HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 TRACT D VAIL ASSOCIATES SKI LOCKERS IN LIONSHEAD LEGAL(}I/tJOC/C,--"*S Jr /Oe-c., -r/1 L I ()//J /;C'c;d --- ...•• FILE C py 11.A request foranappealofasta ff denialoftheoutdoorskistorage ,located adjacent to the Gondola BuildingfTract 0 ,VailLionshead1stFiling. Appellant: Plan ner : VailAssociates,Inc.,represented by JoeMacy LaurenWaterto n An n Bishopstatedshehada conversation withJimMandelwhosaidshewasbiased against V a.i1 Associates .ShesaidshewasnotbiasedagainstVa il Associates ,butthatshewas c oncernedthatthestru cture was constructed onthesitewithoutTOVapproval.Shesaid it was not inher purview tolookoutforthelittleguyandsheapologizedtoMr.Man del. Plann ing and E nviro nm ental C ommission Minutes Ap ril 14,1997 1 4 • LaurenWatertongaveanoverviewofthestaf f memo. • GregAmsdenaskediftheapplicanthadanythingtoadd . JimMandel.fromVailAssociates,askedwhyshouldVAbeallowedtohaveabovegroundski storage because theUSFSpermitsitinGoldPeak ,buttheCC1doesn't.Hesaidskistorage shouldbeallowedinaskitown.HesaidVAwouldsupportachangetothe Ordinances because the philosophy encouragedskistorage.Hesaidit'seasiertoridethebuswhenskisareinTown. HesaidVailhad1400skistoragespots ,with70%ofskisstored overnight wererentalsfromVA. HeapologizedfortheGoldenPeakissue,astherewaspressuretogetthingsdone.HesaidVA wouldmakeastructurewewouldallbeproudof.Hesaidhewishedtherewasabetterplace. HesaidVAhadtheabilitytoappealtoCouncilifhalfofthePECwanteditontherightandhalf ontheleft.VAwouldthenjumptothenextprocess .HesaidVAdidnotgetapprovalforthe racksandlocksinLionshead,sincepeople didn't thinkofitasa structure .Hefelta temporary typeof structure shouldbe dealt withorencouraged,asitwas consistent withaskitown.He saidthiswasnotaneconomicissue;thatLionsheadwasalegalissue;notan aesthetic issue. Hesaidtheywouldliketohavetherequestgranted ,tooverturnstaff'sdenialandbeableto comeinto compliance andremoveanyoffendingstructures.Hesaidin1987Lionsheadand GoldenPeakgotTownapprovalfor10wirerackstobeinstalled .Hesaidin1989 basement storagewaspassedforCC2,sothiswas grandfathered in.Hesaidin 1995/96,wirerackswere replacedwithskibarnsholding49skisorsnowboards .Jimsaiditwasarguableifitwasstill grandfathered,sincethebUildingwaschangedtomakeitmoreattractivethanthewireracks. Hesaiditheld14skiracksless ,butthatstaffdenieditbecauseitwasazoningissue .Jim MandelsaidVAwantedtherighttogototheORBandgobacktowireracks.Hesaidstaffsaid welostournonconformingusebecauseofthechangeinthestructure.Hefeltthereshouldbe aboveground structures andthatskistorageshouldbeconsideredwiththeLionshead redevelopment.Hesaidskishavetobewithinastructureandwirerackswerenota structure. Heaskedwhatwasbelowgradeandifbelowthemaingradewasbelowgrade .Hesaidthe storagewasalevelbelowtheGondolaBuilding .JimsaidVAwouldliketogototheORB.He askedifbelowgradecouldbewithinamainstructureandifweweresplittinghairsonthat.He saidto encourage higherretailuseabovegrade . MikeMollicasaidtheLionsheadrackswereapprovedinadifferentlocat ion thantheywerein today. •JoeMacysaidthiswentback10yearsanditlookedlikehalftherackswereinonelocationand t he otherhalfinanotherlocation,buttherackswereallputinonelocationatsomepointoftime. JohnSchofieldaskedJimif,regardingtheexist ing unitsinastructure,therewasabuilding pe rmitissuedforthatstructure. J im Mandelsaid,no. John Schofield askedJimifhewasfamiliar with theUBC. Ji m Ma ndel said ,no. Mik e Mollica saidthatin1989theTowndealtwiththeproposalofskistorageintheMillCreek C ourtBuildingandintheCC1andCC2districts,butthatthecodewassilentwithskistorage prior.Hesaidin1989itwasnotapproved.HesaiduseswereregulatedasdefinedintheCode. HesaidthatskistoragewasnotanexcitinguseandCouncildesignateditintothe basement levelonlyforthat particular use.Mikesaidwhatwasapprovedin1987mighthavebeena P lanningandEnvironmental Commission M inutes April14.1997 1 5 •• mistakeonstaf f's part ,asthecodewassilent in1987.Hesaidsk i storagemighthavebeen class ified asanaccessoryuse.Hesaid chang ing thewirerackstoastruc ture was questionable asto whether thenon -conforming statusshouldremain .Mike saidthatstaffsaidno,itisa changeofuse. JimMandelsaidhewasconcernedwith grandfathering andnotgoingbacktolookatwhat happened10yearsago .Hesaidtherackswereconsolidatedtoonesite ,butthatbothsites were approved withtheinitial application . GalenAaslandsa id rackswereoriginally infrontoftheChildren 's Ski SchoolandTrailsEndand thattheywereall bytherentalshopnow. J im MandelsaidwewouldliketogotoORBnow . GregAmsdenaskedforanypubliccommentsandtofocusonthezon ing. Tom Neyens agreedw ith theBoard,butrememberedtheracksbeingalotsmaller.Hesaidthey we re inbarnsnowand didn't lookgood.Hesaidtheyheld40skisinitially,not70 .Hesuggested movingtheselockers intothegameroomundertheoldGondola.Hesaidhe spent alotof moneytomeetcodeandthatPepi Gramshammer dugoutspacetoputtheskistoragebelow ground .Hesaid iftherestofushadtoputitbelowground,thensoshouldVA. GeneUseltonaskedTomMoorheadifchangingtheracksinvalidatedthe grandfathering. Tom Moorhead saidthatwaswhatthePEChadtodecide.Hesaidstaffhadsaidthiswasan expansion ofalegalnonconforminguse.The1987decisiondidn'tmatter. GregAmsdenstatedifthelocationwaschanged,youlosttherightforittobe grandfathered.He saidtheseracksweremovedandsotheylostthat grandfathered right.Hesaidtheuseshould beabandoned . JohnSchofieldaskedTomforadefinitionbecauseofanexpansion. TomMoorheadsaidSection18.64providedthatgreatersiteareashallbe deemed anew limitation . GalenAaslandsaidtheTowngoesbytheUBCandsomething different couldnotbe built onthe site . Tom Moorhead saidthissectionaddressedthe discontinuance issue. GeneUseltonaskediftheslotswerecounted. LaurenWate rton saidtheareawaslookedat,notthenumberofskisthatcouldbestored. G eneUseltonaskediftherackswereupgradedtobetterracks ,doesitkillthe grandfathering. T omMoorheadsaidthatwasforthePECtodetermine. Gene Useltonsaidtherewasa needfor this,but weneedtoseehowtodoitwithoutviolating the c ode. Pl ann ing and Environmenta l Commission M inutes A pril 14 ,1997 16 ..•• Tom Moorhead saidthe non-conforming usesection ofthecodesaidtheymaybe maintained or repairedwithnoincreaseinsite improvement,thenonconformancecan 't beincreasedor expanded . John Schofield saidtheycouldnotbe completely replaced. Susan Connelly saidthereasonbehindnonconforminguseswasthattheyweretobeeliminated overtime. John Schofield saidthatCouncilneededtoaddressthisissue.butthatheagreedwithJim. HesaidtherackswererightoutsidethedoorbytheChildren 's Center .Hesaidthe consolidation oftheracksintooneareaoracompletereplacementwasa substantial changein alteration and sohewouldhavetogoalongwiththestaffrecommendation.He encouraged VAtogowith competitors toget consistency. GalenAaslandsaiditwasgoodforguestsinTown.butheagreedwithJohn.HesaidtheUBC and Zoning Codeswereprettyclear.Hesaidthelocationwasproper,butwhatVAwasasking forwasnotallowed. AnnBishop abstained becauseshesaidshewasnotsuresheunderstoodtheissue. DianeGoldensaidtheLionsheadSurveyquestionna ire saidtoexpandstorageandweneedthis. ShesaidthePECjustdeniedundergroundparkingbecauseitwasachangeandthiswasthe sameastheskistorage.Shesaideventhoughitwasachangeforthebetter,we couldn't grandfather itin. GregAmsdensaidhesidedwiththerestoftheCommission.Hesaidit conflicted withthe current codeandhecouldn'tsupport it.Hesaidthiswasnota grandfathered scenarioandto upholdthestaff recommendation . GeneUseltonaskedabouttheskiracksthatheldthechildren 's skisrightinfrontof Garfinkel's deckthatwerenotlocked.Heaskediftheywerepartofthechargeofaskilessonandsaidthat theyweremovableracksthatweremovedinside. MikeMollicasaidthosewouldbeanaccessoryusetotheskischool. JimMandelaskedifskibarnscouldbeanaccessoryuse. John Schofield madeamotiontoupholdthestaff'sdenial. GeneUseltonsecondedthemotion. Themotionpassedbyavoteof5-0 -2 (AnnBishopabstainedandGregMoffetrecusedhimself) Planning and EnvirorunentalCommission Mi nut es Apr il 14,1997 17 • MEMORANDUM •ORIGINAL TO : FROM : DATE : SUBJECT: Planningand Environmental Commission Community Development Department April14,1997 Anappealofastaffdenialoftheoutdoorskistorage ,located adjacent tothe Gondola BuildingfTract D,VailLionshead1st Filing. Appellant: Planner : VailAssoc iates .Inc.,representedbyJoeMacy LaurenWaterton I.SUBJECTPROPERTY Theskistorageislocatedoutside theGondola Building ,at600 LionsheadMall ,Trac t D,Va il Lionshead1stFiling . II.STANDINGOF APPELLANT Staff believes the appellant h asstandingtofile anappea l inthis caseasthe appellant,Vail Associates,istheownerofthe property andoperatoroftheskistorage. III.BACKGROUND On February 10,1997,VailAssociates,Inc..submittedan application totheTownofVailfor DesignReviewBoardapprovaltoallowoutdoorskistoragenearthe Gondola Build ing in Lionshead.Uponreviewofthepermitteduseswithin Commercial CoreII,staff determined that outdoor skistorageisnotapermittedusewithinthiszone district.Accordingto Section 18 .06.020(B)PermittedUses ,anyuselistedis determined tobeanexclus ive useofthat district andanyusenotspec ifically permitted ,isproh ibited.In Commerc ial CoreII(CCII).zoningisalso differentiated according tolevelofbuilding .Ausepermittedwithin thefirstlevel ,is prohibited in otherlevels,unless specifically listedasapermittedor conditional useonotherlevels . Indoorand outdoor skistorageislistedasapermitteduseonlywithintheSki Base/Recreation zone district,and commercial skistorage islistedasapermittedusewithinthe basement levelof buildings intheCCIIzonedistrict.Staffdeniedthe applicant's request because the outdoor sk i storageusedoesnot comply withtheCCIIzoned istrict. IV.NATUREOFTHEAPPEAL T he appellant is appealing thestaff decision todenytheuseofskistorageinthislocation.The appellant has indicated tha t he believes theskiracksarealegalnon -conforming use ,andshould therefore ,beallowedtocontinue.OnOctober7,1987,Vail Associates receivedDesignRev iew Boardapprovalfor seasonal unstr uctured metalskiracksattheLionshead Gondola Building(see attached photo).In1989 ,the T ownapprovedaminor modification totheskiracks .In1996,the ~roW,\O F V.~ •• metalskirackswereremovedandreplacedwithplywoodsidedwoodshedswithskiracksinside (seeattachedphoto). In1987 ,staff determined thattheoutdoorskirackswereapermitteduse ,andarequestforski storagewasapprovedbytheDesignReviewBoard .Becausethese unstructured .metalracks arenotallowedunderthezoningregulationscurrentlyinplace ,thesesk i storagerackswere considered alegal nonconforming use.Section18.64.010 (Nonconforming Sites,Uses, Structures andSite Improvements),identifiesthe purpose ofthischapter: "isintendedtolimitthenumberandextentofnonconformingusesand structures by prohibiting orlimitingtheirenlargement,their reestablishment after abandonment,and theirrestorationaftersubstantialdestruction.Whilepermitting nonconforming uses, structures and improvements tocontinue,thischapterisintendedtolimit enlargement, alteration,restorationorreplacementwhichwouldincreasethe discrepancy between existingconditionsandthe development standards prescribedbythistitle ." The appellant hasstatedthathebelievesthattherackshavenotbeen substantially changed and therefore,remainsalegal ,nonconforming structure /use.Theoriginalapprovalin1987, permittedatotalof10metalskiracksneartheGondolaBuilding(seeattachedphoto).Currently, thereare14 sheds containing skistorage,closetotheGondolaBuilding .Staffdeniedthe request because itisstaff 's opinion thattheskistoragehasbeen substantially alteredand enlarged ,resultinginthelossofits nonconforming status. The appellant hasalsostatedthathebelievesthattheskistorage .asexisting,isbelowgrade, becausethefirstleveloftheGondolaBuilding is substantially belowgradeonthenorthside ,and portionsoftheeastandwestsides.Furthermore,theappellantstatesthattheskistorageracks arewithina structure.andaccordingly,permittedinCCII. Staff believes thatthesk i storage isclearlyoutsidetheGondolaBuilding,andtherefore,the gradearoundthebuildingisirrelevant.Furthermore ,shouldthisbeconsideredabuilding ,it ison thefirstfloorofthebuilding ,andskistorageisnotpermittedonfirstfloorofabuildinginCCII. Also,itshouldbenotedthatthesestructureswereallinstalledwithoutthe benefit ofstaff approvalorabuildingpermit. V.REQUIREDACTION Uphold/Overturn/Modify thestaff'sdenialoftherequestforapprovalof outdoor skistorage . ThePlanningand Environmental Commissionisrequiredtomakefindingsoffactin accordance withSection18.66.030(5)shownbelow: 5.Findings .ThePlann ing andEnvironmentalCommissionshallonallappeals makespecificfindingsoffactbaseddirectlyonthe particular evidence presented toit.Thesefindingsoffactmustsupport conclusions thatthe standards and conditions imposedbytherequirementsofthistitlehaveorhavenotbeenmet. VI.STAFFRECOMMENDATION Staff recommends thatthePlanningand Environmental Commission uphold the staff's denialof theoutdoorskistorageandrecommendsthatthePlanningand Environmental Commission makethefollowingfindings: 2 •• 1.ThatthestandardsandconditionsimposedbytherequirementsofTitle 18 (Zoning)havenotbeenmet. 2 .Thattheskistorageusehasbeensubstantiallyalteredandenlargedandisno longeralegalnonconforminguse. 3.Thatthe installationof thesestructures isinviolationofthezoningcode. F :\everyone\pec\memo\Skistore .4 14 3 ,, •I ,~\;\'v~1 0V\ez:W{()fjV -"1>e=C----~{/1'lq7- ~.-~~\cl LJt.e.,-tv SuY ~S,~cf DL'~ fJfo~y;vDwwd'·£tA'~1b~~~\O~o:f-e.-~~ (e~~-in C0C'lrrJ0 oydfrtt&e,.~-.p\d,CPOf~t'r \bY 0(I(,oU~<;,~~«A~ \t\t)O ~\z;\'""\Lflo 6-(v 'fUV\W0 "P'0hJ f11$0 f ohwr s~'*O<.~w.-~~, ~-h~I~)1'1'61 1::>$~"'-\,1tv ?tof?\1'"\\,.,iOf\'?Y-i~ ~tJ W1 \CHv -~g~S>loh:.l ~~ --be l~iho--t-As not (A...ehaYlJv l-VJ non wn(Oym ~ ~'?J:>t'so-~'fho-;/-It;;.irS tJ-.CMa'Yljt/Uv U0b· ~~,p Sl<zsttIH~~'Si-'votAJ£{~ ~\~wed r':j(DU~'-Haue"fltJh+-iv j~+0 b~ 2.-)4 ~~w\.Th~V\C\~ve."-~lMvcd ~cca:. I -k\ow ~oJe; I:~u~lCU:Lh~V)i~i::e-lOlAJ tJ~o.oI ,I!-..l ~M.ttcLr.-loc.e.k\oV\tit o-:..~J.\"V0t:-0 -{-z,l\t\t:JN-lOC£'.hovr~."i",~,So mv..,i:=<L m~__ (110M Me~-"?h:;v\M ilcl-'tt,~\.vJroJc.,~UrtY'lN\~v'.q;L'-PShU)l~ Ii 11u shade;>,--[hint'7 11ItJ IV:\vo lMqer \rOI <ttt\l~ I''-\1tl\--rCy}.Y\j'CvV'-id ~-r--rr.t~SD~VJN~e-l~.=blbiN~htU~-klbA>/!fo.M ~ !~-(~"teh ~*'"CC~L I 'S~\6 t0ctrrG";>.ft1c.oL>~VA I'~~hoV'l W cJJ\tJ-~~l<e\'Y\Q,M~'(l-lc.~-\71 C,N'\C\XO'\6 i ,~\q,ct'\oo(.CAf¥l~V1!'bJ'-y 'C\'-tc:x:-tth'D~ ':Go.\g,\A,..-f:t\D'trxwt--\<:J (!....,~avw.V\l~,0\i'b IDColtDttI.wh,d ~Lt( I ;~~~is Vlot (l.\\uweJ. !~.~~\r'l'~I dit"b-n+~\~~JV 0I\t \}Y'1Ae.yclz;.r-ck::-~\e.,.. I, • ,itX ~~_~~1Y\Ws ~t'6 MUt ,~i(V\;~'vA\{.-V -~\~-'I\-ok.CL I'--- i i ~itN 'ON\QA"J I ~'+5 w v~jV ,b r-5 A-,-c~.~[eJ0 'tD Uho\t~f CQ;\{/,c1'Ylnj/vYl I '\iXtchtm I LACA'Ul~CIA-~~fnI,~, .'G~-.(OG'vh 17"\~'ltWeV1~~~.~L-6--W<tJJw ~-- I'r«J hO'vl :~o h n?~110 \~~I(I(Y\£'i'I\-O l .~V'(\:l7e,1.t\V . !,VOt-&~6 -D -z.lAv\V\,GV'f.-jtv'-) II II ,I,I Ii i II II !I I1~ I ,! )I I, I,' I • Vail Associates,Inc. •...,..:. ~..MAR 1 4 1997 .....,...................................i·J'V ..',,'V"I'i1i,r ~~',",';,:t '"•..• \\"HI:II ....:...' HAND DELIVERED Ow nen dnd Oper.ltofl of V.all.B~.ave r (reekf'Resort .and AFfOWneiJd Mountam"'" Ms.Susan Connelly Director of Commun ity Development Town of Va il 75 S.Frontage Road West Vail ,CO 81657 March 14 ,1997 NOTICE OF APPEAL OF STAFF DENIAL 2126 /97 OF VAIL ASSOCIATES,INC. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION DATED 2110/97; DETERMINATION MADE FINAL 3/5/97 Dear Susan : Th isletter is sent in connection with sect ion Hof the staff action Appeals Form. DECISION BEING APPEALED On 2/26/97,Staff denied an application by Vail Associates ,Inc.for Design Review of ski storage facilities located on Vail Associates,Inc .property in Lionshead .The reasons are cited in a letter from Lauren Waterton dated 2/26/97.Un der section 18.66.030 of the Town of Vai l Municipal Code,such determ inat ion became final on 3/5/97. We respectfully disagree with the staff den ial of this app lication and appeal that decis ion to the Planning and Env ironmental Commission pursuant to sect ion 18 .66.030.B of the Town of Vail Munic ipal Code . REASON FOR APPEAL On October 7,1987 ,Vail Associates,Inc ,received Design Review Board approval for seasonal ski racks at the Lionshead Gondola Building and atother locations.Certain 1987 ORB docum ents are attached for reference and incorporated he rein .At that time ,zoning in CCI and CCII allowed the use in the above zone districts . Subsequently ,in 1989 ,the zoning was changed to allow for commercial ski storage only in the basement or garden leve ls with in a structure,The basement or garden level is that floor ofa building that is entirely or substantia lly below grade . lJi'WOllDALPlh! SIJ CIwl'ION SIlIPS hll lJUHICIlU PO Box 7'Vail,Colorado'8 1658.phone970 4765601 ..'.~ •• Please be aware that the Lionshead Gondo la Building has mult iple grade leve ls.In fact the level containing the existing sk i storage is entirely or substantially below grades on the east ,north and west sides of the building .Additiona lly,we contend that the existing ski storage racks are within a structure and ,therefo re ,are a permitted use under the cu rrent CCII zon ing . In the alternative,if the PEC disag rees with the above interpretation ,our position is that the existing ski storage isa legal non -conform ing use under Chapter 18.64 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code .The wintertime use of sk i racks on this site has continued each ski seas on since approved in 1987 .Further ,as itis unclear prec ise ly what area the sk i racks occupiedwhen the zon ing code was am ended in 1989 ,we cont end th at th e Staff has improperly and arb itrarily det erm ined th e cur re nt ski racks to have been enlarged. Regarding the zon ing change in 1989 which addressed commercial ski storage in CCI &CCII ,we obviously find this animportant matter and would have opposed any code change had we been aware ofitat the time .Ou ts ide sk i storage is common at sk i areas ,including Win ter Park ,Keystone ,Va il,Beaver Creek and Arrowhead ,to name a few examples . In summary,we bel ieve Staff is in erro r regarding its conclus ion that the Vai l Associates 'sk i storage facilities in Lionshead are in viola tion of the zoning co de as stated in letters to me dated 12130/96 and 2/26 /97 . Ple ase let me know when we can discuss th isappeal with the PEC . Sincerely , attac hments : (1)Appeals Form dated 3/14/97 (2)ORB approval dated 1017187 (3)ORB agenda form dated 10171 87 cc:Jim Mandel,Lauren Waterton ,Tom Moorhead ,Chris Ryman '">.J ,,• s kira cks approved In 198 7 .. existing ski storage l \~t;Wtt~[f)j\f(G &;1\~D #hoc 0110 LlOV\SlAcad Ctrcle: Wi \)[0 g/0Gi •••• 1ra+op!>CtMdo AChO C.. L[-l/JO E.ll D~~~C\d ur {l ~ Vtt\\)Co .~llf0{ LtOV\0V\ead krc1JJJ~ woe?N·f(I7vl+tt3-t RJ . \JO't 0 Co 0001 lDoqe [tt b01t101MJ 3?;tj E.Ltdv\s\t\~c<rele Veti l)Co.15l(f0l Lltivv;~~ar(;l.odq e)CDrferCV\lh ew.kr 0fpo'lv ,Lt(11!l0Vlratt FlaG{; VOl\)Co 0J!J07 •..• l \f~~QV\S(C01t\JD V\MV\i lit VV\~ G0S E.Lt0Vl0 ~oet Ct rc l~ VtAl\j Co 2\(007 MoV\i 0 tAlj1)f,(o~I \N ,LliJvls~oJ urc~ \fo'\~J CO c;A0C;, .LLA v0 Ma r ~Cowl D A!hDC (p l 0 \]V.LU5l;\s\t\Qad 100 l\ \10\\)[0.1)wr:.57 ...•• Vail Associates,Inc.......................................... f1~0t 'J\1tq\WH"C\ot Va'l'L6Y\Jo /1bt;oc. c(o peS11V\o+76Y\l2e ~Dr~-~ 5Lt-g 6.frrMt~~~Rd . VO II)Co CD1fY01 •• THISITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLICNOTICE NOTI CE IS HEREBY GIVENthatthePlanningandEnvironmental Commission oftheTownof Vail w i!:h olda public hea ring in accordance wit h Section 18.66.060 oftheMunicipalCodeofthe Town of Vailon April 14,1997,at 2:00P.M.intheTownofVailMun icipal Building .In consid e ra tion of : A request foramaj or exterior alteration inCC1,toallowforadeck enclosure attheA &0 Building,located at286Bridge Street/Lots A,B,&C,Block5A ,Vail Village1stFiling. Applicant: Planner: 286BridgeStreet,Inc.,representedbyCraigSnowdon Dominic Mauriello Arequ est fora variance from Section 18.54.050 J2a.c.ande,Design Guidelines,toallowfor lightfi xtures ata height of22',a luminous outputwhichexceedstheallowedma ximum andto allowforlightfixtures without cut-off shields,located at2211 North Frontage Road/Lot 1,Block A,Vaildas Schone 3rdFiling ,a resubdivision ofVaildasSchoneFirstFiling. Applicant: Planner : West VailLodge,represented byCharlotte Young/Brian Smith Tammie Williamson A request forafinalrev iew ofan amended proposalforthe establishment ofSpecial Development District #35,AustriaHaus,locatedat242EastMeadowDrive/onapartofTractC, Block 5-0,VailVillageFirstFiling. Applicant: Planner: Sonnenalp Properties,Inc.,representedbyGordonPierce George Ruther Arequestfora variance from Section 18.13.060 (Setbacks)toallowfora snowmeltboiler anda snow avalanche mitigation wallinthesouthsidesetback,locatedat2049 Sunburst Dr ive/Lot 1, VailValley4thFiling. Applicant: Planner : LandonandMaryHilliard,representedbyLarryEskwith George Ruther Vail Associates ,represented by Joe Macy Lauren Waterton ppellant: Planner: Arequestforanappealofastaffdenialoftheoutdoorskistorage ,located adjacent tothe Gondola BuildinglTract 0,Vail Lionshead 1stFiling. Arequestforanappealofanadmi nistrat ive decisionregardingSection 18.64.040 (Non - Conforming Uses),stating that private andpublic unstructured off-street parkingisa different landusethan private and public structured off-streetvehicleparking,andtherefore,anexisting legal non-conforming usemaynotbecontinued. Appellant: Planner: Pepi Gramshammer,represented byPierce,Segerberg&Associates . George Ruther •• Arequestfo r aminorsubdivisionoftheLodg e Towerpa rcel,locatedat200Va il Road /Lot A , Block 5-C,VailVillageFirst Filing. Appli cant: Planner : Lod ge Properties,Inc.,represented byJayPeter son Dom inicM auriello Ajointme eting w ith theDesign Review Boa rd tomake arecomm e ndation toCou ncil onthe prio ritization of"W ishList"itemsfor theLionshead Redevelop ment Master Plan . Appl icant: Planne r: TownofVail Susan Connelly Arequestfora minor exterio r alterationinCC1andarequestfo r as ite cove rage variance from Section18 .24.150,toa commercial sto refront andane xpansion tothe outdoor dining deck ,in t he RedLio n Building,located a t 304Bridge Stree t/Lots E,F,G,&H,Block5-A,Va il Village 1st Filing . Appl icant: Planne r: Landmark Comme rcial Development,representedby Morter Architects Tammie Williamson A request foran amendment tothe development plantoallowfor outdoor skistorage.located at 458Va il ValleyDrivelTract F ,VailVillage5thFilingandTractB,VailVillage7thFiling, commo nly referredtoasthe Gold en PeakSk i Base. Appl icant: Planner : VailAssoc iates,Inc. LaurenWater ton Arequestfora worksession todiscuss amajorexterior alterationinCC1 a ndaminor subdivision,toallowforthe construction ofaparkinggarage,9 accommodation units,1 condominium andnewretailofficespaceatthe Gasthof Gramshammer ,locatedat 231E .Gore Cree k Dr.lPart ofLotA,Block5B ,VailVillage1stFiling. Applica nt: Planner: Pep i Gramshammer,representedbyPierce,Segerberg ,&Associates George Ruther TABLED UNTILAPRIL 28,1997 Theapplicationsa ndinfor mation aboutthepropo sa lsareavai lable forpublic inspection duringregul ar o ffice hoursin t he projectplanner's off ice located at theTownofVailCommunity DevelopmentDep artment.75SouthFrontage Road. Signlanguage interpretation availableuponrequ estw ith24hour notification.Please call479-21 14 vo ice or 47 9-2356 TOOfor information. Com munityDevelopment Departm ent Published M arch 2 8,1997 inthe Va il Tr ail. MAR-II-87 1 4.34 FROM .TOV-CO..,EV-OEPT o 1 0.87 111 4782452•PAGE 1/2 APPEALS FORM REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OFA STAFF,DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION A.ACTIONn)EC~IONBENGAPPEALED 'Staff denial of DR B application by Vail Associates ,Inc .dated 2 /10 /97 for Lionshead Ski Storage f ac i.Li,t y . B.DATE OF AcnONIDEC~ION:2/26/9 70 Became final 3 /5/9 7. C .NAME OF BOARD OR PERSONRENDERING TIIE DECISIONrrAKING ACTION :Lauren Wa ter ton D.NAME OF APPELLANT(S):_'_J a_-...._'_l_A_S_S_O_,",_-_ia_-"-_,-_e_5_,_I_n_c_._ Va il ,CO 8 1658MAILINGADDRESS.....·--:;P....:.c.::O:....:.-=B;;;:o~x~7_.....;.;:..=.=...:...~;::......:..=..:..-:..-_ PHYSICAL ADDRESS IN VAlL:600 Wes t Lionshead Cr .PHONE:4 79-3012 .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF APPELLANT'S PROPERTY IN VAlL:Tra ct D,Va il L ion sh ead 1st Filing . " AffairsJoeMac Vai l E.SIGNATURE(S):~bLY:"":-----z;;#-~~~~~--------------- Page1 of 2 MAR-II-87 14,34 FROM'TOV-CO~EV-OEPT.1 0.8704782452•PAGE 2/2 F. G. H. 1. Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land?_Y_e_s___Ifyes,please providethe following information: are y ou an adjacent property awner?Yes __no ~ Ifno,givea detailed explanation of how you arean "aggrieved oradverselyaffected person.""Aggrieved or adversely affected person'means any person who will suffer an adverse effect toan inrertSt protected or furthered by this title .The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members ofthe community at large.butshall exceed in degree the gcnaal interest in commnnity good shared by all persons. Vail Assoc iates,In c .is th e propert y owner and operator of ski storage facilities in Lionshead adjacent t o th e Lio nshead Gondola Bu ildin g.T hese fac ilities were permitted by the Town of Vail on October 6 ,1987 .These facilitie s a re operated for the publ ic t o eliminate the need for skiers t o carry their skis ,.ttd Lodq i,n g These fac ilitiestothebuses,parKlng sr uc u res an . p rovidea popular guest service to Vail 's v i sitors .The public users of these facil ities wo uld be adversely impacted if the facilities were not made ava j lab le to them .I n addition to Vail Associates ,Inc.being aggr ieved and a dver sely affected , these p ublic u sers are "aggr ieved and adversely af fected persons ." Provide the names and addresses (both pelSOR'S mailingaddress and property's physical address iII Vail)ofall owners ofproperty which are the subject ofthe appeal and all adjacent property owners (including properties separated by a right-of-way,stream,or other-intervening barriers).Alsoprovide addressed and stamped envelopesfor each property owneronthelist... Staff h as prev iously been provided with the above l nformatlon . On separate sheets ofpapcr,specify the precise nature ofthe appeal.Please cite specific codesectionsbaving relevance to the action being appealed.. S~e:S &88hed letter which is incorporated herein . Page2of2 ~ign Review Action Fan TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Date 2--;2-~-1_5...1...-_ ProjectName:UOY¥J\\'(I,.1.,%%o..:I~ BuildingName:_ ProjectDescription:~\0,'c"h'!(l j".Qvu bbM !tV IL+e,.l Q U1§"c\e,1\--9 (---e>or\o\lh..- Owner ,Addressand Phone:----'-V --:A--'-_ Architect/Contact,Address and Phone :.\~MiUts ,\/111/A~...\"tL k c...=po -g,..:>"b '1 Vo.-J.; _-'-(=:J):....-s<lu..<:U--"'S=1.,_ LegalDescription :Lot ~Block ~SUbdivision .!,lD!''h11\l Nt I~Zone District ~r If' Project Street Address :(o DD LIO®hJad ~I _ Com ments:_ Board ::.staff Actio Vote:_Motionby:_ Secondedby:_ o Approval Disapproval (~') o StaffApproval Conditions:=t>e ()!eel h c a (.{e.,.,,/lc.,e ("ka .,101 TownPlanner Date:_~---'::.....!..!:----'-L......:'----_DRBFeePre-pa id *,"z..V .00 pj I A PPLICATION FOR DESIG N REV)EW APPROVAL •Ques tions ?Ca l.Plann ingS taff at 479-2 128 GENER AL INFOR,'vlATION Th is a pplication isfo r a ny project requ iring Design Re vie w a pproval,Any projectrequiring design reviewmu st receiveDesignReview appr oval prio r tosubmi tting for a building permit.For specifi c information.s ec the s ubm i ttal re qu irements for the particular a pprova l t hat is requested.T he a ppl ication canno t be accept e d unti l all th e required info rma tio niss ubmirtcd.Thepr oj ect may also needtobe rev iewedby t he Tow n Council an d/or thePlanni ng an d Env ironmcntal Commission.Dc si ~n R eview Boar d approval ex pires o ne ye ar a fterfin al appr oval u nless a hu ild inj;perm it is issued a nd constru ction is starred. A.DESCRIPTIONOF THEREQUEST :Ski storage fac i li ties a t r io n 6 head Go ndo la B 'li ldi o g 13.L OCt\T IONO FPROPOSAL:LOT :B L OCK 1FILlNG :T ract D ,Vail LH 1st F iling-='------ PHYSICAL ADD RESS:600 Lion shea d Mall C.ZON ING :--"C,.,C_IJ.....J..I _ NA M E OFOWN ER(S}:Vail A s soc i ate s T oc, MA ILING A DDRESS :P .O .Box 7 Vail ,CO 81658 '7 PHON E:4_7_9_-.::...3 .::...0.::,1.::,2 _ O WN ER (S)S I GNATU R I::(S):--:z:~Iii'-t·~-L./J2:..L.!,!l£':-~:::.-:::.-r..-I-/-------------- NAME OF APPLICANT :,Ioe Mt y Vail As s6ciates ,I n c. MAI LING t\DD RESS:P O B ox 7 Vail ,CO 81 658 PHON E:4 79 -3 012------------------- D . G T ype OF REV IEWAND FEE: o Ne wC onstruction -5 200 -0 Al ldilion -SSO U iv l inor Al t era tion-S20 o C onceptual Revi ew.SO Cons truction o f a new building. Incl udes an y addit ion where square footage is added to any residentialo r com mercia l build ing . Includes m inor c hanges to bu ildings ands ite improvements .such as . reroofin g.pai nting.window additions .landsc aping.fencesa nd reta ining wa lls.etc . Fo r any a pplication w herethe applicant wishes tomee t with Desig n Rev iew Board to determi ne whet her or not theproject generally co mplies w ithth e design gu idelines .The DRB does not vote on conceptual revie ws. DRSfeesarc to be pa id atthe time of submittal.Later.wh enapp lying for a building permit.please identi fy the accurate valuationoftheproject.T he T owno f Va il w illadjust thefee according to theproject valuation . PLEASESU BMIT THIS APPLIC A TIO N,ALL SUBMITT AL RE QUrREiV1ENTS A ND THE FEETO THE DEP ARTME NTO FCO MM UNIT Y DE VEL OP.YIE:'<T,75 SOUT H FRO NTAGE ROAD, VAIL ,COL ORADO 81 65i . ~t=//l~i:y ORBMeeting Date :::;.....-s:7'7 By:__---::...='---''--'--~_CK#:er 3;2."g' ';(·/0-9'7 For Offi ee Usc On ly:., FeePaid:1-..0 ApplicationDate : Updated)/97 . B UILDING MA TERIALS: Roof Siding Ot her WallMaterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim •LIST OF PROPOSED MA TERIALS TYPEQF MA T ERIAL: Plas ti c P an els T -lll Wood Wood Ivoo d • COLOR:- Blac k Tan Tan Tan Ta n Doors DoorTr im HandorDeckRails Flues Fla shingx Ch imn eys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses RetainingWalls Bar ns: gaJ:agc Wo od Co ncrete at tendan t bu i lding l y pe.wood o ff-w hite Ldll Ta n Ta n ExteriorLighting?"2 fl oor lig ht s -sma ll Not Col ore d Other Pod i um and a tt end an tb u ild ingT~~a~n~_ •Pleasespecify the manufacturer'scolo r.number and attac ha small c olor chi p ..All exteriorlighting must meett heT own's LightingOrdinance18.54.050(1 ).Ifexteriorlighting is proposed. please indicatethenumberof fixtures and locationson aseparatelighting plan.Identify eachfixture typeand provide the heightabovegrade,lumensoutput,luminousarea.a nd attach acutsheetof the lightingfixtures . 2 ~NO T APPLICA BLE PR OPOSEDLANDSCA PING ~ PROPOSEDTREES A ND SHRUBS: EXIST ING TRE EST O BE REMOVED: BotanicalName COlllID on Name Ouantity GRO UND COV ER SO D SEED IRRIGATION "Minimum requirements forlandscaping:dec iduous trees-2 inchcaliper coniferoustrees·Ii feel inheight shrubs -5gallon s SQuare f-OQti)!:c TYPEORMETHOD O F EROS ION CONTROL OTHERLANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swi mming pools,etc.)Pleasespecify.Indicate t op and bottomelevationsof retaining walls.Maximumheightof wa lls within t hefronts etback is3 feet.Maximum height of wallselsewhere ontheproperty is6feet. 3 •NOT APP LICABLE UTILITY LOCATION VERI FICATlON • Thi s formis toverifyservice availability and locationfornew construction and s houldbc used inc onjunction withpreparing yourutilityplan and schedulinginstallations .Thelocationand availabilityofutilities .whether t heybemai n trunk linesor proposed lines.must beap pr oved and verified by the following utilitiesforthe acco mpanyingsit e plan. Au thorized Signa Uirc U.S.Wcs t Co mmunications 1-~\O O-92 2-1 9 8 7 4 68-6860 or 949-4530 PublicServiceCompany 949-578 I GaryHall HolyCross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Te d Husky/John Boyd HeritageCablcvis ionT.V. 9 49-5530 Steve Hiall Eag le RiverWatcr &S anitation District " 47 6 -74l!O Fred Haslee •Pleasebri ng a s ite plan.floorplan.a ndel evationswhen obtaining UpperEagleValley Water &Sanitat ion signature s .Fireno w needsmust beaddressed. N OTES : I .Ift heutilityverification for mhassignaturesfrom eac h o ftheutility c ompanies,andno commentsarcmadedirectlyontheform,theTownwill presumethattherearcnoproblemsand thedevelopmentcanproceed . 2 .Ifautilitycompany has concernswith theproposed construction,theutility represen tatives hall not edirect lyonthe utilityverification formt hat there isa problemw hichneedsto beresolved. Theissues houldthenbedetailedinanattachedletter to the T own ofVail.Howe ver.please keepinmindthatitis therespon sibilityoftheutilityco mpanyandth e applicanttoresolve identifiedproblems. 3 .The severi ficationsd onotrelie ve theco ntractorof theresponsibilitytoobtain a Public Way PermitfromtheDepartment ofPublic Works attheTown ofVail.Utilitylocat ions must be obtained beforedigginginanypubl ic right-of-way orcasementwithintheT own ofVail.A b uildingpermitisnot aPublic Wav pcrmita nd mu<t bcobtained s eparately. 4 •-I.PRE-APPLICA TION CONFERENCE • A pre-application conference witha planning staff member is strongly encouraged.No application canbe accepted un less itis complete.Itisthe applicant's respon sibility to make an appointment withthe s taffto determine a dditional submitta l requirements. I I.T IME R EO UIREMENTS TheDesign Review Board meets onthe 1stand3rd Wednesdays of each month .A complete application forma ndall accompanyingmaterial mu st beac cepted by the CommunityDeve lopment Department a minimum of threeandaha lf(31/2)w eeks prior to the dat eof theORBpu blic he aring.withthee x cepti on of c onceptual reviews . III.REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal willbere viewed for compliance withtheDesign Guidel ines asse t forthin Section 18.54 of the Mun icipal Code . IV.NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS : A .Ifa property is located ina mapped hazardarea(i .c,snow avalanche,rockfall ,floodplain.debris flow .wet land.etc).a hazard study mustbe submitted andthe owner musts ign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior tothe issuance ofa building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check w ith theplann ing staff prior to submittal of aORB application to determine the relationship of the property toall mapped hazards , B.Ba sic Plan Sheet Format.Forall surveys.siteplans.landscape plansandothersite improvements plans.allo f the following mustbe shown . I.Plan sheet s ize must be 24"x36 ".Forlargeprojects.larger plansizemaybe allowed. 2.Sca le.The m inimum s ca leis I "=20'.Allplansmustbeatthe same scale. 3.Graphic bar scale. 4 .North arrow . 5.Title block.project name .project address andlegal description. 6.Indication ofplan prcparcr,address and phone number. 7.Dates of original plan preparation andall revision dates . g.Vicinity maporlocat ion mapata scale of I"=I.000 'orlarger. 9.Sheet labelsand numbers. 10 .A border witha minimum leftside margin of 1.5". II .Names of all adjacent roadways. 12 .Planlegend. C.Fornew construction and addit ions ,the applicant must stake and tapethe project siteto indicate prop ertyl ines,proposed buildings andbu ilding comers.All trees tobe removed mustbe taped.The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter isnot buried by snow.All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. D.Appl icants whofai l to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who haveno t asked in advance that discussion ontheir item be postponed.willhave their items removed fromtheORB agenda until such timeastheitemhasbeen republished. E.If theORB approves the application with conditions or modifications,all conditions of approval mustbe resolved lllim:tothe issuance of a building permit. 5 ..;STAFFAPPROVAL •• The Administrator may reviewa ndappro ve Design Reviewapplications,appr ove wi th certain modifications. denytheapplication.ormay referthe applica tion tothe Design Review Board fordecision.All staff approvals aresubject to final approval bytheDRB.Thefollowing types ofDesign Review applicat ions may be staff approved: A.Any a pplicationforanaddition toanexist ing building that is consis tent with the architectural design, materialsandcolors ofthebuilding,andapproval hasbeenreceivedby anauthorized member of a c ondominiumassociation,if appl icable; B.Anyapplication tomodify anexisting buildingthat docs not significantlychangethe existing planes of thebuildingandisgenerally consiste nt withthearchitecturaldesign.materials a ndcolor s ofthe building.including,butnotlimitedtoexterior building finish materials(c.g.stonework.si ding.roof materials,paint or stain.),exteriorlighting,can opiesorawnings ,fences.a ntennas.sa tellitedish es. windows,s kylights,siding,minorcommercialfacadeimprovements ,andothersimilarmodificati ons; C.Any applicationforsiteimprovements ormodificationsincluding,butnotlimitedto,driveway modifications.site grading.s itewa lls,removal ormodificationsto exi stinglandscaping,installation of accessory structures orrecreationa l facilities, V I.AD DITIONALREVIEWAND FEES A.Ifthisapplicationrequiresaseparatereview by anylocal.stateorFederal agency otherthanthe Town ofVail.theapplication fcc s hallbeincreasedby S200,00.Examples ofsuchreview,may include.but arcnot limited to:Colorado Department ofHighwayA ccessPermits.Army Corps of Engineers 404.etc. 8 .Theappl icant shallberesponsible forpayinganypublishing feeswhicharc inexcess of 50'Vo ofthe ap plication f cc,If,att he applicant's request,an y matterispostponed forhearing,caus ing thematter tobere-published.t hen theentirefccforsuchre-publicationshallbepaidbythe app licant. C.Applicationsdeemedby theCommunityDevelopmentDepartment to havedesign,landuscor other issues whichmayhaveasignificantimpactonthecommunity may requirereviewby consultan tsin additiontoTownstaff.Shouldadeterminationbemade by theTownstaffthatanoutsideconsultant is n eeded.theCommunity Development Departmentmay hiretheconsultant.TheDepartment s hall estimatethe amountofmoney neces sary topay the consultantandthisamount shallbeforwardedto t heT own bytheappl icant atthetime offilinganapplication.Expens es incurredby theTownin excessoftheamount forwardedbytheapplicationshallbepaidtotheTownby theapplicantwithin 30days of notification bytheTown .Anyexcessfundswill bereturnedtotheapplicantuponreview completion. 6 • Vail Associat es,Inc . • ................................................................................................ Ms.Lauren Wat erton Planner,C ommunity Devel opment D ep artment 75S.Frontage Road W est Vail ,Colorado 81657 February 10,1997 Dear Lauren: Per your request ,attached is the DRB application for the skistoragefacilitie s at the Old Lionshead Gondola Building . For your information,thesefacilitieswere approved by the DRBin1987.Originally, the galvanized wirerackswere what was approved.With the advent of graphitc poles etc.,the wirerackswere n o longer able toadequa tely protect equipment. Accordingly,the skibarnswere created toaddressthis problem.There isno question ":""that theseskibarns look neater and more organized than thewireracks . Apparently,theski barns were not submitted to the T own o fVailfor DRB approval at the time they repla ced thewireracks .Hence,Ihave enclosed the attached DRB application.These barns areseasonaland w ouldbeinplacefrom approximately O ct ober 15t o M ay 15 andwouldbe removed during the summer.There are14 barns, an attendant facilityanda podium forthe attendant. ONnen c1nd Opercltofl of Vail,Bea~,(fffJc-Res ort •md Arrowhead M ountam.... Iffl WOIUtAl.1t)o! $IlOwHlUfl1Klrs Y"l I U A ~n Clf ll Ihavealso atta ched ph otos foryourinf ormation andr eview .Dimensions o ft heski barns are approxim ately 7 feethigh ,77 inch eswideand8feetdeep .The att endant facility is 76"x 76"x 96"to theroof ov erhang. Ple asecallme with anyqu estions. Sincerely, VAIL ASSOCIATES,INC. /7tk/»rlt1 Governmental Affairs POBox7 •Vail,Colorad o'81658 •phone 970476 5601 75SouthFrontag e Road Vail.Colorado 81657 970 -479-2107jFax 970 -479-2157 • MEMORANDUM • Offi ce of th eTown Anorney TO : FROM : DATE : RE: VailTownCouncil -""'Lauren Waterton ,Planner,Department ofCommun ity Development R.ThomasMoorhead ,TownAttorney January 16,1997 Vail Associates SkiStorageUpdate ThepurposeofthismemoistoupdateTownCouncilonthepresentstatusoftheuseof overnight sk i storagebyVail Associates inLionshead ,VailV illage,andGoldenPeak . A review ofthe Community Development filesbyLaurenrevealedthatinOctober,1987Vail Associates appliedforandreceivedapprovalforseasonalskiracksinallthree locations .The approvalincludedskirackswithendpanelsandlights.Thisrequestwas approved bytheDesign ReviewBoard. InOctoberof1989 ,VailAssociatesfiledanotherORBapplicationto "replacethebadlywornmetal roofsofthepublicskistoragerackswithshakeshingleshedroofsidentical tothoseusedin Beaver Creekandpreviouslyapprovedforuseby "VailSk i Rental "intheVillage ."This request received staff approval October 10,1989. Wh ile theskiracksthatarecurrentlyinplacedonotappeartobe consistent withtheprior approvals,therearenootherrecordsofDesignReview applications for replacement oftheski racks . Wearecurrentlyworkingw ith JoeMacyandJimMandeltobringeachsituationwithincompliance. The re aredifferent considerations forGoldenPeak ,theVillage ,and Lionshead . InregardtoGoldenPeak ,ski storage isapermittedusewithintheSki Base/Recreation zone . However,theTOVhasnotapprovedthelocationordes ign of outdoor ski storage . InVailVillage,theskistorage ,locatedonFederalland ,ispermitted pursuant toVA'suseofthe FederallandforaskifacilityandisnotsubjecttoTownofVailzoningregu lations . TheskiracksinLionsheadarebeingreviewedbothfromalocationanddesign standpoint andwill requiresomeapproval ,either fromstaffortheDesignReviewBoard,ata minimum . LW/RTM/aw o RECYCU.·D PAPER .....• December 3I,1996 JoeMac y Vail Associates,Inc. POBox7 Vail,C O 81658 RE:SkistorageinLionshcad,VailVillageandGoldenPeak DearJoe : • The purpose of this letter istoinformyou of several Zoning Code violations in Lionshcad,Vail Village and Golden Peak.Thenature of the violations relatetotheski storage sheds thatVail Associates operates. Commercial Ski Storage isanalloweduscinthebasementlevel of a building withinthe Commercial Core1(VailVillage)and Commercial Core2 (Lionshead)zone districts.According to Section 18.06.020(B)Permitted Uses,anyuselistedis determined tobean exelusive use of that district and therefore prohibitedin other zonedistricts.BecauseCCIandCCIIhas zoning by thelevel of building,commercial skistorageisonlyallowedinthe basement andis prohibited on any other level,or outside of any building.Section 18.24.190 alsostatesthatall businessactivity must operated entirely withinabuilding. The existing skistorageshedsinLionsheadandinVailVillagearc currently inviolation of Section s 18.24.020 (Permitted Uses)and18.24.190 (Location of business activity)of theVail MunicipalCode.Theskistorageshedsmustberemoved immediately. In theSki BaselReereation zonedistrict (Golden Peak),ski storage isa permitted use.However, .thenewlyerectedskistorage buildings arenotshownonthe approved development plan,nor havetheyrece ived designreviewapproval,and therefore arecurrentlyinviolation of Sections 18.39.030 (Permitted Uses-Ski Base/Recreation)and18.54.030(Design approval)of theVail Municipal Code.In order to continue tousctheskistorage,youmustmakean application to amendthe development planandrequestdesignreviewapproval. It is imperative thatyouaddressthis noncompliance immediately .Theskistoragemustbe removedin Lionshead andtheVillageby Wednesday ,January8,1997.An application fortheski storageatGoldenPeakmustbe received inouroffieebyW ednesday,January8,1997.Should •• youfailto comply withthesedeadlines,wewillciteVail Associates for violations of theVail Municipal Code.Ifyouhaveany questions,pleasecontactmeat 479-2454 . Sincerely, Lauren Waterton Town Planner cc :BobMcLaurin,TownManager Tom Moorhead,Town Attorney Susan Connelly,Community Development Director Chris Ryman,Vail Associates -\,6"PIA c -( 1j2/97 I:$"?I'M. • c:O'Vo........a:7'€/?""'~ I4.s,,~ •" •• 75South Frontage Road Vail .Colorado 81657 970-479 -2107/Fax 970-479-2157 Offi ce ofth e Town Attorney MEMORANDUM TO :VailTownCouncil FROM : DATE : R.ThomasMoorhead ,TownAttorney P~1 December 20 ,1996 RE:VailAssoci ates SkiLockersinLionshead Counc ilman Foley inquiredastowhat ,ifany ,approvalprocesstheskilockersinLionsheadhad beensubjectedtoorwhatapprovalshadbeenreceived.TomNeyensoftheSkiValethas askedthesamequestionofLaurenWaterton .Sheisfollowinguponthisissue . RTM/aw x c:RobertW .McLa urin SusanConnelly LaurenWaterton ,,/'" FromtherecordsitappearsthatVAreceivedapprovalin1987forthemetalskiracksthatare notenclosed .WewillverifywhetherVailAssoc iates believestheprev ious approvalextendsto thesk i lockers inquest ion.Ifitisnecessaryforanadditional processforthesesk i lockers ,VA willbesonot ified. Thankyou .'~S;'",( /c ...../ I o RF.CYCLE[)PA,PER •• D ate ---l..--=-+-~_ Proje~pplication Project Name:_----'.J-=l.--'----_--'----_'_____.L--'--'='--'-~:O'------>..:::=-'--------------\LI\-,s\<(~M<3>~ \ Project Description:~'S4~s\<.J..J\:!s<.,\::'A Contact Person and Phone -:5"0-<..,f\A.k\l---------------- Owner.Address and Phone:_=-=-'---=-_ A rchitect.Address and Phone:_ Lega l Description:Lo t B lock Filing ..Zone _ c o ml :z~'t :;~,.~~':')~~::i::.:~;:t;t; :0 IV'/&v.-'ttl f c ~(,.1)£01 -h-x 6~-rL Ci £,vJ-<.wt +:+r.vLt:""" DesignReviewBoard Motion by : Seconded by:_---"-l....>..=..r...1..-_=--_ Date _ DISAPPROVAL ~-(J-\,bMt D Staff Approvalr#r;o wnP lanner Date:-p<+--'-t-"---f---------- Date _--'::::..l:-~_ Project Name:..,:.---'--"'--------:~~::....,~-~~='------------------ Project ,Application Project Description:~__~--=:......2._ Contact Person and Phone Owner ,Address a nd Phone:__----'--'-_ --- A rchitect,A ddressand Phone: Lega l Descriptio n :Lot B lock _Filing ,Zone _ II -+'1-'>P J ( I ,,) C om ments:---'--'--"------=------'---'------:"'-"'''-'X---,-----,---'----'-'-':.....:..----:c..----....:!:..-----=-..:..------ v DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion by : Seconded by : APPROVAL DISAP PROVAL I // { Summary:(-f-t I I -4,;,! /1/f •~ ./if" J,0-1 f ,/,'1.- ('">:'I I~(( ~ Date:/~/7 D Staff Approval ...... ':)i?1) a-t·7 C111t~/, ..=-=-I ~I Aftis '---2.-g,lh t ~J;.,.-~(f S-/V!i-J<",.iL"7 <-1 ~-fa s1.;;.<:...--~on--~P;~ ~~.-d!t ..2b~ ~vJJ-~sx-::~e/\-~vJ!~4/dr !.~C""'-L AIt+-11 t /~eJ/;> J -, ~2!5a .S/~s (i,ib-~~~s) -B ~£caS#(~5 ~~. -AN A/WA /J;(£010£-By 36 t L6tJftJ (~'~u l ,UP .,.s. --WwL.O LIK:It TO .toeA re.liP-Xi 7":0 ~1t2.~etJ'1>~Tt:bAI.uM..-()p_~~sr (1-fZ "'F~~~'AI.s,P£.~f::~ C~'~-FA6I1J~-t1fti ~>~p . ._.~ervt?·TrI-'.~~.D. -'A(~\4u..~:-~:>~'5 (e.~S). 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( <. <. { ~ I 'X '1111111111111111111 \ 11111111\\111111\1111111111 , ., >-I _ l'I ', I !l I Iij I 11I1111I111111 ,- -e,, ;·i L ., .;-:,c,. " _-1- .s >:,-...-----~"1IIIIIIIIl-------------_.- " --------.--------oiioiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiii.---..----- LION 5Q\lARf LO[)Of ~N[)CONFERENCE CENTER 660 West UonsHead Pla ce -Vail .Colorado 81657-(303)476-2281 September 29,1987 Peter Patten Community Development Town of Vail 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,CO 81657 Re:Vail Associates Ski Storage Proposal Dear Mr.Patten, I have been directed by the Board of Managers of the Lion Square Condominium Association,Inc.to oppose the placement of ski storage units in the location immediately east of the Lion Square "East"Building as proposed by Vail Associates. The basis for this objection is that it is felt that placement of these racks adjacent to the building will not only obstruct the view corridor for certain 1st floor condominium units,but will also detract aesthetically from the overall look of the building. Therefore,the Board of Managers,on behalf of the Homeowners Association,requests that the Design Review Board not approve placement of these storage units in a location which will obstruct view from these condominium units or detract from the appearance of the building.tl7r;=tted, Chris Hanen General Manager Lion Square Lodge and Conference Center CH/kb cc:Barbara Bermudez President Lion Square Condominium Association,Inc. George Rauch -- Vice President Lion Square Condominium Association,Inc. Jay Hearst Secretary/Treasurer Lion Square Condominium Association,Inc. Managed by DestinationResort Managemen~Inc. Aspen,Maui,PalmDesert,Snowmass,Vail ..-•ProjectApplication Date _ r I /Project Name:...;::._~_..:=....:'__...:..__ / /I I P roject Description :__'_---'----:~_~=____'__......::__'___ Contact Persona ndP hone O wner ,A ddressa nd Phone :_ A rchitect ,Address and Phone : Legal Descript ion :Lot Block _Filing ,Zone _ Comm ents:_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ M otionby: Sec onded by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary :_ 7 1 Town Pl anner o Staff Approval Dat e : Ie '.-'I -It "(_ \)~-1 0 c.-r UlI I I'"......".--cH- l~Lit)/-<~6.6 0+_ e.;VI U+I-·r L S (<J J7r ?-cP ~/1 (f"h-<.'C lu ~~--C -h )L t -t '-~J ~l ~--tL---l-~+"h M.-~~+-,0 ~ \fv\~.,\-.'LL (/L ~~(11 L ~~\.-c-JL 1 {lh-/I I ~0 0 } N -/JUJ;(1-41 ; ~--}-I-"",l!r l'Y\<.M-v-e..y..1"-10 +-0 ,,-_ AJ-~~.,~- I ~.:C 0 ~blJo i-L - I Y --1Yt=~J1(1 n-<-~. \ ,It<"1~)d/tC---J ~1 ~v'y =-L s)Wl-t-r-;})-~L(L C/1 Cl L L L L"'-/I £~-/_ fJ'V ·J -0 J.---?,-l -iv..'~·/Lv-J' o~~-ur £lJ.-yL .s..e:e.v.-.J'O~- -L H 0,-sf(-..:)--0-v c.{')~~- ~0'-UV'~lJ --t~(+,r%oJI ~J~--'-- V\'-6--<-(L~j h r~-----rr-S'k-o ,-/U ~- L1!L6-vJ -tLrU/~"'-I 7t e-,/J -h C-vI-r 10:-/L S 0 ~ J ~)u ' cr-b--'~L-rcJJ y I t<:~,A-~~f 'v--r=-~- I(-LL--~; rt,)ILL{-IJ,..J::-•3 ~J2 v'L-~LtA-~. 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ORB APPLICATION / *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUB111TTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING:· rol2-V4-IL A ~!>0 4+nL,S ;;;'~T J;!::,CJ D ~D 0S.-2/91 te 1ephone _ Address telephone_ E.NA~lE OF OWNERS:_ Signature _ Address telephone_ F.ORB FEE:The fee will bepaid at thetimea building permitis requested. VALUATION FEE $o-$10.000 $10.00 $10.001-$50.000 $25.00 $:.50,001 -$150,000 $50.00 $150,001-$,500,000 $100.00 $500,001-$1.000,000 $200.00 $Over $1.000,000 .$300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE ORB: 1.In addition tomeeting submittal requirements,theappl icant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also be marked.This work mustbecompleted before the ORB visits the site. 2.The review process for 'NEW BUILDI NGS willnormally involve two separate meetings oftheDesign Review Board.soplan on at least two meetings for their ,approval. 3.People who fail toappear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who havenotaskedfora postponement will be required tobe republished. 4.The followingitems no longer have tobe presented tothe Design Review Board. They,however,have tobe presented tothe Zoning Administrator for approval: a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing planeofthe building;and b.Building additions that arenot viewed from any other lot or publicspace, wnich have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;and/or approval from the agent for,or manager ofa condomin ium asscct a ti on. 5.You may be required .toconductNatural Hazard Studies onyour property.You should checkwitha Town Planner before proceeding. • ..a-.;J& -~ .:-:~~ ".~...,. ~....... .--'... ."0":·::«: ~ " ..,,.... MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I.NEH C0I1STRUCTION A.Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1.Licensed surveyor's stamo . .-,.~.,'...=r .......;; ..;.:-..- ..-....;~.:.~ 2. . Contour intervals ofnot more than2'unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more,inwhich case,5'contour intervals will be accepted. 3. 4. Existing trees or groupsof trees having trunks with diameters of4"or more one foot above grade. Rack outcroppings and other sianificant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams,etc.).~ ."~....."..- ,,"... 5.Ava lanch~areas,100 year flood plain and slopes 40%ormare,if applicable. 6.Tiesto existing benchmark,either USGS landmarkorsewer invert. Z..Locations of the following: ___,!.Proposed surface drainage on and off site showi ng sizeandtypeof culverts,swales,etc. b.Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and pro~osed service lines from sourcestothe structure.Utilities to include: cable TV Telephone sewer water gas electric c.Property lines showing distances and bearings anda basis ofbearing d.Proposeddrivewayswith percent slope and spot elevations e.Alleasements 8.Existing and finished grades. 9.All existing andproposed improvements including structures,landscdaed areas, service areas,storage areas,walks,driveways,off-street par king,loading areas,retaining walls (with spot elevations),and other site improvements. 10.Elevations oftopofroof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath)to determine height of building. B.A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability.To be submitted with site plan. C.Preliminary title report to accompany all submittals,to insure property ownership -.and all.easementson property. D.LandscapePlan (1"=20'or larger)-2 copies .' 2. 3. Show the loc~tion of 4"diameter o~clarger 'trees,··other·slhfud·6~.a~a-~ifi~~olants t~ are onthe slte andthe location and design ofproposedanscape areas with the varieties andapproximate sizes of plant materials tobe planted.~ Complete landscape materials list. Designate trees tobesavedand those tobe lost. NOTE:As much of the above information as possible should occur onthe site plan,so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear.The landscape planshouldbe separate.The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may bea separate map.The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners.Trees that will be lost during construction mustbe tagged.The work shouldbecompleted before the ORB site visit. ·E .~_A r G h i te c t ur a l Plans(1/8"=I'or larger)2copies 1.Must include floor plansand all elevations asthey will appearoncompletion. Elevations must show both existing and fin ished grades. 2.Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for reviewonthe materials list available from the Department of Co~unity Develop- ment.Color chips,siding samples etc.,shoul d be prese nted at the Design Review Board meeting..... F.The Zoning Administrator and/or ORB may require thesubmissionof add itional plans, drawings,specifications,samelesand other mater ial (includi ng a model)if deemed necessary to determine whether-a project \~i1 1 camp ly with design guidelines. i l.mNOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photosor sketches t hat clearly indicate what i sproeosed andthe location (site plan) ofproposal may bes ubmitted in lieu ofthe more formal require ments givenabove,as longasthey provide all important specifications for the proposedinc luding colors and materials tobe useti ..- r 1.ADD ITIONS -RES I0ENTI AL OR Cor·1HERC IA L A.Original floor planswith all specifications shown B.Floorplan for addition -2copies C.Site plan 'showing existing andproposed construction -2 cop ies tapas D.Elevations of addition E.Photosof existing structure F.Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Depart~ent of Community Development At the request ofthe Design Review Administrator you may also be required to subm it: G.Statement fro m each utility verifying l ocation of service and availability.See attached utility location verification form . .H.Site improvement survey,stamped by registered professional surveyor. I.Pre li minary title report,verifying owners hip of property and lists ofease ments. IV.FINAL SITE PLAN After abui lding permit has been issued,and when t heproject is underwa y,the following will be required before any building receives aframing i nspection from theBuilding Department:A certified improvement surveyshowing: A.Building locations with ties to property corners,i.e.distances and angles. B.Building dimensionsto nearest tenth of foot. C.All utility service lines as-builts shewing size of lines,typeof material used, and exact locations.2 copies D.Drainage as-bui1ts.2 copies E.Basis 'of bearing to tie to section corner. F.All property pins are tobe either found or ·set and stated on map . " .-:-,:J .'.~.........-.... G.Alleasements • H.~uilding floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. lIST OF ~~TERIAlS ~ME 'OF p~OJECT: lEGAL DESCRIPTIOiI:lOT BLOCK FiLING STREET ADDRESS:-------------- DESCR IPTION OF PROJECT:.~".'...,....... The following i nform ation is re~uired for submittal bythe applicant tothe Design Review Board before a final approval can befiven: A.BUILDING i·IATEIAlS:TYPE OF r·1ATERI Al Roof Siding Ot herWall Materials Fascia Soffits Windo vvs Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses Other B.lANDSCAPI NG:Name ofDesigner: phone: PLANT r~TERIAlS:Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO _ BE REi-lOVED Common Name Quanitv COLOR Size* *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. (over) :,..- .,~.....,§ ..-.z ... .PLAtH ~'ATERIALS:Botanical Name (con't) SHRUBS .EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REHO VED cno uno COVE RS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIG;"iION Corrrnon Nam e Quani t'f Size ••..••I ·........~ ,'. Sauare Footaae TYPE OR METHOD OFEROSIONCONTROL --------------------- C.OTHER 'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. ;" ·. ZO:-JE CH ECK FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZO NE DIST RIC TS DATE: LEG.;L ~D E""'S:-;;C~R"I P;-:;T"'I~Oi"'~:-;-L=-:ot~Block Fil i ng,_ ADDRESS :---------- mmER Phone_ AR CHITECT Phone,___ ZONE DI STR I CT _ PRO POSEDUSE LOT..SJZE ...._._ Heig ht Tota l GRFA Pr imary GR FA Secondary GR FA Setbacks:Front Sides Rear Water Cour se Site Coverage La ndscaping Fe nc e/Re taining Wall Hei ghts Par king Credits:Garage Mec hanical Air lock Stora ge So lar Heat A11 0\'/ed (30)(3 3) 20 ' I S' IS' (30)(5 0) (30 0)(600) (900 )(1 200) (50 )(l 00) (25 )(50) (200 )(400) ProDosed Dr ive:SlopePermitted Slop eActual Envi ronment a l/Ha zards:Ava 1anche _ Flood Plain _ Slope _ Wetlands _ Geologic Hazards _ Co mm ents:_ Zoning :Approved/Disapproved Date: Sta ff Signature UTILITY LOCATI O::VERI?ICATIO:1 SUBDIVISION'_ JOB NAJ-IE,_ LOT BLOCK FILI~G,_ ADDRESS _ The location of utilities,whether they be main trunk l ines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the fo llowing utilities f or the acco~panying site plan. Mountain Bell 468-6500 Wes te rn Slo peGasCo. 180 092 2-1987 Harry Moyes Publi cSe rviceCompany 94 9-5781 Gar y Hall Holy Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 TedHus ky/Mic hae l Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 9 49-5530 Gar y Johnson Upper Eag le Valley Water & San itat ion Distr ict 4 76-7480 Fred Haslee Authori=ed Si gnature Date NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibilit y to obtain a street cut p e rc it from the Town of Va il.Departmen t o f Public Wor ks and to obta in utility locations before digg ing in any public right- of-way or easement in t he Town of Vail.A buil cing pe ro it i s n ot a stre et cut p ermit.A street cut per~it must be obtai ned separately. This form is to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installat ions. *(Please bring a site plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation signatures) "J' 17~I o~~ P .O .Box3170•Winter Park.Colorado 80482•(303)726 -5461 Tim Koepke P.o.Box3170 .Winter Park.CO 80482 ·(303)72fi·5461 -------------- ,,I4\0 )fl.'--+-----j ,.I --I"LrP .)I"lo\ft fulCilh. Stt... V.hN~~i'_ t>l~ C.-\ I I 't I-I 1 I I I' rb 11 f 40" -'.....----..---. ;:::=: 4-'~'II Z'l,l I I ~' - f----- 1 ~----1 1 I 24""1---11:- 3 f.," 1 ri ' "},,....----r-' L _ (51.1:Il-t) -:;t - r