HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL HEIGHTS FILING 1 LOT 2 LEGAL-' l N". 23297 ee 6 , .r.a'aJ County Treasurer's Officq Eagle County, Colorado , 19 7-t DOLLARS Fund Cash Book Page_=-.--, Treasurer , Deputy 4rciupD of rH€ c. F. HcEc(E( co., DE vER (T 3) t) .. i-l 7 MQl--ruculrN & HART ATTORN EY5 AT LAW 5. OOUGLAS M'LAUGILIN VAII ARCAOE P O BOX 1406 vatL, coLoRAoo € r6s7 303 476 -2427August L3t L973 Eagle County Planning CommissionP. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 ATTN: Mr. Robert H. Barr RE: Pine Ridge Townhouses, Preliminary PIanFile Sp-26-73 Gentlemen: At their August 7 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners reconsidered its action of July 26 denying preliminary plan approval of the captioned application. Preliminary plan approval was granted on the developer t s agreement to arrange for adequate drainage protection. Mr. Miller agreed that he would either provide satisfactory drainage himself or would induce others to construct such protection. ft was agreed that the protection to be provided would satisfy the two engineering firms which have commented on the matter ' Eldorado Engineering Company and Richards Engineers. Demonstration of such satisfaction would be provided prior to final plan approval. Generally, Mr: Miller agreed that such satisfaction would be effected by three culverts and effective ditching off-site and by approprj-ate ditching and velocity control on-site. No change in parking was demanded although Mr. Mi1ler proposes to seek your guidance in eval-uating several new alternatives which he has developed. No specific agreement concerning responsibility for the road condition on St. Moritz or Chamonix was reached although it seetns understood that this responsibility lies elsewhere than on Mr. Millerrs shoulders. For the foregoing reasons we expect that Lhe matter need not be considered at the Auqust 15 meetinq of the Planninq Commission. Sincerely, McLAUGHLIN & HARTAUE 1 ! ?',9r5 DepL 0l plasfl,ng & ijevel._ _ \f-r$.&Ht!,.coro,cc: Edward Miller By Board of Countv Commissioners RHH/jb Rrqrottully, .. "i' 'Robart l*4.9ar Pldtrhtl Arrlotrrt RHB/Kt Pl Or tsox 789 19?3 , 1. ccl McL4rghlln and Hryt, Attornryl"tt L!i, O 1,, Mr. Eddlc Mlllcr Box 911 Vall' Colorado 816!17 Rc: Fllc t'lo' SP-26-73 Plnc Rldgo Townlroutea PrellmlnarY Plan Thlr ofllee hae becn reqr.rcatrd to notlfy you that at thalr apeclal rrretlng on 26 July, the Board of Cotrnty Commlsrloncrr tablcd your Pr6llmlnary Plan untll thclr 28 Auguot rneotlng. Your Prellmlnery Plan wlll be retumed to thc Plarnlng Commleclori at thelr 15 Auguat mcetlng to relolve the dralnagp contladlctlon and modlfy thc Parklng Plan. The Board of corrrty commlcrlon€r3 roc€mrncndcd thst you rncet wlth the Plannlng Dopartment on the parklng sltuatlon. i : t r r "'.'i|i.--: Robert H. Barr ''' Plannlng Aesletant RHB,/KI cc! Eloard of County Commlsslonerc I -- i'. . 7 ::.' rir',,!r rit' i': ft:'.1 'i'" r: Rob€* H' Barr Plannlng Aaeletant RHB,/kt \ EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING COM CCURTHOUS€ P. O. Box 789 tql.' Gl"r"J" gt63t o Mrs stoN Phone 328-6338 June 1973 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING In accordance with paragraph 3.09.02 and 3.10 of the Subdivision Regulations of Eagle County, Colorado, notice is hereby given that the Eagle County Planning Comrnission shal I conduct a public hearing to consider the following Preliminary Plan for the proposed development of certain real property located in Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as fol lows: ttP ine Ridge Townhousest' by Eddie Miller Construction Company, Lot 2, Vail Heights Filing #1 Such public hearing shal I be conducted at the Eagle County Courthouse, Floom,23, at the next regular meeting of the Eagle County Planning Commission on 18 July '1973, eommencing at 8:OO P.M. All citizens and specif ical ly al I adjacent property owners, are hereby invited to make comments regarding the proposed development either in writing or at the Publ ic Hearing. Dated this 25 day of June 1973 Michael S. Blair Secretary, Eagle County Planning Commission ./-''. ',. ?/Qt z'(-47-?,r:-*,, .4-'-t- by: 1./',-J.J-..'t J- v ,0 ry t. \i 0 tr fty'4v.{'\ EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION COUPTHOUS€ P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 f"qle, C"l"-J" 81631 22 June 1973 Re: Pine Ridge Townhouses Preliminary Plan Applicant: Eddie Miller Construction Co. Box 911 Vail, Colorado 81657 Enclosed herewith is an appl ication and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 18 July 1973. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, Section 3.05 and 3.O7, 1972, you have 24 days from date mailed within which to respond or the plan will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this off ice. Thank you very much, Michael S. Blair Planning D irector MSB/Kt encl. Introduction Letter; Adjacent Property Owner List; Letters from Holy Cross Electric,Upper Eagle Val ley Sanitation Mountain Bell Telephone, Publ ic Service Co. Cable TV,Vail Village I' N ry.?Pi.y?!3. 5o i I conservat ion serv i ce q Maps (3) g, OOUGIAS NCLAIJGHLI|t FICHARO It. HARi Need drainage of sideof Lot 2 Need drainage on North si-de of Chamonix Need culverts on Chamonix Need ditch on North of St. Moritz - 2' x 4.51 Specific channels & easements for side 1ot drainage Inspect to see if drai-nage deep enough on North of Chamoni-x Inspect culverts: on Chamonix Ditch on North of st. Moritz - 6' x 3', triangular &ResFonsibility Developer willprovide at Final Plat stage County responsi.-bility- Developer will cooperate- can provide ditching on Lots 3 & 4 also Cuunty responsi- bifity - Developewill cooperate County responsi- bility- Developer wi 1.I help- . M9L.IUCIILIN & HART ATTORN EYS AT LAW August 6, 1973 VAIL ARCAOE P. O. BOx r.OA var L, coLoFAoo 4r657 303 176-242' RICTiVED Board of County Commissioners Eagle County CourthouseEagle, Colorado 81631 AUG i - i973 Dept. 0f Planning & oevel. fagle Couaty, eold R.E: Subd,ivisio Gentlemen: We have been advised. that at your July 26 , Lg73 meeting, the Preliminary Plan in the captioned. matter was tabled pending resolution of two matters: drainage conflict modify parking Such action was despite favorable recommendation of the Planning Commission at its ,July 18, L973 meeting. I have prepared a table showing the extent of the "drainage conflict" wherein excerpts of the two studies are compared: Richards Eldorado Comment Board of County Commissioners 2-30" culverts on Chamonix - one on St.Moritz - one more 24"-30" further East on Chamonix Should control velocity RHHr/sm August 6, L973 40" not 30" culverts Velocity control needed On siteOff site Sincerely, MC],AUGITLIN & ITART Page 2 shapeshouldnrt pose probleuts County responsi-biJ-ity- DeveJ-oper cooperation You will note no serious conftict. The only real issue is thatresponsibility and the Developer will cooperate to the greatest possibl-e in your efforts in this regard. No feasible reworking of parking has been suggested. We hereby request redetermination of your actionyour cooperation in connection with drainage and derived from inad.equate county roads. Developer will do County responsi-biJ-ity of extent : and further reguest access problens oF c6 -zj Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 JuIy 2, 7973 l4r. Mike Blalr Ea41e County Planning Director Box 789 Ea61e, Colorado 815JI Dear Mike, The Plne Rid"ge Townhouses fueliminary Plan lras refened to the Eagle County SoiI Conservatlon Dlstrlct for revlew and. connent. There is no p1-an for revegetatLon nor for saving existing vegetatl-on. This shoulcl be a part of a pneliminary p1an. Reseeding should- be required lnned-iately after construction is complete. The recomrnend.atlon of Rlchards Engineers Inc. should be followed. concerning drainage. An easenent for drainage should be establi-shed on the lot lines, and. as stated. i-n Rlchards' sunna,ry, i"nprovernents should be conplete before building is started. F?ost heave potentlal shoulil be designs. Sincerely, -4.; / dto* liz" Ross E. Chambers .. kesident consl-dered in butlding il RECE YED JU-t t 6 terl seffiry o EAqLE COL/NTY SCFIO,On 325432r EAG'.E, COTORADO 8t631 Ottice of the Superintendent JULY L2, )-)fJ l,lr. Mike Blair, C cuntSr Planner Eagle Ccunty Planning Ccrurj-ssion Eagle Ccunty Co'urthcuse Eagle, Cclorado 8f63f Dear.!1r. Bl-air: The Soard cf Education of Eagle County Schcol D:r-strict Re5CJ has exanined the fcl!.ouing applications for exeurption fgorn Subdivision Regulaiicns: f. i'Iomestake III Ccndcminiurns Applicani - F. Blake Llnch P.0. Bcx 9Vail, Colcraao 8i657 2. FiIe No. SV-6.73 Meadovr Erook Condoniniums Applicani: - Ronalc I. ZaLL Wes'vern Fed.eral Savings Bui3-ding suite 890 Denver, Cclorado 80202 5 . Uourcneve .]- .Ltd . ( Uno\,r LIO11 / Uniteo Bank Center, Suite 20O2 I|OO Broadr.;ay Dcnver. CclcraCc Saoac Pine Ridge Tovnhouses Applicant - Eddie Miller Constructicn P.O. Box Pil' VaiI, Cclorado 8L657 J aATTLE MoUNTAnI Jr-sr ltrcEscHool. MI.\TUNN, COLO,RADO MII\MUNN EI,EMENTABY MINTURN, COT,oRADO NED CLIFF EI,EMENTARY 8ED CIIFF, COLORADO V.4,IL EI,EMENTABY vlJL, corpaADo ./ -.- ---t ;'-- :. EAGLE V.ALLEY Jr-Sf HICH 9CIIOOL CYPSUM, COLORADO :"i;:1'#*- MC,COY ELEMENTARY .oj.- ,!t-''- - irll 1 .'! .n':.vrJL I .-t li/J Dept. 0f P:3nning & Dcvcll. [agle Cci]nty, Coio. ___:_--:-,-A -.' -/D/ 1. ii:c[i1.iti]' ir' Sa>..2 ivtr. I'{ike Bla-ir July L2, I)'lj 2, Licns Mrane iI Applican'" - j"Lichae I B. Davrscn Iuieirc us Rcai-;y ancl flivestment Corp. P.o. 3cx 216 VaiI, CoJ-crlrdc ElSll The Bcard of Educaticn of Eagle Co'.rn-;y Schcoi Distrj-ct Rel0j reconraends that the Bcard Pclicy adopiled l'{ay 16, 1973, a ccpy cf r,:hich nas been transni'cted to ycur cffice and to --he Ccurrty Ccnurissicncrs o1 Eagie County, be applied tc each of the applicaticns listed. abcve. a i rnava'l rrv4rrvva v rJ , "'!' -t' .1 ' F a-,' I I l / ./ I | --,- l I arrnar i rr# cnr'l a nf o ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 811 - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Yail 47G5613 Eagle 328-7718 Basalt 927'3322 July 11, 1973 lte: Fine ll.idge Townhouses Preliminary Plan Applicant: Eddie lliller Construction Co. Box 911 Vail, Colorado 81657 lie have reviewed the plans and supporting information for the above referenced subdivision and have the following conrnents! SLate Ilealth Laws: A11 plurnbing, including vrater and sewer, conform to the Colorado Department of Health Plumbing Code. Example: wafer and sewer lines should be separated by 10 feet. State criteria on water and sewer line crossing points must be adhered Lo. Countv Subdivision ileeulations Section 2.01: It appears tirat the major part of the site r,rill be covered by buildings, parking loEs and walkways. Ile reconunend that, before this site is approved, all surface drainage from these areas be collected and treated to remove Erash, silt, oil, organic and mineral matter prior to discharge into Gore Creek. This office may be contacted for design criteria. Plans for the above should be submirted prior co final approval. Sanitarian rs Recorrnendation s: Evidence accumulated in the first half of 1973, from air sampling and monitoring equipment in Vail, draws our attention to Ehe future ambienr air quality in the Gore Creek and upper Eagle iliver Valleys. We strongly recorunend decreased density ef land development in conformity $tith Ehe ldaster Plan for Eagle County. A maximum overall density of 10 units per acre and/or .25 floor area ratio in the upper limits of the high density areas is advisable. An alcernative to limiting the denslty would be regulatory control of all point sources and limication of the use of hydrocarbon combustibles in the areas of concern. +"ii"\ WJ Erik W. Edeen, rl.P. S. Environmental Heal th EWE/bW RECEIVED cc: I1r. G. T. l'lisbach, P.E. :::l: il:?l:: :::::::::r.,, c.. lrul rr 1e7r Df- 6 ill'nning & Ocret.\ Elr Glnty, Cotr. JOHN A. LOVE Govarnor wPR/j e JOHN W. ROLD Diroctor COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUIVIBINE BUILDING - 1845 SHERI\4AN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHON E 892-261 1 July 6, L973 Mr. Mi.chael S. Blair Planning Director Eagle County Planning Conrmission P. 0. Box 789 Eag1e, Colorado 81631 re: Pine Ridge Townhouses Preliminary Plan Dear Mr. Blair: We received your infornation packet on the above subdivj"sion fi1lng. However, the drainage study and contour nap as listed in the sunInary proposal by Mclaughlin and Hart were not included. From our observations of past building practices in the Vail area vre consider flood hazard on Gore Creek and its tributaries to be an extremely severe problem--and one that has been largely ignored. The SCS rePort indicates the ltprobabilitytr of flood hazard. lJiLhout an accurate and detailed contour nap we are unable to even make a race horse estimate of potential flood- ing. We would not recomend approval of this flling l-n any form rmtil- a de- ternination of the 100 year flood ls made and an adequate flood protection eval- uatlon established across the property. In addition we would strongly recomnend that an Engineering Geologic evaluation and preliminary Foundation Engineering investigatlon be made. We have found the practice of extrapolating experience from one property to another to be very ill-advised. The above described technical investigations will be reLatively inexpensive and will be ln the best interests of future residents and owners of the proposed dwelling rmits. If we can be of further service, please 1et us know. Sincerely, REC'-,''-1 JUL ir'lril DePt. 0f Plt'ril'' ftgle Coirl), 1t(;i-,..- q G- rjr^o__ William P. Rogers U Engineering Geologist Colorado Geological Survey GEOLOGY SToRY oF THE PAST... KEY To THE FUTURE Land Use CormLssion REAL ESTATE CO.Corner of Bridgc Street & Gore Creek Drive 'July 5 , L973 Eagle County Planning Commission CourthouseP. O. Box 789 Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Attention: l"like S. Blair Dear Sir: RE: Pine Ridge TownhousesPreliminary PIan I'lr. Eddie l"liller has developed a veryLots 3 & 4, and this has been approvedtrol Committee for that area. This isject and has also been approved by the Committee for the VaiI Heights area. We see no reason why ItE. l"liller should. development and are in hopes that the completion of his original concept. nice townhouse project on by the Architectural Con- an extension of the pro- Architectural Contro I not proceed with his committee will allow the tz* D. BROVTNsident, Vail Villaqe West WaterSanitation District Representative, Vail HeightsArchitectural Control Committee BDB: lw RECEIVED JUL I 1973 Dept. 0l Planning & oevel. gSlS go$ty. colo. Regar &** t grrrt"on, oro. O CIVIL ENGINffRING . PIJNNING . SURVEYs SUBD|V|S|ONS . WATER & SEWER SYSTt/t\s 11 Kcnncth E. Richords Mr. Michael Blair Planning Director Eagle County Pl-annlng Comlsslon Post Office Box 789 EagJ"e, Colorado 81.631 Re: Pine Ridge Townhouses Lot 2, Vail- Itelghts Fl1lng No. 1 Dear Mike: We have looked at the pl-ans for Pine Ridge Townhouses on Lot 2, YaLL Helghts Fil-ing No. 1. The proposed 10 townhouses can be served by the existiug facilltles of the Upper Eagle Valley SanitatLon Dl-strlct. Improvements to the District rs disposa!. plant wIll soon be under way and adequate service w111 be avail-able for thls deveJ.opurent. No new lines are needed to serve thls property. Sincerely yours , RICHARDS ENGINEERS Bor 643 Vqil, Colorodo 81657 Phonc 476-5072 Dcnvcr 244-1 52 | July 3, 1973 Rcgidercd ft o{crsionol Enginccru Rcgistered Lond Surveyors Kenneth E. Richards Englneer for the District KER/j r cc: John Amato, President Jin Co11ins, Manager Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Dlstrict fr."ffigau ,,l,tct/:'ro wry':: l.O f f WesrEnru Srope Ges Co. r I A I 550 15th STREET ll- DENVER, coLoRADo ao2o2 Jwe 26, L973 Eagle County Coruriss ioners P. 0. Box 635 Eagle, CoLorado 8163L Gent L emen: We have find that at this to be plotted. Please and our approval" subd ivls lon. Re: Prellminary Plot Plans Northrldge Condoulnluurs Brandywine Trace Condos Pine Ridge Townhouse examl-ned the above captioned plot plans and tlme !trestern has no faciLities on the land note that rre are a gas transmission utillty does not reflect our ablllty to serve subject [;":lhn< Danlel L. Tekavec DLT: sj @ (r) (o 9Eo(.(o luo --) (J60 <o JO O(J UJ 9r ,-:2zQEu, cLtan \o op9 HZ2v (9 '-'zul\ 2z-(o *x;o2@ 3ci o- ?q =frL,, >O< (9Oz.oE<U'G29;o2.)uo oEo ccooJ uJ /4--.--.--Z*a1.,7,,-t'- . --J. z----',' / - June 27, L973 Mike Blair Eagle County Planner P.O. Box 789 EagJ.e, Co. 81631 Dear Mr. Blair: At your request we have reviewed the Drainage Study made for Lot 2 Vail Heights, Filing No. 1, Eagle County, Colo- rado, and have the following recommendationsl 1. Specific drainage channels and drainage easements should be constructed and established along both sides of Lot 2. 2. Inspection should be made of the drainage along the north side of Chamonix Lane to assure that it is of sufficient size to carry away drainage that night come along ttre west side of Lot 2. 3. Inspection should be made of the proposed culverts across Chamonix Lane to insure pfoper installation and to insur.e that adequate channels exist bothon the upstream and downstream sides of these cul-verts. 4. The ditch along the north side of St. l,Ioritz should be 5' by 3' and not the dimensions called for in the report. I think the assumption made in the report is that the ditch be rectangular in shape. But since most roadway ditches are triangular in shape, rde recomnend that the ditch be 6 feet wide at the top and 3 feet deep. 5. Because of the possibilities that all the drainage coming down Area A to one culvert and with additional drainage coming from the surrounding lots' we recom- mend that 40" diameter culverts be installed instead of the 30" diameter culverts proposed. 5. we recomnend that proper velocity control devices be installed in all drainage ditches and easements so that velocities do not exceed the 5 feet per second called. for. JUN 2 , 1973 ihtcl@.t, '.:,cr:\DClsmllrools' If you have any guestions recommendations, or if wefeel free to let us know. concerning these can be of further cornments or assistance please Q.*.* Duane R. Proj ect Engineer 1 o ADJACtrIIT PROPERTY OWNERS TO LOT 2, VIiIL HETGIITS, FILlllG NO, I EAGLI COUNTY, COLOFADO r-,o b 1 ,_ VaiJ Hcrlgh:s , Fi I ing llo . 1 Jarnes Kimbriel 515 Edqewood Avenue Waco, Texas 76708 !S!_!__q__qL-!a-f.l iiei-.qirts, Filinq t'Io. l- PaL.ri-cia A, Rickman Box .1.3I3 Vaj-J-, Colorado 81557 Comrnerc.ial- Aretr. Betr.reen Chanronix .Lane a nc, I,':_9]lt-rrEg_'.a"(:_+--- va 1I u.r:y eor?oratroll Grei:nrvood P1aza llerl:ace Suite 250 .FlnglewooC, Colorado B 0I10 o Unit No. 1 4 LOT 3. VAIL HEIGHTS, FILING NO. 1 PTNE RIDGE TOI4INHOUSES NO.S I . 1I Name and. Address Gary Thorsen 159 St. Joseph Long Beach, California 90803 Margaret L. Conatz 2199 Chamonix Lane #2Vail,. Colorado 8I657 LeRoy Frohriep and Charles Miche1 Box 213 Vail, Colorado 81657 Edward L. Colt Old Stagecoach Road . Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906 Edward. H. Mitler Box 911Vail, Colorad.o 81657 Edward H. Miller Box 911Vail, Colorado 81657 Arthur S1aton 2L99 Chamonix Lane #7Vail, Colorado 81657 Jake Jacobsgaard 2199 Chamonix Lane +8Vail, Colorado 81657 Ktcn l,ore]. Box 172Vail, Colorado 81657 Lars Hamre Box 1414Vail. Colorado 8L657 Fred Angeloh Box L232 Vai1, Colorado 81657 IU 11 ,.: Re Fll6 Nlo. S .P llne Rlqge Townhorraeg oeed is a Dratnage Study lor the proposed Pine Ri@e T.or,wf,roue.s Please let rnc knoirv your cqyrmentg and roCommendatlsns prior to thc 18 July meetlng. /-6/.4' / / / \ ,| , /'/ \..2'l ., ,/I t I I I' T II I ;l I I I I I I s et)p<sPi ti\ itst\\) 'it , fttti<1 -:i:Jlrr#t\:ls i.:b 1'Frlbl:.1 ll ll , i'ttflit I !. \ b,', N \ \ $ I \i\ rt ! June 14, 1973 Edward H. Mtller P. O. Box 911 Vail, C0 81657 Rn: Vall Heights, Lot 2 Underground Electric Utilities Dear Mr. ll11ler : This is to advise you that singl-e phase, underground elect,ric service to serve Lot 2, Vail Heights Fil-ing No. 1 is available at a trans iormer located on the cul de sac between Lots 5 and 6. It is the developer's responsibility to extend secondary underground facil-ities in accordance with the National Electric Code Speiifi-cations from the transforner to the buildings. Further, Iiol"y Cross Blectric Association is the certificateti electrJc public ut.iLity in the Vait Hej-ghts Subdlvisi-on and has adequata capaclty to serve the proposeil ten units on Lot 2. Si.ncerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC./t/ L.-/-.2_-,7<t-7n a Clernons M, Kopf, CMK/ep cc: Clarence B. Rasroussen System , ,r qi.e{l{1lg rnlller 9 Box 9Il coLoRADQ arotT tgo3r laz6-t"64 Date: TO WHOM ]T PIAY CONCERN: This letter shall serve as written evidence thab the ubili'by company listed below has been advisedof the proposed development on LoL 2, VaiI Heighis,Filing No. l-. It shall al-so show that an agree- ment has been reached between Ed',vard H. Miller and the companv, to furnish the proper services as needed to the developnent. ttm* f4e-Ulnt{st ?*'1"'1,; ft-}. R]'. DEVELOPER Edward H. t''llIler €$ole rnillen a Box 9lt VAIL coLoRAoo at6l? (303 r/47t.!2!4 Date: 6 '; / TO WHOM IT I,IAY CONCERN: This letter shall serve as vritten evidence that the utility company listed below has been advised of the prolosed developrnent on Lot 2, Vail Heights, Filing No.-1. It shall also show that an agree- ment fras been reached between Edward H, Miller and the company, to furnish the proper services as needed to the develoPment' By: DEVELOPER Edward H.MilLer '33fi.ille rni]ier c Box 9lt VAIL coLopADo 61a57 ( 3O3 ' /47U.3254 Date: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Thls letter shall serve as l"rit.,ten evi-dence that, the utility company listed below has been advj-sedof the proposed development on Lci" 2, Vail He-ights,Filing No. l-. I'c shalf also shr.rw that an agree- ment has been reached between Edrvard H. iriilier and the company, to furnish the proper services as needed to the devel-opment. 2/-.^t 4l(t I' Al,./; DEVELOPER Edwarci H. i{:i-ller €{,ldte mitrler o Box 911 VAIL coLoRADO 41657 (oo3 ) /476.92!a Date: TO ltIHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This letter shall serve as written evidence that the utility company listed below has been advised of the proilosed-development on Loi" 2, Vail Heights' Filing No. l-. It shall also show that an ggree- ment has been reached betureen Edward H. Iviiller and the company, to furnish the proper services as needed to the development, By: DEVELOPER Edward H. Miller ,ed'die nriller I Box 9ll VAIL coLoFAOO Atolt laoSr l4'r o.12l'4 o T)at.o. TO VJHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This l-etter shall serve as written evidence that the utllity company listed below has been advised of the proposed development on LoN 2, Vail Heights' Filing No. 1. It shall afso show that an fgree-ment lias been reached between Edward H. Miller and the coutpany, to furnish the proper services as needed t'o the development. o l/rr,',.1,..:1,//1"*.t f,1./,,--:/ z, )r,Z--, Rrr . DEVDLOPER Edward H. Miiler UNITED ST o ATES Dear Mr. Jlil1Ier; Thls lob was once en irrlgated mead.ow, present vegebatlon lncludes3 smooth bromo, I(entucky Bhregrass, * sandbergbluegrass, musk thlstlo and other wbedq. There are no b4ees on the property. -- -_. _..-_ ,1. o- SUBJECT: TO: DEPARTMENT OF AGRTCULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE P0 Box 386, Eaglo, Colorado 8165I Vegetatlon of Plne Rldge Townhouses ,,/''/ Eddie Mlllen ' j Pine Rldge ?ownhquses 'i Squawbush( nnus trllobaba) shrub s envi c ebe rry ( AmelAnchl e n a3ltff o1tCi =-h-fdF=- DATE:6/re/73 .i I Iientuoky Bluegnass ls probably as gcod as -e-...r-'.,*anb for revegetatlory seed.ing at tho rabe of 6f Furo Llve Seedpor acre. Soedlng should be mulched vrlth SOOO# of stravror othor suttable rmrlch, f(r 4cr€-, Following are some othor piants that aro good for stabilizingsoils ln this area: . /'soils ln this area: I{anchar bromograss(Bro*us lnermls)..sead.*6[ 8#PLS per acre Intormedlabo wheatgrass( Agropyron iniermed.lum) 8#pLS / ^y. -- i)ubos c ont whe at gr as s ( Agnopyron tnl chophorur.r ) T.llPLSl ac, Cnesbedwtreatgnass(Agropyroncr1stabrrm)5#PLS/ac. !-- Rocky Mountaln junlpor (Juntporus scopulorum) tnee N.abive plurn ( Prunus amercana) tr.ee Panderosa pine (Pinus pond,orosa) tneo Some othor or:n6mentals could bo suggested. by the County Estenslon Agent. Care shoufd be taken durlng construction to probect soil fnom enosion. Topsoll should be stockpllod and replacodon the surfaco after constru.ctlon. A mlnlmum of 30# avail-ablo nltrogen and 50f avallable phosphorus should be consldered, and. seedlng should be completed as soon aspossible after constructlon. If you havo any fVnther questlons, please contacU us. Slqcerelyr AGl*tt F/.,4)fRobert L. r{owland \s Dlebnlct Conservatlonls t nV' UNITED ST SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE o ATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL E o TUR SUBJECT: Solls Investlgation - ptno llldge TovrnhouooaVatl, Colorado oott'Juou ls, 1g?g Bob llowlantl, DC Soil Conservation Serrrioe P.O. Box 386 Eag1e, CoLrirado 81661 soil,s on tho proposod townhouse sito aro developing in alluviaL mat erialderived froom sandstone and shalo formatlons ooourring upslope from thoproperby; site looation is on an alluvial fan f o rmod at the mouth of a erna 11 oanyon. Probability of a flood hazard exists, but it appoars to besriall in view of tho drainage &rea. Howover, this faotor shorrLd bo con-sidered in development plano . The aroa is welL dra ined. A svlar e-riko area exists on tho east portion ofthe property and rnay oolleot runoff. Tho high, stoop slope to the :.ear(no*h) ooutains rook ledgee and outorops that ray be a potential sourco of rook farr. rt d.oos not appear to be a definite hazard at tho prosent ti.rne. sol}s have a loarn to sandy loam surfaoe texburo that grados into a loam, sandy loam, or sandy olay loam subsoil nraterlal . ft oontains f r.onr 15 to 55 Poroont gravel and, sandstone channery, with somo stoneo anal bouLdors ooourrj,ngin places. They should not tie a problen in excavation. These soils have slight to moderat e limitations for homosite or othor construotion and. devolopment. They do havo a rnod.erate frost-heave potential and posltive d.rainago shoul.d bo provided for. Dre to the existenoo of anunioipar selttago dioposar syotom, the problern of on-sit6 disposal of effluoatin theee solle (a high pollution potential oxists beoause of soil permea-biltty and toxbure) ls not a faotor. In sunmary, soils on this site are suitable for the proposed d.evelopment if the appropriato engineering oonsldoratione, €too, ar€ planned. for. T. Bergston SolI Solentist, Glemnocl Springe scs --<" -t''.. "..',. II I - "-l I I I I I t- /i-- .1.i I ,, : . I, Katherine Terry, certify that on June 22, 1973 mai led by . cedtified,mail,the riraterial sent to this office by Eddie Miller C6ngt4ubtion to the follbwing agencies. Sdil Conservation Service - D.rainage US Forest Service Drainage Town of lail - Kent Rose Drainage ,.Colo State Forest Service Colo D$t of Health Colo State Engineer Colo State Geo,logical Survey Kris':Moser Hoty Cross Electric Mountain Bel I Tele Western Slope Gas Co. Erik Edeen Upper Eagle Valtey Sanitation Colo Mountain College School Dist RE50J Public Service Co.,4./Ya-'-/ L/-.-,(-/-a-tL-L l<'-+eZ' /-J Drainage study only to Jerome Gamba Jr-jne 25, Study Study Study 1973 by regular niail. M9l-aucnr.rN & HAR'I ATTORN EYS AT LAW S. OOU3LAS MsIAU6HLIN RICHA'IO H. HAFII \,AIL ARCAO€ P. O, 60x t,:Oa var L, coLoRAoo 91657 303 416-212'June 19, 1973 Eagle County Planning Commission c,/o Michael S. BlairP. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: Pine Ridge TownhousesPreliminary PIan - Phase lII Gentlemen: Enclosed for filing at the preLiminary plan stage, and in the expectation of a hearing on July 18, are the following materj-als in seventeen copies except where noted: Preliminary plan Drainage study (seven copies) $50.00 for fee (no copies) Vicinity map Letters from the following utility companies: Public Service Company of colorado Mountain Bell Telephone Company Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District Vail Village West t4iater and Sanitation District Holy Cross Electric AssociationVail Cable T. V. Contour map List of names and addresses of adjacent property owners This letter. o Ilagle CounLy Planning Commission PaEe 2 These materials relate to the proposal by Edward H. i'Iiller ofBox 911, Vai-l, Colorado, to develop a 1ot ivhich he owns d.escribedas follows: Lot 2, Vail Heights Filing No. 1Eagle County, Colorado The proposal is to construct ten townhouse units on such iot.Such townhouses will be substan'tia1ly identical to those p.r:eviouslyconstructed by Mr. Miller on Lots 3 and 4 of such subdivisionitnmediately to the rvest of the presently planned development. After the proposed development, the ten townhouse owners will ownin fee simple the land under their respective units and that fromthe side Iot line adjacent to such unit to the sj-dewafk in frontof the unit. They will also own as tenants in coinmon r,vith the other o\^/ners the remaining land consisting of parking, green areas andwalkways. Land coverage will be approximately as f ollorvs: Building - 25e; Parking - 2Qea lr/allcs and green areas - 55? Comrnents concerning certain sections of the Subdivision Regulationsof Eagle County are as follows: 4.02-0L (d). Departing property lines are shown bythe detailed vicinity map and are omitted from thepreli-mi-nary plat. 4.02.01 (e). No specific easements for utiLities, access or drainage are bo be designated, commonreciprocal easements lor such purposes ',riII be pro-vided pursuant to the Lownhouse declaration in thegeneral locations indicated on the p1at. 4.O2.OI (S). The average lot will contain sonewhatless than 1,000 square feet but each lot owner willalso own an undivi-ded 1,/10 interest in the conunonproperry - 4.02.0L (h) - No public facilities are proposed. 4.02.0I (j). Ilxist.ing contours are shown on acrrnnl5rn6hr. .r enclosed herewiti-r. o IJagIe County Planning Commission D.rrra ? D: 4.02.01 (k) - The subject property will be subjec+-edto the existing Decf.rration for Pine Ridge Townhouse Homeowners Associat j-on. Such declaration provides foradminj-stration by the non-profi t corporation, Pine Ridge Townhouse Owners Association i./hose members are owners of property in Lots 3 and 4, Vail lierghts. Thedeclaration genercllly provj"des for comfilon ad.nrini strationof common property, reserves, corTrmon reciprocal- easementsfor owners within the project and provides agreements with respect to party walls and insurance. 4.02-02. The vicinity sketch map is supplemented, withrespect to depictj-on of s treams and drainage, by the large scale map included in the drainage study. Withrespect Lo utility systems in the arca, no detaj-ls appear on the vicinity sketch map. The rnultiplicity of suchfacilities in this area would occasion the developer much lvork for seemingly little benefi.t. The details of such facilities are qenerally well known i:o the Commission and the County Commissioners. If maps of the major districts -in the area are not on frle irith the Cornmission,or if further info.rmation r.rouid be r-rsef uI, rve hope to be inf orined thereof in time to supplv the same prior Lo theJuly 1B meeting. 4.02.03. Soils and vegeta.tion are discussed in a study by the Department o! Agriculture's So-il ConservatlonService- Because of its work load, this stucly rvill bedelivered directly to you by the Service - Generally the lot in question is covered by top soil of 18 inch to two foot depth. Vege tation is native grass anC scrub brush; no trees are folrnd. With respect to section4-02.03 (a), constrrrction by t4r. Miller on adlrcent and simiLar lots over the past two years has conflrmed the soundness of his f ouncla tion des.Lgns. No ground waLer, subs-idence or inst.ability problems have been incurred. Structural bearing strength is adequate- Foundation inspection by the Sbate is required. tic road ej<cavationor fill will be involved. We have therefore concluded FhaF no o-ol ncri r-aI .rl-'rdrr rviII he :'pcrrr i i^acl fo fllfi1 tlre roou i remen Fs o F I he r,.orr I .r l- i ons. 4-02.04. The only applicable portion of this sectionis the requirement of a drainage study, rvhich is supplied- Thc Ceveloper r.ri11 ass is t in cvery \^/a:r !v i th f trrther.Lngthe recommandations of this studv, 't Eagle County P Page 4 Commission o lanni ng o t'. 4.02.05. Water is to be supplied by the facilitiesof the Vail Village West Water and Sanitation District,a special tax district rvhich has assured the de.reloperof adequate capacity from exlsting lines adjacent tothe property. Similarly, Upper Eagle Valley SanitationDistrict, a special district, is to supply sanitary sewage disposal from existing lines adjacent to theproperty, has assured the developer of adequate capacity and has undertaken activities to assure such capacity. Underground. wiring is to be provided and Holy CrossElectric Association has confirmed. in wrj-ting its capabilityto provide the same from vaults near to the property. No vari-ance request relating to the above conments is enclosed herewi-th on the theory that the matters do not require such formality.If deemed necessary/ one can be submitted Many thanks for your assistance. Sincerely yours, McLAUGHLTN IINRT Enclosures cc: 16 for Comnission Edward H. Miller l{H.Flr/ I O yK-Petersond H. Hart I I I I I T I t I I T I t I I t I t I t I I DMINAGE STTJDY FOR LOT 2 VAIL HEIGHTS FILING NO. 1 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Prepared By: RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. Post Office Box L908 ValJ., Colorado 81657 Vall Phone: 476-5072 Denver Phone: 244-L521 June 18, J-973 I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I t I I t June l-8, 1973 DMINAGE STUDY FOR LOT 2 VAIL IIEIGHTS FILING NO. 1 LOCATIONT Lot 2, Vatl Heights Iili.ng No. I lies just North and East of the Vail trlest Inrerstare I-70 Interchange in the SEt of Section 1-1 , Township 5 South' Range 81 West of the 6th Prlnelpal }leridlan, Eagle County, Colorado. Thls parcel ls about lk niLes West of the West line of Che Tovtn of Vail. AND GENERI\I DISCUSSI0N: The area under consideratlon for this rePort lies in a major dralnage channel labeted Area "At' on the attached map. The total drainage area feeding toward Alea ttAt' consists of about 140 acres. Thls drainage spll-rs into two dLrections about 300 feet above Lot 2 in back of the old Gore Creek School building and flows Southwesterly and Southeasterly along rather poorly defined drainage swales. For this report it is assumed that at least half of the drainage would cross into Area "A" and will affect the subject slte. During a J-00 year storm, a heavy runoff would be expecEed to spil1 over onto Lot 2. The area North of the site is falrly well grassed over and trees exist further to the North. Thls wlll generally provide protection against erosion and mud slides. However, the dlLch along the Northerly side of St, Moritz Way shouLd be deepened to plck uP l[ost of the flow. In addition, a protective drainage swale should be provided along bofh side 1ot 1lnes of Lot 2. There is a serious drainage problem ln Chamonlx Lane SouEheasE of Lot 2. It ls not known rshether this road has ever been constructed to County standards' but sewer and water line construction have seriously affected the drainage. -1- I I I It appears that two or more once existing culverts crossing Chamonix Lane' I carrying the drainage to the South, have been renoved. The drainage from I St. Mortiz l,lay has nowhere to go except to flood across the roadway and also I into 1ow areas as shorm on the map in front of Lot 2 and East of Lot 2. The I nornal drainage flow would be to cross the road to the Southeast and then on Ir through the newly conscructed Safeway Store and Shopette area to the North I I-70 Frontage Road drainage. I - Area ttBtt, shown on the map, ls not a very large area, but some drainage I feeds into the road ditch along St. Moritz Way. This area consists of about I 6 acres, and has little affect on Lot 2. CRITIRIA: Uslng the rational drainage formula, the maxlmum expected runoff from t " t* year storm would be computed as follows:r Q=ern Where,I Q = Maxinurn expected runoff or peak discharge from the watershed based on a 100 Year storm I A = Tributarv area in acres I = Runoff coefflcient for a fairly steep slope rnith I I = Runoff moderate vegetation = 0.20 I R = ltaximun expected rainfall in a I hour period or 3" for the Vail area. I Then, for the outside drainage Area "At' Q=l-40x0.2x3=84cfs I 4 for Atea "A" = 42 cfs And, for Area ttBt' I Q=6x0.2x3=3.6cfs For clay wlth some gravel, the velocity of flow in the road ditch shouLd I be kept under 5 ft per second. The road ditch should be 2 ft deep by 4.5 ft I _ wide 1n order to carry a1-L the lrater f rom Areas rrA[ and rrBr'. Part of the water I wlL1 diverr along the side lot lines of Lot 2 and also Lots 3' 4, and 5. I I Two 30" cul-verEs should be carried across Chamonlx Lane as shown on the I map. Also a 30" culvert should be installed aE St, Moritz Way. Other 24" to 30" I I I -2- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I culverts wilL be needed further East across Chamonlx Lane. No study was made of the addltLonal dral-nage from there. SUIIMARY: Lot 2 w111 be serlously affected during a heavy storo if the above protective measures are not taken. Either the orlginal developer or the County should reconstruct the roads and road ditches in this area and install the recomended culverts before buildings are started. Bulldings on Lots 3, 4, and 5 are also ln j eopardy at thLs tlne. Respectfully Subnitted Kenne th E. Regis cered and Land Richards ProfessionaL Engineer Surveyor No. 2183 liI,t UI u t;i!l 'ill ir'.\.'i )))) i.^]t 3 E 1{ U) oq o { { tIr I 1jj Jr i!j J i i i I I t I t .:-s. -t r-{ ox; Ot \.F{rr) oz RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL-30 W PS Forn "o6 ll0 lllSURAllCt CoYttfet PR0YIDID- /Soo crlror riCo)Apr. 19? I ---' tt0T f0[ ll{ftnmTl0llAt tAlL , crEo: letr o - {o-?.s SEIIIDERT le ssre fo Iollow inslrucliom on olier side ' PLEASE FURNTSH SERVICE(S) INDTCATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (Additiofiol choryeE tequired, lor theso .eruices, Show address where delivered Deliver ONLY to addressee RECEIPT Reccivrd llrc asnrbercd arlicle descrilcd befow (r) \., aJ t\ rQ- 1tf). oz RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAI lto nsutrilcE c0vtnmt Pn0Yt0t0- r0T roR tilrERilAlt(lilt! tA[. (Seo ctler ido) *CPO:lCll O- {to-?a8 H tl IEIUIi RTCEIPT SERYtCtS \ |. Siou5 io rhon and a||a drllrlrad ...........t with d€livsry to addrlssrs 0n1y....,.......7 2. SDors tr rhom, drl. md rlrta dallvrrrd..Z With delivery to addrlsstc only .......,,... ii..'ifr, *t SEllDEI: le sgrc lo follow fnsfrucflon.: oa olficr sfde PLEASE FURNISH SERVTCE(S) INDTCATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (Atdjtiondl chartes requite.d lor thesa 8en)ices, Show address where delivered Deliver ONLY to addressee RECEIPTleacfvcd ltc alnbereal a.ltcle dsrcrilod below (Mqst always ba lilled in) lrt q>j RECETPT FoR CERTIFIED MAlLJod (plus lr0 HsuRAilcE coYEnAff pR0vt0E0- It0l FtlR tilrtRmilolilt tAll, t i -ro-N.r)-1 O'\H )'.s'rul r{ dz 5n$P,0.. STATE ANO zIP lElunil \ r. lnors ro r||om.n-o -;^-.-- l' Wrth delivery to address€e only.-.......... t 2. Shorr io uhom. ddr ||rd fhllr dallvtlll .,!!irrr,r! 7 wrth dettve.y lo address€e only .,.......... (crro foc rquirod) li".';#, tt* SEI{DEI: le rgre lo |ollow lnshuctions on otfier sidc PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (Afiitions.l chorget required for these seraic$, Show address F--'l Deliver ONLY r L l where delivored Ll to addressee RECEIPT Recelvcd lic nonlcred cdicle dcscribed lelow 'dza fr-(\I O+{rp d \ \ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL_3OcY2/ 1-,-rz7--,.-->,,dffi m "" -'.-.-,..-'/ srdeer iro ro.l.t! W?oH}o 4/ srzqlr ,/ 0Pllollll sEnvlcIs-Foi lDo|rror||. FrEs rriunr \ l. Siofs t0 rion nd 1|t. d.llvtfrl ....,....... !!dil;iii D'. *-111 $i'$"i.1'.".'"T"Jili. i'llL;a :: $!3EMCES 7 With detivsry to addrlsico only,.,........, lla crtrc foc re qui rod)>A P5 Form .olv, ll0 lllSURfIgE C0yERle[ Pfl0Y|OED- (sor.rrr. rjd.)Apr. l9?1 ---' ilOT fOn lilItRillfl0mt mlt r ol.o: rerl o _.o-?.r SE,{DER: 8G trrc to lollow laslruelloat on otiGr .rdc PLEASE FURNTSH SERVTCE(S) TNOTCATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (Adalitional charoes rcqubeil fot the.e .etl,ices, Show address r-1 Deliver ONLY where delivered Ll to addressee RECEIPT lcccivcd flc nunbered qrficlc dcreriled befow (Must a,ways ba ,ill.d tn) JU!{ A 3 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL-3Od u3 HY .121 ./*--,-'--o'/ srnEEr At{D o. : - ///4.1- ,12----I P.0., gtArE nm zrp cbor .a l. \/a-2. fa,za R V otl|olttl tEtvtcEs ron |!ot orarl tEEs _\crrrrc" r t. sforr fo |hon rna lvrnf........,.. tlt- t,Tiri, ), ".{:iii!iid',ld..{]iiiti{i}:ii:,, $i orri terrcq{ri r:01;- v.. \99rt:o 'F{ ,Lr) dz lto tf{sutAilcE covtnmt PnouDtD-I0I fot tilrflilliloiAt tilt fS.. ct r.. dd., r OFO:lefl O - {.o-?a!i;!:i;;r 38oo l SEXDER: lc surc lo foflorv inslruclionl ol olicr rlde '' PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (Additional chorges req*iteil lot theee seruices) Show address r---'l Deliver ONLY, Ll where delivered Ll to addressee RECEIPT Rcceived fJre runbcf"d etlicle desefibed below TURE 0R NAME 0t ADDRESSEE (Must alh,avs be ti,led it') DIy-IsIor otr rArrR REsomots8 JUlt 25 P73 a RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAILJO $ o):\t Ctr'.'{ LO l'' dz ii,'i;?, "'ilo rxsuRff{cE c0vilr0r Ptwt0to- xol fon rilIErxtl|oiltt mll {5or crtrr ride) r oPO: lall O - ao-?l! rt/3/ tca! ,.>; RETURI tEcEttl SETVtCES SEllDEt: l. tlt t. follov hrlrscllonr oa oflcr rldc RECEIPT tecclvcd flc nlmlered qrfiel: dcscrilcd below PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY GHECKED BLOGK(S) , lAa ional aL$rgQs ,.qvbad lot theea seroiaesl Show address where delivered Deliver ONLY to addressee (MuEt a|waYs ba flllad Io) ,'a/) RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL-3{'f"'V--/ Z--.-'.-..^-2.:-., .,r,-:ltfl!H.,. (' j _,--"--\ (/ . ,1.IUN \f -^/t I \ -^-at , !.://!,/ ffirrr mo lri. t'c-/.c a"J*Z-- -Z -- -,,,/:'Y:Y'3Z,r.,zsz ,4rPllotlll tElYlCEl rot lD9llloltt trEcrrlrr- r r. slrrr 6 rtrom Go liil-r--rltidr---ll TrI i!;i.'ti ),. *"Jtl ji'i;"j'0.1:'.'"T'iili. l,l'm;i :: $lSEIYICES 7 With dctive.y io .rtdrls3re onty .,......,.,. ll, rxtro fe roquitc4 \.r5'o.\ cv' lc)'i rl /rr) dz r0 lilsuRAlrcr covEnreS PnoYlDt0- ilor ron [{Ttixtll0xAt tAtt (Sn dh.r .U.) r @O: trl| O - aao-?atii,.'i#, ttt tEllDERr tc rurc lo lollow laslrucllons ol ofher ridc PLEASE FURNTSH SERVTGE(S) TNDTCATED BY CHECKED BTOCK(S). ( Ada&ionql otrirges ftquirctt fot ah.'se sefliacs, Show addressShow address T-] Deliver ONLY whete delivered Ll to addressee RECEIPTlec:lved llrc llmbGrcd articrG dcrcrilcd befor (Must always be fllt.d ln) 2 t' ,, 7-' ,, Lr)Oin Lht cz s RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL-3|ld RETUNT TEGEIPI SEtVrCtS >;with Slrofr to with y to addressee 0n1y..........., data rnd r|lrta arllrartd .. PS Fcrm "onn l{0 lt{SURltlCE C0yElAGt Pt0YlllO- 9.. orhlr. ttdo)Apr. leT l ---- ll0l F(ln lITERtllTl0llAt ttlt r ox) | rm o - ..0_?.r SEI|DEI: le slre fo lollov laslnclions on ollcr ride pr_EAsE FURNTSH SERVTCE(S) |NDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (Add,itional chorges required fot theee seroites) Show address r-r Deliver ONLY. : | | where delivered Ll to addressee RECEIPT Rcccfvcd lic aumbend orticle dcrcribed below OR NAME OF (Must etways be filled In) zl/4dz ; : (o .r{Irl -' \ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAI ilo rirsun^ilct covtnm[ PnovroED- iloT fon tilrERitAlloiltt tAtt oz (5o cthr ddo) r OEO: le'| O - a60-?l! P.O., Srrfe A 0 zrP c00E tnuni-I--l; Strors to rt-o-rn rni-drtr dr[ymd - ;;.;i;, \ with delircry t0 rddrEsee only............;dffi Z " "t,li ;li?l!?,oil'.T,',j!llJ#il1L1.:; ii,.'ilT, ,t* tEl{DEt: !c rurr lo lollov la{tacllonr oa oftcr ddr PLEASE FURNTSH SERVTCE(S) TNDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) '- (Adational ch$tes Nq{ircil tot thesa sen ices) : f---l Show address T-T Deliver ONLY where delivered f-l to addressee RECEIPT n?cclv.d ttc nunbcteil arliclc dcscrib:d bcfow (Mqst always be tlllad ln) ?,/, '/ 4X Al p '' _. ,:.-t., JUN 2 5 1973 \+ \ .nl$cr\-i io oz RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAI ll0 ilsuRtilct cov[ntct ProYtDtD-tol ton trftRltfitoillt tilt (5rr ctht rUr) aOllO:lm O - ao-tar ztP ./r'/, rara! .. ylo drtl ,t0>;: ItTolx RCCEIPI TERYIGES li,liil, ''' SEllDll: 8c rurc lo lollow in nctioas oa olfrcr sidc ,PLEASE FURNTSH SERVTCE(S) IND|CATED By CHECKED BLOCK(S)' (Additional, chang.. r.qy,if.d fot ,heee scn ices) Show address Deliver ONLY to addressee RECHP.Tlccelvcd lle alrnbercil erllcle dercriled below (Must always ba filled ln) ,l s.I ;Nq r.l LO F- cz \ \ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED I0 lltsuRAlrcE covnrcr PR0Y|0E0- ilor foR HTERftAiloltAt lrAlt (S.. ctfr.t ,,y. ); :;"a:ii$#:ffi.1fi:{iil; DELIVERY (6111q f.. ii.li;?, ,'* rOPO:19?t O- SE DEI: lc tgrG to fcllo* lnrlr[clfonr oa olfer rldc PLEASE FURNTSH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S)' ( Afiilioiaf chtrgeo reguiteil tot the* eetoicee) Show address where delivered Deliver ONLY to addressee te*fvcd rir ""r[rE95lPrJ. d*eriled below (Musl alwaYs b€ fill.d tn) 25 W:i f \.r Lf) S'-l\.c) iF 1r).t'- oz RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL-3OC ( ;v: JUN 22 1973 .,/., ,. i,\ P.0., $IrtE ANo Zrt coDE RETURI \ l. Shour t0 uhom rnd d a drllvarad .......,.,, l5fjiil,', *"'#:ii;lij,il;i{.*ltldiill*,, PS Form "o* ll0 lilSURAl{Ct C0YmmE Pn0YOtD- (S.. crrr., ,d.)Apr. l9?l ---- ll0l tOR llllERtlAll0iltt illlt roporlgtr o -.ro-r.! 35il0EI: le rsro fo lollow lnslruclionr or olicr sfdc PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED 8Y CHECKED BLOCK(S) (Additiof,ql cherces reqtited lot ahete oerltice., Show address. Ll where delivered Deliver ONLY to addressee RECEIPT Rcccived lie nrnbcrcd arficle dercribed bclow (Mqst a,ways bc fillod ln) 2s' ,[ t'}J\FIorli6l rY dz \ r{0 rxsuRrlrct GoYtRtGr PnoYtDo- il01 ron rilTrnMlloxtt tllt (Sot clher ddc) rCEO:llll O - ao-tal RECEIPT FoR CERTIFIED MAIL-30d (plul SEf{T srREfr A D lto. _ /Z-)Z a/.Z).a.-t /c-. z-^zr<rl .r*i > JU,V\622i '972 / e.or,ftne aro z/coor /Z' ' IA"Z. fd Po ,/ 1 { \' oPltolttl sERYtoEs toR tDDt Oi|l rE$ -111unx-1 t, Stcryt-o rhon ar! atta rtallvttrE - Eail;il ) r. *"'liT 3i'i1"1"01".'*i"ii3;'. Jl'u;;; :: 3ll SEBYIGES Z lvith delivlry to addrG$Go only ,.........., lta .Yt'--L-/ (orrro foe roquirrd) -..-...-.-..-.-..-..-... ii.lii?' ilm SEllDEt: lc tlt to lollow lnshucllons on olter slde PLEASE FURNTSH SERVICE(S) TNDTCATED By CHECKED BLOCK(S) <Additiondtr charges ,equireil tor ahese scro,ces, Show address where delivered Deliver ONLY to addressee R ilAmE 0F ADDRESSEE (Must atwavs be titted in) RECEIPT Recclved flre aunbcted erliclc dercribed bcfow .;(DNr-l c,.\'o" \.F-lttl li dz RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAtL-..30d {v 973/.,,'3. nrrd .. detivery to altdressce rt!||t. filr anrt rhrta dclivsry to addrassG! nt'0ntl TCCEIP' SERYICES >;:with Slorr to wtth P5 Forrn "o611 ll0 lllSUlAXCt C0YtflCt P[0YDE0- (Sm crtrr rUr)Apr. leTl -'-- ll0l tOl lllTEnilAll0t|l X lt ropo:ren o - {o_?., SEIIDEI: le rrrc lo lollow inslruclions on olier side .PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(S) TNDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) . (Arlditional chotgee requireil for theee sertices) Show address r--'t Deliver ONLYI I where delivered | | to addressee RECEIPTlcccived ltc aumbered orlicfc dcscribcd below 0R I{AME 0F ADORESSEE (Must €l'lays be littod tnt "r',1a a /rz/re RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30f (plu3 ',-R w) ?,rn ;\ \ ii,.'il?,'r'lfO ftaSUfAXCt C0VtRlEt PnOUDElr- F.. *hll .id.) iloT toR lllltRlllllomt mlt n oEo: reD o _.o-?.r f,z NEIURTI RECEIIT lllvrcEs >;:With delivery to addr6se! only............Silir t0 rhom. drla and ui|rr dallraraa .. With doliv€ry lo addrrsse6 0n|y............ SEI{DEi: Be ruro lo ,otl.w laslr,tcrlom or otfr.t tide PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (Afiaaional cheryes requitad tor theae aeraices) Show address f- Deliver ONLY- L l where delivered L-l to addressee RECEIPTlcccived lto nlmbcrcd crficlc d:rcribed lcfow (Must always be tillod ln) /-ro---EZ-V'""-a-*''a RECETPT FOR GEBT|F|ED MA|L-30C t'n' .'o {-,. -t;r27-,'..--. ,t |ofifl^rid DrnffiV srnrtr ll6-no. ' I -5--/ ?a2- / 'o'f):.*,!V' 1/, "", 2,5- v 0?r|0i^L sEtvtctS ton |!DtTroir|. 'EES \ ntturx I--.|.-!h-ers to rlonr erl car cclrrr3i - -lt^ liii.4 ),. *-YiT 3;iil','1.1".",f,'J",liii. llk;; :: Sl _IgvlDll_ Z wirh detiveiy to rddr!!s99 oltl ............ tti (oxtro lcc rcqri red) -.... --..--. . -..-.-- .O.N O rr*llr) 't- dz N PS Form "r* 110 IXSURIIiCE C0YEIIGE PnoUlDtD- /Sor cf|t.r radr)Apr. le?l ---- 1{0I fOn lXltnlNlOm[ XAlt ropo:lm o -.o-?.! SEflDERI lc rgrc lo loflow lnslrlcllolr on ollcr dde PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (A&itional chorgea teqr.ired, lor ahese se'rticee, Show address r---1 Deliver ONLY where delivered | | to addressee RECEIPT f,eccived lic lumbcred article decctibed balow (o -tL. *l r{) dz \ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAI . ,?t 4€7 i iliifir > ; il{ii;#;;4i.ifin[**,, PS Form .o* 110 tilSUnftCE ClViltcI PI0UDED- goo othtt tido)Apr, leTl ---- ll0T fOn lilltllltll0llll iltlt rcpo:ro, o -.o_?.! ()fZ% &9ze .re.?t/ 5.<.rl Sll{0El: 3G tut to fclfow lnrlroc}loar oa ollcr cidc RECEIPT f,egclved li: !lmbcr3d lrticrc dercrilcd Selor PLEASE FURNTSH SERVICE(S) |ND|CATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (Ad.ditional choryet rcqxircd tor these sctpi.es, Show address where delivered Deliver ONLY to addressee