HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL COMMONS BUILDING C1 C2 C3 PART 1 LEGALo\o\ N z Hts F](n & 14 an rnE trt nioFtr] z,^& 2Y.ci, fH!0a.q_ I I lkt6 I I I I I, tF.t< taz r=to tz IH lo I I I I I I IlJ r(J IEiot(J IE No\ Ol 14 vtdn ts.J) z o uJ uJ l! E =t[! o- I "/ e //p/lt J uJo =I trolt toFo G F2oo E uJz3od I IJJa1Z .-- 3 .(vfuJ <FZa,9Zo< (?).$ .if, (9@zHF{F-OO-r ()oco&XO ccl cnUAHo&()AF. L4 p{p z Ff -:- o c 6 * 6.9) r EE:€ €EHEE =gEE; :OEFP iEFiEg.; E"g *sE;sI =fre:g EeE !s :-oE 3d(! 0'-.: F5A9g,8 stE f ,E E;dEP;9-'a'- 6 -O O.>€otrG EFgi g tl t.^l EIt=l l'l lgl |;I le ls IFT E IEE H lE-{ H IFF IHF Ff tsIAzH xXFi >a (A FlI =>E -EF'iut.S =.D(\l v =ZztLo ootr ^ 6z!1 i toAF 6E66 tr6b A(Jzx[<oq iH6 C-R Z dN(, q (L UJ zo F o XXt.zIF UJFJ z .; uJ J IIoz =F olutl EJ il>lttl 3 I I I frl il t!lol =l sOl uJFI F' C'l n!n I @ \o 1l(\l I rl ol "'lil>l tLl 3 (9zHt{ q I I lol =lOI rl al>l aolFI cf) z ct) ah Fl z =It r:{ I a zo() zHBF z i.i =z -) ro\o CN IOiF(.v o- FlH E F lu ETo -..r O<Foa()uJ<zt UJ F-trzo() JE<oOF trssiF-dZ () t2? E3fF-d6 C) z T lrj = t- -E- tJ:g+E b o C) oz E =G, r.lJc E li- EFlFFll - o-EzFAo[;t, E, -6a; E A illF i ! l?.-.'2 EF #$8 E r=t - ,c.x € i FI "dq/-YB; 9+lz=z, r.s,an - e - r--r r = l! 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Cotttnrcnls:J^1a2724 .zJ 7zt-zzs,azs,-rrrz-Z</ 'l0f l'N 01,!lt I'nil, l)olort,," r, nt:H-_ *.4':::::_*ZV..t t" t 0 l -47 9 - 2 [\ll ---.--_-.rr-. 27.rr",,?iJi-::. * { littrt. / - -_1;,_t,:.:t;,i_._._-__:. **- ." /' r'r /$att: '' -- -a-- '- --'-- Iraured:z I'1re , TCr: ' Fttolt I DATE ! llE: Z, _...-----..--a I'llltL'ltn l{DUt,l ,,T0titt Of VA.t.l, DUtLlJ.iltc ljltpAttTn8il,t,vAIIJ rt.ttil t)L;t,AltTilI;il'l' MIclrae.[ .I,lcL]ee, Flre l,larslraL.Jetf ALerrclo, l"1r-e IrrspecLor7'2o"2( /zrfl1 (4tr7,re"'5 C /, ( 7, <7 'I'lre ['Ire lre;rarr.l,lrerrl_ lras rev.ier.red Llre plansabove. 'l'lre i Lenrs ruar.l,,ertl below rreecl Lo be I submlLl-ed, 'rev -i serl .turnlshed. aJ.arnr elrotrr clr.avllrrclr: rreetl l-o l.re suburll-l-ecl; wiLlr a culuralo lteg.ist-erecl llrrgitreerrs ftr7 6i-oo zi ' ooz 5' 202( ;?/- 1;tzo) I2o2- oZo3 for the proJect ,// wIl-lr lroinl_ to 1r<-rllrL wlrirrg dlagraur. *_Z wI t-lr ty1r.l cra l. dev I ce rvlr..lng tlJ.ngranrA. -2' w.lt,lr l-rat.t-er.y c:al.crr.l,al-,l.orrs. rvj.Llr ;r I ist- crI sl,ecitiu tlevlce rnotlel lrutnbers. ------.-lt€), r^r.iLlr'erlrr irrrrrerrL ctrL: elreer-s for eacrr Lylre of o"ur""5f'frfl)r"riLlr l-lre rrtrrll_rer uI. eacrlr l-y1re of device. wIl-lr .l rrl.or..trral. l.orr i_rr,_licir LJ_rrg Ltre speolflc zoneE. vrl-l,lr c i rcrr.l. L cllagt:arus. w I l'lr rv I r'i lr'-; r,ylttt , t'ir zt., irrtr rrarrrr-rer ,f cotrduuLors. vrI Llr sorrr.-ce of A. c. [)ower ulr.crrlts . wiLlr enrergelc!y f .i..Jlrl-irr,J al- Llre f Ire aLarn panel . / rviLl.r irrlurrnaL.i-r.rrr irrtricat-i.rrg ruo'r-r-'rirrg neUrocl andrrrcnrit.ur.lrrg aUetluy ..rd- 41o/o1 Kgu, z,€,2 /o-.>€ ,t'l/t fr *,tz - '/ ,"/ ")P j/fo-t 't- ,/ ' ,/.:/- tt, ac, /3<,"' 2 s' V1ZA"f ''tetJ/ V-lizz<,, ('z:zzt;'z''{' t7o"y'n'2 Jzz'")z'/<+ 7:"K tf!; -"'h{, .'*v z./ /4 "-s -J>ri)t" i D"/ "z*'zz Vkuz -z''t" ' ' '"/-- ' fuZJX ,O.+s'tS'-z'-to'^/ ' L"/ sLamp. / -t_--. '.._, I'nil l;irc Dcparnncnt TUf'N fll''il 4 ) ll ctl llrtlou' l)rirt llate : -*-:--:_-- TO: fltoll ! DATE: ll[: : t rarned 'r/'subm.ll-[-etl , ' l" Ire alartn slr<.r1r wi Llr l.l[;Hutr^ltuuil ' t0l,lll oir V/\1..|, lluI.Lt)t.ltc DI;p^ll,Tt.lEIl,lVAIL ll lltlt t)lll'Altt'lililtT ,/1I'tluhae! .l.lcGee, FI.re l.larshaJ. ,/ZZ:,Jeff Al-elrcl<.r, f ir e lrrslrec[:,rr-- 7'/0 )'( /.'r/11 Ca':'tao'u': <a /, ( 7, ( 7 -4._.,.-___.-._-, rev isecl f urrtlslrerl. clr,.avrrtrrSs rreecl L<; be subrnll-l-ecl; Iit Cu l-crraclo Ilerg.isLerecl Errgirreerrs *rt/ ftr7 /'oo:q, ooZ f *_J wILh lrolnL to p<.rlrrL wlriug tllagran. _Z wJ.t-lt ty1rl.t.:arI clevlce wlrIng r.lJ.agran6. *_J/ wIl-lr bat_t.ery calculnl-l <;rrs. ruj.Llr a J i.r;i- trt s1rer.:.i f ic devlce ruotlel trunrbers. -------, -"rf;, rv il-lr'etlrr itrrrrrerrr- r:ut. r,rlreeLs Ir'r eaclr Lype 'f o"urr.5 f,fr' )wiLlr l-lte trulrber u.[ eac:lr l-y1re of tlevice. w'l-l-lr I rrr.rr"ur^Lir-rrr .i-rr,-lic.LJ,rrg Lrre epecrf rc zonea. vrltlr circrr.l.L cliagr:alrs. -4^ wlt.lr rv Lr'.1 tr,.y l-.y;.rr:, ttl-24, ;rrrr.l tlturrl.rr:r o.r conduoLor6. vrll-lr sour.-ce <.r f A.c. l)ower clrcttlts wiLlr erner'getrcy I i-glrLirrg al- Lhe f lre alarnr pauel . / w j Lh .[nlur.'rrraLitrn j rrcriuar-j.rrg ruonir-orirrg negrotl anclnc.rrril-ur.lrrg ageluy. y'e-/o-.-;{ ,/ryt fr ,oror., 'a 2//o)P ZZos''6 ///<*a rcou' 'i:.::'!.7,,:; ,f,:/:3":::. Z:,-*::, '3:!; -,, o( , --wv / '/ /Z' " t 5z/3rn' '7 2)1:"/ ztL< ' bz/d Dstzsnzi-zo"'lt ' I'lre I'Ire l)r:1rar r.Lluerrl_ lrar,; revier.rerl LIte platrsabove. ,l'lre I l_errrs ruat..heid below rreecl l_o be: t). st,arnp. '. 2./ l;ail I;irc Dcportuent 202( ;?/'1;tZo) s 2 o'L' oLo3 for the proJect 'l?lltN 014[i TPT DEPAPTAAENT *rt'/ 4 2 ll'ctt illrailou Drivt ltn il, Colorn tlo 8 I 6 \ 7 -j2-2,/.-Z----1toi-4le-2Bfl r f Sate: 7za 2r ,- llail Firc Dcparuncil 4r2 6i - oo zl ' ooz 5'' 20 z( ;?/- StZo ) o Zo2- oZo3 ltEl.IoIlAt{tJul"t TO: ,.IOWII Or VAIL I]UILIJIIIG DEPARTI,IEI.ITFROM: V^IIJ TInO DIPART}IBNT. Mlchael .McGee, Flre ttarslraL ,//4.leff ALetrcI<;, Fire InsuecL<rr:DATE: 9.ze.p( - -"-r- lltr: /r'z/,,t/ av'.zar'' c /" ( "' (7 -'r'lre Frre Depar'r-nrerri- rras revlenetl r-he prar.rs for the proJ ectIramed above. .llre ll-errrs rnarl.ecl below rreeO to tlei ',r' submll-Led Flre alarnr shop clravrlrrqs rreercl l-o be sublrlLtecli wiLlr a Colora'tlo l(eqisLered Engirreerrs stanp/' .\ _J wlLh polrrL to polnL vriring tllagrarn. --_r' wlLh typlcal clevlce rvlrlng tllagran€. r'rJ A.n -5rt(C jJ. ..,,*_j/ wlLlr frat_t_ery calculnLl.orrs , / -/ vit-lr.a J..ist- u.C specifiu tlevice ru'del trurnbers. -"f;' . wiLh'equ'pnrerrt cur- sheer-s for each type 'f devr.ce 5 t*/ -- -.) ^ _/_ wil-h l-lre trulrber of each Lype of tlevice. wiLlr l.rrf or:nrat-lorr itrclicerLlrrg Llre speclflc zones. vritlr clrcull- diagr:arns. wl.l-lr w.l r.i.rrg Lypr-',, s-Lze, arrtl rrrrlrl,rer <.rf conductors. wltlr source of A.C. power circulLs. wil-h ernergelluy l.irllrl-irrg al, l-lre flre al.arn panel . / wILh irrforrnar-iorr irrcricati.'g no'rr-ori'g neLrrod andnrorril-ur.lrrg ageuuy .,6 4/<.4/oi Kba,/z-4---z{ /ttr 6 a-.roz- .^/ 2zz'22- /o"- / ' , ,//wou 8a? 73 &&<,Uzrc/ "x >/ :L T) o'f"f:;; z z44- ::' - K' 3i;/---&^/ rrz:ttrzd {fryn J'zt'///- -- ")-,.rn,,r( c/-CE 4"' /--,.,v2.4 ,,44nt -rureL"'zzt/ 4t1-/423 Zhrz "*') ( ( rJ' / '/ , / A,<-,-t--t,r/i>o/'4, rev isecl furnlshed. x X _,/ // -a z/ , .1-1.4-r'/ Aa$-Acsazu SILENT /KNIGIII ldlo***r*, o t**tinii' FtREsvsrErs. -6nargro B ffi$sEr{DnEII Egnms?afE[4 cofuuUlERcrAl ;;"*,_ffi;#fllE AIARmS rr ira pnorcr-rn mr. dturcE UIIH m sFomr noil Glv0'l FEATURES:. Eight zones, 6 Style A ( (class A). 8 Expanderfri B). Zones are interchanl 7181 Zone Converter. The Silent Knight Model 5207 is an allin-one fuseless local fire evacuation control panel and digital communicator designed for applications requiring manual fire alarm, automatic lrre alarm and water llow for sprinkler system supervision. The basic unil olfers fire alarm tor on€ to eight zones, expandable to 16 with fhe optional 5210 expansion morlule. lt is compatible with both two- and four-wire smoke detectors. Compact, easy to install and service, it deliven! the teatures you'd expect to find in fire syslems costing rnuch more. During nornral operation, ther 5207 constantly checks smoke andothersensing devices forfireconditions. ltalso conducts system checks to d€termine if anv troubles. or lGzlN & the Model systen problems, erist. lf the 5207 encounters a fire or troubie condition, it s lnds a report to a central monitoring station (if applicablel, and, typically, sounds an audible/ visua warning in the local area. The !;207's microprocessor constantly runs programs to check inputs and carry out other routine functions. lt the program ever stops rljnning, a watchdog circuit will detect it and reset microprocessorsto resume normaloperations. The Nf odel 5207 con(lucts an automatic seltteslevery 24 hours-at a time yoil select-and sends a report to the cenlnrl station (if applicable). Other features of thl system include English-language remole annunciation simplifying "Slep Programming" of custom oplions. l:lemote downloading of system confi€ urations can eliminate the expense ol sending out a service technician for reprogramming. System provides a truilt-irr fire drill procrdure. The exclusive Accu-Zone@ leature measures anrldisplays zone voltages, so you can set u;r and test th€ system without separate testing equiprnent. Fuseless circuit board design eliminates one of the most likely causes for service calls. h,/ . UL, FM, MEA (BSA), Cl:M Listed and'Approved. Event memory. Fuseless design can reduce service time. Field selectable, 12 or ;24 VDC power supply. Six amp current output ;rt 1 2 volts, five amps at 24 volts. Compatible with 2- and 4- wire smoke detectors as well as water flow and sounding devices. Easy to inslall, progranr and service. Four programmable (Sryle Y) supervised signal circuils, including steady, pulse and temporal. Programmable smoke verification, pre-alarm delay, and cross-zoning r:an minimize false alarms. Four general purpose rr;lays (Form C 24 volts at 2.5 amps resislive). Buift-in approved digital communicalor with UL required priorty reportir g. Flexible programming :apabiities including upi downloading and use ol rsmote annunciator. No "desktop" programmer rerquired. Accu-Zoneo diagnost cs facilitate local and remote lroubleshooting. Individual zone Wdk Test. DESCRIPTION: ARCHITECT/ENGIN F F T] SF t- CIIFICATIONS The coniractor shall provide a complete electrically supervised fire alarm and communications sysl€m. The system shall contaln a flre alarm control/communicator and oanel to sup€rvis€ and op€rate heatanc smoke detection devices, alarm signal d€vicos, visual annunr:iators and an integral digital communicator to transmit fire alarm and supervisory signals to a centralstation. The control/c)mmunicator shall be UL Lisled or FM approved for use under NFPA 71 ,72A,728,72C and 72D standards. ll shallprovid€ power and controlfor eightsupervised detection zon€s, foursupervisel alarm signal circuits and a dua. digital communicator. The oontrol/communicalor shall be expandable to sixleen supervised detection zones and shall be able to communicate to a central station in SlA. SK FSK1 . SK 4/ 2 or Radionics BFSK formats. fhe conlrol/communicalor shal, be Silent Knight Model 5207 or approved equal. There shallbelwo Style D and srx Style Adetection zones. They shall accommodate heat detectors. Droducts of combustion delectors, manual pull stations, ;prinkler flow switches and gate valve supervisory swilches intermixed as desired and Dermitted by NFPA 71 , 72A,728,72C, and72D. Products of combustion detection may be either two- or lour-wire and shall be cross listed by UL for use on the system. The detection zones shall be programm€d to (1) be cross zoned so that two individual zones must sense products of combuslion, (2) automatically reset a detector to verity that smoke exists, (3) see a single detector in alarm-before the alarm is sounded and a sional is transmitted lo the central station. There shall be four 1 amp suF,ervised (Style Y) alarm signal circuits. They shallcause the b€lls/horns to ring sleady/pulsingr temporal throughout the premises unlil reset or silenced. Two 1 amp outpuls can be combine,J to provide one 2 amp output. The control shall be equipped with four auxiliary relays that shall be programmed to operate on (1) pre-alarm, (2) tamper alarm. (3) special alarm, (4) fire alarm. (5) trouble, (6) no-silence, (7) ttL ure.r | | nL utr .r t@ r'..."-"1 511$lT X IGHT toot! 5207 flRt coNlRot alarLn by specilic zone r (1 - 16). The relays shall remain energized untilthe oanel is silen :e reset or tho trouble condition is cleared, unless "no-silence" ia selected. The control/communicator shall have an inl€gral annunciator to indbate sequentially zones in alarm, zon€s in trouble, and syst-.m functions. LE r)s shallaugment lhe display to make clear to art operator the system slatus. An integral touchpad shall be provided to oporate, set up, and interrogate lhe system. Vital operations such as alarm silencing or r€s€l shall be simple and obvirus to an operalor. Authorizalion pass codes may or may not t)e used. The :ontrol/communi )ator shall have the capability to supervise two elephone lines, r;eize the phone line, and send the alarm sign.rl on one or boti'l lines without the addition of any more equi rment. ll shall sc und a local lrouble signal il the telephone servce is interrupteo {or longer that 45 s€conds and it shall tranr mit a signal indicating the loss of phone lins service 1o lhe cent al slalion over thc remaining phone line. A signal shall also be transmilled indicating the resloral of phon€ service. The conti-ol/communicalor shall be able to report the loss ol either phorre iine wilhout regard to which phone line failed first. ll bolh lines fail, a local sign.rl shall sound. The :ontrol/communi.:ator shall have lhe ability to send a l€sl signal lo the central st,rtion every 24 hours. Th€ test signal shall be able to be transmrtted at a specilic time of day or night by setting a program witllin the panel. f he irlarm signals transmitled tothe cenlralstation shall indicate whicr of the eight zones is in alarm and which zones are in trout le, depending on which format is used. Restorallrom alarm or lrouble shall also be transmitted by zone. The control/ comrnunicator shall be capable of communicating to Silent Knig rt, Radionics or / \demco central station receivers. . rrona^ft qI. oaxatal iJrro:r aa lYt (rofra c)- I ldrt lfitl a Stn.l D (qrat ^)a trra A (ct^al 3, MODEL 5207 BLOCK OIAGRAM - TYPIC qL INSTALLATIO \I LIGHTNINGPBOTECTION: SilentKnightguaranteesthisproductagainstlightringstrikes! Wewill repairorreplace the Silent Knight equipment, if necessary, should lightning disable it during the one-ysai warranty period. ltis just another reason why Silent Knight has been a nationwide leader in electronic t;ecuiity for 25 years. SILENT KNIGHT 7550 Meridian Circle, 1-800-446{444 or FAX: Maple Grove, vll! 55369-4927 In Minnesota ({;12) 493-6435 (612) 493-647i; MADE IN AMERICA Form * 150376 (Rev 10/93)FIFE SYSTEMS," GENTEX New Lower Operating Cu rrent 4" Electronic Horn HG or SHG Series Applications 4" low frequency eleclronic horn and hom/strobe thal meets code reouiremenls for supervised fire alarm systems for lhe hearing impaired and ADA. The HG/SHG series are quality elec- tronic signaling appliances that offer you both dependable evacuation signals and visual alarms or a combination of both by simple terminal wiring. The SHG series can also be wired to have independenl operation ol both horn and strobes. (See wiring diagrams). This can be simply done by removing twoiumperplugs locat- ed on circuit board. (See installation manual for delails.) The HG/SHG series are easily lield changeable from a steady low frequency alarm signal to a pulsing low frequency alarm signal by simply removing a jumper plug. Changing from sleady tone to puls- ing tone does not prevent reverting back to originaltone at a laterdale. Allunitsare shipped from the factory in the steady alarm mode. The HG/SHG series are designed to be used for bolh new construction or relrojit proiects by easily mounling to 4" electrical boxes or 2 gang old work boxes (see back for details). Afl HG/SHG appliances are UL 464/ 1971 listed lor use with fire Drotective systems and are warranted for 2 years lrom lhe date ol ourchase. SEFIIES SHG HG Approvals ::. .,:-:-\rffi, (Ur ) @\v \.iz . Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). BFP. BSA,/MEA #412-91-E. CSFM ff135-569:115. NFPA 72. uL 464 Standard Featules . Low lrequency output.. Low current consumption 17mA @ nominal voltage. (HG124). Wide voltage range.. Screwterminals, separate in/out wiring option lor both horn and strobe.. Steady or pulsing tone. Available Models . Textured finish high impact plastic faceplate.. Wide variety of mounting options tor new construction and retrofit applications.. Supplied with beauty plugs to accom- modate a variety of installations.. Xenon Strobe maintains constant flash rate (1 per sec.) regardless ol input vollage. Flush or semi{lush mounting without the need ol a trim plate. 1575 candela strobe option (SHG12- 1575 and SHG24-1575). Meets ADA 4.28.3 reouirements. All 1 1Ocd models exceed requirements of 4.28.3 0l the ADA. UL464/UL1 97 1 listedforfire protective service/signal lor hearing impaired. model Number 0peraling Vollage Flash Rates/Min Light Effeclive Intensily In Candela Haled curent @ Nominal 0peraling Vollage flaled culreflt @ Marimum 0peraling Voltage dB @10 Ft. HG124 10-30 17mA 21mA 100 sHG1 2- 1 5 10-16 40 15 137mA 'l37mA 90 sHG12-1575 1 0-16 60 15 (UL 1 971 ) z5 (uL 1638) 226m4 257m4 90 sHG24-15 21-30 20 tc 53mA 54mA 95 sHG24- 15-1 21-30 bU tc 95mA 86mA 95 sHG24-1575 21-30 OU 15 (UL 1971 ) 75 (UL 1638) 1 1omA 98mA 95 sHG24-110 21-30 20 110 1 1OmA 98mA 95 sHG24-1 10-1 21-30 60 110 237mA 200mA 95 Note: 2 4VDC 15 candela units have a start-up current ol 114mA al 1 flash oer second. 1 575 candela units have a start-uo current of 130mA 1 1 0 candela units have a start-uD currenl of 148mA 12 VDC 15 candela units have a start-u0 current 0l 188mA 1575 candela units have a start-up current of 324mA WHEI{ PLACIIIG Al{ 0R0ER: add the following to the end ot the modet number: = Wall mount"w" 'c'Plain (no leftering) Ceiling mount and "R" = Red faceplate "B'= Beioe faceplate GENTEX A fG HOCN at€ SHG SF|ES POWEqEO N PAFALLEL A SHG S€F ES WITH HCRN ANO STFCAE P0WEFEO INGP€N]EIVJTY lII REMCVE CIRtr-]lI COVER I€USNG AI'!O FEMO!t JWP€BS 1 AAIO 2 FEPIACT 'O!GF ANO FFOCEED TO WFE I€FN NTO CIFOJ I In: PoWEF lS SUPPLIED T0 DEVICES WHEN mNlFoL PANET lS L TCHEo Wiring Diagrams tuchitect & Engineer Specifications The alarm signal shall be Gentex model appoved equal and shall be listed by Underuriters Laboratories for Fire Protective Service hearing impaired. The model shall also be listed with the Califomia State Fke Marshal and the Bureau of Standards and Appeals (NYC). The alarm signals shall produce a sound ouFrrt of gO dBA or greater peak as measured in an anechoic chamber. The alarm signal shall be capable of changing from a steady lone to pulsing without permanent alteration to th6 unit. Maximum current consumption al 24VDC tor alarm hom only shall not exceed 17 milliamps and the maximum cunenl con- sumption for hom/strobe using 15 candela shall nol exceed 140mA @ 12VDC and 95mA@ 24VOC. Forthose applications requiring the higher candela output slrobe with alarm horn, the strobe output shall be 75 candela. The currenl consumption of the strobe (1575) shall nol exceed 93 milliamps @ 24VDC and 209m4 @ 12VDC @ lHz, and combined with alarm hom shall nol exceed 110mA @ 24VDC and 226mA @ 12VDC. The alarm signal shall be provided with screw lerminals for in- out field wiring, the strobe shall be capable of operation in@en- dently after hom has been silenced. Mounting:4" Square boxes dbrackets 21/i' deep minimum 4" square metaynon-melallic switcVoutlet boxes 2/d' deep minimum Gangable 2 gang switch/masonry outlet &xes 2'/i' d€ep minimum NOTE: Supplied with beauty plugs to accommodate a variely of installations. GiENTEXcctFt PctF|ATlctN Fire Protection Products: 10985 Chicaoo Dr. Box 310. Zeeland. Ml 49464 616/392-7195. FAX: 616/392-4219 ttlrt Printed on Recycled Paper GX120491-13 GENERAL Tbe Fireolite BG-10 Series miLnual alarm strations arc non-coded and dual actlon. FEATURES . Highly visible. . Easily operated. I .,. ':l . Atractive shape and texturpd flnish.. Semi-Flush mounting on a shndard single-gang electri- cal box.. Operates with or without a break urbe.. Handle latcbes in dopn position to clearly indicate that tbe station has been operated. . Optional lock with key. . Optional N.O. @ntact for auxiliary functions.. Optional pre-signal circuit. . Spanish (F'LJEGO) version, APPUCATIONS Use to provide a convenient means to manually iniriatc a fire alarm. CONSTRUCTION . Shell, dmr, ind handle are molded of durable lrxan"wirh a texfired finish. . Bacl( ptate made of 16 ga. steel.. Swirch contacts are normally open. INSTALLATION Fc semi-flush mounting, attach dfuectly to a standard singlc- gang elecfical box. Terminal block witb screws allows quick insallation. OPERATION Pulling the handle down causes it to latch in rhe down position and to close the normaily-open switch. The handlc is restored manually by unricrewing the allen head screw so the top of the case can pivot forward, allowing thc spring- loaded handle to retunr to ils normal position. The casc can then be pivoted back to its normal position and securcrl with tbe allen-head scrcw. The BG-lOL utilizes a mechanical kcv insrcad ot thc allcn- head screw. Tbc BG-lO P/T has a normnlty-oJrcn auxiliary swllch which is closed by rotating a key clockwise. (The key is non- removable in this position.) FtreilTeoAtarms IloofPotzlreD , BG-l0 Series Non-Codcd Manual Firc Alarm Sthtion Callfon{a State Flre Mareh8l SPECIFICATIONS Physical: BG.lO Ileight: 5.5" wi(lrh: 4.13" Dcpth: 1.38" Electrical: Current Capacity: 7150-075:103 sB-'Q WP-10 5.5" 6.0" 4.13" 4.69" 1.38". 2.O 3 Amps @ 125 VAC. 'l2 Clintonvills Roadi No hford, Connecticut 06472 Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7i 18 DF-s1203 P|ortot2 Mardr l, 1903 s71 1 WIRING OF ? t. I STANDARD UNIT: BG.lO Ib Control P,rncl D.tcctor Loop qutpul ADD]TIONAI. sw!TcH It'fCl Un':P YYl'111 .,rOiJELJ. E: !]" iND BG.lOT ADDITh,JiAL SW:TC : iKEY Oi -iir. iED) !NC!-UP-") WTFI MODEL: BG-lOF To Termlnel Block for test or to lherlgnd Clrcull (Key Opcreiecl). Wc try to keep orrr prodrrt Infrrmellrm u;, ;,,-.latc and accrratc. Wc cannol orvcr q 'ocil'lc appllcatirxrs or entlclpe0e all rcqulrcrne.::rs A[ spedllcatlons r re subJecl {o change wlthout ndicr. Iror morc Inl ormatknl ontac't Fl]e{flef. The BG-105P NOTE: The BG-I0SP is UL List€d. Contact tbe fac- ttry for stan|s of other list- ings and E)provals. PRODUCT LlllE INFORMAT;ON l!{rxlcl Descrlptlon IIG-10..... ...........Ijlmdard unit. )ual action. Works with, or withouL r crush tubc. ft cludes a terminal block with scrcws for fa-st and euy wiring. Il(;-l0A ......,....,.. Standard unitJlus an auxiliary N.O. switch to provide annunr;iator contacts, ItG- l0T ..............l;tandard unit Flus key-test feature. ll(;-l0P .............. Standard unit i \.O. switch for prc-signal opcration. RG-10L .............. Standard uniillus key locking featurc. BG-I0LA ........... Standard unit plus an auxiliary N.O. switch to provide annumiatoa contacts, plus key locking fearurc, BG. I OWP ...,...... Standard unit llus weathetproofi ng. Includes surface weatbe rproof box (WP-10). ItG-l|[SP ,,......t... Spanish versio r of standud unit, Dual action. Works wilh or withoDt crush tube. Includes terminal . block. WP-I0 .......,........ Weatherproof :rurface back bor for BG-l0WP. SB-10 ,................. Surface back box for all BG-10 models. BG-TR ............... Optional lrim r ing. ARCHITECTURAUENG]NEEilNG SPECIFICANONS lr4lnI;rl l;irc Alanr Stations shall bc non-codc, break-tube (or non-crush lrlxi) tyF:. rvith flrkcy opcrated tcs -rcset lock in order that they may be tcstcd. rnd so designcd that after act ral Emergency Operation, they cannot llc rcslon'(l k) nolmal cxcept by use of a key. An oJrerated station shall' automatically condition itself so as ,o be visually detected, a.s operatd at a minimum distance of onc hundrel feeL front or side. Manual Stations shall hc constructcd of Lexan'witt clearly vieible opcrrting instrucaions providcd on the cover. The word llRE sball aplrear on the front of the stations in raiserl retters, 1,75 inch,x or larger. Stations shall be suitable for surface mount ng on matcbing back-bor, or semi-flush mounting on a stlndard single-gang box, and shall be installed not less than 3.5 fe€t, nor rr lhan 5 fecl abovc the finislrcd floor. Manual Statious shall be I: , 'Laloralorics Listed. FEATURES: . Easy Inslsllatlon. Secure wires to heat detector. A simple push and twlst motion attaches doteclor lo mounting plate. Reversible mountlng plate for 3Vr oi4. inch oclagon box, or open mounting. r'low Plolllc. Only 1 3/8 Inch from ceiling eurlace with ,unctlon box mounting. Whlte finish bl€nds with ceiting. o Vltual Indlcatlon. When llrcd temperalure olgm€nt is .. actlvat€d, heat collector disc drops' '*vay lrom deteclor, Replacement of detsctor is then requlred. '*i' bperatton TsstlnE. Rateof .rise feaiture -ls automatlcally self-restoring, allowlng regular testing. chemefftiiiids'' HEAT DETECTORS SERIES 600 : Rat+of-Rlse and Flxed Temperature. 9qe or Two-Circuit, Normally Open The SeriEs 600 Heat Detector is anrac- tive and durable, and features com. binalion rate.of.rise and fixed- tempsratur€ detectors. Heat detoctors are available in 1350F and 2000F lemperaturs ratings. Rate-of-rise detects hoat by quickly responding to rapid temperature in- crease. Rateof-rise units have wide spacing allowance of so-foot centers. See Specification Table for details. Fixed tomperature reacts to heat by responding to a specific t€mperature setting. Serlep 600 D€tectors use lhs aame reliable pneumatic rate.otrise elgment used in former models, but offer added aesthetic appeal. CHEMETRON Fire Systems'" Chemetron Flre Syrtemo.. 100O Govsrnors Hlghway University Park, tllinois 60466 Tel€phone: (312) 594.1 OOO Tel€x: 210261 CHEM UR A FIGGIE NTENNATIOML COMPANY E The pneumatlc rate€t rise elsment responds to a rapid rls€ In t€mp€raturs, approximalely 150F. (8oC) per minute, by o<pansion ol air within the s€aled chamber fast€r than it can gscap€ lhrough a calibrated v6nt. The resultant increase in pressur€ d€press€s the diaphragm, causlng the slectrlcal con- tact to close lhe circuil. The fixed t€mpgratur€ glemenl uses a fusible alloy. When ac{ivated, the oder- nal heat collec-tor drops away lo prc- vide quick visual contlrmatlon that the €lemsnt has operated. fhe unlts protrude only 1 &|8 inch from ihe cslllng surlace wlth a Juncllon box,nountlng. They have pleasing con- 'ours and an all.whits finlsh that ,:onforms to ceiling aesthetics. - ldonllticatbn on Hrd ColLobt 1+to Cl.cult Mod.l 2+.to Chcuit Modol Dcrlptlonmountlne ebi.. In onc porl on, tt aisllyslt6chcr tO a" lunctlon box, 3yr', ocraqcn bor or plaltar rlngr In r€y6r8e, thF plste can be useci for opqn wlrlng without r h,ncllon bpf A %" epade belwaon dolcctor and mountlng aurlaCe allowg for wlre connoctlon8. All nounting , scrows are concealed. Tho det6ctorslmpty attaches to the mount- Ing plat€ wlth a puSh and twiet motion. No loolg roqulred. IMountlng plato ls moldod of whito s€lF extlngul8htng rhar]iloplas c ret€d at t 05.6. fhe platc lr ortrom€ly ltrong yet adapts to unevon mounfl ng &rfacos. Seriee 6O0 Teetlng Merthods Modsls0Ol/621 and602/622 can b€ t$led by lhe 8pplicafbn of qutck heat from ani conv.ni6nt sourcc. A portabte hatr dryor ib recommended. How€v€r, do not apply hsat lhat €xce€d8 lhs llxod temporetur,e rating of the detoctor. Modefs 603/623 'lnd O041624 cannot be tesled. Howovor, the tuslbl6 alloy €tomsnt is genorally conllder€d so rsllable that testing is 'Jt nec€ssAry. Scraw Terminals Dull OrqJ[ Detcclor lurec ro rano r\io i tdbpaodi|t 4Fah) Nong Otay Rlng 621 ndepoar. oonl sgnda 622 Fo. Mo r.roaf|.|} &nl lo,tars Rsleot Rbe and Fb@d fdnD., r 350F (570C). Fb@d Tdvtp. zqPF (94ocl. b.flpa.S.n and cafitg oc..dhg Gray Spot 623 Fq tv/o fxlgDar}('.nl agn6FOi Frxcd Tenp. gily, 13$F 67oC). 624 Fq lvio (ttopsn. dsr{ aondt Fb@d Temp. OnU, a)00F (e1€). Unndly vbH '15x15 i 15x15 fr bmp..l,lJfi fiJot tdfil grd cilng b.fI|a.lhrrar c,(s.dho lmo @qC b|r rEt r6(IF o6ac) _ , r B€tar to NFPA tltr. ', l2E loi appllca on roquhomonia -FiFe3'd-- lmportant Notes: Colllng Surfrca Milnune ESffiiffiPErAr Q]/"o''"'ot"' lrrirEr r6[xr 6f/-"'"' r R€far to NFPA litr. . Heal dotectors should be' used tor propedy potec{lon. Rellance chould not be placedsolely on heat dotecturs br liie r sifdty; when llte ralaty l! finblvad, smoke detectors must also be used. .i- o pattery.Back up: Hoat detectors shouH be el€ctrcnlcally supervlsed with battery back-up at the panel. o The ratg{f-rise mechanism may be sub,ect to roduced songltlylty ovgr tlmo. Annual testing of the rateof*lia operaiton la recommended, ctcrrr ip. I co{f|E,:lm8$r,l lOck,rl fo. clq.fl rp. r o(lfccltDxqt gtttgrol Oi r,rl ti4a Atl8l. t^tlroi tx\rrotlrltgroi nNt cqnedEolo ragt ottagrcr I oa Em of lnl ilOSTOa NOIE: Al dr1 srcuit riodda cqi! wit.'l twc (2) ttOnttr:./ . O:y Co.t-tt Strndtd sinlle Chcuit O.tcctor Noltr Al |lneb aLqJ| |'rodab cqlta $tr ot'tt (l) rcnnJir oDl| Cry oorul LlstingJApprovals. U.L, Llst€d o F.M. Appovedr Anoroved Board ol Standr':js and Appeals, N.Y.C.. Approv€d Fir€ Marshal, State of Calilomia Electrlcal Rstlngs 6-125 Vols A.C., 3.0 ffqI 6-28 Vo[s 0.C., 1.0 Arp. 125 Volts D.C., 0.3 Amp. 250 Volts D,C., 0.1 Amp. Odedng Inlormatlon Phase epeclfy: Series Model Number T€mp€rature Rating . 1980 Chamclron Fl.a Syalamrn No 7-0OOO167 Prlnlcd In U.8A tor'etloM Sories 800 O€tector and Mounung Balo tnstrltatlon The seller makes ro warranties, express or implied inclucino. butnot limited to, the implied warranties of m erchantability r,r,, mn€sstor a pantcutar purpose, except as expressly stated in s€t:e 's salescontract or sales acknowledgement forr , tuctdlo.|s arld ccllrE blntr|'lurrE ,lol l 2-1l Jundlon 8ox Mountlng -s"rgTElwsEluson= A DIVISION OF HTTWAY INSTALLATION: I NSTALLATION INSTR UCTIONS FOR MODEL RAlmOZ yr GENEFAL INFORMATIOIf, , ]?: nfhe Ndonal Fta Profaion Assodation has published codes, : Etandalds, and |€commenred practices for the insullation and tlsg of the above appliance. lt is recommended that tho Installerbefamlliarwith these raguirements, witi local codes, and any sp€dal roquir8m€nE of the local authority having luilsdlciion. The model RA/t002 & RA/OOZA remote annunciator are poladzed devices designed lor boh convenional and intelli- gentapplications. They have been designed using an active anunl ngulatorso hattho maximum curent rsquired lrcm lhe system b 7mA when the lnput vottage is within the apedfiedvoltage range. MODEL RA4ooZA (CANAD|AN) REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR 3.1 to 32VDC - Do not breaktab. 18 b 3t! VIrc - Breaft tab.ml 7 rnA madmum. -1e |o 6O"C (14" to 140'D The remoteannundabris intended to be mountedto asingle gang electical oullet box. The wiring must be in compliance with all codes. The device must be operated within its pub- lished specif ications. V\firatheromotBannuncialoraccordingtof|elnstuctionssuppli€dwiththedevicsbeing monitored. Pdafiof the incoming wires must be obseryed and @nn€cted to the proper terminals '+' and '-'. (See Figurc 1.) The tab on the bac* ol lhe RA400Z and fi,{.4QQlfl glgst be bmken olf for use wilh most System Sensor intelli'pnt systoms. (S€o Not€ 1 and Figure 2.) Aftertab is brcken, the inputvoltrage forthe BA/O0Z and BA4q)ZA is limited to 18 volts minimum. SPECIFICATIONS: VOLTAGE RANGE: CONVENTIONAL SY$TEM:. INTELUGENTSYSTEM: NOTE t: CAUflON: Do not broak tab whcn udng .n RA{OiOZ or RA4{pZA wlth !n Intclllgor t +wlr. duct dotoctor (such !s System Sensois modol DH5oOACDC). CURRENT DRAIN: TEMPERATUHE FANGE: @ @ D?2041-W r56-508{0 system Sensor, 3825 ohio Avenue, st. chades, tL 6017+9021 , f08) 3z€it63, FA)( t/oE) 3z€495 WARNING UMITATIONS OF REMOTE ANNUNCIATOFS THE REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR WILL NOT WORK IF THE DEVICE tT IS CONNT:CTED TO IS NOT POWERED. ThE remote annundator gets its pow€r from the devica to which it is connected. lf for any reason, the device b€ing monilored losas power, tte remote annunciator will not ptovide fi€ intended visible signal. THE FEMOTE ANNUNCTATOR MAY NOT BE SEEN. The modol RAI{nz is suitable tor direct viewing and is in compliance with oxisdng Underwriters [sboratories'standards. The device must be sited in a locaton uYhsrs it can be s€€n by the Intended partias. The do/ce must not b€ installed in direct sunlight, c r areas of high llght lnbnsity where the visible signal mlghl be disrogarded or nol seen. THIS DSVICE IS DESIGNEO TO WORK SPECIFICALLY WITH SYSTEM SENSOR PRODUCTS. ]NISTCONNECI|ON W'th devlces ogrerthen System &rnsor,s may resultln unsatislactory operation. Consultrlovice rnanulac0.lrerforcompa$bility. THE REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR IS NOT INTENDED TO BE A VISITILE WARNING SIGNAL I From Monitored Efevice Figurc 1 BEND TAB D0WN O BREAK FOH USE WI]H MOST inieu-teeruT sYSTEMs.NolE 1 Figure 2 r56-508-00D22041-OO @ Syslem Sensor 1991 Model 5207 Fire SontroUCommunicator lnstallation Manual 4.2 Gurrent Draw Worksheet A c a,. D Deulce Number of Devices Current per Device Standby Current Alarm Gurrent L This coluru .Cufisil. ier ua 5207 Fire Control I/Communicator I 120 mA t?o mA I At"^m ---- mA-T 1o )mA \a?gryExpander _I Standby: 40 mA mA' AIrm: 40 mA -- _._- _mA, 52f -Dugct Conlg!.nodule I Standb]r 5O mA mA Atarm .50m4 - -mA 523ll8€motc Annunciator (7 max.) Standby: 60mA mA :, Alarm: -'. 120 m'S'*i'mA 4l E0 Status DisplaYmodule (2 max.) Standby: 20 mA mA Alarm: 140 mA :-i..-.-mA 5260 Printer lnterface I Standby: 25 m4 .mA Alarm: . -25 mA .mA Curren t Subtotals:\20 mA '7OO r0-A Standby: mA mA Alarm: mA mA Standby mA mA Alarm: mA mA Standby mA mA :. :.:. ::: :: Alarm: mA mA Current Subtotals:I mAl iiiflcauon Devlces *n^t *ungo, t tl Alarm: mA ::..:..':mA Alarm mA[ .mA Al;r*---- tA [--l mA il"rrn',- illl- l Curre rt Subtotal mA \lc-' ^9 \'{ (y l2'\ Standby: m4 lmAI ..'T I:' "'; '', Alarm: ? [ mA Itg mA R c,,-,."ic . l"-J...."*...,t\ Standby:mA mA t::,: r' ,,li:':,ri:::i:' : :,':;, Alarm: f5 mA IZOmA Standby: mA mA Alarm: mA '..',:':::.mA Standbvr mA mA il,: ::: .: :i:;i:,: | | atarm: 44 lll.lll mA Currer t Subtotals:\2-O mA zg3 mA Total current ratings ofall devices in system (add A-D)r:l2o mA 9gt mA Total cunent ratings converted to amperes (x .001):O.\?O A o,9tsA I Thb lnJomati.n must be used wilh Tablc 4-l anC t dLl" .l-J to conp'cle hattery calculal,ons. 4-2 150865 - --. q..qtl!DfT-. Model 5207 Fira ControbCornmunicator lnstallation Manual 4.2.2 Works heet Requi rements Thc following steps must be taken wherr determining Model 5207 current ratings: l. You must measure the alarm cwren'i. If only one current rating is listed, the draw for that device is the same whether the system is in alarm or standby condition. The exception is for notifi<'ation devices which are rated at alarm current only. Standby cunent for notification devices is 0 mA. 2. To detect the actual maximum alarm current, measrue the current draw (with no devices connected to the panet) by connecting a DC amp meter,in series with onc of the batteries. Disconnect the AC power source. Put the panel in alarm. The meter will indicate the alarm cun€nt, which will be in the range of 120-700 mA. Fill in the system alarm crtrrent in the Current per Device column of the Curent Draw worksheet. You can estimate without measuring the alarm current by filling in the ma:rimum total alarm curent of 700 mA. Nole: In a I2-volt system, measure the current from both batteries (disconnect both grounds). 3. For smoke detectors, notification devices, and devices not mentioned in the manual, refer to the device manual for the current ratings. The worksheet example shown on the previous page provides rough estimates for a "worst case" installation. 4. Use Table 4-l to calculate the conect battery AH rating needed for your installation. See also the example (Figure 4-3) that follows. Note that the calculated rating in Row H cannot exceed the ratings shown in Table 4-2. t Use nqt size battery with capacily greater thun required.1').'t'l / .-n t\ t. ,tO ' eU\,2;tb" 150865 Table {-1. Battery Calculatlons Total Standby Cunsnt Total supcrvisory current from the Current Draw worksheet (row E). Number ofstandby hours (24 and 60 for NFPA 72, Chapter l, l-5.2.5.). Multiply Lincs A and B. Total alarnr currcnt from the Current Draw wor*shcct (row E), Alarm souding period in houn. (For cxamplc, 5 minutes = .084 hours.) o B?19 ? AHMultiply lincs D and E. Add lines C and F.:.\LTfiLAH Multiply linc G by 1.2. (Total ampcre/houn rcquiredr) 44 SILENT KNIGHT FEATURES: 7181Zone Converter. UL, FM, MEA (BSA), CFM Listed and Approved. Event memory. Fuseless design can reduce service time. Field selectable, 12 or j24 VDC power supply. Six amp current output et 1 2 volts, five amps at 24 volts. Compatible with 2- and 4- wire smoke detectors as well as water llow and sounding devices. Easy to install, progranr and service. Four programmable (Sryle Y) supervised signal circuits, including steady, pulse and temporal. Programmable smoke verification, pre-alarm delay, and cross-zoning (:an minimize false alarms. Four general purpose rr:lays (Form C 24 volts at 2,5 amps resistive). Built-in approved digital communicator with UL required priorty reponir g. Flexible programming :apabiities including up/ downloading and use ol remote annunciator. No "desktop" programmer rerquired. Accu-Zone@ diagnostics facilitate locetl and remote troubleshooting. Individual zone Wdk Test. i ,1. DESCRIPTION: The Silent Knight Model 5207 is an all-in-one fuseless local f ire ever, ilation control panel and digital communicator oesigned lor applications requiring manual lire alarm, automatic fire alarm and water flow for sprinkler system supervision. The basic unit offers fire alarm lor one to eight zones, expandable to 16 with the optional 5210 expansion module. lt is compatible with both lwo- and four-wire smoke detectors. Compact, easy to install and service, it deliverr; the features you'd expect to find in fire systems costing nuch more. During normal operation, th€, 5207 constantly checks smoke and other sensing devicer; for fire conditions, ltalso conducls system checks to dertermine if any troubles, or iJodel 5207 syster problems, exist. ll the 5207 encounters a fire or lrouble condition, it s )nds a report to a central monitoring statiol (if applicablel, and, typically, sounds an audible/ visua warning in the local area. The 5i207's microprocessor constantly runs programs to check inputs and carry out other routine functions. lf the program ever stops rrrnning, a watchdog circuit will detect it and reset microprocessors to resume normalop€rations. The Nlodel 5207 con(lucts an automatic selttest every 24 hours-al a time you select-and sends a report to the centrirl stalion (if applicable). Other features of thr) system include English-language remole annunciation simplifying "Step Programming" of custom options. Remote downloading of system config urations can eliminate the expense of sending out a servic e technician for reprogramming. System provides a built-irr lire drill prootdure. The exclusive Accu-Zone8 fealure measures anrl displays zone voltages, so you can sel u) and test th€ system without separate lesting equip nent. Fuseless circuit board design eliminates one of the most likely causes for seruice calls. ti, ARCHITECT/ENGINE ER SPECI FICATIONS Ths contrac-tor shall provide a complete electrically supervised fire alarm and communicalions system. The syslem shal conlaln a flre alarm controli communicator and panel to sup€rvis€ and op€rate heatand smoke dot€ction devices, alarm signal devices, visual annunciators and an integral digital communicator to transmit tire alarm and supervisory signals to a cenlral stalion. Th€ control/c(rmmunicator shall be UL Listed or FM approved foruse under Nl:PA 71 ,72A,72B,72C and 72D standards. ltshall provide powerand control foreight supervised detection zones,lour supervise(lalarm signal circuils and a dual digital communicator. The conlrol/communicator shall be expandable to sixteen supervised detection zones and shall be able to communicate lo a cenlral station in SlA. SK FSK1 . SK 4/ 2 or Radionics BFSK formals. l'he control/communicator shal be Silent Knight Model 5207 or approved equal. Thereshallbe two Style D and si:r Style A detection zones. They shall accommodale heat dete(;tors, products of combustion detectors, manual pull stations, s,prinkler flow switches and gate valve supervisory switches inlennixed as desired and permitted by NFPA 71, 72A,728,72C, and72D. Products of combustion d€lection may be either two- or four-wire and shall be cross list€d by UL for use on the sys'tem. The delection zones shall be programmed to (1)be cross zoned so that two individualzones must sens€ producls ol combur;tion, (2) automatically reset a deleclor to v€rity that smoke exists, (3) see a single detector in alarm-{etore the alarm is sounded and a sional is transmilted to the cenlral slalion. There shall be four 1 amp sup:rvised (Style Y) alarm signal circuits. They shall cause the be ls/horns to ring steady/pulsingr temporal throughout the premisr.'s until reset or silenced. Two 1 amp oulputs can be combine(l to provide one 2 amp output. The conlrol shall bs equipped wilh four auxiliary relays that shall be programmed to operale on (') pre-alarm, (2) tamper alarm, (3) special alarm, (4) fire alarm, (5) trouble, (6) no-silence, (7) srttNr (NrGnT roD€! 5207 FrRt co|tRot ANO cousuNrcAToR -l alarrn by spedfic zone (1 -1 6). Th€ relays shall remain energiz€d until the panel is silence reset or the trouble condilion is cleared unler;s "no-silence" is selectsd The r)ontrol/communit;ator shall have an integral annunciatorto indicate sequenlially zones in alarm, zones in trouble, and system functions. LEI)s shall augment the display to make clear to an operator lhe sys'€m status. An integral touchpad shall be provided to operate, $et up, and int€rrogale the system. Vital operirlions such as alarm silencing or reset shall be simple and obvious to an operator. Authorization pass codes may or may nol Ee used. The (:ontrol/communic atorshall have the capabililyto supervise two t rlephone lines, seize the phone line, and send lhe alarm signz I on one or both linss without lhe addition of any more equilrment. lt shall so rnd a local trouble signal if the telephone servi.:e is interrupted for longer that 45 seconds and it shall transmit a signal indicrting the loss of phone line ssrvice to the centralstation overth€ rsmaining phone line. A signalshallalso be tr.rnsmitted indicating lhe restoral of phone service. The conlrol/communicator shall be able to report the loss of either phone line without regard to which phone line failed first. lf both lines tail, a local signal shall sound. Ihe oonlrol/communk alor shall have th€ ability to send a t€st srgn€ | 10 the central st€,tion every 24 hours. The lesl signal shal be able to be transmilted at a specific time ot day or nighl by setling a program witt in the panel. Tlre e.larrn srgnals tranrimitled lo the c€ntralslation shallindicate whicl cf the eight zorres is in alarm and which zonss are in troubie, depending on rvhich format is used. Resloralfrom alarm or trc,ubie shall also be transmitted by zone. The control/ comr)unicator shall t e capable of communicaling to Silenl Knigln, Radionics or p demco cenlral slation receivers. [-^-*,- t- -'""- MOOEL 5207 BLOCK DIAGRAM - TYPIC,TL INSTALLATIOII LIGHTNINGPROTECTION: SilentKnightguaranteesthisproduct againstlightningstrikes!Wewill repairorreplace the Silent Knight equipment, if necessary, should lightning disable it drtring the one-yuaiwananty period. ltis just anbther reason why Silenl Knight has b,een a nationwide leader in electronic security for 25 y,>ars. SILENT KNIGHT 7550 Meridian Circle, 1-800-446-6444 or FAX: Maple Grove, i4N in Minnesola (61 2l t.6,,2) 493.647!: 55369,4927 49:r-6435 MADE IN AMERICA Form .f 150376 {Rev 10/93)FIRE SYSTEMS," GiENTEX New Lower Operati ng Cu rrent Applications 4' low frequency electronic horn and horn/strobe that meets code reouirements for supervised fire alarm systems lor the hearing impaired and ADA. The HG/SHG series are quality elec- tronic signaling appliances that offer you both dependable evacuation signals and visual alarms or a combination ot both by simple terminal wiring. The SHG series can also be wired to have independent operation of both horn and strobes. (See wiring diagrams). This can be simply done by removing two jumper plugs locaF ed on circuit board. (See installation manual for details.) The HG/SHG series are easily field changeable from a steady low frequency SEtrIES 4" Electronic Horn HG or SHG Series alarm signal to a pulsing low frequency alarm signal by simply removing a jumper plug. Changing lrom steady tone to puls- ing tone does not prevent reverting back to original tone at a later date. All units are shipped from the factory in the sleady alarm mode. The HG/SHG series are designed to be used for both new construclion or retroJit projecls by easily mounting to 4" eleclrical boxes or 2 gang old work boxes (see back for details). Afl HG/SHG appliances are UL 464/ 1971 listed lor use with fire protective systems and are warranted for 2 years from the date of ourchase. SHG Approvals @@P . Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). BFP. BSA/MEA #412-91-E. CSFM lll'135-569:115. NFPA 72. UL 464 o Standard Features. Low frequenry output.. Low currenl consumotion 17mA @ nominal voltage. (HG124). Wide voltage range.. Screwterminals, separate in/out wiring option for both horn and strobe.. Steady or pulsing tone. Available Models Textured finish high impact plastic faceplate. Wide variety of mounting optionslornew construction and retrofit applications. Supplied with beauty plugs to accom- modate a variety of installations. Xenon Strobe maintains constant flash rate (1 per sec.) regardless oJ input voltage. Flush or semi{lush mounting without the need of a trim plate. 1575 candela strobe option (SHG12- 1575 and SHG24-1575). Meets ADA 4.28.3 reouirements. All 1 1Ocd models exceed requirements ol 4.28.3 ol the ADA. UL464/UL1 971 listed lor Jire protective service/signal lor hearing impaired. t( WHEN PLACII{G All 0RDER: add the following to the end of the model number: = Wall mount'w" Plain (no letterino) Ceilingj mount -' and "R'= Red laceolate "B'= Beige faceplate Model l{umber 0peratin0 Voltage Flash Rales/Min Light Etfeclive Inlensily In Candela fialeI uurtent @ llominal 0peraling Vollage Hated uurenl @ Maximum 0peralin0 Vollage d8 @10 Fr. HG124 1G30 17mA 21mA 100 sHG12-15 10-16 40 15 137mA 137mA 90 sHG12-1575 10-16 60 15 (UL 1971) 75 (UL 1638) 226m4 257mA 90 sHG24-15 21-30 20 tc 53mA 54mA 95 sHG24-15-1 21-30 60 15 95mA 86mA 95 sHG24-1575 21-30 60 15 (UL 1 971 ) 75 (UL 1638) 11omA 98mA 95 sHG24-1 10 21-30 20 110 11omA 98mA 95 sHG24-1 10-1 21-30 60 110 237m4 200mA 95 Nole: 24VDC 15 candela units have a start-up current of 1 1 4mA at 1 flash per second. 1575 candela units have a start-uo current ol 130mA 1 1 0 candela units have a start-uD current of 148mA 1 2 VDC 1 5 candela unils have a start-up current ol 188mA 1575 candela units have a start-uo current 0J 324mA GENTEX o A HG HOAN AND SHG STF ES POWEAED N PA,qAT!EL B SHG SEFITS W]TH HOFN ANDSTAOBE POWEBED NOEF€NOENILY TM REMOVE CIFCUIT COVEB HOUSING ANO EEMOVT JUIiTPTFS I AAIO 2 REPIAC€ COVTAANO FFOCEEDTO WIFE HOAN NTO CIFCI]IT llIA POWER IS SUPFTIEO TO DEVICES WHEN CONTNOL PANEL IS LATCIIEO. Wiring Diagrams Architec't & Englneer Speclfications The alarm signal shall be Gentex model approved equal and shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories for Fire Protective Service hearing impaired. Th€ model shall also b€ listed with the Califomia State Fire Marshal and the Bureau of Standards and Appeals (NYC). The alarm signals shall produce a sound output of 90 dBA or greater peak as measured in an anechoic chamber. The alarm signal shall be capable of ctranging from a steady' tone to pulsing without permanent alteration to the unit. Maximum.current consumption at 24VDC foralarm hom only shall not exceed 17 milliamos and the maximum currenl con- sumption lor horn/strobe using 15 candela shall not exceed 140m4 @ 12VDCand95mA @ 24VDC. Forthose applications requiring the higher candela output strobe with alarm hom, the strob€ outsut shall be 75 candela. The current consumpiion ol the strobe (1575) shall not exceed 93 milliamps @ 24VDC and 209mA @ 1zVDc @ 1Hz, and combined wilh alarm hom shall not exceed 11omA @ 24VOC and226mA @ 12VDC. The alarm signal shall be provided with screw terminals for in- out field wiring, the strobe shall be capable of operation indepen- dendy atter hom has been silenced. Mounling: 4" Square boxes dbrackets 21/a" deep minimum 4" square metaynon-metallic switch/outlet boxes 2%" deep minimum Gangable 2 gang switch/masonry outlet boxes 2%i' deep minimum NOTE: Supplied with beauty plugs to accommodate a variety of installations. GiENTEXcct Fl PctFtATtctN Fire Protection Products: 10985 Chicaoo Dr. Box 310. Zeeland. Ml 49464 616/392-7195. FAX: 616/392-4219 alg,Printed on Recycled Paper GX120491-13 v o o BG-l0 Series Non-Coded Manual Fire Alarm Station ffi 0G.5A5 GENERAL The Fire.Lite BG-10 Series nranual alamr stations are non-coded and dual action. FEATURES . Highly visible. . Easily operated. . Attractive shape and textured finish. . Semi-Flush mounting on a standard single-gang electri- cal box. . Operates with or without a break tube. . Handle larches in down position to clearly indicate that tbe station has been operated. . Optional lock with key. . Optional N.O. contact for auxiliary functions. . Optional pre-signal circuit.. Spanish (FUEGO) version. APPLICATIONS Use to provide a convenient means to mannally initiate a fire alarm. CONSTRUCTION . Shell, door, andhandle are rnolded ofdurable Lexan"with a textured finish. . Back plate made of 16 ga. steel. . Switcb contacts are norrrally open. INSTALLATION For semi-flu$ mounting, attach dfuecUy to a standard single- gang electrical box. Terninal block with screws allows quick installation. OPERATION Pulling the handle down causes it to latch in the down position and to close the normally-op€n switch. The handle is restored manually by unscrewing the allen head screw so the top of the case can pivot forward, allowing tbe spring- loaded bandle to retum to its noflnal position. The case can then be pivoted back to its normal position and secured with the allen-head screw. Tbe BG-10L utilizes a rnechanical kev instead of the allen- head screw. The BC- 1 0 P/T has a nonnally-open auxiliary swirch which is closed by rotating a key clockwise. (The key is rnn- renovable in this position.) Ftre.uTeoAlarms rrcorForaT€D Califomia Slale Fire Marshal 7150-075:103 SPECIFICATIONS Physical: BC-tO Heighr 5.5" width: 4.13' Depth: 1.38' Electrical: Cunent Capacity:3 Amps @ 125 VAC. sB-|0 5.5" 4.13" 1.38' wP-lo 6.0" 4.69" 2.0" 12 Clintonvills Road Norlhford. Connecticul 06472 Phone: (203) 484-7161FAX: (203) 484-71 18 oF-s1203 Pago 1 ol2 March 1, 19gl s711 The BG-105P Tb Contml Prod IH.ctor Looe OutFf NOTE: Tbe BG-IOSP is UL Listed. Contact the fac- tory f6 stan$ ofotb€r list- ings and approvals. PRODUCT LINE INFORIIIATION ADDITIONAL SWITCH INCLUDED WITH MODEIS: BG-10A, AND BG-lOT Modcl,C.---- BGIOA BC-r0t DG,lOP BG.lOL rrnrb Stan&d unit plus an euxiliary N.O. switcb to provide annunciator oontacts. Stadqd unit plus k€y-test featu€. Standard unit plus N.O. switch for pge-signal operation. Standud unit plus key locking feature. Standard unit plus an auxiliary N.O. switch to providc annutrciattr contacts, plus key locking feahrc. Standard unit plus urcatherproofing. Includes surfac€ weatheqnoof bor (WP-10). Spanish version of standard unit. Dual action. Works with or without crush tube. Includes terninal block Weathap,roof surface back bor for BG-l0lYP. Surfece back box for aU BG-10 model& Optional tim ring. BG.IOL\ BC,-lOwP ......-- BC'-loSP wP-r0 sB-l0 BG.TR ADDITIONAL swrTcH (KEY oPERATED) INCLUDED WITH MODEL: BG-lOP Ib Ibrolnrl Elock lor test or to kcdgnd Clrcult (Key Opented). ARCHITECTURAUENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS Manual Fire Alarm Stations shall be non-code, break-tube (or non-crush tube) type, with a key operatod t€st-reset lock in order that they may be test€4 ad so design€d that after actual Emergency Operation, they cannot be restsed to n6nd ercept by use of a key. Atr operated station shall autoqratically condition itsclf so as to be visually defecte4 as operatcd, at a minimusr distatrc€ of one bundred feel front or side. Manual Stationg sball be constucted of lrxano witb cleady visible operating instsuctions provided on tbe cover. The word FIRE sball appear on the ftont of tbe slations in raised letter8, 1.75 inches or larger. Stations shall be suitable fo surface mounting on matching back-box, or seuri-flush mounting on a standard single-gang box, and shall be installed not less than 3.5 fee( nor more lhan 5 feet above the finished floor. Manual Stations shall be Underudters' Laboratori$ List€d. l{e try to kecp anr product lnformredo uFto-date eDd aaq||jte. We crnnot ovcr speclfic applhadms or rntlclpeie all requlrcments Atl spe<{lcetbm erc srbjec'a to chr4c wtthout ndhe. For morc hffimltloq cont ci FlfgUT€f.DF.512(x! ^v o o HEAT DETECTORS SER|ES 600 : Rate-of-Rise arrd Fixed l'emperaturer Qne or Two-Cit.cuit, Norrnally Open The Series 600 Heat Detector is attrac- tive and durable, and featuros com- bination rate-of-rise and fixed- temperature delectors. H€ at detectors are availabl€ in 1350F and 2000F temperature ratings. Rate-otrise detects heat by quickly responding to rapid tem lerature in- crease. Rate-of-rise units have wide spacing allowance of So-loot c€nters. See Specification Table frlr details. Fixed temperature reacts to heat by responding to a specific remperature setting. Series 600 D€tectors us.) the same reliable pneumatic rate-of-t.ise element used in tormer models, but offer added aesthetic appeal. FEATURES: . Easy Installatlon. Secure wires to heat det€Jctor. A simple push and twist molion attaches d€t€ctor to mounting plate, Reversible mounting plate for SVa or 4 inch octagon box, or operr mounting. r Low Proflle. Only 1 3/8 inch from ceiling surface wllh junction box mounting, White finish blends with ceiling. o Vlsual Indlcatlon, When fixed lemperature olement is acllvated, heat collector cisc droos away from detector. Replrrcement of d€tector is then required. r Operatlon Testlng. Rate-of-rise feaiure is aut,)maticallv self-restoring, allowing regular testirig. The pneumatic rated-rise elem€nt responds to a rapid risg in temp€raturg, approximat€ly 150F. (80C) per minule, 5y expansion of air within the sealed :hamber faster than it can €scap6 :hrough a calibrated vsnt. The rosultrant ncrease in pressure depresses the Jiaphragm, causing the electrical con- :act to close the circuit. fhe fixed temperature el€ment usos a 'usible alloy. When activated, the exter- .1al heat collector drops away to pro- 'ride quick visual confirmation that the ,rlemenl has operated, 'Ihe units protrude only 1 3/8 inch from the celllng surface wlth a Junctlon box mounting. They have pleasing con- tours and an all-white finish that conforms to ceiling aesthstics. CHEMETRON Fire Systems ", Chemetron Flre Systemn'.'1000 Governors Highway University Park, linois 60466 T€lephono: (31 2) 534-1 OO0 Tslsx: 210261 CHEM UR A FIGGIE INTERNATIONAL MMPANVII t"'*1!Tl{r l+to 2+lo ldonulication on Cfcun Cfoult Hest Collocbr Md.l a-t ocrtpdon 6' Gray Spoto o Heat detoetore should be used br . -rrrrty ptotectlon. Rellance should not be placed solely on heat d€t€clors tor iifo sdf6ty. Wherc llfe rafety lr lmroh€d, smoke detectoB must also be used. r pqltery.Back-up: Heat detecbr shoul! be etecfrcnbally supervlsed wlth batlery back-up ai the punel. o The raleof-rlse mechanlrm pay be s. r to rcducad sonslilvltyqrgrtlme. Annual lesting of the rat"-ot{lde ope,aiion ls recommended. lnetallatlon Each delcctor Indudos e palented rev€rsibl€ mountlng platc. In onr posluon, lt e6s y attach€s lo 4" lunctlon box, 37r' octq.ron box or p|... .. ring. In reverse, th€ piat€ can be usec for r.,en wiring wilhout a luncllon box. A /r" splce betw€on (,e.eclor and mounttnu gurface allowg fof wire connec ons, All ,rounting scro!.Is are conceal€d. The det€ctor simply attaches to the mount. ing plate with a push and twlst motion. No lools r€quired. Mounllng plat€ ts moldod ot whit€ s€r- exthguishlng thormoplas c ratedat t0S.0. . Tho plat6 13 ertrem€ly strong yer adapts to un€v6n mounting lurtaces, Serles 6O0 Testlng Methods Modele601/621 and6O2/E22canbet6sred by th€ applicatlon of qulck h€at from any conveni€nt 3ource. A portabte halr dryer ls recomm€nded. Howevcr, do nol appV h€at thsl oxc€eds the flx6d tamporat r€ rating ot th€ det€clor. Modal.603/623 and 004/624 c.nnot be telted. llowevar, the fuslbls alloy elementl! e€nararlv conaldorad so rell.Nbto that lestlng h nol necatgary. Screw Terr,.:lals Oual Clfad! hacba ('!d to $nd llo ir\r,.po.t6aatt |ionolr) e2 RateonRE€ and For rwo FilGd Tdno. tr 20oF (giroc). !i0nCs l|daun Spdne Alonno' Appllcrtlon Norm.l bmpo.!tur. 50$O lt luctuatlons and ca!$ng bmporaturet nd oxceeding loOF G8eCl. l,lqmal temp€rat rc 50x50 n 30x30 ft iuctdons J|d crllino bmpafrt |or g|olodlng t(,o (30€) hr mr 15OF (oECl. UL 623 Fircd Tsnp. Fo. iro Orily. 135!FH*l ts€t. donrh un|Udy$o|ft 25r25t 20,@tl|lp.rsnfutulinld elitrro lng.nf'r l nC rrildhe lef . l (38C1. Gray spot E Rhe lmportant Notes: ' R€l€r to NFPA Standard 72E tor appllcatlon requlremcnla UiudyYl*|l 18.16 t .lEills nll|g.,uf|rttsc,tr Jld o.f'ro 5|l9..Sr€r@..*tg 1@F8qt bu rbl 180.F GAC,. Oollng Sur|rco Moundng rnpar} Fi!€d Te.rp. fry,ax'F (g.oc). €e4 fstrro danl tjgt- Gr*'rt r(}. ICo.rrrl lg Sia(^n iit "'.|lc/Ufr r&, t cacuT t0. l ocriagftDlo rttloa'lcmi o{ aND ot tttl |l,!irslofi v{fi fi(tllt rir t^ ctoi fLvg.rt0c'lql6 vrnl cor|Etloro No(l o3?tclglo! oo of (xtItaror NOIE. Ar dird .j.-,f -r6.tt c.r,.ir utr hiro '.! ".i" coartE|t, Stardant Sir|efa Clrcei DalaCor t{OlE. Al rneb c{rd tnoctl| ro.n. wh 06. lr) rlormJrt ogan dry c4rract. Listings/Approvals. U.L. Uged o F.M. Approved. Appro\ed Board ol Standards and APP€ jjis, N.Y.C. o Approved Fire Marshal, S?re ot California Eleclrlcal Ratlngs &125 Vots AC., 3.0 Amp: &28 Volte D.C., 1.0 Amp. 125 Vots D.C., 0.3 Amp. 250 Volh D.C.,0.1 Amp. Ordedng lnlbrmatlon Pleara apoclfy: Series Modd Number Temporafure Rating The seller makes no warranr , ,mpli€d includ no, butnot limited iq tnc iinplied warf anlres ol :n,:rct,a'ntability an<iift;esgror a pantcutar. purpose, e)(cept as €xpres jly stated in'sellet's salesconvact or sates acknowtedgement form. . t 980 Ch.matron Flra Syrla,mr No 7{00{t 67 PrlnlcdlnU.S.A tor!!/to Sodes 600 Detoclor end Mounting tsas6 Indalta on =S TEIWSEIWOR= ,A DIVISION OF PITTWAY I NSTALLATION INSTR UCTIONS FORIMODEL RA4OOZ MODEL RA{oZA (CANADTAN) REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR Protecilon Association has published codes, ald recommended pracdces for the installationtaal*lFaltt aU lrFlwlIllll!9,r\rEg lrl glriuf-C lt l Ul|E' lll)lqlleuvll 'and urc d thc aboo appliance. lt F r€commond€d hat fie :,.finhterbc tamlllarwitrihese requirements, wlth local codes, ''erd'any sp.dsf rcquirementc of the local authority having lurlsdlctloo' .' i.-;;;.:"rr-r.,, -.. .Tltci.mod€l' RA/UIZ & RenOZ[ Fmota annunciator are -"flolgrlzod rbvlea dedgned br both conventonal and intelli-''gentappllcdons. They hwe been designed using an active annent regulabr so thal thg modmum cunent required from llr'rystal b 7mA when the Input vottage is wihin the speclffed wltage r8n!e; *-----------i.- INSTALLATION: 'rThe ninoteannundabris interdedto bo mounted to asingle gang alecuical oudet bo& The wlring must be in compliance wilh all codes. The device must be operated within lts pub- lished specilications. WtEthe1€moi6annunciatoraccordlngtothelnstructionssuppliedwiththedevicebelngmonltored. Poladtyolthe Incoming wires musl be obseled and conn€cted b the proper t€rminals '+' and '-'. (See Figura 1.) The tab on tha back of the H&(DZ and fA4OOll mrct be broken ofl for use witr most System Sensor intelligent systems. (See Note I and Figura 2.) After tab is brolten, the input vlltage lor the BA4O0Z and Rl/6tr)7A is llmlted lo 18 volts minlmum. SPECIFICATIONS: VOLTAGE RANGE: COTWENTIONAL SYSTEM: 3.1 ro 32 VDC - Do not break rab. INTELUGENT SYSTEM; 18 to 32 VOC - Ereak rab.mr NOTE 1: GAIJTION: Do not br.ak trb wh.n u.lng an RA &OZ or RA&OZA wlth ff lntslllgcnt +wirc duct dctedor (sucfi rs Syrtem Senso/s model DHSfi)ACDC). CURRENT DHAIN: TEMPERATURE MNGE: 7 mA maximum. -1Oo lo 6OoC (14o to 14OoD @ @ D22G01-00 t56-50&00 system Sensor, 3825 ohio Avenue, sr. chades, tL 60174-8021, (7og) 9zz.6963, FA)( Oo8) gz649s WAFNING LIMITATIONS OF REMOTE AI.INUNCIATORIS THE REMOTE ANNUNCIAIOF WILL NOT WORK IF THE DEVICI: IT IS CONNI:CTED TO IS NOT POWERED. ThE temottt annundator gots its power from lhe device lo which it is conrrec-tad. ll for any reason, the devic€ being monltored los€s povyer, lhe r€moto annundabr will not prwid€ th€ intend€d vLsible signal. THEREf ')TEANNUNCIATOR MAYNOTBESEET{.ThemodelBMfl)Zissuitabl€lordiroclviewingandisincomplianco r,:ltr sxistlng Undemribrs l-aborelod6s'stendards. The device mus,t be sited In a locadon when il can be seen by lhe inbndod panies. The devlca must not b€ installed in direct sunlight, c r ar€as ot high llght Inbnsity where lie vblble signal Iaghlbe dlsregarded or not seen. "' -TtllS DB/ICE lS DESIONEO TO WOFK SPECIFICALLY WITH SYSTEM SENSCR PRODUCTS. Int€rcqrnsciion with da/ces oherthan System &mso/s may result ln unsatisfactoryoperation. Consuhrlevlce manufacturcrlorcrynpatibillty- THE REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR lS NOT INTENDED TO BE A VlSlllLE WARNING, SIGNAL From Mcnitored E)evice Figure 1 E;ENDTAB DOWN O BREAK FOR USE WI]'H MOST I I.ITELUG ENI' SYSTEMS.NOTE I .re2 t56-508-00D?2041-orJ @ System Sensor 1991 Modet 5207 Fire Sontro!/Communicator lnstallation ManL al 4.2 Gurrent Draw Worksheet A Bl. c o,' D F Device Number of Devicee Current per Dovice Standby Current Alarm Curent CVrentElz thl ola hai, 5207 Fire Control /Communicator Standby: 120 mA led mA :'.,: ,:':;. ,, , Alarm: mA !l l':,?oO mA jl0-Zone Erpaa&r Standby: 40 mA mA' Alarm: 40 mA '-* -*--_mA 522!-D-irylconnect noouto I Standby: - 50stA mA .:::. :: r: ::.::.::l Alarm: - .--50 mA-mA 523ll&emote r\nnunciator (7 max.) Standby: 60 mA -mA i ,,,."' Alarm: * - 120 m'*'--;*-;". -mA + t S0 Status Oisplayrnodule (2 max.) Standbv: 20 mA mA Alarm: 140 mA _: T--mA 5260 Printer Interface l Standby 2! t4 mA-:" :: : fetarm: 25 q4 -..-*..:. :,MA Current Subtotals:lzo mA 1oO mA lectOrs', ,.',, Standby: mA mA '' : ..tt ': Alarm: mA ::.,mA Standby:MA mA ':',..: Alarm:mA ..,.mA Standby: mA mA Alarm: mA ,,,,.,,mA Current Subtotals:MA MA :::::::::::| ::: :: :i:: l.]nl mAAlarm: mA Alarm: mA l.7r,r_!mA Alarm: mA mA Alarm: mA mA crrrreni Subtotal: l. : ': : :mA -1..., ' , ;,,:r # \la,^^9 HC' tZ'\s Standby: mA MA "a Alarm: 'L l mA Lg MA Ro..ot"- l-.)' c,-,1.r :.?}r Standbl : mA mA.T ItrAlarrn: 15 mA tzomA Standbl: mA mA'I ''': '":' lAlarm:mA mA mA mA mA Currelrt Subtotels:12.9 mA ZgB tnA Total cunent ratings of all devices in system (add A-D)*:l2o mA c?g mA Total current ratings converted to amperes (x .001):o. tzo A o,3tsA I Thit informaritn ,mlst be used wilh Table 4-l and Tahte 'l-2 to canl lele baalery calculaicw. 4-2 150865 Model 5207 Fire Co ntrol/Cor n m u n icato r I n s :al I atio n M a n u a t 4.2.2 Worksheet Req u i rernents The following steps must be taken wherrdetcrmining Model 5207 current rai:ings: l. You must measure the alarm currenl. If only one current rating is listed, t.he draw for that device is the same whether the l,ystem is in alarm or standby conditir:n. The exception is for notific ation devices. which are rated at alarm cunent only. Standby current for notificatior, devices is 0 rnA. 2. To detect the actual mrximum alamr current, measure the current draw (rri11 no devices connected to the panel) by connectirrg a DC amp meter in series with one: of the batteries. Disconnect the AC power source. Put the panel in alarm. The meter will indicate the alarm cunent, which will be in the range of 120-700 mA. l'in in the system alarm current in the Crurent per Delice column of the Current Draw worksheet. You can estimate without nreasuring the ilarm current by filling in the maxirnum total alarm current of 700 mA. Note: In a 12-volt system, mecuiure the current from both batteries (disconnect both grounds). 3. For smoke detectors, notification devices, and devices not mentioned in the manual, refer to the device manual for the cunent ratings. The worksheet example shown on the previous page providei rough estimutes for a "worst case" installation. 4. Use Table 4-l to calculate the correct battery AH rating needed for your installation. See also the example (Figure 4-3) that follows. Note that the calculated mting in Row H cannot exceed the ratings shown in Table 4-2. ' Use next size batlery with capacity greater lhan required.tLO ?lL 150865 Table 4-1. Battery Calculationa Total Standby Current Total Alarm Current A Total supervisory cunent Jiom the Current Draw worksheet (row E).tZo A B Number ofstandby houn (24 and 60 for NFPA 72, Chapter I, l-5.2.5.).2"1 H c Multiply Lines A and B,2-?f,j} AH D Total alamr current from the Current Draw worksheet (row E)..q8€ A E Alarm somding period in houn. (For example, 5 minutes = .084 hours.)-06{ H F Multiply lines D and E.A??1-q z AH G Add lines C and F.':r?a,t^AH H Multiply line G by 1.2. (Total ampere/hours requiredr ):I .5 AH 44