HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 2 LOT 9 LEGALP ' TOWNOFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO8165 7 970 -479-2138 ••V lt'l \YW ~ DEPARTM ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT to t--~.()A.le..L NOTE:THISPERMI T M UST BEPOSTEDONJOBSITEATALLTIMES ADDI ALTSFRBUILD PERMIT Permit #:B05-0191 Jo bAddress: Location: ParcelNo: ProjectNo : 07/15/2005 07/15 /2005 Phone:970-476-2367 2692LARKSP URLNVAIL 2692 KI NNIKINNICK 21031430100 7 Prj~5 ~1J17J OWNER PUETZER,RICHARD C. 2 692 KINNICKINNICK CT VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR PUETZER,RICHARD 2692 KINNIKINNICK COURT VAIL CO 81658 License:356-L APPLICANTPUETZER,RICHARD C . 2692 KINNICKINNICK CT VAIL CO 81657 07/15/2005 Status ... Applied.. Issued . Expires: ISSUED 0711512005 08/01 /2005 0112812006 Description: ADDITON OF 2 ROOMS,REPLACE PATIO BLOCK AND TIMBER SIDEWALK WITH CONCRETE Occupancy:R-3 TypeConstruction:V-B Valuation:$20 ,000.00 AddSqFt :384 Fireplace Information :Restricted:Y #o fGasAppliances:0 #ofGasLogs:0 #ofWoodPellet:0 **********************************************************.*********~ES~~~Rlr *****************••••*************************************** Building·-·->$3 21.2 5Resruarant Plan Review-->$0 .00Total Calc-ulated Fees-->$590 .66 Plan Check--->$208 .81 DRBFee------------------>$0 .00 AdditionalFees--------->$0.0 0 lnvestigation->$0 .00 Recreation Fee--------->$5 7.60 Total Permit Fee------>$59 0.66 Will Call---->$3.00 Clean-upDeposit------->$0 .00Payments-------------->$590 .66 TOTAL FE ES----------->$590 .66 BALANCE DUE·--->$0.00 ***********************************************••*****.*.******************************•••••••*.*****.**.******************************.********* Approvals: I tem:05100 BUILDING DEPARTM ENT 07/29/2005 CGUNION Action:AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 07/18/2005 bgibson Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item :05500 PUBLIC WORKS 07/19/2005 gc Action:CONn ***•••••••••••••********************••••••••••••••••••••**••••*************************•••**.**************************.**.**.******************* Seepage 2 of thi s Documentforanyconditionsthatmay apply tothispermit. DECLARATIONS .'•• IherebyacknowledgethatIhavereadthisapplication,filledout in fulltheinformation required,completedanaccurateplot plan,andstatethatallthe information asrequirediscorrect .Iagreetocomplywiththe information andplotplan,tocomply withallTown ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthis structure accordingtothetownszoningand subdivision codes,design reviewapproved ,InternationalBuildingandResidentialCodesandotherordinancesofthe Town applicablethereto. REQUESTSFOR INSPECTION SHALL BEMADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURSIN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT479-2149ORATOUR OFFICE FROM8 :00 AM-4 PM. ••PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL Permit #:B05-0191 asof08-01-2005 Status :ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Perm it Type : Applicant: JobAddress: Location: Parcel No: ADDIALT SFRBUILDPERMIT PUETZER ,RICHARDC . 2692LARKSPURLN VAIL 2692KINNIKINNICK 2 1031430J 007 Applied : Issued: ToExpire : 0711 5/2005 08/OJ /2005 0 11 28/2006 Description: ADDITONO F2 ROOMS,REP LACE PATIOBLOCKANDTIMBERSIDEWALK WITH CONCRETE **************************************************Conditions ******************************************** Cond :12 (BLDG .):FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTOCHECKFORCODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.):(SFR)SMOKE DETECTORS AREREQUIREDPERSECTION R313OFTHE2003IRC. Cond:CONOOO73 87 OP EN HOLESOILSREPORT REQURIED PRIORTO FOOTINGINSPECTIO APPROVAL.1500PSF.MINIMUM Cond :19 (BLDG .):GUARDSARE REQUIRED TOMEETSECTIONR312 OFTHE 2003IRCOR SECTION 1012OFTHE2003!BC . Cond:39 (BLDG):EMERGENCYESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGSAREREQUIRED TOME ET SECTIONR310OFTHE2003IRCORSECTION1025O F THE 2oo3IBC . Cond :18 (BLDG .):STAIRWAYSARE REQUIRED TOMEETSECTIONR311.5OF THE2003IRCOR SECTION 1009OFTHE2003IBC . "•• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: Pue t zer 1310 R050001193 Check Amount:$590 .66 08/01/200512:05 PM Init :DDG Notation:Richard C . Permit No : Parcel No : Site Address : Location: B05-0191 Type:ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT 2 103-143-01 00-7 2692 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2692 KINNIKINNICK Total Fees :$590.66 This Payment:$590.66 Total ALL Pmts :$590.66 Balance :$0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT IT EM LIST : Ac count Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 RF 11100003112700 WC 00100003112800 Description BUILDINGPERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE CUrrent Pmts 3 21.25 208.81 57 .60 3.00 " 75S.Frontage Vail,Colorado 81 SEA J .tJ 8 {uuS; •...o(?? -S--()(1.r ICATION echanical,etc .! IBUILDING :$ I PLUMB ING:$ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) J1,S-z:s-Z>~ELECTR ICAL:$.Js-z>c)II OTHER :$.."J ""2'<:> ;l pO II MECHANICAL:s II TOTAL :$~,tJ e:>CJ Phone : Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit v.t}Vw.eaale-count .co rr] N o~ JobAddress:;L6~;L.kIll f\I k:I "(\I C. Doe s an EHUexistat this location:Yes ( I Subdivision :Va,IJ't1..fe,rt1 .....k -t.,~" ,n n,;','1 '\I c.J:c -r-I Phone ij76_2 36 7 1 New () Interior ( Typeof Bldg,:Single-family(Two -family ()Mult i-family (Commercial ()Restaurant ()Ot her ( No.ofExisting Dwelling Units in t hisbuilding:No.ofAccommodation Units inth is building: F:\Users\JSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC 0 7/28/20 04 ••Quest ions?CalltheBUildingTeamat 479-2128 Building Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Community Development ,/This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit application is accepted. o Allpages of app lication is complete /0 Has ORB approval obtain ed (if required)Provide acopy of approval form .0 Condominium Association lett erof approval attached ifproject isaMulti-Family complex o PlanCheck Fee r equired at submittal f or projectsvalued ove~(See attach ed Construction Fee Schedulefor ca lculations)/cA~(I-V ;P Complete siteplan su bm itted o Public Wr Y Permitapplication inclu ded if app licable (refer to PublicWork schecklist) ./0 Staging plan in cluded(r efer t oPublic Workschecklist)No dumpster,parking or material storage allowed on roadways and shoulders without written approval 1!1'Asbestost est andresults submitted if demo lition isoccur ring ;?J'Architect stam p and signatu re (All Comme rcial andMu lti family) /0 Fullfloor p lans including b uilding sections and elevati~ets ofplansforSFR andDuplex,5 sets ofplan s for Multi-Family and CommercialBuildings) /Cl Windowanddoorschedule ......Cl Fullst ructural pl ans,includingdesigncriteria(L e.loads)L /oStructural Engineerst amp -and signature on structural p lans (A ll Commercial and MultiFamily)L-L~ ./0 SoilsReport m ust besub mitted prior to footinginspection o Fire resistive assembliesspecified andpenetrations in dicated /0 Smoke det ectorsshown onplans ,0 Types and quantity offir eplacesshown I hav e read and understand-eh Applica nt's Signature;,;·~2~~~~~~:-.J~~4~~:+:~~:::-_ Date of submittal Xl Received By1 ~-oS \J F :\UsersIJSuther'JlewBLDGPERM .DOC 0 7/28/2004 ••'----II. , ) BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCETIME FRAME If thispermitrequiresaTow n of Vail FireDepartmentApproval,Engineer's (PublicWorks) reviewandapproval,aPlanning DepartmentrevieworHealthDepartmentreview,anda reviewbytheBuilding Department,theestimated timeforatota l reviewwi ll takeaslong asthree(3)weeks. All commercial(large orsmall)andallmulti-family permitswillhavetofollowtheabove mentionedmaximumrequirements .Residential andsmall projects shouldtakealesser amountoftime.However,if 'residentialorsmallerprojectsimpact thevariousabove mentioned departmentswithregardto necessary review,theseprojects maytakefive (5)weekstorev iew andapprove. Every attempt wi ll bemadebythisdepartmenttoexpedite thispermit assoonas ,possible. I,theundersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedure andtime f rame.Ialso understandt hat ifthe permit isnotpickedupbytheexpirat ion date,thatImuststi ll pay theplancheckfeeand that ifIfailtodosoit mayaffectfuturepermits thatIapplyfor. ( -, ( -,,Signature ;?vEl'"h:::72-rhJ '0 I r /D tfl.J 7-f:-c:/6 ProjectName: Date:--!.'-------"~__=__.c=.._ F:IUsersIJSutherlnewB LDGPERM ,DOC 07 12812004 "•• PUBll:WORKS AND THE PUBUC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relatesto Building Permits: >-Fill out the attached checklist with t he Build ing PermitApp lication. If yes was answered to any of thequestions thena"Public Way"permit is required .You canpick upanapp lication at either Community Development,located at 75 South Fronl£lge Road orPub licWorks,located a t 1309 ElkhornDrive . ~Notice sign -offs for utility compani es.All util ities must fie ld verify (locate)respective utili tiespriort osig ning ap plication.Some uti litycompaniesrequire upto 4 8 hours notice to schedule a locate. >-A construction tra ffic co ntro l/staqinq p lan must be prepared ona separates heet ofpaper. An approvedsiteplan maya lso beused.Th is planwill s howlocations of all traffic control devices (signs,cones,etc.)andtheworkzone,(areaofconstruction ,staq tnq,etc.).Thi s plan willex pire on November 1standwillneedtoberesubmitted forcons ideration fo r appro val th rough thewinter.Beawareth at yo urresubmissionfo r winter maybe den ied depending o nth e location ofcons truction. >-Sketchof work being performed mustbesubmittedindicatingdimens ions (length,w idth anddeptho f work).Thismaybedrawno n t het rafficcontro l planoras ite p lan fo r thejob. >-Submit completed applicatio n tothePublicWork'sofficefor review.If required ,locates will bescheduledfortheTowno fVaile lectricians and irrigatio n crew.Th elocates take placein th e mornin g,but may require upto 48 hours toperform. >-T he Public Work's ConstructionInspector will reviewtheapplication and approve o r deny the permit Youwill be contacted as tothe status and anyrequirementsthatmaybe needed.Most permits a re releasedwithi n 48 hoursofbeingreceived,but pleaseallowup toone(1)week toprocess .. >-As soon as th e permitisappro ved,the Bu ilding Department wi ll be notified,a llowing the "BUildingPermit"to be re leased.Pleasedo notconfuse the "Public Way Permit"w ith a "Building Perm it". >-NOTE:The a bove process is for work in a public way ONLY.Public Way Permits are v alid on ly until November 15th.A new P ublic W ay Permit is requ ired each year if work is not complete.Re-a pplication each November 1 5th does not mean an automatic renewal.( ave. 7 -?'-0 .5"- Da te Sign ed 07 /28/20 04 • S treet Addre ss •PRJ #:------ PW #: Parcel #:-._------- Bld g.Pcrmi t #:.!!__-_ J obN a me APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WAY P ERMIT 20 I.----:--;-:~---------------,=----,--:-:-------------, ) 2. Ex cavatingC o ntrac tor Na m c M a ilA ddre ss (I f un knowncall 479-2 139 ) T O Y C o ntracto r Lic e nse Nu mbe r -R EQUIRE D C ity St ate Zip Phone # 3. S tart Date Com pletion Da le (Perm it E xp irati o nD ate) 4.W o rkis fo r(c ircl e o ne )Watcr S ewer C a s E lectric Telephone C ATV Landscap ing T emp,S ite Access O ther _ T ota l S F $;;--:-:-:::-_ Total L F _ __________Perm it Fee $T o talP erm it Fee $_Bo odAmount s 5.T rench-width Le ngth O e pt h --:::~_c_;:=o__------------ (m in.4 ') 6 .A L L MA TERIAL,EQ UIPMENT,AN D TRAFF ICC ON TR O L D EVICES MU ST BEO N TH E J O B SIT EB EF ORET ilE J0 13 ISST ARTED . 7 .R ubber o ut-r iggersar e re q uiredo n excav ating e qu ipm e ntwh e nw orki ng o n asphalt.Asp h alts u r facesund ern e ath th e b u cketan d lu gss hall be p rotect eda t allt ime s. 8.Asig naturebe low in d icates arev ie w o f th e areaan du til ity lo cation s a nd ap proval.Once "II u tilitycom pany sign atu resa re o bta in ed, p ermittee ha so ption or r outing application through th eP uhlicWo rkso fficeto ohtain thene cessary Tuwn of V ail s ignatures. P leas e a llow up toon e w eek top roc ess. Xc e l E ner gy I P u blicSe rvic e Co mpany (1-8 0 0-922-198 7)_ Xce l En e rgy fJi gh Pres sure (1-8 0 0-92 2-198 7)_ Qu est (1 -800-922-19 87)_ Co m c astC abl e (1 -800-92 2-19 87)_ Eagle R iver Wa ter &.S anit at io nD istr ic t (97 0 -476-748 0,ext.114) 1I0 ly Cr oss E lectricC ompan y (1-800-922·1987)_ T ow no f Vail E lectric ia n s(97 0 -479 -2158)_ T ow no f V ail Irri g ation (9 7 0-479-2158)_ T H E R E W ILL B E NO T OT AL S TREET C L O SUR ES!Aco nstructiont ra fficco ntr o l p lan m us t be s ub mit ted an d ap pro ved by t he Pu bl ic W orks De partme n t p rior to iss ua nce or t he p ermi t. 9.A ll exca vatio n mus tbe d one by hand w ith in 18"o f nt ilities -(SenateB ill172 ). 10.l'cn niu cem ust co n t"e!the !'u b lic W orb D_e.r;l n m ~llt at 4 76-2 1'is 2-1 hOllrs rrior to c om menc ing o f work .F ai lure to N oti fyt hc T o wn w i ll resultin forfe iture of bo ndmon ey .Sc h edu led i nspec t ions th ata re not readymayresu lt inth eT o wn c harging th e contrac torarcinspcc tio nfee . I I .I ce rt'iJ:y th atI ha ve re a d a ll c hapters of Titre 8 -Public W ays and Property,of t he VailM unicipal Co dea nd a ll utili tyCo mp any ag re eme nts,s igned by me,and w i ll a b ide by the s a m e,a ndth at al l uti lit ies havebe en notitied a s re quired., Co m ract ors Sigll a t ure of Agre e ment Pr int namec learly A TTA CII PLAN OF WO RK,I NCLUDING CO.'l'S TR U CTIO N T RAFFIC C ONT R OL PLA N Sh ows t reet wit h nam es,b u i ldi ngs,li ndlo cation of cuts .USE OA SII LI NES FO R CUT . Da le o f s igna l ure W hitc -Publ ic Wo rk s Y ell o w -Co nt ra ctor F:IUsersIJ Suther\newBLDGPERM.DOC 0 7/28 /20 04 .'•• WHEN A "PUBLK:WAY PERMIT"lS REQUIRED YES __Is th isa new residence?o PLEASE READ AND CHEC K OFF EACH OFTHE FOLLOW ING QUESTIONS REG ARDING THE NEED FORA "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": NO X YES _NO X Is anyuti lity work needed?YES _ Is a different access needed to thesite other thanth eexisting driveway? Does dem olition wo rk being perform ed require the u~f theRight-of-Way,easementsor publicproperty?YES___NO---.K...- No L Arethereanyim provements being doneto til e d riveway?YES _ o o o o o Is anyd rainage wo rk.b~n g done that affects til e Right-of-Way,easements,or p ublicproperty? Y5 NO ~. o Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit"required?YES__ o Is tile Rig ht-of-Way,¢ements o r public property to beused forstaging,parking orfe ncing? YES N O ~. If answerisNO,isa.pJl'ki ng,sta gingor fen cingplanrequiredbyPublicWorks? YES N0----A- I f you answered YES to anyo f t hese q uestions,a"Pu blic Way Permit"must be obta ined. "PublicWayPerm it"applicationsmaybeobta ined atthePublic Work 's officeorat Community Development (asampl e is attach ed).If youhaveanyquestions pleasecallLeonard SandovalinPublic Worksat479-2198. IHAVE READ AN D ~ALLTHE ABOVE QUESTIO NS .;.?f'qyJZr 1--/ ~;g~0t ;}W;;~N 'IT< J Ob orprOjectName:V G?r~7!--/4-0 o ITIc) DateSigned:2 -g-<:)s - F:\U sersIJSutherlnewBLDG PERM .DOC 07/2 8/20 04 ••'-------JI·. DRAINAGEAND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED BYPUBLIC WORKS! Please readand check off each of the items below: o The TownofVailBuilding Departmenthasdeveloped t hefollowingproceduresto ensurethat new - constructionsiteshaveadequately establishedproperdrainage frombuilding sites alongand adjacent toTownofVailroadsor streets. o TheTownofVailPublicWorksDepartmentwillberequired to in spectandapprovedrainage adjacentto TownofVailroadsorstreetsand t heinstallation oftemporaryorperman ent culvertsat access pointsfromtheroadorstreetontotheconstruction site.Suchapproval must be obtained priortoanyrequests for inspection bythe T ownof Vai l BuildingDepartmentforfootings, temporaryelectrical oranyotherinspection.Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479 -2198 to request aninspectionfromthePublicWorksDepartment.Allowaminimum of 24 hournotice. o Also,t he TownofVailPublic Works Departmentwillbeapproving all finaldrainageandculvert installationwithresultingroadpatchingas neces sary.Such approvalmustbeobtainedpriortoany Final CertificateofOccupancy issuance. Agreed to by:_ Pri nt Name Signature ProjectName: Date Sign ed: F:\Users\J Sulher\newBLD GPERM .DOC (, ( 07/28/2004 ..• BRUCE A.COLLINS,PH.D. NATURAL RESOURCE CONSULTANT P.O.Box 23 -1116 MINEOTA DRIVE SILT,COLORADO 81652 PHONE/FAX (970)876-5400 bacol@rof.net RichardC .Puetzer 2692 Kinnikinnick Court Vail ,CO 81657 Dear Mr .Puetzer: July7 ,2005 • ENVIRONMENT AL , EXPLO RATION, ANDMINING GEOLO GY RE :LOT 9 ,BLOCK 2,V AIL INTERMOUNTAINDEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION ,2692 KINNIKNNICK COURT,VAIL Ihave completed my geolog ic investigation ofthe above referenced property,located above Gore Creek onthe lower slopes ofthe western endofVail Mountain ,West Vail , Eagle County Colorado .This investigation cons isted ofreviewof applicable maps and other reference materials and incorporation ofthesiteplan provided .'Although Ihavenot visitedthis specific lot ,I completed asim ilar study fora property inthe nearby Highland Meadows subdivision in2003 ,youhave provided complete surface photography ofthe existing structure and surrounding land,and aerial photography available online"provides complete coverage oftheofthe property andthe slopes tothe south ;1996 reports regarding Lot8,immediately adjacent ,prepared bymy colleague Dr.Nicholas Lampiris, havebeenreviewedaswell.The downslope boundary ofa moderate debris flow hazard zone onTownofVail geologic hazardmapswrapsaroundthe southeast side of the existing structure and therefore includes the southern (hottub)ofthetwo proposed additions .The northwestern boundary ofa high-hazard zone passes through the middle ofLot8 immediately tothe east and crosses the common corner between Lots6,8 ,and 9.The mapped hazards aretheresultofa short,steep ephemeral drainage that extends about 4 ,500 ftfromtheapexofthesmallalluvialfan present atthe bottom ofthe drainage, which includes the property,tothetopoftheridge between Gore Creek and Game Creek ; elevation attheapexis about 7,880 ft,atthetopoftheridge 9,580 ft,for relief of 1,700 ft andadra inage gradient of37 .8%.While the drainage areahasnotbeen quantified,rough measurements sug gest approximately 130 acres ,virtually allof which is heavily forested withamixed aspen-conifer assemblage .Remnants ofthe debris flowlobe mentioned in Dr .Lampiris 's report of November 16,1996 ,arenot visible onthe previously-mentioned 1999 aerialphotography,and neither thelobe itself northesmallfanof which itisapart 1 "TopographicMap,Lotg,Block2,Vail Intermountain Development Subdiv ision ,"A lpine Engineering Inc . Job#44071 . 2 See http://www.terraserver.microsoft.com . .'•• PAGE2 aremappedbyTwetoandLovering(1977 3).The property isabout Y2-mile southofthearea included inthemorerecent7.5'quadrangle mapcompiledbyKellogg ,etal .(2003 4 ). Because of thelimited drainage areaand moderate gradients ,heavy vegetation inthe dra inage area ,andthe modest mitigating measures recommended byDr.Lampirisforthe structure locatedinthe associated high-hazard zoneonLot8 ,theactualdebrisflowhazard toLot9ism inor. TwetoandLovering(1977)mapsurficialdepos itsintheareaof the property as Quaternary alluvium ,theirmapsymbol Qal.Thisisacategoryprimar ily reservedfor recentalluvial deposits alongcurrent streams ;atthescaleoftheTwetoandLoveringmap(1:48000 ,or 1"=4 ,000 '),thealluv ial fanthat includesLot9 istoosmalltobe separately identified . Kellogg ,etal.(2003)describefan materials depos ited under similar circumstances as : Moderately wellsortedtopoorlysorted,tanto grayish-brown,stratified ,sand to boulder gravelin fan-shaped deposits ;sandmatrix.Deposits areboth clastandmatr ix supported ,suggestingdepositionbybothalluvialand debris- flow processes .Clastsmostly subangularto subrounded andlong dimension asmuchas2m[6.5ftl;mostare considerably smaller.Depositedbyside streams near where theyjoinGoreCreek ....Allfan deposits gradeto present streamleveland probably beganformingsoon after deglaciation in latePleistocene.Asmuchas15m[50 ft]thick . Bedrockbeneaththese unconsolidated materials ismappedasMinturn Formation (pm) bybothTwetoandLoveringandKellogg ,etal.,and described bythelatteras: Interbedded arkosic grit ,sandstone,conglomerate ,siltstone ,shale ,and volumetrically small ,but stratigraphically sign ificant ,limestone and dolomite. Thegr it iscoarsegrained(coarsesandtogranule),poorlysorted , subangular,andquartzrich ,butitalso contains abundant feldspar , muscovite ,andb iotite androck fragments .Sandstone issimilartogrit except byhavingfinergrains .Conglomerate iscommonandcontainspoorlysorted, subrounded to angular,granules tocobblesofchiefly Proterozoic rocks , whichinclude granitic rock ,migmatitic gneiss ,andpegmatite.Italso contains minor lower Paleozoic carbonate rockandquartziteclasts.Siltstoneand shalecontain abundant micaandsandbesidesilliticclays ....Colorsof theseclasticunits differ greatlybothlocallyandregionally .Although colors cannot beusedas dependable diagnostic mappingtools,some generalizations canbemade .Grayish-orange-pink,pale-yellowish-brown , brownish-gray,andlight-brownish-gray sandstone andgritarecommon. Conglomerate colorsare predominantly lightbrownishgraytograyishpink whereas siltstoneandshalecolorsare predominantly palebrowntograyish 3 Twelo,0 .,andLovering ,1.S.,1977,GeologyofIhe Minium 15-m inule quadrangle,Eagleand Summil Counties ,Co lorado:U.S .Geo logical Survey Professional Paper956 ,96p. 4 Kellogg ,K.S .,Bryant ,B.,and Redsleer,M .H.,2003 ,Geo logic mapoftheVai l East quadrangle,Eag le County ,Co lorado:U .S.Geolog ica l Surve y Miscellaneous F ield StudiesMap MF-2375 ,18p. "•• PAGE 3 red....In thewesternmaparea ,grayandbrowncolorsaretherule .... Tweto andLover ing (1977)estimated amaximum thickness of1,280m[4 ,200 ft][inthearea]. Depthto bedrock isunknownbut probably lessthan50feet.NorthofGoreC reek d irectly acrossfromthepropertytheMinturnFormationbedsdip northwesterly atupto35 °,while onthesouthsideoftheridgebetweenGo re CreekandGameCreekthebedsdip northeasterly at10°to15 °.Nofaultingismappedinthe immediate area .The drainage being discussed hereis remarkably stra ight fromtheapexofthefantoa steep-slope area belowmore moderate slopesthatleadtothetopoftheridgeline southeast ofthe property . Severalparallellinesthroughthetreeswestofthemain drainage arevisibleonthe airphotos ofthearea .Theentirereachofallofthesefeaturesisheavilyforested ,withno rock exposures ,soitdoesnot appear thatthesearerockfalltraces.Theymorelikely represent small joint-controlled drainages orridgesaffectingthevegetation;itisalso possible thattheyreflectthe outcrops of more-resistant limestone or dolomite bedsinthe Minturn ,althoughtheirremarkablelinearitycomparedto apparent dip variations fromsouth tonorththroughtheridgesuggestsotherwise. The mapped debris-flow hazardtothe property isbasedonthesmall drainage andalluv ial fan discussed above ,eventhoughnofanismappedbyTwetoandLoveringandwhichis infact discernable onlybygeneralshapeonrecent airphotos .Alluvialfansdevelopby depositionofmudandrocksfrom "flash-flood"eventsmov ing down steep-gradient streams abovethefan .Thefanshape istheresultofpluggingoftheactive channel by debris , forcingthemud-ordebrisflowtochangecourseoverandover.The abrupt change in gradient resultsinthedepos ition ofthe coarsest materialneartheapexofthefan ,with finerandfinerdebrisand ultimately mud deposited towardthetoe .Because ofthe "obstaclecourse "createdbybouldersandotherdebrisatandneartheapex ,together with the nature offlowforcedoutofapluggedchannel ,flowoverthesurfaceofafan(as opposed toinanactualchannel)nearthetoeisrarelyverydeep.Surface flowismost likelytooccur off theflanksofthefanuntiltheyhavebeenbuiltup sufficiently toforcethe drainage backintothecenter ,whereitremainsuntilit becomes pluggedandtheprocess startsover.Thecurrentchannelhasbeen artificially controlledfromtheapexofthefanto GoreCreek,andthereisnoindicationofeitherrecentchannelor surface flowonthe property. I conclude fromtheabovethattheactual debris-flow hazardtotheproperty,while not nonexistent,isminimal.The structure locatedonthe property hasbeeninplacefor morethan25yearsandthereisnohistoryofsurfaceflow damage withinthattimeframe. Construction ofbothroadsandhomesaboveLot9towardtheapexofthefanprovides considerable protection ,andif drainage ofLarkspurLanealongthe southern boundary has been properly designed ,constructed,andmainta ined ,thehazardshouldhavebeen essentially mitigated .AlthoughI emphasize thatthehazard isminimal ,extrao rdinary precipitat ion events ,especially if combined withrapid snowmelt ,couldresultinsurfaceflow overthefan ,and improper drainage alongLarkspurLanecould conduct someofthisflow ontotheproperty.Several precautions couldbetakentolim it or prevent damage fromsuch events ,including: •• PAGE 4 •construction bytheTownofVailofanasphaltor concrete curbatleast 12"high alongtheLot9 boundary ofLarkspurLane ,properly integrated intotheoverallstreet drainage system ; •limitorelim inate ground-level windowsontheupslopesideofthe addit ion ,with allwindows,doors ,andothersign ificant openingatleast2 ft above f inal grade ; •reinforcing ground-level windows anddoors(if elimination isnot possible or desirable ,installation of high-strength glass ,door materials ,and frames wouldreducethehazard); •construct ion ofarockwallorwallsatleast2ftabove upslope finalgrade alongtheupslopesideofthe structure ;and/or •thegradingand landscaping ofcompacted boulder-cored bermsatleast 2ftabovefinalupslopegradeupslopefromthestructure,toredirectflow. Eitherofthelattertwowouldrequiredesignand construction in accordance withTownof Vail regulations tointegrateresulting diversions intoexisting drainage in order to prevent increasing potential hazardsto adjacent properties ,streets,utilities ,andsoon .Ishould emphasize thatbasedonthepasthistoryofthesitethereisno compelling reasontoadopt anymorethanoneofthesemeasures,otherthanto further reducethe already-minimal debris-flow hazardtowh ich thesiteisexposed ,althoughoneortheotherofthelasttwo shouldbe considered ifthethirdoption ischosenfor construction purposes . Alluv ial fan deposits suchasthosethat appear tounderliemostifnotallofthesitecanbe subject to hydrocompaction ,andbothalluvialfanandglacia l till deposits maycontainvoids dueto differential compactionaroundboulders ,piping ,orboth .Considering sourcerocks forthedebrisfoundinthearea,hydrocompaction islesslikelythan differential compaction andpiping ,butinanycasesoiltestingandexcavation examination shouldbe sufficient to identifyandmitigatesuchhazardsasmaybepresentwithin foundation designlimits. Boulders loosened duringexcavationfor foundations andutilitiesshouldbestabilizedor removedandtheresultingvoidsfilledwith compacted material before backfilling .These materials are generally not conducive tocorrosionor hydroexpansion,althoughroutinesoil testscaneasilyestablishthe absence ofthesehazards,andarenotknowntocontain significant radioactive mineralsintheregion,but nevertheless allinhabitedspacesshould bedes igned and constructed to prevent the accumulation ofradonorothernoxiousortoxic gases .Irrespective of other recommendat ions conta ined herein ,finalgradingand landscaping shouldbedesignedandconstructedinsucha manner astoconveyboth surfaceandgroundwater,including snowmelt,awayfrom structures. Itismy understanding thatyoumaywishto construct anewgarageonthenorthsideof theexistinghomeatsomepointinthefuture.Likethe currently plannedadditiontothe northeast corner ,th is addit ion wouldbeoutsidethemapped moderate debrisflowhazard areaandthusnofurther geohazard analysisshouldberequired . .:•• PAGE 5 Tosummarize,thepropertyhasbeenmappedattheedgeofa moderate debrisflow hazardzone .Suchhazardsasmayexistcanbemitigatedbysimple measures ,includ ing useof strengthened bu ilding materials ;construct ion of decorative walls ;and/or final gradingandlandscapingdesignedtoconductsite drainage awayfrom structures andinto existingdrainage systems;togetherwithso il test ing adequatetodetectvoidsresultingfrom differential compaction orpiping;thehazardcouldinfactbe substantially mitigatedby installation ofacu rb alongLa rkspur Lane .Thedeb ris flowhazardtowhichthesiteis exposed isminimal ,andexcavation,foundation ,grading ,andlandscapingdes ign and construction techniques forsuchlocatio ns arewell -established .Solongastheyare properly integratedintoexistingdrainagesystems ,themitigatingmeasures recommended willnotincreasethehazardtoothe r propertyorst ructures,ortopublicrights-of-way, buildings,roads,streets ,easements,utilities ,orfacilitiesorother properties ofanyk ind . Thisreport is i ntendedtocomplywithappropr iate portionsofTownofVailRegulat ions Chapter 12-21-15,andnothingcontainedhereinshouldbeinterpretedassuggestingthat thesubjectpropertyisnotexposedtothemappedhazard ,orthatothergeolog ic hazards donotexist.Ifyouhaveanyquestions,orifIcanbeoffurtherservice,pleasedonot hesitatetocontactme. Sincerely, Bruce A.Collins,PhD . Consulting Geologist IMPORTANT NOTICE:Th is report concerns natural processes that are unpredictable andin large measure poorly understood.Itis intended to identify potential observable hazards within the scope of work to which the subject property is exposed and to suggest mitigating measures in compliance w ith applicable regulations.Nothing in this report should be construed or interpreted as suggesting the absence of the described hazards,or that the recommended mitigations will protect the SUbject property from the described hazards under all circumstances, foreseen or unforeseen.Nothing in this report should be construed or interpreted as suggesting that additional unidentified hazards are not present.It must also be understood that "mitigation"does not mean either the elimination of the hazard(s)or prevention of the consequences of a hazard event or events,only the reduction to the extent reasonably possible of the latter.By accepting this report all present and subsequent parties thereto agree to indemnify and hold harmless the preparer for anyandall damages,direct,indirect or "•• PAGE 6 consequential,including personal injury or loss of life,above and beyond the original cost ofthis study,caused by or resulting from any occurrence ofthe described or other hazard(s),whether or not such damages may result from failure to identify said hazard(s)or from failure or inadequacy of properly engineered,constructed,and maintained recommended mitigations,The preparer ofthis report cannot and will not be responsible inanyway or manner whatsoever for the proper engineering ,construction,and/or maintenance of recommended mitigations,orthe inadequacy orfailure of improperly engineered,constructed,and/or maintained recommended mitigations,or mitigations that h avebeen altered inanyway whatsoever from those recommended by the preparer.Th is report maybe amended or withdrawn without notice atanyt ime prior to receipt of payment therefor. •• $321.25 $208.81 $57 .60 Department ofCommunityDevelopm ent Building safetyand Inspection Services 75 South FrontageRoad Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com August 7,2007 Mr.Richard Puetzer 2692Kinnikinnick Court VailCo.81657 Email:dpuetzer@AOL.com Re:Building PermitB05-0191RefundRequest DearMr.Puetzer, Ihavereceivedtherequest for arefundontheabove-stated permit application .Isee that this project hadrequestedtwoextensions,bothofwhichhaveexpi red.Wethen notified you that the perm it hadexpired.Wethen got notification that this project w ill not be moving forward andwanted tocancelthepermit after t he perm it exp ired.Generally speakinginthistypeof i nstancewedono t refundanyfees.Ourpolicyis that permit feerefunds maybereturnedbacktothe applicant if weare notified that the project hasbeencancelledpriortothe permit expirationdate.Howeverinthiscase wewillmakeanexception. Atotalof$590 .66 hasbeencollectedforthis project.Thecompletebreak down of thesefeesisas f ollows: BuildingPermitFee = PlanCheckFee = RecreationFee WillCallFee =$3.00 Ihave authorized afee refund of 80%ofthe bUi lding permit feeequaling$257.00,arefund of the totalrecreat ional feeduetothefacttheaddi tionhasnotbeenconstructedandarefund of thewill callfee.In total,theTown of Vailwillreturn$317.60toyou.Please contactLynneCampbell for the refundrequestsometime next week(weekofAugust13,2007)at 970-479-2150. ThankyoufordoingbusinesswithusandIhope that your project maycometo fruition inthe future. BestRegards, CharlieDavis ChiefBuilding Officia l TownofVail • Pemi N:IBl51l1 91 SlIlut fWilH OR\JIN On I07n 5l2lXli ------=::=::::=:..- ~d')!:t:W8r~~ffilt;lti:-\~JerVtr IrY:We rIYIllwlCinO iI P~Detalr r • P'Y f ilS....,.~Mii<NI fto E~P'Yflli'i t~~~~:;, P'Y SPecfc ~<id P.,.,.,.,il~11 INSlAoou;BepilR~l,wocIi:ri,} t~)~:-~:fliiGtil ---~--'------------------'-'---lxonlte Val.co .ely01 II..•Oettliption 00 iPWl Ol EO;fEE S 140 iRHIl£AT ION fEES 1\()i\v1l.L rAlllHS PE CT ION 1611 i RES1 AlJlWlI FI.AN lZ1 0 i ~MSTIGAIION fEE 'PERMITS'PIlls·fj J:·Bif \l l8ll .Amh,!lIt..lD ----rs eriol Nw..6232 -u""01 5 -V~li>t , ••P age 1 o f2 CharlieDavis -Re:B05-0191 --U_.Jit4"m ______________________________"""'''''tlm;il '...__"'f~~ From: To: Date: Subject: Lynne campbell CharlieDavis 06/11 /200711 :24 AM Re:B05-0191---_._._-----__---_..~.._.._-_------_.__---_.__.._--_.. So just soIamclear,weareNOT returning feestothiscustomer?I'll showyouhis letter whenyouhavetime sowecandecide what to write backtohim.Thanks. LynneCampbell OfficeMan ager Community Development 970-479-2150 phone 970-479-2452 fa x Icampbell@vailgov.com Seeourwebsitewww .vailgov.com »>CharlieDavis 06/04/200711:51 AM »> Lynne, Isee that this project hadrequesteda two extensions,bothofwhichhaveexpired.Wethennotifiedthe applicant that thepermithadexpired .Wethen got notification fromthe owner that this project willnotbe moving forward and they wantedtocancelthe permit after theperm it expired. The2003 International ResidentialCode regulatesthisrequest,SectionR10S.5"RefundsThebuildingofficial i s authorizedtoestablisharefundpolicy ." As thebuildingofficialthereisnota written pol icy butthisishowwehavehandledthesetypesofissuesinthe lastyear. If abuilding permit isissuedandallfeesarecollectedandwe notify the applicant that ithasexpired without any work commencingornotice from the applicant PRIOR to expiration,NOfeesareauthorizedto be returned totheapplicant. Nowwehavea written policy for thistype of instance.Iwill print thisemailandputitintoourpolicymanual. Pleasesendanyadditionalcallstome ifneeded. Thank youforhandlingthisone. CharlieDavis Chief BuildingOfficial Town of Vail 970-479-2142-voice 970-479-2452-fax cdavis@vailgov.com »>Lynne campbell OS/29/07 1:09 PM »> Theyhaverequestedwecancel their permit.Noinspectionshavebeen performed butwehaveextendedthe permit twice.Letmeknowhowmuchofthe permit feeistobe returned andifyou want metorefundthewill callfee. fil c://C:\D ocuments and Scttings\CDavis\L ocal S ettings \Temp \XPgrpwise\4 66D30FOVA ...08/0 71200 7 • Thanks . I have thefileatmydesk. Lynne campbell Office Manage r Community Development 970-479 -2150 phone 970-479-245 2 fax IcamQbell@vailgov.com See ourwebsite www.vailgov.com •Page 2 of2 fil e:I/C :\Documentsa nd Sett ings \C Davis\Loca lS cttings\T emp\XPgrpwise\4 66D30FOVA...0 8/07 /2007 • Mr.Joe Suther Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail,CO81657 Dear.Joe: • 2692 Kinnikinnick Court Vail,CO 81657 November 16,2005 Afew weeks ago I inquired about canceling or suspending the building permit Ihavefor a remodeling project al2692 Kinnikinniek Court.You suggested thaIIwritea letter explaining my situation andyouwouldforwardittothe person towhommy project was assigned. Prior 10 the submission of my request fora building permit and during the review process,Itried 10 secure contractors formyproject.Twowere willing tostopbyand lookatmy property butnonewere willing togivemean estimate until1 received a building permit . Upon receiving the building penni IinlateJuly,I again attempted tosecure contractors. DuetoIhehigh construe lionlevelinthearea ,Iwasnotabletosecure commitments soI could proceed ona timely basisto enable completion of the exterior workbefore winter. I would liketoeither: 1.Cancel the permit andsecurearefund,or 2 .PutitonholduntilJune1,2006 . Wouldyou please forwardthis letter tothe appropr iate person to contact me(970)476- 2367 to discuss whichwayisbesttoproceed.Thank you. B~ards,,0,~C~-(~;~/(J~r: .'Rich~d C.P uetzer . 305-ot '(I • Mr.Joe Suther T own of Vail Community Development 75South Frontage Road Vail ,CO81657 DearJoe: • 2692 Kinnikinnick Court Vail,CO81657 May14,2006 ViaEmail Iam writing torequestthatthe building permitthatIwasgrantedlastyearfor putting an addition onmyhousebereissued effective June1,2006 . Iwasnotableto secure contractors lastyeartogettheworkdone before winter and wouldliketotryagainthisyear.Nothinghaschangedonthe property since lastyear. My property islocatedat2692 Kinnikinnick Court. If thereareany questions ,pleasecontactmeat476-2367. Thank you, Bestregards, RichardC.Puetzer ::;;;~©~Q VI ~1"\ m,MAY 181006 ~ TOWNOFVAIL • Mr.Joe Suther Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail,CO 81657 DearJoe : • 2692 Kinnikinnick Court Vail,CO 81657 May 24,2007 I am writing torequestthatmy building permitfortheadditiontomyhouselocatedat 2692 Kinnikinnick Courtbecancelled.Wouldyoupleaseforwardthistothe appropriate party. Thelargeincreasesinthecost of construction intheareahave continued tomakethe project impracticalformetopursue. Whenwetalkedlastyear ,you indicated thatitmightbe possible toreceivearefund of a portion of mybuilding permit fee,possibly upto80%,if notmuchhadbeendone. Your consideration inthis matter isappreciated. Bestregards, RichardC.Puetzer ~§©~G~§~g MAY 2 4 2001 ,U UU L../ TOWN OFVAIL ••InspectionItemsfor805-0191 11:55 OS/24/2007 Sec Itemld DescriDtion ADDr Rea Items Action Inheritable·10 BLDG-Footinas/Steel No 0 0 No·20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel No 0 0 No·30 BLDG-Framina No 0 0 No·50 BLDG-Insulation No 0 0 No·60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail No 0 0 No·70 BLDG-Misc .No 0 0 No·90 BLDG-Final NoR0 No·21 PLAN-ILCFoundationPlan NoR0 No·22 PLAN-ILC FRAMING NoR0 No·533 PLAN-TEMP .C/O No 0 0 No·534 PLAN -FINALC/O No 0 0 No TotalRows :11 Page1 I (0~!11/2 0.07)Lynne CampbElII-Re:B05W_1 ~__Page 1 I From: To: Date: Subject: CharlieDavis LynneCampbell 06/04/2007 11:51 AM Re:B05-0191 cc:ChrisGunion;DianeGolden;GregDenckla;JosephSuther;JRMondrago... Lynne, Isee that thi s project hadrequested a two ext ensions,bothofwhichhaveexpired.Wethen notified theappli cant that th e permi t hadexpired.Wethengot notification fromt he owner that thisproject will not be movingforwa rd andth ey wan ted tocancel thepermit after th e perm itex pired. The 2003 International Residential Code r egulates thisrequest,Section RI0S.5 "RefundsThebui lding officia l is authorized t o establi sh a re fundpolicy ." Ast he building offi cial thereis not a written policy butthi s is howwehave handledth esety pes ofissues inthelastyear. If abuil ding permit isissued andallfees arecollect edand we notify th eapplicant that itha s expired without any work commencing ornoticefromtheappl icant PRIORt o expiration,NOfees are authorized t o be returned toth e applican t. Nowwe have aw ritten po licy forthi s typ e ofinstance .Iwill print thisemailand put itintoourpolicy manual. Pleasesendany additional callstome ifneeded . Thank youforhan dling t his one . Charlie Davis Chief Building Official To wn ofVail 970-479-2142-voice 970 -479-245 2-fax cdavis@vailgov .com »>Lynne campbe ll OS/29/071 :09 PM »> They haverequested wecancel t heirpermit.No inspections havebeenperformed butwehaveextended thepermittwi ce.Let me knowhowmuchof t hepermitfeeisto bereturned and ifyou want me to refund thewillcallfee. Thanks. Ihave t hefileatmydesk. Lynne ca mpbell OfficeManager Community Development 970-479-2150phone 970-479-2452 fax Icampbell@vailgov.com Seeourwebsitewww .vailgov.com PI328L FP0 ENTRY.RECEIVINGR ~0 RT PAGE:1 FPO NUMBER REMAR KS : F30409 DATE RECEIVED:8 /15/07 REFUND 80%BLDG PERMITFEE B05-0191 RECEIVEDBY:LC ENTERED :8 /15 /07 11 :08 VENDOR:0 000001PUETZER,RICHARD INVOICE NUM BER:B05-0191 PUETZE INVOICE DATE:8 /15 /0 7 INVOICEPOSTED:8 /15 /07 11:0 8BY:LCAM PBELL BY:LCAMPBELL PAYME NT DUE:8 /24 /07 AM OUN T:$3 1 7.60 ACCOUN T#P ROJ#AM OUN T ITEMDESCRIPTI ON -------------------------------------------------- 0010000 3 111 100 $257.00 REF UN D80%BLDG PERMIT FEE;JOB WIT 1110000311 2700 $57.60 REFUND REC FEE,SQFTAGE NEVER ADDED 00100003112800 $3.00 REFUND WILL CALL FEE;JOB WITHDRAWN •BRUCE A.COLLINS,PH.D. NATURAL RESOURCE CONSULTANT P.O.Box 23•1116 MINEOTA DRIVE SILT,COLORADO 81652 PHONE/FAX (970)876-5400 bacol@rof.net RichardC .Puetzer 2692 Kinnikinnick Court Vail,CO 81657 DearMr.Puetzer: lrrt-vmtJl/~b/f:-.)oj/orr;•FILE COpy ENVIRONMENT AL, EXPLO RATION, AND MINING GEOLO GY July 7,2005 RE :LOT 9,BLOCK 2,VAIL INTERMOUNTAINDEVELOPMENT SUBDIV ISION,2692 KINNIKNNICK COURT,VAIL Ihave completed my geologic investigation oftheabove referenced property ,located aboveGoreCreekonthelowerslopesofthewesternendofVail Mountain,West Vail , Eagle County Colorado.This investigation consisted ofreviewof applicable mapsand other reference materials and incorporation ofthesiteplan provided.'Although Ihavenot visitedthis specific lot ,I completed a similar studyfora property inthe nearby Highland Meadows subdivision in2003,youhaveprov ided complete surface photography ofthe existing structure and surrounding land,andaerial photography available online/provides complete coverage oftheofthe property andtheslopestothesouth;1996reports regardingLot8,immediately adjacent,preparedbymy colleague Dr .Nicholas Lampiris, havebeenreviewedaswell.The downslope boundary ofa moderate debris flowhazard zoneonTownofVail geologic hazardmapswrapsaroundthe southeast side of the existing structure and therefore includes the southern (hottub)ofthetwo proposed additions .The northwestern boundary ofahigh -hazard zone passes through the middle ofLot8 immediately totheeastandcrossesthecommon corner between Lots6 ,8,and 9 .Themappedhazardsaretheresultofashort,steep ephemeral drainage that extends about 4,500 ftfromtheapexofthesmallalluvialfan present atthebottomofthe drainage, which includes theproperty,tothetopoftheridgebetweenGoreCreekand Game Creek; elevation attheapexisabout7,880ft,atthetopoftheridge9,580ft,forreliefof1,700ft anda drainage gradient of37 .8%.While the drainage areahasnotbeen quantified,rough measurements suggest approximately 130acres,virtually allofwhichis heavily forested withamixed aspen-conifer assemblage.Remnants ofthedebrisflowlobe mentioned in Dr.Lampiris 's report of November 16,1996,arenotvisibleonthe previously-mentioned 1999aerial photography,and neither thelobe itself northesmallfanofwhichitisapart 1 "Topographic Map ,Lot9 ,Block2,Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision,"Alpine Engineering Inc . Job#44071 . 2 Seehttp ://www.terraserver.microsoft.com. •• PAGE2 are mapped by Tweto andLovering(1977 3 ).The property is about %-mile southofthearea included inthemorerecent7.5'quadrangle map compiled byKellogg,etal.(2003 4 ). Because ofthelimited drainage areaand moderate gradients ,heavy vegetation inthe drainage area ,andthe modest mitigating measures recommended byDr.Lampiris forthe structure locatedinthe associated high-hazard zoneonLot8 ,theactualdebrisflowhazard toLot9is minor. Tweto andLovering (1977)map surficial deposits intheareaofthe property as Quaternary alluvium ,theirmap symbol Qal.Thisisa category primarily reserved forrecentalluvial deposits along current streams;atthescaleofthe Tweto andLoveringmap(1 :48000,or 1"=4,000'),thealluvialfanthat includes Lot9istoosmalltobe separately identified . Kellogg ,etal.(2003)describe fan materials deposited under similar circumstances as : Moderately wellsortedtopoorlysorted ,tanto grayish-brown ,stratified ,sand to boulder gravelin fan-shaped deposits;sandmatrix.Deposits areboth clastand matrix supported,suggesting deposition bybothalluvialand debris- flow processes .Clasts mostly subangularto subrounded andlong dimension asmuchas2m[6 .5 ft];mostare considerably smaller.Deposited byside streams near where they joinGoreCreek ....Allfan deposits grade to present streamleveland probably beganformingsoon after deglaciation in late Pleistocene.Asmuchas15m[50ft]thick . Bedrock beneath these unconsolidated materials is mapped as Minturn Formation (pm) byboth Tweto andLoveringandKellogg,etal.,and described bythe latter as : Interbedded arkosic grit,sandstone ,conglomerate ,siltstone,shale,and volumetrically small ,but stratigraphically significant,limestone and dolomite . Thegritis coarse grained (coarse sandto granule),poorly sorted , subangular,and quartz rich ,butitalso contains abundant feldspar, muscovite,andbiotiteandrock fragments .Sandstone is similar togrit except byhavingfinergrains.Conglomerate is common and contains poorly sorted , subrounded to angular,granules to cobbles of chiefly Proterozoic rocks, which include granitic rock,migmatitic gneiss,and pegmatite .Italso contains minor lower Paleozoic carbonate rockand quartzite clasts .Siltstone and shale contain abundant micaandsand besides illitic clays ....Colors of these clasticunits differ greatly bothlocallyand regionally .Although colors cannot beusedas dependable diagnostic mapping tools ,some generalizations canbemade.Grayish-orange-pink,pale-yellowish-brown, brownish-gray ,and light-brownish-gray sandstone andgritare common. Conglomerate colorsare predominantly light brownish graytograyishpink whereas siltstone andshalecolorsare predominantly palebrowntograyish 3 Tweto ,0 .,andLovering ,T.S .,1977 ,Geology oftheMinturn15-m inute quadrangle,Eagleand Summit Counties ,Colorado :U.S .Geological Survey Professional Paper 956 ,96p. 4 Kellogg ,K.S.,Bryant ,B .,and Redsteer ,M .H.,2003 ,Geologic mapoftheVa il East quadrangle ,Eagle County ,Colorado :U.S.Geolog ical Survey Miscellaneous Field StudiesMap MF-2375,18p. •• PAGE 3 red....Inthewesternmaparea ,grayandbrowncolorsaretherule.... TwetoandLovering(1977)estimatedamaximumthicknessof1,280 m[4 ,200 ft][inthearea]. Depthtobedrock isunknownbut probablylessthan50feet.NorthofGoreCreekdirectly across fromthepropertytheMinturnFormation bedsd ip northweste rly atupto35 °,while onthesouthsideoftheridgebetweenGoreCreekandGameCreekthebedsdip northeasterly at10°to15°.Nofault ing ismappedintheimmediatearea.Thedrainage beingdiscussedhereisremarkablystra ight fromtheapexofthefantoasteep -slope area belowmoremoderateslopesthatleadtothetopoftheridgeline southeast oftheproperty. Severalparallellinesthroughthetreeswestofthemaindrainagearevisible onthe airphotosofthearea .Theentirereachofallofthesefeaturesisheavilyforested ,withno rock exposures,soitdoesnotappearthatthesearerockfalltraces.Theymorelikely representsmall joint-controlled drainagesorridgesaffectingthevegetation ;it isalso possiblethattheyreflecttheoutcropsof more-resistant limestoneordolomitebedsinthe Minturn ,althoughtheirremarkablelinearitycomparedtoapparentdipvariationsfromsouth tonorththroughtheridgesuggestsotherwise. Themapped debris-flow hazardtothepropertyisbasedonthesmalld rainage andalluvial fandiscussedabove,eventhoughnofanismappedbyTwetoandLoveringandwhich is infact discernable onlybygeneralshapeonrecentairphotos .Alluvialfansdevelopby depositionofmudandrocksfrom "flash-flood "eventsmovingdown steep-gradient streams abovethefan .Thefanshapeistheresultofpluggingoftheactive channel bydebris, forcingthemud-ordebrisflowtochangecourseoverandover.Theabruptchangein gradientresultsinthedepositionofthecoarsestmaterialneartheapexofthefan ,with finerandfinerdebr is andultimatelymuddepos ited towardthetoe.Because ofthe "obstaclecourse "createdbybouldersandotherdebrisatandneartheapex,together with thenatureofflowforcedoutofapluggedchannel,flowoverthesurfaceofafan (as opposedtoinanactualchannel)nearthetoeisrarelyverydeep.Surfaceflowismost likelytooccurofftheflanksofthefanuntiltheyhavebeenbu ilt up sufficiently toforcethe drainagebackintothecenter,whereitremainsunt il itbecomespluggedandtheprocess startsover.Thecurrentchannelhasbeenartificiallycontrolledfromtheapexofthefanto GoreCreek ,andthereisnoindicationofeither recentchannelorsurfaceflowonthe property . I conclude fromtheabovethattheactual debris-flow hazardtotheproperty,while not nonexistent,is minimal.Thestructurelocatedonthepropertyhasbeeninplacefor morethan25yearsandthereisnohistoryofsurfaceflowdamagewithinthattimeframe. ConstructionofbothroadsandhomesaboveLot9towardtheapexofthefanprovides considerableprotection ,andifdrainageofLarkspurLanealongthesouthernboundaryhas beenproperlydesigned,constructed ,andmaintained,thehazardshouldhavebeen essentiallymitigated.AlthoughI emphasize thatthehazardisminimal,extraordinary precipitationevents ,especiallyifcombinedwithrapid snowmelt,couldresultinsurfaceflow overthefan,andimproperdrainagealongLarkspurLanecould conduct someofthisflow ontotheproperty .Severalprecautionscouldbetakentolimitorprevent damage fromsuch events,including : •• P AGE 4 •construction by t he Town of Va il of an aspha lt o r concrete curbat least 12"h igh a long theLo t 9 boundary of LarkspurLane ,prope rlyintegrated intothe overall street d ra inage system ; •limitorel iminate ground-level w indows onthe upslope side of the addition ,w ith allw indows ,doo rs,and other significant open ing at least 2 ft above fina l grade ; •reinforcinggrou nd-level w indows a ndd oors (ife liminationis not p ossible or desirable ,in stallationof high-strength g lass ,doo rm aterials,a nd f rames wou ld reduce th e hazard); •construction ofaroc k wa ll orwa lls atleast2ft above ups lope fina l g rade a long the upslope sideofthe structure ;a nd/or •the grading and landscaping of compacted boulder-cored berms at least 2ft above f inal upslope grade upslope fromthe structure ,to redirect flow . Either of the lattertwowould require des ign and construction in accordance with Town of Va ilregulationsto integrateresu lting d iversionsinto existing d ra inage in order to prevent increasingpote ntial haza rds toad jacent propert ies ,s treets,utilities ,andsoo n.I shou ld e mphasize that based on t he past h istory of thes iteth ereis noco mpell ingreasonto adopt any more than oneof these measures,other t hanto further reduce the already-minimal debris-flow hazard towhichthesite is exposed ,although oneorthe other of thelasttwo should be considered ifthethirdopt ionis chosen for construction purposes . Alluvial fan deposits suchas those that appear to underlie most ifnotall of thesitecanbe subject to hydrocompaction ,andboth alluvial fanand glacial till deposits may contain voids dueto differential compaction around boulders ,pip ing ,orboth.Cons idering source rocks forthe debris found inthearea ,hydrocompaction islesslikelythan differential compaction andpiping,butinany case soil testing and excavation exam ination should be sufficient to identify and mitigate such hazards as may be present within foundation design limits . Boulders loosened during excavation for foundations andutil ities should bestab ilized or removed andthe resulting vo ids filledwith compacted material before backfilling .These materials are genera lly no t conducive to corros ion or hydroexpans ion,although routine soil tests can easily establ ish the absence of these hazards ,andarenot known to contain significant rad ioactive minerals intheregion ,but nevertheless all inhabited spaces should bedes igned and constructed to prevent the accumulation of radonor other noxious or toxic gases .Irrespective of other recommendations contained herein,final grading and landscaping should be designed and constructed insucha manner asto convey both surface and ground water,includ ing snowmelt ,away from structures . Itismy understand ing that youmayw ish to construct a new garage onthenorthsideof theex isting home at some po int inthe future .Likethe currently planned add ition tothe northeast corner,thisadd ition wouldbe outside the mapped moderate debris flow hazard areaand thus no further geohazard analysis shouldbe required . •• PAGE 5 Tosummarize,thepropertyhasbeenmappedattheedgeofamoderatedebrisflow hazardzone .Suchhazardsasmayexistcanbemitigatedbysimplemeasures,including useofstrengthenedbuildingmaterials ;constructionofdecorativewalls;and/orfinal gradingandlandscapingdesignedtoconductsitedrainageawayfromstructuresandinto existingdrainagesystems;together withsoiltestingadequatetodetectvoidsresultingfrom differential compaction orpiping ;thehazardcouldinfactbe substantially mitigatedby installationofacurbalongLarkspurLane.Thedebrisflowhazardtowhichthesiteis exposedisminimal ,andexcavation,foundation ,grading,andlandscapingdesignand constructiontechniquesforsuchlocationsare well-established.Solongastheyare properlyintegratedintoexistingdra inage systems ,themitigatingmeasuresrecommended willnotincreasethehazardtootherpropertyorstructures,ortopublicrights-of -way, buildings,roads,streets,easements ,utilities,orfacilit ies orotherpropertiesofanykind . ThisreportisintendedtocomplywithappropriateportionsofTownofVailRegulations Chapter12-21-15,andnothingcontainedhereinshouldbeinterpretedassuggestingthat thesubjectproperty isnotexposedtothemappedhazard ,orthatothergeologichazards donotexist.Ifyouhaveanyquestions,orifIcanbeoffurtherservice ,pleasedonot hesitatetocontactme . Sincerely, Bruce A.Collins,Ph.D. ConsultingGeologist IMPORTANT NOTICE:This report concerns natural processes that are unpredictable and in large measure poorly understood.It is intended to identify potential observable hazards within the scope of work to which the subject property is exposed and to suggest mitigating measures in compliance with applicable regulations.Nothing in this report should be construed or interpreted as suggesting the absence of the described hazards,or that the recommended mitigations will protect the subject property from the described hazards under all circumstances, foreseen or unforeseen.Nothing in this report should be construed or interpreted as suggesting that additional unidentified hazards are not present.It must also be understood that "mitigation"does not mean either the elimination of the hazard(s}or prevention of the consequences of a hazard event or events,only the reduction to the extent reasonably possible of the latter.By accepting this report all present and subsequent parties thereto agree to indemnify and hold harmless the preparer for any and all damages,direct,indirect or •• PAGE 6 consequential,including personal injury or loss of l ife,above and beyond the original cost of this study,caused by or resulting from any occurrence ofthe described or other hazard(s),whether or not such damages may result from failure to identify sa id hazard(s)or from fai lure or inadequacy of properly engineered ,constructed,and ma intained recommended mitigations.The preparer ofthis report cannot and will not be responsible i nanyway or manner whatsoever for the proper eng ineering,construction,and/or maintenance of recommended mitigations,orthe inadequacy orfailure of improperlyeng ineered,constructed,and/or maintained recommended m itigations,or mitigations tha t havebee n altered i nanyway whatsoever from those recommended by the preparer.Th is report maybe amended or withdrawn without notice atany time prior to receipt of payment therefor. ...~..,••I (fT47YJnJm-~ (IJl~'11 b/Ie-;J- Project Name:PUETZER RESIDEN CE Project Description: ADDmON Participants: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road ,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.u s ORB Number:DRB050210 OWNER PUETZER,RICHARD C. 2692KINNICKINNICK CT VAIL CO81657 APPLICANT PUETZER,RICHARD C. 269 2KINNICKINNICK CT VAIL CO81657 Project Address:2692 LARKSPU R LNVAIL OS/20/2005 OS /20/2005 Location:269 2KINNIKINNICK LegalDescription:Lot:9Block:2Subdivision:VAILINTERMOUNTAINDEVS Parcel Number:2 103-143-0100-7 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:06/08/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestothe se plansmaybemade without the written consent ofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate reviewcomm ittee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRBapprovaldo es notconstitute a permit forbuilding.Please cons ult with TownofVailBuildingpersonnelpr ior to construction activ itie s. Cond:201 DRBapprovalshallnotbecom e valid fo r 20days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approvalofthis project shall lapsea ndbecomevoidone(1)year following thedate offina l approval,unlessabuildingperm it is issued and construction iscomm enced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:CON0007169 In add ition tostainingtheproposed additions ,the applicant shallalsore-stain th e entire existing structure. Cond:CON0007170 ...••Priortotheissuanceofabuildng permit,the applicant shall submit a"sit e specificgeolog ic investigation"prepared byaprofes sional geologist o rregi stered professionalengineeraddre ssing the Moderate HazardDebrisFlowonthesite . Planner:BillGibson DRBFeePaid:$300.00 AAitions-Residential or cl,mercial ApplicationforDesign Review DepartmentofCommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479.2139fax :970.479.2452 web:www .vailgov.com General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesignreviewmust receiveapprovalprior tosubmitting abuildingpermitapplication.Please refer to thesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticularapprovalthatisrequested.Anapplication forDesign Reviewcannotbe accepteduntilallrequired information isreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.Theprojectmayalsoneed tobereviewedbytheTown Council and/or thePlanning andEnvironmental Commission .Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Forconstructionofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoanyresidential commercialbuilding(includes250additions&interiorconversions).'1"., Forminorchanges tobuildingsandsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand walls,etc. Forminorchangesto bUildings andsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesandretaining walls,etc. ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanning StaffortheDesign ReviewBoard. Plus$1.00persquarefootoftotalsign area. $20 $20 $650 ~ $250 $50 NoFee o Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercia l) o ChangestoApprovedPlans o MinorAlteration (single-family/duplex) DescriPt;onOftheReqU~'t~1 t:~+f:~E ":r->o0 ~S--1:d :t~t:)si':l ~~V-c-V-c:e-fJ h h{oc-k Location of the Proposal:LotLBIOCk:;;Z-Subd ivision:Val/Iok m &01-\'6 ,~I Physical Address:.;<62".2 k,Q Q'b r1 f\(C k-c....+.V Parcel No.:;;L/Q3L¥.101t?O!fcontact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)Zoning,:n~a -±a""",r y fJOn1arri SeL-oYlda or't Name(s)ofOwner(s):EJ c.....h a cd C,v eTzer- Mailing Address:;;2..6.9.,2 kJ t1 ()(10 I c.1e- Owner(s)Signature(s):~..L!.=?U~~~::::L..:a.,::::bd.4~~~~--,-_ Name of Applicant:Jf1c..../z 4'"d'c..?ue+~r-:- Mailing Address:Q?.6 2;2 kt n /1 (k I ()/J I C.k C:c . J,0 I I Ct2 __iff 6 s::7 Phone: E-mail Address:dfW e..-I-;;;r ~q"l.t-L1Wl."Fax:97t:?-476 -2 3'6 7 Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o ConceptualReview o .)lew Construction [Jjt'"Addition o SeparationRequest NoFee For Office Use Only:,'"1/".7 FeePaid:a oe)·Check NO.:-l_<--.....:-'--=-_ MeetingDate:k ..(S""0 r Planner:_ Page 1of12/04/28/04 ••• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: PUETZER R050000639 Amount:$300.00 Check OS/20/200510:15 AM Init:JS Notation:1142/RICHARD Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB050210 Type:DRB -Addition of GRFA 2103-143-0100-7 2692 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2692 KINNIKINNICK Total Fees:$300.00 This Payment:$300 .00 Total ALL Pmts:$300 .00 Balance:$0 .00 *****••••••••••*.***************************••••••****************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 300.00 •• A DDITIONS-RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW 2692 Kinnikinnick Court /Lot9 ,Vail Intermountain PROPERTY STATISTICS BUILDING CODE /ZONING Zoning: LotSize: Two-family Primary /Secondary 12,943sq.ft .(non-conforming)Seethe attached Improvement Location CertificatedatedJan .5,1998 . Permitted Density :Ones ing le-family dwelling,pl us oneTypeI Employee Housing Unit Setbacks:20ft.fron t,15 ft.sides an d rear. Maximum Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA):5 ,718 sq .ft. Maximum Site Coverage Area (20%of lot size):2 ,588 sq.ft .(no slopes exceed 30%) PRO PERTY ACTUALS Lotsize : Density : Setbacks: 12,943sq.ft . Onesing le family house . Front-~3 7 .5 ft., Sides --24 ft.(south),-48 ft.(north) Rear--19 to22 ft .(Varies duetoangu lar lotline) Gross Residential Floor Area:2,236 sq.ft .(includes newaddi tions of 384 sq.ft .) 2,236 sq .ft .versus maximum of5,718 sq .ft. S ite Coverage A rea :Total-1,886s q .ft .wi th ga rage Net:Less 300 sq .ft.ga rageall owance -1,586sq.ft . 1,586sq.ft.ve rsus maximum of2,588 sq.ft . La ndscape Area:Lot sizem inushouse,garage and d riveway. 12,943 -(1598 -288-323)=10,734 10,734 /12,943 =82 .9%versus mi n imum of60%. •• ADDITIONS-RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW 2692 Kinnikinnick Court /Lot9,Vail Intermountain LANDSCAPING PLAN No landscap ing is planned .Dirt fromthe foundations willberemoved. TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY Includedand attached .Surveyisdated November 20 ,1995 SITE AND GRADING PLAN Seethe attached topographical map.The additions aremarkedinredandtheLimit of Disturbance fencesalsoareindicatedinred . No changes willbemadetothe grading of thelot. LIGHTING PLAN Nonew exterior lighting isplanned. Thecurrent exterior lighting consists of eightlightsasfollows : 2lightsalongthe sidewalk fromthehouseto Kinnikinnick Court 3patio door lights -onebyeach of thepatiodoors 1lightbythemain entrance 1lightbythe pedestrian entrance tothegarage 1lightbythe vehicle garagedoor 8 Total exterior lights Lighting allowance:1per1,000 sq.ft.of lotsize. Lotsize is12,943 whichallows12lights ST AIRWAY AND SlDEWALK PLAN The current stairway and sidewalk leadinguptothehousefrom Kinnikinnick Courtis shabby,somewhat hardto maintain andinneed of repair.Isframedby6"x6"treated timbers andfilled withgrave l andpatioblock.(Apictureis included .) •• Iwishto replace itwitha standard concrete sidewalk andstairway.The dimensions will be essentially the same asthe current one .Construction willbe 4"concrete andwire mesh reinforced. PARKING Theon premise parking includes thegarage,12'x 24'and driveway ,9 '6"x 38 '(depends whereyou measure thelengthfrom.It couldbe 37'9").Codeis for interior spaces measuring 9'x19'and outside measuring 9'x 19'.Mydriveway might be 3"short of 38',depending uponhowitis measured.Requirements formy property areforthreeon premise spaces.I current haveoneinsideandtwo outside. A revocable permit for parking onthecastsideon Kinnikinnick Court is presently place forthe property.Thiswas granted tothe previous owner bythe Town of Vailandwas leftin place whenI purchased the property in 1998.The parking spaces allowed on Kinnikinnick Courtaremarkedonthe Improvement Location Certifieatc. WINDOWS /DOORS There willbefournew windows added tothe building,oneoneachwallthatis added. Allare marked onthe drawings. No exterior doors willbeadded.Thepatio doors onthecastend of thefront of the building willbe removed and replaced byFrench doors thatleadintothestudy.Please refertothe before and after drawings on sheet four(4)ofthe design. CONSTRUCTION STAGING Since thisisasmall project,basedon preliminary discussions with contractors,Ionly anticipate a crew of two people for the excavating/foundation workand similarly for the framing.The revocable parking permit allowstwo spaces on Kinnikinnick Court thatis addition tothe spaces onmy driveway. The materials willbe staged out of sight of thepubliconthegrassonthefrontside of the house.Interior materials suchasdrywallwillbe stored insidethenew additions. •• ADDITIONS-RESID ENTIAL APPLT CATION F ORD ESIGN R EVI EW 2692Kinn ikinnick Court /Lot 9 ,Vail Intermounta in Building Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia So ffits T vpe o f Material Matchin g c edarshank Matching cedar channel lap s iding I"xI 0"Cedar No ne Natu ral Sunsetgrayso lid s tain sa me asc u rrent Wi ndows Pella,Marv in orKo lbe &Kolbe Low E caseme nt Window tr im Cedar Light lead ,s a me a s current Door s Doo r T rim Handan d deckra ils F lues Nonebeinga dded Nonebe ing added No decks be ing added No ne F lashing C himneys Tras h en closures G reenhouses Ret ainingwalls Al uminum None beingad ded No nebeinga dded No nebeingadded No nerequired Sunset gray ,same a s current (seet he a bove sample) Exte riorlighting Other No nebeingadded (SeeLightingPl an helow.) Fro nt stairway a nd sidewalkbeingreplace. (Seeex planationbelow .) •• 2.692 KINNIKINNICK COURT PICTURES FOR DESIGN REVIEW South Addition &Stairs •• 2692 KINNIKINNICK COURT PICTURES FOR DESIGN REVIEW North Addition •2./ FRO M :Pa nasonic FRX SYSTEM PHOHE NO.Ma~.04 2005 09 :49AM P2 /'1 Vlv C....\~l-f kf ro s- UTILITY APPROVAL So.VERIFICATION Thisform serves toveri fy tha t the pro posedimp rovements w ill no t impact any existing orpropose dut il ity services, a~d also to v erify serv iceavailability and location for ne w construction an d shouldbe used in conjunctionwi th pre parin g you r utility p lan andsch eduling installat io ns.A sit e p lan,i nclUding grad ingplan,floor plan,andelevations, shall be su bm itted to the f ollowing utilities fo r appr oval and verlfl cation. CommentsAuthorized Signature L~4L \:::\f\\,,",,'\<.\f\r".\c.l(.c-\-~VA IL L{2 C.A e t~.AC()vJG '5w ~.St ~?/L ~.l-h c..H ,w llJ.'\2.&\J~ .~LccAT I,.J G t;PRai B:..lirJt iF sf,I/"/l-L_"--"---"~'---'--_DI44/"'G,Wtl face u(2 .~T) •EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 9 70.26 2.4075 (t el) Contact:Jich Sisneros r;"..f :>t~'8-I'iOI •HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 9 70.949.5892 (tet) 970.949.lJoett fax.)t i:,' Contact:.hir k~1\",j ~o /.i:..,... EXCEL ENERGY 970 .26 2.4038(fax) Contacts: KitBogart 970 .262.4024 . J im O'neal 970.262 .4003 ~EAGLE RIVER WATER So. SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel ) 9 70.476.4089 (fax )V Contact:Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 9:1 0.949.1224 X112 (tel) 970 .949 .9139 (fa x ) Contact :Floyd Salazar S:~:JEJO·OlE;1..' 9 70..4~-2 97,;(~A-)( Contacts :3 ,-,.··::. SAN,··r-~12..970 .468 .6860 .i;j'''fli;a~J1 PJe.:ill<i O:i38-.., NOT!'~ 1.If th e l'tility app r oval&venflcationfe -rn h assign3tures fr om each o f t h e unhtv corroarues,andno comm ents are ma de directly o n th e form,the T ow nw ill presume that there are 1':0 problerrs and th edeve lopmen t ca n procee d. 2 .I f a utili tyco mpany has conce rns w ith th e proposedcons truction.th e ut ility r epresentativesha ll note direct ly on t heutil ity v erification f orm t hat t hereis a problem w hich needs co be re solved .The Issueshou ld the n bedetailedin an zttac h ed letter to t he T own of VJ il.However,p lease keep in m ind t hat itIst heresponsibi lity of th e u tiii:y company an d the ap plica ntt e resolve identified p rob lem s . 3.Thes e v er ifica t ions donot r elievethecont r acto r of t he r esp or.sibility to obtain a Pub'icWayPerm itf rom t he :lepa rtrnen t ofPublic \tlnrk5 at t re Town o f Vail.U.Lllity lo cations m'Jst be obt3:ned befQrEO diogin gin any pub ltc rig ht · or-wav o r easement wi thin t he Town ofVai:.A buil ding p ermitis not a Pub:ic Wa'{perrni;.F'nd n ust be ob tain ed ~. The Developer isr eq uired end agrees t osubmit any revised d rawings t o ,he Jtil :ties f or re -approv al &r e-verification if th esubm itted pla ns arealtered in any way after the auth o riz ed siqna ture dace (unlessoth erwise specif:c ai!y noted wi thin the comment ar ea o f :hls fo rm). Date---:--:::--------------- Develooe r's Signature Page8of12/04/28/04 .. '·IL'.EF.TH']FJ JE rlP P.Ol 'RGr::f-'<ina so n:c F AX SYSTEM PHONE ~O. UTlUTY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION ThiS f orm serves to verev that theproposed impr ovements w i!I not i mpect (lny exist ing orpr oposed utility services, andalso t o ver ify service availabl !lty and location f or new constructio n andshould he usedin conjunctloo with ~repa ring yo ur u tll:(y p lan and sched!.lling in st<l UatJO nS.A site plan.in clud ing grading plan ,flOOr pian,and elev<J tiol'.s, ~h all De s....bm itted to t he follo w ing utiliti!:s fer approval and v e ri fi c~t l o n . A uthorized .Sign ature Comments Date •QWEST '.~."r 970.:l.j b&-9.t'7 (}..r'A-'It I Contacts:s~~.·. $~~.r~n~..970 .468 .6860 J,!~on Sharp 970 .384 .0238 •EXCEL HXGH PRESSURE GAS 9 ,70.262,4076 (tel) Contact:«1 Ich S i~t1~roS ;,.:1;."'tf-/'"101 ~HOLY CROSS ElECTRXC 970.949 .5892 (lei) 970.949.tJcm/ffax)l ..j••'. Contact:Mil<e.Mlf~('C. /" EXC.fl E:NJ:RGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit BIJgart 970.262.4024 < Jim O'nea l 970.262.4003 ~EAGl.E:RIVER WATER & SANITATION DlSrfUCT 970.<176 ,7480 (tel) 970 .476 ,4089 (fax)v Contact:Fred Haslee COMc;AST CABLE 970 .949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) cc ntac.Floyd Salazar NOTES: I.I ft he ut ility app roval 8<ven fkanonfo rmhas sign3tures from each of the utility com pan ies,andnocomme nts are made d irectly on the form,the Townwill presume thatthere a re no p rob lems and th e developmen t can proceed , 2.[f a utility company hasconce rnsw it h I~e proposed co nstruction,the ut ility re pre sen ~d ti v e shallnote diredly on t he utility ve rif icat ion 'arm that there is a p robl ~m w hich needs t o be resolved.T he issueshould th en be detailed in an at....ached l etterto the T own of Vail.However,please ke ep inmin d that i t isme r esponsibili ty of the util'ty company and the appl icant to r esolv e identifiedproblems. 3,These venftcat ions do not rcheve the contractorofthe responsrotl'tv too bta in a Pub lic Way Permit fro m the Department ofPuol,c Wo rksat the Townof Va,1.Utility IQ@tions rllU_s&nbtalned be ~i.:tQ!D.g il1 anv public r .gMt· of -way or ecsernent Wit hin theTo wnof Vail.Ab uilding pe rmit isnot <J Public w ay oar.mit an d n ust be o btil ined seQariltely. The Develope r isr eqUired and ag ree;t o subrnit any r evisaddra w inqs to t he util itieS fo r r e-ap;Jroval &.re-vsnttcancn i f t he submitted p la ns are alt",red in any wa y after t he authorized sign at ure d ate (unless othe rw .se speCi fically noted with in the comment area Of this fo rm). Developer's Signalure PageBof 12/Qq/28/0l\ Date ,' Ma t. i"ROM: 4,2005 I O:G3AM HOL YI ss Panasoni c F AX 5'TSTEl1 PHONE N:!.• UTlI..TIY APPROVAL &.VERIFICATION T his form serves t o verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any s.xisting or proposed utili ty services, andalso to I/ao fy service av.,H3bility and I(Y-<jIJon for new construction and shoul d be used in conjunction wi th preparing your utility plan and sdJe.dul ing if'\.'>talJations,A Site plan,including gr;;;d ing plan,floor plan,and e.levations, sh<J 1I be submitted to the following l.oHnes forapproval and veii(jcation. AuthDrj~ Si g'nature Comments ~,QWESl',,'.0,:.,- 970.:~6a~Q'§.7~,:::'4.T- COnUlas::s .......1\\, $Pffi ,rlJl~,)970.%8.6260' .J~~n7S~.Fiii>'nO.384.02,3S '4 eX~El'HIGH plU!SSURe GAS 970,262.4076 (ter) c~m:Jic:y_S}~!fps o HOLYCROSS ELl:CTRIC 970 ,%9..5 892 (tel), 970.949.,~~ltfa)C)I·h '":;/!IJ /I J ICon~f.:,M'!<~'M.If'orI ~-p'JId4J(a ft1~ EX.CEL El\IERGY 970.262:4038 (fax), Contacts: Kit:'86g art 9 , Jlt!'O'f)eal 970,262.4003 •EAGLE RIVE~WATER & SANITATION OISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970 .476.4089 (fax)v Con tact:Fred Haslee CoMCAsT CABL.E 970.949.12 2"1 x 112 (tel) 97 0.949.9138 (fax) Contact;Floydsala zar NOT!;S~ 1.I f the utlJ:ry approval -S veriflotion form 'h ds sign3tur~frern each ofth s I•.'tili ty companies,andno comm ents of: made dlr ~y on th e form,th~Town will presume O):lt there are no pro~leins and the develop!T1 ent c:i.n proc eed . 2.If a utilitY company has ccncems w l~11 th e proposed constrJe:tion,the ~t iljty representativ e shall note dlrea:l'i on th e utlllty ,verificatlon form tMr th~r~is a problem whj(;:h "e005 to be r esolved,The lssue should then be detaile d In an amched letter to t he Town of Vall.Howsver,pleas:keep in mind that it is the re:;poilslbltlry of th..utlllty compa ny and the app l;~n t to reso lve Identified problems. 3.These verfficattons co not rsllsve t!l e ccntraetor of tha res~onslbiliry to ob'o:2lln <l ?ubllc Way Permit from the Dep i:l rtrTH~nt of PU blic works at the Town of Yeil.:,!t1I ;ty JO@tl,qf ,S.mUS!;be oht;a 'ned befor/;>,,;iooine Inany pub iic rig:lt- of-way or p,a semenc wrllin the Town of Veil,6.];tJ!ldlno ;.ermlt 1«not-3 pUblic Way DeITDlt1lng rnl';:t be ob~ined seoarlltel\!. The Developer i s required aM agrees to 3:.J bmit any revise d ¢r3wings ':0 :he utilities for re-apprcval &re-verifiation J the submitted plans are alt er ec in.elil yy\a y :';f"..er th e a U:~o rl z.>.<d signO:lb!re date (unless Dthe~i5e spec ifically noted w ithin th e com ment area of thJs form).' Developer's Sigl)ature .PBge B of 12/0928/04 !z;s '()'~ D2te UnLIi'(APPROVAL &.VERIfICATION This form serves to verify thatthe proposed imoroverrents will not irnpactany exis~in<;;or Frcpcsed utilitY sarvces, and alsoto ver:fy service aV<l i!abiiitY and location for new const ruction and should be usee :n conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduli:-g :r.s"..a llation;.Asite plan,i n c l u di~g gracing plan,fl oor plan,and elevat ions , shall be SL'~m i tted to the fol:owing utilities for approval and verification. ,.QWES!':~,." 9 7 0.:4~9 ~7,;1,,:.'A,.li . Co ntaC'.s:S ..:..-: s,1t1't !l!.!\~:970.468.6860 .:J ~~o n Sh<irp 970.384,0238 ••EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970 .262.4076 (tel) Contact:Rieh S I~r;Jeros ~p.Y;:'f ~~-/-;0 I ••HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970 .949.5892 (tel) 970 .94,f.lJd8Iffax)Ii · Co nta~:Mi!<e.M ,~<>(." ",EXCEL ENERGY 970.262A03S (fax) Contacts: Ki t Bogart 9 70.262.4024 Jim O'neal 970 .262 .4003 ..EAGLE RIVER WATER IlL SANITA110N DISTRIcr 970.476.7"1 80 (tel) 970 .476.4089 (fax)V Con tact:Fred Heslee COMCAST CABLE 970.949 .1224 X'112 (te l) 970 .g49 ,9138 (fax) Con tact:Floyd sa lazcr Authorized Signature Comments NOTfgS: 1.I f theutility approval &venficatio:1 form has Si gnatures from eac h of the utiLty cornpa n.es,and no comments are made directly ont he f orm,the Town will presum e that there are no problems end t he devel opment ce n proceed . 2.If (J u ~ii ity comp<l ny has concerns with j,e crcposec CO l'1st ~l;ction,t he L't il'ty r~:'lre!enta:i v e shall notedi'ectlyor, the ut il:tY verificaton for m that t ~ere is a prcb'ern which needs tobe resolved.ih ~iss '~e should :hen be detailed in en att~cheC:let':er to the Town or Vail.Howe ver,c iease ~eep ii',i'7l11 cJ t hat i:is :he respors;bili:y of :t~l;t ility company anct he applicai't to resove ider.ti f;ed problems. 3,These verifications 00 "lot rel.sva the coot-actorof the res;lonsibil'ty t o obta!r.a PJblic Way ?er."l'i t f rom the ;)epartment of Public W ~l"r,s at the Town of Veil.UtWty location"must be ob~I"...d before digging in ~"y publlc right- of-way or easement w '~hi n :he Townof Vai l.A builQ;ng permit '.:,\ot a p..!bli"Way Dcr~i t ar,d mu:<t be obt~ined 8Pa rate!v. The Deveic per is ~~o :.J ired and agrees to submit anv r svtsec ::l raw;ngs to the ...t·l:t'es for ~e ·a ~;lr o va l &.re-v",rificatior)if t.'le subM :tted p1ar.s ere altered il'1 any way after t he 3:.Jt horized s :G na t lJ~d 3~e (..nless o:hef"'N:se spec if.ca l:y noted within t he comment "rea ofthis ~o r m ). Deve :o;:ler 's Signature Peg@ Sof 12/04 />.8 /04 Dat e ," MaY -04-200 5 12:53From-E RWSD FROM :"Pana s on i c F AX SYSTEM •970476408S PHONE NO. UTILITY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION •T-549 P.00 2/00 2 F-253 r1a !d.104 ~IOIO :>111:I1':1Hf'1 r /.I,!--'"V C"~~~'f.~ This form servestoverify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and IDea tion fornew cons truction and should be used in conjunctionw ith preparing your utility plan and sched uling installations.A site plan,induding gr<lding plan,fl oor plan,and elevations, shall be submitted to thefollowing utJliti~s for app rove!and verification.. ~,QWEST ':.-'..~"970.:l!~O:~.!a,',::-~, Contacts:5 uj;"; ~tt!!':1~!\~..,•.970.468.6860 J'!-.son S~~rp 9?O.384.0238 ••EXCEL HIGH PRESSUREGAS 970,262..4076 (te l) Contact:Bich SisneroS ;:;p.X ;<f~T!-J ,.,0 I ...HOLYCROSSELECTRIC 970.949.5892(te l), 970.949.Ij08(ffax)1/,'", Conta~:Mfk~IV\II-'"""c,",',EXC 'Ellic KGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.~52.4024 , Jfrn O'neal 970.262.4003 ..fAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATIONDISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089(fax)v Contact:Fred Ha slee COMCASl'CABLE 970 .949.1224 x 112(tel)' 970 .949.9138 (fa x) Contact:Floyd Salazar Autho rized' Signatu re Comm ents .' NOTE~ 1.If theutility approval 8<verificationform has signatures from eachof tr.e utility companies ,and nocomments are made direct ly on t he form .t he Town will presume that there areno problems and the development .can proceed. 2.If a utility company has concerns with t he proposed construction,t he utili:y representative shall natedirectly on t he utillty ,verification 'orm t hatther e is a problem which needs to be resolved.The issueshould thenbedetailed in an anached letter tothe Town of Vail.However,please keep :n mine that it is the responsibilitY of the utility compan y and the applicant to resolve Identified problems. 3.These 'Jerificat ior.s co not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the DepClrtment of Pl.lblic Works at theTownofVail.Utility l ocatic)Q<;crust hi>obt;,in,;,d before!digginginany public ri ght · of-way or easeme nt within the TownofVail.AhUlld lng p~rmit is not.,Public Way permitand muslbe obtajo<id separately. The Deve[oper ts requ iredand agr ee5 to submit any revised dr<l w:ngs to t he util't ies forre-approval &re-verification if ~he submitted plans are altered Inany way after the authorized signature date (unless otherJlise specifically noted withi n th e comme nt area ofth is form). Deve lopersSignature Date PHO:--lE NO .• UTILITY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION Thls form serves toverify that th e proposed Impro vements w ill notimpact anyexisting or prop osed utility servic es, and also toverify service availabilityand location for newconstruction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan an d schedulinginstallations.A site plan,including grading plan,floor plan,and elevations, shall be submittedto th~following utilities for approval and veriflcation. ~.QWEST I ,~• 970 ,~4~":":QJP~,::"A.><-f I Contacts:S (~,_::':"i ....,.., $.'A~1~-~~9 70 .46 ~..jason Sharp 9 70.384.0238 -.."'"r .,.EXC EL HIGH PRfSSURE GAS ~?O.262 .40 76 (t el) Cg ntact;J ich Sisoeros Ff'-X I '1'''8'-1'10 r ••HOLYCROSS ELECTRIC 970.9.4 9.5892 ·(tel) 970 .94$.-lj03JE;fa x)Ii I conta~:Mike-1M,~,-'I .L I .,- ;EXCEL fNERG Y 97 0.262:4 038 (rex) Contacts : Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Jim O'neal 970.262.4003 6 ut bori;ed S ignature Co mments ,..EA GLE RIVER WATER 8< SANITATIONDISTRICT 970.476 .7480 (tel) 970.'176.4089 (fax)V Co nta ct:Fred Haslee '7;-COM ~T,C;ABLE --B,.e,fO 1)~-c<:a5 F :L/6?-26 72 __1':L!~g ~.z (P {,JX/It-~ N OTES; 1.If the utility eppro.va l&verification Forn i has signatures from each of tr,e uti lity companies.and no comments are rnede directlyon the form,theTownwill presume that thereare no problems and the develo pment can proceed. 2.If a ut ility company has concerns wit"the proposed constru ction,the utility repr esentati ve shall note directly on .th e utilityverificatJon form thatthereis a problem which needs to be resolved.The issue should then be dstailed in an attachedlett er tothe Town o f Vail.However,please keepinmind that :t is th e r esponsibil ity oftheutility compan y and the app ucs ntto resol ve identified problems. 3.Thes e verifications donct relieve the contractor oft he respons ibilityt o obtain a Public Way Pe rmit from the Departmentof Publ :C Works attheTown of Val l.UtJlitv locations must b~obtz:!ned R:,:fQre diog ina inany public rlght- of rw ayor easem ent within th e lawn of Vall.A building permit i~no~a PubHr;W ~Y .Qe rm i t illld must be obtained goarately. T he Developer isrequiredandaqrees to submit any revised drawings tothe uti lities for re-approval &re-verification i f the submittedp'ans arealtered inany way'aftertheauthorized slynat'..Jre date (unless othervJ ise so ecncau v rooted within t hecomment area ofthis form). Deve~ope r's Sig nature D~""~n f 1 ?Jn4 /?P./1'l4 oete ..'.••File #ES51652B97 AF-RII-05/13/98 20 :10:41 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OWNER'S POLICY SCHEDULE A Order No.ES51652B97 Policy No.J 889049 Amount o f Insurance $335 ,000.00 Date of Policy:Ja nuary 1 3,1 998 a t 7:29 A .M. 1 .Name of Insured: Ric ha rd C .P uetze r 2.The estate or interest in the land whic h is covered by this po licy is : FEE SI MPLE 3.Title t o the e s tate or i nterest in the land is vested i n: Richa rdC .Pu etzer 4 .The land referred to in this policy is described as foll ows : Lo t 9 ,Blo ck 2 ,Va il I nte rm o unta in Dev e lupmen t Su b divi sion ,acco r di ngt o the pla t recor ded J une3 0,1970 i n Book 21 8 at Pag e 82 , Cou nty o fEa g le , State o fCo lorado . ,, Order No.ES51652B9 7 •FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULEB EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE •COMPANY P olicy No.J8890 49 This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay c osts, att orneys'fees or expenses)wh ich a rise by reason of: 1.Taxes and Assessments not ce rt i fie d to the Treasurer's Off ice. 2 .Any facts,rights,interests o r cla ims which a re not wh ich could be as ce r ta ined by an i nspecti on of t he persons in possessi on thereof . shownb y t he public l and or by making reco rds but inquiry of 3 .Easemen ts ,or c laims of easeme nts,n ots hown b y the publi c r ec ords . 4 .Discrepa nc ies ,co nfli cts i nb oun dary l ines,s hor tuge i n ar e a,e ncroachments,a nd facts wh ich a co rr ec t survey and ins pe ct i on of the l and wo ul d di scl os e ,a nd wh ich n ot s ho wn by the pUb li c r eco rds. an y a r e 5 .Any l ie n ,o r right to a l ien ,for s erv i ces,l ab or o r mater ia l he retof or eo rh er ea fte r furnished,impo sed by law and n ot shown by t h e publi c rec ords . 6 .All tax es and assessments for t he year 1 998a nd s ubsequ e nt y ears,a l i en,but no ty et due or payable . 7.The r ight o f prop r ie to r of a vein o r lode t o extra ct or remove hi s ore the ref rom shou ld t he same be fo und t o pene t ra te o ri n t erse ct the p r emi ses as reserved in Unit ed S ta tes Pat ent rec ordp.d Ap ril 1 8 ,1 934 in Boo k1 23 a t Pag e 3. 8 .Ri gh t o f way f or d itcheso r c a nal sc on structed by t he a utho ri ty of t he Unit ed Statp.s as r ese rved in U n i te d s tate sPat en t r e corded Apr il 18 ,19 34 i nBo ok 1 23 at Page 3. 9.Co ve nan ts ,c ond iti o n sa nd r estr iction s ,which d o n ot incl u de a f or feitur eo r reve rte r c lause,s et f orth in t he i n strument r ec ordedJ uly 24,1 9 70 i n Book 2 18 at P uqe 28 1 .1\.:n2:lc1m en:.o f s a i d c ovenanL s ,co r.dit io r:s and res t r i c t i o r;n by an Ln s t rurnen t;rec orded Ap r i I 28,1 9 71 in Book 220 at Pc.;;;e 378 .?rov isions re;:ja rding r a ce ,co lor,cr eed,and na ti o nal o r igi n,if a ny ,a re d el eted . 10.The fo llow i ng items as s et fo rt ho n the plat of said A f ive teat wide str ip a l ong al l inte riu r l ot lines i s and dra inage easements a s n ota ted on the r ec o r d ed plat . subd ivisi on , rese rv ed tor t o-wit : ut ility :1.Easeme nts ,re se rv ed in -.:he r~co~ded P lat of Vai l Inte rmou nta in De velopment Su bd i vi s io n . 1 2.Terms,p revi s ior.s and c o~d iti ons o fAp pli c ati on f o r Revocable Permit o r ma i n t a i n as t r ucr.u r e o na p ub l ic r i qht;o f .....;ay z e c o r de dAp ri I 8, Be ak 691 a t ?aqe 9 09. to e rect 1996 i n 1 .3.I'e rrns,p r o v i.s icnu and co n d i t i c ns o f l~c c p..ss Eu semer.t 8 f ep.t wide al ong t he -ConL inued - Order No.ES 51652B9 7 •SCHEDULE B continued • Policy No.J889049 File #ES _ci)(J ~2B 97 Easter ly b o unda ry of sub j ec t p rope rty rec o~ded ?ebruary 3 ,1 997 i nBo ok 717 at Page '1 1 9. 14 .De ed o f Trust fr om Ric hard C.Pu etz er ,t o the Publ ic Tr uste e of EagleCou nty, f or the b e nefit of Chas e Manhattan Mortgage Co rporat io n,se curing a n o r i gi ~a l p rinc i pa l indebtedness o f$26 8,0 0 0.0 0,andany o ther amo unts and /or o bl i ga t ions date d Janu ary 7,1998 ,rec ord ed January 12 ,1998 as Rec e pti on No . 6 4 444 4. •••Improvement Location Certificate Legal Description: Lot 9,Block 2,Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision,according toth e plat recnrded J une 30.19 70in Book218 atPage a 2,EagleCounty,Colorado. Iherebycertifyth at t his Improvement Location Certificate w as pr ep ared for ChaseManhattan Mor tgage Corp.•and First American H e rita ge Ti tle Co.,th at it is notala nd s urvey plat o rimprove ment s un'ey p lat, an d t hat it is nol to berelied upon fo r t he est ablishment o ffenc e,build ing,o r o ther futureimprovementlines. I further certify that t he improvementson th e ab ove d e scribedpa rcel o nthi s d ale,Ja nuary OS,1998, except utility connections,a re e ntirely w ithin th ebo undaries of thepa rcel except as shown,that there a reno e ncroachments upo nth e described pre mise s by improvementso n an y adj o ining premises,e xcept asin dicated, a ndthattherea re no apparen t evidence ofa ny e ase ment cro ss ing orb ur derung any part S.h~~.p.,a rcel,e xcept t d .~\'I"a s n o e...........",tc;)RECIS 'I",~......",~~...\.)....~.....t{-~".;. !~J .L"C ~"'~\ 0\-05-4 8 ~~~1 Dale Le land lecij"nl:l::r ~10 6 :~~ .\~:.'./:~INotes:-;.....crt·..........~...::.... "",,(.Ij'/{':,~./••••~.,~)"S,'oJ.............. Recordedinlonna tion is ba sed en FirstA merican Herit age Title Co.,C o mmitme nt N'0"l).$~,~~~2 i>97-3 .T hose ease m ents listedo n sai dco mmitment th at li e wi thin thes ubject p roperty a nd a re described i naway tha t all owsthem 10 be drawn,a re s hown o nthe draw ing. Acco rdingto FIRM Co mmunity-Panel No .080054 0001 B,t his p arcel lies in Zo ne C. Address:2b92 Kinnickinnick Co urt Th ere is noe videnceor an 8 foot wide path alon g ~he easterlylin e of Lo t 9 as describedinthe Easement recordedin Bonk717 a tPage 719 . "5 '-,-'~\TY ........-10 D ;:''::'lt-.,l.L>.C .~__ ~s ~~- - ,\-:;:~.2Ae-......../ Bl.'J F_\':""'P ..,,/ -:»:.,0' ,\I'::~ ~ tz':.z,o "5 .ao ' ~H·7+139 '- 1='D tz...JN<>.C-£ ~'5 F...M e-N"- loTio Note :A..:cordi.'1ll:10 Colorado la w.you m ust commence a ny 1e)!.1I 1 acta ",based u pon a nv d etectIn thIS ceru hca te WllhlJ'l l :'In...Vt'lIl"'>.1I1t'"'VllU hrst d l'o(l}vt"r such d etect,In 00 e v..ent rt\ol y any actio n ba.o.o-d L1POII .lily tJdlo'l..1 m Uu..cernncatc bo'n Jm lT1ll"'f1C Pd m ort'rho,"I("n yl'aro;tT (lfn rh c-dMt'••,C't"rtJh('.1.thJn ..tw..wn hM'l'oll'l l e landLe chner,30946 Co.Rd.356,Bue na Vis ta.Co lnrado 8 1211,(719)395-9160 r "-'- ~.- " LIhe~o -0 I f ie..- A.''''OJ';U"rrt ..,J;r1~'1..1,,.)C.,e o v»I I 0 LEG...L DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: LOT q BLobK Z-SUBDIV/SION;'di~';'••-£...:(If nel:essary attachdes~tIonDnS8~!lheet),"---.9.._-e-""I ..I>t: I ,.,........--:>...,.t.,.,.r ....e,•..d~"'J0/TD ---I:>""~ .'2-(li'...t -Iu.."i'•/''.J r._r: Comer lot I Inside lot X r",.-(,,,.•rr ~f u~'L I DESCI9.lf'TI9.N.OF ~TRUCTURE OR ITEM(Sl.INTO RJG"?""9F-WAY: -/1J.v If:I"...,krl.....5!l.-edz.b.4 'lL .I -----:---...:..-.- 2 . 3. 4 . Attach plans showing ~naDachment.property line,sidewalks,curbs.Intakes,hydrants, meters,manholes,any.other affected appurtenance Inthe project area (10scalaor dimensioned)and section{s)as well as elevations (If applicable). Does structure pre!len~y exist?YeS -c::.v ...r~.,.;fy 4 rA.v·,.2 l"-t?t f~v~• .Propo~d datelorco jmencement 01 conslnJction «hi ._ .In consideration or thlli Issuance ora revocable permit lor the slructure aboveIndicated .awllC3llt alirBos as follows:....' I . ,•That the Slruct~re herein authorized ona revocable permit basis Is restricted Bxdusively tothelandabove described. That the permit Is limited spedficaJly10 the type ofstructure descrlblld Inthis application.I . That the appli9l"t shall notity the Town Manger,orhisduly au1horlzed agent.twenty- lour hoursIn advance 01 the lime lor commencement 01 construction,In order that proper In$ctl9n maybemadebythe Town.. The applicant ~grees to Indemnify andholdharmless the Town of V,all,Its officers, employees and,agents fromand against all liability,claims and demands onaccount01 Injury,lossor damage ,Including wlthoutllmllatlon claims arising from bodily Injury, personal Injury)sickness,disease,death,propertylossor damage,or any otherlossof any kind whatsbevllr,which arise ouloforareInany manner connected wllh applicant's actrriUes pursuant to this permit,"suchInjury,loss,ordamageIs caused In whole orIn part by .or Is claImed10becausedin whole or In part by,the ael,omission, error,prolesslo'nal error,mistake,negligence orotherfault01the applicant.hIs contractor or subcontractor orany officer,employee or represenlallvtl 01 the appl icant, his cornractor ~r his subcontractor.The applicant agreesto Investigate,handle rllspond to,ana 10 provide delense for and defend agalnsl.any such 1IabIIJI)',claims ,or demands at the soleexpense 01 the ap.-11can l .The appfocant also a~rees tobearall otner llxpen~relating thereto,Includ ing court costs and Illlomey's lees,whether or not anv such lIilblllty,claims ,or demands alleQed are I:rt'und!!!SS.t aise.or Ir;Ulc!u!!l!"\. -I IApplicantagrees toprocure and maintain,allts own cost,a policy or policies 01 Insurance sUffiClentlo ensure agalnsl all Debility cla ims,demands and other obHgaUons assumed by th~applicanl pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town'01Van,Its ollicars,agents end employees IrDm any and a1ll1ablllty,claims,demands,or lICIlons or causes 01 acnons whatsoever arising out 01any damage,lossorInjurytothe appllcanl or10 the applicant'S property I - 587907 B-691 ~-90 9 0 4/08/9 60 5:2BP PG1OF 4 REe Q Sa ra J.F isher I E a gle County C lerk &Re corder 21,0 \ ." .::,..:.. DOC •"........ 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. caused by the Town 01 Vall,Its olflcers.agents and employeell while engaged In " main18nance or 6I1OW removal adlvltles or any other activities whmPever on Town of Vall property,l;!reets,sidewalks,or tlghls-of-way.I That the pennll may be revoked whenever It Is delennlnedthatthe tinaoachment. obslructlon,or other struaure oonslItutes anuisance,destroy;or Impairs the useof the "right-ol-way by the public,c:onslItutes a InItrlC hazard,or the pro~rty upon which the encroachment.ob5tnJcUon.or IIruc:lure exists Is required for u~by the public;or It may be revokuj at any timelor any reason deemed sufficientby thll TownofVall. "thai the applicant will remove,III his expense,the encroachment,o~cUon,o~ structure within len days alter recelv~notice 01 any revocation of 8aId permlL thai the applk:anl agrees 10 maintain any landscaping assodaled wlfh the . encroachmenton the r1l1ht-<lt-way."I thaI In !he event said removal 01 the .na'eachmsnt,obstruction,or structure Is nol aCcomplished withintendays.theTown Is hereby EWthorized to re""l0ve same and have the right to make an assessment agalnsllhe property and con.a the costs or removal In the same manner as genonoJ taxes arc cc!lec!ed..!" That the appfi:::ant has read and understands aD of the 18{TT1S and cOnditions set lorth In this application.}~.n(jijions:"pu/e.'7!~~.... -A:./14.-.va.!.,..,'t1 rvco_-J ur£..,;.e . (&1-11-7 c Date ~.I •!~. Dale -...•.';,• Dare:chlo~r, Legal description:L ot Ii Block _-=l..,--_Filing _.J.I.'YL_~I..!:U2W!~C£U:.t:L _ Address 2~'1l ~:,{<jt\~;f<int1.,lc!c 6.w+ Owner "D id;P",,,,tt.y Phone ~_ Architect Phone _,.--_-'-----'._ Zone district 11,m -c4tni/y 'fc :trIlU '1 /!.U6b h"y Proposed usc ---<""'-'''-'-''7I--JJ..I~:''''':'=~~'-- Lot size It ,1'/3 ¢;Bui ldable area ..fIl.I.C!.'...._ T otal GRFA +:::2.,Z.3(" F'nmtlry G RI"A SCCl"ll1d1l:lj GRF.'c ,1 6'15 4 1 ~r:w dil plus 230 addin on Docs tll is l equest iiIvolvc a250 Ad,ntioiI? ,, Mow lII och o ftbeallowed 250 p.ddi ti oiI is used \'li th tLis ICqllc St ? '. 7 07.. /6,71 '1 1'1 \21 if{P _~__Enclosed / ----=----+" 2 ,~~B , (30)(33) 'I Front "20 ' I "Sides I-,,(") 1 Rear 15 ''j '\7 ,7(,,(,M.i., j uu rnu m 21_ 3'/6' :'R equired 3Parking Retaining WallHeights Land scaping Height Site Coverage Setbacks Garage Credit ~(60 0)(9 00).c1200), Driveway Permitted Slope <')I.~jf,''(j %Pro posed Slope ~iJ~/!!.:4 % Complies with T OVLighting Ordin ance Y es ./No _ No,_Arc finished gra des less than 2:1 ')0%) 'EnvironmentalJHazan ls ,.. ,. ( Yes tlf-WI 1'1J I )PercentSlope «>3 0%)N/A 2)floo dplain 3)Wet lands,l-_ 4)WaterCourseSetback (30)(50),---1"-_ 5)Geologic Hazards -,----------f-----"--- a)Snow Avalanche,-I-_ b)Rockfall ..!.....-__.--:~_ ,c )DebrisFlow (rLlJ d e,.rt>J!..J-!,.':::.c.~"'"'=J _ ,J/&• I Previous conditionsof approval Cd,h eel:property fi l c)~'__--I.~L....--------_ Istheproperty non-conforming?;~~c ri b C :__lQl..~~,---'.,=--_ J ~ :\ ":t '( ,I 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,Colorado 81657 970 -479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 May 9,1997 , •fiLE COpy Department of Community Development Susan J.Dugan POBox 376X Vail.Colorado Xl 65X RE:Lot 9,Block 2,Vail Intermountain DearSue: As requested I have reviewed thefileforLot 9,Block 2,Vail Intermountain to determine the amount of available GRFA.Upon reviewing the file,I wasunableto determine the existing GRFA , therefore,I cannot accurately provideyouwiththeamount orGRFA remaining forthe 101,if any . The propertyisallowed a TypeIEmployeeHousingUnit (EHU).TheEHU can utilize upto 40% of the available GRFA andisallowedanadditional425 square feet ofGRFA credit.Giventhelo t size of lessthan15,000squarefeet,the allowable GRFAis25%of thelotarea .Theprimaryunitis allowedan additional 425squarefeet of creditaswell.Based on your representation ofthc existing G RFAas1,920 square feet,withalotsize of 12,943squarefeet,Ihave determined thereis available GRFAforfuture development .1 have enclosed theapp ropriate sections of theTown of Vail Municipal Code foryourreference. I am hopefulthattheinformation addressed in this letterwillhe lp you determine the development potentialforLot9.Block 2,Vail lntcrmountain.!fyou haveany questions,orifyouarcinneed of additional information,please donothesitatetocall.I can bereachedat 479-2128. Sincerely. ~~//~-- Dirk D .Mason TownPlanner DI)M(jr o necvcu»I'Al'f.'R • ZONmG 18.13.080 Density control. A.Not more th an atotal of t wo d welling units sh all be permi tted one ach site with o nly on e d welling unit pe rmittedo n lotsl ess th an fifte en thous and sq uare f eet. T hefollo wing GRFA shall be pe rmittedonea chsite: 1 .Twenty-fiv e squaref eet of GRFA f or e ach on e hundred s quaref eet of thefirstfift een thousand squ are feet of site a rea;plu s 2.T en squ are fee t of GRFA fore ach on e hundred square f eet o f site ar ea ov er fifteenth ousand sq uare feet,no t toex ceed thirty thous andsq uarefeet of sitearea;plus 3.Five squ are feet of GRFA for each on e hundred s quare feet of site areain excess of thirty thousand square feet. In addition tothe above,four hund red twenty-five square f eet of GRFA shall be permitted for each allowable dwelling unit.Onanysi tc containi ng twodw elling units,on e of theunits shall not e xce ed forty percent of th e totala llowable GRF A.No P ri mary/Seco nda ryRe sid ential l ot except those located enti rely in thered haz ard avalan che zon e,orthe flood plain,o r thos e of less than fifteen thousand square feet shall beso restricted that it cannot b e occupied bya Prim ary/Secondary dwelling. Notwith standing the foregoin g.a Type I EHU may b e permitted on Jots of l ess th an fift een thou sand square f eet in ac cord ance with S ecti on]8 .57 .040 of th eM unic ipal Cod e of the Town of Vail. B.Notwi thstanding the provisions of sub section A of thisSection 18.13.0 80,a Type I EHU shall be permitted on l ots of less than fift een thousand squ are f eet in a ccor cl ance wi th Section ]8.5 7.040 of the Municip al C ode of the T own of Vail. (Ord .8 (1992)§§13,14:Or d.37 (1 990)§5:Ord .19 (1990)§1: Ord.12(1988)§4;Ord.23 (1986)§1:Ord.23(1981)§2:Ord. 22(1981)§1 (part):Ord.35(19 80)§1:Orc!.22(1979)§1(part): Ord.12(1978)§2:Ord .30(1977)§2 (part).) 330 (Vail 9·29·92) ',' ZONI NG "o therp enalties and r e stnctions p rovi ded h erein,a unit f ound tobe in n on compli ances hallb es ubjectt o pub lica- tion a s determinedby th e Hou s ing Auth ority .(Ord . 14(1994)§J:O rd.27(19 92)§§J-3 :Ord.8(19 92)§4.) 18 .57.030 Applicability. A.Th e re quirement s of thi s Chapter shall bein addition to the r equ ireme nts set forth inea ch z one district where EHU s are permitted bythi s Chapter and all oth er re quire- ments of the Town Municipal Code. B .Whe re the provisi ons or requirements of th is Chapter conflict with the pro visions o r requirements set forth in any zon e di stri cto r any oth er requirements of the Town Mun icipal Code,th e provision s of th is Ch apter shall control.(Ord.8(1992)§4 .) 18.57.040 Type I-EmpJoyee housing unit. A.Purpose.To allow f or constru ction of an EHU onlot s in the Prima ry/Second ary and Two -Family Zone Districts which do not meet th e minimum lot size requirements for said zo ne distri cts . B .General Condit ion s.A Type I EHU s hall comply with the followin g g eneral provision s: I.It shall be a permitted u se in the Primary/Secondary Re sid enti al,a ndT wo -F amily Resid ential Z one Dis- tricts. 2.It s hall be all owed onalotth at isJess th an fifteen thousand (15,000)square fe et intot al site area . 3 .It shall be one of th e dwelling units ina two-famil y dwelling pursu ant toSe ction 18.54.0501 de sign guidelines duplex and primary/sec ondary develop- merit .It may als o beloc ated in,or attached to,a n existing garag e,provided the garage is not located within any setback,and further,provided that no existing parking r eq uired by the Town M un icipal Code is redu cedo r e liminated. (Vail 4 ·95)462d EMPLOYE E HOUSI NG 4 .It sh a lln ot e xceed forty pe rc ent(40%)o f th e tot al GR FA allowed on th e lot.Ana pplic ant,however, s hallb e permitted t o apply t o t he Commu nity Devel - o pmentDe partmento fth e To wn for a dditional GRFA not to e xceed two hu ndred fifty (250)square feet to beused i n th e c on struction of th e EHU.The a pplicantsh alls ubmitan appli c ation for the a ddi- tional GRFA ona form provided by the Community Devel opment D epartment.Approval or den ial of the reques t s hall bem ade by t he Desig n Review Board i n accorda nce withSe c tion18.54.040 .I fana pp lica nt ob tain s De sign Review Board approval for add itiona l GRFA forth e EHU ,he o rshe shall not be entitled to rece ive additi onal GRrA pursuan t to Chapter 18.71 , "Additio nal Gross Re sidential Floor Are a",of this C odef or either unit onth e l ot. 5.ATy pe I EHU m ay be rent ed in compliance with Se ction 18.57.020 oritm ay b e sol d,tr an sferred,or c onveyed sepa rately from any sing le -family,or t wo-family dwe lling it m ay beapa rt of so long a s it me etsthefoll owing c onditions: a.It m ust b e u sed bythe ow ner of the EHU asa p ermanent r esi denc e.For t he p u rp ose o f this subsec tion,a pe rmanentr esidence shall me an the h ome orp lace i n whi ch o ne 's h abitati on is fi xed andto wh ich o ne,w hen ever heor she is absent, ha sa pre s ent in tention of return ing after ad e- pa rtur e o ra bsen ce th ere from,r egardless of the d uration of absence .In determining whatisa p e rm anent r e sid ence,the Town s taff shall take thef ollo wing circumstan ces relating tothe own- er ofth e re s idence in to account :bu siness pur- suits,empl oyment,income sources,residence for in come oro th er tax purposes,a ge,marital status, r esid ence of p a rents,sp ouse and ch ildren if any, lo cat ion of pe rsonal and rea l property,and motor vehicl e re gi stra tion. 4 62e (V ail 4-95) • ZONING b.If a T ype I EIIU isso ld,tr an sferr ed or co nveyed sep arat elyfrom th e o ther un itina two-family d wellingi ti sapa rt of,t hen both t he Type I E HU andth e unitto wh ich it i s att ached sh all be su bject to a llth e provi sions s et f orth in subsec- t ion 1 8 .57.020F,G ,H and K of th is Ch apter. 6 .N o le ss t hanfif typ ercent (5 0 '70)of th e p arking re- quired f or th e Typ e I HIlJ by th e V ail Municip al C ode s h all b e encl osed. 7 :It s hallbe enti tled to a GR Fi\.credit of four hund red tw enty f ive (4 25)sq uare feet ,ass et f orth in subs ec- t ions 18 .12 .0 90/\a nd18.13.080 /\of thi s C ode. 8 .If a Typ e IEHUi s solds ep arately from the two -fa mily dwellin g itisp art of,then th e p rovi sion s asse tf orth i nSect ion18 .57 .0 20s ubsec tionsB,C a nd E a s wcll a s subsection 18 .57.040B5a and B5b sh all b e in c orporated in toa written agr eem ent appli- c able to b otht heT ypeIEH U andth e dwell ing unit to w hichi t i s atta ched inaf orm a pprovedby the Town Att orney whi chs hallrunwithth e land a nd sh alln ot b e amended or t erm in ated wi thout t he writ- t en approva l of t he T own.Sa id a gre em ent sh all be re corded at th e County Clerk a ndR ec order office pri or t o t he i ssuance of ab uildin g p ermi t forth e c onstruction o f a nEH U. 9.Thirty (30)da ys prior t o thetr ansfer o f ad eed fo r a Type I E HU.the prosp ective purch a ser s hall submit an a pplicatio nto t he Communit y Deve lopmentD e- p artrncnt d o cument ing that the p rosp ect ive p urchaser meets th e c riteriase tf orth in subsection s 18.57.020C a nd18 .57 .040 I3 5a a nd sh all in clude a n affid avit affirming that h eo r s hem eets these cri teria. C.Ap p licat ion.An yp erson whowi shes to c onstructa Type I E HUsha ll submit a n a pplication for Design Review Bo ard a pprovalto th e Co mm unity D evelopm ent Dep art- ment cont aining the f oll owing information: 1 .Th e n am e an d maili ng a ddress of the applican t. (V ni14 ·95)46 2f • EMPLOYEE HOUSING 2 .The w ritten consent of the owners of the l ot or prop- erty to be in cluded inthe appli cation or the written c onsent ofth eir agent or authorized repre s entatives . F orth e p urposes of thi s subsecti on,agent or autho - ri zed re presentative shall mean any individu al or as sociation authorized or empowered in writing by th e prop erty owner to actonhi s or her behalf.If any of th e prop erty tobe included i sa condominiumi zcd development,the pertinent condominium association may beco n sidered the agent or au thorizedreprcsen - tativ e forthe individual unit owner if allowed byall pertinent requirements of th e condominium assoc iation'sd eclar ations . 3.The legal desc rip tio n a nd st reet address of t he lot or sitefor whi ch the pro p osalis mad e. 4.A li sto ftheown er or o wners of r e cord and their mailin g a ddresses forthe properti es adjacent to the property whi ch is the subject of the hearing. D .Review.The a pplication s hallbe reviewed by the Design Review B oard inac cordance wit h Ch apter 18 .54,"Design Revi ew",of the Town Munici pal Code .(Ord.27(1993) §§4 ,5 :Or d .8(1992)§4.) 18.57.050 Type II-Employee housing unit , A.Pu rpose.To allowfor t he construction of an EHU on lots inth e Sin gle -Family,Two -Family,and Prim ary/Secondary Zone Distri cts which meet the minimum lotsi ze r equire- ments for sai d zone districts . B.Gener al c on dition s: 1.It s hallb ea con d itional u se 111 the Single-Family Resid ential,Two-Family Residential and Pr ima- ry/S econd ary Re sidential Zo ne Di stricts. 2 .It shall bep ermitt ed on ly onlotswhi ch comply with the minimum lotsi ze requirements for total lot area of th ezo nedi strict inwh ich the lotis locat ed, 3 .It s hallh e l o cated w ithin,or att ached to,a s ingl e-family dw elling or be loc ated w ithin,o r at- 4 62g (Vail4 ·95) NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479 -2452 MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #:M95-0173 Department of CommunityDevelopment Job Address :2692 LARKSPUR LN Location : Parcel No:2103-143-01-007 Project Number: Status ...: App lied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: ISSUED 10/03/1995 10/04/1995 04/01/1996 APPLICANT RICH CO OLEY GAS LINES Phone:719-486-3491 8 14 TURQU OISE STREET ,LEADVILLE ,CO 80461 CONTRA CTORRICH CO OLEY GAS LINE S Phon e:719-486 -3491 8 14 TURQU OISE STREET ,LEADVILLE,CO8 0461 OWNER LARSON ERI C &ELEANOR R 9 48NORTHR IDGE CT ,GOLDEN CO 804 01 Description: AS LINE FOR GAS FIREPLACE Fireplace Information:Restricted :#OfGas Appliances : Va luation : #OfGasLogs: 520.00 #Of Yood/Pallet: ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Me chan ical--->20.00 Restuarant PlanReview-->.00 Total Calculated Fees--->28 ,00 PlanCheck--->5 .00 ORB Fee---------------->.00 Addit ional Fees--------->,00 In vest igation>.00 TOTAL FEES------------->28.00 Total Permit Fee------>28 .00 Yill Call---->3.00 Payments-------------->28.00 BA LANCE DUE----------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 1 0/03/19 95 DAN Action:APPR CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS Iherebya cknowledge that Ihaveread this application,filled out in ful l the information r equ ired,completedan accurate plot p lan,and state that all the information pro vided asreq uired is corre ct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comp ly with all Tow nordinancesand state laws,and to build t his structure a ccordi ng t o the Town'szoningands ubdivision codes,des ignr eview approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TYENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8 :00 AM 5 :00 PM SIGNATURE OF OYNER OR CONTRAC TOR FOR HIMSELF AND OYNER d~~-e:=: o RECl'CLEDPAPER PERMIT INFORMATION *****I ]-Electrical l)(]-Mechani-cal []-Other _ Job Name:J..."1I($oJV Job Address:.storz ;f"1N.t~/~R;;(~ Legal Description:Lot r Block ..z..Filing t SUBDIVISION:16 /I..7"&,/(t'?""&'.(/ Owners Name:(I'{,::-J"..,,-~Q;")Address:2~P2 k,;,VuKu.I/;k Ct"Ph.r71~OJ15; Archi tect:Address:Ph .~-::-~~_CDiVVeAf,"~.J W<:>o/7'"C:>~5 General Description:Rv'y ,5':«'a f 1?"eheKMoiCJ!eeL fi.om..Gk?nf£?i..<z;~<£. Work Class:[]-New ~]-Altera~ion ~-Additional []-Repair [J~Other --- Number of Dwelling Units:I Number of Accommodation units: ~er and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances~Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$S~o V2-TOTAL:,:r--------------- ~***************************CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************~~neral Contractor:Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Address:Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address: .Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor:~c..-A.Cook~6#~IJ~..$ Address:[(1't&tlf:wJtE£.r:I,,{;;;I'.//k 0 ·,,-·/1....'7, Town of Vail Reg.NO.~_ Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg.NO.~ Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg.NO.19,,/J1 Phone Number:71t -«ft,-..3ff/ ******************************** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION f.I\.. BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: J //I .Comments:__ XCJ.F.iN UP DEPOSIT IlEFDIID TO' , **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Reprinted:10/04/95 15:55 Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0080 Amount:28.00 10/03/95 07:07 Payment Method:CK Notation:FEES WAIVED Init:DS Permit No:M95-0173 Type:B-MECH Parcel No:2103-143-01-007 Site Address:2692 LARKSPUR LN MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees:28.00 This Payment 28.00 Total ALL Pmts:28.00 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code **WAIVED FEES** Description WAIVED FEES Amount 28.00 ,..... INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479·2138PEA~M~ErO;~j2T3 DATE I D/t/10 (.,JOB NAME br=-----f:i-<'------'='7:;-~_?"=S_;_:___:o_;_--__,___=___;_;_;____;_-____,_= READYFOR INSPECTION: dl q,;L BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ,ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL -=--_ o o FINAL PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D .W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL:\ o ,TE ~P .POWER ,--_ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ ,.o ROU 'GH 0 EXHAUST HOODS _ o CONDUIT 0 SUPPLY AIRI_ \,I t ~Jo..•-Jo\0''-'if.Y f !T:/fHo--=dJ /./I i o FINAL I 0 F ~AL --- ;'4D~APPROVED t 6 0RRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _~_INSPECTOR GRAY-STONE CONS T RU CTION AND DE VELOPMENT,INC .2672-AKINNICK INNICK CT.•VAI L,CO81657 •970/476-1690 •970/476-6075 FAX T own of Vail Community Development 75 South FrontageRd. Vail,Colorado ATTN:George Ruther July 25 ,1996 Please post copy ofthis letter inthefilefor Lot 9,Block 2 ,Vail InterMountain,currently owned byMr .&Mrs.Eric Larsen,andalsointhefile for Lot 5,Block 2,Vail InterMountain,currently owned by Ms .Sue Dugan. Iamrequesting tobe informed of ev eryandany actions,or correspondence forthe se properties relatingtoDRB ,P1anning,Building Permits,etc.,as these arebothnon -conforming properties whichhave had code c omplaintswithus. DignReviewAction F& TOWN OF VAIL Date ---3....L.l..-'-.J..lCategoryNumber_ Project Name:\A '{0D Y\-(e ft\UJl\L.l.'\r1...--....!=C{:::.l....!.-C--:.-~_~c....L_~~~_.!:=c..-~~_ Building Name:_ Project Desc ription:_ Owne r ,AddressandPhone :f~dJ I.....I_ft=,-,-(-,S(:::::>...<~=---",----..L!....Z~("",_ll..L,.-'=t--""'-=___=_'_'__'_''__'__''L.....l:==__c L.:.L '_''_____'_______=:...._..:....___ VaLI CJ)f){Li21 434'------L1C----<.../L.....l1S"---=-----_ Architect/Contact.AddressandPhone:_ Z oneDistr ict .:rl:::...:,LegalDescription:Lot --=:l-Block 2-Subd ivision \~myY\r)~~JO ,1A,. Projec t StreetAddres s:2-/..;1 z...~()t"\\C ~J D ffic~c+~_ Comments :_ Motionby:---< Seconded by :_ o Approval o Disapproval G3 Staff Approval Conditions:---< .... Tow n Planner Date:_ORBFee P re -paid ~_=____~::::.__ ravbe4 8/17/94 , DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO FOR REVIEW. "I +f v l-t. r"ti~J.-/1...'>(6' r eo.,\V--:')ftrt ~:x~. __New Construction ($200.00 )Minor Alter ation ($20.00 ) ___Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS:cd ~'1 )...KI ""VI \t .h t "'''''t..tltZ.-~ LEGA~l?E~CRIPTION:~~o t '\"Block __ subdd va sa on ..:t ~l.._'7l.._!-y ~¥~Oc..=...~~~:.u:::AW1_""~_ C. D. DATE RECEIVED: ~DATE OF DRB MEETING: **********.1 (,INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDULED r\t **********Sf S ()'I .PROJECTINFORMATION: .1-v y ~..I A.DESCRI PTION:_(i)_'_~_""_I_N',7'----;__----'-=--'---'-----'---b_--n-__----.-_ 1,U1 z..t.~v ~(r~d ...c>"'....d. I ,/(./t>",..T ~cJ~(\-'r"',',,'~k ;- 'D ~"--:-'........,=-LLJ-.L----'~f-:-.L...J.!.'-I-_+--='-:-'--"--'~~"-'-___!.:....<..=.:.=...,r!_'_"'I___:_t_L__T._'=~~ b io c.~\NOO d?B.TYPEOFREVIEW: E. F . G. If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this apPli~:iO~. ZONING:r 7 /> NAME OF APPLICAN~t fi!..I c.Lit -r(.()f.J ~~ Mailing Address:J b'H-g;~,,\t..k ,::::t:(~t /I tt ~/G'J 1 Phone 1.('/~'K '7 _ VJ tJy l t "?O'?,-S H.-o>l Y'>? NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Mailing Address:_ H .NAME OF OWNER(S): Phone ~Lfr'';ON APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE I .Condominium Approval if applicable. J.DRB FEE:DRB fees,as shown above,are to be paid at the time of submittal of the DRB application.Later,when applying for a building permit,please identi fy the accurate v aluation of the proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the "fee according to the table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid. $10,000 •$0,000 $50,001 -$150,000 $150,001 -$500,000 $500,001 -$1,000,000 $Over $1,000,000 ,, ,'f FEE PAID:$ FEESCHEDULE: ..:, CHECK #:/0:3 DATE:'i -).).~(BY:[Xl I'\I \V·:/,~'r..... ,G1 ~.00 -, $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESSA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. II , II.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed .It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if t here are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the review process for y our project. III.IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALLSUBMISSIONSTOTHEDRB: A.In addi t ion to meeting submittal requirements,the applican t must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines,building lines and building corners.All trees to be removed must be taped.All site tapings and staking mus t be completed prior to the DRB site visit.The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B.The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board:a conceptual review and a final review . C.Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed,will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. D .The following items may,at the discretion of the zoning administrator,be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e.a formal hearing before the DRB may ~ot be required): a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of the building;and b.Building additions not v isible from any other lot or public space.At the time such a proposal is submitted,applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E.If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i .e. snow avalanche,rockfall,flood plain,debris flow, wetland,etc.),a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with aTown Planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards . F.For all residen tial cons truction: a.Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face o f the exterior structural walls of the building;and b.Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. G.If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications,all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a building permit. 2 Printed by Ra ndy Stouder 2 /27 6 3:50pm From :Greg H all CO NFIRMEDTo: Curnutte,Jim H~,Pam Brandmeyer,Randy Stouder,Tom Sheel ey~':"':'~':'':'~:1K~:,:,~,:,~it:mTCk~~._ ===NOT E ===============2/27 /96 ==3:33pm======================================= I have fina li zed the revocable right of way permits f or both Sue Dug an a nd Eric Larsen a llowi ng t h em to park within the right of way I have a lso have recieved numerous compla ints about the Gray's not fo llowing the rul es a s agreed to at the previous meeting.At this t ime I was no t go ing to allow the Gray's t o park w ith in the right of way s i nce they did meett h eir parki ng requ iremnet o n si te a t t he t ime they constructed their h ome.I na ddit ion I put E r ic L ars en o n no t ice t hat he w ill be requ ired to m e et h is required parking on s ite in t he futu re if he modifie s h is bui lding o rh is pa r king . If a ny of you have any quest ions or concerns regardi ng the d irect ion I am plannig on t a king,please contact me by the e nd of t he day o n Thursday o r I w i11 p roceeda s noted.Thanks . Pa ge:1 Jim i I-, J,<e.~" -tf cers ~i\c;t{-e(;-J"t:1.c I'f1tJ¥!~~~~~~.p-M·3 ~ces fr €rr'c.j ,1-e.~f't.ce c Hr:u-i'y. -Nd flv/(J~2bxe.:i~i"~{f.1re Ar'nu. i?oJ7.Sf-ov~-/;;...,.,.....~')I :M \~,/ c , <-';]I \ 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX970-4 79-2452 September 19,1996 Eric Larson 2692 Kinniekinniek Court Vail,CO 81657 RE :Lot9,Block 2,Vaillntennountain DearEric: Department of C ommunity Development It has been brought tomy attention thatyouhave recently completed severalsite improvements to your property at2692 Kinniekinniek Court.These improvements include repainting the entire structure,a new deck anda new retaining wall.Our records donot indicate that you have recei ved Design Review Board (ORB)approval forthiswork. The Town of Vail Municipal Code (Section 18.54.030)statesthatall improvements to property within the Town of Vailmust receive design review approval.I have enclosed foryoua copy of a ORB application.Please complete the application andreturnittomewitha$20feeand include color samples of the new paint andtrim ,asite plan showing the retaining wallanddeck,anda detail of the deck railing. 1 have been trying toreachyouby telephone forthelastfewdays,butyou have not returned by phone calls.It is imperative thatyou address your noncompliance immediately .Please returnthe k completed application tomebyFriday,September 27,1996.Should you have any qUestion ~~~ please donot hesitate to contact me at 479-2128.J.J."t ~~ tl..k(VL.[,I(~~\.-::c:~J v-(G-~~;~~i:;~~~=o iiicc at::Jr f d '/%;t~?\~~ cc:Susan Connelly,Directo r o f Community Development IfI'..I ~~- tp~ o HECYCLEDPAPER •..--_.--.....~~--'.9o-~~F';"·-_.~-:-:~;,,~,_.__:-..'?i -.:~•.:.....~~~.::.~~.~~"':"'""-..:....,....__._.-.._._--._..--.--',", f§~~I T OWNOF VAIL I R ECElrT :--0 .':l:r..:-;;;~./..DEPA RTME:\T OF C O:\lM(J."\'ITY D f.\"ELOPMEl'i ~I'AM EJ3 \C-l ;!CCJOV\.~'; ~i!~'----l-'7 ~C,! I AD DRE..~DATE I~/~ ~PR OJ F..<..-r ~~C IfF.c...::S MAnF.PAYARLK TO 1 O WN 0,,"v xn . ACCOL1\'"T ~O .-..............-......r n :M "'-"".~......•.'....~'-......'.::-;;0:"··-.",TAX'·'_.~.COST F A •...T OTAl..'=~.,~ ;:;0 10 000 41540 ZON ING AN D ADDR ESS MAPS S5.00 •,~ 0 1000042415 U NIFORMB UILDING C ODE .._-- 554.00 •.~~ ~0 1000042415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 539.00 •~..0 10 000 42415 UNIFORM MECHAN ICAL CODE S37 .00 •~ ~.:01000042415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE S36 .00 I· ~(JI 0000 424 15 NA TIONAL EL ECTR ICAI.CODE S 37.00 •=01 0000 42415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS •, .~01 0000 4154 8 BLUE PR INTS (MYLARS)57 .00 •- ~0 1 000042412 XEROX COP IES SO .25 • ~010000 424I2 S TUD IES • *-01 (KlOO 4 2412 TOV FEES COMP UTER P ROGRAM S5 .00 • l!.0 1 0000 42371 P ENALTY FEES/RE ·IN SPECTIONS I '...;;., ~0 1 (J()0041332 PLANREV IEW R IO -CHECK F E-E [S40 P ER I1R.]I i i~010 000 4 2332 O FF HOURS INSPtCTION FE ES Iff!,-.=010000 4J4 12 CONTRACTORS LIC ENSES FEES I .~:: 01 (){JOO 41413 SIGNA PP LICATION rEE S2 0.00 I ~.01 0000 41413 ADDIT IONAL SIGNAGE FEE [51.00 PERSQ .FT .]I '..~~i~'"tB 0 V TC ARTPROJ ECT DONATIO N I I~ (~"0I 0 000.413,I ...PRE PA ID D ESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 12C .~"'V !.. ~ §or 000042371 INVES TIGATION FEE (BU ILDING)I ~go 3 1000 04 5110 TOV P ARK~~lro tr t "'n I I 5----._---~: if 0 1 0000 22027 TO VNEW SI T O .....'N OF V A IL I ,,".~ ~·01000021112 TAXABLE I ~ f!•01 00004101 0 TA.,X ABLE I :z;: Miscellaneous Cas h ;.;.,01 0000 4 2371 B UILDING J I =t"-'"'.,OT III~R I .0,.:, ~'.:19-26-96 O·~:26 :2:3 ,~:~." ~PECA.!----._-----_._---". t:'i-.01 0 00041330 ADDITION ,0 ~'"~010 0004133 0 CON DITIot Receipt II 2 f1 7235 o ;r;t~ ~0 1 ()()O04 1330 EXTERIOR f=!ccoun t II CY II 10 3 0 ~~01000041330 EXTER IOR ERIC LR R5C1t·j···.D RB FEE 0 1 ~~,.01 (lOO O 41 330 SPECIAL D g-It=l mc1un t.g :£01 (){JOO 41330 SPEC IAL D tendered :>2 0.(1~3 III =01 000041330 SPECIAL D 0 i:i. "t";01000041330 SUB DIVISI Item pa id J:lmount pa id r-;~~0 1 000041330 VAR IANCI ,0 I l;:0 1 0 ()004I3JO ZONING Cl 010(11)041 3310(1(1 :'0.(1(1 '0 o . 0 1 ()()0041330 RE ..ZON I~10 ,. ~OT IIER"""""1-____ +! ~OTHER I I I ~ITOTAL:'i l-'2.D.cY). F-It<lo--v~-vt -~D"R-h~(01)l1>l0;TS: ~I".-o t q ,13Lc~..¥--;7 I \"rtc,,-\Y\r.>,"\tzL~\~0<-- ~~~ 18 103 LU~,)if~-CASH I I C K .•(I N.O L i REC.nY:W ...~ f. 9-18-1996 1 :19AH FRml AMSDEN,DAVIS.FOWLER 9704768637 e -Gregory M.Amsden 263S-B Larkspur Lane Vail,Colorado81657 f-'.I LaurenWaterton Town of Vail Community Development Dept. 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,CO.81657 Re:ExteriorPaint andDeck 2692 Kinnikinnick Cowt -LarsonResidence Dear Lauren: September16,1996 I am writingto formally complainaboutaveryrecentexterior paint application totheabove described residence.The paint coloris identical tothat of MeadowCreek Condominiums.The residencelooks likean extension of the condominium projectintoa primary-secondary neighborhood.Now the owner is applying apinkcoloron the facia andtrim.TheTown of Vail DRB has never allowed bright colorsinthe past andthiscouldbethefirstattemptatthe "Hate-Ashbury"look inIntermountain.A deck was alsoaddedinthenorthside of the residenceandthe railing designused is not compatible with theexistingarchitecture.Please reviewyourrecordsto see ifthispropertyowner followed properprocedureandreceivedthe necessary approvalsfromthe Community Development Department andtheDesignand ReviewBoard. Thisparticular property ownershowedsomevery abrasive behaviorin a neighborhood meeting regardingparking On LarkspurCourt(Sue Dugan,Harry Gray,Peter Franke,Greg Hall.Torn Sheelyandmyself were all in attendance)earlier this year.Hedidnotwanttolisten to alternatives andwasonlyinterestedindoing things "hisway".Heshowedtotaldisregardfor theproceduralaspect of obtaininga reasonable solutiontotheproblem at hand. Thisownerrecently purchased.a building siteat2685LarkspurLane(thelotnextdoor to his residence).Ifhis defiance of the local planning process continues,thiscouldbedetrimentalto all properties in theLarkspurLaneand Kinnikinnick Court neighborhood . Iwouldgreatly appreciate theTown of Vail'seffortsinkeepingthispropertyownerundera watchfuleye in his building activities.Pleasecallmeat476-8610withanyquestionsyoumay have.Thank.youforyourcooperationinthismatter. Residence :(303)-479-0337 Office:(303)-476-8610 BUILDINGDIVISIONOF EAGLECOUNTY,P.O .BOX 179 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE CO.-PH.(303)328 -633 9 BUILDING PERMIT DEPT.FILE CO~ VA L!DAT ION ..- ;;··o o·"·• (CQNTR'S LICENS E) (PR O POSEDU SE) NUMBER OF (__I STORY ------====-::c;::-:------DWE LLIN G UN ITS _ NO . PE RMITTO Construct Residence (TYPE Of I MPRO V EME NT ) (NO .)(STRE ET) (CROSS S T REE T)(CROSSS TR EE T) Vail Intermoun tain 9 2.. g BUILDING ISTOBE FT .W IDEBY F T.L ONGBY FT .IN HE IGHTA ND SHALL CON FORM IN CONSTRUCTION III (TY PE) o Z TO TYPE USE GROUP BAS EMENT WALLS ORFOUN DATION ==,-_ z '"ou,REM ARKS:_ (C UBI CI SQUARE f EE T) Daniel A.&Anne Christopherson Box 3464 vail Co 876 57• (Affidaviton reverse side of a ppli cationto becompleted by authorized ag ent ofowner) ----I ype 0 1 u c cupa ncy C a n st.G r oup S ize o f O l og . 11 ot a t)Sq .F t. N o .uf S tori es M al(. Occ .L o ad A PP'LI CA T I U"l AC CEP TE.0 8'l'PLANS C H(eKE D 8 y F i fe APPR OV E.O r OR 1~::>UA N r.E R ¥Z one U H! Z o ne F ire Spr in kle rs R e q ui r e d n V e!t O N ~ N O .l1t Dwe lli n g U n its QF FSTREET PAR~ING S PACE S: C ov e r ed J U n c o ver ed NOT ICE SEPARAT EPERMITS A RE RE QU I RED F OR ELECT RICA L.PL UMB · I NG.H E A T I ~G .V ENTILA TI NGO R A I R CONDIT IOCIING . THIS PERMIT B ECOMES N U L L AN D V OID IF WORK OR CO~STR UC · T ION AU THOR IZEDI S NOT COMMENCED W I TH IN1 20 DAYS.O R IF CO NSTRUCTIONORWO RK ISSUS PENDE D OR ABANDONED FOR A PER IODOF 120 DAYS A T ANY TI l-IE AFTER WORK I S COMMENCED . I H EREB Y CERT IFY THAT IH AV E R EJ\DA ND E X AMINE D THIS APPLI C ATION AND K NO W THE SA ME r o BE TnU E AN D CORREC T . AL.L P R OV IS:ON S O F LAWS AND O R D I NA NCES GO VERNING T HIS T YPE OF WORK WILL D E COM P LIED WI TH WHETHER SPEC I FIED H EREIN OR N OT .T HE GRA NTI NG OF J\PE f:H~I T DOES NO T P RESUME TO G I VEA UTH O R I TY TO VIOLAT E OR CA NC EL T rlE P ROVISIONS O FA NV OTH ER ST ATE OR LOC AL LAW REGULAT I NG CO NS T RUC T ION OR T HEP ERFOR MA NCE O F CO NSTRUC TI ON . S pecial Approva ls Z ON ING HEALT H DEPT . FI RE DEPT . SO I L R EPORT QT ....E R(Spe cif y) R eq u ired Receiv ed Not R e qu ired r CA SH :&;JZ:.(!;;:,~'4~:;;~~10 ~~;(78 .r -------+I------+------+-------i I 1/W HEN P ROPER LV VALIDAT ED liN TH ISSPACE)THI S I S YOUR PE RMIT IL~~3 PLANC HECK V ALIDATI01'l C K.M .D .CA 5HP ER M II VALIDA TION C K.M"".O-.------- Fr"lrm l1ILl .1 ,.'.'l,J SPECTOR -ILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONBU ,. 0 ;;•·z.. "»Jurisdiction of •0-0• Applicant tocomplete numberedspaces on ly ."•·JOB ....DDA [55 I LO TNO .IOL K 1\i:'jTI lilferl'YlolLt'l t ain S Ltb;.r,··V'/ST~~o;tEET IL[!iAL 5 21DI[SC~. O"",,,..UI i AYl ne ChV'ls ftJ:;l1P(~O n P~.&><.~4 ~Y Vt'J ~I -.ON'if lt>- 2 Th Y1 ;p/.4 .&;?16S7 .->2CJrQ '3 c o,..TIt"C TOfit I ....A I L A DDRESS P'"lO~E I I LI CE NSE NO . 3 s elf "'1111l-1f'a..s (J luo ve A RC'"I T EeT O R D ES I GNE:R MA IL A CD RESS PN ON~~_'{<fSJ&.U'ENS'NO . 4 ivl.I4 ({()"D//1I;lIllt/ld !Id /1J eJ InC :1::J ,C S".di:J /;¥)t/,L.:'&fi::JI/1l ENG I~EE R ""All AOO A["i"S ......'Pl1 0NE ''/_L ICENS U NO. 5 R~I,,'-I !Jr/t1j,f~5UY/,l<!'~tJr ./1()X 7 lJa /((~kl ~S--7 '1~--0 6tJ / LEN DER I ~(""''''It.....OO IllESS , £,6.!ea)()erc!!!t.iO;'66TJ/IJI'>'lA /I1 /1 lie m 6 ,1J'1G ,)",.:i:t J1.Itt·h ..a,. USE Of"B U ILD ING !2n1lh f'f?5Ij~/}ce ./I 7 :S/IlCi II" 8 Class '01work:P(NEW I o ADDITION o ALT ERATION o REPA IR o MOV E o REM OVE - 9 Describe work:(}}Il511iICh'oJ!t1~iJJli/.e .hd!2"~jJ1 -/uJ()~sI/JIV /ir/l jj7 e fvJm €-madz liP If /'Iorl~.hu .s-t(~I I I I I 10 Cha nge ofuse from Changeof use to 11 Valuationofwork:S SO.OtJO ~P L AN C H ECK FEE 137 .00 I P E RMI TF EE :2.?ff,OO SPEC IAL CONDIT I ONS:Type u f Occupancy ~7.~lCanst.G roup Divisi on Si 7 P.o f Bl dg .N u.u f Mal(. (T ota l)SQ.F t St orie s O cc .L oad fire U<e Fi re S p r inKl ers AP PL IC A'IO 'll Al':C fPfEO 0 '1'?lANS CHEC KED BY APPROvE D f"GA I ';S UAN((tty Z one Z one R cq ulr e d D Yes O No N o.o f OFF ST REET PARKING S P AC E S : D w el li n g Un i ts Covered I U nc:o v pr eo NOTICE Special A pprovals R equir ed Re ceived I No t Req u ired SEPARA TEPE R MITSA RE R EQUIR EO FOR ELEC TR ICA L.PLUMB ·Z ONI NG ! l NG,H EATING.VENTI LAT ING ORAI R COND ITI ONING .HEA L 1 HD E PT . T HIS PERMIT BE COMES NULL A ND VO IO I F WORK ORCO NSTRUC· TION A UTHOR IZED I SN OT COMMENCED W IT HIN 120 DAYS.D R f-IREDEP T . I FCONSTRUCTION OR WORK I SSUS PENDED O R ABA NDONED SO IL HEPQRT FOR A PER I ODOF 1 20 DAYS A T A NY T IME A FTER WO RKI S CO MME NC ED .OT HER (Specify) I HER EBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE R EAD AND EXAM INED T HIS APPLI C ATION A ND KNOW THE 5 AMF.T O B E T rlUE A ND CO RRECT . IALLPROVISIONSOFLAWSANDORnlNANCESGOVERNINGTHIS T YPE or WORK WIL L BE COMPLIED W ITH W HE T HER SPEC IFIED HER EIN O R NOT.T HE GRANTI NG O FAP ERMIT D OES N OT PRESUM E TO G IVE AUT HO RITY TO VIO LATE OR CA N CE L -rHE PROVI SI ONS OF ANY OTHER STATE O RL O CAL LAW REGULA T I NG CONSTRUCT ION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CO NSTRUCTI ON . ~'Ab:::J:iJ ~7J):~:h~2,:'~v1 :O A T ~1 /(1-3 -78 ~OJR["".O,"'iN[OI I F":",""'1[01 e ",_l .c A,T El •1/WHEN PRO PERLY V AL I DATE D li NTH IS SPACE)THI SISY OUR PERM IT //S-.3 PLAN CHE CK VALIDATIOr-r'CK.M .O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATI ON CK.M.D.CASH r o rm }(:O.l ,.;7 INSPECIOR ('aniel A.Christophers;' 2692 Lupine Court Vai l,C olorado81657 303/476-5260 REC '~"rr-tl V tD JUl1S 19 80 !laill.01 Planni nn •0 ""_h ~evel._'e,Co unty.Co lo.. 2PLU~NG PERMIT APPL~TION ,,....-4,- 0 ~••·Jurisdiction of ~••0 0• Applicanr to complete numbered spaces only.~·•Joe AOOIII ese I 'OT.0. 1 m ,;;ITV~:'I Infe"l1fJU"z!a/)1 Stl/;L8~'is 1-~;tO ..UT, 1.[GoAL1Q{SC III .~ 2 o;~iPIIi .i/ln »€11 ........11.ADDl'IllES5 ..""HONl '-fJ,,/l1c/S4}&;r3t/¢V 1Ik12J~1 .-1/76 -,;1/);;;3 c O'~~?j ,MAIL AO O"[$5 P"'ONl L ICENSI NO . 3 "'''~...t T [CT D ill O tS I CON UI M'".00...."'O k'18'j;~~,I.IC t"'S[N O. 4 AJ,1dd;)-.7J A~",~1I /k A 3':174 &,.,~/~"''''!="o?/J¥'.6 uo IA ..t ~'f/J//CJ t "'G I H[EIII ........1.ADOIIII[SS 'JHo"'t:,1.IC£NS[N O . s "kw tJr..;rld ~sJrVl.f/t)r &r1 Vaa bJ S/6S7 'f7/'-st!JtJ/ "- I.I.NC '"I '........11.."00111(,55 ,aIllA"'C" .3R7Cj $"~Mh.k 2Jr &u J+?tf/c:rrJ.b X/I/}/i - 6n'n M ".....,:1 .4r/YtC1'" U51.0 "8 i,1I I.D ''''G / 7 ~,1161!.fl .(;J1I1I 'L rj)1"/d.elJL~ 8 CI~ofwork :P{NEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describe worki/))1.,..~ytlC//.4'J1 #S 6R'//m?l»f .:J sfc/l/-I/a,i/YJP'kurt'-1J/C614 Ju sell' //,f /PERMIT FEES No .Type of Fixture 01'Item F .. SPECIAL CO ND ITIONS :~WATER CLOSET (TOILET)s~~ -<BATHTUB fi,bO ~LAVATORY (WASH BASIN)ill.0 SHOWER t K ITCHEN SINK &O,SP.-,~d,DISHWASHER ,;l.I~" A PP LICAT IO ""A C CEPTE D BY PlA""S C HECKtO t1v APPR Ov ED fO R ISSU ANCE BY LAUNDRY TRAY I CLOTHES WASHER ~bo I WATER HEATER .;(bo NOTICE URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN IH EREBY CE RTIFY TH AT t H AVE R EADA ND EXAM INE D THIS A P PLIC ATIO NA ND KN OW T HE SAME T O BE T R UE AN D CO R RECT . ,FLO GR --SINK OR DRAIN .:l..00 A LL PROV ISI ON S OF LAWS A ND OR DINAN CES GO V ERNING T HIS SLOP S INK TYPE O FW OR KW I LL BE C O MP LIE D W ITH W H E THER SPECIF I ED GAS S YS TEMS ,NO .OUTLETS HEREIN O R NOT.T HE GRANT ING OF A PE RMIT DOES NOT '-i..wATER P IPING"T RE AT ING EQU IP _ PRESU ME T O GI VE AUTHOR ITY T OV IOLA TE O R C A N CE L TH E WASTE INTERCEPTOR PROVISIONS OF ANY OT HER ST ATE OR LOCAL LAW REGU L ATING CONS TRUCTION O R THE PERF OR MAN C E OF C ONSTRUCTI ON .VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM '-t SEWER CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK &PIT "J1:~:,:;J7iJ!~;~;2'::"T I DA T [I /t>-]-7%PERMIT s If!I"D TOTAL FEE S ~00••O f'o .......[~n ft",I L.O ['")O A T(:I (/WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED liN THIS SPACE I THIS IS YOUR PERMIT IJS3 PLANCHECK VALIDATlb'N CK .M .D.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M .D.CASH CRe ®M Form 100.211·73 IN S Pf CTOR EAGLE COUNTY, BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 ·6339 //-Ie, I N S P E~O N ff //S-3 REGU'ES ·T BUILDING FOUNDATION FRAMING PARTIAL COVER PARTIAL LOCATION : PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE HEATING woe S FINAL HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :L OCA TION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ MON TUE COMMENTS :E~"'f/;t READY F ORINSPECT ION WED ~FRI AMPM 444 /!JL-e {Jld -.de L ,,,,,,~ lLYA PPROVED o DI SAPPR OVE D o REI NSPEC T o UPONT HEFO LLOWING CORR ECTIONS: CORR ECTIONS--------------------------------- DATE /1 -l' I I 1 ~6 ?- INSPE~ONBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 EAGLE COU NTYj'r - DATE JOB NAME ,r::Z ~<hd('<4 :c'3td'b4 = TI ME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ~9 :::z../4-<C "';r€-<2.= ,)/'--§)~~'7/__/.,.0..,---="7 --7-.~ PARTIAL ELECTRICAL LOCATION: MECHANICAL VENTrLATION HEATING HOODS LOCATION: -PARTIA L PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE woe S FINAL LOCATION: PARTIAL COVER LO CATION : BUILDING FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL ,LOCA T ION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE THUR FR1 ---:"-:!,LI-f"A1\1"'PM./'l----" COMMENTS:_ o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REI NSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORREC TIONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- c;;;.../k;;:t ".~ (JiF II~d INSPECTION REGU'ES:'-BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328·6339 DATE I-If -.z(JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ PARTIAL ELECTRICAL I , TEMPORARY ROUGH FINAL LOCATION: PARTIAL MECHANICAL VENTrLATION HEATING HOODS LOCATION: LOCATION -~........."--Li.J-"""""='"-"+l~;rl_J---- PARTIAL PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE woes FINAL LOCATION: PARTIALPARTIAL D OTHER D PARTIAL. BUILDING FRAMING ,LOCATION:1.I,vf1 at ,J. j .•<:;; (,l ..-yl ,',).=,6/ J -L_•-,,_ /l i.f .,.'.J./.\' DAPPROVED D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECT D UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR J //5~ RECiU,ES ,T (_ INSPECTION ce BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 ·6339 E AGL E CO UNT Y DATE 2/7/79 JOBNAME ~7 &:2c~#2 .V;::;A"/a ---C.r TIME RECEIVE6 AMPM CALLER2£.;•.,<:c d'-:::lZ;,J~f ..l..¢"; BUILDING FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION: COVER PARTIAL LOCATION : MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL VENTrLATION TEMPORARY STANDPIPE HEATING W Des HOODS PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: D OTHER D PARTIAL.LOCA nON _ FR I /;2#,&MON COMMENTS :--f----b.~""'-;-'-:-i~&":""7_f<""::.....<._:::_;~~7~--'------------------- DATE ,-)r,/». '.-:,"'"1"•~!" IN SPE CTOR I i~~lJ-L<J u>I /iLJ .X,. BUIL~I~tnVISION 4!Q..::;() \_P,O.BOX 179 PHONE :328·6339 EAGLE COUNTY TEM PORARY ELEC TRICAL PARTIAL MECHANICAL VENTrLATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE woe S FINAL COVER PARTIAL FOUNDATION FRAMING BUILDING DATE JOB NAME d?:b 51 L,-/,.u r7 ,~,cr F /-j ,".-/ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER C7',9 <'7"-=.'..;-:--ryz-.0 :.<.~"..;".,c.." /,V ).('~I.'.,-v'7 ///;/j:J '-7 "~.,.,.",~-7 ~ ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.L OCATION _ R EADY FO RI NSPECTION M ON TU E WED FRI --"(~~=_'_,_AM ~~j COMMENTS :_ g 'APP ROV E D........ o DI SA PPRO VED o R EINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORREC TIONS-------------------------------- -, DATE /.-.5" .,/'"~l ./"~,,:.c ·co;"--...- I NSPECTOR EAGLE COUNTY g~~j&~ :It'1/53 REG UJE S ~INSPE~ON JOB NAME AMPM CALLER _ i I BUILDING D IVISION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE ;1-,.>0 TIME RECEIVED 9:(M BUILD ING PAR TIAL ,LOCATION : ELECT RICAL PA RTIAL LOCAT ION : o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ DATE ._/ I NSPECTOR ;;?-('-3 INSPECi'iON .:~ 'PARTIAL ELECTRICAL LOCATION: REGUEST l I LOCATION:LOCATION: ce o 0 LOCATION: COVER PLUMBING :JINSULATION __I/1WUGH :JSHEETROCK ~ VENEER FINAL ~ ~ 'ROOFaPARTIAL PARTIAL BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 ,LOCATION: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION ----:=_'""" READY FOR INSPECTION MON ·0 REINSPECT \I h1~/.f1]APP ROVE Dpr 0 DI SAPP ROVED I '\0 UPONTHE FoiLOWING CORRECT IONS: CORRECTIONS-------------------------------- DATE ~. ---'"~- INSPECTOR INSPE ~ON REGU,EST EAGLE CO UNTY =::;ell53 J.ll /Jl t ({J f!.f:LI·?!ltd Va il lftiAtl/,-r /()ICALLER _ BUILD ING DIVIS ION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 ·6339 DATE JOBNAME ;2&fd TIME RECEIVED AMPM ,, ELECTR ICAL TEMPORARY o OTHER 0 PARTIAl.LOCA nON _ R EAD YFORI NSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI A M PM • COMMENTS:-:-_----.",_-I-_--,-_~-----;__---4""-------- WAPPROVED ODISAPPROV ED 1\0 UPONTH E FOLLOWINGCORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS o REINSPECT DATE I NSPECTOR +/153 REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY f),,--,&~~:t;.~J..I.'.J, INSPE~ON JOB NAME ~.::::::..-~::=:~~~~:::!::::~-------- AMPM CALLER _ DATE .p-...~ TIME RECEIVED '1:oV BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE :328 -6339 " PARTIAL ELECTRICAL LOCATION: BUILDING COVER PLUMBINGMECHANICAL FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION FOUNDATION v.:::YsHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING VENEER woe S FRAMING FINAL HOODS.. FINAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ MON READY FOR INSPECTION WED ~ I FRI \ ~.I o REI NSPECT /' [l.A"P PRO V f D .0 DIS AP PRO VED ./ [B -U PON T HEF OLLO WING C O R~E C TI ON S:~ CORR ECTIONS C!';b.,Y,.Av6.--;:Q ~v ./'~~Y 7 c <,1/_~.~~I'){./.A Je=O> DATE --,/ -)-' jf /153 REGUEST EAGLE COUNTY ~~~J Ii INSPE~ONBUILDINGDIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 -6339 DATE .8 -i?I JOB NAM E --------'~=""--'-<:L..\o=~"7f'..t=::::.:....c==>....L----- TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBII\!G MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ~N S U LA T I O N _._ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY \-SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGHl\...~ woe S FINAL HOODS FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION: ). o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FOR INSPECTION MO N TUE ~THUR COM MENTS:74-d l y"~L-I''4{'<!f'.L~Lfx t~l,f" FRI AMPM ~P P R OV E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT !l1UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTIONS ;. DATE REGUEST ::It II~Ja INSPEC~ON S·A G LE C0UNTY DATE JOBNAME ,0//:»:!-;r ,.f),~>-./1 ._________~./0'74 /I L ;U ~f e,'"'".v-<.'V A •e.--- .»>/>///'''/7 .:.../,.~TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER r y 0 "=7/';-',.,h (,./.:/'---- ,'v .1 /1/ " BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX 179 PHONE:328·6339 BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH VENTrLATION TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH. FINAL woe S ' FRAMING VENEER HOODS FINAL FINAL '-'ROOF SMOKE DETECTOR I "''' PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL " ".,)', ",LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:~.r "''t><,t ~~",();.», """;',:;, o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE 'WED THU R ,;7 /JIIr,/..g&JJ ,I '- FRI A M PM c c.,,/Q.. Ea APPROVED 0 D ISAPPROVED 0 REI NSPEC T [JUPON THE FOLL OWINGCORRECTIONS: •.-?\~-.--~/"~ CORRECTIONS P?'/~'/''7 /"'-::'<74 (/•C{?(......-;2'p .f),..--:1".,'= (/ DATE rr >:,.-;.-/ //~.;;3"- BUILDING DIVISION INSPEC~N REGUEST P.O.BOX 179 ,'./ PHONE:328 ·6339 EAGLE CO U N TV ~' DATE ~I;~b/JDBNAME 2 1 -!:2 ~~~'2~ TIME RECEVED AMPM C~LLER r ::aZ <:n=~= BUILDING COVER PLUMBING ,MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL.' FOOTING INSULATION __ROUGH VENTILATION TEMPORARY. I """FOUNDATION SHEETROCK -ROUGHSTANDPIPEHEATING I ......·-woes I _FINALFRAMeVENEERFINALHOODS I -~A ~a 1-ROOF .'..'>::"'SMOKE DETECTOR e ,' PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION:LOCATION:. :, o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ ~o TUE// COMMENTS:e77.I IT--60r1./b READY FORINSPECTIONeJitrl THUR FRI //2 :fd A M PM C,Ot a/'fer c..=zq.C6~- ~EIN S P E C T I ,.~A //.,~/.--.{.c e -,A C L DATE I ' County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT N~1269 Job Name···..l??!ij,~}....Qh.;r.:j.§t;9P1).~:r;;>9.I)..t:...wt;...9.,..BJ.k..•...~. .Vail Intermoun't~'i'~"'"'' Date of Application g~.tober 17..................................................19 ?E!... Electrical Contractor $.lO?J f..........__--.---. Building Valuation Electrical Valuation $. $. Applicant s ,..n..a.!.u..r ..............................-.....-. Permit Fe e $}?,.9.9.. APPR OVALS Inspection Fee Total Fee $.. $J?:.elf?.... Plan Ch~~·k~·;···_····················-··__············__··. ...:7'!..../}.....1~~~II~f:····. ..Date -.-. 1 0/17/78 -·D~i~··········__············· Date Paid l9.D/78.............................. Received By......'!.Ke11er............................ Recept.#4183 Bldg.Permit #1153 THIS JOB FORM IS TO SITE DURING BE POSTED ON CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS C ASHCASO.CKPLANCHECKVALIDATION I H EREBV C t::H II t-v 11'""1 1'-\1 I '.....~......._."_ r- APP LICAT IO N A ND KNOW T HE S A ME TO 8E T R UE A ND C O RRECT.S P ACE HTR .ST A .A PPL.Iii H .P .M AX . ALL P RO VI SIO NSO FL AW S AND ORDINANC ES GO VER N IN G THI S T YPE OF WO RK W ILL BE CO MPLI ED W I T H WHET HER S PEC IFI ED MOT ORS 'H .P . H EREIN OR NO T .T HE GRANT I NG OF A PERMI T DOE S N OT P RE SU ME TO G IV E AU TH O RITY T OV I OLAT E OR C ANCE L TH E P R OV ISIO NS OF ANY O THE RS TA TE OR LOCA L LAW REG ULATI NG CO NSTRUC TION O R TH EP ERFORMANCE OF C ONS rRU CTIQN .N O.TR A NS. SIGNS ..._.NO .L AM PS TE MP.POW ER OPOLE O UN DG D . .-SERVi CE O·200 A 2 01·400A ONEW 40 1 ·GOOA S1G J~?:(dZJlIl};,~~~A I D A TE I o CHANGE O VER GOOA /CiAI7X'P E RM I TI S SUING F EE S TOTAL FEE $tl4-l tVS1'F ow ER "0 "',R !!uIL O R i D A T J ..,oH,{N PROPERLY VAL;6A,iEO liN THI SS PACE)TH IS IS YOUR PERMIT /d-._0 L ' oJ M.H P RMIT VA IDATI N K .M .D . r-or m 1 00.3 '·77 INS PECTOR (e (It ,./PiJ, '~INTERMOUNTAIN ASSOCIATES OFFiCE:MILL CREEK COURT P.O.BOX 705 VAIL.COLORADO 81657 476-5075 GENERAL PARTNERS: ROBERT E.G ARTON .JR . DAVID GARTON,JR . T!MOTHY R.GA RTON ARTHUR M.KEL.TON .JR . October 13,1978 Mr.Dan Christopherson P.O.Box 7 Vail,CO 81657 Dear Mr.Christopherson: The Vail Intermountain Associates Architectural Control Committee hereby approves your architectural plans with the exception of the asphalt shingles.Either cedar shake shingles will have to be substituted,or an alternate substitution will have to be approved separately by the Vail Intermountain Associates Architectural Control Committee. Sincerely, VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL CO~~ITTEE TG/sm -::11-//53 Y 'T 1 a J9 78 11. &(7 )!!LeeK'"2 (//?/L /{/T,/v!7/(/S t.l6 EA GLE CO UNTY BUlLa PERM IT AP PLIC ATI ON '. FI NAL:C/O I N S PECTIO~L AND SCAPE IN SPECTI ON FOR M R evi ew Rou ti ngF orm (J5 'jJ)m ar y :~uti~9~IJRe routing /!!--(y2y'tf/bJ <~ D ate Referred A ppli c an t //£3 Permit [-10. Lo c at ion Pf arm i uq Commi ss ion Fi le No._ Revi ew and return to the County Building O ff ic ial w ith in 6 working days /.":>-1(;,.'if! ~2.-<:-4_.4/Z<..-/ U Re viewedb y :D ate:_ R e co mmend Approval :~..<J~.-y / N o 8oo Y es ~12]' D [] Co mments:--------------------------------- Pl annin g:.C omp l ies w ith : Subdiv ision R eg ulat ions Zoni ng R egul a t loris Si te P l an (L andsc ap ing) Comm e nt s:------------------------------ County E ngineer:Ro ad s G ra ding Drainage o 0o0o0o0 R ecommend App r oval:_ Coun ty H ea lth:W a t er S an it at ion P er c.tes t C om me nts: o 0~V~Recommend Appcov a l'--?ii*~ Fi nal I nspe c ti o n:C/O R ecommend Approva l C o m me n ts: DO Ftr i a!I n sp e ct io n:L and sc apin g R e c omm e nd Approv al 0 0 Cornrn e r ite :-------------------------------- C/O I s sued b y _D at e ---------- F in a l F i li ng D zite _ ~.,~-~.. E AGLE COU N TY BUlL(..,PE R MIT APPLICATIO N ra ·FINAL:C/O INSPEC~I LA NDSCAP E INS.PECTIO ~~RM Revi ew Routing Form --E )1'"i1i1wy RGelli re ()ReroptinQ Dat e R eferred _DA rj CH re /s fO~cf(.$()tV Appl i ca nt AMEtJOkfllr:'TrJ' Ol!I {;/lJI'H.;,,,9 AJ -#11 5"3 Permit N o. .L~T 1,8 (.{),~z,I ;HIt.1}J1CIlMO()NT1V~•Pf anrii nq Commission File No._ Rev iew an d r eturn to t he C o untyB u ild ing Off ici al w ithin 6 w or king d ays R evi ew ed b y:D ate:_ IO-:l8-'7& R ecommend Approv al ~~ Y esN o 88 D0 ~o Comments:------------------------------- PJannin g:C ompl ies w ith: Subdi vi sion R eg ul at ion s Zoni ng R e gul a t ions Site P l an (Landsc aping) Coun ty Engi nee r:Ro ads Grading Drain age Comme nts:------- oooo R e comm end Approva l:_ _____..,.....,./0 .02.7 7;:- Recommend Approv a l:~~/)o'L I I~;.t ~/,o d orO {/,;J B 0 QDDO Q O C ommen ts:------------------------'---------- County Health :Wate r S an it8tion Perc.test F inol I nspe cti on:C/O R ecomm end Approva l .Comm e nts: DO F lr ral Inspection:L onds c op ing Recommend App ro va l D0 C ornrn o r ItS :------------------------------- C /O I ss ued b y _Duto---------- F ln nl Fi l ing Dote _ ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY LOCATION:LOCATION: EAGLE COUNTY f)~~~Jtk-H<../ INSPE~ON LOCATION: PARTIAL -LOCATION : BUILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE:328-6339 \DATE t.-2 JOB NAME .\TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ o OTHER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ COMMENTS : READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED B FRI 'S:!()AMQI.:..,12 ~a .~~~~r ';;"'1'''~0,(2, o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTlON~S .o:~/v /eh~d ?~ ~ROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT DATE - L -INSPEC~ONB.UILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX179 PHONE :328 ·6339 DATE /-4'2 -7 9'JOB N AME,;?'?r-t TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER /t,)i!> //.;r'3- R EGUEST EAGLE COUNTY bo Y "=2 <'~Gr-..7../'7?/""V /./....t ~("..T:c L~<z ""(~c'''''''' ../ BU ILDI NG FOOTI NG-: v"F OUND ATION R AMING PARTIAL COV ER PAR TIAL PARTIAL VENTILATION PARTIAL ELEC TRICAL TEMP ORA RY PARTI AL ,LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATIO N: " o OTH ER 0 PARTIAL.LOCATION _ '.' AM PMFRI;2../}(). REA DY F ORINSPECT ION M ON COMMENTS:_+-~--':-'..;...:."-'-'~+-~'+_~~"'---'-"'"--+==+_------------------ / [J AP PRO V.E D .'0 DIS AP PRO VED ,/" [LJUPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS; I I ~CORRECTIONS C-(AU ,..-14 /}~«;;2./'=C;~//..r "I I.1 ("l ':J...•~I <j,/.,r /,_.I.<,",.-It";7 o RE INSPEC T .. " _.&;·13 ./1.7------.-. '---=''-'l './I NSPECTOR '-" I -'7 ,'--7:/'-i--)DATE ., .:~f}" ....-- TE MP OHAHY .Certificate o f Occupancy Co unty of Eagle Depar tment of Pl ann ing 'and Developm ent Building Division This c er tific ate is sued pursua nt to t he re quire ments of sectio n306 of th e Uniform Building Code certify ing that a t the time of is su ance this s tr ucture wasinco mpl i ence wi th the v ar-ious r es olu tion s o f the co unty reg ul atin g buil din g c on st ru cti on or use for th e fo l low in g ~ NA ME Daniel A.Chri s tophe rs on GroupR-3UseClassificationSingleFamilyResidence Building Permit No .1153Type Construction Y Fire Zon e 3---=--~-Use Zo ne RSM Daniel ·A.&Ann Chri sto pherson 'Ow ner of Buildi ng,__-..:.::..:::..:..:...::..:...-..;-:.:....-=-.:..::..:.:..:.-::.:..:..:...:..:::..-:.::.L:.:..:;~:..::.:.;~_ Bu i l d i nqAddress 2692LupineCt.·..:YailI ntermount a in '" ~I!J!Building OffiCi~.....?;z~-/,.~--c? Date ;;-12-2/~'~~'jL 9-7 Y • BUILDING DlV!5!CN 01' EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.cox in COURTHOU SE,EAGLE CO .-;ii.(303)320 -6339 CERTIFICATE~SU ED _~az:!I DA TE /,)<:J (C ONTR 'S L ICENSE) 19 78 PERMIT 3464,Vail,Co. (STREET) (PROP OS EO USE! Box (NO.) NUMBER OF STORY -------;c;;;;;;-;;;=-;;-;=-;------D WELL I NG UNITS _(--) NO .:.. , Construct Residence (T YPE OF 1f.4P.ROYE MENT) PERMIT TO APPLICANT (NO .)ISTREET) (CR OSS S TREET)l CROSS STREET) ~BETW EEN ==."....,==~----------AND ==:;;-;;-;:;;;:-;:-;;-_ ~ Vail Inter:::o12ntain 9 2 (TYPE) ,, ".., o Z T O TY PE ---,._-'_'--US E GROUP...,..BAS EM ENT WALLS ORFO UN DA TION ---------:-::=::c-------- :l: 0:o...REMARK S:-'--'--_ ,•.I .(C UB I C /SQUARE fE E T! Daniel A.&Anne Christo pherson Box 3464 ,Vail.Co.8 1657 OWNER _-=-===-==-=--=:....::===-=========-__ ADDRESS __-'='~'-=="-L-,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,--,,,,,,,-,,-,,-,,,,,,,.!..L.._ Receipt #4 183 Electrical Valu ation $. Da le ..:!-.9./.H??. Date APPROVALS THIS FOR M I ST O B EPOS TED ON JOB SITE DU RI NG CO NSTRUCTI ON 48 HO URSADYANCENOTICE R EQUIRED FORI NSPECTIONS P la n Checker Applicant.. 51,natu re ···Ch~g ·O~························· Electrical Contractor S el f........................-_-_......-. Date of Application 9Q.t.Q.b.~,c .1 ,19..7.$. Job Name [)Cl.r:.~~~..!!.~~.I:.!.i.~.~0p.1J €l I:.s.?n...:~L.~~...9.,..BJ,k."?. VailI ntermounta in $J.?•.PP . $..~2~O{J.... $. TEMPORARY N ~.1253 • Countyof Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date Paid lO/3/78 . Received By ;J ~K.e.U~.!.. Inspection Fee Total Fee Temp orary Permit Fee Build ing Valuation $.