HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 1 LOT 3 LEGALTown of Vail Department of Community Development 75S.Frontage Road Vail,CO81657 Name :&.-bl BrNf-../or...ReceiptNo .t,ff'i9 Address :V,7J(WkSf.¥~ Project:pRro7-O/pll(Date 17:/"W /OZ Pleasemakecheckspayabletothe TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 00100003141110 Address Maps ZA $5.00* 00100003141110 ZoningMaps ZA $20.00 * 001 00003194400 Custom Maps * 00100003141112 Other CodeBooks CB . 0010000 3141211 Blue Prints/Mylar CopyFees BF $7.00• 00100003141111 XeroxCopies XC $0.25 • 00100003141111 Master Plan MS * 00100003141111 Studies,MasterPlans,etc.MS . 001 00003123000 Contractors LicenseFees CL 00100003123000 Contractors LicenseFees-RENEWAL CL 00100002403300 Developer Imp rovement Agre ement Deposit D2·DEP10 AD ')J;"oo .ill 00100003121000 Restaurant Licensefee(TOV)RL 00100002302000 Spec.Assess.-Restaurant Feeto CoDept.Rev.SA 11000003141115Resale Commission MS Other -MS Other -MS Other -MS Other-MS Other -MS 00100002011000 Taxable @ 4.4%(State)-Tax payable TP 001 00003101200 Taxable @ 4%(Town)-Retail Sales Tax T7 TOTAL:b 4'OD.CD *allitems charged tax No speed code for 001-0000-319-44-00 Comments: Cash Money Order #Check #5t.r7'f Received by:11& /~«()~9 -; / r/cdevtrorm sladm inlsales_action_fonn_200 7 1/5106 ....., Department ofCommunity Developm ent 75SouthFrontage Road Vail.Colorado 81657 9 70-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com September 27,2006 CarolBraxton 826MaxwellAvenue Boulder ,CO80304 RE :2674LarkspurLane/Lot3,Block1,Va il Intermountain DearCarol , Ithascometoourattentionthatyour property locatedas2674 Larkspur Lanehasbeenlisted forsale .Iwantedtoremindyouofour previous discussions thatthis property iszonedTwo - Family Primary/Secondary ResidentialDistrict ,andsincethis property hasalotsizeoflessthan 14 ,000 sq .ft .onlyonedwellingunitis permitted bytheTownofVail 's zoningregulations(refer toSection 12-60-8,VailTownCode).Anexceptiontothisregulationcouldallowa secondary unitonthisprop erty,butonlyifthat secondary unitis permanently deedrestr icted asaTypeI EmployeeHousingUnit (referto Chapter 12-13 ,Va il TownCode).Pleasebeawarethatthere arenoexceptionstothezoning regulations thatwouldpermitthreeunitstobelocatedonth is property. If youhaveanyquest ions or comments ,pleasefeelfreetocontactmeat(970)479-2173. Sincerely, BillGibson,AICP TownPlanner TownofVail CC :JoEllenNash &Company StacyKlein ,LLC TownofVailFile o lRECYCLED PAPER Sep260601 :36p • Stacey A.Klein (970)476-8788 p.1 953S.Frontage Rd.W.,Suite200 , Vail ,CO 81657 Phone:(970)476-3363 Fax:(970)476-8788 Fax Stacey A.Klein,LLC To:BillGIbson From:StaceyKlein Fax:479-2452 Phone: Pages:3includingcover Date:September 26 ,2006 Re:2674 Larkspur CC: •Comments: Bill, Thank you for your assistance with this matter. stacey CONFIDENllALITY NonCE The informa tioncontained in this facsim ile message is a torney privile-~ed andconfldentla llnformalion.Itis intended for theuse of the individual or entity named above .If youarenotthe intended recif:ienl,orthe person responsible for delivering ilto Il1e intended recipient,you are notified thaiany disclosure ,copying ,dislrib ution oruse ofthis correspondence is striclly prohibited .~you have received this COITIllUnication in error,pleasenotifyus immecfalely by telep hone and relJJm theoriginal message to us at theabove address viatheUnited statesPosta l Service. Sep260601 :36p Stacey A.Kle in (970)476-8788 p .2 Vail Colorado Real Estate Offered bvJo Ellen Nash &Company...Page 1 0[2 •"i:{.",:'"'- -,:. -::. .:::;: !.-:".. $1,250 ,000 ::. 2674 Larkspur Lane Single Family -""'.". i__.~::~:· ;~:~~'~':j;~~~~~~;~j~'~..i ;:~~:-~~~~:.:~~::~'~..: ,'. .,~.I . ~.~..-: -...., C lic~a)hUmbn~i!bel01V for·!!.!.~rg!:4!!Ja.~~_~~.::,:7 ~~:-:T ' j ._~i.,'_~;""'~.f:1 J.:::~·:~~:>:.:.:·;fT ;'~;'~;~·~ 1t'.n o . PreferredProperties Luxurv Estate P ropert ies Ho t New Properties S ki Propertie s G olf Propert ies Op en H ouse s T ips o n Buy ing 1031 Exc :1ange Adv antage Home This isan adorable duplex with manyoptions!Currently 3 separate units ,thisisagreat property for t h Sep2606 01 :37p StaceyA.Klein Vail ColoradoReal EstateOffered by JoEllenNash &Company • (970)476-8788 p.3 Page 20f2 who wants tooccupyandhaverentalincome.Recently updated,with a wonderfully privatehil ls ide Ioca lovethe many outdoor areas ,withspaciousdecks,sheltered by mature trees.Heated driveway and aVE car garage.Couldbeso ld as tvlO separate units(studio andEast upper as1-West upper as another). detailsoneachbelow! •L owerLevelStudio(can connect toEastside topunit) •Large living roomwith floor-ta-ceiling rock fireplace •Fullbath with amp le storage •Eat-inkitchen-fullsizerange &refr igerator •EastSideTopUnit (canconnecttoLowerLevelStudio) •2Bd/13/4Ba +Bonus Room •Largeliving room/dining room,with hardwood floors &floor-toceilingrock fireplace •Oversized,full kitchen •Two -story floorplan •Masterupstairs with peakedceilings -bonusroom connects tofullbath •Largedeck,p rivate ly sheltere d by maturetrees •WestSideTopUnit(couldbepurchased separately for $529 ,000) •2Bd/28a +SittingRoom •Large living room/d ining room .with hardwood floors &fleer-toceil ing rock fireplace •Oversized ,fullkitchen •Two -story floorplan •Mas ter upstairs withpeakedceilings withextrasiltingroom •Sunny exposure,withdeckarea 97 t..lain Stree tWl06 /Edwa rds .CO 81632 TBOO·SEL-VAIL :P 910-926-S0LO I F 970oS26-7655I E !ll!l!di'.J.i@i.I!l!!Rl!l!lllih I'.QlD --_.-_.------_._------~- T .1 _"A pA 1 11 Yea;B1Il1t :1915 Total Bldg Levels: SUIljtD Rent Contr:N Size: .':' Sub-Type:Single Family Sold Dil1lo ' (970)476-8788 11 ,09:50 a .rn ,09 -26·2006 tr?h~s rssKEUERWILLWJS ,,;::",.riiijpj'iij ta _ V309111 Status:ActiveMLS#: Ust Prlco:$l,lSll,OOO Low Price: Sold Prlce:SCM Pri.,.(Sqft: Address,2674 LARKSPUR LANE VAIL,CO81657 Stacey A.Klein Will Consldor Trade:N:l S_IIIt.For 5:1 ...: #LeY2b:J Unit Enlry Level:County:£oll:e BedrDams:5 Full ~s:4 3(4 Bath..1 1/2 Bath.,D Laft Inc!Bdrm Count:No loft:fb Furnish"":UnfumiShed Lac:kofl:Yes Add'i Rooms:See RerTlllris MH Manubetu,er:Width: Ownership Typo:Week:~Remark!: RaJnort<s:"TWs Iclorable West Va l c!I.pIe><IS lCluallf 3 $tpUilIe ""Its -two ....2 Bel unitslAd a lI1~d 1$a small stlldl~.AnIdR I choicefar someOne 1a~1:I11!l for rental r.""nue.Ample partdng.Z-ar glraQl!;wi sunnv h1ll9de Jocatllln iIrll ~I glNt Iea1lJres. 910H6010;;KELLER WILLIAMS MTN:-ro 'Y~r,Lp...,..(.-J,I( L...... Sep260601 :38p ~...,.,.."~~:."""~~~".~..~:f.~··;M ~,,~"~"'~:~~'~~_ S"b<lfComple.Name:VAIlINlERI1Ol.1NTI\!H SUB Righ!~I .....""1:""Jligltt of ReI'''D~:0 A$Sl)cFee Ind...deJ; 10C0lliDn: CDmman fodlllles: Commlll1.Ame.llles:See Reraorl<s "ofUlUb: I lCitchen Siz.: 2nd Bednn 5Ira: FlIm1Jy Rm Sb:e: ""lI EIe.<:MonthlV :$0 Sq.Ft.sa",ce:Col.illty/GC>I'l:1M"i RIll SIze: Greet Rm Size:Maoter Bedrm SIle:' 4th _rm Size:.Drn Sill", WaterH.......GiIIL:.o.""G__Iv:$D WatI!rMDJ1INy:$D S.wer Melnlllly:$0 Total A...,.Mo.Utll.:~ Applllloca:Dishwasller.Dispoool,~!/I,Rdrfgcnlor Ao~r CC"";.gs:Wali/Wa ll Qlrpet,WOOCI,llfe ~Undry:See Remar1<s Inte.lor Featur...'Cilble llwiloblc,Dod<,A"",...,.-Wcod,J_BalIll1lb.i"'.ul!-lo¥Il,Vau!ll:d CoUhgs Heatin~IllIseb..nl,Nalllrill Gas waer He~llIlI:GiIS t ~;-:.:~···:~\;r ~··:;1!:~1~·~~·(~·~·.·.;·:··~'.:~?}~~:~~·~~2~&~~.·.~.~-,J.;:~<::r~·~~:::\.::4 i~~: Schedllle#:RlXJ45104 ZD~i.g:Du,le><ArN :WestVailSouIh Parcel#:="---J Lat.:3 IIlack",I FDinll ft:nil Apx LotSq R:9,sB3 ApIll.otAaeage:O.U Pinned: Lot Sq Ft Sou,ee:CcunlyfGovt Ground Lease:Do NatK ACl:ll5S.w of Month"WaterSrc:Mun~[I Public Staked: Legll Parcel:D~Not KIlO La!OWnerslllp:View: GSA:Unlt'>oWl1 ACCAlSSibillty: Ayallable Utllillo.,Qlble TV,aly sewer,CIty VI"tw,E1e<:trldIy,Gis,"""".,Snow RemCMl~Trash ~ Documents ....fi le:None 5e'Mr/5e ic::Coone<%!d til Sewe;:;:"r=_~""",=""",""""--===:-==""",,.,-....,..,,-.,,,== cel/hller: TOllfl::1:Z.311 VA/FHA: Termsl ~"'~S~'~~'iEIi;'tillii:1~1...,;e~Kr1mOlllniiii'iiiiiilil~iiiiiiif1:§:w<""Jj.ifj~g;~~:'ljiI-:·:·,:,·;':::;'-·::{jll.lir~'ifu·<111lIg!@!!tii~'.i:r -'[!;~~,JIIi\w~;:~r ~f.l~ Owner No"",:Phon.: Ustlng otftCo:JO EL1EN NASIi l COMPANY CO-Uotl"ll O/ll",,: Ulltlng Agent:JO t\.LE)/NASH CO-Llotlll9 Agent : OffICI!Phone:910-926-7653 CeU/Pagor:Office I'IIone: Off"ICe .ai<:910-926-7655 Ol'Ilce Fu: Email:jna"'llljClOllennl~,CIlm Emlil: .....:~:l ;.::,' Listlog Da :DO"':9Ii Previous StatIIs: 5eIHol Agent:ceq/Pager:5elIblg AIIent Emaa: ~~~..},...,..;~\._'J,~~.~-,.,:_OtficaFax:"'<i1.~~t:~.-::;.:~r-:.·.t.J:i?'-'!:.~:~'\~!:f~i ......",..=;",.;",;:,...;.-.".~::::}".':•.".•:.:.~ Listing:B~r Exd:NOVariable Comm Rote:l'I~OtheT Com..Rate:No Tr1Inl Broiler Fee:3.00% Buyer Broker fee:3.00%Sub-Ilmker Fee:PI10lDInstnlCl:lans:RealtorPrcvIded S1>owlng Irutructions:Clll Brolcer -l.cabcx D,lving DiTeetions:x IU!Al.TORRemar1<s, Infe.r1YJ tWrrTt:LU1 I,./"3,blle-I Project Name:BRAXTON RESIDENCE Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of CommunityDevelopment 75 Sou thFr ontage Road,Vail,Col orado81657 te l:9 70.479 .2 139f ax :9 70.479 .2452 we b :www.va ilgov.co m DRB Number:DRB050584 MINORALTERATION (GARAGE DOORS,WINDOWSAND SCREENS,FASCIA) Participants: OWNER BRAXTON,CAROL -MARCUS,WILlO/26/2005 826 MAXWELL AVE BOULDER CO80304 APPLICANT BRAXTON,CAROL -MARCUS,WILlO/26/2005 826 MAXWELL AVE BOULDER CO80304 Project Address:2674 LARKSPUR LNVAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:3 Block:1 Subdivision:VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVS Parcel Number:2 103-143-0101-9 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:11/03/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochanges totheseplansmaybemade without thewr itten consent ofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approvaldoe s not constitute apermitforbuild ing.Please consultw ith TownofVailBuildingpersonnel prior toconstructionactiv ities. Cond:201 ORB approvalshallnotbecomevalidfo r20daysfollowinqthedateofappro val. Cond:202 Approvalofth is project shalllapseandbecome voidone(1)year followin g thedate of finalapproval,unless abuilding permit is issuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued towardcompletion. Cond:CON0007700 Allnewbuildi ng materials andcolors shallmatchexisting condition s. Planner:BillGibson DRBFee Paid:$20.00 Jlt7IIU.vUt......- pf.eMe U!JC-+ks ~VWL ~ ;1dJb«-~5";;;J()(j~ Minor &teriDr Alterations Application for Design Review Oe!lBItrMnt d c:emmunit1 OcvcJoprncnt 15 SDultl /'f1:lntiIge RPad.vell.0lIctad0 81657 tel:970 .479.2128 fax:910.479.2452 web:www.vallgov.mcn D££2-82£-OLS JOINT PRDP£R1Y OWNal WRXi lEN APPROVALl.£TTER --------------_.•..-...,.._.'._."... provide this letter as wrl\teII approval of the plans dated 1,(print name)..P'/U!flM /J1fH2:C-P .~joint owner of property locBtBl at (address/legal U 7:1 Llf-eKS .pVLL , q 7d-fo los whldJ haver'-_..--- been submitted to the Town d VaU CDmmunlty Development Depilrtrnent for the proposed improvemc:llts :(;su;;~/4 ~.- -7:=.L--~t.I~~~-~-6-f1-~-~e c:l60 rS fdijt'Jol2_~/iv) ----:'-=J!V"-----.::£'',-.,..-li¥---_~•.&AJ WI ild tfU}5'_ ~v~a/J-'HpS(a-on elfin.,/l~ -.J-r-eh I 1'7 I It.9 uJ/-hL- I further unC2er"stand tI\&t minor modifications may be made to the ~()I,W the cnurse of the review process to ensure comphan~with the Town's applicable axles and regulations. , \\ Page 2 rA 13/06106/05 2'd O££2-82£-OLG *********************************************.********************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: BRAXTON R050001817 Amount:$20.00 Check 10/26/200503:01 PM Init:JS Notation:1086/CAROL Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB050584 Type:DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP 2103 -143-0101-9 2674 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2674 LARKSPUR LANE Total Fees:$20.00 This Payment:$20.00 Total ALL Pmts:$20.00 Balance:$0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20.00 J' OO"''''JI<l T'l C€\lEUJI'MENT ProjectName:~(t::ux ~ Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depa rtme nt of Commu n ity Deve lo pment 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Col orado8 1657 te l:970.479 .2139 f ax:970 .479.2452 we b:www.vailg ov.com ORBNumber:DRBOS0440 FINAL APPROVAL FORADECK EXTENS ION Participants: OWNER BRAXTON,CAROL -MARCUS,WI L08/22/2005 826MAXWELL AVE BOULDER CO 80304 APPUCANT BRAXTON,CAROL -MARCUS,WIL08/22/2005 826 MAXWELL AVE BOULDER CO 80304 ProjectAddress:2674 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2674 LARKSPUR LANE Location: LegalDescription:Lot:3Block:1Subdivision:VAILINTERMOUNTAINDEVS ParcelNumber:2103-143 -0101-9 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By: second By: Vote : Conditions: Action:EXPIRED Date ofApproval: Cond :8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without thewr itten consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute a permit forbuild ing.Pleaseconsul tw ith Town of VailBuild ing personnelprio r toconst ruction activities. Cond:201 ORB approval sha llnotbecomevalidfor20days following the date of approval. Cond :202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)yea r following thedate of final approva l,unlessabu ilding permit isissuedandconst ruction iscommenced andisdi ligently pu rsued toward comp letion. Planner :Bill Gibson ORBFeePaid:$20.00 "AP ~.15.2005 1:32PM NO.78 2 P .V10 .,. Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Deve lopment 7S South Frontage Rood,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .~139 fax:970.479.2452. .web:www.vallgov.com '. General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approva l prior to submitting a build ing permit application.Pleas e refer to the submittal requirements forthe particular approval that is requested .An application for Design Rev iew cannot be accepted untila/l required information is received by the Community Development Department.The projectmay also need to be reviewed by the Town COuncil and/orthe Pla nning and Environmenta l Commissio n. Design relriew approval lapses unless a building permit isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval. _I C ,fL...,~-c s,«.'\__.r o..I '..-A .......>....."... ,L o,c-~,i::''i " \ (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcelno.) Block:,_--,-_Subdivisjon:_"-,,-,:.!-l--"=";';';;;~"""'''''''''''',,,",,-,__ Description ofthe Request:_-'::::....:===-_-=~'---=::.....::..::::..:....:::..:-...:'--_ Location of the Proposal:Lot:~3 Physical Address;2..L-'74 tS---==--..:.......;'--_...:....==--"""'~=-'------->,---------parceINo.:~I ()~IY'30 IGI' .,'Zoning:~~_ Name(s)of Owner(5)~(~(t.yti /t=s 'rV-}t·l-c~n Mailing Address:.j .~l.~m If-Y k U e-!...L ,At/-...?___ D (U1..1 a:C .-[i ,EGo /5C x:Phone:<3C~;j _5 /?/":J S ~( Owner(s)Signawre(s):{7ctdLr::::{{f "-.---}363·4'10·eq()~~...." Name of Applicant:C..-lI-K ()L-16 !C ITY->-CJ ;V Mailing Address:~<?;?\,)./.' For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. Foran addition where square footage Is added to any residential or commercial bU ilding (includes 250 additions &Interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings andsite improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,'landscaping,fences and reta ining walls,etc. Forminor cha r-ges to buildings andsite improvements,such as, reroofing,pBirlting ,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. For revis ionsto plans already approved by Plann ing Staffor the Design Rev iew Board.L/$20 $~SO $20 NoFee E-mail Address;(/<1I201.-.fS R./!1t7tJ tJ (!)C'-e -nc-esr .lv 'f r Type of Review and Fee: o Signs $50 Plus $1.00 per square footof total sign area. o Conceptual Review No Fee o New COnstruction $650 o Addition $300 o Minor Alterationl'(multi-family/commercial) ~Minor Alteration ,(single-family/duplex) o Changes to Approved Plans o Separation Request " ! RPR.!S.200S 1:32PM .,. MINOR EXT'ERIOR ALTERAnONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS NO.782 P.2/10 .,. .,. General Infonnation: This application Is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site Improvements.PropOsals to add landscaping donot require ORB approval ~they involve the addition of patios,water features,grading,or the addition of retaining walls. r.SUBMmAL REQUIREMENIS** o All pages of Application are complete ~eckllst Is completed and signed Stamped Topographic Survey"',If appliC2ble .-....=.-SIte and Grading Plan"',If applicable . .Landscape Plan"',if appllC2ble '..;kd-\-cl).'I Arc.."tectural Elevations*,if applicable -,.~-\d ~ Exterior color and material samples and specifications ....- Architeetllral Floor Plans"',if applicable Ji!f Ughtlng Plan'"and Cut-sheet(s)for proposed fixtures,if apPlicable ./@ Title report,indudfng SChedules A &B to verify ownership and easements'" ~PI1000s ofthe exIstlng site and adjacent structures,where applicable.1iJ'"Wrltmn approval from a condominium assodatton,landlord,and joint owner,if applicable Jif SitErspecific Geological Hazard Report,if applicable'" •The Administrator and/or ORB may require the subrnlsslon of additional plans, drawings,specifications,samples and other matertals (indudlng a model)if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design GuIdelines orif the Intent ofthe proposal Isnot clearly indicated. Please submit three (3)copies o/the materials noted with an asterisk (*). *"'For interior conversions with no exterIor changes,the submittal requirements includea complete set of existing and proposed floor plans,a t1tle report,and written approval from a condominium assodation,landlord,and jOint owner ,if applicable. I have read and understand the above listedsubmittal requirements: .,'Project Name:;;)h 74 L fMl-,cS P LC.../'C.!L/f-I'J e- Contractor SIgnature Z4~II5fC-;;; Date Signed o/J V;I ()S-.- .,. APR,lS .200S 1:32PM f .'. Building Mater:!als PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material NO.782 P.3/10 Please specify the manufacturer's name,the color name and number and attach a color chip. .,' Ie)"co~rcial Lot"shall moan a lot which can be used for a motel,lodgo,notel.conoomlnlum or ayertment (which may include =ore than one building),plus incidental busine••• such as a reateurant or Dar •.provided such inciaental bualn••• i~~ULordinate to tne ~in u.e for .uch lot and is located entir"ly ...i t.lln tile prihcipal building on eacn such lot.140t- wicostanding anything to the contrary herein.a co=aercial lot may al.o be u.ed for re.idential purpo.e ••if written permi ••ion to do 80 A••ue~n .Mcur~from the Declarant. ~.General purpo....T~e real property deacrtbe4 in Paragraph 3 nereof i ••ubjected to the re.triction••covenants. reaervatlona,easements,11.n.and char90a hereby declared to insure tne "est use and the lllOst appropriate develo""",nt and improvement of cacn lot thereof,to protect the owner.of lota .9ai~.t suen l=proper use of surrounding lots a.will d~preciate the value of their propertYI to preaerve.io far ae practicable. the netural beauty of seid property I to guard against the erec- tion thereun of poorly desi9neu or proportioneu structure.,and .truc~urew built of improper or unau1table D&terial.,to Db~a1n 4a~nlo~.color acnemea,to pr~ven~ha~h.zard ~nd Innarmoniou8 Improvemedt of lotal:~o secure and maintain pr'oper aetllacA8 from . Mt~eRta.&nU adequate free apacvs uetwean structures;and,in lI.merai.to ..rovill..a"aqu..tel)'fur the ,'1'1"quaU ty of improve- ment in said property,anu th"reby to e nnance tne value of investment»maUu by purcna•.,r»of lots therein. 3.Property Subject to This Declarat1on.The real property (ble "SlIbdivi»ion")...hich is,..nd shall be,held and .hall ue convey6d.transferred and sold subject to the restric- tions,cov~nonta,reservation.,eaaemonta,liens and charge.with respect to the various portions tnereof set forth in the varlous parayrap!I8 41nd subpara9raph8 o!til!S Dec14ra~ion i.com:prised of dlock 1.5,and 6 ln Ute Vail Int.rmountain Duvelopment Suudivi- aion.County of ~A9le.State of Co1orauo .~Ie map of Dioek 1 ho1vin'l o....n filed on Q if •U70 in lIoc\"f..1L,PftgeTIL ilnQ t.le ""'p of Iilock 5 ilnll b haviny I.o eon filvd i,.Ilo<>k 2,8 Page 71.1-uf tile r~corJB of tlle Clerk ana Recorda. -2- \.P\'1f ,. Scale:I"=20' --- CONCRETE WALLLOT3 02/6.4c. ADDRESS:2 67 4 L ARKSP UR LANE 6 =13'/8 '26" R=75.00' !..=17 42' c,?B e=N61'37 '43"E (c.~=1 138 ' r '"~)."J<-~45'WITNESS,. ~Ccw.~ER ' L .S.26593 EL E C.PED,--(!)\! \»>:_-.1J-:'--"'1--..1.. ELEC TRANS.~O \ PHONEPED, I LOT 3;BLOCK #/ I VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION ,TOWN ·OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO \11/56'/2'29,£ -----.._-.£86.83'~./' \ A L UM.CAP ,)- "'"Lo S.5 513 3 SEWER 0 ). MANHOLE/) "4 REBAR MAR 18 1998 PRINT DATE AL UM.CAP /\L.S.7 / \1// o / /' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: 1 ll EHEIlY CERTI FY TIlAT rnrs n lrRO V E ~I E :n J.(':::.'l()!'('ElI TI i"l ::ATJ ..->ti WAS l'rmPA!LED FOil : S A GE PIERSON TllAT I T IS NOT A LA /ill SURVEY !'l.A'I o n H lP i l O'l F:~1EN T SURVEY P LA T,AND THA T IT J S NOT TI)lI E m:u lm UPON FOil THE ES TA IlLIS IlHENT Of F"l ,:r:CL,B UIJ.llP:C:,OR or un n FUT lIfffi IHPHo vEHENT L1 NES. APR:15.2005 1:32PM Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING COmmon Name NO.782 Quantity ...P.4/10 .,. .,.. PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ...---- Minimum ReqUirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees -2"Canper Coniferous Trees -6'in height Shrubs -5 Gal. !lo:e!Square Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION lYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please spedfy other landscape features (I.e.reta ining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.) .,.. APR ..15.2005 1:33PM.,... NOTES TO ALL APPUCANTS NO.782 P.6/10 Prewapplication Meeting A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail .staff Is encouraged.The purpose ofa pre--appllcatlon meeting is to identify any oftjc:al issues pertaining to the applicant's proposal and to determine the approprtate development review process for an application.In many cases,the pre--application meeting helps to expedite the development review process as entical issues are Identified and dealt With inthe preliminary stages.A pre, application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Joe Suttler at 970.479.2128 or jsuttJer@yajlgQv.com TIme R@qu1rernents The Design Review Board meets on the1st and 3rt!Wednesdays Qf each month.A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to .,..application deadlines.A schedule Qf DRB meetings and assodated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at www.vailgQv.com For a new residential development,the application deadline Is typically 3.5 weeks pnor to a DesIgn Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance With the Design Guidelines asset forth In TrUe 12,(Zoning Regulations)and 11t1e 14 (Development Standards)of the Town of Vall Munldpal Code.. Requirements for properties located inhazard areas 11'a property Is loorted Inor adjacent to a mapped hazard area (l.e,snow avalanche,rockfall,debris flow, floodplain,wetland,poor solis,etc.),the Community Devekiprnent Department may require a site-Specific geolQgical Investigation.If a s1te-spedflc geological Investigation determines that the subject property Is lccated tn a geologically sensitive area,the property owner(s)musts/gn an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance ofa building perm it.Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community DevelQpment staff prior to submitting a ORB application to determIne the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards.. Required P1an Sheet Format .,..For all surveys,site plans,landscape plans and othersite Improvement plans,all of the following must be shown.. '.1.Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36".For large projects,larger plan size may be allowed. 2.Scale.The minimum scale ts 1"=20'.All plans must be atthe same scale . 3.Graphic bar scale. 4.North arrow. 5.TItle block,project name,project address and legal descrlption. 6.Indication of plan preparer,address and phone number. 7.Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. 8.Vrdnity map or 10000000n map ata scale of 1"=1,000'or larger. 9.Sheet labels and numbers. 10.A border with a minimum left sIde margin of1.5". 11.Names ofall adjacent roadways. 12.Plan legend. APR.15.2005 1:33PM .,' NO.782 P.7/111l Design Review Board Meeting Requirements For new construction and additions,the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building comers.All trees to be removed mustbe taped,The applicant must ensure that staking done during thewinterIsnot buried by snow.All site tapings and staking must be completEd prior to the day of the ORB meeting. The applicant,Or their represenmtive shall be present atthe Design Review Board Hearing.Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on ttlelr scheduled meeting date andwho have not asked in advance that discussion ontheir Item be postponed,will have thefr Items removed from the ORB agend21 until such time as the Item has been republished . If the ORB approves the application with cond itions or modifications,all condftlons of approval must be resolved priDr to the issuance of a building permit. staff Approval The Administrator (a member ofthe planning staff)may revi~and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications,deny the application,orreferthe application to the Design Review Boai'd for a declslon.All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff dedsion Is SUbject to final approval bY the ORB.·;i ".' Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review byany local,state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200,00 .Examples of such review,may indude,but are not limIted to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits,Army COrps of Engineers 404,etx::. The applfcant shall be responsible for paying any publishing ",as in excess of 50%ofthe application fee.If,at the applicant's request,any matter [5 postponed for hearing,causing the matter to be re-published,then the entire feefor such re-publlcatlon shall be paid by the applicant Applications deemed bythe Community Development Department to have design,land use or other Issues, which may have a significant impact onthe community,may require review by external lXmsultants in addition to Town staff.Should a determination be mllde by Town staff thatan @ld:emal consultant Is needed,the Community Development Department may hirethe consultant.The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant atthe tfme offlllngan application.The applicant shall pay expenses Incurred by Itle Town In excess ofthe amount forwarded bythe applicatlon to the Town within 30 days of notificatlon by the Town.Any excess funds wlll be returned to the applicant upon review completion . ;i.,. APR:15.2005 1:33PM MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERA1l0NS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS DETAILED SUBMmAL REQUIREMENTS NO.782 P.8/10 .1- TopograplJic;:survey: •Wet st2lmp and signature of a licensed surveyor •Date of survey •North arrow and graphIc bar scale •Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20') •Legal description and physical address •Lot sIze and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche,slopes greater than 40%,and floodplain) •'Ties to existing benchmark,either USGS landmark or sewer invert This information must be clearly stated on the survey •Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01)ofa foot accuracy.Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown.Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established comer . •Show rightof way and property lines;including bearings,distances and curve ,I- information, •Indicate all easemenl:s identlfled on the subdiVision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report.Ust any easemen t restrictions, •Spot E1evMIOlls at the edge of asphalt,along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'),and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of f 'the lot.. •Topographic conditionsattwo foot contour intervals •Existing trees or groups of trees haVll1g trunks with diameters of 4"or more,as measured from a poInt one foot above grade . •Rock outc:roppings and other significant natural features (large boulders,intermittent streams,etc.), •All existing improvements (Induding foundation walls,roof overhangs,building overhangs,etc.). •Environmental Hazards (ie.rockfall,debris flow,avalanche,wetlands,floodplain,soils) ."Watercourse setbacks,If applicable (show centerilne and edge of stream or creek In addition to the reqUired stream or creak setback) "Show all utility meter locatlons,Induding any pedestals on slte orinthe right-of-way adjacent to the site.Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines .from their source to the structure.Utilities to include: cable TV Sewer Gas Telephone Water Electric "Size and type of drainage CUlverts,swales,etc.,w •Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of250'In either direction from property. f ·' f=FR .'15.2005 1:34PM NO.782 Site lind GradIng Plan: .•Scale of1"=20'or larger •Property and setback lines •Ex!Stfng and proposed easements •Existing and proposed grades •Existing and proposed layout of buildIngs and other structures indUdlng decks,patios,fences and walls.Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. •All proposed roof rIdge lines with proposed ridge elevations.Indicate existing and proposed grades Shown underneath all roof lines.This willbe used to calculate bUilding heIght. •Proposed driveways,Including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line,garage slab and as necessary along the centerline Of the driveway to aCCtJrately reflect grade. •A 4'wide unheated concrete pan atthe edge of asphalt for driveways that l!ldt the street Inan uphill direction..; .,.'•Locatlons of all utllltles Indudlng ~istl"g sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. •Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. •Location of landscaped areas. •Location of limits of disturbance fencing •Location of all required parking spaces •Snow storage areas. •Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster endosure. •Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls.A detailed cross-sect:iOI1 and elevation drawings shall be provided onthe plan or separate sheet Stamped engineering drawfngs are requIred for walls between 4'and 6'feet in helght. C Delineate areas tobe phased and appropriate timing,If applicable Landscape Plan: •scale of 1"=20'or larger •Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. •location of existing trees,4"diameter or larger.Indicate trees to remain,to be relocated (Including new location),and to be removed.Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble)If the strand is not being affected by the proposed Improvements and grading. •Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. Detailed legend,listing the type and size (caliper for dedduous trees,height for conifers,g~lon size for shrubs and helght for foundation shrubs)ofallthe existing and proposed plant material Induding ground cover. •Delineate cit/cal root zones fOr existing trees In dose proximity to site grading and constructlon. •Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. •The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems tobe employed In caring for plant material following its installation. •Existing and proposed contour lines .Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan: •Indicate type,location and number of flxttJres. •Include height above grade,lumens output,luminous area •Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. D.REPAINT pROf!OSALS Forall proposals to repaint existing buildings,.the following supplemental Information Is reqUire(!; •Color chip or color sample induding the manufacturer name and color number(s) •Architectural elevation drawings which clearly Indicate the location of proposed colors (Ie.sidIng, stucco,window trim,doors,fasda,soffils,etc.).. ..,: 22.-44-0 5;9:46 AM ;U S WES T ;97 04 6806 72 .... '#2 /2: 4 -1 S -0 5;1 0:44 AM;QWE S T E NG.S il ve rth orne C ons t;9 7 0 364 0 257 #2./2. APR.15.2Ba5 1:33PM NO.782 P .5/1l?J UTlLIlY APPROVAl a."E~XCAnON This form seNiS to verifY that the proposed Improvements wiU not Impact any existing or proposed utilItY service5t and aIsa to verlfY service awllabIlily and location for new col15ttUctjon and shOuld be used in conjUnd1on wlltl pregming your utility ~n lind 5Chedunng tnst:a!UItiDI'1:l.Asite pllln,lnducllng gIaCllng plan,floor plan,and e1e11a1fo~ shall be submitle:l1D the following IItiIItIe:s for approval and verlfteation . I AutflOrlzed Signature Cl:lmments QWfST 970.3S4.0257{falt) amtKts: Swll eJn1i_"970.468.6860:~-::rp~~GAS ~~a.==~~=1-------'~:-..:._---'-#JJIor ... 970,262.4m6 (tell .Contact;Rich Slsnercs HOLY CR.OS$EI.ECTRlC .970.949.5892 (lEI) 970.949.4SG5 (~) con~Ted HUSkV EXeS.ENER.GY, 970.2l52.4OJ1S (rax) Contacts:. KIt q"gart 970.l62A02.4 .1lmO'neal 970.262.4003 EAGLE RI'JEIt WATER 8r. SANITAno,.DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.475.4Gl9 (fCllC) c:ontact:fi1ld Haslee COfof~CABLE 97q,,~.122..rx U2 (tel) 91d:949.9138 (fax) Contactl Flgyd Salazar N9'rEs~ 1.If the utI1ItV epproval a Wrificatton form has signatures from each of the utiliLy cgmpanles,ilTId no comments are . made dltedly en the CblTl\the Town wUf presume that there are no f'l'oblems and the developm£l'\t alll prrxeed . .2:If a utlrrty company has concerns with tits proposed tmlstruetlon.the utilitY representative shall note directfy on 'the.utlUty verificfItIcn fOrm that th!re is D problem whld1 needs to be resolved.The Issue shoufd ~be cIeliJUed In an attached letts:to the Town of van.HDWE!V@J',·pIease rep in mind that It Is the respon5lll1lty of the utility CIII1'lpaoy and the opplltBtt tc resolve identllfed problems.. 3.'Thes.e vertl'ictl!iDns do not J"E!Ijsvil the mntracmr of the respmslb!lll:y to obtaln a PUblic Wey Penn/t fmm the Dep~or PubrlC W01'ks at the Town eX VaD..Ub'1ly Ioaltlons must be obtafned before diggIng in ~ny public righ/:- or-wAY or ~t wilhin the Toml of Vall.A bUjld;n51 permit ~ntlI:a PUblic W;y pqmJt 2nd mt!St Ile obtained separately• .The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to tile utlIities for re-apprnval a re-verlflcaijon if the submitted plans are altered in any way alter the authori~signature date (unless otherwise speciliaJlly noted ~tIm tt1~~t~tifOrm).~;;7L;,.;.tfll~/l',<; .•.'SILVERTHORNE HP Fax:19704681 401 .Apr22200510 :13 P.01 NO.782 p.~le U1lUTY APPIt.OVAI...YmFXCAllON '!"h15 farm sel"IIafi tD WlifY that the pr'C4l'6td Improvements will not impad:anv l!ldstIng or PftJPOfi8CIlJlirlty servic:e.s. lind aI50 lD ve1ry Sl!rVia!iMfIbtbnlly and loclItIon fer naw ~n Ind stIOl.lId be used in ~wIItl prepartng yDUr utility plan RIT1d Id1edUIing Inst8IIatlons.,...pion,Includ'ng ~Ing pbln,fIaor plan,and e1Wi1t1ons, I5haIr be sul:nftlUed to Ihe f'olIowIng uII1/t1eS fb18pproval ilnd verificatiol1.., .. APR 22 21m QWESI' 970.3&4.0Z57(f11lC) Contzl~ ScXlttam~970.468,6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238.,' FXCf.I HIGH PRES$lUU!GAS~ .970.262.4076 (tel)t1J..( Ql~RIch Sillrwos .JUN'~01(..' HOLYCII0S5~., 970.949.5892 ~) !rnI.94Q.4566 (fax) Qmtaa;Ted HU5ky I!XCS EN~. 9'70.262.1038 (nUc,) con~: KIt BcIgart 970.26VI02'4 JIm O'neal 970.262.4003 EMiU!1IlVEA.WA1'Rt • .'SAfOTAna,.DIS1IUCI' 910.476.7480 (rei) 9/U.476.4089 (tax,) ~Fred I1aslee Q)MCA5T CAlSUl 97Q.949.12.M )(112 (tel) 9'Jd949.9138 (falc) Cor1tJKi:Royd S81mr ~0'IMl 1.U \he ~appnMI\a 'feificatfon fcInn hU 6i~from each of the uUllty cenipanies,and no comments are ml¥le dired1V en the fotm.the Town will ~ttliIt th:re 8/'El no problems and the ~can ptCX2ecl. 2.I1';LJtiIiLy CUll apany has .mna!ITI5 WIth the P1'tJPCB!d mns1nld:ion,die utlllty repn!II!IltiJti shall note dired:lv on the utIutv verifutrafl farm ItIat tM1!is a prdJIem whid'l needs lQ be resolved.1be Jswe should IhBn be deQded I". an ilUached lettPr m1he TO\WI rJf van.However,Ilfwe IQeep in mind ht It Is !he respotl5ibility of It1e tiility canipililY and ttl!!i.fppldft to re;oIve Idenltied prutte/tS. 3.'l11ese VBi1f.ca&IC1fJ do I1CIt I15Je\II!tt1e mnrraaor ofIfle respanslb1lty to Qbtain a NJlic Way PermIt Itom the Department ~Public Wart5 itt theTQWJ1 ofvaO.U!fIJla''d9D5 must be obtained tlefqe dgF!g In illY pubk right- «"'WFrf or east:ment wiUlin the Tom.uf 'hi!.A buDding permit Is ngt I WIG WU wmt and must be gttaFnerl 58Q!!j1b!!y,.. pA~K,26 .20 05 ;3:46p rv\1 IHOL YCROS S ENERGY NO.87712 P.2i 'NO .7a2 P.SY1B Ul1UTY APPRCJYAl.&.VI!JUF!('.ATJON ThiS form selV~to verlfy ~the pI:DpOSed Im~ravement:s wUl not Impar:tany e:.Qsting or ~UtilItY ~i , ..and 21so tIl verfI\'$eI'Vlca avallablllty ~nd location for new ecnstnJction and 5hould be used m aJnjun~wJth preparing your uti8ty plan arK!sdu:!duJlng lnsteJll:sUura AsIte pWlt Including grad"mg plan}fleer plan,and ~ons, I5haII be subrnit:ted =the following utfIlI:ieS for appn;lV8l and verlfiC(Jtion.., AutbclUed Comment!Date §lgnalldre.,. QWEST 97C.3S4,o257(fBx) Cgn~ Swtt OIrTIngten 910,01&8.6860 Jason SharJ)970.384.0238".'EXCE!L HiGH PRESSURE GAS 970,262.4W6 (tel) Ccnt:¢RIch S!snen'ls HOLY CROSS m.etTRIC 970.949.5892'(tel)..=~~9h;;0--lf26~ ,97D.2.62.4D38 (l'aX) conta~ ,Kit ~9'lt'G2.4M.4 JIm otneaI970.262..~ I;AGL£~WATSR.a •SANITATIOJII DISTR1CT ,910.476.1480 (!:el) 9"'~umg.~(faX)" ~FrlilU l1B!lee COMCASrCABLE 970 949.1224 'x 112.(tel)e'~94g.913S (~ Contact:Floyd salmi'... NOTII! 1.I!the tml/tf approval a veritialtIcn form has !lgMbJres from eedl C)f t/"li utmly CQmpanieS,anG no tonmlencs are - nmde dlred:lV en the fgnn,tile Town Will prasun1e thatthere are no problems and tf1e development ean pror:eed. ~If a UtiT'Jty toMPany has cona:ms with th@ praposed ~the utI1rLy re~e nIl note directly on the utility veriflca&ln fOrm that IMre is it problem whith needs to be resaNed..il'lS Issue shOUld rhen be detailed In an at:tad'lad ,etw to the TcYm d van.Howaver,please k=P In m1nt:I that it is the responsiblhty of the ~Dy allTipanyand the!~1C'aJlt to resoIYe Iden11lied prWlems,. 3.TheSE!verltJaItlon!do notreIISVa the ~tI'~of file responsibility to obtain a PUblic WErt Pennlt frcm the C@artrnentor PubllcWOIis at ttreiown ofVaJl~==rSl:~~~~ght- oF-wayoreas=ment¥rfCtlln the Towrl otVaD.A i:Il(~nota Pub/if;il::m be ned ~~.. ,.,XCEL SUMMIT CTY •S:21'3E)t:ld Fax:9702624057 Apr 26 2005 9:19P.02 2v:e~$0.92 ~dt:l NO.782 fl.5/1a unuTY APPROVAL V!lUFlCAllON ThIs form serves to verify ~t ttle proposed Improvements will not Im~et any exrstlng or propOSed utfll~servicei, and also tg ~service availability IIld laaUon for new r:ons11Ud:iOn and should be used In conjundSon wlth ~ng your utility plan allCllIChedullng Instllllal.il.l'l~.A ~~plan,includrng grading plan,floor plan,i1nd B1QY3.tlOM, &hall be subrnlttiec'tEl U1e followfng utilItIeS for approval arid wrtfiQUon., Aythg~Commem.~ SfgnaWm QW2ST 970.3&4.02.51(fIlx) Con~ •~n 970.468.6S6C .Jamn Sllal'll 97Q.3Jt4.023B f ·' aceL HIGH PRJ:SSURE GAS 97tl.262.407!i (tel) CCnIIlet;Rk::h SIsnerOS MOLY CMft ELECTRIC 970 .949.5692 (tel) 970.949.45eG (faX) contact:TeCl HUSky EXCEL ENERGY · 970.262.4038 (I'u). COnfadl: ICJt 80tjart 970 .262.4024 Jim O'neal 970.262.~03 EAGLE RIVER WAftR .. SANITATION DIST'RJer .9'10.4".7480 (tel) 970.4715.4089 (fax) Contad::Fred ",.see !ECAB LE 9949,lU'J"x 112 (tel) .~.~1 3S (fmc) Contact:Floyd salazar ftOT£Sj 1.If tne umy.approval &YeI'Itl<:aUon form haS slgnBUlfes from ch af !tie utllity ccmpanies,and no c:emments are made dirdv on the farm,the Town will pt'eSume ttlat there an!no problems and the development can proc:eed. 2.If a utif"lLy QJITIClilny has conc:ems with the prcposed construe:rJon,the utility fepleiel'ltatlve shall ncl(e directly Ol\. ttle utlilly IIel'lfiatlon form ~"t ttlere Is II I'JrabJem whim needs to be resolved.The 1!lQI snoUid men be detailed In . an atrac:hed letter.to the Town of vail.HowMr,please keep in mind that it Is !tie responsibility of ttle utility aJITlPilllY and the eppbnt to IUlIve identilled prvblcms . 3.Thes8 verffic.atlons do I'lCIt I1!IIIV the contractor of the responsibility to obtain B Publrc Way Permit from trle Department d Public Wortcr it the Town of Van.UUJity laqtions must be obtained before d!sa!!!sln lOy public r1ghbo ~or euemetlt WfDlin !tie TOWfl ~\laU.A Ayj!glng germlt IS not a eubllrWilY DCflDjt flnt!must be gbtained .warate'¥. T-442 P.OOI/OO I HOI l'IU.{~r.;;JI".log From-ERWSD 1:33PM 9704764089 2.Co "':+4.J-o..'"J:~l:J~Lo:..\~ umm APPROVAL &vaD:m:A'nON ThIS Ibrm !lmveS t:g verItY tflat the pn:lpased In1p"lM!ments will not impact any existing or prnposecI Utiflly &ervi'~.~ and aJso tD verifY service avarJabDlty and Iol:atlotI fer new canstrudIon lII1d ahOuld be used In conjunctlon wlth pnilparing your tJjJlt'f pli:ln and s:hedunng [~:I.A Ste ~iln,Including wading pliO,f10Qr plan,i:lm t!levat1ons, snail be sub1TlittEd to the following utilities for Z1tJprcvaJ and \'I:rificiItfon.. I AuthorJml.CGmments CaW Signature •J ., Ap r-22-2~t5 07:56 ~.15.2BI2I5 Q91EST 91O.384.o2S7(tax) C'.DtItiJds: scatt Olmngmn 970.468.6S60 Jason Sharp 970,384.0238.: I!XCI!l.IUGH PR!SSURE GAS ·97D.262.4076 (tel).Contact Ric:h Sisnerce; HOLY CIlOSS E1ECTRIC 970.949.5892(tS) 970.949.4S66 (fax) COn!:al:tl T~liiSy EXCELINBRGY. 970.262A03B (tux) Contacts: ·KIt BcQart 9'0.262.<1024 Jim O'neal 910.262.4003 EAGLE RlWR WATER. •SAN1TAnoN DISTRICT ·97,p.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.~(falQ Qlnlzlc:t:Fred Hailes COMCASrCULE 97Q,!M9.1224 x112 (tel) 97d:~.9138 (~) Contact:Floyd SiliI28r .. ND1'EEi . t.If the ut!IltY appl'ClVlll (\verific:atfon form has signature!from ead1 of the lJ!j1lly ",mpanlElS,and no comments w made d/redfy en the furm,the TDwn will presume that there are no problems and d1e c:Ievelgpmant can proc:ccd. 2..It a utility company has concems ~the pl'i3posed amstnJdkJn,tf1e utility rep cselltatlve shau note dJr'et:ijy on the utIUty verificatlon form that.there rs a problem wtUcfI needs 10 be l'l5OJved.11'Ie icCuC :;houtd then be _ned In . an aI!Bched Jetter.to ttle Tawn of van.However,please keep in mind that It Is the respol15lblllri of the utirlly comparlY And the ~p1it'ill'lt to rescIve Identified probl ms...~ 3.TI1$e ventieatlons do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to cbtBln II PublIc Way Plermlt /Tom the ~rIment of ~WoriIs at the Tnwn of Vall.~=(~~&a~m51:In any public:r1gf'lto of-Wtr/or easement within 1:J'I8 Town IJf'IaI1.A b a PUblwmlt 8 l&'be Qbtained-retely.. ,., *****************************************************************••••*********************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ***************************************************.************.*************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: BRAXTON R050001365 Amount:$20.00 Check 08/22/200504:22 PM Init:JS Notation:1055/CAROL Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB050440 Type:DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP 2103-143-0101-9 2674 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2674 LARKSPUR LANE Total Fees:$20 .00 This Payment:$20.00 Total ALL Pmts :$20.00 Balance:$0.00 *.*.**************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20.00 -..,. Message fllt COPy PageIo f3 Bill Gibson -RE:2674 Larkspur Lane/Lot 3,Block 1,Vail Intermountain From: To: Date: Subject: "carol Braxton"<carol.braxton@comcast.net> "'BillGibson'"<BGibson@vailgov .com> 08/25/2005 3 :36 PM RE:267 4 Larkspur Lan e/Lot3,Block 1,Vail Intermountain thanks Bill,I appreciate your help!! isit snowing yet? Best regards. Carol Carol Braxton 303-440-8402 office 303-51 7-1559 mobile 413-638-5154 fax cbraxt on @m arc usfoodco.com ----Original Message----- From:BillGibson [mailto:BGibson@vailgov .com] sent:Thursday,August 25,2005 3:06 PM To:carol.braxton@comcast.net Subject:RE:2674 Larkspur Lane/Lot 3,Block1,Vail Intermountain carol, I will mail acopybacktoyou ,asafaxmy distort the scale of the drawing. Sincerely, Bill BillGibson,AICP Town Planner Town ofVail 75SouthFrontageRoad Vail,CO81657 (970)479-2173 (970)479-2452 fax »>"carol Braxton"<carol.braxton@comcast.net>08/25/2005 2:00:29 PM »> great thanks,of courseIdidn 't makeacopy ,canyoufaxormailme the doc?826MaxwellBoulder,CO80304 thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best regards. Carol f\0 I ")C ,....,(\f\;: •,l'>.. Department of Community D evelopment 75 South F rontage R oad Va il,Colorado 81657 97 0-479-2 J38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com August24,2005 CarolBraxton 826Maxwe ll Aven ue Boulder ,CO80304 RE :2674LarkspurLane/Lot3,Block1,VailIntermou ntain DearCarol, TheTow n ofVailStaff hasreviewedthe designreview applicationforadeckextens ion at 2674 Larkspur Lane .PursuanttoTitle14,Design StandardsHandbook ,anabovegradedeckshall notbeco nstructed any c loser t han 10feet f romasideproperty line.Theproposeddeckextension islocatedwithin 5feet of thepropertyline;therefore,theproposeddeckplansmustberevisedtocomplywith therequ irements of theVailTownCodeandberesubmittedtotheTo wn ofVail Community Development Departme ntfor furtherreview . Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorcomments ,pleasefeelfreetocontac t medirectlyat(970)479-2173. Sincerely, 0~~../M-. BillG ibson,AICP TownPlanner TownofVail r.~E:CI·C1J.1J PAPER... Vdill nferm6U'tf-ai-\ IDf 3 1 bJcd:-t Project Name:BRAXTON REROOF Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of CommunityDevelopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web :www.ci.va il.co.us DRB Number:DRB040477 NEW ROOF,SHAKES TO ASPHALT SHINGLES Participants: OWNER BRAXTON,CAROL -MARCUS,WIL09/10/2004 Phone: 826 MAXWELL AVE BOULDER CO 80304 License: APPUCANT BRAXTON,CAROL -MARCUS,WIL09/10/2004 Phone: 826 MAXWELL AVE BOULDER CO 80304 License: Project Address:2674 LARKSPUR LN VAIL 2674 LARKSPUR LANE Location: Legal Description:Lot:3 Block:1 Subdivision:VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S Parcel Number:210314301019 Comments:SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:09/10/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):No changes tothese plans maybe made withoutthewritten consent ofTownof Vail staff and/orthe appropriate review committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):ORB approval does not constitute apermitfor building.Please consultwith Townof Vail Building personnel priorto construction activities. Cond :201 ORB approval shall not become validfor20days following thedateof approval. Cond:202 Approval ofthisproject shall lapse and become voidone(1)year following thedate offinal approval,unless abuilding permitis issued and construction is commenced andisdiligently pursued toward completion. Planner:Joe Suther ORB FeePaid:$20.00 tliinor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review -Department ofCommunityDevelopment 75 SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 .web:www .vailgov.com RECE I VE 0" u IY\1,dA ) General Information: Allprojectsrequiringdesignreviewmustreceiveapprovalpriortosub-mitting abuilding permit application.Please refertothe submittal requirementsfortheparticularapproval that isrequested.A;'\application f orDesignReview cannotbeaccepteduntilallrequiredinformation isreceivedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTownCouncil and/orthePlanningandEnvironmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval.-Sk~L~-f~ApLtt{ -L),,)I-CU4n1 tA~ ~fJULJ)e12.J CO g020 4 Location of the Proposal:Lot:2:.Block:1 Subdivision:VA.'"/.....I tVT6f2.-.k{Du,UTJ4.-nJ Physical Address:--z...tt,7 Y-La....r (5 f 1-;V Parcel No.:;).1 ()3 /4 :;0 10 I q(ontact 2g,e Co.sessor at970·328-8640forparcelno.) Zoning::5/tJqL,e,'f?ftU (U/f---------- Name(s)of Owner(s):~L """HLJt-)l"1DrJ 8;}y;,{Afh:iccu:AV.f!.- Plus $1.00 persquarefootoftotalsignarea. o MinorAlterat ion (multi·family/commercial) ~inor Alteration (single-family/duplex) o Changes toApprovedPlans Io .Separation Request $50 NoFee $650 $300 $250 $20 NoFee /' ~~~~ ~-Forconstructionofanew bUilding or demo/rebui'L -::J I ' Foranadditionwheresquarefootageis added ny reside~1 commercialbuilding (includes 250 add itions &jnte .r.conversions) Forminorchangestobui ldings andsiteimprove ts,such~:-" reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landsc lt g,fencW"a retainingwalls,etc.W :et Forminorchangestobuildingsand siteimprovemen ~1l as, reroofing,painting ,window additions,landscaping,fe nces and a retainingwalls,etc.-- ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanning Staff 0 e DesignReviewBoard.iAlI Page 1of12/04/28 /04 ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAlL ,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: ROOFING R040006617 Amount:$20 .00 Cash 09/10/200410 :29 AM Init:JS Notation:$/ALPHA Permit No : Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB040477 Type:DRB -Minor Alt,SFR/DUP 210314301019 2674 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2674 LARKSPUR LANE This Payment:$20.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance : $20.00 $20.00 $0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Accoun t Cod e DR 001 0000 311 2200 Descr ipti on DE SIGN REVIEW FEES Curr en t Pmt s 20.00 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS :1 General Information:" Th is applicationisrequired forproposalsinvolVingminorexterioralterations and/or site improvements.Proposals toaddlandscapingdonotrequire DRS approvalunlesstheyinvolve theaddit ion ofpatios,water features,grading,ortheadditionofretainingwalls. I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS** o AllpagesofApplicationarecomplete o Checklistiscompletedandsigned o StampedTopographicSurvey*,ifapplicable o SiteandGrading Plan *,ifapplicable o Landscape Plan*,ifapplicable o ArchitecturalElevations*,ifapplicable o Exteriorcolorandmaterialsamplesandspecifications. o ArchitecturalFloorPlans*,ifapplicable o UghtingPlan*andCut-sheet(s)forproposedfixtures,ifapplicable o TItlereport,includingSchedulesA &Stoverify ownershipandeasements* o Photosoftheexisting siteandadjacentstructures,whereapplicable. o Written approvalfromacondominium associa tion,landlord,and j ointowner,if applicable o Site-specific Geological HazardReport,ifapplicable* o The Administrator and/or DRS mayrequirethesubmissionofaddit ional plans, draw lnqs,specifications,samplesandothermaterials (includingamodel)ifdeemed necessarytodeterminewhetheraprojectwillcomplywithDesign Guidelines or if the intent oftheproposalisnotclearlyindicated. Please submit three (3)copies a/the materials noted withanasterisk (*). **For interior conversionswithnoexteriorchanges,thesubmittalrequirementsincludea completesetofexistingandproposedfloorplans,atitlereport,andwrittenapprovalfroma condominiumassociation,landlord,and joint owner,ifapplicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: 2t 1 t-I L/1.t.I::J?iI/--?~ £C:J-~- Project Name:,_----=='--""--'----'__.:..-_:..::....J.'--'O.J=.-t::.::....:."""-_ Contractor Signature__.c..L:.......="'------=-_L£."'-=-==---_ Date Signed__..!L~::.....J..<:...:.._--=-+-_ ·I .JJOINT PROPERTY OWNERL fWRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I ,W-If rMJtXT{j AI .ajo int owner of prop~~located at(addr ess/leoal LM-K::;'PU R--VA I L- I,(pri nt name) description)-----«"'-'-""-----"---=------C----'----'---==---"---::---.--=---r-'-'---==-------'-.:.....-- providethis letter as written approval of theplansdated ---'-JL....>~'--"'c...::::.=--f----whichhave been submitted totheTown of VailCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentfortheproposedimp rovements tobe comp leted attheaddressnotedabove.I understand that the proposed improvementSinclude: -~~~----- I further understand that minor modifications maybemadetotheplansoverthecourse of ther eview processto ensure compliancewiththeTown'sapplicablecodesandregulations. ~W ~.--- (Signature)~(Date) Page 2 of11/07 /16/04 Building Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim HandorDeck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses RetainingWalls ExteriorLighti ng Other Notes: PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material P ltI) , :' Pleasespedfy the manufacturer's name,thecolornameandnum ber and attach acolorchip. PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name ./,' Quantity .I Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Trees-2"caliper Coniferous Trees-6'inheight Shrubs-5 Gal. ~Sguare Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifyother landscape features(I.e.retainingwalls,fences,swimmingpools,etc.) ·.UTILITY APPROVAL &VERIFICATION Thisform servest o v erify that theproposed improvementsw ill notimpactanyexisting orp roposed utility services, andalsotoverify service availability andlocationfornewconstructionand shouldbe usedin conjunction with preparingyour utility planandschedulinq installations.A siteplan,includinggradingplan,floorplan,andeievations, shallbe submitted tothe following utilities f orapprova l andver iflcation .. I QWEST 970 .384.0257(fax) Contacts: ScottCarrington970.468 .6860 JasonSharp 970.384.0238 EXCEl HIGH PRESSUREGAS 970.262.4076 (te l) Contact:RichSisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970 .949 .5892 (tel) 970.9 49.4566 (fa x) Contact:TedHusky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038(fax) Contacts: KitBogart 970.262.4024 JimO'neal 970.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089(fa x) Contact:FredHaslee COMCAST CABLE 970 .949.1224 x112 (tel) 970 .949.9138 (fax) Contact:FloydSalazar Authorized Signature Comments NOTES: 1.If the utility approval &verification formhassignaturesfromeachofthe utility companies,andnocommentsare madedirectlyontheform,theTownwillpresume that therearenoproblemsandthe development canproceed. 2.If a utility companyhasconcernswiththeproposed construction,the utility representative shallnote directly on the utility verification form that thereisaproblem whichneedstoberesolved.Theissueshouldthenbedetailedin anattached letter totheTownofVail.However,pleasekeepinmindtha t itistheresponsibility ofthe utility companyandthe applicant toresolve identified problems . 3.These verifications do not relievethe contractor oftheresponsibility toobtainaPublicWayPermitfromthe Department ofPublicWorksattheTown of Vail.Utilitylocationsmustbeobtainedbeforedigginginanypublic right- of-way oreasementw ithin theTownofVail.Abuilding permitisnotaPublicWay permit andmustbeobtai ned separately. TheDeveloperisrequiredandagreesto submit anyreviseddrawinqstotheutil ities forre-approval &re-verificationif the submitted plansarealteredinanyway after theauthorizedsignaturedate(unless otherwise specificallynoted within the comment areaofthis form). Developer'sSignature Date NOTESTOALL APPLICANTS Pre-application Meetinq Apre-application meeting with TownofVailstaff isencouraged.Thepurposeofapre-application meeting isto identifyany critical issuespertaining t othe applicant's'proposal andtodeterm ine theappropriate development reviewprocessforanapplication.Inmany cases ,t he pre-application:meeting helps toexpeditethe development reviewprocessascrit ical issues are identifiedanddealt w ith in thepr eliminary stages.Apre- application meet ing maybescheduled bycontacting Joe Sutherat970.479.2128orjsuther @va ilgov.com Time Requirements T heDesign Review Boardmeetsonthe 1stand3rd Wednesdays ofeachmonth.Acomplete application form andallaccompanying materialmustbeacceptedbytheCommunityDevelopment Department prior to application deadlines.Aschedule of DRB meetingsand associated applicationdeadlinesmaybe fou nd on the Worl d WideWebatwww .vailgov.com Foranew residentialdevelopment,t he application deadline istyp ically 3.5 weeks priortoaDesign Review Boardhearing. Review Criteria Theproposal wil l bereviewed forcompliance w ith t he DesignGuidelines as set forth inTitle12,(Zoning Regulations)and Title 14(Development Standards)of t heTownofVailMunicipal Code. Requirements for properties located in hazard areas If aproperty islocated inoradjacenttoamapped hazardarea(i.e.snowavalanche,rockfall,debrisflow, floodp lain,wet land,poorsoils,etc.),theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentmayrequire asite-specific geologicalinvestigation .If asite-specificgeological investigationdeterminesthatthesubject propertyislocated inageologicallysensitivearea,thepropertyowner(s)mustsignan affidavit recognizingthe hazard reportprior totheissuance ofabuildingpermit.Applicantsare stronglyencouragedtoconsultwithCommunity Development staff priortosubmittinga DRB applicationt o determinetherelationship ofthepropertyt oall mappedhazards.' Required Plan Sheet Format Forall surveys,siteplans,landscapeplans andothersite improvementplans,all ofthe follOW ing mustbe shown. 1.Plan sheet sizemustbe24"x 36".Forlargeprojects,largerplansize maybeallowed. 2.Scale .Themin imum scaleis 1"=20'.Allplansm ust beat th e samescale. 3 .Graphic barscale. 4.Northarrow . 5.Tit le block,project name,projectaddressand legal description. 6.Ind ication ofplanpreparer,addressandphonenumber. 7 .Datesofo riginal plan preparation andallrevisiondates. 8.Vidnity map orlocationmapat a sca le of1"=1,000'orlarger. 9.Sheet labelsand num bers. 10.Aborder with aminimumleftsidemarginof 1.5". 11.Namesofall adjacent roadways. 12.Planlegend . Design Review Board Meeting Requirements Fornewconstructionandadditions,th eapplicantmuststakeandtapetheprojectsite toindicate propertylines, proposedbuildingsandbuildingcorners.Alltreestoberemovedmustbetaped.Theapplicantmustensure thatstakingdoneduringthewinterisnotburiedbysnow.All site tapingsandstakingmustbecomp leted prior tothedayofthe ORB meeting. Theapplicant,ortheirrepresentativeshallbepresentattheDesignReview Board Hearing.Applicantswhofail toappearbeforetheDesignReviewBoardonthe ir scheduled meeting date and whohavenot asked inadvance thatdiscussionontheiritembepostponed,willhavetheir itemsremovedfromthe ORB agendauntilsucht ime astheitemhasbeenrepublished. If the ORB approvestheapplication withconditionsormodificat ions,allcondit ions ofapprovalmustberesolved prior totheissuanceofabUildingpermit. Staff Approval The Administrator (amemberoftheplanningstaff)mayreviewandapproveDesignReviewapplications, approvewithcertainmodifications,denytheapplication,orrefertheapplicationtotheDesignReview Boardfor adecision.All staff approvalsarereviewedbytheDesignReviewBoardandany staff decisionissubjectto finalapprovalbythe ORB. Additional Review andFees If thisapplication requiresaseparatereviewbyany local,stateorFederalagencyotherthantheTownofVail, theapplicationfeeshallbeincreasedby$200.00.Examples ofsuchreview,mayinclude,butarenotlimitedto: ColoradoDepartmentofHighway Access Permits,ArmyCorpsofEngineers 404,etc. Theapplicantshallberesponsibleforpayinganypublishingfeesin excess of50%oftheapplicationfee.If,at theapplicant'srequest,any matter ispostponedforhearing,causingthemattertobere-published,thenthe entirefeeforsuchre-publicationshallbepaidbytheapplicant. ApplicationsdeemedbytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartmenttohavedesign,landuseorother issues, whichmayhaveasignificantimpactonthecommunity,mayrequirereviewbyexternalconsultantsinaddition toTownstaff.ShouldadeterminationbemadebyTown staff thatanexternalconsultant isneeded,the CommunityDevelopmentDepartmentmayhiretheconsultant.TheDepartmentshall estimatetheamountof moneynecessarytopaytheconsultantandthisamountshallbeforwardedtotheTownbytheapplicantatthe timeoffilinganapplication.TheapplicantshallpayexpensesincurredbytheTowninexcessoftheamount forwardedbyt he application totheTownwithin30daysof notificationbytheTown.Anyexcessfundswillbe returnedtotheapplicant uponreviewcompletion. MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TOBUILDINGSANDSITE IMPROVEMENTS DETAILED SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS i:, s- Topographic survey: •Wetstampandsignatureofalicensedsurveyor •Date of survey •North arrow andgraphicbarscale •Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20') •Legaldescriptionandphysicaladdress •Lotsizeandbuildablearea(buildableareaexcludesredhazardavalanche,slopes greater than 40%,andfloodplain) •.Tiestoexistingbenchmark,either USGS landmarkorsewerinvert.This information must beclearlystatedonthe survey •Propertyboundariestothenearesthundredth (.01)ofa foot accuracy.Distancesand bearingsandabasisofbearingmustbeshown.Showexistingpinsormonumentsfound and their relationship totheestablished corner . •Show right ofwayandpropertylines;includingbearings,distancesandcurve information. •Indicate alleasementsidentifiedonthesubdivision platandrecordedagainst the property asindicated inthetitle report.Listanyeasement restrictions. •SpotElevations attheedge of asphalt,along thestreet frontage ofthe property at twenty-five footintervals (25'),andaminimumofonespotelevat ions oneither side of thelot. •Topographic cond itions attwofootcontourintervals •Existing treesorgroups of treeshaving trunkswith diametersof4"ormore,as measuredfromapoint onefootabovegrade. •Rock outcrop pingsandothersignificantnaturalfeatures(la rge boulders,intermittent .strearns,etc.). •Allexistingimprovements(including foundationwalls,roofoverhangs,building overhangs,etc.). •EnvironmentalHazards(ie.rockfall,debris flow,avalanche,we tlands,floodpla in,soils) •Watercoursesetbacks,ifapplicable (showcenterlineandedgeofstream orcreekin addition totherequiredstreamorcreaksetback) •Showall utility meterlocations,including anypedestalsonsiteorintheright-of-way adjacent tothesite.Exactlocationofexisting utility sourcesandproposedservicelines from their sourcetothestructure.Utilitiestoinclude: CableTV Sewer Gas Telephone WaterElectric •Size andtype of drainageculverts,swales,etc. •Adjacent roadwayslabeledandedgeofasphaltforbothsidesoftheroadwayshownfor a minimum of 250'ineitherdirectionfromproperty. SiteandGrading Plan: •Scaleof 1"=20'orlarger •Propertyandsetbacklines •Existing andproposedeasements •Existing andproposedgrades •Existing andproposedlayout of buildings andother structures includingdecks,patios,fences andwalls .Indicate thefoundationwithadashedlineandtheroofedgewith asolidline. •All proposedroof r idgelineswithproposedridge elevations.Indicate existingandproposed grades shown underneathallrooflines.Thisw ill beusedtocalculatebuild ing height. •Proposed driveways ,includingpercent slopeand spotelevationsat th e property line,garage slabandasnecessaryalong thecenterline ofthedriveway to accuratelyreflectgrade. •A4'wide unheatedconcretepanattheedge of asphalt fo r driveways that exitthe streetinan uphi ll direction . •Locations of all utilities includingexisting sources and proposed servicelinesfromsourcestothe structures. •Proposedsurfacedrainageonandoff-site . •Locationof landscapedareas. •Locationoflimitsofdisturbance f encing •Location ofallrequiredparkingspaces •Snowsto rage areas. •Proposed dumpsterlocationanddetail of dumpster enclosure. •Retaining wallsw ith proposedelevations atto p and bottom of walls.Ade taile d cross-section andelevation drawings shallbeprovidedontheplanorseparate sheet.Stampedengineering draw mos are requiredforwallsbetween4'and 6'feetinheight. oDelineate areastobephasedandappropr iate tirn inq,if applicable Landscape Plan: •Scale of 1"=20'or larger •Landscapeplan mustbedrawn at thesamescale asthesite plan. •Locationofexistingtrees,4"diameteror larger .I ndicatetreesto remain,tobe relocated (including newlocation),andtoberemoved.Largestandsoftreesmaybeshown(asbubble)if thestra nd is not beingaffectedbytheproposedimprovementsandgrading. •Indicate allexistinggroundcover andshrubs. Detailed legend,listing t hetypeandsize (caliperfordeciduoustrees ,height forconifers,gallon sizeforshrubs and height forfoundationshrubs)of alltheex isting andproposedplant material including gro und cover. •Delineatecriticalroot zonesforexistingt reesincloseproximitytosite g rading and construction . •Indicate t he location ofallproposedplantings. •Thelocat ion andtype of existing andproposedwatering systemstobeem ployed incaring for plant materia l fo llowlnqitsinstallat ion . •Existing and proposedconto urlines.Retaining wall sshallbeincluded withthe t opo f walland the bottom of wallelevations noted. Lighting Plan: •Indicate ty pe,location andnumber o f fixtures . •In cludeheight abovegrader lu mensoutp ut,luminousarea •Att ach acutsheetforeachproposed fixtu re. II.REPAINTPRO POSALS Forallproposalstorepaintexistingbulldlnqs,t he follOWing supplemental information isrequired : •Colorchip orco lor sampleincluding the manufacturer nameandcolor numb er(s) •Architectu ral elevat iondrawlnqswh ich clearly indicate the location ofproposedcolors (ie.siding, stucco ,wi ndow trim,doo rs,f ascia,soffits ,etc.) HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Townof Vail Surv ey :1 Community Development Department Russell Forrest,Director, (970)479·2139 ', Che ck allthat applies. 1.Which Deparim ent{s)didyou con tact?' Bu ilding __Environrnenta l __Housing __Admin __'_ Planning _'_ORB pEe _ 2.Was your initial con tact with our staff imme diate __slow __or no one avai lable? 3.If you were requi red to wait how long was itbefore you were helped?_·-'-_ 4.Wa s yourp roiect review ed on a timely basis?Yes I No If no,why not?. ","......",.'..'.'"..';~,,:-..;. } 5.Was thisyour fi rst time to file a OR B app__PEe app__ ,Bldg Permit ~/A 6.Please rate the performan ceof thestaffperson who assisted yo u: 54 3 ,2 1 Nam e:__.,--_ (kncwledqe,res ponsiveness,availab ility) 7.Overall effecti veness of the Front Serv ice Counter.5432 1 8.What is the bes t time of day for you to us e ihe Fro nt Service .Counter?.,--_ 9.Any comme nts you have which would allow usto bette r serve you n~time?' Thankyou for taking thetime to comp letethis s urve y.We are comm itted tc impro ving our service . i.,C-,.., r ..•'.:.'.~.:, t TOWNOFVAIL ·75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO81657 970-479-2138 NOTE : ,. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 00---'-\.k\~)'1.\--l". lr-(..-.-\-~~\~'-\, THISPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDO N JOBSITEATALLTIMES JobAddr ess: Location : Parce lN o : ProjectN o : ADD/ALT SFRBUILDPERMIT 2674 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2674LARKSPURLANE 2103 14301019 ?R SO 'I -0 S G 7 Permit #:B04-0270 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued: Expires : ISSUED 09/14/2004 09 /17/2004 03/16/2005 OWNER BRAX TON,CAROL -MARCUS,WIL0 9/1 4 /2 004 Phone : 82 6 MAXWE LL AVE BO ULDER CO 80304 L icense : CONTRAC TO R ALPHA ROOFINGLLC 09 /14 /200 4 Phone:(9 70)9 49-5006 PO Box 19414 Av on ,Colorado 8 1620 Lic ense:788-B APPLICAN TALPHA ROOFING LLC 09 /14 /2004 Phone:(970)949 -50 06 PO Bo x 19414 Av on,Colorado 81620 L icens e:78 8 -B D escription: NEW ROOF ,SHAK ESTOASPHALT SHINGLES Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuat ion:$11 ,380.00 AddSqFt:o FireplaceInfonnation:Restricted:Y #o f Gas Appliances:0 #ofGas Logs:0 #ofWood Pellet:0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEESU~~ARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Building----> Plan Check-»> ln vestigation-> Will Ca ll---> $20 9 .25 $136 .01 $0.00 $3 .00 RestuarantPlan Review-> ORB Fee------------> Recreation Fee---------> Clean-up Deposit-------> TOTAL FEES---------> $0.0 0 $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $3 48 .26 Tota l Calculated Fees-> AdditionalFees------> Total Permit Fee----> Payments----·-----> BALANCE DUE-------> $348 .26 $0.0 0 $348 .26 $348 .26 50 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••*••**••***.**•••••••••* Approvals: Item:05 100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09 /14 /2004 J S Action :AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WOR KS See p age 2 ofthis Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadth is application ,filledoutinfullthe information required ,completed an accurate plotplan , andstatethatallthe information as required iscorrect.Iagreeto comply w ith the information andplotplan ,to comply withall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthisstructureaccordingtothetowns zoningand subdivision codes ,des ign review 'approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of theTownapplicablethereto . REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALLBE MADE TWENTY-FOUR H·OURS IN ADVANCEBY TEI.EPHONE AT 479-2149O RATOUROFFICEFROM8:00 AM •4 PM. S IGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O WNER PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit#:B04-0270 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 09-17-2004 Status:ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** PermitType: Applicant: JobAddress: Location: ParcelNo: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ALPHA ROOFING LLC (970)949-5006 2674 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2674 LARKSPUR LANE 210314301019 Applied: Issued: ToExpire: 09/14/2004 09/17/2004 03 /16/2005 Description: NEWROOF,SHAKESTO ASPHALT SHINGLES **************************************************Conditions ******************************************** Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.):SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.310.9.1 OFTHE1997UBC . 09/17/2004 ******************.*******.******.****••••************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADOCopy R eprintedon 09-17-2004 at10:43:33 Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method : 4343 R0 40006 679 Amount : Check $348 .26 09 /1 7 /200410 :41 AM Init :DDG Notati o n:Alpha roof ing Permit No: Parcel No : Site Address: Loca tion : B04 -0 270 Type :ADD/ALT SF RBUILDPERMIT 2 10314301019 2674 LARKSPUR LN VAIL 2674 LARKSPUR LANE Total Fees:$3 48.26 T his Payment:$348.26 Tot al ALL Pmts :$348.26 Bal ance:$0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST : Accou nt Code BP00 100003 111 100 PF 00100003 1 12300 WC 00 100003 1 12800 De scri ption BUILDING PERM IT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILLCALL INSPECTION FEE Cu rrent Pmt s 209 .25 136.0 1 3.00 •• CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 75S.Frontage Rd . Vail ,Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOTBEACCEPTEDIFINCOMPLETE ORUNSIGN .Project#: 3 Building p~e~r~'iW~~~~~~~~ GeneralContractor:Town ofVailReg.No.:Contactand Phone#'s: 7 PY -S 7,)()·..s >0 6 i D . COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BU ILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials) BUILDING:$I ELECTRICAL:$IOTHER:$ ~,".'~ING :$MECHANICAL:$TOT AL:$/1,]J>()'v e' ffiEICI#CForParceontact eate ountv Assessors 0 Iceat 970·328·8640 or VISit www.eaaJe-co untv.c om Pa rcel # J I .e S iLi J I)to i « Job Name:/[;~/~.-L JobAddress:.)(.,"ltl L.44:.JP~/,"Lt,'t;{'*,Lrr... Legal DescriPti~3 II ~,k:i II Filing:II Subdivision:V,4.'/-i..t--L.i'1.V~~'.~ OwnersName:('/1~f 1/14I-,,4c;......Address:Jj6 ~/1x ~II Phonept1:1 _CfW -02 4J ArchitectlDesi gner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaileddescriptionofwork: 11 e i.11 nC>(l-~ ~,~.~..~Addi tion()Remodel()Repair ()Demo()Other()Y Y V'"~'u ~~. Wo rkT ype:Interior()E xt e ri o ~Both()II ~an EHU exist atthis location:Yes ()No()II Type of Bldg.:Single-family()Two-family M.Multi-family ()Commercia l ()Res taurant ()Other () •r,.<"',.••Unitsinthisbuilding:No.ofAccommodation Unitsinthis building: NolType ofFireplacesExistinq:GasApp liances ()Gas t oes ()Woo d/Pellet()WoodBurninq () NolType of Fireplaces Proposed:GasAp pliances ()GasLoqs ()W ood/Pellet()Wo odBurninq(NOT AL L~I I Doesa Fire Al armExist:Yes/!()No ()II Doesa Fire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes ()No () **************************************FOR0FF rc E usEONLy ************************************** Other Fees:,;,."; ORBFees:," Pub lic Way Permit FeE!: Type of Construction: Occupancy Group: Date Received: IIVailldatalcdevIFORMSIPERMITSIBLDGPERM.DOC 0712612002 Questions?CalltheBuildingTeamat 479-2325 Building Permit Submittal Checklist ' Department of Community Development IJ/2.+'f J-0 V\. ;),?-i f Project Name:_--'-"'~-'-'-'--"'__--'---"--'---'==:'-_ Project Address:--=-=--'L---'----=:=:..:....=="-'--I=-=--:..::=--------------- ./This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit application is accepted. ~pagesofapplicationiscomplete c ~s ORB approvalobtained (if required)Provideacopyofapprovalform 1/l1K CondominiumAssociation letter ofapprovalattachedifprojectisaMulti-Familycomplex ~o m p l ete siteplansubmitted o PublicWayPermitapplicat ion included ifapplicable (refer toPublicWorkschecklist) o Stagingplan included (refer toPublic Workschecklist)No dumpster.parking or material storage allowed onroadwaysandshoulders without written approval o Asbestos testandresultssubmittedifdemol itionisoccurring o Architectstampandsignature (AllComme rcial andMulti family) o Fullfloo r plansincludingbuild ing sections andelevat ions(S setsofplansfo r Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) o Windowanddoorschedule o Fullstructuralplans,incl uding design criteria (i.e.loads) oStructu ral Engineer stampandsignature onstructural plans(AllCommercial andMulti Family) oSoils Reportmustbesubmitted prior tofootinginspection o Fireresistive assemblies specifiedandpenetrat ions indicated oSmokedetectors shownonplans o Typesand quantity offireplacesshown Applicant's Signature:_--r~.L----';<:"'-.L..::.="':""--------_ Date of submittal'0 9 -/.f'-6 r Received By:".7 \ "'J IlVailldalalcdevIFORMSIP ERMITSIB LDGPERM.DOC 04/0212003 • t • 09-27 -2004 "§~19_,!~m,--_ Inspection Request Reporting _........L.-.C<l.::J"'O Page24 A1PID Information Requested Inspect Date: Inspection Area: Site Address; Monday,September 27,2004 JRM 2674 LARKSPUR LN VAIL 2674 LARKSPUR LANE ActMty: ConstType: OWner: Applicant: Conlroctor: Descrlpllon: 804-0270 Type :A-BUILD Occupancy: BRAXTON.CAROL-MARCUS.WILLIAM AlPHA ROOFINGLLC AlPHA ROOFINGLLC NEW ROOF .SHAKESTO ASPHALT SHINGLES Sub TO:~AOUP Phone :(970)949-5006 Phone:(970)949-5006 Status:ISSUED InspArea :JRM Requested Inspection/s) Item: Requestor: Comments: Assigned To: AcUon: 90 BLDG-Final ALPHA ROOFINGLLC rooflng JMONDRAGON TlrneExp: Requested Time: Phone: Entered By: 08:00AM (970)949-5006 DGOLDEN K Inspection History Item:10 BLDG-Footings/Steel Item:20 BLDG-Foundatlon/Sleel Item:30 BLDG-Framing Item:50BLDG-InsUlation Item:60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Item:70BLDG·Misc. Item:90BLDG -Final Item:21 P!.AN·ILC FoundationPlan Item :22 PLAN-ILC Site Plan Item:533 PLAN·TEMP .C/O Item:534PLAN-FINAl C/O REPT131 Run Id:2399 AN IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE FOR LOT 3:BLOCK #/ VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO S cale:I"=20' ----- CONCRETE WALL 1-1/2 STORY WOOD LOT3 0.216 Ac, ADDRESS:2614 LARKSPUR LANE 6 =13"18 '26" R=15.00· L =1142' CII Be=N61"31'4J"E CII:1138' ,"~/-,"J~,' DRIl/CWA r ""\/""1 ./'\ /\ ./\ \FRAME HOUSE W/1n o ')BASEMEN T <'j'i\\<\J ",7<.\ ~\//\ Q)/'\,-\/\2 1.9.._- ,/'---1/, ~, ~\ \,, \, 1-3.1 <::::> ~---c:i 6,0 ')0 :::. __"'\..--'-::;::::=--!:tJ SEWER <::::> MANHOLE sg <::::> <rj ~ ~~~()(~45 'WITNESS -,CORNER L ,S.26593 DECK ENCROACHES ~./ \~ \~ \ \- <::::> -<::::> <:::i ~ E'LEC.PED.-.(3 r ~::£31 PHONEPED.\ PRINT DATE MAR 18 1998 h...h... CJ CJ --...J --...J N56"12'29E \ ---4.-...--...£86.8 3'~/ SE WER fl))MANHOLE .-/ AL UM.CAP oV 4 REB AR L.s.5933 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I IffiREBY CERTIFY TIIAT T.IIIS IHPROVE~mNT 1.('(;f,nON CEIITInCATWtl WAS I'fllirAlilllJ FOil: SAGEPIERSON TIIAT IT IS NOT ALAND SURVIIY I'LAT on UlPil0VFNENT SUR\'EY PLAT,AlID TIIAT IT IS NOT TO /I E rlELII\D UPON 1'011 TIlEESTAIILISH HENT OF FIWCJ..Hli JT.1l J NG,Oil.orusn FU'iU!lI1 IMP IIOVEMENT LI NES , I FUIITIlEn CERTf ry THAT TilE lHPROVI\NJl NTS,E XL Erl I'TIt.r n CO N~JF.C l'IO II S ,ON TilE ABOV E OE3CIIIIJEfI PAlICEL ON TIII ~DATE,MAl?CH 16,19~{!.AWl ENTIRELY IHTl/IN TIlE /lOUNDAIlIES OF TilE PARCH,EXCEPT AS SHOWN,TIIAT TIlEliE AilE rill I ~N (;lI lJl'C \lI'IE NT :;lll'ON rus IJESCIHBEIl 1'111111 I "ES I l~lI'nOVEHF.NTS ON ANY ADJOINING PREmf,I :S,EXCEPT AS INDIC ATElJ,AND THAT THEIlE IS NO AI'I'AIlENT EVllJENCE OR SIGN OF ANY EASEMRNT CR01\SING t'li JIUlilJENING ANY l'AliT OF'"AID PARCEL,EXCEPT AS NOTED. ""ll o""'n'-F.'--",i?'-~:i~~s~-- COWI/AIlO I',I..S,NO,2 G2flZ .~~1Cr,1<f,(,8___=-.1 _ !lATH P.O.Box5 89 Silver thorne,CO 8 0498 RA NGE WEST,INC.Phone 970 -46 8-62 81 Denver Direct 303-623-0426 Protect No,12719-410 , Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.vailgov.com Project Name:BRAXTON DECK/WINDOWS Project Description: DRBNumber:DRB070717 FINAL APPROVAL FORAMINOR ALTERATION FORANEWHOTTUB;PLUS WINDOWSAND DECKS CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT PERMITS Participants: OWNER BRAXTON,CAROL -MARCUS,WIL12/20/2007 826 MAXWELL AVE BOULDER CO80304 APPLICANT BOMER CARPENTRY &TRADE SERVI2/20/2007 Phone:970-376-5033 .POBOX273 VAIL CO81658 Ucense:858-B CONTRACTOR BOMER CARPENlRY &TRADE SERVI2/20/2007 Phone:970-376-5033 POBOX273 VAIL CO81658 License:858-B Project Address:2674 LARKSPUR LNVAIL Location:2674 LARKSPUR LN LegalDescription:Lot:3Block:1Subdivision:VAILINTERMOUNTAIN DEV S ParcelNumber:2103-143-0101-9 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPP Date ofApproval:12/20/2007 Cond :8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consentofTownof Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):DRBapprovaldoesnot constitute a permit for building.Pleaseconsult with Town ofVailBuildingpersonnel prior to construction activities. Cond :201 DRBapprovalshallnotbecomevalidfor20days following thedateof approval, pursuant totheVail Town Code,Chapter12-3-3:APPEALS. Cond:202 Approvalofthis project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)year following thedate of finalapproval,unlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:BillGibson ORBFeePaid:$20.00 ;hJe, -51 ]- I v.J IfJ 0 ()t{)5 Department of Community Development 75 South FrontageRoad,Vall,Colorado81657 tel :970.479.2128 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www.vailgov.com Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Location of the Proposal:Lot:3 Block:I Subdivision: PhysicalAddress::<103 ILf30 /DI CZ ParcelNo.:~(Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) ZOning:_~ Name(s)of Owner(s): Description of the Request: MailingAddress:-~r-:,.---~'S-:":';':::"""'----:+-'--'c......:...L..;..--=:::"--,=~~'----:"",,!,";---=,.---'---------?tJ{)L TJ.e.t;.0:0 Owner(s)Signature(s):__----::::c.....2'---'::.c::~_..w:<.~......:::..~__,_------------ General Information: All projects requiring designreviewmustreceiveapprovalprior to submitting a building permit application.Please refer tothe submittal requirementsforthe particular approval that isrequested .An application forDesignReview cannot be accepteduntilallrequired information isreceivedbytheCommun ity Development Department.The project mayalsoneedto be rev iewed bytheTownCoundl and/or thePlanningand Environmental Commission. Design review approvallapsesunlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction commences within oneyearof the approval. Name ofApplicant:__-"---'--'-.L::."-"'--=_--"-.L:...--'-'~~.LL~L-_ I S'S:!5/7= For construction of anewbuildingor demo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquare footage isaddedtoanyresidentialor commerdal building(includes250 additions &Interior conversions). For minor changestobuildingsandsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. For minor changestobuildingsandsite improvements,suchas, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forrevisionstoplansalready approved byPlanning Staff orthe DesignReviewBoard. Plus$1.00persquare foot of totalsignarea. $650 $300 $50 NoFee Mailing Address: rm""Phone::30 3 E-mailAddress:e!WIII"Cild1<12 )Fax:_Com C,I1U..1: Typeof Review andFee: o Signs o ConceptualReview o New Construction o Addition 0 Minor Alteration $250 (multi-family/commerdal) t Minor Alteration $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 Changes to ApprovedPlans$20 0 SeparationRequest NoFee ForOfficeUseOnly: Fee Paid:W.t!JO CheckNo.:5"010 J -f b -(j ~Meeting Date:_......_'---..:-'-J=--_ Planner:8,.;. ·, MATT BOMER Bomer Carpentry &Trade Services All Phase Carpentry P.O.Box 273 Vail,CO 81658 1?u.8(,(,-335=?/3j 970 .376.5033 bctservices @hotmail .com ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number,R070002748 Amoun t :$20.00 12 /2 0/200708,4 4 AM Payment Method ,Check I ni t ,J S No tat ion:5070/CAROL BRAXT ON Permit No, Parcel No, si te Address, Locat ion: DRB070717 Type :DRB -Minor Alt,SFR/DUP 2103-143 -0101 -9 2674 LARKSPUR LN VAIL 2674 LARKSPUR LN This payment :$20 .00 TotalF ees: TotalALLPmts : Balance : $20.00 $20 .00 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00 10000311 2200 Desc ript ion DESIGN REVIEW FEES Cu r re nt Pmt s 20 .00 ,. 4 , / / '4 LOT2 GRAPH IC SCALE i (till nET ) I ,"",b •10 J't. i I I / C,;.J~,k ~+0 be1V6f1'\O~~v )\1_"1,1 {:rofW'~~ -: LOT12 ~>• ... u""'I05-01075 . • ~ >• .. lfSUD 0 /j2e!M /' -: LOT 4 LOT12 / / / {Of nn I I inc b ..10 It. LOT 2 CRAPHIC SCAI.E i j '.d • / / 4 7 I NO PLANSNOTE-COPYOF PERMIT TOBEKEPTON JOBSITE DATE IN 6N jUh¥11991,0049PERMITNO. J .TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION I IIIII IV V 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IRM BUILDING DIVISION z ELECTRICALJ22a340 GENERALDESCRIPTIONOFWORK :~PLUMBINGREPLACEELECTRICALH.W.H.WITH GAS :J --' INSTALL BOILER.«MECHANICAL>2,000 TYPEGROUP G RF.A .VALUATION PERMITFEES F BUILDIN G PERMIT V R-3 0 2,000 PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW()ALTERATIONXXX ADDITIONAL ()REPAI R ()PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMM ODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL 10 ~i"cM~WFT __NO.FIREPL ACES --RECREATION FEE IN SULATION :TYPETHICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGNREVIEWBOARD ~qFLOORCLEAN·UPDEPOSIT I-NONE -EXT.WALLS :;:USETA X 11'>0'('-f- ROOF ~!~T YPE ELEC.GAS TOTALPERMITFEES $30OF SOLAR WOOD HEA T MICHAEL WHITAKER JULY 1,1991 ADDITI ONAL P ERMITS NEEDED :BUILDING OFFICIAL ---.---DATE ----- s.!:!.INITIAL ~--------------ST.CUT X ~ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING X ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: PAR KING X DEMO X I hereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this appl ication,filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,andstate that allthe information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply withthe information and ~t plan ,to comply with all Town ordinrces and state laws ,andto build this struct.ure according o~he To~n's zoning )lRd-sTI6!49 codes,design review approved,Uniform BUilding Code and oth r ord rna ~~s of tne T0'C:-n:a ~t h e r e t o . aG~A A '.{ .SIGNATU~OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FeR l SELF ,e,ND T HE WNER .\ ·:~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT tow~ department of community development TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT o BUILDING D PLUMBINGoELECTRICAL0FOUNDATION JQg MECHANICAL 0 2675 LARKSPUR LN .LEGAL LOT 3 BLK 1 DESC.FILING INTERMOUNTAIN JOBNAME :LORCH KELECTRICAL WORK OWNER NAME R!XRKXK CHARLES WReH MAILADDRESS 2674 LARKSPUR LN CITY VAIL PH.6-1509 ARCHITECT FIRM MAILADDRESS CITY PH GENERAL FIRM CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . TELE. FIRM I.ECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . TELE. FIRM JERRY SIBLEY P &H PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO .134-P CONTRACTOR TELE.827-5736 FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO . TELE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG .NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. x x PLArI CHECK PERMITFEES ELECTRICAL BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBlrlG MECHANICAL DESIGN REVIEWBOARD RECREATION f EE CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT USE TAX BUILDlrlG z ELECTRICAL0 r-.,PLUM BING::J -'-c I.IECIfArIICAL> TOTA L TOTAL PER M)TFE ~S ~/;~/)30 ---------------~ONING ADM IUISTRATOR DATE ZON ING &BU ILDING NOTES:_ VALUATIONGn:F ,A, REt'll J'JL 01 f991 (,,-~B ":\\ I "DATE DWELLINGUNITS __ACCOMMOOATIO'I UNITS__ i! ST.CUT BLASTIIIG HEIGIfT HI FT.__NO,fIREPLACE S -- INSULATION :TYPE THICKNESS R·VALLUE FLOOR I I EXT.WALLS ROOf T YPE ELEC.GAS OF H EAT SOLAR 1'1000 DEMO PARKING A DDITIONAL P EnMITSNE EDED: :!..!i ---------1---1---- l.TYPE OFCONSTHUCTION I"11/I vzy) 2.OCCUPAtICY GROUP II B E H I ,[PM. DIVI SION 12 2 ~ X,*,N5/1I1L D ESCflI ('HOri OFWORK :---,...,.----- \\{~Cl ""-.c.e ~""L.bl.Ul N ,w ;i '~c;c.s rl EW ()AL!ER.\TlOII (p(j ADDITI O!!..AL ()IlE PAIll () PH . War;\( :\ ,\ ommunity developm ent rl AME ~'A !I ADDRESS . _~_.,...~j CITY d \~:~~~~~L~~=4~!--:-r--- OB N AI'IE~te\~Lc,(c>h OWN ER Local Add . MAIL ADDRESS • -----r.;.t.A ddre ss ~lo'\'\k ..:~O "',l ". -----1 CITY ~"\PU'b!02 ,1$'<>9 f,RC HITECT FI RM Eillln..J _ ELECTRICAL .HACTOR TO WN OFV AIL REG .NO . ~=~==l mE .B f iRM 5 .b \~¥\\",,,,b r ~'1 'PLUM BING TOWN OFVAILREG,NO ,I~-'e CO rHRACTOR TELE b::>'l '5'13~ GENERAL Flfl'" CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVA IL REG ,NO . =====_I T EL E, we I hereby ackno wledge that ',have read Ihls application.lilled outIn lull the Information requ ired, completed an accurate piotp lan,andslate thai ailihe Information provided as required is correct.I agree 10 comply with theInfo rmation and plot plan,10 comply w i th all TOIVIl ordinances andstale la ws.andtobu ild this structure according 10the Town's zoni n;)and subdivision codes.dl1sign r eVie~,approved,Uniform BUilding Code and .~.eroolrdinanc ?fllhe To,,"ap)?Jicable thereto•.' ,.'.XXXXXXXXXXXXX "~~~A\~"\~-'\) ,0 'SIGNATunENlF OW NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ,AND THE OWNER.' a.------......,~_--",..,.III:-..._~nin_::D:II:IC~---- O THER f IRM rovlN OF VAIL REG ,NO , :ONTRACTOR TELE. fIBM M ECHANICAL CON TRACTOR TOWN O!:..F.:!.V~AI~L..!:R~E~G,,",N~O>!.-_ "=~==j mE. 75southfrontageroad vail,colorado81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2~39 {... • officeofcommunity development BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If th is permit requires a Town ofVail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s (Public Works)review and approval,aPlanning Department reviewor Heal th Department review,and areview by theBuilding Department,the estimated time for a total review may takeaslong as three weeRs. All commercial (large orsmall)and all multi-family permitswill have tofollowthe above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount oftime.However,if residential orsmall er projects impactthe various above mentioned depa rtmentswithregardtonecessaryrevi ew,these projects may also takethe three week period. Every attempt willbe made by this departmentto expedite this permit as soon as possible. I,the undersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedure and time frame, 7-1-9\ Date Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Department. •.--- town of vai 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-21,38 or 479-2139 •\ office of community development , • TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREDWITHTHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Date -~ • • ~(.\lJ n tJe. c ~l ~~\"'~c.~I"""'t \ ~r c.c:...z... o FIre 0 _ o oo -ZOI WelO Io~(• a OCl"(",""oll to. Town Of Vall Community \ Development B.Uild ._Health ~ Plan o o IPorovoo e.1.I-;'\I,,",1 10 0 \~v Lu..c.\e",~~\c..(.\-...~L 0 0 tJ t'.\1.)~(}S-:b \\.~[1/'t l,)I.,~e v /)It'" • •z) tJ t!ouJ b~\\"t.1r 0,;,\\~\6 )(1 ~\1 "'1 +\.ooV" c ~o V "'t.~o.vo.~e..U-)\~'"to 'b ot \Qc:.~~OG J O'Ad i ~\L.~S pcc..e.h.e.c.+-e.......-\-0.....~~\<.."'c.."" ~~~\t..v ~c.\e :y .i:\\'r e.,'P\.a.c.e; e..\~~~V:'C-'vI,~~(,V<:.. J)Bo i.e'<"~u:>c.~e .....\tu-c \c."-+6 S e.t \e " o~o«:~\oc::.Y."lJ :r:.Y\,>·L ;'\()~·lQ'-\,C.l\\\(O W"o "'~'1 w'~~~0 \\(0 'h.e.,::>'"d...e '"c,e, PM_____AMFRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .LORC h ad (ki7~N AME --..e:..-=-=->",~,----"'-£-,=-,-",,,-_~=~==-_ CALLER M ON ~9 WED THUR .L/Vg-<s,:eqg L!tJ • R EADY FO RI NSPEC TIO N : LOCA TIO N :~b 7 5 PERM IT NUMBER OF PROJECT D ATE ~/ry/~B BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOO TING S /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING I o INSULATION o POO L /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEC HANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDU IT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL ~F I NA L ':a APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQU IRED CORRECTIONS : •DA TE ----'<:,.=-cr---.'---'--+-+-J-.INSPECTOR \.INSPE'CTION REQUEST '-~OF VAIL DATE -'-'---'---+--+-+-,f---JOB NAME --b.L-.,=--,4-r:------==------I-~--~~ READY FOR LOCATION :--42S.~~r~~--£.L,E::'-:::::!::~~r:zt.L.~=------------- J -..:.'J..:.,'. -, .r- v(o TE (v1P .POWER _-=-...._ .\o ROUGH.o CONDUIT...... D "i'/r / o FINAL .' , \ /\ MECHANICAL: ,o HEATING _ o EXHAU ST HOODS _ o SUPPLY A IR~~7 /g~'TJ~/1 ~~ o FINAL ·~.: ~.' }(APPROVED CORRECTIONS : ,.j ~o DISAPPROVED 0 -REINSPECT lbN REQUIRED .(!)/lY.1(<J ()1 0.,1 4'"A I {l£iO =4 ....Q ~A.-+,lI eJ kLz:c-- ~~'t:,~:z ~~~. / I NSPECTOR a~~~~~;......,t=--------- 7 DATE _..L--_-"------L...j'----_ .,:I cg c:::-r" C :z ~ c-c: en-o:z (e ONT R'S LICENSE) ...: 0177 (TYPE. ZONING O I STR I CT _ ooc :::l .".:< ooe...g- oc ~ ~ioo 0-... '"C-o (CROSS STR EETI FIELD COp y ~!w W !'.l 00a, ww (l) C-o 0"'" on III-+ (l) Q.. III-+ • I:~'LO 'N G OE PT .';;:17 ~ -+:r (l) VI (l) -+:r VI VI-+... Cn-+ C... (D III :I Q.. :r III<(l) -+:r VI :I VI "'0 (l) n-+ (Da.. 1 (PROPOSED USE ) '9 ~PERMI T N O , Box 8 Veil,Colora'*' (NO.)(STREET ) BUILDING <, PERMIT L OT '3 (S TREET) ·,'"' IC ROSS STR EE T) CO~"c :_.:- 0::: :::l ' 10 ; Build single famil't re~ideljl~oR Y ===::_::=-----~~~mNt?FuNlTs-------- CTYPE OF'I MPROVEMENT)NO . (CUB IC/SQUARE F EET) Joseph M.Gay B ox 395,V ail,Colorado 81657 c !l. ~co :::T ~0 :::l f\CD w P'I!'.l 00a, ww (l) -0 ~ -------------------------- 30,000 AT (LOCATION)VaH I otperno,Intalo (No .1 BET WEEN ----------,==-=0==---------A NO =.,..,..,,....,.==-------- BUILDING DIVISION ~, EAGLE COUNTY,P.O.BOX 789 COURTHOUSE,EAGLE,CO.-PH.(303)323·6339 T O T YPE USEGROUP BAS EMENT WA LLS OR FOU NOAT ION _ BU ILOING I STOBE F T.W IOE BY FT.L ONG By F T.I NHEIG HT ANOS HALLCO NFORMIN CONSTRUC T IO N PER M I TTO SU BDIV ISION Vai I IntermOI,otain REMARKS:_ APPLICAN T Joseph Gay 1 RMIT APPLICATIONNGu !D ,~_I ~-j::£'1#DV~'#/63INSPECTOR~~~ REOR D ER F RO "",:INT ERNAT IONA L CO NF E R ENCE O F BUIL.DI NG O FFIC IA l.;.~U 60 S .W ORK "''''''...I LL R O"D .WHIT TI ER ,C AL I ,.••0601Form100.1 11·73 .B ILDI PE I;)/?",,"0 (;s .z -.Jurisdiction of ">-.0.----,--~-_._.-.......0:";-:-.-,i.:). " . "Applicant to complete numbered spacesonly.0 0 Jo e A OOIil [5 5 //l-.;c/£.._--_....r"..4fP L s-A-r R....I .OT NO.".'/ITZ L::/TC=,e /'7 c'/0'.;;.'~;:.J D 'HnTl LE GAL. 10£5clII.•~t'#/L OWN till -L A ''''''DD''~.'?~S-k/"3 ';-~~PH ONE ..t J~,~fl.h ~.........O '>L1"-~_/h-' CO!'<l T RAC T O R h .c.;~/~~5("7s~?~H D N~~:!>? L.IC E NS E.NO . V ,LX ;/3F'# 47 J;;;;54hEs-k .<..:";:::CA-~;~£r/'~ZL A e-o;:;;;:;a ZJ EN~INE[R /M Ar<.A D DRE SS PHON E /L IC £"'S E~. A-./r://5 .. l-E NOE R M A I L A C DR E S S 8i11:A N CH 6 //,//..// 7 Z;:~:~h-h/L......&>,/bGA/c?.£ 8 Class ofwork:~w D ADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR D MOVE D REMOVE 9 Descr ibe work: ----..- 10 Cha nge ofusefrom .... Cha nge of use to 11 Valuat ion ofwork:$3&>/t)CJO,~t./-S"'~IPER MIT FEE /1J7 a.>'-><-PLA NCH ECK FEE SPEC IA L CONO ITION S :Typ e o f O c cupancy..C onst.G r o up D ivis io n S iz e o f B l dg .N o .o f Ma x . (T o tal)SQ.F t .St or ies Occ .L o ad F i re Use F ire S pr in kl ers APPL ICATION ACCEPTED BY PLA~S CH ECKED BY ·APP ROVED f OR ISSUANC E B Y Z o ne Z o ne n ecunee D ves DNa N o .o f OFFSTREET PARK ING SPAC ES'.I U nc o ve redDwellingUnitsCovered NOTICE Sp ec ialA p provalsR equ ired R eceived Not Re quired SEP ARATE PER MITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRI CAL,PLUMB·ZO NING lNG,H EA TING ,VE NTILATING OR AIR CONDI T IONING,H EALT HDE PT. TH I SPE R M IT B ECO M ES NULL ANO V OIO I F WORK ORCONSTRUC· T IO N AU T HORIZE D ISNO T COMM ENCE D W I TH IN120 D AYS ,O R F IRED EPT . IF CONSTR UCTIONOR WO RK I S SUSPE N DEDOR A BAN D ONED SOI L RE POR T FOR A PERIOD O F 120 OAYS AT ANY T IM E AFTER WORK I S O T HER (Spe cify)CO MMENC EO. IH EREBYCE RT I FY THAT IH A VE R EA DA ND E XAM I NED T HIS AP PLI CATION A ND KNO W THE SAM E T O BE TRUE A ND CORRECT . ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OR DINA NCES GOVE RNING THI S T YPE O F WORK W ILLBEC OMPLIED W ITH W HET HE R SPEC I FI ED H EREIN OR NOT .T HE G RA NTI NG O F AP ER MI T D OES N OT PR ES UME T O GIVE AU THORITYT OV IOLA T E O R C ANC E L THE P RO V I SIONS OF ANY OTHER STA TE O RL OCAL LAW RE GUL A TING CONSTRUCTI ON O RT HE PERFORM ANCE OF C ONS T RUC T ION . / ITZ~_c :~~TZ '(/;1 ID'L /, '//-<,/ 5 Tu AE 0 OW N ER I I"OW",[I'I.lL O tA ,D.T /"/,,-W)(fN PROPERLY VALI6ATED (IN THIS SPACE)THIS IS YOUR PERMIT I)1'7'7 ""L AN CHECK VALIDATION I CK .M.O .CASH PER MITVALIDATION C •'M.O.CASH / 2 ON PERMIT VALIDATION MIT A C A SHM.D.CK.PLAN CHECK VALIDAT ION PLUMBNG PER PPLI TI 0 ~•z • Jurisdiction of ~•.0 0·Applicant t o completenumbered spaces only.~••,J OB .OOR E.SS L«r-I-SPtl r-Uct\I ('Inec>«- L OT NO .IOCK-I;9I I TRA CT COS EE ATTAC HED S HE ET )1 ~~~~~.~3 o W ~p"..nl\c.:M AI L AD DR ESS ZIP P HONE 2 {1?;/ 3 ';:l~T:R IRq ~~~FiG:l~t tr: P liO .,.t L.IC tN SE NO . fS::2 /=-.S9'0 ~'?C"C A R CHI T t <\Zl 0~O ESl C "¥r V M A IL A D D RE SS PH ON E LIC ENSE N O . 4 EN GI NE ER MAIL AD DRE SS PH ONE LI C EN SEN O. 5 - L E NDEI'l MAI L "OD RESS .flR AN C H 6 US E O F'9 UI ~O INC 7 8 Class ofwork:}g,fNEW o ADDITION o ALTERATION o REPAIR 9 Describ e work:iJ~7P~(J Jt _n,'"r I~,'_d-," PERMIT FEES No.Type of Fixture or Itom F .. SPEC IAL C O ND IT IONS :&>WATER CLOSET (TOILET!$q 100 oQ BATHTUB :"(on G LA VATORY (WASH BASIN)q '/)1) J SHOWER 1 <n .:z KITCHEN SI NK &DI SP .'.i f':n :7 DISHW ASHER .Q 00 APPLI CAT ION ACC EPTE D BY P LANS CH ECKED B Y APPRO VED F ORISSU ANCE BY LA UND RY T RAY CLOTHE SW AS HER ?WATER H E ATER ,<,":Il'J NOTICE UR INAL ~ DR INKING FOUNTAIN I HE REBY C ER T I FY T HAT IH AVE RE A D A NDE XA MI N ED T HIS I "5"'0APPLICATIONANDKNOWTHESAMETOBETRUEANDCORRECT.FLOOR --SINK OR DRAIN I AL L PROV ISIONS O FL AWS A ND O RD INA N CES G OVER NI NGT HIS SLOP SINK T YPE OF WO RK WI LLBE C OM PLIE D W IT H W HETHER S P ECI FIED GAS SYST EMS ,NO.OUTLETS H ERE IN O RN OT .T HE GR AN TING OF APERM IT D OES NOT WATER PI P ING &TREATING EQUIP. PRESUME TO G IVE AU THO RI TY TO VI OLA TE OR CANCE L THE WA STE I NT E RC EPTOR PR OVISIONS OF ANY O T HER STAT EO R LOC AL LA W R E GU LAT IN G CONS TR UCT I ON OR THE PE RFORMAN C E OF CONSTRU CTION .V ACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPR I NKLER S YSTEM SEWER CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK &PIT.. S I GNATURE 0"CON TRAC.T O l'l 0"A U TIiO AI ZED _COENT l OA TE. PERMIT S 'J -:0 SI(;O NAT U AE 0 "OOh NER ."OW NE R BUIL DER )(:}A TEl TOTAL FEE S ?t:l /)/) WHE NPR OP ER LY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE)TH IS IS YOUR PERMIT /'/'/ ( Form 100.2 11-73 County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Name J .tX.L 4.'7---r ..UJ..~~/n Date of Appucanon /r.:.J3..-:19 71.. NQ 189 Electrical Contractor..~~~. Building Valuation $. Electrical Valuation $J...clJJ.9.. ~ Applicant.. SJaoature Date ........................................Plan Checker APPROVALS ..................................___--. $;L.Q O'.9.. $.L~Q..Q .. Permit Fee I nspectionFee Date Paid .JI.~/J...-:...J .r . Received By a..:~.r;;I:..L ..THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION T otal Fee 3 ~)00$a:.···~iid~.........._-_-. Date 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS T MI c .r .MD[C llL e e .,DIMVlR 30U IUI AdoiTI ONAL HPPER MOTOR,/\ WH ;o N JOB I S RE AD Y ,CA LL H ie BUILD IN G DEPT ,O i\JE WO R KI ~I G D AY B :::FORE iNSP ::;CTiON i s WA NTED REMARKS ,&"W LA I c £-~--- dO .DO 102 ,(1 D TOTAL F E'"-o- ------- 'to EAGLE COUNTY Eagle,Colorado OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date 11-1...."5 RECEIVED ', OF __---'~~:~.L-,---- ]?e!br I< '. , " j i ! 1·- ,. F i : I ,. r ,I \ I All Items ar e rec eived for co llect ion o nly and this r eceip t shall be cancelled f or n o-payme nt of a ny item . CASH 141 "cX{t~ACC T . AMOUNT ITEM CODE Bu ilding Permit F ee I/'Z:~ru N'h.<-~8 ..C2ZL r fi i-' Appl icati on F or 11=!fJ>-LL -~..::5 00 Subd ivision Ap plic ation Zone Chang e Co ndi ti onal Use Special Use Vari ance Appea l Fee Code:(Building)(Zon ing)[Subd ivision) .., Total Rece iv ed /.,(;(}cL --_.--.. 332 By _()-,-7~OC~E .fi7- ...;~\ ?[>: • ,<' /<, ~~, .c i..... '/ '" 0 ''I?_. .,:;\..... I ..--Io! ! I -I '.''-:('.~- ("~.:,;'. ., .......__. -,, ~-' "- -',... I I I o REBUEST EAGLE COUNTY o REINSPECT DATE JOB NAME _ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ BUILDING LOCATION: o OTHER _ READY FOR INSPECTION ~APPROVED DDISAPPROVED o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTlONS _ DATE /0 /'9-q--2 I{ INSPECTOR :7 I ! ...'-~~{OiXiJ'""F "i ~•.'$otl:,f¥/I"'t F 7::t:t l~~~f.,'t'-:'Pi'::~1~4OJU!¥W»'>jj:.f.',":"""*'~·~-l-~~~~·:,-~·It'."t ",.:.........:;pi'.,.... ,C 'INSPEC~ION ~EGUEST LOCATION _ EAGLE/)IJ DATE JOBNAME .':L~/~ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER;?'~4~::rC-• COUNTY ,- "!, MON TUE COMMENTS:~.~( ~VED READY FORINSPECTION ~THUR?(;r //"7<7/':"-:.7,.I o DISAPPROVED FRI AMPM / o REINSPECT ,0 UPON IHE FOLLOWING cORRECTIONS . '.CORRECTIONS ....&--J:..~,-/-~-I Y 'J &2C g~£~=U;£;, DATE //-~d -?Y I ! 'Y.......,.....-....,..,o INSPEC(>.ON REGUEST "l. PARTIAL LOCATION _ PARTIAL o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOBNAME (20 h~o TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER ~71i6'\21.';/f// "".J ~/~ LOCATION: READY FORINSPECTION MON TUE WED FRI,AMPM e1 ~yl G..r Ie (..C 4= ....... DATE J -P ;;;;2- / INSPECTOR f I. I RE G UESTo---.",.--..~..~--~..~.......'tf"'~.......~-.~~~,.,..,--........'_,-~~,,~..."'!:I$~~~..,.-~~~_-,~~~~--""~---..._.....~~1 ..........- I NSPECQ.ON EAGLE COUNTY o OTHER 0 PARTIA L.LOCATION ~t>(d ••,4:' MON ':/./< ~ROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT o UPONTHE FOLLOWING CORREC TIONS: CORRECTIONS _ INSPECTOR DATE ! ! REGUEST ~;~ INSPECf;.ION EAGLE COUNTY ~DATE JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED AMPM CALLER -=-_ LOCATION: o OTHER _ PARTIAL LOCATION: MON TUE COMMENTS :_ ~PROVED 0 DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT z;:[)".e: INSPECTOR ~