 __r I 11:30 A.M . C-bOUPY J CO bD I visited thesite ofthe above referenced project to observe the framed wallat the rear ofthe spaceto determ ine if it is abear ing wall.Thebuilding isbeing rem odeled an d it is desire dto movethe wall approximately 5'toward the fron t ofthe space.The structure ofthis building consists of pre cast concrete beams,column s and floor slab panels .The light -gauge steel-framed wallin question is not a beari ng wall and can safely be mo ved. SIGNED: t:w.J~~)f',E . REVIEWlO D: COPY TO: , ••• I .-t T -c,R .E r.I W vH l E ,,. R 'I I't: o t I ~I APr r R<-. 1, AND U' nr 'HUV R THE F; L L..ELE WALLS F I 'E J I TID J n ~-)1 11 pA TENfH , HRd ..1.n.a-...__ J:it.J PL".l.il'iC..-,~ n •.<L",'.!'__+"_L__.. ~~ n :.II-'h~II F t >M l t trc 0(P e.f •H-t 1 In ,I J:DJ:"TRAT!It u • '"0 k II:LC' ..)"t.1 II nt I I " on '. I ~0c ~I III "to;-.}-I I '-,t~ 1 _t -,0 No ..:~'J4 TH H 111'071.::LOb ,I ~:01110f~H?I fl,t VG-F l H<'l ft m:0~5~0 BLDG T.mp.C0 ilI1/1lt 98 In P·Lt.O):CD Hct.lnro:PA rr NOTESt No t es IT If ALUJ1,.JABLE rn MOV MATI BnxE.~INTO HiS sr'ACL 14=MAll DROP O'JI Y,PFnVIDf lh...jl THf-f-IRl-nrrr HA~ R(SUPPRESION SYS1F.M or PACE rra I .....OF "ff U: e a J CONS 1111 I I (r t H L r-DR 'l"WAL I='~( f-A R~()'[ f f\f'.ROC 01 1-=1 I:PE IT, ," I I •L "R.,t I ~til tor:"0 1 11 ~:08 ~0 I q l.J )" I " ...(...,- h 't-[n TI •• 10 '"'A L '.H <. SPu T R f'"n -n. r-0, J,c •, J I HIt ARPEN E' All H~'fJCIHTE l JA I [AR;:::;:N f., n, 1.':Hi,U n v " We "t 'JAiL ,IJI'(0"R~qu <L T fv l;i c n. Re-qn ,t Jt'JAy Phon ',,,18) Re lj r i ee :IllH:01<lJ nlm II t,":I'141LBu'tI-'I "qlll-"'eJ I,I r I_",d A,.,On om/l1Po ,, "oil lUG T tW p,{lJ l::b.l1.E-Z2..- Wi<( A pr F:j:AR~rION ~\..10 n:API=R THRU TENNE'"T -£.~~v _.cc¥,-'sn?u=""l.i.t'iln:.Vw-<.-.EIiZ-DE:itr 11~~LIi!C<..I'1Ir,,'"~iti,~O·f)dl..o...orW:(III..I~·--~'FI'~'-/JUI'I':r-.~.."'I£_'-"-'•-_..----,"c:r-AYIOl >-<,.,~~U~- -eO,.1"'''-ry:-e::c~'A.n-.;f£!1rrn:r _-7'R(r;;',B~F rOlln~...1R,-...!:1fIAI(, ..t=z:~~~f!}V~:;-~.-..--...r~.,,-c-,zr ~VV..~.tF~b"'-t6~-~+A.hTtff~R ()t:J6,t U,,,,rl,.l..lt '0'''1/(...:.....v··.'~'--"'"'I . 10 n H.t c r 't.::-I'-t L{..,-t-..--~ 001.:::..0 B -F"l 9 ~- 1:ItP.~r r 0:r9 At1 As:R AD OVr 00111 Bl),!n l 1 at Jon 0tl1fl1&0 Bt DG-~h~r t,cc k N~j 1"",19 197 In pe c t ors CD v ~:~AT(H A l PENETRATIOt HI:V'll2llt170 Bt Dr M L 01ll!ll9111 Bl Dl-IO=a It "'1'1 0052 BLDr'1l<'1'1!J L/fl It.~:005~0 BLDr rin~l CIO I It In -:IT /6 I)L Lc..uvH Pi-[TO N!Ou[:l\Il v\Il.i30)(f S. OF (+>\IJJ :JA AS LJl,~1'1-I L Drop UNL y FbuDlvb. h ef cJf~i ;4 pprzoJIt c. r:,r--)'--L ......•"• C !-,,~R -F I,17 ,..f HI f ",N l fil NTo:il;>f WE I MA Il BL •1 ill J !I ill ,~ [L~C'rRIC~1 DR A I rIr ON J":"t'10DEI y " H,• I,,-1 d e ,t ,n C C "111-011 I C " r R to T WI::T -iT J R ., Ie 1 rJ vr:rNr .r., U •,H I n ~ I >r, HE ~r >,' '-I '1< H Fu . , I • , = [00 Af., IJ "1 ns 'r:..t I 'I'F EC-Te e -LQhe I ,;0101:,,F Er-POlllJl- 1-I q'I w EG Ac 1 I ,"'n L'!A tlo /-.2 q .!J,jJ :.-:d& ~~tJ APt't VE 7 AP.J c~ I 'm.E L wod t-1 l 01410'1 E"LEr Ml L. tel!::0Qll ql7l ElEC-r-"1 I'll ~B In pe c t o r-r Eh Ad 00 r ne ""ltd e 'Co '0,he It~"00;....'+FIRE ··ALARN ROUGH It~lI.ltll!l~.,FIRE'FINAL C/O •• TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN T 75 S .F RONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 97 0 -479 -213 8 NOTE:T il lS PERM IT MUST BEPOSTEDON JOBSITF.AT ALL TI MES ADD /ALT COMM BUI LD PERMT Pe rmit i:B9 7-0249 Job Addr e s s :207 7 NF RONTAG E RD WEST Status ...:I SSUED Lo cation ...:VAIL DAS SIIONE PLAZA 2 11 1App li ed ..:E0 8 /0 5 /1997 Pa rce l No ..:2 103 -114 -16 -030 Issued ...:08 /07 /199 7 Pro j ect No .:PRJ97-0 137 Exp ires ..:02/03 /1998 Descr ipt io n: REMODE L RETAILSP ACE INT AL I QU ORSTORE APPLICANTDI ETZ ,I NC P.O BOX 2072 ,EAG LE CO 816 31 CON TRA CTOR DIETZ,I NC P.O BOX 2072 ,EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER WEST VAIL ASSOCIA TESLTD 2 12 1 N F RON TAGE RD W1 101 ,VA IL Occupan cy :B2 Ty pe Constr uctio n:V I-HR Type Occu pa ncy : B2 Ty pe V I-Hour CO Pho ne :30332856 00 Phone:30 33285600 816:>'1 T OV/Com m.Dev . L ean-up De~sit Refund a pp roved -'j_CLI/J{~_=-:<,:--:-:,--- a~~t~nt ?JZ§g Valu ation : Fireplace Inf or .at ion:Re strl ct~: 15 0,000 I/Of Gl!Is Appliance s: AddSqF t : 'Of Gas l og s:1101 IIOOd/Pa ll et : U UUUUltUUU *..U _U HUUtU***************.....H****fEE SUI1l1ARY U *********Ult****_••t *****,,**********U**************ll *** Bu1ldi ng -->940 .00 Res tUllrl'lnt Plan e e v il!'V--).00 Total Ca l c ul a ted r ee 5---)2 ,054 .00 PlanChec k--->611.00 ORB Fce-------------->.00 Add itiona l fee s-------->.00 I nve s ti gation).00 Re c r elltioo f t l!!'"'-------->.00 Tot lll Permit f ~e --------)2,054 .00 wi ll Cal l --->3 .00 Clelln-Up Depos it--------)500.00 PayMents---------------->2,054.00 TOTAL fCES --------------)2 ,054.00 OALAN CE OUE------------>.00 ***************************************************************************************..***************.***********.**.*.**••***. I t ~m:0 5100 BU ILD ING DEPARTMENT 08/,06/,199 7CHARLIE Act ion :NOTE 08/0 7/1997 CHARLI E Act10n :APPR I tem:05 400 P LAN NING DEPARTMENT 08/0 6/199 7 CHARLIE Action :APPR It~m :05600 F IRE DEPARTM ENT 0 8/06/1 997 CHARLIE Actio n :APPR I t~m :0 5 500 PUB LI C WORKS 08 /0 6/199 7CHARL I EAc tion:APPR Dept:BUILDING P LANSTOCHARLIE SEECONDITIONS Dept :PLANNING N/A / De pt :F IRE N A / Dept:PUBWORKNA Division: Divi s ion : Div ision : Di v is ion: See Pa ge2o f this Doc um e nt f or any co nditions t hatmay apply to t h is p ermit . DECLARA TIONS I hereby acknowledge thllt I ~ve r ead th is a pplicat ion,filled out in ful l the inf orMetion required ,cc.pleted an acc urate plot plan,and s tate that el l t he i nforMetion provided 115 required i s correct .I agree t o co-ply wit h the in forMa tion and p lotp lan, to COMp ly witha ll Town ord inances and s tate lev s,and t o build thi s structure ac cordi ngt o the Town's l oning and subdiv is ion codes ,design r eview epproved ,Un 1for.Building Code a nd other ord inances oft he T ~a ppli cable thereto . RE QUES TS fOR I NSPECTI ONS SH ALL ee HADE TlIENT Y-fOUR HO URS IN AD VANCe s end Clean-up Deposit To:"R J AY PETERSOH /cl1 s.F,{d~U (,J. OFFICE FROM 8:00 A"5 :00 PH,, CT O FOR HIM SELF AN D OWNE R •• w*w._••••••_*_.**•*******__**__•WWWWWWWW*****k_***__*__••• CONDITIONS Permit i:B97 -02 49 as of 08/11/97 Status :ISSUEDw*w**w*ww w.._••••••••••••••••*_***ww*wwwwwww**_*_ Permit T ype:ADD/ALT COMM BUI LD PERM T Applicant :DI ETZ ,I NC 30332 8 5600 Job Address : Locat io n:VAIL DASS HONE PLAZA 21 11 N FRON TAGE RD Parcel No :210 3-114-16-03 0 Descrip tion : REMODEL RETAIL SP ACE I NT A LIQUOR STORE Appl ied:08/0 5/199 7 I ssu ed :0 8/07 /1 997 To Expi re :0 2/03/1998 Conditions : 1.FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVA L I S REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED . 2 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU IREDTO CHECK FOR CODE CO MPLIANCE. 3.FIRE DEPT APPROVAL IS REQ'D ON ANY ALARM OR SPRINKLER MODI FICAT IONS 4 .BATHROOM MUST COMPLY WITH 1994 UBC CHAP II AND CABO/ANSI AI17 .1-1992 .ADETAIL MUST BE SUBMITTED PR IORTO FRAMING INS PECT IONS. 5 .EX IT SIG NS MUS T COMPL Y WITH 1991 UBCSEC3 3 14 ILLUMINATION MUS T COMP LY WIT H1 991 UBCSEC33 13 REQU IRED EX IT DOORS MUST CO MPLY WITH 199 1UBCSEC 3304 HALL AT BACKOF RECEVIEING AREA WHE REEXITI S LOCA TEDMUST BE MAINTAIN EDF REE AND CLEAR FOREXI TINGPURPO SES.A 4 4" CO RRIDERMSUT BEST RIPED ON FLOOR DE SIGINATING PATHOF TRA VEL 6 .NOEXT ERIORWORKL ALLOWEDUNI T DRB APPROVAL I S RECE IVED \ ••**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAI L ,COLORADO St atemnt **************************************************************** S ta temnt Number:REC-0311 Amo unt : payment Me thod :CHECK Notat ion :#6 195 2 ,0 5 4.00 0 8/1 1/97 11:03 I nit:CD P er mit No :B97 -0249 Type :A-COMM AD D/ALT COMM BUILD P Pa rcelNo :2 103 -1 14 -16 -030 S i te Addr ess :2 077N FRONTA GE RD WEST Location :VAILDAS S HONE PLAZA 2 111NF RONTAGE RD Tot al Fees :2 ,054 .00 This Payment 2 ,0 5 4 .00 Total ALL Pmts :2 ,0 54 .00 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Ac coun t Code 0 1 00 00 4 131 0 0 1 000 0 4133 2 0 1 0 00 02 2 002 01 0000 4 1336 De s crip t i on BUILDI NG PERM IT FEES P LAN CHE CKFEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL I NSPECTIONFEE Amou nt 940 .00 6 11.00 5 00 .00 3 .00 \ •• oo oo• o 0o0 oo E• ••o 0o0 o 0o0•• ·oo oo• oo o 0o0 o 0o0•• o 0o0 o 0o0•• oo,•o,•• •o oo oo• oo oo• o "o•o ~ •o ••• Ir '0>.••o ~ o•••00••••00• s E "~••o •••"•" PER.~ll T P _ " Ge neral Desc ription : o ,•'176 _0 09;)... "'.Con tact Eag I e Co u n ty Asse s s o r "f Lce .. , a t 9 70-3 ~8 -864 0 fo r Par ce l I .TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTI ON'W eARCEL ,:410 -/1 -/-/"-(\30 PERMIT AP!1:Igo.T.IO N FORM DA T E:~"-9 7c:......!......-L-,.'-j)9 I -GOc6 APPLICATION MUST BE FI LLED OUT COMP LETE LY OR IT MAY NOTBE ACCEPTED~••••••~••••••••••••••••••••••PE RM IT INFORMA TION •••••*••••••••••••••••••••••• (]-Building []-Plurnbing []-Electric al []-Mechani cal []-Other J obNa me :~,y.,)':~l '\~Job Address:.dl.L\A},,,Lf ,'-~\ Lega l Descri ption :LotBl ock Fil ing SUBDI V IS ION : Owners Name :!f\AlJ,.~.J \:l.;j \\&':~d d ress :dlll K\o:nJJ,£~P h .'i2~,-.CJ (?J ~ Architect :~d:i\('\2Qs>l etJ Address :Ph ._ §<\~----,,----------- Work Class :[J-New rrJ -Al terat i o n [J-Addi tional [J -Repair[J -other _ Number of Dwe lling Un its :Numb ero f Accommoda tion Uni ts :(~ ( rn ber and Typ e of F ireplace s:Gas Appl iances~Gas Logs__Wood/Pe ll et Pe3'l7-o/,37 *********************************VALU ATIONS ********************************* BUILDIN G:;Lc::J)i'<I>'(J Il l:>EJ,ECTRICAL :;"J J:~~0 OTHER:;;-,""'''"'"''_''';-:;--.."...,- PLUMBIN G::;i>(nll O,<~MECHA NICAL :;1;;);:S:(\(l TOTAL :;{r lO t \;)t Go Il l\ w'•••••••••••••••••••••••••••CO~CTOR IN FORMATI ON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 e neral Cont r actor :SJ ~~.Town of v a i l Reg .NO.399-B Add r es s :'&'17 -o.::J.Y'i Phone Nu mber : El ec tr ical Contra ctor:N J<M'£tl::l\iM4 £'ll·O ~~~n of Va il Reg .NO ."I:>-E Address :•'-Ph oneNumber:(}If 9 -'t ('J:I Plumbing Co ntr a ct or: Addres s : Town of Va il Re g.NOo_ Phone Numbe r : Mechanica l Contractor : Addr es s : Town of v ailReg .NOo_ Phone Numbe r: ******************************** BU ILDI NG P ERM ITFE E: PLUMBI NG P ERM I T FEE: MECHAN I CA LPERMITFEE : ELECTRICALFEE : OTHER TYPEOF FEE: ORB FEE : FOR OFFI CEUSE ******************************* BUILDING P LA N CHECK FEE : PLUMB ING PLAN CH ECK YEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CH ECK FEE: RECREAT IONF EE: CLEAN-UPDEPOSIT : TOTALPERM IT F E li't·5 1997 TYPE GROU P SQ .FT .VALUAT I ON BU ILDING:f "'""1'\'",r""i-1'f1'SIGNATURE:('v ·\'''\.'''11'10 ";"4,iii .....'", ZONING: SIGNATURE : Co mm ents : (CL EAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: .'•---.. 7 5 soulh lr ont~ge road va il,co lorado8 1657 (303)479-2138 o r 479 -2l39 • office 01 community development T O: FRON : DAT E: S UBJECT: ALLCONTRACTORS CURRENTLYLR EGISTEREDWITHTHE T OWN OFVAIL To,m OFVAIL P UBLIC WORKS/COMMUN ITY DEVELOPNENT MARCH 16,1988 COllSTRUCTI ON PARKI NG &NA TE RIAL S TORA GE In summary ,Ordinance No .6 states that it is unlawful for a ny p e rs on to litter,track o r d ep o sit any soil,rock ,sa nd,d ebr is o r materia l,in cludingt rash dumpsters ,p ortable toiletsa nd workmen v eh icl es u p on any s t reet ,s idewalk,alley or pU bl ic place or a ny p ortion th ereof .T he right-ot -way o n all Town o f Vail st ree ts and r oads i sa pproxima te ly5 ft.o ff paveme nt . Th is ordi nance will be s t rictly enforced by th e T own of Vail Publi cWor ks Dep artment.Pe rsons fo u nd viol at ing thi s ordinance will be given a2 4h our written n o tice to r emove saidmaterial. In the ev ent th e pe r son so notifi ed doe s not comply with the n oticewithin the 24 h our t io e specified ,the PUblic Works Department will r emove said ma ter ial at t he e xp ense of p erson n oti fi ed .The provi sions of t his o rdinance shall n ot b e ap pli c abl e t o c o ns truction,ma in tenance or repa ir p r oj e cts of a ny stre et or al leyo r any u t il i ties i n the right-a-wa y. To review Ordina nce No.6 in fu ll ,please s topb y th e Town of Vail Building Departm ent to obtain a c opy .Thank y ou for your c o operation on this ma tter. and acknowl edg ed by: y t1 n /Relationshi p to P roject (i .e.contractor,o wner) ...0 ~ ""'D ate • town of val 75so uthl ro ntage r oad va ll,colorado 81657 1303)4 79 -2138 o r 4 79-2 139 • office o t community development BUI LD ING PE RI·m I SSU AN CE TIME FRAM E I f t his perm it r equ i r esa Town of Va i l FireDepartment Appro val . Enq i neer-t's (Publ ic Works)r e view and ap pr oval ,aPl annin g Depa rtm ent r evi ew or He a lthDepar tm ent r ev iew.andar eview by t he Bu ild ing Depar tment .t he e s ti mat ed time f or a to ta lr evi ew may t ake as long as three weeks . All eorrmere ial (large or sma ll)a nd a ll multi-fami ly permits will havetofo llow th ea bove ment i o ned ma xi mu m requ i reme nts.Res identi al a nd smal lpr ojec t s should t ake a le ss e r a mount o f t ime.Howe ver,if res identia l or sma l ler pro jects imp act t he variousa bove ment ioned departmen ts withr egard to necessaryr eview,these project s may a lso t a ke the t hreeweekper iod .. Every at tempt wil l bemade by thi s depar tm entto exped i te t his . .pe rm it as soo na s poss i ble. I .t he unde rsi gned,understand the plan c heck pro cedurea nd t i me f ra me. )Coat e Work Comm unit y She et was t urned i nto the Deve1opm~'1 t Depa rtme nt. ,•MEMORANDUM •T O: FROM : DATE : RE: ALL CONTRACTORS TO WN OFVA IL PUBLIC WOR KS DEPARTMENT M AY9,1994 W HENA "PUBLIC WAY PERMI T'ISREQU IRED Job Name:-Cj=J5!,{J \,')~:{.~ Date :~I \ P lease swer t he followi ng questionn ai re r ega rding the need fora "P ublic W ay Perm it": 1) 2) Is t hi sa new residence? Is d emolitio n w ork being p ertorm ed thatrequir es t he use of t heright of way,e ase ments orpublic property? 3)Isa ny utility w ork needed? 4)Is t he d riveway being repaved? 5)Is diffe rent access needed to s ite oth er t han existing driveway? 6)Isany drainage work being d one aHecti ngt he rig ht ofway,ea sements , o r public property? 7 )Isa"Revocable Right Of W ay P ermit" required? 8)A.Istherightof way,easements o r pu blic prope rty t obeusedfo r stag ing, parki ng orfenc ing? B.If not o 8A,isa park ing,staging o rfencingplanrequ ired by Community D evelo pment? If you a nsweredy es to a nyoft hese que stions,a "PublicWayPerm it"mustbeobtained. "Pub lic Way Permit"applications m ay be o btained atth e Public Work's office orat C ommunity D evelopment.If you h avea nyqu estions pl ease callCharlieDavis,theTown ofVail Constru cti on Inspector,at47 9-2158. I havereadand answe red allthea bovequ estions. ~--rk 3G?~ J obNa me 0 1nt racto r's S i gnature eft ((....l.2-1.")'----__ Da te .••• TOWN OF VAIL 75 S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI TY DEVE LOPMENT NOTE:TH IS P ERMIT MUS TBEPOS TED ONJ OBSITEATALL TIM ES DE MO .OF P ART/ALLBUD G.P ermit #:097 -0 0 0 5 Job Address : Loc ati on ...: Par celNo ..: proj ect No .: 20 77 N F RONTAGE RD WESTS ta tu s...: VAIL DAS SHON E (VAI LAPOTApplied ..: 2103-11 4-1 6-030 I ssued ...: Expires ..: I SSUED 06 /24 /19 97 0 6 /2 4 /1997 1 2 /21 /1 99 7 APPLICANT DIETZ ,I NC P .O BOX 2 072 ,E AGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIET Z,I NC P .O BOX 2 0 72 ,E AGLE CO 81 631 OW NER WES T VAIL AS SOC IATESL TD 2121 NF RONTAGERD W #1 01 ,VAIL Occ upa ncy :B2 T ype Construction :VI -HR T ype Occu pancy : Add Sq Ft : P ho ne :3 033 28 56 00 Phone :3033285600 81657 TOV/Comm.Dev. Clean-up Dep!sit Refund approved 7,~~~I[~~~ amount ! date CO B2 T ypeV I -Ho ur 3 ,500Valuation: Descr ipt i on : DEMO OF IN TERIO RS PACE Fi rep lace I nfor~ti on ;Rel tricttd:1I0 f Gas l og s :1I0t '100d/Pallet : *_••t ,•••••••••••••••••",••••••t.FEE SU MMA RY •••••••••••••••,••••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,••t.t' Build;ng ----->85.00 Re stuar ant Plan Review--).00Total Calculated Fees--->743 .25 Pllln Check--->55 .25 DRD Fee--------------->.00 Add i ti onal h es --------->.00 I flllest i gatioo>.00 Re cr eat ion Fee --------->.00 Total PenH Fee-------->2/03 .25 wi LLCa ll--->3 .00 CL ean-Up Oepo sit----->100.00 Pay.ents--------------->243.25 TOTAL 1££S -------------->243 .25 BALAN CE DUE----------->.00 u ******.....*******u.uu .......***.****.*uuuu*u..uu*u***u•••*.uu.u **.*....**************...************************** Item :05 100 BUILDI NG DEPARTM ENT D e ~t :BUI LDING Di vis i on : 06/2 4/1997 CHARLI E Ac ti on :APPRCHARLIE DAV I Item :05 400 P LANNINGDEP ARTME NT Dep t:PLANNIN G Divi s ion: 06/24/199 7CHARLIE Acti on:AP PR N/A Item:05600 FI REDEPAR TM ENT Dep t:F IRE Div is i on: 06/24/199 7CHARLIE Act io n:APPR N/A I t im :055 00 PUBLI C WORKS Dept:PUB WORK Divis i on : 0 6 24/19 97 CHARLI E Ac tion :APPR N/AItem:05 7 00 E NVIRONME NTALHEALT H Dept :HEALTH Divisio n : 06 /24 /1 9 97 CHARL I E Action:APPR N/A Ite m:0 590 0 L IQUOR De pt:CLE RK Div is ion : 06 /24 /19 9 7 CHAR L IE Act ion :APPR N/A *************************************************.*••••**********••••***********************************.************************* S e e Pa ge 2 of t h is Docume ntf or any c on dit io n st h atmay appl yt ot his p er mit . DECLARAT IO NS I h er~ac knowledge t hat 1 ha ve r ead thi a appLication.fiL Led out i nfu ll the in to r.at ion r equired ,eo-p Leted an a ceu rate p lot plan,and .tat e that all the i nfor .at ion p~ided as r equ ir ~i s correct .1 agre e to coaply with t he i nfor .-tion and plot pLAn . t o ee.pLy with aLl Town ordinanees and atate laws ,and t o buiLd t his structure a ccording to t he Tow n 's zon i ng and s ubdivision codes ,des i gn r evtev approved ,Unifo r.Build i ng Code and other oNllnance$of the Town app licable t hereto . REQUEST S FORI NSP EC TIONS SH AL L BE HADE TY ENt Y-FOU R HOUR S I N ADVAN CE BY TE LE PHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OffICE FR OH 8 :00 ""5:00 PM ",". S~(lean ~Op Oeposit To :DIE TlINC • ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS P er mit #:D97 -00 05 as of 06 /24 /97 Status :I SSUED ******************************************************************************** PermitTy pe :DEMO .OF PART/ALL BU DG . Appl ica nt :DIETZ ,INC 30 33 285 600 Job Addre ss: Lo catio n:VAIL DAS S HO NE (VA I L APO THACARY ) Pa rcel No :2103-114 -16 -0 30 Description : DEMO OF INTER IOR SPACE Appl ied :06/24 /1997 I s sued :06/2 4/1 997 ToExp i re :1 2/21/1997 Conditions : 1 .FIRE DE PARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED .479-;1.2.5<:> 2 .F IELD I NSPECT IONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEC KFOR CODE COMPLIANCE . 3 .THI S P ERM IT IS GOOD FOR DEMO ONLY ,ANOT HER PERMIT IS REQ'D TO CONS TRUCT WI T HIN T HE SPACE.ALSO GOOD FOR I NTERIOR WORK 0 NLY .,••w .*wkk.k kk k ••••__**.__._*.**_.__..**w __*wkk_ TOW NOF VAIL ,COLOR ADO Statemnt---------**---------------_._-*-*_._.-.--....wk kk w_*k __ S tatemnt Numb e r:REC -02 91 Am o unt: payme ntMe thod:CH ECK Notat ion :'2041 2 43 .25 06/24 /97 11 :39 Init :CD ---------------------------------------------------------------- DEMO.OF PART/ALL BU 2 43 .25 Permi t No : Pa r cel No: Si te Addre ss: Location: Th is Payment D97-0005 Type :A-DEMO 2103-11 4 -16 -030 2 077N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL DAS S HONE (VAIL APOTHACA RY) Tol a lFee s: Total ALLPmt s : Ba lan ce : 243 .2 5 24 3 .25 .00------_._._._._------------*•kkk_kk _ Account Code 0 1 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 220 02 0 1 0000 41336 De scr ipt ion BUILD I NG P ERM IT F EES PLAN CHECK F EES CLEA NUP DEP OS ITS WILL CA LL INSP ECT ION FEE Amou nt 8 5.00 5 5 .25 100 .00 3 .00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- PRIPAA£D n /o ,/oo ,H I2l 'l' PMIX1IIAM MRll5lJ To ..n o f V.U CUST ·ID OUSTOM f.R N~!Tn. DEPOSIT REFUND REPORT -upOAn PIIOK , OlAIlO! CODE OI 9CR I 'T I ~n :-DAT!AJ'-DATB DIlPOSIT .....<>NT DIPOaIT ·ADJ AMOUNT ADJ USTH IHT....."'"A"D -REFUND """"" n,."-DS PUlTZ.INC . DIP OI o-p -Cl ••n up "1 /11 /'8 11/06/00 1 00.00 1 00.00 1 00.00-.e e TOTAL r OR C'U3TOM IlR TYPE'.,100 .00 1 00 .00 1 00.00 ·.ce GRAND TOT IlL , D!POaIT COUNT : OIL MATCH CREATED, , IATeH -02tU 20 001 11 US II:R I D-JPOP ECK AP HIlLD 1 00 .00 COL1l':T - 10 0.00 1.01) 10 0.00 ' ,""""'- .00 100.0 0 • • F ro m: To : Date : S ubject : J udy P opeck J oanNo len 1 113/007 :10 AM Re :I n eed to refunda c leanupd epositfor D 97 ~00 05 This isa t ough on eb ut I b elieve it is B 97 ~D5 .Ithas Di etz ,Inc .as then amea nd t find nothing else .D o y oukn ow ifD ietz is co rrect ?Ify ou don't fi nd anything else .I d o fee l fai r1y co mfortable In using B97~D5. B oy ,Ibet yo u'reg oing t o mi ss t nis!'! »>JoanN olen 1110 2100 03 :38PM »»> and ca n'tpullitup i nHTE .Theown erisW estVail As sociates &the addressis2077N.F rontage Road W est.De positisfor $10 0.00. T hanks foryou r he lp &I will beseeing mu ch more ofy ou s oon!l! -.,'.•*~C ontatt Eag le County Assess or fice ' a t 970-3 28-8640 f o r/pa ,e el ,'30 TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO . PARCEL':.Jj 03 •(I ~-I"-0.PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE :0 -Q'I -91 PERl-lIT '_ SUBD IVTSIOl\:F ili n g "-IIJ"'-'-'-'"...,"'-'-_ Address:loY,S,Ph.(,-li,-~c~l....:....::..::......:::"-'----"-'=--- APPLICATION MU ST BEF ILLED OUT COMPLE TELY OR IT MAY NOT BE AC CEPTED )(•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -t-'j -Bu ildi n g [j-Plumbing [j-Electrical [j-Mechanica l [..J j -Other \)("''' D r:-i)~1>\,"_~'"v .Job Na me:f llclb...,;..;t::.·~,IT t.tLi oZ....l,'i ~bh_Job Address:."LI!I "-lJ .~.....~14.~"li.i ~Q...-1- V )$qL-IS"t 'i;d\tt ...£(..j ~"'t.(.l..s · Lega l Descr ip tion:Lot Bl ock_ , c.t..""1.L \",-,<"",T ,~e,~ c _____...,-Address :Ar chitect :_________Ph,_ Gene ra lDescription :K~\J v ~~RPt.I ,1':>Q...'iI.a,)~<.... Work Cla ss :[j -N ew~J-A l t e r at i on [j-Add ition al [j -Rep air [J -oth er _ Number of Dwe l ling Unit s:Numb er o f Accommodat ion Units: ~mber a nd Type o f Firepl a ce s:Gas Appliances__Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ~*********************************VALUATIONS ****.****.*.********.*••*••••**** BUILDIN G:$ELECTRICAL:$OTH ER :$3 ,lbv ~ PLUMBIN G:$MEC HANICAL:$--T OTAL:$_ ~*********************A*****C ONT RA C~OR I NFORMA TI ON *************************** 'en eral Con tractor:VI ~2...IN C.Town of Vail Reg.NO o _ Add res s:D'f ?-oooS Phone Numbe r : Electrica l Contractor : Address:Town of Vail R,<e~g~,~N~O~,=======Phon e Numb e r:_ Plumb i ngContra ct or: Address : Town of Vai l Reg o NOo _ Phone Numbe r: Me chanica l Contractor: Addres s: Town of va il Reg .NO._ Phone Number: BUILDI NG : SIGNATURE : ZO NING: SIGNATURE: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDI NG PLAN CHECK FE E: P LUMB ING PLAN CHECK yEE : ME CHANICAL PLAN CHECK F EE: RECREATI ON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOS IT: TOTALP ERM IT F EES:. TYPE GROUP SQ .FT.VALUATIO N , ******************************** BUI LDING PERM IT FEE: P LUM BING PE RM ITFEE : ME CHAN ICALPERMITFE E : ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER T YPE OF FE E : ORB FEE ' Comments ._ {CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO ;. ••TOWN OFVAIL DEPART ME NTOF COMMU NITYDEVELOP MENT 7 5 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAI L ,CO 81657 9 7 0-479 -213 8 NOTE :TH IS P ERM IT MUS T BE POST ED ON J OB SITEATALLTIMES MECHAN ICAL PERMIT Pe rmi t £:M97 -0 18 2 Job Address :2 111 N FRONTAGE RD WE ST Lo cati on :ALPIN E WIN E &SPIRITS P arcel No:2 103 -114 -16 -029 P ro ject Number :PRJ9 7 -0137 S ta tu s ...:ISSUED Applied ..:0 9 /22 /1997 Iss ued ...:1 0/09/1 99 7 Expires ..:04 /07 /1998 APPLICANTJ ERRY SIBLE YPLUM BING POBOX 340 ,MI NTURN CO 81645 CON TRA CTOR JERRY S IBLEYP LUM BING POBOX 34 0 ,MINTURN CO 8 164 5 OWNE R WEST VAIL ASSOCIATES LTD 2 121N FRON TA GE RD W £101 ,VA IL CO 81657 Pho ne :30 38275736 P hone :3 0 38275736 Description : RELOCATE &ADD FIRE PROTECTION Va luat ion: SPR INKLERS/REMOD EL 6,0 00 .00 Fireplace I n t o r aa t;on~Rest ricted:t01 ~$App lilltl cn :£0 1 co.:>l og :>:l Of Ik>ocl /Pallet : ••••*t••••*tt..H .........*••tt*.****....******'*'t lH'*'******ttH FEE SUtlPlAR Y ...***rt****************"************~*****'U"****•• ~echan i ca l--->120.00 Re st~r ant Plan R ~i ew-->.00 To t al Ca l cula ted fe e s--->1 53.00 Plan th e-tk-->30 .00 DRB h e--------).00 Add i ti onal Fee s----->.00 Inveuigation>.00 TOU.l fEES------>153 .00 Total Per.it Fee---)1 53.00 'h ll Ca ll-->3 .00 Pay.cnts------->153.00 BALANCE DUE------->.00 ****'**'u*************************"***·.....*************u **...****..*********.......*************************************'*u ..*,..U *'*'l ' Item :051 00 BUILDI NG DEfARTME NT Dept :BU ILDING Divisio n: 09 /26 /1997 CHARL I E A ct~o n :APPRN/A I tem :0 5 60 0F IR E DEPARTME NT Dept:F IRE Division : 09 /26 /1 997CHA RLIE Act ion :APPR FOR MIKE M CONDIT ION OFAPPROVA L 1 .FIELD INS PECTIONS ARE RE QU IRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMP LIANCE. ******************************************************••************************ DEC LARATION S I h~reb y ac k ~l td ge that I nave read t hi5 appl ieation,fi lled out i n f ull the i nlor..tion required,c ~l e t ~an accurate p lot pl a~,and st ate that a ll the infor.at ion provided as requi red i,corre ct.I agree to co-p l y with t he i nfor.ation and plo t p lan,.. to coe ply uith all Town o r d i ~n c e$and s tate laws,andt o build th is st ructu re a ccording t o the Town 's zo~ing and s ubd i visi on codes ,design r~view approved,u n i fo r ~Bui ld ing Code and other ordinances of th~Tow n appl icab le the reto. REQUE STS fOR INSPECTIO NS SHALL BE tlADE TWEN TV -fooR HOU RS IN AOYAN CE BV TELEPHONE AT 4 138 OR AT OUR OFfICE f ROtl 8 :00 Atl 5 :00 PH SIGNATURE OF O'tI NER OR CONTRACTORfOR HItlSELF AND OWN ER ••**************************************************************** TOW N OF VAIL ,COLORAD O S tatemnt **************************************************************** Statcmnt Number :REC -0343 Amount: Payme nt Me thod :CK Notat io n :25 3 45 153 .00 10/09/97 11:3 7 tnit:JR MECHA NICAL PERM IT 1 53 .00 Permi t No: Pa rce l No: Site Address: Location: This Payme nt M9 7-018 2 Type :B-MECH 2103 -11 4-16-029 2 111 N FRONTAGE RD WEST ALPIN E WINE &S PI RITS Tota l Fee s: Tot al ALL Pmts : Ba la nce : 1 53 .00 1 53 .00 .00 ************************************************************.*** Account Co de 01 0000 413 12 0 1 0000 4 13 32 01 0000 41336 Des cription MECHANICAL PERM IT FEE S PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL I NSPECTIO N F EE Am ount 1 20 .0 0 3 0.00 3 .00 •**Con t ~ct Ea g Le Count y Ass ess.s Of fic e ~,on ,.""~~\ •Ie '\.,PERl'IIT •a t 9 70':'328-8640 :or Parce l TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTI j W PARC EL ':,;ilD3 11 ~IG.02 q PERMIT APPLICATION FO ('~ DATE:~,":,. "APPLIC.~TION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~****•••••••**•••*****••*•••**PERMIT INFORMATION ••••***•••••***••••••••••**** [J -Building [J -Plumbing [J -Electrical [j-Mechanrcal [~-other _ Job Na me:~~NL G~r'::>Job Address:~4 ~~r~,--__ Legal Descript Block Filing ~!VI~Q:;:v;.;L Owne rs Name:Address:~1fI ~~rro.-.~Rl\Ph,4~,o6jz. Architect:Address:Ph.,_ General De scription:e.v~Q.-\c...~o.cld .§:rL~.<§,f!\ck.\g ~:\U r~\ Work Class:[j-New O(j-Alteration [j-Additional [J-Repair [j-Otberc _ Number of Dwelling Units:\Number ot Accommodation Units: * mb e r and Type of Fireplaces:Gas APPliances~Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ••**********••••••***.***••••••••VALUATIONS *••••••**•••**••*****••••••••••••~BUILDING :$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$~I~tttX'- PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:r- ~••••••*••••••••**.**.**.*••CONTRACTOR INFORMATION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••~~neral Contractor:Town of Vail Reg.NOo _ Address:Phone Number: *•••••••*••****••••••••••••••••• Mechanical Contractor: Address: Electrical Contractor:Town of Vail Reg .NOo _ Address:Phone Numb er: Plumbing ~Q\h"'-t Town of Vail Reg,No.!:'{'f' Address:\.="""='-'"="--Ul,"'-'U>L'-'-''--''.....~::;ji'_~~.~I-~~.lt \~ne Numb~r :€2a:§r~ C',f'-f ..;0/I .L ·/V Town -of Vail Reg,NO,_ ______________-"'",~,..,/~Ph on e-~umEe r :--="-:_ ..-1'1''1'1'1--I ~1..-': FOR OFFIEUSE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE'---- PLUMBINC 'PLAN-CHECJ(-jEE:------ MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE : ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OFFEE: ORB FEE: TYPE GROUP Comments: SQ.FT,VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: xCLEA1i UP DEPOSIT IlEF1lIID TO: town of val 75 south lront ag ~road va ll,eerereec 81657 (303)479 -2138 o r 479-2139 • office at community developmenl TO: FR OM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VA IL TOWN OF VAILPUBLIC WORKS /COMMUNITY DEVELOPM EN T MARCH 1 6.1988 CONSTRUCT ION PARKING &MATER IAL STORAGE In summary ,Ord inance No .6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,t rac k or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or mate rial ,including trash dumpsters,portable t oilets and workm en vehicles u pon a ny street ,s idewalk ,alley o r pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of v ai l s treetsa nd roads i s a ppr oxima te ly5 ft .off pavement. Th is ord inance wi ll be strictly enforc ed by the Town of Vai l Public Works Dep artment.Persons found v i o lating this o rdina n ce will be given a24 hour written notice t o remove said mater ial. In t he event the person so notified do es not comply with the no tice with in the 24 hour time specified,t hePUblic Works Dep artment will r e mo v e said material at the expense o f person no ti fied.Th e provisions o f this ordinance shall not be ap plicable t o construction,maintenance o r repai r proj ects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way . To revi ew Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Towno f Va il Build ing Department to obtain a copy .Thank you for your cooperation on this matter . Read and acknowledged b y : ~'<k-?~\tJ!A~ ~~\ 'Cpos it ion/Relationship to Project (i.e .contractor,o wn e r) ~Dat:\rlB,,-\\~o.3:....!...-_----- -. 75 south Iron~9.ro.d nil,colo r.do81657 (303)479 -2138 or 479-2139 • offic e of community dltYelopmellt BUIL DING PE m ~IT ISSUA NCE TIME FRAME If this permit require s a Town of VailFire Departme nt Approval , Eng ineer '~(Public Wor ks)review and approval,a Plann ing Depa rtment revieworHealth Depa rtme nt review .a nda review by theBuilding De partment,th e e stimated tim e f or a total r eview may take as long as three week s. All commerc ial (l arge or sma ll)anda ll multi-family permits wi ll hav e to fol l ow thea bove mention ed ma ximum re quirem ents .Res idential and s mall proj ects shouldta ke a lesser amount o ft ime .Howe ver,i f r e s idenUalo r sma ller proj ects i mpactthevar ious above me ntioned depa rtm ents with regard to necessary review ,t hese project s ma y al sota ke the thre e wee k period . Every attem pt will be mad e by this depar tm ent to expedi te t his perm-i-t assoo nas possibl e. I ,the unde rsigned,understand t he plan c hec kprocedure and time f rame . ~l~let was turned into t he Comm unity O ev el o nm ~~t Depar tm ent . •MEMORANDUM•All CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAil PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY9,1994 WHENA "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: •. Job Name :~_ Date :~__--:-:--,,--;:---,--,_----::---,-:-__ Please answer thelollowingquestionnaireregard ing theneed lor a "PublicWayPermit": N 1)Isthis anewresidence? 2)Isde molition work being performed t hat r equirestheuse 01 theright ofway,easementsorpublic property? 3 )Is anyutility work needed? 4)Isthe driveway being repaved? 5)Isdifferentaccessneeded t o site other thanex isting driveway? 6)Isany drainage work being done affecting therig ht of way,eas ements, orp ublic property? 7)Isa"RevocableRight 01 WayPermit" required? 8)A.Istherightof way,easeme nts or public propertyt obeused forstag ing, pa rking or lencing? B.IIno t o 8A,isa parking ,staging or fencingplan requiredby C ommunity Development? If y ouanswered yestoa ny 01 theseques tions,a "PublicWay Permit"mustbeobtained. "P ublic WayPerm it"a pplicationsmay be obta ined at t hePub lic Work 's officeo r at CommunityDeve lopment.Ifyouhaveany questions pleasecallChar lie Davis,theTown of Vail ConstructionInspector,at479·2158 . Ihavereadandansweredalltheabov questions. Date -,•• TOWN OF VA IL 75 S .F RONTA GE ROAD VAIL ,CO 61 657 97 0 -47 9-21 38 DEPARTM ENT OF COMM UN ITY DEVELOPMEN T NOTE :THI S PE RM IT MUST OE PO STED ON JOB SIT EATALL TI MES APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER PLUM B INGP ERM I T ,,- J obAd dr es s:2 30 -aRFBGE-~ Lo cat i on ...:ALPINE WINE &SPIR ITS P arcel No ..:2 10 3 -114 -1 6-0 30 Projec t No .:P RJ9 7 -013 7 J &C PLUMB ING &HEATING P OBOX81 ,NE W CASTLECO81 64 7 J &CPL UMBI NG &HEATI NG P OBOX 8 1 ,NEW CA STLE CO 8 16 47 SL IFER<BU,LDIN G-b Le-_ 2 3 lf-:B1UDG ~"ST ,.J,fA I ~5 7 P er mi t £:P 9 7-0124 Sta tu s ...:I SSUED Appl ied ..:09 /22 /1 997 I ss ued...:0 9 /22 /1 997 Expi re s..:03 /21 /1 998 P hon e:30398 42635 Pho n e:3 03 9 8 42 6 35 De scr ipt io n:P LUMBINGFORL IQUOR S TOREREMODELVa lua t i on :3,5 0 0.00 ,t *'_',_.ttt_••,.,••••,_."••••••",••_,•••,••,.*••••_'**t,FEE SUMHARV .*.***************************,•••**********************i t Pl u~i n 9----->60 .00 Restua ran t P la n R ~vie~--).00 Tota l Calcu lated Fee s--->78 .00 P lan Chec k--->1S .00 TOT AL FE ES-------------->78 .00 A dd i t ;o ~l F ee ~--------->.00 Jnve ~t i g.t ion>.00 Total Per .i tFee-------->78 .00 ~ill Cal l---->3 .00 Pay.ent s---------------->78.00 BALAN CE OUE ----->.00••••,*.,*.*••********•••**••••~~***..**.*•••••••••*••••*•••••••*'*.*.**.****•••**.~*...**..*******••••••••*.**.*•••********.*•• Item :05100 BUI LDING DEPARTMEN T Dept :BU ILDING Div ision : 09 /22 /199 7CHARLI EActi on :APPR CHARLI E DAV IS Item:0 5 600 F IRE DEPA RTMEN T Dep t:FIRE Divi si on : 0 9/22/1 997 CHAR LI E Actio n:APPR N/A CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1 .F IE LD I NSPECT IONSARE REQUIRED TOCHECKF OR CO DE COMP L I AN CE. DECLARATIONS I her eby a cknow ledge t hat1 have read thi ~a ppli cat ion ,f il l ed out i nf ull t he i nfo raation r equ ired ,ca.pl e t ed an a ccu r ate plot p lan,and s t ate t hat al l th e i nf orMa t i on provided as r equ ired i s cor r ect ,1 agr ee t o c ~l y with t he i nforMation and plot pl an, to ca-ply with a ll Tawn ordi nance s and s t ate l aws,and to bu ild thls s tr uc tur eacco rding t o th e Town 's zoning and ,ubdi v is ion codes,de sign r evi ew appr oved,Un i for.Bui lding Code and other o r di nances of the Town a ppli cab le t here t o. REQU ESTS fOR INSPE CTION SSHALL BE HAD E ~E N T Y-f OUR HOUR SI N ADVANC EBY TEL EPH ONE AT 479-2138 OR IAl OUR OffiCE fR~8;00 AH 5:00 PH)-c\-.!' SIGN ATU RE Of OVNE R'TRACTO FQq HIH SELf AND OV NER \ .'.••**************************************************************** TO WN OF VAIL ,COLORAD O Statemnt **************************************************************** Staternnt Nu mber:REC -0330 Am ount: Paymen t Met hod:CHE CK No ta tion :£22096 78.00 09 /22/97 14 :16 Init :LRD SPIRITS Tot al Fee s : Total ALL Pmts : Bala n ce : Permit No : Parcel No : S ite Address : Location : This Payment P97 -0124 Type : 2103 -11 4-1 6-030 230 BRIDGEST ALPINE WINE & 78.00 B-PLMB P LUMBING PERMIT 78 .00 7 8.00 .0 0 **************************************************************** Ac cou nt Code 0 1 00 00 4 13 11 0 10 0 00 4 1332 01 0000 41336 Description PLUMBI NG PERM IT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL I NSPECTI ONFEE Amou nt 60 .00 15.00 3.00 O~)Il~#_-­f f-j 1'1 -att 'M::" APPLI CA TI ON MU STBEFILLED OUT COM PLETELYOR I T MA Y NOTBE AC CEPTED )(•••••••*••••••••••***********PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** [j -Building [7<]-Plumbing []-Electrical [j-Mechanical []-Other __ ,'/L ~ J ob N ame:1..,1,......t .~,~...,_.~</~.J·'J ob Addres s:t-11 ~1'\.t '-l~_;t o p fl, -'t-'P '17,co { **C"'n t ac t 'Eag le Co un t yAss essor.fice _ G a·~,9 70 -31..-8 6 40 f o r Pard ,.TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO~ PA RC EL,:I n'1..,r I &-of!.>'\1 4 PERMIT APPLICATIon FORM, DATE: S UBO IVI SIOl": -------------Add re ss: Block Owne rs Name : Legal Oeseription :L:=o~t::::::::=-,~""e:-F-"i",l",i"n"g,__==="="",-,"!..!..,,,-,-_ Archi tect :Add re ss : u [j -Ad dit i on al []-Repair []-Oth er __ Number of Accommod ation units :~!f~-- -'"Gen eral Oes cript -~=~=;;:=;:~~=:=?::=:=:-~~--7".Wo rk Cl as s:[J -New (/-A l t er a ~~o n Numb er of Dwelling Uni t s: Contractor :Me chani cal Ad dress : ~mb e r a ndType o f Fireplace s:Gas App liances Gas Log s Wo od/Pell et '\*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUIL DING :"EI ,ECTRICAL:$OTH ER :$ PLUMBING:I'~':;'(J n MECHANICAL:$----------T OTA L:~(-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ ~******************?'*******)CONTRACTOR INFORMA'l'ION *************************** rten eral c ontractor :fQd:4 1 t I l'7:7 Towno f VailRe g .NO o_ Ad dre s s:E;t<f t!..'"J ;r ·~5.'0 c Phon e Number: Electrica l Contrac tor :Town of Vail Reg .NO .__ Ad dress:/P hone Numb er: Plumb i ng contrac to r :.1.-/Pi !1~'b:,.,I 9C1~d ~~~w n of Va il Reg,NO,!I , Add r ess :0.",Y f (i I A <,,!~l P h o ne Nu mbe r :1?4~<"~I,C!qgq -(/~''f-z ~,~S- T own of Va1l Reg.NO._ Phone Nu mb er : BU ILDING: SI GNATURE: ZON I NG : SIGNA TURE: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUI LDING PLAN CH ECK FEE: PLUM BING PLAN CHE CK y EE : ME CHAN ICAL P LAN CHE CK FEE : RECREAT ION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPO S IT : TOTAL PERMIT FEES :. TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUA TION ,-- ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERM IT FEE : MECHANIC AL PERMIT FEE : ELECTR ICALFEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE : DRB FEE ' Comme n ts ,_.:-_ (CLEAN UP DEPO S IT REFUND TO: ., • town 01 vai 75 south fro nta ge r oad vail,ceroreec 8 1657 (303)479 -2 138 or 47 9-213 9 FlU(1.74 ,'in • o ffi ce 01 c om m unity d evelopment T O : FROM: DATE: SUBJECT : ALL COllTRACTO RS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WIT H TIlE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLICWORKS /COMMUNITY DEVELOPM ENT MARCH 1 6,19 88 CON STRUCTION PARKING &MATE RIAL STORAG E In s ummary ,Ord inan ce No .6 s tates t hat it is un lawful for any p erson to l itter ,track or d epos it a ny s oil ,rock,s and,d ebri s or ma teria l ,i ncluding trash d ump sters,po r table toilets a nd wo rkme n v eh icles upon any street,sidewalk ,a lley or pUblic p lace or any portion t h e r e of.The right-of-way o n all Town o f vail streets a n d r o ads is a pproxima te ly5 ft.o ff pavem ent. Thi s ordinance will b e s t rictly enforced by the T own o f Vail P ublicWo rksDep ar tment.Pers ons found viol a ting thi s ordinance wi ll b e g iven a 24 h our wri tten n otice to r emo ve said mater i al. In th e eve nt th e pers on so notified do es not comply with th e n ot ice withi n th e 24 hour t i mes peci fied ,the Pu bl ic Works Dep artment will r emove s aidmater i al a t the expense o f p erson n o t i fi e d.The provi sions o f this ordina nce sha ll n o t be ap plicab le t o construction ,mai ntenanc e o r r epair projects of any s treet or alley or any u ti litie s in the right-a -way. To r evie w Ordinance No.6 i n fu ll ,p lea se sto p by the Town of Vai l Building D epart~ent t o obtain a copy .Th ank y ou for y our coo perat ion o n this catter . R eada n , acknowledged by : ,:,0,,W ..L . a • ~o s i t i on /R e l a t i on S h i P "~f'-Date t o proj ect (i .e .contractor,o wner) : •• 7 5 soulh Ironl.mgl!r oad "ail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2 138 or 47 9 -213 9 • o ttlce o t c ommunity d evelopment BUI LDING PERI,i1T I SSUANCE TIME FRMI E If t his penm t t r e qu ires a Town of Vai l fi re De partment App roval. Enp i neert-s(Public Works)reviewa nd a pprova l.a Pla nning Depa rtme nt r eviewo r Health Department r eview.and ar eview by th eBu il ding Departm ent.th ees ti ma ted time f o ra tota l rev iew may take as long as th ree weeks. Allco rrm erc ial (la rge or sma ll )a nd all mult i -famil y pe rmits will hav e to f o ll ow the above ment ioned max i mu m requ irements .Reside ntia l and small projects s hould ta ke al essera mou nt o f ti me .Howeve r.if r e sid enti al or sma ller projectsi mpact th e vari ous above men tioned depar tment s withreg ard tonecessary re vi ew,t hese pr ojects may al so t ake th et hreewe ek per iod.. Every a tt empt will be made by th i s department t oexpedite t his . permit a ssoon asposs ib le. I ,th e undersign ed ,und er stand th e plan chec k procedu re and time frame . ,").r \gee )tProj ect Na me ~~-\C\-Cll De tevork Sheet was t ur ned into th e Cormluni ty Deve1o nm ~.,t Departme nt. ••TOWN OF VAIL 7 5S .FRON TAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 816 57 970 -479 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMM UNITYDEVELOPM EN T NOTE :THIS P ERM I T MUSTBEPOSTEDONJOB SITE ATALL TIMES EL ECTRICAL PE ~4 I T Perm it I :E97-016 5 J ob Ad dress : Locat ion ...: Parc el No ..: P roj ect No v : 20 77 N FRON TAGE RDWEST 2 111N FRONTAG E RD VAIL 2103 -114 -16 -030 PRJ97 -0137 S ta tu s ...:ISSUE D DAppl ied ..:L08 /06/1 99 7 I s sued ...:08 /0 6/1 997 Expires ..:02/0 2 /1 998 APP LI CANT CONTR ACTOR OWN ER NEW ELECTRIC IN C,Pho n e :970 9494651 P 0 BOX 9 57,AVON CO 81620 NEW ELECT RIC INC,P ho ne :970949465 1 P0 BOX 957 ,AVON CO 8 1 620 WES T VAILASSOCIATES LTD 2121 N FRON TAGE RD W 110 1,VAIL CO 81 6 57 Descriptio n:ELEC FOR LIQ UOR STOR E RE MO DEL Valuatio n:25 ,000 .00 El ~'t rical ~' ORB Fee -, Inlluti g Ol tion> Will Ca ll---> TOTAL f EES---> 4';0 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 4 53 .00 Total Ca lcu lated hes~--> Add'i t iOl'lal Fees ------> Total Per.it ft'e-----> Pa~t$------------> 8ALANC E DUE---------, 4S3 .00 .00 453 .00 453.00 .00 It em:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept :BUILDING Division : 08/0 6/1997CHARLIE Ac tion:APPR FOR ELEC DEPT It em:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept :F IRE Division: CONDITIONOF APPROVAL DECLARA TIONS 1 he reby acknow ledge thGt I halle re ad th is appli cation,tilled out in fu ll t he i nfo ~t i on r equired,c a.plet~on a ccurate pl ot pl on,and s tote t hat a ll th e i nfor ..tion prov ided as r equ i r ~1s correct .I ogr ee t o ea.ply with t he i nfor.ation and pl ot p lan , to ca.ply vith a ll T~o rdinance s and s t a t e l avs ,and t o build t hts st ructure acc ording t o th e Town 's zoning and s ubdi v ision code s,de si gn review approved ,unifor.Bu ilding Code and o t her o rd i~n ce s of the Town a ppl ica ble t here t o . REQU ESTS FOR INS PECTIONS SHALL SE "AD E TWEN TY-FOUR HOU RS IN AD VAN CE BY TELE PHONE AT 479-21J8 OR AT OU R OFFICE r R ~8:00 ~"5:00 P" ••*******************************************************-**-***.* TOWN OFVAI L,COLORA DO St atemnt **************************************************************** S ta temntNumbe r:REC -0311 Amount : P aymen tMeth od :CH ECK Notation :#6 195 45 3.00 0 8/11 /97 11:04 to it :CD ELECTRICAL PE RMIT 45 3 .00 E97 -0 165 Type:B-ELEC 2 1 03-114 -16 -030 2 077 N F RONT AG E 2111 NF RONTAG E P erm it No : Pa rc el No : S ite Addre ss : Lo ca tion: This Paym ent RD WE ST RD VA ILDAS SIIO NE P LAZA To tal F ees :4 5 3.00 To tal AL LPmt s :4 5 3.00 Ba lance :.00 **********************.*******************************-_•••__••• Accoun t Co de 0 1 0000 41 313 01 0000 4 1336 De s c ript io n ELECTRI CA L P ERM ITF EES WILL CALL I NSPECTION FEE Amoun t 450.00 3.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- \ •• G'Jf n l ,"P "RC T<J ,6'-T WL .E re C 'R , ---=='-------- C t E 1 T --c C A,"i:"0 T "~)U 0 co o nt ':L I "F "'EW N w<0 .~c ,lJ I t1 (C 0 t NF.Y ELt.:.CTF IL 'N on • "'" l nr per t r on lhql.l(;,':>t. Rp.q,~e t o r-:nErH h''I imp:08-00 CJ'J~~t.,.i to El r 1 n 1 lor n"t on •• PI one CommE nt :L len\IflP IORr b e In pfOcl rood Ac t I on 1 nn , /l1Or.J}~v.r'/.2L 1'1'...../ •1 Til t'E ------------;P1:fery••/-/0/7' 0 ,'ELE •p.r owe I It 1lI0120 EL '0 gh .~1 9'po E'"AC.tl n;~.~F1 ~" 1 "197 p rt e •Hctlon:AP'A~pnoV n I 0 001 3l2'ELE('-!"Cllll t 111 I q7 pel"t Ol LPV ~C+l(ln:APr R ~Af T UI().JDtIT eo If e 00140 E EC-Ml C'. 0q/~b 97 J"~H'C'sr-:L~'V HC.~leT;APPH ME'TER REI EA r- I t em ;11111119111 ELEI '-F 1 ne I t t en e 002.-::4 FIfJE--ALARM ROLJ[,H J t to',n :1£'0538 FIRE 1-=INAL ClO R F LEGEND EXISTING SPRINKLER PIPE NEW SPRI LER PIPE DEMO EXISTING SPRINKLER HEAD EXISTING UPRIGHT SPRINKLER HEAD, ARMOVER TO NEW SPRINKLER LOCATION ARMOVER TO NEW SPRINKLER LOCATION NEW UPRIGHT SPRINKLER HEAD NEW DRY PENDANT SPRINKLER HEAD NEW PlNDAW SPRI KLER HEAD EXISTI G PENDANT SPRINKLER HEAD.REPLACE WITH NEW PENDANT e eo o -e- B. ,s r TEIJ DESIGN CRITERIA-EXISTIG WET AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM INSTALLATIONSHALL MPL W1lTH NFPA 13 (1996)REQUIRE Eli,S,CRDIIiAR'1'HAZARD,GROUP II,\,1,'"MOJM ,~SQ,n,/KEAO, EXISTING M,AINS ANDBRANCHLINESTO REMAIN ASINSTALLED, 2.ALL MA TERIIALS SHAULBEU,L,LISTED OR F.M,APPROVEDAS REQUIRED PERNFPA 13, 3.EXISTIGPIPEISBLACKIRON WlT11 CASTIRON SCREWED FITTINGS.NEWSPRNKLERPIPEIS ALLIED "XL-OR EQUAL WITH CAST IRON SCREWED FIT:lNGS. 4 PIPEDIMENSIONSARECENTER TO CENTER. 5.HANGERSPACING-,2'-0 (MAX)FOR 1 1/4"PIPEAND SMAULER. 6.NEWSPRINIKLERHEADSARE RELIABLE MODEL"G UPRIGHTS,MODEL "G"PENDANTS,AND MODEL "G3" ')Pf"ODAANT SPRINKLERHEAD. ALLEX STI~'1G SPRINKLER HEADS TO BE REPLACED WlT11 NEWRELIABLESPRINKLERHEADS.ARM OVER TO NEW SPRINt<.ERHEAD LOCA'rIONS ,WHERE SHOWN ON DRAWI~GS, BUILDINGIS CONCRETE TEE CONSTRUCTION, o "]rOFFICET • •.1 4 I I J(I I•RECEI • '"0Is. ~ 3 2'~,.--:1L_....l' • I ·1 oc {j ~ " l , @-~'.0 / •~ .,.,y~I •I l.t tt •C) ~4 L__-'=..L- FLOOR PLAN SCALE",1/8"=t'-0" AL Nt N AR~O RSPRI "l 'R PIPE TO Nf WPR '"ER HEADS I-'l BE ," .1 s I I .1s:I .•I ~I ~ t r COLD ~NE t>(1r'G>~ROO I I tI 0 ••-I ~I 1 I$I 1 $ r ~j '7 t~t STORE 1• •• ~t t j• 4"..>UP"L --t I Ir++----rFROMVALVE~• ROOM ~ ••~~~•I ~0•:1 ·1 :1 •.f ·i r J" ( I"REEZE PROTECTION FORALL WET (WATER FLLEO)FIRE PROTECTION PIPINGSHALLBE PROVIDED BY OT11ERS. 10.COOLER TEMPERAWRE TO BE MAINTAINED AT 351'".DRYPENDANTSPRINKLERHEADSARE REQUIRED PER NFPA 13.4-14.4.' I'.COLD WINE ROOM TEMPERAWRE TO BE MAINTAINED AT MINIMUt.I 4O'F 12 POVIDE S1JX SPARESPRINKLERSAND SPRINKLER WRENCH INCABINETNEARRISER. .> /"...- ..../ 3/B"DROPINANCHOR 3/8"Hil TIQUICK BO,.lT_ EYE ROO t ) WASHER/NUT 7J1L t> 3/~C 3/ill "R T 3/"~n (;PLG ~REMOVE EXISTING UPRIG,T SPRINKLERHEAD.INSTAULNEWUPRIGHTSPRINKLERHEAD WlT11 NEWSHORT '/2"NIPPLE, 1/2"","STREET ELBOW,,"PIPE.,""'/2"a E;,.BOW (TYPICAL), REMOVE EXISTING PENDANT SPRINKLER HEAD.INSTALLNEWPENDANTSPRINKLERHEAD (TYPICAL). REMOVE EXISTING PENDANT SPRINKLER HEAD.INSTAU NEWPENDANTSPRINKLERHEAD W1T11 NEW I"NIPPLE,'"ELBOW. I"ARMOVER,,"ELBOW AND I"NIPPLE W/'"x 1/2"REDUCER. DEMO EXISTING SPRINKLER HEAD.PLUG OUllET. INSRT U T W EP U, R MOVE EXISTING PENDANT SPRIN~LER HEAD.ARMOVER TONEWDRYPENDANTSPRINKLERHE 0 USENEWVlCTAULIC HOOKER SPRINKLER HEAD FITTING ON EXISTINGSPRINKLERPIPE.I 3/8"D 3/8"t'o L"Tl EYE ROO WASHER/NUT WAs~r UT I /' / .303 426-"3 2 89' 9 l'19'" co IT SCIEAS SHOWI B . •7 ~ ..)T CO 8lE ~tl .., L C AC JERRY SIBLEY P&H °.080 .3 1040 MA MINT JR 'PA l' POE.T LI QUOR STORE ES <,AI,CO ')RA 0 A•,. T " o FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1/8"=l'-( .~ i 2ALL MATERIALS SHALLBEU.L.LISTED OR F.M.APPROVED AS REOUIRED PER NFPA 13. 3.EXISllNG PIPEISBLACK IRON W1ll-i CAST IRON SCREWED F1TT1NGS.NEW SPRINKLER PIPEIS ALUED 'XL'OREQUAL Wlll-i CAST IRON SCREWIED FlT'lNGS. 4.PIPE DIMENSIONS ARE CENTER TO CENTER. 5.HANGER SPACING-12'-0 (MAX)FOR ,,/4'PIPEAND SMALLER. 6.NEWSPRINKLER'HEADSARE RELIABLE MOOEL "G'UPRIGHTS.YODEL 'G"PENDANTS.AND MODEL "G3" DRy PE"'lDANT SPRKLERHEAD. 7ALLEX SnNG SPRINKLER HEADS TO J(REPLAC LJ WITH NEW REUAt:I £SPRIKLERHEADS.ARM OVER TO NE\I' SPRINKUERHEAD L.OCA TIONS WHERE SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. 8BUILDINGIS CoNCRETE.TEE CONSTR JCnON 9 FREEZE PROTECllON FOR ALL WET l WA TER F LLED)FlRE PROTEcnON PIPINGSHALLBE PROVIDED BY Oll-iERS. 10.COOLER TEMPERATURE TOBE MAIN AINEDAT 35..DRYPENDANT SPRINKLER HEADSARE REOUIRED PERNFPA13.4-14.4.1 11 COLD WIlNE ROOM TEMPERATURE TO BE MAINTAINED AT MINIMUM 40'. 12PROVIDESIXSPARESPRIKLERS MD SPRINKLER ~ENCH INCABINETNEAR RISER. \ .3 By.oR PBtv 1t-------1 /SH FP1 '1F 1 sc-uI .A Town of V",i\ O F F I ~b 'V_'( 97",82""5 CO TRACTf)R JERRY SIBLEY P&H p.O.SO 41 '040 MA ::IT 'viI "UR',C') 51 West 4t~Avenue.SUiteBFPE J G NFN,'3 DROJECT LIQU OR STORE 'A C,T vA..OLOPAOO H 1 2 wY OY '65' BAS ,5' REYOVE EXISnNG UPRIGHT SPRINKLER HEAD.INSTALL NEW UPRIGHT SPRINKLER HEAD Wlll-i NEW SHORT 1/2'NIPPLE. 1/2"x 1"STREET EL OW.1"PIPE,1'x '/2"CI E:..BOW (TYPICAL). REMOV£EXISnNGPDANT SPRINKLER HEAD.INSTALL NEW PENDANT SPRINKLER HEAD (TYPICAL). REMOVE EXISnNGPDANT SPRINKLER HEAD.INSTALL NEW PENDANT SPRINKLER HEAD Wlll-i NEW"NIPPLE.1"ELBOW. ,.ARMOVER,1"EL WAND ,"NIPPLE W/1"x '/2'REDUCER. DEMO EXISllNG SPRI KLERHEAD.PLUG OUllLET. REMOVE EXISTING PENDANT SPRINKLER HEAD.ARMOVER TO Nt::W DRYPENDANT SPRINKLER HEAD. USENEW VlCTAULIC HOOKER SPRINKLER HEAD FITnNG ON EXISllNG SPRINKLER PIPE. SPR ,.RS "ENDA t.N • B VO [ AS'VOO ,~I o ., r....~. 1,_IIOI~'E:f,""_•,U',.,l ."oJ C t.;.,I0~':,",11.. '.:til 'j r ~/B"RODCPLG s/D j 3/B DR 3/8 HIL EYE ROO WASHER/N T HANGER DETA L NO seAl ~ INSERT U T WA ~ER NUT WASHE~ NUT 3/8"DROP IN ANCHOR 3/8"HILn QUICK BO,LT _ EYE ROD l WASHER/NUT ~~_ 1 • \ ENTRANCE Wine Racks Wooden.single row Wi ne Cabin ets wooden,5 rows J I o (J 1Z£6T !<cO M ,"0",-0 )(7 - (. v mn J e me. BlftjN H88IltJ Ji!~-'0 o 0 , I \ &-:;,T£CCVvt (Y\Il ?I CoNl.ft- Wl71.t 19'iy VEe CHVI'f'II HVO CIJ-f50!trN51 1/7 I -/qCj').- PIIln .~0 DenIed 0 1----/ , "/ / / -- J C'}-rr SIG.N Iqtil OBC '. 54."'" - 1.5 Liter W ines I / I ---- rJ Wine Rack s Wooden.singlerow Liquor S helves Loner Steel S4"H •25;80 Wine Ra cks \\.'ooden.smgle row Register #I M mis,pints,half-pitt ~egister #2 _L !I Minis,pints,half-pin ts I Re gister #3 II"" N V EXIT FLOOR PLA~! Valldrty 01 Pennfl Sec.303 (e)19 U.S.C. u 5 DRAWN ~ CHeCKec CATI! ~·:2-1 -0,7 BCALI! 1 .JCB NC. SHel!T Town of Vaif DFFICECOpy CF SHE E TS