HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 2 LOT 2 LEGAL (2)TOWNOFVAIL 75S.FRONTAG E ROAD VAIL,CO81657 970-4 79-2138 A ...1"\....".\.(J -\-..vv1'r'.~nD~RTM ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELO~NT V....--...(jf\: NOT E:THISPERMITM UST BE POSTEDON JOBSITE ATALL T IMES PROJ ECT TITL E: ADDIALT SFRBUILDPERMIT Pennit #:B03-0057 JobAddress : Location : ParcelNo : ProjectNo: 2635 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2635LarkspurLane 210314301004 VRs-c<:":>w(o L Status ...: Applied..: Issued ..: Expires ..: ISS UED 04/15/2003 04/16 /2003 10/1312003 OWNER WINFIELD,CRAIG D.&KATHLEE04/15/2003 Phone: 2635 D LARKSPUR LN VAILCO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR MUELLER SERVICES 04/15/2003 Phone:970 -476-4539 P.O.BOX 506 VAIL CO 81568 License:217-B APPLICANT WINFIELD,CRAIGD .&KATHLEE04/15/2003 Phone:479-6417 2635 D LARKSPUR LN VAIL CO 81657 License: Desciption :Replacew indow withfrenchdoor Occupancy Type Totals ... N umber of DwellingUnit s:0 Factor Sq Feet Valuation $3,000 .00* Town of VailAdju sted Valuation:$3 ,000.00 Fireplace Information:Restr icted:#ofGasAppliances:0 #ofGas logs :0 #of WoodPallet:0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEE SUM~1ARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Building->$83 .25 Resruarant Plan Review->$0 .00Total C alculatedFees-·>$140.36 Plan Check..·>$54 .11DRBFee >$0 .00 Additional Fees--->$0.00 lnvestigation->$0 .00 RecreationFee--->$0.00 Total Pennit Fee---->$14 0.36 •Will Call--->$3.00 C lean-up Deposit----->$0 .00 Payments------->$14 0 .36 TOTAlFEES------->$140 .36 BALANCE DUE--->$0 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**•••••••••••••••••***••••••••••••••••••*••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Approvals: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/15/2003 JRM Action:AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Seepage2 of this Document forany conditions thatmay appl y tothispermit. DECLARAnONS IherebyacknowledgethatIhavereadthisapplication,filledoutinfulltheinformationrequired,completedanaccurateplotplan, ••PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONS O F APPROVAL Pennit #:B03-0057 as of 04-16-2003 Status:ISS UED ******************************************************************************************************** 04115 /2003 04/16/2003 Applied : Issu ed: PermitType:ADDI ALTSFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant:WINFIELD ,CRAIG D.&KATHLEEN S. JobAddres s:2635 LARKSPUR LNVAIL Location:2635 Larkspur Lane ParcelNo :2 10314301004 ******************************************************************************************************** C ONDITIONS ******************************************************************************************************** C ond :12 (BLDG .):FIELDINSP ECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO C HECKFOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Co nd:16 (BLDG.):SMOK E D ETECTORS AR E REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.310 .9 .1 OF THE 1997 U BC. andstatethatall.theinformationas requils correct.Iagreetocomplywiththe info!tion andplotplan,tocomplywithall Townordinancesandstatelaws,andtobuildthisstructureaccordingtothetownszoningand subdivision codes,designreview approved ,UniformBuildingCodeandotherordinances of theTownapplicablethereto. FROM8:00AM-4 PM. •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL ,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: R030003807 Amount:$140.36 Check 04/16/200309:39 AM Init:DDG Notation:Winf ield 618 B03-0057 Type:ADD/ALT SFRBUILDPERMIT 21031 4301004 2635 LARKSPUR LNVAI L 2635 Larkspur Lane Pe rm it No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location : This Payment :$140 .36 Total Fees: Total ALLPmts: Balance: $140.36 $l40 .36 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Accou nt Co de BP 00100003 111100 PF 00100003112300 WC 00 100003 112800 Desc ript ion BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEE S WIL L CA LL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmt s 83 .25 54 .11 3.00 ••APPLICATION WILL NOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #:E,e,[o:3 -eX>'"2.- Building Permit #:=_ ~11,!.i:1Z!l -2 1 4~Jl!1~p.l:l~1!:Rn s )li!t3r$-a?J:? TOWNOFVAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical,plumbing,mechanical,etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION !qO.~~.75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 TownofVailRe .No .:Contact andPhone#'s: 2-(1 I 4 76-4-539 General Contractor: t1vEtL612..S'MlJlCc Email address: COMPLETE:VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials) BUILDING:$3 {j OO,00 II ELECTRICAL :$OTHER:$ [PLUMBING :$II MECHANICAL:$I TOTAL:$'3000,oD For Parcel #Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970·328·8640 or visit www .eeole-couniv.com E::l!,!;gLtl Zi Oa l 'l3-0/Q O r,L (~ JobName :C("~[Jr~.Fd(Job Address :Z 0 '~b4/!I6?()ll LN.v,"i IL,C' ..egal Description II Lot:z:II Block:Z.II Filing:II Subdivision:VA IL I;J 7l£{(i7 0 ,-)vr7~IJJ I~~e ~~N:7};,Ytt lee-:(u,h -kd:J..Address :2.(,?"')U4.i!'(JfJUf?,LtJ..V;J..fL (0 .11Phone 419 -C7 41? chitectlDesigner:Address :II Phone : Eng ineer :1;r.HvEufi2 Co :MiL Address :,Jo f3 214 "1 VAIL {O,l~"'Lj ve-26/VI Deta iled description of work:4 o F1?/3N(1"1 WlJ'~~JJ1<'6 ~""LAU3 &!SirJ.JG l...Ow'[;,2 L EvGI...W/tC.fpOi.J t J,TH 50\1 iH (lifj.;~~ Work Class :New()Addition()Remodel (v('Repair()Demo()Other() WorkType :Interior ()Exter ior ()Both ~DoesanEHUe xist atthislocation :Yes (v(No() TypeofBldg.:Single-family ()Two-family ()MUlti-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other (1/)P/5 No.ofExisting DwellingUnitsinthisbuilding:Z No.of Accommodation Unitsinth is building :- No/TvpeofFirepla ces Existino:GasAppl iances ()Gas l.oqs()Wood/Pellet ()WoodBurnino(~" No/tvoe ofFireplaces Proposed :GasApp liances ()Gast.oqs()Wood/Pellet ()WoodBurnina(NOT ALLOWED I DoesaFireAlarmExist:Yes(v)No ()II DoesaFireSpr inkler SystemExist:Yes()No (v r **************************************FOR OF Fie E us EON Ly************************************** Type of Construction:._·-."..- Occuoancv Grouo:"··,......'..' Date Received:;,,;;:L,~i;"'c~:._.~!. I Accepted By::'0".. Planner Sign-ott::..'. \\Vail\data\cdev\FO RMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DO C 07/2612002 •• IcJi1JFIE LD ((E $(!E1IJ{~PA,lo :Doo t'Z 4/4)3 2..6 ·3->LAi?,/(SPvl(!-AAJ5,VAfL.-/CO, PAr2{S L i:F-..2103i4")0 /004- Town ofVall A f..'~r r,o p 3 ·Du~l .-J..\ t- ~' ..1l2.-7 1~'S(;1?5 )(~¥ v?3G f x 48if:.l-.A N -P I IJ ~ /"'-~-~iJ'6J 4 ()~6 8 , 1</5'~. WOLF ttu All""11 v ELLL..-:w. ". L . ,. ~~I I'·~.,·, ·I·. CHECK REQUEST .':. .I 0:'~....~'.-:' *27 ~a.e~u ~dLJ e~<-u-e.L;zJ VE NDORNU MBER ------:=~~...e_----------- 01000022002 DESC.RIPTION OF EXPENSE CLEANUP DEPOSITREFUN D FOR Bpif 59.G'-t:::J=?{/? (Tobeusedfor General Ledger output) ACCOU NT NUMBER __-=-=-....::..:.:::..:........:=.:..;:.::....-AMOU NT $.,.?sa ~ APPROVAL DATEDUE -....---=--It_O~_7_.-_l'_.C;_---"."-~<;.(jJ~..e:lld-D-- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Job Address:2694 LARKSPUR CT Location ...:2684 LARKSPUR CT Parcel No ..:2103-143-01-065 Project No.: APPLICANT PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920,AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920,AVON CO 81620 OWNER HERNREICH BOB -H &H 2684 LARKSPUR CT,VAIL CO 81657 Description: REPLACE SHAKES WITHRIVA CLASSIC COPPER SHAKES Permit #:B96-0247 Status ...:ISSCED Applied ..:08/20/1996 Issued ...:08/20/1996 Expires ..:02/16/1997 Phone:3039491905 Phone:3039491905 Occupancy:R3 Type Construction:VN Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated Valuation:25,675 Add Sq Ft: Fireplace Information:Restricted:#Of Gas Appliances:#Of Gas Logs:#Of Wood/Pallet : ***************************k*******************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Building----->322.00 Restuarant Plan Review-->.00Total Calculated Fees--->834.30 PlanCheck--->209.30 ORB Fee----------------->50.00 Additional Fees--------->.00 Investigation>.00Recreation Fee---------->.00TotalPermit Fee-------->834.30 Will Call---->3.00 Clean-Up Deposit-------->250.00 Payments---------------->834.30 TOTAL FEES-------------->834.30 BALANCE DUE------------->.00 **~**H****~*~*~**H****H*~*~**H****H*r**~**~*~**H****H*~*~**H****H****H***~**~*~**H****~*****H*~*~**H****H***~**~*****.************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT De~t:BUILDING Division: 08/20/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR CHARLIEDAVI Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept:PLANNING Division: 08/20/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPRPER LAUREN W Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division: 08/20/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/A Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept:PUB WORK Division: 08/20/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/A ******************************************************H********k***************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS an accurate plot ation and plot plan, ingand subdivision REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA NCE BY TELEP HONE A Send Clean-Up Deposit To :PLATH CONSTRUCTION • Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B96-0247 as of 08/21/96 Status---:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Applicant--:PLATH CONSTRUCTION 3039491905 Job Address:2694 LARKSPUR CT Location---:2684 LARKSPUR CT Parcel No--:2103-143-01-065 Description: REPLACE SHAKES WITH RIVA CLASSIC COPPER SHAKES Applied--:08/20/1996 Issued---:08/20/1996 To Expire:02/16/1997 **************************************Conditions ****************************** 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC CHAP.32 ***~************************************************************ TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0188 Amount: Payment Method:CK Notation:*17990 834.30 08/21/96 12:50 Init:CD Permit No:B96-0247 Type:A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFRBUILDPE Parcel No:2103-143-01-065 Site Address:2694 LARKSPUR CT Location:2684 LARKSPUR CT Total Fees:834.30 This Payment 834.30 Total ALL Pmts:834.30 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 0000 41310 BUILDINGPERMITFEES 322.00 01 0000 41331 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 50.00 01 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 209.30 01 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 250.00 01 0000 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE 3.00 l U:4b NO.UUb P .Ul __~Ph._ PERMI 'f II SlIBQIYlSJON: l U ;~U 3-4?9 -2 4~i ~~I ~i ~~4eTOWNOFVAILCONSTRU<tt>N ~PERM:IT AP"l19Al~ON FORK-Y~d /03 -;cJ 3 _d5~T~\;iti9btlAPPLICATIONMUSTl'E FlLLBD OU'.r COMPL TELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED 1\**.**•••••••*********.*.*••••~RMI'.r INFORMATION **.*******.************•••*i []-Buildinq []-Plumbing []-Electrical [)-MeChanica~[)-Othar __~~ Job Name:r:bLVVOhIJ:6)h.;>Job Address;O?h81~p(¥2Ud /(1/.rfJtvwv>.~~c;;;2f..Cl.d.I LeIJal Description:Lot ~BlocK.Fil1ng --i;u,w:IU..JLI..iI.J.Ill:L.i...._ Owners Name ~h ~~g J.·)Address: I\.. Arohitect:Address:Ph._ -t e~(;;rff ~~<;L\c cK.~11"(1.,..0 C...·lh.a<>~'cp p~ General Desoriptions ~~~~,~d]q.~)~T~~~~_·_-_·~---------------U Ii Work Class:[]-New ~-Al t e ra ~l on [)-Addltlonal [)-~epair [J-Other _ Number of OWellinq units:Number of Aocommodation units: ~mber and Type ot Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Loqs wood/pellet _ ~•••••*••*.**~.~~**.******.*VALUATIONS *******.*******.*.**********•••j DUILDING:~fa7?/O.!2-ELECTRICAL:*..OTHER:*,;...-_ ~LUM B I N G :L-_MECHANIcAL:.TOTAL:• •~~••**•••••***.**********~CON~CTORINFORMATION *••••••***********•••*** eneralAntractor:r:p la:.t...L>==~...n d'1)W Town of Vail Re •NO.L"j~~ Address:llo::+.q l-U...s~Q --'2.o t~Q ~hone Number I .:« Electrical Contractor: 1\ddress: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number:_'__ PlUmbing contractor: Addresas Town of Vail Req.NO._ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Addt"ese:: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: **••**~*••*****.*.*****.*••**.** BUILDING PERMIT FEEs PLUMBING PERMIT PEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT ~EE: ELECTRICAL PEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: ORB FEE: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VAUJATION FOR OFFICE USB **.************************.*~ BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ,RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURR:COlllmentsl _ .' Page2of4 August 6,1996 I Roofing Specification for the Hernreich Residence I.TEAR OFF/MISCELLANEOUS: Specification asfollows: 1]Tear off existing cedar shakeroofingandremovealldebrisfromthesite .Plath Construction willkeepthejobsiteascleanaspossibleandpracticalduringthe construction,anda thorough cleaning of Plath's work areaswillbeperformedupon completion .Plath Construction willtake allreasonable precautions to protect theinterior of thebuildingfrom water and weather. However,Plath Construction willnotbeheldliableforanyinteriordamagesustainedfromleaks causedbysudden and/or unforseenstormsthat occur duringthe tear off phase of this work 2]Inspecttheplywoodfor water damage ,andreplaceasneeded . **This work,ifrequired ,willbeanadditionalchargeoverandabovethe contract price,and willbechargedattherateof'S2.00persquarefoot.Noadditionalchargeswillbeincurred withoutprior notification of,and authorization from,the owner or owner's agent.** 3]PlathConst.willprovideallinsuranceandpermitsrequiredbytheVailBuilding Department. Price for Section I:Included in the Section II price below Exclusions and Qualifications: I]The horizontal I"x4"battens andthe#30feltbelowthecedarshakeswillremainasa secondary waterproof layer.Leavingthismaterialinplacewillalsoservetokeepthehome watertight duringthe re-roofwork . II.PLYWOOD/DRY-IN/COPPER SHINGLES/COPPER FLASHING: Specification asfollows: 1]Install Y2"cdx plywood overtheexisting1"x4"battens . 2]Install"Jiffy-Seal"Iceand Water Guardby "Protecto Wrap"overentirepitched roof area , according to manufacturers'specifications.Extendmembraneupwallsaminimum of 12"atroof- to-wall junctures.Usemasticasneeded . 3]Cover Jiffy Sealmembranewith#30asphaltimpregnatedfelt. 4]Atthemain roof ridge,cutbacktheplywood1"oneitherside of theridge .Install"rollvent" overtheridge .Cover theventwith#30feltand copper hipandridgeshingles . 5]Install"RivaClassic"copper shinglesas manufactured byVailMetalSystems .Installtrimand flashingpiecesasneededfora complete system.Installa copper cricketbehindthechimneycurb . Price for Section I and II: a]Base bid : b]Addfor Patina "Bronze"color: $23 ,397.00 $2 ,278.00 Page3of4 Total for Section I and II:$25,675.00 Exclusions and Qualifications: I]Miscellaneous flashingnot associated withthe roof systemisexcludedfromthis proposal 2]Deck waterproofing isexcludedfromthis proposal 3]Please be aware that metal roofing will allow snow to slide from the roof at times during the winter months.It is important to contact our officeis sliding snow from the roof will create a problem on the ground area where snow is expected tobe deposited.Please see option #3 and #4 for a prices on snow fence. GENERAL NOTES: I]Pleasebeadvised that materialsforthis proposal havebeenbidat current marketprices .Due tovolati lity of the market ,materialprices cannot be guaranteed past30days .*Please take note that a "letter of intent"received by Plath Construction,Inc.within the 30 day period will allowusto "lock in"current material prices even if actual purchases are made several months later. 2]Plath Construction carries property damage liability insurance inthe amount of$2,000,000 .00 per occurrence.Plath Construction carries auto insurance inthe amount of $2,000,000 .00.Plath Construction carries appropriate Workman's Compensation insurance through Colorado State Compensation.No further insurance coverage isincludedin our price ,and if required ,the additionalcostwillbeaddedtothe contract price . 3]Uponreceipt of the contract price ,Plath Construction willissuea warranty certificate guaranteeing roofing againstleaksduetoflawsin workmanship fora period of three yearsfrom thedate of roofing completion .Leaksqualifying under theterms of said warranty willberepaired promptlyatno cost totheowner.This warranty doesnot cover any subsequent interior damage thatmayoccur. 4]Pleasenote that copper isa product thatwillnaturallypatina over time .The "bronze" treatment weuseonthe copper willadd approximately oneyeartothenatural patina process and will remove thebright,shiny look of the copper before thepatina process begins .It is important to understand that copper will continue tochange over time .Thenormal process isforthefinish todarkentoa dark bronze color overthefirstfewyears .After a three tofiveyear period ,a green patinawillbegintoform .This green colorwill eventually become the dominate color on the roof although itmaytake10to20yearsforthistotakeplace .Somestaining of thefascia may occur fromthe patina process .Most people accept thisaspart of theclassic look of copper roofing . ,.. fo2' \ , , -r-,, , I\l , "I 1"1 (#)I I , , 6 ,.', ,1>-J'a0 \{e""TtL:)E'.oJ~IF r~1 1 , , 'C§, iI i , / / I r~1-37--..~'1 ..?1----- (3 ~@ @ , i (l;fJ'i , ""II./:r-~.,.,..L.'I I~, 3-:5'---\ REPT131 TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO 0~/26/~6 06:50 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETSFOR:~/26/~6 PAGE 5 AREA:CD ================================================================================ COPPER SHAKES Phone:3039491905 Phone: Phone:303~491905 Activity: Address: Location: Parcel: Description: Applicant: Owner: Contractor: B~6-0247 9/26/96 Type:A-BUILD 2694 LARKSPUR CT 2684 LARKSPUR CT 2103-143-01-065 REPLACE SHAKES WIT RIVA CLASSIC PLATH CONSTRUCTION HERNREICH BOB '-H &H PLATH CONSTRUCTION Stat us:ISSUED Occ: Constr:ASFR Use:VN Inspection Request Requestor:PLATH Req Ti.e:08:00 Ite.s requested to 00090 BLDG-Final / Infor.ation ••••• Co ••ents: be Inspected ••• Phone:949-1905 Action Co ••ents --,- -/~/:---c:"/'------------------jt-//~------------,~---- q -269? ---------------;----'=-:--~------------------------ Inspection History ••••• Ite.:00510 driveway grade final Ite.:00010 BLDG-Footings/Steel Ite.:00020 BLDG-Foundation/Steel Ite~:00520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan Ite.:00030 BLDG-Fra.ing Ite.:00040 **Not On File ** Ite.:00050 BLDG-Insulation Ite.:0 0060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail It =-'00080 **Not On File ** Ite.:00070 BLDG-Misc. Ite.:00090 BLDG-Final Ite.:00530 BLDG-Te.p.C/O Ite.:00540 BLDG-Final C/O J I ... I I ~ig~Review Action ." TOWN OF VAIL Category Number,_ ProjectName :±\eQcb\eBCM -~ Date ~d I r:s \1~\oC'n,------- BuildingName:_ Project Descript ion:_~1"1?Vl"c:;..,1:\ft l?fb \t)('~5:stt I t;\(."LES Owner,Addressand Phone:~-+~W Architect/Contact,AddressandPhone :11 .Alli r!)~reUr~.,PO""D~<;fjz.o A vo ~!CO 81 ....l-{~p ?-O~""--_ LegalDescription:Lot 2---BIOCk ~Subdivision \OTE?e-M OV NW I......~ZoneDistrict '\1.S ProjectStreetAddress:z...(,l?4-(~?W e..C D.)g.:r- Comments :_ ---Rr-,i3f taft Actio Motion by:---r~=>'V~!e :_ Secondedby:("~----I ----o Approval o Disapproval ~t aff Approval Conditions:_ LauVY/k..\}J irl ,v1-Mll-i-A _ TownPlanner Date:B -\t;-tf 0:::.--_ORBFeePre-paid _ COl.ORADO 1. A. D. c . D. .................. INCOHPLB'1'E JlPPLI~llTIONS MAY NOT Bl!:SCHEDULIm FOR Rl:fVIEJf• ........*** PROJEC'l'INFORMA'l'ION, DffruPT~"JE:~~Ei~~6;f1J~t &mt,=~.l# TYPE OP Il.nVIEW : -----"ew Const~uction ($200.00)~inor Alteration 1$20.00) ____Addition ($50 .00)~onceptual Review ($0) ADDR~~<i'~H.cC 1<1001>1.D£SCRJPTION,.~Block _ llubdivision~~·--;;:;...;>"':',o~"'·3"""_------:!71qr"3or-:-:-;:o;-r1---0:-:"'-:5=--.------ If property ;p doscribed by a moets and bounds leqal description,please provide on a separate s heet and attach Lo this application. APPLICATIONS WILL 'NOT Bit PROCB8Slm J11'2'110~OHNBR'S SICNAT11RR r.Condominium Approval if applicable. J.DRD FEE:DRB foeg,as shown above,arc to be paid at the time of submittal of the ORB application.Later,when applying for a building permit,pl~ase identify the accurate valuation of the proposal.The Town of Veil will adju~t the fee 'accordtng to the t able below,'to ensure the correct ree is paid. VALUATION PBI PAlp!• FEE:SCflEDULEl ~0 $in.cor .$50,001 $150.001 $500,001 $Over CHECR #1 t 10.000 •50,000 f 150,000 •500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 DATg, FEE $20 .00 $50.00 $100;00 $200.00 $400 .00 $500.00 DBSIGN REVIEW BOAaD APPROVAL BXPIRES ONE YJIlAR AF'fBR PINAL APPROVAL UNLBSS A BU!LDINCI PERtlI'1'III ISSUE!!.Mm CONS'l'llUt:'l'tOll IS STARTIlD"----- TOWN OF VAIL 1D:30 3-4 7 9-21:52 AUG 06 '9 6 LIST QF MAI&RIbLS NAKB 01"PROJECT:\6:(\l&\C\\-~l:S : IiE:C/U,DESCRIPTION:LO'l'BLOCK .SUBDIVISION .--__.,...._ llTIillET "OOll.ESS:.;2h&:l1 AA"-Sk d;u.'k"\,V'P»!"CO .8\le"5'7 .' The following information is required for sUbmittal to tho oosiqn Review Board before a fi~l approval can 'be glvan; 11.DUXLJ):tNa Mll.TBlUALS: Roof Siding other Wall Materials SoUl t.s Winclows Window T1:"im Doors Door Trim lIand or DC,ck Rails Flues 1"111$l1iog5 Chimneys '1'rn3h Enclosurell Greenhouses Rctalnlnq Walls Exterior Lighting Othor Tn'S OF KA'l'BRIAL COLOR .'?,\~~\(Q,ff~S\\(\W~<,f\~L>~C-'2 :. D.LoI\NDSCAl'XNG :N~me o~Designer, Phone: 7 1.TYPEOF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIII~I PERMIT NO. Z.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H I~BUILDING 62.000 DIVISION 1Z zG z ELECTRICAL 6.0000;::: GENER~L DESfRIPTIONOFWORK :«PLUMBING 9.000cearog.concrete basement ::>.... single family residence withgarag -e MECHANICAL 7.000> CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 10-27-82 uu12GO PERMIT FEESVALUATIONSQ.FT.GROUPTYPE TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETEL YPRIORTO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ~gBUILDINGPLUMBING .ELECTRICAL FOUNDATION lZ MECHANICAL 0 '. TO.1Al PERMIJ-fEES ~2566 .15 I hereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application.filled outinfullthe information required. completed an accurate plot plan,andstatethatallthe information provided as required is correct.I agreeto comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances andstale laws ,andto build this structure according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision cod design r.;view approved ,unifoyn ~uildi~g ,?ode and other orinane off'e ~~itplicable ereto. (/(''7 10 ,""",~-{t "j ~~1: (L ...1'~_v .-r:SIGNATURE OFOWNEROR CONTRACT "T.~.L C ·1)\I ANDTHEOWNER. ZONING &BUILDING NOTES:.-=--:-~------;--C-.conditonal upon following recommendation in r.hpn'~rpnort of Seot.1.1982 fNING ADMINiSTRATOR ----DATE---- BUILDINGPERMIT 533.00 PLANCHECK 266.50 ELECTRICAL 55.00 PLUMBING 90.00 ;_-.11 MECHANICAL 70.00 __II RECREATION FEE 301.65 -~~,~.,-~'''~'N BOARD 50.00 ("I I:lo.t..L1ID nCDOSIT 500.00 USETAX 700.00 14Q.000 GAS: WOOD: 2011 __UNCOVERED PARKING R-3v ELEC: NO FIREPLACES COMMERCIALSYST __COVERED PARKING HEIGHTINFT. SOLAR : NEW rX )ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL()REPAIR() •EGALLOT 2 BLK 1 ESC .FILING Intermountain JOBNAME:Holbird Residence OWNER NAME •,MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAil ADDRESS CITY PH. FIRM Owner GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .NO. TELE. FIRM LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . TELE . FIRM PLUMBING TOWNOFVAILREG .NO . CONTRACTOR TELE, FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWNOFVAILREG.NO . CONTRACTOR TELE. lhe prtnteryl\t8.tl TOBE FILLED OUT COMPL ETELY PRIOR TOISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT LEGAL LOT 2 BLK 1 _ESC.FILING Intermountain OBNAME:Holbird Residence OWNER NAM E -MAiL ADDR ESS CITY PH . ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDR ESS CITY PH . GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE. FIRM LECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO .CONTRACTOR TELE ., FI RM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOF VAI L REG .NO. -TELE . ~FI RM ..~ILREG .NO .l CONTRACl UKI ._.-----~~___L _"•"'~--- o BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TOBE KEPT ON JOBSITE TE 10-21-82"U Ull~j PERMITNO. I.TYPE OF CO NS TR UCTION III III IVV 2.OC CUPANC YGRO UP ABEH IRM BUI LDING DIVI SION 1 2283 4 z EL ECTR ICAL0 GENERAL DESC RIPTION OF WORK:~PLUMB ING for deta il sectiDn 1.2 .3 footings ::::l ..J< only,need add.info f rom Chen >MECHAN ICAL by 10-25-82 TYPE GROUP SQ .FT.VALUATION PERMITFEES BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW()ALTERATION ()ADD ITIONAL()REPAIR ()PLUMBING DWELLING UNI TS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS MECHANICAL GRFA __BEDROOMS --RE CR EA TION FEE COMMERC IAL SY ST__COVERED PARK ING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD HEIGHT IN FT .__UNCOV ER ED PAR KING CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT NOFIREPLACES --USE TAX INSULATION TOTALPERMITFEES No FeeTYPETHICKNESSR·VALUE .a 7~me W11-k-b e paved on 10-25-8? FLOOR ~/~~"""--'"l--LCL-Z L-.f.:.BU I~ef(FICIA17 DAT E EX T.WAL LS ROOF ONINGADMIN ISTRATOR ----DATE---- HEAT ZONING &BUILDING NOTES : ELEC:GAS : SOLAR:WOOD : Ihe reby acknowledge that Ihavereadt his appl ication,filled out in f ullt hein formation required , completed an accurate p lot plan.ands tate that allthe i nformationp rovided asrequ ired i s correct.I agree t o comp ly with the information andp lot plan,to comply with all Town o rdi nances and state laws ,andtobui ld this struc ture accord ing to the Town'sz oningand subdivision codes,design review approved ,Un iform B uilding Code and other ordinances ofthe Town a pplicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CON TRA CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo CONSTRUCTION PERMIT, &. -'r.....' ~. INSPECTION REQUEST /1 ,TOWN OF VAIL .- //'I .-r'i 0 (b.>(·f /;;.~~,,_._::p -'-_.~ CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION:MONTUES WED THUR FRI AMPM LOCATION : BUILDING:.PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULAT ION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 9 0 f ',.·-x r "IIGJFINALl:--n i (..../.2(1:-~\°'1 9 L ~I ~.....~(1 '~:'l '..o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ /\':-"-"'/''A .V -1I.'i\........~ ~--i ; f ' ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER ---'-_ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL _ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ----. o DISAPPROVEDoAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE _I NSPECTOR • PM______AMFRI :@.:,;:'. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,!//',I '!-I O !,!.",~ CALLER __---L.-_-'----"_~_____=:....___.....:..______! TUES (~50 THUR /I , C cl 'I ',':::':2 (,r- e/ ~@ ....,.....'.. <}(k l/ i / LOCATI0N:~-=----:.::--"----'----_~__l.L..:..J____"___=.:~~'_____ ,READYFOR INSPECTION :MON BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ,ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V ._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL/H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP,POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o Cil FINAL,, MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ )6..APPROVED CORRECTIONS:"r":=:_) o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,//("".' /",.'/ /..-, ',:'./>.//'INSPECTOR __--'-L..:-=~__---.:...__t.~~_DATE --:::.:..----.:...---:.:.._~~_ I I :",-I ',(t ·· JOB NA ME ~.L.Ll-,-I_;-'../",--,!_,_f-.;C,-"_I II r:"DA TE -'/-1 '7 .-,e INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN Of -VAfL CALLER-_.-...----...... READ Y FOR I NSPECTION :,'""'M ON)T UES ,------- WED THUR FRI ______A M P M LOCATION : ~RE INSPECTIO NR EQUIRED~I S A PP R O V E DoAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTIN GS /STEEL o UNDER GROUND o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V . ,I E:J FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER.'. I ROOF &SHEER o PL YWOOD NAILING o GAS PIPING o INSULAT ION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUS T HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 /7 "o FINAL o FI NAL // ./"./ ~/.:--/" j ':"-.- -L ;;,.;;L-... /,-'.:«r:E:kf_-;::;;t"J INSPECTOR ."7 ?/-/7_.IDATE_.L-."..:--'-_-'----..--"_ ., INSPECTION REQUEST ' TOWN QF VAIL ' WED THUR FRI GJ PM ,.:~..., 7'(:..,~"J h" CALLER TUES I f / •~! READ Y FOR INSPECTION : LOCA TION : -'~,'..- BU ILDING:PLUMB ING : o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .T UB o SHEETROCK NA IL 0 0 o o FINAL o F INAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING /13/ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT .»o SUPPLY AIR.. - ....-- 0 ~,-0 o FINAL o FINAL o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQU IRED ~,.,(../ ,. / ./.> i D ATE '--__-"--_INSPECTOR ....'.. //',../'..,.. .''..".-;,. ./://"--==- '.-J' < .:@l INSPECTION REQUEST ' /)TOWN QFvAIL ./ <;(,r. ? .. \",....J/~ j .,.~,.,~CALLER ·1 ' '.,~ :';'~".. J /-:',"I ''''-.-,"'"DATE .~.'-" READY FOR INSPECTION: "._:-_.-1- LOCATION '.:I ",I "..'f',i;•,.'(-!,,'["~• MON TUES WED ";,......::--._... (THU R',FRI ............_--/.. ______AM BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND 'q ROUGH /DW .V._ , ~ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H ,TUB 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FIr;ft(L .,.~// MECHANICAL: o HEAT ING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ /-::;;;,..<~~APPROVED7c/ CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REOUIRED ), I~ THUR --e)~ ;. READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION :-=-_ BUILDING: I ';..(--=~[M,-Fee'M1'l\2::N-t;I EEl I ~F O U N D~T I O N /STEEL Co ",TIL':;).-- o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o DISAPPROVED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL o REINSPECT ION REQUIRED DATE ~'----,=",=-_ ----_-..@) -~. b PM .'BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF&SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: 9(TEMP.POWER ------------I ,o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D.W .V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIP ING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL yE:"APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ~ ,," -,.':·,v 'j o D ISAPPROVED ./-T .-'-;-']_ o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ....·1 -.01.._ DATE ---"---'-__'---£..:........:=-_ .~ i ~ !PM \\' \i \/ ______AMFRI .,INS ECTION REQUE'ST ..' TOWN OF VAIL }-~\',(b 1 '.-,/-.. CALLER .~.... .TUES (~~)THUR ~-..._...-;:f ~.,)"-L . READYFOR INSPECTION :MON LOCATION:-!..-.C:!..:..-:........,>!--__---.:~~_"__'.l.....::::......:_r__----------------"-~ D REINSPECTION REQUIREDDDISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: D FOOTINGS /STEEL \mUNDERGROUND { D FOUNDATION /STEEL /b ROUGH /D .W.V. D FRAMING D ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER DGAS PIPINGDPLYWOODNAILING D INSULATION D POOL /H .TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D D D D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: D TEMP.POWER D HEATING D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D D /7 D .-FINAL D FINAL .' " e jJ.;APPROVED / ./CORRECTIONS: /' INSPECTOR///,/'/~:.,.-' -/{~--,j c-«DATE _'--_-'-_---'-_ CALLER ' DATE "i)/'2..7-JYt-,7 7 JOB NA ME .. @,- INSPECTION REQUEST I /,TOWN OF VAIL ()I ;::.)I .I • PM------~._~ (" ,',If 1.._...-. ,1 t } FRI ",...0._... I \ MON i TU ES WED THUR ,.~READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION :-L-Ll.~~_ BUILDING: L;q FO OTIN GS I STEEL o FOUN DATION I STEEL o FRA MING RO OF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FI NAL PLUMBING: o UN DERGROUND o ROUG H I D W.V._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o G AS PIP ING _ o POOL I H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FI NAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUG H o CONDUIT o _ o ~J~{ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOO DS o SUPPL Y AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ -;;:~PP R O V E D /"C~RECTIONS: o DISAP PROVED o REINSPECTION REQU IRED i ./ DA T E -"-~_""-"::-_----=-_ DATE 10/4./If.}.. I JOB NAM E --'---''-'--""""''-'-'--'---'-''-""""''''"':...:....;...-rCL-.;.--'---------------'- CALLER WEDTUESMONREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION:'---=='---_--::;:-;-:::-~-- BJ,JILDING: \Itt FOOTINGS /STEELI.... o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING ---------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR o o FINAL ~'6iSA P P R O V E D <./ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,.I e /'!1// -r:»~,.~ DATE /Q--;='-=z -£-2 INSPECTOR -.-,.;(" • •INSPECTION REQUEST "- ,!"g TOWN Of VArL i£/$l/lcf ;J (.JOB NAM E ~%>--...L-"'--1'::::':"~.:...:....L----!.'~....}-.:'------_DATE ';<-/0 -l3 -----8 PMTHURb)CALLER TUES WEDMONREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL ~FRAMING A ROOF &SHEER o PLYWOOD NAILING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o 9 4P~~------------ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED \ \ •~..'~j "/.--;::' INSPECTOR READYFOR LOCATION : BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STE EL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o 1t'FINAL /1 f C2 ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o '?Fffl'AL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D.W.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING ------:"_ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL ~P P R O VE D CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQU IRED " DATE ~'-~':::""-_I NSPECTOR the prlnl.'r '~a ll HERNREICH BRoADtt'.mNG STA nONS.INC.tt-: P.O.Box 4150 Fort Smi th,AR 72914 ph one 501 /73.3-4105 Pl/X 910 /723-7661 September 27,1983 Ms.Sandy Swi cegood P.O.so x2885 Vai 1,CO 81658 Dear Sandy: The following is a list that needs to be accomplished to co mply ~ith Vai l zon ing require ments.r've given Jim Sayer my word they will beco mpleted:. 1.The trim around the hot tub needs to be painted an appropriate color.The ventilation duct underneath the deck needs to be painted the same color. 2.The back yard needs to be cleaned upand the trees planted according to our landscape plan.I understand this is in progress. 3.One s upport P05t on the front of the building has been removed--I did not even see it.Please have it replaced. 4.Sheet rock must behung under the front stairs in that little closet andan appropriate door put on. 5.Ther~'s a wire loose right in front of the door going into the garage which needs to be taken care of. 6.Jim,also,recommended we use a thicker rock for the run-off coming down the north (I believe)side of the house.He says we might get somuch run off,it will wash the side yard away. Please.discuss this with Terry. 7.I will be contacting Ji m Spell to see if he is going to bui ld this year.If not,we will sod the area left uncovered due to possible construction damage. Please stay in touch with Jim Sayer.Let's try to workas closely as possible with him. BH:hkm KI-12·S -TV Fort Srni!h KIVP-T\I FCl 'le rtev !iie/ Sr::i"nt'i:;IA KAIT-TV :or,esboro KWBO-FM Hot Springs KZNG-AM Ho~Sp rin.;)s Tom Holbird PO Box 2073 Vail CO 81658 Dear Tom: Subject: February 15,1983 Revi ew of Retaining Wall Detail,Lot 2,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Subdivision, Vail,Eagle County,Colorado Job No.24,466 As requested,we have reviewed a detail developed by Boyle Engineering, fOT the proposed retaining wall to be located immediately south of the subject residence.lIe previously submitted a letter dated January 26, 1983,containing recommended design parameters for the retaining wall system. The design consists of a timber crib wall approximately 30 feet in length and stepped in two levels for a maximum total height of 9 feet 4 inches.A4 foot by4 foot key has been included at the base of the wall.A minimum one foot lateral width of gravel will be placed against the back of the wall and connect to a 6 inch drain pipe near the base. The plan specifies that backfill should be compacted to 90%standard Proctor density.A final upslope backfill surface grade of l~:l (horizontal to vertical)maximum is indicated. From information provided by you,we understand the existing cut face represents a total excavation height into the hillside of approx- imately 16 feet,and that backfill behind the residence consists primarily of gravels capped by several feet of on-site clays.We understand a dozer was used to place the fill and that no density tests were taken during fill placement. The general design of the retalnlng wall appears to be in accordance with previous recommendations.We assume a stability analysis was performed by Boyle Engineering with satisfactory safety factor for the soil parameters given.Additionally,it appears the retaining wall will bear partially on non-compacted foundation wall backfill and partially on undisturbed natural soils.Basedon the proposed wall detail and our knowledge of the site,the following design and construction recommendations are presented: OFFICES CASPER.COLORADO SPRINGS.DENVER.SALTLAKECITY r: Tom Holbird February 15,1983 Page Two 1)Since the type and condition of the ba ckfill behind the residence is unknown,differential settlement of the retaining wall ma y be detrimental to the waLl performance.Tor e duce potential settlement, the existing backfill should be remov ed and replaced compacted to a minimum 95 %standard Proctor d ens ity at a moisture content near optimum.Asan alternative,the wall c an be placed substantially on ..undisturbed subsoils. 2)Assuming bearing soils are compacted as described above a coefficient of friction for soil interface equal to 0.4 may be used to de sign a gainst sliding.For cohesive backfill a uniformly distributed load of 300 psf may al so be assumed to act as passive r esistance. This is in conjunction with the equivilent fluid weight of 150 pcf previously reported.Addtionally,active earth pressures calculated assuming 80 pcf equilivent fluid weight may be assumed to act par allel to the upslope grad e. 3 )A minimum 3 foot layer of compacted clays shou ld cap the foundation wall gravel backfill.The drain system f or the retaining wall should be kept separate from the found at ion drain for the residence. A4 inch diameter drain pipe sloped to daylight should be adequate for the wall. 4)At least the upper 2 feet of bac kfill p laced behind the wall and within the cribs should consist of compacted c lays to reduce surface water infiltration. 5)Backfill placed within and behind the wall should be compacted to a minimum 90 %standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum.On-site soils should be suitable for use as fill p rovided the drains are installed as shohn.Back fill should be tested bya soils engineer. 6)In no case should the retaining wall be installed tight against the residence perimeter wall since some rotation of the crib wall will probabl y occur. 7)Graded slopes should b e revegetated to reduce erosion. At present,the existing steep cut does not appear to pose a threat to the residence.However,with spring thaw we believe the potential for slope failure to be significantly increased.Design and construction of the wall should proceed as soon as possible since even minor slumping could significantly increase the required wall construction as well as cause damage to the residence. Tom Holbird February 15.1983 Page Thr ee r Other applicable recommendations previously design of the retaining wall should be followed . or if we canbe of f urther service,please call. submitted concerning If you have any questions Very truly yours, CHEN AND ASSOCIATES,INC . By ~~LRona1dJ:-~asquez~ RJ V/ko Rev.By:S.L.P. cc:JimSayre,Town o f Vail cc:Boyle Engineering,Inc. - -@ boyle engineering,inc.#{rtto~~:;o~~:~~~p%~g ~~~'~!rJ (IUvail,colorado 81657 .rr b /~I.J 303 /476 ·2170 U/IJ TO _GQt+s -r elAC'Tt CU-L G2J)j~~J.,L{'(__[~__AWJ2 61tP_ _C-RI _~I ~B~UL-~r=k:~12J2 lH{1 __-ro __f'L-AHS __ _bN-Q -SP6C ,P-LCA-:r;ot-/.S -,--,_ ----------._----------._------------_._--------- .__?fs-6K.-£{LL J?£l>C ~~__kJ/~A.k-~fP.C prn tF-_ ______.L--kL~__-roj2AY..I Co.H-:r~kC:;:_-~AsSLI ~-P_Me_ _______~~_r ~f2-8~tjJ4 ---A JJ D __C1fA-V6L 0JILL ~e;__ _________PL-AC GD ------p -------~PL-At+S _-~_c _8?L __i,*r - -------4-1 ~eve 'i?lAJ H __&ND .-.-C1~AV a &r __~_ _.LUIU-B6 Wl If-h 1'1 U!AiL __A-~_--:OJfhS_E0[:>_LO _~_B~HtH f2-.l-C._.__.__I _-__Affeo.v.er?J1I-[S ~Gt-J-M-.?i~, _-GGfZeEN.-----AAJ P _C:j f-AVbc __UJef!.:G _..fl--~SfiHI.__6'f/.-----rtt6 _~j ~AI ---rHe..,IA-I e:_~---.J7-I-1 ~ I 'l06f~c.--ao/"._._.__---- ------ ·YJ.t-t6 CvH '671 (L/1tF:S ~y __¥iN-AL Vf!1?-1 RiA-vorl ttMT '1l-ie.lP!A-{.;L /5 c~N51f4·'C{e;-p AtLoI!-P'NC;-[0 flAfb. -...•..-. .(J - He C ARBON PAPE R R EQ UIRED 'Ju st t y p e (or ....ri te)o n or i gi n a l.You r impress -on will au tom atic al ly appear on c.opili.s b e neath ,Foid at a rr ow r>t o lit ';771 mj·o-v UE e -rveto pe [J ~boyle engineering,inc.a 143 e.meadowdr.suite n·l0V./""l crossroads shopping centerUvail,colorado 81657 303/476·2170 .PAl@ D[][](jJ) LETTER l I Dale 6-!?,83 Subject C-f21 F-S WI><U- /-£)T'2 fSWe';::'I I I N-r~f-{ot.(!\J -rJd N. f+8?cS PO.Ebx 4/i-fo ~el C:;;pt 1/;+N k,1~'1/4 /A"71:0 f.-I I-Jo I-f3/t?p To --r;;tv\-pU e;-r:CJ Ii Ie t<~HU~;1:{S I))A/3lL 1r j -{o 11-1 Pl-O!t2Ir /t--f£'f16R ~1 WI AL J15rA/L H-~f'~fbs GP (0 N "0 -I 0 -8 "3 I /t\Jt-\ff~YIP I)JI-r 'lorA {)Jlirt --fj-rl/;:>AC-rElZtlATTV-e-.r-££<~~/:P 6D IN ·--1/~l~c'-cJ:)0 ~r.JY/JJ~~K61c:H.?A-S 1GA;U y I T !£HiA-(L-5 ~(Ck./)J'1 --rT-te-W lA-,c=::.,1 cEL{~6 (')~ C;f'-I op(He,S ALK -ro --(Ht 'fC;u I-J D Ali b t-I W AU...- W l'rH-0)<.b -(IMf3eCs A--r 4--to_c.-rf+E5~ ,111v1-f-7Gf2.5 UJ/GL--r1fEH B'e3--nep -10 'BotH- ~ii-u:AfJp l/~C(2'IBB>I'*1 UJrrH fs1JLi L--~(f2Dr!As pe:Xf,j ~-"--~'-I+/ ~S IGNEDDPleasereplyip-No reply necessary ~--------------- FOR ~lfl&·2 A vailab&e fr om 1J"v'l!1ffl/InC .Gt Olon,....us.01 450 ( I .;. f I •• t::a,rle engheering.trC, 14.3 e rneoe:1CM'dr suta n-1 0 oossroocs shopping centeI' vcut.colorado 81657 303/476-2170 &.--I_ y.Ju L Ii-- I I t n ,-IJt I T HE FOLLOWI NG WAS NOTED :l i I /I _I"'t-,C--f-.. P ~ESENT AT SITE ~_-,_ -r;1-1 ~7)V l.--C PRO JE CT D ATE:.bO'y IQ cngin ecrin3'.inc .• !~3 I:!,m i::2'dow dr .suite croscroa ds ~h cpping cen te vd ·l,c o :or ado 6 1657 303 /476·2 170 I \(,~{L-,CO, ::1P:....!M---,--_t-k L-f3.(g.D eO.Box TO ..-J "1":'u ././..J-I r -rKJl LA ,, .i 'f -S I JJ L.,-rAL!en uP N -J ["/0 t---c..r F iL i.1--D -----,IJN.o<::L~I"""'--------'----'=---.L.L "'----='='~>....t...4-~=-----''''''-'-'------L-f--'--~=__=r ~-----i --'--"''''''--'--t-- ---r/r:~< I /;>1-'..---"{--.1(J)dL.:,i L L c --((0 /'"t . ~r~_ f tn" o .6G-(-7:'\<-I k-E'(.tJ AV \I IL.fBIL ,f\....,.,-/'5 ...A,r:>t>,NJ6 ----I'r>·:.-:-~I.'A i.t-«:A r;;.:-./j --..A --t«.c::~-C.1--j K..v '._-,(.L :-1--_G ---~-==r7·~r i (-r,(/UI''''I _~ p,I _A g 0C(~,!>:jU6 U ,I-;i o p U)6;;·(f Eb 2c)c.(~ 'H!-\s F;1/'-:-EJl U /-;>(:/.:>Ji-tA H SPt:'GI P i r D ') /1i-j-{S ({){I I (2 t.f f _'I .{!.A PR-vVE --'Tlt!::OlA f IJA({F C[tA RA ,<:-(G;~·t:.I S{I G S O F --t/-I F ldA''LL ,AiJD fJz.ES 'et/!5,4 [2 'a d-?='!-L,:""-M-,---i.z.;_ u ere« SLOP IIJ, COPIES TO -:--=-_ / / / / .: •chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5080 RD.ISO GLENWOOD SPRINGS.COLORADO 811lO1 30319<5-7458 January 26,1983 Subject:Observation of Cut Slope , Lot 2,Block 1 Vail Inter- mountain Subdivision,Vail, Eagle County,Colorado Job No.24,466 Tom Holbird PO Box 2073 Vail CO 81658 Dear Sir: As requested,we observed the cut slope on the south side of the subject residence on January 24,1983.We previously conducted a soil and foundation investigation for the structure reported under the above job number and dated September 1,1982.Subsequent geotechnical review and recommendations have been submitted in letters to you dated October 11and 25,1982. At the time of our site V1S1t construct ion of the residence and rough grading of the area was near complete.As indicated in previous review letters,excavation for the building had required cut depths into the existing hillside on the order of 13 feet maximum ,reSUlting in a6 to 8 foot near vertical cut face behind the structure after backfilling .The cut face was relatively dry and appeared stable when observed. As indicated in our letter to you dated October 25,1982,the use of a retaining wall adjacent the south side of the structure will be required.The wall should be engineered and designed assuming the following parameters:80 pcf equivelent fluid weight for lateral earth pressure, a base sliding coefficient of 0 .3,anda final grade above the wall to beno steeper than l~:l (horizontal to vertical ).These parameters assume the use of free draining granular material for backfill and the use of a drainage system,similar to that incorporated into the building design,to prevent buildup of hydrostatic pressures.Final design of the retaining wall should be reviewed by this office prior to construction. If you have further service, Rev.By:S.L.P. RJV/ko the above,or if we can be of Very truly yours, CHEN AND ASSOCIATES,I NC. jI '\I By 10'm<illd ..;-\i ~,~ Ronald J.Va~quez,i ·E( 75 sou th f r onl age ro ad vail,colorado 01657 (303)476 ·7 000 January 21 ,1983 Tom Holbi rd Vail,Colorado 81 657 De ar Tom: Due tothehazardous natu re ofthe soil s behind yourhouse,no Certificate of Occ upancy will bei ssued until a napproved,in spected re taining wall is constructed,A registered,professionalengineer shoulddr aw upand stamp a drawing ofthe wa ll,and thi s department shouldapprovethe designa nd engineering ofthe wall.Limitth e height ofth ewall t o s ix feet, Sinc erely, /~A7~ Ji m Sayre Town Planner JS :df CREDIT APPROVAL To load longhaul 01 12/6 Joe lED SKETCH 9874c UUI~t:va,>'-Iau\:: Vllholesale Building Materials ','"~ -V)~ ~II~-.--- _I'_"'I'-~I"-,----1--- Boise Cascade BMC ••Eagle.Colorado SOLD SHIP TO TO -Holbird Job --DROP AT YARD. SlS.NO.ll<R.T .E.I INVOICE DATE CUST.ORDER NO.ORDER NO.ENTERED BY DELIVERY BYhO, r-. 118026 Joe Z.WBMLHII deld • .WEIGHT PlOD .OIOU IO 'H IPPIO DESCRIPTION FREIGHT QUANTITY PRICEe2337'3"Span (6/6)Scissor Trusses,5/1 -2~/12 Pit h,I .<;'--II.,.., 2x8 Top &Bottom Chords,24"Overhang wild)both ~";·;··i~~,.~-r I ·,I ends.-(SEE ATTACHED SKl'.n SEE A'l'TACI .I ,.,2 37'3"Gable Ends,WITH DROP TOP CHORD:FOR 2x8 p ';.l.,'.or '",.:.iV ·J'~..:\u''U I ~ LOOKOUTS.(:no tails),flat bottom chorl s. (q5 nsf Total load inn 11';",.\ 80 psf snow load. I Trusses to bear on2x6 wall flates eacl onrl , - I!. I,- .....,O'...~-f n U CHI '.P./U ,'.'.I I 1"Alon :\•__..0100<1 _.1_.___'"J(PAY "'>fI.-_.,....L_I ---.....0-", .,"0 (,1.,'-:~_1·'l.'&:...0 V~.J.).Il~ rv._._.-.---_..--.--------------"...--- chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 50150 RD 1S4 GLENwOOD SPR INGS .COLORADO 151&01 303/i04S-7~~ OCtober 25,1982 Subject:Excavation Observation, Proposed Residence,lDt 2, Block 1,Vail InterJrountain Subdivision,vail,Eagle County,Colorado. Job No.24,466 Mr.Ta:l Holbird 320 N.8th Street Ft.Smith,AR 72901 Dear S ir : As requeste:l,we observed the excavation at the subject site on october 19,1982.we previously conducted a soil and f o undation investigation for the proposed residence rePJrte:l under the above job number and dated Sept ember 1,1982.we additionally reviewe:l geotechnical aspects of the building plans and sumnarize:l our conclusions and reccmnendations in a letter to you dated Cctober 11,1982 . At the t.i4-re of our site visit,excavation to laver floor subgrade level was nearly canplete.CUt depths below the surrounding ground surface range:l fran daylight on the northeast side to a maximum of 13 feet near the south corner of the excavation.A footing trench excavation , about;2 1/2 to 3 feet deep for the back wall ,had been starte:l on the southeast side of the structure.The soils exposed at the bottom o f the building excavation generally consiste:l of fill,as described in our original report.Nat ural clays were exposed within the back\vall f ooting trench.The soils exposed on the east corner f ace of the exca vation cons isted o f fill o verlying natural clays which were v ery rroist to we t. Perirreter excava tion faces were cut near v ertic al and no signs of s.lope instability \vere noted , The n atural clays exposed within the back\vall f ooting trench are similar to those encountere:l in our original investigation and should be suitable for the recarrrende:l 2,500 psf allcwable bearing pressure.As di.scuased in our original r e port.,depth of fill toward the front o f the sitewi ll likely approach 10 feet and should be renoved .We understand that footing excavatrions are to penetrate the fill but that the g arage and mechanical rocm floor slab will be place:l directly on the existing fill;and that the risk of rroverent and/or cracking of the s lab has been a c cepted by y ou . OFFICES.CASPER .COLORADO SPRINGS .DEN VER .SALTLAKECIT Y //-Mr.Tan Holbird October 25,1982 Page 2 As indicated to you during our site visit,the equivalent fluid weight of 80 pef for lateral earth pressures acting against be.low grade walls was given for the upslope condition.This pressure assurres the use of granular material for backfill and final grading of the slope to be no steeper than 1 1/2:1 (horizontal to vertical).Also the 150 pef equivalent fluid weight for passive pressure and sliding coefficient of o.3 was provided to design the foundation against sliding. From infomation provided by you,we understand that backfilling of the foundation walls will begin on or about October 30.'Ihis will require the excavation to be open and unsupp:>rted for a period of approximately 2 weeks.Based on the condi.t.ions observed on October 19, the slope appears relatively stable.M:Jnitoring for signs of slope rrovenent;should cont.inue untill backfilling is canpleted. The site and planting plans drawn by Architectural &Interior Associates of Ft.Smith Arkansas dated October 12,1982 are similar to the original plans and do not indicate specific final corrtours for lDt 2.Based on the finished spot,grades provided and observed 13 foot; cut depth,the use of a retaining wall adjacent the south building corner will be required.We r'ecorrrnend that final grading contours and retaining wall design be developed and sul::rni tted for our review as soon as p:>ssible. CHEN AND ASSCCIATES,me. By~\}C\~''o~\.g~naId J.V quez,EO.T de.. Very truly yours, other applicable details as outlined in our original report;should be followed.In the meantime,if you have any questions or if weean be of further service,please call. ,,,-~,.L.PA ~~.."¥i •••~tz;/.;,.«):.~G\S;~;"./-v 0"'~""~e.1-..•<)• <Jl':15222 :*:-;:: _0 .~. I$....~~0tP"~\.<'..r.(}~.-"::;,;../orm t~i -:~~'.(o?cotb ~~ RJV/de~~~~ Rev.By:S.L.P. ce:Ranon Marre ToNn of Vail Jim Sayre I I .. .c ,..';"<':':,!c j;f#\~i';-fe,~?:.:;,.,,)':~~~iff~~~\l'.~ ENGINEERING CHECK lIST / /rv r~fl?O l'/V rA f ,A..) .z: Subdivisionlot --L~~==::"":;":::='--_ Q'.,r k r I Ii 119 l.Submittal Items '"--, ,.....~-. CA,.•~"MilD ./-(B)SlL ..II~.• '1'\Utility Plan ~ (D)Titl e Repor t _12'_ (E)Subdivision Agreement (if epp li cehl e, (r~ot Acceptable) ''tt:.~-:r;;;.--- 2.~ngineerin9.Requirements (Ii)Culvert Size .Alor 54o-v,J r,1\~I .:;Jy Grade (8X mi'x)(Actual)il,M'~/l """";~r-S~~"./_ .....~...-.'.~.~.. .,SQurce of Utilities 1;. (II'':lcctric (::~Gas (C)Sewer (D)I-later (E)Tel epl.o ne (F)T.V. Approved: Disapproved: 7 1/ r t - chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS S080 RD.154 GLENWOOD sP~I""as.COLOR...OO 81801 303/tM5-7458 October 11,1982 Subject:Review of Building Plans, Prop:>sed Residence,lDt 2, Block l,Vail Intenrountain Subdivision,Vail,Eagle COtmty,Colorado. Job No.24,466 Mr.Tan Holbird 320N.8th Street Ft.Smith,AI<72901 Dear Sir: As requested,we have reviewed building plans received October 6, 1982 for the proposed stmcture.A letter by Dale Brasuell,P.E.dated October 5,1982 concerning the structural design has also been received. We previously conducted a soil and foundation investigation for the subject site reported under the above job nurrber dated september 1, 1982. As indicated by the plans,proposed garage floor level will be at elevation 7896.5 feet and first floor at 7905.6 feet.Fill depth about 4 feet above existing grade and cut depth about 11 feet bela.v existing grade will be required at the north comer and south corner,respectively. Detailed grading plans are not presented.Side elevations indicate a lower front grade of 7896.5 feet and a rear upper grade of about 7905 feet sloped ;;May fran the structure.As indicate:i b y Mr.Dale Brasuell, the foundation has been designed in accordance with reccnmended soil pararreters . In general,the plans receive:i are similar to those assumed in the original soils report;and recarmendations presented are applicable.'!he follCMing exceptions are nade: (1)Finish grade at the south comer of about 7905 feet is bela.v existing grade and a positive slope CMay fran the structure is not pcssibl.e, Steepening o f the natural slope to achieve drainage is not recarmended. Detailed grading plans should be developed and.approved prior to construction start up. (2)Relatively deep fill (raroval of existing and placerrent of new) will be requized in the front of the structure.Subexcavation and OFFICES :CASPER.COLORADO SPRINGS'DENVER.SALTLAKECITY .:/" placanent of structural fill belav the foundation or floor slabs is not indicated on the plans.SUbexcavation and backfilling prior to cut uphill at the toe of the very steep slope is rea::mrended. (3)Excavation within the uphill cut (southern end)will extend to belav earlier test pit exploration depth,10 feet.A representative of the soils engineer should observe the exposed soils during excavation.ShallCM gra.md water conditions may exist and the contractor should be prepared.to dewater the cut or make rrodifications in the excavation plan. (4)To reduce the risk of slope rrovement during excavation,a specific construction sequence should be develop:rl by the contractor and should include time required.for rough grading,foundation installation and backfilling.Additional details discussed under Item No.4 "Slope Stability"(page 4)of our engineering report,should be included in the construction sequence plan. If you have any questions or if we can be of further service, please call. ~S:S:S=~..... Very truly yours, QiEN A'ID ASSCCIATES,INC. FSy~-&J*Steven L.Pawlak,P .E. SLP/dc cc:Rayrrond Marre TcMn of Vail Attn:Jim savre •P .Da vid Uerling,P .E. Larry H.Bu rrough ,P.E . DaleE.Brasuell,P .E . Cha rlesA.Uerling,P .E.• Burrough·Uerling .Brasuell consulting engineers.incorporated October 5,1982 Mr.Raymond Marre 244Central Mall Fort Smith,AR729 03 Dear Raymond: RE:Ski Lodge for Robert Hernreich &Tom Holbird Lot 2,Block 1 Vail Intermountain Subdlvision Vail,Eagle County,Colorado I have de si gned th e f o undation for the above-referenced project to meet the d e si gn cr iter ia set forth b y Chenand Associates Soil &Foundation Invest i- ga tio n (J ob No .24 ,466)and the design requirements of Vall,Colorado. Spe ci fic all y,t hese requir ements are as foli ows: A)So il a nd Founda tion Invest i gation l )Al lowab le s oIl hearIng pr essure2 ,500 psf on undisturbeds oi l and/or proper ly compact ed f ill . 2 )Minimum fo oting width i8-inches. 3)Sliding fri ction .3 times the verticai deadload. 4)Passive soil pressure-equiva lent fluid unit weight of 150 pcf (up per 2f e et i gnored). 5)Continuous fo ot ing re in forced top and bottom to span ad i stance o f 10 fee t. 6 )Totai se ttlement of structure will be approximately I-inch. 7)Foundation walis have b een designed for a lateral earth pressure computed 011 t he basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of 80 pcf whic h slopes up at no greater than 1.5 horizontal to 1.0 verticai.The walls have not been d esigned for additiona l sur- cha rgeo r hyd rosta ti c p res"SUre.It has been assumed that the d rai nage s ystem wi ll eliminate t he requirement for addit io nal hydros ta ti c la te ral lo ad. 4520 PHOENIX FORT S MITH,ARK.72!lOI Mr.Raymond Marre • october 5,1982 Page Two B).Vall,Colorado 1)-Snow load 80 Ibs.per square foot 2)Wind velocity:V =70 MPH 3 ).Floor lI ve l oad 40 Ibs ,per square foo t 4)Sesmic ZoneI 5)Fros t line 4 '-0"below finish grade • It is assumed that other design criteria set forth byChenand Associates such as construction procedure,underdrain systems,soil test,etc.that affect the desi gn will be followed. If I can beof further.service,please advise. Sincerely, Dal eE.Brasuel l,P.E. Ar kans as Registr ation No.2328 DEB/mr • box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476 -5613 September 20,1982 Tom Holbird 320 N.8th St. Fort Smith,Arkansas 72901 Dear Tom: department of community development RE:ORB Submittal of9-15-82 On September 15,1982 theDesign Review Board gave final approvalto your resid en<e onLot2,Block 1,Vail Intermountain Subdivision.A revised landscape planshouldbe submitted to the staff for approval within two weeks.A registered professional engineer should design your foundations usingthe criteria outlined inChen'sSeptember 1, 1982 soils report.The engineered drawingsshouldbe submitted to Chen for review.Chen shouldthensubmita letter to the Town certifying that the engineer's drawi nqsmeetthe criteria outlined in the September 1st report. Sincerely, ;J:A '~--L; /.'V\.I~ JimSayre Town Planner .JS:df ._':.=::::====-- Project Application Date _ Pro ject Description : O wner Address andPhone:_ Arch itect Add ress an d Phon e:_ --------------------------- I Zo ne:_ Z oningApp roved : DesignReviewBoard Seconded b y : P fi(?X'~f?--• TA-p-~YA Date _ C ON OLT ION. (.!?£JI 5 [0 z:. 0/THIJ..:j 71..{A) D ISA PPROVAL (l7h-'9t1 12J 'vdE,r=- Date: £&)6/Al If £4..,j l;louLv?:s 7?1Hr'?B--A Al CHt;.tJ S Ho llLV').s u (b H t"r L L::nf/L.-S1,41 1 )-~h THI4T Feu,,-)a A T I ON S AtLf L2JC.$/.(,61 FG) Chief Bui lding Official •Project Application Date _ ToM,Project Name:__-+-'-"'--'----L.-_--'---''--=--=---..:-=cc...:....~...:...._+='-=:::.....LJ.-:::::....:..:'---!-....::....:'=...!.,;:.=---------- Project D escription :_ Cont act Persona nd Phone O wner ,Address an dPhone :_ Arch itect.Address and Phone: )P/;:)JL /,I./TE 4 Ito v l...J r--11 ~ pic )- C omm e nts:_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion by : Sec onded by : AP PROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: SOLu T 'Q,-.) / /6,),t:-'1_A!,1;--//,\(4 /f..:J GL v 'O /:..::'£. (;?o wn P Ijli1ner .0 Staff A pproval Dale: Ihepn"a.ry ·voII ,1 INCORPORATED /Owd cJ~~/e­ %J/YJ J4Y~-e- DE'/I /l.-C<'#T~e /J1 ~J - W -e../'//9</<-."eec /.("~("L)/lh);r-/C-<-~£o,n ~?~L..-.e/,e.O //-J T o eY",J;T7 /0 PLATH CONSTRUCTION .INC ./POST OFFICE BOX 3 780 /VA IL,COLOR ADO 81658 /(303)Ell !!IS 12 4 7~-S.:>rs Charles B.Lorch Box 2122 2674 Larkspur Ln. Vail,CO ~16 5~ Sept.9,19 /:$2 Town of Vail Design Review Board 75 South Frontage Road Vail,CO ~1 65 7 Attn:r.l r.Jim Sayre Gentlemen: This letter is wr itten in reference the plans for Mr. Thomas Holbird's r esidence,which I u nderst and are presently before you for review and approval.In a recent telephone conversation with Mr.Rich Matt h ews I learned that t he Board would appreciate some information a bout t he exposed slope whi ch is behind our h ouse and whi ch adjoins Mr.Holbi rd 's lot. Th e exposed slope was porbably created about 7 years a go when our h ouse was constructed,and ~thea p parent lack of proper backfilling,grading and r eveg etation at this time u ndoubtedly caused the slope to remain ex posed for s everal ye ars.About four years ago,shortly af termy wifebo u ght the ho use,a large quantity of mu d slid do vnl the slope duri ng the spring and damaged t he house.Since t hat time we have taken several measures to stabilize the hi llside andprotect the house.The area behind our retatning wall h as bean p roperly dr ained,several berms have been constructed and seeded.~e have from time to time,seeded areas h igller u p on the slope and have transplanted willows in wet areas.Al thought his spring sawt wo l arge pines at t he t opoft he slide fall when t he bank g ave away,most of t he actiVity now appears t o involve the upper portions of the slope.We are well s atisfied that the slope is largely stabilized a nd well on its way to n atural revegetation;we doi n tend to hasten this process with plantings of various types where needed. I h ope thi s letter provides the information you require; if y ou h ave furt her question s,p lease let me k n ow . Very truly y ours, CB,InC~ KERR LAKE tiC APPLEGATE COVE MARINA,INC. KerrLake Star Route 4 Sallisaw ,Oklahoma 74955 (918)775-4522 Tom Holbird September 9,1982 r -"I need and woul d appreciatea letter from you.senttothe Town of Vail,1n care of Jim S~re,stating that you do not object to me takingthe above mentioned steps on the slide problem,and hopefully any help that you can give me in stablizing our land. Yours truly, I have had Chern.&!ssoc.of Glenwood Springs rio s~ma soil and drainage studies on slide problems for ~archtt6ct,and the Town ofVail. The Planning Board \'till meet September 15th.If you could send them a letter as soon as possible,sothey will have it for themeeting,it would be ~reatly appreciated. Mr.Roudbusch Mr.Hayhurst Mr.Sargent 4505 South Yosemi te 1343 Denver.Colo.80237 Dear Sirs i IPlantobuilda home in Vail,on intermountain lot 2, Block 1.There is a mud slide on part of my property and on part ofyours.I am preparingto plant 20 Willow trees and 20 Cotton Wood trees.and seedwitha combination of alfalfa. and Kentucky Bluegrassto try to stablize this slide.If you have any suggestionsor problems with what I am attempting to do.please let me know. "!-, "\ •APPLEGATE COVE MARINA,INC. KerrLake Star Route 4 Sallisaw,Oklahoma 74955 (918)775-4522 Se pte mber 9 ,1982 Janet Lorc h Box 2 122 Va i l,Colo.8 16 58 De a rf·ls.Lorc h; I plan to build a h om ei nVa il ,o n I nt ennou ntain Lot 2 , Blo ck 1.Th ere is a mud sli de on pa rt of my prop e rt y andon p a rtofyo urs.Iam p re par i n q to p lan t 20 IJ i11 ol'l trees an d 20 Cotton Hood tre es,an d s eed I'lit h a cono tnat ton of alfal f a, an d Ke nt ucky 8 lue grass to try to s ta b l ize this slide.If you ha vea ny su gges tions or p robl em s with wh atIa n at t empt inq to d o,p l ease l et me know . I ha ve had Chen.I!:Assoc.of Gl en woodSp rings d o s ome soil a n d d rain age studies on sli dep roblems f or my archi tect, andt he TO\'111 of Vai 1. I needand woul d a p preciate a le tter f rc et you,sent to t he TOIm of Va il,i n care of.-Ji m Sayre,statin g t h at y ou d o n ot o bj ect to me ta k i ll g t he a bo v e men t ione ds te ps ont h e sli de p robl em,a n d hopeful ly a ny he l p th at y ou can g ive me in stablizi ng our lan d. Tile P la nning Soard I'li11 meet Se pt ember 1 5th.If you coul d sen d t hem a 1etter as soon as possi b l e ,so t hey \·;i11 have it for t he me eti ng ,it I'lou ld b e g reat lya p preci at e d. Pleases e n d l etter to ; Tom of '1 a il c/o J in Sa y re 75S .Fr ailt age ~d . Va il,Co lo .GIG S7 KERR lAKE • ! I (( ZO NE CI IEC K for .SFR.R.n PIS ZO NE DISTRICTS .'.."3 ".:... Pro pos ed _._2-__0_1-'-1 _ I Proposed Use .~,~~/AJ~b~~~/=l__~~~~~__ He igh tA11 o\led 30 I Pr o p0 sed __----"'--'----'-__ '63 .2.,~ E.'-1~ W -1'3 legal Des cr ip ti on:lot ~Block HO Lt(;/12.JD Zo ne Dis tric t f7/S .;. Setbacks:Front ':"he quirer2 6'i '---Pro-~~se d __--=~_ Si d cs -Req u ired 15 I Pro pos e d --,-__--'--__-'=-'-'--_ Rear-Requ ired 'lS'Proposed ------------------------------ I-!atcrcaurse -requi red Proposed _ .GR FA :Al lowed .'2.0 I S-----==:.......=.-=--'--------------- I . !.., ! .GRFA:Primary AllO\'led _Pr-i mary Proposed _ Secondary Propo sed _ /b /./ ..Secondary All owe d Site Covera ge:A11 owed _--''--=--'-'-Proposed ...:......--:..._ Landsca ping:.Requir-ed Propo sed _ ParI:i ng:..'2-.-2.. Drive :S lop e Pe rmit te d Slope Actu al--------- Env ironment a l Zll azcr-ds :.Ava l anche NrA----''--=---------'------------------ Flood Pt a i r.'ty A_..!-L-,;;.-". ,Sl ope ,2..b _-_'_()_,'r-=,~_ Corment s :~.J.;;60S.,P'J /jv lC-UJC/)-/C-S -- ----------_.--- --~.._._.-----_.-_._------._---_.._._-------------_._..._.. ----U f .) ~l':;'vr 1'.'1,,,,I""/\I-J ---_.__.__.-------_..•--_.•._----_-.------ The Fol lov.i ng information L rcqn i r cd for s ulun i t zul by the upp l i c.m t to the Ilc :;i !:11 I:cvj!:w Board 1)(:1"1)1"('a final app roval call be g ivcn : A.BIJILfJf Ui;MATERIALS Roof Sidin g Other \';all Material s Fascia Soffits Windm-Is Type 0 f ~1:~~~'l ·i a 1 ({.diRSfa4 Color Window Trim Doors t1itr- n?tt (.5/;f.,cK b~~IJ/.:,IMdh'·/ J~,~/'~,'"" Door Trim .Hand OT Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Size 7 1 8& It) Common Name ~/-1.;10 r:Ie 7 Botanical Name SHRUBS TREES \GROUND COVERS --SQ UAKE FOOT AGE __ SOD SQUARE FOOTAGE ..5<()00 . dUD o . OF es c u-.'e' \2 L\e TYPE ----=::......::.:'--__SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION ~YR.te <\qk t ~g. ~::...c~=-z=__ TYPE OR ~lETHOD OF EROSIO N CO NTROL (II Ul ll.IT Y l.OCAT !(H VLl ll l :[(X l'l li ', SUi::Jl'":~;lO N__~L_J(z-k~~~~'~~__,_.__ Jon N!\I.a;__~Lo-;'r/~dcL _ LOT d BLOCK _I FILING _ ADD I ~E S S .L/IR~(1'~..PtLP 6~LZ-LL-L-_ The l oc ation of u tilit ies,whether th ey be main t run k lin es o r propo$ed lin e s,mus t be a pproved an d v erified b )'t he fo l Io wi n g ut i l it i o s for the a cc ompany in g she p lan. Mount a i n Be ll West e rn S lop e Gas Public ServiceCompany Holy Cr oss El ectri c Asso c. Vail Cabl e T.V. Upper Eag le Valley Water and Sa nit ation Di st rict NOTE :Thes e verificati ons do not re lieve the con t rac t or o f his respons ibility t o obtain a st re et cut permit from the 1'0\\11 of Vail,Dopar tmcn t of Public \\'orks arid to ob tn i.n utility locations before di g gin g in a ny pub li.c right- of-way or cas ement in the 1'0\'11 o f Vail.A buil din g:p ermit is not a stre et cut permit.A street cut p e rmi.t nu s t be obtain ed separat ely. This fo rm is to v erify servi ce a vai labl ity and loc ation. Thi s sh ould be used in conjun c tion wi t h preparin g your utility plan a nd s cheduling in stallations . / onnn nnnn nnll" ',.'.I '1 i',,',.:0 i/ JR , PAYMENTS TA X INTEREST PREDATORY ANIMAL EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE P.O.BOX 479,EAGLE.COLORAOO 81631 f;O:n ?1 03 11 3 01 ozo ~'~r l NREl CH ,POUEPT HOLnIRD.THOM4S rov S T,\~IlOUTE tt l!. S/'.LL!sP,to) PAGE O I'N FULLoFIRSTHALF o SECOND HALF o MONEY ORDER o CASH '\11\ ~O 'CHECK /'_.-PENALTIES MILL LEVY '('/6 1--T O--T--A-L--+-----~----1.\,.V /.,(J , BV DJ.~~!j'-),J O~T £.TA X PAID NUMBER 8 080 SCHE:DUlE NO. _._-'-'- SO Fl TAX AR'EACOOE'TAX DUEYEAR 0 0 1 009 .B3 0 0 02 0 00 .5 00 0 03 oo ~.co o 004 0 00 ,430 CO O;;ooo .1,'10 006 0)0 1.1 0 0 OC8 000 300 COY 0 0 3,33~ 0 10 OO I.~15 O t l080.39 0 0 1~0 31 .1QO 013 0 0~.OOO 0 1~007 3 90 O ~7 0 10 .300 0:30 DOO ,Q .H)O:'H 0 (-1.00 0 CH O (l()3 .0 1 .t 0 '15 0 07 .:'3 CO s't/IJ [;~..l';i q~~.,,~;'J~E 0",~k:':~lE eP t e.O~'O ISlATIVI:f"UNOING.YOU~SC HOOL GE NE ~"'L "UNo L EVY WOULD H"'V~BEE~+().1')30 TA X RECEIPT PAID B Y (S ~1 1"l Or.MILL I.F \)J ~S :",.·i~/_U F.)/I O Q~l ~"l ~~~~~i.'..,_ .', • --_._----._------------_._~--_._-_.._~---'----------,--------- ~.------, • chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 96SOUTHZUNI STREET.DENVER ,COLORADO10223•30311044 .11Q5 SOIL &FOUNl}'\TICN INVESTIG\TICN PRCroSED RESIDEN:E,IJYr 2,BLOCK 1 VAIL INTERMJUNTAIN SUBOIVISlex-J VAIL,E/lGLE <XlUNTY,CDLORIOO Prepared for: Mr.Tan IblOOrt 320 N.8th Street Fort Smi th AR 72901 Job No.24,466 5eptenber 1,19tj2 OFFICES;CASPER.COLORADO SPRINGS.GLENWOOD SPRINGS.SALTLAKECITY '. • '. TABLE OF (x)NTEN'I'S (X)NCLUSIONS PURPOSE AND SOJPEOF S'IUDY PROFOSED <XNS~ICN SITE CONDITICNS 2 SLOPESTABILITY 3 SUBS OIL CONDITICNS 5 FCX.JNDA.TIW RECO>1MENIll\TIONS 5 FLOOR SIABS 7 FC>tJND!ITION WALLS AND RETAINING STRI.JC'rJRES 8 UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM 9 SURFACE DRAINAGE 9 '- LlMITATIOOS 10 l ~FIG.1-LCX:ATICN OF EXPLORATORY PITS FIG.2-toes OF EXPLORAroRY P ITS FIG,3-LEGEND &0CfI'ES FIG.4-SWELIr-CONSOLIDA.TICN TEST RESULTS TABLE I-SUMMARY OF LAOORATORY TEST RESJLTS >, OON:LlEI ONS (1)The proposed structure maybe founded on spread footings bearing on the uncerlying natural soils or properly recampacted fill. Footings maybe designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. (2)RJrtions of the site are pot.ent i.al Iy unstiDle.Proper design and construction considerations must be given to this fCtential instability in order to successfully construct the prc:posed residence.Addi tional sttKlie.lLare rec:ar.mended.JO. ->LoP(;57~/tJrY If:-~. PURPOSE AND SOOPE OF SlUDY This report,presents the results of a soil and foundation investigation for the proposed residence to be constructed on rot 2, Block 1,Vail Internountain Developnent;subdivision,Vail,Eagle County,Colorado.The project site is shownon Fig.1. This report;has been prepared to surnmarize the data obtained and present our conclusions and recamrendations based on the proposed construction and the subsurface conditions encamtered.Design parameters and a discussion of geotechnical engineering considerations related to construction of the foundation of the prc:posed facility are included. PROPOSED OONSTRJCTIOO The prc:posed residence will be a2 story \ooQOd-frane structure with a lower level garage floor slab suppor ted near elevation 7898.The • -2- garage floor will daylight to the north\ooest and a ba serrent with floor level equal to the garage slab elevation will be cut into the hillside south of the garage if feasible. Maximum cut depths below the surreunding greund surface,excluding basement,are expected to range to ~t at the back corner of the garage.If a full basement is constructed beneath the residence, maximum cut depths will range to about 10 feet.we W1derstand the plan-location of the residence will be roved downsl ope approximately 10..-----=--- feet,pending approval of setback lines. Foundation Ioed inqs for the prcposed residence have been assured to be relatively light,however,if design changes significantly from that described above,this office should be notified to reevaluate the recommendations presented herein. SITE mNDITIONS The site is located ona north.lest facing slope that contains gradual to rroderately steep (1.6:1,bor izont.al,to vertical)grades.An elevation difference of about 12 exists across the originally prcposed building location.The maximum elevation difference across the lot appears to be approximately 50 feet fran north to south. At the time of the field investigation,the lot was undeveloped and covered with a thick grONth of native grasses.·NUllEreus deciduous trees existed to the south am upslope of the building envelope.From information provided by the client,previeus land use a nd/or excavation grading has resulted in fill to an undetermined depth.The lot is .' -3- bordered by Larkspur Court to the west and residenctial structures to the northeast. A slcpe failure which occurred in 1979,primarily on Lot 3 to the immediate east of the proposed residence,was observed byChen am Associates.The results of the observation are contained in a letter to Ms.Jenny Lorch dated June 11,1979 (Job No.13,557).The slope failure which occurred on Lot 3 in 1979 also involved a port ion of the eastern edge of Lot 2.TI1e approxiIrate slide boundary is delineated on Fig.1.TI1e slope failure occurred prlinarily as a result of excavation into the existing hillside and high spcing groundwater conditions. Stabilization procedures apparently have never been conducted on the slide mass.At the time the slope was observed for the present study, seepage was errerging fran the slide mass.Although we did not observe any tension cracks above the proposed construction area,construction on or adjacent to all s lopes in this area should be conducted wi th caut~ SIJJPE STABILI'IY The hillside on the site is p:>tentially unstable.Prcper design-and construction considerations mist,be given to this p:>tential ' instability in order to successfully construct the proposed residence. A detailed slope stability investigation and resultant recommendations are beyond the scope of this report.However,general guidelines are------- presented below in order that J._nitial planning and design of the site-------- facilities can be accomplished by the project designers am the----------- contractor.After initial planning and design are completed,we should-----------------------------~------- .'.-4- be contacted to review the infornation pt"epared so that recomendat Ions and requirements ~aaaiEibnal-investigations or consultation can be ----~ made. The following items should be included in the design and construction sequence planning: (1)The building excavation sboul.d be kept as shallow as poas io le to reduce risk of instability during grading.Since renoval of fill will be required for proper foundation and floor slab suppor t,a full basement beneath the structure may be p:>5sible. (2)The building soould be L =pt as far dO\'1l1slope cn the prcperty as p:>ssible. -~ (3)R:>tential sloee instability duri09 construction of the fo~dation can be reduced by condueting!1Je e.xcavation during_relative~y_slry periods of the year.Excavation should not be conducted in the spring or early summer,when water seepage in the slope above the--------=--=------------ '. (4) residence is expected to be the heaviest. To reduce the risk of slope rrovement during excavation,the existing fill soould be ranoved,the foundation wall constructed,--_._--..- braced and backfilled,and the slopes above the residence graded-----_.._-----_._--------- to final configuration wi thin afew days.This entire process should be carefully rronitored to warn of potent Lal slope instability. (5)Site grading,drain details and building plans sboul.d be prepared by qualified engineers familiar with the probl.ems in the area.A---------------------_.....--_._. construction sequence plan,indicatitB _t.b,e t~_~~uired,sboul.d be prepared by the contractor for the items discussed in Item #4 above.---. -, -5- SUBSOIL CONDITIONS The subsoil conditions ~re investigated by excava t i.rq 2 test pits at the approximate locations shownon Fig.1.Graphic logs of the subsoils encountered are presented on Fig.2.As indicated,the subsoil profiles consisted of 8 to 9.5 feet of debris fill overlying a stiff deposit of natural clayey sands or sandy clays.The fill deposit was extremely erratic in d ensityand composition,containing scattered angular gravels,miscellaneous debris,waste and partially deconposed organic matter (roots am grasses).The underlying natural sand/clay depos i t;was of low to IIedium plasticity and very mist.N:>free water was encountered in either pit to the maximum depth explored of 11 feet. ~ll-consolidation test results presented on Fig.4 indicate the underlying natural soils exhibit low to node rate settlement p.Jtential upon loading and ~ttinj.Asummary of laboratory t e st results is presented on Table I. F'OUNIYI.TlOO ~TlOOS Considering the subsurface conditions encountered in the test pits and the nature of the proposed construction,~r eccmneod the residence constructed on the site be founded on spreed foot inqs placed on undisturbed natural soils and/or properly recornpacted fill. The design and construction criteria presented below should be observed for a sprecrl footing foundation systen.Cor.struction details should be included in the project doc:uments. " -6- (1)Poot.i.nqs placed on undisturbed natural soils and/or properly conpacted fills maybe designed for a maximum al.Icwab le soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. (2)Spread foot Inqs placed on granular soils sboul.d have a minimum foot.Inq diJrension of 18 inches. (3)Exterior foot i oqs sboul.d be provided with adequate soil COller above their bearing elevation for frost protection. (4)The lateral resistance of spread f ooting foundations placed on undisturbed natural soils and/or properly canpacted fill material will bea canbination of the sliding resistance of the footing on the foundation rraterials and passive earth pressure against the side of the footing.Sliding friction at the botton of the foot inqs can be taken as .3 tiJres the vertical dead load.Passive pressure against the sides of the footings can be calculated using an equivalent fluid unit weight of 150 pcf.Passive resistance should be ignored in the upper 2 feet. ...--1 Compacted fill placed against the sides of the footings to resist lateral loads sboul dbea nonexpansive material approved by the soil engineer.Fill should be placed and canpacted to at least 95%of the maximum standard Proctor density.-----. (5)Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and botton to span an unsupported length of at least 10 feet. (6)Based on experience,we estimate total settlenent for footings designed and construct'2d as discussed in this section will be approximately 1 inch. -7- (7)Areas of loose or soft material or existing fill encountered wi thin the foundation excavation should be removed and repl a ced with nonexpansive fill material canpacted to 100%of the maximum st.andard Proctor dens i ty •New f ill should extend down fran the edges of the footings at a1 (hori zontal)to 1 (vertical)slope. As an alternate,the soft or loose material maybe excavated and footings extended to adequate natural bearing material. (8)A representative of the soil engineer should observe all footing excavations prior to concrete placement. FLOOR SlABS The natural on-site soils,exclusive of t opso il,are s uitable to support lightly to moderately loaded slab-on-grade construction.Floor slabs should be separated fran all bearing walls and columns wi th an expansion joint which allows unrestrained vertical rroverrent.,Floor slabs should be provided with control joints to reduce damagedue to shrinkage cracking,and the slabs should be adequately reinforced.Ne suggest that joints be provided on the order of 15 feet on center. A Il\i.oi.mLDn 6 i ncb free dra j n:i...Q9..gravel layer should be placed beneath floor slabs.This material should consist of aggregate with less than 5%passing the #200 sieve and !lOre than 50%retained on the No.4 sieve.The granular layer will ease construction,prevent capillary water rise and aid in drainage. Fill placed beneath floor slabs should bea nonexpansive material approved by the soil e ngineer canpacted to at least 95%of the maximum ------------~ starrlard Proctor density. -8- sane of the natural soil encountered near the surface of the site are suitable for use in canpacted fills beneath floor slabs. FCXJNDI\TlOO WALLS AND R..."'TAININS STRJCIURES Foundation walls and retaining structures Which a re laterally supported and can be expected to undergo only a node rate am::>unt of deflection may be designed for a lateral ear th pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit ~ight of 8G pef for granular backfill. All foundation and retainin:;j walls should be designed for appropriate hydrostatic and surcharge pressures.The equivalent fluid pressures given above are for a backfill vhich s lopes up at no greater-than 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical.------------ we recamrnend ilnported granular soils for backfilling foundation walls and retaining structures because their use results in lo~r lateral earth pressures.Imported granular foundation backfill should contain less than 5%passing the lb.200 sieve and should rreet graded filter criteria so it is capable of removi~water fram tQ~-sI~ ------------------- behind the strucuture without beccming clogged by particles .of ...nat ural------------------------ so~ich migrate in~th~granular matericy..Granular matericils should be placed fran the base of the wall at an angle of at least 30 fran the vertical.The upper 3f eet of the wall backfill should bea relatively impervious soil to prevent surface water infiltration into the backfill. Backfill should be carefully placed in uniform lif tsand canpacted to batween 90%and 95%of the maxirnom standard Proctor d ensity.Care ------ -9- " should be taken not to overcanpact the backfill since this could cause excessive lateral pressure on the walls. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM Although fr eewa terwas not encountered during the field investigation,our e xperience indicates perched groundwater conditions may develop in this area due to heavy precipitation or spring runoff. The lower l evel of the structure should be protected byan underdrain system.An underdrain system s boul.d consist of a layer o f free-draining granular material beneath the floor slab connected to a perimeter drain.Free-draining granular material used in the drain systen should contain less than 5%passing the #200 sieve and rrore than 50~ained on the in the drain systen #4 sieve.'!he free-draining granul ar mat erLal used should rreet graded filter criteria so that it is capable of reroving ~.rater fran beneath the structure wi trout becaning clogged by particles of natural soils ~ich migrate into the filter. ~::-~d:=r:.=a:..:i,,",ns=-s=ho=u=l:.::d:....::co=ns=i=s=t_o=.:f=---.::d=r:.:::a=i~n~t=il:e=-.:s=:ur=-:r:.::oon=::::d::::ed~b=:y~a::-::m=i::.:n~im:::::U1:::n-,o=.:f=--_ 12 inches of free-draining granular material.The per i.rreter drains ----------'!he drain lines s houldbe-should be at least 4 inches in diameter. placed at least 1 foot below the floor level and graded to sumps ~ere water can be reroved bypumping or gravity drainage. SURFACE DRAINAGE The following drainage precautions should be observed during construction and maintained at all ti.rres after the f acility has been canpleted: • -, -10- (1)Excessive ~ttin:J or drying of the foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avoided during construction. (2)The ground surface surrounding the exterior_o f-the _building _should be sloped to drain away fran the foundation in aU directiQ_~We-------- recamrerrl aminimum slope of 6 Inches in the first 10 feet • .---.J (3)Roof downspouts and drains should discha~e ~ll beyond the limits of all backfill. ~------------ LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices in this area for use by the client for design purposes.'Ihe conclusions and zeccmmandat ions submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained fran the test pits excavated at the locations indicated on Fig.1.The nature and extent of variations bet~en the e xplorato ry holes may not becane evident until excavation is performed.If durin:J construction,fill, soil,rock and water conditions appear to be different fran those described herein,this office should be advised at once so reevaluation of the recommendations maybemade.We recommerrl on-site observation of excavations and foundation beari.rq strata and testil'lJ of fill placement by a soil engineer. RJV:FS cc:Ramon Marie C'Ci~ CHEN AND ASSOCIATES,IN:.r By~~c\~l~~Ronald J.Va LEZ,E:I:TdC Reviewed By1:n~.d in .Sr'~ David M.Jubenvill P.E.de- n ~.I Ap prox i ma te SC31 e: 1"=I G I of Hx p l or a t or yTes t P i ts 1 ::nd s lid e -: s ( --- chen and associates,inc,2 4.-1..6 .' 7905 7910Pit.: E1.78 95 ' Pi t 1 E1.7907'79 10 7905 788 5 788 5 we 1 9.3 DD =103.6 -200 SO L L =26 PI 5 7880 78 80 79 00 7900 we =16 .1 Approxi n3 te Garage..,DD =114.a Fl oor Elevation '-' C.l C) C)-200 =43 C) c, LL =2 5 7 895 P I 8 7895 I::I:: 0 0.... '-''-' ~>> <l>C)........ ;.u - 7890 7890 chen and associates,inc.toes OF EXPLORi\'IDRY TEST PITS f1a .2 LEGEND: ~Fi ll,clay,sandy "ith some scattered g ravelandmiscellaneous waste, ~l a r ge amounts of orga nic debris,moist,da rkb rownand black. [f:~Clay _(CL-SC).sandy t o c layey sand,stiff ,v ery moist,brown. '~Relative 'y undisturb ed hand drive sample. 'iOTES: 1)Pit s were excavated 'onAugus t 6,1982 with a backhoe. 2)Nof ree ~ater wase ncountered at time of excavation. 3 )Elevations of te st pits we re determined by i nt erpo lation between contourso n t he p l an provided. 4 )u,BORATORY TEST P£SULTS: Water Content (%); DD=Dry Dens i ty (pcf ); -200=Pe rcenta ge pas sing No.2 00 'Sieve;, LL=Liqui d Lini t (%); PI=Plas ti c ity Ind~x (%). chenand associates,inc.Il.e!!l'nd 1;No t e s __..L-__~ .tdh.en an associa es,II1C. M Olst ,-"e C ont en ~1 6 .1 percent Dry Un it We i ght =1 14 .0 pet S ample0 1:very cl a ye y s and From:Pi t 1 at 9 feet - -...............Ir--:--l-iD - .............r-,"2...'--r-~I-I-t-i D~Additi c n a I cO ln i)r S I "c~u nder 10 n s t ~n t!p e s UTE d ue t oce t t rig], I I I i I 0 ,0 0 <:: 0 1'M '"'"o J-< 0-2f;;au 3 4 0 .1 1.0 10 APPLIED PRESSURE -ksf .oo l u::J1.0 1U APPLIED PRES SURE -k s f '-1 Mo i sture C ontent =19 .3 p erce n t Dry Unit We ight =1 03 .a pel ~mp l e o f:ve r y s an y clay From :Pit 2 a t 10 f ee t .. ----.-I--~F--:----~o n J J!l-t-_ 1-1--Add i t c mr.rE S \I '.u nde r co ns t n t pI e ~s ~]'e ~ue to rll ett ng-, -, ~~ I I ~ d <;:J 0 <::a 'M '"1'""1-0 0- f;; 0 2u 3 4 ~\·./FI 1-r.ONSO LI DATI ON T E Si R ESUL T S F I Q CHEN AND ASSOCIATES TABLE Job No.24,466 .'.. SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS f---. $U ,u'l r l OCATION GRADATION NATURA L NA tURAL PERCENT ATTER8E RG LIMITS U NCONF I N E:.O · WOISTURE DRY PASSING COM PRES SI VE SO IL OR J.i Cl E DEPTH CONTENT DENS ITY GRAVEL SAND NO.ZOO LIQUID PLASTICITY STREN GTH BEDROCK TYP E (FEE r)(°/0)(PCF)(%)(%)SIEVE LIMIT IN DEX (PSF) (%)("!o) .. 1 9 16.1 114.0 ..C 43 )25 8 ve ry c la y ey sand _. 2 10 19.3 103.6 (-5~26 5 ve ry s andy cl ay II '-/~~ -41 .- -- -- --....---._- c ~ ....;.. AMERICAN LANDT ITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY FORM B-1970 (Amended 10-17-70) •POLICYNO.AZ 2 30921 • ITL ENSURANC E .O MPANYOF INNESOTA a Stock Company,o f Minneapolis,Minnesota SU BJECT TOTHEEXCLUSIONSFROM COVERAGE ,THEEXCEPTIONSCONTAIN EDIN SCHEDULEB A.,,\fD T HEPRO VISIONSO F THECONDITIONSAND STIPULATIONS HEREOF. TIT LEINSURANCECOMPANYOFMINNESOTA.hereincaliedth e Company.insures ,as of Date of Policyshownin ScheduleA,against losso r dam age.notexce eding the amount ofinsur ancesta ted inSchedule A,and costs,attorneys'fees andexpenseswhic h the Companymaybecome obligated topayh ereunder,sustained o r inc urredby t he insuredbyreasono f: I .T itlet o t he estateor interest descr ibed in Schedule Abeingvestedo therwise thanas st ated therein ; 2.Any defectinorlieno r encumb rance onsuc h title; 3.Lack of a r ight of accessto and fromtheland;or 4 .Un marketability of such title. INWITNESS WHEREOF ,t he said Tit le Insurance Com pany ofMinnesota hascaused its corporatenameandseal to beh ereunt o affixed by itsdulyaut horized office rs as ofthedate shown in Schedule A,t he policytobevalidwhen countersigned byanauthorize d office r o r agen tof the Company. j f J 'j, I~ " i j ; I, I i IT LE N SURANCE 'OMPANY OF .l '>...-.;:'"~"~ " .'. :INNESOTA .~" _.....-./~~~.i ..~ -~, Secretary Presi dent .-.....J :.!....~",'.t :,·t..~~1.../~";--:1"Y";.~..,.-:---~~,."........- EXCLUSIONS F ROMCOVERAGE Th e followingma tters a re expr essly ex cludedfr omthe coverage of thispolicy: I .Any la w,ordi nanceo r governmental regulation (i ncluding bu t no t limitedtobuildingan d zoning o rdinances) restrictingo rregulatingo rpr ohibiting the occupancy .use o r enjo yment of thelan d,o rregulatingthecharac ter, di mensions orlocationo f any i mprovementnowo r hereafter erec ted o n th e lan d,orpr ohibitin g aseparationin ownership o rare ductioninth ed imensionso rarea of the land,orth e effect of any violation o fany suchlaw, o rdinanceorgovernmental regulatio n. 2 .Rights o f e minentdomain o rgovernmental rights of police power unl ess n otice of the e xercise of such rights appearsinthepub licrecords atDateo fPolicy. 3 .Defects ,liens,encumbrances,a dverseclaims,o ro ther matters (a)created,suffered,assumed o r agreedtobythe insured claimant ;(b)notkn own tothe Company a ndnot shownbythepublicrecords butkno wn tothe insured claimant e itheratDateofPolicy oratthedatesuchclaimant acquired a n estate o r interest insured bythispolicy andnotdisclosedinwritingbythe insured claimant totheCompany priorto th e datesuchinsured claimant becamean insured hereunder ;(c)resulting innolossordam aget o theinsur edclaimant;(d)attaching or created subseq uent toDate of Policy;or(e)resultinginlossordam age whichwould nothavebeensusta inedifthe insured claimant hadpaidvaluefo r the estate o r interest insur ed byt his policy. L -;.:"-..-- I j .I 1 ! 1 'j ·1 I 1 1 1 ~Fo,m 1 ao 2 /7 3 30M ~C op yr ight1969 American L and T itle Assoctatton •_iC'.,)N o.AZ230921 2 .Nilllle o f I n s u r-e d = File No.V000 3234 SCHED U LE A OCTOBER 2 7,1 981 at 8=00 A.M . Am o unt $40,000.00 ROBERT HERNREICH AN D TH OMAS RO Y HOLB IRD,JR .,as Ten ants in Common 3.The est at e Dr int er e st in the land d es cri be d in thi sS chedule and wtlich i s encumbere d b'.,)thi s pelic'.,)i s: A FEE 4 .T itle t o t he es t ate o r irlte rest cove r ed b y t his policy a t the date he r eo f is ve ste d i n: ROBERT HE RN REICH AND THO MA S ROY HOLB IRD,J R.,as Tenant s in Common 5.The la nd re fe rre d to in this policy is situated in EAGLE County, Col ora do,an d i s d escrib ed 8 5 f oll ows: LOlTWO (2 ),BLOCK ONE (1),VAIL IN1"E RMOUN1AIN DEVr :L OPM EN1 " Sl lBDIV ISION,ACCOR DI NG TOTHERECO RD ED PL AT THERE OF,COUNTY OF EAGLE ,Gl "ATE OF COI .ORAD O. 1 This r.'oliqj v ali d on "l l.:J if Be h ea u "!I?l!.i s a t t2c:hed. Po licy No.AZ230 921 , TIM Owner F orm 23 13 _e_-------- F ile No.V0003234 SCHE DULE £.', .-,--._-._---------- This p oli cy does not insure again st l oss or da Mage b y re as on of the fo ll ow i n q t 1.R i ght~or c laiMs of p a l-ti es i n possession n ots hown b y t he public r .:co rds. 2.EaSemel"tts,0 1~c lai ms o f e sseMent s,n ot s hown by th ~p Ublic re co r'ds. 3.D iscrepancie s,c onflicts i n boundar y l in es,shor ta ge in ar ea, encroac hments,and an y f act s which B correct s ur ve y and inspe ct ion o f the premis es wou ld di scl ose and which are n ot sho wn by the public r'e c:ord s. 4.Any l ie n,or r ight to a li en,for serv ice s,l ab or,or materi al theretofore or hereafter furnished,imposed by l aw and not s hown by the pub lic records. 5 .198 1 TAXES NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE . 6.LIENS FOR lJ NPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARG ES ,IFANY. 7.RIGH T OF PROPRIE1 'OR or A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRAC1 'AND REMOVE IllS ORE TllEREFkOM SflOllLD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENE lRATE OR INTERSECT TH E PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UN ITED STA TES P ATENl OF RECORD ININSTRU MEN T RECORDE D APRIL 18,19 J~IN BOOK 1 23 AT PAG E 3. 8 .IUGtlT S OF WAY FO F<DIlCH ES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED I3Y THE AUTHO F{ITY OF TH E llNITED STATES ,AS RESERVED IN UNITE D STATES PATENT RECORDED APrdL 18,J.9 34,I N BOO f(1 23 AT PA GE 3. S'•F(EST RI C1 I \)E CO vEN/i NH ;,~J HICII no NOT COWi AI N A r 0 RrEI ru r,E0 F(F{EVErn ER CLAIJ SE,AS CONT AI NE D Itl I IISTR UME NT RCC ORDED JUI_Y 2~,1970 IN BOOK 2 18 AT P AGE 2 81 ~N D AME NDED I N IN STR UMENT RE CORDED NOVLMBER 1 7,1970 I N BOOK 219 AT PAG E 120 AND A~ENDLD IN INSTRUM ENT RECORDED APRIL 28, 1 971 I N ~OOK 228 AT rAG E 300. UTILITY AND DRAINA GE EASEMENTS ARE RESERV ED ALONG ALL I NTERIOR LO T LINES AS DES CRIBED ON THE PLAT REC ORDED OCTOBER 15 ,1970 IN BOOK 2 18 AT PAGe:778. 11.DEED or TRUS T DATED OCTOBER 2 2,198 1 FROM ROBERT HERNREICH AND TH O M~:;f{O Y HOU?,Ir iO ,JR .TO THE PU['.U C TRUSTEE OF EAGL E COU NT Y FOR THE U ~;r:OF '!}MOTHY C.CAr l Y,DE/HSf:I.CADY,[.l(i~!Jf.l r .CAl 'AND ~;U SM~ A.e M 'lO S!:CUf.:l'1 HE SUttl 0 r i'3 D,(J l)D.(]o 1\ECO RDED (l CTO13Er,2 6,1 <;8 J.I N 1',0 IJIC :.::1 1 (,T r-AGL D;!. • ,.........--.----------- (Continued f rominside fr o nt fl op) of the Compan y shell cease and t ermin ate in r e~ar d to the m att er or matters fo r which such prompt n otice i s req uired;provid ed,h ow- ever.that failu re t o no t it),shallinn o case pr ej udi ce th e ri ghts o f a ny s uch insured under this p oUey u nless th e Co mpany shallb e prej ud iced by such failur e and theno nly to the extent o f su ch pre judice . (c)Th e Company sha ll h ave t he ri ght atits 0\\-7\cost t o in stitute and ....ith out und ue d elay pr osecute an y a ction or p roceeding o r 10 d o an)'oth erac t whichinit so p inio nm ay be n ecessary o r de sirable t o est ablish th e t itle t o th e e stateo r int eres t asi nsured ,an d the Company mayt ake an)'app r o pr ia t ea ctio n und er th e ter ms o f t his policy,wheth ero rno t itsh alt be li ab le thereunder, and s hall no t t here b y concede liability o r waive a nypr ovision of this p olicy. (d)Whenever th eCo mpany shall have b rought an }'a ction o r in t erposed a d efense as req u ire do r p e rmitted by th e pr ovisions of th is policy,the Comp any rna )'pursue any s uch litig ati on t o final d eter m inatio nbya court of competent jurisdi ction and expressly reserves th e right ,in itss ale discretion,to a ppeal fr om any adv erse judgm ent oro rder. (e)In all ca ses w heret his policy p erm itso rr equires the Com p any t o pr ose cute o rpr ovide for t he defense of a nyac tion or p roceeding,th e in sured her eundersha ll secure t o the Comp any th e ri ght t oso prosecut eorp rovided efense ins uch action or proceeding.a ndalla ppeals t herein.an dpe rmitt he Compan y t o us e, at i ts option.th ena me o f s uchinsured for suc hp urpose.w hene ver r eq uested b)'the C ompany,such insuredshall give th e Com pany all r easonable a id in any such ac tion or pr oceeding,in effec ting settlem ent .sec uring evid ence ,obtaini ng witne sses,o r p rosecuting or d efending s uch a ction or p roceeding,a nd the Comran y s hall re imburse such in sured f or an)'expe nse so in curred. 4.Notice cf Loss-Limitation of Action In a ddition t o t he no tices re quired u nder p aragraph 3(b)o f t hese Conditions and St ipulations ,a s tatement in writi ng of a nyloss or d amage f orw hichitis cl aimed th e Comp any is Habit under thi s p olicy s hall b e furn ished 10 t he Com pa n}'wif h in 90 d ays after s uch lossor damage shall have be en dete rmined a ndno right o f action shall accr uet o en i nsured claimantu ntil 30 d ays after su ch s tatement s h8 11 have been f urnished.Fa ilure t o f urnish s uch st atement o f lossor d amage shall te rmi nate a ny li ability of the Companr u nder th ispo licy as t o s uch loss or da mage. 5 .Opt ions to Pa yor Ot herwise S e"l.Cl aims The Company shall have the opt ion t o payor otherwise set tle fo r or in the name of an insured claimant any cl aim insured agains t or to t erminate all liab ility and o bligati ons of t he Company he reunder b y p ayin g-or t endering pay ment o f th e a m ount o f insurance u nder t his policy t ogether wit h a ny co sts ,a ttor neys"fe es an d expenses incurred up'to t he t imeo f suc h pay men t or te ndero f p ayment.b~"t he insured claimant an d a uthoriae d b y t he Company . 6 .Determination a nd Payment of Lo ss: (3)T he liability o f the Company u nder this p o lic y shall in n o case exceed t he lea st o f: (i)t he actual Joss o f the insuredclaima nt;or [Ii]t he amounl of insurance stated in S chedule A i o r (b)The Company \\.;11 pay,in addition t o a ny l oss insured a gain st by Ihi s po Ii C)",all cOSIS imposed u p on an ins ured in l ltigef i on c arried o n by t he Company f or s uch insured,and allc osts, at t orne vs 'fees and expenses i n lHigatiQn carried o n b y such insu red wi th the wr it ten author ization o f the C ompany. (c)when l iahLlit )'has been d efinitely fixed in a ccordance w itht he condition s o ft hisp olicy,t he loss or d amage shall b e p ayable wi thin 30 days th ereafter. 7 .Li mitation o f Li ab iHty Nocla im sh all arise or be maint ainabie under t h j ~pohcy (a)if the Company ,after havin g re ceived notice of a n alleged defect,lien o r e ncumbr ance insured ag ainst h e r eund er,by li tigation or o the rwise .removes su ch d efect,lieno r encumbr ance ores tablishes t he t itle,as i nsured.wi thin a reas onable t ime afte r r eceipt o fs uch n ot ice;(b)i n the even t of Hugarton u ntil t here has b een :l6 f inal de t er minat ion by a court o f c ompetent [urisdict io n ,and d ispostrion ofa ll a pp eals t herefrom ,adverse to Ih e title,a s insured .as provided in p arag raph 3 hereof ;or (c)f or liabi lity volu ntaril y assumed b)'an in sur e din settling any claim or suit wi tho ut p rior wri tten consen t o f t he Company. 8.Reduction o fLia bility All p ayments under this p oli cy,ex cept p aymen ts made f orc osts, a ttorneys'fe es and expenses.shall reduce the a mo unt of th e in surance pr o tanto.No payment sh all bem ade wit h out p rod ucing th is p olicy (or end orsement of such paymen t unless the policy b e lo st Or d e stroyed,in which c ase pr o of o f such Joss o r destru cti on s.hall be furn ished t o th e s atisfac tion of the C ompany . 9 .Liability N onc um ulative It is e xpressly underst ood t hat the am ount o fins urance und er this p olicy shall b e reduced b y any a moun tt heC ompan y m ay ra y un der any p olicy in suring eit her (a)a mort gage sho wno r refe rred t o inSchedule B here of which is 8 lienon the e state o rint erest cove red by t h is policy,o r (b)a mortgage h ere after e xecuted by a n in sured w hich is a charge o r lie n o nth e estate o r interestd escri bed or r ef er red ro inSch edu le AI and the am oun t so pa idsh all bedeemed a p aymentu nderth is p o licy .Th e C ompan y sh all hav e th eop tiont o ap ply t o th e p ayment of an y s uch mort gages an y am o unt th at o thc n ..ise w ould be p ayable h ereunder t o th eins ured owner of t he estateo r inte rest covere dbyt his po licy an d th ea mount so paid shall b e deemed a paym ent und er thispolicytosa id insu red ow ner. ,O.Apport ionment If t he lan dd escribed in S chedu le A consistso f tw o o r m ore parcels whicb are n otuse d as a singlesire,and a loss is es tablished a ffecting Oneo r mo re o fs aid parcels b ut n ot a ll,th e loss s halt be com pu t ed a nd se ttled o n a pr o rata b asis as ifth e amo unt o f in surance u nder t his po licy w as divid ed pro rat a as t o t he valu e on Date of Po licy o f eac h sep arate p arcelto t hew hole.e xclusive of any imp rovemen ts m ades ubsequen tt o Dat e of Policy.unl ess a liability o r value has otherwise been agreed u ponas to e ach such parce!by t heCompany and t he insured a t t he t ime of th e issuance of this policy a nds hown b y a n ex press s tate ment hereino r by an endorsement att ached h ereto, 11.Subroga tio n Upon Payment or Settlement whenever the Company s hall havese ttled a claim under t his po licy,all r iiht of subrogation shall ves t in t he C ompany unaffected b y a ny act of t heinsu redcl aimant.T he C ompany shall be s ubroga ted t oa ndb e entitled t o a ll right s andre medies which such Insured cla imant w oul d have hadaga inst an)'p erson or proper ty in r espect t o such cla im ha d this po licy not b een issued ,and if r equested by the Company I such insured claimant s hall transfer t o t he Company all r ithts an dremedies against any person o r property n ecessary ino rder to p erfect such r ight of sub rogat iona nd shall per mit t he Compa ny t o u se th e n ame o f such insured c laiman t in a n)"tr ansacti o no rlit igation invo lving suc h rights or remedies.If th e payment does n ot cover the l o ss of such ::-:'st:.red cta imant ,t h e Company shall be subrogate d t o such rights a nd remedies in t he proportion which said payment b ears to the amo unt of said loss .If losssh ould result from anyact of such insured cl aima nt,such ac t sha ll n ot void t his p olicy ,but t he Com pany,in th at e vent.shall be r equired t o p ayo n ly th at p ari of a n)'losses insured a~ai n st here unde rwh ich shal l exceed t he amo unt .if any ,1051 t o the Company b)'r eason of t he impairment of t he ri ght of sub rogation . 12.L i<bility Limitedt o this Pol icy This instr umentt ogether wit h a ll en dorsements a nd o ther in strume nt s.if any ,a ttached h ereto b y the Compan yis t he e uf ir e p o lic)"a ndcontract be twe en th e in sured and t he Company , A n)'claim o flossOr d amage,w hether or n ot b ased On n eg ligence ,and which ar ises out of t he s tatus o f t he ti tlf"t o t he e state or i nterest cove-red h ereby o r a ny ac tion a sser-ting such c tairn. s hallb e res tricted t o the p rovisions an d co ndit ions a nd s ti pulariuns o f th ispo licy , No amendment o f or end o rsement t o t his po licy can be-made- except b y YoTitin~endo rsed hereon o r at tache d he ret o signed by either th e P restde nr,aVice P reside nt,t heSec re tary ,an A s~is t 3 n t S ecretar y,or va lidating o fficer o raut h ori zed signatory of t he Co mpany. 13 .No tices.Wh ere S ent All n oti ces required t o b egi vent heCo mpany a nd a n)'sta temen t in y,.Titint r equiredto be fur nished th e Com pany shall b e addressed 10 its H orne O ffice4 1 Min neapo lis,Minnesota 5 5401. .< No te :Th is po licy valid only if Sc hedulesA and B a rc a ttached.