HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN CLUB 2005 LEGALvrJ tJy*..& \* ffi ct't Zoo5 nl< , tlal,:r Aidless &a"y: 29o3 K'n\i[;'tnrc1< rutlltOry,{il, Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 ueb: www.vailgov.com Project Name: OGILBY EHU Project Description: TYPE III EHU Pafticipants: owNER OGILBY,T. CHARTES&MEREDIT04/2512005 2938 S FRONTAGE RD W VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT WARZECHA ENTERPRISE INC. 04/2512005 PO BOX 1384 VAIL co 81657 Project Address: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN TENNIS COURTS Location: Legal Descraption: Lot: Block: 4 Subdivisionr VAIL INTERMT. SMM-TENNI Parcel Number: 2103-143-1501-2 Comments: DRB Number: DRB050U3 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: FriElen Dorwad 4-O BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 06/01/2005 ..J Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent,of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (Pt AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007145 Prior to building permit submittal, the applicant shall revise the proposed vehicle turn-around area to be constructed of the same material as the driveway and to not exceed 24 feet by 24 feet in size. : 'tl* Cond: COM)007146 \, Prior to hrlHlrB permlt submittal, thsappllcant shall revlse the landscape plan b add three addHonal Colorado Bhn Spruce (minimwn hdght of 8 fe€t) and 8 shrubs b the norfirmstonnrof the sib. BillGlbsorl DRI Foc Paid: S650.00 iit ...fl| General Information: Name(s) of Owner(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: 'u.//.- E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual8eview d ru"* Constructiontr Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request New Construction Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com : ',' {- o v1oJvt /^fl Phone: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee) $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footaqe is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Owner(s) Signature(s): {c*tt"!{ITncvErlrAn t Deeign Review Board ACTIOT{ FORM Departmeilt of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.745L web: www.vailgov-com Project Name: OGILBY EHU Prcject Description: DRB Number: DRB050121 TYPE III EHU Participants: owNER OGILBY, T. CHARLES & MEREDfiO3/2gl2Ws 2938 S FRONTAGE RD W VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT WARZECHA ENTERPRTSE9 rNC. 03/28/200s PO BOX 1384 VAIL co 81657 Project Address: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN TENNIS COURTS Location: Legal Description: Lo* Block: 4 Subdivision: VAIL INTERMT, SWIM-TENNI Parcel Number: 2103-143-1501-2 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond:200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: ,*ffi Physical Address: Zoning:"cName(s) of Owner(s):L Mailing Address: Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee. tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration ( multFfamily/com mercial) E Minor Alteration (sin gle-fa mily/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Conceptual Review Application for Design Revief Department of Community Ds/elopment : 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 | tel: 970.479.2t39 f axt 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested, An application for Design Review cannot b€ accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal: \a l)^o\s{ 1'o)(cStAg+ 1.,.'fte,.)r v Ft @ovf 0 T= c, -> (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for Scv.i'V Ro ll c1a 1 Nlot $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Owner(s) Signature(s): No Fee Dqign Review Board. Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIAIS TYpe of Material 1**'z<9 Color Nnrr<4- Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Lr>+s - trrtr- Peeu Z < tz- Le>ara-lo na+r(ff l-oo6es @''l-i,n.zk C ^4?- CrAE rc *t'+zcn loq Lt14 Gzat ro /4trc* la-5 'TRve D,ltDec> Ltre Oaos3 /n2 Br<o"'t"'l LOCr To /ll*r<4 \ofutg @ -f,-ek Ck Novte Gcr'r, Nwrt None 4(' €m "zrr fl< us€ Lq, 6uces 4 t/z- x /o 1z Sota<F,erJe3 To tt"@a'o Please speciry the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 12/04128104 PROPOSED TANDSCAPING l Botanical Name Common Name @antiW Size PRoPosEDrREs (e,< 9rz /rr+/ AND SHRUBS EfiSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED crlole-. Minimum RequiremenE for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e, retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of LzlMlz8lM oh:tL7 UTILITY APPROVAT & VERIFICATION This form Serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to veriff service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations, A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. Authorized Siona'Comments QwESr 970,384.02s7(fax) Contacts: Scott Carrington 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 Get) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.949,5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax)wry EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: 4a{-lQDbl J/a EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATI( DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Jim O'neal 970.262,4003 COMCAST CABLE 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.9a9.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar NOTES: I. tf tne utitity approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on $e form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns, with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility veriflcation form that there is a problem which needs to'be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3, These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Depaftment of Public Work at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locaUons must be obtained before diooino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained seoarately. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re'approval & re-verification if the submitted pians are altered in any way after the authorized signatuie date (unless otherwise sp€Fifically noted within the comment area of this form). Developer's Signature Page 8 of rZl04l28l04 Fpr 29 95 O2r29p Thonar S Uarzech€ &0cHBbar QwEsr 9m38{.0z'r@Orffi S@tefigbo9r!Jl6S.6S60hrsbDtios8+0iln &.irEflt*EllsulcGrs erD2szr0r6 (tso@ctRkhglrc HOLYCf,GEICruC unnJTt lP?rov||. r uRrtctT!il| Thk ftm wrD wrfi rlut Ur gqqcrl fnpnE|lpfr ufl d fnpa a!ry !.-r,f o'_D.q|cd udttt, sdt ft+ rrd !b b ErIy-nb l''*ft al Hr ir rq q*hn ru tnrd u_rak rr airlncfi -rf fr F 158y F' -,d rd.11,,tA slE Ftq ircrfE gndhgE rlIlbr,; Iq,rb,* r* f. eaihi d--o: ua*g umfr fr.purd rn I.-) t\ f1^4s^l oL ' - 9?O-82?-9638 c@ ?.+ &!- APR T! il6 grogas.son(ul cr0se..565 (lh)WErca.ffiGr 97026L{@(lr) Cqlhclr: us'rnlct 9rG.t?6.7rmE) Em.{ft-{{Etge) &ttacl Frdlrie oilG|silcrrrrg7u.$rl:zl{rrr:l(u) :t70.9{tgAE0ao0 Oabe noF S{azr r' r t||c urry mtml a rt||bucr lbrn rc drame |iom Gdr d tE uilty ccnnar$:+ ad tr qmrer{s arG 16d! dlp flr on trbrrt rtn Tilri sil stsrm ihatnreen mffi aJ r,. i.ilql*t-E F-iEi- Z Ir utrqr qnpily hrs ffitilt uerwdqrsurrbrrr ttc ulry rrFrcnffi:r !tr[ lroB dredycrtlE uiftyEfrctbtom thrt uE h a sottm-ffir neet o -*-r:*g.-rrrc ;rL rufo-ffit oEi n r, rrr6d r€[g' to tE iflr f rbltloH'er.9lesc€ lGeprrmr0!i*rrt,ElEs.rffi/dr.Letorrurrlilifrffirtorr*lreHe|diedenuenh 3-rlewilcetL|sotrrcretadtecrtlbrof0re rt*ra&uobtnr?rtlcwbykrdtlltril tt.DegertrrrtdFrtftwcleilSJ?-fH; dF#*"*'-*ntriru.rwrccn t'- rhc Os*per b req,id aU frs b rm lny rc,ig d.awiEE t ttlc ,flfhs {b regqC erwiriouon f frc $|t|Ued nlr' aGalErttinatvtmy&tfte.tll@ctsft-aiGf,its"tt rp*Edi:rlynoHftlhhUn6.nnrrtanrddr-bmt). hts - _r . _a.-r.a.a1.or^l 4ut-lao9l Xit 8ogiltgm.z6a.4oz{tmhg,o:|';L,{Ut Efq+ nn n' wAtrR esrxrrrrri rn ".1 qt:OI CmZ 6Z ,J4{IODIRqI/O/6I: XP{.t{ lDIr.{l}Fl "lTs t, Aig. 29. 2005 8: llAM HotY cRoss l{0.966i P.4/4 UNLITY'PFNOVIL & YERIFIGATIOH Tl*Bftrr|strt?stDuEdyl8ttheetDpsedlrrp|lUenclsnf mtlmptf aryoCgfirgor-l|!ryce4uG/sett'C, adallo. Tury ;GdraeHualfl*rt'rp[cargrirarrolrorrO-lirsllrrciUrrorn*dhtefig-fun6qtl.ranltrdsdtefrtltE--cblens. l s eerr urfr ;ditr Dbll f*-c4 ad ebtEtB"c, c6 h.effiiurilo $e lblo|Ino dtses ftr rynal ad veffitL avlEst 970384.?t2t(Fx) GrfadEsffiqh970.458.58S Hr$dDg7lllj8iln:lc EXCS.rlr6l FRgsuREGrS 9zl26a./|gr5 (EI) ConadfElsEnerc HOIYcno(lsEttl'Ilc EnsrrNg rtrrurrEs Ar'6l.tt TBE NATf,EF:i 14 UN€3ffiH, q$-!1klbl .. ,t tWry 4,1,"ilU.,dnbt A$.rho&EqShna GoltInlLF Ere-HEsv En,fa4a/a$8) ODttbab: lctBogBttSm:6i2"40:14 Im Oh€al9r0.26a4o0El DA;INFf s/t,,it767so(E) y/D-4784089 (tu) Co.tacB Redttsohe collcx;rim.: 97D3{9J22*x 1r2 (td) 97o.9l99xts (fe) @nbcl doYd$br ErcLE Bn B,rcAlq, os^lmrri ffi* U*rt", &uedncaEqnfq|n t|asdgrEuresfitlttl ed,-of U*^d9,|omFqie+ ild no cnnunerrts arenra{ts dttdy mth€ 6; &-T!*,ii D.€l"tEtdn-Ct -n im pJu* uo tlE darhgrlnt can ptocEed e,#ffi#;H,;;;d.Fe1e3r;t'rradJll'5il;ilffi"d;ueu,nti"ltva'aatryPartbreokeH€rffiproblems' 3'ThevEdfrers'btffrc[ectiooffiof drec+oriuBytootfait-a Rirlcti'atPettttittroatlcD@ ttnet'tof nblE$btt atttcTorndlrd' fu*'nfooreenatttr{n'tp1iltrd\fdr' a hfdm peitrS t rEt a hfr|ts ruat-El'|tE @ The D.dop€r h ;ggrrir;d and agr€cs to $brrtafiy Bised drflfiEs tD the uffies lorrpaproralareverftauon trtln sbmiltrd Fr r ared1o6tnarynayarur'ftlidreedd;rd";actiii&-fifi-ilsdlnrArviE1ijwil*r6e,coorrertat€Edthbfrrtn1 D.yd$c/srydlre - - '..6.h^.,|. XCEL SI-FII'IIT CTY -,FFr 2E QS tl2: toP Fax:970?624057Thon!3 s uarzccnl Maq 3 2m5 15:20 P.01 i #'l urluflr APPRoY^L rYt|uHc tlotlwtc'rr-tt"' lsiefid,oc ggDBGlE ! ffi-au-lffing'*' ET(EIIIIOIPFE S,NE6|l 9ror5a{r6 (d) OonfrdEndtgSlru ffi.y EIGBEE6I? 970.26l{& (ht) ffimas &-{o .{/ ' HOLY6dISB.EGTEIC 3n$fr[tH, rr'tE'!to*l 3n az1 %s PffiE.94 M DETRICT 970.{re7{t0 970.{76..69 @obc d ffillffiiur 97o.e4s.9![ Cn) @.rEa FbYd Salr,.r ffi gr_r*gffi rffi.,gg#-Hg il5o "n m ornna* or nd: r*dv at trr frfit llETun rll F|EillrlG [ld ffi*HHm'nffi' l ffi.l*H:ffimf*: H,ffii H.ffiHt#ffieE#sHffi"ffi5Til:ffi* uannr*ruierarsrurAt! .a, a ,ag,.a APR 28 i05 15:15 0d)(rn) HGIcG ( "Tq;'n.- L<)aan1z, a9O- &tt4" UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form seNes to veriry that the proposed improvements Wll not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to veriry seMce availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan -and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. 4qt-lqDbl Kit Bogart 97 0.262.4024 Jim O'neal 970.262.'1003 DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar QWEST 970.384.0257(fax) Contacts: Scott Carington 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCET HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tet) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.949.s892 (tel) 970.99.as66 (fax)wryy EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Authorized Siqna'Gomments EAGLE RTVER WATER & SANITATI( -ruflfu-tf)fu1,' NOTES: i]l?-inE utlty approval & verificagon form has signatures from each of the utility mmpanies, and no comments are made direcUy on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utilify company has concernE with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to 'be 'resolved. tre issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail' However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems' 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before Jiooino in any public rightof-way or easement within the Town of Vail' A buildino permit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained seDarately. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval &.re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the iuthorized signatuie date (untess ittren^rise specifically noted within the comment area of this form)' Develope/s Signature Page 8 of rZl04l28l04 --Arr. 30. 2005 3:l2AM COMCAST i|o.0l76 P. 2 UTI1ITY APPROT'AL E VERIETCATIOII TNs fltm s€tYts b vtrtry ttut lhe pogced npocnents r*f mt inpBa any gd$ng or Foged uD[ty serrirrs, and atp b wlfy senrE il/.tlailty ard loettm for rcw oq!flnnirr ld sfru4d bc |5d h corijurcltq vrlfr pepring yorr utmt gbn iltd 9dreilfuinst bns A dE d.n, anctudittg gradry plrQ froor flaa *d etsbo.ls, sha0 be srLnH b the dfilirg l.tinFs frr apgroat ard \rerifiGti$. Aurhqind Siqnr Commcnls J QWEr 970.38+.@Sr(ru) Coobcir: ScDf Cafitngbn 970,2158.680 Dson Shrp f/03&{.04:n EXGELHIGH PRESSI'RE GiA' 970:5L4075 (H) €onbct Rktt Ssl|etc /1 H(LY CROSS EI.ECTRIC 3fiffiffil$ 44t-ael"alWryEXCA-EIRtr 970.262.{80 (rar) GnbCG: Kt Boga,t 970-262.rt0:24 Jim Ohed Y/0.262.c003 EAGI..E RN'ER WATER & SAIUTATI( DI!'IRICT 9m.a6-748n$4 9m.476.,r00!t (tar) Catffi F€d tlaCee cotrcrsTclElE sno.949.1224r 1r2 (Ef) 9m.9+93138 Od)conm Eqd Salazar l{orEs: 1- If tE lru1fry cpgrpvat A veilncafnn fo.m tEs *JElrtr€f fiqr cadt of $e ufiy conpo.les, and no onments a€ ma& dirucfly m t}I futm, ttE Tor'l r0 pr€srne ftat ttr€le a|E m p.obErc ard ttn edogrgt st FocEed. L If a ublif Ompany hc correm wiur the prorced qslrton, the utllEy repreentatira gra[ note dirEEUy d| the utt0ty ycdfkathr turfl f|8t tlrge ls a pmblan r*idr rcedr b be rr$tv€tt- The is6LE lttould tlen be etakl h an athded tttEr tI, te fanr C \,bl Horever, @se keep in nind t'rat t 'rs lt€ respddbtty of the rffty ornprry and the applbnt b r€soh,E Uertified robt€rrs_ 3 . The* verifiotbr|s & not rdieve tlE offactor of the rcaonntilty b obbh a fublic u,ey pennft from r|e Deparbner* o, publc \ rorlc al the Tosl of val'|. lrwtv loodons lrrd b€ obblmd bcfo.€ diggim fr anf prtsc riglrt+-n "y ot easerne* wrfnir U\e Towl of vail Ab|jirfna cfi$t b not a Prrur Ura, ra|t!tr ard must bF obtsrfocd *EraElv- Ttte Developer is required and agre€s to submit any evtsed drav{ilrgs b tire utilities br renpproval & reveriFcation f tt€ srbmfud pbru are alteted in any rwy after the authqized dgna0rE daE (rnleS O0grr'ge spcdidty .EEd wluiin tlle dnrn€nt ar8 of Uts fiorm)_ OordopcA sigr€tur€OaE .a r'|rt r.to rn, 1rfuz,br ''d etqti- | 25|-rrt E .'llaraz.lctaa a sc|r|^tIr ffi TOI4/N OT I/,{ItPfl NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: The review process for new construction normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** O All pages of Application is completetr Checklist is completed and signedtr Stamped Topographic Survey* O Site and Grading Plan*D Landscape Plan* D Architectural ElevationsxQ Exterior color and material samples and specifications. 0 Architectural Floor Plans*D Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures O TiUe report including Schedules A & B to verifo ownership and easements* E Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. tr Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableB Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* O The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the matefials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanoes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a Utle report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: iContractor Signature Date Signed I, (print name) JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of propefi located at (address/legal description)a,{ lKtr,lal&l<-eil^)t1 Lt>0/27 providethis fetteras written approval of the plans aatea 4 - l(* z-oa S 1r24,afi17$qp^ which have eeL ; Te,^trt6 been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further undershand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. 4-zs -o-s (Date) Ho L,JtTtt- Paorcse, Page 2 of L2l04l28l04 fttt cuPy Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com April 5,2005 Tom Wazecha P.O.1384 Vail .Co 81657 RE: Ogilby Residence - 2883 South Frontage Road/Unplatted (Vail Intermountain) Dear Tom, The Town Staff has reviewed the conceptual design review application for the Ogilby Residence located on the existing tennis court site at the southeast corner of Kinnikinnick Road and South Frontage Road (Unplatted, exempted from the Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums plat). The existing tennis court is zoned Residential Cluster (RC) and is a part of the.5.116 acre overall development site for the Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums. The Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums development site was originally approved under Eagle County jurisdiction and annexed into the Town of Vail, pursuant to Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1981, and zoned Residential Cluster (RC). The original Eagle County approval permitted the construction of 24 dwelling units on this development site; however, the Town of Vail's Residential Cluster (RC) zone district only permitted the construction of 20 dwelling units. As stipulated by Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1981 , the Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums were permitted to be constructed as originally approved by Eagle County. A total of 26 units have been constructed on the Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums development site. Four of these units are deed restricted "Employee Housing Units"; which, pursuant to Section 12-13-4, Vail Town Code, are excluded from the density calculations for the development site. The remaining 22 units are considered "dwelling units". Therefore, the Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums development site is currently legally non-conforming in regard to the density provisions of the Residential Cluster (RC) zone district (i.e. 22 dwelling units constructed, but only 20 dwelling units allowed). Since the Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums exceed the density requirements of the Residential Cluster (RC) zone district, no new "dwelling units' are permitted to be constructed on the site. This includes the unplatted tennis court, as it is part of the overall development site. f-pL"",""""t'"^ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Therefore, the proposed Ogilby Residence can not be approved as submitted. New residences can only be constructed on this site if the units are permanently deed restricted as a Type lll Employee Housing Unit (EHU), subject to the provisions of Chapter 12-13, Employee Housing, Vail Town Code. Please be aware that while Type lll EHUs do not count as density or Gross Residenlial Floor Area (GRFA), they are limited to a size of 300 to 1,200 sq. ft. Additionally, please be aware that since the time of the original approvals for the Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums, the Gore Creek floodplain map has been updated. The amount of floodplain area on this site directly affects the number of dwelling units and GRFA permitted on the site. A new topographic survey of this entire development site will be required to quantify the impact of the floodplain map update on the development potential for the Vail Intermounlain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums development site. For your reference, please find attached a copy of the original boundary survey for the overall Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums development site. This 5.116 acres overall development site clearly includes the unplatted tennis court located at the south east southeast corner of Kinnikinnick Road and South Frontage Road. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, {p1""""uo r^r"^ ZZZ-:a-,4L BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail k tr tr lrt a-E tt, EF . i,8,.':3 iE!;j, lESr ! " H!iiili:I lE!;i; F !!r::J E!:l{i - i;ii ii E!;!ili 8 lriiil i iE;ili O : '1 t 8",e;J "l I FEI Ji $li*l:. I I tl ;! i:{lEqir:\ I il i- HE Ii#{E H idT?!!! E c'i"rtl'r? 3 iiiliF rL I Ii il gi .B I ;;E I t!- | i :.1 t tl q! b! 'sl:;r:., g; F 35fl 9€; tr d tE lr./ i ! 'i _ l. -l - g r F!:ri E! E::ffilffii*lffi* if6l !::3 : !:l- !: !E: ! - -s 1":l! : il-.r'.:! lll:,-lill s ::!i::l !l;' !: ! I g l:! re l! i lai!. r9a-!3!!.:iEt: 3t !lE"7.'14 a zz-i Yi Ei , ti rs:g !.. r.:-l - Ef ' ' '34:1,1.E I E J i i _:: r!:l: i i;;:ilul!;!!i!i :, ::,.1 iiri!,.!:iEi,:!t i: r:9 ;r:'5i!!.!E:E: 1!i ise€i !;:!::!il:E:i iE;Ei;;i Eiii*!!F!:!!!rr:E;:E :rr:i;:r::rl! ",rgEE;iii :!!::i:iE:Eil k i;l i:jii ;:'::::!i!iEi:-3rttE.ri:6f5 E iii ;E::: ::E:Eii!;;rr: E El: i:!E! !;;:i::i:!;;i u !ii jls!! iFlElg:j!:;li * :ii ;ii:El iliillirsE;r!: E !u ;:E;il i;i!l!tpii3:1! = lli !!::s! i;!iE::tEEi;! ;.il^-Z \ '.)1 :elga". :li :tBl,ia!l; iE:il!E ! iij!d:EiI liErEEBl i I i;i:i!!:.3ttg.!! ; r e SiiE!Ea : I::E3A:E:: l::Esltli ;*r!!::!t! I r!r.:r:?El:6 dl?:ls;t &'\ s \.".{ !r € ll s =r'-; \,& >\r -5 \foo \.(ro<t- c rl: rl tl" F -i! .rl : \-lt'l lj :I EIi>l @= @F =<91afr 'HE =-<a: o<< <) oHHH 2ZESry =@ E E4b = =)F-623^ga - EEFqq RE;€ g E E*EBE* K v^".i9 .- \7 A A -a E e]x;uu @ d)"6ooa - = H 6EliE ft4 @K6sAE = 4-@-- R r €^E6* 6 g FEBHS . ''i s E..: c!iii! : !;;:: :: .; E.5 r r'Eii!! ;riEiilrllEEc: iri!irl il:s3ii,rrc!EiI!:r3!ir :EE:!3:lslii!r -:9!irEE !{:: Ntl I 3!; t r:t EJqii :ilr F !l F ir rrl ) i.l 3:i: 9-: :n s !r:ll9::! = ,;j8 6&<irq ;H F't' lf2 ria UJO dr.tr\J ;€(r)uJ I I'I I Lt UJ?t-5ov, >=E=*F =F@< ii r.1 5'''e:'eri€ Ii!: itao e N; i ;I D t, ---:1 ii t' ::'d i-l : tD c; 8.eq. b$ti -, j-r .L g .x -o \) SI,:o a-o F- oe Departmbnt of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com May 3, 2005 Tom Waaecha Enterorises PO Box 1384 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Olgilby Type lll EHU - 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums Dear Tom and George, The Town of Vail Staff has preliminarily reviewed the design review application and Planning and Environmental Commission applications for proposed the Olgilby Type lll EHU located at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. An adjacent property owner list with stamped, addressed envelopes must be submitted by no later than Noon on Wednesday, May 4, 2005.2. Written consent from the Colorado Department of Transportation must be suQmitted prior to any construction within the South Frontage Road right-of-way.3. A Town of Vail Revocable Right-of-Way Permit is required for all improvements within the Kinnikinick Road right-of-way.4. A stamped, topographic survey must be submitted,5. An exterior lighting plan, including fixture cut-sheet and luminance calculations, must be subm itted.6. Submit cross sections drawings.7. The site plan must be revised as follows:. The site plan must be drawn at a scale of 1'=10'.. The driveway entrance shall not exceed 24 feet in width.. The 'Y' shaoed entrance must be eliminated and the lhree be connected at a 90 degree angle wilh the driveway. r . Label the driveway as snowmelt "heated" or "unheated", surface material.. Delineate all required parking spaces (a 9'x18' box for interior spaces and a 9'x19' box for exterior spaces).. . Delineate the snow storage areas and label the storage sizes in square feet.. Submit site coverage calculations.. Submit landscape area calculations.. Grading should noJ occur within the floodplain.r All applicable Army Corp of Engineers and State of Colorado permits are required.. Use different line weights for the limit of disturbance fence and property lines.. The proposed Colorado blue spruce shall be a minimum of 6 feet in height and the proposed aspen sizes must be labeled in inches of caliper.8. The floor plans must be revised as follows:. Show and dimension of all roof eaves and overhanqs. parking space area shall and label the driveway {tp 1"""t-, ",""" ruIlT{0Fl/ll[, Department of Cu'lliiuaity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com 9. The elevalion plans must be revised as follows:. The plans must be fully dimensioned.. Exisling and finished grades must be shown.o Label exterior building materials and colors.. Show the exterior lighting fixtures.. Label the finished floor elevations and the roof ridge elevations.. Show the meter locations. Please submit revised plans addressing the above listed ilems to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 412.14 h.. -././-- Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail {p?nnur"uu \ tt, Department of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 F/W 970-479-2452 www.vailgou.com May 18, 2005 Tom Wazecha Enterprises PO Box 1384 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Olgilby Type lll EHU - 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums Dear Tom and George, Thank you for submitting revised plans for the proposed Olgilby Residenqe, The Town of Vail Staff has preliminarily reviewed these revised plans, and the following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. A stamped, topographic survey must be submitted. 2. Submit cross sections drawings of the proposed residence. These cross sections must verify that no area of the structure exceeds 16 feet in height, as measured from the finished floor elevation to the structural elements of the ceiling/roof ass€mbly above. 3. The site plan must be revised as follows:o Submit site coverage calculations based upon the entire 5.116 acre development site.r Submit landscape area calculations based upon the entire 5.116 acre development site.r The south deck stairs must be removed from the 100-year flood plain. . The proposed retaining walls must be revised to not exceed 6 feet in height. 4. The elevation plans must be revised as follows:. The elevations must be "red lined" to show how the GRFA basement deduction is being calculated for the garage level of the structure. 5. A Town of Vail Revocable Rightof-Way Permit is required for all improvements within the Kinnikinick Road rightof-way, and must be submitted with the building permit application. 6. Stamped, engineered drawings for all retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height must be submitted with the building permit application. 7. Written consenl from the Colorado Department of Transportation for all construction within the South Frontage Road right-of-way must be submitted with the building permit application. Please submit ihree full sized revised plan sets, and one set of 8 %" X 11' reduction plans, addressing the above listed items to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, A/r-4-4t. ,/Je4 BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 9. 1""t""", ot""try Linda & Don De Laria 2893 Timber Creek Drive, C16 Vail, CO 8t657 Phone: t-97M79-7909Far l-970479-7934 May 20,2005 Towa of Vail, Design Review Board Town of Vail, Town Cormcil Memben ,'ll Dear Town Council and Review Board Memben : As a board meurber ofthe owners association of rhe Lodges at TirDber crcek I ur representing ourboed in tl* matter ottn" ptopo."a a"utpo'*t of a ho# site onG"!]t."o*., of Kinnikinnickand south Frontage Road west in r"tetmoirt"irL rn" roris o,,"oeal] irr. cnuck ogiluy, uedeveloper;, wrro wishes to.o*mal.-Jl-ringre family home on the site. It is rhe opiniol of our board that we havc no. objection to the project whdsoever and welcome theelha4"emcnt ofthe sitc with a tog styre rn ctq", r'CIermori, rie *allaoo ur"t " variance isrequtued ror a'\t-ynag{ g"-g;-ilit il opinion otour board',iulil'l"r, oo objection to any believe that garages are positive aaaitions to any residential s .*loog * tt V ,o used for' 6€i itrt€ndedfl?:* oiloIiog u"tir"rv iir.i uutorotilo -i "rat i mu*nold items such asgaiden toof skis etc. md not for-storage "fi*rs ;;ffi;.1-r.p"il;*toing nateriars andequipnent etc. or commerciat or Uusiiess purposes. WrrO"{-"^ Donald G. De Laria Board Member, The Lodges at Timber Creek Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com May 25, 2005 Tom Wazecha Enterprises PO Box 1384 Vail. CO 81658 % RE: Olgilby Type lll EHU - 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Gondominiums Dear Tom and George, Thank you for submitting revised plans for the proposed Olgilby Residence. The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed these revised plans, and the following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. The site plan must be revised as follows:. Label the ridge elevations of all roof elements.r The 20'front setback line must be corrected to be parallel to the properly line.. The retaining walls must be revised to not exceed 6 feet in height.. The driveway must be revised so the first 10 feet (measured from the driveway edge ofthe concrete pan) does not exceed 8% in grade.. The aspen count in the landscape legend must be updated (5 trees?). The limits of disturbance fence must protect the Gore Creek floodplain.o All snow storage must be accommodated on site (i.e. not permitted in the Kinnikinick right-of-way).r Show positive drainage from the garage. 2. Staff recommends that the grass-crete turnaround be reduced to 20 feet in depth and be screened with additional treqs.3. A Town of Vail Revocable Right-of-Way Permit is required for all improvements within the Kinnikinick Road right-of-way, and must be submitted with the building permit application.4. Stamped, engineered drawings for all retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height must be submitted with the building permit application.5. Written consent from the Colorado Department of Transportation for all construction within the South Frontage Road right-of-way must be submitted with the building permit application. Please submit three full sized revised plan sets addressing the above listed items to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, +t/<zaht^/7h Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail $ 1""r"""o "r""" Timber Creek Lodges HOA 2883 Timber Creek Dr. Vail. CO 81657 May26,2005 Mr. Bill Gibson Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: EHU development (Mr. Chuck Ogilby) at Kinnickinik Rd./Frontage Rd. - West Vail Dear Mr. Gibson: Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Homeowners Association at Timber Creek Lodges, the purpose of this letter is to advise that we have no objections to the variance requests made by Mr. Chuck Olgilby regarding the Gross Residential Floor Area garage credit for the development of an EHU at the corner of Kinnickinik Rd and Frontage Road. We further have no objections to the flood plain modification requested, as we have been informed that it will have not impact on our property. Although we do not forsee any issues regarding the plans, we would like to be kept informed of the conceptual changes made to the development to address the Town of Vail concems. I understand that these conceptual changes will also address landscaping the prop€rty. Please feel free to contact me ifyou have any questions regarding the above. I can be reached al 720-932-81 48. rely, I a--,/ (,' /1,X-- David C. Martin President - Board of Directon, Timber Creek Lodges HOA oQeoPr Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com June 28, 2005 Tom Warzecha Enterprises PO Box 1384 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Ogilby Type lll EHU - 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail Intermounlain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums Dear Tom and George, The Town of Vail Public Works Department has reviewed the revised site plan for the Ogilby Employee Housing Unit (EHU) and the following is a summary of the comments from that review: . Grading on the north side of the lol (near the South Frontage Road) shall be revised to not exceed a slope of 2:1 .. The front and back of the driveway concrete pan shall be at the same elevation. The first ten feet of the driveway (starting at the back edge of the concrete pan) shall not exceed 8% in grade. Also, the Town of Vail Fire Department has determined that the proposed EHU structure does not meet the lechnical requirements of the Town of Vail fire access standards; however, due to the size and location of the structure a monitored fire alarm system (meeting NFPA 72 and TOV standards) is required in lieu of a flre sprinkler system. Please submit three full sized revised plan sets addressing the above listed items to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact George Chalberg with the Public Works Department at 477-35OT or myself at (97O) 479-2173. Sincerely, Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail $Ltt"t*t'"t* Page 1 of I Bill Gibson - Ogilby EHU From: Bill Gibson To: geokyla@msn.com; weiO4@comcast.net Date: 06128120056:42PM Subject Ogilby EHU Hey George and Tom, Attached are the most recent Public Works and Fire Department comments about the Ogilby EHU project. We have received the new GRFA variance request and scheduled this for review by the Planning and Environmental Commission on Monday, July 11, 2005. As with the previous variance request, written approval from the Swim and Tennis Club and Lodges at Timber Creek Condominium Associations must be submitted. Please free to contact me if you have an questions, Bitl Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (97O) 479-2t73 (970) 479-2452fax file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\CW) 00001.HTM 06/2812005 Status: I Approved GommuwY DEVELOPMENT ROUIIIC FONTVI I Approved with conditions ffi Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:06/09/05 Routed By:BillGibson Date Due:ASAP Description of work:even more revrsrons Address:2883 Kinnickinnick Road (existins tennis court site on corner of South Frontage Rd) Legal:Lot:Block:Subdivision:Unplatted Gomments:Date Reviewed: 6124105 Need additional review bv Fire North side radino needs to be 2:1. 1" 10' of driveway from back of pan needs to be at S% or less. Front & back of pan same Iuly 11,2005 Itdr. BilI Gibson TownofVail 75 S- FroDtagB Raad vail CO 8165? Re; ChockOgib.yEELI dcrc{opncot DearBilI Gibson: As Prcsi&or oftbc Homcownar:s Assocjatica at T'rm_ber cree.k Lodgcc please be advisedthat rhe existiog Board ofDircdors hrve no,objcdtions to rnosr r"ceut tariac€ reg'cstun!9 ulr m- chuck orgilbyregrding an addGonar Goss Resia*ri"r rti* ero" grog"crcdit ftr the dorclopmcnt ofan EIIU-at the coara ofKinnicteinnit naJiiontegeRoad. Althoug! we do not forsee oy issu-es rcgardiagrhis moclification n tbe plao. we would llce to bekcpt inbmod of arry ftrther cioccpdaf or dcsigpdagesrn"i"Etrcdevdopmaa- Pleasc feel fice b co'racr Ee ifyou bave any geslims rqerding thc abovc. r ca bcrcacbcd at72U93Z4Le. Sigrprcl.v,,til*"r{a* DavidC Madin Prcsidcrn - Boad of Diredors Timber Cr€G&IodeEs HOA cc: l\fr- Cleorge SiEk - viztetefio- at 9IH76AUtl 1 'd eeoi94'ot 6 1u r g a?.roag dtrz3t S0 II Tnf Lmda dC l)m De l,ana 2893 Timb€r Croek Drive Cl6 Vail, CO 81657 Phonc: l-9?0-479-7909Fax l-970479:1934 The Indges at Timber Creek July 9, 2005 Town of Vail Desip Review Board Torm of Vail, Town Cormcil Msnbcrs Dcar Town Council and Rcview Bord Members, As a board member of the onmcrs associEtion of Thc bdgss d Timber Creek I am reprcsenting our board in lhc matter of ihe poposed dcvelopmcnt of a home site on thc S-E-comer of Kinnikinnick and South Frontage Road Wcst in Intermountrin. The lot is orvned by Mr, Chuc* Ogilby, the dweloper, who wishca to oonstsuct a small singlc fonily home o tho sitc. It is thc opinion of our boord that we have no o$cclicr to this palticulr pmjcct whotsoever and welcome fre enhanoemeot of thc siE with a log style strucfue. Furdrermore, we undershrd that a sliglt addition to thc intcrior rquarc footage uoe was rcquesbd by the developcr. Orr bood has no objcction to this rcquct BoardMember, The Lodtes at Timb€rCrtek Dooatd G. Dc Laria 1'd LZOb9LbDL6!11u 1g al.roag dS':ZI SO II Inf CsA) ' *n 28 llar 2005 09:24:31 A|l| ilsT Page 1 ot E Land Title Guarantce ComPanY CUSIOMSN DISI'SIBUTTON 6!.tt,arftal (alE rv Drb3 GzE-1|n5 (hr Ordcrl{mbcr: V(ftlll09l0a Ih4cdy Addrcet:-rXinrrrnri TAnCEL q'{ va;L 111I11}rNT. S}VIM & ENN15 nrASE x YA1L, q0 Er6s7 |r yrmhnt erybqftier r ngirt lfu rflftirEer lihu codrtor of b dnes bdow: FrrfitlcArriCrre: Vcil Titlc D.Da. lkrcnBiggo lflr$. FRONTA(EnD. W. #r03 P.O. BOX 3s7 vAIt, co E1657 Phonq 97O-476-?61 R$| nwrgrtz EMaiI tbiggp@llgc.com BACKI'IIID sd'It|YFTT\G WARZIITAXNTRFRISDS Arls RlcK BA(xurM, P'(L B()x l3t' ItG 90ac$ft vAlI. @ ar65E tu3 9lt}66&3tdc AltE l(n'twAnacEl scdrvLl4r nffir ntln'gl4 lsz Jfll&/l.{ldt *JvbIb From Land Tit'le (SA) tlon 28 llar 2005 09:24:31 Al' tlST Pagc Z OT 6 . Land Title Guarantee ComPanY Ilrtc: lf*Ans 0orOrtuttmbcr: V(filXtll9l0a It{rperty Addrc*:-tixiilrnpN pARCsL 0{ va1L NTx1rNT. SWrM& ENNrS PHASE lI vNlr CO E16ft Buyer/Btmowtr: IOBtsT'ETERM|NET' .Sdled()rNcr: I. CHATUIiS OGILBY AI{I' MEREDNTT OGLSY Ncrd e mrp or dircclioor for yosr upcmiog cl6iog? ChFl mt Lrdl lltb's rrcb silc el wwv.lltc.con for direcBrm to rny of our 5l orice locrtin EST]MATE OTTNT,E FDES Alta Orrrl lt[cy lrUlT-Yz ,BD tt ','rd ttat. Car.r.nE.. CqE rll.l b. otc.tq tlir C!.!..ccic. fu. Ca. rt.U D. a.ll.cc.d.c 3i.C CIr. 90.00 b- COIIEI aalaa IS,IITE YOUFON YOT'R ONDf,nl Frorn Land Titlc (SA)llon 28 llar 2OO5 09:24:31 AI tlST rage t ol o (xic*oTXhlcurm CoilPoJ ALTA C{}MMITIVTENT Our0rdcrNo VC5000q!04 .\c.bcdtth A CbsL Xd.: kopcrty Atldraa: FitBipTI${ pAR(IL 1y{ VAIL x'tT1MNT. SWIM rL Ig{N$ PAL\E trVAn ' C0 8r65t L EtrccttvcDrb: Mnhf{2m5i5:llDP.1\t. e ltollca to bcftme4 ud lhoposed huruf: "ALTA" (}lpr!'c Hicy 1lFl7-/2 noporcd laul* TOBDDIMRMINED 3 ltc e*rb rr lrtg.flt ln tle hnd dencribcil rr rcferrcd l,o h fHr C(mibed rnd cuvcned hereil i* AFcllinflc 4 Tttlc to ahc cctalc or inicrcct covcrrd lscin ir at lhc cffcctivc dalc hcrcol vcgtcd iE: T. CHARI,,ES fi;It,XY ANI' MENEDNfl OCIT,BY 5. Thc hd rcfcncd lo ia thin Commilncal b dcscrlbcd as follow: ST AITA(TED PAGE(S) FOR I,EGTL DES(TII'IX}{ From Land Tit'l e (SA)ton 28 lrar 2005 09:24:31 AM MST Page { OT It Our Ordcr No: VGlnllxD4 tg-ERmO{ A InACI OF LttND DEING A FORTION (X IgE S(xJTET'ttsriT G{E-QUAXIITR OF SECI!(N 14' rowxsslp s soulH, n NGn 8r wr6'T Or TIIE 6TH PnINCIPAL IvIF,RIDIAN' EAGI.0 COIJNTY' COU)RADO AND LYING DAST O[. U.S. INTSIIsIATD 70' (rTIot{TAGD ROAD); SAD TTACT BEING MON@ PARIICI,JI,ANLY DESCRIBED A.5 FTX.trINT.$: Bts/GtNNtNG AT TUE nrU6racfl(x olr THE r:asID,ltLY RTGIIT (I. WAY lINts o[' u.st INIEK;TAIE EIGEWAY 70, (FROITITA(E ROAD) AND lAE N()trIE RXTIT (Ir wAy LNE (Il KINNIKINICK ROAO, WMIC.N TflE WTTI{TSS q)RNTiR TIOR TflE WTCST OF{T' QPANTDN CONNTfr OF sA||) SDCTXX{ 14 f,EAlts N +a ItEGf,Sl'S 15 N|NUIIF 15 SUOOr{I'S W 58& yt ITST D$TANt TIIE{(E N 5t DE(ttsES 11 MINUIE| 06 SDC(NDFS E AI,(I|IG SAID EA.ST XlGm OF wAY LINROF INTEnSTATI' EIGilWAY 70 GRONTAoE ROAD) A IIISTANClltr t75.00FfiItl'; THDNCJ S 35 ntscREls 55 MrNUrl:s t5 $rcQNDS g A DSTANCE (Xf 65.00 r'it4 TrilthlcE s 53 DE(ilEi 17 MTNT'IES 26 .SEL:()I..IDI| W A DIilAN(S (x| 170.M FET IO A FOINT (X{ TflE NORTH RIGHT oT WAY ilNE S M{NTKINICR ROID; THNNCF, N 39 DBGXET T1 ltflTtTUTES 30 S}:OOFII'S W AIIX{G TIIE NOI(IU RTGUT q' WAY lINts O!'KNNTKNT€K NOAD A DTSTANCE OI' 8O.OO EET T() TEE NOTTIT ff' DEGINNINq CfiJIr T OF EAGI,q STATE ()F C(X,()RAD(I Iton 28 ar 2005 09:24: 31 Ati llST Paga I ot uFrom. Land Title (SA) ALTA COMMTTMXNT ScMnle B ' Scclion t (tquirtmtnnr) ftrr0rdcrNc V(5XII940{ Thc foltowing arc lhc rcquircmcntr to bc coopfcd witb: llcn (r) l|ymrl b or lor lb r$rd of |bc grffi or mrlggoo ol llr fdt cori&rCion tor lb cslr|c or irhrest tl be irstd. Xcm (b) Propcr icfnrmcn(c) crcCiA lb csletc or idcrcst 1o bc iqucd nd bc crcqrlcd rod dulV Ekd for rccor4 tFxlh lbm (c) ttrymr{ of dt lgcfl, &rgco or cecaalrds hvk{d sscsscd 4aict tb nrQira gcnircs wHch rc dtrc dprydtt" llcm (d) Addliool rcqircmcdE if sry dscloccd bclow: THIS C()n|MnlrENT IS rOR NI'OR[tAt'lOl{ Ot{Ly, AND NO FOLICY WILL BE [SSU}:D PUN^SUANTEREII} rtattr*r" N(tfXI (F fEE CgAN(rlEt EIFECIIVE SEFIIIIIBER l" .'002 r*'rrf"r f'rrsnot lo Colord Rcriscd Slafub 3lr-1042l, ':llc coudy clcrk rd rtcodcr &ll coilcct e srrch.4$ ot $l.lXl lor s-rr rlnlumt rtccived tc reorfiry tr tiliry in hi.r r hr ofiica Ib suchrgc Ml |lc io rdlirru b rry ober feer permitbdly sre-" From Land Tit'le (SA)lilon 28 llar 2005 09:243 31 AM ilST Page 6 of E ALTA COMMTTMENl' &lrdrle B ' Seclion 2 (Exccptiom) Our Ordcr No. V(SlxXfqt0a Tllc poticy or policice to bc isoucd will coolrin cxccplfuos to lhc following unlcss llc ramc arc diepocd of tr the ratidaclion d lbc Conpuy: 1. ltighb or cldnt ot pefta in poacaion ol rbwn by tb 1rtrc rtco(b 2. nsmn0l or claitrE of c{3cmntt not *otn bt & puic tcotds. 3. Dircrrlro'r.ien, offctl iu Dor&y IiE, shrtge i! rq cmrhcrq dqfrt rlict r cncttt swcy d inpoclion of ttr Frldsea rodd 6scle d vhich rt mt Cnvrn by tDe FHc roconlr. 4. Any [eq or right b a Ecq lor neniqsr laba tr mderij tltmtrfore or hcdhr tr*lc4 iqlctd bt lrw d rnt shown \r 0t prblic tttotds 5. Defectl lieq ermhrnces, advcrse daic or olhr nalbrs, if rry, crtdod, fisl ryedrg iu te pllic acnrir or dachfuB euhrcqent b 0e efreclive &b tecof ld Fior b fte &!e dE poposed irsutd rquirtr of recoril Sr vallr lb ccbtc or idcrtrt or mdglgc lbcon covercd by &is Conttilmd. 6. Treo or apeciC srccmrdr rich .re ma rlorn s exb64 liens by fln poHh rccodr. 7. l,icc for rryid rrder d scwer chgeJ, if q. E ln addi6on, fu owcdr policy vin bc si*rt b tb trDdC4'g if ery, dcd io Scclin 1 d ScHrNc B bcoL 9. fiGnT Or. PROpmErOn Orr a yErN OR roDE 'rD tiXl'RACT AND RtiDrOvD, 116 oRD, ITIEREFROI}1.$EOI,JID lEE SAME Bts FOT'ND 1'OTENETNAIE OR IN]EN$ECTTTIEPNEMEffiJ AS RTSEnVED tN UNrIm STATT6 PATTiNT REOOaITDD IttAY 18, t934, N EO(X r8 AT PAG€3. 10. TUqIT OT WAY IOR DIICJJTJS OR CANATS @NSTXUCII':D AY THI: AT,THORXrI OF .IIIE UNNED STAIES A^S NBtsR\lD TN UNIIEI' S"TAIB; PAIET{T NE(I)RDED MAY 1II 1!T34 INRooKI23ATPAffi3. II. RIGIIT OF WAY IIAStrjITEIIT AS GN,TNTED TO YAIT, TNTTjRMfiJNTAIN WATER,I'ISTRICT IN TNSTRUMENT T|I'CO|IDED DIiCEMEE|I29, lttl, IN 8OOK33a AT pAGts 66. lion 28 tlar 2005 09:24:31 Afl irST Page 7 of 8From Land Title (SA) LAND TITLI] GUARANTI'S COMPANY DLSCL( T5I'RE .STATEMENT.S Nrft: Rusun nr (LS 1lt-11-122' ntlh.t ir htrrby givca &d: A) Tbe ru\Fct nal goperty mry be locrled in a specid trlrits ds0ict B) A Ccdifcab of lhxta Drn lbfiog ctct tarint jurisdclbo my bc otlaict fmn lhc (brrltry Itunurtds dnizod egpd, Q Tbe idorndion regrdirg spcciC ds0icb and ft boEdarics of srh dsficb nay b oMrrtl fmm lhc Boord of Ooudy Comixiorcrs, thc Ooud-y Ocrk aod fkcordcrr or lhc Cornty Ascccon Nob: Ir)fredire Septonber l, 1997, CR.S 3ctl)-,41)6 rcquirtr ffBt all foclntrrts rcceived for rtcording or filirg in lhc clcrt ed rtcordcds oftrcc rfu|l eonlaiq a bp mrgin of et lcast oa iah ad a lcll .ig[ ad b||om nurgin of rtlcat orc hCf of nfuL Ib clcrt d rrtordlr uqy refure tr rwrd or filc uy documd S* &es lot coilorilt, crcept lbd, the rtqiremnt for th lop mrgin shell rrt rpply !o docututb usfu3 fotmc on wiich qncc ic proviff tor rtcorrrf4 orE[qB idonrdlrn at lh bp mrgio of lbc docmed. NoE Colora& Divisiot of lrsurerrc f,eguleiorr 3.5-f , hr4raph C of Arlicl,e VII nquirw llnt T)vrry lillc cnrity sbll bc rtcpomibtc for rtl rrd{c{s wlich appcr o[ ruord gior to lhc lic of ncord4 vhcrever 6e ti0e eutity codcb &e dosiq ud h rusprriHe frn rtcorfi4 or trling of legal docurnir rtsuldrg fiom Ore berrrtion rfiich vro dotad". Pmided ftst Ifid Tltle Gunrnec Corpory coduds lhc closirg of lh imurcd transdior otd b rcspontibh for ntordog llc legtl &rcutffnfr fttm 6e trrlxdtu, excedfurn ndEr 5 will mt ryeu on fu Ovmt's TIfle Folicy mil 0r lcn&n Policy whcn issad. Nob: AlEmtrc mrtrrrids lien pnedion fir lhe (hru:rmry he svsildle (tnically Dy &Ietion of Ex@itm rt. 4 of Schedde R, Sedim 2 of ffre &nrniffi fronr hc Orrnds Folicy b be bsltd) upon o$incc wilh lb fdl,owiqg codlio6: A) Tb rrrrt ilcscrifrd ir S:chenft A o[ tin comiM mst be a si4!e fuily residem wlic.t irtdt* a con&rfrium or bu*orrse urit B) No bbor or roalctiatr lnvc bcca funishcd by mchnico or nrlcdd-Ercn for purposcs of crnrtuctirn on lb ld &rcribed il Schrlulc A of llis (}nruibrd wifrin fte pst 5 ntft. C) Tle Oomgy nrct rtccive an 4progi* tr&vif id.mrifyiq the Compdry 4drct ur-fihd mchric's rd rutcrio}!rcds licd. D) lte (}mpuy mnt rccdw pe.rmrd ol es rygrlpirb prruiun It) F Onrc hes been concrr'tiol, improvencr*s or nqfur repin ur&rtrlen on 0rc Foperty lo De pctneed wilhin six ltoofr prior lo lhc Drlc of lhc Oomibnl, lb nqufucmds lo oUain covcrrge frrr urecorded lir:r will llr;Hc d*lome of cclirin ortudion irtrordoq Emid idordm a b 0te sdhr, 0p trilbr nd or fre corftacbr; pryst of flrc 4pofi$ peniut ftlly cxccubd ldcsrdfy Agrccornlr erlislrlory lo ltrc conp.v, ro4 rry nddfonl rcqfttrd s nay be mccssary afhrn errrrirurion of fu dortxrrid idomalirm by fu (brgry. No cowrlgc will bc givco udcr aay cirqrnslarccs for bbor or mncrial for wtich llc icurtd hN| srfuctd for or grtrd t|D 1ry. Note Pursrred b CRS 1t1"11-123, mlicc ir hcrc.by givcc Ilis nllice ryt'ies to ovnds prEcy ctlmliheDls qrnrening a rrirrd sevcrucc btrured exceflion, or cceptiorn, in Sctndule R, Seclion 2. A) TH lhre fu rtcordcd cvidcm &a I rnillnf cslab h bccn scyca4 harc4 or olhcrwisc coovcycd lhrm fu re[face eshte nl ttst fur h a suhdal lilclihoed dut a 0drd FrtX hlds ssre or dl inb,nct in oil, ge, odrr nft*nls, or gcothnml errcgJr in lha Frperty; ad B) 1}d mrch ni.r.rd colab nry iahdc lb right !o cdcr rd wc lhc FopcrtJ wilhut &c sdre owrt's peuirsion Nolhing hucin codaiad will bc dccrrcd o obfigdc thc coryly 1o pcwi& ary of lh oovcng({t rtferttd to bcln unlc,is 6e rhrve uldifom are fully urlfuffed. orto'.t02 From Land Tit] e (SA)t'lon 28 ar 2005 09:24:31 Afil MST ragc d oY 6 fOINT NOTICB OF PN,IYACI POLICY Eddn,yNarionetFiDDci'lGrrnprrfCrmpmirn/(sicrgofilblusunnccComponyand l,eod fith Guerrtrlcc ComPorY Jult 1' 21101 ffiffi#TffiF* #Ifi#ffi,, rcr wc r :.rrc- rr*r ntry S-ififfrlii*-frf -d+C,n Wt mure ti' right to 'ru-Ec &if ltivgct sfrd;il?im-6ft- lo lfr-cortislcd'wilh 4ptcruc-pivry lew* ln thc coursc ot our businasq rrc may cdlcct Pcraomt lnlorrnlion oborl' you Imar lhc ldbring souracg: G a c a I $f, Hiffi *".gscgryrffi#$ffi tEffHitroroorn; Irrom brr idcrra wcb aiha;iiffi ffi eI[Gft;ffitrd by gpyqd cdilic* h4 rn cituobob dnrdy fnm thm cdilie o? trom our rlrrliCcs or olEt; d Itom cbucr or :rrk rcPorli4 rgldtt ftr policier n€e.dir8 lhe Prolcctioo ol lhc ConldeoliaEly ard Security ot Your Perroml Inlormrtin ffiwffi,trffr;.8ffi##ffi'*# urmcdrn wih lmvitng lnldrEb or scrriccr tt ytn or tfi olE. lcgitiDrb lptuEss F[F16.f,. Our Policfor and Prectico tegrrdirq lhe Sharing of Your Pertonal Inlormatln Wc nnv sbur v(nr ltrsotrC tfordion wilh rm r@slcfr ryc! s iq_ '-rc 4cil1 d obcr rcd csbb i:tlcstdlscrvicc providcs. Wc dso tDy dcclm yosr ltsxul ldodElroE to Ecd& brolco or rtrccolrfircs b providc yorr lith nrrig ),ou hvc- rcqrcslc4 --tr diifiLtl-a,mrctrl oiscrvkr goii*rs fro prtr|e ;cwicls orpctrmmlctry aoh frafori ori our bchCf; edilA[fr-fr-rh;d cdriOion*lMbfrg arcm* ftlr Fdlcb u' scrvlcor lit rve hicve ym my fid olbrtaf, Io ddilioo. wc will dicdorc your Itsooal ldodbn whco yoq drccl orgivc r|i pqqis'roa w@ wc arc cqnired bv lrr O do su rr w.hn rvc'sE|DEd fn&lcd m crirind rtYilis. WG {ro rriq' .liclmc yorr l.|,sod fiid;id;til odicn"isc c.:t-'_-ttcd Uv oOcrUc givrcr lnrr erri t tor or;F|c' whi drchsttrc is ncdcd tl ct'om: rtrr rigb eirii4 r-tut rf rny &rsctrrlfr arurrtim or n:hliomllp si& yrlr. On: of thc irmtlrbrt nrrulnritf,[tcs of xrrr of our d-fi&d-coqtdcl is At rt.rld *rmu$ in llc pHic aomin Srro'ooomor'E! codrin your ftaod ldordioo' Rig[l to Acccas Your Pcrrooal loloroelion and Abilily lo Corrcct Errora Or @ucrt Ctrngca Or Ddclion (hr{iin sbbr Ctord vou Oc ri!fl lo rccss your lt6od ldordion n4 tdr ccrtin cinlmlracs' lo [d out tr wfur rrrrr ttn ril tt'omiiinn h hrir d*trncd. Alq, qrtiD stilr fiord yl frc rigbt b nqr t coilr.tbi alIrtrrcdor &hlioo of yorr ftaod ldordbo Wc rt*nc lb dEH' whctt pcrlillcd bt l$Y' 10 c.brrgc e rfoxrrltc fcc tr ovcr fu srsls isrcd in n*pdq b sr'h rcqucsti. A.ll rcqrsb suboil&d lo Lb li&litv Nsfionl l-rore'hl Grorp of Compicd0nc*o filtc lrrrrc Oompmy $hCl E ln *rili4 d dctivcd tt lh! folktwitrg ftss Prirw Condisre Oltcr tf dditl Ndiitrrl t'rmisl Ia. 3ffiffi"Htf'"f"'et Iftul0plc Producle or Scrviccs ll wc govbc vou wilt| rnre tban orc Eoaabt foducl orrcrvicq you Ey rccivc lprt lbm oc gtvrcy dcc ftom is. Wc l]polngize for uy imrcdcrc fis ry cuc yttL a j Fo!! ?Rltt.PoL. cll *'..I *'****** t***tf f f **** ***'i **********i**+*,**{',}**{'{r**'}'t't**'l*+**** * * * * * * *******++***,r**** t* * ****** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Slatement **************++*+*++*t***t****+++a++++****f*+l}t++{r+++****+++*+***+****f************,}*'}***** Statement Nruiber: R050000485 Anount: $550.00 04/25/2OO5O4229 PYI Palment Method: Check wooDwoRKs Init : iIS Notation: L256/Gr Permit No: DRB050173 T!T)e: DRB - New Construction Parcel No: 2LO3-L43-L5OL-2 Site Addreas 3 IJocation: VAIIJ INTERIIOUIiITAIN TENNIS COITRTS Tota1 Fees:$6so. oo $5s0. ooThie Payment:$5s0.00 Total AIJL PmtS : Balance: $0.00****i'* * * * * **+++++*t+**+'i'lrf **++{'*+*'t** ** ** * * * * * *'}ll***i++***+*f *f,f ******{"1'*****+****+******** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmta DR 00100003LL2200 DESICIN REVIEW FEES 6s0.00 Description ti I'i I aIt T - Jl ;?ol tll !t Y uJ uJt Ot uJ m =F6 1-t-a a :; 5U f,U =F ^ xLLo ==; 9en .u y ro !i([o E=! d3J V#.3 -a LU cq- i;Xr g-E j;l F N>> (JN s';d. ll I .i i : : t,Darc: ,/zs/of.---+- zoNp cHECK 7ec a4xad \6at^e4, llv /oS Lc gal dcsc rip tio n, b, eore+,W g Ad drcss Z O*rcr___LbL_o_b,|'4_ Architctr 7an Lot sizc Phonc Phonc -.JktlD'( proposcd uscu@,wa) arq +* BrLildablcarca e , Zz,t r*tc5 er ,: f tt p1 €Hu 94 Alllrysd E.-isring TorglcRFA '!fY i ere'wf = e Proposcd o= Benahing o TotaI T.yf. fr Ett* tAo rinj+3.4et;f - 'tof$- Conrplics rvith TOV Lighting Oriinancc Arc finishcd cradcs lcss than 2: I ,!0%) Enr"ironmcn tal,/}lazards i Prn'ious condilions ofapproval (cibccl; propcrry filc); =_ 174_'.zztgu.W- #L Ycs J No Ycs No 2) FJoodplain 5) Gcologic I{azrrds a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rockfall ,,/ ls f hc propcrty non-conformingf i xcriUc: c) Dcbris Florv lhr{ /rfumutta'*' f. unPlalt L pfannins and Environmental comri:u:,:r:r f i" c*t) PEC Number: PEC050034 PEC Type: OLGILBY TYPE III EHU ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2!39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: Proiect ltescription: TYPE III EHU CONDMONAL USE PERMIT Participants: owNER OLGTLBY, T. CHARLES & MEREDI04/25/2005 2938 S FRONTAGE RD W VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT WAMECHA ENTERPRISES, INC, O4l25l2005 PO BOX 1384 VAIL co 81657 Project Address: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN TENNIS COURTS Locationi Legal Descriptionr Lo* Block 4 Subdivision: VAIL INTERMT. SWIM-TENNI Parcel Number: 2103-143-1501-2 Comments; BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: K]ESBO VIELE 6-0 Actions APPROVED Date of Approvah 0512312005 Meeting Date: 05/2312005 Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0007129 This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application associated with this conditional use permit request, Cond: CON0007130 This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant submitting written approval from the Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominium Association. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $650.00 tr*ffi General Information: tr Rezoningtr Major Subdivisiontr Minor Subdivisiontr Exemption PlatE Minor Amendment to an SDDtr New Special Development Districttr Major Amendment to an SDDtr Major Amendment to an SDD (n o exte rior m di fr ca tions) All projects requiring Planning. and Environmenbl commission revielv lnust receive approval prior to submitting abuilding permit application. Flease refer to tn. iruritt"i i"quirements ror ttre partlutsiapprovat that is requested.An application for Planning and Environmentar commisston revie$/ cannot be accepted until all required informationis received by the communitv. Development oepartment. ttre project r.v .rro rI*J to be reviewed by the TownCouncil and/or the Design Re\rie^r goaid. Type of Application and Fee: Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission HEE-E-fVET __ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado g1657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax; 970.479.2452. web: www.ci.mil.co.us $1300 $1s00 $6s0 $5s0 $1000 $6000 $6000 $12s0 I g"o1u."*l9Tlermit (Filu)ttr FloodplainModificationO Minor Fxterior Alterationtr Major Exterior Alterationtr Development plan tr Amendment to a Development planE. Zoning Code Amendment4,IE--qtFFEr tr Sign Variance ApR 2 5 200s #rt ulai,ro) $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $250 $r300 $s00 $200 Description of the Requestz -fiff e fr Eilt Locauonoftheproposal: Lotr - Block: - Subdivision: Physical Address: (Conhct Eagle Co. Assessor at 97S32g-8840 for parcel no,) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): d $ $-e Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: l_;] Qto - qa3- 3qot E-maif Addres ", C,/Ea? €?/z-o*nbt qt Z ./, " ' ' Check No.: rr/A-o Page Iof5-01/18/02 EG WL (rg23 Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: OLGILBY TYPE III EHU PEC Number: PEC050033 Project Description: GRFA (GAMGE DEDUCION) VAR]ANCE Pafticipants: OWNER OLGILBY, T, CHARLES & MEREDIO4/25/2005 2938 S FRONTAGE RD W VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT WAMECHA ENTERPRISES, TNC, MI25I2OO5 PO BOX 1384 VAIL co 81657 Project Addrcss: Location: 2883 KINNIKINNICK RD-VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN Legal Description: Lotr Block: 4 Subdivision: VAIL INTERMT. SMM-TENNI Parcel Number: 2103-143-1501-2 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: KJESBO Action: APPROVED Second By: VIELE Vote: 6-0 DateofApprovalr 05/2312005 Conditions: Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0007127 This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application associated with this variance request. Cond: CON0007128 This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant submitting written approval from the Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominium Association. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 All projects requiring Planning and Environmental commission review must receive approval prior to submitting abuilding permit application. Flease refer to tne suomittat requirements ror tne partlutliapprovat that is requested. ln-:?qlica,tign for Planning and Environmenul commiiilon review cannot be accepted untjt alt required informationis received by the Communitv. Development Department. The project may also n..o to oe reviewed by the TownCouncil and/or the Design neview Aoaid. Type of Application and Fee: General Information: tr Rezoningtr Major SubdivisionD Minor Subdivisiontr Exemption Plattr Minor Amendment to an SDDtr New Sp€ciat Development Districttr Major Amendment to an SDDtr Major Amendment to an SDD (no exterior mdifiations) Floodplain Modification Minor Exterior Alteration Major Exterior Alteration Development Plan Amendment to a Development plan Zoning Code Amendment Variance Sign Variance X@ 'E FloodolainModification #e rlla),tc) $400 $550 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 tr tr tr tr tr_ F Description of the Request: 'fyf e fr Ellq $1300 $1s00 $6s0 $6s0 $1000 $6000 $6000 $1250 LocationoftheProposal: Lot: - Block: - Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.: A6At/3 lr6tz (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Addressl Owner(s) Signature(s):Qp - q8- 3qot Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: twrj I Page lof5-01/18/02 TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO Statementi******* * * + + I + * * * * * **t*** *+ + ll + + * + * * * *************f ****'N.******f **+* ** * + * + * * t | * t * + * * f * ** * * * * * * Statemerrt. Nurnber: R050000485 Anount: $500.00 04/25/20O5O4223 Itt[ Pal'ments Method: Check Init: aIS Notation: :-2750 /I. CHARTJES OR MEREDITH W. OGII,IBY Permit No: P8C050033 Tl4)e: PEC - variance Parcel No: 2103 - 143 - 15 01- 2 Site Addresg: I'ocalion! 2883 KINNIKINNICK RD-VAIL INTBRMOT,NTAIN Total Fees: $500.00This Payment: $500.00 Total A.lL Pmte: $500.00Bal-ance: $0.00*t*********f*+f++****t********f*at***fftf******+****+*lr'i't'tt***l***+t************+*++*+++**** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Degcriotion Current E}Ints PV OO1OOOO31125OO PBC APPI,IEATION FEES 500.00 TOI4'NM JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER 4.) I, (print nane'1 CtfuCk UA'&f , a joint owner of propefi located at (address/tegal description) zqs3 nh,ltFttt,Vrck- Rt Tiz^t^t provide this fetter as written approval of the plans dated 4 - 14 - O 5 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations, l-zs-ae (Date) 1 z@ Sa, Fr. € Paee 2 of5-01/18/02 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development May 23, 2005 A request for final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-6E- 3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for construction of a Type lll Employee Housing Unit (EHU); a request for final review of a variance from Section 12-13-4, Requirements by Employee Housing Unit (EHU) Type, Vail Town Code; to allow for a Gross Residential Floor Area garage credit, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, Vail Town Code; and a request for final review of a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code; located at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums; and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0033/PECo5-0034) Applicant: Chuck OlgilbyPlanner: Bill Gibson ll. SUMMARY The applicant, Chuck Olgilby, is requesting a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-6E-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for construction of a Type lll Employee Housing Unit (EHU); and a request for final review of a variance from Section 12-134, Requirements by Employee Housing Unit (EHU) Type, Vail Town Code; to affow for a Gross Residential Floor Area garage credit, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, located at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road (i.e. tennis court site at the corner of Kinnikinnick Road and South Frontage Road). The applicant has withdrawn the request for a floodplain modification. Based upon Staff's review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of the requested conditional use permit and variance subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Chuck Olgilby, is proposing to construct a Type lll EHU residence at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road (i.e. tennis court site at the corner of Kinnikinnick Road and South Frontage Road). This property is zoned Residential Cluster (RC) District, and therefore the construction of a Type lll EHU requires Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a conditional use permit. As proposed, this residence will be a two-bedroom, two-story (plus basement), single- family format structure. The applicant is proposing a log-cabin design consistent with the architectural design and details of the adjacent log-cabin style Lodges at Timber il1. Creek Condominiums. Pursuant to Section 12-13-4, Vail Town Code, the maximuni allowable size of a Type lll EHU is 1,200 sq. ft. The applicant is proposing to utilize all available 1,200 sq. ft. as living area on the main and upper levels of the structure. However, the applicant is also proposing to construct a two-car garage on the basement level of the structure, thus exceeding the maximum allowable size limits. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow for the construction of this proposed garage. This residence will be permanently deed restricted as a Type lll EHU. This EHU may be sold or transferred separately from any other property, and the deed restriction will not regulate who owns the residence or any detail of a sale transaction. However, this deed restriction will require that the home is occupied by a "permanent resident' of Eagle County who complies with the deed restriction's employment requirements; whether the residence is owner-occupied or rented to a separate tenant. This site is located adjacent to Gore Creek and the applicant's original proposal including grading within the l0Gyear floodplain. The applicant has since revised the proposal and eliminated grading within the floodplain, and therefore has withdrawn the flood plain modification application. A vicinity map (Attachment A), the applicant's request (Attachment B), and architectural plans and photographs (Attachment C) have been attached for reference. BACKGROUND The existing tennis court site at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road is zoned Residential Cluster (RC) District and is a part of the 5.116 acre overall development site for the Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums. The Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums development site was originally approved under Eagle County jurisdiction and annexed into the Town of Vail, pursuant to Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1981. The original Eagle County approval permifted the construction of 24 dwelling units on this development site. However, the Town of Vail's Residential Cluster (RC) District standards only permitted the construction of 20 dwelling units. As stipulated by Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1981, the Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums were permitted to be constructed as originally approved by Eagle County. A total of 26 units have been constructed on the Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums development site. Four of these units are deed restricted EHUs; which are excluded from the density and GRFA calculations for the development site, pursuant to Section 12-134, Vail Town Code. The remaining 22 units are considered "dwelling units". Therefore, the Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums development site is currently legally non-conforming in regard to the density provisions of the Residential Cluster (RC) zone district (i.e. 22 dwelling units constructed, but only 20 dwelling units allowed). Since the Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums exceed the density requirements of the Residential Cluster (RC) zone district, no new "dwelling units' are permitted to be constructed on this overall development site. However, pursuanl to Section 12-13-4, Vail Town Code, Type lll EHUs are excluded from density and GRFA calculations. Therefore, an unlimited number of Type lll EHUs may be constructed on this development site subject to Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a conditional use permit. IV. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Review: Generally, conditional use permit and variance applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission, and then any accompanying design review application will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. Planning and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a conditional use permit application, in accordance with Chapter 12-16, Conditional Use Permits, Vail Town Code. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a variance application, in accordance with Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code. Design Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority over a conditional use permit or variance application. However, the Design Review Board is responsible for the final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of any accompanying design review application. Town Council: The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, delermination, or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. Staff: The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submitted application materials for completeness and general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the Town Code. Staff also provides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regard to the criteria and findings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code ARTICLE 12-6E: RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER (RC) DISTRICT (in part) 12-6E-1: PURPOSE: The residential cluster district is intended to provide sites for single-family, two- family, and multiple-family dwellings at a density not exceeding six (6) dwelling units per acre, together with such public facilities as may appropriately be located in the same district. The residential cluster district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with V. residential occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of thb district by establishing appropriate site development standards. 12-6E-3: CONDITIONAI USES (in part): The following conditional uses sha// be permitted in the RC district, subject to issuance of a conditional use pennit in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title: Type lll employee housing units (EHU) as provided in chapter 13 of this tifle. CHAPTER 12-16: CONDITIONAL USES PERMITS (in part) Sectlon 12-16-1 : Purpose; Limitations ln order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in ceftain dlstnbts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses regulre review so that they may be located properly with respecf to the purposes of this title and with respecf to their effects on surrounding properties. The review process prescibed in this chapter is intended fo assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses /isted as conditional uses in the various disfricts may be permifted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or propefties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. CHAPTER 12-13, EMPLOYEE HOUSING: (in part) 12-13-1: PURPOSE: The Town's economy is largely tourist based and the health of this economy is premised on exemplary seruice for Vail's guests. Vail's ability to provide such seruice is dependent upon a strong, high quality and consistently available wo* force. To achieve such a work force, the community must work to provide quality living and working conditions. Availability and affordability of housing plays a critical role in creating quality living and working conditions for the community's work force. The Town recognizes a permanent, year-rcund population plays an important role in sustainr'hg a healthy, viable community. Fufther, the Town recognizes lts role in conjunction with the private sector in ensuring housing is available. The Town Council may pursue additional incentives administratively to encourage the development of employee housing units. These incentives may include, but are not limited to, cash vouchers, fee waivers, tax abatement and in- kind services to owners and creators of employee housing units. The Town or the Town's designee may maintain a registry and create /lsfs of all deed restricted housing units created in the Town to assist employers and those seeking housing. A _tE* 5.S \ a b.' :< aa FS\:FE'=i ss :. -gi.: E ps.s F o " 38SS s:F iEE F€}gl'l-\ !li :Sd.a*\E F\\ SFxr iss t$g A{sE, o0 '* l= es* 9p*TS .€ s $-r 3.$o{{ EP6\ q| A'h AF SOF P $sEs -: E :( A' l! E rit\ isls i$Sis >!sp ET:.r os,€t3'*ES^.* is kia{ ^. 'tr <!!x $riu; b-{;rS* s c's :-{ 'i =us!i Fs 'Sti FIsu sss,sss,Issss,tsss \ A= s oa.s o ,* t s o,.st, s-l_ c) o)\e |s IJJ a lr) c) p.s boq ..f I(f) NF c.9 oc)v) VI. ZONING ANALYSIS Address: 2883 Kinnikinnick Road Legal Description: Exception to Phase ll, Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis ClubZoning: Residential Cluster (RC) District Land Use Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Current Land Use: lennis courl Development Site Size: 5.116 acres (222,849 sq.fl.) EHU Site Size: 0.274 acres (1 1 ,935 sq.ft.) Buildable Development Site: 3.817 acres (166,277 sq.ft.)Hazards: 100-year Gore Creek Floodplain Total Site Standards Allowed/Required Existino Prooosed Dwelling Density (max): 20 units* 22 units no change EHU Density (max): unlimited 4 units 5 units(1 new) Density, GRFA (max): 45,169 sq.ft.'* 38,469 sq.ft.'* no change Site Coverage (max): 57,712 sq.ft.*'(3S%) .24,445 sq.ft. (157o) 25,300 sq.ft.(15%) Landscape Area (min): 133,709 sq.ft.-(60%) 135,988 sq.ft. (61%) 142,634 sq.ft. (6a%) EHU Standards Allowed/Reouired Existino Prooosed Setbacks (min):Front: 20 ft. nla 9211.Side: 15 ft. nla 22ft.Side: 15 ft. nla nlaRear: 15 ft. nla nla Building Height (max): 33 ft. nla 33 ft. EHU size (max): 1,200 sq.ft. nla 1,200 sq.ft. plus 775 sq.ft. garage Parking (min): 2 spaces nla 4 spaces (2 enclosed) *Allowed per Residential Cluster District '*Allowed per Annexation Agreement Rezoning*t GRFA calculation methods prior to Ordinance 14,2004 Note: The above listed calculations are based upon the original development plan approvals and survey data. An April 2005 survey calculates the development site size as 220,414 sq. fl. VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Current Land Uses Zoninq North: South Frontage Road/l-70 UnzonedSouth: Multiple-family residenlial Residential Cluster DistrictEast: Multiple-family residential Residential Cluster DistrictWest: Multiple-family residential Residential Cluster District VIII. REVIEW CRITERIA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The Planning and Environmenlal Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to a conditional use permit application: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. When the Town Council adopted the Town of Vail Affordable Housing Study on November 20, 1990, it recognized a need to increase the supply of housing units for 'locals". The Town encourages EHUs as a means of providing quality living conditions and expanding the supply of employee housing for both permanent and seasonal local residents. Therefore, Staff believes this proposal is consistent with this development objective. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff does not believe this proposal will have a significant negative effect upon light and air, population distribution, transportation, utilities, schools or parks, or any public facilities. To date, a tennis court has served as a private recreation facility on this site. In recent years this tennis court has seldom been used and has fallen into a state of disrepair. The applicant has recently received Town of Vail design review approval lo remove the tennis court and restore the site with vegetation. Therefore, Staff does not believe this proposal will have a significant negative effect upon this criterion. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, accessr maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. This proposal complies with all Town of Vail engineering standards for access, parking, snow removal, etc. Therefore, Staff does not believe this proposal will have a significant negative effect upon this criterion. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The applicant is proposing a log-cabin style structure consistenl with the scale/bulk and architectural design/detail of the adjacent log-cabin style Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums. Therefore, Staff does not believe this proposal will have a significant negative effect upon this criterion. VARIANCE The Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to a variance application: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. A principle development objective of the Town of Vail is to encourage the construction of housing for local residents. In response to this objective, the Vail Town Code includes numerous incentives for the construction of EHUs. 2. 3. One of these incentives includes the provision that Type lll EHUs excluded from both density and GRFA calculations, pursuant to Section 13-4. Vail Town Code. The Vail Town Code also encourages, occasionally requires, thebonstruction of garages and similar storage areas for both dwelling units and EHUs. As incentive the Town of Vail's GRFA calculation methods include a variety of deductions (credits) for garages. For example, Type I and Type lV EHUs are eligible for up to 600 sq. ft. of GRFA garage deduction, and Type ll EHUs are eligible for up to 300 sq. ft. of GRFA garage deduction. The amount of GRFA garage deduction granted to a Type Vl EHU is determined by Planning and Environmental Commission. However, Type V EHUs (only permitted in the Spraddle Creek Subdivision) are explicitly not entitled to a GRFA garage deduction by the Town Code. Although Type lll EHUs are not calculated as density or GRFA, the provisions of Section 12-134, Vail Town Code, do regulate the size of these EHUs at a minimum of 300 sq. ft. and a maximum of 1,200 sq. ft. These EHU size limits are determined by using GRFA calculation methods. However, the provisions of Section 12-13-4, Vail Town Code, do not explicitly grant nor prohibit garage deductions from being applied to the Type lll EHU size limit calculations, unlike the other EHU types. The "garage area/storage requirements" for Type lll EHUs are prescribed by the Town Code as 'n/a". Staff believes these provisions may have been originally prescribed as not applicable since Type lll EHUs are only permitted within the Town of Vail's commercial and multiple-family zone districts, and have historically been constructed in either a dormitory or multiple-family dwelling format. In these scenarios, parking has been accommodated with surface parking lots or common area enclosed parking structures. Neither surface parking lots nor parking structures are calculated as GRFA, and therefore are not applicable to the size limit calculations for the typical Type IIIEHU. Instead of proposing to construct a dormitory or multiple-family dwelling format Type lll EHU, the applicant is proposing to construct a detached single-family dwelling format EHU. The applicant is proposing lo construct 1,200 sq. ft. of living area, plus a 775 sq. ft. attached garage. Although the proposed garage is 31 feet wide, due to the configuration of the interior staircase only two parking spaces can be accommodated (minimum required dimensions are 9'Xl 8'). The proposed garage occupies the basement level of the structure within the building footprint of the living areas above. Since the provisions of Section 12-13-4, Vail Town Code, prescribe the "garage crediVstorage requirement" for Type lll EHUs as "n/a"; this can be interpreted that no GRFA garage deduction is available for the Type lll EHU size limit calculations. With this interpretation, the applicant's proposed garage is calculated in the same manner as any other living area. The proposed garage occupies the basement level of the structure. As the "lowest level of the structure", this portion of the structure is eligible for a are 12- GRFA basement deduction. This 775 sq. ft. garage/basement level of the structure is approximately 72% below grade and is therefore calculated as 217 sq. ft. of GRFA. However, this additional 217 sq. ft. of garage/basement level area added to the 1,200 sq. ft. of living area above, exceeds the maximum size limit for Type lll EHUs; thus necessitating the applicant's variance request. The applicant is proposing a log-cabin style structure consistent vyith the scale/bulk and architectural design/detail of the adjacent log-cabin style Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums. The proposed garage, for which this variance is being requested, occupies the basement level of the structure within the building footprint of the living areas above. Therefore, Staff believes the proposed garage will have little physical or visual impact on neighboring uses or structures. Therefore, Staff does not believe this proposal will have a significant negative effect upon this criterion. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. The Vail Town Code generally encourages, and occasionally requires, the construction of garages and similar storage areas for "dwelling units" and other types of EHUs. However, Staff does not believe the provisions of Section 12-13-4, Vail Town Code, contemplate the construction a Type lll EHU with an attached garage. Therefore, Staff believes the applicant is requesting a variance to the degree necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity and to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege due to the unique detached, single-family dwelling format of the proposed Type lll EHU (i.e. rather than the typical dormitory or multiple-family dwelling formats). Staff also believes the original Eagle County development plan approvals and the subsequent annexation agreements with the Town of Vail have created unique circumstance related to the configuration of this EHU site and its associated development rights. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety, Staff does not believe this proposal will have a significant impact on the public health, safety or welfare, public facilities, utilities, or light and air. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. On May 18, 2005, the Town of Vail Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the applicant's proposal. The Design Review Board was supportive of the architectural design of the EHU, including the basement level garage. The Design Review Board directed the applicant to center the structure on lx. the site, reduce the amount of proposed driveway/parking area, and provide additional landscaping along the perimeler of the site. The applicant agreed to revise the proposal to address these concerns. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development recommends the Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with a condition, this conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-6E-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for construclion of a Type lll Employee Housing Unit (EHU), located at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums; and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve, with a condition, this conditional use permit request, the Department of Community Development recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with a condition, a conditional use permit, pursuant fo Sectlon 12-6E-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a Type lll Employee Housing Unit (EHU), located at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums; and sefting forth details in regard thereto, subject to the following condition: 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval for the design review application assoclafed with this request." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve, with a condilion, this conditional use permit request, the Department of Community Developrnent recommends the Commission makes the following findings "Based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll this memorandum, and the evidence and testimony presented, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. The proposed Type lll Employee Housing Unit (EHU), located at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums, is in accordance with the purposes of the Zoning Regulations as referenced in Section V of this memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission. 2. The proposed Type lll Employee Housing Unit (EHU), located at 2883 Knnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums, and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained are not detimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to propefties or improvements in the vicinity. 10 3. The proposed Type lll Employee Housing Unit (EHU), located at 2883 Knnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums, complies with each of the applicable provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code." The Community Development Department recommends approval, with a condition, of a variance from Section 12-13-4, Requirements by Employee Housing Unit (EHU) Type, Vail Town Code, to allow for a Gross Residential Floor Area garage credit, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, located at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums, and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve, with a condition, this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with a condition, the applicant's request for a variance from Sectron 12-13'4, Requirements by Employee Housing Unit (EHU) Type, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a Gross Residential Floor Area garage credit, located at 2883 Knnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums, and sefting forth details in regard thereto, subjectto the following condition: 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval for the design review application, associated with this request." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Residential Cluster (RC) District. 2. The granting of this vaiance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to propefties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. Ihis variance is wananted for the following reasons.' a. The stict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. 11 i . b. There are exceptions or exbaordinary circumstances or crindifnnst ". applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply genenlly to other propefties in the Residential Cluster (RC) DisticL c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation wouW deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other prcperties in the Residential Clu*er(RC) Astlct"' X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Request C. Architectural Plans D. Public Notice 12 Attachment: iE? q: xi!E :€ I CEi .EE! =t e !: P8 el E;gE 2i :5 !P 8 E $ 3E ! !1-l: = 6i86;lcq sg1-'t' SEgE !! L' f rrl>Jt€ut lrt =6 d. olo ;l- s.i()I tr,:u, 'rf,\:tta l|i'o lrJ .E:f,'o tE zI .,u I ::i s:: ';' s$ t: iia ;1 ll-o zIF I ,il siE i- ':'i rr . t "to. ol a +(t d\ a *-o ..-l :} s ir d .3j {ts-o '\f ' tr n E4,q rS r)\ b -ar t, \: \ . r(lr' \5 :\c. t"i .vr :.s-3 3 sT FI 3 E , 5o \.Jl'ioGo C! rr-{i E!!iio 3tSt ! - H;i:i;',| F;!ilii F liti:l Eiirii cli;iiiP;;;i:: Jiilir*lit:ii;i jl li FX:l r I Fil,Id * tdi!q:4:!i * 3.6i I' SJIx: It{hu F idl?!ii : siiiilit I .I '-l i:li9i il:11: !;i 3! i -alr:al3:i lr !-t:E- ; !;:igi :!l#:Er!:ili i: !l!;r i!::;!i ! i.:!: rE:rt3;g ; !li!3!ttttts! -:!!; r Ei : !I: ; \ji I t :,: let it!il lrJF I |l-tr lr,o itr! 3: :r 'l E: I r: I.'r . I r:e I l:: I F I =E a :r' !J u,l !t i! !Eatdz ,t ld: Sir:lE -rl!:!i ..: i lrls E:.F t:! = !:rE rli !{ ' !:r >! : I l.g3 I lc; e: Ei:il$ifflffiiiriffi** ?'[l ;il------<r--z .. :t!:!B!, ri !; l;::i:li E ;::r!I:t!il \t ir;;i::r!;-q {l:;!li:i;iI :lii!!!i!,it :tr:!E!:li:t :tli:i:lii il iJsii:t!;;!>L iq r;!!l:!! :'l : : di!!lr;: i I .!: l;!l:!ll of 9FEA6iJZ =Ya. 3 =Ht =-E- 3 oHHH zZEHs =@ E E=b c\ s/ F6 6ZHs" << EXe_ <@Y , = EE;€ 626"gaeEI6 -*"dF 3 E R]m"iu ; E Eegeg a = *eBEa E.-:z'€R- E < ffi48b5I > FgB*S r tf, i.i!:i!:!q. :J'I 9..r iE \t * \*.; 4 >\l -a '.t! o \\) {loq- 5 "r9 " ;:t- it ! ii... i llli:-. . r!.ir: : i!!!.!! r!r; :; i it - !. i: :i;:! il i:!;llll;E;t!:::irsii! - iEiiil?i::iii:! i!iiP rr. .13!!:;:tr !! -.i .^:!:!i::l i ;1: i leit:! !i I i /"7' '> ,... ..,:)"..... Attachment B Aprit 25,2005 Olgilby Rcsidcocc @ Excrytion Pncel On Vail htcnntn Swin & Tcnnis Pbrrc 2 Vafl, Co 81657 Ro: Cmditiooal use Pcrmit fu t1pe 3 BHU a. We propoec to build a tlpc 3EHU mit wilh a 3 cr gragc belov md rcqucst a vrinco futtc 900 sqft ofgrragc space not to be included in thc GRF,{"b. This projocd ir coosisteft with ttc Torls objoctive for EHU units.c. The singlc-frmily ocapancy of thc nuit will haw litth cftct on publio frcilitics 6 teryGtrti@. d" The plns provlb plcoty ofrom for snow rtrage md pdfin&e. ar*ircually6euitwillbcaimilrmdcorylemcdltcr{gtclng ltchms. Altachment C i I I {\ tt ti\ a xo > m n b Nozz oia q,I q, q F t-m G)mz E' !\\\!i i l{\l ri t\\I lii \l\\l 'itc!rii h,{. I l\.ili t\llq I .I C 9 I e t i 3$ ff#Hil$l$rufii1fiHii-;'{' 6,mzm -zo-lm t4 At zr lr 5 F f; F9t;.vi!r B- l! ='' g 0lgilbl Residence Vail, Colorado Tom llanuha Enhrpriso PO BOK I3E{ rA ,' mroMDo rt E 1l3! fi d> A f cb (J\ s_ t a =F. F $\ v7itw S.tt(\ \ Ton lYancduhtcmrism P0 EOX D{.rvitl cot olArtn N 2 z. a,i 6 = </, c =|- t-m mz omzm f-zo-{m I I I ? rr i t iJ! liiii jiiliiii riiliii ilii f iiiiri'jirii iii iiiii iiril:i iriji ii;i:ii,jji lir,i i,iiiiiiiii 'i;l;li iiiii iiiiii i*i 'ii ii,i ii'i' I'ili y Residence0lsi ^t E rii\\\i\\ rl I I l{l \ \rr \\\ lr\ lif,,1{lt r I tiiiq Iiiiiil ilij jr. Vail, Colorado 8;.=g+H {tL\5 € F -frry fr+rE \) rt\ f+ - _t+ +-t+ ::l 'l I f - -------l' sF rr\ ,4\//,// .--?\\) a'{--. \l-\i -r\ iol I I l I I+--- -t i+---4f',10 -0 T \.r- .s.s F 6fisEz_ '.. :_ .-- -. -- i-'i't!. U_.-_ -\'r- .\\e- t_.J -\\ir st Sz- Ogitby Residence exterior finishes Vult!to tr IIJ m =-!F$.oE y_ +=q .:t 5Errl - - llr4f - - ^ x-; .==() ai..X NdE EH- FE6 ;AJ N9F ;6IJJ P:: ;3F RsS 3$ . Attachment D .rHrs rrEM tit tifffi:I8H- PRoPERTY NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on May 23, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7A-12, Exterior Alterations or Modifications. and a final review of a variance from Section 12-7A- 10, Landscaping and Site Development, pursuantto Chapter 12-17,Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a new underground parking garage and an above ground elevator tower, located at 62 East Meadow Drive (Talisman Condominiums/Lot L, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Talisman Condominium Association, represented by Resort Design AssociatesPlanner: George Ruther A request for final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7A-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a professional and business office (real estate office) for the Vail Plaza Hotel and Club, located at 100 East Meadow Drive #3A/illage Inn Plaza, Phase lV, Lot M, N, O, Block 5D, VailVillage Filing 1 and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Village Inn, represented by Connie DorseyPlanner: George Ruther A request for final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 1 2-6E-3, t, P Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for construction of a Type lll Employee fi|]*,; ,/' Housing Unit (EHU); a request forfinal review of a variance from Section 12-13-4, '' d61"". Requirements by Employee Housing Unit (EHU) Type, Vail Town Code; to allow for a '/l n ,,r. Gross Residential Floor Area garage credit; and a request for final review of a floodplain I t/t' modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code; located at t/ 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums; and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Chuck OlgilbyPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to approve, approve with modification, or deny an amendment to the Lionshead Pubic Facilities Development Plan to include the use of tax increment financing as provided by the Urban Renewal Law . The specific description and area for the Lionshead Pubic Facilities Development Plan are in the Community Development Depa(ment. The general description includes that area north of Gore Creek, west of Middle Creek, east of Red Sandstone Creek and south of Interstate 70 in the Town of Vail. Applicant: VailReinvestmentAuthorityPlanner: Russell Forrest 9 Linda& Don De Laria 2893 Timber Creek Drive, Cl6 Vail, CO 81657 Phone: l-97Mi9-7909 Fax: 1-970479-7934 The Indga at Timber Crrek May20,2N5 Town of Vail, Desigu Review Board Town of Vail, Town Cormcil Members Dear Town Council and Review Board Memjen, As a board mernber of the owners association ofrhe Lodges.at Timber Creek I am representing ourboard in the matter of the orooosed Jeve6;; ;;;ff;sire on the s.E.comer of Rinnikinnickand so'th Frontage Road best in r"t"-oi,,t"ir.-ilJi#is owneo uy Mr. chuck og'by, thedeveloper, who wishes to consfuct a smal siog6 fa;fjiote on ne site. It b tte opinion ofour board that we have no objection to the project whatsoever and welcome theenhanc€ment of the sirc with a log.tyl. rmr;;. -i;h#or", we understand that a variance isr€qufued for a "tuck-under- e".age. it is tte opinion oio*-io*a',ut *" r,"r" no oi.;JtJn,o -yform ofgarage, whether it is-a ock-*o.. o. oior-aoJ il;";jr h* il *itl"J'"'.ii"rffir"] w"beliwe that garages ae positive additio", to -iGiliiJr**" * rong as they are used fortheir intended purpose oihousing acti*rv artG ..t"i"iiies and ordinary household items such asgmden tool, skis etc. and not for storage oruoats, -or,-oiitrr, ..mp€rs, building materiars andequipm€,nt, etc. or commercial or busiess pufr;s' **- W^O.{-- Donald G. De Laria Board Member, The Lodges at Timber Creek t1 , - | -rrlrnocnwrliclrrchlbcts.l.l.c. - dilid m. P.ol...l.t.. kdty langcnwaltcr, a.l.a. 25EE rrctr dtfvc p.o. bol( 1202 vail, co 81658 9704764506 e70.{-764572t t blecoolrr trnrnilttel rhrct D$r: May 24,2OO5 numb.r Of prg.r includlng coYer: 3 To: tr. Blll Glbron, AIGP Town of VallDept. of Community Development fiu numbcrz 97O47*2452 from; Dave Pe€l fex numbrr. 97o4764572 rogerdlng: Ogllby Typc lll EHU,2EE3 Klnnlkinnlck Rd., Vell Intarmountrln. rcmrrkr: Biil, H€re's my lefter regarding Chuck Ogilby's proposed Landscapc Are.a pc_rcentage and ths inierior c5tting hclg-ht at t6'c Livlng n-ooir rligg bcam. Girre me a callwlth any qucetlons. Thanks, W,nn(.Y/U(/ Davc Pccl Tg 39Vd U3l-l'of{.|iFNV'] / -]33d zLgV-9Lt-AL6 9r:tr ggszftzlsg "t . pccvlerrpnwahcr erchitoct+ lJc. drrdd mt pecl, e"la. ll0ry bnpmrrlt*, e.i.r. 25!8 rse ddvr p.o. bo 12{12 v.ll, co 81650 97017615W 97o176.a572 lax May 23, 2005 tr. Blll Glbcon, AICP Town Plrnner TOWN OF VAIL Dept. of Community Dev€lopmcnt 75 South Frontrgc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: OgllbyTypr lllEHU fihr Flrhlng lodgel 2Et3 Kinniklnnick Road/Exception to Phagc ll Veil Intcrmountain Swlm and Tcnnis Club Dear Bill; As rcquested, the followlng Information summarlzes my calculations for requircd "Landecapc Arsa" and intcrlor ceiling height br the above rsfcrsnced proifff. I vieitsd the propeny to venfy that the parking configuration for the Lodger at Timbsr Creek and the Vall Intermountain Swim and Tennis Glub Condomlniums was approximately In keeping with the gencral layout Indicatcd on previoucly approved architsctural site plan drawings. Totrf SfbAnr: 5.O60Acres =2201113F. Rrgulnd LrndrcrprAnr: 220,414 SF x 0.60 (RC Zone) = tE2,2l8 SF. Site (building) Coverago (Per revlsed 1994 epproval): 24,101 SF Phase I Peving: +28,488 SF Phaee ff Prvlng: +17,437 SF South Tennie Court + 7.200 SF North Tcnnls Court: + 7.200 SF TOTAL EXlSTlt{G IilPERVOUS COVERAGE: 84,.26 sF Erlctlng lrndrcrpr Attr: 220,414 SF - 64,426 SF = 135,988 SF = 61.7Uo. 4A 39Vd d3fidFlNFNV]/-'133d zLgb-gLr-aL6 9T:tr gagzhzlgs GVRRENT RE\fl EEp PROPOEAE Exbtin g lmpervious Coveragc:64,426 SF AL:Tf ,22t'5,F+ 855 SFFiohlng Lodge Sitc (bHg.) Covenge: Fl.hino Lodoc pavino: + 2.134 SF Rrvlrrd Lrndrcrpr Arre: 220,414 SF - E0,216 SF = 140,199 SF ' 63.t%. Reoardlno the InFrlor celling heioht at the Livino Rqgm center ridoe, I hava datermlncd that thc hcight to thc bottom of the ridgc structurc wlll be less than the 16' maximum for GRFA calculatlons. The wall plate helght will be 10 - 10' rounds (loga) for a height of 8'-,4'. An 8:12 roof Jolrt pitch br a dlstence of 12'€" to the ddge ccnbdine rssulb in a dse of E-,4' from top of unll to rldge. Addlng trte two dlmensions gives a he[ht of 16'-E'from finished floor to the bofrom of the ridge joist (not ridge bcam) centerllnc. Obviously, the log rldge beam willbe larger than 8' in diamcter, resulting in a dimension less than 16'frorn finished floor to bottom of ddge rtructure (bcam). lf you have any qucatlons regadlng the above calculations, please give me a call at your oonvenlence. Yours truly, Davtul M. Peel, AIA PEEUIANGENWALTER ARCHITECTS, L.L.C. ea 39Vd u3r'fvl4N39Nv-1/-133d zLgv-9l'v-aL6 9T:tT gggz/rz/99 /'Q€Los _ oo3/'-""'v:iifum*fu,- rimber "!"#f,Ktrffo2883 Timber Creek Dr. Vail, CO 81657 oQeoPr May26,2005 Mr. Bill Gibson Townof Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: EHU development (Mr. Chuck Ogilby) at Kinnickinik Rd./Frontage Rd. - West Vail Z8B3 ki*sicy';ttik Dear Mr. Gibson: Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Homeowners Association at Timber Creek Lodges, the purpose of this letter is to advise that we have no objections to the variance requests made by Mr. Chuck Olgilby regarding the Gross Residential Floor Area garage credit for the development of an EHU at the corner of Xinniikinik Rd and Frontage Road. We fi.rther have no objections to tlre flood plain modification requested, as we have been infomred that it will have not impact on our property. Although we do not forsee any issues regarding the plans, we would like to be kept informed of the concephral changes made to the developmentto address the Town ofVail concems. I understand that these conceptual changes will also address landscaping the properry. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the above. I can be reached at 7 20-932-81 48 - tl 6*tl ( David C. Martin President- Board of Directors, Timber Creek Lodges HOA Frcr Land Titl€ (SA)Ion 28 llar 2dl5 09:210:31 AI llST Pagc 1ot E F l^TrdTileair-ttif,trJ otr!| nY Land fifle Guarantee CompanY custtollBl rr$trrBrrTroN Ihb: e2&rut 0ur(HcrfhDcr: V(]tXI}t20f PrqcrfyAddnr lgXif,DlPlIf,{ fAlGfl, Oltl VAX, INTIMNT. SfilM& Uf{NE rilASg |l VAX,' CO tldtrt trynbn q hfrdrr r rrfrr trrdhmg ie oddc ofb dcrr hdon f,cfitlcArffrra VrilTithDrtrt XrrcoBigp tG s. FI(X{TAGE ID. W. t2t3P.OtOXrr vA[,,0o u6f,7 M,tflo4lG?lzSl Srrxz 9l}{lfiitl DMre liigp(}llg. coo BACK.I'IID c['ffETIiIG A|b lffi BA(Icr,||I'Y+, '7o{/tFrnfu: tt0aatntr Sr* Ylr tL warilEcf,rEflgttlsst(l trD( tga YAIr OO t16t lre xx FAEDCf,A W /N'AXNftI. fuz lfIO.&I4lA SrtYbn: r.v$r r-.,rr I r(rc \:A, Fn z6 nr zwt ug:z{:tl ll ni.t Prg. 2 of t ,I -t.LildTileair^tartl' (..rynft PrlopctyAddrcm: Lend fitle Guarantce Company Ih: &*m5 (hr(HrifrnD.r: VGlilrtUf ExtrMHlol fARclEL oN vAx,IilarMNT' srVilt&rriNNE ErAsf, tr vAtr, co &ayt nn;cUfurmc: tof,EI,|n$nu|N|I) .TdLrtOfE: r. GA.n|jII (rc|lJy Anil] MBnatnrr (rcilJy Cbcf, odl!trd firb.r ntb clcrl. rvr.llpcon ESTTMATE OTTTTI.E FTES AhOrurlhtrct tLll-gz t@ t]. ,rd dtl. E EG.a Gtrlr tr..r.!Cio, b fu.ltt b d.lL'Fc-r.a ';f* cIr_ IIOTAL 90.00 tto GIEI tattl rf,rtNf, llfl,non YOtn cil)r*t E.r .,r, rl.r /!.vur rrt;z.l;JJ|. ,ll l:t I Prgc 3 of 8 !CrrgrEbhmcCory ALTA COMMITMENT $ldcdnle A Ouror{crNo YCifalr[f ftrL Xd.: nqrrtyrUlru: ElrMPrrtr| PARrr, (f{ vAlL lfTrnfi{T. $Tri[ & rNNlr rEA,$En vatr, co sl*rt f. Ef.cdrGlh: lficll+205i5flrp.lt 2. noDct !o bcLnod, rd &upcd hd: "ALTA'. Owcdr h6cy l],t?t2 nrpodlntt totBr,|ilt4Mntrn 3' Tlc o*rb or hbrat h t: td drrrdlcd c rsrcrrd ro h &r offird rd ccra[ bth k ArbcS* 'l firc !o rb Gdrlc c irbcd covcrcd hcrcir b rr rb cfibdivc d.h lcrot t.c.d i!! T. CBAru,ES OGtr,,EY AND MEN@rIf, (Ntr.lY 5. ILc bd rltcrrld to b Ub Coaothcrl b daslbc.l u foloua: rF ATIIA(EI PA(ruGD Fm. IIGAL IIDSCNGTXr{ rrrr c0 r.tr' (uot ut:z.l:tl, ru I)l Pag€ 4 of I OurO.acrNoE YCtgIl[| IH.IERFlril A NACT (EIANI' f,El{G A XTDTXI{ (rtlES{X'TEnlEIT (I|&QUAXNN fr SLTff{ 14Tyrylgs.ryrfl, n N@& rvn$T6 rHB 6rE pnINCpAr, unn|IlraN, &AG|.D o(xJNfy,c(I-ouDo rilD LyrNc Ertsf or u.s. |n|rtsnsrarE 7r, (rrroNTAGD roebl; seo nxecrT@{C TfrXG P.IRIXCUIAILY DESCNtrg) A.S I{IIOffi: DrrcrNNrNG AT nrts |Nrx$igrroil (f,r n|E aAsniRlv |trcilT (x ]ryAy rxut of u.s.Tt{rEnSTAlE Eref,WAY ?0, Gf(xtilA(Ex[HI,) ANI, IEEN(XXE n(;frT (IWAY I,ITE (rIU{N!ryIg ROTD, NMENCST]TE W]INESS dOINEN KN THE WEil OYE qUARITN(IXNN OF'sarD sDclnu{ 14 f,EArS N 4r DscrErs 16 MINUTEI L SrdotNr}s w 5t& 5r narrrrrrTAlrt rf,EN(E N 5r Du;[@s n MD{Itms 06 su.u,ur r euNc $uD Eesr rcm (Fw^y rJNE (x n|Tf,nSTATE nrelnv y 70 (rAS{TAGm nOtD) A DrsrANCn tr rs|n rIlfl.;nfiilctss35Dgcrus 55 ME{Urris 6SEaINDSEA DBl[aNCtr Crfs.oor.rsrB rrr|a{ctss5I IIECIEES 17 MININES 26 $M(f{D$ W A DETANCG (F t7I." trf,ET IO A F(ilTIT (xV IIIEN(XrF Rn|T(F WAY TJNEfr r{ilIC{NOK NOrU rMrrCr N g DBJCTEES rI MN|IJTf,$ 30sEcorrr$ w arnatc n|ts H(xru ltrgrr or wai lncE or ttr{Nrrl{rcx nour a rrsrAritcg oltoo' l&T Tt) 1f,8 F(|S[ (rrrnvnuvti crinrrt rx EAGI,4 .'ttrAtE (F Cc,(narxr irr. ai' rc|l a,rr|,J vt; a.r: J.|. ,u lJ I Pagc I o? E ALTA COMIiITMBNT 8*UcB.Scforf OcwfttlDculr) (h(hdteNG yCll0ftdf Itc folerri4 rc llc rtqlirrcds b Dc op6cd rllh: fcr(r) fttEd S orfc lb rmdotb grdoc orndnoc of * f{l coaitrsoofalb crflc chntbtchrd. xcn (r) nopcr irtnrre{O .ndiq |b c.* or idcc.[ lo bc i|rd ![ra be crcicd d {frry fibd fa cco4b-rtt lc. G) &d d { bct, fir*cr a.@ bviqt d rocrcd tj,r{ b a{ioof Crcds rfcl rt fiedpdla br (4 Aeioll rlqftsd., if rry dedocod bdov: nils clfo|ItruENT$ r0r tw(nMArxl\t oF{Ly, AND NO F(xrey WrLLas sutil,PT'Eil'A!WEEEIT} r'.'.5... NOI:I:G (XrEE (XANGE, [mEcrItfEsEpIxMBER 1, fr! rE..1qra hU b Gobd l|crn*d $|trc 3G1G42X, .'fb co-.! dc'r d rwr$r fl cdloot r r:rtqc of fLO hfa&Mrurrcdfuncorftcrn4r aH3 f5ofic". Ib rthqe rilt tchffrn 5 qr oLflcrrprfOedlyat[.. r.L.s \rra,Ff| zo rar zrrrt 0t:24:Jl Al llsT Pagc 6 of E ALTA COMMITITiENT ScfcdcB-Sccdor2 (Ercc?don) ()orOrd.rNo. V(}f,tltlt| ltc polit:y c polcice l,o Dc iar.{ rll conlrln clocplirp* !o Uc fo$onia lfu ltt ruc rrc dirt66olb tlcr.trr.trn d|l: tjmprry: 1. $;tr or c|-n d gfcr in pocdo ot rbro ty Lc prtrc cort. L frrn6fr, aclJlr of crcm:ilr Ea doll t1l b -,tfc ncc*. 3' DfcrrFdt* "'rrrrcl fu bdr !pr, rtosqte h !t+ cro*hnt, d ry fxt rlict a ccrtctrnnry dfupocfon orb pntmr rood dcclor-u.6t n mtfiffiD b, b FUic rr;*. 'L Aryrc|} cd3Ebr|nq laurlcilr brrrdcd fucffocorbn{Lrruc, eor;tlttlildDt rbrDtt ft1dlc ncordr. 5' Ddcbr ['G dultr..q rdrco* dfu orfue, ffq, cc*d, frrtple h fu gflc aort onq drcgr b b.rt c6rc ds b.'!d H lrra b iE d ft Fdocd t@d quinr of rrcod trv** b er& or irrcce or qrrgrp hcoa corcorr ty B eotrcd. 6 Tba crpecid ntrrrul t ro re rtrlorn-.sbfl; $iD D, ee ldfic EGdt 7. IJer fc qld r*r d ,Grrf,cr-r+ fi ry. & h rfifioq tc orvcdr plhy wil Dc a{hca b ab ort**C it ly, nlcd io $ccfoo 1 ol Scbilc A hcol ' xGrfr (x'nCIprurrur oFA vrrN (n,uDraro*XrnacraN'.^rov'rrs (xBlHamm{.TBouLD m SAME lts t(xtND nlrn*rr*ec (n E{IErrEcr rf,E pnEMlgrAs nms*f,v'D rN UNnrD sr^rrs perravr rrdmo Mri[,-igi+ D{ lbfr ra arPA@3. to nrc'r (x way l.orrr]q*es q, .TNALS OG{SilRUCrrD sy rru aurnm[y .*r ru'UNIED .yrAlEr a.s TEEF'E) 't* rrNirrD aifis$ peunn rmunosr rrey 1& t!84,INl(XXTSATPAGMS. TI. IreMTtr WAY BrSMxr{TAS GNANIED TO YAtr, N|TETftT(X'NTAII WATEBI,STnICT n{nsrnumilTruocrxtuil' DnEMtEnt, rru; trt, xxxnxAT pAcD 66. dyr r .-r|, iat auiz u t : z{ : Jl, f, i) l Pegc 7 of E 'l LAND TITLf, GUAN,ANTISI' COMPANY Df,!}CIITfl 'NE$TATEMENTS Nota M rr CIS tGlf-f2a Dfflc h H, ihs* l) lt! ditct nd pogty nry bc toc*l in e ipodrl bd[,fttictE) a ocdincJc of lbce-rre Llfrc.r.i lli'qjrtddim ar n omafru &c GouelIltrnt'r&od4ed, 0 Tb fttorrdion rrgrffag aochl drtict d b bmdrice d d fuiob q b obtirdfiun|lc f,od of Oorrts OudCocrq e ODd, C'c*d ecor*q or b &r4 A$cilG N* Efeflc Scplartcr I' t9!DlI' CnS !GlG{06 nq-tr flrr. Jl &cm:dt recivcd fc rtcudq c tiliryin ab ctt* rd ocortdc orDoc rur co*in o bp ilrrio of d hat oc ict d I hn, '+x 6 6pg- * E''h d l Lrt c til cf r h.b lb ch* d r!co|'d|r q nftc b roccd cflc { do.Dtd: h&.' rd c{frrnr -q t* h aqicd lr D to rEil dJ r,. sl! b &c*i6 uiaS fcnnoo rrtcl qn b gorifrd hr ncordqg orEre idardoa r n rop nil or rb &md. Noc Odmfr ltlvbtor of kmoe QCtioc 1,$I, kSnjt C of Arfr|" V|I rs+irs r,{ 'Drqyql cdllv ${ te crpoduo fc lt eno r.ua qcr a.eoru g*r o rho rb or rtcodq;hcrcrL tLc codtr oftt b.rorr.r: dir n.Dodc r..ao@ mnn4g of rrdoour coft3 riur tr hrdtnrr.b -r accar.. prcihrfua rrdfi0c |jdcaoaprry co".trct rb cJo.inf of rb Icrrtd r'dbn rd b cepode for ccffi4g rchgl .M fm b tauo, ryctfdon dr s rI| d'G* e dr-.,. m"hli.V d ft f.€rtrl Mrsy,btr brd, N* An-'*rc nctdc'r nclp-c{onfor& orqnr bc drue (g,1|.d5, }r r}rcsorolh'daro. a of scbrucn, *cfof coeCc*rrsiftunborr;J; ib"yotTl9) non onOhq x|b hfdbriq coddoc:A) IbHdcrdDcdirS&rilcA Cei co-,,r.-,f rn*bc r Cah rr.rf r*r.r,_.c dtdldr*rrcdnniorbrdad. a) No blor or rtc*r+ hna Dccn frrdrrcd by eff., or ncril.cr fc pr*occc dsnfricdor rm fu ld drnrfted h ticLflc A or ddr cd--il .ifr"-frst e urco n: erryy nrrt roceire a popr* rto"rt rt"rytr:E-c"ryv-.i"n -.n arecLiCrdndcvi*qdcti(u. 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I{oG ftmnd b Cl6| IDll-l2A, odcc fu hby etv.clb Ddcc rdg ro orede picy ""d;; ;le r turr nnrc bturlqlfgg orqfc, insd&&4 St do02.a) rb' hrt b oodd cvirc tar&rd cr& lr bcco rrcn4 rc*{ or oh'rbcc-nyed fton tu rde e d &t rrru b n r&ul rrurniroa dJ. im ptylolab r@ or dl m|1d fo $ ry oLr duelr, or ged.nta ercrg/ h tc pprrg dB) Iil arh *ryd ce* nv ird U .rJ,f O c*r U rlc fc pllily *Oi frilcmrdrrddo, l{offi; hrda coddcd_rril tc M t o![3rc e coqpy b FU'lb q of rb orcrrgoenfcnr.l b hrh ds &c rhrvc -Ut*.ifq rd.Ird tocr DIElaOa O9y'0'./O1 ii,|r .o ii.t cuut ut:z{:51 A[ [51 Page E of 8 ,JOINT NOTICE Otr PX,IYACY POLICY ndary lffird * ffirf*ffimf 6* co-"F--, rld Jllb 1, ZrOl ffiffi,* iffif#E;E;ilEFfrG-'* Itr tl* @r* of orr Drrir:sr rc nry cdbc! Fcr--r rrloruriol rbot you troo arc tdbxiq trGB:ffiffi;trffioroh; : ffiffiffi cdtn" ru." cituohirftrcdy rrmt*. (lr Htcicr fcprdirn thc prolafn ol ftc Ccrltranblty aad Security of yorr krrod hfornrrtin (lrr hlkfc rrd Fr.clie It nlrrlhg tlc Slaring ot yorr perrcrrl Infrnatln &fgffiI q.rr,dfrrd a a i r cruitiri_nrifE-jfu syqrbg! rig-*niocr yo bvc- rrpdcggr&L *o|t* m prfofr-idGla c oUb Iffi t%*tr v'6 crlr tnnr runqs stu* fc pudrct c crirr $r aa tolse3 y11 ltrl0ph Podrda or Scrvioo Fffi'' ffi ffiSWffifi ffiffq}d* tr b ncord rbmub h b FHc ni$t l'o Aq Your pcroorr rnforndim ed Abitity to ooccd rirrorc or Rcqucc chrq., (} Ddr{ln ffrcrr!3rffidclccbor| ffifrffiffiF* or coqrccorc*o fioc hmc 6ry ffis.drf,fr|r ct. 931re #ffitr Hffi l.r or rcodvc mc h oc srvrcy dhe Irc.- I'A'.FG.CG 'F-",t btp + Planning and Environmental Commission,,ffi lrTfonnofrirt ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2t39 faxr 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co,us Project Name: OGIUBY TYPE III EHU PEC Number: PEC050051 Proiect DescripUon: GRFA VARTANCE (BASEMENT CMWLSPACE CONVERTED TO MECHANICAL ROOM) Participants: OWNER OGILBY, T. CHARLES & MEREDITO6/L3/2005 2938 S FRONTAGE RD W VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT WAMECHA ENTERPRTSES, rNC. 06/13/2005 PO BOX 1384 VAIL co 81657 Prcject Address: Location: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN TENNIS COURTS-2883 KI Legal Description: Lot: Block 4 Subdivision: VAIL INTERMT. SWIM-TENNI Parcel Number: 2103-143-1501-2 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: KJESBO Action: APPROVED Second By: VIELE Vote: 7-0 DateofApproval: 07112/2005 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0007320 This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant submitting, to the Town of Vail, the written approval of this proposal by the Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 Variance Application for Review bY tmn JUN 13 2005 Planning and Environmental CommisslOn Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fa* 970.479'2452 web: www.vailgw.com General Information: All pojrects requiring Planning and Environmental Commisslon review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permlt application. it&se refer to the submittal requiremen$ for.the particular-approral that's.requested' An application for Planning anJ Enultnt.ntal Commission rerriew cannot be aaepted unul all required informauon is received by the Community-OEu.fopt.niO"p.rtt"nt. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board' Type of Application and Feel $6s0-t{ff $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 <trsog) $200 tr D E tr D tr tr tr Rezoning \r Malor $bdMSon Minor SubdMsion Exemption Plat Minor Amendment to an SDD New Special Development District MaJor Amendment to an SDD Major Amendment to an SDD tr Conditional Use Permit t sitffid;icatlurttr Minor Exterior AlteraUon tr Major Exterior Alterationtr Development Plan tr Amendment to a DeveloPment Plan tr Zoning Code Amendment E Variancetr Slgn variance $1300 $1s00 $6s0 $6s0 $1000 $5000 $6000 $12s0 { fTl cto ':1,8 lrl -.- (no antaior of the Location ofthe ProPosal: Lot: Physical Addrcss:L9li - tCo-'lt"A Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signaturc(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Addrcss: E-mail Addrcss: Page I of 6-04128104 *t*+*++*+,i1,*,t***********t*+**+*********{'*{'**+****t****f**+*****f*******i.'t *r.{.1.{.++*'r********r}rt TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staternent **'}lf,*++++++tt****f*****l******++++*+1++'i+++*t*a******l********1.***f***************{.t+1.+*l*t Statement Number: RO5OOOOS24 Amount: S50O.OO 06/L3/2OO5O3:48 PM Payment Method: Check WARZECHA fnit: ,JS Notation: 1455/THoMAs Permit No: Parcel No: Sit.e Addreaa : Location: This Payment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code P\r 00100003112500 P8C050051 Tlt)e: PEC - variance 2103-143-1501-2 +'|*****'lt********** * * * * * *+ + ** t * * *** t****+***t*+************t***'t+++t**** * * * * * * ** + + + + * + * * * * ** VAII, IT{FERMOI'NTAI N $s00.00 Descripcion TEIINIS COURTS-2883 KI Total Fees: ToEal ALL Pmts: Balance r $s00.00 $s00.00 $0.00 Current Pmts s00.00PEC APPIJICATION FEES June 14,2005 List of adjacent property owners: l. Chuck Ogilby 2983 s Frontage rd. Vail , Co 81658 2.Dave Martin 532Madison St.Denver, Co 80206 q. (Lodges At Timber Creek)3.'-CirrLlg.4 . '4- /rtr4/1 4no. /272 f Vat{ /2. €U{, ^hr"t t ln/" flot tt/c/'2442 'f,--L- /'4 Dn /n',* /7 r/^;/, C gft b- THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on July 11, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to existing property lines; and a request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6D- 5, Lot Area and Site Dimensions and Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow building within the setback, located at 1772,1778,1788 Alpine Drive/Lots 10, 11,12,Varl Village West Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Dantas BuildersPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat ReMew Procedures, Vail Town Code, to amend the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area, located at 3967 Lupine Drive/Lot 18, Block 1, Bighom Subdivision Addition 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: William and Jan BurrowPlanner: Wanen Campbell A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-13-4, Requirements by Employee Housing Unit (EHU) Type, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for additional Gross Residential Floor Area, located at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Chuck OgilbyPlanner: BillGibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to aftend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published June 24, 2005, in the Vail Daily. x.v Idtll,2gl5 Ir,ft.Htr(fu TorndYd755.EneeM vail,S8ffSil B€ Cb*q;iltEHfHopent DcatEtl&m: As ffi d&hrc .**i*r * Ts&cr c.,.r. t-tFr rk tc drisdst e-idT Hrfihth rdfrt- r r.- f'-i rir.te qr..{ra*lirlF- gr+qDyF-t rdH (bcrlcf,di{ tuarmsreecroefu bddryrt drmrUlG crr.rofFnicti* fddl-o...gERo.4 Afuql= & r b_qr != q*gist c*.Frltn o bll+ * Iwtd[ke bbcEq -ddq fttu;.-l.;d -eCg"r-g-ri;tuUagqnc- It-cd bbc*ruifphry gfu qfg & *on- rcabcrd-?l!-tl?-31{& si1*r' /lo*,t/-a,*Dsrilc.htohtsiH-hddltras Tffier(Hr-.!.sAOA erar.CrypsF*-rlr&& *WI --r-lhDhi. Z/J TAcrH IliG, Cl6vl,oottattu.r4tr{llr.Tfr)Fc lqn17t1-7Yl!, Hyr,fr TondV{IIip&rirHTolrdY{fhn-..rlH6 Dcr TrHdlabtdfHaq ArrH' -Jft--tflbbtErf*G.Ircplaigornbad -lb--tfrdlcdprdrb*rt SA.edI-Li*d Sd trcrdhi bt'- Ibhird t L rHQ.", & &rc19, * jblcE. d ib r* b c b *- f i -.t-rdrtdt-brfrtr-t5rfff pqiCftcrdtd- --4--dt* ra e Q{&*- Hm, = afui rrr 14- -tb -rLp -qr a- *acd ltb &dF. (Ltad b moqidbb-rEF. Flrvv-'^n Mgg^ Bo{d r+ fb I !r.F -fdcr Olck ThelxepsdTimbsCr€ek t ,,'I stt"u/ '{rt'l, {.} 4'o $ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development il. July 1 1, 2005 A request for final review of a variance from Section 12-13-4, Requirements by Employee Housing Unit (EHU) Type, Vail Town Code; to allow for a Gross Residential Floor Area garage credit, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, Vail Town Code, located at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums; and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0051) Applicant Chuck OgilbyPlanner: Bill Gibson SUMMARY The applicant, Chuck Ogilby, is requesting a variance from Section 12-13-4, Requirements by Employee Housing Unit (EHU) Type, Vail Town Code; to allow for a Gross Residential Floor Area garage credit, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Variances, Vail Town Code, located at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road (i.e. tennis court site at the corner of Kinnikinnick Road and South Frontage Road). Based uoon Staffs review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of the requested variance subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST On May 23, 2005, the applicant, Chuck Ogilby, received Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a conditional use permit and a GRFA garage credit variance to allow the construction of a Type lll EHU residence at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road (i.e. tennis court site at the corner of Kinnikinnick Road and South Frontage Road). The approved residence is a two-bedroom, two-story (plus basement level two-car garage), single- family format structure. The structure is a log-cabin design consistent with the architectural design and details of the adjacent log-cabin style Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums. Since May 23, 2005, the applicant has modified the proposed EHU design. The applicant is now requesting to fully excavate a previously approved crawlspace on the basement level of the structure. The approved crawlspace is located below the first floor kitchen at the rear of the approved garage. By excavating this crawlspace and creating a full head height space, the applicant is now requesting to add 88 sq. ft. of additional area to the previously approved garage. ilt. A vicinity map (Attachment A), the applicant's request (Attachment B), and architectural plans (Attachment C) have been attached for reference. BACKGROUND On May 23, 2005, the applicant, Chuck Ogilby, received Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a conditional use permit and a GRFA garage credit variance to allow for the construction of a Type lll EHU residence at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road (i.e. tennis court site at the comer of Kinnikinnick Road and Souih Frontage Road). The approved residence is a two-bedroom, two-story (plus basement level two-car garage), single-family format structure. The structure is a log-cabin design consistent with the architectural design and details of the adjacent log-cabin style Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums. On June 1, 2005, the Design Review Board proposed EHU design. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES approved, with conditions, the previously Order of Review: Generally, conditional use permit and variance applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission, and then any accompanlng design review application will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. Planning and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a variance application, in accordance with Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code. Design Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority over a variance application. However, the Design Review Board is responsible for the final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of any accompanying design review application. Town Council: The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination, or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. Staff: The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submitted application materials for completeness and general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the Town Code. Staff also provides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regard to the criteria and findings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. tv. v.APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Gode ARTICLE 12-6E: RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER (RC) DISTRICT (in part) 12-6E-1: PURPOSE: The residential cluster district is intended to provide slfes for single-family, two- family, and muftiple-family dwellings at a density not exceeding six (6) dwelling units per acre, together with such public facilities as may appropriately be located in the same distnct The residential cluster district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with residential occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. CHAPTER 12-13, EMPLOYEE HOUSING: (in part) 12-13-1: PURPOSE: The Town's economy is largely tourist based and the health of this economy is premised on exemplary service for Vail's guests. Vail's ability to provide such seruice is dependent upon a strong, high quality and consistently available work force. To achieve such a work force, the community must work to provide qualrty living and worl<ing conditions. Availability and affordability of housing plays a critical role in creating quality living and working conditions for the community's work force. The Town recognizes a permanent, year-round population plays an important rcle in sustaining a healthy, viable community. Further, the Town recognizes its role in conjunction with the private sector in ensuring housing is available. The Town Council may pursue additional incentives administratively to encourage the development of employee housing units. These incentives may include, but are not limited to, cash vouchers, fee waivers, tax abatement and in- kind seruices to owners and creators of employee housing units. The Town or the Town's designee may maintain a registry and create /isfs of all deed restricted housing units created in the Town to assisf employers and those seeking housing. s _E.$* 8{ a a<oir-:FS.s .i E: ; .-E* F$s€F.s;. +ESFFSS FSS :FsF tlS tFF €s$i Esi FsS SEE$ bo n< :egi as* Sxsi $E$t eN6\ Iur$ $sEs i s ig .=R-t -li i$tF :*€r .E * !'*.t $r!€B .::- i 5=. ss .N'olags{isf' *E $ g.$5aa<; \ l.S :-{ .F : T'gE'i so'\ei sls* sii,ssi,Issss,{ssI :\r.l S= s Ga.s oa t s O).s a4 I{ o)o e3 IJJ\a lt) q) g).= c)av \.I(i.) t\ cir\\ .9 ()oq VI. ZONING ANALYSIS Address: 2883 Kinnikinnick Road Legal Description: Exception to Phase ll, Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis ClubZoning: Residenlial Cluster (RC) District Land Use Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Current Land Use: tennis court Devefopment Site Size: 5.116 acres (222,849 sq.ft.) EHU Site Size: 0.274 acres (1 1 ,935 sq.ft.) Buildable Development Site: 3.817 acres (166,277 sq.ft.)Hazards: 100-year Gore Creek Floodplain Total Site Standards Allowed/Required Previouslv ADoroved Prooosed Dwelling Density (max): 20 units' 22 units no change EHU Densily (max): unlimited 5 units('t new) no change Density, GRFA (max): 45,169 sq.ft.** 38,469 sq.ft.*** no change Site Coverage (max): 57,712sq!ft.'*(35o/o) 25,300 sq.ft.(15%) no change Landscape Area (min): 133,709 sq.ft..(60%) 142,634 sq.ft. (64%) no change EHU Standards Allowed/Reouired Previouslv Approved Prooosed Setbacks (min): Front: z0fl. 92ft. no changeSide: 15 ft. 22ft. no changeSide: 15 ft. nla nla Rear: 15 ft. nla nla Building Height (max): 33 ft. 33 ft. no change EHU size (max): 1 ,200 sq.ft. 1,200 sq.ft.plus 1 ,200 sq. ft. plus 775 sq.ft. garage 873 sq.ft. garage Parking (min): 2 spaces 4 spaces (2 enclosed) no change *Allowed per Residential Cluster District*Allowed per Annexation Agreement Rezoning*. GRFA calculation methods prior to Ordinance 14,2004 Note: The above llsted calculations are based upon the original development plan approvals and survey data. An April 2005 survey calculates the development site size as22O,414 sq.fi. VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Current Land Uses ZoninqNorth: South Frontage Road/l-7O UnzonedSouth: Multiple-family residential Residential Cluster District East: Multiple-family residential Residential Cluster DistrictWest: Multiple-family residential Residential Cluster District VIII. REVIEW CRITERIA The Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to a variance application: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Since the proposed 88 sq. ft. of additional garage area will be created by fully excavating a previously approved crawlspace, staff believes this request is consistent with the previously approved proposal. Staff does not believe that this request will negatively affect the existing and potential uses and structures in the vicinity, in comparison to the previous approval. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. The Vail Town Code generally encourages, and occasionally requires, the construction of garages and similar storage areas for "dwelling units" and other types of EHUs. However, Staff does not believe the provisions of Section 12-13-4, Vail Town Code, contemplate the construction a Type lll EHU with an attached garage. Therefore, Staff believes the applicant is requesting a variance to the degree necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity and to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege due to the unique detached, single-family dwelling format of the proposed Type lll EHU (i.e. rather than the typicaldormitory or multiple-family dwelling formats). Staff also believes the original Eagle County development plan approvals and the subsequent annexation agreements with the Town of Vail have created unique circumstance related to the configuration of this EHU site and its associated development rights. Since the proposed 88 sq. ft. of additional garage area will be created by fully excavating a previously approved crawlspace, staff believes this request is consistent with the previously approved proposal. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe this proposal will have a significant impact on the public health, safety or welfare, public facilities, utilities, or light and air. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. ]X. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a variance from Section 12-13-4, Requirements by Employee Housing Unit (EHU) Type, Vail Town Code, to allow for a Gross Residential Floor Area garage credit, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, located at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums, and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Envircnmental Commission approves the applicant's request for a variance from Section 12-174, Requirements by Employee Housing Unit (EHU) Type, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a Gross Residential Floor Area garage credit, located at 2883 Kinnikinnick Road/Exception to Phase ll, Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums, and setting forth details in regard thereto; subiect to the following condition: 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant submitting, to the Town of Vail, the written approval of this proposal by the Vail lntermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominiums and the Lodges at Timber Creek Condominiums." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. The granting of this vaiance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Residential Cluster (RC) District. 2. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. This variance is warranted for the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the Residential Cluster (RC) DistricL c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would depive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the Residential Cluster (RC) District." ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Request C. Architectural Plans D. Public Notice :p$"ts SF\$ F€ E$ P € .s_\)t r+ : o -t\(\ l\ July I l, 2005 Mr. Bill Gibson Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Chuck Olgilby EHU development Dear Bill Gibson: As President of the Homeowners Association at Timber Creek Lodges, please be advised that the existing Board of Directors have no objections to the most recent variance request made by Mr. Chuck Olgilby regarding an additional Gross Residential Floor Area garage credit for the development of an EHU at the corner of Kinnickinnik Rd and Frontage Road. Although we do not forsee any issues regarding this modification to the plan, we would like to be kept informed of any further conceptual or design changes made to the development. Please feel free to contact me ifyou have any questions regarding the above. I can be reached at 7 20 -932 -81 48. Sincerely, f,^*/ile David C. Martin President - Board of Directors Timber Creek Lodges HOA cc: Mr, George Sink - via telefax at 970-476-4027 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of C.ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te| 970.479.2139 fax: 970.47 9.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us DRB Numben DR8050175Project Name: OGILIBY - TENNIS COURT REMOVAL Project Description: REMOVAL OF EXISTING TENNIS COURT Participants: owNER OGILBY,T. CHARLES&MEREDTT04/2712005 2938 S FRONTAGE RD W VAIL co 81657 APPUQqNT WAMECHA ENTERPRISES, rNC. O4l 27 I 2005 PO BOX 1384 VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddress: Location: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN TENNIS COURTS-2883 S. Legal Description: Lotl Block: 4 Subdivision: VAIL INTERMT. SWIM-TENNI Parcel Number: 2103-143-1501-2 Comments: Motion By: Second'By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz 04127 12005 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007072 Prior to construction, the applicant must receive Town of Vail Public Works Department approval of a Public Way Permit. Cond: CON0007073 Wthin the Gore Creek flood plain (sou$t east corner of the tennis court), after the asphalt has been removed the applhant shall backfill the cut to match o<isting grade. No vegetafn shall be remo/ed wlthin the flood plain. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fceg.ld: 320.00., ,& " Minor Exterior Alterationsrrc APPlication for Design Review ffi Department of community Development I0l44v DI yA*fffi " T5i;:lB:!'1""'i.X1'bffi"i3liollu" web: www.vailgov.com . i, General Information: All projecb requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Revie$/ cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Do/elopment Department. The project may also need to be revierved by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review apprcval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. ./ Location of the Propoel: Lot: L/ Bbck: Physical Address: Parcel No.: LP?t4 JtS Ot Z-(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) i5 w o. Qvlo .- { "t C t ""rrtrt"""r"r. Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:F,a. ./ Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition . Minor Alteration (m ulti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr tr $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of tobl sign area. No Fee $650 Construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild, $300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window 'addiUons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee *****f**++++*********+ft:*t+t****l**********+*****+*l'*++++++{'+*++++*+ft***************t****'t+ TOWNOFVAIL COIORADO Statement +*t+'t*+******tt*f*++****l****r++*+++++**+***t|*******l***+********+***+****'i't***f+***++++**++ Statement Number: R050000493 Amount,: $20.00 04/27/2OOSL1 :31 Atrt Payment Method: Cash Init: iIS Notation: $/v{ARzEcIIA ENT. Permit No: DRB05O1?5 qrpe: DRB-Minor A1t, SFR/DuP Parcel No: 2lO3 -7-43 -L501,-2Site Address : Locatj.on: VAIII INTERITIOI,NTAIN TENNIS COITRTS-2883 S. Total Fees: $20.00This Payment: $20.00 Tota1 ALL Pmts: $20.00Balance: 50.00 ACCOUNT ITEM UST: Account Code DescriDt,ion DR OO1OOOO3IT22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20.00