HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 1 LOT 5 LEGAL) '.' PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CO~IISSION September 14,1981 3:00 P.M. 1.Approval of minutes of August 31,1981 2.Continuation of request for exterior alteration and modification to the Casino Building for the deck area and to determine the amount of office located on lots D and Eandapart of lots B,Cand F,Block SC,Vail Village First Filing.Applicants:Carlos Agostoni and James J.Sprowls. -" 31 Request for a conditional use permit to allow office space on the third floor in Study Area #5 in new commercial and office space in Lionsh ead. Applicant:Robert T.Lazier G.Request for a front setback variance onLot 5,Block 1,Intermountain Subdivision.Applicant:Byron Hoyle. 5.Request for a rear setback variance a nda variance for setback from watercourse for lot 1,resubdivision of lot 14,block4 ,Bighorn 3rd addition. Applicant:Her itage Company,Dan Gagliardo. 6.Request for a front setback variance for lot 5,Resubdivision of lot 14,Bighorn 3rd a ddition.Applicant:Heritage Company. Publi shed in the Vail Tra il Septemb er 11,1981 \ \c 'I!A "...•...1 \'C 'j',(..\.J l _o ,__ 1·:,<·;.\1.1,:,',',:,11':10:,:1.1)'1 ..E"-..i :W ,T .~i ,..I I i.I :;C ,~7=:N TC.R !'\OU I\I T C,=-#_.. ,F11]'./1)cy ,,_ Til e f o/I ,,;:in g i uf'o r m.r t i on j~;1'''II'li 1'c<l for :;I.1 !lI:,itta l b y til "1I1'I'Ji ":1I1 l.t.o the 1J1':;i !,,'1:..'V j Cl'l BO;I1'd 1>v1",...,a fi n a l ,lj'pr ov,l!<.;:111 b e given: A.BlJII.!J1i:1:;·I.I\TEr :Jtd.S Co i o r Poof Sidi r:;; Oth e r ~a ll ~l at cri a1 5 Fa sci a Soffi ts ___.~.£El:A r\?_~'J.J1J1J (C:;__.__._C ']L C D., ...L.£D.£lR....t /F'L ST [).l)U::'?'''O J.L~D _ Btl <::'-"1ur ·1 r-11 6)f )C:1..-l.:::-.J!:r T E'Sf u cc 0..__ lVind ol'ls Wind ow Trim 'PI N E Doors L.v t\J'!E- _'TW'Q /).'!.i:/;1 0 uI .('TTF.....2~f\p O ly ('i ,'(j r'v ("Celle r::. DoorTrim Hand or Decl::Rails Flue s Flashi ngs Ch imney s Tra sh End o s ur es C £DA Q e r:-1/r !f 'I') Gr e enh o lls es Ot.her /'-/.."''-'/~=.._----------- !')'/'·f;C1'f.D1,)_:\-..(:::L CTOf \'C 0 B.LANDSCAPING Name ofDesigner: Phone PLANT r~ATERIALS CH fl ~·\G ,E...0 F Cu£...-c"R 1-M P-.T[/xrr"l(-S .,fir:CIH N1 t y . l:')1\'l)1\I t I (')'!L .'~ TREES SHRUBS Botanical Name x _ ---'-'--- Common Name ASPEN TR EES' quantity Size C,-----..__W'-. \. SOD SQUARE FOOTAGE ___ SQU ARE FOOTAGE ___5££0W::rLDTYPE_~-=""""'L-_...,>.k"""",,""LJ-_SE ED Sao SQ IT TY PE OF IRRIG AT IO N TYPE OR t·1ETHO D OF ERQSI ON CO NTROL (Wu....o RESEED tAL L £XCA ul1rro 1'\1'----------- C.Othel'Landscape Feat ures (ret aini ng walls,fe nces,swi mmi ng pools,etc.)Pleas e s pecify. Au B fTAn t&-k/tl!LS "7 R f /U E D W O oD Ca lk""-H BE"TWEE!I.! [,y'II...Q A La 1"G-= ......' 9 -I (-)/.Datc;..·__+-_--'-_ DRB SUamITAL CIIECK LIST NEW CO:-lSTRtJCTION 1.Stamped topographic map (2 copies 2.Site plan sho wing utilities (2copies) 3 •.Utility location verification 4 •.,Preliminary titlc report (1 copy) 5..Landscape ·PIan(2 copies) 6.Architectural plans (2 copies) (all flo orsa nd al l elevations) .. 7.Materials list (1 set) 8.Color Samples (1 set) 9.Subdivision agreemcnts (if applicable) MINOR ALTERATlONS TO THE EXTERIOR Or RUILDINGS 1.Photo or s kctch showing altcrations (2 copies) 2.Sitc plan (2 copies) 3."later ia 1 specifi ca tions (2 sets) 4.Color san ~l e s (2 scts) 5.Letter of approval fromcondo assoc. (if a pp li cab le ) ADDIT TONS -RESlIlEN TJ,\L o n C m l ~l F.Rcr /\L 2.Original floor plan (2 copies) 3.New flo or pl all (2 copies) "4.Site plan (2c op i e s) 5.Elevation s (2 c op i e s ) 6.j'!IOt"o s of cx i.s ti ng structure (l s et), 7."latcd :Jl sped [j cn t i on s (I set) S.Colorsnmp lc s (l s ct .) .-,.}... ~! L,. \. .;."i J',,'•MEMORANDU~I TO:Planning and Environmental Commiss ion FROM:Department of Community Development/Peter Jamar DATE:9/9/81 RE:Request for a front setback variance in the Primary/Secondary Zone District on lot 5,Block 1,.Intermountain Subdivision,2644 Larkspur Lane.Applicant:Byron Hoyle. DESCRI PTION OF VARIANC E REQUESTED The applicant requests a variance from the required 20 foot front setback in order to construct a single family dwelling on his lot,with a portion of the building being within the front setback .A corner of the building woul dencroach .approximately 7f eet into the required 20 foot setback.The corner of the proposed house wouldbe located 13 feet from the front property line. The applicant f eels that the variance is warranted for three reasons : 1.The lot is e xtreme ly steep (40 %.45%slope).The move me nt of the house forwa rd will minim ize the cuts necess ary to bui ld the structure; 2.The move ment of th e hou se forward in to the s etback will enable the driveway to be constructeda t a n8 %slope (the Town's requi r em en t)rather than at a 13%slope; 3.The movem ent of the house forward will enable the applicant to avoid cutting the largest tree on the lot--a sixty foot high pine tree with a30 inch diameter. CRIT ER IA AN DFINDINGS Upon r e view of Cr it eria an d F indin gs,Se ction 1 8.6 2.060 of t he ~runicip al Cod e, th e Depar tment of Comm uni ty Dev el opment reco~~en d s ap p rova l of th e r equested va riance based u pon the f ollowing fa ct or s: Cons ide ra t ion ofFac t ors '. The r el a tions hip of the r equ ested varianc e to other ex is tin g or potential uses and struc t ures in thev icinit y. The va r iance r eque sted pr e sents no evidencet hat it wi lI res ult in an y ne gative impacts upon th e surroundin g properties.There is cu rr ently one sin glefam il y dwelli ngon the l ott o the west of lot 5,a nd the land to t he cas t is vaca nt. The l ots i n t he vicini ty a rc a ll Primary/Sec onda ry l ot s with ma nyb e in gun der 15 ,000 s qua r e f eet as i s the a pp lican t's(9761 sq f t),These lots wou ld al l ow s in glefam i ly res iden ces .The va r iance request may ,i n fact ,have a po s it iv e effect v is uall yon the ad jacent prope rt ies b yminimizing the ne ces sa ry cut s ;Hoyl e _9/9/81 ,. in order t ob uildona lot of severe sl ope and also by enabling the applicant to save the large pine tree. Thede gree to which relief from the strict or literal int erpretation and en forc em ent of a s pe cifiedr egulation i s necessary to ach ieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment amon g sites in the vicinity or to attain th e objectives of this title without grant of sp ecial privilege . Relief from the strict interpretation of the s etback requirement of the zoning ordinance is warranted in this case due to the physical hardships which are apparent on this lot .The minimization of cuts and the ability to save the tree are consistent with the ob jectives of the zoning ordinance and the grant ing o f the variance will not c onstitute the granting ofa special privilege. The effect of the requested variance on light and air ,distribution of popu- lation ,tran sportation a nd traffic facilities,publ ic facilities and ut il ities, and publ ic ·safety. The requested variance should not have any negative impacts upon the above. Such other factors and criteria as the commiss ion deems applicable to t he proposed variance. FINDINGS:. The Planning and Env iron~en!~~~mmission shall make the following f indin ~s b efore g rantinga variance: That the gra nti ngof the variance will not constitute a grant of special privil ege inconsist ent with the limi ta tions on other properties classifi ed in the same district. That th e granting of the variance will not be detrimental t o th e pub lic health,safety,or welfare,or materially injurious to properties or imp rov e- ments in the vicinity : That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons : The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified r egUl ation wouldr esult in practical difficulty or unneces s ary ph ysical hardship inc on- sistent wi th the obj ectives of this title . There a re exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicab le to the sit e of the varianc e that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone.· STAFF REC m!:'IENDATIONS TheDepa rtmento fConu nunit y Deve lopment reco mmendsa pproval of the var ianc e. The benefits of mo vin g th e hous e for ward 7f c et into t he s et back ;t he min imiz ation of cuts a nd saving the 60 f oot pin e tree outwc igll any impact t hata 1 3 foot setback rather tllHll a 20fo ot setb:lck mi ght h ave. PUBLIC NOTICE •L 2• 3. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the ZoningCode of the Town of Vail on September 14,1981 at 3:00 p.m.in the Town Council Chambers in the Vail Municipal Building. Public hearing and consideration of: 1.Request for a conditional use permit to allow office space on the third floor in Study Area #5,in new commercial and office space located south of Vantage Point,north of Lift HouseLodgeand Lion's Pride Building and Northeast of Vail 21 Building.The request is in accordance with Section 18.60.020 through 18.60.060 and Section 18.26.030.Applicant:Robert T.Lazier. Request for a front setback variance in the Primary/Secondary Zone District .(Section 18.13.060)on lot s~Block l~Intermountain Subdivision,2644 Larkspur Lane.Applicant~Byron Hoyle. Request for a rear setback variance in the Primary/Secondary Zone District (Section 18.13.060)anda variance to Section 18 .58.300 Setback from Watercourse for Lot I,Rcsubdivision of Lot l4~Block 4,Bi ghorn Subdivision,3rd Addition. Applicant :Heritage Company,Dan Gagliardo , 6. Reqt·",st .+':'"!'a f""Tlt <lry-1 ~id,:,setback variance in the Primary/Secondary 7np e District (Section 18.13.060)for lot 3,Resubdivision of Lot 14,Block 4, Bi ghorn Subdivision.Applicant:Heritage Comp any. Request for a front setback variance (Section 18.13.060 in Prim ary/Secondary Zone District for lot 4,Resubdivision of lot 14,Block 4,Bighorn Subdivi sion. Applicant:Herita ge Company Requ est for aFront;setback variance in Primary/Secon da ry Zone District for Lot 5,Rcsubd i.v i s i.on of Lot14,Block 4 ,Bigho rn Subdi.vi s i.on ,Applicant: Heritagc Company. The application s and information r el atin g tothe propos ed chan ges a re a vaila ble in the Zonin g:Admini strator I s off icedu ring r cgul ar bu siness hour sf or r ev i.cw or in specti on by th e public. TO WN OF VAIL DEPARTI!ENT OF Cmr-:UNlTY D E VE LOP ~I L:N T "A,PE TER PAT TEN ,Jl ~Zoning Ad mi ni.s t ru t or PubII s hedi n the Vail Tr ail All gl1 ~;t 28,l ~)gl . /Jv.-.~~i2 '-J J'/~/ Transamenoa _ Title Insurance Services Transamerlca TitleInsurance Company ,.r r -, Byron Hoyle 5 125 Kelgar Lane Va il CO 816 57 L .J Augu st1 8,1 981 We are p leased to have the opportunity to be of service. Enclosedis Comrni tmen t No.4 1052 19 \.m No.721 )-----_._----- (~ SUBDIV IS ION t rru .rrv I.OeAT I O '~\T I ~I I'i r:i\T ION r AjT E.E--.ffiili.Lt I TA T N-_ _--"-~Qy.A 0 N---l....:....f ~Q~'L..}./{.......J.=E~-_ LOT ~......~__I.ILOCK I F ILING r tVi T k n In C'1\I i r\.]"\ L l llr'j(SE(}/~ The 'lo c ationof uti li t ies ,whct.hc rt heybe ma .in trunk l ine s o rp ropo sed l ine s,mustb e a pprove d and verif ied by th e following uti li ties for t he ac compan yin g sit e pl a n. Mountain Bell We stern Slope Ga s Public Service Company HolyCro ss Electric Ass oc . Vail Cable T.V. Upp er Eag le Val ley Water andSan itation Distric~ Au thorized ~nature/1J~Le~A Date NO TE:These verifi cations dono tr el ieve th e co ntrac to r o f his responsib ility to obtain a stree t cu tp ermit fr om the Town of Vai l,Departmento f Pub li c Works a nd to obta in utility locati ons befored ig g in g in an y pub lic r ight - "L •••~"".,.('PS C)Tl (mt-i n t he TmvTI of Vai 1 .Abu i l ding p ermit is not a s tre et c utp ermit.As t re et c ut permit mu st be obtain ed separate ly. '~ This torm is to v e rify service availablity and location. Thi s should beu sed in conj unction "lith p repa ring your utility pl ana nd sch edulin g install ation s. .~.",....-. • UT 1I.l 'IY 1.0CATI ON VEIU F IC!\T JON SUB DIVISION I!\/U-=-f(MouTA r~_ JOB W\l>1E 13 Y/<C)"'I l-l 0 YLE LOT S AD DRESS BLOCK---1-FILING I tJT E ~!''''1 0u ~I T ;'1'1\1 ) :J c:;4 L(LA Q I(5"Pt )(?LA f\I Is.. The location of utilit i es,wh ether they be main trunk lines or proposed lin es,mustbe approved andv erified by the followin g utilit ies for the acco mp an y ing s ite pl an. Mountain Bell Western Slope Gas Public Service Company HolyCro ss El ectric Assoc. Vail Cabl e T.V. Upp er Eag leVall ey Wat er andSa nit atio n Di strict Authoriz ed Signature Date NOTE:These verific ations GO not r eli eve the contractor of his responsibil i ty to obtain a stre et cut permit f r om the Town of Vail,Dep artment of Pub lic Work s and to obtain utility locations be fore diggin g in an y publ ic r i ght- of-l""Y .....,.ea se me nt in the TO\m of Va il.A bui lding permit is not a street cut p erm it.A street cut permit mustbe obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. l~is should be used in conjunction with preparing your ! - I)al ,-~(17 /8 ~.. Certificateo fT axes Due and U nredeemed Tax Sales S TATEOFCO LORADO,)rS •C ounty o f Eagle I,the under_signed,do hereby certify that the entire amount ofta xes and asses sm ent s due upon the parcels of r eale state descr ibed be low ,and all sales of the s amefor u npaid taxes or asses sm ent ss hown by t he books in my of fice,f rom w h ich the same may s tillbe redeemed,with the amount required for redempt i on,are as noted herein: I I Am oun t 0 1 T a'l;I t\.'H~US r TO a nd In tc ft'\l Due'R lD !::EM Y CH fu r ....11IC'h "I.lln arC'JI"I C' TOIJ.'N U K L1TYrwpRlnac: Sec .cr HI...m::'SCRH'T1 0N OF TRACT O R L01- ~t 5 ,Blk 1 ,Vail Internountam Developrrent Sub F===========F==r==r===F======='-=j-':::=-=-C"==f====== Bk 278 Pg 692 9 .762 so .f t. I I I -r Wtt ITE -C USTOMER 'S COPIES ,CA NAR Y-TREA 5URER 'S COPY GOLDEN ROo-CUSTOMER 'S COPY ;i I D ated Augus t Please include per~~~al property taxes ==------+---1--+---+------------+-----+--- I---------------+---+--+-t---------------.- 1 979 TaxesPa id -------I -+--j------t - 1 980 Taxes Paid $289 .03 -------,-----\~E[- -,I----------------I----\------------t !_I j _ -------I -t-·--.--1--1--oj: ~MlryZlJ~::;;;~ILj - -Trea s urer of !f~(,"';;""I"a c/v /)--...1:-\.~'\,, .I'>pplica tion __/1 (/,-,&,",----,-1 J-'7-iI.fl /9'8 L 1I.PPLICATION FOR.:·1 FO n.A VARIANCE I.This procedure is required for any project requesting a Vuriance. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitt e ' HaYL F V A]!COl-0 ~r GE;r! B.NM1E OF APPLICAN'f I S REPRESEN~l\.TIVE /'1 R e Y/(aA;Ho WE ADDRESS------ D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ...-4 Lf I D S Filing :rNT£RMn C)".ITA]"~I property adjacent to the 13¢for each pz'opezt.y owne r vco be notified. '-:.-;..-..-..,.(~- •,.'-..J ."\.:> .L'I \~II.~r (1 £L.~A-,-,",,",I[,-._ lot 5:block_,--_ $100.00 plus ,~r-"I ....."!l t ~l \''-........\'~'.,';I ,C /:;:'.Y..I ~/:-'''i FEE. A li.zt of the names of owners of all subject property and their a dd resses.".MtJ..-t,,,) ADDRESS d.(;L{l.! LEGAL DESCRIPTION R0 ~c.V i:t:.:C.I ~1.I . 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'." :-:"'{).'•{-).,~t t-o " ,.-.,~.~ ..;;r ----. ./_.;'-.', ... TOTALS AMOUNTr L Byron Ho yle 5125 Ke1 ga r Lane Vail CO 81657 ...J PREMIUM OWNER S'$_ MORTGAGE $-5.5-•.000 00 $2 29.00 ADDITIOX ALCHARGES $_ COSTOFT AXCERTIFICATE s 5 .00 SURVEY COSTS $_ $----- Your Reference _CC's To : No .4105219 C Sheet 1of _4_ COMMITMENTTOINS URE TransamericaTi tleIn su rance Company,aCalifornia corpo ration,herein calledt he Company ,fo r a va luable consideration,hereby comm its toiss ue its policy orpoliciesof t itle insurance,asidentified i n S cheduleA,in favor of the propos ed insured n amedin Schedule A,as owner or mortgagee of the estate or in terestcoveredhe reby inth e land described orr eferred toinSchedule A,upon payment of the premiums an d ch arges therefor;all subject to the prov isions of SchedulesA and B a nd to the conditions and stipula- t ions s hownon t heinside of the cover. Jill Childress AUTHOR IZED SIGNATU RE To niMeek s/b 1h 476 -5 922 Cu stomerContact :_-=-=:.=..:=-=,:..=..::::~=-=?c.==,--__ Phone:__-=-.:....::.--=-=-==-=-_ August 13 BYRON F .HOYLE and ANNE .HOYLE,in joint tenancy SCHEDULEA 1.P oliciesto be issued : (A )Owners': (B)Mortgagee's: EVANSCORPO RATIO N .,........N.,r..142 .t Rf"v.1 -1 _16 4105219 Sheet 2 of 4 ... SCHEDULE A-Continued .. 2.CoveringtheLandin the State ofColorado,County of Described as: Eagle Lot 5, Block 1, VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, according to the recorded plat thereof. P'urm No .C-U2.2 ., 4105219 Sheet 3 of 4 SCHEDULE A-Continued REQUIREMENTS 3.The following are the requirements tobecomplied with prior to the issuance of said policyorpolicies . Any other instrument recorded subsequent to the date hereof may appear asan exception under S chedule Bof the policyto be issued.Unless otherwise noted,all documents must be recorded in the office of clerk and recorder of the county inwhich said property is located. A.Deed of Trust from to the Public Trustee for the use of to secure BYRON F.HOYLE and ANN of the County of Eagle EVANS CORPORATION $55,000.00 , E.HOYLE Form N o.e-142.3 4105219 Sheet 4 of 4 ., SCHEDULE B ..".°0 THE POLICYOR POLICIES TOBE ISSUED HEREUNDER WILL NOT INSURE AGAINST: 1.Rights orclaimsof parties in possession notshownby the public records. 2.Easements,orclaimsof easements,notshownby the public records. 3.Discrepancies,conflictsin boundary lines,shortage in area,encroachments,and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises woulddisclose andwhich are not shown by the public records . 4.Any lien,or right toalien ,for services,labor,or material heretofore or hereafter furn ished,im- posedbylawandnotshownby the public records. 5.Taxes dueand payable;and any t ax,special assessments,charge orlienimposed for water or sewer service,or for any other special taxing district. 6.Right of the Proprietor of a Vein or Lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises hereby granted,and Right of Way for Ditches and Canals constructed by the authority of the United States,as reserved in United States Patents of record. 7.Restrictions,which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omitting restrictions,if any,based on race,color,religion or national origin,as contained in instrument recorded November 17, 1970 in Book 219 at Page 120,amended by instruments recorded April 28,1971 in Book 220 at Page 379 and in Book 220 at Page 380. 8.Easements as shown on the recorded Plat of Vail Intermountain Develop- ment Intermountain Block 1. Form No .Cal ·n..Rev .4·18..75