HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 2 LOT 5 LEGAL___---=-_'?.:..:.'~C IM!:::;,"",'",-,1'--_ F".,lit Jult .f ... ID.u. I(~..J-81-21 -!J-uLJt:M'ria..i /t2eZ.0-J~~ 1?~. tJo ~l~no ....",?e.'oe h>IQeo.,,62 C.~I!-nb,,~. R1L.!-L.t...,u'i ~. 1'1'1'i .1?e:01urio.J ~4 2o-Jju.~ 1919 -'Ksn1 C)(;,=,T'EP 4/5J!16 C.1If 1.",-",-,"(Co ......?I:f1l,J<.«:CCLiAtzn,eD. '--=;~:..L.,." TOWN OF I'iHL From t he dull 0['..Grorg,Rlltb tr TYlo...,..".m.J 6.Jct;u~~~/...~~....e:'fi'4 Co. '-iCb 5.h~J>t>-.:>~.~rE.1'1--1 bIOJ"-'=Sf"'?,C..8/001 '14'5'Ul'"/'S '7o .&~1-1 byF""-'fl'l,Co.8/6'57 -It (~:\=Ie:.I0U+1i oU o~"Z...ouiuCj rn A-p~') -b~~;t Ji '-Iffl 'k t'ech;~Hw ow ~.~//.::, "S¥".~,lQSS -'>_J/15~~ .\2e5.""85-"50 ~~;b:hoJ I-o_~ 5'~;t-?::"'-~-~-'---_____. (j z/81 +q O~ ~,Utt O ~. \::::~--~.""-.. TOWNOF VA IL Fru ••6t lui 'J...Gu",R.t ll" M.t". L.tuD ~.......0 ~"t 7totJ ,sub.--rne::>.~i1 .Z'S 1'"1l-e.z.'S Q /I rot/1 %~.e,~;u 191'-1. ~M f"'E:l.i~r'<-l 1m. Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 7SSo uth Fro ntage Road,Va il,Colorado 8 1657 t e l:970.479 .2139 fa x:970 .479.2452 we b:www.valleov.com Project Name :DUGAN RES.DECKANDWINDOWS Project Description: REMODEL Participants: OWNER DUGAN ,SUZANNE J .06/17/2008 POBOX3768 VAIL CO 81658 APP UCANT DUGAN,SUZAN NE J .06/17/2008 POBOX3768 VAIL CO 8 1658 ORB Number:DRB08022 4 Proj ect Ad dress:2642KI NNICKINNICKRDVAIL l ocation: Legal D esc ription:Lot:5 B lock:2 Subdivision:VAILINTERMOUNTAIN DEV5 Parcel Number:2103·143-0100·5 Comments:SeeConditions Motion By: second By : Vote: Conditions: BOA RD/STAFF ACTION Action:STAFFAPP Date o f A pproval :0 7/02/2008 Co nd:B (PLAN):No cha nge s t o t heseplans maybemadew itho ut t he w ritten consent ofT ow n of Vall staff and /or th e approp riate rev iew co mmittee(s). Cand:0 (PLAN):ORBap provaldoes notco nstitute ape rmit fo rbuild ing.Please consult with T own o f Vall Building perso nnel priortoco nstruction act ivitie s. Cond :2 01 (PLAN):ORBapprova l shallnotbecomevalidf or20days fo llowingt he date of a pproval,pursuantt ot he Vail T ownCode,Chapter 12-3-3 :APPEALS . Cond:202 (PLAN):Approvalof t hi s projectshall lap se a nd become votd o ne (1)ye arfollowing t he d ate offinalapproval ,un less abu ildi ng permit isIssuedandco nstruction is commenced a nd is d iligently pursu ed toward co mpletion . Cond :CONO OI0I02 Th eap plicant shalfmatchth e newdeck railings totho se ex isltng on t hestructure curre ntl y with regard toarch itectural sty le,material,and co lor . Cond:CO NOO 10103 The applic antshall protecttheexisting eve rgreen tree loca ted adjace nt to the stai rs to be replace d.Materialsshall not be stacked up agai nst the tree. Co nd:CO N00 10l04 Theappli cant sha ll ma tch the newshin gles on the porc h roof to those exis ting on the structu re. Planner:Warren campbell ORBFeePaid :$20 .00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vall,Colorado 8 1657 tel :970 .479.2 128 fax :97 0.479.2452 web:www .vallgov.com General Information : All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submittingabuilding permit application.Please refer to the submitta l requirements for the particularapprovalthat is requested .An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unti l an requ ired informatiOn Is received by the Community Development Department The project mayalsoneed to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Envi ronmental Comm ission. Design revi ew approval lapses unlessa building permit I s Issued a ndcon struction co mmences w ithin on e y ear of thea pproval. Desaiption o f the Requ est:Ai;;f){)I€'&!>fl S.sw-..'YV12 £}-;Nl ASl 1E~i~AWp;gt'~l!4ai'rLAi"%>J.i 1M 1V(2~,y 11d ]'N '-/0i>i\ Location of the Proposal:Lot:;f BIock:~SU bdiviSion :_~1 L {tU-r;;rJ,/1Q IA'l1)4,f\J Physical Add ress:?b 't 'J..k/t\4'I Ak/n dlA Ck 9',,,,gI l.- Parcel No .:(Contact Eag le CO.Asse ssor at970-328-8640 forparcel no.) Zon ing:f!3 1"1~A.7J S~4 N.me(s)ofOwn er(s):/&P-t.t.ttvi OV-c.",..J Malllng Address:---'-''':;-::---,,..';'-'-f-;72";;:b'~---'---7\=C::---;:::;"""+-7C"';-;--- ~Phone :l Owner(s)Signature(s):_=::::;;a;~==::=:===-;/.:..-6:.~~;...."""::",,,_ Name of Applicant:__~~:BJ1.::tl&L.._ld..~-'-"""-_-'-"--_ M.lllng Add ress:--..-:::-:,----,;-;;:+,---",,-;;,-;-,---__ __-----,-,-~~"..,.__,___Pho ne:--:!~w..>:&,::--------,!"'-:¥-f--::J~-c--­ E-m.1I Address :tl U <:A..v (J SOUfilltJ,C!>"'1'.x:_--'11--J.'Jci.l.L---=r..L...s.!.::.....<"-,J....l.L:'+-_ Type of Rev iew and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o NewConstruction o Addition o Minor Alteration (multi -family/commercial) ~.Minor Alteration (slngle-fam;ly/dup!ex) o Olanges to Approved Plans a separation Req uest $50 eM $1.00per square footof tota l sign area. No Fee $650 For oonstruction of a new building ordemo/rebuild. $300 fof an additionwhere square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (Includes 250 additions &interior conversions ). $250 For minor dlanges to buildings and site improvements,such as, re-roofing,painting,window additions,landsca ping,fences and retain ing wa lls,etc . $20 For minor changes to buildingsand siteimprovements,suchas, re-roof"lllg ,painting,window additions,landscaping ,fences and retaining walls,etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Plannir'lg Staff or the Design Review Board . No Foe For Otti g ,~_Only: Fee Paid :01eck No .: Meellng Date :/'/'OS' Planner:I J(, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S t atement Number: Payment Meth od: DUGAN ROB 0000 972 Am ount :$2 0.00 Check 0 6/1 7/2 00 B02:22 PM Ini t:JLE Notat io n:1 545 SUZANNE P ermit No : Par cel No : S ite Address : Locat ion: DRBO B0224 Type :ORB -Min or Al t.SFR/nup 2103 -143 -01 00 -5 2 6 42 KINNICKINNI CK RD VAIL This Payme nt:$20.00 To tal Fee s: To tal ALL Pmts : Balance : $20 .0 0 $2 0.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNTITEM LI ST: Ac coun t Co de DR 00 1000031 12200 Descr ipt ion DESIGN RE VIEW FEES Cu rre nt Pmts 20.00 t-? / / ",0 ,-:>JY J\,7''\,'\/'(e;,I ()0":)''»~,>;o Ii Q:t~r.Y'/\:\ l}o<:>?>0<:>~~....'.i \~";-o:,,.{§,p ....,,\\~~~";-/r:./,r ,~__~\\'I I I ,','!t~"/~\\ I I I 1""1 '"f I\\ I '----->-~'/',',\ / ,'-------/, 5 I ~-..-...-"I \.....~\I .."','""\I I I ''.'.\II' (Jl I ,'"\~,:~//r \'."\\ I 1 \\~''."\!~is -~.~I \\\\ !~...<,S'\',"\ 11 --.............,"\~=:::.:.-'.,\.\./\:z <,','/~S ~~~-:-_<,"\\~/~~ 6 ....\/'y~~,0 ' '"-_~../V ~.5.......~...~ '"»>-D UGAN REMOD EL - 61......LOT:;B LOCK 2 V A IL Itm:RMOUNTAI N -'I'•~-......2042 K INNIK INNIC-K C-OlRT TOi'<N OF V AIL .e-oLORADO - I ,,,, z;;: -J ~>-g~~h()~>l ~L -uill-J --2 -1l ~i1 :!-< Z N ~> «>li1 ~1D 8 ,,~:::)irl :l; D on ">-s -J DATE:~12~ A2.1 0. I I I 3: ~I I!I / iIi/ i;>/ 91, NORTHI I I I I 1/ Jill iii I 91 Q I I! (1A,~eyJlt-c~oA o,M (';I "'-'A/1 ':l ,J Ext5T.flVILDINf, sCAlEI I/e"'"1'-0", H+H-H-H1H-i ~ 1,,/) ) .. "" "1 1 ~..=O fi.... "c:roo-.~ ii ~~-l c:»"",'11,____--------------------------------ir--.,.i-------.....0----:5 ....""..--~, ,I I. ",",.,, ".",EXl5T.6,tt.,R,66E ,I J::_-=======_-:=====-.:_-:::==--:======,:I "~"" " H.,,, •r I ',,-' ~•••~ ""~='->q., II UC~,:tI·--,~~~~~~~~··:,:~==:=:r===d • o JUN 16 2008 TOWN OFVAIL eXISTINcS eLeVATION SGAl..E 1 NTS I III DATE:5-12-06 A3.1 ----------, I I I I I I I EXISTIN~EL.EVATION ,,,, z < ---l ~>-8~~~~()~\l --'L -o S ill :!~.It <---'>),1 < Z rq :> <{\l iZ ~\!)8 ~~ :::)ii'l '"0CIIn'">- >-0--' DATE:S-1:2-Oe A3.2 I I,, A2.2 I I,, if I'i/ 0;I .9 I 9 I I I I I ill •~IL:HI r:.:::.::::::.::i ;::.~~~-i'====::============::::::::::::::~~===:r:.:...i 8 I I 'I iii I :::9' '::91",I I I I____________~_________~l I ---------------~-----i r -------"l 'l --11 "f":':-_1l'I'I ",I'"I I I I" ~~I 'I ~I I I I I ~I ,,'J"~_/~--tr ' n r--r l Irl r -T " I 'r--f-I"l--1 ~'}--~:r-f"'" t--r ....''--I-..J I 'j ",-,I r -"r l --l l 1 to-_....l. -~~;:1' .l!'; .II 'I e :..11_,I IN01!FOR CONSTR1JGT IONI ,,,, """"""'"lINiSo TO '-"'ER $T.oSF . fl •10'1'-0" Z «.... -l ~....8~~§~ ()UJ o ....'>l...JL~"()T.o-",.F .W ...J -\}a •IOO'-()"_Z • ll «~:!>'>l -c Z N ~>4:'>l -u. "'>l c I!)()N Z::l ...J 'q"~ill coD"N ........ T O .~o a.•'11'-0·...J DATI:,5-12-o~ N A3.3 r " I "I ~==--=-==-===,--------7 ---111..t =T ---i'I I II~,I II I~III I II~III I I: ILr =b-_-b I I, ,II II I ,: "r i "Ir 111 1111 '1 PFi.OPOSI:D I:L.I:VATIO """""_______J r------------------~------l I I I I I I r ---~----------------------~I I I I I I I I I I,~~====~==~~==-==-====:==:=~ I '-T-1,.I-~-----?::::=,=-:::l'--f r RfA..AG.E I 1 I;,;1 I,I ,III .....1 ~·0f'EN ~-:-;=::::;r-~-:::-~-=-~-~=-~-~~-===-~-=~~-==-=~=-=-~;J ~==:==JJ i~:)i:= :::i -----~-~~~~_C;r.-~-E-~-t:\~I~~'UJ~,;p-~,~,~Tirrl1rr I II I EXIST DfCI(,__ I "I LUUJUIIIF!EPl...AGE K"o~u..S I I I I .....5OLID I~L III PlGlCr;rs.~r'-===-="'-=--""""''''== t I I rr-------T-------]i aEVA11ON':>'f ==1=::;:=r r --------------- I'I 11 I11 I l :iT---,I---:-lr ----tj P.a"LACl!S TA IFt$"'" t£VlSrm..~, S TR.I N6ERS>,~ """"""" e ===_===~~... J c==~=:c :=r-------------------­ ~t:"r=-;:"~i1;'==4 1 r.....------,------..,1 I I 'I n"111 II II I u II III-t""t -II'11 II 1 II II 11 ~-f"'111 II IIIn IIIj UJJIl1II 1I I n II I'II'II I.!__-_-_-~-_-_-_~ II II III I I I I II III II II II II'II "'J.1 Jr!_~ • .'':!.-..',•• Design Review Board ACTION FORM De partment of Community Developmen t 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado 81657 t el :970.479 .213 9fax:9 70.479.2452 web:www.ctvan.co.u s Project Name:Re-roof w ithasphaltshingle ORBN u mber:DR8020385 Project Descr iption: Re-roof w ith SO year,300+lb./sq.ft.Prestiq ue asphalt sh ingle in "weatheredwood" Participants: OWNERDUGAN ,5UZANNE J .10/25/2002Phone : PO BOX 3768 VAll eo 81658 License: APPLI CANT DUGA N,SUZANNE J .10/25/2002 Phone :476-ll764 PO BOX 3768 VAllCO Dugan@sdugan .com 8 1658 Licens e: Project Address:2642 KINN ICKINNIC K RD VAIL Location: Leg al Description :lot:5 Block:2 Subdivis ion:VAIL INTERM OUNTAIN DEV S Parcel Number:2 10314301005 Comm e nts: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: second By: Vote: Cond itions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:07/29/2003 Ccnd :8 (PLAN):Nochanges t o these p lans may be madewi t hout th ew r itten consent of Town of Vailstaff and/ort heapp ropriat e review committee{s). Entry:07/29 /20038y :EEActio n :AP Cond:O (PLAN):ORB approvaldoes notconstit ute aper mit for build ing.Pleaseconsult w ith Tow nof VailBuilding personnel prior toconstruction activ it ies. Planner:ElisabethEckel ORBFee Paid:$20.00 ••,.' Phone:(9i'tJ cnfi4 _(970)37(99-t 1)00)595-8955 Fu:(970)476-2S64 "...i l """'_ S,nne J.Dugan,Broker Sue Dugan ,GRI,CRS,MR E,CIT'S Broker/Owner MLS Ul 1642Kinnickinnick e.. Vail,CO US...'1657 Ma.tling Addl'nl; P.O .Bo..:J76i VJ.il.COUSA 81658 r:,~p.,1 ,l,»'< "~,-,,. ~l j ", It ~,.. f·•• Applicationfo r Design Review Depa rtment of Commu nity Deve lop ment 7S So uth Frontag eRoad ,Vail,Colora do 8 1657 tel:970 .479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d.ven.co.u s (0 }/ff=':EKesOIULe DJ ~lD ,-----_ LocatJon of th~Proposal :Lot :S-Block:g"Subdivision:k1QIL /.-..JAA /l10vri7T1J I ,J Physical Address:'6 64"/<-1 f\.MC«.J fV(\//"d<---Cf _ Parc el No.:').1C5b •1'1-")-(\1-O<:lb (Contact Ea gle Co.Assess or at 9 70-328-8640 For parcel no.) Zoning:~E Mailing Address:Y!lO","~'7 ~ VA /<-"'"Phone:...:9+-J-J-"O,-#-J....>.:..-,="""If-,_ E-mail Address:IO U!?J'lI\/<U ~t)U.",>V-COr"lFax:1t-:.L:==-"-;'-__ Namefs)of OwnerCs):--,S",i.l"--~::..:.:,,-=;r=-_---"':=:...-'--'--=--,_ Mailing Address:(1,\)')(-:lJ Cit ownens)SignatureCs):~""",::2~:::====:::::::;:9'-,.L;,.!:!c.~~_ Name of Applicant: \pV I\rf "''''ct"0~Vt';,~ by Planning Staff orthe By: ORB No.: ProjectNo.: For co nstruct ionofanewbuild ing ordemo/rebu ild. Foranaddition where squ are footage is added toany residential or comme rcia l buil ding(includes 250 additio ns &interior conv ersio ns). Forminorchanges to bulldinqs and si te improvements,suc has, reroofing,painti ng,window addi tions,landscapi ng,fence s and retaining walls,etc. Fo rminor ch anges to buildings and si te improvements,suc h as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landsca ping,fences and retai ningwalls,etc. For revis ions toplans alreadyappr oved Desi gn Review Board. $250 $20 $20 No Fee $50 f.I!.l..S:$1.00 per squ are footof tota l signarea. No Fee $650 $300 o O1a nges to Appro ved Plans For Office Use .Only: Fee Pa id:!J.U 1'1 0 Check No.: Appl icatio n Date: Pla nner: o Separa tion Re quest o Minor Al teratio n (multi-family/co mmercial) ~Minor Altera tion (single -family/duplex) Typ e of Revi ew andFee: o Signs o Conceptual Revi ew o New Constr ucti on o Addition .'I • JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER • I,(p ri nt name ),~,a joint owner of pro perty located at (add ress/legal description)~ prov ide t his letteras w ritten appr ova l of t hep lans d ated whic hhave been submitted t o t heTownof Vail CommunityDevelopment Departmentfor t he proposed Improvements t o be completedat t he address noted above.I understandthat the proposed Improvements include: Ifurt her understand thatminor modifications may be madeto the plans over the courseof the review proces s t o ensurecompliancewiththeTown's applicable codesandregulations. (Sig nature) Pag e 2 o f 12/02/07/0 2 (Dat e) .'•• MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information : Th is app lication isreq uired for proposalsinvo lving mino r exterior alterat ionsa nd/or site imp rovements . Proposals toadd landscapingd o not req uire ORB approval un lessthey in volve th eadd itio no f patios, wate r features,gr ading,or t he addition of reta iningwall s. I.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS o Stamped topog raphic survev",if ap p licable oSitea nd GradingPlan,if a p plicable" a Land scape Plan,if epphcable s :J Photo s o r drawing s wh ich clearly conveyex isting cc nditions'" :J Photos o rdr aw i ng s wh ich clea rly convey theproposedbu i lding or sit eal t eration(s )· cExterior color and materialsamples and specif icatio ns. oLighting Plan-and Cut -sheet(s)fo r proposed fi xtures,if applicable o Written appr ovalf roma condomin ium a ssociation o r joint owne r,jf a pplicable oTh e Admin istrator and/or ORB may require the submi ssion of add itiona l p lans,drawings, soec nca tons,samplesand othermaterials (indud inga model)if deemed necessary t o d etermine w hether a project wi ll compl y withDesignGu idelines o r if the intent of the pro posal is not clearty i ndicated. Please submit t hree (3)copies of/lie m at erials noted H';th anasterisk ("). Topographic survey: o W etstampa nd signat ure of al icensed surveyo r oDate of su rvey oNortha rrow and g raph ic ba r scale oScale of 1"=10'or 1"=20 ') oLega l d escrip tiona ndp hysical addr ess oLot size and b uildab le a rea(bu ildablear ea excludes red hazard ava lanche,slopes gr eat e r tha n 4 0 %,a nd floodp lain ) u Ti es t oexis ting be nchmark,e ither USGSlandmark o rsewerinvert.Th is Information mus t be dearly stated o n thesurvey oProperty boundaries to t henearest hundredth (.01)of a foo taccuracy.Distancesa nd bearing sa nd it basis ofbeari ng must beshown .Showexisting pi ns ormo numents found andthe irr elationship t oth e establ ished co rner. oShow right ofwayand p roperty lines;induding bearings,d istances an d c urve information. o I nd icatea ll easementside ntified on t he sutxlivision p latand reco rdedaga inst t he pr operty as indicated in the ti tle report.Ust a nyeasement restrictio ns. oSpot Elevationsat t he edg e of asp halt ,along the street f rontage ofth ep roperty at twenty- five foot i ntervals (25'),andam in imum ofonespote levationson eith er sideo f the lot. uT opograph ic co nditions a t two foo t co ntou r intervals oExist ing trees o rgr oupsoft reeshaving tr unks with d iameters of4 "ormore ,asmeas ured fr orn a po int onefoo ta bove g rade . oRock outeropp ing s and other significant natura l feat ures (large bo ulders.int erm ittent stream s,etc.). oAll ex ist ingimproveme nts (i nc l udi ngf ou ndation walls,roofover hangs,building ov er hang s, et c.). oEnviro nmentalHaza rd s (e.ro c kfall,de brisfl ow,ava lanche,w etla nds,fl oodpla in,soil s) Page 3oft 2/02/07/02 ••'. Gas Electric c Watercourse s etbacks,if applicable (s how cente rlineand edge of st reamorc reek in addition tothe requiredstreamorcreak setback) o Show all utility meter locations,includingany pedestals on sit eor inth eright-of-way adj acent to t hesit e.Exact locat ionofex ist ing utilitysourcesandproposed serv ice lines f rom t heirsource t o the structure.Ut ilities toinclude : ca ble TV Sewer Telephone Water :J Size and type of drainageculverts,swales,etc. :J Adjacentroadways labeledand edgeof asphal t forbothsides oft he roadwayshownfora mi nimu m of 250'ine ither directio n f rom p roperty . Site and Gra dingPlan : a Scale of 1"=20'or larger o Pro pertyand setbacklines o Existing andpropo sed easements oExisting andpropos ed g rades oExist ing andproposed layout of bu ildings a nd other st ructures includingd ecks,patio s,fences a ndwalls.Indicatet he fo u ndati o n with a dashedlineandthe roofedgew ith aso lid line . DAll proposed roof r idge li nesw ithprop osed ridge e levat ions.Indicate e xisting a nd p roposed gra desshown u nde rneatha llrooflines.Thi s wi ll be usedtoca lculat e bu ilding height. o Proposed driveways,including percent slopea nd spote levation s at t hep roperty li ne,garage slabandas necessary a longthe cente rline o f th e d rivewayt o accurat elyreflectgr ade . D A 4 'wide u nheatedconcrete panat the e dgeofasphalt fo r driveways that exit t hest reetin anup hilld irection. D Locations ofa ll utilities inclu d ing ex isting sourcesand propos edservicelines fr omsourcest o t hestructu res. I:]Proposed surface d rainage o n and off-site. o Locat ion oflandscaped ar eas. o Locat ion of l imitsofd isturbance fencin g o Locat ion of all required par king s paces o Snow storageareas. o Proposed d umpsterlocat io n anddetai l o f dumpster enclosure . o Retaining wa lls wi th proposedel evatio ns at t opand bottom ofwall s.A detailed cross-section and elevationdrawingsshallbe provided o ntheplan o rseparate sheet.Stamped engi neer ing d rawingsa re required f or w allsbetween 4'and6'feetin heig ht. o Delineatea reas to be phased and a ppropriate ti ming ,if applicab le La ndscape P lan : oScale of 1"=20'o rlarger oLandscape plan mu st be drawn atth e samescaleas t he site plan. oLocatio no fexi sting trees ,4"d iameter orlarger .Ind icate t rees t orema in,to be rel ocated (including new locat ion),a nd t o be removed .Largestands of t rees may be shown (as b ubble)ifthe strandis no t being affected bytheproposedimpro vements and grading. oI ndicate allexi sting grou nd covera nd shrubs. oDetailedlegend,listing thetypea nd size (caliperfordeciduou s trees,heig ht f or co nifers, gallon sizef orsh ru bsan dheig ht forfo undation sh rubs)of a llt he ex istingandprop osed plant mat erial includ ingg roundcover. oDelineat ecriticalroot zonesfo r exi sting t rees incloseproximity t o sitegrad ing a nd const r uction. o I ndicate thelocationo f allpro posed p lantings. oThelocation an d type of ex isting andpropos ed wat eringsystems to be employed inca ring for plant mat e rial fo llowing its insta llati o n. Page4of 12/02/07/02 ••• oExisting andproposed contour lines.Retainingwallsshallbeincluded with the top ofwall and the bottom ofwall elevations noted . Lig hting Plan : u Indicate type ,locationand nu mberoffixtures . o Include height above grade,lumens output,luminousar ea o Attach a cut sheet f oreachproposedfix ture . II .RtPAINI PROPOSA LS Forall pr oposals torepaint existingbuildings,th e f ollowingsupplementa l information isrequ ired : o Colorchipor color sampleinclud ing themanufact urer nameand colo rnum ber(s) oArch itectural e levationdrawing s wh ich clear lyind icate t he locatio n o fproposedco lors(ie . siding,stucco,w indow tr im,d oors,fascIa,soffits,etc.)The f ollowing isa ne xample: FASCIA WINDOW TRIM TR IM BAND UPPER STUCCO SOFFIT LOWER STUCCO Page5of 12/02/07/02 S O UTH ELEVATI ON _.!-----------"""'l--... W E ST ELEVATION By ildjng Materials • PROPOSED MATERIALS Typeof Material •" Roof Sid ing Other Wall Materia ls Fascia Soffi ts Windows Window T r im Doo rs Door Trim Hand or Deck Rail s Flues Fla sh ing Chimneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exte riorUghting Other Notes : rN tS G'f'N';EirJ /3 (h'V Wtl le.t<we TS>vvrJ $'H~VvOOO 51 4 ~():,p." II (If!p¥-{) Please specify the manufactu rer's name,t hecolor name and number and attach a colorchip. Page 6of 12/02/07/02 ..• PROPOSED LANDSCAPING • PRO POSED TREES AN D SHRUBS EX ISTING TREES TO BE REM OVED Bot anical Name Common Name Qu antity Minimum Requirementsfor Landsca ping:Decidu ous Trees -2 "Caliper Coniferous T rees -6'inheight Shru bs -5 Ga l. ~Square Footag e GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATI ON TYP EOF EROSION CONTR OL Please speci fyother landscape features (i.e .retaini ng walls ,fences ,swimming pool s,etc.) Page 7 of12/02/07/02 • UTIlITY LOCATION VERIFICATION •• T h isfo rm isto verify service ava ilab i lity a nd location fornewcon struction a nd sho uld be used in co njunctio n with p re paring yo u r ut i lity planand schedu lingin stallat ions.Th e l ocation and availability o f ut ilities,w het her they arem ain t ru nk lin es o r p ro posedtine s,mu st be ap proved an d v erifiedbyt he f ollowing utilities fo rth e a ccom pan y ings iteplan . Authorized Signature Date QWEST 9 70.384 .0238(lei) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact :Jaso n Sharp EXCELHIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077(te l) Contact:Brian Sulzer HOLYCROSS ELECTR IC ASSOC. 970 .949 .5892 (te l) 970.9 49 .456 6 (f ax ) Contact:Ted Husky EX CELENE RGY 9 70.262.4024 (te l) 970 .262 .40 38 (fax) Contact :Kit Bogart EAG LE RIVER WATER &SANITATION DISTRICT'" 9 70.476 .7480 (tel) 9 70.476 .4089 (fax) Contact :Fred Haslee AT&T BROAD BAND 970 .949 .1224 x 112 (tel) 970.9 49 .913 8 (fax) Cont act:Floyd Salazar "Please provide asite p lan,f loor p la n,a nd el evations w hen ob taining approva l fr om t he Eagle River Wate r &Sanitatio n District .f ire fl owneeds m ustbeaddressed. NOTES: 1.I ft he ut ility ver ificat ion f ormhas Signatures f rom each of t he uti litycompanies,and nocomments a remadedirect ly o n the form ,t heT ow n will presume th at the reare no probl emsand t he developmentcan p roceed. 2.If a utilitycompanyhasconcerns w it h t he p roposedconstr uction,t he ut ility representativeshall not e d irectly onthe utility ve rificatio n f or m t hat t here isa p rob lemw hich needs to beresolved. Th eissue should the n be detailed inanattached letter t oth e Townof Vail.However ,pleasekeep in mind th at itist he respo nsib ility of t he utility company and th e app licant t o resolveidentified p rob lems. 3.Th ese verificationsdonot relieve th econtractorof t he responsibility t o o btain a Pu b licWay Permit fromtheDepartme nt of Pu blic Works atth e Townof Vail .Utility locationsm ust be obtained befo re di gging in any public r ight -of -wayoreasement withint he T ownofVall.A b uild ing permit is not a Pu blic Way permit andm ustbe obta ined separately . Page 8 of12/02/07/02 .'• NOTESTO All APPUCANTS • Pre-application Meeting Apre-application meeting w ith TownofVailstaff is encouraged.The purpo seofapre-applica tion meeting is toidentify any cr itica l issues pertain ing to t heapplicant's proposal andto determ ine t he approp riate development review process for anapplicatio n.I nmany cases,thepre-app lication meet ing helps toexpedite thedevelopmentreview processas c ritical issues areident ified and dealtw ith inth e p reliminarystages.A pre-application meet ing may be scheduled bV contacting JudyRodriguez at 970.479.2128 o rjr odriguez@ci,vail.co.us Tim e Requi rem ents The Design Review Board meets o n th e 1st a nd3 rd Wednesda ys of each month.A com plete ap plication form and all accompanytnq material m ustbe acce pted by the CommunityDevelo pmentDe partmentpr ior to application deadlines.A sched ule of ORBmee tingsandassociated applica tion deadlines may be found o nt heWo rld Wi deWeb at http ://d ,vair.ro.us/com mdevl planning /d rblmeeti ngsl default .htm For a new resi dentiald evelopment,the applicationde adlinei s typically 3 .5 weeks prior toaDesign Review Board heari ng. Review Cr iteria Th e proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the DesignGuidelines asset fo rth in Title 12,(Zoning Regulations)and Title 14 (Devel opmentStandards)of the Town of Va ll Mun idpalCode. Requir em ents for properties located in hazard areas If a p roperty is located ino r adjacent to am apped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche,roc kfall,debris flow, flood plain,we tland,poo r soils,erc.),the Commu nity Development Depa rtment may requirea sne-speotc geo logical inv estiga tion.If a site -speci ficgeo logical Investigatio n de te rmines that the subj ect property is located In a geo logically sensitive area,the property owner(s)m ustsigna n affidavit recognizing th e hazardreport prior to the issuance o fabui ld ing permit .App licants arestronglye ncouraged to consult with Community Deve lopmentsta ff p rior t osubmi tting a ORB appli cat ion to determine the relationsh ip of t he property t oan mapped hazards. Req uired Plan Sheet format Forall surveys ,siteplans ,la ndscapep lansa nd other site improvementplans ,all of th e foll owing mu st be shown. 1.Plan sheet size m ustbe 24 "x36".For large projects,larger plansize m ay be allowed. 2.SCale .The m inimum scale is 1"=20'.Allpla nsmu st be at the samescale. 3 .Graphic ba r scale. 4 .North a rrow. 5.Title b lock,project name,p roject add ress and legal desc ription. 6.I ndication ofplan preparer ,address a nd phone n umber. 7 .Date s of o rigi na l planprepa rati on anda ll rev ision dates. 8.Vicin ity mapor location map atascale of 1"=1,000'o r larger. 9.Shee t label sa nd n umbe rs. 10.A border w it h am inimum left sidema rgin o f1.5 ". 11.Nam eso fa ll adjacent roadways . 12.Plan legend. Page 9 of 12/02/07/02 ••" Design Revi ewBo ard M eeting Requiremen ts For newconstruct io n and add itions,theapplicantmu st st akea ndt ape t he p rojectsite to Indicate p roperty li nes,proposed buildi ngs andbu ilding corners ,All treest o be removedmu st bet aped.Th e app licantm ustensure th at staking done d uring t hew inter is notb uried by snow.Allsit e ta pingsand staking m ust be completedpriortotheday oft heORBmeeting. T heapplicant ,o r t heir rep resent atives hall be p resentat th eDesig n Review BoardHearing.Applicants w ho fa ilt oap pear before t he Design Review Board o n th eirscheduledmeeting dat eand w hohavenot askedi nadva ncet hat discuss ion o nth eiritembe post po ned,will havet heirit e m sremovedf romt he ORB agen da unt i l s ucht i m e ast he it e m hasbee n re publis hed. If th eDRB ap provesthe ap plicationw it h condit ion s or modifi cations,a ll conditions of approval m ust be resolved prior t othe issuance of a buildingpermit. staff Approval T heAdministrato r (amemberof t heplanning staff )may reviewand approve Design Review ap plications, approvew ithcertainmod ifi cat ions,denyth e applicatio n,orrefer th eapplication tot he Design Rev iew Boardforadecision.All staff approva ls ar e reviewed by t heDesign Review Board and any staff decision is subject tofi nal approval byt he OR B. Additional Review a ndFees If t his applicati on requ ires a separate review by a nylocal,state or Federal age ncy other th antheTow n of Vail,th e a pplicationfeeshall be increasedby$200.00 .Examples of such review,may include,but are notlimited t o :Colo radoDepartme nt of Highw ayAccessPermits,Army Corps of Engineers 404 ,etc. T heapplicant shallberesponsible f or paying any pub lishing f eesinexcessof50%of t heapplication fee. If,at the ap plicant 'srequest ,any matter ispostponed for hearing,causing thematte r to be re-p ublished, thentheent ire feefor such re-publication shall be paid by t heapplicant. Applicat ions deemedby t heCommunity Developme nt Department to havedesign,land useorot her issues,wh ich may havea significant impacto nt hecommunity,mayrequirereviewby extern al consultants in addition t o Townstaff.Should a determ ination be made by T own staff that an exte rnal consulta n t is needed,t he Community Developmen t Departmentmayhir e theconsultant .The Depart ment shallestimate t heamou nt of mo neynecessary topay t heconsultant andt his amo untshall be f orwarded t othe Town b ytheapplicant atth et ime offil ing an application.The applicantshall pay expe nses incu rred byt he Town inexcessoftheamo unt f orwardedby t he app lication t ot he Tow n w ithin 30 daysof notificationby th eTow n.Anyexcess f undsw ill be returned tot he applicant u ponreview completion. Page 10 of 12/02/07/02 ..•• Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road ,Vail,Cobado 81657 tel:970.479 .2139 fax:970 .479 .2452 web :www.d.vait.co.us -This checklist must be submitted prior to Public Works review ofa proposed development. Owners/ProjectName:_ Project Addr ess :_ Applicant:Phone Number: Subm itta l a Stamped survey o f property o Civil/Site plans Survey Requ irem ents: oSurveyor's wet stamp and signatu re aDate of survey o Northarrow o Proper sca le (l"""lO'o r 1"=20') aLegaldescription o Basis of bea rings I Benchmark [J Spot Elevations a labeled right of way a nd property li nes; includ ing bearin gs.distancesand curve inf ormat io n. a LotSize a Buildable Area(excludesredhazard avalanche.slopesgreaterthan40%,and floodp lain) Site P lan Requirem ents: a landscape plan a Title Report(SectionB) o Environmental Hazards(ie.rockfall,de bris flow,avalanche,wetla nds,flood plain,soils) :J Watercourse setbacks (ifappl icable) ::J T rees :J Labeled easements {i.e.d rainage,utility, pedestrian,etc...) a Topography c Ut ility locations a Adjacent roadwayslabe ledand edgeo f asphalt fo r both sides of the roadwayshown for a m inimumof 250 'i neitherd irection f rompr operty. I.Access (check aII) aDri veway type and fi nished surfacea reshown onthesite p lan. aUnheated ::J Heated (po rtionin ROW i n aseparatezone) ::J Snowsto rage areasa re shownonthesiteplan wiltlin pro perty boundaries (30%ofdri veway areaif unhea ted;10%o f driveway a rea if heated) a All driveway g rades ,d imensions,radiiare dearly noted onth e site planan dco nformt o Development Standards,p.11.Steepes t Section Driveway Grade(not the average grade):-,--_,- u Parkingspacesa nd t urningradii are noted onsiteplanandco nform toDevelop ment Standards, pp .12&14 ll.Construction Site (check a ll) u Locati onofall utilities an dm eterpitsa re shown o n t he site plan. uUm its o fd isturbance constructio n f encing is showno nt hesite plan. uI a maware that ap proved Stagi ng and Construction Tratflc Control Plans,as per th eManua l o f Uniform Traffk ControlDevices,wi ll be necessary pri or t oco nstruction. oIam awa re th ata Revocab leRigh tofWayPermit will be requ iredpr iortoco nst ructi on. Page I I of12/02/07/02 ••,. III.Drainage (checkall that apply) a Th erequi red Valley Panisshowno n thesite p lan aspe r Development Standards,p.12. U(Note:Valleypan must not beheated) o 4 Foot Concrete Pan 08Foot Concrete Pan uPositiveandadeq uated rai nage is maintain ed a t a tl t imes w ithin t he proposed site . oCulverts havebeen prov ided anda re labeledand dime nsioned o nt hesiteplan . o A Hydraulic report hasbee np rovided.(As req uested byTown Engineer) IV.Erosion Control (C heckallth ata pply) Q Disturbance areais greaterth a n o nehalfac re . DA se parate ErosionControlPlan hasbeenprofessionallye ngineered an dPEstamped . D l ess t han one half acrehasbee n di sturbed,a ndproper e rosion con trol devicesa re shown o n t he site plan. V.Floodplain (check allthat apply) ::J Th eproject lies w ithin o radjace nt t oa100year Floodplain. D IDO yea rFloodplainisshown o nth esite plan . oA Floodplainstudy hasbee np rovided .(Required iffl oodplain is with in co nstruction limits o ra s requestedbyTownEngineer) CJ Th e project d oes not lie withi n oradjace nt toa100year Floodplain VI .Geological/Enviro nmental Hazards(checkall tha t app ly) D The project lies w ithin aGeolog ic/E nvironmental Hazard area.(SeeDevelopment Standards,p.20) CJ A HazardReport hasbeenp rovided c Th e project does not liewith in a Geolo giC/Env iro nme nt a lHazarda rea . VI I.Grading(check a ll t hatapp ly) D Existing andproposedgrades /contours a re providedon t he s iteplan . oAlld ist u rbed areas have been returned t oa2:1 g rade. D All d isturbedareas notreturned t o2 :1 gra dehave beenProfessionally Engineered with s lope protection and/or stablesoils .PE stamped details a re providedwi thin plans. D Onlyex isting co ntours areshownonthesit ep lan,t here is no proposed g rading . VI II.Parking(checkall ) D All residentiala nd commer cialpa rking spacesconformtotheDevelop ment Standard s,p p.12&1 5. I X.Reta ining Walls (c hecka ll th ata pply ) uAll retaining wa ll s confor mt othe standard sinth e DevelopmentStan dards,p.19. cAllretain ing wa lls and com bination wa lls ove r 4feethavebeen Profe ss ionally Eng ineered andaP E stamped detail hasbeenprovided w ithi nt hepla ns . oAll ret aining w alls areshownon t hesiteplan,with labeledt opand bottom ofwa ll elevations and type ofwalt construction . CJ No retaining walls arerequ iredf or t hisp roject. X.Sight Distance(checkallt hat apply) oPropersight di stancehasbeenattai ned and shown onsite plan asperDevelopment Sta ndards,p.12 . u Propersight di stancehasnotbeen attained.Explanation wh y :_ Additio nal Comments Please p rovideany additional co mments th atpertaintoPublic Works Review . App licants Signatu re,_ Page12of 12/02/07/02 s tcne-ccetec Fascia Ge rard Stone-coa ted Accessories liesure yuur CO lllf.ll11.1r uses Gc r.uds nee-ccaed \'till ~and fa.;d a meW 10 rnllpkll'lhc ~Ih .11Icse roJor-malched accesso res wiU lIeIp prtWid r Ih.1l. ftni.J!illl:hlUl.:h IIIyuur o('W Ger.ud nxl. MeA M9t.>l ~1ruc:tiD n A....ocialion 'RCA Na\iOl'l<ll RQofIng Con tn\clol$As!Kldatlon.... NII IIQIlaI k.socI/Ilioo HOlTHl BuildefT, Ston e-ooaled venlllashing Mr efllanCC'i l ns Angelu,Cu illom l.,Fleooarch Ae por1 No.RR·24<132 Dadll OJunly.Flo:wio:If,Report No ,95-05 .Ql02 I Membe rships II'f'\I :I;H---I~~@ •Certlfkauon Ge '"fll roollllQ po-oducl l have be..""Wal..."j,a nd flaW received appr~certifiC4 lQ$and apptQV a15 '8 l ~. lef,l mp<lIl eceesalII IlvaWa on wntlen reqll8sl. ApproV:J.l s U.L A 12596 l isted NEWER Nalktnal Ev.lu911on Aepor1 No.<I23 QEfW\[)~TfOflOI.OO'll HElilSHnw TO lAO ....' CCfIllFlC;,l.T1'HO_ Ot Sl!lJ1 / Variegated Color. Tak il"tl....ioli!1(Modi t...,..-n .......Gerord bao clow loped ~........a....1la''''''oA tb<-"'''',mly ~..M ...........Thor YlIrWption dl>w lopod.civtt.omwt lK-f lI'a...il iA~.,..blo:llIJinc oC ,l..Medj ,.........-n rokrtI. "'ed~«n ....n ..,.,..fi"l."dbPboo tIuo l .......lV)aA ..lheiTa.me,.n.....ri.t"ti,,"00kn.InI.................... n....tk.l <doni ~DO klng.r ....oillbk . ___r.w:f!.tto\om M lIWlI lI O ~1 1'l1 L tlOOlRlIffl WiIA WIlI CIl\O- tfI IW.N(.U'l\w 11,..11 I .,k,·",••,'\...~,..I..,~'~.,••I~."' HORN BROTHERS ROOFING Ger anl Roufi ng Tt'l hnoklgiL'S ,\)'i s Colum hia street .~ lIr,'a,UhforniJ 92H.?:1·192J f AX714 ·S29 .(i)'lj c ma i l :info ("'f:l ('f;Hl t ll ~a.rom -': 1-eOO·23ROOFS Internet:http://-.gerardu•••com _"",~T_..-.w -vY"',,"'__oI _~Ior _"lIl4I _40 _'__e.-.-........--It ....__-'I'_,-....O<__._ GMI WAo'"PM'o<"*".OI CO/W..,.,.01 _""&"'1 _.-'..-...-......,.IO ",....t ...,..........__..........etonpIO... l '......_~_...._oIGoo..~-....~. Coo>,..,._'GRT'O'Go ..~-.o I_ ,""'"",'./"'.'''1'''''-''''0'' w~..._",""..,,'" (IU""\jl l ~J "'.1-1111f".PU :l)4l ~··1 1 1f, M'AJ,fc (:lU :Jl lll~1 71 -1_1 DougMason 1'I.v''''''I/'''''''-'' I I ~~ GERARd1:.....]1'11"] 1;...."1 s,_u,."..,.-:....,.•~'-'I~",r..,.p ,,,u.."'.·"~>"."""'.J •m :•. .'•• TO\\t'N OF VAIL.CO LORADO Statement••*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Numb er : PaymentMet h od : Dugan R000003 34 2 Amo unt:$20.00 Ch eck 1 0/25/20 0203 :57P M I nlt :J AR Not ati on:6 760 Suzanne J. Per mit No: Par c @l No : S i t e Addre ss : Loc at ion : DRB 020385Ty pe :ORB -Mi nor Al t,SFR/DUP 2 1031 430 10 05 26 42 KI NNICKINN I CK RD VAIL This Paymen t:$20.00 T otal Fees : Tot al ALL PInts: Balanc e: $20 .00 $20 .00 $0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AC COUNT ITEM LI ST : Acc ount Code OR 0010000311 2200 Dese r -t pt t on DESI GN REV IEW FE ES Current.Pmts 20.00 • Ju ly 29.20 03 Ms.S ueD ugan PO Box3768 Vai l.CO 8 1658 Re :Reroof 2642 K innicninnick Court Vai l.CO 81657 DearMs .D ugan, • T hank you for submitting an appli cation forare-roofo f yo ur res idence a nd fory ourfl exibilityinb r inging yo ur p roposal intoconformancew ith th es hingle w eight requ i reme nt softhe Town o f V ail's Developm ent Sta ndards.Due tothe recent c hange youde cided uponin yo urappli cation ,from aforty-year to afi fty- ye arshi ngle ,th e Des ign Re view Boardpr ocessi sno l o nge r necessary in order to app rovet his proj ect E nclosed ,yo u w ill findth e letters ignifying staff app roval ,whi chen ablesyou t o a pply foryo urbuilding permit immediately.Thebuil ding p ermit p rocessis usua llyc omplete withi ntw oto three weeks,a t wh ich t ime t he b uilding permitca nbeissued a ndyo ur co ntracto r may beginw orko n t here-roof T hankyou ,aga in,foryourap plicationa ndfor your patiencedu rin g thi s process .Please donot hesitate toco ntactmeregarding any furthe r ques tions or co ncerns you may ha ve. Best regards , E lisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 E nclosure cc :f ile • July23 ,2003 Ms.Sue D ugan POBox3768 Vail,CO81658 Re:Reroof 2642Kinnicni nnick Court Vail,CO8165 7 Dear Ms.D ugan, • DRAFT Thankyouforsubm ittingan applic ation fora re -roofofyo urresid ence.Perou r conversation th is momi ng ,I havefaxe d youa listingof the Prestique s hingle specifications .Asyou wi llnotice ,t he Townof Va ildes ign guid elines specify that no less tha n a 300 1b .sh inglew e ig ht isapp rovabJe fo ra sphaltsh in gle re-roofingp rojects .I w ill wa it to hea rfromyou o r your co n trac to rregardingyou rd ecision .At thi s po int in time ,you r proposalis o nthe Des ign Review Boardagenda for Augu st6,2003.Your presence will n ot be needed until 3p m inthe C o u ncil C ha mbers. Than k you ,again,foryou r ap plicat ion.T heprocesses n eededtoco mpleteim provements in t heT ownof Vailarenotalwayss uccinct ,so thankyou in ad ....a nce foryo ur patie nce .Pleasedonothesitate toco ntact meregarding anyquestions orco ncerns you m ight ha....eand Iwi lldo mybesttoa nswer you rque stions. Best regards , Elisabeth Eckel 970 .479 .2454 • Confirm ation Report -Memory Se n d Pale Dat e I Tile : line I E-.all lila chl ne I D • 00 1 Jul-Zl-OJ O]:12 P1 910479 24 52 TOWN OF VA IL COi&U'C ITY OEVHOPltEN T Job nU rlbe r Date To End ti le Pages sent Status Job nU l ber :71 9 119 J ul -Z3 03:06pm 8 9416256' 006 Ju l-2l D3:06P1 Jul-Z]O]:11PII 006 OK ***SE ND S UCCE SSF UL *** COl'<Il"vnJ'Nl:TY D EVE.L O P~NT FAX TR.ANS ~.A.L.S~ET C01'l4:l"A N'Y N.A.l\.:I:JI::'~~---.".--....,------..,.-------- II 0"F'A.G E S IN'DO~T(NOT JNCL't.n:U :NG C O "VER SR'E"Jo:::T)'--"2_'-- R.JII:SPONSE .H..EQurR.:B:D'I"'-r;;;~=.-_ "r <:>VVN 0 ·"V AII.,.COI'o't:~D EVXL<>PlIdENT 'TXLlI&Ji".IEIlONE _P1P='7 p -aJ3. S P JI!:C'.XAL C'o~s AND ?'JOTlltS:~« ____-<C-er....a.-__M IT A<Amw/1"=)0"$......4.A..,.,a= H.ff "7"P a i!"7t k \6//7?:t:pz..A77-C P!f?.eren..."'C'bE >itS'.,-~,,-L-£ItZ'cvlL::="-e:,,-"--_ ~N &-t~257:2 .."D'b-~~-"'r?-J Z>e ~ I A ,,{'T1C Ft7V""'"42kt!<E£:Sil74t----J :s.. •• C OMMlJ]';ITY D EVELO PMENT FA:\(T lv\.!"I SMITTAL SHEET TO:0ue 12UgmJ _ CO ~rP A NY NAME:..,..-_ FAX T EL EPHO NE NUMBER:_.L.L--"-L....,C-L--"'-..=:...;::...J!"-l _ ~'RO M: DATE :__+-_""-'-==-TIM E:__.J.L--'-"'''-''':=..:-_ #O F PAGES INDO CUMENT(NOT L'i CLVDING C OVER SHEE1)_---'''-<-_ RESPONSE R EQ mR ED?__~..!Jes=<___ SENT BY e& TOWN OF VAll.C Oi\r:vr Ul'iITY DEVE LOPMENT FA.X #'711-<79 -H52 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #'711-1 79 -21 38 SPECL-\L C O.VIMEl\'TS M iD l\'OTES:~~'_"'___'__ w ml-PrN f £t?-""u""ew~1dtN::s....:s.~·_ 179.Z161 W -Wb/r13fJ7t F:E VERYO NE\fORMS\FaxS hecl ••Town 0/Vail Development Standards Handbook j Natural colors (ea nh tones fOUD dwith in the Vail area)should be utilized .Pr imary colors orother brightcolor s should be used onlyasaccents andthens pa ringly 'Dt suc h asup o ntrimo r fai lings .A ll e xteriorwa llm ateria ls mu s t be continued dow n to finish edgr adetherebye liminating un fin ishedfoundation wa lls,A tl ex posed I. /me talfla s hing ,trim,flues,an d roof topmec hanical equ ipmen t shallbe anodized, v painted or ca pable of weathering soastobe n on-r e flective . 4. 5. 6. 7. Th emajority of roofforms w ithin Va ilarega b leroo fs wi tha pit cho fatleast four fee t {4'}in twelve fee t (12').However.ot her roof form s arc allowed.Con s ideration of environmental and cli ma t icde terminants s uch as snow s hed d ing.drainage,and solar exposure s houldbe integra lto the roof design..J ' R oof lines s hould be de s igned so as nottode posit s no w on parking ar eas,tra sh s tor age area s,stairways,d ecks and balconies,or entryways.Secondary roofsLsnow clips.and s now g uards shouldbeut ilized t o prot ect t hese areas from r oo f s now shedd ing ifne ces sary. 'v Roo f s urfacing materials s hall be compatib le wit h thesi te and s urrounding buil dings .Th e use of wood shakesa ndme talr oofsis acce ptable,however inno instance will metalroo fs w hich reflect d irect su nligh t on to a n adjace ntprop erty be permitted .I f metal ro o fsa rcu sed (heys hallbes urfaced wi th @ low-gloss finish_or ca pab le of w eat hering toa dullfini sh.Met a l roofs s hall generally have a sta nding sc am ino rd er (0 provide s omerel ief tothe roof s urfaceandbe of a heavy g auge. A s phalt andfiber glasss hingles shall be permitted provided tha t theyweig hn oless thant h ree hundred (3 00)p ound s p erroofin g squarefootan d a rc of adesign and co lo rt o b e compatible w ith therequirements o fthi s Section . Rooftop heati ng and ai r co nditioning equ ipment,largeventstack s ,elevator - pentbo uses an d si milarfeatures s hou ld bea voide d;how ever,if necessary,s h a ll be des ignedtob eco mpatiblew itbtheo verall des ign o f the structure or sc reenedfrom view .Roofto pantennas shall not be permitted un less as allowed undera condition al u se rev iew as specified wi thin the Zoning Code. 2. 3. 8 .Sola r c ollectors shall lie flat o npit ched roofs;ho we ve r,w henretrofittingan existingbui ld ing wi thac tive so lar,the co lle cto rs s hould be d esi gnedan dpl acedin a manner compatible with t he overa ll desig n oftbe b uildin g. 9.Deep eav es ,ove rhangs ,ca nopie s,a nd other b uilding featu re s t hat provide shelter . fro mthee lements a re e ncouraged.,,-; I. Oun 10 .Fenes tration s h ou ld be s uitab leforthe cl imateandfo r the orientation of the particular building elev atio ninw hichthefe ne stration occurs .Theuse of botb pass ive a nd active s olar e ne rgy sys tems is strongly e ncouraged . II.In no ins tancesha lla duplex structure be so constructed as toresult inea ch half of i bes tructure appearing subs ta ntia llys imilar or mirrorima g ein desi gn. 27 •• Se lect thea ppropr ia te warranty bas ed o n theselecteds h inglefor thesp ecificp roject an d edit the fo llowingparagraphsaccord ingly _ An e nhanced 110MPHl imitedwi ndwa rranty is avai la ble for Prest iqu e Plus H igh Definition,Galle ry COllection,an d Cap stone s hi ngles ,An e nhanced 90 M PH limi ted w ind wa rranty i s a vailable for Prestique IH igh Defin it ion s hing les .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••................•....................................................................................................... E lk StarterStripis req ui redfo r e nhanced 1 10 MPH lim ited w ind war ranty forPr estique P lus H igh De finition ,Presti que Galle ry Collectio n.and C apstone sh i ngles .[enhanced 9 0MPHlimi tedwi nd warranty forPres nque I H igh Definition sh ingl es].C ontractor'so ption for i nv e rte d st rip s hingleis n ot a llowed for e nhanced110MPHl and90 MPH ]limitedwind wa rranty . ~e:~l~~p re S!i qU e Plu s High Definition ' T~I&. Prestique Gallery Collection : f Prestique IH ighD efinition: P resliqu e H igh Def inition : ~~~R aisedProfile: Ca pstone : .50 ye ar limited Wa rranty in clud i ng 5yea rN o n-P rorate dU mbrella Coveragea nd including5 yearLim ited W ind W arranty allBO MPH ] I11 0 MPH (6na ils on ly withstarterstnp j l ma ximum wi ndv elocity. 50 y ear limited W arrantyinclud i ng5yea r N on-Pror atedUm brell a Coveragea ndincl uding5y earLimitedWindW arrantyat [BO MPH] 111 0 MPH (6 nailson lyw iths tarter strip)]m aximum w indve loc ity. 4 0 year lim itedWa rranty in clud i ng 5ye ar Non -P rorated Um brella C overageand i nclud i ng5 year limited Wind Warra nty a t BO m ph m aximum w indveloc ity . 30 yea rLi m ited Warranty inc l uding 5 yearN on-Prorated U mbrella Cov eragean dincluding 5yearLi mited Wind Warranty at 8 0mph m ax imumwi nd velo city . 30ye arLi mitedW arranty includi ng 5y ear Non-Prorated U mbrella Coverage an d incl ud in g 5 year limited W indW arrantyat 70m ph m aximum w ind velocity 40year limitedW arranty inc ludi ng10 yearNo n-Prorated Um brella Cov erage an d i nc l ud in g 5 year Limit edW indW arrantyat [60 MP H] [1 10MPH (6na ils on ly w ith sta rterstr ip)]m axi mum wind ve locity . .Spccifi catio n s Shee t ••Page I 01'3 I ( I I 13 1/4"x 39 318" 5 S/8M 16 4/98.5 sqj t, 11 P roducts ize : Ex p osure : Pieces/Bun d le ' Bu ndles/Squa re : Squares/Pal let S ite Search I Emplo ym ent I S ite Map I Co P resti q ue Gallery C oll ectio n r M l im ited W a rran ty: 5Q.year l imitedwarra nty pe riod:non-prorated co verage fo r shing les and applica tion lab orfo r th e initial 5 years ,p lus an o pt ion for transfe rability ';p rorated cov erage fora pp lica tion labo r an d shingles fo r ba la nce of lim ited warrantype riod ;5- yea r limited w ind w arra nty'. 'See actu a l w a rr antyfo r conditio ns and li mitations, .R E C I E IC AT ION S-0712312003 _ ~r:)§El k h as prepared a CSIG u ide S pecification as an ai d 10 sp ecifiersin pr e paring w r itte n construction documen ts fo r asph alt sh ing les a n d accessories,includ ingroll roofing f or e avea nd v all ey fl ash i ng ,u nderla yment,an d roofa ccessory p a int. P le ase click he re to vi ew a copy in a Wordformal. ELK~ The Premium Ch cice-, LW ¥iili,a....SGai Buy ElkMerch a ndise Elk Product Images Virt ua lP lant To urs About E lk Choosing A Color Emp loyment Roof Lines B "lI,I ...F .·~"...,. 0 5121102 What's New atElk •• Ente r a keywor d to search l:LK Nl:\\'S w .-ther .com ElkCorp Stock Q uote T Lim itedW a rranty : 5 0-yea r lim ited warra nty p eriod : n o n-p roratedco ver age for sh ingles andapp lication labo r fo rthe initial 5 years ,p lus an o ptio nfor tra nsfer ability'; proratedcov erage for a ppl ication la b orandsh ingles fo r b ala nceo f limited w arranty per iod ;5 -year lim ited w ind w arranty'. 'See actua l warra nty for co nd itio nsand limitati ons. 55/8" 16 4198.5 sq.ft . 11 131I4"x 39 316 "Product s ize : Exposure : P ieces/B undle : Bund les/Square : Squares/Pall et: P re stigue P lu s H i gh Defin iti on 23 .07• Enter c ity or USZip I I CD Sym bol: ELK Date:712 312 003 Lall I Updated:10:11amEST Elk is wholly ownP.d byElkCorp a publiCly hekl company trddiog on the New York Stock ExchanQe Limited Wa rra nty: eo-veer limited warranty pe riod : no n -prora ted co verage fo r shi ng les a nd ap plicatio n la bor fo r the initial 5years,p lus an op tion fo r tra nsfera bility ·; pror atedc overage fo r ap plication la bo r a nd sh ingles forb ala nce o f limitedwa rranty per iod;5 -yea rlim ited w ind w a rranty". 'See a ctual w ar ra ntyfor co nditions an d nrmtencne. 5518M 16 4198 .5 sq.ft, 14 Prod uct s ize : Exp osure: Piece s/B undle : Bundle s/Square : Squ ares/Pallet: Pre stlque I Hig h Defin itio n ~rQ~~...."",,-=;;----------- 13 1{4 ")(39 3/8 " P re s tique Hi gh Definitio n Product s ize : Expo sure ' 13 114"x38 3/4" 5 5/8" Lim itedWa rran ty : 3D-year li mited war rantyperio d: non-pro rated co verage f or shingles an d eccucetcn lab or for the in itia l 5years,plus a n htt p://reofing.e lkcorp.co m/new_s pec_s heet.cfm "spec_shee t=49 7 RD5 09-A424-4 BCB-9 0 .,.0 7/23/2 00 3 ,S pecificat ions Sheet ••Page2 of 3 Rais ed Profile ._- Pieces/Bundle BundlEtsiSquare: Sq uareS/Pallet Productsiz e : Exposure : PiecesIB undle: Bu ndleslSquare : Squaresspallet: 22 31100 sq.fl.. 16 13 1/4"x38 314" S 5f8" 22 31 100 sqft. 16 o ptio n fo rtra nsferability·; pror ated coveraaef or ap p lication labor andshing les forb alanceo flimited wa rranty pe riod;s-veer lim ited wind wa rranty". 'See actua lwa rranty f or co nd itions and lim itations. Limited Warranty : so-year li mitedwarra nty period : no n-prora ted cove ragefor s hingles anda pp licatio n labor for the initial 5 ye ars,p lusa n op tion fo r tr ansferability*: pror ated cove ragefor a pp lication labora nds hingles forb alance oflim itedwa rra nty peri od;5 -yea rlimited wi nd wa rranty·, 'aee actua l warranty for condi tions an dlimi tations. Z®Rid ge Product s ize : Expo sure: Pieces/Bundle: Covera ge: 13 1/4"x 9 27132 " 5518 " 72 3 b undle ae 100 linear feet 111I2 "x 13 1/4" 9114" 26 5bc xes e 100 linea r fee t RidgeCre st '"wICF,L"XC'"'--'V"e"""'.eed -__------------- Product size : Exposure: Pieces/Bundle: Coverag e. *S ee a ctualw a rra ntyfor con ditions a nd limi l ations. A vail able Co lors : An tlque Sl ate Sienna Sunset We athel'Nood S h akewood Sa bjewood Hickory A ntique S la te,weemerecwcco .Shake wood.Sablewood ,Hickory ,Barkwood ,Forest G reen , Aspen Wh ile .Gallery Collect ion :Balsam Forest,Weathered Sage ,S ien na Su nset.P restique roofing prod ucts contain E LK WindGua rd®se alant.WlndGuard acnv a ie s w ith thesu n 's heat. bon di ng sh inglesintoawinda nd weather resist ant CO\ltH that resists blow-offs and leaks. p resnque sh ingles meet Ul(/!)'Nind Resistan t (Ul997)and Class ~A"FireRa tings (U l 790 ). Prestoue s hingles com plyw ith th e re q uirements.o f AS T M0 3462as well asthe Wisconsin h ttp ://roo fing.elkcorp.com/nc:w _spec _s hcct.cfm?spcc_s hee t"~"4 97 11 D5 09 -A42 4 -4 nC n -90...0 7123 /2003 ,,Specifications Sheet ••Page 3 of3 Uniform Dwelling ecce.InICBOregulatory areas ,Preetque shingle s meettheacceptan ce cr iteria of AC 127.The ICBO EvaluationService approval number forPre stiquepr oducts inthese locatc ns isER 541 4.Presuque sh ingles meet theC anad ian Standards Association(CSA)COD E A 123.5 .'See actual warrantyforconditio ns and limi tations . Scope: Work includes furnishin g eu labor,ma terialsand equipmentnecessary to complet e installation of (name )shingles specified herein .Color shallbe (nameofcolor ).Hipand ridge type to beElk Z R idge or R idgeCrest with formula FLX .AU exposedmetalsurfaces(flashi ng ,vents ,etc.)tobe painted withmatching Elk roofaccessorypa int. Preparat ion o fRoof De ck: Roo f deck to bed ry .well-seasoned 1~)(6"(25.4 m m x 152.4 mm)boa rds :exterior-grade plywood (expo sure 1 rated sheathing)atleast 318"(9 ,525mm )th ick conform ingto the specnceucns of the Amer ican PlywOOd Assoc iation:7/16"(11.074m m)oriented strandboerd :orchipboard.Most fire retardan t plywood decksareNO T approved subs trates forElk s hingles .Consul t Elk F ie ldService for application specifications ov er otherdecks andotherslopes . M a t e rial s : Underlaymentfor s tandard roof s lopes ,4"perfoot(101 ,6J304.Bmm)orgreate r:app lynon- perforated No .15or30asphalt-sa lura led felt undartayme nt .For low slopes [4 ~perfoot (10 1.6/304.8mm)toaminimumof 2"perfoot (50 .8/304.8 m m)],usetwoplies of underlayment overlapp ed amin imum of19".Fastene rs shall beof8ufflcientlengt h and holding poweras requ ired on sh ingle wrappe r for securing ma terial.Comp lete installation instructionsare pUbliShed byElk andprinted on the backofeveryshing le bu ndle.Allwarra nties areco ntingentuponthe correct i nstallationasshownonthe Instructions .These instr uctionsarethe mi nim umrequ ired to meetElkapplicatio n requirements ,Insomeareas .building codes may require addit ional applicationtec hniques or methodsbey ond ou r inst ructions.In thesecases ,thelocalcodem ust be followed,U nder no circumstances will Elk accep t app licatio n requireme ntslessthan Ihoseprin ted here.For specifications in C SI format ca ll800 .354.5PEC (773 2)o re-ma il specinfo@elkcorp .com. M idwest O ffice 800 .226 6111 Southwest O ffice 972.85 1.0400 ~O ffi ce 8 00.7 9 1 .B 540 NorthwestOff ice 877 .840.7635 Corpora te Headq uarters 800 354 ,7732 Plant l ocation 800.355 .4968 We makeeveryattemp t to repres entour pr oduct colors asaccurately as m odernwebsite techno logy allows .N onetheless,wealways recommendyo u viewactual sh ingles befo re maki ng a finalcolo r choice . @2002 ,ElkPre mi um BUltdlng Products,In c.,anElkCo rp com pany htt p ://roo fing.elkcorp.com /ncw _spec _s hee Lcfm?spcc _shcct=4 9 7BD509-A424 -4 BCB-90...07 12 3 /20 0 3 •• Department a/CommunityDevelop ment 75 South Fro ntageRoad Vail.Co lorado 8 1657 970 -479-2 138 FAX9 70-479-2452 www.ci.vall.co.us Suzanne Dugan POBox3768 Vail ,CO81658 J uly3,2003 RE :Dugan Residence -2642 Kinnickinnick CourtlLo t 5,Block2,Va ilInterm ountain DearM s.Dugan. It hascometomy attention that the DesignReview applicat ion that you submitted to theTown of Vail fo r a proposed re -roo fat2642 Kinnickinnick Courton October 24,2002hasbeen inactive fora considera ble amount oftime.During thi s time we have exchanged multiple email c orrespo ndences with noresolution on the mate rial youwishto pursue on your home. There fore ,your Design Review app l icat ion ha s been form allywithdraw n an d you r ap plication is being re turne dto you at thi s tim e. 1 100k forward to workin g with you should youchoose to reap ply for a re-r oofproposal at some future da le.Pleasefee l free toco ntact me directly at(970)4 79-2148ifyouhavea nyqu estions. Sincerely,~~Pb~ Planner II • Town of Vail Cc:File Ru ss Forre st.Director ofConununi tyDevelopment )" • ••• Application for Design Review Depa rtment ofCommunityDevelopment 7S SouthFrontage Ro ad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :970.479.2 139 fax:9 70.479.2452 web:www.d.v all.cc.us General Information: All projects requiring design r eviewmust receive a pproval prior tosubmitting abUilding permit application.Please referto the submittal r equirementsfor the particu lar approval t hat is req ue sted.An a pplication fo r Design Review cannot be accepted u ntilallrequ iredi nformationisreceived bytheCommunity Development Department.The project mayalsoneedto be reviewedbyth e TownCouncil and/orth e Plann ing andEnviro n mental Commission. Des ign review a pprovallap ses un l essa building permit is issued and construction commen ces within on e y ear of thea pproval. -nt-EiiDescriptionoftheRequest:-r;A.,.S"-'f!,.=<l"C>".t=L-_----':l4-+-J."-----'=eu=-"-'-_.L1=...._ byPlanning Staff or th e$20 $20 No FeeSeparationRequest Location of the Proposal:Lot:-S-Block:Cl Subdivis io n:];?9 1L- Phys ical Address:bb It"-1<-1f\.MCk.J1IAA Cd<--q _ Parcel No.:'j..16b -/'t~-0 1-O\lb (Contact Ea gle Co.As ses sor at 9 70-328-86 40 for parce l no.) Zoning:b E /\ /' Name(s)of Owner(s):S tJ~{)LJ fll'lh/ Mailing Address :&C>"'/7J]b,j'l ,r'l IL "0 / ./ Owner(s)Signature(s):~""'::2~c:::=::::=;"4-~~£t,:.'#--------- Nameof App licant:,/:.....O'~LJ~~~~_iL-l21~lJ!~_tL _ Mailing Address !c 12>07'-)"7 lY .•~.'(; VAL.-<.9:>Phone:/]JO k J6-0 'r, E-mail AddressL iI2 U (..Il .V 0)~t.J tJ bMl·C()..1~lC/4 .2 G .?-.Ir0 .r \ $50Plus $1.00 per square foot of t ota l sign a rea,\A {7 No Fee /jV' $650For construction of a newbuilding or demo/rebui ld. $300For aneocmo n where squarefoot age is added to anyresidential or commercial building (i ndudes 250additions &interiorconversions). $250For mi nor chang es tob uildingsandsite imp rovements,suchas, reroofing,pai nting,windowadditions,landsca pi ng,fences a nd r etaini ng wa lls,etc . For mi nor changes tobuild ings andsiteim provements,such as, reroofing,pai nting,windowadditions,la ndscapi ng,fences and retain ing wall s,etc. For re visionstoplans a lready approved Design Review Board. o o Minor Alte ration (multi -fam ily/commercial) ~Mi norAlteration (single -family I du plex) o Changes to App roved Plans Type of Review and Fee: o Sig ns o Conceptual Review o NewConstruction o Additio n • JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAllElTER • I ,(printna me)'~.a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description)~ provide this letter as written approva l oftheplans dated which have been su bmittedtotheT own of VailCommunity Develop ment Department for t hepropos edImprovements to be completed atthe address noted above.I understandthatthe proposed impr ovements include: Ifu rther u nderstand that m inor mod ifications may be made t o the plan sove rt he co urseofthe review process t oensure compliance w ith the Town's applicable codes andregulations. (Signature) Page 2 of12/0 2/07/02 (Oale ) •• romv OF V,41L .. MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE I MPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Ge neral Inf orma tion : Thisapp lication is required forproposa ls involving m inor exte rior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals t oadd landscaping d o not require DRBapp roval u n less they involve t headd ition of patios , water fe atures ,grad ing,o rtheadditio n of reta iningwall s. I ,SUBMmAL REQU IREMENTS o Stamped t opographic survev-,if appl icable :I Site a ndGradingPlan,if a pplicable" o LandscapePlan,If eppllcable" :J Photos or d raw i ngs which clearly con veye xisting oonditions* o Photosordra wings whichclearlyconveyth e pr oposed bu ildingo r sitealte rationls)" a Exterior co lor and materia l samp les and spec ncatcns . o lighting Plan-andCut -sheet(s)fo rp roposed fixtu res,if a pplicable o Written approval from a condom inium associat iono rj ointo wner,jf applicable cTheAdm inistrator and/or ORB may require the subm ission ofadditionalp lans,d rawings, specifications,samples and other materials(includ ingamodel )if deemed necessa ry to determi ne whether a project willcomp ly with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal isnot c1earty indicated. Pleasesu bmit t hre e (3)copies ofth e m ate rials n oted witkan aste risk (*). Topog raph ic s u rve y: aWetstampand signature of alicensed surveyor oDateof survey o North arrow a nd g raphic bar scale oScaleo f 1"=10'o r 1"=20') oLegal descri ption a ndph ysical addr ess o l otsize and b uildab le area(buildable a rea e xcludes redhazardava lanche,slopesg reater t han 40%,andfl oodplain) oTiestoexisting be nchmark ,either USGS landmark.o r sewer invert.Thi sinformatio n m ust be dearly stated ont he survey cPropertyboundaries to the nearest hundredth(.01)of af oot accuracy .Distancesa nd bearings anda basis of bearing mustbeshown .Showe xistingpins or mon uments f ound andthe ir relationsh ip to theestabl ishedco rner . D Show right of wa y and property lines ;includingbearing s,di stancesand curve inf ormation . ':I Indicate alleasements identified onthesubd ivision plat andrecorded aga inst thepr operty as indicated inthe title report.Ust any easement restrictions. :J SpotElevations attheedgeofasphalt,a long the street frontage of the property at twenty- five foot intervals (25'),andaminim um ofo nespoteleva tionso n e ither side of the lot. ~Topograph ic co nditionsattw o footc ontour intervals o Existing treesorg roupS of trees hav ing trunks with di ameters o f4-o r mo re,asmeasu red f romapoint one foot abovegrade . ::l Rockou tcroppinqs a ndot hersign ifican t natura l featu res (larg ebo ulders,intermittent stream s,etc .). ::l All ex isting Improvements (ind udi ngf o undation walls,roof ov e rhang s,buil dingo verhangs, et c.). ::l Enviro nmentalHazards(i e.rockfall,deb risfl ow,ava lanche,wetland s,floodplain,soils) Page 3of 12/02/07/02 •• Gas Electric c Wate rcourse setbacks,if app licable(show centerline a ndedge ofst ream o r creek in addition t oth e requ iredstream orcreaksetback) o Show all utility mete r locations,includinganypedestals onsit eo rin the right -of-way adjacen tt o t hesit e.Exact location o f ex istingutilitysources andp roposed servicelin es'rom th eir so urce to th e structu re .Utilities to include: ca bleTV Sew er Telephone Water :J SUe and type of d rainage culverts,swales,etc. :J Adjacent roadways labeledand edge of asphalt fo r both sides ofthe roadway shownf ora minimum of 250'in e ither directio n 'rom property. Site and Grad ing Pl an: a SCale of 1"=20'or larger Q Prope rtyandsetback lines Q Existing and proposed easeme nts oExisting and proposed g rades o Ex isting andp roposed layout o f bu ildings and other structu res includingdecks,patios,fences a ndwa lls.I ndicateth e foundation w ith ada shed lineand the roo f edge with asolid line . a All p roposed roo f ridgelines with p roposedridgeeleva tions.I ndicate existing andproposed gr adesshow n u nde rneathall roof lines.This will beused to calculateb uild ing height. CJ Proposed driveways,inducting percent slope andspot e levationsat the prope rty lin e,garage s lab a nd as necessaryalo ng thecenterlineo fthe driveway t oaccuratelyreflect gra de . DA4'wid eun heated concretepanatt heedgeof asphalt fo rd riveways that ex it the stree t in an uphi ll dir ection . CJ Locationsof all utilitiesincluding ex isting so urcesand proposed service li nes from sourcest o th e structures. a Pro posedsurfaced rainageo n and o ff-site. a l ocation of landscaped a reas. a location o f limits of disturbance fendng a l ocationo fa ll required pa rk ing spaces a Snow storageareas. c Proposed d umpster locati on and deta il of dumpster endosure. u Retain ing wa lls wi t h proposedelevations at topandbottom o f walls.A detai led c ross-section ande levat ion d raw ings shallbeprovided ontheplan or separatesheet.Stamped eng ineer ing drawings arerequi red forwa lls betw een 4 'and 6'feet inhe ight. o Deli neate areas to bephasedand appropria te timing,ifapp licable landscape Plan: a Scaleo f 1-=20'or larger a landscape p lan must be drawn at the samescaleas t he sit e plan . a l ocatio n of ex istingtrees,4"d iameter or larg er.Indicate tr ees t o rema in,to bere located (In clud ing ne wlocation),a nd to be removed .Larg estands of treesm aybe shown (as bu bble )if the stra nd isnot be ing a ffected by thepr oposed improvements a nd grad ing . a I ndicate all existinggrou nd cover and shrubs. o Deta iledlege nd,listingth e type a nd size (caliper fordeciduoustrees ,he ightfor conifers, ga llonsize f orsh rubsand heightf orfoun dation shrubs)o f alltheex istingand pro posedp lant material includ inggr oundcove r. a Delineatecritica l rootzonesf or e xistingtrees in dose proximity t osit e g rad inga nd co nstruction. o Indicate th elocationo fa ll propo sedp lantin g s. a The locationand type o fex isting andproposed watering systems to be employed in cari ng fo r plant material fo llowing its installa tion. Page4of 12/02/07/02 •• ::J Existinga nd proposed contour lines.Retain ing wallsshall be includedw ith th et o p of wart and t hebottom of wa ll e levations noted . lighting P lan: o Ind icatetyp e,locationand n umber of fixtures . oI ncludeheight abo veg rade,lumens o utput,lu minous area o Attach a OJt sheetfo r each p roposedfi xture. II.REPAINTPROPOSALS Forall proposals t o r epaintexist ingbuildings,th e follo wing suppleme ntal informationis requ ired: oColor chip or colorsample includ ing t he m anufacturername andco lorn um ber(s) o Arch itectural e levat ion drawin gs wh ich dearly indicate the locationof p roposedcolo rs (Ie. siding ,stucco,w indow t r im ,d oors,fa scia ,soffits,etc .)The f ollow ing isan exa m ple : FAS CIA WINDOW TR IM TR IM BAND U PPER STUCCO SOFFIT LOWERS TUCCO Page5 of 12/02/07/02 SOUTH ELEVATION WE ST ELEVATION ""'I Building Materials •• PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material Roof Siding OtherWallMaterials Fascia SOffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door T rim Hand or Deck Rail s Flues Flash ing Chi mneys Tra sh Enclosu res Gree nho uses Retaining Walls Exter ior Ligh ting Othe r Notes : GSf.6~,;Q -p "";;;2mA.."oo{) -j1-H s b~I S 'J'{\./~I '-t't GIlA>: ~v'}<1e.t4 we ]tM.rrJ Iif!JL~=~><-_ Pleasespeci fythemanufacturer 's name,thecolor nameandnumber and attach a color chip . Page 6 of 12/02/07/02 ..• PRO POSED LAN DSCAPING • PROPOS ED ll'.EES AND SHRUBS EXISTING ll'.EES TO BE REMO VED Bot anical Name Common Name Qu antity Minimum RequirementsforLandscaping:DeciduousT rees -2'"Caliper Coni ferous Trees -6'Inheight Shrubs -5 Gal. !¥..e£S quare Foo tage GROUN D COV ER SO D SEED I RRIGATIO N TYPE OF EROSION CONll>.OL Please speci fy other landscape features (t.e .retaining walls ,fences ,swimming pools ,etc.) Page 7of 12/02/07/02 •• UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATIO N T hisfo rm is t o verifyserviceavailability and locat io n f ornew constructionand shouldbeused in conjunction with preparing your utilityplanand scheduling installati ons.The locationandavailabilityof utilit ies,w hetherth eyaremain t runk lines or proposed lines,must be approvedand verified by t he following ut ilities fort he accompanying site plan. AuthorizedS ignature Date QWEST 970 .384 .0238(tel) 9 70.384 .0257 (fax) Contact:JasonSharp EXCEL HI GH PRESSURE GA 5 970.262.4077(te l) Contact:Brian Sulzer HOL YCROSS ELECTRI C AS SOC . 9 70.949.5892(t el) 9 70.949.4566(fax) Contact:Ted Husky EXCEL EN ERGY 970 .262.4024(tel) 970 .262.4038(fax) Co ntact:Kit Bog art EA GLE RIVER WATER &SA NITATION DISTRICf* 970.476 .7480 (te l) 9 70.476.4089 (fax) Contact:f redHas lee AT&TBROADB AND 970.949 .1224 x 112(t el) 970 .949.9138(fax) Contact:Floyd Salazar "Ple ase provide asiteplan,fl oor plan,andelevationsw henobtainingapprovalfro m the Eagle River Water &San itationDistrict.Fire fl ow needs m ust be addressed. NOTES: 1.If the utili ty v erification f orm has signaturesf romeachof th e utility co mpanies,andnocomm ents a re made di rectlyo n th e fo rm ,t he Town w ill presume tha tt herearenoproblems and th e dev elopmentca np roceed. 2.If a ut ilityco mpanyhasconcerns with thep roposedco nstruction,theuti lityreprese ntativeshall note directlyon t he utility veri fication fo r mt ha t t here is ap rob lemw hichneedst o be resolved. Th eissueshouldt hen be detailed in a nattach ed lettert otheTownof Vail.Ho weve r,p lease kee p in m ind that it isth eresponsibilityoft he ut ility co mpanya nd theapplican t t o reso lve id enti fi ed pr oblems. 3.T hese v erifications do no t relievethecontractorof t he respo nsibility to o btainaPublic Way Permit f rom t he Departmento fPublicWorks at t he Town o f Va il.Ut ility locationsm ust be o btained before digging inanyp ublicr ight-of -way o r easement w ithin t he Town of Vail .Ab uilding permitisnota publicWaype rmit a ndm yst be obtainedseparately . Page8of12/02/07/02 • NOTESTOA LL APPUCANTS • Pre-application Meeting Apre-ap plicat ion meeting with TownofVail staff is encour aged .The purpose of it p re-app lication meeting istoiden tify any critica l issues pertaining tothe ap plicant'sproposa land to determine th e appropriatedevelopmentrev iew processforanap plicat io n.I n manycases,th epre-application meeting helps t o expedit e th e development rev iewprocessas crit ical issues ar e identi fiedanddealt w ith in the preliminarystages.A pre-applicat ionmeeting may be scheduled bycontactingJudy Rodriguez at 970.479.2128 or j rodr igueZ \.Cllci .vail.co.us Time Requ irements T heDesignReviewBoardmeets o nthe 1stand 3 rd Wednesdays of each m o nth .A co mplete ap plication fo rm a ndall accompanyi ng materialm ust be acceptedbyth eCommun ityDevelopment Departmen t prior to app lication deadlines.A scheduleof ORB meetings andassociated applicationdeadlines may be foun d ontheWorld Wide Web at h tt p ://ci.v ai 1.co.us /c o mmd ey/p la n ni n g /d rb/meet in gs /defa u lt.h~Foranew residential development,th e app lication deadline Istypica lly 3.5 weeks pri or t o a Design Review Board hearing . Review Criteria The proposal w ill be review ed for com pliance with theDesign Guidelines as set forth in Title 12,(Zoning Regulatio ns)andTitl e 14 (Deve lopmentStandards)of th e Town of Vail Mun idpalCode. Requirements f or properties located in ha z ard areas IF a property Is located in or adj acent to a ma pped hazardarea (te.snowavalanche,roc kfall,debris fl ow, floodplain,wetland,poorsoils,etc.),the Community Developme nt Departmentmay requ ire asite-specific geological investigation .If asite-soecrcgeological investigatio ndeterminestha tthesubject property is located ina geologicallysensitivea rea,the property owner(s)mu stsign an affidavit recognizingth e hazard reportprior tot heissuance ofa b uildingperm it.Applicants arestron glyencouragedtoconsult with Community Development staff p r iortosubmitting a ORB ap plication t o det erm inet herelat ionship of th e prop erty t o allmapped hazards. Req ui red P lan Sh e et Format For all surv eys,site plans,landscapeplans and other site improvement p lans,allof thefollowing mu st be shown . 1.Plan sheet size m ust be 24-x36-.Forlargeprojects,larger pla n sizemay be a llowed. 2 .Scale.The m inimumscaleis1-=20'.All p lans m ustbeat th esame scale. 3 .Graphic bar scale . 4 .Northarro w. S.Ti tle b lock,project name,project address and legal description. 6 .I ndicationofplanpreparer,address andp honen umber . 7.Dates of origina l plan preparationand all revisiondat es. B.Vicinity ma por locatio n ma p ata scale of r=l ,OOO'or larg er. 9 .Sheetlabelsand numbers. 10.A border wit h am inimum left sidemarg in of 1.5-. 11.Names of alladjacentroadways. 12.Planlege nd. Page9 of12/02/07/02 •• Des ign Rev i ew Bo ard Meeting Requ ir em ents For new construct ionandaddit ions,t he applicant mu ststake and tape the proj ectsite t oindicate property lines,pr oposed buildings and buildingcor ners.Allt rees t o be removedm ust be taped .The applicant mustensure that stakingdo ne d uringthe wint er is notburied by snow .AU site ta pingsand stakingmu st be completedpr ior t o the day o fth e ORBmeeting. The applicant ,o r th eir represen ta tiveshall be presentat theDesign ReviewBoardHeari ng .App lica nts who fail t oa ppear be fo re the Design Review Board onth eir scheduledmeeting date and who have not asked inadvance tha t discussion on t heiritem be post poned,willhave their items removed fromthe ORB agenda untilsuch t ime as the itemhas been republished . If the ORB a pprovesthea pplication with cond itions or mod ifications,all condi t ions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuanceofabuilding perm it. Staff Approval Th e Administrator (a member ofthep lanning staff)may revi ewandapp rove Design Reviewapp lications, a pprove with ce rtain modi fications,denythe a pplicati on,o r refer theapp lication toth e Design Review Board f or ad ecision.All staff approvals a re rev iewed by th eDesignReviewBoard and any staff dedsion is subject to fi na l a pprovalby the ORB. Addi tional Revi ew and fees If th is a pplicat ion requ ire s asepara te review byanylocal,stateorFederal agency other thanthe Town of Vail,th e appli cation f ee shall be increased by$200 .00.Examplesofsuchreview,mayinclude,bu t are not lim it ed t o:Co lorado Department of Highway AccessPermits,Army CO rps of Enginee rs 404 ,etc. The applicant shall be responsibleforpay ing anyp ublishingfee s inexcess of 50%o ft he applica ti onfee. If,at th eap plicant's request,a nym atter is postpo nedf orhea ring,causingthe matte r t o be re-published, then t heentire feeforsuchre-p ubncatton shall be paidby t he app lica nt . Applicat ions d eemed by th e CO m munity Developme nt Departme nt to have d esign,la nd use or other issues,wh ich may haveasig nificant impa cton the co mm unity,m ay require rev iew by external consu ltantsin addition to Town staff .Should a determina tion be made byTow n staff that a nexterna l co nsulta nt is needed,t heCommunity Developme nt Department m ay hire t heco nsu lta nt.Th e Department shallest imate the amou nt ofmoney necessary t opay t heco nsultan t a nd th is amount sha ll bef orwarded t ot he Town byth ea pplicant att he tim eoffi li ng anap plication.Thea pp licantshall pay e xpensesIncurred bytheTow n in excess o ft heamoun tf orwa rdedby t he ap plicationt ot he Tow n with in 30 d ayso f notifica t ion bythe Town.Anyexcessf unds willbe returnedt o the a pplicant upo n review completion. Pag e 10 o f 12/02/07/02 •• SurveyI Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Commu nity Developme nt 75 South Frontage Road.Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :9 70.47'9.2 139 fax :970.479.24 52 web :W'o'M'.d.vail.co.us -This checkl ist must b es ubmi tted prior t o Public Works review ofa proposed de velopmenL Owners /Project Name :_ Project Add ress:_ A pplicant :_Phone Number: Submittal oStamped surveyofproperty a Civil/S itep lans Survey Requirements: aSurveyor's wet stamp andsignature o Date ofsurvey o North arrow oPropersca le(1""'lO'orl"=20') D Legaldescnption oBasis of bearings I Benchmark o Spot Elev ations o Labeled righ t of wayand propertylines; in cluding bea ring s,d ista ncesa nd curve info rmation. o Lot Size oBuildable Area(excludesred hazard ava lanche ,slopesg reater than 40 %,and fl oodplain ) Site Plan ReqUirements: o l a ndscape p lan (J Titl eReport (Secti onB) o EnvironmentalHazards (ie .rockfall,debris flow,av ala nche,wetlands,floodpla in,soils) n Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) o Tr ees o Labeled easements (t.e .d ra inage,utility, pedestrian,etc ...) c Topography o Utility locations o Adj acent road w ays labeled a nd edgeo f asphalt f orbothsides of the roadwayshown foram inimumof 250'in either directio n fromprope rty. I.Access (check all ) Q Driveway type and finishedsurfaceareshowno nth esiteplan. ':I Unheated 0 Heated (portion inROW ina separate zone ) oSnowsto rage areas ar eshownonthe sit e planw it hin property boundaries (30%of dri veway area if unheated;10%o fd rivewaya rea jfheated) o All driveway g rades,d imensions,radii are dearly notedon t hesite planand conform t oDevelo pment Standa rds,p.11.Steepest section DrivewayGrade (not theaverage qrade):__-r- u Parking spaces a nd turn ing rad iia reno ted o n siteplanand conform toDevelopment Standards, p p.12&14 11.Construction Site(checkall ) o l ocation of a ll ut ilities and meter pitsa re shownon the site p lan . :J U mits of disturbance constructio nfencingIsshowno n the siteplan . ::J Iam a war e th atapprovedStag ing and Constructio n T raffic Contro l Plans,asper t heManual o f Uniform T raffic Cont rol Devices,will be necessary prior toconstruction. Q I am aw are th a t a RevocableRig htof Way Permit will be required p rio r t oco nstructio n. Page11 o f 12/0 2/07/02 ••• .~......", III.Drainage(checkalltha t apply) oThe required ValleyPanisshownonthe site p lan asper Development Standards,p.12. Q (Note:Valley pa n m ust n ot be heated ) o 4 Foot ConcretePan 08foot Concret e Pan Q Positive and adequate dr ainage is mainta ined atall t imes within the proposed site. oCu lverts havebeenp rovided andare labeled and dimensioned on the sit eplan. o A Hydraulic report has beenp rovided.(As req uested byTownEngineer) IV.Erosion Control (Check all tha t apply) aDisturbance area is greater than one half acre. Q A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped. e Less than one half acrehasbee n d isturbed ,a nd proper eros ionco ntrol dev icesareshownon the site plan . V.Floodplain (ch eck a ll tha t ap ply) oThe proj ect lies w ithin or adjacent to a 100year Floodplain. a 100 y ear Floodplain isshownon the sit e plan . o A Floodp lain study hasbeen pr ovided.(Requ ired if flocx:Iplain is within construction limits oras requested by T own Engineer) o Thepro ject d oes not lie within or adjacenttoa 100 year FloocIplain VI.Geological/Environ mental Hazards (checkall tha t a pply) :!Th e pro ject lies within aGeologiejE nvironm ental Hazardarea .(See Development Standa rds,p.20 ) :J A Hazard Report has been p rovided o Th e project does not lie w ithina GeologiC/Environmental Hazardarea . VII.Grading (checkalltha ta pply) a Exist ing and proposed grades/contours a reprovidedon t hesite plan . u All dist urbed a reas have been retu rned to a 2:1 gra de . DAll d ist urbed ar eas not returnedto 2:1 grade h avebeen Profess ionally Engineered withslope p rot ectionand /o r stabl e soils .PE stampedde tails a repr ovidedw ithin plans. a Onlyex ist ing co ntoursar e show n o nth esiteplan,t here is no proposedgrading. VIII.Parking (c heck all ) c Allresidential a nd commercialpa rking spacesconfo rm to th e Develop ment Standards,pp.12&15. IX .Retaini ng Walls (check a ll t hat a pply) a All r eta iningwa lls conform to th e sta ndardsinthe Development Standards ,p.19. a All re taining w alls andcom bination wa lls ove r 4 feethavebee n Pro fessiona lly Engi neered a nd aP E stampeddeta ilhasbeenprovi ded within t heplans. a All retaining wall s ar eshownon t hesiteplan,wi th labeled t op and bottom ofwallelevations and type ofwallcon struction . ':J No retain ing wall s a re required forthi s pr oject. X.Sight Distance (checkall that app ly) a Proper sight d istancehas been attained and shown on siteplanaspe r Development Standards,p.12 . o Propersight d istance has not been attai ned.Explanation w hy:_ Additional Comments Please provide an y ad ditional comments that pertai n to Public WorksReview . Ap plicants Signature,_ Page 12of 12/02/07/02 VariegatedColo rs TIoli"tthe ..'"'inc "'od n...1on,(loonI rd !lao ~,;.ph"lIl r:lthe rn,>:L>only fIaU>od eobw.ThaV11 1'l1'p1 dovoll>pod p.....I _lIwr lnuIIi1.ioII.Of bWnd ~t bo M<.l il....""'n <do.... MNlI....n..ftn al k>ro liluolhN>w lho'hi ....iVlafter t1w 1f fIIme,"~varirpl ..,...IonI.I.Ih_Cl\II<'\I thf, ILuhod 1II1orr.....""kIrcor ovl dablf• -........l(AldU,\I(('/I """""""".....,..."".----~..........llMl alllA ~"".~""'""'. •Cenlflca uon Grl.,11 rvoItng ploducl.........'-'IppllIoxd.and ha...rtlUl¥""lIPIlf~eenifiC:al81 and approw ,l!Sas 1oIowt.. 1:n;l report copies ala avaIallle on wnl llll\request 'e Cllr_~~· HlW:>TtREO TO ,g)<lIlCl' u ...........T'EI«l_ ApplllVJb ULR 12!iQ6 UBIed NESINER ~E...........fWpxI ....."23 Acceptances u.~c.IIklrn8 .~~Na .AA-24432 o.cM CotRy.FIunOIl..Atlpott Na.Q5.OS.()1.(12 Mem bershi ps 17'#\1:1 :1:1 --~ ... MaW Conslrudon Assodallon .~__RcoWIg ~ASaOd8IJDn_. N.t1lDNol ASllOCliltIOO l"Itlme Builders Gerard Stone-coated Acc esso ries lie SU it )ou r C'lli1lDC1Ol'Il.'lCS Gn:l1d 5lOn«oa:d 'ItI"I bshillts :llld b.sdllllfW Itl I,U I'l,jne die:job.Th est colof.macMd accrssories wi!hi..-Ip pruridt·l hl 6nMins louclllO you r IItW Genrd rool stcre-ccerecven l flashing Slone-coa l ed Fasda 1l 11 VIo;>fc,r,......11 1 '_.....C.4.........>ott.:,, HORN BROTHERS RO OFING Gcran t Ruufio f:TC'....honltlgies,9SS Col umba Street I ~~,.GlIiftlllli;l9:?tl2 I·29 23 FA.X714·'j29-6&U cmailinrO@'get"Jrd uS3 .com t: '1.. ~·23ROOFS .. Intemet:htlp://www.gerantu$a.com _"""-"'-.-..-ol__b_--.____e-•__.__.-__...-.._--- ~.___-_..._--..--...._--.- -------_.--..~~_,GflT.•,C"O -.'_' Doug Mason HevrI!5i!f'Mtt'.-", _..."..,Ju ~......~""" Ol llt-<:I:IOJ /2'74.1I 11 F ..~(:10:1'.......1171> !do.obo'e C;IUJ pll'o4 7 101-1 ~ GERA RD."-''''''1a! c-.J S/oow l ••",..,!;.,o,-..."'.........~._0 Itf l :>~...,.....~D._.:.. •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TQ\\"N OF VAIL,C OLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method : Dugan R 0 000 03342 Amo unt :$20.00 Check 1 0 /25 /2 00 2 0 3 :5 7 PM Init :JAR Notat i on:6760 Suzanne J . ---------------------------------------------------------_._----------------- Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Locati on : DRB020385 Type:DRB-Min or Alt ,SfIR/OUP 21 03143 01 005 2 6 4 2KINNICK INNICK RD VAIL This Payment :$20 .00 Total Fees: Total ALL P mt s : Balance : $2 0.00 $2 0.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LI ST ; Accou nt Code DR 00100003 112200 Desc r ipt i on DES IGN REV IE ~FEES Current Pm ts 20.00 Warre nCampbe ll ·Roof F rom: To : Date: Subject: CC : ••Page 1 of 1 It hadbe enJ udy's su ggestio n10put th e ORB fee in a ndto l etthe T ow nknow when I was readyto procee d .I neve r to ld youtogo ahead and d ositewo rk.Yo u took th atupon you rself .A ND .yo u r s uggestio n of us i ng th e sa me mat er ials .It I wan ted todothat Iw ouldn't need togoto ORBw ou ld I ?M yroof ing guy w entaw ay and I a m still g ellingbids.W hen I a m re ady Iw i lllet the T ow n k now .Yousayyo u r superior i s p us hingyo u toge l th is f inishedth e n tellyo ur s upe rior to ta l ktomeas Ineveri ntended this process tostart t ill I was rea dy.I a m leaving town .Whyd on',youp ut t his on ho lda nd I w i ll tal k to R ussw he n I a m ready to p ro ce ed .S ue •Suzanne J D ugan •Vai l Va lley Real EstateBro kers ,Inc 228 BridgeSt,Va il,CO 81 657 Tel :970 476-8250 1 800 595-8955 Cell:970376 -4994 Fax :970476 -8263 Em ail:du gan@sdugan.com ht1p:llwww.sdugall·GO rD Pe rson alizedservi ce fortheV ail V a lley . Hereares ome l inks that m ay be of inte res t toyo u: htlp:l/www.eagle-county.com.ht1pllwww.vailva lley chambe r .com.ht1p:J/www.vai ln et.com. http ://www.ci .vai l.co.u 5.hUp :/Iwww.de nvergov.org fil d/C:1Wi ndo wsl te mplG W }0 0014.IIT M 06/1 2/2003 TOWN OF VAIL •• Department of Community D evelopment 75So uthFrontage Roa d Vail ,Colorado 8 1657 97 0-479-2/38 FAX 970-47 9-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Jun 12,2003 Suzanne Dugan POBox 3768 Vai l,CO8165 8 RE :Du gan Residence-2642 Kinn icki nnick CourtJLot 5,B loc k 2.Vai lln tennountain DearMs .Dugan , It ha s co me to my attentio n that theDes ign Review applica tions that yous ubmitted tothe Town of Vai l fora p ropo s edre -roof at2642 K innickinnick Court on October 24,2002 h as been inactive foracon s iderable amou nt of time .Du ringthistimewe have exchanged m ultiple ema il correspondences w ith no resolution onthematerialyo u wishto pu rsueonyou rhome. Therefo re,yourD esignRev iew a pp licatio n has been formally withdrawn and you r ap plication is bei ng ret urned toyouatth is ti me . Ilook forwar d toworki ng withyou s ho u ldyou ch oose to reapp lyforare -roof pro posalat some future da te .P lease fe ci free toco ntact me d irectly at (970)479-2 148 if you h ave any qu estions. '1~0v\\2i'r\ Warren Ca mpbe ll Pl anner II Town of Vail S ince rely, Cc :Fi le R us s Forre st .D irec tor of Community Development TOWNOFVA IL 75S .FRONTAG E ROA D VA IL,CO8 1657 9 70-479-2138 NOTE: D1I RTMENT OFCO MMUN ITY OEV ELO !oNT T HISPERMIT ~I UST B E POST EDON J06SIT E ATALI.T IMES PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT S FR BU ILDPERMIT Penn it #:603-0220 Job Address: l .oc atio n : ParcelNo : ProjectNo: 2642 K INN ICKINNICK RDVAIL 2642 KIN N ICKNN ICK RD 21 0314301005 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expir es ..: ISS UED 08 /15/2003 0811812003 0211412004 OWNER DUGAN,SUZANNE J . POBOX3 768 VAILCO 816 58 License: CONTRACTORPLATH CONSTRUCTION P .O.DRAWER 5 920 AVON,CO 81620 License :148 -8 APPLICANT PLATH CONS TRUCTION P .O.DRAWER 5 920 AVON ,CO 81620 L icense :148 -8 Desciption :Re-roof'w/gerard til e Occup ancy Type T ot al s ... N umber of Dwe lling Units :0 OB /15 /2 003 Ph one: 08 /1 5 /2003 Phone :970 -949 -1905 oe /1S /2003 Phone :9 70-949 -1905 Fact or Sq FeetVal uat ion $9 ,6 00.0 0- Town ofYail Adju sted Valuation:$9,600.00 t'irep\al;e lnfbrm s uon :Restricted :Y 1/c f Ges A ppliances :0 II o fOIllo Logs.0 II (If Wood Pellet :0 .....................................................................FF.F.SUMMARY . Buildin g->$181 .2S Restuarant P lan Re\'kw-'"$0 .0 0 rOl~l ClIlcublled FCC!;->$]02.0 6 f'L1nChOX"k.->$117 .81 DRB I-"ec '"$0 .00 A dd l hrm ll lFec~>$0.00 lnvestiganon->$0 .00 RecrealionFee--->$0 .00 TOlll l I'cnnit Fa :->$]02 .06 \1.'llln U->$3.00 Clean-up Deposir-c-c-c->$0 .00 l ·.~m e nl~>$]02 .06 TOTAL fEES >$J02 .0ti UAlANCE L>UI'-->$0 .00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Approvals: I tem :0 5100BUILDING DEPAR TMENT 08 /1 5 /2003 DF Action :AP Item:0540 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 F IRE DEPARTMENT I tem :05500 PUBLIC WORKS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Secpage2 of thi s Doc ument for a nycond ition s that may appl y tothi s permit , D EC LARATIONS I hereby ac knowled ge thatIhave readth is app l ication ,filled o utinfullthe information requ ired,completed anaccu rate plotplan. ••PAG E2 ••••••••••••••••••••••*****.***.*****••••******••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Pennit #:B03-02 20 CON DITIONS OFA PPROVAL aso f08-18-200 3 Status:ISSUED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Permit Type: Applica nt: Job Addres s: I .ocat ion : I'arcelNo: A DD/ALT SF R BUILDPERMIT PLATH C ONS T RUCT ION 26 42 KINNI C KINN ICK RDVA IL 2 64 2 KINNICKNNICK RD 2103 14301005 Applied : Issued: 081151200 3 08118 /2003 CONDIT IONS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cond:12 (BLDG .):FIELDINSPEC TIO NS ARE REQ UIR ED TO C II ECK FORCOD E COMPLIANCE. Cond :16 (BI.DG.):S MOKEDETE CTORS AR E REQU IREDINALLBEDROOMSAN D EVERYSTORY AS PER SEC.310.9.!OFTHE 199 7 U BC . and S l ~t e thata ll the info rmation as reqUi!S correct.I agree to comply withtheinfo!ionand plotplan ,to co mply with a ll Townordinances a nd statelaws.andtobuild th is structure acco rding to the townszoninga nd su bdivis ion cdes,des ign e vrew ap proved.Uniform BuildingCode a nd other ordinances of the Town a picabl thcrct REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAI.I.BE MADET WENT Y-FOUR IlOURS INAD VANCE T ELE ONE F OWNERORCONTRACTOR FOR lIIM SEL .ANDOWNEF APPLICATI 75 S .Frontage Rd . Vail,Colorado 8 1657 Ge neral Con tra cto r : "rOO t .....t (Q I Contac t and P hOne#'5:!Jc ..n .~-S9 J COMPLETE V ALUATIONS FOR BUI LDING PER MIT La bor &Mater ials) B UILDING :$ELECTRICAL:s O THER :s q.(P OD - I PLUMBING :s MECHAN ICAL:s TOTA L :s Q0oo - For Parcel #Contact Eaale Countv Assessors Office at 97~328 -8640 or visit www.eeate-countv.com Pa rcel #L \o3 Iq~O IooS'" Job Name :Du ·1 C1..,k'eS I J obAddress:Z~4 2..J;:-~1'\,,;c.I 't':~1~(I t'~,I I Legal Des cription I Lon S I Block:L I FlIlng:II -SUbdivi sio n :V~1 'I 1'...l n,~f.0,..", I Own ers Nam e:~'),D•e,Address :Rdv $1(,,~':1<,:I I Phone:~"1 ~-0 "1"4'II_C{to<I ol("...r ,...... I A rchltectloesigner :"/"Address :I Phone : Engin eer:~I"I Address :I Phone: Detailed desc riptionofwo rk :(e (0 0 f ""/SO jIJ ;p l,j d .s ""''J,I"J. ---- Work Cla ss :New()Additio n ()Bemooet ()Repair ()Demo()O th e r ~(t>r a o t Work Type :i nte rior()Exterior)(J Both ()Does a nEHU exist atth is location:Yes ()No (\r , i Type 01Bldg.:Sill glG-tarrllly ()()Two·fami ly()Multi·family()Commercial()Restau rant ()Other () I No .of Existing Dwelling Units inthis building:l No .ofAccommodation U nitsinth isbu ilding :1 ;NofTv oe of Hreot aces Exi stina :Gas Ac onarces (I GasLeos (~Wood/Pellet()Wood Bumina (I- NoJTvoeofFk ao ra ce s Prooosec .GasAo ouances ()G as Loas()WoodlPeUet()W ood Bumino(NO T AL LOWED) Does a Fire A1ann Exist Yes(t)No (I I Does a FireSprinkler Sys temExist Yes()No (11 , ····~··""············"··"············f O R O ffiCEUSE ONLy·····..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..• Planner Sign-off: I A ccepted By :T ype of c o n~8~'r~u~c l~lo~n~:====~O cc u ~n c y Group: Dat e Received:public Way Perm it Fee: Ro t h e r Fees: ORB Fees : \Wa il'dala \CdeV'FORM SlPERMITS\BLDGPER M.rK>C ..•• Oaestions?Call t he Building T eam at479-2325 Building Permit Submittal Checklist Dep artment of Community Development Th is Ch ec klist must b e completed before a Building Permit appficatiQn i s a cce pted. IJ Allpagesofapplica tion iscomp lete u Has ORB app roval obtained (ifrequi red)Provideacopyof app roval for m oCondomlnturn Association l etter of approval attached if p roj ectisa Multi -Familycomplex eComplet e siteplansubmitted o Public WayPermit applicat ion induded if applicable (reter t o AJblic Wor ks checklist) oStagingplan i ncluded (ref erto Pu blic Works checklist)N o dumpster .pa rking or material storage allow edon r oa dways a nd shou l ders w it hoyt wr itten a pproval a Asbestos testand resultssubmitted if d emolition isoccurring a Arch itect stam p andsignatu re (All Commercial and Mu lti family) e Full f loorplansinclud ing buildi ng sections andelevalions(5 set s of plans fo rMult i-Fam ilyand Commer cial Buildings) II Wi ndow and door sched ule e Full str uctural plans ,indudingdesigncriteria (i.e .loads) ij Str uctural Ehgin eer slamp andsignatu re on st ructu ral plans (Al l Commercial andMulti Family) u Soils Report mustbe submi tted prior t o f ooting inspection ij Rre r esist iveassemblies specified and penetrations i nd icated u Snoke detectors sh own o n plans e T ypes and quantity offi re places show n A pplicant 's Signature :"-""''''''_* Date of submittal:_ R eceived By :_ \\V aiMala\c devIFORMS\PERMlTS\BLOGPERM.OOC 0 4/0212003 ..• TOWN OF VAIL SUILDINGPERM !T ISSUANCE TI M EFRA ME • Ift his permit requi res a T ownof Vail FireDepartment Approval ,Engineer 's(Publi c Wo rks ) review andapproval ,a Plan nin g Department r ev iew o r Healt h Departm ent review ,and a review by t h e Building Depa rtment,t he esti matedtim e f or at otalreview w ill tak eas long as three (3)wee ks. Allcommercial(large orsm all)and allmulti-familyp erm it s will have 10 f oll owt he abov e ment ioned max imu m r equir ement s .Resident ial and smallprojects shouldt ak e alesser amount of t ime .However,jf r esidentialo rsmall er projects imp act th evarious above m ent ion ed d epartment swi thregard t o n ecessary r eview ,th ese projects may also t ake t hree (3 )w eeksto review and approve. Every attempt w i ll bem ade b y th is de par tmen t t oexp ed it ethi s pe rmit assoo nas po ssible. I ,theunder signed,understand t he p lan m eek p rocedure and ti m e f r ame.I a lso un derstand t hat if t he pe rmitisnotpickedup by th eexpiratio n d ate,t hat Imuststi ll pay t he p lan check feea ndt hat if I fail t odosoitmayaffect fut ure p ermits th at I app ly f or . \\Vaifldata'lCdev\FOA MS\PEAMITS\BL OGPEA M.OOC 04/tJ212oo3 •• WHENA "PUBLICWAYPERMIT "I SREQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHEO<O'F EACH OF THE FOLLCMl ING OUEST IONS REGARD INGTHE NEED FOR A "PUBl iCWAY PERMIT': 8 Isthisane wr esidence?YES __NO N O ~YES __ NOYES,__ YES,__ Isadi fferent access needed10t he siteo the r t hant heex istingdr iveway? Isany utilitywo rkneeded? Does demolit io nworkbe ing perfo rmedr eq uire th e useof the Righl-af -Way ,easeme nts or p ublic property?YES___NO \( NO ')( Ar e the re any imp rovementsbeingdo ne t o the driveway? Is any dr ainaqe wo~t;eing don e that affectsthe Rlght-af -Way ,ease ments ,o r pu blic p roperty? YES NO ~ Is a "Revocable Rlght-ol-WayPermit"requ ired?YES NO X o o , , , , "Ist he Ai g hl -o f-Way ~m e n l s o rp ub lic properl ytobe usedforstaging.parking o r fencing? YES NO---A- If a nswer is NO ,is a ,ga rking ,stagi ng o r fe nc ingp lan requi redby Pu blic W orks? YES NO-L- If yo u answered YEStoanyo f t hese qu estions ,a "Public Wa y Pe rmit "must beob ta ined . "Public Way Permit "ap plications m ay beobta ined att he PublicWo rk's office or atCommunity Devel opment (asampleis attached).II yo uhave any questionspleasecall Leonard Sandovali n Public Wo rks at479 -2198. Company Name \Wa iMalalcdcv\FO RM S\P ERMITS\B LDGPE R M.DOC F :/e ~eryoocllorm s /b ld pcr m4 0410212003 •• Pro]ect Name: ORA l NAGE AND CULVERTINSPECT I O NS AR E REQ UI REDBY PUBU C W ORKS! Please read and check off each of theitems helow : e The T ow n of Vail Building De part ment hasdevelopedt he follow ing procedures toensu ret hat new const ructio n sites haveadequately established proper dr ainage f rombu ild ing sites alon g and adjace nt to T ow n ofVa il roadsorstreets . e Th e TownofVail A.Jb lic WorksDepart ment will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacentto Townof Vailroadsor st reets and the inst al lationof t emporaryor per manent culve rts at access points f romthe roador st reet onto the construct ion site.SJch approval must be obtained prio rt oanyrequestsfo r inspectio nby t heTownof Vail Buildi ngDepartm entfor f ootings, t em poraryelectrical or any otherin spection .R ease callLeonard Sandoval at 4 7 9-2198 to r equest an inspect ion f ro m the AJb lic Works Department.Al low aminimu mof 24 hour notice. a Al so,t he Townof Vail A.Jb lic WorksDepartment will beapproving a ll final drainageand culvert installat ion w ith result ingroad patchin g as necessary .Su ch app rovalm ustbeo btained p rior toan y RnalCertificate of Q;cu pancy issuance. Agreed to by:_~>!jLi_.,,~~_'!_ ~11c:J;t# Sig nature1iJ...,e;;, Date Signed : \\Vail\datalcdev\FOA M S'P ERM ITS\B l DGP E RM .DOC 0410212003 •• MATERI AL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTIONl'ABKING P lease reada ndch eck o ff ea cho f the I tems be lo w . (Copies ofco mpletetext a reava ilable upo n request ) CODE5 -2 -10:DEPOSITSON PUBLIC WAYSPROH IBITED u Unla'vV1 ul d eposits:S ubjec ttosubsectio nC thereof,i t is unlawfu l fo r anypersontolitte r.trackor deposit ,or cause to be littered,t racked o r deposited,sand ,gravel.rocks,mud ,dirt ,s now ,ice,o r any othe r debris or material uponanystree t,sidewalk,alley o r publ ic p lace ,or a ny p ortion the reof. (l Notice ;Abatement:TheDirector of Public Worksmay notifyand requi reany personw ho violates o r causes anot her toviolate the p rov ision ofsubsectionA hereof,or w ho has in the Di rector'sem ployment aperso n w ho viola tes orcausesano ther to violate t he sam e,top rem ove such sand .gr avel,rocks ,mud , dirt,snow ,ice orany othe r d ebrisor rnatena t wit hin twe nty four (24)hoursafte r receiptofsaidnotice by theD irector ofPublicWo rks.Int heevent t heperson so not if ied doesnotcomply wit hthe not ice wit hin theperiod oft imehere inspecified ,th e Directo r of Public Wo rks,or othe r aut ho rizedagent ,may cause a ny such sand,g ravel,rocks ,mud,d irt ,snow,ice,debriso r any o the r material to be removed f romany st reeto r alleyatth eexpense ofthe notified. a Summons a ndPen alty :As analternative to the noticefor removalprovided i n subsection B above , anypersonwho violates o r causes anothertov iolate the same,may be issued a summonsto appear be fore theMunicipal Court ofthe Town l o r saidviolations,a nd upon being fo und guilty of a.violation hereunderbe punished asprovided in Section 1 -4 -1 o f t his cod e . 9 Noticean dPena lty :Itis unlawf ul for a ny person to l a ilo r refuse tocomply wit h t he notice of the Directorof Publ ic Wo rks as provided in s ubsection B hereof ,a ndany s uchpe rsonshall ,in addit ion to payment oft he expense ofremovalincurred by the D irector a t Public Works ,a s provide d i n su bsection B he reof ,upon being found guilty ofaviolation hereunder,be punishab le as provided in Sect ion 1-4 -1 of t h is Code.(19 97 Code:Ordinance 6(1979). COD ES7-3 A-lA ND 7 -3A-3 :PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC &IMPOUND MENT AUTHO RIZED 9 Noperson shall parkany vehicle upona s treet o r a tanyother p lace with int hisMun icipality in sucha manner o r u nde r suchco ndit ionsastointerfe rewith th e freemovement o f vehicular tr aff icorproper st reet o r h ighway maintenance.(Oro .2(1968 )§1) u Wheneverany policeoff icer f inds a ve hicleatte nded orunattended ,stand ing upon a ny port ionofa street or upon a ny place within this Mun icipalityinsuch a man neras toconstitutea v iolation of any section oft hisArticle,or left unatt ende d fora periodof twenty four (24)hours or mo re an dpresumedto beabandonedunder the co ndit ions prescribed byColoradoRevised Statutessection 4 2 ·4·1102 ,as amended ,the office r shall require th e ve hicle 10 be re movedo rca use it tobe removeda nd placed in storage inthenearest garage or othe r place ofsafetydesignatedor maintained byth is Munic ipality ,and the chargesfo rtow ing andstorageo fsuch vehicle shall be charged to t heowner o f thevehicle i n add ition to a ten do llar ($10)impound mentc harge.(Ord.2 (18 §3:Ord.2 8 (198)1) I have rea d lind will comply wit hthe abo ve code provisions:~~~~~;'~-!:J--.J;t~~~--Y Position o rRela tionship to Project: tli.t«'.diiAW)j"I.FOBM S\P E BM ITS\BLDGPE AM .DOC F:le veryoneJformslb ldpenn7 0410212 003 ..• 1(5:,502003 §:53 am • P~16 fYPtO In!onDJ1lOll I _~20 Type I.IlUUl e-TypO:0t<u!>0"CY: 0Nner.0t.JGAN.S~J . _'"PlATH CONSll'lUCTlONCOnlro<1o<PlJ\TH CONSTIlUCTlON Ducrlpllon R_"'lI"'"'d'" S'lb Tl.:ASF1l .......:9700949-1_ PhoM:97().9o&f905 SOoluo:ISSUED hop"":JRM B!sNtJtISIlnlptCj~ l1loIn:80 BtDG~lnaf Roqlloolor.PlJ\TH CONSTIlIJCTlON ~To:CIlo'VJS_:TlmoErp:_ RequfttMI Time:08:00 AM.......,970-949-1_ E_1ly.Of'lORES K In!Itd!9f1 HJ.Jpry-,~_._: ~_: ~_:_:_:_: REPT131 Run Id:135 1 •.,.,..... TOWN OF VAIL 7 5S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 8 165 7 970 -4 79-2138 ••v i-A I :0-Wv<-~~ iY--1c..?,LD \-? DEPARTM ENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELO PM ENT Permit #:B 9 8-0 1 72 NOTE,THIS PE RM IT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITEAT AL L TIME S ADD /ALT SFRBUILD PERMIT J ob Address :2 64 2 KI NN ICKINNICK RD Location ...:2 6 42 KINNI CKINICKCT Parc el No..:2 1 03-1 43 -0 1 -00 5 proj ec tNo.: S ta tus ....I SSUED Applied ..,0 6 /25 /1998 I ssued ...,0 6/25/1998 Expires ..:1 2/22/1998 JAY'S FRAMIN G&EXTERIOR SIDING P .O .BOX 180 2 6,AV ON,CO8 1620 J AY'SFRAMING &E XTERIOR S IDING P.O .BOX 180 26 ,AVON,CO 8 1620 DUGAN SUZANNE J PO BOX 3768 ,VAI L CO 8 16 58 Descrip tion : REPLACE AND REPAIR Occup ancy : Type Constr uction : Phone :97 0 -524 -9 436 Phone:97 0 -5 24-9436 TOVIComm .Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund aooroved rf-€--Fami ly Residen-ce ~,:-':""_--- Non -Rat ed amount to i).Ub date /0/(7,-('1 )-:Add Sq F t , S ing l e T yp e V R3 V N STAIRS 1,000 OWN ER CONTRA CTOR Valu at i on : APPLICANT F il:epl a c e I nf ormation ,Restri cted ,Irof Ga.App l h .nc ••:t o!Ga.Loge,t Of Wood/Pall et ' ••••••••••••••**•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEE BUY.MARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• B ui l<ling ---~·,. r la n Che"k---~ I nv""t.ig .~ion" Wi ll C..ll····~ 7 5.00 U.7S .00 L OO R"a tu ar ~n t r l ..n R "v i "w --~ DRB F ••-··--------------,. Rec re ation F""----------~ Cl"an-Up De po.it.-······-,. TOTAL f EE5 -·------------~ .no 20 .00 .eo l CO.OO 246 .75 Total Ca lcul a t e d r e e9 -'-~ Ad d itio na l F ••a ---------,. Total Pe r~i t re"--------~ Pa yment a----------------,. e~~CE DUE ·············~ 24 6.75 .eo 2H .7~ 2 4'.7 5 ."" Item :05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06 /25 /1998 CHARL IE Ac tion,APPR Item,0540 0 PLANN ING DEPARTMENT 0 6/2 5/1 99 8 CHARL IE Ac tion ,APP R Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06 /2 5 /1 9 98 CHARL IE Ac tion,AP PR I t em,055 00 PUBLIC WORK S 0 6/2 5/1998 CHARLIE Ac tion,APPR De pt , CHARLIE DAV IS Dept, PER CHRIST IE B Dept, N/A Dept : N/A BUILDING PLANNING FIRE PUB WO RK Division : Division : Division : Division: See Page 2 o f this Document for a ny cond it ions that may a pply to this permi t . DECLARATION S J hara by a c kno wle dge t hat I have r eadt hi "a ppl ication,f il led outi n f ull t he info rm atio n r e qu ired ,co~p l"t..d a n a cc urat.e p l o t p illn ,a n d state that all tha i nfo rmat.ion p r ov ided .a raqui r ad i .ee ee e e e .J .gr.a ee comply ...ith the lnfor",a ti on a n d p lot p l a n, t o c omp l y with a ll Town o rdinanc e.a n d a t ata lawa,a nd t o build t hia at.ru ct ur e according t o tha T own'.zon ing and 8 u b di viaion codae ,d ea i9n review approved,un iform 5 uildingCode end ot her ordinance.o f the Town a pplicable there to. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS S HALL BE HAIlE TW E ~"Y -f'O UR HOURS IN ADIn.NC E IlY 'I!U:rHONE AT -21JS OR AT OUR OFFIC.~5,00 I'M OWNER OR CONTRA 0FOR HIHSELF ..ER •• Pag e 2 ****************•••***********************************-----,.__._--,-_••••••*••• COND ITIONS Permit n,B98 -0172 a s of 0 7/22 /98 S tatus ---,IS SUED •••_*••_----_._••••__._-*-----------------_._._-----_._._---*-*-----------_._... Permit Type,ADD/ALT S FRBUILDP ERM IT Applicant --,J AY'S FRAMING &EXTE RIOR SIDI NG 970 -52 4-9 4 36 J ob Ad dress,26 42 KI NN I CK I NN I CK RD Loc at ion ---:2642 KINNICKINI CK CT P arc el No --,21 0 3-14 3-01 -005 Des c ription: REPLACE AND REPAIR STAIRS Appli e d--,06/25/1998 Is sue d---,06/25/1998 To Expi re,12 /22/1998 *----------------------**-_._*--***---Co ndi tions ----------------_._._----_._-- 1.FIELD I NSPECTIONS ARE REQU IRED TO mECK FOR CODE COMPL IANCE . 2 .SMOKE DETECTO RS ARE REQU IRED IN ALL BED ROOM S AND EVERY STORY ASPE R SEC .1210 OFT HE 1991 UBC . 3 .RISE AND RUN OF STAI RS,WIDTH OFSTAIRS ,ALLLANDINGS AND HANDRAILS MUS T COMPLY WITH 1991 UB CSEC33 06 . DE SIGN AND SNOWL OADS MUST COMPLY WITH T OWN REQUI REM ENTS OF 1 00 PSF AND 19 91 UBC CHAPTER 23 •••.••.••••.•••......•.•..••.••.................•••••..•.•..•..•.• TOWN 01'VAI L ,COLORADO ................................................................ s ~.~.-nt HUEber :R ~C ·04 Z '~unt : Pa V"'o nt.Method :ex "o t;.tl on ,.55 44 226 .7 &07/2 2/"1 5 :01 I nit.:JR.M 246 .75 2U .75 ." h~t Mo,8 "-0 172 Typ a,A -!l UILD ADO/ALT S FR BUILD PI!: P.rc~l NOI 21 0)-1 41 -01 -00S S i t e Add r e ••:2 642 KI~~I CKl NN ICK RD Lo ~.tio n ,2642 KL'~ICKI N:CK CT To:_l Pe clI : ~i .Pa yaent 22 '.7S To tal ALL ~t.: Balan ce , ...............................•............................••.• A cco unt Cod e BF00 1 000031 1 1 100 PF 001 00003112100 AD 011 10000 24 03100 IfC Oa000031:n OO P<lac ri p:lon BUILDL"iG P !R.~IT FE!:S FLA."CHECK FEES CLEANUP OEPQSl1'S WILL ~L I N SPE ~IOY FE! A.OIo =t 75 .00 U .7S 1 00 .00 1 .00 '....:.c o ~~oc t t;agl.e ...Cou nty As scs9 0rs l ice . at 970 -328 -8640 fo r far e el r .TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTI ON '(''\F.EL t .»:/?-.0')I it"<"I I IV)S"PERM IT AP PLICATION FORM ~DAT E: •","'lIT ,_ IT MAY NOT BEACC EPTED []-El e ct ric al []-Mech anfc al []-Other Job A d dres s:~"/<--l fVI\..1C1~",A'\.AUc.. ]-Buil ding (]-Plumbing DII G'"rv'J ob Name: APPLICATION MUSTBE F ILLEDOUTCOMPL ETE LYOR \~***********************;*****PERM IT INFORMAT ION:\ [ Owners Name : Number of nwe lling Units :'3 Number of Accommodation un it s: ,m.h e r and T ype of F ir epl ac es :Gas Appl iances Gas L o gs__Wo od/Pellet ,"''''*******************'''***********VA LUA TI ONS ********************************* BU ILDING :~Iii ",~OC\E l.ECTRICAL:~,_,OTHER:$--=~;;;",,~==== PLUl'lDING :$MECHANICAL:.$TOT AL:$_-2 ,f .,47-GI 7J-*'"A Ie *************."A **~****C~N T RAC T OR IN >RMA 'l'ION ***-k**i'****'**************-*--.. e ne ra L c ontrac tor :\1 ."f A J Town of v a il Reg .NO.11/;-(5 Addres s:~Phon e Number :illt -lf4-'5fJ , Elec tr ica l c ont ra ctor : flddre ss : P lumbing con trac tor: Add ress : Mech anic al cont ractor : '\dd re ss: O~.:;; ******************:!'I --I<~"'******..**'FO R BUILDI NGPERM I ,"l:E 'I 'r \l''J , PLU MBING P E RM I'~i F E E ':",.' MECHANICAL PERM JC'r FEIj-M I,,.,..:; E LECT R I CAL FEE :'~.,--,;\;~~~)\. OTHER TYPE OF FEE :-./to'\\\'\Il J ....- ORB F EE :I UV \,_"_ Town of v ail Reg .NO ,__ Phone Nu r : of Vai lReg .NO ,__ o ne Number: Town o f Va il Reg.NO,__ Phone Nu mb e r: OFFICE USE **********************.**.***** BUI LDING PLA N CHECK FEE : PLUMBING PLAN C HECK .fEE :.J MECHANICAL PLANCHECK F EE :0 '64/~If " ,RECREAT IO N FEE:.151_'"_ CLEAN -UP DE POSIT : T OTAL P ERMIT FEES : BU ILDING : SI GNATURE : ZONIllG : SIGNATURE: T YP EGROUP SQ.FT.VAW ATION .Co mments .__ ~C LEAN UP DEPDSIT REFUND TO~ ...'.i.• ~\ town 01 vai 'Ii 7 5s outh Ir onla gC!roa d v ail,color ado 8 1GS7 (JOl)479 -2 1)8 or 4 79 -2139 • olll ce ofc ommunity develop m enl T O : FROM : DATE: SUBJECT: ALLCON TRA CTORS CURRE NTL'x'L REGISTERED WITH Til E T OWN'OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/CO:1MUNITY DEVELOP MENT MARCil 1 6,1 98B CONSTRUCTION P ARKING &MATER IAL STORAGE I n s u mma ry,Ord i nanc eNo.6 stat en th at it is u nl awfu l f or any person to l itter,t rack or depos it a ny soi l,rock ,sand,d ebris or ~u t e r i a l ,including t rash du mps ters,p ortable toi lets a nd workmen vehi cles up ona ny street,sidewa lk.,al ley or pub l ic place or any port ion t hereo f.Th e righ t-o f-w ayo n a llT own of va il streets and roads is appr oxi mate ly 5 ft .off pavement. This ordin an ce wi ll be strictly enfo rced by t he T own of Va il Publ ic works Departm e nt.Perso ns found vi olating thi s ord inance wil l be g i ven a 2 4 h ou r wri tten n o tice t o remove s a id mate ria l. I nt he eve nt the p ers on s o n o tif ied does n o t c omp ly wi th th e n otice within the 2 01 h our time spe cified ,the Public Works De partment will re move said materia l at the expen se of pe rson n oti fi ed.T he provisions o f thi so rd inanc es h al l n otb e ap pl icab le to c onstruct ion,ma intenanc eo r repair projects of a ny street or all ey o r any util it ies i n the right-a-way. T o r ev iew Ordi nan ce No .6 in fu ll,p l ea se stop by t he To wno f Va il Bu il di ng Dep ar tmen t t o obt aina copy.Thank y ou f or y o ur " co ope ra t ion o nt his matter . Read and ac nowledgcu by: )l-------=-'4===::::~~~ ~o s ~t i o n/R e l a t i on s h i P ...{,/?/9lc "'Da te T / to P roje ct (i .e .c on tracto r,ow ne r) • 7 S !.outh Iro nl ag er ood va ll,c olo ra do8 165 7 (303)'+79 -2 138 or 479 -2 139 • oll ic e of comm unityde velopm ent BUILDING PERI·lIT I SSUANCETI flE FRAf lE I f thts permt tr equ i re s a Tow n ofVa ilf i re Depar tmen tApproval, En gineer"s(Publi cWorks )r eviewand a pprova l .aPl a nni ng Dep ar tme nt r e viewor HealthDe partmen tr e v i ew,an d a r evi ew by th e Build i ng De partment,t he es timated t i me f or a t ota l r ev iew ma yt ake as l ong a s t hreeweeks . All c c mn arc i a L'{Lar qe or sma ll)anda ll multi-fam ily permits wi ll have t o f o ll ow t he a bove rn entio ned max imum requi remen ts .Re si d enti al a nd sma ll projec ts s hould t ake a les se ra mount of t ime.Howe vc r ,i f r e sid ent ia l o r sma llerproj e c t simpac t the va ri o us a bov e me nt ioned de pa r tmen ts with r egar d to nece s sary rev i ew,t he se pr ojec ts may a 1s o t ake t he t hre e we ek per iod . Every attemp t wi ll be made by t hisdepa rtment t o expedite t his . .pc rmi,t .as,soon as possible . I .th e unde r s igned,u nder s t and t he pl an c hec kpr oce du re a nd ti me f ra me ~ j!Agree d to by. jl.Pr o jec t Na me )Coa t e Work Corrm uni t y Sheet was tu r ned i nt o t he Devel cpme nt De par traent , •MEMO RANDUM • T O: FROM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS TOW N OF V AIL PUBLI C WORK S DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WH ENA"PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS R EQUIRED Job Name .:_--"'''-Lb /.:;;-frn --;-'----- Date .:_-----,.,--;-~L..;.'I_'.L.::.(_;7-_;_-- P lease an swerthe f oil wig questionnaire reg arding theneed t o r a"Pub lic Way Permit": 1) 2 ) 3 ) 4) 5) 6 ) 7) 8) Is this anew re si dence? Isde molitionw ork being perfo rm ed t hat r eq ui resthe useof the rig ht of way .easements or public pr operty? Is a ny 'ut ility w ork needed? Is t he d riveway being r epaved? Isd ifferent acc essneeded tosilo other than existi ng drivow ay? i sa ny d rainage work being d one f J Q, affec ting 1I1e r ightot w ay,easeme nts , o rpu blic p roperty? Isa "R evocable Right Of Way Perm it"rvO required? A.Is t herig ht 0 1way ,easem entsor D pubii c prop erty t o beused fors taging ,fJ parking o r f e ncing ? NO rvC! B,Ifno t o 8A ,is aparking,stag i ng o r te ncing 'p lan requi red by Community Develop ment ? I J e> If yo u answered yes t oanyof t hese que stions ,a"Pub lic Way P ermit"mu st beobtained. 'Public Way Pe rm it"applications may be o bt ainedat theP ubl ic W ork's office o r at Co mmun ity Deve lopment.If you haveany q uest i onsplease ca llC harlie Davis,th eTown of Vail Construct io nInsp ector,at479-2 158 . I haveread anda nswe red a llt he bove q uestions. J ob Name ..------ Co actors S ignat D ate •• PUBLIC WORKSPERMITPROCESS How itr elates to BuildingPe rmits: I }Filloutour c heck list providedwithabuild ingpermit-application. If yes wasanswered toanyoftheabovequestio nsthena "Public W ay"is required.Youcanpickup an application ateithe r Community Developmen t, locatedat 75S .FrontageRoadorPublic Wo rks,locateda t1309VailValleyDrive. 2)Noticesig n o lfs for utility comp anies.Allu tilities mu st f ield ve rify(locate) respectiv e utili ties prior to si gn ing a ppli ca tion .Some utili ty compa ni es require up toa4 8 ho urnotice t oschedule a locate. 3 )Aconstructiontra fficcontrol/staging plan must b e pr eparedon aseparate s heet o f paper.An approve d site plan mayalso b e u sed.This p lanwill show loca tions ofalltraffic co ntrol d cviccs(signs,cones ,etc..)and t hewo rk zone,(areaof Construction,Staging ,etc..).Thispian w illexpireon Ocl.15th.a nd wi llneed to be resubmitted forapproval through t he winte r. 4 )Sketch o f work b eing perlormed muslbesubmitted indicatingdimensions (Ienglh, width &d epthofw ork).Thismay bed rawn onthetraffi c control planor asite plan l or thejob. 5)Submitcompl eted application to IhePublic Wo rks's olfice for review.ffre quired, locales will bescheduled l or theTownofV ail Electr icia ns andIrrigatio n crew.T he locatestakep lace i nthemorning but,mayrequi re up t o 4 8 hours to perform . 6)The Public W ork'sConstruc tio nInspeclorwi ll revi ew t hea pplication a ndapp rove o rdisapprove t hepe rmit.You wil l becon tacted as 10 the statusandanythat m ay needed.Mostpermi ts arc released within 4 8 hoursofbei ng received,bu tp lea se a llow LIp to o new eek to p rocess. 7)A ssoonasthepe rmit is processed,acopy wi ll b efaxedtoCo m mu nity Deveiop ment allowing t he"BuildingPermi t"to bereleased .Pleasedonotconfus e the"Public Wa yPe rmit"witha "Building Permit"to d oworkona projectit sel f. NOTE: "The above.pro cess Is for work Ina public Vlay only. "Publi c Way Permits ar c valid onl y until Nov ember 15t h , "Anew Public Way Permit isrequiredeac hy ear if work i s not complete. '.,·1 •• 75 soulh l(Onlage road vall,c o lorad o 8 1657 (303)4 1 9--21 38 (303)479 -2 139 ottlce 0 1c ommunity d evel opment NOTI CE TO CONTRA CTORS/O,mER BUILDE RS Effe ctive Ju ne 20 1 199 1,the Town of Vail Bu ilding Departmen t ha s de veloped th e f o ll ow ing proce d ure s t o en sure t hat n ew co ns truction s i tes have ad equately e stab lis h e dp r ope r dr a in ag e f rom b u i lding s it es a lo ng an d a djacen t t oTo wn of Vail roa ds o rs tr e ets . T he Town of Vail l'ubli cWorks Depar tm ent will b o requir ed t o i nspect a nd approve dra ina ge adjace nt t o Town of Vai l roa ds o r s treets and the i nst al l ation of temporary or permanent culverts at a ccess po i n ts fr om th e road or street o n to t he constructio n site . S uc h appr o val mu st be obt aine d pr io r to any re quest for i ns pection by the 'l'own o fVai l nui ldi ng n e po r t me n t;f or foo ting s or te mporary eLec t r Lca I o r any o t he r i nsp ect io n .P lease caLl,479 -2 160 t o reque s ta n inspect ion f rom t he Publ i c Wor ks Depilrt me nl .All ow il mi nimum o f 2 1 hour no ti ce . Al s o,t he 'To wn o f Vilil P ub li c Work s Depa rtmen t Vl i ll h ea pp ro vi ng a l l f in al drai nag ea nd cu lvert in s talla ti on wit h result ing r oad pa t.c h i nq .as ne ce ssary .Such 'appr oval must be obta in ed pr io r to F j .n a l Certifica te of Occup a n c y is suan ce. '".. TOIVN OF VA IL 75 South Fr ontage Road Vail.Colorado8 /657 303·479 ·2 138/4 79 .2139 FA X 30 3 ·479·2452 •• Dep artmentof COlIIlIIUll ity DC\'f:/oplII(·1It INFORMA TION NEEDED WHENAPPLYING FOR A MECHANICAL PERMIT 1.HEAT LOS SCALCULATIONS . 2 .TO SCA LE ,'LOOR PLAN 0"MECHA NI CA L ROO M WITHEQUIPMEN T DRAWN I N T OSC AL E,WITII P HYSICA LD IMENS IONS ANDB TU RA TINGSOF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROO M. 3 .S nOW :SI ZE AND LOCA TION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS ,FLUES , VEN 'l'CON NgCTORS AND GA S I~IN 8S. 4 .NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT vlILL A LSO DE I NSTALLEDI N MEC HANIC AL ROO M. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT . ProjectName: ••DesignReview Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Dugan Resilience Pro ject Description:Repair ex isting st airsand d eck Owner.Address andPhone:Suzanne Dugan 2642 Kinnickinnick Court POBox .\768,Vail,CO 476-0764 Architect/Contact.AddressandPhone:same Proj ect Street Address: Legal De scription: 2642 Klnnlcklnnlck Court Lot 5 ,Block 2,Intermountain ParcelNum ber:210.\-1.\-01-005 Bu ildingName:ula Commcnts:Repair uf an existing nonconforming structure Board /Staff Action M otion by: Sec onded by : Vote : "/a Action:Staff Approval Conditions:Repair asexisting(noexp ansionof H nonconforming structure) Tow nPlanner :Christie Rarton Dat e :6/25/98 DRIlFee Pre-Paid:$20 .00 TOWN 01'YM~ Proj ect Na me: ••~e uJ'(r-N DesignReview Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Dugan Reside-lice Projec t De scription :Repair ex isting stairs a nd deck O WIH:r.Add ress a nd Phon e :S uzanne nl1~all 2642 Kinnickinni ck C ourt PO 80,3768,Vail,C O476-0 764 A rc hitec t/Co n tact .Add re ss a nd Ph one :same Proj ect S treet Ad dr e ss : LegalDescription: 26 42 Klnnickinniek C ourt Lut5,Block 2,Inte rmountain ParcelNumber:2103-13-01·005 Building Name:nl a C omm e nt s:Repair of an e xistin g noncon formin g s t ructur e Board I Staff Action Motion by : S eco n de d by: V ote: n la Ac t ion :S lulT Approval Conditions:Rep airas existing (noexp ansionnfa no nconforming s truct ure) T own Plann e r :C hristie Barton Da te:6/25/98 DR B Fcc Pre-Paid:$20.00 • 8 6Lt<J..-/'\A\/I C{<..IIVV I <:...Ie piJS ArJ)J'\NI ()~- S )JJ'lo "t--JlV- /'r r --I Date Receive d .J UL ~7 1998 • ·•I £ • • '3 I.f l.."- I I:/,. iJ'iV7 "t'J,v '",r.I .> >-,..r .~V. (/,1.,0 ~I..- ft oJ'o tfi .\- 't~"i l.(~"'1,4.-..,.. I !"-<.-'>.;. -'J ~-1 ~f")1/"'-,•.. ~• "-,!...."'- ~~-""•...."'...~, Vi '" - 2 71'-,0 l>. ••• • • I I • I . I ' I I: • -•..•~•..•"n •••••• .... t« n ·,·i••••••0 0 0•••••"""" ~•• " H •••••• 0 0 •••••""-0.... 0•~ 0 ~~•..•••0 ~•••• ~~~•••••0..0 -"-•« n 9 ~•z "«•l«~-,•9 •""•~, 0 •«..".."0 •••..•-&~, """••,••"-««..•«>•••• •",•--"·•3 ~""•"§.••••1;•.. "~~""5 ~•~.."•..•z ....~"••••...."« ~...."..B-O.o.z,~!!..2 E•0 il ••~".-.•,,,•e 5••~-~0 •~~0 "•B.•"••-"•~0 ~•ei~i-8 ~•~.,;::;f-•.., c "0 • Project Name: 8esign Review Act~m Form TOWN OF VAIL Duga n Re s idence Proje ct Desc ription:Rep air exi sti ng st ai rs a ndde c k Owne r.Address and Ph one:Suzanne Dug an 2642 Klnuicklnuick C ou r t POBox .1768.Vai l,CO476 -0764 A rc h itect/Co ntact.Ad dr e ssandPho ne :same ProjectS treet A ddress: Le g a l D e script ion : 2642K luulckl nnick Court tot 5,Block 2,I ntermountain Parcel Number:2 IOJ·13-01 -11115 Building N ame:n l a Comments :Repair of au existing nuncunformiug structure Board /Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by : Vot e: l1 /a Act ion :Staff Approval C onditions :Repair as e x i s 1i n ~(no expansion of I I nonconforming structure) To wn Plann er :Christie Bartoli Dale:6/25/98 ORB Fcc Pre-Pai d:$211.011 •...'•I•Questi ons?Call the Pl an ning Staff at 4 -/9-2128 APPL ICATION FORDESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL G ENERAL INfORMATION This application is for any project requ iri ng Design Review approval.Anyproject requ iri ng design review must receiv e Design Review approval pri orto submi tti ng for a buildin g permit.For specifi c infonnation,sec the submitta l require ments for the part icular approval that is requeste d.The appl ica tion cannot beaccepte duntil allInc require d informationissubmitted .The project Illa y also needtobe reviewed by theTown Counci l and/orthePlann ingand Environmenta l Commissi on .Design Review Boar d approval expires one y ear after final approvalunless a building permitisissueda ndcons truction is sta rted. <;t-""v> A .D ESCR IPTION OFT IIE REQUEST:f i;;Pm p,A AM -BeWil yffJ6"A Mvv(j/,J,o LOCATIONOF PROPOSAL:~O T:~-BLOCK:?..FILING:"7 _.1<-.f-Pv--'ri,,.J PHYSICALAD DRESS:h b 'r 'l.-"=1 '\AU e"I >'vf'\.A O./c q !fi l L. PARCEL #:2-/0 ;>,'!'{3 -0 (-(:tJ.)(Contact Eagle Co .Assessors Offlccat970-328-8640for parcel #) ZON ING:_ NAME OFO WNER(S):V<Le I'\>v I MA ILINGADDRESS:360 ",'3 16 t o.fdJ ~OWNER(S)SIGNATU IIE(S):-"""'L-""~"""'7l="'--------------- NA ME Of APPLICANT:__-<AL-"==__-"-_ MAILINGA DDRESS:_ C . D . E. B. F. G. ________________PHONE:_ H.TY PE O F REVIEW ANDf EE: o NewCo ns truction-S200 o Addition-SSO 'J!(.M inor Alteration-$20 Const ruct ion ofanewbuilding. Includes any add ition where square footageis ad dedto anyres iden tial or commercia lbuilding. Includes min or cha ngesto buildin gs and s ite imp rovements.such as. reroofing.pai nting,window additions .landscaping.fences and retai ning wa lls,etc . OR B feesarcto be pa id at the timeof submittal.La ter.when appl ying forabuilding permit.please identi fy th e acc urate valuati on of the project.Th e Town ofYail will adjust th efcc accordi ng10 the projec tvalu ation. PLEASE SUB MIT T illS APPLICAnON,ALLS UBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND T il EF EE TO TH E DE PA RTMENT OF C OMMUNITY DEVELO PMENT.75 S OUT II FRONTAGE ROAD, VA IL,COLORADO 8 1657 . .-..._.••..:-C :!:.~.__ ,•...__....:......_~•..-.-~...._-~...• BUILDlNG MAT ER IA LS: Roof LIST Of PROPOSED ~IA TEB IALS TYPE Of MATERIAL :COLOR;· Siding Ot herW all Materials Fascia Soffits Wind ows Wind ow Trim Doors DoorTrim SAM6 Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fla s hin gs C himneys Tra sh Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lightingv" Other ,. "" •Please s pecify the manufacturer'scolor.numbe r and attach asmall color chip ...All exterior lighting must meet the Town's LightingOrdinance 18.S4.0SO(J).Ifexterior lighting isproposed, please indicate t he number offixturcs andlocations onaseparatelighting plan.Identifyeachfixture type andprovide theheightabove grade,lumensoutput.luminous area.andattach ac ui sheet of thelightingfixtures. 2 Uedated rJQ7 S t!anne J.Dugan,Br~er 2642 Kmnickrnmck Coon •Vail,Co lorado USA 8 1657 Mailing ArJJres.s;P.o.Box 3768 •Vail.Colo rado USA tl165l=l (970)476-0764 •FAX (970)-H6·2564 •E·Mail J u~a n@vall.ne t Townof Vail Community Dept: April12,J 998 E nclosedisa nIL Cs howingmy house ,Lot5 Block 2Intenn ountain and some photogra phs. I needto rep lace thestairsonthewestside of my house .These steps are t he exterior access tomy topfloo r level,whichisan deed restricted renta l unit . I would like to notonly replace the steps but extend the landing sothe tenants have a p lace to sit.Not 10 mention thatthew idth of thelanding does not allow forthe screen door toopen!I have had to cut thera iling sot he sc reendoorcano pen all the way. I w ould liketoex tendth e landingo utto6fee tfrom th ebu ild ing a ndexte nd t he lengt h a pprox ..8 feet to t he en d of th e bu ilding .T hemater ialsa ndfini sh(railingset c .}wo u ld be th esameasit is now.I ampricingmeta l treads .T he treads may be metal as opposed t o t he existing wood . Sincerely, S ueD ugan / /. /~ /~. /;..!'l /~:;; /~'" / ...... I ..... - ~:-_ox. -,'., /, J,,,,, I,,,,,, ::"'--...1 ~ pOl1<lng area / M l;'fJl"1n N Cr e ek '::>ubd iv i sio n tJ.-12 477'57" R -45.00' T -85 .47' l =97.76' LUPINE COURT -----<>:,----- -----'--'---»-«:------- •• • TO WN OF VA IL Office ofthe TowllA ttorney 75South Frontage Road Vail.Col orado 816 57 970 -479 -2107/Fax 970 -4 79-2157 J une14.1998 •Date Rleived JUN 24 1998 'M VIA TELE COPIER 47 6-2564 M s .S ue Du gan P ost OfficeBo x37 68 Vail.CO81658 Re :1 642 Kin nickinnickCo urt.Lot 5.B lock :2,In termou ntain DearS ue : r receivedyo ur telephonemessage yesterday.June 23 rd.in w hich youreques t a mee ting wi th meto d iscusstheal ternativesav ailabletoy outore pair your de ck and s tairs.A me eting with mewo u ld not further y our pursuit o f rece iv inga b uilding permit to repai r yo ur stairs. AsIexp lained in m y lett er toyou,and Chris tie ex p lained inherlette r toyou.an ya p plicationto bui ld orfo r avariance is hand led by Community Developme nt.I am certain that Christie will bea bleto t e ll yo u w hethero rno tavariance is required orwh at can be co nstructedwith out a variance . Ve ry tm lvv /fr'-' R.T homas Moorhead Town Att orney RT M/a w xc :C hris tieBart on / o RECl'CU;VI'AI'!.'H Departm ent of Co mmunity Develop ment 75 Sou th F rontage Road Va il.Colorado 8165 7 970 ·479·2138 FAX970 -479-2452 _. TOWN OF VAIL Jun e 5,199X Suzan ne Dugan PO Box J 7(,X Vail.CO X16SX •• Rc :2(11 2 Kinni ckinnick Court Lot 5.Block 2,Intermounta in Dear Sue: Thi s prop erty has a n e xisting legalnonconfor ming building .T he T ow n o f Vnil regulates legal non con fo rm ing bu ild ings u nde r T ille 12 .C hapte r 1X o f th e Co de o f the Town o f Va il. Nonc onforming us es.s tructures an d s ite improve ments ma y be main tain ed a ndrepaire d as n ecessaryfor th eco nve nient.sa fe.or efficient ope rati o n or U SI.'::p rovided thatn os uc h ma intenanceo r re pair s hall increase the di sc repancy between the usc,s tructure .or xitc improvementand thedevelopment standards presc ribed by t his Title. The Code allows a sec ond st o ry dec k to exte nd 5'into the setback andforyou to re pair t ile existing steps an d land ing .Your a pprova l grante d 4lJ6 iQX is w ithd raw n.howeve r.y ou may repair the ex isting sta irs a nd la nd ing <I I a w idth o f J(l"without any variances.You 111 ,1y also exte ndthe landin g to the en d o f the build ing as long.as it d ocs not en croach farthert han 5 'into the setback (3'w ide).I will amend yo ur Desig n Reviewapplicati on an d issue a revised approva l form . l fy ou wa nt [0 e xtend th e existing deck andbuild a fl'x X'd eck .you will needto ap ply for a va riance from theZo ning regulatio n.I h avee ncl osed a n a pplicationin case you a re interes ted i ll t his o pt io n.Th e cost for a va riance is $250 .00 a nd takes app roximately 4 ~5 wee ks. I apologize for t he mistakes I made co ncerning yo ur applica tion an d a ny inconvenience it m ay have ca used yo u,l f you haveanyquestio ns.p leasecull me at 479-245 4. ~11'!11I iy Y2l""J U/1vt <r'tJd;:);I ,p,J Christie Barto n Pl ann er II o m X rt'U,'D }'AI'EH INI ,I '"ro.!,, I l.\LJ :..:.o ::J,-..r'-•<D \'",'--, -I &]J~0",'(};~ 0. ~~0,'§<0 '"~i {iG/ OJ,~'' • 10 .'-, '~<o'-I'e, '~<o-'Il <o, t ; :ll ;::/ Ig-..~t:i ~.~r()..~-- :JQ.,,.~11d;-•.it'"<0• 0\'.'11 1:1".Address and Phone: • ProjectNam e:n/a Proj e ct Descri ption: ••Design Review Action Form TOW N OF VA IL Replace a nd extend existing deck landing S uza nne Du gan , I Architect/Contact.Address and Phone:same Pro ject Stree t Ad dr ess: Legal Descr iptio n: ParcelNumber: Comments: 2642 Ki nnlckinuickCo urt Lo t 5 ,Block 2.I nte rmountain Building Name: Board I S tarr A ction n / Motion by : S eco nded by: Vot e : Con ditio n s: u /a Action:S taff Approval TownPlanner :C hristie Barton Date;4/1 6/98 DRIJ Fcc Pre-Paid:$20.00 I :\I V I :R\'11~I ·m RB\AP r R (l V A I .\<J ll\[)l ;(i !l ~"'I (. APPLICATION FORDESIGN RE VIEW APPROVAL ~. ·,-. Question s?Call 1hc Plan ning Slaffat 4 7')-2128 GENERA LIN FORM ATI ON This ap plication is forany proj ect requiri ng Design Review approva l.Any projec t req uiri ng design review mu s t receiv e Design Review approval prior tos ubmitting forabuilding permit for s pecific i nformation.sec thesu bmitta l re q uire m en ts forthe partic ular approval that is requested.The app lica tion cannot be accepted untilallthe require d informationis s ubmitted .The project mayalso need 10 be re viewed bythe Town Council and/or thePlann ing and Environ mental Conuuission,Design Review Board approval expires one year after finalappro val unless II buildi ng permit is iss ued and construction isstarted. A .DESCRIPTIONOF T HE REQUES T: '£BLOCK:?"FILING :J A·"·""•.j,,.} /VI '\AU 4"_1'V\A ~q-k:fl l L. L OCATIONOF PROPOSAL :~OT : PHYSICAL AD DRESS :)"/:"t "- PARCEL #:[Contact Eagle Co.Asses sors Office '1970·328·8640 fo r parcel #) ZON ING:_ NA ME OFOWNER,S):--!J"'.j<'-.::6!.!~=<'___,_7/'---,--.,......,---_=_------­ MA ILIN G A DDRESS:ftO ",3 1 6 t ~I c <':<J;L ft=-:::;--PHONE: 1A 1 €~O WNER(S}SIGNATURE(S):-""":L.-=~~=">F::='---,----------- N AMEOFA PPLICANT::__-l.4.L-"-'="'--_-"'-_ M A I LING A DDRESS::_ IJ. C . D . E. F. G. ________________PHONE:_ H.TYP E OF REVIEWA ND FEE: o New Construction-5200 o Addition -550 )(Minor Alterati on -$20 Construc tion ofa new bu ilding. Includes an yaddition wh ere square footage is add ed 10 any residential or commerc ial buildin g . In cludes mi norch an ges to buildi ngs and site improvements.such as, reroofing.paintin g.window additi ons.landsca ping.fencesand retai ning wa lls.etc.. OR B fees arc 10 be pa id ar the ri me of submitta l .Later.when applyi ng fora buil ding permi t.please identify the a ccurate valuat ion of the project.Th e Town orVai l will adjust th efcc according 10 th e project valuation . I'L EASE SUBMIT TillS APPLI CATION.ALL SUBMITTA L REQUIREM ENTS AND THE FEE T O TilE D EPARTMEN T OFCOM MUNITYDEV ELOPMENT.75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAI L .C OLORADO 8 1657. 4)0.... th•.~... ~.. ~. 1)Str ut ~)Th e I. C'.Z As " L~l e.~ ,ccoo o;.. COoI l'lty. I ...."': _el p'e por OR II,lP ~O . leo"11'>1'••' linl1l.I ,."t ' .,..erlbeCl ; "O"".cli O!'" ':>""P t o s o;lc scrlb..d • ",PPAR[OoI T ,roy po,",, l et 2 N I,.4"J7'OO·W _--.,1 50 .00' rOUHtl RCBAR ill Al WHUW CAP.u .s,11827 I Let .3 .A ,, -,,, --~' : ----- / Lo'"i 6 -- GR APHIC SCALE \0.00'------ A -124"2 7 ·~7 · R •4~.OO · T-55.•n' l•97 .76' perking oreo / LUPINE COU RT -- • • ,.• " Su'anne J.D ugan,Br<l:er 2642 Kinn iddnnid.Court •Vail.Colorado USA 8 1657 Mailing Addres.\:P.o.fl,,'k 1768 •Vai l.Colorado USA d l658 T f V '\C (9 70)416-0.164 -\FAX (970)·P6.lS6 4 •E-Mail uuJ,:.m1J:...-ail.nerown031ommurutyUeveopmcnt Apri l 12,1998 Au :Russ Forrest Dear Russ: Date Received APR 1 3 1998 1 wi llbe inand o ut of townt he nextmo nth sowa ntedto get th istoyo uin the eve nt o ne of my neighbor s wi s hed tocr eate a walkway c asement a cross th eir pr operty . I ob ject to any easement s be ing c reated due to noise a ndtr ash .I cl eaned my yard yes terday a nd where people ha ve been crossing ,o nneighb or'spro perty.there were ciga rette b uts and beer boulesth rown intomypro perty.No t tomen tion dog poop!And I have hadan ongoing no ise problem . Please pla ce a copy of thi s letter ineacho fmy neighb or's files so t here is no qu estion of my objecti on: Gray onlot 6 block 2 Intermountain Ii Miller on lo t 4 block 2 Intermountain s e, Sulliva n/Sp ringer o nlot 3 bl ock 2 Inte rmountai n ~ Am sden lot 2block 2 Intermountain L-A- Mcadow Creek which Id o not know th eirlo tand blo ck number e x cept Meadow Creek -i~ S ubdivision L ,'""-- I a lso u nderst and th atlotIb lock 2 Intermountain (ShawnW eyrauch o wner)is o r may be a pplyingfor a n extension o ntohisdu plex .I obj ect tot his d ue to t he la ck of parking .I had ap roblemthis wi nter w ithhisguests/te nants pa rking in my d rivewa y a nd trespassing t hrough my pr operty t o go to th ai houseand I kn ow t hat otherneighbor s h ave a lso had the sa me pro blem . Si ncerely, L L!2~ Sue Dugan ~ S uz,m n~J.Dugan,Broker Sue Dugan ,C HI ,C RS.MKt :,eli's P,rt~k l'r/(Jwnl'r _m tALS ~. 264~Kinnid.iUllu.l o. V",I.CO USA 8 1657 M"ili ng AJJI C )"~: 1'.0.BI.l~J76S V:-l1l,CO U SA 1i16'i~ NUlnt'""(9iC)-1 70 -0 764 (Si.."'C)jQ5·M'i5 Enc (97C)4 76·!'6--I F.-~t"I ·Jtl:;;m@\·,llLn~·1 ,.'• MATCH LINE SEESHEET 2 D • ". ." ....",',".'.;'".::->" , Z --lrn ;U (/) ~--l '"....o ,, .. , TOWN OF VAIL 7 5 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 9 70-479-21 38 •• DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPM ENT Co T s , !ZL J...2. d-~'f"""""t-;., NO TE:T HIS P ERM IT MU STBE POSTED ON J OBSITE AT ALL TI MES MECHAN ICALPERMIT P ermit .:M9 6-0110 Job Address : Loc at ion : Pa rce lNo: Proj ec tNumber: (1'11""(l 264 2 ~;h~"~P~I~I~l i~€~Q~lHl.;;'T 2103 -143 -01-005 Status ...: Applied ..: I ss ued ...: Expir es ..: ISSUED 0 7/2 6/1996 07 /26 /1996 0 1/2 2/1997 APP LICANT BURNETT PLUMBING ,HEATING POBOX 250 ,MINTURN CO 8 1645 CONTRACTDR BURNETT PLUMB ING ,HEATING POBOX 25 0,MIN TUR N CO 816 45 OWNERDUGAN S UZ ANNE J PO BOX 3 768,VAI L CO 81 658 Des cription: I NSTALL HEAT LINE UNDER SIDEWALK,CONNECT TO Ph o ne : Phone: v al uation: BO ILER 30382 75562 3 03 82755 62 1,4 0 0.00 'Of &as .l pp li ar'l e ~s :'Of G.ils Log s:II Of Wood/paUlet: ***..**************~~*****************t**************FEE SY H"A RY tAt,ttttttttA'••'.'************_**,**,**"'***"._"""" "ee hanie.l --->40 .00 Re s t~ra"t Pl~n Reyiew-->.00 Total Ca lculated fees---)53 .00 Pl an Check-->10.00 DR B Fee__------).00 .ldcliti DNIl Fees---->.00 Investi gation>.00 TOT AL FEE S--)53 .00 Total Per.it Fee-------)53 .00 \lil l tall---->3 .00 'ay..MU---------->53.00 BALAN CE DUE------->.00 ****************************************************************..*****~**~***********************.*************************** BUILDING FIRE Item:0 5 100 BUILDINGDEPARTM ENT Dept : 07 /26/1996 CHARLIE Act ion :APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Ite m:0560 0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: 07 /26/1996 CHARLIEAction :APPR N/A CONDITIONOF APPROVAL 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . 2.THIS PERMIT SI GOOD FOR THEINST ALLATION OF HEAT LINES ONLY A SEPARATE PERMIT WILL BEREQ'D TO INS TAL L ANY APPLIANCES Division : Div i sion: ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIO NS I ~reby .ck~l ~tha t 1 have r ead thi!appl i cation,filled out i n fu ll t he in for.ation r ~i r ed ,~leted an ~ccur.te plot plen,and state tha t a ll t lw info,..tion provid ed a s r eq.,l ir e<l Is correct.I agrH to COIIp ly "l ith t be infor_t ion and plot ploin , t o cc.ply "lith .ll Town ord inances and state laws,end to bujld th is structure accord i ng to the Town 's zoning and subdiv i sion code!,de sign review approved,unifo r.Bu ild1ng Code and ot her ordi ....nces of th e Town appl ie.ble t her eto . REQU EST S FOR IN SP ECTION S SHALL BE KAti E ~EN TY-FOU R HOURS IN AtlV4NCE BY TELEPHON E AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFIC E F ~8 :00 AH 5 :00 P" S IG NA TUR E OF O'JH ER OR CO NT RAC TO RFOR HI"SEL F AN D (XI NER •••**********************************************************---*** TOWN OF VAI L ,COLORADO Rep r inted:1 1/0 4/9608 :01 Statemnt -***********-**•••*-------*------*********.*****************--** S tate rnn tNumbe r:REC-0226 Amoun t: payme nt Method:CK Notat ion :#509 0 2 5.0011 /04 /96 08:00 r oit:CD Permit No :M96-0 110 Type:B-MEC H Parcel No:2 103 -1 43-01 -005 Loca tion:264 2 LU PI NE COURT MECHANICAL PERMIT Thi s Payme nt 25.0 0 Total Fe es: To ta lALLPmt s: Ba lan ce : 5 3 .00 53 .00 .00 --*-****-----**-***---*----***--*******-***-------***-***---***- Ac count Code 01 0000 4 1312 0 1 0000 4 1332 Descri ption MEC HANICA L PERMITFEES P LANCHECK FEES Amount 2 0 .00 5.0 0 • TOWN OFVAIL 7 5 S.FRON TAGE ROAD VA IL ,CO 8 1657 97 0-479 -2138 •• DEPARTI1ENT OFCOMMU NITY DEVE LOPMENT NO TE :THIS PE RM IT MU ST BEPOSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TI MES MEC HAN ICALP ERMI T P ermit #:M96 -0 11 0 Job Add ress : Location :2 64 2LUPINE COUR T Par c el No :21 0 3 -14 3-0 1 -0 05 Proj e ctNumber: APPLICANT BURNET T P LUMBI~G ,HE ATI NG POBOX 2 50 ,MINT U~~CO 816 45 CONTRA CTOR B U ~~ETT PL U M8 I~G ,HE ATING POBOX 25 0 ,MINT URN CO8 1645 OWNER DUGAN SUZ ANN E J PO80X37 6 8,VAIL CO 81 658 Statu s ...:IS SU ED Appl ied•.:0 7/26 /19 96 I ssu e d ...:0 7 /26/1996 Expire s ..:0 1/22/1 997 P hone :3038 27556 2 Phone :3 03 827 5562 Descri ptio n : IN STALL ING HE ATL INES UNDER S IDEWALK Val ua t io n:5 00.00 Fi replace Infer.'tion:Rest rlcttd :#01 Ga s Appl i ances :l Of Gn logs :MOf ~ood /PB lle t : U**U********:H *'*"****tl ~Ii.i t i i .tl********i 'l i***i Ut iH liii FEE SU MIU.RY iii ••********Ii***'****"***,**ili ii ii.iliA ••'H tid!i i l iiA iit Ii.I: f'l e chanica l-->20 .00 Restullrll!\t Pla n Re l/;I!'Io/--).00 Tot al Caleul _t td f ee s--->28 .00 Pl..,Cne c k--->5 .00 ORB F e ~-----).00 Addit ion al f ees ------>.00 Inv en i glt 1on>.00 TOTAL FEES --------->28 .00Total PU lIIi t Fee------->28.00 wil l Call--->3 .00 Pao yaents--------->28 .00 BALA NCE DUE-------->.00 tTXtXiXitttttttttt**************ttttttyttttl*II I**ll**l ll i*i*ili*iitttttttttttttXittttttttttttttTttt*ti t tttt t*ttttt*ttt*iHhttttTttt It~m :05 100 BU ILDING DE~ARTM ENT Dept :BUILDI NG Di visi on : 07 /26 /1996 CHARLIE Act ,on:APPR CHA RLIE DAVIS I tem :056 00F IR E DEPARTMEN T De pt:F IRE Division : 07 /26 /1 996 CHARLIE Action:APPRN/A CO ND ITION OFAPP ROV AL 1 .FIELD I NSPECTIONS ARE RE QUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COM PLI ANCE . 2 .THISPERMIT S I GO ODFOR THE IN STALLAT ION OF HEAT LI NESONLY ASEPARA TEPERM IT WI LL8EREQ 'D TO INSTALL AN Y APPLIAN CES ••••••**••***••••*•••••••••••*•••••••••••••**.**•••*****••**•••••******.******** DECLARATIONS I he r ~y at knowlt'dge tha t I nave read t his applitn ion,f ill~out i n full t hei nf o rRti on requ ired ,ee ecte t ed an acc urate pl ot pl al"l ,a nd state tha t a Uth e in for.t ion prov id e-d Il$requ i rt'd is cor rec t.I agreet o comp ly with t he i nfo rRt iOl'l and p lot pl an, to cOlllp ly \1 1th a ll Tolo'l'\ord inances II'ld sta te lall s,and t o build th is st ructure according t o t hl:Town's zoni ng and subdil/is ion codes,desi gn re l/i lN appri:lV ed,unito r.Building Code and othe r ord i nances of th e Town appl ieab le t her e to. REQU ES TS fOR I NSP EC TIONS SHA LL ElE KAD E T\lEJlTY -f OUR HOUR S I N 'D V4HCE BY TELE PHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OU R OFFICEf RO"8:00 '"5:00 P" SIGNA TUR E Of OW NE R OR CON TU CT OR FOR HIKSELf AND Ql.;NE R ~~ ./' .,••************.*************************************************** TOWN OF VA I L ,COLORA DORe printed:07 /29/96 1 4:2 6 St a te mn t **************************************************************** St at emnt Numb er :REC -0 1 77 Am ount : Pa yment Met hod :CK Nota t ion :#3 185 0 26 .0007 /29 /96 14 :26 Init :CD P ermi tNo :M9 6-0110 Ty pe :B-MEC H P arc el No :2 103 -1 43 -01 -005 Loca tion :2642 LUP INE COUR T ME CH AN I CALPE RMI T This Pa ym ent 2 6 .0 0 Total Fees : Tota l ALL Pmts : Ba lan ce: 2 6.00 2 6 .00 .0 0 AccountCode 0 1 0000 413 12 0 1 0000 4 1332 0 1 0 000 413 36 Descri ption ME CHAN ICAL P ER}I IT FEES PLAN CHE CK FEES WILL CALLI NSPECTION FEE Amo unt 20 .00 5 .00 3 .00 •. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 81657 970-479 -2138 •• DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIT Y DE VELOPMENT NOT E:THISPERMIT MU ST BEPOSTED ONJ OBSITE ATALLTIMES MECHANICA L PERMIT P erm it #:M96-0 110 Jo b Address: Loc at i on :26 42 t UPINE COUR T Pa rcel No :2 103-1 43 -01 -005 Proje ct Number : APPL ICANT BURNETT PLUMBING,HEATING P OBOX2 50,MINTURN CO 8164 5 CONTRA CTOR BURNETT PLUM BING,HEAT ING POBOX 25 0 ,MINTURN CO 8 1645 OWNER DUGAN S UZANNE J PO BOX 3 768,VA IL CO 81658 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:07 /26 /1996 Iss ued ...:0 7 /26/1996 Exp ires ..:0 1/22 /1997 P hone:3 038275 562 Pho ne:303827 5562 Descript ion : INSTAL LING HEAT LINES UNDER SIDEWALK Va luat ion:500 .00 Firepla ce !n f oraati on:Re st ricted;1I0f Gas Ap pl t ences :#O t Gas Logs :1I0 f ll00djP el let: *~~~**************~***************************FEE SUMMA RY A!****•••••••••***.*.*************.*.*******.*.*********** I1l!'cnllniea l ->20.00 Re stuaral'lt Ple n Rev;cw--).00Tota l CalcuL lIhd r eee-c-o 26.00 Plan Chec k.-->5 .00 DR B Fee------------->.00 Addi t ionaL f ees ------->.00 Investigatio n).00 TOTAL fE eS ------------>28.00 Tota l Perflit fee ------>28 .00 lIill Cllll--->3 .00 P l!lyllle r'l t ~------------->28.00 SALANCE DUE ------->.00 *****************************************ltt uu*uu*u****u********u*******************.*.*.*.********************************* BUILDING F IRE I tem :05 100BUILDING DE PARTMENT Dept : 0 7/26/199 6CHARLIEAction :APPR CHARLIE DAVIS I tem:0 5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept : 07/26/1996 CHARLIE Action :APPRN/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 .FIE LD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI AN CE . 2.THIS PERM IT SI GO ODFORTHEI NSTALLATION OF HEA T LINES ONLY AS EPARATE P ERMI T WILLBEREQ'DTO IN STALL ANY APPLIANCES Division: Div is ion : ******************************************************************************** DEC LARATIONS 1 hereby a cknow led ge th at 1 have r ead t hi s appli cat ion,f ill ed out i n f ulLt he i nfor ma ti on required,c o~l ete d an ac curate plot p lan ,and stlt llt thet e ll t he i nforr.,at;ol'l provided as required is correct.1 agr ee to comp ly with the i nforllWl ti on i!l ndp Lot p lan, t oco mp ly\lith a ll Town or dinances and s tete tev s ,andtobuild t his s tructure acc ording t othe TO \lfl's zoning and subdi vision codes ,de s ign re vi ew approved,Unifor ll Build ing Code end other o rdinancesoft he Tow n appLicabLe thereto. REQUESTS f OR INSPECTIO NS SHA LL ae !lADE TIJENTY-FO UR HOURSI N ADVANC E BY TELEPHO NE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OffICE FRO M 8 :00 Alt 5 :00 Pit SIGNA TURE Of OWNER OR CONTRACTOR F O~HI I'lSE LF AN D OYN ER ~g~ ../' ••********•••**.***••••••**.*********************.******-*-------- TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Reprint ed :07 /29/96 1 4:26Statemnt.._.._.....••....••••••___----_........•.....----_. Statemnt Number:REC-0177 Amount : Pa yment Method:CK Notat ion:#31850 Pe rm it No:M96 -0110 Type :B-MECH Parcel No:21 03 -143 -01 -005 Location :2 642 LUPINE COURT 2 8.0007 /29 /96 14:26 I ni t:CD MECHANI CAL PERMIT Total Fees:28.00 This Payment 2 8.00 Total ALL Pmts :28 .00 Bala nce :.00....._.___._.__._.__._._._._.•..._._._---_._.._.- Acco unt Code 01 0000 41312 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 De scription MECHANICAL PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WI LL CA LLI NSPECTI ON FEE Amou nt 20 .00 5 .00 3 .00 • TOWN OFVAIL 75 S .FRO NTAGE ROAD VA IL ,CO 816 57 9 70 -47 9-213 8 DE PARTMENT OFCOMMUN ITY DE VE LO PMENT NOTE :THISPE RM IT MUST BEPOSTED ON JOB SITE ATALLTIMES MEC HANICAL PERM IT Permi t #:M9 6 -0110 J ob Address : Loc ation :2642 LUPINE COUR T Parce l No :2103 -143-01-005 Proj ect Number: APPLI CAN T BURNETT PLUMB ING,HEA TING POBOX 250,MIN TURN CO 81645 CON TRACTOR BURNETT PLUMBIN G,HEA TING POBOX 250,MIN TURN CO 81645 OWNER DUGAN SUZANNE J PO BOX 3768,VAILCO8 1658 Statu s ...:APPROVE D Applied ..:0 7/26/1996 Issued ...:0 7 /26/1996 Expires ..:01 /22 /1997 Phone :3 038275562 Phone :30 3 8275562 De scription: I NSTAL LI NG HEAT L I NES UN DE R SIDE WAL K Valuation :5 0 0.00 Firepla ce Info r..t ;on :RCltricted :*Of Gel Logt :lIof WOOd /Pallet : .*.**********~*********************.*****.****************FEE SU~"ARY ~****.**********************••••*.**••******••*.*••• "echan;c.l --->20 .00 Re$tuarant Plan Re vi ew-->.00 Total Calculated Fees--->28 .00 Plan Check--->5 .00 ORB Fee >.00 Addi t ional f ees --------->.00 Inliest igation>.00 TOTAL FEES >28 .00 Total Per M;t F~--->28 .00 vt u Call---)3 .00 Pa y.enu------->.00 BALAN CE DUE------)28 .00**••:...*lHl'....***********•••••••••••*****************************,*.~u~.~.~u~.~.~u~.~.~u~.~.~u~.~.~u~.~.~U~.~.~H~.~.~U~.~.***********"******'**********,,__* I t im:05 100 BU ILDING DE~ARTM ENT Dept:BU ILDINGDiv i sion: 07 26/19 96 CHA RLIE Act l o n:APPRCHAR LIE DAVIS Item:0 5 600 F IRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Divi sion: 07/26/1996CHARLIE Action:APPR N/A COND ITION OF APPROVA L 1 .FIELD IN SPECTI ON SARE REQ UIRED TO CHECK F OR COD E COM PLI ANCE . 2 .THIS PERM IT S I GO OD FOR THEINS TALLATIONOF HEAT LINES ONLY A SEPARATE PERMITWILL BEREQ 'D TOINSTALL AN Y APPLIANCES tt*t*tt".,************************"""".,.**".*,.'*""******"***'******'* DECLARATIONS 1 ~r eby a cknow l~t~t I have read thi ,~lieBtion,fi lled outin full the ;nfonlac ion requ ired ,eo-pleted an a c curate plot plan,and I tate t Mt aU t M i nfor _t ion pnwided iSS required h co rrec t.1 agree t o co-ply with the infor_tion and plot plan, to cc.ply with al l Town ordinances and state l aws,and to bui l d th is s t ~c t u r.accord ing to t he Town 's z oningand subdi vision codes,design re~iew ~rDved.uni for.Bu ild ing Code &nO ot her ord inances of the Town appl icable thereto . AE ClUE STS FOR IN SP ECTION S S H ~.Ll BE M DE T\lEHTY-F OlJR HOOR S IN AD VAN CE 8Y TEle PHONE AT 47'9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROH 8:00 M 5:00 PI! SI GN ATU RE Of OWNER OR CQHTR ACTOR f OR KI "SEtf AND ~ER • , I PARCE L •TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTI! #:!i 10 .J /Y .$""I ""0 5"PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE :;;-,2 .>-?-b• PERM IT ,,_ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OU T COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERM IT IN FORMA TION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ()-Bu ildinq (J -Plu mbinq ()-Elec trical !><J -Me chanical [)-Other _ Job Name:~1"t1"\-floGS t"r!qNc-~Job Addres s:"'l./2 j(;""A..;K /~""I ;"11 J,/l1 i( Leg al De scription :Lot E Block ;2..Filing SU!}PIVISION: 5 ,")If?'·~5 'r Owners Name:u <:1A"<f'a-ev A dd ress:.;16 1(l.N N AI t'c I(/~""/c K 0 ;'Ph•Y'f6'-Q 7 6 r( s it »w tt-t.k • Address:Ph ._Architect :___ General Oeser iption :t{),~/u.TTt.L.!odl,;,>_'l!~/J"'ni..!.;v~N~L/~"''--<'-L!.!!.~''-!!:=.,,~-.c:~~<:L!~:..--------~\7 Work Class:r-q -New []-Al teration [J -Additio nal []-Repa ir[]-Othe r _ Number of Dwell ing Units :Number of Accommodation Unit s: * mber and Type of Fireplaces :Gas Appl iances__Ga s Logs __Wood/Pellet *****••********.*.*.*.***********VALUATIONS ************.*.**.*************** f'{\q {p -Oil 0 BUILD ING:$ELECTRICAL :$OTHER:$ PLUM BING:$ME CHANI CAL :$5 00 .0 '"TOTAL:$..-------- ~************.****••*****•••CONTRA CTOR IN FO RMATI ON ••••••••••••••••***••••••••~~n e ral Contract or:Town o f Va il Reg.NOo _ Address:Phone Number : Electrical Contractor : Addres s: Town of Vail Req .NO ._ Phone Number : Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Cont ractor:L Z""N g rr I tll?#~r ..,.:., Add re ss:2 0 Q:I sclp <tY "tHu\.r u 1\A/ Town o fVa il Re q.NO._ Phone Number : Town o f Vail Re q.NO .1';>"p Phone Number :?~?-5".5"6.2.. •••••••******••********.**•••*** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRI CAL FEE: OT HER TYPE OF FEE: ORB FEE: FOR OFFICE USE ***•••*.***••••••************•• BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CH ECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHEC KFEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOS IT: TOTAL PERM ITFEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING : SIGNATURE: ZONING : SIGNATURE : Comments : XCLEAN UP DFl'OSIT REFilND TO: ••• PUBLICWORKSPERMITPROCESS Howitrelatesto BuildingPermits: 1)RIIo utourc heck listprovidedwith a buildingpermit application. Ifyeswasansweredtoany oftheabove questions then a "PublicWay"is requ ired.Youcanpickupanapplication at eitherCommunity Development, lo catedat 75S.Frontage RoadorPublic Works,locatedat 1309Vail Va lley Drive. 2)Noticesign o tfs forutility compan ies.Allut ilities must fieldverify (locate) respective utili tiesprior to signing application .Someutili ty compa nies requireup toa48 hour noticetoschedule alocate. 3)A construction traffic controll stagingplan mustbe preparedon aseparatesheet ofpaper.An approvedsite plan mayaiso beused.Thisplan willshowlocations ofalltratticcontrol devices(signs,cones,etc..)andtheworkzone,(areaof Construction,Staging,etc..).This planwill expireonOct.15th.andwillneedto beresubmittedforapprovalthroughthewinter. 4 )Sketchof work being performedmustbe submittedindicatingdimensions(length , width &depthof work).T his may be drawnon thetraffic controlplanor a site p lanforthejob. 5 )Submitcompletedapplication to the Public Works's officefor review.Ifrequire d, locateswill be scheduledfortheTownof Vail Electriciansand Irrigation crew .The locatestakeplaceinthe morning but,mayrequireupto48hourstoperform. 6)T hePublic Work'sConstruction Inspector will reviewtheapplicationandapprove or disapprove the permit.Youwill becontactedast othestatus andany thatmay needed.Most permitsarereleased w ithin 4 8 hoursofbeingreceived,butplease allow upto oneweek to pro cess . 7)Assoonasthepermit isprocessed,acopywill be faxed toCommun ity Development allowing t he "BuildingPermit"to be released.Please donotconfuse the"Public WayPermit"witha "BuildingPermit"todo work onaprojectitself. NOTE : •The above process Is for work Inapub lic way only, •Public WayPerm its arevalid only until November 15th. •AnewPubl ic WayPermiti s required each year Ifwo rkis not complete. • 75 south from.ge road vall.colorado 81657 (303 )479-2138 (303)479-2139 • office of eommuntty deve40pmenl NOTICETO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS E ffec tive Ju ne 20 ,1991 ,t he Towno f Vail Building Department ha s d eve loped the f oll ow ingp rocedu res to e nsure that n ew con s tru cti on sites ha ve adequa t el y e st a bl ished proper dra i nage f rom b uilding sit es along a nd a dj ace ntt o T o wno f Vail roads o r st re ets . The T own of Vail Public Work s Department will be required to inspect and approve drai nage adj acent t o Town of Vailr oads or streets and the insta llati on o f temp orary or permanent culverts at access p o ints from t he r o ad o r s tr eet on to the c onstructi on site . Su ch appr o val must be o btai ned pri or t o a ny r equest fo ri n spection b y theTown of Vai l B ui ldi ~g De pa rt ment f o ~f o otings or temp o rar y e lect r icalo r any o theri nspect io n.Ple as e call 479 -216 0 t o reques t an inspe cti on f rom the Public Work s Depa rtment.Allow a mi ni mum of 24 hour n ot ic e. Al so ,theTown of Va ilP Ublic Work s Depart ment wi ll be a pp r ov in g a ll fin a l draina ge and c u lv erti n s ta l la tio n with resulting road p a t ch i nq as n eces sary .Suc h a ppr o val mus t be obt ained prior to Fi na l Cert if ica te o f Oc cupa nc y i ss ua n ce . •• 75 l oulh Irontage road n il,c olol'll do 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 • o Uice of comm untty deve lopment BUILDING PERmT I SSUANC E TIME FRAIIE If this permit requires a Town ofVail Fire Departme nt Approval. Eng ineer"s (Publi c Works )review and a pproval,aPl anning Depa rtment revieworHealth Depar tm entreview,and areview by the Building Department,the est imated ti me for a total review may take as long as t hree weeks . All coemer-c t a l (large or small)and all multi -fami ly pennits will have to f ollowtheabove mentioned ma ximum re quirements .Residential and small projects should take a l esseramount of time .However ,if residential or smaller proj ects impa ct the vario us above me ntioned departments withregardto necessary r eview,these projects ma y also takethe three week period . Every at t empt wil l be made by this departmentto expedite thi s . perm i t assoonas possible . 19 the undersign ed.understand theplancheckprocedure a nd time frame . ~~dN;0=r ee t o y.' ~IJ-,-2 ~-?LDateWorkSheetwa s turned into t he COmmunity Dev elopment Department. •• REPTl31 11/07/9& TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO 06:58 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FOR:!!/7'9& PAGE q AREA,CO Stat us I ISSUED11/7/96 Type:B-MECHActIVity: Addr.~s : Locatlon: Paree 1 ; DescrIption: Appllc..nt: OwnltY'; Contractor I "l9&-0110 2642 LUPINE COURT 2103-143-01-005 INSTALL HEAT LINE BURNETT PLUMBING, DUGAN SUZANNE J BURNETT PLUMBING, Dce: UNDER SIOFWALK,CONNECT HEATING Phone: Phon!"!: HEATING Phone1 TO BOILER 3038275562 3038275562 Canstr:ASF .... USPI lrlsp~ctton Requ~st Inform.tian .•••• R~qup~tor:SUE DUGAN Phone: Rpq Tl~.:08:00 Comment~:WILL CALL INS~ECTION 2ND Ite.s reque~ted to b.In.pected .••Action Co ••ents 00391i1 MECH-f 1 na 1 476-07&4 LEVEL DOOR -------- Inspection History ..... Ite :00200 MECH-Rough Ite~:00225 FIRE-SPRINKLER ROUGH It~m:00240 PLMB-Ga~Piping It ••:00310 MECH-Heating 09/12/~6 Insp@ctorl CF 09/12/96 InBpectorl CF Item:0 0320 MECH-EMhaust Hoods Iteml 0 0330 MEC H-Supply Air It~MI 00340 MECH-Mi5C . 09/13/9&In~pectorl EG It.MI 00390 MECH-Flndl tt~~:00538 FIRE-FINAL C/O Actlon:APPR Action:APPR Actlon:APPR syst It.chal~ged APPROVED 2)Th.I or e : A:no L elt s.e o c cOO'".~ C""",ty . Not e.., I h8l'et .O~p'ellll" OR IU PRO. l or th e ..' li n es.It••" d ..cri:l ec I eonfle-c:tior ' ."cept 01 a.s~e(l ,tJ>PA,R(~T ony por1 ( J )l""p' ...)0 ... u"eee-..',,'It ~. Lot 2 Lot 3 .10.... • ,,,, 'f;,,,, 1$ I ;J..,~.-~I ~~. I .c !Y '($,.,-,,, ---- ,.r,.,:;. I fr,",."> I ~;:; ,-ll ",, I "0...' • let 6 -- porl dnq area ---.--- / • ----• GRAPH IC SCALE 12."2 7'57" 4 5 .00' 85 .4 / 91 .76 ' - 1rVf0 A-.-T _ L - ------ LUPINE CO URT --- -- - T<;" ------ • ---- ""'ATt Ah t---t f\-£ TN tl>A As )<I •••,.,, PLANNI NG ANDENVIR ONMENTALCO MMISS IO N N ovemberI I,1996 Min utes M EMBERS PRESENT: Greg Mo ffet G reg Amsden H enry Pratt Ga le n Aasland Jo hn Sch ofie ld Ge ne U selton D iane Golden p ub lic H ear ing MEMBER S AB SENT:ST AFFPR ESENT : S usan Co nnelly M ike M ollica G eorg e Ruth er Dom inic Mauriello Dirk Mason T ammieWi lliamson T omM o orhead J udy Rodriguez 2:00 p.m , Th e m eeting wa sca lledto o rderb y Greg M offeta t 2 :10p .m . 1.Arequest foraco nditional use perm it to allow tor aT ypeIIEmpl oyee HousingUni t, located at4 193 S pruce W ay/Lot 12,B lock9 ,Bighorn 3 rdAd dition . Applicant: P lanner: Steven Pel ers D irkM a son D irk M ason gavea no verviewofthe r equest an d s tated th at staff re commen ded approval with the 3 conditions listed in the staff memo . Greg Moffet asked itth e applicant hadan ything toadd . La r ryBenway,wtm Isom &Associa tes repre senting t he app licant,h ad noth ingto add . J ohn Scho field que stione dth e s taff as to th e reasoning f or th e2 nd co nditi o n . Dirk Ma son sai dt heE HUwa s required to have an enclosed sp ace ,ifit were tobe constructed new . Larry Benway w anted to deed restr ict t he carport,no tt he garag e. Dirk M ason stated thaI t he apo ucant agreeing t o d eed re smct the carpo rt wasonp age 1ofth e staff me mo . Ge neUselton hadthe same concerns asJ ohn SChofield. Greg Amsden had n oco mments . Galen Aas land sawn o reason t o d eed r estrict forp arking . P lanning IIlld Enllitiffim enlli l CummilOSio ll M i llul ~'S November 11,1996 1 • John Schofield hadnoc ommen t. • Ge ne Uselton a sked it thea greement hadtobe sig ned orwa s no t n ecessary? To m Mo orhead sta tedthat thePEGwou ld a ct ind ep ende ntlyofanyag reements reac hed . G re gM offe t h ad no ad ditio na l co mmen ts . Gene U se lton m adeamo tion in acco rdance withthestaff m emo. Jo hn SChofieldseco nded th e m otio n. It pas sed unan imously bya v ote o f 6·0·1. 3 .Arequest foramin ora mendmentt o SOD #5andac onditional u se p ermit to allow forth e add ition of conference sp ace,locatedat 1 100N.Frontag e Road /SOD#5 ,Simba Run Build ing . App licant: Planner: Simba RunCo ndom inium Assoc .,represented by LynnFritzlen Domin ic M auriello Dominic Maurie ll ogavea n o verview of th e request.He mentioned th at t his itemwas t ab le dat t he las tm eeting,in o rderfo r the applica ntto redesign theskyligh ts .Dom inic m entionedth at th e skylig h ts were re designed and reduce d Ins ize . G reg Moffet a sked if theapp licant hadan y th ing 10 add. Mike Schult,with F ritz le n,P ie rce &B riner repr esenting the applicant,hadnoth ing to add . T her e w as nopubl ic comm ent. John Sc hofield asked staffift hey w ereco n fide ntwiththe restriping p lanan d also If th ere w ere any g u idelines fo r t his re st rip ing ? Dom inIc Maurie llo s ai d that sta ff was c on fiden t w ith theappli ca nt'sab ility t o obt ai nthe pa rki n g spa ce.Hesta tedt ha tt he Co de a llo ws 25%of p arkings pa ces 10 be compac t space . Gene Useltonasked th e app licant s i nceth ere weretwoopt ions,which o ne woul dthe app lican t prefer. Mike SChult wanted theab ilily tokeepbothopti ons. Dominic Mauriello statedthatthe fr ontdriv e isa d edicatedfire lan e and parki ng spaces couldn 't remainau tf ront. Galen Aa sla nd w ould like not tosee p arkinginfront and wan tedthewa rdin g stronger rega rd ing t h e storage space bei ng co nve rted ba ck to p a rking . Dia ne Go lde n had n o co mme nts . PlillUlinll and En\"ironmcntal Commission Minutes November 11 ,1996 3 •• He nry Pr attsaid he d idn 't want such aligh t color s t ucco ,becau seit would s tand o ut m ore t han a da rker c olor.He encouraged th e ORBtolook at thiscol or andma terial closely,b eca use s tucco isn ot along-term material a nd wi thin 4 -5y earsth e stucco wo uld deteri orate.H e en courag ed the app licant to lookatalternatives . J ohnSc hofield a greed wi thH enry 'sco m ments . Gene U selton had no problem withlhe application . Greg Amsd en hadn o comm ents . G reg M offetsta tedth att hisw as nolagra nt of special pr ivilege an dh e had no p roblemswi th t his reques t. H enry Pratt made amo tioninac cordance with th e staff mem o ,wi th th e addition of a th ird co nditi on that theORBlook closely atthecolo r an dm at e rial. J ohnSc hofield secondedt he m otion. It passed unan imously by av ote of7 -0. 5 .A request fora major SODam endment toa llow tor a m odification to Savoy Villas.of SO D #5 ,located at1230 Lionsridge Lo op/SavoyVillas,Pha se IIandIII .Th e siteis generally located east o fT imber R idge Ap artments .wes t of S imba Run .north o f th e N orth Frontage Roadandso uth ofLio nsridge Loop .Afulllegal descriptio n isavail ab le i nth e C ommunity D evelopment Departm ent . App lica nt: Planner : SWAB,Inc .,representedbyChri s Kle in Do minic Mau riello Dominic Mauriello gave anoverview ofth e staff mem o a nd e xplained thec hanges fr o m the last t ime thePEG saw th is proposal.H e n oted the7pre vious conditions (ofOrd inance No.7.Series o t1 995),w ith t he add iti on 013add itional proposed c onditions. G reg Mollet a sked iltheapplicanthad anyt hingt o add . Ch ris K le in,representing theappli cant,hadno th ing to add . Ga len Aasland hada problem wi th the layout of th e living room and d ining ro om ,s tat ing they w erema rginal a tbest.Hesai dt hatthe north e levat ion n eeded life.He l iked t heco nditionf or large tr eeso nth ats ide .bu t th ought th ee levationsonth atsideneeding imp rov ement.H estated th atthe layout of th eun its needed a Federal Fair Housing Guidelines r eview .specifically regard ing access t otheun its. D ianeG olden w ouldliketo see more landscaping,bu tstated thatit was g reatto haveem ployee h ousing . Planningand Envirunlllcnlat Commission M inutes November II ,1996 5 •• b y par kinga nd s now s to rage.P reventingve hicular access t othat area neededto b e addresse d . H e w antedt he app licant t o give anind icat ion of th e limits ofd ist u rbance .Do minic sai dth e appl icant was g oin g wllh a shared dumpster.r ather thana noth er en closure.Hem ent ioned t hat there w ould be aredu ction ofland scapingo nthesite,with th is app lica tion .Hesa id thatthe a rch itecture was co mpatiblew itht he neighborhood.Acon cern o f staff wa s thatt here was n o adequate areatorsn ows torageonthesite.If sto red o nth e weste nd.o il m ixed inwitht he snow wou ld end u p in t he stream .Also,Do minic sta ted drai nage wo uld n eed tob e addressed,so t herewoul db e n o dir ecto utfall (unfiltered)i ntothec reek .Hesta tedt hat t h e Co uncilh ad di rectedstaff toa llowth eVa il Chapel to pr oceed th ro ugh th e r eview process.b ut th ats taff shou ld tryto reduce t he improv e me nt s on Town of Va il propert y.Inord er to imp lement that d irective andt o preserve the i ntendeduse ofthislan d,s ta rt recommends a30 'se tbackonthe Town o wnedparc el toa llow adequate a ccess tothest re am. Gre g Mo ffeta sked if th eap plica nthada nything toadd . Ned Gwath mey ,rep resentingt he ap plicant sa idt haihis tory sta tedt hat V A thou ght th ey g ave t his parce l t otheFou ndation .TheTi tle Report sai dt hatthe re wa s apor t ion oft hep roperty owned by theT own .Hes tatedth at Mr .Loper,Rick Ha lderman a nd V illa Cortina allm et and stated that if t here's m oney,thattheywou ld like tosn owmelt th is a rea .H e stated that it w oul db e helpful with reg ards to snow stora ge.Nedsai d t he applican t woul d com e back w ith as now r emoval pr ogram .H e 100 felt it mandatory t o melt th es now o rmoveitou t.He a sked f or ab le ssing to movefor ward wi th t his r equest. Greg Moffet asked f orany p ubl ic commen t.T here wasn one. G alen Aas land s aidofth e twosch em es ,he prefers t he B Schem e,as theA Scheme was t oo close to theriver.Galen encouragedtheapplic ant toc omeb ackwi th away to address t he strea mar ea b eing a re flec tiveareat hatw ould b e associatedwi th aC hapel se tting . Diane Golden saidshe liked Sc hem e Ban d s he was sorrytosee t he Child re n's a reag o away. Ned Gwathmey saidthe r e wa s a sec urity pro blem w ith theold area .Th e Children's area will be m ove d over c lose r tot he chape l andwillha ve t he s amesqua re tootag e a s th e prev ious area. Di ane Golden sup portedthisapp licat io n ,bu ts hetoowasworr iedab out snow st orage . J oh n Sc hofield t ho ught 10 keep ilto a ma ximumo nth e west side .H esa idthat aT own goalf o r thest ream t ract wo uld beanaccess pa th toenco urage people tousei t.Hetooe ncouraged s nowmelt. J ohn Sc hotieidliked theproj ect. G eneU selton a sked th e c osto fth esnow melt s ystem . Ned Gwathrney s aid$6 .50persq .lt.a ndw ith 1,000sq .tt.,it w asno t thaI b igofa n umber. G regAm sden w outd l ike t osee t he locat io n 01 Villa Cortina's build ing ont he s ite pl an for reference .Heasked stall toe xplain th e par kingo nSche m e B. Planning .nd Environmental CommiNiKJn Minutes November 11 ,1996 7 •• G regM offetslatedt hat,b elorewego to th eCo mmission.b e m indful t hatwea reg oing t okee p focused . Gordon Pierce,representing Sonn enalp Properties,Inc .sta ted th at the lime-share s ubject was a t ar baby an dhe c larified th at w hat he was r epresenting was ahyb rid. Greg Moffel reminded Gordonthatwewere not discussing theSonnenalp item,just time-shares. Ra ndy Bu rgess,Sales Dir ector fortheDeerValley Clu b.stated tortherecord that hehadno vestedi nterestinthisapplication.He explained that his experience provided theability toanswer qu estionsabo utm aintenanc eand occupancyof time-shares Greg Moffet asked for any public concerns,as it related10 t hecon ditional usc fa cto rs . Paul Tracey,Owner andOperator of Kldsport s,hasworkedi n IheValleyfor thelast 18years, was concerned w ith o ilfield effects an dinflationaryeffects w iththis p roposal.He statedth athe moved h erefro m Aspen w here thistypeo f propo sal br oughtaboutesca latio nin costsof ev erything .Paulsaw "Aspen"begin ningto occur her e.H es lated thatth et ypeofp eople th at time -shar ingb roughtinwas not in t he bes t inte rest of our community.atleas tnot in the c ore of the Village.Hesaid thai hed idn 't want t o seekit chens andhigh -end brown-baggers .He thought we needed 10att ract s hoppers who useourre staura nts .He th ought everybody hada right t o make mon ey ,b ut t hePE C 'sjobwasto watch out f orthe best inte rests ofthe community. La rgeret ailers s uch as Th eG ap ,be gin toc ome in a ndreplacet he s mallret au,as happened in As pen.T own becom es a high-e nd ma ll. Gr eg Moffel rem inded ev eryonet hat wearc lalJoting about adding t ime -shareto conditiona l uses . Fr ed H ibbard ,a neighbor inthe Village Cent er Building,stated thatitwa s i mportan t to r edevelop p roperties .Th ere w asa w ay t o d ot his ,however,what w as b eing pro posed w asnot t he w ay t o do t his.H e thoughtifyou h ad a bUildingt hatwas prim arily tim e -sharea ndit should ge t sol d o ut . you would lose what were being bill ed a s hotel rooms.Hes uggested insuring that t here would be ownership rnaln talned inthep rojecl for the durati on o fthe b uilding .Heal so though t a stro ng e nough interest would r u n thehotel as a hotel.A manager wo uldn't have thesam e interest. J im Lamoni,represenlingtheEast Village Homeowner's Association(EVHA l,asked George it w e were toa ssume th att hePA Zo ne Districtw as t otally b uilt-ou t? George Ru ther stat ed wi th thee xception of Lot J . J im Lamont askedG eorge aga in if it w asa ll buil t ou t? George Rutherstaledthaiyou could not convert anAUto a time-share,butthatyoucould convert anA U toa D Ua nd thenaOUtoat ime-share.However,G eorg e saidthat a DUisa u se b yrigh t andyo u would h avetog o lhrough aco ndit ional use p rocess . Greg MoH etstatedthatthere would bea CUPreview. P lannin g and Environmental Cu m mission Min utes N ovem ber II.199 6 9 •• G reg Mo ffel aske d f orp ublic co mment if w e d id p ermit f ractional owners hips in t he P A. John Schofield saidt hat staff hastakena broad strokean d wanted staff tobe more sp ecific.As a q uestionto R andy,he would liketo know r esale values with thed ifferent issu es,aswellas in formationo n t he property v alues.H e also w anted to know the elfects man agers h ad andh ow t oaddresst hat d ow n theroa d . Greg Moffet asked if the Deer Valley Cl ub was f ractional fromtheg round up? R andyBurg ess saidyes.however the issue of resalewasa point of extreme differential.Hesaid t hat t ime -sharew as n ota pretty pi cture,as it so ld ata d iscountfrom what was p aid .H esai dthat f r ac tiona l use p rovideda p rof it,si nce it was a rea l esta tepr oduct.H es late dth at f rac ti o n alfee ow ne rship fo llowed a p arallelcou rse to th e r eal estate va lue ofac ommunity .Howev e r,h e di d m ention that when the community real estate Is d own,fractional fee ownershi pholds steady.H e said that it was av ery pra ctical solution to have more people own property i n Va il.H esaidthat ma nagementcou ld be passed toa managementlodging company inVail. J ohn S c hof ieldaske d t he t ime f rame r esale i n D eer Vall ey w as b ased on? R andy Burgess sa id withing t helast coup le o f years. Henry Pratt asked ift he Deer Va lley C lubh ada f ront desk ope n 7 d aysa week? Ran d y Burgesssaid,yes. Ji m Lamont inquired about the DeerValley Club a menities packages? Ran dy Bu rgess mentioned the ski slope in D eerV alley,o ne oft hen icest h ealth c lubs,a resta ur an t,a g ame ro om ,sk ilo cker s an d a bar . J im L amont asked if ithad any meeting roo ms? R andy B urgesssai d oneroo m wasequipped with 80sea ls . J im Lamo nt a sked If t he un it s hadlock-offfun cti ons? Ran dyBurgesssaid there werenolockot ts ,asthis p ropertywasno t inten ded fo r investme nt p urposes . Ji mLa mon t a sked if Ra nd y wa s familiar wi th amixed A U? R and y B urgesssaid Itw as opentothe p ublic a ndth erefore.n ota f ina ncial burd ens ho uld t h e restaura nt b e leased o ut.H e t hought,conceptually,it was ag reatfit. Jim Lamo nt asked ifRandysawa mutual exclusion? R and y B urgess sa id ,n o. G ene Useltona sked if othe r restaurantsb enefitted fr om the Deer Vall eyC lub? Plannin g end EnvirorunenlOll Commission M inutes November II .1996 11 •• va lue a ndt he PAh ada h igher p roperly taxb racket.H esaid th atthis would no t enect th e Vi llage Ce nter,wh ich wa s residential. Galen Aasland w as willing toco nsider t his.because it all owed l orthe r edevelopmentof th e building.Galen wou ld like it published inthe newspaper andwould like c ommunityinp ut.He saidhe w asco ncerned withadja cent p roperty owners tax values.Hethensaid it wo uld beu pto t he applicant tos how us why this should be ch anged . Diane G oldensai dthisso unded like second h ome-ownership,whichshe does n otlike. Randy B urgess m entionedt hatm ost p eople whohave second h omeso nlyu sethe m4 -6 w eeks ou t oft heyea r a ndt hemo re expensive t he properly,t he lesslike lyt heywo uldb e to rent it out. These second homeowners woul d no tfeel comfortabl e putting it into a rental pool.Hesai d fract ionalfee works,because typical people useit5-7 weeks ayear.It isa second home,b utit doesn't sitvaca nt,making itavery d esirable product.There isno rental pool to make it jus tifiable . Di aneGo ldena sked how it woul dincreaseac tivityd uringthesh oulder season? Randy B urgesssai d owne rsf indit easie rt ogoon vacation w henthey ar ewi t hout sk isand the y realize h owniceitis notto have tohaul equipment.Hesaidthey enjoy vac ationingi n the summer and h alfof Deer Valley members liveo n t he east coast.Ra ndy sai dt heVai l C hamber of Commerce statistics show vis itors toVa il are primarily fromthe front range,so therefore, usage wouldbe in t he off -seaso n.He stated t hat DeerVaHey isus ed 30%in June a nd 65%in Ju ly . D iane G oldensai dsh e wa s think ing more i n term so f October a nd May. Henry Pr attsai dt ime -sharewasa vehicle t hatwouldallow p ropertiesintheP Ad istrict to improve t heVailex perience,soHenrysaw time-share as a n appropr iate use inthe PA dis trjct. Hesaid though,w ewe re here to prevent everyone from t urning it into time-sha re .Hefe lt the staff 's b road brush was applicab le,but w e needed very specific rulesfor interval ownership .He said ma nagementwoul d beacritical issue,aswellasthefront desk anda menities p ackage. Henry sa id e valuation sh ould b eon a c ase -by -case b asis.Hesai d tock-onss hould be e ncouraged,bu t n ot r equired.Hesaid th at itw asi mperativeth at there b e n o losso fAU 's .He w ent ontosay that wewe ren ow faced w ith u ndersizedhotelr ooms,so m aybe th ere wou ld b e no net lossofA U's.Hethoug ht the re ality was t hatallthe pr opertiesi n t he Vill age Core w ere so ldt o higher·end people,who would sample t he restaurantsandus e kitchens on ly for br eakfast an d lunch.Hes lated that in terms ofc r iteria,we needed thebroa dc riteria tothensi td ownan d nailspecifics. Greg M offet th ought t im e-sharewas u sedas atoolfor p roperty owne rship.H owever,he sa id th at if we permitted thisu se inth e PAdi st rict,w e h ave tohave insura nce th at h oteluni ts would be b uilt.Hesa idhe didn't wan tto s ee u s puta c onditionaluse,as thatw ould aff ect the u nderlying zo ned istrict.H e sa idthatit was af inancial t ool.Greg would like tot alk sale p rice, construc tion price,and land pr iceo na s quare foo tba sis.Hetho ught il avia bleusea ndlikes th e b roadbru sh,but it nceded tobe t ightened d own.Gregwas neutral regarding lock-efts,bu t h e didsayhelike dth atidea.Hesaidit makes se nse tosee f ractional ownership tie d toa m anned f rontde sk .H ea skedh ow mu ch f ractionalow nership ina lodge buildi ngwo uldb e re asonable Plnnningand cmiwnmcllial Commission Minutes November I I,1996 13 •• th e re w as n o wa y to loadint o th e b asemen t bec au se o f lack 01 ro om .He said t h ait he property di dn't permit u ndergroundlo ading .Hewe nt o nt osay that h eateds urfaces st ay m uch clean e r a nd doawayw ith theshad e and s hadowpro b lems and that allth e s u rfaces w ould b e hea ted a s they were in Irani ofthe Bav ar ia Haus.Gordo n f eU t hath e had la kenast epin t he r ight d irection. Hesai dregardingthei mplementatio n 01th e Stre etscape Master Plan,t his proposal h ad . acc ommodated the p edestrianfar bette r tha n w hat's t here now .Hesa id the p roposa ladde d a sidewalk t oe ncour ag e peopleto w alk i nto t he comme rcia l a rea andwasavast impr ovemen t t o th eexi sting c ond it io ns .Thestreetc ou ld be m oved f urt he rto the northa nd add a s idewalk o r other la ndscaping betw een t heb uildingandt he street.Gor don saidt hat t he heigh t was compat ible with th e n eighbors an d waslower thanbothth e Mou nta in HausandVillage C ente r, Gordon said t hema ssing w as less and m uch liketheo riginal Vailbui ld ings.He saidwithJ eff Win ston w orkingonthe riv erbank ,itwoul db ea love lyp lace to s it.Hesaid h e wasnot opposed toab r idge ,but d id n 't t h inkit w ould benecessary w iththeallth e oppositio n thate xis ted,He went on to say that th e b uilding f ootprintwass mallerth anw hat w e coul dh ave h ad.G o rd o n s tatedt ha t therewasag reatbr eak in l inkag e be tween t heV illageCe nt e r and Bridg e S tree t a nd t hatt hisw asavastim prove men t.Hesaidt hat theem ployeeh ousingwou ldb e a ccommoda t ed andthat thee ncroachmentsint hese tba cks wer e less inso me areas. G eorgeRu therstatedthat anE nvironmenta lAsses sm entw ould be req u ired ,notan ' En vironmenta l Report . J im La m o nta sked fo rth e d ist inction b etw ee n t he two . Geo rgeRuthersta ted t helevelof d etail. Ru ss Forrest saidanEnvi ronmen tal Assessment wa s asco ping do cumen ttoassess . J im La mo nt sa idth a tb asedo n the f indings ,ar eport co u ldb e required la tero n. Gordon Pie rce s aid t here w e re beautifu l tree sthatJust ha ppenedt o b e th ere randomly.He said thema in th ing wa s t o create a wond er ful p ark between theMoun lain Ha usa ndthe bridge. where irs j ustho -hum rightnow.Hesa id t ha t theposs ible relocat ion of E ast Meadow Dr ive had pros andconsandt hat he wo uld l ike to wait fo rJ eff Win ston 10goov er t hai issue . G regM offet ask ed fo r a nyp ub licc o mme nts. F red Hibbard o f theV illage Cente r ha d concerns w ithd irect accessfromth e Covered Bridge t o theVillageCenter .He saidt he logical transitio n was t ohavet he Village C entersidewalk cont inue . Gor don Pierceexplain edth at therewas a 5's idewalk inth e p lan , Fred H ibb ard sta ted t hatt he re was no h ard shipc aseand w hat w asbein g as kedfor was q uite a b itmo rethan what w as allowed .He asked the PEC to st ick with the PAzo ning and j ust mod ify it .Hesaid it sho uldb eincr ea sed ona percentageb asis in ord er to let th ep rojectp roceed.He state dtha i theappli cantsw eredoin gaway w iththe s etbacks anditwas th ei rprob lemto satis fy these tbacks ,nott hePEC's p roblem.Hefeltit s hould bem ore tha n 1:4'butm aybe not as much as 20 'a nd t he 50 's tream setback sh ouldbe maintained f or int egri ty p urp os e s.He sa idth atw hat wef inally arrive a t,w e w ant tob e happywit h,Hesaidth atwe d on't need t o sh rink d ow nt o 7 % Planning and Environmclllal Commission Min ulni November 11,1 996 1 5 •• Ji mL amont sa idh e und erstoodt he 36 0d egreeco mmercial,buth es aid it wouldn 'tw ork.He sa idth atemp loyee hous ing should be required .Ji m sai dthe VailVillage pr operty owne rsthink t he stre e tscape improveme nts we re due them,bu t tore quiret he improvements was notco rrect i nhisj udgemenl.J imsai dthe grades atthe i nte rsectionoftheenur e andVail Valley Drive a rc notadequate t o turn traffic arounda ndthatwe needed acot -de -sac,redothegrad es an d traff ic con trol gales.There wasapo ssibility o f tota l lim itedaccess inth at a rea. Go rdonP ierceaske df or t hera tionale ilwedon 't go forth eSD D. G reg Moffet sa id itwoul d requirea h ardsh ip . G ordonPiercesa id w e needed to g o t ha tro utewiththistypeof product. Ran dyBur ges ss aidt he D eerValley C lubf acest he sa me co ncern wit hpa rking .H e o ffered th e s uggestionofh avinga fl eet ofv ans t o p ick upgu ests,si ncethispr oject's locationwo uldn 't necessitate havinga car .Randy sta tedt he Deer Va lley C lub provi ded shuttl eserv ice an d documented it.H estated tha t theyhadt o doan ightly carcoun t atza .m ,every n ight for t he past twowi nter sea sons andtheresu lts were thatve ry few people hada car.Hesa id thato ne wayto m itigate t he parking conc erns wasto after shuttle service inthew inter,however,in the summertime ,guests needed a car,si nce ac tivities w ereinoutly ing areas. M ikeM ollica stated that theSD D over lay ca n,infact ,p ayintothe p arking fundandth iso ption w as available if w e pur sue th eS OD.Mike s tatedtha t 70spaces we re required o n-site,o r the a pplicantwouldneedto pay-ln-lieu , Pierre McDaniel thought t hatthe pay-in -licu pro vided mo ney to th e Tow n o f Va il,rath er t han p rovide exirap arkingspace s. Ga lenA aslandsaid h e t hought t his t o b eago odqu ality pr ojecta nd t hatthe m odelwas interesting and p rovided a g oodsc a le.He f eltthattheSODwasap propriate ,r atherthan asking for v ar iances.G a len f eltthatitw as tootallandf ound no compelling re aso n fora ny va riances. H e felt that it shouldn't compound p rob lems asth e Mountain H aus has.H e sta t ed that t henat roof doesn 't f it intheco re 01 theVill agea ndwa s waytoo v isiblean d co uldn't s upport the heig ht var iance .Gal ensa id t hatthepro ject wa s tooc lose t o th eVillageC entero n the west an dfeltt he applica ntdid notneed th eva riancestoth eex tentthat t hey we rea sking .Hew asn oti n sup port ofc uttingt rees ,A lso ,Ga lenf eltt hat c utting o fft he pedestrian acces sneeds t o b e w orkedo n. He felt that walking from Slifer Squaret othest ream wasagoo d idea .Hedidsay that thesou th sidehadno re ason fora variance andare staura nt onthesouths ide migh t so lvethep rob lem . Ga len d idn 't th inkthe p roject n eededtopush out thatway ,Hetelt theneedforafro nt desk.He wan tedt oseefurt h er d evelopment ofempl oyee housi ngan d ift he appl ica ntca n 't demonstrate ot her p roperties hav ing employeeh ousing,then theamo untofGR FA requested n eeded tob e r educed .Galen felt thatthe Town co uld wo rk withth e appli cant regarding th ee ntrance . DianeGol den said the trashneeds to b eless obtrusive,S hesaid the location ofthema in entr anceb otheredher ,Dia ne wasco ncerned about lossofthela rge t rees,She liked the look at theco mmercial areaands tated t hatitwo uld enha nce t hestree tand g iv ep eople something todo fromthe Cross roads area to Slife rSqu are.Shewa s a lso intrigued abo utth e b ridge. Henry Pratt stated 151%of GRFA and 8,000sq .tt ,of comme rcial was excessive ,Hete ltth e SO D was appr opriate present,since th is project p resented some challe nges a nd the SOD was P lanning and Envirvnmental Co mmission Minutes Nove mbe r 11,199 6 1 7 •• G o rd o nP ierce s aid t h eSo n ne nalp ow ne dun it soff-sitef ore mp loyees.H e sai d th at Joha nnes h ad 160un its. Gr eg Moffet asked Gordon if Jo ha nnes was th e d eveloper. G ordon P ierc e sa id ,n o,t hat hewoul dha vetot ransfer that. G en e U selton sa id th e T own w ould beable t o d eve lop more par kingspaces w ith t h e feesa nd as ked now m anyu nits w er e n eeded to lin ance t hepr oject. CynthiaTh ornbergsaid tha t they d idn 't h avethe r ight ratioof clu b uni tst oho telu nitsat t his time andsm aller m emberships w ould have less to spread around. G e ne Uselton t houg ht if th e issue was financ ing ,t henyoumu st have t henu mbers. C ynth ia T horn bergsaidth e ratiowasm ov ing an d t hatt he lender looked a ta ll of the c as hfl ows. G eneUse lton asked.on what assum pt ions regardingt he sa les ta x revenues,are n ewrevenues f ort he T ow n ? Cy nth ia T horn b erg made no as sumptions ,b uts ta ted it w as additionalr ev en ue andn otp u lli ng aw ay o r d isp la cingo th er sa les,n or a re w e a ssum in gadditiona l room n igh ts. G eneUse lton t hought thef rontent rance should have a rou ndabout in orde r toh ave ca rs dr ive up. G regAmsde n sa id t he pe rce ntage of lock -ot ts ,a s t h eye quateto the A U 's ,sh ould be 3 :1 .H e w a nted the o rigin al 37 m ai ntained thatar e in existencerigh t now.He agre ed w ithth e land scap ing issuea nd alsotow ork w ith t heT own re gard ing Meadow D rive.He wan ts th e elimi nation o f encroachments o n thestream .H e l elt th eentryw ithint he building would b etter serve people go ing tothe V illage .H e stated t hat the trash a ndload in g w ereco m p le x issuesa nd thema in objective sh ould be to appease th eneighborsand remain out of si te.Greg had co ncernsa bout the en croachments o n t he westand south .H etoo was noti nf avorofa b rid ge . Heh ad n o p robl em with th e h eightofb uilding be cause ofthes ma rr p a rape t wall.Rather th an o n- sit e p arking ,h efe lt o k w ith t h e p ay-in -l ieua ndth e app lica ntco uldp ro vid e va ntran spor tation .H e sa idth e need f o r e mp loyee h o usi ng sh ouldbe lefl fo r t he staff to pursue . Gr eg Moffet sa idtheSD Dw asa greatc on cept.a nd it w ascl early the mechanism and n ot e ven a n issue .Greg asked who was go ing toown t he retail spaces. M arkT hornberg sa id wed idn 'thave a n answe rt o th at question . Greg Moff etsa idif GRF Ais 150%,t hen 30 %ret a il w as too mu ch .He f e lt a resta ur a ntc ould b e on th e cre ekside .H e didn't see it work ingto g et peo ple b ack to tha t s ide oft he c re ek.H e a ske d about th e ne wor increased sales taxr evenue. Cy nthiaTh ornb erg sta ledw ith the expec ted10.00 0sq .It.of com merc ial .theyhadtake n a c o nservat ive ave rage. G re g M offet s aid t hisw as n ot inc re me ntal gains fo rp rop e rty t a x . Pla nning and Environme ntal Commiss ion Minul c~ Nove mber I I .11)1)6 1 9 •• saidtha t wh en it cameemployeehousing ,wene eded a fixedstandard in order to re movet he conf usion on h owmanyun its t he applicant wo uld be r equir ed t ocomeup with .Hesaid th at w e want ed to seethisdone totally right. 9 .A requestfora wo r ksess lon toreview the exi stingGro ss Res idential FloorArea(GRFA ) r egulations and to di scussall ernatives. App licant Plan ner : T ownof Vail Russell Forrest /Tom Braun Ru ss F orreststale dth at the pu rpose ofthe w orksession wa s to narrow down the n umber of altern atives th at are r evi ewi ngandthatwewould be comingbackto the PEe inJ anuary and s o hewa slookingfora r ec ommendatio n. rt uss Forrestexp lainedthes lidestheywoulds howtothePECwe retool s toco ntrol b ulk and mass . TomBraun s tatedIh at peop le wer e ma ximizing b ulk and mass limitations .Hesaidthatho w you v iewed ah omeaffectedthe lo oko fthe mass.He statedthat it a building wa s ott -s et,it b ro ugh t d own the bulkandma ss.Us ing slid es,h eshowed di fferent ex amplesofh omesand how t heir b ulk andm asswas per ceived.To m saidthat s ite coverage,b uilding h eight,d esign guideli nes and lot s izes all determ inethe s ize and s h ape of thestruc ture .Hesta ledthattheylooked at seven differentcomm unities for comparison a ndt hatabout 1/2 ha vesome formofcontro l o f GRFA .He s aidthatBreckenrid ge used 101 c overage withlandscaping forcontrol ,w hi le Whistler hadm ore sitecoverag e,b ut lower buildingheighttorequire more longandspreadout,how ever, therew ere five alt ernatives reviewedinthe background p aper .He askedi f GRFA wasan effec tive w ayto c ontr olmass and b ulk.Hegaveanexampl e of a sh ortcomingofG RFA when youhavev aulted ceili ngs .He alsostatedth at thetime req uired toad ministerthesystemw as intensive.Th erewasa fairamountofc oncern from thepubli c r egarding th eapplicant 's tim e . Tom s aidthesefacts w ere basedonamee ting thatwas he ld forthepublic,In which45 people gav e input.Thepub lic,atthesecond m eeting.statedw e wereforcing peopl e downvalley , because theyweren 't able t o b uild what t heywantedhere.Heexpla ined that if height wa s adju sted,thenwewou ld need to adjust allthe vari ables .H e said i twould be ad is-incentive fo r EHU 's if h omeowners hadtogi ve up and u se t heir ow n homespace . RussForre st asked for q uestions on th ea lternatives . Tom B raun stated t hat they weretryingtonarrow th e lista l ittle bitandwouldlikea consen sus on whatw e're do ing . J ohnScho field wasin f avor of#3.toeliminate GRFA.but wi thaco ntrol sys tem to alleviate th e b ox problem .Hesaidthat too m any law yers h ave m ade too muchmo neyonthe GRFA Iss u e. Hesaidhe h adaproblemwithsomeo ne telling m e what I could dowit hint he wall s ofmyhouse andfurthe rmore,thema rker would not accept b igugly bo xes ashouses . GeneUseltonasked whattheprobl em wasw ith thet rophy h omes. Gene Use lton favored alternat ive #3,as#2wasa b ad idea. GregAmsde n wasin favo r of #3,and toinc reas e ORBr eviewstanda rds t hat app ly to the des ign .He feltthattheDR B wouldneedtobestaffedwithat leasttwoa rchitects . Planning and P.nvirunmcntal Commission Mi nutes Nove mbe r II,1996 2 1 •• RuSS Forrest saidwecouldlookat Aspen,asan example,t o con trol vau lted ar eas. Henry P rattas ke d if A spenha d apoin t sys tem and if the re was a way toquan tify inst one.He s aw #2 and #4asa component f or tweaking . J im Lamon tm e nt ioned t hat the librar y m ee ti ngw as ac rea tive learning sessio nlors uc h a d ry iss uea nd t ha t t he re w a salo t of tr uth int h at k ind o fdr y t opic . 10 .A re quest for am inors ubdiv is ion torel oca tet heco mmonpr operty l inebe tween Lo ts7 a nd 8 ,locatedat666a nd 696 Fores l R oad/LOIs 7and8 ,Block 1,Vail Village 6t hFiling . Applicant: Planner : N eil and Nancy Au strian LaurenW aterton T ABLEDU NTIL NOVEMBER 25,1996 G regAm sden made a motion totab le it e m10 . D ianeGol den seconded t he motion . It p a ssed un anim ou sly byav oteof 7-D. 1111/11/1/1 1 1.Inform a li o n Update : T here wa s n one. 12 .Approval of Octobe r 28.1999 mi nutes G reg Amsd en made a m olionto table the October 28,19 96 m inutes . The motion was seconded b yH enry Pr att . It p assed un animously b yavo te of 7 -0. G reg Am sd en m ade amotio nt oa dj ou rnt h e meet ing . It w as s econded b y H enryPr att . T he m otion passed unani mousl y by avo te 0 17 -0 . Th e m eeting adjourned at9 :28 p .m. Planning and Environmental Commission M inUt~5 November J I ,1996 23 •Questions?,I the PI:u1I1 inS S wff;1l 47 9·21)x APPLI C ATION F OR PLA N NI NG M,D E N V I R O N ~I E NTA L C O ~l M I SSION A PP ROV AL G ENERAL INFORMATION This ap plication is forany project requ iri ng approval bythe Plan ning and En viro nmental Commission .Fo r specific information.secthe su bmittal requ irement s for the particular approvalthat is req uested.The appli cation can not be accepted until all required info rmation is s ubmitted.The pr oj ect may also needtobe reviewed by the TownCouncil a nd/or the Design Review Board . A.T YPE OF APPLICAT ION: o Ad ditional GR FA(250 ) o B ed and Breakfast B"""Conditional Usc Permi t o Maj oror0 Minor Sub division o Rezon ing o S ign Varian ce o Vari ance o Zoning CodeA mendmen t o A mendm ent to an A ppro ved Deve lopment Plan o Employee Housing Unit (Type:) o Major or 0Minor eel Ext erior Alt e rati on (Vail Village) o Maj or or0Min o r cell Exterior Alteratio n (Lionshea d) o Special Developm ent Distri ct o Majoror 0 Minor Amendment toan S OD B D . E. F. G. DESC RIPTIONO F TH E REQUEST:t.u:?fOi2 Ii..,t!Y.~J.~fCj--_ ~a UJ.l uif:....._ L OCA T ION OF PROPOSAL:LO T S BLO CK Z fi LING JJIftiL...!:i.n~~n::l!.i~'141·J ADD R roS S :~'tJUuidu'L/Iotu/L(.:fn.D ING N AME :~AW ~. ZO :-lING,~_ N AME OF OWNER(S):_~1>"i$1-1I--------------- MA ILING A DDRES S:CD 6 ~)i (,?:t 1 11 /I CO /'~I Co '>-P HONE:--"!.lc;.l·Z-c(':":'--"'Cf..-"=_ OWNER (S)SI GNATURE(S):,<2 -a.--,..",--" N AME OF RE P RE SENT ATIVE :.s rf MAILING ADDRESS:_ ________________PIION E:_ Application Date: II .FEE,SEE TH ES UBMI TIAL REQUIREMESTS FOR T H E APPROPR IATEFEE . SU B ~II T THIS A PP LICA Tl OS.A LL SU B~IITTA L R EQUIR EM E:\'TS ASD Til E FEE T O T ilE DErART ;\fr.J"oi T OF COl\L\t U:'\IT Y DEVELOrMENT,75 SO UTH FRONTAGE ROAD, V AIL,CO LORA DO 81 657. For Offic.c...Usr Qnly: Fecp a id :~~~~#6=':Bl':~]G.teA..A PEC Meeting Date:I I JII 9b . ,.. , TO: FROM : DATE : • M E~I QR M'D U~I Planning and Envinuuncntnl Commission C ommunityDe velopm ent Departm ent November II.1996 • SU IJJEC T :A reques tfor a condition al us cpe nni !to allow for a Ty pe I(em ployee housing unit.locatedat 2642 Ki nnickinnickCou rt/Lot 5.Block 2.Va il Intermountain . A pplicant: Plann er: Su e Dugan Ge orgeRuther I.Il ESC RII'T1 0i\O F Til E REQII EST Th e a pp licant isrequesting approva l ofa cond itional us c pcr rnit toall ow fin the continued us c of an e xisting.non -conf orming em ployee housin g unit a s a Ty pe II EII U.loc ated ;112642 Kinnick inni ck Cou rt/Lot5.BInd 2.Vail Intermountain .Anap provalo f this c onditional usc w ill legitimize andcreate a lega l record lor thenon-con forming emplo yee hou sing uni t.T he ap plicant hus executed a T ype II EII U Restrictive Covenant. InS ep tember and Decembe r o f 1992.the T ownCounc il passed Ord inances 9 a nd '2 7.Series o f 1l.J 92.tocre ate a n ew C ha pter I X.57 -Emp loyee Ho us ing.for the ad dit ion of Employee Ilous ing Uni ts (E II Usla sp ermi tted or conditiona l u ses wi thin ce rtain zone d istricts w ithinthe Town of Vuil.Th e d efinition in that ordinance stat es : S ec tionI S,Q4 ,105(in part) "Em p loyee Housing Unit (EI-I U>shatlmcau a d welli ng unit which s hall notbe leas edor r ented fora ny p eriod les s than thir ty (30)cons ec ut ive days .an d sh;11I be rented o nlyto t enants w ho a rc full-time emp loyees of Eag le Cou nty .EHU s shall beallov....cd incertain zo ne d istricts as set forthin C hapterI R of th is Cod e.Development stan dard s forE llUs s hallhe a s p rovidedin Chapter 18.57 -Employee Ho using .Forthe purposes of t hi s S ection.afull-time em ployee shallmeana per sonwho works amin imum of an ave rage of th irty (30)hours perwee k ." Pu rsuanttoSect ion I K57.0 50(Bl of the Va il Mu nic ipa l Cod e.inpart.aType II Empl oyee IlousingUnitsha ll beaconditional uscin the Primary/Secondary Resid entialZo neD istrict;be p e rmittedonlots wh ieh mee tt he minimum lot s izerequirement;be attached to .or loc atedwit hin. a two-famil y dwelling ;nothav e more tha ntwo bedrooms:shall ha ve on e parking space per bedroom wi th a 300 sq uare footg arage c redit availa ble to helpmeet thee nclosedparkings pace requirement. •• II is li kely that there would he an add itiona l vehicle driving 10 and fromthe res id e nce.S ta fffe els th atthi swo uld be a n insi gnitl caut impa c t 0 11 th e above -re feren ced c rite ria . 4 .E rrec t upo nt hec hara cter of t h e u r ea i n whi ch t h e pro posed Wit'is10 he l ucated,in c lu din ::th e S (':I !t·a nd hul k nf l h e prupus ed mi l'inr e lation t n su rr ounding u ses. T he s cale an d b u lk ofth e proposed s tructu re is n ..ry s imilar tot hose i n e xiste n ce in thesu rroundi ngne ig hborhood .T h is is d ue to the fac t thatth e 101 on w hich t he existing dupl ex and T yp e"EH U is loca ted.isc om p arable in s iz etoo therlotsint henei g h bo rhoo d .No addit ional GRFA is p roposed 10 be a dd ed w ith t hi s propos a l. 5 .E mp loyee Hou sing Units m Ol)'h e allo wed a s 1I cuudlr iunul u sc in thos e lone di stric ts as s pec ified hy T itle 18 of the V'lil l\lu nicil1:l1 Co de for Onlin ,IIIl'{'N o.2 7.Sertcs o f1992 .E mpluyec H ousing a nd s ha llb e subj ec t I II t he foll owin g n llldilions : a ,If s hall h ea w lldilio ll:1 1 u sc ill t h e Sl ng fc-Faml lyR e sid ent ial, 'I'w u-Fu m ify I{c s id{'1I1 ial and l)rilll :ll"y/S eron dar)'R es ide nt ial zon e di strlet s . T hes ubje c t prope rty i ...zonedPrim ary /S e con d a ry Res identia l. h .It s hall h e p errni u e d only 0 11 lo t s w hich r OIllII I)'w ith t he min imum lot Sill'requi re m e nts o f t he LO IU'di slri cl in wh ich the 101 is lecated. Th e minimum lo t s ize fo r a Type II I ~I I U inthe Prim ary/Secondary Reside ntia l z one di st r ict is 15.000 sq uare fe et of b uildable s ite a rea . Th e app lica nt's pro pert y has 16.944 s quarefe el o f b uildable s ite ar ea . c .Il s hall h e locatedw ithin,or att a ched to.asi ngle-family d\,ellin ~or h e lo cate d w ith in.or n ttached 10,atwn -Iam ilv dwe llin g p u rsua ntt o Section18 .54 .050(1 )-Des ignG u idelines Duplex nnd Prtm ary /Se cnndary Deve lo pm ent.II m ay a lso b e I OC3 red in ,or a ttached to.a n ex lst ing garage p ro vid ed th e g a ra~e is n ot locatedwi thin l in)'set back,a nd fu rther provided th ai n o existi ng p arkin g r equired by t h e Town o r Va il Mun leip ul Code is redu ce d or el imin a ted . Th e p ro po sed T ype II [IIUis locate d a t th e wes t e ndo f t he e xisting d uple x.o n th e third fluor. 3 •• S(I U;U-C feci GR FA credit s hall he allowed for th eco nstructien or on e cn clescd parking sp ace for th e T ype II E IIU. S ince th e proposed E I-I U is a n e xist ing non-con forming sit uat io n, th isc riteria is not appli c a ble 10 th is partic ularre quest. B.Fim1in l.:s The Plunulng aud En virn nmental C ommission s hallm aket he foll o\\illl:findin gs before g ru ming n c onditi onal u se p erm it for au Employee Housin gUnit: I .Th ai theproposedlo cation of the u sc in accordance with the p urpo ses of this Ordinanc e and th epur pos es o f'rhc d istrict inwh ich th e site is located . 2 .Thatth e p roposed locationo fth e usca nd th e conditions under wh ich it ,v'o uld beo pe rated or m a in tained wo uld no t be d etrimental to th e public health.safety.or we lfare o r m aterially injurious In pro perties or improveme ntsin the vicin ity . 3.Th at the prop osed usc WQu lJ comp lywith each of the appli cable provisi ons ofTitl e I ~of theVa ilM unicipalCode . IV.STAfF I\ECQM~lt:N(J "TION Th e Com munityDe vclo pmcntDepartment staffrecommendsa pprnval of thi sa ppl icationfor a co nditionalu se p e nnitfor a Ty pe 11 Em ployee HousingUnit.S taffbe lievesthat t hecriteriahav e been m et as d iscussed inthemem o.Regarding thefi ndings.staff be lievesth at Finding.B I is m et as th e proposed u sc is inaccordance withthe pu rposeso f th e zon ing ord inance as w ell as the zon e di str ict.F inding 8 2 and B3 arcme l.ins taff's opin ion .as th e proposal compli es wit h all of th es ta ndards o f the Zoning Code . 5 7S South Frontage Road Va;~Colorado B1657 970-4 79 -210 7/Fax 970-479-215 7 Octobe r 28 ,1996 •• Office ofthe Town A tto rney Mr.Ross Davis Attorney at Law We stStar DankB uilding 108S.Fro ntageR oad,S uire 307 Va il,C O81 657 Re :Dugan E HU Dear Ross: HA ND D EI.l VERY Enclosedis a fully e xecuted original of the restri ctive cov enant and settlement agreementbetween the Town of VailandSu e Dugan. I will coord inate with George Ruther th e pre sentation before the PEe on November ]I .We will need togetSue Dugan's signature onthe applica tion and appreciate herreview of the app lication. 1will forward it toyouoncecompleted. Than k you for your assistanc e in resolving thi s matter . Very truly yo urs, ~{~7CY/~ R.Thom as Moo rhead Town Attorney RTM lkn Enclosure s xc :George Ruther • SETTI.EMENT AGREEMEN T • THIS AGREEM ENT is entered on the{ji;/..dayof o ~"f?,,1996, be tween th e Town of Vai l,Colorado,7 5 S .f rontage Road,Va il,Co lorado,he reinafter referred toas "Town",and S ue Dugan,264 2 Ki nnickinnick Co urt,Vai l,Colo rado . W IIEREAS ,it wa s bro ughttoth eattention of th e Town of VailCo mm unity D evel opment Departmentthatt he re wa s a third d welling unitlocateda t 2642 Kinnick in nick Court/Lot 5,Block 2,Vail IntermountainSubdivision. W HE REAS,areview t herecord s o fEag le Co unty a ndth e T own o fVa il discl ose thatth ep ropertyhas n ever b eenzo nedto allo wfor morethantwo dwelli ng u nits o n it. WH EREAS ,un der the present zo nedi strict ,Pri mary -Secondary ,it is p ossibleto rec eivea pproval fo r aC ond itional Use Pe rmit to a uthorizeth ec ontinuedu se of th et hird dwellingun it.w hichisanap ar tme nt ,as a Ty peII e mploy ee ho usinguni t. WH EREAS,it is clear th atthis third d w elling u n it has been u sed appropriately in t he pa s t as an e mployee housi ng u nit. W HEREAS.bye nte ring intoth is Agreement Su e D ugan does not havea n affirmat ived uty to re nlt heT y pe II e mployee hou sing unit W I IEREAS .th e Townful lys u pports th eco ntinuation of thi s third dwel ling un it a s a n e mployee hous in g unitw hich wi ll c ontinue 10 f ulfill a goa l of th e Town topro v idehousi ng for a s many e mp loyees a s p os s i blew ithinth e Town o f Va il. WI -IEREAS,th epa rtie s ag ree t hatthi s Co nditi ona l Use Applicationw ill be pre se ntedto th e P lanninga nd Enviro nme ntal Co mmissionpur suant to the Vai l M unicipa l C ode. NOW.THEREFORE.in exc ha nge o f th emu tua l pr omi se s containedherein itis ag ree d a s fo llows: t .TIle Town a nd S ue Du ganwi ll e nte rintoth e d eed restrictio n whic h is a ttac hed <:I S Ex hibit "A". 2.T he T owno f Vail,th rough it sCo mmunityDevel opment Departm ent,wi ll processa n applicationforaC ondi tional Use P ermitw hich w ill bep res entedby Town s ta ffo n behalf of S ueD ugan t o th e PlanningandE nviro nmenta l Comm iss ion and w hich Co ndit io na l Use Pe rmita pp lication w ill besup ported fora n affirmative vote b y th eP lanning a nd E nviro nmenta l Commission by Town s ta ff a nd allfeesge ne rally re quired fo r s ucha pp lication s ha ll bewa ive d. •• 3 .l fa tan y ti me SueDu gan wi s hes to removeth e third dwelling u nit and abandon its U$C asa n employee ho using un it.s uch a bandonmentcan be acco mplished by rem oving thep resently lo ca ted kitchen relatedfacilitie s,wh ich mea ns s tove.m icrowave oven or o therh eatedco uking s urface,an d advis ingthe Townthats uchconditio nal use is being abandoned.In suchevent.the attached deedrestriction willno longer be of any forceoreffect and will be removedasa restrictiono nth e pro perty . 4 .Th e Town andSueDu gando hereby mutually.full y,une quivocally,a nd uncondit ionally rel easeo ne a nother.th eir h eirs,assigns,s uccessors,offi cers,direct ors and employees fro m any andall causes of ac tion pertaining toorarising from the factsand c ircu mstances tha t gave ri seto th eentering of t his Agreement . INWl lNESS WH ER EOF,th is A greement is executedtheda y and year first writtenabove. TOWN Or-VA IL By:MW -Robert W.McLaurin .Town Manager A ttest: ,.•• TYPE II EMPLOYEE HO USING UN IT RESTRl CIlYE C OYENANT WH EREAS.Sue Dugan is theown er of c ertain property (the "Own er")de scribedas:Lot 5.Block2,Intermountain Subdivision.2642 Kinnic kinnick Court.Vai l,Colorado (the "Property");and WHEREAS.the Owner wishes toplace certain reslrictionsontheuseofaunitor apartment located ontheProperty forthebenefit oftheOwnerand the TownofVail.Colorado (the "Town"). N OW,TH ERE FORE,the Owner d oes hereby impo se,establish.ac knowledge .d eclare fo rth e ben efit of allpers ons who may hereinafter purchase,orlease,o rhold the s ubjectlandthe followingrestricti ons.covenants,andconditions,all o fwh ichs hall be deemed to nut w ith th e landand inuret o th e benefit and be b inding uponthe Owner,itsres pective g rantees ,s uccessors, andas signs . I .TIle Employee Un it,contain ing 4 50squarefeet,is hereby restricted asT ype II Employee Housi ng Uni t (EHU). 2 .TheTy pe II EH U shallbeleased to tenants whoare full-time employee s wh o workinEa gle County.AnEHU s halln ot beleasedforape riod less than t hirty consecutive day s. 3.A T ype IIEH Umay not be so ld,tran sferred,o r co nveyed separately froman ytwo family dwell ing it may be a pan o f. 4 .Th e T ype IIEH U shallnot be divided intoany fonn of tim es hares ,interval o wnership.or fractional fee ownership as those term s as defined inthe Municipal Cod e of th e Town of Vail. 5.The owner of eac h EHU shal l rentthe unitat a mo nthly rent al rate consistent with market rate s prevalent for s imilar properti es inthe Town of V ail.The Owner a greesto pr ovide verification o f compliance upon reasonable request to the Town of Vai l,o fthe term s and co nditions of th e current lease n o m ore frequently than o.nce a year. 6.The p rovisions of the seres trictive co venantsma y be enforced b y the Owneror the Town. ,.•• 7.The Town ofVail ag rees toexecutea termination afthis covenantw ithin 30days of notification and verification that the EHU use has been terminated and has heen merged intothe Primary Unit,andis nolonge r capable of being separately leased. 8 .Theconditions,restrictions ,s tipulationsandagreements contained herein shall not be waived,aban doned,terminated,oramended except by thewritten consent of both the Town of Vail and theOwner of the Pro pert y . TOWN OFVAIL,aCo lorado Municipal C orporation By:Ltrt-U- Rottert W.Mel.aurin ,Town Manager Sue Dugan ,Owner STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OFEAG LE ) The fore goinginstrum entwas ackno wledged before me t h i s~day of Oc!nkf.h 1996 b y Robert W.Mclaurin as To wnMan ager 01 th e T own of Vai l.a Co lorado M unicipal Corpor ation. •;-;:.:1.,: .$Y:.\c C,··;·. f};~Sf )P,y.~and and official seal. ,.::::~~'\,.'ip .'_. !O·',::r f,l y fll!IJIIli S;;iob expires on :!. ~rI:J ,••~.oS·•• STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss . COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoi ng instru me nt was acknow ledged before me thi s ;f~dayof ~ 1996 by S ueDu gan.Owner. Witn ess my hand and official seal. M y commi ss iojj.espijes oOlnJ;·.-3;.-'~"7 t......••_.....:::: •.. Greg Am sden 26 35-B Larkspur Lane Va il,CO8 1657 S hcl ia Sulli van 2645 Lar kspur Lane Vail,CO81657 Eric &E leanor Larson 948No rthridge Ct. G olden,CO8040I Harry &ColleenG raY 2672 Kin nickin nick Ct. Vail,CO 8 1657 McadowCreekCondos Bobby S alzman P.O .Box 1774 Edwa rds,CO8 1632 • Adjacents for Su e Dug sn 2642 Kinn lcklnnick Court Lor 5Rlock2 Vall Intermountain • '-•• T HIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOURPROPERTY P UBLICNOTI CE NOTICE IS HEREBYGIV EN that the Planning and Env ironmental Commission of the Townof Vall will hold a public hearing in accordance wi th Section 18.66 .060of the Municipal Code ofthe TownofVail on November 11,1996,at 2 :00 P.M.in theTownofVailMunicipal BUild ing.In consideration of; A requestfora conditiona l use permit to allow tor a TypeII Employee Housing Unit,utilizing an additio nal 500squ are feetofGRFA,locate d at4 193 Spruce Way /Lol12,B lock9,Bighorn3 rd Addition . Applicant Planner ; Steven Peters OlrkMason A reques t for a front setback var iance to allow for a garage add itio n and a wall heigh t variance to allowforaa'·6"lall wall,locatedat3235KatsosRa nch Road/Lot 5 ,Block1,Vall Village 13th Filing .... Appli cant: Planner: Nancyand WIlliam Current,represented by SaundraSpaeh Dirk Mason A reques t fo r a minor subdivision to relocate the common property line betwee n Lots 7 and 8, lo cateda t 666and696 Forest RoadlLots 7anda,BlockI ,Vail Village 6thFiling , Ap plicant: Planner : Neil and Nancy Austrian Laure n Waterto n A request fo r a con ditio nal use permi t to a llow fora T ype II employeehousing unit,located at 2 42 Kinnickinnick CourVLot5.Block2 .VailInterm oun tain.. Sue Dugan George Ruth er A request for a work sess ion to discuss the rezoning.from Public Acco mmodationto Commercial Co re 2,of ap art o f Tr actC ,Blo ck 50 ,Va il Villag e Fir stFil ing. Applicant : Planner: SonnenalpProper ties.Inc..repr esented byGordonPierce George Ruth er Arequest fora works essio nto review theexisting Gross Residential FloorArea(GRFA)polic y and to disc uss alternatives. Ap plicant: Planner: Town of Vail Russell Forrest 1111111111 Theapplications and info rmat ion about theproposals are availa ble lorpublicinspectio n d uring regular office hou rs in the project planner's office located attheTownof Vail Commu nity Development Department,75 South Front age Road . Sign lang uage inlerp ret alion evenebte upo n request with 24 hour not ifica tion .Please can479-2114 voica or479·2356 TOO for informat ion . COfrllwnity Development Departme nt Pl.lbl ishfJd October 25.1996in the Vail Trail. • 75 South Fran/age Road Vai~Colo rado 81657 97rJ-479·2J07/Fax 97rJ-479-2J57 October II ,1996 •• Office ofthe TownAttorney RossDavis,Jr.,Esquire Attomey at Law WestStar Bank Building 108S .FrontageRoad ,Suite307 Vail,CO8165 7 Re :Du gan EHU Dear Ross: Enclosed are the revised Settlement Agree ment an d Deed Restrict ion.Pleaseadvise me of an y necessary additio ns,deletions,o r changes . Geo rgeRutherand1canha ve thi s read y for PEe review o nNovember11th. Verytrul y yours, T OWNOF VAIL ~~ R.Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTMlaw xc:George Ruther /' •• • •• SEffiEMENT AGREEMENT • THIS AGREEMENT is ente red onthe __day nf ,1996 , betweentheTown of vail.Colorado.75S .FrontageRoad.Vail ,Colorado.hereinafterreferred toas "Town",andSue Dugan,2642 Kinnickinnick Court.Vail.Colorado . WHEREAS .it was brought t o the attention of the Town of Vail Community Development D epartment th at therewasa thirdd welling u nitlocated at 2 642 Ki nnickinnick CourtlLot 5,Bl ock2,Vai lI ntermountainS ubdivision. WHEREAS.a review the records of Eagle County an d the Town of Vaildi sclose thatthe property has never been zoned to allow formorethantwo dwelling unitson it. WHEREAS.unde r th ep resentzone district.Pri mary-Secondary,itisposs ibleto receiveap provalforaConditional UsePermit toa uthorize t he continueduse of thethird dwe llingun it ,which is an apartm ent,asaTypeII employee h ousingun it . WHEREAS.itis clear thatthisth ird dwelling unit has been used appropriately in thepast as an employee hous ing unit. WHEREAS.by enter ing into thi sAg reement Sue Du gan does nothav e an affirmative d utytorentthe Ty pe 11 employeehou sing unit . WHEREAS ,theTownfully supports the continuation nfthis third dwelling unit asan employee hou sing unit which will continue tofulfillagoal of the TO\1iTI to provide housing for as many employees aspo ssible within the Town of Vail. WHEREAS.theparties agree th atthisCon ditional UseAp p licatio n wi ll he pr esentedto the Planningan d Env ironmental Co mmissionpu rsuanttothe Vai l M unicipal Co de. NOW.THEREFORE .in exchange of themutual prom ises contained here in itis agreed as follow s: 1.The Town and Sue Dugan willenter intothe d eedrest rictionw hichis attac hed as Exhi bit "A". 2 .The Town of Vail ,thro ugh its Community Development Department.,will process an application fora Conditional Use Permit which will be presented by Town staffon behalf of Sue Dugan tothe Planning and Environmental Commission and which Conditional Use Permit application willbe s upportedfor an affirmative votebythe Planning and Envirorunental Commission by Town staff andallfee s generally requi red for such applicat ion sha ll be wa ived . •• 3 .If at any time Su e Du gan wishes to rem ove the third dwelling unit and abandonitsusc asanemployeehousing unit.such abandonmentcan be accomplished by removing the pr esently located kitchen rela ted fac ilities.w hich means s tove,m icrowave oven or otherhe ated cooking surface,an d a dvisingth e T O\\l11 th atsu ch co nditionaluse isbei ng abandoned .In s uch event,the attached deed restricti o n w ill nolon ger be of an y forceor effect andwillberem oved asarestri ction onthe property. 4 .The Town andSue Dugando herebymutually,fully,unequivocally.and unc onditi onally release o ne ano ther.their hei rs ,as signs.s uccessors,officers.directors an d e mployees fro man y andallcaus es of act ion pertainingtoorari sing from the factsand circumstances that gave ri se tothe entering ofthis A greement. I N WITNESSWHEREOF,this Agreementis executed thedayand yearfirst written above . TOWN OF VAIL By:-;:-:--,:c:-:-:-:------:----=--,...,-,--- Robert W .McLaurin,Town Manager Attest: Holly McCutcheon.TownClerk B y :~=-_ Sue Dugan •• TYPE II EMPLOYE E HO USING UNIT RESTR ICTIV E COYENANT WHEREAS ,SueDu gan is the o wner of certain property(the "Owner")d escribed as :Lot 5.Block 2,I ntermo unta in Subdivision,2 642 Kinnickinnick Court.Vail ,C olorado(the "Property ");and WHEREAS ,the O wnerwis hesto pl acece rtain restrict ions o nth e use o fa unit o r a partment located onthePropertyforthebenefit of theOwner and theTown of Vail,Co lorado (the "Town"}, ,",OW,TH EREFORE,the Owner d ues he reby impo se,establish,ac knowledge ,declare forthe benefit of allpers ons wh o mayh erein after purchase,orlease.or hold the subject landthe followingre strictions.c ovenants.and conditi ons,all of which shall be d eemed to run with the land and inure toth ebe nefitand be binding u pon the Owner,its re spective grantees,successors. an d as signs . 1.The Employee Unit.containing 450 squarefeet,is herebyrestrictedasType n Employee HousingUnit (E IIU). 2.The Type II EHU shall b e leased to tenants whoarefu ll-time emplo yees w ho \....o rkin Ea gleCounty .AnEIIUs hallnot be leased foraperi od le ss thanthirt y co nsecutive da ys . 3 .A Type II EHU maynot be so ld,tran sferred,o r co nveyed se parately from an ytwo family dwellin gitma y be a part o f. 4 .The Type II EHU s halln ot be dividedintoany fonn o ftimeshares,interv al o wners hi p.orfrac tional fee ownership as those terms as defined inthe Municipal Cod e of th e Town of Va il. 5.The owner of eachEII Ushallrent theunit atamonthly renta l rate cons istentwith market rates prevalent fo r s imilar propert ies in the Town of Vai l.The Owner agre es to pro v ide verification o fcompliance upon reasonable request to theT own of Vail .o fth e term san d con ditionso f the current 1ca.'OC no m ore frequentl y th an o nce ayea r . 6.Th e provisions of these restrict ive covenantsmay be enforcedbythe Owner orthe Town. •• 7.The Town of Vail agrees toexecutea terminat ion of thi s covenant w ithin 30day s of noti tication and ve rification th a t the EHU usc has been terminated and has been merged into the Primary U nit,and is nolon ger capable o f being separately leased. 8 .The conditions,restrictions,s tip ulationsand agreements contained herein s hall not be wai ved,a bandoned,terminated .oramendedexcept by the written consent of b oth th e Town of Va il a nd theO wnero f the Property. T OWN OFVAI L ,aCo lorado Municipal Curporation Oy ::-c-----::c:-:--:-:-:----:::----:-:------ Robe rt W .Mclaurin.Town M ana ger Sue Dugan,Owner STATE O F COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTYO FEAGLE ) T hefore goinginstrumentw as acknowledged be foremethi s _day of -' 1996by Robert W.M cLaurin as Town Manager of the To wn o fVa il.aCo lorado Mun icipal Corporation . Witness my hand and official seal. My commi ss ion expires o n: N otary Public S TATE O F COLORA DO ) )ss . COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing in strument w as acknowledged b eforem e thi s _d ay of _ 1996by Sue D ugan ,O wner . Witn e ss m y handando tlicial seal . M y commission expires on : Notary Public • ROS S DAV IS ,JR . ATTO~NEY AT LAW WESTSTAR BANKBUILDING SUITE 307 '08 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST VA IL.CO LORADO 81657 970-476-24 14 FAX 97G-479.Q467 Aug ust 29 ,199 6 Mr.George Ruther Depa rtme nt of Commu nity Developme nt Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai l.Co lorado 81657 RE :The u nauthorized dwelling unit ,l oc ateda t 26 42 Kinnickinnick Cou r t/Lot 5 ,Bl ock2 Vail I ntermounta in Subdiv is ion Dear Mr .Ruthe r : Thi s of fice r epres ent sMs.Sue Dug an a nd your letter of Augu s t 26 ,199 6 h as b een referred to my o f fice . Prior to Ms .Dugan 's p urchase o f th i s prop erty we d iscus sed assuri ng t hat t he p roperty was in co n formance wi th ap pl ica bl e bui l ding and zoning codes ,and at my s ugges tio n sh e inqu ired at y our office regardi ng a ny co nstructio np lan s or va ria nc e a pp licat io nswhi c h mi gh t be on file .Ms. Duga n was i n form ed by yo ur o f fice t hat n o p l ans o r o t h er d o cume n ts were of r eco rd,co nfi rmi ng h er u n d e rst an di ng th at th e h ou se had been b ui lt prior to a n ne xation to t he Town of Vail . Prio rt oc losing Ms .Duga nr ec eived as su ra nce t ha t a l l app licable wat er a nd sewert ap s f or th es tu dio ap artm ent h ad b e en p aid in full and on ly a fte r th ese steps h ave be ent aken d id she p ur ch ase t hes ubj ect.u n i t,fro m t he Fi rstBank of Villa Italia,who h ad acqu ired the p roperty in f ore cl o su re . The prop erty is c lear ly a p revi ou sl y exis ti ngn on co nforming u se a nd un less you can establ ish t hat Ms .Dugan t o ok a ny a ffi rmativ e steps to c rea te th is supposed ly unau thor ized dwell ing un it,Iwould c areful ly cons ide rt he co nseque nces o f commenci ng legal ac t ion o n th ismat te r . Eve n i f the Court were to determine t h at t he unit i s in f a ct illegal and does n ot fall under p rior nonconform ing u se exempt ions,Ms .Dug an ne ed o nly remove the s tove f rom the uni t and commence its u tilization a s t h e master bed room of the primary unit t o br ing t he property within full compliance. •• Mr.Geo r ge Rut he r Department o f Communi ty Dev el opment Town of Vail Au gust 29 ,1 996 Page2 Once a ga in,I am co nfou n ded by the mi nd set o f the Town of Vail's Departm ent o f Co mm unity Deve lopmen t a nd your efforts t o ferre t out what little avail ab lee mplo yee h ou s ing exi sts within the Town,and remove it from the market .Any contin ued a ction aga inst Ms .Dugan w ill simp ly r esult in a com bi nation o f th e two uni ts into one larger apartment ,and t he loss of a nother avai la ble employ ee h ousing unit within the Town o f vai l. Ag a in ,unle sst he Tow n of Vai l can provi de this office w ith the o r iginal const r uc t ion pla ns and s pec if ica tions fo r this r e siden ce showing that t he so -called unauthorized dwe lling unit wa s not a pp roved prior to th e issua nce of a Town of Vail b ui ld ing pe rmi t,I co nside rt hi s to be a pre- a nnex a tion nonconforming use ,and n ot subj ectt o t he Town of Va il's authori ty ,unless ac hange of structur al use is appl Led for b y Ms. Dugan . s 1sIfyouhavea~~~~~~~~~~~~o noth es itate to c all . c c:Sue Dug an Tom Moo r head ••••••••• I I I I I I I I I I •2.05.31 DEP~ Department means the Department of Conmunity Development of Eagle County .The duly authorized agent for the administrative matters of the Planning Commission. ~DEVEl.O~~LAND . Developable Land means net land available for building or other .develo pm ent which is free from water bodies ?r the lOO-year floodplain. 2.05.33 DWELLING Dwelling means a building or portion thereof used for human occupancy. ...--:--c."'---,~DllELLING lINIT Dwelling Unit means one or more rooms in a dwelling occupied by one family living independently of any other family,and having not more than one indoor.kitchen facility which is limited to the use of the one family. 1)The term Dwelling Unit shall also include a mobile home. 2)The term Dwelling Unit shall not include hotels,motels, c lubs.boarding houses,or any institution such as an asylum,hospital,or jail where human beings are housed by .reason of illness or under legal restraint. 2 .05.35 DWELLING,SINGLE FAMILY Dwelling,Single Family means a building containing only one dwelling Wlit. 2.05.36 DllELLING.'nIO FAMILY (DUPLEXI Dwelling,Two Family (Duplex)means one structure containing two dwelling units sharing acommon walles)which comprise at least ~o percent of the linear measurement around the perimeter of the structure. 2 .05.37 DllELLING,lCtlI.TIPLE FAMILY Dwelling,Multiple Family means a building containing three or more dwelling units.\~ 1Il ~J L.,,-S .t\lo<'\o.Z ,\./";1 r;..fl5e"""u~"IY'..,·\\lJfYo'J-,1- 1'"2'1 20 r'·il .'5:)0 516 CO .....F IAhI 0.,qfJ ~I-'l \\0 ' A I •• I I .",.; Minimum Lot Area :L~...m 1 ~'J::.lI11 k )lA1~~_r~r i .J.1..:l ~I_"jI :',.,~'. {.U.:.>r ·":Y T 6 ,000 sq .tt.·of net;developable -land.with'''.d ensi ty not to exceed 12d .u .per a cre _oe net .developable land .Bffecti ve -d ensi ty 'may be reduced by "the Supplementary Regulations, Section 2 .07;p~:~;.•,$54.$ .., h ) c) ···a) 7 ) .... ..Sp ecial .uses may-occuc cmi.leu-than ·the .:s.; minimwn lot area,:wheII:.-appropriate. _~~..._~.".:...C"'l'I":·,-:!!l ·..;to:;'i-e :'~~·'(nA Ca 5).':Max:imum Lot Coverag e:.:bEi.,m :t.b!~1f o r .on ti :r i :;t r·~':1 ".­ .-.-:.:.\.....;j £'~':-:u ·"t'~1r.;.:1:.fb.<s.:~<!:Rd;~.:'i to :' '..c ,_a)....1J Buildings :~',4 0"~o :f~De t:-d e.ve l·apab l e land ; \-'I :t::U:"*"",-1uJp~::l ~ Al l impervious materials :60,"of net developable land;ljUO '(.J:.2o..I '..:E (1)s >;.. I J):J f;ro91f 3 CFJ"~A l l (l t~i v 1 t y ~s And as turtheJ;~strlct:ed.by;;thefiUpplementary o i: Regulatio~'l aiq£~IabttA ,J •(10)• '~l ,l1&!qby3iUotl or ttiofe·..J a-./ 6)Maximum Floor Area Rat ia ::t~-c o nduc:t o f art s ;U':~:::,,::: v c l ~-!:!.'.':';·'..:'':::!c~5 .~.,)0 '(nj -~o ,j ~~'iCM ~~i on r.t ~il ~.t i e9 : 0.50 :1 .0 of Det developable lan~and as further restricted Wider the Supplementary Regulations '. e :~.•".J'J!'S .:c ~.;1a J:t cce ae e I ..t..j~(,C ) Minimum S etbacks ::~c .sLa8 -..," ••L ." r:.,..... • I I I I --- a)Front .y ard.:....t~'Y r :l,,'t l i.t e d.e e cve wl"..~~c-:c:':;-.. t:_..T··:;:cr:...'v,f:."::1 ~,t;i.T..cn-..,.::.uA:!'la.'"1 (dl).!!..l .:-re.t hAt has .......'''~;';" (1)..~r Ar t e r i .u..S tre etB"....Sa.~fe e e..·:from h t.he r.':''0;-,.front property .l:i.ne ;.to r t l".~':J!O -~s .100 .~.i T {.~.;T":t.',.:"'~~"(.~) (2)Collector ;Streets-50 feet from tront property line; t f ··!J.J ;C'1o 'K -G :-tri~.b ~..-:; .:_':(3)!!"i,Loca l .Streets ~_25 fee t.from front ~.-,-'1 property line.'':3 f'':::~.::~~t .':::o·.!..... '.-"'..-j ~~J .s J,.'fif t ::;,~b·Jt.'~.JO (;a :ar.l i .rr.:":l:w!~,:,e t h~(.'.J~'".-':•.'-" b)Rear .Yard:.:.tl>:,e rl {'l <:a -t ,,,.,tle o c {"·.l'pY ."''2 .~.~', , B) f .,;._12 ~1/2 feet .or hal:f .t:he he ight of any building on the lot .whichever -,iB .greater . -.,::..1 •:';-o 'J •ca.r~;·f c)Side Yard :_"",-.:':.~.l ..~ ••r .':1 .,;lr.:".:'!,d} 12 -1/2 feet or .half the h e ight of any building on the lot .whichever is greater . .~._~.-:",.7I ~..t.~' Maximum Building Height -4S -feet ~4 8 :-liTED ST ATES P OSTAL S rRVICE ;l~s ta;~5.se es ; L:SPS ::>e ';n~~:._. • •Print yourname,address.randZ IP Coce in ~h :S:co x • TOW N CI=V..\I l COMM UNITY OEVEl.OFMEl.T DEPT. 70 S.rRONrAGE RD . VAIL,CO 81eST 'NIT EO Sf AlESPOSTA L SERVICE OfficIal 8uslnau ~1\II \ P ri nt y our nam e,addressand ZIP Code h er e •• It 13 S');\1$1"1 I :>rece ver-e f ollow,!"~setvrc es jc-~1"1 e O!'==i: 1.0 Aecressees Aj ;h'$s 2 .0 Restricte d Deliva :y cce sct ;:cs!lT'<;sl e'1;0:le a. 4a.A rtiCle /\',,1"'1[:&1 t "...... ",.SE NDER:.~•:;;o,.-~.""'",.1 ~;.2 10-a~;..~.'Cft. ...:".......lemsJ.....&nd •., ,~•~~-.:'P'S -L.......-.d ~~~01'the .....,.:1 !1ft 'or'"~~~l .."~"!'el~m ,....i c:~·d :c y:_. ,.."'t':,ctl ll\o i\':-.r '01 ".h ,,:oll~.rr.aJpoece o-r:"'~I ba:l<if W I ""::a5 ~gl a.c ~'·M . '-I "",1I'<:;or".."P .....'Pl RfIq~nl w '001.,.m "i~b l ::,""lh.I It'CI'"um~e,.~·~·i R J1.__=.cl'pl .-I"L'"ocw I :"'~'...a'lic:.",,1t drive 'ecj and ll'll ~1l11 c::..••·...K. c ~-" .. • ,~pl I'·'.·,\-;'.-c-...'- _.;:£1 -.__F. C00ESTICR SENDER,1 I litO w illh t e rece ive tl'!r•Co",:>:.:.,.....,1 l "O'o r 2 10'.ClClltlc n.1 leroJ(;l' •C:>"'Il'.'.'I.""'.3.•I'd •••c.-fo llow ;!'"service.ti er lSI"!e l(~'-•F'~,t .00,,0 '...........,Ad .""'a..""I'"'....'M r till.!-om;to __u n feel;-e U ....'.'1 ~'C Ul ........=A""reu ee·,Add r~$S•Atl l :"l!"n ':lfm ~':">t "onl III _....llDot c•.or-...t hl IlKk it ._L COl.nel lII =it,-..,.::2:: ~Ailstrlcted n en....y•....nlt ··Il ",,,.n R_ol AICl ~.n~'·,,"11>1 ~~t ....art/dlnumt>e r 2 . •The Il.el ym l'.eo:;elPl w iW.P>o ...10 whom tIM e r7cla w"d ."",.~anl!.tIle d ala Co na",It o o st muter f OI f eed.llv"'d ,.(ls,Art icle A""re .sed to :,""-.-~f7;N u m M rfzr«_. -:5'h..~D VG-I1-J JI /.....Service Type j ),.150--,<3 7&S :J Aeg ilt er&"=l!'1 .u re Cl XC.rtified =COO., //;9 /t:I Cb /;p5!o EKpress M,d Q ~."t;;:~AAe~~~P t l.;l flind,s 7 .Da ta of n eu ve-v 5 .5 'f'at'..re (AdCl l euee l e.A"dreuse 's AcdreIl IC n:¥it r.~"u ·~· .nd f ee ,II p a id). 6 .S ig,,.:ure ~Ge:":t J .//-;/~/,,;~...-:.~-'/. ?S Form 381 1 ,December 't991 >l'(J,S.G.P .O.;l lm·3Q1·Ml)M ETU RN RE EIP' ~•:0• i•: e-SEN R:§.~ilefnI1...o'..2 lor 1ddil\lINIl-w:-- ••CcmpIIII.~3,""'''''4b. ;•Pmt )IOU'name ..-.d add_on ..._olltn Ionn .,..._can ....-n "" ii e.dlo ~!.=.....Ionn IOh lrort 01IN ~01\1he bKIl II ~00..naI t!-Wnla "Rerum R~",~on IhIo poGOI '*ow ...artIde I'Ul'lt>afi-Thl ~R...,.;pI ....__to..nom ..we _dlIIMorlld _!he dale ~_. 1 3 .ArtIcle Add ressed to :t M-s .s,e.D"'ja." p O ·~o ....37&?r l? V 'A IL eo 'if-l&', PS FOfm 38 11 .December 1m I also wiSh 10reoelVe !he IOliowing services (lor an - eKtra tee ): 1.0 Addressaa's Acldllln ~ 2 .0 R&stncted Del rw"'rY -~ ConsUl poe;trnaste r lor 198. DomesticAutum ecelpt t iiiu ~ Z 0: ~ o 5 :l;oo P &&4 27 6 5 12 ~ce rti l l e d Mall Rece ipt No InsUfance COvlilrage PrO'llided,~D o no!use tor \n lernallCJl'lal Mall ,'SO~1':8 (See RevefH) $ ......,~, 75South Frontage Road Vail.Co lorado 81657 970-479-2/3111479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 May 24 .1996 Ms.Sue Dugan P.O.Box 3 768 v su.CO 8 1658 •• FILE COY Depa rtment of Community Development CERTifIED MAIL P 88 42765 12 RE :Unauthorizeddw elling unit located a t 2642 Kinni ckinnick CowVLot 5,Block 2.Vail Int ermountain Subdivision Dear Ms.Dugan : Th is letter isintendedto document the discussionswhich have taken p lace regarding th e unauthorized dwelling unit locateda t 2642 Kinnic kinnic k CowtlLot S.Block 2.Vai l Intermountain Su bdivision . On Th ursday,April I t.19?6.I received a letterfromyour next doorneighbor.HarryGray.requesting that the Town investigate the possi bility of anunau thorized third dwelling un ita t 2642Klnnicki nnick Court. On Friday.April12.1996.I cal ledand left a message on youransweringmachinedetailingthe co mplaintthat we had received and askingyou to callmetodiscusst hisissue further. On Monday.April IS.1996 ,yo ulefta messageonmyanswcnng machine that I needed to have adiscussion withRandy Stouder (Town of Vailplanner)regarding the issue.because Randy w as in your unit inorder to meet with youregardingyo urcomplaints related to the Gray residence .Youmentioned thatRandywas in yourunit sometimein December of1995and that he w ould let me know w hathethought about yoursituation. On Tuesday,April16.1996,I had a conversionwithRandy Stouder regarding the dwelling unit issue.Randy to ld me that he informedyouthat it w as probably an illegal dwelling unit.butthat he couldnot be sure until he came back and checked the file.whichhedid.buthe did not sec anything inthe file to confirm the legality of the un it.He stated thatthe reason he was inyourunitwas to discussyour concerns related to theGray residence and notto deal wit h a possible illegal dwelling unit. Laterthatmorning I researched yourpropertyfileandfound a letter written by Bctsy Rosolack(Vail Planning Technician).dated September 24.1987whichindicates thatyour property.whetherin unincorporated Eagle Countyorwithin theTownofVail municip al limits (see attached copy).has never been zoned to allow for m ore than two dwelling units on it. Later thatsa meday,in theTown of Vailplanner 'sstaffmeeting,it wasagreed that the September24 ,1987 letter wa..sufficient informationtoestablish thata third dwelling unitonyo ur property was never permitted andtherefore.the unitis notconsidered to be grandfathcrcd.orlega lly pre-e xisting. o N!X:rr::UDI'AN:H 3JR ••"'......J • On Wednesday,A prilI ?1996.IIcf\a message onyouranswering machine that I had talked toRandy and researched thefile.and haveconfirmed that three dwellingunits were notallowed.and havenever been allowed.on your property .My message a lso stated that since Iheard that youwere preparing toleave the country foralengthy period oftime.you needed to stop by theTown andfill out a Conditional Use Permit applica non.roquestingPlanning an d Environmental Commissionap provaltocontinue usingthe apartment as a Type II Employ ee Housing Unit I also pointed out t hat ifapprovcd.the dwelling unit would need to be permanently deed-restricted to a.'\SUfC that it would be used for employee housing inthe future. Also onApril17.1996.theTown receiveda phone call fro m Deborah Keller(thetenant ofthc illegal dwellingunit).Apparently Deborah hadheard t hat shemaybe living inan illegal dwelling unit andwanted to knowwhether it had been a pproved by the Town.She invited GeorgeRuther(Vail TownPlanner)toc ome out an d take a look atherresidence.George visitedthe dwelling unit that day and observed thatithadfull kitchenfacilities andwas being usedasaseparatedwe lling unit.DeborahprovidedGeorgewith a copy of her/your leaseand statedthatshehad b een living there for approximatelytwo years.She also told George that you had told herin Decemherthatshe may have to moveout.if Harry Grayinformedthe Townof the existence ofthe unit. On Thursday.April I K.1996.yo u left a message onmy answering machine staring thatyoudidnot warn to deed restrict the unitandthatthe area inquestionis not a rentalunit anyway .itis just 8 master bedroom an d haththat just happens to have usownaccesstotheoutside.Your message did notindicate Wh01 youwou ld be backinTownto resolve this issue.Atthis time.I haveno c hoicebuttosend this certifiedletterinforming youthat within five days of receipt ofthis certified letter.you must take the following steps toresolve chis matter: I .Apply for.and proceed toward obtaining an approval of.aConditional Use Permit to a uthorizethec ontinued lL"C:oftile apa rtment asaType II Employee Housing Unit (app lication attachedforyourconvenience):or 2.Remove the illegal dwelling unit -You must immediately take steps to removethe illegal dwelling unit.All kitchen related facilities (refrigerator.stove.sinkand cabinets)must be removed from the a partment.andtheapartment inspected by a Town representative. Ifyo u filii to take action withinthe five day grace period.yo u will be issued a citation to appear inMunicipal Coun . If you have any questionsorcomments regarding the information containedin this letter.please do not hesitatetocontact meimmediately at 479-21 42. JimCurnutte SeniorPlanner Ene . ec :Susa n Connelly.Directoeo (Cllmmunity Dc \elopmcnl Mike Mollial.A_i slanl Direc tor of Community De ~cl "rrnc nl Cf\....lfgc Ruther,Town Plionnl.Y Tom Moorhead .Town Anomcy Tom Sheely.Police rkp.nmenl lIarry Gray .adjaceru properl y o wner n" .._..,...• lown 01 vai 75 south Iro nllge road vail,co lorado 8165 7 P03}476 ·7000 Septembe r 24,1987 Mr.Don l arson 158 Sou th Reed Court La kew ood,Col orado 80 226 • o ffic e 01 com mun ity d " Re:Lot5 ,Block2,Va il Intenno un t ain Subdivision Dear Oon : According tothe County staff,yourlo t wa szoned RSM beforebeing annex ed by the Town t he fi rstt ime i n Decem berof 1980 .After i t was annexed by the Town,it wa s zone d Primary/Seconda ry.During the short time thepr operty was back i nth e Coun ty,the Co untyzoned t he property Pr imary/S e con dary. You r l otcont a ins16,944 squaref eet .RS M zon inga llows t wo units per 8 ,0 00 squ are f eet . Encl osed is thePrimary/Second arys ecti on of t he To wnof Va i l zoningco' If you hav eanyf urthe rquesti ons,pl ease do no thes itate t o call . Sincerely, ~,/~d,,-,L .8etsy R}so lack Planning Te chnici an 75South FrontageRoad Van Colorado8 /657 970.479.2138/4 79·2139 FAX970·479·2452 Au gust 26 .199 6 M s.Sue Dugan P.O.Box 3768 Va il.Colorado 8 1658 •• Department of Community Development Re giste red Mail #P 884 2 765 13 Ha nd Delivery RE:Theunauthorizedd wellingu nit.locatedat 2642Kinnickinnick CourtlLot5,Block 2.VailIntermountainSubdivision Dear Ms.Dugan: On Augu st 20,1996 .B ob McLa urin,To mMoor hea d and I me ttofurthe rd iscusstheT own's p osition with regard toth e una uthorized dwe lling unit inyour re s id ence.locat e dat 2642 Ki nni ckinn ick Court. Thepurpose of thisletter is toinform youthatifyou have not appliedfor.and proceeded towards obtaining an approval of.aconditional usepermit toauthorizethecontinued useofthethird dwellingunit on your propertyasa Type IIemployeeunit.(an application has been attachedfor your convenience).or youhavenottakenimmediatesteps to removetheunauthorizeddwelling unit.you will be issued acitation onFriday.August 30.1996.toappear inMunicipal Court. If youwouldlike toschedule a meeting 10 discuss resolvingthe unauthorized dwelling unit.please dosoprior to Friday.August 30.1996.If youwould like toschedule a meeting.you cancontact m e dire ctlyat 4 79-2145 . I lookforwardto hearingfrom yousoon,so that wemay fi nally resolve yourunauthorized dwelling unitsituation. Sincerely. ~1<u-..:d-V-f G eorge Ruther Town Planner Enclosure GRlj r cc:Bob Me l.aurin,Town Manager Tom Moorhead,Town Attorney Susan Connelly,Director ofConununity Developme nt Mike Mollica.Assistant Director of Community Developmen t J .R.Mondragon,Code Enfort"emenl Officer ••• TO WN OFV AIL Input/Inquiry Response Record Theatta ched comments were r ecently r eceived bytheTown o{VaiL We encoura ge Vail residentsandgueststogiveussuch in put an d westrive for timely responses.PLEASE ADDRESS THESE CONCERNS WITHIN FIVE WORKIN G DAYS AND R.."1"URNnrrs COMPLETED FOR.\1 TOPAMBRANDMEYER. . DE?ARTMENr TO HAL'IDLE INQUIRY !l'I1)IVIJ)UA L TO HAL'IDLE INQUIRY DATETOV RECEIVED INPUT/INQUIRY ... .. TYPE OF INPUT /INOUIRY: PHONE CALL (indicatedate). Lbd:.R (.ttached)v G~C-riL~:/;:'~~r RESP ONSE CARD (attached)~.c reF O F RESPONS :(cheek onel: LE I i d (attachcopy) .P:!ONE CALL (indicate date) BRIEF SUMMARY OF RESPONSE OR ANSWER TO INQUIRY: Dr.TE OF RESP ONSE FOR.\1 R::.-rURNED BY DEPARTMEl'<"T TO PA.\1 "'lRA.t'IDMEYa A C":)~:'"oi !!'lu inc;u iry Jnd fgrm ....ill ~m.i"e n F:il ~.t thlr TOV Ccmmu:nity Kd,tiolU al.Eic::.A3 5OOl"I U this [onn is rrl umcd.!o i'1r.l Bnnemll'y'l'f.I!lU in'i".ry"';lI IH cc nsidncd d O$oo:G. T:...l.\,":·Cr.::l:::OR YC t,:it::Y:aY :-'_....,"'C L""CCFir"-S ~..c..[f"!'C11 HA'we .....-.."Y ccssnc ss.P1£\SE !'~~7C ccs-xc- r·,.\!3?_....S::\.:~':'•.-~:'"?:~:2 AUG -22 -'96 THU t ee'9 Suzanne J.•Dugan,Broker • 2642 Ktnmckinnick Cuurt•Vall ,Colora do USA 81657 M...ilmg Address :P.O .Box 3768 •VaiL Colorado USA8 1658 (910)416-0164 •FAX (9101 416-2564RobMcLaurin Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd Vail,Co 81657 August2,1996 Dear Bob: Received yourletterdatedJuly 25,1996 As 10 alleged illegal apartment. In reviewing your letterIhavethese questions : 1.J didnolbuild this bouse 20 yearsago nor did J loose the building permit so why are you treatingme astheguilty party?The Townand/or the County lostthepermitbulyouwanlme 10 gotocourt because the ruler makers lost the documentation'!Ith ink it is an insulting way to t reat peoplewhen that Person isnotat fault .Ihave 10 loose income and probably spendmoney to .defend myselfbCcause TheTownisat fault by loosing documentat ion? 2 .Yousay thisunitis allegedly illegal bUI hey,the Town will turn a blind eye ifJ deed restrict, Double standard.As 1 said,it is not inmy bestinterest 10 deedrestrict noris thephysical location of theunit in thebestlocationto deed restrict . 3.In o rdertocomplywitht o-day's code all I have to dois not rent the u nit with a steve so why is it necessary t o rip out cabine ts and asink?If the cabine ts and sink have been there 20years whydoIneedto take them out?I canrent a lock ofTi f IwishorI canuse thecabinets.sink and refrigerator as part ofmy house. 4 .I can't believe thereis not a statue o f limitatio ns on something like this. 5.YousayJudge All en will determi ne if mypropertyconformsto To wn ofVail coding.Of courseitdoesn't.[would think thereason forgoingt ocourt would betodetermine if itwas buil t according to Ea gle County 20 years ago.You a nd most o f the To\VJ1 staff were notaround then and this may have been approved on ahandshake with the inspect or,ifthe re was an inspec tor (inspections.I seem to remem ber,were not mad e mandat ory,only building permits.till the early 1980 's ?)so iftheJudgeisrulingonpresentcode t hen ,guess I'mon a tra ck tonowhere? 6.I have beenadvised by people on PEe that t heunit is grandfathered andhave been advised by otherBrokers.in the area.thatt heir Sellers havebeentold by t he Town,that t heir properties simi lar tomine,aregrandfathered. AUC;-..1-96 •P_02 .. "'.' ..' This hasgoneon since December 1995 and the Town has done nothing except make me feel like a criminal It is obvious that the Town isona drive for deed restricted units and this is pressure 'to haveme cOrnonn 'to your wishes .The Town asks why people are moving down valley?Well tbis is ~good example .I wouldn't participate in Town functions except for Suzanne Silverthorne ,:She bas a very nice way or asldng you and making you feel wanted.Perhaps you should pin her in charge of Community Development.That's a department that should use some help .'.. I have askedfora hearing before the Council.I have been denied because thisissue was a staff decisioh .;However,another staff decision was heard before the Council,in April,thatI attended. Another .dou~ie ·Sta\,ciard.I would like to suggest tothe Council that this policy be changed and that everyone'shcutd betreated equally.It seems to me that ifyou pay taxesin the Town.you should be ahleto.be heardjuSl as much asthe person whois perhaps moving intotheTown and building theirhouse [in the case ofPECand DRB rulings being allowed to appeal). ·Also,I have CJIlIC!!Larry Grafel three times to set an appointment to talk abouta bus Slop for APollo Park and The Wren buthe doesat respond (except when hesawmesaidheowned me a Ihone call).Pi;hOpS 'the Council coUld look into this asthat stretch of roadi.very dangerous to walk along,in'the WUIler...: ,Bob,in closing,I would like tosaythatI have no personal feeling.towardsyouor Tom.I appreciate what you have done for our neighborhood recentl y.The parking and cars coming and ,going has stopped.-Ifeelall this,abou t my unit,is unneces sary .All theTownisdoingis trying to punish inc for.somethingthat happened 20 years ago and fortheTown'.irresponsibil ity in ·loosing documentation .Why are you pursuing this when you have a lack:of facts?AllI have done is help out the:housing situation and you (The Town)are treating me like a criminal .For what purpose1,Is.this awaytoget back atme because I had no alternativo butto complain to the ·Town overa neighbo rhood issue and the Town spent time and energy on this issue?My patience :is warring and the nC):llspapers (which I don't like 10 do)is starting tolook attractive toget them involved .I'm Sure youagree that none of this is necessary hut,truly,Iamstartingto feel like I'm ·being harassed .. Sincerely, ~; ,SueDugan + cc:Vail Town Council Ross Davis lt., AU C -1-'9 6 T H U1 '9 =.•P.01 , SUZANNE J DUGAN,BROKER BOX3768 ,' VAIL,CO 81658 FAX COVER PAGE '.-...~..-'-"......-.._,., TELEPHONE:970476-0764 :.I -~''''..:,~,::.~,.. I'LEASE DELIVER TIlE FOUOWlNGS PAGE(S):,.~,..-' ......' FAXN '.\.;. FROM: 1 .' ..,. ..,'...:.'" ....,'.~ _...•._-._- FAX'970 476-2564 (HAVING lROUBLB FAXING TO ME? MANUALMACHlNESPRESS It#+l . BEFORE PRESSING YOUR START....._,,•.:._••.•. mrrrom ..r ·-'r;'~.,.':'.".'...':J TOT.....NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING TInS COVER PAGE : 'DA~::'C:;i1 1 :t ::::~::.TIME:f'''J-J~ IF YOU ow·NofIiEcErvE'Aii.PAGES,PLEASE CAll 970 476·2564 (TELEPHONE ON FAXMACHINE)'MY GilNERALNui.rilER 970 476-0764 ORMY E-MAIL ADORESS :DUGAN@VAn.:NET ':~',:'.'. ADOmONALNOTES :, /~~&"&";\.'iJvO'.'51 "'*/],0 18(')t3 ..'. . ::,r. .'. .-~.., •• Sue Dugan Box 3768,Vail,Co81658 AprilIS,1996 To:D esign Review Board • P leasefind enclosed acopy ofa letter I wrote to Community Development December I ,1995and aco py of th e IntermountainCove nants. I am writing t oyou as I will beo ut o fth eco untry till May29 th and w ill bein and o ut a ftown in ea rlyJun eso 1 a m sure if!will maketh e Ilarry Gr ay hearing fora d og run o nhis p roperty at 2672 KinnikinnickCt inInt ermountain.This item had beent abled tilt Ju ne.1996. I amagain.expressing my concerns o f a fence be ing erected fora dogrun .in the location between our two homes .I believethatindividuals areentitled tot heir privacy anduse of thei r pro perty ,as th eyseefit .However,there shouldalso be respect of one'sneighbors andtheir privacy .T he construction of afencefora dog runisnotonlynot respect ful of our privacybutit would bein violation of the I ntermountain covenants #7and 11 , In the past two months the Gray's dogs havenotbeenintheexisting temporary dog runandthe no ise s ituation hasimproved greatly asthebarkingis nowmuffled by the Gray's home between the dog an d our bedroom windows. Staff hasalso recommendedth at th ere isa b etter location than d irectlyunder our bedroom windows . I loo kforward to yo ur co nsideration inthismatte r . Sincerely. Sue Dugan •• SueDugan Box 3768,Vail,Co81658 DecemberI,1995 • T o :Town of Va il Community Development and Enforcement Section : R e :Fe ncea nd dog ru n be tween 2642 and 2672 Ki nnickinnik Ct,Va il,Co. In 1994 HarryGrayconstructeda temporary fence during construction of hishouseat2672 Kinickinnik Court.The house wasfinished during the Summer of 1995 however the fenceisstill in place.R andy(fro m Co mmunity deve lopment)ca lled ata pproximately 5 .30pm yesterday that this fence anddog run was notapproved by theTown(nor didI givetheGray's myapproval). Thisfencingis approximately 8feetawayfrommy house anddue to the close proximity of our houses,a dog runisa n invasion of o ur (the res idences atth isaddress)privacy.The Gray's are morethanaware of problems weendured,thispastSumme r,withthe3rddog livi ngon their premises.Youcanverify with Code Enforcement ,t hePolice,Tom Moorehead andAn imal Co ntrol to verifytheno ise problem we experieced .A dog run isthislocation is also going to attract other dogs,tha t are run ning loose ,tothis location th us adding to noise,dog defecat ion and smell .. It ismy understanding that theGray'smayapplyfor permission ,fromthe Town,tohavethis dog runinthis location?'would liketobe advised as to whenthis will come before the Design Review Board.I herebygivenot ice t hat I object tot his locat ion fo r a dog run .If th eG ray's o btain t he OK of t heir adjoining neighbors toco nstruc t a dog run o nt hew est side (not th eea st, north or south)of thei r house where thenoiseis buffered bythe ir house,then I have no objection to that location. I am herebyreq uestingth atthe En forcement Sec tionhavet he Gray's ceaseu singthed og run un til t hey have received approval fromthe Town andI would liketoseethat t his fencing has been removed when I returnfrommytrip (December 10th). Furt hermore.I u nde rstand HarryG ray hasapp lied to th e Townt o run a businessfro mhis house? I also object to thi sperm it.Vehiclesdriv ingu p at 7a .m .,ca r doors s lamming an d loud voices is a disturbance and not t o mention the amount of t raffic o n the cul-de-sac and the parking problems this has created . ::::A1# Copy t o :E ric Larsen,An imal Co ntrol.To m S heely (Va il Po lice) ",:t ".,, :.~~·i:.1,·..;,' •• ..- a nd th is c ov enan t ~h a ll be d e emed t o have bee n tully co mpl ied Wheth er or n otp rovisi ont h erefot i s sp ~c if ic a ll y q rounds,whi ch.in the 80 1 0 and uncon~rolled d is cre ti on o r ~e t o the c ompl e tion t he rea t.s u ch a pp r o val sr.al l n o t ll e r equ ired t oo roy ~aki ng p os sess ion t here of.co ve na ntS and a qree s th at a t ated i n a ny e onv e yan ceo f a l ot i nt h e sub di ~isi o n.t he owne r to e nj o i n th e e r ece t c n ot s u cn b uil dinq (Dr e r.e md kinq o fl uc h ad dition .ch"'"qc o r aLt.e ra t Lon t h ereo t l La s 1'.c<.!n e o eecnc e c pri or fLcat i on.have b e en sub.lt t ed t o i t o r.i n an y event.i f n o l ui t pole d b ul1d1nq or ather s tru cture,and the sateria l.o f which 1t 1.to be bui lt.to the l ot u pon whl ch it i.t o bo or,;tod , tho har1llO ny the r eo f wit h t ht·lurra undin ql and the .ffect ot the b u ildinq or other .tructure ••a plan ned .o n t h ~autl ~k fro- a d jac ent or n eighbor ing l ata;provided .h owe ver ,tha t r efu aal of approval o f pla~s And a pft c :f ic .tio n ~by l uch c o mmittee may be bas ed a n an y re alona bl e qro un d.i ncl udinq pu r .ly a e atheti c con.1derat10n .&=on9 other th1nq a.t he .u1tab111ty o t the pro- apd r tmcn t u n it o rt h e l ik e. 1 .Nu is a nc e s .~o no xi o us or o f f en si ve t r ade o r a cti vi ty Co ~i ttee ,a h al l s e em auf tic ient . wi t h. the r eon ....h i ch may b e o r Lc c cec :In a r.n o r J.nce o r n ui sance t o t ho: f or o {(-street p ~r k i n q f or o ne v e h i c l ~per con dOMl n ium.h o t~l or o r o c cupant o f each a nd e v ery l o t,b y acce ptan ce o f t it l e the r e - nated r epre senta tive,f a il 9 t oa p p r ovo o r rl isa pprovc s u c hdo sign t ion the reof )s hall be c on st r uct e d.erec ted a nd ma i nt~ined o nly 1 n at rict acco rdance wi th t he pI a ,s a nd s pec if ic ati ons so approved byt h e Co mm i t tee .I n t he eve ~t .aid Commi t tee,o r it s d es ig- and l o cat i o nwit hin th ir ty (J O)days af te r s a i d p l ans and Ipeci - each buildinq or o ther s truc tu re (o r a dd itio n,cha nge o r altera- 6.~~1 'All r e si de n tial l ot s Sh al l pr ov idu .d oqu~tc space t or of f -s tr ~c t p .lC kinq f o r tw o v ~hi c le s per ...h.-e l li ng u nit. Al l pur ch",s e r s of commer c ia l I Qts shatl p r ovi de a d ~qu~t e tpac e neigh borhood , s hall be c arrie d o nu po n any l ot ,nor 5h~ll d~ylhln9 b e don e " ,' .. ," , ..'."'".,., "' ,,,' :',, -.I ~. ,'.. ,' ·:. .j .',','·'7 ,.,.. :~.;'.'".~' ,,, .-'" ','-".,.", ...." ..,:.: ;...; "j ', ",'...',' •:', ..,',. .:.1 ..', "''"""'.',',. ~:,'....' ~',' f '",:,t ,:". ~~;: -:;:;'.', 1;",j~'::S:': .~·1 I ' 1/:;1.",f,:t:'. ~',' Tree s on any l ot ,e xce pt t o the ex tent n e c e s- NO e :qn5 (includinq ~fo r 5ale-Dr ~rent - Each b ui l~in9 o r s t ructu re de~igne d t Or Ea ch bu Il ding o r Struc ture des ign ed f ur or wal la ax ~a y be a pproved b}t he Arc:hi- Sewer . 1 0.'rx ees • 12 . 13 , 14 . -5 - ..' approva l ot Dec lara nt ta obta i ne.l in writin.]exee ndin9 s uch a i x within a1x (6)mon ths f ro ~co~~r.cement o f const ruction unl ~,a ery t or c ons tru ct ion pu rpoe e s,as app r overl Ln wr lt i nq by the any kind a hallb e co ns tructe d,ere ct e d o r m.intai~ed o n ~n y l ot, at ..building to b ee rec ee.t on a l o t . t actural Commlttee 1n writ inq a s an in t e gral o rd ec orat i v l pa rt aha ll be e rected,c ons tr u cted or ~a i ntained o n any l ot t o r any a19n a).billboard s or other a dv er ti5ing e tru c tu r e of an y kind place.ot business or oth er uses . purpoae whatS Deve r,except s uch 519n5 a s have been a p proved by Declarant i n wr iting e lthar tor identi ficat ion of r e&idenc e a o r tie.Dade ava ilable at a ny t im e by Decla ra nt• occupancy Dr u se b y h um an bei ngs sha ll c onnec t wit h water tacl11 - ir rigati on. occupancy or u se by h um an beings a ha ll c on ne ct with s cw~r •hall be us ed ..s a s ource o t wate r f o r h uman consum pti on o r ".:' ., ,. ,,' ,. ....... :,.,.;: ';:.;" of ·• ..'.- -,' '.1. '1'", '1 ",., .,I. .. !:'i"L " ;H ,;:1.~~f:!-;.:'::Architectural COrMI i t tee.sh a l l noo:b @ r->1 t-,trimmed o r I cn oOv ed ~-_l~r .:from any lot ,e x cept;th atDec la r ant .f r om t ime t o time ,1II.lI)' ,~{S.\:~.~).·approve _ome th inninq or tch<!llinq it it ~eems des irab le • .J:};';:.:,:..11.Fence s.No fence,wall o r similar type ba rrier o f • - • JUN -NON .:14 • SUZANNEJDUGAN.BROKER BOX3768 VAIL,CO 81658 FAX COVER PAGE TELEPHONE:970476-0764 PLBASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWINGS PAGE(S): -m-.••e"","'IeTO:I v~,~,~V"FAX # FROM:3U>-FAX #970 476-2564 (1lAVING TROUBLE FAXING TO ME1 MANUAL MACHINES PRESS 1+#+1 BEFORE PRESSING YOUR START BlTITON) TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE :J..... TIME :II·I S 1'1"1 IFYOUDID NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES,PLEASE CALL 970 416-2564 (TELEPHONE ON ('AX MACHINE)MY GENERAL NUMBER 970 476-0764 ORMY E-MAIL ADDRESS: DUGAN@VAIL .NET ADDITIONAL NOTES: I/Ay £ti>v IVjJ ~ 911 YC'AJ I'IQ&S VIAl eli"~ Cf4)t1 "......M;/} MP'l>&~ rn:s (IN't'l l/b,'2hY- .;rUN-3-'36 M ON 1 e •P.02 ~,Colonial ~Savings May 8,199~ Ms.Suzanne Dugan P.:O :·Box 3768 Va il,CO 8 1658 Lupine Ct. RE :Insured 's Name:Suzanne Duganc;-;-~.::j,.:'Vf:··PQlic y7 Nu mbe :f""l2lfBUU29 6 6 3 31-----.--~----.-,~"---_.---. I .','Co lon ial Lo an Number:2 07363 Mortgaged pro perty Addres s /De sc r iption:26 42 De ar Ms .Su za nne Dugan Our records indi c atet hat the property address /descript ion shown on thea bove poli cy d o es n ot match the mortga ge property address s hown on o ur records. ,ple a se issue ane ndo r s ementc orrecting the property "a,"ddress/d e script ion as showno n themortg aged ocuments . "'.-•.•::.".";j ...'":•." I f this addre ss c hange i s d ue to 911 eme rgency p u rposesColonial Sav ings 'will r e qu i re one of the f o llowing i tems to correct our r eco rds: ,'.'.1",""';.: be n eededp lease d o not hesitate to 1 .Notifi c at ion from City o ff icial 2 .Le tt e rf rom Post Office ..,3.Notification from taxing a u t hority ~~:,,".·~~:;~·:~~:·.-}!>t,f;·.~·~L ::':;,:::;..,::,~-.:..::,;,!,;,:",,~,-.,:,-:':'s ho uld 'additi on ali nformati on conta ct our o ff i ce . ,.::::e::::~&d.h ~Lth Ins urance Servicing ."1>\:- c o.I nsured :;~:';~~'.:-:.: •1'. •• 75 South Frontage Road van;Col orado 81657 9 70 -479-2 13 P1479-2139 FAX 9 70-479-2452 Depart men t a/Community De velopment C OMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHE ET TO :4L""'-"=-'-='-I<l~-'--'-"",,-,"""--'=-J'--_ COMPANYNAME:=-=-..:::::::..:...=-'---=-=-..:....:_ FROM:__"---'---=.c'--'----'==-<-..:..:....:::"--'~c......:=-_ #OF PAGES INDOC UMENT(S )(N OT INCL UDINGCOVERS II EET)_-==-_ R ESP ONSE R EQU1 RED?--'~=~_ SE NTBY:---'''''--''=''''-_ (97 0)479 -2452TOWNOFVAILCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTFAX#:====-""---_ (97 0)4 79 -2 J38TOWNOFVAILCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTTELEPHONE#:_-"===.L>.llC- SP ECIALCOMME NTS AN D N OTES: t:~...:.,;~'....,......'... ••••••..•.. 75South Fro nta ge Road Va i~Colorado8 1657 970-479-2 1341479-2139 FAX 9 70-479-2452 Department o/Community D evel opment CO M~I m.1TY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRA:'iS'IiTIAT.SHEET TO::_ COMPANY NAME :_ FA.X TELEPIlONE NIDIB ER::_ FROM :_ DATE :TIME:_ #OF PAGES IN DOCUME NT(S)(NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET),_ RESPONSE REQUJRED 1 _ SEN T BY:_ (970)479 -2452 (970)479-2138 TOWN OFVAIL COMMlJl\'ITY DEVELO PMENT FAX #:===="-_ TOWN OF VAlL COMMID<1TY DEVELOPMENT TELEP HONE #:_...J:'WJ..I-'L"""'-""L..._ SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES : o fu:r:rCU:DI'AI't:JI 75Sou th Fr ontage Road Vai~Colorado 8/657 970-479-2 13&/479·2 139 FAX 970-4 79·2452 May 24.1996 Ms.Sue Dugan P.O.Box J768 Vail.CO 81658 •• FI LE CO py Depa rtment a/Community Developm ent CERTIF IE D MAIL P884276512 RE:Unauthorized dwellingunit locatedat 2642KinnickinnickCowtlLo t 5.Block 2..Vail Intermountain Subdivision DearMs.Dugan: ThisJetter is intendedto documen t t he discussions which have taken place regarding the:un authorized dwellingunit located at2642Kinnickinnick Court/Lot5.Block2.VailIntermountain Subdivision. On Thursday,April Ll ,1916 .1received a letter fromyour next doorneighbor.Harry Gray.requesting that the TO\\-T1 investigate the possibil ity of anunauthorized thirddwellingunit at 2642 K.i nnickinnick Court. On Friday.April12.1996.J called andlefta message on your answering machin e detailing thecomplaint that we had received and asking,youtocallme to discuss this issuefurther. On Monday.April15.1996.you lefta message onmy answering machine that Ineeded to hav e a disc ussion with Randy Stouder (Town ofVail planner)regarding theissue.beca use Randy .....'35 inyourunit in orderto meetwithyouregardi ngyour complai nts relatedto theGrayresidence.You mentio ned that Randy .....as in yourunit somet imein December of I 995andthat he wouldletme know whathethoughtabout your situation. On Tuesday.April 16.1996.1 hadaconversion with Ran dy Stouder regarding the dwelling unit issue.Randy told methatheinformedyou thatit was probablyan illegal dwelling unit.butthathecouldnot be s ure until became back and checked the f ile,which he did,buthe did not see anythi ng in the fileto confinn the legality oftheunit He statcd that the reasonhe wa"in your unitwas to discuss yourconcerns related tothe Gray residence and not 10 dealwith a possible illegal dw ellingunit Later that morni ng I researched your property fileand fou nda letter written by Betsy RosoJack (Vail Planning Technician).dated September 24.1987 whicb indicates thai your property ,whether in unin corporate d Eagl e Countyorwithin the TownofVail munici pal limits (sec attached copy).has never been zonod to allowfor more thantwodwelling units on it Later that same day.inthe Town ofVa iJ planner'sstaff meeting.itwasagreedthattbe September24.J987 letter was sufficien t information toestablish that athird dwelli ngunit on your property was never permi tted and therefore.the unit isnot consid ered to be grandfarhcrcd.or legally pre-existing. •• On Wednesday.April 17.1996.1left amessageon your answeri ng machinethat J hadtalkedto Randyand researched thefile.andhave confirmed thatthree dwell ingunitswere notallowed.andhave never been allowed.on your property.My message also stated that sinceIheard that youwere preparin g t o leave the COWltJy for a lengthy periodof time.youneeded to stop bythe Townandfill outaConditionalUsc Permit application.requesting Planning andEnvironmental Commission approval tocontinue usingthe apartment as a TypeIIEm ployeeHousingUnitI also pointed out thai:if approved .the dwe lling unit would need to be perman ently deed-restrictedto assure that it would be used foremployee housinginthe fu ture. Al soonApril17.1996 .theTownr eceived aph one ca ll fr om Deborah Keller(thetenan t of theillegal dwelling unit).Appar ently Deb ora h hadheard t hats hemay be livin g inan illegal dwelling unitand wanted to .knowwhether ithad been ap proved by th e T own .She invitedGeorgeRuther(V ail TOMl Planner)toc ome ou t an d ta ke a look at her residence.George visited the dwe llingunit t hat day an d observed that it had full kitchen facilitiesand was bein g us ed as a separate dwelling uni t Deborah p rovided George wit h acopy of herlyour lease and state d t hatshe had be en living therefor ap proximately two years.Sheal so told George that y ou hadt oldher in Dec ember tha t s hemay have t o move ou t.if Harry Gray informed the Town of th e existenceofthe un it On Thur sday.April 18.1996.you lefta message on my answering ma chine starin g that youdidnot want to deed restrictth e unit an dt hat th e area in q uestion is not a rental un it anyway .itis just a master bedroom and ba th tha t j ust happens to have its own ac cess t o the outside .Y our message didnot indicate when y ouwould be back inTownto r esolve Ihis issue.A t this time.I have no choice b ut tos endt his certifiedlencr info nning yo uthatw ithinfivedays of receipt ofthis certified letter.youmustta kethe following st eps to r esolve thi s matter: I.App ly for.an d proceed toward obta ining an approva l of,aCo nditi o nal Usc Permit to authorize the continued use of the a partment as a Type II Emp loyee Hou sing Unit (applicat ion atta ched f oryour convenience):or 2.Remov ethe ille gal dwelling unit-Youmusti mmediately take steps t o r emove t he illegal dwelli ng un it.All kitchenre lated facilities (refrigerator.steve.sink and ca binets)must be re moved from the a partment,andthe apartment inspect ed by a Town representative. If y ou fail to take actio n within the five day grace period.you will be issued a citation to appear in Municipal Coun. Ifyou have any qu estions or co mments re garding theinformation contai ned in t his letter.please do not hesitate to co ntact me im mediately at 4 79-2142. ;:~ Jim Cumune Senior Planncr Ene . cc :Sll5.a fl Cunnclly.Di ~'I Of o f Commilfill}'Den:lopmclll M ike Monica .A lIS islafil Director o r(:r,m mun ity fkvdopmenl George R U1 h~r ,T n"","rlannet Tom MlXJmead,Town Allorney Tom Shrotly .PoIU ~nmmt"-IT)'Gray ._djaCtnI rropeny O....'T1Cf Ok ..• 75s outh lt onl ag8 road va il;col orado 81657 (303)476-7000 Se ptember 24 .1987 • o tflee 0 1 c ommun ity d " Mr .DonLar son IS8 Sou th Re ed Cou rt Lakewoo d.Colorado 8022 6 Re:Lot5 .8lock 2.Vai l Inte rmo untainSubdivis i on Dear Do n: Accordi ng to t he County staff ,your lo t was zo ne d RSM before being anne xed by t he Town the fir st ti me in Decem be r of 1980 .After i t wa s ann exed by t he Town,it wa s zoned Pri ma ry/Second ary.Duri ng t heshort ti met he property was back inthe County,th e County zoned theprope rty Pr im ary/Se condary . Your lot contains16.944squa re fee t.RS Mzoning allows two units per 8 .000squaref eet. Enclosed i s t he Prim ary/Secondarysec ti on ofthe Town ofVailzoning co < If yo u haveanyfu r ther ques tions ,please do not hesitatet o call . Sincerel y, ;SJ;;/<:.ZS ,C ~,L .8etsy Rlsolac k Pl a nn ing Tec hnician May 29,1996 Sue Dugan PO BO I3768 Vall,CD 81658 Dear Sne: •• Enclosed pleasenod your plnl<keychalo with two entrance keys and one garageentrance keyforyonr Illegal unitthatI have vacated . Please forward a check to me as soon as possible Inthe amount of S11 50.DDto cover the refund of my June 1996 rentand my damage deposit The unitwas thoroughly cleaned before lien although forthe length of time Itsat empty Itmaybeabit dUSty.My mailing address Is PO BOI 1736,VaiL CO 81658. Thanks. Debra Keller Enclosure cc:Jim Curnutte.&enlor Planner TOV Tom Moorhead,Town Attorney TOV TOrvN\;OF;;VA~IL~~:\ 75South Frontage Road Vai4 Colorado 81657 970-479-213 814 79-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 May21,1996 Ms.SueDugan P.O.Box3768 Vail,CO81658 ••FILE COpy Departmen t a/Community Development RE:Follow-up oncomplaint regardinghome occupati on violations at2672 Kinnickin nick Court!Lot 5.Block 2,Vail Intermountai n Subdivision DearMs.Dugan: This letter isintended top rovide you with information relatedtoyour request thattheTownfollow-up on your compl aintregardingpossible violations of the Graystonc Construction Home Occupa tion Permit. Inresponse toyourconcernsrelated tothe possibility thatGraystcne Construction has violated certain conditionso ftheirHomeOccupation Permit(more thanoneemployeeat thep remises atonetime),staff hasaskedtheVail CodeEnforcementOfficersto p rovidesurveillance of theproperty over thecourse of the lastmonth.Beginning onApril 12,1996,CodeEnforcement Officers observed the Gray residence several times each day andlogged thcircommcnts .These Code EnforcementOfficerswere awareofthe issuethat only one Grays tonc Construction vehicle w asallowed to b eon the p roperty,inaddition tothose owned by the residentso ftheproperty and the tenantsof theemployee housing unitonthe property,as well as theirguests. The documentation of this surveillancehas beenturned over totheCommun ityDevelopment Department and basedontheinformation containedin it,thePlanning staff'has determined that t he Gray residenceis not in v iolation oftheir Home OccupationPermit.Although the Town will not be takingstepsto revoke the Graystone Construction Home Occupation Permit,w e will continue to reacttocomplaints thatyoumay have as expeditiouslyas possible. Ifyo u should haveanyquestionsor commentsr egarding theinformation contained in thisletter,please feel freetocontactmeat your convenience.I maybe reachedat 479-2 142. ~~ JimCurnutte Senior Planner cc;Susan ColVl('lIy.Dirmor of Community Developmmt Tom Moorhead,Town Anomey Tom Sbe<1y,Police Ikputrom l Hmy fuy.adjaceDt proper1)'cwrcr filo 75 south lronlage-road vail;c o lorado 81657 (303)475·7000 Sep t emb er 24,1987 Mr .Do nl arson 15 8 SouthReedCourt La kewood,Co lo rado 80226 olflce'ofcommunity developm ent Re:lot 5 .Block 2 .Vai l I nt e nr~u nt a i n Sub divi sio n De er Don : Accor ding tothe Coun ty st af f.you r lo t wa s zoned RSMbef ore be ing an ne xed byt he Tow n the first tim e i n Decem be r of 1980.After it was an nex ed by the Town ,it was zon edPrim ary/Secon dary.During theshortt ime theprop erty was back i n t he County,theCounty zoned theproper t y Pr i mary/Secon da ry. Your l ot con t ai ns 16,944 squ are f eet .RSMzoni ngall ows tw o uni ts per 8 ,000 squ arefee t . Encl osed is th e Pri mary/Secondary s ect i on ofthe TownofVail zo ni ng cod e. If you hav e any f urther que stions,pleasedo not hesit ate tocal l. Sincere ly. r~/~Zs ,.C",L .Betsy R)SOl .Ck Plan ning Tec hn ic i ~n l :::::~~."\.., TOWN OF VAlL •• !lLcCOp y__ 75South Frontage Ro ad Vail.Co lorado 8 1657 970-479-2lO5/Fax 9 70-479-2157 July25 ,1996 Ms.SueDugan Po stO fficeB ox3 768 V ail,CO 81658 Dear Sue : Office a/the Tow"Manager Ih ave reviewe d the situat iona t yo ur home concern ing anal leged ill egala partment.I have reviewed th e letter s ent to youonMa y 24 ,1996.by the Community Development Department.andhave re viewed yo urlener totheTown dated M ay 3D,1996.1havemetanddi scussed thi s with Tom Moo rhead.Georg e Ruther ,Mi ke Mollica.andyou rself.The purposeo fthi s Jetter is to advise you of theT own's positiononthi s matter in orderto re solve thi siss ue . ~ Asyou are aware ,whe never the Town receives co mplaints,whether ili;y be fro mneighbors,tenants o r from other sources ,we h aveanob ligation toex amineth e sub stan ce of the complaint and tofo llow it toco n clusion .T he concl us ion var ies d epending upo n the merits of the compl aint. TheT owno f Va ilrece ived complaints concerni ng aunitlocatedonyour property thatdoe s notmeet the T own of V ail zoning requ irements .Upon r eceiving the complaint Jim Curnutte,fonnerly a member of the Departtnento f Co mmunity Development.examined the s ubstance o fthe complaint andinformed youo f theresults of Community Development 'sexamination ina lener dated Ma y 24 , 19 96 .I n addition toadvi singyouo f the status of therec o rd ,that letteralso pr ovidedsu ggestions o f what co uld be done by youto re so lvethe maner.J A s wed iscus sed at yo urh ome last wee k.an d waso utlinedinletter of Ma y 24,1996we helieve there aretw o altern atives for resolvin g thi s issue.The first involves removi ng thea ppliances andca binets in o rde r to brin g theunitinto compliance with TOV zo ning regulation s.The s econdalternative involves applying for a TypeII Employee Housin gUnit . o Rt£YCtJJ)PAI'ER •• During our discUSSIOns last week,you indicated that the unit ha d exi sted for many years and,in fa ct . existed when your home wasannexedintothe TO\\oTI .You indicated that because of this fact the unit s hould be "grandfathc red".Th eCo nununity De ve lo pment D epartmentisc urre ntly working with the E agleCo unt y Planning D epartment to determine if the unit wac;le ga l un der th e termso fthe Eag le Co unty zoningregul ations atth e t ime of co nstruction.I f in fact,th e un itwaslegal when o riginallyconstructed ,thenthe unit co uld be deemed gr andfatheredandnoc hanges wou ld be necessary.However,ifthe unit was notlegal ,we will have no choiceb utto move forward with an enforcement a ction.Any construction that is not legal d oe s not attain s uch status with the passage of time . In su mmary.if we cannot de termine th e legality of th euni t at the time of construction,youwi ll n eed to d ecide which of th e two a lternatives yo uwi sh to pursue .If yo ucho se todo nothing,w ewi ll have no ch oice hut to take an enforcementac tion .If forcedtotake e nforcement act ion ,th e procedure wou ld be as follows.The TO\\1l wo uld iss ueac itationfor the v iolation.A t that point itw ould be upto Judge B uck Allen through the normalco urt process to determine ifth e unitco mplies wi th th e Town of Vail zoning r e gulations . Sue,1 realize thi s has been frustrating.but the Town of Vail works d iligen tly to enforce all of its o rdinances fairly andeq uitably .I trust that you will beab leto w ork with us to re solve this ma tter . Very truly yo urs, Robert W .Mclaurin T own Manager RTM/aw xc :V ail To\VO Co uncil R .Thomas M oorhead George Ru ther ./ lown or vai 75 soulh frontage road viii ;c o lor,do 81657 (30 3)4 76·7000 Sept ember 24,1987 Nr .Don l arson 158 South Ree dCourt La ke wood,Colorado 80226 offic e of communit ydevelopment Re:l ot 5,Block 2,Vail Int e rm ountai n Sub divis ion Dear Don : Acco rding to t he Cou nty staff,you r lot was zoned RSM bef o re being anne xe d by t he To wn the f irst t im ei n Dece mberof 1980.Afte r it wa sanne xed by the Tow n,it \'.'35 zoned Primary/Second ary .Duri ng t he s horttime the prop erty was backi n theCoun ty,t heCo un ty zone d theproperty Prim ary/Secondary . Yo ur l ot cont ai ns 8 ,000 squa re f eet . Encl osed is If you ha ve 16 ,9 44 s quare f eet .RS Mzon ing all ows two units pe r I I the Pr i mary/Secon da ry sect i on of t he Town of Vai l zon ing code . an yfurt he r quest ion s,pl ea se do no t he sitatetocal l. Si nc erely, /2..r /7 .lI._..,./7 /C-"(,$.-l M Be tsy R}SO ]a Ck Planni ng Te c hn icia n • MINUTES VAIL TOWN C OUNCIL MEETING J une18 ,1996 7 :30 P ,M, • A regular meeting of the Va il T own Council wa shel don Tuesday .June 18 ,1996 .in the Council Chambers of the Vail M u nicipa l B uilding .Th emee ting w asca lled t o ord er at approximately 7:35 P.M. M EM BERS PRE SE ~n ': T O WN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Robert W .A rm our,Mayor Kevin Foley M ike Jewett Paul J ohnston Ludwig Kurz Sybill Navas RobF ord Bob Mclau rin,Town Manager Pam B rand m eyer,Assistant Town Manager T o m Moorhead,T own Attorney Holly L.McCutcheon,Town C lerk The first itemonth eagen da wa s aspe cial recognitionfor Buddy l azi er,aresol utionhonoring Bu ddyLa zier 1996 Indianapolis 500Cha mp ion.Mayor ArmorReadResolutio nNO.9 infull.Buddy w as pr esentwith his fiance .C ara , to re ceiveth eaward .P aul Johnston movedt oadopt Reso lution No .9 .an d RobFo rdseco ndedt he mo tion.Av ote wastak en andpass e d u nanim ously,7-0 .Afte r t hev ote,P aul read a letter of co ngratulationsfromG overnor Roy Romer,and M ayorA rmore xtended hiscon gratulation s a nde xpressed th e p ridef eltbyt hecom munity .BUddy statedh is exci tement inbringing home the trophytoV ail.and t hankedthecitizenso fV ail f or th eir conti nual support th ro ughout h is c areer.M any who k new Budd y andtu med outt oc ongratulateh im included :BobYo ung ,Roc ky C hristop her.KentRose ,Ludw igKurz ,Ro d Sl ifer ,PeteFeistman,J ohn Biziniano,Pete Abu isi,lim McAdam ,an d Or.B ill stenn.V ai l Associates President ,A ndyDal y p resented Bu ddy wi thaseas onski pass . Item number two o n t he age nda was Citize n Pa rt icipat io n.Va il re side nt S ue Dugan referenceda lett ershe r ec eived f romtheCo mmunityDe velopment De partm ent den ying herreque st t o appeal a finding by t he town re garding an illega l employee hou sing uniton he rprop erty in t he Intermountainnei g h borhood .Ms.Duga n stat ed th e EHUh ad beeninplac efo r20yea rs ,prior tohe r pu rchasing theprop erty,a nd shou ld have been gra nd fatheredin .Ms .Dugana lso sai d s hew as inpossessionof alist(which s hew as unwilling tosha re)of at least6 other propert ies which were n ot i n complia nce .similar tohers .Town Ma nager,Bo bM cLaurin stated hew asno t preparedtotak e act io n wit hout investigati ng t he ma tter more thoroughly .Hesa id hew ould personally lookinto t he matter andre port bac kt o C ouncil. T hird ont he agenda was Or dinanceNo .13 ,Seriesof 1996,firstreadingofa n O rdinan ceA mending Title 16Si gns,C hapters16 .12 (Admini st rative P ro ce dur e),16.20.0 10 (Desiqnated),16 .20 (Sign C a tegories),and 16.22(Si gnC ategories for CC3 ZoneDistrict and A BOZone Dis trict);P ro viding fo r the Reorganizat iona nd C larification of the Sig n Regulationsoft heVai l M un icipa l Code.T own P lanner,Dom inic Mauriello reque sted Co uncil rev iewa nd d iscuss th e proposedord inance No .13,Se ries of1996,and ex plained t hatov er the y ears,the Sign Code hadbe ena mended a ndzo ning d istricts ha dbeen add ed to the Zon ing Cod e .wh ich were n ot reflected in t heSig nC ode ,r endering t heSignCode inconsis tent.He further e xpla ine dt hatin ord er to correct t he inco n siste nc ies and cr eate aSign Co det haI w ouldbeeas iertore ad and com prehend ,staff wa s proposing to re organizeth ec ode .Am en dmentsa ndr eorga nization w ould bea ccomplishedwithmi n orc hanges t oth e substanceofs pecific s ign r egu lationso r definiti ons ,a sf o llows: 1.A dd ition of zo ning districts not currently reflectedin t he SignCode byt hecrea tion of atabl ew hich s hows a ll of the z oning dis tricts andw hichsign s a reallo wed ineachd istrict. 2.Cha nges to specific sign categ ories as app rovedbyth e Town Counci lonA pril2 ,1996.includingre v is ing lang uaget hatrequ ired De sign Review Board app roval f or s igns over 5s q.ft.in s ize,inord er toa llow staff a pproval. 3.P rovisions t o allowfo rad evelopment signon a llresidential pr opert ies und er con struction .Thepro posed tem porarysited evel opment sign being limitedto6sq .tt,in size ,t oin clude onlyth eproject name ,project address,the displayof p ermits ,andasit e depiction/rendering . Dom inicfurth er stated the Pla nn ingand En vironmentalCo mmissionhadreview e d th ep ro posal o nM ay 2 0,1996 andr ec ommendeda pproval.Additionally ,Dom inic sa id t hat O rdinance No.13 ,Seriesof1996 was step two in the pr ocess of amending a ndre organiz ing the Si gnC ode .Attha t t ime Paul moved t o approve Ordinance 13, Seriesof 19 9 6 o n fir st re adinga ndt he motion wa s secon ded byRobFord .I A votewas t hen t akena nd pa ssed unan imous ly,7 -0 . Agenda item n um ber four wa sO rdinance No .12 ,Series of1996,sec ondre ad ing of anord inancec reating 1 .....TownCot.rdl E.-..n;...~...""'-'1.......'1.,_ ••Section 17 .32 .050,p lat Title F ouuats ,and amending sections 17 .16 .13OC,Final p lat -requir ements and procedure an d17 .22.030,C ondominium and TownhouseP lats -subm ittal regu irements,of th e Town of Va il Mun icipal Code . T ownP la nner,G eorge R uth er,requested th e Counc il a p prove .m odify ,o rde ny ,o nse cond read ing,t he proposed a mendmentst o Sections17.16 .130C and17.22 .030 ,andthecrea t io n of Section17 .32 .050.o f t heT ownof Va il Munic ipalCode .andprovided a brief background ,st atingthe purposeofthe amendme ntswere todefine a standard format f or p lat ti tlesint heTown o fV ail an d to am endt hereq uirements and procedure .G eorge said st affs opinion was that the creation of a st andardf ormat for a ll plat titles w ould help lesson the inconsistency of p lat t itling and reduce index ing and ref erenc ing p robl ems . Sybill moved to approve Ordinance N o.12 ,Seriesof 1996,on s econdr e ading .Rob seconded the m otion ,which pa ssed unanimously after a vo te,7-0. fifth on th e a g enda w as Resolution No .10,Series of 19 96,a resolution t o adopt th e procedure to petition the T own of Vail Lo cal Li censingA uthority for pe rmiss iontop aya fi ne inlieu of retai l liquor lic ense s uspensio n .T own Attorney ,T om M oorhead askedCo unci l t o consid erado ptin g th epr ovisions o fS ect ion 12-46- 107 and S ection 12-47-110,S uspensio n or Revocation-Fines as set forth in the Colo rado Revised S tatutes.,and e x pla inedt hat the C olorado Liquor and B e er C odes set fo rtha proceduret o all ow alicensee w ho h ad been ordered by decision oft he Local Lice nsing A uthoritytoex perie nce a reta illi cense s uspensionf or 14 d ays or le ss t o petitio nt he Lo cal Licensing Au thority topa y a fine inlieuof s uchsu spension .Tom inf o rmed Council that It was ne ce ssary fo r the Town of Vail toaccept andadopt th eo ptional procedures before the Local Licensing A uthority co uld co nsid er s uch pe tition ,an dIndicated Sections 12~6-107 and 12~7-110 Suspension or Revocation -Fines were attached f or review b yco uncilm embers.Tom furt her stated that any fi nes received would bed eposited in to t he town's G en eral Fund.Discuss ionc ontin ued regard ing the crit eria for the fin es aso utlinedin t he statute . A motion was made byS ybill to ap prove Re solution No .10 ,Series of 1996 ,and Mike Jewett s eco n dedthe motion. A vote w ast akena nd passedu nanimously ,7 -0.. Ite m N o .S ixonth e ag enda was Res olutionN o .1 1,S eriesof 1996,a r esolution authorizing the Town Manager to enter into a cont ract t o p urchase o fLo t 34 ,Buffehr C reek SUbd ivision .Tom Moorhead presented t he item and pr ovided the following ba ckground :L ot34 ofthe B uffehr C reek S ubd ivision ha d been prev iouslyide ntified on t he T own ofV a il Comprehens ive OpenL ands Plan a sa high prionty action fo rp rov iding access to B uffehr Creek Pa rk from Chamoni x L anea ndt oa llow torf urt h e r e xpansiono f B uffe hr C re ek Pa rk t or active r ecreation.Resolu tion N o .11,o utlin es the general p urpose fo rt he p urchaseo f t he land ,a nd s pecifically p rov ides that th e land is n ot re strictedt or any p articular purpose a ndt hatit can be u sed fo r any p u rpose consist ent w ith pr es ent or f uture zom ng and could b eso ld or leased .The purchase pri ce f or th e lotw as$190 ,0 00 ,a ndn otsubjectt o transfer tax, Tom sa id. Sybill moved to approve Re so lution N o .11 ,w ith a second from M ike .Av ote was taken and p assed unanimously, 7-0 . Seventh ontheag enda was are portf rom th e T own M anager .B ob Mclaurin statedev e rythi ng had b een covered att he work sess ion ea r lier int heda y . Tom Moorhead info rmed c oun ci lm em berst hatt he E agle County c o mmission ers ha d adopted a reso lution extending t he sk etch pla nf or th e Be rry C reek Fifth p arcel for two ye ars .Thes ke tch pl an had been d ue to e xpir e . Mayor Armour reminded everyone of the Earth Fe st scheduledf or S aturday ,June 22 and the annual tr ee planting . S ybil!commented ont he beautiful t ree wh ich h ad b een p lanted r ecently in the roundabout. There being no f urt herbu si n ess a motion wa s made for adjournment and the m eeting was adjourned at approximately 8 :30 p .m. 'ldZ,~ R obertW .Armour ,M ay or Holly McCutcheon,Town Clerk Mi nutes ta ken by Ho tl y M c Cu tch ~ (·~l o r urtll n l!ldl VI ().,lh """0 <W V~pW l1c Il'4lU t ..y te l r>ao:cu uU ) ':\HOL l Y \~f l L (S \US E R S\OOU NCIL \06 ·1 8 ·96 .M IN 2 ••Suzanne J.Dugan,Broker 2642 Kmnickinnick Court .Vail.Colorado USA 8 1657 Mailin g A dd ress.P.O .Box 3768 •Va il,Co lorado US A 8 1658 (9701476·0 764 •FAX (970)476·2564 T heT own ofVa il 7S South FrontageRd V ail,Co 81657 AU:Jim Curnutte M ay30,1996 Dear Jim: Th is afte rnoo n Iam inrece ipt of your letter May24 ,1996andmailed M ay28 ,1996 concenung my "illegal "unitat 264 2 Kinniki nnick Ct ,Va il,Coa nd 1amr esponding to suc h . T here seems to be som eincorrectstatementsin yourletter th atIwo uldlike to cover. I .RandyStouder did come tomy house in December tofo llowup o n co mplaints ,vo iced by H arryG ray ,th at Ih adanillegal unitand th at I was in violat ion of th eb usiness code,not ju st t o fo llowup o nm y H arry Gra yco mplaints.I t old Rand y I expectedthevisi t,fro m Co mmunity D evelopment,forso me ti me .To mM o orehead hasa th ankyo uletterfro mme t hat ve rifiesthat Ra ndy was here .I to ldD ebraKe llerth at R andy hadbeen hereandt hat Harry Gray hadfiled a co mplaint a boutmy 3rdunit .Sh ereconfi rmed withme herfindings withW alter K irsch(he r boss's hu sband)and sa id t he Towncan'td oth at.D ebraob vio usl y forgot t ote ll Ge orgetha tshe an dI ha d initially hadt he co nversationinth e Summ er,1995a bout t hepo ssibility of th eTo wn fo rcingmet ostop r enting he run it .I toldher th enthat w henI bought the property T had never been a ble t o find sufficient informat ion inth efileat the Town that t his was bu ilt legally .Ihad told herth at if we co mplainedabout H arry's dogsand parking h ewo uldret aliate a nd t his would bew hathewo uld use against me as he had already que stionedm eo n the unit duringhisfirstyear of co nstruction o nhisho use.And ,as I anticipated,he didn'tdi sappoint m e!Ieven t old D ebra t o go checkwithherso urces astothis unit as Ididn 'twa nther un comfortable livinghereandI wo uld wait o nhe rfindingsbe fore pr o ceedingwit h co mplaints o n Harry.D ebra gotb ack t ome an d sa id everyo ne s hehadta lked t oo,including WalterKirsch (w ho unfortunately is nolo nger withu s)t old herth e unit was grandfathered a ndth e T own couldn't doa nything aboutit .Thi s is w hatIhave been t oldbyev eryone too,over th eyea rs,(including Greg Ams den,o nP EC ,j ust rec ently).D ebraw ishedt o m ove from here for her ownre asons notbeca use th e uni t m ay be illegal.S hehad theo ption and o pportunityt o move lastye arbut she e lected to stay another year.Ihad no reason not to beho nestw ithhera ndhav e kept h erap rived of ev erything co ncerning t he Gr ay's.D ebrawaseven invitedtot heneighbourhood meeting s with t he Town. Shed ecided t obr eakher leasew ithout botheringt o di scuss itwithm e fir sta nd w as very puto ut w hen Ico uldn'taccommodate her .I certai nlyhave worked wit ht enants getti ng out of leasesin thepas tbut she obvio usly calledth e T own to further hercas e to br eak her le ase .See her note to m ea ttac hed. •• 2.W hen 1 reviewed th e file in1989Ido n'tre calla letterfromB etsy R o solackand I'm no t sure w hoD on Lar s on is?Ap ast owner?I boughtt his p roperty froml stB ank o fVil la lt alia . However ,t hatletter states w hat t he zo ningw as andis now .I knewt hat much w henIb ought th e prop erty.H owever ,t here was no b uildingpermito r anything else ,int hefile,t osay th att he builder hadn otgai nedp ermission t o d ow hathedid. I two uldhave been nice i f the Townhad informed met hat youw ereinspecting my property.You coul dhaveset ana pp ointment w ithme tooas I d idn't leave t ill April18tha nd yousayDeb ra ca lled o n the17th and George ca me by ont he17th .Seeing th evio lat ion wa s agai nst mean d the Town was c oming o nmy property,w hereIlive ,Ithin k it wou ld of bee n g oo dmanners t oalso madeanappoi ntment wit h me .It wa sn'ta s ifl wa s t ryingto hidea nything fromt he Town a ndI hadalr ead y admitted toCo mmunity D evelopment ,inD ecember,thatth e u nitex isted.G eorge s hould of al so inspected myliving areat oseethatt herehadbee nnoad ditions tot hefu seboxand heco uld of obs ervedth atall ca binets ,t rimetc in t heup stairs we re of t he sa meageas th ere st of t he pro pert y .I get th efeeling t hatI a m bee n accused of turning tha tma ster b edromlbathint o a third u nit ?I d idnot.B efore I boughtthe propert y I did t hink t hat i f no pro of ex istedth en it was au tomaticallyillegal butth en Ihearda ndhav e been toldo verand ove r ag ain,a un itbuilt 2 0yea rs ago is grand fatheredandit is the Town that hasto prove thatit was built illegallyan d ifno p roof exis ts thenit isg ran dfathered .Idon'tbelieve alette r w rittent oso meone abo ut zo ning j ustifie s t hatth e pr opertyw as,in fact,builtillegally.I liv ed herein 1976and I know that the County(a nd Town for th at matter)w as very liber al o ncodeand v ariances s o howdoyo uk now th eb uilder d idn't get permission?Wh ere is thebuildingpermit?As Ihave ment ionedb efore,Idid mybe st toget proofbeforep urchasing .I w ent toComm unityD evelopm ent.I wasg iven a file with a co uple of pieces of pa per init(on e,I believe ,wasan improvement survey?)but there w as no buildingperm it so Idecided tot rackitd own .I to ldthe gi rl atth e de sk ,at Co mmunity D evelopment,th at th e information in t he fil e wa s insufficientand s he to ldme th at'sallth ere isand t o gotoEag le Co unty ast hey stillhaverecordsb ecauset hepro pertywasb uilt under Eag le Co untygu idelines ,b efore th e ann ex ation.Well,Eag le Co unty,t old me inno un certain t erms,t o g o ba ck t o Vaila sV ailw as giv enallth e recordsw henInte rmounta in wasannexed .I we nt bac k toyou r officeand the att itude was •weca n'tbebot heredth at 's all wehave .So ,d isgustedwit h th e lac k of help,I g aveu p andbought th e p roperty.Th eo nlythin g I a m g uilty of is bu ying t he p roperty andleaving it the way it w as .A llIhave d one,over th eyears o fmy owners hip ,is paint and ca rpet. 3 .You maket he comm entth at George saidt he upp er level isa"se parate "u nit.Well,it is not. Itis not se parated .Ica nop en areg ular bedroomdoor and wa lk rig htin t here . 4.Y es,yo u a re right .I did say that I wou ldno t deedrestric t .Yo u can'tu nre st rict.As I to ld Rand y having thi s prop erty d eed restrictedwo uld affect th e market value .As It oldyou ,t he "illega l"unit ,inmy mind ,was supposedt o b e th e masterlbedroom b ath ,however,theb uilder builtitt he way itis.It is o bvio usth at th e electric line(s tovefor ex ampl e)is or iginal.F or resale purp o s es thi s u pstairs shouldb eso ld a s a 3 b edro om..,2 b ath.M y midd le level does not have2 bat hs sot hatis a p roblem unle ss not more th ano nepersonor aco uplelive h ere.As yo uknow , noonew ants a2 b edroomunitwit hIbath .Plus Idon't havet otell yo u,housesw erenot built thatw ell inth e 1970'ssono ise isapro blemher e .Ica nh ear peopl eta lkup stair s a ndd own stairs. Plus ,ifany o fmyfa mily co mes to liveor my marita l stat us c hangesth en Inee d th eex tra space .If •• Iam deed res tricted t hen I have t o move .Plus ,aft er seei ng w hat PeteBattin we ntth roughon his employee un itI don't wa nt to b e p ol iced by t heT own. 5..Of co urse,I sa id1 wo uldbe back in Vail.Iask ed youto d oyour re sea rch a ndmail it to me so I h ad it w henI return ed .I also reques tedth atRa ndyStouderta ke o ve r my case as he st arted it so could finish it (inmy opin ion)and Iam co mfortable w orking wit hhim.Y ou arehandling H arryG ray's ap plicationfor ad og run soyou know I gave P lanning aletter s t ating th at I wo uld b eo ut of Town till th ee nd of Maya nd aga ininear ly Ju ne.I know you mu st have beeng iven a copy of t his . Yo urlett erstates t hat1mu st complywit hth e Town w ithin 5 days of receivingyo ur letter .T hat's veryshort t ime .I rece ived you r lett e rM ay30t ht hen by Jun e4 th yo uw antmetoripa partmy uni t.P lus I amschedule d to leave Town aga in J un e 7th.Also I guess I a mlu ckythat Iwa snot d elayedinAu straliaand ha d so meone else pick upmy mail.Yo u wo uldhave me in Court b efore I got back?It is myunde rstan ding t hat I havet he rig ht to protes t your decision wit ht he Counci l? I sat inat o ne Counsilmeetingand Co mmunityD evelopmentw anted to t ake away t he r ight of ind ividualsto p rote st to th eCo unsil.It w asmayu nderstandingth at th iswas tu rned down?Yo u did no tstate that Ihave th is opt ion in your letter?An d w hy wou ldI have to remove th e sin k. ca binet s,refrigerator and stove?I ft hey havebee ntherefor 20yea rs?Ihad always intendedto keep th esink a nd cab inets andfridgein t hat area ,asa typ e of storage and we tb ar.Whyis it necessaryto rip upthe place .Yo u want th e p roperty notrented andI'm sur eyo u k now yo u wo u ldhearab out itimmed iatelyifl did rentit.Bes ides ,please verifyfor me .J u nde rstood you co uldr enta lock-off provi dedit di dn'thave cooki ng facilities? Ife elI have d one my part forth e Townandcommu nityinp rovidinga livingspace fora longte rm emp loyee .I d on'tsee w hatharm thi s ha s d one t o th eTown especia lly s inceIdidn 't intentionally dot hisb ehindt he T own's back .Yousay th att he informatio n in yo u r fileis enough foryo ut o g o o n.On e p iece of pa per that te lls so meone w hat the zoni ng isand wa s?I do n't thin k that is proof th at thi s p roperty is illegal.J intendt o ta kethi s before Councila nd see if th ey agree w ith everyone else in Town (exce pt Co mmunityD evelopment)t hat this u nit is grandfathered .Yo u say in yo ur letterth at th is3r dun itwa s never permi tted but howdoyo ukn ow ?r do n't.I wis hI d id .And w hydo we have thi s grandfatherclause?T o my knowledge thi swasto protect pro perty o wners afte r th eannexation,w ho owned Wes t Vail properties.All t he o ldt imers aroundhere kno w th ata lot o fthings w ere doned ifferentlyin Eagle Cou nty p lu s th efac t so me files we relost du e t o th eannexationandde anne xaticn .I have heard andseen th at th e Townhas grandfathered z o ningviolat ion s,inW est V ail,d ue tot hosepr opertiesbeing pr e-existing inEag le Cou nty so wh y amIb eingsingled o ut? Wh en Ran dy was here I asked himifth eTo wn was t o redt agmy property what wouldhap pento my Te nantas Id idn'tw antD ebrapu t o ut o n t he st reet .H esaidhe thought th e Town wo uldn't do t hat somy question to yo u is th at ifaTenantwasstillin the u nit wou ldth e Town have let him/her co mpletethe ir lease through Ju ne?Yo ur5 d aystoco mply is v ery un realistictoev ict ate nant es pecially since aoneyear lease r equire s ,by law ,3 months noti ce t o vacate.T hen ,o n to p of th at I wo uldhave hadt o ripu pt he place for noreason . •• I would havehadto rip uptheplace fornoreason .Of course,the option isstill open formeto d eed restrict and therefor the tenant wou ld notbed isturbed andI'ms ure thatiswhatyou want me todo. I would appreciate it if yo u would take another lo o katthi s andget back tomew ith s ome answers tomyquestions. Since rely, ~A2r Sue Dugan Copy 10: TomMoorehead Vail Town Council G reg Amsden ••• March 2 8.1 996 Dear Su e: This l et t er i s to inform y ou that I wi ll b el eaving Ap ril 30 ,199 6.You h ave b e en a great land lord a nd Ih avee n joyed l iving i ny our h ome,with the e xception of all the prob lems with Harry a nd the dogs .I have an opportunity to do a lease -op tion o na sm all condo a nd I can not pass i tu p. P lea se apply my last mon th's r ent to my re ntd ue Ap ril1 , 1996.You may s how t h e apartme nt a t any t ime.Iwould be more than h ap py t o pay f or a n ad i nt he n ewspa pe r t o fi nd a n ew tenant.I h a ve had i n te res t from several people a nd will r efer themt o you directl y. I expect that my secur ity d epo si twi ll be r et urned a f te r y our in spe ct ion of the property . Thank s for your understand i nga nd coopera tion in t h is matt er. S in ce rely, ~(2-- Debra Ke l ler II ::;: r ;,el,I ?9 b T Nt....,..;:;/-(Jf\. I Tel ~~~/'!O~ 7\J ;1~yJ,I e.7 o lA'Z l~1'i !Y s: JU'l£/<)9 (,Tlu J ;1S I S'iA .TIY I;;-('~V'vr-fZ'! f.:,Pc f>t<iI<->'0 1A"\ I MonTNS l .s I3/A.OItV,TNAOVG/--J, CjJ-."'11 'reS Ii 1',",0 "!J '-€:'1 Vt::vJ vitvh SUZANNEJDUGAN,BROKER BOX3768 VAIL,CO 81658 FAXCOVERPAGE P.131 TELEPHONE:970476-0764 6/z.7 1'i /'/2.:07 tm . -------------~._-------- "PLE.ASE DELIVERTHE FOLLOWINGS PAGE(S): TO:FAX" fROM:;'IUt;>FAX"970 476-2564 (HAVING TROUBLE FAXINGTO ME? MANUAL MACHINES PRESS 1+#+1 BEFORE PRESSING YOURSTART BUTTON) TOTALNUMBEROF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE:~ TIME:II .I S ;'1'1 IFYOUDIDNOTRECEIVEALL PAGES,PLEASE CALL 970 476-2564 (TELEPHONEON ,FAJ<;MACIllNE)MY GENERAL NUMBER 970 476-0764 ORMYE-MAIL ADDRESS: DUGAN@VAIL.NET ADDITIONAL NOTES: c"t!>v rev 1'JQ1t~rtll~onh::>S OM~~M?TIYI4/, 41!IJ l1A'Z:I .,...s:t9 t.-1>"'tt~fI:.aWl ;J,k<.L1 I'Ll:q- l.1/;'J &Cff>'JYl...6dJ z:~/01"AV/&JM.JI~e:r ~f\ 9u I'IA'\P'll&~f=1-11'1 II..-]::;,AdS-,M t 4.oj IS L0/{j-YO~"-k...2..1M1l..JnrsA.8QA1;ptlf/, 1 "•P .02 Colonial Savings 2 642 Lup i ne Ct. JeT ~-rl Lf<.~ I ~rfv>'l);ql nJ , I May 8,1 996 Ms ..S uz~nne Du ga n P ,o ',l ,li ox 3 76 8 vail ',CO 81 658 Dear Ms.Suza nne Duga n Our recor ds indi c ate that the prope rtya ddress /descr ipt ion s howno n t he above p ol icyd oe s no t match the mortg age p roperty address shown on ollr records . P ~e a~e i ssue an endorsement cor rect i ngt h e property .a Cld ress /desc r ipt i o n a s shownon t hemor tgage documents . ;-,.1:'.'-':;'~.~-.•_ If th~s addres sc hange i s d ue to 91 1 e mer genc ypu rpose s Col onial Sa vings wi llr equire one of t he fo l lowing items to c o rrect our r ec ords: 1 :Not i fi c a ti o n from Ci t y o ffi cia l 2.Le tter from Pos t Of f ic e .3 .No t ifi ca tion f rom taxing autho ri ty ::':,.:.,",;i ;~i(,,··,i;·~':_"k;;'-~··;"·i~'~-'.i:':";:i~;,.~,_J;'."-.'.:.•;re,,:,;~'~~d:~~~;~sh6 ~l d~a d d i t i drt a i l ~f o ~t i o n be needed p lease do n ot he s i ta te t o con tact o ur off i ce . Sincl!re ly,~'<:_""~l 0h Leah 'Smith ~ 'In su r a n c e Serv icing " " , " .'!"•"-:"-."•" cc :i nsured,,"I"'",.','..,.l ''..'.'r... ,:":~~\1 "1 •.'\",''';~: 26261\Weal Frc l:W "Y FO<t WOI lh .Tu as 1 el0~611/390-2000 ,.- 75 South Frontage Road vsn.Colorado81657 970-479-21 3&,479-213 9 FA X 970-479-2452 July 5,1 996 Suzanne J.Dugan Box 3768 Vail ,CO 81658 •• Department a/Community Development RE :Street Dame cha nge . Dear Ms.Dugan: Our records ind ica tethat Lupine Court was change to Kinn ikinnick Court in 199J .The TO\1m of Vail Police Dep artment bas Kinnik iunickCourt labeled on theirdispatch map s for 91 I emerge ncy purp oses. If any ad di tional inform atio n is Deeded please contact me at 479-215 0. Sincer ely. Dirk Mason Town Pl anne r cc:TomCollins.Pol ice Dept. ,..•.," PLEASE DELIVER THEFOLLOWI NGS PAG E(S ):(])o:<-JO r ~i='-'D h, ~~-h4JL• "7 '1 .'-I Sf 'J-i i /-h h6z.O v.JJ _ FAX #i4,TlJl2....."-'{-=- FAX #970476-2564 @ 1lc,...,'u.;\Jiol~ (HAVINGTROUBLEFAXINGTOME1 8 DU. MANUAL MACHINES PRESS 1+#+1 BEFORE PRESSING YOURSTART U ,v1~ BUTTON).\"~£..J\ill I =",,",<J£. FROM:ElLS FAXCOVERPAGE SUZANNE J DUGAN,BROKER BOX 3768 VAIL,CO 81658 TOTAL NUMBER OFPAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE: TIM E:9-{os-"'1"1 IFYOUOlDNOT RECEIVE AU.PAGES ,PLEASE CALL 970 476-2564 (TELEPHONE ON FAX MACHINE)MY GENERAL NUMBER 910476-0764 ORMY E-MAIL ADDRESS: DUGAN@VAn..NET ADDITIONAL NOTES : 8Cr /'CV6 M"'C"A I;S THJq't +ev ,1t§t0I7'IM j'l t-St'tb),{C¢~tVI/L6 HI VJAi'>~.Ml?l?MI\\'. :J:tlly ?TilA....?!..Al tlM lM ~TN?;;t'-MtS!¥J ~''t't~l"tl-O'Y r1 /C()yy C§'t f\llA.;b ~~~~-I' O!hYJ..M7,LoT".)tv 1OL-{)h l>TIl A?o My 91v\./ .~t$j9Actl t 66.1"du'l t...I<-~"\lev /A.&/./c.H ,.:J:tJIt} ).-v JO~....I q 1>-,a~~,Ef,Cfl-.16/fMq z....~""'rsA ~1.\',dN /VO M 6nY1llN 0 P {JA'iJ.J{~FJr-1 A rV l>:)'fIJl>It4&'ItA-. /M..IJ ?fJV(J (o>A 'rTNJ ""'~<}/..&'!ll'~('.0;<-1/-1.l?t;v.f -- [)t pnrtlll l lll u!Comlnll1l i ty De~'elopme,,' ..'..,. .'i,nto c·k 2.:V:~i l l11 tcn n C }~1O L.1 i n l)r\';;;l ~"flm cllt S\lnoi visJull e.:ls cnlc.:nts .Soc Dugan 264 2 Ktnnickinnick RonJ v sn,Colora do 8 1ti ~1 -----.c::------- Dear SU l.~; " 75 ~t<ju'(1 Frontage Road lIai~Calnr.da 81657 970479·2131\14 79.2139 FAX 97Q.479·2452 , "' I I I Ir "I,"I'" [,. I ' I i:I " I ,•I I ~ I:" I .: I · r:". i :; I : I: Asyou requested .J Ie 'icwcd :'OlU lo t ii\tntcnuountam for rc co nlcd c asemen rs. A .r~v icw M tht V<lil l l l~trm (l11 rl!lI in Devel opm ent Sllht.Ji \lisi on f lu1 indkl1{('s tJ uu II.J1 ublk Ser vice Natural Gas I ~pc li n p.Easement ~"i s t s t!kll ll~Ihe northe rly propert)'fiuc c l'Lot S.R1C\c k 2,Vail Jlllcm lfmntain Development S utll1ivh;ion .A,klioCll l,tlly.a S w ide strip nlong 3 11 i nterior Iot llncs has beendedicat edns u tilit y f•.':l l>::·mcnt'i for ~I SC of'pubhc and pr ivate utilit ies Rnd d rain age ways. Theplat s hows no othertypes u f easemeus. If youhave ltHy q uestionsor concerns,pICi:!;Cdo not hesitate in C i \"l ll~me a call.you CUll reach me most c3sily ~rin s:regularoffice ho..n-s at 479 ~2 1 :\8. I: I· I j Sincerely. t1.A '~1,J=/~.-1 tkl1fgc Rumer Town Planne r i I I • - • • • ~~- I ." e \ 7 5 sou thfr ontage r oad vai l,col orado 81657 (3 03)476-7000 Se ptembe r 24 ,1987 Mr .Don La rson 158 So uth Re edCourt Lake wood ,Co lorado 80226 ,e \ ofll ce o f com munitydevelopment Re :Lot5 .Block2 ,Va il Inte nn ountain Sub d ivi sio n Dear Don : Ac co r di ngt o th e Co unty staff,yo url ot was zoned RS M before being annexed by theTown th ef irs tt imei n Decem ber of1980.Afte r i t was anne xed by t he Town,it wa szoned Pri ma ry/Seco ndary .During th eshor t ti met he property was back inth e County ,th eCounty zoned t he proper t yPr i mary/Sec ond ary . Yo url otconta ins16 .944 squarefee t.RSM zoni ng a l low s tw o units per 8 ,000squaref eet. Enc l osed i sth e Prim ary/Secondary sect ion of th e Town of Vai l zoning cod e. If you have an y fu rt her questi ons .pleas edo not he s i tate tocall . Since rely, /2.of.'/L/_o&-?/;:/GS ..C~, .Betsy Rlsol ack Pl ann ing Techni ci an • To:J imCu rnut te Town o f Vail Pl anner Vai l,CO From:Harry C .Gray 26 72 Kinni c kinnick Ct. Vail,CO April 11,1996 Dear Jim, Per our phone conversation.I would like y ou t o start an i nves tigat ion of an unpermitted t hird unit at 26 42Ki n nick innick Ct .,lo t5 ,b lock 2,Va il Intermo untain,the SueDugan r esidence. I b el i evet his res i dence to b e permit ted as a duplex,but a ctually h as a th ird a part ment on t he t op f l oo r.This struc ture i sa lso b ui lt within t he s ide setback and so I feel that an un p ermi tt ed /unin spec ted uni t constitutes ap otential fire ha za r d, a swell as a 50 \i nc rease i nv eh i cular traffic above tha t p ermi tted f ora dupl ex . T yo ""_,,ray ..:2SZJ'r • CO l'>.INI'lILl'>.INILl'>.L VU lS.1 8,L IIVI'l i'II EEI 'V *TIIINGS TO DO"CIIE CK AREA AT LEAST TWIC EADAY REP ORT ANY PR OOLEMS TO SUPERVISOR •TRY TO LO CATE OWN ER OF VEHI CLE nA Tr.T I I\Al~I I --N~F PIA TF nWNrm Ar"IIlINTAKFN ,,0 .1 \:l I 'IQC 13 :0.:1 AM Co,,,,,,,.,~.""r .k ,".1 ')9(.1/:,::2 ''''r .~~"h .,.,Ie' "I·I >.%Q O:/.,'" , "'."."0 '< "">.~G Lf f "r»I"E Jv._If.••~o Ir 'i -Ie c r.7 ',=;Q A /"1 EJ.........-{f,.'V('r Jle- ..lO 9 •7.'.,<o>M 1=,/-M Ii>•'~,.,I( LI ;<0 -q ""t,3 5 .'"EJ"A~+".•'"I r q .22-Q',2'-C'""...J\,..-,/.,,_•.:;O k ...";<3 -''Il 7·2'2 A M I\lJJ"......,-L.•••N'O k ....,..~l.{y,I 'i is 0>"F\J J'J\t t6 ,v '1 O f 'I ,2S ''1 (.fl'O '5 AM ~v ..V"'f t L V 0(,(I •• 'M.....- J..CEo.5 OJ\Q Cl tv D.C0,",,,,,,,,-b ,,"\ \~1t..~,,:,0--6 \10<;)'C":\'''''''-0 \o v..) ~~K ;"5 ({'~~\ \0 \h--.h Clj \.'"10 Pv ~\:..' 0.c.~c~G~\-t\,"""" '"--\c,~ • •~~\'J> .r7 ~~,.,•""-J r;.~'-'">.>. "c-'"..-""'".0~.0r-e-,,.F-1;', r::r .,J J P.~"g~5,-cSo~J1 e-,~0 J-' >"~)~~"?):s .- ~ ;T- ~rn ~ ~ ~~ (\",c Ic.c, ?~~,~p>~D.'?c I ~~,-. >~r--,L ~-I>J ~":0 - IXf tl-F!~!i •*-l---Zaen d oo ** I dt'f~1;o;--- J...."I~,.l ..f"~~().,..1 ..~("-f'c:s L c.~lLJ :.........l..'I(II ,,,1 l-t!...~ - l<:Lf 'I.....'iI'(\01 "j,..,..,-f ~Ol ~,t z r'.;::.:;::;= /e <In L ,,-J s.o"'"I I-J "r '1~ ~~(;...L.t...tc I tJiJr·(<f",(~f:.hu..c.cfI.,sr (,)(lo·W ';t!..tJI!-_E:-J ~/}r.-.-- ND Adf..-J._ JVO IJ"~ ,<./0 , CHECK AREA AT LEAST TWICE ADAY REPORT ANY PROBLEMS TO SUPERVISOR TRY TO LO CATE OWNER OF VEIIi CLE -r L(5 " 5)7)/1 ..... l o,5u A A (<J 3<J -j( -/t.. 'I :) i.{-/I • ~ HINGS TO DO" Lf-(10 6 lL ""1'&.5 'O~;' I,z..) O:Is-' 3 :2-0 /2.><.>-(-'7(. _L -9 ' -(,,-9(.. -,=' -g -9(.. ••• • ')-'1 -~ 5 -7 -'1 -lINGS TO DO··CHECK AREA AT LEAST TWICE ADA Y REPORT ANY PROBL EMS TO SUPERVISOR TRY TO LOCATE OWN ER OF V EHI CLE ~. //..-~ co :S -S-9ip S"."I -1:<.- lUNGS TO DO**CII ECK AREA AT LEAST TWI CE ADAY REPORT ANY PROBL EMS TO SUPERVISOR TRY TOLO CATE OWNER OF VEIII CLE • , ....• ---------_. --~------------ May •.._-------_. ---.~' Su e Dugan ".,.. I• Debra Kel1ilr ,..,.."'001 ...... Lot 5Block 2 Vail Int ermount.a in 1st TOHAV E AN DTO llOLD the n me ",ilb ,JI ll....pru"en~rw:n un l O Ih..sa id nn ~n l frl""1lN('1~u·c:'~'~'~.~~~~":"~'~"':'=====-~;-,:~:~J uly Ij q J('l t ll .r uuedayor•19 __••nd Uftlil lwel"C o "clock llOnn on Ihe Ibyur .19 .t .nd for •re Ql.I ...r S 515 reI'",,,nIh J»ly.b1e in ....~.n("e .~'\I'.b dure l _l\OC 1,'d nd,JOOYfI qq The I g to tl;lJol ...r r ;t<;h c;llc oo.r _.L lJ4 l ".l ll ll lCK l.lI l1 .lCK \..t.""VitTT,(.0munthdUringIll<;te nu o f thl5 rca~e .t the ..rfie e u r 11K Landl.....l :ll -'_ C "lo,;MIn....ilh"".noIiec . The Tenanl,in cunsi.kr.l;on "f tile len ing nf the "remises agrees I S fnll<'I"I: I.To l r ay the ren l rur th..I'.e misn ,,"',~·<1el;cr i bc tl . 2 .Tn 1<<<1'lhe itlll'fUV\"ou:'nb \I"'n t he (W't'mi'iCli ,ind uJ ing Mwrrc"ollnliuns.pl uM lhing,wi ,inC and gb.s in p...J reP'lir.~l l al T(nan t ·~"a ren lC • •nd al lhe uroira l;'""tl rlbi §lu\C I"w lfenokllhe I"'em isu in u ".."I a n >rll.l ilitlll a~...he n lhe Tenanl entered Ihe rorell.;o.c,.k»,hy fi r"and "n1inuy _:or e acepted;I"ro ropc:,ly iniGale and ca re rtlr alltreev .,h,uhhc:,y 01...1 I~"'n :l11h<:-l i:n ~n l'~urcn .e.Tol«I':l1I ~idew:l lks lin Ihe I"'emio.cstr ee :lnd cleal"r ice afllt snow ,a r'"I..kec l'l lree nli,c u lerill,p l"'ni,,,,t ree trtllll allliner.d,rl ,,le hli .:lml uh,I,,,.,l i,,"s;l!ll"el':I"Y "t'I'lk 'y""'u ,g le iol'oC lf;l1' a nti a,hpil in a c lean ..",I ,ani,ary c "ndilio n , l.To s ub l..t ""p;!'11 o r lhe:prem i~,.and not 1<1 :lui,n Ihc Ie;o.....,..a"y inlernl Iherein ...il,,"IU'lloe:...,illen cun«:lII "r the w.nd ~",1. 4 .1;.U'\C lhe prc llli",s otlly a,:l re sidence and I..use lhe I"ell,i«:,1''''00 ru'ru-n r"o."h;I<:J by lloe:......'ur Ihe Unite d SI;o.t u'I"'"Slale ..r C "I"rad..."r "r II..:nrd inan.,es u r Ihe C ily .....1i>Wn in whi ell _aid p~",i "C.a re 1",,,aIN .and r",1101 i "'1""l"'=r "r l{uc>litluhle f1Ur ...~s h~I ...ICII C'.,111,1 h',~n,f')'Ihc ,arne ""Iy ;"11 I',illale ,e si de".:e . S_1••nei lhe,ho'''1'..a t len .rt Itl h"kl ll....I.I.....I /;a l>l ..r",a ny i"ju,y II,dan ,,!:e 'lI:e,..;.,,"o('oI by defeclive iri"jt IIrhy lhe hr e"ki"t"r >IIIPfllng"f lhe """"hi..g ......_ar.c I'",...Ihe I"'<:...i-n hell",.Ihe "'<:a k '"10 ''''1""'1'".".,,11'I~e I ;..jt ...IIlh",w;;III neilh"'I"''''''''..ny >ig ......,a ,.I til he p l~d III'lhe Illemisc s r"r ","min,"r 1 ,,-'i"&IIoII ,'I:"'''''''''''In ('CIt"illny ""i ll ""..I IIo IU 'l.<:I"he ,,~.I r'"""'''in,,,,lithl h",,).CLC'Cp i"II: I""I""e1 .e~Ct l 'llhe k ild,en .1II11111 m ale ."y .1t""'i"M n rehallgc in .up ""n 'a b",..II I..,sa'"p'c,ni,es will .."u fi ..t oh lai ..i"lllhc wril1"n .,,,n ~"'lI '",r Ihe t..a",I "IIII;hUll"f'C'rmi ,Ihe Landl.",ll'"1'1....e a "IYo 'llenl ~e a,,1 Ul'"n ,hcprelll i.u ;0.'a ny l in ....afler thirt y "ays hef".e lire \;nd ",f lhi>Ita~e . ft.1;,al .._II ....l .and lonl lo "nl'"",.....II....f"f",i~II Iny IU""..."I>I "h,IU'. IT IS ~X I'\WSSI.Y U NI>ERSTOOO ANI>AGR EEU II EIW I:J;N LANUI.ORD AND TENANT A S r-ot LOWS : 1 .A ll d ,a .gll'I ",wuler all".....Ier ,c nl ,"rni"I'n:u';w.are I"""l>a i,1hy X ]I -a,.I1 ,,,."0 Tem"'l.All d'~.gCi f",hea lin g Imd Ii)(hliuj:",(",i,/ p.e n,i.."are 1<>I....f'IIi.l hy !XIt..a...Il"nJ 0 T"n l nl. 11 .1'4..a '.......I .nrore "~"'in'I~ic:".,,,a ..y "'....x h "r :lny one n '".lIe "r II...ar "........nl.here..r ."""be:okc "....d..r lalen In be:a ..·;o.iw,..1 any ......."ee,l;ng.lI "'I....,h~:lt:h . 9 .Ir.;.fle r Ihe "x p i.a rln""r lh is I"a'e.rh"Te";"'1 sh all ,,,ma in in ",".e ~.i """f lh"pre ",i,,,"lIn.lell."i nueI"p"y ,,"I WitIH,,,llI w ri.l e":l)('\'en .....' II III .Lte h IH .".....i,"'.Ihe n M.",h lett an.,y .h;.JJ1",'q~anlc"u.a ,"""'h··n.."'11t1'·I1;"":y.a1 II r..,,,,l lo ly .cmal .paya hl"ill ""....ICe ."'I"iva l""II"lhe 1a.1 "....,Ih ..."'n l J"'id IIn,Jer Ihi .lell.".;0 ,..1 '''''''''''110 I lIlh"Ie ."..a I ......."'~.."....l lh"ka.e. Ill .I f lhe:rn:..,i ...".,e le fl ~K a lll .nd a ny I'~'I u t Ihe 'e lll ,e...,.YCd he~II ,>J'1 is nllt paid .lhen Ihe Land"""m ay il"'111 1 be:ing uhliCatfil l"....SlI . a nd wilhuutle rnlin.ll;ng Ihis lease ,rel ake I",...:..;"n or lI'oc:uitl ",,,,,,ise s a nd n:n lll....U noc:lor ,udl re m,a nd ul'''nh n,ndili"ns a .lhe:1..;11\01 11.1•.1 n la y think be sr,llIak ill g s ""h c ha nge I I'"rel'a in;...",..y be requue d ,gilli ne cred tt In<Ihe 1111 ....'''1or ,,,1\,5<1 ,c ~c i ~c d l ,,~s :lll el pc"........r ,,,,,,h.h ang el a nd rep:li 'I••nd lhe Tenanl ~ha ll be:liable lor lhe ba l .lM.~of Ihe lenl lM:lCin reserved u mil lloe:"3pi,allnn or Ihe term o f I hi ~Ica>e . 11.T he:lec n,ily deposit inIhe amounl!>rS 5 75 s h 311 be:fflu'ned 10 IheTenanl .nr ..rillen accou nl;ng made lhe,cf ......l i ~i n l:lhe euci re a sons ferIhe re tent..,n o r any rorlilln o r the M.~u ,i ly tkp"sil.w llhrn .isly (601 "3Y~af l"r te rminal;,ln orlh..ln ~,u r s urre ....Ie'and accept anee ..r Ihe p remises ,T h e La '>Jlm",hall mllk ea llY written ~1.1 'lllelll by msili n g ...Wslale me nl InIhe last k nown a ..dr c Sll u r Ihe Tena "t. 12 .IIis :lgrttd Ihalif lhe Te ..a m ahlll be in arrea15 in Ihe II.y me ....or any in~ll l lrnc ..1"f 'elll .'"any purl ;"..Iher C<>f'.or in ,k:r..ul l of a ny gf'lhe ~1\31\1'or ilgrttl\lelll'be:.ein eo'III.;ned 10 be (lCffOf .......1 by ti le T,,""'III....h ic h okraul.",.all be IIncor'eded r<Jot'a pe riod uf three OJ d ay,lI11 er landlOf\J h u g iYen wfi llen n<>lice l be:,m.landlonl ""'y.ill hi .Of'C i..n .with..u t liahilir:y I."Ire_pus u,rur da ma J;C s;era er i<>lO Ind 0 l"'n uid pr e",i..::,.,,,.II I""rlirlll thcre ,.r;tkd",e Ihe ICrlnl of lhis lease en d,,";le l"-"'$<:"lho::...itl l"cmise s IS ,,(Ihe!.a ....l..ml i r,"nter U ille ;pe anrul1),e xpe l I .",rCll,n....lhe:TCl\llnl .1110,,,,,cl aill,ing u....rer him .or .n)'po:rSt,n ...PC""III ,>o;n 'py rng Ihe >lInoc:al '"Iheil dre.,I .;1l1l ....;thu.lIp,,,ju..ie e In an y ot her lelllt";u ""3il.hle I"Ihe LaI"'I,""rur all urs or rent "r "'"""h OJr "O\'c:rIa nl . 13.In the:e"CPI or any "ilJlll le "ri~i n,u lltlt:.lhc lernrs uf lhi slt:a-e.IN i n ee e¥tm ..r fl(JfI ......yme m o r Iny sums lrising u....lt:,Ihi ,lelse and;1\Ihe e ......llhe "'aile,is l u,ne,l u ¥t,lo ..n a llor ney.the pa lly I"en ili ..,in ...e h "i"l"'lIe .ha llbc e,"i,l.d.i..add;l ion loolhe••1••1\;1 ....,.,"cu.!>.I"receoe rell"'ln~"l e all'm'ey'~r\,,,,r",m Ihe "Ihe,p a'i y.7 14 .I nIhe e wenl a n)'f'OI)'mIl 111 req uired Iltreu ndtr is nu l m ade w;lhinlen tirn day'a flrr Ihe payme nl is du e.1 131e ch arge in IheIIn..>tJ nl o f five pe 'ce....(S ~)ot lhe f'ilymcnt will be:paid by Ihe Tenaf\(. TillS L EASE 3h.1I he h intIin!:..n Ihe pa rltes .IlIdr persona l "''''..ocnlali....'.succe"u"lind n ,ig,n1. A UOI TlO:'llA I.J'ROVI SIONS Security de pos it o f $575 t o be paid :IS r n ll o w ~:I:$275 paya b le 5/19/94 $300 p abnblc ('11\6/l9/911 SEE ATTACHED ADDENDUlt AND RUL~S -- Nn.9 ~7.Rn.9-IIl1.R .~,m f_h'n:I .F.A ~.:C,'""""",I'llII n...lf.>Id h ltli .h;"~.I nl W"<cSt..I )o,~"",.c o IlIlll 'l _I .'l 1l 12~Uloo l '_._'ll "'I" Debra Keller the,9DldE\l baQ l {ZJ 0~ yr(,-ll/')8 Store 0286Bridge Street -v o u,COB16570(303)476 -408 ~ Offlcs 0953 S.Frontage Rd.W -vo u,C081657 oCe76.75 12 •• Ad den dUll to Lease at 2 6 42 Kinnikinnick court,Vail 1 .T enant hereby a ck nowledges that she has received a copy of Ru les for 2642 Kin nik inn ick Court. 2 .Thi s l ea se is for 1 adu lt only .No pets a l lowed .No s mok ing al lowed. paya b le I ./~ 3 .Secur ity deposit shall be h e ld by Landlord and sha ll be r etur ned to Tenant upon move out .A c lea ning fee sha ll be wit hhe ld i n the eve nt t h at t he un it is n ot r etu rn ed i n a simi lar co ndi tion as upon Te nant's move -in.T en ant agrees t hat upon vacat i ng th ep ropertyt hat the carpet shall be s teamed cleaned by ap rofessiona l c leaning compa ny ,at T enant's e xpen se and to the satisfaction of t he La ndlord.Security deposit can not be used towards a ny part of any mo n th 's rent d ue . 4 .Lastmo nths rent (June 1 995 )of $575 is hereby d ue a nd S eptember 1,1 994 along with Nevember 1 st ,1 99 4's rent . ~\~ 5.Landl ord's personal propcrty~n th ~unit : Smoke detector 1 Fi re exting uis her S hower curtai n,s oap dish a nd u ti l ity s hower hanger 2 Bath mats and 1 kitchen ma t Window coverings curtain room divide r , 6.T e na nth as r eceiv ed 1 ke y to th e un it a nd 1 t o the g arag e.I f Tena nt fa i ls to r eturn the key to t he Landlord or La nd lo rd 's Ag ent , u pon move out,then Landlord shall retain $25 of the security deposit.Tenant a grees she shall not have any duplica te keys made, or change the locks ,without the consent of the Landlord. 7.Te nant s ha ll not make a ny modifica tion s or i mpro veme nts to the proper ty witho ut the prior written approva l of th e Landlord (for examp le,holes i n drywall,addition of she lves,drapes etc)Any i mprovements approved and made to th e property are to remain in t he u nit upon Te na nt's mov e out . 8 .I t is th e Tenant's res po ns i bi lity t oc heck t he s moke a larm a nd fire exti nguisher weekly ,to make s ure t hey are in g o od worki ng order . 9 .Tenant shall not allow any b oard ers ,roomers o r long t erm guests t o abide i n t he unit.Occu pany by g uests stay ing over a period o f 1 4 d ayss ha ll be construed to be in v iola tion o f thi s leas e.T en ant s h all promptly n o ti fy La ndlo rd of any changes that ef fect T enant's r ental agreement s tatus ,such a s ,roommate,n umber of chi ldren or n ame c hanges(if lease is fo r more than one personl ivingi nt he unit). ••'o/../IJ---~- ~~ IO.Landlords ha ll h a ve the r ight t o i nspect the premises ~~ time.Un it i s to b e k ept in a n e at a nd cle an conditi on a nd in t h e eve nt that Landl ord n oticesa ny fir e h azards,u nsa nitary condi tions in the u ni t or if Tenant is i n violation of the House Rules the n Landlord shal lh ave t he r ight to give a 10 day n o tice to vaca te to Te na nt a nd Tenant here by agrees to comp l y. 11 .Tenant shall keep the noi se level to a minimum,especially fr om1 0 p .rn t o 9 a .m . 12 .Tenant is hereby aware t hat 2642 outside a modera te mud slide area . Te na nt 's Insurance for her p ersonal Kinnikinnick c o urt is just Tenant i s also advis ed to a cqu ire prop erty. lJ .Parking lot snow remova l a nd trash service is s up p lied by Landl ord .Tenant is respo n s ible to pu t h er own trash can out for pickup and do her share o f snow shovell ing of steps and sidewalks i n t heWinter.In the event Te na nt do es no t do her share of s nowr emoval t o Land lord 's s ta nda rds ,t he n La n dlord may hire th e work done a t Tenants expense. T enant Date Landlord -,••" RULES FOR 2 642 KINNI KINNICK COURT,VAI L,CO. If yo u have a n electrical or heating probl emwhi le I'm out of t own please call Burnett P lumbing at 827 -5562 .Also leave mea mes sage at my office 4 7 6-1 600 a s to the problem. If you are leaving Vail please tell rn a s o that th e unit can be c hecked to s ee if th e heat is on.Th e heat for the upstairs works off the furnace in my un it . Please don't not park in the driveway at any time.There are 3 parking spaces in the front of the build ing for Tenant and guest parking . Here are a few DOES AND DON'TSs o to avoid fire hazards: 1 Check your smok e detectors weakly by pressing the tes t button . .Replace battery (upstairs)if n e eded.Downs ta irs i se lectr ical ly wired. 2Do wns ta i rs -c heck trip circuit br eaker in t he f use box at l ea st monthly .sw itch s hou ld "trip"wh en y ou presst he r edb utton .To r e set -s witch to o ff andb a ck to o n. 3 Do not ove rl o ad e lectrical out l ets by h av ing too many plugs plugged i nto o ne recepticable. 4Do not lea ve any appliances ru nning tha t can o ve r heat whil e y ou are not a t home (dryer,s tove/oven,dishwasher,fry pans etc). 5 Do clean your stove/oven a f te ru ses o th ere is n o fat build up . 6 Downstairs-do not store anyth ing in the fu rnace c loset or in the h all in front of the closet. 7 Fireplace-downstairs-do not l e ave the fir eplace burning, unattended.Keep the screen clos ed .Fireplace doesn't draw very well so to avoid th e smoke ba cking up wh en you l ight the f ire ,crack your door open,light one or two piec es o f paper and hold it up the f luc. When you feel the flue drawing,light the fire . 8Keep all combustible materi al away from ba seboard heaters . 9 Please set your heat thermostat to 62 degrees wh en you are away . YOU WILL BE HELD LIABLE IF A FIRE IS S TARTEDDUETONEGLIGENC E! S NOW REMOVAL 1 Please do not p ark in the dri veway. 2 Please move yourv eh icles as soon as possible afte r a snow s t orm so the snow plower c an clear out the p arking area. 3 Do not park o n the neighbor's property un less y ou h ave their p ermission. 4 Pl e ase d o you rs hare of thes now shovelling.All steps and walkways n e ed to b e k ept clear of snow a nd mus tb e cleared as soon a s p os sible a f ter a snows torm. P .M,TO9 5 {19 {9 3 THANKS SUE DUGAN TRASH DA Y IS EARLY TUESDAY MORN ING EVEN IF IT I S A HOLIDAY!! CLOSETHE DOOR WHEN YOU COME IN AND OUT -DON'T SLAM IT!! PLEASE KEEPTHE NOISE LEVELTOAMINIMUM,ESPECIALLY FROM 1 0 A.f.I. ,••• r h/fl y HA/}"!i'),I Vvn j r:v""AI,'.~'--'C-.<1Vl.,T"'rL_f-l AT 111 T/G 'r(, /1(.,- ¥J-''iJ "'f .-J-"::J '7>}~;- 11 {JAf!.),I I rnr-r-I f'../I? il J..-CtJI I'-<:Y'j Gt:'S f/1i::f-&:Cl /lI'l :1/0,Its A-"1 ~2,w !it(f(J 2::i:'.~'m ;:,eve -0 ""~, 1(;l..v lJl<....i I IV r.1 ~{VI QF .·VVf'Ty .~(I '1r .~:ur.f I f'-/f!v{b NT 0)"0;:lrv;<l y ,';)/~"4 ,m \/VK--"IJ d /}/ ~!d-I :Tf,V -A<'-~ST'f'--$''b.~0,1"'-fYJ /,!/lJ !-!>.>'Ur<--,rJ,6..'{">1 c..--/J I'I J'(O.//<'-I rJo '-lId-I :!lOAM l¥l-Ut.k-I N }J.,()Nl'(»P Yvf;y '.J)J-?-.!.SA/'1 11 •b I1P"j1>t;;,J H ~t>lb"'rv ;1V\fs I C/J'V 0-}/\/p-.}G'N'I aj=hfly'(OYV1>-(J F .!TN t:'(fA.U 01<,-:,Vi/!"~~I "V /l;...,\/1:;,~'t" ,!,f-;__Dvv-3Ti li''6'b,j . 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'IallII I!I I TYPE OF CONSTRUC TI ON 11I 1IlIV V department of community deve lopment 2 OCCUPANCYGRO UP A BEH IRM BUILDING 16,000 •,Z ELECTR ICAL 2 ,000 TO B E FILLED O UTCO MPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT DI VISION 1 22134 0 GENERAL DESCRIPT ION OF WORK :~PLUMBINGTYPEOFPERMITGARAGEADDITION~ ~-c MEC HANICALIii:BUilDING o PLUMB ING > o EL ECTR ICAL .!.~O U N D A T I O ~~'0 nnn o ME CHANI CA L ).,.1,'1:1\l\~\,\,\\\\\~7 TYPE G ROUP G .nf .A VA LUATION PER MIT FE ES ".L EGAl lOT 5 BlK 2 V'N M-I 18.000 BUilDING PERMIT 18°Mli~ESC.FILING V.I NTERMO UNTAI N PtAN CHECK n o JOBNAME :DUGAN GARAGE ADDITION ELECTRICAL ~~ OWNE R NAME SUE DUGAN NEW (I At T ERATION ()AD DI TIONAlQO{l REPAIR ()PLUMBING r!-K-,_.- MA lt A DDRESS PO BOX 3 768 DWELLING U N IT S ACCO MMO OA ir ON UNITS MECHAN ICAL CITY VAIL PH 6-2504 HElGHT IN r t --~O FiRE PLACE S --RE CREATION FEE 110 ~ARCH ITECT A &E GRAP H ICS IN SULATION'TVPE T H I C K ~E S S R-VAllUE OESIGNREVIEW BOARD 25FIRM 13216ARAPHOE"l OOR CLE AN UP DEPOSI TMAILADpRESS 100 BOULDER,CO PH443-25 13 EXT WA LLS NONE -USETAX ";.,,.CITY VAIL VALLEY BUILD ERS R OO ~Q;>t GENERAL FIRM I TYPE EL EC .GAS CONTRAC TOR TOWNOFVAIL REG NO 19 5_8 OF TOTAL PERMIT FEE S $563.00 827 -4 194 SOLAR WOOD THE.HEAT MICHAEL WHI TAKER AUG.20 .1 990 ADDITIONAL PERMITS N EEDED:IBUILDlNC OFFIC IAC ------"DA ft:----- FIRM ElECTRICAL z.~~lTI A .L I-SHELLY ME LLO AUG .22 ,1990 TOWNOFVAIL REG.NO X --------------.-C U N TRAC TOR ST .CUT ONING ADMINI STRATOR DATE THE.BLAST ING X ONING &BU ILDINGNOTES:--R EQUIRED LAND SCAPING ALREADY INFIRMPARKINGXPLUMBING-P LACE. CON T RACTOR TOWNOF VAILREG,NO.DEMO X THE FIRM I here by acknowledge that I have read t his application ,fi lled out i n f ull t he i n forma tion re quired , M ECHANICAL completed an accu rate plot plan ,a nd s tate th at a ll the i nfo rmati o n provid ed as re qu iredis co r rect.J CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO agree to comply with the information and p lot p lan ,to comply wi th all T o wno rdinances a nd state THE laws .an d 10 bui ld Ihisstructu re acccrdtnq 10 'Z~Oni n ?.:n~diVIS iOn c odes,design review ap p roved ,U n iform Building Code and o ther o rdt teeso f the n applicab le there to. OTHER FIRM CLKAN -UP DEPOSIT TO :7"._.-/ TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR/1TRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE.AND TH E OWNER. • I "I. '15 I '8'q PERMITFEES II I b """' 'I 7noU PlAHCHECK BUILDING PERMIT ) VAlUATION I,?noo GR fA . DATE CROuP J'.1-1 TYPE lOT 5"Bl FILING /".p:fJt1 0 ,,,,,?D jl\/ LEGAL DESC . . ~tm ,.r .T'fPfOfCOfrtSTRUCTKJN I r 'lI111ly~-)J 4 deJ-1rnent of community development z.OCCUPANCY GROUP A 8 E HI "'-.10 ~.:::U::"::Dt::NG::"'-+-ii-~'-.:~>:"'~'-l o -r.-:2'[UCfRICAl TO8EFILLED OUTCOMPlETElYPRtOR TO ISSUAN CEOF PERMIT IVlSION L!2 2.1 J •2 f-=.:..:..'--..:....'-t--""-'-"""':::....--------!il-!CEN!~Al DE~.!'PTlO~~~WOR K :-,-------U:(PlUMBINGTYPEOFPERMITI...C J,."t.~~f..'FI1I !-r-I f'r..../~I-:::..=.:::..+-----~~ O It-~IIEOfAHtCAl~BUILDING PLUMBINGoElECTRICAL0FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL0 ..' JOB NAME :ELECTR ICAl 'f/.f /10 roo RECRfATIONRE OESMOHREVlEWBOAAO PlUMBING ClEAN·UPDEP'OSI T U'ETAX REPAIR (• THICICNUS R·YAllUE""INSULATIOfoI : H(IQMT ..n .__NO .flR(Pl.ACt$ "000 e..T.W"'LlS NEWII AolT ERATtON I )ADDITIO NAl. IW1.ADDRESS /!}Q;,<..~-,(;r::I" CITY 1J1'l1L-PH I--7{;..s!x, ARCHITECT flRl!A~[';~{JiJ!c.I; ......Allllfl'SS Y-I ,fIl!'ft""'=- OWNER ADDITIONAL PERMIT S NEEDED : 1.!!. TOTAl PERM'TFEES S/'",<. 0NtN0 &!lUIl.DINQ.NOIe:y ,~....~.......(l .....z:z.3,"'.~.~../,.11 WOOD ELEe , ST.CUT TYPE '"HEAT PMIC IHQ "''''' ......... ELECTRICAl CONTRACTOR TOWN Of VAIL REO .HO. TnE. GENERAL OR"V fJu_1#J '-1 9 !?i//~ CONTRACTOR TOWN QF yAn."Ea .NO.'t\C-j) rece ~1 '4 1?4- XI fiRM 1</f t' PlUMBING ) CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAll flEg .NO. T'" fiRM MECHANICA CONTRACTOR TOMf OF YM.REO.NO . TEL!!. OTHER Ff"'.."'.~1XTOWNOFVAllREO,NO . com RACTOR TElE .-=. t hereby acknowledge t bet I haw read this applfc8 t1 on.filled ouI In full the Information reqldred, c ompleted an accurate ptat plan,and s lalethat all the Inrormation provided as required IS correct I ag rre to comply with the In lormation and plot plan.10 comply with all Town ordinances and stale laws.and to build this structure according to the Town',zon ing and subdivision codes.design review apprO'ted.Uniform Building Code and other ord ~hces 0't he Town ap"licabte thereto. ".-d~-AoJ--e=<'1\SiGNATURE Of"OWNER Ofi?CONIRACTOR fOR HlMSB.F ~D THE OWNER .(/ .',.. 1 •,"••,:.. '\, ", 75 loulh frontage rold dU,eerereee '1857 (3.31 479-21,38 or 479-2139 office ofcommunity development TO:ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OFVAIL FROM:TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE:MARCH 16,1988 SUBJECT:CONSTRUCTION PARKING ,MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful tor any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets an d workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-ot-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pa vement . This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department .Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material . In the event the person so notitied does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense ot person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. positIon/RelatIonship to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) 7/3 j~ Date // Lj 523 LOCAT I ON: INSPECTION : 2.JpY ] _____A M PM YW 'UII C'../( ~G :Vt--I\«l PL UMBING: FO OTIN GS I ST EEL ~o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATiON I STEEL o ROUGH I DW.V. DFR AM IN G o ROUG H f WATER RO OF &SHEER , o PL YWOODN A ILIN G o GA S PI PING o I NSUL AT ION o POO L I H .TUB o SHEETROCK N AIL 0 0 0 o FIN A L o FINAL MECHANICAL:,-; ELECTRICAL:-, o TEMP .POWER o HEA T IN G o ROU GH o EXHAUST HO ODS o CONDUIT .o S UPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FI NA L ~AP PR~VED CORRECTiONS: o D ISAP PROVED o REI NSPEC TION REQ U IRED DA TE _~'-"=""-_.L<"'-_ ; .. PM ",FRITHURWEDTUES ""+/~,I N S P ~TI O N ; \.\~CS INSP eTION REQUESet ,r PERMIT NUM BER O FPROJEC T TO WN O F VA I~-·~ D ATE C\-~--'\b J OB N AME ~\:'~Q \,~'rr'\-'~-,I C ALLER ~=-----'\':I'-;,\)\l)\.0tl\\\\~ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS I STEEL .o U NDERGROUND 1JiP0UNDATION I STEEL o RO UGH I D WV . o FRAM ING ,o RO UGH I W ATER.. R OOF &S HEER o GA S PIP INGoPLYWOOfYNAllING o I NSULATION o POO Li H.T UB o S HEETROC K NA IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o T EMP.POWER o HEAT ING, o ROUG H o EXHAUSTH O ODS o CONDU IT o S UPPLYAIR 0 <j '0.c. o FINAL I o FI NAL Ix(APPROVED 0DISAPPR OVED CORRECTIONS: c ~./ktu 5"..T f-8 o REINSPECTIO NREQUIRED ,. D ATE _~_=-L_.L>""'-_INSPECTOR • o REINSP ECTIO N REQUIRED / ftjlJAA&1 1m·d·~;;;&P ~71N sp eTION REQU~st ~1\TOWN OF VA I~-.; NA ME ~L/~-7'J ICALLER~~~m: WED ~HU R 'A MPM•. ?'D ISAPPROVED # JOB INSP ECTION : d.-& PERMIT N UMB ER O FPR OJECT DATE IY5 READYFOR LOCATIO N .-"2~~...::z~.L_J,~:f,i~:s,{&o.J~c:-.:==--~~~~~::--- o APPR OVED CORRECT IONS: ,-" BUILDING :PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS I STEEL o U NDERGRO UND o FOUNDATION I ST EEL o ROUGH I D W .V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I W ATER ROOF &S H EER o GA S PIP INGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H .TUB . o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 0 ,0 o FINAL o FI NAL ELE CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATIN Gk1::B~U G H ~o EXHAUST HOODS( o CO NDUIT o SU PPLY A IR 0 0 iliFINAL o FINAL .~ ,, 7,( /~,,:'--f"-"''''-''~~'k.LdLLJ;>.L_,.4£.CL.o''''''''-,,":;-''_ /,/IN SPECTOR'YOu.(-.,D ATE +.;...-'--'-_--'--"'-_ o REIN SP ECTIO N REOU IRED C AL LER o D ISAPPROV ED I i ONTUE S ~Eg.)T HUR • READYFO R INS PECTIO N :FRI A M PM L OCATION :-rr .u»I I ,.n;hJJ r :»::J 'j,AA1/~"h ",.r,»•.~.D,, /':;;d BU I LDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TINGS I STE EL o U NDERG ROUN D o FO UNDATI ON I STEEL o ROUG H I DW.V. o FR A MI NG o ROU G H I WAT ER ROOF &SHEE R o GAS P I P I NGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL I H .TU B o S H EET ROCK N A IL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTR ICAL:MECHAN ICAL: o TEMP.POW ER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUS T HOODS o CONDUIT o S UPPLY A IR 0 0 'j(FINAL o FINAL /A"APP ROVED COR RECTIONS: , , D A T E j},/~-;:0'IN SPECT OR ~d ,/f&,~ • • INSP eTION REQU Ii.S t7\T OWN O F V A I~-': ()1.J..R-~,, c.dn- ,, PL UMBING: o UND ERGROUND _ o ROUGH I DWV._ o ROUGH I W ATER _ o GASPIP ING _ o POOL I H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINALoFINAL BUI LDING: o FOO TINGS I ST EEL R EAD Y FOR L OCATION'-~9!-:...uc...::L.:~=----I-.(lA':f1!W~_...l.4:1<~,<L----7f--~~~__7 DATE 0 JOB NAME ------'="-"="-=L...:~~~==------- ELEC TRICA L: o TE MP.POW ER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT _ 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o H EATING _ o EXHAUST H OODS _ o SUPPLY AI R 0 _ o FINA L o DI SAPPROVED o REIN SPECT ION REO U IRED DAT E /L -/2..)/0 I • • ••. ____----\(;)PM• ~) eTION REQUES T TOW N OF VA I ~-~ !Me"""o THUR LtJ#l~/o ~#.L ' INS Du..e..d.r- J ,fU-J- I NSPECTION ://MON ~'f <;;L D ATE ----'cl-"''--'~~-L-J OB NA M E ---=::....:=7-E;r~--L~='--------- READ Y FOR LOCATION : / BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOT I NGS I STEEL o UN DERGROUND o FOUNDATI ON I ST EEL o RO UGH l OW-V . o FRAM IN G <o RO U GH /WA TER ROOF &S HEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL I H .T UB o SHEETROC K NA IL 0 7t4'/'7~0 0 J;lfiNAL -z.c.a ,o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANI CAL : •o T EMPPOW ER o H EA TI NG o ROUGH o E XHAUST H OODS o CON DU IT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 o FI NAL o F IN A L P(APPRO VED 0D ISAPPROVED 0 REINSPECT IONR EOU IRE D C'?~R EC TIO NS :d~~~(7).~~==L >.z:-A.e ~;;;6-1-~1 • IN SPECTOR/-tf}.'3 -?I,DATE -''---_'---'-------'--1--_ - • • Th ~~ C ALLER ( NAME READY FO R L O C ATION:_-O.l..Il...>;;;J::...._.!..C::"'""~'""'""-_-"--=..»l=_ PERM ITN UMBER OFPROJECT D A TE 50-'§\S>\JO B BUILDIN G:PLUMBING: o FO OT IN GS /STE EL o U N DERG ROUN D o FO UN DATION I STE EL o RO UG H /D.W,V . o FRAMING o RO UG H I WATE R R OOF &S H E ER o GA S PIPI NGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN S ULATI ON o POOL I H .TUB o SH EETROCKN AI L 0 0 0 i'¥jIN A L '\ <,C'r •o FIN AL IELECTRICAL:I....)MECHANICAL: o T EM?POWER o HE ATING o ROU G H o EXHAUST H OODS o C ONDUIT o SUPP LYA IR 0 0 o F INA L o FI NAL ~P P R O V E D C OR RECTIO NS: o D ISA PPROVED o REINSP ECT IONREOUIRED D AT E ---"'---''----_~__----IN SPECTO R 1Jk(~- .".•• ,, \ •\ \ o oo. - / ,. 11 ri ....,.. ••e ··. e AL I NSPECTION'S COMP LETED • The items be low nee d t o bec om plete before g iving a permi t af inal Co fO. D Please check o ff in t he box prov id ed. FI NAL PLUMBING o DATE : FINAL MECHANICAL •\l.lj ~FINAL BUILDIN G V DATE:f(~;)o-Cf" o rn I DATE: IMPROVEMENT SURVEY DATE: FINAL ELE CTRICAL DATE :\~~\~~l\D EAST SIDE:\>'EST SIDE : TEMP ORAAY COF0 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE:~~,~~\ z (J'-o/DA TE: DATE: g _LANDSCAP INGDUE <;>2-0 -1./ • Date 1o 12 4/0V I ~ Project Application·~ Prcrect Na me ~o.tV1 &0-V ~.L Project neecnc ncn:M l.t if 'V]ti\J ~'---_ Co nlee!Person and Ph on,~IJ..-~--='--=------:--:-;-_-----i ox ?;l1.?h__V"--'{.v\"'-'--'-"I _ Ow ner .Addres s andPh one .--"-_ A rchitec t ,Address and P ho ne:_ Desig n Review Boa rd M otion by: Seco nded by : APP ROVA L D ISAPPROVA L Su mma ry:_ D al e :-J o "1.4qol.L _ o S larr Appr oval ••o .....• DRB APPLICATION llWD OCT 2 3 00 DATE APPLICATION RECEIVEO : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ··***THIS APPLICATION WILL n OT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALLINFORMATIon IS SUBMITTED ••••• I.PRE -APPLICATION MEET ING: Ph o ne APPLICM1T 'S REPRESENTAT IVE : Address :_ NAM EOF Mailing \ LOCATI otl OF !ROPOS AL: Address ,.,..(zJr :J...-#q'?>tk pI Legal Description Lot 9 -Block _..>!.."-_ s ubd iv is ion t llJf!3l'\ht>",.,:mloJ Zo ning ,..-_ NAME OFAPP LI CAN T :SLS"ffi:=V Mailing Addres s:~J.J6lC PROJECT DESCR IPTION :--'~"'".!;.'?!:t.$.~_..!:::.U.~!E..__~L_*....l,~ 611"./o AA /1(3 &' D. C . B. A. A p re-application me e ting w i th a pl anni ng s taft membe r is strongly suggested to de termi ne i f a ny additiona l information is n eeded .No app lication w~~be accepted u nl ess it i s c omplete (must i n c lude al l items reguired by t he zoning admi nistrator ).I t 1 st he applica nt 's responsibi lity to make a n appoi ntme ntwi th th e staff t o fin d o ut abou t additional s ubmitta l requi rements .P lease n ote t ha t aCOMPLETE applicatio n will streamline th e approva l process for y our project by decreasi ng t he numb er of conditions o f npp roval that the ORD may stipulate.ALL conditions of approval must be r eso lved before a building permit is i ssu ed .Application will not be processed without Owner 's Signature . P hone _ E .NAME OF OWNERS : SIGNAT URE (S)• Mai ling Add ress._ Pho ne _ F .Cond omin ium App r o v al i f a pplicable. G .ORB FEE :The fee will b e paid at the ti mea buildi ng pe rmit is pai d for . VALUA TION $0 $1 0,00 1 $50 ,001 $150 ,001 $500 ,001 $Over -$10 ,000 -$50,000 -$1 5 0,000 -$500 ,000 -$1 ,000 ,000 $1,000 ,000 il<Il $10 .00 $25 .0 0 $5 0 .00 $100 .00 $200 .00 $300 .00 •e .• .. II .IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE ORB: A.In addition to meeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners .Trees that will be r emoved must also be marked .This work must be completed before the ORB vi sits the site . B.The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally invol ve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board ,so the applicant should plan on at least two meetings for a final approval . c .Applicants who fail to appea r before the Desig n Review Board at th e ir scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be r e qu ired to be republished. D.At th e discretion of the zoning administrator,the follow ing Items ma y n ot have to be presented to the Design Review Board .They ,however,have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval : a.Wind ows,skylights and s imilar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building;and b .nu ilding ad ditions that are not viewed from any o th er lot or pUb lic s pa ce ,which h av e had letters submitted from ad joining prop erty owners approving the addition;and/or approval from the agent for , or manager of a condominium a s sociation . E .You may be require d to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your proper ty (i .e .s now avalanche,rockfa ll ,debris flow,wetlands ,etc).You should che ck with a Town Pl anner before proceeding . .. •• 75 south frontage t oad 'fail,col orado81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 office 01 c ommunity development Plan Review Based on the 1988 Uniform Codes PROJECT NUMB ER:73 190 ADDRESS:2 642 KINNICK INN ICK INTERM OUNTA IN SUB. OCCUPANCY :M-1 TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION:V-N DRB APP ROVA LREQUIRED:YES NAME :DUG AN GARAGEADDITION DATE:8 /20/90 CONTRACTOR:VAILVALLEYBUILDERS ARCHITECT:A &EGRAPHICS ENGINEER:NON E PLANS EXAM INER:MI CHA EL WH ITAKER CORRECTION8REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes.It is a guide to selected sections of the codes.The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of vail. 1.S lope ga rage f loo rt o d r ain or s upp ly f loo r drai nt o ad ry we ll.Ap prova l from Upper Eag le Val ley Wa ter &sani ta t ion re qu ired to c onnect garage f loor dra in t o sewer dra in. 2 .One h o ur separation re qu ired be twee n gara ge a nd l iving area. I nstal lation of o ne h ou r fire r esist ive cons truct ion o n the g arage side a nd a se lf-c los in g,tight-f i tt ing solid wood d o or 1 3/8 11 in thi ckness wi ll b e permitted in li euo f a o ne hour as semb ly .UBC5 03 (d)3. 3.All e lect ri ca l wo rk t o b e comp leted to requirement so ft he 1987 Nati onal Electrical Code. ope n-Un der n oc irc umsta nces s hall ap ri vate g a rageh avea ny i ng i nto a r oom used f ors leepi ng purp o se s.UBe 11 04. ~ ....·1;......1 H'.J 4. •Project Application• Project Nam e ~I\I\b(?"y a-ty2 _ Pr oj ec tDescr i pt i on :~t111 S)'3 1.dL.l.l :::..f1..llt_-v'-.::..._ C o ntact Pe rson andPh one ~1e ~~---3J.L;;--::::\\~.o-~--\-A-.-,.\J,,---------- O wne r,Add ress and P ho ne :_ A rch itect ,A ddressand P hone :_ Comment s:_ \ Design Review Board M olian b y : Secon dedby : A PPR O VAL D I S AP P ROVAL b P»1 0t1 ro'!!l !#r= Oat .c;.~.=1'-"'.0 _ o Stall Ap proval , , •• APPLICATION DA TE:A",i1 2,1990 DATE OF ORB ~E ETIHG :A",il 18,199 0 ORB APP LICA TION *****THI S APPLI CATI ONWILL NOT BE ACCEP TEDUNT IL ALL I NF ORM ATI ON ISSUBtIITTEO***** I.PRE-APPLI CAT IONMEETING: A pre -appli cation meet ing with a planning staff member i s s t rong ly suggested t o de termine i f any add itional information is needed .No appl i cati onwil l beaccepted unless i t is complete (must include all items r equired by thezoning admi nistrator ). It is th e applicant 's r esponsibility to make anappointmentwithth e staff t of ind ou t about add itional su bmittal re quirement s.Please note that a COMP LET Ea pplica- t ion will streamline theapprovalprocess for your projec t by decreasing th e nu mber of conditions ofapproval that the OR B may stipulate .ALL conditionsofa pprovalmust be r esolv ed before a bu ilding permiti s issued . A.PRO J EC T OESCR I PT ION:-"G"".Lra"'""cLAAlJ,ddd;lLlt::!l!'PD"-_ B.LO CATI ON OF PRO PO SA L: Addr ess26 42 Lu ~i n e Co urt .Vail ,Co 8 1657 Le gal De scription Lot 5 2 pisZoning _ telep hon e 476 -2 56 4 C.NAME OF APP LI CAN T:..s -"yeuDl!JJI"'.aa nll....lRU:oilibLin"'"'-_ Addr ess BQX 3768 .Vail ,Co 8 16 58 O.NA.~E OF APP LICANT 'S RE PRESENTA TlV E:_ Addr ess te lephone _ E.NAM E OF OWN E R S:~PIl.aflos Si gna tur e L ~---<_./ Addre ss Box 3768 ,Va il Co ~658 t ele ph one q7 6-256q F.ORB FE E:The f eewillbe pa id at th et im ea bui ldi ng perm itis re qu ested. VALUATIO N $0-510.000 $10,001 -$50.0 00 5.50,001 -$150 ,000 $1 50,0 01 -$500,000 $500 ,001 -$1.000,00 0 $Over $1,00 0,000 FE E $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $2 00.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTIC E RE GARDING ALL SUBMISS IONS TO THE OR B: 1 .In add ition to me e ti ng subm ittalre qu iremen ts,t hea ppli cant mus t s taket hes ite t o i ndicateproperty l ine s and building corners .Treesth at wi llbe removed shou ld a lso be mar ked .Th is workmustbe comp leted before t he ORBvis its the s i t eo 2 .Ther evi ew pr ocess f or NEWBUILDI NGS will norma ll y involve two separ ate meetings of t he De si gn Review Board .soplanon at lea st two me etings fo rt he ir approval. 3 .People wh o fail toappear before t he Design Review Boar d at their scheduled me etin g and who hav e nota sked for apostponement will be re qu ired t obe republished. •• I 4 .Thefo l low ing i t ems no lo nge rhavetobe presented t o t he De sign Revi ew Board. They,however 9 have t obepresente d tot he Zoning Adm ini strator fo rappro val: a .Wind ow s.s kylights andsimil ar exterior changes that do not alter the e xi sting plane of thebuilding;an d b.Build i ng addit i on s that ar e notviewed f rom any oth er l ot or pub lic space. wh i ch have ha d letters sub mitt ed fro madjoi ningproperty own ers app roving the addition;and /or appro val fro m the agen t f or,or manag erofacondomin ium as soc iat ion. 5 .Yo u may be required t oco nduc t Natu ral Ha zard Studies onyourproperty_You s ho uld c heck with aTown Planner bef oreproceeding . I•• MAT ERIAL TO BE SUB MITTED • I.NE WCDNS T RUC T IO~ ~Top ographic map and site pla n ofs i te cont aining thefo l low in g (2copies ): 1.l icensed su rveyor'ss tamp . 2 .Contour intervals ofnot more t han 2 'un less th epar celconsi sts of 6 acres or more ,i n whichcase .5 'contour interva ls wil l be acce pt ed . 3.Existing trees orgroupsoft reeshavi ng t runkswith dia me t ers of 4"or mo r e one foot a bov e grade. 4 .Ro ck out crop pings and ot her signif ican t natural f eatures (l a rge bou ld ers, in termi ttent streams ,etc .). S.Ava lan chear eas.100 year f lood pla i n and slo pes 40%or mo re,if applicable . 6 .Ties t o e xist ing benchm ark ,e ither USGS l andmar kor s ew er i nvert . 7 .Locati onsof th e f ol l owin g: a .Proposeds urfac e drainageonand off s iteshow ing s ize and typ e of culve r ts ,swa les ,e t c . b.Ex act locat ionsof a l lut ilities to include existin g sources and pro pos ed se r vice lin es from sources t o t he structure .Uti li ti est oin clude: ~~en Tele ph one sewer wa te r gas e l ec tric c .Property li nes show ingdi stan ces a nd be ar ings anda basis ofbearing d .Propo s ed dr iv ew ays with percentslop e and s po te levat ions e.Al l ea sements 8 .Exi sting andf in ished grades . 9 .All e xi s ti ng and proposed impro vements in cludi ng structures .l a ndscaped area s, s ervice ar eas ,storage ar eas,walks.dri vewa ys ,off -street parking,l oading areas ,retai ning wa l ls (w ith spot e levations ).and other s i te i mprovem ents . 10.Eleva tions ofto p ofr oof ridge s (w ithe xi stinggrade shown und ern eath )t o determine height of buildi ng . B.A statement fr om each utility ver i fy i ng loca tio n of serv iceand availabi l ity .To besubmi t ted withs ite plan. C.Pre l i mi nary ti t le r eport t o accompa ny a ll submi ttals ,to i nsur eprope rtyownership and all easeme ntsonpro perty. o.La nds capePl an (1 "•20'orl arger)-2 copies 1 .Sh ow t he lo cat ion of4"di amete ror l arger t r ees.other ·s hr ubs a nd ~riat i v e ol ants th a re onthes ite and t hel ocation anddesi gn ofpr opos ed landscap eareas with t he vari et ies and approxim ate s izes of pl ant mat e ri a ls t o be pl anted.~ 2 .Comple te la ndscape ma ter i als li st. 3 .Desi gn a te treesto be saveda ndth ose t obe l os t. NOTE :As muc h of t he above i nf orm at i on as poss i bl e shou ldoccur on t hesi te plan.so tha t th e inter-re lati on of t hevarious components i scl ear.Th el andscape plan shouldbe separ ate.The exist ing topogra phic andvegetati ona l characteristics may be a separate map .The applicant must sta ke t he s i te to show lot lines andbuilding corners .Tree s t hat will be lost du ring con struction mustbe tagg ed.The work shouldbe com pleted bef or e t heORB s it e vi sit . •E.Architectural Plans(1/8"=l'or larger)2 copies •, • 1.Must include floor plansand all elevations astheywil l appearoncompletion . Elevations mustshow bothe xist ing and finished grades . 2 .Exterior surfacin g materials and co lors shall be specifi ed and submitted for reviewonthemater ials list available from the Departm ent of Community Develop- ment .Color chipS9 sid i ng sam ples etc.,shouldbe presented at the Design Review Board meeting . F.The Zoning Admin istrator and/or ORB may requ ireth e subm iss ion of addit ional plans, drawings .specif ic at ions.s amples and other material (including a model )if deemed neces sary tode termine whethera project will comply withdesign guidelines. II .MI NOR ALTERATIO NS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos ors ketches that c learly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of pro posalmaybesubmitted in lieu ofthe mo re formal re quirements givenabove,as longas t hey pro vide all i mportant specifications for thepro po sed including colors and materials to beused . III.ADDITIONS -RESIDENTIA L OR COMMERCIAL A.Or iginal fl oorplanswit h al ls pecificati ons shown B.Flo or plan for addit ion -2 copies C.Site plan showing existing and proposed constru ction -2copiest opas D.Elevati ons of addition E.Photosof ex isting structure F.Specifi cati ons for a llmater i alsand color sampleson materials list ava ilable at De partment of Community Devel opment At th e request ofthe Des ign Rev iew Adm inistra tor you may also be r equired t o s ubmit: G.Stateme nt f rom e ach utilityverifyi ng location of servic e and ava ilability.Se e attached util ity l ocat ionve ri fication form. H.Site i mp rov eme ntsurvey,sta mped by re gistered pro fessional surv eyor. I .Preli mina ry ti tle r epor t,verifying ow nershipof property and lists ofe as em ents . IV .FINAL SITE PLAN After a bu i lding per mit has been issued ,and when the project i s unde rw ay.thef oll owing wil l be required befo reanybui lding re ceives a fra min g i nspecti on from the Building Departm e nt:A cert if ied improvement sur vey showing : A.Building l oca ti onswitht ies t o property corner s,i .e.dista nces andang les . B.Building dimens ions to nearest tenth of foot . C.All utility service l ines as-builts show i ng size of line s,typeof material used, and e xa c t locat ions .2 copies D.Drainageas -builts .2copies E.Basi s ofbearing tot ie tose ction cornef . F.All property pins are tobe e ither found or set and stated on map. G.All easements H.Buil ding flo or elevati ons and ro of ridge ele vati ons . NAME OF PROJ ECT :Du gan Rob i ns Garage Addition LE GAL OE SCRI PTI ON:LOT5BLOCK 2 FI LING Interm oun tain STR EET ADD RESS :2642 Lupiu/?Court .Va!1 ,C"o,....::---- DESC RIP TIONOF PR OJE CT:G~,a~r~a~g ~e~A~d~d~i~ti~o~n~=========================================== ••••LI STOF MATERI ALS • Thefol l owi ng i nforma ti on i s r equiredf or s ubmittal by t he a pplicant to t he Desi gn Rev iew Boardbefo re af inal approvalcan be f i ven : A.BUIL DI NG MA TERIA LS : Roof Sidi ng Ot her Wal l Mat er i a ls Fa sci a Soff its Windows Wind ow Tr i m TYPE OF MA TERI AL Sha kes -t o ma t ch e x is ting Cedar Siding -to mat ch existin g To mat ch e xist ing R.S .Cedarplyw ood -t o mat che x is ting One slidi ng wind ow To ma tch existing COLOR Mo ore Buc kskin-mAtch e xisting To mat che xi sting To mat che x is ting Doors Do or Tr im Han dor Deck Ra i l s Fl ues Fl as hings Ch i mneys Tra s hEnc l os ures Greenhouses Other 2 Garage do orsa nd o ne to match e xistin g Ced ar-to match ex is ti ng To match ex is ting Moo re Dark Green-ma t ch exis t ing Dark Green To ma t ch existing B.LANDSCAPI NG:Name of Desig ner :~S,,-ue,,--,D,,;u!!.~a,!,n~R~o b~10!·n~s,---_ ph one: PL ANT MA TER IA LS :Botanical Name Common Na me Quani ty Size* PR OPOSED TREES ..ce t eerreeeds- frYHIO 2 2 " EXIST IN G TREES TO ___ BE REMOVED *I ndicate cali per f or deciduci ou s t r ees.I ndi ca te he ight f or con if ers . (over ) , ". • .PLA~T flA TERIALS :Botanical Nam e (can 't ) SHRUBS EXI STI NGSHR UB S TOBEREMOVE D GROUND COVERS 500 SEE D TYPE OF I R R I G A TI O~ COrml O"Name • gua nity Siz e SquareFootaa e •• I • TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROSION CO ~TRO L C.OT HE R LA NDSCAPE FE AT URES (retainingwall s,fen ces,sw i mming pools ,etc.)Please specify . , •..~.• • Wut -'E.w,evJed c yclA \'LCl;Vve.J2-~'6Y1Ni v\.«- ~i uJ)ce:~~"c;1lvYtAI ~d -~<-h~r ~tM'f a-Qet ~~c( 5 '2--4D f!l ~e--~...(p\,\~LLt t &-m+-iBv\. II\Nl V\(P ,0 (0..e-vlet"-h'OA..'> '3-D •~WestGas '" • WesternG as Supply C om pany P .O.Box 1828 Dillon,CO80435-1828 (303)468 -2528 Dear Susan Dugan . Janua ry 22 ,1990 In r esponse t oyo ur ques tion t oday ,yo u may build up to the Wes tGas easemen t.Howeve r.bui lding on the easemen t would necessitate a License Agreemen t. Sincere ly. 41t-,~;,d -d {L., 4ean M.Litt le - , -, MINNESOTA TITl~~ ~ners Policy Am eri can l and Title Associ ation For mB-1970lAmend ed 10-17-70) Pchrv Ncmt er AZ 761858 • ," SUBJE CT TO THE EXCL US IONS FROMCOV ERAG E.TH EEXCEPTI ONS CO NTA INED INSCHEDULE 8 AND THE PR OVISIO NS OFTH ECO NDI TIO NS AND STIP UlAllO NS HE REO F TIT LE INSURA NC ECOM PANYOFMINN ESOTA,here in called the Compa ny,Insur es,asofDale of Pclcv sh own in Sch ed ule A.ccains tloss or damage.no t exceeonq the amou nt of insuranc e sta ted in Schedu le A,and ce ss.attorn eys'fee s ard expe nses which the Compan y may be com e ob liga ted to pay hereunde r.sust ain ed or incu rred bythe Insu red byre asonof: 1.Ti lle tothe estateorinterest de scribed in Sched ule A be ing ve sted otherwi se th an as stated iterem. 2.fvJ y defe ct in or lien or encu mbrance on su ch t.te: 3.Lac kofa rig ht ofaccess to and from the land;or 4,Unmarketab ihtyof su ch title. INWITN ESS WH EREOF.the sa id fitle Insurance Compa nyof Minnesota has caused its co rpo rate name and sea l to be hereu nto affixed by its duly authorized officers as of the da te sbown in Schedu le A,the IXll ie:v to be valid when cou ntersqred byan authorized office r or age nt ofthe ClJ mpany TITLE INS URANCE COMPANYOF MINNESOTA A Srock Company 4IXJ Sewro Ave/we Sooth,MIme.JpJ/Is.Mmne rota 55401 Arrest T:Mfarm ,l)J BB5 25M POlic ~.AZ761858 Amount S155,000.00 intef?OSfO aycl UI:)''''''''''W'--.------ TIM/Owners Form 2312 ~ File No.V132Jl 1.Policy Date: 2.Name of Insured: SCHEDULE A June 02,1989 at 8:00 A .M . Address S UEDUGAN-ROBINS 3.The estate or interest in t he l and des cr ib ed in th is Schedule and Which is covered -by th is policy i s: A Fee Simple 4.Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the d ate hereof is vested in: SUE DUGAN -ROBINS 5 .The land referred to in this pol icy is situated in EAGLE county, Colorado ,and is descr ibed as foll ows: LOT 5,BLOCK 2,VAIL I NTERMOUN TAINDEVELOPMENT S UBDI VIS ION, ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF,COUNTY OF EAGLE ,STATE OF COLORADO. --- • Page 1 This Policy v alid only if S chedule B is attached . l r~~vwner rorm 2 313 ~No.V 1 J23 1 ~O li C Y n o.AZ 7 61 858 SC HEDULEB Thi s po licy do es no t insu re aga inst l os s o r damage by r e ason of the following: 1.Rights or cl aims of p ar tiesi n po ssessionn ot s hown by the pu blic records . 2 .Easements,or cl aimso f easements,no ts hownb y the pUb lic reco rds. J.Disc repancies,c on flic ts i nb o undary l i ne s,s ho rtage in ar ea, encroa chments ,and a ny facts wh ich ac o rre ct surv ey a nd i nspect io n of the p remis es wou ld d iscl ose and which a ren ot s hown by the publ ic r ec or ds . 4 .Any li en,o rr i ght t o a l ien,f or se rvice s,labor ,or mate r ia l ther e to fo re or h er ea fter fu r nish ed ,imposed by law and not shown by the pUblic records . 5.1 989 TAXES NOT YET DU E AND PAYA BLE. 6.LIEN SFOR UN PAID WATER AN D S EWERCHARGES ,I F ANY. 7 .RIG HT OF P ROPRIETOR OF AVEI N ORLODE TO EXT RACT AND REMOV E HIS OR E THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOU NDTO P EN ETRATEOR INTERS ECT THE PREMISES AS RES ER VED IN UNITEDSTATES PATE NT RE CORDED Apr il 1 8,1 9 34,IN BOOK 1 23 AT PAGE3 . 8.RIGHT OF WAY FORDIT CHES OR CA NA LS CONS TRUC TED BY THE AUTHO RITY OFT HE UNIT EDS TATESAS RES ERV EDI N UN ITED STATE SPATENT REcoRDED April 1 8,193 4, IN BOO K 123 AT PAG E3 . 9.RESTRICT IVE COV ENANTS,WHI CH ~NOT CON TAIN AFORFEITURE OR REVERT ER CLAUS E,BUTOMITTING RES TRICTIONS,IF AN Y,BAS ED ON RA CE,COLO R,RELIGION, OR »ATIONAL ORIGIN,AS CONT AINED ININ STRUMENT RECO RDED J uly2 4,1970 ,I N BOO K 21 8AT PAGE 2 81 AND AS AMEND ED IN I NSTRUMENTRECORD EDApr il2 8,197 1, I NBOOK 22 0 AT PAG E 378 . 10 .UTILITY EASEM ENT 5 FEET I N WI DT HALONG ALLIN TERIOR LOT LINE SAS RESERVED ON THEPLAT RECOR DED JUN E 30 ,1970 INBOOK 21 8AT PAGE8 2 . 11.PUBLIC S ERV ICE NATU RAL GAS PIPELI NEEAS EMEN TAF FECTING APORT TON OF SUBJ ECT PROPERTYAS SHO WN ON T HE RECOR DEDPLATOF VATL INT ERMOU NTAIN DE VELO PMENT SUBDIVISION,BLOCK 2 .- Page2 No .V 13231 , TAM Owne r Form 2313 Ie 00'j •co .•e Policy No .AZ761SS8 scHEDULE B 12 .EXISTING PHONE LINE ASSHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIF ICATE PREPAR ED BY JOHNSO N,KUNKEL &ASSOCIATES ,INC .DATED MAY 9,1989 ,J OBNO.89 /108. 13 .DEE D OFTRUST DATED May25 ,1989,FROM SUE DUGAN -ROBINS TOTHEPUBLIC TRUS TEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USEOF FIRSTBANK OFVILLA ITALIA,N.A .TO SECUR E THE SUM OF $139,500 .00 RECORDED June 01 ,1989 ,IN BOOK 507 AT PAGE 333. 14.ASS IGNMENT OFRENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED June 01 ,1989 IN BOOK 507 AT PAGE 33 4. ==;:Il Page 3 r••LAND T ITLEGUARANTEE COMPANY Dated July 13,1989 Case V13 231END Policy AZ761858 •ENDORS EMENT 103 Property Address SUBDIVIS ION Buyer/Sel ler Lot 5 ,Bl ock 2,VAIL INTERM OUNTAIN DEVELOP ME NT DUG AN -RO BINS I TEMS NUMBERED 1 THROUGH 4OF SCHEDULE BAREHEREBY DELETED. ITEM NO .6OF SCHEDULE B IS HEREBY DELETED THETOTAL LIABILITY OF THE CO MP AN Y UNDER SAID POLI CY AND ANY ENDORSEMENT THERETO SHALL NOT EXCEED,INTHE AGGREGATE,THEFACE AMOUNT OF SAID POLICY AND COSTS WHICH THECOMPANY I SOBLIGATED UNDER THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS THEREOF TO PAY. THIS ENDORSEMENT ,WHEN COUNTERSIGN ED BY AN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OR AGENT,I S MADE APARTOFSAID POLICY ASOFTHE DATE THEREOF AND IS SUBJECT TOTHESCHEDULES,CO NDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE THEREIN CONTAINED ,EXCEPT ASMODIFIED BY THE PROVISIONS HEREOF . ~~ersign ed '-".1 ''\_• lJ ----.>.,)i·•.·_.·_~~~ Author i zed Off icer or Ag ent Representing Title Insurance company of Minne sota • ..•Project Application •, \~11 \ Date _ Project D escr iption :,,_ u J(0"C ontact Person a nd Ph one Owner,Address andPh one:_--'--''-_--'-'-''--:=....c.:..1[1i Architect,Address and Phone:_ 10 I }\-\, L egal Descr iption :l ot__--,_ Design Review Board Date _ M otion b y : Secondedby : APPROVA L DI SAPPROVA L :.II + I!I Stilt!Approval -............. • .~, i \ •Project Application \ \' • Dale _ P rojectDesc ri ption :_ C ontactPer son a ndPhone u (1 l Architect ,A ddress an d Phone:_ Legal De sc rip tion :Lot __-,Block _-""Filing .Zo ne _ I(\ I Design Revi ew Board Dale _ M otion by : Seco nded by : Date: A PPROVAL Tow n Planner D ISAPPROVAL \ \UJ Sta ffA pprova l \ ""'_....... I ,..,.. 'J ,,.', r/ ,, ,-/ /1-1 """"(.1·Tf'/..- ;,.0 >.., I I I i ....p r;:c-r ./ P -~I r./<t::1 J :r .." ,"\f·/T I ,f'l1 -t";"., q fj f ..";,.,.,,.J '.. " ~•...-.. •• •• ". ORB APPL ICATION • ......THIS APPLlCATIO:1 WILL nor BE ACCEPTED unrn,ALL ItIFOR:1ATlCtI IS SUBfIITTED-- I.PR E-APPLlCATlC:1 MEETWG:",. .. ~;:~r~..--...A pre-aop lic.tion meeting with a planning staff e eaoer .i s strongly sugges ted to .,'_. determlne if any addit ional 1 n fo ~~t i on is needed .No app l ication will be accepted ~~~~. un le ss it is como lete (m ust inc lude all items reQuired by t he zoning ad:ninistratc r}.'-~~:;' It is th e applicant ls responsibi lity t o make an apPo lntment withthe staff to fina -'-outabout add itional submittal r eQuire~ents .Pleasenote that a Cm1PLETE applica -;"·..v~~i t10n wi 11 streaml i netheapprova1 'process for your pro ject by decreas i ng th e nwru::er of conditions af approva l thatthe ORB may stipulate .All condi t ions of ap proval mu st '.~..~be reso lv ed berD.r:-e a building pennit i s issued ..........-- A.PROJECT OESCRIPTlOl I:-OJ<oul OF PRO PO SAL: eh4~h.l 1"-.I~A dd res s-'==-"-_=""-''''''''''-_~L-_ B.LOCATION Lega l Oescri ption Zoning 1S C.NAME OF APPLI CA NT: Addres s IDx D.NA,\IE OF APPLI CA NT'S RE PR ESSiTATI VE :_ Address te lephone _ E.NAME OF OWNERS:_ S i gnature _ Address tel ephone _ F.ORB FEE:Thefe e wil l be paida t the t i me abui lding perm it i s requested . VA LUATI Orl FEE $a-$10.000 $10.00 $10.001 -$50.000 $25.00 $:.50.001 s 150.000 $50 .00 $150.001 -$.500.000 $100.00 , $500.001 -$1.000.000 $200 .00sOver$1 .000.000 $300 .00 I MPORTANT NOTICE REGA RO IllG ALL SUBMISSIDrIS TO THE ORB : 1.In additio n t o me eting submitt31 r e qu i ~em e nt s ,the applicant must stak e the site t o in dicate property l ines and buildi ng corners.Trees that will beremoved s houl d als o be marked.This wo rk must bec ompl eted befor e t he OR B vis its the s 1 te. l .Therevi ew pro cess for "NEW BU ILDINGS wil l normall y i nv olve tw as eparate me etings o fthe DesignReview Bo ard.soplanonat least tdO meetingsforthe ir .approva l. 3 .People who fai l to app ear before the Desi gn Review Bo ard at the irs cheduled mee ting and whohave not as ked f orapost po nem ent will berequired to be r epublished. ..-. "o . ••"~.•.~.' '"".1.._....--'" " 4 .The f ol l owing items no l onger have tobepr esented t o t he De sig n R evie ~Board . They,howe ver.have t obe presented tothe Zoning Admin istrator f orapprovai: .. d.Window s,s kyl ights and simil ar exter ior changes t hat do not alter t he exi sting p lane ofthe building;and b.Bui ldi ng additions tha t are no tviewed f roma ny other l ot a r publ ic s pace. wnic hhave had l e t t ers submi tt2d f r om adjoining prope rty owners appr oving t he addition;and/or approva l frem t he agent for,a r ma nag erof a con do~in iu Q assoc i a ti On. 5 .You may ber e quired .t o c onduct rlatural Ha zard Studies o n your pr cper t y,You s houl d ch eck with a To wn Planne r before proceeding. • ....:~. •• 0 ', '~.-' ..~.~ "~' =kf LIS i CF HA TE::;I.;lS LEG",-O..SC :\..?TIO ".LU ./b! ST RE ET ADDR ESS:J-b<t3-- DESC"IPTl C;/OF PROJECT : The followin g i n fc ~a t i o n is reQuired f or submitt:] Ba ara befor~a fi nal ap proval CJn be f i ven: A.BUIDI ::G ;'1A TE?.IA LS:TYPE OF HA TE?IAL by tne ap;:d ic ant to t he ue s ign Re view hdJP-t>f ll,'\;f'b: CO LOR Roof SId ing " Fe sc i a SQffi ~ W inc =~'l irim 6~ Doors Door Tri m Hand o r De c.Rai ls Q!¥l /C-6A .....~,·"-./ 8<1 1,·3 ·t3«.r~I<.I.../ Flues Flas h;nqs Chi r.:neys Tra s h Enclosures Gre!:!!1 houses Other B.LA NOSCAPW G:Name of Des i gn er : phon e: PLA NT ,1ATERIA LS :Bot a nical Nam e Co mm on Name Ouani tv Size" PR OPOSED TRE ES EXI STING TR EES TO _ BE REI,IOV ED *I ndi cate caliper fordeciduciou s trees.Indicate hei ght forconifers. .(o ver) _.._. •• '. .PLA~lT :.~TEF-rALS : (can 't} SH RUBS E XI S iI ~:3 SHR UBS TO B~RE:'!OVEJ GR OU::O CC '/ERS SOO SEE D TY PE OF I RRIG,;710;1 Botanic,)]~J.:l;me (0::-:::0"~:J r.l P.Qu a";t o,'S ize S cuar~!='-:::Jti!ce .....'. ."~ TY P~OR ~:Err.oo OF _ EROSl ml CO;rrROL C.OTHE R·LA NOSCA PE FEA7 UR ES (r etaini ng wa lls ,fe nces,sw i mm ing poo ls,etc.)Pl ease s pecify . • 75 sout h tro nlage r oad viii!,cctor ado 81657 (303)476 ·7000 Septem ber24,1987 Mr .Don La rson 158 Sou t h Reed Court Lakewood ,Colorado 80226 • office 01 community development Re :Lot 5.Block 2 .Vail Int ermount ai nSubd iv is ion Dear Don: Accordingto th e County sta f f.your lot was zoned RS Mbef ore bei ng a nn exed by t he Town th ef irstt im e in Decem ber of 1980 .Af te r it was a nnexed by t he Town ,i t was zoned Pri mary/Secondary.Duri ng t he short t i me the property was back i n t heCoun ty,t he Co unty zoned theproper ty Pri mary/Secondary. Yo url otcont ains 16 .94 4 s quare feet .RSM zoning a l lows two unit spe r 8 .000 squ are f eet. Encl osed is thePrima ry/Seconda rysec tionof t he TownofVail zon in g code. If you have any f urtherquest ions ,please do nothes itatet oca l l. Sincerel y, /!--J-?I /Z s ..(,~.l Betsy R)solaC k PlanningTec hn i cian • INT ER-DEPARTMEN TAL REV IE W FI RE O E P ~,R njE N T Rev-iewe d by :Da te COi.iiT1e nts:,----- PUBLI C ~OR KS Rev i eved by :.L6.U-Da te Cccr.en ts : 7JL.-·IF /1 /rJr ..·, ~7// , POL ICE OEPA R,ME NT Re vi ewed by :-'D ate,_ Corme nt s : R £C ::E.;Ti O ~~Gt:?A~r;}~~f H Re ..i e~.d by :De te _ Cocr.e nts : ", ,':,1.• .~:,'; "... ~"'. •• May 8 .1 9 87 Rick P ylma n P lannin g Dep t.-To wn of Vai I Vail .CO 8 1657 De ar R ick : A t ta c hed i sa copy of the p lan we di sc u ss edw ith yo u r eg a r d in gb u i I din g ap ar k ing lot on Lot2 ,Bl o ck 2 .Vai I In t e r mo u nt ai n.Al so att a ch ed i s a co py of th e l ett er (an d atta ch e dp l an )VI C sen t M ik e Mo lli ca at Eagle County . As we ind ic at ed to Mike .our p lan s ar e a wa itin ga pp ro va l of E agl e Cou nt y (and T o wn o f that yo u c a n proc eed wi t h th is pr opos eds olut io n of Vai l approv ala sq u ic klya sp ossib le . at as ta nds ti II Vail).We ho pe a nd g e tu s Town P l e a se c ont act u s i f y ou f or war dt oe ar l y a pp r o v a l b y t h e S in c er ely . hav e T own a ny qu es t ion s.We o f Vai l of o ur p la n. lo ok • May 8 ..19 87 M ike Mo lli c a Pl ann in g Departme nt -E~gle Co unty .Ea g le .Co lo rado 8 16 32 Dear Mike : • A t tac hed is the propo sal f or o ur cons t ru ction o f the p ar king l ot o nL ot 2 ,Block 2,Vai II nt ermo unt ain,whi ch we discu ss ed w ithy ouon Ap riI2 8 ,19 87.We h op e t h is p l an is d et ai l ede noughf or ob taini ng count y ap prov al .Di sc u s sionswi th th ea f fec ted uti I ity compani es that h ave ea sements in t he area hav e bee n held;cop ie s of l e tt er s a re attach ed .They fi nd n o ob jectio nt o t hep roposed driveway/pa rkin g lot.T h e telepho ne company has ag reed t omove th e t cI ephone equ i pment n ow f oce t ed on Lupin e Cour t.Additi o nal ly.we have di s cu ss ed the proposed eas eme nt o n Lo t 5 .B lo ck 2 w l th the prop e rt y owner --Mr .Don Lawso n.He appea rs to be ready t o he lp u s w it ht his prob lem by se lli ng u s the e asemen t;h owev er ;h e i s awai ti ng o ur formal proposa I . Thi s so lut ion t o t h e park ing l ot p rob lem fo rL ot 2.Blo ck 2 is by fa r th es imp lest app ro ach .Vi i II avoid c reatingp rope rt ies t hat appear t o u s to be at variance t o t he z on i ng codes and w i II e nhance no t on ly t he valu e of b oth prope rti es invo lved bu t a lso Vai I I n termou n tain b y cor rec ti ng severa l eyesores .Ou r p roceed ing w i th t hep lan which Invo l ves acqu ir ing t h e eas ement of Lot 5 .Block 2 is.as wed isc ussed w i th you on Apri l 2 8. 1 987.depende nt on get ti ng Ea gl e Cou nt y approva l.F or thi s r eas on we r e qu e st y ou r ev i ew our p ro pos ala t the ear l l es t d at e . On ce we h av e an app ro ved Eagl e Count y approa ch.we ca n p roceed and acqu i re th ee aseme nt f rom Lot 5.B lock 2. 8 ased o n you r sugges tion;w e have h e ld a discuss ion w ith R ick Pylman.His commen t s were f av or a bl ea nd sees no reason th e proposed parking l o t sh ould not proceed.We have tak en t he l ib ert y to send Rick a copy of th is l ett er an d plan . Pl ease co ntact u s jf f or ~ard t oe ar ly appro va l by Sin c er el y. yo u have a ny quest ions . Ea g l e County of Our p la n. We l ook • May 8 ,1 987 ••, SUB JECT:CO NST ~U CT I O N OF PARKI NG AREA ON LOT 2 ,BLOCK 2 VAIL INT ERMOUNT AI N PR0 3 L5\1: Lot 2,B loc k 2 Vai I I nt e rmo untain pres ently ha s n o legally designated parking area t his fact is clearly id en ti fi ed on t he "Pr o pertyImp rovemen t Survey dat ed J anuary 9,1 9 8 6.Thi si s a t varian ce wi th both Eagle County an d T owno f Vai I zonin g ordi na nce swh i chI nd ica te two parking pl a ce s b ep rovided p er h ou s i ng unit;l c e,f our p a r king places o f L ot 2,B lock 2. Park ing i s pr ese nt ly p ro vi dedo nEa gl eCo u nty p rop ert y a dj ac ent t o L ar ksp ur Co ur t (s e e a t ta c hmen tA,area A ).Th e r e tain i ng wa ll appare nt ly erected t o pr o vi de t hi s park i ng s pace has been da mag ed s ig n ifica ntly b y ~arth mov em en t;c o nt i nu ed ea rt h movement wi I IIi k el y soo n d eprive t he us e of t hi s a rea for parking.Additiona l ly;th e s tair s adjacent t o th e r et ai ni ng wall pr e s e nt ly u se d for Lo t 2 ,Blo ck 2,a cc ess t o t hep ub l ic th or oug hf ar e ar ei n ne ed o fr e pl a ci n g;th es tai rs I i k e th e wal l /par kinga rea a re al so l oc at e d on c ou n ty p ro pe rty. PROPOSED SOLUTION: Th is so lu ti on pr oposes t op l ac e th e r eq uir edp ark i ng space on t he nor thwes t corner of Lot 2.B loc k 2;an ea s e me nt acr oss L ot 5,B lock 2 fr om Lupine Cou rt to Lo t 2;B lock 2 w i II co n nect t he proposed p ar k ing lot t oa pub l ic t h oroug hf ar e.Th e spec if ics of t he propo sed ac t io n ar c as f ol low s: -A 10f o ot w ld e dr ive way (ar ea Bo n att achment A)w ill be con structed whi ch s t re tc hes form th e north ern mo st c ar ne r of Lu pin e Court a long th e n ort h ern ma st b ound a ry of Lot 5 .Bl a ck 2 to the n o rt hwe st co rne r of Lot 2 ,Blo ck 2 . '"Th er e will b e minimum cha nge in n atural t err a in for d r iveway s urf ace. '"Bou n dari es of th e drivewa y w i II be i d en tifi e d in an a ttractive mann er wi th sto nes . '"Surfac e o f th e d ri veway w i IIb e gra ve l. -A pa rki ng area (ar ea C o n a tt ac hment A )l oc at edo n the n orth west c ornero f L ot 2,Bl ock 2 VI i II b e con stru ct ed. *Th e mea surement s of th e p arkin ga rea as s hown on Atta ch ment A a re app ro x im a te ly 40 f o ot b y 45 f oot . '"The bo u nd ar ies of t hep arki ng l ot w i II b e i d entif i ed I na n attracti vema nner w ith l ar ge st on es. *T herew ill be m i ni mum cha ng e in n atu ra lt err ain fo r pa rk i ng lo ts ur fac e. *S ur fa ce o f th e pa rk i ng lo t wi II b e g rave l. ••, if Add i t i ana I i andsca p i n9 w i I I j n c 1u d e: Up t os ix eve rg ree n tr ees wi l I be pla c ed on a three f o ot s trip be twee nt he pa rk i ng are a and th e n ort h er n mos t bo u nda ry of L ot 2 ,B lock2 (id entifi ed as a •o n th ea t tac hmen t). One o rmore tr ees a l ong th e wes te rn boundar y of th e park in g l ot(id entif i ed a s *o nt he attac hm ent). • May 6 ,1 9B7 To Whom I t May Conce r n: •• Ih aved isc ussed wit h l e ona rd a nd Ba rba ra Qu i ram t h e ir p r oposal t o p urcha se a n e ase men t fr o m Lo t 5B lock 2 ,Vai 1 In t ermo unt a in Sub di v i s i o n.f or t h ep ur pose of c o ns tru c tin g a g r a ve l dr i veway.Thi s d riveway wou ld b e a cross th e n o rth er nmost bo unda ry o fL ot 5 Block 2 and woul dg r an t a cc es s t o t he pr op osed g r av el p ark i ng space in t h e ( n orth w ~s t c orn e r of th eQui ram 's p r o per ty ,Lot 2 B loc k2 . Holy C r oss E lec t ri c is s upp o rtiv e o f thi s pr op o sal. It docs n ot in te rf e r ew it h a n y caseme n t s h eld b y Hol y C ro ss • •• ~WestGas '· Mr .Le o nard Quiram Mrs .Barbara Qu iram P .O.BOx 2 783 Vail ,Colo rado 8 1658 • W e slernGili s Su pply Company P .O.BOI(1828 D illon ,CO80435-1828 tJOJ !468 ·2528 You have WestGa s 'pe rmi ssion to g ravel over our ea sement a t 2635 La rks pur Lane in Vail.Colorado No cut ting o f the o r ig ina l g rade will b e a l lowed wi thout our personnel on s i t e.You may fi ll u pt o and addit ional 2 feet with grave l is nece ssary . T hanks •. ~"'-"'L t-1 <1\~~­ BruceH.Mill er Distri ct Supe rvisor -Si l verthorne uJ • •o,o 0) $' "Q'o•Ol. 0- o C':J 1':1{) ~rt) II '1 QJU $,;<<(5·0 /-<4JI_ -< I»,I», .'0)0o0 ~o ..... \ 'b 4 .~ 6 A 9)51.0 /C) <:1" 7)., Q,~ l ' ••A!!!'"UPPER EAGLE VA LLEY~.p '"WATER AN D S ANITATION D 'STR'CTS .............~...f ()tl(SJ ~Q "'O •"'A'l .COl..O"OO '16~1 UOll .1t ·l ." May 11,1987 Mr a and Mr s.Leona rd Qui ra a 2635 Larkspur Lane Va il,Colorado81657 RE:LOT 2,BL OCK2 ,VAIL INTE RMOUNT AIN SUB DIVISION Dear Mr .And Mrs .Quiram: , Pur s u a nt t o your rec~n t reque st,be advis ed the Upp er Eag le Valley Con solidat ed SanitationDistr ic t h as noo bje ction tothe pr opos ed Access eas ementa cross Lot S . Bl ock 2,Vail lntermountalnSubdiv ls on to the propo~~d g rave lpackings pace in the northwe st co rn er o f you rLot 2,31 0ck 2 .Vail I n termou n tain Subdivision. Such a ppr oval i ss ubj ect t o : Your o b taininga l lne ce s sary easements ,o r purch as ing s uch p rope rt i es ,fr om a ll own e rs of prope rties cont iguous to a nd encroached upon in t he acce ss to sa id p r ope rty ,pa rticu la r ly t heowners of Lot 5 ,Block 2 ,Va il I n t e~o unt ain Su bdi v isi on . The r oadway b ei ng situa te d in su ch a manner that it i s three fee t (3')f ro m the c ent erline of t he Distri ct's sewer line. Sin cerely, UPPER EAG LE VALLEY CONS OLIDATE DSANITATIONDISTR I CT Fred S.Hasl e e Enginee ring Tech nic i~n FH:d as .49 P...'IC:,....'l_D,s"",CT'S _....iIIOW ..f:...O LOl!':'TI'I O w T ,.".AVOIII ""l!':'TI'I O WATl':".IW;A""OI COlt!':'""'IETAO W"TVl:.DC OI A v C<lEE.><."'E '1ItO.....'feA ~Gl.l':·V """o,o£T "O .....T Eft .COWAA DS o,o£T"O TCA .........C CALC'""'CAOOWS 't A ."_A l':"'Gl.t.V A ~'"~DA TEO s .••••n ..T IOJoo .......V.o.llE CO ..S Ol.JV'"'lU WA'£".VAil.'£01 .....0 S ......'..TIOoo •N.DonI!rd Gre .. ~Asso.lanl J.Ianage'•local loop DeS9'~ OtstnbuhDn~ Mountain Bell ~...... 9 NF RW ..CoIor.:to81657 one (:n:J)949 ·6IH3 Hr &H r~.LeD n8 ~d Ouir am P .D Box 27 83 Vail.Co lo.8 16 58 j Dear Mrs,Ouiram: P er o ur t e l e ~ho ne c on v e rs ati o n a f ew d8 Y ~a go,~lt h r e gards to the lo t line of the foll o wing d1 8 crip tion: Va il I nt ermountain,Blo ck 2 LorR '-&5.See at ta c hed ma p. Ih ave no pro bl em with you es tabl ish ing 8 drive al ong th is e 8~em en t . I f t he teleph one p edestal Is in conflic t wi th t hi ~.t he c o ~t o f r el o c atin g it ~uld b ea tyo ur ex pen se . I will beh app y t o wo rk with youo n t hi~p r oj ec t. S in c erel y, -Yf.d~~ N.Don ald Gress.S upe r v l ~or L."L.D.Engine er 94 9-68'3 Bn c lc su re • Ma y8 ,19 87 Ri ck P v l man P lannin g Dept .-T own of Vai I Va il ,C0 8 1 657 Dear Rick : A tt a ched i sac opy of t he p l anwe d iscus sed wi t h you r egardi n g bu iI di nga par kin g lo t o nL ot2 ,Block 2 ,Va i I In termount a in .A ls o att a ched i s a c op yo f th e le tter (and a tt a ch ed p la n)we s e nt Mi ke Mo l I i caa t Ea gl eCo un ty . As we i n d i ca t ed t o Mike,o ur pla ns a r e awai t i n g ap prova l o f Ea gle Co u nt y (an d Town of t haiy ou c a n p r o ce e d wi th this p roposed s olu t io n o f Va iI a ppr ova l as q u ickly a s pos si ble . at a s ta n ds t il l V a i I )•We hop e a nd get u s Tow n P lea se co ntac tu s i f y o u fo rw a rd t oe ar l y ap prova l by t he S in c er e l y, h ave T own a ny qu e st i e n s .We o f Va iI o f o ur p la n. l ook • May 8,19 87 M i ke Mo ll l ca P lanning Depa rtme nt -E~gl e Coun ty Ea gl e,Co lo rad o 8 1632 Dea r Mi ke: • At ta c hed i st h ep ro posa lf or ou r c o ns tr uc t io n of the p arki n g lo t on Lo t 2,B loc k 2,Va iI In t e rmo u ntain ,whi ch we di s cuss ed w ith yo u on A pr iI2 8,198 7.Weh opet h is p l a n is det a i led e no u gh f or ob t ain ing c o unt y approv al.Dis c us s i on sw i th th e aff ec ted utilit y com p an i es th at h ave ea sement s i nt h e area h a v e be e n held;cop i es of l e tt e rs are a ttached .Th ey fi n d no ob je c tio nt o t he prop o se dd r iv eway/pa r k in g l ot.Th e t ele ph on e compan y has a g r eed t o mo ve t h e t el e ph on e eq ui pm en t n ow l oc at e d on L u pin eCo ur t.Ad dit i ona l ly .we hav e dis cu ss ed th e p roposed ease me nt o nLo t 5 .Blo ck 2 w l t h th e p r o pe r ty ow ne r --Mr .Don L a w son.He ap pea rs t o be r eady t o h el p u s w it ht hi s pr ob lem by s el li n g u s th e eas ement ;h owev e r,h e i s a wai t i n go ur for mal proposal . Th i s s olu ti o nt o t h e park i ng l o tp robl em f or Lo t 2 ,B!ock 2 i sb y f a r t he s im p l est appr oac h ,wi II a vo i d c rea ti ng p r op e rti e s t h at a p pear to us t ob ea tv a ri a n ce t o t h e z on i ng codes a ndw i ll e n ha n ce n ot o n ly t h e va lu e of bot h pr op erti es i n vol ve d b u t a lso Va i I Int ermount a in b y co rrect i ng sev e ra l eyes o res .Our p r oc ee di n gw ith th ep la n wh ic h in v ol ve sa cquir in g the eas eme nt o fL ot 5.B l ock 2 i s,as wed iscu ssed w ith y ou on Ap ril2 8, 1 987 .de p e nde nt o n ge tting Ea gl e Co un ty ap prov al .Fo r thi s r eas on we reque st y ou re v iew o ur p r opo sa l at th ee a rl i es t d at e. Once we h avea n appr ov edE ag le Cou n ty ap pro ac h,wec an p r oce ed and acq uir e th ee as eme nt f rom L ot 5 ,B lock 2 . Ba sed on yo ur s u g ges ti on.we h av e h el d a d is cu s sion w i t h R i ck P y lma n.Hi sc omme n ts ~e re f av or a bl e a nd se es no r ea son th e p r op os ed p a rk in g l ot s hou ld no t p r oce ed.We h av e tak e nt h e Ii b er t y to se n d Ri ck a co py o f th is l et t er a ndp lan. P lea se co n tac t us if fo r w ard to e ar ly appr o va l b y S i nc erely, yo u hav ea n yq u est i on s . Eag le Co u nty o f o u r pla n. We l ook • Mny 8,1 98 7 •• SUBJEC T:CONSTRUCT ION OF PARK ING AREA ONL OT 2 .B I_OCK 2 VA I L I NTERMOU NT AI N P R03LEM: Lo t2 ,B l ock 2 Vai II n termo un ta in p rese nt ly h a s no leg a l ly d esig n atedp ar k i ng a rea t hi s fac t i sc lea r ly id en t i f i ed on th e ·Pr ope r ty I mpro v eme nt S u rvey da ted J a nu ar y9 .1 98 6 .T h is i s a t var i an ce w i t h bo th Ea g l e C ou nt ya nd T own of Va i l zon i n g or din a n c es wh i ch indi c at e t wo pa r ki ngp la c es b e pro vi ded p er h ou singu ni t;i c e.f our pa rk in g places of Lot 2 ,B l oc k 2 . P a r ki n g i s p rese nt l yp rov i ded o n Eag le C ou n ty p roper ty ad j ace ntt o La rk sp ur Cou rt (see a tt a c hm en t A ,a r eaA ).T he r et ain in g wa l la ppa r e n t ly e rected t op rov i de th i s pa rki ng space h as bee nd a ma ge d s ig nif ica n t ly by e a r t h mo veme nt ;co nt i nued ea r thmovem ent w i IIIi k e l y so o n de pr ive th e u s eo f th i s a r ea f or pa rk i ng.Addi t io na l ly.t h e st ai rs a d j ace n t t o th e r et ai n ing wa ll pr e se n tl y u se d fo rL ot 2 .B l oc k 2 ,a ccess t o th e p ub l i c th o ro u g hf a re are i nn e ed o fr ep l ac in g ;th e s t a i r s I i k e th e wal l /pa rk i ng are a a re a ls o l oc a t ed on c o u nt y prop er t y . PROPO SEDSOL UT I ON: T h i s so l u t i onp r opos es t o p lace th e r e qui re d p ar kin g sp ace o n t he n ort hwes t co rn e r o fL ot 2,S l ac k 2;a n e ase ment ac r oss Lot 5.Bl o c k 2 f rom Lu pi neCo ur tt o L ot 2.B lock 2w i II c o nn ect t h e p r op os ed p a r kin g lot t o a p ub l ic t ho ro ug h far e.Th e spec i f ic s o f th ep ropo sed act i on u r e as f o llo ws : -A 1 0 foot w i de d r iv eway (a r ea B o n at t ac hme nt A )wi l I be co ns tr uc te d whi c h s tr e t c h es f or m th e n o rth ernmo st co r ne r o fLu p i n e Co urta l ong th e n o rth er nmos t boun da r yo f L ot 5 ,Bl ock2 t o th e nor thwe st co rn e r o f L ot 2.B lo ck 2 . *Th e r e w i II b e mi n imum c h a ng e in n a tur al t e rr a in f or d r i vewa y s urf ace . *Boun da r ie s o f th e dr iv ewa y w i II be i d e n ti f i e d i n a n at t ra c t i ve mann er w ith s to ne s. *Sur fac e of t h e driv eway w i I I be g rave l. -Ap a rk i ng a rea (a r ea Co n a ttac h ment A )l oc ated o n the n ort h we st co r ne r o f Lo t 2 .Blo ck 2 w iI I b e ,co ns tr uc ted. *Th e mea sur em en t s of t he p a rk i n g a r ea as s ho wn o n A t tac h men t A a re app rox ima t e ly 4 0 f oo t by 45 f o o t. *The b ou n da ri e so f th ep ar k i n g l o t w i I I be i de n t if i e d i n a n a t tr ac t ive man n e r w i th l arge sto n es . *There w i I I b e mi nimum c ha nge in n at u ra lt err a in f or p a r k in g l o t su r fa ce. *S ur face o f th e p ar k ing l o t w i I I b e gr ave l. •• :'<Add it io na l la nd sc api nq w i ll in c lu d e: Up to six ev ergre e n t ree s w l I I be pla ced on a t hree f o ot s t rip b et we en th e park ing a r ea a nd the no rt he rn mos t bo u nd ary o fL ot 2,Block 2 (ide nt ifi eda s a *o n th e at ta c hment ). One o r mo r c t reesa lo ng th e we st er n bou nda ry o f th e p ar-kl nq l ot (id e nt i f ied as :'<on th e at t ac hmc n t I . • M<lY 6 ,1 987 To Whom I tMay Co ncer n: • I h ave d isc usse dw ith Le on ard and Ba rbara Qui ram th e ir p r op os ed t o p u rc h ase an c ase mentf rom Lot 5 Blo ck 2.V ai I I n te rmou nt ai n S ub di visio n ,for th ep ur p ose of co ns tr uc ti ng ag ra ve l dr i veway .This dr iv e way wo u ld b e a cros s t he n o r th e rnmos t b o u nda ry o fL ot 5 Blo ck 2 a nd wou l dg ra n t access t o th e prop os ed g rav e I pa rk i ng sp ace i n th e ( nort h w ~st c or ne ro f t h e Qu iram l s p r ope rt y,Lo t2 Blo ck 2. Hol y C ross E le ctr i c i ss up po rt ive o f thi sp r op osa l. It do es no t i n te rf e r e w ith an y case men ts h el d b y Hol yCross •• ~WestGas '" Mr .Leonard Quiram Mrs .Barbara Qu iram P .O .BOx 2783 Vai l,Colorad o 8 1658 • W e stern G as S up ply Company P.O .Box1828 Dil lon,CO 80435-1828 (303l 408 -2528 You have WestGas 'pe r missi on t o grave l ov e r our easemen t at 263 5 Lar ks pur Lane in Vail .Co lorado Noc ut ting of th e or i ginal grade willbe al lowedwithou t o u rpe rsonne l o n s i te .You may fi ll u p to and addi ti o na l 2f ee t with g r av e l i s n ecessary . Th a nks •.G,"'-'.<c 14 tl\_Ii~-'v~ Bruce H .Mille r Dis trict Supervi sor -Silver t ho rne , o.o ~ ~. "'1"o-Ol. 0- o ~ F::IO tr)~II.. QJO -10 - 01- -I-ID • -(\I o (\I 10-o \ ~ 6 A 9J 51.0 • ..••'J!!!!'"UPPER EAGLEVALLEY ...,.if'"WATER AND SANITATIO ND IS T RICTS ..-..........~R4.fO RE~T POlO •~.U•.COLORADO '16" P Ol l 4/6-»ec May II ,1 9 87 Mr.and Mrs .Leonard Qu iram 2635 Larkspur Lane Vail .Colorado 8 1657 RE:LOT2 ,BLO CK 2 .VAIL INT ERMOUN TAI N SUBDIVI SI ON De ar Mr .and Mrs.Quiram : Pursuant to y our re ce nt r equest.be advi s ed the Uppe r Eag le Valle y Conso lidated Sanitatio n Di stri ct has no o bjec tion to the p ropose d access ea semen t a cros s Lot S. Block 2.Vail Inte rmount ain Su bdi vison t o t he propose d g rave l parking s pace in the northwe st co r ner o f y our Lot2 ,Block 2,Vai l I nt ermou ntai n Subd iv is i on . Such appro val I ss ub jectt o : Your obt aining a ll n eces sary easeme nt s .or pu rch as ings uch p r ope rties .f rom all owne rs o f proper ties c o ntig uous t o and encroached upon i nt h e ac c es s t o said prop er ty .pa r ti c ul arly t heo wners of Lo t 5,Bl ock 2 .Vail In t ermountain Subdi vi sion . The r oadway be ing s i tua t e d i n su ch a man ne r th at i t i s thr ee f eet (3;)from thec enter li ne of the Dist ri ct's s ewer l i n e. Sinc ere ly, UPPER EAG LE VALLEY CONSOL IDATED SANI TATI ON DISTRICT Fred S.llas Lee EngineeringTech nic i an FH :da s.49 P ARTlC,PAT I"a DI ITRI CT5 _AR ROW HEflD M >:T"tO WATl'R .AVO"M eTRO Wh TU'....."'VCR (""l'E ",M E 1"0 w ATER .R l""'V o;.o'l.l.'"M cn lO WA1 t... !CAGLt.·VAIL M ETRO WATER .EL>WARM M ET RO WATER .l AI<E CREt.'"M C.o.OOWo;Wh TI:R .......t>t:..E Ar.1 E VhU.t.V CO "SO ll D.o.TFll SAN"ATI D" VA 'L VALLEY CO"l ~()~'L:A T EU WA T ER .vau,WA TER AN O S",N IThllUN _. N.Doneld Qre .. AsSl$I~1 MaIlage(.Loc.Ilogp Oes.gn Engineer OoSlnl:lubon ~ UI'I la,n B&II IN .F.R W. I,Cob'ado 8165 1 _CJOO)S49-6(l13 • Mountain Bell Hr &Hr fl .Leo nard Quiram P.D Box 1.1 8 3 Vai l .Colo .8 1658 Dear Hr a .Ouiram: Per our t eleph o ne conve rs ation 8 f ew d a Yfl a go,~ith re gard s to the lo t line o ft he fol lowing dt s crip tion: Vai lI ntermountain .Bl ock ?L ot~1.&5 .See at ta ched map. I have no problem with you establishing 8 d ri ve along thiR e8~ement. I ft he telephone p edesta l i s In co nfl ic t with t hl ~.t he co s t o f r elo ca ting i t vould b e at you rex pen se . I will be h appyt o work with y ouon th i~pro je ct. S ince r ely, /,-1 d~,~1I-d N,Donald Gress,Su pe rv i~o r L.·L.D.En gineer 9 ~9 -68 '3 Encl op ure J un e 2 ,1987 ••.,. Mr.Dic k Gustafson Eagle County Commissioner Pos t Off ic e Box 179 Eagle,Co lorado 8 1631 De ar Dic k: Thi s l et te r i st o br i ng t o your at tent io n a pot enti al prob lem a ri s in g fromthe a c tio ns th at have s o far bee n t aken wit ho ut my knowl e dgeby Ba rba raa nd Leo nard Quiram o f 2635 Larkspur La ne.These actions appare nt ly sta rted duetothe fact t ha t thei r exis t i ng retaining wall needstobe repairedand t heydon't wa nt to fix proper tyt hat does i nf ac tnotbelongtot hem . Thei r proposed 180 'l ong driveway is planned alongtheproperty lin eadjo ining t he Lawson property (Block 2Lot5)and the Meadow Creek Condomi nium Asso ciation prope rty.No space on e ither side hasbeenallowedfor s now storage .The four parking spacespla nn ed areapproximat e ly tenf eet from and directly in front of my two downstairs be drooms a nd also totally visible fro m my upperdeck.This s ituation will certainly det ractf rom t hevalue and e njoym ent of my townhouse an d wi ll more than like ly eventually assert i ts elf i na les ser assessment evalu - ation. . It wa s bro ughtto my a ttenti on when I s poketo .Mike Mol lica th at t he Qu irams, wh enappl yingt oth e Co unty f or t he i nitial pe rmi t,stated that theneighbors a ff ected hadbeen consultedand ra ised no objec tion .Ihadnever been a pp roached a ta ll .Only Sheil a Sul liv anhad beens poken to at which t i me s he advised the Qui ram sthats hehated t hei dea .I tcerta i nly s e em s that t he abov e s ta tem ent was mis l eadi ng theCo untyPlanning Depar tm ent .a t be st. Th e mo s t disturb i ng f a cet oft hisent ire episode is th e fact t hatba c k i n Sept ember 1985 (when de-ann e xa t ion t ookplace)t he To wn of Va il .a nd t he Co unty Co mm i ss i oner sheldapubl i c me et ing,whic h Ia tte nded,a nd t hey prO mised 'in no uncertaint erms that no pe nm its wou ld be is sue d that wou ld go agains t any po l ic ies o f t he Tow n of Va il du ring thet ime we were i n the Co unty.I t i s quite evi dentto me that the Qu1ram 1s were try ingt o get under t he wire and get th is driveway built before we got back into the Town.We a ll know t hat th is wou ld neverbeal lowed to happen if Intermountain wereapart of the Town ofVail . Inview of all of the .a bo ve,I respectfully a sk thecounty government to s afe- guard thevalue of my pro perty and theenjoymen t of the exist ing gre en space bys toppi ng this encroachm ent. Ve ry s1ncere~y~urs . ~~~ Bo bi Sa lzman cc:Rick Py1 ma n Mik e Moll i ca Al l Count yComm iss ioners ••EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle,Colorado 8163 1 (303)328 -7311 ).lay 2 1,1 98 7 Leon ard and Barba ra Quiram P.O .3 0x 2 7 83 Vai l ,CO 81 6 58 RE:Dr iveway Easem ent,L o t 5,Bl o ck 2 ,I ntermoun t ain Th e E ag le County Plan ning and Engineering Depart men ts ha ve r ev iewe d you r dr iv eway ea sement proposa l on May 21,1 9 87 and off er t he f ollo wing co mm en ts : 1 .We would c o nc ur with t he f ourr ecommenda ti on s ou tl ined by the T own of Vail in t he ir May 19,1 9 8 7l ett er. 2 .An Eagle CountyGradin g P ermit i s required p r i or t o any c o ns t ru ct io n.Ana ppl i ca ti on can be ob ta ined fr om o ur BUilding Department. We ap pr eciate your effor ts to c ontact al l of t h e aff e cted u tili t y c ompan i es and t he Town of Vail.We agre e t hat your propos ed s olut io n to th i s problem 1s certainly a po s itive one. I f yo u should h ave an y fur ther que stions,-p Le as e fee l f r ee to c ontac t me. Sin cere ly , Mike Mollica,Planner Ea gl e Co unt y MH :pm xc :Ri ck Pylman Fil es Board ofCo u nty Com missioners P .O.Box 850 Eagle,Colorado 8 1631 Assessor P.O .Box 44 9 Eagle ,Colorado 8 1631 Oerk and Recorder P .O .Box 537 Eagle,Colorado 8 1631 Sheriff P.O .Box3 59 Eaqle,Colorado 8163 1 Tre asurer P.O.Box 479 Eagle,Colorado 8 1631 .'• 75 south trontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)476 -7000 May "1 9,1987 Mr.Mike Mollica Planner Department o f Co mmunity Development Eagle county P.O.Box 17 9 Eagle,Colorado 81 631 •., o ffi ce of c om munIty d evelopment Re:Drive way eas eme nt,Lot 5,Block 2,Interm ountain Dear Mike : Mr.Le on ard Qui ram has s ent me a c opy of the proposal he h as made to Eagle County in ord er t o create an e asement across Lot 5,Block 2,I ntermountain and t o construct a parking area on Lot 2,Block 2 ,Intermountain.Mr.Quiram h as mailed thi s information following an initial di scussion we had regarding this situation.T heo nly c oncerns that the Town of Vail h as of this proposal are as foll ows : 1 .The t op tier of the existing retaining wall and the exist ing s tai rway s houl db e r emoved a nd the t opography should b ea llowedt o r eturn to a natural grade. 2.Were c onstruction t oo c cur withint heTow n of Vai l,we wo ul dr e quire a p av ing of either asph alt o r concre te . 3 .We wou ld als o s uggest that t he easeme nt be mov ed s lightly away from t he eas t p rope rty line in o rde r to acco mm odate snow storage witho ut a ffe ctinga d jace nt p rope rti es . 4.An upd ated i mprovement survey woul d enab le the owner and th e c onstr uct i on c rew t o accuratelyl oc ate the driveway and park ing area a nd thi s may preve nt a ny future disputes with adj acent property own ers. ••-. other than these comments and suggestions ,the Town feels th at this is probably a good solution t o the problem that the Quirams h ave i nh erited with t hi s property.I f you have an y furt her questions ,please do n ot hesi tate t o call . S in ce ~:{f~R iC~lman TownP lan ner RP:br • EASEMENT DEED •-. THI S DEED.made thi s __d ay of ,1987 ,between The Town of Vail ,a Co lo ra do municipa l c or po rat io n,whos e l e gal addre ss is 1 00 S .F rontageRoad West ,Vail,Co lo r ado 81 657, hereinafter r eferred to as Grantor ,and Leonard L .Quir ama nd Barbara J .Quiram,wh ose l egal addre ss is P .O .Bo x 27 83 .of t he Town o f Vail,Co untyo f Eagle .and State of Co lo r ado ,h er e in af ter referred to as Grante es: WITNESS ETH,That t h e Gr antor,for and i nc on side rati on o f t he sum o fT EN DOLLARS,the receipt and adequacy o fwhi ch i s he reby a ckn owledg ed .h as granted .bargained .s old and co nve yed. and by t hese presents does grant .barga in ,sell,co nv ey a nd confirm.unto the Grantees.th e ir h eirs and a s si gn s fo r ev er,t he foll OW ing d es c ribed r eal prop erty.situate ,l ying and b eing i n th eCo u nt y o f Eagle a nd Sta te o f Colo r ado .to wi t: a pe rm an ent ea sement,to getherwith t he r ight of ingress and e g re ss,to c onstruct ,o pe ra te .u se , r epair and ma intain a p arking l o t and r e lated ap purtenanc es,in,o n,over under and t hro ught ha t tract o f land more particu larly d escribed in E xhibit A,wh ich is attach ed h ereto an d incorp orated h erein b y this r efere nce . Th is E ase me n t is f or t he be nefit a nd app urte nant to th at land.or any part there of ,si tuate in the County o f Eagle .and State o fCol orad o .and d es cribed as fo llows: Lot 2.Blo ck 2 .Vail Inte rmountai n Deve lop ment S ubd iv i sion .a cc ording to the re c orded p lat th ere of. Count y of Eagl e.State of Colorado . a lso kn own as 26 35 Larksp ur La ne .Vail .Co lorado Acceptance o f this Ea sem ent by the Grantees shal l const i tu te their a greement and c onsent as f ollows: 1 .Gran t ees s hal l und e rtake no activity which co u 19 be h azard o us o r detrim en ta l to the c ommunit y.and to a bide by al l o f t he sta tutes o f the State o f Co lo rado a nd o rd inan ce s of t he T own of Vai l. 2 . an d all Grantees hereby rele a ses and di s charges grantor fr om a ny li ab ili ty a ris i ng o n a c count of this agreement. ; 3 .Grantees agree that they s h all indemnify.d ef end and h old harmless Gra nto r,its succ e sso rs a nd assigns fr om.a ga inst and with respect to any c la i m.liability,o bligat io n.l oss. da mage ,assessment,j udgmen t.cost o r e xpe ns e .inc luding ,without ••.... limitation ,reasonab le at torne y's fees a nd expenses and c o sts rea so nabl y incurred in i nvestiga ting,p reparing or defend ing ag ai nst an y litigation o r claim,action ,suit p roceed ing o r dem and o f an y kind or cha racte r ,o f,o r i n any manner re lating or at tributab le t o a ny claims of damage a rising from Grantees' ac t iv it ies ass o ciated with th is ag reemen t. 4 . granted The Grantees here in at t he agree to repair and cost and expense o f ma intain the Grantees . easement 5 .This a gree ment shall be ac ovenan t running with t he land desc ribed he rein .and shall be for the benefit o fGra ntees a nd a ll s ub seq uent o wners of that land . 6 .At suc h time a nd i n the e vent that the easem en t desc ribe d he rein sha ll be aba nd o ned ,Gra nt ees'rea l p rop ert y i nte rest i n t he e ase ment sha ll i mmed iately r ev ert to a nd be t he rea fter mer ged wit h th e serv ien te state. 7.T his a gree ment s ha ll be b inds u po n t he pa r ti es .the ir hei rs ,exe cutors.administrators.s uccessors and assig n s. 8 .The considerat io n for this deed i s l ess than $5 00.00 ; th erefore .n o doc ume ntary fee is required. Signed and de livered this __day o f •1987. GRAN TOR :THE TOWN OFVAIL. aCo lorado municipal co rpo rat io n By:At test: GR ANTEES, Leona rdL .Quiram Bar bara J.Quiram •• S TATE OF CO LO RADO COU NTY OF EA GLE l )S S . l •,...~ The fo regoi ng ea sement d eed was ac know led g ed bef ore met h is d ay o f ,1987 ,by Rond all P hil li ps ,as manager o f th e To wn of Vai l,a Co lora do mu nici pal corporat ion . Witness my ha nd a nd o f ficial s ea l.My co mmi ss ion e x pires : Notary P ublic Ad dr e ss S TA TE OF CO LO RADO CO UNTY OF EA GLE l )SS. l J . The forego ing easement d e ed was a ckn owl edg ed day o f ,1987,by Le onard L .Qu iram Ouir am . befor eme t his and by Bar b ar a Witness my hand and o ffi ci a l seal .My commission e xp ir es: No t ar y Public Address CAS HCASHM.O,C K.P LAN CHECK VA LIDA TIO N ,~••z->.. •,--.--~--~-·,,.• "DEPT.FILECOPY 0 0 '0 •,-•BUILDING DIVISION O f BUILDING 0 '0,-0 EAG LE COUNTY,P.O.BOX 7 B9 • COU RTHOUSE,EAGLE,CO.-PH.(303)323.6339 PERMIT VA LIDA T ION DA TE M ay 4 "76 PE "IM IT NO .0 469 APPLICANT Ra lph B.Putnam ADDRESS 299 G a rn et Broo mfie ld.CO 800 20 l MO.)(S TMU:Tl (COMfM'S ~'C~N UI construct dup lex N UMBER OFPERMITTOI-,s tORY DWEL LI NG uur rs lTV PE o ~I M PROVE ",£I<n ...(P R OPOSEO U SE) ZONING AT (LOCAT ION)DIS TR IC T (1<0.1·.lllTREE Tl.. BET WEEN "'0 (CROSS S TRUT I (e"O~5 ST REHl V a il I ntermount a in Subd .5 2 L!l T S UBO IV IliION co,BLOCK SI ZE BUILDING 15 T OBE F"T.WlD E BY ~T .L ONGBY "1.1101 HE IG Il T AND S MA LL CO NFORM I N CQ NS TRVCTlON T O TYPE USEGROUP BAS EMENT WA LLS OR F OUNDATION (TY PE! RE MAR I(S; P LAN CHECK $8 4 .27 1 6 8.54 lj:llAREAOR$M ,OO O.OO ~~~M IT S ~~mexVOLUMEESTIMATEDCOST I C UIIl Cl SQ u ...ll£FE l li ::''''''":&:~OI'fNER Ral phB.Putn a m f- ADDRESS 299 Garnet -Broomfield C o lorado 8 0020 (Affidavite n rG V3ne !lido of app!icQtion to becomploted by Qut hQr izod agent of owna r) --"~-.--~.L- 'So Il'"0 1 B I(l9 N O.O'Ma l<. (TOlaq Sq .Fl .S to,l...Ott.L oad F""U..F"iee S O'ln "I..r~ A~.ll~A "0"Ac<,:'''Ul flY PLA",\c..~~o;~o flY ..."""o v!0 FO"ISSU .....cr ev Z one Z one ne uuuee OY.I 0 "0 OFFSTREETPA RK ING jPACES ,N o.01 D wellln 9 U n lh Cuve r e d u oeeve-ee NO TI CE S p 'lc ial Approval!;R e q uired Rec.lIve d Not R&qu ored SE PARATEPE RMITSA RERE QU I R ED F OR E LE CTRICAL.P LUMB·ZO NING l NG,HE A TIN G,VENT IL ATING O R Al R CON D ITIO N ING .HEALl H DEPT , TH IS P ERM IT B ECOMES NULL AND VO ID I FW ORK OR C ONS TRU C- TIO N A UT HORiZeD IS NOT COMME NCED WI THI N 120 DAYS.OR F IRE D EPT . IF CONSTR UCT ION O R WORK ISS US P ENDE D OR ABAND ONED SO IL RE PORT F OR A P ER IOD OF 120 DA YS AT ANY TI ME A FT ER WO RKIS OTHER (SoedfylCOMMENCED. IH EREBYC ER TIFY THA T IH AVE REA D AN DEX AM INED THIS County PlnAPPLICATIONANDKNOWTHESAMETOBETRUEANDCORRECT.ro ,,~.A L L P ROV IS IO NS OF L AWSA ND ORDINAN CES GOVE R NING T HIS TY PE OF WO RK W ILL BE COMPUE O W I TH WH ETHER SPEC IFIEO H EREIN OR N O T .T HE GRA NT I NG 0'A PE RMI T DOE SN OT PRESUME TO G IVE AUTHO R ITY T O VIO LATE OR CA NCE L T HE P ROVIS IONS O F A NY O T HER STAT E O RL OCALL AW R EG ULATING CO NSTR UCT IO N u.'HE PER FORMANCE 0'CO NST RUCTION. 'I ·'~e0Jj~7R f21}:·~~'DATe I «.«: ,.~~.'•O ~o W ••..••~'c-,.:"..... j WHEN PROPER LY VALlDA.TED liN T HIS S PACE I TH IS ISYO UR PE RMI T (J'I/;L -• •u °• o,, •c• ·: INSPEC TOR "'''''D••'..0 ..'N TC H N A Tl O N ",,-CO NFER"N CE O F B U I '-OI NG O FF'C IA L.S W O"K "~""OAD ,U "A ~'•.•~••• 1 CAS HCASHM.O .C K, ,,. i ' PLAN CHECKVALIDAT ION "BUILD NG PE RMIT AP PLIC TION . 0 ,••• Jurisdiction of EAOI E COU NTy 0 ·•0 0•Appliunr to complete n umbered spaces on ly.0••~O.AO "A ... .OT A"5 I'"a /'.."-I -I ){I ~~~;.\/.I..J )<-)1 ,.In UU (..CO '~UT I",,l.,}H C;~'---"",'1 2 °":r~//'A E .A ......"cc a UI ........(,.~O"·.ilti 3 55'"-r-;J .)'"2.'1'1C.....h e i:iJ,..,n _,-1.-1 ('.-10 r:C<':J {l "- 'C·,ASle ,~J L /I 1"'....t c':,10 ...,._0=_...P /C7L=.~o ••..'c...~.000 . 3 1/76 -3 I I 'i 1 3 -'I B 4'·::';7ic··:::·;'~·It7):'\J j,~.J .j ....,~';0 *111 ·~o••.........."0. J''1'13 (?NIII crt II cc :<.o '12/-!Dj6 ..."'"UA _,......,.."'~D.U ."0'"""CA n "0 . '11teo1",e A.S',evc yo i-"'Ito 1.<)(,l9v 8,.·.·•.6 ,(,1 c-I "-Vi'l 79'1 / .....u ..[;~1./,)l.l-:.-stl-),'·J}l .....,..ACO .lU (?"/,~.........e .. 6 £'",p,,'c 7/.//0,,-:D,I /~..... ,,~t .._''''''''';j 7 '1(1l\.-~.'",,-I Vtu Jt e yo S ·I{S e.. 8 Clau ofwork :P(NE W o AO OlTlON o ALTERATION o REPAIR O MOVE o REMOVE 9 Ou wbe work :t ;,,,,.,{,a:l..j >7 ~W V up/,·",l-Vd I,4f P"-';("I'(J{)S p J r- IO Ch l ng e of use fl am Chang eof use to 11 Valultion0 1wOlk :.:5-"'00 f/.;,i"vo P LANC H EC K FEE I"RM"FE<2 ,C-_"),V J, SPECIAL CONO I T1O NS~.I YDe l'If O"c "",n,.,. Way wi ll ren u ire nermit from Coun ty C o nn ,G ,n "p Div ,slon Rnome e"!>,,.0 1 flld;.N o.01 M ••. (TOll ll Sq.Ft .Sto ,'el n ee.L-O,d r".U..F ir"S l)r .n ~l.r l ."'lIC ,U'O""'CO_ItU HY 'V,'<SC "l C "(OIll"......nOvEO.OA Issu....n 'v z cee Z Ont ReQuIred D Ye'O NO N O.o f O FFS T REET PAR K IN Gj PACES, O well,n g u nllS Cov..,e d u ncovered N OT ICE S lK":'idl A pp r o uls R "q"i..d Rece ived NOI R lI'qu i,.d SE PAAATE PERM ITS ARER EQUIRED F OR ELEC TRICAL.P LUMB·ZON I NG IN G .HE ATING.V ENTILATING OR AIR CONOITl ONING.H EA l..T H DEPT.TH IS PERMI T 8ECOMES NULL AND VOID I FWO RK O RCONSTRUC · Tl ON AUTHOR IZE DISNO T COMM ENC ED WIT HIN 120 D AYS.O R FI NE DE PT . IF CONSTRUCT ION OR W ORK IS SUSPENDED O R ABANDONED SOIL.R EPORT FOR A P ERI OD O F 1 20 DAYS A T ANY T IME AFT ER WO RK IS COMM ENCED .O THER (SPKllyl I HEREBY CE RTl FV T HAT I HA VE R E AD AND E XAMI NED THIS County PlnzAPPI.ICATION AN D KN OW THE SAMe TO B ET RUE A ND CO RRECT . ("~~.A LI.P ROVISIONS OF"LA WS A NOOR DIN ANCES GOVER NING T HIS T VP E O F WO RK WI LLBE CO MPLIEDW ITH WHE.THER SPEC IF IEO HEREI N O R N OT.THE GRAN T ING OF APE RMIT DOES N OT PRESUMET O G IVE A UTH OR l Tv T OV IOL A TE OR C ANCEL T ""E P ROVISIONS OF ANV O TH ER S TA Te DR L.O CAL LAW REGU I.ATINO C ON STRUCTI ON O R T"E PER FOR MANCE O F CO N ST RUCTIO N. /") ·'·_·e~jC"."~~j:j17,··C -T .""TCI -,Vi:Ai)1 c-rcr:-/,(,/r ,,...,...""k'".YI L ~.1 ~"T< WHEN P ROPERLYVA LIDATE D li N T H IS SPAC E I T H IS IS Y OUR PERMIT ()'/f.,Y I N!>I'EC TO R Fnrm 100.1 II ·l.t ""••~.OM I N T ~H NA nON A L CO N FII':R II':NCC o r BUI LDI N O0 FFICI A L 5 'M M "~M'~C ..~,~. County of Eagle ELECfRICAL PERMIT Job Name..~.~-i ~.~:n~.~~f.~i ~~IT.~.:.~~}..?~.:~._.?.!y~.~.~. Dateo f Application.§.~p..~.~t!!9.~!:r..J._19 :?§. T EllPO aARY SER VICE OliLY NQ 540 Electrical Contra ctor Ro.s:::....,E l.e.c.tri c __. BuildingVa luation .$.A pplicant.___. Sllll.llture Electrical Va luation $.__.__. APPROVALS Pe rmitFee $.../.Il.,..?'.t?. Inspectio n Fee $.Plan CIlec:Jt u Dat e Date Paid ~ht;. Received BY.//&J d u M ee-fvl ffi ./t??48 HOURS ADVAN CE NOTICE REQUIREDFOR INSPECOONS THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION D ate ·~;",";·Oi ;;"···~.$..../<2,.c!.{!.......To talFee '"'c.,.••"...ct .,...,,,••"•• 4 PERMIT V ALIDA T IONCAS....M.O.C K . -- PLANCHECK VALID ATION MECHA CAL PERMIT APPL ATION 0 ,••0 ••Jurisdiction o f 0 00 0 Appliamt to complete numbered Spaet1S only.0••..101 "co .... •/~C~000 .I'"~:rk ~."..,.·L ~j) O ~l "T~"C.lo '''IU ILIU~1 DUC •• 2 0 '{l~I{)I.-:i:\,i '"0.M .....'L..co.nl ".~.O"l Co.......,~O . AID"',"i)(~r;:~"£;'"".0 ..,L ICC".1 ..... J t<'h n,Q,'J I -'\,tiL /"coo''MT ;li7J'"•.....'L A£>O""",....0 ..1 L ICI ...."0• f[J hO".U "I .....'L "0011"'"....o ..e C 'CU "I.O . 5 . .."1:2 1.'\>.l v~-\'l h',l .....,L "oo"l sl ......e .. ."•'~'LO I "C 7 8 Cla ss01work:.kN EW o ADDITION o A LTERAT ION o REP AIR s Otsctib.work: Ty~o f F u el :Oil D Nil .Gas 0 LPG .0 PERMIT FEES SPECIA L.CO NDITIONS :N o .T YIM o f E qu i ~nt FM A i,Concl.Units-H .P.E•.• Al!lfige<alion Units-H P .E••~a.Bo ilerSH .P .Ea.X OllS Fir ed A.C .UnitS-l onNa'E•. f c.eed A if S V$tems 8 .T .U .M Ea.ex:nA'<SC"~C"IO'Y ........OVtO~O..'~M.C I I Y G'.....ily Sy$terns B.T .U.M Ea. Fl our F urnac es B.T .U.M Wall H eaters -B .T .U.M V NOTI CE U n it Heaters B.T .U .M T HIS PERMI T BEC OMES NU L L AN D V Ol DIFWO RK OR CONS TRU C ·E...llpo rllt i...e Coo lers T ION AUTH OR IZED IS NOT COMMEN CED WITH IN 60 DA YS ,OR IF C lo t h "s D ryersCONSTRUCTIONORWORKISSUSPENDEDORABANDONEDFORA PERI OD O F 120 DAYS A T AN Y T IME A FTER WORK IS COM-Ve ntila tion F a n MEN CED.Ra nge H oodIHEREBYCERTIFYTHATIHAVEREADANDEXAMINEDTHIS APPLICATION AN DK NOWT HE SAM!!':T O BE TRU E ANDCoRREeT.Air H a ndling U nll C.F.M.AL.L PROVISIONS O F LAWS AND DRO INA Ne ES GOV ERNING THIS T YP II!:0,.WOR KWIL L BECO MPLIED WITM WMETHER SPEet FIEO l neinl'r atorHEREINORNOT,T HE GRANT ING O'A P ERMIT OOES NOT PR ESUMETO GIVE A UTHORITY T O VIOLAT E OR CA NeE L T HE PR OVISIONSO F ANY OT HER S TATE OR LOeAL.L AW REGULATING eONSTRUC TION O R T HE PERFOR MA NCE O F CO NSTRUeTION. I A >(dJ!vi i£!-s/I;lt{ .'G'''''J"t or co ......c .....""'"....'"0.'11 0 .....,:O.TC I ;;.r> P ERM IT S s» TOTAL FEE •II r,iY,,.o ro .....'r ll ......V'~O'.~"T " WHEN PR OPERLY VA L IDAT ED liN T HIS S PACEI THI SIS YOUR P ERMI T K .M .D .CAS H Form 1 00.4 9·69 IN SPECTOR • 2 CASHM.O.C K .'fj- sz,3 PERMI T VA LIDATIONCAS'"M.O.C K .PLANCHECKVA LIDAT IO N PLUMB I G PERMIT APPLICATION . ••••• Jurisdi ctiono f ••••••APplicant to complete numbered spaces only.•••~C>."CD~~s . . .1~O'NO.."1"-;C }1 INIb ,..d~;J 0 11 ATT"'C~lo .~tU ,~IO U101.... <";7-,~I \)1-.r;),\-"'.A ..&,~A D"',SS ",....o..r ,...,.'N~"t>.IH o.,\l,,;r.;.......(bt :~,,,~Ll Ch lC ~o . 3..,. .""?"A1:·'~t ·1Is:I "'.'1."(>""08 1 ....0 ..t ~I CI"U NO . J ....'..u .......,..AO OR US ""0'"..,e U'SE ..0 . S 6 "'1:2 •.\'(,,\;;.'UA; ........"1>1>."1 ......c .. u n O~.~I ..O '... 7 8 Cl ass.01 wor k:~N EW o ADDITION o A LTERATION o REPA IR 9 Descri be work: PERMIT FEE S N c .T y pt uf Fh.'.....Df l um 'H S PECIAL CONDITIONS :W A TE R C LOS ET lTO IL E Tl S ~I o BATHT UB -0 -::-LAVATORV tWAS H IIAS 'NI So-towER . a.KITC MEN S I NK a.D ISP .Lf DIS HWASHER l7?'~iL::""Vo ~C"l C lllU'1'A""O Vf OFOJI OSSU.OOCl I"LAUNDRY T RAY .!':J C LOT HES WASHlO:R . ;>.,WA TER H EA T ER -"1°C .,;1 NOTICE UR I NA L TH IS PE RMIT BECOMES N U LL AN D VOl D I F WORK O R CONS T RUe ·O~I N KI NG F O UN TAIN n ON A UTH OR IZEDIS NOT COMMENCED W ITHIN 60 DAYS ,OR I F .:2 FLOO~--sINK OR DR AIN "atJCONSTRUCTIONORWORKISSUSPENDEDOAABANDONEDFORA PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIM E AFTER WOR K IS COM.SLOPSINK MENCEO .G AS SYSTEMS,N O .OUT LETSI....EAEBV C ERTIFYT ....AT IH AVE READ AND II':XAMI NEO T HIS APPLI CATION AN D KNOW T"'II':SA-Mil':T O BII':TRU ll':ANO C ORR ECT.W ATII':R P IP ING'"TRII':ATl NG E QUIP. ALL P R OV ISI O N S O F L.AWS AND ORDINA NCES GOV ERN INGTH IS TVPE OF WORK WILL BE C OMPLIED WITH WHE T ...."R SPECU'IEO WAST E IN T ERC EPTO R....£AE IN O R N OT ,T ....E GRANTING O FA P£RM IT DO ES N O T PRESUME TOG IVE AU T ....ORITV T OV IO LA TE OR C A N CEL T HE VAC UUM tlREAK ERSPROVISIONSOFANVOT"'ER S TA TE OR L OCAL LAW R EGULATING CO NS TRU CT IO N OR 'HE P E RFORMANC E OF C ONS TRU CTION .L.AWN SPR INK LER SY S TEM Id.d4d-A -<nm>~~CESSPOO L f~/:Z-l0 S EPTIC TANK &.P I T •••~.(0 0 C O ~Y ."C ",O••"n'o.'uo r 'UY ,..·.'1 P ERMIT S /")1-' ,,~....,...~•,r •••'~cc .'n.".T OTAL FEE S WH EN PROPEA L YV AL IDA TE D UN THI S SPACEI T HI S IS YO UR PERM I T .J '7 tf d• FO'm 100.2 9 ·119 r •EAGLE CO U .Y BUI LDI NG PERMIT A ,LI CAT IO N .Revi ew R o uti ng F orm ~Jj~, ApplI c Permit N o.M ,)-8f!~:L t/t>.J f2,;t~,,---<:;:I...p Loc at ion ~_ Ple a se revi ew t he att a chedap p lication an d r etu rn it and t hi s completed f ormt o the County Bu i lding Offici al w ithin 6 work ing days. D ate:R e vi ewed by: Comments:_ Y es No (:;s]D lZl D DO CZlO P lanni ng C ommi s sion Fi l e No._ P l ann in g:'Comp l ies w ith: S ubd .Regu l at i ons Z oni ng R egul a tions Recommend Appro val County E ng ine er:R oa ds G rnd ing Drainage R e comme nd Approval D 'D DO DO [0 0 C omments:1./-,1/,-',,1k"""5,,,--_~....::~:.!..._ R ecom m e nd Approval C oun t y Hea l th:Sanitati on Water ~tFtj .0D DO ---- comments t!/lr £S -3 -lCa ._--------- ------------_.__._---------- ( I I ,. , / ),> / , )) I I-x : ,. r.'! I~~" t /-I .,, ~1, I, I, I' / ~ , ~.;\I /,I /. .I I I /. / I /.''''., .I 1 ,"•,J I , l __• //'-8-:",I Go:.Jo t I,,0 , 'I I r ,>~/-0" .- I 1- ,-..., r-'-1 ""I ;5 .c I " I I,-~,I, I i}1S-'-'1', .. .-·r~~T~0.('/,~ 1_1Xr'l1,·o...~T,.;r-l".......'..,..-f,......S"s..J ,vil>""i Fon:M ,.r..lr ~I).p"t."", f r.ll.:I-Jlr ,"/:..;/~'t:;LI;;7~/J .I /I !:, , "- 6- r~--1 1 --' ~--..j ---t -,-"--/-- ILJ L LJ . A /lp.J)"S$.r••,,".~ ,,,"c .t . ,-ft;0.! .2.'t....::I"·,>(~"f ..J I>_.tI, 1:1-(.1.._...r':..d ",.h.:'.... .;;....I>~;..P <;,?II,I. " •0 1 ,r" I 3 -Z ../ ,~.\.\.. ,;i )::- !~fl"", [r \!\)J 0 !~< ~'"~CJ i, ; i ,, •,~ '"\, •,9 "";r;:-r-',-_.---0 r L .....J -"'0 ::>'"'""'~-"P 3 CD ~''"~~ n 'oc I) ,, r .,•J• ",,".,..:.. t.,\'\. ,.. -/ APPROV ED .... /..._._.--Dale .__.____ Per mit ~""~A - Insp.~tCO UNif.COLO Ri\D O REGUESTINSPEc4tCN DATE J06N AME -I--":.<!~::::::.!1..:""'~"'"""____ TI ME RECEIV ED AM PM CAllER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FOOTING REO.RATING _VENTILATION iTEMPORARY FOUND ATION SHEETROCK STANDPIPE HEATING ROUGH W De s FRAMING HOOD S ,FIN A L F I NAL ROOF PARTIAL PARTIA L PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION :LOCATION ,LOCATION :LOCATION:LOCATION: o O THER 0 PARTIAL. REA DY FOR I NSPECTION M aN WED TH UR COMMEN TS '_ 1 -:.- .I ',. •J y -" , -,...t ".'/ o REINSPECT ."--) c /.,»r:f /--. / .....-... DATE "..-I,.~.' J,--., ,..1,;.-t /.1 .J /'"-''' I NSPECTOR /1" '.• ____AM BUILDING FOOTING ,FO U N DAT I ON FRA MING ·FIN A L PARTIAL CDV ER REO.RATING_ II .","'",'if ,SHEETR OC K VENEER -"--'-'----• RO OF PARTIAL LO CATION ;, • ;~I'..'~'"1I._!1EATI NG PARTI AL c ..'_"'" , EL ECTRICAL n"''''''E MPORARY PART IAL LOC ATION : o OTHER 0 PAR TIAl.LOCATION _ RE ADY F OR I NSPECTION MON TUE ,WED ~FRt /AoQID COMMEN TS:9'/c=~6_.i'.:~.-...v c _~ C /,..........,:4-rl':#'.-~-A.V'~6~<'"-'.'-7. ODI SAPP ROV ED o R EIN SPE CT .0 UPON TH EFO LLO W I NG CO RRECTIO NS: CORRE CT IO NS,_ I NSPECT O R DATE RE G UEST D ATE J 06 NAM E __U-fU'-I':::I-_-d---""4'=='=~=:L~~';-"'~::"";'--_ T IME RECE IVED AMPM CA LlE R __--'-----:f-_ BUILDINGCOVER PLUMBIN G MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL PARTIAL LOCATION : .TEMPORA RY 1I ~1f~~o~u'GH PARTIAL V ENTr lATION HEATING HOODS LOCATION : STANDPIPE F INAL __woe s ,-------,PARTI AL LOCAT I ON : ROOF PARTIAL REO .RATlNG __ -S HEETROC K LOCATION : \~ PARTIAL FOOTI NG LOCATIO N: D OTH ER 0 PARTI AL.LOCATI ON _ R EADY FOR I N SPE CTION .~M O N..._rUE ." WED TH UA f RI -i-AM PM COMMEN TS :_ IZj -APPROVED 0 DI SAP PROVED [2J.t1~H E FOLLOWINGCOR RECTIONS : CORRECTIONS ,4;"-/J r,-_~"t;T'./ ;':'I/,e -///?J -r rr:/ o R EINSP ECT r,~1 D ATE ---•REGU EST EAGLE COUNT Y ~~~/-"J-.<_,_DATE J0 8 NAM E ------1(!Q-+-""'=..::...-...::..."-'==~--- T IMERECEIVED A M PM CALlER _ BUI LDING COVER PLUMBING REO .RAT ING _OUG H EMPORARY ~O UN DA T I ON _SHEETROCK TANOPIPE WDesFRAMING~ENEER INAt 'FINAL ROOF -- PARTIAL PARTIA L PARTIA L PARTl.A.l LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATION; o OTHER 0 PA RTIA L _ RE ADY FO R IN SPECT I ON MON /TUE /JL .;::f!:z---•WEO TH UR ~·cf------AM PM ~""i 0 DISAPPROVED IT1UPON T HEFO LLO W ING COR RECT IONS : CORRECT IONS ~ o RE INSPECT ~/. DATE ,J:L,7-7/!. --">. IN SPECTOR •REGUEST •DATE JOBNAME T I ME RECEIVED A M PM CALLER _ BUILDING CDVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL, :FOOTING OUGH VENTfLATlQN iTEMPORAR Y- FOUNDATiON TANDPIPE ENEER FINAL woe S FRAM ING ~ PARTIAL PARTIAL 'PA RT IAL PARTIA L PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION ;LO CATIO N:LOCATION: , LOCATI ON UE WED o DISAPPROV ED o REINSPEC T o UPON TH EF OLLOWING CORRECTIO NS: CORRECTIONS _ , INSPECTOR DATE INSPEC.ON R EGUE ST , ~~JtG(pl~~~.,D ATE JOB N AME ----..L.L:::=-:p=='-4''--'''''''''''='-----"='.-'--'''~ T IMERECEI VED AM PM CA LLER _ ,-...,'. PARTIAL IN Al EMPORARY ELECTRICAL LOCATIO N : LOCATI ON Ea.RATlNG ----.:......I ~~.~~~: ROOF PARTIAL COVER LOCATIO N; PARTIAL o OTHER 0 PARTI AL BUILD ING LOCATIO N: READYFORINSPECTION o R EI NSP ECT ,-' FRI 1 ,-5 !J ,,~r )P THU RMONWED COMMENTS:.-...t 4S , I .?-•..d.' DATE .:r:-, I NSPECT OR REGUEST OAT E JOBNAME TI ME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER _ BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHAN ICAL ELECTRICAL OOTI NG REO.RATlNG_OUGH ~ENTILATION FOUNDATION SHEETROCK TANDPIPE EATING W DesFRAMINGINAL ODDS FIN AL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL ARTlAl PARTIAL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCATION :LOCATIO N:LOCATION : o O THER ~Pl"Y 0 PARTI AL .LOCATION MO N R EADY F OR I NSPECTION TU E WED e ,,~rJ ··W't 7,-,,2:~_..«:A "../...f(l "", ,/. [I'APPROVE D D OIS APPR OVED D RE INSPE CT [Zl U P~TH E FO llOWING CORRECT I ONS: '..L r >a -' CORRECTION S A~".-r;-.//("A''-''~'~L --''-~'-R'f q ~~~'jJ"-'/.,c~,,,_(i "y-,c(- " DATE INSP EC TOR ~" Countyof Eagle ELE CTRICAL PERMIT NQ 465 J ob Nam e~.~u.~~::;~Ufl Dale ofAppl ication :i--<J../XU.02.J.19 7 t.-.. E lectrical Contra ctor ~']!!lU_~L . Build ing Valuation -.$.Applican t . S la .._t ur e Electrical Valuati on $....•......__. Permit Fee Inspection Fee $..02.QO O'. $r.aa .. APPRO VALS ···Pl;,;~·o;;;b;··········································.................-·0;.::(;······························· ....C o <.'.. ...~.~9j7(;.ot£vx. THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTI CE REQUIREDF OR INSPECTIONS ./.~d l l\g Offl cl al $..d.?.Oo.TotalFee Date pa id :%.,s.!7.v.. Received B y ._~.,~<LI r eceived ,,,co lle ctio n o n ly Md t h l ~receip t ~h oll ll o.C.lI1l.""'<:U 'v'APPL.If>H .P.MAX ,II n ems ". o-pa ymen t 0 1 any Item .uy ~.~H .P . N '?14 69 -- RA N S. 0'......,~""..U l,;I I UN.._.".I N O .LAMPS......-._...~....,........... T eMP .P OWER L P O LE ~'(I UNOG D. t2.f!~-2 ..;,~:~.-..Z-..SE NV I(:E 0 -200 A 2 01 ·4 00A (.;;>'/vc O NEW 40I -6 00A ••0:u7u Q'c""'....c.9""."r ~o ~I U ".~'.•"""10 ••0 ,o CHANG E OV ER 600A PE RM IT ISSUI NG F EE • ,:••••,Q'o ....c.0'...........",..c.a <l.a TOTAl.,.~!:• WHEN PROPER LY VALIDATED li N THIS SP ACE I TH ISIS YOUR PERMIT A n PLAN CHECK VA LI DATION CK.M.O.C ASt-! I NSP E CTOR .....m 100.3 9-09 Applic;;nt to complete numbered spdces only. ., ••o••"•• •••"• 3 /"• '-• Jur isdiction o f_--"'_--''-'--''---''-_ )~I ELECTRICAL .PERMIT APPLICATIONc ( • •".,,' ;-,' ". 0 T ....C~.D S"UTI "..•~.-J ~•./.../ •~D".L 'Ch....G •,..,'I .'I ,;.-'-~,.- ....0 ...L I....,.."0• ....0 ...L I Ce .....€... ...~.....-'/-/.,......e.. ,...• o REPA IRoALTERATION ( . ITR~eT I ;,I t.,r" "'~I L ~DD.€•• ......,L ...o ~u ,.. I ...,- .....'L .DD •••• I o ADDITIO N .., .', I ~.'. .~... l ..~I ..Il.- 5 <I I "/0.,,-.• L e..D •• 6 I -/., u""0 '.~'.O '''~ 7 ,I ,., 8 eli"of work:O NEW 3 I LOT N O. LIf•••1 Due ..J.;,--: • 9 Describe work:i -'•• PE RMITF EES No .E ach ,.. SP ECIAL CONDI TIONS : R ECE PTAC L E L IGHT SWITCH LIGHTING FIXTURES T otal F i"lu'lr$ RANGES Cl..O .CR Y ER W TR _H lR. D ISH .W ASH.CLOTH E'i WASH. GA fH IAO e 0 151'.S TA .CO O K T OP S PAC EH TR .S TA .A PPl,..'ill H .P.MAX . T EMP.PQ WER LPO L E U U NDOO. , H .P . .'. NO.TRANS. S IG NS NO .l..AMPS MOTORS ' NOTiCE THI S PE RM IT 8 ECOMES NU LL AND VOID IFWOR K O R CONSTRUC· Tl ONAU THOR IZED IS NOT COM MENCED W IT HIN 60 DAYS.OR IF CONST RUCT ION O R WORK lSSUSPENOED OR ABANDO NED FOR A PE RIOD OF 1 20 D AYSA T ANY T IME A FTEF1 WORK IS COM· ME NCED . I HER EBY CERTIFY TH AT I H AV£REAO ANO EXAM INE D T H IS APP1..1CAT IO N AND K NOW THE S AMET O HE TRUe AND CORRECT. ALL PRO VIS IONS O F LA WS A ND O RDINANCESG O VERNIN GT H IS T YPE OF WORK WIL L BE C OMPLIE D WITH WHETH ER SPECIFIED H I;REIN OR N OT.THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT P RESUME TO GIVE A U TH ORITY TO V IOLATE OR CANCEL TH E PROV IS IONS 01"'ANY OT HER STATE OR LOCA l..LAW R EOUl..ATlNO CO NST RUCTION OR TH E PERFORMANCE O F CO N 'iTAUC TI O N.,, PERM IT ISSU ING FE E TOTAL F E E: i j "-.,;.'I!~......,·r ......"~ ,o ..te l , /.' SERVICE ONf.W o CHAN GE 0 -2 001\ 2 0 1 -4 001\ 40 1 -eOOA O V ER 6001' •• W H E N PR OPER LY V A LID A TED liN THIS S PACEI THIS ISY OUR PERMIT PLAN CHECKVALIDATION CK.M.O.,PERMITVA LIDATION AUD IT '-foot _,,0."'"._G..,I..T l!......T'O .....L C O....CAt ..CIl:0 ..8 1,l ,LO'''G Q""I CI _L ••e o 'G.LGS _".~..........Gru .CAL ,rO.M'"91 '0' \..•INSPEC'ON REGUEST DATE J08 NAME -------,f-.6.&:.====O::""-'---------- TIMERECEIVED AMPM CALLER _ PARTIAL ELEC TRICAL LOCATION : EMPORARY IL ->·OUGH FINAL , l CATION: EATING -:.;lIl,.,.,.,.!IPAR TIAl PLUMBING PARTIAL Ea .RATING __~.~~ COVER LOCATION : I!J OTHER _ BUILDING LOCATION : • o REI NSPECT {/I /~ROVED DDISAPPROVED o UPON THEFOLL OWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTION S _ DAT E . I NSPECT OR ./ REGUESTINSPEct!iON ~•BU ILDING DIVISION P.O.BOX 789 PHONE:328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY DATE JDBNAME ;f";~~.'?~_ TIME RECEIVED AMPM CAllE~,r;;;;~,.,::;.,{( I BUILDING PARTIAL LOCATION : MECHANICAL ENTrLATION rliEATING ODDS ...~PAR T I A L ELECTRICAL PARTIAL LOCATIO N: o OTHER 0 PARTIA l.LOCATION _ IZ!-APPROVED o D ISAPPRDVED o RE INSPECT I;;luPON THE FOLLOWI NGCORRECTI ONS; ""7--._ -\/O ,'"r IN SPECTOR-DATE ....:...'-'/c.._.-::'-_....:..~'--_ REGUEST EA G LE COU NTY ..-::)- i ./-:..r:.f'/-..........'-~ INSPEC~N DA TE J08 NAME ,@4~ T I ME RE CEI VED AMPM C ALLER '-T _ BUI LDING D IVI SION P.O .BOX 789 PHONE:3 28-6339 .-': BUILDING COVER MECHANI CAL ELE CTRICAL FOOTING I NSULATION _irEMPORARY FOUNDATION SHEETROCK FRAMING FINA L "ROOF PARTIAL PARTIAL ART IAl PARTIAL PARTIAL LOCATION;LOCATION ,LOCATION:LOCATION : • D OTHER D PARTIAL. MON TUE READY FOR I NSPECTIO N ~THUR FRI //"3 ()• •COMMENTS;_ / []APPROVED O DI SA PPROVED o R EI NSPEC T /" /"-'t-',-':" J I NSPECT O R ,"2 ", I /' 'o /;;'7'·,.,//(/DATE I [J U PONTHEFO LLO WING CORRECTIONS : CORRECTI ONS --'-«L"4""'''''''=_-''''',,'-D!-=~=_L..''''''=_=_'_'_~'''"'=:L__,.<'''"~--''-------- t-t~7/'b/(.?;'~.d ,'-/.'-(//"'J ~'_"~':,~~./(I .-!(-,r r:---t'..""",'L-.....,.';J""..,.--".f -."' REGUESTINSPEC.~N. EAGLE COUNTY .C?--J:::.IDATEJOBNAME TI ME RECEIVED AM PM CAll ER --'-_ BUILDING DIVIS I ON P.O.BOX789 PHONE:328 ·6339 BUILDING COVER PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL OUGH ENTfLATlDN TANDPIPE EATING W De s INAL FINAL MOKEDETECTOR PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTIAL PARTI AL LOCATION:LOCATION :LOCAT ION:LOCATION : o OTHER 0 PA R TIAL.•.LOCATION TH UR FR I J02S 0, ...4-4M M READYFOR I NSPECTION ~TUE WED COMMENTS,Q."<6 &//'&"1.<.14. ,<"21 .';'Ii o RE INSPE CT~P R O V E D ODISAPPROVED o UPONTHEFOLL OWI NGCORRECTIO NS: CORRECTlONS _ DATE '.I.'\,P...:r -tC x /I NSPECTOR BUILDIN GD IVISION P.O.BOX 7 89 PHONE:328 -6339 •RE GUEST ____AM PM BUILDING FOOTING fO UNDATION FRAMING fiNAL PARTIAL LOCATION : PLUMBING ~.....PARTIAL ,,7' MECHANICAL II_.J.'ENTrLATION ._-"EATING 0005 PARTIAL LOCATION : ELECTRICAL PARTIAL LOCATIO N: o OTHER 0 PARTIAL. READY FORINSPECTION LOCATION _ MON TUE WED TH UR FRI AM PM COMMENT S._ ~·A.-PROVED 0 D ISAPPROVED 0-uP~E FOLLOWINGCORRECTIONS:/" CORRECTIONS ~T c?,,:;:,:'"F ,<h.#. .~""7 -z ..,./-/u ..... v o REINSPECT DATE .-:-.?_S--~:..:"""""". ~ INSPECTOR ,• ,I c , o " '] J ~- 3 / r , I.'__UT \,,£C#.T1 I •••~ca,l II,,....t ,..Cla-Tl'Jc.an I•.._....,•.'1.I..1.t ........__\~",ve T Ii"'lAT (1M 1:"';'"':'~'''Ih 1t ..1••,r::~-,..e-\J,I I_,.-- ••11'".._'1_U.....,..,.~,tS IS IIOT •Lan I_P"''111_."_'.~.I""_1 ..,:.......~~~.:t...-,.-l,...-...-'·....1 .r,"'",...tll,.....t ,_ .1 •••••M '.or ..•....---,.-t_ o ..:"._~...:.':';":-......._..:..':.-~'-...~. ._t ~:-:::':."-..~....::~.'::'~.",--..'..:::=::-:;. ••1 .._."....••t'~::\-.;""_._••;..:-:::.••••-~,........,,,.....-\......::=~ ~~#.....h /.'"."'••".'.. t.•.."'._.o.'ct..~ VI .......,....\i!£... ..._.1 ..J ~~:.::-:,'.s-- ............'."....••1>01...I.....I,....,--- 0 ......I t.....\1 •1\.".•........·;·t_·"'·..1-"• • 0 ••••••••••'.._.L,.II ~••11~.t I III ..~....t",.1 r.•••,,..... r "'.......1 ••'".1 1 ••••,.I ••1.•_.If...f•-..... /' / h, ~. I~ /(~ <.,• r f) ( -- I \0 .0 0 »>: I • r"",~r all Coml 11 Ul,./"~<LJG'4610plll8lll I ,..i BuIld Hea1tII ~~. ~ Il iad '1 0 0ry ':Validit y of Perm it I Sec.303 (cl19 U.B .C . -e l!lSUahce or granting 01 a per mi t or app r o ~a l oec ill ca ions shall no t be cons trued to be a perilooro~a\01.any ~i ol at io n of any 01 the pro ~i S i O !l ~ 01 any othe rord ina nce 01 the jur isdicat io nTh· oe rAl lt based up on plans.specilicati ons andoth' <1\p r e~e n t the bui ldi ng oH icial fr om tne rea1ter r..:..' Jrrection of errors in sai d plans .soecilicatio l "..- ita:' --- / IJ -- , f , - ---- -- -- o, o I '20 .00 / / t ,"'- L...j I parking area / / 124·27'57" R 45.00' T 85.47' L 97.76' -------- ~'PINE COURT Johnson,Kunkel &Associates,Inc, IMPROVEMENT LOCA nON CERnFICA IT 4 )Due to onapparent error In th e ti es t ot heWitnessCornerf or the WestQuarter Corner 01 Section 14 ,t he posi tion o f the centerl ine o f the 20 'R O .~.for t hePu blic Service Natural Gas Plpellne was scoled f -ern the Finol Plat o fBlock2 ,Vail tlitermounlOln Devetopement Subdivision.Thea ctual position of the plpel Me as ocoteo in the fieldis also sho wn. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 5,Block 2,Vail Intermountain Developernent Subdlviaion, according to the recorded plo t thereo f,Town o f Vail,Eagle County,State ofColo rado. 2)Theleg al de scription,Deees Li nes en d previousimprovements o re b ased upon a pre v i ou 5 sur vey performed by JohnsonKunkel &: Assoc in ~o y,1989. J)Improvement ties sho wn a rep erpendicular t o Lot lines, hereby certify that this Improvem ent Location Certificate .,05 prepared for the SueDlJIgan.that t hiSis not aLANDSURVEYPLAT OR IMPROVEMENT 5 RVEY PLAT ,and th at t his is not tobe relied u pon forhe estobtisrvneet of fence.buildin g.or other future improvement uees further eert 1y that tile Imp rovements on t he ab ove d e!'\crbed parcel surveyed 0"Dece mb er 13,19 90,e xcept utility cconec ticr-s ore entire y ..H,'n the b oundcries of the p arcel, ell'ep t as now that tl1ere ore noenc roachments upon the deacr bed prem ea,except a ndicated and that there Is no APPARP..IT ev deuce or Iq of ony easem ent crossing or b urdeninq any port 01 a d par el e ~apt a noted,~-.:;.:~:,~\\\\\\tII11IrJ1lI/fll .',~\'n nfG III":.~~..~u IS "0.~,,~"'••---.__l'.....~;. ;;>~~'JI,~I.'~""'.'.~~..~".~~~.".~.::if <s:15Ote-~···~~ §iQ;:2 7 #'"'~_.~~~-'""o ~~.A -::00 OJ ',':-*'., ---.00 -'£13 ,..-----::: R··.,~~'oo ~,...'.N{696' Survey ,o ~~,.-."00.':'",.' Joh nson,KU "~Q~,'''''lfp,:~\~... 'I,lllf,':!!:::ss> 1)St reet Ad dre ss.2642 LUlPine Cou rt Notes' Lot 2 ot ") N 44'37'00"W I 50.00' rOUND REBAR ..AlUMINUM CAP.L5.1111127 I I / / / /</~Iii I "r I"Y-.... I I-ttJ' I fY /~ , I Jo.... I I ... ,/ rOUND-REBAR ..' YEll.OW PLAsnc CAP ,/ I,,EXISTINGGASLINE----......".. /', Y, / t/--II/....~ r-c-;I :;... ~1.r~1t.oJo ... parking area v 6 ................. I II __ I ..-_ 6 1-1 r::--21,00- "~etI..... I I I I I I I I-----' / (INPUT) 1 IDch -20 ~ GRAPHIC SCALE Meadow Creek oub dvis 0'1 ,. I t:.=124'27'57" R =45.00' T =85.47' L =97.76' - -- - ~~~i__i----i LUPINE COURT -- ".....------- LAND SURVEYING )lApPING CML ENGINEERING P.O.Box 409 113 Eoat 4th Street ECI\lle,Colorado81631 ORAtw BY:RWM DATE:1-3-91 CH£Q(ED BY:SS ORAttlNG NO.:903971LC JOB NO.:90397 SHEET 1 or 1 1 12/1./1_AIlOEll CAR4GE RUl NO.DAn:DCSCRIPTIOH BY EAGLE VAIL 328-6368 DENVER 287-0835