HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 GARFINKEL'S LEGALpri~<ed by Mike Moll ica 3/2 4/98 8 :56am ~r om :Re ed Ona te T o : D avid Rhoade s,Mike Mo l lica,T orn Mo orhead S u bj ec t:G ar fink e l's S igns ===N OTE===============3/20/98 =11 :42 am== Th is e-mail is in r e fe r e nce t o the previous e -mail corre s ponden ce between T orn M .,Mike M .,an d Dave R hoade s, concerninga c omp la in t by Bob Preston , owner o f Unit 306 a t Lionshead Center. Mike had cal led the manager at Garfinkel's ,(Stuart)o n3 /12 /98,to questi on him about the sign on the west facade e n ti tled II Gar finkel 's Ba r.II The m a nag er to ldM ik e t hata previous s ign i n that l oca tion had been stolen,an d the new one simp ly r e pla ced the o ld. Aft er a site vi sit to G arfinkel 's o n 3/2 0,a rev iew o f T OV c odes ,and a review o f the L i on shead Center sign f ile (wh ich i nc l udesa sign program developed f o r the c en tre and a previous G ar fink el DRB a p proval)I have c oncluded that Garfinke l 's signs ar e in c ompl iance and does not warrant any s ign enforcement . Mike ,I l eftt he L ionshe ad C enter f ile in y o ur o ff ice it y ou wi sh to r ev ie w i t. Page:1 .,-' I I tj 'I II ---7,, , i I I 1 I \ •I,. I •\ 7(\ j' ~~~tnl)ll (>0 C\vJIJli'1 ~ r-"-v Z 'j;,';j__1/ \--® !()o /\I ~-\@'l e ~l------' 1_-vu_~ 7[,"I I I I-t ..-- Sheet1 Garfinkel's Signage Analysis Allowed Existing ILionshead CentreSign (1sq.f1 .per 51t)Program (approx.sq.It) MainEntrance 2.6 10.1 10.7 SideEntrance(Stairs)5 10.1 8.5 - TwoapprovedDisplayBoxes.------ Page1 printed b y Davi d Rhoades 3/11/98 7 :39am I~~~;-;~~-~~~~~~~~---------------------To: Subject :fw d:Garfink le'sNe w sign Mike Mol l ica ===NOT E===============3/0 9/9 8==5 :2 0pm== I r ece i vedac o mplaint from Bob Preston,o wner of un it 3 06L ionshead Cent er regarding a3 'x4's ign which has r ecently appeared on th e west s i de of the bu ilding_Mr .Preston po ints ou t that Mitchd id n ot r eceive t her equired approval o f the association.Did he , Mr .Pres ton queries ,r e ce ive the requ ired Town approval .Please l etme know ,if you know.If not,t hen I wil l a ss ist with any necess a ry e n forcement measures.Thanks neighborhoodwatchg roupsa resoaffect ive Fwd=hy:=M ike=Moll ica==3 /10/98==5 :S 3pm== Fwd t o:Dav id Rhoades CC:Tom Moorhead Dave ,would you be wil ling to with th is apparent violat ion? met with the p lann ers ,and we app roved any new s ignage fo r Gar f ink le 's .Your a ssis tance great ly a p preciat ed! assis t I ha ve have not wou ld be ~S~"'17b-~")rt i)&~0-~:t4 ~'/~-\ ~t~A~ ~~,I-/-,{.~ k~~r(' Page :1 Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Date --++-I--L..L.....!.....-'--------------- G2 Ct !~I.I~f 1-(L OI.!A<A.-'-by L ,d),>1 H ".J.(Lrl k q ~/j ~.""tf)I J M e rt ,A 6.... Category Number -'---_ ProjectName:--_....l-...:.LL!-"'----,'-'-""---'---'~'"'__---L..l~===___J.ULi"_---------------- BuildingName:-------'---t-~--"-~"'-""'-----____'~::.<..!_L..:::_ Project Description:~::.Lll___"'~=C!.:....>"----~{¥j..C~""'-'----"'--"-''------'-'C£!.L--'-'-'-~=-''''-----=::....!:!~+-- Owner,Address andPhone :__--'--''-'----'-''':....:.>-_--'-'---=----'--'-'-'-L.....!.->-_ Architect/Contact,Address andPhone :.s;,r/-a r err ..skI.)q ,7- h (lr ,1",J1-c.4..5'3.Is {...J.L,e'>V--L..•c,j &lJ-CI tJ Q .( l1{p.o.Je.-C1~ 0 0 f,/{-)"( LegalDescript ion:Lot __Block Subdivision ZoneDistrict (I C ~ ProjectStreetAddre ss :__-"'--""-=_----"-'~_.=:...£.!=_..t.=~~~:....:...::=_ Comments :_ Board/StaffAction Vote :<;..-0Motionby:&rb Secondedby:S ~_ t(Approval o Disapproval o Staff Approval (7) ,.),f-~ d<~1I S;r /t f .I .I '~>l /'11 sf ;Jrl dY ID, ey3/'r:~r1 r (. TownPlanner 10 ~t'd,~·J-~I"-'-.iI'L{,-==A"-'-=4"-------"-"-':.....------------------ oe»,/.-)(1(.s 4 6t.".If.....J rft,,,,i iTt /6 ....t!i -'<t-< ~/''>v "Ie...jJ C"'j<-J 7 Date :_DRBFee Pre-paid _ ~:~'~;~i~~+;~,-:i;" •"j '"l ~.···t.:·.,~ ,"~;..::..•...,. .'.,~.." ,c -:-=-'...,,,~, .~' .....I ','.' ."..",'_. .~,.,. ..."- '.:. .'. .' .~:; I ..)'- '.'.~. r evised12/9/93 APPLICATION 3-t..-95 .SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION (Please Print or Type)r NAME OF PROJECT GMT;'''k..d s Mf\R 2 1 99 :J OV COMM.DtV,DEP Q4(?t2 NAME OFPERSONSUBMITTING -::r;e I 5",c //I"'""",,"'"PHONE 47 b -"1 7,fJ 9 I / ADDRESS 5'3t.-W.h."D~~),e '9Q /Y7A J'{IA ,',(DI; NAME OF OWNER /J1;-kb &>tVribhl PHONE '-IZc,-37/7, ADDRESS :S?te !Al,J..../e>rdNAd'/J14/1 SIGNATURE OF OWNER _ LOCATIONOF PROJECT (addres s)5 ?~W ,L 16A :s n..,,",")dJA-I 1 Lot Block Filing DESCRI PTI ON OFPROJECT _----'-''"'''''''CL----'-''-'-''''UlL--C=:..=....::..&.o!'--_ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIREDFOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TOTHE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A.DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING(FREESTANDING,WALL, PROJECTING,ETC),INCLUDE SIGNMESSAGE.ReAr m Mu b,y\<u 1~~'5 I eM city ;,.'=<-"Hz<•.,.,~)t o<=:'h,,'/.e 11-/IL'Nrc cI It +I~-kP0 t a-J DUI' etl!tA-1c.e, B.SIGNOR AWNING MATERIAL 1.J09 1) C.SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN,SIZE OFLETTERING AND LOGO <£:::.25('>1_3_,,_,,_ If 'HEIGHTOFSIGN ABOVE GRADE _~_D. E.DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING ORPROPOSED)~D t-."qh-l-,,/ I F.LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) (ATTACH)CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL __~~~~__G . H.FEE:$20.00 PLUS $1.00 PER ~~:!E PAID &b,OO CHECK NO.~:..l REQUIRED MATERIALS SUBMITTED FOOTD~~ESIGN~\t~ WITH APPLICATION ~ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Site P lan Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available Sign Administrator .. 75 SouTh Frontage Road Vail,CoLorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303.-479-2452 May10,1994 Mr.Mitch Garfinkle Garfinkle,PalmerandGenerotti OneFinancialPlaza,Suite2112 FortLauderdale,FL33394 RE:Potentialsignareaat Garfinkle's Restaurant Dear Mitch; fflE COpy Department ofCommunity Development Aswe discussed onthetelephone,belowismy understanding ofthe potential signs allowed . at Garfinkle 's RestaurantintheLionshead Center Building.Section16.20 .090 1(2)oftheVail SignCodestatesthat: "In thecasewhereabusiness or organization locatedaboveor below street levelfrontsdirectlyontoanexteriorbalcony,deck,wa lkway or stairway whichis utilizedasthebusiness'ownentrance(and)for unrestricted public access and use,theallowablesiteareaforanysigntobelocatedatthat building levelshall bebasedupontheportionofthebusinessfrontagewhichabuts directly upon thebalcony,deck,walkwayorstairwaywithamaximumsizenottoexceedto 5 squarefeet." TheS ign .Code allows 1·squarefootofsignageforeach 5 frontlineal footage onthedeck.If youhaveatleast25squarefeetoffrontage ,youwouldbeallowedthe5 square feetof signage.Pleasenotethat t hemaximumareais 5 squarefeetandthatthesignwillneedto belocatedon thelevelofthebalconyandbe approved bytheDesign Review DesignBoard (DRB). This determination forasecondsignisbasedonthe understanding thatthesouthernside of your business constitutesasecondfrontage.Thiswas determined recently whenthe staff learned thattheTractC,immediatelysouthoftheLionshead Center Building ,was designated atthetimeoftheoriginalplattingfor pedestrian use.Pleasekeep inmindthatany proposed signmustconformtotheadoptedLionshead Center SignProgram.Examples ofsignsthat conformtothisprogramcanbeseenonthenorthsideofthe building,outside the recently expanded commercialshops. Mr.Garfinkle May10,1994 PageTwo Anothertopicthatwediscussedweredisplayboxes.Section16.20.020oftheVail Municipal Codestatesthat"onedisplay sign shallbepermittedperbusiness."Thesectionalso providesforanadditionaldisplaybox,ifabusinesshastwo consumer entranceson distinct separatepedestrianways.Ifthis isthecase ,aseconddisplayboxmaybeapprovedatthe discretionofthe ORB.PleaseseetheattachedsectionoftheSignCodetounderstandthe detailedstandardswhichapplytodisplayboxes . Pleasenote that there isadifferenceindetermin ing thenumberofsignsallowedfora businessanddeterminingthenumberofdisplay boxesallowedforabusiness.Inthe paragraphabove,thenumberofsignsis determined bythe number offrontages.Concerning display boxes,thenumberisdeterminedbasedonthenumberof consumer entranceson distinct separatepedestrianways.Ultimately,itwillbeadeterminationmadebythe ORB. Theexisting Garfink le's signlocatedonthesideofthebuilding att he baseofthestairwellwill . havetoberemoved immediately.IfitisnotdownbyMay13,1994,theTownstaffwillissue acitationwhichwillrequireyoutoappear incourt. PleasebeawarethatthereisnotafinalCertificateofOccupancyissuedforthe construction oftherestaurant.TheTemporaryCertificateofOccupancywillexpireonMay22,1994.The parkingfeeisoutstand ing atthistimeandmustbepaidiftheFinal Certificate of Occupancy is tobeissued.TheTemporaryCertificate of Occupancy willberevokedandwillnotbe renewed iftheparkingissueisnotresolved .PleasewriteachecktotheTownofVailforthe parkingfeeassessment intheamountof$7 ,906.85 immediatelyandsendittothe Community Development Department,Attention:AndyKnudtsen . Thank youforyourattention toallofthese issues.Ifyouhaveany questions aboutthem, pleasedonothesitatetocallme.Icanbereachedat303/479-2138. Sincerely , ~~~./< AndyKnudtsen Senior Planner t:r"-_:.--_.._..~..-~~.----~._.-_._-~--..-..--._......-_.._.. ~!I TO WNOF VAIL IRE CEIYr SO.!&S '7 ~~ I2/?LN~d:S ~~ D F.PART:'t I E~T OF CO)IMUNm'DE \"EL OP~l E ;\'T ..-; ;;;::;;~NAME --~C';''-.../(/3 ,,2L ,9~I~J\DDRESS &DATE ~f2lg/l2UPRnJF:CT ~~I CHEC KS MA DEPAYAB LE 'r o TOWNO F VAIL;,AC COUNT N O.ITEM N O.T AX COSTEA.TOTAL I':!H ':::0100 00 4 1540 ZO N INGAN DADDR ESS MAPS S5.00 * ~01000042415UNIFORM BUIL DINGCO DE $54.00 *~_.'ii'0 10000 42415 UNIFORM PLUM BING CO DE S39.00 *~ :0:-01 00004 2415 UN IFORM M ECHA NICAL CO DE $37 .00 *Irn ,i:--01 00 00 424 15 UNIFORM FIRECO DE $36 .00 *~ -:~01000042415NA TIO NALELECTRICALCO DE $37 .00 *~,-.,."01 0 0004 2415OTH ERCO DEBOOKS *~.. %01 00 004 1548 BLU E PRINTS (MY LA RS)S 7.00 * S 010000 42412 XE ROX CO PIES SO.25 •...0 10 000 4 2412 ST UDIES *f'"~0 1 0000 4 2412 TOV FEESCO MPUTER PROGRAM S5.00 •.., ~~010000 4 2371 P EN ALTYFEE S /RE-INSPECTIONS .;: @ 0 10000 413 32 PLANR EVIEWRE-CHECK FEE [S40 P ERH R.] "':~01 000042 332 OFFHO URS INS PECTIO N I'EES ~. "0 10000414 12 CONTR ACTO RS LICENSES FEES ;~:;,~.m III1IH1 4 141 .>SIGNAP PLIC A TIO N FEE $20 .00 t7<1)....~01 00 00 41'tf3 A DDITIONALSIG NAGE I'E E [S 1.00PER SQ .FT.] 0100004 2440 VTC A RTPROJECT DONAl ION ""~0100004 1331 PREPAIDDESIGN REVIEWBOA RDF EE - E 010000 4 2371INV ESTIGA TI ON F EE(BUILDING)- ~31 00004 51 10 TOV PARKI NGFUND ~ r#- 010000 2 2027 TO VNEWSPA PERDISPE NS ERFUND -*01000021112 T AX ABLE (a )4%(STATE)P4 ~*01 000041010 T AX ABL E (Ii!4 %(TO W :\)I:i 0 100004237 1B UILDING INVESTIGATION "'"I ';O THER ~:i r,i i;,- ~PI£c.;A PP LICATI UN "'I£I£S ~ 6 01 000041330 A DDIT IONALGRF A"250 "$200 .00 F.;o ~0 1000041330 CONDITI ONA L US E PERMIT $200 .00 ~ Fe 0 10000 4 1330 EX TERIOR ALTERATI ON[LE SSTHA N 100 SQ .H.]$200.00 ,;: Rj'01000041 330 EXTERIOR AL TERA TlO N [MO RE THA N 100 SQ .FT .l $500 .00 is ~010000 4 1330 S PECIA L D EVELOPMENT DISTR ICT IN EW l $1,500 .00 ;; "-=-0 10000 4 1330 S P ECIAL D EVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJO R A MEN Dl S I.OOO .OO ~ 1-'=010000 41330 S PECIALD EVELOPMENT DISTRICT !M INO R AM EN D]S200 .00 ;;; I j~0 1 000041330 SUBDIVISION ;4 m 010000 41330 VARIANCE 5 250 .00 :0: ~.010000 41330 ZO NINGCO DE AMENDMENTS 5250 .0 0 :f;0100 00413 30 RE -ZONING S200 .00 ~OTH ER ~OTH ER ~TOTAL:-xrr: ~ ~C O M M E~TS :------~~~---a..:; 4 / f: J CK .•I '11f(1 RF.c.BY :c:rIf s: ~CASH I J }l.0 I-Jr;v ... ·. 465 5..., RECEIPT-The Town o f Vail ~/-l/ RECENED FROM --'-;-____'_--'--__:;=-,..---.-_ ADDRESS "'-..z....:::_--:---:--'--....!-__--'-~_=_...:::.._____e:...~___e:...____'__ I , Police Rece l t Numbers _ //'I /')....'/JBy__--c'-.:..._-..:....::.c:..::....=--_HOW PAlD-Cas h __Check <??1 Permit Numbe rs _ ---_..------------------j l TOl..lt--1 OF I__-'R IL Miscellaneous Cash 14~08::24 Feceipt #170'321 ~c~ount H CK #;87 SqPFINKEL5SI SN ~FF FEE RmOlint.1,~ndered 20.00 Item paid Rmount paid THRt-·n<'-,-'OLI YOut-cashiet RERTHP • rAign ReviewAction FA, TOWN OF VAIL CategoryNumber ----,-•Date ~8 1 q'-'~""--_ ProjectName:(?().V{i nt-I"\~~=-----::-'..c...:::W~V1.o..:./-'-Y"l---'().."__7__--------------- Building Name:~(on ~t'rf ('ffiA.,f -e-..J I Project Description:r\i.A.AJ 0./.{;I {'\I V\ J Owner,AddressandPhoe:lM,'t Uk..-{'1\.()./{'(I ('\~e _~QJN I OJJ!.OJ 12\(p Cit _ Architect/Contact ,AddressandPhone:_ Legal Description :Lot Block_---,,-SUbdivision Ji D nsJ'\Pa rl Crv-f re... ProjectStreetAddress:r=£2 ;'}L/lon>d~t.vt1a.J.-e Zone District_ Motion by:_ Secondedby:_ o Approval Comments:_ -Board S~ff Acti ~ Vote:_ o Disapproval Date:_~~.:::...;----'=-..£-!-----!.....YL _DRBFee Pre -paid ---=1~~~~....!.._~=---- I ~APPLICAT~ .SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION LOCATION OF PROJECT ..l..(.!:!.a.!:!.dd~r~e=..:s~s~)L---==-=-__....!..:::..___..:...=....__.:........::..:_=:....____:....:.....;...:...::.. Lot ::>Block b Filing (Please Print o r Type) NAME OFPROJECT -='-'-'-'---'----=-_----:.....::.......::....:....:...----=:..:...:==.,,= NAME OF PERSON SUBMITTING ~\~---'=-~--'--_--"':'----:===--- ADDRESS -5:3 b c...).h\'D~.s\~ NAME OF OWNER ((\\\1....\t_....:....-----:...;..::--'--.-.......::...>.:....:....-.:..->---'----- ADDRESS :5'"3 to L-'•Llo"'~1<f-e>ti)2 SIGNATURE OF OWNER _--'.:::....~_r~.....:./t-l.1~)(\,..,2~~~_ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT _ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A.DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING,WALL, PROJECTING,ETC)r INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. Aw 'r-J %w\\..L ~D ro~~i~-a k A ~II ~I 7 'No ~sC{7f2-'0 .511N B.SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL I!vJ/;J~11-L~~ k UM Jv!t5 ,II Pit-G :0 b bev?;.i(....u .h C-c'~e1 ~uvJ ,jfK . r C.SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN,SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO /3 p,-frl,b/A S-Ff"II'-bif,}-wJt f7rl D.HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE ___ 7 (ATTACH)CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL __~~~~~___ LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) No E. F. G. H.FEE:~20.00 PLUS $1.00 PER SQUA ~E FOOT OF SIGN AREA. PAID CHECK NO.13f?!::J DATE _ REQUIRED MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1.Site Plan 2.Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building 3.photographs showing proposed location · 4 .Colored sca le drawing . 5.Sample of proposed materials 6.photograph of sign if available Sign Administrator TO:SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted,the following information is required: 1.A completed sign/awning application (attached). 2.-A site plan showing the exact location where the sign is to be located. 3.A photograph if possible and building elevation showing the location of the proposed sign. 4.A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign, as follows: (a)Colored exactly as sign will be. (b)A list of materials to be used in sign (metal, wood,canvas,paint,etc.) (c)photograph of sign if available. (d)Specific lettering style and size. 5.If an awning is proposed,submit drawings showing exactly how and where the awning is attached to the building and how the awning is to be constructed. 6.Description of lighting that will be used in conjunction with the sign or awning.If proposing an awning,lighting is not allowed to shine through the entire awning which calls undue attention to the business.Lighting may spotlight only the actual sign lettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1.Check sign code -verify site,height etc. 2.Be specific.Vagueness on design,size,construction may delay the approval of your sign. 3.Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate ;reviewby any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of vail,the application fee shall be increased by $2UO.00.Examples of such review,may include,but are not limited'to:Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits,Army Corps of Engineers 404,etc. The applicant shall be respons ible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50%of the application fee.If,at the applicant's request,any matter is postppned for hearing,causing the matter to be re-published,then,the ;entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design,land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff.Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application,Community Development may hire an outside consultant,it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department.Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant,any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. A <.11\''''''"II I :('(JI .(11{1\J)()S II IJ ..INC '. 2049 Wadsw orUl Boulevard •Lakc\HJOlJ.Colorado 1l 0215·20.l2 •(:103 )232 -1612 •fAX (303)232 -0569 o PLAIN o GREEK KEY I ""--_--1<-__ o SPANISH ~J o OCEAN WAVE o P ARISENNE []F LAT BO TTOMEDPARISENNE '--,A ---'"-__~'-_-I PL EASE P LAC E AN "x"ON TIlE VAL ANCE OF YOUR CHOICE . B I ND ING COLOR :~/----------------- WH ITE GREEN /tG0 3 CHOCOL ATE GRm:N /16 10 DARK RED /1 646 BEIGE 1165 1 GRAY ..#6 54 CALIFOR NIA DLUE /lG 08 VANILLA #648 BI,ACK #602 J AVA BURGUNDY #620 BRON N #6 11 i::-- \d. , ',\1 .~ I, / /I / / / I I / / / \ t".\.,,,\. '\\\ \\.\ Cl , -<I"\ ~\ ~... I j. i 7"""-[ --} .... ..':'- ".. c , ':,.;.., ,.: "..;.\.',..::, ,.,'~,.,r \ ;..: ",., ••• TOWNOFVAILI'---:...::.......:.-.;:..:c.--:..:.=IRECEIPT :<0 •._ /'I DEPARDI£.'"OF CmL\lL-:>ny DE\"£!.OPM£.',.A~~-6..W--=S,,----_ I·e ~~~i~!'A.\rE \jkJ ~~DATE C I OJ {/~.I~-~.~IPR~CT .. CRECKS MADE PA\'ABLE TO TOWNOFvAIL 01 000042412 XEROXCOPIES '!". • • S5.00 • 55.00• S7.00• SO.25 • 554.00• 537.00• 536 .00 • S37.00• S39.00 • 520.00 I, ~010000 42412I STUDIES ;;'01000042412I TOVFEESCOMPUTER PROGRAM 010000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESSMAPS ~01000042371 PENALTYFEES I RE·INSPECTIONS 01000042415 OTIIERCODEBOOKS (,I 0000 42415 NATIONAL J:.LECTRICAL CODE 01000041548 BLUEPRINTS(MYLARS) 01000042415 UNIFOR.\HlRECODE 01000042415 UNIFORMPLUMBING CODE ""01000042415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE 010000 42415 Ul\'IFORM BUILDING CODE ~01 0000 42332 OFFHOURSINSPECTIONFEES ~010000 41413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGEFEE 151.00 PERSQ.FT.] ;;0VTCART PROJECT DONAT10N ~01000041413 SIGNAPPLICATIONFEE I!::01 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSESFEES I;;;01 0000 41332 PLANREVIEW RE·CHECK FEE [S40 PERHR.] .:;01000041331 PREPAIDDESIGNREVIEWBOARDFEE ~1'-01 ~,INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) ~31000045110 TOV PARKING FUND ..01 000022027 ITOVNEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND ';;::*01 OOllO 21112 TAXABLE (a,.L 57.(STATE) .~*01000041010 TAXABLE(ii;4.0i.(TOVlN) :¢:01000042371 BUILDING INVEST:r,IG~A~T';;IO<;'N4-------------j--+---+----1f-----Fi1'I ~uTHt.R • .-..~ LuJ TOTAL:•:.<l ,l'JV REe.BY' "'..:.'::~... "-..'.' S200.00 S200.00 S200.00 5500 .00 51,500.00 51,000.00 S200.00 S250.00 S250.00 S200.00 EXTERIOR ALTERATION [MORE THA}IIOO SQ .FT.1 PEe APPLICATIO:"FEES EXTERIOR ALTERATION[LESSTHAN 100 SO.FT .] VARIANCE ADDITIONALGRFA "250" ZONINGCODE AMENDMENTS R E·ZONING OTHER SUBDIVISION OTHER SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT fMINOR AMEND] SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT f1\WOR AMEND] CONDITIONAL USE PER.\lIT SPECIAL DE\'t.LOP~lENT DISTRICT ,NEWI 01 000041330 F-.01000041330 ~01000041330~0 1000041330 ~01000041330 ~01 OOUU 41.>30 01 000041330 is'01000041330 Iii;01000041330 COMMe..OS:=::...L.'--'-......I......l.-'..-'-!...-"=""'--=--__-J-.-=-:....'t-ffi -=~ ""01 000041330 1:=01 00004 I330 ~CASHI ICK'L(~IH.OLJ •• -------------------- TOl..IN OF ....J.=I I L Miscellaneous Cash ~35 -(19 -96 Reee i p 1.*I 2(1(1(11 7 Hccount.*I CK *I 1385 G!=iRF I NKELS',PF:EPH ID [)RBFEE Hmount.t.endered :> 12:53:06 Item paid Change ret.urned :> Rmount paid 20.00 0.00 TH~NK YOU Your c ashier HEIDI