HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 3 LOT 6 LEGALF F cro F.|.zF9.o F {T A4 'F.rlttFE;l F co F F UE H g ql I o tr o F H E.fi A..EHI;! 6Els BR {rat F F F F F; F F F F H !Dno!l NB "2o t TE EE ilrt cl oEB r'l |!oo E F F OH EE E8E< c E1 HH 6E E8E. E lr l.2ei8t{ a HEc| F.H HB Er q I e & E E EH EHDd 'Ua.ou9l EEt BrE gn6 U- H at T zA B EoAdd A 3 EE F H E : -=e Ag-E'44lafr8ifr9aaA Arl $toBK ]an? Lercr O q 11 s/ 7o 6,trt' OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town"). WHEREAS-, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the. ^.,1--- ,l otr c,^i*e z_I'<.ra.l plans, dated .Av{r!r7 rS . t9l} wishes to enter into a Developeq lmprovement Agreement; and I t' WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or cotliterat suffigi,ent in the judgmenl of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the lollowing: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit with lhe Town of Vail in a dollar amount ot $b,Eff_925% ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT - Ltposoft?€ NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the lollowing mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to fumish .all equipment and material necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or befored,tt1 t-1 n l1?7 . TheDevelopershall complete,inagoodworkmanlikemanner,all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the I office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmenlal enlities. All said work shall be done under lhe inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respeclive interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town ol Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: CASH.DEPOSIT FORMAT ""#i!,:?itrf y+i|,+,:,ffif, Date of Expiration; /drdtess;l14) kA DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT l { THIS AGFEEMENT, made and entered into lhis 2 I aay ot JV"1 . fifuoy and among Km*Y MnuzV (hereinafter called the "Developer"), and the TOWN Account Number: 0 1 4000-22028 Page 1 of 3 A cash deposit account in the amount ot $kJJ3,E-to be held by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accidenl, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specilied in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured'by reason of lhe nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed bythe Developer. The beveloper.hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the. Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that ariseout of or are based upon any performance by lhe Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition lo any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize lor partial release ol the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are conslructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines that any of the'improvements contemplated herein are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth herein by the date set forth in paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, withdraw from the cash deposit such funds as may be necessary to complbte the unfinished improvements. The Town shall release such funds upon the wrilten request of the staff of the Communily Development Department stating that the improvemenls have not been completed as required by the agreement. The Town shall not require the concurrence of the.developer prior to the release of the funds, nor shall lhe Town be required to verify independently that the improvements have not been completed as required by this Agreement, but shall release such lunds solely upon the request of the Community Development Department. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer ol Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf thd permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, as defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town pursuant to Section 17.16.250 if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way. 8. The parlies hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties herelo. Dated the day and year first above written. Page 2 of 3 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this lrvor /utrJ ' .pEtrbv +\'Afly' /Lt//uZ"'r lmorovemgnt Aqrggmenl was acKnowleogeq otirult rrrt trrr-p?Eby 7{nr4/ tl/ftaz'/ Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 9/tf/Zaa ' Dt\'\ -_-_J- (_..- _- PLANNEH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ) ) ss. ) The foreooino Develooer lmprovement Aoreement was ac(nowledged belore me mls 77 o^y ot iLi ' . nltoy ,K4rttr / ' saa) I Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: n/, f/rt, updrtsd 92819{ Page 3 of 3 . Jul 23 98 O5:27p krmooJ Subndflod To; KathyMauy P.O Box 3320 Avol CO 81620 Tcf cpf toc Nuntcr : 9 19 -9692 Onc 8'Spruce Two 2.5" AryercTno 2.J" Crab AppleSix 5 gallon Ulac Sodarea Approx. 1,2(n eq.ft. Irrigttion sydon kbor for SredirB slc. f"t" French s?o -s2B -OS46 p.1 The Avrnt-gardener, Inc. Lrndrcepe hutdlrtion & llhittcnuce P.O. Box 2124 Edwerds, CO t1632 (e70) 926-10{6 \f,ork to De Performed Al: Mauzy Residence 2704 Larl$pr Coun Vail, CO we herab! prop$e io fumish all th€ materials and perform all the lSor neccsary for the cornpletion of thc following project(s): lnstallation of landscap nratcriats as listed bclow as discussed. d 10.00 2v7 (n 825.00 21E.00 696 00 2.000.00'7zs.uJc-' rlh, Extra nuchirE wo8, to bc billsd at $65.@ per hoor. Top soil billcd as nccdcd for job, if any. Rate rary fron supplier to snlplier. Approx $1t5.00 per lrrck lDEd, All macrial is guatrotccd to bc rs specifie{ and the above work o bc perfonred il accordence *ith tbe drawingc urd ryeciticahons submitled for above work and completed in a srbctrntial uorlnranliftc mrnncr for thc sun of t$5,371.00 Prymens !obe ms& as folloqr: 7r $2,6t5.50 prior to start ofnork and tlrc bdance upon cunplction of wodt olher acceatirble tEms. Alsta t* ot z.V/o of the avorsge dsily belance on all accounre svcr drirtt' da)6 Fst du€. Should collection goceedings be neescary, own or sgent uitl bc rcsponribte for cosls 8nd cxpcnscs of contrrtor, irrcluding sltomey's fecs. o +)q - o ]J ) l(4flt 11 PA t'' >- 1 Z>o L v,a,trPS f 'trt- CT' ^ r i ^rr><-p-radkftr-*,: gi -r \ z_q \.^6 9r"- '' \.- \ ' . Jul 23 98 O5:2?p vin French 970 -925 -O346 p.2 Paee 2 A'y altcralion or dcvidion from abow rycoifiqdons iNolving extra costs, .rrill be e:(eqted only upon lrritten orders. and wrll bcconr an cxtra charge o'er and aborye the eslnate All agrdments contingcnl upon accidents or delays bEond our control. on'ner to ctrry nrc, tornedo and other nccessar.v insunnce upotr abor'€ rrcrk Wortnpn's Cornpnsation ald R blir Li.tritiry Insurance on aborr work ro bc ghn o{rt by Arant garOgf;, Inc. Respec$ullySubmitted i/li Note - ThiE propocal may be withdrawn by us if not acceprcd wifhr _l j_ dsl,s, li*'+f+tl*1"+tlt*3*t*t1t'*+++t'*t+*f+ff*++i+*ittaa*irfatr*itf*iitt+f+*'tt+'l***d'*3arat a..at't**t*t:r.ri+r+r.+t ACCEPTAI{CE OT PROFOSAL The abovc prices, specificirtiors and conditionr are satisfactor-v errd are lE eh- acc€ptod. You are autlorized to do lhc rrork an spocified. PaynEil will be made re outlincd cbove Accepledby -Date: Sigrrarure Keo a RECEIPT - Thc Town ofVail7'E ''flK o RECETVED FROM ADDRESS 41 -b Permit Numbers How PAID- C.sh-Orec *?7* FJloj rA s\S st Jh -#;bc Eit fF= il lk^ s{'ili' ; t tr,oj\'{ L)-oH.CP tr !L il-r)Qil i I irl ssC\S.--\-1- $F .-e_ -ss+$ B- Esi4 hE3=-3i;q;EE N6 9-g 6 E3 fa:E;Y.EE;; a€EEi* ei;Egi1€;-FsEi{e€Ee Eai;ii E FI;*; E€EEEE h N E oo .u '! . .; U F l I I I.l\q('lq rll.+of i 7. = = I I I I '...lEI\(r!l*l I d qt () cl .r{ U) OJ 6 c,Fl 'FlIA Foz U .lJ 0,rld >| N d >: 7. r\f--urH a\ l- :_iv!.-<>x Q .,, \J =zzco<<;i<a\ < \./ IL \J I-z"Y =Zd,*'.Lts2 r)L{v- a( rnF-tr2Z(JAuJ\"1<<=r.r.J F- J o< ?r ca5=t:oE z3FF-lr.t<SJUJFZiF<Y yrz)+l=zFrr->zoa p=+u i F- ilto>f,: c.rO7!Xzi - Yvrbf;<ira: -L f i q =-zu,-ff;<Eu=x: -FYI+xg+!(-)>- tl{ll- -A. F -t-ti{fra *O. FR EN F -rf-aHrFts -H rt flJdF r+. €v ts -F(F?F? trllo F3\€aL} FD*? trf $h F1 tF19 L$f*i (h\sv tt'"t F.1bs Al ttlofrfhf .!d tF$.ts' tlE| f".lf* .-r' 'traz o= FazOD Fi"2 coFOoFF 20 Fz: o or Er (,o >roFl E FEI ET U .no tsroF E o o E-i d Er U U dgl U zz F{OF]E FT EiF22 EOFIE rrFaz,oriE o 9l FFH2(o5oooitr F F F zo FI E(, zh,o EEIO O rlrit a6ot) tr U td ;t D FI o trl zD F o E 9tE rrr O Fr t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 14, 1998 A request for a minor subdivision 27O4 Larkspur CourULot 6, Block 3, Vail Intermountain Applicant Craig McCully, and the TOV Planner: Jeff Hunt I The applicant, Craig McCully, represented by the Town of Vail, is requesting a minor subdivision to eliminate a Town of Vail road encroachment onto his property, located at27O4 !-arkspur Court. The existing road surface is on a portion of the applicant s property. A reduced copy of the plat is attached for your review. The subdivision would allow the TOV to purchase the land under the road surface from Mr. Mccully. The proposal will reduce the amount of site coverage and GRFA allowed on the parcel. The Public Works Department stated that the applicant is aware that this will occur and the applicant will be compensated for the reduction in development potential. The applicants phone number is no longer valid and could not be contacted by the Community Development Department. CRITERIAAND FINDINGS Minor Subdivision Criteria One of the basic premises of subdivision regulations is that the minimum standards for the creation of a new lot must be met. This project will be reviewed under the Minor Subdivision Criteria, pursuant to Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The first set of review criteria to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Gommission for a Minor Subdivision Application are as outlined in the P/S District, and are as follows: 1. Lot Area - The Town of Vail Municipal Code indicates that the minimum lot or site area for a lot located within the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District, shall be 15,000 sq. ft. (0.344 acre) of buildable area. 4;';\. i:i,lillJ ,Df,Tof $f,Ll' The Municipal Code defines "buildable area" as, "any site, lot, parcel or any portion thereof, which does not contain designated floodplain, red hazard avalanche, or areas in excess of 4oo/o slope." Staff Response: The existing lot is 11,629 sq. ft. The plat creating the lot was recorded on October 1, 1970. The lot was annexed into the TOV on June 24, 1987. The lot is non-conforming to the cunent zoning standards of the Primary/Secondary Zone. The proposed lot will still be non-conforming to this standard. Frontaoe - The Vail Municipal Code requires that lots in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District has a minimum street frontage of thirty-feet (30'). Staff Response: The existing lot complies with the 30' street frontage requirement. The proposed lot will also comply with this standard. Site Dimensions - The Vail MunicipalCode requires that each lot be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area, 80 feet on each side, within its boundaries. Staff Response: The existing lot is not capable of enclosing such an area. The proposed lot will also not be capable of enclosing such an area. The second set of rcview criteria arc as outlined in the subdivision purpose statements and arc as follows: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development and proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required. 2. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent properties. 3. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. 4. To insure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town Zoning Ordinance, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objectives. 5. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewer, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreational and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. 2. 3. 6. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction, design standards and procedures. 7. To prevent the pollution of air, streams, and ponds, to insure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the municipality in order to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the community and the value of land. Staff Response: Upon review of the application, staff finds that the proposal complies with the above criteria. The third set of review criteria are as outlined in the subdivision regulations and are as follows: The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of Title 13, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code and other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems applicable. 1. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utili$ companies and other agencies consulted. Staff Response: Applicable agencies were consulted and had no concem. The Public Works Department has taken the lead role on the application on behalf of the Town of Vail. 2. The Planning & Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrounding uses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town. Staff Response: The proposal is intended to address an existing encroachment of a public road on private property. No change in land use shall result from the subdivision. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the minor subdivision. Staff's recommendation of approval is based upon the review of the criteria and factors outlined above in this memorandum. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the applicant's request, staff would recommend that the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following finding: 1. That the requested minor subdivision complies with the subdivision regulations outlined in Title 13, Chapter 4 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. 9.:^ *i ,= ;,a'- oo x r ! I ll !-: llht,ra l:,:t: r1l}: t! iii itl .ll !ll l ll Ir! | |ti | |tttliltllt l, Iii li |lri li.-It.:tlillrl iiirlrl :tl:tl ,tt!l! iiiri iiiii iiiii iitii i I It I i ! ! I ;lil li itlltt't Iflrlil;r li|rrlrl !l I rt IIt Ilt lr| | tl !1" hlt!E lll i{ iilr i{ il ri:t ;rI! ;i l! l! rJ !l te I rll I li; oIt *ut $fffi iiiilill ii$i$ -zz-<o-I^ -l-!a'--, e>al t!a6> I;''<u'n n l--r. I -2.(nz.Ou)zF .)r>=;- oO-ar-:-L ^Ya\WF c X =>-otiHio 8HIH,l.-" t- > =6- -t = 9 A--H5=A;- -z-tr\,'- |.lr-_v/">4* 3<,.-; - 'r2-- -l-\] ' -JOOl-{m?'E il 'gri iiiii,ii iliiiii!r i;iiiiiiii fiiliiilfi tB $t iii rii lii lri !il lil!tl It !- '- ?; ;3 ffi#qsfi lr)o YN ct I, O upcated g/2I/2e 9an PLANNING AND ENVI RONMENTAL COMMISSION September 14, 1998 Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERSABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Greg Moffet George Ruther Galen Aasland Brent Wilson Diane Golden Jeff Hunt John Schofield Judy Rodriguez Ann Bishop Tom Moorhead Tom Weber Brian Doyon Public Hearinq 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a minor subdivision, to eliminate a Town of Vail right-of-way encroachment on property, located a12704 Larkspur Lane/ Lot 6, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: , Craig McCully and the Town of VailPlanner: Jeff Hunt Jeff Hunt gave an overview of the staff memo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Tom Moorhead said Mr. McOully was being compensated at the same rate that lot 6 (adjacent) sold for recently and ihat the Town was paying for the survey work. Galen Aasland asked Tom to address the consequences to the Town. Tom Moorhead said the Town was the applicant because of the agreement. Greg Moffet asked for any comments from the commission. There were no commenls. John Schofield made a motion for approval, in accordance with the staff memo, with the additional provision that there be approval from the owner of the Property. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. George Ruther said they had the owne/s signature. John Schofield amended his motion to remove the condition. Galen Aasland seconded the amended motion, The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. 2. A request for a sign variance, to allow for a sign 36' above grade at the Landmark Building, located at 610 W. Lionshead Circle/ Lot 1 , Block 1 , Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicanl: Landmark Condominium Association represented, by Destination Resorl ManagementPlanner: Brent Wilson uPdated 9/2r/26 9am Brent Wilson gave an overview of the staff memo. Geoff Wright, the applicant, stated the tree was put in in 1983, and the Town had expressed that lhey want the Russian Olive Tree to remain there. He then proceeded to go over his disagreement with the siaff denial. He said that none of the olher suggested locations for the ':ign would be visible and that there had been no objection from the neighboring property owners. Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. Tom Weber disclosed for the record that Destination Resorts was a client of his. but he saw no conflict. He suggested pruning the tree. Brian Doyon said pruning would benefit the Russian Olive. The rest of the Commission suggested pruning. Greg Moffet suggested placing lhe sign in approximately 29' above grade, but nol located more lhan 1A way above the third floor parlition. Diane Golden said, so moved. John Schofield seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. 3. A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed arena expansion ai the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 East Lionshead Circle/ Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Odell Architects Planner: George Ruther Greg Moffet recused himself, as his wife was on the Vail Recreation District Board. George Ruther gave an overview of lhe staff memo. Otis Odell, of Odell Architects, requested comments from the Board in order for the applicanl to put together revisions so they could proceed with the expansion of the locker rooms and restrooms at the ice rink. He said the expansion would be to house new offices for youth hockey and for future storage needs. He explained thai the new location between two levels, would require going down %flight or up /2. flight, but that it was not meant to be a main entrance. John Schofield asked if it still would be handicapped accessible. Otis Odell said, yes and that it could accommodate an elevator, but again mentioned that it was e secondary aocess. Brian Doyon osked why it was not located on the west side, so as not to encouragc parking al the hospital. Otis Odell explained the 2nd part of the program was a gymnastic facility on the upper east side, with restroom facilities independent from the rest of lhe building and built over lhe basement space. He said that the gymnastic wing had a requirement lor a20' ceiling. He explained one of the major objections that the DRB had was for lhe applicant get the mass to betler relate to the exisling building. He then said they were trying for the least amount of disrupiion to lhe site. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, September 14, 1998 AGENDA Proiec't Orientation / LUNCH - Communitv Development Department Updatcd 8/26 | lam 12:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Greg Moffet John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Ann Bishop Brian Doyon Tom Weber Site Visits : MEMBERS ABSENT , fifCri**:l:ffiiE NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1. 2. 3. Driver:George Public Hearino - Town Council Chamberc 2:00 p.m. 1. A requesl for a minor subdivision, to eliminate a Town of Vail right-of-way encroachment on property, located at 2704 Larkspur Lane/ Lot 6, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Craig McGully and thc Town of VailPlanner: Jeff Hunt MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 2. A request for a sign variance, to allow for a sign 36' above grade at the Landmark Building, located at 610 W. Lionshead Circle/ Lot 1, Block 1, Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Landmark Condominium Association represented, by Destination Resort Managemenl Brent Wilson MOTION: Diane Golden SECOND: John Schofield VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: '1. The sign may be located approximately 29' above grade, however, shall not be located more than Yz.way above the third floor partition. McCully - 2704 Larkspur Lane Landmark Building - 610 West Lionshead Circle Dobson lce Arena - 321 East Lionshead Circle Planner: Updated 8/26 I lam 3. A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed arena expansion at the Dobson lce Arena, locatgd at 321 East Lionshead circle/ Lot 1, Btock 1, VailLionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant Vail Recreation District, represented by Odell ArchiteclsPlanner: George Ruther woRKsEsstoN - No voTE 4. A worksession to discuss proposed text amendments to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations addressing the regulation of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) in the Multi-Family Zone Disticts Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther WORKSESSION - NO VOTE 5. A request for additional GRFA to enclose a deck, utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 1626 Vail Valley Drive/ Lot 2, Wanen Pulis Subdivision. Applicant: Don and Francis DionesPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 28, 1998 6. Information Update 7 . Approval of August 24, 1998 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project plannefs office located at the Town of Vail Community Developmenl Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Communrty Developm€nt D€partment TOWNfl,FYAIL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific information, see thc submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requestcd. Thc application can not be acccpted until all required information is submitted. The project may also nccd to be reviewed by thc Town Council and/or thc Dcsign Rwiew Board. A: TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) tr Bed and Brealdast B Conditional Use Permittr Majoror El'fuinorSubdivisiontr Rezoning tr Sign Variance tr Variancc tr Zoning Code Amcndment DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Tot/ €rtc*oAcH A-r. €. Fi LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT '6 BLOCKI|--pylyg VArv !rr1?a'm tg,^tT'*r! ADDRE}}: 2704 L/flzKlPu,< cT. BUILDINGNAME:- ZONTNG: fu /7A^4 /(e c4NA4/1 ai NAME OF OWNER(S): C&n L ln " C u r'- tl MAILINGADDRESS: 22O+ L.4z EJ/',b CT B. tr Amendmcnt to an Approved Development Plan tr Employee Housing Unit Clypc: ---)tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (VailVillage) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Extsrior Alteration (Lionshead) tr Special Development District tr Major or E Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD : NltNcP- SubDlvtStaN Ib p6r-tsrE47€ c. D. G. F.OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S): NAME OFREPRESENTA MAILINGADDRESS:t. tl_4o4a/- 9, ^7 1 GE '4./€t/€ar-rz.-16-/f H. Vftt.L r La p)/l 17 PHoNE: leZl A-1-:21?2 FEE - SEE THE SUBMIfiAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. STIBMIT THISAPPLICATION,ALL STJBMMTAL REQUIREMENTS AND TIIE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL. coLoRADO 81657. For Officc Use Onlv: reelat: N/4 Ck#:-By: B-t-uIcto/ Application O^t",-€ /L( / 4- I-PEC Meeting Datc: Rcvircd &96 o* z-3 Ig5 siFi:>-ts,: F E l ':645,'rfPH._ oo :, ri l! :t.I tl, ili iir tii iiti!.jlE!h I I t !i:l:i II ll:.I irlt5: !il ilffi iiili $$i ,lll tirl IT ti|l It ;illrjlt.t|lrtlttl iil,llt!!il:tl ! I I I l;rlir iiil I I lrIh: ,lrr ; F 5 I I I :rl!!f Ei- if rlll il tl tiI, li i: :l tl tllt! | It8.'itt I a t i_rilrlil :liIt;!f!l :la li,t, | ,t I ii_ iiiiii, itiil|i $#$ iJl iti !;! iii hi iil iil -zz-<or- @ --, ff>6_l,l o(n > ; "'a l--rl-zu)z9E=r B, 0-a)-LL^Ya)\-/f- -C X -I_ L! .-(o -J * 5 -: -=u;; r-\ T-Y!- Z-tr->)-zO 09 ..6=5b=a2<B-Pi,i-o=n ;* >:= <fit'i- Lr-i !=6 4= z-t-# iI ,tti #Hfri fiffiifiifi Fjo ;5zJ L- I. I lr l. '-7;:;{>6 ffi*qEtr EoE F'J o' o THIS rF ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on September 14, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: , A requesl for a minor subdivision, to eliminate a Town of Vail right-of-way encroachmenl on .!1 property, located al27O4 Larkspur Lane/ Lot 6, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. ,-- t Applicant: Craig McCully and the Town of VailPlanner: Jeff Hunt A request for a sign variance, to allow for a sign 36' above grade at the Landmark Building, located at 610 W. Lionshead Circle/ Lot 1, Block 1, Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicanl: Landmark Condominium Association represented, by Destinaiion Resort Management Brent Wilson A requesl for a worksession lo discuss a proposed arena expansion at the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 East Lionshead Circle/ Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation Disirict represented by Odell ArchiteclsPlanner: George Rulher A request for additional GRFA to enclose a deck, utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 1626 Vail Valley Drive/ Lot 2, Warren Pulis Subdivision. Applicant: Don and Francis DionesPlanner: George Ruther A worksession to discuss proposed text amendments to lhe Town of Vail Zoning Regulations addressing the regulation of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) in the Multi-Family Zone District. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther The applications and informalion about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the projecl planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published August 28, 1998 in the Vail Trail. Planner: MOK'GE(rr/ uoryntV o = \r-\J\U.!OI Fi (rl \ro-\\Jt\HO\GL!-Et!F tr')IGYr'1 a \ r'rl t1/ tv /'\ a"\ til|!J3 zuaoltIJ>FIJ U.T (i (' \E if,i ZOUJ.JCiFgFCJlarzu\zoa< iJ't\ f Z .J'+\ |F lrj \l Ltt i \ I -o c) r-@ AEBc' <-c.+E3 efr(o/ (l -9 F.. '< l! ^cr^ :3ao F*.rd\\**E.Ydv% ::f RS { H:( -I: *lE=EI dEI-w- lrE !.urot-l qVDIil.t - r.t o ( '-- ! - Adacents for Town of Vail encroachmcnt/Craiq McCully reqrb Faessler Realty Co. 20 Vail Road Vail. CO 81657 W.L. Brocr Construction 2205 West Van Dorn Street Lincoln, NE 68522 Public Sewice Company of Colorado Attn: JR Binell 550 l5th Street Denver, CO 80202 Joseph and Catherine Cheney POBox 1094 Vail, CO 81658 Stcven A. Mayne 2744 Basingdale Blvd. Vail. CO 81658 Andy and Kimberly Anderson 27786 Camargo Drive Golden. CO 80401 Fmnk Day l0l0 69th Street Boulder, CO 80303 Bob Hcmreich 2684 Larkspur Ct. Vail, CO 81657 d?r!!" Review n cti?,fhorm TOWIIOFVAIL ProjectName: MauzYChalet Project Description: Revised liglt fixtures Owner, Address and Phone: Cathy Mauzy,2635 B' Larkspur Lane' Vail CO fuchitect/Contact, Address and Phone: RKD, 1000 Lionsridge Ioop #3D' Vail' CO 81657 Project Street Address: 2704 Larkspur Lane kgal Description: Lot 6, Blk 3, Vail Intermountain ParcelNumber: 210$143-01-029 Comments: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Meuriello Date: Gll-98 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApProval F:\'EVERYOM\DRB\APPROVAL\98\I4AUZY.6 1 1 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: P, A5 1t 3H$ $*a:f i[, 6 $ I 7 fP rrl-3 d lstr} J\A -J cO F"b I i I I I! li,(J l,Jd l:[ri:: olo6 lutN l(! elqI.tx t.Q,c? J.UN- 1 l-94 O2227 Pn s 5Jac6 v + rTI _ot cO $ ? s 6 \n..t It.)tJ \ACFtf. KT,ST o JUN-1L-94 S2:25 Pl'l .t I i ;..*-r In /l 'l lV\ nu tr tl,"J 1yin .i .l tr. "{t. $NT l. jl,u It dir.\ 1 I / ) /"r IfnrJr en r..( u tl ' .'Dr'./ f' /r) x -Dturcrrl2 r) x 'l /n,i,rsV , I (!):J'o rot" ffi'tr 4JN-1t-94 S2:24 PH oo *1o,. T.)omiYric l*{,a,w,*t[ o K*-uj N["*{ : tl7.cl . p( l S)" * Paje*, + Cr:,t e f" = 3 *0 (tn*-A kAaa,L S;'.1[c'*"-l/o-2'k d''tp- lat^^t+*A l*o n u'.- ^t F.4. t\',,*,fte- ?g':: -4,:t r"q &-ry,.r'ut ) t t{"1 ar\e O ( h; do l,rr.&*a-<Q c4 O.-go..Af,'.c{ . rgttr* Op.,, d *tAo*. q";t r-^q4 a^-^Q d-,'rns-.(^q,l<ry{eA be6 a"nA tt i-a +DD qt '.o 4o sra *lAn. J3A- c.an*z t6: ."rtl0* f,tu'",o ff^ H-u,. rQ r."3e.AIaJ .+., W +r bpt..rrl\ a*'A- E3 rtJ.c--LL-1 .\10...^1iP n'*' Q W;^' t4"; '-[., m-q t Ore '0 c'zXQ "-*0. f* 6-,^ J--06 I ilt *: Fa P. Oloo -T.c>.{. PtnnniS pharre Ltlq- ,o337 -F-*"" +1q-5118 ti5t"*i'y {,rt'5r.!.l""{.. ff* ri6.:d 4*eriorA-lort !ra.r k-S6>r.,.r €r -(Jetd' \[.er"[ , (o- -I)crrnr,r"i-c-, I eA unQJ.. cnAp lnq.. vtna-li*.,lt.L.j\4 Jt*iL^ t ^#;ift}.""ftTiil3ET,-'*.1ff;, ,^"""',ffi ):;"i;ts*::(#i;#1,""*':,i,";.1&.,,"". April29, 1998 Dominic Mauriello Town of VailPlanning Department Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Dominic: Enclosed are the changes to the Mauzy Chalet in intermountain regarding the building height violation. The roof plan, elevation, and structural plan show the roof being hipped to fall below maximum building height. According to the ILC done by Contra engineering on April 17, 1998 and the addition of a hipped roof, the maximum building height is now 32'-6". lf you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely yours,ffi RKD, Inc. ;- DESrGlr' ...ttryD',STAFF APPROVALF.rS6&= Jilts o. qd It .J dfls:I>./- f .--r $ \s68 :lr ;!; f^b oi <.\ Iiu'6 EsI a; ]' F : I C?i3,'; cBF .tH .-=9383 c/s, F -:f -q-r-t i*ss -+-lr."{ ni i E $5 v$.ifr ..r.t s I s+ .d\- :39 EH: L 3,a o8 P{ Esl H3l E -\ $R3\ HEE 2 !! 3i 0 -.r T $ F-\0 --)( +\) \- N) _1 { J ..:6H.i ^ct?HutFro <H dh ^<ylll {| \) ll)ofv< 9q]H-<jr sidcl o!l I6 Fu 5hAnzz .l vl JIh trt., ql a I IF,l 6 >>t {5lt' f, ffi6?$lrI rt tr 9 dn I rridFf;{Fl<ctt Tf\,r|r t <l I bo ( { 2 p 3 I 0 u1J (/ I4$ - J -. - - 1A1+l x*/tt r,.:?2j f.$\ it, Aw J ffiffi^"+4",.rr I rt .- a-.F I --- $S 'nr, *dsh-\ fT lAo-l IMPROVEMEN T LOCATION CTRTIFICATE LOT 6, BLOCK 3, YA|L t1{TERtOUt{TAll{ TOU]I OF YAIL, COU]ITY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO 27O.I LARKSPUR COURT cLrL KATHY MAUZY Jot i 106249 D.L. APRIL 17,1998 or|b rr.. 249lLc.0ll,G LOT 3 FOIJI{O 6U'REE R .RED PIASiIC UP PLS r lgl N 04"00,00" E 105.00,\LOT 4 YA,L I/VTLDERNESS TOWNHOMES LOT 5 ruJ @ !fqt 4lztlqy b17 o3Lz FOUM) 5W REB'RI REDPtrSTlC C P d.a t 24t1c toT AREA o.2204C. LARKSPUR COURT SCALE I'r2O' t ( zi' sroRYr \** \****\ Y \-BUILDINGSqrq8c'(l Is Fo g fBrFIEI 2 STORY WOOD FMME HOUSE UNDER CONSTRUCTION '*-" t I--lqap DIRT ORJV€WAY NOICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO STAIE LAw YOU MUST COTTMENCE At{Y AFTER YOU FIRST DISCO\GR SUCH DEFECT. IN NO E\GNT MAY ANY ACTION lEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOII}I HEREON.CERTIFI Contra Englneerlng, lnc. Cor.ulllna lnglnr.rr + land lltratota ilt t aaara. gaar IrC Ato. C&.a. lLior il LFflt ?^l aalttla LECAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY OEFECT IN II1IS ILC WIIHIN IHREE YEARS BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN IHIS SUR\EY BE COMMENCEO ITORE IHAN CATION CONTM, LTD. RELIED UPON TITLE COMMITMENT # V2584/I6 FROM LAND TITLE GUARANTEE. THE RECORDED PLATS, EASEMENTS. AND FOUND MONUMENTS TO DETERMINE LOT DIMENSIONS, EASEMENTS, ANO RIGHTS-OF.WAY. IHEREBYCERTIFYTHATTHISIMPROVEMENTLOCATIONCERTIFICATEWASPREPAREDFORCENTMLROCKIESMORTGAGE...TTuITTa,, THAT rr rs Nor A LAND suRVEy pLAT oR TMpRovEMENT suRVEy pLAT, AND THAT rr rs Nor ro BE ' - -...rrr$lttltj'1'larr. RELf ED upoN FoR THE ESTABLTSHMENT oF FENCE, BU|LDTNG, oR orHER FuruRE TMPRoVEMENT LrNEs. .r$\tSU lltfile J"r*. I FURTHER cERTrFy rHAr rHE rMpRovEMENTs oN THE ABovE DEScRTBED pARcEL, oN ---s--$\jl';1i'r:nf@-{ +fi8'ifiJ,t'i"'i35il3:h'&,fi:+iff"J,l?H?ffiil'J[:h:XlHltJi539J$?iE5:SJ",." S*'..'.#-i?7S".3pREMrsEs By rMpRovEMENTs oN ANy ADJotNtNG pREMtsEs, E(cEpr As tNDtcATED At{o rHAT : _ ! L^-- 2 L THERE IS NO APPARENT EVIDENCE OR SIGN OF AI{Y EASEMENT CROSSING OR BURDENING ANY = ; Z JTTID . ! EpARr oF sArD pARcEl ExcEprAs NorED. "1342 {; & slfiffiKltl.i$ Byt CONTRA, LTD., GREG ELDRIOCE, PLS il30093 l(i::t-,]- l.rF-r, ! - ' - - -T[jt4t\l (Jir.' (/4.t1..., Lul_i-]iiHl)l.i i.Etl .1..i/ i.it:.\ ur 7:5i. ltL.r.,tr..l[:.$-l $ F(Ji{ I lr*rF f-.1,. I I t.,l\l Nt]llti liHt[ llr Fic:i;rvrlyl 1i 1, l-Uli,frJ lfrt IJ,;28\ ly;ie: l-{"-LltjrLL) Arjdi"*:;s | ;:1 7 rill4 L-Fitrf it:lt.'l-lR L; I L uIir1. J. un ! r:../lcr4 i...Hkli!,F'illi LUUH I i,:i.ddf'a!icr ril r.rirr".lii F;ii r::el.; i:: 1tt.::;-'.1 4.i*tzjI*tdi::!) 1.; rEt [ 5 viiltvJ;l .i..,rr';'cri^i r-,1. r (Jrr: hil.h iiF k ir1-r1r1r.r.:rrrt i trliu$,fii Rt- I"./[.VLr-Lif.'r4t:.i{l l-UliF F''t rr-'ilr i 1rLt-4 /tr $i;tt Ll'dr,€l'5 I4HUZ I Pii{ |l'tLi-:E l\l }ll r(.rire ; l..i.irii:l c.Lt;i-,i': tifi(,J1:ii'l ltcb i.il*. Vl;:1..-Uf:'i'18:hl i t.,Lrl\l-' i: ilr{rir{: i Y,'0r r}ti' tJ'rii! ;:./ u.'i:t ) Ucr---:. Fl l(tif-i : Ll) htSt-R fi ne [x;-, .L rtt;pec t :Lt.rrr ['icrlrrest lrrl cit'lrett 1i!r)" " " i:i e rl r..r a ::. t i.r i' :: J i-rPi j li: l( i,|tl .l irr'*l tltl) iUtld Lumt{irnts; hl Ii-.1- l.bernr f-*quetbetJ L r"r t-r e illspecLe{1. " .. ll\lt';ri I frt..Lif-l-'tr I hlHL l, / lJ li rel l. j .j':) []llii'i.r+ l-'iiorre i ..1i1:) rll ..i4A i pI.*A {.-HLL 1 ,i ;:: t-lu{-lt{ tr[:l: tJRt; I Nl]F'[. {-. I i ilN H{rti i i} ri [..; n m trt r.l ri b s Irispect rori l-{r.5Loi'y. ".,. ti4t/t3Ultil Ft^l*Ltatcfrf i 11 I n 5 [, e c] 1; .i c] ri [tlt\5tJ r L'tJ- J c'ml:i. "r,"jc:€$sl(Ji a.inci!e tiurS0ii [-'h - lt o r-r gl fr g ] a cl e 05/ul6 l')B Insg:ertr.ii'; l-:I) Ulii/ ISi t)tt I nspet:"b rlr' : t-:l) i;\L. /;::e/l$ I n r;:e r;:t oi' ,. (-ii tLeml SttZtSulJ i-, i"i f:irr;rl dr' j. vcr\rAy rJral:Je Jt cm: l/lkili:' 1Ul ttl-D6-l-: tiert r.rrLib/[):L €1e.1 1 1/i: l i9l );, l|s;-,ecb (rr'r J lil4 l. b em l vl [t tzl iitul lit-L,rG- F: ur-r|1ri;r'k r r:rr.r iiL ee I li::./ 8:)t rJ / .tIrr,pec:t L,r- : i--l) I'iates : r",t-rl4Flb l lj l:('JHl4 i-,Hi,.ltL.. lrvi:i i'i-rl-LH i li"jl'l l,:'lrt..J ltrL I L;rJl!r.; xt.:. It. I F{Lii'l I i'llr h.r. Iltii .lhenr : [1k15i'v] l-,LHI.l-. Ii-{, i:.iite FIarr (r4l;:i-.::/YtJ .ltrs;lecb {..rr'; jit.Jl:l .it'lIL i:lLrt l.irl I ii f\i I t e m :; lilutul,Sta $[.-i.rl:i--f :r"iim r. ,r r] tl|+lCAii.rH 1rr5[,e(::b u]' i UlJ uctlorir Ltl,,l F)(]b.rurr: hl-,r-.li l,.lL:H f l{L.k l-,ll(J lil:u' I) f-l L: fI(lIr iiFi..'i{ iil-'r--'l'ilJVi:Il r-tc L r urr: i.ii'l {.rr.rf.l l liilill'tiR {:qtYi;ELl-..t,: r) i.t i] l, .r c, n " fi i:r f..i fi r-'.1"1 I f, fl ii O f; I lr ilM .1. NE xi;:b :i. ril : r-iFF-'R ijl--l-.J Ltti4 itT [:.45 f OE.L'I/' I Letri l I L enr t .ltsflli: 11 (!ver' ur hu:t lii rttg ftt I1..-i-. f\ir.l I r:iFF l(LlV[.Lr r.robe5: ,.1r l.ll:t1 utiliHh-I' Ilui'.li:i tit.f,tLi lHEO,r - AOD Fiir..;l..,t]t-li t.ii{irLIi ALL- irriuiJLLu lrt-'pL:f{ l<uUF tiHt: lt. [{f:i * L0fii-,|-..|r fj,:: lj iliHi:,iittr HLr. l-,Ltjrill\ltlrii i.]uTt.t.i[:i1i iili]li F]r)n i{AIL. F,Lrl - f.f{il't1l\ili lNl:il-,[-:L f ilJN l;Jt::S l!i.i l I NL.L-Illi[::: Nlt. l.iE:l-;li iNt]l CO|"IFt.t: Ui.l i'ti:] I [t]Flt.,L'AL t.ll!lll- ii!';i!lr;i:lIOi! LILLL.IR'J] Hf ll-1 I:i Frl'{[:]A - l-'UL.LLiN t.Jt.' hI l. ll l:.Nii lit:t-rtJIl i LONul,:ltl fi{j iiLL L1i-lHf,ltiEs I t * nr I tarf r.l:;tel f_r[._ttj" 1lr s r-i .[.lt i u'n {\_tit4i'-&/t)tJ 1rrs1.rec.L.-,r- I CLr flc'i iln! r-lF L;fl ilt-'F Rt.tVt:lll(-;[iRRLCT IL,N f?L:;.Llt) Nofesr li|:UIUi:jt) DilFl,Jti\ltiti r:{i"ll} Hf-'FHtrVtil-]i ltE(}t }Il:iEn [:l]if Bt-lILlllilti l-lF-I!.:i t".:t-tfrN6[:.ti fft].[,!t-.lIRE.l] Fft.t{.lt{ ltJ Ahi i liilll::hl l{L.rr.:K t.;c}f.'l(-Ltll.. INti AhlY !:: liAM I l..lG f Flil I H f L-L $Li t-rf :Fj L.L l h.l) t.,i-r NUl ll',l$ilAlt.- $r{LLT f(ti{ih t{l lllt:i LL,tiLii ij{-l-l l-l Llr{-tIL LlLl iLL'1.N1 t$ rdt:AillE:liELl li! llv l-ltJ:i l-i]uAl- IiJirl I i: em ii rllrartrr]l,l Hl. Utr-Slleett-lluk i\€r i i,_ til5./fjl/9lJ ]rlslle(:L tir^: Cil Hct ir-rn,: l-'r'l iil:L. l"lLi l|l.Li l,lc'l,e*': [:NlR'i Elilrfi t.,Hhil).].i'it Hlriu Ct:-Ii... 1t,lli l',lli, {-r.li'ill-'l. l,tL: DLr[ |0 Fli,-)lr]I r-;i-rHkt:i": I I rlf'.ls t.tliE.lll:l.r, i{1.-5L} Lirtnt;R i .i:VLi i'r*ii-.i" 8t: |jRl]Olr1 .-i.{ tjl.,iL. l.liltjt( } 1R* fii:.sifrrll.vt. kF.1 rll',lr"i l1r.L,t-r r. l{i.lr Lil'lui:f( 5lAIt{5 | lJi: Usl.:lJ fil'i i:i luf{HL;La v o Otc January 9, 1998 Kathy Mauzy 2702 Larkspur Court Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Street address chanse notification and verification Dear Kathy, The purpose ofthis letter is to notifiy you ofthe recent change to your street address. On November 4, 1997, per your request, the Town ofVail approved a change in address ofLot 6, Block 3, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. Your new street address shall be 2702Larkspur Court. Should you have any questions or ifyou are in need ofadditional information, please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone at 970-479-2145. Sincerely, 0Py TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 fJ'^^t-g**aa George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner {p ""'"uo'^'"* TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department December 22,1997 A request for a minor subdivision, to correct an existing right-of-way encroachment, located aI2702 Larkspur Lane/Lot 6, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Kathy Mauzyffown of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The owner of this property, Kathy Mauzy, and the Town of Vail have entered into a voluntary agreement in order to correcl an existing encroachment of a paved street (of 153.2 sq. ft.) on Lot 6. The encroachment occurred prior to the land being annexed to the Town of Vail. The Town of Vail has paid the owner of this lot for the encroachment and is now fulfilling an obligation to replat the property. The replat will remove 153.2 sq. ft. of area from Lot 6 and will add that area to the public right-of-way. There is currently a home being constructed on the property. The proposed reduction in lot area will not atfect the GRFA for this home but will reduce the overall GRFA affowance from 2,865.9 sq. ft. to 2,827.6 sq. ft. (a difference of 38.3 sq. ft.). II. MINOR SUBDIVISION CRITERIA One of the basic premises of subdivision regulations is that the minimum standards for the creation/revision of a lot must be met. This subdivision will be reviewed under the Minor SuMivision Criteria, pursuant to Chapter 17, SuMivision Regulations, of the Town of Vail MunicipalCode. The tirst set of criteria to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission for a Minor Subdivisaon application is: 1. Lot Area - The revised lot area lor Lot 6 is 9,610.4 and therefore remains a nonconforming lot. The property is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential. The minimum lot area for the PrimaryiSecondary zone district is 15,000 sq. ft. S8,ff Bespon*: As proposed, this minor subdivision does not meet this criterion. The lot wiil remain nonconforming. This proposal is necessary to correct a long standing encroachment on this lot. The allowable GRFA tor this lot will be reduced by 38.3 sq. ft. 2. Frontage - The Subdivision Regulations require a minimum street Frontage of 30'. SF'ft Response: As proposed, this minor suMivision meets this requirement. 3. 80'x 80'square - The Subdivision Regulations require that the lot be capable of enclosing an 80'x 80'square. SE,ff Bespon*: This lot, in its existing configuration, does not meet this requirement. The proposed replat does not affect this requirement. The lot will remain nonconforming with respect to this criterion. The second set of criteria to be considered with a minor subdivision request, as outlined in the subdivision regulations, is: The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intended purpose ot Chapter 17, the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under Section 17.16.090. The PEC shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies related to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town, environmental integrity and compatibility with surrounding uses. The subdivision purpose statements are as follows: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development and proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required. SF,ff Hespon*: The review of this request has followed the regulations prescribed for minor subdivisions in the Municipal Code. 2. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent properties. SFff Response: The proposed subdivision wiil not have a negative effect or conflict with development on adjacent lots. The proposal will formalize an encroachment that has existed fs1 /e+ fears. 3. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. SE,ftRespon*: Staff does not believe that the applicant's request will negatively impact the value of land in the Town of Vailgenerally, or in the immdiate area specifrcally. 4. To insure that suMivision of property is in compliance with the Town Zoning Ordinance, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objectives. Sbff Bespon*: The proposed suMivision meets the minimum zoning requirements for this zone distict, with the exception of lot area and remains a nonconforming lot. 5. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreational and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. SE,ff Besponse: Staff does not believe the requested minor subdivision will have any adverse impacts on the above-described criterion. 6. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction, design standards and procedures. Stl,ff Response: The proposal will create an a&urate legal description for the subdivided land. 7. To prevent the pollution of air, streams, and ponds, to insure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and encourage the wise use and management ol natural resources throughout the municipality in order to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the community and the value of land. Sb,tt Respon*: Staff does not believe the proposed minor subdivision will have any negative impacts on the above described criterion. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the proposed minor subdivision subject to the following findang: 1. That the proposed minor subdivision plat complies with the review criteria and requirements of Chapter 17 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code and of Primary/Secondary Residential zone district, as they apply to nonconforming lots. F:\EVERYONE\PEC\M EMOS\glMAUZY. D22 l..8l.9C.7ON -_ '!: -,.1 G<OL!:tL L! t! (rF r- :(9d r Nf l tlSV_t llty,,riv".'{'.-- SI\l s5l\l\l -3.C) ...,<;EaF,- rr\v\ (N) |_rrI lNtr)l<l<l-lih-fo Itr l:- l!. l'lsl.HI l."t=t= lzlRlR lf;fifi IplalrlI d lElaf:< lilnlg* l"l 'l '-,-l l-l I a EkhI lil;le"l-llTtll(/]r'^l'^ t= slst-lilllil-l*tlt Il"ll \ h \ a+=/l/t /;rs I : ,, 11OII..r tlltll Iltrtl =.-(oi, F$oilr-(o o) I /g =ol rol 5r5L t, 1l 2 f> lu)'<LJ {t0aIo r*l SI \ o- z .oo?z - N F 4,"'eK -'< ls .r*-= -lM li Agcnda last revised December 18, 1997 (10:58am) PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, December 22, 1997 AGENDA Project Orientation / CHRISTMAS LUNCH - Communitv Develooment Department 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Site Visits : 1. Mauzy - 2702 Larkspur Lane2. Vail Valley Medical Center - Parking Slructure3. Crossroads Plaza Driver: George 1:00 pm NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinnerfrom 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a minor subdivision, to correct an existing right-of-way encroachment, located at 27O2 Larkspur Lane/Lot 6, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Kathy Mauzy/Town of Vail Planner:Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit to allow skier/guest parking on weekends and holidays in the WMC Parking Structure, with vehicular access from ihe South Frontage Road only, located at Lot E, Vail Village 2nd. Applicant: Vail Clinic, Inc., represented by Stan Anderson Planner:Reed Onate A request for a worksession to discuss a condilional use permit to construct four multiple- family dwelling units and variances from Section 18.28.090 (Building Height), Section 18.28.140 (Landscape Area) and Section 18.28.070 (Setbacks), to allow for commercial and residential expansion, located at 143 E. Meadow Drive (Crossroads East Building) / Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Crossroads Plaza, Trevina L.P., represented by Bill Pierce 2. 3. Planner:Dominic Mauriello Agcnda lrst nviscd Dccembcr 18, 1997 (10:5tam) 4. A request for a conditional use permit, to dlotr for the construction of a temponary struclurg to accommodate a winter sleigh ride operation at Golden Peek Ski Base, located at 45E Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, VailVillage Sth Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, represenled by Brian McCartneyPlanner: George Ruther WITHDRAWN 5. Approval of December E, 1997 minutss. The applicaiions and information about lha proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s offica located at the Town of Vail Community Developmenl Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language Interprebtion availaUe upon request wih 24 hour not'flcdion. Pleare cal 47$2114 volce or 47$2356 TDD for information. Community Devdopm€nt Departtnent Published December 19, 1997 in the Vail Trail 2 FILE COPY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION December 22, 1997 Minutes MEMBERSPRESENT: MEMBERSABSENT: STAFF: Greg Moffet Ann Bishop Mike Mollica Greg Amsden Dominic Mauriello Galen Aasland Reed Onate Gene Uselton Susan ConnellY Diane Golden Christie Barton John Schofield Public Hearings l. A request for a subdivision, to conect an existing rightof-way encroachment, located at 2702Larkspur Lanellot 6, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Kathy Maury/Town of Vail Planner: Dominic Mauriello Greg Moffet asked for public comment. There was nonc. Galcn Aasland commented that he thought this would correct the problem. John Schofield made a motion in accordance with the staff memo. Galcn Aasland secondcd the motion. The motion passed by a 5-1-1 vote (Amsden abstain; Bishop absent). 2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow skier/guest parking on weekends and holidays in the WMC Parking Structure, with vehicular access from the South Frontage Road only, located at Lot E, Vail Village 2nd. Applicanl Vail Clinic, Inc., represented by Stan Anderson Planner: Reed Onate Greg Moffet asked for public comment. Dan Feeney, head of maintenance for WMC, was present to answer questions. Jim Lamont, East Village Homeowners Association, Inc., commented on his concems, such as the impacts on streets, the bus stops, the neighbors, and noted that he submitted a letter about them to the Commission and staff. Qucstionfl thc Planning Smff ar 479.2 1.13 APPLICATION FOR PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAI- INFORMATION This application is for nny projcct requiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific information, scc thc submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acccptcd until all rcquircd infornration is subnrittcd. The projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. A: TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional CRFA (250) tr Bcd and Brcaldast fl Conditional Usc Pcrmittr Major oy fiMinor Subdivisiontr Rezoning tr Sign Variancefl Variancc tr Zoning Codc Amcndmcnt E tr tr tr tr EI Amcndmcnt to an Approved Dcvclopment Plan Employcc Housing Unit (Typc: _) Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (VailVillagc) Major or tr Minor CCII ExtcriorAltcration (Lionshead) Spccial Dcvclopmcnt District Major or E Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD B, c. DESCRIPTIONOFTHER1Q!1sT: AcpVl 4a Loreee:l l-fA ewca,ch,-.g'-l ADDRESS:BUILDING NAME: TOWNOFVAIL LOCATI ON OF PRbPOSA L: LOT -Q-.B LOCK.--3- FI LING D.ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: H. F. c. PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE:_ FEE - SEE THE SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. ST'BMIT THISAPPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS.A,ND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMT,NITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Fcepaid: lJMe-. Ck#:_By: Application Datc:_ PEC Mccting Rcvi*d &96 j.- i tl. tE+a uu,4- o kJr 1."+-s - ,2W4Urtnolu Cra",z., MrcrttnSZlo S- d.q\" s+. + lsD %*ud, Co - g6rtl L_+ Il zh>o Q'ucsl.( (L"*l4La. h t/^. I U. Uo. L,b ,(.6sr l4Yl 7G1+ 0 ob ftern felu_ 2C,*\ tn&e"p C1-. Vai\ , Lo Y $5+ ' @ THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 22, 1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A requesl for a conditional use permit to construct four multiple-family dwelling u1tt1_a1!-a variahce from Section 18.28.090 (Building Height) and a variance from Seclion 18.28.070 (Setbacks), to allow for commercial and residential expansion, located at 143 E. Meadow Drive (Crossroads East Building) / Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Planner: Crossroads Plaza, Trevina L.P., represented by Bill Pierce Dominic Mauriello I request for a minor subdivision, to correcl a righFof-way encroachment, located al 2704 \$spur Lane/Lol 6, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. A . - A$plicant: Kathy Mauzy/Town of Vail Planner; Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit, lo allow for the construction of a temporary s_qqc]Y.r9_tq accommodate a winter sleigh ride operation at Golden Peak Ski Base, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village sth Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, represented by Brian McCartney Planner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the projecl planne/s office located at the Town of Vail Communily Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Communily Development Deparlment Published December 5, 1997 in the Vail Trail. w!, o fPpn $YtD l/,tt!2n.,, FILT COPY 1. A request for a subdivision, to correct an existing right-of-way encroachment, located at 2T}2LarksptrLwrclLot 6, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Kathy Mauzy/Town of Vail Planner: Dominic Mauriello Greg Moffet asked for public comment. There was none. Galen Aasland commented that he thought this would correct the problem. John Schofield made a motion in accordance with the staffmemo. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. The motion passed by a 5-1-l vote (Amsden abstain; Bishop absent). Planning and Environmental Commission Mnutes Dea,ember 22,1997 ).-. \ )-'t\r,;-r^\r\ '.t, ( c,ltBtt. 3 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-4'19-2L38 Etcctrica[---> DRg Fee DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERI,IIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0266ELECTRICAL PERMIT JIO;L APPLICANT KATHY T'TIUZY,-/ 2704 LARKSPUR CT, VAILOWNER SIMS RUFUS B JR 1850 TVANHOE AVE| OXNARD CA 93030 CONTRACTOR FRENCH ELECTRIC, INC. P.O BOX 2Ol7, EAGLE, CO 81631 Description: TEMP POWER Phone: 479-Q337 Phone:. 970-328-6216 Valuation:50c ^ Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. .00 .00 21++ LARKSPUR CT 2704 LARKSPUR CT 2 10 3 -14 3-01-029 Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . I S SUED Lo /23 / J,se' ro /23 / rse' o4 /2r / Lee ,*****************i*****i****tt********"t****t**************** FEE SUI'lftARY ************************************************t**'t*rri- ^ TotaI Catcutated Fces---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Pernit fee--------> 53.00 .00 55.00 ToTAL FEES---> 53.00 gALANCE DUE-.-- ********************************************************************************************************************************** I!e4i .QOQqo ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:LO/23/!997 CHARLTE Action: ApFn-eppRovED cb-'-Item:'0s600_IIB DEPARTI4ENT Dept: FIRE Division:LO/23/1,997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A ************************ff*t*|t*****ft***********************************************t**ff********i**********t**************r****** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *t*lt***********************************t****i************************tr*********************************************************** Investigation> .00 tlitL catL---->3.00 Paynents > 53.00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that t have read this apptication, fiLted out in futL the information required, compteted anptan, and state that atl the infortnation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with tire informationto conpty Hith atl' ToHn ofdinances and state [aHs, and to build this structure accordingcodes, design revieu approved, Uniform Euitding code and other ordinances of the fown appfiftUte thereto. REOUESTS IOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE T}IENTY-FOUR HOURS I}I ADVANCE BY Ar 179-OR AT OUR OFFI accurate p lot and ptot p tan, subdivision TELEPHONE ><.- I CONTRACTOR TOR HII'IS€LF AND OIINER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprintedt Io/23/9? LLt24 statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0350 Anount: Payment Method: CK Notationz *71? s3.00 L0/23/97 11:16Init: JRM Permit No: E9?-0266 Type: B-ELEC Parcel No: 2103-143-01-029Site Addrese: 2704 LARKSPUR CT L,ocation z 2?04 LARKSPUR CT ETECTRICAL PERMIT This Payment Account code EP 00100003111400 wc 00100003112800 Total Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 53.00 s3.00 .00**************************************************************** Amount 50.00 3 .00 II f :I af 970-328-8640 for pasceL #. -TowN oF \iPARCEL #z2,lo3- t.( 1 -ot-oL7 DlrDrfym .f ::"ffi :, fi gl ;, 3H:'ro"""'"o'e":1ffi ,,,^tVATL CONSTRUCTIO APPIJICATTON FORMh" il z2to3'r( 1 -6 t-o z7.'uQ,t'/+ < -e '-u L7 PERI.IIT DATE: {0 , APPLICATfON IIUST BE FILLED OUT COI.TPLETELY OR -tT MAY NoT BE AcCEpTED x***************************** PERMIT TNFORMATION *****************************/l [ ]-Building [ ]-ptunbing 1/3-Electrical [ ]-]rechani-cat [ ]-other rob Nane: lil euzl Cltfltn, _ Job Addre==, ho{ LfufnuL CT Lega1 Description: Lot Block fifing sunorvrsrollt owners Name: KPftl( fut/+'"zT ' Address: L'1" 359 /aUSUL L/J ,a./tf - ottz h |,a.'\Architect: ILK t/ Address:L-o" P RJ Pt-.tlTL ^72>( B17-osos PER}IIT # General Description:€te-crptc Work Cl-ass: oJ/-llew [ ]-Alterat,ion [ ]-Additional I J-Repair t ]-other Number of Dwell-ing Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units: ^Prorr and Type of Firepraces: cas Appriances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pe1J_et_ Yft******************'t************** vALUATToNs *********************************t !ur"or*n: q - Er,EcrRrcA", +_94 oi.HER: $PLIJMBING: T- vncniwici_ PLWBfNG: $ MECI'^ANICAI,: $---- tt:;:::i.ffi ;:::::i:.Effisli,:;"cBWff3),A/41fi )rlo ToTAL: ----ON ******t.********************cotrrtratto"t l"r"* "r v"il--Lot-**J-?jE Phone N ELectrical,€ontractor :Address, _(9_-@.1 2n, Address: Plumbing contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor; Address: * **** ***** * * *_****** * * *********** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: }fECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Corqments: Eq1-o1J^' Phone Nlrnber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Number: FOR oFFrcE usE ** * ** ****** * *** *** ********* **.** BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PU'I.IBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK TEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI.IIT FEES: BUILDIN.;; SIGNAIIJRE; ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEA}I IIP DEPOSIT RESIII{D TO: VALUATION oo I ry PL lf'",; EK WC( J. k, J.P. -L /ry- ru.r/ Tla /ur/u'*J'r*, ," ry -,,q1( Fo, cL 4*4 P,o*,t 14 *'fi 74-- +*lp Y*. '-*'*f4 fu" I'1,1.- //.J tto*,,y' D frvoz tu,u/Y "l F P/r^nl,o,, p-*-,y' So f/r* ra;- bu*_nll fLo tuilru,.,ltn,-'fir" 6.L, E ;,,; # f[- 5g. fr.La p*adtJ p. un/-s/,t, at-.r h,,.* J. b*- t/*ut, *,'fu Lluo ftr*- ,4'J,t-',t-/ y*/49 ""'/*y fu u4i %"J./ ,,-rl/ b.*- ,urLil.J ll "l4g , ry 6J,sl-,,u- n/ng,-- "4 &ete ,r/ S?a- Tfft . // = zJ//VeIL ? fl*?Lv --'\-r- /-//-/6 Ig :lgVd gNrgl/fnd AurJ.rm xt3 6EAWZ9SL6 Tg:tr A66tlrtltB Io E E $ t A to t'a!o! 6- F* BtIt zo E6 g I:, DLr aaI rl \ r/ uil a ti t! F o @ r oo! sv 5o.pt7qa 5*fi. Ei ig;a-{t DIltoh \ =l ! ttl iil i$ll! ul ls?lI rl NNil'ii$6F$l\R N NN P I rr;r ^vz.rlE EiE :ii -FEj?32o t =n1? tt 2i =6z F € z 8I o R 6 F l!xtdsE It , iii dlE :IE EPIEItt .!sE t ta tg i, I il't N $ F TE:AI A66T/TI|TA6EAVZ9gL6gNrshrnd AulNx]c )TlZS jPVd oa ry Pt WerffiHKCOM ffi f#h"s / u1ffi ,,*ln^ ;,"/sh'l't "'/- B-1 "4 l, B",bt-U*l-y'/J*,,q ch-C UWI l{att tsllt ,^f hllt, &fU w"l+ #4* tra,sn'k ffi67 jv,u Btzt' ' i, r,t l BTb l,Bn(-' Zhln*,-,/* (4 trdop Blu ,* ?'g = r6,>f///,- t+ /r, fbh. Ltt'u Tol,l tu-,rJt J t(-*-"p /-r ttl6;z hr rd IUt 2, + *3' fr/"| {'} bss F* {.fir,,L t /,t/ fl,r- ^{ j*t {/*n P*,,//g: E67( ?v, F'* /4 /V*2 BeJ'- Be"tv/ 8l@wf,onWr"rffi J,t.$'irtr_. b0,* buL /^<c +- 2i,'+ EA 39Vd gNIStfrU AUlr{rD X-E 6eartz9aL6 rE:lT a66ttrtttg /3r2, /f 7t.t /')p,6t GtIfl,,g'' t-l rroE,-r'r-, O '#HJfsryE*jf.trH$g'fs#ljLHr".r"'rdffictnbn''h.b|oor .|-.I.tFG.Cr- tt !ff !t-lh lt|-d I. rtu'r d rrlt-ffi#=, t1i.H''9"'tg#,'"* b....t' |'!'d tIIarO.t t F.rl'F-a#tFlE OO ldF aJr AG.A d..bn crLd b t nH ff'r1 : ai| dol5 .i ,.!fi t aa.' muo' rOal i-E:fii:E,lll 7. Lit htr3$ loruE lfro,. ..A l. ,t. -, I iir------'ltl;lil tI L_E---d ffiIIEF nI,t curi rcEdcL$sr r5ulL5flLttn CoitlHatPt atDll F*.. o'l||. Hrtlh ffirgllrT l-r..G- WrdxolFniEfoielru.h.bt nr.rmocqDrHffi"*"' ''mu,{crhEIF||-i ----.-- Iffifrffi.l"*" @ffi; ffiilEnlmgr*.itr hcfc.tl-r:t bc,llcCf!.F#ffig*E#ffisffi. -iFFrii*rtg nrri .-:I:'''' . --.dir b clrnr -dcti.r. r, !.ai*r hlb.fidoldhalrFuT ilth t!'Erifrf!!f||a'r}Idrh tF{tlbrultbclsltre $rdl-ilGtNhltE[.mll$5ll0 Bhlnc Sfocl lrrifi$n cfry, lluofi ll'ult8 AUffillmfiinCofiFU lrlrhu.sl , r<a!r ro c$itFfl tpe.) otgs uFl'll|guh '- '- ' '-' - '' FTThfa t3l' t|9.rll|lnk 0'0Ct||trfh.Dfrur|r. EfrlftftrtFU6('F'B C*rth ftFtcbrct:.d[Ell r{}GE;tr.tr FFO|J r**frctt!-fUl cll.tll !i2,o0 41m t7.qn coe to-a teo a'l O, r CO aol roD 5r.oo tqflb 0.1 to.7 &t2 {'1D, r eq ooa r06@0 m.qro ,,N L,l ai"a urg FlO- rAg oG6 l.o.cct r lt,mo te,m s.a .9 &s f l!, r2d . coa r74m r.5,flIl r2qm f,!,5 61.6 q22 dLq r2O c&t '|0.0o r 7.,qq0 t5t,@ et6 u.7 u!t' lO. t 29 coJ 2a5,m '@.pdJ r7l@ m.6 u.t 0r.a.t' lD. r?0' JCg.S[fi. t8 FVd gNr8hntd Aul"Nfrlc )Tl 6Egrvz9aL6 rt:zr S66Tlttlrg ENERGY SAVER GAS GIA$S-IINED WATER HEATER TIT''nIE 1trstr.sEtrutnllt T I II s lra. f,FTourlcYa $r ||PrnrTar[ialc 'LI'C ATfODE TYpICAL Hsrlil-ano1{ ^ iFffitflLffi**r" t rf O t! ltrD T|pGAL F|c.t i,6n|i FROO{TYIEW TOPYEI' !l.m 00tl $tutrcGlmllttt.Ela.E. ffi ,..r r!tL?9g-!:LL:ffiqr orp.cry.mdd b. r.ducrd reo.,cn*tv "-'- ;ilt;dtr.mtar"totr'Ilvr' AtU Oruet{gOul fi IIEHES fuirily cf,Efaa x. h|.d '| DO€ |ndtrod ot El' /\ ,Y rlr.lEiya" trtT i,l- rtr GA' IIILE?I onerI YTI.IEtr..'l--f o tl.tl wa,H.c(rrg.rhHp-.orffi o-,,'..r#iHyru$&";ili#,HHffi #Lffi :[?"]:'?silf*Iffi rs|hFd b bum -. octg--1--crul,n,,d-q:ryr;ffi #fr-i*.:f fl r#*ffii'#*S;p$'*,""'ffi ffi fi Cd bldy tqru |h!gF ef,rt c8&ily o? _ co* ,,n , # ;;;'Llrn i *rr" hgrdutol,";T,fil ;,ffi;;* 'i 'tirr ttslnum cltrofi! P(o"'don' r! htltd ''6 oa tu h.*(a) orp* .rJ'.rir be gbsgl.d wilr .n .rfrilffi comoocNrion rrcr+rqaiear. Hsdno(sr rhdl tho b' rstp' t tr[r Jr rrb.irtic ch,Ur C.,.., ffi ;;-gJ;;e,y "-.".r, O #itilttr"t i' n"r' lrrtttci tL"l cto b' qJpFd rirt e| AGA cc|rfi.d drdr hoo.t Trr* ll€ll o. ffijtJii'i fig i'd|'.ro rtt- -'ffi;-ennn-nLtnr"mgl ar,rr' o,|9r irotol rtrl lnn r bd orrmrl fnah. }5.Fruhrr rr.* ; ;; fubd' rrnuttt * -onod;,-^ it'*-'ir-" "u"T ry.n a trnemor- rnrrarsrnn' (1 yrr 'n a cdtwm|fhl na.ronl. rty.*'.."'JJ'fifi ; h"rni' *-ttno"*l' A. O- llmltt wrb?Plodaqgil?'flY ^o,n.-"^*HltHt"'** A. o. s. u! crtporarlon f9?iHg.6s!:!io m'kt ptodtrl c'l|ng.. ii lrrip-dJi'mc"6 lt arry tin' oilioul nortcc' o A. O. Sn|h oo.P., tg{n Frinbd h U.Sl. lNlglrnd AdLNflD )l-lf 6EBI9ZEAL6 IE:ZI 866TIIT/Ig t Mcnnn to *? Sy'^fl:; TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARIMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PROJECT TITLE: MAUZY CHALET _ TOV/Comm. Dev. NEw (snR,p/s,DUp) pERMrr Cfean-up Deposit Refund ON JOBSITE AT Permit TIMES 897-0363 approved amount date Ptan Check---> Invcst i gat ion> tliLt Cat l,----> il;fJ€b-A4dress z 2704 LARKSPUR cT\rtr' " - Location . . . '. 2'l 04 LARKSPUR COURT Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . APPROVED t0 /oB / LeeT Lo /oB /teel04/06/rseB No. . : 2103-1,43-01-029 Description:NEw SFR Number of Dwelling Units: 001,Occupancy Type Factor Sq. Feet ValuationDwellings Zone L V-N 80.60 2,236 18O,ZZL.6OPrivate Garages Zone 1V-N 21.30 440 9t372.0QSubtotall. 2,676 l-89,593.60Table Date: 05/17/1996 TotaL Valuation: 189,593.60 Town of Vail Adjusted Val-uation: 1,89,593.600 fireptacc Information: Restricted: Y #Of Gas Apptiances:fof Gas Logs: I fof t,ood/PaL tet: It*ffiH**rffir*t**trt*f*tffi#**rltr*ff*ffiffi*#******* f EE Sutill,lARy *ffi****H******************************ffi**it**f,i**t*t Bui Lding-----> 1,100.m Restuarant ptan Revierr--> ct No.: PRJ97-0178 APPLICANT GROSHIRE DEVELOPMENT CORP 4770 BTGHORN ROAD #H-3, VArL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR GROSHIRE DEVELOPMENT CORP 4770 BIGHORN ROAD #H-3, VAIL CO 81.657OWNER MAUZY KATHLEEN Phone : 97 0-47 6-8339 Phone: 970-476-8339 .0O Total calcu[ated Fees---> ?,A53-1O 200.00 Additional Fees--------> .0O 315.40 Total Pcrmit Fee-------> ?,853.40 500.00 Payments 2,853.40 BALANCE DUE---- *t******ffi****fr**trlt*t*****t*f*ffi***r****ffi*tt*ffirr****r**t**ffitf*tHrt#ffiffrffr*ffiif,ffi*ffi**ffi**ff**t*** 715.00 DRB FeF------- .OO Recreation Fee----------> 3.0O Clean-Up Dsposi t--------> TOTAL FEES----- Item: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT LO/08/L99'l CHARLIE Action: AppRItem: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 70/Ott/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppRItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1O/08/L997 CHARLTE Actioni APPRItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS IO/08iL997 CHARLIE Action: AppRItem: 05550 ENGINEERING I0/o8/1-997 CHARLIE Action: APPR Dept: CHARLIE DAVIS Dept: PER DOMINIC Dept: > 200.00 BUILDING Division PLANNING Division FrRE Division PUB woRK Division ENGINEER Division N/A PER PER Dept: LARRY P Dept: LARRY P *ti*******ff**t*t*tt** r**ftt**|t|t*,tffi*i*t**t****|*****f,t*H**t*tffi*i*******t*tffffiff***ffi*******i*ft**r*frr**ffffifi**** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS I hereby rcknoxtedgc that I have read this apptication, fil,Led out in ful,L the information required, compl,eted an accufate plotptan, and state that att the informtion provided as pequired is correct. I agree to compl,y vith the infornation and ptot pLan, \ ,"1.""0i, Ur,n ",, ,*n ordinanccs "no .t,"r., and to buitd this structure "..orainj the Tounrs zoning and subdivision codes, design revi ew. approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Toyn appl,icabLe thereto. REaUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FoUR HOURS I ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 479-2138 OR AT oUR OfFICE FROI',| E:00 AM 5:00 P[ Send ctcan-Up Dcposit To: GROSHIRE DEVELOPIIENI SIGNATURE OF OI.IIIER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIITSELF AND OI.II{ER PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVATPermit #: 897-0363 as of L0/08/97 Statu6: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Pernit Type: NEw (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT Applied: 10/0A/L997Applicant: GROSHIRE DEVELOPMENT CORP Issued: lO/08/L997Job Address: 2704 LARKSPUR CTLocationz 2704 LARKSPUR COURTParcel No: 2103-143-01-029 **********************************************************************rk********* CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION. 2. MAKE NOTE OF CORRECTIONS LIST PROVIDED WITH APPROVED PLANS TOWN OF VArL, COTORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0342 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: €715 2,6s3.40 Lo/o9/97 rozL2 INiT: LRD This Pavment **************************************************************** Permit No Parcel No Site Address Location Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 897-0363 Type: B-BUILD 2103-143-OL-029 2704 LARKSPUR CT 2704 LARKSPUR COURT NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE 2 ,853 .40 2 t853 .40 .00 Amount 1, 100.00 71s . 00 500.00 335.40 3 .00 Total Fees: 2,653.40 Total ALL Pmts: Bafance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CTEANUP DEPOSITS RECREAT]ON FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE KATHY MAUZY 2.96 PH. 970-479-m37 26358 LARKSPUR LN, vAtL, co 81657 82-399/ 1021 715 (9. * q rcq1 3^J"8e ,$ e,uta.+6 OLLARS l5:leq5lOlltl' UUI .H]llu I****************************** PEII!,IIT TNFORMATJON *****************************n [ ]-Building [ ]-Plutnbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibat [ ]-other rob Name: 4lrlll'/ C'o r Job Addre "", @!_l,atrV+Wr Cou* Lesar oescripti on: Lot-(? nocx-V riLins Vdtl l-guK,WK.yk;^ Owners Nane: Architect: Address: Address: Ph. Ph. General Description: ,/I,;work class: [ -f-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of DwelLing Units I Nurnber of Accommodation Units: LDlttU 3ftud -/ -/Iiap^ces- - Gas Logs / Wood/pellet_ @1ttl;x3 l\Oa:.- OTHER:-$BUILDTNG: $lco ELECTRICAL: $ Contractor:Address: V77b Electrical Contractor: Address: PLumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEEs PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: I'{ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAI-, FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: RECREATION FEE: TOTAL: S rown of Vail Res. No. / 7/^A rypne Number: V7L -fV7 Town of Vail Reg. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI-,AN CHECK FEE: PLU}IBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PIJ\N CHECK FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEA}I TIP DEPOSIT NEFUrII' TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 9'to-479-2L38 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....: Project Nunber: 2704 LARKSPUR CT 2?04 LARKSPUR COURT 210 3 -14 3 -01" -0 2 9 PRJ9 7 -017 8 APPROVED 0r/02/leeBor/12/r"';; o7 /rL/1,9". DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M98-0001 Status. . .epplied.. Issued. . . Expires. . ftft**t*ffi*t***********ft***i*******t*t******t***t**t* FEE SUllllARy **ftff************t***ff**"t******ff**t#****H*ff***ff* APPLICANT ELK COUNTRY PLUMBING & HEATINGP. O. BOX l-l-12, EDWARDS, CO 8L632 CONTRACTOR ELK COUNTRY PLUMBING & HEATINGP. O. BOX l, 1l_2, EDWARDS, CO 81632 OWNER MAUZY KATHLEEN A 2635-8 LARKSPUR LN, VAIL CO 81657 Phone:970-5tI4-10,1 Phone: 970-584-10 Valuation:12,000 . 00 #0f Gas Logs: 1 #Ot Uood/PaLLe .00 Totat catcutated Fees---> 303.0C.00 Additional Fees---------> .00503.00 Total Permit Fee--------> 303.0(' Pavments-------.00 Description: MECHANICAL FOR NEW SFR Fi reptac! Information: Restnicted: Y llechani cat---> PLan Check---> Invest i gat ion> t,litL Catt----> #0f cas App t iances: 240.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi eu-->60.00 DRB.M TOTAL FEES---.- 3.00 ***********************f,***************f,r**ffi*******r***************ffi**************lllllii-.lll;;;;;;;;iiiii*********lli;ff*-- -I!e{ri.q51q0_BIIILDING DEPARTMENT .Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:Ol/.12/.L998 JRM Action: ApFR approved irmol/12-/L998 JP.}r Action; APPR n7h irmIte.n:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT _ ___07/12/1998 Jwr Acrion; AppR n/a jrm CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. EIEI,D_IN9PECTIONq ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. CoMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED pSR SnC. 007 6F-rHn-rs9i--uMe;-.---3. INSTALLATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES rllStnUCtiONs-annTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE ].99]. UMC.4. q4 AppLrANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ gu4l,ri TERMTNATE AS SPECTFTED rN SEC.906-OF-rHn--rggr 0u-C-.-5. AqgEgg To HEA,?rNG EQUTPMENT MUST eOUpr_,y wlrn snc.sos-ello703 0F THE 1991 rrMc;6. EQII,_EBS SqALI, BE MOqNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST._ uN Egg LTSTED FOR MOUNTTNG ON COMBUSITBTE-FLooRiNG:- -7. PEB!4r!!P!4NQ_AND CODE ANALYSTS Mi0ST Bn-pOSfnD- ru-r.lncHeNrcAl-,- ROOM PRIOR TO 4N INSPECTION REOUEST:8. DB4'INAGE OF ITECEANICAL ROOMS EoIIfAiIITUG HEATING OR HOT_WATERsqppl,y BoTLEBS 9HALL BE EQUTppED-wrtH- A F[ttoR Dnaill--Fen .sEel 2119 0F THE 1991 UMC ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hcrlby acknorrlcdgc th.t I hrvc read this appticatiqr, fitted out in futt the inforration requi red, coetetrd rip[.n, md stetc that rt] the inforration provided .s rcquired is corrqct. I agr.e to cornty uith the infornation to corpty vith atL Tolrn ofdinanccs end Btste [avs, and to buitd this structurc accofding to the Torrnrs zoning rnd cod8, dcaign revicu epprovcd, Unifor. fuitding Codc rrd othcr ordinancca of thc Torrn appticabte thcreto. REqUESTS FOR TIISPECTIONT SIIALL BE IIADE TV€T{TY-FOI'R KT'RS II{ AOYANCE BY TELEPIDI{E AT 47}2136 OR AT o|JR OFFICE fROTI stcl{AnnE oF oIltER on co n^clon FoR HI|SELF t D oUIER subd'" i*rbrl S:qt ,a. l:rl$ i* t TOVIN OF VAIL 75 s. FRoNTAGE RoAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT I 'L TII'.i. . PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P98-0001 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 2103-143-0I-029 PRJ97-017I Issued.. . : Expires. . : Phone: 970-584-1U.' Phone: 970-581 04 2704 LARKSPUR CT Status...: Ar 2704 LARKSPUR COURT Applj ed. . : APPLICANT ELK COIjNTRY PLIJIr{BING & HEATINGP. O. BOX 1112, EDITIARDS, CO 81632 CONTRACTOR ELK COUNTRY PLI'MBING & HEATINGP. O. BOX 1112, EDWARDS, CO 81632OWNER MAUZY KATHLEEN A 2635-8 LARKSPUR LN, VAIL CO 81657 Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR Valuation: 6,0, *ffifffffi***t*i**t*ffiFt***** FEE SUllilARY *ftrtt*t*ffiiffi**********ffift*rtffir., ., , Ptumbing-----> 90.00 Restuarant Ptan Rcvi elr--> .00 Total Catcul,ated Fees---> PLan Check---> 22.50 ToTAL FEES-----Investigation> .0O tli l.L cafl.----> 3.0O *|tl**'t****}**'t|t**ff**,r*,tt}1.ffi*ffirt,r*ffi****ffi'Hr*****ff****l*****ffiffi************#**ff******tr******ff*ff*********#! Ite.m: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTI,IENT Dept: BUILDING Divrsion:OL/02/7998 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVISM{ti',qtQg0_EIBE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:oL/oz/L998 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A ***f,*ffi***ffi*rt***t*ffi**|tl"*t*t**ffi****ft**trt!t*tr*trt***iff****relftt*tr*tr***t*H*******************ff*t**ffi*ff****ff****fti CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******ffi*****t****l****t*t**tht****t****t*tt**rt****tht***ffi***l********tff**ff***f,*lrt*ff*f,t*ffi****ff*ffit**i******t,. DECLARATIONS l. hereby .acknovtedga that I have read.this appl,ication, f il.l,ed out in fuLt the information requ.i red, completed an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl' the infornation providcd as r€quired is corrrct. I agree to conpty r,iittr tire information and ptot il.an,to corpty Hith aLt Tovn ordinances -and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according iothe Toyn,s zoning and subdivisioncodcs, design revieu approvcd, Uniforn BuiLding Code and other ordinanccs of the Town aipl,icabLe thereto. REQUESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE TADE TI{EIITY-FOI'R HOURS I1{ ADVATICE 8Y TELEPHO}IE AT 47F2136 OR AT OUR OFFICF FROII 6:(L AII 5:OO PI.I Tota[ Permit FeF ---- ) Payments------- ----' BALAICE DU€---- SIGilATURE OF Oi,|I{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND O}INER F ;*ConcacE nael9 Councy r0 -04bb VATL CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION TORMomg;J42%7 pRJq?- o't78 ' ac 970=328-8640 for Parcel df . '. ,$fftt tiz Jto 3 - t + a' at' zz7 Assessors 0fflce Parcel #. TOWN OF. A/ .227 PERMIT , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR TT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED lr***************************** PER!{IT TNFORMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */l [ ] -Building fy,) -Plumbing [ ] -Electrical 1!l -Mechani'cal [ ] -other Job Name: Mti-ZV Job actdress:/ Legal oescriptiont tot L nlock_^l Owners Name: Architect: Address: Address: Ph. Ph. Number of Dwell-ing Units: /Number of Accomrnodation Units z / ceneral Description: Work Class1. V)-New [ ]-Alteration I J-Additional t NJrnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas AppliancesI t* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUILDING: $EI,ECTRICAL: $ Address:;-/), Electrical Contractor: Address: * * *** * ** * ** * * ***** ik* * *** *r+ * * rt * * * * l-Repair [ ]-other 3 cut nogs 1 wood/pellet OTHER: S town'5i-"t'ai1 Res-. No.27 t -P TOTAL: I 1'ION * * *'& **lt *** * * **** ** ** t( * * * * * * Town of VaiI Req. NO. Phone Nurnber: I Tovrn of Vail Reg. NO._ -[rPhone - Nunber:1_ x6!@ _'_ -- ;Plumbing Address: MechanicaL Address: ************ BUTLDING P PLUMBING MECHANICAL P ELECTRTCAL tor: ontractor: b',,Co a 3lH"l";:* "'t0vE c0lufl/iffiF ,----'-8-zool - 297:7A/Z:oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI-, PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Comrnents: CLEAN UP DEP,OSIT REFTIND VALUATION [ ]-Buitding [ ]-p_lumbing [ ]-Electricat [ ]-Mechani-ca1 rob Narne: Lltkll?.( C"' r rob Addre "", ?)gQ bv74 Lesar Descripriont Lot_;(? arcex_V_ ,1ins V^ |&W,Wrg*!ta|^ Oqrners Narne:Address: Architect qress: Dh --... Generar Descripti9/, Ol*|i\tk lh*tt-p1Ay ./Work Class: t {-N on [ ]-Additionat t l-Repair t l_other Nurnber of Dwerling unitsz / Number of Accommodation units; MEcHANrcArt $::::-- roril: i one Numben V7L- i*:::l:.t contractorz _ Iffi rown or Vail Res. No. Phone Nurnber: ..-r-< Ph. );:mber and Type of Fireplaces: o^" onn?#{{."- / cas Logs /w""uzn"rr"a_{.... 20a_- [********************************* vALUATToNs ***********r********************* :y*ly: I l<f\ ,oao -ELEcrRrcAL: $ "prn*:'+ /s-aL'? PLUMBING: $ / lechanical Contractor: 'ddress: .******************************* IUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: Town of VaiL Req. NO.Phone Nurnber: FOR OFFTCE usE ******************************* BUTTDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:t'rEcHANrcAL pr,AN cnnck rnr: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNAIURE: LUMBING PERMTT FEE3 ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: LECTRICAL FEE: THER TYPE OF FEE: RB FEE: ILEAN UP DEP.OSIT REFIIND TO: TOWNOFWN Departmcnt of Communlty D evelopment 75 SowhFtonnge Rmd lhtl, Colorado 81657 974479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Town of vail 75 South Frontaqe Road Vail , colorado 81557(303) 479 -2138 !he Project Numberr 897-0334 Addrees: 2?04 Larkspur Court Occupancy: R3.Ml Type of ConEt! V-N Plan review 19 91 UniEorm Report created uaLng Plan Analyst softtrarePortions of the maEerial contained in thrsUniforn Building code ( 1,991 ed.itlon) wlth Conference of Buildlnq Officials based on BuiJ-ding Code Name: MAUZY CHALET Date: October 8, 1997 contractor: Groehire Development Architect: RKD Engineer: KRM Consul tante Plana Examiner: CHARLTIE DAVIS bybw&a. (719) 599-5522 program are reproduced from the permission of International SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTTON REQUIRED not ahow sheet A3.1 Exterior surfaces with atucco shalL be provided with exterior netal lath as per UBC 4705 with 2 layere ofpaper. Windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(noE with just screed metal). A lath inspection is required prior stucco appl i cation . siteplan AIl new conatrucbion within the Tovrn of Vail will berequired to have a Public Way Permit by TOV Public Works Dept,. t.o approve aite drainage and culver!installation. This approvaL nus! be conplete prior to any inspection by the Building Department, gheete a2.1,a3.1 Glazing in a hazardous location ie required. to be glazed with safety material". -- Sec, 5406. eheet a2.1 A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a rnechanical ventilation syeEem. -- Sec. 1205. (c) sheet a2.1 ThiE area requires an exterior opening for emergency escape or rescue with cLear area/dimensionaspecified. -- Sec. l-204. shee! a2.1 In bathrooms with a Eub or shower and in laundry roomE a mechanical ventilation sysLem connectedd.irectty to the outside shalI be provided. Bathrmg {p **uo"u MWII OFVAIL Department of Commun ty Development 75 SouthFrontage Road Vail, Colorfu 81657 970-479-2138 FAX97A479-2452 sheet a2.1 not shown not shown not shown noE shown which conbain only a water closeE or lav' may be ventilated with a recirculaling fan' UBC 1205(c) ' not shown on plans DomedLic cLothee dryer exhauEt ductE shal1 be inetalled aa per IJMC 1104 and 1903' Flexible duct connecEors rnay not exceed 5' in length anil shall noE be concealed wilhin construction' Ducla ahal1 terminate outside Ehe building and not exceed 14' L ength . sheet a2.1 No alomescic dishwashing machine eha11 be directly connecced to a drainage system without the use of an approved d.ishwaeher air-gap fittinq' UPC 508' cross connection control devices shall be installed to protect pollution of poLable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices' UPc 1003' Plurnbing fixtures with mechanical apparaEus shal1 be supplied with an access panel for inepectlon and repair of equiPnent. UPC 904. HeaLing and cooling equipment locaLed in Lhe garage shall be instalLed witsh the pilots and burnere or heating elementa and swiEches at least 18n above Ehe fLoor level of the garage. I'MC 508- Heating and cooLing equlpment located in tshe garage shall be insbalLed with tshe pilotg and burners or heating elements and swilcheE at leasC 18" above the ftoor level of the qarage. IJMC 508. Equipment localed in underfloor area shal1 rest on a concrete slab or be suspended from the fLoor above, be provided r.rlLh an accena and passageway, and have a permanenh electric outlet and lighting fixture? A furnace installed in an attsic area must be 116ced for such Location, have no single waIl vent, be eupplied wiEh a min. 301'X30rr access and passageway with electrical outlet and lighting fixcure controlled by switch at access near furnace' UMc ?08. A bedroom, bathroom. closet or any enclosed space with access throuq'h such room sha1l noc be utilized for fuel burnihg applicances. A closet or alcove ehall not be less than 12r'wider than furnace with a minimum 3rr 6pace on al l sides . ul'tc 7 04 . In buildings of unusual-Iy tiqhE construction (alI neir consbruct.lon within Ehe Town of Vail). 1l_ T2 13 r4 I] 16 t7 not shown ti"*r ro mt/N0FuAn Departmcnt of Community Devcbpmcnt 75 South Froruage Road lhil, Colordo 81657 97M79-2138 FAX97M79-2452 not ehownL8 19 20 combustion air shalI be obLained from the oubside' l;;-;;il"erion air opeoit'q" shall be as per wc ch' 5. Furnaces not Listed for closet or al'cove i."I^iiiei"n shall be insEalled in a room or space having a volume at Ieast 12 Eines the volume of Lhe ;;t;;;". A boiler unit will require a.space 15 iitt."-i"ts"r chan the boiler' IlMc 504(b) not provided supply a mechanical drawing. 1-ndicating design of €tystem' ui". tgru and volune) of equipment ' vent- locatlon and terminaEion, and combustion air to be supplieil prior to any installation' DuetocoloradostsateSbatules'allsinkfaucette and etrow"r headg are required to uLiLize flow restricEion devices' Also' lhe maximum vtater cLoeet efush u"aqe ie limited bo a maximum of 3'5 gallone Per f lush. sheet a2.1 not shown A snoke detector ie required in the acceaE area Eo all rooms used for Bl-eeping purpoBeB' -- Sec. 12L0. (a) 4. A emoke detector is required in alL rooms used for sleeping purposes. -- sec' 1210' (a) 4' on an upper Level where rooms are ueed for sleeping ;;d;"";; a smoke detector ie required in the cefifng at lhe stairs. -- sec' 1210' (a) 4' A smoke detector is requireil on all levels wired to an alarm in the bed'room area (s) ' - - Sec' l-210' (a) 4' provide specs This factory-built fireptace must be an approved unic. Include the manufacEurers name' model nunber ' and approval information' -- Sec' 3705' (a) The garage musb be separated from Ehe dwelling by thr FirelresisEive construction on the garage side' -- Table 5-B & 503. (it) exc.#3 2L 22 z5 24 25 26 27 Eheet a2.1 not shown not shown gheet a2. 1 eheeta2.lThedoorbetweenthegarageandthedwellingisrequired co be a 1 3/8 inch Ehick solid core or 20 minute self closing door' -- sec' 503' (d) exc'S3 aoils report req'd Include a copy of the solls reporc for che site to be built on. -- sec' 2905'2A {2"*"uo TOWT,I OFVITL D c partm e n of C ommunity D ev e la p ment 75 South Ftontagc Road lhil, Color& 81657 97G479-2138 FAX 970,479-2452 Town of Vail ?5 South Frontage Road Vait, colorado 81557 (303) 4?9 -2138 PIan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code NOTETThe code items listed in this report are noc inLended to be a completse lisling of all poesible code requirements in the 1991- UBc' It is a guide eo aelected sections of the code. Project Number: 89?-0334 Addrese: 2704 Larkspur court Occupancy: R3, M1 Type of const: V-N NORTH EAST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG WAL,IJ WALIJ PROT WAIJIT WALL R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr !rt1 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NoRTH Propert.y ll"ne 10.O Feer L0'0 Feet EAST Property line 9.0 Feet 9'0 FeeL SOUTH nrolerty t ine 9.0 Feet 9 ' 0 Feet wEsT propercy tine 12.0 Feet 12'0 Feet Name: MAUZY CHALET Date: October 8, 1997 contracbor3 Gro6hire Development Architect: RKD Engineer: KRM consultants PlanB Examiner: CHARTIE DAVIS SOUTH WEST OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG PROT WALIJ WALIJ PROT WAI/L VIAIJIJ PROT None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None EXTERIOR V{AIJIJ FIRE RATINGS A}ID OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A The exEerlor walle may be of coMBusTIBLE material' Sec'2201' None -' No fire protection requiremenLs for openings' Prot -- Openings are to be !:rotected with 3/4 ht fire assemblies' 50t of th" "rea of tshe waIl maximum. Se.' '2203 ' (b) & Table 5-A l{aximurn eingle window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greatser tshan 12 feec. -- Sec- 4305. (h) NoP - - Openings are noc permitted in this waII '* -- These wallE rnay be required to have a parapet wa11 30 inches above the roofing. The paralet wall ie requireil to have the same fire rating ae the wal1: Se; section 1710. for details and exceptions. FI.,NAMEAREAMIN.LIGI{TMIN.VENTNo.EXITSEGRESS {p"tn"t*r ro NWtluFWn Dcpartment of Commwrlty Dcvclopment 75 South Frontage Road' VaiL Colorado 81657 97U479-2138 FAX970-4$r'2{l?ins/.tinins 43s 43 '50 2 Kitschen 1?o 17 ' 0o 2 MaEter bedroom 252 25 '20 2 l'laster bath rLz o'oo 2 Pantry 45 0 ' 00 2 Ha1Is, closeLs, eEc' 353 0'00 TOTAL FOR FITOOR L367 I Garage 440 0 ' 00 1 Bedroom *1 138 13'80 1 Bedroorn *2 173 17 ' 30 1 Bedroon #3 L32 13'20 L Bath room #1 55 o'oo 1 Bath room #3 38 0'00 l- Ha1Is, cloeeLs, etc' 333 0'00 TOTAL FOR FIJOOR 1309 BUII,DING TOTAI., 2675 FOOTNOTES:1) EGREss - An operable window or door that ie required from this room. The minlmum 2L.'15 8.50 12.50 f.ov 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.90 L55 6.60 2 -75 1.90 0.00 opens directly to the exterior cLear oPenable area nugE meeE 1No 1No 1 Yes lNo 1No 1No t 1No 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 Yeg 1No 1No lNo 1 1 the fotlowing' -- Sec. 1204. 1) The rninimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum cLear widEh is 20 inches 3) llhe minimum clear area ie 5'7 equare feet 4) The maxinum eill- height is 44 inchea 2) The number of exits is baseil on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanicar vencii"lior, ty"t"t may be ueed in in lieu of exterior openinge for venEilation. -- sec' 1205' (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habibable space shaLl have a ceiling heiq:ht of not leEa lhan ? feet 6 inchee' Kicchena. halle, bachrooms and coileE comparltnente may have a ceiling height of ? feet measured to the lowesc proJection' If the ceilingt ie sloping, then the rninimum heiqrht is required in only L/2 of the area' - -sec. 120?. (a) EverydwellingunitsghallhaveaLleasEoneroomwhichhasnotlesgthanl20 Equare feet of ri""t-"i"". other habitable rooms excepE kitchens shall have an area of no! lesB than ?0 equare feeb' -- sec' 120?' (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than ? feeb in any dirnension. -- sec. 1207. (c) GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS : All glazinq in hazardous locations is required to be of eafety glazlng material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) ciazlng in Inqress and egrees doors except jalousiee ' 2) Gtazing in fixed and' sliding panels of etiding door asseriblies and panele in gwinging doore other than wardrobe doors' 3) Glazing in storm doorE. 4) Glazing in alL unframed swlnging doors' 5) Glazing ln Cloors and enclosuieg for hot lUbB, whirlpoole, saunas, aueam roome, bathtubs and ehowers, Glazing in any portion of a building wall encloslngt these compartmentg where the botlom exposed edge of the {p,*,,o o Department of Commutt ty Devclopmcnt 75 South Frontage Road lbil, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX g7D47g-26l3zing ia leEa rhan 60 inches above a stanillng eurface and drain inlet' 5) Glazinq in flxed or operable panels adjacent. co. a door where tshe nearest exposed edge of the glazxing it -"iii,i" a 24-inch arc of either verClcal edgeofthedoorinaclosedpoeitionandwherethebocuonexpogededge ot the qf;zfng is Lese Chan 5b inches above the wa3-king surface. 7)Glazinginanindivictua].fixedoroperablepanel,otherthanthose locaCionE degcribed in itene 5 and 5 above, than meets all of the following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual B. Exposed bottom edge lees than c. Expos€d top edge greaber than D. one or more walkinq surfaces plane of the glazing. pane greaLer than 9 gquare feet' 18 inchee above the floor. 35 inches above che floor. wibhin 35 inches horizonlatl"y of Lhe See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke delector ie required on the ceiling or walL at a point cenErally located in the corridor or area giving access to each eLeepinq area' -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. A Emoke detector ls requl-red. on the ceiling or waIl in each sleeping area. -- sec, 1210. (a) 4. A emoke deCector ie requireil on all stories' -- Sec' 1210' (a) 4' If the upper levef eontaine eleeping room(s), a amoke detector is reguired in the ceiling of the upper level cLoge to Lhe sEairway' -- sec. 1210.(a) 4 - Stnoke aletectora are required !o be wired to the bulldlnq's power Eource anc EhaLl be equi.pped wifh a battery backup' -- Sec' 1210' (a) 3' Deteccors shal} Bound an alarm "oaibl. tn all sleeping area of the ilweLLinq in which they are l.ocaEed' -- Sec. 1210- (a) 4. FIREPI,ACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUII.IT FIREPLACE: 8) Glazing ln railinge regardlese of heiqht Included are gtruceural baluster panels panel- s . 1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearth size muse be per manufacburee -- sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chirnney heiqht must be per manufacturer's approval above a walking eurface. and nonetruceural in - fiIl approvaL . and Table 37 -B OCCUPANCY SEPARATIOIi : Between the garaqe and Lhe regidence, tnaLerials approved for thr fire conetrucEion are requJ-red on che garage side only and any.doors between the garage and the ieaidence are Eo be a self'cloelng 13/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. f3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A Etainay in a dwelling must be The rnaximum rige of a etep is 8-- sec. 3305, (c) exc. *1 Provide a handrail on one elde a at least 35 incheE wide. -- sec. 3305.(b) incheE and the minimum run is 9 inches. stairway 34 Eo 38 inches above lhe nosing if MWII OFVAIL {g*t"nt*r ro MMIOFVAIT D epartmcn of C ommuntty D eve lopment 75 SouthFrormgc Road rlatL Colorfu 81657 970479-213E FAXg7M&AlE2is 4 or rnore riserg' -- sec' 3305' (i) provide a suard raLl where a.op oii'r;-;;;;;:r than-30 inches' Minlmurn heisht = 35 inches, maximum opentng "itt ]-+-ln"n""' -:-!:t' 17L2' (a) exc' sl rhe minimun tt."ii"l*1"-;-i''l I inches' -- sec' 3305' (o) Enclosed usable epace under rh. r;;i;;-is required.!: b" proEecled as required for thr flre-resiselve construcEion' '- Sec' 3305' (1) ii El"H:":iH*3i.o*"r.er shafre_i,irh a cross-secrional area of not nore than 9 equare feet may lined on ctt"-io"ia" with not less than 26 gage gaLvanized "i".1'^"u"r witn ar1 ili"e" i""tr"pped- The outside musts be t hr conErruceion. All opening; i;;;-;";- """rt-.""ro"ure shalI be protected bynocr"'"-it'""aee].f.-cloei"qJ;ira_*loddoorl3/Sinchesthickor equivalene. -- Sec' L706' (f) 2) Gae venLs and noncombugtible piping . in:b311:d -i1.1t11" passing through 3 floors or lesa do not need to be in t hour shalEs ' -- sec. 1705. (c) 3) Shafte for gae vents' not extend bhrough noc - - sec. 1706. (c) 4) A1I other Ehafts are required - - sec. 1705. (a) factory-buiJ't chimneys, piping' ?t 9":bt that ilo more than 2 floors neea- not be in t hour shafta' to be enclosed in a I hour aseernbl"y ' ADDITIONATJ REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy Thie proJect wilL require a eite shall be Eubmitted and approved J-nepection. improvemenb survey ' Such surveY pri;r to request Eor frame All crawL spaces within the Town of Vail are limlted to a eargh to structuraL ftoor ceiiiiq-h.igttt of 5r, be earth floor only' be venEitaled aB per uei-t6re(cie witrr nininum acceas aa per uBc 2516(c)2 ancl maxirnum accesa of 9 sq' ft' Any building sltse with a slope of 30 -degreeg or nore shall require an engineer deeiqn. such -aesign shall addrege drainage' soil retainaqie and structural design. ExcavaEionbelowslabsongradeshal].nocbepermihbedwithouLprior approval . Addrese numbere ehalL be posted pLainly visible and legible from the sCreet. For M1 occupancy Slope garage f I'oor to allovit for drainage !o outside-to provide a floor drain with sand and oi1 ingerceptor to ilry well or to aewer' eov g"i.q. floor d'rain connected co sewer nust be approved by Upper Eagle ValLey water & SaniEaEion District' t **uoruo MWNOFVAIL Depanncnt of Commun ty D&clopmcnt 75 SowhFronnge Rod Vail, Cobrado 81657 970479-2138 FAX g7$41fk2ffilases wieh livins bearing the area above reEistiv€ construction' the garage wiich are one hour firearea above, the waLls of shalL be Protected wilh rrBc 503 (B) . {P*nnuo"uo ,*conEac't' r"gI. corrn.y Assessors ll*"" ar 970-328-864O f9r- Parcel l. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTfONp^RcEL lttzPJ-/'15-6|- oz1 PERMIT AppLfcATIoN FORM DArEz t/ tt!r7 PERllrT /!_.-- rYi ltt-,r t 6 , APPLTCATToN MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR rr MAy NOT BE ACCEPTEDt,r********************tN********* pERMrr TNFoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * *rr* 'Tt [ ]-Building [ ]-Plurnbing [ ]-Etectrical [ ]-Mechanibal t l_o Job Name:rob Addre"=, ??Dy' Lnz-t-sn r (f Legal Descripfion:Lot Block_ Filing sunnrvrstor,l: Vt{ - ther .f Owners Name: Archit,ect: General Description: .fu z"/ Add,ress: Dh Address: ph. a'work crass3 bA:DI€+r [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other I Y ** * * * * * ** * * *tr* * * * * rr *Iteneral Cqntractor: I Nurnber of DwelLing units: - Nurnber of Accomrnodation Units: __ Number and Tvpe of Firepraces: Gas Appriances_ cas Logs__ wood/perlet_, !1** *'* * ************ *'t'* * * * ***** ***** vALUAFToNs ** * * rr * * * rr **r | **** * *.,,****rr** * *rr * * *t eln--_gyMIIG: ! _ Er,EcrRrcAr,: $--\l-Df ur.HER: $PLUMBTNG: $ MEcliANrcAr,: $--]- ro;;; N ****.r*****tt****************Cqntractor:' Town of Vai]. Reg. NO.Address : f,u ' l5'D( 11 c1 1 ll,U O ^J CI XT6->-7-- y.,,- ^- -Phone Nurnber: tllectrical Contra \ddress:Town of Vait Reg. No.ZLt-e Phone Nrrrnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Tovrn of VaiI Reg. NO. Photre Nurnber: ;€'9R.pFFICE USE * * * * * * * tr * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * .l L-.:i! BUfLDING ptAN CHECK FEE:U; PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: HECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDINI;: STGNATURN: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Plunbing Contractor: Address: .lechanical Contractor : \ddress: r tr tr * * * * rt * * * * * * * * *6,\fffa 3urLDrNG PERM1T dbulH .,LUMBTNG PERMTT 4frtap lPgPIIgll PERMTTJffiE: ]LECTRTCAL FEE; lomments: VALUATION CLEAil IP DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: ) Frte REPT 131 TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO A5/15/98 IZI8I13 REGUESTS FOR INSF.EtrTION L,NRK SHEF-TS FOR: 5/ L5/i6 Aet i v i t y : 897-O363 h/13199 Type: B-BUILD $tatr"tsl ISSUED []onstr': NSFR Address t '87fi4 LARRSFIJR CT Locationr E7O4 t-ARRSFUR COURT (address change FTtle ) Occ: tZtOOTFar-cel : lttZtS-143-At1-laeg De scr i pt i on : NEIJ SFR Asrpl icant : GROSHI RE DEVELOFTMENT CBRF' Owner': MAUZY KATHLEEN Contr.actor.: 6RO$HIRE DEVELOFMENT CORF' F.A6E AREA: CD Use: V N Fhone: Fhone: Fhone! 97U'-476-8339 970-476-4339 Inspect i on Reqt-test Reqr-tss'tr6t': Steve Req Time: tZtB:tZlO Items reor-rested to UIOO3O BLDE--Franinq Information.. Gross [omments: be Inspectecl. F,hone: 91+9-9693 Act i on Comment s Time Exl --I!..__W ? l'l3f InEpect i on History..... Itemr OOSUIB FtJ-Baekfill Inspecbion Itenr: OtaStZt l F,t,l-Temp. access/dnainage Item: OlaSAt FW-Rot-rgh qrade Item: IZIOSOJ f-,Ll-Final clr.iveway gr"*rcle Item: raaAlra BLDG-Foot inqs/5t ee1 11./11/97 Inspeetor': JRM At:t Item : tztcr|ai:fi BL-DG-Forjndat ion/Stee1 ion! AF'F'R [^,EATHER F'Ro REG' f) ffct i on : AF'FR AF $:'ROVED $le:/ill/97 Inspectar'r CD Notes: COMtrLETE FORM FflNEL INSTALLRTION F,ROTECT CONCRETE FROM FREEZINC Iten: tZtASgrA F,LRN-ILC $ite F,lan Q4/'eE:/gg lnspector": DOMINIC Action: DN Item : Arzratsrzr Bl-D6-Fram ing 1t over' on building ht IL.C NOT APF'RTJVEDA4/?3/9A Inspector: CD Action: DN Nates: OTHER CORRECTIONS REGIJIRED; - ADD F.ACKOUT UNDER ALL DOLIBLET, UPF'ER RNOF RAFTERS - COFIF,LETE STRAF.ING ALL PLUMBING NOT{:HE$ AND ADD NRIL F'LA - FRAMING INSF'ECTION DOES NET INCLUDFT NE DECR (NOT COHFL-E DO NOT CENCERT- UNTIL INSF.FITION OCCURS AT THIS AREA - FOLLOW UF. NITH FNG REF.ORT CONCERING ALL- T]HANGES tZ3/tZ6/99 Inspect or: CD *- Acb i on : DN CONTRACTOR CANCET-LED Item: AOASO BLDG-Insr-rlation A4/?.8/98 Inspeetor": CD Actiorr: AFCR AFFROVED/CORRECTION REGD Notes: REVISED DRAWINGS AND AFF'ROVAI-S REOUIRED FBR FUILDING HEIG CHANGES REGUIRED F]RIOR TO ANY SHEET TIOCH CTINCENL. IN6 ANY FRAMINE THflT I^JILL BE AFFECTED DO NNT INSTALL SHEET I'|OCH AT THE LT]I^IER BATH UNTIL BUIL.DIN IS I'EATHERED IN IN THIS I.{]T:ATION Itenr: AOOAtZI Fl-DG-Sheetrark Nai I fi1/All98 InEpector": CD flrt i on : I-'tr SEE NOTE$ Nutes: ENTRY STAIR L..ANDING AND DF.IL INB NO-r COMF'LETE DUE TO FRAMI CORRECTIONS NEEDED, ALSO LOI^IER LFVEL BACK BEDRUOM -A ONE HI]UR FI RE RESISTI vE RATING RHL]UI RET} UNDER STRI BE USED AS STORAGE _COTIF'L-ETE NA]1. OOF IN L.trI^JFR LEVEI.,. Itpm: (4tlfi7fl Rl DA-Mir;c- oa,.J o KRM coNsuLTANTs, lNc. P.O. AOX asitz vAtL, cotoRADO tlt58 o70t ra9-t391 FAX ea9-ldtt t- Z RECORD JoB NUMBER: a) 7q - I I nRFt' tIMEEnNG I I REsPoNSE ,KcuntnceloN/cHANGE T]{E Bar-r=> c.c,r.{NEC-T-tDN A-rf4<-tt-lN g Tl*-F W agoP-b DF T1+€- >l+qoN+L E.P.-//-.E- ,4-f TttE- NotrrrpEAar C.oeruei{ oF IaE H-ocls= <FIOULD B= l-ONrl-r=r,=> fV tl-T{- ,4,+-tcrf+erz- Y* " g . TH--- BOu.f *et-S ro7 Tt€- SkE\NED a+'/ F;oLt! MA\ EE F-.l-f/^.J.&l\r-A> v*nr4l-r-Y ro EpSE plk=-MEN'_ oT- T-t+- T,4-re. Do Nor- Arr=s.ztf TD g,EN> TT+E #,.- ArND DD NoT- w u2zt\ TltE Hetis t+ep'zanwtl:-v' R'OF g;4tt;tr{C? TrO cJ+,+Nq,L T-{{-E \N+ l-t-LrcE> H-p 3t+l-t-t-. BE lrs' shl-OWN DrV rFF-e. Fd\trow/Nq P@ COPY TO: F,ExAnt - 7+-t-. -\*Vrre,/qec*6 _ REFT 131 - TOt^lN OF VAIL' COLORADO F,AGE 14 AREA: CDtZ7/"9/98 $7249 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTIBN I'IORR SHEETS FOR: 7/?9/98 Addness: ?7.Q4 LARKSF,UR CT Location: P7O4 LARHSFUR COURT (addr"ess F,ar.cel : ElO3*143*Er1-Oeg De scri pt i on : NEt^l SFR AppIicant: GRO$HIRE DEVELDFMENT CURFT 0.wner": MAUZY KATHLEEN Contr:actor: 6R05HIRE DEVELIIF,MENT CORP Use: V N change 'e7We, Occ: OOtZtT Fhone: 97rZr-476-8339 F'hone: Fhone:97O-476-8339 Inspect i on Request Infornat i on. . . Requestor': JAIME Reo Tine: O8:OO Comnents: Items reqt-tested to be Inspertqld-. laa53ft BLDG-Tenrp. tr/A -Eo F,hone I 39rZr-34rZr7 .VJtTll &t'tl ndrl/ rime FxP flction: FttrtrR Action: AF'F'R ,\ WEATHER F'RN REO' D AF,F,ROVED 1t over on dr-rilding ht Itemr rAOgStA FW-Backfill Inspection It em : OASOI FW-Temp. access/drainaqe Item: OASA? PH-Rough grade: Iten: tZttZtSOS trtJ-Final dt iveway gr.ade Item: grOOlO BLDG-Footings/5teeI, 1 1 /E:1/97 Inspect or'; JRM Item : Ataogo BLDG-Foundati,on/Steel te/n3/57 Inspector: CD U4/83/94 Inspector: CD Notes : OTHER CORREETIONS REGUIRED: a Notesr COMFLETE FORlrl F'ANEL INSTALLRTI0N PROTECT CONCRETE FROM FREEZINGItem: merse0 FLAN-ILC Site Flan 44/?.?./94 Inspeetot : DOMINIC Acb ion: DN Item : SIAuASO BLDG-Framinn v flct i on: DN ,/ILC NOT AF'F'RWED ( i - ADD F.ACHtrUT UNDER ffLL DOUBLE:D UF,F,ER ROOF RfiFTERS - CBMFLETE STRAF,ING fiLL FLUF|BTNG NOTCHES AND ADD NffrL F,LR "! ""- FRflMING INSFECTION+-SFS NOT INCLTJDE NE DECK (NOT COMFLE P ' DO NDT CONCEAL UITTT TIV.SF.ECTItrhJ OCCURS NT THIS AREA - ,:OLLOId Utr I^'ITH ENG REF'ORT CONCERING ALL CHANBES ra5l06/98 I nspect or': CD Ac-t i on : DN CUNTRACTOR CANCELLED ras/15/94 Inspector.: CF . Act ion: AF,F,R HIF, ROOF FRAMINGq6/te/' $ Inspectonr.-CD Action: AFF'R GLU L"RM AT EflST DECK Item r OOOSO BLDE-Insrlat'ion 04/?B/9A Insoector: CD Action: flFCR AFFROVED/CORRECTION REfiD Notes: REVISED DRAWINGS AND AF,F,ROVALS RHGUIRED FOR BUILDING HEI6 CHANGES REEUIRED I-..RIOR TO RNY SHEET ROCK CONCEALING ANY FRAMINE THAT WILL BE AFFECTED DO NOT INSTALL SHEET IIOCK AT THE LO[^'ER BATH UNTIL BUILDIN I5 IIEATHERED IN IN THIS I-T]CATIONItem: OEIE6tZt BLDG-Sheetrock Nai I 'v tD5lOl,/98 Inspectorl CD Action: F,AI-,,..1 . .Noies: ENTRY TJTAIR LANDING ANN CETLING NOT SEE NOTES COfiIF'LETE DUE TO FRAIYII Inspection Histor-y. .... Il"*. sEp- lE-s? o7, rE FRol'r, To5-DEV-DEPT.tD,3?64 ?324t 52 o.o'osH-"ffjqry"'"* Lo,.t r, Bto.*r(Tt")r"l".t a^\gsn o..{,.'..14. (l,.egal Descrlpiloh) i the _ H?zard Rsport, dated lgJJpreparedby tequestthe Town of Vad Building Depafimerd grant us a permiL (Name, O^rner) ) ) ss. cknowtedned before me rhts /6ft- Tle foregoing instrumenl qas acknowle@ed before me thls / O' day ot -<o/cnhZ. tiZ ov bn'/ 6. Ua4LV, .- -known to nre ro b-e the person execrrted the same for he purposes ard considEration therein expressed. wqH4ffimsBiffipne* FebruarY 14, 2000 $rnrE oF @LoFrAoo coUNTY oF 6adt -- ')')*- -7- The foregoing instrument was acknouledged befqre me th[s _ day oft9_, by known to me to be fte My cornmission explres: PAGE ?./2 The undersigned has/have read the STATE OF COLOFTADO COUNTY OF person whosa name is subscribed to the {oregolng instrument and acknorvtedged to me that h6 executed the saine {or lhe purposes and consideration therein expressed. - cltrF*it|.tA|d o De sign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Mauzy Chalet Project Description: New Single-family house Owner, Address and Phone: 2635 B. Larkspur Laneo Vail CO Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: RKD Sally Brainard Project Street Address: 2704 Larkspur Lane Legal Description: Lot 6' Blk. 3' Vail Intermountain ParcelNumber: 2103-143-01-029 Comments: Building Name: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Pierce Action: Approval Seconded by: Brittain Vote: 4-0 Conditions; Landscape plan as amended at meeting to change 2 trees on north side to evergreens Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 9-17-97 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 ^t o Agenda lasl revised 9/15/97 2Pm DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, September 17, 1997 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION / NO LUNCH - Community Development Department 1:15 MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT SITE VISITS 1 . Boothfalls - Tract A, Vail Village 12th2. D'Agostino - 971 Spraddle Creek Fload3. Dauphinais - 1428 Moraine Drive4. Mauzy - 2704 Larkspur Lane Driver: Lauren 2:fl) PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:OO 1. Boothfalls Homeowner's Association - Rockfall berm. Russ Tract A, Vail Village 12th. Applicant: Gerry GrevenMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 2. Mauzy - New single{amily residence. Dominic 2704 Larkspur Lane/Lot 6, Block 3, Vail lnlermountain. Applicant: Kathy Mauzy, represented by R.K.D.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 3. Dauphinais - New single-family residence. 1428 Moraine Drive/Lot 14, Dauphinais-Moseley Filing #1. Applicant: Pat DauphinaisMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: George 4. Exterior lighting - Discussion of fiber optic light sources for outdoor lighting. George Applicant: Stephanie Lord, Fritzlen, Pierce, BrinerMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 'l' 5. Southwest Builders - New primary/secondary residence. 2673 Cortina Lane/Lot 6, Block A, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Southwest BuildersMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: George 6. Godoy - Balcony enclosure. Lauren 600 Vail Valley Drive/Northwoods, Unit E208. Applicant: Jose Godoy, represented by Kurt Segerberg MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 7. Northwind Development - Final review ol a demo/rebuild of a single family residence. Lauren 365 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 16, Block 1, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Northwind Developmenl, represented by Pierce, Segerberg and AssociatesMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 8. D'Agostino - Conceptual review of a new single family. Lauren 971 Spraddle Creek Road/Lot 8. Spraddle Creek Applicant: Dayco Holding Corp, represented by Zehren & Assoc.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 9. Gasthof Gramshammer - Conceptual review of hotel addition. George 231 East Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Pepi Gramshammer, represented by Kurt Segerberg TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 1,1997 Staff Approvals Distelhorst - Rerool. George 4592 Streamside Circle/Lot 2, Block 1, Distelhorst Subdivision. Applicant: Dr. Fred Distelhorst Muns - Reroof and repaint. Dominic 181 6 Sunburst Drive Applicant: Walter and Lucey Muns Donaldson - Repaint. Lauren 5157 Gore Circle/Lot 13, Block 3, Bighorn sth addilion. Applicant: N. Donaldson Renner - Asphalt driveway. Lauren 901 Red Sandstone Road. Applicant: Jerry and Linda Renner May residence - Changes to approved plans. George 1067 Ptarmigan Road/Lot 4112& 5, Vail Village 7th., Applicant: Roy & Paula May It Kemp - Living room and entry addition. Lauren 1379 Westhaven Circleilot 2, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Jack and Joanne Kemp Golden Peak - Ski storage. Lauren 458 Vail Valley Driveffract F, Vail Village Sth Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates Aylesworth - Garage addition. George 2586 Davos TrailiLot 4, Block E, Vail das Schone # l. Applicanl: Linda Aylesworth Schotield/Guerin repaint. George 1448 VailValley Drive/Lot 18, Block 3, VailValley 1st. Applicant: Scholield/Guerin Lorimer - New roof. Dominic 2537 Arosa/Lot 6, Block E, Vaildas Schone #1. Applicant: Michael and Maro Lorimer Golf Course Townhomes Phase 3 - New patios and doors. Dominic 1598 Golf Lane/Vail Golf Course Townhomes Phase 3. Applicant: Bill Sargent Golf Course Townhomes Phase 4 - Removal of 4 Cottonwoods. Dominic 1730 Golf Lane/Vail Golf Course Townhomes Phase 4. Applicant: BillSargent Mehan - Heated driveway, walks and patios. Dominic 123 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 36, Block 7, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Marian Mehan Gaines - Deck remodel. George 174 E. Gore Greek Drive/Lots A,B,C, Block 5-C, VailVillage 1st. Applicant: Stanley & Gay Gaines Black/Appel - Reroof. Lauren 5038 Ute Lane/Lot 30, Vail Meadows #1. Applicant: Majorie Black and Ted Appel Ski Club Vail - Repaint. Lauren 598 Vail Valley Driveffract B, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Ski Club Vail Parkside Villas - Change to approved plans. Lauren 1 543 Matterhorn Circle/Unplafted, Matterhorn Subdivision. Applicant: Woodstone Homes The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. September 15, 1997 Ms. Kathy Maury c/o Central Rockies Mortgage Corp. P.O. Box 3320 Avon, CO 81620 Subject: GeologicHazardsEvaluation Mauzy Lot 2704 Larkspur Court Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-2258 As reguested, on September 9, 1997 our engineering geologist, Mr. Liv Bowden, visited the subject site to perlorm a geologic and geologic hazard field reconnaissance of the site. This letter is based on a review of available published geologic literature and maps, field observations made during our site visit and our experience. This letter includes a description of general and geologic site conditions, a discussion of potential geologic hazards at the site and presents our opinions regarding lhe effectiveness of existing mitigation. We did not find any geologic conditions or potential geologic hazards that would preclude development of the site for lhe planned single family residential use. The site is located on the north facing slopes above the Gore Creek Valley in West Vail, Colorado. Larkspur Court is adjacent to the east properly boundary. A townhome building is above the site to the south. Single family residences are below the site to the north and across Larkspur Gourt to the east. Geologically the site is located on the side of a drainage above an alluvial lan developed from debris flows from a drainage basin above lhe site. Bedrock belowthe site consists of the Pennsylvanian aged Minlurn Formation covered by overburden soils consisting of debris lan deposits that are interlingered and interbedded with colluvium and stream alluvium from Gore Creek. We reviewed Town of Vai! land use planning maps and a report tiUed "Avafanche Hazard Analysis" prepared for the Town of Vail by Arthur I Mears, p.8., lnc. dated November, 1984. The available literature and maps indicates thal the area is in a debris flow hazard area. We are irl,general agreement that the east part of the sublect site is in a debris flow hazard area. Our lield observations, however, were lhat the source basin for potential debris flows is well vegetated and that source material avallable for debrls flows is low. In our o;iinion, the primary hazard CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CEN]En DRTVE r GLENWC)()D SPR|NGS. COLORADOaI60I I (970) 945 2809 at the site is related to site drainage and flash llooding rather than debris flows. We viewed an excavated channel and culvert that directs flow lrom the drainage basin past the Mauzy Lot. The channel has a minimum depth of approximately 6 to 8 feet. The diversion channel matches the natural drainage above the site. The culvert is equipped with a grate system to prevent blockage that would result in an overflow hazard. In our opinion, the diversion channel and culvert are likely adequate to protect the site trom site drainage hazards. lf quantification of potential run-off and potential debris flow is needed then a detailed, site specific, drainage basin run-ofl and debris flow study would be needed. These studies are beyond the scope of this report. The subiect site is In the same geologic environment and is associated with a similar degree of risk as the other structures in this part of Vail. ln our opinion, the townhomes above, existing drainage channel, culvert and roadway effectively shield the part of the Maury Lot to be build on. We do not believe that the planned construction on the Maury Lot will increase the degree of risk to other structures on adjacent properties. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. ll you require any further service or have queslions, please call. Very truly yours, CTUTHOMPSON, tNC. LB:JM:cd (3 copies sent) US. KATHY T UZY JOA l{O. cS-225E Wilson t. "l-vtsdovrlol Fn-t r.iov TOWN OF VAIL Departme nt of C ommunity Deve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 August 28,1997 L 2. Sally Braincrd RKD 1000 Lionsridgc Loop, Suitc 3D Vail. CO til657 Rc:Proposctl single family rcsidcnce (Mauzy) locatcd at2704 Larkspur Court - Lot 6, Blk' 3, Vail Intcrmountain Dcar Sally: Thc Cornmunity Dcvcloprncnt Dcpartrnent has rcvicwccl your proposal for a ncw singlc family housc on thc abovc refcrcnccd propcrty. This itern is schcdulctl for a final revicw with thc DRB on Scptcmbcr 17,1997. At your rcqucst, we havc not schcdulcd this itcm for a conccptual rcvicw. Thc following itcms necd to bc addrcsscd on thc plans and rcviscd plans must be rcturncd to mc by Monday. Scptcmbcr 8 at l2:00 pm. 3. 4. Thc sitc is locatcd in a rnodcratc dcbris flow hazard. You will bc rcquircd to providc a hazard rcport prior to obtaining a building pcmrit for this housc. Thc sitc is lirnitcd to 9 cxtcrior light fixturcs. Pleasc clcarly show on the plans all of thc cxtcrior fixturcs and show conformancc of proposcd fixtures rvith the TOV lighting ordinancc. For your information, the front setback in this zone district is 20'. Your plans show 25'. Eave ovcrhangs into the requircd sctback are allowed up to 4'. It appears that a portion of thc roofprojects 5' into the setback on the south side ofthe house. Pleasc provide a 4'widc concrete pan rvith a 2" invert wherc thc driveway meets the road, The pan will necd to tie into thc curb and gutter on both sides of the driveway. Page I of2 5. {7 *""'"tto"o 6. On thc south comcr of thc building, thc grading going to thc west on thc stone patio is grcatcr than 2: l. Plcase rcvise the grading in this area. Also, you necd to show the grading at thc stonc patio. Your plans show a finished elevation, but do not show proposed grading for contours 92 ail94. 7 . Thc 92 contour in thc driveway should be located outsidc the asphalt at the beginning and ncar thc cnd as thc gradcs are too stecp to match the porch and guttcr pan. Please show spot elevations on the corncrs ofthc turnaround area. 8. A small retaining wall may need to be providcd to have the grading in the turnaround area at 2: l. You must also kecp the grading on this propcrty. You show proposed grading off of the property. 9. Show the distancc from thc nearest propcrty corner to the nearest fire hydrant. 10. Thcrc is a small drainage pipe on the property which accornmodates drainage through this site. Thc Town would like you to providc an casement for this drainage on this property. Ifyou have any qucstions, pleasc feel frcc to call me at479-2148' ; Town Planncr Page2 of 2 o ZONE CHECK Addrcss owncr Fhthq, lAori?ct phone Architect r,l J phone Zonc district Lot sizc Total GRFA Proposcd use -$[Buildablearea ql Allowed Existing c hoposed Total Remaining primary cRF^e#lQ# (zs) (67s*) =4Lf.6-= 1o1+ fieEf * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Docs this request involve a 250 Addition? f$ O l,q l[^+ 'fu,s'oHcight Sctbacks xFront Sides Rear 20' l5' l5' 15 t,5 t5. Landscaping RctainingWall Heights Parking Require Garage Credit Drivcway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Arc finished grades less than 2:l (50%) Environm entalAlazards oo@ Minimum q(+,\ o 714 4{ | l,Jqq z$ 3't 6' d 3 O J . 2nncrosed coo)@(eoo)(r2oo) qW+ Permitted Slo2e / O V" Proposcd Slope / % ycs '-,/ No ,", / ""- l) Percent Slope (< >30%)JO 2) Floodplain '.JO3) WetJands r-rD 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) l/A ' 5) Geologic Hazards uF= a) SnowAvalinchc b) RocKau PO c) Dcbris Flow Prsvious cond.itions of approval (check property nte;: [.ib n€-- Is thc property non-conforming? Describe: rtyade.^b. t DESIGN REVIEW CUECKLIST Project: El SURVEY Utilig locations Spot elevations El sffeprAN Scale Building Hcight Encroachments Sebacls Site Correrage Scalc Benchmak kgal description Lot Size BuildableArea Easernenb Topography 100 yr. flood plain WaterCourse Setack Envimmcnal llazards Trees B FLOORPLAI\TS Scalc j__ GRFA 250 additional GRFA Ctawl\Atic Space EHU EI BULDn.IGELEVATIoNS Scale Colo,r\trvlaterials RoofPlbh tr I-A}IDSCAPE PI.A}I Existing he€s Proposcdrees Lqrtd MISCELT.A}.IEOUS CutdoAppoval Tittcrcpat(A&B) Utility verificatim fonn Buildbg rratedat samplcs C.O. Vcrification SunShadcAngles Ufilities (underground) View Corridors _ Varimces Plat restrictions Eaves/Ovahangs (4) Decls/Balconies Garageconectim Site Grad€\Slope RetainingWalls Fcoces Parking/Garage TumingRadius Driveway (access ard gnde) Snow Storage Fire Access Qucstions? CallOtanning Staff at 479-2128 APPI.,ICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CE,NI]RAL INFORMATION 'flris application is for any piojcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subnritting fn. n t,uiijing pt''uit iot'spccific irrfornration' scc thc subnrittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. 1'trc ap-piication cartnot bc acccptcd until all thc rcqtrircd intbrnration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also necd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/orthc Planningand Elrvirorrr cntal Conrtrrissiotr. Dcsign RcviNv Board approval cxpircs onc yoar aftcr final approval unlCss a builrli ng permit is issucd and construction is startcd' A, DESCRIPTION OF TIIE REQUEST: TOI#N OF VAIL C. D. II l].LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: b I]LOCK: 9 FILINC: PI{YSICAL ADDRESS: owNriR(S) SlGNA'l'URE(S): C. il. NAME OF APPLICAN'I':*l-oo ?.ttTaMAILINC ADDRISS: laaa tL ' e'a-oF-ADa I c9 PI'IONE: .I'YPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: K N.tn Conslruction - $200 Constnrction of a ncw building E Arldition - $50 Inclurtcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or pARCI;L il:2.leU+?olc"A (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Ofllcc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZoNTNG: m;ttlr*Y /+rzltp-N NAMlloFowNER(s): |{r-*V M,tO zY MAlLlNc AoDRESS: 1635 B - La-rks Pwr Ln ' r lni \ . ac, q laSl ' PFIoNII: ql o qfi'P.33-7 Pl(-. El Minor Altcration - contntcrcial building' $20 Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc itlrprovcnrctrts, such as. . rcrooting. painting' windorv additions' landsr:aping' fcnccs and rclaining rvalls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc tinrc ofsubnrittal. Latcr. whcn applyingfora buildingpcrnrit, plcasc idcntify thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. ThcTownof Vail will adjust thc fcc according to thc projcct valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, AI,L SUBI/iITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CoMMUNITY DEVEI,oPMENT, T5 SoUTH FR0NTAGE ROAD, vArL. coLoRADO 816s7. fPtzz - ot 16 I]UILDINC MATERIALS: MO TYPE OF MATERIAL: SYFTHFTIC- qT)@- ileteL 4+-"H) 0x ceDrc- . vod PArNT' t-ot'- 9fNlHsTta VfrJa-'o f tI hF\pf'.CaV tt6i IJla COLOR:* t>a+P (*tsT -l6DRoof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Tritn Doors Door'l'rirtr Fland or Dcck l{ails I:lucs Flashings Clrinrncys Trash Enolosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Othcr * Pleasc spccify thc manufacturcr's color, numbcr and attach a small color chip ++All cxteriorlightingmustmectthcTown'sLightingOrdinanccl8.54.050(j). Ifextcriorlightingisproposcd' plcasc indicate the numbcr offixhrrcs and locations on a scparate lighting plan. ldertify cach fixturc type and provide ih. h.ight uboue grade, lumcns output, luminous arca, and attach a cut shcct ofthc lighting fixtures' ?c2 AEPP*trefi4du*. LrJ,&?cm* Updated 6/97 O@ Botanical Natnc *Mininrurn rcquirctrrcnts for landscaping: Conuuott Nantc qre,ve Ouantity 0- Sizcr gt+ PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: t]XISTINC TREES TO I]E REMOVED: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL @t,;JA+ 1W+4c'lerrf;'b EL sto<l)ec bFl@o ael4c.o # WUU)+Tvftul-orEE2---Ff€l.-b b 2.94r L,g*v+ 9/tu11r cFl dcciduous trccs - 2 inch caliPcr couifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Sounrc Footagc oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (rctaining walls, fcnccs, swimming poots, ctc.) Plcasc spccify' Indicatc top and bottonr clcvations of rctaining walls. i4a*inruir hcight of walls within thc front sctback is 3 fcct. Maximum hcight of walls clscwhcrc on the propcrty is 6 fcct. Updated619T [+-<c, i _q,r@L,_r_tu_\4 kMOA.'.^! AB-@I-L- 3.,.-L- Pn tar +n !-:^.;A - c-LJL- *!1 f..< .' Tlrisfon'istovcrifyscrviccavailabilityandlocationfornoucottslntctionanasndtilabCuscdirrconjtrnction' rvith prcparing your utility plan and sch"duling installations. Thc location and availability of utilitics' whcthcr thcy bc nrain tnrnk linqs or proposcd lincs. nru.st bc approvctl antl vcrificd by thc following utilitics for thc acconrpanying sitc Plan. U.S. Wcst Conttnun ications I -8oo-szz- t ss 7 ''(;r a&" -"d' 468-61t60 or 949-4530 Public Scrvicc CornPanY 94q-5781 Cary l.lall '"'"ii:;"')WpYffffi,," &'SH9IBfuP-^ T.C.f . bA<K t.1-t11 919-55 3 0 Floyd Salazar X tt> ./ llaglc llivcr Watcr & Sirnitation District *'n;-iqi's'i s,av Fe* ^ e4 Frcd llnslcc / $o^x SA,^^rdrl 7-5- 77 8"5:1f s -4. q7 Datc a "-/a>? 7 W4P * plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan, and clcvations rvhcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signaturcs. Firc flow trccds tuttst bc addrcsscd. NOTES: l. lfthc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs fronr cach of thc utiliry companics, and no coplncnts arc madc dircctly on thc iornt, thc Town will prcsuntc that thcrc arc no problcnrs and thc dcvclopnrcnt can Procccd. Z. Ifa utitity conrpany has conccms with thc proposcd conskuction, thc utility rcprcscntativc shall notc 4ircctly on thc utility vcrification fonrr that thcrc is a problcrr which nccds to bc resolvcd' Thc issuc should thcn bc-dctailcd in an attachcd lettcr to thc Town of Vail. Howcvcr, plcasc kccp in nrind that it is thc rcsponsibility of(hc utility company and thc applicant to rcsolvc idcntificd problcms. Thcsc vcrifications do not rclicvc thc contractor of thc rcsponsibility to obtain a Public Way Pcrmit from thc Dcpartmcnt of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utility locations must bc obtaincd bcforc digging in any public right-of-way or cascment within thc Town of Vail' A Authorizcd Simaturc PRE-APPtICATION CON FERENCE Updatcd 6/97 il. il1. tv. rcqtrircd. Nn npprltt can bc acccptcd unlcss thcA prc-application confcrcrlcc witlt Torvrt of Vail staff is r Inanrl,.tory prc-application nlcctinS has bccn conrplctcd. lt is thc applicant's rcsponsibility to schcdulc this Incctifrg by caf ling 970-479-2128' TIME, REOUIRI]MENTS Thc Dcsign llcvicrv lJoirrd nrccts orr rhc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of cnch nronth' A conrplctc application frrrrn and]ll accqtrtpatryitrg lllatcrilll ttrust bc acccptcd lry thc Conlrnurrity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartnlcnt a Iilinirnunrof thrcc and a half(3 l/2)wcckspriortothcdatcofthcDRBpublichcaring' REVITJIV CITITERIN your proposal rvill bc rcvicwcd for corrrpliarrcc rvith thc Dcsign Guidclirrcs as sct forth in Scction l8'54 of lhc Municipal C)odc. NOl'tJ TO ALL APPLICANI'S: A. Ifa propcrty is locatctl in a nrappcd hazard arca (i,c. snorv avalanchc. rockfall, floodplain, dcbris flow, rvctland, ctc), a hazlrd study rtrust bc subnrittcd atrd thc otvncr nlust sigll an affidavit rccognizing thc hazarrl rcport prior to thc issuancc ofa building pcrnrit. Applicants arc cncouragcd to chcck wirh rhc planning staiTprior to subnrittal of a DRB application to dctcrnrinc thc rclationship of thc pxrpcrty to all rrrappcd lraz-ards. I], Ilasic plan Shcct Forrrrat. lrol all survcys, sitc plans. landscapc plans and othcr sitc intprovctrtcnts plirns, all of thc lirllorving ntttst bc shown' l. plan slcct sizc rirlst $c 24" x 36". [:or largc projccts, ltrgcr plan sizc rttay bc allowcd. 2, Scnlc. '[ hc rlininrunr scalc is l"=20'. All pllrrs Inust bc at thc sartlc scalc' 3. (iraPhic bar scalc. 4. Nortlr arrorv. 5. 'l'itlc hlock, proicct nanrc. prtr.icct addrcss and lcgal dcscription' (r. In<lication of plarl prcparcr. addrcss and phonc nuntbcr' ?. I)atcs of origirrlrl plan prcparation and all rcvisiorr datcs' li. Vicinity tnap or looation tnap at a scalc of I"=I.000'or largcr' 9. Shcct labcls atrd nttnrbcrs. l0 . A bonlcr rvith a rtlininrtrrn lcft sidc ntargirr of l'5"' I l. Narncs ofall adjaccnt roadways' 12. Plan lcgcnd' c. For ng\v constnrctrou and additions, thc applicant nlust stakc and tapc thc projcct sitc to indicatc propcrty lincs, proposcd buildings and building comcrs. All trccs to bc rcmovcd nlust bc tapcd. Thc applica6t nrust cnsurc that staking done during thb wintcr is not buricd by snorv. All sitc tapings and staking must bc completcd pnor lo thc day of thc DRB mecting' D. Applicants who fail to appcar bcforc thc Dcsign Rcvicrv Board on thcir schcdulcd mceting date and who havc not askc6 in advancc that discussion on thcir itcm bc postponcd, will have their itcms rcnrovcd from thc DRB agcnda until such tinrc as the itcm has bcen rcpublishcd. E. lf thc DRB approvcs thc application with conditions or modifications, allconditions of approval must bc resolvcd prigr to the issuancc of a building permit' Updatcd 6/97 *o@o 11N$$#iflfl,, ' =r -\ ,-t oQ trl 33CJ ii.on @B' O" 0-.,F-\ 5r" g t) \vYz u) 2 r1^ :lel s N.U #---=.- 'r( U1 =cI =F ,//,/ z E. o _= --.,1 ai/ al//\- ( t-,6ro rt rl co-rnt , Devetopment Ptan *o"rt Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Teni Partch, Public Works Larry Pardee, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire \ .v\- \ Retum To:Community Development Date Routed:8/25/97 Retum Bv:9t3/97 Project Name:Kathy Mauzy Project Address:2704 Larkspur Lane Project Legal:Lot 6. Block 3. Intermountain Project Descripfion:New single-family r\pproved /- Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions l) Pleasc provid;4' wide concrete pan with a 2" invert across driveway, whcre the curb & guttcr is. Thc par *'ill nced to tie the c rrb & guttcr on both sides ofyour driveway back together. v1 2) On the south ctrnct ofyour building , the grading going to the west on to your stonc patio is grt ,cr ti' it looks like it is a, out l: L n2:l J L__.___'rowNoI,vA;, ------l,rr.r,r.,r, no. (fue?-_ ._ I qlrFCrisI{^Dr PA\'^TLn TO TO\t N.)} \'^tr. -uNn,o ffii- rlirr tliiiieffi f r-o-ltl"ll[UM]lNrlc-dDrl- n l- I:Ll:CTi{lCnririT0-D-lIttmKS- ZD9 | (x)00 42i71 lt-l O-o(t0trtxt lni0('072fi)-lit O(x'O4t,1 li0l ()(X)04t,1 t: tr firriarriT-j.r r.r )t 0000 42J.1 jrN-^Lir'TII.atIT-r-NS-pli-r.loNS-- :_L_t,[frl, Y liW RI - i rrtlK-l : j,]; - IS4Rn i aii,;,,iI'j#n u1 i,i;1..;n,11.;i i1 f '.11 :: st(;M/\ Iti,Lit.h r lOw i,tli,-nlirli I'liixn i^st(;N^e V I qA ti I i,rt<l.u,c'L'llONnti,\|i) rt,.st(;N-rrliTTiLW tlo fitl.T ;iil oim0 tiTii cAssl 1..*0137?,4'lll.oLt RICH AND KRUSEN DESIGN, INC. ARCHITECTURE AND DEVEI.OPMENT rooo Lionrradg€ l-oop #gd Vail, Cotorado &657 phon€',(jrrol a7O-gA tax:'(97o147G923 EXTERIOR LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS KICHLER "ISLANDER": MODEL K-9246. REOUIRES 2 R-40 1sOW BULBS. EACH BULB PRODUCES 1545 LUMENS FIXTURES ARE TYPICALLY 7'O'A.F.F. ISTANDER Dimonsions ContemPorary outdoor lighting with a budget in mind. Hgt. lrom cenlar ol wall openlngLamps . K-9234, K-9234 K-9234 n rchitectural Bronze Black White 1-R-30, 75-w. 1-n-30, 75-W. 1-R-30, 75-W. l'1ot. 7', Widlh 4%"' H!t. z', wiatn +r", Exlension 7" Extension 7" Extension 7" Max. (M) Max. (M) Max. (M) J .tHgt. 7", Width 411"' K-9236 * K-9236 K-9236 1-R-40, 1-R-40, 1-R-40, Archileclural Bronze Black White 150-W. Max. (M) 150-W. Max. (M) 150-W. Max. (M) l-|ot.9", Width 6", Exlension B'1" H[t. s", wiorn G", Extension 8,1" JN 3v," 3'A"H6r. 9', widlh 6', E,.lg!s|on i4 rf K-9244 rK-9244 rK-9244 n rchilectural Bronze Black White 2-R-30, 75-W. Max (M) 2-n-30,75-W. Max. (M) Hgt. 12", Width 4x"' Hqt. 12", Width 4%"' Extension 7" Extension 7" Exlension 7"t) 2-R-30. 75-W. Max. (M)Hgt. 12", Width 47,"' (n I K-9246 K-9246 K-9246 2-R-40, 2-R-40, 2-R-40, Architoclural Bronze Black White 150-W. Max. (M) 150-W. Max. (M) 150-W. Max. (M) Hot. 15". Width 6"' Extension Bi4" Hit. t s'. width 6", Exlension B%" H6r. 1s', widr!6,.jl!9!:'o! j/" oi^. q'/", Hst'%" For use ry!!!lr(-e?11e1l!nE!9!Elack Fleal resislant glassK-9534 K-9536 Black K-9544 Black Heat resistant glass .7' For use with K-9246 all linishes Plastic grooved baf f le ii qn", Hgl. 2x;' For use wilh K-9234 and K-9244 all f inishes fi 6i Hgt-zi4" For use with K'9236, K'9246 all finishes K-9546 Black Plaslic grooved baff lc Dia. 41" , Hol. Bx" 0 K-9834 While 1-R-30. 75-W. Max. (M) U.L. listed lor damP locataon. ili*rr"'6J niiri'iiiilk si;oved t)arttrr. Musl be ordc]ed scparalolv' Lens accessories.,. i"^""i"p""i"pr",,t. @ ouldoor appllcal|ons. K-9534 Heal resistant glass lens witlt black lrame Brightness control accessories"' Grooved black plastic ballles achieve low even surlace biightness. (Ballles available lor all lixtures lisled on this page exccpl K-9834). @ K-9536 g K.9544 @ K-9546 o KICHLER LIGHTING 1 81 1 G rrrr-,8 G'ARANTEE coMPAtO RUFUS B. SIMS, .IR. C/O KURT DAVIS CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Our Order No.: v258445August 13, L997 ProperEy Address: LOT 6 BLK 3 VAII, INTERMTN. DEVELOP. I/ KATHLEEN A. MAUZY -c/o GREG AIISDEN AEEn: Copies: 1 CLOSER -Attn: MrKE Moss Copies: 1 AMSDEN, DAVIS & FOWLER THE WREN, #L12 5OO S. FRONTAGE RD. E. VAII-,, CO 81557 AEtn: KURT DAVIS 970 475-86L0 Copies: 1 Att,n: Copies: 1 AMSDEN, DAVIS & FOWLER THE WREN, #II2 5OO S. FRONTAGE RD. E. vArL, co 81-657 Att,n: GREG AMSDEN 970 476-86LO Copies: 1 Represenlhry LandTi e Insumnce (' orporation, Old Republic Notional 'l-illc Insuronte Company & Chicago Title Insumncc Company Dear Proposed Insured: ln connection \\dth your upcoming purchase of real properfy, lve are pleased to prol'ide yoLt \\dtl'l the enclosed copy of the recent title commitment prepared by Land Title Guarantee Company. The seller of the property is required by contract to fumish yoLt with this commitnrent. 'Ihe purpose of this conmtitment is to show the stafus of title. The requirements shorln in Schedule B-1 nrust be satisfied in order to provide you with nrarketable title atter closing. Scftedule B-2 contains inlbnnation on benefits and burdens that affect the properf,v. For you' revierv; also enclosed please find "A Guide to Understanding Title Insurance". If u,e are doing the real estate closing as part of the closing process ue rvill be certain the Scftedule B-l requirements have been satisfred. Additionally, if rve are doing the closing, ue will collect all ol'the charges set tbrth on the title commitment. For any of your title or closing questions, the contact people identifred otl page hvo of your commiimeni u'ill be happy to assist yor.r. To ensure that your purchase proceeds sn-toothly, your cooperation is appreciated in immediately notitying one of the contact people if the way in rvhich you plan to hold title is dillbrent than rvhat is showrr on the commitment. We look lbrs,arcl to assisting r,ou rvith the real estate closittg, ancl to plotecting yottr upcotring iuvestrnent lvith our title policl'. Sirrcerely, Land Title Guarantee Compant, c:\sprrin',pruJnsed. bul P() Box 357 108 S. Fronlage Rd.w. Suite 2O3 Vail,CO 81658 (970) 476-2251 Dir€ct 595-9613 FAX (970) 476-45U August. 13, 1997 Buyer/Borrower: Se11er/Owner: ProperEy Address: oo YOUR LAND TITLE GUARAIITEE COMPANY CONTACTS Our Order No.: V258446 KATHI,EEN A. MAUZY RUFUS B. SIMS, JR. LOT 6 BLK 3 VAIL INTERMTN. DEVELOP. If you have any inquiries or require furEher assistance, please conEacE one of the nudbers lisEed below: For Closing Assistancer For Title Assistance: MIKE MOSS .'ILL WELTS ]-08 S. FRONTAGE RD W. 108 S. FROTiITAGE RD W. VAIL,, CO 8L558 VAIL, CO 81658 Phone; 970 476-2251 Phone: 970 476-225L Fax: 9?O 476-4534 Fax: 9'70 476-4534 TIIANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER ! CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE CHICAGO TTTLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of Missouri, herein called the Contpany, for a voluable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured narned in Schedule A, as owner or nrortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred 10 in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor: all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identily of the proposed Insured and the amounl of the policy or policies commitled for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement' This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hcreunder shall cease and lerrninate six montlrs rfter the effective date hereof or when the policy or policics conrmitted for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided lhrt the failure lo issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. This Comnitment shall not be valid or binding until countersiSned by an authorized officer or agenl. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Commitmen t to be signed and sealed, to become valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By-Laws. This Commitment is effective as of the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." ISSUED BY: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 S. Frontage Rd. W., Suite 203 P.O. Box 357 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 476-2251 FAX (970) 476-45 --,r.4-:? t, ., ). ?/-.e- ., .,L. 'r'=--' Authorized Officer or Agen t CHICACO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY')\ /r'--l/z.H__ ,/ Presidenl llv:7A"""*r/W F. 2880 CTIRB: 5-l-75 - cHOo rrrlE rNsuRANcE coMPAIa ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V258445 For InformaEion OnIY LOT 5 BLK 3 VAIL INTERMTN. DEVELOP. - Charges - ALTA Owner Policy $436.00 sl33 :33 *** THIS IS NOT AN TNVOICE, BUT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING TO TH]S.ORDER, PLBASE REFERENCE OI'R ORDER NO. V258445 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO LAND TITLE GUARA}TTEE COMPA}JI' *** 1- . Ef f ect ive DaLe: JuIy 24 , 1-997 at 5 : 00 P. M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: lrALTAr Owner, s policy 9126,000.00 Proposed fnsured: KATHLEEN A. MAUZY 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred Lo in this CommitmenE and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Titfe to tshe estate or inLerest covered herein is at the effect.iwe daEe hereof wested in: RUFUS B. SIMS, JR. 5. The land referred to in this CommitmenL is described as follows: I.,OT 6, BLOCK 3, VAIL I}TTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COIJNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 f"o"o rrrlE rNsuRANcE "otfi ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTTONl (RequiremenLs) Our Order # V258446 The folLowing are Ehe requirement.s to be complied with: Item (a) PaymenL E,o or for E.he account of the grantors or mortgagors of Lhe fuI1 consideraEion for the estaEe or j-nEeresE to be insured. ftem (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the est.ate or inLerests to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to- wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessmenEs levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requiremenEs, if any disclosed below: 1. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIIJ TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFTED. 2. WARRAN?Y DEED FROM RUFUS B. SIMS, JR. TO KATHLEEN A. MAUZY CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NOTE: EFFECTM SEPTEMBER 1, L997, CRS 30-10-406 REQUIRES T}IAT ALL DOCIJMENTS RECEIVED FOR RECORDING OR FILING IN THE CI,ERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE SHALL CONTAIN A TOP MARGIN OF AT LEAST ONE INCH AND A LEFT, RIGHT AND BOTTOM MARGIN OF AT LEAST ONE-HALF OF AN INCH. THE CLERK AND RECORDER MAY REFUSE TO RECORD OR FILE ANY DOCUIVIENT THAT DOES NOT CONFORM, EXCEPT THAT, THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE TOP MARGIN SHALL NOT APPLY TO DOCI]MENTS USING FORMS ON WHICH SPACE IS PROVIDED FOR RECORDING OR FILING INFORMATION AT THE TOP MARGIN OF THE DOCI]MENT. NOTE: EFFECTIVE ,fANUARY 1, L9g3, CORPORATIONS THAT DO NOT MAINTAIN A PERMANENT PLACE OF BUSINESS IN COLORADO, AND NONRESIDENT INDIVIDUALS, ESTATES AND TRUSTS WILL BE SI'BJECT TO A COLORADO WITHHOLDTNG TAX FROM THE SALES OF COLORADO REAL ESTATE IN EXCESS OF $].OO,OOO.OO. THE WITHHOLDING TAX WILL BE THE SMALLER OF TWO PERCENT OF THE SALES PRICE OR THE PAGE 2 fto"o rrr,,' rNsuRANcE "orf ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTION]- (Requirements) Our Order # V258446 NET PROCEEDS FROM THE SAI-,ES OF THE REAL ESTATE. THE TN( WIIJIJ BE WITHHEI.,D BY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OR ITS AGENT AND SIJBMITTED TO THE DEPART.I\4ENT OF REVENUE, WHERE IT WILL BE CREDITED TO THE SELLER'S INCOME TAX ACCOUNT AS ATT ESTIMATED TAX PAYMENT. TIIE SELLER CAN CLAIM CREDIT FOR TIIB ESTIMATED PAYMENT AGAINST T}IE INCOME TAX LIABILITY WHEN HE OR SHE FILES A COLORADO RETI,'RN FOR THE YEAR OF THE SAI-,E. PAGE 3 ,, .Co"o rrrlE rNsuRANcE "otnf ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDUI,E B-SECTION2 (Exceptions) our order # v258445 The poticy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions Eo the following maEters unless Lhe same are disposed of to the saEisfactsion of the ComPanY: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, noE shown by the pubJ-ic records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary 1ines, shortage in area, encroachment,s, and any facts which a correcE survey inspection of Ehe premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or righE. Eo a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafc,er furnished, imposed by law and noL shown by the public records. 5. Defects, Iiens, encumbrances, adverse claims or ot.her matLers, if any, created, first. appearing in Ehe public records or aELaching subseguenL to Lhe effecEive date hereof but prior to Ehe daEe the proposed insured acquires of record for value the esLaEe or j.nterests or mortgage thereon covered by Lhis Commit.menL. 6. Taxes or special assessments whj-ch are not shown as exisLing liens by the public records. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition, Ehe owner's policy will be subjecE Eo the morLgage, if any, not.ed under iLem one of SecEion 1 of Schedule B hereof. 9. RTGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAlvlE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED ApTi} 18, 1934. IN BOOK ]-23 AT PAGE 3. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AIITHORITY OF THE I'NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN T]NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED APTiI 18, !934, IN BOOK ]-23 AT PAGE 3. PAGE 4 .fo"o rrrlE TN.IIRANCE "o"nf ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTION2 (ExcepLions) Our Order # V258446 LL. RESTRICTM COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTATN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, oR NATIoNAL ORTGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRTJME}E RECORDED JUIY 24, 1970, IN BooK 218 AT PAGE 281 AND As AMENDED rN TNSTRITMENT RECoRDED April 28, L97L, IN BOOK 220 AT PAGE 378. 12. IJ:TILITY EASEMENTS FIVE FEET IN WIDTH AI-,ONG AIJIJ INTERIOR LOT LINES AS RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SI'BDIVISION. PAGE 5 ' LANn rf ot cuARANr*O coMpANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Reguired by SenaE,e BilI 91-14 A) The subject real property may be locaEed in a special taxingdisurict. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdict,ion may be obtsained from t,he County Treasurer or Ehe CounEy Treasurer's authorized aqent,. C) The information regarding special disEricts and Ehe boundariesof such disE,ricE.s may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, Ehe County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor, Required by SenaE,e Bill 92-143 A) A CerEificaE,e of Taxes Due List.ing each taxing jurisdictsion shall be obEained from E.he CounEy Treasurer or Ehe CountyTreasurer's auEhorized agenE. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Occupancy: Type Construction: Va]-uation: Fireplace fnfonlatsion: Restricted: DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Lof q \>,.^\ 8^lt"--^f,tt ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E}00-0143 StsALUS...: ISSI'ED Applied..: 06/2L/2000 rssued...: 06/2L/2000 E>cpires. . : L2/18/2oo0 Phone- 970-949-9490 1532-VArL, CO 80002 Phone:. 9'70-949-9490 1532-VArL, CO 80002 NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ,.fob Address Location. . . Parcel No.. ProjecL No. 2702 LARKSPIJR CT 2702 TARKSPT'R CT 2103 -143 -01--029 BELFOR-RMCAT 5762 LAMAR STREET, ARVADA, CO, P.O. BELFOR-RMCAT 5762 LAI4AR STREET, ARVADA, CO, P.O. MAUZY KATHLEEN A 2635-9 I,ARKSPI'R I-,N, VAIL CO 81657 BOX BOX R3 Single Family Residence VN TypeVNon-Rated 9, 0oo Add Sq Ft: *of Oas Appliance€: DescripEion: REPAIR ROOF STRUCTT]RE(CRANE FELL ON ROOF) *of cas LogE:#of wood/PaIIer: FEB SUI,IMARY Building-----> PIan check- - - > InvcEtigatsion> will call----> 135 .00 .00 3 -O0 .oo . oo 100. o0 .00 Restuarant PIan Revtew--> .OO ToEaI calculatsed F666---> 32s.7s DRB Fec-------- Recr6acion Fe€----------> CIaan-Up Depo6i!-- ---- -- > Additional Fces- -------- > Tolal Pennits !'ee--------> PaylentB- - -- --- TOTAL FEES---.- 325 .75 BAIANCE DOE---- t*ii*r**J**lr*ri ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT06/2L/2000 CIIARLIE Actionr APPR CHARTIEITEM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTI'IENT06/2I/2OOO EIARLIE ACTiON: APPR N,/AITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTI'TEIiTT06/2L/2OOO CHARLIE Acr,ion: APPR N,,/Arrem: 05500 PIIBLTC WORKS05/2L/2000 CIaRLIE Actj-on: APPR N/A Dept: BUITDING Division: DAVISDept: PLANNING Division: DepE: FIRE Division: Depts: PUB WORK Division: ' ;;';;;;;;;.;;;': ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;. ;;;;;; DECLARATIONS I hereby acklonledge ghat I havo read tshis appli.cation, filled out. in ful1 tshe inforoacioa required, cotlp1etsed an plan, and €late that all gh6 infofinatsion provided ae required iE correct. f, agree to conply rith lhe infomation accurats€ plo! and plot platr, subdivision 8:00 Alt 5:00 Plt to conply iri.lh all to{n ordinanccB and 6tat.c 1aws, and co build thia ellucturc t'o lhe Town's zoning and codes. design reviei aplrrowed, Uniform BuiLding cod. and other olalinance6 of tshc REQUESTS FOR INSPESIIONS SIIALT BE MADE TWENTY-!'OUR HOORS IN ADVAIICE BY Send Clean-Up Dclrosit To: BELPAR-RIi|CAT FOR HIHSB'JF A.IID OIiNER , * *.l??:*? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONDITIONS Permit #: 800-0L43 as of 05/22/00 Status---: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permj-t Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Applied--: o6/2t/200o Applicant--: BELFOR-RMCAT Issued---: 06/21/2000 970-949-9490 To Expire: 1"2/L8/2000 Job Addressz 2702 LARKSPIIR er LOCAIION---: 27Q2 LARKSPIJR ET Parcel No-- : 2103-143-01,-029Vail InE.ermountain Subdivision, Lot 6, Block 3 Description: REPAIR ROOF STRUCTI'RE(CRANE FELL ON ROOF) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndi_tiOng * ************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE RBQUTRED TO CrrEeK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. MUST COMPLY TO ENGINEERS REPORT. AN INSPECTION AND SI]BSEQI'EN T REPORT MUST FOI,tOg{ PRIOR TO FINAI., INSPECTION U ** * ***tt**r***** *+alt*** l******A*tt***ill*** *t*rli*t*ta*!rt**tl*** i* TOTIN OF VAIIT, cOLORAqp 'Statemt ***t**lt****a**a****tl*l}*ia***f**!t**t*t******!t**t!t t**tt*t*ttt*f l* gtateumt Nunrber: REC-o545 Anount: 325.75 06/22/00 10.21 PaymenE Method: cK Notation r 2117 Init: .IAR Perfiit No: Bo0-0143 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SPR BUILD PE Parce1 I{o: 2103-143-Ol--o29 Site Addreee: 2?02 LARKSPUR qt L,ocation: 2702 LARKSPITR qf . Total Feesi 325.75 Tlrl,s Payment 325.15 ToEal ALL Pmt6: 325.75 Balance: .oo t***t*ta***t******at***t***tt**t*ttt**t*ttll**t***t*l*tt*t***+***' Account code Deecription Anount BP OO1OOOO31111OO BI'II,DINC PERIiIIT FEES 135.OO PF 00100003112300 PraN CHECK FEES A7.75 AD D2.DEPO8 CI,EANUP DEPOSITS 1OO.OO wc 001000031r.2800 wI[iIJ cAr'rr INSPEqTIoN FEE 3.Oq AppLrcATroeLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEG* ,nrrn*ro TVWT]WYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colora-do 81657 Project #;, _auiidinep"@ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical. etc.! ConEd Asessors Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit L29AL",o !rrce!# d! p: lLt3 o / €O 2? rob Name: lYt"V Z{JobAddress: &zoa /.o'ksr"" cl Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners *u t'klhtnr-, lHq Address: vzol larksur c+Phone: Architect/Designer: M/t+Address:Phone: Engineer: F'tv hqt;aee{,,te llAddress:totE4*1,r< Cont"r^ ll Phone:JD} jJs sao? Detailed description of work: bPa) D /t (oo{9,o"1a. WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) nepairft Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) erterior($ Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (Z! Type of Bldg.: Single-family (p Two-family ( ) Mufti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: f-No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances (0() Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Lms ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (lO No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No W) COMPTETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $orHER: $ 7006- PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ REFIJND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION - \L/hcri, General Contractor:w..Town of Vail Reg. No.: LIOS -R Contact and Phone #'s: ck;s &" lu k z, 6 - c/qa ( Contractor Signature:('l/.15flK Por-[t ***:l*r.'i*******:t***tr****t!***************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********r(*-g*******:r**'t********-r***** F :/everyoneforms/bldgperm Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Project Name; Depaftment of Community Development tfk"v zl ProiectAddress: )7O?. .l-s*. C* t This Chrcklist must be ompleted before a Building Permit applicattbn is aceoted. .{att p"g.rof application is complete WIF nut DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form t U/F Conaominium Association leffer of approval attached if prqect is a Multi-Family complex l/i+., complete site plan submitted '//F puOlirWay Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) '6Jfflr- Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaoe | . allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval V/fl**t"**t -a results submitted if demolition is occurring' 5 Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) ile" Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family andt' Commercial) $//F//y N/l+ tlw M/fr winaow and door schedule /. t //tp Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads)- -t' Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittat: 44 O F:/e/eryone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated Ume for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect tuture permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: -a/Date: 6/lt /q O ,, Signature F : everyone/forms/bldperm3 filtrrY0F WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence?YES NOX o o o 0 tr Does demolition work being performed require the_ u_se of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES-' ftfO X NOX YEs *, *o X is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NO X Is any drainage workrbFing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES_ No__7+ a tr Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES No+- Is any utility work needed? YES is the driveway being repaved? Is the Right YES -of-Way^.ersements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?NOA If answer is NO, is a,pqrking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES Nb V----^-_ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained, "Public Way Permif'applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. ALL THE ABOVE QUESIONS. Contractor Signature Job or Project Name: Date Signed: F: /everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name ?&rfitl0FVt PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works. located at 1309 Elkhom Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifo (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Wo*'s office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail elecficians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the sbatus and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permifl. NOTE: The above pnrcess is for work in a public way ONLY, Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15$. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not @mplete. Re-application each November 15th does not meian an automatic rcnewal. F :/everyone/forms/bldperm5 the above.ga / Data Signed "t=f,tenrEsgntd3t APril 18' 2001 Town of Vail Community Development Attn: Gary Goodell 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Dear Gary: Enclosed are the engineering reports for the Mauzy residence at 2702 Larkspur Ct', Vail, Colorado. Permit #800-0143. Please call ifthere are any questions. EELFOR.RMCAT P.O. Box 4242 Eagle, CO81631 970.949.9490 888.949.9490 Fax: 970.949.9491 oenver. Colorado Springs . Ft. Collins . Vail JUN.t4.?@AA 3:e3PH N0.1A3 P.?/3o6 FAY ENGIilEEBING CORP. Eaol E 46rHAvE./oENvEFlcoBoela/(sosrgs3-seos June 14, 2000 A/tr. Clint Conner F'armcrs lrsruance Group P.O. Box 378230 De.n',rer, Colorado E0237 SUBJECT:Struc,tual Evaluation & Repah 2702l,arkspur Court Vail, Colorado OurFileNo:0G213REFERENCE: Dear Mr. Conner: We visited thc zubject rcsideuce on June 6, 2000 in order to evaluate and make recommendations for oraoe impact damage. As shown in attached photographs, the srane impacted a west &cing elevated shed roof and north ridge line. lqact crusb marks as well as rEmote rrpples beneath shinglcs were noted at tb€ west facing elwatcd shcd roof. Impact crush marks ou the top and a damaged Microllam and bangers bcueath were noted at tbe north ridge line. Only minimal interior wall and ceiling finish disbess was appareut. Tbe extent and nature ofstruchrd da-qge atthe west facing elevated shed roof and west frcing north sectiou of roof is ur*nown (showu crossbatched on plan). It is recommended thar these roo& be removed fiom the top dowu to ttrc frarning so that each member and connection can be examined Insulation will need to be remowd so that the bottolus of the members can be examined. All dauaged and or distorted members and connections will need to supplemented with new members and co$estions of like kind. Actual physical damage was noted at m€mbers and connections et the uortl ridge line. It is recommended thst these members and connections be removed and replaced as opposed to being srrpplemonted" The partition wall just west oftbe ridge line can be uscd to temporarily shore the west facing north section of roof Tbe wall should be reinforped with a 2x12 bcneath the roof members to distributs weight. The adjoining east facing section ofroof(shown doublc crosshatchpd onplan) can either be shored or removed and replaced to frcilitate tlre worlc Once stnrctural work is complctd insulation and the cold roof as showa in the attached details is to be returned to its original configr.uation Interior wall ard ceiling finisbes are to be patched, textued aod paintpd to match the onginal. 3: Z3PM co Mr. ChrisBarella Stimsck Coostrustiou FAJ( 970-949-9491 NO.143 P.3/3 r. OintComc Faroas Iosrrorco GrorP 0f213 Pagc2 s/cwillbcavaitrabletooraruingtbefiaming-onceitbasbccno:posed,Ifthqe ,ro q*rtio* or if we canbe of firttrer assistance' ploase calt SincerelY' FAYENGINEPRINGCORP. 4J??(l^r- Carl F. ldangone, M.fl!' P.E' 2702LatksPur Court Propertl'Damage on )Ia.v 30, 2000 I FInI fr It { I I I I I I fo t I I I I I I _o I I L ,.?@aa 5:51PMo6 N0.144 P.?/3 ENGINEEFING ;;;Earl'{ A"E/ o€NVEFt, co E}oel 61ll03:es3.5eo9 Nft. Clint ConnPr Farmers Inswance GrouP P.O. Box 378230 ' DEnvet, Colorado 80237 SUBJECT: June 16,2000 Structrual Evaluation & RePair 2702 LarksPru Court Vail, Cotorado REFEREI{CEr OruFileNo: 00'213 DearMr. Conner: WevisitedthesubjectresidenceonJune16'2000ingrdertgevaluateroof fiaming that n a 6,"" e#iJ;; ih" t"p. - gu*d oo our observation$ the following stustltral work ig recornmended: WEST S.IIED ROOF: l.Installafuulel8thIYl,xtuJl'N[i$6llgrnalonqcac}lookor$$rpport double rii"fr#tlz locations)' Fastenthe ffisrollsmq t6 tbe toP an{' t"ttoroo*ilJJ-rtfCili witu ro-a *rG spryed at_12" centers- Frovide o* Sirnpso"o i90 clip at the east end of eaph Microuam' 2.Inst8ll(4)additionalfirlllengthr4',TJI'SbetweenexistingTJl's.Provide u simpso'J;3iJBi harrg"r-at tue east eno of each nember. Pad the TJI *.Us orrtlfitl"pry*rooJuJ,rc east end hangers and-v'est bearing locatiors (provide ;llgr'fia beween the top of trrelads atd thF bottom of the top flange)' 3. Replacement sheattring is to b€ nailed to existing as well as new members' l.Attaph a2xl2lowall studs beseath west fscing slope uembers to act as temporary sboring' Installafulllongthlr'/i,xl4,Microllamalorrgtbcnorthlookoutsupport double TJI member' nai"i ttt" Vtiooltam to the top and bottom flanges N0.144 P,3/3).?@@a 5:54Pil Mr. ObtConner Farne(s IssurEncr GrouP 00-213 Page2 ofthe TJI with lod nails spac€d at 1?'centsts' Provide one Simpson L90 clip at the east end of each Microllam" 3. Install a firll tength l t/l' N14" Microllam along the top TJI lookort member. Fasten the Microllarn to the top and tittom flanges of tbe TJI with 10d nails spacecl at 12' centers' +. InstaU (l) additioual flrU leneth 14" TI in the sp-ace jutt t-"*91'h" lookont suppon a*ur" rn il"-uer. Ihovide a simpson LSSUI35 banger at rhe east ,rra. pJtn, TII web our with pl$ffood Et the east end balg€r ad wesr bcaring 6rlrial" iie; !"p uet*iein trte top of the pads aod tbe bottom ofthe top flange). 5. Provide new Siupson harrgers to rDatcb tbe original to the ri<lge Microllam. 6.Replacemeutsheathingistobcnailedtoexistingaswellasnewmembers. NORT.H. EAST EACING ROOF} 1. Remove and replace this entire roof structue (including the-ridge 1 "/r" x 14, Microtlam *i ttt **."Uons), trimaod softtto matchoe originat 2.FrovidczTl'xl4,,x}f,plywoodgussetontlreinsidefrceofraketrimat tbe northridg" fi"e,'fu"tJ"he ptyiooAto eachpiece oftinwith (O 5d nails. Ruvid€ * tp"A" ao"'a Sifop*u HU14 at the north end ofthc ridgeMicollarn' 3. Repair wall stud plates beneath the ridge Miorollao as needed' 4. R"pair adjac€nt butged soffet material' If there are questious or if we can be of further assistaoce' please call SincerelY, FAY ENGINBERING CORP. 4,4 1 74- carir. Mangon", M.S.' {-E. cc lYt. Ctrris Barella Stimiok€onstruction FA,( 97N949-9491 J\.r{.?t.?@aa 10: 38Rl'1 NO. 188 P.?/? o6 Spol E. 4EITH avE. ,/ oENVEF. CO BOel e / (3O3r 393'9eOC Jrmo 21,2000 Mr. ClintConrr Farmers Insurance Group P.O. Box 378230 Denver, Cotondo 80237 SIJBJECT:Struotrral E\Elution & RcPair 2702 LarksPu Couil Vail, Cohrado REFERENCE: OurFileNo: 00-213 DearMr. Couer: Once tbs west sbcd roof rrtas opocd firther, conflists bet$'eon exi^st'rng tight flxnucs and added fiq'rling as called Sr inour fim 16, 2000letts were found' It will b€ acccptable to Eove addcd Miorollaos ftom ths double TJI lookot$s to the first irtrerior adjacent TJI's as long as blocking is providcd betyecu-tlese members' TilGid" races of tbese TJI'g should-be paclccd ou wittr p5*ood ry_Fs 2xl2 blooking "pu".a at 36" centers can be installed. Wittt this cbange, outy two additional TII'g will be needcd at the west shcd roof' If there re questions or ifwe can bc of fi[tber assistance, please sall SincerelY' F.AY ENCINEERING CORP. '1,4 l Mr Carl F. lvlaogong M.S.,'PE- cc Mr. CbisBarella Stioack Coustruction FA)( 9?G949-9491 FAY ENGINEERTNG 00 - 2t3 o CORP Photo Page I o FAY ENGINEERING CORP. OO - 213 Photo Page 2 FAY ENGINEERING COO OO - 213 o Photo Page 3 FAYENGTNEE*,'?.*". oo-213 Photo Page 4 o FAY ENGINEERING CO' OO - 213I rD E i t 5 I il Ip il t I t a rltt il Photo Page 5 FAY ENGTNEE*,*C'^'. oo - 2r3 Photo Page 6 . 00-213 a NG CORP Photo Page 7 FAY ENGINEERItt rflr rl H rf fl ilI nlIt II I F Iil F FAY ENGTNEE*,'C*'. oo-2r3 Photo Page E ( z -t,-' +' /..,,€ i1 . \..\* __* .*_.qu Photo Page 9FAY ENGINEERING CORP. OO - 213; ; H t il tr| El TI +r I +rfi It IlrtrIh I Iq -_:'-- .'/ _. a-l ..'- *i'.n 1,FI i,\ / r.,t | --+ tfit g- ,.' i1, v:,i FAY ENGINEERING O CORP Photo Page l0 60 Y ENGINEERING CORP.52c)1 E.4ATH AVE. / tr)ENVEP'cogoaI6 / (303t333-5209 June 23.2000 Dear Mr. Conner: We stopped by the subject job briefly on June 22,2000 while passing through Vail on other business. Some of the finer details relative to revised recommendations made June 2|,2OOO were discussed. These included the need to checkerboard new plywood decking with adjacent existing decking and the use of 14" TJI's for blocking (as opposed to 2xl2's) with Simpson L90 clips each end. Ifthere are questions or ifwe can be of further assistance, please call. Sincerely, FAYENGINEERING CORP. Mr. Clint Conner Farmers Insurance Group P.O. Box 378230 Denver, Colorado SUBJECT: REFERENCE: cc Mr. Chris Barella Stimack Construction FAX 970-949-949r 80237 Structural Evaluation & Repair 2702 Larkspur Court Vail, Colorado Our File No: 00-213 4/t /4-* Carl F. Mangon&, MfS., P.E. JUr.l.t6.?AW 5:51PN-N0.144 P.!/3 o FAy ENGINEERING COFP. seol E.4arHAVE./oENVEF,GosoalE/(3o3r333-seost From FaxNo: (303) 329-0687 Date: To: L,fu ?o-a!1-Qqdl I ourfile xo, ctt) - z)\ VED Communlty Dorslogment Oeprnment WNOF Srcdo 1116,13, Unllom Bdldq O.d., fih[d0 dPtnil. fu trrl a lnnth8 of ! panit or rpg|lnl d jla. ?.Cfcdo d oqdc - r^dl nct b. eenfirC r b r rtl ftt c r'.|tnrnl G ay rdobl d ly of thc pmvisions of thie mdc c of ay drr ordbu dbsffich. age(s) following this oover are be otfi Ttc issuancc of a permit bascd on ptans, rFcificaior od &dod{ lot prcvcnr thc building oficial from thcrcaftcr rcquirla3 |b ccnctio ol anlrs in said plans, specificatio:rs a.nd other data, or from pcrtodlt tdldiqwill be sent via regular mail will be sent via Federat Bxprer$-1$?11,.T,1"t":: willnotbe sent a {r ri tf i.*++**i:r**+f tr**++{.it,l.If !t. + |.+ * +* +* +*'t*it I f +*++,1.,F*t****{. TI.IE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN T}IIS FACSIMILE. A}ID CONFIDENTiAL INFORMATION INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF .NqNTVPUAT OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE. IF YOU HAVE RECETVED TIfiS . boNaNau{IcATIoN IN ERRoR, ANY DISSEMINATION DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING. OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PLEASE IMMEDIATELY , NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN TIIE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL sEEltrnE; t THANK YOU.FOR YOURcooPERArroN. I RE Gew I JUN 2 1 ?000 I Ta'u;r of 'J;ll ,ou..ot4q*"- I 0:tFitfi C0,r,':... r* i* [ ,t l .|ft', t' F*:t .i* F'AXNO: From: Subject/Item: and/or Messagcl & Inspacilort Senhat -uP original I ()-oc) PY i:l-c'r tl :-':: '.r wh-:r r:r violariol ol tNr o&cof JUN.76.?@EA 5:51PN NO.144 P.?/36 Eeor i. aarxAVE,./ oENvEp'cog,o?le / (3o3! 3sl:-seogffi eruelNEEnlrue teEE Mr- Clint Conner Farmers Insr.uance GtouP P.O. Box 378230'Deuvsr, Colorado 80237 SUBJECT; REFEREITICE: Dear l"{r. Conner: June 16, 2000 Stuctural Evaluation & RePair 2702 LarksPru Coutt Vail, Colorado OtuFileNo:00'213 WevisitedthesubjectresidenceonJune16,2000ingrdertgevaluateroof framing that had been..6fi fi;; the top. Basd on ow obssrvations, the following struc'trtral work is recommended: WEST S$EDROO-F: 1. Install a fuU length I s/i' x 14" Microllam along each lookout support double ru n".ler iz tocations). Fasten tbe Midoua:rrs to tbe top and. botlom flanget ol-Olfn't i"tt{ f OO "et" ry19 at 12" cedcrs' Provide o* Sit"pto" 1,90 clip 8t the east end of each Microllaro 2- Instsll (4) additiooal full len4h r4'' TJI's betweea existirg TJI's' Provide a Sinrpson LSSUI3 j f,ang"ti tUe eary.""a of each member' Pad the TJI webs out *ittt pt'*;J; tht *tt end hangers ana.w.est Sring-locations O;;;,td. a 1/8'; iae b"tw;en tbe top of the pads s$d the bottom of the top flange)' 3.Replacements}reathingistobenailedtoexistingaswellasncwmembers, NORTH. WEST FACINO ROOF: l.Attagha2xl2towallstudsbeneathwestfscingslopememberstoa$as teruPorarY sboring- 2.InstallafulllengthL'/i,x14'Microllamalongtbauort|.1o9}outsupport double rn -eait . iJ"i tn" Mi*ollam to ttte top and botom flangBs JUN.t6.?AAA 5:sZPN Mr. Clint Conner Fargrers Insurancc GrouP 00.213 Doge2 N0.144 P.3/3 ofthe TJI with 10d nails spaced at 12t'cent€ts. Provide oos simpson L90 clip at thc east end ef gach fficrsllan- 3. Install a fuu length lr/t" x14" Microllanalong tbp top TJI looko-tl member.ru.*enoetntic'ollamtothetoparrdbouomflaogesoftheTJl with 10d rurils epaced at 12" centers' +. Install (1) additionsl full length 14- TIt in the sp,ace jutt tt:l|glP'- l""k;ui irpport aoouru TJI iBmber. hovide a simpson LSsuIl{ hanger at the ea$ lDd. Pad tbe TII web ou with pl"wood at tbe :ast e{d banger and west bcarrng tpto"la" a il8" gapbetrreen the top of the pads and tbe bottom of the top flange)- 5. Provide new Simpson haugers to rnatch tbe originat to thc ridge Microllam' 6.Replaccmedsheathingistobenailedtoexistingaswellasnewmenbers. NORTH. EAST FACING ROOFI 1, Remove and replace this entire roof stnrstue (including the-{ee lTi'x 14'Microllan -i nt"t""otions), timand soffetto matshthe originat 2.ProvidegT+,,x|4,,x}4',plywoodgussetontlrejnsid,eficeofraketrimat the north ri4ge tine. nasteinthe plliood-t9 tu9 h pl* otpi ytn {O Ca nnils. hvide .",rpria" aornn siinpson HU14 at the north end ofthe ridge Microllan 3. R4ah wall studplates benearhthe ridge Microllam as needed' 4, R"pair adjacent bulged soffet matcrial' Iftherc are questions or ifwe can be offurtber assistance' please call SincerclY, FAY ENGDIEERING CORP. M14- CarlF. Mangone, M'S.' {.E' cc lYt. Chris Barella StimnokComtruction FAx 97S'949-9491 + eh+!! r/ anu rv jrW:W '*'T:'4 fr:6Uq, - a1ffir'o* : U@t9 ! ] @^ rlE*----,--- CEoA6/L9/'2AA| t5147 719486 TELEGRAPH OFFI3244o JUN.?|.?AAA 1B33gCM ^&\-rruu - ffi i3r'6*psff'& Boo - O 143 ffgPFr?- EDcf, onuS 5po 1 E. 4BTH avE.,/ oENVE+ CQ E]oel A / (OOg) 393'5eoe Juue 21,2000 Mr. CUnt Conncr Farmcrs Insurance Gtoup P.O. Box 378230 Denver, Cotorado 80237 SIJBJECT:Struofixal Evaluation & RcPair 2702I*rksPur Cout Vail, Colorado REFERENCE: OwFileNo: 00-213 Dear Mr. Connpr: Once the west shed roof uas oponrd ftrther, conflicts bctween existing tight fb4r11es and add€d taning as called br in orrr Jrme 16, 2000 httcr were fouod, It wiu bc aoceptable to move added Miorollams aom tbe double TJI lookods to tbe first int€rior aa:acint tnt as long as blocking is p'rowided benrcenthes€ rnsmbecs' fL GiOu faces oitbese TJI's shoukl-be pa*eA or* witu plywood ry!9t 2xl2 blocking "p""ta ut 36'centers canbe in*allca. Wtttrttris cloangc, onty two additiooal TJI's will b€ needcd atthe west shed roof Ifthere are qucstions or ifwe can bo of fitrtber assistancq please odl Sinc€rely, FAYENGINEERII{G CORP. 1-4 174r Carl F, lvlangonq M.S,,tPE- cc Mr. €hrisBarclla Stimack Construction FA)( 970-949-9491 FEFEIVEO JUN 2 Z 2000 TOV.COM.DEV. 1' 12-1+2006 Inspection Request Reporting Page 48 4:27 om Vail- CO-- Cittr Clf - Requestod Inspec{ Date: Friday, December 15, 2006' lnsoecllon Area: GRG - Slte Addrese: 2702 LARKSPUR CT VAIL 2702 LARKSPUR CT s'otl83i 0tnf* Phone: 970-949-9490 Phone: 970-949-9490 ON ROOF) REF WEST SHED ROOF 6/22100 - KATHY REF WEST SHED ROOF 6/2200 - KATHY Status: ISSUED Insp Area: GRG Reou€st€d Insoec{ion(s} Item: S40 BLDGFinal C/O R€ouestor: BELFOR-RMCAT Coniments: will call (303) 301- 51 74 Assioned To: JMONDMGON- Action:Time Exp: lnsoec'tion Hlstorv Item: 30 BLDG. Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL REPT131 Run Id: 6L28 REPTlil I rowu oF vArL, coLoRADo O$AIA?IAAAQ Q7 T,II REOUEETE - INEPECTN WORK 5HEETS FQRT 8/ 2/2@ PA6E 3 AREA: GRG =======================================-=======-=============:e3=================Acttvltyr B@@-O143 A/ 2/2@ Type: A-BUILD Statue: ISSUED Conetr: ASFR Addresg t 27@2 LARKSPUR CT Locatlon z 27@2 LARKSPUR CT Parcel : 2L@3- L43-@1-O29Deecrlptlon: REPAIR ROOF STRUCTURE(CRANE Appllcant : BELFBR-RIICAT Owner: I'IAUQY KATHLEEII AContractor: BELFOR-RI,ICAT Occ: Uge: V N FELL ON ROOF) Phonez 97@-949-949@ Phone I Phone z 9i'@-949-949@ Locke, Holde, ACT]V]TY Notlce: and Notlcea.... REC'D REVISED STAI'IPED STRUCTURAL REF WEST SHED ROOF 6/22/@A Inepectlon Requeat Requeetor: JUDD Req T lnformation..... EWI'tAl.l Comments: WILL CALL, be Inspected.. . Action Phone: 39@-22@I Aetion: PA HIGH S. PORTION W. SIDE Ite Item: O@@3@ BLDG-Framj.ng @6/23/@@ Inspector: GRGNotee: STRUCTURAL EIIGINEER HAS BEEN ON SITE. CONTRACTOR SAYS MODIFIED I{HICH LJIg T0 TSISTER' TO DUE TO EXISTII{G RECESS CAN LI6HTIN6 IN CEILING BELOI{. TOLD CONTRACTOR TO HAVE ENGINEER VERIFY THIS IN I{RITING. WE NEED TO SEE ALL ENGINEER'5 INSPECTION REPORTS & ENGINEER SHOULD VERIFY THAT HIS RECO}IITENDATIONS HAVE BEEN FOLLOI'ED OR ANY }TODIFI CATIONS HAVE T}EEN APPROVED, TOLD HII' WE ALSO WNATED TO SEE NAILING O]F' FIRST LAYER OF PLYWOOD SHEATHING, TO BE NATLED TO BOTH EXTSTING STRUCTURAL I''EI'IBdRS AT{D TO NEII queeted $ BLDG-Flne1 2006-12-14 11-.35 (503) 32e-0687 >T03425e4ee P 2/26 rnv eructruEERlNG CORP 52Ol E. 4BTH AVE" / OENVEF. CO eoal 6 / €o3l333-5409 August 23, 2000 Mr. Clint Conner Farmers Insurance GrouP P.O. Box 378230 Denver, Colorado 80237 SUBJECT: Structural Evaluation & Repair 2702 LarksPur Court Vail, Colorado REFERENCE: OurFileNo: 00-213 Ivtr. Ckis Barella Stimack Construction Vail Oftice o*RL rt\hNtaoLtE A r-{' \'- ?=iD" \/ Dear Mr, Conner: .Enclosed please find photographs taken by the contractor during the course ofthe repairs, :While thi photographs do noi show each and.every member, connection and final as built constructio;d;tail, they illustrate general conformance with our ?o3-\ag-l64Vu'|tr yhone- & ';2q{. =iJL '- ,tF 'it l5l iw - [ii';:;ii'tt\:--r ' ,i l l I :- , I /'-.- I.F- tl.. jr./,ll q/ ;-7 - f" '..>..,---.-1 I t-v B ql $ \\J NIo(- N oo €\ ul cl o iloo 00 d$; E?o llto9 =;ff?RUlTi- = H'ioiqZri!lt!:: 3fiH 6f'1 llHtl<tl F{ llHilall Fl ll Mtl<tl 5tl<tluil: F-{ llfrll' llli .'F{ F{ o oodo_fr pE g V -F I9 ci= z v.d of o Hb s;' f 6 ^ inulJ -E q o i hfr F x1 i-1 r-h o c() =n' |I]\ n = :- FH ;i ot t J F tuo s tfl IL 0z ILoo v. AJ w\) 0- uo l"L rf) F IU CI I tl: ,Eo \) b RwU sl Dq_ $V \\J d(- $J .tr $Hu Psh " ?$g fi g<6''s 06R 9 EH+ ,n S<tr HEHq z lrl UJ D{. l{ .u IRssz o :tfENo!\)N o v- oxN azg- {xJdILfr / &dtOur': {frH EEo(r'..1nn4 st$ tu EEIF$iiIF $tq'ffi IIE'E$IEfii$ o tLo.-O ttL AJo\) J \) IL F iloo o L) o ti! 6Zolx oPz,; f)nuJ<fiurX =hq)Elfrr!IX>bQA'NHlilng zotra\ doo o iltu.F- ku GI Ell F{ ll cll Hllte'F{ g o ILz J 0- TL Oou oo(f $ o- -gF E 6F- h6trB=tie*s. B s R iE !F$U3; o H t-6 SiH.a3 F\) tr noXu.Y IULI.J Nd.*o9<;:t =d\I)rL A.oug urV\) rn L Fz J luo Fzo\) /4 iEt ozotr{ oul]U-- {;>u I_rtq-rr b!oU v a $\t s J R Fl ll ?tl atl FEI llall txl llotlAllHtlgil -r ll<il UllrHllF{ll'>lli F<ll:NF{ I r t t t ;l r r il rOr r r re r r !r ! r F\)lg o g ulL oFtf) o1 ozp tUo 0z v Jo 6XN \) t \J o u,: r,l\al)lo\J vD\ $V\{ J \ hlil tt --- )-' F.\ . ltl J"j .'! F. jl .!.{:. $vn)9u . . tl. i'{ LrA i:4 ). $rt" ..*-b' <"frt sf ffil$ if$;$ 29Fo. Eo o (0 (\l o (D (J c$c;E'Zorx =uitt>ur<utTzEsiZdtrr c <Nu. u, ,Jxl il''. .( 4.; t'r v. l" tl \J A'xt.xi:t- IIi-r It-.. |:(t) o 0ln oo (D 6o (D 6f .ilf '1 "lg- litz 11.r ff 1t- ];e.ra o J-; {H M ilrt Lv3 aU vf,q_ s\tq Jor c.,J zI o, o o enI I 6 (0 ilo (D o(J dfi H;o9 =;f)mut<FiluThi =H,i:Tfiut:X FfiH 6f