HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 8 LOT 8 LEGALWt bLI-s UL^ilr*r,'d-I Project Application .,// D^," 4/?tft1 +, /7/ L y''/ Proiect Name: Projecl Description:@ rqqz /zzzFt,*rK. /fiontact Person and Phone /l 7rZ /Za/<{ {Ztf/a,N(L n /,ar/t/tzf> '/6<,% /t/){/_ li Owner. Address and Phone: \ Legal Descriplio n Yo1 I . an"x Comments: Filing //4ryn1sr2fl7v7 .o^" //t Design Review Board D ISAPPROVAL "u^^urr Eyri z , ',rr< z/a ''t{ {xc<u/ftt* .,/rr,pszzztrTTaa'/ ! statt Approval FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 12, 1993 Applicant: Plannen Sally Dean and Larry Roush Tim Devlin - /l'*/ /naz : Vot'a'<t {'u Zofo f' lA l5fr /,f,4. Var - ?t- 4G.) A request for site coveragq setback and wall height variances to allow for the construction oI a garage and storage arealocated a12942 Bellflower/Lot 8, Block 8, Vail Intermountain. ,r' r',':? i. '..a''I J t l? l^. n'rtr..t-,2 I. DESGRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is requesting site coverage, setback, and wall height variances in order to construct a two-car garage and storage area connection to an existing single family residence located on a Pdmary/Secondary lot whictr is less than 15,000 square feet in size. The 8,059 square loot lot has average slopes which exceed 30%; therefore the allowed site coverage is 1 5olo or 1 ,209 square feet. Since the slopes exceed 30o/o, a setback variance is not needed for the proposed garage. However, a setback variance is needed lor GRFA (the proposed storage area connection) in the front setback. The existing house has approximately 796 square feet or 9.9ol" of site coverage. The proposed addition has approximately 700 square feet (576 square feet for fie garage and 124 square feet for the storage connection). The interior dimensions of the garage arc 225 leel width by 22.5 leel length. Therefore, as proposed, the project would have 1,496 square feet or 18.560/o of site cwerage. A variance is required for the additional 3.560lo site coverage or 287 square teet. The garage is proposed to be located between 11 and 20 feet into the 20 foot front setback, which is allowed without a variance because the slopes exceed 30%. A 105 square foot storage/entry vestibule encroaches into the 20 foot front setback a distance of 4 feet, so a setback variance is necessary to allow for this sddition. Currently, parking for the property occurs primarily on Town of Vail right-of-way at the base of the front yard, which has a slope of approximately 65%. Under cunent zoning, the property would require two (2) on-site pafting spaces. The site cunently has three partially on-site spaces. Please see the attached "Existing Site" and "Garage Plan' drawings. The wall height variance being requested is for he proposed wall in front of the garage and on the east side of the driveway. The proposed wall is to be paft of the enterior steps that lead to the entry on the second level of the structure. The wall ranges from 4 to 8 feet in height; 3 feet is the allowed maximum for walls located in the front setback. Therefore, a variance is required lor the 1 to 5 feet of additional wall above the 3 teet height limii. / tto "OOitionrt landscaping is proposed with the request, and one 4 inctr caliper spruce tree is proposed to be removed. II. BACKGROUND The staff has researched projects in which similar rBquesb were made, and reports the lollowing: Tavlor Residence. 2409 Chamonk Road (Mav 1993): At the Taylor residence, the applicant requested and was granted a site coverage variance for 1.3o/o or 122 square feet in order to construct a garage and building connection on the property. lt should be noted that the allowed site coverage on this lot is 20olo (not 15%), and the applicant was also granted a variance to construct the garage in the front sehack (the slope on this lot did not exceed 30%). The apprwed interior dimensions of the two-car gaEge wereelJh*ESo_fegt, for a totial intedor area of 420 square feet, and site colerage ot approximatEii'?ez @66et. Bartlett Residence, 1886 West Gore Creek Drive (Februarv 1993): At the Bartlett residence, the applicant requested and was granted a 1% site coverage variance in order to construct a garage addition on a lot ftat exceeds 30% slope. The 1olo overage on site coverage amounted to approximately 99 square feet. The interior dimensions of the approved garage measure 20 feet by 20 feet, for a total interior area of 400 square feet, and site coverage of 442 square tEF*.--- Smail Residence. 4238 Nuooet Lane (Seotember. 1992): At the Smail residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and front setback variances in order to construct a garage and GRFA addition. The interior dimensions ol the approved garage measure 22teet 8 inches by 22leet 3 inches (504 square feet). Please note that a site coverage variance was not necessary as part of this request. Testwuide Residence. 898 Red Sandstone Circle (Auoust. 1992): At the Testwuide residence, the applicant requested and was granted side and front setback variances in order to construct a garage addition to the existing residence. The approved garage had interior dimensions of 21.5 feet by 24leel, with a total interior area of 516 square feet. Please note that a site coverage variance was not necessary as part of this request. rt/- lrt a r, /4"4/ ..,4/ A. /'tt ./" /d ,,,.,'iJ" /, ,/ur" ..: t t1e,, /t (.1 :,;.. .i; , ,r, )' ,;y'r-/ ':" \(ry [ANf - /*, -. ( n l'1L w" '::", .. , /,, tt f .*, /(' )t " ' ) '':'ol- '- 2 ( - lr!4' . ..'1," ';Zaf ) - Bn--/'?^ -, .--.-/ ., / :,/?r.r,'< ft ItP :' 't*.',-ouz/- ' '/' O:' -/ . / ,),' -tn --> 7 t-a/ b'^'1't" 1r1t i7' n' t- J/4- ilt.ZONING ANALYSIS Sib ArEa: Zoning: E:<isting (and pmpoaed) ocnrity: GRFA: Alov,€d: Exisling: Proposed: Sit€ Covoraoe: Allo$,€d: 6<isting: Proporodl Setbackg: Fronl: Reqrired: Exisling: Propord: Siide (easl): Reqiod: Exisling: Propos€d: gde (w€sl): Reqrited: Exisling: Proposed: Rear: Re$ired: E<isling: Propos.d: Wall Height (trcnt s€tback): Allowed: Exisling: Propo..d: Parking: Required: Existing: Proposad: 8,058,6 lquar. feet Primary/S€condary ResiJenlial Onc Sngle Family Dwelling Unit 2,4{O lquarE bst I ,49U1 squaF fret 1 ,597 squere het 1 ,209 lquer€ b.t (15%) 796 tquar€ bel (9.9%) l,a6 .qur. hd (1e56't6)' 20 feet 15.5 Let (existing how6) 16 lbd (rlo'rg! .lf cmn cdon)'r 15 t et 8 bet I bet (undrangpd) 15 feet 60 feet 25 teel 15 teet .l4feel 44 fect (unchangpd) 3 tool n(''ta tl to I toot-' ,L|tr 2 3pao93 3 spac€s (surlace, partially on-site) 4 spaoes tobl: 2 spac€s (enclord, on-dl6); 2 apaces (surface, panielly on-sib) Raquirss sib coveage vadance Fl€quir€s front setback vdianc€; exiding house i3 l.gally nonsntorming and he prop$ed garage is allowed b encroach into he tront setbad( du€ b sloper exc..ding 30%. Requir€s well hight vadanc. IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of $e Vail Municipal Gode, the Community Development Department recommends denial of the requested variances based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship ol the Equeeted variance to other eristing or potential uses and dructures in the vicinity. Site Coverage: Although the staff believes that the proposed garage would be a positive addition to the neighborhood and would aid in deaning up the existing parking situation, it is felt that he size of the proposed garage is too large with exlerior dimensions ol?!4!etJliyafeet, and interior dimensions ol 22.5 feet ry 2..51ee1. The total area of the proposed garage is 506 square feet, and the site coverage for he proposed garage is-576 square feet. The staff could perhaps support a garage with interior dimensions of 20 feet to 21 feet in widfr and length, which would result in a footprint ol approximate 22 teelby 22leel l4&4 square feet of site coverage). Staff feels that this would be consistent with previous poects in which site co/erage variances were granted for garages, and would still result in a functional garage. Staff leels that the proposed entry door on the northeast comer of the garage could be moved to the west side of he garage to allow for the widh of the garage to be decreased. In addition, the storage/entry area could be decreased in size in order to reduce site coverage. Staff suggests that landscaping be included in the proposal. We would like to see a mix of five to six evergreens (6 foot minimum) and aspen lrees (2-112 inch caliper minimum) located to the west and northwest of the proposed garage. Also, the amount ol asphalt should be reduced to the amount needed for a driveway to access the garages. Please see the attached 'Garage Plan" drawing. The statf does believe that the proposed storage area connection (which does count as GRFA) is a positive design feature of the proposal, but would like to see the portion hat elilends into the 20loot setback removed. The staff believes that this setback variance is not necessary since it appears fiat the poftion of the storage area in the setback could be eliminated. Setback: 4 WallHeight:The wall height varlance is being requested *orrr rn, proposed wall on the east side of the driveway exceeds the three feet allowed in the front setback. The wall is proposed to be between the driveway and the exterior stairs that access the second floor entry to the residence. The solid stucco wall ranges in height from 4 to I feet, and the top of the wall is proposed to serue as he hand railing lor the stair. Staff has recommended to he applicant that they consider bringing the wall up to the height of the stair treaG, and hen continue with a railing above the tread. Statf feels lhat this design change would decrease the height and impact of the wall as viewed from the street. 2.The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Site Goverage:The staff does feel that this application could result in a positive improvement to the residence and the neighborhood. However, we feel that the garage addition should be minimized in size to decrease the overage of site coverage. In the past (as reported in Section ll - Background of this memo), the statf has supporled site coverage variances when they are attributed to additional enclosed galage spaces. Staff has tried to remain consistent in the recommended sizes of garages which attribute to an overage on site coverage. The staff believes that the building connection could be a positive improvement if those portions which are in the front setback were removed. The storage/entry area furhers the projects compliance with the Design Review Guidelines which encourage the connection of structures into a unified development. However, the strafi can not support the sehack variance because it does not seem necessary. As discussed previously, the staff believes that the wall should be lowered to follow the line of the stair treads, wih a rail extending above. A variance for the wall height incorporating the staff's design change is reasonable to allow for access up to the residence. Setback: WallHeight: 3. The effect of the requGsted variance on light and air, dbtribution ol population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Site Coverage: The staff feels that the addition of enclosed parking would be beneficial, and would improve the existing parking problems for his property. The applicant would then be able to obtain two parking spaoes entirely on the property and meet the parking requirement. The staff feels that additions of this type on non-conforming propenies are impodant because they decrease the need for on-street pafting. However, it is felt that the degree of the site covemge variance being requested exceeds that which has been allowed on similar projects in the recent past. Aside lrom this concem, he stiaff does not feel that the proposal would negatively affect the above issues. Setback: Wall Height: The staff feels that lhe proposal would not negatively affect the above issues. The staff feels that the proposal would not negatively aflect the above issues. T?re Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, salety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unneoessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tiile. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement ol the specified regulation would deprive he applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propenies in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS For reasons discussed in Section lV - Criteria and Findings of lhis memorandum, the staff recommends glgigl of the site coverage, setback, and wall height variances as proposed by the applicant. The staff believes that allowing lor the variances as proposed in this application would be a grant of special pdvilege, and fufther does not believe that the requests as proposed meet the criteria set forth in Section lV B 1 and 3 a, b, and c of this memo. The staff does feel that this application could result in a positive improvement to the residence and the neighborhood. However, we feelthat the garage addition should be minimized to decrease the overage of site coverage. In the past (as reported in Section ll - Background of this memo), the staff has supported site coverage variances when they are attributed to additional enclosed garage spaces. Staff has tried to remain consistent in the recommended sizes of garages which attribute to an overage on site coverage. Due to the location of the existing unit, as well as the topography of the site, we recognize that some additional site coverage is needed to provide for the garage and the connection between the residence and the garage. Statf suggpsts that landscaplng be included In the proposal. We would like to see a mk of five to sk evergreens (6 foot minlmum) and aspen trees (2-112 indt caliper minimum) located to the west and northw€st of he proposed garage. The stafl also believes that the amount of asphalt should be reduced to the amount needed lor a driveway to access the garages. Staff also finds that the building connection could be a positive improvement if ftose portions which are in the front setback vvere removed from the proposal because it would bring the structure more into conformance with the Design Review Guidelines. with regard to the wall height variance request, the staff leels that the height of the proposed wall could be decreased as discussed in Seclion lV of this memorandum. Please note that under Section 18.62.080 of the Town of Vail MunicipalCode, the approval of a variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion within two years from when the approval becomes final. ttSE-EltSt lw opf t@t)taraat tr to 2J ttIU- ,Ut lPall UU- &lO (50') d/I oFl6 cRln* Sclt LOf Z4 r -- toa @(tut rttdrAl - 2 fEEt 1 ttol, a//,) n aN e v'" \rwogc;nwco tof It a,'ct( 5 io"-,twt&,/ltraJluw futr,dq lpce 7 6t ltrit'/ED fii6:*,m) PE tl/ ?ot)+l abY+47 fp11pt1 &;id nal ,..1, o.t,o. lo ? Lieonwdh,, ol,o. 25at -ci. *r. I3.l7aralo6 Ft .lll.. ld n02 nl, .o !l6Ja e.t O l+ 1Fxt+Ittq4trz l.L d-r | .l-i. o BELLFLOI/IER . o (50') fr.11 DRIW *otr 7PPe4 LTNE' / --| -- (-t/ i/t \ ,:# ; utF - zdz 34C--\t-=sI $' s r\' tffits /V I aEAH/PeLll-H dl\RAde A@filatf I Ir \/= S,;a- . It N(t :>.-.-- Fi\rx \ B. \ \\E zpaa- iar-- -----,?.-i ee @ Tata I T tlq }.. H: ( F ,rI e,"r***I ) ! Ffi = -r'' -''- -/- -^t: ggAN^"- eAileil$rf lr \-/"t \ to' -/.'/.,- uflLlfr a..--.'?- f Dtr.t,-E /' -4;'iloon'/on- --l/z,'42'-Aan!f67)'!4- 4*qP ./ wao'aEC.r( Jodd .ct prel, o-i,o. lctly lcogrordrr, o,lo. 25atr...lt !6..t6.ti16r-rJlo Lr t2O? r.1.. aL5a ' o BELLFLOWER DRIVE o (50') \t -:!gI:\ {+g's N 1 - N (.,r ' -#t;:: e F \l\ -q----- , --i< s= | ---:----':---t.i -'F..l---- _.i!- _ ---= $ \> R x K sti F *cl ) x st, -.,1 / -''/- EA1E tN t /l \ "t ut'tfl \ lo' a.t&q, - - >q4e . #,w^ r DEld/Ra-tsil447+4a rwrys1 &dd pt col, c.l.o. l.thr lort.r d|.r. G.t!. 23L -.r. &r. !00..16..506 F.r .ltk l- nO t.l .o aloI q'- 8' 6rrr"o tl//rt /N fgatrr €efilck 17. Al Hauser, General Manager for Vail Spa, stated that he would like to see the L'Ostello site address the landscaping issue. Jeff Bowen stated that he is concerned with the volume of the building and with the conversion of accommodation units to dwelling units. He said that it was his feeling that four dormers is excessive. Allison Lassoe stated that she agrees with Jeff Bowen's comments conceming the bulk and mass of this proposal. She said that possibly two or three dormers could work for this project in respect to design but that four dormers were too many. She added that she was also concemed about the parking for this site. Bill Anderson stated that he agrees with Jeff's and Allisson's comments conceming bulk and mass. He added that he is not in favor of dormers being used for the L'Ostello Building. Diana Donovan stated that she agreed with the other PEC members comments and added that the L'Ostello Building is located on a hill and due to this, the building appears to be higher than it actually is. Kristan Pdtz inquired why the letter of credit from 1989 was never acted on. Shelly Mello responded that the check for the letter of credit bounced. Jeff Bowen made a motion to deny this request for a major exterior alteration and height variance per the staff memo and the findings that the mass and bulk proposed for this site is excessive, that the proposed increase in height for the L Ostello Building is unacceptable, and there is no physical hardship. Bill Anderson seconded this motion and a 5-0 vote denied this request {or a major exterior alteration and a height variance. Prior to the beginning of the next item, Jeff Bowen made a motion that Diana Donovan act as chairperson of the PEC, as Kathy Langenwalter is the architect for the request. Bill Anderson seconded the motion and a 3-0 vote allowed Diana to serve as chairperson of the PEC. Kathy abstained from the vote. A request for a site coverage and wall height variance to allow the construction of a garage at2942 Bellflower/Lot 8, Block 8, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Planner: Sallie Dean and Larry Rousch Tim Devlin Tim Devlin made a brief presentation per the staff memo and stated that staff was recommending denial of lhe variance requests for site coverage, setback, and wall height based on the staff's effort to be consistent with their past decisions addressing similar situations. He added that it was the staff's feeling that this project as presented does not meet the variance criteria. Planning and Environmental Commission July 12, 1993 11 Kathy Langenwalter, the architect for this project, stated that the applicants currently park on lhe streel which is Town of Vail prope$. She said that after this winter, the applicants desired to have on-site parking. Kathy said that this lot is 8,057 square leet in size and the house is 1,492 square feet. She said that the proposed garage size is twenty-four feet by tvventy-four feet (exterior measuremenls). She said that she does not view the granting of this request as a grant of special privilege because she believes that the small lot size creates a physical hardship. She added that a hardship exists because the lot is smaller than what the zoning code calls for and that all of the allowable building requirements are calculated on a standard 15,000 square foot sized lot. Sallie Dean stated that the reason for the request was based in part to the trash storage problems that they have experienced recently (bears). Jeff Bowen stated that it was his feeling that this was an unusual situation given the small lot size and the steep slope of this site. Because of this, he said that he feels that this site does qualify as a physical hardship. He said that should the PEC approve the garage, it should be large enough to accommodate the purpose that the applicant has for it, i.e. parking, storage, trash enclosure, etc. Bill Anderson stated that he felt lhat the addition of a garage on this site is a positive improvement but that approving this request could set a precedent and that lhis was a concem. Allison Lassoe stated that she feels that the lot size and the steep slope can be considered physical hardships but she feels that the size of the proposed garage is excessive and that it should be reduced and that the storage space could be created elsewhere on the site. Kathy Langenwalter stated that it would be difficult to decrease the size of the garage because if the garage was narrowed, it would be difficult to get in and out of a car' Diana Donovan stated that she did not feel that the site created a physical hardship because the applicants purchased the lot knowing that the properly was small and steep. She said that the hardship exists because the house is small. She suggested that since this site still has available GRFA, that the applicant could consider pushing the garage up against the house. Kathy Langenwalter pointed out that the site coverage would not be reduced by pushing the garage up against the house. She added that she felt that the size and steepness of the lot did create a physical hardship and that a slrict and literal interpretalion (criteria #2) was not fair to the applicant because the zoning regulations are based on a 15,000 square foot lot size and that other factors could be considered with this request such as the location of the large evergreen trees, the location of the house on the lot, etc. She stated that she felt that each variance presented to the PEC should be considered separately, but that there should be continuity in the decisions made by the PEC. Planning and Environmenial Commission July 12, 1993 12 Diana Donovan stated that it was her feeling that there are reasons to find a hardship on this properly and that the existing house could be conslrued as a hardship. A general discussion was held concerning the physical hardships and the reasons for approving the requested site coverage and wall height variances on the site. Kristan Pritz summarized the lindings for approval to be as follows: 1) that GRFA is available on the lot, and the property has not moved out other development standards; 2l that the asphalt on the west side of the property be removed except in front of the garage; 3) that the flat roof on the garage is designed to minimize the building's impact on adjacent properties; 4) that trees be planted on the west side of the site and that only one tree will be removed with this request; 5) that the layout of this siie makes it extremely difficult to site the garage elsewhere on the property; 6) that the lot size is extremely small, making it difficult to provide for a garage; 7l that the two large trees to the west of the house do not make it possible to locate the garage directly adiacent to the house. The applicant agreed to withdraw the request for a setback variance as all GRFA proposed would be eliminated from the front setback. Bill Anderson made a motion to approve the requests for site coverage and wall height variances per the lindings summarized by Kristan Pritr and the following additional conditions: 1) that the asphalt on the west side of the property be removed except in front of the garage; 2l that trees be planted on the west side of the site and that only one tree will be removed with this request. Allison Lassoe seconded this request and a 4-0-1 vote approved this request with Kathy Langenwalter abstaining since she is the architect for this project. Planning and Environmsntal Commission July 12, 1993 13 lovlsbd 9/4leL A.NAI'{E OF APPLICAI{T Application Date b, 14 nZ I. IPPLICATION This procedure is required variance. The aPPlication information is subnitLed. B. C. NN,IE r-.&r")'ff,'|,, PEc MEETTNG DATEJ:)?.$3- rOR I VARIINCE for any project requesEing a- -will not be accePted until aII A.DDRESs ^q4z &)$hwe. NAI.IE oF Appr,rcAM' s REPREsENTATIVE K - l: a/vE trut,.J*er monsss P- " I/ Lar*gzn 'r'otfer L{d'ifurE V^i-I I C \ 7'( a1 PrroNF'S3le&JJ- oF ovsNER(s) O!{NER (S) SIGNATURE (S) aoonnss 2442 R-tl$lowe- V:0 , f n qlU<t p11611n 471^- ?All D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I.,OT-,P- BLocK:L rrr,iHe ADDREsS Zq FEE S250. o0 PArD-X:-cK *J{4LBY De^a't+Po<rslt THEFEEMusTBEPAIDBEFoRETHECoMMUNITYDEVELoPMENT OUPANTUNIIT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F.A}istofthenamesofownersofallpropertyadjacentio-ine subject property INCLUDING PRoPERTY BEHTND AND ACROSS Srnnntsr-ana tnetr mailing addresses'- THE APPLICA}ITgIItLBERESPoNSIBLEFoRcoRREcTMAILING ADDRESSES. II. A Pre-application conference.$tith-a planning.staff member is st'rongly- suggested to det,ermine if any additional inforfraliott-is needed. W.o application will be accepted "nf"!s it is--onplete (must lnclude atl itens reguired by the zoning adminisLrator) . It is the applicant's i""po""iUlfity to make an.appointment, with the staff to find ouE about additional submittal requirements ' III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMP'.EI'E APPLICATION 9TILL STREN'TLINE THE AppROVAL PROCESS TOETOUn pnO.tECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TI1AT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) l{AY STIPULATE' AI..L coNDITIoNS oF APPRoVAL MUST BE CoMPI,IED !{ITH BEFoRE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FoUR(4)coPIESoFTHEFoLLov{INGMUSTBESUBMITTED: A. A VIRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE vARIA}tcEREQUESTEDA}IDTHEREGULATIoNII[voLvED.THE STATEMENT MUST,ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of t'he requested variance to ot.nei-eiiiting br potentiai uses and structures in the vicinitY. O ""rrt". d gla/gL coroRnDoDRB APPLTCATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DNg MNNTTNC: EErs ApplrclrrXl;ilrTilo, ",ttNTrr. eI.,'.| REQUIRED TNFORUAITON*****it*t** 14 I. ACCEPIEDrS SSBMTTIED PROJECT INFORI,TATION: A. DESCRIPTION: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: I"" Construction ($200.00) X Addition ($50.00) Minor Alteration (s20.00) Conceptual Review (90) a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and C. ADDRESS: D. TEGAL DESCRIPTION: T,OX b BIOCK b Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provideattach to this application. F ZONING: H. NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: LOT AREA: ff reguired, applicant Stamped survey showing lot area. must, provide a currentfrta*.ta <.4. NAME OFMailing APPLICANT'REPRESENTATIVE: Address: Phone I.NAME OF OWNERS:I *STGNATIIRE (S) :Mailing Acidress: Phone J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe rime of subm'ittar of DRB apprication. Liter, whenapplying for a building pernit, please identify the pl . accurate valuation of the proposal . The town of vail 1''/-' will adjust the fee according'to the tabre below, to t t r^iensure the correct fee is paid. J+10. -l). FEE PAID' S 60. @ A 2tli' ' FEE SCHEDULE: \: r,+147VALUATION FEE L2(t tt ' $ 0-$ 10,000 $20.00$10,001 -$ 50,000 g5o.o0I 50,001 - $ 150,000 $100. oo $150, 001 - $ 500,000 $200. oo $5001 001 - $1,000,000 s4oo. o0I Over $1, C00, 000 SSOO . 00 * DESIGN REf,/IEW BOARD APPROVEI EXPTRES ONE YEAR AFTER TINA]IAPPROVA! t NIrEss A BUTT.DING PERMIT Is rSsuED AIID CONSTRUCTTON ISSTARTED. **NO APPLTCAIION WII,L BE PBOCESSED WTTHOUT OI{NER'S SIGNATT'RE 1 LIST OF MATERIALS NAI{E OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lo\.iL.BLocK ..A- suBDivrsroN @in srREEr ADDREsS: 2n4Z 4.-tlAlcir*rn DESCRIPTION OT PROJECT: The following information is Review Board before a finaL A. BUILDING MATERIAI,S: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name '? required approval TYPE OF for submittal can be given: MATERIAL to the Design vt/.rItwla Itb/4 of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Narne Comnon Name Ouantitv St".C' PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *fndicate caliper for deciduous trees. COLOR trees.Indicate Minimum caliper forheight for coniferous. ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DArE: (o'14'42 neight TOIAI GRFA Prlmary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining wal] Heights Parking Garage Credit r' Drive: View Corridor Encr.oachment: Yes EnvironnenEaf/Hazards: 1) 2l ,3) AIIowed (30) (33) PHONE Existinq Proposed TotaI ,"L?/?,F 6-7 n/o '7p +425= +425= LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: Lor h Block 3 ririnsw ' ADDREss : ,1.14? 2.-llQlnwe* OWNER PHONE hb-z6tl ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE /*q?r.ln 22.+ I?.6 AotE l4b llo lfro (en;::|i'fi20,1tr' 15' (30) (s0) l? M.b 1qb lhb (w.54) 3'/6'4-f .s L--l"piryl) -/.neqrd.2 (cpvM\ ',J (300) (600) (e00) (1200) A4 (.d\?2.4h#e) Permitted srope -j! Actual Srope dA% Date approved by fown Engir,."", No 212 Flood PLain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfallc) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this reguest invoLve a 250 Addition? lA0 How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? \,tirn€ **Note: Under Sections LE.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary,/Secondary which are less than. 151000 sg. ft. j.n area may not construct a second dwelling unit'. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code includlngpernanently restricting the unit as a long-tern rental unit for fuII- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley 10 DRIVE ASPHALT (50') BELLFLOWER . CONCRETE EDGE OF 1eN'-z j€----- o 7/,? t\ sI \ $ u ffitw ''-J I ,) -rlgt'l N(rt N('l -4._t---- I I--tt--'I .\. N :\ /a. \ € \ -t ;-- fa ry06- I S --.--t-.\ -f.l-.-l-4 nua& weu -/,6 ruou b>rxi R hrt'(^ |.}i >.! -l -JOLt-& F r- R T $ s\DRNNAGE ) EASEMENT'-_ AND LIflLIfY &sw 'I\6?HALT pRvF // sgefr ,E-J;pA , V\^ ,. -(J/) vNl2 '1/ Zr t/L1r1\ vlt a.- -ta,//'- \ _.rf rt E 24.2' 4A"Aqp WOOD .DECK bsaa I dovid mork pccl, o.i.o. kothy lo ngenwohor, o.io. 2588 oro:o drivr 303-f76.,1506 porl olfico box t202 voil co 81658 vpivl3w 1'n.n7 "+t\/ Wt+1Hab44d? nlw1112Y1 av\?A.4F F{-\lJ a .. - DRIVE 1io'l BELLFLOWER coNcRETE ;- .- - - 840- i&&;"_ GRAuL DRtwwAY ,/ ug# N s 8 { s u I DEAFI / "a-ts+2v\FMa nwffial &vid mork pccl, o.i. o. kothy longcnwohcr, o. lo. 2588 qroro driw 303-476.4506 porl ollicc bor 1202 voil, co 81658 vg;veae 1.h.qs dotc Q,/.1 3proi.ct I W-.L PI-AFI drcvar . fr thcct$ol{ ffis'w o oo o2 I o FF?NT :E,LEu^Ilatl ,41?e ELEuAdtatl yb'= l.a oray rc*4H ahF\qe A,eaTpA dovid mork pcel, o.i.o. kothy lo ngcnwoltcr, o.i.o. 2588 ororo driva 303.t76.4506 port officc bor 1202 voil, co 81658 FFvt#P 1'n4, dotc b,4 4p?oiccl el.Eu,qlatp drown ?L thrrlftol I o o DEAN/ROUSH GARAGE ADDITION SITB COVERAGE, WAIT HEIGHT VARIANCE 2942 BeILf.Lower Drlve Lot 8, Block 8, Vail Internountain Development lBld= 2.5% The owners wish to construct a double garage with storage area trhich.' requires a site coverage vari-ance and a wa1l height variance. Currently the parking is situated prinarily in the Tovn of Vail right-of-way at the base of the side yard whi'ch has a slope of approximateLy 657", Storage is accomodated outside the building between the south wal1 and a.t'imber retaining waIl . The subsLandard size of the property (8058.6 square feet) in addition to the l5Z allowable site coverage on a site greater than 302, necessitate the site cbverage' variance. , Ttr6 request is to allow a nodest 1496 square feet of site coverage which is 18.5% of the site. The double garage is deslgned to minimize disturbances to the sj-te and the storage area is situated between tno mature evergreens. The G.R.F.A. of the proposed project is approxirirately 605 square feet which is in keeping with the Town of Vail" standards of 300 square feet per enclosed parking space., The garage w-i11 remove required off-street parking from Bellflower Drive tand locate it on the property. The project wlll also remove existing stairs t' from the BellfLower right-of-way. The waLl height variance is requested for A side wal1 of the garage which slopes from 8t at the garage to 4r at the property 1ine. Ttris wa11 retains earth to allow a0cess to the garage and supports the steps on grade leading to the upper 1eve1 entry. This project will enhance the existing and potential uses and structures in the vacinity by l-ocating parking on the property. Because of the size and topdgraphy of the site, and because it is in interesL of the torrrn to rninimize right-of-way encroachnents, granting of these variances are within the object,ives of the Town of Vail and are Dot a grant of special' privilege. 9AS,TJES&AIIN;. (Nor sonir) uAt'tHatE: uH ,06.2 Rtu FLEV- 78850 NV ELEV- 7806.t0 9*vfuo'tf-g (50') 0Rlvt dd^t 4g:1;: l-.5',11--'' )'r -' ,- .jr 9i:f;:::;::::;ar-,.= nwo-FnAuE ,qNALKA]r EA$TIENf ,lat' LOr 7-A l!rErlt r.r - toi COt'l t4ltl_ INIERVAL - 2 FEE| 1{.."..FW|O 5/t' mt AM tLUUt&A, CptS rVA 59J, w \to. Lor 5-d!"v.4. ram t/t'Pn auo Allmttut cpb Ls' ,v4 ,J56 LOT 18 SLOC|( 6 6r\ LOr 6 LOf 4 ELEK A, UAIL NIERUWNTAIN DEVg-Piltilr gJEAWgail, o o DFn'nJUN 141995 DeN/ "oU4H(4\?A4F PP1|1al{ &vid mork pccl, o.i.o. kothy bngenwoltcr, o.io. 2588 ororo drivc 303-r76-f506 port ollico box 1202 voil, co 81658 dot. /2. 1+ 1proi|Cl €x6TtU4tTE drovrn (.! rhco I ol/- ,c7 y'\ r ,\d:,t*t'"N $ d (qo) +( o\ .,; 'rl \ '.', ( ^ri'\..\ ,1, $i\ .f d .rrr ^l \ / \t,,/ {,i'n',.\ \|1l'\\ \ olN ' \\I a\ \ $,,* BELLFLII,YER . 't''\ i'DRIVE , ^- /,tt ., (rl'\ '' ' u''t' ttt\\ t "r/l,til[,!,::,::r:lr("!'l''p"'" ^,.o* ^''' d u' ^nt>uAI T- r.nz (rv ^, (t{r,or,l) .'-. tl' ^.,0' d'\,6,i1;"!i,tu'riir.',h J.jrr,^t""': 4.u,1 . ^ -EDGE oF jY::"nd -, EDGE ''ttr% 4oO ---./ Eutt" ,-__---4/t0b'"" { - :1fr--/ 4i5----' CONCRETE $.ss s-s a"t' 140-\t sIi bssa fir' 6V{5'w -----r'----AsfljALf .pRtvF ,/' -r F-t-'\lvF / II Nsaw qP *to" F,-JjPi r1 I I'dl h: Ii Zz-#t,p @ 2 \---j I N(rtN - -u{ot )>'--..t I -fNq 2 N -Jx 74',,/6. L G. rtuaffi VALL F >.> B Fi B T -l s H s =.\ EASEMENI nND ,r'cE ': pPAlNAe UflLITY ""eW 6 Tou- e^ - I ?W SrTE frv TBZr n. ?+tl/w+4H 4hqAde Aiwry12n dovid mork pccl, o.i.o. kolhy longcnwolter, o. io. 2588 oroso drivc 303-.176.,1506 port officc box 1202 voil, co 81658 aaa$d? Ft\l'l ' BELLFLOWER /'---- J //-' r--4-4e: $ u DRIVE (50') v /..'t/O,4 o o o fr1' ffiw f, I Nb c N \x \ B !iI T $-l ( .WALL ,oiutr' -s - - -NI--t--'-- t)ftuTY 2. TI $; \ f6. I --Al -€. -. eND t \ G F * R ' 't. t- 3' }w8 . fip141g1g 4. N41n anXE"r, . - >cJ16. 4a-r . \'>^-'(Jn.,, - //-)..'r. S'/y':lz-t. '//-t, Gl '.1- tl t - DFX:I/ wwtl aAP.q? lrrrl|ld dovid mork pccl, o.i.o. kolhy lo ngcnwohcr, o.lo. 2588 ororo driw 303-476-a506 port oflicr box 1202 voil, co 81658 don b.Z4 3proi.cl I ffi-g Plr-{Fl drown . F| zhatQol{ o o 2o o Fk'r'Nf zv?uATlatl .4pe s;gyAtta\ fb'-- l.a "At1/WtbH? A?AIOA dovid mork pccl, o.i.o. . kothy longanwoltcr, o.io. 2588 ororo drivr 303.a76-t506 port olfico box 1202 voil, co 81658 ?VE\/Ntot# .ii '' r.ht n'b' ' ' ,\\qt -/?)) vAcATroN AND ABANDoNHnNT oF EAsEMENT-^a,lo\ l/ -\ .4, Thls vacatlon and abandonnent of easement is rnade this\" 23rd day of Januarv , Lg go, by the Town of Vail, a CoLorado municipal corporation (the "Towntr) and SaIlie Dean and Larrv J. Roush, (the rrownerrr) . WHEREAS, a certain easenent on the recorded plat of Vail rntermountaln Subdivision, nore fulJ.y described on Exhibit t'A'r at,tached hereto and incorporatecl herein by ref,erence (the ttEasernenttt), is currently encunbering a certain parcel of real est,ate (the ?rPropertyrr) more fully described as follows: Lot 8, Block 8, VaiI Interrnountain Subdivlslcll- Town of Vail, County of EagJ.e, Colorado, and WHEREAS, the easement allows the Town the use thereof for construction, rnaintenance, and reconstruction of drainaqe and utilities; and WHEREAS, the Easernent is not presenlIy used for construction, naintenance, and reconstruction of drainage qnd !l!i_!-i!j_e._sj- and I{HEREAS, neither t,he O'..,'ner nor r-he Town realize atry beneficial use in allowing the easement to rernain; and Now, THEREFoRE, Ihi CONSIDERATIoN Of' TEN DOLIARS, the mutual covenant,s and pronises contained herein and other good and val.uable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of whiclt ls hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto, the Town and the Owner covenant, and agree as follows: 1. The Town, on behalf of itself, its successors and assigns, by this instrument hereby forever abandons, vacates, releases and terminates the easement and herby conveys d1t ttte l'icht, tit.1.e, interesb in arrcl t-o Lhe 1y:r6; '06. uaoea.€ OA Lrl Etr'.nrt r.oLA -{OJoooo E utOJJU]U +>,.{ Fzefsto\U lJ')su\Jruo6rC trl OJf,toroo lHOJJ 9.1 =lU!trl Ct IIqUI t-ot!@zFZOI-rO.? Fr c9t\cl easernent to the Ovrner. 2. The Owner hereby accepts and ratifles abandonment, release, terrnination and easernent. 3. This vacation shall be binding upon and benefit of the Town and of the Owner and respective successors and assigns. the vacaLion, grant of the inure to the their EXECUTED ON THE DATE AND YEAR TIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. BO F VAT unlclpal, coporatlon Ronda v.Psr own Manager I '1:;. -:'.'... "'..rrrrr)1.,.rr. SIIr day ot the Town of STATE OT COIPRADO COUNTY OF EAGLE )) Es. ) The foregg-ing instrunent was acknowledged beforE ne thls f- It ru Manager of the Town of Vail, Colorado and was attested to by Pamela A. Brandneyer, Town Clerk of the Town of Vail, Colorado, a Colorado munlclpal corporatlon, Wltness ny hand and offlcial seal. By: STATE OF COT.ORADO ) couNTY oF EAGLE i ""' Tbe foregolng insirurnenb wad acknowledged before ne this , Lg!!, by Kent R. Rose, Mayor of Vafl, Cololado and Bondalt v. Phllllps, Town , Owner. Witness ny hand and offlcial seal o Eel n !n $ s crl lj'lg OJe OJ ru tO I OJ OJ tf) I|! (ttoN rL { :[6$- day or , re3.g, uy S"gri-q. t) t,, Owne r Sal.11e Roush My connlssJ.on explr"", 2 -14-1> al TJ6 Cl rYl L agrrtl O6l9iLt?o ?a}-d e?9-e 6Be9! e ro-9".9-d olTqnd f.rr1otr1 '1.,Tr?O'FflNT^\, Zvlrl' t :se.r1dxe uolssltunroc Ayy .faos TEToTIJo pu? pusrl fu seaulTlt 'IaunQ 'Fbii_li-ffii- fq '066T 'm T- ,. ^EpWsTql eu aioyeq peEpel,rou:lo? s?a luaurnrlsul ltiloterol grii s'Icvg do L&Nnoc ogvuo.Ioc ilo s&v,ts 'gs a.'t ParcelA-AporLlon ULtIlty Eagenenl ExhlbicA-Pagelof4 LegaI Deacrlptlon the Underground ba Vacated of to N uo {t tn ')J s Io no o r{ v)cl OJ OJo I OJ rrJ tr') Ia ool-lo {f A part of Lot 8', accordtng to the Ftnal PlaL of Vall Interrnountaln Developnenl Subdlvlelon - Block I recorded ln Book 22L aE Page 547t CounLy of EagIe, SLate of Colorado, nore partlculcrly deacrlbed ae foI Iowg: Beglnnlng at a polnL on the Eaaterly llne of gald Lot I frorn whlch Lhe NorLheaeterly Corner of aald LoL 8 bears N.22oOO'OO"W. 10.17 f,eet dlaLanL; thence along gold EagLerly Ilrre S.22oOO' OO.'E. O.25 feet to a polnL on ths SouLherly llne of an exlst-lng Underground ULlllLy Easenent; Lhence along eald SouLherly Iine S.51o4O'44"(.J. 43.29 feet to a polnt approxlrnaLety 1.OO f oot ldeaLerly of arr exlatlng sLalrway i Lhence deparLlng aaid Southerly Ilne and followtng a line approxlnaLely 1.OO foot WegLerly of gald exlgLlng aLalrwoy N.20o38'35"W. 3.59 feeL; Lh€nce followlng a Itne parallel Lo and approxinately 1.Oo fooL Northerly of sald exiettng aLairuay N.69o21'25"E. 5.OO feet; Lhence N.20o38'35"W. 8.5O feeL Lo a polnt on the Northerly llne of eald LoL 8: Lhence along 23089 Inc. PREPARED B\': JOHNSON, KUNKEL 8. ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 409 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 ( 303 ) 328-536S JK/89/333 i:lt.::i;'i:::ill3"};?l;13:-.;;..':,z2M:'iil: rr:i (J @.J 5 o{o rJl td ItlD 'U'u Io ru ru cce/68/xf B9r9-8Zr ( S0S)It9tB OqVUOIoC'910v3 60F xog .o.d 'cilI .sg&vlcossv ? ,ISXNOX 'NOSNUOC 3 Ag qguvdsud r!.?fifi,'!.- s s auP[| .6u1uu16aq Jo, 1u1od eq1 o? laaJ 66.g .g"tt,0holg.N auTI IIraqlnosplce 6uo1e acuaql r?uaurasEg ,{aTtl161 puno:6:apun apTA too:I oo.ol e Jo €uT1i{1req1nos eq? uo 1u1od p o? laaJ Zg.9Z .lr,,,0O,00oZZ.N ,au11 Alra?sa^r pTps6uo1c e3uaql t luauasEg ,{f TITf n puc e6cul ErO epT A ? oo, S.e 6uTlETxe uEto euTf Ifra?san eq? uo 1u1o<l E o? ?eet Sa.e .11,.0O,O0og9.S aeuFq? r?s€J09'€l '3..00,00o2e'S esuaq? l?aaJ 00'[ 'lJl ,,00r00o89'S acuatll !?eeJ OO'St.g.o0,00ozz.s acuaql rlupaslp laaJ L0.I I .3,,OZ,rsoel.N F:eaq g 101pTcs to r eu: oc Alraqltou \16 ou aql qJTqA uor J rulocl c 1E 6uT uuT6ag : sAoI'l oJ3r peqTrcsap IIrPIncTer?d arou ,opproloc to ale?s ,a16eg Jo Ixuno:),f,tg e6Ed tE IZZ )tooS uf pap:ocar g :{coTg - uoTsT^IpqnS luaudolenaquTelunoitra?uI tTcA Jo leld 1?uT.{ aql o1 buTp.rocce ,B 101 lo lrpd v pal9ccA aq o1 e uauas"g ,taTITrn. pue abrulerq aq? Jo uofl:od V - C tacrpd uoT?dTrcEec Te6o"t tt.toZatud-VrTqTqxe a o nt rs UI oo a. LN frJ Eo (,t on \| 680[Z l_ o ExlrtbltA-I,age3ot4 rv1 \ $\ \- \lr r, l' ! '{ \#ro 0; I I I I - '$t \ aa\ \NiSiasr$\--> NiY I'o fl a 'n @el I\/ Qxll Nr - .63) ,*$ *\t' '$f urot ,$' i,<;d iy ,A'.> \ N E h 1..,sf F. tro o o C! OJ ul $ oo l,ti')e OJa OJ OJ(o Ia OJN lf, I . \ \ \,/ u.l/ 'la. 89C9-8Zt(C0tl ,l i9 ts oovuo,loc '110Yl60' xo8 'o rd ,83rV r CO88V t ,teXNn)l ',lto8N t lg OaUY.tA Ud . 6u1poo1, Irolultryo oorr ur ,C .uoz r ut g.trtol .t I 101 ,5861 ,l ,(eI rr?p .AIlce ,tr ,E tooo tgoooo raqunil l.ura - A?Tunr,|||oc ,oprroloc ,tIBA lo uAo&.ql :ot deH llDu eruernrul Pooll o? 6uI9:ocrt r3&oN ouvztH ooolJ.l ooJ e Jo.tl.0 tnul!r :o rnld o1 e?rrnttc Aluo e:9.r.uII ,{1:odord aqt o? rall .rl1 ,g 1o1 ,otarc glrlpor0ot .rll ul uollelu.unuou r?enbogr ,o r{agl .r{1 o1 eno.0 Xcol€ - uo t 0I ^l pqns 1urudo1.^Do ulgluno$ratul lTrA to ?rld l ?uIJ rqt uo:, pa^l: op .:9 cl uruaste pu0 raull Itrrdo:d.auoIl9soI lurooaordt!I rot p.rn etoA O {eoIg t t l01 ,o :ru:oJ gg eq1 ro, lc(69 .s.11 de3 unulonl0 pur :Pq.r .qt pur r9 r(eol8 ,g t01 ,o:.uroc es.ql:o, ((!89t's'11 drt onulonlr qllA rrqr: rqL . e^I r0 reAolrllog e'62 r 8rr.rp9Y 1.or18 O HO! o 'cltl rc s @{ @o TD I tJl r0 t0 .D Io nr r0 a f'J a UI tOF + LllD IJ G3b M C z I' 'cul 68S?Z 'oN ,uoiur{oc ard osrA.qdrts I rrloll alro a9 1d.rxr ,lacl 1ro 1o l: cd .(u 'pt10ur buluaptnq:o 6ul | !or3 ?uarrrr!e a Aue to u6lr:o etu.pIA. & 3uvddv ou tI .rNql 1eq1 Pue tP.l0eIPul te ldatra ,lrrlrrotd ptqT:t!aP e r{l uodn 3tua{rtlc9o:cua ou a:r ataql trql ,uAoqr re ldDCXo ,lo5rod.ql to rrI:?punoq rq1 ulttlIA Ilrrllur arc ,ruollc.uuor .lfftffn td.cx. ,6961 .l :oqo.AoN uo. p.r{.lrrn. lrcrrd 9.ql:erc9 raoqe iqt uo tluct{.Aordul .r{1 lrqt AJIlrre toqlrn, r. rcul I luaoeaordol a!n? n, saqlo :o ,0utPIlno '.cuo, ,o lueoqrTlqrltr .q1 roJ uodn PaIl.t . cq o1 1ou rt 1l letll Pul '&V1 d A3AUnS J,NSllSAOUdt{l UO tV,l't leAlnS ONV,t y JON 6t Stlt.t .LVtt,f ,srottutg e6s61:oti Pue ue.O AII?8:o, pe:?d.:d riA rtrcltlrrr.| uolleJo,l lu.ul.Aordut rlql let{? I111:rc Aqr:rq 1 3.lYtltItU. C ll0l&VCOT &ll3H3AOU.tHI .opirolot ro o1gls ,.16rtr to l1un03,!tl .6?d 1r t ?t {oog ul Po9, o'cr.r ,0 t(3o18 - uolrl^Tpqn8 lu.Bdol.A.0 utrtunour.lut ltrA to loId lcul.t .qr ol 6u19:oc3r t8 101 | | ot&atu363O 1YC31 Y | | ,i'J't',''71t L- .J) ./...) ry ..|---h- -.-_, To { oT { \t------\lI,ih,itw,# ,/ - taq424.oo,#,]r I e t694,r?, ,/ -to(4%..oe l!@,L216'*r;,._f4 Y^$i -___, /1, /l/ i[' /1\, {$l,$ l/.( -,2.,'.';'1t I /E$ rz -tl@T8 _t---a,hh,Qhe /gN t;i{* 9 -Y^,T,Z 'g to7 ,t); /{IYf {t {o/ r:! },.:tr. /.;'*h"l t,)"4 /-d,f.q' "r'.{ ,'t Jl" "t'ct';...L -L-mif.'{'. l---., ,HV' ,oz;1:eva:WE*J -'$;l;;:i (as) (@ape/ az.^(*,r{r r.: t4'lzrrno t if,;;"{1 PLEASE I.{AKE CHE TOWN OF VA]L D EPA RT;\{E}iT OF COM;IILINITY DEVELO P}IENT . S,\LES ACTION FON}{ . 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, C0L0RAD0 81657 0t 0000 { 1510 zchb'c tu\:D ADDR-EJS I'iAIS 0l 0000424t5 LINTFO L\ { B UIL DL\- G CO D E UMFOL\{ PI.U]r'B t\G CODE0 t 0000 {2415 0l 000042.{15 .l UMFOL\.!IfEcH/uftcr.LCoDE ol ooco{?{15 | uxtronrl FIRE coDE OI OOOO{2{15 I N,\TIONALELECTR'CALCODE . s-10.00 0l 0000.12115 ontEn coDEBooKs 0l cn00.1t543 BLUE PRINTS OIY].IR 0t 0000 {2,t l2 ):EROX COPES / STUDtES 0r 00c{ 42371 PENA !.fi FEES / R E.L'.-'S PECT]ONS 0t 00to .il 332 PL,t\ RF.VIEIV RE.CI]ECK FtE [S<O FET HR.I 0t 0000 42321 OFF I.IOURS L\"SPECTION FEES 0t 0000.rl.il2 coNTit.\ cTo Rs LIcL\s Es l.zEs 0l cn@{1330 SICN APPLICATION FEE.0t 00004t113 0t 000041{13 ADDITION^I. 5IGNAGE F;E ISI.OO PER, SO.IT. 0l 0000 {2.i.10 VTC ART PF,OJECT DON,\T]ON 0t 0000 .l133 |PRE PAJD DESIGN REVIElV BOARD FEE 0l 000042412 BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI *.0l 0000 4t010 1' X 0r 0000 42371 INVESTIGATToN FEE (BUILDTNG) ToTAL DUE: 0l 0000rl3 ONAL USE PEf\ 0l 0000 { 1330 OR ALTERAT'IO EYTER]OR AL1TRATION IIiORR ALTERAT]ON IIiORETH SPECIAL DEVELOP.\{TYI DI0r 0000 .r t330 ^L DEVELOP.\ 0l 000041330 TSPECL4L DEVELgPITENTDIS lCT ll'trfioR A.liiE\rD .I I33O ; VARIfu\C suBDIvlStoN 0000 .{ t_130 CODE A"VE\DNI * * * L * * * * * ,_--:.*-_--.5---!i:{ t' '* /OA' '.( _TOU'}{ OF IJFI I I- f.lisqrlleneous Cch F€,-15-93 l3:59: 1S Eeceipt * 134€,fS tlcrr'un t $cH # 663 EEFFI,"ROLISH.,FFE PF DRB FEE'.URRIFIHCE Rm1.-lun t tFnde red )3S8.08 tlotnr peid 58. Et€r 258.S8 B. OB THFIhIK V(}lJ l'tur csshier .IE!{llIFEFI Iter paid El 8rr18841331 86€ BltlBBE4l3S8SgB Ch.:ng* re t u rned :. '! r+ "quap **c,tu $-nt-o-,rVnO frqZ Etufa*n Euck 8 y'lrc /rvraP*aqtfl/l TP "/-/rs r) a)L ?,) 4) N[: b7 9& 6 /L - rtb/4 D. j /"ro, 6az;k &s?/; a a//57 - /,"/*a + ,?'r/'4 6rt,t7 (zqgz Fatr.,-a,) E /F^*, DL- /4 fur/,0u/ /er I Bzl 4 Vr'z- /,rrnnrutv7e/t (zusz 6a*tortz) !,*-l o fno,o ,/n. /a Bax 72/ y,;/ fa 8//t0 /1 Bt'z /lhto h az*rra-T,t trv (Zq t5 8,A*qg6 ) fa tu gzt ,/'/,hA /L'/4 brE B*8 Vtp /rYffitnau''ril,v (Zrtr 8,'rya*e) Ft,y',6L /h- ,h, I r ,lLrala /troy.-o s/32 /r2 ,/;./'fu 7/a78 ,2a 6oy 75/t U,r' ra A//58 \ I. THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW 7 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that fre Planning and Environmental Commission of he Town of Vail will hold a public hearing In accordance with Section 18.66.060 ot the Municlpal Code of the Town of Vail on July 12,1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a wall height variance lor a property located at 3130 Boolh Falls CourULot 6, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: Johann MuellerPlanner: Shelly Mello. 2. A request for a major exterior alteration in CCl, for an addition and exlerior upgrades to the Cyranos Building, located at 298 Hanson Ranch RoacVLot C, Block 2, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Margretta B. ParksPlanners: Mike Mollica and Tim Devlln 3. A request for an exterior alleration and a site coverage variance to the Gondola Building to allow the construction of a wheelchair lift located on Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1sU600 West Lionshead Circle. Appllcant Vail AssociatesPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for proposed text amendments to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District, and Chapter 18.32 Agricultural and Open Space District, of the Vail MunicipalCode. Applicant: Town of VailPlanners: Jim Curnutte and Russ Forrest W]THDRAWN 5. A request tor a proposed SDD and minor subdivision to allow for the development of single family homes located on Tracts A and B, The Valley, Phase lll1480 Buffer Creek Rd. Applicant: Steve Gensler/Parlsrood RealtyPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 6. A request for the establishment of an SDD to allow the redevelopment of the Cornice Building and a request for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of three Type lV employee housing units, located at 362 Vail Valley Drive and more specifically described as follows: A part of Tract'B'and a part of Mill Creek Road, Vail Mllage, Flrst Filing, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, mor€ par cularly de3cribod as folbrs Commendng at the North€ast @rn€r of Vail Vlllag€, First Fling; the,Ee Norlh 79'46'00' W€sl abng th. Sdth€ry line of U.S. Highway No. 6 a dlstance of 367.06 fo€t to the Northeasl corner of sald Tracl 'B'; thsnce South 10"14'Oo' W€st along lho Easlerly [n€ of sald Tracl 'B'; a distance ol 198.31 te€t to th. Sqrth€asterly corner of said Tracl 'B'; lhorre North 79'46'0(r W€st abng the Souherly llne of sald Trecr 'B' a dstarce ol 100.00 f€ot lo th€ true polnt of b€ginnlng thence l,lonh O+10'07' West a distance ol 11.67 te€t; thence South 88'27'11' West a dlstance of 75.21 feet; thenc€ Sorrth 27"1397' East a dislance ot 77.37 led; thorrce North 57'24'Ot East a dlslanco ol 55,11 f€€|, more o. less to the trus point ol b€glnnlng. 7.A request for a work sesslon for the establishment of a Special Development District, a CCI exterior alteration, a minor subdivision, a zong change, and an amendment to View Corridor No. 1 for the Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. . Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planners: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: David Smith Jim Curnutte Golden Peak House Condominium AssocJVail Associates, Inc./Parlners, LldJMargaritaville, lnc. Mike Mollica/Tim Devlin TABLED INDEFINITELY Sallie Dean and Larry Rousch Tim Devlin VailAssociates Jim Curnutle SBC Development Corporation Mike Mollica A request for a site coverage, density variance and wall height variance to allow the construction of a garage at2942 Bellflower/Lot 8, Block 8, Vail lntermountain. 9. 10. 11. A request for a conditional use permit to allow an expansion of the Vail Associates vehicle maintenance shop located at the NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 7 and the SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 6, Township 5 South Range 80 W of the 60th P.M.A/ail Associates. A request for a minor subdivision for Lots 14 and 15, Spraddle Creek Estates Subdivision. A request for a minor amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village for the Waterford parcels in area A, described as follows: That Fri ot th€ SW lA NE 'll., S.cdoi 1a ToyrrEhip 5 Sorrth, Bane. 81 $rct ol the Slxlh PrlrdFl tlc{idlen, Torvn ol Vdl Eaele @JnV, cobrado. dGcrtbod a lollow!: 8€glnnlng at a polnf on the loutho.lt rlghtd-wly In ot hbf3nta llgl sy llo. 70 whenca m lrcn pln wlttr a plas c cap naddq U|c cenLa ot s6id Socrlon 12 beals S 3l'|olf W 1,917.03 |{$ ilsEe rlong !.ld toutherly deht ot-way lhe lwo cDurE* rl N 5250'2f E 229.e8 bet 2) N 7438'1f E 160.7l, bel; fiqrce d€F|dng sald soulhcdy right of.uay lln 88"455-,. E t38.gl h.B lienc. S 4(t6'1.t' l\, 9{.32 bel thsnc€ S t€f !E3d W sa.OB te3!; lh€o6 S 01?15'W at5.o2 bel; hcnc. S l2!lt73f W 110.5 bel; th.nce S 28-?83'W te{./t8leot lhenca N /t|r "l7b,l'llt 2tl.t6 beq rn€oc.N49"a256'E97.Arbot;thenceN3f(p'31'W95,50L.tlhenc.S5a'"50'2fW55.'lObet;rh€nce69./Bbelaiongthearcofanon- rarE€nt q.{vo b $e bft hsvlne a radl6 ol65.0 leet 8 cafllrd r'lelg of 6t"l.flr!' rnd a dqd fiat bear8 N 58" 55'5f |V 6422 tseq th.nc. N 37.09'31' W i 1&5o bct To Tt|e Tn . Poht ot Beglnnine, Cant of EreL. St|b of Colo.ldoi - ( I(.' 12. Applicant:MECM Enterprises represented by Eustaquio Cortina and Gommercial Federal Savings. Planner: Shelly Mello A request for the establishment of a Special Development District to allow the expansion of the Vail Athletic Club, located at 352 East Meadow Drive, and mor€ specifically described as follows: A parcel of land In Tract B, Vail Viltage, First Filing, Torn ot Vail, Eagle County, Coloradq more Particularly describ€d as follours: Commencing at the Northoast corner of sald Tract B; thanca N 79'46'00'W atong lhE North€rly line ol Vail Village, First Filing, and along th€ Northorly line of said Tracl B 622.86 lset; therrco S 06?6'52'W a dlstarrce of 348.8:l le€t 10 the Southwest oomer of lhat parc€l of land described In Book 191 at Page 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 and filed in R€c€ption No. 102978 In the Eagle Counly R€cords, said corner also being the True Point of Beglnnlng; thence S 79o@'@' E and abng th€ Southerv line of said Parc€l 200.00 te€t to ths South€ast comer th€reot; thencs N 62'52'00' E and along th€ Northerly llne ol thal parcel of land describ€d in Book 222 al Pag€ 513 as recorded in 1971 in the Eagl€ County Recotds, a distance sl 66.78 leet lo th€ NortheastErly @rn€r of said parcel of land; said corner belng on tho W€st€rly dghtol'way line ol Gore Creek Road, as platted in Vail Village, Fitth Filing; lh€nc€ N 27"13'37'W a distarrce ol 77.37 feet abng said W€sterly rightof-way llne ol Gore Creek Road; th€nc€ N 8929?2| W a distarrce of 12.80 feet to the Northeasterly corner of that parcel of land descdbed in Book 191, Page 139 as recoded January 10, 1966 and fll€d In Receptbn No, 102978 in the Eagle County Rscords; lhencs Northrvesledy 26.51 leet along thg arc of a 37,50 f6€t radius clrv€ to the loft having a central angle of 40"30'00' whose chord bears N 53o40'OO'W a distance of 25.96 feel to a point of tangency; thencE N 73'55'00'W and along said tangont 166,44 lo€t; th€nco N 85o10'21' W a distarrce ol 50.40 te€t to the Nonhwesterly corner of th€ i/buntaln Haus Parcel; th€nce S Or18'OO'W and along the oastorly line ol sald irountain Haus Parcel a dlstarrce ol l0O.OO feet to the Southeasterly corn€r ther€ot; lh€nce S 45"13'5:l' E a distance of 38.70 f€Et to th€ True Polnt ol B€glnnlng, contalnlng 30,486 square te€|, more or l€ss. 13. 14. A request for a height variance, a density variance, a landscape variance and a major exterior alteration of the L'Ostello Condominium Building located at 705 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead 4th Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Vail Athletic Club Shelly Mello L'Ostello Condominiums Shelly Mello Town of Vail Andy Knudlsen A request to review the Management Plan and Master Plan for the Vail Cemetery to be located in the upper bench ol Donovan Park generally located west of the Glen Lyon subdivision and southeast of lhe Matterhorn neighborhood. 3 rt .' L+ ,J' a'.''i') 15. A requast for a mlnor subdlvlslon ard rezmlng ftom Grcenbelt Natural Open Speco to Hlllslde ResldAnfral br Tract C, Spraddle Ci€ek Eshbs &Sdlvlslon. Appllcanf SBG Development CorpomilonPlannec Mlka tlolllca I ,l o fu,(.* ats /1/vtt 4tw,/Hstum to INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:'Eorc/tWEl f; DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: Reviewed by: Comments: Town Planner BRIEF DESCBIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: /// ,?wt 5r4'/ @ Zrrz Bl/ffu PUBLIC WORKS /l ---t f IDae: tl lZ I ?3 r) aaBa"eL Daszs Sln "lJ bt o ,'*2.'".-*- { z,'L uf C*,." l"- d Nl,L;tr:,vl ^tyf-[l- ]', v-vs{ ,f Do-/ st,^"LJ W z,) Q,r*- ts [t J, pu.-,. J" V s./,L ,.-s c\ ?*bb sP"rr'u TL''J'I -ll";' $'- eL:*"^'-[' 9 Ao'au-h-l- d-r[f ;[ Z++1. lb" tT wi[l dt, b<- gr**J t iJuwulL ,.*--'^fr(r-Ln^? - IKS'u"x'dl tho-lL"z'<- tY-\gX- WL'Dry Zot f^,^^- Bool. Z) Lrt \l v\r.,L E^*( tL-b @w. rffior C"n"- P ^ I I o fr O /rnr,tF ,lrr'vrra Betum to Qru/ Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:'Ewcl DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BREF"W'W=:W @ zrrz g4/h4 Reviewed by: Comments: 4<.-r Date:z{''z'? i J ./,,o O4"-'z-;-).''z > firrc 2zpT. ' {tg4(q VACATION AIID ABANDONI{ENT OF E,ASEI.TENT This vacation and abandonrnent of easenent is made this 23rd day of Januarv , L9 90, by the Town of Vail, a Colorado nunicipal corporation (the rrTowntr) and Sallie Dean and Larry J. Roush, (the |tOwnerr!) . WHEREAS, a certain easement on the recorded plat of Vail Internountain Subdivision, more fully described on Exhibit rlArt attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the rrEasementrr), is currently encunbering a certain parcel of real estate (the rrPropertyrr) more fully described as follows: I,ot 8, Block 8, Vail Intermountain Subdivision Town of VaiI, County of Eagle, Colorado, and WHEREAS, the easement allows the Town the use thereof 1',\?"i -! '[-U' 3s* .fi(F)'t{ (JrsAEo.E ugUJEG.ltfrj construction, maintenance, and reconstruction of drainage for and r-ouao(t -rOJaotru art!ruJulu {t> -tFzafoo\(J !')E lrl\J {u(3sclrl tufuo{l irlr{OJJIUHfuI['l fL IEUIFFO lrlqzFZOI-<o$Ft utilitiesi and WHEREAS, the Easement is not presently used for constructJ.on, maintenance, and reconstruction of drainaqe and utilities; and WHEREAS, neither the Or.rner nor the Town realize any beneficial use in allowing the easernent to remaini and NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONS]DERATION OF TEN DOLLARS, the rnutual covenants and promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto, the Town and the Owner covenant and agree as follows: 1. The Tor,rn, on behalf of itself, its successors and assigns, by this instrument hereby forever abandons, vacates, releases and terminates the easement and herby qonveys all the right, t-it1e, interest in and to t'-he easement to the Owner. 2. The Owner hereby accepts and ratifies the vacation, abandonment, release, termination and grant of the easement. 3. This vacation shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Town and of the Owner and their respective successors and assigns. ar: et EXECUTED ON TH8 DATE AND YEAR T'IRST ABOVE WRITTEN. STATE OT COUNTY OF The COIPRADO EAGI.',E Eis. lnstrument was acknowl.edged before ne thi , Lg!!, by Kent R. Rose, Mayor o and RondaII v. Phllllps, Town the Town of Vail, Colorado and was attested to by s t No,ttmh, . tt^, 1413t- ll.o OJ oa Vu,'l, (l . flbs? (n E\elBy: ru T $ so u'ta 0ls ru OJ(, Io 0l fd tf) Io o @r-qt )) ss. ) instrunent was acknowledged before ne thls icipaJ. coporation 2t- day or the Town of Manager of STATE OF COIPRADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Tosrn Clerk o-f the Town of VaiI, Colorado, a Colorado nunlclpal corporation. Witness ny hand and official seal. o Sa1l ie , Ohrner. Witness my hand and officlat seat. My eomrnlssl.on expires:J -t+-q "- c_, : Notary E\rbl1c U ,;P, Co t ta st STATE OF COI.ORADO COUNTY OF EAGI,E foregoing Titness ny hand and official seal . My comnission explres:7 - l4{'z ) ) ss. , lnstrument was acknowledged before , 1990, by Larry J.Roush, Owner. -ie-EtF z ne thisThe fore lb*a*v ot 14789 B-fiei- P-6ee OetOE,lgO 14r5? o TDq! Notary Publlc ( Exhlblt A - Page Legal Descrlptlon Lof4 f- IL IJ { oa Parcel A - A portlon of the UndergroundUtlllty Eaaenent to be Vqcated A part of Lot 8, accordlng to the Flnal Plat of Vall Internountaln Developnent Subdlvlslon - Block 8 recorded tn Book ZZL at- Page S47,County of Eagle, State o:f Colorado, nore partlcularly degcflbed aafollous: Beglnnlng at a polnt on the Eaaterly llne of sqld Lot 8 fron whlchthe Northeaaterly Corner of gald Lot 8 bears N.22oOO,OO-qr. LO.l7 feeLdletanti thence llong eald Eaeterly lln€ S.22,OO,OO-E. O.2S feet to apolnt on the Southerly llne of an exlgtlng Underground Utlllty Easenent;thence along eald SouLherly llne S.51o4O,44..9r. 49.29 feet to a potnt approxlnately 1.OO foot tdeaterly of an exletlng stalrway; thencedepartlng sald Southerly llne and f,ollowlng a IIne approxlnatety 1.OO:foot Westerly of eqld exlgtlng etalrway N.2Oo38,35.9r. 3.59 feet; thencefollowlng a IIne parallel to and approxlnately 1.OO foot Northerly ofaald exl.etlng atairuay N.69o21'25"E. 5.OO feet; thence N.20o38'35"1rt.8.5O feet to a polnt on the Northerly llne of eald Lot 8; thence alongsald Northerly ll.ne N.51o4O,44..E. 4.30 feet departlng aaldNortherly lLne N.69o2L'23"8. 32.14 feet O:f lnnlng. PREPARED BY: JOHNSON, KUNKEL 8. ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 409 EAGLE, COLORADO a1631(303) 32a-636A JK/a9l333 r,l IDcl $l u'l .f a tT na {U GI il {u rO III 0t TU u') Itr trlo F. @ { ExhtbltA-Page2of4 Parcel C - A Uci 1t ty Lega I Description portlon of the Dral-nage and Easement to be vaca ted A part of Lot 8, according to the FinaI Plat of VaiI InternountainDevelopmenc subdivision - Brock I recorded in Book 221 aE page 542,County of EagIer State of Colorado, more particularly described asfollows: Beginning at a point from which the most) northerlyLot I bears N. 12o54,20"8. 11.07 feet dlstanE; thence S.15.OO f eet.; thence S.68o00,O0,,W. 3.0O feet; thence S.22feet; thence S.68o00'OO',W. 2.75 feet Eo a point on thean existing 7.5 foot v, lde Drainage ancl Utility EasemenE;said westerly llne, N.22o00,0O"W. 26.82 feeE to a pointline of a IO.OO foot r.ride Underground UtiliCy Easement,southerly Iine N.5l o40 '44 "8. 5.99 fee E to the poi nt 'of corner of sa id 22000'00"8.o00,oo"E. 13.50 westerly Iine of thence along on the southerly thence along said beginn ing. t l!-t to (9a iUtfl $ so ns o,a PREP JOI{NSON, KUNKEL P. O. EAGLE, CO (303 JK AR,ED BY: & ASSOCIATES, IltC. BOX 409 LORADO 8 1631 ) 328-6368 /89 /333 ?l(D el ru ftJo Io OJ f'Jn IE oo F.o {t James S tt[tl;];i?h. lkr; .trEfr.tt f€'j6'g',F" 23089 o ExhlbltA-Page3of4 R> w\ \t\ \\- \ .t7 l;u a$ \^. 'rt @el,2 1* \\\ \ .$. sl hl\l \ h F. $ \ t\ lro r0 glo a, ||, {t -{ s(I| loe olo TU OJu o ftl ru ul Ifi oor.q, $ \ \ N E \ $'S *$\ l \" t* $D ^f.a;$ t\/ ,A'+: -,$t \ \a \ v\l \ $tv-- N { Exhlblt Page 4. A- d").)-ilader.Eroana( \a/a:/'l2O' I brt iltlg I I t*.i- ).A s r.'/r t i-,'Ov t'u- V/r7 i.l'a i /7 ; Il t "i,^$rl /FJ 'IJ\'II I.II t, - t ^. t ,-trr. /q$/t ,$$/#iA< / /i*t - 4.r-n | /o, /A|e"!ar _,\-- Vi#'' M't22t-: t- lro F- og- 4 @et tu *.t so u'tE OJls ftlt\l rl) Io ol frj!') I0 oror.o q Da!€ any part of ta above dcecrlbed conn 6c I lon s. aro as shoxn, thrl 9, excepl as s l9n of any l, except a8 , No. 22589 r lnc. Slephe Vr.c€ Pre .tohnton, Nogar r .t I 2l 3) 4l 5) strG.t Adare!! r 2942 Bellflouer Drlv€. Bhe rebar rtth rludlnun cap (L.9. 1682?l for th. SE corner of t,ot 8, !lock 5, .nd the rebar and alurnlnun caP lL. s ' 59331 for the 3E Cornea of Lot 7, BIock 8 rrerE used f,or tmprov€Denl locallons. PropGrcy llnc! and eaoeDents are ilerived from the Flnal Plat of vrll Intetoount,!ln DevslopoenL subdlvlsion - Block 8. DuE go gho lack of cdoquato nonunengatlon ln !h. lnE.dlale ar'a of Lo! 8r the t'leB !o the propsrgy linea are only !ccurate lo plus ot nlnue 0.25 of r foot. SLOOD HAZARD NOTEr According go Flocd tneuranc€ Ra!. ]laP Ior !he Tolrn of Vrll, Colorado, Conmuntty - Panel Nunb€r 080054 OOOt B, etfectlva d!te May tr 1989r Loc 81. local.al ln a zonc Cr rn r!r! of Elnlral lloodl'ng. PREPARED ET I i,OttNSON. KUNKEL A ASSOCIATES' INC. ' PiO. DOX {09 EAGLEI COLORADO 8I63I' (303)328-6368 JK/89/1ll jryvE,e ,A,entdSA,) (5/o4a44, /-or d, gzocr a s--...,__l__ e a8 emEnt cros s lnE or burden lng no!€d. 2-zrfuvr,;f51"r?w,i/j t" tt)" (i, . . LEOAL DESCRTPTION Lot, 8r accordtng to the Ftnrl Plat ol vall lnterr0ounteln Developnon! Subdtvteton - !lock 8, .rac.ordad tn Eook 221 at, Pagc 547r county of Eagl.' SLatc ol cor'orado . IHPROVEHENT LOCATTON CERTIFICATE I heroby certlfy that this tmprovemeng Locatlon certlflc!te was prGpared for gally Dsan and llorlgrge Bankors, THAT THIS ls NoT A LAND sURvEr PLAT oR IMPROVEHENT suRvEv PLAT, rnd that l! ls not to be relteil upon for th. oBtabltih6en! of fencor bull'dln9, or other fu!ur' loprove|!enc Itno3. I fur!her certlfy !hat th€ lnprovenen!B on lhe parcel survcyed on Novenber l, 1989r exc€pt ullllty entlrely wlih1n !he boundarles of the parcel, excepl !hero are no encroachoen!3 uPon the de3cribed premlse tndlcatedr antt !hal there ls no APPARENT evldence or I zCrCr.g ro42, a(cllr/;7./E.ate?e,rrJLt'"'ff" i{f i l*f" ti^;7:, "*;;;,Nl siiw# VAIL TOWN COUNCIL lJORK SESSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1990 2:00 p.m. EXPANDED AGENDA 1. Discussion of Michael Barber contract Action Reouested of Council: Decide whether or not to hire ffir retain architect for on-site 2:00 Mi chael Barber Larry Eskwith 2|30 Tim Garton 2:45 Nol an Rosal I 3:05 Mi ke Mol I ica supervision of construction of the parking structure. Background Rationale: Michael Barber has requested an ffiss this matter with the Council. 2.Discussion of Vail Athletic Ambassador Action Requested of Council: Receive Program presentation and ask housi ng & Cares Background Ratiolqkl: Etlrly in 11J89, Tim Garton approached Ifrl coun-T;nl- asleA them to consider funding the VAAP with the District. The progran is ready and VMRD is asking the TOV to participate in the program at the same level as the Distri ct - $5,000. 3. Review of Rosal 1 Remmen & Cares proposal for affordable hous'i ng needs assessment Action Reouested of Council: Review affordableproFo-and decide if the firm of Rosall Remmen should proceed with the proiect. Background Rationale: 0n January 16th, the Council and PEC ffioptions for addressing the need for affordable housing. The alternatives al Iowed for both a local and regional approach to thi s housing issue. At the conclusion of the meeting, staff agreed to summarize the discussion and prepare a work program for the project. Nolan Rosall and Chris Cares have prepared a proposal for affordable housing based on the January 16th discussjon and staff summary. Staff Recommendation: Approve the Rosall Remmen & Cares @ with the proiect. Staff will continue to work wjth the volunteers from the January 16th ioint meeting. The committee includes Peggy 0sterfoss, Lynn Fritzlen, Dalton Wi11iams, Diana Donovan, Kathy Warren, Jerry 01 iver, and Joe Macy. Additional members from the community may be added to the task force' 4. A request to vacate portions of existing utility and drainage easements on Lot 8, Block 8, Vail Intermountain Subdivision (2942 Bellflower Drive) Applicant: Sallie Dean and Lanry Roush Action Requested of Counci l: Approve/deny the request. Background Rationale: The existing home on this lot was ffi The home was built within portions of the utjlity and drainage easements as shown on the enclosed Improvement Location Certificate for this lot. The applicant is requesting to vacate portions of the easements to clean up the t'itle to the property. All utility sign-offs are in place. Staff Recommendation: Approve the request. ?'1q Char'lie l,|ick 3:25 Ken Hughey Ron Phill ips 3:40 Ken Hughey Char] ie l.lick 5. 6. Discussion of Eagle Valley Child Care Task Force assessment Background Rationale: This is to update the Council on the progress of the Child Care Task Force and the assessment survey to be undertaken. Emergency services communications systems project update Background Rationale: The 1989 CIP budget allocated $400,000 for upgrades and enhancenents to the valleywide emergency servjces communication system, inc'l uding a move of our prinary transmitters to a Vail Mountain site, the installat'ion of a Town owned microwave system, development of backup sites for all systems, and the additjon of new frequencies for Police and Public Works use. lJe are well into the project, and it is felt a Council update is appropri ate. Discussion of Municipal Complex Site Redevelopment Committee proposals Action Requested of Council: Authorize the committee toinitiate the process to select a consultant to complete the space needs of the Vail Police Department and of the Vai'l Municipal offices currently housed in the main Municipal building. Background Ratjonale: With the Post Office vacating their current TOV owned site, it is appropriate that the future use of the site and/or building be reviewed and discussed. Town staff has formed a cornmittee to review the situation and'i s requesting authority to proceed with preliminary analysis (see enclosed memo). Staff Recommendation: Proceed with prel iminary analysis. 8. Executive Session - Lega'l Matters 0r i entati onA. Pol i ce Deoartment B. Fire Department Discussion of RFP for comprehensive strategic analysis of fi re servi ces C. Presentation of the Five Year Budget 10. Planning and Environmental Commission Reoort 11. Design Review Board Report L2. Information Update 13. Other 7. 3: 55 Barney l,|hite 4:25 Ken Hughey 4:55 Dick Duran Mi ke McGee Charl ie Wick 5-.25 Steve Barwi ck Charlie \{ick 5:55 Kri stan Pritz 6:05 Mi ke Mol I ica 6: 15 Ron Phillips 6:20 9. ?'. i / \: 'I '*;m, VACAfION AlfD ABANDONIiIENT OF E"ASEI'IENI This vacation and aband,onment of easement is made this 23rd day of _ganuarl_t Lg go, by the Town of vail, a colorado municipal corporation (the ttTowntr) and @ Roush, (the rtOwnerrr) . WHEREAS, a bertain easement on the recorded plat of vaiL lntennountain subdivision, more fully described on Exhibit ilAn attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the lrEasenentrr), is currently encumbering a certain parcel of real estate (the rrPropertyrr) more fully described as follows: Lot 8, Block 8, Vail Interrnountafll€-UbqiL.iaie-!- Town of VaiI, county of Eagle, Colorado, and WHEREAS, the easement allows the Town the use thereof for construction, maintenance, and reconstruction of drainaqe and utilities; and WHEREAS, the Easement is not presently used for construction, maintenance, and reconstruction of @ and WHEREAS, neither the Or'rner nor +-he Town r-ealize any beneficial use in allowing the easement tq NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION the mutual covenants and prornises contained herei good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto, the Town and the Owner covenant and agree as follows: 1-. The Tor,tn, on behaLf of itself , its successors and assigrns, by this instrument hereby forever abandons, vacates, releases and terninates the easernent and herby conveys all the right, title, interest in and to t'he easement to the owner. 2. The owner hereby accepts and ratifies the vacation, abandonment, release, termination and grant of the easement. This vacation shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Town and of the owner and their respective successors and assigns. 3. EXECUTED ON THE DATE AND YEAR FIRST TOWN OF VAU., a ABOVE WRITTEN. nuniclpal coporation Kent R. Rose, Mayor Rondall V. Phill,ips, Town Manager The foregoing instrurnent was acknowledged before ne this day of , L9_, by Kent R. Rose, Mayor of the To$rn of Vail, Colorado and Rondall v. Philllps, Town Manager of the Town of VaiI' Colorado and was attested to by Panela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk of the Town of VaiI, colorado, a Colorado rnunlcipal corporation. Witness ny hand and official seal. My comrnission expires: frotafiIF Address By: ATTEST: ParnEIa A. Brandmeyer, Tor,rn Clerk STATE OF COI'RADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) sE. ) ss. instrument was acknohtledged before me thls STATE OF COIPRADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Tiie r-oregoing Sal1ie , Owner. Witness ny hand and official seal . My cornmission expires:2 -t+'q ?' Notary PubI c 06o ,1.' r',l , - i"' Address Uo"g, 6 {tasl ,t STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ] '"' lbba^v ot The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this , 1990, bV _kr!Id_,-Roush, Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires:7 - t41z Owner. Notary Public ExhibitA-Pagelof4 Legal DeecrLptlon Parcel A - A portlon of the UndergroundUtlltty Eagenent to be Vacated A part of Lot 8, accordlng to the Flnal Plat of Va1l Internountaln Developnent Subdivlelon - Block 8 recorded tn Book ZZI aL Page 547, County of Eagle, Stcte of Colorado, nore partlcularly described sgfolloug: Beglnnln! at a polnt on the Eaaterly llne of eald Lot 8 frorn whlchthe Northeaeterly Corner of gald Lot I beqrs N.22+OO,OO"9r. 1O.17 feetdlsLanti thence along sald Eagterly llne S.22,OO,OO,.E. O.25 feet to apoint on the Southerly ltne of an exietLng Underground Utlllty Easenent;thence along aal.d Southerly llne S.51 o4O'44"tr. 43.29 feet to a polntapproxlnately 1.OO foot Weaterly of an exletlng etalrway; thencedepartlng sald Southerly llne and folJ-onlng a ltne approxinately 1.OOfoot 9leeterly of eald exletlng atalrway N.2Oo38,35"U. 3.59 feet; thencefollowlng a llne parallel to and approxlnately 1.OO foot Northerly ofeald exl,etlng etalrway N.69o21,25"E. 5.OO feet; thence N.20o38'35-W.8.5O feet to a polnt on the Northerly llne of sald Lot 8; thence alonggaid Northerly llne N.51 nAO.44"8. 4.30 feet departlng ealdNortherly lLne N.6902L'23"E. 32.14 feet O:f lnnlng. /,/z/zr/rt D"te-No. 23089 e. Ine. PREPARED BY: JOHNSON, KUNKEL & ASSOCIATES, INC.P.O. BOX 409 EAGLE, COLORADO 41631(303)324-6368 JK/89/333 Exhtbit A - Page LegaI Descript.ion 2of.4 Parcel C - A ULillty portton of Che Easenent to be Dralnage and vacated A part of Lot 8, accordlng to the final Plat of Vail IntermountainDeveropment Subilivision - Block 8 recorded in Book 221 aE page 547,county of Eagle, state of cororado, nore particularry described as f o I lows : Beginning aC a point fron whLch the nost.) northerly corner of saldLot I bears N.l2o54'20"8. 11.07 feet distantr thence S.22oOO,OO"E.15.00 feet; thence S.68oOO'OO"W. 3.00 feet; thence S.22oOO,OO"E. t3.50feet; thence s.58o00'00"l{. 2.75 feet to a poin! on the westerly li.ne ofan existing 7.5 f oot. wide Drainage and utirity EaseDenc, thence alongsaid westerly line, N.22o00'00"./|. 26.82 feet to a poinc on the southerlyline of a 10.OO foot wide Underground Utility Easement; thence along saidsoutherly line N.51o40'44"8. 5.99 feet to the point'of beginning. James S No 23089 PREP JOENSON, KUNKEL P. O. EAGLE, CO (303 iIK AR,ED BY: & ASSOCTATES, rNC. BOX 409 LORADO 8153 I ) 328-6368 /e9 /333 fq t\ N \ ExhlbltA-Page3of.4 I l;u \ N E h l'. s \ -,$t \,\ia\ \NiSissri!-; \(. {N 'i. lt\, I!'" u: ,N' $ '{i)5N'N\r) ,'lu' J t.+\ I Y -\ rft\ qr *v Y'' \ ^{ Ar /\\rYr A{ .",\' lr . ..5 . ,;C'--.r '\ -F.-c A:&-N .-)w'E,€ ,D,eUSSa,) NStot/o'14, e> Exhibit A - ica/e :/!20' ,!,::ri'',{.,:::";",'tir ?lt'.\i.4 tii: II I il,)rA sq/ I s i{f i /..*'r :, any par! of 3al rceI, excePl as Vlca P!e itohn3on, PREPARED BT T JOHNSON, KUNKEL & ASSOCIATES' INC' ' P'.O. BOX 409 EAGLE' COLORADO 8I63T' (303)128-6360 JK/89/lll , No. 22589 I Inc. Nolet l .ll 2',) SgreoC Ailatre!3 | 2942 Bellf loner Dr!'ve' ThE rebar rrith aluEinu$ cap (L'S' 16827 1 for the SE corner of iot g, Biock 6r and the rebdr and aluminuro caP (L's' 5933) for ihe 5E corner of Lot 7, Btock I were used for lmproveoenB locaglons. 3, Property ttnea and eaoe$en!3 ar€ derived f rorn rhe Flnrl Pla r of Vail Inrernountaln DevetopnenL subdlvisl'on - Elock 8' 4) Due to the lack of adsquate oonunenLaElon ln Lh' !ncGd''ace araa of Lol I' tho tles tg !he proPercy llnea rre onLy accurage lo plue or nlnue 0,25'oe a foot' 5)FLOODttAzARDNOTE:AccordlngloFloodlnsurancoRa!eHapfor Ehe Tor.rn of vallt cotorador conmuntLy - Panel Numb6! 080054 oool B, ert.cilve date May l' 1985' Lot 8ls Iocated ln a zono Cr rn trea of rot'nlEal I loodln9 ' N*f t /,$;i Wi (f, ,(ar 8, Bzoctr a 6€2"r/f.7m 'r4,/,iry,// ?l/f I Draiaago Eateqaa/ easement cros s lng or burden lng noled. DAIE Stephe I $i,' d, lndtcatedr and !ha! Chere 1s no APPARENT evldence ot slgn of any . , LEGAL DESCRIPTION LoE 8r accordtng !o the Flnal Plat of vall lnlermountaln Developoen! subdtv!'si;n - Block 8' roc'or'ted in Eook 221 !l Page 547' county of Eagla, s!ate of colorado rupnoveieNt LocATroN cERT rF rcATE I hereby cerBtfy rhal lhls InProvenent Loca!1on CerLtftcale ras 9r"p"r"d ror iatly oean and $or!9a9e Eankets' THAT Tttts ts Nor A LAND SURVEI PLAT OR TMPROVEHENT SURVET PLA'' rnd rhal !t 13 not to be ieflett upon for ch€ Ga cabl tshEen B of fencc r buttdtng ' ot olher f uture tEproveEent I ines . I furBher certlfy !hat thc tEproveoen!E on the abov€ d'3crlbadl parcel surveyed on Noieober t' 1989r excePt utlll!y connectlons' trs !itrr"ty sieht'n the boundarleB of the parcelr excepl aB shoYn' thal ghe r6 are no encroachnents upon !he descrtbed premisesr excepl as - 4r.ra, /on fAT"bor 73=ff's'M'!'!2t- ;u/"J,& fr Tor*- 6*-^/ EASEMENT FORM Apptjcant: gnLLtE Dnn,u 'ti t-n r?R Y Rt Date of Submittal naar"r. P.c ?r-x ll^]Y r\,aru ('a,i.{l ?>tll{lc..,er) Phone \-t(r,- WqL r,t tj t{ Purpose Easement Submittal: 3 copies of a stamped survey 3 copies of the Iegal description for the easement3 copies of the easement deed Review Procedure: Please a'i Iow four weeks for the revieul and final approval of the easement. The easement must be reviewed by the Town's attorney, engineer and Plann'i ng Department. 0nce any necessary correctioni are made after thejrreviews, the easement will be scheduled for a Town council work sessionreview. Further revisjons after revjew may be necessary. Then the easement will be scheduled for final approval at an evening Town council meeti ng. The easement may be reviewed and approved sooner than 4 weeks. However,if the easement requires many revisions, the approval can take 4 weeks. The appiicant should attend the Town Council work session and even.i ngmeetings. If any other parties are involved in the easement outside ofthe Town government and applicant, the other parties should also bepresent at the work session and evening meeting. f. Legal Deaerlption Parcel A - A portlon of the UndargroundUtfltty Ereercnt to be Vacated A part of Lot 8, accordlng to the F1nal Plat of ValI Internountaln Developrent Subdlvlslon - Block I recorded ln Book 221, at Paga 347' County o:f, Eagle, State of Colorado, rore partlcularly deecrlbed ae follore3 Beglnnr,ng rt a Polnt on the Eaaterly llne of sald Lot 8 f,rorn shlch the Northeaaterly Corner of eald Lot 6 beare lil .22oOO'OO"qr. 1O.17 feet dletanti thence along gald Eaeterly llne S.22oOO'OO*E. O.25 fe€t to a polnt on the Southerly ll.ne o:f an exlgtl.ng Underground UtllLty Eagerent; thence along eal,d Southerly ltne S.51 o4Q'44"1d. 43.29 feet to a polnt .pproxlrately 1.OO foot lleaterly of an exlltlng etalrwayi thence departlng acld Southerly llne and followlng q llne approxlrately 1.OO foot {Ieeterly of gald exl.atlng atalrway ll.2Oo38'35'0. 3.59 feeti tb€nce followlng a llne parallel to aad approxlrataly 1.OO foot Northerly of eald exigtlng atalrway N.69021'25-8. 5.OO f,eet; thence N.20o38'35'lr. 8.5O feet to . polnt on the Northcrly llna o:f eald Lot 8; thence along eald llortherly llne If .51 o4O'44-8. 4.30 fect departlng eald lfortherly llne N.69o2L'25"8. 32.14 feet of lnnlng. /,/z/rr/st D"te ,llo. 23089 PREPARED BY! JOHNSOil, KUNKEL & ASSOCTATES' rNC. P.O. BOX 409 EAGLE, COLORADO 61631 (303)324-6364 JKtA9/333 rrear&crr-!3 Parcel C - A Utility Legal Descripti.on portion of the Easement to be Drainage and vacated A parc of Lot 8, according to the Fina1 PIat of VaiI Intermountain Development Subdivision - Block I recoriled in Book 221 aE Page 547' County of EagIe, State of Colorador mor@ particularly describeil as f o I Iows : Beginning at a point fron whlch the most\ northerly corner of said Lot I bears N.12o54'2O"8. 11.O7 feet dj-stantr tshence S.22oO0'O0"8. 15.00 feet; thence s.68o00'OO"w. 3.00 feet; thence s.22o 0O'0O"E. 13.50 feet; thence S.58o00'OO"v{. 2.75 fee ! to a point on the wesLerly line of an existins 7.5 foot wide Drainage and Utitity Easenent; thence along said wes!erly line, N.22o00'00"'rl . 26.82 feet to a point on the southerly Iine of a 10.00 foot w j-de Underground Utility Easementr thence along said sou!herIy line N.51o40'44"8. 5.99 feet to the point 'of beginning. O2 James s No. 23089 PREPARED BY: JOI{NSON, KUNKEL & ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 409 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 (303)328-6368 rK/89 /333 It{ c. nFe I Pr'E ,-i. S oo tf\ N \ \--\ ".$) \ tr $ \( t$\tr fa$ \. ,$r\ I s.l \ \a \ $ a/ '€:-€$ \ \ N \' h l-. s \d iF\r.$lr *H :L] v s ot v--t \ qiq ^\\\t n\l\l SALLIE DEAN P. O. Box 1174 Vail. GO 81658 January 2, 1990 To:Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVai1, CO 81657 I am applying to you to vacate the portion of the utility easement described in Attachment 1 at Lot 8 Block 8 Vail Intermountain Subdivision where the existing house encroaches on the easement. Attached are: 1. Agreements from U.S. lTest, Holy Cross Electric, and Public Service Company agreeing to the vacation of the portions of the easement where the encroachment occurs. 2. A letter from Heritage Cablevision agreeing to the encroachment. 3. A letter and legal documents from Upper Eagle Valley agreeing to vacate the entire easement. 4. A 1ega1 description of the encroachment area to be vacated. Please 1et me know if there is additional information to beprovided. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, ;lrill^ frrr,^l Property Owner 2942 BeLlflowerVaiI, CO 7'70-/67 Z t' SALLIE DEAN P. O. Box 1174 Vall, CO 81058 t January 15, 1990 To: Water & Sewer tua;Lrc,P Sallle Dean Buyer 2942 BeLlflower Upper EaSle Valley Santtatlon has no obJectlon to the vacatlon Y easemenbs at Lot 8 Block 8 Vail Intermoirntaln per the attached survey where the houae and walkways extend lnto the ut11lty €asementa. '{t{l!i Fred Haslee Upper Eagle Valley 846 Forest Road Va1I, CO 81657 Accordlng to the attached aurv€y, a portlon_of- the houee and witkways-at 2942 Bellflower Drlve, Lot 8, Block 8' Vall Intermbuntaln extend lnto the ut111ty easements at the front of the lot and on the east lot llne. If you have no obJectlons to vacatlng,the portlons of tlre ease- meni where the encroachments occur, please slgn below' Thank you. Slncerely, Name(pleaee slfn above and prlnt bel-ow) Date ,;low'Ee ,D,eUA) (Sa,) NQtoqaTr/, 2--r2fi47-r,,*,1/, I, D..!",r;'. ,.r'"7Jrl dz.4r@ ,ry,,4/,1y'Y fca/c "/124't"'#:L --_ __r___ . LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot I, acco!dtng to ths Fln!l Plat of vall lnteroount!ln D.v.lopncnt Subdlvlslon - Etock 8, rec,ord.d ln Book 221 at Pag. 5{7, CounCy ol Eagla, 8lac. ol coIor.do. IUPROVEMENT LOCATION CERT IF ICA'E I h.r.by certlly lhaL LhLs Improvenenc Locall,on Ccrttflcate was pr.pared for sally D€an and !,lortqage Bankera, TllAl THIs ts NoT A LAN0 SURVE! PLAI OR IIIPROVEI{ENT SURVEY PLAT, .nd thae lt is not to be rallcd upon for thc est,abllshE€nc of !inca, butldtng, or other futura i,6p ro vc E€ n t l ln€a . I furFh.r cortlfy thet thc lEprovcn€nt8 on uhc !bov€ dcacrlb.al pe!caI survayed on Nov6Eber l, 1989r exccpt utlIlCy connectlonr' ara on!1raly t{!Lhln !he boundarles of thE parcel r sxcept as shown, th.t thera arE no gncroachmen ls upon Che degcribed pr€mlgeE, e xc6p ! aB lndlcaged, !nd lhat there 1s no APPARENT evtdenc€ or slgn of any eta€ncnt crosslnE or burden Ing noted, Dale \ ititiT /..,:tt' 5 "!" $''7' G, Notaa ! l) 2l 3) 4l 5) 8Cro.t Adalrars . 2942 Be l l flot,er Dr1vs. Th€ r€brr elth aluolnun cap (L.S. 168271 for the SE corner ofLot 8r Elock 6r rnd the rebar and alumlnum cap (L,S. 5933) for Che 8E Corner of l,og 7, Block 8 nere uBed for !mprovenentlocations. Proparty 1lnea rnd erdements arc dertved fron the Flnal Plat ofVrll Ingrr!0ountatn Develope€nL Subdlvlslon - BIock 8. Du€ to th€ lack of adsquate nonuEantatlon ln lha lEEedlaCe ar.aol !ot 8r lhc llcs to ths prop€rty tlnea. !re onty rccur.t€ toplu. or olnur 0.25 of a foot. FLOOD BAZARD NOTE: AccordIng to Flood In3uranc€ RatG llap lor lh€ Tonn ot vall r CoIorado, Conmunlty - Panel Numb€! 080054 0001 B, .ffectlve dat€ May l, 1985r Lot 816 Iocatsd ln a zon€ C, rn rrar of nlnlnal floodlnE. PRIPARED B! t JOHNSON. KONXEL f ASSOCIATES, INC. Pi O. BOX 409 EAGLE, COLORADO 8153I' (303)328-6368 JR/89/333 <t&-ffi o #Jr .dt''$/ /or d, Bzoctr aV7 T'/t/ vl ' I - -r _ _ _ t 'ff'n,.';"?1 #1, I / - *ovrZp 7oa /4.gebar4.8'ilai?t,,ts.o6- any parl of sal cel, except as Srephe Vicc Pre Johnson, $*rr#i SALLIE DEAN P, O. Box '1174 Vall, CO 81658 November 9, 1989 To: Kenneth Freeman U.S. West Box 3050Dillon, CO 80435 Accordlng to the attached survey, a portion of the house and walkways-at 2942 Bellflower Drlve, Lot 8, Block 8' Vall Intermountaln extend lnto the utl11ty easements at the front of the Lot and on the east lot llne. If you have no obJectlons to vacatlng the portlons of the ease- ment where the encroachments occur, please sign below. Thank you. Sincerely, ,0*- Sal1le Dean Buyer 2942 Bellflower U. S. l{est has no obJectlon to Y easements at Lot Intermountaln per the attached survey where the extend lnto tbe utllity easements. the vacatlon 8 Block 8 Vail house and walkways ease slgn above batelnd print below))Act{ t.c:rn-1oJ o SALLIE DEAN P. O. Box 1174 Vall, CO 81658 Accordlng to tbe attached aurvey, a portion-of. the house and ;;i6;t;"ai zgqz Bollfl'ower Drlve, Lot 8, Block 8, vall Intermountafn extena tnto the utiitty easements at the front of the lot and on the east lot llne. If you have no obJectlons to vacating,the portions of the ease- meni where the eniroachments occur, please sign below. Thank you. Slncerely, Novenber 9, 1989 To: Mike Laverty HoIy Cross Electric Co. P.O. Box 972 Avon, CO 81620 Sal. lie Dean Buyer 2942 BellfLower extend lnto the utllity easements. the vacatlon 8 Block 8 ValI house and walkwaYs JrWeu"- HoIv Cross Electric Co. has no obJectlon to Y easemenls at Lot Intermountain per the attached survey where the and print be w) ' /qg? e'Date Martgu L*vaery / I oSALLIE DEAN P. O, Box 1174 Vail, CO 81658 November 9, 1989 To: Gary HalIPublic Service Company Box 430 Minturn, CO 81645 Accordlng to the attached survey, a portlon of the house and walkways at 2942 Bellftower Drlve, Lot 8, Block 8, Vail Intermountain extend lnto the ut11lty easements at the front of the tot and on the east lot line. If you have no obJecttons to vacatlng the portions of the ease- ment where the encroachments occur, please sign below. Thank you. Sincerely, /*^.Lu'- Sal1le Dean Buyer 2942 BelLflower Publlc Servise Co. has'no obJection to oT the portlons oT the utility easements at Lot Intermountaln per the attached survey where the extend lnto the utillty easements. the vacatlon 8 Block 8 Vail house and walkwaYs and prlnt below) Name(please- s gn above nrt!- x,r--- *,#,f^{'!,[f'u tl| H Heritage Cablevision P.O. Box 439 0[40 Metcalf Road Avon, Colorado 81620 (303) 949.5530 January 4' f990 Sa111e Dean PO Box ll74 Va11' C0 81658 Dear Me. De an: Herltage Cable agreea to abandon the portlon of the easement whereon the residence at Lot 8' Block 8' InEermountaln Subdlvlslon 8lts. "&H{ Chlef Technlcian SH: J nw 1-. H Heritage Cablevision P.O. Box 439 0140 Metcalf Road Avon. Colorado 81620 (303) 949-5530 November 9' 1989 Sallle Dean PO Box ll74 Val.1, CO 8f658 Dear Ma. Dean: Ileritage Cable egreea to allow the dwelling on Lot 8' Block 8' Va11 Internountaln Subdivlelon to encroach on our eanement aa ehown on the attaehed nap . The lot end dwelling owner underetands that lf Herltage Cable requlres accea6 to saLd eaaenent, the oltner will be reapona:: lble for any damage caueed by llerltage or lta contractora. sl erelyt (,{,#_- Chlef TechnleLan Enc. fA N \ -,$ t*\ \ I{ \ \a \ 'l'o t, l;u ^\\\ t:VN1\iN E I I $K{ im'' v ss ( v-t \ oo 1' ^{-$ s' \ r" 'S*u.s ! ,E.;-\ 41 \ ot+FzowEe ra,ent? (sa,) (e/oqoW, fca/e:/!20' l,.i:t'i" kl l/,t:+:.t( th ,%+; I ,(,':,'r' ;'rt 8/ P/$', II Yr? (,l$/ -1.!o,''-$Ao' *d l- I I -T€z1?wE/7- "/r//, f Dr.,rrr,r- ,r.""_.!_-, I t:T' 6 ---- -__ __ _- , LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 9, accordlng !o the Flnrl Plar o! vall lnLernoun!.tn DavaIoDo.nC Buballvlrton - !lock 8r re c.o!drd 1n Book 221 at P.g.547,County of Ergl., 8ta!. ol colorado. tuPRovE[rNT rocAftoN cERt tr rcAfE I h.r.by c.rtlfy fh!t !hl! lnprov.ocn! l.ocaclon CarCtttca!c wlaprapared for Sally D..n and ortEAge 8rnkcr., tttAT THIS 18 OT A IAND SURVEy PLAI OR IMPROVEUENT SURVEY PLAT, rnd th!t 1r lr no! to beraIled ugon for th€ .rtabllrhocnt, of f.nc., butIdlnE, or othrr !utur.l!DrovaD.nt, 11nrr. I turtb.r c.rtlty Lhat th. loprovoD.nts on !h. rbov. d.rcrlb.dprrcol rurvayad on Nov.Dber lr 1999, oxc.trt utlltty connactlonr, ar.ontlr.ly ulthln the boundarlas of !ha parcelr ex€€pb a! ahoyn, tha!thera aro no ancloacho€nts upon th€ d€scrlbed premla€r, eracept aalndlcatoal, and ghat t,h.ra lt no AppARENT ovldcnca or slgn of any carament crosslng or burdenlng any prrt of sal rce I, exc!pt agnoied. Data S te phe Vlca Pre Johnron, i*?',r l-;" Notaa r l, 2l 3) 4t 5) . No. 2258 , Inc, SEr.at Allalra!r t 2942 Bellflou€r Drlvs.Tb. r.b!r rlth aluElnuo crp (t.s. 16822) for tb. SE corn.r ofLot 8, Block 6, and !h. rebar and atunlnun cap (L.S. 5933) forth.8E Cornor of LoC 7, Block I rere used f,or lnprgvanan!Iocatlon.. Prop.rty llnes rnd eaoenentt ara dartvad f,rorn !he Flnrl plaL ofVall Int€rDountrln DevGlopBanL Subdlvlslon - Block 8. Dua to tho lack of adcquato lronunan!ltlon In !hc l6Eadl!te arrrof LoE 8, th. tlGr co Che progcrLy ltnGr..ra only !ccurrte toplua or ol,nur 0.25 of a foot. FIOOD BAZARD NOTEr Accordlng go Plooal tn.urrnc. Rat. rD fortha toun of V.llr Colorado, Codounlty - panal Nunb.r 080054 0001 B, aft.ctlv. data uay t, 1985, t,ot 8 ts locatod ln a zon.C, an araa of olnl!!I llooding. PREPARED EI T itonNsoN, xuNKEt t AssoclAtEg, rNc.' P; O. BOX '109EAGI,E, COI,ORADO BI63T' (303 ) 3 28-6368 JK/89/333 'i 2"6 '.,..,t'oZ Io-.i;l Nt nYsfl / - ftztFVp /ar, fu.febe/#.{ila19t, Legal DeacrlPtlon Parcel A - A portlon of the Underground UtIIlty Eaeenent to be Vacated A part of Lot 8, accordlng to the Flnal PIat of Vall Internountaln Developnent Subdivielon - Block 8 recorded tn Book 22L at- Page 547' County of Eagler State of Colorador nore partlcularly deecrlbed ae f ol lorrs: Beglnnlng at a polnt on the Eaeterly llne of eald Lot 8 fron trhlch the Northeasterly Corner of gald Lot 8 bearg N.22+OO'OO"(4. 10.17 feet dletanti thence along sald Essterly llne S.22oOO'OO"E. O.25 feet to a polnt on the Southerly llne of, qn e).lstlng Underground Utll.lty Easenent; thence along sald Southerly llne S.51 r4O'44"W. 43.29 feet to a polnt approxlnately 1.OO foot llegterly of an exletlng etalrway; thence departlng sald Southerly llne and followlng a llne approxlnately 1.OO foot lleeterly of sald exletJ.ng atalrr.ray N.20038'35-1 . 3.59 f,eeti thence follorLng a llne parallel to and approxlnately 1.OO foot lfortherly of eald exletlng atai.rnay N.69o2L'23*E. 5.OO f,eet; thenc€ N.20o38'35"111. 8.5O feet to a polnt oa the Northerly llne of eald Lot 8; thence along gaLd Northerly llne N.51a4O'44'E. 4.3O feet departlng aald Northerly llne N.69azt'23"8. 32.14 feet of lnnlng. L,- / / / z-h6 / // Datd / PREPARED BY: JOHNSON, KUNKEL & ASSOCTATES, rNC. P.O. BOX 409 EAGLE, COLORADO 41631 ( 303) 328-6364 JKl89/333 Sheet 1 of2 Legal DeecrlPtlon Parcel B - A portlon of the UndergroundUtlllty Eaeenent to be Vacated A part of Lot 8, accordlng to the Flnal PIat of Vall Internountaln Developnent Subdlvlslon - Block I recorded ln Book 22L aL.Page 547' County of E€gler State of Colorador nore partlcularly descrlbed ae fol lowe: Beglnnlng at a polnt on the Northerly llne of eald Lot I fron trhlch the Northnesterly corner of eald Lot 8 beare S.51o4O'44"W. 16.5O feet dletant; thence along sald Northerly llne N.51o4O'44"E- 33.80 feet; thence departlng gsld Northerly llne N.86o4O'44"E. 4.18 feeti thence s.o3o19'16'E. 4.8o feet; thence s.86o4o'4a"e.-.,7*09 feet; thence S.03o19'16"8. 6.60 feet; thence S.60o43'3g:lJ$f, N.39o19,16"t. 3.?5 feet to the polnt "f b"*S-.it9g$h'W{e, No. 23089 Johnson, Kunkel & Aggoclatesr Inc. PREPARED BY: JOHNSON, KUIIKEL & ASSOCTATES, INC. P.O. BOX 409 EAGLE, COLORADo 41631 (303) 328-6368 JKlA91333 * Sheet 2of2 LAND TT LE GUARANTEE o c IoMPANy/fnv. Representlng Tltle Insurance Conpany of Mlnnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER or Novenber X.5, 1989 Our Order! V14465-3 SELI,ER: ADDRESS: CITSER ELTSSA L. SI,ANGER Attn: ARZANA COIJDI{ELL BANKER TIMBERI.,INE DEI,IVER IN VAIIJ RIJNS 1 Attns St E RYCIIEIJ NORTH SURBURBN{ MORTGAGE CORP. FAX# 466-1996 7050 w. 120Tll AvE. BROOIiIFIELD, CO 8OO2O 1 Attnt RACHEIJ COPIES 2 Attn: PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY AM PI'I 'l\,T \ n i,rJ Lu U'/ / L rt SCHEDULE A 9506. o0 $5o. oo $2o. oo $50. 60 $20.00 $50.50 $2o. oo $50. 60 $757.80 With your rernittance please refer to Vl-4465-3' t. Effectlve Dates November 07' 1989 at 8:00 A'U' 2. Policies to be issued' and proposed Insured: - ChargeE - ALTA ohtner PolicY AIta lJender PolicY Tax Certif. Endrsmt * 103'3 Endrsmt # 100.00 Endrsrnt # 100.29 Endrsrnt # 335.6 Endrsmt # 103.3 --TOTAIT-- rrALTAn Owners's PolicY roil--s-rs7o (Anended 10-17-70) Propoeed Insured: SAI,I,IE DEAN AND IARRY J' ROUSH TAIJTATT Loan Policy (1970 Revision) Apptlcation No' v14465-3 For Infornation onIY $107,950. oo $84r750.00 ProPosed Insured: NORTH SUBURBAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION ', 'and/or^the secretary of Housins ana urr'ai^o""tr"pt911;;;-;;sirinetbn P'c" their respectiv" "rl!"="ors an-a """iji=l-as-tfr"ir interest nay appear 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to ln i'ni"-cot itrnent--ind covered herein is: A Fee SlnPIe 4. Title to the estate or intelest covered herein 1s at the "ii."ti"" date hereof vested in: EL,ISSA I'" SL'ANGER PAGE 1 'v- APPlication No. V14465-3 5.ThelandreferredtointhisConrrltnentiEdeEcribedasfollows: I,T EIGHT (8) BIrcK EIGHT (8), VAIL INTERMoUNTAIN DEVELoPMENT suBDrvlsroN, ACCORDING TO isb nnconDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE' STATE OF COIPRADO' PAGE 2 (Exceptions)Application No. v14465-3 Thepolicyorpoliciestobeissuedwillcontainexceptionstothe folrowing unress fi"-""r" ire aisposed of to the satisfaction of the ComPanY: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet' 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessment" "ot-V"l-certified to the ireasurer's offlce' 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land' 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any' g.RTGHToFPRoPRIEToRoFAVEINoRLoDEToEXTRACTANDREMovEHISoRE THEREFROM SHOUI,D THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES As RESERVED IN uNITED sTATEs PATENT RECoRDED April ]'8, L934' IN BooK 123 AT PAGE 3. THE EXISTENCE OF THE I'IINERAL EXCEPTION AND/OR RESERVATION SHOWN AS ITEM 9', SCHEDULE B-2, WIIJL NOT AFFECT ouR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSEMENT No.loo.2gTooURowNER,sANDMoRTGAGEE,SPoLIcYWHENIssUED. 10. RTGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITBD STATES AS RESERVED IN-UNitfO Statns PATENT RECoRDED April 18' 1934' TN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 3. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WITICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI'AUSE' BUT OMITTTNG RESTRICTTONS, rF-elli, BASED 9I IACE' CoLOR'.RELIGION' OR NATTONAL 9RIGIN, As CONTAIHp| iN iHSTnUUnNT RECOftDED Septenber 06 ' L972' IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 315. ]'2.UTTLTTYANDDRATNAGEEASEMENTSTEN(]'o)FE9T_INWIDTHARERESERVEDAIiNG EAcH sIDE oF EVERY BAcK LoT iiNS or'EvfuRv LoT LINE IN THE SUBDIvISIoN' IN ADDITION, UTILITY AND DRAINeCE neser'IENTS SEVEN AND ONE-HALF (7 L/2) FEET IN WIDTH ARE RESERVED AIiNG neCi Sipr oF EVERY SIDE LOT IN THE SUBDMSIoN NOT FRONTING ON A DEDICATED STREET OR ROAD AS RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI''AT' 13. UNDERGROT'ND TITILITY EASEMENT 10 FEET IN WID{TH AIJONG THE NORTH IDT I'INE OF /lt SU&'ECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN OH TTTN RECORDED PI.^AT OF VAII' INTERMOUNTAIN 'DEvELoPI4ENT suBDrvrsroN- BrocK 8 ' i .... , \ Lt'''t n .1"t1" ql)) $-. ,t',\-" PAGE (Exceptions)Application No. v14465-3 14. ENCROAC}IMENT OF BALCONY STAIRS AND BUILDING ONTO UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOT.{N ON TUPROVEI,TENT IOCATION SURVEY BY JOHNSON, KUNKEIJ & ASSOCTATES, rNC. DATED NOVEMBER 1, 1989. NOTE: COI,RADO ENDORSEI'{ENT 103.3 WTLL BE ATTACHED TO MORTGAGEES TITLE POLTCY WHEN ISSUED AS TO THE ENCROACHMENT OF THE MAIN DWELLING. 15. ENCROACHUENT OF GRAVEL PARKING AND STEPS ONTO UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON II.{PROVEMENT IOCATION SURVEy BY JOHNSON, KUNKEL & ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED NOVEMBER 1, 1989. NOTE: COIORADO ENDORSEMENT 103.3 WILL BE ATTACHED TO MORTGAGEE,S TITLE POLICY WHEN ISSUED AS IT MAY AFFECT THE MAIN DWELLING. ITEMS 1, 2 AND 3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED FROM THE MORTGAGEE'S TITI,E POLICY WHEN ISSUED. COIORADO ENDORSEMENT NO. 1OO WILIJ BE ATTACHED TO THE MORTGAGEE'S TITLE POLICy WHEN ISSUED, EXCEPT AS TO ITEM NO. 14 SCHEDULE B-2 HEREIN. ITEM 4 I{ILL BE DELETED FROM I,TORTGAGEE'S POLTCY UPON RECEIPT OF A SATISFACTORY I.,TEN AFFIDAVIT. ENDORSEMENT 335.6 I{TLL BE ABTACHED TO ALTA ISAN POLICY WHEN ISSUED. PAGE PROJECT: DATE SUEI'IITTED: CCI"g'4ENTS tltEDED BY : BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC UORKS P.ev i erred by: Conneni-s: l/oaJ. .-.1_ ef'4.V lr^t-/ i VCL-<-6- T ( PUBLIC HEARING 'A^'l Vacul<- uJ- 1,'lcU 4/t" a//o,^t tont% v ,1 J" ,{ /o,'/-V L s -#-'t a ol'*'^"V or tb,h/-/* T'"J @0 r1 ?4 DateReviewed by: Conments: POL ICE DEPARTI.IENT Revi er'red by: Com,ilerrts: Date '..:'r' : ..' Reviexed.by: Co;;ants: 4 ,wFP FI RE DEPI.RTI'iENT eta ti t/v4 Da te I a Fz-14MemoFrom Sallie Dean ro S*ty ffiJ,^"0. ,, ylrfr, N?,*tit^J vaccJ$-'u cttt^. '{"t{& -q-c(s(.-"t !,? |.."**" Pnn ffL /"isc.r^ss '^ -il ^:h{Luvv' - ^ rl raQq \"" t"^-t/4'. ^-.'aL (r-\ \tc ' I I ) \qRq I"- 0 ' r/- rT=:-at I I ^ rap.r \ 4$-r<? .|td-J-{- --i" {--Dr\^r4'rC1 c'r' "l--d r- ;--''-. 0*'.t l+'^- l*"u'^- i+ \'T y ( -fr-- astuA*,w.--. -1.-"i" I /^l-r^"- Phillips & Associate.s P. O. Box 1€ ttrrl Public Accountants 303/476-1692Vail, Colorado 81658 SALLIE DEAN P. O. Box 1174 Vail, CO 81658 January 2, 1990 To: Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage BoadVail, CO 81657 I am applying to you to vacate the portlon of the utility easemenl described in Attachment 1 at Lot 8 Block 8 VaiI Intermountaln Subdivision where the existlng house encroaches on the easement. Attached are: 1. Agreements from U.S. West, Eoly Cross E1ectrlc, and Public Service Company agreeing to the vacation of the portions of the easement where the encroachment occurs. 2, A Letter from llerltage Cablevlslon agreelng to the encroachment. 3. A letter and legal documents from Upper Eagle Valley agreeing to vacate the entire easement. 4, A legat description of the encroachment area to be vacated. Please let me know lf there ls addltional informatlon to be provlded. Thank you for your prompt attention to thls matter. Sincere 1y , -/7 ,/ ,.. AJttLL^r [Jocta[ Property Owner 2942 Be\IflowerVail, CO November 9, 1989 To: Kenneth Freeman U. S. l{est Box 3050Dlllon, CO 80435 SalIle Dean Buyer 2942 BeLLflower U.S. West SALLIE DEAN P. O. Box 1174 Vall, CO 81658 has no obJectlon to the vacatlon 8 Block 8 ValI house and walkwaYs Accordlng to the attached survey, a portlon_of- the house and walkways-at 2942 Bellflower Drlve, Lot 8, Block 8, Va1L Intermbuntaln extend into the uttltty easement8 at the front of the lot and on the east Lot llne. Il you have no obJectlons to vacatlng_the portlons of the ease- meni where the eniroachments occur, please slgn below' Tbank you. Slncerely, I ta>/M Y easements at Lot Intermoirntaln per the attached survey where the extend lnto the utlllty easements. above 'Date SALLIE DEAN P. O. Box 1174 Vall, OO 81658 November 9, 1989 To: Mike Laverty HoJ.y Cross Electrtc Co. P.O. Box 972 Avon, CO 81620 Accordlng to the attached survey, a portlon of the bouse and ;;i6;t;"ai-zsaz surLiro*"r orlv6, lbt 8, Block 8' ve1l Intermountarn extEia-rnio ine utrirty easements at tbe front of the lot and on the east lot llne' If you have no obJectlons to vacatlng-ttre portlons of the ease- ment wber€ the enlroachments occur, please sign below. Tbank you. j Slnoerely, ./r,ouA", SaIlte Dean Buyer 2942 Bellflower Co.has no obJec'tlon to Y easement: "t !9!int"imountain per the attashed survey where the extend into tbe utillty easements. the vacatlon 8 Block 8 Vall house and walkwaYe and prlnt be lVatf1e L4vry I ' /qa? e \Date SALLIE DEAN P, O, Box 1174 Vall, CO 81658 haE'no obJectlon to ,o ,j November g, 1989 To: Gary HallPubllc Servlce ComPanY Box 430Minturn, CO 81645 .' Accordlng to tbe attached survey, a portlon-of. the house and ;;ii";t;-a.t 2942 Bollflower Drlve, Lot 8, Block 8, Vall Interm6untain extend lnto the uttilty e&sementa at the front of the lot and on the east I'ot llne. If you have no obJectlona to vacatlng_the portlons of the ease- meni where tbe en6roachments occur, plelse slgn below' Thank you. Slncerely, Ju*fr'; Sallle Dean Buyer, 2942 BeLlflower Publtc Servlce Co. Y easements et Lot Intermolntaln per the attached survey where the extend lnto the utility eaaements. -'t i the vacatlon 8 Block 8 Vall house and walkwaYs and Prlnt below) *,#,f^1,iif'u Name(pleasd s gn above Bfl Heritage Cablevision P.O. Box'139 0140 Mctcalf Road Avon, Colorrdo 81620 (301) 949-5510 November 9r 1989 Sallle Dean P0 Box ll74 Vail ' CO 8f658 Dear Me. Deen: llerltage cable agree8 to allovr the dwelllng on Lot 8, Block 8t Vall Iicerroountaln SubdtvlElon to encrcach on our eaaenenE ag shown on the a3lached uaP. The lot and dweIllng owner underetgnda that lf Herltage cable requlree accee8 co iald easemenc t the onner wl11 be resPons- lbie for any damage caueed by Herttage or lta cootracgora ' st erely r/r/.- Stevl Hlatt Chief Technl'clan Enc, .Se*l FZop,r t/Ep ,a,ent} (so,) (?o+aqq' w6-_w J $lr'd, , . LEOAL DE8 CR I P"I ON Lot, I' accordlng t,o the flnal Plat of Vall tnlarnoun!rtnDav.lopo.ng 8ubdl,vl.lon - EtocI 0r r.c.ordrd tn Sook 221 .t Prg.5{7, Coun!y o! Eeglrr 8trg. ot colorralo. IIIPROVEIINT t OClatON CtRr t! tCArt I h.raby cartlly thtt thtr toprov.trrnt Loc.glon C.rttltcat,r yaa p!.par.d lor Srlly Dran rnll Uorggrgc Bankrr!, TIIAT THtS l8 t{OT A LAND SURVII P&A! OR I l.,l PROV E l,l E Nt SURVEY PLAT, rnd rhar tg lr nor to b.r.ll.d ugon for lh. a3tabll.ho.ng of frnc.r bulld!n9, or othar tuguraloplovalant I lna| .I turth.r c.!tlty lh.t lha toprovrotnt3 on gh. rbov. (laacrtb.d Prrcal rutvayad on Nov.Dbar t, t909r rxcrgt ucllluy connactlohrr r!tanll,r.ly rlthtn !h. boundart.a ol gh. p.rc.Ir rxGrpt.. .horn, thrt,ghara ora no ancrorchoan!r upon !ha d.acrtbad prentrar, .rc.pg rllndlcrl.d, rnd thrt Chcr! lr no AppARENT cvldrncc or rlgn ot rny aasanant crot a lng or burdantng not€d. Drga Notar r 8tr..t lddraaa t 2942 B.tlflow.r Drlvr.thr r.brr $lth atuolnuo caD (L.S. 1682?) for th. gE corn.r oll,ot 8' !locl 6' rnd th. r.brr rnal rtuntnuu cap lL.g,59!3) totlha 8E Corn.r ol lot T, Block 8 srrr urad lor tmprov.[.ntloc.t,lonr. P!opargy llnrr and .ao.ncntl err der'lvcd froo !ha Finrl Ptrg olV.r,l Inc.rDountaln D.v.Ioporn! gubdlvlsion - Elock 8. Dua lo lha tack of adrquatr oonuo.ntrtlon ln !h. trn.dlrtr ar.rof !ot 8, !h. tl.r go th. groD.rgy ltnrr.rrr only rccurrC. go glu. o! alnur 0.23 o1 r foot. ?rOOD BTZARD NOA8r Accosdlng !o llood ln.ua.nc. i.t. l|tD tortha Sovn ol Vrllr Colorrdor coorunlcy - Pan.l Nuob.r 08005{ 00Ol B' .fl.ctlv. dAr. !,try l, 1985, Lot 0 l. loc.!.d ln r u on. Cr tn rlrr of rlntoal lloodlng. PREPARIo El I dIOHNSON, KUNKE! r ASSOCIITESr INC.' P'.O. Eon {09 lloLEr COLOnADO 81631', (30! t !28-6368JK139/lll ,%qLfcab:/!20' /,,,1:,"," ,/41 l/.t:tt:,t( $t bo/ I Loi 5 il zl 3l |l #sV $V lar ?, Bzoctr a b.r.ltlgl I ,(*i,-;,rl az -'tt.Vt ,r ' . ,hr/lv "tr^v A , "" ,ll l,A1Y.l / tt , r tIl l;ul /q$// ,(o,$/ VT{A< / /o*' - 1.r,2,| /aaf?Tcbcr ^ - AZt*3il.t2!r-4,. tiETr t-'f,i,Nr, anv pat'ot -'..iu1$"'fr'l'ir?,,?.\' 'xc'pt al 8g.ph.vtca Pra itohnaon, g, owE,e ,A,enA (So,) p51!"a?q, fiqttl/,,,V ru',,/ ,ll Ys? #,:$' /.or d, BzactrtW /or d, uzactr a t (o$7 il'+Y 's.-c"7 Qt 6,Lac? a l-nio])',/'l- -- --- - - , - - - rY,i$,-!]hitl" gt t - -*.rmn lcl7'6 ----"--'- |I lta'I llill ak'L ,4:4_ffi ,w#L I ,(,,;,r i?r l/*i) 77t'l PREPAnED gY r JOHNE9NT KUNKEL I ASSOCIATSS, INC.' P.O. 8OX '109EAOLE, COLOnADO 8163 t'(303t138-6368 .1 , i' . , LEOAT D Eg CR t 9Ttol{ Lo! 8r rccordlng !o thr flnal pl!t, ot v. ll tnt.roountrlng.v.Iog!an! Subdtvl.lon - llock Br .s.€ordrC tn Booh 2Al ag p.la 5{t,Coungy ot ErEl.f B!tg. o! Cotorrdo t}{pRovt l.tENT t octrtoN cERtrrrCATE I h.r.by c.rglty t,hag !hl. tnprov.n.n! Locrtlon c.rrtttcrt,a waaprrparrd for s!lly Dcan rnd ttor!9!g. B!nk.srr THAt rHtg ts Nor A LANDEURVET PL,Ar Oi tHpRovEt{ENr guRvBy pLAT, rnd !h6g lg l. no! go brr.ltrd upon fo! cha a.t,.bllrht!.ng of f.aca, buttdlngr or o!h.r !uguratoprovtBant I lnar.I tusrh. r cfrt lfy lh.t !h. lnprov.n.nti on !hc abov. d..crtbadp.rc.l ausvayad on Novemb.s tr lggg, rxccpt uclligy conn.ctton., .raanllraty rrl!h!n !ha boundr!1,.r of gha parc.l, oxcept o. .horn, thr!lhora rra no ancsoacho!n!r upon tht dricrtbad pr€nlsas, rxcapg arlndlcrl.d, rnd th!t t,h.rc lr no AppARENT .vld.nc. or rign o! rnytA3anant cror a tng ot bu rdan tngnog.d. Nolrr r t, 2l t) 4l 5l ggrf.! Addr.!! | 2942 Bellflover Drlvo.Tha r.b!r rrlth !luntnuln crp (L.s. t5g2?) for t,h. SE corn.r of!og 8. Elock 6. and ths rob.r and rlurnlnum cap (L,S, j9331 !ortha SE Corner of Lot, l, Dlock g rrar. u..d for imp!ov.n.nglocr t,lonr. Proparttr ll'nar and a.oon.nta asa d.rlvod !ron ch. Flnal plar ofvrtl tnt.r6ountaln Dcvolope.ng subatlvt!ion - Elock g. Dur go tha lrcx of adrquaeo nonu!rangr!ron tn !hr tFEadlrga .ra.of Log 8, thr Utc. ro the prop.rty lincr arr only rccura!a !oplu. or ntnue 0.25 of . foor. ILOOD HAZARD NOTEr Accordlng co Flood tnsur.ncc R.r. tt.D to!tha Soen of Vatlr Colorado, Connunlgy , pan€I Nunbrr OgOO54000t B, .lfacgtv. drsc H!y l, tgg3, Lot 8lr locsg.d !n r zon.Cr ln r!rl of rtntrrl f looiling. ti^:*:, *"irJ,\), rny parl of ..i rcr l, axcoPg rl Slophe V lca 9ra John.on, l"lasag ila:i$.t hiYifnit'S Legal Doacrlptlon Parcel A - A portlon of the UndergroundUtlllty Eneencnt to be Vacated A part of Lot 8, accordlng to thc Flnal Plat of Vall Internountaln Developnent Subdtvlglon - Block I rocorded ln Book 22L at Page 547r County of Eaglrp Statr of Colorodo, rorc partlcularly dercrlbod ag f,ollotrg: Beglnnlng at a polnL on tho Eaaterly.Ilne of aold Lot I fror tlhlch the Northeaatcrly Corncr of aald Lot 8 beare N.22oOO'OO"ll . 10.17 frot dlrtant; thoncc along aald Eagtorly llne S.22oOO'OO"E. O.25 fe.t to a potnt on thr Southcrly llnq of qn cxtrtlng Underground Uttllty Eagurnti thrncc along rald Southerly ltne S.51o4O'44"1r. 43.29 fcct to a polnt qpproxlnately 1.OO foot hleeterly of an cxlatlng etalrwayi thsnce dapartlng satd Southerly llne and followlng a Ilne aPPro*lnatoly 1.OO foot i{ertcrly of rqld exlsttng rtalruay N.2Oe38'35"qr. 3.59 frct; thrncc followlng a llne parallel to and approxlnately l.OO foot Northerly of cald cxlgttng etatrway N.69o21'25"8. 5.OO feeLi th€nc. N.20o38'35't. 8.5O foot to ! polnt on tho Northuly llnc of aald Lot 8; thlncr along cald Northerly llnc N.51o4O'44"8. 4.30 feot doparttng aald Northcrly llnr N.69o?t'23"E. 32.14 fcct of lnnlng. ./t lr"t a t No. 23089JarcrrSi. KunkolPrcatdoni. ^...ronnronif$sg!;ii,0/aaoclatea, Inc. PREPARED BY: JOHNSON, KUNKEL & ASSOCTATES, rNC. P.O. BOX 409 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 (303) 326-5368 JK/89/333 Shoct 1 of2 ol f\". t\ \ \ 'l'o', l;u a$ \. r$ t/ ^fiSt ^1It' \{.lo }t ^..\ \Jt<--U i th\War,V .rN \-.t5 . ,t'i> ^ t t\t \ \a \ v \$t!-; $$l Project Application oare 4' /0' 7O . Project Name: Pro,ecl D€scription: Contacl Per3on and Phone Own6r, Addross and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot a Block riting lri, L T*, lr,aila-,'M/^ri^r , 2..s8' Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Summary: /,1.h /'ro(L.* Dale: Town Planner p1,t",, Approval Fc* srAFF tPPRoU FL - APPLIcATIoN onrE: flferu 2 , t{9 O -- *****THIS APPLICATION I^IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-app1 ication meeting with a p1 anning staff member is strongly suggested todetennine if any additional jnformation is needed. No appf ication wiii be acceptedunless it is complete (must include all itenrs required by the zoning administraior).It is the applicant's responsibifity to make an appointment with the staff to fjnd-out about additional submittal requirenents. Please note that a COMPLETE appljca-tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing thb'numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL cbnditions oi approval mustbe resolved before a building permit is 'issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:R**,J of B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: -t- DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION _ LL\€ t [0s€ - rn srie see lisT, Addres s Legal Description Lot stock ? Filins\^l-Efuvnourrlin , I v_U. NO Ltra- ttr'?a- (w) Zon i ng C. NAME OF D. NAME OF Address E. NAME OF Address aqq tel ephone OI,INERS: S i gnature Address F.DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUATION be paid at the time a building FEE permit is requested. $o $ 10,001 $ 50,oo1 $ i50,001 $500 ,001$ 0ver - $ 10,000- $ 5o,ooo- $ 15o,ooo- $ 5oo,ooo- $1,000,000 $ i , 000,000 $ lo.oo $ 25.00 $ 50.oo $ 100 .00 $2oo. oo $300 .00 TO THE DRB:IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stakc the siteto indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits thesite. t,The review process for NEW BUILDINGSof the Design Review Board, so plan People who faii to appear before the meeting and who have not asked for a republ i shed. will normally 'i nvolve two separate meetings on at least two meetings for their approval . Design Review Board at their scheduled postponement will be required to be APPLICANT: te I ephone APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: nO 4g tel ephone 3. E" ':1n'4 tlr,.r.( U FRor"r tffeT h Srllie Derr Lrrry Roush 2942 Bellflowcr Vril, CO t1657 ' t./ J-f,li,l{ Bracken Brown ,I\'y1cv tu( '-t d JtlI II ptndcuJt t,rl bra lro n yfi r nn Brrny Deep Ch,*ne,/ ( -.a.,,,.t et"u"J,.;^.\ Ceram c Be ge (-' (':, ,', ..''. \ .. ( \. 1f-- /r ) fl,e f\nprrn RL 248-1P flt ,\/, t r'\VJ\ i.j -' ) ,- -'*- ---:..r.,. " \ 1<.:-/+.}.g1bli Sallie Dean Lsrr,r Roush 2942 Bellflorver Vail, CO E1657 ( \ .i i\ ,; ir1, \.i r i '.1 1|,rIil' 7qqa. Bdl€/oder p4-B-go ful/iubgn r r. 11L oD"*-3*':^.-glffi::;, sez sile plc,.^t i ^r. ut"st eJeoollon ' A, f0 t @ C/0". )n furnslairs exier,ar door - see llorlh e leva*on @C{*" i,'r qr>f ex*nan do,y an/ ad/ &"y'- glasS tilt nl.orl -s-oe eqst <./eoaliort ' (EEnlarae ,^t',ndoa av', errst s',/ev,tV 9x 5 * -eae <ag n)erol-or, @ ?rplor, smal/ ce^'kr r.,.tes7 ut,ulo,^t uilh qa, d e ^ w t n/ct,a/ - Se;-- wott e/ettffion aQor/enwtndc)ut qlends afP@v /0" 4oo. /touse. {*^ sts'fr @ Se,roue and rrplare 6 {pplac € \n=L bto'k r< qr up?er windoO ny1 .rd' ct/e- utrfh '' e*lerior doot - i€e -*rto'l",tttun f owen ue sf wi n/.<l,,tt ui*A nirt/.out* s<e ueff e.leuol)on, @ ?or,tf Qrf r,,tr fer altrAo/ Tainf l"srt ,7,fi0n, @ pr.k rai li ,t1 J" l" cAo,t4 ey' #, n', O; cl*,f ;J" coil /e Ffl, o / p.r afl",/$/ ylt o1 oya f i , t (& R*, ele uaf)an ,rrf pruvit"l Ln rou * hru r" A.rlo u7 JD h; ll a^d isno'f vis).Lle *f*^ ory dhtre, C) -._lo [-- Y)LU = It I \. i t ! I kJ. t-.- LIJ a( L)eo{\ siFi oo g l{ t--(n I\l \.\ iEig \ ll :.i 'sl- -\ aJ() i- fY oa *g*i o S. C)l.\I'-\', Iel:l-i r.*ill(r.ilal,'j: Is( l,(D\y _s LLt -><* >-,- f--- t^r\ (--\ e di$5J (l? {a T. TJ\rtu(oE \., t{J S l{ *J FT F- ll \ r-\t--_t d i-..- cn SLLI ttii oo tt .-{+ I \ tU 3 f= .. r4.< {'{r llffi -il r.r\6l -''. ,,L z,G It ->i< IEEg ;sfi3 o o .,,,.4,,Fll.*trg**+.+,iiara k- o,..l" vt e G 62 3oo? Ur2. $lel iltlIttltltt,tlfl ITItftlllrl I r)\.-o J-I Fr)tl{lIIllriViTItitl,{ |.tltl I$j9tlitlti !__t =tt:S I.. ---.--l ru IT rl p s fr\S $2:- h )< tu v cci I - ----r- /{\ i I 4\ I I i I I I I a I V \ \o s a s n r r n o,t]k t.,r I EAEEr3i3 .- --6 --.-='= Lt =F- -e \* I I I I v1 & RF a 3' d oe h,- >< IIJ: \cr V 4 I I I I rrfi:tt: tl 'ry o.\G F -:a-: .. ;l I Hif! c\, Nr-+|<fur ry) 4,,,u* ',ji arna /ai t lrrfnrmwr*arn lof f, fo1ooh I ,*ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnert of Commurf ty De\r€topment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970,479.2L39 fax:. 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us ProjectName: BERNIEKUKARTREES DRBI{umben DRB04061I Proiect Descrlption: REMOVAL OF 3 PINE TREES-DEAD FORM TTIE PINE BEETLE Participants: OWNER KU|G& BERMRD IOHN & MARY C12l0G/2004 phone: 5012 CLOVER RIDGE EDINA MN 55436 License: APPUCANT KU|(AR, BERNARDJOHN & MARY Ct2l06/2004 phone: 5012 CLOVER RIDGE EDINA MN 55436 Ucense: Project Addrcss: 2942 BELLFLOWER DR VAIL tocatlon: 2942 EELLFLOWER DR tegal Descliption: Lo$ 8 Brock g subdivision: vAIL INTERMoUNTAIN DEV s Parcel Number: 210314310006 Comments: SEECONDffTONS BOARD/STAFF ACrIOil Motion By: Action: STAFFAPRSecond By:Vote! DateofApproyal; t2l06l1}04 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this.project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of linal approval, unless a building permit is issued and constiuction is commencedand is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paldr S20.00 IOil'NM Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 lel: 97 Q.479.2'139 tax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com I]EU U General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building frilaEV. refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Oepartment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit ls issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. FecntvnT Description of the Request: ll $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvem re-roofing, painting, window additions, landsca retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ",ra PhysicalAddress: eqLlL B€XF/Dlu*- 22'. Parcel No.: a-loifi1toeplz(contact Eagle co. Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s):?!- Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:tFlowcrl 9P. Type of Review and Fee: . Signs . Conceptual Review . New Construction. Addition . Mino,d6rlton (fit6lti-familvicommercial ).a / Minor Alterrtion (single-family/duplex) . Changes to Approved Plans . Separation Request $50- Pl.us $1.00 per square foot of lotal sign area.@ t:-=- ,.-'r etainin g wa lls, etc. $6 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenls, such as,t rerafing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and SI.] ,_, /lEV,! .\/AL E-mail Address: Fg8[:::Sry' checkNo:- 4- -,r,--L-1t<+ r,r*ti"g o"G-L7Z=I 'SaOg - one No' Planner: (q Project tlo.:...I- ot 12104101104 Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name Quantity Size PRCPO€ED TFEES AND SHRUBS E(ISTING TFEES TO BE FEMCA/ED 3 ltuge *oQ++"+os Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION T\trE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape featu res (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of '12104101104 a TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI|fTAGE ROADvArt, co 81657 9'to-479-2L38 APPTICAIIT CONTRASTOR OWNER DEPARN4MflT OF COMMI]NITY DBVELOPMEIiTT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT Att TIMES MECIIANICAIJ PERMIT PermiE, *: M99-0L23 .Iob Address...: 2942 BELLFLOWER DRLocation..... . : 2942 BelLflower Dr Parcel No..... : 2103-143-10-006 Project, Number: N"\_ VA]JIJEY WIDE PLI]MBING & HEATING P O BOX 5080, AVON, CO 81620 VALLEY WIDE PLI]MBING & HEATING P O BOX 5080, AVON, CO 81520 KT'KAR BERI.IARD .]OHN & MARY C 5012 CLOVER RIDGE, EDINA MN 55436 -: fSSUED -: 09/A3/L999 - z 09/07/L999 . z o3/05/2ooo Phone: 970-949-L747 Phone: 970-949-1747 3,000.00 *of Hood/Pallct: StaEus.. Applied- Issued. . Elq)ires. Description: Valuation: Direct replacement, of failed'boiler I'r/new boiler Filcplace Infornratsionr RostlicEed: y *of Ga6 Appliancoa:*of caa Log6: PAB SI]UUARY M.chanieal -- - > Plan chcck- - - > Invc6tigatiotr> wil.l calL----> Reoluarant, PlaI! R€viett- - > DRB Fcc--------- TOTAI, FEES--- --- 60.oo .oo 3.00 .00 .00 78 .00 Addilional F€6E---------> Tolal Pcrtrit Fce-_----__> Payooncs- - - - _-- BAJ,A.!'CE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division: GG-Der CD'Dept: FIRE Division: lr.|rrrtarrtlrrtrirr*ii***ti+f.i t.rrr rt ari t**+rt iaii*ttttat*tt* BUII.,DING DBPARTIiIENTKATIIY Action: NOTE Routed toKATI{Y Aqtion: APPR ApprovedFIRE DEPARII'IEIiTTKATI{Y Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI-' 1. FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANqE.2. eol,4Bustrott Arn rS REQUTRED PER sEc. 701 oF THE 1997 IlMc, oR sEerroN 701 0F THE 1_997 rMC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI]FAC"TURES INSTRU TIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF TTIE ].997 I'MC, CHAPTER 1-O OF TTIE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIAIiICES SIALL BE VED TED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 8 AND.Sirau-, TERMTNATE As spEcrFrED rN sEc.806 oF THE 1997 rrMc, oR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO IIEATING EOUIPMElillT MUST COMPLY WTTH CIIAPTEB 1 AND- see.10r7 oF THE L997 IrMc AIirD CHAPTER 3 oF THE 1997 rMc. e . eoil,snS sttar.l BE MoITNTED oN FLooRs oF NoNcoMBusrrBLE coNsr. T]NIESS TISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. DERI'tIt,Fi,aUS Ar.ID CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN I!{ECIIAIiIICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A.}T INSPEETION REOT'EST.8. DRAIT{AGE OF MECHANICAI, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATTNG OR IIO{T-WATER- SUPF f-soilnRs-Sgat,LEe sOffipFno wrrIl A FLooR DRArN PEB suc. L022 0F TIIE 1997 IrMe, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** Item: 05100 09 / 06 /L999 09'/ 07'/L999Item: 05600 09 / 06 /L999 l.of8,3\tr Ua^t i*t--^-^l't @ 78 .00 .00 78 .00 79.00 .00 t' DBCI,ARATIONS I hctG!'y rcklrorhdga chat I hrnr rard thl! rtrPlic.tion, fllLcd ouc in full che j,nforlatlon rlguircd, cooltL.Ead lD rccurrt. plob plan, .nd ttaC. lhrb r1l tsh! inf,o rtion prowidcd ac requirod ir sorfcct. I ryr.c !o corply rith thc info4rti@ rnd pl,ot pLan, co cotrErly rith .11 To|'tl oEdLn.nc.a ard .!rts. 1.16. and to lnrlld ghi. .tsluccurc eccordi.ng to tsh. Tovtl'r ro.titlg |nd rubdlwirion codcr, d.'Lgn rlviov .pprovcd, tnifom Building codc .nd oghar ordinanses of tshr Torn rpFllcebl. ch€r.to. RBQUET'TS TOR INSPECTIONS SHAITI, BE T|AD! IINEIITT.'OUR HOURII AICtrNTUR,I OI Orl|IR OR @III?A TIOR TOD HITAET' IID OHNER 7t-213a OR A? OIrR oIFICB lRoll 8:O0 Al| 5:OO Plt IONW OF VAr&, COLORADO gtat.Erc rrt \ta+t* *a * ratt* t t.a at tti tr* * t t** ttt t tt *t !} t *t rt *t*a a t ttt *tt * *tttat SErelont l{umbc!: REC-0557 lrlount.: 78.00 O9/O7/99 l0rz3 ::T:.T:::-:-....::::::::-::::::::.::: ::::: : Pcr|rit tfc: ll99-Oll3 Tyt c: B-UECtl ffO|llffCer, pSRnXT P-rccl No: 21O! -!a3-1O-OO6 gigc ldd!s.r: 29{2 BBfiLFLqf,m m Loc.cion: 29i2 B.llf lo'rr D! Tolal F..a: ?8. oo tlr'.' Prlrnpnr 7l. oo ToE.I M. PEr.: 74. 00 . Brl.nca. .oo lccounB cod€ Dlac:.ipEio[t lnount ltP 001000()1111300 rEclrlttlcl'l PBPITIT FEta 50.oo P! 00100003112300 Plttf c$!cK FEBs 1s.00 nC 00100003112600 lfttJt CAITL IXSPBettON FlE 3.Oo -----:'-------- N0 pPfs TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMTT APPLICATION FORM ' INT'ORIIIATION MUST FE COMPLETE OR TflE APPLICATTON WILL BE REJECTEI) Cortact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Pucel # parc"t # 2 /o3 /4J /OO0A on", */3/ /?7 uaNane: /.a a*ne Kukoa naaaaror, J#) /e//.Loow AB.t iltl (o Building ( )Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical QQ Other( ) L,egalDescription: Lot Block_ Filing_ SuMivision Owners Name: A4 Address: Architect_ Address: Phone#re ,s ots Description of lob' Utrc e blect C6rnlr-{STTCN Eoruera- Altqation( ) Additional( )RepairlQ Other (Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BTJILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ General Contracton Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Regisuation No. Plumbinq Contrector: Town of Vail Regisration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No.tb3 P Number of Accommodation Unis: Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $- MECHAMCAL S 3OOO, OO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Wood/Pellet $ $ OTHER: TOTAL Phone # Address: Phone # Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Date Receive* sEP 01 19S U' uJFo2 oz J @ € zzo F o F EFI ==o =z I I I I J 1lC' J I I Y : =1(, g I I I I IrlJIF ;d rt tl I I I I ql< 'q|r.tltr-c40 A2el- aL! LUl'l- E UJ Julat i (r l! E.oFo EFzoo aro CElrjz3ocE L lll6z;trr \J =l u,l F.L<F4o9zo< .:661?ci g8E; S E!tEI € 9:.g .* =iEiEri;seii!s; !He gE:Fi t"?€e* o-:*o"(5 ): o-!.oiE9E - 0)- L'-EEEFg :(,'.oo :E€ gts E6 Eg=;;i;T.!;i tD .t c :? ef;;r€ =sel:3p ! E-s:3 Hsi s; e s iEEIE g (n UJult! = =E tlJo- J - trl uJ z F. llJ uJ o 3tu IJJ z 6llJo tr uJ z o z6 =J z6:f NOrJ.Vn]VA ut) UJ {Jta ID tl Y = 2 tr tr o z zz9o 95F906oz>.Ooa), zrL< (!x jN z tr l f uJ o- o z tr IJJ F =Lr,.lz Iz z- -.1 'rdo36OI I dq ull ccl JI <l ol z.l u,tl :l <l>l t!lol zl =tONFI I d gl AI il *ol tJFI F lltltrll-tlI t'. 1| ,--t ItltlJdla =.1 q iJlt4(rl\+ Jl flsli{ r|-lloltzl>l =lfit Pl ElJl <l>l r|-lol 2l 3lolFI H C) a) 6o il z (D _-) I Iq T o tlro +, F{ (,z IL u,.l o &(9oz. t- =<f>d d6 (J F EFz 2 r UJ o Eirul F=Oz EoFo F-z O .J p F u.J UJ F uJ E T, <F(rQuJ<zEuiF(tZ O .J<c)a9rrr LUfo oz E = uJo- z zz(Do>z O-|! i*(5()= =Eaohr 6i= EUt] tr tlJ t!o uJoz oa oF E.I L JFur-h=a'E>cOu-!roquJ :>fiF ='bIo F o E o o o c oC' o EETI r.'O /L't (o uJ ts U) c0o-z F(L lrlY UJ @ oF E <nl =31uJ -l(L"l u- cnlo'. I>rlq. .ol \r. xlY nl.tA1g%! i-FIJz-6 E =E.lrl o-zIFoD &,Fa'zo() PLEASE I'fAKE TOWN OF VAIL D EPART|\{ENT OF COM]VITJNITY DEVELOP}IENT' SALES ACTION FORtr{ 75 SOUTH ERONTAGE ;/r^^^*P,-ftft N,I}'E 0l 00c'04t510 ZCI\T\C .\\D A DDR.ESS !'{A}S UNT.':O R.\ { B I'LDL\.G C O D E UMTOR.\{ PLU]'IBNG CODE 0l c!00124t5 0t 0000{24r5 0l 0000 42.il5 | UMFoR-\.! :wEcH,al!c.r.LcoDE UNIFOR,\{ FIRE CODE0t cocs i2{15 N,\TIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE0t 0000{2{t5 0t 0000{24r5 | onJER coDElooKs BLUE PR,L\TTS (IJ0l co00 .il 5{ 3 }:EROX COPIES / S'iUDIIS s0.250l 00cl3 {2112 PENA I.TY FEES / RE.I.,.'-SPECT]ONS0t 00co t2371 ot cr0co.{ ! 332 i FL,'"\ nr,ugrv RE.cl.:EcK FEE ts<o FE.R HR.l 0l 00C,0 4232X OFF }IOURS DiSPECTION FEES CONTIL\CTO RS LICL\S ES FEES0l 0000 .{ l{ t 2 0l 0000{r330 SIGN APPL]CAT'ION FIE.0r 0000411)3 0t 00co4t4t3 ADDITIONAI. SICNACE FT,E ISI.O] PER SO.IT, 0t 0co0124.10 VTC ART PROJECT DONATON PRE PAJD DESIGN REVIE1V BOARD FEE0t 0000.tt33t 0t 000042412 BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI *.01 0000 41010 TAX 0l 0000 42371 rNvEsrrcATroN FEE (BUTLDING)TOTAL DUE: 0t 0000 { I 0t cocro1l330 0t 0000{t330 0l oncn!1330 ' rsPEcLALD I 0000 41330 0t $00{t330 lzoMNc * * * * * * * * * TOI'rh{ OF IJFI I l- l'tiscel laneqJs Cedl 1E-t:ls-93 18:22:51 F:4,:eiFt * 1386'98 Fl.:courrt + |]F' * 6Tft iilure ttEnhl'.FFiEPBic' PLRFI i '::l6inurrt t ende red " Item Paid iil Br:JHfi1 1 l'1lfififl '.:ir'3ngil r*ti-rrTr*':i .l T:K/6FRff6E FEF:],II 185.69 flnourt Paid 185.68 B. BE THflF.rl-i v(f|-', rr',;,r-r1- i.l::friEf EEFITHR 75 Soath Frontage Rond Vttil, Colorndo 81657 1 01 -47t-21 t I / 47 I -21 3 t TO: Dcpor.tment of Conntnity Dctclopnct t COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX PHONE TRANSMITTAL SHEET COMPANY NAME: FAX PHONE NUMBER: TIME: -?pt FROM: DATE: # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENT(S) (NOT TNCLUDING COVER SHEET): RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY: TOWN OF TOWN OF VAIL FAX PHONE NUMBER: VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN'| PHONE NUMBER:(303) 479-2138 SPECIAL NOTES: 3o"-n;t 'ft) /J< 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 D e p artrne nt of C o m n un ity D eve lopme nt OcLober 4, 1993 Sa11ie Dean Roush 2942 BeLLflower Dr.vai1, co 8L657 Re: LoE 8, Block 8, Intermountain Garage Addi tion,/Permit Cancellation Dear Sallie, rhis leLber is to confirm our conversation on OcLober 1, 1993 regarding the cancellaEion of Building Permit #6301 . this permit has already been plan checked and in order for cancellaEion, Ehe plan check fee must be paid. This amounL comes to $l-85.00. If the same plans are resubmitLed prior to the adoption of the 1994 Uniform Buildinq Code, which we anEicipate to adopt January L, 1995, the prepaid plan check fee would be valid. However, your Design Review Board approval is good Ehrough .luly 21, L994. When you resubmit in the spring, you will need to bring this leLter, a copy of your canceled building permit and your plans labelled Field Copy Lo Community Development. At that time we'11 need a new Building Permit Application filled out t.o start the process again. rf you have any questions, please don't hesitate Lo call 479-2L38. ChronoFile Field Copy Copy of Building Permit Sincerely, EncI: (.(\) '[.N**I L l$rnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesvlt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS durtotxe: t aaooo -To Be betcrrn\neElectrical Con Address: 4 -"> 1- 1 --/ TOI{N OF' VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FOEM DATE: 8-t3-q 3 t,-. .,.'.;J I ; t99l PERI,rrr tt (avol ^ APPLICATION I.IUST BE FILLED OUT COI.IPLETELY OR IT I.!AY NOT AE ACCEPTED I****** ******** * ** * *** ** ******* PERUTT TNFORI.IATION ********** **** ** * **** ****** **n pd-Building Pd-Plumbing g)j-nlectrical I l-Mechanical I J-other Job Nane:ilob Address: 3.ctt{ Legal Description: lot-fu afock-!,- Address : MPh.t{-1c-lbqz DnY Architect: ceneral Description: Work classr [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration gr{-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-Other Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Nurober of Accomnodation Units: PLIIMBING: S IOOO l************************7leneral contractor: Satlt, Address: ******************************** FOR OFFTCE USE ** * ************* * * BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: 2&'@ - BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PERMIT FEE: / K.oI) PLWBING PI.AN CHECK FEE: I,IECHANICAIJ PERMU fEE: ITECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: -RECREATION FEE: Cat/ qal.n-uP DEP''IT: OIL TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Olrners Nane: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ********************************* ELECTRIcAL: t \00O OTHER: I MECHANTCALT ST rorAL: fTqlf_ cToR INFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: \-ib-l Tonn of vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: Address:@prr.E1p;!-&L 3iiixff*. Mechanical Contractor: Address: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: ,13 sQ. FT.VALUATIkoo ,irirrn V^ I I nlul!S?$r#i n L&r.' *******.H**** CLEAil I'P I}EPOSIT BEFIIND TO:f ebeo. ., ? qLtz Belt{lourfriu., \o. t ,QO 9t651 l" 75 loulh tronlage ?o!d Yril. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: oftlce ol communlly devclopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTEFJD WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT !,!ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVaiL streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiLPublic Works Department. Persons found viotating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to renove-said naterj.al .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the puLfic WorksDepartraent will renove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfrltt not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. Bo review Ordinance No. G in full, please stop by ttte Town ofVaiI Building Department to obtain - copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by:f ./,,; n'., 8-eqz Date tou-(ositionrzREf-fio-SEIF \ Project (i.e. contractor, owner) I 'Ir 75 roulh trontrg€ rord u.ll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 otflce of communlty dcvclopmcnt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permi.t requjfes a Town of Vai1 Fire Department Approva'l ,Engineer''s (Pyb1 ic Wot"ks) reyiew and approval , a planning'Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estinated time for a total review may take as longas three weeks. A'l'l commercial (large or smal'l) and a'll mu1ti-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and sma'l 1 projects should take a'l esser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects jmpact the various above mentjoned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Commun'ity \.. Devel opment Departnent. Plan Review Based on the L99l Uniform Codes NAME: DEAN-ROUSH GARAGE DATE: 8-31-93 ADDRESS:?94?BELLFLOWER CONTRACTOR: OWNER VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: LANGENWALTER OCCUPANCY: M ENGINEER: NEUJAHR TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQTJIRED The itenrs listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The foltowing is not to be construed to b€ an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinancc of the Town of Vail. r. soll-s REPORT REQLIRED BEFORE FOOTINGS CAN BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL BIIILDING DEPARTMENT. 2. THIS PROJECT WILL REQI.JIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITIED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. 3. SLOPE GARAGE FLOOR TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE TO PROVIDE A FLOOR DRAIN WITI{ SAND AND OIL INTERCEFTTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO SEWER. ANY GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPROVED BY TJPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER AND SANTTATION DISTRICT. \\ ;9EE=--€ F=;EiE .EEsEic : I;E€E :rri€sB Ei rEEa o * {-. -'i= E ; l i g-3F ;:e*;g s€;ii;: ( g*l[;ss H -l6l Fi.rl o c .fl lbl\c,)c .n B. t\-a '=Er- o. !dr rc) ) c''l r.! o...3 /8 i os t.4Is.l- .D !r :D. Itt (I|- 3ii_,- $lS. tlq .F+ 6Y;i *{t +$is .t's*5 ,/i $s*:: gtiii t ] s,3 .t-J d 3o- ft$$s -*; r- a-:t" >f\ {r> =lth*t- \t $t EIE IF til(t T 6n $(.f T \fl t\ 8.a" (r{ R3 -t *e t: f}$it -Sts*oi J tt; -s of,d *-i r{Vat$cj \ ca€-o-!-J s\I Ji-s t XqO EEo. qt <a40 )fi >cl-o(J t-.tJCJ Ll-l.l-o 5 oc p -t'-.rl ?l=o flspl :Fl o t*5| :-ld R o €li ii '-]3ii 191 ) o?.IE FT, { t\\ T F ]- $ K o tu9/p114,4^ffi?.Aw'lj, dqvg ndt prel o,[c lotlry loag.otdr.., Gt(r ?5lt !rc.. drlvr gF.ft0.at06 portcflkr borllol rrl,cr !165t &tr tt ahcl NEUJ^Hr- 4art1^N€Ifliafr ?t{,4r\., drcn A..l .f ,r;ffi_"kRls CONCFETE gI.AE ON CTRADE o (\ FOTINDATION DETA]L 9/4'.1'-O' \ w\/bw-ft iAAffiE,M, dovtd nrorl prrl, o.l.o. lcthy loogmroltrr, o.lo. 25at d!,. d.lv. - atl.a76.r506 gcrlrflkr tcrlitoil r.1,.. 11658 dcla 5F!1.<l NzU.t^tlF'441f14N4/7rlPT ?Ptl|4ft-rlrrrt..ol ffiffi coLt0lN I FooflN6 CENTERLINE fgCOL. RE; PLA{DASElEtfxgxO.-9,w (Q ur,a ANc'. BOLT9 trFAP COLrJtlt{ Url ' (2) LAYERg ET FELT l.lON-9|{Rlt{< GrcUT SLAB 'no.€.@'-d'_l a [t-o z o t-- o Mnle.:I ffi-4 \i\N -'l tF\i rri\i UJ FOR FT6.9lZ€ | RElr$. RE;9C|.|EDULE INTERIOR COLLll'1}.| FTG. DETAIL 9/1'.1'-Q' p%tJr/A)el ,4m=AW'N, dold rnal orol, o.Lo. lothy lo rSrn*rltor, olo. 25al dc.. J.l'. 30it' at6.alto6 poofllco lorl202 Yctr.. tlAS! 'd.l.bIrl..l NaJJ.nHr'n4rTNefrtEt F.xt4fr drrt . .cl , T.. G"PLYVOAD coNr.l-JolgT Rll't FINIgH GREPS n E !A \' \os ..Sg FA.NDATION DETAIL lo1'- t&n lod-l/"^stt't'. .b ,5 \€RT. el lO'o.c. Q).9 @tf. TOP ' rcT. q+id' tq|g2{"stn. lfli' I-JOIET al 16'o.. @r.lT.2xb TREATED FLAIE Ul h'. Al.lC|{ORflfg aL EoE- o'lAXJ It' ExP. JT. tlAT'L. CONCRETE gLAB OII6FADE L!W,,F ,l,lglo-)o. ..\ [t.\,r0 fi-.tLu'.iu Z 911'tl'-O' #+th/ t>e-v --'-"t' at tbnea-i$tnar5. ;tri 5 et lg" FevnJa'\o-, Odbil li lTo t 'Jare't ?r4,dw *s oI ttsat 4 "- "-, wa; W+'aryvgt- o il+'-/' 1.gt-gl2"st{, {inoh-1raAz-'t[av y6 arzha ;, ?4r''t"flfqffi a.Jr !l *s cl'rri o tAfwz,^w't. dovtd rmrl pml o.Lo lothy longrnrultrr, o.lo, ^t5tt.t lo dr&r. 30!.at6.f506gatcllkr bort20:l v.'1... !t6J6 dot.bptol..1 XW'ffiVN .ll-l . al llll= 11ffi $g.?4*,6,3ry Yor'rd,f4 - *5 *t q' 4t +' E' obott< $l*2'+s a. 8" 6t{obi $-"tt {fso-f (zL. -_l--Ji4s=ii 6' AlW,iEin,) ,fi.b, u+!z \.aha V#h ll a"car+ #so 914'alr \:*"*'i'ib{& tfs co,ftt dold nct porl, o.Lo. lothy hngonvoltrr, o.Lo t5t! .rc|. &ir. lcl.f t6.,a506 pcrt ollko lcl lil0l io,,c. al65! W=41/Pr4,4r^ffi3.M1), '- <eft1n.t-lEtfif..t liatt-l"Whuy ti u/*?uAvEJ - ---!-. '-. ----.-.-tillrua|l'trg t! *s "f ld o.",, tYth r,utleG4-d ./ tl''ot'd+''d'l 6'vnra ?.Lch Y "40 Jia' V,t'*"|"t drain *_f" +b Jqtdd \ on loL fuvn&,4tan D?/ait -tt1ts l-Jat3t--- ---rl . 2xa at tdaArtS" {;'* .1-Lo,o o..4t $1,e,$i'!.9# t'dr i W#s o<tlcEop o t ol) o ie:gEi "5Q5!t s0Co=, s€Fcooo-c ct:80;E! 5,9ot es.g ae€dxt ;€l EEE ot,{,co Ct. E(,o! co !tco octc ao t, Ef o a, =E eo aco('ro oo oEo oC'c:o T' E3 r)t o co 0cooC-rubs.r \to €= o8{ qt e o l'l, o C|. oo olco c 1Do(, orctt(,c oo I ..d ; i;l:s* e9l..'.. .'.c . . ::E:: ,_Eesg 9E;EH !: $;; EE!;Eeeiie u;$ c; r e.i Eiit+; iEEII i;3i:i iigg€;! ;e:;! ; sti; E3 l5!;;iitP{ ai F: t5--I -^ -3 \ 'o €"S_g-i lrE f,,.6ro.o'z-la? .5; r9 flbi"-ta-6, =tr tro * f .it,::8^eIi jF ',.la,EeEEgreS IE 5'd=3"d e;teie E; lr;sA: iEgt:; ii #r;*iA! . !?X :\r t ota s! c;;j.93: l: TIsletltiq? d-'S 5= &€ c6 rn 6a)+L. rJ n3 -rc.60<E-"v?o€ E. q!rftE.!r: j+ 3sf;t.$ =-5EHI$ bE etj!!i AItrE= E€ gBiEBn bEoE.'J >a 5.-rq or o.ootr€ uE .. E+ ! ]e Iie EBgi;EgI!€gIiHflflIc.J,{ ,:{ ! obCoo - sl:XE-'E9=tuJ .ctlEPn'"6' I 33*E s'::':q o oi E! o'a fi "ge ;?eBo o' c r e E s'5.E'3gE;€ EIi$€ I'o* |rl iiilitg; giigFx'i d.:t-E..Eep " E'E E*t - riE " iriarsiii ef .s€$* 6 6s ;3 Fsi fE--F :i;Fiiii; Eisi;g;;$ AiEf€€:tg d 'lg* i*ft:rii ; stiE i =i€er$ii$ I iilfu tlfi;l,;€: iigip:E$!;FI!ii iEi€!;,tsjp*sssiiEF lqd (,6 i E d.e d5< 3< ai CN tr] E-{oz Fl & tr]z tr] CJ m oo UIo ci rt l. r a o5 r l\i \/\i\i\i,\\ i \NF 6 E E aoco .t) t)cco(' > crl ctz E =E nJo- a Lu uJl|. = UJa! Or rfl z v4 t t4 v ^/.<zoztr<t!Jooroz.odz J 9r uJF FIz = =z a,tu Foz z !fo .6('zz.t E. trut2 3o o o oE Itl(o .o $ c 'oF c)ab 1ttl)ttc.oS E.o o E 6 oE o o) I dt E =l o o o G '.9 E .9oo g;o o c .9 .9 o -o at aco d '= N -o *oF o o E o o(! o) l <t> .9.c !t -o o o G u6 '((t o?: qt '= o) .t) gsE co!,.9; I69c-.= 6F:C O YE'c-o .e: 5 =Efg >=c96'- o..c 35;_'E > E FE. =EE:€8 E'i e FE c.Y- (6 cL(! o- sEE oP o-E€e E6:g:.E g'-6 FFE e-C(lt o'- r*: EiE!6>.o 6: I:E3;8 a6s9E-o e5g -o(! H B h H B a ttl tll fr'r E = uJ z 6 Y u,-oz J cFO UJ uJ (,z dl =J z ll, UJtuIIz tr uJEoul e, o .D =g (u z(, ul F uJ o- z uJ o x F uJ U' U'ulul lJ- E =e.ut CL J FoF gz oJ ) o El- t!) UJ oz lo = o-- =Io uJ = NO[Vn]VA rl B 2ts Fl F: Fl ts zH -e. 3zzu-o ooi o- 4=Xf>YF9OEa,toEZt()o.r9|.QzXr!<oq i.|rJ;iE!L;.r!ax'z HNO =>G -l(nEut.S =rE)(\l z ElJ g ..: o- UJc (L uJ z E Axt4z tr t!FJ ;gJz tttltltl Lzlz ;: ut o< =FUo<z trz Oz doBtrOI I t-lI t"ltoltoltdl UJl = (! s) IJJzY(J I uJc zI F J:)oz I I I II1']lzl zl -T'l --1ql ilat:t 8l tr o =II l F o 6 Jl<lr-l 2l zl .. >l uJ lu uJzoF IIJo- J z E o z F!) J d) I ' Lc)9co3K) z uJ Eo @o?z Fo-ulY u, d)olFA Goul c! EOQZ dzo-Qtz rHI F = uJ o- lJ-o UJ F = uJ tto:ttEZE<olo 92.6srB9a, ir EE =>.E# EFor{odE=rX 9tr G=c'io -'it- {IJ co o F ts =E, 1lI o-zo F(J :)EFazo() guJbkz6 =tr2;EcoO iA =z 'l O- t.r- rr rr rl'J!uq N d= 281.-i,\.! =Hg zH Hv E lr1FzH z:tr J @ @ FoJ FI z ui =z d) -) z F F1Fl UJ =z t Jh FlFl N.if N u,JEo = e.l I\o F-$i FlH P tr =g LIJt c F C) g dl- o ql <l t!ol zl 6lr-l tr tr oz ci UJE J t! z3 F = tr o uJlr J ? u. olz3 F H .d H H = t! E I ctz o l,uE J\ io zl3 otFI f\ cn \o lll utF =E.tr o =.) uJE J <1 t! olz 3I llrJ IJJF' E u.lz3 F uJF T -.r O<F lr.J <zEUJF(1 Z o JE,<o(JF ifXF1Z ^oJA z E =)o- Y 5 =f, *5:<F =?.iE Y,Z =g gtr =!tYr- i-(JZ i c.rfiil=lTNH il r.. 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 P!'oject Name Date Work Sheet was turned into the Communi ty Development Department. olflce of communlty devclopmcrrl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this pery,]t_ requires a Town of Vai'l Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (.Pub1 ic l.lorks) reyiew and approval ,'a planning'Department review or Health Department review, anb'a review by the 6uiibingDepartnent' the estimated time for a total review may take as 16ngas three weeks. A]'l commercial (large or sma'll) and all mu]t'i-family permits willhave tg follow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residentialand.small projects_should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or sma'ller projects impact the various above mentioniddepartments. wi.th regard. to necessary review, these projects mayalso tal(e tlie three week period. Every.attempt wi.l'l be ryade by this department to exped.ite thispermit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Trame. rs,:1 :. 75 soulh fronlagc road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITTI THE TOWN OT VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEI.,OPMENI ltARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAI STORAGE please stop by tbe Town ofa copy. Thank you for your (i.e. contractoi, osrner) rn surnmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soir, rock, sand, aeriisor rnaterial, including trash dunpsters, portable ioilet! andworkrnen vehicres upon any street, sidewaLk, alley or public _qf?g" or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way 6n aII Town ofvarl streets and.ygads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wilr be strilt,ry enforcEd by the Town of vailPYlji: works Department. persons found vi6ratinq this ordinancehtrrr be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said materiaL.rn the event the person so notified does not compJ.y with th;--notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puirric worksDepartment wilr remove said mateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance "t;ir not beappticable to construct,ion, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utitities in the r-ight-a-way. To.review Ordinance No. 6 in fuII,VaiI Building Departnent to obtaincooperation on this matter. LISTING & TESTING I'RODUCI': ITIANUFACI.URER: IITAI.'IT LOCATION: CATEGOIIY: CONTROTJ, INC. 16415 Avalorr lllvrl., C:udcna. CA 90248'ttl: (213) stz-Juz Far (Z13) 5lz-l179 .. CAS LOG SETS I IARCROVE MANUFACTUIIIIIC COIIP. 207 Wcllston I'ark lloutl Sand Springs. OK 74063 207 Wcllston Park ltorrl S;rnd Springs, OK 7{063 CAS LOC SETS FOR INSTALLN]]ON IN WOOD BURNINO ,o DIVISION f J' ' X,ISTII{G'lfl220 Issucd : Jihuary 1988 _i Rcvisc<t PRELlMlNA.bf FIII,EPLACES 1g SECTION l: WTnODUCTIONAt thc rcqucsl o( Hargrovc l[anu(acturinS Co.p.. RAIrcO conductcd I construclion rnr.l Jxrlurnrrncc cvaluation o( lhcrr dccorative grs log scs to dctcrminc thcir conrpliancc wirlt proccdurcs oudincd in (hc StlndJrd for Dccorativc t"og Scrs for lnstallrtion irr Wood Burning Fircpl:ccs, City o( Los Angclcq Dcprrtmcnt o( Burlding rnd S.r(cry, Rulc of (;cncrrl Al,plicrrion- RCA2-72 SECI]ON 2: DESRIPIIOI I'l}c gas log scts corrsist of a burncr asscnrbly dcsigncr.l to distriburc gas rhrough a mcdir bcd posirioncd bcncrrh a log grarc. 'lltc log tlJ(c crn suPlrrt uP to 7logs- A s!(cty plot :rnd 6rs vrlvc is su11'licd with Ef,s lo8 scts cquippcd to burn narural Aas thet includc tlrc su(fN Sl'C and all gas log scrr cquippcd ro proplne t!s. sECflON 3: D{STALI.'\noN'lhc flAflCO listcd ge.: log st'B rrc ru bc insnllcd in fully vcnred noncombusublc lircplrccs dcsigncd to burn rrtxrrJ or othcr solid fucl. Thcy rrc lo bc insrallcd in accord:nc. with thc manufac(urcr's irutallation ins(rucuons that rrc pnvid, d with crcl. ecl. Thc instrllrtion instructi(nts hrvc bccn rcvicwcd bv IIADC! rnd Jrc on [ilc. SECfION a: IUSIIFIC/\'I'ION Evaluation - Constructton cvalurtion and yrcrformancc lcstin3 was conductcd .t l'ADCOs Crrsorr, Ctlifornia L:borarory. All gas krg 3cL! wcrc Jprrrld to bc in conformrnce with thc Sarndaid foi Dccorltivc [r'g Scs lor lnsrallarion in Wood Burning Fircpkccs. City of Lc Argclcs. Dcprrrmcnr of Building rnd Salcry, dulc o( Gcnc.r rl Applicrtron-RC,\2-72 as rccordcd in RADC0 ltsr Rcport N.ts. RAD-750. ltAD.808. R \D.80?, fi,\D-810, ttAD.8t5 and RAD- 6t6. Quality Control - 'l'lrc nlt[ufrcru(cr maintriru a clec nranu[rcturing q-ualiq. conrrol sprcm wirh adcquJ(c mcrns o[ trrccabiliry -and ficld (ollor-up. Etidcncc of thi: isrcnr is on {ilawilh RAfIC\J. t,larking - Er,:h t&l lot scr displlls rrring phtcs thar includc rltc rcaistcrcd RrA DCO tradcutrrk rogcrhcr wi(lr rlrc i!!iitncd lisrint numbcr !s 5h6^,n in Figurc l. SECTION 5: RECTOMMENDAIIoNS IIADCO rccommcnG that thc tts lut scrs, lisrcd in Tabte l, mJnu(rclurcd by Har3rovc Manufacturint Corp. bc acccptablc (or insrllrtion in (ully vcntctl noncombustiblc firiplaccs dcsigncd lo burn rrmd rrr othcr rclid fucl. subjcct to thc following:,\. Ustcd gs log scts rrc asscnrblcd only rt thc nrrnufacturing krc:tion itrdicrtcd rb<rvc.B. llrting plrtcs rrc rttrchcd (o rhc g:rs lot s<ts thrr includc thc sf,ccificd in(ornrrtion, r uniquc nurnbcr thrt idcnli0cs tlrc inrlividual trs lol sct and includCs IIADCO'5 rcgrsrcrcrl Iradcntark ! d lssigncd Usting Numbcr l2l0 rs shuwn in Figurc l. C. Thc manufactur€r mrintains rhc qurli(y control proccdurcs et submi(tcd. D. Thc eurlit sptcm o( RADC\) ii mrintrincrl. SECfION 0: APff,,OVAL This listing is subicct (o rcncwal on en tnnual buis by RADCO. Updrting of this dru rnd furthcr in(ormation rnill bc includcd rr ncccSsrry. TABLE LIST1NG NO. I22O DESIGNS & Listcd Cls tog S;u Mrrdcl No- Naturrl Car'liadc Namc: Fliclcr Flamc BX 5-16, CRX 4.16. crx 5-r8, oRX 5-18 TJX 5-I8 BX GU, CLX 624 cttx 62l. TJx Gu't')x 7-u rlx 7-10, cLx 7.30 GRX 7.JO 'fradc Namc: Royal FlamcI{tx 4. t6 IUJ( 5- 18 t{tx 624 ltlx 7-30 Abovc lrlodcls with or witllout su[lU 'SPC' lnput r ITFI l4rr r 56.U,p 56.mJ 56.mO 56.trr0 56.(m 80.rx.0 urt,rlj0 ul.uI] 56,tno 56.(n 56,U[ 80,0q) J6{ri) l6,tf,xl 36.frn 46,m0 46,m0 51.0c[ 53,Cm 53,qn 16.c(n 36,m0 46,q)0 5l,m Itrooanc Gas'I'radc Namc: Flickcr Flamc I]X 5.I6LP. GRX 4-I6LP ct.)( 5.r81-P. cru( 5-181.-P TJX 5-I8LP BX G24LP. CLX GZILP Oltx G24LP, TJX (F24LP .I]JX ?-28LP ux 7.30LP. Cu( 7-30LPcRx 7-30LP 'l-radc Nanrc: Royal. FlanrcRlx 4-t6LP Irtx 5'l8LP tux 6.2{LP Rlx 7-loLP FICURE T oz ts =e. UJd a UJ u.l l.l- tr E uJ(! _q6 tn/e/6 rd lfclr- 4t oro\ U' FlNFEFl HtJ)z l!.u lo 9 oozo uJ o E F EFIz = (, =z o UJF z z =l c5 2 z IL l!a Iq) 0) .c. q) I)(! .9 3oF o o oo ; 0) o q) =o E cl; o 'o) 3g; €95h; F.e n3 FE H 9 e6P:Ac-o> 9.6 s;iE 6; =PF*.t >= X cY''6 35t= E EiRf!Eo*OOc iEo=.r '- O OEq-F Ei H E cr (5 0-o:-o(Exo-oiEorEgo =(5C!, ii- c or-o9 o: oE "icEErs=: -o,yo--c?(!0-.:c;oo dr o)€-Z 9E€5gglE 9 da! rT F' ;g; E9E or -cSgl -o(!i: \'\'\' -{- E uJ z o (D ts UJ oz -) F LIJ z =f o- J Iz ou, = UJ q,J z tr UJtro uJ o Co =g uJ z 6 UJo F UJ f z uJJ X ulo U'ul LU r.r- F UJ FoF z oJ ldl 9EFo uJ tr z =lJo- J z I u, = Hou.v0lvn E: ri< IE IHt<tca Islp4 - lr4nlE-l-- .tz Y' Xr. ;-<z t'-=oo*,/rz. otr(J ;.:H UJ -JFlsi uJ:^ 32oH =>E -:c z tr^ thO2s-(J (JOzrJ- <oq i-otc)FO i (\l l* l8IHI() lF{latz t: IEIH Itr{ lo l*tct)leIHt<IAtrI] l* IOl.t) IrI1IE a MrtlA HHEEt{ Plt)g r4aBoldEo Fl zH H z z tr: (r li UJ F ao- uJE zo Eoo 'qtsz tr EluF Btt,z X x x x Fl (.) F z a @ z uJo Jl<lr-l zl zl .. >lo uJo!Jlllz at) =(r UJ(L) z Eoo i (!l,?-tr>znlzOa(t) =uak ogR:i =co5 Hi3 tr-6o<z ltdt- I tr ..zz I ztr.,;<,-ir= ; i9or= ca IH o|--c) Lr) a-z FJA c'(zi IJJ =U)dlo-z Fo- UJY UJo Forr-n =fi9(L h [il" vtl o- 2loolozl I Fll 'lguJakzo trt]! z 'n9 =zrDo =z ..i5 =81--r -i t!md= TEiln tr Eul(L o UJoz ao (r cc(L JFuJ-h=-i(ldt!>(LOrr9oqurx(!x>Er- J J tr lu rD F co E o o o =,.: J E EoIJ AO .r (9 -F=E-!9=6:E E =E,lrl o-zoF(Jf E,Fazo() zH z E tllFz Ff zIu- Jtrl F le'.t< I ttl t.lm I rr]l*IIElu)lp IYl&llz A lrJ =z (D G EE lca ts Fq l< F-tz l.< l^ k-,H LTl-l Fn Ilr!l: 4 F]B F-] FlFl lr.l Fq c{\t o ! = c\ I\o I(L F-lH =()g l! odI = IIL F()E dlzl olull 1l <l>I 5l zl 3lolFI rn aHP z t H Fl FA tr I\' co o LL,I a t! zl 3lolFI O'l F c!\o I\o F\.if II EF c tr oz dul J z3 E oz o IJJ = (|.o z1 BIoiH E oz o UJ J a oz;I utJ llJF E. r.uz = F lrJ T E E --.r O<FE()tu<z.et!F(nZo <oOF -< ;F =z5 >Y >d )z(LO <^ :ZF7l).r<+E d=>E Eir -u.lF=Oz )<c)a?, L! gJ --r O oz ts-EluI \ 4q xxt{ (D N ooo N oul UJt! E =Eulo- s\\$$s ch .it u) H& z FJ rlrl I1lrl tHl loo II o\l r9l tolrl l:. <ll(J'r Hl r_,i I r59 t las r rE' I l ( I zt ( ? 'inut oz o =oI @ .6 0z ? ;EEEcl3 ecE:E IH E€E€F.IF iEiENEsEieJ / rEig5 b Iie;E=nE gEi;: ;rs ieiEgl -: N (\ \oN s\'oo c.l Itl C.l o Fr\\o tr =c uJo.('z o @ I uJa() z o- J IeF()a! q,l <tz ao-tJo- 9z Ioul = UJ UJ z 9 F llJcollJE E o.o 3uJ ujczo UJo F U'Iulo o-?z IuJo x F IIJ(nl v,utull! E =G uJo J FoF oz 6 =fto J 94FoulJ uJ (9z aoIfJo- 9 =IollJt Ft ts FT NOllVn'rV I I E 14 =Fdl:.H-E.DFEtrSL =cootl .E€ ffi- Z tLE,,]'o oo4tr ^ 64 E a =fr29. &8e ffi sa Fi(\to E F u E Ynt- Ei FF t F\r zo F lt o- og,o ulo. F 6l o-ul z Eoo *(LzIF c,utFJ 'uJz tz z tr o = Fzl z =UJ3o ou,o 5 ul E oz I h z E q, f = o uJzxo I z tr J oz -l I a rI I;fil {lFI6l oo Xt< o o oo 3 l -l-l F 9 E Jl<l FIzl zl ., >|outoululz U'F E uJo z E o = 5qt o2t G o- (n I& Hnr EEg z,t9zeoo =z>f a-,P ts =G, IIJo-lro EHE<gdIP '9'EE E i=tE FEIE ELIi 851 E 5 -urlE 9;l - IJ FIFnrI 1El9 -l $ I I I FoJ FI 5lFIEIHIzl il oz J tr Fl .x) Iz rI] L! =z too-)I rnlal Fllt{l Fll F.{l<l-l it.hl ;l<tFll Iul- 4 AFI3toldtr{Ff '-fq $ot )aluEIdolsJ I Noi\o I\o c FrH 6 t tr at1 ah IJJcco I io- Fn rrlA3i tlt oz cilu G J tl-o 23oF zB : d, lt oz ul IE J lt z =oF I tr pr IF t ( U 0 ( ( t \o (n I\oN c u u F (JzH E Fl .A z!E Ff d =g tt IF\ oz etlucr J l!oz;IF =tr 1)olul 5l <l>l l!lol zl 3lolFI u, utF' Gulz3o Fo UJ =o t -rO<FE()uJ<zElll Fazo o J oeF() UJ t! - t ?) 2)) zF s3]Fd6 C) J Iz x() uJ = ) I z e. E, i\ =+EFl-o oo J<o<5 lt',3H a .a t- CD O UJFoql oazo Foutv ulo oF F trul o- bs IrElo< |a) -i I--ltlrlgur l^FlJzo E =0c lrJo-zIF()fEF(nzoo , ,\ 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofllce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I'I,ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sumnary, Ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found viotating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove said naterial.fn tbe event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public WorksDepartment will remove said naterial- at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. ledged by: Y Position,/Relationship to (i.e. contractor, owner) tl Owvrer - DurldeF NA},IE OF SI'II TNY: ADDRESS: PHONE #: CONTMCTOR REGISTRATION PREQUALIFICATION FORM Must be rece'i ved and apprsved prior to issuance of registration. **Submit to the Town of Vail Building Department. PLEASE SUBMIT COPY OF AI{Y PERTINENT REGISTRATIOI.I l.|ITH APPLICATION. Type of registration beytg appligf-for: Application ^^o"o@ 9n atu re REGISTMTION FEES Regular Cost General Contractor A or Construction Managenent (Valuation over $1,000,000) ..$175'00 General Contractor B or Construction Management (Valuation under $1,000,000) 100.00 Plunb'ing. ...... 75.00 tr4ech an i ia l 7 5. 00 Electrical... N0 FEE Speci a1 ( i nc1 udes drywal l , gl iss ' masonry, concrete, el evatoretc'... 75'00 Excavation. 75.00 0wner/Builder.. 50.00 Renewal Cost $12s.00 75.00 55.00 55.00 NO FEE (q nn 55.00 LIABILITY - 0ption #1: $1,000,000 in the aggregate for Bod'i1y Iniury $1,000,000 in the aggregate for Property Dannge Option #2: Conbined single limit of $1'000'000'00 l.l0RKl'1EN'S CoMPENSATIoN - Show that you are covered in the state of co'lorado ;Ho Woit nrenis Co,np. - Provide a letter stating you are the sole owner & wi'll not ho1d the Tom liable for any accidents' At the tinB you hire someone you will provide us with l'lC' N0TE: If you are purchasing an e'lectrica1 or p] umbing rtgistrat-ion, you must pro"iOe a cbpy of a Master Registration from the State of Colorado. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT NTI CONTRAC'T ; Thank you, Janei I Turnbul'l TOV Building Dept. This is to corlity thai has in torce lor a cERrtFlcArE oF rNsuRANcE o LjJ STATEIARM FIRE AND CASUALW COMPANY, Btoomingron, iltinois E STATE FARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Btoomingron, iltinois I i),:arr. lallir: & ic,.rslr.,_;;y.r-y . Neme ot Policyhold€r ?';42 3e1 if;r..'.^rer Di^ivr: Addr€ss of Policyholder Vai i location of operations the lollowing coverages tor the periods and limits indicated below. POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSUHANCE POLICY PERIOD (ell./exp.) Lli'ITS OF LIABILITY Tl Comprehensive - General Liability tr Limits lor: Each Occur.ence Agg.egate Each Occu.rence A99.egate' BOOILY INJURY t $- -'=-- PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $*--=- BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE E ComOinea Single Limir lor: Each Occurrence $._ Aggregate S _ CONTBACTUAL LIABILITY LIMITS (lf dillerenl than above) SODILY INJURY Each occur'ence t ,*oa"r, o r*, Each Occurrence $ - Ag9.6gate $ _ fl Manufacturers' and - Conlractors' Liability fl Owners', Landlords'and* Tenants'Liability The above insurance includgs (applicable if indicated by E )!rtrntr PHODUCTS.COMPLETED OPERATIONS OWNERS' OR CONTRACTORS' PFOTECTIVE LIABILITY CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE BROAD FOBIV COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY NUIIIBE TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY PERIOD (eft./erp.) tr n n i-i2-3:\7i-? 7 EXCESS LIABILITY Umbrella Other Etr 11-1li-?t-11- 18-9i:[f ComOineo Single Limit lor: BODILY tNJURy AND PROPERTY OAMAGE Each occurrence $ 2. 0i)0 . Ci(l: Aggregate $ --.- Workers Compensation E and Employers Liability Part 1 STATUTORY Part 2 BODILY INJURY Each Accident $_ Disease-EachEmployee $- Disease-Policy Limit $- 'Aggregate not applicable if Own€rs, Landlords and Tenanls' Liability Insurance excludes st.uctural alterations, new conskuclion or demotttion. THE CEf,TIFICATE OF INSURANCE IS NOT A CONTRACT OF INSURANCE AND NEITHER AFFIRflATIVELY }IO8 I{EGATIVELY ATIENDS, EXTENDS OF ALTERS THE COVERAGE APPROVED BY ANY POLICY OESCRIAED HEFEIN. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PARTY TO WHOM CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED f -'l 'I ir,: I cw,r ,)f i/ 1i i /5 Scutir F;crrt,r!:ll !ct;li ilij, a0 :i1i.:57 (558)F6-994.9 Rev. 1€6 Printed in U.S.A. \- :rl \}\ -\q x \\ Y' 9 tI \\.- N I l{.,\ \\ v'l .os. I I I Il. \l/_.|_ /N I t i .o |\ I I I v |*ffi . i.. , i r*,^--r-. r..r"f..,Frbt l=- oo kg>lvql N - ---->1 t^ v,c 62 eo 3 =tlts, T I p sh\S \bz\ ir )<tu v cri \9nt b 4 I i i I I I a I V €_ $,---k t , r n o*aa-l ( 'a iE- AEgsI aEot5B! l*;=L- -e -t- T[ 1i li t;lc\ Itsll lt IrYft u1 & *Fvla 3l 8', 0 f- ifu \. V n I I I cO laEEr5E! [ ,lo ru,o ',i il.,.n-a ;\f \ -\\\-|Ja l---(n { Ll_l ;iii o ll ?@)\ LLl 3 t--.14q qi ..\ ll \- --\ e --Jq) i\r oe gtii oo * C)-\ \ ttia r)- <( C.\ 'll l-t- Su-.> > f-- a\ = iifg {-(/l l t{J(oE rX(o t{J rY S J ({} { kJ o-io a ---l -\ [---9tLJ = qJ. t-.- LUIY-.\.()aCa\ ii$g oo \. ->Ilr I.rt\, fi-\- t--- c/) r_tJ \ tEil oo luwn 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (3(B) 47S2139 office of communily development April l-7, L99o Dean\Roush remodel 2942 Bellflower Contractor: Owner builderPerrnit # 43L4 Plan Review based on L985 1987 edition of N.E.C.. editions of U.B.C,, U.P.C., U.M.C. and The following items are not clearly indicated on the plans submitted for construction. Subrnit inforrnation on these issuesfor approval . Provide design for deck construction. ie: foundaLion, span and size of structural rnembers etc... Town of Vail Ordinance # 28 prohibits more than one wood burning fire place per dwelling unit. If rernovalis not possible it nay be rendered inoperable for use as a wood burning fireplace. Subrnit informatj-on for review and approval . Contact Electrical Inspector prior to any electrical work being started for this project. If there are any questions concerning these issues or any other items please feel free to call . Joe Norris Plans Exarniner Town of Vail 1.) 2.) 3.) Town of Vail 25 s. Frontage Road vail, Col-orado 81657 (303) 476-7OOO Plan analysis based on the l-988 Uniforn Building Code Project Number: 431,4 Nane: DEAN\ROUSH REI'IODEL Address. 2942 BELLFIOWER Date: April L7, l-990 Contractor: OWNER BUILDER occupancy: R3 Designer: OI{NER BUILDER Type of const: v-N Engineer: NoNE Plans Examiner: NORRfS NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of a1l- possible code reguirenents in the L988 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. FL NAME OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATTO STATUS 2 Dwelling R3 ok 736 Interior finish only TOTAL FOR FLoOR 736 Allowed area not checked 1 Dwelling R3 ok 736 Interior finish only ToTAL FoR FLooR 736 Allowed area not checked BUILDING TOTAL l-472 Atlowed area not checked OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS TAbIE ].7-A ELEMENT MATERIAL RATING NOTES Interior Bearing wall Any 0 hr Interior nonbrg waII Any 0 hr Structural- Frame Any 0 hr Exterior Struct Frame Any 0 hr see footnote #1 Shaft Enclosure Any L hr Floor/Ceiling Assenbly Any 0 hr Roofrzceiling AssenblY AnY 0 hr Stairs Any None NoTE: see sec. L706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:1) Minirnun on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall reguirernents. OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS None required ADDTTIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR R3 OCCUPANCY: Page # 2 Code review for: Project Id.: DEAN\ROUSH REMODEL Addressr 2942 BELLFIOWER EXIT REQUIREUENTS: FL NAME OCCI'PANT NIN'IBER EXTT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES LOAD REQUTRED WIDTH [ft.] HDWR CORRIDOR SWrNG 2 Dwelling 2 L 0.0 No No N/R ToTAIJ 2 L( L) 0.0( 0-o) No No N/R 1 Dwelling 2 I 0.0 No No N/R roTAL 2 L( Ll o.0( 0.L) No No N/R Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Nunber of exits is based on Tab1e 33-A except as noted. Exit width is based on Sec. 3303.(b). The nurnbers in ( ) include occupant loading frorn floors above this floor. -- Sec. 3303. (b) FOOTNOTES: STATR NOTES:A stairway in a dwelling nust be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The rnaximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the ninirnum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(c) exc.#L Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is nore than 4 risers. -- sec. 3306.(j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum hei-ght = 36 inches, naximum opening size = 6 inches. -- Sec. l-711- exc 2 The rninirnum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3306. (P) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is reguired to be protected as required for l-hr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) AUTOMATTC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 3 STANDPTPE REQUIRET,IENTS : There is no requirement for a standpipe. -- Table 38-A A hose is not required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES: L) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c) , (d),and/or(e) WALL AND CEILING FINISH:L) WaII and ceiling finish rnaterials are required to cornply with Sec. 4204.(a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on walls and ceiling are required to have a Class f flane spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(b) INSUI,ATION NOTES:1) Aff insulation material including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450 unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall or ceiling. -- sec. 1713.(c) exc.#2 2) Foan plastic insulations are reguired to be protected. -- sec- I7L2- Page # 3 Code review for: Project Id.: DEAN\ROUSH REUODEL Address: 2942 BELLFI.oWER GI,AZING REQUIREMENTS : l.) All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDTTIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy Provide a window or door to the exterior fron every room used for sleeping. -- Sec. L204. A window rnust provide a clear oPen area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear height of 24 inches, and a cLear width of 20 inches(ninimun) - -- Sec- L2O4- All habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings egual to 108 or more of the floor area. (rnin Lo sq.ft.) -- sec. 1.205. (a) A11 habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings egual to 58 or more of the floor area. (nin 5 sg.ft.) -- Sec. l-205.(a) The nininun ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 5 inches except kitchens, halls, and baths rnay have a ceiling height of 7 feet. -- Sec. -- 1207. (a) Provide a smoke detector in all areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. L2l-0. (a) 4. Provide a smoke detector on all floors that is connected to an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. 1210.(a)4. \ a N $$"u_st{\h\J \ Y{ :: .tR\ * hsY t! i: '*.$\ h .\ { 's.\)vi _B .$f isnl'|+-x $ Nt.: x{r $ $$h r$$r \ Nn +b g G-- + t LILJ-':.s- I I --\. (n ILI.J \-> ,- l{nt|t\ <_) ,1. Iilt\ .\ras'o l \ s \9 \\i s 4\ I I Jt .l \ a N $$"u^$ ,t$ \ts-- \tri )\ $ \ $ hsY s \s\ t\ $.{ ,$ is$$ e$$t fiN${ Vlr.lt IIfrll l- \ Nn +b \e +_ * .> qJ {-- t---. c/) ILtJ \-\ A{6 s o..\t! { I I i i i 1 i, '. .0 l{n frt$\ <J 4\ I \SsJqt I \ ss .a