HomeMy WebLinkAboutHOLIDAY INN-CREEKSIDE CONDO\^.1 M 6"L;atG-^'a@ tt^^J (rH$, ,sl- I $t ^7o* "tr,f-.t ^sI.- dF^!YA d 4f taniguchi associates egg6 canyon blvd. boulden, colonado eoeoa eoe/aqg-easo C Eagle County Planning Cormission Eagle County, Colorado lq!jgs!:- submittal for approval of creekside Homes planned Devetopnent, West Vail, Colorado. Ovner: Richard A. Eddy, 5085 S. Fairfax, Litt'leton, Co'lorado, g0121. 5037+r-zqeo. lbveloper: M. M. MCCIintock, 10109 E. peakyiew, Englewood, Colorado,g0lll.3077ifrfi7. l!gii!!,Cgn.gpli Creekside Homes are located in l,test Vail, Eagle County,uoloraclo on 1.06 acres. The property is current'ly zoned RSll aid has a' 9gn:itv, of 4 units pgf 99ler lJe are proposing to develop four singletamt.ty nomes on the 30,685.6 square feet of buildable area on the iite.One home exists. The_property'is bordered on one side by-I-70 EastFrontage Road, and a lbcai coi'lector street, and the othir by Gore creek.Building_coverage (including garages) and pived area coveragi willaccount for 30% or 13,850 square feet of the total site. seventy percentof the site will be open space, including the flood plain and Goie'Creek.6'250 square feet or 20.4j['of the total lrea will be'designated for snowstorage. Based on these site conditions, our design approach was conceived tocapture and utilize the existing vegetation,andeibvation changes ofnatural grade, orient'ing the units towards the open space areas and GoreCreek, creating an aesthetically enjoyable use bt tnb site. ?EH]op,tg['t !.n"aut.: Construction is antic'ipated to begin by April 15,leur' followins receipt of all required approvals, with ionstiuction com-pleted by Deceriber, 1991. taniguchi asociates 2336 canyon blvd. boulden, colonaoo Bosop aoa/44s-p4so Creekside Homes Page 2 I. Public Faci I ities A. Streets r . The project wil1 be served by the existing paved frontage road and local collector street from Interstate 70, and will not-contributeto the need for off-site improvements. Private drives and parking areas will be paved. The visual impact of the project will be minimized by natura'l elevation changes from the roads to the site. Theintegrity of the environrent wil't be preserved, and the streetscape enhanced by Iandscaping and the building facades themselves. B. Fire Protection A petition has been filed with the district and fjre'protectionwill be provided by the Vail Fire protection District. C. Police Protection The project will be served by the Eag'le County Sheriff's Dept. D. Pub'ljc Transportation Public transportation will be provided upon annexation of West Vail,which is anticipated to be within a few months. E. Special Facilitjes Shopping facilities are one mile away in West Vail. Vai'l , three miles from the site, in addition to shopp.ing and public library facilities,offers the amenities of restaurants, cultural events, golf course, and vail ski Mountain. Beaver creek ski Mountain is aiso approx'imatelythree miles away. F. l.later Di stri buti on and Sani tary Sewer Col I ecti on Water service will be provided by the Vail Intermountain WaterDistrict. 4pproval has been given to connect to the upper Eagle valleySanitation District sewer line which runs through the property. G. Flood Control and Site Drainage A port'ion of the site is in a 100 year flood plain at an elevationof 7880 feet. The lovest elevation of the existing house is 7884 feet. The lowest e]evations of the new homes wi] 'l be set-at an e'levation of7883 feet. There is an existing spring and culvert on the property. The flowrate is 0.070 CFS or 31-galloni per ninute. Typically, ttris .type of flowrate could be hand'led with a standard gutter system. However, a l foot deep by 2rzfeer wide drainage chinner will beconsructed for spri ng ,.vater runoff . (See s.i te pl an ) . A r-unoff fi I _tration system will also be consructed. (see aetaii). Drainage fromany paved surfaces will run-through this filration system al'leiiat;ngany possible pollution prob'lems. C . Creekside Homes Page 3 II. Envi ronmental Elements A. Natura'l Resources and Natural Areas The site is favored with the amenity of year-round surface water, Gore Creek. The area adjacent to the Creek is reserved as open space. The project is in a floodplain, but no problem is antic'ipated with either suface water or subsurface ground water due to the elevatjon ofconstruction. Specific areas have been designated as drainageways and snow storage. To the developer's knowledge, there are no extractable minera'l s,wildlife interests, or geological features associated with the site. . Planning takes into consideration the preservation of existing' vegetation and topsoil. Any topsoil removed for excavation wi1 I be used 'later for landscaping purposes. B. Conservatjon of Energy, Water, 0ther Resources 1. The buildings will be placed on the site oriented towards the south and southeast to orovide maximun solar access. The snow storage areas and driveways wi'l'l also receive opt'imum sunlight. 2. Roofs wi'11 slope to the south and solar panels wil'l be mountedfor domestic hot water heat. There will be no hinderance of solar access. 3. Energy-efficient space and water heating equipment will be insta'l led. An active solar domestic hot water heating system wi'l I be'incorporated into each unit, designed to produce a minimum of 60%-70% of the annual hot water energy requirements. Firep'laces w'ith flue dampers and fans to circulate warmed air wil'l be installed.Al'l non-southern facing windows and doors will be triple-glazed.All others will be double-glazed. Extra insulation will be placed on north and west exterior walls to increase R-va] ues above standard state and loca1 energy code requirements. 4, Each unit will be individua'lly metered for electricity, and an owner's manual prov'ided, detai'l ing all energy conservatjon featuresof the homes. 5. Water sav'ing devices will be standard. l,later-sayer toilets and fjow restrictors on shower heads and taps will be instal'led, reducing water consupt'ion by 20%-30%. Landscaping wi1'l play arole in water conservation also. 5. Trash collection areas will incorporate recycling b'i ns to encourage the recycling effort. Creekside Homes Page 4 III. Site Design and Relationship to Surrounding Area A. Open Space Gore Creek and the areas adjacent to it wil I provide common open space accessible to a'l'l the residents of Creekside Homes. As statedpreviously, open space accounts for 70% of the total site or 32,323.6 square feet. 16,835 square feet of open space exists outside thefloodplain. Each home is provided with private open space in the form of 9eq!l or patios. These private openspaces will be screened bybuilding orientation, plantings, and the natural elevation chlnges of, the site. B. Landscaping Preservation of existing vegetation, especially in the flood plain i: .n integral part of the design concept. 'There lre approximateiy 29 existing spruce trees on the property that will be preserved.in addition, excavated areas will be re-seeded to their natural state where possible. New plantings of aspens, junipers, phitzers, andflowering shrubs wi'll be strategically located for privacy andvisual enhancement of the architectural features. The landscapingwill contribute to the over-all attractive site plan and livability ofthe project. The trash and recycling area will be screened also by landscap'ing and fencing C. Livabi lity 1- The site has exce'l lent access via the frontage road to I-70. Paved drives and parking will be provided with a two car enclosedgarage for each home. Three guest parking spaces are provided, and more than adequate driveway space in front of two of the homes could accomodate an additiona'l four autos, raising the totalpossible parking to fifteen autos or just under four per unit. 2. The orientation of the homes provides visual privacy fromthe main roads as well as from one another. Landscap'i n! and thenatural elevation changes also contribute to visual privacy. 3. The orientat'ion of the buildings towards the south and south-east also affords unobstructed views towards the open space andexcellent sunlight exposure. Roof overhangs will ict ai a shading source from summer sun and al'l ow winter sun to penetrate. Slooed-roofs will minimize any shadowing on adjacent areas. 4. -The_security of the site is acheived by overall planning, design lgyolrt,_and night lighting. The drive and opin parking areas will be lighted with automatic photocell lights, focused downward and inwarcj to minimize giare whiie promot,ing security and_safety for the residents. Each garage and entry wi1'l alsb be lighted in an aesthetically appropriaie manner. t.Creekside Homes Page 5 ( 5. The natural slope of the site is an important part of the design concept. The development will closely follow the natural contour of the site, with building elevations p'lanned accordingly, keeping cut and fil'l to a minimum. D. Relationship to Surrounding Area The building mass and configurations are designed to be compatible with the character of the vicinity. To the east are apartment complexes. Single family homes, low density residential, surround the site to the west and south. All buildings will be wood frame construction with high quality wood 1ap sid'ing finished in earth-tonecolors. Stucco and redwood will be incorporated to enhance thearchjtectural intent. The orientation and heights of the buildingswi'll not obstruct views or contribute to shadowing. The building facades and landscaping will serve to enhance the s'ite appearance from surrounding areas. In summary, Creekside Homes will be an aesthetically enjoyable project, b'lending with the area while offering variation in its design approach,roof character, and staggered layout. l.lith the anenitjes of Gore Creek and the adjacent open space areas, and the orientation with its so'lar aspects, we fee'l we are developing high-quality housing for year-round'living, and an enjoyable and responsib'le use of this site. M.M. McClintock EFli EIHsiflE lirlii Cs=wt:x t I -t:T t: iiiifiii iIE l il l tl :l :l :l 1+w .ir : II !l lg I i t t : lr I II:I ! I !r I II I'I 'z ''I I F 3 I \ )\i: !t ri i! l ;l :l:l \i Ittz.:I : | ....... .l,l FiiF !: IiiiI r""-'i . ., . i!,- iiiii $ iiii* !5ii iilt . ; ii iilii: rlzti:1..t!;ii ; ; : i i-'rl :! :! i, {ii: i: :i 1l ,. !,. :lii ! :i!i: iili i ! l, rir€.r I 9r-( ,#i li$i E"E ( l'iii z o 5IlJ lrl [lg o z e 3 ulJ lrl Fz o tr & zg k luJ ul c lI tr I a"o z( J B J ul uJ tr lll 3 oJ CLa a g J IL oc! tz ttt tt ql! o zl :l qL 3li4; EF n Y. \ \ -\ I \ \ \ ' i i - ! I Fl-l C ,;; r cf ";["u* X-p,l**tu'tE A, (6) -/r, " '!-n (.vu/rt'I sc ^.e-?/ ipt'n 'd c"v /+ P'J r Q", ;,:;) a taniguchi associates egs6 canyon blvd.boulden, colonado aoaoa 3O3/449-24=0 Eagle County Planning Conrnission Eagle County, Co'lorado =S=ub.i!1=!:_ Submittal for approval of Creekside Homes Planned Development, West Vail, Colorado. O,vner: Richard A. Eddy, 5085 S. Fairfax, Littieton, Colorado, 80i21.W4r-2486. Deve'loper: M. M. MCC1intock, 10109 E. peakview, Englewood, Colorado,80l11.T-3-7-frfi7. -7rlt_ tt4L lrgiect Concgp!: Creekside Homes are located in l,lest Vail, Eagle County,uolorado on 1.06 acres. The property is currently zoned RSM and has a {en1!tV. of 4 units per acre. I,le are proposing to develop four s.inglefamily homes on the 30,685.6 square fbet'of oiitaao]e area on the iite. One home exists. The property'is bordered on one side by I-70 East Frontage Road, and a]ocal collector street, and the othlr by Gore creek.Building-coverage (inc'luding garages) and paved area coverag! w.il'laccount for 30% or 13,850 square feet of the total site. seventy percentof the site will be open space, includ'ing the flood plain and Goie'creek.6'250 square feet or 20.4% of the total irea will be-designated for snow S torage. Based on these site cond'i tions, our design approach was conceived tocapture and utilize the ex'isting vegetationandelevation changes ofnatural grade, orienting the units towards the open space areai and GoreCreek, creating an aesthetically enjoyable use bf tni s.ite. 9gyglopmglt Schedule: Construction is anticipated to begin by April 15,lgEl' foilowing receipt of all required approvals, with construction con-pleted by Decetber, 1991. taniguchi associates 2336 canyon blvd. boulden, colonado eogoa glc/3/44s.-e.45,(f (} tr.lF J(L 'r-- \ ) l+ i.\:'-- \', T.'\)S-t--'"'''1 Sr\ 7 (' ul, Ti .\.\ i,i, t|) \ l rl 'il i{.q o o (D -9ur'r E=a P t -; 6:i ". ri: rEB pHsr: 3'g EE :eff d Fsi)eU> E:EE9E o 5EE e ; os I :--9 ; -';E: : P!E:.:! :! n :::3 g; :!.: 3E j p;-e;! r 2- ^i r' lc -tt' HYDRO-TRIAD, LTD, STA. O.OO TO ST LEGENO Sndoc D.cl T'- Loaca.d /.Jf'' ,,,.'-. ,,,^^'./-// iz:;:i;;7 ' l:i,rj"::-t ro' 'ndlr ro flood.d or.ot, ond rha tacand. 2 s.. oot.! 2-t9 to?,!opa ot trood.ooraor J FY-ftood .lcyor,onr or .Gta.G^ca : : _: n ; ; r "o'Fro-i3En-iiii6ffift ; .on.. t?%t"9[, usto "o oo GORE CREEK FLOOD PROFILES MAY. t975 PLATE 20 Creekside Homes Page 2 I. Publ i c Faci 'l i ti es A. Streets , The project will be served by the ex'isting paved frontage road and local col'lector street from Interstate 70, and will not contribute to the need for off-site 'improvements. Private drives and parking areas wili be paved. The visual impact of the project will be minimized by natural elevation changes from the roads to the site. The integrity of the environment wi1'l be preserved, and the streetscape enhanced by landscap'ing and the build'ing facades themselves. B. Fire Protection A petition has been fi'led with the district and fire'protectionwill be provided by the Vail Fire Protection District. C. Police Protection The project will be served by the Eagle County Sheriff's Dept. D. Public Transportation Pub'lic transportation will be provided upon annexation of l{est Vail, which is anticipated to be within a few months. E. Special Facilities Shopping faci'lities are one mi'le away in West Vail. Vail, three miles from the site, in addition to shopp'ing and public library faci'lities, offers the arpnities of restaurants, cultura'l eventsr go] f course, and Vail Ski Mountain. Beaver Creek Ski Mountain is also approximately three miles away. F. Water Distribution and Sanitary Sewer Collection Water service will be provided by the Vail Intermountain llaterDistrict. Approval has been given to connect to the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District sewer line which runs through the property. G. Flood Contro'l and Site Dra'inage A port'ion of the site is in a 100 year flood plain at an elevation of 7880 feet. The 'lorest elevation of the existing house is 7884 feet. The lowest e'levations of the new homes will be set at an elevation of 7883 feet. There is an existing spring and culvert on the property. The flowrate is 0.070 CFS or 31 ga'l'lons per minute. Typically, this type of flowrate could be handled with a standard gutter systen. However, a l foot deep by 2\feet wide drainage channel wil'l be consructed for spring water rurroff. (See site pian). A runoff fil-tration system will also be consructed. (See detai'l). Dra.inage from any paved surfaces wil'l run through this filration system alleviating any possib'le pollution problems. Creekside Homes Page 3 II. Envi ronmental Elements A. Natural Resources and Natural Areas The site is favored with the amenity of year-round surface water, Gore Creek. The area adjacent to the Creek is reserved as open space. The project is in a floodplain, but no probiern js anticjpated witheither suface water or subsurface ground water due to the elevation ofconstruction. Specific areas have been designated as dra.inageways and snow storage. To the developer's knowledge, there are no extractab'le minerals,wildlife 'interests, or geo'l ogical features associated with the site.. Planning takes into consideration the preservation of existing' vegetation and topsoi'|. Any topso'il rbmoved for excavation will be used later for landscaping purposes. B. Conservation of Energy, Water, 0ther Resources 1. The buildings will be placed on the s'ite oriented towards the south and southeast to provide maximun solar access. The snow storage areas and driveways will also receive optimum sunlight. 2. Roofs will s'lope to the south and solar pane'ls will be mountedfor dorestic hot water heat. There will be no hinderance ofsolar access. ?. Energy-efficient space and water heating equ'ipment wil'l beinstalled. An active solar domestic hot water-helting system wiil be incorporated into each unit, des'igned to produce a minimum of 60%-70"1 of the annual hot water energy requirements. Fireplaceswith f'lue dampers and fans to circulite warmed air will be installed.All non-southern facing windows and doors wil'l be triple-g'lazed. A'l'l others will be double-glazed. Extra insulation will beplaced on north and west eiterior walls to jncrease R-values above standard state and 'loca1 energy code requirenents. 4. Each unit will be individually metered for electricity, and an owner's manual provided, detailing all energy conservatjon featuresof the homes. 5. Water saving dev'i ces will be standard. Water-saver toilets and flow restrictors on shower heads and taps will be jnstalled, reducing water consuption by 20%-30i1, Landscap'ing wiil play arole in water conservation also. 6. Trash collection areas will incorporate recycling bins to encourage the recycf ing effort. Creekside Homes Paoe 4 III. Site Design and Relationship to Surrounding Area A. 0pen Space Gore Creek and the areas adjacent to it wil'l provide conmon open space accessible to all the residents of Creekside Homes. As staiedpreviously, open space accounts for 70% of the total site or 32,323.6square_feet. 16,835 square feet of open space exists outside thefloodpiain. Each home is provided with private open space in the form of decks. or patios. These private openspaces will be screened bybuilding orientation, plantings, and the natural elevation ch-anges of. the site. B. Landscaping Preservation of existing vegetation, especially in the f1 ood plain i! un.integral part of the design concept. There lre approximateiy 29 existing spruce trees on the property that will be prbserved.In addition, excavated areas will be re-seeded to theii natural state where possible. New plantings of aspens, jun.i pers, phitzers, andflowering shrubs will be strategically located'for piivacy andvisual enhancement of the architectural features. itre 'l andscapingwill contribute to the over-all attractive site plan and livability ofthe-project. The trash and recycling area wi'l I be screened also bylandscaping and fencing C. Li vabi I 'i ty ,l 4./-,root 1" The site has excellent access via the frontage road to I-70. Paved drives and parking will be provided with a two car enclosedgarage for each home. Three guest parking spaces are provided, and more than adequate drivewaja<FQe_-in iront of two bf the homescould accomodate an additional four-auty, raising the totaipossible parking to fifteen autos-oi-jD(t under f6ur per unit. 2. The orientation of the hornes provides visual privacy fromthe main roads as well as from one another. Landscaping and thenatural elevation changes a'lso contribute to visual brivacy. 3. The orientation of the build'i ngs towards the south and south-east also affords unobstructed views towards the open space andexcellent sunlight exposure. Roof overhangs will act as a shading source from summer sun and a'l 'l ow winter sun to penetrate. Sloped-roofs will minimize any shadowing on adjacent areas. \. .The_security of the site is acheived by overall planning, design layout, and night lighting. The drive and open parking areas will be 'lighted w'ith automat'ic photoceil lights, focused downward and inward to minimize g'l are wh'i le promoiing security and_safety for the residents. Each garage and entry will also be lighted in an aesthetically appropriate manner. CCreekside Hores Page 5 5. The des'i gn contour keepi ng natural slope of the site is an important part of the concept. The development will closely follow the natural of the site, with building elevations planned accordingly, cut and fill to a minimum. D. Relationship to Surrounding Area The building mass and configurations are designed to be compatible with the character of the vicinity. To the east are apartment complexes. Single fam'i ly homes, low density residential, surround the site to the west and south. All bui'ldings wi'll be wood frame construction with high quality wood lap siding finished in earth-toneco'lors. Stucco and redwood wi'll be incorporated to enhance the architectural intent. The orientation and heights of the build'ingswill not obstruct views or contribute to shadowing. The building facades and landscaping will serve to enhance the site appearance from surrounding areas. In summary, Creekside Homes wilI be an aesthetically enjoyable project, blending with the area while offering variation in its design approach, roof character, and staggered layout. l^ljth the anenities of Gore Creek and the adjacent open space areas, and the orientation with its solar aspects, we feel we are developing high-quality housing for year-roundliving, and an enjoyable and responsible use of this site. ={}r.0[.ht(J'^, .*-.L M.M. McClintock neth S. TANIGUCHI l ll :l il :l :l :l 1+w i! iiil i:iEt IL,, i:,!titf; i!i 'ri3 7 , iI I ,l 0[ iI!! !t 4.lr{? Lr_orilllli n / L./r1 aIt iI =, 5E l1 I' Ia f; I !r I i: It ti i! ;l :l :l :r + EI; F z g (+\v ! I .,.''.''...,+; i l. i ilii;ii !: ii-i . . . ii ,, liiii $ ilii:r!i!i iiiii ,iiiiilii: tti:1..t:i:i : : - I !-!r !! t! e- il -': ia :l .-3 !j .:!., :!ii! ; '.ii i i i!t= a -- | a!i!!t, Hmt iEffil uil;,il!:iilii (ETT .t zg F() lrlJ[l ug o z o 5 utJ!l E{u tr ITJ lt o tr 0. t z u 5 tt I!o zI 3 utJ ut. Fz o tr L *"5t ba. \, z( J o J lrl lrlJ Erl 3 oJ 1i 'gt zl{l dl ,l urI >l :1, 3it(|; Ett i ( T0 c0itoucT lli A. EXHIEIT 6 ( APPLICAT]OiI FOR A PERI,IIT \ A DTSIG|IATED ACTIVITY OF STATE INTEREST OR TO ENGAGE IIt DEVELOPI,IENT DESIG|IATED AREA OF STATE INTEIIEST To: Re: From: Permit AuthOfity, Eagle County Board of County Comrnissioners Development in a Desgnated Area interest. Mary M. McClintock , a matter of State Date Date Recei ved: 't. . The iterns checked A permit to engage in areas of State interest: Submitted: November 2t, 1980 llatter of State Interest. applicant requests that a permit be issued for each of the belor.r: development in one o"lno"" of the following ( ) Hineral resource ar-eas ( ) Geologic hazard areas ( ) Hi'ldlife hazard areas \x) Flood hazard areas ( ) Hisiorical and archaeological resource areas( ) Signjficant vildlife areas habitats( ) Shorelands of major publicly-owned reservoirs( ) Areas arounC airports ( ) Areas around rnajor facilities.of a public utility( ) Areas around'interchang*s invotving arteriar highr.rays( ) Areas around rapid or mass transit facilities 10109 East Peakviewt 303-779-4537 . Tel epFonel -58- A permit to(rduct one or rnore of the follc1]rS activitjes of State interest: Yxx Site selection and construction of major ner.r dornestic r,rater and ser.rage treatment systems l4ajor extensions of existing domestic urater and se,i/age treat-XXT ment systems ( ) Site select'ion and development of solid vraste disposal sites ( ) Site selection of airports ( ) Site selection of rapid or mass transjt facilities ( ) Site selection and construction of major facilities of a public utility ( ) Site se1ection and development of new communities\sXI Efficient uti I ization of municipal and industria'l yrater projects ( ) Conduct of nuclear detonations 2. Proposed Activitv or Development. General description of the specific activity or development pro- posed (attach additiona'l sheets if necessary): Building three 4qtached units for Condominium Sale - gg. enclosed site plans and enclosed brochure of proposed project. 3. General Description. A general , non-1egal description and the popular name, if any, tract of land upon which the activfty or development is to be conducted additional sheets if negessary): 2354 south Frontage ioad or 1.06 acres of the (attach of land located at the southwest corner of west vail Exit rnterchan 4. Lega'l Description. The legal description, including upon vhich the development or the activity bounds or by government survey description the acreage, of the tract of land is to be conducted, by metes and (attach additional sheets if necessary)r See Exhibit "A" -69- .l -f\ t^f. utlners and Interests. set out beror'r the names of those persons holding recorded regal ,equitable' contractuar and option interests and any other person knor.rn to theapplicant having an interest in the property described in paragraph 4, above,as vlel'l as the nature and extent of those interests for each person, providedthat such recorded interests shall be'limited to those urhich are recorded inthe county Recorder's Office of this jurisdiction, the rand office of theBureau of Land llanagement for this state, the 0ffice of the state Board ofLand commissioners of the Department of Natural Resources, or the secretaryof state's 0ffice of this State (attach aad"itionar streets if necessary):Owner - Richard A. Eddy, 50g5 South Fairfax, Lirtleton, Co g0121 . 6. Submission.Requirements. Submission requirements described in the regulations which have beenadopted by this jurisdiction for each of the activities or areas checked inparagraph 1' above, are attached to this application. Those attachments ar€identified, by letter or number, and described by titte belovr: . 7. . The attached anaryses sho' .that each of the design and performancestandards set forth in the regulations for each of the activities or areaschecked in paragraph l,above,uiil be rnet. The individuar anaryses areidentified by reference to the appropriate paragraph or section numberscorresponding to each standard in the appropriate regulations adopted by thisj urisdi ction. 8. l-iaster plan. a. Does this activity or of this jurisdiction? b. If jt does not comply, Perrni t ication Forrn -- p. 3k development comply with the master p.lan lss nfi No _ please explain how it does not corply. 9. l Government Attach any additionar information required by this jurisdiction. -70- 10. The Duratiof--------.\f Permi t. app) i cant requests a permit for a C period of Novernber 21, 1980 and on indefinatelv APPLI CANT Power Rich ard A. Eddy NOTE:l'lithin ten (10) days fotowing receipt of a compreted appricationfor a permit, the permit Authority shar'r detennine and set a feein an amount necessary to cover the costs incurred in the review and approval of the permit application, inc.luding all hearings conducted therefor, and shalr notify the applicant in urriting ofsaid fee and its amount. lrot'rater than ten ('r0) days fo'rlowing his receipt of such notice, the applicant shall present to the Permit Authority non-refundable certified funds in the amount asset. Until the fee is paid to the permit Authority, the applica_tion for a permit shall not be further processed. of Attornev for and Deve loper -71 .- txHrBrT "A" LEGAL pESCRTPTION LqR pROpERTy ADDRESS_2354 solrTH ACE ROAD A DISTANCE OF 138.2I FEET; A DISTANCE OF 3I.O5 FEET; A DISTANCE OF 348.96 FEET, TO TlrE POINT OF ( FRONT A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE N 1/2, NE 1/4, SECTION 14, T5S,R81W OF THE 6TIt p.U., IN EAGLE COTJNTY, STATE Oi COlOnelo, MORE PARTICT'LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOW6: COMI4ENCINC AT I'ITE NE CORNER OF SAID SECTION 14; IIIENCE S. 78O 54' 36''W. A DISTAIiICE OF 1411.9 INET TO A POINT ALONG TITE APPROXIUATECENTERLINE OF GOR.E CREEK AND ON THE RIGIIT OF }'AY LINE OF COLORADO PROJECT I 70-2(7) I83; THENCE ALONG TIIE RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAIDPROJECT THE FOLLOI.'ING COURSES'AND DISTANCES: a.- 42" 33) 22" w. A DrsrAt{cE oF g9.r !.EET; THENCE S. 37" 08' 22" I'. A DISTANCE OF 71.4 IEET TO I,IIE POIMOF BEGINNING; TGIgE CoNTTNUTNC ALONG SArD RrcnT oF wAy LrNE;S. 46- 33' 1I'' W. A DISTAI{CE OF 348.1 FEET TO rHE SOUTII RIGIIT OFWAY LINE OF STAIE HIGIIWAY 78; THENCE S. 36() 43' 2I'I{. ALONG SAID SH 78 RIGHT OF I{AY LINE A DISTANCEOF 29.52 FEET: THENCE S. 530 4i' 37" E. THENCE N. 17: 13' 22" E. THENCE N. 250 25r O4', E. BEGINNING. EAG.IE COUNTY Conirunity Devel opment'P. 0. B'ox 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731| SOARO OF COUNTYcoMMtsstoNERs Ext 241 (( ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSOR En 202 BUILDING IN IN5PECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 21 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 235 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIARARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH E.91. Ert 252Vril 476.5844 PLANNlNG Exl226 or 229 PURCHASTNG/ PERSONNEL Ert 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaglc Ext 2l IBrl|lt 927-3244 Gilm.n 827-575 | socrAL sERvrcEs 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 2Ol 16 July 1980 l'lary H. lhClintock 10109 East Peakview Englewood, Colorado 80111 Re: File No.Zc-729-80 At their Public Hearing of Ju'ly 14, 1980, the Board of County Commissioners approved your zone change for 1.068 acres fnm Resource to Residentia'l Suburban Medium Density. If you have any questions, please contact this office. ,7Z-*-.. - --'/ LC,----s /""- Susan Vauohn ./ Pl anner SV/kp cc: Board of County Cormissioners ftt : soIL C|:A:!1CT;:UST:CS c ?opso11 Sand . Gravel Roadflll onrsR SOIL FEAII'RES Depih ';o 3c<irock Tex Eu:c Sur i:ce Sribsoli. Subst:a:r:r . (gravcl, cobble, stone) So11 Reac:lon (p[) Shrlnk-Swell potentt,al Potca:tal Frort Actton, : poor - stonlneeg : F&lr . : F&lr : DeeP , t Flne sandy loam: Stony sandy c).ay 1oam, stony sandy loan I over 3fr2 7.4 to 8.43 I'toderate to lorrr C u"i;;;;;:il cr""sr*c.:roni Il" :?-.:;1xt;."31r, verv-sronv-ro",'v """rA-4, A-6,- A-2; YfL, SC; $t,-ctll:T:::'::::-io:l::1-feet) : i.iio' --6.6 ii i6lo?.i#.Pe:ceni Coarse Fragaents -- (suriace) :.IrtoderateFlood llazard Hydrologlc Group :'j"*Corrosi.vlry - S.reel -_l 'fffgn - Gonercts _ __-t_Uoiorato DBGRDE S KIND OP LNIITAIO}IS (O. ts sltghr, M ls Hoderaie, S'Ls Severe) _ Septld ?ank Abeorptlon- Flelds 3 S - stonlness seuage Lagoona s s - seepage, stonirtees .Sanlrarr rgrdful : I:::* ; 3 : :::iffi, etoniness 'Sh,af.Ion'Excavatlona 3 S _ gioninegs 'Duelll.ngs rr/basenenta : S_stonlnessrr/o basernente : M; S on olopes ovel- l5l. Local Roada and sEreeta : M _ gtonineso; S on clopes ovet lJfi SUI'I'ASILITI AS A SOURCE OF. .. . .Da1ly Cover for Landfill : poor : Poor - large "Lou" NOT TO BE USED IN pLrrCE Op oit-SITE INVESTIGAIIO:|."ADvA.\cg copy suBJEcT To ctt^NcErl '""j'j:i,l: ::";li; as_potential runo.u tassoci ated wi th t l.::':"""1:,1:;:n.' s into account r, ll-l{ l0r lee s lopes:ntlfy paths 'sity ;:;:;ff:3 ';ni:,'n",onditions. -.r-- (f1-J rm rli rirjsiiif rfrilsrii i;;:l*lyiii,iii :f r;ii;, ri,,RUcrr oN s I re seircrr oN A. High stab le gravel covered terraces above thephysiographic floodplain. Emphasis on, burnot llmlte6l tor groundwatJ rD s u rface and su6_surface drainage, compos ition and character-is tics of underfying bedrock that oay bepenetrated and poss ib le resB. stabre coruvium ": ;";r"";"ut"" evatuation. s ropes. Emphas is on, but n, tlat to gentlc surf ace and subsurface ,r",""jr", t"", ,,"r.stability. C. itable glaci s ropes. - r,rnj, :':":"j":""jrat to senre t limited to,surface and 5ubsurface drainage, s lopestabi li ty, and poss ible res o urce evatuation. +i5f fi$fiit,'F3l'31 ;, iii,f ilf , iif f,l Inn., I Ji,Jl 3f ,1'il;, l,i, - A. Stable colluvium or bedrock: on gentle slopcsthat may haye a thin gravel cap. Enphasi5 oorbut not I imi ted to, surface.and subsurfacedrainage, composition and characteristics of. Dear surface bedrock and 5t6B. stabte.graciar d-^^_,^.'' "ope stabi lity. ia I depos i ts on gen t I e to rnode ra tes lopes . €nphas i s on, b ut no t llrnited to,s urfacc and 5ubsurfacc draini and posslble rrGat..,- c. swamps. bonc :.'::,::: cvart'|at ron' t$O, i g J --.,,:- :.=\\,--:---;-;1!='\\i.\ - '.... - R Fl '.-,\ , r'',i,;.iii;:i ..,2' ,l ,,rW /,t't. a.'ff1-xr: :ti ) ril })i 7.2 G)'l(,!i,,r|4')ffi ( LIST OF ENCLOSURES I. APPLICATION FOR FLOOD PLAIN PERMIT 2. EXHIBIT ''AI' - LEGAL DESCRIPTION 3. CREEKSIDE HOMES BROCITURE 4. SITE PLANS AND INTERIOR DESIGN (a) Note - 100 Year Flood plain - Elevation (b) Drainage Channel for runoff and channel (c) run-off filtration Zoning Approval Letrer dated 7/16180 Soil Report Infornation Geological Report Power of Attorney 7880 for.07 cfs 5. 6. 7. 8. PLEASE LET ME KNOI,'I THANK YOU FOR YOUR IF ALL TI{E REQUIRED INFORMATION CONSIDEMTION IN THIS MATTER. IS NOT ]N TI{IS PACIqGE. ('/zz'z EI{Y,ROI{IIIENIAI HBlrru , julorije pipeline 139s EAGTE COUNTY (; Cormiuni ty Deve'l opmentP.0.8ox 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPH-ONE 303/328-731| BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrSsloNERS Ext 241 ( ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECOROER Ext 21 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEEREn 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Erglc Ext 252V.il 476-58/t4 PLANNINGErt 226 or ?'29 PURCHASTNG/ PERSONNELErt 245 ROAO & BRIDGEExt 257 SHER I FF Erglc Ext 2l I Ba'.lt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 socrAL sERvrcEs 328-5328 TREASURER Ext 201 16 July 1980 Mary H. lkClintock 10109 East Peakview Englewood, Co1orado 80111 Re: File No.Zc-129-80 At their Public Hearing of July 14, 1980, the Board of County Conunissioners approved your zone change for 1.068 acres frpm Resource to Residential Suburban Medium Density. If you have any questions, please contact this office. .24;-=! I{'u-'r-'/-'-Susan Vauqhn Pl anner SV/kp cc: Board of County Cormissioners tut '-\ solL ct:A:LicTi::usTics\, Dcpth to Scdrock : Deep- Textu;c : Su;i;cc ;,,r;;;; .. Flne sandy loam subsr:a:r=r : Stony sandy clay loarn, stony sandgr loan unl f ic d/.../sil :1i:."-r:r"":ron i l:fl ;Iy^:rtl.#, ;.yit"il r.I,il Perr.cablllty (below z feet) t ii#a _ i;.o ti lo]dii.Z^r.Percent Coarse Fragaents _ --(gravel, cobble, scone) z over 35rnSotl Rcac:lon (plt) _ , i'.1, to g.lshrlnk-suelr not;n5-ial ttJ"r.a" to ].orrPotcnilal Frost .Action,- (suri-ace) Frood rtazard ,lloderate Hydrol.oli"-cro.rp ;_$"*Corroeiviry - Steel -__i}f"f,- Concrtte _ ___J_ifoisrltc card )' DEGREE S KIND OP LIMITATIOIIS(o. t's slighr-, M 1s Moderaie,S'ls Severe) _ Seprld ?ank Abaorption- Flelds . Sewage Lagoone : .Sanltary Lsrdflll _ Trenctr : r . _ Area 3 'S'nallon Bxcavall.ona : Duelllngs rr/basementa !rr/o baeenence : Local Roada and Streeta : suI:'nBILIrr As A souRcB OF.... S - stonlness S - seepage, stonineas S - oeepage, stoninesaS - seepage S - stonlness S - stonlness M; S on slopes over 15tr tr - stonlness; S on olopes over !5* Dally Cover for Landfill Topsoll Sand . Gravel . Roadflll o11r8R SOrL F&ITuRES s tordlreas 4- large otooea IN PIACE OF O|I.SITE INVESTIGATIO:I. : Poor : Poor - : Falr : Falr : Poor - IIADvA,\cg coPY suBJEgT To GIIANGE.I NoT m BE usED sceptible to snowno_ path,s read I ly :: potent i al runo.utassoc i a ted wi th t ;:iffil:: ,in,,!.'no* cnditions. 3: ^ * iii,l:,059,3:,1f,l'3PTANN I NG AND CEHTNEIIY lli'iff :iii!#ii'iriirs riir iir A. High stab le gravel covered terraces above thephys iographic floodplain. Emphas is on, butnot I imited tor groundw33gl7, surface and sub-surface drainage, composition and character_istics of underlying bedrock that may bepenetrated and possible resource evaluation.8. Stable colluviurn or bedrock sropes. Emphasis on, but noon tlat to gentrc surface and subsurface drain"rjt""r"j,"r. stability. c- itable glacial ,naterial on flat to gentlestopes. Emphasis on, but not limited to,surface and subsurface drainage, s lopestability, and possible resource evaluation. -,1 -- ). snow ava I anchesrrcct avalanche s i n to account r, lJ-l{ )0r lec s I opcs:ntlfy pathssity +l:f iiliill,'F3l'fli,ii3,:ilf iiif,:N.c^,NvEs' GArr oils oFrf ,rJ s I TE. - f .r sL vcLU"ENT pLANN ' NG ;6;-;ir"i,lonrr^rr- A. Stabte colluvium or bedrock on gentle slopesthat may have a thin gravel cap. Emphas is on,but not I imi ted to, s urface . and subsurfacedrainage, composition and characteristics of. near surface bedrock and slope stability.8. Stabte.glacial deposits on, s lopes. Em gent le to moderate phas i s on, but not llmited to,surfacc and subsurfacc dra inage, s lope s tab t I i tyand poss lb lc rcsourcc evaluat lon.C. Swamos. boac ^. |-1.-- 5C\ i1' I '2iNiSrW ID -E -l d (D ml*l-'.h Et<x at't Y elm: 6l9e tla;: glli sl-:m=r-I zI3 o<!adPa!P€>t16hifI n ={ if;_E #;t- DDts tr!! z.O 8=z'A *;dz, 9> o9rz, t--tc3= ae f)\_r^! m'2:-lx3:o=-.t c)o> >o t- o 2a-tm1z>mC)F-l>o|- C)a =mo-t o( */='m a -(-o @ z. =m Hf,aC)o>'- ro -l (D f- -n t-z 5 {mt-m d Ez o-!t Ir mo zI tr,H t= lz lI F, I!€z 'rl = m lr,,lz n = -l €z l t"m 9) 3 5\I Or Iq) (tl5 td l€ lzo.tl F m zo n -.1 cr .D =o -ll m =n.o-tE.' UI(D tn =Et- m a 3u a./r o =eo = a3 -oE- =It =t- a'+ a'+ (ocio =dlo rd !s It\)5rtf a = TI2- (tlo@{tl TIo --n 9,x r = 2DE l; t; ,ooz @{7co{oz ! FT7 ={ zo-{m :l r8t!i< cOJ-n !-m 3=o= I\ol-tDlmixl\m -l-{*o:Z,uio 1(Dar= m 0 -tm (oc c ]\Jf\) (o @q) If\ I Il\ I N "l \l 5 tl frlr}I T\ -n 'ttOr-CCz= QC0>= 6c)z N \t \r L t-5' ;E3d' 3i$tsEi d =:EF* 1*r' (a o:a:t =-.ooC=**o=tt- Sigaiai:Iilet 3aB=(o9*(D 6e{€ -E !t t} d.3- = il Ja96' 5s3'1(n3l= Ee48j s.9 8@3sl Pordr i;F =E3 ilq<o-J e: d.R o^ ;id*$ua'= ;*;e '5'P. F P ;\- =.P(D'>{ rc tDrt€ (J--c =.o 3 (D =s f(o oocto !,f CL o +&()Fi €=- ;-;l *.!ol z ,t o -aot 1tot ==q, m1-1t , ol, of- Iz =z r m =azmmom.ol<" lz t:t- t>lr- | (rr, l:rlotq l- I LIT I 4*i lmtx t; r II I tnIt-lol I Il I - I I zo r{ oz -.t !m -tI ^z mv, a-t- m m -.1 z J z I m'tt- om(tt €m-t'z 2 =att ooo =oz zIo zm{ - m 62 o =6z f' 7m!IF -l !m oaoc! 6.) F :rl c 62 c l# cd l#4 ae |*:; eq li;= z f6: lffl r3= lol Nm=l-ll-l :::I'l :' I o v,@ ('l O z =o F (DIrIzozo-lmu, zz . t 0 --lm =siix 'N is I I ol Hroo r$ l\.r in IoIr Emn = =-Tl mmv, U'm I x t-m 2 a! m! a-l m z m m€ o m m =oz.i mm 3mo- zor .o-c =gzo m-m{ .- !r zo mc)x @g-92o !mF =-| mv = ='Tl mm(t VALUATION !mv = =zo 3mo zo - t- 3 z mt-mo{ao t- r z JI3D (^) !(tl oo o oo o G'\t l\)(Jl {I 5c q2 '+f arf tatoQ xJ.raf sa *.J (Ji JOB NAME MONr. t-- i ./l /-5l- 1 ,1 TOWN OF ( o'' , t '\,., L.INSPECTION tY REQUE VAIL DATE ,1., /,'- ,/?2"t/t - /.) --J ,/ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES '. r-1-i r rHUR 6lWED AM PM >_-;'-' | :l --t.!- fiui1 | BUILDING: 'ci. roorrrucs tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER / STEEL 1- r,','.-n:t-l (t !r',,, ;; ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BESTCOPY AI|AI.IBIE INSPECTOR - oz F =G, uJo- o?OolO sf tn r.lJ IJJlt = =t uJo. ( 2tut^ ill aEfq- Nl, l il H I,l# q: i=l#;l (E UJz =o ul F z u-J u,lo = l! .roF z aro luz3o l!o uJ F z 6 I.i ro| io r(DrE 'Gr.= i(!tCr3 |- o ),ts oq,\o 6 a o- q) oo (g o o o, F =o E o =cl (D (5 3 .9 o )c | .Y';3 rEl iu;,0,i!t ;- to;:t io 'ut ! 6 E .N -oc3loF o o PoO(o(E at o -c. E- 5' ^i !Itl (o. 6i (El 'c):ctO 'Ercr6 'o i(! 'Y'o ,3oF G ; atr oo o -go. o Ec(g c .9 (! E ; ': (). o oo ol i- ( l6riQrsi--tiOc;(Jd io oiuiiiUCi.= ('=ci9;:oi:-( t(!!io t. o|,!iEF, >=O( 5;E>(!= .EEoc cr tDt €c =S.(u O'6 ii o- (6C 6G ?rce.ot-E ctr(str o..y o'-ac 0rf$5 ;;(J>au: e7(!x H669EoEEOola(E oo qo c .9 (! E o .s oc ; o Eg o (u: .Y. o.o,(! .gl.E o'(!o' o (t -i 6l oi:iol tiasl>l-o(c) 'i ql !( -( rf, r{)(\t rt(\I oIoo lr)N rltN E E IJJo-oz. =f co - qJ C)z o- Fo UJJ uJ oz 6 = o- -.) 9z E UJ = uJ uJ z IJJ r! =g qJ z aIu F oo- UJo o.?z llJJ C) x F uJo an UJ uJIL ==t uJ o- J Fo z @ 9 i: UJJ UI z @ =J J Iz -(, uJ = NOrlvn'rv^ -G,o =Z ZrLo ooF-thz:3 i:EE/t('cE5a A(Jz= b[ f,FHA EBrE ;bj a,i -<F =>G z tr IL .r o- e(J qJ F oo ool@ sf E IL nJ z E Jzo uJI 5l'l -tBlurl2l Jl<l trl zl .. >lo uJ tl.l UJz F uJ IL J zI tr llJl)J U'!) UJz!aIIF z F- 5 z tl !,bz z r- ru<oo< =fiztExu-6ci<z g, =z,. 9z 'iF do}E :u/ o =Y z Fa) cr) r uJ ts(t Cooazo Fo- UJY UJ oFt ->3nol artoR oqoso.l tl *- FJo=2.6 z .rPz=or = z.r =fod8& ifi :f;= A;E tr G UJ\ IJJ z tr L F CEIEo- JFul-h= o- uJ>(LOrL9o\UJx(!x>fiF J lr- uJc!oF co Ettoo ott .E I E Eol, o E -E ts =G UJo-zoFo :)EF CNzoO !nE 'o atu,(o+icoLl! (,t', sf ra)(r,(\toz Jtr rFoo.l-(u o(-) = ii =z -) -o- a! Eo lllo, Ir-l ttt I -ltulqplqclqol =.1 |>tl u-lgsl l(\t I:cEUt.ii El-1 3u/9il AE tltlll-ll-Itctu{t5Idt< Fl 3= lllttl t3 tslt<ltilloltzla;l =t Pl tltltl|l td lHltill>llAlt"ltzlt3lqol IIJ FI uJl :l al>l ttlol zl 3l 14FI ol ;ltrl:l<l>l ruol zl FI IJJI :l al>l r!lol zl BIoiFI F LlJF T C)E <Fcc)uJ<zE T.IJ F(rzo() JE. 5P =<S't E-zilo() _(reozt- =fd6() F arFzoa e. |. =t- i_b o() <c) -,HE nntr ( t1t5l!1 t- lu ji:€: ISFn! ;te!; =a.s6e E g E,E:e iiFi;riesc'- o.c --: :;.= o-.>.F11 :'i 9an 6 =EgrE E;;F: .EiSeE o.(u 0- =sEisi €Eigig;o56 :E E g!, EEiS=:9t 3d6 o'-: --c= 0t (r, c e*!e€ g g lcl9,!a5q IfE;F :Fp;a a)t F o o UJz3orc (Llu6Z...3;c <F221 9.2o< Foz o = =) zz (n u.Ju,u- tr = |lJ oz ==E u.to- = zz =4o Y'e 2*, +A-- o33o--?U DDR tr UJ o,lt a, u,E9E<olo(/' B9vl( 'EE ; i- =ru-E EFoJ= ; =*E p6 I iu.-EX(!r x>IE=F. 6t ":al; UJ @ o F "dg ==3JYo'-1 "i t!6d= U' UJ uJtl. L = UJ J FoF z ) o C)tt lu -o UJ c,z a o o- J = u, o o(D 3 tu a!ut z 9F UJ ottlG F qJ ; NOtrvnlvA u,l ah ujz :<I F att Eli9z d6}E zz99!:o-92Xf490 .hOz>-oo<)zlr<oqPd>c)FOjGi .t\e5 ; u, @ -Go =o o F E(, ltlo J t UJzrl,(J z9 F l lr.(r o fo(r (l- z 9 Foo z F UJ B z .l (,tr!l(rl Jl ?l>l !lolFI c = I I I I I =lgl .cl JI al>l bl zl 3l )-l 'l I I -l'zl oiurlGl Jt. EI>lirlol zl}|olH I I I I "lzl oltulGl JI-l>l a!lol zl 3lolFI I I I zl (,l url JI 3l t|.Jol zl 3lolFI v c) { u; z -l (9z =u- !-C( irg Oz F uJ trI() t -rO<FcouJ<zG.uiFcZo() JE{o(JF;so:-32UJO() Oc)ZF =(JZE JZo-Oo oFo F-zo(-) z Io UJ UJ Bo ic;qgxtfl -: l-rl:o F: ; {cttl o-zot- CJ :)E F-azoo --.nF*'<.ill= \z/-I= = / :'/ tut'/(e7zcs & Fr'y'*''' 10109 East Peakview Englewood, Colorado 80111 December 1, 1980 Eagle County DepartmenE of Community Development P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Co 81631 RE: File No. Su-148-80-S or 2354 South Frontage Road, West VaiL Attention: Erik Edeen Thank you for your quick response to my application for aFlood Plain Permit. I am still trying to get all the inforrnat iontogether rhat we discussed last Monday. I will hopefully have allthe required additional inforrnation to you by the end of the week.I wanted Eo drop you a note and leE you know Ehat I had been delayedin mailing this out last week. Thank you for your assisEance in this matter. Sincerely, 'f\.fl.ogLd*A McCl intock MMM C LIST OF ENCLOSURES 1. APPLICATION FOR FLOOD PLAIN PERMIT 2. EXHIBIT ,'AJ' -.I,EGAL DESCRIPTION-FzJzs- P;z/-ti'- -7--,i22) z'za 'z/3. CREEKSIDE HOMES BROCHURE 4. SITE PLANS AND INTERIOR DESIGN BlYiR0iIiriii'lTAt HEAITHI bZr. s, Fd.z<-.'---/ (a) Note - 100 Year Flood Plain - Elevation 7880 (b) Drainage Channel for runoff and channeL for ,07 cfs julorije pipeline (c) run-off filtration 5. Zoning Approval Letter dated.7/L5180 6. Soil Report Information 7. Geological Report 8. Power of Attorney PLEASE LET UE KNOW rF ALL THE REQUIPSD TNFoRI.IATION IS NOT IN THrS PACKAGE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION IN THIS MATTER. MARY r.{. TfCLTNTOCK EXHIBIT 6 APPLICATIO;,| FOR A PERJYIT TO COIIDUCT A DESIGIIATED ACTIVITY OF STATE INTEREST OR TO ENGAGE III DEVELOPNENT ii| A DESIGI|ATED AREA OF STATE INTEIIEST To:Permit Authori t/,of County Commis s ioners Re: Fron: 1na , a matter of State Date Submitted: November Date Received: (C 't. . The items checked A permit to engage in development in areas of State interest: .. ( ) l'ti neral resource ar-eas l.latter of State Interest. applicant reques^us that a permit be issued for each of the bel or.r: - .. r"a. one or more of the fol'lowing ( ) Geologic hazard areas( ) Hitdlife hazard areas \x) Flood hazard areas ( ) Hisiorical and archaeological resource areas( ) Significant r.rildlife areas habitats( ) Shorelands of major public'ly-owned reservoirs( ) Areas arounC airports ( ) Areas around major facilities.of a public utility( ) Areas around interchanges in'olving arteriar highr.rays( ) Areas around rapid or mass transit facilities Mary M. McC l intock l!l!9_Egst Peakview, Englewood. Colorado 80111 lo3-779-4537. Tel epFoneT -68- A permit t/-:onduct one or rnore of the folfring activitjes of Siate interest: \ \ YxI Site selection and construction of major nevr clomestic vrater and sevrage treatment systems XxI llajor extensions of existing domestic urater and se,r,age treat- ment systems ( ) Site selection and development of solid vraste disposa] sites ( ) Site se'lection of airports ( ) Site selection of rapid or mass transit facilities ( ) Site selection and construction of major facilities of a public uti'lity ( ) Site selection and development of new communities\*X| Efficient utilization of municipal and industrial uater projects ( ) Conduct of nuclear detonations 2. Proposed Activity or Deve'lopment. General description of the specific activity or development pro- posed (attach additional sheets if necessary): Building three detached units for Condominium Sale - gs. enclosed site plans and enclosed brochure of proposed project. 3. General .Description. A general , non-legal description and the popu'lar name, if any, tract of land upon which the activity or development is to be conducted additional sheets if negessary): ]zj! south Fronrage doad or 1.06 acres of the (attach of land located at the Southwest corner West Vail Exit Interch 4. Lega] Description. The legal description, including upon r'thich the development or the activity bounds or by government survey descript.ion the acreage, of the tract of land is to be conducted, by metes and (attach additional sheets if necessary), See Exhibit "A" -69- !rI\- 5. Or.rners and I nterests , Perni f,ication Form -- p. 3 set out beror'r the names of those persons ho] ding recorded regal,equitable, contractuar and option interests and any other person knor.ln to theapplicant having an interest in the property described in paragraph 4, above,as vrel'l as the nature and extent of those interests for each person, providedthat such recorded interests shall be limited to those vrhich are recorded inthe county Recorder's 0ffice of this jurisdiction, the rand office of the Eureau of Land llanagement for this State, the Office of the State Board of Land convnissioners of the Department of Natural Resources, or the secretaryof state's 0ffice of this state (attach addr"tionar sheets if necessary): Owner - Richard A. Eddy, 50g5 South Fairfax, Lirtleron, Co g012l er 6. Submission Requirements. Submission requ'irements described in the regu'lations which have beenadopted by this jurisdiction for each of the activities or areas checked inparagraph 1, above, are attached to this application. Those attachments ar€identified, by letter or number, and described by ti'e below: . 7. Design and performance Standards The attached anaryses sho' .that each of the design and performance standards set forth in the regulatiqns for each of the activities or areaschecked in paragraph r, above, nir'r be met. The individual analyses areidentified by reference to the appropriate paragraph or section numbers corresponding to each standard in the appropriate regulations adopted by thisjuri sdi cti on. 8. l-iaster plan- a. Does this activity or of this jurisdiction? b. If it does not conply, development comply with the master plan yes sx No _ please explain how it does not comp.ly. 9. Government Attach any additional information required by this jurisdiction. -70- 10. The D".r{n of Permit. applicant requests a permit '( for a period of November 21,1980 and on inde finatelv APPLICANT Power of Richard A. Eddy NOTE: 'lithin ten (]0) days foilowing receipt of a compreted appricationfor a permit, the permit Authority shall determine and set a feein an amount necessary to cover the costs incurred in the review and approval of the permit application, inc.luding all hearings conducted therefor, and shall notify the applicant in writing ofsaid fee and its amount. *ot rater than ten ('r0) days fo'tlowinghis receipt of such notice, the app.l icant shall present to the Permit Authority non-refundab're certified funds in the amount asset. Until the fee is paid to the permit Authority, the applica_tion for a permit shall not be further processed. Attornev for and Developer -71 .- EXHIBIT ''A" -LEGAL DESCRIPTI ( ON FOR PROPERTY ADDRESS- 2354 ( sottTH TRONTAGE ROAD A PARCEL OF I.AND SITUATED IN THE N LIz, R81t{ oF rHE 6TH p.U., IN EAGLE COtNTy, UORE PARTICT'I.ARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOI{i: COMI4ENCING AT I'ITE NE CORNER OF SAID SECTION 14; TTIENCE S. 78O 54] 36"ST. A DISTAI{CE OF 1411.9 IEET TO A POINT ALONC ?]ITE APPROXIT,TATECENTERLINE OF GORE CREEK AND ON THE RIGIIT OF I{AY LINE OF COLORADOPROJECT I7O-2O) I83; NTENCE ALoNc TIIE RIGITT oF IiAY LINS oF SAIDPROJECT I'IIE FOLLOWING COURSES .AND DISTANCES: L1l: 3]'_?2" w. A DrsrAltcE oF 8e.l FEEr; THENCE S, 37- O8I 22'' !il. A DISTANCE OF 71.4 FEET TO TIIE POIMOF BEGINNING; NE l/4, sEcrroN 14, T5S, STATE OF COLORADO, ALONG SAID SH 78 RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE A DISTANCE OF 138.21 FEET;A DISTAI{CE OF 31.05 FEET; A DTSTANCE Or 348.96 FEET, TO TIIE POINT OF 21tt w. 37t' E. 22" E. 04" E. ryTgE CONTINUING AI'NG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LIM;S. 46- 33' 11" T{. A DISTAIICE OF 348.1 FEET TO THE SOI,TI{ RIGHT OFI{AY LINE OF STATE HIGTWAY 78; THENCE S. 360 43, OF 29.52 FEET: THENCE S. 530 4i' THENCE N. 17O 13' flTENCE N. 25() 25' BEGINNING. '1 \ 'lJ,i \ lf II t\ \ \ 1, ) ri / i"li t ':.// li/t: *ry,'ll , Jli"(/ r [ ;tt t..1 \\1t)ltJ ll/l f;'l /r L-l(trrl \ l'" :. Ii"1 I ), \\\ N\'---\\n: / D --{ z 'n r'l gfi;'gZ. ():- rr f, ^<ls 8F;x ia5 t<;D Tt- {ifEf ;sE;Ea r" -9:? it;I S 3= ?, iz? ^ g, 6_: i ;o ,i a 95c - aaq;3 g -Book- Pas.e -.- - -. --7 d "o' -.-/ 310 78 STATE OF COLORADO COI'NTY OF ARAPAIIOE zo6{u't. Recorded a,t 4:00 P.M. Septenrber 26, 1980 Fee $2.00pd necorderlhnnette PhiliiPs f eaere countY thie J'/9 day of -!4.1--,*^q-, ts KNOT{ ALL UEN BY fiTESE PRESENTS: That I, RICIIARD A. EDDY, of the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, repoaing apecial trust and confidence in l.lARY lt. I.{CCLINTOCK, of the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado baa made, constituted and appointed, and by these preaents does oake, constitute and appoint the said UARY !{. MCCLIMoCK true and lawful attorney for oe and in my name, place and stead, for my sole uae and benefit, to do any and all. of the folLowing thinga, nanely: to undertake and conplete on ny behalf any and all actions which are deemed advisable, neceasary, appropriate or "g3qllette to complete the Sketch Plan Application and 4>ievigy by.!he Planning Cmieeion for the Property.'' locat-eit at 2354 South Frontage Road (Legal Deecription '!, i' '-'f ' ,? a.Hereby giving and granting unto said attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing rtratsoever requiaite and necessary to be done in and about the premiees, as fully to all intent and purpoaes as I night or could do if personally preaent, including, but not linited to, the Sketch Plan Application and review proceaa, with full porrer of revocation hereby ratifying and confirning all that aaid attorney ahall lavfully do or cauee to be done by virtue hereof. *Ttrie power of attorney shall not be affected by disability of eaid principal. IN $IITNESS lll{EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal 80. aa. Ttre foregoing instrumeot vaa acknorledged before ne thie ) ) ) r4*d"v"e*+*'^.h*,uao,ulL*lffi ,i-,"rl,oJ*or. My cormierion expiree official geal. WITNESS oy haod and