HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 COMMON LEGALL'.-..U(r^J^ts;t i,,?j I4Z ftJ ,-t tsAtrl trl&H r:r U)utF z z oJ CO cd z 14 F-l cn F.A F U7ulul LL = =t UJ(L s.$$\ ss Er!z3o tuIF z UJz3 o-o-(!I B o-c oo Eo Eo o) I o E =f o 3 .9 .9 o a!;q) o .9 .2.:E f U' (E o) '= T -qlc\ 3 F o) = o o o f o o .9,E == !;;(' E .9ox(!'=O(a*iu E3E F.2 ?.!x IF.g EE5C ;OY '-oe:5* 6.o =!Fd '>- =c96 BE; 3 Ea .e ;9Fr a.=- (' o-(q o-*E; oP o-E9o EE Eo(5=2;P .EbE --Cd o'- + --co9-oiE.cE:=;u>.9,!a l<;E3i 3.i6s9E o OEEr-ocD -oas F UJo z uJ .n UJt!u- L =G.ul J F F = uJ(L oz =lgl z 6 =lJ o B uJ uJ z 6 l,uo NOtrvn oF (r ut J z Eoo I I I LzlzOo F- ^uJo< =pRildo<z Fz Az _F--1 'rdo = l.uOI F FlFl B M Fl z A .J) F.l H € Fr Fl B HH3 s & H an E zH TA Fl z =>E -ran =d}N ; =zzv- F o- 9=Xr>YE 9 OE @aEz>-ooo9.ezXt!<oq io-Q-8,>(J=Fo= H(\lo z tr l cr o lo (J F\ E o- E z Eoo z =k u.)F B LUz ol =.1 IIJI 1I -l<t>l rlIol zl BIolFI zl ol uJl 1l <l>l *l\JI zl 3l o{H I I -iltl:l sl ccl Jl <l>l r|-Iol Zl ,.t3t fol ut FI F .it F c.)-i I\o F.<r T!Nl -l-l I I cil =l luJl :t al>lr!lol zl 3l el E{z MH P.r FH U) & tr ol =.1ol IJJI 5l al>l LI ol zl 3lolFI I\o I o- ''-lH F zil AI<lFrl (nlzl HI ;l Nl'l utl LIJ 5 <(lJ = Fz zoHFl =z F ahAE FIfrHz E o td utz.oH Ff ii =z -) z IL I I Il-l' I I )g ooni> =o F Fz z T [! E 2rg \JZ <oOF -< ',2ilo (,ozts- =<=c)zo- ,r F LU =r t <F IJJ <zE ozo UJz = t <.ra?. 3_6 oz t =u, z zz =z O- lJ- Jdffo()= =d-3-.\ -l- 6fi> tn 9) liEl )-lFrtc0 Li<(, € .= t E Eo() trtrtrGc JFUl-h=dtr>(rOI9o =t!:>fiF atr ul d}o o / Etr[ -1 O -$ -4aI/)4,1/' E4 ?a ._t uJF U) coo-z F utY [! or. = -ur 6,U- ,-r u-oJ: > F-.r AxXE\JHr]d I .t FJ \Jzo E =E, UJ o-zo F(JfEFazo C) bl tr **R. l\l IJI . Jlr\\'.-, , O J;iEta i lUF\i36. J=(,v1'zEls lr u.lo = o.E ot,tro oEoo ot .gI :t @ E o cf !,IIooo '.E o a€ct ctcEoN .c{g 'o oE o Ot .g Eoooo Et (, 5 tt Is P3lt o ocqt v, '6 6goU'5:()c -,4 6;8 .= aE:'C rE E: EE!rF'i=oal CL Eoa, o co CL o CI Itco c .9 ct E o .s oG E.; .>o Eoo o o Ett6 :E6.O!rF'i=gd clc E't'€> EEiE €8'-oo-.5i ;* Et-'o9rrGC6(urrC-.9 -Gt FSagr.Co.- -o, Io,-.ii .ca: .:E'(,>g= sc 'i8{o EoEEoo()6 1co 5g Eco o o c oE 5 c to Eg co a!(, CL CL6 o E t(tto o C'E a0c oC'9o]oc!()6 .oq, oE t |rt .! G| 66 Ea =fi;lr. <og Hgjnl t>E = lll =lo G qJ J 2o Foo zo F eult-J u \...t rt \ Xll, =z too-| F6 oz c,IlG J ltoz F s orZ .Gujo- u t, o)2, ) Lu c u 0 l E u L ul Eo L)) I u ;, cttr z oPzzcto =zDfde FEE 56r EIatuto,tto EgE5€a{Ea9EEE l-E H=6 t!=_o dEE IqZ Ol!E H3 E ETsi uJooF F =E lrJo.zoF(J E 6zoo luwn u llal 75 south tronlsge ?oad Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 I oltlce of communlly development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OA VAIIJ TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC I{ORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l,lARcH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & Ii'ATERTAL STORAGE rn sumrnary, ordinance No. G states that it is unlawfur for anvperson to Litter, track or deposit any sol1, rock, sand, debrisor material , includlng trash dumpsters, portable toilets and.worlsren vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public P1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on al1 Town ofVail. streets and roads is approximately 5 ft. 6ff pavenent.This ordinance wil} be stri-tfy enforcEd by the Toin of VaiIeg!]i_c works Department. persons found viotating this ordinancewlrr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said materLal.In the event the person so notl_fied does not comply wlth thenotice within the 24 hour tfune speclfied., the puLfic WorksDepartment witl renove said material at the expense of peraonnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snift not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way, To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVaiI Building Departruent to obtain i copy. tirank you for yourcooperation on this matter. Position/Relationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner)./ ..q Date- acknowledg 5-22-90 TOWN OF VAIL PI.ANNING DEPARTMENT THTS IS THE ADDITIONAI, INFO?HAT IS TO BE ATTACHED TOTHE APPLICATION WE HAVE SUBMITTEDFOR THE LIONSHEAD CENTRE DUMP'TERAREA. THAI{K YOU. RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES (303) 4?6-4374 d/ 4l qil (t EAST Existing 4"Dia Pipe that suPPorts the building tforn"oo cENTRE coNDo ASsocO VAII{' COIIOBADO Drawing 5-90-l WEST Rusty Spike EnterPrises Box 1517 Vail, CO 81658(303) 476-4374 May, 1990 PLAN VIEW Prepared by: Existing NORTH Drawing 5-90'2 SIDE VIEW (NORTH ba" P Clr"u,tt, 5i06 Awess (nrueL "trn"oo .ENTRE coNDo orro".O VAIL, COI,ORADO LOOKING ,'4P ^,/ o('ZL' fat'- . Stbe DOOR (€ilEffi.,) Sf."l stiue DUMPSTER CONTAINE Rusty SPike EnterPrisr Box l5I7 Vail, CO 81658 (303) 476-437 4 May, 1990 Prepared bY: t*r,,uno cENT*tr coNDo nrroO VAII.,, COI-{OR PLAN VINW EAST ixistinglipe that rupports ruilding 4"Dia the NOR'III Rusty Spike Enterprises Box 1517Vail, CO 8L658(303) 476-4374 May, 1990 DUMPSTEI],. CONTAIbIDR 21rh., c n4'-r DUMPSTDR CONTAINEIT Wu'^ l,repared by: Draw QsrrrLnu crN'I'ull coNDo assocf VArLI CO!{OInDO PINN VIEW Itrepert:ec'l by: NJ?u'r WAtl { 0o Rusty Spike nox 1517Vail, CO 81658 (303) 476-4374 May, 1990 l,Flto,dA(EAST :xl-sting 'ipe that rupports ruilding 4rrDia the NORTII ;:r.'.: : Enterprises DUMPSTBn CONl'nll'lnR lr)Ot,,,t Z*J o'1ED 0 * r*''g d. " Port- Chute 67',lrl le:47Fl,l G IIJI:. \.FiIL, CI:I.o boyle engheefig. ftc. l4l e. rffirr <h. sdle 3S clocr.oo(|$opphg c€nt8r vdl, cdqqdo E1657 &3/,17e|,Jm atqeeung , ll I ll ll t16d 4.b t,2'b rb -/ "* c> f^rJ, 7t'P vt u2Tttq 4"4 n?€ aL 4T # pvP,s pfl tl6d Ft4r ELIT gF n +''b I L- E $s $) NI 12 Plta,h W14 9tV66 o? 5 7t?€ eLU14A ?ilFt flc't ??&+s V6Fil botr LT -TdovlW 1" ilrr-f. b+FHq wt(r' V e?lf 1 4 Po AIv" 4{t'v o3 4?oAT *lp F^?hq L LINTLL t/z Lto*l s ft"r? ?' #la$a ftbtu,a, {,r taT n\c' Ylrlo NFY vJr t-'vS tr^,-l-a Job L<rcortorr -L:!-o-t1s-11 9 ;1c! Dosorlpllo a,|d stroclrloollor rr (,t w(It( A - The wor.l(scope DunrpsLer/,1'raslr 4l .s) 6l 7l f 'n01,0$nL / c0f,l ill^c t' l(t lr., |,Ir||o|,||i (I; . asr.;t-rc,i.;r l-crl wi. Llr l.:lteauca .i r; d<,-scribcd r:orr..; [--r:.rrcLiotr of a newars foll.ows: r) A new wtr.l -[ crrr r.rrr-r wcr;(- r;.i,irc (tr--;rnri.rrtJ , slreet-roc.rt, insurdLion,' texLuri.c; urrtl l,;r.i.rrl: i_rrtl) .l.rorrr Llrc l)J:cse'b circular coluntn.2) consLr:u(j r- ;r vr;r l I vr i I rr r.vrt-r | ,'r rrr., r.; r-co.r. r.loo,, s on trre soutlt siclee'L Llle ill.'(.:it. 'l'lr(! l;()l.tt:lr wir.l. l./rloc-rr.'l; w.iJ-.1 exL:en<l fron Lhe circultir.corunr. cirr;Lvrirr:r.l Lr.r r-rrc 1rr:cs;crrr- c,rruret-e brclck warr-. A por'Li.,rr ol' I rr.. r)r.'()!:i().t. rr.r r.rcl,. w.r..1. (c.sLside) from the : Pedes t-r:.i.;rrr (l,rrr' [.. t.rrr-r r;t.rLr Lrr rvir.r. r. w.i.]..t r.re rerrroved, shorecl, anclcotttplel-r:tI l-t'r ;q l. rr-,r'r r.rrr: rlrrrrrl rl;Lcr: rrrr.i.r-s Lo rre ptarceit ulra.i-it,a---presell- l.r'ar;lr t:lrrrrr:. ,r'lri.:i .lrrcl.trrlcr; Llrc .finislring "i a;; ,"ir". j NoLe: jjl.r.rrr:Lut.;r l, llrr.: r;rr1rlrrrr..L.i.rrrl l)(rsl-.for. Llrc builtlinq rUnsLlr'r-rrrtrlr t rr. rr.r ,r.:r.. wl t. | .i.rr Lrr Lrrr: ,:rpp:.-oxinrai.-"iiJjr.-"i th.()r)('r i.rrt1 vrlrr:r.rl t-lrt: wrr.r..r. .i-s <y'.i.rr1r Lr-r'be ier*ove.r. ,rhe .lrr:rr-i.rrrr r'ri I r. l.lc .1r1rr.-r-rx.i.rrri.rLcly rf ' Lo 9 r in LoLal lenqth. ...Lilror.-irrt; rv.i ll br: r;cl- orr c;,rr:lr l;.i.tlc of Llre blocl< ,"ii"'"itrirr';l:r-'<:.1. w.rtrrrrr r., r-rrr: l;r-r.'lrc:r-ur:,irJ. PosL. This will be clone ..i rr ;rr-'<:,r.rli'r(:(! w i I lr l:lrrr r'lr.;rr..r i.rr<;r; s;r.r1>1:1iec1 by Doy1e.lirr<., irrr:r'r'ir.r, l, V;ril, (jo l.<.rr..;rrlo, ilirLccl- b_Z_gO. ,I,lre concrete.lJ.t.()(_'1,. I.Jir I I lrirr; t_o lrr: r.l;rwr.r<l ottl:. ,I'lretr, Llre pockets wlLllrr,_' :;t.: t. Irrr. l.lr .l -ltc;rrrr ( 1.4'x 2)., | - l,lre concreLe floor wLlllX: 'i ..rr:ll lliUrrrrrr: r.'c(l (rul-. ,l.,lrc, )..8,' x 2r{J" utick footers havel-o l-,r-, 1r,rr'.tr . 'r'rrr.rrr, r.lrr-. f) " ;r.i.pc corurrrr-r i.nsta11ecl. Thelr.l.o<:k r.r;r.l ll; irl- t:lrr:r (i()t.-ltol.- r;rrpPot--Ls arr:ea will be groutecl inrrr;r.l..l.s; r..i rrt:tr irrrtl t.lrr: ;r<-[;L tru-,rur r-ct[. 'flte, the treces6ary ..,slrccLr:ocl-', rlr.'yw.-r.J. .rrcl Lepar:ir wirr l.re co'rpleLecl . . .,]AII necessary .[ul.ror t-o coulpleLe l_lrc .rbove l;,','y) AII the r.'etltrirerl lraLer.-ia.l.s/supplies .tor l-he completion. ':l Alr of Llrc v.r-.ir.rr.; r-or.l. s;, lr;rr.-ilwar:c i Lerus l-o complete . " ". AII neccr;:;irr:y <lr';rw.i rrrts/r;l<c l-r.:lrr,,r; irrrr.l s<:ltedule planning to'ilrusLral-e Llro r-'t:t.1rr.lr.'crl wt.rr.'1,. Lr-r Llrc eurploy.a=l nraLerlalssuppliers ar rcl sub-cotr t_rac [-ors . IfOR WORKSCOI'D'I'lt1\'.t'.t I;,)til;C.lr.illrit.r.U{ it,,ttr; n nljOVt:;, l,jtlt IlfNntJ pRICES(UPON COMP-LD?fOIJ Ol;'I'lll:i wul{K) lVtl,,,,JI;; l,'OltWnltl)Jjtl 1'O'l'1f CUS,I'O11IJII, ByTHESE ABovIJ DIlscI{-tlllJl) ct,n,uljrIi'l.c^l'l.oNri. it'o rLr,us'r,trA,r,Ij. -. sEcTroN A - .l.t 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & -l . ../h ' aF 3) . ,:, r' ''i'','tj'jif | \ t : ; I Y lit.y(v t:P, I EnrntsEs ,,,1-.:4--4Dalo: tro @ o boyb eUlmfiO. nc. l4l e. rr&rr d $.*e 3mqumd$opphg c€der vdl, cobnrdo 01657 rF,t.7b2t7o \ vt l+f rN 4 12 h lb,3 +HopE ?,ttN 6lf6+ f t?€ coV f?ilFlt+Ll aF f?aoets AVtl ,JlLrzz l+" YH,ae? lza14Vtl Nr! zli'r'Lt'6",b" ?ro-/ srO E,N, 4Lc1 toH eY bf*14 4t'4 sT?,,(t?6'6uI + FP? Vr" /' b", o'' 8' bee WTY 1" ba.r4 7oa(efal| pw wTv/ Trwo6a?pttlr wtsr|tl z 't{p.+oAF' ,Jp,vL -C WtplJ'9 le ?bafo AIy 5oVtD .1' zr tq ]d 4 lLrD Fr l,l d'4sIp. ?fte il'*v r?. Wr1 fr.'E vol* et ltt' l, bt't, ot. O" aof WTt -/ 2- 6/o"4 F?o1 tul1s !*'t Yrep.1a,orl y1p1ly ItoHtHvb?OLI]Tb? h'. i el J l.r F.-*,r"+= :Jc) \.J C- \l J'.J ..H -n Jl -;' ^r-rd Qr -l-. r -)rt'>' ;n /t'{J .)\lU{ .\ 9C ^\ \\ \,av C\\ \\is <^ ,Ji \\ r0! € q ur n'JI 2 r^JQ-aq- o ,",r ( |l-JJ .L-{:2 ! )($ tt ..\l\13 \.t vt$a--q\ Jt'l ri(J \! alsa v.tI itl -\ 5 -aq-l dG =- FJ' v ?g a_ V 6Iszq -<. ji vn; #oa\ l$ V)uts s$ fil {? \) ,n "td3'inP- J?q 3i+EO{\a< \)$;iI re {-R v'lss \{.daid ,4, -T U oo a2 A I I I $l\1 \q,lqJ as rA!.? V2 2! "4canudeatt {c}re Caow{o on1odccc,tr.e4oaoce.,ct'*.aao 510 V. l-irrrrslrclrl l"tull o Vril, Coloratlo ,J1657 a l.JOt.476.J65l May 7, 1990 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Gentlemen: Ref: Lionshead centre Dumpster/Trash area This is to advise you that we have contracted with Rusty Spike Enterprises, Vail, Colorado to construct a new Dumpster/Trash area in our garage area. They will be receiving engineering drawings from a local firm. hle are desirous of this -yrk to begin as soon as possible. Thank yo,u.,/- ,/ 'h. - :i,. .-:A..- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 44tc> PERMIT NUMBER DATE OF PROJECT r \ f /1 N JoB NAME Lron-..tf-a:r) (=b *\-t.n Cl .\ cALLER f'us\14 :\F"\to :\\^./-\ tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr DISAPPROVEDM rppnoveo CORRECTIONS: CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: r..,.rarrnN. \, , "- AL /"oiv<n [ \t TUES WED THUR FRI t5\)\\ PM )s'\.r9lQ BUILDING:PL o o tr tr n tr tr UMBING: tr o FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL qlrnar.,lrr.rc n tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR *iFsrop t INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME '(4 \ WED THUR ^"0 I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL rr ROOF & SHEER" PLyWOOD NATLTNG tr t|SuLAroN -o/a"aar*o"K NAIL tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DArE 7* 9* f0 rNSpEcroR nFsrrcp 'l(ic PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES 57t, l.r-c;r" I t-, ' TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. D BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULA{ION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o trtr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL }lq,enoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,o-r. ,/-rP 7-7o rNSPEcroR nFs"* lrl h-r IEIttl lA I l(t)IH lEr lfr l* IrI]r> ?'AForOAz< o.^zY!q6 3{ =n@ I I l., t<t6 I I lo, rE IEz t; ls oc'\o\ rnc{ FfFl E E IH.<lo I I I I I l-r r(, IE;ol(J t= t= oo\o\ (\ z F- St \*s @tt) F\@ F{ C) Xo. Fq F]Ho<A> 0,Eo.o2 o itltr€rd fHc0Ae?bf;'= u) r& dE).. 9:laFO-Ac!r 6Z'=*o- 6E 5slr.9 >6,cl NlEo9clrioo:trqo,9C -oo+, cr {l -,.s-pd6 C()3tEo B6 ._c P @o E.g EE'5o EE EegEoc-.6tD-oat FE oc6.9-.8 EEc-sto,^o ;< tt;io-(,9e-=o P.Oo,: E.E,o6 -p6E 5srt.:>6clNEo 8Eoo:\90,9C -oo+, cr {t E€d6 C()3tEo B6 ._c P @o E.g EE'5o EE EegEoc-.6()oah FE oE6'5E xog(J eO .i.-'-tEEF'3 Eg od5o'o :Eg> cP'-oEco.9 EGrDE rFo cC 3EE: o.6 AE Eg -dEooTtLC OO 6Ccg -o,605a rhO AEOf;Eo.u tE6E>g6(Doa OEso -() lnN 4 U,utulu- E =c trJo- J FoF =l lsl EhlHl r ; "*lgl=l- r lvr tsl t{l (/)li ru .r El-l8l = .o 6|HI Zl Ol y F{l ZIC} 5slE14F H lElel3 g i =Efr|;Ix inESIHI- E o- uJE J z9Eo NX D4zo F eq,l zl .. >loulotu uJ2 U' = uJo- J z Eoo Fz. 9z fio3Eor zl dl ctlurlGl JI <l>l l|.lol zl d (,a o & H2 tslc, e ff!t TA 6r{tl Hz o r.r\\o(r) I\o EG FlH 6 FrFl E anzHA u, an IIJ = @ CO cn I j o. FlH 6 B E ttl .s E UJq I .it T\ cn-t I\o F\.iI ",ltl3l x 3l zH Hztd }<H cn Fts(A :tr tr e. 9P =<ZEfFd6 E ir = Oz c -rO<FE()uJ<ZEIJF(qZo() J 9EF C) UJ UJ oz E =t uro. trDD =l J ul =rEEI =HgEltrn ts:Eul o- lr-o EgE<o. l€8IPL(Ea9 =EE-J =urEF8.3:F5;cltr3Fi! E, uldtoF zo9zzcro =zJOO- tr- @ftl-+OO o\( .v N taF] fE{ IJJ ts(t @o?zo F.L UJY ulo oF E tru, o- tto o-oo I uJFoz IIJF o E =Elr,o-zIF() :)E 6zoo rm\zrE I s\ \ t. ulu, = c,o c! € oE o o !co ot,oo TDc!t =J @ E o =g f !to ooclo 3 "9o cIooD aq,Eoo cop .oIlJv, ttc(|t oo1F EE -o Eor E€66c(,83Eo e6.seo6 E.e -C.C'io a..e Ee(r! oc-oo.ar|/, FE dE('o E:()6 -q c,-8 .= a!JCgt ;b6cr3o.o!,F'i=g(6 o,g 3't lt,6 D{)p CIc .9 (t E o c o (o 6E o c' a, Itc6 c(u o. o o. o E o(,) Gco !q)g cl o(, !o 5oo co (! E o tr oE 5 c :to !o= co !t .9 o. C\6I E(o c) o 6E, (t o ct)1to Eoc!oqt o oc hx.d I .q .H - r?tl :: nl I _\Etil pIZl!oo6zE9oE E $o F.s) ; ul t0 -o EsE8P989b{ Hg;(.1 .l\ul =e e o-gJc J zo Foo .. >l lJ UJouitr,z gt> =G UJc z9 Eoo UJ =z @q '-lrO\oft I\0 F-sf a F.rOrro @ Fl .F1 E() '-l-t E () tt o t--{ U1 ultroo =I dqi g (/) INo,-t.oz d UJE ll.oz]oF ctz o UJG J lt orz3oH olz.l (9l lrrl GI -rl<t>l bl a Eq Iu sldr zF 3Ed5o e,fiu,+oaFl-o2 O 0dr o =E-Elrlo. DDD z .n9 -l-=<dro =z==dP Iz o UJ =tr (9c) 6F =c)=U,cl Lrj oErg E<ga IP;EEEE irEF=6 l!=lrJ:!* iHE 8b? EurE stg 5'!E HI trI - x i EuL\ 5T ! o 0)t 2) ;u 4 u 0 ) i)) I u 5z .f N UJ o b =Elrlo-zo F(J =G azoo 'i$ nU cit \tu l0 q.l 2 ui e_J 4 1 --s wl :,a -! rl "iliqx iJn d ul4{ql sql ooa -Hq:i d 1.d - ji ${6,fr I 3 o *' \e(j qraQ . '< a{- \<dfr c6 {ta1 ,a uU5!IsJXaQI(1l ^FFJ<{} .aJ \l+ 1'.ud dj$ -):(tl ETU sql fla -u ut -4ld (dn a: ol <dJ,O ur?, I "s t0j l.;dt I s=,$ o .$Ni d\ *e Fr lo)It *r INSPECTION REOUEST OF PFOJECT DATE 7f JoB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr Fl tr o tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING tr o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE OT EtrF oc U- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr D tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED -.1 O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t'. CORRECTIONS: nffi$oP DATE /'/ )r INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rNsPECflrO||, $ETOUEST (n'.slr- , I (t,"|'t'g Gr,-^-r' yz- ,. ''- t* t--oarc q l2q JoB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES Lf 0, ,,,ir-: ., d *=o iilG)r*' ]tc-c-,( PMREADY FOR LOCATION:o BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL ELE tr'l trF tr( tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL n tr FINAL n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAIL ft-t=o tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR rL. -NSPECTION REQUESTPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, ,. - ,' '"'': JoB NAME TOWN OF YAIL INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FFI CALLER TUES PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB -l- r-1 - O FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING B EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n_ tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr u tr tr TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: EI DISAPPROVED ,tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR E.o €) q) 0) (! .e o.((, ;oF 0) o ooo (g € o 0) o !t 6 oooo o) fr = o =l (D o o. 6 3o o j-oc o, ti (! .Y, isggESEa .;f gE ;: .= 6 -tr1.:O B UP:Oc-o> ef:E Egi;.96F -*;d)3 5;.; EEEl EE gi E!;ecL (E o-+FEieoiEors*e€ E6:i :EEHi;E e..e FE_ o.,y o --. c l(! O'- !<;oo sf;; f t g'-= PI-o5 lis;9' O.O -cEg* - o 6i ls tFsuJ<Ecv f IJJ <F o R" o 1rJ Foz z 6 J .D .6 o =zo I Is|-, \uJ =lxNl I I I Et5l Erx-lE.E<lb o,v(dt>Eloo.<sl(,j-lz 9lc\,\i tr! ?r5 Iti $r \l \ d r-,L<, xro l-ilb \4= U'ul uJll- F =E uJc aIuItllJ- F =Eul o- J FoF F uJ z U'Fz ,. Oz d6 =trOI (d =+) U'(U =(Fo =of,c =(\l Nxsf,(\,I (t+)tn Y =u-oz E H J fi G(, -I = LlJ =(o zz io_ aXfEg o v>o5aQZr!<o* ;-o =c)FOjai o- IJJ J z O @l'- F{c)o oz E =G, UJo <f toC! t\ Iu F o UJ Eooo?zo Fo- LlJY lrjo oF tr E llJ o- TL oo I llJFoz z..oZ-.coo =z =H*;Hg tr = uJ l!o:!!EYE<el606oE9arL Ed =>= u.l --E h=E pfrE =FE 669 EurE XO-r x>t q- o-i!i ul6 F --- E =E lrJo-zoF(J EFazo() ntrtr ctl z.l utl 1l al>lr!lol 2l 3lolFI I "l=.1 it <l>l rl.lol zl 3lpl .l =.1ol IJJI 1t <l>l rr-Iol zl 3lotFI I I I ,l ol rJllcl Jl al>l u-lol 6lr o(J (6 cil Hl JI <l>l tl-lol zl3l el FJ c,aI .f -:zl-(do tr HI:l .91cl3l !l EIv, o : =tr @ J o!o od (o (U tn (U (5 ui =z (D -1 >Y =<zu)zu-o to F tFzo(J Elig+t t-o2 -.r O<F uJ<zt(rz o J I F UJJ t.lJ nntr 8ll E \9s (n t!llltL ==c lrJ ;ll tll>rlJ€Ir13 ulz3 gJ I F z ttJruo =o 14 IJJz3o (! uJ F rt- - O C F * 6.9)'=O|,,;iO gEE; $ F.C P €:*Eg8: €grEE :;5;5:';-eFc I o EP-- O.! -rEsE!,; EE-F:e :€8FF €'e eP 5 E!"=:€c:o-o gEigE p;o53 :E.E gts Es:S! - o; g;EE;;; gg;:= E !a;l sE3iFtti"-r iE$id a V \ v) \ Ir,9 \\ Ih c[ N \ E =Gu,o. z co Y z Jo- J o F UJ UJ z6 =Jo- z (J IU = u.l uJ zo llJ UJ (o 3ru uJ z a UJ ta uJ o- z rl,J F uts) o UJl!l! F = uJ(L J FoF zo =lto Fout ul (,z = J L oz uJ Rlr IJ.JF o NOrlvn'tvA s4 #r9\:>.6\z Fr =\lFC;L o:l E\Iul'lzluJl(rl \.<eih$ -:;6 lur8 66!io-9xfE9 6 2oe!q<ogI'gFol \ I z E lt o lllc F .lpl rJl 0c\\) \ t: t< tft l- l:t< tFltdltoll'l l^l zl EIr!u 5iloll ^ll ;ll vil <. FI =l zl .. >loul I! uJzo ts UJ o- J zo F 6 u,t (E u,zY IF z F J oz lltltltl at =zlz9!4Fst<oo<>t2tr 3ci<z IDFz,, 9z fFd6}EOI ulo o =Y (,z F J @ u.oo th =F ul C\l ry \r z oPzz coo =z dP trD! ts .Etrjo. t&oza!FC'yzE< 60 E .t,logFvtEie CF F ;tE h= Lr,J E z -t 0 ] il 5E a ooj A\ ${ uf ll, IJ EI 3E slttlol zl EIFl l,l tElIJ tfla3tgolrr-t Ft tl IJtJl lsl lfl Iol 1tolutl GI -rl fl al I uJz = <F r.lJ <z.EuJFazoc) J(!<o(JF i#4' 9F;C) =#f,Fd6o oFo Fzo C) 9z o rrJ = tr': *o(5i o C) Jifi29--E<-':.\ 4 dd>" :;F dFE b=t i ii:E :1-E 66q, F ,.. E X>r!=F o-Iri UJ.ooF L 'o)0, ;o v o?---)& \ \--lll=\zr= -et Rrr L- f- u- -i (:t -=i ca (f -" ::t: *- CJ<t) q) 1- t:l :: c6 E =E- =q)oa >; cO E =oF L\ ' .14_lJ L) Pd c'., I-l r] fo t' : ll 0?tAoOANZocc)p I\yr _I ->s3 'l I I I I_t_ _\ T h. (- 1 kr <J P<riu -l2I J za F u)J tR Flr'tt > \0R NVI R l_ . wot,L /o 6fVort/€ O / 'o</ett- /tr€D X **o':''Dou; a/' x 7a " {u /ta'uo {ootl ol /ur # aoY S'ut t^lrL To uilrTS oil '{oUtt {tP€ oF &6T u44' lnnt F fa'n oF teb urooJ) E=$z6gPIr-:3:pE [1=3 [r:lEt F?.FsEE.';i-€l',? !-: - =;Ei,i.fr:: H; ;:. i ;: !. .i 5*;;ItFF;:; 3E Fi s iilj:: Es " *::l; *E $(\t <s) r:) Il i ij -r Cl:'s €EEEi-i;:= t = lJ. i.F) i; qEie: E.9EaiiF- cecsc e.E' FH!'i5ri :R*! TI {l0\ Io lt tl \-_ I 03lAooAszos> ()- Iv ''='ii_ _t___\ ni--1 trL__l ..\ *t, r-"rrV/L)- --<,-J EAEEEo(D + : ll r-cO_\ Ps ID :E l2IJ zIF u)J\Jl Fh'tu /) e4 tt (- L kJ <_J .(otro2N,+ \0R l--"-mt -- It - .- aoLL /o /S{aVort/s o 1f ,ucreu- Ft r€D '? **o':,'Dour a/" x 7d " {u /r//'t/a Yootl oF /'va # AoY h'ut /^4e To Ur1/rTS oil '{0m {tp€ oF 0)ffi ^*o:- -sA /vt ; io"" oF 0e> doo]) i-t '.* F fl ,ru+1,4.r, ot's /fuwrue a o K & MEM0: 0wners of Lionshead Centre Condominium Association It is required by the By-Laws to have approva'l of any exterior changes can be Mr. Giesemann, owner ofto add an additional window the Gondola. Condominium Declarations and the majority of owners befpre made. ,nits ZO7 and 208 would like on the northwest side facing Unit #209 has already put a window in and it would make the building more uniform. Please indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and indicate which unit or units you own. A return envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Mr. Giesemann FOR Fo+ AGAINST Unit(s)# MEM0: 0wners of Lionshead Centre Condomini um Association It is required by the By-Laws to have approval of any exterior changes can be Mr. Giesemann, owner of to add an additional window the Gondola. Condominium Declarations and the majority of owners before made. units 207 and 208 would like on the northwest side facing Unit #209 has already put a window in and it wou'ld make the building more uniform. P'lease'indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and indicate which unit or units you own. A return envelope is enclosed for your convenience. l4r. Giesemann FoR X a* tac AGAINST unit(s)#eta 3o, t78y It is required by the Condominium Declarations and By-Laws to have approval of the maiority of owners before any exterior changes can be made. Mr. Giesemann, owner of units 207 and 208 rould like to add an additional window on the northwest side facing the Gondola. Unit #209 has already put a window in and it wou'ld make the building more unifonn' Please indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and indicate which uhit or units you own. A - retuin envelope is enc'losed for your convenience. MEM0: Ovners of Lionshead Centre Condominium Association l'lr. Giesemann , AGAINST FOR unit(il*-c-f 't,ll-.. C ra^-* Signaturd l/ MEMO: Owners of Lionshead Centre Condomini um Association Mr. Giesemann, owner of to add an additional window the Gondo'la. It is required by the By-Laws to have approval of any exterior changes can be Condominium Declarations and the majority of owners before made. units 207 and 208 wou'ld 'like on the northwest side facing 1,1r. Giesenann Unit #209 has already put a window in and it would make the building more uniform. Please indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and indicate which unit or units you own. A retuin envelope is enclosed for your convenience. FOR AGAINST Unit(s)#t -1 oC,Qow tc .\ l :_r r.ir.i/._ MEMO: 0wners of Lionshead Centre Condominium Association It is reguired by the By-Laws to have approval of any exterior changes can be Mr. Giesemann, owner of to add an additional window the Gondola. Condominium Declarations and the majority of owners before made. units 207 and 208 wou'ld like on the northwest side facing Unit #209 has already put a window in and it would nnke the building more uniform. Please indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and indicate which unit or units you own. A return envelope is enclosed for your convenience. lilr. Giesemann AGAINST {lnit(s)#3 tq- o I MEMO: 0wners of Lionshead Centre Condomini um Associati on to the It is required by the By-Laws to have approval of any exterior changes can be Mr. Giesemann, owner of add an additional window AGAINST Unit(s)#30q Condominium Declarations and the majority of owners before made. units 207 and 208 wou'ld like on the northwest side facing Gondola. Unit #209 has already put a window in and it would make the building more uniform. Please indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and indicate which unit or units you own. A retuin envelope is enclosed for your convenience. FOR tr-o Gi esemann o 6/27/84 MEM0: 0wners of Lionshead Centre Condominium Association Unit #209 has a'lready put a window in and it would rnke the bui'lding more uniform. Please indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and indicate which unit or units you own. A retuin envelope is enclosed for your convenience. It is required by the By-Laws to have approval of any exterior changes can be Mr. Giesemann, owner of to add an additional window the Gondola. FOR AGAINST unit(t)*-3 O1-- Condominium Declarations and the majority of owners before ma Ce. units 207 and 208 would like on the northwest side facing Mr. Giesemann lu'*hJ!"- MEMO: Owners of Lionshead Centre Condominium Association Unit #209 has already put a window in and it would make the bui'lding more unifonn. Please indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and indjcate which unit or units you own. A retuFn envelope 'is enclosed for your convenience' It is required by the By-Laws to have aPProval of any exterior changes can be Mr. Giesemann, owner of to add an additiona'l window the Gondola. AGAINST 7t6 Condominium DeclarationS and the maioritY of owners before made. units 207 and 208 would like on the northwest side facing Mr. Giesemann ., t/ron \ Unit(s)# l'lEM,: 0wners of Lionshead centre condominium Association ar-ruJj H ffi:tffj-ll-fh:-tlldominium Declarations anduiv "it.'io;";;.il51'J:; ;i ;$.l.jority or-o"n.r, "diJ,. . Mr' Giesemann-lo,1?-"1 of urits zoz and 208 rrould likeif,..Ejril,idditionil window on dri. n-Jitnw"st side facins . Unjt #209 has ;mate irre-ou;i;ijiill['if{r|ff.a window in and it would please indicate tl:tss,: ""a iiiiiJlffi":iii sr,fii,?inill:, In"reEurn envelope is encrosed i;; v;;"":;,lvenience. Mr. Giesenann AGAINST b--- Unit(s)#3oe I SignaEFF- It is required by the Condominium Declarations and By-Laws to have approva'l of the maiority of owners before any exterlor changes can be made. Mr. Giesemann, owner of units 207 and 208 vlould like to add an additional window on the northwest side facing the Gondola. Unit #209 has already put a window in and it would make the building more unifonn Please indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and indicate which unit or units you own. A retuin envelope is enclosed for your convenience. MEM0: 0wners of Lionshead Centre Condominium Association Mr. Giesemann AGAINST Unit(s)#'l lk (* FOR c It is required by the Condominium Oeclarations and By-Laws to have approval of the majority of owners before any exterior changes can be made. Mr. Giesemann, owner of units 207 and 208 would 'l ike to add an additional window on the northwest side facing the Gondola. Unit #209 has already put a window in and it wou'ld make the building more unifonn. Please indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and indicate which unit or units you own. A retuin envelope is enclosed for your convenience. MEM0: Owners of Lionshead Centre Condominium Association Mr. Giesemann AGAINST Unit(s)#\o o o .4"1 :. 4Agl4S 6i4nEZ MEM0: Owners of Lionshead Centre Condominium Association Unit #209 has already put a w'indow in and it wou]d make the building more uniform. P'lease indicate whether you are for or aga'inst the ohanjes, and indicate which unit or units you own. A retuin envelope is enclosed for your convenience. It is required bY the By-Laws to have aPProval of any exterior changes can be nii Mr. Giesemann, owner of to add an additional window the Gondo'la. AGAINST Condominium Declarations and the majoritY of owners before made. units 207 and 208 would like on the northwest side facing l'lr. Giesemann Unit(s)# MEM0: 0wners of Lionshead Centre Condominium Association Unit #209 has already put a windol in and it would make the building more uniform. Please indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and indicate which unit or units you own. A retuin inve]ope is enclosed for your convenience. It is required bY the By-Laws to have apProval of any exterior changes can be Mr. Giesemann, owner of to add an additional window the Gondola. FOR AGAINST Condominium Declarations and the maiority of owners before made. units 207 and 208 would like on the northwest side facing Mr. Giesemann Unit(s)# MEM0: Owners of Lionshead Centre Condomini um Association Unit #209 has already put a window in and it would make the building more uniform. Please indjcate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and jndicate which unit or units you own. A retuin envelope js enc'losed for your convenience. It is required by the By-Laws to have approva'l of any exterior changes can be Mr. Giesemann, owner of to add an additional window the Gondola. FOR AGAINST Unit(s)# Condominium Declarations and the majority of owners before made. units 207 and 208 would like on the northwest side fac'ing Mr. Giesemann ure Auttt,rr,r,lBeynu 6rJ . lc r ^ri C4*.,-'i-t Lionshead Centre Condominium Association Mr. Giesemann I?t-.llunit(s)#__lo5__ pQL_ / -it il V .La-t-- MEM0: Owners of It is required by the Condominium Declarations and By-Laws to have approval of the majority of owners beforeany exterior changes can be made. Mr. Giesemann, owner of units 207 and 20g would liketo add an additional window on the northwest side facingthe 'Gondol a. Unit #209 has already put a window in and it would make the building more uniform. Please indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and indicate which unit or units you-own. Areturn envelope is enc'losed for your convenience. t-FOR AGAINST 'I I ; : 'j MEM0: Orners of Lionshead Centre Condominium Association It is required by the Condominjum Declarations and By-Laws to have approval of the maiority of owners before any dlterior changes can be made. Mr. Giesemann' owner of units 207 and 208 would like to add an additiona'l window on the northwest side facing the Gondola. Unit #209 has already put a window jn and it wou'ld make the building more uniform. Please indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and indicate which unit or units you own. A retuin envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Mr. Giesemann FOR AGAINST Unit(s)#2n1 ctus(0oAbs P"r,lra1 ffifLP - ftrLrtt*,,AL ID o MEM0: 0wners of t' ' | ^ l. ..'t: ' i. l/\L) Lionshead Centre Condomini um Association It is required by the By-Laws to have approval of any exterior changes can be Mr. Gjesemann, owner of to add an additional window the Gondola. Condominium Declarations and the majority of owners before made. ,nits 207 and 208 would 'like on the northwest side facing Unit #209 has already put a windol in and it would make the bui'l d'ing more uniform. P'l ease indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and 'i ndicate which unit or units you own. A return envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Gi esemann FOR AGAINST Unit(s)#O no ]ro It 'is required by the Condominium Declarations and By-Laws to have approval of the maiority of owners before any exterior changes can be nnde. Mr. Giesemann, owner of units 207 and 208 unuld like to add an additional window on the northwest side facing the Gondola. Unit #209 has already put a window in and it wouid make the building more uniform, Please indicate whether you are for or against the ohanges, and indicate which unit or units you own. A retuin envelope is enclosed for your convenienct- MEMO: Owners of Lionshead Centre Condominium Association Mr. Giesernnn AGAINST Unit(s)#Jol TOIlN OF VAIL BU I LD I NG PERM IT SUPPLEMENT I A t PRoJEcT Alfie Packents 'rldild. Mor:ntain Innrr -- Vail/x.,lons/Eead The signatures below certify that the following excerpts from the 1970 Uniform Bui lding Code, as amended and adopted by the Town of Vai l, Colorado, have been read, understood and will be adhered to: Section 502 (c) The issuance of a building permit does not give authority to violate any provisions of this code, or any other 0rdinance and shall not prevent the Building 0fficial from there- affer requiring the correction of same. Sect ion 302 (a) Approved p or altered without written Sect ion 504 (b) The Insoection lans shall not be changed, modif ied, authorizstion from the Building Officlal card shall be read, f illed out y in the waterproof ho lder furn ished not cover up any work not signed UNTIL THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS ISSUED AS PROV I DED FOR HERE IN. any s ign ( temPorarY or Permanent)shall be approved by the Town of Vai I in f ull by the of f by may be used S i gn Rev iew Ord inance 2 shall b or posted, it Comm i ttee 7r)Gene ra I ow Cont racto r Town of Vai and oosted conso icuous IBuilding Department. DoBuilding Inspecfor. Section 306 (a) (d) N0 BUILDING SHALL BE USED OR OCCUPIED EITHER PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY A CERT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY 0rdinance l5 (1967) Before th t and any t,l STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ce The foregoing aff idavit and sworn to before me, a Notary th is ]lth day of August Contractor was duly subscr i be d and Daniel L. Fick , declaration Pub I ic, by ' 19 72 . My Comm i ss i on Exp i res ( SEAL ) ontractors F O Fz a z; F, 2 9H!Pi<F1<:IAA FF-<gog < :. : z FrFF <(,z li'EfiUiz2i22:2 72; o <;5!FrooU<O >r:l:lq =: !,:HA5'i69.,r{!?- i .. < ,a Q> -(,)<o*tEiac=<tr<BJ -1{ =ul Y IlllI(J z E z ,i iEdo o u,E ooz f ; uJ G E o -J UJ G F J aF F tu J tL J F F ulF o uJ z s tc z E uJ uJ t E tr ul o o z -oJ -f tr -l > lro =, =oF t H l NO |lVn']VA c- I<r>o(*) \l!l! z z =q*i6 9o7> -z >(J ;d 3 z U' UJo cc z uJ ! E I.\ \ ^'JU N ,ts E z iD Ill \ILN zoo z tr Y= 9.,-> :z:< >O ic.i F F z !.1 z z z] FT F] Ft t\\s N\v 3E!<F0.Ee,F-<: <_erlrlF vrt"S; EIINB'Y TFt' j ? a-$ln: z ziN(z9<.\L \r ld F r-+'l{: $ s | ,-c il r i :ol r F - Fl -Fr'lI o>| <o| l]roI d< o () z) z F ::.:1FYo.Jq,6-o z s llJ z Fz =u, uJ F llJ IC E lllE F : F UJE E J -) F L : 0 -Jl o -l l-e, =, =ot- o / o d{FJi*r-r_F"__ AD t1*ffi*o,oto;rn ftlp 4 ._"d RECEIVED p"'ff"lf*.r W r+{,? !tdg. Irr"p*ti* pE-- Occupation T C_ourt Finos ""A pd__l--..-..---.- Liquor Licens :F 9rry"" FiZ-Vn- rEg,E ffir?*: Hi5hvey Ums ottl --Iror PAlD-crlr-- ch*t _t{ "" -l4F __ 2r I tli Rtt JUN 4 rg74 Town of Yail SrI,ECTRICAL PERMIT Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Drtc .fr.J"* 7+.. pate Paid...... a-/y^ /zl Received By frg_e &.._1 o:r1 fl,,,-*,u6 Pooa THIS rtOB FORiC,'IS TO BE FOSTED O1{ SITE DURTI{G CONSTRUCTIOT{ ahouns AnvANcE NoTrcE REQUINED FIOR INSPECTIONS BE$TMPY A'AIIABIE ,"o**,"fu.h {/z{ $...... .?-a-s $.......,8..-s $.....-e 8,R a- r'-74 A"PPROVAT.S llll a. t. ltoi!ttt a!., lalrvlt tatttl -a F,z a o z F z fHlPz <Fr<:tr!->F3*<9.,9 < a. ? z tIFF <c|)zfr;(-io9Zgl2- <a =<a2a<zz^;;o<;5v=Fr-coo<a<QlrlZ:hifS.5?U'i !]:c,'i::E;iEa> -a<al.r'.lla=<tr { },r + F =6. uJ Y(Jr! Oz)4 z iu ^*FY* dE gJt z z UJ =IJI uJ gt J lt ut IE F J) F uJ J lt F F I r Irt o o z o Jf o -l<> lro =, =G'F t ta\ /...' Town of F'r.F:CIRICAL rob Name...-.. ....C..r... n.f-V.a I s.. t - d..9.. LrL.!..YJ.1. ta.. r.u 5 Date of Appricauon.... ......4.:. /-.6- .....p..2.a...-*. APPROVALS Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid....-.....-...-..--...- Received By.-..--...-. tLz $.......-...-................ $&.ap....e.a:..... s... -.&. 8.. ;...Q.c-':. Date *ta--/s' tztr z THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING GOI{STRUGTION 24 HOURII ADVANCE NOTTCE NEQURED FOR INSPECTIONS Yail PERMIT tta a. t. ||aiSrar !4., trf t a!ttt! a, PLUMEf|NG/MECHANICAL FEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL 4-tc -7,{- Cc-( -."Jo t\.\ r r'f (.r oY nn-f l- USE OF BUILDING: LASS oF woRK: E r,rew Elaootroru E nenaoorl D nepetn RIPTION OF WORK:eoJ(r -l-?. Vanlc'^g MECHANICAL: NUMBERNG: NUMBER VALUATION AO. ?O REMARKS: #lzV-L E nppnoveo E otsnppnoveo rorAL FEES: $ 7.fA r'/DA'E 7_ /e _ Z{ I /t.$I tNspecil,oru HEouEsr n, oerc #//tt / 7 los Nrarag -f TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLE EAGLE COUNTY I orsen MON COMMENTS: , TUE ! pnnrtnl. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED ,^' /2if AM PM Sultn APPROVED ! orsaerRovED D nerNsPEcr D UPOT,T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS + .,1.1 I j-. ,\ JOB NAME J_ ,'. '/)' D. TIME RECEIVED / ^ AM ,PM CALLER INSFECIGIN FTEEUEST OF VAIL n orxen MON COMMENTS: READLFOR INSPECTION - r WED THUR I pnnrrnu LocATroN FR PM EIAPP RoVE D n otsappRovED ! upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E netNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR zo FI e FI F z \\\$ ^\ I$>,\ Io uJI z J oul UJ oz z z 2 F HAI>Et1<Ftr!Er.,E -{Y IPI. '<! obFEi:< 5<oZzzz2<XF,Fa<cl{Ol'l a;c ;<O82n, -F,aa><oc< \ \N \Nv 5 {l { )il IJJ z -<E F ulc co J |lJ aFoF ul o tt FoF Fzul E IIJ.A lll ! .E =r= o.lll o z I o Jf o lro =,-eF o UJ xlu o ez '& F =Y F at, ttt! (92 o Jtv, ItIt E o uJ J ur F E Itl 2 @ ulr!ttv Itl 2 J -cul *z F oo z tr GulF a 3 uJz z oJ lo tt lll F z o IIJ ul c UJoG lt Ftt z F |llI zoF E 4 uJt, z 4 oo J J 3 Fxul o UJ u- 6 uJ A. an lt ut JY = t4 uJ E llJ Eoz v, UJI ul: IJ F o (9 ) @ tt Ftt oIt I 2 z = o ctz NOtMlVA ,f lVq { uJ o ct E z = Y J c0 ( oJ :-t3>o.t :*N oo -ot zo Fg3 !cOFlct4 15->xo:z:< 6- (J>oFO -.i Y Bttozo F oo UTo tulz uJ zo F f t! |llF Ft.tNsPECToN HEeUEST TOWN OF VAIL iDATEJOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E nppRovED n orsnppRovED fl nErNsPEcr ! upotrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ? \.rNseecrGru TOWN OF FIEtlUEsiT VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen MON COMMENTS: n pnnrrnl. LocATroN PMFRTUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E appRovED E orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr D UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR '1. -uusPEcrlru TOWN OF FI EGIL'EST VAlL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florHen E pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: '''"ti' :'lTuEi FRI AM PM E appRovED n orsnppRovED D nerNSPEcr fl upon rHE FoLLowlNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR t rNseecrGrv rtEBTJEsT JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED I ornen COMMENTS: FRITUE f] pannel. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM PM ! eeeRovED ! orsneeRovED E upott rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR 6E IAF Egi$ olO l- ta,,fug EEuo zHmo 92.os s;ts & ?8 :fr H3 H u sE P; :i;,i . ,.,. i,1r :'<!: -*: .i-,:.; : \: @ 'i i o:(l); l{l g'6 .|-, l/.\ l: e .rl: i\J: i g> rll i!i a <):\:t.t'ti ; @ o)O -l F Et). =H>'{ +r rlo< tr(J>:; -U Flr-'l : i\: o) \i <,i.iiv'): i\v ,i -i\:\:q IA Fl o F'. 9m"s oF? .,.--: \' ;: \_\ €q) q) (D cgoo.5 drc,o!23fl =2 .111ae3t'E.E 'c .: !l9TFE.,ifi s'E I I Y I\ r -ri\,!)iX: )l \'i\: :\: \: .l.: -, !ct\r'-..8 \: ca_/ -{= :\ do 1 :l\; r-1i i \:\.:\:t-: \Jt \$ .Y:L\i .\ -\!i\:\: tr () L coo (!o C) r!\l :\{.:vi\,; ^-< I.i\^:\-i\: co C5() q 1-,t(d e-j \triS{ ., .JLf :tl)a zp r- o Town of Yail H.NCTRICAL PERMIT rob Name..5i aar.s.s....S,c.r...S.rt.aC....(.Ga,u.t-at.4...5e.,....S*.p.d Electrical conftactor -.. -UAu... -.€*.f.e fi- /.e *....trN-.e-. -. Applican APPROVALS TIIIS FORIUI IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUGTION 24 HOURTT A"I}VANCE NO1ICE NEQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 109 $......-......-............-. $... -...s p. -0. P...... $..........€f 4.9....... $.......e.2 - - t=ii: t7 X,"* By....-.............. ry tIr !. t. ior!rrt !o.r 0tltYtt t0rlt I Y,- tnwn January box t oo 17, l973 Mr. Ed Miller 9y1l l.rtomdtic Sprinkler Company5636 Chestnut P laceDenver, Co lorado Dear Mr. Miller: VAIL Building Tough i | | Deparfment 303.476-5613 We would appreciate your check in the amount ofyou have any questions, please contact the Bui IDepartment. You rs tru.ly, $45.00. tf ding ! I i..7\ \-/ ,,--f 'Oqv , trw t' , | ,\Uu LI ltu: \ vail, colorado 8ro57 ln examining some past records, it has come to my attentionfhat you didnrt pay for your permit for Alfie packers Resta u ra nf . PLUM G PERMIT APPLI o CAT o BIN Jurisdiction of Applipant to complete numbered spaces only. roN LF\E PACT<EE6 {flse: trttcneo sre:t) I DE3Ci. ZIP PHONE MAI! AODRESS PHOI{Et 6t:^-r-AqoVt+tU ,&4RA& **a4e7-us7 fl- 6Zgtt Zt1 ARCH I TEC T OR DESIONER MAt L ADDFESS PHONE LICENSE NO. ENGINEER MA|L ADOhESS PHON E LICENSE NO. MAtt AOOFESS BaAICH U5E OF AUILDIN G I ctas of work: [,nrw tr AoDlrloN tr ALTERATIoN tr REPAIR e oescfibework: \DE=T L.JT7a.|',#r1c2Papaug2- 5 \+tre{D Typ€ ot Firtur or lt |n WATER CLOSET {TOILET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. LAUNORY TRAYAPPLICATION ACCEPTED BY:APPAOVEO FOR ISSUANCE gY: WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES IUJLL AND VOID IF WORK OB CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR AEANOONED FOR A PERTOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK tS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANC€S GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR-_SINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS I.-AWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O. j/;@ INSPECTOR iEORDER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' 50 SO. LOS ROALES ' PA5ADENAI C^LIFORNI^ 9I tOI PEBMIT VALIDATION I -,- roo.2 e-6s rNsirrecfiru HEBUEsT TOWN OF VAIL DATE -JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED ' ', AM PM CALLER E oruen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE D pnnrtnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E nppRovED ! orseppRovED ! nerNsPEcr El uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR AUIOUATTC SPNINKLER COMPANY INCORPORATED CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS OF UNDERWRITERS APPROVED FIRE PROTECTION r'a Oude ?a*o tala ctlatxltl 't acE aro tot att.ttr" DENvEn. CoLonaDo EO216 DAlE DESCRIFIION: nrr'. : Aune?nr-r<eerz kraoeApl GENTT,EMEN: oUR JoB tlo. IZ:-ZSIQ_D_ We are senallng you 5 coples of the followlng 6heet5: SHBT NO. FP- \ PREPARED BY TIIESE ARE: PLEASE: Seturn \< Belng subrnittert for approvar{ PEEI.4,\S Revised cletails belng submltted for flnal approval. Er<amlned ancl returrred for coirectton. copies approved oi wlth ctra^nges noted thereon at your earliest For your files. Approvett as noted. Approved. convenlence. REI'IARI(S: n itDTFC rnn .Re spectfully subnlttect, GI'I,F AUTCNIATIC SPNINKLEN COMPAI{Y DALI..AS HOUSI()N DEtfVEN //76 ft APPLICATION r-fi \ Juridiction of Applicant to complate numfured spaces only. /{;o /t^../( , . 's ./zn, I ./,,r,_s. ).e..{' 6.an/1- El (L_ls Ei atrAcHED 3HEErl ,,/t . i /2/^ MAtr ADoiEss /7orr cr/o. 5l azl,'^, 4 d' Eo< aicHrTEcT oi oE3tcNti IL ADOiESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 't-nt4-f' 5./f, * 4. /al,)'-&,.t uz- r- !SE OF BIJI LOIN O 8 ClassofworK: u'HEW trAOOITION trALTERATION tr REPATR t// .., tl. L.. Lsr'(.* 2n/c." r 6a -onnpe J-u., /o ^ *- -{^/L 5,," /Typ. of Firftr. o3 l!.m WATER CLOSET (TOIL€T'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN' KITCHEN SINK & DISP. DISHWASHER LAUNORY TRAYAPPROVEO FOR ISSUANC€ BY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE TTIIS PERMIT BECOMES ULL AND VOID IF WORKDR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOi' COMMENCED WITHIN @ OAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE R€AO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNAiUiE OF CONIiACIOi'-OI AUIHOTIZED ACENI (DATE UR INAL DR INKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR DRAIN WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER S SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE _ INSPECTOR CANARY - "X,PINK _ APPLICANT GOLOENROD _ TEMP. FI LE Torwll <>r VAr- tN lPEcTloN r<FauErT Paae T*= (66g-r\./Eie-Abl pr'l Naxae N, ur Mri,,' tr..: nrIdo3 (-ALL€,re- ,al>UlLPl f.lG-C orre re uMSll'lc-MEaua*tcA.!- ! Foolrsc- ! Founaalor.r tr FFAMIN6- X. rtr.ra.u En fAr<pp..u Locnltots : Req. Ealtt'rc-n Pouer+ [ /ya*oetre vrc- \.X Frrua.u ! Ve,.r1,.,q'onr D Healru c- D Hooas tr lnee1r<ort< D VEHeer< n Koor D I En lZ<1,*,- Loc,+1ror'..r: E Var<1rau Loc,aTloF.r: B7o..r<yx- Localrost'. ! oluee E At<1,,r". Localons N i, ll I I Mo il ?ea.rzv F<:sz 3-l.+?Ec1^loN .A\ -).Tue \vEV THUK ' {rrzit J:<b Au Fm UOtvtveul+: i' Yarr*ove? U0o"l C5'1a.:.-7sNS Co""..poNi 5r8lr r- to " I Dthie?TQovev D l?etN{flsc7 Q^-= I h 5 J,t,-' 7J -ara--__ h. Gt r"o,^u D FoolNc- tr Fouuraltor.r tr FFaMIN6- f] FlNe.u E @trcp^u Locnlror'.t : LoVEre R. E-T^-- U TAEEIROCX D VeHeEn D Koor ''Fn (-2LJ l/ARTlAL t^LOCATTON'. {Zru Nagt N:6- { Rorer+ tr /7a*or,r, I Fruau tr E 7ar<7an- LocaTlo'{: vac MEcua*rcA L ! Vetrl',..r1ro*t fl Hea1Nc- J Aooe+ tr B7a,<1,an- Localrosr: ! oluer<E ?a<1tat. Localonr Vea.rzv For<- 3-t t +try. 4:algN- TUE VEV THu( Fr<r Af au T7m nUOrvveNl+: D APProvE?afirA??Rove?A{7etv+f€c.T Co""t poNg i7^-= i!- lNSt2EZT6r?- + ///% l BUILDING PERIVIIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of Applicant to Cond.oniinium Unit C-6, Vail,/LionsHead Centre Condominium Buil Vail,/LionsEead First $'fiT$Ej"fr6'im or v owNEi MAt|. AOOiESS Ztp Pl{ONa2 vail Associates Inc. P.o. Box 7 Vai]. Col-onado 8f657 1L?6-56Of CONfiACIOi MAIL ADDRESS FXOTiE LTCENSE NO.3 Nelson-Fi.ck Inco::por.ated P.O. Box 5LO Vail, Colonad.o 81657 l+76- ARCHITECI OR DES I Cl,l EE MAIL ADDiES3 PIIONE LICENSE NO.a Arthur H. Bush 2211 West JZrd Ave. Denver, Colo. B021I MAIL ADDRE3g PIIONE LICEN9E NO. I. 'NOE'I MAIL ADDiE3S 'iANCH0 United Bank of Denven 17,|+O Broadway Denven, Colo::ado Downtown USE OF AUILDING7 Restarrr ert/Bax 8 C|assoIworK: trNEW DAOOTTION trALTERATION trREPAIR DMOVE trREMOVE 9 Describework: Remodel existing space to accomodate a restaurant/be;. operation seating approximately 100 persons in lounge & 100 in dining l0 Change of use from bui.lding shell (unoccupied) Change of use to Restaurant/nar l l Valuation ol work: $ 1OO, OOO . gg PLAN CHECK FEE 'ERMITFEE 2R6- 3-u Slze ot Bldg. (TotaD sq. Ft. Flre Sprlnklsrs Requlred !ye5 [1q OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: OTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE TIEQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AI R CON OITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORKOR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN @ OAYS, OF IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCEO. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT VALIDATI CANARY _ AUDIT PINK - APPLICANT GOLDE N ROD - TEMP. FILE +a,- ^--tJ.-, i.r.-. roil. J-. ,J- Septemben l-3' I972 Building Depa::tment Toron of Vail Vail, Colonado 81657 RE: Panking Requi:rement for Comrnercial Space C-6 t LionsHead Cent::e Condominium, Nelson-Fickr Inc., d.b.a. Wild Mountain Inn Gentl-emen: Nelson-Fick, Inc. has applied for a building permit to impnove the Commencial Space C:6 in LionsHead Centne Condorniniums. The :requined panking sPaces will be nine (9) to accommodate the zoning nequinement. Vail Associates, Inc. designates that the panking for this conrnercial space will be in Block 2, Lot 1, Vail/Lions- Head Finst Filing. This lot is owned by Vail Associates' Inc. and is within 300 feet of LionsHead Centne Condominiums as nequined by the Town of Vail Zoning. Yours very t:ru1Y, vArL ASSoCTATES, rNC. cc: Nelson-Fick, Ine. /sn 4a-rZaqr Robent H. Nott Vice President * Real Estate qb. 'g toro 9p vdY AREA CODE 303 476-5601 EOX 7. VAtL. COLORADO 4r657 D^^l lvlay 2I, 1974 Diana lbughi1I Tcrvn of Vail Zonirg Director Bo>< 100 Vai1, Oolorado 81657 Dear Diana: In accordance wittr our conversation, f have enclosed the p:oposed pool location for the Lionsllead Centlfe Condcrninir.un Association. The Condo- niniun Association proposes to txlild on their own properQz a 16 foot by 42 fcrrL swjnming pool ttrat will be constructed by l4asten Pm1 Sr'rinming Pool Oonstruction @rpany frcrn Colorado Springs. The pool location has been staked out on the prcpercy as you can see by the plotogrraphs or if yor: r,,ould like to look at the site, itrs certainly easy to firrd. It is proposed ttnt the pool will be surrourded by a concrete deck or apnon ard the e><act details of the concrete surrounding the poo1 have not been finaU-zed. We are retaining Mr. Bill Rroff, an architect in Vail. to reviervr the deck arrl help us design a protrrcsed fence for the pool area. Vrihsr we do have tlnse drawings and tlnt anpunt of infcrnation, we will- suhrLit that to 1pu for your reviev,r. In the lleantjrle, we roould lilce to get approrzat of the site and location so that lre may ccmnerrce rarork on construction of the pool. The drawing that is enclosed is nct accurate ard Lhere will be several changes rnade. Ihe deep erd of the pool will be aL the east end and the shallcr'r will be at the west end wtrich is the reverse of tlre drawing. Also r,re are reloca- ting the equignent building to be r:nder tlre e<isting overhang of the deck above. I trave irdicated it in red on tlre enclosed plan. The design of that will alo be done by l,lr. Ruoff and will be suirnitted along with the balance of ttrc detail. It is our understarding that the pool cannot drain into ttre seinpr system and we will contact Eric Edeen, County Health Officer, to give us input on what kind of systen r,re need for drairnge for the pool as well as any water that night ccne off the parking stnrcbrre and the apron around 6-11the pol. )llli Irm sonlz I will not be able to attend your meeting on as I am required to be in Denver, but I do hope vae can have approval to at lea.st proceed with the digging and of the pooJ- itself. Estote Box l24B Voi , Co orodc 9657 343-476 2421or/l 7,/W LionsHead Centre Condaniniun Assn. FIRST LEVEL PLANffi-il LIONS IGAD CENTRE vAlL ASSOCTATES tNC. vAtL, @LORADO Charlcr Slnk & Assoc., Archltoctg Denvor, Colorado t-\--' l4r- S 7;l '+:, taral||t atoiao! BASEMENT LEVEL PLAN-ffi LIONS HEAD CENTRE vAtL ASSOCTATES tNC. VAIL, COLORADO Charles gink & Assoc,, Architects Denver, Colorado DESIGN DATT OF I'IEETII'IG: MEMBERS PRESEI{T: REVITN BOARD Ruoff, Bill SUBJECT:LIONSHEAD CENTER - poo1, fence & landscaping - (fina1) z.o o--.-Qz.z, Rod Sl ifer ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION VOTE: q-a to app FOR: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED; SUMMARY: o o p UP t(. DEPOS IT REFUND /o -/o- "(r l]CIT t4tg74 5u,.t t Pt , Date eai a Dt'tF oF kn?)roJ ect lcntra ctor-lZ Depos it Pa i d bY Address Amount z{Ja I . S /Oao: Date Ref unded uthor ized for Re f un d/Oate ---- Fa{ FI2 Q Idz > FT Ft z arttl>El>iElF;:ifl -<Y-', < :. 9 2Fi'< &)aa!4PiSEq;<ii<az 21=Ao<o<oaz biEF3?E'Egr{ Itr<o>- ;xFrc<t E lll g (1, (Jgl Ioz J zo F=<i9[d3 o uJ tE llJ z IIJ zg .l o F t utE llJ aF F qt lt J F F !t, z IJJ alt ul L Er lrl o o z -o Jf o = lre -,-ot- -_l_ o, "i, z v F t!tto E IIJc z J o c a llJ z F oo * z tr E ulFJ =ulz 2 J lo t! UJ(t) F z IIJJgt G ql(,Eott zo F c IIJv, ut G zo F E 4ul at z 4 oo ""r\ro (t J 3 Fz oc IJJ)vz 6a ul E gt Eoz F o tt |r o ul E Fv,tt A z lt, z z l tt oz ln .Y zo F =4 tt !JF o v 0 c4 Q uJ o J 4 E lll J 2 Y 3 ozo Fg Go |lJo, (9z J E vJo F l I9 oo ttN U,l F az <6 4 o ct z fuoo .i 4f.\\9, f\ 2 tr EF z l! ul . {I ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION VOTE: I DESIGN DATE OF I,IEITIIiG: MEI,IBERS PRESEI,IT: REV I EI.J BOARD September 5, 1974 Ruoff, Bi ll Abbott, Dudley/ Hanlon, Bill -/ Parker. Lou ''''' Sage, Dave -/ SUBJECT: LIONSHEA.D CENTER - addition of window - Rod Slifer to *pprsv€ bY *_; sECoNDED ,, A./*) AGAINST: --TF'_w_ FOR: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: Chairman of the Boaro F,a FIz () 2 ' rt2<;FFt(a9 z? z o.- 7Zz6 N-$I\r rrl rrl >,>E.l 3r.E-sB :c ql F'Filt A-urF 4;< =<a7ZZi9oXFF9<c,<O!'l aEc 5<OfiE, -FElo><o E< F =c u, v ql oz J 2 EOiU 9L o-() IJJ !J oz uJ z S o F ul lt ul F J F ll,E J IL F F z uJ E llJ IIJ L a: =r= lrl o l&Gto -,2 =qf- -'--l o a = D oul Ex ur oz lto uJo (9 =z G 4 F rtt!o z I F t!o E =ul 0z J o q !J UJ Y IJ UTI z 4 gr G zo F z !J FJ =uJz F z oul)ul t o ut lJ- 6 IJJ Io oc IIJ vz q ul t! ul z o 2 9 G 4 uto ul z tr cu, at) oz 4 oLI o Jott Flt lll c F tto oz z (9z Jtt .iz \ ) \ € $ Iqt E z @ rF\- $ \\ $ F t,..\ E $\Y I.\ Et =--{ >(,ot IJJ z<r9 -9'-(o5 z tr ==n-oFC9o;> -z:< uf >oFO ;.i v .E 3 ll z F a(J glo J Glll z F o J t!o IIJF q DES IGN MEET I NG : PRES ENT : /,Jr-.- tlzeot6'7 ,/ fuu/r'*'- e t77 DATE OF MEMBERS SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION VOTE: /4;ea".1F^.T. z( ; SECONDED BY AGAINST: APPROV ED : DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: /' {4tot F J I Lion's trrnd *,,**, o fetti /teuJ'- /:tts/t't/ttrt7 - /'ttn' O v @ 62:tclt>'7 Ll'zza4'u'! - /'++ Lg) -- ,P7?a4zt -re,t Faz 4 /th #l o I fx>z/tea (( "A I ls lYe h/ W /.v D4'.! Ar,rde.rr o n ?ic{ura l)u{a w Tr,€crlo{l*c5'g,qf",4 f,.,- 72" 49" J, I I Y .THs*'{P /1 niltr?sgtt Cra'i4 liiAnon;:c C:(,tJiDJ tJtl;n ' t+'t '' X t? Z " GLASS /'tfi eA - lt 3" x C7" StLia Thecnt P'i',1e' Vt P vUIxs'iDe PiJo pose P Vt', )T t> o'4) r\pr'. it l6l Ltonsher+o Ceu'|,<e- I v DESIGN RTVIEW BOARD DATE OF MEMBERS MEETING: PRES ENT : SU ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION VOTE: hy'e BYr4fucL; SECONDED AGAI NST: APPROVED: D i SAP PROV ED ; ."]VJ SUMMARY: by 806 Moster Pools of South Teion, Colorado (303) 47r-0r t2 Colorodo Springs Springs, Colorado 80903 August 12, L974 Town of Vail Contractors License DivisionVail, Colo. 81657 .Terry, /--We rnrere charg6d a $100.00 cibeqn-up fee for the perrnit to buildthe pool atl-Lions Head CenterJ-V The pool is complete and all areas of clean-up in regards to thepool have been cleaned up. Any debris on job, if any, would be the responsibility of the deck man or perhaps the contractor doing the fence or the equiprnent room. Please return our Sl0O.00 deposit. mt^., MASTER POOLS WAW/kar to r///l BUILDING PERAAIT APPLICATION Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. ./t t./>?.uK,/1A-af- f,/.tt- flstE etrrcxao sreet; MAI L AOOREI!lt? FHo{a2Fa MA|L AOOiESS , FHONT L|CENSE IO, CHIIECT ESIGNER tlcENlt t{o. EI{GINEER LICENsE NO. IL AODIE'3 U5E OF 'UILOING 8 crass oI work: D NEw tr Aootiloil Allrennrroil tr REPATR tr MovE fl REM0VE I Dsscribe work:3 l0 Change of use lrom 11 Valuation of urork: $ / AeA , O O PLAN CHECK FEE "/,a^rt ,ee ,//. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze ot Bldg. (Total, sq. Ft. OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING. HEATING, VENTTLATING OR AIR CONDTTIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WOBK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. D EXAMINEO THIS UE AND CORRECT.; GOVERNING THIS oa coRtRAc lor oi aurHoRrz PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - I NSPECTOH WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED N THIS PERMIT VALIDATION PINK - APPLICANT IS YOUR PERMIT CANARY _ AUDIT GOLOEN FIOD - TEMP- FI LE /,t r4/s I BUILDING PERIVIIT APPLICATION Juridiction of. Applicant to complete numhered spaces only. -L I oE3Ci.(LJsaa aTracHEo sHEEtl ?t(f Frox! q-7b -3>6 62 4+a df crnas<) MAI L ADDi'S3 FXONE LICENS' NO. S a,.n ARCHIIECT OR OESIGI.IER MAI I. AODREI3 PIIONE LIC EN9E NO. ENGINEER MAI L ADDiES5 PT'ONE LICEN3E NO. 9n usE OF AUtLOtNC 8 crass of work: n NEW D ADDtTtoN tr'C-Lrennrtot tr REpAtn tr MovE tr REM0VE 9 Describe work: p^ ,( rr ,'/s '[0 Change ol use from l1 Valuationolwork:$ :HW 1A da PE RM IT SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze ot 8ldg. (Totall Sq. Ft. Rcqulred !y65 lneAPPLICATION ACCEPT€D 8Y AP?FOVED FOA ISSUANCE 8Y: OFFSTREET PARKING 5PACEs: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN @ DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE RIAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROITYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED VHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING ( RQVI9IONS OF ANY OTHERSTATE OR LOCAL LAWqI\F?RUC'ION OII THE,/qERFORMANCE OF CO FIRE DEPT. RLY VALIOATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIOATION WHITE - INSPECTOF PERMIT VALIDATION PINK - APPLICANT M.O. CANAFY - AUDIT GOLOENROD _"".'",' '/ /r 4L- ^*;-fr* , i.rc. ro.S..*$-.-X- September 1, 1972 Mn. Charles Cr"owl-ev Liquor Stone at LionsFlead Vail, Colonado 81657 Dean Char:Ie l The LionsHead Architectural Contnol Comrnittee aPProves your request for an entrance to the LionsHead Liquor Store to be located on the nonthenly side of the building. We also appnove the awning to be placed ovell the windows on the west side. We would like the colon to be a red and white stnip. Youns ve:ry tnu1y, V AIL/ LIONSHEAD ARCHITECTURAL Al,.\ITTTaD .\ T NAMMTTTPI' IJIt'\/ ifr ,{,'tt\\r J\i ll \J /44a-7fl'rf Robert H. Nott Co-chainman I I I I /jn AREA CODE 303 476.560r BOX 7. VAtL. COLORADO 8t657 I \tt I L" BOARD OF ZONING, APPEALS AND EXAMINERS M INUTES OF MEET ING J une 8, 1972 I Meeting Ca I led to 0rderA. The meeting was called toBuilding. B. The following members were Young and Str ub le ( ex-of f iC. The following guests were D ick Brown, Ted Grossman, John Gavin. order at 9z2O in p re s e n t : Me s s rscio). p rese n t: Messrs. Me I Sorenson, Bud the Mun i cipa I . Knox, Viele, Chuck Rosenquist, Lorance, and ll. 0ld Business A. Case Z-5-72 - Yantage Point request for l0 | setback variance on south property line in lieu of l5f. This setback was discussed at the last meeting and a preliminary variance was granted. Mr. J im Viele mad a motion ihat the variance begranted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Knox and passed unan i mous ly by the Board. B. LionsHead Centre (5ink Building)Mr. Bud Lorance met informallv with the Board to discuss all items which must be corrected before a permanenf certificate of 0ccupancy can be issued by the Bui lding Department. Mr. Lorance commenced by giving the Board some background on this build- ing which was started in 1969, The building design was started before the property was within the Town limits and was then annexed. The firsf plan check was made by Mr. Charlie Bynum in August of 1969 at the time of annexation. 0n September 3, 1969 Mr. Bynum issued the f irst letfer of non- conformities on this project. There ensued a disagreement between the architect (Mr. Sink) and Mr. Bynum as to the non-conformities. The plans were then sent to 1.C.8.0. in November of 1969 which was also returned in November. Mr. Sink sent his reply to the Town of Vail with a request for a hearing in December of 1969. More information was sent to l.C.B.O. in December,. and on December 3l a second review was received from l.C.B.O. 0n January B, 1970 Mr. Sink met w ith the Board of Appea ls and many var iances we re granted. Construcf ion was te rm inated cn Ma rch Jl and Mr. Lo rance was retained by legal counsel on April 24, l97O to review plans in order to so I ve some of the prob lems. Work was commenced again on June 4, 1970 at which time a new building permit was issued as fhe or ig ina I pe rm it had exp i red. In meet ings with Mr. Bynum, Mr. Lorance and he worked out solutions to some of the problems and a letter was jointly written by the two which was dated June 4, 1970 (copy attached). Near the end of the project, Mr. Bynum retired and Mr. Struble made the f inal inspecfion so that a certificate of occupancy could be issued. At fhat time he wrote a letter to Vail Associates d6ted December 31, 1970 (copy attached). The items on this letter were discussed with the Board so that everything can be reconciled and a certificate of occupancy issued. By item:(l) The second stair will be installed from the exit balcony.(2) The windows as installed do comply (Mr. Struble will check). (3) Variance granted on this item on JanuarV 8, 1970 I'' TiIi.l il;f.l t.t.t { i I I Page 2 Boa rd of Zon i ng, Minutes of l4eeti (4) This Appea ls and Exam i ne rs ng - June 8, 1972 item was accepfed by Mr. Bynum in letter of June 4 and Mr. Struble agreed that it canrt be rem6died at this time. (5) Same comment as ( 4).(6) Mr. Lorance has recommended that this ventilation be installed. (7) This item has been corrected. (B) Var iance granted on January B, 1970. (9) Has been corrected. ( l0) Mr. Lorance po inted out that these bathrooms are quasi-public, but he will recommend the instal- lation of tile. (ll) Has been corrected except one hole where there was a lrozen sprinkler. (12) llii | | be covered by a separate building permit when this area is finished. ( ll) Mr. Lorance will be recommending that this item be installed. ( l4) Mr. Struble will accept this item as is because it is not a health or safety hazard. (15) Has been corrected. ( l6) Variance granted on January B, 197O. ( l7) Has been corrected. Mr. Strub le then stafed that he would make a f inal i nspecf ion when it is requested and if all of the items are satisfactorily completed, he will issue a Conditional certificate of occuPancy. He does not feel that he can put his signature of a certificate without some qua I if icat ions. lll. New Business A. Case B-4-72 - Yail 2l application for variance not to con- sider lofts as a story. The architect, Mr. Ted Grossman, presented drawings to clarify loft area. He feels the units shou ld be considered as single f amily dwe | | ing since there is f ire separat ion and the occuPancy load will be low. Mr. Grossman then went on to explain that he had contacted both the Den ve r and Aurora building departments concerning lofts and they both permit larger than l/3 tloor area with- our requiring the extra ex it. lt was ihe consensus of the Board that the nature of use of a condorninium in Vail is much d ifferent than that in a large city and that occupant loads tend to be much larger in a resort area. They also pointed ouf that fhey as a Board, cannot change the Code, but can on ly approve a I te rnate meth o ds of accomp I ish ing the same thing. Mr. Grossman and Mr. Struble differed in opinion on the def inition of mezzan ine and what is inc luded in the calculation of the mazzan ine area and allowable area. A call was then made to Mr. Koyamatsu of 1.C.8.0. to clarify this point. lt was then determined that ihey must include all f loor space in the lof t area, including the c I osets and b a th room; and th at the area to be used for the l/3 ca lculation can include only rooms that the lof i opens d irect Iy onto, those that are 5Qft open to that area and not the bathrooms, etc. that Mr. Grossman was using for his calcula-f ion. The Boa rd then d iscussed severa I solutions to the problem of a second exit from the loft area. lt was the opinion of the Boa rd tha t some sa fetv precautions we re necessary in this case. A motion was made by Mr. Young that the mezzanines be cons idered as another s to ry, but that the lofts be allowed as p lanned provided that: smoke and heat alarm systems are installed in lof ts and th at either a sprinkler system or a second door io the roof be provided in addition to the smoke and heat alarm sVsfems. Mr. Grossman is to in form board ? f i I t { I Page 3 Board of Zon ing, Appea ls and Examiners Minutes.of Meeting - June B, 1972 lv.0the r Bus inessA. Cont ractor I s licenses approved Subm itted by, TOWN OF VA I L G, APPEALS AND EXAMINERS 4.d. B. D. ln writing which of the two alternatives he plans to use, and a lso must submit revised p I ans. The mot ion was seconded by Mr. Knox and approved by the Board with one dissenting VOTE. Case Z-6-12 (Pre I iminary Hearing) - Bank of Vail request for 7 l/2r setback in front on Main Vail Road in lieu of l5r.Mr. Mel Sorenson presented the drawings to the Board and explained that the only parts of the building that would project into the requi red setback are the p lanter boxes and a balcony and door canopy. The Board informed Mr. Sor- enson that they will recommend approval of the variance since there will be at least 50 1 between 'fhe Bank and any other bu i ld ings on that s ide. Case B-5-72 - (Preliminary Hearing) - Apollo Park requesi to use habitable basement space as laundry rooms and recreation room and not have it considered a story when determining the type of construction. They have agreed to use a concrete occupa ncy sepa rat ion between b asemen t and rema inder of each bui lding and to continue wet standpipes into basement. The Board will recommend approval of the variance as there is no safety hazard invo lved. Case Z-7-72 - Th ree Willow Place (Preliminary Hearing) Request for roof to overhang tract land, B ishop rs land and Edelweiss land, and to allow F.A.R. to exceed l:00 to l:00 by approximately 1fi. The Board reviewed previous variances for this project and noted that 4t setback variances were granted for stair area but that there were to be no pro-jections closer than 4r of the property lines. The ofher corner of the building in question which has no setback from Ithe tract land has not been given a variance. The Boardrsposition is that we cannot grant the requested variances as it is not within its power to do so. The Board cannot change the F.A.R. requirement--this must be done by amending the Zoning Ordinance by the Board of Trustees. The Board cannotgive permission for a building to encroach upon otherrs P roParTy . ( r-'T,It Il dw Vall AaeoeLatca ' Inc. P.0. Box ?Vail, Colorado 8165? SUBJECT: Skl $hop at LionsHcad Contar Gantlcrnen: January 12, 1971 Perrnit No. 12 70115 0n ,Ianuary 12' 19?1 , I rnade an ir,rapection of- the abovs eub- ii.ia""i'"rih iire contnaotor' Jlr,r-Cnalg. Tl" follollng itere ghall be eor'ected pnion to leauanca of a Certifl- cate of OccuPaneY: 1) HschanLcal vcntilating syeten nsqulred; 2, dll flxed glaae windows shEll be pnotected by a ban or pno{cctive acreen on each expoecd aLde' 0n rry lnitj.al final inspection of the totEl bulLd!'ng ln- o""."r1"", I did not mentlon the ventllating syetem neq-u3'ned in thle Cnea beCauso you had suCh a system on the south 8iclc oi tf.," sane floor. Ctneequcntly, I aaeumed that this system would be used for both sidae. tfre ncquirernent of the lmpact uars at all fixed glaae windows wle migsed' Tha glaas doorg into tnie ar€a ale onc-quarter inoh (k") tenpered-plater and thig type of glass ,ittfrtn the area involved will not r€qulne irnPact bane. t.lhen the above connrctiona ar€ conpletcd, pleaec call fon a final inepectlon pnior to the issuance of an Occupancy Pensrit. Rcspectfully ' TOWN OF VAIL 4J'f*JL Ed Struble' Building 0fficial. ES /alt ec Jin Cralg ;tu,t#ko PERMTT appu&moN r 2701 1 s Jurisdiction of TOWN 0F VAIL 12/r1,/70 icant to complete numbered spaces only. VAIL/LIONSHEAD CENTRE CONDOI4INIUM AND COMMERCIAL BUILDING I DE5CR.{f]see,rrrrcxeo sxe er ) MAI L AOORESS ZIP MAIL ADOR ESS PHONE RAIG Box l-14 Vail 81657 L ]CENS E NO. 476-s425 n/ ARCHITECT ON DE5IGNER MAII. AODFESS PHONE LIC€NSE NO.* BERNARD 6AYNE L6R,4NSE 90l .sherman Denver, colo. 244.9053 B-33 MAIL ADDFESS PHONE LICENSE NO. USE OF BUILDING 8 Ctass of work: tr NEW RA0DIT|0N n ALTERATIoN n REPAIR D M0VE ! REMoVE PARTITIONING FOR SKI SHOP, OFFICE AND STORAGE l0 Change ol use from Change of use to PERMTTFEE $35.00l1 Valuation of work: $ 5,OOO.OO PLAN cHEcK ree $17. 56 Type of consr. fff I 13 Occupancy crou p F SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Storier Ong Size of €}1d9. (Total) Sq. Ft. Fire Sprlnklors Roquired nyes nNoAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO BY:PLANS CHECKEO BY: OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES:No. ot Owelling Unlt5 - 0- NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OH AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OB IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR AEANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF WORK IS COM. MENCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SI GNATIJ RE OF CONTRAC ZON ING FIRE DEPT. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR M,O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR FEoRDER FRoM: tNTERNATtoNAL coNFERENcE oF BUILDING oFFIcIALS . 6o so. Los hoBLEs . PASAoENA, cALIFoRNIAForm 100.1 9"69 N''\'N'\J. TOWN OT VAIL'1 Buil-ding Pennit Supplenent rAl GONDOLA SKI SHOP & BOUTIQUE VAIL,/LIONSHEAD CENTRE CONDOMINIUM Project AND COMMERCIAL BUILDING DateL2/L0/70 r,.]AMES C. CRA]G CONTRACTOR of the above mentioned pnoject do her"eby centify that I have nead and undenstand in fu1I the following excenpts f:rom the Uniform Building Code (UBC): A. Sec.302(a) '8. Sec. 302(c) Sec. 304 Sec. 305 Approved plans and specifications shall not be changed' modified, on altened with- out authorization from the Building ur r r_cr-al- No penmit pr:esuming to give authonity to violate on eancel provisions of this Code shall be valid. The issuance of a pennit- sha11 not pnevent the Building Official from theneaften nequining the cornection of e::r"ons on from preventing building openations being can:ried on when in vio- lation of this Code on of any other or- dinance of the Town.. fnspection cand shaIl be :read and filled out in full where nequined. No wonk shalJ- be done beyond the point indicated, and signed by Inspector. Inspection cand sha11 be maintained until Centificate of Occupancy has been issued and then netunned to Building Inspection 0ffice. Building Official shall be notified, in wr:iting, of any pontion of the structure or building to be pre-fabnicated off- site. Such pne-fabr:ication facilities shaI1 have a centificate of appnoval fnom ICB0 on be inspected by the Building Official pnion to the star:ting of wonk. D. CERTIFIED BY: INSPECIION RECOBI) BUILDING DEPARTMENT Vail, Colorado Phone 476-5613 Permit No. Notice: Inspections will not be made unless this card is posted on the job. ALL subcontractors must be licensed and gigal this card to obtain inspection. Address j wfUtfif .tfr,wF,, ,r r: To Insure Inspection the sam,e day cail: 476-5613 beJore 11:00 A M, DO NOT COVER UP ANY WORK NOT INSPESTED Concrete Heating Electrical ]=- Plumbing Roofing Dry WaIl or Lathing I T0 C0lrlPtY WITH C0llE INSPECTION RDCORI) To obta:n in;pections call 4?6-5613. Inspections will be made the same day bn calls before 11 A. M. No inspection will be made on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays. Inspection Date Approved Rejected By Inspections will not be made until permit has been secured antl contrac' ior has signeit and placed his llcense number in the spaces above' Footings Foundation Notrice: Certificate of Occupancy and Compliance must be ob- tained befor€ structure i6 occupied. /e sa IsurrDfko PERMTT APPLI o CAT roN Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, lown or v ar_r 7\ 1!ste errecxto sxeer; MAIL ADDRESSt7- L/", /.,. 4t r.tcENSE l{o. 3,1 ,--r'{ -LE AFCHITECT OR OE5I ON ER MAIL ADDRE5S PHONE LICENSE |{O. MAt l. AOoiESS PIiON LICENSE trO. MAIL AOOiEgg biANCH UgE OF IIJI LDI NG 8 CIas of worK: tr NEW EJ,AfOITIOI f] ALTERATION N BEPAIR I MOVE tr REMOVE 7 l0 Change ol use from --1 Change of use to PLAN CHECK FEEt 1 Valuation ol work: $ SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ot Bldg, (Total) Sq. Ft Flre Sprlnkl€rs Requlrsd Eye, ENo""''*')/,7*' OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTBUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PEFIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER II'ORK IS COM. MENCEO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUB PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O. 44'1l| INSPECTOR REOROEF FROM: TNTEFINATTONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' !O 30. LOS iOALES ' PASADEIIA, CALIFORI'IA 9IIOI PERMIT VALIDATION Total fee $I0.00 cK. (do Form lOO.t +69 Irrrlo\r)surrDfto PERrvuT APPLtclt,o* Jurisdiction of to complete numbercd spaces only, Torn of Vatl r) B 6 ft n B € t |- 6zo t'at d{. Do L rops rt cao Cerrrm- BcDa.Sprce C- I oEsc R.vcll/tlontHeaa, f gt StLtaEAcHED s*EEr) MAIL AODR ESs ZIP PHONE2 A & D mtct?rltof, Ino. 1970 HoUy, Donven, Colo. 322-L22L 3 Faul f,cllcr MAIL ADORESS PI{ONE LICENSE NO.lor gf , 0tr4roun, Colo. 524-27A5 l{.A. ARCHITECT OR DESICNER4 t{ .4. MAIL AOOF ESS PHON E LICENSE NO. ENGJNEER5 !f.4. LICENSE NO. 6 H.l. MAIL AODiESS ARANCH U5E OF BUILO:NGI Concrolcl 8 CIASSOfWOTK: trNEW DADDITION trALTERATION trREPAIR f]MOVE f]REMOVE 9 Describework fatcrrlotr pSrtltlont To glvtgg Co'/-hqcer/?L &3gz, 10 Change of use from 1 1 Valuation of work: $ Sl . jOO. OO zEoPLAN CHECK FEE ' -PERMTT FEE l5o-' SPECIAL CONDITIONS:Illil'Jtr I h. srze of E. ttCra (rotall Sq. Ft. llOC |,1,,.": o..e APPLICAIION ACCEPTED AY APPROVEO FOF ISSUANCE AY: Ii;"'ul"r r",,, - a-OFFSTREET PARKING NOTICE SEPARATE IEHMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OFI NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGcoNtTR9CTtON, OR THE pERF_ORMANCE, OF CONSTRUCTTON. '1,{n r,.L f , ,4, (,4 n,,J t v r/ I t, ( - 5IGNATERF OF CON TRACYOF "OR AU'THOF IZ E FI RE DEPT. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK.M.O,PERMIT VALIDATION TEMP. FILE REOFOER FROMI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' !O SO. LO5 ROELES ' PAsADENA. CALIFOFNIA 9IIOIForm 100,1 9-69 -TCWN OF VAI LO DAILY BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT Qaiulding, \-1s,qa$g-q9. QSo- Blo..on.nactor: S"\ \t"Lt * Permit No: \\bql c.o. lssued: DeA. zVr?o ^-:t' .i I/ BUrLuf?G PERrvuT APPLrcfioN ot Tovm of Vail 117097 11,/6/70Jurisdiction icant to complete numbered spaces only, E. P.o a o 9r c)o fTo FJ H LIONSHEAD CENTER BLDG. Space C-4 tiact YaLl/LLonsHead ( L9 EE AT.TACHEO sHEET)1st FlJ-ing| 0 Esc R, OWNEh MAII. ADDRESS ZIP PHONE2 A a D Enterprlses, Inc, 1970 Holly, Denver, Colo. 3 Paul Keller Rox 91, Gypsum PHON E LICENSE NO. Colo. 5?+-2705 N.A. AR CH ITEC T OF OESIGNEF4 N.a. MAIL AODRESS FI]ON E LICENSE NO. 5 N.A. MAI L AOOR E55 PhONE LICENSE NO. 6 N.a. MAI L ADDRE 55 BXANCH U5E OI BUILOIN67 Comnercial 8 CIaso{worK: FNEW trADDITION NALTERATION DREPAIR trMOVE f]REMOVE 9 Describework, Interlor partltions to divide commereial a::ea 10 Change of use from PLANcHEcKFEE $7:50 PERMTT FEE S15.001l Valuation ol work: $1.500.00 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: ^.t-^-^stze of Bldg. D L\Jl e (rotar) sq. Ft l_10 0 Fire Sorlnklers Requlred E\/es ENoAPPLICATION ACCEPT€D AY:APPFIOVEO FOR ISSUANCC 8Y: oFFsrRtsr BARXd\9f "StFtbwner o f Covered I UngoveredOwelllng Unlts -n- NOT ICE SEPABATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OB CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OB IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D. FI RE DEPT. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK,M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR REORDER FNOM: INTERNATTONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ' 5O 50. LOS ROBL€S ' PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 9IIOIForm 100.1 9-69 TOWN OT VAIL Building Pe:rmit Supplement rAr l-fu'' Ht^rA. Lifo,z Srun. Pnojec ; lfutyty' of the above mentioned pnoject do heneby centify that I have nead and understand in fu1l the following excerpts fnom the Unifo::m Building Code (UBC): A.Sec.302(a)Appnoved plans and specifications sha1lnot be changed, modified, on alte:red with- out authonization from the Building ur r acla_l . No permit presuming to give authority to violate on cancel provisions of this Code shall be valid. The issuance of a pennit sha1l not pnevent the Building 0fficial from theneaften requiring the conrection of ennons or from preventing building openations being carried on when in vio-lation of this Code o:: of any other or- dinance of the Town. Inspection card sha1l be :read and filled out in fuI1 where required. No wonk shall be done beyond the point indicated, and signed by Inspector. Inspection card shall be maintained until Centificate of Occupancy has been issued and then netu:rned to Building Inspeetion 0ffice. Building 0fficial sha1l be notified' in wniting, of any portion of the stnuctune on building to be pne-fabr:icated off-site. Such pne-fabrication facilities sha1l have a centificate of appnoval fnom ICB0 on be inspected by the Building Official pnion to the stanting of wonk. B.Sec.302(c) t" / l- |-to r, C. Sec. 301+ Sec. 305D. CERTIF]ED BY: BUIL o DIN G PERMTT APPLrclmoN \\ro\o)I to complete numbered spaces only. 3 1 r\' oth\ Itr u 0 n t- :{ I \ F $ $ 4srv*en, BuLaata 1!see rrrrcreo cxter;I DE3CR. 2 llts 721 nus 7ob 3 O4r./tt LICENSE NO. a Nout MAt L AOORESS PI{ON E LI'ENSE NO. 5 Norre - og-:.N$t- LICENSE NO. 6 *,+tst o MA IL ADOFESS BiANCII USE OF BUI I.DIN G 7 8 ctassofwork: trNEw *nootrlon trALTERAT|0N fIREPAIR trMovE flEEM0VE 9 Describe work:,. { ut(e / l0 Change of use from FaO PEFlMrr FEE ? - 1l Valuation of work: $ $ 66 PLAN CHECK FEE :::i:' rr lh,SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. ofStories OYgsize of Bldg. sflOl (Total) sq. Ft. C,2 Fire Sprlnklers Requlred [y6s !ftqAPPLICATION ACCEPT€ D EY PLANS CHECKEO AY OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: B;"il.ru"'t,-O- . NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW'THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERM'T DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 4a Nrl tqz, SOI L REPORT OTHER (Speclly) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION CASH l-''' - '' cALTFOiNTA 91101 M.O. TEMP. F ILE FEORO€R FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING oFFtctALs o 50 so. Los RoaLEs I PASAoENA,Form lOO.l 9-69 ?OWN OF VAI LT DAILY BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT q] Biuldins: Li c n*\e,{\D f;*\*-r,_ contnacto:r: \( UJ oLTen_ Penmit No: t\rp'fCr)Issued t 0e., 27, /na t-r') o /l : '''./ -'-t' "\er\ooDate fssued: \ \ lr lr 1- aH r b b.e-,,- ( \o rP. ./T0Eg-rors cat-too /,t tr.) tu*ts / SAlrt oFfl 4e W^-c-cs A,8,. d. c- Bs Z><4 ' s ("J' @ ut/ sU" GY P. tsD, €'A. 5" s p.r^"!"J <-ec{'*1 - TA (6ro.c- sroe - N r I-_v- APPROVED As Per Sec. 302 (C), U. B. C. Dale llon e?rre.. By . -f,- - - -*&----... VAIL BUILDING INSPTCTION DEPARTMENT N0TE: This Set of APProved Plans Required To Be 0n Job At All Times During Construction. O-l-H. frH===EE;fi r;E=E IE; a3 (Jrz.=.oz.l- = !r-z.E-, 4cr>E f- :tr -)E, t_ nOOtsa-b# eZl*Jz. <. o- CL --t.Hb62. ,r,ro?*o PERMIT nppucir,oN rrTo1o7 Jurisdiction of TOWN 0F VAIL tL/ 27 / 70 to complete numbered sPaces onlY. J BvtLot'v 1[see lrucr eo sreetl I oEscR. lrceNSE No, 3 Orr uat., LIC ENsE NO.ARCHITEC' OR DESIGNER L IC ENSE NO. EN G IN EER USE OF AU I! DiN G 8 CIAS Of WOrK: tr NEW E NOOITIOII tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR f] MOVE tr REMOVE + 10 Change of use lrom l1 Valuation o{ work: $ a, ^' ..ZOO SPECIAL CONDITIONST No. ofStories One size ot Bldg. ShOP (Totart sq. Ft. 620 Fire SDrinkl6rs Reoulred [y65 fi46APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY:aE OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES. NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLTCATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BETRUEAND COBRECT.ALapAovrsroNs oF LAws AND oRDtNANCES covERNlNG THls TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT CREEUME To crvE AUTHoRtr..', ro vloLATE oR cANcEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. irGNATURaoF coNtRAcroi oR AUTHoirzE0 AGEr{T (DArE) WHEN PROPEFLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR P€RMIT PERMIT VALIDATIONM.O.PLAN CHECK VALIDATION N,\".:'tD INSPECTOR REoRDER FROM: INTERNATTONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOINGForm 1OO.1 +69 oFFlctALs a 50 so, Los RosLEs a PAsaDExa. caLlFoRxla 9llot [-.: I ftotts rcnl gra /32/6J /Pnoject ( es oFFtee Cturtuoe\ / TRee nrps eatrnnwnnsD^1e?-? NOI'/ TOWN OF VAIL Building Permit Supplement tAl r, Vvpt L*so llt,u , s ALE! lu 6 p-,.of the above mentioned pnoject do heneby certify that I have nead and undenstand in fu1l the following excenpts fnom the Unifonm Building Code (UBC): )11o 'u. A.Sec. 302 (a) Sec.302(c) Sec. 30t+ Sec.305D. Approved plans and specifications sha11 not be changed, nodified, on altened with- out authorization from the Building urrt-c1a-1 . No pennit pnesuming to give authonity to violate or cancel provisions of this Code sha1l be valid. The issuance of a penmit' shall not prevent the Building 0fficial fnom theneafte:r nequiring the connection of erno::s on from pneventing building ope:rations being cannied on when in vio- fation of this Code on of any othen on- dinance of the Town.. Inspection cand sha1l be read and filled out in fuIl where ::equi::ed. No work shalJ. be done beyond the point indicated, and signed by Inspecton. Inspection cand shall be maintained until Certificate of 0ccupaney has been issued and then neturned to Building Inspection Office. Building Official sha1l be notified, in wniting, of any portion of the str:uctune on building to be pne-fabricated off- site. Such pne-fabnication facitities shall have a centificate of appnoval fnom fCBO on be inspected by the Building Official pnion to the stanting of wonk. CERTIFIED BY: ED 5,1o 6 December" 31r 1970 '.). ' ,.. i . ': a t2 A *-*--'-- :"il l,Vail AssociateoI Ino. ,P.0. Box 7Vail, Colonado, 81657 LionsHead Centen Gentlemen: 0n Decernben 3, 1970, I nade above subject bullding and conformitiee: Condorniniurne: a finaL inspection of the found the following non- not meet code fon re- a?, $F -"---'-,,'*'''4 a Second stain requined fnora exit balcony. Opening ar:ea of windows in all bednooms insuffi-cient.. Total of Five (5) squane feet with twenty- two (22) inches mininum dJrneneion ::equined. No ventilation in all kitchens except fo:r Noe. 209 and 809. Spinal staine to lofts do quined exit. Railing on spiral stairs nust have rnaxirnum opening of.nine (9) lnchee between balustene Utility roome on second and thind floors nean ele- vaton have no mechanical ventilation. Janiton closets next to utility noolns requlne fi:rep::ooflng at pipe chase; netal cover plate over cleanout; and fineprooflng at floon anound pipes and at slop sink. The sarne is nequired at east connidon' third fl,oo:r. No Dry Standpipe. t .a 'l :." Lionollead Center Decernber 31, 1970 Page 2 9fl t7 ic Corrnerei.rl: Intenior wall in nonth side of comne:rcia1 anea muet have ono (1) hour fir.e code gvpsum boardgoing all the way to ceiling. AJ.I public bathnoons shall rneet the nequiner:renteof Section 1711 of the U.B.C., which requi:res cienamic tile on equal on wal.ls. 'llunerous areas in walls anrl callinlTs are to be patched to meet fi:repnoof in51 nequireti,ents. Electrical panels ane not conpLete at west end. No rneehanical ventilation in orlne:ls I stonage rooma Ln basenont. l{o cleanouts at sone 90o elbows in waste line. Second exit fi:orn bollon noom is locked fnom the elnong slde. Lock rnust be renovecl orn neversod. llo ventilatlon at e]-evaton shaft. Fite hoso cabinets ln basement are not marlied. Iteme To Be Checked Laten: ilechanical ventilation fon corr:ect flow. A Letter certifying the asceptance of spninklen systen fr:om Mountain States fnopection Buneau, on equal . this office when the items listed heneinat which tlne''I will rnake the final tii i) l/ $P\ -- - Please notifyare comected rinspoct ion. Reopectfully, TO'rlll 0F VAIL/rt 1+ , t>',t/ /,y'// ' 't* Ed St:.uble,Building Official ES/ah t Vail Assocl.ateg, Inc. P.O. Box 7Vail, Colonado 81657 SUBJECT: Ski Shop at LionsHead Center Gentlemen: Januany 12, 1971 Penmit No. 1270115 On January 1.2' 19?1, I made an inepection of the above eub- i;"i-;;;;utriri iii"-6ottto"ot"n, Jin- cnaig' TIe follorring iterne shalL u" .o"o"otea pt'foi to iseuance of a Centifi- cate of OcouPancY: l.) MechanJ.cal' ventilating Eyster'r naqul'redi 2) A11 fixed glass wi'ndorve shall be pnotected by a ban on proiective screen on each exposed side' 0n my initial final inspection of the total building in- O"""rl.o, I did not meniion the ventilating system r"equlred in this anea beci"." Vou had such a system-on- the south side oi tllu sarne flooo.- Cirtt"uquently, I assurned that this svsten would be used fon both eides. irte r:equi-r:emen!- of the inpact ii""-"i-"ir rix"a gi""u windows wae missed. The glass doons into thie area ane"one-quanten inch (\") temponed,plate' i"a tt is type oi grass *itrrln the area invol'ved will not require irnpact bans. when the above connectiona are conpleted, please call for a ii""f inspection pnion to the issuance of an Occupancy Pennit. Respectfully ' TOWN OT VAIL ,/lt r* tn4] )a/il4 Ed Str.uble r'Bulldlng 0f,flclaI ES/a}t oc *Iira Craigl , * vArL AssocrATEs,?*.. MATTERS PENDING WITH TOVIN OF VAIL To be diScussed ,JanuarY 24 ' L97I r. certificate of occupancy for LionsHead centre BuiJ.ding. II. Certificate of occupancy for GondoLa Ski Shop Space, LionsHead Centre Building. III. Annexation and platting of Katsos ProPerty - future requirements a) Action stePs bY VAI b) Action steps bY T.O.V. rv. vail,/LionsHead 2nd a 3rd Filings, future requirements a) Action stePs bY vAr b) Action steps bY T.O.V. V. 10th Filing (Tract B, Block 3, Lot A) - resume steps for platting - future requirements a) Action StePs bY VAI b) Action stePs bY T.o.V. I I I r MATTERS PENDING lIH TOWN OF VAIL . To be discussed tnuary 24, I97L Page Tlro VI . Town of Vail, property dedication - Post Office sale -future requirements a) Arrange meeting with Harrington & Post Office to dis- cuss renewal of Post Office option. b) Action steps by VAI c) Action steps by T.O.V. VIII. Paving I L97l (see attached letter) 1. Hornsilver Circle 2. Wil-low Place Circle 3. Beaver Dam Circle 'a.Ef. Brrlt srto t+tip -llr* t.+f I I \ +'n.P+o\ ,l' '".. g The Town of VAXF,, Colorado ilox 631 . \zail, Colori:rlr: . 3{,1i5,' .--. Telephonc 303 475 - 51.13 December 15, 1970 Mr. Richard Peterson. PnesidentVail Associates, fncVail , Colorado --.:,.---,---. --: .,-.- :.* ::: . - . l *:: faline Pnojects Dgar Dick: - _-:-- '- 'Per our meetingr you are av/are that thene are portionsof cer-tain subdivisions which wer"e platted and dedicatedto the Town, but have not been improved beeause of al-ack of development in the areas. These alreas need now to be gnaded, constructed and paved,It is a feeling of the homeowners in this area that VailAssociates made cornmitments to pave these roads. It is my suggestion that Vail Associates and the Town cooperatein this ventune, as we have done in the past. I am planning to pave the following nesidential areasthis summer:: Hornsilven Cincl-e Willow Place Ci::cle Beaven Darn Cincl-e The costs and bneakdowns fon these lows: projects ane as fof- Hornsilven Ci:rcle i Base and Matenials Labor', Machinery, Engineering, Dnainage $5,360.00 1. 2. 3. Beaver Dam Circle Base and llatenials Mdchinery, Labon,Elgineering, Drainage $0, zoo. oo 4r045.00 STf;Z4s-.To- ' :. o - - Mr. Richa:rd December 15 t Peterson I970 Willow Pl-ace Cinc1e Base and Materials Machine::Y, Labort EngineLnilg r _ Drainage $5,5oo. oo with oun be willingto satisfY .'.. truly Youlrs t THE TOWN OF VAIL -4,h/,/ terceLL/tt. Mingen Town M/nagen TJM:nn !,i I I I I I I I 3.t+l8 .00 5_s;flEfT'O' The Town plans to improve all-these areas ;;; ;;a- "-qtip*"ti' irould vail Associates ti"plv-r.i-sb-+0 -iercent of .ll::' projects ,ii"it' a"u.ropt"nt cost eonmitments? r"'t.l Il I tI I I \)(. 9!. Ro.^ , 3 The Town of vi "/-: - --- Bor 631 ' Vaii' Coioracio @/ .g TelePhorre 3oi t.il . Sit,-i 7 - -<o 13b/$ iir'it""' 3oi 1i6 -(UERv" nleembe:: 31' 1970 Vail Associates, Inc' P.0. Box 7 Vail , Colorado 8L657 SUBJECT: LionsHead Center Gentlemen: On December 3, 19?0t I made "Uou" subject building and conformities: a final insPection of the found the following non- Condominiums:Condominrums: ) Second stair requir:ed from exit balcony ;::l:,":""" ;'i;."; ;i;*.."".ms insuffi- . I H-/'? cient . rotar .' ';i;; i ui . "t:ii:-t::L,Y:l: .t*""7; '),.tt ol"',ttcrenl . r e Lcr'r \Jr r+-- | required.il;'-aiz ) incrres minimum dimensron 'u,..".1'( a"/"2/) No ventilation it_u}t :ir;"7i7,""wf"::82- n/- e.- , 2 0 9 and AO9 . ,tt-.t z--A t- o spirar stairs to lofts d" "?P'..Y::t^":2Zt:.-""A /e 'Z I Iay*r*;-";;,"7:_ ,-/ r Railing on sprraf stairs must-naye -1axi;un1 .ov$n)\?'l * ./ .' .,, .- -.../of nine (9) inches-l.l*""" balusters ' /24-'--- u/ 7 : /. /o'o/t/''t(7" -,/. Utifity rooms on second and third'floors ney "lp- '/ '/ vator have no *"";;;;;;r ventilation' ' '"-''--'/ t' ( '-^1 Janitor closets next to utility rooms require I / '"-Z i fireproofing at ;i;; ;;;"]-n'tt"r cover plate i over cleanout; ";i"i:-i"p""ori"g_"t floor around pipes and at.srop-sint<" The same is required 'tit'east cornidor, third floor' t i J-t- .'- J'?-'t ol f '227e "' i t I LionsHead Center December 31 , 1970 Page 2 1 la Cornmercial: of Section l-711 of the U.B.C., which gequj-ne cenamic tile on equal on walls. Interior wal1 in nonth side of commencial anea must have one (1) hour fir:e code gvpsum boardgoing all the way to ceiting . l4-;- J-u-''/ lt2--4-/ A1l public bathrooms shall meet the nequinements tl Numenous areas in walls andpatched to meet firepr:oofing "# ^-2)-- ceilines ane to be lZ Electnical panels ane not cornolete at west end.-t- t;-...."--.( -d7- Z.t-.-X- 62- aZ2*Lt 11 No mechanical ventiLation in owners I s,toraee"' rooms in basement.,J.-,"-,-- ,a..2 lf - at some 90o elbows in waste l-ine . zltz /+arJ./, / fnom boilell room is locked f::om the Lock must be nemoved on revensed.;;-;.;;;.e': / F-. U-G- ,---*-J y 2"u ,4 No cleanouts t-at <-.t o.t /t Second exit wrrong s1oe. No ventilation at elevaton shaft. Fine hose cabinets in basement are Itens To Be Checked Later: not ma:rked. Mechanical ventilation fon correct f1ow. A letten eertifying the. acceptance of sprinklen system fnom Mountain States Inspection Bu::eau, or ecual. Please notify this office when the items listed herein are coruected, at which tine I wil-l nake the fina-inspection. Respectfully, TOWN OF VAIL ,,'A 1-+- 't ,7,( -7{.tr,n,(c Ed Struble, Building Officiai ES/ah ll' t7 r l F I i i \-_-z .a--z--..- ;* f, rf. 'I', ){e,cVnuas ftr'nvu'pcrrup11,36 o7/tat t t_6]r/ PF VArr- V Mu ilauo gt6s7 ',,., .rr..-.: r!r+'rJr,. ) : r-j t*,,o,,0 1'1,, K :.:'.r' lr r./ lb,],9.7e. ,^ r,lorl/t on"lJEbp. (rrup. / Lrf i*:' .tti'r.J ,,. . . ,. .r**, . . ':..!rr}t::;i:,J],aI.1 .. . i-.!rty,t " "= >< bl ,g ' 'i ,.ryr {il ): ,.- . i-....r :i,Ixr" .i f er'fl,i i crn.rr r--l (Jlhet" , ii'. -,, t.'trt r. , ; . . cu.llr'nll,t' +t." 6"i;"1-; ;;; c- *+,"."tC;,";-A;';., ollenJrnq $r,e rz|^opeseJ uw.L. Tlt.... t^A..,/ Lo ),-,. -.1,^l,Ic$enJ,nl *t5' $"f:iJ *iL,'fh7e, ry/' b. +)^".71,xh,I Irqra- ti i.D"tJ / \ou y tr'I Do-.J BERNARD WAYNE LORANCE ARCHITECT ENGINEER 'T..-^ t' 1n?a\U lttle 't , LJ I tJ Tweedy and Mosley Atto:-'neys and Counsellors at LawSuite 2112 Denver U.S. Center r ,.,'tt t<t nal-tt.r:\, Denver, Colorado 80202 Attention: Mn. James H. Moslev Dear" Mr. Mosley: The meetifg was heLd with Mr. chanles Bynum on the morning of June 4,1970 to discuss the code compliance problems on the Vail tionsHea<lCondominium. The following is a summary of that meetir.g: 1. The bujldine shall have a vertical fire separation frcn t_-: r_- bottom , if po=ci ble; from the f irst f loor line to -:l:e :c; : i :.-.:building is mandatony. The ventical wa1l sepanation shail ecuai atwo hour fire rating. Doons on all openings shall also bear an equi-valent rating. This is to divide the buildins into approxinatery onehalf the area now constructed. 2. The roof construction is okay as is, if item 1. above 9. existing construction of the top floons exte::ior wall_sitem 1. above is performed. Howeven, construction of thecommencial spaces exterion wal1s shall be made to be equalhoun fire resistance rating. is pe::fonrned. 1 C a\L.ltt | 1- first floor"to a two '$,, ,f rt +.i:,4 i 4. For code nequirements we may construct this buildino as forrr ft-oorsin height 5. Smoke proof enclosures are not needed. 6. Intumescent Mastic Spray fire proofing on the boiler room ceilines ,,-: I T 1-^ ^1---- c^-^ -- - L ---,- -cJwr-rJ- De oKay ror one hour f ire pnoofing. 7. This fntumescent Mastic Spnay will be installed on all first floorcolumns contained in the exterion wa1ls before sheet rockine isinstalled. I B. We are to correct rlanr.c nranianf .'--, -..€, over 9. We are to corr:ectexist with combustible the fire stai::s that have the swine of the exitthe stair tneds. the fire place clearances so that no hazanCs matenials. page 2 10. The P::omenade Deck euard rails ar:e to be corrected to rneet code cleanances. 11 . No vents will be requir:ed in the kitchens. (Vaniance g::anted) 12. The bednoom windows as now installed ane okay. (Variance gnanted) 13. The cinculan stains senving the loft alrea are also okay. 14. Second per:mit rnust be issued befone work is resumed on this building. 15. Al-1 futune work connected with nodifications to meet tenant nequire- ments a:re to be separ^ate building pernits. If and when each of the difficulties henein are corlrlected and done in accondance with code requirements from here on r a final Centificate of ooeuoancv will be issued bv the Town of Vai1. ' Be:rnand f,rlavnb Lonance Architect/Enginoer BWL;rao CC: Chanles G. Bynum, P.E.Building 0fficial The Town of Vail l I ,June 1, 1970 Hr. B. t{. Lor.'anoe 901 Shcrnnren Denvcn, Colorado 80203 Dcar lb. lonanocr Dnolorcd plets.. flnd the srinutoa of, thc Board of Bu!.Idlng Agpcala datcd ilartuary 8, le?0p rcgardl.ng the Ll.ongHqed Ccntcz' Bullding. If we can bc of f,unthar aiaLrtancc SlnccnlcyS Ruth 0lron Sccrttlr1y to thc Enoloauncg (1) plcaac do not hcgltatc to oall-' Bulldlng Offtotal / _!re The Town of VAIL, Colorado >-1,-z^&Ilox 6.11 . Vail, Colorado . 81657 -fclenlronc 303 1t'5 - 5('13%;r'e January 19, 1970 TO: VATL BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: CHARLES G. BYNUM, BUILDING OFFICIAL RE: LIONSHEAD CENTER Regarding the vaniance g::anted on the LionsHead Centen (Sink Condominium), in rny opinion the Boand of Appeals acted without authority in sevenal instances. The function of the Board as regar:ds the Buil-ding Code is to determine the suitability of alte:rnate materiaLs and methods of construction and to pnovide for neasonable interpnetations of the provisions of the Code. Changing f i:re protection or stnuctural nequirements can not be conside:red as falling unden the duties or powers of the Boardt --r -|-r^.'- -: - :,.^-l-clr,\r LrrrD ro J LrD u what has been done--especially in changing the type of a building in orde:: fon the owner to construct a less fire resistive building. The result of this action is that we have a non-conforming building which is nearing completion. According to the nules of the Town, a centificate of occupancy is requir:ed befo:re the building is occupied. Such a cer:tificate means that the build- i.ng has been constructed in acco:rdanee with the Code andt inasmuch as this building has not been so constnuctedr I do not see how it is possible fo:: me to issue such a certificate. Enclosed ane copies of the vanious lettens which have been written on the subject building. Char:1es G. Bynum, P.E. Building Official Enclosures: Entire file on subject building, to date OFFICE COPY-- DO NOT REMOVE ..o C MINUTES OF THE MEETING BOARD OF @9u tLO tN 6 nPP€Acs , JANUARY A, 1970 The Meeting was called to order qt 3:20 p. m. in the Vail Fire Station by Chairman Krox, with members J. Robert Young, Robert Clark, Theodore Poliac and Mitehell Hoyt present. Per a motion by Ted Poliac and second by Bob Young, the minutes of the previous mleting (November II, 1969) were read and unanimously approved. B. I CASE NO.HRefer to attached Agenda) A. No variance necessary. J. At Mr. Sink's request, the last item on the agenda was moved forward to clari-fy some of cire preceding items. Mr. Sink explained i his position on why they wanted to apply for a Type V construetion instlad of Type IIi. noU Voung maae motion, seconded by Ted Poliac, to consider horizontal separation as meeting the requirement to malre this a Type V construction. The motlon was unanimously approved by ail Board members--except Mitch Hoyt, who abstained. B. The architects agreed to comply with this item. C. Ted Pollac made motion that a variance for no windows be approved; the motion was seconded by Bob Clark an<l unanirrro'rsly approverl by all Board members--except Mitch Hoyt, who abstained. D. Ted Poliac moved. that the folding partitions that the arehiteets have Installed be aceepterl; Bob Young seconded the motion, which was unanimously approvedby all Boarrl rrbrnbers--er'eept Mitch lloy;' who abstalned. E.TedPoliacmoved,andBobClarkseconded,thatthearchitects must comply with the nine-inch requirement as set forth by the Cq*: . Ivtrolion was unanimo"*fy "pp"oved'6y all Board mestbers--except Mitch Hoyt, who abstained. F. Ted Poliac moved, and Bob Young seconded, that this variance be granted based on reinterpretatlon of the Code. Wilh the exception of tutit"tt Hoyt, who abstained, ail Board members unanimously approved thls motion. G. Bob Young made motion, and Ted Poliac seconded, to grant-a varlance fOr no vents in the elevatOr shafts. V.rria.nce unanimously approved, except for Mr. Hoyt, who abstained. H. Bob Young moved, and Bob Clark seconded, to grant a variance on this item. Board unanimously approved--except Mr. Hoytt who abstained. I. Ted Poliac made motion, and Bob clark seconded, to pass the variance for not travinq dry standpipes; this qas un3nim5rusly approved except for Hoyt, wtro a'ustained, If the Fire Department desires siamese conneetlon, they wiII add such connection' With no further business to be discussed, the meeting adjourned at 5:00 p. m. R espec tfully submitted, George Knox, Jr. /Acting SecrelarY -o 1" A' ri o fornce coPy --DO NOT REMOVE I. AGENDA BCARD CF APPEALS METTING THURSDAY, JAN. g, 1970' 3:00 PM VAIL FIRE STATIC N Aporoval of Vrinutca ' Prcvioue Mecting. l[. Charles S. Sink, Architect for the l,ionsHead Center Puildtng, reoue$ts variaoce for the f:llowinc items. A. Plang did not inCicate thlt the parkin.{ garaae was ooen on two sides and so tlre plan check called fcr a mechanical exhauEt cysterrr. N vlriaace on this item i: aecesail!v. F. .5teel colu.n:ns auoporting tbe structrrre should be indivi- dually fire orotected. Table N.. 43-..: rf the Code spella out the methode of pr:tecting steel colu:r-,ns wtrich are reguired to he Drotected individually-becruse steel lceec ite atrength when heated and will ben'l and collapse, u bici,', could cause deatruction of the entire structure, C. 'Section 1305 ( ) calls for kitchen v,indows to be I'not less than l? Bouare feet, n'cr one-eighth o.f the floor area.t' Thie is a li3ht and veotilatioo reruir€rrr€Dt and ie a rninimum. D. In tbe loft arele , foldin:q partitions bave heen designed to : eparate portions of ttre living area. Tl: e architect callg tbese orivacy gcreens and hae nct talien intc ccnsider3tion the fire resistive rec uir err.,.ents called for in Section l?05(r) which ctateg, trReqardlese cf the fire resistive leruirements for Derrriancnt 2a!r'tlttiJrls, partitions dividinl Dortions of storee,rffices, cr sirt,iler ol:r:.ee o<,crrpicd !-y one tenant only, and rlhich do not estel:lie i:, a corridor servlrr.l an r.lccttpant load of 30 or more. rrlay be conetructed of: l. I:rcomtrustir-.'le materialg. ?., Fire- ret'rrdlnt treated wood. 3. One-hour fire-resietive construction. tr E. Ttre luard rails on the Sun Deck to not corr:ply with the reouirerrrents of Section 17L4, wbich states, Itell unenclosed floor and roof openinj;si open and qlazed sides of landings and stairs; balconiee anC 'rorches which are rnore than 30 inches above ,'rade . . . abill be urotected !r1' a Suard rail. Grrard rails for stairs ebeLl. l:e not less than 30 iaches above tbe nosing of the treads. :!l ctL:er guard raile eball be not tess than 35 inches in heigl't. i ^en guard railg s..rall l:.rve interrrrediate rails or an ornamental u:ittern such that no object 9 incbes in diam-eter can DasB. throuqir tl:e :,uard rail. tt 'r, is is a orotective require- rr:ent to Dreve'nt e'rnall children from falling through and ehould be enforced. T1:e architect thinke it to be overprotective for skiers. but children could very poasil,ly be on e Sun Deck. F. Cne-hour enctosul.eg for floor openinijs are reouired in Trlpe LII, one-hour !:uilding, which this one ie aupoosed to be. Srrcb fire protection b:ra not been provided to the loft areag !:ecatrge the architect considers thie to L.e gerving only one tenant. .tiay vertical opening acts as a flue from one level of a building tc another iu case of a fire and cbould be protected ae Gpecified in order to Drevent the apread of fire. / { ic ,.) G. Section 3002 states rttitt.rlls and oartitions enclosins ele- vators and escalatots ahatl be of not less than the fire- regietive construction requircd urrdqr frlpea of C:ngtruction in Part V. Enclcsiog wallg of elevat'-rr ghafte u).:ry consiEt of wire glass set in r.r:etal lrarnes on the entrance side only. Flevator ebartg extending through nrore tban trlo etories ehall be eeuipne<l vrit'.r an a,rproved rneans of ventilation to and through tho rnrin r:oof of th6 building. " Thc arciiitect gtatE6, rrVre do nbt want dbld air from. the bagemeni running uo 6r down the elevator ahaft. rr , If the shaft were not ventilated a person could die of aspbyxia- tion in a stuck elevator. H, Section 3302(a) states, "In all occuPanciea, floors above tire first story heving an occupant load of rlore than l0 ghall have not lega tban two exitg.rr The architect contendg that the ioft areas have less than l0 occuDant load and therefore only one exit is reauired. I agrce with the architect on this item'' ' Ir Section 3€03 reouires Itevery building four or more storiee in heigbt shall kle e:ruipped with one or n'.ore dry atandoioes.tl This is algo a reouirerrient of ttre National Fi're Protective gssociat!on. Tl-.e architect says, rrVle have wet standoipea. '"'hy vrould we need another set of dry stinJoioes?rr S:ction 38C5 reouires wet standpii>ea also, evidently in addition to the dry standpipes. J. E'ue to the heieht of ttre building it i-nust be claraed ae,a T"rpe III, oue-lr,Jur bullding. Table l?'rl , which epells out fite- !esistive reouiret:r'e ttt9, says that exterior non- bearing v,alls rnay.be of two-hour fire- re e i€1iv tr .incorr:buetiblc.cotr-siruition. .Ti:e.exterior walls of this building atc non-bearlng 'eut rfot two-buui. intr<.rnrbrretlble constrtrction and therefore do not cor;.ply .nith the Fuilding Ccde. r .. , III. Any other brrsincts that may come betore the Boafd. IV. rr djouSnmcnt. I cdE i car L2 | 7,Ll 6j itlv Jl e ce* !:e r ?,?. , l.) (',o Ti-F FCAITf C F FIIILIIING ;\PPEAL': ]'ecause e lch of vou ic"; 'rot have 3 cor-Jy cf tLre E uildinq llcde, I l;v, sen,ling you tl'rie letter rl ctring the rules .jrn-l )owers of the Po.rrl of ',:roeals as ;)erta.ins to tr,-r e FuilCinrr Code. 're.ction 204. In crder to Jetertrrine the e uit-r.'rilitv of :lternete 'ir.r te li a_I_s rnd rrrethods o.f qo! xt_r-tl*ielr an.-l to'rro-v-iJe for reasonrble :g-tg1p1q!ations of tlre 9r-9yi9*i-.o-ns of this C?l-u, there sb:ll be rnd is l'ere':y createil a Ptar':l of lr rrpeals, consi:tinl of five n err bers \rr'.o lre :rr rlifiel by exoerience -in:l trrininq to olss uaon ii--atters rertlining to l:uild inq constructio,:r. 1'tre F uildinr: '' ificirl rl-,:rlI he 3.n ex- off icio ir. enrl-,e-r an.J shall "lct .is -ecretrry to tl:e I oar<] . Tlie F ^ar.l of ,''':,re.rls s!-:-r.11 be ;rooointecl by the 14.ryor a. n.l shaII hold office at his cle'lsure. Ti,e F oarC s,iall ldopt reason;rl:le rules anrl requl.,rtions for conrJucting its investigatioas and shall r'ender ;ill decisions antl fir-rCings in r.,;ritiirr to the Pt illin., r fficial with a Cupliclte seer,r to the :loli- <;.tnt rn:l i1a.lv reco:7 ,,.end to tl:e City Council such ne!. leqisl.rti:J'1 ;1s is c.in s i stent there.rriti,. I' \' ;rr vrill rrote tl-r rt ti'ele ;rre tu/o functions of the Foarl whicl' l'ave l-s1p1 r q, 111 c' y li n e r.l in t1'ta' 1!rrrve '.lrrrlt,rtion. C,'-:-rnl,iirg fire trrotectiotr or sl rr-rr:tur-rl .q.,rrir€,:, eotr c.rnnot be c.:nsideteI rs fallinq ulrder tf'e 'lrriies or por',,ers 9f the r -ard, aur'! this ll-,'ou.ltl be l'eot in il'inC as 'r rrr' .Irr'>ellatrts r',ill :lk ;rcu to do just th.ir, /s./ C!-.arler C,. Pvnur', P. F ilecretarr,r t,> tlre P,.>;r l'r-1 ()(iP'r';rr 5? To Insure Inspection the same day call: 476-5613 before 11:00 A M DO NOT COVER UP ANY WORK NOT INSPECTED rNsPElN REooRn BUILDING DEPARTMENT Vail. Colorado 1v)i_t_:.IrK i-;, Phone 476-5613 /\: ' bt t li:t, ll/'1" it ,l i i ,tL '\ | Notice: Ifispections will not be made unless this card is posted on the job. ALL subcontractors must be licensed and sign this card to obtain insnection. Concrete I Heating Electrioal Plumbing I I Roofing Dry Wall or r,' thing I I T0 c0tttPtY tTrTH c0DE INSPECTION RECORI) Inspection To obta'n in;pections call 4?6-5613. Inspections wiil be made the same day 6n calls before 11 A. M' No inspectlon will be made on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays. Date Approved Rejeoted BY Inspections will not bo maile until permit has been secured and contrac- ior has signed and placed his llcense number in the speces a,bove. ]Footings I Eleotrical Heating -/?-.71) Notice: Certificate o,f Occupancy and Compliance must be ob- tained befor€ structure is occupied. I o 8IATE OF CALIIONiIA courrr 0r L08 AtoELEs 8S AIIIDAYIT I r Jobn llorac , hevlng beca. flrct iluly rrorn , ilirpoae tnll lrt r 1. |Ihat f an Chlcf Plan Cbcel lnglnccr for thc Iatcrna- tlonal Coafcrcncc of Bulldlng Offlclrla, jO Bouth Lot,7 Roblcr, Pared.cnr, Callfornta. My ilutlca rcqulre lt to rcvler planr, ealeulatloal, apcelflcatlona, aail othcr pcrtlncnt ilata for conforlaacc rltb tbe Unl_ forl Butlillng Coilc for urc in bcneflt of Claga A uer_ bcra of thc fnternatlonal Confcrcacc of Bulldlng Offlctelg. I also rupcrvtre othcr plan ebcc&'crg tn tblt typc ol rort. Tbc lorn of yatl, Colorado, har bcen a Claec A acnbcr of tblt organlrettou elncc l|ay 1969. .I bevc btea ln ny prGscnt poottton for flvc years rnA prcrlour crpcricacc lu tblr llne ol rorL l,r ar fol_ lorr r Octobcr 1955 to JaDuart 1960 - Dcpartncnt of Eutlillug and Bafcty, Ctty of Lot Aagclct, Calllornlt Jrnuuy 1960 to Hry 1963 - ylcc prcrtilcnt tn Cbargc o? lnglnccrtag prrotlccr Drlton-Delton /c.rlv6) . " 1ql0.FC !;' '- \,). \.9,:". - { 2. 2. Aagoclates, Arehltcet aail Englnecre, Loa Angele!, Callfornla Uay 1963 to lfovcnbcr 1965 - Aeeociatc, Eugcnc D. Burnbaun and Areoclatee, Etructural Eaglnccrr, Los Angclcr, Callfornla Ilovenber 1965 to ilatc - Prcecnt porltlon. Plan Cbeck llo. ?E33 concernlng thc Llonfr Ecrdl Ceatcr proJaet tn Yall, Colorado, ra! rcvtcyed undcr ty ill- rcct lupcrviaLon ?ron plane aubltttcll by tbc Tovn of Yall, Colorad.o. Thc rcvlcr var donc at tbc rcqucst of ldr. Cbarlcg Bynun, tbc bullillng offlctal lt that tl.ne. lhc lctterg addrcaceil to l{r. Bynuu ilatcil Ilovcnber 13, f959, lnal Dcccnbcr 31, 1959, rcllcct our connents conecrnlng aoncolpllance of planr vltb tbc 196? EilltloD of tbc Unlforn Bull,Clng Coite. Our eonnente 6onteineil ln our Deccnbqr 31 | L96g, let- ter arc rtlll vellil rlth rcf,crcncr to thc 195? Unlforn Butldlng Codc, as alenileil by the Torn of Yall , Colo- railo, ead aa illseloccal by' naterlslc gubnlttcd lncluillng the l.nforuatton rupplleil by Mr. Cbarlca S. Etah la blr letter to lrlr. Bynua ilatcil Dcccnbcr I, 1969, e coDt of rbleb I bevc rr?lrrsal.. llc hevc rccclvcd no alatr or tblr proJcat riacc Dccclbrr L9. Lg6g, 3. 3. It. Ibc data lubntttcd and ravlcreal , aod upon rhleb tbta rf flilarit lg baeeil eonlllts of tbe follovlng: (a) Onc sct of planr vhleh rcra rcturncil to tbc llorn of YelI , Colorailo r oD r or about , tlovcnbcr 13' 1959. (t) Orillnanccr llor. 6 and 9 of thc 'llorn ol Vrll, Colorailo, 1959 Eerlcr . (o) t|r. Etnlre lcttcr lcnttoacil prcvlJurly, rhloh rrr rcoctvcd ol Dcccnbcr f9, 1969. ) )* _ ."-r. +..".rr! fo aa, c ( Individual) STATE OF CALIFORNIA couNrY or-Lol i'ng919q oChlcf Plrn Cbcct Englaecr EllI I dfa Y l knorn to nc to bc thc perlon - whoac n... i! cubrcribe{ to fte within instrum€nt and rcknowledgcd thtt hl cxccutcd thc rame. WITNESS ny.hrnd end oficiel ,R HARRIET LEFKOFFtlt-da:\affiif# *o'nil,,,1i;i' oi,,.'l'1f;*n'^ \$S/ ccuNrY ot I'os ^NGClEs*i-r r'*,on EXPI!!' a11ryjz3_ # offlclAL sEAL or Prlntcd) (til. rtr ft? ri.l.l n.lr||l .{t) Novcnbcn 18r 19?0 Hn. Robent Nott, Real EstateVall Aesoc{atea1 fnc.P.0. Box 7Vallr Colonado 8165? RE: Slnk CondonrlnLune Dcan Bob ThLs le conflsnatlon of our telGphona oonve:reatlon regardlng flnal lnapcotion and Leeuance of Centlfl- \ ' catc of Occupanoy fon the abovc eubJect pnolect. Slnoe ' lt la Lnpoaalble to make thle lnepeotlon noo duc to my pneeent ronkloads f 1111 nakc thLs inapeo- tlon at thc end of thc Boaaon when youn bulldlng lr Icrnpty. Reepcctfully, TOI{N OF VAIL Ed Stnuble, Bulldlng Offlclal ESlah o December 16, 1969 Mr, John Nogse Chtcf Plen Check Englneer \ I.C.B.O. 50 South loe Robles , CelU. 9Il0I Re: LtonaHesd Center Plan Check No. ?833 Deer iltr. Nosse: EncloeedlsacopyotaletterIrecelvedtroaArchltectCberIess.8tt'k ln answer to Fur plan check of the subJect bulldtng. T!0 me, as Bulldlng Ofttcl,el, hls reguests are out of Une anrl constlhrte too mrrch ol a vartance from code reqrlreaents. Pleasc grlve Ee your thoughts on tlre subJect. Slrnerely, TEE TOWN OF VAIL btgnea Cherleg G. Bynum, P. E. BuUdlng Offlclel Enclosura Docombor 18, lg6lt I&. Chrrlc 8. 8IBk, Arebttcct9{l thrrman gtroet Daavlr, CO 808il$ Rs: IloilErr'ad C.dor DEr,r Ein Our ol thc rcglrrcEanta ol thc Tbrn of Vctl lr tbet r lctter bc submlttcd drtlng tbt r htldtng rlll be bllt ttr rccordancr rltb tho Unllornr Br$d- tttg Codr, Swb r l*trr hro nol bou lortbomlng tn rcglrd to tbo arbra€t hrlldtag rad tt lr obvloua thrt onr could mt br rrltten rlth tbo nunbar od mrlrnee r.glplur. Arry vrrlracr grrnbd rl thll drtrc rfild br eltcr tbo trcl, rs ths rtrrchrc lr vfrerl|y coalgrted. You lntarpctattoa of rbc beldlng eods rcctss to Ec to bG .rtreBclt ont, of srdrn You ndgbr juft r.3 fcll ery, lor cnmgle, thlt rbra tho codrcrlb tor lncEnhrttbh rrllr they rmlly do ngt E u tt rqd thlt, conhrtHG ls shrt thr ld.rpabtl$.hflld be. Ltlerl,eo, tr.rtlnE a portloa ol r llvo-otory bdkflng as e ttrrm-ltory ln ordr !o aldorlrp eodc rcqulrcnoenta Indleatrs !o t8r a grogt mirua.br|lrndtag of tbe cod,c. Tbt rest of the verllrccs you ua tcg.sdng t ll la thr rrme catrgory. I r,m sondlry a@W ol your lctlcr to LC.B.O. ln oldcr to scc rbrrt tbaybvr !o cry tn rgrrd !o lL I rtll trrt thlc mttrcr on tbe rglndr of thc Bcard ol Appdr lor tbelr rcgrlrr noetlag ss Janlrry B. Yery tnrly tsrrs, rgs To[rx op vAIt Slg:red Chrrlcl G. Bymm, P.F.. Bulldtag OfilcLl CGE/err ec! TorB ldgr; Tova Atty; VJI Aaroctrt s (Ur. Eott); Uerrboa-Gtrnrno/Vall Novcmber lu, [089 Charles S. Sink & Asaoclateo, Ai'cbltects 044 Shernrea Street Denver, CO uC203 Re: Lionrs Eead Center Dsar Srr: wltb rcference to our meetlng on the srrbject bulldlng, I ara ercIosing a glPy of the plr'a sbeck lrom the Interna0onal conlerinee of Bu$dtngOfflcllls. Anong other things, ;*ease rpts that tne exterlor wall construcuon dcesrtot contorm to code requlremcnts. Thrs tr r very serlous pnoblem fur tJre event of e {lrc and shoutd not be trkcn tlghtly just beceuie the Ctty ofDenver, urhlch ls mt under tbe Unllorm Bu$ding dcae, ,.ray tnrcrprGathtngs dltferently. The wbob -prclleq could have been avolded h^ad a complele set ot plans been submltbd end chocked .blor tro construcllorl Plea-se- raviae your plano !a accordansg wlth the code regutremento gnd l,s.13e.the^ne_c€ssary chenge ordcrs ln order to meke the idlding complyrlth the Code. Very i;ruly yours, THg TOI'NL OF VAIL , Crg-neil Charles G. Bynum, p. E, Butlding Olftclrl CGtslcsr t"-2"-r^-q--e cs: Valt Assoc y1"" t'/ l*-&G"7t^^;aet{ Uof"l'JI""t t'lz--lc1 ' ![srshon-Gkoeno, contractor d/ e.*-/- r- % fs]' '\*^J ) 5?lo WAYNBERNARD E LORANCE ENGINEER De NV |:11, *U?rll ABCHITECT 90t st"ttnblr\lt r144. tJo5 3 5 c -:'c,:ir'rrc l 30, L97O 'llr.-'Tr.i.':r c'i r,,'n i l- r)_-_ (^l.. .'. : ]-.' '|')L 1tai1, Cr,1r,;r aC-, 1,1,557 :ic: 1ia.i1 /Li: nslli-'r- r-i C::l'crc and C Jl](l :r r:ii ni'-irn rl1(1-C. Sub jcct: C:;r1c-' C,"-l:i;l1i anc<: r !r..-.J : . .- i-..: ! "1.:.-_. flric.ial Ilc a:: S ir: Il rr: lcrcncc tc ' i:e lcttr:r 'i:1r "p-^'1-1.t .iaync Lci ancc ',.f June 1:, 197(), 'L- ? 'c': tli: l' -1.;slc-.;i, a c., \,' .- I r l;icl. is :.:r ij Lc ' ,i-il -'r'.r - :'-.r'irc--. le-cl- i.Lc.', . i1r.:-1cl: ate rt i':r tl',is 1c+-1,.,.' i- . l::i:r! tl;i".; "-:::'.l.rli;rg :i:rt. c ,'-rf!.r-; rii;' :-i-ti. tl'c Uni,ir':::r: l;.rilrll-:r0 C;cie, has l'.:(.n i-nc.'r'1. -,r'aterl alil is nc',r srrh-,rtantiallir c:-::r|.1.: tc. 1'lrc lxri.l.ll j.ttg, as l{:1,- corlsti'lrcte('!, i,s iir c1 ni..:.::.tl-ty tiitlt |L-a!-';ral'In intr:i-.;rrr--tati-r)n c'i thcl Uni. fCrn tluilr)ing Coc!,0. '.y'c ."risir: at tllis tti nc, t,r thanl: ,'rcu .ic,l tlrr: ::iar1y f ioi.' j.tts cct j..r'r f ;^.i.rg v-rr erlrl '.-, ,:i' 1. '.:l_i.ci.als lravc :t:tit ,'u;-irrc tlte ,:a.St ScVc)t-ai ;r',rrt.,S fr rslr;-r'r t!r,' C,.irst|rrCLi.rtr , i tl:(: 1tr:S i;l tire a',rlrve rc.icrclrcecl iettcr: c C .fr.rnc t . S,:It,:l.r r (locs . ;tc Ira-vc srrclr e'r-c'. 1 I r'rrt crr,:--arr Li,-rt. llltlanils a.gai n . .C: . "-'.1 --1,- c.i:t :;, .'.--c. T' .:.t:')r " i1o gl Oy , l3 . Charles S. Sink & Associates 944 Sherman -.J. ._i 30"Jir"jrgfi?300e!,'in'J3".""urfli^ o *:*:fr!ilfii:,3,r December L, L969 Mr. Ctrarles G. Bynm Building Official City of Vail Box 631 Vai1, Colorado 8165 7 Dear Mr. Bynurn: The following is in answer to your letter of November 18th suggesting ruis cellaneous revisl-ons to the Lionrs Head Centre building as per a plan check from Pasadena Cal-ifornia. The nurnb ered references relate to thei-r numbered corsnents of Novemb er 13th. GENERAL COMITENTS: Wrong. The broken line is merely to linit //{. the construction contract. Property lines are in excess of 60r from the building on 3 sides. COMMENTS: 1. I,lrong. See above. O rc' 2. We disagree. See //3 below. 3. Ihis is the major hang up. To resolve it, we will separate the building horizontally according to Table 5-8. This does the following: a. tr{e can treat the H occupancy area as a separate building three stories high, Type V. construction as permitted by Table 5-D. 4. lJe do comply wirh occupancy separations stipulated by Table 5-8. a. Three hour separation between F-l and B-3, conforms with United Laboratories Bullding Materials List, design numb er 60. 5. The building does courply. 6. The buildlng does comply 7. Not required for Type V. under Section 1704. 8. Stair to Loft is Private Stair serving one tenant. Circular staLr is covered by Section 3305-e. 9. Building does conply. 10. See Item 3. Not required for $pe V. 11. Table 17-A does not require 4 hour fire resj.stive con-struction for B-3 occupancy under Type V. The requirements are t hour and the present type of Construction shown is in compliance. L2. See Section 1710. Type V. is excl_uded. 13. Ceillng envelope is one hour as requirecl. There are no coh:rnns projecting into ceiling envelope. L4, Will conpl-y. l-5. We will reques t a variance for this iteur. The garageis open to the outside on t\.ro sides. 16. We do cornply. 17. Now Type V, a. The term Party Wall on our drawings is misleading. We have no party wal1s as defined or required by code.b. We will- request a variance.c. We comply wirh 43-C-10. d. We conrply. 18. I^le w111 reques t a variance . 19. We comply. 20. We comply as per Amendment llg. /rK 2L. We cornply. 22. a . Prj.vate s tair serrring one tenant .b. Disagree. We do not rrant people on the outside of the building to run into the building as a means of egress.c. Will compl-y. d. Do conply. e. We will comply on the balconles. However, we will request a variance on the Sun Deck. This is overprotectivefor skiers. f. We comply.g. Both stairs 1-19 and 1-10 are srnokeproof.h. We conply. i. We will comply on doors designated with exit lights.j. lJe comply. Windows pivot. ..4' 23. We will request a variance. from the basenent nmning up or 24. This is a tenant problen. 25. We have wet standplpes. Why of dry s tandplpes ? !'le do not, want. cold air down elevator shaft. would we need another set 26. lle conply. 27. Ve comply with lligh Eeat Appliance Type. 28. We assume the Building Official will approve our units as provided by Section 3704. 29. Ve comply. 30. We do not have gypsum wall board exposed to the rreather. 31. We conpLy. 32. This does not apply. Ours are privacy screens that nay be omLtted. After perusal of the above, please let me know if you concur so that I may arrange to meet wlth the Board of Appeal-s re- garding Items L5, LTb, 22e, ar:.d 23. If you wish to throlt other disputed itens such as 8, 22a, 25 and 32 to the Boarcl of Appeals, lt ls agreeabJ.e to me. s,9;/ cc: ltitchell lloyt Very truly yours, 6A4-l3lO PASADENA.CALIFORNIA September 17, L969OFFIqERS PRESIOENT OTTO STEINBRENNER, JR. CHIEF BUILOING INSPEC'OR 5ACRAMEN'TO, CALI FOFINIA FIRST VICE.PRESIDENT WILLIAM G. VASVARY DIREC.rOR OEPARTMENT OF BU II.DING FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE"PRESIOENT TED E. DUKE DIREC'OF OF BUILDING ANO SAFETY B LLINGS. MONTANA JUN IOR PAST PRESIDENT LESTER J. GILLIS ASSIS]ANI SUPERINTENOENT OF BU ILDINGS SEATILE, WASH INGION IREAS URER EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING ANO SAFETY POMONA, CALI FORNIA MANAGING DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 50 SOUTH LOs ROBLES PASADENA, CALIFORN IA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOI,\/D DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO. M ICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON olREctoR DEPARTMENT OF INsPECTIONS MINNEAPOLIS, M IN NESOTA NE\/VELL POCK CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR YAKIMA. WASH INGTON RUDOLPH J. KRAINTZ COUNTY BUILOING INSPECTOR COUNIY OF CONTRA COSTA MARTINEZ. CALI FORN IA PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BU ILDING OFFICIAL COLORAOO SPRINGS, COLORADO JACK D. WHITE BU ILDING CODE ENG]NEER KANSAS CITY, M l55OU Rl DICK T. JORDAN BU II-DIN G OFFIC]AL AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BIJILOING OFFICIAL COUN'TY OF SANIA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA, CALI FORN IA EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENI. DEPARTMENT OF BUI I-OING ANO SAFETY POMoNA, cdLIFORN IA INTTRNATIoNAL CoNFERENCE oF BUILDING OrrlCllm 50 SOUTH LOS ROBLES Charles G. Bynum, P.E. Building Official Box 631 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Charlie: This letter is in reply to your communication of Sep- tember 10, 1969. A Type III one-hour building is required to have exte- rior wa1ls of incombustible construction, in accotdance r4rith SecEion 2001 of the 1967 Edition of the Uniforn Building Code. The proposal set forth in your letter would not meet this requirement, and the building would have to be classed as a Type V-N structure. If we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Yours very truly, INTERNAT]ONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFF]CIALS /^\tt/\--)/7,- -r- .,,/n__-.2 // A. 3. Lund Director of Educa Lion, Field and Publica tions AJL:hp A Nonprolit Service Orgonizolion lor lhe Moinlenonce ol lhe UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ond Reloled Ordinonces ond Qlfering Speciol Services lo Aclive Closs A Menbers 9tlor OFFICE OF THE MANAG ING DIFECTOR T. H, CARTER TECHNICAL DI RECfOR JAMES E. BIHR , CORRIDOR PROTECTION . \rrrilcrorrs irrtlriric,s h,trc been rcceived at Confert'nctr I ('ir( lqrr,rrt(.rs (ut te'nrintl pn)per fi rc-resistive protect ion Ir)r (nrrldors. lll the iotr-rr'st of unilonn interoretirtion thc folkr$,ing t'sirnrplt's [re rt curnmended. Certiirriy trulner- olls \':lriirtiorls lr(- 1xlssiblc; horvrvcr, nrost all iittrltions ciu r b(' categorit .rllv grouped into oDe of tlre t xarnple cils cs. o pt'rrtled etrilinq. Tht. fire-resistive prutt'r'tirrrr lttr tlrt' c,rrri- dor rvllls c\tclr(is from tLe floor c'ontirrrrirlh nbove tlic suspended ceiling to the fire rated floor or mof assembly. FLOOR OR NOOF A5iEMII.Y FrhE'FrAtatIvl DIIECTLY ADJorNri|G iooLs qo6FtDo|l ,St,3Panoao oElLlNc AOJoltrarc ioo$t PAOtEcllox 'E . i. .t". -.f '--}. "l'.,'t .. ll't( , r!- {". l'' t- ,'j'l ' ..1 . ,l ' '!.t i.' i These rticonrrnentled nt,nts of Sectiorr iiltX Editions of the t'r'riform considr'rcd is the use of ings. esaurples consider the reqr rire-(f1 oT both the 196{ and-tg6i Building Code. \'olume I. Also larious types of srrspended ceil, Sectiorr 33Ol ( f.r reads ia part as follorvs: Constructionr \\ alls and ceilings of corridors shall benot less than oneJrour fire-resistir6 construction, Case 1. _ Case I depicts the corridor walls exieodiDg fronr tJreIloor to the cei.ling. Fire protective materials :r"ne gpphc<I. to_eirch sicie of tlrt'corridor rvalls. The ceilinq of the cor-ridor is at tlie slrnt' level rvith the adioinirrg"roo*r. th"f.ire-resistive protection is applied direci\.to.'tt " rt ""t,.otfloor or root {rsselnbl\-, AOJOININ6 coBRrooR Case 2. FLOOR OR ROOF ASSE'SALY ADJOINING FOOM5 Case 2 illutrates a suspcuded ceiling belorv an uni)ru-. tected floor or roof assemblv. Lhe suineuded ceilini irf )tected floor or roof assembly. Lhe suipeuded ceilin! bf ,. both the corridor and the adloining ro^orns is u ooo-i""-tilating type and is. rated _Ioi fue-rEsistive protectioa. Inthis case thc corridor rvall protectiou e entls rrom thelloor to the suspended ceilin! levei orrlr'. : . - -,-. il 4. .l A9JQINING , CASE 4 ,;l ali \..rscs tJ:'e .tblluwLrg pornts s,rcul<i be remembered:l. Occupancy separatiorrs may require rnore sevcre' iire-resistive corridor wall crnstrucdon tlan that specified in Chaptcr 33., 2' Ail.finish material must conform to the iuterior llame -' sprcad clrssification requireruents of Chaptcr 42.3. The doors to tlre conidors fr<rm the adioining roonts must csmply with the requirements bf Table No.r , -., 3&8. ' ' " 4. A rated ceiling is one of those used irr conirrrrction with a floor or mof assembly as designated in T':rhleAoJorNrxc nooMs No. 43-C or as listed on a Research" Rr:comrnenda- tion card. Case 3. . (l:rsr. 3 irsslrrr1.,s a non-r:rtr:d srrs]>trrrclecl ceiljng ortrir,rllr tlrr' (\trr).k)( irncl t|r: ad joir, ing' rgorru. f " tt r, a,""ia Jire rat,,<l {knr or roof :usembh7 ".iif, f r" -,",,t.,i.t,*. lrr:rt'.rjirl rJirrr'tlv rrpllljed tIr,rr.to is jocutcd .rl^r.'.. tl,r. ir,,. 5. Ducts and other opcoings piercing rrted srunended ceilings u,hich provide protcction-for thc stnrctural assembly above, must be limitcd trer Section 4301 la1 161. Ducls iu srrt.lr (.irscs must lx, firc dlrut. ncred. 6. -Drrcts must.bc,firc dalnpcred s ht,lr ;lit'rr.,ing r',rrri<lor.\\'alls re(lulrc(l to hit\'(, lirt,-resistivc colrslr r.li|)rr ISrcti<ni ina ( c\). C]asr: .l is c.onsidi.rr.d ;rir .,\.r.1)- tion to this nrlt,. ln this carr. ditrnlcrr- u.orrll rrrrt lx. 7ar;rrirerJ in tlrosr, drrcts alrovc tie u.t1yi1fuy1 7n;1;nq Ir,t'(' l, STANDARD FOR FOLDING PARTITIONS 'Regardless of the requLrements of permanent Partitions, approved foLding or portabLe Partitions may be used subject Eo the follow- lng conditl.ons: 1. They shall not be instal,l-ed ln such a manner as to establLsh an exit corridor; block required exits (without providing alternate exits) or reduce reguired llght and ventilation. 2. The surface flanrmabillty sha1l have a flame-spread classifica- tion of II for Group D Occupancles and IIl for other occuPan- cies. Srnoke density shall noc exceed that produced by the burning of untreated wood tested under sirnilar conditions. Tests sha1l be conducEed in accordance with the procedures set forth ln U.B.C. Scandard No. 42-1 and test specimens and their method of test shall be rePresentative of conditions of use. 3. The location of such Partitions shal1 be restricted by means of permanent tracks, guldes or other approved methods. 4.' Their use sha1l be restricted to rooms occupied by one tenant only. 5. They shall be capable of being readily operable by the orvner or tenant. 6. The partition design and anchorage sha1l be sufficient so it will not pose an undue hazard to che occuPants of the room in which the partition rnay be located. Research Comnittee InternatLonal Conference of Building Officials -{\(-) ll,,\u/'n<) u2rM(.," 584-t3tO PASADENA. CALIFORNIA October 20, 7969 ?lan Check No. 7833 Lionts Head Center Charles G. Bynum BuiLding Official City of Vail Box 631 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Bynum: This is to acknowLedge receipt of architectural plans on October 17 for the above project which will be reviewed and our comnents forwarded to you as soon as possible. If a structural- review is desired, structural plans, calculations and specifications should be submitted. If all of this data is not received by the time the review is started, our comrents will involve nonstructuraL items only and our fee will be 75 percent of that nonrally charged for a fu1l review. May we thank you for your interest in our services. JN:hb INTTRNATIoNAL CoNFERENCE oF BUILDING OrrlClALs, 91101 OFFICERS PRESIOENT WlLLlAtl G. VASVARY DI REC'TOR OF PLANN ING AND BU ILDING FULLERTON, CALIFORN IA FIRsT VICE-FRESIDENT TED E. DIJKE DIRECTOR OF BUI LOING ANO SAFETY EILLINGS. MONTANA SECONO VICE.PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGTONAL BUILOING OFFICIAL COLOFAOO SPRING9. COLORADO JUN IOR PAST PRESIDENT OTTO STEINBRENNER' JR. CHIEF EUILOING INSPECTOR SACRAMENTO, CALI FORN IA IREASURER EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT, OEPARTMENT OF EUILDING AND SAFETY POMONA, CALI FOFN IA MANAGING OIFIEC'TOR T. H. CARTER 50 SOUTH LOs ROBLES PASADENA. CALI FORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DO\,VD OIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, MICH ICAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR DEFARIMENT OF I NSPECIIONS MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA NEWELL POCK CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR YAKI MA. WASH INGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BUILDING INSPEC'OR MOUNTAIN VIEW. CALI FORN IA RUDOLPH J. KFAINTZ COUNTY EU ILDING I NSPECTOR COUNTY OF CON'TRA COSTA MARTINEZ. CALIFORN IA JACK D, WHITE BUILDING CODE ENGINEER KANEAS CITY, MISSOURI DICK T. JOROAN BUI LOI NG OFFICIAL AUSTIN. TEX 9 RAY J. NOKES BIJ ILDING OFFICIAL COUNIY OF SANTA BAFIBARA SANTA EARBARA, CALI FORN IA EUGENE B. PESTER SUPEFI NTENOENI. DEPARTMENT OF EUILDING ANO SAFETY FOMONA. CALIFORNTA 50 SOUTH LOS ROBLES A Nonprofit Service Orgonizotion fw the Moinlenonce of the UNIFORM EUILDING CODE ond Relqled Ordinonces ond Ofrering Speciol Servicel lo ,4ctive Closs A Memberc Yours very truly, IMERNATIOML CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS T. H. Carter Managing Director /; t'/l t ';/l,htlrt I /f'e€e- /John Nosse ff cni"t Plan check Engineert/ OFFICE OF tHE MANAGING DIRECTOR T, H. CARTER IECHNICAL DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR o TO: PIAN CHECK FORM LETTER INTERNATIONAI CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS 50 South Los Robles Pasadena, California 91101 r0/r0/6e on plans for the following structure ' 701 FRCftl: \/ailr-eO Bl 657 To Plan Checking Department: Please provide plan check service Invoice to our Purchase Order No, 1. Name of Building i-,ion'S Heaci Centei _ 2, Address of Job 3. Name of Owner Vail. Colorado \/r tl l.\q<rI.|rqrcq tr].. 4. Va lua t ion 5, Flre Z one $95C,000 6. soil Bearing Data 3.OOOpsf (Ioundations are alread tion is underway; please expedite) One set of p1,ans, calculations and specifications: (PLease check) Enclosed (x) Under Separate Cover ( ) Please check plans under the following EdiEion of Ehe Uniform Build- ing Code: 1 n 1961 Edition 1964 Edition 1967 Edition (Other - Please Indicate) Enclosures- -Vail Amendmenls Ordinances 6 and 9. Series () () (x) (x) 4 l0 11hq r.la< ll Prrnrr rnv. !J rrurrr bulldlnq utllc ral Box 631 Ja il S'. r' r: - . DENVER, COLORADO 80203 Phone222-4789 TO Mr. Charlee Bynun Bulldlne Officlal Town of ValJ.. CoLorado GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU 8l Attached E Under separate cover via LETTO @F TRANSNflIT'TAL the following items: ! Plans fl Samples E Specifications! Shop drawings E Prinis tr Copy of letter E Change order tr DArE lJoE No. October 8. 1969 | ATIENTION Charlea Bvnum Lions llead Condonlnlum E Comerclal Bulldlng coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I set e l23l5e Lions llead Center drawings THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval fi For your use fl As requested ! Approved as submitted n Resubmit-copies for approval E Approved as noted tr Submit-copies for distribution D Retu rned for corrections D Return -corrected prints 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US E For review and comment tr D FOR BIDS OUE REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: tuta.D-tr !a.ab tri., b. t--, b ,t ancfoturas rra Doa rr noLd, krndly totity ua tt oncc. {re The Town of VAIL, Colorado"4f$Box 631 . Vail, Colorado . 81657 Telephonc 303 175 - 5613 NOTE: THIS LETTER WAS NOT SENT TO ADDRESSEE, BUT WAS, HOWEVER, RETAINED IN FILE. nnpv VaiI Associates, Inc. Vail, Color:ado 81657 Dear Sirs: IN RE: Rice office and condominium, LionsHead, vaiI, colorado 81657' Whereas, the subject building was started.without obtaining - p"o*it "" '""q"ir"a'by Section 5or- of the Unifonm Building Code, and Whereas, a per:mit was finally take^n^out.but^incomplete plans wene submitted which is in violation of Section 301, (c)' and Whe:reas, a letten was w:ritten by me in ::egand to the vanious things which'"o"iJ-U.-".q"ir"a in the plans when submitted' and' Whe::eas, no inspections have been called as ::equined by Section 304 (c), and whereasoworkiseontinuing.withoutsubmissionofadditional plans and the conl:ractor has inEicated to me that he intends to continue in violation of centain requirements-of the Building Code, .""" io the poini of ondering certain mater:ials which will not pass Code requinements. Now, therefo::e, unde:: authority of Section 302 (c) and 202 (e) of tn. u"ii6rm Building CodL, I he:reby-suspend said- u"irai"g penmit and onden the wonk stopped until.complete plans ane submitted anJ checked by the plan, chect s-ervice of the rnter- national Confe::eice- oi e"ifhing Oificiats. Upon checking of the plans and agree*;;; i; iorro" Eaia frans_with-whatever corrections il"v u" requlred, the building perrnii will become valid again' Sincerely t THE TOWN OF VAIL Septemben 29 ' l-969 /s/ Charles G. CGB/bad Bynum, P.E. cc: Mayo:r, Town Manage::,Me::shon-Gimeno Contractors r t Town Atty COPY The own of VAIL, Colorado o T+ebf"+r^L. }' \ J\at -'\ A t-lr-t\v o -/,gf1 \,.F,/ -'\ \. \. - -a r'rD \.- \ -/ l\, Ll, ^\,-- -tiv llo:i o,il - V,rrj. t.,,l,rr r.i.. . ,lr:5i'Ii:I, 1'horrc l,|; Iir,-.1. 1l September 29, 1969 Vail A;sociates, Inc. \!a',1-, C,iIcra.dc i:1J657 Dr-:t.r' ;11 '',-, IN liTi: llir-:r'()r'f;ce and ccndominium, I-,ions Head, vail, coror,.rt-, i,ri .. wlrr;1'r.';1.1';, 1.hl r-:ubjr:ct buiidingwas sLrrtec v,r|thout obtaluiri,.r a D{.r.r,, i .l l'c()uir'{.,(i !r1, Ii,'cli,rr 30i oli ilre Uniforrn Buii.riinq Codg, ,.a 'i\,/jt( ('.,:): r, :, l)i'rtnit was; t'inal.iv t_a.ken cltrl btri. incorlpl 6lr. nr111r - r,i, , , jriitir' ,i ..f i,;r ir; irr vio.laticrr of Sl-cfion ll0l , (,:). r"r irrJ, '. ', ',..;, 's li !_1.q..1. WaS fVt'iiten b5, -" it, lr.:1.r.<j tlr rr,t 1.r.,,,i,.11 : jr .i: :, r, t..t:-';.,',r1l,i lr;' !-,,,:rllreri in thC pl anS,,rilten Submrrt_,:,t. arr,, \,/ i t,i,:r.:. y1,r iylrrJtce lioni.r llavc heen callr:d :t.- _,r:orti:_. .: : . , r :l :,/v :,.,:" ;:, ',,'y',t I'li i,.; Cctnl.inUino WithOUt S;Uitrrtl:,::;iarrt ,rl a-ciril ir; ; ,,.1, . i(lDtrir.':1.(r1"','11;'r, inclicated to rrre thar he intcro'-; t.o r:,rir Lirur, :rl i.,; ,r. , , ). t'i,l"Li-r.rrr lr:rlullt-: rrrcnls; of thr: f iuilrling code, p:.;r_.r1 l.p lirc lx.riirl olr. . . .-r('l'l.r.,.ir' .r i:rli'l'li,r jr; whir:lL wjIl. troi. paSS Coclc ri:oui1ernerrL,.,:, -. .ll ,luu, ijLr ,r'. li,f€r under ar_rilrori'"y of Scc+.icii :1,,)2(rr) a,tfl 2C).(. ) 1;i i,, Ii?'il rjirul C.d',, T her.by susl:end said buirdin;; pernrit a^d or.it.:. r.r: ,. ,.1 stoppt-"'d rrirLi l. <:orrrplcte p1.ans are submitted and crlreclcr:d by thg lriir ,. r ,r:servlrlr.r of Ll'rLr .lnj"crnational Conference of F,rril<jin{ Oiti,ri;l r:. tj;x,rr lirr ,.. , .,of i-lrr; pJirns erLti aqrecment to {ollow said plans v".i.ih wllalcvc,r.Lr(rl,r,, :r: :*,'-1' be r'{;qrrip6;61, the building permit wi]l becor'e valid rrr:TrLitr. ..;. Sirr,::.i'cLy, Iiji:.'i Oljv'l'I O f y411 2 &l^"-'- rr..?r.l,rsi ). Bynurc,/p,8. / Ii. i--r. - i./:,-i., Cclrrado 816b? -hT"tr' :.", ,,r:.,'1,i1't'fovrn l4anager', Mershon-Gimeno Contraclor{.:, ,\r'i'..1.,,.: . ..'rr:; T I I 1-:Il, l- IN G PTi l'l'jr{I'l' 1/ail, C olo r;l(io Pennit Pe rrnis s ion is l-rercby grantecl u^t" -ff f 3t tt 6f or. (aa-lrca.fr r b a ant *- re 7b u / stotv n rlrll r: s s ]n ;r<:r:rl f '1.:r.:lctl with llrc (, otl r r r itl- t't' , srLlr.jtr<:t to [) t' oi rc:t]'.'t'. C)ovt:tlatlls, lr rrrvi:; iotlr; set f ortfi lly tlre \taii llr<: rrtlt's ;rlrr1 r'cgtrl;rl.ionl; n s st't ;rrr,,l itr (:(.)llll)liance r''" ith tht- l!ih 1 ' rchitt't:tttral Cont t' 't Iolt'lt irt t]r* \';rrl \":l\ I -' 1l.ritr't'11'. Frrilti i"': " -:'' 'I vD,. of c,inslrllctI/ ,,, - tE '/ ir ---(; '"'"t-;F'p-r? (,r'rrtr';rctrtt' up roved .9. Vail I-. ui lrling InsPt"<'t INSITFCTICN RI:CORD ( t'r.,r De partr-nental use OnlY) INSI- l; r]'i'lO N PPROV J.i.,COivtMIr N]'S DATII & SIGNI^TtlRF ru ]rIN/\ L (i ,a cLi U Q) kt ROT]GII IIIN ' I, ROLTGI.T cn-r) '-i : -::t' 6') 'il I.'IN.'L U) I I ROUGFi I'IN L BiJIi,DING I]TiRMIl] Varl, ( (ilorarl(l t ate te 2A Pe rmit .-|/crrtt oa //an alccft /a /a aare --E , tl,Fermlrisl0n is lr c rchy gra ntccl o" 42trrn2n t" - Ca*z//ate a t/ storY ,'n /toas /co/ .' d<1r e s s In accclrdancc rvith the Cornn-rittee, subject to Irrotc ctivc C t>vcilants, provisir>r''s set fortl'r by the \tail ttrc r'-rles :rncl reqrrlatjons as set ancl in <:or-noliancc rvith the 1 9 ('? -f r.- ch it c: ctr t t'a I Ctinttol fo rtlr in th<' \;ail. Villagt: Unrf o rrn F.trilding Code. 't yp c ()f C()nstrrrt:tiorr -E - ,/./. C;r'''up- ts / H - Cl ont ra ctrr r |sl /c-,rt,'f cy,'-eJ r r 1l r'.l v c rl .Vail Il rrilcling l'r1-cnertr) worK Jttbtq/ty' ore. /2o da INSPFCTICI.I rtFCC ( Fo r D epa rtrnc nta I us t.r 11I) Only) INSPEC'IION PPI{OV ^ .i.COMMF]'iTS DA]'I. & SIGNT'IURiT I.'OUND.\'f IONS I.RI MIi\iG FIN;] L irtt .a tr.t U OJ ROIIGII Ir'IN '\ l, b(- -1 l_1- ROUG].I FlN,'I-, iIOUGI{ho + | -Jl a z FINI L , '-o 'o.I:!.'oo^- l":''f;i!f{/f<,c<,vl .$ f ttt/f frrt/d*t,'r,'ttm' ' r- "/ APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMI1 THE TOWN OF VAIL licant fill in thia section onl BUILDING INFORMATIOIL New \,- Addition Alteration Repairs t.!)tr Bo F() t{ Idk .JFoo Type of occupancy_._---- (All parte of building) BEil,p@-p-UlrysrcNs" T"t"l fl";; ii"" 1 "-n1-.-No of stories Ht. '. t. No. of rooma ar . No. bathsli To.. ,9f water closets -'u4 No. of Families ESTIMATED CCST 7 oF coNSrF(ucTtoWl?Q (Materiels &d bo q) "1 Lot Block Subdivision (Circle correct claesificationf 1. Type of construction I. II. III. M. . Occupancy group A. B.C.D.E@cOI.J. Signed Approval by planning and architectural control committee to obtaia buildtng permit, Date ,Signature Final inspection ?-3'6? (2 sets reouired) " Date ,/"/-- ..e( Amount of Permit t". $ tltd.ro 77i7f paid: Caeh $_ Amount of Glean up Fee $ tio."" Paid: Caeh $ Date permit iesued - Tap fee paid 7;f. / lrrr.zJ Date Check $/frt/ z -Check $ sz t, 2;- 'V ' !L4 ' Oac) Certificate of occrrpancy & cornpliance Congtruction clean-uP a .- j' Mr. Jack Lirnd I. C. B.O. It South Lor Robleg Paaadena, G rlifornia 91101 Dear Ja.ck: Wc havc a Type III-I Hour, golng up tn Vail and I would li bearing and non-bcaiing Tablc 17-A aaye 4 Hour 2 Hour; incomiusti Etud. or 16 inch ccy on thc outelde. usad in Colorado ctandarde. Septcmber t0, lg69 ncy building n on how thc exterlor to Sectlon 2OO3(a) which aay{ The architcct propoece wood k on the lnaide and wood penaelal8' thla of conltltctlon le wldelv pareed as agreeing with I.C. B.O. apprcciatcd. Sinccrely, THE TOWN OF' VAIL Gharlcr G. Bynurn, P.E. B.O. - Vail, Colorado GGB/bad o 't'&Txffiq g c>q4P September 3, 1969 Charles S. Stnk & Assoctates, Archltects 944 Sherman Street Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: Condomlnlum at Llon's Head, Vall, Gentlemen: cult to check owlng are etlon of your plans. ns, the bulldtng wouldL Eecause ol the helqht and have to be classlfied as Type 2. The aliowable'area would be 2j, Ji1 square feet, over thls 3. BuildinE must reslstlve throur;hout.Sec. l3C2(b). 4. Eaeemebt shoul 5.r bearlng should be two hour lncornbustlble. ,h - one hour;eombustlble. Sec. 2003(a). Sec.a). 7. AII o , roots and ltoore, one hour - .table l?A. I, Statrs should be relnforced concrete, tron or steel. 9. Wlndows !n tredroorns below the fourth floor shouid cmply wlth Sec. 3320. 10. A statrway to the roof wlll be requlred unless the slope ls greater than 4 to 12. Plans as recelved are tneomplete so for compllance wlth the Unlform BulI 6. o U. Dertgn roof loed rhould be $O psl on tha horlzontal proJectloru Vell amendmsntc to thc U.B.C. 18. Btook work tn tccordanco wlth U.B.C. mtnlmun regutrc- mentg. Sec eaclogure. 18. Flrc p,rotcctlon of floor, root, rf,alls and partltlons. Sea Teblca {!} B rnd C. l{. Wet rtand$pos regrrfrc{. Scctfons 3805 and 8806 (c). 15. Yerd requlremcnta--lec Sectlon ISOB (b). 10. I wlll requlre, a letter etatlng that th€ bulldlng will be con- ctructed ln accor.tince wtth the tr967 edltlon ol tM U. B, C. Cbarles G. Bynum, P.. E. Bulldtng Otltcbl CGB,/car Emlosurs f -\'- =\ [, \\ N=t .,t /-1 t1.l .-J I .l: (-) , -': \- l-.':) \J \ r$ \$ \ v) c{ ii.# ,'s# D,*rca-&a - '.= -- I x ,-til a 'tt e{ )t I ,t' | '-- r-I :'rl\i\i \1\l\l _-i-r I-rq ll " q?f l"?l S .ptelroe:' 2'), IJrjJ V-riL\ .sociaLes, Ii'lc. Vrii, Colorado -,1i5-i Duar Sirs: IN FE: Rice Oifice anti C rn,l:rr:.irriuin, Licns Hcad, V,ihereas. a letter was '.r'rjL*"en v,,ould be reqirired in Ll.re oians w .it /'r .1^ -- /l^ 11RF..;-Il-t \,.r1\,rI Cl\-l.,,, )l,UU l. blainin.3 a perrni[ as and' sub thl a, rc rrrh inh a", r'equirec by SecLicr l14(dD Whereas, Lhe sublecL buildin,3 was started withou required by Sectic:t 3ll of +"ire U;rifcrm Buildilt., Co \i,tl6-1 421:;- -r Der':nrt uqs lt ,:r.l lv lakcn out but in:jl is le plans wele tnitleir whicl: is in violatic'r rf Secl.ion 3 -) t rrd Vv,'rereas, nc lnspecticns iia,'e bej ^-l cut r:rissi-'r '-i aciCiuicrral plans and coir[raclcr has indi:al certain requireinenLs e intYi:C-. LJ lorlli;'tue ir '. iclalion cf Cuce, €v€n LJ ihe pcint. of orderin; cerLairr inaLerials vrhic r- -rdo r.onrr i1,A r.t/1rrl.: Nuw, Ure of S ct0on i'12(c) arrcl 212(e) cf Lhe Ur;iform Brilctin; C/#, Iheeeoy-r-uspend siid Uui^din3 per:riL.lrrC 6rder Lhe wcrk stcpped ccrnplere $[arrs are sublrrilled rrrd ci--cl<ed by the plar ;hecir service rf\thc Inlerli Corrference of Buildin3 O-ficials. Upc:r che cking cf ,he pl d a' rr 'ent tc foilow sa.id plarrs wilh wiraie'.'er ccrrectif ns. mFy oe requ uiiding perrnit will becorne valid again. Si11,tel'ely, THE TOWN OF VAIL Charles G. Bynum, P. E. B. O. .- Vail, Colorado i1657 CGB/bad C. C. Mayor, Town NLnager, lvlsrshon.Gimeno Contractors, & Town Attorney iL lrAroc,r 'rr''rr'r ic .,vv rr9r Lgv, and; the the tsuildir PRESTRTSSED CONCRETE OF COIOR.ADO, INC. 58ot PECoSITREET o DENVER. coLoRADo 80221JHONE 433'6301 Ltr'stt<*e*> LoDGE ev cl3 olrs(.- zz-lz-toB No. cHEcKED BY-DATE-sHEr Z- or L-.,Q-1rz+z To"prirc iD l- s-. a Dt -ot =DLo**= Lu # * o,rr.o, ...' \8r* t.3 7e* o.g3z u/+v ct .\o1E/Yr o., o+ E/++ G= (+, bo')Yo,o&:t',.q tzhz \'r'tl"[ Q.d.,..J a ' .,. z<c, Y++. 5q-.nRv oF Dgsr<rr-rs ! eAArr- LEFT SgAO LEP6.Tlt Q *r-:T-Rr&rf; o @ @ @ @ !- 6o,-15' 6o,t{ b,Lq' G,z1 l't-- Vr" 6 t+-1""f r--t/;'d tz-tr; p lL'Lr'6 BY * t Go,t{' 37.2-l 4s, zl RECEIVED lt,|AY 4,73 .' FRASIER & GINGERY @ 6t @ 6 @ JOB TITLE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COI.ORAEO, INC. ssot pEcoOREET r oENvER. coLoRADo 8ozzr(t;HoNE 433-6301 ev 4L oar &-:z-:--tt-toe ro. /&)?L suBJ€cr ftaoa- +u&9 , CHECKED By-DATE-sHEET-oF /'SEci-lq]p. PRoPgTaTTE ! i L SPK O9:50 CSS TUE.O6/Z]/t2 SECTION PROPERTIES FOR96iNCH WIDE, 24INCH DEEP,. IIJEALITE CONCRETE SECTI0i'1, ytlITit 3INCH COMPOSITE SLAB A , ,YT NON COMPOSITE . 434 7.32 COMPOSITE J72 3.46 6.46 YB 1o.68 20.54 YB ST 3206 I I t23 5958 SB sPK O9r52 CSS TUE.Oo/27/t2 ,i:i!er -, d::lilij.fi 'BEEFT' i8,il?,. corci E_rrSECTIOii,,/,tITH {Ii.iCH C0I',{POSiiE ;i;; | 407 t874 )b | 407 . 2019 234oE :sic r A _, Y.1, NON COJ,{POSITE 434 7.32 ST C0tvtPOS ITE l:' , 884 2.57 o.57 r6.68 2t.4; 32O6 16803 ofSu 23468 4325E PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OT COIORAEO, INC. seot PEcoeREET o DENI/E* co|-oRAoo Boz2r ?HoNE 433-6301 JOB TITLE LI oTJ9HEAS I oD., E SUBJECT F.<srttt- C r Aas lltpgr'+D 4= 23,s" tz- /L" d S@,T(mot- rlseo) rl 2c Lg'q s 3.?E" r|' c G €= l,(z'' r.4,Gb'' DK- EpD. f = to."q. €= C, ro.f <l:: rc.9 a 8<.r- Fl'JD V-- r,,'i' L:S. : I d= rS, s. aaag ac ----1- ta- Lz" ? c.&!-i--lpr 6t Cf4 ont E{-26-}. JoB No. CHEcKED BY -DATE-sHErt $ or r.3s " 33" Cr+lJt I4=11't-)" al C ai -1 -a-4 A = ,r...,,d: t 2.4r' PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COLORADO, INC. ssot pEcoltREET r DENVER. coLoRADo eozzlo;HoNE 433-6301 ,. ,|| llrLE BY -DATE- JOB NO. CH ECKED BY -DATE -sHEET -OF ,\rll ll CT PRESTRESSED 58or PEcosfREEr r CONCRETE OF COIORADO. INC. DENVER, CoLoRADo 8022r JHONE 433.6301 ev cB onr.G-27--tz-Joe No. I F??Z CHECKED BY - DATE-SHEET -OF (' 4FAMG F Laor( 9u $.=,a^@ l--1, 'IUE.O6/2t/ t2 ,rry'."*-@ l5! l5 css A= 434 sr= 32o6 sB= r4ot src= rrr23 stc= t8/4Al= 96 A2= 24 43= | ii: , 45= 3Bo= 9 Bl= ? .E3= 24 85= lt Fy= 60I= 23468 iC= 38491 ;'lC= o.Zc Sp= 60.75 RC= 6.29DLB= .332 D!l= .304 oLZ= o DL3= o DL4= oDL5= 0 DL5= O oll= .tO+ fii= O LL2=.O STRAND LAYOUT FOR I2-I/2 INCH O STRESSED AI{D O-I /2 II]CH D LOOSEFR0l,{ LT.(FT) ECCEi{.(IiJ) oEpruttNl9 t.35 \.6719-61 l3.la is.:73.33 t.35 ti.oz (0<=I<=4. aL NoNcor,'tposITE) (5<=I<=/ DL cO,rlpOsIrE)(B<=I<=91-Lcui,ltpuslrh) PARTIALLY DISTRIBUTEIJ LOA]JS CO}JCET{ HATEU LUAUSI tt(I) x(I) fttl P(r) z(L)8 .25e- 6.2s 61.04 u O FB'M , rp 'i,iljl'rli-fio'i'3Jiii,l. suMLEFT(F't') l'Up tlr'1Toi,l lup tui'rui,l ruP EUl.-10i4 I'iJp zu1-10i,{2.oB 531 n86 614 voo /+ffi eo56.29 395 | /^^ /22 !:1 ,-i., ^!Z< 9ll y)6L, ll3 _259 t44 69E33.52 -4 t3 34't't 2 | ? T:ihi,J ztr uyt14 33 I -153 544 ll5j?1.?: i?e t1?l 9lr Ttn; _i, 21- i;; t5r667.04 390 t4g3 37t t54g_t2 21 35? (t576,..7t.25 ' 53t r ls6 528 tlcz _t 3 527 I195 L|'-t'*: FROi,{ LEFT(FT)'-' .3.t45 SIJPPORT,6.29 i^I z. Jo)' t4.44 24.5t5 30.59 30.665 42.7 448.dlb a4 . J\) o0. 9o5 SrJ.ppdli f o7.04 70. I 85 FP+DL Tt]P 431 32e 3o3 350 aYz lu8 3A l8d tYz 3b0 .3o3 'I-)O 4J7 . TPP '4JU 304 545 694 151tt6 5 9t)/lo 694 J U/+ 430 EOTTOTi '|51 | 451 E36 443 2t5 . 331 6lJ 3_J I 215 443 836 | 452ll2l FI NAL tsEAi,t FOTTO,,I il41 . t3d7 t3t2 1340|4t3lTlo 2052t/tot4t3 t34O tJl2 tJrid I i.tl STRESSES(PSI ) FP+AII DL FP+ALL TOP , 4?n JU4 591 176 859 839 |6 rJ39 liho llo 591 304 430 DL&I-1- BOTTOt,{ il5/ l45l >o2 -45 - {Ah _r'le | .- ;r,l--- -t49 -40 l'v' -Job * -44 to2 1,152|57 suBJEcr Fr-<eoR s-ncs (--., PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. 58Or PECOSJEET o DENVER. CoLoRADo 8o22t JHONE 433-6301 JoB TITLE Ltor.rg*€AD LoDae-By Cr3 DArE c-21-].L.)o" "o.-L!2-?3- CHECKEO BY - DATE-SHEET -OF ULTII'{ATE iI{OMENT (Ii.iCH KIPS) REQUIREII PROVIDED DISTAI'ICE FiIOl4 LEFT (FT) 3. t4 SUPPORTs 6.29' t2.36 l8.44 4918 24.51 30.59- 36.66 42.74 48.81 54.89 60. 96 SUPPORTs 67.94 70.t8 AREA OF SHEAR ;?EI}IFORCEMHJT REOUIREI) . -62. -246 7917 , 75go, 661| 4978 2692 -246 -62 -2074 -t791 Z3?7-," 7942 707 | -?1gi -/ o'' -2014 2692 6201 7070 66 | I 19417590 88t 3 IJISTANCE I-RCi,I LEFT (FT) D/23 5.39u/2. l.t9' I3.BE 2i.18 29.O7 30. 66 44.26 AV (SO.IN../FT. ),' vcl vci{ 00 .Ol . t O U r.J ooo MIN o.l .o93 .087 o o 0 . 087 .093.l o o ..01 o o 51 .85 0'59.45 D/22 66. | 4D/zr 67.94. o' oo0 CAldfER AN, DEFL. AT Er{D 0F LEiT CANT. (Ii.lCHESi CAI,IBER DUE TO PRESTRESS FORCE I]EFL. ! DL BEA,{ CAi,IBER AT RELE,q,Si. - FACTOR FOR PRESTT-IESS LOSS AND CREEP- CAi.I.BbR AT ERECTIOI.{ ..lJEF.l-. 3 DL I UEFL.:DL 7 r'lET DEFL. : DI- NET 'JEFL. : DL+iiDL I\ET DEFL. : DL+ilDI-+PI.)L ilET DEFI.. : DL+I{DL+PDL+I-L DEFL. S '{]-L I I,IET DErL. : DL+I.iDL+PTJL+I-L+,'i LL N ET JEFI.. : UJ.+|iIJL+PUL+ I-L+;ILL+PLL .873 -.368 .506 1.5 .759 . _-. JU I -.063. .395 .395 .395 .395 -.167.228 .228 JoB TTTLE lLtor;e,HfAcr LFprr€- CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. DENvER. coLoRADo 8oz2r OHoNE 433-630r BY cR DAr&-:-n:z-z-.roe No. | &?? z. -----------=--9ll Ec K ED E}Y - DATE - S H E ET - O F PRESTRESSED seor eecosJeer . SU BJ ECT I I CAMFER AND DEFL. AT IIIIJSPAN (INCHES) CAl,{ FER DUE TO PRiSTRESS I:ORCE DEFL. sDL tsEA}'{ CAi,'tFER AT TiELEASE, FACTOR FOR PSESTRESS LOSS AND CREEP' CAI'{EER AT ERECTION DEFL. !']. I DEFL. I D]. 7.iET DEFL. S DI. NET OEFL. SIJI.+I.IDL NET DEFL. S DL+iidL+PDL NET DEFL. 3 DL+IIDL+PDL+LL DEFL.S!"ILL I , NET DEFL. : IJL+I{IDL+PDL+LL+f,ILL NET DEFL. 3 DL+/ii]I-+PDL+LL+II]-L+PLL CAil{BEit ArilD DEFL. AT E{D OF RIGHT CArrlT. (INCHES) ' CAi{BER DUE TO PRESTRESS FORCE DEFL. s DL, IEA}4, CAI,,IBER AT REI-EASE FACTOR Ft];t PRESTRESS LOSS AND CREEP CAI.,,IIER AT ERECTION DEFL. s iJL I DEFL. SDL 7 NET dEFL.:DL NET IJEFL.3DL+ilDL [IET DEI.L. 3IL+IiDL+PUL . NET DEFL. I DI_+!'{DL+PDL+LL IJEFL. s,iLL I i{ET OEFL. 3 DL+NDL+PDL+LL+!.ILL Ii ET DEFL. S DL+i,'iDL+PDL+LL+,ILL+PLL -2.442t.128 -t .31 4 t.5 -l .97 | .924 . 193 --864 -.854 -.854 -.854 .303- -.55 I -.55t .873 -.368 .506' 1.5 .159 -. 301 -. 063 .395 .395 .395 .395 -.167 .228 .228 .-I 282KIPSiNITIAL PRESTAeSS= 347i(IPS IEAl,i IS SIUNE COllCttETi FIr\AL PRESTi?ESS= Do.lr, Faraoe -- l,l,er- (. r rr) nIZ7. 2o,.2.) tl!l-l]:.}-) -- 9. s r' IL t, \Cott,> f-lo,-o "".,".:::l['.tti'?Sty.t"1'.t"t-*1,:t"t"?ll3,H:'*.630r JoB TtrLE ' Lto,r.neag Lc-.'crG.z- ,r% oor. (. ^)-ar -1 aoe No. t&?tt- suBJEcr Flccn- E.--A+.'->CH ECKED BY - DATE - SH EET - OF Dggrr+r+- €1A\A lG 54 CSS - STRA\D TE\l S[AI.'IN G 18900& 28 DAYS t 51803 ST= 3205 IG 3B4I D,1= 23 5 f!t= 13. 18 EFF: . ? IL l= . 3O4 TL6F O T4UOgA/72 STRESSES (Pg,) ISHRS 18251 l. IYR. | 44134 RE.EASE r 60?9 3 6/RS ti930a *NATE T'{E STRA\D STRESS AT 4OlR$ MAY E(CEED T.{E EAR-IER STRESSES .DUE TZ TFIE E-ASTIC REGAIN AF STRESS bHE\.I BE\DING I..IIDER LIVE LAAD F 434 l= 234(8 IL= 16.96 E-= 6.64 NS 12 ILF .332tl.s 0 sF 1407v96 DR u.67 EF 1.35 FY= 6O LAO tL-tr . t04 sTG 11123 B'= ll L$ 6G?5 L30 LL l= .258 sBG l8 74 F5 Le 6A TL4 O LLE O WTfiUibgMING STRESSES (P$) DI STA!CE FP.V' L EFT -SUPFA RT ( FT. ) AG 2t t2 CA\TILEVER SUPF?RT: 60. 75 LSADT\ C @\ DI TIA\ INI N A- PRE.STRESS' DEAD LSAD BEAY sul DEAD L"JAD BFAY sLrl FI\A- PRESTRESS FUl. DF]ID LJAD SUI FP + D- FILL LI.VE LJAD SUI FP +IL + LL FI \ A. PF.E.CTFESS FI,LL DFAD L]AD St! FP + D- FITL LI VE L]AD SI.L1 FP + [L + LL 54 -1244 NP . CRITICA- HtI\Ti . .. 2\12 I\ITI{ PFESTRESS'' -/@ '' 3210 a 75 l03 117 -39 l@5 696 122 813 343 -50 'a3 -6 LA7 216 - t?l l99A t9 66 8al -2676 ?n c, -'t26 - /2.1 r?9 | 120 t4lI 1 AA4 PRESTRESSED saot PEcos U|EET . CONCRETE OF COLORADO, INC. oENVER. COLORADO 8022r CHONE 433.630r JOB TITLE Lt/.!)sfi€A !) Logcrc-By C DArE (-.-7q-14oa No. l8??z-- . suBJEcr F?*rrr< S-*es cHEcKED Bv-DATE-sHEET-oF AREA AF S{EAR REl\FZ'RCFIblT REOTI RED AVD[, STAICE FFAY L EFT SL-Ftz' RT ( FT. ) vz .9 L/4 la19 t..07 l% 14 18.22 24A 3G 37 36 44 Q.52'4.9 54 67 60.7 4 60.75 6iL 33 6!9 61 47 o o o .03t o o o 0 o . oz2 o o 0 o o 0 n . o2l o .o2r 0 o o 0 o .043 o o o o o o ( sa I\. vct", o o o .o 0 0 o o u 0 0 o 0 0 o / FT.) I'IN .o77 .o77 'O77.477 .oTl . o77 . o77 . o77 . o77 . o77 . o77 .o77. . o77 .o77 . o77 . o77 C,RIBER A\D DEFLECTIAN AT l}IIDSPA! (INfiES C/IIIBER DUE T' PRESTRESS FSRCE DEFLECTI?\ DLIE 'I? DEADL?AD BEFS/! CAYBER AT RE.EASE FAC]OR F:'R PRESTRESS LSSS A\D CREEP CAYBER AT ERECTIS! DER.ECTIZN DUE 13 DEADLOAD I DEFLECTIA\ DUE T' DEAD LOAD ? NET DER.ECTIAN' FILL DEADLAAD DEfLECTI0N DUE T' LIVE L2AD I N ET DEfu ECTI'N' FI.LL DEAD + LI VE L3 AD EA4BFR A\D DEFLECTIS\ AT ND ?F CA\TILEVER (INO{E9 CAqBER DUE T' PRESTRE-SS FJRCE DEFLECTISN DUE T' DEAD LSAD BEA' . CAYBER AT RE-EASE FACTJR FJR FRESTRESS LJSS A\iD CREEP CAYBFR AT ERECTIS\ DEFLECTI3N DTJE TJ DEADLJAD I DEfuFCTIS\I DLIE TJ DEADLSAD 7 NFT DEfuECTIJV FI.LL DFADLJAD DFTLECTI3\ DL]E T] LIVE L3AD I N ET DIFL ECTIJN' FILL DI'AD + LI VE L3AD -T8A ba4 - t.9E 1.5 - 2.9 69. 1.437.3 - 1.232 .7 43 -.49 :a 1.33_.5 .79 t.5 l. lcB -.46 -.@7 . 545 -. 241 .304 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COLORADO, INC. 5Sol PECotREET r oENvER. coloRAoo SozztJHoNE 433-6301 . JoB trt.r Lrossxa+vp Lo6(r€-ev Q R oarE G^!g- )!oB No l*??z .. suBJEcr ll-z-<.:o re' S r-als' cHEcKEo By -DATE-SHEET-oF ILTIMATE M2ME\IT (TNO{ KIPg DISTA{CE FRA{ LEFT STJPP'RT (FT.) .CRITICA. RTINT:. 2483 CAITILEVER SIIPF?RT: 6$ ?5 AT X= 60. ?5 FT.. lHE PMUDED ILTIvATE cAPAcx, lY OF iq|.F -2163 € IN.KI PS B ES ).IA T M EET T.{E REOI..[ RED CAPACITT aF :rt! -8_3694I\.KIpS ( SEE SEO t8.8.3OF AE ACT( 3I8-?I) BLILE[,NG @DD. FExl|.I RED 7747 - 35r PFAVI DED 9 505 -2t64 INITIfu PRESTRESS 34'I(IPS FI\IA. PRESTRESS 274(IPSRE-EASE STRE,IG'IH= 36OOPS n\tA- STRNGT+ sOOOpg. BEA\4 T S LI O{T}'EI C{T @\CRETE 3t-- ) Hq.-o por!r.)= -= r_93:E14) * '-T31.?: =-ti(ttlO I a x3?.G-s PREIIIRESSED CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. sEot PECo{REET r DENVER. coLoRADo sozzt }HoNE 433.6301 JOB TITLE LroltfFAo L{r o c.'€.- ev _-(9,_oar e 6-tat->t-roB No. (8? ??- Sr-B.r C H ECKEOSU BJ ECT BY - DATE - SH EET - OF -a'-,f*.-'l\--,Z ISHR$ t8 251 l. IYR. tA52& RE.FASE l610c8. 4f RS 150043 {ci{ATD fiE STm\D STRESS AT 4OrRS MAY fiCEED lHE EAR.IER STRESSES DIJE 1O T-IE E-ASTIC RECAIN AF STRESS hI{E\ BNDING TNDER LTVE LAAD sTe il123 BE II L9 6&75 Llo LL l= .2S SBG T874F5 Leo D-4 0 LLA O EOTTAVTAP CRI 'II CA. F?IN T: 2t /2, LAAUNG @N DI TIAN INI TI IL PRE-STRESS DEAD L9AD BEAU sur r\r rrtL inesrness DFAD LOAD .BEAY sLrl FI\4. PRESTRESS FILL DEAD LSAD St'l FP + D- FUL LIVE LAAD Stx FP +[L + LL a 76 104 - 436 5g t22 - 406 IttT 713 125 83 2t72 - 173 1999 328, - l27l 19 57 30G - atJ.l 27A - 742 -4c8 LrOr.EtfF Fu.t.5^ pesr<-d 6 €,4A\A lls(8 CSS UVO{D/1Z STRA{D SIRESSES (P$) TB|SANING .18900& amYs' 1521 68. E 434 l= 234f8 IL= 1696 E-= 6 64 NS l2 TLF .332 LS O. sF 3206IG 34I D{= 23 5 Rl= l318 EFF ..7 'lL l= .304 lL6F O sF l€?896 DF t696 EF &64 FY= 60L&OIL? . tO4 MFKING STRES-SES (PS) M STA\CE FBY L EFT SLPPA RT ( FT. ) 2.8 2' Q. PRESTRESSED seor PEcoltREEr r CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. oENVER. COLORADO so22rOPHoNE 433-63O1 JOB TITLE SU BJ ECT €cc'afz- SL^B> AREA OF S{EAR RFI\,FJRCRINT REOUI RED T[ STA\ CE FR'Y LEFT SI.-FFART (FT.) v2 .s L/ lE la 19 &07 la l58.2, 243 3G 3? "r QB oer. G- zor -t4oB No. ,P)22- CHECKED BY -DATE-SHEET -OF vcr o .o24 o . o24 .0. 0 0 AV (SO IN. / vcl'j o 0 o o 0 0 0 FT. ) l,lI,'{ . o77 . o77 . o77 . o77 . o77 . o77 .o77 VC 0 0 0 .037 o o o CA{BEF A\D DEFLECTIO\I AT}IIDSPA\I (ING|ES CA4BER DUE I? PRESTRESS F'RCE DEFLEC"TI2N DUE T7 DEADLSAD BEA'I CA4BER AT RS.EASE FACTJR FOR PRESTRESS LSSS A{D CREEP CAVBER AT ERECTI?{ DER.ECTI'N DIJE TJ DEADLSAD I DETLEC'TI3}I DUE TJ DEAD L3AD ?. NET DEFLECTI'N; FILL DEADLOAD DFfLECTI?N DLIE TJ LIVELSAD 1 NET DEFLECTIAN' FILL DEAD+ LIVELOAD ILTIMATE M?VNT (IN(X KIPS) DISTAICE FFsY LEFT SWF9RT (FT.) CRI T1 CA- FT'I\ T: 25 l5 - 403e't.asa -2. 134 t.5 -3201 1.475.3S -b Ala .753 -. 655 REOI,,[ RED E2l PMVI DED 9 536 INITIA. PRESTRE-SS 34?{IPS RE- EA.SE STRN G'l!{= 3600PS BEAY I S LI O{TI,JEI GIT CSNCRETE ( ta,,t*6,,o FI,\IA. PRESTRESS 2?5(I PS FI)'lA- STRN 6T{= 5000PSI (.; ' (zq> (H o'>'Po.er U:. Z lzxa,l,i6 't -- *''* PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. ssor PEcofREET o oENvER, coLoRADo Bo22tOpHoNE 433.63ot I' SUBJECT JoB TrTLE Lrrer.rSrteep LoOl-a ey QB oar e Q-Lct -)LJoB No. ' P? 7 L CHECKEO BY -DATE-SHEET-OFn - hz"p YR. F-oz;tz 6l*c-s Desrq-@ 4 EMANA I 5! 22 CSS TjE.O6/27 /12- STI?AND STRcSSES (PSI) . TEI{S IOli Ii{G I Sili?S. RELEAST:. t89000., 28DAYS | 5701 5. E25lt. | 68373. 4OYRS.48169. | 44853. . *i{OTE: THE STRAN1J ST'IESS AT 4OYRS. MAY ;XCEID T:-tE EARLIER STRESSES DUE TO THE ELASTIC REGAiI{ OF STRESS '/,IHEI.'I tsEI.{jJING UI.IUER LIVE LOAD . A= 434 ST=-32J6 ' SB= l4O7 STC= | Il23 StC= t874I- 23468. IC= 38491 I= 96 E = ll T= 5 iJL= l 7 Dii{= 17 DR= 17 EL= 6.98 Ei4= 6.98 ER= 6.9E r{S= 12 EFI-= .7 FY= 50 LS= 37.21 LC= 0 IJLB= .332 DLI= .304 DL2= O rJL3= O DL4= O( DL5= o DL6= o DL?= .104 lll= .258 Ll-2= o }IORKING STRESSES ( PS i ) TOP EOTiOi,{ IJiS'IANCE FROit LOADING LEFT StiPPOitT (FT. ) COi{DITI0N 2.Od Ii'IITIAL PRESTRESS 39 224-I IJE}.D LOA' TEAM 45 - I 03su;,i 84 214'4 r' '' ci?IrIcAI- polr\Tr IB..o INITiAL PRESTRESS .39 2241 DEAD LOAD tsEAM 2t5 .-4gOsuM 254 | t51r8'o ;l,lt'olli'13ffi' '*i, -i3;i Stj,il FP- + iJL 465 879't FULL LIVE LOAD 48 -286SUii FP +DL + Li- 5 i3 i93 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COI.ORADO, INC.ssor pEcoslEET o DENVER, coLoRADo eozzt juoxi asg-oeor t. .- JoB TTTLE Ltor;>H-€AO r-<rocl6 ", QB o^, E b - 2-1- ?\JoB No. I e? ) L suBJEcT F'.o.yc Sr_ nes CHECKED AY -DATE - SH EET -OF AREA OF SHEAR REINFORCEJ,{EilT REOUIREI)' OiSTAI{CE Fi?rlr:,! AV (S0. IN. / FT.) LEI'-T SUPPOI?T (FT. ) VCI VCil| l,{IN VC D/2s .9 O O .O9t OL/4. 9.3 o 0 .o9r o ., 3.72 07.44 0 0 o 0 o .o9t 0.091 0.09t 0.09t 0.o9r 0 PR0V I ri-D ' 1041 lt.t6 I 4.88 o rO18.'6 0 DISTAI{CE FRO,,i LEFT SIJPPORT (FT.) CRITICAL PT]INT: | 8.6 3052 Ii{ITIAL PIIESTRESS= 34'7KIPS FIJIJAI- P.QEST,]ESS= 26,5IiIPS RELEASE SfREiiGTH= 3oOOPSI Fll{Al- STRii.JOfrl= 5OOOPSI I;Al,i I5 LIcHTT,JEIGI{T CTINCRETE CAMIER AI.ID DEFLECTIOi{ AT MIUSPAN (iNCHES) i CAI.IBER DU; TO PR;STRESS rORCE -l.OO4. I)EFLECTIOI'I DIJE TJ DEAD LOAD EEAM .267 CAI,iBER AT RELEASE -.737 FACTOR FOR PRESTRESS LOSS AND CREEP I.5t-'-' CAi,l BER AT ERECT I ON - | . | 06' riErLECTioii tUE T0 DEAD LOAii | .2Os. DEFLECTIOII DUE TO DEAD LOAD 7 .O43iiET dEFLECTIOIji FIJLL DEAD LOAD -.855DEFLECTi0T{ OUE TJ LIVE L0AD I .107, NET DEFLEgTIO;{i FIJLL DEAU + LIVE LOAD -.74A ULTIMATE ,{0i{Ei\tT (Ii\iCH KIPS). REOUIREI] JOB TITLE AO Loo suBJEcr FLaorl. <ga&f VCHEcKED 484 p$tA 1402 css a1&oga/72 STRF$ID STRESSES ( PS) R oF cotoRADo, lNc. LoRADo eo22rOPHONE 433-6301 By QG DATE 4-- ze - ) a,oB No. l9-, ? ?- BY-DATE-5HE€T-OF \?--'-^ PREITRESSED COseor recoJREET . DEN TN SANIN G lE9 000. 28 DAYS t487t. R, IBHRS t8 251t. IYR. 13659. RE. EASE l573lG 4OTRS r37'37. {!OTD 'IHE STRA\D STRESS AT 4CTRS MFY E(CEED T.{E EAR.IER STRESSES DUE ?' lHE E.ASTIC REGAIN AF STRESS i,HN BNDING WDER LIVE LAAD E 434 l= 23ffi .IL= 1c,.96 E-= 6 64 NS i2 ILF .332 LSO sF 3206 TG AAI IX= 23 5. 5!t= 13l8 EFF=.? tL t= .3O4 L&O s 1407 896 DF 1696 Ek 664 FY= 60 LAO ILr .lo4 il t23 ll sBG t8 74 F5 D-4 0 LLA O PTTAY 2146 - t35 2010 3055 - 776 228 2664 - l5?0 99A - 453 541 STtr BE Ls 6..21 ILG O 1_g 1= .28 ISMING STRESSES (P$) DT STA\CE FMM LEFT SLFPART ( F]: ) ?-B CRI Ti CA- MINT! ta.4 ta.4 LO ADIN G @\l D[ TION INI TIIL PRESTRESS DEAD LAAD BEAY sLi4 INI 'TI A. PRESTRESS DEAD L{]AD BEAY st'l FINA. PRESTRESS F(LL DEAD LSAD SL14 FP + D. Ftl.L LIVE L3AD SUI FP +[L + LL 10P l6 60 76 -'p2 341 -Q, - 334 64 350 76 Q,6 PREIIRESSED CONCRETE OF COTORADO, tNC.s6ot pEcofREET o DENVER, coLoRAoo Bo22tO;HoNE 4s3.63or I I Joa TfrLE LtOr.lSr+GA/r L<co c€ av $ oar . b-2", - ? 4oB No. / &? 7L suBJEcr tt-.toF s,.4rG's : CHECKED BY-OATE-SHEET-OF AREA OF S{EAR REINF?'RCBIEIT REOI,.[RED DISTA\CE FFAM AV (S& II,I. / FT.) Ls^T SI..PruRT (FT.) VcI VCW }'IIN VC vz.9oo-o77oL/4 lao5 o g .o77 o'48200.o770 - 9.64 o o .o77 o t4& o o .o77 o P.98OO'OTIO 24 loo.o77o CII,IBER A\D DE I.ECTION ATMID.SPPI{ (INO{85 CAIBER DuE ? PRESTRESS F?RCE '?-27 DER-ECTION DLE T3 DEADL?AD BEpt'l 'f89 cIytBER AT RE- EASE - t. s t FACTAR FZ'R PRESTRESSL2SS A\D CREEP I.5 CA'iBER AT ERECTA:.| -%372 DER.ECTION DLE 1? DMDLoAD I . S5 DER-ECTION DtiE'l!t DEADLOAD 7 '122 NET DEFLECTION; FIIT DEADLSA' -T.665 . DER-ECTION DUE TJ LIVELaAD t '3O3 NEl'DER.ECTION' FILL DEAD+ LIVELOAD .-1.362 ILIIMATE I,IZM N T ( IN (H KI PS REOU RED PT{'VI DED D[ STA\ CE FPM L EFT SIPR' RT ( FT. ) CFU'II CTL PJINT: .l?.53 47A 92e INITIA. PRESTRESS 34"<IPS FINA. PRESTRESS 252(IPS RE-EASE STRNGIH= 4300PS i FI\A- STRL\GTI= 500OPS BEAY ISLI6{TI'Jtr O{T C'NCRETE I PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. 58ol PEcoltR.::.. oENvER. coLoRADo sozatOpHoNE 433-6so1 tltl l*11LLtoo-rc,t+tAo laQC'€4 By Q B DAr. 6'q-zzJoB No. o, oll. @t llJ O'C.: .f,tlo ' ,, x o.o8? , o,c:t4. ''/(+ _- -- k, Ko,Ot)j' {6'SL'/€f P'.- DI rus( P.J Ltt Co-l:.rl-e j 12 znz"z) *rr.'o( ., = . O , cJDj ,x,5 'xg'= o, I ZE o,ato x5'Xt-> o,+ol- a.t)s-xS'ktr'-- 3,,@L ?5:pr{ S1:o.er CHECKED BY -DATE-SHEET-OF 1t'-<.).' ?r-=3,->F d.\' e'otttf€t Fo,.= o .sz lt u'g = o,atLEn+ pr..= 3..a h q: c",S2E c t^> €--(--- (-.ot.-/li+ lPoG 1.2.,,= o,.9r4lr- uJr.-c- -- -*-En- -sA+ ("*,.. o,A - (lj+r'r,l) = e, \a.t allr tt'S&r. ( r pi^ : o.Cxt1\-- -\^J..'i,a@ = o.L^tfti - ---ago*-- -\'--- -?-- --) J -z\2-Ltc.-- Co-ot * Eb.rrJnue.pf Drrreonr,. Lo*or'. NJ.-l-Qr*l::r:ff €"*".) fl: l,l( xro,S - o,ro Crl .5)L- to,9-t+-k,,2o '*)..r -- $o_:o:t_ _ o,oEf L rt tl---- ut. ..6 = PRESTRESSED 58or PEcoirREEr r CONCRETE OF COLORADO, INC. DENvER. coLoRADo so22tJHoNE 433.6301 JoB TtrLE Llrf r.,srt € Ao Log('G_ev CB oar.G ' zq - 7 Lto B No.l8)7\ CHECKED BY -DATE-SH EET-OFSUBJECTQcr>r Sr-A&5 a""-:LBL M=LsU)." : d,re- {o 3 (2o.5-rt.s) = 3r -C+'L,A 33xg 3. o.o1 |V/(" Lo lL D W.? = o,O1, XC3;f-L- O.6;;LY/€ t S-tzg*'g': so- I €Ar4 = L-(Jo.- Tbp: Cf.zo * o.o8?- t{)eg 6..J6 = O, ot +l o,otL= l!t,- ": o.5z + o,oll= o. 33 z-Y++ q.z-81 o.azb o.5?l j PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COIORADO. INC. 58or PEcotREET o DENVER, coLoRADo 8022t(DpHoNE 433-6301 JOB TITLE LtOrrSHErto r-o 6c-f=-ev G onreG-4-7z.loe No.lit]E t,- suBJEcr RooF Sr-aGS cHEcKED Bv-DATE-sHEET-oF t,r.-J i&e:n6p p<opi/(Ttes SECTIA.! PR'PERNES F?R 96INO{ tJI DF, 24NG{ DEEPr I DEA-I TE @TICRETE SECTIz\, HI lH 2T!O{ @YfT'gTE S-AB ilJAN @ME S TE ' 44 7.32 16 a 3205 taT 2g4a (n"|R'STE 69 4I 19.52 754 l?31 3got SBST 64 5Al8 .r j ; PRESTRESSED 58or PEcouREEr r Lf oFstizaa l1rQc.(l CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. N DENVER. COLORADO 80221 -t PHONE 433-63OtrzoPHoNE 433-630r L_J JOB TITLE By-e3-DAr E 6-2)- ?lloe ^Jo. /9 ? ?-a- CHECKED BY -DATE-SHEET -OF SUBJECT l?.'-r €r-AGf Srrt*u6 ="-r-=t^@,,:,L--!-I-siltl-e a-t' z' ?,, ta a o a az'' +' z" 3l+' 6,gg t2,ot' 74', I ( 4= zt,!"lu- Lr'6 l-= t4" i a €=lz,t?" JOB TITLE . PRESTRESSED 58Ol PECOe^YREET o l:to*t>ft@+O Lc,o<-*- CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. DENVER. CoLORADo Bo22topHoNE 433-6301 SU BJECT R.*-6 g,-Ar3S ev G oar6-'--z>- ?a.roB No.I s7?"_ CHECKEO BY -DATE -SHEET -OF STFTND TEI$'ANING 18900s amYs 1444. fivtlB lHE M!tr DIJE t+tBl STRESSES ( PS' IEHRS RE.EASE r8251 t. 15979. tYR. t35ga 4rR$ 14641. STRA{D SIRESS AT €TRS D(CEED lHE EAR-IER STRESSSE lHE E.ASIIC REGATN OF STRESS BBIDING WDERLIVELOAD I E 434l= 234fB lL= 14 B-= 4€8NS 16 TLF .332tr.s o sF 3206re 330t vts 22.fl: la € EFF .? ILI= .87 IL6: O * lrylv96 DF T4& 468 FY= 60 ILF O ILE .O26 sTG 754 BE II L$ 6lLlo LLt= .91 sG r?31E4 LGO lL4 0 LL& O wTra4I,SR(ING STRESSES (P$) Tf, STAICE FfV'{ L TFT SI,.trFO RT ( FT. ) ?.@ CRl TI CE. FAIN'I: 2454 2454 LSADIN G @'\t E[. Tl4N TNI'TI A. PRESTRESS DEADLAAD BEAI su4 INI'NA PRESTRESS DEAD LoAD BETM st'l FINA- PRESTFTESS FILL DEAD LAAD Stll FP + n- FI' I LI VE LSAt) SLY FP +IL + LL 8P 262 76 33B -397 .5s6 l9 - 373 loss 62 QO I l02 29o - l7A 2ll6 3DO - 1267 2523 3564 -2443 I 121 - t833 -712 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. sEot PECoUREET . OENVER. COLORADO sOzztOpHONE 433-630r JoB Tf rLE Ll<>psneAa, to or';la ", QB oot s4-2t-)z- JoB No. /217L SU BJECT (1<:o€ Sr--+Ss CHECKED BY -DATE-SHEET -OF I NNCE AT' S{EAR RFJNF3RCBIE\T REOURED DI STA.ICE FRIll AV ( S& lN. / FT. ) L EFT SI..PFA RT ( FT. ) VCX VCI,, MIN VC . v4 .87 0 0 .to6 0 L/ 4 15 25 . .G7 0 . 106 .07361 0 0 .106 .lgl%.2 .l o .106 .t318.3 .O4 0 .106 ,007244 0 0 .105 03&5 0 0 .to6 0 CA{BM AND DER.ECTION ATMIDSPA.I (IN(HES CA{BEF DW E PRESTRESS FERCE -4OO2 DER.ECTISN DUE D DEADLSAD BEA.I 1.671 CA4BER AT RE. EASE - A 331 FACZIR FZR PRESTRESSLASS TND CREEP I.5 CA4BER AT ERECTIA\ .3 O7 DER.EC"TI3N DUE 12 DEADLAAD I t,4I5, DH.ECNZS DUE T' DEADL AD 7 .89 NET DEFL ECTION' FILL DEAD LAAD .1.99 3 DER-ECTIA\ DUE 1? LIVE LAAD I LO23 NET DER-ECTION; FILL DEAD+ LIVELOAD .03 ILIIMATE MA'INT (INO{ KIP$ E[ STA.ICE FruM L EFT SLtrFA RT ( Fn ) CRI TI CA- MIN T:. 2447 INITIA. PRTSTRES$ /6A<]PS RB-EA*cE STFNGfi= 4OOPS BFAI I S LI G| nl,EI g{ T @\ CRETE REOLI RED PP'r'I DED 10173 11077 FINA. PRESTRES$ 3gKIPS FINA. STRNGTd= 500OPS Fl.r.o Dcx,.ru i-o,6eri ={-r;-:_Zl]\ = q,S!' \1-r zx \o'{) PRESTRESSED PEcouREEr . CONCRETE OT COIORADO, INC. DENVER, COLORADO AO::2roPHoNE 433-6301 JOB TITLE SUBJECT L,Ld 2z+-L +- 4"roep,rtc,bt "^.r- # xo, I ro =, DL 1o., s-p^t D r- Par.i--- 19 f"+ - LL : 'lap+!^= s z' JPr4 *J-*.1 : o @ @ Lu-- 3?,3 p>( Lr-: 33.8 4Q,zi g= Q-*+9 xo..:8'- t t z 31."t 4 -Co.z't.';K= 6.'ry)xo.o8 = S.--aa{ ..= DEf.,(>tJt; , Ll,c>' 4t'o' 10.o' (- "t QB oot, G'Lr-rr=oB No. CHECKEO BY-DATE-SHEET -OF c), 33 z2+ o. +qrEl(t 62r to4k/e+ R = C+x c"o) xo.oE - l?. 27o o, z<g v+t ?= ta.e-?o PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COLORADO, INC. 58or PECoOTREET o DENVER. coLoRADo so2ztopHoNE 433-630r su BJ Ecr R.rog_ 9._n&s ll JOB TTTLE ' t-l t:rrsH€r AO LoDGis-ev C5 orrE_C--?-z-""Jo" *o. I S) ) :- 76 - 174 ' .lo4 '99A . CHECKED BY -DATE-SHEET-OFtAz.lpe=9- Q BIAIB 13: 15 CSS TtttOUS/1z STRPI{D STRESSES (PS) TE\S?\I:\G ISHR$ RE-EASE 18900G t825t t. t6l@& a Davs tYR. 40rRs1534r. 147706 t52324 , *\ATB 'iHE STFh\D STRESS AT 4OTRS MAY E(CEED T{E EAR.I ER -STRESSES DUE T' 'iHE E.ASTIC REGAI\ ?F STRESS }T{N BE\DI\G WDER LIVE LSAD E 43A ST= 3206 SF l4O7 STG 16803 SBG 2019I= 234€8 IG 4325 E 96 BE 1l E O D-= 17,96 D1= 245 DF l%96( L= &64 Ett= !318 E+ 664' N$ 12 EFF= .? FY= 5O LS 6l . Le OILF.332. [Ll=.A L.* O L] O L+ OLS O tL6F O tL? .lO4 LLt= .2S LLF O MR,(IN G STRESSES ( P$ ) IAP WTTZ| DI STA\CE FFOY . L9ADI\G L EFT SLTPFA RT ( FT. ) @\l DI TI3N 2.8 I\II TIA- PRESTRESS A 2172 , a a CRITICA. ruI\T: 2593 DEAD L3AD BEA\,' sL1,t DEAD LCAD BEA,I sljl I t .Y H- rnL) I nr-JJ FI,I.L DEAD LZAD Si-t1 FP + tL FUL LIVE L3AD Sl-q FP + [L + LL INI TI A. PRESTRE.CS - 444 32A565 - t2s7tzl te 61 - lQO 3071 1250 - 3t te 860 - A 84 -@7 944 -745 259 3 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COLORADO, INC. sSor PEcotREET o DENVER. coLoRADo eo22topHONE 433-6301 JoB TrrLE LlorsHe.{p Looc,< av CB oare6- zz-?\oB No. lk? ? L- - suBJEct R*r g.-,te,CHECKED BY -OATE-SHEET -OF AREA AF S{EAR RENFiARCEIB|T REOURED MSTANCE FM:4 AV (SG IN. / FT;) LEFT SI"-FFART (FT.) Vc[ VCW UIN VC vz .93 0 0 .o76 0L/4 tt25 .04 0 .0?6 .o026.1 o o .076 0lz2 .045 0 .076 _ .O5318.3 0 0 .076 024A. O O .076 | O' 305 0 0 .076 0 CA.|BER F$ID DER.ECTIE\ AT MI DSPA\ (INO{E$ CA4BER DUE TJ PRESTRE.SS F0RCE DER.ECTISN DUE Ia DEADLSAD BEA'I CA4BER AT RE.EASE FACTAR E R PRESTRFSS LOSS A\D CREEP CA"IBER AT ERECTIS\ DETLECTIAN DUE TJ DEADLSAD T DE}LECTIUN DUE TJ DEAD LAAD 'I N ET DEFL ECTIgN, F{.LL DEAD LO AD DEFI.ECTI,Z\ DUE T' LIVE L?AD I NET DEFI-ECTI'N' FIIJ DEAD + LIVELaAD TLTIMATE MU}4NT (INfi KIPS) - 4067 l.9D -2. t8 l.s -3^207 1.972 .28 -.9 57 .69 -.267 INITIA- PRESTRESS 347<IPS RB- FASE STRE\ cfi= 36OOPSI tsEAY I S LI G{ N,JEI O{ T C3\ CRETE REOI.-[ RED F'I\A. FRESTRESS 27XIPS. FINA- STIiNGIH= 5000PSI PR'VI DED DISTANCE FFEV LEFT.STJPR'RT (FT.) CRI N CA. FTIINT:-;r1;:- '--':' .. . stieo tooa .:- JOB TITLE PRESTRESSED . saor PEcouREEr . Ltor.rs6666 !aOr+- CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. DENVER. COLoRADO sozelopHoNE 433-630r SU BJ ECT R.'61 e S r-46!CHECKED wD0618/72 STRA\D STRESSES (Pg) By <B DAT. C-^ZU-Z_r:oe NO. l9???- BY-DATE-SHEET-oF lt- ltr',4 Des,g ^ Q t3 56 CSS Tb|S,A\IING t8900e 28 DAYS 16034a ISHRS RE.EASEl825ll, 170334 IYR. 1528 43 4OTRS l5lo19. *NATg lHE STRA\D STRESS AT A6YPS MAY D(CEED 'IHE EAR.I ER STRESSES DUE U' lHE B.AS'NC REGAIN OF STRESShHN BBlDING INDER LI VE LOAD f: k 434 l= 23/16 IL= lB E-= 668 NS t2 ILF .332 TLF O sF 3206Ie 4s2g Bl= 18 Ert= & 68 EFF: . ? ILt= .4 IL6F O sB 1407 896 DF I8 EF 668 FY= 6O LAO ILF .1O4 LAADI\G @NU TIA\ INI lIfu PRESTRESS DEAD LoAD BEAV qr tt I\ITIA. PRESTRESS DEAD LSAD BEAY st'l FI\A. PRESTRE.SS FILL DEAD LSAD StY FP + D- FTLL LI VE LJAD St,l'l FP + [L + LL sTG 16603 B'= lt LS4Llo LL l= .2S sBG 2019E6 LGOIL4 O LLz- O I6R{ING STRESSES (PS) D[ STAICE FRa:"I L Ff,T SLII]P3RT ( FT. ) 2,@ CRI TI CA- F0 I ),t T! . 24 TAP wTTdvl 69 I la 69 3S 427 6l 8lo 871 53 924 2207 - t35 2207 -8r5 192 19 57 - 1976 -19 - .4/8.- 461 24 JOB TITLE Ltopsh;.ttO I o D4nr- SUBJECT floeF sr-A!5 AREA OF S{EAR REIIFERCE,INT TX STA\|CE FF3{ LEFT SUPPSRT (FT.) vz .93L/4 tz 48 9.6t44' t9.2 24 coNcRErE oF cor.oRrtDo, tNc. OENVER. COLoRAOO ao22.l t PHONE 433-6301 RF6t.[ RED AV ( S& IN. rq)? L CHECKEO BY -DATE -SHEET -OF PRESTRESSED 58Or PECo-TREET o vcx vcrd vc o o o o o. o o o o o o o o o 'o o 0 o 0 o o F'L ) MI{ . cgg.68 . cgg . c88 . c88 . o3g .G8 CA,IBER A{D DEFLECTIO\I ATMIDSPAI (I\IO{ES CAIBER DLE TJ PRESTF'ESS FARCE DETLECNA! DUE T', DEAD L3AD BEAV CA'IBER AT RE-EASE FAC1U R F?R PRESTRESS LSSS A\D CRE,P CAYBER AT ERECTIA{ DEFLECTIUN DUE T., IJEADLoAD I.DEFLECTI2\ DUE 13 DEADLsAD ? N ET DEFL ECTIS),I, FII.L DEAD LOAD DEFLECT1AN DUE TJ LIVE L3AD INET DER.ECTIU}I' FI.LL DEAD + LIVE LaAD ILTlMATE MAYNT (INO{ KIPs) USTA\CE FR'X LEFT SLFFART (F'L) CRI TI C4. FAIIT: 24 INI'II A. PRESTRESS 34?(I PS R8-EASE STRNGT1= 3SOOPS BFAY I S LI O{n{il GIT gJ\CRETE REOUT RED 5560 FI,\IL PRTS.iRESS 2??{IPs FINA- STRNGT{= 50O0FSI - t.64 .75 -.49 t.5 - t.335 .756 . t07 -.472 .265 -.207 PMVI DED 751 5 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COLORADO, INC. 58or PECOSOREET r oENvER. coLoRADo 8022t JHoNE 433-630r Llopett Ac\ l-€l o<,tr:- ev CO onr E t- -zz--'ZJoe ruo. fuor 9r.-AGs CHECKED BY-DATE-SHEET-OF llr) ? l-JOB TITLE SU BJ ECT ( €4A.lA b A34 l= 234fB IL= 18 E-= &68 NS 12 tr|!u- D- . ltJeLto l4 04 css STRTSI D TE|SANING t8900& SmYS lg9l. s]: 3206 IC 4325 Rl= lB Evl= 6 68 EFF= . 7 iL 1: .4 TLG O vEEOgA/72 STRESSES (PS) ISHR$ RB.EASE 1825t t. l692tg \!f $ rr,r n lL- r-,,( /I IYR. t 50076. 4/RS t4704t *M,TD TdE STRA\D STRESS AT 4OlR$ MAY E(CEED lHE EAR.I ER STRESSES DLJE 1!' TiE E.ASNC REGAIN AF STRESS W-IN BNDING UIDER LI VE LEAD (- sF 147 896 Dk l8 EF 668 FY= 6Oil.a 0 ILF .IO4 sTG 16803 Bb ll LS 40 ILlo LLtr .2S sBG 2019E6 LG.O tL4 0 LLA O MR(ING STRESSES (PSI) DI STA\CE FFST L EFT SLJPMRT ( FT. ) 2:8 CRITICA. POINT: 20 LOADIN G @NDI TIA\ INI TIIL PRESTRESS DEAD LAAD BEAY stfi IN I 'II IL PRESTRESS DEAD LAAD BEA"I stx FINA. PRESTRESS Fr I DDqDLAAD Sl..l1 FP + IL FILL LI VE L2AD .SLT FP + IL + LL lAP WTMN 60 563 623 J' 560 20 ea 1t8 69 24 318 2t92 - 112 2c5,0 219 2 - 556 t626 1905 - 1372 533 - 30? 226 JOB TITLE PRESTRESSED SAO| PECOS-REET r Llet+f,s} rc'Dc,"€ CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. DENVER. coLORADo 8022t JHONE 433-630r 5U BJ ECT Rrt,l1 S,I-ABJ AFEA AF SEAR REINFARCBINT REOLIREDB STA{CE FR'}4 LEFT SI,FruRT (FT.) va .93 L/ 4, to 4 a t2 l6 20 ev CB oarEc -zz-)?,€" *o. /&? 2< CHECKEO BY - DATE-SHEET -OF 0 o o o 0 o o AV ( S& IN. . vct,J 0 o o 0 o o o FT. ) MIN . c8E . c88 . cgg . CB8 . CB8 . CB3 .G8 l/c o o 0 o o o o r\_. VCI CA4BER A\D DEH.ECTIAN ATMIDSPA\ (IN(HE$ CAYBER DUE TJ PRESTRESS FARCE DEFLECTIZN DUE 1? DEADLAAD BEA1 CA'IBER AT RE.EASE FACI?R FAR FPESTRESSLASS AlD CFEEF CA4BER AT ERECTIS! DEFLECTIAN DUE P DEADLAAD I DEFLECTION DLJE .I? DEADLOAD ? NET DEFLECTIS\, FllL DEAD L9AD DEFLECTIZN DUE TJ LIVEL3AD INET DEFLECII3\; FILL DEAD + LIVE LAAD ILTIMATE Y VNT (I\IO{ KIPS, DI STA\CE FF3,V L EFT SUPRI RT ( FT. ) CM ?I CA. EIN T; 20 REOLI RED 361 FINIL PRESTRE.SS 2?O{I PS FINA- STRNGT-{= 50O0pS - t. t31 .362 -.769 1.5 - l. l5a . 355 . ost -.73.18 -.5t PMVI DED 7512 rrYr rr rL rx!-s I ti l-5:= 347{I Ps RB-FASE STRL\GT{= 35OOPS EFAY I S LI O.t TI,JEI O{T C]NCRETE ( SAOt PRESTRESSED PECOS STREET r CONCRETE OF COLORADO, INC. DENVER, COLORADO 80221 o PHONE 433-6301 -JOB TITLg Lror.4.|+FAD Losce tiU BJECT U By Q.B DATE ?-rl-?2- JoB No. 1877?- CHECKED BY -DATE-SHEET -OF sPr(10: 07 CSS .TW 07/ 11/72 SECTI3N PruPER]IES FJR DF, 24;\, Gl DEEPr I DEILI TE rr,'I T{ 3IN Crl C3..{ FE SI TE S-Ats YB ST r r.8l l4t4 s3 60r Rt1 @NCRETE SBI 7100 ll/9 4 8IN0{ h[ SECIIgN, YTA N3{ gI.{r? SI TE 137 CgY F3 S TE 165 12. 19 9.a6 12.a6 l-166_ a94 JOB TITLE C"tt eel<- grraecses €,Br.c<-f.c-o-o'o-t se-c-'7-1oa, 3zj-t q,, . A= lu'9ro" €= Qtttl'90,tol By Cg DArE )-l l-)?-JoB No. ,g? ??- CHECKED BY -OATE-SHEET -OF J= 2z,X!" g; 1f,.(r1' PRESTRE5SED ssor PECoSJREET r Ltc'u"no*o Los,-o CONCRETE OF COLORADO, INC. oENvER. coLoRADo so22tOPHONE 133-630r '.'-/ . r 31,5l\ ('-SU BJ ECT r; -s:a-: r 13.5' Ca^P.fia .srr?ErsEs 4 X=2),?g - . Dug. o t3!L'/++ \ --- o,tGa,z/?r P.-.= o,3o1 L/P*j,r= a,tsLE/+r /l=tzt@ -rzr."s) - -- f 1 I t.( ur ,^- l. ,r.o fe s z)s z z).7s' -)\)J Iz-) C €= )?, It L3.So DL 9E.Srt"t t, ft.115x o.tgso rsEs\Y.g | '' t--ctl+os[ .oA Coer 4crcrT€ Du pn"-: o. lO+ +Lc_ = 6. zsg 4 F r-r't r- P Resl at::! I I sr,s-_r t:25!€, -i)rs" FSsly46t / DL It c ^/'1 t.roe 54!.t.SXo,3r8 - 1'<-f,] i\Lo | ') :-L--- l- \. a-.1r. /,lY -",*e L(tiqa) Du PAn]'+ .- Slqq,S x o,tkl Q 'nS -z,ql-o 'qq1--F6 o.'9 -l,z z -6,73.l a_: C-o,tl) - 1,4) z.q1 o,6\ e € = rz.L I - (fL,G8 -lt,st) = o.3l8 1,1+'a (-,,"r) Se<- T1 o r.) - -. o.qiaf4+ 7= -a-rlz-9--b/fro,le l ( e, rr) Cz, oz) ? - lz,Ql- - 2,#li JSsL n,1z- lql (g,"") l)D,f -f 1 l'l rZ:f,1_-€j) /sa\f \l6at B ) I 'Stv l, oL o,8Ea.; fl-tt)r (ti TtJ t'n A L F? c'srY.€as : PRESTRESSED 58Ol PECOe - TREET o CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. DENVER. COLORADO EO22roPHONE 433-6301 l--ltl t<>>> SU BJ ECT JOB TTTLE rl-toarsttFA6 !-ODI;G ay Q G onr e7t t -72-- JoB No. CHECKED BY-DATE-SHEET-OF Apr.'vsra- Tia*r-sr"crte.,o ggTrtp t \)!€- (9!,r-y # Z i n)A fit Ar,Bra).1*.eD SggTr arr.l ' 9rrrc-G - -'C or.,p,tEIJ='- Q- PCccfrr,et5 STtZAgOj ra, co *r f4,tsSsr<r\r, TYaY ,t ) i-1. g + -\tr r*-r r{c ( A ",,o* -A a". "t Cz^- r)A's h Atr- 8z3o ,* a ffis-- Gr+,s i+?: ot\ -- ( tq-,) (o'a)= 7,??' 7 Co,e)= 1,2,^ - VB= l2r l5- lz.t3" Yr= lt.sg" 2(( -?, 8 x @ 2,5 -p r,,s)t +q, zx('r,,s-+f Fr,.ro U.A, l-*- <rB= fua. ,ry i-.*"tr.* Cr t't +z,a t-+..) {-,,^* (,';; ^ G,,s-r r,r).)] + Pr."r,."\"J bxo,ls3 l: o,91816,-z -t o ( | --o,sr -+*1 32e): zzr c-^--- oJ..!_ecl+ll __ S,o,),, )s., r_t zc*o,gS Xe'XS- M".=o,t xo,crl&6xr-ur Qz,f3- + \'z-/ CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. DENVER. COLORADo 8022r a2HoNE 433-630r JOB TITLE PRESTRESSED 58or PEcosJEET.. L r o LrEl-taAO LoD .j.G- t SU BJECT CH ECKED ev-g€ -oA,re '7-l l->>:oe ruo. lq-?rr- AY-oATE-SHEET-OF -C : Qrtd ' M"; | ', 1xs1?t,f,x (o,,t(+o,osz-) - h -- = l, ) x sztgt.sx G. l11) = zE+to,2- po +.q tos t,l .rrn - la,'1r5 A.=' $'"=il (>- 3t +4 *. l.,p5 <-ztoS/ t.aqlol {)vr-sr-rCrate I..r rTt l+u Cz:oo r -ftCr.r--r - wrSOl .Y'H,.f: B?no* y I w+s ir(J,L, 9e€ Sr€et o.q3XS,r$* tto,)GF = 2-tr b L >lG-7b L.',, --f oF, b= z x 9''?1..,. !?& = ),,5,15--'l-e^rt',,.,. B.ocr -' /z x )' X usE. la? Tof QAe= .O,G6X bo,Xo,v* " 1r* .uS *e- pqnT I?<'" F!>re- Qo'.r /Z Ess re r= R.6,,a1 pa<..e^p- 5, fto eo^ p, 'z ,?: +c".:., " PRESTRESSED 58or PEcosJ Lro^rsflcrqP Lp.,a CONCRETE OF COLORADO, INC. DENVER. COLORADO AO:12roPHoNE 433-630r JOB TITLE DArE 7-rr-??- JoB No. 1e772- CHECKED BY -DATE-SHEET -OF Ats (.SUBJECT , , ?c7= V= T_ f(t,@)=7tc2+'^L C t gr x rr, ri\ + ( ?, c xz z,sl t( :.ax+\ _(r3) t7,A?-r.o) - (-| 2,<r" {-,, o + <7 s* c,. -,,' r,;'J4 -t, ? x{::.s-, "-)'8+19 # - ?ot.-7 el- lct f-Z,o \(rr-- +)r Se-- gSll - -r'otlz€: rz'e1 -Cto.E-g-tt)=Q rtEc-g__!nee$sE-r : 3T- !23.-< + .z';f<S>15,.6 ?ral o- ba^*'. 5t94.Snb, ltoL 2ea Lt- t ?.q3" \ + ?=12, Ul -ot'lO z,?ce ( Q.o, +"r) 1F? Ftp*u Pne <rness. -!ZZ!S ! l3r'f (e) | 5 1.8 -, O | -+ ^tof ce_,t.ilq,\_ ole g L L c^ej'l^' G o.,"s) 39 -t.sa 2'9 3.39 - z,ql l''f 3 o,8< o'+') -l ,zz f o, +s) I *? ,-.,l. T.o t{ '4 t" z,z8 -o,1E Gt,"1 lo? ( :'u - lr3o - 2, ara l.3cc G,ror) t-)54. CHrtru.- orJ DEcF To C/qfaGY r-, uq1 LoAo. JOB TITLE PRESTRESSED 58or PEcosoEEr . Lrorrgt+€As l€oo6- CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. DENVER. COLORAoO eo22r o.HcNE 433-630r (_ t SU BJ ECT .li4 I os.rt'n- :i I F.-**',,r- ILC'J 6y G ealE '?- l?-? ?- Joe Aro._ lg7?2. - BY-OATE-SHEET-OF ,\ , ,\).t Y a | -"':T-.1 -----Jq^."-. --.4.-_*.....- +p\ t. s A'c '- r.laf zc\.'?4,{ r,.'t = 12 - g! foS,l CH ECKED i +'=1" b--ra,b,' I -t a.: cr: I I I rg 45= I'a2<11-- ;1 *. rL-- tn la- ll,, E lao,+.-rrst = 2tegZ E or.r*. Lq S3.E sF{ @2 02 css Il,/|.1t7i ' d7- I nts. o,(r"., .,rJ A.r ;J I A. / \ .r,\ = ll , I 5 = nS (2 h- l) r -\ co,h -l..sg'r-I'AS = A, tr t ^ -lt -srq:r.. trF-|.,- o7/ la 12 SECTI .) { PR] PF FTI F S FJ F A YT \3! ClvlPl SI 1F 16l I l.'13 CI4 PJ SI TE 235 7. ) 1) ). o, t6. 06 ?tr./ tia I EI!O{ I.,t DE' 22tr.!CJ TF.ER I TTFA.I ]F CJ{CFE.TEsEcTIl{, r,{ 1{ 0I\cJ cl4p.)-sI'IF s-AB YF ST SF l?. t2 77 a ?:,1 9 193 lOirz t 7c.E c PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. 58or PECoSJEET r oENvER. coLoRADo 8o22r JHoNE J33-63or JOB TITLE Ltops Ft E,qD Lor>o€ ev CB onr e 1-lL--12-roa No. lP?)?- (_ '( SUBJECT Q= t2,('l - ( 1b,68-tz,rz)= 6.o5" CHECKEO BY -DATE-SHEET -OF T-oP Bonopt 3,?,Q (r,e.; . l,t8 _- l'2O 2.7 6 (,rr) - 4. r"o l"r .. Z '2 d t{t*+-t r-,r-.- 3.i (o,+s) -e,s1 ,/' i,-' fttt I ..--\r-'t \ L\9 -l .a?B,l1 O, ltoZ-_ o,ct t Cz, r+>) l, 3iz- 7^J r,,' \( L,?5 r,-\.tc^:\ A,c,rz € qh6Fl t1l?J,Al I I q14E.c,S C .rp rTrA.r- /([.sTREs S lS t' f a lcn" du "ttiE, ue-T Se'cTro^.r Ce =8,<rS) , r$-f 'llt,-: FA6 E o\: TH 11: Fur-u 9 r.j4'Ilou e. c.*ftJcg: A6,zs e1.,y F0cat €--- tt ,r.i'Io s,oS', A- &oTl o*n C4r,"1 FQr.r'.;ror oF ".lG l.!i f'] Av trtr5T ,/uTtl<Ut'rl tJ-. wruu Ei[ l xTrrr:taf'uv L<-rcArirl-n, A (r*.;,ncqr'rvq: <'il]rjsq cF ?,11- l,rJ(fc;.:1nqg A l?i-rrrl ...,' ..it".t. t..7lt cl, 46ccrt'jl, '+burFvcR,l 1lr3r.rtc,rf Tll '-', 9l /l\. 1- {-il,l lt l. I (}.!,r..( L ,l-r o/,L.r L)d{= p(:t6r c, r.--' 'l lir: BF r\t< t irr\.rr .- efrri 1016 (\s,:, 'r;., i1 lf r 1-1r,1r- <,i(.(..r G -''",''l z 42 <t) l--a,3' - o,ol Qdazd /. .-_a,eso o.t["* ( | o 'r ,.-,, I I b. 1..,- \\ Ll-.. ( to,,.s,,^^ ) lll.t f !)3.f(e\tt' t /))4r \L)s?s,/Go. tr)- l,?f Ot- g5,**l 3!_1€xo.-tt, s fzrtt \vfls J Fr p*- PC€rT&€gs: t l),i: .r- r g),f fe_),bt -,7;+f Qsc sJ Gr- B,"t +-ro?) 5f1.+,s x o,3lE' \)5ql,3 CDr e^o- "--D5fi1,s x o' trt Ft liz.r_\ \loe"l u/ S.r"anajffl AO.rra- 9726;caeS Ttlr; BoTo,r,r OoaeFQF csr \,,- (-o'*) Z '7Co -?,io ( t-, . v); ' o. z-t '-o,st ,' Lz,Z t) C"-)- PRESTRESSED s8o1 PEcosJEEr . Lr oa..rs, rFeJ. f) Lra O t-il C9NCRETE OF COLORADO, lNC. DENVER. CoLORAoo 8o22r JHONE 433-6301 c JoB rrrLE SUEJECT - ev G orr E 7-t >- :.-.ror *o. /&? ) a- CHECKEO BY -DATE -5H EET -OF C gnv{ x3'-o' ].<-5r' TnF.e 4(r'-,rl'S, B<r[0. = SZts >+f .'. o |: \r)e,r> &*'J= f x*"-t Cl+ccp eHrtuuEt l (v1*x graEss * ' lr'L= t'? = T- -- A=P- ( f1r'? zrt" B oAP= F- 4 t/l'xto, 1o\ !tg" x<^ u4s ( 1- ft*s 'T-o Hor-o I -----J=J- toee'u2/. A:F 'o , Atoz- C. "). = 61Q{z-x z-X I I = 16;, h:r-i r! = tS.-rl tf I I I ,t 4gli' z3 .Q.:,r.., u:c-lt o-, o,Gz{' t4"tt/o,rr<= zo.4l l.+i ?,3n 3.38x,13,3''= .+9 tr z.'rti, , . o.qz^.l, 5? x ro XTBX 12,, I PRESTRES5ED CONCRETE OF COIORADO, tNC. j u""t PEcosorEEr . DENVER. coLoRADo 8022r JHoNE 433-6301 JoB TfTLE dr<rrr',nenu l<,o..e ,l. QB oo, E €.-z-L-7L JoB SU BJ ECT 1TFEL BEA.m ! 4 (.:-..r- r.ls ---'-'-'- Ce!4eN T : 7. O) 6 6A\TrhJ<, a.J ---lrllli ?a'i.4- b.-Ar ?--\rr .t ^tktice*-x#t, gaA<i Mc3:. C<ij-= '-A €-483 No. {t?) a CHECKED BY -DATE -SHEET-OF ,.J.'1it-ttr . s= c-s c 2= /@? =ga<- -- f.r, >1. lltt' I't \i:-=-={.t+f'I" S!(ia<,icR e2Q= j F= _9E_\<irj<_--_ =_6^ lZBt_lItl Yr."tr 4. r.\,' 4a+xt/,t,, !'tt.376"a11.o A ---:E =FJ*q'. \jc. ^-l-, ----eu,-rcer:j| 'i A, 'E= b3rr,e-tN 'S-v-=L.3/, itSt-4=- !, t 2 ),';l q.J' U) g -a s$ t'--_l ti i-- .-ltlll ltItllllllrl &,s-,:iv. ,-to:lz',1 \l tq c^ic. .SAii-\5+Nl;4N -). a= ?-oc<,!$i .i,-:2b1--t stJl >9 ='-a-< -N q'; i: i),-7'rz -)r I 5Ar. aa-,lY\\ _^) i \tq -t*({: -l. _ol. t rrlf I I I lili ii4i6 x lr'*,,{-, 7r'i B -;o o.r r! 3/s" fr iof , I1 7+' n- Botr^^*%"<li.,-s vtl\<-Z €-&q Zir,, v\K.E-; *-i- _ _ _r_+-:- *.ffiI;..,.co1q.7c7n,._'.. - i_.c3. n-o.* l: a,< q=a<- 2 E; =' oig: F-a.:l< =*a,t, .ao;ct-----il-i-* \-) | -/iT\ -_+- >/.t \r--;;J i.-\!-/ r-'-'-.r - JoB TTTLE Ll ol=rtr3AD LoDag """, "":5:ilf,r.r,r? coNcRErE oF coroRAn rNc. oENVER, COLORADO AO22r ITHONE 433.6301 By Qg DAT E e-'z? - -2 z- JoB No. / &? ) L 5UBJEqT S-r EEc- UJtr CHECKED BY -OATE-SHEET-OF r- e'o , 3*l , 4* F.-.roes K= 6g= uJ1 3?,?.\.,\) l-o^bl Gzx?-Pr*s Dor 'Io ?' Lt r'l r= L9AD : - L.4rqO Tr) ( Srr.* -={uJ/ -o- - (' -'^^-= i'Du wF o, 332 t/-E-1r o,?t+E/+t a, to +l'/+r o,14 6u/++ a aos4 X3l.-z Dl- ,L7.4s -kr .-ta3 3, 4AY/k- \OF fteea. R.,'n.- 3J,: x eor= 2-3,r ('* 29?V t x ,ov-- a4,8 -2., ,?+o\ = aG2o, ,'Lo/ wu. = Q.,o+*z-t,z-')x ,7Gz-l, is k/+r { PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COLORADO, INC. 58ot PECoSTREET r DENVER, coLoRADo so22tJHoNE 433-63ot ev CG oarE G-eg- ? r- JoB No. l&) ? >- suBJEcr tTrrcg *llB CHEcKED Bv-DATE-sHEET-oF Co*".rTo k{l Dlb,-5 Pt.- Po-.- 3,41 x+'= lr13xf= ( E*=-- x- Q-:l1-o^. R = (e,+r G)4(?)3 11\=,., Pl\ 1 ,,r.\.n Xi: = 13,?6 E- x'-- t- .Its,t-r"6 :-; = 3?,zi{t-frro r t-*1'*"x j,ol ( +x{-q (t+)\ . ?s,G\ 15, z-ts f F- Rt. .',- = P*+,, " (c,.'",*) 13,Yt C")- \8,{ ({): 1. -- Px z (z*s'+ ?-x8 ] , ja"r P 1. o,111P . 4. sgz- * I 3,1 ' 13,"t t' -3stle .+F l'u' r r' (+xr'- (t(,.D t {'(ro1) + g+ (zxr'+z( axer l,z*ti'rz" 2.56 z P /tc\\,./) ({)= 9'st Q, -. , 2, 56?.\ 6,13rlxB) , z X { PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. 58Or pEcOSJEET r DENVER. coLoRADo 8o22t JHoNE 433-6301 JOB TITLE SUBJECT 3Ttnr:u trF cH EGKED -y'r1-r-R**?.,..., Br L. By € oAr 6 L-tq-7L ,or *o. /&? 7e- BY-DATE-SHEET-OF Po.--r,- lRc Xr- = tt.4'{+'E;p"t or.r<".s14= (ta*xo- L ,4'(. ?)- *t' (r of t+) ( ) D-l\ctoF O r ?-E ? a2 ' o2-Vo.S S.2t <'- - r k--> (,1 {+-l- 4...+ * 4u,t -" c7A lvs- o,r-ktg, l.----{tl| . .l V+* tS, a-) :. 4G. a ts,) h z?.x 213 I"- -W---tlgs+L ltlo ^" -- Fr.td { z,u rurtd -fee, LE.-c +. WF J.r.,1 o*J,L L o.332'/(t S-qS\dI Lr-J t e =ki €ooF r \)5E- tl/zxz- Nl LL R.Ju.{'; Il*,^o" = f,1* *(u=,,"* --fl.on= 3- x(+r,1)"+,a"( It4en r = PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COLORADO, INC. 5eor pEcos jeer . DENVER, coLoRADo Bo2zl eHoNE 433.630r JoB TrrLE i L t opsrr<-ao Lof:oa r"CB ooru 6'z1-)l.roB No. l&J?z ( suBJEcr Sr.t:f e -cter'.r" ps cHEcKEo B'-'ATE-'HEET-'F l Az.=lrOh d"c- L c-;tr.,^,^ b<o.^- n\..q-{_2i^4r.J L<J^.oA|:=:----\:ctlElr.= q.Zei' , A"* Lrrri 4\,_ R*o LL €r LL ?.4 Ta:tr L€A c I C."l t Co\ z- Cot Col 4, 3 lv*.L i r"tg I /+O,l l &,o P.q- 3-4{) 3c, lc1 "--.1 F I 4<,{p QArsc-Fz' Ch".L. L,* Lo.,J bof(*"{.., . Cr"C / 3'-{+. +A {1..") A -) , 44.\ =a, da7r"t4: = cr,c/pezx l,t3XGXIC _ o,zit\ltI z-tx to7 x o,2q _ -L;t;P-= o'uo3 - 33r tczS *l - 3<-o 57.+"at t ') , ], j (] il rla si ir L L* .r.>* 13 r-,o\. <J ,-., \- CoL l-CoL "-CaL 3 Cou Os€ i/r<q' .\ Drllp'-evrcteol lxc//.t 57,+ - \7'e3 ' 4xlx lza- luo,1 lo6,o 4xgx,/8 TF,G / 111,o 4xtx l'a lv7,L ti l,o (. PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COLORADO, INC. I r 4ssor pEcosJEET . DENVER. coLoRADo eozt JxoNE 433.630r J, JoBTTTLE Lrorrrn€no Loo c't .r cB oarg )-3-r-? loe No. l6)?a- suBJEcr 3TEc r- c-or. r;nps cHECKED Bv-DATE-sHEET-oF 't I l?^x,r-f- e,,o; E =e,7bo N= C r' [c= 1" ^. Il-t<tr qllc""r Ko..Ctr,-s tl w lz xL?- er. rs {:r +qr+g =o.)Sx acx, ac ()) = 1iq,rrt k ) ls.a:1'.{ '-oH lYo* *l(.., ,-,Ln- l.-.(=.,,7f x3Lr,ec (4,g")= Lz.b ) lt,+-J, olc Dgs,.-*:lirre-Q.r -.r*.r-l Erts,=-Q't- t,Lle-a. s?rFFpEn-S 1 sri-Fr-<rort g )1.: 1_-__ , rKED I I(E)JEtJ EAOI PECOS STREET . (.ITNLXE I t, (ri EIJL(JKAU(J, tN(.. DENVER. COLORADO 80221 e PHONE 433-€3Ol JOB TrrLE Llo lt>ltc Ao L4-tD('e-u" C ootE )- ? ^){JoB No. /r))a- (-SUBJECT €'CFFL C€LrJF'.J CHECKED BY - DATE - SH EET - OF L)so 3lr" =rr4v.,.,- x.z>/g\ I r-- I / ( zud )--* ,,.EJ--St=o. k ,l0o.r.r- l SFc-'r.or--: B- B P."r',d.LiE J Br."r'*, \.a t,rep.-f r I tacL lt<tcst<-,rl != .Ij:*4] f"^r - o'b1 F,r; s,-?,/,(-) " z l,s(e,L^; L8..rxzr-io= lql >A+ ,,r. oh, t, q.- T^l+^= A= a x7gv!,s?t s.r;. * c-lso- 23t yz: ?Sx :zsx?-= le,S'' 4A-lZ,Sx,1-3, 13" AHtor= 6,?i.z .!= trlx ll,3)5-=6,Su 5e-11o^,A-A 7r,, PR.ESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC.laor PEcos 'EET . DENVEJ:I, COLORADo 80221 aHONE 433-630r JOB TITLE BY -DATE-JOB NO.- CHECKED BY -OATE-SHEET-OF SU BJ ECT \ Ctr-J.^- ^ t l-E-aJ, -T|! | , +A €.rt.e, -'-3vgf i -TEr' -f e.r.,--- = I jfl I l" .-''3::l; f3?'l'lo\y' UJF tu s'- 1 Qol.,-- = lzg\ lLa+L3t& (WF Pu B* "1 C al L.^.r*}1. = . q'- zlg,, -tlf ,-,f Cor,.-'.: l ,*ri|' ,r^, I t1 3r; Eor./Ql,*-= loE-ali-| tr'-- {ar;t Cut L.*fh = grzs/t" o\'( :j "d*= lJ_,,,7fr',, .rJ_?t', B.,, ( C-r.-,*.... : ffi;a: O-r t $ ^rY)f Le*? lYl = 11 - 3*{ p,*,o< -+lh (?r..,6 o z*4 fr.-.,on * 34n-..ro r AT' I - {r-,o*- - ?-F'l [rr-oo n- -nf { Cal*,.-. =_r" i,rrJi, N2 -- O| O-/( tz1\ -7 t,^ Cof.r....,. -- | | g'- t+ ostt -t t,, ':. , "/g I og'- oat(' PRESTRESSED 58Ot PECOS 9EEET .It Lto^-ry+eAb Lotc.e (', JOB TITLE SUBJECT lL 1 w t {sf,"".np-a 'c*5 c,gt br-; Ka r> -r 5'-<), €;2" 4= Sro'-+Q o,4l <? ut:f :_ l^,tr . ^ t t^1,Q6./+1 LL' *,s? "/f- ' M- = !. S xE,s1 x Zo,z$L= SfC+* _ L,rr, -3,+t1- e:,32= s x38- = o, ol a x 23+= -t,at'..- t pr,,.- 3cit, - ft, $,Oor e 1c1' 2 <rlJ L o.ru'z) o (), o o\ Fgr.*; Acr lo,t'.f tlJg*'= L-l-)2o, . -t- L(lror- 1 LIJ a,o, -- - Q... = o ,Lqcb/l +-x 1.1 o,3?z'/f+ o,zs)E(Ft o,ozbk/++ v.ib\<vrft X3l xt, tB' .'o d(S,e t,) x l,J a' + o.<o (_{)x l,J =s -A--bA'.p*- T;7 CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. DENVER. CoLoRADo 8o22r dHoNE 433-630r T-ltl ey CHECKED BY -DATE- SH EET --OF 3?4g = 2.c2t- 3" ztco € e"..\ ),f{,1 ).,-,. A'z--91-' rio.: o,zq.-E(e-- lcl ,o { !.uo" = sr,3r...-L = ZH+ PRESTRESSEt} ssol PECo?REET o CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. DENVER. CoLoRADO sO22roPHONE 433.63Ot (: JOB TITLE SU BJ ECT ( DER- ECTIZ\ Fl= 6OOOO Nl= 7 Bl= 5 LF .N6 BA5 F} A'G D*L} ti4 L o.. *+ont- L.,>., a "" CB oo, E1^ ?->2_ Jss N6. 16?.)?_ CHECKED BY -DATE-SHEET-OF CA\TBB t6: 46 .CSS {itt.o7/oy72 ***DEgC:{ FrR A S{R-E BFA"ft** ' TLTIIIATE Y'vINT II U REOLI RED IN-(I P 5ACA IV\4 EDI ATE DEFL ECTI s !. L &LL .83479 FF 5000 Al= & Dl= I LA 2.5 B3 16.75 gIEAR AREA 'F STEH. AT D FR'"I T,{E SUPFART S.I FAR STEE. REO'D . 3222?6 l\- S0 o s €._ p,' AREA AF STEE. FEOIIRED AT L/ 4 FM{ S{EAR -STEE. REQ'D lS l3? I\- SO * ie l.n VU FI.JR\|T S-IED I!-(I P 577(.r^A6" SUPP' RT AlT: C?r 22- b ' ... LA\G TER1 DFFL ECIIA! .56t3t . 40000 0l= .44 A3 2-DS 2.75 X l= o- Fstr AS SOT\ 3 /1 : 4,33 s- I I lno .3 0 0 2& 25o' A'S -s&I\ .44 Sl= l2 AIF 0 D+Oxao r{ l= 4& ?5 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. sEOr PECoUREET o DENVER. CoLoRAoo so22ropHoNE 433-6301 By QB DAre 7-4-'tt- Joa No. l9??z-t JOB TITLE SUBJECT.Re a*<r- beAna - ztro- 3-J -l\*t^ fr'€HEcKED By -DATE-=H EET -oF S Rp: eOL 3,, 2o (. x t t-(." G-.en " ( ,{ lr,Ct'*, t'ruoa A' q?1, C u). otElgE/F,r a{ e, ga,, 3 ={t..rfr € z+" Rtto* o, czzz{ xA- hr-.. rr web AA!= o ' c..f 2Srr Sx6G= Cr.&.?.S-..-- a- (. I :i JI -l I vli'/ .d,t / ,"r.D( ,ttr' - l+c- . Use, -O,+1 (),385 t-L 2"7 =A,+o*' o,1ze ts/F+- j,ttf l, oco tl€+ Zr1 DL; I--l---+ rl)g"" = o,St8k;r++ xl,.t= U"r." = ot -23>Yt+t- !tor= O,gotts/lr- d.,,.r- o, rolk/(t- - _, a:719 x ?'' Xr'1' ?,1-t r\= za'rc36':Gr^ou.1{-t- I,ot = 1!,!" f&lr.{,"* k{L-- c2,s zz.,,01 X3o'- o..ezqi7?+ xr,r : LL M* t I,{ x-S.6 ? Xzo,t,EL, T"-, n - J-s-::" / (, nrs ' J. -*,, .X 'Jsu (."t ? 5) . A, ,.1'?,o 34st- { q ).s: E c-r *4+ ,* , h,,r ' l, Gr *r- PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. saol PEcos 'EET . DENVER. CoLoRADo 8o22t CHoNE 433.530! JOB TITLE BY eG DArE -t - rt- ? \or *o. l?) ) L - ; SUBJECT PraEee*f B FA-r -2 P- '{ {'t F,,ai CHECKED BY-DATE-SHEET-oF .'. cA{1BB lO! 19 CSS TUE O?/O472 *** DESI C{ FJ R A SI'l fu E BEA'ltt f tL1IYATE vI?'IE{T 9IFAR AREA ?F STE8. \3 S{EAR STEN. ARFA 2F STEB. NA S{FAR STEE. DEFL FCTT3! }4 U REOLI FEDI{.(I P 35G.72 IYI4 ED{ ATE DEFL ECTIA\L ALL l. t@778-2 F& 5000 Al= 1.2 Dt= 8OL* LaB3 1675 YLI FURIT S{ED IN.{I P fi7422 F3 40000 AE .44 D*2 L3 .624 840 t-t- .,c-', UV u4 , ucl$/Tr S1= l2 A/!A DIF O{}o 4l= 12.75 A_s -SGI\ 1.2 A'SssI\ .44 A'I D FR'VI T{E SUPFAR] REOUIRED -?__+ Oto_ * S C z+, = o, ll r-a AF|- - 1r-'t wCw tl" /.rv\''\ - - . -ao"/D - REOLII RED A'I L/ 4 FR'Y SI,FP3RT REOL[ RED L'.\ G TERI DEFL ECTI3\' 2.97796E-2 Fl= 60000 r*l l= 7 Bl= 5 Ll=.518 BA5 A} D} Xl= 8str .t5 U U 20.25 o z= diJL 4 = sc,lii*o -- {= ,to *' dc '2"{s' 3c ["' t57. c > l'js <t ->i ' " O J<. , (e)g\ ,LOQ (_ la" 9" r=-'l ui, =*'@;.*A e-.litl tjoa No- lg?-?z- (' I PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. 5801 PEcolrREEr o DENVER. coLoRADo so2zlOpHoNE 433.6301 JoBT;TLE Llolx+6.an u.roc,E- ,.7 @ oora?-tt-?l-- JoB No. 18))2- suBJEcr PG,gct\sr LEftr-t - z v'- rtt.. F..*,^"s cHEcKEo By _ DATE _ sH EET _oF QJtrScK H*vor-r^;a'.. c.k b s a.\..- t -o.) t)se- .z ' l,$f,- Lropr t/Jt: o,Sr6h/r x L.zf- l@,Gh /..-=- €,1 7uo.efa t = z.)r-- P I (l4,.-*. \J, e,fl^-. L)se_ lLa z.)/)i lcc"^ t t,{+,1 = F? ,^- 1",'n6asG Ar.* o,tt irtr xcd - <c,lirtSxsx lzo ' Il.€rsr "r-A . I4o ^. ' o ..1 X 6ox ',88, (2, f) -- t 1'+ Iu- lL,pr >Ft ..* L,1oa I [? I *-Lir, *- L,c,' b= 119'' PRESTRESSED ssor PEcotREEr r ,,raa Llols+er> L-ooc.a ev CG oere ?- { -r"- 366 11s. lt ? 7 L ecr So.:T* stfe4R uo A4- cHEcKEo By_DATE_sHEET_oF I q L'2r/eS I ,o t3,?' CONCRETE OF COIORADO, INC. DENVER. COLORADo 8022t JHoNE 133-6301 JOB ' SUBJ tt\l t\\:r- d -D . .'{ l) .fr Nsd \lo !r' cr| .$ \l s $r--1 l* l{ li l. 3:g!: I to. Src.- H- - I I I I I I I I I I II 'I t:tl l.t i -\\i \ \ N trl l\rl \ t \ --: )l (r -'l \l *l I F:+ F;+_..-I- - T dulo slliili l,lt *l ,l 'l'l ' ,l i\ I i I i i I FStl t c -L.t "<,J:t J.g'f t\1: s $3t, l'i'+,(\s\ g $gl Fo {- "o / 1111 ir ,r\;sl s ti=A\ ll ---Jr Iil'3\t-t !l -.-f j rl lrl 1 t-t?1f t/tta),/4. /.q I t.\!\[i \{4i: -it.; J-iI 'i[\; .{ ll $-' l,'9 tlI\t\i.l: il tr ls '/ .J9't I iJ'lr! i-r i// ll'iil\ t -$\ I I I I I l1 I. 1i{I -.f q\- .a .'l t.:.,o :.-t r-l/Pr u, \-/ (rt 'il -tr :' PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OF COLORADO, INC. 58Or PEcos o.rt . oENVER. coLoRADo 80221 SHoNE 433.6301 ( JoB TfrLE Llol.:sH€ 13 Looo€ "" QB-oo, e1- 4*-t:- JoB No. t&)7L SUBJECT SO,TN SftEAR PALL CHECKED BY-oATE-SHEET-oF t4JnLL -rttlq\clJcs5 = 1Vz- 11r." <r.oo*rcS = 1" ,.( ".*,i'r- t,JttlD Q6JTreOr-3 DEc,o *r s..1;-a4 u-rA r- c- +.-t r,Ut- D r- ,L)-= o,1D+,,3 qj c>,o68 h+i 1 z-tff' ' t+r ,', Ols.- al,L,l 1ar-_+ 6?.t1 , PS: X/t f2.:., tr X tz Dr- t, Qom . l?-srtni ( i A,rr : o' 6DlL AAry = DtooLD -) CL""F-'l-u-.,.^. - P.'0.r."\.J ' o'.o14 L\o.,,.:eve< L) s4 Rc-rptor.cca;r.rT- '; fr,-: b ,o? 4 c!-- o,c1q(c.v)/ (t,c'F)'/tt_x.ts x{ - , *1 '{ - tJ5E - P'ou'["'l x {,sxrz- - f ;;;<- \"/+? vi}Z (J,.21} x "t,sxrz-, ( r',crt --,/++ 5 ( o,lqg ) l't I , o" rp<.,-.' 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DENVER, coLoRADo ao2?r JoNr 433.6sor JOB TITLE SUBJECT So,r ]-tt S rtg^{a \4J *t.s CHECKED Sr.rro,, o-".- crue,.- I f F.*"al DraR l. +,SS X3,33X,2- - lct3'8'r.^-E,no Xl.3 = ?Ez * \',no, ,rlf r I F*;/ C.'"*'-.*r.\ "? non."-: t=1' tJge *5 1-d. B ,j L=. O. atN 4" /t <6y,rg-= .a,)a Aoo^: o.j\ )<{.oxa,l (Zz-o,?i): 341 .^ lc-.3.o ) zsr- .' ..>/q L)s€ S?Ec tftL F- C c.. ,."*-t- F.r.) C" poo,{-, . t tt S' I o' .\-<x o,')o.)X oi:tx +o xe:l : tzti-F >,2 v{1'J .'.cll< S ftere er.t TF u9 r or.J DJ E- Tb o UEr(i..rre p rr1- -f'Eps r cv^., =o l.{ l- Fr(rsTs C gFs.rl Lgsf . E'D(>E.5 6F :a9{{ S}he^ft. !r4L-L, -i-r € S oe-]-i+ rqtLrb tb Fasr 3. u-rr:sf v.,,,{u,--: T> c'r- t Dt_ pe-n.e'iro: > l+l- 6y }pspeoTloa, ," Q G oo, E-l-+'rL JoB No. 187 ? L BY-DATE-SHEET-OF uas= 2, 7 C., :;;l;* -",5Jfi yll,ii;l*..".*r*l 14".: oJLSB-11Ja:ftzn, at *'Eib'> d= g.," USf o S- Aa.e*c-- 3nr. - l.,fa - S--- .1\ar.e G" ^( c".,-J+t | ,-. rl SF.:,rr, b-b Q <*..'_A=Oy1 :Ft5 Ir l)ce oo,rr.,co.,,.rr.ro e +!o'. e-c- _ ,,( ?/!lr=4 n,urTy'oo ptJ t'v.O'-6t' ( tE.lr:J \r.\-Q*Fr i5 i\$r: t..4h5gq ${ 95 ngz E$x ;*BE I J B; EE:h $+Ns $g s & E Dc\J5 N $o $ .- $ E8sI\|:: tl 16,. 6$ f,e ..4 : $-aY? s{ b $f2'9s EE $$adsEs63 H*s H-$..- $E$ c--]) b g$ F$ s$ E$ O O o o