HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL COMMONS CITY MARKET LIQUOR STORE LEGALoom*.$tlY ofl|ElcFrf{r Design Review Board ACTtrOl{ FOR]4 Department of C.ommunity Dev€loilnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 far: 970.479.?452 web: www.vailgw"com Project ilame: ALPINE WINE AND SPIRITS Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A NEW SIGN ON CITY MARKET BUILDTNG-LIQUOR Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL ATTN: SHELDON REAL PO BOX 5567 DEIWER co 80217 APPUCANT ALPINE WINE AND SPIRITS LOlO9l2006 Phone: 479-8116 2109 N. FRONTAGE RD. W. VAIL co 81631 Prujed Address: 2109 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Locatlon: CITY MARKET UQUOR SIGN Legal Description: LoE A Block Subdivision: VAIL COMMONS Parcel Numben 2IO3-LL4-24O2-5 Comments: DRB Number: DRB060475 10/09/2006 Motion Byl Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actlolffi Date of Approval: Cond: 8 (P|AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Appro/al of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final apprwal, unless a building permit is issued and aonstruction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: S55.OOPlanner: tr Sign Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Fronlage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te| 970.479.2139 faxj. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town C.ouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is.issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:a tlak) Locationofthe Proposal: Lot: / | Block:_Subdivision:Q,.6r^/t.&.ah-S) physicatAddress: 7lo1 tJ. trro^+a.ecPoaA lr)eet, Ua7L CO Parcet No.: 2tO3 t tq - ,+ OZS (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 97G328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s)of owner(s): City lulo.rKtt, Tnc , Mailing Add Owner(s) S-gnature(s): an wooo € { vr \ Name of Applicantl Mailing Afldress: ZLoel N - ?ro**ae^z l(qdl AttYrt Ert- l{e".e...l', - Phone: E-mail Address: Fax: Type of Review and Fee:L-t ^.P( srgns E Conceptual Review F New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/com mercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Seoaration Reouest 91o 1'?1 ?ltL jo> - s7e - 8137 d\,"b| ('^. lP $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such aq reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No FeeSeparation Request TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Staternent Staternent Number: R060001665 Amount: $55.00 LO/09/200602t32 PM Palment Metshod: Check Init: iIS Notation: 2392/AIJPrlrE WINE AIiID SPIRITS Permit No: DR8050475 Type: DRB - Sigm Application Parcel No: 2LO3-LL4-24O2-5 Site Address: 2109 N FROISTAGB RD WEST VAIL I,ocation: CITY MARKET IJIQUOR SIGN Total Feee: $55.00 ThiB Pa:ment ! $55.00 Total AlIr Pmts: $55.00Balance: $0.00t****t+****'i********************+********l*a*+**f**+****at***********r*********fl.***+****t*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeacrlDtion current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3TL22OO DESIGN RSVIEW FEES sP 00100003124000 srGN FEES s0.00 s.00 ruWVM SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General Informatipn This application is for any $9n that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirernents are a\Eilable ftom tfie Department of Community Development. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. B. D. E. G, t{ I. 't K. L. Name of Business: L; n tlre^LM;' a [Jr^ e *' S 7**S Wdtten appro\ral from condominium assodadon, landlord, and Joint owner, if applicable. Type of sign (check all that apply): QFreestanding Sign .dAralt ston QHangin6 / Projecting sign flDisplay Box BDaily Special Board TJoint Directory Sign r,lsubdivision Entrance Sgn tr Building ldentification tr Mural E window Sign tr Sign Program n Gas Filled/Fiber Optlc tr Temporary Sign tr Other Number of signs proposd'.---l- Number of signs exlsting:o sign message: Ll QUo R Sign and letering dimensions for each proposed sign (attach a colored scaled schematic drawing @ v," = q, 11,1" x 63tt + 5 sftcre.rc '€ec1', Length of business frontage: Height of sign(s) from gnde: Sign Locauon (atlach a site plan andan elFlratio]n drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location of Egn(s)\ A'trd.heq Materlals and colors of sign lattacn samptesl: e rr Che n r.C I [ 4{*Cr< - l?| Z&l sign lighung ptanz (*racn\ Cll.cftt- 6el corc Pc4- LG D e ?l4.#it--bzUz-ReA plet<0 Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. E tnctude height above grade, lumens outpuL luminous area. O Atad a oJt sheet for eadl pmposed fixture. M. Drawings showing how and where the slgn or awning will attach to the building and how the awnlng will be constructed, N. The Mministrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specificatlons, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. I have raad and understand the above listed submittal rcquirements: prq"an^ ", LToag Sfor< -ftlpnte A)>r< 4 ,rtnS Contractor Date ti 3o -62?-6/h %/ *25 I0t4nm I, (print name) JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed atthe address noted above. I understand thatthe proposed improvements indude: a€fTu a heu, " t-teooe." -ign to tLe arts-td< description) Z|OT N. Fcv^a-#e (qA Uea+ Vail , e o provide this fetter as written apprwal of the plans aana ?f U/oe which have I further understand that minor modificaUons may be made to the plans olrer tre course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town! applicable codes and regulaUons. ,,t7 /' ,=, 'f r"' '<k , "(Signature) t q-a\-ob . (Date) Pase 2 of 4104128/04 ;:fi1fls. =lEIxlrgt EEl -- .rEI +i ggt ;g| E :E =l A "qEEl 3 ee:Ei gs Ee€ El ir EE-€E$ El Tl Ee5.eH ElH tHEEE =IE PEESE crl (EI CJIvll cll et Cllcl -l (Et -l>t 6lo,l =lEIE =l El =t ElcI olv?|(Jl Vail Commons (Crty Market) Sign Program B ui lding Ifu ntifi cati on Si gw Number: 2 signs. Location: One over main entrance to City lv{arket Store on West Elevation One on South Elevation of the tower at tho Southwest com€r of the City Market Store. Professiotwl Retail Senice Stgns Size:Shall not exceed 20 sq. ft. pertenant Lighting: Signs shall be illuminated \ilith 15 mm clear red neon Letters: Illuminated pan-channel letters 5" deep .040 aluminum . Pre-finishedblack 3n6,'2157 Red Acrylic faces with l" gold trim cap Height shall be 18" Location: . Sigis shall be mounted on 10"x7" u<terior raceway' painted to match the Vail Commons (City Market) Sign Program Bui Ming l&ntification Sigw Numbor: 2 signs. Location: Ooe over main emtrance to City lvlsrk€t Store on West Elevotion One on South Elw*ion of the tower c tho Southwest mrner of the City bfarkst Store. Profesioml Reail Semice Slgrs Size: Shall not orceod 20 sq. ft. p€rtenilt Ligtrtfurg: Signs sholl be illuurinated with 15 mm olear red neon Lettos: Illuminated pan-channel letters 5" dee,p .040 aluminum Pre-finishod blaok 3116" 2157 Red Acrylic faces with l" gold trim cap Heigltt shall be 18" Locatio,n: Sigfrs shall be mounted on 10'x7" exterior raceway' painted to match the copy SIGN PROGRAM CITY MARKET STORE NO. 142 , VAIL COMMONS Vail. Colorado Julv 1.1997 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS, P.C. Avon, Colorado APPROVED BY TI{E Tt'rr:'i\! oF vAtL D-"'-,':.'.J:Ii.,1,' i.C."iil) r Mtr+ bt ttT] F.. Lau*vrt-It'Mor#w IA'. .; t.-' I I I OWNER: SIGN PROGRAM CITY MARKET STORE NO. I42 VAIL COMMONS Vail, Colorad City Market, Inc. 105 West Colorado Ave. Grand Junction, CO. 81502 Introduction: It is the purpose of this sign pro$arn to serve the communication needs of the Owner while creating an upscale, effective sign program commensurate with the building and sunounding area. The program addresses the following criteria: l. Identifr the project and its purpose to vehicular and pedestrian nafific. 2. IdentiS site circulation. including traffrc and building entrances, parking and tenant locations. 3. Restrict other signage that doesn't meet these objectives. PURPOSE The purpose of this sign program is to serve as a guide for all initial and future exterior building identification signage. AII signage shall be of superior quality and image and shall be compatible with the architecture and design of the City Market Building. GENER]I,L l. Cify Market Building tdentification Sign (Sign Type "A") The Owner shall install two three dimensional signs. One shall be located over the Main Entrance to the City Market Store on the West Elevation. The second sign shall be located on the South Elevation of the Tower located at the Southwest corner of the City Market Store. See attached drawing prepared by Bud's Signs for details. Signs shall not exceed the maximum allowable 20 s.f. 2. Professional Retail Senice Signs (Reference Sheets I of 5 thru 5 of 5) There shall be individual Professional Retail Service Signs on the Retail Building on the North end of the site consisting of the following requirements: A. B. b. d. e. g. h. Shall not exceed 20 square feet per Tenant. Shall be illuminated pan channel letters. Letter heights shall be 18". Pan Channel letters shall be 5" deep, .040 aluminum, pre-finished black. Letters shall be 3116",2157 Red Acrylic faces. Letters shall have I " Gold Trim Cap. Signs shall be mounted on 10" x 7" (deep) exterior raceway, painted to match building. Signs shall be illuminated with l5mm clear red neon. See sheets one (l) through five (5) for sign locations. Parking Lot Signs (Sign Type "B" to "J") The Owner reseryes the right to place individual signs. conforming to standard parking information configurations. for each parking space for the purpose of regulating usage of parking facilities. These signs will include required "Handicapped" zoning. emporary Signage Tempo\ signage, identifying the new business, in the of, or the production anent signage, ofa nature and sizg be allowed for a period not to ex 0 days from the date of signage application, except as provided by ial Oridance ljor9, Series of 1997. An Emergency Ordinance amendine Titie lCSi Allow for on Site Temporary Signs and a Special Review Process lbr Siens because of the West Vail Interchanse Ro onstruction.sisns mav not exceed the tolal square footage le as permanent signagt. Placement shall be allowed at the discretion Owner. 3. I i I I i' i " 5. Miscellaneous All the following shall be applicable to mect the general sign requirements of,.thc City Market Building: ! ,a. All mounting componcnts, fast€ncrs and electric service urd cquipmcnti shall be in completc compliance with all appliceble codes and regulations. I U. The Owner shall have the righr to approve all co.nuactors used under this ' Sign Program. I' ]: 'l t I LLU/Aj{Af 617 rAN c}tANNE L cotnRgp tEf{GFa -Nt rqNfR€,fgrlfbN€ r4f qgilavN zD'{AAx) vAaUEv---' r- I IL- 2t'xxrvv 4fu#vgevt{ 4?)',t'D' Vlru Ootxtlclg 4w.sYrx"gN x Ary. trlQ \\ o v tr o flt{.\J\\ 2I\$ s e s Jg I I : i i ,\ I ur E b IF H\r) 2v F 2o t! d hv I ; ..i il 't j bxs$ ssr$F i $l $l I ili ll! FEGto eNr t\!tlslslt6ul iul u3l )ot +Fl zlul -ol ,l 6l r-l<l i,lrJl; uJ I,l6 =l=F l,;if,l: 8l$Aql-e .1 u J( : t- TUv \) Ll =, a6 $5 3H tF { o d \IJ(Y Q I J 't i i.:-l j #Ft\N'rP:6F \t', o I e j 47 $ ol riiJ.1 l.r) ulu uF {o oz F v.Fz trj TU v-oFo I zIF { UJJ UJ F(') lul3 x,r c( ,11 .l t F \) o $ d $ ci !i: dP dIi rl0 o ! 1:"r \ [, r,Pr dl Hi q i {i'ih ! il :il5F+oo i\L- /Ti--- -l J OJ I / (i'\" r,f- E h J,( I p xz E o ;f LiJ ,n 3 o I::{,-lt ,{ l!!_!9 EU RE !,J oin : I I e6r- Y .t, F/ ---- I V,'t drl+ T 'T o,J A 't ;i 't.r il --u- iiir! itQc r'i:'1-ra)- ,tia:t;si5<,:(-\ j. 1:r i J; ,! ,r Sri ; ?^r t ii { ^f ., 9l- .)t.I I \ ro\Y s{tr<.9 AO\t $, <6j\n J >2 2Z tf,.v- 53 I I J\l'-''.r?r Yl I I I : -Tli-l;,?J Vpl I c\ 9r o IUN o- I I ,.J \--- *sG<ts)\sr\l *,4.YO \' o FrjJI 1t P a c(z, ti Ii si<(:r - X u:1r ?X h "'rl , ?< > li { YYX T v $ L I ) 'a\ rf' ) $: i:t9l '1 .tI i,' <t u- E9 ' il.e1"rndo, 6[<; 'lr / ;' zIt- tuJ tu TFfo(f) I \)oJ0 J F IU v_ iLwt;77111 tl i" -] I ffiI d) d UJ IUI: \g R5 6 zv E 2 {.rrzs =4v+ ^Y}.r?\D- \n -t RA au E)zo9r =tr\- \$ $s E^\so 5 sj |.l1 *E rt-'X- NEv. \D\nS -.lr 9o Efi SE fJ E LJIo T- K5 $ tro b o { .,'l 'io B o c.l tr lrl o 5 Il tl 'j J( a\ut, og C) tI v z g !J o ) rrzteX- (' PlI sC < tu-,r >R V :E ... iH 3 dxo'"t Fi q I s: ,n (I ;,J {1 -. fiq Y\)z^o>: s a P$v $ Ftr f, s_h-r- -1s \D E!o.r gus5PENE#^z EH f.,- -E g B1v, iErH=Fz-r"-ryv E E;=H; g -t - !- -.- 5L <I =!}l--uJ;;Hgi.UE ikPiE5 t/tEulFFtlJJ JuI2z t, dul tr,2 E1 - 24]067? BUDS SIGNS a9? PB7 JUN 23 '9'; 6?244 ?e , LTI L--' >._.t-- *J- srnVJ B E HC ; 3 t9g co'rg <UZ19 (/l cct ;Ffi EFfi- 45=a fldIs2Ee )z-E'i UHffiU=* t4zE:=>dEnEflZ:tjrEI ==lJ--irisl!k=F>E;- =a=Es*?,E<E^: P.FfrairtHF\,, =ELE: = E F;;LPF8 ql o1Lnl () (\ VI E, IIJFF IJJJ J IJJzz T -Uz-- -rCL = TJ t { zs rf) zIr/l o UJ kz =? = ;luo -tlr rF lFltrl lxl ll|tl o - zt, -lril o UJL.f) \z E11J ;UIeJA fn fEt'x'lrl l-Ix EI tr -tXrlutl flf - {.;IAISI a6. & )e! & *n slEls sn'E u*&z IrlV, /'- i .1 i J frlts 3t LrJ rD Bci LJ6€b TltrzoU&Hcur 7?i€ PLret t casfotAetz l*tzt<tx:(, rtlL(al To €qh Bvt l4 oo f?- P.tc, 14f To TOst Vet+r c/_89 Pmx.'X F"r* €vTeilbEt MntoJs. st6u TYtr \\D'!' 6r. eyt frran^, Pqer, ^l q Srl>dcr,-"n tn.:€ La,rJera- Wa-, To ut->+tz-rl Z/+t 7sz7ffr c- ft ueo cervlQ.€ FFdv\ EC +httb Vh r t' bAs 54olt. 5l6tJ TTrL "E-" I l I I Rzrn,, Q: +:rorr.rte'fL ft1zz* s' 5t6H l^rrE "r " I, - rrJsr\r oF €x:r*rJ<e 6r, .orr>* Ltvzy ?m*rPG 6 *-n A-:ce }t-t Sc+ztfl€-- .t Extf, RED & WHTTE - OI.JT9IAf aF €xtf 5t6H TYrE \6 { 5t6,rJ TTtr l'.ft_' I Seae Tert*pr fZgserz--ua Fi.n- Er\A FLD'f gs€, * QcJtr- €t\\t>Lo{eE€, + Gnlbo Cus1,/223, tJ)nt Bf I i I , I II r .' t, I l 3tdrJ JYtr" r\ f t' \t - i r 1 LUu_r- J \s \D v1 !t +tg {uc?.{. 6 2\t${ F* t 1fllltj4;4dJ> j?J/ v tfrT2 u5'{ r_t\r0 t"l-F'4 rb,f, rF j 1 ,i' fi t q \.J C -t -) *.iJ '. .lr :19 Eg3 $' Eluii F r;..-- 3."q s -*8E'; Ee =;g re.e "illgE t.g: PE 6 5 i Fe;t rt 'lE ;83 i F ; E s B H >- 5 R s ! !rEFIEI;IjpE 3rolpE i,: l5: Ee .- F tl I s H F tr d 6 6 5 :I t I S A E B H d E E srl H, HF 5 I ?t c I F t , E .E d EI $l* El.- HF I .rl@ll I I r E5g 351 FIIE,.lo S;sE are available from the Department of Community De./elopment. NAME OF BU5INE55: BUILDING MME and PHYSICAL ADDRESS: ADDRESS: //, iecnL ooooe4f,( g;'o e e e 0ffifr'! PARcEL#MonbctEag|eCo.Assessorsfficeat970.328-8640forparce!#) ZONING: (f 'cn / NAMEoF owNER(g: D, //or/ A4/ tsfu*e- Thc, MAIUNG ADDRESS:gpz,z3 J. K. L. M. N. o. - owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAMEOF APPUCANT: -/t' MAIUNG ADDRESS: // I TYPE OF SIGN (see next page for FEE: 920.00, plus $1,00 persquarefootoftatal sign ur"u -$n,^r'\Do .^^- ^-^ l^ r-a t = 'LQ : 3 03- /t8 -)77{ u4t Sign Awning Other, specify: NUMBEROFSIGNSE0STING: O FOR EACH PROPOSED SIGN (Attach a schematic on 8.5" x 11" co, / futo+s c. D. tko*foojca 'ze * I, -g1l,e olol "4ae.c Ej€ t94f E. ti o Free standinq{ wall sion a P. R. Hanging Sign NUMBER OF SIGNS SIGN MESSAGE: SIGN AND paper): TENGTH HETGHTOFSiqXS) SIGN LOCA proposed MATERIAI.S AND DESCRIBE SIGN LIGHTING: .. .enol , Cern-t<-t'a slte Dtan ano an etevauotil 4! C,flQ(Jad AGE: OF SIGN (Attadr 6l) DRB fees are to be paid at the Ume of submittal L;1.^--- sk-.*{ =- SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS: tr Complete Application. D A site plan showing the exact location where the sign is to be located. tl Ele.ration drawings or photos showing proposed location of the sign or awning. il Coiored scaled (1/4"=1') drawing, inciuding specific lettering and dimensions and a Dhoto, if available. tr Sample of proposed materials. D Drawings showing how and where sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. n Condominium Association or Landlord approval - attach a letter. tenant building. rF' Subdivision enfance sion - A sign to identify a major suMivision, a of apartment buiidings having at least 100 linear feet of frontage aiong al way In any RC, LDMF, MDMF, HDMF, or SDD zone district. *.'Y or group r or pedestrian SUGGESTIONS: i. 'l Copies of the Sign Code are available from the Department of Community Development. you may wish to check the Code to verify the fype and size of sign you are allowed. Be specific. Vagueness in the description of design, size, construction may delay the approval of your sign. Measure the frontage of your business to determine the size (area) of the sign you are allowed. Lighting for awnings may spotlight only the sign lettering on the awning, Lighting may not shine into pedestrian or vehicular ways. AII individual business signs will be reviewed by the Department of Community Development. New sign programs or amendments to sign programs will be reviewed by the Design Review Board, a'rcsdonOafl $c, Planning Staff at 479-2138 srGilfrwuNc APPUCATION This appLcaton b ttcr any s|gn tt.t I loclteC wdrln $c Town of Vail. Spedllc rcquirusle4ts rre availablc frflrl thc Dcptrtr?tcnt of Coomuntv Oarclopm€nL A. a D. E. F. H.NAMECF ttPHJCINr: lL) |iAMEOF BUSNEAS: BUIIDIIG |'{Al.{E and PHYSIOAL AODRESS; ADDRESS: * filk| -t.+^qlo o 9!n Awningtr Ottrar, spccify: J. K. I M, N. o. P. a. R. SIGII AtlD LETTERING DIHEI|SIOI{S FOR EACH PROPOsED SIGN (Aftactr a shc''rath on 85- r l1' !tlatl. slGN 1GssAGE Z t ep.a L IET{GTH OF zuSNESS FRoNTAGE {/: HEIGHT OF SEN($ AMVE GFADE: DESCRIEE SEN UGHTNG: FEE: 520.00, phrs $1,00 pcr squ.G tbot of tqlrl rhn !re! - * r^ -iDRB ltcct arc b be prd !t$etlnc otsufirtal Q 'Ja'"' -- PIIAIIE SUIHIT THIS flIP1.1SATIOT, ALL SUIilITTAL ruQUIruilE{TS AHO THG FEI TO THE DCPART!{H|T OF coHHuilrrr DCVELOP}IEI{T, 7t liottTH FRoilTACE ROAD, VAIL COt ORIDO tr657. sgdSIGN LOCATION (Attadr a slte properd d slen(r))r MATERIAIS AT{D cFSIGN 11651 ucAf..^Dn#efroi rc PARCELT P)lolll?z! 02{ -{Cartl(t Eagb co. A(rscrl('nl ofitc.t 9ru'328'86d0 fcr parcel *) ZOI{I!{G: i{^!|EOFO,VI{B($; D' /4 €t !'IAILIIGADDRES: owNER(S) STGMTURE(S):3 0t- /*t -)+7r ?Fa- /fr-8//6 TYPE 0F SIGil (scc mrt prgc br dctutbnc):o Fr€c ltandh€{ wa[signo H.nghg Sign NUMBER OF SGI{S PRCFOSED: NUMEER OF S[Gltls OGSIII{G: O 24. / :)o*8 NAILNG ADDRESi: TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us February 9, 2002 Roger Iwanski Alpine Wine & Spirit 2109 North Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Alpine Wine and Spirit Sign - 2109 North Frontage Road (City Market/Vail Commons) Dear Roger, As you are aware, the Town of Vail Desigrr Review Board (DRB) reviewed the proposed sign for Alpine Wine and Spirit, located at 2109 North Frontage Road (City MarkeWail Commons), at its December 19, 2001 public hearing. The following is a brief summary of the comments from that review: r The DRB was supportive of the concept of exterior signage for Alpine Wine and Spirit and the other businesses located within the City Market building. o The DRB recommended that the signage for all the businesses located within the City Market building (including Alpine Wine and Spirits) should be designed in a comprehensive manner. r The DRB recommended that an appropriate location for individual business sigrs would be on the dormers and architectural building elements on the west-side of the City Market building. Individual business signs should be of the same design as the existing City Market signs. . The DRB recommended that an appropriate location for ajoint directory q?e sign or multiple individual business signs would be on the south-side ofthe City Market building along the Frontage Road. The signs should be of a similar design, but the DRB may be open to allowing a variety of colors and designs for signs in this location. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me directly at(970) 479-2173. Sincerely, RECYCLED PAPER QZ/4?A.2"-<_ Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Town ofVail $ Y o #ff aJo!o (J -lF trJ 3ulI .J) a-\ I I I I I I T zo'a October 8, 2001 Mr. Timothy K. Ozark Ozarro, LLC dba Alpine Wine & Spirits 2109 N. Frontage Rd. West, SPace H VaiI, CO 81657 Dear Tim: Per our conversation, aS Lessor and landlord of the main floor space containing 3,416 square feet, known as space H, Iocated in the Supermarket Building, VaiI Commons Commercial Center, 2109 N. Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado, I hereby grant my consent to your sign application to the Department of community Development. I have ""rri"*"d your proposal, sign lettering and dimensions and am truly in favor of such a request. Sincerely, im Valerio Landlord I o Novcmber 19,2001 Townof Vril I t*. | 30 year Lcasc to sparc within City lr{rrket. My Lcase contains 8 hriilon approvat from city lVlarlcct for me to pursue wirlr thc Ton'n of vail a permit for a rign. I hara cncloscd the pcnincnr pragraph. I as the Landlord to ozario LLC hereby givc ozario thc right to purrue this sign permit. James !'alerio\nz \).lP'e erau< f.> s\6nt rs uglf orlvsnec written npprovnl, exccpt ns provitlcrl on [irlriirit D (ii'arry) attacheil to this Lcnse, fln(l incorpornlcrl hcruin. l,essor slrrrll ilt ili cort iuclrrrirg Lesscc's busincss ]till(i oll ()ld (lir'fclr)r'), sigrr irr thc lorvcr lcvel of the Jxlking gnrogc. L.essor is srrbrnitring, iinrl lirrrrr rir,tt. to r,rrrc nray amend, n conrprehensivc progrnfi o[nrltlitional lcrurni irrrtl srrl.''crnr:trl.ct :li1;;rugc lirl tlris lowcr lcvel porhing gnrnga. ln thc cverrt olnpprurr,.rl ol'srrclr Frnlrriru hy rlrc 'l'orvrr, Lessec rurt1'at ils cost pnrlicipst!' irr such a&litionul signrgt: ilr thu irrrrkin;l giirnge. tl. All finishcs instnllerl by l.csscc rhnll hccornu llir l.rrop(irty oi'!,cssor, ;rniJ shalt rerrrnln installed afier lhe end nlthc'l'crnr ol'this l"uirsq. Al srrr'h cntl oJ"l'crnr. Lessec sltall ntove nll of ifs fixlrrrcs, ctlrriptncnl llrtl ;xrrsr',rrll nl'(1pcrt), tiorrr ths I'rcnri.,;cs prior tcr thc lrsr rlny of mid Turnr. c. I.esscc.qhlll flr:cgFt lltg Prcntiscs irr tlrcir urrstirrg clr:.lilrorr rrt tlr( (lllc rtl' occupnrlc)., srrbjcct to irtspcctiorr arrrl conrFlinncc rvitlr l.csscc'r ruar.;trrr;r?r lc rc()rrirurrrL'nl\. l'. l.csscc sltlll rtsc l'rcntiscs als ir llctitil ltacLlgc I rrlrr,r Shrru iu)rl llir)' etr818c in itll scrviccs aud rclail s;rlcs corrrnrort lo sttch ttsr, lll] sirirl ]]rcrtrr.;us shull 1r,,. trscd ltlt' n(t (:llxrr plrrfxrsclt. l.csscc rlri,rll ofrcy;rll lirrvl, or,.linrrrrLu'] rrrlri r,.lrrrllrriorr.i, inclrttling ltrrt nol linrittrl to lfrosc of OSllA, irr its rrsc r'l tlrc ll:'",rrri:,cr, slrirlI lril!,tltc r11] illcga! acts lry olhcrs lhcrcin. arxt sltrlll n(rt n{rsrciis. rtsc, stlrr.:, .;1f l 1r1 rrllrr.'rr\,r\' )l utrllu {)r' tli.sposc ol'irrty ltrxic tlt,rcgrrlitlctl Dlitlcr.i;tls rrl lrrbstl tccs i tlr irlr,rtrl t;lc !'ret.tlrsus. g. I'ltc tlnt'ti('s inlctll llurl l.cstcc sltirlliilnrrrgu tlrr purclr:r';t in,.(l l:{}r'e irtl t'xis{ing r{liri! li(ltlorst(rrc to llrc Itrcrttises. 'llris l,cirsu ir rrtrll ir;rti vtritl ii'l.cs:,uc rhrcs rrul obtrtirt trtrrtrtcil'lill ntxl st:rlc npl:r'ovnl rrl'tirc trirnsl'e r rrf'lhc nu,.:r.,sr;rry lir;rr,ir lict:;r.;c"j r,r tlrr-: Preruisc's lry .lrrnc 15, ?000. 6. A:jtljljSU4LlUUlllyUlpr:tll1ill.!!l_liirrg1ll;: Lc:,.,r:u:ilr;ril l,rt li,rvc tlrt.ri6ht {r, rlrillic sllll0lllfill rtllcrationrot itnIrovcttrctrtr; to tltc l'fctrr.:r.'l urllrul! l.(,s.o1 's pl ror rvrittan lrp|rovll, rvlrich irPFrovlrl shirll nol lrs rutrc;rsonirrrly. rr irlrlrci,l. Arry ttntl irll lixtUrcrr, url illrrrcttl itrttl gttorh irt:ilirliert lrj. Lc!, .q :r-lr;rll f rc irrt(t ,{ l rtl ttre proPcrty of'l-cssee, nrtrl l.csscg n r'. ir( fl,ry lirno rc|lacc or fclr.r(ryu rurl lntlrrr r,li c. Lc:rsor lrelclry co]rlrunts tc] tho inslilllirtiott b1, l.cs::,"r r,f otrc l.rlcritlt sigtl f'Sigrr") on the srttljt nlrovc nntl nclrr tlru li'orrl crrlry {l.r(rr t!) lhs l'rt'rrti.ic,i, irt ir Jrrucir'.' bcntion to bc dr:ternrincrl hy Lc.tsol lo !n$rrfe ulignnrcnt lrnrl cotupirtillilitl' tt'itlt thc sigrts ofothor tqnirlt$. Thc Sign sfurll ln: in full compliiurrlc rvitlr ;sJi 'lirrvrt of \':iil rttul otltur npplicable ordilnnccs, slrnll be constfucled rtntl irrstl|llctl lr1,u 1: rir ri.;siorra l .,ign c()rrlp:t!t] liconsed lo do business in Vail. ond shnll bc instollcil solcly at l,usscc's coet. i'rctu(l;ng llle cost, if ony, of l'own spprovnl, of derign, nnd of blingirrg clect,icirl lro$'ri'lu the S'grr location. Thc ;.. ;= ;; ;; ;;;;,1", .,, *,-.n "o,nLo,. ,"-o' FASTSIGNS n$W.tlrdAuc.,UilAIvv*, CO 303 t4nt{dr} Oc;tober 12, 20Ol Srgn Spccifration for Alpine Wnc O Splrlt!: , Pan chanrel leten on r rswvty; | 1.0' r 01 .8'z Tolrt $quro botr6' 5, B.chs of letterg & r|clway: OeO gaugc lluminumr Sidt returnt: ilO erugc duminumz Acrllic Frcas: 3/18'tudz Trimcap: 1'. Golor of racorcy, rctumt t trrmcep: To be in compliance wrlh City Merket / City otV.il slgn nquirunrartr -- /. Neon: Srngb drolrc (q909!ilgd); I lmm wrder Finsl ebctlricet trooru|T.lGFdtlon b bt performed by a licented ebctrcon, m rqqulrud bytho City of Veil fl., e'i $ So /, Z bC/teve rhis oual Varr af adr setf"r'ti/Ca( a77/irarr'at rd The /dto/v fa r stgn 4/€ la be 7/aze/ at' r/e aurs//€ o€ liry rlttrr. soarA /at/,tt6 st/e. TUDy ,(a/riXt"z /to/ a'q//cd tsne fhar our ;/gn aJ(t E rl/Cal an/ rlar 7/te 7oa/l/ /ae< ,uar a/laru t1tea,u. flrrcrrtVr! ra rCaz| yau by /ane hattc {a,lcr( so f rhaunhr I A Tutr .Jro/ rh;s efl arot €,(//a'',u rhar r,ue sla//7 htanf r/te some ry/e of s,'gn r/ar a;ry' hlrkr, n4/ la/are Crc. dtt U3/4'€- / r's o '/an C4annx/ " |ry/. o{ /cfrC.t///vg .* /nf Auo/e / sr4no/r'r, is rAar ir ra,vrainf /l/ea,u li1,47r'ttX irrr2./e o4 fhe ZerrC/,',,/J, Z hoVe r4;< c/eays uf any misaila/ersrqrlrb; y'7u r'ti/hr ho/€ a/arr rle rfe a{ sTgn arc 4re hala)uJ To r'ta/€. f f /ot' lzave 4n/ faesrio"us p/.qse ca/l n/flFar li Z sl/',usan/ ar 4/77- 8//6- f/l,4ruK yao,, Fa 6-f f I a,|rvsK r ///trs uirYt r sfl'.4irs 4!a t fr/. 7Vaa7'/!A R/. T ctx o ffIM FINRNCIRL,:3123579001 Nov 19 '01 o 17:39 P.01 Via fax g7Dl478-5295 November 19,2001 Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 To whom it maY concem: This letter aocompanies the sign applicaiion of ozario, LLC, dbaAlpine wine and spiriti iocat* in'space i' zt-oe N.'Frontage Road, vail, co E1657. Ductoamisunderstandingwhenlfi||edouttheapp|icatioj:13'mPl-?Y,,giigj$|ettertouuct tt'r a I t rrivr r\rE r rrqr' '-,'r 'r' ' o=iiio' LLC is Timothy K' ozark' My amend Section G. Thc name of the owner ot (Jzailo' LLt lt ,:1*:l1 ,^'.r rrhi,\.i..,lff'ffi ffi]:'."; iffi ; ii";;ciat corporation ao 11,.r-39?l*"s*: 4030' chicaso' I L iiogozl liyou neeo to callme, lcan be reached at3121357' My slgnature for this application is TimothY KlOzarr L Michael C. Irelan{P.Q. ffiEl6l19?0"925.5358FAxa|9?o.g25.422oe.mailmicl@aopris,net October 9, 20Ol Town of Vail, Community Oevelopment Depanment 75 South Fronrrrgc Ro'rd Vest Vail CC) 81{157 To \flho:u it mly concern: I am tr 4-.6 owner ol Ozario, LLC, holdcr of the retail liquor license for Alpine Virre and Spirits t.rc,rted at 21C9 N Frontage Road \ilesl, Veil CO' Timorhy K. ozark hls my consrnt to apply 0n bchalf ol oz;rrio, LLC and Alpine Wine ancl Spiuis for ;rny signage Le doc*, necessxr7 for Alpine, Vllf td Spirits' I specilicallV "unrun, ,o t't o ,iit*"iud rpplicatiotl ,rs pr.rt,,ted ,rr nrodified by Mr' Ozark' Pleasc call me o{ vt,u hrvc uy questior''s in this m'rtter' Nlichael C. Ireland, P.C C:\DATA\Clienl Foidersvtrust\signltrl 009u I llr'wpd e/? a 6Bd :ytvg!:B ;o-o-lco lgEeg gzo ozo IJdIH:^g lLas Oct - IZ -Ol 09:3€lA FAS;TSIGNS OF ARVADA 3cJ34?2?47.j,P-O3 o pnsrsrcNs 7310 W 52ndAve., UnitA Arv'ada, CO 303 422-t440 October 12,20o1 Sign Specification forAlpine Wine & Spirits: , Pan channelletters on a raceway; 11.6'x 61.8"i; Tolal square footage: 5 ); Backs of letters & raceway: 060 gauge aluminum! Side returns: 040 gauge aluminum r- Acrylic Faces: 3/16'red > Trimcap: 1"i Color of raceway, returns & trimcap: To be ln compliance wlh gity City of Vail sign requirements ingle stroke (concealed); 11rnrn wide electrical hookup / inspection to be performed by a licensed electrician, as required by the City of Vail l( 4, i1 I t+* * +*l **'lt* **ttl f+t't *a*tt*'l *'l*t|* ***'|*+ | t** *'f * | t'**trrrrr rr rt 'r* r* 't i 't 't+*+t * t t t'i i,tr* r,r,l,t*t f*i tt*t** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO SITTCMENIli'i+'t***t****t'i*tt*!t:i****{r**'t******t**|}**{r***ffi**f++*t,**a**,}t{llrt*ft*:t*:},}*tt*t*t|tltit******* Statement Number: R000OO1?G4 Amount: g26.OO Lr/rg/2OOLO4:48 pM Palment lilethod: Check Init : JAR Notation: 5349 PermlE No: DRBO1039G Type: DRB - Sign Application Parcel No: 2L037L4Z4O2S Site Address: 2109 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Iocation: Liquor 6tore in City Uarket Total Feee: $25.00Thia Payment: $2G.O0 Total ALrLr prnte r S26.00 Balance: 90.00l{r***tt*t*t*+{r*,}'}* ***+'r **'t ****+*++'}'t trrt't"t***+*** **:r'}r.!*t * *****:t{' * *{' * **'t **'ttr't'}** ****'}*i+'}**+* ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR ()(!1O()()O3I122()() DESIGN REVIEI,il FEES sP 00100003124000 SIGN FEES 20.00 6. 00 SIGN PROGRAM CITY MARKET STORE NO. 142 VAIL COMMONS Vail. Colorado July l, 1997 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS. P.C. Avon, Colorado '). SIGN PROGRAM CITY MARKET STORE NO. I42 VAIL COMMONS Vail, Colorado OWNER: CityMarket,Inc. 105 West Colorado Ave. Grand Junction. CO. 8 1502 Introduction: It is the purpose of this sign progftlm to serve the communication needs of the Owner while creating an upscale, effective sign program commensurate with the building and sunounding area. The program addresses the following criteria: 1. Identify the project and its purpose to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. 2. Identiff site circulation, including traflic and building entrances. parking and tenant locations. 3. Restrict other signage that doesn't meet these objectives. A. PURPOSE . j, The purpose ofthis sign program is to serve as a guide for all initial and future exterior i building identification signage. All signage shall be of superior quality and image and hail be compatible with the architecture and design of the City Market Building. j g. cENERAL l. City Market Building Identification Sign (Sign Type "A") The Owner shall install two three dimensional signs. One shall be located over the Main Entrance to the City Market Store on the West Elevation. The second sign shall be located on the South Elevation of the Tower located at the Southwest corner of the City Market Store. See attached drawing prepared by Bud's Signs for details. Signs shall not exceed the maximum allowable 20 s.f. 2. Professional Retail Seruice Signs (Reference Sheets I of 5 thru 5 of 5) "j \ i There shall be individual Professional Retail Service Signs on the Retail Building on the North end of the site consisting of the following requirements: .l Shall not exceed 20 square feet per Tenant. Shall be illuminated pan channel letters. Letter heights shall be 18". Pan Channel letters shall be 5" deep, .040 aluminum, pre-finished black. Letters shall be 3/16,2157 Red Acrylic faces. Letters shall have I " Gold Trim Cap. h. Signs shall be mounted on 10" x 7" (deep) exterior raceway, painted to match building. Signs shall be illuminated with l5mm clear red neon. See sheets one (l) through five (5) for sign locations. Parking Lot Signs (Sign Type "8" to "J") The Owner reserves the right to place individual signs, conforming to standard parking information configurations. for each parking space for the purpose of regulating usage of parking facilities. These signs will include required "Handicapped" zoning. 4.emporary Signage Tem signage, identifying the new business, in the of, or the production signage, ofa nature and sizg be allowed for a oeriod not to ex 0 davs from the date of signage application, except as provided by lal Oridance $o<9, Series of 1997, An Emergency Ordinance amendine Title lFSi Allow for on Site Temporary Signs and a Special Review Process for Signs because of the West Vail Interchange Rounda rary signs may not exceed the total . Placement shall be allowed at thesquare footage le as permanent si discretion Owner. b. d. e. o J. I. i :, I| 5- Miscellaneous o All the following shall be appticable to meet the general sign requirements of the City Market Building: a. All monnting components, fasteners and electric service and equipment shall be in complete compliance with all applicable codes and regulations. b. The Ovvner shall have the right to approve all contractors used under this Sign Program. oo -'r .r I lL- l fi'anrvv 4(tr#6s1'r{ 40',1'D' I IIU/AII{AT6? PAN CIIAI\NE Lcoweeg tEfite+ -ID FqNT<tniiicrolt+ raf il:r{avr.r l{na.i)paouer Vltu Ccxlhota 4wtFrmgN tt sq- tJh i J I I I I I I I Iow'Alp.lt ) IilttlrwXzffifr- O NIAI 5ss;)\!r6o$I e F CJ JI uJ E t- LJ F ,rtzg llr 2or trJ)td fis 7$ $$ s$i\\7 $l ${liill "1 :l ,.o I I o I I i::.1 F*6o $ lstlsI rtrI4 trl B3l )ot # -=l ul ?l zlolFl 1l^ uJ llt dlrto =l=5ls 8l$/truv 2I B\$ bt$7 2o z il \lr kv Etr I l I ..-] l I q - a uJ v \,\ # tF \-\NlqFAI:P:6Fso $ Q*,\i J 7 I O,,: EillE -tri CLI'9;dP tJ! I's .J! ,Jl \ $xer d -.il .0, c {rq9b :,,fl i x{h+oo ut v, U o oz F v.t-zul r! v.oF(r) I zIF { trJJ UJ F(9 ul3 z -i)\ \--.'--_-_i_\ -/ \< J .Jl 0l I 16\ urJ\ Uo ril_E/ 3t111 ,rIqU I :a'J<lLu-!! (\ .,.:: 66 j I k,'t d$ T ,n o ,i I Q J "l I I ?rt,,i\ ,( *tr -,u, jjrL i!Qo Lt -t 4)r i!.rlg:i';<,) : ,ti iui:. r- i'; ?< > ii < ''' [' 'r 3dF<.gAOul c9 <= =>rj\n J ur\2 ez 1)n$"\$t E3 \* / i9: \\ - l1.iz-V o I --i J\l'!r? Yl I I I I +tt-l',?.: vt,r I c\ lrl d IUM o- I 4.. , I rl I 'i I I 3sG'ts \s.T\} LA.Po \l 6 R J 4 .J 9! v Ji )I qY i < ;, 'X ur1t ?Xfi tt:it ..4\ I EE > li { {i 2 t l )o 3iI ) c. -. Ll\.{ i9 ?<,", =.4 d ;J,i <i. {'1 n s) 9 i,'X/<t dr9 9d.iu 4 r., l< <i ,11 t '.l> \gnIP!ll 4 '-\ ,/ zIF ulJ ul :IF:fo(f) I uoJ0 J Fuu ta. I i ,.1 I zrttl -.t .D LA a(o 5Jl \ I :a f! ) ot!.JI f; I d j: frtr YZ < 'r.l tr< tr:oc E(l i Utll ov uJ tr| t) ( ,n {. ,r ioil c{ d o g It Eo Cr t ,ti .t ooI \g K) 6 4l$ E 4.rr iZ\9 =4tsY7A .$.vs'ts egeu E)zo 9s\, \sssg^ ifnt! r-' X_ Ndu, 'nB9rt ESsI : .n u\, jrrrr rzlyx cl Cr ( o.J Y trl a{ c( .', uJY!) YT 1 s E oa $ toP \5 \n 2K5 $ :.J i ,l rl ri I I.l v f s-Ff- 1- 5 \D EE T IJug5PEfiEt- z =asH[ 3=- iErHrH =fiflfiE Eugr F H iA it i--E E I r/t OE H Itl UJzz -t, ou,E oN rtr E, IJJFF lJ.lJ I IIJzz I Uz4 CL e /7, t:00e9 6ig c08 *JjDilfvl{ Al|J : Ie:tI : l6-tl-9 :,{8 I\3s 24706??BUDS o SIGNS 497 PA? JUN 23 '9'i Ati44 b Et E g r.'EoJ co 'fg \4Su.= JF t/loo ;,'A,LJ.fiH Ht--EEfr =-=u dJl!dL! ..r. |I -2#,. S -zE= 5*,qt<.-i UHfr1-E -Z2er-,lSi-o:-Z:=)7{Encgi-tJ-EO I-IJ e /f\ rt 4 r) -=lJr-;?i5:=-l-= \ rrr ->, .+. Vlq.< H=acz2.1* E, aA 3: - ts.- l- v.Ji -E{E^= =f-'lont=r-v'-jF= 6x s F = :9e:-E:Ft;:-9FB ql E Rl (nl ffil El JI rJJ Izlzl<l ul zl #l =e t Lrl o-.-' >._ -4. s o a--' .r,,t' l I ;.J I n & ZvA . t -Tuvt.'t t lll:l stots so-E. or.o , , c-c7 -o lbl tFlIII '1L'lrl l-Ix EI h-r tXiluff iJ sl { -rs r) z (, ltr ourk = =? = ;uro -VI !- FIIIxlltll o - z (, -rul olrJIr^- \ = =? = ;lllo Vr (n .[q Ilr?S al;*f}zIgtEI lA. lZ tc|l.,i,:- ? /? t I ii?a. nalr r.l.|n C_ f*lts 3t r-,J TD Bg u6A ftfi?ct)&Hcur Tii€ PefAtt Cugfor,^ety l4zr;tx,d, *tL(A/ To €qhBu4ry oorz- P.tc,14r To -Tb,, Ve*,cL6q ?p1zx'aA F"ro- €vTE^)bEa ftlzroos. oto 'l i J s6u TYtr "D" ao 6r. €ter fran PAerrPq SrD'Jcrutre [^o'rJerz- wa', To 'p*tz+l r7*r Tlzfi-fftc- ft t-ao cervlQ.6 Flzs,rtt Fe +/t*tn Vh rt- L+s 5t'/or'tt. 3l6H TTrL "E" I fZern,, €u+zt,,rne fL filtstrs' 5l6lt mFE "r " - IFISILF OF €t-ffir.<C 6r, lnot* Leuzi ./?h4?4rP6 lrTLoqT'fLL €*r-nAjce i *'r. RED & WHTTE I - OL|T9TAF aF €xtf stfiHTYtr \6''!' ^13?h4 ferl *r:r r*rA p-lf_^ lZgsettua F|..n- Et\\ PLD"Ig'g5 \P-,-Lti ay),2 4', r-nt srlfnn )Hj 6Jbo gals{24-3, tDn;-- Bf 1ta e ,: A{ "r'. D tt \i) t 11t )f N OTIC E PARKII{G BY PERMIT IIl a 3l6rJ lYf "f" - ulr- : s \r) v1!t +t (' fr.{. o ruT r['ji; rli/ vf tf;a2 fiqr .t -tt..6 t'l-Fti { rf j 1 ud !:3,dJ * ,l I : I.l t. .J h t! t! i!tt I[Efiii o ds F-= Ee 0l I S $6 F f; E E 6 E H|- Et$ r Hl- 1fl; e9s :;: 6 I E tt6 l5l tlEi It.tt TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY o ffi,Wu:td,os,i'"':s ^plh/"..WGg,,orDEVELOPMEIil:II NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON ,IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMf Permit #: 899-0307 ilob Address: LocaE.ion. . .: Parcel No..: Project, No.: 2099 N FRONTAGE 2099 N FROIVTAGE 2L03-Lt4-L5 -013 PRiI9 9 - 0346 RD WEST Status.. RD, CITY Applied. Issued.. Erq)ires. . : ISSITED . zUL]-/L9/L999 . : oL/20 /2000.: 07/L8/2OOO APPLICAIiM J.L. VIELE CONSTRU TION OWNER BUSINESS CONTRACTOR 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD Vr, #202, VAIL CO 81657 TOWN OF VAILt crfY MARKET, PO BOX 729, GRAND ,JI'NCTTON CO 81502 CITY MARKET LIQUOR STORE Phone: 970-476-3082 CITY II4ARKET, INC. P.O. BOX 729, GRAND iII'NETION, EO 81502 Phone z 9'70-24L-075L TOViComm. Dev.Descript,ion: TENAM FINISH FOR NEW LTQUOR STORE Occupancy: 82 92 fipe const,ruct,ion: II-FR Not, in Eable! TIT)e Occupancy: Valuat,ion z 37 ,7O1, Clean-up Deposit Refund appr0ved amounI dateAdd Sq Ft: Fireplace Inform.tion: ReElricc.d:*Of ea6 ApplianceE:*of G;as Loga:*of wood/PalleE: Building-----> Plan check-- -> Invc6tigatsion> will call----> 406. oo RerluaralrC Plrn Rcwie$--> 263.9O DRB Fee-------- .OO Recreation Ftt----------> 3.OO Cl..n-ltpD.to.it--------> .00 Toeal Calculated Fee6- - - > 50.00 AdditionalFces---------> .0o Tocal Pcrnil Fc.-----_-_> 250,00 9't2.90 .00 972.90 972.90Pavmentss-------"".'..;;";;;;; ;;;ffi;;ffi;'." ir?;rr';#';;;;;;;';;;;;;;,."''.' T2/L6/L999 KATITy Actsion: NoTE ROUTED TO GG.l2'/28'/L999 GGOODELL Action: APPRT2/29/L999 KATI{Y ACTiON: NOTE OFFICE COPY TO GGIt,bm:-O54OO PI.AI.INING DEPARII,IENT DepE: PLANNING Division:L2/L6/L999 KATIIY ACTiON: NOTE COPY TO PI,AI{NING FOR FYIA2/29/L999 AKiIERI'LF ACTiON: APPR PI,ANNING OKAY-DOKAYOL/25'/2000 AKJERIILF Action: APPR sEil1 okay dokayIt,bm: . 05600 FIRE DEPARTIIEIiI'T . DepT :. FIRE Division:L2/L6/1,999 KATHY AcLion: APPR KW NOTIFIED IqCGEE/VAUGHNIEQmi'.05500 PITBLIC WORKS Dept: PIIB WORK Division:L2/L6/L999 KATITY Action: APPR N,/A rirrrat1itt**t*trata*t*ar*ri*rtr'r*a*iitrrrr*r* f*rarrttrtttt** See Page 2 of this Document for any condit,ions that may apply to this permit. DECIJARATIONS I hercby ackno|.lcdgc that I hav. r.ed tshi6 applicacion, fiLled ouc in full thc informatsion rcquired, completed an accurabe ploE plan, atld stete lhag all the inforuatsion prowided as required is correct. I agrce tso coEply rritsh thc inforBalion and pIoC plan, Co comply lriCh all Toen ordinances attd stsatc Lar6, and t.o buj.l.d Lhis structsurc according to the Torrn'6 zoning and 6ubdivi6ion cod.E, dedign rcvlcw alrlrroved, Uniform Building code and othcr ordinanceg of lhc Tonn appLicabLc lhereto. -FOI'R HOURS IN A"DVANCE BY PermiE #: 899-0307 Permit, Ttpe: ADD/AIrT COMM BUIL,D PERMTApplicant: ,f .L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 970-476-3082 2. 3. Status: ISSUED Applied: Lt/Lg/L999 Issued: 01/20/2OOO To $rpire: 07 /L8/2OOO ilob Address:tocat,ion: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD, CITY MARKET LIQUOR STORE Parcel No: 2103-114-15-013 Description: TENANT FTNTSH FOR NEW LTQUOR STORE Conditsions:1. FIRE DEPARIII{ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAIiI BE STARTED IF THERE IS A FIRE AI,ARI,I OR SPRINKLER SYSTEM EXIST- ING IN THE AREA OF CONSTRUETION. THIS WILL PREVENT FATSE AI,ARMS. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE. AI.,L WORK IS TO BE AS PER THE 1997 I]BC, 1-999 NEC, 1998 IMC OR 1997 ITMC, 1994 IIPC OR 1997 IPC & OTHER APPI..ICABLE ORDINANCES, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, ETC., OF THE TOI,iIN OF VAIL. THE EXIT DOORS ARB TO BE EQUIPPED I{ITII PANIC HARDWARE & ARE TO BE EITHER SELF-CLOSING (EQUIPPED WITTI DOOR CL,OSERS, WITH DOORS NORII{,AI.,LY IN THE CLOSED POSITION) OR AIITOMATIC CLOSING (EQUIPPED WITH CLOSERS & MAGNETIC HOLD- OPBN DEVICES CONNECTED TO THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM, & NORIIAI-,LY IN THE OPEN POSITION). AI.,L WORK, ESPECIAI.,LY MODIFICATION OR REI,OCATION OF FIRE AI,ARM & SPRINKLER SYSTEM DEVTCES, IS TO BE CLOSELY COORDIIIATED WITH THE TOWN OF VAII FIRE DEPT. CONTA T MIKE MCGEE OR MIKE VAUGHATiI NI 479-2L35. ALSO COORDINATE WITH THE FIRE DBPT. FOR PROPER PROCEDIJRES TO AVOID FAISE AI,ARMS DT'RING THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. SEPARATE PERMITS WILI BE REQUIRED FOR ANY ELECTRICA]-,, MECHANICAI, PIJIJMBING, REFRIGERATION, FIRE AI'ARI{ & FIFA SPRINKLBR WORK. THIS BUILDING IS RATED AS NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRU TION. ONLY NONCOI,IBUSTIBLE MATERIALS IUAY BE USED. FIRE-RETARDAI\T- TREATED WOOD ONLY MAY BE USED AS BACKING WTTHIN (INSIDE OF) ASSEMBL,IES ONIJY. OTHERWISE, ALL MATERIALS ARE TO BE NON- COMBUSTIBLE (STEEL STI]DS, DRYWAI-,L, ETC.). 4. 5. 6. o TIIENTY t. REQUESTS FOR INSPECSIONS SHAIJIJ BE MADE gend Clcan-Up Dcpo6i! To: ,t.L. ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS as of 04/20/00******************************************************************************** 7. TOWN OF VAIL, COTORADO Reprinted:. 04/20/00 l-6:05 SEaEemnt**************************************************************** SEatsemrt Number: REC-0600 Amount:972.90 L2/27/99 13:13 Payment, Met,hod: CHECK Notation-. #225a6933/cEy*t IniE,: Iqvlw Permit No: 899-0307 Tlpe: A-COMM ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD P Parcel No3 2103-114-15-013 SiI,C AddrCSS: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST LOCAtsiON: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD, CITY MA.RKET LIQUOR STOPG ToEal Fees: 972.90This Pa)ment. **************************************************************** Account, Code Descript.j-on BP OO1OOO031].1-1OO BU]LDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES AD D2-DEPO8 CLEANTJP DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE 972.90 Tota1 ALL Pmtss: Balance: 972.90 .00 Amount 406.00 50.00 263.90 250.00 3.00 ApprrcATrorelLr Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLElR MVNOFYIN 75 S, Frontase Rd. Vail, Colorailo 81657 Building Permit +; ffi - Ob7 97 O- 479- 2149 (Inspections) Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.l Contad Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit vvvvw.for Parcel S Parcef # atog-/t1-tS -ots Job Name: 1er\rt+rJT FtPosH lQtL LtQuaft S7-foAi e qtt mn+q VdL 1Zo,t'Z et 7Y rtrt4"EtzT - t*,re Job Address: AoQ4 p. fltzttt tTaa- po vate.cc Legal Description ll Lot: ll Btock: ll riting:Subdivision: Owners Name: ca |ftl 2rftrec7 ,pc-t$lfffi 221 6*+to,ntoqf&E ?&eill zil -oz.t-r oE| /g6t ArchitecVDesioner:liltuQ6 ru)3 hLctht&lr Address:br^,/(+;L - c.) Dhnna'' tlat' 'tzz 1oq6 Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: t7c7t LR&,ttct>S7u aS t /)qttr*+q. /&Av'/c c- aG'.-, w'C- ,Dj+rra 41-tD WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (rJ Repair( ) Demo(r-1 Other( ) Work Type: Interior (r) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (r) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: NoffypggfFireplacesExisting: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurnins( NofFype of Fireplaces Prooosed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (r-) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( r) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: g ee.7O I ELECTRICAL: $ zSao, O9 OTHER: $ //, daa " PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ /,S-aat'roTAl: s 17,1o!.o" REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION General Contractor:6tay M *t"&eI . t*,re Town of Vail Reg. No.:llo-a Contact and Phone #'s:-EnA- L: 6ddJ,a, aa{z lb.nr|odfte./ 21 t -o1Sl rt*t 13 *t **********************t *r!*****+***r.*'tFOR OFFICE USE ONLY*'**!t**:r***********r(*rr**,r****-r******** F :/everyoneforms/bldgperm o APPLIC I PuJqq. O 3lk TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ATION FORM Building 0{Plmbing( )ElecEical ( )Mechadcal ( )Other( ) trgal Descriprion: Lot Block- Filine Subdivision owncrsNarne: Cttl HMX*r Address: 8V1>1 G), eo' ttEo> *""aA -d9- Arclritect: Htr.*,w?tuS A ros't;1'*,ztJi $guU) *t. Delitroa ?tP7 pp*,#fuj-1&L3$o ?rD,tlwstr. VEHoDBL Number of Dwelting Unlts: rVA Number and Typc of Fireplaces: Cas epgfAnces--![-- Gas Logs BI]ILDING: $ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ PLUMBING $MECHAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION J "t-. Vrct-g C aNsflrrr<rcJ LTY.^ Eleclrical Contrzctor: Town of Vail Regisrrarion No. Descriptiu ofJob: Work Class: New ()^,*ttm{ Additional ( ) I Repair ( )0her( ) Number of Accommodation Units:ruA Wood/Pelet x- l3cB Gencrd Cmtrecton Address: Phone #Torrn of Vail Regisrrcion No. Plumbirs Contractor: Town of Vail Regisraion No. Mechmicd Coniractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Address: Phone # Addrcss: Phone # Nov 1 e 1999 SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGMTURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSTREFUNDTO: J. L. YIEG (4OJ'T' lomiLDerFr rylo-zut- o-lsl FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: TOWN OFI|AIL Departnunt of Commwiry Development 75 Sottth Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Age€d to by: Froject Name: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Fublic wo*s) review and approval, a Planning Departnent reviow ofHealtb Deparfnent review, and a review by ths Building Deparrnenq the estimatedtime for atotal rwiew may take as long as tbree (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permfu will have to follow the above mentioned mardmum rrequlrements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departnenrts with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every anempt will be made by this departnent to expedite this permit as soon i$ possible' I, the undersiped, understand the Ptan check procedure and time frame. I also understand tlrat if the permit is not picked up by the crpiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and tbat if I fail to do so it rr,ay affect future permits that I apply for' ( tt t'lvr Lt Quoa Storu It D"". n[17 lgq Work Sheet was tr:med into rhe Commmity Development Dept U qUoa Stonz {j*'uo TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MNMORANIIITM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PIIBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, T999 WIIEN A.?I]BLIC WAYPERMIT: IS REQUIRED ToBNAME: Cn*t VZt ttgY* tuw ..1 to/JJe, ll ll1(99 PLEASE A}.ISWER TFIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TIIE NEED FOR A NOX z. Is demolition work being perforned that rcqqi1p the use of the Right'of-way, €asements or pubtic property? YES- NO--d(- *PUBLIC WAYPERMIT': l. Is this anew rcsidencc? YES J. 4. 5. 6. Ismyutilitywortneedcd? YES Is the &ivcn'ay being reparred? Is a differeot access need€d to the site other ll ^n the oristing &iveway? YES No2( easements, or Public ProPertY?Is any drainage wo{ fing done that afrects the Right'of-Way, YES NO X 7. 8. Is a"Revocable Rigbtof-Way Permff'rcquircd? YES NO-D( A Is rhe Rigltof-{qy, easements or public property to be used for staging parking o ferchg? YES NO Xn. fr-NO to aA is qJla*ing surging or fencing plan required by Commrmity Development? Y-ES NO -^ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained "hrblic Way Perrrif' applications my be obtained at the Public Work's offce or at Comrtrmity Development If you have ary questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479'219E. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TIIE ABOVE QI,JESTIONS. J.L,Vcce Caxst- NOJ- - NOX- Compary Name TOWI,I OFVAN D eparnnent of Commwity D ev elopment 75 Sottth Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 mx 970-479-2452 Agreed to bY: Project Name: BTIILIIING PERIYIIT ISSUANCE TIME FRA}IE If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Deparunent Approval, Engineer's (Pubbc worls) review and approval, a Planning Depaftnent review of Healtb DeparEnent review, and a rcvicw by the Building Deparunent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as tbree (3) weeks. Allcommercial(largeorsnall)andallmulti-familypermfuwillhavetofollowtheabove mentioned manimum requireinents. Resid€dial and small projects should take a lesser arroud of time. Howevcr, if resideutial or smaller projects impact the various above medioned deparunents with regard to necessaly rcview, these projects may also take the tlree (3) week penod. Ev€ry attempt will be made by this departneut to expedite this permit as soon iui possible' I, tbe undenigpe4 understand tbe Plan check procedure and time frame' I also understand that if thepermitisnotpickedupbytbeo<piratioudate,thatlmuststillpaythePlanCheckFeeand that if I fril to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for' cr^t io"*r, houY-"t D*. uf tqk\ Wo* Sbeet was tuned ido thc Commrnity Dsvelqment Dept tr"*,* o o izxqq. oSlk TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INTORIVTTITION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TBE N)PLICATION WILL BE RE ECITI' Contad tho Eaole Countv Assesstrs Ofrce d 970'3283640 tor Parcel #piia* J[62 - tt4'-tS4t3 o*, ttf n f q? p.*i *---B,cH: 0!o-l naN^ ",' Q't! tl\axW Ltcluon JmrW nall,arcs:,W N.Fnowx<'s lo hJEstlbawr UAyon >nrte Buil<tingsd tcgal Description: Phunbing( )Electricd ( )I'dschmical ( )otba( ) Lot Block Fiting Subdivision w'Jtj-aol oai! tllr*'{fS $gnn 3t. treqwt ?tVi moe1fr'&1Llo owners llamc: CttZ HMI€f Ad&ess: -u Iu t60L Descriptim ofJob: Work Class: Ncw ( )n*ud Additional ( ) I Repair ( )Other ( Number of Accommodation Units:A ) ru Wood/Pellet Number of Drvelling Uttitt' ,VA NumberurdTpeofFireplaces: casApptiancts--!fu\. - Gaslogs VALUATIONS BTJIIDING: $ELECTRICAL: $ PLIJMBING $MECI{AMCAL$ CONTRACTOR INFORMAT1ON Gclerd Contraston J"|-VE -e Coxsror<,tal Address: lddL S, Frux*ct Towuof vaitResistrationNo. L|lr..L mo".* /7('308) -'* Fil qe- Els@..contrrctol: Tonrn of Vail Rcgistration No. Phrmbins Contrrton Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registaion No. Meelarlsal.esgtIc€lsl:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. FOR OFFICE USE ate Received ilov 1 I lggg BUILDING:- SIGNATURE: r- lScB Address: Phoe# ffi!-.,eq rylo-zqt-o.lsl o bEy Brr-r tr>trsnn - ZONING: TOI,{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROI\ITAGE ROAD vArL, C0 8L557 97 0-479 -2L38 APPI.,ICAI T CONTRAC]TOR OWNER BUSINESS DEPARTIVIEIiTT OF COMMT]NTTY DEVELOPMEI{T .J.L; VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD W, *2O2, VArr. .f . L. VIEI,E CONSTRUCTION 1-OOO S FRONTAGE RD W, #202, VATL TOWN OF VAIL 3 CITY MARI(ET, PO BOT 729, GRAND CITY MARKET LIQUOR STORE Descriptrion: TENANT FINISH FOR NEW LIQUOR STORE Occupancy: E}2 92 \pe Construction: rr-FR Not in table! T:/T)e Occupancy: Phone: co 81657 Phone: co 81657 ,JttNcTroN co 81502 970-476-3082 970-475-3082 *of wood/Pal1el: ValuaE.ion: Fireplace Infoflnalion: Re5llictcdr 37,70L #of Ga€ Applianccd: DRB Fee-------- Recrcalion Fee----------> clean-Up D€po.ic- -------> Add Sq Ftr: *Of Gaa lroga: Building- ----> 406.00 Rcatualant Plan Revi€r.--> .OO 263 .90 .oo f.oo 50 .00 .00 250 .00 972.90 ,00 912.90 TolaL Cal,culat'€d Fces- - _ > Additional !'ees-- --- ---- > TotaL Pertnits Fea---_----> PIar check--- > Inv€6tiga!ion> will call---- > Dgpt, BUILDING Division: TOTAT FEBg----- 912.90 ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENfL2/L6/L999 ICATITY ACt,iON: NOTBL2./28./L999 GGOODEI,IJ AcLion: APPRr2'/29'/a999 KATITy Action: NOTE rr.bm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKSI2/L5/L999 KATITY Acrion: APPR N/A PaymentB------- BAr,A.llcE DnE---- .oo Division: Division: L2/.L6/.L999 44TEI ACt,iON: NOTB ROUTED TO GG'_ L2'/.2e'/.L999 GGOODELL,, Action: APP L2'/2e'/!9e9_KATry . DEFAtsir,ldl{T Dept: PT,ANNING Division:Act,ion: NOTE COPY TO PLANNING FOR FYI L2'/29'/1999 KATIIv Action: NOTE OFFICE COPY TO GGIt.bm:'05400 PLANNING DEPARTI,IENI Dept: PL2/L6/1.999 KATIIY ACt,iON: NOTE COPY TO PLANNING FO L2'/29'/1-999 AKiIERU!! !,q:!ign: APPR PLANNTNG OKAY-DOKAYItbm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTL2/L6/L999 KATIIY Action:L2/L6/L999 KATIIY ACIiON: APPR K['I NOTIFIED MCGEErr.bm: 05500 PIlBLrc woRKs Dept: P Dept: FIRED Ii,ICGEE/VAUGHNDept: PI]B WORKDept: P L2/L6 ttt*tr*iri*t*tt See page 2 of ehis DocumenL for any condiEions that may apply to this pennit. DECTARATIONS I herEby acknowladge thats I have read thie appLication, fi.lI€d outs i.n full the infomation required, cotlttleccd an eccurace Plot p1an, and stat.c tshat all the inforEation provided aE lequir€d i.s correct. I agree Lo conply t ith tshe inforEation and PloC Plan, to coEply with all Tovn oldinancc6 and.tsale 1.p6, and to build tshiE 6tnrctur6 according to thc Town'6 zoning and suHivieion code6, d.6ign rewiev approved, Itniford Building code and oth6r ordinaices of the To*n aPplicable lhereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS Send Cl€an-Up D€posit To: J.L, VIEITE CONSTRUC:TfON ******************************************************************************** ******t**************************************:r***************:r******************PermiE #: 899-0307 PermiC T)pe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERI4T Applicant.: iI .L. VIELE CONSTRUcIION 970-476-3082 2. 3. CONDITIONS as of OL/2O/OO Status: ISSIIED Applied: tL/]-9/L999 Issued: OL/20/2000 To Erqrirez o7/L8/2a00 Job Address:r,ocation: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD, Crnr MARKET LTQUOR STORE Parcel No: 21-03 -114-l-5 -01-3 Description: TENAIiIT FINISH FOR NEW LIQUOR STORE Conditions:1. FIRS DEPARII{ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED.BEFORE AIVY WORK CAN BE STARTED IF THERE IS A FIRE ALARM OR SPRINKIER SYSTEM EXIST_ ING IN THE AREA OF CONSTRUETION. THIS WIII, PREVENT FALSE AIARMS - FIEI,D INSPESIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI.ICE. AIJI, WORK IS TO BE AS PER THE.1997 I]BC, 1999 NEC, 1998 IMC OR 1997 I]MC, 1.994 IJPC OR L997 IPC & OTHER APPLIEABI,E ORDINANCES, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL/ ETC., OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL. TIIE EXIT DOORS ARE TO BE EOUIPPED WITH PANIC HARDWARE & ARE TO BE EITHER SELF-CLOSING (EQUTPPED WITH DOOR CI.OSERS, WTTII DOORS NORI4ALLY IN THE CLOSED POSITION) OR AUTOMATTC CLOSTNG (EQUIPPED WTTH CLOSERS & MAGNETIE HOID- OPETiI DEVICES CONNEETED TO THE FIRE AI'ARM SYSTEM, & NORT.iIAI-,LY rN TIIE OPEN POSITION) ALL WORK, ESPECIAI",LY MODIFICATION OR RELOCATION OF FIRE AI,A,RM & SPRINKLER SYSTEM DEVICES, IS TO BE CLOSELY COORDINATED WITH TIIE TO!|IN OF VAIL F'IRE DEPT. CONIACT MIKE MCGEE OR MIKE VAUGIIAN AT 479-2135. AI.,SO COORDINATE WTTH THE FIRE DEPT. FOR PROPER PROCEDIJRES TO AVOTD FAISE AI,ARMS DI'RING TTIE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. SEPARATE PERMITS WILL BB REQUIRED FOR ANY EI,E TRICAI,, MECHANT@L, PLUI,IBING, REFRIGBRATION, FIRE AI,ARM & FIRE SPRINKLER V{ORK. TIITS BUITDING IS RATED AS NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUSTION. ONI,Y NONCOI,IBUSTIBLE MATERIAI,S MAY BE USED. FIRE-RETARDAI{:T- TREATED WOOD ONLY MAY BE USED AS BACKING WITI{IN (INSIDE OF) ASSEMBLIES ONLY. OTIIERWISE, AI-,L MATERIALS ARE TO BE NON- COMBUSTIBL,E (STEEL STIJDS, DRYWALI-,, ETC.) . 4. 5. 5. a Touro cfiq************ staEemnt. o **************************** Total Fees:972.90 Total ALL Pmts: Bal-ance: Amount 406.00 s0.00 263.90 2s0.00 3.00 ??rqq. o34b of VAtc m6?LgT************************ TOUIN OF VAIL, COLORADO**************************************************************** statemnE Number: REC-0500 Amount:972-90 L2/27/99 13:13 Payment, Met,hod: CHECK Not,ation: #225L6933/ct]nnkt. Init: KMW Permit No: 899-0307 \4pe: A-COMM ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PParcel No: 2103-114-1-5-013site Address: 2099 N FROr\mAGE RD 9IEST LOCAIiON: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD, CIIY II,IARKBT LIQUOR STORE This Payment, 972.90 972.90 . UU**************************************************************** Account Code Description BP OO10OOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO]-OOOO31]-2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF 00100003112300 pLAN CHECK FEES AD D2-DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE e4-20-oo l5:33 cITY T CONSTRUCT I O IilVolcE FoB x tuAt GllEEls I D-97O24564e9*tTi,IARKEc P. 02 TFEffiMEEEilI-- VENOOR I{AI'E w-_--Ytl ExpLANArloN: Dlstt* ' ( I qryr /* gru {a* AUTHOhTZED StclATUhE MAIL CHECK wrLLplcKUpcH ao* flcafc hrunr* c/"aL ?b E? fitnrcl?t A?tfETclfu*lant- T EI .q7e.? TOTALArcT,]I|T acoouilt coDE Aqt - 5m 12:61 o4-20-oo l5 : szt DEC-t?:98 rt '21 CITY I{ARKET CONSTRUCTION Fnon ' Tov-uDEv-DEPT' r D.9?O24554e9t"."r*']5 P. 03 TVWNOFYIIT O"p-.r.tcowfiY btcbPu 75 Whrlowac Rd uaELtur&8167 y7o17*2t38117*2139 FAX97W7e-?452 &rLI4Sqat&I@a Sart6 Dffisu; Dilc '%ttn No' OtllEF- FAX GOT'E H S}IEEf -Gn S'rre*sorSTO: CoMpAt|ry ltAIrtE; Crrrr rrrszd FAXhIUMBERI PHONENUMEER: FROM:Kailry Wrrcrr" Pcrrrdt RG{-!cu' Coodhdot TornrofVril C,olnmrnlty DctctotrttldllcptrfiHtt -- - -frffi ffav & l;Gpcctioo S€rvic's Diuiiotl 75 Sou$ F'rorrgs Rd veiLColoodo El65? Pnd qzo.czc2325- ditld lim raXyi0'47ryj452 E mriL kunrtcn@i'neilro'w COMMENTS.NOTES: S*-a'* REC!t vgD FRox : 9?E+?92452r2- L7 -s9 I I : t7 P.el 04-20-OO I5:33 CITY IIARKET CONATRUCTION r D=9702456409 P. Ol rr€a{00ft NAME: WAarH*. rc*i?cc.o.Dr''n-. o.r,o{*o., co.',.m n}F9tNo. 0 2 2 5 1 6 I 3 3 -- -E-lrz-zo-er I lr++r*rerzieq qwr."*m- ;1.'t" Att*GQe I t af.oon xut|0|ti cLrt cooe oc PAY TOTHE ORDER OF TOTil AF YIIL ?ErI. oF_gRilfiuilrw SEYEL- lArL' co Br6E?-oooo GALDST|I C'ATE iArrcltotEll. t(^l{sas l.o e t5 rE9ltr. r: loll lL8 eqr: 'ra.fi;t?{:;-i.ti'tr'rj3';P,i |. i r. :T.rr-q-rirJr. r:,f 1-r. irr.,r., 69rclotl w> FIIITTAIS€ ADlrlCE. E.raolt lgronE DCFogTnG 33 r,ol IofE t,il 61a11s972i NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL OWITER TOIW OF VAIIJ * CITY MARKET PO BOX ?29 GRA}ID dII'NCTION CO 81502 Lricenee: BUSTNESS CrTY MARKET IJTQUOR STORE 08/L7/2000 Phone: Lricense: Dcsciption: WIRE EQLnPMENT RELOCATEDFROM OLD LOCATION Valuation: $5,400.00 FEE SIjMMARY TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 Eloctricrl-> S108.00 DRB Fo}-> Invostig/io-> will cdl-> o8/17/2O0O KATl{v Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT o8lL7/2O0O KATTTY OO DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT Psrmit #: E00-0156 Staurs...: ISSLJED Location.....: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD, CITY MARKET LIQUOR S Applied . . : 08/16/2000 ParcelNo...: 21031l4l50l3 ProjectNo Tfid?t-Az/4 APPIJICAIST RI'MMEL EIJECIRIC, INC. .08/L7/2OO0 Phone: 9?0'245-L973 735 - 4TH AVEDIT'B GRAIID intllcnroN, CO 81501 License: 161-:E Aleo is CONTRACTOR COIITRACIOR RITIIMEIJ ELEqtRIe, INC. 0S/L7/2000 Phone: 970-245-L973 735 - 4TH AVENT'E GRAND itUNerrON, C1) 8L501 Llcenge: 151-8 Algo is Applicanb Issued. . : lUlA2O0O Expires. .: 0?l3n00l 0S/L7/2000 Phone: $0. 00 s0.00 s3.00 Totil CdtlrlrLd F.s-> $111.00 Mdirional Fcos_-> 90.00 Totrl Pcrnit Fce'---> $111.00 Payncrfr"----> 9111. 00 BALAIICE DUE_> S0 . 00TOTALFEES-> 9111.00 airariraraaaaaa*rt Approvals:I€€m: 06000 EIJECIRICAIJ DEPAR1'!{E![T Act,lon: APPR APPROVED PER KI{ Act,ion: APPR N/A aaatttiarta'lllatiil CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 FIEITD INSPECIIONS AnE REQUIRED T0 CI{ECK FOR CODE CoMPLIA}ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby aclnowlcdgethat I haveread this applicatioo, filled out in frrtl the infonnation require4 conpl*ed an acctrate plotplon, md statc thEt dl th€ infcmatio as required is concct. I agree to comply with the information md plot plu, to cmply with all Town ordinanccs md statc laws, and to build this stnrcturc according to the tovms zoning and subdivisim cofu, dcsign revigw ryprwo4 Unifonn Building Code and oth cdinances oftbc Tom applicable thereto. REQTJE.gTT FOR INSPECNON SHAI,I. BE MADE TWENTY.FOTJR H(XJRS IN CONTRACTOR HMSELFANDOWNE f 't'tt**t*:t*ttl'ttttttt****t++****'t*'|'it*{r'}**'ttt*****f {'*'}**'t*****!t+***'tt't***{.'t|}**+tl*l**t'i**+l** TowNoFvAIL' coLoMDo stot€metrt {r***tt*tt+'tt*tt***tttf,*ttt{r******!t,t******tt}t*******'t*'i*'f{r********+********ttl|*al*lt*ft******+* Statcmcnt Number: R0O0O0OO53 tunounE: $111 .0o Lo/L2/2O0012:53 PM Payment lt{ethod: check /68{Init: JllN Notation ! RITMI{EIJ EIJECTRIC Permlt No: E0O-0156 Type: ELECTRICAL PER!'IIT Parcel No: 210311415013 gI.tE AddTEgB: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD TIEST VAILI Iocation: 2099 N FROIITAGE RD, CITY !'IARKET ITIQUOR S Total Fees: $111. o0 Itris Payment: $111 .OO Total ALrr PmtB: $111'00 Balance: 90.00 ***t****'| t+*'***{r't** *'}+*+!t****'t:t**t*'t,tr*{r't*{r,tr*** a* ** {r *'t*****'i***'}*****,t*,t*r*tl*tltaaillt*l**+f t* ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts EP OO1()()OO3i114OO TEMPORARY POI,'JER PERMITS t,\lc OO1OOOO31128OO l,.lILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 108.00 3 .00 AppucATroCLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMp',OR 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colora-do 81657 Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9- 2149 (Inspections) ContaLt Assessorc Offie at 97O-328-8640 or visit www.for Parel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) 2,/93 -//l- 5-A rob Name: (t-ft hqdT-Job Address: Jqilh* funeb. ub r Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:SuMivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: 'i3'WF"HjrFiiuoR=ro. pp,,r,-6,vs.', frail ow- stupE- * WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel0() Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ([) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (,$ Restaurant ( ) O,ther ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) ttto ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes fQ ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves fi ) wo ( ) COMPTETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATIoN: 5j.4 oo & CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor: Ruu^vt-.?tza2tafi,c,:""2)7:Z Contact and Phone #'s: 7zo-zqS- /?zs__zCo ntractor Signatur et ;f-o o *f ,{.. *r.*****************tr*******rt**ti********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*,t*?rrr*rr*******rr*****rr*t **Jr********t *,t ter Feest i :,,. ,)AE TT€G€i.. IItrt U Frt :DRB.4FFr,PlannerSii Acceohd Bv:W G 16 2000 F:/everyondfu rms/elecperm tr a D o tr o Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead seruices are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the main disconnect structure easily accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and sDaces are acceoted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platForm or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space/ two (2) seb of stamped drawings are required. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thurcday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. /a\'ft1 \ l-*,\t$/,i NwEffiIY HOW DIDWE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Denelopnent Department Russell Fonest Director, (970)47e.2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnen{s) did you cotthct? Building _ Environmenhl _ Housing_ Admin Planning_ DRB_PEC no one available_____? 3. lf you were required h wait, how long was it behre you were helped?_- 4. Was your profect reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nof 5. Was fris your first lime b fle a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ trVA 6. Please rate fie performance of he sffi person who assisbd you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, avallability) 7. Overalf efieciiveness of $e Front Service Counbr. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is tre best time of day br you b use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to betFr serve you nexttime? fhank you for taking frre lime to complete this survey. We are commifted b krproving our service. Print,ed by iIR Mondragon s/Lo/00 3:46pm Frorn: .'R Mondragon To: Lorelei Donaldson subject: ft d: CITY UARKET ---urRoENr-NoIts--======5 / LO / : O-- 9 : O4an==CC: Pam Brandneyer I would llke aone info ae to whether people can dJ-rectly acceaa from the I iquor atore into the g?ocery mart. Therers nothlng ln the bldg code thatprohlbit's lt, but before the contractor orderr g arr expensive atorefront, L would llke to loxow. In all other liquor/grocery mart Itve noticed separate entrances, is thig a Etate liquor board requirement. Please let me lsrow ASAP,as construction is moving qulcklyl I I ! Fwd=by : -Lore1el-Donal-5/10/ : 0==3 : 3 opm== Fwd to: iIR Mondragon As long ag there ls conmon area between licenseB and that city tlarket enqr!-oyees do not have accesa (keya etc.) to thiE apace and it 1B operated totally by ita orm staff aeparate from the crocery Btore it ia ok to have the front door facing into the g?ocery atore. As of Febnraqf, there 1g a 10 foot space betreen the retail apacea and the city Market registers that is n comron Arean (thig vas done when the Winery sent into one of the retail spacee). 4,0' A r@ fiqq Ddp ,J LJ frt, Db01 Pages 1 <; ol LEeBo- (! E cF u cEot (.1 N (,In oElr EEo u F.d I ol N oo <; c;o |nal t\ o o >Fl .g! n8bne orIor cl.! F ozODd8 u) N a ET A4 .;E aoxoEr.t{ogla8EEoo E lr EE E D(J E F F OH22D9F.O n2 &I Ed F:{,2 EEoa B a "Hot iIH( aaI!o :.FH2 HEH{o IF e ? F 21 xH 2 H Hoo|IU.lozg Acn-Io oEa. coqI aop ttu()(, F' o EF. R* A2D g4 C.l{oIEo 1: o rnp qa,I> Itr|lldn o g.O qfl&tAAt{ tua}, o6 X 2- u; (n o c,l : :Il .. i: lti J {3r FItl *ls lts ;ulF o\) B(tl tnluJ 'Oz. =$l 5 fi(f) I IUv { UF {o Ful--ztu til MoF d) I zo kq lU,l 9', frI it, $E FH E tu RIL F' J I ... Ih6 u Alll\) #v H u()oJt|. uoFrt o\) Bo J v.Au o J UJ H(n H k- o \