HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL COMMONS BUILDING C2 LEGALftzlw Q/l,ana 3 Vza"'nons Design Review Board unto / L l( ACTION FORM Department of Community Ds/eloprnent 75 South Frontage Roa4 Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us PrcjectName: ARNETTTREUS DRBNumber: DRB050115 Project Description: Minor afteration to @nstruct and install a landscape trellis for privacy and screening. Pafticipants: OWNER ARNETT, MICHAEL K. 03/2512005 Phone: 2094 ZERMATT LN D VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT ARNETT, MICHAEL K. 03/2512005 Phone: 2094 ZERMATT LN D VAIL co 81657 License: ProjectAddressz 2@4 D ZERMATT LN VAIL Location: VAIL COMMONS CONDOS, UNIT'D' Legal Description: Lotr Block Subdivision: VAIL COMMONS Parel Number: 21031142,1018 Comments: Seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of APProvalt 0312512005 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. , '|s Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 \ Minor Exterior Alterations refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is reguested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: zoning: C(-3 ' (c.,'^^^et,",z'.- C,,ae 3. Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: d F,w $ - -1MailinsAddressr 5 A 4 Phone: ,.g"'nx: I 1--1 517 b i $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. i No Fee i $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining w€lls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee tr tr F tr tr tJ.'tLocation ofthe Proposall Lot:_ Physical Addressi o\c-t * Parcel No.: Zl63 ll'lz LlOl E(contact Eagte co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcet no.) Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceotual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Min6F Alteration (single{amily/duplex) Page 1 of 12104/28/04 ***f***+t**********+***********+'t!}+**********t**t+t***t****************+******+*+*:|++++,|l*++* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*a**l***+*+*+***+****r***l*t****+***+*+**++++++*+***ll****++r*:1.********************l******** SEatenent Number: R050000290 Amount: $20.00 03/25/200512:29 Pl4 Palment. Method: Check ARNBTT Init: iIS rilotation: 3584/MICHAEL, Permit. llo: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payments: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accoune Code DR 00100003 rt2200 DRB05 0115 2r03tL4240L8 2094 D ZERMATT I,[I VAIIJ VAIL COMMONS CONDOS, TINIT $20.00 DeBcripUion DESIGN REVIEW FEES T)G)e: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DI,P rDr Tocal Fees r ToTaI AI,I, PMIS : Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 Current Pmts 20.00 : ,a*lt* = $$s$$$$$ \t e e€ 6s, LA' o aurt{ / No? +Jt?N?t+/ '7t,wt -s0/ €7/2 \. I I I i I I I I I i '--l '--t I I I I j I I I I I I I \l \ 'JW / 1,to9.*1t7Nvf ',7t'WJw ave --t,bt t NPetzrazutT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD PERM Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RDi3illi"il;::iffi APPLICANT WARNER DEVEI.',OPMENTS, INC P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACIOR WARNER DEVEI.',OPMENTS, INC P o Box 958' AVON CO 81620 OI/VNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VA]L co 81557 ON JOBSITE AT ALI., TIMES -it . Permit *: 896-0037 Description: MULTI FAMILY BUILDING Fireptace Information: RestriGted: Y usER VALUATIo : 6n '9?0#of 6as Apptiances: 8 #0f 6as Logs:fof uood/Pst tet: .OO TotaL Catcul.ated Fees-> 10,696.80 400.00 Additional' Fees---).00Bui Lding---> Ptan Check---) Investigat i on> tli tl. catL----) 3,052.m 1 ,9E3. E0 .m 3.m Rrstusrant P lan Reviev-) DRB FcF------- Recreation Fee---------> C Iean-Up DePosit--------> 4,508.00 Tota I' Pernit Fee---) 10,6?6'80 750.00 Payments------- *P4/ occupancy TyPe Factor Sq' Feet Valuation Apartment Houses Z6-ne 1 v-1HR & v-N 63 ' 90 9 ' 016 576 'L22 '40 Private Garages zone 1v-w uasonry 23'00 4'426 101'798'00' s.tbtotal z t3 ,442 6?7 ,920 ' 40 Table Date! o6/20/tgg5 Total Val-uationz 677,920'40 ffi *trl'rffi tEE SUI'I|4ARY *#ft* WEST Status...: ISSUED Applied. . I 03/.28/.1996 rieued. ,,t 0s/0]-/t996 Expires .. z 'L0/28/L996 Phone: 3039494360 Phone: 3039494360 10,696.60 EALANCE DUE--------> Item:.05100 \tl#|I:'"EIt'em:' .05400 04 /23 /1996 9iz$l/33?8. 9td*?/6438. Lt(An 4Ze,8o 06/07 /7996It'em:'05550 06/07 /Lee6 BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: NOTEEHARLIE Action: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENTCHARLIE ACT1ON: NOTEANDY ACTiON: APPRFIRE DEPART}IENTJEFF A ACTiON: APPR PUBIIC WORKS TERRI M ACtiON: AP9E- ENVIRONI'{ENTAL HEALTH CHARLIE Action: APPR ENGINEERING.CHARLIE ACIiON: APPR DEDI: BUILD]NG REVISED RECEIVED C.D. CHARLIE DAVISDEDT: PLANNING ANDY REVISED. RECEIVEDAndv Knudtsen. DCOT: FIREfire dept apbroval' o'ebt: PUB woRK SEE CONDITIONSDEDI: HEALTH O"nr, ENGINEER Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit' OECLARATIONS I hereby rcknorrtcdge th.t t have read this apptication, fittcd out in fult the infornation required, conptctld !n accuratr Ptot ptan, and stste that att tna'iniormaiion p"ou!o"o as rcquired is corrlct. I agrec to.conPl'y rith th! inforlEtim and Pl'ot pt!n' to corpty rrith att rovn orolnanies'.ia atLt. taws, and io buitd this structurs accordlng iqthe Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, dcsign ""uiev approuJ]"u"it".i iuitoing c6de and other ordinlnc"s of the Town appLicabte th*rto' REot Esrs toR tr{spEcrrons SHALL BE IADE Tr,lExTy-tot R HouRs I ADvANcE By TELEPHoNE Al 479-?13E oR AT ouR otrtcE FRotl 8:m A 5:00 Pil o DEVELOP}IEI{Tsend Ctean-t P Deposit To: IARNER il. ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Perrnit *: 896-0037 as of 06/07/95 status: IssuED **********************************************:r********************************* Permit Type: NEW MUL,TI-FAM BUILD PERM appliclnt: WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC 3039494360 AppLied: 03/28/L996 iisued: o5'/oL'/19e6 To Expire: LO/28/7996 Job Address:Location: VAIL COMMONS #C2 ParceI No: 2103-114-15-013 Description: MULTI FAMII,Y BUILDING Conditions:1. No PLUI{BING,ELECTRICAL, oR MECHANICAL woRK ALLoWED UNIT PERMITS ARE AQUIRED 2. A SET or STAMPED,SIGNED PI-,ANS FOR MECHANICAL MUST BE SUBMITT AND APPROVED 3. ALL STORAGE LOCKERS MUST BE 1HR FIRE RATED WITH 20 MIN DOORS 4. ALL PARTY WALLS ARE TO BE EXTENDED THROUGH THE ATTIC SPACES 5. STREET PLANS MUST BE APPROVED BEFORE ANY MORE CONSTRUCTION' RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL 6. submit sprinkler and alarm system shop drawings' as well as electricll and rnechanical drawings. 7. Access roads must conform to the-quality control requirernent listed on the building perrnit drawings, specifically: A. UilitY trench backfill B. Finished subgrade C. Aggregate base course D. ttot BiLuminous PavemenL S.THEcoNsTRUcTIoNMUSTcoMPLYWITHALLFEDERALANDSTATE ACCESSIB ILTY REGULATIONS . M o ****;*********************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ***************************!***********************************!r* statemnt Nurnber: REc-o153 Amount: 10'696'80 06/07/9.6 L3226 -p"Vt."t ltethod: Cf Notation: +6698 Init: DS Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 4s032 01 0000 41336 896-0037 TYPe: MF BUILD NEW 210 3- 114-15-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIIJ COMMONS #C2 Total Fees: 10,696.80 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE MULEI-FAM BUILD 10r696.80 10,696.80 .00 ****************************************************************Amount 3 r 052 .00 400.00 1,983. 80 7s0.00 4 r 508 .00 3. 00 t. t r 4s AREA: CF = = = = = == = = = = = -= = = = - ___-__.-a========-===== Type: MF BUILD Statr-rs: I55UED Constt.: MFAlt4 hIEST 896-4437 I /3fr/97 EIZ'99 N FRONTAGE RD VffIL COMMONS *CE A l rZrS- 1 14- 15-A 13 I'IULTI FAMII-Y BUILDIN6 CE WARNER DEVELOF.MENTS. INC TOIIN OF VRIL I^IARNER DEVELBPMENTS. INC REPT 1 31 a9/3A/97 /r TOWN OF VAILr CoLoRADO €17:35 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FURt 9/3to/97 19 Activity: Address: Locat i on: Faree I : IJescniption: AppI ieant: Own er. : Cont nact or r Dec: Use: V l-HR Fhone: 3OJ949436tI Fhone: F,hone: 3O3949436O Locks, Holds, ACTIVITY Not ice: Not ire: and Not ices. STREET F.LANS REf, FEES HNVE MUST BE AF,F,ROVED BEEN REDUCED TO BEFORE ANY MORE $.5I4 F'ER SF F'ER CONSTRUCTION R. K. Inspect ion Reqtrest Infor mat ion. . . Req ue st or.: Rich Req Time: O8:OlZt Eomments: CE ltems reqtrested to be Inspected.. lzrUlS4ti L\LDG-Fina1 C,/O Fhone; 748-fi187 Aet Inspect i on Histot"y...., Item: tZrrZtSOO Ft^l-Backfi 11 Inspection Iten : lAOSlAl F,tJ*Tenp. access./dr"einane Ll/14/96 Insoeetor': LF Actionr AFFR I t e m : UlO56e F,N-Ro '-{gh qrad e Item: $el5OJ F'W-Final dr.iveway qr.ade LI/14/96 Insoector': LF Action: AF'FR Item: fiA51Cl driveway grade final It/14/96 Inspeetor: LF Item ; OOOfA BLDB-Footinqs/Steel V7/f|7/96 Inspeetor: DS e7/AL/96 Inspeetor': CF Notes: FINISH HANGING REBAR Item : lAAfieO BLDE-Foundation/Steel Item: AOS3O FLAN-ILC Site Flan Item r AerO3A BLDG-Fr-aming Time Exp Aq/ L3/9h Inspector-: CF Not es : SHI|4 HEADERS WHERE Item: fifi04fi * * Not On FiIe x x Item : OftOsA BLDG-Insulation A9/ L8/96 Inspector: EB Item: rAEO6Cl BLDG-Sheetr.ock Nai I A9/e3/96 Inspeetor: EG' A9/?7/96 Inspector: EGlA/47 /96 Inspert or': EG IW/t4/96 Inspector r EG lfi/18/96 Inspector: EG Item: OAAB0 * * Not on File * * Item: AVh7fi BLDB-Misc. Ll/Ag/96 Inspector'! LV Item: 00094 BLDG-Final II ltt,t(:L rF-aAA+^*. flE Action: AFPR RPFROUED A-l i a-. t\rrl hl..l- -3 flct i on : AF'F R Actionr F'A Action: AFFR F'RIOR TO F.OUR Action: AtrtrR NECCESsARY Aet i on: AF'F R Aetion: AtrtrR Act i on r AF F'R Act i on: AtrF'R ffction: flFF'R Action: AF'trR AF.F,ROVED RF.F'RBVED AF'F,ROVED F.ART I AL' FIF.F.ROVAL BUILDING #C1 F,ENDING ILE AF,F'ROVAt. AF.F.ROUED AF.F,ROVED APF'ROVED AF.F.ROUED APF.ROVED AF,PROVED i on Conr m ent s REF'T 131 TBWN OF VArL, CULORADo trAGE EO AREA: CFfi9/3@/97 Et7:35 REGUESTS FOR INSF'ECTION WURK SHEETS FORa 9/3[t/97 Notesi r-rnits mnst be complete fire places wonking debris, rnater"ials and tools removed fire dept, appnoval r equir"ed anchor' dishwasher" in plaee draft stopping between t"tnit s requined str.rcco must be protected against freeaing tent and heat r' 11/f8/96 Inspector: CF Action: AFFR tco expir"eE 7/l/97 Notes: load hinges on entr"y doors planning dept and pt-tbl ic wonks approval r'eguired f oI' c' o.Item: et0330 BLDG*Temp. C/0 Item: 04531 FIRE-TEMP. C/O Item: fie'53a trW-TEMtr; tr/g LL/t4/96 Insp€ctor: LF Item: EtZr533 FLAN-TEFIF,. C/O IL/eA/96 Inspeetor^r AK Notes: Frior to iEsuanee of final Certificate of Eceupancyr. appl cant shal I tor-rch rjp any areas of Etain which did not cune F't'i or" to issuance of f inal C0, applicant shal I legr*ade s1 on north east corner" of br-ri lding to insLrt'e that it is a E: I grade. Item r tAO537 FLAN-FINAL C/O ItEM: IAE53S FIRE-FINAL E,/O Item: 140539 F'i^I-FINAL C/O Item: €r0l540 BLDG-Final C./0 Aetion: AtrtrR AFtrROVED Act i on : AFF R RFF ROVED j rgE:: Y:E; =;i t - -=ibrlo!93 i 3i:;g!e!EzEEi1-LZaEE' i.ij;5:fi:;9;'E *v,: o ])-3 5 E " 3.six!!3 'I E €; 'E::2;: 3 !;: E.. E* E;; EoE.: x iE;Fo--,-/iiE:rztdE-&.::tr E E a ci .\ \=tl= - 'o'o c.E .9 : On c- \v l- l(H I NBrnodFq rl\qoi lQI I E I 7 I (d .u OJ.d ..{ U) c) Xq, -t I! o c N I c)zH FrH az EE FlH 7. -\ l-otH Y!-'=>xQ,,,u \vlJ-zz*s< a:t Ya\- z"Y=z=tri I---F ?) (,iszq--!2 a\ l! \J HtrZZUAq.J \ '-'1 -aa<=t{] F J c<14cQ5=ooI z s9i*2.-r--. < vo;"<'. -<zF{i-Z^^3:: ?=H5_,l- - ^- F!q] ito> ),C4\J?>HZ-,-YvS>+"<'- 'r- -7 *),\ :'\ = a-\ .tf.a<: FZU.-.<i-t-aF 'r.: a- *' 9)u=.* "^FYli-.: cZ cZ qFHSF.-\//- t-0 -A. F'.ErFf |{d a+of FR tfl a{rl-E rl-f+ l. tr{ .lJdF tF. sv F)d{FTF?:{rllc F\daHF.Hd *FtF.LIf-) €v tFf 11 A. irf EHrPtr. fF)tFl L.A. € CI-IECK IIEQUEST PREPARED BYt.,,(p..DA'I-E: lOlZ l9 VENDORNAME:t.) VENDORNUMBER: DoLe4US DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP #EILO -O: NAME OF JOB: \/n i ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOLTNTOFREFUND, ffivm to DATE APPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: .'r' TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81,657 970-479-2L38 Description: MULTI FAMILY BUILDING Occupancy Apartment HousesPrivate Garages Table Dare: 06/2O/L995 Fi reptace Information: Restricted: Y DEPARTMENT OF NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUSI BE POSTED NEW MULTI_FAM BUILD PERM Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RDLocation...: VAIL COIOiIONS #C2Parcel No.. : 2103-114-15-013 APPLICANT WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, TNC P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, rNC P O BOX 958, AVON CO 81620 O TNER TO$IN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VArL CO 81657 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT ALL T]MES Permit #: 896-0037 WEST Status. . . App1ied.. Issued... Expires. . APPROVED 03 /28 /1ee6 05 /0r /Lee 6 r0 /28 /tee 6 Phone: 3039494360 Phone: 3039494360 Type ZonelV-1HR&V-N Zone 1 V-N Magonry USER VALUATIoN: 6n,920 #0f Gas Appt iances: E Factor Sq. Feet Valuation 576,L22.40 101,798.00 677 ,92O.40 677 ,92O.40 fof t|ood/Pal. Let: 63.90 23.00 Subtotal: 9 ,016 4 ,426 L3 ,442Total Valuation: fof Gas Logs: Bui Ldi ng-----) Ptan Check---) Invest igation> tli Lt ca L l----) 3,052. m 1 ,965. E0 .00 3.00 Restuarant P Lan Rev i ey--> DRB Fee-------- Rrcreati on Fee----------> CLean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES---.- .00 400.00 4,508.00 750.00 10,696.80 TotatCatcutatedFees---> 10,696.80 AdditionaL F .00 10,696.80TotaI Permit Fer--------> Payments------- SALANCE DUE----ffi*iffiffilt*t'tt**f,ffiffi****tr*,ffir*ffr*************it********ffiffi**:t*******ffiffi****ffi* Ilepi,q91q0 EqILD-ING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Divisiono-+/,?tr/.!9,9_6 qHARLTE Acrion: NoTE REVTSED nrcetvEn-c:D;-- - 04'/29'/L996 CHARLTE Acrion: APFR Cnent,rE DEVTS'-- I!e{ti-,954q0_PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT Depr: PLANNING DivisionAt/.??/.\99A CHARLIE Acrion: NoTE ANDY REvrsnn-necuTVe-D-- - -- 97'/07'/\29Q^ANDY_ Action: ApFR Ahav xnuatsen-----'I!e{ri'.956q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT 9+/3o/L9|Q-JEFF A Action: AppR fire depr apbiovilIteIIi'.05500 PUBEIC woRKS - - D-eFt:'F[re wOnx Division94/29/L996 TERRr M Action: AppR SEE CoNDrriofrs- -' Item:-q57OO ENV]RQNMENTAL HEALBH Dept: HEALTH Divisionrtem: 0ss50 ENGTNEERn{c beFai iiri-crnilrn Dini;i5ii tffiffi**ft******M#ffiffiffi*tr*ffiS***********t******ffr***Jr**ffiffi***ff**Jrrri':*********ffi****ffi*rffi see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS r. hefcby .acknov ledge that t hav! rcad this application, fitl.ed out in ful,t the intornation required, completed an accunate ptotp[an, and state thrt atl the information provided as required. i.s correct. I agree to compty rith the information and pLot pl,an,to conpty tJith atl Tovn ordinanccs and state tavs. and to buil.d this structure according io the Toril,s zonint anO subdivisioncodes, design rcvicv appfoved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appl.icab[e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL SE IIADE Tl,lEN -FouR HouRs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 479-213E oti AT rlUR OFFICE FROS E:OO q 5:m p[ seffi ct;n-Up Dcposit To: ,o*r., oru..ort SIGNATURE OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0037 as of 06/07/96 status: AppRoVED******************************************************************************** o OF OI.INER Permit Type: NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD PERMApplicant: WARNER DEVELOPMENTS, INC 30394943 60 Applied: 03 /28 /1,996Issued: 05/07/1996 To Expire: 1O/28/I996 Job Addrees: I-,ocation: VAIL COMMONS #C2Parcel No: 2103-114-15-013 Description: MULTI FAI'IILY BUILDING Conditions: 1. NO PLIruBING,ELECTRICAL, OR MECHANICAL WORK ALLOWED UNIT PERMITS ARE AQUIRED2. A SET OF STAMPED,SIGNED PLANS FOR MECHANICAL MUST BE SUBMITT AND APPROVED3. ALL STORAGE LOCKERS MUST BE 1HR FIRE RATED WITH 20 MIN DOORS4. ALL PARIY WALLS ARE TO BE EXTENDED THROUGH THE ATT]C SPACES5. STREET PLANS MUST BE APPROVED BEFORE ANY MORE CONS:IRUCTION, RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL6. submit,sprinkler and alarm system shop drawings, as well aselectrical and mechanical drawings. - 7. Access roads must conform to the quality control requirementlisted on the building permit drawings,-specifically:A. Uility trench backfillB. Finished subgradeC. Aggregate base courseD. Hot Bituminous pavement 8. THE CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL FEDERAL AND S'IATI] ACCESS IBILTY REGULATIONS . - .i r?r Li r'-r f': ! .fa. ^' ,: -'l 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V47e-213e FAX 970-479-2452 D e p artme nt of Community D eve lopment '1own or vatt ?5 Sorr l-h Frcrnf acrr Road VaiI. Colorado 81557(303) 479 -2r.38 Plan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Proj ect Number: PR,J950025 Address: 2 099 N. FRONTAGE ROAD Planners Andy Knudtsen Occupancy: Rl" I 81 Type of Const: V- Lhr NOTE:The code items listed in this reportIistinq of all possible cocle requiremenEs selected sections of the code. Name: VAIL COMMONS BUILDING€2' Date: April 29. 1996 Contractor: WARNER DEVELOPMENTS Architect: DONALDSON Engineer: MONROE Plans Examiner: CHARLIE DAVIS are not intended to be a complete in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide to DIRECTION BOUNDARY NORTH Building EAST Property l ine soUTH BuildingWEsT Building Area increased 25.00e8 SEPARATION AREA INCREASE 19.0 Feet 25.0 Feet z r . u ! eeE 30.0 Feet for open area on OCC MAX FI.,R FIRE PROTECTTON 9.5 Feet 25.0 Feet 10.5 Feet r5. u teeL 2 sides. AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 2 cL3 BEDROOM #2 2 ct3 BEDROOM #1 2 C73 KITCHEN 2 C13 LIVING/DINING 2 c]-4 BEDROOT{ #22 cL4 BEROOM #12 CI4 K]TCHEN 2 C1.4 LIVING/DINING 2 cLs BEDROOI4 #22 c15 BEDROOM #L2 CLs KITCHEN 2 CTs LIVING/DINING 2 Ct6 BEDROOM #22 CT5 BEDROOM #1.2 CL6 KTTCHEN 13125 0.01 13125 0.01r3i.25 0.0L 13125 0.02 13r-25 0.01 13125 0.01 L3125 0.01,r3t25 0.02 1312s 0.01_ 13125 0.01 13r,25 0.01 t-3.125 0.02 13125 0.01r3L25 0.01 13125 0.01 R1 t(I Itr tll Rt R1 R1 f(r R1 Rl- R1 11r t(l ltr R1 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok LZ J 145 254 t23 145 o1 254 L23 1AC, >z 254 123 1AE 92 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok {,7 *"""o'*'o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8/,657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment 2 CI5 LIVING/DINING R1 2 HALLS , CLOSETS , BATHS R1 RL R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 Rl- R1 R1 B1 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok z>4 rJ rz5 zv)L ).JLZ) 4507 l-3 L2 5 L4J TJLZ) 14 5 L31"2592 r3L25 z)+ LJLZ> t23 13125 1"4 5 L3725 92 13125 z2+ rJ LZJI23 L3t25 J-gf, lJ LZz >Z LJTZ) z)4 rJ tza 1.23 13 r.25 145 13] 25 92 13125 254 t 3125 2053 13125 4509 13125 4426 17500 4426 17500 9015 25250 0.02 ok 0.15 ok 0.34 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.02 ok 0.0L ok U. U] OK0.01 ok0.02 ok0.01 ok U. UI OK 0.01 ok 0.02 ok 0.01 ok 0.01 ok 0.0L ok 0.02 ok 0.15 ok 0.34 ok 0.25 ok 0.25 ok 0.34 ok TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 C9 BEDROOM #2 1 C9 BEDROOM #11 C9 KITCHEN 1 C9 LIVING/DINTNG 1 C10 BEDROOM #21 C10 BEDROOM #21 C1O KITCHEN 1 C1O LIVING/DINING I cL1 BEDROOM #21 CLL BEDROOM #11 C1]. KITCHEN ]. C11 LTVING/DINING r CL2 BEDROOM #2L CL2 BEDROOM #].I CI2 KITCHEN T CI2 LIVING/DINTNG 1 HALLS.CIOSETS, BATHS TOTAIJ FOR FIJOOR B Parkinqr Garagre TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL The actual height of this buildingr is 3l-.0 feet. The maximum heiqht of the building is 50.0 feet. -- Table 5-D EXTERIOR WALI, FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTIONTable 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WESTOCC BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAI.,L WALL PROT WAI-,L WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROTRl thr thr None thr thr None thr l-hr None thr thr None81 thr thr None thr ]-hr None Lhr thr None thr thr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBI,E material . Sec.2201. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50* of thearea of the wal1 maximum. Sec. 504. (b) & Sec.2203. & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no d,imensionqreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wa1l.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inchesabove the roofingr. The parapet wa11 is required t.o have Lhe samefire ratingr as the wal1. see section 1710. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table lT-AELEMENT MATERIAL RATINGInterior Bearing wall Any L hr {P uu"'"'uo 'o"* NOTES 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 e70-479-2 I s 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p artme nt of C ommunity D eve lopme nt fnterior nonbrg wal I Structural Frame Exterior Struct Frame shaft Enclosure Floor/Ceiling Assembly Roof/Ceiling Assembly Stairs NOTE: See Sec. 1705. (a) FOOTNOTES: Any Any Any Any Any Any Any thr thr thr Lhr thr thr None See Footnote #7 See footnote #1 See Footnote #9 for Shaft Enclosure exceptions, 1) Elenents in an exterior wall located where openings are not permitted or where protection of openings is required, sha1l be protected against external fire exposure as required for exterior bearing walls or the structural frame, whichever is great.er. -- Table 17-A, footnoee 1 7) Nonload-bearing walls within a dwelling unit that. are not part of a corridor may be of: a) Noncombus t i-bl- e (nonrated) material-s b) Fire retardant - treated wood c) Combustible framing with noncombustible coverinq in Type III and. V construction -- Sec. 1705. (b)2. 9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface sha1l be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent malerials. -- sec. '7A2-(cl & 902. (b) 11) A self-closing, 1 3/4 inch Lhick solid core or noncombustible dooris required between the basement and the 1st floor.-- Sec. 1703. L7) The ceiling of the basement is required to be protected with thr fire-resislive construction and. doors to basements are required to be of noncombustible construction or 13/4 inch S.C. wood. -- Sec. 1?03. DRAFT STOPS: If there is combushible construction in the floor/ceilinq assembly. draftstops shall be insEalled in line with waIIs separating individual dwellinguniLs and guest rooms from each other and from other areas.-- sec. 2515. (f ) 4.A. (ii) If there is combustible construction in the roof/ceiling assembly, draftstops shall be installed in line with walIs separating individual dwellingunits and guest rooms from each other and from other areas.-- sec. 2515. (f)4.B. (ii) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 5-B R1 -B1 3hr The separation may be two hours if limited to parking orstoraqe of private or pleasure vehicles. -- Sec. 503. (d) ex #2 ADDITIONAIJ SEPARATIONS FOR R1 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required around. rooms concaining a boiler orcentral heating unit serving more than one unit. -- Sec. j-2j_3. A thr occupancy separation is required around common storage and laundryrooms. - - Sec. 1-2 02 . (b) A thr fire separation is required between dwelring units. -- sec. 1202. (b) FOR 81 OCCUPANCY: {,7 ou"'"'uo '*'* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 De p artment of C omrnunity D eve lopment A thr occupancy separation is required around rooms containingr a boil-er orcentsral heating unit greater than 400,000 BTU inpub. -- Sec. 708. EXTT REQUIREMENTS :FL NAME OCCUPANT NIJMBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTESLOAD REQUIRED WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 2 ct3 BEDROOM #22 CT3 BEDROOM #12 CL3 KITCHEN 2 C1.3 IJIVING/DINING 2 CT4 BEDROOM #22 CL4 BEROOM #12 CT4 KITCHEN 2 CL4 LIVING/DINING 2 CLs BEDROOM #22 CIs BEDROOM *12 CIs KTTCHEN 2 C15 LMNG/DTNING 2 CL6 BEDROOM #22 cL6 BEDROOI{ #12 CI5 KITCHEN 2 CL6 LIVING/DINING 2 HAIJIJS , CIJOSETS, BATHS TOTAL 1 C9 BEDROOM #2L c9 BEDROOM #t1 C9 KITCHEN 1 C9 LTVING/DINTNG 1 Cr-O BEDROOM #21 C10 BEDROOM #21 C1O KITCHEN r" c10 LrvrNG/DrNrNG 1- Cr.r. BEDROOM #21 Cll BEDROOM #L1 C1,1 KITCHEN 1 C].1 LIVING/DINING 1 CL4 BEDROOM #21 C14 BEDROOM #11 C14 KITCHEN 1. C14 LIVTNG/DTNING 1. HAIJIJS , CLOSETS , BATHS TOTAI-, B Parking Garaqe TOTAIJ 10 22 1- 1 0 L 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 I 0 1 10 1 L 1 1 1 L 1 L 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 t-) 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 L l_ I 1 l- 1 I 1 1 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No0.2 No 0.6 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No0.0 No0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No0.2 No 0.5 No 0.4 No 0.6 No Yes Yes No No N,/R N/R N/n N/R N/R N,/R N/R N/R N/R N,/R N/R N/n N/R N/R N,/n N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N,/R N,/ R N/R N/R N/n N/R N/R N/R N/R N/n N/n N/n N/R N/R N/R Yes Yes No No NO No No No No No No No No NO No No No No Rated corridors are to have thr fire protection on both sides of wal-ls andceiling. -- sec. 3305, (s) Door openings are required to be protectecl.with 20 minute assemblies and window openings are required to be protectedwith label-ed 3/4 hour assembties. -- Sec. 3305. (h) {P *""'""n '^"' 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D e partme nt of C ommunity D eve lopme nt In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is I/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec, 3303.(c) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Nunber of exies is based on Table 33-A except as nobed,Exit. width is in feet and based on Sec. 3303.(b). Exit hridth is to be divided approximately equally among exits.Width shown for aII areas is based on other exits. (0.2) Width shown for 1st floor is based on other exits. (0.2) Width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairways. (0.3) For the ninimum width of doors, see Sec. 3304.(f)For the ninimum widLh of corrid.ors. see Sec. 3305. (b) For lhe minimum width of stairways, see Sec. 3305. (b) FOOTNOTES: STAIR NOTES: Within a dwellinq unit: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 330G.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3305. (c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side of stairway 34 bo 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is rnore than 3 risers. -- Sec. 3305. (j) ExceptionsProvide a guard rair where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height.= 35 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. 1712. (a) exc 1For common stairways: The maximurn rise of a step is 7 inches and the mininum run is 11 inches.-- Sec. 3305. (c) The minimum width of a st.airway is 36 inches. 44 inches if the occupant loadis grreater lhan 49. -- Sec. 3305. (b) AIso see exit table above to see if mininum width is greater than 44 inches.Provide handrails on both sides of a stairway 34 to 38 inches above thenosinq.(!lay be on one side if Less than 44 inches wide) -- Sec. 330G. (j)Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater t.han 30 inches. Minimum heiqhL= 42 inches. maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7L2. (al The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed usable space under the sbairs is required to be protecte6 as requiredfor thr fire-resistive conslruction. -- Sec. 3306. (f) Provide a landing within 1 inch (I/2 Lnch at doors used. for handicappedaccess) of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304.(i) The rninimum width is same as door width and the minimurn length is 44 inches.-- sec. 3304. (i) The maximum travel distance in this building is 150 feet.-- Sec. 3303. (d) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS :1) The roofing on this building is required to be class c -- Tabr-e 32-ACed.ar or redwood shake shingLes and *1 shingles consEructed in {2 *'"'"'"u '*'r 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e partme nt of C ommunity D eve lo pme nt accordance with Sectj-on 3204 (e), Special-purpose Roofs may be used. - - Exception #32) See section 3204. and ICBO research reports for requirements. AUTOMATIC SPRINKI,ER SYSTEMS: If openings are not provided in each 50 feet of exterior wall or there is floor area more than 75 feet from an exterior opening, an automatic sprinkler system is required. -- sec. 3802. (b) If the buildinq contains l-6 or more dwelling units, an automaLic sprinkler system is required. -- sec. 3802. (h) If there are 100 or more sprinklers, Lhe automatic sprinkler system shaLl- be supervised by an approved central , proprieLary, or remote station serviceor a loca1 alarn which will give an audj.ble signal at a constanLly attended location. -- Sec. 3803. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirement for a standpipe. -- Table 38-A A hose is not required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES: 1) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d),and/or(e) WAIJIJ AND CEIIJING FINISH: 1) waII and ceili-ngr finish materials are required to comply wilhSec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpetingr on the ceiling is required to have a Class T flame spread. ratinqr. -- Sec. 4204. (b) 3) Textile wall coverings shall have Class I flame spread rating.and sha11 be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet theacceptance criteri-a of U.B.C. Standard No. 42-2 -- Sec. 4205. INSUIJATION NOTES :1) Arr insulation material incruding facings are required to have a frame- spread. rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450 unlessit is in a concealed space and the facing is in conLact with a waII orceiling. -- Sec. 171a. (c) exc.#22) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. 1?13. GLAZING REQUIREMENTS :Al-l qlazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetvqlazj-ng material . -- Sec. 5405. (d) ADDITTONAL REQUIREMENTS :For Rl- occupancy A1l chimney enclosures for wood burning fireplace factory-built chimneys shall be protected by a t hr. fire resistrve cons truc t ion . A11 projects larger than four dwelling uniLs shall be supplied with stamped drawings from a quilified architect and/or structural engrineer .AI1 building within the Town Of Vait wit.h 20 units or more, or overthree stories, and. containing any dwell j.ng units sha11 be {P *un'""o 'o"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3e FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Development supplieal with engineer fire aLarm and fire sprinkler systems for approval be the Town Of VaiI Fire Department. ORD.3 of 83. A11 crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail shall be Limited to 5' height from floor to structural floor/ceiIing, have a dirt floor only, with ventilation as per UBC code, and. minimum access as per UBC code or maximum access of 9 sq. ft. A11 R-1 occupancies within the Town Of VaiL will be required to have all landscaping and parking facilities complete to obtain final inspect j-on approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible from the AiTAAi If there is 16 or more dwellinq units, a fire alarm system isrequired in this building. -- Sec. 1"211". Provide a window or door to the exterior from everv room used forsleeping. -- Sec. 1204. A wind.ow must provid.e a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear heightof 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches (minimurn) . -- Sec . l-2 04 . Al1 habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to l-0% or more of the f}oor area. (min 1.0 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205. (b) A11 habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to 5tor more of Lhe floor area. (min 5 sq,ft.) -- Sec. 1205. (c) Provide a smoke detector in all sleepj.ng rooms and areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. The minimun ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 5 inches exceptkitchens. halls, and baths nay have a ceiling heiqfhL of 7feet. -- Sec. -- 1207. (a) For 81 occupancy The ninimum clear height is required to be 7 feet. -- Sec. 709.(c)5.Parkinq garages require a ventilaLion system that exhausts 1.5 cfmper sq.ft. of floor area. -- Sec. 705. (b) 2. {p *""'"""o '*"* i ._ ., , Fii^PY .rail n0 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 Departnent of Comrnunity Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 PLan review based onthe 1991 Uniforrn Buildino Code Project Number: PRJ950025 Address: 2099 N. FRONTAGE ROADPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Occupancy: R1 .81 Type of Const: V- thr CORRECTION REQUIRED Name: VAIIJ COMMONS BUILDING !e- Date: April 29, 1996 ConLractor: WARNER DEVELOPMENTSArchitect: DONAIJDSON Engineer: MONROE Plang Examiner: CHARL,IE DAVIS The roofinq on this buildinq is required to be classB or better. -- sec. 3203. & Table 32-A Glazing in a hazardous location is required to beglazed with safety material , -- Sec. 5405. This project will require a site j_mprovement survey.Thie survey shall. be submitted and staff approved,prior to a request for a frame inspection. Under nocircurnetances will a frarne inspection be approvedwihhout an approved. site improvemenC survey. Area separation wal1s which terminate at roofs ofdifferent height shall terminate at a poinb 30trabove the lower roof with the ext. wall above thelower roof of thr. con6t. & openings protected, oreeilings below may be f j.re resistive as per UBC 505 (e) 5. Where bath tubs are located adjacent to parcy EeparaClon walls, be sure Co carry 5/8 Type Xsheelrock behind lub assembly. AL1 storage shede will be protected with t hr raledwalls and a 20 minute rated door. A fire alarm sysLem is required per Article 14 UFC A smoke delector is required in this location. NOTE: {p *""'"'"o "*"" 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comnunity Development A11 detectora are t.o sound an alarm in bedroom area. - - Sec. 1210. (a)4. Provide details (consLruction and location) ofdraftstops in the floor system. -- Sec. 2516. (f)4.A Provide deLails (construction and location) ofdraftstops in the attic. -- Sec. 2516. (f)4.8 Fire alarm manual pull stations shall be doubleaction. Door(s) indicaled are required t.o be 20 minule fireassemblies including labeted door and. frame, closer. smoke seal , and 1atch. -- Sec. 3305. (h)1. A handrail is required along a stairway. It isrequired to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ofthe steps and if the side is open, the maxj_mum sizeof an opening in the raiJ.ing at the stairway is 4inches. -- sec. 3305. (i) &. L7L2. Stairways havinq 4 or nore risers for dwellingsshall be provided with a handrail. Such handrailshall be between 34-38n hb. above tread nosingr, begrippable, and ends shall be returned.. For otherocc. 2 or more treads wiLl require a handrail as de f ined . AII electrical work to be complete to the requiremente of the 1995 National Electrical Code, An exterior electrical disconnect required. Island fixtures shall be special vented. as per UpC5r4. No domestie dishwashing machine shall be directlyconnected to a drainage system without the use of anapproved dishwasher aj.r-gap fitfinq. UpC 608 For heatinq or hot-water supply boiler applicationsa floor drain shall be supplied for sui-tabtedisposing of accunulated fluids. IJMC 2119 Supply a floor drain in the laundry room coadequately dispose of water due to overflow or linebreakage . Donestic cloLhes dryer exhaust ducts shal,l be 10 11 L3 L4 If, J-O L7 18 L9 20 {,7 ""'""'o'u"" 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development installed as per Ul'{C 1104 & 1903. Flexible ductconnectors may not exceed 5' Iength and shall not beconcealed within construction. Ducts shallterminate outside the building and not exceed 14' l ength . In buildings of unusualJ.y tiqht construction (all new construction in Town of VAil) al1 combustion airshaLl be obtained from outside air. UMC Ch. 5 Heating and cooling equipment located in the garageor separated from the garage by only one door shallbe installed with the pilots and burners or heating elements and switches at least 18,' above the floor. uMc 508 Furnaces not lisLed for alcove or closetinstallation shall be installed in a room having a volume at leasC 1,2 tines the totaL volume of thefurnace. Boilers require a room at least 1G timeslarger than the volume of the boiler. IJMC 504 (b) Provide a mechanical drawing showing basic design orhydronic syatem or duct system, size of equipment(BTU & actual volume size), size of mechanical room,and size of combustion air to be supplied to equ]-pmenc. 2I ZJ 25 zb Found.ation plates and aLl lumber in direccwith concreLe shall be eilher redwood ortreated lumber. UBC 2515(c) 3 cont ac t pres sure Please designate which units will be used for ADArequirements, 1993 Accumulatsive Supplement Sec. 3103 8 (b) {p *'n"tto 'uuo o Toyrn oi tlaif I}FHG,r OOPY f'L-OCR SHFATi'i:l'i3 1 i&",i<vrR.rrp FAT-l-fPl: l'-l,kRihii? Cl":ANhifi-, ,s it" O.{.'. L,**- 2 I{OUR FLOOR AggEI1BLY L53A oz =u, t N € s 9. )\ o IJJtulr = uJ Fu lo J Q o o u,F o lfr_15 =l zilgEt69l J =leol €<l '.ol; e;= :c l9 €E gE€ 'E :fs6.0 lth € E::s-e ll; =EiEiNl$IgiiE)h *;-t€SFr f *'g: i:;'o 6 ts | iE€ 3g I;::EE Ic; g (a E I gE;: = i 3 H:Er I *i E: i ! lFsi g i Fr Io z{uJ tlt ;: * {9z qJ I H-o o e E o lt, d E ul () x F UJo at l,u tr = LlJ J F F =a) C)trl t! I { =e o UJI NO|lYnlVA I t u, I h t J F J ; i tr EI I uJ gJ (J I99._=r'l =,.,n 2.2 liagXfF9 d A-o6b9ZL<oqHd-8 ;a{ ot 9l trl arl ol aJllrl F E uJt >l-I \o €\.f\o $ .tt $ N€ \o(\ t- :1 |.l,/ | lr--.t I fl€ E z9sr<oo<o/]PRtr!re tou6t GOlua,tr'ld,6O!ar< OF:(Dr!Y= d6}E tl<l .. >l qJ r&, lt,! UJ & g\ & uJ ) Y 2 F 5 o J sT o. lrFOR q -l ! Fxul ql \o u1.c &I g * r.. AJ\) I -sc* aC .,.V cl o f\\) 1 \\Js F 1..\ U t) : U L ) I J<7-a z oP =< =z?=EX .Jdfi =E==o*dd= nn- ttoEE72tr< o.nE9lo.xFb0EE =>EJFF H=()f;E x.FE 563 Etrrtr xo-E ;Ta u.lo- uJ ts =trl o-zo FO EF U)zoO I I Ij oz J tro IN 00 E IA2 E = Ff r ui =z .c)t"'t I t|t to1lE ,31 .l Atrl rnl .rfqI ahl or Fl rl E;t il(|,tl>l .1 tr Ol .l >IAI <Lrl Iga it HulJ{iE:{E() El =l fi '-{ | (vtl €Gt |^t cn ;l 4: fl:l r !t fi{a H3E 'il I.{l6tl9tl Hl Iot ^lFil Yl !t gl El 3l Hl 6l EEI r I I I I Iol 1l url <lilq zl AHHF |l tltl tl flll HltJlt<ltilt9 dEl il tltttltltl tl el ,;lll Eltnt=lt<ll>lI tlllol HflE I I I I I .lol 5t <l>l Ir-Iol *t : I I I I E gJz = F() uJF ?o <Foa L) lJ,, < AZo 6P =<!;i Ed6uc) gF =c) =Fd'6o x6:<F:za)a<*- =u Gi: =*c, (_^ dc;3,fr'l iAa 8.tr \ \Wtatr csu . Ovlugntle *L aV 46gp*t?Q ?o'-o Nv$l6eJ 06@ tue Crc': t. HA6I gpae (*rrc;i a 1o'-A9/t' f€ol4 d*pspa^^e L LA11SA1 56a;1ffi/- 'Agac - 7?'- Ur faa+ lawte a+At I 3 s]4&tta #aa%ef F1fu%' ?oL6" Ftu>t A,rwG 9*6 r. t'l*rr.l FrecA *ElaHT ' ?r'- lo' fut< Q*ru€ slAEl 6t-?q,"cl " - E*e*ta€ sbe 5Ef A? -Tn1e'- 6" l. Mar.l AW:e - OotTt- ??/+" (wootf ca* co*rac.)- tTaDU!.d,-ttthre3T f6rr-r - 34,- Z1/*d 3. SUN.ne Ftqrgs,- 6@qI- zv (wrA, qx# caltate)- frql'-f 2. ltee fr,, ARt€ - fult, c** arqt*)- hwczl fu*+r 2b'- 1'" futzt- 1' lqX.Lo' trir,rt*< (a*r ,- Z5'- 2"Itrc.t tlt fuFl1- - 26t- lot' -73Ott' ox l- l-tau,l Afte - fuZlt-ol/tt'(**r **, aary.) - 1 I tD6'- o" i+tqrlncsr fuflT - ?$'-(p)/1t' ?. rrt^u#€ A?ae*' Oott'- Gt'A, F*terA - Oooz!- tor(tqrccac) - 7q6tL d', t:brlt'r -%L Cou 2.4t - | o" .EL?ar'bg" - 6ae4e s.-^e #r *r 177q:1!/an_. - /. Mrrrt Aq.e ,F b26"- 2v(r*otAt:ctrrfr.) - 1el O? t- ?" if ftaftAc< ftn f - ?-f '- ll" 4. fa*as, ,Y fug'-G" (t o*rc;*,cr*C) 7tlTet- O" rlt 2 . L^i"ae *G. Atug- Fl.lL? (uP4tr 4E a*p*) - ??DcLo"Lr tfia*Caa furtt - Z(nL lt' ?..t&t:. sv. p1V6 - Ea rZ! O,4" Cryry 6ts .aIT.) - TqBq'- Ga * Vlqx€sr t'.F., TOTRL P.83 29, I TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address...t 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status...Location ; 2099 N FRONTAGE RD BUILDING C2App1ied.. Parce1 No... . .: 2103-114-15-013 Issued. ..Project Number: PR,l96-0026 Expires.. Permit #: ALL TIMES M96-0115 ISSUED 08/oL/tee6 08/L2/tee6 02 /08 /tee7 APPLICANT AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP INC 4894 VAN GORDON STREET, CONTRACTOR AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP INC 4894 VAN GORDON STREET,OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL Description: FIRE SPRINKLER SYS FOR BUILDING C2 Fireptace lnfofmation: Restricted:flof Gas Apptiancrs: Phone: 303-425-0464304, WHEATRTDGE, CO 80033 Phone z 303-425-0464 304, WHEATRIDGE, CO 80033 SUITE SUITE l.lechani ca [---) Ptan check---> Invest igat ion> Ui Lt cat l.----> co 816s7 228.00 Valuation: fof Gas Logs: 8, 987 .00 flof tJood/Pat Lct: .00 Totat calcutlt.d Fc.s--->.00 Additionat tees---------> 228.00 .00 228.00 22E.00 .00 tffi ffi**ffi FEE Sul,ltlARYffi*ffi***ffi**H**iffi* 160. @ R.stuarant PLan Revi eH-->45.00 oRB .00 5.00 ******'|**ti**'tffi***ffi *i*****|t*****ffi ffi lrrntrhtJr**ffi ****tffiffi tlrtrffi*ff**fi *trffi ffi **ft * Ile,qri ,951q0^9qII,DING DEpARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:08/12/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppRI!b,{ri'.956q0_EIBE DEPARTMENT Depr: FrRE Division:08/06/L996 JEFF_A Action: AppR Fire Dept.-Approvdl CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. qIE!D TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. FIRE DEPT APPROVAL REO'D-PRIOR TO ANY TCO ISSUANCES_-_ ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I. her.by .acknowtcdge that I have read-this apptication, fil,l,ed out in fuLl, the inforintion requircd, compl,ctcd an accufate p[ot Pl'an/ and state that att the infornati.on providcd as required_is correct. t agree to comply riith tire in?ormation and pl,ot itan,to conPly vith atl Tolrn ordinanccs ^and state.taHs, and to buil,d this structure according iothe Toyn's zoning and subdivisibncodes, dcsign reviev approved, ljniform Euilding codc and other ordinances of the rovn afpticabl,c thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E IIADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS tII ADVANCE 8 TELEPHONE Ar 479-2136 0R AT oUR oFFTCE FROh 8:00 A 5:00 ptl TOTAL FEES-*--Total Pernit Fcc-------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- SIGNATURE OF OI.IIIER OR CONTRACTOR FOR I{IIISELF AND OIINER I **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Nurnber: REC-0183 Anount: Palment Method: CK+CAS Notation: #1387 228.00 08/t3/96 12:03Init: CD Pernit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 413L201 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 M96-0115 Type: 210 3-114-1s-013 2099 N FRONTAGE 2099 N FRONTAGE B-MECH MECHANICAL RD WEST RD BUILDING C2 Tot,al Fees: PERMIT **************************************************************** 228.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 228.00 228 .00 .00 Amount 180.00 45.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAII-J DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: M96_0115 .Tob Address. . . : 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status. . .Location : 2099 N FRONTAGE RD BUILDING C2App]ied.. Issued. . . Expires. . APPROVED 08/01/tee6 o8 / 72 /7ee 6 02 /08 /Lee7 Parcel No..... : 2103-114-15-013Proiect Number: PRJ96-0026 APPLICANT AUTOMATfC FIRE GROUP INC Phone z 303-425-0464 4894 VAN GORDON STREET, SUrTE # 304, WHEATRTDGE, CO 80033 CONTRACTOR AUTOMATIC FIRE GROUP INC Phone z 303-425-0464 4894 VAN GORDON STREET, SUITE # 304, WHEATRTDGE, CO 80033OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL CO 81657 Description: Valuation: 8,98?.00FIRE SPRINKLER SYS FOR BUILDING C2 Fireptace Information: Restficted: #Of Gas Apptiances:#Of Gas Logs:fof t,ood/PaL l,et: ffi*ffi***lt***ffiffi**ffi FEE SUI'II'IARY lrlrffiffiffiffirhbrir*********ffitffi** l'lechani ca [---> 180.00 Restuarant Ptan Revie]r--> .00 TotaL catcut,ated Fees---> 228.00Ptan Check---) 45.00 DRB Fee--------Investigation> .00 TOTAL FEES----- tli LL CaLL----> 3.00 payments------- BALANCE DUE----**********ffi*ffi*ffi*********tr***********irhffiJr***ffi*#*****ffiffiJr********ffitrtitrrr**ffiffiffi**ff(ffir******irti**** Ile4i .951q0_EqII_,DING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:08/12/]-996 CHARLIE Action: APPRI!e{ri',9!qq0 qIRE DEPARTTIENr Dept: FrB.E Division:0e/06/I996 JEFF_A Action: AppR Fire Depr. Approval CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPT APPROVAL REQ'D-PRIOR TO ANY TCO iSSUETICES--- ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowledge that I have read.this app(ication/ f il,l,ed out in fut l. the information required, compteted an accurate ptot P[en, and state that atl the information provided as required is corrcct. I agree to compl.y w.ith tire iniormation and pLot pl,an,to.comPty trith all' Toun ordinances,and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure according io-the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, l,.lniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appl,icab[e theneto. REouEsTs FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TiIENTY-FoUR HoURs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 479-2138 oR AT oUR oFFtCE tRoil 8:OO A 5:00 ptl SIGI{ATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OIINER Parcel tr.TOWN OF VArL CONSTRUqTTON PERUIT APPLICAIION FO DATE: PER}IIT # Pesga-co&@ JOb Nrrne: Legal oescription owners nanez ?O, Architect: GeneraL Description: u). : Lot_- _- WAeNeF- rr*-E-od Phone Nuuber: - 't{'ft"'- taarcssz l4Q Address: nork cLass: lsl-Nev I J-Alteration t ]-Aardtttonal I J-Repair [ ]-other_ Nunber of Dtrelll'ng units: 4-t1=", Nunber of Acconmodation un*s:*"" and rlpe or Firepraces: &? ^n?ttances- cas r,oss ztL"""J;";;"._ {:::::_.************************** "ffiaelJi,j *.**Bqbi:b1j*.?rE22lu****** .i$lBiil8; *- il?ffifsill-- tr[ff: rl;w ^t pri,JuErNG: I _ MECnANfCAL:$-v/t:;:;: i t#:: :i:: : .,ilAfi ip/? #m*A,rf roRuMro ELectrical Contractor: Address:Phone NuDber: . Pl"rnr.ing Contractor: Address: Address: * t * ***t a ** * ** ** ***** * ** * *** *** * !r FORBUTI.DING PERUIT FEE: PIUI.IBING PERMIT FEE: IIfECIIA}TTCA! PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DR8 FEE: Towfi Phone of Vail ReE. NO.Nunber: Town of vait Ree. ro.f,C*SPhone Nunber: kggg_ OFFICE USE ** * ** * ** !r ** * *** * ** * ** * r* ** ***r* BUTLDTNG PIAI{ CITECK FEE:PII'I.|BTNG PIAI{ CHECK FEE:UECTIAI{ICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECRE.ATTON FEE: CI.ENI-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PERI.IIT FEES: (p- BUTI.DTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGilAT{IRE: Uechanical Contractor: coDments: CI.E,If, I'P DPOSIT SEFTIf,D IO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-4'19-2738 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES Perrnit # : E9 6-02 i.4 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No., Prrlip..1- N^ SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451, AVON SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451, AVON TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, litL Cal.l.---> 5.00 ELECTR]CAL PERMIT 2099 N FRONTAGE RD BUILDING C-2 2099 2103-t 14- 15-013 PRJ9 6-002 6 co 81520 co 81520 VAIL CO Paynents BALANCE DUE.---- WEST Status. . . N FRONTAppl"ied. . Issued.. . Expi-res. . Phone: 30392 ISSUED 0e /0s/tee6oe/05/Lee6 03/04/7ee7 633s3 Phone: 3039263353 6ro3 / 8-PLEX VaLuation:17,300.00 **Jrffiffiffi*JrJr't*f}***iiH#tffi*** f EE SUI'lllARY *rHnhhffir**ffi*lrlr***lr*ffi E Iectri ca [--->32/..00 TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Addi tional, Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: ELECTRICAL FOR BUILDTNG C2 DRB Fee Invest i gation> 327.00 .00 t27.@> 327.00 TOTAL FEES_->327.@ REOUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TIIENTY-IOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY .00 *****ffi *ffi ffi *ir**ffi **ffi ****ffi ******trtitriit ffi **ffi ffi.*** rtem: .06000 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT__ Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:09/05/1996 CHARLTE Acrionr Appn-ron ERNST ****ffi ffi ffi *ffi irf *#ffi #trHiff fi ***lr**ffi **** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ********Jr*ffiffi*ffi**'r*#ffitit**#*********t******:tinbi**'cjrffiffi**,r**lHffi***** DECLARATIONS I.hereby.acknowl'edge that I have read.this application, fiited out in futl, the information required, cotlpLeted an accurate ptotptan, and state that..aiI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y iith tire iniormation and ptot btan,to comPty with al'l' ToHn ofdinances and state [aws, and to bu'itd this structure according io-the Town's zoning and subdjvisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of thc Toyn aipticabl.e thereto. **************************************************************** TowN oF vArL, coLoRADo Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0195 Amount:327 .00 09/06/96 11:53Init: DSPayment Method: CK Notation: *6140 Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE E96-OZ]-4 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 210 3-114-1s-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST BUILDTNG C-2 2099 N FRONTAGE RDTotal Fees ! 327 .00327.00 Total ALL Pnts: 327.00 Balance:.00**************************************************************** Amount 524.U\J 3.00 \ REPT 131 TowN 0F VAIL, C0L0RAD0 F,AGE T7 AREA; EGll/L4/96 O6:5* REtIUESTS FOR INSFECTItrN WORK SHEETS FOR:ll/14/96 == ====:== == =====-= -===============*================= == == =======*==== ======= ==== = = Artivity: E96-tlZ 14 lI/14/96 Type: B-ELEC Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr': NAtrT Addr.ess: lO99 N FRONTAGE RD I^IEST Location: BUILDING C-e eA99 N I:RONTA{SE RD Far"cel: P1O3-114-15-O13 Occ: Uss': Descr.iption: ELECTRICAL FUR BUILDING Ce B-FLEX Applicant: SHAhI ELECTRIC Fhone: 3O39E63353 0wne!^: TDTJN UF VAIL Fhone: Contr"act or': SHAW ELECTRItr Fhone : 3?t39fl6J353 Inspect i on Request Reqr-1ss1or: KAREN Req Time: OS:tl0 Iteas ryqLreEted to O0190 €LEC-Final Infor"mation.... SHAI^l Co m ment s : BLDG be Inspected... F,hone r 9P6-3354 L-_ E Act ion Eomment I /gpra*-1.,;;" Ti me Exp _!l_ It em : rA01Afi ELEC-Rorrgh A9/[t9/96 Inspectonr EG Item : la0l3rzr ELEC-Eonduit Iten: A'af4A ELEC-Misc.' LA/14/96' InEpector"r EG Item: lZlOl9O ELEtr-Final Item: Oetee4 FIRE-ALAR|4 ROUGH Iten: UIAS3A FIRE-FINAL C/O f,ct i on : AF F,R AF PROVED Actiorr: AF'FR AF'FTROVED REpT131 TOtfN OF VAIL, CIILORADO l9t15/96 O9rOO RE0UESTS FOR INSPECTION tfORK SHEETS FOR:l6t14/96 PAEE 1 AREfl: EE Activity: Address: Locat i on : Parce I : Deseri pt i on : Appl ieant r Owner: Contract or: E96-Oel4 10/14/96 Type: B-ELEC StatuE: ISSUED Constrr NHtrT EO99 N FRTTNTRGE RD T.IEST BUILDING C-" EO99 N FRT]NTAGE RD alO3-114-15-O13 Oeel Use: ELECTRICAL FT]R BUILDING CA B-PLEX SHAIJ ELECTRIC trhone: 3639?63353 Ttrl.lN tlF UAIL Fhone: SHAtl ELECTRIC Phone: 3O39263353 Inspection Request Requestor: Karen Req Tire: O1=80Iters nequested to OOI4S ELEtr-Flisc. Inforration..... Correntsr sel^v i ee be Inspeeted. .. Phone: 946-3358 tre Aet ion Corrent s Tire Exp Inspection History.....Iter: OOllO ELEC-Terp. Power Iter: g0le0 ELEC-Rough OS/69/Sb Inspeetor: EGIter: OSISO ELEtr-Conduitfter : OEI4O ELEC-t'lisc.lglL4/96 Inspector: EGIter: OO19O ELEtr-FinalIter: o,o,"?4 FIRE-ALARII RtrUGHIter: 00538 FIRE*FINAL C./O /{) - ,t4 -7U Action: AtrtrR AtrPRtlVED Action: APPR APPROUED TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8l_657 97 0-47 9-2138 ?t ,0,r.Nonrrea DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 896-A2]-4 Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Status... Location...: BUILDING C-2 2099 N FRONTApplied.. Parcel- No.. : 2103-l-14-15-013 Project No. : PRJ96-0026 APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX I45L, AVON CO 8L620 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S FRONTAGE RD W, VArL CO 81657 oescription: ELECTRICAL FOR BUILDING C2 8-PLEX Val-uationz, L7,300.00 ***tr*rt*tr*trrrttffirffi****ffi*ffit*i*fthffirr*rwntrffi*ffi FEE SUI4|'IARY ffirffir************ffi*rffi,ffirfiffir********trffi* APPROVED 0e/05/Lee6 oe /05 /Lee6 03 /04 /ree7 Issued... Expires. . Phone: 3039263353 Phone: 3039263353 Etectricat---> 324.W DRB FeeInvestigation> .0O tili L l. ca L l,----> 3.00 ToTAL FEES---> 327.W Total Calcutated Fees---> 327.00 Additional Fees---------> .0o TotaL Permit Fee--------> 3?7.W Payments-------- BALANCE DUE----- Ite.m: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/05/t996 CHARLTE Action: APPR FOR ERNST ***************rBri*ffi#r#r***ffi*trtr**fir***********ffi*****ffi**********Jr******ffi*ffi*****irtiffi*#*#*************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ****rrtrtr***ffirtHrffir*twrtd***trJrffirff#rt*r*ffi*****Hffffiffi*ffi*********Jrfiffir*ffffiffi**Ltrrrffir*lHtHr*ffr***** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appl,'ication, fil.Led out in fuLl, the infornation required, compteted an accurate pLot ptan/ and state that atl the information provided as required is correct- I agree to compty ]rith the information and pl,ot ptan,to comp[y with al,L ToHn ordinances and state [aus, and to buil.d this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, dcsign reviev approved/ Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Tolrn appticabLe thereto. REAUESTS toR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 479-2138 oR AT OUR oFFICE FRolt 8:00 Atl 5:0O Pt4 SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OI.INER From : SHffll ELECTRIC PH0NE No. : 8435 TOIfiI OT VAIIJ CO}ISTRUCIION PBRMI'I iPPITICITION FOIMDATE! d{ldb - t lEPltlcAItoN r{us! BE FITJTJED OUT COt{FLltlIrT OR IT }thI NOf BE ACCEpTEDU X***r**rr******'*rr*********** P/ERurT rNroRMATroN *********r************* 7V_ I : [ ]-other--I irob Natner ,Vqit &l,uhroylg 4.-?. rob Acalrc3gr P*u,Vai LEaI DeBorlptLoh: Iot lloqL- rflrns P.k€( {F ,?lp}- u opherE rqner -Epr o+ lail Addressr Addregc:archltectt |r";;:'J,'ni=* Pa'I ' 7ell$*.{ lfi r(JKtlA.JJoN r* r* ** * ** * *** ******* * ** **** * I t-Butlrury. f t-IrturnbtnE [vJ-Heotrtoal I l-Uachanical [ ]-other, General Daecrlgtlon; Z\@Wc.r'9s-rir\ Jt'v4- C--L Ilforlc classr [v]-Neu [.J-Arteratlon I l-Atktlttonar [ ]-Repetr [ ]-oth lfrrnbar of, Dwelll,ng Unl.ts: {Nrlnber of, Accomnodatl.on Unttol .ff .StF"t and llype of Flreplaces: cleB ApplLanecr_ cee Loge_ t{ood/parlot_IUf,****t*t********l****** *******t*rt* VALUATDIONS ********!t*************t*ri.*rtr**l '!Pg-tjll[gt EtucrRrcAr,r )7r ?OO - ooHER: Electtlcal Coqlraotorz :frhat^t2lt+Ric-f}tc- Town of val,L Raq', Nb. E-l6b;edilili--. -.riru.l,]iis,ffi ffi:X""fi"Hll,.Ei3# l,vrrrslflrri llJJtsC'l'RICjAItl 'tt * OOHER: RuruBINc: --::- urcxenrcli;i - ;sfi;; _- [*******.*fr*************ofr eONfftACmR fiGJ$ft^ff"ht *ifr**rr**rr:*:]**r..**.r.-..'*IH*," ff9*""i"ffili,"lfiidlea / Blunb{nc Gontroctorr ]xlrls cr.rrr r Mschanlcal Addrsrc; Contraelori **********************it********* FoR DUrITDIHo lEBulF flt: PItr'T{EINC PER}ITT trE8S }IECIIAIIICAII PER}!I1[ FEE : EIJECIIRIOAIT .f$Et OIIIER ETPE OF TEE! D.RE FEEI 'J_qtrn .{ Yfrttr Ilfflr llerPnon6 Nulnberl Town of, vall Reg. NO,Fhone Nunb6r: orFtrcE usE ******************************r ItUJ.JrDlNg EIJAN CHECK FEE: PIJUUBtrNG FIAN cHECK FEEI I{ECHA}IICAI] PIJATT CHECK FBB! REqREATION FEB: CISNI-UP DEPoSf[! TOtrAIJ PENMXT FEESI BUIIJDINGI SIeNtfltRgs SONIN€r ITGNTTT'REIc6ffi-cntiil TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 Job AddreEs. . . Location Parcel No..... Project Number DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANTCAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0083 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAII, COMMONS C-2 210 3-114-15 -013 PRJ96-0025 Status...: ISSUED Applied., z 07 /01/L996rliued... : o7'/02'/tee6 Expires..: 12/29/1996 APPLICANT AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE PhONC: 9708458315 P.O BOX ?84, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81602 CONTRACTOR AsT AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE Phone: 9708458315 P.O BOX 784, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81602 OVINER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD W, VArL co 81657 Description: MECHANICAL 8-UNIT C-2 valuation:24 r 000.00 FirepLace lnfornation: Restricted: fof Gas ApPl,iances: #Of Gas Logs: fot tood/Pal'tct: * FEE SUt ,lARy **t#r*#ftHnHrr#******ffi echanica[---) 480.m Restuarant Ptan Reviev--) .m Totat CatcuLated Fees---> 5O3'm Pl,an Chcck---) 1ZO.0O DRB FcF-------- Investigation> .00 TOTAL tEEs------ ui tt cal't----> 3'm Prynents------- BALANCE DUE---- Jrffir* tr**tdrffil**J(**tr***f,r#*f.fr***frHrl****#ffi*|HrH-||#rf.rrffir*frffi* Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Item: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT61/6t/t996 cHARLTE Action: APPR It,em:, -O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 611 di /199 4;- cHARLTE-- action : APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS AR8 REQUIRED TO CHEqK EqR qqDE qOMPLIANCE.2. e6l.rFEsii0ll ain rs REQUTRED PER sEq: 00? QF-T4E- 19e1 u!4c.3: rNgt'fu,LAiioN-uuSr coffFoRM To MANUFAcTURES rNsrRucrroNs ANDfo Appsworx cHAPTER 2l oF THE 1991 uMc.+. Gns- AFFilraiicES--SneLi, ee VENTED AccoRDrNG To cgAPTEB. 9 AND-- S-ril,r,t,-tsRMrNAte As sPEcrFrED rN sEg.90E oF THE 1991-ul4q's. nC-cE5s-to -ttEAtrNe eQurpMeNT MUsr coMPLY wrrH sEc.sos AND 703 0F THE 1991 Ul4C.o. soir-,ERs-$ttel,L-en MouNreo oN FLooRs oF NoNcoMEqsrrBLE coNST.- 0NLESS-t,iSrEp FoR MouNrrNG oN coMBusrrELE-E!Q-oRING.z. FERI'.rri,FLANS-AND-cOOe ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.e. DRATNAGe-or-MeCHeHrcAi., RooMs cONTATNTNG HEAT-rN9 oR Hor-wATER-' sirpFtY-aoilrR$ Sgar,l, ge sQurppeD wrrH A FLooR DRA1N PER sEc. 2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARAT]ONS t herrby .cknortcdgc that r h!v. rcad this apptfcttion, fitt.d out in futt thc inforratid rc<nri ncd, coDt'ct'd an accurat' Ptot pran, rnd statc that "tt .n''iiio.iil;.;*[i4;:-liuiiii ii-i';;Tl-,l3lii..ll'tr?yi:tli5.tlnffi']ffi !S?l?ltll'"'f::#U il:;'.lf;#'Jli"lllliliil.!i;.il{,.;Ji; l"id-tiii iouctJrc-accordins io trr rdn'3^zonins and s'bdivicicr codes, dcsign ..ui* "pp.oui]ffif;;; S,riidi;a-a;dl .ttd othrt ordinrnc6 of thc ToYn 'pgtlclbtc thqlto' REOUESTS FOR II{SPECTTONIS SHALL BE TIADE NIEflTY-FCUR HOURS SIGNATURE OF OUIIER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI'ISELF AT{D OITNER o * **:l* ** ** ** **** *** * ** * ** ************ Statemnt 603.00 07/02/96 t4242 INiI: ALM o*** *********************************************************!t****** ************************* TOWN oF vArL, coLoRADo Statemnt Number: REc-0163 Anount: Payment Method: cHEcK Notati-on: 3491 Permit No: Parcel No: site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L312 01 0000 47332 01 0000 41336 Total Fees ! Total- ALL Pmt,E: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERM]T T'EES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE M96-0083 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2103-114-15-013 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS C-2 603.00 **************************************************************** 603 .00 603.00 .00 J{mounU 480 .00 120.00 3 .00 TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE RC,ADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Pl,an Check--->Investigation> .00 UiLt CaLi----.> 3.0J DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: Ti{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitPLUMBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMES P96-0099 Job Address Location. . . Parcel- No. .Project No. Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expi-res . APPROVED 07 /oL/ree6 07 /0L/res6 L2 /28 /ree 6 921 .75 .00 921 .75 .m 921 .75 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL COMMONS C_2 2103-L14-1s-013 PRJg 6-002 6 ASl' AND MCFERRTN PLUMBING & HE P.C BOX 784, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81602 AST AND MCI'ERRIN PLUMBING & HE P.O BOX 784, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81602 TOW].T OF VAIL 75 S FRON'IAGE RD W, VAIL CO 81657 RestLrarant Ptan Rev i ew-->.00 1e3 75 Phone: 9708458315 Phone: 9708458315 Description : Pl,LIyjBIi{G 8-UNIT C-2 Val_uation: 48, ?50 . OO rffiffir********'***t***.,c****ff***************ff*#**FEEsUt'lt.|ARYfiH*****f,**ffi'rr"*'rt'ntffi** P Lunbi ng- --- -:. 7-i5.h) TOTAL FEES__--- TotaI Ca[culated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE----irffit**ffi**lrr.**r|**ff**ff**it**+*ffifit********ffiJt:1ffi****ffi***tH**ff********ffi******ir:ttrHrrt#ffit**H*f**ft*** ltem: Ci5r l0 i -l'J1L,DING JEPARTMENT 07 /01 /i996 CIlAill,IE Action: APPR]tbM:, O55Ct TI:.E DSPAR.TMENT 07 /Oi/i996 CriA.ii-,fbl Action: APPR N/A Dept: BUILDING Division: DepI: F]RE Division: ffir*,fihkxxxi{x'i*xxr,rx^xtxr,ixxi,.'x:. iixrx^:i'A'i'*rrdiixxxx*rtxir.*******'t*****t****S********t**Jr*ffiffxi*f****************f***lr**f CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECT:JIVS AI{E REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. f*'(**'k**rxii:iLxt.xt (*tixr:. {:i;,ri-'.i',\'.'i'i-xx:ir::rri*:i'*x*xtax*x ti':k*********J(***x******i(******#****#f#i**********f*t*f**f DECLARATIONS I hereby ackn!)l,leCoe tirot t hr,e '::l his ap;ticatron, fitLed out in ful.l, the information required, compl.eted an sccuratc ptotptan, and sttte t.rat a.r tre t:rfcrr.n:tron pro.ricied as required.is correct. I agree to compLy with the iniormation and pl,ot pl,an,to comPl'y !,ii th al'! Town ordinar,ces and state (aws, and to bui[d this structure according to the Tosn,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, des'g ,ev,!'v ii,p,uJcd, Utr, r"..r. r,r tsu,cdirrg iode and other o,.dirrances of the Tovn appticabLe thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS S;ALI. tsE I'IADE r|,,ENTY-FOUn HoURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE A1 479-213E OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROtt E:OO A[ 5:OO p SIGNATURE OF OI,'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII1SELF AND OII{ER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE RCAD VAIL,, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descripti-on: MECHANICAI., B-UN IT' C-2 Fi rep[ace Informat-jon: Res-: -icred' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTEI THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Aticiress. . . : 2'.)99 N FRONTAGE RD WESTL,,ocation : V.:-IL COMMONS C-2Parcel No... ".: 2i03-11.4-15-013Proiect Number: :3J96-0026 ON JOBSITE AT ALI.,, TIMES Permit #: M96-0083 Status...: APPROVEDApplied..: 07/oI/Ie96rssued...! 07/01/1996 Expires. . : 12/28/1996 AST A.ND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE P.C BOX 784, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81602 ASl AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE P.C :OX 784, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO 81602 :rOV\Ii ,lI' VAIL 75 S: I'RON'IAGE R.D W, VAIL CO 81657 ;l0f Gas App L i ances: Valuation: fof Gas Logs: Phone: 9708458315 Phone: 9708458315 24,000. 00 fof Wood/Pa l. Let: ffir#*x*#ir,i(*t(*td***ii*f *).x;r**i*tr*t(*r******r*********** FEE sut'lllARy irffi**ff*ffi**ffi**#******ffi*ffiffi#*H**ffi* llechan ica[--- ), Ptan Che,:k ---> Investigatiol.r:, tlitL caL L----) 43i (l) lles:uarart PLan Review--> 1;li Lit 0fi8 F CJ TOTAI FEES_____ 3.0i .00 Totat Catcutated Fees---).00 AdditionaL Fees--------->603.00 Totat Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE--_- 603.00 .00 605 .00 .00 603.00 Itqirir u51it :,UILDING DEPARTMENT O7 /0L/\996 C'TARLIE Action: APPRIcE:n:' 056C0 .;IRi, )E?ARTMENTOi //O7,/i19a :'r;,,"'P-LII'l Actj.srn: AppR N/A :CIJDITIOl{ OF APPROVAL 1, FIiLD l-l;slPEi l * lis ,l.l-.lt REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMPIJrANcE.?. qq}ll'-TS::otr i\'-- -! f.r,q';1':.rD pER SEC. 607 0F THE 199i--UMe. ---3. INS1'.1\L;.,ATr-Oli .'. .1:i'I CONF'OF]4 TO MANUFACTURES- rNsin0etiOll-S--auo. TO APPFINDTX Cl!.rrPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. Eis ,1^p;._,.:.i,:(c:-: l_:.t].,; iE VENTED ACeOR5TNG TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ gr-{-cJ,i- .L.EF]4I\ATa AS SPECTFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1S91 UMc.-5. 4'gCiJSS Ttr ii-: i'i.-r.c je_-rpr{ENT MUST edl,tPr.,V wrtn--see .5OS-a-llO703 OF Ttlii I 9.-r i rlvrc .6. BO-:rrRS 3r-.r.''L ); ;'.O'J-\'t,g:' ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNtLSS L_i,'1':D .i r-'-i I{(,)UNTIl.lC ON COI,(BUSTIBLE FLOORiNC:-7. pEBl4rT.pll\Ns _,\:\D ccDs ANALYSTS Mi0Sr-sE-FOSTnD III-MECHANTCALROO.\j P,;.i{)ir ifr .,.,ri ;fi:.iPEC?iJ-i REOUEST.'.8. DiLr"r]1A(-lti oF t,t- -t:iAl.li.cA:, llooMs eolltAillrxc HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER O. I:-T;Y .:,O.,.L.- .:I -:-A.-,.., 85 EQUIPPED WITH A FLo6A DRAiN--PER SECI2:-!, Ctt :-5 . :'.:. t(******* rY )t * Ji,q 'r ). ** * ." r + rr J: * **x** ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******JrJr**ir;r*J-:i*titi:ir.ti:d t**'li*x:.:t t i i(* 1:**).rrlr*************ff*******************S*****tff****ft***ffi****ir*jrffr****trffirffif Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: DECLARATIONS . |*Conract Eagle County Assesqrs 0fflcelI at 970:328-86'E*' r t - -', i % lil'-l'lgu" hgl"ll l3iil8iIi3$tr#/, DATE. GZb4A PERr'rrr ,,I;s/' - t APPLTCATTON UUST BE TTLLED OUT COUPr,,ETELy OR rr ltAy NOT BE AccEgrED.T f,*******!t********************* PER!{IT fNFOR[ATfoN **************!r*************-[ ]-Building J,zJ-eruralinE [ ]-Electrical g,,r{-ueenanibar. [ ]-other Job Naroe:Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Ohrners Nane:Address:Ph. 14" Stuq rtua4 a. p:n.qn-Szt1 General Description:-l/t_bx B,ut',a Work Class: t4-ttev [ ]-Alteration I J_Additlonal I J-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dyelling Units: ftl"t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances It* * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * vALItATroNs * ** * * **** * * ** * * * * * **** * * * * * **t** * BUILDING: $ : ELEcTntcaL:$ oTEER:sSLttMBrNG: @ t{Ecd;rcAl: l- 22 ffi rnrrarr; - (^;s,rif.rrJi.r\' . I nd,7^o-uu I{ECHANICAL: l@vIr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I * * * * col{IRAeIoR INFORUATTo:Z Egnefal Contract-.tr r t'1/AgAtEtt ^t-, '/-, INFORUAjTToN ********************i****** TOTAT:_ ff ffi :: : . c "";""i"rT ; fuly{,r# ar uttt d ea; i i n e: *' ::[ _ ;i_]i i il"g: _il :Phone Number: qL-@_.r27- Electrical Contractor: Phone Nunber: 8 Nurober of Accornnodation Units: cas Logs_ !{oodlpellet Plunbing Address: Contractor: ltechanical Address:Contractor: ***************************t**** BUTLDTNG PERI{IT FEE:PLWBTNG PERMTT FEE3 I.IECIIANTCAIJ PERMIT FEEsELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: T-own of vail Reg. No. ZOZ?Pirone Nunber: 8q5-aT Town of Vail. Req. NO.Phone Number: FoR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE:P-LUUBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:uIcHANrce! Pr.AN CHECk FEE:RECRAATTON FEE: CT,ENI-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PER}IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNA1URE: ZONING: STGNATURE: CI.EAI I'P I'EPOSIT IEN'ilD lD: To B€ Pn/D By Gantera4L OAnFlcToA. 75 rcuth trontrgr roldr|il, colondo 6t65z (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: ottlc. of cornmunlly dryalopmcnt ATL COIflTRAqIORS CURRENILYI REGISTERED WTTH TIIETOWN OF VAIL TOgtN oF VAIL PUBLIC T9ORKS/COMMITNITY DEVEIOPMENT IitARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKING & UAIERTAL STOR,AGEIn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states g-tt ig_ is unLawful for anvperson to litter, track or aeposit. any soil , roti, sand, debrisor material, including ti"=r,-Iiipsters, poriable toilets and,workmen vehicles.-1,rp9",.""v street, siae*aii, -;ii;y or pubric$lii"=::":lI #.,on_theieor. --*re iidi:;i#i=i" arl rown ofrhl: ;;ai;;;":. i:illi- $,!:8il.:tiFiryJ:r;:*"#:13+t. "'Pubtic works oeoartueit. --pliiins found ,ii,r.flni this ordinancewit'L be given a- ze noui-rriil;;"noti""-to^;:il;:==aid mareriar.r'n rhe event the person so notitiea.ao""-rrrr*Joipry wit'thenotice within the 24 rrour tinJ-ipec-rtied, the p,rf,ri" worksDeparrment will ""ro"" -Jliirltltriar _ at -irrJ'I*p"*i=" or personnotified' The proviri""=-o-t-ilis orainance srriir not beapplicable to cbnstt"ii""]-dli:=n:: g.r repair proJecrs ofany street or alLey or any utilitres in the right_a_way. _To.review Ordinance. Io.. e. in full., please stop by the Town of:::i"::ii3i"g,"i'ilf**.::""iiii; ;-;;;;. -";f,Jil you ror your Read and acknowledged (i.e. contractor, orrner) lnwn 75 touth tronbgc .o!d ,.11, colondo tl65t(3o3t 479-2138 or 479-2L39 olllcr of communtty dcvclopme|ll BUILDING PERtiIT ISSUANCE TIilE FRAl,tE If this pernri.t ".crj:::^? ]9w1 or Vail FJre Deparrnent Approval,Ensineer,s (public 1g1111_1;i;iri'.ni'ipprou.i,.i niil.,.iir!'bepa"rn"ntrevrew or Heal th De?artmint.review,-.il.::"iiid ;i-#;,,;ritaing3:rilg:k.lll .rrt*ted time ro.'o-irt r review may take as lons A'l'l commercial flarge^g1 srnall) and all mutti_family permits wi.[have to for'row ihe ioove menti6niJ-maiimum requirernlnts. Residentialand small projects irg"rd t i;-;-i.;lr.amount.of time. However, ifresidenti'al or smal l_i",p*i".tr -itiriJii' the various above mentioned "oil:'ffi:Tnli ll"i;nil:_ *"liji:;"ii'i.,i ",, t "i! ;;;j;. il *y Every attempt will be nade by this department to expedite thispennit as soon as possibie. - -"'- r-ri' e'rrgrrL LU expeqlle tl i;.jii undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time SheetwEi-turiEETn-t-6-th'EDate Eoik Devel ooment Department. I O MEMORANDUM TO: ALLCONTRACTORSFRoM: TowN oF vArL puBLtc woRKs DEPARTMENTDATE: MAy 9, 1994RE: WHEN A "PUBLIC wAY PERMIT'Is REQUIRED Job Name: Date: 1) ls this a new residence? YES \.4 Please answer lhe totlowtng quesli6;;ffiEarding the need for a ,pubtic Way permit.: ltA 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of lhe right of way, easements or public fropefty? 3) ls any utitity work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed lo site other than existing driveway? 6) ls.any drainage work being done- affeciing lhe right of way, easemenls, or public propefty? 7) ls a'Revocable Right Of Way permit,. required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenls orpublic property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? - B. lf no to gA, is a parking, staging or fencing ptar required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "public way permit" must be obtained.'Public way Permit' appiications miy be obtaineJ-"i ir,. pubtic work,s otfice or arcommunity Developmeni. ttyou have a_ny_questions please cal cha1ie Davis, ths Town' ot VailConstruction Inspectoi, at 479-2158.' I have read and answered ail the above questions. Job Name Contacto/s Signiture -Df M.ANUAL J:7th Ed. ."/ \T 'l an,. 'rl^ih J. ]or: VAIL COI4}TONS VILLAGE SECOND FLOOR By: HEATTNG EQUIPMENT Make ModeI TypeEfficiency / HSPFHeatlng fnput Heating Output Low Output BasebrdTotal Low Basebrd High Output BasebrdTotal High Basebrd Space Therrnostat ROOM N},},18 RIGHT-J: V1 .73 0.0 0 Btuh0 Btuh 600 Btuh/Ft 32 Feet n El+'rlr / Er+.v uetltl/ L w0 Feet RTGHT-J SHORT FCRI,I 4 -01 -96 HtE c1gOutsrde db -25 81Inside <ib 70 i5Design TD 95 6Daily Range - Hfnside Humid. - 50Grains Water O Const. euallty a# of Firepl_aces O COOLING EQUIPMENT Make ModeI TypeCoPIEER/SEER 0.0 SensibLe Cooling 0 BtuhLatent Cooling 0 BEunTotal Cooling 0 BtuhActua] Cooling Fan 0 CflIClg Air Flow b'actor 0.000 CFM/Btuh Load Sensible Heat Ratio o AREA ISQ.FT. I Ltrna. I arn'l'G I CLGBTUH I BTUH BSBRD I'T LOW HIGH nltM 1 LrVlDrN/KrT1 BEDROO}{ 21 BATH 22 BEDROOM 12 WALK-IN CLOSET2 BATH 1 Entire HouseVentilation AirEquip. G o.95 RSMLatent Cooling 41tr i.4 0 68 1/F 43 49 9I47 3708 168 527 2 5L7 I2L 0 0 o 15 060 0090?*o00 0 0 0 0 U 860 =========::== t 8933 0 o 0 n o *.0 3? ol 32 ol o To$rnof Vail TOTALS 860 | 1Aq?1 I FIELD COPY /N 3204 FoT: VAIL COMMONS VILLAGE FIRST FLOOR tr\'. HEATTNG EQUTPMENT Make M..-,rl o I Type Eff icj.cncy / HSPF 0.0 Heatj.ng Inpu-u 0Heating Output 0 Low Output Basebrd 600Tota] Low Basebrd 28High Output Basebrd OTotal High Basebrd 0 Space Thermostat RIGHT-J SHORT FORM 4-01-96 Htg clg Outside db -25 81Inside db 70 75 Design TD 95 6Daily Range - HInside Hurnid. - 50 Grains Vla'-er - C Const. Quality a # of Fireplaces 0 COOLTNG EQUIPMENT Btuh Btuh Btuh/Ft Feet Btuh/Ft Feet Make Model Type coPlEER/SEER Sensible Cooling Latent Cooling Total CoolingActual Cooling FanClg Air FIow Factor o.0 0 Btuh 0 Btuh 0 Btuh O CFM 0.00o cFM/Btuh Load Sensible Heat Ratio 0 ROOM NAME AREA SQ. FT. HTG BTUH BTUH I IHl BSBRD FT LOW HIGH CFM 1 LrVlDrN/KrT1 BEDROOM 21 BATH 22 BEDROOM 1 2 WALK-TN CLOSET2 BATH 1 Entire l-louseVentil-ation Ai-r Eo;uip. € 0.95 RSMLatent Cooling 415 140 68 145 43 49 BT22 3363 49r4 410 0 0 o 0 o 0 U 0 0 0 14C OU 0080 7>{ 000 860 16809 0 9401? ol 28 ol oTOTALS860 |r.6B0e I , (''' 7ilLf Fi1 UPF EK utlfr5 2'f "cttn$ta11;ra Airl r'fi;1\ I l-oul fnn E*'ry ,r-- B/z Q fwrt4a'4 ',I A i -\j, _l \i_ I I I I I I I I I I---+ 0oor /,lf t CT|A\ATi/5 /v1Ect{Atlr^cAL Sooyt 'T0p /t/u/ tll , /l=l %' go5 +a mechaaioa/ 6*- f^''* b,',u ALt C-l +hn C-3 t4EctlAtzcLL fioort 7 /z' Ahe ,. (4 l/. 54 rLt E ten' LA486 lTti,,ti .7 h./,n 5o,ooo 6Trl A'o on{rx fi.G, fo q"t 4o,aoo Qa. ^ t8/+ Itt C-l a cJ n&tl,la/ftAt 6oajr, 5.4ttF Vltf Cntil^4nNs t4EcHAilI ctt KooM FEnUr vxEtl/ lu t Il=l 6" curl9usflot/lf? -ro gREEz u/Af ', 5" B /cq,( flr^ lonf I I It 6" Hfbrl 6utlg.Ar6 3"8/6Vr\ f1,c, +o t/o,ooo ,'' ' r\- I I I I I I I ; I l/' \ \ I*^N -t\\u -J v-pf\ it, "\t $ *'w t- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t. l I I I I I 4^0 ttvttL-TgFStt ,A q- \ ,8 \ \ S- l'..r\ !a \\\J I\ ltJ\ci\r- t Not/ Cq,il6usf48L( BAnE Irezrveit to AO. Smidr to put dris much +nlity furto zt lorv prical grs rvater hsfier! When you've been the innovative leader in waler heaters l0r over 50 years, you get to know a thinr.1 ot two about bu ild ing qualily and value intoyourproducts. And this couldn'l be more apparentlhan in ourlow price, high value Economy Enerqy Saver gas series . ltUln' 1'O \ll:lil'l'l ll: l-,{l l:S'l l:[:l)l]l{Al- [t]l:l('ll:\i('\' s'lxNl)Al{l)s. . coloR-col)lL) lNl-tif/oul'l-Et' ts( lul.( ;l IlioNS. .HI(lll (ltlrl.l'l'\'(;tlSS I.tNING fitsccl to tarrk:tt l(;()o"\rr A.O. Srttitlt-clcr'('l()l)ctl l)focc5:, tltltt olli-l': lt.rt tg'lltst ir tg c0r'ttlsitltt l)l ()l.ccl.l()ll. .ltL.\\'\11)Ll'l \' \\()l)t:. pit.rttcct'ccl l)r,\'() Stttith. 1;r'r.rvirlcs .tri,.littUtt:tl :lf,,l.lll(i'tll(-!1,)\'l( l)l tcrli{)ll .tllllttl:l (trltir:irt' clc l tt(t tt > ltl \\ lLl.cf .l)ll''l l.ilJL (itt rrcs il)l(l \\'ittcr lllto t:tlll(. ''l fllCK, l:Nl:lt(;Y l:l:l;l(ill:\'l lr()A)l lNSl.it-{l lt'r\ rrrr :tll nroclcls to rL:(lttcc stxll(ll)\'l)c:tt loss 'ONE-PIECE lN't'l:CRdfED Fl.liI l]AfFLE. Slorvs tlorr'tt llorr ol'ltcltt tltrrlttull L()llll)tlsl.i(rll sVsl('lll s(, ltl:t.\'illlLllll ll(j'll rs tr.ulslcl're(l to \\':t t cf. .'l'HiUrL SEI)\ ll{l'li I IAK Cl-tl:CKS,U: I ]il{ l:iMl. ASSLvll tl-\ . Sl)[ClAi-,\l ) I t S'1.\lil.l:'l lll]l{I1OS1',tll l-cts l otr "clirrl (lo\\'n" t() sltvc ILrl l s'llrlt :ttt':lv lirt' c-rtcttdccl llcritltl>. . NON-rlIi1.\l.l.l( - lJ,\l.l-"'l'\'l']r DllAl i'i v\1.\/l] Ils :t courbir'rttion .i/'i" inlct/clntin fittirtS. . IINER(;\', S,\\'l\(; l',lt-()'ll .lJUllNDt. r\ll stccl, lllultilx)l-t bttrtrcr f or irtrllt'oi'ctl conrbustiou cfllc icnctl .ltlN(; IJASI: ( )\ lJ()'l'l ()\'l lt,{l l ll:l( 'l Il,\\ LECS. l::rsicl t() lltovc. (i(). -'i0. 5() ( i,\l-1.()N )lOl)l:l-S ()\1.\'t . (ll l( )l(ll: ( )l: i S'l:\\l ),\ltl ) [(.( )\"()IlY L\l:l((;\'5,\\ Irlt \l()l)l:1.\ lrtottt jO t() l(X) g,:tlkrn siz-cs l.o ll)uct ltttv llcccl. N().l li. 5l'A(.1::.\\ I\(; l.()\\ lJ()\ tl()l)l:l.S .r\rtil:rl)lc \\'lrcr( rcrli!rrl \l)'rc( rt)i irtlxl. S(( sl)( (rlr! ir L i()rl \llt r'ls l{ }r ltl()f( |III()t 'tI:|II(,II s.YEAR LIMIT€D IIARRANTY OUlLll.lE. ll larrk srrould leak al arrT lrrrrc ounrrg llrc t8 tr/hf I I I A O Smrth Waler Prcoucts Co'nparly r:nprov!)nrcnls StitrrT l.rr'L{- .rlll o!l riolicc lirsl5 ycars, u der lernrs ol lhe v/atranly, A o smrth wrll lurnlsh a feplacerncnl healer lnslallalion, labor. handlrng and local de[very aIe (,jxtra. Wlren uscd cornnrc'rcrally r'/i-rr- ranry is lor I year NOTE This ls iin oul|ne nol a warranty For corlrplcle Inlorrrralo'r consull lhe wnllcrl earrranty or A O SnrrUrWaler Products Company reServc5 lnc.rqhl to o)ake prooucl cnirrr!!s c'r Front View k- vr Side View Minimum Clearances: Sides: 6"; Rear: 6"; Front: 4" (sizes 50-100), Unobstructed (sizes 125-225); Top: 23" (from top of boil?r) Inpu ( BIU/H Size x 1000 Heating Cap. 8IU/H x 1000 Net IBR 8TU/H x 1000 ATUE % Soark lqnition Stdndinq Pilot Dimensions ( inches )Water Gas Approx. Conn. Conn. Weight (inches) (inches) (lbs.) Ndt Pro Gas Gas Nat Prc Gas Gas Nat Pro Ndt Pro Gas Gds Gas Gds (DV 50 50 75 t5 100 100 195 195 160 160 225 2!5 42 43 63 64 83 85 104 106 133 135 186 190 JO.) 5l.q 54,8 55.6 12.9 73.9 90.4 99.9 1 15.7 11'l .4 161.7 165.9 85.4 80.? 89.0 85.4 80.5 89.5 85.0 80,7 89.1 84.5 80.7 82.7 84.8 81.0 83.0 85.0 81.s e3.5 84.4 84.0 84.0 83.0 dJ,v e? o 13.318 91.3t4 93.5/8 ?r-3/1 4 't3-318 27.3t4 24.1t8 21.3t4 5 16.7/8 98.3/4 24.1t8 9r.3t4 5 16-7/8 28-3t4 93.5t8 29.314 6 t0.3/8 t8.3/4 23.518 22.3t4 6 95.5/8 31.1/t Q3-1t4 Q4-3t4 1 1-ll4 1t2 190 1.1t4 1t2 146 1.1t4 1t2 134 1.1t4 1t9 138 1-114 1t2 164 1-1t4 1tQ 181 Act][ssolilts Power Vent Kit - For through-the-wall venting on 50,000 to 125,000 BTU/hr sizes. Continuously regulated draft reduces energy costs by maintaining efficient combustion. Non-Combustible Base - MlNl-THERM ll must be installed on a Teledyne Laars non-combustible base assembly or other approved non-combustible surface. Base adds 1" to boiler heights listed in table. Non-Combustible Stand - For easy maintenance accessibilig, a 19 -112" high non-combustible floor stand is also available. Compression Tank* - Air-charged diaphragm-lype tank with automatic makeup water control. 'Not avdilable in (dnada. Acces5ory Sizcs Part No. Power Vent Klt (U.5.) 50.125 10570000 (cdnadd) 50. 9e5 PV - 09 Non-Combustible Base 50 & 75 100 & 1?5 160 00t 0466701 046670t 0466703 0466704 Non.Combustible Stdnd 50-195 t010?800 160 - 295 90109900 'Compression lank 50.1t5 A0066800 160 & t95 A0066900 Wt'trl llt'ltrt'Lo lht.t, Yttu The hot wdter specialists at Teledyne Laars would be happy to put their over 40 years of experience to work for you, For assistance in choosing the right unit for your application - or if you'd simply like to know more about our products, seryices/ and extensive warranf/ - just call tolljree 1-800-362-5678 (U.S.) -/\.TELEDYNE LAARS ?0 lndusvial way, Rochester, NH 03867 . Tel: (800) 36?-56i8, (603) 335-6300 Fax: (603) 335.3355 480 5. Service Road West, Oakville, Ontdrio, Canada L6K 9H4 . Tel: (905) 844-8933 Fax: (905)844-?635 6000 Condor Drive, Moorpark, CA 93021 . Tel: (805) 529-?000 Faxr (805) 599-5934 eI ,i:uj6 = o cro-a40ut clut< =6etJ-ogj aJ evt<o -Jitsv!6 6Se(J daroxao <a ur-v, N(Jt\\4t ct ur- Eso<(o'eE<:t uI(j ctrea-.gf FIc! =28J-\t c)rtI'.E Fl-6 ;i8CJF*95 ecrgiH-Jt 6 Qttol\Forrr =I 6 . ftb d9fidd'dido nSNfi @ 4f,, Ef oa i\l.l.+.\l -clEsq -r Iq t - E E- r^o' Ei-- J J 8E ' -HI-- o- I5 il 9t-o jeE\":9CCC rrr d rl : rn v,r,r <hA O<O -.t.tr^ <Ol!.l \O CJ\O ut r F r F JF|\TF- 4.uJEpty r T .+T r.-H <ls- r I *- .FloF,i; I t:, t:, ,,:- Io-B I -o ,.-6 = ^' F gtF|.l(,)F€E a- .Ja E 6 .ePPPPP)P llJ ll - = FN('E Arr OHLLLLLL AJ $*-."* ! x;ix;ix i=T: 3ti"'sEsEgs E$g\.t4 roo' (o-uJut It J .ENt t{'\oFF u-J ---- al H(rFF rA OF lrllrl<ftGcc = F€FHfHE EdFF !gp-H:&;;.i* iSF i.+-ot- 9-S-t ({l Crt sp rt) 6l = - ) lrto ao- o\t NN aoao |9!a rl' o \o .t tl (J F\o U'ujE(J- o - o- o Ft-BU ==!Fttrt a\l E19: cNtta0qlc E (too r,'lrno a, FOt.r FTtC)t38 P oad !, a (rN 'q !'lcnF\OCI NI eatl | ' I -ra rO.t u&b6'T N\OclDr I IN i\I t||ao o\F N t\l|Jtnao.''n I dNF I RTT F-6O\NI\l.J'\oroFF BS&e' C>RR*o.o.n-n- r\o\o.{'Flrlrir. rot--rel;${i', I:*;*a UcH aofcF c .o cfo = .v,(Joc iiiili iiliEi iiiEiii Siiisgi !.w n| ttooc cJoL' o N tJcH (')ofLF c ao c'fo- .v(Jo(I iiiilg #{iiEi lliiiii 9iEE6e-xlH5FiO()t 90\d zctOH ;APF IIJ CIt-o u, i(o2e?rn rO.lE 2d<tJ r! c,o-c,) Y, eao 4 trl;e 13<co > =J- Uj oC., Y'Orf*E Ffi8 96 I\ dr oo- @ .t\trlt oo ctct .q\O ^p t"O .tQrt $q \Oo r| cE qxt € oo .tl\l.\l oo o\t \.tf\ .to \O€ .a!N ltro o o.,rt tlltl (J - ro UI-.Jz, o o .t.t z 4 o oo oo .ti$ N :: crt,t tl 4\OEll aa\01]^-a\rN c, tlFU.I J!4||A c)ol!: €60 l'td .|lOFuJll-llOJJAJ6ai.laF6 '.O.CJEJ|| UIrlJCI ut uJ .( =R5IJJF- q TI lo H5>FrO iI.c- *rS69 .'ur€i:aY6 9-9-0 9-F- or- eo d ^f7'l/v 9o \o dtpil to -rO ct \Ox NIoC) po o =x'c) r.-P o.9F\o px GIIoao \o;'^ rOfi\' N 5 r'n € N N\FLl oo \o 9-9-0t9-9-'t \w o (r0z zctuJ r.oOFo-9 Jo eeC \t UJ (, 4| . UJO\C N \t| .!. Ef c| aO\qroroFN.t .l.t OO c| 6OO\ \ tllz,d 6 <("eol4uroo\ ll \ ll r,l.t rtt l)ct Jo0NavuJa:to -o - <t <l r\Jo J . FtFt> .s8888 TT .oI9 - fRr i*.i->{ .H*H* ==Hl r I E?e " = sJ;4J.6= G J - fie39 = dq=ttsP = F l.t .l'l FGI (:t- ar- 0 NN- LJ X X r-.( ra A..\l FFaa,g p-dP-dr ;6r ur..r 3u E -g 5u9|!l5z^fezN - o o (r..a a3 eey-G $E S^< RoSoS il=-- lrri?EbbgoI eipaisn $;q g."sIF nles=iiEi U-^l\\\b;--:- U b r.tn- Nn FU.c.tlt\\b:.or- Fu{.{{.\ tt F n tnnurnn r||6FO6.r)NN|JliJNFOO.\t\OOrrrn\t |'t (t\ n ro o ls \ocl, r|FN l oO\O\CtaOFFoqINFFFFFFFln.{,;n$+;; F ao - cro oo \t\.1' !l'| tl .aJo rO Clo aO .\l.(l o Cl rOorFxxxxxxxxxxl\ lrl \O O !A rO rn O \O frl blav,rFNra.tr \oFo6o FFFFFFFFF^,1 ul 3o--a.-.oa*.AFFxxxxxxxxxxF rn cl !A !A..lrar rar .(l r i-olro.r-8r-oqo uro.l).f\OFNOl^l^ 8p$pRpffr3$ €€! h.c.orrtn^r .IFF!FF'FFFi.a*f,ss&&aa r||.'t'\tFo\Nml.tONNl)CTCOF@((te.tFrlr|EsssE=s8933 t\oNl\Ni-NNolsrts o€ \O \O \O O I c|t\t||'r'rJ..|.i'.il rit ril.il... \t \t t l mln.Cul\ONaO69F IFFFF-FFFGIl:a'ii;.5i6da OQ rfl) tt oo oo O.trtl' oo oao o\ttl oo qxt \O\t oo oo qxt N o =-= o-- ;ttt Flr orno0o z^loo -.,,oi.r..io- (t (t (t d -JJJo uj<<<(!- Ez,--g Fllt E <aIII- H665uI a/! (J q) (JP ?ooro Focro C -(J(Jt!a6 < \\ur- zFa!I oo oo o EB- Eft -r xl :::l; H* !**!* I Er..E.; 5E E{$se c -r u==;'E fqo-do!, : FFFFaO Jlr|FI:u+;i**iigfi H$ '.?1 ia - .'1-o y.ti"tE iiiitl sgiiEi tliilii o ctozo douJauj <( =6C'Jzc) cuJ<a -Jia g a -E€)o F\olt .'O\ < a\l i?t.o-al €ii :oo:: ooxo.J ll: =|GOO orE9? (, tlJIII Jurc ll o-.(l\ s.:A.luN trKloB,.6'uI||-tlOJJ6Je85..oO J.! s-Jourut< -\O<J Jr-- 998llJrlaoFu,o. t\ &b dC$5*e-P.1"q oP Io4\ ||\ || alc, JcrCl -O - -\Ja' J rs 8s 8l .oF9r:-T-; <Il-r8cD r!.t rl-rc I atr o!.ro.ru. totrtct I Jol- (nF\t(2Fl.l- E.J:! - o.3 =Ne- l-o-PI *-d*-d* E -5 389.lozllozN qr..c <aG $f $E lr-- trsj9I alcelar i333 ESgBJ F|!F@q@ft aU|a|.A- aJF J Uo b^- u{, b* ltl A x F gE c- x< lrt-v,(Jt\Eo|rr-9c|o (l ?lul(!'Jctlc=6 .a =6IJ.t *E F..Ogr6 F96 g)P t, $, z:) J ulr o- F U o ul A o tlt! u, \o tll (J- F .t - c, trlt 5 /,o- ltla) 6 I Bh FT raoJFt rt Ct O. \O mo6rl^ I In;Itoo (>Etauat tal gltlI trctct ct -,r .J.3-- .)rtoo\ | Or trlT da o. t qKw E:cr 'iiiq 9-9-0 (U E' |EoE IcJo() o n| oc UIafLF c o c'lo = v,(J o(l I ctozao couIouJ< =5I.,J-outt YEe'It<(a -Jbts!z6 o -lo cto ., ..o. C|E q,gJ olr <(tY6 : :o ee F||::|| ttFr^oo?|\l-oo J(J IIgl trt Jzelo aN [- -- t!N AOrtoLl c.ur cloI-tlJJ 3e3--JCA J I!Ir|lJEJA <c uJ <( bEETFJF- o ctct2-Oql F. a!F IIF J9 Ul (J 6 .c:) ct8b-aca! E.rt Jor\JO J.o<o lUlF ()<--t@Io-l! I -o-t.id= E-odF^lra <t A-F6 -5 9U9I"OI- TIJJO9EH-t 9o-.i E$;; Eqg' \ [\ tl r,t lrlrn anll\O lrro (J f rq Ul Jr+ UJ J.{ l\lo-No2N \O o. \O o- EoES-obEF|lF6rrf:t i Ho b^-i_F=E5-Erultslt d"iill J F oz EBt- r( q, -vtcri 6=tr-r-0ct al anul(l,J H5 aoro:5J-q,.t.E "oIII EF 96 <, ,t 6j] :z -) J F U o- F U C' !lF A a o t\€ tlqI (J \o UI (,- 2 e o :: =ooo C|\|'tO-O.c.l tn.t rr.r ut<) 6- l*Ll . FJr., t ul() E c,a!- B 6 eI T;s66 6I":": "lou it5 tst 3I t\J o F€ no ao r.t 9-9-0 40- o-!:+ lJc]-l aalcF c |I, c'fo- .r4oo(I iiiiii liiiiii ct aza2@ c,ouJ cluJ r( =6ctJzolr.t c) !zccut<a -Jits =o\o Ei. F ||: = ,4.ll CO\ct ql6O.t\f-oFCJ.. JCJ IIu, u, Jzclro l.\E*,-= orc (lr-oo Cro urctF\O6ll-ll t ..Cl J J -lF\c| CIJ --!il635.. S-qJrtrl! .. L\Gl-,r--t 3e<ur<l dllrl5q5I €dEFJF:E !tz6 o cro --Qlttr.6FvtAF JC'rt tl ul u o.ood=o€..|OFFq'Y oP I( u(, u E,;t JoO -O - r\JO J.o vtr vrA c)<oF CJ \O CJt r F. F|\l F P ZU.|F oI loni.r-? !-- u t '- a.rtL,rt! Iosrc, I JctF ('lF|\l(r:rFln- lI .JZ F O. 3 =!ir (e F aF <tr *-dg-d* E'Ds IuE- ^lozNo-i! (t..6 - o<( !|.r< lz IIJJoltl F.t \o4 iltE|r|ur (l J rt N F rCrFF -16 OI 9eFFeEE E6ii Eqg' x,\o x ltloIJU'lcrnCl' calt IIN sl6 6 l!.. q Ilr == :('oo oct tar rtl1.. IJ<a-- l-ooFrno a.t6Or6O\ I ca4 e3d- x.a uI-v,(rt\cc) t!-rFoa lDVt|ll(!t J(JZc3 raiEJ! ^cl*E ..O !u aaF 96 .t.f F u o- u o ||l A J u o- B b uats B h ?t-g -g trlt) 5 It i t||o <)l)rarrlF" r.to\lro\tlll .. -.f r'r U8B3 F?; OrrrOl.+ltl6Itr.. I:*+ ..tr r; ,*$ FO N E |EoE Ptrfoo o (v Uc aafLF c ro cfo- taoo(r o 4tozc) orQutour <a =5atJ -cttu (J YEErl|<(a 'Jie tltl, CJ \o ul (J- F Q o (o - A o *f;E = e c-.\f: . . (t,tto ct x:: .ll |a aa > Lrtll= = .P \eu55s o oE lo-OF 't >aJ . . rF ctoJl, ll ?gtEqt J aauttar I cr 6 lrl< ct (5Jo-oE: x) utrEr(> {l\ 4=4808 e9 10E 6'3o =5ot|all Cl ..qr J-J J JT\ (J 6 OJ FF\t ra 9Nir *rS =F_,,1_,H gE ,,5<tfJ< a^w trrE5e5: €i: 5-FJF- i!46 Z(:) al,oz-olllF.--4F JOrl|q, o .dDo8E-ctea!9el- ieo<o Z UjF OS--u E E IO Ul C' I JCt HNg= E-:P6 -5 sUP !i-- !uj? -CrFF -A O E$;; Egg' g =c tt J FU. o- - trra(l-\ C' ||lts5o.A xx J B. o- utaott\ b- tal 5.oAxx .t. i- g aP t:, 6l ==- 9 -9 -r, lllFa,tt\-5r .a4ao'-n HP .cB l.i,l B$6^ lsIF 3F: c-l+ F t ==ItQ olroral oulI ==(tecIrl1utaa. I FtFriJ15ptrlFi Bn$3 FY' NAelNo|rt 9-9-09_9-t-aI:*; -*g iiitli iriiili o alt a52O c,our6ut ra =g.jtJ2c)u,t (, uecul.(6tJits o o tlrU .J F\o u,EL'2 90 oo o o - 4 o o II -rBiEl o cl ..o. <l l\lirboE @uJ O rr.l < 9-9-0 oo €9-9-0?-0-g I ooctNNN utooo Fooo Ltooo t(,6\t ril {|rall^ \6cldA\\oxxxzOOEJOtat l.i z c|oc) <(o\o \o ooo ots.? ? U, er^o rUJFt . I vt .a.C:El r!.{r!.+ | r4Frl FN ll -e.4.rlurC,t at ?lr?Vr - lrr ),3 lll O ! F (9(9-J tso o 12<El \$rll.tur.t <.- {, I -uJata )< x xJ< L cr(.' JI\IONOI\I A E|. aO < .'OI 1,r rn V' lt ! o.tll \o 1lo ltt\r-G It ot rrl lrrI F F -ar(r(, r FFf EoSoi l8J': i =::J r-E6rr6 tt-aoo' a @o.(! U') t\2 7. (\, E|o0E Pc5otJ o n a;ct{ ('lofLF c (o cf,o- v(Joc ct cto -,6douta!r <a =Ezdut (J !cct!<(o -Ji3 o t\ tlul al -F\o v,t!-c,- F oo ctct roGr o o , c| 00 eo cho oo oo \O,O -0 o t€ c) c, t, .' o. s-{. AE €i= ?-0-0 t-0'_ 0 -9 -01--........r ctoclNNN ulC'C)C' Fooo uooa tu6.{ rC O\tql \c|Fc,C A\ \ 6 XXX -OOrJO|'r t^ - ooo <30ro ro ooo oF .F F a/t OOO turFE .l.ci.r? <i^,i<i S S- or (l .A .4 I UI (,5 --'-- Fg * H eE=Cl \Our€Erl a.- o l| -ulc' ioNoK C-". E (r :.'3E € S u(3= UE--I F F J-Cti, - FFf 8o6o! tEJ.i E =55J Flr-loElo ill-@o. a 60,o, (i,..- 9.J) G' tt @oG cJo(J o nt ocH (', @fLF c |o clo- -v(J o(f ilitli Eiiigi liiilit o :8 eoutout i(,,e69-otlt c, !ae4Ut<o -JdtsY6 -F\o ut-t)2 F c, o - o. o= e9 oo g\r ct o tl UJJ (, oo oo \orit @ co (\ro oo oo \oo ?-0-0 ?-0r- t -0 -8 --------J -0 o ooo vtooo Foo0 Itooo 3cj.td c,8FC|a Ao xxx ,YJ9z eoo <oOOO (tF .U, OAA rUrFv, "' aa \tI| \ONrO ra N llo- I trt L,vt t- trt -r -lll q, J ts (ltCtE!-(J o H zrl*55 P 66-5rv a. El 6 r(116 ...q,E= tr E--JJ(J C, F FFY r! o o+, - Y<<J r: qrd'F ltl JJJ@ tt- t! 4 a ao4a. n ts't F\o *;*EE u, ttt atl|I< ! 5I I (4)cf,P I'! 6T ==- I hcreby acknoutedge that t h?ie read ihrs appl,ication, fil,ted out in futl, the inforEtion r.quird, corpl,cted .n accurrta ptot pLan, 8nd state tllat aLl the inf]!'nation provided as required is corrrct. t agrcc to coff|ty vith the inforEtion aid pl,ot b[an,to corpty tith al'. Tcvl ond'n;r,r(es irnd stat! [aus, and to buiLd this structune according to the Tounrs zoning and sl$division codes, design revieu approveo.. Un-ifonr SuiLding Code and other ordin.ncls of thc Tonn applicabl.e thereto. REST'ESTS FOF INSPECTIONS SIIAI.I. 3E I.IADE TSEI{TY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEP}IONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROII E:fi) Ail ':q) Pil SIGilATURE OF OI,INER CR CONTRAC'Oq FOR HII4SELF AND O'NER N ttooc +)ctou o GI L'c l-a aofLF c o clo- .v Uo cE iliilg iriiili C' ct cl -oeoutout <a =52d|ll c, cul<6iEJi3Y@ g3 e- x -U'g'i bfi- e- C).el lu . Cg,?o .51= a)-6N ClIF IDtc JP\r r( c) NJ I' 6= *E JEF -O ..c,<F qr aO2tsr) 96 t\ € rto up t!trt €a\r 60 rtl{O o e.t tlUJ C' - \o ut-(J- o o .ll.{t - A o (\l.t i€ rnN (\P FO FCt tlo q! OF rag rtt o I .il .o- ulP A Eo=:tallr^ il6 qro crrar tl22Ctl\.J!U E. . Ft!Fart t: : .rfrb d9 "s$s o 4) e lNF6 FF rti-'..oc)ctEocrtlOCFIIJJt)c, Jct -4 6 hr\JO J. E Oo<o ortu-: loI F . F 5 r UItl Fl\ -urF O ql6O Ctct<-- I E (lN F F'Eo-J! | -ro ,.tg' 3'l!.JZ - O. [rll-ll ll..F.+('T AF O OJ J JFrN< i- c'F OJ -EE -5 3UP e;6.. S-a, ..o e ot\JE .. r- Ei_,s !lj3 J*:H eH ;E== ;tE6 =e6r 8ilAO' O. o. AJF JJF! tY 9-9-0 o* oo \o wl-7't/v po Por 9-9-0 -9-9-St !to F* !* FCI*o :lr rC,<FO o c, rtx\rl I rra o xN NH\ g oxO lsF d l.l tal\* aO \t rtt6N.(' .O \\oo\ ll\ ll r,\ r4r8688r PPF LtF Cr! ||\t.\t.utls - r 4rr l.|(, A O-Cl |l€ u-COF | -Utrt Ur.Cr o_.,4 'rE I5 o-.r<rr-rv- !I.c-.1- C *-dp-d* ;fr,"il-|\loza\lCtz^l - Cl O -o<(o<br^(,tarl Fo. Fo. \rtroNro! slssiss HGi; N o(o ct)u e\l z. - ao.t 0\t oo rf.o o\t otr .{' .\t\l \O.O F{J1 ON Ntt .+.f oc) .o.o od o^o o\t J lrl- .t rit\\\b* :*^ ;- bo ooo o6\ \\\ \\t\- FtlF F B-na^n ul lo-ooooo- AFFFF xxt<xxxxxl\r^l\ N ao N t\ r^ i---.cfioso |||aon\oFcFN ES{3R3F? I9INNNFFOdIFFF-FFF3;;${{SA H+iFFg$ {t |'l.t r .c rc.t' l,i.i;no+; \trt 6^63;s o r*l\ cl -QH9i g?.1 :II; H E !**s BEtt..J x- -t^ " ''l FrI.!AO_\j\j, \J r/) ts$ P .-. :Hoo'i -t ,-o-E a,F- o\ ao l||FI-! (olor FtsC).rl$NNNNrtrrt FRR€ddSRR FOt\'.|r|N\OFlNtrrctG|Gt(trnN3;.j.d;"id.;; oF.\lr|rtrn\OF .IFFFF-FFrdi**e:FP tIF 14 \O \O \O\O||aF <rO9XgnppR8x..RttfT??tt F\OlsnnF\OFoolN rar ct o\ (> o rrt .\l rtr rrt3"i-jd"i;*i.j;J: a!14.t|/^€tstoOrFOrIl:&;+;.il*6*6 ,ru&-U ut C\lroN (\l t |ooE +tcJoIJ o N UcH oafLF c o c'lo = v(Jo(r o ctozo couIour .(-eroalt Jzctut c, >/, c,c lrt<(a -Ji3 ef,IID G-: : . .V,nr^ l\l x6 CrO Fr'| ll <UI- zO l\. J -V,Ul Er . F -6Ft, lt2= L \co.F Jc, E\OO. C c)UItlaj 6 | ll coFO -E) O -tlFof 5- rocr ' ' EoCt-c, E q, I eV,I d- Frrr J (latt Gtcr Jo zafla h urr\J<' E O Ctro.(o c)orl-= lo crr'-b- 6 -dEiF gE 5fltF! - E (tN t\ F. .clr ll rE Utc|. .,.lvl Fdlcllsct I JC) r! C) F € <C)llt.J- - O. |l|||a t)..o| J->rt(!t- aF Ct .fJ J Ji\ C, -N.a .c tl'F ct J --.{' .t6 -5 3U9 ?35.. S-q xE(, ..6 al ONJI! .. lro FFlr-- iluj? -Jl.-H 9g ..5r(JFF -ltt C' |lrl!.t ltttt tr,taoa.r <( <( tilo.o >aFx !>FH$dd 8ge =>91 Ss. 95 J FB.N\\\ -.O t lttt ttt.t- 6. N\t rrNl\ \\ \\ b.. ^rr.r ut^l ul SooooooooooAFxxxxxxxxxxF Nra||at GIN(orrt rar l\l taraarFNt.|rt6roFclqat FFFFFFFFFN otOaOo.Co.loaO(O xxxxxxxxxxt\ r.i !.t t\ At ao (\t t\ |'r rrl Or{fItr Ctt\o \ ||\ tl rar arlr^ arltrt\O oro of . NI rO qt \o t! Jo urJ\tx utx ulxNO-NOZN rOA rO o- ! I I I 9-9-0 IS o aoo \Oo \t$\{t o{o aour '9\t .flo .ll\l \.T\ d q\l rE Etcl \OO .+\C t-.\.rro.r'ngr-6o\o BgNENSSSXh5-f3Ro?-TT \o rrt |'r 6 rt rt tal tal N EFFFFFFFFFI,i.6is6aaa3 Bhh$BhN5N frTr-?oRP9 OO\C OCONNNCNFFFFFFF ldJ&AA+$,i.6 u33B$$SSn33 E$S85RR53SS FlsF\tqqrtFFFraa\o \o F or o\ F ro\ornut'!..J.{'a. .|| r!|.at Ftm.{l FFF.rO.O..Ot-FFo'o'llrl \O \O F O\O\ F \O € r| urslll1 .... .l.q n|vlLi.C.+uran n.tF F Nrl.tur\ONO6oFFFIFFF tFNt t$r't\oNoo\oFN o F' 9-9-0F- ot-s -9 - t\ ct rtNX 0o {tNl-7't/ vo .AF o6 oo i+C.t' oo |r!o ort aoo oao €o (\l,I rJ: C\t :E =1 U o,o .t|r\\\ \FFgo \oGr,.. \oa bo {o$ rtt\ \\\ \ \I\ FI\F F oNlrt|'|r| ul (, q,..'X o F(o .t\.t t< 0 F. ox\oqt o r.t *r.- *,nN o tet tl UJ (J - \o tll ct- F o o rtrt' - o.u, o .lo .{nro l\xFaO .{F{t \o.l ot Cl- l\lrc .\p OF qE o(t G' .\E qt'l oo rOrO .Wt- a\.\t O\o .oP G* EHi sg-t :I I; A3!= =o 1O ;l.l; XE !:-:; 5$ l-FeFlO a-r Nta\tr'r\oNaooroF IFFFFFFFFNl:ni^+,i.5r..$aa .rtox N-nox rO qt N fo |Eot tr)oo o n| o C t-a oafq F c o c'fo- .voo(I I o s8 couJ otrt .( =6Hd !aecul13ia o(Ja--oul H.-- AF JOH3 0d.g E- E.rt Joi\JO J.o<(oI F. tsztr.rF c)S--u E '-ou,(, I J9II .JZ F O. =t9- e-^P6 -g gug lE-i 16::rC'FF -GT C' !H:.r [gF' I oo I ,i- -A =do-5ctrl!s ft 6f;Il\ aJ d-16,,s RiIro, J e -v,.F u SNF o r oE -f.f F J P>Fr(.l.. = Ee(, ff - ?v,Ff! J 6U'-sro B E .9 cf ol!: 5 e e-! rarJF aatt\ aa df,tNoE 99 - 1o,-€ti '34.o 5:5ql||-ll al "Cl J-CIJ J Jr\ .{l (, B$il il* r ip-,i!._,H gg = ,.5 ul ur.( ou, ct qr6 iSF= !U= I Ea B- E; u, ul- Eo rr rtt\\\ b- ur rtl rl 5.oo-oo<)-o xxxxxxxx\oNr.taro(olnN 5oo-Sta3-o 5-*S.c-oKo N G' 9-9-0 9-9-0r-- 0 -9 -0 t-------t t\ € actt IJ? -a 6l b:ztq {,{= oo -o a-- trrc) .t.t .{|'rtrt\ \\ \\ \F FF FF ClF 6rl rt4l ltl S.oo(foooo,o arF ee -Fxxxxxxxxro !^ aal ls N l\ aa| h oart \o.trt l\ro q, -O oo oo u€ rOO o- \drr rCctx qt o FO 0 F\o o rtXFaO oo .tO.t u€\ rort roo cE O}O ON 00 \o.O rao O.o ?€l Iwt r.io o E\O oo t\a\ 1 t'ldEOF'r 5+l o<Z;gd nU.58 Nr,z6VUt $8z4 ;s c IIFF El!3s OE itoo ocrart o ar.J ts4,r...; 9$$ g l|Jrnln'-:b 4EO>?O\ O BFS888€ncrlautorroo. r|mNNFFOqIFF-EFFF *;.6.5*-*S$ o \ tl uJJ ('t U'-F\o uJ-C)- ooo oF|\ .\Irn- AU' \o ctc, FO *-N o E.t Bn€ssss.I I O\OO\tnql ldln;;i$ B88b83bS& 5$$FS$R$$ (.rNN€\OlststOtls.t.coo.c.ltl\ SGG.dd{;.dd6 c)FN|.t.{'|.rOF TFFFFFFFld3:i'A$;.5 ufrR3$$Sefr88 ES+FPTF++ @l-]-\o \ONlstOc|olFl'lCOO.C.ltt\|'r|.1S<i<iir;viti6dJ: a\rrt.turrON(|OFo:, , ,,IF.\ra.trturotsl('No o t\ ao to rt 6lsio ||\ tl U'A U'!,.]IF a-' l N | \Oglao rroF r u, J\o ul J..' ozNo-nlo<( o< AF F6.ooo-oourr-Forr-t (Jc U;(,l fLF c .o c'lo- .rz(Jo(r e ('!t c)-€Bc)lr, clut .a =59o-ut lJxccul<a -Jde et 6silul q, e-: : . .utcr.,oE*nsII-2 ,,O rt. J -U,H-J'F>rloiat lta= .4, \ \e6-F Jo EO\l\ l' t CIrl|llr C, O r ll aOrt\t -*B -P o61: i ;5o .' 7?-8E o -35 <r-a)(J JO -E ll Cr 6 (t Ur -\JO J. E O Q CtJ.o;9 - qlEa ;p E E=zurF c| o\arat clo E<-- a 6 alF rt F. F .o Ecc! i ;e r?L, fln : 3gFrt'(g|x A- o 6J J J-\ rtt ctF.\l r( ra AF 6J --rt rt6 -5 3U9 e86.. S-q. = -6qt..O a CTOJE .. L\O FFI=-' luj? -Ji._,B 9E = ..5rlrFF rA I Ul ll,<l Oll, Ct uro!H;i !qp' =SFM: .' E6 I oo ca(rl€a. I*xl^t ul -ctAN- HT^I -N!IIE NO.it l\GGq'1 \ ||\ llOFO-98q81 l!@ ll\t rO UI J€Ur J.tx urx lr|xNOZNe-.\lo.( rr!.(FO. rOA totSob$!Fr,!Fotr!6t !\e oo t^\of1 €o! o<t .to \Oo NrO .{\C qx, ! =c 6I !. qt 9-9-0 N o AT\ rf\.f ;U- Oe r^.cra- b.c .co.ca\ \\\ br.r ^ra-9.So.'o-oo n5555N .ON o..| c€ roo € rOC) t-\O co \OO G) oo!cl ooIFCI o x(\t € o(\l €(t ut^t!oorr|rnal.\lt\F{tGaFFOOo oOrO\(oaO CFl$.i;;.i UESFE$R'f : l:,i,,.lri,,r; BS$$tFt(oFor|r'!Cl\O lrt .t l,t l,t Fo(rgolNr'tFll'trn Sdr.-dF:q; <)o\g-a!i FFFl*6a6: Nrt.t|/^\OFlst,. , , , , ,lFl\lFl.ar|t\Ol.t o tlltl ct -\o ltl-(,- rtt -q o €€ irF O{t! 9oao 66ao \o rt* Egi r Hr :$i; F H Iaag I E E'^& nE lru *s mls\O6.tl.lo FnrnO\N\O|.rrA \OF 6r.ttststtoo\O@FFCtltlrtt l^roaoorol\F H IIl Yri{,it} 1-$ rt' G{ ==- nl ttooc Pc)o() o nt (Jc (t,a =LF c o c'lo: v,(J oc iiitll iii{ill Siiiiii o (:t c,z6 co|r|aur <l24-oatJ20ur (, YEeu.< cl -Ji3 3 --NF U, Ctcl c-: = . .at|\rar x6 aJ() rri€ ll <ul2 -O ra| . J -V'ur Er . F H!a F > (,ttt l= = o \Ear- Jo c€0 0 o|rl lrJ (J 6 ' ll al|\ll\ -cf o -nF e-6 F- r'to . . iF C)CIc|OF.CIAzd, aO C, { Cl _ arlE.rt J- !E n d n Ed o!8 -6it 6o,.= €ro l. E=I F. F .' .Ula! nF @N C= ==Hr a I .*:q e: -l :ercr|lr.J I Jcr r! cr --9 oc E6rI .Jz F O . uJ ll - ll Ll..O lt J-F\*'J'E 6F <> 6J J JT\ NJ (J -m< i- O.F OJ --\t F \tr6 -g SUP e36.. S-q -l -Er3."i r6:e eliE iE' :s TE -L,FF ra o utur.( attlt <F lrl @ EHi; Egg' =3F= EE= i> Ee i=r^L'-ilFE<q.q\r^-ro rtr r^ >g>g: o uto vr.E,aJF aJ ft:- rv r\lII= : : T . .\II FU' .E*- E- n 'l'r 5 l'FF(,'F"t- rr c \ourrrourJs =lxErxurxfo.+oooooo* f -FF-Ffi* G6;r;;F;i I glpglgf io--fio^8-o i--S.c-or.-8o. BEhsssExRc ' c|r|r|ro€o I C) FFFF I*^oortrrna*- GFFFFFFFFn.i.ii{*sdd BPnEbnRSp'?.oPtrFP aa)NI\€\O|'r!AqEFFFFFFl**s;++; ncto\NCoNo\orr|ln€\O.t.\ht€\Orl3d"i"i"i;"i"i"id FNr|rtr \olsclF IIFFFFFFFF16:,i'A+;.b*$ lllo.tlnor G'\OrtrtO\OOa)ltl.tltlO ON|.lrtr {!{t Fq++FSF+FS r|o.o.N.CtNg.o.t tooln \o \o.t a\r.r? \o \om 64r Sduiui,riui;;uid-: Nn.tr'r\oNoo\oFc)I--l:&;$;.6*$dA* 1S @ 9-9-0 9-9-0F_ 0 -9 -6 ---- € N oo \o ql O,N oo 6tro .tt uxlt urrt O.f O.(, (>rrl oirr <nJr qt/r|\I .ll'l .C-t Fq, e.C nq! qt \oo o,o ^p roct \O(\l J Bo q, qt\\\\h-rrr"l-.t rn.o |,|u!-u {,q q{ \ FLt LlftF B* at t ",urua 3o-ooo-oo-AF FF xxxxxxxxx \O rar C) F a\t rn F- aal sa .iFit lca'l \i eo oO. uror uE r/tl ri'' oo Or- uralt .{to qr| .t o rar x 0 PF o =Nls {. ; o K.r (o a- rr'l o \o r-9 eIo(t o o o .il tlul (J -F\o UJ - I o -e o t(JEp* l',13 r 5''tl' qF. ==.= o < :55; aa l=-i 3 !cira||ar o x <r;;- c'r sE g 70.(...; l,(,) F**s i 5rh o-d oE-90 ll? 6l =-) Itirr€ \O Or (' o Or O\Oal6 6 trt N i\t Nt4ro| FSSF8tr8FS .,fctx rO.O \OOrO x€- (v tt |EoE cto(J o ru (Jc H atllLF c.d |I, c'fo = v,(Jo CE iiiiii liiiiii o .ltoz(o 40utolrl .l =g:dt! a., !rlE U,lr(o -JE3YCO at-889' 'u,€rn,|xLro FF rr < rrr -O O. J -V, :: tr \dJct 4\t\t C c)ul6. t| loi\tN -o -ocl arFE- \ou.. 3o6C't?V'F lrl J aatttj? zexa I .,goorl-= lo C)zF - .Ul\O \aF C)B ..$oE 99 1oJGr ,.-E' 3ao iCa. ll| -[ tt..c] J-€l 6J J Jr\ (' ll-F 6J -Frt rtP 3$E; *tS =Ej9 -,,iI-H gg ..5o |rrur< c|ul t! aogo =eEI €i: E-F JJF- tY6 2C' o2ut6 AFU' CJe).9.A a) c, o<o Z UJF<tE - couJu H.jd=6*5(9.!6!---r<<<IIIIA J J C|U' G A. ?F* ab: si5HS ![:Ei nr 5t- 5--= | x; ffi5!s; g a; lil Eg 9-9-0 o. f- o\ t\ €(o oi\l oa\l oo \O.\l \t\t J FU- o ,"',- Fee b^- llF J\O.g rOAxxx €x cto \o NT7 v E |f:r c{ o.rf - &,h5'? ^dr oct oo \d\l oo clc, \o|o o\ 1\ 9tt u||\t Na)a(, F 60Y \o\oEt,}'i ||Ul\l rYE rO4l* Ulr|O\O\rtOoClo\O\Oo \O\O F???? rf rrt rrt \t o oloFFora||al5;dd;-J l, , ,, , ,IFNrrt.tFct u88 []] N1'-IFN3"i; \OF I;.a ct o. .C tlrlJ (J ta \o ul-C'- a o - 6 N Tt ::itn Fl I"{ "i CItlt ==Ito olrn l..|-.. F F-j.j <\f.tu*- AC fi :-= ori"fr& o Ulfc nl oooE c5o(J o ru o ct ct-coc,o we24xo9dtrl aJ Y4cut<l 6 -Jats!z oa H e o.{' tlul (J F\o UJ c,- \' o -c o 51-C -0 NfJ.V oo ro NNI \ \ox agE:oe-€= . .U,\Ol.l rt X9'; .1 cr lU ||r: r9 \dI d€m c osraDFrO -''Eqq fi5oJC, ll ?Ut4fur J aav,zcrro B .,!ao|l= lo L'z. r!\o FN c=(lNon cte aoN O >. .Ofr-5' 3"o :66ll-ll al..C J-JJJX\IJ6 6J -Ert rt5S5.. S-q, .3Jo\JE i. L\O FF -JL-E 3g ..8<ur< o||t ul@ F3F= !E= Es z O Ff Fr F-l -S +l X(N. z. F-l c{H<Fz< o .+*(\lf6, eo \o a cro226lllElOF IIF JOg3 0d.9 E- 6art Jclr\JOo<o. F. F-urF o<F- I aoEo-L! | -o HsE= E-::6 -5 sUP 19 "o 16-,o(truJqJ !t J.rI-IFF TA C' E6;; Egs- i il b ?hFg65Hddto il;i! 5ro.r ulFcrrnEN .tEol-N U F I 3 att\tt\t.l\O \Oll .. CulI :=(to ocr,Arall.' F FCtCt r(ct ct I o-d 5,, -r4.t $; O.O.O.O.laoaoNNtt'.. r r,.,,IFa\rh\o u o - F u o lrl A co \O \O F HHH .S$ltlt.J\C.ll ru ttoo cE cJou o N Uc aol(.F |o clo = L (Joc liiili EiiiFi llfiiii ct ct ct -aoEc'uJ oqr< -e-o9J-ouJ() YEeEl<o!EJie!46 o (o.rf tl|rl al -ts\o ut UJ-(,2 F \i' o - A o C tll JB3? <llJ .. o. i: t;'AE €i=tYo g-r-0 o F] FJ 14 o a +l (\ H z F] Et'lH F] tsz t4 H 5-t-0!........_ 9 -0 -z-) F 3q.t cteA.-HJO<o <( r\r- I Ut q, >u .,dlr Zr <( - HurtlIJ C' =< r.oTAat ot ursJ t Y<<t "dd aY' ta G| -3.? ! a I n t |EoE Ptr)ou o l\l (JcH aolLF c (o c'f,o = v(Jo CE o Glt ct-aoaouloul <( =8:dgt g, Y4Eul<o:TJi3voa o o.f tlulJ (J -Fro oul c,2 F rt o - o c-?-0 t-1.\tt /o '{l\ l\|rt l=- Lt1 FI F C! F zH F] H Fz s\ g-?-0| 9 -0 -l I E ;rpE95!r *'*an €i= oooNATN v,ooo Fooo clooo lc, cl.l \l €\tur \gctEo.\ \ cr xxx -OOHrOt rat - eeo <ct\.l {t OOO OF .? ? att OOO tUlFI | | Vt < rr-ct u-\t r!\t I r4^r.t i \a rlr aL rll. rc I qI c,5 '-'-- lt" - H .'dlf tso 0 r -<t *-*-* 5: E 6 6-5NONCI^r A q. ao < ..66 S S -(,9- lA-- - F F JJ(, lJ - FFf B-o6-oi lES.: E ==:J FE6E6 tt-64. a 60-A_ Yr tt) 6l -=.' v.!irt& $:€ F{rts ^t' ,t(, !-si; moi>>E =Eo-88at !!9(,JcH5 3iE {ll:;E tEE.33 o C' B 6 e6 $eulaJ E o-eu,!l- a:t-Ir Yc, T g B l3tarl r.o - -araot.xol^s s g5 d:Eddjjddqaqn -9 !- S rS l !*1- iestqt?ecs Bs 8B .o;q F =silFI i.,*i.,-? ==If I t '-r lo. . . lo, . I r. tctut(! :l Jol;!fiH fffii Un=:555555! gE €E lI-- lsj?9-,a.ror--I gisnisr lfiFF Elgrfi:**;r* J Ioofx: T IecU- ll !.roo.rxxxx io-.ot-.lII HE$$' o|ortsFl€\o.tF :::- 5 El;.6i4 fii:g6 H$E$*" :i3: .5$$str l. .{ :},ir.ili.J ' EHF g ..vra.r-.c !--i l:,iJSAd -*fit 9-S-' )F 0 rO rt I uJJ C'U' E$i? rOurr'tI;;+ H+n lsrOI** U'-FrO U'gJ-(J- F ct - l nl \. €ao@ rF! N E|ooc Etoo o nl (JcH UlafLF c fo cfo- rl(J o(r 6- Etse- x<lt-vt oFlncrt cr 0\4 -<lour ;o.PF U' A50 lll <o zd -V, E OGVt gt J|rI -o.!l J lr.r l-,cr-e= Yda! cut.O <OE5 =iJ- uJ G)aJ !z aart *E .ro !.t aao-2Ct N o € 00 .r'.c .\P Fe .CA.,rt \t\t \Oo ctct q>9 € ao..f .tn \tCt r@ \tl\| {<t oo qro ..tto € cto rCNN e .i' tlItt (., EF\o u,-(Jz F o Q .cr{' z d o 90 oo .rt t to NI,l tt r'! ocroEniN - -O F. J|rIHFoFF>u, 60 ||a ! .t o- F J(tUr(J O . UrCt ll aOrOUtrl rf .13 O O(> -N.\rA FN \.)Lt. ro o cl croo\ \ tt2re aO .( . . (-t llo o a d- |lrocl Fr! Jr^ r,r ..)(, JoaNNr,to -E || o h\o ro -\Jc) J. tttt>. E lEtc)<O Eo C)GIE= tOF JN - .U'|F GIF-u,F o r} o60 ctoA A <H- - O urOO C(\l ? O.aUl.l'Ul.C F ll lEi J J fi?59 = o',c=t8-- fr,,gT 8..8 '\. $ FN(:'F AF O NN-L OJ J JE\X '< -Fr( rl o'N FFC| a, CtJ -rrt!N'rN.' 6 -5 SHP t ?R5 " S-tr at <t ct..o a3 ttlr+rz ()\tJtr- .. LrolEoSo€ !I-- Uuj9Ebb9a -Jl-E 9gfflFFFF r(JFF Fa c, >>FF |rt u,t<a ?|ttt9nao<io iElS ittP-raoHJr :eEI €i=lff rr- E .lrtal.a aJF .1??ut? JJF- tY4r 9-9-0 9F. \o(\tx 6 -rO o9; :* 6p Ioqt c) .r,<;o N:5 o9=_o \oox xro€ \o \oX.t t\|\t\ oo r; 9-9-0-9-'1F9 t-Nar\\t!Fo ltlrrt v.t{l- FI b r'rr- N"' lrl JO€lloctr'\,rctcr€\ot\-xxxxxxxxxxF t'l \oo ur \o r,t o \o tn tttatrFNr.l\turroNo60 FFeFF--FFl\I 6\trtNO.O \ \ rlOHOrr/A (trrt ot.ElrO oo\ ot I rO I F (rt \O L, J() uJ Jrtx |rJx urxNO-NO-i\lrn<t ur a(\OO. O\A 8."85-obEF14F!Os-|!t g I I I FIItrt\t\\\ \For*\oN- |trt\t\tt\\\\lrlFrn Onr^n rrr€!-oc)roNNr..lclNF-oor\t{tor'ta.t r.t cl tA \o o N {l R , rvrFN I Oo\G'O'OFI\\O INFFFFFFFli,&AA$+;; rrt or -=.) F o -<:o @ .f\a.f oo oo O"trt eo o.(, \O.t oo qx) \0|\t oo oao N\t eo rt(t luf oo coq, oo @ Gf trlF lo.oa-a-aa-- AFF xxxxxxxxxxN n aO|'r rf| Cl|'t rn (l ral tutrF .\lr|.t trt \o F ao o. o r||(O lO .l \O F N aO Ui ltl tp$RPpfirs$ O€rn!.r\C.ttvtt la\l AFFFFFFFFF1.5**$$aaa6 B$$:S$tr$Rhheh!^ortnF|\I\OC \O \Oc)\O\O€O\--o.€rOrO Not\Nlst-Ft-o'-lNo€O\O\O\O\OoNSri.r.r.r.*.j.'.j.{.; Nr.t.t!nroNcto\oF IeFFF-FFFa\Jl:.1la$'i.5tAd6 FF?FFFFFF.{ B€PSFPgSSM:RR6fF8P::=8F* NCII\NNISNNONOO:Fo\O\O\O€\O€oF!l\uru.... -lFl \t \t \t rt .t \t \t .t r.l F F Nr|\trn\ot\6o|oFFFl|FFFlr | | | |r-run.cl^.ot-rcopFN F-= A n '. (.t(.| (.laooo E or^o9ct -Noo> o o .j,.i a. (l(?Gc, Z)JJ o u, <.a.(r! t-zzttt F---E octo<. t ---- HETSI! (' IJ IJ CJH Proro Fcroo a! r()Lt@@ < \\ulI ZFaOt <autfl ac (leF= Erii,lsg ,_ft==3, Itoo oItl,r:8J I t.! E${eEg==;'i..6 6 @ rarO oo cro {\t \ € '.6,;1 .-)a<t--.-s ru tt|oocr +t CtoL' o G,| Uc (,)afLF c ro $iiilii o a:t ou6 EOuto|rJ <l-eEo etJzout (, Y4cu,<(6,Jb3vaa =93oE-:! . .atl88ucI-O. J -Ut,' - >. cr;||= = .l, \EarFF o o|I|1600 -N69? ,i5o(-t ll ?vtJ Ut J <l(tturEno I (93<]sE: lo t-a.ur^l FN cf(!noE q9 qo t,,$,, fl8 3gclJ r Jr\ l,aJ rHr{' rt| 3$9.l frS =P-,lL-H g g ..5 flJ ttt < |atu ut lo:e,b: €i= 5-JJF- tY6 'O o aJo--oEl H.OF AF JO u, (, o .c30nts-a&, E E.rt JoH\J(' J 'ctrtoI F' F-lrrF oS--u t - torl|(, I Joll .J:t h 6.Frt(!t- aF O -l\l< - O-FE.-5 gHP !=-- l|Jjq -..JFF TC| CI E$:i [gs' N o tl 8: rtl Ut Jragtx ozN rO O- F!O€8s 6 r{i I\ (,\O Ert J \af lrluJx -t\lO O. rO E5oFa!lr iHerB'+3i\ols g l-t6-5-- H^cx:E-fi Sillpi t- J u b- F Bt trl A trlIJ 6 IBID- B F T uE8 g3A 3 [- :;- .j "rol-Eil1": -ri;iritJFF l.rrnoo\ | O\<rt a\JF Frv- HI,' cc e -F.C FFN^ln|Q tr tll 6\l - - Fi o tlut C' -F€ tll-(.,- rt - 4 cr B86: rc)JFI ct;oooII ou ..fu-1 2) 3- -j--Qi 9-9-0 a\l ttooG cfoL) o n| (Jc oof C.F c ID c'fo- -v C'o cr iiiili liiiiii E(.' Cl-tt EOuratrJ < =qzou, (, raE4 lrrT3iE gT c- xr( qr -U' r.r= cl ut-\Fc'ct (| (rtutIl,Jct-4)6.a.o =5q. -E rit rtq. xE .'c'lrr ur6Fl-596 o tu 8.. *tatr 8i t! :o eoI ll=:ll at F rtiaOOFN-OO Jt tlutut J =aroA.t\ rr: ,rrJHB.tQfr 6'ol!-g SaBi-?-E Jr!JO <( ut <(bRbIFJF- 9C8lll F.aaF ",P JoEg od.E H' Eart JoF\JC' J !().(o.-EJ 5S--u ! 'rouJl, I JolI .Jt - O' =NE' e-^P6,,'5 3$P !I-- luj9H(JFF -A Ct THJ: !gg' g 3 c I il5 J Bot'- Eo-\ Eru Il J\Oa. x s ut CT -= $t- p b tli U E au I tl UI (, tal.J 6 II Ul I ut-)-\o ul-(.t- - 4 c' o o i =: =|||oo oBlttttr talt.l oLI ttoo oEta||at talr;J J F rtaE tsO\r.toFo|).t.trnrttnr:at)FN Nrtl- NO =€ t tctO|.l !.!w 9-9-0 I:i -=&**,', |Jc ql olLF c (o g lo- .voo(r a U (.ro =cJOa.o o6 JO Fr8 lJo SIcP 16:e !!su oo tl(,- r ct LlF o. o-r|Iaa AF|rtq,c,=n8E9q,-o< ==tIO qr tsrt Ct rut ll-a<< TBd .t rtoo@r|6 ..t \ ll\ llC)-O-o vfiar oEF (r\O C, ! rr-lo r!.t ItFN (rrFrn- !t llJ JrC lll Jrtx trtx trt xNOZNOZNo.( r,t<FA rOA 9eFFcFE aP UI 6t -=-Fs u a u or| lrlF 5."a x F I T lllc,Gtral 6T B 5 I OrnOl.rlnr'l t,,,I-N\O ooroO\O\O e alt ct -6coul clul <a =5sdtrt 3J Ld =H-)ieta c! :EFrO uJ! C)- F z A o ATg- ,<<( ur-v, C''\g- .F Cto cttul(!tJg= 6.o E5J-C'rt.E ts..oql aaF96 : E o=P5o' tl: : b1493 ooE9: JC' II|rlUI J =:l: B. (l-oo Cto E,,8,, flNJJJ-\A AJ --{636.. f-q,JttJL- i. r-9 -,!L-H gg a(qJ< l'lt5e5: €A:FJF- !!46 ! e;I Fu b- F U B tl c ,J-t -t *l o s tlul q, H88 n4q F-^: 3 I+;era6 6r"|q .,: ou Itoo ollrrtrar rt! FtE- tsOOFnOlsn8h8r EAC .a.!if) U f +rt N \t N t,|oo cc c,foL) o GI (Jc (rl (n)LF c fo ilii*i liiilii 0 (:t c,-aorouI ou,t < =gzouI (, YEcut<o -Ji3vaa F\o anqJEt2 o -' tlut CJ o qt - o. o *p3!e1-.\f! | rut1?ct 3u> (.rt ||! I I \eI dNN o ol!6016 -m-OF tL'tss," 50J(' || ?V'ul uJ J Qaazc[6 !.t ut<t ct grJ..o r! = lo clz.dHg gq q: E,,8,, fl* 3gJ J JT\ C,O 6J -Hr{' rll5N5.. S-q .6JNJE i. LrO FF -,!1.-H gg ..b<uJ< ouJ uJEESE= €iE E-FJF- iYA Ac' ()0ZQ JOod I JO o6 JOo!ot- JO 0 8'oF o-!u6 CF uJ (,EfcaE E.t' o<o Z IIJF!-- u Eiou,Lr I =NE- t-6-5gU(:r..a (aUl-- lu-:ii rtusdd u5 l' tl ar.tt rt- J!C z t\l A Fao 8S (o S! =d€€c uli5 I J u B- FI o lu c F 9-9-' bx J F acl o a ||rq,-\ o|\l trlF JrO \tAxx F :iato o3\O rA o||lt E-.'ct ctIrr!4r-.. t5FlllFa lrlFtI\ 6T rtc!t.-r| Il.l $+ u$5- Ft-ls5il l+ 9-9-09.9.1--1 F.{ ..f \ n\OrOro cr\o {l llJ Jrf UJx qrx NC'ZNC' rOA \O totEaFEF"I! :"e, $$8 t\oolsoral (v ttooE +t CJo(, o (U a;ct{ 6a:tLF c .o c'fo- .v(Jo(r Y glitll *giiEi iriiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii orl(24tao eour clrrr < =69J -Otrl a.J !lce|ll =3iEtzo tlqI (, u,- \o ul-c,- F o o - 4 o c, e ocl oo o JB€a B ..8 s-q, aE out€i: 9-9-0 oo o ooo.\t.\t.\l vtooo FOOO CJooo fcr6.+ .t \ortur \octla\ \ a xxx -<t 0 rJou\ ra z ooo <o\O rO 999 9F .F F Ul Or^o .utFI | | qt, aa.ttlcl E.{tE\c. rlF.{i i .\l ll - A 'O, 'o' r ul C,> vt?vr?ut a tt J-3 P3 t =SE-t *-*-* l= t 6 6-5.\loNoN a. (t o <( '.cl6 q s -Q9= lfr-- I F F JJ('( T FFf to5-o! lE3': n :5=.l Frr6r!6 |'-!aa a oao. $ig ..!.lW; ru tt|gotr c,oc) o n| Uct{ aal C-F c.t1 o c'fo = .!4 (Jo cc 0 qto!o Ec|lrJ ou,t it ;q-olu (, YEE UIa(a ,Jietz aa -€ att-(,- F o o -c o o lsN tltrlJ (J c0 cro \o^l oo oo \o\o o s'E I ..8 *;Scrt !fi: t-0-0 ?-0+ 0 '9 '01 6 .<, r<l o0 OF r<t -0 v,Fq, SE4:F J(?<(tOF. ia .tI I lrl (,p .,d= I -|lIC(J(J 3 ! S-- I Lr(r( H ddd 'i: \\oocttat tat z\OS --atI,tV,q E$l!\t I - O- !a- .O-, alt? Vr? U,iC .o-.o-.'axxxl\t c) l\tct nl6 SS 5 8oEo5f F rlorloo :!-|ii.*b? Hi?;$ (u ttooE Ptrao(J o N IJcH qr QlLF c (o cfo- .!/ C'oc 3iilll iisiFi liiiiii o ctozaE cou,t ilu, r( Eq20lrt 3.l tace|4t<o -Jiev!a 8-trl c,4- x<gl-tv,trt\EOq,-rFo.o ur . (l(a9c) U'< ctJe= a)26r\t dlrF oF rct(t F4I- 59 6* -E JtI FEo "o<F |1162b.) 96 g! @9 rfilt (\tt r€ ls (t c, otl tl J L' - \o uJ-L'- o o \'.c z o- o \aro lno ri' sl\ l\p FO l\l.t .€ uno ct\l to.- r{A \t\t qt N C fl -Lt cte s..8 GN Ag €iE : Ro:: Ft tl\oooo6tl, -et N. Jtll xr . l-a!Fo.P Jo &Aiur Ct 6 ' ll0o\Oo\43 0 -t\tFg b- r.r c, , . cts!0otlI A FITI J9t-o i9 -c rr o o<cr c,o6:t F' F - rLall.l-t!- o oac)<Hr a aa (ll\l F Ec:e I ac n?g,;FrC(,T AF O c|J J E'6s 3u9- e;3:gt..ct (3 gtsJLlI-- lej? -,11.-H r()FF ral I l! U,.(!H;i !gp' =3F3 9-9-0 9-9-0F9-9-5--l Po F C'o I c.,rfJ v po I 0|' o aottx .tox * NXFaOIo It rt,<eql rt\Oxlo fiN o F* rt>(ra o Fn Nsl\ 3q r- \o is b.o \o \o- Fe {. {. b- r^ r.r < !:H ** oB loo.-o-.oPdaF :* qrxxx)<xxxx cJ.\N6.oN.oUnNAir Gt vt an {,ul -o\ o F |\t l.t {t |tt \o F .l \t \Ol\rl'| \O .t.l'-c.t @O.lO.tO((t |'\NNaONt\6 i--na.cfioxo |r|@f|€Fo-N B}F3R3F?^,'r*,1---., aeF-FFF-3;,;.if,i&& ll!|\lF<tFrOnLl@-\OoOqlrl|F € ttr (t\ e qlR' , ^rT' {t rtl rrt \t .t \t **,i,-i''+,i'' e FAll.t.t t^ \oF CFFFFFFFlde:i,;+,i.i FrONr|rtN\OFoc)t\t!noc>('\orhN|.[ Itt .t \O |tt lrt € .t r.| F F mFt.ttat\olscto\F6 I:*;+;.b*a*a tt rtts p 'q1aO .aO \\oo\ I\ || t,t rrlOFOE\O\Oaoo6EF alF aJtNN+'lrlr.I I r,t r talot O. O,cl u-€ rloF I tul\tv|rtr or.r4 rrE OB .nF\rurF.\r- !l.c-.c-JXX8 p-dp-d* ;NrlNur ^lOzNOz^l F O Olo<9<>r,rr,tr|| F aL F o, e.{\oa\roI eissies HGi; N : qt q^ ril \OO o{ qt co rf'o at C. E J F u oo- Furaala\ ot\l ulF5oAF t\ (\t\l cl ct- lclc oo \o|O ol\l o€ qt utt-t-hlo(ohlsNt).f.t N t\t t\l N.t.+ FRR€Xr€RR F rON r| rn is \OFl^traroc ClrOt^N5;.j{;;;d.f;3g E==.;atrnur E-ii EqtE ttoo o -r,J F"t.: ?$$ Plll\t.t'Frh alc oFFO\ E-t \a\a' 6-dP-F I tt l- ,n i "!.!i{p-%" $i*;$ Fn€€O€rlFOO\tOftrr\t^l^O$\O€o\rstt\F I\Fr|(>T\F-OC'CICINI\ ru tooE +,c)o(J o RI TJc aafcF c (, c:)o- v(Jo(r o ct ct-aocou, clut << =g9d|rt a.l !lcE|rl.46 -Ji3v6 tl UJ a \o taul-(J- F a o rrt\l 2 v, o 9-9-0 9-9-0F ot-s -9 --1 f;EOc- ct -t6 o.tx rox N,<.( ul-v,> ariooE troo aav,B.'3lo 9:3n||s e,-gq 016 9:{ rt S-q, *E 9E ..8 ta ut ulE.A>F F{sE 95 :no\o!:ta||,tO Crct Frtr ll22oF.Jl,lJFtrFaaFg' I= Eo.F JO .r\OO. UJ (, 6 ' ll OFIIIcf O -r}Fo8 5- \o (' ' 'ct-c ao q I. 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